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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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25-12-2017 дата публикации

Динамически измеряемая распределенная гетерогенная платформа реляционной базы данных

Номер: RU2639940C2

Изобретение относится к системе распределенных баз данных, которые динамически масштабируются в отношения числа серверов, формирующих базы данных, и их топологии, и способу ее работы. Техническим результатом является устойчивость к аппаратной неисправности и повышение производительности. Система распределенных баз данных включает: по крайней мере один сервер порядка действий, который получает задачи с реляционной базы данных сервера порядка действий, применяемой на платформе РСУБД, и управляет повторяющимися запланированными и одноразовыми ситуативными задачами, и запросами базы данных; по крайней мере один модуль управления процессом; несколько серверов баз данных, хранящих данные и выполняющих операции под руководством по крайней мере одного модуля управления процессом; и несколько агентов платформы, каждый из которых предоставляет коммуникационные сервисы платформы клиента базы данных для по крайней мере одного модуля управления процессом под руководством по крайней мере одного сервера ...

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2609081C2

Изобретение относится к обработке документа в распределенной архитектуре. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении объема данных, которые будут передаваться между сервером, на котором расположен находящийся в совместном доступе документ, и множеством электронных устройств, за счет создания на втором сервере синхронизационного документа, включающего в себя часть набора записей о правках в документе. Способ, в котором получают доступ от первого сервера к документу, включающему часть содержимого и набор записей о правках, для множества электронных устройств; поддерживают на втором сервере синхронизационный документ, включающий в себя по меньшей мере часть набора записей о правках в документе; получают запрос на синхронизацию от первого электронного устройства, и после этого получают доступ к синхронизационному документу, включающему в себя по меньшей мере часть набора записей о правках в документе; передают синхронизационный документ первому электронному устройству. 6 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2541158C2

Изобретение относится к способу идентификации и классификации объекта. Технический результат - осуществление более быстрой идентификации и классификации объектов за счет предварительного задания N базовых классов, упорядоченных N-мерным вектором V. Способ содержит следующие этапы: регистрируют предмет, по меньшей мере, одним настроенным на него физическим детектором, по выходному сигналу детектора посредством формирования порогового значения, а также анализирующего устройства обнаруживают, по меньшей мере, один объект, определяемый как односвязная область, имеющая определенные физические свойства, однозначно отличающие его от других объектов, по выходному сигналу на основании предварительно задаваемых свойств объект идентифицируют и/или классифицируют, из выходного сигнала для объекта выводят несколько различных физических признаков, на основании выведенных физических признаков объект соотносят по меньшей мере с одним из N предварительно заданных базовых классов, N базовых классов в предварительно ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739482C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе для поддержки актива на основе цепочки блоков. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности выполнения операций с данными цепочки блоков. В способе определяют, что актив вне цепочки с суммой для поддержки актива на основе цепочки блоков находится в замороженном состоянии, при котором актив вне цепочки защищен от изменения в этой сумме пока актив на основе цепочки блоков не будет погашен; выдают актив на основе цепочки блоков со стоимостью, меньшей или равной упомянутой сумме; получают для актива на основе цепочки блоков сертификат на замораживание, содержащий цифровую подпись, сгенерированную третьей стороной, удостоверяющей, что актив вне цепочки - в замороженном состоянии; публикуют запись транзакции для актива на основе цепочки блоков в реестре цепочки блоков, содержащей упомянутый сертификат; принимают запрос на погашение для актива на основе цепочки блоков; определяют, что сертификат, соответствующий активу на основе цепочки блоков ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612570C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки данных. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности обработки данных в режиме реального времени. Способ обработки данных в режиме реального времени содержит этапы, на которых: передают по меньшей мере одному подчиненному серверу аналитической обработки данных в режиме реального времени (OLAP-серверу) сообщение с запросом данных; принимают информацию с данными об обслуживании пользователей, переданную указанным по меньшей мере одним подчиненным OLAP-сервером, при этом информация с данными об обслуживании пользователей содержит информацию об объеме обслуживания одного или более пользователей, пользовавшихся роумингом, и информацию об объеме обслуживания одного или более пользователей, не пользовавшихся роумингом и удовлетворяющих первому параметру-условию, причем информация об объеме обслуживания содержит идентификаторы пользователей и объемы обслуживания, соответствующие идентификаторам пользователей; и суммируют объемы обслуживания, ...

21-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782153C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе организации защищенного обмена информацией с использованием технологии блокчейн и распределённых систем хранения данных. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении защищенного обмена информацией. В способе вводят название базы данных, при этом дополнительно вводят пароль к этой базе данных, проверяют наличие базы данных на устройстве, при наличии базы данных осуществляют ее расшифрование с использованием симметричного шифрования AES-256, проверяют корректность файла с базой данных, при отсутствии базы данных создают новую базу данных, при этом формируют пароль к новой базе данных, необходимый для шифрования и расшифрования файла с новой базой данных по алгоритму AES-256, завершают работу с базой данных, при этом после проверки на корректность файла с базой данных либо после создания новой базы данных запускают сетевые сервисы, как минимум запускают клиент для запросов у центрального сервера актуального списка IP-адресов в сети и отправки «hello-сообщения ...

27-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2298225C2

Изобретение относится к средствам обеспечения транзакции, во время которой создается событие составления счетов. Технический результат заключается в повышении быстродействия отслеживания транзакции в сети передачи данных при составлении счетов для операторов связи. Метаданные, связанные с приложением, сохраняют в базе данных администратора транзакций, когда беспроводное устройство загружает приложение, необработанная информация транзакции посылается и сохраняется в базе данных. При этом необработанные данные транзакции включают поднабор метаданных и дополнительную информацию, включенную другими устройствами и/или системами. События составления счетов создаются путем связывания метаданных и необработанных данных транзакции. Кроме того, события составления счетов за подписку, для которых повторяющимся образом составляют счета, рассчитываются путем оценки тех транзакций, которые имеют тип транзакции подписки, и их метаданных, сохраненных в базе данных. 5 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

14-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019118333A3

01-02-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019124224A3

15-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795902C1

Изобретение относится к способу и системе автоматизированной генерации и заполнения витрин данных с использованием декларативного описания. Техническим результатом является повышение скорости и отказоустойчивости генерации и заполнения витрин данных. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: предварительно на кластере разворачивается ядро фреймворка; подготавливают правила генерации витрин данных, содержащие набор параметров преобразования данных, позволяющие автоматически определять типы данных в создаваемых таблицах генерируемой витрины данных; подготавливают правила оркестрации данных, содержащие декларативное описание: параметры расчета целевых таблиц и выполнения запросов внутри расчетов; параметры накопления данных в разрезе истории для каждой таблицы, списки ключевых полей, списки полей для сравнения и хеширования; параметры контекста выполнения; подготовленные на предыдущих шагах правила загружают в репозиторий; на основе загруженных в репозиторий правил автоматически генерируют и сохраняют ...

21-06-2023 дата публикации

Способ отображения данных, основанных на биллинг-системе

Номер: RU2798366C1

Изобретение относится к способу отображения данных, основанных на биллинг-системе. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности синхронизации и актуализации данных между различными информационными системами. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: 1) осуществляется вход пользователем в мобильное приложение, расположенное на сервере мобильного приложения, выполненное в виде интерфейса пользователя - личного кабинета, где первое окно предлагает авторизоваться; 2) выполняется авторизация пользователя по номеру телефона пользователя или по логину и паролю через авторизационный адаптер; 3) направляется код подтверждения, посредством входящего звонка на номер пользователя, если авторизация проходит по номеру телефона, для входа в личный кабинет в авторизационном адаптере; 4) осуществляется переход на следующий этап - ввод адреса в окно для ввода адреса в авторизационном адаптере; 5) осуществляется поиск по введенным данным в мини-биллинге, расположенном на сервере обработки данных, если ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004107490A

... 1. Способ обработки транзакции, содержащий прием первых метаданных, содержащих первую ссылку и связанных с транзакцией; прием первых необработанных данных транзакции, содержащих первую ссылку и связанных с транзакцией; связывание первых метаданных и первых необработанных данных транзакции, используя первую ссылку; создание события составления счетов посредством обработки первых необработанных данных и первых метаданных, причем событие составления счетов содержит информацию составления счетов, связанную с транзакцией. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что транзакция происходит по беспроводной сети. 3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий прием транзакции подписки, имеющей связанное требование повторяющейся оплаты, и создание второго события составления счетов, используя вторые метаданные, связанные с транзакцией подписки, причем второе событие составления счетов включает в себя требование повторяющейся оплаты. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что метаданные включают в себя информацию ...

21-05-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2819584C1

Изобретение относится к способу кодирования данных в распределенной системе хранения данных и системе хранения данных. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности кодирования данных в распределенной системе хранения данных за счет снижения количества обращений к узлам распределенной системы хранения данных при кодировании данных. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: a) получают запрос на изменение по меньшей мере одного блока данных в структуре данных, расположенной в распределенной системе хранения данных; b) записывают по меньшей мере один блок измененных данных, полученный на этапе а), в первое хранилище данных узла хранения данных в виде реплики; c) определяют месторасположение блоков структуры данных во втором хранилище данных; d) осуществляют перемещение по меньшей мере одного измененного блока данных во второе хранилище данных, причем в процессе перемещения выполняют кодирование измененного блока данных, в ходе которого выполняют: i) чтение измененного блока данных, ...

08-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2723072C1
Автор: ЛИНЬ, Пэн (CN)

Изобретение относится к области технологий передачи данных в распределенных системах. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала средств для увеличения эффективности достижения консенсуса между множеством сетевых узлов в цепочке блоков. Технический результат предложенного технического решения достигается за счет того, что выполняются этапы, на которых выполняют прием запроса транзакции первичным узлом, отправку первичным узлом некоторого количества первых сообщений резервным узлам, прием первичным узлом вторых сообщений от резервных узлов, восстановление запроса транзакции на основе данных во вторых сообщениях посредством первичного узла, отправку третьего сообщения резервным узлам посредством первичного узла и выполнение запроса транзакции в ответ на прием предопределенного количества третьих сообщений. 6 н. и 51 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

28-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665272C1
Принадлежит: ЗТЕ КОРПАРЕЙШН (CN)

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Техническим результатом является восстановление данных. Раскрыт способ восстановления данных, содержащий: получение первого числа количества доступов к файлу, соответствующему первому блоку данных, при этом первое число количества доступов представляет собой число посетителей, в текущее время и одновременно получающих доступ к файлу; сравнение первого числа количества доступов с первым пределом и вторым пределом соответственно, при этом первый предел меньше, чем второй предел; и восстановление первого блока данных в первом носителе данных или втором носителе данных, в соответствии с результатами сравнения, при этом первый блок данных восстанавливается в первом носителе данных, когда первое число количества доступов больше, чем первый предел, и меньше, чем второй предел, и первый блок данных восстанавливается во втором носителе данных, когда первое число количества доступов больше, чем второй предел; причем перед получением первого ...

05-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729210C1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества тестирования и надежности тестируемого ПО за счет своевременной реакции (отклика) и контроля со стороны комплекса на события от тестируемого программного обеспечения и динамического воздействия на вычислительный процесс тестируемого программного обеспечения с имитацией нештатных ситуаций для подтверждения его сбое-устойчивости. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что единая программная среда содержит таймер синхронизации, связанный со средствами анализа и обработки информации и со средствами написания, редактирования и выполнения тестов; модели функциональных устройств содержат блок установки событий, связанный со средствами написания, редактирования и выполнения тестов, и блок генерации событий, связанный с таймером синхронизации. 1 ил.

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731331C1
Автор: ТАН, Цян (CN)

Группа изобретений относится к средствам, обеспечивающим консенсус данных на основе блокчейна. Технический результат заключается в повышении вероятности соответствия данных при осуществлении процедуры консенсуса, тем самым повышая эффективность обработки услуги блокчейна. Один узел блокчейна включает в себя первый сервер, второй сервер и по меньшей мере одну базу данных. В способе осуществляют хранение в базе данных данных консенсуса, необходимых для выполнения процедуры консенсуса, причем данные консенсуса вызываются первым сервером и вторым сервером во время процедуры консенсуса; получение вторым сервером вместо первого сервера данных консенсуса из базы данных, и исполнение процедуры консенсуса на основе данных консенсуса, чтобы формировать результат консенсуса, в ответ на определение, что первый сервер неисправен перед процедурой консенсуса или во время процедуры консенсуса; и сохранение вторым сервером результата консенсуса в базе данных. В соответствии с реализацией настоящей заявки ...

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007147644A

... 1. Пул серверов, содержащий ! конфигурационную базу данных, хранящую конфигурационные данные для пула серверов; и ! по меньшей мере, один сервер, причем сервер содержит механизм синхронизации для автоматического обновления сервера любыми изменениями конфигурационных данных. ! 2. Пул серверов по п.1, в котором конфигурационная база данных обновляется конфигурационными данными, предоставляемыми объектом конфигурационных данных, расширяющим конфигурационную объектную модель. ! 3. Пул серверов по п.2, в котором объект конфигурационных данных расширяет конфигурационную объектную модель без использования схемы конфигурационной базы данных. ! 4. Пул серверов по п.1, в котором механизм синхронизации автоматически обновляет сервер любыми изменениями конфигурационных данных посредством ! периодического запрашивания конфигурационной базы данных и ! загрузки изменений конфигурационных данных на сервер. ! 5. Пул серверов по п.4, в котором механизм синхронизации является службой таймера. ! 6. Пул серверов ...

20-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006110208A

... 1. Способ предоставления контента из поставляющей контент системы на портативное устройство через сеть, причем способ содержит этапы, на которых поддерживают в рабочем состоянии базу данных пользовательской информации, записывающей информацию аутентификации пользователя или информацию перечня контента, которую пользователь может использовать, при этом информация аутентификации пользователя включает в себя, по меньшей мере, один из числа пользовательского ID, пароля и ID портативного устройства пользователя, причем ID портативного устройства пользователя обладает уникальным значением; принимают регистрационную информацию от клиента синхронизации, включающую в себя информацию аутентификации пользователя или информацию о контенте, которая должна быть синхронизирована; аутентифицируют пользователя, соответствующего информации аутентификации пользователя, которая включена в регистрационную информацию, посредством обращения к базе данных пользовательской информации; отыскивают информацию перечня ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012154324A

... 1. Способ, реализованный, по меньшей мере частично, компьютером, причем способ содержит этапы, на которыхуказывают, что первый набор обновлений подлежит связыванию с первой контрольной точкой,определяют необходимость записи данных контрольной точки, относящихся к первой контрольной точке, в хранилище файловой системы, которая использует копирование при записи для обновления данных файловой системы,указывают, что любые обновления, которые происходят после первого набора обновлений, подлежат связыванию со следующей контрольной точкой,генерируют планы записи для первого набора обновлений, причем каждый план записи указывает, по меньшей мере, запланированное местоположение в хранилище для данных, представляющих по меньшей мере одно из первого набора обновлений,обновляют метаданные для указания данных выделения файловой системы, а также местоположений в хранилище для объектов файловой системы, модифицированных согласно упомянутым планам записи, исоздают логическую копию метаданных.2. Способ ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011130627A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее процессор, сконфигурированный для:приема первого запроса;генерации локального частичного замыкания данных, идентифицированных первым запросом;синтеза сигнатуры данных локального частичного замыкания, причем сигнатура данных представляет собой неприводимое полиномиальное выражение и ортогональна удаленным сигнатурам данных, генерированным на основе удаленных частичных замыканий; исохранения сигнатуры данных в банке информации в пределах сети динамически распределенных устройств.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что процессор конфигурирован для синтеза сигнатуры данных с помощью расширений круговых полиномов.3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что процессор также конфигурирован для повторного синтеза сигнатуры данных в ответ на изменения данных, идентифицированных первым запросом.4. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что процессор также конфигурирован для:приема второго запроса;генерации целевой сигнатуры на основе второго запроса;определения ...

27-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010101323A

... 1. Способ синхронизации набора данных в устройстве беспроводной связи, включающий в себя этапы, на которых: !формируют сообщение с запросом синхронизации для набора данных, которое включает в себя текущий номер версии набора данных устройства беспроводной связи; ! выполняют беспроводную передачу сообщения с запросом синхронизации на сетевое устройство; ! выполняют беспроводной прием в ответ на передачу сообщения с запросом синхронизации сообщения с подтверждением синхронизации, которое включает в себя номер версии набора данных сетевого устройства; и ! причем сообщение с запросом синхронизации и сообщение с подтверждением синхронизации предназначаются для выполнения синхронизации на основе одной двусторонней передачи между устройством беспроводной связи и сетевым устройством. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором этап формирования сообщения с запросом синхронизации также включает в себя этапы, на которых: ! проверяют статус индикатора изменения для каждого элемента данных набора данных устройства ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Benutzergesteuerte Replikation in einem System für synchronisierte Objektreplikationen

Номер: DE102013209528A1

Eine Momentaufnahme ausgewählter Objekte in einem Quellen-Repository wird als Reaktion auf die benutzergesteuerte Replikation erstellt. Die Momentaufnahme wird zu einem Momentaufnahme-Replikationsjob bestimmt. Der Momentaufnahme-Replikationsjob wird zum Ende einer Replikationswarteschlange hinzugefügt, um die Ausführung für die synchronisierte Objektreplikation zu erwarten. Unsynchronisierte Objekte in einem Bestimmungsziel werden durch Vergleichen eines Zustands der ausgewählten Objekte in der Momentaufnahme mit einem aktuellen Zustand des Bestimmungsziels zur Zeit der Ausführung des Momentaufnahme-Replikationsjobs erkannt. Die unsynchronisierten Objekte im Bestimmungsziel werden auf der Grundlage des Vergleichs des Zustands der ausgewählten Objekte in der Momentaufnahme mit dem aktuellen Zustand des Bestimmungsziels zur Zeit der Ausführung des Momentaufnahme-Replikationsjobs synchronisiert.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Granulare Speicherverwaltung für einen Distributed Ledger

Номер: DE102019216744A1

Verfahren (100) zum Betreiben eines Netzwerks (1) mit einer Vielzahl computerimplementierter Knoten (2), wobei dieses Netzwerk (1) dazu ausgebildet ist, einen über das Netzwerk (1) verteilten und/oder replizierten Speicher (3) sowie die Ausführung von Transaktionen (4) mit Inhalten dieses Speichers (3) zu implementieren, wobei• einer ersten Teilmenge (21) der Knoten (2) die Aufgabe zugewiesen wird (110), einen für das Netzwerk (1) als Ganzes gültigen Konsens über die Reihenfolge (41) zu ermitteln, in der anstehende Transaktionen (4) ausgeführt werden; und• einer zweiten Teilmenge (22) der Knoten (2) die Aufgabe zugewiesen wird (130), einen für das Netzwerk (1) als Ganzes gültigen Konsens darüber zu ermitteln, welche Speicherstellen (31) innerhalb des Speichers (3) zu welcher Zeit für den Zugriff durch weitere Transaktionen (4) zur Verfügung stehen (31a) bzw. für den Zugriff durch bereits für die Ausführung geplante Transaktionen (4) reserviert sind (31b).

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Blockchain-basierte Automatisierungsarchitektur für Cybersicherheit

Номер: DE102020100863A1

Um eine vertrauenswürdige, sichere und unveränderliche Aufzeichnung von Transaktionen in einer Prozessanlage bereitzustellen, werden Techniken zur Verwendung eines Distributed Ledgers in Prozessleitsystemen beschrieben. Das Distributed Ledger kann von Knoten verwaltet werden, die Transaktionen empfangen, die von Feldgeräten, Steuerungen, Bedienerarbeitsplätze oder anderen in der Prozessanlage arbeitenden Geräten gesendet werden. Die Transaktionen können Prozessanlagendaten wie Prozessparameterdaten, Produktparameterdaten, Konfigurationsdaten, Benutzerinteraktionsdaten, Verwaltungsdaten, Inbetriebnahmedaten, Anlagennetzwerkdaten und Produktverfolgungsdaten umfassen. Die Distributed Ledger können auch zum Ausführen von Smart Contracts verwendet werden, damit Maschinen wie Feldgeräte ohne menschliches Eingreifen selbstständig Transaktionen ausführen können. Auf diese Weise können aufgezeichnete Prozessparameterwerte und Produktparameterwerte abgerufen werden, um die Qualität der Produkte zu ...

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Medical image data e.g. computed tomograpy data, storing and providing method for hospital, involves replicating marked partial metadata from central database to local database in decentralized manner to provide image data to satellites

Номер: DE102008037094A1

The method involves acquiring image data (BD) at modality, where the image data comprise meta data e.g. patient identification number, and pixel data. Partial metadata in the metadata are marked. The metadata acquired by satellites (S1-S4) are locally stored in a local database (lokDB). The metadata stored in the local database are completely and centrally replicated in a central database (zentDB). The marked partial metadata are partially and automatically replicated from the central database to the local database in a decentralized manner to provide the image data to the satellites. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a computer program product comprising instructions for performing a method for storing and providing medical image data (2) a system for storing medical image data in a computer-based clinical facility.

24-09-2009 дата публикации

Datenverarbeitungssystem und -verfahren, um Datenbankreplikationen zu überwachen

Номер: DE602004022517D1
Принадлежит: SAP AG

19-03-2014 дата публикации

Determining common table definitions in distributed databases

Номер: GB0002505881A

A method for determining common table definitions in distributed databases where a node in the distributed database independently establishes a common network definition for shared logical table names, establishing a common network definition includes: providing local definitions for one or more logical tables; querying one or more nodes in a network to determine any existing network definitions for the one or more logical tables. If there is no existing network definition, the method includes adding local definition as new network definition. If there is an existing network definition, the method comprises: updating the existing network definition with any extra columns of local definition; and pushing updated network definition to other nodes in network holding a record of that network definition.

31-12-2014 дата публикации

System and method for managing user data in a plurality of storage appliances over a wide area network for collaboration, protection, publication,

Номер: GB0002515703A

In various embodiments, the present invention relates to a method of operating a server to manage user data in a plurality of storage appliances. The method involves establishing in a database system, via the server, information for each registered user; establishing and storing in the database system a set of relationships, based on designations by the users, among registered storage appliances and container designations; and using a central service running on the server to deliver storage appliance-container relationship data to the storage appliances so as to enable the appliances to substantiate the containers therein, and to replicate user data with other storage appliances that have substantiated corresponding containers, in a manner consistent with the stored relationships, and wherein the central service operates without interaction with user data stored in the containers.

04-10-2006 дата публикации

Essential data communication system

Номер: GB0000616893D0

30-09-2015 дата публикации

Processing device, method and system

Номер: GB0201514497D0

24-07-2013 дата публикации

Throttling mechanism

Номер: GB0201310105D0

02-07-2008 дата публикации

Methods and systems for electronic records management

Номер: GB0002445229A

Systems and methods for the management and organization of electronic records are disclosed. These systems and methods provide the user with capabilities such as inputting and retrieving documents, searching for documents and sharing documents across an organization. The systems and methods also allow the capture of unstructured electronic records not typically associated with document management systems like, for example, email or instant message conversations, allow for remote update of replicated data between electronic record management systems to ensure integrity and consistency of the electronic records, allow for structured replication of electronic records between remote and master systems, and provide a mechanism for rectifying multiple disposal rules that may apply to the same electronic record.

25-01-1989 дата публикации

Data processing system

Номер: GB2207264A

A data base horizontal partitioning system is provided for use in a relational data base management system for storing a relation contained in a data base into a plurality of disc storage units 2a-2d by partitioning horizontally the relation on the basis of tuples; wherein when storing the relation having clustered indexes 12 therein into a plurality of disc storage units, and when a physical page as 13a in a disc storage unit is to be filled to a full state with a plurality of tuples in the relation, the page may be divided into two so that one half of thus-divided page may be stored into a disc storage unit which has currently a least number of pages containing the tuples for the relation. …… ...

10-04-2002 дата публикации

Transaction reconstruction

Номер: GB0002367644A

The present invention relates to apparatus for reconstructing transactions which are applied to a first database (10) and which are propagated to a second database (20). The apparatus includes a reconstruction processor (11) which is adapted to reconstruct the transactions by accessing the database store (12) to obtain details of the transactions. The processor reconstructs the transaction from the details and then output the reconstructed transaction(s).

24-03-2004 дата публикации

Information replication system having enhanced error detection and recovery

Номер: GB0002393295A

An information recovery system (100) includes mountable data volume replications (110) that can be examined for enhanced error detection and correction. An information recovery system provides mounting of partial database replications, such as one or more selected table spaces. With this arrangement, a user can select tablespaces for recovery from a replication of an original database.

09-01-2008 дата публикации

Copy on write data storage

Номер: GB2439752A

In a networked computer system, data is stored in streams. When a request is received to modify a stream, the system checks to see whether the stream is frozen. If so, the system makes a copy of the stream and modifies the copy. If the frozen stream is stored locally, the copy may be stored remotely. The frozen stream may be compressed. The compression may replace a data element in the stream with a reference to one in a different stream that contains the same information. A file system may be defined in which the files are made up of one or more streams. The file system may be synchronized with one on the network. Streams may be frozen when they have not been accessed for a certain period of time. The system may be able to return the copy of the stream or the frozen version of the stream.

16-01-2008 дата публикации

Perpetual data on a peer to peer network

Номер: GB2439969A

A method for continually storing or accessing data on a distributed or peer to peer (P2P) network comprises making data available so that it does not rely on file or authentication servers unlike P2P networks which use a central server. Data can be made available from any location on a network by storing it in multiple locations with each location monitoring other locations so that exact copies of data are maintained. Data could be split into chunks with multiple copies of each chunk being stored in case of failure. This system allows users to log into any machine and access their resources from anywhere on the network. Also disclosed is a method of providing a ranking system for each node on the network to manage the effects of churn (i.e. the effect of users randomly joining or leaving the network) and thus provide locations of defined ability. Peers are able to monitor themselves and allow a rank to be applied by using a digitally signed appendage or some other form of secure ID. The ...

01-06-2011 дата публикации

Identifying an entity representation by constructing a comprehensive search criteria

Номер: GB0002475796A

A method of identifying an entity representation in a universal database that corresponds to an entity representation in a foreign database comprises receiving a set of search criteria field values and determining an entity representation in the foreign database. A comprehensive search criteria(s) is formed from the representation. A highest ranked entity representation in a universal database is determined according to summed field value weights matching the criteria. A confidence level reflecting likelihood that the highest representation corresponding to the criteria field values is calculated. An identifier for the highest ranked entity representation is output if the confidence level exceeds a preset threshold. Uses include but are not limited to an electronic universal database such as medical record database, financial information database, educational information database and restricted data database.

22-12-2010 дата публикации

Data synchronization protocol

Номер: GB0002471227A

Among other things, techniques and systems are disclosed for syncing data between a client device and a server. Synchronizing data includes initiating a sync session by negotiating a sync mode between a client device and a server for each of one or more dataclasses. A status code is generated based on a result of the negotiating. Based on the generated status code, the client device and the server exchanges one or more data items to be updated for the one or more dataclasses using the negotiated sync mode for each dataclass. The exchanged one or more data items are updated at the client device or the server. The updated one or more data items are committed at the client or the server.

25-02-2015 дата публикации

Database controller, method, and program for managing a distributed data store

Номер: GB0002517540A

A database controller 10 for a database of information encoded as a set of data items, the database controller comprises: a segment control module configured to divide the set of data items into a series of segments, each segment comprising each of the data items falling within defined lower limit and upper limit values of an ordering metric used to place the data items in order; and an adaptive segment locator module configured to manage the distribution of the series of segments among a plurality of storage units 30, including selecting which segments from among the series of segments to co-locate on the same storage unit based on historical data representing read operations performed on the database. Embodiments of the invention combine an ordered key-value store (the segments are logically ordered) with a flexibility in data locations. The invention may be applicable to graph databases such as knowledge-based applications, transactional data applications.

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Synchronising databases

Номер: GB0002365578A

A method of maintaining common consistent databases in a primary device (103) and in a secondary device (106) comprises determining a need for a merger of a first database (176a) maintained in the primary device (103) and a second database (176b) maintained in the secondary device (106), the first and second databases (176a, 176b) being derived from common database. The resulting database is assigned a sequence identifier and the merged database is synchronised in the primary and secondary devices (103, 106).

06-10-2004 дата публикации

Knowledge extraction system and method

Номер: GB0002368666B

04-02-2004 дата публикации

Method and system for change management of interfaces in distributed computer systems

Номер: GB0000330161D0

13-01-2021 дата публикации

Enhanced design collaboration using design-based feedback

Номер: GB0002585463A

Methods and systems are provided for collaboration using design-based feedback, for example through a manipulation of a graphical element. A method is provided which includes generating a feedback indicator 212 that indicates obtained text-based feedback and design-based feedback 210 related to a graphical design element. The feedback indicator is provided over a network to enable presentation of the feedback to collaborators. A program is provided in which design based feedback for a graphical element in a document is received at a server 206, a second user is notified of the feedback, and the feedback is sent to the second user 202 for display in the document upon request. A system is also provided where design based feedback from a first user is presented 220 in a document to be viewable by a second user 202 upon selection of a preview element 216 in the document. The feedback indicator may indicate the design based feedback by indicating the differences 214 in the document.

29-10-2014 дата публикации

Distributed computer system for accessing a virtual seismic cube

Номер: GB0002513489A

A distributed computer system has a plurality of computing devices comprising an index computing device operatively connected to at least one storage device and at least one analysis computing devices that comprises at least one analysis application. The index computing device is configured to store a seismic cube index in a memory device and receive 601 a first write request for writing resultant seismic data to seismic cube, the first write request comprising a virtual location of a first portion of the seismic cube. Using the virtual location 603 of the first portion, the seismic cube index is queried 605 to identify a first section having a first portion corresponding to the first virtual location. A first storage device is selected 615 for storing a new section of seismic cube and a storage request is sent to the first storage device to store the resultant seismic data as the new section. The seismic cube index is updated 619 to reflect that the first portion is stored in a first storage ...

09-01-2008 дата публикации

Methods and systems for electronic records management

Номер: GB0000723468D0

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Incremental and collocated redistribution for expansion of an online shared nothing database

Номер: GB0002521197A

This invention relates to a system, method and computer program product for redistribution of data in an online shared nothing database, said shared nothing database comprising a plurality of original partitions and at least one new partition. The method comprises identifying two or more collocated tables in the original partitions to be redistributed over the original partitions and at least one new partition, said tables having data rows, each data row residing on a partition governed by a distribution key. New tables are created in the new partition and a UNION ALL view of all the data from both the original and new tables using the check constraints is created, said check constraints based on the distribution keys. A loop of intervals is defined over the distribution key range, and a data mover performs data movement of each data row over the current distribution key interval from the original tables to the new tables. The check constraints are altered for each distribution key interval ...

06-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for selective subfolder synchronization in a cloud-based environment

Номер: GB0002508752B
Принадлежит: BOX INC, BOX INC.

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Triplestore replicator

Номер: GB0002519779A

A system for replicating triplestore data from generic data records comprising: a plurality of triplestore mapping operations; a record reader for listening for data events from the generic data record and for matching each data event to one or more triplestore mapping operations; a processor for generating equivalent triples for each located data event by applying the matched triplestore mapping operation; and a data sink for receiving generated equivalent triples so that the triplestore data is synchronized in real time with the generic data records.

27-12-2006 дата публикации

Personalised video content distributed over peer to peer networks

Номер: GB0000623082D0

24-10-2018 дата публикации

System and method for content messaging

Номер: GB0002561722A

A system and method for content messaging includes observing, by the server, synchronization of a database cluster accessible to the server with a first local database at a first client, the database cluster including a message after the synchronization, the message including content and instructions for processing the content, and processing, by the server, the content of the message according to the instructions for processing the content, in response to observing the synchronization.

22-05-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for data replication

Номер: GB0009605419D0

31-12-2002 дата публикации

Method of updating a display screen on a battery powered mobile computing device

Номер: GB0000227567D0

01-02-2006 дата публикации

Processor for use in replication of databases and system and method including the processor

Номер: GB0000525877D0

04-06-2008 дата публикации

Data synchronisation

Номер: GB0000807590D0

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Data environment change notification

Номер: GB0000920474D0

28-07-2021 дата публикации

Strategic treatment of pressure ulcer using sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: GB202108380D0

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Tiered forensics of IOT systems in cloud and time series databases

Номер: GB202104566D0

19-06-2019 дата публикации

A system and method for product authentication

Номер: GB0201906450D0

15-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201716073D0

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Personalized medication management and alert system and method

Номер: GB0201915584D0

03-06-2020 дата публикации

Strategic treatment of pressure ulcer using sub-epidermal moisture values

Номер: GB0002575186B
Автор: MARTIN BURNS, Martin Burns
Принадлежит: BRUIN BIOMETRICS LLC, Bruin Biometrics, LLC

02-11-2022 дата публикации

Subtree-based storage and retrieval of merkle tree data

Номер: GB0002606196A

A method for recording Merkle tree data in a page-structured memory involves determining hash values for nodes of a Merkle tree constructed from an ordered set of transaction identifiers for a block in a blockchain 804. The hash tree is partitioned into a plurality of non-overlapping subtrees 806, each subtree including at least two child nodes and a parent node. The hash values for nodes of each subtree are stored in a respective one of the pages in the page-structured memory 808. The hash values of the nodes of one of the subtrees and a hash value for the subtree root node of a paired subtree adjacent to the subtree may be stored in the same page of memory, where the subtree and the paired subtree have a common parent node.

01-06-2022 дата публикации

Secure safety-critical system log

Номер: GB0002601384A

A method comprising: obtaining data to be added to a log; creating an entry for the data; and adding the entry to a sequence of chained entries in the log, wherein: the sequence of chained entries includes a number of data entries and a number of sentinels interleaved with the number of data entries, wherein each data entry in the chain of entries is appended to an error-detecting code computed for the entry and a previously computed error-detecting code of a preceding data entry or an error-detecting root, and each sentinel in the chain of entries includes an error-detecting code computed for the sentinel and a previously computed error-detecting code of a preceding data entry or the error-detecting root, and each sentinel includes a previously computed and encrypted blockchain value of a preceding sentinel or a blockchain root value. The error-detecting code may be a cyclic-redundancy check (CRC). An embodiment includes the application of the method to data associated with an autonomous ...

31-08-2022 дата публикации

Global table management operations for multi-region replicated tables

Номер: GB0002604250A

Systems and methods are disclosed to implement, in a database system, global table management operations for global tables or objects that are replicated across multiple locations. In embodiments, for a regional replica of a global table, a requested change to a metadata property of the replica (e.g., an attribute data type, a write throughput limit, or a time-to-live setting) is propagated to other replicas of the global table at other locations. In embodiments, before performing the requested management operation, the database system may first verify that the operation can be successfully performed in all locations. In embodiments, the operation may be performed optimistically without verification, and rolled back if it cannot be performed everywhere. In embodiments, to serialize management operations on a global table, the database system may check for other pending management operations via a shared control object, and proceed when any pending operations are finished.

08-11-2023 дата публикации

Computer-implemented system and method

Номер: GB0002618380A

Using a portion of data derived from a blockchain to identify and/or allocate a processing and/or storage resource. The data from which the portion of data is derived comprises an unspent transaction output (UTXO) and/or a transaction (Tx) containing a UTXO. By using a portion of data to allocate the resource a relationship between the data, its associated information and the resource in which it is stored is maintained. The database can hold at least one of: a flag of the validity of the unspent transaction output (UTXO) and/or a transaction (Tx) containing a UTXO; and information enabling the validity of an unspent transaction output (UTXO) and/or a transaction (Tx) containing a UTXO to be determined. Processing the data includes determining a key, wherein the key determines the allocated resource.

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Contact information synchronization system and method

Номер: AP2014007640A0

31-05-2014 дата публикации

Contact information synchronization system and method

Номер: AP0201407640A0

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364871T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367612T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487987T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000543142T

15-02-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Synchronisation von Daten in einem Computernetzwerk

Номер: AT0000513242A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Synchronisation von Daten in einem Computernetzwerk (6), insbesondere zur Synchronisation von Verkehrsinformationen, vorzugsweise Luftverkehrsinformationen, in einem Computernetzwerk (6) von Leitständen zur Verkehrsüberwachung, mit zumindest einem Server (1) und einer Anzahl von mit dem Server (1) in Datenverbindung stehenden Clients (2). Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen,- dass auf dem Server (1) ein zentrales Datenmodell (11) zur Verfügung gehalten wird, das die zu synchronisierenden Daten enthält und das bei Einlangen einer Manipulationsanfrage (3) eine der Manipulationsanfrage (3) entsprechende Datenmanipulation vornimmt,- wobei auf jedem der Clients (2) jeweils ein dem zentralen Datenmodell (11) entsprechendes und mit diesem synchronisiertes lokales Datenmodell (21) zur Verfügung gehalten wird,- wobei auf jedem der Clients (2) jeweils ein Präsentationsprogramm (22) zur Präsentation der zu synchronisierenden Daten und Interaktion mit einem Benutzer ...

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000298493T

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018211232A1

A computer-implemented method and system for pre-fetching place page data from a remote mapping system for display on a client computing device is disclosed. User preference data collected from various data sources including applications executing on the client device, online or local user profiles, and other sources may be analyzed to generate a request for place page data from the remote mapping system. The user preference data may indicate a map feature such as a place of business, park, or historic landmark having the characteristics of both a user's preferred geographic location and the user's personal interests. For example, where the user indicates a geographic preference for "Boston" and a personal interest for "home brewing" the system and method may request place page data for all home brewing or craft beer-related map features near Boston.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Data storage, data check, and data linkage method and apparatus

Номер: AU2017312177A1
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A data storage, data check, and data linkage method and apparatus. The method comprises: determining a first check value of a first data version of a target object (101); looking up a second check value of a second data version and adjacent to the first check value of the target object (102); creating, according to the first check value and the second check value, a data block (103); and saving the data block into a blockchain (104). The first check value of the first data version of the target object is stored, by means of data blocks, and in the blockchain. Since the blockchain is immutable, when acquiring data content corresponding to the first data version of the target object, a data demander can check, according to the first check value stored in the blockchain, whether the data content corresponding to the first data version has been modified, thereby determining authenticity of the data content corresponding to the first data version, effectively resolving a problem of inability ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for a distributed database including anonymous entries

Номер: AU2017357770A1

In some embodiments, an apparatus having at least a portion of a first instance of a distributed database at a first compute device is configured to be included within a group of compute devices that implement via a network operatively coupled to the group of compute devices the distributed database. The distributed database enables anonymous transfers of digital assets between compute devices via a transfer protocol such that an identity of a compute device associated with a private key corresponding to a public key logically related to a destination record is concealed among a set of compute devices including the first compute device and at least one second compute device.

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for a distributed database including anonymous entries

Номер: AU2017357770B2

In some embodiments, an apparatus having at least a portion of a first instance of a distributed database at a first compute device is configured to be included within a group of compute devices that implement via a network operatively coupled to the group of compute devices the distributed database. The distributed database enables anonymous transfers of digital assets between compute devices via a transfer protocol such that an identity of a compute device associated with a private key corresponding to a public key logically related to a destination record is concealed among a set of compute devices including the first compute device and at least one second compute device.

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for writing service data into block chain and method for determining service subset

Номер: AU2018228540B2
Автор: QIU HONGLIN, Qiu, Honglin
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Disclosed in the present application is a method for writing service data into a block chain, comprising: acquiring a plurality of service data to be written into a block chain; determining a service subset to which the service data belongs according to the service type and/or data change range of the service data, wherein the service data belonging to different service subsets does not have a transaction dependency relationship; and executing the service subsets in parallel, thereby writing an execution result into a block chain. Also disclosed in the present application are an apparatus for writing service data into a block chain and a method for determining a service subset. The present application may implement the parallel execution of service data without a transaction dependency relationship, thereby reducing the cost needed to improve the efficiency of data processing and execution, and improving expandability.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Indexing and recovering encoded blockchain data

Номер: AU2019302939A1

... (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property (1) Organization11111111111111111111111I1111111111111i1111liiiii International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date W O 2020/011287 A3 16 January 2020 (16.01.2020) W IPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: (72) Inventor: ZHUO, Haizhen; No. 556 Xixi Road, 8th Floor, H04L 29/08 (2006.01) Section B, Suite 801-11, West Lake District, Hangzhou, (21) International Application Number: Zhejiang 310000 (CN). PCT/CN2019/111316 (74) Agent: BEIJING BESTIPR INTELLECTUAL PROP (22) International Filing Date• ERTY LAW CORPORATION; Room 409, Tower B, Ka 15 October 2019 (15.10.2019) Wah Building, No. 9 Shangdi 3rd Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100085 (CN). (25) Filing Language: English (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (26) Publication Language: English kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Managing a computing cluster using durability level indicators

Номер: AU2018359378A1

A method for managing data in a distributed data processing system including a number of processing nodes includes storing data units in data stores that are associated with a number of different levels of durability. The method includes maintaining indicators including a first indicator associated with a first durability level and a second indicator associated with a second durability level. The first indicator is maintained to reflect a time interval at which all sets of data units associated with the time interval are stored at the first durability level. The second indicator is maintained to reflect a timer interval at which all sets of data units associated with the time interval are stored at the second durability level. The first and second indicators are used to manage processing of the data units in the distributed data processing system.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

A System and Method for Implementing a Private Computer Network

Номер: AU2020201461A1
Принадлежит: Adams Pluck

A method for implementing a private computer network over which digital assets can be securely managed, the method comprising: implementing an autonomous network agent on each of a plurality of network devices that are communicable over a digital communications medium, the autonomous network agent being operable to execute a network program that is embodied as program code in a blockchain that is stored and synchronised by the respective network devices, the network program defining permissible network defined digital asset types and corresponding functions.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Initialization protocol for a peer-to-peer replication environment

Номер: US20120023066A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques for initializing a connection in a peer-to-peer database replication environment. A message is received from an initiator node, indicating that the initiator node will begin replicating changes made to a particular data entity. One or more replicated changes relating to the database entity are received from the initiator node. If an updated instance of the data entity does not currently exist on a target node then one or more load operations are performed to create the updated instance. The stored replicated changes may then be processed against the updated instance of the database entity.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Cluster-Wide Read-Copy Update System And Method

Номер: US20120047140A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system, method and computer program product for synchronizing updates to shared mutable data in a clustered data processing system. A data element update operation is performed at each node of the cluster while preserving a pre-update view of the shared mutable data, or an associated operational mode, on behalf of readers that may be utilizing the pre-update view. A request is made for detection of a grace period, and grace period detection processing is performed for detecting when the cluster-wide grace period has occurred. When it does, a deferred action associated with the update operation it taken, such as removal of a pre-update view of the data element or termination of an associated mode of operation.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Managing redundant content licenses in home network

Номер: US20120054151A1
Автор: Brant Candelore
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Multiple DRM-employing home files of the same content are “cleaned up” for archiving by copying licenses attached to one copy of content to an archived copy of the content for a user's home domain, or, when multiple copies are desired to remain extant, by copying all licenses associated with various copies to each copy of the content.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for Identifying and Classifying an Object

Номер: US20120054183A1
Автор: Manfred Hiebl

In a method for identifying and classifying an object, an object is detected by at least one physical detector tuned for it, the object is evaluated from the output signal of the detector and by an evaluation unit, and the object is identified and/or classified on the basis of predefinable properties from the output signal. A number of different physical features of the object are derived from the output signal, and the object is assigned to one of N predetermined basic classes on the basis of the derived physical features. The N basic classes are arranged in a predetermined order to form an N-dimensional vector V, which is assigned to the object, such that the elements v 1 , . . . , v N of the vector V indicate that the object belongs to the respective basic class. The object is then assigned to a derived class, which is taken from a reference data base, as a function of the vector V.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

File-backed in-memory structured storage for service synchronization

Номер: US20120066180A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Providing synchronization to a local system. Embodiments may include downloading a batch of changes in a heterogeneous batch. The batch of changes is correlated to an anchor affiliated with a synchronization service. The anchor is a reference point indicating time or relative order. The batch of changes and the anchor are serialized to a non-volatile storage medium as a heterogeneous set. After serializing the batch of changes to a non-volatile storage medium as a heterogeneous set, entities in the batch of changes are parsed out into entities in in-memory representations. Similarly, embodiments may receive user input modifying a plurality of data entities, store on a non-volatile storage medium a serialized heterogeneous representation of the modified data entities, and upload the serialized heterogeneous representation to a synchronization service.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method for managing scalability in a distributed database

Номер: US20120078850A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Data System Corp

This disclosure enables a user to incrementally increase or decrease the size of the cluster and, in particular, to incrementally increase or decrease the number of map regions implemented in a metadata manager associated with the cluster while maintaining availability of the cluster. In a representative embodiment, a configurable target map size is identified, either manually (e.g., by the user) or programmatically. If the target map size is found to be within an acceptable value (given the available node configuration), a procedure to create a new map is triggered. The new map preferably is generated as follows. Initially, one or more new temporary region(s) are created either to split or join the existing regions (depending on whether the map is being increased or decreased). For each temporary region, the process also generates MDPL backup regions. Metadata from an original region (or regions) is then migrated to the temporary region(s). Once the migrations have been completed, the old region or regions (from which the metadata is migrated) are removed and what were the temporary regions are, in effect, promoted. The result is the new map.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

System, method and computer program product for validating one or more metadata objects

Номер: US20120084266A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

In accordance with embodiments, there are provided mechanisms and methods for creating, exporting, viewing and testing, and importing custom applications in a multitenant database environment. These mechanisms and methods can enable embodiments to provide a vehicle for sharing applications across organizational boundaries. The ability to share applications across organizational boundaries can enable tenants in a multi-tenant database system, for example, to easily and efficiently import and export, and thus share, applications with other tenants in the multi-tenant environment.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for managing shared data at a portable electronic device of a first entity

Номер: US20120089696A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A method and apparatus for managing shared data at a portable electronic device of a first entity is provided. A message is received advising that data associated with a second entity is being shared. A request is transmitted to a server for a list of shared folders associated with the second entity, in response to an option to view shared folders associated with the second entity being selected. The list is received. An initialize command is transmitted to the server, the initialize command identifying at least one folder in the list. The data associated with the second entity is received, responsive to the transmitting the initialize command. The data is stored in association with a second entity identifier.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Data signal mirroring

Номер: US20120109896A1
Принадлежит: Micron Technology Inc

Methods, devices, and systems for data signal mirroring are described. One or more methods include receiving a particular data pattern on a number of data inputs/outputs of a memory component, and responsive to determining that a mirrored version of the particular data pattern is received by the memory component, configuring the number of data inputs/outputs to be mirrored.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for updating a partitioned index

Номер: US20120143873A1
Автор: Saied Saadat
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

Techniques for enhanced updating of a partitioned index include first data that indicates a plurality of fields for each entry in an index for a data store. A current number of partitions for the index is determined. Second data that indicates at least one value for at least one field of at least a first entry in the index is received. A next number of partitions for the index based on the second data is determined automatically.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for replicating data

Номер: US20120150798A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Methods, computer systems, and computer program products for replicating data are provided. Meta-data and data associated with the meta-data are received at a first data server. A new portion of the data that is not already stored on the first data server is identified. The new portion of the data is stored on a second data server before the meta-data is stored on the second data server.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method, system, and computer program product for simulating an online session

Номер: US20120158909A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

A method and system for conducting an offline session simulating an online session between a client and server in a network environment. The client imports data and functional logic from the server prior to going offline. The imported functional logic is embedded into a format or document that is capable of being interpreted and performed by the local interface at the client that is used to interact with server during an online session. Whether offline or online, the user utilizes the same local interface at the client to transmit instructions to the functional logic in order to manipulate the data. In an offline session, such instructions cause the imported and embedded functional logic to execute, thereby manipulating the data that is imported at the client. Known synchronization methods may also be used In order to maintain consistency and coherency between the imported data at the client and the database at the server.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Handheld electronic device including automatic mobile phone number management, and associated method

Номер: US20120164996A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A method of updating information included in a handheld device user's contact entry included in a global address list wherein the device stores information of a first type, such as a mobile phone, SMS or MMS number or a PIN. The method includes determining whether the information of a first type has been modified from a first stored piece of information to a second stored piece of information, and generating a message including the second stored piece of information and sending the message to a computer system of the organization if it is determined that the information of a first type has been modified. The computer system stores the second stored piece of information in response to receipt of the message by the computer system for subsequent access by a requesting party. Also provided is an improved handheld electronic device having one or more routines adapted to implement the method.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Human relationships registering system and device for registering human relationships, program for registering human relationships, and medium storing human relationships registering program and readable by computer

Номер: US20120166543A1
Принадлежит: Mekiki Co Ltd, Mekiki Creates Co Ltd

To provide a human relationships registering system, a method and a server for registering human relationships, a program for registering human relationships, and a medium storing human relationships registering program and readable by a computer, all of which are used to establish wide and close relationships with members having a variety of occupations or engaged in various technical fields and to obtain expert knowledge or information. The human relationships registering system comprises first data processing units 2 and 3 including sections for receiving personal data of a new member, and a second data processing unit including a section for storing the received personal data. The second data processing unit stores the personal data of the new member in correlation to an existing member when the existing member confirms the new member.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Optimizing data synchronization between mobile clients and database systems

Номер: US20120173485A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

Mechanisms and methods are provided for optimizing data synchronization between clients and database systems. These mechanisms and methods provide optimizations for synchronization requests, by either breaking a synchronization request into multiple smaller requests, or by executing different code routines for differing client types, or by pre-caching data that a user is anticipated to want at a future point. Such optimization techniques can enable clients with varying capacities (e.g., mobile client vs. full desktop client) to optimally utilize their respective device capabilities.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Processes and system for accessing externally stored metadata associated with a media asset using a unique identifier incorporated into the asset itself

Номер: US20120173525A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An enhanced metadata structure and associated process is provided which captures and stores metadata gathered about the source and usage of a media asset or file. The source and usage metadata is integrated, such as by encoding within the enhanced media file, as the media asset is transferred and used. The integrated metadata accumulates, as a trail of source information and usage information in the enhanced media asset, and can be extracted upon arrival at a target computer system.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Data synchronization system and data synchronization method

Номер: US20120179653A1
Принадлежит: Individual

[PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED] To reduce a server load when synchronizing data between a client and a server. [SOLUTION] A client 10 sends a synchronization request 41 containing an anchor point to a server 20 . The server 20 sends synchronization information 42 to the client 10 , which synchronization information including change profile information on data updated between the anchor point and a boundary point and change profile information on a change log after the anchor point. Based on the synchronization information 42 , the client 10 sends a download request 43 to the server 20 , and the server 20 sends download information 44 to the client 10 in response to the download request 43 . The client 10 registers data contained in the download information 44 to a client database 11.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing address book restoration

Номер: US20120185440A1

An apparatus for providing address book restoration includes at least one processor and at least one memory including computer program code. The at least one memory and the computer program code are configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus to receive an instruction to restore a record associated with a contact previously deleted from each of at least two synchronized address books, and recover the record from a deleted file repository at which the record was stored prior to deletion of the record, the deleted file repository being a memory location different than the address books. A corresponding method and computer program product are also provided.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Field response system

Номер: US20120185572A1
Принадлежит: Deeya Energy Inc

An apparatus and method for monitoring energy storage devices is disclosed. A monitoring system that monitors an energy storage device collects and stores operating data from the device and relays that data through a communications system to one or more servers. The servers can store the operating data from each of the monitored energy storage devices.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Multicast Mapped Look-Up On Content Delivery Networks

Номер: US20120198022A1
Принадлежит: Limelight Networks Inc

A method and system for flexibly processing content objects is disclosed. A content object is stored on one of a plurality of storage devices. A request is received for the content object. Information corresponding to the requested object (e.g., a unique identifier) is transmitted to one or more content directories. A response is received from a first content directory indicating a location of the content object. The content object is requested from the first location, and at least part of the content object is received.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

System for implementing and/or expanding a point-of-service system and method of operating the same

Номер: US20120203738A1
Принадлежит: quipos solutions GmbH

System ( 1 ) for implementing and/or expanding a point-of-service system comprising at least one central server (enabler) ( 2 ) and a plurality of handsets ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) configured to by connected to enabler ( 2 ) by wireless or by a network cable, said at least one enabler ( 2 ) comprising an interface to a database ( 8 ) of at least one point-of-service system ( 9 ) to be implemented or expanded, and said enabler ( 2 ) importing from database ( 8 ) of the point-of-service system to be implemented or expanded, passing on to handsets ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) and synchronising only those tables which are needed by handsets ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) for operating the point-of-service system or are entered by means of handsets ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ), with the synchronisation intervals depending on the importance of such data, i.e. on the necessity of keeping the data available in database ( 8 ) of the point-of-service system to be implemented or expanded so as to ensure optimum operation thereof.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Middleware data log system

Номер: US20120215740A1
Принадлежит: LinkedIn Corp

A method of maintaining a data store is disclosed. The data store is distributed across a plurality of storage provider instances, including a master storage provider instance and a plurality of additional storage provider instances. A master data log is updated to reflect a change to the data store. The master data log is synchronized with a plurality of replicas of the master data log. The change is propagated across the plurality of additional storage provider instances based on an analysis of the replicas.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Synchronization methods and systems

Номер: US20120221515A1
Автор: Gordon J. Freedman
Принадлежит: Individual

Synchronization architectures, methods, systems, and computer readable media are described. One exemplary embodiment includes a first software component configured to cause retrieval and storage of structured data for a first data class from a first store on a device, such as a first data processing system, and configured to synchronize structured data for the first data class in the first store with structured data of the first data class in a second store on a host, such as a second data processing system. The first software component is separate from an application software which provides a user interface to allow a user to access and edit the structured data. The first software component synchronizes the structured data through a second software component which interfaces with the host and the device and which controls an order of synchronizing and a plurality of data classes including the first data class.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method, System, and Computer Program Product for Synchronization of Similar Data Objects with Event Information

Номер: US20120226735A1
Принадлежит: iAnywhere Solutions Inc

A computer-implemented method for updating an object on a mobile device is provided. The computer-implemented method includes maintaining at a server a plurality of channels, the plurality of channels including at least a first representation of the object, generating a modification event when a change to the object is detected, responsive to the modification event, at least updating the representation of the object yielding a second representation of the object, and conveying, during a synchronization process, the second representation of the object to the mobile device.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Openstack database replication

Номер: US20120233119A1
Принадлежит: Rackspace US Inc

Several different embodiments of a massively scalable object storage system are described. The object storage system is particularly useful for storage in a cloud computing installation whereby shared servers provide resources, software, and data to computers and other devices on demand. In several embodiments, the object storage system includes a ring implementation used to associate object storage commands with particular physical servers such that certain guarantees of consistency, availability, and performance can be met. In other embodiments, the object storage system includes a synchronization protocol used to order operations across a distributed system. In a third set of embodiments, the object storage system includes a metadata management system. In a fourth set of embodiments, the object storage system uses a structured information synchronization system. Features from each set of embodiments can be used to improve the performance and scalability of a cloud computing object storage system.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Shared data management in software-as-a-service platform

Номер: US20120239699A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Shared data management in software-as-a-service platform may provide a common object data schema for one or more data objects and one or more data attributes associated with said one or more data objects stored in a master database. A plurality of applications may be enabled to be deployed dynamically on a platform and interoperate by sharing said data values stored in the master database. Data trading is enabled in which applications request permissions to read from or write to, or both, the master database, and in which the requests are mediated by granting or denying permissions.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Delayed updating of shared data

Номер: US20120239886A1
Автор: Teemu Rantanen
Принадлежит: Tekla Oyj

To provide delayed updating of shared data, a concept of dualistic sequence information is introduced. In the concept, if during local modification of data, a modification to the data is published by another user, a local deviation is created, and when the modification is published, it is associated with an unambiguous sequence reference and the local deviation.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

User-input scheduling of synchronization operation on a mobile device based on user activity

Номер: US20120246344A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Data is synchronized between a mobile device and a computing device over a wireless link. Synchronization operations are scheduled according to a synchronization schedule that is based on a current time of day. In one embodiment, the day can be divided into different time periods by the user. The user can also specify the frequency with which synchronization operations are to be performed during each specified period.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Collaborative Data Appliance

Номер: US20120259847A1
Автор: II Ronald S. Gierlack
Принадлежит: Individual

A modular appliance based architecture is disclosed that allows for database consolidation and systems integration. The collaborative data appliance comprises modules designed to collect and combine data which is relevant to the user, uniquely arranging the data into meaningful views which can be later customized into a multitude of reports. The appliance utilizes a customized data code that allows the appliance to span the disparate databases it will consolidate. The appliance also allows a user to share information across systems in a heterogeneous environment by replicating data between different hardware platforms and data sources, without losing the integrity of the data. Further, the appliance comprises a discovery engine that utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI), and that requires User Input (UI).

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Usability of cross-device user interfaces

Номер: US20120266079A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Mechanisms are provided that improve the usability of remote access between different devices or with different platforms by predicting user intent and, based in part on the prediction, offering the user appropriate interface tools or modifying the present interface accordingly. Mechanisms for creating and using gesture maps that improve usability between cross-device user interfaces are also provided.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Redundant, multi-dimensional data partitioning: methods, program product and system

Номер: US20120284235A1
Принадлежит: Hillis W Daniel, Swett Ian

Horizontal partitioning can handle a transaction by accessing a single node only if the transaction is restricted along the single partitioned dimension. Composite partitioning allows for partitioning along more than one dimension, but can only handle a transaction by accessing a single node if the transaction is limited along all partitioned dimensions. A partitioning method partitions a tuple space along more than one dimension and, by storing tuples redundantly, allows transactions restricted along one or more of the partitioned dimensions to be handled by accessing a single node. Other embodiments include a computer program product and a system for partitioning a tuple space.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Workload-distributing data replication system

Номер: US20120290747A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for more effectively distributing the I/O workload in a data replication system is disclosed herein. In selected embodiments, such a method may include generating an I/O request and identifying a storage resource group associated with the I/O request. In the event the I/O request is associated with a first storage resource group, the I/O request may be directed to a first storage device and a copy of the I/O request may be mirrored from the first storage device to a second storage device. Alternatively, in the event the I/O request is associated with a second storage resource group, the I/O request may be directed to a second storage device and a copy of the I/O request may be mirrored from the second storage device to the first storage device.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Versioned And Hierarchical Data Structures And Distributed Transactions

Номер: US20120303578A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Presented herein are methods of replicating versioned and hierarchical data structures, as well as data structures representing complex transactions. Due to interdependencies between data entities and a lack of guaranteed message ordering, simple replication methods employed for simple data types cannot be used. Operations on data structures exhibit dependencies between the messages making up the operations. This strategy can be extended to various types of complex transactions by considering certain messages to depend on other messages or on the existence of other entries at the data store. Regardless of origin, these dependencies can be enforced by suspending the processing of messages with unsatisfied dependencies until all of its dependencies have been met. Alternately, transactions can be committed immediately, creating entities that include versioned identifiers for each of their dependencies. These entities can then be garbage collected of the parent objects are not subsequently created.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Low latency replication techniques with content addressable storage

Номер: US20120317395A1
Принадлежит: XtremIO Ltd

A CAS data storage method and apparatus comprising: receiving input data including a succession of data items with corresponding logical addresses at a source CAS data storage space for storage therein and for replication at a destination CAS data storage space, generating a hash key for each data item at the source storage space, comparing respective hash keys with hash keys stored at a hash key storage table, to determine whether respective further data items are already present at the destination storage device; transferring respective data items to the destination storage space if no match is made to a hash key stored at the hash key storage table, but not transferring respective further data items if a match is made to a hash key stored at the hash key storage table, thereby transferring to the destination storage space only unique data items.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Database redistribution utilizing virtual partitions

Номер: US20120323852A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

In some embodiments, a partitioned database is stored in a plurality of logical or physical partitions on at least a logical or physical first data storage node, and a subset of a first partition among the plurality of logical partitions is configured as a virtual partition. An input indicating an allocation of a second physical data storage node to store the partitioned database is received. A second partition is configured on the second data storage node. In response to the input, the partitioned database is redistributed over the first and second data storage nodes by moving data within the virtual partition on the first partition to the second partition.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Enriching Database Query Responses using Data from External Data Sources

Номер: US20120323947A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

The subject disclosure is directed towards enriching database query responses using data from external data sources. When processing a database query seeking enriched data from an external data source, a request is communicated to the external data source based on the database query. An enriched database query response is generated based on data provided by the external data source. The enriched database query response may be combined with data returned via an internal database query operation, and/or inserted into a local database table.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Electronic device and method for managing storage of data

Номер: US20120330896A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A method of managing storage of address book data records at an electronic device includes provisioning, at the electronic device, a new Personal Information Manager (PIM) service account including address book functionality on the electronic device, automatically updating, by the electronic device, address book data records stored on the electronic device and not associated with another PIM service account to associate the address book data records with the new PIM service account provisioned on the electronic device in response to provisioning the new PIM service account, and sending, from the electronic device, the updated address book data records for storage at the PIM service account thereby merging the address book data records stored only at the electronic device with address book data records at the new PIM service account.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Performing A Query On A Distributed Database

Номер: US20120331010A1
Принадлежит: SAS Institute Inc

Systems and methods are provided for performing a query in a distributed system. In one example, a query processor receives an instruction to perform a database operation involving a query. Based on an identification of a correlated subquery within the query, the query processor modifies the correlated subquery by replacing at least one correlated variable with a parameter or updatable constant. The modified subquery is sent to an external database for execution, where the external database is identified in the correlated subquery. The results of the modified subquery are received at the query processor from the external database and are used to execute the query. The correlated subquery includes a conditional relationship between a column in a first set of data and a column in a second set of data, wherein the first and second sets of data are stored in different external databases.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Personal information management data synchronization

Номер: US20120331178A1

A data management application that may be implemented in a mobile device to perform two-way synchronization of electronic messages and/or PIM data with a server device. The device may be a mobile device such as a mobile phone or Smartphone, as well as a personal digital assistant, notebook computer, or other mobile device communicating using any of several wireless protocols. PIM data may include PIM application objects or other data, including but not limited to calendar, contact, and task object data. The data management application may synchronize e-mail and PIM data on a client device with that of a server where the server and client utilize one or more different protocols.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Transference control method, transference control apparatus and recording medium of transference control program

Номер: US20130006930A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A transference control apparatus includes a communication controller, and a processor that executes a procedure, the procedure including processing a control that causes first processing, in which an update log representing the update content of updating performed for a first database is transmitted, by the communication controller, to a second database serving as a copy destination for the first database, to be performed with priority over second processing, in which transmission target data contained in the first database is transmitted to the second database, and restraining, in the case that updating of the transmission target data is allowed in the first database, the control that causes the first processing to be performed with priority.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods for tracking database changes and devices thereof

Номер: US20130024422A1
Принадлежит: Infosys Ltd

Methods, devices, and computer-readable storage media for tracking changes in a database including at least one database table include adding a first column to a schema of each database table. The first column includes a row update identifier for each row of the database table. A global update identifier is incremented in response to a row change and recorded as the row update identifier for the changed row. In response to a latest database synchronization event, a reference table including a synchronization update identifier is generated, and the global update identifier is incremented and recorded as the synchronization update identifier. An update to a row in a database table is tracked based at least upon determining that a row update identifier of the updated row in the database table is greater than the synchronization update identifier in the reference table.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Technique for improving replication persistance in a caching applicance structure

Номер: US20130042140A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for improving replication persistence in a caching appliance structure can begin when a primary catalog service receives a command to instantiate a data partition. The primary catalog service can manage a collective of caching appliances in a networked computing environment. The data partition can include a primary shard and at least one replica shard. The primary shard of the data partition can be stored within a memory space of a first caching appliance. The at least one replica shard of the data partition can be stored within a non-volatile storage space of a second caching appliance. The first and the second caching appliances can be separate physical devices. The memory space of the second caching appliance that could have been used to store the at least one replica shard can be available for storing primary shards for other data partitions, increasing the capacity of the collective.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Data synchronization using string matching

Номер: US20130054522A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

The present invention relates to the technical field of data or file synchronization. In particular, the present invention relates to a method and system for data synchronization using character string matching. Provided are a method, computer program product, and system for data synchronization between a source node and target node. An old copy and a new copy of data to be synchronized is received. A block map is generated according to the difference determined using character string matching between the old copy and the new copy. The block map, which includes the position information of unchanged blocks and the position information and contents of changed blocks, is transmitted to a target node.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Synchronization of database changes among multiple devices

Номер: US20130066829A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer program products, for synchronizing database changes among multiple devices. In one aspect, a method includes determining one or more primary differences between a primary database and a local synchronization database; receiving, from a secondary device, one or more secondary differences associated with a secondary database; merging the primary differences and the secondary differences to generate a set of merged differences; providing the set of merged differences to the secondary device; receiving, from the secondary device, an acknowledgment indicating receipt of the set of merged differences; and updating the primary database in accordance with the set of merged differences after receipt of the acknowledgment. Further, at least one conflict can be detected between the primary differences and the secondary differences, and can be resolved prior to generating the set of merged differences.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Provisioning and managing replicated data instances

Номер: US20130066834A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

A replicated database can be provisioned that provides primary and secondary replicas located in different data zones or geographical locations. The database can be installed on the primary replica, and both the primary and secondary replica can include a block level replication mechanism that allows any I/O operation to be replicated between the replicas. Any failure of the primary replica can be addressed by performing a failover operation to the secondary replica. A DNS name or other such approach can be used such that the name can be aliased to the secondary replica during a failover. The creation of the database and provisioning of the replicated instance can be initiated using a Web service call to a control environment. A replicated database can also be scaled according to storage or computing capacity with no disruption of service using a Web service call to the control environment.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Managing data received from multiple sources for generating a contact profile for synchronizing with the multiple sources

Номер: US20130066922A1
Принадлежит: WhitePages Inc

Technology is disclosed for providing contact management services. Contact information (e.g., phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, etc.) are collected from multiple, different sources (e.g., a mobile phone, a web server, a social media web site, SMS, an App, etc.) Contact information can also be entered in a free-form format and parsed into structured data that is associated with a contact card. A contact card stores the contact information and the source of the information. Contact cards can be aggregated into a merged contact card that includes information from the multiple, different sources, without loosing the original information. The merged contact card can be disaggregated into its constituent contact cards and used to create other contact cards. A user can associate one or more of their contact cards with a group. The group is optionally notified when the users changes its contact information.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Mechanism for synchronizing olap system structure and oltp system structure

Номер: US20130073521A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

In an embodiment, for any structural change that is made to a relational database, a corresponding change is also made to the multidimensional database. In an embodiment, the system determines that a particular structure is not implemented on the multidimensional database system. Based on metadata that defines the structure that is supposed to exist in the multidimensional database, the appropriate structure is created.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Data Set Synchronization and Replication

Номер: US20130073714A1
Принадлежит: Computer Associates Think Inc

According to one embodiment of the present disclosure, a method for synchronizing data sets includes receiving a request to synchronize a first data set associated with a first server and a second data set associated with a second server. The method also includes determining, with reference to one or more replication constraints, whether to begin synchronization. The method further includes applying one or more resource control actions in response to determining to begin synchronization.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods, systems, and products for recording media

Номер: US20130091096A1
Автор: Timothy H. Weaver

Methods, devices, and products are disclosed for recording media. An input is received via a user interface to record media. An entry is created in a recording schedule to record the media. The recording schedule is sent to a restoration server, such that the recording schedule is mirrored to the restoration server.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for real-time de-duplication

Номер: US20130091103A1
Автор: Christopher Kemp
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

Disclosed are systems, apparatus, and methods for identifying and processing duplicative records in one or more database systems. In various implementations, a first data object may be created and stored in a first database system, where the first data object includes a plurality of data fields capable of storing a plurality of data values. A trigger function may be executed in response to creating the first data object, where the trigger function causes one or more servers to determine if one or more existing data objects stored in the second database system match the first data object, and where the trigger function further causes one or more servers in the first database system to retrieve one or more data values from the one or more existing data objects. The retrieved one or more data values may be stored in one or more data fields of the first data object.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Online Transaction Processing

Номер: US20130110767A1
Принадлежит: NEC Laboratories America Inc

A method implemented in an online transaction processing system is disclosed. The method includes, upon a read request from a transaction process, reading a transaction log, reading data stored in a storage without accessing the transaction log, and constituting a current snapshot using the data in the storage and the transaction log. The method also includes, upon a write request from the transaction process, committing transaction by accessing the transaction log. The method also includes propagating update in the commit to the data in the storage asynchronously. The transaction commit is made successful upon applying the commit to the transaction log. Other methods and systems also are disclosed.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for managing data in portable terminal

Номер: US20130122966A1

A portable terminal is capable of managing data. The portable terminal includes a controller, a display, a memory and a data management unit. The data management unit can sort pre-stored data in the memory as keyword-related data. The data management unit also can sort the pre-stored data depending on frequency of user's use, and outputting, to the display, the sorted data by layer.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for personal asset management

Номер: US20130124463A1
Принадлежит: Here Global BV

An approach is provided for personal asset management. The approach involves causing, at least in part, a determination of one or more devices to be part of one or more groups. The approach further involves processing and/or facilitating a processing of a determination of one or more datasets to be stored on the one or more devices. The approach also involves causing, at least in part, the one or more datasets to be synchronized among the one or more devices that are part of the one or more groups. The approach additionally involves causing, at least in part, a cryptographic connection between the one or more devices to be established.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for file replication utilizing differences between versions of files

Номер: US20130124472A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

Methods and systems for efficient file replication are provided. In some embodiments, one or more coarse signatures for blocks in a base file are compared with those coarse signatures for blocks of a revised file, until a match is found. A fine signature is then generated for the matching block, of the revised file and compared to a fine signature of the base file. Thus, fine signatures are not computed unless a coarse signature match has been found, thereby minimizing unneeded time-consuming fine signature calculations. Methods are also provided for determining whether to initiate a delta file generation algorithm, or whether to utilize a more efficient replication method, based upon system and/or file parameters. In accordance with additional embodiments, the lengths of valid data on physical blocks are obtained from physical block mappings for the files, and these lengths and mappings are utilized for delta file generation, to minimize unnecessary signature computations.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Data clustering based on candidate queries

Номер: US20130124525A1
Принадлежит: Ab Initio Software LLC

Received data records, each including one or more values in one or more fields, are processed to identify a matched data cluster. The processing includes: for selected data records, generating a query from one or more values; identifying one or more candidate data records from the received data records using the query; determining whether or not the selected data record satisfies a cluster membership criterion for at least one candidate data cluster of one or more existing data clusters containing the candidate records; and selecting the matched data cluster from among one or more candidate data clusters based at least in part on a growth criterion for the candidate data clusters, or initializing the matched data cluster with the selected data record if the selected data record does not satisfy a cluster membership criterion for any of the existing data clusters or based on a result of the growth criterion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and storage medium

Номер: US20130132338A1
Автор: Yukio Numakami
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

There is provided with an information processing apparatus. A holding unit is configured to hold a communication parameter to be used to perform communication with a storage device configured to store a content. A storage unit is configured to store a content. A memory unit is configured to store a record of change for the content stored in the storage unit. A deletion unit is configured to delete, from the memory unit, the record of change used to synchronize the content stored in the storage unit with the content stored in the storage device in accordance with deletion of the communication parameter used to perform the communication with the storage device from the holding unit.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for analyzing time series activity streams and devices thereof

Номер: US20130132385A1
Принадлежит: Thingworx Inc

A method, non-transitory computer readable medium, and data manager computing device comprises retrieving a time series data of a monitored asset based on one or more tags in response to a request. Further, a heterogeneous data based on the one or more tags is retrieved. Furthermore, a cause of an anomaly period in retrieved time series data of the monitored asset is determined based on the retrieved heterogeneous data. Finally, the determined cause of the anomaly period in the time series data in the monitored asset is provided.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Establishing connections among electronic devices

Номер: US20130134212A1
Автор: Arthur Chang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention extends to methods, systems, and computer program products for establishing connections among electronic devices. Embodiments of the invention can use a context code, such as, for example, a QR code to facilitate electronic device networking. The connection process between electronic devices is automated. For example, upon snapping a picture, a communication application establishes connection between devices and also serves as a port between the connected devices. Networking code can be greatly simplified, permitting application developers to devote more resources to developing application code.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Slave Consistency in a Synchronous Replication Environment

Номер: US20130151467A1
Принадлежит: SanDisk Enterprise IP LLC

Approaches for replicating data in a distributed transactional system. At a first node of a cluster, a per-transaction write set, comprising a plurality of write operations, is committed against a first MySQL database. One or more per-transaction write sets are replicated from the first node to a second node. Upon receiving a read query, the second node parses the read query to identify a read set, calculates a write set conflict window for the read query, and upon determining that the read set conflicts with one or more write sets in the write set conflict window, waits to process the read query until all conflicting write sets are committed. However, upon determining that the read set does not conflict any write sets in the write set conflict window, the read query is processed without first committing any write transactions in the write set conflict window for the read query.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid Database Table Stored as Both Row and Column Store

Номер: US20130166554A1
Принадлежит: SAP SE

A hybrid database table is stored as both a row and a column store. One or more techniques may be employed alone or in combination to enhance performance of the hybrid table by regulating access to, and/or the size of, the processing-intensive column store data. For example during an insert operation, the column store data may be searched for a uniqueness violation only after certain filtering and/or boundary conditions have been considered. In another technique, a hybrid table manager may control movement of data to the column store based upon considerations such as frequency of access, or underlying business logic. In still another technique, querying of the hybrid table may result in a search of the column store data only after an initial search of row store data fails to return a result.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System and methods for popularity and influence indicators and commercial incentives based on object-related social network referrals

Номер: US20130173368A1
Автор: Gregory Boutin, YANG Han
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention generally relates to popularity indicators, influence measures, and purchase incentives. More particularly, but not by way of limitation, the present invention relates to assessing and communicating the popularity or relative popularity of objects such as songs, books, documents, pictures, web links, comments, authors, artists, creators, based on either the number of user profiles with whom an object or a reference to an object was shared on one or more social network(s) by web users, or on the number or percentage of social network connections who acted on such a referral. It also relates to measuring the influence of a web user (or group thereof) with regard to a particular object or set of objects by using the number of user profiles with whom the web user (or group thereof) shared the object(s) or a reference(s) thereto on one or more social network(s), and offering commercial incentives based on that measure.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Remote data collection systems and methods using read only data extraction and dynamic data handling

Номер: US20130173539A1
Принадлежит: Bartosz J. Zalewski, Clark S. Gilder, Joshua Hix

Remote data collection systems and methods retrieve data including financial, sales, marketing, operational and the like data from a plurality of databases and database types remotely over a network in an automated, platform-agnostic manner. A remote data collection system includes a network interface, a connection to a data source, a processor communicatively coupled to the network interface and the connection, and memory storing instructions for remote data collection that, when executed, cause the processor to: receive a request to extract data from the data source; extract the data in a non-intrusive manner from the data source using a two phase process comprising a reconciliation phase and a collection phase; and transmit one of an entire set and a subset of the extracted data based on the request.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for migrating database data

Номер: US20130173546A1
Принадлежит: BMC Software Inc

In one general aspect, a computer-implemented method for migrating data from a source database to a target database includes a computer-implemented method that includes executing, using at least one processor, instructions recorded on a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium. The method includes ensuring that the source database has correct version information, creating an image copy of the data in the source database, and collecting metadata describing the source database. The metadata may include information used to verify that the target database is compatible with the source database, to automatically translate object identifiers, and to avert the migration if no data has changed in the source and the target databases (e.g., table and index spaces) since a previous migration. The method may further include refreshing the data in the target database using the image copy after determining that the source database and the target database are compatible.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Fast snapshots

Номер: US20130173551A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A fast snapshot is configured to store a state of a computing environment at a point in time. The fast snapshot operation is performed by avoiding reference counts of one or more data units associated with the snapshot from being updated at a creation and a deletion time.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Data Archiving and De-Archiving in a Business Environment

Номер: US20130173557A1
Принадлежит: Tata Consultancy Services Ltd

A computer implemented method for data archiving and dearchiving in a business environment is described herein. According to an implementation, the method includes obtaining metadata configuration associated with a source database storing transaction information, the transaction information being related to a business transaction. Based on the metadata configuration an archive specification is generated. Further, based on the archive specification and the metadata configuration, an archive mapping is configured. According to an aspect, the archive mapping is synchronized with an update in one of the metadata configuration. The archive mapping can be implemented for archiving the transaction information. Additionally, the archived transaction information can be de-archived, or can be purged onto a back-up repository.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Processes and system for accessing externally stored metadata associated with a media asset using a unique identifier incorporated into the asset itself

Номер: US20130173617A1
Принадлежит: Facebook Inc

An enhanced metadata structure and associated process is provided which captures and stores metadata gathered about the source and usage of a media asset or file. The source and usage metadata is integrated, such as by encoding within the enhanced media file, as the media asset is transferred and used. The integrated metadata accumulates, as a trail of source information and usage information in the enhanced media asset, and can be extracted upon arrival at a target computer system.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for database synchronization for medical records

Номер: US20130179186A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

A system and method for performing database synchronization between a first database of a first device and a second database of a second device is disclosed. The first database stores medical records having non-time based counter values associated thereto. The second database stores medical records having timestamps associated thereto. The first device includes a first database synchronization module that maintains a last timestamp indicating a last medical record that was received from the second device. The first database synchronization module transmits, to the second device, a request for synchronization and the last timestamp. The second device includes a second database synchronization module that maintains a last counter value indicative of a last medical record that was received from the first device, and that transmits, to the first device, a second request for synchronization and the last counter value.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Content analytics system configured to support multiple tenants

Номер: US20130179450A1
Автор: Srinivas CHITIVELI
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are disclosed for a software as a service (SaaS) provider to host a content analytics tool used to evaluate data collections for multiple customers (referred to as tenants) using one dedicated and expandable computing infrastructure, without requiring that the service provider obtain, install, license, and manage a separate copy of the content analytics tools for each tenant. Customers are provided access to resources dedicated to their enterprise, but do not have access, or even awareness, of data collections or analytics resources hosted for other customers. That is, embodiments presented herein allow a provider to host content analytics tools used by customers to evaluate their enterprise data in a secure and timely manner.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Audience platform

Номер: US20130179454A1
Автор: R. Kevin Rose
Принадлежит: LinkedIn Corp

An audience platform is disclosed. In a first example case, a first question is received. A preference event associated with the first question is received. A score is determined for the first question based at least in part on the preference. In a second example case, indications of a first and second potential interviewee are received. Preference events associated with the first and second potential interviewees are received. Scores are determined for the first and second potential interviewees based at least in part on the received preference events. A designated interviewee is selected based on the first and second scores. In a third example case, indications of a first and second potential awardee are received. Preference events associated with the first and second potential awardee are received. Scores are determined for the first and second potential awardees based at least in part on the received preference events.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Contact management system and method

Номер: US20130182849A1
Принадлежит: SyncUp Corp

In an embodiment of a method of providing contact information, the method includes creating a contact record in a contact management system, where a process associated with a subject of the contact record and/or a recipient of data associated with the contact record is included in creating the contact record. A unique serial number is generated corresponding to the contact record and the serial number is conveyed to the recipient. A request by an application is received for the contact record from the contact management system corresponding to the serial number and data associated with the contact record is transmitted to the application.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Audience platform

Номер: US20130185641A1
Автор: R. Kevin Rose
Принадлежит: LinkedIn Corp

An audience platform is disclosed. In a first example case, a first question is received. A preference event associated with the first question is received. A score is determined for the first question based at least in part on the preference. In a second example case, indications of a first and second potential interviewee are received. Preference events associated with the first and second potential interviewees are received. Scores are determined for the first and second potential interviewees based at least in part on the received preference events. A designated interviewee is selected based on the first and second scores. In a third example case, indications of a first and second potential awardee are received. Preference events associated with the first and second potential awardee are received. Scores are determined for the first and second potential awardees based at least in part on the received preference events.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Contact management system and method

Номер: US20130191402A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In an embodiment of a method of providing contact information, the method includes creating a contact record in a contact management system, where a process associated with a subject of the contact record and/or a recipient of data associated with the contact record is included in creating the contact record. A unique serial number is generated corresponding to the contact record and the serial number is conveyed to the recipient. A request by an application is received for the contact record from the contact management system corresponding to the serial number and data associated with the contact record is transmitted to the application.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive quiesce for efficient cross-host consistent cdp checkponts

Номер: US20130204843A1
Принадлежит: Zerto Ltd

A disaster recovery system, including a target datastore for replicating data written to source datastores, and a checkpoint engine (i) for transmitting, at multiple times, quiesce commands to a plurality of host computers, each quiesce command including a timeout period that is adjusted at each of the multiple times, (ii) for determining, at each of the multiple times, whether acknowledgements indicating that a host has successfully stopped writing enterprise data to the source datastores, have been received from each of the host computers within the timeout period, (iii) for marking, at each of the multiple times, a cross-host checkpoint in the target datastore and reducing the timeout period for the quiesce commands at the next time, if the determining is affirmative, and (iv) for increasing, at each of the multiple times, the timeout period for the quiesce commands transmitted at the next time, if the determining is not affirmative.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for simplifying object mapping for a user interface

Номер: US20130204887A1
Принадлежит: Catavolt Inc

A system and method for simplifying object mapping for user interfaces on a computer system. The method comprising receiving a client request for action and associating the client request to a logical object, converting the logical object to a physical object that resides in an object relational mapping, and mapping between the physical object and a relational database.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Decoupling partitioning for scalability

Номер: US20130204990A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and methods are provided that enable a general framework for partitioning application-defined computations (e.g., jobs) in a scalable environment. The general framework decouples partitioning of a computation from the other aspects of the computation. As a result, the effort required to define an application-defined job is reduced or minimized, as the user is not required to provide a partitioning algorithm. A user can optionally take advantage of a partitioning framework by providing application-defined interfaces to perform the desired job. Optionally, a user can provide additional information to allow for modification of how partitions are assigned.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Content analytics system configured to support multiple tenants

Номер: US20130212061A1
Автор: Srinivas V. Chitiveli
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are disclosed for a software as a service (SaaS) provider to host a content analytics tool used to evaluate data collections for multiple customers (referred to as tenants) using one dedicated and expandable computing infrastructure, without requiring that the service provider obtain, install, license, and manage a separate copy of the content analytics tools for each tenant. Customers are provided access to resources dedicated to their enterprise, but do not have access, or even awareness, of data collections or analytics resources hosted for other customers. That is, embodiments presented herein allow a provider to host content analytics tools used by customers to evaluate their enterprise data in a secure and timely manner.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Information processing system, computer-readable non-transitory storage medium, information processing method and information processor

Номер: US20130217503A1
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

Each information processor executes a mission which allows participation of users of a plurality of information processors using wireless communication. While the mission is being executed, a mission beacon including personal score information is repeatedly transmitted to an unspecified apparatus from each of the information processors. Each information processor calculates a total score based on the personal score information included in the mission beacon of each of other information processors and determines whether the mission has been successful or not based on the total score.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Storing a variable number of instances of data objects

Номер: US20130218842A1
Принадлежит: Commvault Systems Inc

Described are systems and methods for storing a variable number of instances of data objects (e.g., 1, 2, 3, or up to N−1 instances, where N is the number of instances of the data object included in primary data) in secondary storage across a data storage network. In some examples, a system for storing a variable number of instances of data objects includes, one or more computing devices storing a set of data objects and multiple storage devices distinct from the one or more computing devices. Each of the multiple storage devices is configured to store at least a single instance of a data object. The system also includes a database configured to store information associated with the data objects. This information includes substantially unique identifiers for the data objects and, for each of the data objects, a number of instances of the data object stored on the multiple storage devices.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

On-demand file synchronization

Номер: US20130226872A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are described for managing access and synchronization of one or more files of a document management system stored locally at a client device. The techniques may include receiving, by a document management system executing on a server device, a file update notification message from a first client device to notify the document management system that a file was modified by the first client device. The file update notification message may include an indication of the modified file on the first client device without including the modified file. The document management system may receive a file editing request from a second client device to request the file. In response, the document management system may send a file upload request to the first client device, receive the modified file from the first client device, and send the modified file to the second client device.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Optimizing disaster recovery systems during takeover operations

Номер: US20130232111A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Exemplary method, system, and computer program product embodiments for optimizing disaster recovery systems during takeover operations are provided. In one embodiment, by way of example only, a flag is set in a replication grid manager to identify replication grid members to consult in a reconciliation process for resolving intersecting and non-intersecting data amongst the disaster recovery systems for a takeover operation. The replication grid members are consulted for the takeover operation to accommodate a coordination of an ownership synchronization process for cartridges not distributed on-time to the replication grid members. Additional system and computer program product embodiments are disclosed and provide related advantages.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Probe System For Replication Monitoring

Номер: US20130232114A1
Принадлежит: Yahoo Inc until 2017

A ProbeSystem for one or more Replicas is disclosed. For each replica, the Probe System includes a ProbeHead that updates a Head field in a Target Record pertaining to the Replica and a ProbeEcho that updates an Echo field in the TargetRecord. The Head field includes a time stamp and an epoch value. The Echo field includes a latency value and an epoch value. The fields are such that, during reporting, the ProbeHead can analyze the TargetRecord for the replica to determine the latency between one or more paths between the Replica and other Replicas. The ProbeSystem has a peer-to-peer shared nothing architecture and applies to a large class of high-replica, distributed and high-scale cloud storage systems and services.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems of Aggregating Information of Social Networks Based on Changing Geographical Locations of a Computing Device Via a Network

Номер: US20130238658A1
Автор: Brandon C. Burris
Принадлежит: SNAP TRENDS Inc

One or more systems, devices, methods, and/or processes described can apply searches and/or filters to data of social networks with respect to one or more geographical locations, geospatial references, location-based contexts, and/or map-based references. A geographical search region can be associated with a computing device of a user and with locations of the computing device, including the ability to track the computing device with the geographical search region along a path of movement of the computing device. Other geographical search regions can be associated with other computing devices that were included within the geographical search region and can be associated with locations of the other computing devices. One or more social networks can be queried with search and/or filter parameters based on the geographical search regions of respective computing devices, and user-provided social network communications and information within the geographical search regions of the respective computing devices can be received based on the queries.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System, method and computer program product for managing data created in an on-demand service from other data, utilizing a report

Номер: US20130246341A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

In accordance with embodiments, there are provided mechanisms and methods for managing data created in an on-demand service, utilizing a report. These mechanisms and methods for managing data created in an on-demand service can enable embodiments to derive data from reports in the form of analytic snapshots. The ability of embodiments to provide management may allow analytical snapshots to be generated and refreshed on a periodic basic such that historical data may be stored.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Synchronizing local and remote data

Номер: US20130246353A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Aspects of the subject matter described herein relate to synchronizing data. In aspects, properties are synchronized from an organization property store to a cloud property store and/or vice versa. The list of properties to synchronize may change based on the cloud services to which the organization subscribes, changes to the cloud services, or for other reasons. Furthermore, the list of properties to synchronize may be limited to certain objects of the organization which may also change over time.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System, method and computer program product for sharing tenant information utilizing a multi-tenant on-demand database service

Номер: US20130246475A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

In accordance with embodiments, there are provided mechanisms and methods for sharing tenant information utilizing a multi-tenant on-demand database service. These mechanisms and methods for sharing tenant information utilizing a multi-tenant on-demand database service can allow automatic sharing of information owned by a first tenant with other tenants of the multi-tenant on-demand database service. In this way, collaboration among tenants of the multi-tenant on-demand database service may be enabled via the sharing of the tenant information.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method, system, and computer program product for simulating an online session

Номер: US20130246483A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

A method and system for conducting an offline session simulating an online session between a client and server in a network environment. The client imports data and functional logic from the server prior to going offline. The imported functional logic is embedded into a format or document that is capable of being interpreted and performed by the local interface at the client that is used to interact with server during an online session. Whether offline or online, the user utilizes the same local interface at the client to transmit instructions to the functional logic in order to manipulate the data. In an offline session, such instructions cause the imported and embedded functional logic to execute, thereby manipulating the data that is imported at the client. Known synchronization methods may also be used in order to maintain consistency and coherency between the imported data at the client and the database at the server.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Automatic conflict resolution

Номер: US20130254164A1
Автор: Chen Tsofi, Dov Sheinker
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A method and apparatus is for implementing a conflict resolution policy. The method includes providing a rule set that includes a plurality of rules that define the conflict resolution policy. An algorithm is generated by decomposing each rule in the rule set into at least one pre-action that is to be performed on data in identified fields in first and second conflicting objects, at least one condition that is to be applied to the first and second conflicting objects, and at least one action that is to be performed on the identified fields in the first and second conflicting objects if the at least one condition is satisfied. The algorithm is loaded from a configuration file for execution during a synchronization component runtime using first and second conflicting objects provided by the synchronization component.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for performing replication copy storage operations

Номер: US20130254166A1
Автор: Rajiv Kottomtharayil
Принадлежит: Commvault Systems Inc

A system and method are provided for performing storage operations relating to a first secondary copy of electronic data. A storage policy or storage preferences may dictate that a replication copy should be used in storage operations performed to a particular client, sub-client, data, media or other item. Based on the storage policy, when a new client, sub-client, data, media or other item is received, a media agent determines whether there is a replication copy of the item. In the absence of a replication copy, one may be created. The replication copy may be provided by a third party application, or created by the client or a storage management system component. Information regarding the replication copy and its corresponding first secondary copy may be stored in a database. To optimize use of system resources, storage operations relating to the first secondary copy may be performed using the replication copy instead of the first secondary copy.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Asynchronous distributed object uploading for replicated content addressable storage clusters

Номер: US20130268486A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A method performed by two or more devices of a group of devices in a distributed data replication system may include receiving a group of chunks having a same unique temporary identifier, the group of chunks comprising an object to be uploaded; creating an entry for the object in a replicated index, the entry being keyed by the unique temporary identifier, and the replicated index being replicated at each of the two or more devices; and determining, by an initiating device of the two or more devices, that a union of the group of chunks contains all data of the object. The method may also include calculating a content-based identifier to the object; creating another entry for the object in the replicated index, the other entry being keyed by the content-based identifier; and updating the replicated index to point from the unique temporary identifier to the content-based identifier.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Run-Time Engine Implemented on a Computing Device Allowing Synchronization of Records During Application Execution

Номер: US20130268487A1
Принадлежит: TeleCommunication Systems Inc

A first database implemented on a remote device such as a handheld computer may be reconciled with a corresponding second database implemented on a host computer during execution of an application program on the handheld device. In addition, the application program may be executed according to program instructions stored in an application program file located in the remote device. The databases may be reconciled by first commencing execution of the application program. Then, during the course of program execution, a synchronization instruction located in said application program file is retrieved. The synchronization instruction is executed by establishing a communications link between the handheld computer and the host computer. Subsequently, any difference between the first database and the second database are reconciled. Furthermore embodiments of the invention contemplate that in addition to reconciling all of the databases located on the handheld and host computers, less than all of the databases may be reconciled to reduce the amount of time required to execute the reconciliation process. In addition, after reconciliation control may be returned to the calling application program, or to another application, as determined by the application designer.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Distributed object storage system comprising performance optimizations

Номер: US20130275381A1
Принадлежит: AMPLIDATA NV

A distributed object storage system includes several performance optimizations with respect to storing very small data objects, very large data objects and CRC calculations.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Data replication framework

Номер: US20130282656A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

Generally described, the present disclosure is directed to an eventually consistent replicated data store that uses, for its underlying storage, a computer software library that provides a high-performance embedded database for data. The replicated data store employs a plurality of hosts interconnected to one another, allowing for writes to any host and full awareness of membership across all hosts. With the data replication framework disclosed herein, various modes are allowed to be built up on top of the core system.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for providing assistance in making change decisions in a configurable managed environment

Номер: US20130282659A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

In a configurable managed system having an associated configuration management database (CMDB), a Change Manager makes changes affecting configuration items (CIs), wherein different types of changes require different levels of confidence in the integrity of data in the CMDB. In response to a proposed change, weights assigned to system CIs affected by the change are used to compute a confidence level regarding accuracy of CMDB data pertinent to the change. The weight for a given CI is derived from the most recent synchronization thereof, and the numbers of reads, writes, and relationships the given CI has with other CIs. The confidence level is then used by the Change Manager in deciding whether or not to make the change. The proposed change is then allowed if the confidence level is no less than a pre-specified minimum value.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Parallel database backup and restore

Номер: US20130282661A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Embodiments are directed to simultaneously backing up data from multiple locations to a single location and to restoring data from a single location to multiple locations simultaneously. In an embodiment, a computer system receives a backup command from a user which indicates that various specified portions of data are to be backed up. The data portions are stored in multiple different locations in a parallel database. The computer system generates multiple backup commands specific for each location in which the data is stored. The backup commands initiate a parallel backup from the various locations to a single location in a data store. The computer system also executes the generated backup commands in parallel, so that the data from each of the different locations is backed up in the data store.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

User Interfaces for Controlling and Manipulating Groupings in a Multi-Zone Media System

Номер: US20130288802A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

In general, user interfaces for controlling a plurality of multimedia players in groups are disclosed. According to one aspect of the present invention, a user interface is provided to allow a user to group some of the players according to a theme or scene, where each of the players is located in a zone. When the scene is activated, the players in the scene react in a synchronized manner. For example, the players in the scene are all caused to play a multimedia source or music in a playlist, wherein the multimedia source may be located anywhere on a network. The user interface is further configured to illustrate graphically a size of a group, the larger the group appears relatively, the more plays there are in the group.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Transitioning application replication configurations in a networked computing environment

Номер: US20130290258A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments of the present invention provide an approach for providing non-disruptive transitioning of application replication configurations and proactive analysis of possible error scenarios. Specifically, under embodiments of the present invention, a common integration model (CIM)-compatible representation of a system replication plan is provided in a computer data structure. Based on the representation, a hierarchical tree data structure having a set of nodes is created. A set of system configuration updates pertaining to the set of nodes are then classified (e.g., based upon the type of configuration update). Once the set of nodes has been classified, the set of nodes may then be analyzed to determine if any nodes of the set are isomorphic. If so, the plan can be modified accordingly. In any event, the replication plan (or modified replication plan) may then be implemented.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Maintaining fault domains in a distributed database

Номер: US20130290295A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

In at least some examples, a system includes a distributed database and control logic to enable updates and queries to the distributed database. The control logic applies a plurality of identifiers to the updates and queries to maintain distinct fault domains in the distributed database.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Distributed Database Management System

Номер: US20130294754A1
Принадлежит: Tivo Inc

A distributed database management system provides a central database resident on a server that contains database objects. Objects, e.g., program guide data, to be replicated are gathered together into distribution packages called “slices,” that are transmitted to client devices. A slice is a subset of the central database which is relevant to clients within a specific domain, such as a geographic region, or under the footprint of a satellite transmitter. The viewer selects television programs and Web content from displayed sections of the program guide data which are recorded to a storage device. The program guide data are used to determine when to start and end recordings. Client devices periodically connect to the server using a phone line and upload information of interest which is combined with information uploaded from other client devices for statistical, operational, or viewing models.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Event-based records management

Номер: US20130297564A1
Принадлежит: GreatCall Inc

Systems and methods of managing operational records, for example of a private response center. In one implementation the system includes one or more processors, memory holding instructions executable by the one or more processors, distributed storage holding a plurality of event stores storing records of events, and one or more electronic communication links between locations at which the event stores are stored. The instructions, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the system to receive a request for a view of a state of the system, and construct the view from the records in at least one of the event stores.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for supporting subnet manager (sm) master negotiation in a network environment

Номер: US20130304890A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

A system and method can support master negotiation in a network environment. A subnet manager (SM) can perform subnet discovery on a subnet in the network environment via a subnet manager (SM) in the subnet, wherein the subnet includes a plurality of SMs. Furthermore, the SM can communicate with the other SMs in the subnet to check for a number of known secret keys, and select a SM from the plurality of SMs as a master SM, wherein the master SM has the highest number of known keys.
