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27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561168C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способам управления самолетом. Самолет, оснащенный системой управления, которая содержит средство управления на основе двух законов управления, средство детектирования отказа/повреждения поверхности управления, вычислительное средство для вычисления углов и скоростей изменения углов отклонения поверхностей управления, а также для вычисления требуемых изменений моментов самолета, средство оценки необходимости выполнения переключения с одного закона управления на другой. При способе управления самолетом по первому закону управляют углами отклонения поверхностей управления, по второму закону - тягой двигателя. Производят переключение с первого закона на второй по результатам вычисления углов и скоростей изменения углов отклонения поверхностей управления с учетом результата детектирования отказа/повреждения поверхностей управления путем оценки того, превышают или нет вычисленные значения допустимые пределы измерения. Обеспечивается безопасность полета ...

23-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623281C2
Принадлежит: ТАЛЬ (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к системе управления предупреждениями и процедурами для летательного аппарата, способам параметризации, разработки и технического обслуживания системы управления предупреждениями и процедурами. Система управления содержит ядро программного обеспечения, инструмент параметризации для ядра, содержащий модуль преобразования конфигурационного файла, четыре элементарные ячейки, содержащие программный механизм. Для параметризации системы управления проверяют область конфигурации конфигурационного файла, преобразуют конфигурационный файл в базу данных двоичных параметров определенным образом. Для разработки системы управления определяют область конфигурации для задач, программируют программные механизмы каждой из элементарных ячеек, осуществляют параметризацию логики для выполнения задач каждой из ячеек. Для технического обслуживания системы управления осуществляют преобразования конфигурационного файла определенным образом, осуществляют параметризацию системы управления ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523183C2
Принадлежит: ТАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к области способов помощи в навигации для определения траектории летательного аппарата. Технический результат - ограничение использования процедур увода при потере спутниковой навигационной информации, что позволяет уменьшить насыщенность воздушного пространства и ограничить затраты и продолжительность полетов. Способ помощи в навигации заключается в определении будущей траектории захода на посадку, с помощью произведения оценки прогнозируемых безопасных радиусов на будущей траектории, основанной на вычислении предельного момента, начиная с которого прогнозируемый безопасный радиус превышает или равен пределу выдачи тревожного сигнала и вычисления предельного момента ухода, который соответствует максимальному моменту, в который летательный аппарат должен покинуть заранее определенную траекторию, по которой он двигался, чтобы иметь возможность выйти на безопасную высоту. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015108136A3

13-06-2023 дата публикации

Способ управления полетами и посадкой воздушных судов при помощи радиолокационной системы посадки

Номер: RU2797994C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления полетами и посадкой воздушных судов (ВС) в ближней зоне и зоне посадки аэродрома при помощи радиолокационной системы посадки. Техническим результатом является повышение вероятностных характеристик, достоверности обнаружения, наблюдения и сопровождения ВС, выполняющих полеты и посадку в воздушном пространстве ближней аэродромной зоны, а также обеспечение возможности получения и передачи данных о параметрах положения и движения ВС на командный диспетчерский пункт аэродрома при различных вариантах работоспособности составных частей радиолокационной системы посадки. Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что согласно способу управления полетами и посадкой воздушных судов (ВС) при помощи радиолокационной системы посадки, включающему получение данных о местоположении ВС в воздушном пространстве ближней аэродромной зоны с использованием посадочного радиолокатора (ПРЛ), состоящего из канала курса, канала глиссады и аппаратуры объединения и передачи ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578756C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат - повышение быстродействия системы. Система содержит: модуль идентификации базового адреса данных эксплуатации воздушных судов авиакомпании; модуль идентификации относительного адреса данных эксплуатации воздушных судов одного типа; модуль селекции адреса параметров класса особых ситуаций (ОС); модуль вызова подпрограммы вычисления обратного значения суммарного налета; модуль регистрации параметров класса ОС; модуль селекции класса ОС без инцидентов; модуль селекции базового адреса параметров подклассов класса ОС; модуль распознавания ветви процедуры вычисления вероятностей возникновения ОС; модуль принятия решения об уровне безопасности полетов по суммарным вероятностям классов ОС; модуль принятия решения об уровне безопасности полетов по сигнальным вероятностям классов ОС; модуль идентификации сигнальных вероятностей подклассов класса ОС; модуль принятия решения об уровне безопасности полетов по сигнальным вероятностям ...

14-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747827C1

Изобретение относится к системе и устройству управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства. Система управления транспортным средством для автономного транспортного средства содержит первое устройство управления, множество первых датчиков, выполненных с возможностью получения информации о движении транспортного средства и информации об окружающей обстановке транспортного средства, и второе устройство управления. Первое устройство управления выполнено с возможностью формирования первого плана вождения, включающего в себя желательные поперечные позиции на полосе движения или желательные диапазоны поперечных позиций на полосе движения, которые расположены друг за другом в направлении движения транспортного средства. Второе устройство управления выполнено с возможностью обмена данными с первым устройством управления, формирования, на основе первого плана вождения, полученного от первого устройства управления, и информации, полученной посредством первых датчиков, второго ...

20-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706754C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Оборудование управления движением транспортного средства в аварийном режиме содержит устройство управления, переключающее диапазон движения на основе рабочей позиции оборудования для выполнения операций переключения режимов трансмиссии. Рабочая позиция обнаруживается оборудованием для обнаружения рабочей позиции. Также имеется устройство определения анормальностей, определяющее возникновение анормальности в оборудовании для обнаружения рабочей позиции. Устройство управления движением в аварийном режиме управляет движением в случае, если устройство определения анормальностей определяет, что анормальность в оборудовании для обнаружения рабочей позиции возникает в ходе движения транспортного средства. Управление движением в аварийном режиме представляет собой управление, посредством которого транспортное средство движется независимо от операции оборудования для выполнения операций переключения режимов трансмиссии. Обеспечивается движение транспортного ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112020000110T5
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC, Motional AD LLC

Offenbart sind Methoden zur Nutzung von in Fahrzeugen erfassten Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten für Lokalisierungs- und standortbezogene Dienste für Fahrzeuge. In einer Ausführungsform umfasst ein Verfahren Empfangen von Sensordaten von einem oder mehreren Sensoren eines in einer Umgebung betriebenen autonomen Fahrzeugs und Erzeugen von Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten für einen Fahrgast des autonomen Fahrzeugs mittels der Sensordaten. Eine Verarbeitungsschaltung bestimmt ein oder mehrere physische Merkmale in der Umgebung auf Grundlage der Fahrgastaufmerksamkeitsdaten. Die Verarbeitungsschaltung bezieht dem oder den physischen Merkmalen zugehörige Daten physischer Merkmale und leitet zumindest teilweise auf Grundlage der Daten physischer Merkmale eine oder mehrere Aktionen am AV ein. Die Aktionen umfassen, ohne jedoch hierauf eingeschränkt zu sein, Anfordern von Inhalten für physische Merkmale und Unterstützung bei der Lokalisierung des autonomen Fahrzeugs.

19-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003882288D1

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018112076A1

Ein Übersteuerungssystem eines Fahrzeugs beinhaltet ein Befehlsmodul, das konfiguriert ist zum: Empfangen einer Konzentration einer Chemikalie in dem Körper eines Fahrers, gemessen unter Verwendung einer chemischen Messvorrichtung des Fahrzeugs; und wenn die Konzentration der Chemikalie größer als die vorgegebene Konzentration der Chemikalie ist, Verhindern von Bewegung des Fahrzeugs. Ein Übersteuerungsmodul ist so konfiguriert, dass es als Reaktion auf den Empfang von Benutzereingaben, die eine Übersteuerungsanforderung angeben, während die Konzentration der Chemikalie größer als die vorgegebene Konzentration der Chemikalie ist, selektiv einen Befehl zum Übersteuern des Verhinderns der Bewegung des Fahrzeugs generiert. Das Befehlsmodul ist weiterhin so konfiguriert, dass es als Reaktion auf den Befehl Bewegung des Fahrzeugs selektiv erlaubt.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Autonomes Fahren auf einer mehrstreifigen Fahrbahn

Номер: DE102016216772A1

Ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Evaluierung des Nutzens eines Fahrstreifenwechsels zur Befolgung des Rechtsfahrgebots beim automatisierten Fahren eines Egofahrzeugs auf einer Fahrbahn mit zwei oder mehr Fahrstreifen, wobei sich das Egofahrzeug nicht auf der äußerst rechten Fahrspur befindet, umfasst die folgenden Schritte: – Erkennen und Tracken von dynamischen Objekten im Umfeld des Egofahrzeugs, – Erkennen und Tracken von Fahrstreifen, – Zuordnung der dynamischen Objekte zu den Fahrstreifen, – Ermittlung des dynamischen Vorteilhaftigkeit der Befolgung des Rechtsfahrgebots für das Egofahrzeug, und – Bewertung des Nutzens eines Fahrstreifenwechsels aus der ermittelten dynamischen Vorteilhaftigkeit ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Konzept zum fahrerlosen Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs auf einer schrägen Rampe eines Parkplatzes

Номер: DE102017215208A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum fahrerlosen Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs auf einer schrägen Rampe eines Parkplatzes unter Verwendung von einer oder von mehreren Kraftfahrzeugkomponenten, wobei vor und während einer fahrerlos geführten Fahrt des Kraftfahrzeugs auf der Rampe proaktiv eine Funktionskontrolle der verwendeten Kraftfahrzeugkomponenten durchgeführt wird, wobei bei Detektion eines Fehlers in einer der Kraftfahrzeugkomponenten und/oder eines verminderten Funktionsumfangs in einer der Kraftfahrzeugkomponenten relativ zu einem Funktionsumfangsreferenzwert eine oder mehrere Aktionen gesteuert werden, um ein Kollisionsrisiko einer möglichen Kollision des Kraftfahrzeugs aufgrund der fehlerhaften Kraftfahrzeugkomponente respektive aufgrund des verminderten Funktionsumfangs mit einem Objekt zu verringern.Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine entsprechende Vorrichtung, ein Kraftfahrzeug sowie ein Computerprogramm.

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021104895A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung stellt Systeme und Verfahren zum Ausführen von ferngesteuerten automatisierten Fahrzeugeinparkvorgängen bereit. Die Offenbarung ist im Allgemeinen auf ferngesteuerte automatisierte Fahrzeugeinparkvorgänge gerichtet. Ein Fahrer eines Fahrzeugs steht auf einem Bordstein und startet eine Softwareanwendung auf einer Handvorrichtung. Die Softwareanwendung verwendet eine Kamera der Handvorrichtung, um Bilder von dem Fahrzeug aufzunehmen, die von dem Fahrer betrachtet werden können. Die Softwareanwendung versucht dann, eine visuelle Verriegelung zwischen der Kamera und dem Fahrzeug zu erhalten. In einigen Fällen kann das Erhalten der visuellen Verriegelung aufgrund widriger Beleuchtungsbedingungen behindert werden. Licht kann von der Handvorrichtung übertragen werden, um das Fahrzeug für eine bessere Bildaufnahme zu beleuchten. Alternativ kann ein Befehl von der Handvorrichtung an eine Steuerung in dem Fahrzeug zum Einschalten einer Leuchte in dem Fahrzeug übertragen ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018100029A1

Ein Fahrzeugsystem beinhaltet einen Prozessor, der programmiert ist, eine Kommunikation zwischen einem ersten Fahrzeug und einem zweiten Fahrzeug aufzubauen, eines der Fahrzeuge als ein abschleppendes Fahrzeug und das andere als ein abgeschlepptes Fahrzeug zu identifizieren und den Betrieb des abschleppenden Fahrzeugs gemäß dem abgeschleppten Fahrzeug zugeordneten Einschränkungen zu beschränken. In einigen Umsetzungen erkennt das Fahrzeugsystem, dass das abschleppende Fahrzeug das abgeschleppte Fahrzeug flach abschleppt, und dass das abgeschleppte Fahrzeug nicht in einem neutralen Abschleppmodus betrieben wird.

12-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001356075A

... 1356075 Aircraft cockpit check-list apparatus C B DICKINSON 24 Nov 1972 54410/72 Heading B7W A system for facilitating the performing by a pilot in an aircraft of routine and emergency check lists comprises tape recording apparatus and a cockpit-mounted speaker for playing tapes pre-recorded with said routine and emergency check lists. A pilot-actuatable control panel, Fig. 1, comprises on/off switch 11 which also includes a deferred-item position, a start-reply bar 12 which controls a switch spring-biased to an open position, an item-repeat push button switch 13, also spring biased to open position, a manual reset push button switch 14, a volume control knob 15 and a selector switch 16 whereby a desired pre-recorded message may be selected, an indication of the selected message being displayed in a window 17. The pre-recorded messages may enumerate pre-flight or in-flight checks to be made by the pilot and these would be selectable by switch 16. Other messages would issue duties to be ...

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle emergency operating mode

Номер: GB0201700041D0

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Aircraft control method

Номер: GB0201411975D0

07-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002079466B

30-05-2018 дата публикации

Geocoded information aided vehicle warning

Номер: GB0002556405A

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for geocoded information aided vehicle warning. An example disclosed vehicle includes range detection sensors and a threat detector. The example threat detector determines a threat or danger level based on a location of the vehicle 402. Additionally, the threat detector defines, with the range detection sensors (Fig.1, 104), contours or boundaries of detection zones (Fig.1, 102) around the vehicle based on the threat level 406. The threat detector also performs actions 412, to secure the vehicle in response to a threat detected in the detection zone. These actions may include closing windows, providing an alarm, locking doors and lowering a volume of a sound system. The threat level may be based on a geo-coded security metric, navigation data, and weather data from an external network. If a threat is detected, a notification may be provided to a mobile device on which a radar map may be displayed showing the location of the threat relative to the location ...

29-08-2018 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: GB0002560108A

A UAV 100 comprises a camera arrangement 120 configurable such that a field of view of a camera within the arrangement 120 includes airspace directly above the UAV 100. A lighting arrangement 130 is configurable in an upward-facing direction. A controller 110 is operable to cause the lighting arrangement 130 to illuminate an object in the airspace directly above the UAV 100. The arrangements are intended to reduce the risk of collision with objects that may be in the vicinity of the UAV especially when the UAV is taking off or landing and when the UAV is being operated autonomously.

15-12-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tactile signal devices

Номер: GB0000720186A

... 720,186. Controlling aircraft. TACTAIR, Inc. Nov. 30, 1951, [Dec. 1, 1950], No. 28136/51. Class 4. A feeler device for use with a manual control member for adjusting the operating conditions of an aircraft comprises at least one device for detecting deviation of the aircraft from the desired condition, and a feel-imparting signal means connected to said control member and responsive to said detecting device for producing an indication perceptible to the touch and indicative of the sense and amount of said deviation of the aircraft. The head 60 of a control column 53 is formed with a cavity 51 divided into two parts 54, 55 by a diaphragm 56, to which are secured a pair of oppositely extending pins 57, 58 free to slide but substantially sealed within bores 59, 60 in the head 50. The cavities 54, 55 are respectively connected to pneumatic conduits 61, 62 subject to dynamic pressure, controlled by rotary valves actuated by gyroscopic apparatus, so that an indication of deviation from an optimum ...

07-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008720256D0

29-08-2018 дата публикации

Flat tow assistance

Номер: GB0002560088A

A system for flat-towing a vehicle is disclosed, for example for flat-towing a car behind a recreational vehicle. The system establishes communication between a first vehicle and a second vehicle, identifies one of the vehicles as a towing vehicle and the other as a towed vehicle 505, and limits operation of the towing vehicle according to constraints associated with the towed vehicle. The vehicle system may detect that the towing vehicle is flat-towing the towed vehicle and that the towed vehicle is not operating in a neutral tow mode, i.e. not in a neutral gear. Limiting operation may involve limiting a maximum speed of the towing vehicle whilst flat-towing 535. The communication may involve a mobile device and an alert may be presented 520 to a user of the towing vehicle. Other constraints may include the battery charge 525 of the towed vehicle and tire pressure 545 of the vehicles.

01-09-1966 дата публикации

Fault alarm display systems

Номер: GB0001040741A

... 1,040,741. Fault signallingsystems. ELLIOTT BROS. (LONDON) Ltd. Dec. 4, 1962 [Dec. 4, 1961], No. 43267/61. Heading G4H. A fault alarm display apparatus comprises means started by the occurrence of a fault for interrogating a series of circuits, each of which may indicate a fault, to cause for each faulting circuit a corresponding display to be produced on a cathode-ray tube in the form of a line trace. In the form of Fig. 1 (not shown), faults are indicated by closure of contacts AS1-ASn which apply an earth signal through delays D1-Dn to alarm gates AG1-AGn. The delays ensure that brief spurious closures of the contacts do not start the apparatus. Diodes also connect the outputs of the delays via a common line RL to a starting circuit RC. This serves to open a drive gate DG to allow pulses from a multivibrator MV to pass to a bi-stable circuit BC, the output of which passes to a counting chain SC. Outputs from each stage are connected to successive ones of gates AG1- AGn so that when the ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: GB0201909427D0

01-09-2021 дата публикации

Transport safety system

Номер: GB2581416B

26-02-1942 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to automatic control means for aircraft

Номер: GB0000543482A

... 543,482. Gyroscopic apparatus. SPERRY GYROSCOPE CO., Inc. Feb. 6, 1940, No. 12378/41. Convention date, March 3, 1939. Divided out of 543,455. [Class 97 (iii)] In conjunction with gyroscopic apparatus normally controlling automatically, in accordance with inclination of an aircraft, one or more control surfaces of the craft, means is provided responsive to excess inclinations to interrupt the normal control ; the interruption may be effected by caging means as described in Specification 543,455 and be applied to an automatic pilot as described in Specification 416,813. As shown, ailerons 38 and elevator 39 of the aircraft are operated through air pick-offs from the gyro support axes, air relays 32, 33, balanced oil valves 34, 35, and servomotors 36, 37, as described in Specification 416,813. Caging means, and means for interrupting its automatic operation are decribed as in Specification 543,455.

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: GB0201821291D0

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Performance testing for robotic systems

Номер: GB0201912145D0

05-04-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle operation using linear temporal logic

Номер: GB0002611438A

A method of using one or more processors of a vehicle to store (1904) a Kripke structure representing a motion segment for operating the vehicle, wherein the motion segment comprises a plurality of spatiotemporal locations. For each spatiotemporal location of the plurality of spatiotemporal locations, a linear temporal logic expression based on the Kripke structure is evaluated (1908), wherein the linear temporal logic expression defines an operating constraint for operating the vehicle in accordance with the motion segment; responsive to a value of the linear temporal logic expression changing at the spatiotemporal location, a location marker within the Kripke structure is inserted (1912) at the spatiotemporal location to divide the motion segment into two different motion segments; an operational metric is assigned (1916) to each motion segment of the two different motion segments based on the location marker; and a trajectory for operating the vehicle based on the operational metric ...

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Fault tolerant method and apparatus for control of an autonomous technical installation based on a consolidated environmental model

Номер: AT0000519164A2

Die vorliegende Erfindung beschreibt ein innovatives Verfahren wie ein komplexes elektronisches System zur Steuerung eines sicherheitskritischen technischen Prozesses, z.B. die Führung eines autonomen Fahrzeugs, realisiert werden kann. Es wird zwischen einfacher und komplexer Software unterschieden, wobei die einfache Software auf einer fehlertoleranten Hardware ausgeführt wird und wo mehrere diversitäre Versionen der komplexen Software gleichzeitig auf unabhängigen Fault-Containment Units (FCU) ausgeführt werden. Aus einer Anzahl von diversitären Umweltmodellen wird ein konsolidiertes Umweltmodell entwickelt dass die Grundlage für die Trajektorenplanung darstellt.

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Mobile robot and control method for same

Номер: AU2019248256A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a mobile robot and a control method for same. The mobile robot is configured to travel through at least one intermediate point set on a travel path from the current location of the mobile robot to a destination point on a map. Accordingly, the travel path can be conveniently set in consideration of the location of a boundary or an obstacle; can be set as the shortest distance, enabling the mobile robot to quickly reach the destination point; can be conveniently corrected even in the event of a location error; and even when the travel path cannot be traveled due to an obstacle, travel can be made feasible by altering the intermediate point.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Collision avoidance system and method for unmanned aircraft

Номер: AU2019200044A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An obstacle-avoidance system for a vehicle, the obstacle-avoidance system may comprise: a communication device (338); a plurality of sensors (210, 332), the plurality of sensors (210) configured to detect collision threats within a predetermined distance of the vehicle; and a processor (314, 340). The processor (314, 340) may communicatively couple to the communication device (338) and the plurality of sensors (210, 332) and configured to receive navigation commands being communicated to a control system (306) via said communication device (338). The processor (314, 340) may also receive, from at least one of said plurality of sensors (210, 332), obstruction data reflecting the position of an obstruction. Using the obstruction data, the processor (314, 340) identifies a direction for avoiding said obstruction. In response, the processor (314, 340) may output, via said communication device (338), a command to said control system (306) causing the vehicle to travel in said flight direction ...

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Safety management system

Номер: AU2010309584A1

In a safety management system for equipment adapted to operate autonomously in a real-time environment, both a deterministic processor and a non-deterministic processor are provided for processing incoming alerts and generating control signals in response. The non-deterministic processor can deal with unrehearsed, complex and unpredictable situations, by providing essentially open-ended procedures working in large search spaces with no guarantee of a solution. The deterministic processor monitors behaviour of the non-deterministic processor and validates control signals produced by it against safety policies. The deterministic processor also provides an "intelligent" interface to the non-deterministic processor, which receives alerts only from the deterministic processor, and enforces time-critical delivery of responses.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for remotely controlling a materials handling vehicle

Номер: AU2014203775B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A materials handling vehicle comprising: a power unit; a load handling assembly coupled to said power unit; at least one first obstacle detector mounted at a first location on said power unit to detect an object located along a path of travel of said power unit beyond a dead zone of said first detector. The materials handling vehicle also comprising at least one second obstacle detector mounted at a second location on said power unit, spaced from said power unit first location, and capable of detecting an object in said dead zone of said first obstacle detector. Fig. 7 5556113_1 (GHMatters) P88937.AU.2 - - 7w. o o r ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2015202576B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR HANDLING MALFUNCTIONS A method (300) comprises receiving an alarm state (302) from one or more inspection systems (122) that inspects one or more components (90, 92, 94) of a vehicle system (100). The method then identifies (304) operational parameters of the vehicle system. The operational parameters represent at least one of a current location (101) of the vehicle system, a current terrain (103) over which the vehicle system is currently travelling, an upcoming terrain (105) that the vehicle system is travelling toward, a current moving speed of the vehicle system, a position of one or more controls of the vehicle system, a state of a brake of the vehicle system or an identification of one or more vehicle units in the vehicle system. The method then selects and implements a mitigating action to implement from plural different mitigating actions based on the alarm state and the one or more parameters of the vehicle. Receive alarm state 302 Identify operational parameters ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2015263981B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a vehicle 100 for maneuvering a passenger to a destination autonomously. The vehicle 100 includes one or more computing devices 110 and a set of user input buttons 612, 614 for communicating requests to stop the vehicle and to initiate a trip to the destination with the one or more computing devices. The set of user input buttons consisting essentially of a dual-purpose button and an emergency stopping button 612 different from the dual-purpose button 614 configured to stop the vehicle. The dual-purpose button 614 has a first purpose for communicating a request to initiate the trip to the destination and a second purpose for communicating a request to pull the vehicle over and stop the vehicle. The vehicle has no steering wheel and no user inputs for the steering, acceleration, and deceleration of the vehicle other than the set of user input buttons.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2015263981A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a vehicle 100 for maneuvering a passenger to a destination autonomously. The vehicle 100 includes one or more computing devices 110 and a set of user input buttons 612, 614 for communicating requests to stop the vehicle and to initiate a trip to the destination with the one or more computing devices. The set of user input buttons consisting essentially of a dual-purpose button and an emergency stopping button 612 different from the dual-purpose button 614 configured to stop the vehicle. The dual-purpose button 614 has a first purpose for communicating a request to initiate the trip to the destination and a second purpose for communicating a request to pull the vehicle over and stop the vehicle. The vehicle has no steering wheel and no user inputs for the steering, acceleration, and deceleration of the vehicle other than the set of user input buttons.

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021204810B2

Techniques are described for configuring a monitoring system to assist users during a detected emergency condition at a property. In some implementations, sensor data from one or more sensors that are located at the property are obtained by a monitoring system that is configured to monitor the property. A determination that there is an emergency condition at the property is made by the monitoring system based on the sensor data, determining. A location of a person inside the property is determined by the monitoring system based on the sensor data. A first path to the person and a second path to guide the person away from the emergency condition are determined by the monitoring system. The first path to the person and the second path to guide the person away from the emergency condition are navigated by a computing device of the monitoring system. Fig 1. WO 2018/132461 PCT/US2018/013146 150 NETWORK USER DEVICE N SURVEILLANCE 132 134 SENSORS APPLIANCES MOBILE DEVICE CO 0NTRO0L 114,,, UNIT ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Mobile robot and mobile robot system

Номер: AU2019248258A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present invention provides a mobile robot comprising: a body forming an external appearance; a travelling unit for moving the body; a boundary signal sensing unit for sensing a boundary signal generated in a boundary area of a travelling area; and a control unit for controlling the travelling unit to perform pattern travelling in the travelling area at multiple times, and controlling a travelling angle of first pattern travelling and a travelling angle of second pattern travelling to be different from each other. Therefore, when pattern travelling is performed multiple times, the mobile robot moves at different angles with respect to a reference axis to minimize an area which fails to be mowed, so as to improve the efficiency.

11-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1073240A

Power required curves for ratios of helicopter weight to air density ratio form a background over which move perpendicular bars representing air speed and engine torque. The intersection of the relatively movable bars indicates which power required curve the helicopter is operating on. An area to the right and above that curve represents power margin available for maneuvering. A knob positions a mask over a portion of the background to indicate the actual maximum power limitation of the helicopter. A maximum power setting is varied according to ambient pressure and temperature. A minimum speed warning is produced by comparing air speed and engine torque. A rapid descent automatically raises the minimum speed warning.

13-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA922806A

17-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1206261A

Helicopter Power Available To Hover Indicator The power required for a helicopter to hover is generated (14, 82) as the ratio of current operating power in forward flight (12, 77) determined (10, 73) from data relating operating power in forward flight to power required for hover for the aircraft. The power required to hover is compared (18, 83) with the maximum power available developed (16, Fig. 2; Fig. 3) by an engine model algorithm utilizing actual engine parameters. The comparison of maximum power to power required for hover is utilized to provide an indication (22) to the pilot. The viability of the indication is indicated by a "ready" indication (26).

12-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001328495C

Arrangement for Controlling the Position of an Aircraft Control Surface Member An arrangement for controlling the position of a movable member, especially an aircraft control surface member, includes an operational amplifier and a capacitor connected in parallel to the amplifier. The control arrangement further includes a detector which detects the restoration of the supply of electric power following its interruption and generates a limited-duration pulse. This pulse is then used to close a switch, which is interposed between an input terminal of the capacitor and the ground, for the duration of this pulse, so that the capacitor is charged much more rapidly than otherwise. The output signal of the combination of the operational amplifier and the capacitor is supplied to an actuator for the movable member so that the extent of excursion of the movable member out of its desired position after the electric power supply has been restored is minimized.

02-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003079441A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for autonomously controlling a vehicle performed by a vehicle control system, the vehicle control system comprising a zone control system, a collision prediction system and a braking control system, the method comprising the steps of: - defining in the zone control system at least a first zone and a second zone relative to a vehicle position, - predicting a collision with an obstacle with the prediction system, - autonomously braking the vehicle with the braking control system in a first braking mode if the collision is predicted to occur in the first zone and braking the vehicle with the braking control system in a second braking mode if the collision is predicted to occur in the second zone.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3136140A1

A system for autonomous or semi-autonomous operation of a vehicle is disclosed. The system includes a machine automation portal (MAP) application configured to enable a computing device to (a) display a map of a work site and (b) provide a graphical user interface that enables a user to (i) define a boundary of an autonomous operating zone on the map and (ii) define a boundary of one or more exclusion zones. The system also includes a robotics processing unit configured to (a) receive the boundary of the autonomous operating zone and the boundary of each exclusion zone from the computing device, (b) generate a planned command path that the vehicle will travel to perform a task within the autonomous operating zone while avoiding each exclusion zone, and (c) control operation of the vehicle so that the vehicle travels the planned command path to perform the task.

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932537C

A finger-mounted remote control device (170) capable of wirelessly transmitting a travel request signal to a materials handling vehicle. The finger-mounted remote control device includes a rigid mounting structure adapted to be mounted over at least one finger of an operator's hand; a mounting strap coupled to said rigid mounting structure for securing said rigid mounting structure to the at least one finger; a wireless transmitter/power pack unit coupled to said rigid mounting structure; and control structure coupled to said mounting structure and comprising a switch (184b) adapted to be actuated by an operator's thumb so as to cause said wireless transmitter/power pack unit to generate a travel request signal to the materials handling vehicle, apparatus for remotely controlling a materials handling vehicle.

22-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002852080A1

The present invention relates to a test apparatus based on DFDAU (Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit), comprising: a simulation signal generation portion; and a test portion; wherein, the simulation signal generation portion comprises: an input interface, which receives test data; a simulation signal generation module, which generates simulation signal according to the test data; and an output interface, which is adaptive to be connected to one end of one or more signal transmission device to be tested and output the simulation signal; wherein, the test portion comprises: wiring extension apparatus, which is used to form a gating wiring apparatus and is adaptive to be connected to the other end of the one or more signal transmission devices to be tested, and receive the simulation signal passing through the one or more signal transmission devices to be tested ; DFDAU, which is adaptive to receive simulation signal from the wiring extension device, and obtain the transmitted test data; ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002963119A1

... - Procédé et dispositif de recalage d'une altitude cible pour une descente d'urgence d'un aéronef. - Le dispositif (1) comporte des moyens (2, 3, 4, 7) pour déterminer une altitude cible recalée, qui tient compte de variations de pression barométrique apparaissant lors de la descente d'urgence et qui est susceptible de remplacer une altitude cible devant être atteinte à la fin de la descente d'urgence.

20-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002488397B1

23-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002072085B1

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003035633B1

21-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002984538A1
Принадлежит: THALES

Le domaine général de l'invention est celui des systèmes de gestion de vol pour un aéronef destiné à effectuer des missions dans un espace aérien non ségrégué et /ou ségrégué. Le système selon l'invention comprend un calculateur de missions (10), un calculateur principal de gestion de vol (20) et un calculateur de gestion de vol secondaire (60). Ce calculateur comprend des moyens d'acquisition des consignes tactiques issues du calculateur de mission et des moyens de calcul de trajectoire et de guidage latéral de l'aéronef, lesdites consignes tactiques étant différentes des procédures de navigation en espace contrôlé. Des moyens de sélection et de connexion (70) sont agencés de façon que, lorsque l'aéronef effectue une mission en espace aérien non ségrégué, seul le calculateur principal de gestion de vol est connecté aux autres équipements de l'aéronef et, lorsque l'aéronef effectue une mission en espace aérien ségrégué, seul le calculateur secondaire de gestion de vol est connecté aux autres ...

12-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003072189A1

06-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002989808B1
Принадлежит: THALES

25-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003001288A1

Procédé de définition d'une route de repli comprenant des points de passage, pour un engin mobile, dans une zone (ZNd) de déplacement 3D comportant des zones convexes (ZNi, i = 1 à 7) décrivant chacune un polygone dans tout plan perpendiculaire à un axe Z sur une plage considérée (Hj, j=1 à 6) de l'axe Z, selon lequel : - on définit un ensemble de points balises (PBk, k = 1 à 7) tels que des arêtes du diagramme de Voronoï associé audit ensemble de points balises séparent entre eux les polygones décrits par les zones convexes dans un plan perpendiculaire à l'axe Z sur ladite plage ; - dans une base de données, on associe à chaque point de passage et chaque point balise, un identifiant de la zone convexe à laquelle ledit point appartient, des coordonnées dudit point et pour chaque point balise, un identifiant de ladite plage de l'axe Z.

12-07-1974 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002210539A1

15-02-2002 дата публикации

Maintenance system for an equipment set, especially for aircraft systems where testing is speeded by making use of non- volatile memory integral with the components being tested

Номер: FR0002812958A1

L'invention est relative la maintenance d'un ensemble d'équipements (1-6, 11) à pose et dépose rapides, remplaçables par échanges standards, pourvus de circuits électroniques individuels (1a-6a, 20a-23a, 30a-32a, 11a) de surveillance de bon fonctionnement assumant, à leur niveau, une fonction BITE (Build In Test Equipement) de test, de diagnostic de panne et d'émission de messages de panne envoyés par transmission de données à un calculateur central de maintenance (7) élaborant lui-même un rapport sur l'état global de fonctionnement de l'ensemble des équipements. Elle est relative plus particulièrement aux parties matérielles des circuits électroniques de surveillance de bon fonctionnement qui sont solidaires des équipements (1-6) ou de parties d'équipements (20-23, 30-32) et qui sont pourvues d'une mémoire non volatile (405) et de moyens de détection, de sélection et de capture (403, 413, 423) dans leurs mémoires non volatiles (405), du rapport élaboré par le calculateur central de maintenance ...

04-08-1961 дата публикации

Device of warning for similar planes and air machines

Номер: FR0001268789A

20-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003086075A1

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014109657A1

The present invention relates to a system and process of remote command of a vehicle, in particular a model aircraft, by copy of spatial orientation, the system comprising a controller (11) configured for receiving orders from a user, a controlled vehicle (13), an external reference frame (12), and a warning subsystem for orders that are not susceptible of being followed/executed by controlled vehicle (13). The system may further comprise a security subsystem integrated into controller (11) and/or the controlled vehicle. The invention also relates to a process of remote command of a vehicle comprising the steps of copying the spatial orientation of controller (11), and simultaneously detecting non-executable orders, in this last case the process contemplates the automatic control of the vehicle in a security mode until executable orders are introduced. The present invention has application in the remote control vehicle industry, particularly in the model aircraft making industry.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160071418A1

Embodiments, systems, and techniques for vehicle operation assistance are provided herein. Vehicle operation assistance may be provided by monitoring characteristics of an occupant of a vehicle and determining an emergency status for the occupant based on characteristics of the occupant, transmitting a request for help based on the emergency status indicating the occupant of the vehicle is experiencing an emergency, receiving a “follow me” request from a potential leader vehicle, enabling follower mode such that vehicle is a follower vehicle and the potential leader vehicle is a leader vehicle, establishing a connection with the leader vehicle and receiving navigation instructions from the leader vehicle based on the vehicle being in follower mode, generating driving action commands based on navigation instructions, and executing respective driving action commands in an autonomous fashion based on the vehicle being in follower mode.

04-05-1937 дата публикации

Номер: US0002078982A1

22-08-2000 дата публикации

Wireless, frequency-agile spread spectrum ground like-based aircraft data communication system with remote flight operations control center

Номер: US0006108523A1
Принадлежит: Harris Corporation

A flight information communication system has a plurality of RF direct sequence spread spectrum ground data links that link respective aircraft-resident subsystems, in each of which a copy of its flight performance data is stored, with airport-located subsystems. The airport-located subsystems are coupled by way communication paths, such as land line telephone links, to a remote flight operations control center. At the flight operations control center, flight performance data downlinked from plural aircraft parked at different airports is analyzed. In addition, the flight control center may be employed to direct the uploading of in-flight data files, such as audio, video and navigation files from the airport-located subsystems to the aircraft.

02-05-1989 дата публикации

Oscillatory failure monitor

Номер: US4826110A

25-10-1994 дата публикации

Aircraft maneuver envelope warning system

Номер: US0005359326A

A maneuver envelope warning system for an aircraft having operating limits, operating condition sensors and an indicator driver. The indicator driver has a plurality of visual indicators. The indicator driver determines a relationship between sensed operating conditions and the operating limits; such as, a ratio therebetween. The indicator driver illuminates a number of the indicators in proportion to the determined relationship. The position of the indicators illuminated represents to a pilot in an easily ascertainable manner whether the operational conditions are approaching operational limits of the aircraft, and the degree to which operational conditions lie within or exceed operational limits.

23-11-2021 дата публикации

Teleoperation of autonomous vehicles

Номер: US0011181905B2
Принадлежит: MOTIONAL AD LLC, Motional AD LLC

An autonomous vehicle receives sensor data from one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle, and generates a request for remote control of the autonomous vehicle by a computer system remote from the autonomous vehicle. Generating the request includes determining a quality metric associated with a network connection between the autonomous vehicle and the computer system, and upon determining that the quality metric is greater than a threshold quality level, transmitting, from the autonomous vehicle to the computer system the request for remote control and a first data item representing the sensor data. The first data item meets one or more conditions associated with the threshold quality level.

11-01-2022 дата публикации

Autonomous driving system

Номер: US0011221619B2

An autonomous driving system installed on a vehicle includes: an information acquisition device configured to acquire driving environment information indicating driving environment for the vehicle; and an autonomous driving control device configured to control autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the driving environment information. The driving environment information includes: map information; and size information indicating a size of a routing object that moves integrally with the vehicle. The autonomous driving control device refers to the map information and the size information to determine a travel route through which the routing object can pass without protruding from a roadway as a target travel route to a destination.

11-01-2022 дата публикации

On-site notification from autonomous vehicle for traffic safety

Номер: US0011221625B2
Принадлежит: Pony AI Inc.

A system included and a computer-implemented method performed in an autonomous-driving vehicle are described. The system performs: detecting one or more movable traffic objects; determining one or more target movable traffic objects from the one or more detected movable traffic objects; determining a type of the one or more target movable traffic objects and an traffic object that has a right of way (ROW) in a situation involving the autonomous-driving vehicle. The system further performs: determining a manner of generating a vehicle behavior notification to the target movable traffic object based on the type of the one or more target movable traffic objects and the ROW; and causing a vehicle behavior notification of the determined manner to be generated to the one or more target movable traffic objects.

07-09-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of safety support for vehicle

Номер: US0011113970B2
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

A vehicle safety support apparatus includes: a driver monitoring sensor configured to monitor a driver; an external environment monitoring sensor configured to monitor an external environment of a vehicle; and at least one processor configured to: determine whether the vehicle is in an immediate hazard situation based on data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor; determine, in response to determining that the vehicle is in the immediate hazard situation, whether to perform a recovery maneuver or a rescue maneuver based on the data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor to get out of the immediate hazard situation; and perform, in response to determining to perform the rescue maneuver, autonomous driving to move the vehicle to a safe area by taking over a driving control from the driver.

17-02-2004 дата публикации

Device and system for the automatic control of a helicopter

Номер: US0006691950B2

Device and system for the automatic control of a helicopter.The automatic control device (6) comprises a vertical objective law (A) in respect of the pitching axis, which automatically determines a control command (UT1) for operating the tilting of the disk of main rotor of the helicopter, a speed limitation law (B) for limiting the airspeed of the helicopter with respect to at least one limit value, detection means (10) for automatically detecting whether the airspeed reaches the limit value, and toggling means (11) for, in order to select the objective law (A, B) whose control command (UT1, UT2) is used for the pitching axis, automatically toggling from the first law (A) to the second law (B), when the detection means (10) detect that the airspeed has reached the limit value.

29-11-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for detecting high-voltage contactor state of health

Номер: US0009506992B2

Systems and methods are disclosed for determining a weld state of a contactor (e.g., normal, partially welded, and/or welded states) based on a variety of actuator coil characteristics during actuation. In some embodiments, the disclosed systems and methods may be utilized in connection with determining contactor weld states in a variety of contactor designs. In further embodiments, the disclosed systems and methods may utilize a probability weighted score accounting for contactor design characteristics and information obtained from a reference contactor to identify a weld state associated with a contactor device.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Input Congruence System for Flight Control Surfaces

Номер: US20160016655A1
Автор: Ying Chin Yeh

A method and apparatus for controlling flight control surfaces on an aircraft. Commands are sent onto a data bus system from flight control modules. The flight control modules and actuator control modules determine whether an error is present in the commands sent onto the data bus system. Point-to-point connections between the flight control modules and the actuator control modules are managed based on whether the error is present in the commands sent onto the data bus system. 1. An apparatus comprising:a data bus system in an aircraft;actuator control modules connected to the data bus system, wherein an actuator control module in the actuator control modules controls positioning of a group of flight control surfaces on the aircraft using commands on the data bus system that are directed to the actuator control module; andflight control modules connected to the data bus system, wherein the flight control modules generate and send the commands onto the data bus system to control the flight control surfaces on the aircraft, wherein the commands for a flight control surface are directed towards a group of the actuator control modules assigned to the flight control surfaces and wherein the actuator control modules and the flight control modules determine whether an error is present in the commands sent onto the data bus system by the flight control modules.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein communications between the flight control modules and the actuator control modules are managed based on the error identified as being present in the commands sent onto the data bus system by a group of the flight control modules when the error is identified in the commands.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the flight control modules determine whether to continue to use a point-to-point connection between a particular flight control module in the flight control modules and the actuator control module in the actuator control modules based on the error identified.4. The apparatus ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Averting a Danger

Номер: US20180113452A1

Disclosed herein are embodiments of a method for averting a danger. The method is performed by a control apparatus for an unmanned vehicle, and the method involves obtaining a plurality of pieces of sensor information. At least partially depending on the obtained pieces of sensor information it is determined whether a danger exists. If it is determined that a danger exists, then at least one averting measure for averting the danger is determined, and the at least one averting measure is performed or caused to be performed.

06-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210132634A1

A method, preferably including: sampling inputs, determining aircraft conditions, and/or acting based on the aircraft conditions. A method, preferably including: sampling inputs, determining input reliability, determining guidance, and/or controlling aircraft operation. A method, preferably including: operating the vehicle, planning for contingencies, detecting undesired flight conditions, and/or reacting to undesired flight conditions. A system, preferably an aircraft such as a rotorcraft, configured to implement the method.

06-06-2017 дата публикации

Detecting and responding to tailgaters

Номер: US0009671784B1
Принадлежит: WAYMO LLC, GOOGLE INC, Google Inc.

An autonomous vehicle detects a tailgating vehicle and uses various response mechanisms. A vehicle is identified as a tailgater based on whether its characteristics meet a variable threshold. When the autonomous vehicle is traveling at slower speeds, the threshold is defined in distance. When the autonomous vehicle is traveling at faster speeds, the threshold is defined in time. The autonomous vehicle responds to the tailgater by modifying its driving behavior. In one example, the autonomous vehicle adjusts a headway buffer (defined in time) from another vehicle in front of the autonomous vehicle. In this regard, if the tailgater is T seconds too close to the autonomous vehicle, the autonomous vehicle increases the headway buffer to the vehicle in front of it by some amount relative to T.

01-11-2022 дата публикации

Chaotic system anomaly response by artificial intelligence

Номер: US0011487251B2
Принадлежит: Morgan Stanley Services Group Inc.

A system for detecting and responding to an anomaly in a chaotic environment, comprising one or more autonomous agent devices and a central server comprising a processor and non-transitory memory. The memory stores instructions that cause the processor to receive a first set of sensor readings from one or more remote electronic sensors, during a first time window, the sensor readings recording pseudo-Brownian change in one or more variables in the chaotic environment; determine, based on the first set of sensor readings, an expected range of the one or more variables during a second time window after the first time w window; receive a second set of sensor readings from the one or more remote electronic sensors during the second time window recording change in the one or more variables: determine, based on the second set of sensor readings, that one variable of the one or more variables is not within the expected range; and cause the one or more autonomous agent devices to attempt to mitigate ...

28-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220129003A1

The invention relates to a sensor method for the physical, in particular optical, detection of at least one utilization object, in particular for the detection of an environment for generating, in particular a safety distance between objects, comprising the provision of the utilization object, carrying out of at least two optical, in particular two-dimensional, sensor images of the utilization object, the images being taken each from different angles and/or different positions relative to the utilization object. Wherein in a further step at least one processing unit is provided, by means of which the utilization object and/or an identification tool clearly, preferably unambiguously, assigned to the utilization object is physically detected, from which at least one characteristic value of the utilization object is obtained, in particular so that the safety distance between two adjacent objects, in particular utilization objects, is maintained.

07-06-2022 дата публикации

Autonomous grounds maintenance machines with path planning for trap and obstacle avoidance

Номер: US0011350563B2
Автор: Jason T. Kraft

Operating an autonomous grounds maintenance machine includes determining a travel path for the machine to reach a destination waypoint in a zone of a work region. The travel path is analyzed for problem areas based on a predetermined terrain map. Rotations of the machine may be planned even before the machine begins to travel down the path to proactively prevent the machine from becoming trapped.

07-11-2023 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle passenger safety monitoring

Номер: US0011807278B2

Systems and methods are provided for autonomous vehicle passenger safety monitoring following an autonomous vehicle route. In particular, an autonomous vehicle waits for a selected time period after a passenger exits the vehicle. In some examples, the autonomous vehicle remains until the passenger has entered a building at the passenger's destination. In some examples, the autonomous vehicle remains until the passenger is no longer detectable by the vehicle's sensors. During the waiting period, the passenger may choose to re-enter the vehicle.

07-05-1986 дата публикации

Digital flight data recording system

Номер: EP0000100746A3
Автор: Ratchford, Michael

A flight data recording system includes a digital flight data recorder (DFDR) and a digital flight data acquisition unit (DFDAU) having a signal processor and nonvolatile memory for storing signals representative of a deterministic flight mode algorithm which defines a generic aircraft flight profile by preselected modes, each mode defining a flight profile operating station, the deterministic flight mode algorithm defining the nominal values of some number of sensed flight data parameters in terms of the sensed values of some number of the remaining other sensed flight parameters. At each such station, the signal processor comparing the actual sensed mandatory flight parameter value with the corresponding determined value to establish sensor accuracy.

04-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000895602B1
Принадлежит: AlliedSignal Inc.

03-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4173766A1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Programmieren und/oder Betreiben einer beweglichen Maschine, insbesondere eines Roboters angegeben. Die Vorrichtung ist dazu eingerichtet, Konfigurationsdaten der Maschine und Konfigurationsdaten wenigstens eines Sicherheitssensors, sowie einen eine Vielzahl von Bewegungsabschnitten aufweisenden, geplanten Bewegungsablauf der Maschine zu empfangen. Unter Verwendung der Konfigurationsdaten der Maschine und der Konfigurationsdaten des wenigstens einen Sicherheitssensors wird wenigstens ein nicht sicherer Bewegungsabschnitt identifiziert, wobei der nicht sichere Bewegungsabschnitt wenigstens ein vorgegebenes Sicherheitskriterium verletzt.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580814C2

Группа изобретений относится к управлению подъемно-транспортной машиной. Технический результат - повышение безопасности подъемно-транспортной машины за счет регулирования скорости машины на основании мониторинга массы груза и расстояния до препятствий. Для этого предложена подъемно-транспортная машина, состоящая из: силового агрегата; приспособления для подъема груза, соединенного с упомянутым силовым агрегатом; по меньшей мере, одного детектора препятствий, установленного на упомянутый силовой агрегат для обнаружения объекта, расположенного на пути движения упомянутого силового агрегата, при этом упомянутый детектор при обнаружении объекта генерирует сигнал расстояния, соответствующий расстоянию между обнаруженным объектом и упомянутым силовым агрегатом; датчика нагрузки для генерирования сигнала массы, указывающего массу груза на упомянутом приспособлении для подъема груза; и контроллера, получающего упомянутый сигнал расстояния и упомянутый сигнал массы и генерирующего соответствующий ...

18-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757549C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и навигационной системе для обеспечения защиты от столкновений в летательном аппарате. Для обеспечения защиты от столкновений сравнивают поток команд от пилота с данными управления, которые формируют путем обработки определенным образом данных датчика, выполняющего идентификацию препятствий, для определения безопасности этого потока команд. Навигационная система в летательном аппарате содержит датчик, выполненный с возможностью идентификации препятствий, процессор, запоминающее устройство. Обеспечивается повышение безопасности полета. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

13-12-2021 дата публикации

Способ управления самолётом при выводе на большие углы атаки

Номер: RU2761687C1

Изобретение относится к способам управления самолетом при выводе на большие углы атаки, используемым при летных испытаниях или исследованиях. Способ управления неманевренным самолетом при выводе на большие углы атаки предусматривает совместное управление рулем высоты и стабилизатором от рычага управления по тангажу и возможность фиксации стабилизатора в достигнутом положении по сигналу от летчика при необходимости управления только с помощью руля высоты. После достижения заданного значения приборной скорости летчик фиксирует стабилизатор в достигнутом положении и совершает энергичное отклонение рычага управления по тангажу на кабрирование, затем удерживает указанный рычаг в этом положении в течение заданного времени, а далее производит уменьшение угла атаки до значения, соответствующего эксплуатационному диапазону. Изобретение направлено на расширение диапазона указанных углов атаки в процессе летных испытаний за счет динамического выхода на максимально достижимый угол атаки при постановке ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method And Device For Automatically Monitoring The Ability Of An Aircraft To Follow A Flight Trajectory With At Least One Turn

Номер: US20120150367A1

Method and device for automatically monitoring the ability of an aircraft to follow a flight trajectory with at least one turn. The monitoring device ( 1 ) includes means ( 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 ) for implementing monitorings in order to estimate the ability of the aircraft to follow at least one turn of the flight trajectory.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131905A1

A method and system may manage the driver's attention while driving. The driver may be driving using an autonomous driving system or limited-ability autonomous driving system. A method may detect, by a sensor, characteristics of a driver; determine, based on the detected characteristics of the driver, whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle; and provide a series of one or more prompts, wherein each prompt's intrusiveness is related to the determination of whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle. 1. A method of driver attention management comprising:detecting, by a sensor, characteristics of a driver;determining, based on the detected characteristics of the driver, whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle; andproviding a series of one or more prompts, wherein each prompt's intrusiveness is related to the determination of whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a series of one or more prompts comprises:providing a first prompt with a low level of intrusiveness;determining whether the driver responds to the prompt, thereby indicating whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle; andif the driver fails to adequately respond to the prompt, providing subsequent prompts with increasing levels of intrusiveness until the driver responds to the prompt.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining whether the driver responds to the prompt is based on whether the driver responds to the prompt within a predetermined time period.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining whether the driver responds to the prompt is based on whether the driver's head or eye gaze turns toward the prompt in a predetermined time interval.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining whether the driver responds to the prompt is based on whether the driver's head or eye gaze moves ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Steering wheel device for indicating required supervisory control of a vehicle and method for use

Номер: US20130131906A1

A method and system may manage the driver's attention while driving. The driver may be driving using an autonomous driving system or limited-ability autonomous driving system. A steering wheel device may indicate to the driver a level of required supervisory control of a vehicle. The steering wheel device may include indicators to flash lights, vibrate, or provide other indicators. The indicators may have distinct levels of intensity for each level of supervisory control required to safely control a vehicle.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131907A1

A method and system may prevent misuse of an autonomous driving system by providing at least one prompt at least one prompt for a driver of a vehicle. A sensor may whether the driver responds to the prompt. A processor may determine whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle, based on whether the driver responds to the prompt. The processor may disengage the autonomous driving system if the driver fails to exercise sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle. The processor may further reduce the vehicle's speed if the driver continues to misuse the autonomous driving system. 1. A method for driver attention management , comprising:for an autonomous driving system, providing at least one prompt for a driver of a vehicle;detecting, by a sensor, how the driver responds to the prompt;determining, by a processor, whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle, based on how the driver responds to the prompt; andreducing a speed of the vehicle and temporarily preventing driver acceleration if the driver fails to exercise sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:providing a first prompt for the driver;determining whether the driver exercises sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle according to the driver's response to the first prompt;providing a second prompt for the driver, if the driver fails to exercise sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle according to the driver's response to the first prompt; andreducing a speed of the vehicle and preventing driver acceleration if the driver fails to exercise sufficient supervisory control of the vehicle according to the driver's response to the second prompt;3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second prompt is more intrusive to the driver than the first prompt.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising after the driver has regained control of the vehicle claim 1 , preventing the autonomous driving system from engaging ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Reflexive response system for popup threat survival

Номер: US20130234864A1
Автор: Carl R. Herman
Принадлежит: Lockheed Martin Corp

Methods and apparatus for assessing threats to a vehicle to facilitate a reflexive response. Threat timeline parameters for a detected threat to the vehicle including a threat mode and a time progression of the threat in the threat mode is determined based, at least in part, on a plurality of information sources. One or more candidate solutions for facilitating the reflexive response to the threat are determined based, at least in part, on the threat mode and the time progression and one or more of the candidate solutions are presented to an operator of the vehicle to enable the operator to mediate the threat.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Fully Parametrizable Electronic Alerts and Procedures Management System, Intended for an Aircraft

Номер: US20130282207A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

An alerts and procedures management system for an aircraft comprises a software kernel aboard the aircraft and a parameterization tool for the software kernel, which comprises a conversion module for converting a configuration file describing an operational need of the system into a database of binary parameters which is able to parameterize the software kernel. The software kernel comprises at least four elementary cells: a first cell for acquiring aircraft signals, a second cell for characterizing state variables of the aircraft, a third cell for computing at least one separate event, a fourth cell for scheduling the separate events for communication with the crew; each of the cells comprising a software engine parameterizable by the database.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Zone driving

Номер: US20130297140A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A roadgraph may include a graph network of information such as roads, lanes, intersections, and the connections between these features. The roadgraph may also include one or more zones associated with particular rules. The zones may include locations where driving is typically challenging such as merges, construction zones, or other obstacles. In one example, the rules may require an autonomous vehicle to alert a driver that the vehicle is approaching a zone. The vehicle may thus require a driver to take control of steering, acceleration, deceleration, etc. In another example, the zones may be designated by a driver and may be broadcast to other nearby vehicles, for example using a radio link or other network such that other vehicles may be able to observer the same rule at the same location or at least notify the other vehicle's drivers that another driver felt the location was unsafe for autonomous driving.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345921A1

The present disclosure relates to determining an physical state of a moving vehicle operator. In an embodiment, if it is determined that a vehicle operator is impaired, the vehicle is programed to automatically and safely stop a vehicle before an accident occurs. In an embodiment physiological sensors in the seat, steering wheel, or wireless sensors placed on the vehicle operator's body are used to determine an impairment state of a vehicle operator. 1. A vehicle operator physiological monitoring system comprising:a physiological monitor configured to measure a physiological state of a vehicle operator;a processor in communication with the physiological monitor that determines if the operator is impaired and automatically takes control of the vehicle to prevent an accident.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the physiological sensor is located in an operator's seat.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the physiological sensor is located in a steering wheel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the physiological sensor is located in a hat worn by the operator.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the physiological sensor is located a glove worn by the operator.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the physiological sensor is located in a Bluetooth device worn by the operator.7. A system configured to monitor a physiological state of a vehicle operator claim 1 , the system comprising:a vehicle operator seat;at least one light emitter; andat least one light detector, wherein the at least one light emitter and the at least one light detector are housed and form part of the vehicle operator seat.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the at least one light emitter is configured to be shine light into the leg or buttocks of a vehicle operator;9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the at least one light emitter and the at leaste one light detector are placed below at least a first layer of fabric of the vehicle operator seat.10. A method of determining a physiological state of a vehicle ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001826A1
Автор: OH Soo-Hwan

A user authentication device and method for providing a security level varying based on an authentication score of biometric information when providing an authentication-based service in an autonomous driving vehicle. The device and method may be associated with an AI device, a drone, an UAV, a robot, an AR device, a VR device, and a 5G service. 1. A user authentication device comprising:a security level extraction unit configured to extract a first security level corresponding to an input target service;an authentication-purposed user-input type detection unit configured to detect an authentication-purposed user-input type based on an environment status of a vehicle and a user, wherein the authentication-purposed user-input type is associated with a second security level; analyze a matching score distribution corresponding to the detected authentication-purposed user-input type;', 'extract a third security level based on False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Reject Rate (FRR) associated with the analysis result;', 'match the extracted third security level with the second security level; and', 'a security level verification unit configured to:', 'generate an authentication score corresponding to the detected authentication-purposed user-input type based on the match result;'}, 'define the authentication score of the authentication-purposed user-input type as a target security level; and', 'verify whether an input value of the authentication-purposed user-input type satisfies the target security level; and, 'an authentication score generation unit configured toan authentication processing unit configured to, based on the input value of the authentication-purposed user-input type satisfying the target security level, perform user authentication using the authentication-purposed user-input type.2. The user authentication device of claim 1 , wherein the authentication-purposed user-input type detection unit comprises:a state extraction unit configured to extract an ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005361A1

Methods, systems and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media for fleet management of unmanned aerial vehicles, including flight authorization. One of the methods includes maintaining one or more rules associated with authorizing UAVs to implement flight plans. A request to generate a flight plan associated with a job is received, the request including information indicating a flight pattern comprising, at least, one or more waypoints associated with geospatial references. The flight plan is generated based on the request, and an initial authorization check is determined based on the maintained rules and the generated flight plan. Upon a positive determination, access to the generated flight plan is provided by a ground control system, and the flight plan is implemented. 130-. (canceled)31. A system comprising:a memory; and maintain one or more rules associated with authorizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to implement flight plans;', 'receive a request to generate a flight plan indicating a flight pattern;', 'generate the flight plan for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV);', 'determine an authorization check based on the one or more rules and the flight plan; and', 'transmit the flight plan to the UAV based on the authorization check., 'a processor configured to execute instructions stored on the memory to32. The system of claim 31 , wherein the flight pattern comprises one or more waypoints associated with geospatial references.33. The system of claim 31 , wherein the processor is configured to execute instructions stored on the memory to:transmit the flight plan to a ground control system prior to transmission of the flight plan to the UAV based on the authorization check.34. The system of claim 31 , wherein the flight plan is transmitted to the UAV for implementation by the UAV to navigate along the flight pattern.35. The system of claim 31 , wherein upon a negative determination of the authorization check claim 31 , the flight ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004242A1
Автор: KIM Soryoung

Disclosed herein are a method and an apparatus for managing a vehicle in an autonomous driving system. The operating method of a server for managing the drive of the vehicle in the autonomous driving system includes collecting data on a dangerous drive of a danger candidate vehicle from a plurality of vehicles, determining whether the danger candidate vehicle is a dangerous vehicle or not on the basis of the data on the dangerous drive and information about a driving environment of the danger candidate vehicle, and performing an operation responding to a dangerous driving cause of the danger candidate vehicle if the danger candidate vehicle is the dangerous vehicle. The above-described method makes it possible to monitor a dangerously driving vehicle and thus take appropriate measures against the dangerously driving vehicle. One or more of an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal and a server of the present disclosure can be associated with artificial intelligence modules, drones (unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)), robots, augmented reality (AR) devices, virtual reality (VR) devices, devices related to 5G service, etc. 1. An operating method of a server for managing a drive of a vehicle in an autonomous driving system , comprising:collecting data on a dangerous drive of a danger candidate vehicle from a plurality of vehicles;determining whether the danger candidate vehicle is a dangerous vehicle or not on the basis of the data on the dangerous drive and information about a driving environment of the danger candidate vehicle; andperforming an operation responding to a dangerous driving cause of the danger candidate vehicle if the danger candidate vehicle is the dangerous vehicle.2. The operating method of claim 1 , wherein the collecting of the data on the dangerous drive comprises:receiving vehicle information of the danger candidate vehicle and dangerous drive information of the danger candidate vehicle from the plurality of vehicles.3. The operating method of claim 2 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004002A1

A maintenance system can be used with a self-driving vehicle. The maintenance system can include a smoke detection system that is coupled to the self-driving vehicle and is configured to detect smoke inside a passenger cabin of the vehicle, a motor compartment of the vehicle, or a battery compartment of the vehicle. 1. A maintenance system configured to be used with a self-driving vehicle , the maintenance system comprising:a smoke detection system coupled to the self-driving vehicle and configured to detect smoke inside a portion of the self-driving vehicle; anda vehicle management system configured to autonomously drive the self-driving vehicle.2. The maintenance system of claim 1 , wherein the smoke is combustion smoke claim 1 , and wherein the smoke detection system coupled to the self-driving vehicle comprises an ionization smoke detector configured to detect the combustion smoke and comprises an optical smoke detector configured to detect electronic cigarette aerosol by analyzing a particle size of the aerosol and determining that the particle size is indicative of electronic cigarette use.3. The maintenance system of claim 2 , wherein the optical smoke detector comprises an infrared light and a blue light configured to measure the particle size.4. The maintenance system of claim 2 , wherein the self-driving vehicle comprises a ceiling claim 2 , and wherein the smoke detection system is coupled to the ceiling of the self-driving vehicle and comprises a first camera configured to take a picture in response to the smoke detection system detecting the smoke.5. The maintenance system of claim 4 , wherein the picture is configured to show a rider smoking in the self-driving vehicle.6. The maintenance system of claim 2 , wherein the smoke detection system comprises a first button configured to summon an emergency responder and provide a GPS location of the self-driving vehicle in response to a rider pressing the first button.7. The maintenance system of claim 2 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Uav hardware architecture

Номер: US20190004512A1
Принадлежит: SZ DJI Technology Co Ltd

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) includes one or more propulsion units that effect flight of the UAV, an application processing circuit configured to verify a validity of a system image of the UAV in a secure environment, and a flight control circuit operably coupled to the application processing circuit. Generation and/or transmission of control signals from the flight control circuit to one or more electronic speed controllers (ESC controllers) is prevented prior to verification of the validity of the system image.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005533A1

A method for operating an, at least temporarily, unmanned aircraft or spacecraft wherein a flight procedure of the aircraft or spacecraft is carried out in controlled airspace using a previously cleared flight plan, wherein a C2 link is at least temporarily unavailable, and wherein at least one sensor device of the aircraft or spacecraft identifies a dangerous and/or emergency situation which makes it necessary to deviate from the cleared flight plan. To have available a method which makes it possible for an at least temporarily unmanned aircraft or spacecraft to react independently to particular dangerous and/or emergency situations and to avoid damaging events, a control device of the aircraft or spacecraft independently uses a wireless data link to a supervisory authority in order to agree to a changed flight plan containing at least one change. 1. A method for operating an at least temporarily unmanned aircraft or spacecraft ,wherein a flight procedure of the aircraft or spacecraft is carried out in controlled airspace using a previously cleared flight plan,wherein a C2 link, via which the aircraft or spacecraft can be or is controlled, is at least temporarily unavailable, andwherein at least one sensor device of the aircraft or spacecraft identifies a situation which is at least one of dangerous or an emergency and which makes it necessary to deviate from the cleared flight plan, comprising the step of:using independently a wireless data link to a supervisory authority by a control device of the aircraft or spacecraft to agree to a changed flight plan containing at least one change.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the supervisory authority is formed by a control center.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the supervisory authority is formed by an air traffic control station.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control device transmits at least one clearance request to the supervisory authority and claim 1 , following the response therefrom claim 1 , reacts ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009284A1

A method of indicating a flight direction of an aerial vehicle, having a vehicle body and a plurality of rotors supported by the vehicle body, includes: on the basis of a momentary flight direction of the aerial vehicle, controlling a matrix of light sources, in particular a matrix of LEDs, which are mounted to the vehicle body of the aerial vehicle, to provide an illumination pattern to an observer of the aerial vehicle, with the illumination pattern comprising a flight direction indication, indicative of the momentary flight direction of the aerial vehicle. 1. A method of indicating a flight direction of an aerial vehicle having a vehicle body and a plurality of rotors supported by the vehicle body , the method comprising:on the basis of a momentary flight direction of the aerial vehicle, controlling a matrix of light sources which are mounted to the vehicle body of the aerial vehicle, to provide an illumination pattern to an observer of the aerial vehicle, with the illumination pattern comprising a flight direction indication, indicative of the momentary flight direction of the aerial vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix of light is mounted to a lower side of the vehicle body of the aerial vehicle and wherein the illumination pattern is provided to an observer below the aerial vehicle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix of light sources is mounted to an upper side of the vehicle body of the aerial vehicle and wherein the illumination pattern is provided to an observer above the aerial vehicle.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the illumination pattern is a static illumination pattern or wherein the illumination pattern is a dynamic illumination pattern.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the illumination pattern comprises at least one of:a flight direction indication symbol, such as a line or an arrow,a color-coded flight direction indication,an illumination pattern travelling across the matrix of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009904A1

In some embodiments, methods and systems are provided that provide for facilitating s safe emergency landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and that include UAVs configured to transport products to delivery destination via flight routes. Each UAV includes sensors configured to detect at least one status input associated with the UAV during flight along its flight route. Each UAV analyzes the status inputs while in flight in order to determine an emergency landing location where the UAV would land if unable to fly due to an emergency condition. The UAV also includes a control circuit that evaluates collateral damage associated with the landing of the UAV at the determined emergency landing location, and that can alter the flight route of the UAV to an alternative delivery route associated with an alternative emergency landing location if the alternative emergency landing location is predicted to have a lower collateral damage as compared to the determined emergency landing location. 1. A system for facilitating a safe emergency landing of unmanned aerial vehicles flying along flight routes , the system comprising:an unmanned aerial vehicle configured to transport at least one product to a delivery destination via a flight route, the unmanned aerial vehicle including at least one sensor configured to detect and transmit over a network at least one status input associated with the unmanned aerial vehicle during flight along the flight route; determine the flight route for the unmanned aerial vehicle to deliver the at least one product to the delivery destination;', 'transmit a first control signal over the network to the unmanned aerial vehicle, the first control signal including the determined flight route; and', 'analyze the determined flight route of the unmanned aerial vehicle, prior to deployment of the unmanned aerial vehicle, in order to determine an emergency landing location where the unmanned aerial vehicle would land if unable to fly due to an emergency ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Building bots interfacing with security systems

Номер: US20190010750A1
Принадлежит: Sensormatic Electronics LLC

Techniques for an autonomous mobile unmanned machine such as an unmanned aerial vehicle or drone or a robot to access a closed door are described. The techniques include programming the autonomous mobile unmanned machine to pass through a particular location within a facility that has one or more doors, and sense by the autonomous mobile unmanned machines a beacon signal emanating from a beacon deployed in proximity to a first one of the one or more doors in the facility, by receiving the beacon signal by a receiver device on the autonomous mobile unmanned machines. The techniques send a message to either a server or an access control system when the autonomous mobile unmanned machines determines that it needs access through the door at the specified location identified by the beacon and receives a message from either the server or the access control system that the door has been unlocked.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011470A1

The likelihood of a remote driving request from a requester being unfulfilled is lowered. A server receives information regarding the remote driving request requesting a vehicle to travel by being remotely driven from a terminal of the requester, and receives information regarding a remote driving task selected by a remote driver (fulfilment agent) using a fulfilment agent operation terminal from the fulfilment agent operation terminal. A task corresponding to the received remote driving request is divided into plural remote driving tasks based on route information for the task, and information regarding at least one of the divided remote driving tasks is transmitted to the fulfilment agent operation terminal. 1. A remote driving request processing device comprising a processor that is configured to:receive information regarding a remote driving request requesting a vehicle to travel by being remotely driven from a terminal of a requester, and receive information regarding a remote driving task selected using a terminal of a remote driver from the terminal of the remote driver;divide a task corresponding to the received remote driving request into a plurality of remote driving tasks based on route information for the task; anda transmission section configured to transmit information regarding at least one of the divided remote driving tasks to the terminal of the remote driver.2. The remote driving request processing device of claim 1 , wherein the processor divides the task corresponding to the remote driving request into a plurality of remote driving tasks according to a category of road of travel based on the route information for the task.3. The remote driving request processing device of claim 1 , wherein the processor divides the task corresponding to the remote driving request into a plurality of remote driving tasks according to positions of potential stopping facilities on a road of travel based on the route information for the task.4. The remote driving ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011913A1
Автор: Chu Kevin

Systems and method are provided for controlling a vehicle. In one embodiment, a method includes: receiving, by a processor, sensor data sensed from an environment of the vehicle; processing, by the processor, the sensor data to determine a blind spot of the environment of the vehicle; setting, by the processor, an operation mode of the vehicle to a caution mode based on the determined blind spot; and controlling, by the processor, operation of the vehicle based on the operation mode. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle , comprising:receiving, by a processor, sensor data sensed from an environment of the vehicle;processing, by the processor, the sensor data to determine a blind spot of the environment of the vehicle;setting, by the processor, an operation mode of the vehicle to a caution mode based on the determined blind spot; andcontrolling, by the processor, operation of the vehicle based on the operation mode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein when in the caution mode claim 1 , the controlling comprises generating control signals to control at least one of the speed and the acceleration of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control signals control the at least one of speed an acceleration of the vehicle based on a creep forward method.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the control signals control the at least one of speed an acceleration of the vehicle based on a degree of caution determined from at least one of a location and vehicle information.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing the sensor data to determine a blind spot comprises:defining an area associated with a path of the vehicle, andevaluating the sensor data in the defined area.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the defining the area is based on at least one of common obstacles and risk factors.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the evaluating the sensor data comprises evaluating the sensor data for at least one of space that is clear claim 5 , space that is not clear claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013301A1

A monitoring system and method are provided to monitor ground movement of aircraft driven with electric taxi drive systems and movement of ground service vehicles and equipment and personnel within airport ramp areas. Monitor and sensor devices, including those that are intelligent and employ scanning technology to generate image, positional, and other data may be mounted in locations on aircraft, ground service vehicles and equipment, passenger loading bridges, an airport terminal, and other ramp locations to generate a constant stream of data as the aircraft moves into, within, and out of an airport ramp area. The data stream is transmitted to an artificial intelligence-based processing system to identify and communicate possible safety hazards to multiple locations so that the aircraft's ground travel or a ground vehicle's travel may be altered to avoid identified safety hazards and to avoid collisions. 1. A monitoring system that provides a maximal amount of information about an airport ramp area environment from a constant stream of data generated during the ground movement of electric taxi system-driven aircraft within the airport ramp area to improve safety of ramp operations , comprising:a. an airport ramp area at an airport terminal with a plurality of gates, passenger loading bridges attached to said terminal at said gates, moving ground service vehicles and equipment, and nonmoving structures within said ramp area;b. aircraft equipped with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems to drive said aircraft within said airport ramp area and a display screen in a cockpit of said aircraft visible to a pilot and crew of said aircraft;c. a plurality of monitoring devices mounted in exterior locations on said electric taxi system-driven aircraft and at least on said ground service vehicles and equipment and on said nonmoving structures within said ramp area operative to provide fields of view of said aircraft exterior and said ramp area from said ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle movement state determination device and vehicle movement control device

Номер: US20170015315A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle movement state determination device includes: a yaw rate determination unit configured to determine a yaw rate based on at least one of a detection yaw rate detected by a yaw rate sensor and a calculation yaw rate calculated by a yaw rate calculation unit; and a yaw rate reliability determination unit configured to determine whether a reliability of the detection yaw rate is low. The yaw rate determination unit determines the detection yaw rate as the yaw rate at the time the yaw rate reliability determination unit does not determine that the reliability of the detection yaw rate is low, and determines the yaw rate based on the calculation yaw rate at the time the yaw rate reliability determination unit determines that the reliability of the detection yaw rate is low.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Floor Conveyor

Номер: US20180016127A1
Автор: Valfridsson Göran

Systems and methods for operation of a floor conveyor, the floor conveyor including a sensor device, the systems and methods include providing a predetermined detection zone outside at least a section of the circumference of the floor conveyor for detection of foreign objects positioned inside the predetermined detection zone, wherein the predetermined detection zone is arranged to end at a first predetermined distance from a predetermined object. The method further comprises extending the predetermined detection zone with a second predetermined distance within which the predetermined object is expected to be positioned. The method further comprises implementing security measures on the floor conveyor, if the predetermined object is not detected within the extended predetermined detection zone. 1. A method for operation of a floor conveyor , the floor conveyor including a sensor device , the method comprising the steps of:providing a predetermined detection zone outside at least a section of the circumference of the floor conveyor for detection of objects positioned inside the predetermined detection zone by the sensor device, wherein the predetermined detection zone is arranged to end at a first predetermined distance from an object,extending the predetermined detection zone with a second predetermined distance within which the object is expected to be positioned,implementing security measures on the floor conveyor, if the object is not detected within the extended predetermined detection zone by the sensor device, otherwise allow continued operation of the floor conveyor.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the object is the surface on which the floor conveyor is supported.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the security measures comprise complete shutdown of the floor conveyor.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the security measures involves shut down of all functions of the floor conveyor that require detection of foreign objects ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170017239A1

A management control device controls multiple unmanned vehicles, including the overtaking of a vehicle using an opposite lane. First and second travel permission sections are set for an own vehicle and another vehicle in a stopped state located ahead of the own vehicle on a traveling lane. A path by which the own vehicle overtakes the other vehicle is generated to include a first transition section to change lanes from a traveling lane to an opposite lane, an overtaking section that connects to the first transition section. Also included is a second transition section that connects to the front end of the overtaking section and is for the own vehicle to return to the traveling lane. The section length of the second travel permission section being set in advance is thereby shortened. 1. A management control device for performing a management control that makes a plurality of vehicles travel in a travel path where a traveling lane and an opposite lane are positioned side by side and makes an own vehicle that is one vehicle among the vehicles overtake another vehicle stopped ahead in the traveling lane of the own vehicle via the opposite lane , the management control device comprising:a map information storage unit for storing traveling lane map information that defines a map of the traveling lane using a plurality of nodes positioned on the traveling lane and links connecting adjacent nodes and opposite lane map information that defines a map of the opposite lane using a plurality of nodes positioned on the opposite lane and links connecting adjacent nodes;a travel permission section management unit that sets a partial section including at least one link as a first travel permission section where only the own vehicle is permitted to travel ahead of the own vehicle in the traveling lane for the own vehicle, and sets a partial section including at least one link as a second travel permission section where only the other vehicle is permitted to travel ahead of the other ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019063A1

An environment monitor has a plurality of sensors for detecting predetermined safety risks associated with a plurality of potential destination regions around a vehicle as the vehicle moves over a roadway. The environment monitor selects one of the potential destination regions having a substantially lowest safety risk as a target area. A path determination unit assembles a plurality of plausible paths between the vehicle and the target area, monitors predetermined safety risks associated with the plurality of plausible paths, and selects one of the plausible paths having a substantially lowest safety risk as a target path. An impact detector detects an impact between the vehicle and another object. A stability control is configured to autonomously steer the vehicle onto the target path when the impact is detected. 1. A vehicle comprising:an environment monitor having a plurality of sensors for detecting predetermined safety risks associated with a plurality of potential destination regions around the vehicle as the vehicle moves over a roadway, wherein the environment monitor selects one of the potential destination regions having a substantially lowest safety risk as a target area;a path determination unit assembling a plurality of plausible paths between the vehicle and the target area, monitoring predetermined safety risks associated with the plurality of plausible paths, and selecting one of the plausible paths having a substantially lowest safety risk as a target path;an impact detector for detecting an impact between the vehicle and another object; anda stability control configured to autonomously steer the vehicle onto the target path when the impact is detected, wherein the environment monitor and the path determination unit select the target area and the target path, respectively, before the impact occurs.2. The vehicle of wherein the predetermined safety risks include fixed obstructions and moving objects representing a potential collision.3. The vehicle ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Independent safety monitoring of an automated driving system

Номер: US20200017114A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

An automated driving system includes a security companion subsystem to access data generated at a compute subsystem of the automated driving system, which indicates a determination by the compute subsystem associated with an automated driving task. The security companion subsystem determines whether the determination is safe based on the data. The security companion subsystem is configured to realize a higher safety integrity level than the compute subsystem.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

High Performance System with Explicit Incorporation of ATC Regulations to Generate Contingency Plans for UAVs with Lost Communication

Номер: US20180017967A1

The present invention is to provide a method and system for generating contingency flight plans for normal landing and flight termination (crash) of UAVs (drones) in the event of lost communications with ground control stations. The system is fast, automatic, comprehensive, and systematic. The contingency plan can be generated using laptops or PCs. The execution of contingency plans will involve the coordination of flight computer in drones, ground control station, air traffic controllers (ATC), and pilot in command (PIC). External devices such as satellites and RF towers are also involved in the process such as reestablishment of communications. 1. A lost link contingency flight plan generating system , comprising:a database generating module;a Pilot-In-Control (PIC) for flying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV);an UAV flight computer in communication with an Air Traffic Controller;a primary flight plan for the UAV; anda lost link contingency flight plan generator.2. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 1 , wherein:the database generating module includes information of FAA regulations, UAV performance models, airspace structure, ground radio towers, airport locations, flight termination points, rally/reconnection waypoints, and hovering waypoints near airports.3. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a Risk Management Plan module;a Preparedness and Prevention Plan module;an Incident Response Plan module; anda Rescue and Recovery Plan module.4. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 3 , wherein:the Risk Management Plan module analyzes the risk against the causes of lost link throughout the primary flight plan with the help of a Situation Analysis module.5. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 4 , wherein:the Situation Analysis module assess the risk of the lost link plan generated against multiple UAVs in the same area, and adjust the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Controlling An Intersection Of A Route Of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Номер: US20220036747A1
Автор: Richard Ortman

The disclosure provides systems and methods for controlling an intersection of a route of a UAV. The systems and methods provide detection of vehicles and persons in (or predicted to enter) an area of the intersection and provide a signal to the UAV so that the UAV can avoid flying over vehicles and persons.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018408A1

Devices and methods are disclosed for verifying the integrity of a sensing system. In one aspect, a vehicle includes an integrated circuit configured to support a message-based protocol between the integrated circuit and a sensor device associated with the vehicle, and send a sensor capability safety support message, as part of the message-based protocol, to determine one or more capabilities of the sensor device. The integrated circuit is also configured to receive, in response to the sensor capability safety support message, identification data corresponding to the sensor device, from the sensor device. The memory is configured to store a plurality of request data corresponding to a plurality of fields supported by the message-based protocol and associated with the integrated circuit and the sensor device capabilities, and store the response, including the identification data, from the sensor device. 1. A vehicle comprising: support a message-based protocol between the integrated circuit and one or more sensor devices associated with the vehicle, and', 'send a sensor capability safety support message, which is part of the message-based protocol, to determine one or more sensor device capabilities of the one or more sensor devices, and', 'receive, in response to the sensor capability safety support message, identification data corresponding to the one or more sensor devices, from the one or more sensor devices; and, 'an integrated circuit that includes a processor that is configured to store a plurality of request data corresponding to a plurality of fields supported by the message-based protocol and associated with the integrated circuit and the one or more sensor devices capabilities, and', 'store the response, including the identification data, from the one or more sensor devices., 'a memory configured to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the integrated circuit is configured to periodically receive first baseline vehicle safety data associated with the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018895A1

Described embodiments include a self-propelled vehicle, method, and system. The self-propelled vehicle includes an autonomous driving system configured to dynamically determine maneuvers operating the vehicle along a route in an automated mode without continuous input from a human driver. The vehicle includes an input device configured to receive a real-time request for a specific dynamic maneuver by the vehicle operating along the route from the human driver. The vehicle includes a decision circuit configured to select a real-time dynamic maneuver by arbitrating between (i) the received real-time request for the specific dynamic maneuver from the human driver and (ii) a real-time determination relative to the specific dynamic maneuver received from the autonomous driving system. The vehicle includes an implementation circuit configured to output the selected real-time dynamic maneuver to an operations system of the vehicle. 1. A self-propelled vehicle comprising:an autonomous driving system configured to dynamically determine maneuvers operating the vehicle along a route in an automated mode without continuous input from a human driver;an input device configured to receive a real-time request from the human driver for a specific dynamic maneuver by the vehicle operating along the route;a decision circuit configured to select a real-time dynamic maneuver by arbitrating between (i) the received real-time request for the specific dynamic maneuver from the human driver and (ii) a real-time determination relative to the specific dynamic maneuver received from the autonomous driving system; andan implementation circuit configured to output the selected real-time dynamic maneuver to an operations system of the vehicle.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the decision circuit is configured to select a real-time dynamic maneuver by arbitrating among (i) the received real-time request for the specific dynamic maneuver by the vehicle from the human driver claim 1 , (ii) a real ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle Sensor Verification and Calibration

Номер: US20200019160A1

An example method involves detecting a sensor-testing trigger. Detecting the sensor-testing trigger may comprise determining that a vehicle is within a threshold distance to a target in an environment of the vehicle. The method also involves obtaining sensor data collected by a sensor of the vehicle after the detection of the sensor-testing trigger. The sensor data is indicative of a scan of a region of the environment that includes the target. The method also involves comparing the sensor data with previously-collected sensor data indicating detection of the target by one or more sensors during one or more previous scans of the environment. The method also involves generating performance metrics related to the sensor of the vehicle based on the comparison. 1. A method comprising:detecting, by a vehicle, a sensor-testing trigger, wherein detecting the sensor-testing trigger comprises determining that the vehicle is within a threshold distance to a target in an environment of the vehicle;obtaining sensor data collected by a sensor of the vehicle after the detection of the sensor-testing trigger, wherein the sensor data is indicative of a scan of a region of the environment that includes the target;comparing the sensor data with previously-collected sensor data indicating detection of the target by one or more sensors during one or more previous scans of the environment; andbased on at least the comparison, generating performance metrics related to the sensor of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the sensor-testing trigger further comprises determining that the sensor is not occluded from viewing the target by one or more objects between the vehicle and the target.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:based on at least the generated performance metrics, operating the sensor of the vehicle to perform subsequent scans of the environment.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the sensor data comprises:in response to detecting the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Determining when to Release Control of an Autonomous Vehicle

Номер: US20210018915A1

Systems and methods for controlling an autonomous vehicle are provided. In one example embodiment, a computer-implemented method includes providing a control of the autonomous vehicle to a user associated with a vehicle service. The method includes identifying one or more release signals indicative of one or more actions of the user. The method includes releasing the control of the autonomous vehicle from the user, based at least in part on the release signals. 123-. (canceled)24. A computer-implemented method , the method comprising:obtaining, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices, interior sensor data indicative of an interior environment of a vehicle during the performance of a vehicle service;identifying, by the computing system, one or more release signals based, at least in part, on the interior sensor data;determining, by the computing system, that the vehicle service is complete based, at least in part, on the one or more release signals; andin response to determining that the vehicle service is complete, initiating, by the computing system, a vehicle action.25. The computer-implemented method of claim 24 , wherein the interior sensor data indicative of the interior environment of the vehicle comprises at least one of image data or motion capture data indicative of a user exiting the autonomous vehicle.26. The computer-implemented method of claim 24 , wherein the vehicle comprises one or more interior sensors onboard the vehicle claim 24 , the one or more interior sensors comprising at least one of one or more cameras claim 24 , one or more motion sensors claim 24 , one or more door sensors claim 24 , or one or more pressure sensors.27. The computer-implemented method of claim 24 , wherein the one or more release signals are indicative of one or more actions of a user within the vehicle.28. The computer-implemented method of claim 24 , wherein the one or more release signals are indicative of a number of passengers that entered the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Providing Remote Assistance via Pre-Stored Image Data

Номер: US20210018930A1
Автор: Herbach Joshua

Examples described may enable provision of remote assistance for an autonomous vehicle. An example method includes a computing system operating in a rewind mode. In the rewind mode, the system may be configured to provide information to a remote assistance operated based on a remote-assistance triggering criteria being met, such as a detected object having a low detection confidence. When the triggering criteria is met, the remote assistance system may provide data from the time leading up to when the remote-assistance triggering criteria was met that was capture of the environment of autonomous vehicle to the remote assistance operator. Based on viewing the data, the remote assistance operator may provide and input to the system that causes a command to be issued to the autonomous vehicle. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at a computing system coupled to a vehicle, sensor data representative of an environment of the vehicle from a vehicle sensor;determining, by the computing system, a detection confidence for an object in the environment is below a threshold confidence;based on determining the detection confidence for the object in the environment is below the threshold confidence, transmitting, by the computing system, a request for remote assistance to a remote computing device, wherein the request for remote assistance includes sensor data obtained by the vehicle sensor prior to determining the detection confidence for the object in the environment is below the threshold confidence; andcontrolling, by the computing system, the vehicle based on an input received from the remote computing device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving sensor data representative of the environment of the vehicle from the vehicle sensor comprises:receiving one or more images of the environment from a vehicle camera system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining the detection confidence for the object in the environment is below the threshold confidence comprises: ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019179A1
Автор: SCHULLER Florian
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The disclosure relates to a method for operating a motor vehicle in a navigation surrounding area, in particular in a parking surrounding area. A digital navigation map, which describes a roadway grid, of the navigation surrounding area is used, and a navigation route to a destination contained in the navigation map is ascertained by a navigation system of the motor vehicle while taking into consideration the navigation map. Sensor data which describes the environment of the motor vehicle is ascertained by means of a motor vehicle sensor device, and the navigation system carries out a vehicle guidance algorithm which uses the sensor data as input data and is trained by means of a machine learning process using training data. The motor vehicle is guided at least temporarily along the navigation route automatically according to at least one lateral and/or longitudinal guidance action ascertained by the vehicle guidance algorithm on the basis of the input data. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a motor vehicle in a navigation environment , comprising:applying a digital navigation map of the navigation environment, wherein the digital navigation map describes a roadway network;determining, by a navigation system of the motor vehicle, a navigation route to a target position contained in the digital navigation map, taking account of the digital navigation map;providing, by a sensor device on the motor vehicle side, sensor data, wherein the sensor data describe the surroundings of the motor vehicle;training, by means of machine learning, a vehicle guidance algorithm on the basis of training data, wherein the vehicle guidance algorithm uses the sensor data as input data;implementing, by the navigation system, the vehicle guidance algorithm; andguiding, automatically, the motor vehicle along the navigation route according to a transverse or longitudinal guidance action determined by the vehicle guidance algorithm.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the navigation ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: US20170021829A1
Автор: Motoki Nishimura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle control device, detection of an object around a vehicle is performed, in a case where it is determined that there is a possibility that the vehicle may collide with the object, whether or not a collision can be avoided by braking control of the vehicle is determined, and in a case where it is determined that a collision cannot be avoided by the braking control, steering and braking control to avoid a collision by both steering of the vehicle and braking of the vehicle is performed, flashing of a direction indicator is started, and in a case where the vehicle has stopped, flashing of hazard flashing indicators is performed.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023377A1
Автор: Henderson George R.

One example aspect of the present disclosure relates to a method for assessing input. The method can include determining a state of the aerial vehicle. The method can include obtaining data indicative of an expected operator input based on the determined state. The method can include obtaining data indicative of an actual operator input. The method can include determining a state of operator behavior based on the expected operator input and the actual operator input. The method can include determining a control action for the aerial vehicle based on the determined state of the aerial vehicle and the determined state of the operator behavior. The method can include implementing the control action. 1. A system for assessing input comprising:a memory device; and determine a state of a vehicle;', 'obtain data indicative of an expected operator input based on the determined state;', 'obtain data indicative of an actual operator input;', 'determine a state of operator behavior based on the expected operator input and the actual operator input;', 'determine a control action for the aerial vehicle based on the determined state of the aerial vehicle and the determined state of the operator behavior; and', 'implement the control action., 'one or more processors configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the vehicle state is determined to be abnormal and when the operator behavior state is determined to be abnormal claim 1 , the control action comprises tightening an operating envelope.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle state is determined to be stalled claim 2 , and the control action comprises ignoring a signal indicative of a backward movement of a yoke.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the vehicle state is determined to be abnormal and when the operator behavior state is determined to be normal claim 1 , the control action comprises broadening an operating envelope.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the vehicle state is determined to be ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160026188A1

A device for automatically engaging an automated emergency descent of an aircraft. The device comprises a monitoring unit configured to automatically compare, repetitively, a current cabin altitude of the aircraft to an engagement threshold representing an altitude value, an activation unit configured to automatically engage the automated emergency descent when the current cabin altitude reaches the engagement threshold called main engagement threshold, and a unit for generating at least one engagement threshold configured at least to adapt the main engagement threshold according to the terrain, the main engagement threshold corresponding to the sum of a terrain altitude and a predetermined margin. 1. A method for automatically engaging an automated emergency descent of an aircraft , said method comprising the steps:automatically comparing, repetitively, a current cabin altitude of the aircraft to an engagement threshold representing an altitude value,automatically engaging said automated emergency descent when the current cabin altitude reaches said engagement threshold called main engagement threshold, andadapting the main engagement threshold according to the terrain, said main engagement threshold corresponding to the sum of a terrain altitude and a predetermined margin.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said terrain altitude corresponds to one of the following altitudes:an altitude of a take-off runway, supplied by a pressure regulation system for the cabin of the aircraft;an altitude of a landing runway, supplied by the pressure regulation system of the cabin of the aircraft; andan altitude of a landing runway, supplied by a flight management system of the aircraft.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a step of defining an additional engagement threshold called default engagement threshold claim 1 , and the step of automatically engaging said automated emergency descent uses this default engagement threshold as the engagement ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Classification methods and systems

Номер: US20190026588A1
Автор: Lawrence Oliver Ryan

Systems and method are provided for classifying an object. In one embodiment, a method includes receiving sensor data associated with an environment of a vehicle; processing, by a processor, the sensor data to determine an element within a scene; generating, by the processor, a bounding box around the element; projecting, by the processor, segments of the element onto the bounding box to obtain a depth image; and classifying the object by providing the depth image to a machine learning model and receiving a classification output that classifies the element as an object for assisting in control of the autonomous vehicle.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Autonomous driving computational method of vehicle using gravitational field theory

Номер: US20200026274A1
Автор: Hirotaka Kitagawa
Принадлежит: Individual

A generation positon of a gravity and an observation position are appropriately specified according to traffic environment and traffic rules. Thus, safety autonomous driving is enabled based on Theory of Relativity (gravitational field theory).

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026308A1

An aircraft flight control system and method are provided. The system provides a control module that receives inertial data, sensor data, and a target airspeed. The control module processes the received data with aircraft thrust and drag models to evaluate the aircraft energy state. Based on the aircraft energy state, the control module determines (i) a maximum predicted potential flight path “max PPFP”, defined by a maximum thrust at the target airspeed, and (ii) an idle predicted potential flight path, “idle PPFP,” defined by an idle thrust at the target airspeed. The control module generates display commands for a display system to display (i) the flight path angle, (ii) the max PPFP and (iii) the idle PPFP. In addition, the control module generates and displays a predicted flight path speed indicator (PFPS) when the FPA is above the max PPFP or below the idle PPFP. 1. A method for providing flight path angle (FPA) information on a primary flight display (PFD) of an aircraft , the method comprising:receiving, from a user interface, a target airspeed;receiving, from a navigation system, navigation data comprising a flight path angle, attitude, and airspeed;receiving, from on-board sensors, sensor data comprising environmental data and engine thrust status; processing the navigation data, the sensor data, and the target airspeed, to determine (i) a maximum predicted potential flight path (max PPFP), defined by a maximum thrust at the target airspeed, and (ii) an idle predicted potential flight path (idle PPFP), defined by an idle thrust at the target airspeed;', 'commanding the PFD to render symbolic indicators for, (i) the flight path angle, and (ii) a first symbol that represents the max PPFP and a second symbol that represents the idle PPFP;', 'determining, when the max PPFP is greater than the FPA, and the FPA is greater than the idle PPFP, that the aircraft is in a speed controlled zone; and', 'commanding the PFD to display an indicator of an auto-throttle (A/ ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Safety apparatus for a vehicle

Номер: US20140114526A1
Автор: ERB Frank
Принадлежит: SICK AG

A safety apparatus () is set forth for a vehicle (), in particular a driverless vehicle, having at least one optoelectronic sensor () for detecting objects in a monitored zone (), having a protected field determination unit () for the dynamic definition of a protected field () within the monitored zone (), having a protected field monitoring unit () for recognizing unpermitted intrusions into the protected field () as a protected field incursion and having a safety output () for outputting an emergency stop signal or braking signal to a vehicle control () of the vehicle () in the case of a protected field incursion. The protected field determination unit () is in this respect configured to define the protected field () with reference to an emergency stop trajectory (). 120010010183420618362063210210034206210. A safety apparatus () for a vehicle () having at least one optoelectronic sensor () for detecting objects in a monitored zone () , having a protected field determination unit () for the dynamic definition of a protected field () within the monitored zone () , having a protected field monitoring unit () for recognizing unpermitted intrusions into the protected field () as a protected field incursion and having a safety output () for outputting an emergency stop signal or braking signal to a vehicle control () of the vehicle () in the case of a protected field incursion , wherein the protected field determination unit () is configured to define the protected field () with reference to an emergency stop trajectory ().2200100. The safety apparatus () in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the vehicle () is a driverless vehicle.32002011003621010036. The safety apparatus () in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a communication connection () is provided between the vehicle control () and the protected field determination unit () to transmit the emergency stop trajectory () from the vehicle control () to the protected field determination unit ().4200. The safety apparatus ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Device and method for the autonomous control of motor vehicles

Номер: US20160033965A1
Автор: Hermann Kopetz

The invention relates to a device for controlling the braking and/or steering and/or acceleration in a motor vehicle, wherein the device has a number of different sensor components, two diverse sensor fusion components, a man/machine interface component and a preferably intelligent actuator controller component, wherein each of these components constitutes a fault-containment unit and has a TTEthernet communications interface, and wherein all components are connected to a central TTEthernet message distribution unit, and wherein the components communicate with one another exclusively with use of standardised Ethernet messages, and wherein a diagnosis unit for time-correct monitoring of the exchanged messages can be connected to the TTEthernet message distribution unit.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030242A1
Автор: HU Jianfeng

Disclosed are a cleaning system and a control method thereof. The cleaning system includes a self-propelled cleaning robot, a safety guard connector, a detector assembly; where the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector are detachably connected with each other, and the detector assembly detect whether the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector being connected with each other or not 1. A cleaning system , comprising: a self-propelled cleaning robot , a safety guard connector , a detector assembly;wherein the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector are detachably connected with each other through a safety rope, and the detector assembly detect whether the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector being connected with each other or not.2. The cleaning system according to claim 1 , further comprising: a control unit;wherein the detector assembly is in communication connection with the control unit, and the control unit controls whether the self-propelled cleaning robot enters a safe activation state depending on a detection signal received from the detector assembly.3. The cleaning system according to claim 1 , wherein the self-propelled cleaning robot is provided with a first connection portion and the safety guard connector is provided with a second connection portion claim 1 , and the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector are detachably connected with each other through the first connection portion and the second connection portion.4. The cleaning system according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 ,when the first connection portion and the second connection portion cooperate with each other and are fixed, the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector are connected with each other; andwhen the first connection portion and the second connection portion are separated from each other, the self-propelled cleaning robot and the safety guard connector are ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for situational awareness, vehicle control, and/or contingency planning

Номер: US20190031330A1
Принадлежит: SkyRyse Inc

A method, preferably including: sampling inputs, determining aircraft conditions, and/or acting based on the aircraft conditions. A method, preferably including: sampling inputs, determining input reliability, determining guidance, and/or controlling aircraft operation. A method, preferably including: operating the vehicle, planning for contingencies, detecting undesired flight conditions, and/or reacting to undesired flight conditions. A system, preferably an aircraft such as a rotorcraft, configured to implement the method.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031363A1
Автор: XIANG Nan, ZHANG Wei

This application relates to the field of self-driving car technologies. In a vehicle control method, first control behavior information is obtained, by processing circuitry of a vehicle, via a vehicle-mounted sensor system in a case that the vehicle is in an autonomous control mode. The first control behavior information is generated from a first user action performed on the vehicle. Whether the first control behavior information corresponds to a predetermined type of control behavior information is determined by the processing circuitry. The predetermined type of control behavior information corresponds to a user action type that is triggered by a reflex of a user. A switch, by the processing circuitry, is performed from the autonomous control mode to a manual control mode in a case that the first control behavior information is not determined as the predetermined type of control behavior information. 1. A vehicle control method , comprising:obtaining, by processing circuitry of a vehicle, first control behavior information via a vehicle-mounted sensor system in a case that the vehicle is in an autonomous control mode, the first control behavior information being generated from a first user action performed on the vehicle;determining, by the processing circuitry, whether the first control behavior information corresponds to a predetermined type of control behavior information, the predetermined type of control behavior information corresponding to a user action type that is triggered by a reflex of a user; andswitching, by the processing circuitry, from the autonomous control mode to a manual control mode in a case that the first control behavior information is not determined as the predetermined type of control behavior information.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined type of control behavior information includes at least one of stress-induced control behavior information or involuntary control behavior information.3. The method according ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031715A1

A self-diagnosing sensor system for a vehicle is provided. The vehicle has a bumper with fascia material. The sensor system includes an elongated, deflectable cable disposed in the bumper generally adjacent to the fascia material. A tensioning and sensing unit is coupled to each end of the cable and fixed to the vehicle. Each unit includes a tension sensor electrically connected with an ECU of the vehicle such that the ECU receives signals from the tension sensors regarding tension in the cable, indicative of 1) whether the bumper has been impacted based on deflection of the cable from a sensing position, or 2) whether damage to the cable or a tensioning and sensing unit has occurred. 1. A self-diagnosing sensor system for a vehicle , the vehicle having a bumper with fascia material , the sensor system comprising:an elongated, deflectable cable disposed in the bumper generally adjacent to the fascia material, a cable drive member fixed to an associated end of the cable,', 'a biasing member acting on the cable drive member so as to bias the cable to a non-deflected, sensing position, and', 'a tension sensor constructed and arranged to detect tension of the cable,, 'a tensioning and sensing unit coupled to each end of the cable, each tensioning and sensing unit being fixed to the vehicle and comprisingwherein each tension sensor is constructed and arranged to be electrically connected with an ECU such that the ECU can receives signals from the tension sensors regarding tension in the cable, indicative of 1) whether the bumper has been impacted based on deflection of the cable from the sensing position, or 2) whether damage to the cable or a tensioning and sensing unit has occurred.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes the ECU and the ECU includes a processor circuit constructed and arranged to determine whether tension of the cable claim 1 , when in the sensing position as detected by the tension sensors claim 1 , is within a preset range.3. ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031791A1

Methods and systems for monitoring use, determining risk, and pricing insurance policies for a vehicle having one or more autonomous or semi-autonomous operation features are provided. According to certain aspects, a computer-implemented method for real-time determination of the status of autonomous operation features of an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle may be provided. With the customer's permission, the operation of the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle may be monitored to obtain operating data from one or more autonomous operation features. An operating status of the autonomous features may be determined based upon the operating data. After which, a change in the operating status of the autonomous features may be identified, and a report containing information regarding the change in the operating status of the autonomous features may be generated. Insurance discounts may be provided to risk averse customers that maintain their autonomous vehicles, and associated accident avoidance functionality, in good working condition. 1. A computer-implemented method for determination of an impairment of operation of one or more autonomous operation features of an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle , comprising:determining, by one or more processors, the impairment of operation of the one or more autonomous operation features;determining, by the one or more processors, a risk level associated with operation of the one or more autonomous operation features based upon the impairment;when the risk level exceeds a threshold, implementing, by the one or more processors, an action to reduce a risk associated with operation of the vehicle;determining, by the one or more processors, an adjustment to a cost associated with an insurance policy associated with the autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle based upon the determined change in the operating status of the one or more autonomous operation features; andcausing, by the one or more processors, the adjustment to the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033859A1

A sensor failure compensation system for an automated vehicle includes first and second sensors, and a controller. The first sensor is configured to monitor a first condition and output a first signal associated with the first condition. The second sensor is configured to monitor a second condition and output a second signal associated with the second condition. The controller is configured to receive and process the first signal to establish a first reaction relative to the first condition and toward reaching a goal, receive and process the second signal to establish a second reaction relative to the second condition and toward reaching the goal, and establish a third reaction relative to the second condition and toward reaching the goal if the first sensor is malfunctioning. 1. A sensor comprising:a first sensor of a vehicle traveling a route configured to monitor a first condition and output a first signal associated with the first condition;a second sensor of a vehicle configured to monitor a second condition and output a second signal associated with the second condition; and receive and process the first signal to establish a first reaction relative to the first condition;', 'receive and process the second signal to establish a second reaction relative to the second condition;', 'recognize, based on the first or second signals, that the first or second sensor is compromised; and', 'in accordance with recognizing that the first or second sensor is compromised, initiating at least one of controlling the vehicle or determining an alternative route for the vehicle to compensate for the compromised sensor., 'a controller-circuit of the vehicle configured to2. The system set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first or second condition is an object that is specifically monitored for within a long-range or short-range scene.3. The system set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is a long distance imaging device and the second sensor is a short distance imaging ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033845A1
Автор: PARK Yongsoo

An aspect of the present disclosure, in a method for controlling by an emergency step, the method senses an object through a sensor; determines an emergency step related the object based on at least one of a distance with the object, a collision estimation time with the object, and an appearance event of the object; and transmits, to a server, sensing data related to the object based on the emergency step. Through the method, the server may control quickly the vehicle based on the emergency step determined in the vehicle. At least one of an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal and a server of the present disclosure may be associated with an artificial intelligence module, a drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) robot, augmented reality (AR) device, virtual reality (VR)) device, a device related to a 5G service, and the like. 1. A method for controlling by an emergency step in a vehicle in the autonomous driving system , the method comprising the step of:sensing an object through a sensor:determining an emergency step related the object based on at least one of a distance with the object, a collision estimation time with the object, and an appearance event of the object; andtransmitting, to a server, sensing data related to the object based on the emergency step,wherein the vehicle is remotely controlled through the server and the appearance event is to indicate that the object is an object not sensed for a predetermined time in the sensor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the emergency step is classified based on the degree of attention required related to the object claim 1 , andcomprises the step of indicating that the vehicle should immediately perform a control operation relating to the object.3. The method of claim 2 , when the emergency step indicates that the vehicle should immediately perform the control operation claim 2 , the sensing data is composed of location information of the object and information of the emergency step.4. The method of claim 3 , ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039395A1

There are provided a deceleration end location storage system that can appropriately store a deceleration end location at which a vehicle ends deceleration in decelerating action even for a road on which the content of the decelerating action tends to vary because of a disturbance such as a road with a large amount of traffic, and a drive assist system, a drive assist method, and a computer program that can provide appropriate drive assistance for a vehicle on the basis of stored deceleration end locations. In the case where a vehicle performs decelerating action, a deceleration end location at which the vehicle ends deceleration in the decelerating action is specified. A variation range that matches the road type of a road on which the deceleration end location is provided is set. In the case where learning data stored in a learning DB already include learning data for a different deceleration end location provided within the variation range set from the present deceleration end location, such deceleration end locations are stored as learning data for the same deceleration end location. 1. A deceleration end location storage system comprising:decelerating action detection module for detecting decelerating action of a vehicle;deceleration end location specifying module for specifying a deceleration end location at which the vehicle ends deceleration in the detected decelerating action; anddeceleration end location storage unit for storing the specified deceleration end location, wherein:the deceleration end location storage unitsearches for a different deceleration end location provided within a predetermined range from the specified deceleration end location from deceleration end locations which have already been stored in the case where the deceleration end location is specified, andstores the specified deceleration end location as the same deceleration end location as the different deceleration end location in the case where there is any different deceleration ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035269A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget lM Ericsson (publ)

A method and a traffic control entity () for controlling a group of vehicles () capable of autonomous driving without requiring a driver, to allow an emergency vehicle () to pass the group of vehicles () which are travelling concurrently in multiple lanes on a road. When detecting that the emergency vehicle () is approaching the group of vehicles () e.g. from behind, the vehicles in the group () are identified based on information () about current position and movement of the vehicles (). The traffic control entity () then issues a command () instructing the identified vehicles to adjust their lateral positions relative the lanes to create a passage along the group of vehicles (). Thereby, the emergency vehicle () is able to move through the passage without having to slow down significantly. 1. A method performed by a traffic control entity for controlling a group of vehicles capable of autonomous driving without requiring a driver , to allow an emergency vehicle to pass the group of vehicles which are travelling concurrently in multiple lanes on a road , the method comprising:detecting that the emergency vehicle is approaching the group of vehicles,identifying the vehicles in the group based on information about current position and movement of the vehicles in the group, andissuing a command instructing the identified vehicles to adjust their lateral positions relative the lanes to create a passage along the group of vehicles so as to allow the emergency vehicle to move through said passage.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the command instructs the vehicles travelling in the first set of lanes to move in a first lateral direction and the vehicles travelling in the second set of lanes to move in a second lateral direction opposite to the first lateral direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the command instructs all vehicles in the group to move laterally in the same direction such that the passage is created on one side of the group of vehicles. ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034068A1

Systems and methods are provided for navigating an autonomous vehicle using reinforcement learning techniques. In one implementation, a navigation system for a host vehicle may include at least one processing device programmed to: receive, from a camera, a plurality of images representative of an environment of the host vehicle; analyze the plurality of images to identify a navigational state associated with the host vehicle; provide the navigational state to a trained navigational system: receive, from the trained navigational system, a desired navigational action for execution by the host vehicle in response to the identified navigational state; analyze the desired navigational action relative to one or more predefined navigational constraints; determine an actual navigational action for the host vehicle, wherein the actual navigational action includes at least one modification of the desired navigational action determined based on the one or more predefined navigational constraints; and cause at least one adjustment of a navigational actuator of the host vehicle in response to the determined actual navigational action for the host vehicle. 135-. (canceled)36. A navigation system for a host vehicle , the system comprising: receive, from a camera, a plurality of images representative of an environment of the host vehicle;', 'analyze the plurality of images to identify a first object and a second object in the environment of the host vehicle;', 'determine a first predefined navigational constraint implicated by the first object and a second predefined navigational constraint implicated by the second object, wherein the first predefined navigational constraint and the second predefined navigational constraint cannot both be satisfied, and wherein the second predefined navigational constraint has a priority higher than the first predefined navigational constraint;', 'determine a navigational action for the host vehicle satisfying the second predefined navigational ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037260A1

Abnormality determination for a driver is appropriately made in accordance with a peripheral state when lane keeping assist control is being carried out. When a no-driving operation state has continued for a period equal to or more than a set period, a driving support ECU determines whether or not a change inhibition condition set in advance in relation to a peripheral state of an own vehicle is satisfied. When the change inhibition condition is not satisfied, the driving support ECU sets a control mode of LKA to a “weaker mode” to decrease a control amount of the LKA. As a result, the own vehicle swerves in a lane, and a driver who has not fallen into an abnormal state can be prompted to carry out a steering wheel operation. Thus, it is possible to discriminate a driver who has fallen into the abnormal state and a driver who has not fallen into the abnormal state from one another. When the change inhibition condition is satisfied, the driving support ECU sets the control mode of the LKA to a “normal mode”. 1. A vehicle control device , comprising:lane keeping assist means for recognizing a road ahead of an own vehicle to set a target travel line, calculating a lane keeping assist control amount for carrying out driving support for a driver so that the own vehicle travels along the target travel line, and carrying out steering control for the own vehicle based on the lane keeping assist control amount;control amount change means for changing the lane keeping assist control amount so as to decrease lane keeping assist performance, which is performance of causing the own vehicle to travel along the target travel line, when such a set event set in advance that the driver is suspected to be in an abnormal state is detected;reaction detection means for detecting a reaction of the driver after the lane keeping assist control amount is changed;abnormality-time driving control means for carrying out, when the reaction of the driver is not detected by the reaction detection ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Control Device

Номер: US20180037262A1
Автор: Imai Masato

This vehicle control device is provided with: an environment recognition unit for recognizing the surrounding environment of a vehicle; a parking route generation unit for generating a travel route to a parking position which is determined on the basis of the recognized surrounding environment; a signal input unit to which a parking command signal is input; and a travel control unit for causing the vehicle to travel along the travel route to the parking position on the basis of the input parking command signal. The vehicle control device drives the vehicle to travel to the parking position for automatic parking while behaving differently depending on whether the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a first parking command signal or a second parking command signal. 1. A vehicle control device , comprising:an environment recognition unit that recognizes a surrounding environment of a vehicle;a parking route generation unit that generates a travel route to a parking position determined on the basis of the surrounding environment that is recognized;a signal input unit to which a parking command signal is input; anda travel control unit that allows the vehicle to travel to the parking position along the travel route on the basis of the parking command signal that is input,wherein the vehicle is driven to perform automatic parking travel to the parking position in a behavior different between a situation in which the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a first parking command signal and a situation in which the parking command signal input to the signal input unit is a second parking command signal.2. The vehicle control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a passenger recognition unit that recognizes presence or absence of a passenger in a vehicle,wherein in a case where it is determined by the passenger recognition unit that the passenger is not present, the parking command signal is recognized as the first parking ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039266A1

The present disclosure provides a safety verifying system for a tractor-trailer combination. The system includes a trailer-data storing portion, a wireless reader, a determining portion, and a controlling portion. The trailer-data storing portion is disposed in a trailer that is to be towed by a tractor. The trailer-data storing portion stores first data associated with the trailer. The wireless reader retrieves the first data from the trailer-data storing portion. The determining portion determines whether the combination of the trailer and the tractor satisfies a safety requirement based on the first data retrieved by the wireless reader and second data associated with the tractor or an intended route to a destination of the trailer. The controlling portion controls operation of the tractor based on a result of the determining portion. 1. A safety verifying system for a tractor-trailer combination , comprising:a trailer-data storing portion that is disposed in a trailer that is to be towed by a tractor, the trailer-data storing portion storing or encoding first data associated with the trailer;a wireless reader that retrieves the first data from the trailer-data storing portion;a determining portion that determines whether the combination of the trailer and the tractor satisfies a safety requirement based on the first data retrieved by the wireless reader and second data associated with the tractor or an intended route to a destination of the trailer; anda controlling portion that controls operation of the tractor based on a result of the determining portion.2. The safety verifying system according to claim 1 , whereinthe trailer-data storing portion is a two-dimensional barcode, andthe wireless reader is a camera.3. The safety verifying system according to claim 2 , whereinthe two-dimensional barcode is disposed on a front side of the trailer, andthe camera is a vehicle mounted camera that is disposed in a rear side of the tractor.4. The safety verifying system ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039267A1
Автор: Miyake Kohji

An autonomous travelling vehicle that autonomously travels based on surrounding information includes an information processing unit that processes surrounding information obtained, a control unit that controls driving of the autonomous travelling vehicle based on the surrounding information, a surrounding information acquisition sensor that obtains surrounding information for the travelling direction of the car body, and a blind area determining unit that determines a blind area around the car body not covered by the surrounding information acquisition sensor. When the autonomous travelling vehicle travels in a blind area at the start of travel, the control unit controls the autonomous travelling vehicle so as to travel at a speed lower than a preset normal speed. 1. An autonomous travelling apparatus having a detection device to obtain surrounding information and autonomously travelling based on the surrounding information , the autonomous travelling apparatus comprising:an information processing unit that processes surrounding information obtained by the detection device;a control unit that controls driving of the autonomous travelling apparatus based on the surrounding information;a travelling direction information detecting unit that functions as the detection device to obtain surrounding information for a travelling direction; andan undetectable area determining unit that determines a nearby undetectable area not covered by the travelling direction information detecting unit, whereinwhen the autonomous travelling apparatus travels in the undetectable area at a start of travel, the control unit controls the autonomous travelling apparatus so as to travel at a predetermined speed lower than a preset normal speed.2. The autonomous travelling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined speed lower than the preset normal speed is equal to or below a collision safety speed for humans.3. The autonomous travelling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Tag reader with diagnostic tag and an industrial vehicle incorporating the same

Номер: US20180039799A1
Принадлежит: Crown Equipment Corp

An industrial vehicle comprising a tag reader, a reader module, and a diagnostic tag, wherein the diagnostic tag is coupled to the industrial truck within a read range of the tag reader. The reader module and the tag reader cooperate to identify the diagnostic tag and individual tags of a tag layout and the reader module discriminates between the individual tags of the tag layout and the diagnostic tag and the individual tags of the tag layout, correlates an identified individual tag of the tag layout with tag data, correlates an identified diagnostic tag with operation of the tag reader, and generates a missing tag signal if the diagnostic tag is not identified or the operation of the tag reader is not within specified operating parameters.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039607A1

A mobile object control system has an SfM unit detecting distance to an object imaged by a monocular camera by using the SfM algorithm, a first-stop-position output unit outputting a first stop position, a second-stop-position calculating unit calculating a second stop position closer than the first stop position, and a control unit controlling travel of a mobile object. The control unit controls the mobile object so as to stop at the second stop position. When a predetermined starting condition is satisfied, the control unit controls the mobile object so as to start. The SfM unit detects the distance to an object by using an image captured by the monocular camera after the mobile object starts. When a result of detection of the distance of the object by the SfM unit is obtained, the control unit uses the detection result for control of the travel. 1. A mobile object control system comprising:an SfM unit detecting distance to an object captured by a monocular camera which forward images in a movement direction of a mobile object by using an SfM algorithm;a first-stop-position output unit outputting a first stop position satisfying a predetermined safety criterion;a second-stop-position calculating unit calculating a second stop position closer than the first stop position; anda control unit controlling travel of the mobile object,wherein the control unit controls so that the mobile object stops at the second stop position and, when a predetermined starting condition is satisfied, controls so that the mobile object starts from the second start position,wherein the SfM unit detects distance to the object by using an image captured by the monocular camera after the mobile object starts from the second stop position, andwherein when a detection result of the distance of the object by the SfM unit is obtained, the control unit uses the detection result for control of travel of the mobile object.2. The mobile object control system according to claim 1 , wherein the second ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for detecting safety of driving behavior, apparatus, device and storage medium

Номер: US20200039525A1

A method for detecting safety of a driving behavior, an apparatus, a device and a storage medium are provided. The method includes acquiring current driving data of a vehicle during a driving process of the vehicle; determining current driving behavior feature data of the vehicle according to the current driving data of the vehicle; inputting the current driving behavior feature data of the vehicle into a real-time safety detection model and calculating a security score corresponding to current driving behavior of the vehicle; and determining whether the current driving behavior of the vehicle is safe according to the security score corresponding to the current driving behavior of the vehicle. The method can assist an optimization of a vehicle driving system, reduce a safety risk of vehicle driving, and improve a riding experience of the user.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Determining object detection area based on articulation angle

Номер: US20220057802A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A controller may determine, using a first sensor device of the machine, an articulation angle of the machine. The controller may adjust, based on the articulation angle, a size of an object detection area to obtain an adjusted object detection area. The object detection area may be associated with an articulation joint of the machine.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047034A1

Disclosed are an anti-drone method using a GPS spoofing signal and a system thereof. According to an embodiment of the inventive concept, an anti-drone method may include injecting a GPS spoofing signal to analyze a drone feature of a target drone and hijacking the target drone by injecting a GPS spoofing signal into the target drone based on a drone hijacking strategy corresponding to the analyzed drone feature among predefined drone hijacking strategies. The analyzing of the drone feature may include injecting the GPS spoofing signal to analyze a safety device mechanism (GPS fail-safe) and a path-following algorithm of the target drone. 1. An anti-drone method , the method comprising:injecting a GPS spoofing signal to analyze a drone feature of a target drone; andhijacking the target drone by injecting a GPS spoofing signal into the target drone based on a drone hijacking strategy corresponding to the analyzed drone feature among predefined drone hijacking strategies.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing of the drone feature includes:injecting the GPS spoofing signal to analyze a safety device mechanism (GPS fail-safe) and a path-following algorithm of the target drone.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing of the drone feature includes:by injecting the GPS spoofing signal for changing a GPS location of the target drone into the target drone to observe a movement direction of the target drone, identifying a path-following algorithm of the target drone based on a result of the observed movement direction; andby observing a flight mode of the target drone before and after activation of a safety device mechanism by the GPS spoofing signal and after an operation of a GPS receiver of the target drone is restored, identifying a safety device mechanism of the target drone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hijacking of the target drone includes:by generating the GPS spoofing signal based on the drone hijacking strategy corresponding to the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046261A1
Автор: Gulash Emery Charles

Computing devices, methods, and systems for locking vehicle operations when an occupant is not wearing a correctly positioned seatbelt are disclosed. One example method for locking vehicle operations includes identifying an occupant position and a seatbelt position based on information relating to an occupant of the vehicle and a seatbelt associated with the occupant; determining whether the occupant is correctly wearing the seatbelt based at least in part on the occupant position, the seatbelt position, and a reference model; and locking one or more vehicle operations if the occupant is not correctly wearing the seatbelt. Example implementations include using depth-sensing cameras, rendering a three-dimensional model representing the occupant position and the seatbelt position, and comparing the three-dimensional model and the reference model. Examples of vehicle operations that may be locked include ignition operations, gear shift operations, and autonomous driving operations. 1. A computing device for a vehicle , comprising:one or more processors for controlling the operations of the computing device; and identify an occupant position and a seatbelt position based on information relating to an occupant of the vehicle and a seatbelt associated with the occupant;', 'determine whether the occupant is correctly wearing the seatbelt based at least in part on the occupant position, the seatbelt position, and a reference model including one or more skeletal models wearing seatbelts in correct and incorrect ways; and', 'lock one or more vehicle operations if the occupant is not correctly wearing the seatbelt., 'a memory for storing data and program instructions used by the one or more processors, wherein the one or more processors are configured to execute instructions stored in the memory to2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the information relating to the occupant and the seatbelt are received from one or more optical sensors associated with the vehicle.3. ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046265A1

An electronic control unit for controlling and/or regulating at least one motor vehicle includes at least one integrated microcontroller system for executing software and at least two microcontroller units that each executes at least one independent operating system. The at least one interface is provided for the purpose of interchanging information between the microcontroller units. The electronic control unit includes a first microcontroller unit configured to control and/or regulate of a first motor vehicle system, and a second microcontroller unit configured to use the interface of the first microcontroller unit to provide defaults for the control and/or regulation of the first motor vehicle system 1. An electronic control unit for controlling and/or regulating at least one motor vehicle system , comprising:at least one integrated microcontroller system for executing software, which has at least two microcontroller units that each execute at least one independent operating system,wherein at least one interface is provided for the purpose of interchanging information between the microcontroller units,a first microcontroller unit, the first microcontroller unit configured control and/or regulation of a first motor vehicle system, anda second microcontroller unit, the second microcontroller unit being configured to use the interface of the first microcontroller unit to provide defaults for the control and/or regulation of the first motor vehicle system.2. The electronic control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the software implemented on the microcontroller units is configured such that a change to said software can be made on at least one of the microcontroller units without having to make a change to the software on the other microcontroller unit.3. The electronic control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least a first operating system and a second operating system of the at least one independent operating system are different than one another.4. The ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041849A1

A monitor ECU performs a support control based on a camera image photographed through a protection window by a camera . The ECU determines that a protection window state is an entire dirt state, when a first area index value calculated based on edge strength of pixels in a first area including a center of the camera image is smaller than a threshold dirt value. The ECU determines that the entire dirt state ends, when at least one of a first condition or a second condition is established. The first condition is established when the first area index value is equal to or greater than a first threshold end value. The second condition is established when a second area index value calculated based on the edge strength in a second area except the first area is equal to or greater than a second threshold end value. 1. A monitor device comprising:a control unit configured to perform a support control to support driving of an own vehicle based on a camera image which includes pixels and which is acquired by a camera for photographing an area around the own vehicle through a protection window which is exposed to outside of the own vehicle; and determine whether or not a protection window state is an entire dirt state where dirt has adhered to an entire surface of the protection window, based on edge strength of the pixels; and', 'determine whether or not the entire dirt state ends based on the edge strength, when it has been determined that the protection window state has been the entire dirt state,, 'a determination unit configured towherein,the control unit is configured not to perform the support control, when it has been determined that the protection window state has been the entire dirt state, and determine that the protection window state is the entire dirt state, when a first area index value calculated based on the edge strength of pixels included in a first area is smaller than a threshold dirt value, the first area encompassing a center of the camera image; and', ' ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods using image processing to determine at least one kinematic state of a vehicle

Номер: US20220058966A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell Aerospace SAS

System and methods are described that illustrate how to more accurately determine at least one state variable of a vehicle using imaging of a travel way line. Imaging can be used to determine an angle between a longitudinal axis of the travel way line and a longitudinal axis of the vehicle, a shortest distance between the center axis and a reference point on or in the vehicle, and corresponding errors. The determined angle, the determined distance, and the corresponding errors can be used to more accurately determine the at least one state variable.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for estimating road surface friction

Номер: US20180043900A1

Methods and systems are provided for determining a road surface friction coefficient and controlling a feature of the vehicle based thereon. In one embodiment, a method includes: receiving signals from an electronic power steering system and an inertial measurement unit; estimating parameters associated with an electronic power steering system model using an iterative optimization method; calculating an electronic power steering system variable using the electronic power steering system model, the estimated parameters and one or more of the received signals; determining whether the calculated electronic power steering system variable satisfies a fitness criterion; and when the calculated electronic power steering system variable does satisfy the fitness criterion, determining a road surface friction coefficient based on at least one of the estimated parameters.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041994A1

An autonomous vehicle receives sensor data from one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle, and generates a request for remote control of the autonomous vehicle by a computer system remote from the autonomous vehicle. Generating the request includes determining a quality metric associated with a network connection between the autonomous vehicle and the computer system, and upon determining that the quality metric is greater than a threshold quality level, transmitting, from the autonomous vehicle to the computer system the request for remote control and a first data item representing the sensor data. The first data item meets one or more conditions associated with the threshold quality level. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by an autonomous vehicle, sensor data from one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle; determining, by the autonomous vehicle, a quality metric associated with a network connection between the autonomous vehicle and the computer system, and', 'upon determining that the quality metric is greater than a threshold quality level, transmitting, from the autonomous vehicle to the computer system, the request for remote control and a first data item representing the sensor data, the first data item meeting one or more conditions associated with the threshold quality level., 'generating, by the autonomous vehicle, a request for remote control of the autonomous vehicle by a computer system remote from the autonomous vehicle, wherein generating the request comprises2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor data comprises at least one of a video claim 1 , an image claim 1 , or proximity data captured by the one or more sensors.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quality metric corresponds to an available bandwidth of the network connection.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quality metric corresponds to a latency associated with network connection.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quality metric corresponds to a reliability of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Controlling A Robotic Vehicle Following Flight Controller Signal Loss

Номер: US20200041998A1

Various embodiments include devices and methods for controlling a robotic vehicle. Each electronic speed controller (ESC) of the robotic vehicle may receive open loop flight control information from a flight controller or another processing device of the robotic vehicle. In some embodiments, each ESC may store the provided open loop flight control information in a memory. In response to detecting a loss of control signals from the flight controller, each ESC may access the stored open loop flight control information and perform control of a motor associated with each ESC based on the open loop flight control information. The open loop flight control information may be a sequence of motor control instructions to be performed over a period of time, or parameterized information or vehicle state information that enables each ESC to generate a sequence of motor control instructions. 1. A method for controlling a robotic vehicle , comprising:receiving, by each electronic speed controller (ESC) of the robotic vehicle, open loop flight control information; andperforming, by each ESC, control of a motor associated with each ESC based on the open loop flight control information in response to detecting a loss of control signals from a flight controller.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing claim 1 , by each ESC claim 1 , control of a motor associated with each ESC based on the open loop flight control information comprises:adjusting, by each ESC, a closed-loop control of the motor associated with the ESC based on the open loop flight control information.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the open loop flight control information received by each ESC comprises a sequence of motor control instructions; andperforming control of a motor associated with each ESC based on the open loop flight control information comprises executing the sequence of motor control instructions.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the open loop flight control information for each ESC comprises a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041999A1
Автор: Pfaff John

Disclosed embodiments include power machines such as loaders, and systems used on power machines, configured to detect the presence of an object in a zone adjacent the rear or sides of the power machine and to responsively control the power machine to stop or slow work functions. 1. A power machine comprising:a power system including a power source, a power conversion system driven by the power source, a traction system coupled to and receiving power from the power conversion system to implement travel functions and move the power machine, and work actuators coupled to and receiving power through the power conversion system to implement work functions;user inputs actuable by an operator of the power machine and configured to responsively provide user input signals to control the travel functions of the power machine;at least one object detection sensor configured to detect a presence of an object within one or more monitored zones surrounding the power machine and to responsively provide object detection signals indicative of detection of the presence of the object;a zone illumination system configured to illuminate all or part of any of the monitored zones in which the presence of the object was detected; anda controller coupled to the user inputs, the at least one object detection sensor, the zone illumination system, and the power conversion system, the controller configured to receive the user input signals and the object detection signals and to responsively control the power conversion system to control the traction system, wherein upon detection of the object within the one or more monitored zones the controller controls the zone illumination system to illuminate all or part of the monitored zones in which the presence of the object was detected.2. The power machine of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured such that claim 1 , upon detection of the object within the one or more monitored zones claim 1 , the controller controls the power ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200042002A1
Автор: Kim Han Shik

An apparatus for controlling driving of a vehicle includes a communication device transmitting information indicating that an event of the vehicle occurs to a server and receiving path information of a rescue vehicle associated with a location where the event occurs from the server, a determination device determining whether autonomous driving is possible based on state information of the vehicle if the event occurs, and a driving controller controlling the autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the path information of the rescue vehicle if the autonomous driving is possible. 1. An apparatus for controlling driving of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a communication device configured to transmit information indicating that an event of the vehicle occurs to a server and receive path information of a rescue vehicle associated with a location where the event occurs from the server;a determination device configured to determine whether autonomous driving is possible based on state information of the vehicle if the event occurs; anda driving controller configured to control the autonomous driving of the vehicle based on the path information of the rescue vehicle if the autonomous driving is possible.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driving controller controls the autonomous driving of the vehicle so as to move the vehicle on a path corresponding to the path information of the rescue vehicle from the location where the event occurs.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the driving controller extracts a location where a time required until the vehicle meets the rescue vehicle is minimized claim 2 , by using the location where the event occurs and the path information of the rescue vehicle and controls the autonomous driving of the vehicle so as to move the vehicle to the extracted location.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the driving controller controls the autonomous driving of the vehicle so as to move the vehicle to the extracted location based on ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043361A1

Methods and apparatus for reducing probabilities of collisions between humans and automated machines operating within a workplace are disclosed. An apparatus includes a collision probability determiner to determine a first probability of collision between an automated machine and a wearable safety vest. The apparatus further includes a safety manager to determine whether the first probability of collision exceeds a probability of collision threshold. The apparatus further includes a control signal generator to generate a first control signal in response to the safety manager determining that the first probability of collision exceeds the probability of collision threshold. The first control signal is to be transmitted to the automated machine to adjust an operation of the automated machine. 1. An operations management apparatus for a workplace , the operations management apparatus comprising:a control signal generator configured to generate control signals for controlling a direction of travel and a rate of travel of an automated guided vehicle located within the workplace;a radio transmitter configured to transmit a first control signal generated via the control signal generator from the operations management apparatus to the automated guided vehicle, the automated guided vehicle configured to move in a first direction of travel and at a first rate of travel within the workplace in response to receiving the first control signal;a collision probability determiner configured to determine, subsequent to transmission of the first control signal, a first probability of collision between the automated guided vehicle and a wearable safety vest located within the workplace; anda safety manager configured to determine whether the first probability of collision exceeds a probability of collision threshold, the control signal generator configured to generate a second control signal in response to the safety manager determining that the first probability of collision exceeds ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Position reporting for vehicles

Номер: US20190043367A1
Автор: Haiming Wang
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

In some examples, a system for transmitting a location of an ownship vehicle is configured to be mounted on the ownship vehicle and includes a positioning system configured to receive positioning signals. In some examples, the system also includes a cellular transceiver, a surveillance transceiver, and processing circuitry configured to determine a position of the ownship vehicle based on the positioning signals. In some examples, the processing circuitry is further configured to determine that the ownship vehicle is located in an identified risk volume based on the position of the ownship vehicle and to cause the surveillance transceiver and the cellular transceiver to simultaneously transmit surveillance signals and cellular signals indicating the position of the ownship vehicle in response to determining that the ownship vehicle is located in the identified risk volume.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043340A1

A vehicle safety support apparatus includes: a driver monitoring sensor configured to monitor a driver; an external environment monitoring sensor configured to monitor an external environment of a vehicle; a driver input filtering unit configured to filter a vehicle control input from the driver; and at least one processor connected to the driver monitoring sensor, the external environment monitoring sensor, and the driver input filtering unit, the at least one processor configured to: determine criterion based on data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor; determine whether to take over a driving control of the vehicle in response to the data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor meeting the criterion; and perform autonomous driving to move the vehicle to a safe area in response to determining to take over the driving control from the driver. 1. A vehicle safety support apparatus comprising:a driver monitoring sensor configured to monitor a driver;an external environment monitoring sensor configured to monitor an external environment of a vehicle;a driver input filtering unit configured to filter a vehicle control input from the driver; andat least one processor connected to the driver monitoring sensor, the external environment monitoring sensor, and the driver input filtering unit, the at least one processor configured to:determine criterion based on data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor;determine whether to take over a driving control of the vehicle in response to the data acquired from the driver monitoring sensor and the external environment monitoring sensor meeting the criterion; andperform autonomous driving to move the vehicle to a safe area in response to determining to take over the driving control from the driver.2. The vehicle safety support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180046182A1

A first computer including a processor is programmed to receive an indication of a failure mode in a vehicle and wirelessly transmit the indication of the failure mode to a remote server. The computer is further programmed to receive a revised route to a destination based at least in part on the failure mode and operate the vehicle along the revised route. 1. A system including a computer comprising a processor and a memory , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor such that the processor is programmed to:receive an indication of a vehicle failure mode;wirelessly transmit the indication of the failure mode to a remote server;receive, from the remote server, a revised route to a destination, based at least in part on the failure mode; andoperate the vehicle along the revised route.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further programmed to:determine that a risk level of the failure mode is with a range of risk; andtransmit, to the remote server, the failure mode and the determined risk level of the failure mode based on the determination that the risk level of the failure mode is within the range of risk.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further programmed to:determine a risk level of the failure mode; andtransmit to the remote server a request, based on the risk level of the failure mode, for authorization to continue to the destination.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further programmed to:receive an instruction to halt the vehicle;identify a location to halt the vehicle; andhalt the vehicle at the location.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the server claim 1 , the server including a second processor and a second memory claim 1 , the second memory storing second instructions executable by the second processor such that the second processor is programmed to:receive the indication of the failure mode from the processor;evaluate a risk level of the failure mode, based at least in part ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Driving assistance device and driving assistance method

Номер: US20180046193A1
Принадлежит: Nagoya University NUC, Toyota Motor Corp

A driving assistance device includes a driving situation acquisition unit that acquires driving situations of vehicles that may collide with each other, a driving characteristics acquisition unit that acquires driving characteristics of drivers of the vehicles, a driving action determination unit that determines driving actions that allow the vehicles to avoid collision with each other in the driving situation acquired by the driving situation acquisition unit and that match the driving characteristics acquired by the driving characteristics acquisition unit, and a driving action instruction unit that instructs the vehicles about the driving actions determined by the driving action determination unit.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047699A1
Автор: Bonden Marko, Lorvi Andres

According to various aspects, an unmanned aerial vehicle may be described, the unmanned aerial vehicle including: a cooling structure configured to dissipate heat; an air channel configured to dissipate heat from the cooling structure via an airflow; at least one fan configured to provide the airflow through the air channel; one or more sensors configured to receive ambient condition information associated with an ambient condition in a vicinity of the unmanned aerial vehicle; and one or more processors configured to trigger a reduction of the airflow through the air channel based on the ambient condition information. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle , comprising:a cooling structure configured to dissipate heat;an air channel configured to dissipate heat from the cooling structure via an airflow;at least one fan configured to provide the airflow through the air channel;one or more sensors configured to receive ambient condition information associated with an ambient condition in a vicinity of the unmanned aerial vehicle; andone or more processors configured to trigger a reduction of the airflow through the air channel based on the ambient condition information.2. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one electronic device, wherein the cooling structure is configured to dissipate the heat from the at least one electronic device.3. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 2 ,wherein the one or more processors are further configured to at least reduce a computing load associated with at least one computing function of the at least one electronic device based on the ambient condition information.6. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 ,wherein the one or more sensors comprise at least one receiver configured to receive a signal representing the ambient condition information, andwherein the signal representing the ambient condition information is provided by a flight controller of the unmanned aerial vehicle or by a remote control associated ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Unmanned aircraft with failsafe system

Номер: US20150053824A1
Принадлежит: GATEWING NV

An unmanned aircraft comprises: a drive system to thrust the unmanned aircraft during a flight; a reverse thrust system to reverse thrust the unmanned aircraft during a landing; a controller operationally coupled to the reverse thrust system; and a detector to detect and notify to the controller that the unmanned aircraft is in an uncontrolled situation during the flight. The controller is then adapted to activate the reverse thrust system in order to reverse thrust the unmanned aircraft in-flight upon notification from the detector that the unmanned aircraft is in an uncontrolled situation.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050664A1
Автор: Tarte Christopher T.

Provided is a device and method for applying a control state based on vehicle occupancy of an autonomous vehicle. The method includes sensing an identification parameter for each of a set of initial vehicle occupants. The method prioritizes the vehicle authority level for the each vehicle occupant of the set of initial vehicle occupants, and producing an initial vehicle control priority among the set of initial vehicle occupants. Based on the initial vehicle control priority, applying the vehicle control state parameter to an autonomous vehicle operational mode. The method, when a vehicle occupancy change event occurs, senses an identification parameter for each vehicle occupant of a set of subsequent vehicle occupants. The method continues by prioritizing the vehicle authority level for the each vehicle occupant of the set of subsequent vehicle occupants and producing a subsequent vehicle control priority among the set of subsequent vehicle occupants. Based on the subsequent vehicle control priority, the method proceeds by replacing the vehicle control state parameter to the autonomous vehicle operational mode. 1. A method in an occupancy control unit for applying a control state based on vehicle occupancy of an autonomous vehicle , the method comprising:sensing an identification parameter for each of a set of initial vehicle occupants, wherein the identification parameter includes a vehicle authority level and a vehicle control state parameter;prioritizing the vehicle authority level for the each of the set of initial vehicle occupants and producing an initial vehicle control priority among the set of initial vehicle occupants;based on the initial vehicle control priority, applying the vehicle control state parameter to an autonomous vehicle operational mode;determining whether a vehicle occupancy change event occurs; and sensing an identification parameter for each vehicle occupant of a set of subsequent vehicle occupants;', 'prioritizing the vehicle authority ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Powertrain fault management

Номер: US20190049952A1

A computer is programmed to modify a first route for a vehicle to a second route in response to data indicating a critical condition of a powertrain of the vehicle, such as a temperature of the powertrain exceeding a temperature threshold. A predicted energy consumption by the powertrain is lower for the second route than for the first route.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Intelligent Predictive Aircraft Takeoff Rejection Decision Making

Номер: US20190049953A1

An example method for predictive take-off rejection (TOR) of an aircraft includes receiving, at a computing device on the aircraft and at a time before the aircraft takes off for a current flight, outputs from a plurality of sensors positioned on the aircraft, comparing the outputs received from the plurality of sensors for the current flight to reference flight data, based on comparing the outputs received from the plurality of sensors for the current flight to the reference flight data the computing device making a determination of whether to initiate a TOR procedure before the aircraft reaches a takeoff speed on a runway, and based on determining to initiate the TOR procedure, the computing device sending a signal to a control device on the aircraft to initiate the TOR procedure. 1. A method for predictive take-off rejection (TOR) of an aircraft , comprising:receiving, at a computing device on the aircraft and at a time before the aircraft takes off for a current flight, outputs from a plurality of sensors positioned on the aircraft, wherein the plurality of sensors output data representative of different types of physical phenomena;comparing the outputs received from the plurality of sensors for the current flight to reference flight data, wherein the reference flight data includes a data stream collected for the same sensors positioned at a substantially same location on the aircraft, during substantially same flight conditions, and during a successful takeoff of the aircraft;based on comparing the outputs received from the plurality of sensors for the current flight to the reference flight data, the computing device making a determination of whether to initiate a TOR procedure before the aircraft reaches a takeoff speed on a runway, wherein when the outputs received from the plurality of sensors for the current flight are outside of a threshold range of the reference flight data, the computing device determines to initiate the TOR procedure; andbased on ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049960A1

Systems and methods for operating autonomous vehicles are described. An autonomous vehicle may detect strategy modes and/or actions of other vehicles in a local environment. The autonomous vehicle may then select a strategy mode for its operations based on the detected strategy modes and/or actions of other vehicles, and based on an operational goal for the autonomous vehicle. The strategy modes may include an uncoupled strategy mode, a permissive strategy mode, an assistive strategy mode, and a preventative strategy mode. The autonomous vehicle may further select an action for its operations based on the selected strategy mode. 1. A method of operating an autonomous ground-based vehicle , comprising:detecting at least one of a strategy mode or an action of a second vehicle;detecting at least one aspect related to an environment;selecting a strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle based at least in part on the detected at least one of the strategy mode or the action of the second vehicle, and the detected at least one aspect related to the environment, wherein the strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle comprises one of an uncoupled strategy mode, a permissive strategy mode, an assistive strategy mode, or a preventative strategy mode;determining at least one topological constraint associated with the environment; andselecting an action for the autonomous ground-based vehicle based at least in part on the selected strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle and the determined at least one topological constraint associated with the environment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle is further selected based at least in part an operational goal associated with the autonomous ground-based vehicle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the operational goal comprises at least one of safety claim 2 , resolvability claim 2 , or efficiency.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049961A1

Systems and methods for determining strategy modes for autonomous vehicles are described. An autonomous vehicle may detect aspects of other vehicles and aspects of the environment using one or more sensors. The autonomous vehicle may then determine strategy modes of the other vehicles, and select a strategy mode for its own operation based on the determined strategy modes and an operational goal for the autonomous vehicle. The strategy modes may include an uncoupled strategy mode, a permissive strategy mode, an assistive strategy mode, and a preventative strategy mode. The autonomous vehicle may further determine elements in the environment and topological constraints associated with the environment, and select the strategy mode for its own operation based thereon. 1. An autonomous ground-based vehicle , comprising:a propulsion mechanism;a steering mechanism;at least one imaging device; and capture, using the at least one imaging device, at least one image of a second vehicle and an environment;', 'determine a strategy mode of the second vehicle, at least one aspect related to the environment, and at least one topological constraint associated with the environment based at least in part on the captured at least one image;', 'select a strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle based at least in part on the determined strategy mode of the second vehicle, the determined at least one aspect related to the environment, and the determined at least one topological constraint associated with the environment, wherein the strategy mode for the autonomous ground-based vehicle comprises one of an uncoupled strategy mode, a permissive strategy mode, an assistive strategy mode, or a preventative strategy mode., 'a control system comprising a processor and a memory, the control system configured to2. The autonomous ground-based vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the strategy mode of the second vehicle is determined based at least in part on illumination or flashing of one or ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055726A1

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a vehicle for maneuvering a passenger to a destination autonomously. The vehicle includes one or more computing devices and a set of user input buttons for communicating requests to stop the vehicle and to initiate a trip to the destination with the one or more computing devices. The set of user input buttons consisting essentially of a dual-purpose button and an emergency stopping button different from the dual-purpose button configured to stop the vehicle. The dual-purpose button has a first purpose for communicating a request to initiate the trip to the destination and a second purpose for communicating a request to pull the vehicle over and stop the vehicle. The vehicle has no steering wheel and no user inputs for the steering, acceleration, and deceleration of the vehicle other than the set of user input buttons. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by one or more processors of an autonomous vehicle, a pickup location for picking up a passenger;prior to reaching the pickup location, attempting, by the one or more processors, to authenticate a user;once the user is authenticated, allowing, by the one or more processors, the authenticated user to board the vehicle;receiving, from the authenticated user, first input corresponding to a request to drive the vehicle to a destination;in response to the first input, causing, by the one or more processors, the vehicle to start driving to the destination autonomously;receiving, from the authenticated user, second input corresponding to a request to cause the vehicle to pull over; andin response to the second input, causing, by the one or more processors, the vehicle to stop.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein attempting to authenticate the user is performed when the vehicle is within a predetermined distance of the pickup location.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein attempting to authenticate the user includes using a short-range communication protocol.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052457A1

Disclosed is a stereo camera-based autonomous driving method and apparatus, the method including estimating a driving situation of a vehicle, determining a parameter to control a stereo camera width of a stereo camera based on the estimated driving situation, controlling a capturer configured to control arrangement between two cameras of the stereo camera for a first direction based on the determined parameter, and measuring a depth of an object located in the first direction based on two images respectively captured by the two cameras with the controlled arrangement. 1. An autonomous driving method comprising:estimating a driving situation of a vehicle;determining a parameter to control a stereo camera width of a stereo camera based on the estimated driving situation;controlling a capturer configured to control arrangement between two cameras of the stereo camera for a first direction based on the determined parameter; andmeasuring a depth of an object located in the first direction based on two images respectively captured by the two cameras with the controlled arrangement.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controlling of the capturer includes selecting the two cameras claim 1 , from among a plurality of cameras facing the first direction in a camera array of the capturer claim 1 , that are separated apart from each other by a distance corresponding to the determined parameter.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of cameras are fixedly arranged in the capturer and each linearly separated by a first distance claim 2 , and the distance corresponding to the determined parameter is evenly divisible by the first distance.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two cameras are configured in the capturer to be selectively moved by the capturer claim 1 , andthe controlling of the capturer includes selectively moving at least one of the two cameras such that the two cameras are separated apart from each other by a distance corresponding to the determined ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052462A1

A system and method for ensuring the safety of goods transported via highway, particularly humanly consumable goods, is taught by the present invention. Three main aspects include a smart phone hub, a portable sensor for monitoring the transported goods and a physical locking mechanism to lock the trailer. According to the present invention, a truck driver uses a smart phone to interface between a trailer payload supervisor and the payload itself, to insure the safety of the transported goods. Upon loading a trailer, a truck driver uses a smartphone to 1) activate the internal sensor and 2) snap an image of the locked trailer (with a padlock and a license plate, for example). A padlock according to the present invention may be interfaced to the smart phone electronically, so that while in motion, the smart phone insures that the lock remains locked and the sensor remains in a non-alarm state. 1. A method of transmitting data from a vehicle corresponding with an associated trailer via a smartphone operated by a driver of said vehicle , the method comprising steps of:inputting into said smartphone load parameters including a geographic loading point, a geographic unloading point, and a load identification parameter;using said smartphone to collect an image of said trailer storage area after said storage area cleanliness has been verified by said driver;using said smartphone to collect an image of an exterior of said trailer and a lock associated with said trailer which functions to secure said load contained within said storage area; andsaid smartphone communicating to a host transportation database said load parameters indicative of the geographic position and condition of said load over a range of geographic positions and time intervals commencing from its loading even through until its unloading event.2. The method according to wherein said geographic parameters are provided by said smartphone.3. The method according to wherein said geographic parameters are ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052465A1

An innovative method is provided by which a complex electronic system for controlling a safety-critical technical process, for example driving an autonomous vehicle, can be implemented. A distinction is made between simple and complex software, wherein the simple software is executed on error-tolerant hardware and wherein a plurality of diverse versions of the complex software are implemented simultaneously on independent fault containment units (FCU). A consolidated environmental model is developed from a number of different environmental models and represents the basis for trajectory planning. 1. A method for controlling a technical process that is embedded in a changing environment , wherein the electronic system that implements the control system includes sensors , actuators and node computers , in particular a plurality of sensors , actuators and node computers , in particular a plurality of node computers , which exchange data via a real-time communication system , the method comprising:differentiating between complex and simple software; and{'b': 110', '120, 'executing the complex software simultaneously on at least two independent data flow paths (DFP) (, ), wherein each DFP cyclically monitors the technical process and its environment using sensors and builds a model of the technical process and its environment from the observed data by means of algorithms, wherein the observed data are diverse and the algorithms used in the DFP are diverse, or the observed data are not diverse and the algorithms used in the DFP are diverse, or the observed data are diverse and the algorithms used in the DFP are not diverse, and'}in a subsequent processing step, building a single consolidated environmental model for trajectory planning, from a plurality of different environmental models using simple software, which is executed on error-tolerant hardware.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if the software for trajectory planning is simple claim 1 , then a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190051188A1

Techniques are disclosed herein for on-demand ad hoc cooperation for autonomous vehicles in an emergency situation. According to an embodiment, a trigger indicative of an emergency situation is detected by a vehicle control system. In response to the trigger, a platoon is formed with one or more vehicles within a predefined radius of the vehicle control system. Communications are established with the vehicles in the platoon to determine a course of action to perform during the emergency situation. 1. A vehicle control system , comprising:a plurality of sensors; and detect a trigger indicative of an emergency situation;', 'form, in response to the trigger, a platoon with one or more vehicles within a predefined radius of the vehicle control system; and', 'establish communications with the one or more vehicles in the platoon to determine a course of action to perform during the emergency situation., 'a compute engine to2. The vehicle control system of claim 1 , wherein to detect the trigger indicative of the emergency situation comprises to receive a notification indicative of the emergency situation from an alert source.3. The vehicle control system of claim 1 , wherein to detect the trigger indicative of the emergency situation comprises to detect a malfunction in one or more of the plurality of sensors.4. The vehicle control system of claim 3 , wherein to detect the trigger indicative of the emergency situation further comprises to notify an alert source of the detected malfunction.5. The vehicle control system of claim 1 , wherein to form the platoon with one or more vehicles within the predefined radius comprises to:detect the one or more vehicles within the predefined radius; andestablish an ad-hoc network inclusive of the detected one or more vehicles.6. The vehicle control system of claim 1 , wherein to form the platoon with one or more vehicles within the predefined radius comprises to elect a leader within the one or more vehicles.7. The vehicle control ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180053427A1

According to an aspect of the invention, a method of flight initiation proximity warning for an autonomous vehicle is provided. A flight initiation request is detected at a processing system of the autonomous vehicle. A preflight proximity scan is performed for any obstacles within a predetermined distance from the autonomous vehicle based on the flight initiation request. An alert is sent to a control station based on detecting at least one obstacle within the predetermined distance. Flight initiation of the autonomous vehicle is inhibited until an acknowledgement of the alert is received at the processing system of the autonomous vehicle. 1. A method for a flight initiation proximity warning for an autonomous vehicle , the method comprising:detecting a flight initiation request at a processing system of the autonomous vehicle;performing a preflight proximity scan for any obstacles within a predetermined distance from the autonomous vehicle based on the flight initiation request;sending an alert to a control station based on detecting at least one obstacle within the predetermined distance; andinhibiting flight initiation of the autonomous vehicle until an acknowledgement of the alert is received at the processing system of the autonomous vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preflight proximity scan is performed by one or more sensors of a perception sensing system of the autonomous vehicle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the perception sensing system captures one or more of an image or range to the at least one obstacle as obstacle data claim 2 , and the method further comprises reporting the obstacle data to the control station.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:identifying an estimated position of the at least one obstacle relative to an orientation of the autonomous vehicle based on which of the one or sensors detect the at least one obstacle; andsending the estimated position of the at least one obstacle to the control station.5. The ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055017A1
Автор: OBA Takahiro
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Provided is a technique whereby operability and working efficiency of flight control for an unmanned air vehicle can be improved. A photographing unit photographs a projection object onto which light is projected after being outputted by a directivity projector for outputting light. A position calculator uses the image photographed by the photographing unit to calculate the relative distance between the position of a host vehicle and an indicated light spot projected on the projection object by the directivity projector, and to calculate the position of the indicated light spot on the basis of the calculated relative distance. A flight control unit controls the flight of the host vehicle on the basis of a flight path drafted according to the calculated position of the indicated light spot. 1. An unmanned aircraft comprising:an image device that captures a projection object onto which light output from a directivity projector for outputting light is projected;a position calculator that calculates a relative distance between a position of an unmanned aircraft body and an indicated light spot projected on the projection object by the directivity projector, using an image captured by the image device, and calculating a position of the indicated light spot based on the calculated relative distance; anda flight controller that controls a flight of the unmanned aircraft body based on a flight path generated according to the calculated position of the indicated light spot.2. The unmanned aircraft according to claim 1 , further comprising: an area detector that detects at least one of a flight area as an area to permit a flight and a prohibited area as an area to prohibit a flight based on the indicated light spot captured by the image device claim 1 ,wherein the flight controller controls the flight of the unmanned aircraft body based on the flight path generated in consideration of the detected at least one of the prohibited area and the flight area.3. The unmanned ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056991A1
Автор: Sogen Kiyohiro

An information processing apparatus includes: a storage unit; and a control unit configured to acquire the locations of the plurality of autonomous driving vehicles on the map and the difficulty state information from the vehicles through communication, totalize the number of reports on the difficulty state information for each of levels of difficulty in each of traveling sections based on the vehicles locations and difficulty state information stored in the storage unit, determine whether the totalized number is equal to or more than a threshold value for each of the levels of difficulty and determine a traveling section, where at least one of the numbers of reports is equal to or more than the threshold value, as an autonomous driving difficult section, distribute to the vehicles the autonomous driving difficult section, and determine the autonomous driving difficult section with a smaller threshold value as the level of difficulty is higher. 1. An information processing apparatus capable of communicating with a plurality of autonomous driving vehicles , comprising:a storage unit configured to store locations of the plurality of autonomous driving vehicles on a map in association with difficulty state information about a level of difficulty in autonomous driving; anda control unit configured toacquire the locations of the plurality of autonomous driving vehicles on the map and the difficulty state information from the plurality of autonomous driving vehicles through communication,totalize the number of reports on the difficulty state information for each of levels of difficulty in each of traveling sections based on the locations and the difficulty state information stored in the storage unit,determine whether the totalized number of the reports is equal to or more than a threshold value for each of the levels of difficulty and determine a traveling section where at least one of the numbers of the reports is equal to or more than the threshold value as an ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and information processing method

Номер: US20180056992A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An information processing apparatus capable of communicating with a plurality of autonomous driving vehicles includes: a storage unit configured to store a location of an autonomous driving difficult section on a map in association with a predetermined release condition; and a control unit configured to acquire from the plurality of autonomous driving vehicles reporting data of each of the autonomous driving vehicles through communication, the reporting data including a location of the vehicle on the map and at least one of reliability of the autonomous driving, difficulty state information indicative of the autonomous driving being difficult or not difficult, and a result of driver intervention, and the control unit being configured to determine whether to release the autonomous driving difficult section based on the acquired reporting data and on the location and the release condition of the autonomous driving difficult section stored in the storage unit.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220075368A1

An autonomous vehicle receives sensor data from one or more sensors of the autonomous vehicle, and generates a request for remote control of the autonomous vehicle by a computer system remote from the autonomous vehicle. Generating the request includes determining a quality metric associated with a network connection between the autonomous vehicle and the computer system, and upon determining that the quality metric is greater than a threshold quality level, transmitting, from the autonomous vehicle to the computer system the request for remote control and a first data item representing the sensor data. The first data item meets one or more conditions associated with the threshold quality level. 123-. (canceled)24. A method comprising:receiving, at a computer device, first vehicle telemetry data from each vehicle of a plurality of vehicles, wherein the vehicle telemetry data comprises, for each vehicle of the plurality of vehicles, an indication of a geographical location of the vehicle, and wherein at least one vehicle of the plurality of vehicles is an autonomous vehicle;presenting, by a display device associated with the computer device, a user interface generated based on the first vehicle telemetry data, wherein the user interface comprises a graphical map and one or more first display elements, each first display element indicating at least a respective geographical location of a respective vehicle of the plurality of vehicles;receiving, at the computer device, a first user input selecting a particular vehicle of the plurality of vehicles;{'claim-text': ['retrieving, by the computer device, second vehicle telemetry data from the selected vehicle, and', {'claim-text': ['raw data obtained from one or more sensors of the selected vehicle without substantially any post-processing, and', 'processed data obtained from the one or more sensors of the selected vehicle and subsequently manipulated.'], '#text': 'presenting, by the display device, a visual representation ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061269A1

An autonomous vehicle navigates an intersection in which occlusions block the vehicle's ability to detect moving objects. The vehicle handles this by generating a phantom obstacle behind the occlusion. The vehicle will predict the speed of the phantom obstacle and use the predicted speed to assess whether the phantom obstacle may collide with the vehicle. If a collision is a risk, the vehicle will slow or stop until it confirms that either (a) the phantom obstacle is not a real obstacle or (b) the vehicle can proceed at a speed that avoids the collision. To determine which occlusions shield real objects, the system may use a rasterized visibility grid of the area to identify occlusions that may accommodate the object. 1. A method of navigating an autonomous vehicle through an intersection , the method comprising: causing the vehicle to move in a path of travel in a first lane at a speed of travel;', 'detecting that an intersection with a second lane is positioned ahead of the autonomous vehicle in the path of travel;', 'determining a conflict region in the path of travel at the intersection;', "before the vehicle reaches the intersection, analyzing data collected by the sensors to determine whether the data indicates that an occlusion exists that occludes the sensors' ability to detect whether an object exists in the second lane within a target distance of the intersection;", 'if the processor determines that no occlusion exists, causing the vehicle to proceed through the intersection while monitoring the conflicting lane for real obstacles;', generating a phantom obstacle that is positioned behind the occlusion and that is moving toward the intersection in the second lane,', 'generating a predicted speed of the phantom obstacle, and', 'using the predicted speed of the phantom obstacle to determine whether the phantom obstacle is expected to reach the conflict region before the vehicle will pass through the conflict region;, 'if the processor determines that an ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Automatic guided vehicle

Номер: US20210061629A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

In embodiments, an automatic guided vehicle includes a vehicle, a lift unit, a bumper, an extension detector, and a bumper controller. The vehicle is movable in at least a first direction. The lift unit is provided in the vehicle and lifts an object from below the object. The bumper is provided in the vehicle and is extendable and contractible in the first direction. The extension detector detects that the bumper has extended outward from the object in the first direction. The bumper controller controls a state of the bumper according to a conveyance state of the object by the vehicle.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056730A1

This patent application discloses methods and systems for alerting computerized motor-vehicles about predicted accidents. In an example method, a motor vehicle alerts another motor vehicle about a predicted accident, even though that accident is between the alerting car and a third motor vehicle—for example, the alert is transmitted by non-visual electromagnetic (EM) radiation. When an adjacent motor vehicle receives such accident alert and determines it might itself be hit, it will react so as to minimize its chances of being hit or at least to minimize the damage if it is being hit. Optionally, one or more of the motor vehicles has an onboard device for measuring a blood-alcohol level of a human driver thereof. The measured blood-alcohol level may be used to compute a probability of an occurrence of an accident and/or may be included in one or more of the transmitted accident alerts. 173-. (canceled)74. A method for attempting at least one of motor-vehicle accident avoidance and motor-vehicle accident damage minimization , the method comprising:a. wirelessly transmitting, by non-visual electromagnetic (EM) radiation and from a first motor-vehicle driven by a first driver, first factual input data;b. receiving the first factual input data at a second motor-vehicle driven by a second driver;c. in response to the receiving of the first factual input data, wirelessly transmitting by non-visual EM radiation and from the second motor-vehicle, second factual input data comprising blood-alcohol state data of at least one of the first and second drivers;d. receiving the second factual input data by a third motor-vehicle; and (i) avoiding being involved in a motor-vehicle accident, that is computationally predicted to occur based on the blood-alcohol state data; and', '(ii) reducing damage inflicted upon the third motor-vehicle as a result of involvement in the motor-vehicle accident that is computationally predicted to occur based on the blood-alcohol state data., 'e. in ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056731A1
Автор: Westbrook Shaun

Systems and methods for preventing an autonomous vehicle from transitioning from an autonomous driving mode to a manual driving mode based on a risk model. The system includes a memory that stores instructions for executing processes for preventing the autonomous vehicle from transitioning the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode from based on a risk model. The system also includes a processor configured to execute the instructions. The instructions cause the processor to receive physiological data from a sensor, generate a risk assessment profile based on the physiological data, control an operating mode of the autonomous vehicle based on the risk assessment profile. 1. An automated driving (AD) system comprising:a memory that stores instructions for executing processes for preventing an autonomous vehicle from transitioning from an autonomous driving mode to a manual driving mode based on a risk model; and receive physiological data from a sensor,', 'generate a risk assessment profile based on the physiological data, and', 'control an operating mode of the autonomous vehicle based on the risk assessment profile., 'a processor configured to execute the instructions, wherein the instructions cause the processor to2. The AD system of claim 1 , wherein:the sensor comprises an electroencephalograph (EEG) sensor and the physiological data comprises brainwave activity of a driver of the autonomous vehicle measured by the EEG sensor; determine a baseline brainwave activity of a driver of the autonomous vehicle,', 'compare current brainwave activity of the driver to the baseline activity to determine a mental state of the driver; and, 'generating the risk assessment profile further comprises instructions that cause the processor tocontrolling the operating mode of the autonomous vehicle further comprises that further cause the processor to prevent the autonomous vehicle from transitioning from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode when the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056741A1
Автор: Zych Noah

Systems and methods for communicating autonomous vehicle operations are provided. In one example embodiment, a computer implemented method includes obtaining data associated with the autonomous vehicle. The method includes identifying an object within the surrounding environment of the autonomous vehicle or a planned vehicle motion action of the autonomous vehicle based at least in part on the data associated with the autonomous vehicle. The method includes determining an audible vehicle indication that is associated with the identified object or the planned vehicle motion action. The audible vehicle indication is indicative of a type of the object or a type of the planned vehicle motion. The method includes outputting, via one or more output devices onboard the autonomous vehicle, the audible vehicle indication. 1. A computer-implemented method for communicating autonomous vehicle operations , comprising:obtaining, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices onboard an autonomous vehicle, data associated with the autonomous vehicle;identifying, by the computing system, one or more objects within a surrounding environment of the autonomous vehicle or one or more planned vehicle motion actions of the autonomous vehicle based at least in part on the data associated with the autonomous vehicle;identifying a relevant object of the one or more objects or a relevant planned vehicle motion action of the one or more planned vehicle motions based at least in part on a type of an intended audience of an audible vehicle indication associated with the relevant object or the relevant planned vehicle motion action, wherein the type of the intended audience includes an operator of the autonomous vehicle or a passenger of the autonomous vehicle;generating, by the computing system, the audible vehicle indication that is associated with the relevant object or the relevant planned vehicle motion action; andoutputting, by the computing system via one or more output ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160062356A1

A vehicle control system includes a transceiver and a control unit. The transceiver is configured to communicate with plural vehicles, to receive operational parameter values from the plural vehicles. The operational parameter values are generated by sensors on board the vehicles and relate to operation of the vehicles during movement of the vehicles along one or more routes. The control unit is configured to generate respective vehicle operational assessments of the vehicles based on the received operational parameter values. The vehicle operational assessments are representative of respective states of operational readiness of the vehicles. The control unit is further configured to generate control signals, relating to control of the vehicles for operation along the one or more designated routes, based on the operational assessments. The control signals are configured to control at least one device, either on board or off board the vehicles. 1. A vehicle control system comprising:a transceiver configured to communicate over one or more communication channels with plural communication units on board respective plural vehicles; anda control unit having a processor, the control unit operably coupled to the transceiver;wherein the transceiver is configured to receive respective pluralities of first operational parameter values from the plural vehicles over the one or more communication channels, wherein the respective pluralities of first operational parameter values are generated at least in part by sensors on board the vehicles and relate at least in part to operation of the vehicles during movement of vehicles along one or more routes;wherein the control unit is configured to generate plural respective vehicle operational assessments of the vehicles based at least in part on the pluralities of first operational parameter values received from the vehicles, the vehicle operational assessments being representative of respective states of operational readiness of the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170060130A1
Автор: KIM Yeongoo, PARK Yangdoo

An autonomous vehicle may provide bidirectional communication with mobile terminals of pedestrians. The autonomous vehicle may include a short range communication module for providing a communication interface, and a controller for, when a specific driving condition occurs, activating wireless communication through the short range communication module, periodically broadcasting a beacon signal including vehicle location and speed information, and calculating a danger level for each pedestrian based on pedestrian information included in a response signal corresponding to the beacon signal 1. An autonomous vehicle comprising:a short range communication module configured to provide a communication interface; and determine a specific driving condition,', 'in response to the determined driving condition, activate wireless communication using the short range communication module,', 'broadcast a beacon signal that includes vehicle location and speed information,', 'receiving a response signal corresponding to a beacon signal, and', 'in response to receiving the response signal, determine a danger level for at least one pedestrian based on pedestrian information included in the response signal., 'a controller configured to2. The autonomous vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the beacon signal includes danger level information for at least one pedestrian.3. The autonomous vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to change a transmission period of the beacon signal based on the danger level information.4. The autonomous vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the response signal is received from a mobile terminal of at least one pedestrian.5. The autonomous vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the response signal is received from at least one of a fixed beacon terminal and a mobile beacon terminal.6. The autonomous vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the pedestrian information includes pedestrian group information.7. The autonomous vehicle ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210064029A1

A system and method for autonomously bringing a vehicle to a safe stop at the request of a vehicle occupant in the event of an emergency situation, including: an actuation mechanism disposed in an occupant compartment of the vehicle, wherein the actuation mechanism is selectively actuatable by the vehicle occupant in the event of the emergency situation; a safe stop selection module operable for identifying a plurality of safe stop location candidates as the vehicle operates; a safe stop execution module operable for receiving an actuation signal generated by the actuation mechanism, selecting a safe stop location from the plurality of safe stop location candidates, and generating a corresponding vehicle control signal; and one or more vehicle control systems operable for receiving the vehicle control signal and causing the vehicle to come to a stop at the selected safe stop location in the event of the emergency situation. 1. A system for autonomously bringing a vehicle to a safe stop at the request of a vehicle occupant in the event of an emergency situation , the system comprising:an actuation mechanism disposed in an occupant compartment of the vehicle, wherein the actuation mechanism is selectively actuatable by the vehicle occupant in the event of the emergency situation;a safe stop selection module operable for identifying a plurality of safe stop location candidates for the vehicle on an ongoing basis as the vehicle operates;a safe stop execution module operable for receiving an actuation signal generated by the actuation mechanism when the actuation mechanism is selectively actuated by the vehicle occupant, selecting a safe stop location for the vehicle from the plurality of safe stop location candidates for the vehicle responsive to receiving the actuation signal, and generating a corresponding vehicle control signal; andone or more vehicle control systems operable for receiving the vehicle control signal generated by the safe stop execution module and ...
