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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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24-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720138C2
Принадлежит: ДАФ ТРАКС Н.В. (NL)

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Система для направления моторного транспортного средства содержит контроллер подведения к погрузочно-разгрузочной площадке, соединенный с системой рулевого управления транспортного средства, внебортовой сканер для транспортного средства и передатчик. Сканер для транспортного средства создает данные сканирования для определения контрольной точки транспортного средства и его ориентации. Передатчик подает в контроллер подведения к погрузочно-разгрузочной площадке местоположение контрольной точки и ориентацию транспортного средства. Способ направления моторного транспортного средства на основе данных изображения к погрузочно-разгрузочной станции включает этапы, на которых: определяют текущее положение транспортного средства; принимают свободную от столкновений траекторию; осуществляют маневрирование транспортным средством. Достигается повышение надежности автономного подведения транспортного средства к погрузочной платформе ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562046C2

Изобретение относится к электрическому пылесосу, который автономно перемещается и чистит поверхность, подлежащую очистке. Технический результат заключается в возможности беспрепятственного перемещения электрического пылесоса по очищаемой поверхности. Согласно одному варианту электрический пылесос 11 содержит: поворотные боковые щетки 18, каждая из которых имеет щетинки 32b, взаимодействующие с поверхностью F пола и расположенные перед всасывающим портом на нижней части основного корпуса 12; узел 21 обнаружения препятствий для обнаружения, находится ли мат R, мешающий автономному перемещению, под основным корпусом 12; и управляющее устройство, поднимающее вверх боковые щетки 18, когда узел 21 обнаружения препятствий обнаружит, что мат R, мешающий автономному движению, находится под основным корпусом 12. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

25-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721860C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам. Система управления крутящим моментом рулевой колонки содержит компьютер, включающий в себя процессор и память. Память хранит инструкции, исполняемые процессором так, что компьютер определяет вдоль номинальной траектории, предназначенной для проезда транспортным средством, потенциальное поле, представляющее собой коридор движения для транспортного средства. Потенциальное поле включает в себя потенциал притяжения, который направляет транспортное средство так, чтобы оно оставалось в пределах коридора. Компьютер идентифицирует первое положение транспортного средства относительно потенциального поля в текущий момент времени, вычисляет крутящий момент для приложения к рулевой колонке на основании первого положения относительно потенциального поля и прикладывает крутящий момент к рулевой колонке транспортного средства. Повышается комфорт при движении. 2 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2630071C2

Изобретение относится к области монтажа крупногабаритных объектов (3), например самолетов. Сопровождающая платформа (100) для обслуживания монтажной секции (2), закрепленной на крупногабаритном объекте (3) при его монтаже или движущейся за ним, содержит систему (1) приводов для ее перемещения, выполненную с возможностью обеспечения ее быстроходного и медленного движения, и средства (4) для автоматического бесконтактного следования за монтажной секцией (2), выполненные с возможностью автоматизированного режима управления следованием и ручного режима управления следованием. При этом упомянутые средства (4) содержат устройства (5) для непрерывного контроля положения упомянутых платформы (100) и монтажной секции (2) относительно друг друга. Использование изобретения позволяет обеспечить точное сопровождение обслуживающей платформой (100) монтажной секции (2). 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

18-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709533C2

Изобретение относится к транспортным системам. Компьютер и способ смены полосы движения для транспортного средства содержат этапы, на которых оценивают запрошенную смену полосы движения транспортного средства на основании радиуса изгиба текущей полосы движения главного транспортного средства и по меньшей мере одного из ограничения движения транспорта, включающего в себя запрет смены полосы движения, погодного условия и условия наружного освещения и приводят в действие компоненты транспортного средства для выполнения смены полосы движения после определения, что оценка является меньшей, чем предопределенное пороговое значение. Достигается безопасная смена полосы движения для транспортного средства. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

23-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2620236C1

Предложен робот-уборщик, который включает блок передвижения, блок уборки, блок захвата изображения, видимого от робота-уборщика, блок голосового ввода инструкций пользователя и средство управления. Средство управления получает инструкции движения пользователя через блок захвата изображения и определяет ограниченную зону, в которую вход робота-уборщика запрещен, и/или зону концентрированной уборки, которая должна быть тщательно убрана роботом-уборщиком, на основе инструкций движения пользователя или голосовых инструкций пользователя. Ограниченная зона и зона концентрированной уборки могут вводиться в робот-уборщик посредством голоса и движения пользователя. 3 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 29 ил.

15-11-2023 дата публикации

Беспилотное автотранспортное средство

Номер: RU221624U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортных средств. Описано беспилотное автотранспортное средство, содержащее кузов, смонтированный на раме. На боковых верхних частях кузова закреплены видеокамеры по две с каждой стороны. Камеры направлены друг на друга и расположены в одной горизонтальной плоскости симметрично относительно продольной плоскости кузова. На передней и задней верхних частях кузова закреплены по одной видеокамере, направленной вперед и назад, соответственно. В передней и задней нижних частях кузова установлены ультразвуковые датчики, по четыре с каждой стороны. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности безопасного передвижения беспилотного автотранспортного средства за счет одновременного использования информации, получаемой от видеокамер и ультразвуковых датчиков, закрепленных на кузове беспилотного автотранспортного средства. 2 ил.

05-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017134785A3

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626424C1

Изобретение относится к устройству оценки позиции и угла пространственной ориентации транспортного средства. Устройство задает текущий диапазон распределения частиц как предварительно определенный диапазон с помощью фильтра. А также рассеивает частицы в заданном текущем диапазоне распределения, чтобы оценивать позицию и угол пространственной ориентации транспортного средства с помощью изображения. Камера смонтирована на транспортном средстве. Транспортное средство имеет передние колеса и задние колеса, перемещается в направлении спереди назад и выполняет поворот в направлении ширины транспортного средства. Устройство также содержит модуль определения скорости транспортного средства и модуль задания текущего диапазона распределения частиц. Модуль задания текущего диапазона распределения частиц выполнен с возможностью расширения текущего диапазона распределения, когда скорость транспортного средства становится высокой. Достигается повышение точности оценки позиции и угла пространственной ...

23-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772620C1

Изобретение относится к созданию структурированных картографических данных. Способ создания структурированных картографических данных содержит прием данных датчиков с метками времени от одного датчика, установленного на транспортном средстве, прием видеоданных с метками времени, содержащих два видеопотока, компьютерное вычисление по данным датчиков с метками времени множества значений пространственных показаний. Причем каждое значение пространственного показания содержит положение и соответствующую метку времени, так что упомянутое положение указывает положение, в котором упомянутый один датчик считался находящимся в момент времени, указанный соответствующей меткой времени. Множество значений пространственных показаний включает в себя первое значение пространственного показания, содержащее положение p0 и момент времени t0, и второе значение пространственного показания, содержащее положение p1 и момент времени t1. Способ также содержит компьютерное вычисление по видеоданным с метками времени ...

14-11-2023 дата публикации

Способ дистанционного управления высокоавтоматизированным транспортным средством

Номер: RU2807410C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к дистанционному управлению высокоавтоматизированным транспортным средством. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности одновременного дистанционного управления более чем одним высокоавтоматизированным транспортным средством (ВАТС) и обеспечении короткого времени реакции на происшествия в процессе выполнения рейсов. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что ВАТС состоит из программно-аппаратной платформы. Аппаратная часть состоит из вычислительного модуля, к которому подключены модем, камеры и сенсоры общего назначения, такие как сонары, лидары, датчики скорости и местоположения. Программная часть выполняется на вычислительном модуле и называется автопилотом, предоставляя функции передачи данных телеметрии и выполнения движения по дистанционно заданной траектории. Автопилот запускается на вычислительном модуле. Дополнительно к вычислительному модулю ВАТС любым доступным для камеры способом (например, по USB или ethernet) могут подключаться ...

30-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752725C1

Система прогнозирования безопасного расхождения судов предназначена для обеспечения безопасного расхождения с окружающими судами согласно Международным правилам предупреждения столкновений судов в море (МППСС-72). Система включает блок комплексирования целевой обстановки, блок формирования и передачи ограничений плавания, блок сбора и передачи навигационной обстановки, блок обработки и маршрутизации данных, блок анализа обстановки и выработки решений, блок математической модели движения судна и блок ведения по маршруту. Система обеспечивает повышение точности определения оптимальных маневров расхождения судов, тем самым повышает безопасность судовождения в различных критических ситуациях. 5 ил.

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002115872A

... 1. Система управления самоходным транспортным средством, отличающаяся тем, что включает в себя следующие этапы: а) в память данных транспортного средства вводят данные положения выбранного маршрута от места старта до места финиша; б) транспортное средство движется позднее заданным маршрутом за счет того, что оно б1) в исходной точке принимает от системы позиционирования соответствующий актуальный сигнал положения, сравнивает его с хранящимся в памяти положением места старта и, если данные положения не совпадают между собой, вычисляет из этого направление и расстояние до места старта и проезжает этот участок пути, после чего б2) последовательно принимает актуальные данные положения, вычисляет соответственно направление и расстояние до следующего хранящегося в памяти положения и проезжает соответствующий участок пути. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что этап а) осуществляют за счет того, что данные положения проезжаемого участка пути программируют непосредственно. 3. Система по п.1, ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Акустический фазовый пеленгатор

Номер: RU2728515C1

Изобретение относится к робототехнике, а именно к аппаратуре для ориентации транспортных роботов по акустическому сигналу стационарного маяка или маяка ведущего транспортного устройства. Акустический пеленгатор, определяющий направление на источник акустического гармонического сигнала, состоит из образующих две ортогональные измерительные базы трех микрофонов, трех блоков предварительной обработки сигналов, включающих предварительные усилители, полосовые фильтры, усилители-ограничители, инверторы и формирователи коротких импульсов, выпрямителей, схемы сравнения, делителя на два, блока логики, счетчиков, триггеров, параллельных регистров, тактового генератора, микроконтроллера. Техническим результатом пеленгатора является устранение неоднозначности пеленга за счет определения знака фазового сдвига по двум ортогональным базам за счет применения блока логики и триггеров знака, а также снижение погрешности пеленгации за счет выбора таблицы обратных тригонометрических функций из памяти микроконтроллера ...

12-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720659C1

Заявленное изобретение относится к автономной системе вождения, которая выполнена с возможностью автономного управления транспортным средством и содержит блок запроса сигнала запуска, выполненный с возможностью запроса ввода сигнала запуска от водителя транспортного средства с целью обеспечения прохождения транспортного средства через целевую точку, если автономно управляемое транспортное средство приближается к предварительно заданной целевой точке, расположенной на маршруте движения транспортного средства, блок обнаружения ввода сигнала запуска, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения ввода сигнала запуска водителем, и блок управления транспортным средством, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения прохождения транспортного средства через целевую точку, если будет распознан ввод сигнала запуска, или замедления и остановки транспортного средства без прохождения через целевую точку, если ввод сигнала запуска не будет распознан. Заявленная система обеспечивает прохождение транспортного средства ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Способ и устройство мобильного робота для прохождения замкнутых контуров и лабиринтов

Номер: RU2670826C1

Изобретение относится к робототехнике и может быть использовано для поиска пути в лабиринтах и пересеченной местности. Робот содержит платформу с двумя закрепленными на ней электродвигателями, на которых жестко установлены колеса, микроконтроллер и плату управления двигателями с помощью нечетких правил. Робот содержит сервопривод с закрепленным на нем ультразвуковым датчиком расстояния и тремя инфракрасными датчиками расстояния. Платформа выполнена с жестко закрепленными на ней угловыми креплениями и угловой опорой. Микроконтроллер содержит блок нечетких вычислений и принятия решений, блок расчета угла поворота робота и блок питания. Изобретение направлено на снижение сложности вычислений и устранение зон нечувствительности при прохождении мобильным роботом замкнутых контуров и лабиринтов. 7 ил., 3 табл.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569676C1

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат - обеспечение подачи мощности в зарядное устройство в конкретное предварительно определенное время. Система управления зарядом аккумулятора для автоматически управляемого транспортного средства содержит узел отслеживания заряда/разряда, который отслеживает величину заряда/разряда аккумулятора, узел задания порогового напряжения ненужности заряда, который задает пороговое напряжение ненужности заряда для аккумулятора, и узел управления зарядом, который выполняет операцию заряда для аккумулятора с использованием зарядного устройства аккумулятора, когда определяется, что напряжение аккумулятора автоматически управляемого транспортного средства, приезжающего на зарядную станцию, ниже порогового напряжения ненужности заряда. Узел задания порогового напряжения ненужности заряда выполнен с возможностью понижать пороговое напряжение ненужности заряда в течение конкретного заданного периода времени. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152752A

... 1. Электрический пылесос, автономно перемещающийся по очищаемой поверхности и чистящий ее, содержащий:основной корпус,порт для сбора пыли, расположенный в нижней части основного корпуса,вращающуюся чистящую деталь, содержащую чистящий элемент, опирающийся на очищаемую поверхность, и расположенную перед портом для сбора пыли в нижней части основного корпуса так, чтобы иметь возможность вращения на очищаемой поверхности,узел обнаружения препятствий для определения, находится ли препятствие, мешающее автономному перемещению, под основным корпусом, иуправляющее устройство для отвода вращающейся чистящей детали наверх, когда узел обнаружения препятствий определяет присутствие препятствия, мешающего автономному перемещению, под основным корпусом.2. Пылесос по п. 1, в котором управляющее устройство поворачивает и отводит наверх переднюю сторону вращающейся чистящей детали, когда узел обнаружения препятствий определяет наличие препятствия, мешающего автономному перемещению, под основным корпусом ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007118192A

... 1. Способ зарядки обслуживающего робота, включающий (a) состыковку входной клеммы обслуживающего робота с выходной клеммой зарядного устройства, если имеющийся уровень зарядки аккумуляторного источника питания падает ниже заданного, (b) проверку, подается ли заданное зарядное напряжение на входную клемму обслуживающего робота, (c) определение, произошло ли нарушение энергоснабжения или вышло ли из строя зарядное устройство, если на этапе (b) не подается зарядное напряжение, и (d) прерывание подзарядки аккумулятора, если определено, что произошло нарушение энергоснабжения или что зарядное устройство вышло из строя. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором на этапе (с) определяют, что произошло нарушение энергоснабжения или что зарядное устройство вышло из строя, если с зарядного устройства не поступает наведенный сигнал. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором на этапе (с) дополнительно возвращаются к этапу (а), если с зарядного устройства поступает наведенный сигнал. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором этап (с) включает ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Lagersystem, Basis, Steuervorrichtung, Programm und Transportroboter

Номер: DE112019006910T5
Принадлежит: MUJIN INC, MUJIN, INC.

Das Lagersystem umfasst eine Basis, die einen Behälter zur Aufnahme von Artikeln trägt, und einen Transportroboter zum Transportieren des Behälters. Der Transportroboter hat eine Ladeeinheit, die den Behälter beladen kann, und eine Hubeinheit zum Bewegen der Ladeeinheit in vertikaler Richtung. Der Transportroboter verfügt über eine Schalteinheit zum Umschalten zwischen einem Zustand, in dem die Basis die vertikale Bewegung des Behälters einschränkt, und einem Zustand, in dem die Basis die vertikale Bewegung des Behälters nicht einschränkt. Wenn das Lagersystem die Anzahl der von der Basis getragenen Behälter erhöht, bewegt die Hubeinheit den zu lagernden Behälter von einer Position unterhalb der Stützposition auf der Basis in die Stützposition in einem Zustand, in dem die Basis die vertikale Bewegung des Behälters nicht einschränkt. Nachdem der zu lagernde Behälter die Stützposition erreicht hat, schaltet die Schalteinheit von einem Zustand, in dem die Basis die vertikale Bewegung des Behälters ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Steuereinheit in einer Gruppe von koordinierten Fahrzeugen

Номер: DE102017001878A1

Verfahren (500) und Steuereinheit (410) zum Erleichtern des Austritts aus einer Fahrzeugkolonne (110) eines in der Kolonne (110) umfassten Fahrzeugs (100-2) durch Wechseln der Fahrspuren (210, 220). Das Verfahren umfasst: Berechnen (501) einer ersten Zeitdauer, die das Fahrzeug (100-2) benötigt, um Fahrspuren (210, 220) zu wechseln; Detektieren (502) eines sich nähernden Fahrzeugs in der Zielfahrspur (220); Schätzen (503) einer zweiten Zeitdauer, die das detektierte (502) sich nähernde Fahrzeug (200) in der Zielfahrspur (220) braucht, um zum Fahrzeug (100-2) aufzuschließen; und Ausgeben (505) der Information in Bezug auf den Fahrspurwechsel an den Fahrer des Fahrzeugs (100-2) basierend auf der Zeitdifferenz zwischen der berechneten (501) ersten Zeitdauer und der geschätzten (503) zweiten Zeitdauer.

17-07-2018 дата публикации

Baugruppe zum Reinigen einer Sensorabdeckung

Номер: DE202018103489U1

Baugruppe zum Reinigen einer Sensorabdeckung, umfassend:einen Sensor, der innerhalb der Sensorabdeckung vorgesehen ist;einen Wischer, der zum Abwischen der Sensorabdeckung konfiguriert ist; undeinen Vibrationsmotor, der zum Vibrierenlassen des Wischers und/oder der Sensorabdeckung konfiguriert ist.

03-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003686213D1
Принадлежит: GEN ELECTRIC

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Autonome Vorrichtung, die sich bewegen kann, und Verfahren zu ihrer Steuerung

Номер: DE112011105449T5

Bei einer autonomen Vorrichtung, die sich bewegen kann und die eine Fahreinheit mit einem durch einen Motor angetriebenen Rad und einen oberen Aufbau mit einem Sensor zur Erkennung der Umgebung aufweist, der ein Hindernis in einer Fahrrichtung erfasst, umfasst der obere Aufbau eine Einrichtung, die eine Position der sich bewegenden autonomen Vorrichtung und ein Hindernis erfasst, eine Einrichtung, welche die Ausweichfähigkeit des Hindernisses bewertet, eine Einrichtung, welche die Fähigkeit der Vermeidung einer Kollision mit dem Hindernis ermittelt, und eine Einrichtung, welche die Priorität der Kollisionsvermeidung eines voraussichtlichen Passagebereichs des Hindernisses aus der Fähigkeit der Kollisionsvermeidung ermittelt, und der obere Aufbau umfasst ferner eine Steuereinheit, welche die Fahreinheit zu einem Bereich bewegt, der ein Bereich ist, wo ein voraussichtlicher Passagebereich eines Hindernisses, dessen Priorität der Kollisionsvermeidung hoch ist, nicht mit einem Bereich überlappt ...

22-09-2021 дата публикации

Long term object tracking supporting autonomous vehicle navigation

Номер: GB0002593264A

Systems and methods for tracking objects proximate an autonomous vehicle and capable of re-identifying objects it has temporarily lost line of sight to is described. Re-identification of the objects allows earlier object detections to be used more effectively to predict motion likely to be taken by the objects. The method comprising capturing sensor data using a sensor of an autonomous vehicle. Object are identified in the sensor data and creating detection data, associating the detection data with first tracking data. Obtaining second tracking data related to older data and comparing this with the first tracking data. When the first tracking data and second tracking data meet a matching criterion the first and second tracking data are associated and the vehicle is controlled to be navigated according to the second tracking data.

19-12-2007 дата публикации

Motor controller

Номер: GB0002439247A

This application describes the software invented to control a dual electric motor system. The dual electric motor system is a Chorus Motor system applied to electric drive for aircraft taxi. The software uses closed-loop control together with several other control laws to operate the motors. Knowledge of the current operating state of the motors, together with knowledge of the commands given to taxi forward, taxi in reverse, or brake in reverse, is used to configure the motors to optimal operating parameters. The software architecture is described along with the pilot interface and many details of software implementation.

28-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008722405D0

18-07-2018 дата публикации

Road sign recognition

Номер: GB0002558716A

Vehicles can be equipped with computing devices, networks, sensors and controllers to determine, modify, and/or augment a digital map of the surrounding real world. The invention comprises determining road sign locations (404-410) in LIDAR data, identifying road signs 604-610 in video images based on the road sign locations, and including (806) the road sign in a digital map based on the road sign identity and location. The signs could be provided with retro-reflective areas to produce a high-intensity returns (304-310) in the LIDAR data. The LIDAR data could also be subjected to clustering and filtering to enhance the appearance of the signs. Optical character recognition (OCR) could also be used on the sign images in the video data, and the video images could be projected homographically (704-710) to eliminate pose distortion.

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Detecting foliage using range data

Номер: GB0002558995A

A method for detecting and identifying foliage comprises detecting and tracking one or more features within range data from one or more sensors 404,406, determining tracking parameters for each of the features, and classifying a feature as corresponding to foliage based on the tracking parameters, which include a tracking age and one or more of a detection consistency and a position variability. The tracking age may be the amount of time a specific feature has been tracked or detected. The detection consistency may be a percent or ratio of frames for which a specific feature has been detected in a given time period. The position variability may be a standard deviation of position and/or orientation of a specific feature. A feature may be classified as foliage if one or more of the tracking age and detection consistency falling below a respective threshold, or the position variability exceeding a variability threshold. A feature may be classified as a solid object if one or more of the tracking ...

29-07-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controling a process

Номер: GB0002568548B
Автор: JUAN HERRERA, Juan Herrera

18-02-2015 дата публикации

System and method of material handling using one imaging device on the receiving vehicle to control the material distribution into the storage portion

Номер: GB0002517293A

A single imaging device collects image data of a storage portion. A container module identifies a container perimeter of the storage portion in at least one of the collected image data. A spout module is adapted to identify a spout of the transferring vehicle in the collected image data. An arbiter determines whether to use the image data based on an evaluation of the intensity of pixel data or ambient light conditions. An alignment module is adapted to determine the relative position of the spout and the container perimeter and to generate command data to the propelled portion to steer the storage portion in cooperative alignment such that the spout is aligned within a central or target zone of the container perimeter.

03-06-2015 дата публикации

A system for monitoring a remote underwater location

Номер: GB0002520670A

A system for monitoring a remote underwater location using an unmanned underwater vessel 5. The system includes an unmanned surface vessel 8, a communication unit 7 for submerged location and connected to the unmanned surface vessel 8 and in which the unmanned surface vessel has a position tracking control system for controlling the position of that vessel on a body of water and relative to the unmanned underwater vehicle 5. The communication unit 7 has a first wireless communication arrangement for communication with the unmanned underwater vehicle, a second wired communication arrangement 10 for communication with the unmanned surface vessel and the unmanned surface vessel has a third communication arrangement for communication with an operator or observer 1 remote from the unmanned surface vessel and the unmanned underwater vehicle. The three communication arrangements are arranged in series such that, in use, the operator or observer may communication with the unmanned/autonomous underwater ...

13-11-2019 дата публикации

Transporting device position determining apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002573616A

A control unit 100 and method to control movement of a device which transports containers within a storage facility. The containers are stored in a plurality of stacks and the facility has a number of pathways arranged in cells to form a grid-like structure above the stacks. The control unit and method both calculate the position 102 of the transportation device based on information received 101 from a sensor 200 located on the transportation device 600. This allows for the devices to be driven at faster speeds and/or accelerations with minimal positional errors allowing for a reduction in spacing. Both the control unit and method can both use barcodes and images of the grid-like structure. They may also have multiple sensors 300, 400, 500 which are located on different faces of the transporting devices. These sensors can also be used to determine the orientation of the device.

04-05-2005 дата публикации

Method of compensating gyro sensor of a robot cleaner

Номер: GB0000506563D0

09-09-2020 дата публикации

Image processing to determine object thickness

Номер: GB0002581957A

This invention is related to an image processing method 900 estimating the thickness of a set of objects and may be used in the fields of robotics and autonomous systems. The method includes obtaining image data for a scene 910 and decomposing the picture 920 to generate an input for a predictive model. Image portions corresponding to different objects are identified. Object cross-sectional thicknesses are predicted 930 and the resulting values embedded 940 in output image data (Fig. 6). The image may comprise photometric information and may be segmented (1020, Fig. 10) to establish correlations between photometry and objects. Each target may be identified by a segmentation mask and a region of interest (ROI) around the mask may be cropped (1030, Fig. 10). The estimation algorithm may be trained (1120, Fig. 11) on pairs of image data and ground-truth depths for several objects. The method may employ convolutional neural networks (CNNs). A three-dimensional (3D) model (1220, Fig. 12) of ...

12-06-2019 дата публикации

Electric vacuum cleaner

Номер: GB0201906015D0

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Electric vacuum cleaner

Номер: GB0201914745D0

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Dynamic positioning control

Номер: GB0202002967D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Field theory based perception for autonomous vehicles

Номер: GB202019770D0

08-12-2021 дата публикации

Autonomously acting robot that maintains a natural distance

Номер: GB2570584B
Принадлежит: GROOVE X INC, Groove X, Inc.

26-04-2023 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to control apparatus

Номер: GB0002581013B

10-05-2023 дата публикации

Detection method, device, mobile robot and storage medium

Номер: GB0002598678B

22-11-2023 дата публикации

Vehicle-road collaboration-oriented sensing information fusion representation and target detection method

Номер: GB0002618936A

A vehicle-road collaboration-oriented sensing information fusion representation and target detection method, comprising the following steps: providing a roadside lidar, and configuring a corresponding roadside computing device for the roadside lidar; calibrating extrinsic parameters of the roadside lidar; the roadside computing device calculating, according to positioning data of a self-driving vehicle and the extrinsic parameters of the roadside lidar, a relative position of the self-driving vehicle with respect to the roadside lidar; the roadside computing device deflecting, according to the relative position, roadside lidar point cloud detected by the roadside lidar into the coordinate system of the self-driving vehicle, so as to obtain a deflected point cloud; and the roadside computing device performing voxelization processing on the deflected point cloud to obtain a voxelized deflected point cloud. The self-driving vehicle performs voxelization processing on a vehicle-mounted lidar ...

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536305T

15-06-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle for a mobile irrigation plant

Номер: AT0000521982A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrzeug (10) für eine mobile Bewässerungsanlage mit einem Antrieb und Rädern (11) zum autonomen Befahren eines zu bewässernden Feldes mit Pflanzenbewuchs (12) durch eine Fahrgasse im Pflanzenbewuchs, mit einer EDV, die den Antrieb steuert und mit Sensoren, die den Fahrzustand erfassen und die so ausgebildet sind, dass sie der EDV diese Daten übermitteln. Dazu ist vorgesehen, dass, in Fahrtrichtung gesehen, im vorderen Bereich des Fahrzeuges (10), symmetrisch zur Fahrtrichtung, links und rechts je ein Hebel (2a, 2b) um eine zumindest im wesentlichen vertikale Achse in einem zugeordneten Lager schwenkbar angeordnet ist, dass der Hebel um diese Achse so mit Drehmoment beaufschlagt ist, dass sein freies Ende nach außen gedrängt wird, sodass seine Winkellage vom Pflanzbewuchs (12), an dem er anliegt, bestimmt wird, und dass die Sensoren zur Erkennung und Erfassung dieser Winkellage ausgebildet sind.

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542459T

15-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AT515134A1

Beieinem Kraftfahrzeug umfassend eine Regeleinheit (2) zum Ausgeben von Stellgrößen zum Steuern des Kraftfahrzeuges, und eine Kommunikationseinheit (10), wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Regeleinheit (2) ein Situationsinterpretationsmodul (3), ein Beurteilungsmodul (4) und ein Regelungsmodul (5) umfasst, dass die Kommunikationseinheit (10) mit dem Situationsinterpretationsmodul (3) und dem Beurteilungsmodul (4) gekoppelt und ausgebildet ist, von einem übergeordneten Verkehrsleitsystem Vorgabedaten (7) zu empfangen und Reservedaten (8) bezüglich der Bewegungsmöglichkeiten des Kraftfahrzeuges an das übergeordnete Verkehrsleitsystem zu senden, dass das Situationsinterpretationsmodul (3) ausgebildet ist, anhand von Eingangsparametern (6) ein Situationsmodell mit Modellparametern zu erstellen und aus dem Situationsmodell die Reservedaten (8) zu ermitteln, dass das Beurteilungsmodul (4) eingangseitig mit dem Situationsinterpretationsmodul (3) gekoppelt ist und ausgebildet ist, anhand zumindest eines ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum cleaner

Номер: AU2017227413B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a vacuum cleaner. More specifically, the vacuum cleaner comprises: a cleaner body having a motor for generating a suction force; a dust container provided at a front end of the cleaner body and collecting dust suctioned through an inlet; a cover member rotatably mounted on the upper end of the cleaner body and opened or closed to allow an upper portion of the dust container to be selectively received; a suction hose having one side to which a suction part for suctioning dust is connected, and the other side to which the cover member is connected; a link assembly connecting between the cover member and the cleaner body; and a link assembly receiving portion formed on one side of the cleaner body to allow at least a part of the link assembly to be inserted therein wherein, when the cover member is opened, the link assembly receiving portion constrains the link assembly to maintain the cover member in an opened state.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Relay cargo picking system and picking method

Номер: AU2017422425B9

A relay cargo picking system, comprising: a plurality of transfer robots (20); a manual picking shelf area (30); a manual picking and cargo consolidation auxiliary tool (60) for storing cargo for manual picking; a machine picking shelf area (40), arranged with a plurality of shelves, for storing cargo which are to be transferred by the transfer robots (20); an operating station; and a control system (10), which can communicate with the transfer robots (20) and a manual picking person. For a hybrid order which involves both cargo in the manual picking shelf area (30) and cargo in the machine picking shelf area (40), under the control of the control system, the picking of a mixed order is completed in a serial picking relay method of a picking method of person-to-cargo and a picking method of cargo-to-person, and for cargo in the manual picking shelf area (30), the picking is completed by the picking method of person-to-cargo, and for the cargo in the machine picking shelf area (40), the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Robot vacuum cleaner

Номер: AU2017267155A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a robot vacuum cleaner comprising: a main body for driving in an area to be cleaned and suctioning dirt off of the floor within the area to be cleaned; an image acquisition unit which is arranged in the main body and acquires an image of a predetermined region in front of the main body; a first pattern irradiation unit which is arranged in the main body and irradiates light of a first pattern downward onto the region; and a second pattern irradiation unit which is arranged in the main body and is under the first pattern irradiation unit, and irradiates light of a second pattern upward onto the region.

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020277206A1

In one general aspect, a drone control device includes a body, a motor that is configured to move the body, a network module, an input module, and a processor. The network module is configured to communicate with a security system that monitors a property and receive data associated with a location within the property. The input module is configured to receive user input. The processor is configured to perform operations that include: determine, from among the location within the property and other locations within the property, a target location within the property; move the body to the target location within the property by providing a signal to the motor; receive, from the input module, input data that is associated with an operation of the security system; and in response to receiving the input data, perform the operation of the security system. WO 2017/127491 PCT/US2017/014045 CX) co < < -,08 < N 00 > 0 0- BOB 2E < 0 0 -000 ly I-Li Cf) 0 A ------------------UJ ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Relay cargo picking system and picking method

Номер: AU2017422425A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A relay cargo picking system, comprising: a plurality of transfer robots (20); a manual picking shelf area (30); a manual picking and cargo consolidation auxiliary tool (60) for storing cargo for manual picking; a machine picking shelf area (40), arranged with a plurality of shelves, for storing cargo which are to be transferred by the transfer robots (20); an operating station; and a control system (10), which can communicate with the transfer robots (20) and a manual picking person. For a hybrid order which involves both cargo in the manual picking shelf area (30) and cargo in the machine picking shelf area (40), under the control of the control system, the picking of a mixed order is completed in a serial picking relay method of a picking method of person-to-cargo and a picking method of cargo-to-person, and for cargo in the manual picking shelf area (30), the picking is completed by the picking method of person-to-cargo, and for the cargo in the machine picking shelf area (40), the ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for determining driving action in autonomous driving

Номер: AU2018286610B2
Автор: LUO WEI, Luo, Wei
Принадлежит: Caska IP Pty Ltd

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for determining a driving action in autonomous driving. The systems may obtain driving information associated with a vehicle; determine a state of the vehicle; determine one or more candidate driving actions and one or more evaluation values corresponding to the one or more candidate driving actions based on the driving information and the state of the vehicle by using a trained driving action model; select a target driving action from the one or more candidate driving actions based on the one or more evaluation values; determine a target driving path based on the target driving action; and send signals to a control component of the vehicle to direct the vehicle to take the target driving action to follow the target driving path.

06-01-2011 дата публикации

Method for determining a route for an underwater vehicle

Номер: AU2007280774B2

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for simultaneous localization and mapping of mobile robot environment

Номер: AU2010286429B2

Techniques that optimize performance of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) processes for mobile devices, typically a mobile robot. In one embodiment, erroneous particles are introduced to the particle filtering process of localization. Monitoring the weights of the erroneous particles relative to the particles maintained for SLAM provides a verification that the robot is localized and detection that it is no longer localized. In another embodiment, cell-based grid mapping of a mobile robot's environment also monitors cells for changes in their probability of occupancy. Cells with a changing occupancy probability are marked as dynamic and updating of such cells to the map is suspended or modified until their individual occupancy probabilities have stabilized. In another embodiment, mapping is suspended when it is determined that the device is acquiring data regarding its physical environment in such a way that use of the data for mapping will incorporate distortions into the map ...

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Robot cleaner and controlling method of the same

Номер: AU2011277295A1

Disclosed are a robot cleaner and a method for controlling the same. A plurality of images are detected through an image detecting unit such as an upper camera, and two or more feature points are extracted from the plurality of images. Then, a feature point set consisting of the feature points is created, and the feature points included in the feature point set are matched with each other. This may allow the robot cleaner to precisely recognize a position thereof. Furthermore, this may allow the robot cleaner to perform a cleaning operation or a running operation by interworking a precisely recognized position with a map.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for remotely controlling a materials handling vehicle

Номер: AU2014203775B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A materials handling vehicle comprising: a power unit; a load handling assembly coupled to said power unit; at least one first obstacle detector mounted at a first location on said power unit to detect an object located along a path of travel of said power unit beyond a dead zone of said first detector. The materials handling vehicle also comprising at least one second obstacle detector mounted at a second location on said power unit, spaced from said power unit first location, and capable of detecting an object in said dead zone of said first obstacle detector. Fig. 7 5556113_1 (GHMatters) P88937.AU.2 - - 7w. o o r ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Vacuum cleaner and method for controlling the same

Номер: AU2016229723A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Provided is a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner includes a cleaner body including a moving device for moving, a suction device connected to the cleaner body to suction dusts and air and guide the suctioned dusts and air to the cleaner body, the suction device including a handle, a detection device for detecting a distance between the handle and the cleaner body, and a controller determining whether movement of cleaner body is necessary on the basis of the distance between the cleaner body and the handle, the controller controlling the moving device when the movement of the cleaner body is necessary. The controller controls the moving device to allow the cleaner body to avoid an obstacle when it is determined that an operation for avoiding the obstacle is necessary while the moving device operates.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

System and method of material handling using one or more imaging devices on the transferring vehicle to control the material distribution into the storage portion of the receiving vehicle

Номер: AU2013272264A1

First imaging device collects first image data, whereas second imaging device collects second image data of a storage portion. A container identification module identifies a container perimeter of the storage portion in at least one of the collected first image data and the collected second image data. A spout identification module is adapted to identify a spout of the transferring vehicle in the collected image data. An image data evaluator determines whether to use the first image data, the second image data, or both based on an evaluation of the intensity of pixel data or ambient light conditions. An alignment module is adapted to determine the relative position of the spout and the container perimeter and to generate command data to the propelled portion to steer the storage portion in cooperative alignment such that the spout is aligned within a central zone or a target zone of the container perimeter.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Cleaning robot and method for controlling cleaning robot

Номер: AU2015322263A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A cleaning robot may comprise: a sensor unit for sensing obstacle information; and a control unit for generating a map on the basis of a value sensed by the sensor unit, analyzing the structure of the map by detecting area division points in the generated map, and generating a map image on the basis of the result of the analysis.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2015263981B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a vehicle 100 for maneuvering a passenger to a destination autonomously. The vehicle 100 includes one or more computing devices 110 and a set of user input buttons 612, 614 for communicating requests to stop the vehicle and to initiate a trip to the destination with the one or more computing devices. The set of user input buttons consisting essentially of a dual-purpose button and an emergency stopping button 612 different from the dual-purpose button 614 configured to stop the vehicle. The dual-purpose button 614 has a first purpose for communicating a request to initiate the trip to the destination and a second purpose for communicating a request to pull the vehicle over and stop the vehicle. The vehicle has no steering wheel and no user inputs for the steering, acceleration, and deceleration of the vehicle other than the set of user input buttons.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2015263981A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Aspects of the present disclosure relate to a vehicle 100 for maneuvering a passenger to a destination autonomously. The vehicle 100 includes one or more computing devices 110 and a set of user input buttons 612, 614 for communicating requests to stop the vehicle and to initiate a trip to the destination with the one or more computing devices. The set of user input buttons consisting essentially of a dual-purpose button and an emergency stopping button 612 different from the dual-purpose button 614 configured to stop the vehicle. The dual-purpose button 614 has a first purpose for communicating a request to initiate the trip to the destination and a second purpose for communicating a request to pull the vehicle over and stop the vehicle. The vehicle has no steering wheel and no user inputs for the steering, acceleration, and deceleration of the vehicle other than the set of user input buttons.

27-08-2020 дата публикации

Drone control device

Номер: AU2017209096B2

In one general aspect, a drone control device includes a body, a motor that is configured to move the body, a network module, an input module, and a processor. The network module is configured to communicate with a security system that monitors a property and receive data associated with a location within the property. The input module is configured to receive user input. The processor is configured to perform operations that include: determine, from among the location within the property and other locations within the property, a target location within the property; move the body to the target location within the property by providing a signal to the motor; receive, from the input module, input data that is associated with an operation of the security system; and in response to receiving the input data, perform the operation of the security system.

05-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002785724C

A drive mechanism for an AGV that includes a drive unit for propelling the AGV and a steering unit for steering the AGV. The drive unit has a drive motor, drive transmission, and a drive wheel. The steering unit has a steering motor. Both motors are fixedly mounted on the AGV and remain stationary relative to each other while the drive motor rotates the drive wheel and the steering motor steers the drive wheel. The drive transmission couples the drive motor to the drive wheel and can be at least partially mounted within a gear housing that is rotatably mounted via a bearing so that the drive motor can be operated to move the AGV via power transferred to the drive wheel via the drive transmission, and the steering motor can be operated to steer the drive wheel by rotation of the gear housing and drive wheel via the bearing.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3135522A1

Provided is a method for controlling a robot to return to its base, comprising: a robot receiving a return-to-base control signal (S1); according to receiving different guidance signals, the robot traveling according to different preset paths (S2); if the robot detects an intermediate signal while traveling on a preset path, then the robot no longer traveling according to the preset path, and returning directly to the base according to the guidance of said intermediate signal (S3). The guidance signal is a signal sent by a charging base to guide the robot back to the base, and the guidance signal comprises an intermediate signal. In the method, the intermediate signal sent by the charging base can be quickly found, thus improving the efficiency of the robot in returning to the base, avoiding the problem of the robot being unable to return to the base because it cannot find the intermediate signal or of the return-to-base efficiency being low.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003098965A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

An unloading arrangement, an unloading station, and a method of unloading an item (5) from a storage container (6), comprising: a delivery vehicle (30); a storage container (6) carried by the delivery vehicle (30); and an unloading station (10) for unloading an item (5) from the storage container (6) while it is being carried by the delivery vehicle (30) in an automatic storage and retrieval system (1), the unloading station (10) comprising: an unloading device (40); and a destination conveyor (60) configured to convey the item (5) to a target destination (TD), wherein the unloading device (40) is configured to move the item (5) through a side opening of the storage container (6) to the destination conveyor (60).

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3126968A1

Provided are an operation monitoring system (100) and monitoring method thereof; said operation monitoring system is used for monitoring at least one agricultural machine (201) so as to control the operating range of the agricultural machine (201); the operation monitoring system (100) comprises an environment analysis module (101), a boundary control module (102), and at least one monitoring module (104); said environment analysis module (101) identifies at least one operation area (203) and at least one non-operation area (204) of an operation environment, and generates at least one boundary (205) between the operation area (203) and the non-operation area (204); the boundary control module (102) is communicatively connected to the environment analysis module (101) to arrange at least one electronic fence (206) on the boundary (205); the monitoring module (104) is communicatively connected to the boundary control module (102) to obtain the electronic fence (206); the monitoring module ...

16-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3037530C

A controller obtains topographical data which indicates the topography of a work site. The controller obtains material data which indicates the position of a material. The controller computes an evaluation function based on the material data for each of a plurality of candidates of travel path to be decided from the topographical data. The evaluation function includes a material function pertaining to the amount of the material. The controller decides the candidate having the smallest evaluation function among the plurality of candidates as the travel path.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003102681A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A method, system and computer program for controlling and coordinating interaction between drones (30) and container handling vehicles (200) operating respectively below and on top of the automated storage and retrieval system (10). The object is to ensure that the drones (30) and container handling vehicles (200) have minimal or the most cost-efficient waiting time when transferring storage containers (106) between them. Different steps are performed by an operational controller (210) in communication with a first type of controller (220) in each container handling vehicle (200) and a second type of controller (230) in each drone (30) and where timing information is a key factor.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071963A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

According to the present invention, a controller acquires the target distance and the termination position of work to be carried out by a work vehicle. The controller determines a point away from the termination position by the target distance as a start position. The controller generates a command signal for starting the work from the start position to the termination position and operating a work machine in accordance with target design topography. The controller corrects the target distance on the basis of the result of the work.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003045996A1

Methods and systems are provided that provide for facilitating delivery, via autonomous ground vehicles, of products ordered by customers of a retailer to physical locations of vehicles designated by the customers, and further determining a route to the physical location of the customer vehicle, and where the autonomous vehicle remains proximate the customer vehicle providing a means for the customer to retrieve the product.

18-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2993804C

This control method is for a travel control device which is provided with a first detector 110 for detecting obstacles around the local vehicle traveling in a first lane and a second detector 110 for detecting a second lane adjacent to the first lane, and which, in a lane change target position in the second lane, configures a first range of a size no less than that occupied by the local vehicle on the road surface, detects, as a second area, an area in the second lane which is located to the side of the local vehicle and in which no obstacles are present, and permits the local vehicle to change lanes if the second area includes the first area; this control method involves a step for detecting the travel state of the local vehicle, which includes the position and speed of the local vehicle, a step for acquiring obstacle information including the position and speed of obstacles, a step for predicting the second area after a prescribed time on the basis of the travel state of the local vehicle ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993497A1

This control method is for a travel control device 100 which is provided with a first detector 110 for detecting obstacles around the local vehicle traveling in a first lane and a second detector 110 for detecting a second lane adjacent to the first lane, and which, in a lane change target position in the second lane, configures a first range of a size no less than that occupied by the local vehicle on the road surface, detects, as a second area, an area in the second lane which is located to the side of the local vehicle and in which no obstacles are present, and permits the local vehicle to change lanes if the second area includes the first area; this control method involves a step in which if, after initiating a lane change, the second area has become smaller than prior to initiating the lane change, then, on the basis of the positional relation in the width direction between the local vehicle and the lane markings crossed by the local vehicle during the lane change, at least one of ...

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932537C

A finger-mounted remote control device (170) capable of wirelessly transmitting a travel request signal to a materials handling vehicle. The finger-mounted remote control device includes a rigid mounting structure adapted to be mounted over at least one finger of an operator's hand; a mounting strap coupled to said rigid mounting structure for securing said rigid mounting structure to the at least one finger; a wireless transmitter/power pack unit coupled to said rigid mounting structure; and control structure coupled to said mounting structure and comprising a switch (184b) adapted to be actuated by an operator's thumb so as to cause said wireless transmitter/power pack unit to generate a travel request signal to the materials handling vehicle, apparatus for remotely controlling a materials handling vehicle.

14-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962663C

Systems and methods for determining navigation information for an aircraft are provided. In one embodiment, a method can include accessing a satellite-based positioning signal received at a receiver on an aircraft. The satellite-based positioning signal can be indicative of a distance between a satellite and the receiver. The method can include identifying from the satellite-based positioning signal a first vector associated with a distance between the satellite and the receiver and identifying a second vector from the satellite-based positioning signal associated with a distance between a reference point and the satellite. The method can include generating a kinematic model for determining a geometric position of the aircraft based at least in part on a robotic arm using the first vector and the second vector and determining navigation information for the aircraft based at least in part on the kinematic model.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918318A1

A cleaning robot that performs cleaning while travelling a space to be cleaned, the cleaning robot including: a travelling unit that moves the cleaning robot; a cleaning unit that cleans the space to be cleaned; an image capturing unit that captures an image viewed from the cleaning robot; a voice input unit to which a user's voice instructions are input; and a controller obtaining the user's motion instructions through the image capturing unit and determining a restricted area in which entry of the cleaning robot is prohibited and/or a focused cleaning area to be intensely cleaned by the cleaning robot based on the user's motion instructions or the user's voice instructions when the user's voice instructions are input through the voice input unit. The restricted area and the focused cleaning area may be input to the cleaning robot through the user's voice and motion.

16-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2959145C

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a vacuum cleaner (11) which is capable of smoothly traveling along an obstacle. A control unit (26) comprises a travel control and a direction change control. In the travel control, a motor (28) is driven such that a main body case (15) is made to travel along a lateral obstacle (W1) while maintaining the distance between the main body case (15) and the obstacle (W1), which is detected by a distance measuring sensor (22), within a prescribed distance range. In the direction change control, if an obstacle (W2) is detected ahead of the main body case (15) by a contact sensor (21) during the travel control, the motor (28) is driven such that the forward progress direction of the main body case (15) is changed along the detected forward obstacle (W2). The direction change control comprises at least a turning control in which the distance which is detected by the distance measuring sensor (22) is ignored and the motor (28) is driven so as to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002868860A1

A proximity sensor (520) includes first and second components (522, 523) disposed on a sensor body (514) adjacent to one another. The first component (522, 524) is one of an emitter (522) and a receiver (524), and the second component (522a, 524a) is the other one of an emitter and a receiver, A third component (522b, 524b) is disposed adjacent the second sensor opposite the first sensor. The third component is an emitter if the first sensor is an emitter or a receiver if the first sensor is a receiver. Each component has a respective field of view (523, 525). First and second fields of view intersect, defining a first volume (VI) that detects a floor surface (10) within a first threshold distance (¾). The second and third fields of view intersect, defining a second volume (V2) that detects a floor surface within a second threshold distance (DAC).

15-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859112C

Techniques that optimize performance of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) processes for mobile devices, typically a mobile robot. In one embodiment, erroneous particles are introduced to the particle filtering process of localization. Monitoring the weights of the erroneous particles relative to the particles maintained for SLAM provides a verification that the robot is localized and detection that it is no longer localized. In another embodiment, cell-based grid mapping of a mobile robot's environment also monitors cells for changes in their probability of occupancy. Cells with a changing occupancy probability are marked as dynamic and updating of such cells to the map is suspended or modified until their individual occupancy probabilities have stabilized. In another embodiment, mapping is suspended when it is determined that the device is acquiring data regarding its physical environment in such a way that use of the data for mapping will incorporate distortions into the map ...

24-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002053028A1

30-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000674095A5

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201591504A2

30-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201591504A3

06-08-2019 дата публикации

Map generation system and robot system

Номер: CN0110100215A

29-08-2017 дата публикации

Moving body

Номер: CN0107111317A

26-04-2017 дата публикации

System and method for tracking control of unmanned aerial vehicle based on luminescence object identification

Номер: CN0106598075A

31-08-2018 дата публикации

Basic station and automatic working system based on differential positioning technique

Номер: CN0207799086U

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Автономный робот для покраски

Номер: RU0000201578U1
Принадлежит: СОСА ГОНСАЛЕС, С.Л.

Полезная модель может быть использована в области дизайна интерьера при покраске внутренней части помещений. Автономный робот для покраски содержит подвижное основание 1, оснащенное баком для краски и насосом. Основание 1 содержит ряд датчиков, выполненных с возможностью определения местоположения основания 1 и обнаружения препятствий, по существу, вертикальную подъемную колонну 4, на конце которой расположена сочлененная рука робота 5, увенчанная головкой 6. Головка 6 содержит пистолет с краской, подключенный к насосу, камеру, выполненную с возможностью распознавания поверхностей, подлежащих покраске и обрисовке, и датчик приближения. Полезная модель позволяет уменьшить усилия и время, необходимые для выполнения покраски и обрисовки труднодоступных поверхностей при распознавании препятствий в рабочей зоне. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 578 U1 (51) МПК B05B 13/00 (2006.01) B25J 9/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B05B 13/00 (2020.05); B25J 9/14 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020112398, 26.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): СОСА ГОНСАЛЕС, С.Л. (ES) Дата регистрации: 22.12.2020 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 13.02.2020 ES U202030243 (45) Опубликовано: 22.12.2020 Бюл. № 36 2 0 1 5 7 8 R U (54) АВТОНОМНЫЙ РОБОТ ДЛЯ ПОКРАСКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель может быть использована в области дизайна интерьера при покраске внутренней части помещений. Автономный робот для покраски содержит подвижное основание 1, оснащенное баком для краски и насосом. Основание 1 содержит ряд датчиков, выполненных с возможностью определения местоположения основания 1 и обнаружения препятствий, по существу, вертикальную подъемную колонну 4, на конце которой расположена сочлененная рука робота 5, Стр.: 1 увенчанная головкой 6. Головка 6 содержит пистолет с краской, подключенный к насосу, камеру, выполненную с возможностью ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Detector device and mobile robot having the same

Номер: US20120026481A1
Принадлежит: Agait Technology Corp

A detector device includes a detector module and a lens module. The detector module includes an optical emitter and a photon detector spaced apart from the optical emitter. The lens body includes a first light-transmissive surface, a second light-transmissive surface, and a third light-transmissive surface. The optical emitter is operable to emit a light beam passing through the first light-transmissive surface and the second light-transmissive surface toward a surface so as to define a field of emission on the surface. The photon detector is aligned with the first and third light-transmissive surfaces so as to define a field of view on the surface. An extent of overlap between the field of view and the field of emission varies in accordance with a distance between the optical emitter and the surface.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Robotic mower area coverage system

Номер: US20120029755A1
Автор: David A. Johnson
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A robotic mower area coverage system includes a load sensor on the robotic mower signaling load on a cutting blade motor, a boundary sensor on the robotic mower indicating the distance from the sensor to a boundary wire, a timer on the robotic mower indicating when the robotic mower last used a specified boundary coverage, and a vehicle control unit on the robotic mower selecting the type of area coverage based on input from the load sensor, the boundary sensor and the timer, and commanding a pair of traction drive motors to drive the robotic mower using the selected type of area coverage.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable speed irrigation system and method of use

Номер: US20120053776A1
Автор: Craig Malsam, Mark Moeller
Принадлежит: Valmont Industries Inc

The present disclosure is generally directed to an adjustable speed irrigation system having a control panel, at least one water conduit, at least one tower, and a position sensor. A user inputs a user-defined end destination at the user-defined arrival time into the control panel. The control panel receives a current position of the irrigation system from the position sensor. The control panel compares the current position to the user-defined end destination and calculates a new optimum ground speed required to reach the user-defined end destination at the user-defined time based on the current position of the irrigation system. The control panel then sends a signal to a speed control unit to adjust the speed of the irrigation system to match the new optimum ground speed.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Automatic Blade Control System during a Period of a Global Navigation Satellite System ...

Номер: US20120059554A1
Принадлежит: Topcon Positioning Systems Inc

For precision grading of terrain by a dozer, the dozer blade can be automatically controlled based on measurements from a combination of a global navigation satellite system real-time kinematic mode (GNSS RTK) system and inertial sensors. At least one GNSS sensor and at least one inertial sensor are mounted on the dozer. Control algorithms are based on blade elevation and blade slope angle. During a period of GNSS RTK system outage, control of blade elevation is not available. Blade control is maintained by switching to control algorithms based on blade slope angle and blade pitch angle. Blade slope angle and blade pitch angle are controlled based on extrapolated target values of blade slope angle and blade pitch angle. The extrapolated target values of the angles are extrapolated from target values of the angles prior to the GNSS RTK system outage with the use of a distance travelled by the dozer.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Watercraft automation and aquatic effort data utilization

Номер: US20120066245A1
Принадлежит: Grace Ryan T, Grace Ted V

Watercraft automation and aquatic data utilization for aquatic efforts are disclosed. In one aspect, an anchor point is obtained and a watercraft position maintenance routine is actuated to control the watercraft to maintain association with the anchor point. In another aspect, prior aquatic effort data is obtained in association with an anchor point. In yet another aspect, current aquatic effort data is generated in association with an anchor point. In still another aspect, current aquatic effort data and prior aquatic effort data are utilized for prediction generation. In yet another aspect, current aquatic effort data and prior aquatic effort data are utilized to obtain another anchor point for a watercraft.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Control apparatus for autonomous operating vehicle

Номер: US20120083962A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In an apparatus for controlling an autonomous operating vehicle having a prime mover and operating machine, it is configured to have a geomagnetic sensor responsive to magnets embedded in the area, detect angular velocity generated about z-axis in center of gravity of the vehicle, detect a wheel speed of the driven wheel, store map information including magnet embedded positions, detect a primary reference direction, detect a vehicle position relative to the magnet, and detect a vehicle position in the area, calculate a traveling direction and traveled distance of the vehicle, and control the operation performed through the operating machine in the area in accordance with a preset operation program based on the detected primary reference direction, the detected position of the vehicle in the area, the calculated traveling direction and the calculated traveled distance.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Control apparatus for autonomous operating vehicle

Номер: US20120083963A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In an apparatus for controlling an autonomous operating vehicle, a traveling direction and traveled distance are calculated based on outputs of wheel speed sensor and angular velocity sensor, and the vehicle is controlled to, as traveling straight, perform the operation using an operating machine in accordance with a predetermined travel pattern in a travel-scheduled area based on the calculated traveling direction and traveled distance. It is determined whether a difference between a scheduled-travel distance scheduled in the predetermined travel pattern and an actual traveled distance exceeds a permissible value when the vehicle is traveled straight and a center value of the outputs of the angular velocity sensor is corrected when the difference is determined to exceed the permissible value.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Architecture and Interface for a Device-Extensible Distributed Navigation System

Номер: US20120089292A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for navigating a moving object (vehicle) utilizing a Navigation manager module and comprising the steps of: communicating with all sensors, processing units, mission manager and other vehicles navigation managers; configuring and reconfiguring sensors based on mission scenario objectives, in-vehicle and global constraints; sensor grouping according to relationship to the vehicle and environment, where an entire sensor group is seen by navigation manager as a single sensor; processing unit containing Update Filter; and a dynamically updated API database.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Electric vehicle and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20120095633A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An electric wheelchair includes a body portion, an operating section to detect an operation by an operator, an obstacle sensor to detect an obstacle existing in the vicinity of the body portion, an obstacle determination section to form a search region extending from the body portion in an operating direction, and to determine an obstacle existing in the search region, as the obstacle to be avoided, a virtual repulsive force calculation section to calculate a virtual repulsive force to move the body portion away from the obstacle determined by the obstacle determination section, a resultant force calculation section to calculate a resultant force composed of an operating force and the virtual repulsive force, and a control section to control a movement of the body portion so that the body portion is moved in a direction of the resultant force.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Definition of control data for automatic control of mobile mining machine

Номер: US20120095640A1

The present invention relates to a method for arranging automatic control of a mobile mining machine equipped with a bucket. The method comprises generating a general purpose bucket emptying model that defines at least the path of the bucket of the mining machine for emptying it. The bucket emptying model is stored on a memory means. The bucket emptying model is fetched from the memory means in response to a need to define emptying the bucket for the route. At least data defining the path of the bucket in the fetched bucket emptying model are appended to the path data for use in the automatic control of the mining machine.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for machine coordination which maintains line-of-site contact

Номер: US20120095651A1
Автор: Noel Wayne Anderson
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A method and system that facilitates operation of autonomous equipment by providing a mission planner to maintain line-of-sight contact between a plurality of coordinated machines, including a method for maintaining line-of-sight (LoS) communication between a plurality of machines that creates a mission plan for a work site that includes a path plan for each of the plurality of machines that maintains the line-of-sight communication between the plurality of machines by taking into account a topography for the work site; and loads the path plan for each respective one of the plurality of machines into each respective one of the plurality of machines, wherein the path plan specifies a machine travel path for each respective one of the plurality of machines.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Robot system and control method thereof

Номер: US20120116588A1

A robot system and a control method thereof in which, when a robot is located in a docking region, the robot calculates a distance by emitting infrared rays and detecting ultrasonic waves oscillated from a charging station, measures a distance from the charging station and performs docking with charging station. The distance between the robot and the charging station is precisely measured, thereby performing smooth and correct docking of the robot with the charging station. Further, the robot emits infrared rays only while performing docking with the charging station and thus reduces power consumption required for infrared ray emission, and wakes up a circuit in the charging station based on the infrared rays emitted from the robot and thus reduces power consumption of the charging station.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Robotic heliostat calibration system and method

Номер: US20120123720A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A robotic controller for autonomous calibration and inspection of two or more solar surfaces wherein the robotic controller includes a drive system to position itself near a solar surface such that onboard sensors may be utilized to gather information about the solar surface. An onboard communication unit relays information to a central processing network, this processor combines new information with stored historical data to calibrate a solar surface and/or to determine its instantaneous health.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for Navigation in No-Passing Zones

Номер: US20120130571A1
Автор: Gregory D. Dunkle
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for assisting tug boats, work boats and other vessels to navigate no-passing zones, such as narrow channel areas, along an inland and other waterways to avoid passing or overtaking other vessels having the right-of-way according to established waterway rules of the road within the no-passing zones. The method is implemented within an executing computer program, using a database of mile mark distances and of no-passing zones along the length of the waterway.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

System for autonomous path planning and machine control

Номер: US20120136524A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A control system is disclosed for use with a mobile loading machine operating at a first location and a plurality of mobile haul machines configured to move material received at the first location to a second location. The control system may have a plurality of control modules, each associated with one of the mobile loading machine and the plurality of mobile haul machines, and a worksite controller. The worksite controller may be configured to make a determination that a position of the mobile loading machine has changed, and to generate a new travel path for the plurality of mobile haul machines based on the determination. The worksite controller may also be configured to selectively communicate the new travel path to each of the plurality of control modules. The new travel path between the first and second locations may be automatically determined in accordance with at least one user-selected goal.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Charging device of robot cleaner

Номер: US20120143428A1

A charging device of a robot cleaner is provided. The charging device of a robot cleaner according to the embodiment includes at least one cover forming an appearance of the charging device, a base which is coupled with the cover and includes a terminal unit for charging the robot cleaner, an induction signal generating unit disposed at a side of the cover or the base to transmit a return induction signal to the robot cleaner, and an induction signal guide member disposed at a side of the induction signal generating unit to enhance a docking performance of the robot cleaner by improving linearity of the induction signal. The charging device according to the embodiment can guide the path for the return of the robot cleaner and recharge the robot cleaner stably.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Distributed Robotic Guidance

Номер: US20120143429A1
Автор: Noel Wayne Anderson
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

The different illustrative embodiments provide an apparatus that includes a computer system, a number of structured light generators, and a number of mobile robotic devices. The computer system is configured to generate a path plan. The number of structured light generators is configured to project the path plan. The number of mobile robotic devices is configured to detect and follow the path plan.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method And Device For Automatically Monitoring The Ability Of An Aircraft To Follow A Flight Trajectory With At Least One Turn

Номер: US20120150367A1

Method and device for automatically monitoring the ability of an aircraft to follow a flight trajectory with at least one turn. The monitoring device ( 1 ) includes means ( 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 ) for implementing monitorings in order to estimate the ability of the aircraft to follow at least one turn of the flight trajectory.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Path determination

Номер: US20120150379A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

A system for controlling a vehicle to follow at least one person includes a detection device for detecting a location of at least one person. The system further includes a storage device for recording locations of at least one person at a plurality of points in time, and a path determination device for determining a driveable path for a vehicle based on the recorded locations. The system further includes a control device for operating vehicle to follow one or more persons over the driveable path.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for building outdoor map for moving object and apparatus thereof

Номер: US20120163662A1

The method for building an outdoor map for a moving object according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes: receiving a real satellite image for an outdoor space to which the moving object is to move; calculating pixel information including sizes of length and width pixels and a physical distance of one pixel in the real satellite image; measuring a reference position coordinate for a reference position selected from the real satellite image; and linking a pixel number corresponding to the reference position, the reference position coordinate, and the pixel information to the real satellite image in order to build the outdoor map for the moving object, and further includes creating information on a road network in which the moving object navigates based on the pixel number corresponding to the reference position, the reference position coordinate, and the pixel information.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Inverted pendulum type moving body

Номер: US20120166048A1
Принадлежит: Bosch Corp

An inverted pendulum type moving body subject to a traveling control in response to a traveling instruction based on an intention of a rider while keeping a balance, a manipulation mode is performed based on the intention of the rider and an automatic operation mode is performed without being based on the intention of the rider. The inverted pendulum type moving body includes a center-of-gravity position adjusting unit for adjusting a center-of-gravity position of the rider in accordance with a manipulation signal outputted from a control device. When an instruction for switching a control mode to an automatic operation mode, where a predetermined traveling control is performed without being based on intention of the rider, is generated, and controls a wheel drive unit in accordance with a traveling instruction based on the center-of-gravity position.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Automated guided vehicle (agv) system

Номер: US20120179337A1
Автор: Paul George Doan
Принадлежит: Fori Automation Inc

An automated guided vehicle is equipped with a stabilization system for precisely locating, leveling, or otherwise positioning the AGV and its payload with respect to a. work piece. The stabilization system includes one or more extension members that extend away from the AGV to engage the ground or a locating assembly installed in the ground. Each extension member may be part of a locating assembly or a leveling assembly. The locating assembly extension member may extend at least partially into an opening of another locating assembly to align the two locating assemblies. The locating assembly may also be configured to provide a leveling function.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Target identification device and target movement prediction method

Номер: US20120191335A1
Принадлежит: Icom Inc

A target identification device in a user object includes: a user information obtaining part and a target information obtaining part obtaining a position, a speed over ground and a course over ground of the user object and a target object; a processor that calculates a CPA distance and a TCPA with respect to the target object relative and the user object, based on the positions, the speeds over ground and the courses over ground of the user object and the target object. The processor replaces the course over ground of the user object with a direction toward the target object and calculates the CPA and the TCPA when the speed over ground of the user object is a low speed determination value or less.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning robot and control method thereof

Номер: US20120197437A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cleaning robot including a roller unit, a sensing unit, a first control unit and a second control unit is disclosed. The roller unit includes a plurality of rollers. The sensing unit receives a reflection signal and generates a detection signal according to the reflection signal. When the detection signal is less than or equal to a reference signal, the first control unit controls the traveling direction of the rollers according to the detection signal such that a distance between the cleaning robot and a wall is equal to a first distance. When the detection signal is larger than the reference signal, the second control unit controls the traveling direction of the rollers according to the detection signal such that a distance between the cleaning robot and a wall is equal to a second distance larger then the first distance.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Sensor system and method for use with an automated guided vehicle (agv)

Номер: US20120197477A1
Автор: Dean Colwell
Принадлежит: Fori Automation Inc

A sensor system for use with an automated guided vehicle (AGV) includes a plurality of sensor units electronically coupled to a sensor control module via parallel communications. Each sensor unit may include a sensor array having a plurality of sensor elements, a conditioning circuit having one or more filter/amplifiers, and a conversion circuit. The sensor control module may be configured to communicate with other AGV components via serial communications. The sensor system is capable of obtaining and storing sensor readings with or without associated offset values and can use the sensor readings to determine the center of a magnetic field using methods that require relatively little processing power. A method of calibrating the sensor system may include determining and storing offset values for a plurality of sensor elements and may be performed with the sensor system installed or uninstalled to the AGV.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Map generating and updating method for mobile robot position recognition

Номер: US20120213443A1
Принадлежит: Yujin Robot Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a map generating and updating method for mobile robot position recognition, and more specifically relates to a map generating and updating method for mobile robot position recognition, whereby position recognition error can be minimised by registering landmarks extracted during map generation and landmarks extracted on the basis of the probable error in inferred landmarks, calculating the accuracy of landmarks pre-registered during map generation, and adjusting the level of landmarks of low accuracy or removing landmarks which have been registered erroneously.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Sterilization system with ultraviolet emitter for eradicating biological contaminants

Номер: US20120223216A1
Принадлежит: Teckni Corp

An exemplary sterilization system includes a self-propelled robotic mobile platform for locating and eradicating infectious bacterial and virus strains on floors (and objects thereon), walls, cabinets, angled structures, etc., using one or more ultraviolet light sources. A controller allows the system to adjust the quantity of ultraviolet light received by a surface by, for example, changing the intensity of energy input to a ultraviolet light source, changing a distance between a ultraviolet light source and a surface being irradiated, changing the speed/movement of the mobile platform to affect time of exposure, and/or by returning to contaminated areas for additional passes. The mobile platform may include a sensor capable of detecting fluorescence of biological contaminants irradiated with ultraviolet light to locate contaminated areas. The system is thus capable of “seek and destroy” functionality by navigating towards contaminated areas and irradiating those areas with ultraviolet light accordingly.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Laser ranging tracking and designation using 3-d focal planes

Номер: US20120249999A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention tracks or locates small moving objects, or generates a 3-D frame of data by using 3-D focal plane arrays with low laser energy and few mechanically moving parts. The invention may be used to determine the direction of a laser designating a target, for target tracking, used as a 3-D movie/video camera or used to provide data for autonomous navigation.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Flight Control Laws for Constant Vector Flat Turns

Номер: US20120253558A1

An aircraft and method to control flat yawing turns of the aircraft while maintaining a constant vector across a ground surface. The aircraft includes a control system in data communication with control actuators, a lateral control architecture, a longitudinal control architecture, and an initialization command logic. The lateral control architecture controls the aircraft in the lateral direction, while the longitudinal control architecture controls the aircraft in the longitudinal direction. The initialization command logic automatically activates the lateral control architecture and the longitudinal control architecture to maintain a constant vector across the ground whenever a directional control input is made at low speed.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

GPS Navigation System

Номер: US20120253580A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A GPS navigation system for a motor vehicle mounted within sight of a driver and/or navigator. The system comprises and/or consists of a memory module that contains a pre-stored map database including a plurality of locations and a receiver supported within the motor vehicle for receiving signals indicative of the current position of the map. The system also includes a monitor positioned in the position within sight of the driver and/or navigator for displaying the location of the vehicle with the respect to a pre-stored map. Means including the memory module, receiver and said monitor display an area of about ½ km in all direction and up to ½ km to 1 km from the current position of the vehicle. Further, means including a zoom optical system for zooming in and out of the ½ to 1 km radius of the vehicle location on the stored map and means for summoning help to the present location of the vehicle. In addition, radar means for sensing an object that obstructs the projected pathway of the vehicle and a plurality of sensors and running control means perform the auto-drive control running of the vehicle based on the detection of signals from the plurality of sensors wherein said auto-drive control includes speed control, steering and breaking. The system includes a change over means for switching between the auto-drive and manual drive modes.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Mobile Station for an Unmanned Vehicle

Номер: US20120253581A1
Автор: Noel Wayne Anderson
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A mobile station for an unmanned vehicle comprises a vehicular storage area for storing a vehicle during transit or at rest. A first wireless transceiver communicates a status or command between the vehicle and the mobile station during at least one of vehicular deployment and rest. A station controller manages a management plan of the vehicle comprising at least one of retooling the vehicle, loading a payload on the vehicle, and recharging or refueling of the vehicle.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Storage systems comprising tractors and trailers

Номер: US20120259482A1
Автор: Klaus Jeschke
Принадлежит: Telejet Kommunikations GmbH

Contrary to many storage systems in which the stored material is parked along rails and physical guides the instant invention includes self propelled tractors to move storage material arranged on trailers on a flat freely drivable storage surface to a desired position and parking it thereon. The slightly increased number of tractors which simultaneously perform storage and retrieval provide a high transfer speed.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Robot cleaner and remote monitoring system and method of the same

Номер: US20120271502A1

Disclosed are a robot cleaner and a method for controlling the same. Firstly, an obstacle may be detected by using a light pattern sensor, and a user's inconvenience due to irradiation of a light pattern may be solved. Secondly, an obstacle may be precisely detected in a three dimensional manner by using the light pattern sensor. This may allow precise creation of a cleaning map. Thirdly, a user's eyes may be prevented from being continuously exposed to a light source. This may enhance the user's convenience.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Machine guidance system

Номер: US20120299695A1
Автор: Michael Sean McDaniel
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A guidance system for a machine may include a scanning device configured to detect a presence of an object within a minimum desired distance of the machine, and a controller in communication with the scanning device. The controller may be configured to compare a number of times the object is detected during a time period to a number of times the object is permitted to be detected during the time period. The controller may be configured to adjust the number of times the object is permitted to be detected. Further, the controller may be configured to output an indication, when the number of times the object is detected is equal to or greater than the number of times the object is permitted to be detected, that the object is less than the minimum desired distance from the machine.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Docking stations for automated guided vehicles

Номер: US20120303190A1
Автор: Randy Lee Pfeiffer

A docking station for an automated guided vehicle includes a station base unit and a shift unit adapted to move relative to the station base unit between an extended position and a retracted position, where movement of the shift unit from the extended position to the retracted position defines a shift unit movement direction. The docking station further includes an actuator coupled to the station base unit and the shift unit, where the actuator is adapted to move the shift unit between the extended position and the retracted position and at least one locator block coupled to the shift unit. The docking station stops an automated guided vehicle travelling in the shift unit movement direction when a portion of the automated guided vehicle contacts the at least one locator block with the shift unit in the extended position.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Tracking and following of moving objects by a mobile robot

Номер: US20120316680A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A robot tracks objects using sensory data, and follows an object selected by a user. The object can be designated by a user from a set of objects recognized by the robot. The relative positions and orientations of the robot and object are determined. The position and orientation of the robot can be used so as to maintain a desired relationship between the object and the robot. Using the navigation system of the robot, during its movement, obstacles can be avoided. If the robot loses contact with the object being tracked, the robot can continue to navigate and search the environment until the object is reacquired.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Automatic guided vehicle sensor system and method of using same

Номер: US20120330491A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An automatic guided vehicle (AGV) system for automatically transporting loads along a predetermined path is provided that includes a plurality of magnets distant from one another, wherein at least a portion of the plurality of magnets represent a positioning point, and a plurality of AGVs, wherein at least one of the plurality of AGVs includes a drive assembly and a sensor system configured to determine guidance information. The sensor system includes a circuit board, a two-dimensional array of giant magneto resistive (GMR) sensors along a surface of the circuit board, the GMR sensors configured to detect at least one of the plurality of embedded magnets when the GMR sensors are proximate thereto, and an electromagnetic coil extending around the circuit board and at least a portion of the GMR sensors, the electromagnetic coil configured to polarize the GMR sensors.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for navigating a robotic garden tool

Номер: US20130006419A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

The present invention relates to a method ( 300 ) and a system ( 100 ) for navigating a robotic garden tool ( 202 ) based on one or more operating parameters for subareas ( 210 - 218 ) within the working area ( 204 ) and a current location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ). The working area ( 204 ) is provided with a signal source ( 104 ) corresponding to which a sensor unit ( 106 ) is provided in the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) for detecting the one or more signals ( 102 ) from the signal source ( 104 ). The robotic garden tool ( 202 ) may include a low-accuracy positioning device ( 110 ) for providing co-ordinates of various subareas ( 210 - 218 ) and at any given instant, an approximate location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ). The robotic garden tool ( 202 ) further includes a processor means ( 114 ) for comparing the coordinates of the subareas ( 210 - 218 ) and the approximate position of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) to determine a current location of the robotic garden tool ( 202 ) in the working area ( 204 ).

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle remote operating system and in-vehicle device

Номер: US20130024049A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle remote operating system remotely operating a host vehicle VM from a portable terminal 200, a main control unit 112 of an ECU 110 of an in-vehicle device 100 determines an dispatch position of the host vehicle VM on the basis of a parking position of the host vehicle VM and a position of a user U who intends to board the host vehicle VM. Due to this, it becomes possible to dispatch the host vehicle VM according to the parking position of the host vehicle VM and the position of the user U, and convenience is improved in dispatch operation and boarding of the host vehicle VM.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Robotic Garden Tool Following Wires at a Distance Using Multiple Signals

Номер: US20130030609A1
Автор: Patrik JÄGENSTEDT
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

The present invention relates to a method ( 300 ) and a system ( 100 ) for guiding a robotic garden tool to a predetermined position. The robotic garden tool includes a control unit ( 104 ) and a sensor unit ( 102 ) to detect signals. The sensor unit ( 102 ) detects a first signal ( 110 ) from a first signal source ( 106 ) and the robotic garden tool follows the first signal ( 110 ) at a varying distance from the first signal source ( 106 ) that is less than or equal to a maximum distance to the first signal source, towards the predetermined position. Wherein, the varying distance is a function of the strength of the detected first signal ( 110 ). While detecting the first signal ( 110 ), the sensor unit may also detect a second signal ( 112 ) from a second signal source ( 108 ). The robotic garden tool follows the first signal ( 110 ) at a varying distance that is less than or equal to the maximum distance to the first signal source, wherein the maximum distance, at least in part, is now set based on the strength of the detected second signal ( 112 ), to reach a predetermined position.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Parking assist device for vehicle and electrically powered vehicle including the same

Номер: US20130038715A1
Автор: Shinji Ichikawa
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A first guidance control unit constituted of a parking assist ECU and a steering ECU guides a vehicle to a power transfer unit of a power feeding apparatus by controlling steering of the vehicle based on an image taken by a camera. When the vehicle is guided by the first guidance control unit to a predetermined position with respect to the power transfer unit, a second guidance control unit constituted of a vehicle ECU, a motor control ECU and a charging ECU performs alignment between the power transfer unit and a power reception unit by controlling speed of the vehicle based on a power receiving situation of the power reception unit.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Optical tracking vehicle control system and method

Номер: US20130041549A1

A vehicle control system having a controller and a spatial database adapted to provide spatial data to the controller at control speed. The spatial data provided from the spatial database to the controller includes images collected from an optical sensor subsystem in addition to other data collected by a variety of sensor types, including a GNSS or inertial measurement system. The spatial data received by the controller from the database forms at least part of the control inputs that the controller operates on to control the vehicle. The advantage provided by the present invention allows control system to “think” directly in terms of spatial location. A vehicle control system in accordance with one particular embodiment of the invention comprises a task path generator, a spatial database, at least one external spatial data receiver, a vehicle attitude compensation module, a position error generator, a controller, and actuators to control the vehicle.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Multimode vehicular navigation control

Номер: US20130054052A1
Принадлежит: Crown Equipment Corp

Included are embodiments for multimode vehicular navigation control. Some embodiments include a vehicle that has a memory component and a vehicle control module (VCM), where the VCM includes a controller. Additionally, the memory component may store functional modes of operation and control modes of operation, each of the control modes of operation being associated with a mechanism for controlling the vehicle, and each of the functional modes of operation being associated with a desired function of the vehicle. In some embodiments the VCM receives control commands from a system operator and implements the control commands, utilizing the controller. In some embodiments, at least one of the control modes of operation is configured for automatic control of the vehicle and at least one of the control modes of operation is a torque control mode for providing a power signal directly to a vehicle motor, without utilization of the controller.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for mining vehicle safety arrangments

Номер: US20130060458A1

The present invention relates to a method for a safety system of a mining vehicle. The method comprises scanning the surroundings of the mining vehicle while the mining vehicle is driven and giving a collision warning if an obstacle is detected in a safety zone of the mining vehicle. In the system, there is stored obstacle information comprising at least location information of predetermined obstacles. Location information of the obstacle detected on the basis of the scanning is compared with the location information determined in the obstacle information. Stopping of the mining vehicle, caused by the safety system due to the detected obstacle, is prevented in response to the detected obstacle being determined safe on the basis of checking the obstacle information.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle for displacing feed

Номер: US20130073137A1
Принадлежит: Lely Patent NV

The invention provides an autonomous vehicle for displacing feed laterally, comprising a frame having two separately drivable rear wheels and a front supporting point, and a feed displacer in the form of an annular element which is freely rotatable and has a radius r, said element forming the outer circumference of the vehicle. In order to enhance the control stability, the rear wheels are situated at a distance of less than a radius from the geometric centre of the vehicle.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Convoy travel apparatus

Номер: US20130079953A1
Автор: Seigou Kumabe
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A convoy travel apparatus in a subject vehicle of a convoy transmits a convoy travel information, which includes the maximum allowable number and the currently-included number of vehicles in the convoy. The apparatus determines whether the subject vehicle is blocking a signal from a leader vehicle of the convoy in which the subject vehicle is traveling as a follower vehicle, where the signal being blocked by the subject vehicle may not reach a position of a rearmost vehicle in the convoy. When the subject vehicle is determined to be blocking the signal, the subject vehicle transmits the convoy travel information indicating that the subject vehicle as a leader vehicle (i.e., a representative leader vehicle) of the convoy, thereby enabling a newly-joining vehicle to receive the convoy travel information transmitted from the follower vehicle in the convoy.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085643A1
Автор: Mathews George Morgan
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

A method and apparatus for determining positioning of a sensor relative to a target being tracked (e.g. in an urban environment) using the sensor, the sensor being mounted on a vehicle and being moveable with respect to the vehicle, the method including: for a certain time-step, measuring a state of the target using the sensor; for the certain time-step, estimating a state of the target using the measurements; determining instructions for movement of the sensor with respect to the vehicle, and instructions for the movement of the vehicle, using the estimated state; wherein determining movement instructions includes incorporating knowledge of how sensor line of sight is restricted, sensor line of sight being a path between the sensor and an object being measured using the sensor. 1. A method of determining positioning of a sensor relative to a target being tracked using the sensor , the sensor being mounted on a vehicle , and the sensor being moveable with respect to the vehicle , the method comprising:for a certain time-step, measuring a state of the target using the sensor;for the certain time-step, estimating a state of the target using the measured target state;determining instructions for movement of the sensor with respect to the vehicle using the estimated state; anddetermining instructions for movement of the vehicle using the estimated state; whereina step of determining instructions for movement includes incorporating knowledge of how a line of sight of the sensor is restricted, the line of sight of the sensor being a path between the sensor and an object being measured using the sensor.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the target is being tracked in an urban environment.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein determining movement instructions comprises:4. A method according to claim 1 , whereindetermining movement instructions comprises:determining movement instructions that minimise a loss function that corresponds to an expected total future ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096735A1
Принадлежит: VOCOLLECT, INC.

A system and method for the operation and navigation of a moving vehicle in a warehouse environment includes a controller for controlling operation of the vehicle and an imaging device configured to capture an image representing a view from the vehicle. Location labels are configured for being positioned in the warehouse environment and include location indicia. 1. A system for the operation and navigation of a moving vehicle in a warehouse environment , the system comprising:a controller for controlling operation of the vehicle;an imaging device configured to capture an image representing a view from the vehicle;a location label configured for being positioned in the warehouse environment and including a location indicia, the location label positioned so that the image captured by the imaging device includes an image of the location label when the vehicle is in proximity to the location label; anda navigation processor operatively coupled to the imaging device and configured to determine a location of the vehicle based at least in part on the image of the location label, the navigation processor further coupled with the controller to control the movement of the vehicle based on the determined location and a next location specified in an item order.2. The system of further comprising a voice-directed system configured for providing a speech dialog with a user regarding the location of items in the warehouse environment claim 1 , the voice-directed system configured for communicating with the navigation processor for controlling the movement of the vehicle based on location of items in the warehouse environment for the processing of the items using the vehicle.3. The system of wherein the location label further includes a target datum having predetermined dimensions claim 1 , and the navigation processor is further configured to determine the position of the vehicle based at least in part on a dimension of the target datum in the image of the location label.4. The ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle guidance and sensor bias determination

Номер: US20130096824A1

Systems and methods for guiding a vehicle and vehicle sensor bias determination methods are disclosed. A method for guiding a vehicle includes a primary antenna of a primary survey-grade GNSS-receiver and a secondary antenna of a secondary GNSS-receiver mounted to the vehicle, which are at least temporarily receiving GNSS-signals of a global positioning system. A plurality of physical sensors mounted to the vehicle generate physical data indicative of respective measured physical parameters of at least part of the vehicle. The method includes de-biasing the physical data and applying a recursive statistical estimator, such as a Kalman filter, to the de-biased physical data and an output of the primary and secondary GNSS-receivers to determine a position and velocity of the vehicle.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Robot Confinement

Номер: US20130103194A1
Принадлежит: iRobot Corp

A method of confining a robot in a work space includes providing a portable barrier signal transmitting device including a primary emitter emitting a confinement beam primarily along an axis defining a directed barrier. A mobile robot including a detector, a drive motor and a control unit controlling the drive motor is caused to avoid the directed barrier upon detection by the detector on the robot. The detector on the robot has an omnidirectional field of view parallel to the plane of movement of the robot. The detector receives confinement light beams substantially in a plane at the height of the field of view while blocking or rejecting confinement light beams substantially above or substantially below the plane at the height of the field of view.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116825A1

Disclosed are a robot cleaner and a method for controlling the same. A plurality of images are detected through an image detecting unit such as an upper camera, and two or more feature points are extracted from the plurality of images. Then, a feature point set consisting of the feature points is created, and the feature points included in the feature point set are matched with each other. This may allow the robot cleaner to precisely recognize a position thereof. Furthermore, this may allow the robot cleaner to perform a cleaning operation or a running operation by interworking a precisely recognized position with a map. 1. A robot cleaner , comprising:an image detecting unit configured to detect a plurality of images by capturing peripheral circumstances;a feature point extracting unit configured to extract a plurality of feature points with respect to each of the plurality of images, and to create a feature point set consisting of the plurality of feature points;a feature point matching unit configured to match the feature points with each other through comparisons; anda control unit configured to recognize a position of the robot cleaner based on a matching result.2. The robot cleaner of claim 1 , wherein the feature point comprises feature point information consisting of a position claim 1 , an orientation and a descriptor of the feature point on the image claim 1 , and the descriptor indicates extraction information of the feature point.3. The robot cleaner of claim 2 , wherein the feature point set is provided with feature point set information consisting of an orientation vector between the feature points and an orientation angle.4. The robot cleaner of claim 3 , wherein the orientation angle indicates an angle formed between an orientation of each feature point and an orientation vector.5. The robot cleaner of claim 3 , wherein the feature point matching unit is configured to match the feature points with each other based on changes of the orientation ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116880A1

An autonomous mobile body includes a storage unit arranged to store a size D of the autonomous mobile body, a laser range sensor arranged to acquire obstacle information, an obstacle identification unit arranged to identify, based on the acquired obstacle information, edge points indicating positions of both ends of a region in which an interfering obstacle exists, the both ends being both ends on a plane parallel or substantially parallel to a passage plane in a direction which is perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to a moving target direction of the autonomous mobile body, a direction setting unit arranged to set a pull-off direction based on the size D of the autonomous mobile body and the edge points, and a mobile controller arranged and programmed to control the autonomous mobile body to move toward the pull-off direction. 120-. (canceled)21. An autonomous mobile body which autonomously moves along a planned path , the autonomous mobile body comprising:a storage unit arranged to store a size of the autonomous mobile body;an obstacle information acquisition unit arranged to acquire obstacle information of obstacles around the autonomous mobile body;an obstacle identification unit arranged to identify, based on the obstacle information acquired by the obstacle information acquisition unit, positions of both ends of a region in which an obstacle positioned in a moving target direction exists, the both ends being both ends on a plane parallel or substantially parallel to a passage plane in a direction which is perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the moving target direction;a direction setting unit arranged to set a pull-off direction based on the size of the autonomous mobile body stored in the storage unit and the positions of the both ends identified by the obstacle identification unit; anda mobile controller arranged and programmed to control the autonomous mobile body to move in the pull-off direction set by the direction setting unit.22. ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Child-Care Robot and a Method of Controlling the Robot

Номер: US20130123658A1
Автор: OOnaka Shinichi

A child-care robot for use in a nursery school associates child behavior patterns with corresponding robot action patterns, and acquires a child behavior pattern when a child behaves in a specified pattern. The robot selects one of the robot action patterns, which is associated with the acquired child behavior pattern, and performs the selected robot action pattern. Additionally, the robot associates child identifiers with parent identifiers, and receives an inquiry message from a remote terminal indicating a parent identifier. The robot detects one of the child identifiers, which is associated with the parent identifier of the inquiry message, acquires an image or a voice of a child identified by the detected child identifier, and transmits the acquired image or voice to the remote terminal. The robot further moves in search of a child, measures the temperature of the child, and associates the temperature with time of day at which it was measured. 115.-. (canceled)16. The child-care robot of claim 30 , further comprising position detector means for detecting a plurality of geographic positions of objects claim 30 ,wherein said memory means comprises:a position memory for associating said detected geographic positions of objects with a plurality of identities of the objects; anda map memory,wherein said processor means is configured to create a map in said map memory for indicating said geographic positions of said objects and said identities of the objects on a floor layout of an architecture.17. The child-care robot of claim 16 , wherein said objects are children claim 16 , and wherein said position detector means detects said plurality of geographic positions of said children when said robot is moving around said area in search of said children.18. The child-care robot of claim 16 , wherein said objects are nursery school teachers claim 16 , and wherein said position detector means detects said plurality of geographic positions of said teachers when said robot is ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Sensing system for an automated vehicle

Номер: US20130124030A1
Принадлежит: Sauer Danfoss Inc

A sensing system for providing vehicle automation. The system includes a master controller that is electrically connected to a receiver that has a transceiver that provides over-the-air communication to a plurality of wireless sonic sensors. The transceivers receive information from the plurality of wireless sonic sensors in order to automate the control of the vehicle to ensure the vehicle drives in a straight line.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131910A1

An autonomous mobile body is configured to flexibly avoid obstacles. The mobile body has a movement mechanism configured to translate in a horizontal plane and rotate around a vertical axis, and the distance to an obstacle is derived for each directional angle using an obstacle sensor. A translational potential of the mobile body and a rotational potential of the mobile body for avoiding interference with the obstacle are generated, based on the distance from the autonomous mobile body to the obstacle at each directional angle. An amount of control relating to a translational direction and a translational velocity of the mobile body and an amount of control relating to a rotational direction and an angular velocity of the mobile body are generated based on the generated potentials, and the movement mechanism is driven. 1. An autonomous mobile body configured to avoid an obstacle and move autonomously to a goal , comprising:a platform vehicle having a movement mechanism configured to translate in a horizontal plane and rotate around a vertical axis;an obstacle sensor for deriving a distance to an obstacle for each directional angle;a potential generator for generating a translational potential of the mobile body and a rotational potential of the mobile body for avoiding interference with the obstacle, based on the distance from the autonomous mobile body to the obstacle at each directional angle;a control amount generator for generating an amount of control relating to a translational direction and a translational velocity of the mobile body and an amount of control relating to a rotational direction and an angular velocity of the mobile body, based on the generated potentials; anda drive controller for combining the generated amounts of control and driving the movement mechanism.2. The autonomous mobile body according to claim 1 , the potentials being potential membership functions according to a fuzzy potential method claim 1 , the translational potential ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138246A1

Vector Field SLAM is a method for localizing a mobile robot in an unknown environment from continuous signals such as WiFi or active beacons. Disclosed is a technique for localizing a robot in relatively large and/or disparate areas. This is achieved by using and managing more signal sources for covering the larger area. One feature analyzes the complexity of Vector Field SLAM with respect to area size and number of signals and then describe an approximation that decouples the localization map in order to keep memory and run-time requirements low. A tracking method for re-localizing the robot in the areas already mapped is also disclosed. This allows to resume the robot after is has been paused or kidnapped, such as picked up and moved by a user. Embodiments of the invention can comprise commercial low-cost products including robots for the autonomous cleaning of floors. 1. A method of managing resources for a robot , the method comprising:associating observations of a first set of one or more continuous signals with a first map;associating observations of a second set of one or more continuous signals with a second map, wherein the second map is maintained independently the first map; andswitching between performing simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with the first map or performing SLAM with the second map based at least partly on an observed signal strength of the first set or the second set.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:observing a plurality of sets of one or more continuous signals including the first set and the second set, wherein each of the plurality of observed sets is associated with a separate map;determining that a largest observed signal strength of the plurality of observed sets is larger in magnitude than a signal strength of a set currently being used for performing SLAM; andswitching to performing SLAM with the set with the largest observed signal strength.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:observing a plurality ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Re-localization of a robot for slam

Номер: US20130138247A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Vector Field SLAM is a method for localizing a mobile robot in an unknown environment from continuous signals such as WiFi or active beacons. Disclosed is a technique for localizing a robot in relatively large and/or disparate areas. This is achieved by using and managing more signal sources for covering the larger area. One feature analyzes the complexity of Vector Field SLAM with respect to area size and number of signals and then describe an approximation that decouples the localization map in order to keep memory and run-time requirements low. A tracking method for re-localizing the robot in the areas already mapped is also disclosed. This allows to resume the robot after is has been paused or kidnapped, such as picked up and moved by a user. Embodiments of the invention can comprise commercial low-cost products including robots for the autonomous cleaning of floors.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151054A1

An auto-seek operating mode for an electric vehicle adjusts the vehicle using a vehicle power steering system and a vehicle traction motor to move the vehicle toward a target connector for a utility power grid to charge a vehicle traction battery. If needed, vertical vehicle position adjustments may be made using a controllable vehicle suspension system. 1. A guidance system for a hybrid electric vehicle having a rechargeable battery coupled to an electric motor and power steering system , comprising:a stationary battery charging device that couples a vehicle charging connector of the hybrid electric vehicle to a power grid for recharging, the device transmitting position signals for the hybrid electric vehicle to automatically maneuver the vehicle charging connector into alignment with the battery charging device using the motor and power steering system.2. The guidance system of wherein the stationary battery charging device transmits short-range radio frequency position signals to the hybrid electric vehicle.3. The guidance system of wherein the stationary battery charging device transmits optical position signals to the hybrid electric vehicle.4. The guidance system of wherein the stationary battery charging device transmits x-axis claim 1 , y-axis claim 1 , and z-axis position signals.5. The guidance system of further comprising a controller in communication with the vehicle charging connector that generates signals to control the electric motor and power steering system to maneuver the vehicle in response to position of the vehicle charging connector relative to position of the stationary battery charging device.6. The guidance system of wherein at least one of the battery charging device and the vehicle transmits a timing signal to determine distance to the vehicle based on elapsed time between transmission of the timing signal and a reflection of the signal.7. The guidance system of further comprising a scanner mounted on the vehicle and configured to scan ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151061A1

A cleaning robot capable of cleaning a water tank in an unmanned manner and an underwater sediment cleaning apparatus and method are provided. The cleaning robot includes a body put into a water tank, a driver supporting the body and moving the body, a suction part arranged in front of the body and sucking contaminated water containing sediment in the water tank, and a tilting part supported by the body to support the suction part and rotating the suction part on an axis corresponding to the direction across the moving direction of the body. 1. A cleaning robot comprising:a body put into a water tank;a driver supporting the body and moving the body;a suction part arranged in front of the body and sucking contaminated water containing sediment in the water tank; anda tilting part supported by the body to support the suction part and rotating the suction part on an axis corresponding to the direction across the moving direction of the body.24-. (canceled)5. The cleaning robot of claim 1 , wherein the tilting part comprises:a support supporting the suction part with its front end, being rotatably combined with the body and rotating from the body on a first supporting pin provided in a direction across the moving direction of the body;a first link joint having a first end connected to the support through a first link pin;a second link joint having a first end connected to a second end of the first link joint through a second link pin and a second end connected to the body through a second supporting pin, being rotatably combined with the body and rotating on the second supporting pin; anda tilt cylinder having an output terminal connected to the second link pin.6. The cleaning robot of claim 5 , further comprising a tilt limit sensing part arranged behind the support to sense the lower limit point and the upper limit point of the support.7. The cleaning robot of claim 1 , further comprising a location information sensing part supported by the body and exposed from the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130151062A1

An apparatus for establishing a route of a moving object, the apparatus including: an information reception unit configured to receive map data from the outside, a global route generation unit configured to generate a global route based on the map data and location information and destination information of a moving object, a surrounding environment sensor unit configured to sense information regarding a surrounding environment of the moving object when the moving object runs, a local route generation unit configured to generate one or more local routes based on the sensed information regarding a surrounding environment, a running unit configured to run the moving object based on the local route, and, when two or more local routes are generated, establish a route of the moving object through matching between the global route and the local routes, and running the moving object. 1. An apparatus for establishing a route of a moving object , the apparatus comprising:an information reception unit configured to receive map data from the outside;a global route generation unit configured to generate a global route based on the map data and location information and destination information of a moving object;a surrounding environment sensor unit configured to sense information regarding a surrounding environment of the moving object when the moving object runs;a local route generation unit configured to generate one or more local routes based on the sensed information regarding a surrounding environment; anda running unit configured to run the moving object based on the local route, and, when two or more local routes are generated, establish a route of the moving object through matching between the global route and the local routes, and running the moving object.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the local route generation unit generates a local route for avoiding an obstacle based on the sensed information regarding the surrounding environment.3. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158748A1

A control device for a mobile robot, the robot comprising a camera and a communication unit, comprises a display unit displaying an image corresponding to the image taken by the camera and transmitted by the communication unit, and a user interface, wherein the user interface is configured to allow a user to control a position of a pointer on the image displayed by the display unit, and the user interface comprises a selection unit allowing the user to select a position of the pointer on the image displayed by the display unit, the control device further comprising a computation unit and a communication system, the computation unit being configured to compute displacement commands and send them through the communication system to the robot, said displacement commands being computed to make the robot move to a physical position corresponding to the pointer's position selected by the user on the image. 2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the pointer is a pattern which aspect depends on the space orientation and/or position of the pointer in the image.3. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the pointer is a pattern which is represented in perspective and parallel to a plane of a physical environment in which the robot is moving.4. The control device according to claim 3 , wherein the plane corresponds to a plane of a wall claim 3 , or a plane of a floor claim 3 , or a plane of an object located in the physical environment.5. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the size of the pointer depends on the distance between:the robot, andthe physical position corresponding to the position on which the pointer is located in the image.6. A system for mobile robot claim 1 , comprising:a mobile robot, the robot comprising a camera and a communication unit, and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a control device according to .'}8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the pointer is a pattern which aspect depends on the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158773A1

A system for guiding an automated guided vehicle (AGV) is provided. The system includes a guidance path, an AGV, an image capturing apparatus and an operation unit. The guidance path guides the AGV. The AGV moves on the guidance path and is guided by the guidance path. The AGV moves in a vision guidance region after departing from the guidance path. The image capturing apparatus captures a vision guidance region associated image. The vision guidance region associated image at least includes an image of the vision guidance region. The operation unit determines whether the AGV departs from the guidance path, and calculates position information of the AGV in the vision guidance region. When the AGV departs from the guidance path, the operation unit guides the AGV according to the vision guidance region associated image. 1. A system for guiding an automated guided vehicle (AGV) , comprising:a guidance path, for guiding the AGV; wherein the AGV moves on the guidance path;an image capturing apparatus, for capturing a vision guidance region associated image at least comprising an image of the vision guidance region; andan operation unit, for determining whether the AGV is departed from the guidance path, and guiding the AGV according to the vision guidance region associated image when the AGV is departed from the guidance path.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the guidance path comprises a first branch and a second branch claim 1 , the first branch comprises a first terminal claim 1 , and the second branch comprises a second terminal; when the AGV enters the vision guidance region from the first terminal claim 1 , the operation unit performs route planning and positioning of the AGV in the vision guidance region until the AGV arrives the second terminal from the first terminal.3. The system according to claim 2 , further comprising:a first tag used to identify signal, disposed at the first terminal;a second tag used to identify signal, disposed at the second ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158775A1

A method for navigation of a movable platform is provided. The method includes the steps. First, a plurality of reflection devices is placed to mark a range. A coordinate location and a direction of the movable platform are received by a positioning system, At least one laser to measure relative positions and distances between the reflection devices and the movable platform are emitted by a laser range finder, respectively. Absolute locations of the reflection devices and the range are calculated by a processor according to the coordinate location and the direction of the movable platform, the relative positions and the distances between the reflection devices and the movable platform. The reflection devices are scanned and tracked by the processor, and the coordinate location and the direction of the movable platform and the absolute locations are calibrated by the processor to control the movable platform to move in the range. 1. A method for navigation of a movable platform , used in a system; the system includes a plurality of reflection devices and a movable platform , wherein the movable platform further includes a positioning system , a laser range finder and a processor , the method comprising:placing the plurality of reflection devices to mark a range;receiving, by the positioning system, a coordinate location and a direction of the movable platform;emitting, by the laser range finder, at least one laser to measure relative positions and distances between the plurality of reflection devices and the movable platform, respectively;calculating, by the processor, absolute locations of the plurality of reflection devices and the range according to the coordinate location and the direction of the movable platform, and the relative positions and the distances between the plurality of reflection devices and the movable platform; andscanning and tracking, by the laser range finder, the plurality of reflection devices, and calibrating, by the processor, the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130166108A1
Автор: Sturm Volker
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices between two areas, one area being a high-bay warehouse, includes a driverless transport system with at least one transport trolley for transporting the goods including the loading devices. The transport trolley has a lifting device which can be lifted and lowered above the trolley. The transport system furthermore includes a transfer station under which the transport trolley can drive and from which the transport trolley can accept and/or transfer loading devices with load deposited there. 1. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices between two areas , one area being a high-bay warehouse , comprising a driverless transport system with at least one transport trolley for transporting the goods together with the loading devices , the transport trolley including a lifting device which can be lifted and lowered above the trolley , and a transfer station under which the transport trolley can drive and from which the transport trolley can at least one of accept or transfer loading devices with load deposited thereon.2. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transport trolley can be driven freely movably.3. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transport trolley is remote-controlled.4. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , wherein the system can be controlled and administered by a superimposed control system.5. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transport trolley comprises a capacitive power supply.6. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transport trolley has a two-dimensional navigation.7. A system for transporting goods arranged on loading devices according to claim 1 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for transferring material between vehicles

Номер: US20130166157A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A user interface alerts an operator of the lead vehicle if the follower vehicle location is within a predefined radius of the lead vehicle location and a predetermined angular difference with respect to a heading of the lead vehicle. A user interface response mechanism is configured such that the operator can accept or reject jointly coordinated movement of the lead vehicle and follower vehicle for unloading the lead vehicle during an unloading period. The first wireless communications device is adapted to transmit an alignment data message to the follower vehicle to maintain a target offset between the lead vehicle and the follower vehicle, where the target offset is based on a first vehicle identifier of the follower vehicle, a second vehicle identifier of the lead vehicle, and preset target offset stored in at data storage device associated with the lead vehicle.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169792A1

The invention provides a method for assisting in a parking operation for a motor vehicle () using a driver assistance system (). The driver assistance system () determines a parking path along which the motor vehicle () can be parked into a parking space () or driven out of the parking space (). Image data about surroundings ( to ) of the motor vehicle () are captured by at least one optical capture device (to ) of the driver assistance system (). The image data are processed to produce an image () which shows a perspective view of at least one surrounding area () next to the motor vehicle (). The image () is displayed on a display device (). The image () is produced by taking account of a current position of the motor vehicle () on the calculated parking path. By way of example, a direction of view () and/or a field of view () from which the perspective view is shown can be set on the basis of the current position of the motor vehicle () on the parking path. The invention also provides a driver assistance system () and a motor vehicle (). 1. A method for assisting in a parking operation for a motor vehicle using a driver assistance system by , comprising:determining a parking path along which the motor vehicle is parked into a parking space or driven out of the parking space;capturing image data about surroundings of the motor vehicle using at least one optical capture device of the driver assistance system;processing the image data to produce an image which shows a perspective view of at least one surrounding area next to the motor vehicle; anddisplaying the image on a display device, whereinthe image is produced by taking account of a current position of the motor vehicle on the parking path.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a direction of view and/or a field of view from which the perspective view is shown is/are set on the basis of the current position of the motor vehicle on the parking path.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a size of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173096A1

A computer implemented method for guiding an under-actuated marine surface vessel in tracking a desired trajectory comprises expressing a predetermined vessel trajectory as a set of straight line segments, determining a desired current line segment, and determining the vessel's current position. A cross-track error and the derivative of the cross-track error are then determined. Next, a radius R of the line-of-sight (LOS) circle using a newly introduced exponential function is determined. Intersection points M and N between the LOS circle and the current desired line segment are determined. A desired heading angle is determined as the angle between the line of sight and a predetermined fixed reference line. A drift detection algorithm is built into the proposed guidance scheme to detect situations whereby the ship moves parallel to its desired trajectory for an extended period of time without being able to correct for the cross track error. 2. The method of wherein:{'sub': 'min', 'Ris 1.7L;'}L is the length of the ship; andb is 0.05.3. The method of further comprising:{'sub': i+1', 'i', 'i+1, 'i) determining if the vessel has reached endpoint Aof the line segment [A, A];'}j) if the vessel has not reached the desired position, the system loops back to the step c).{'sub': i+1', 'i', 'i+1, 'k) if the vessel has reached desired endpoint Aof the line segment [A, A], then the index is incremented to the next line segment of the desired trajectory; and'}{'sub': n+1', 'n+1, 'l) determining if the destination Ahas been reached, if Ahas been reached the loop is terminated, else loop back to step b).'}4. The method of wherein drift is detected prior to step e) to correct the desired heading angle.6. The method of wherein:{'sub': 'min', 'Ris 1.7L;'}L is the length of the ship; andb is 0.05.7. The method of wherein the vessel is an under-actuated marine ship or other autonomous platform.8. A non-transitory computer readable medium encoded instructions that execute the method of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179023A1
Автор: SCHMIDT Gerald

A method for informing a motor vehicle driver of a driving maneuver planned by a driver assistance system of a motor vehicle and carried out by the motor vehicle, a driver assistance system for a motor vehicle that utilizes the method, and a motor vehicle with the driver's assistance system are provided. The method includes detecting current environmental data of the environment lying ahead of the motor vehicle by a detection means, planning and carrying out the driving maneuver on the basis of the environmental data, and reproducing the driving maneuver and at least a portion of the detected environmental data in an image on a display. 1. A method for informing a motor vehicle driver of a driving maneuver planned by a driver assistance system of a motor vehicle and carried out by the motor vehicle , wherein the method comprises the steps of:detecting current environmental data of an environment lying ahead of the motor vehicle by a detection means;planning and carrying out the driving maneuver on a basis of the current environmental data; andreproducing the driving maneuver and at least a portion of the current environmental data in an image on a display.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:planning a future driving maneuver on a basis of the current environmental data; andreproducing a feasibility of the future driving maneuver in the image.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the driving maneuver claim 2 , the future driving maneuver claim 2 , and the current environmental data are presented in the image respectively by an image object chosen from a line claim 2 , an arrow claim 2 , a box claim 2 , a structured area claim 2 , a circle claim 2 , a wheel or a pair of wheels.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein a presentation of the driving maneuver and a presentation of the future driving maneuver differ from one another in color and/or structurally.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein reproducing comprises displaying a presentation ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Humanoid Robot that can Dynamically Walk with Limited Available Footholds in the Presence of Disturbances

Номер: US20130184861A1

A control system for a bipedal humanoid robot that utilizes certain fundamental characteristics of bipedal motion to provide a robust and relatively simple balancing and walking mechanism. The system primarily utilizes the concept of “capturability,” which is defined as the ability of the robot to come to a stop without falling by taking N or fewer steps. This ability is considered crucial to legged locomotion and is a useful, yet not overly restrictive criterion for stability. In the preferred embodiment, the bipedal robot is maintained in a 1-step capturable state. This means that future step-locating and driving decisions are made so that the robot may always be brought to a balanced halt with the taking of one step. Other embodiments maintain the bipedal robot in an N-step capturable state, in which the robot may always brought to a balanced halt by taking N or fewer steps. 1. A method for controlling the motion of a bipedal humanoid robot having a center of mass , a first leg and a second leg , said first leg ending in a first support foot bounded by a first support polygon , and said second leg ending in a second support foot bounded by a second support polygon , comprising:a. determining an instantaneous capture point of said humanoid robot based on a position of said center of mass, and a velocity of said center of mass;b. determining a set of vertices for said first polygon that are visible from said instantaneous capture point;c. defining a set of reflected visible vertices by reflecting each of said visible vertices through said instantaneous capture point;d. using said instantaneous capture point and said set of reflected visible vertices to define first and second capture region boundary rays;e. determining a maximum step boundary;f. defining a capture region bounded by said set of reflected visible vertices, said first capture region boundary ray, said second capture region boundary ray, and said maximum step boundary; andg. placing at least a portion ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Discovery and Monitoring of an Environment Using a Plurality of Robots

Номер: US20130184865A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are provided for discovery and monitoring of an environment using a plurality of robots. A plurality of robots navigate an environment by determining a navigation buffer for each of the robots; and allowing each of the robots to navigate within the environment while maintaining a substantially minimum distance from other robots, wherein the substantially minimum distance corresponds to the navigation buffer, and wherein a size of each of the navigation buffers is reduced over time based on a percentage of the environment that remains to be navigated. The robots can also navigate an environment by obtaining a discretization of the environment to a plurality of discrete regions; and determining a next unvisited discrete region for one of the plurality of robots to explore in the exemplary environment using a breadth-first search. The plurality of discrete regions can be, for example, a plurality of real or virtual tiles.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184924A1
Принадлежит: HUSQVARNA AB

Method and system for guiding a robotic garden tool () is disclosed. The robotic garden tool () may include at least two sensing means ( and ). The robotic garden tool () is equipped to follow along a guiding wire () on a lawn (). While the robotic garden tool () moves along the guiding wire (), the sensing means ( and ) may detect a magnetic field strength generated from current carrying guiding wire (). The method () and the system () is equipped to provide instructions to the robotic garden tool () to follow the guiding wire () based on the difference of magnetic field strength sensed by at least two sensing means ( and ). 1. A guiding system for a robotic garden tool , the guiding system comprising:at least one guiding wire adapted to conduct electric current such that a magnetic field is generated adjacent to the guiding wire, anda robotic garden tool adapted to follow the guiding wire at a distance from the guiding wire,wherein the robotic garden tool further comprises a first sensing means and a second sensing means placed on the robotic garden tool such that they will have different distance to the guiding wire when the robotic garden tool moves along the guiding wire, wherein each of the first sensing means and second sensing means are adapted to detect a strength of the magnetic field, and wherein the robotic garden tool is adapted to use the difference between the detected magnetic field strength in the first sensing means and the detected magnetic field strength in the second sensing means for steering along the guiding wire.2. A guiding system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first sensing means and second sensing means are adapted to detect the strength of a vertical component in the magnetic field.3. A guiding system according to claim 1 , wherein the first sensing means and the second sensing means are placed on the robotic garden tool with a distance between each other along the longitudinal axis of the robotic garden tool.4. A ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184980A1

Disclosed is a mobile body which plans an avoidance operation of the mobile body and an expected avoidance operation which is expected of a mobile obstacle, thereby improving efficiency of the avoidance operation. A mobile body () which moves along an operation target includes mobile obstacle detection means () and () for detecting a mobile obstacle in the vicinity of the mobile body (), approach determination means () for determining whether or not the mobile obstacle and the mobile body approach each other within a predetermined interval, and operation planning means () for, when the approach determination means () determines that the mobile obstacle and the mobile body () approach each other within the predetermined interval, planning the avoidance operation of the mobile body () and an expected avoidance operation which is expected of the mobile obstacle. 115-. (canceled)16. A mobile body which moves on the basis of an operation target , the mobile body comprising:mobile obstacle detection means for detecting a mobile obstacle in the vicinity of the mobile body;approach determination means for determining whether or not the mobile obstacle and the mobile body approach each other within a predetermined interval; andoperation planning means for, when the approach determination means determines that the mobile obstacle and the mobile body approach each other within the predetermined interval, planning an avoidance operation of the mobile body and an expected avoidance operation which is expected of the mobile obstacle.17. The mobile body according to claim 16 , further comprising:alert operation planning means for planning an alert operation to the mobile obstacle on the basis of the expected avoidance operation planned by the operation planning means.18. The mobile body according to claim 16 , further comprising:contact tolerance calculation means for calculating contact tolerance of the mobile body with respect to the mobile obstacle,wherein the operation ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Gathering Video Data Related to Operation of an Autonomous Industrial Vehicle

Номер: US20130190963A1

As an autonomously guided industrial vehicle travels through a facility images of the adjacent environment are acquired, by either a still camera or a video camera. An image file containing a plurality of the images is stored onboard the vehicle. During that travel, the location of the vehicle is determined. Upon occurrence of a predefined incident, such as encountering an obstacle or impacting an object, an incident message is transmitted wirelessly from the vehicle to a remote management computer. The incident message contains an indication of the type of incident, an indication of a location of the vehicle, and the plurality of the images. The remote management computer responds to the incident message by providing a notification about the incident to one or more persons. The contents of the incident message enables the person notified to take corrective action. 1. A method for operating an autonomously guided industrial vehicle that travels through a facility , said method comprising:acquiring images of the facility as the industrial vehicle travels;storing each acquired image onboard the industrial vehicle;upon occurrence of a predefined incident, wirelessly transmitting an incident message from the industrial vehicle to a remote management computer, wherein the incident message contains location data indicating a location of the industrial vehicle;after the predefined incident, transferring from the industrial vehicle a plurality of the images acquired prior to the predefined incident; andthe remote management computer responding to the incident message by providing a human perceivable notification about the incident.2. The method as recited in wherein the plurality of the images comprises a video sequence.3. The method as recited in wherein the incident message contains an indication of a type of incident that occurred.4. The method as recited in wherein the incident message contains at least one of the plurality of the images.5. The method as recited in ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for augmenting a guidance system with a path sensor

Номер: US20130191017A1

In an automatic vehicle position control system, such as a satellite-based agricultural implement steering system, the satellite-based steering information is adjusted with information obtained from one or more path sensors to facilitate the automatic nudging of the vehicle to take account of inaccurate tracking of the agricultural implement relative to its tractor, terrain variations, and inaccuracies in the satellite-based steering system.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197758A1

A vehicle control apparatus that for automatic steering control that reduces occupant discomfort and stress is provided. A lane width of a subject lane and a current in-lane ratio are detected. If an off-lane obstacle which may place stress on the occupant is present within a prescribed area, a relative position between each off-lane obstacle and the vehicle is determined. A target in-lane ratio is determined based on the relative position. Specifically, when the off-lane obstacles are present on both the left and right sides of the subject lane, the target in-lane ratio is such that lateral distances to both off-lane obstacles are equal. When the off-lane obstacle is present on only one of either the left or right of the subject lane, the target in-lane ratio is set such that a lateral position away from the off-lane obstacle by a lateral distance set in advance is the target lateral position. 1. A vehicle automatic steering control apparatus , comprising:a lane detecting means for detecting a cruising lane in which an own vehicle is traveling;an off-lane obstacle detecting means for detecting an obstacle positioned outside of the cruising lane, including a vehicle traveling in an adjacent lane;a relative position calculating means for determining a relative position of the off-lane obstacle in relation to the own vehicle;an in-lane ratio calculating means for calculating an in-lane ratio expressing the ratio of distances from both left and right edges of the cruising lane at which the own vehicle should travel based on the relative position of the off-lane obstacle;a traveling trajectory calculating means for calculating an expected traveling trajectory on which the own vehicle should travel based on the in-lane ratio; andan automatic steering means for performing steering control such that the vehicle travels in adherence to the expected traveling trajectory determined by the travelling trajectory calculating means.2. The vehicle automatic steering control ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting grass

Номер: US20130199144A1
Автор: Fabrizio Bernini
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for cutting grass comprising: a lawn mower equipped with movement means and one or more blades for cutting grass; a perimeter cable, delimiting a cutting area; a management device for generating an electrical signal (ES) in the cable; a recharging base. The lawn mower further comprises a control unit equipped with: sensor means to detect the electrical signal (ES); a memory to store a maximum value (Vmax) and a minimum value (Vmin); a calculation module to determine, for said intensity of detection, a target value (Tv) that is non-null and comprised between the maximum (Vmax) and minimum value (Vmin), the target value (Tv) being different from a preceding target value; an operative module to command the movement means so as to move the lawn mower in such a manner that the sensor means detects the electrical signal (ES) at an intensity equal to the target value (Tv).

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204437A1

An agricultural robot system and method of harvesting, pruning, culling, weeding, measuring and managing of agricultural crops. Uses autonomous and semi-autonomous robot(s) comprising machine-vision using cameras that identify and locate the fruit on each tree, points on a vine to prune, etc., or may be utilized in measuring agricultural parameters or aid in managing agricultural resources. The cameras may be coupled with an arm or other implement to allow views from inside the plant when performing the desired agricultural function. A robot moves through a field first to “map” the plant locations, number and size of fruit and approximate positions of fruit or map the cordons and canes of grape vines. Once the map is complete, a robot or server can create an action plan that a robot may implement. An action plan may comprise operations and data specifying the agricultural function to perform. 1. A method for using an agricultural robot system comprising:entering a field with a scout robot;approaching a plant with said scout robot;logging coordinates of said scout robot by said scout robot;mapping at least one location of an agricultural element by said scout robot to produce a map; and,continuing said approaching, said logging and said mapping until a desired number of plants in said field have been mapped.2. The method of further comprising:creating an action plan with comprising an action that utilizes said at least one location of said agricultural element.3. The method of further comprising:gathering environmental information from said agricultural elements.4. The method of further comprising:transmitting information from said scout robot to a worker robot in creating an action plan from said map;moving said worker robot near said plant;operating on an intended item associated with said plant by said worker robot; and,continuing said moving and said operating until said all plants in said field have been operated on.5. The method of wherein said transmitting ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Coordinating Movement of Mobile Drive Units

Номер: US20130204480A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

A method for moving one or more mobile drive units within a workspace includes receiving, from a first mobile drive unit, a reservation request requesting use of a first path segment to move in a first direction. The method further includes determining that a second mobile drive unit is currently located on the first path segment and determining whether the second mobile drive unit is moving in the first direction. Additionally, the method includes transmitting a reservation response indicating that the reservation request is denied, in response to determining that the second mobile drive unit is not moving in the first direction. The method also includes transmitting a reservation response indicating that the reservation request is granted, in response to determining that the second mobile drive unit is moving in the first direction.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Robot system

Номер: US20130204481A1
Автор: Dai Kouno, Tamio Nakamura
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

A robot system includes a planar sign, a robot, a distance direction sensor, and a controller. The controller is configured to control the robot and includes a map data memory and a progress direction determining device. The map data memory is configured to store map data of a predetermined running path including a position of the planar sign. The progress direction determining device is configured to compare a detection result of the distance direction sensor and the stored map data so as to determine a progress direction of the robot.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Autonomous robot and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20130211591A1
Автор: Hyun Kim, Young Ho Suh

Disclosed are a robot and a method of controlling the robot, and more particularly are an autonomous robot and a method of controlling the autonomous robot. The autonomous robot includes a sensor for detecting a change of a situation; an actuator; and a controller for controlling the actuator based on information input through the sensor, wherein the controller controls the actuator in accordance with mode information including an act abstraction layer which defines a unit act by combining functions of the sensor and the actuator.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211624A1
Автор: Ekmark Jonas, Lind Henrik

The present invention relates to a control system for travel in a platoon (), the platoon comprising a lead vehicle (L) and one or more following vehicles (F, F, . . . , F, F, . . . , F) automatically following the lead vehicle, the lead vehicle controlling the movement of the following vehicles, each of the following vehicles and the lead vehicle comprising communication means (), wherein the control system comprises a common time base, which allows a control command proposing an action to be communicated from the lead vehicle (L) to at least one of the following vehicles (F, F, . . . , F, F, . . . , F) in advance of a control point (t). The invention further relates to the use of a common time base in a platoon and to a method to control travelling in a platoon. 1. A control system for travel in a platoon , said platoon comprising a lead vehicle and one or more following vehicles automatically following the lead vehicle , said lead vehicle controlling the movement of said following vehicles ,each of said following vehicles and said lead vehicle comprising communication means,whereinsaid control system comprising a common time base, which allows a control command proposing an action to be communicated from said lead vehicle to at least one of said following vehicles in advance of a control point of time.2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the common time base has a precision of at least 10 ms claim 1 , preferably at least 1 ms and most preferably at least 100 μs.3. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein a time gap between two vehicles of said platoon is less than 0.6 s.4. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein said common time base is based on signals from an external clock claim 1 , such as GPS time or UTC time.5. The control system according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in case of signals from said external clock being temporarily unreceivable claim 4 , the time base of an individual vehicle of said platoon is based on the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Guidance apparatus of unmanned autonomous operating vehicle

Номер: US20130211645A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In an apparatus for guiding an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery ( 30 ) for operating a lawn mower blades, other electric motors for driving wheels, and two magnetic sensors attached at the front for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of an area wire and controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire to perform operation and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery, the area wire is laid with an offset to right or left when viewed in a plane such that the vehicle is turned from a straight-running position to a direction of the offset and then is returned to the straight-running position when the vehicle runs to be connected to the charging device, thereby guiding the vehicle to the charging device.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211646A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In an apparatus for controlling an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating lawn mower blades, and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of an area wire such that the vehicle is controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire to mow lawn using the blades and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery, a distance from the area wire is detected based on the detected intensity of the magnetic field detected by the magnetic sensors, and a different one of returning trajectories defined along the area wire in advance with respect to distances from the area wire is selected, whenever the vehicle is to be returned. 1. An apparatus for controlling an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating an operating machine , prime movers for driving wheels , and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of an area wire , the vehicle being controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire through wheels driven by the prime movers to perform an operation using the operating machine and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery ,wherein the improvement comprises:an area wire distance detector adapted to detect a distance from the area wire based on the detected intensity of the magnetic field detected by the magnetic sensors; anda returning trajectory selector adapted to select a different one of a plurality of returning trajectories defined along the area wire in advance with respect to distances from the area wire, whenever the vehicle is to be returned to the charging device installed in the operating area to charge the battery.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the returning trajectories are set to be different from distances away from the area wire and one of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211647A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In an arrangement of an area wire for an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating an operating machine, and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of the area wire and controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire to perform an operation using the operating machine and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery, there are provided with a charging device detecting area set to be used for detecting a position of the charging device, and a turn-back portion formed by bending the area wire at an appropriate position toward the charging device detecting area and again bending the area wire to return in a same direction with a predetermined space, whereby the operating area is divided into a plurality of zones. 1. An arrangement of an area wire for an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating an operating machine , prime movers for driving wheels , and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of the area wire , the vehicle being controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire through wheels driven by the prime movers to perform an operation using the operating machine and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery ,wherein the improvement comprises:a charging device detecting area set to be used for detecting a position of the charging device; anda turn-back portion formed by bending the area wire at an appropriate position toward the charging device detecting area and again bending the area wire to return in a same direction with a predetermined space, whereby the operating area is divided into a plurality of zones.2. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined space is determined based on the intensity of the magnetic field of the area wire ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211648A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In an apparatus for controlling an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating an operating machine, and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of an area wire and controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire through wheels driven by the prime movers to perform an operation using the operating machine and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery, there is provided with a turn-back portion formed by bending the area wire at an appropriate position and again bending the area wire to return in a same direction with a predetermined space so as to divide the operating area into a plurality of parts and vehicle running is controlled to be prohibited from going across the turn-back portion. 1. An apparatus for controlling an unmanned autonomous operating vehicle having an electric motor supplied with power from a battery for operating an operating machine , prime movers for driving wheels , and magnetic sensors for detecting intensity of a magnetic field of an area wire , the vehicle being controlled to run about in an operating area defined by the area wire through wheels driven by the prime movers to perform an operation using the operating machine and to return to a charging device installed on the area wire so as to charge the battery ,wherein the improvement comprises:a turn-back portion formed by bending the area wire at an appropriate position and again bending the area wire to return in a same direction with a predetermined space so as to divide the operating area into a plurality of zones; anda running controller adapted to control the vehicle to be prohibited from going across the turn-back portion.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the improvement further comprises:a charging device detecting area set to be used for detecting a position of the charging device,and the running controller ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Stand for holding at least one medical device, having assistively driven casters

Номер: US20130211651A1
Автор: Joachim Schaible
Принадлежит: Leica Microsystems Schweiz AG

The invention relates to a stand ( 10 ) for holding at least one medical device (W 1 to W 3 ), which encompasses a stand foot ( 6 ) having multiple casters ( 16 ) for displacement of the stand ( 10 ). The stand ( 10 ) has a sensor unit ( 22 ) for ascertaining a displacement motion of the stand ( 10 ), a drive unit ( 18 ) for driving at least one of the casters ( 16 ), and a control unit ( 20 ) for controlling the drive unit ( 18 ). The control unit ( 20 ) applies control to the drive unit ( 18 ) in such a way that the latter assistively drives the at least one caster ( 16 ) only when the sensor unit ( 22 ) detects a displacement motion of the stand ( 10 ).

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211659A1

Apparatus for and method of processing sensor data for the purpose of navigating a vehicle (for example an autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle), the sensor data being from a sensor (for example a camera) mounted on the vehicle. The method can include can include: for a number of time-steps, measuring a value of a parameter of a scene using the sensor to produce a sequence of images of the scene; determining a value of one or more image quality metrics (for example, spatial entropy and spatial information) in each image in the sequence; and identifying as either valid or invalid, a sub-sequence of images in the sequence based on the determined metric values. 1. A method of processing sensor data for navigating a vehicle , the sensor data being from a sensor mounted on a vehicle , the method comprising:for a number of time-steps, measuring a value of a parameter of a scene using the sensor to produce a sequence of images of the scene;determining a metric value of one or more image quality metrics in each image in the sequence; andidentifying as either valid or invalid, a sub-sequence of images in the sequence based on the determined metric values.2. A method according to claim 1 , in combination with guidance of a vehicle which is an autonomous vehicle claim 1 , or a semi-autonomous vehicle.3. A method according to comprising:performing a perception process for the autonomous vehicle in which image sub-sequences identified as valid are treated differently to image sub-sequences identified as invalid.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the identifying as either valid or invalid claim 1 , a sub-sequence of images in the sequence based on the determined metric values claim 1 , comprises:identifying as either valid or invalid, a sub-sequence of images in the sequence based on an evolution of the determined metric values within that sub-sequence.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more image quality metric values comprise more than one different ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218341A1

An embodiment of the invention provides a control method of a cleaning robot with a non-omnidirectional light detector. The method includes the steps of: detecting a light beam via the non-omnidirectional light detector; stopping the cleaning robot and spinning the non-omnidirectional light detector when the non-omnidirectional light detector detects the light beam; stopping the spinning of the non-omnidirectional light detector and estimating a first spin angle when the non-omnidirectional light detector does not detect the light beam; and adjusting a moving direction of the cleaning robot according to the first spin angle. 1. A control method of a cleaning robot with a non-omnidirectional light detector , comprising:detecting a light beam via the non-omnidirectional light detector;stopping the cleaning robot and spinning the non-omnidirectional light detector when the non-omnidirectional light detector detects the light beam;stopping the spinning of the non-omnidirectional light detector and estimating a first spin angle when the non-omnidirectional light detector does not detect the light beam; andadjusting a moving direction of the cleaning robot according to the first spin angle.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:determining whether the light beam is output by a light generating device.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:estimating a second spin angle according to the first spin angle, a first center of the non-omnidirectional light detector, a second center of the cleaning robot and a distance between the first center and the second center.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising:changing the moving direction by spinning the cleaning robot according to the second spin angle.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:moving the cleaning robot to a light generating device along the light beam.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein when the cleaning robot moves along the light beam ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218342A1

An embodiment of the invention provides a control method of a cleaning robot. The method includes the steps of: forming a cleaning area according to at least three points which are selected from a light generating device, a charging station or an obstacle; moving the cleaning robot along an outer of the cleaning area from a first position; recording a first cleaning route when the cleaning robot returns back to the first position; moving the cleaning robot to a second position and planning a second cleaning route according to the first cleaning route; and moving the cleaning robot along the second cleaning route. 1. A control method for a cleaning robot , comprising:forming a cleaning area according to at least three means which are selected from a light generating device, a charging station or an obstacle;circling along an outline of the cleaning area from a first position;recording a first cleaning route when the cleaning robot returns back to the first position;moving the cleaning robot to a second position and planning a second cleaning route according to the first cleaning route; andcircling along the second cleaning route.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a distance between the first position and the second position is a first distance.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first distance is half of a width of the cleaning robot.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:estimating a center of the cleaning area,wherein when the second position is the center of the cleaning area, the cleaning robot does not move along the second route and finishes its work.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:estimating a center of the cleaning area,wherein when a distance between the second position and the center of the cleaning area is less than a predetermined distance, the cleaning robot does not move along the second route and finishes its work.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the predetermined distance ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218397A1
Принадлежит: ACTIVE S.R.L.

The present invention relates to a method for controlling a self-propelled robot device, such as a robot device for mowing grass, and a control system that carries out the aforementioned method. According to the invention, the self-propelled robot device is driven by an inertial navigation system for a set time period or distance and the device is periodically stopped for rectifying the position and advancing course thereof by a satellite detection system: the periodic correction of the inertial navigation system using satellite detections thus prevents course errors from accumulating. The correction based on the satellite detection system can be possibly optimized through a further selection of the obtained values according to a statistical basis. Preferably, the control method according to the invention also provides a procedure for detecting, recording and mapping the operating region wherein the device is operated. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for controlling a self-propelled robot device , comprising the steps of:obtaining and storing data relating to the operating region of the self-propelled robot device;driving the self-propelled robot device according to the data relating to the operating region and to data obtained by an inertial navigation system;wherein the method further comprises the steps of:setting a predetermined control time period;periodically stopping the device when the time period has lapsed;as the self-propelled robot device is standstill, determining on the spot the absolute position of the device by means of a satellite detection system;comparing the presumed position of the self-propelled robot device as deriving from the data of the inertial navigation system with the absolute position of the device as determined by the satellite detection system;rectifying the position and the course layout of the self-propelled robot device, according to the results of the comparison;setting in motion again the self-propelled robot device according to ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226406A1

A vehicle control apparatus capable of automatic steering control while reducing discomfort or stress on vehicle occupants. In the apparatus, a lane detection unit detects a lane in which the vehicle is traveling. An offset setting unit sets an offset within the lane suitable for making a driver feel less stressed. An occupant detection unit detects the presence of a designated occupant of a seat opposite a driver's seat. An offset adjustment unit, when the designated occupant is detected, adjusts the offset set by the offset setting unit to be decreased. A vehicle-path estimation unit estimates a vehicle path in the lane such that the vehicle can travel along the vehicle path from a current lateral position to a target lateral position of the vehicle. An automatic steering control unit automatically controls steering so that the vehicle travels along the estimated vehicle. 1. A vehicle control apparatus mounted in a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a lane detection unit that detects a lane in which the vehicle is driven to travel;an offset setting unit that sets an offset suitable for making a driver of the vehicle feel less stressed, the offset being a deviation of a lateral position of the vehicle from the middle position of the lane along the lane width direction, the lateral position of the vehicle being the middle position of the vehicle along the vehicle width direction;an occupant detection unit that detects the presence of a designated occupant in the vehicle other than the driver, the designated occupant being an occupant sitting in a seat laterally opposite a driver's seat;an offset adjustment unit that, when the designated occupant is detected by the occupant detection unit, adjusts the offset set by the offset setting unit to be decreased;a vehicle-path estimation unit that estimates a vehicle path in the lane such that the vehicle can travel along the vehicle path from a current lateral position to a target lateral position of the vehicle, the target ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Cleaning robot and control method thereof

Номер: US20130231819A1
Принадлежит: MSI Computer Shenzhen Co Ltd

A cleaning robot cleaning a specific region and including a movement module, a sound wave module, a cleaning module and a controlling module is disclosed. The movement module includes a plurality of wheels. The sound wave module emits a sound wave and receives a plurality of reflected waves. The cleaning module performs a cleaning function. The controlling module generates a contour according to the reflected waves and controls at least one of the movement module and the cleaning module according to the contour.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231822A1
Автор: Gouaillier David

The invention relates to a humanoid robot endowed with particular capabilities for managing falls. The risks of falling limit the development of the mass-market use of humanoid robots. In the prior art, the modalities for detecting falls are not well suited to the case of very dynamic robots since the center of mass is very often outside their support polygons. The modalities for managing falls are also poorly suited to robots which must be economical in their computation resources. According to the invention, the conventional support polygon is supplemented with effectors for which it is determined that they are sufficiently close to the ground. Protection strategies are implemented, chosen from a set of strategies defined by a classification of the angles of fall. 1. A humanoid robot capable of moving on a surface comprising at least one module for detecting the contact of at least one first extremity of the robot with said surface and a module for computing a position of a point of projection of a center of mass of said robot with respect to a first support polygon comprising at least said at least one first extremity , said robot further comprising at least a module for detecting a proximity of at least one second extremity of said robot with said surface , and wherein said module for computing the position of the point of projection of the center of mass of said robot with respect to the first support polygon is further configured to compute the position of the projection of the center of mass of said robot with respect to a second support polygon , said second polygon being deduced from the first polygon by adding to the latter points of projection on said surface of said second at least one extremity of said robot belonging to a group of extremities of said robot detected as in near-contact with said surface.2. The humanoid robot of claim 1 , wherein the module for detecting the proximity of said at least one second extremity with said surface receives as ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231823A1
Принадлежит: CNH AMERICA LLC

A control system and method is provided to control the trajectory of a transport vehicle () to follow the trajectory of a harvester (). The harvester can send control information such as the harvester's current position and future position waypoints to the transport vehicle. The control system can then use the information from the harvester to determine the trajectory for the transport vehicle. 1. A method for controlling a trajectory of a transport vehicle during an unload on the go operation with a harvester , the method comprising:operating a harvester along an unknown travel path;measuring a position and velocity for the harvester;measuring a position and velocity for the transport vehicle;determining an unload tube position for the harvester;calculating future waypoints for the harvester using the measured position and velocity for the harvester;calculating a trajectory for a transport vehicle using the calculated future waypoints, the determined unload tube position, the measured position and velocity of the transport vehicle, and the measured position and velocity of the harvester; andcontrolling the transport vehicle to follow the calculated trajectory with commands from a controller.2. The method of wherein said calculating future waypoints comprises:measuring a yaw rate for the harvester;calculating a predicted path for the harvester using the measured yaw rate and the measured position and velocity for the harvester;receiving a predetermine distance interval and a predetermined number of waypoints; andcalculating the future waypoints using the calculated predicted path, the predetermined distance interval and the predetermined number of waypoints.3. The method of wherein said calculating a predicted path comprises:generating an arc passing through the current position for the harvester and being tangent to a current velocity direction for the harvester, the generated arc having a radius corresponding to a calculated turning radius of the harvester and a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232717A1

Disclosed are a robot cleaner, and a method for controlling the same. 1. A robot cleaner , comprising:a sound input unit having one or more microphones, and configured to receive an ambient sound;a sound recognition unit configured to recognize the received ambient sound, in a separation manner into an event sound and an environmental sound; anda message output unit configured to output a message corresponding to the event sound or the environmental sound.2. The robot cleaner of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit configured to detect a direction or a position of a sound source with respect to the event sound.3. The robot cleaner of claim 2 , wherein the sound input unit includes at least three microphones claim 2 , andwherein said at least three microphones are disposed inside or outside the robot cleaner with constant distances from each other.4. The robot cleaner of claim 2 , further comprising an image detection unit configured to detect image information by capturing the periphery of the sound source position.5. The robot cleaner of claim 4 , further comprising a communication unit configured to transmit claim 4 , via a communication network claim 4 , the message claim 4 , or the image information claim 4 , or both of the message and the image information.6. The robot cleaner of claim 1 , wherein the sound recognition unit includes:a first recognition portion configured to recognize the event sound at intervals of first time, based on the ambient sound and the event sound model;a second recognition portion configured to recognize the environmental sound at intervals of first time, based on the ambient sound and the environmental sound model; anda third recognition portion configured to recognize the environmental sound at intervals of second time longer than the first time, based on the ambient sound and the environmental sound model.7. The robot cleaner of claim 6 , wherein the sound recognition unit updates the event sound model based on the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238182A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

Topographical data for a work location is created and information on a new travel route is generated. Next, a work location including the new travel route is constructed on the basis of the created topographical data. Then, the information on the new travel route generated is provided to the vehicle, the vehicle is made to travel along said new travel route in accordance with temporary travel control data, and actual topographical data for the new travel route is acquired. Next, the aforementioned temporary travel control data is corrected on the basis of the acquired actual topographical data for the new travel route. After that, the unmanned vehicle is made to travel in accordance with the corrected travel control data. 1. In a travel system for an unmanned vehicle that makes the unmanned vehicle travel along a travel route within a work location , a method of controlling travel within the travel system for an unmanned vehicle , comprising the steps of:generating information on a new travel route by creating topographical data for the work location;constructing a work location including the new travel route based on the created topographical data;acquiring actual topographical data for the new travel route by providing the generated information on the new travel route to a vehicle and making the vehicle travel along the new travel route in accordance with temporary travel control data;correcting the temporary travel control data based on the acquired actual topographical data for the new travel route; andmaking the unmanned vehicle travel in accordance with the corrected travel control data.2. The method of controlling travel within a travel system for an unmanned vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of:correcting the topographical data for the work location based on the acquired actual topographical data for the new travel route.3. The method of controlling travel within a travel system for an unmanned vehicle according to claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for transporting material

Номер: US20130245878A1
Автор: Steffen Armbruster
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method and a system of transporting material are provided, wherein at least one mobile transport unit is detected by a detection device with a radar or laser detecting device. Position coordinates, position angles and speed of the transport unit are determined using a reference coordinate system and are transmitted to a stationary data processing device. A central material tracking with verification of storage locations is generated by the data processing device, wherein, particularly with use of the positing angle, a storage type for the material is automatically determined.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Computing device and method for controlling unmanned aerial vehicle in flight space

Номер: US20130253733A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

In a method for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a flight space using a computing device, a 3D sample database is created and store in a storage device of the computing device. The computing device includes a depth-sensing camera that captures a 3D scene image of a scene in front of a user, and senses a depth distance between the user and the depth-sensing camera. A 3D person image of the user is detected from the 3D scene image, and gesture information of the user is obtained by comparing the 3D person image with human gesture data stored in the 3D sample database. The method converts the gesture information of the user into one or more flight control commands, and drives a driver of the UAV to control the UAV to fly in a flight space according to the flight control commands

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268185A1

The present invention provides a system and method for relative localization that provides an orientation signal and a position signal between at least two vehicles. The present invention also provides for vehicle formation, such that there is a leading vehicle and a follower vehicle that maintain a specific formation relative to one another. The orientation, relative position and identity signals are utilized to control that formation. Each vehicle has at least three ultrasonic sensors, at least one ultrasonic source and an optional pair of FM receiver/transmitter. By installing several acoustic sensors whose relative position are known and by measuring the difference in the time of arrival of the same signal from the various sensors on the same vehicle, the difference in time can be converted into a difference of distance and then into relative position of the sensors from the source based on the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA). 1. A system for locating a first vehicle relative to a second vehicle comprising:at least one source, operatively coupled to the first vehicle, for transmitting a signal;at least four sensors, operatively coupled to the second vehicle for receiving the signal; andsignal processing means, operatively coupled to the second vehicle, for processing the signal received by each of the at least four sensors to determine the relative location of the second vehicle to the first vehicle based on differences in time of arrival of the same signal by each of the at least four sensors.2. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one source is two sources claim 1 , wherein each source transmits a unique signal that is received by the at least four sensors.3. The system as in claim 1 , wherein each sensor receives the signal from the at least one source.4. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one source is an ultrasonic source for transmitting sound waves.5. The system as in claim 1 , wherein each of the at least four sensors is an ...
