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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 27884. Отображено 200.
19-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017121357A3

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2473938C1

Жидкокристаллическое устройство (100) отображения включает в себя жидкокристаллическую панель (10), в которой размещено множество пикселов (А). Накопительный конденсатор Cs предусмотрен в каждом пикселе (А) жидкокристаллической панели (10). Накопительный конденсатор Cs соединен с линией (43с) Cs-шины. Жидкокристаллическое устройство (100) отображения включает в себя множество линий (43с) Cs-шин. Линия (43с) Cs-шины соединена с магистральной линией (180). Магистральная линия (180) передает сигнал возбуждения в накопительный конденсатор Cs через линию (43с) Cs-шины. Жидкокристаллическое устройство (100) отображения включает в себя соединительную линию (210), отдельную от магистральной линии (180), для соединения множества линий (43с) Cs-шин. Технический результат - предотвращение боковой тени, понижение потребляемой мощности. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2510534C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам отображения с активной матрицей. Устройство отображения содержит магистральные соединительные линии (71) управляющих сигналов, которые передают управляющие сигналы, такие как тактовые сигналы, сформированные из металлической пленки (701) истока в области на противоположной стороне области отображения относительно области сдвигового регистра. Магистральная соединительная линия (73) VSS для передачи низкоуровневого потенциала электропитания постоянного тока сформирована из металлической пленки (701) истока в области между областью сдвигового регистра и областью отображения. Каждая из бистабильных схем, формирующих сдвиговый регистр (410), и магистральная соединительная линия (71) управляющего сигнала соединены ответвленной соединительной линией (72) управляющего сигнала, сформированным из металлической пленки (702) затвора. Каждая бистабильная схема и магистральная соединительная линия (73) VSS соединены ответвленной соединительной линией (74) VSS, сформированным ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012141043A

... 1. Устройство отображения изображений, содержащеесекцию отображения, в которой регулярно скомпонованы цветные фильтры субпиксельных цветов, включающих в себя три основных цвета из красного, зеленого и синего цветов, а также по меньшей мере один цвет, отличающийся от упомянутых трех основных цветов; ипроцессор изображений, который выполняет обработку фильтрацией в отношении входного сигнала изображения,при этом процессор изображений включает в себясекцию преобразования основных цветов, которая генерирует субпиксельные сигналы, соответствующие субпиксельным цветам, соответственно, из входных сигналов изображения трех основных цветов; исекцию субпиксельной обработки, которая придает субпиксельным сигналам позиционную информацию в соответствии с порядком компоновки цветных фильтров субпиксельных цветов в секции отображения и выполняет обработку фильтрацией субпиксель за субпикселем.2. Устройство отображения изображений по п.1, в котором секция субпиксельной обработки имеет участок высокочастотного ...

25-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676020C1

Изобретение относится к области отображения данных. Технический результат – обеспечение возбуждения матричной подложки высокого разрешения посредством одной пиксельной схемы. Матричная подложка содержит множество циркуляционных блоков и множество пиксельных блоков, причем: каждый циркуляционный блок состоит из четырех субпиксельных блоков, расположенных в четырех столбцах и двух строках, субпиксельные блоки в любых двух смежных столбцах расположены в различных строках и имеют различные цвета, и субпиксельные блоки по меньшей мере в одной строке имеют различные цвета; каждый субпиксельный блок соединен с одной пиксельной схемой, и каждый субпиксельный блок содержит первый субпиксель и второй субпиксель, расположенный в том же столбце и имеющий такой же цвет; при этом пиксельная схема выполнена с возможностью возбуждения первого субпикселя, когда отображается картинка первого кадра, и возбуждения второго субпикселя, когда отображается картинка второго кадра. 4 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

07-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653129C1
Автор: ХАНЬ Бин (CN)

Изобретение относится к области технологий создания жидкокристаллических дисплеев. Жидкокристаллическая панель включает модуль управления затвором, устройство отображения и несколько монтажных блоков. Выходной подводящий проводник нескольких монтажных блоков соединён с подводящей шиной затвора устройства отображения. Несколько монтажных блоков соединены последовательно посредством сигнальной подводящей шины и подсоединены к модулю управления затвором. Первый слой изолирующего шаблона расположен на подводящей шине затвора. Первый слой изолирующего шаблона снабжен структурой сквозных отверстий. Выходной подводящий проводник соединён с подводящей шиной затвора с использованием металлического подводящего провода, проходящего сквозь структуру сквозных отверстий. Первая структура сквозных отверстий, соединенная с первым монтажным блоком, имеет меньшую площадь контакта по сравнению со второй структурой сквозных отверстий, соединённой со вторым монтажным блоком. Технический результат – улучшение ...

06-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733783C1

Изобретение относится к средствам управления экрана пользовательского устройства (UE). Технический результат заключается в возможности размещения оптического устройства под экраном с сохранением его рабочих характеристик. Экран содержит подложку и отображающий слой, расположенный поверх подложки. Отображающий слой содержит первичную область отображения и вторичную область отображения. Форма распределения пикселов во вторичной области отображения отличается от формы распределения пикселов в первичной области отображения. Вторичная область отображения содержит n последовательностей субпикселов. Каждая из этих n последовательностей субпикселов содержит по меньшей мере два субпиксела. Указанные по меньшей мере два субпиксела имеют одинаковый цвет. Вторичная область отображения содержит по меньшей мере два субпиксела одинакового цвета, совместно использующих один проводник. 6 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143858A

... 1. Жидкокристаллическая панель, содержащая:жидкокристаллический материал, расположенный между парой подложек; и электроды, включая гребенчатые электроды, обеспечивающие возможность приложения к жидкокристаллическому материалу электрического поля, параллельного поверхностям подложек, причем жидкокристаллический материал содержит жидкокристаллический материал р-типа, который в отсутствие электрического поля ориентирован в направлении, перпендикулярном поверхностям подложек,каждый гребенчатый электрод имеет ширину не более 5 мкм, расстояние между электродами составляет не более 15 мкм,напряжения, подаваемые при управлении жидкокристаллической панелью на электроды, обеспечивающие возможность приложения к жидкокристаллическому материалу электрического поля, параллельного поверхностям подложек, отличаются друг от друга не менее чем на 7В, ажидкокристаллический материал р-типа имеет диэлектрическую анизотропию Δε и анизотропию Δn показателя преломления, причем их произведение лежит в диапазоне ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011131047A

... 1. Жидкокристаллическое устройство, содержащее множество пикселов, включающих в себя первые и вторые пикселы, которые располагаются смежно друг с другом,в котором каждый упомянутый пиксел включает в себя множество подпикселов, включающих в себя первые, вторые и третьи подпикселы, ив котором, если входной сигнал указывает на то, что каждый из первых и вторых пикселов должен воспроизводить конкретный хроматический цвет, включается не только третий подпиксел из, по меньшей мере, одного из первых и вторых пикселов, но также и, по меньшей мере, один из соответствующих первых и вторых подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов, ив котором, если средний уровень яркости соответствующих третьих подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов в одной ситуации, когда входной сигнал указывает на то, что каждый из первых и вторых пикселов должен воспроизводить хроматический цвет, является, по существу, равным уровню яркости соответствующих третьих подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов в другой ситуации, когда входной ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011132663A

... 1. Жидкокристаллическое устройство отображения, содержащее:подложку внешней схемы;первую подложку, на которой монолитно сформированы пиксельная схема и задающая схема для пиксельной схемы; а такжевторую подложку, расположенную таким образом, чтобы она находилась оппозитно первой подложке,подложка внешней схемы, первая подложка и вторая подложка расположены в данной последовательности таким образом, чтобы они накладывались друг на друга,на поверхности второй подложки, расположенной оппозитно первой подложке, имеется множество входных клемм,на подложке внешней схемы имеется множество выходных клемм,множество входных клемм расположено таким образом, чтобы они находились оппозитно множеству выходных клемм, а множество выходных клемм накладывалось на них при виде множества входных клемм и множества выходных клемм в одной плоскости,множество входных клемм сформированы таким образом, чтобы они не накладывались на первую подложку,множество входных клемм и задающая схема электрически соединены через ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012100253A

... 1. Устройство жидкокристаллического дисплея, содержащее множество пикселей, включающих в себя красный пиксель, зеленый пиксель и синий пиксель,в котором каждый из множества пикселей содержит множество подпикселей, в том числе, первый подпиксель и второй подпиксель, ипри этом, когда уровни шкалы яркостей входных сигналов, соответствующие красным пикселям, зеленым пикселям и синим пикселям, равны друг другу на данном уровне, отношение разности яркости между первым подпикселем и вторым подпикселем одного пикселя среди красного пикселя, зеленого пикселя и синего пикселя к максимальной яркости одного пикселя является большим, чем отношение разности яркости между первым подпикселем и вторым подпикселем каждого одного из других двух пикселей среди красного пикселя, зеленого пикселя и синего пикселя к максимальной яркости соответственного одного из других двух пикселей.2. Устройство жидкокристаллического дисплея по п.1, при этом, когда уровень шкалы яркостей входных сигналов, соответствующий другим ...

12-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009044332A1

Eine Flüssigkristallanzeige wird bereitgestellt. Die Flüssigkristallanzeige weist eine Rad-Gemeinsame-Leitung auf, die eine gemeinsame Spannung durch Eingangsquellen empfängt, eine Mehrzahl von Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen, die in jeder der Flüssigkristallzellen, die jedes Pixel bilden, ausgebildet sind und elektrisch miteinander verbunden sind, sowie eine Mehrzahl von longitudinalen gemeinsamen Leitungen, die elektrisch verbunden sind mit der Rand-Gemeinsame-Leitung, zum Anlegen einer gemeinsamen Spannung an die Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen. Die Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen sind verbunden mit gemeinsamen Elektroden der Flüssigkristallzellen. Jede der longitudinalen gemeinsamen Leitungen ist zwischen zwei horizontal benachbarten Pixeln in einer Richtung parallel zu Datenleitungen ausgebildet. Die Pixel weisen eine Mehrzahl von Pixel-Einheiten auf, welche jeweils zwei vertikal benachbarte Pixel aufweisen, und jeder der Pixel-Einheiten sind zwei Datenleitungen und drei ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Detektieren von Leitungsdefekten der Anzeigevorrichtung

Номер: DE102012113019B4

Anzeigevorrichtung aufweisend: eine Mehrzahl von Ansteuerenergie-Übertragungsleitungen (TL) zum übertragen einer Ansteuerenergie zu Pixeln (PXL); mindestens eine Defekt-Detektionsleitung (DF-L, DF-L1, DFL-2), die mindestens eine Ansteuerenergie-Übertragungsleitung (TL) kreuzt; und einen Defekt-Detektor (101) zum Ausgeben eines Defekt-Detektionssignals an die mindestens eine Defekt-Detektionsleitung (DF-L, DF-L1, DFL-2), zum Erfassen eines Feedback-Signals, das von der Defekt-Detektionsleitung (DF-L, DF-L1, DFL-2) abhängig von dem Defekt-Detektionssignal erzeugt wird, und zum Erkennen ob es einen Defekt in der mindestens einen Ansteuerenergie-Übertragungsleitung (TL) gibt oder nicht, basierend auf einem Vergleich zwischen dem Defekt-Detektionssignal und dem Feedback-Signal.

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Elektrolumineszenzanzeigefeld mit einer Pixelansteuerschaltung

Номер: DE102020116090A1

Es wird ein Elektrolumineszenzanzeigefeld mit einer Pixelansteuerschaltung geschaffen. Die Pixelansteuerschaltung umfasst ein Lichtemissionselement, einen ersten Kondensator, der mit einem ersten Knoten und einem zweiten Knoten verbunden ist, einen zweiten Kondensator, der mit dem zweiten Knoten und einer Spannungsleitung mit hohem Potential verbunden ist, einen Ansteuertransistor, der einen elektrischen Strom zum Lichtemissionselement zuführt, einen ersten Umschaltkreis, der durch ein erstes Scansignal gesteuert wird und während der Abtastperiode eingeschaltet wird, um eine zeitlich variierende Charakteristik des Ansteuertransistors zu kompensieren, einen zweiten Umschaltkreis, der durch ein zweites Scansignal gesteuert wird und während der Programmierperiode eingeschaltet wird, um eine Datenspannung an den zweiten Knoten anzulegen, und eine Lichtemissionssteuerschaltung, die durch ein Emissionssignal gesteuert wird und während der Initialisierungsperiode und der Emissionsperiode eingeschaltet ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung und elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE112018000492T5

Ein elektronisches Gerät mit reduziertem Stromverbrauch wird bereitgestellt. Das elektronische Gerät weist eine Funktion zum Übertragen von Daten auf. Erste Daten und zweite Daten werden dem elektronischen Gerät zugeführt. Das elektronische Gerät weist eine Funktion auf, aus den ersten Daten einen ersten Hash-Wert zu erzeugen und die ersten Daten zu übertragen. Das elektronische Gerät weist eine Funktion auf, aus den zweiten Daten einen zweiten Hash-Wert zu erzeugen, den ersten Hash-Wert mit dem zweiten Hash-Wert zu vergleichen, die zweiten Daten zu übertragen, wenn der erste Hash-Wert von dem zweiten Hash-Wert abweicht, und die zweiten Daten nicht zu übertragen, wenn der erste Hash-Wert gleich dem zweiten Hash-Wert ist.

09-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017125970A1

Eine Pixelschaltung enthält eine erste Kondensator-und-Dioden-Stufe, die mit einem Gate-Anschluss eines ersten Transistors und Masse verbunden ist, die eine Auswahleingabe empfängt. Eine Datenleitung ist mit einem ersten Source/Drain-Anschluss des ersten Transistors verbunden und ein zweiter Source/Drain-Anschluss des ersten Transistors ist mit einem Gate-Anschluss eines zweiten Transistors verbunden. Der zweite Transistor hat einen Drain-Anschluss, der mit einer Versorgungsspannung verbunden ist, und einen Source-Anschluss, der mit einem Widerstand verbunden ist. Der Widerstand ist mit einer organischen Leuchtdiode (OLED) verbunden, die mit der Masse verbunden ist.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Modul für eine Videowand

Номер: DE102015119653A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Modul für eine Videowand, mit einer Vielzahl von Bild-pixeln, wobei ein Bildpixel von wenigstens einem ersten und einem zweiten Leuchtchip gebildet wird, wobei jeder Leuchtchip einen ersten und einen zweiten elektrischen Anschluss aufweist, wobei der erste Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem ersten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer ersten Stromleitung verbunden ist, wobei der erste Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem zweiten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer dritten Stromleitung verbunden ist, wobei der zweite Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem ersten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer zweiten Stromleitung verbunden ist, und wobei der zweite Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem zweiten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer vierten Stromleitung verbunden ist.

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigetafel und Anzeigevorrichtung

Номер: DE102017117882B4

Anzeigetafel, aufweisend:eine Vielzahl von Gate-Leitungen (SLs), die sich in einer Reihenrichtung erstrecken und in einer Spaltenrichtung angeordnet sind;eine Vielzahl von Datenleitungen (DLs), die sich in einer Spaltenrichtung erstrecken und in einer Reihenrichtung angeordnet sind;eine Vielzahl von Pixeleinheiten, die in einem Array von M Reihen und N Spalten angeordnet sind, das durch die Vielzahl von Gate-Leitungen und die Vielzahl von Datenleitungen, die sich überschneiden, definiert wird;einen ersten Gate-Treiber (101), der mit Pixeleinheiten von einer ersten Reihe bis zu einer m-ten Reihe verbunden ist; undeinen zweiten Gate-Treiber (102), der mit Pixeleinheiten von einer (m+1)-ten Reihe bis zu einer M-ten Reihe verbunden ist, wobeiPixeleinheiten von der ersten Reihe bis zur m-ten Reihe der n-ten Spalte mit einem integrierten Schaltkreis durch eine der Vielzahl von Datenleitungen (DLs) verbunden sind und Pixeleinheiten von der (m+1)-ten Reihe bis zur M-ten Reihe der n-ten Spalte mit ...

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Elektronisches Bauelement

Номер: DE102010025315A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein elektronisches Bauelement (1), das ein Trägermaterial (2) und mehrere Leiterbahnen aufweist. Das Trägermaterial (2) weist mehrere Befestigungsbereiche (3) für Leichtmittel (4) auf, die über erste (4) und zweite Leiterbahnen (5) mit mindestens einem Anschlussbereich (8) verbunden oder verbindbar sind. In dem mindestens einem Anschlussbereich (8) sind die ersten (4) und zweiten Leiterbahnen (5) zusammengeführt, wobei mehrere der ersten Leiterbahnen (4) jeweils mindestens einen ersten Leiterbahnastabschnitt (4a) und mindestens einen Leiterbahnstammabschnitt (4b) aufweisen und wobei mehrere der zweiten Leiterbahnen (5) jeweils mindestens einen zweiten Leiterbahnastabschnitt (5a) und mindestens einen Leiterbahstammabschnitt (5b) aufweisen. Die ersten und/oder zweiten Leiterbahnstammabschnitte (4b, 5b) bilden mindestens einen Leiterbahnstammbereich (6). Erste und zweite Leiterbahnastabschnitte (4a, 5a) der ersten und zweiten Leiterbahnen (4, 5), die entlang ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Stromerfassungsvorrichtung und organische Lichtemissionsanzeigevorrichtung, die sie enthält

Номер: DE102019124826A1

Es werden eine Stromerfassungsvorrichtung und die organische Lichtemissionsanzeigevorrichtung, die sie enthält, offenbart. Die Stromerfassungsvorrichtung kann mehrere Erfassungseinheiten umfassen, wobei jede Erfassungseinheit eine Rolle des Umwandelns eines Pixelstroms, der durch eine Erfassungsleitung eingegeben wird, in einen digitalen Erfassungswert spielt und jede Erfassungseinheit umfasst: einen Stromintegrator mit einem integrierenden Verstärker und einem Rückkopplungskondensator, wobei der integrierende Verstärker einen invertierenden Eingangsanschluss, einen nicht invertierenden Eingangsanschluss und einen Ausgangsanschluss umfasst, wobei der Rückkopplungskondensator zwischen den invertierenden Eingangsanschluss und den Ausgangsanschluss geschaltet ist, und eine erste Referenzspannung in den nicht invertierenden Eingangsanschluss eingegeben wird; und eine Stromübertragungseinheit, die zwischen die Erfassungsleitung und den Stromintegrator geschaltet ist, um die elektrische Verbindung ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinrichtung und elektronische Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102014019638B4

Anzeigeeinrichtung (1-5, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 104, 105, 701, 801, 901, 902), aufweisend:- eine Anordnung von Anzeigezellen (10), die mehrere Anzeigeuntereinheiten (10, ..., 10) umfasst;- mehrere Treiberleitungen einer ersten Art (20) und mehrere Treiberleitungen einer zweiten Art (30), wobei jede der mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) jede der mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) schneidet, um ein Anzeigetreibersignal für jede Anzeigeuntereinheit (10, ..., 10) bereitzustellen, wobei die Schnittpunkte den Anzeigeuntereinheiten der mehreren Anzeigeuntereinheiten (10, ..., 10) entsprechen;- eine Anzeigetreibereinheit (40), die mit den mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) und den mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) verbunden ist, um ein Anzeigetreibersignal für die mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) und die mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) bereitzustellen; wobei mindestens eine Treiberleitung mindestens einer Art von Treiberleitungen ...

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015103101B4

Eine Pixelstruktur, umfassend:eine Mehrzahl von nebeneinander in einer ersten Richtung angeordneten Datenleitungen (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 301, 302, 303, 304, 401, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707); undeine Mehrzahl von nebeneinander in einer zweiten Richtung angeordneten Gate-Leitungen (150, 250, 350, 451, 452, 453, 454, 550, 650, 750),wobei sich die Mehrzahl von Datenleitungen mit der Mehrzahl von Gate-Leitungen schneidet, um eine Mehrzahl von Subpixeln zu definieren, jedes aus der Mehrzahl von Subpixeln umfassend einen Dünnschichttransistor (140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740) und eine Pixelelektrode (130, 230, 330, 430, 530, 630, 730), die Mehrzahl von Subpixeln umfassend erste Reihen von Subpixeln (110, 210, 310, 410a, 410b, 510a, 510b, 610, 710) und zweite Reihen von Subpixeln (120, 220, 320, 420a, 420b, 520a, 520b, 620, 720), wobei die ersten Reihen von Subpixeln und ...

07-11-2007 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display of line on glass type

Номер: GB0002427743B

25-02-1998 дата публикации

Pixel arrangement structure, liquid crystal display device using the same and method for driving the device

Номер: GB0009727254D0

01-12-2010 дата публикации

LC panel with reduced response time

Номер: GB0002470641A

A panel 100 comprises; a liquid crystal (LC) layer 101, including a plurality of liquid crystal (LC) molecules L; a first electrode layer 102a; a second electrode layer 102b; and at least two control electrodes X1, X2. The first electrode layer 102a includes a plurality of etching structures En and a plurality of conducting structures Od. The first and second electrodes are disposed in a first direction with respect to the LC layer and are driven to generate an electric field along a first direction to rotate the LC molecules. The two control electrodes X1, X2 are disposed in a second direction with respect to the LC layer and are driven, when the first and second electrodes are off, to generate an electric field along the second direction to rotate the LC molecules such that they resume their original position. Thereby reducing the response time of the LC panel.

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Display device, display panel, fingerprint-sensing method, and circuit for sensing fingerprint

Номер: GB0002559846A

The invention relates to a display device 100, a display panel 110, a fingerprint-sensing method, and a circuit for sensing a fingerprint. The display panel comprises a plurality of data lines and gate lines, and a subset of these lines (FPSA, Figure 2) is used to sense a fingerprint. A signal may be transmitted from a data line electrically connected to a pixel electrode (PXL, Figure 3A) through a switching transistor (SWT) and may detect fingerprint information after a driving voltage is applied to the pixel electrode. The device can thus detect a fingerprint without the need for a separate fingerprint sensor outside a display panel, thus simplifying manufacturing. A signal having a turn-on voltage may be used to start a fingerprint-sensing mode, and there may be a charging period preceding a sensing period (Figure 29). Some regions of the display panel could continue showing an image during the fingerprint sensing mode.

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Gate driving circuit and display device

Номер: GB0002588847A

An active area of the display comprises a low-resolution area, A1, and high-resolution areas, A2, A3, surrounding the low-resolution area. The low-resolution and high-resolution areas are driven using different gate lines, GL. In one embodiment the gate lines connected to the low-resolution area run in a first direction and the gate lines connected to the high-resolution area run in a second direction intersecting the first direction. In a further embodiment the gate lines connected to the low-resolution area are insulated from pixels in the high-resolution area and the gate lines connected to the high-resolution area are insulated from pixels in the low-resolution area. Image compensation for the low-resolution area is easily performed to reduce or remove the difference in the image quality between the low-resolution area and surrounding areas. An optical sensor such as a camera may be disposed beneath the low-resolution area such that the display device displays images on the low-resolution ...

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: GB2585143A

This display device 1 has transparent circuit boards 2A, 2B, and a plurality of light emitting elements L arranged in a matrix pattern on the circuit boards 2A, 2B. The light emitting elements L each comprise a pair of terminals TA, TB to which a driving voltage is applied in order to emit light. The circuit boards 2A, 2B comprise a plurality of row wires 3 connecting in common one of the terminals TA belonging to the plurality of light emitting elements L positioned on the same row in the matrix pattern arrangement, and a plurality of column wires 4 connecting in common the other terminals TB belonging to the plurality of light emitting elements L positioned on the same column in the matrix pattern arrangement. At each intersection X of the plurality of row wires 3 and the plurality of column wires 4, the row wires 3 and the column wires 4 are formed on different surfaces of the circuit boards 2A, 2B.

22-02-2012 дата публикации

Method of forming multilayer conductor line and electronic paper panel using the same

Номер: GB0002482925A

Disclosed herein are a method of forming a multilayer conductor line and an electronic paper panel using the same. The electronic paper panel 100 includes a substrate 110; a lower electrode 120 disposed on the upper portion of the substrate and comprising a wiring layer to electrically connect each of the segments so that it drives an electronic paper; an upper segmented electrode 150 disposed on the upper portion of the lower electrode to display information to be represented; an insulating layer 130 disposed between the upper electrode and the lower electrode; a driving chip 170 mounted on the upper surface of the lower electrode, whereby the conductor lines can be designed in the multilayer structure type at the time of forming the conductor lines of the electronic paper panel, such that it is possible to variously design the conductor lines even though the substrate size is small.

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: GB0002570795A

A display device comprising a substrate with an active area containing two TFTs 100,150 formed of a semiconductor layer 104,154, a gate electrode 102,152, a source electrode 106,156 and a drain electrode 108,158. The second TFT has a source electrode 106 overlapping the gate electrode 104 with an insulation film therebetween, forming a storage capacitor Cst. A light shielding layer 178 may be formed in the same layer and of the same material as the gate electrode 152 of the first TFT. The first and second TFTs may have a polycrystalline semiconductor layer 152 and an oxide semiconductor layer 102 respectively. The display may have a bending area BA and a plurality of contact holes 164,174 in the active area. The bending area may have at least one opening 192,194 that is as deep as the contact holes. The display device may have an organic light-emitting element 130.

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: GB0002570795B
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO LTD, LG Display Co., Ltd.

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Capacitive voltage-division low-colour- cast pixel circuit

Номер: GB0201711833D0

23-12-2015 дата публикации

Liquid crystal panel and drive method thereof

Номер: GB0002527470A

A liquid crystal panel and a drive method thereof. A gate drive unit (41) alternately inputs a scanning signal to multiple scanning lines (G~G2k) at multiple lines, and a source drive unit (42) alternately inputs a gray-scale voltage to multiple data lines (D1~D2m) extending along a column direction. The liquid crystal panel and the drive method thereof avoid the inconsistent charging efficiency of pixel units caused due to the voltage drop of a signal line.

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Flexible display module and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0000909659D0

13-09-2017 дата публикации

Low-temperature polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistor GOA circuit

Номер: GB0002548244A

A low-temperature polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistor GOA circuit, for use in reverse scan transmission, comprising multiple cascade GOA units, where a level N GOA unit comprises: a transmission part (100), a transmission control part (200), a data storage part (300), a data removal part (400), an output control part (500), and an output buffer part (600). Employment of a transmission gate for transmission of a signal between upper/lower levels, employment of a NOR gate logic unit and a NAND gate for conversion of the signal, and employment of a timing inverter and an inverter for storage and transmission of the signal solve the problem of poor component circuit stability and large power consumption of a low-temperature polycrystalline silicon single-type thin-film transistor and the problem of thin-film transistor electric leakage of a single-type GOA circuit, thus optimizing circuit performance.

22-11-2006 дата публикации

Shift register

Номер: GB0000620289D0

21-08-2019 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: GB0002571172A

A display apparatus comprises gate lines, GL, data lines, DL, and pixel driving power lines, PL, passing through a display area of a substrate. The display apparatus further includes a plurality of pixels, P, each having a pixel driving chip, 120, mounted on a pixel area defined on the substrate. The pixel driving chip is connected to adjacent gate, data and pixel power driving lines. It is also connected to a light emitting element, ELP, of the pixel. The display further includes a gate driving chip array, 200, and a data driving chip array, 300, mounted in a non-display area of the substrate each respectively connected to the gate lines and data lines. The pixel driving chip may further comprise a gate bump, a data bump, a power input bump and an output bump to connect the chip to the adjacent gate lines, data lines, power lines and the light emitting element. The display apparatus may further include a gate buffer chip, a plurality of data latch chips, a plurality of touch sensing chips ...

19-04-2017 дата публикации

Low-temperature polycrystalline silicon semiconductor thin-film transistor-based GOA circuit

Номер: GB0201703668D0

04-05-2022 дата публикации

Display panel and display device including the same

Номер: GB0002600531A

A display panel (100, fig.1) that comprises a first display region (DA, fig.1) including a plurality of pixels; and a second display region(CA, fig.1) including pixel regions PA and a plurality of light-transmitting regions AG between the plurality of pixel regions, the second display region includes a plurality of first pixels P1 disposed in the plurality of pixel regions PA and a plurality of second pixels P2 disposed in the plurality of light-transmitting regions AG, and a plurality of first electrodes AND extending from the plurality of pixel regions to the plurality of light-transmitting regions to electrically connect each of the plurality of first pixels P1 to each of the plurality of second pixels P2. A second electrode (CAT, fig.7) may cover the pixel regions PA and include openings (H2, fig.7) corresponding to the light-transmitting regions AG.

15-02-2023 дата публикации

Driving backplane, display panel, and display device

Номер: GB0002609341A8

A driving backplane, comprising: a base substrate, a plurality of data lines provided on the base substrate, adjacent first gate line and second gate line, and a plurality of pixel driving circuits provided on the base substrate. Each pixel driving circuit comprises a first transistor, the first transistor comprises an active layer, and the active layer comprises an active portion, a first conductive portion and a second conductive portion, and a first contact portion. The plurality of pixel driving circuits comprise: a first pixel driving circuit coupled to one data line and the first gate line, and a second pixel driving circuit coupled to the data line and the second gate line. The first conductive portion of the first transistor in the first pixel driving circuit is in contact with the first conductive portion of the first transistor in the second pixel driving circuit by means of the first contact portion, and is coupled to the data line by means of the first contact portion.

29-03-2023 дата публикации

Display panel and display device

Номер: GB0002611227A

A display panel and a display device. The display panel comprises: a pixel unit (101) comprising a pixel circuit (10) and a limiting-emitting element (20), the pixel circuit (10) comprising a driving transistor (T1) and a threshold compensation transistor (T3); a first power line (VDD1) configured to provide a first power voltage for the pixel circuit (10); a stop block (BK) electrically connected to the first power line (VDD1); and a first conductive structure (CDT1) connected to the gate (T10) of the driving transistor (T1). A first trench (T331) and a second trench (T332) of the threshold compensation transistor (T3) are connected by means of a conductive connection portion (CP1). The orthographic projection of the stop block (BK) on a base substrate at least partially overlaps the orthographic projection of the conductive connection portion (CP1) on the base substrate; the orthographic projection of the first conductive structure (CDT1) on the base substrate at least partially overlaps ...

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000488836T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542214T

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002351404A1

15-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740705C

Light emitting diodes (LED) panels are provided that are made using a flexible or solid platform in a mesh form, the mesh being constructed from a first plurality of conductive strips, arranged in a first direction, and a second plurality of conductive strips, arranged in a second direction such that the first and second plurality of conductive strips form plural intersection therebetween, and a plurality of LED modules, each of the plurality of LED modules being arranged at one of the plural intersections, each LED module configured to receive display signals from at least one of the braided wire conducting strips and display light in accordance with the received signals. Also, multi-layer LED panels are provided with LEDs bonded on a base layer which conducts thermal energy. Further, LED devices are provided comprising a plurality of dynamically addressing LED modules.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002987686A1

Disclosed are a control system and method for data transmission, and a chip array and a display. The control system for data transmission comprises: a chip array (20), which comprises a plurality of rows of chip combinations, wherein any row of chip combinations comprises at least two chip groups, and various chips in a chip group are cascaded with one another; and a controller (30), which is used for receiving display data and generating a plurality of groups of display signals corresponding to the plurality of rows of chip combinations according to the display data, wherein any group of display signals is divided into at least two paths of display sub-signals corresponding to at least two chip groups, and any path of display sub-signals is connected to a signal input end of a first chip in a chip group corresponding thereto. The control system and method for data transmission, and a chip array and a display solve the technical problem in the prior art that electromagnetic radiation increases ...

14-11-2008 дата публикации

Active matrix display device with thin film transistors and picture indicator procedures.

Номер: CH0000697484B1

Es werden eine Anzeigevorrichtung und ein Anzeigeverfahren bereitgestellt, mit welchen komprimierte Bilddaten, welche zu dekomprimieren sind, an eine Anzeigevorrichtung übertragen werden können, und zwar in einer Umgebung, in welcher die Übertragungskapazität nicht immer sichergestellt ist, wobei eine gute Bilddarstellung realisiert werden kann. Ein Beispiel der Anzeigevorrichtung ist eine aktive Matrixanzeigevorrichtung, welche unter Verwendung von Dünnfilmtransistoren (224) auf einem isolierenden Substrat (201) ausgebildet ist. Integriert auf dem isolierenden Substrat (201) der aktiven Matrixanzeigevorrichtung sind eine Schaltung, welche ein Bilddatensignal von einem externen System (230) über einen kabellosen Übertragungskanal empfängt und das Bilddatensignal verstärkt, eine Schaltung, welche die Bilddaten verarbeitet und eine Speicherschaltung (222), welche die verarbeiteten Bilddaten speichert.

15-05-2019 дата публикации

Screen touch panel and portable device with such a.

Номер: CH0000714334A2

Mit der vorliegenden Erfindung wird ein Bildschirm-Tastfeld (10), welches keine Region für Thermokompressionsbonden mit FPC erfordert, bereitgestellt. Das Bildschirm-Tastfeld (10) schliesst ein: einen Sensor (2) mit einem Basismaterial, einer Vielzahl von ersten Elektroden, bereitgestellt auf dem Basismaterial und konfiguriert zum Nachweisen von elektrostatischer Kapazität, und einer Vielzahl von Verbindungspads, verbunden mit der Vielzahl von den ersten Elektroden und bereitgestellt entlang einem ersten äusseren peripheren Anteil von dem Basismaterial überall entlang dem ersten äusseren peripheren Anteil; ein Substrat (3), auf welchem eine Vielzahl von zweiten Elektroden entlang einem zweiten äusseren peripheren Anteil überall entlang dem zweiten äusseren peripheren Anteil bereitgestellt ist; und einen anisotropen Leiter, z.B. ein Zebra-Verbindungsstück (4), eingeschoben zwischen dem ersten äusseren peripheren Anteil von dem Sensor und dem zweiten äusseren peripheren Anteil von dem Substrat ...

29-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791062A1

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201692492A1

30-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000016383B1
Принадлежит: АГК ГЛАСС ЮРОП (BE)

Изобретение относится к демонстрационной панели, имеющей разрешение, которое соответствует ее размерам, и содержащей элементарные световые устройства, состоящие из пикселей, зажиганием и интенсивностью которых индивидуально управляют с помощью системы управления иерархической структурой, причем панель имеет форму полностью герметичного составного плоского корпуса, содержащего жесткую подложку, на которой фиксировано прикреплены световые устройства, для которых все системы питания и управление электрическими проводниками находятся на внутренней стороне панели и невидимы невооруженным глазом.

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200900844A1

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690932A1

25-05-2018 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: CN0108074961A

11-07-2012 дата публикации

LCD device

Номер: CN102576519A
Автор: Okumura Hiroshi

An LCD device having a multiplex drive LCD panel eliminates uneven brightness caused in the plane of the LCD panel by variations in tone. The LCD device (1) forms a plurality of display regions (MU,MD) which divide the display screen. A plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines (CSH1-CSHp, CSL1-CSLq) are divided into a plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines for each of the display regions (MU,MD), and the auxiliary capacitance voltage applied to the plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines (CSH1-CSHp, CSL1-CSLq) is individually set for each of the display regions (MU,MD).

21-11-2012 дата публикации

Signal distribution circuit, signal distribution device, and display device

Номер: CN102792450A

Disclosed is a signal distribution device which is provided with: supply lines (5), which supply input signals to the switching element of the signal distribution circuit; and distribution lines (6), which distribute the input signals to an output terminal via the switching element. The supply lines (5) and at least one of the distribution lines (6) respectively have an extending section (5a) and an extending section (5b), which extend in the extending direction of a control line (13) to which selection signals for switching the state of the switching element between the on-state and the off-state are applied. The extending section (5a) and the extending section (5b) are respectively formed at positions that do not overlap control line (13) end portions in the extending direction of the control line.

05-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109427864A

14-03-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic apparatus

Номер: CN0102376287A

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: CN0109407425A

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Display and electronic display

Номер: CN0209641328U

10-08-2011 дата публикации

Touch screen liquid crystal display

Номер: CN0102147680A

The invention relates to a touch screen liquid crystal display. Disclosed herein are liquid-crystal display (LCD) touch screens that integrate the touch sensing elements with the display circuitry. The integration may take a variety of forms. Touch sensing elements can be completely implemented within the LCD stackup but outside the not between the color filter plate and the array plate. Alternatively, some touch sensing elements can be between the color filter and array plates with other touch sensing elements not between the plates. In another alternative, all touch sensing elements can be between the color filter and array plates. The latter alternative can include both conventional and in-plane-switching (IPS) LCDs. In some forms, one or more display structures can also have a touch sensing function. Techniques for manufacturing and operating such displays, as well as various devices embodying such displays are also disclosed.

26-10-2016 дата публикации

RGBW four primary color panel driving framework

Номер: CN0106057164A

11-11-2015 дата публикации

Display driving method, display driving device and display device

Номер: CN0105047123A

02-11-2005 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: CN0001690778A

04-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CN0101796456A

In an active-matrix display using a three-terminal element (10) for a select element (10) of a pixel (PIX), a conduction control terminal (11) of the (three) terminal element (10) is formed by using wiring (12) routed so as to extend from a scanning signal line (GL) to the self-pixel (PIX) through the area of a pixel (PIX) different from the self-pixel (PIX) which is the pixel (PIX) selected by the (three) terminal element (10). This provides the realization of a display which is hardly likely to produce a drawing effect.

23-05-2001 дата публикации

AC type plasma indication board

Номер: CN0001296254A

21-09-2011 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: CN0102193251A

The invention provides a liquid crystal display and a method for manufacturing the same. The liquid crystal display includes a first substrate and a second substrate facing each other, a first spacer and a second spacer on the first substrate and have different heights, and a liquid crystal layer between the first substrate and the second substrate and including a plurality of a liquid crystal molecule. The first spacer and the second spacer include a photosensitive material defining a maximum height of a spacer with respect to a predetermined a cross-section width dimension of the spacer, and heights less than the maximum height with respect to cross-section width dimensions larger than the predetermined cross-section width dimension. The first spacer and the second spacer can include a black pigment.

21-09-2011 дата публикации

Shift register, semiconductor device, display device, and electronic device

Номер: CN0102194525A

The invention relates to a shift register, a semiconductor device, a display device and an electronic device. The invention provides a semiconductor device and a shift register, in which low noise is caused in a non-selection period and a transistor is not always on. First to fourth transistors are provided. One of a source and a drain of the first transistor is connected to a first wire, the other of the source and the drain thereof is connected to a gate electrode of the second transistor, and a gate electrode thereof is connected to a fifth wire. One of a source and a drain of the second transistor is connected to a third wire and the other of the source and the drain thereof is connected to a sixth wire. One of a source and a drain of the third transistor is connected to a second wire, the other of the source and the drain thereof is connected to the gate electrode of the second transistor, and a gate electrode thereof is connected to a fourth wire. One of a source and a drain of the ...

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Voltage reference and current source mixing method for video dac

Номер: CN0105981091A

07-02-2007 дата публикации

Drive film, drive package, organic light emitting diode display including the same

Номер: CN0001909753A

15-04-2009 дата публикации

Display device and color filter substrate

Номер: CN0101410882A

A display device is provided with a plurality of signal lines connected with pixel electrodes including first and second pixel electrodes. A distance defined between the edge of the first pixel electrode and the central line of the first signal line is larger than a distance defined between the edge of the second pixel electrode and the central line of the second signal line. Alternatively, a distance defined between the edge of the first pixel electrode and the central line of a neighboring signal line adjacent to the first signal line is larger than a distance defined between the edge of the second pixel electrode and the central line of an immediate signal line adjacent to the second signal line, wherein the first pixel electrode is put between the first signal line and the neighboring signal line while the second pixel electrode is put between the second signal line and the immediate signal line.

29-10-2014 дата публикации

Self-luminous device panel, Image display devices and passive driving method

Номер: CN102142219B

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Include an inspection of the circuit of a liquid crystal display device and inspection method thereof

Номер: CN0103680434B

25-11-2015 дата публикации

An array substrate and control method of driving the same, and display device

Номер: CN0103021359B

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: CN0102292669B

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Pixel driving circuit, display device and method of driving pixel

Номер: CN0104751798B

26-03-2019 дата публикации

The liquid crystal display device

Номер: CN0105144279B

30-07-2008 дата публикации

Thin film transistor array panel

Номер: CN0100407018C

23-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001154966C

... 矩阵寻址显示系统,能借电子机理而有效和低成本地维修数据线以增加成品率。这样的数据线维修利用在TFT/LCD模块中附加的数据驱动器输出端、缺陷图存储器以及借显示器和显示适配器之间的附加电路把数据流修正后送给数据驱动器。还利用显示器衬底上的总线结构,把维修灵活性、低寄生电容和易于构成必要互连的能力相组合。互连数量保持为最少,可借传统的连线焊接、激光焊接圆片焊接技术可靠地连接。 ...

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Plasma display device and plasma display panel driving method

Номер: CN0100385484C

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Pixel and including the pixel of the display device

Номер: CN0110246455A

29-06-2018 дата публикации

Display element, organic light emitting display device and data driver

Номер: CN0108230995A

10-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002526568A


18-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002887674B1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO LTD

05-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002833742B1

31-03-1989 дата публикации

Dispositif d'affichage matriciel electro-optique

Номер: FR0002621157A
Автор: Rolf Cremers

Avec des rangees de pixels s'etendant en ligne droite les unes au-dessous et a cote des autres, les electrodes de l'un des pixels b (designe aussi lignes r), ainsi que les electrodes s'etendant sensiblement perpendiculairement dans l'autre plan f (designe aussi colonnes k), sont delimitees. Deux electrodes voisines dans la direction des colonnes du premier plan b sont chaque fois connectees electriquement. Une connexion 13 de l'une des electrodes p de cette paire p-p aboutit a l'electrode p diametralement opposee a la paire d'electrode p-p voisine selon les colonnes dans le meme plan b. Par suite, on peut eviter en dehors des surfaces d'electrode p des croisements d'electrodes avec des connexions 12 s'etendant chaque fois dans la direction des colonnes jusqu'a l'electrode p suivant la prochaine.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002902566B1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO LTD

17-06-2005 дата публикации

Data driving module for liquid crystal display device, has channel selector to select in programmable manner data output channel among output channels of data driving integrated circuit for providing pixel data

Номер: FR0002863760A1

Il est décrit un dispositif d'affichage à cristal liquide et son module de pilotage de données. Le module de pilotage comprend un circuit intégré (116), comprenant une pluralité de canaux de sortie ; un sélecteur de canal sélectionnant de façon programmable des canaux de sortie de données pour fournir des données de pixel ; et un boîtier support de circuit intégré pour montage sur bande monté avec le circuit intégré de pilotage et ayant des plages de connexion de sortie correspondant aux canaux de sortie du circuit intégré de pilotage de données (116). Dispositif d'affichage à cristal liquide capable de commander les canaux de sortie des circuits intégrés de données d'après un type de résolution d'un panneau d'affichage à cristal liquide.

21-12-2007 дата публикации

Display device e.g. LCD device, has signal line connecting another signal line to driving circuit, where signal lines are formed in conductive-layer structure by interposing insulation layer between lower and upper lines

Номер: FR0002902566A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO LTD

Un dispositif d'affichage comprend un circuit de pilotage formé sur un substrat ; au moins une première ligne de signaux (103) comportant des lignes inférieure (100) et supérieure (102) se chevauchant entre elles avec une couche d'isolation intercalée entre elles, la première ligne de signaux (103) étant formée au niveau d'un côté du circuit de pilotage ; et au moins une deuxième ligne de signaux (201) pour raccorder la première ligne de signaux (103) au circuit de pilotage. Application à un dispositif d'affichage à cristaux liquides (LCD) empêchant des défauts provoqués par déconnexion d'une ligne de signaux.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic device including the same

Номер: US20120012847A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

One embodiment of the present invention provides a highly reliably display device in which a high mobility is achieved in an oxide semiconductor. A first oxide component is formed over a base component. Crystal growth proceeds from a surface toward an inside of the first oxide component by a first heat treatment, so that a first oxide crystal component is formed in contact with at least part of the base component. A second oxide component is formed over the first oxide crystal component. Crystal growth is performed by a second heat treatment using the first oxide crystal component as a seed, so that a second oxide crystal component is formed. Thus, a stacked oxide material is formed. A transistor with a high mobility is formed using the stacked oxide material and a driver circuit is formed using the transistor.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20120013817A1

A liquid crystal display device includes a substrate, a gate line, first and second data lines, a first power line, first, second, third and fourth switching elements, and first, second, third and fourth pixel electrodes. The first switching element is connected to the gate line and the first data line. The second switching element is connected to the gate line and the first power line. The third switching element is connected to the gate line and the second data line. The fourth switching element is connected to the gate line and the first power line. The first to fourth pixel electrodes are connected to the first to fourth switching elements, respectively. Thus, a light leakage may be prevented and an aperture ratio of a display substrate may be enhanced.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Systems for displaying images

Номер: US20120019473A1
Автор: Martin John Edwards
Принадлежит: Chimei Innolux Corp

A system for displaying images is provided. The system includes a capacitive touch sensor device includes a dielectric layer having a sensing area and covered by a transparent substrate. A plurality of series of first sense electrodes and a plurality of series of second sense electrodes are embedded in a first level of the dielectric layer and within the sensing area. Each series of first sense electrodes extends along a first direction and each series of second sense electrodes extends along a second direction substantially different from the first direction. A plurality of signal lines are embedded in a second level lower than the first level of the dielectric layer and extends along the second direction. Each signal line is correspondingly and electrically connected to one of the plurality of series of first sense electrodes.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Modular led display structure with connecting edge banding to connect each other

Номер: US20120019490A1
Автор: Hsien-Jung Huang
Принадлежит: APA Electronic Co Ltd

A modular LED (Light Emitting Diode) display structure includes full-color LED units to be arranged in a matrix on a flexible PCB, and plurality of protective plates to protect connection between the full-color LED units and the transmission line of the flexible PCB. Also, the edge of the display has a connecting edge banding with a hook to form a track thereunder. The hook can clip the track of another LED module plate for connection to develop a lager LED display. Moreover, by a hanger connecting to the connecting edge banding to simplify the suspending of the LED display. Furthermore, each full-color LED units has a driving chip to enhance the resolution of the LED display.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Display driver circuit and board module including same

Номер: US20120026138A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In the case where input terminals of a display driver circuit are compatible with two or more types of interface specifications, an LSI chip, which is the display driver circuit, has some input terminals connected to parallel data lines and its output terminals connected to display lines, and these input terminals and output terminals are arranged along a long side located on the display portion side. In at least one example embodiment, the rest of the input terminals, which are intended for parallel interface, are arranged along a long side located on the FPC board side. With this configuration, the long sides of the LSI chip can be rendered shorter (than in the case where all input terminals are arranged in a row) without causing malfunction.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Display Apparatus, Liquid Crystal Display Apparatus, Drive Method For Display Apparatus, And Television Receiver

Номер: US20120038834A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In at least one embodiment a ripple, generated in an electric potential of data signal lines even in long-term reversal driving, is reduced and display quality is improved. In at least one example embodiment, the liquid crystal display apparatus of the present invention includes scanning signal lines and data signal lines, in which one scanning pulse is outputted to select one scanning signal line, each of the data signal lines receives data signals whose polarities are reversed per one vertical scanning period while in one horizontal scanning period, one of two data signal lines receives a data signal having a polarity and the other of the two data signal lines receives another data signal having another polarity, the two data signal lines being arranged adjacent to each other, scanning pulses are successively outputted in sets of two, and at a timing in which two scanning pulses fall, two scanning pulses rise.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Source Driver, An Image Display Assembly And An Image Display Apparatus

Номер: US20120075268A1

An image display panel assembly includes a flexible printed circuit (FPC), an image display panel, a gate driver integrated circuit (IC) package, and a source driver IC package. The FPC is configured to receive gate and source driving signals. The image display panel is electrically connected to the FPC, and includes a gate driving signal transfer pattern along a first edge of the image display panel, a source driving signal transfer pattern along a second edge adjacent to the first end, and a plurality of pixels. The gate driver integrated circuit (IC) package is configured to receive the gate driving signal through the gate driving signal transfer pattern and provide the gate driving signal to the plurality of pixels. The source driver IC package is configured to receive the source driving signal through the source driving signal transfer pattern and provide the source driving signal to the plurality of pixels.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Driving apparatus and display divice including the same

Номер: US20120086681A1
Принадлежит: MC Tech Co Ltd

A liquid crystal display includes a plurality of driving apparatuses one-chipped by including a signal controller controlling a data driver in the data driver applying data voltage to the corresponding data line. Each of the plurality of driving apparatuses includes a first signal terminal and a second signal terminal. The first signal terminal outputs control data for controlling image display to an adjacent signal controller in a first direction for a first period and receives a mode detection signal for determining a final operation mode from the adjacent signal controller in the first direction for a second period after the first period. The second signal terminal outputs the mode detection signal to the adjacent signal controller in a second direction different from the first direction for the first period and receives the control data from the adjacent signal controller in the second direction for the second period.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Display device and repairing method for the same

Номер: US20120092579A1
Автор: Chi-chao Liu
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

A display device and a repairing method for the same are disclosed. The display device includes a substrate, a pixel array, at least one gate driver unit, at least one source driver unit, a first repair line, a second repair line, a first dummy line, and a second dummy line. The first repair line is disposed between the pixel array and the source driver unit. The second repair line is disposed opposite to the first repair line on the pixel array. The first dummy line and the second dummy line are respectively disposed at two sides of the pixel array and crossing the gate lines, the first repair line, and the second repair line. A signal transmission is not required to go around the outmost periphery of the gate driver unit in a repairing process. As a result, the signal attenuation can be decreased effectively.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Electro-phoretic display apparatus

Номер: US20120099180A1
Принадлежит: SiPix Technology Inc

An electro-phoretic display apparatus is disclosed. The electro-phoretic display apparatus mentioned above includes a plurality of pixel unit lines, a plurality of common voltage transferring lines, and a common voltage generator. The common voltage transferring lines extend and connect to a common line segment directly along a layout direction. The common voltage generator generates a common voltage and provides the common voltage for directly electrically connecting to a connection point on the common line segment. Moreover, the transfer timing delays of transferring the common voltage from the connection point to the first common voltage transferring line and the last common voltage transferring line are the same.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display integrated touch screen panel

Номер: US20120113027A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A display device includes a liquid crystal display with an integrated touch screen panel including a first substrate having a plurality of gate wires and a plurality of data wires and having a plurality of pixels. Each pixel includes a thin film transistor and a pixel electrode. The display device also includes a second substrate opposite to the first substrate, an insulating layer on the pixel electrode, a plurality of transparent electrodes arranged in a first direction on the insulating layer, a plurality of metal electrodes forming coupling parts attached to predetermined sides of the transparent electrodes and forming driving wires that receive driving signals, a plurality of sensing electrodes arranged on the second substrate in a second direction that intersects the first direction, and a liquid crystal layer between the first substrate and the second substrate.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting diode pixel array

Номер: US20120139819A1
Автор: Tsung-Ting Tsai

An organic light emitting diode (OLED) pixel array includes a plurality of first signal lines, a plurality of second signal lines, and a plurality of pixel array units. The pixel array units are arranged in array on a substrate. Each of the pixel array units includes a plurality of OLED pixels. The OLED pixels are connected to the same first signal line and respectively connected to a first portion and a second portion of the second signal lines. At least two of the OLED pixels are located between the first portion and the second portion. A transmittance region is surrounded by the first portion, the second portion, and the OLED pixels, and the first portion and the second portion are respectively located at two opposite sides of the transmittance region.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Electrochromic display device

Номер: US20120139825A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An electrochromic display device includes a display substrate, a counter substrate facing the display substrate, counter electrodes arranged on the counter substrate, an electrolyte layer arranged between the display substrate and the counter electrodes, display electrodes separately arranged from one another between the display substrate and the counter electrodes, electrochromic layers to develop or reduce a color by redox reactions, the electrochromic layers being formed on the respective display electrodes arranged such that the electrochromic layers face the set of the counter electrodes, a voltage applying unit to select one of the display electrodes to connect the selected display electrode and the counter electrodes to apply a voltage between the connected display electrode and counter electrodes, a disconnecting unit to disconnect the unselected display electrodes from the counter electrodes, and an interelectrode connecting unit to connect the display electrodes.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and substrate

Номер: US20120146233A1
Автор: Akira Nakayama
Принадлежит: Oki Semiconductor Co Ltd

A semiconductor device of the invention include a rectangular semiconductor element mounted on a substrate formed with an external input terminal, an external output terminal, and a plurality of wiring patterns connected to each of the external input terminal and the external output terminal. The semiconductor element comprises, a plurality of first electrodes formed along a first edge of a surface thereof, a plurality of second electrodes formed along an edge opposite to the first edge of the surface, a plurality of third electrodes formed in the neighborhood of a functional block, and an internal wiring for connecting the first electrodes and the third electrodes. The substrate comprises, a first wiring pattern for connecting the external input terminal and the first electrodes, a second wiring pattern for connecting the external output terminal and the second electrodes, and a third wiring pattern for connecting the first electrodes and the third electrodes.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Rescue circuit of display panel and rescue method thereof

Номер: US20120147311A1

The present invention discloses a rescue circuit of display panel and a rescue method thereof. The rescue circuit includes an amplifier, a first conductive line, a second conductive line, and a third conductive line. The amplifier has an input end and an output end. The first conductive line and the second conductive line intersect and are isolated from signal input terminals of the plurality of signal lines. The first conductive line is electrically connected to the input end and the second conductive line is electrically connected through an electrical resistor to the output end. The third conductive line intersects and is isolated from signal distal ends of the signal lines and is electrically connected to the output end. The rescue method includes performing a welding operation and performing a cutting operation. With such a rescue, a broken signal line may effectively overcome the problem of weak line with the electrical resistor connected to the second conductive line.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Display Device

Номер: US20120153293A1
Автор: Hajime Kimura, Jun Koyama
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

There is provided an active matrix EL display device that can display a clear multi gray-scale color display to reduce the shift in the potential caused by the potential drop due to the wiring resistance of a power source supply line, in order to decrease the unevenness in a display region. A plurality of drawing out ports of the power source supply line are arranged. Further, in the wiring resistance between the external input terminal and the pixel portion power source supply line, potential compensation is performed by supplying potential to the power source supply line by a feedback amplifier. Further, in addition to above structure, the power source supply line may be arranged in a matrix.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method of testing the same

Номер: US20120161805A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A display device and a method of testing the display device. The display device includes a substrate including both a display region on which pixel cells are located and a peripheral region; test pads, main pins connected to the pixel cells, and dummy pins that are respectively connected to the test pads, the test pads, the main pins, and the dummy pins being on the peripheral region of the substrate, and visual test lines on the peripheral region of the substrate. The visual test lines include a first portion connected to the main pins and a second portion connected to the test pads, and the first and second portions are disconnected from each other.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Stereoscopic image display and method for driving the same

Номер: US20120162206A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Embodiments of the invention relate to a stereoscopic image display and a method for driving the same. Stereoscopic image display includes a data display unit including a first scan transistor, an active black stripe unit including a second transistor and a third transistor, and a shift register sequentially supplying the gate pulse to each of (2n−1)th gate lines and (2n)th gate lines, where n is a natural number. The first scan transistor supplies a data voltage to a pixel electrode in response to a gate pulse of a (2n−1)th gate line, the second transistor supplies the data voltage to the pixel electrode in response to the gate pulse of the (2n−1)th gate line, and the third transistor supplies a low logic level voltage or a common voltage to the pixel electrode in response to a gate pulse of a (2n)th gate line.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display panel

Номер: US20120162278A1

An exemplary display panel includes a plurality of monochrome pixels, a plurality of data lines and a plurality of control lines. Each monochrome pixel provides a specific color on the display panel. The data lines are electrically coupled to the monochrome pixels for providing the display data. The data lines includes a first data line electrically coupled to a part of the monochrome pixels, and the specific colors provided by the part of the monochrome pixels are of the same color. Besides, each of the control lines is electrically coupled to a part of the monochrome pixels for controlling the part of the monochrome pixels electrically coupled thereto whether to receive the display data from the data lines.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120175647A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A display device including: a plurality of sub-pixels arranged in a matrix, each including an electro-optical element having a structure in which a display functional layer is sandwiched between an upper electrode and a lower electrode; and an auxiliary interconnect contact in a pixel area in which the plurality of sub-pixels are arranged in a matrix and electrically connecting the upper electrode to an auxiliary interconnect, wherein m (m is an integer equal to or larger than two) sub-pixels adjacent to each other along an arrangement direction of the sub-pixels are regarded as one group, and n (n is a natural number smaller than m) auxiliary interconnect contacts are formed for each group.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Pixel structure and display panel

Номер: US20120176300A1
Автор: Tsung-Hsien Lin
Принадлежит: Wintek China Technology Ltd, Wintek Corp

A pixel structure and a display panel are provided. The pixel structure is disposed on a substrate having a transmissive display region and a reflective display region and includes a scan line, a data line, an active device, a first electrode, a second electrode, and an alignment layer. The first electrode has first stripe portions located in the transmissive display region and second stripe portions located in the reflective display region. Each first stripe portion and each second stripe portion are perpendicular arranged. One of the first electrode and the second electrode is electrically connected to the active device and the other of the first electrode and the second electrode is connected to a common voltage. The alignment layer covers the first electrode and the second electrode and has an alignment direction intersecting the second direction in 45° to 85°.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Stereoscopic image display device using a barrier liquid crystal device

Номер: US20120194495A1
Автор: Jun Kadowaki
Принадлежит: Seiko Instruments Inc

An LC barrier panel of a stereoscopic image display device has a substrate on which first barrier pixels and second barrier pixels are alternately arranged in a vertical direction and on which the first barrier pixels and third barrier pixels are alternately arranged in a horizontal direction. On a counter substrate, a counter electrode is formed to cover the entire surface of the display region. The third barrier pixels and the counter electrode are supplied with the same drive signal while an effective voltage is applied between the counter electrode and the first and second barrier pixels to perform vertical stripe display. Alternatively, the second barrier pixels and the counter electrode are supplied with the same drive signal while an effective voltage is applied between the counter electrode and the first and third barrier pixels to perform horizontal stripe display.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Display with secure decompression of image signals

Номер: US20120194564A1

A display decompresses an image signal divided spatially into a plurality of algorithm blocks. The display substrate has a display area, and a cover affixed to the display substrate. A plurality of pixels is disposed between the display substrate and cover in the display area for providing light to a user in response to a drive signal. A plurality of control units is disposed between the display substrate and cover in the display area. Each is connected to one or more of the plurality of pixels. Each control unit receives an algorithm block and produce respective drive signal(s) for the connected pixel(s) by decompressing the data in the received algorithm block.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device free of upper substrate electrode and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120235965A1
Автор: Cheng-Chiu Pai

In a liquid crystal display device free of upper substrate, a plurality of independent common lines are provided, and a specified one of the plurality of common lines is electrically coupled to a specified group of pixels. A voltage level of the specified common line is changed from a first level to a second level before data are written into the specified group of pixels; and the voltage level of the specified common line is kept at the second level after the data are written into the specified group of pixels.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Pixel array of fringe field switching liquid crystal display panel and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120249943A1
Автор: Cheng-Chiu Pai

A pixel array of a fringe field switching (FFS) liquid crystal display panel includes a plurality of gate lines, a plurality of data line, a plurality of pixel electrodes, and a plurality of common lines. The gate lines are disposed parallel to each other along a first direction. The data lines are disposed parallel to each other along a second direction. A plurality of sub-pixel regions is defined by the gate lines and the data lines. The common lines are disposed along the first direction and electrically isolated from each other. Each of the common lines includes a plurality of common electrodes extending along the second direction. The two adjacent common electrodes of each common line are respectively disposed in the two adjacent sub-pixel regions which are located in different rows.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Display driver and flicker suppression device thereof

Номер: US20120280966A1
Принадлежит: Raydium Semiconductor Corp

A flicker suppression device applied in a display driver for preventing the output image data of the display driver from being affected by an electrostatic discharge (ESD) event is provided. The flicker suppression device includes an ESD detector and an output stage controller. The ESD detector is coupled to a first power wire of the display driver for determining whether an ESD level shift event occurs to the first system reference voltage signal on the first power wire. If so, a control signal corresponding to the first level is provided. The output stage controller controls the output stage circuit of the display driver to be in a high impedance state in response to the control signal corresponding to the first level to avoid the output stage circuit outputting an output image data that has been affected by an ESD event.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120286275A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A display device has pixels including electro-optical elements and transistors. Each pixel has a metal layer of a gate electrode of the transistor, a semiconductor layer in which a source region and a drain region of the transistor are formed, and a capacitance element formed between the same metal layer as the metal layer of the gate electrode and the semiconductor layer upon application of a voltage to the metal layer.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Active matrix substrate, liquid crystal panel, liquid crystal display device, television receiver

Номер: US20120300133A1
Автор: Yuhichi Saitoh
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An active matrix substrate of the present invention includes: data signal lines; scanning signal lines (GLi); transistors connected with the data signal lines and the scanning signal lines (GLi); and retention capacitor lines (CSLi). One pixel region includes a plurality of pixel electrodes. A CS driver ( 46 ) for outputting a retention capacitor line signal to drive the retention capacitor lines is formed monolithically. In one pixel region, a pixel electrode and a retention capacitor line corresponding to the pixel electrode forms a retention capacitor therebetween. This allows the liquid crystal display device based on a pixel-division system to have a liquid crystal panel with a narrower frame.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

System for compensating for gamma data, display device including the same and method of compensating for gamma data

Номер: US20120320098A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A system for compensating for gamma data is provided comprising a display panel including at least one feedback line connected to at least one pixel, a gray voltage generator generating a reference gray voltage based on first gamma data, a data driver generating a data voltage based on the reference gray voltage and applying the generated data voltage to a data line, a multiplexer receiving at least one feedback voltage from the at least one feedback line and selecting a feedback voltage from the received at least one feedback voltage and outputting the selected feedback voltage, an A/D converter converting the selected feedback voltage into feedback data, and a signal controller storing the feedback data as feedback gamma data for the entire grays and compensating for the first gamma data based on the feedback gamma data.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Driver circuit, method of manufacturing the driver circuit, and display device including the driver circuit

Номер: US20130002312A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

Provided are a driver circuit which suppresses damage of a semiconductor element due to ESD in a manufacturing process, a method of manufacturing the driver circuit. Further provided are a driver circuit provided with a protection circuit with low leakage current, and a method of manufacturing the driver circuit. By providing a protection circuit in a driver circuit to be electrically connected to a semiconductor element in the driver circuit, and by forming, at the same time, a transistor which serves as the semiconductor element in the driver circuit and a transistor included in the protection circuit in the driver circuit, damage of the semiconductor element due to ESD is suppressed in the process of manufacturing the driver circuit. Further, by using an oxide semiconductor film for the transistor included in the protection circuit in the driver circuit, leakage current in the protection circuit is reduced.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Testing Circuit of Dual Gate Cell Panel and Color Display Method for Dualgate Cell Panel

Номер: US20130002738A1
Автор: Tai-Fu Lu
Принадлежит: Hannstar Display Corp

A testing circuit of a dual gate cell panel and a color display method of the dual gate cell panel. There are many data lines and scan lines in the dual gate cell panel, and the data lines are divided into three groups, and the scan lines are divided into two groups. The data lines or scan lines of each group are connected respectively to metal wires with a test pad each. When an appropriate signal is inputted to each test pad, the dual gate cell panel shows red, green and blue colors individually, so that defects of the dual gate cell panel can be detected accurately to avoid any unnecessary waste on the defective dual gate cell panel incurred in the subsequent manufacturing processes.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Display device, program information display method in display device, receiving device, and signal transmission method in receiving device

Номер: US20130002955A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Sony Espana SA

There is provided a display device including a signal receiving unit for receiving a video signal from an external device via a transmission path through a plurality of channels using a differential signal, an information receiving unit for receiving program information from the external device using a bidirectional communication path including predetermined lines of the transmission path, an image display unit for displaying images on image display elements based on the video signal received by the signal receiving unit, and a program information display unit for displaying the program information on the image display elements based on the program information received by the information receiving unit.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Alignment methods in fluid-filled mems displays

Номер: US20130010341A1
Принадлежит: Pixtronix Inc

This application relates to a display including a first layer of material including a first aperture having at least one side, a first substrate separated from the first layer of material by a gap, where the first substrate is arranged to pass through a portion of light emitted from a light source into the gap. The display further includes a movable shutter arranged within the gap, where the shutter is movable to at least a first position and a second position, to obstruct passage of the portion of light through the first aperture at the first position. The movable shutter has a first edge, and in the first position, the movable shutter is aligned with the first aperture such that the first edge extends a first length past the at least one side of the first aperture.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Trace shielding for input devices

Номер: US20130016065A1
Принадлежит: Synaptics Inc

Embodiments of the present invention generally provide shield electrodes for shielding one or more conductive routing traces from one or more receiver electrodes in an input device comprising a display device integrated with a sensing device to reduce the capacitive coupling between the conductive routing traces and the receiver electrodes. The shield electrode may be configured to reduce the effect of an input object on the capacitive coupling between the conductive routing traces and the receiver electrodes. In other embodiments, end portions of common electrodes shield the receiver electrodes from the conductive routing traces, thereby reducing the capacitive coupling between the receiver electrodes and the conductive routing traces.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130016137A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Each image signal line S is connected alternately to a plurality of sub-pixels P positioned on one side of the image signal line S and a plurality of sub-pixels P positioned on the other side. During one frame period, image signals having either one of the positive and negative polarities are input to the first, third, fourth, and sixth image signal lines S 1, S 3, S 4, and S 6 of the eight image signal lines S 1 to S 8 that constitute a unit array of the image signal lines during one frame period, while image signals having the other polarity are input to the remaining image signal lines S 2, S 5, S 7, and S 8. According to this liquid crystal display device, it is possible to prevent flicker in image and to prevent the common electrode position from becoming different from the base potential, while preventing increase of power consumption.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and method for improving display quality of the same

Номер: US20130038586A1
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

A liquid crystal display device including a liquid crystal panel, a gate driver unit, a source driver unit and a clock generator and a method thereof are disclosed to improve display quality. The liquid crystal panel comprises a pixel array for displaying images. The gate driver unit for generating plural driving signals drives the pixel array. The source driver unit for generating plural driving signals drives the data of the image signals. The clock generator electrically coupled to the gate driver unit generates clock signals to control an operation of the gate driver unit. A bright line is likely to occur in an image area since the last two gate driver output lines of the last two stages are not coupled to the liquid crystal panel. A solution with the duty cycle of a clock signal generated by the clock generator is adjusted to solve the aforementioned problem.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and display defect correction method

Номер: US20130070003A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A liquid crystal display device ( 100 ) according to the present invention includes a plurality of pixels arrayed in a matrix, n number of the pixels (n is an even number of 4 or greater) being included in a color display pixel (CP). The liquid crystal display device includes an active matrix substrate ( 10 ) including a plurality of scanning lines ( 12 ) extending in a row direction and a plurality of signal lines ( 13 ) extending in a column direction; and a signal line driving circuit ( 3 ) that supplies, as a display signal, a gray scale voltage of a positive or negative polarity to each of the plurality of signal lines. The plurality of signal lines include a first type of signal line ( 13 a ) which does not intersect another signal line, and a second type of signal line ( 13 b ) which intersects a signal line adjacent thereto outside a display area in the state where an insulating film ( 16 ) is interposed therebetween. The active matrix substrate further includes a correction line ( 40 ) which is provided in the vicinity of an intersection region (IR) where the second type of signal line intersects the adjacent signal line, is electrically separated from the plurality of signal lines, and is at a floating potential.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Active-matrix display device, and active-matrix organic electroluminescent display device

Номер: US20130088524A1
Автор: Akira Yumoto
Принадлежит: Individual

An active-matrix display device employs current-programmed-type pixel circuits and performs the writing data to each of pixels on a line-by-line basis. The active-matrix display device having a matrix of current-programmed-type pixel circuits includes a data line driving circuit 15 formed of m current driving circuits (CD) 15 - 1 to 15 - m arranged corresponding to respective data lines 13 - 1 to 13 - m . The data line driving circuit (CD) 15 - 1 to 15 - m holds image data (luminance data herein) in the form of voltage, and then converts the voltage of the image data into a current signal. The current signal is then fed to the data lines 13 - 1 to 13 - m at a time. The image information is thus written on the pixel circuits 11.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Lcd panel

Номер: US20130093747A1
Автор: Xiu-feng Zhou

The present invention discloses an LCD panel. The LCD panel comprises data lines, scan lines, and pixel units. Two arbitrarily adjacent data lines are respectively coupled to two data driver terminals outputting driving signals with opposite polarities. Three adjacent data lines intersect five adjacent scan lines to define eight pixel units of 4 rows*2 columns. In the pixel units in the (2n+1) th column, the pixel units in the (4m+1) th and (4m+4) th rows are coupled to the (2n+1) th data line, and the pixel units in the (4m+2) th and (4m+3) th rows are coupled to the (2n+2) th data line. In the pixel units in the (2n+2) th column, the pixel units in the (4m+1) th and (4m+4) th rows are coupled to the (2n+2) th data line, and the pixel units in the (4m+2) th and (4m+3) th rows are coupled to the (2n+3) th data line, wherein m, n are non-negative integers.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display

Номер: US20130099262A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A liquid crystal display according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes a substrate, a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix on the substrate where each pixel includes a switching element, a plurality of gate lines that are connected to the switching elements and extend in a row direction, and a gate driver that is connected to the gate lines and is formed on the substrate as an integrated circuit. In the liquid crystal display, the gate driver includes a first region and a second region that is not aligned with the first region.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Display panel, display unit, and electronic unit

Номер: US20130106812A1
Автор: Kiwamu Miura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A display panel includes: a plurality of first wirings extending in a row direction; a plurality of second wirings extending in a column direction; and a plurality of pixels each arranged in proximity to an intersection of each of the first wirings and each of the second wirings. Two wirings of the plurality of first wirings or two wirings of the plurality of second wirings are disposed in a common region interposed between two pixels next to each other, and layouts of the respective two wirings in a thickness direction are different from each other at least in a part of each of the layouts.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Display

Номер: US20130106817A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

An OLED device is disclosed that enhances display quality by minimizing capacitance deviation between data lines of the OLED device. The capacitance deviation may be minimized by utilizing an expansion portion of a power line of the OLED device. The capacitance deviation may also by minimized by utilizing an overlap pattern that overlaps a plurality of the data lines.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130120340A1
Принадлежит: Funai Electric Co Ltd

A liquid crystal display device includes a liquid crystal cell, a gate driver, a source driver and a controller. The liquid crystal cell has a plurality of source lines, a plurality of gate lines, and a plurality of pixels. The pixels define a pixel region with a set of pixels. The source driver has a plurality of second output lines. The second output lines are connected to source lines to output voltage to the pixels. The source lines have a pair of common source lines that are connected to the set of pixels of the pixel region. The common source lines are further commonly connected to one of the second output lines of the source driver. The controller is further configured to display a predetermined color in the set of pixels of the pixel region.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Voltage summing buffer, digital-to-analog converter and source driver of display device including the same

Номер: US20130141474A1
Автор: Ki-Duk Kim

A digital-to-analog converter includes a first decoder, a second decoder and a voltage summing buffer. The first decoder receives upper bits of a digital signal and upper reference voltages to output an upper voltage corresponding to the upper bits. The second decoder configured to receive lower bits of the digital signal and lower reference voltages to output a lower differential voltage corresponding to the lower bits. The voltage summing buffer generates an output voltage based on the upper voltage and the lower differential voltage, such that the output voltage corresponds to the digital signal including the upper bits and the lower bits.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display and A Broken Line Repairing Method

Номер: US20130141661A1

The present invention discloses a liquid crystal display (LCD) and a broken line repairing method. The LCD comprises multiple data lines, a data driven chip connected to the data lines, and a sequence control circuit connected to the data driven chip. The LCD is provided with at least one broken data line; the broken data line is provided with connection points on the end away from the data driven chip; and each connection point is connected and conducted to a vacant channel of the data driven chip and simultaneously transmits data information of the broken data line to the corresponding vacant channel to be output. The method can drive the data lines on both sides of the breakpoint and does not require an additional OP buffer. A repairing line need not to be reserved on PCBA; and one broken line only has one welding spot, which decreases the production procedure, increases the yield rate of TFT-LCD, and reduces the material and production cost.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Display driver and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130147699A1
Автор: Hyungtae Kim, Myung-Ho Seo

Disclosed is a display driver which includes a serial-to-parallel converter outputting parallel RGB data in response to a clock and serial RGB data, a shift register unit sequentially shift the clock to store the shifted clocks, a data latch unit receiving the parallel RGB data based on the shifted clocks, a digital-to-analog converter converting data stored in the data latch unit to analog data using gamma reference voltages, and an output buffer unit outputting the converted analog data to corresponding output pads. The output buffer unit includes sharing switches respectively corresponding to the output pads, the output pads are connected to sharing pads via the sharing switches, and the sharing pads are interconnected via a film having a conductive material.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Display panel and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130155345A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display panel has a plurality of gate terminals that are formed of a gate metal layer and a plurality of source terminals that are formed of a source metal layer, disposed alternately as seen in a plane. From each of the source terminals an intermediate region and a terminal region are provided with inorganic insulating film such that a source terminal lead formed of the source metal layer is covered therewith. The intermediate region is provided with organic insulating film such that the inorganic insulating film is covered therewith. The inorganic insulating film is smaller in thickness in the terminal region than in the intermediate region. The inorganic insulating film has an opening in the terminal region to expose at least a portion of a surface of the source terminal.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130201090A1
Автор: Masanori Ohara
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A first gate driver that drives a gate bus line corresponding to a first sub-pixel section and a second gate driver that drives a gate bus line corresponding to a second sub-pixel section are monolithically formed inside a panel. A shift register inside the second gate driver has a configuration where stages corresponding to respective rows and dummy stages each disposed for each row, are connected in series with one another. In such a configuration, a frequency of a clock signal for controlling an operation of the second gate driver is made twice as large as a frequency of a clock signal for controlling an operation of the first gate driver.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Display device and memory arranging method for image data thereof

Номер: US20130208019A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A display device and an image data memory arrangement method thereof are disclosed. When driving one frame with first and second fields, an input data signal is divided into first and second field data and the first and second field data are respectively arranged according to a light emitting driving sequence to control the light emitting for each field to be displayed. The first and second field data signals respectively include a color data signal pattern in which the data signals transmitted to the pixels corresponding to the same pixel column among the pixels respectively included in the first pixel row and the fourth pixel row display the same color, and the data signals transmitted to the pixels corresponding to the same pixel column among the pixels respectively included in the second pixel row and the third pixel row display the same color.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Scanning drive circuit and display device including the same

Номер: US20130215098A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed herein is a display device, including display elements two-dimensionally disposed in a matrix; scanning lines, initialization control lines, and display control lines extending in a first direction; data lines extending in a second direction different from the first direction; and a scanning drive circuit.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device, display apparatus, and gate signal line driving method

Номер: US20130229326A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Kamada
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A control capacitor (CDown) is connected between a pixel electrode of a liquid crystal capacitor (CLC_Bn) in at least one sub-pixel and a common signal line (COM) through a TFT ( 3 ) whose gate electrode is connected to a gate signal line (Gn+1), and a control circuit selectively switches output modes in accordance with whether the pulse periods of a gate pulse to be output to the gate signal line (Gn) and a gate pulse to be output to the gate signal line (Gn+1) partially overlap or not.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and display-apparatus driving method

Номер: US20130235015A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed herein is a driving method and display apparatus, the display apparatus including light emitting units, scan lines, data lines, a driving circuit provided for each of the light emitting units to serve as a circuit having a signal writing transistor, a device driving transistor, a capacitor and a first switch circuit, and a light emitting device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130256672A1
Автор: Hajime Kimura
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

It is an object to provide a liquid crystal display device which has excellent viewing angle characteristics and higher quality. The present invention has a pixel including a first switch, a second switch, a third switch, a first resistor, a second resistor, a first liquid crystal element, and a second liquid crystal element. A pixel electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a signal line through the first switch. The pixel electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a pixel electrode of the second liquid crystal element through the second switch and the first resistor. The pixel electrode of the second liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a Cs line through the third switch and the second resistor. A common electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a common electrode of the second liquid crystal element.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device and Display Panel Thereof

Номер: US20130271444A1

The present invention provides a liquid crystal display device and display panel thereof. The display panel includes data lines, scan lines disposed intersecting the data lines, pixel electrodes within area formed by two adjacent scan lines and two adjacent data lines, and thin film transistors disposed at intersecting points of scan lines and data lines; gate terminal of thin film transistor connected to scan line, source terminal of thin film transistor connected to data line and drain terminal of thin film transistor connected to pixel electrode. Overlapping area of drain terminal of thin film transistor and scan line forms parasitic capacitor C gs , and overlapping area of drain terminal of thin film transistor and scan line increases from signal input end to signal out end of a same scan line so that capacitance of parasitic capacitor increases along the same line.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Lcd panel and pixel electrode thereof

Номер: US20130285891A1
Автор: Xin Zhang

The present invention discloses a pixel electrode of a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel. The pixel electrode has a specific pattern or layout. The pixel electrode has a peripheral portion and branches surrounded by the peripheral portion. The pixel electrode further has at least one opening located inside a region surrounded by the peripheral portion. Each branch has a part connecting to the peripheral portion and said part has a width smaller than respective widths of other parts in each branch. The pixel electrode can improve the aperture rate of the LCD panel and suppress the appearance of disclination line at the center domain of the pixel.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display apparatus and method of inspecting the same

Номер: US20130285996A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display apparatus and a method of easily inspecting the apparatus to determine whether an electrical failure occurs are disclosed. The organic light emitting display apparatus includes a plurality of pixels each including a pixel electrode, an intermediate layer including an organic emission layer, and an opposite electrode, pluralities of scan lines and data lines corresponding to the plurality of pixels, first power supply lines connected to the plurality of pixels and extending in a first direction; second power supply lines connected to the first power supply lines, and a controller that simultaneously supplies control signals to the plurality of pixels, and includes a plurality of control lines and a common line. The common line is connected to a first end of each of the plurality of control lines and is separated from a second, opposing end of each of the plurality of control lines.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device and Method of Driving the Same

Номер: US20130307820A1
Автор: HoonBae Kim
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed is an LCD device and a method of driving the same. The LCD device includes a liquid crystal panel configured to comprise a TFT substrate and a color filter substrate; a touch panel configured to comprise a plurality of electrode units parallel to the gate lines to detect a touch, each of the electrode units comprising a plurality of driving electrodes and a plurality of receiving electrodes; a common voltage generator configured to generate a common voltage; a touch sensing unit configured to supply the common voltage to the electrode units and sequentially supply a driving voltage to driving electrodes formed in scanned electrode units, corresponding to scanned gate lines which have received a scan signal for one frame period, to detect a touch; and a driving voltage generator configured to generate the driving voltage.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20130321251A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A display device includes: a plurality of gate lines extending in a row direction; a plurality of data lines; a plurality of pixels connected to the gate lines and the data lines; and a gate signal supply line connected with at least two gate lines among the plurality of gate lines. At least three data lines among the plurality of data lines are between two pixels adjacent to each other in a row direction.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Display Panel and Drive Method of Panel Display Device

Номер: US20130321362A1
Автор: Cheng-Hung Chen, Hua Zheng

The present invention discloses a display panel, including data IC and at least two scan ICs. Data IC includes input and output terminals of first scan signal. Scan IC includes input and output terminals of second scan signal. Input terminal of each scan IC is connected to output terminal of first scan signal on data IC through respective wire. Wires have equal resistance or have resistance difference smaller than a default value. The present invention also provides a panel display device and drive method thereof. As such, the present invention can improve luminance uniformity of display panel.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Method of driving display device, program, and display device

Номер: US20130321384A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display device includes first and second display pixels connected to a first source line, third and fourth display pixels connected to the second source line. The device further includes a receiver receiving display voltage for each display pixel, a calculator calculating first difference voltage between the display voltages of the first and second display pixels, and calculating a second difference voltage between the display voltages of the third and fourth display pixels. A parasitic capacitance is generated between the first display pixel and each source line and between the third display pixel and each source line. The display device further includes a generator correcting the first display voltage based on the first and second difference voltages and generating first write voltage for the first display pixel, and correcting the third display voltage based on the second difference voltage and generating third write voltage for the third display pixel.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Method of Driving Display Device

Номер: US20130328499A1
Автор: Jun Koyama
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

An active matrix type EL display device is provided, which is capable of suppressing the unevenness of luminance display due to the unevenness of the characteristics of TFTs which constitute pixels, or due to variations in the environmental temperature at which the display device is used. The active matrix type EL display is driven by a time gray scale method, and is capable of keeping the drain current of each of its EL driving TFTs constant by operating each of the EL driving TFTs in a saturation region in an ON state. Accordingly, constant current can be made to flow in each of the EL elements, whereby it is possible to provide an active matrix type EL display device with accurate gray scale display and high image quality.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Reducing or Eliminating Mura Artifact Using Contrast Enhanced Imagery

Номер: US20130328755A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices are provided to calibrate an electronic display to reduce or eliminate mura artifacts. Such mura artifacts may be due to differential behavior of multiple common voltage layers (VCOMs) of the display. One method for reducing or eliminating such muras may involve setting pixels of an electronic display to a gray level and setting an operating parameter of the liquid crystal display to a starting value. An image of the pixels may be captured. Using the image, an average luminance of the pixels may be determined and the image may be amplified around the average luminance to enhance contrast of the image. When the amplified image substantially does not indicates the presence of a mura, the value of the operating parameter may be stored in the electronic display.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Ground noise propagation reduction for an electronic device

Номер: US20130328851A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A system and device for reducing ground bounce in circuitry. Utilization of a common ground supplied to multiple integrated circuits reduces the complexity and costs of producing circuitry but tends to interfere with signal quality within the circuitry by subjecting each integrated circuit to the ground bounce of every other integrated circuit. By introducing a source follower to selectively decouple and/or couple slave circuits within the circuitry, the ground bounce for the overall system can be reduced, thereby increasing the efficiency of interpreting signals within the circuitry.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Amplification Modulation Screening Method And Apparatus

Номер: US20140002864A1
Автор: Bin Yang, Haifeng Li

An amplitude modulation screening method is provided. The method comprises a step of utilizing regular hexagon screen dots to form a threshold matrix for amplitude screening. In embodiments of the present application, an amplitude modulation screening apparatus is also provided. The apparatus may comprise a matrix module configured to constitute a threshold matrix for amplitude screening using regular hexagon screen dots. Due to the threshold matrix formed with regular hexagon screen dots, the method and apparatus of the present application resolve the problem of the screen dots in the prior art, and improve the printing quality.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of driving dual mode liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20140009454A1
Автор: Dong-Guk Kim, Joong-Ha Lee
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A method of driving a dual mode liquid crystal display device includes: applying a first horizontal electric field to the liquid crystal layer for a first duration time during a reset period of a memory mode, the first duration time longer than a frame; eliminating the first horizontal electric field and keeping the liquid crystal layer without the first horizontal electric field for a second duration time during the reset period of the memory mode; applying a first vertical electric field corresponding to a static image for a third duration time during a writing period of the memory mode, the third duration time longer than the frame; and eliminating the first vertical electric field and keeping the liquid crystal layer without the first vertical electric field for a fourth duration time during the writing period of the memory mode.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Array substrate, display device, liquid crystal panel, and liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20140028644A1
Автор: Tamotsu Sakai
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A liquid crystal panel LCP includes a first side and a second side which are adjacent to each other. This liquid crystal panel LCP includes: data signal lines Sa and Sb formed so as to extend in a direction parallel to the second side, and also so as to array in a direction perpendicular to the second side; a plurality of vertical-side source terminals f formed along the second side to which edge portions of the plurality of data signal lines Sa and Sb formed in a position on a closer side to the second side of the data signal lines Sa and Sb are each connected; and a plurality of horizontal-side source terminals F formed along the first side to which edge portions of the plurality of data signal lines Sa and Sb formed in a position on a farther side from the second side are each connected. Thus, higher definition can be handled.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display panel and apparatus having the liquid crystal display panel

Номер: US20140036191A1
Автор: GUO Zhao, Ming Liu, Tao Ding

The present invention provides a liquid crystal display panel. An Nth set of scan lines is disposed between two neighboring row of pixels. Each set of the scan lines comprises an upper scan line and a lower scan line. Gate electrodes of the thin film transistors in the neighboring row of pixels are alternatively coupled to the upper scan line and the lower scan line sequentially. An Nth data line is disposed between a 2N-1th column of pixels and a 2Nth column of pixels. The Nth data line is coupled to source electrodes of the thin film transistors of the neighboring 2N-1th column of pixels and 2Nth column of pixels.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Electrowetting display device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140036341A1
Принадлежит: Liquavista BV

An electrowetting display device including a first base substrate, a second base substrate facing the first base substrate, a first electrode disposed on the first base substrate, a second electrode disposed on the second base substrate to face the first electrode, a partition wall disposed between the first and second electrodes to define a receiving area, a hydrophobic layer disposed on the first electrode, a hydrophilic layer disposed on the second electrode, and first and second fluids accommodated in the receiving area and immiscible with each other. At least one of the first fluid and the second fluid has a polarity. The hydrophilic layer allows droplets separated from a hydrophobic fluid of the first and second fluids to be merged with the hydrophobic fluid. Accordingly, a change in amount of the fluids in each pixel is prevented.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Pixel unit, pixel structure, display apparatus and pixel driving method

Номер: US20140043215A1
Автор: Ming Hu

A pixel unit, a pixel structure, a display apparatus and a pixel driving method can solve the problem that it is necessary to change polarity of voltage for each of data signals input to respective data lines and thus a power consumption is large in the prior art. In the pixel unit of the disclosure, the positions of the pixel electrode and the common electrode in two adjacent pixels in a pixel unit adopting the dual gate technique are exchanged. The pixel structure is constituted by an array formed by the pixel units. When applying the pixel driving method to the pixel structure to achieve a pixel dot-inversion or a pixel column-inversion, there is no need for changing the polarities of voltages of data signals input to respective data lines, and thus the power consumption is reduced.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20140043306A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A display device including a panel having a display area and first, second, third and fourth non-display areas formed at an outer portion of the display area, said first non-display area facing the second non-display area, and the third non-display area facing the fourth non-display area; a data driver disposed in the first non-display area, and configured to drive a plurality of data lines provided in a first direction in the display area; a gate driver disposed in the second non-display area and configured to drive a plurality of gate lines provided in a second direction vertical to the first direction in the display area; a timing controller configured to drive the data driver and the gate driver; and a plurality of link lines in the display area and extending from the gate driver and provided in parallel to the data lines respectively connected to the gate lines.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

System and methods for extraction of parasitic parameters in amoled displays

Номер: US20140062993A1
Принадлежит: Ignis Innovation Inc

A system reads a desired circuit parameter from a pixel circuit that includes a light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input, and a storage device to store a programming signal. One embodiment of the extraction system extracts a parasitic capacitance value from a pixel circuit by measuring at least one parameter of the pixel circuit when in a first state having a first set of operating voltages and currents, measuring at least one parameter of the pixel circuit when in a second state having a second set of operating voltages and currents different from the first set, and extracting the value of a selected parasitic capacitance from the measurements.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Display device including power link line

Номер: US20140071107A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

There is provided a display device including: a display panel including a display area consisting of a plurality of pixel areas, and a non-display area surrounding the display area; a plurality of power lines formed on the display area to supply a first voltage to the plurality of pixel areas; a first power link line connected to the plurality of first power lines, and formed on the non-display area; and a plurality of drivers connected to the display panel, and including a plurality of output pads and a plurality of first power pads, the plurality of (first) power pads disposed between the plurality of output pads and respectively connected to the plurality of first power link lines.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device including inspection circuit and inspection method thereof

Номер: US20140078187A1
Автор: Moonjung Choi
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed is an LCD device having a structure such as a column inversion type or a Z-inversion type where a single data line can be shared by two neighboring pixels, and an inspection circuit and method thereof. The inspection circuit for outputting gate driving signals in a division manner into odd and even-numbered signals is provided between the gate driving unit and a pixel region, so that only color pixels to be inspected can be driven. This can allow pixels to be normally inspected in an LCD device having an enhanced column inversion structure.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Package dependent segment terminal remapping for driving liquid crystal displays

Номер: US20140078427A1
Принадлежит: Atmel Corp

A microcontroller for controlling a liquid crystal display (LCD) is mountable in any one of multiple package types. The microcontroller includes a LCD controller to generate logical mapping signals indicative of voltages to be applied to segment terminals of a LCD glass. A driver circuit drives the segment terminals selectively. A remapping unit receives the logical mapping signals from the LCD controller and maps the logical mapping signals, for each of the package types, to physical segment terminal drivers in the driver circuit based on a distribution of I/O terminals that are bonded for each package type when that package type is used with the LCD glass.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Grayscale patterns from binary spatial light modulators

Номер: US20140085562A1
Принадлежит: Alces Technology Inc

Brightness-by-column grayscale and spatial Σ-Δ modulation grayscale allow grayscale patterns to be produced using a binary spatial light modulator as fast as the bright/dark switching speed.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Flexible display apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20140098075A1

A flexible display apparatus is provided. The flexible display apparatus includes: a display configured to display an object on a screen; an actuator configured to provide shape deformation to the display; and a controller configured to determine deformation information for reconfiguring and displaying the object, control the actuator to provide the shape deformation according to the determined deformation information, and control the display to reconfigure the displayed object and display the reconfigured object.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Display device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20150002491A1
Автор: Jin-Hee Jeong, Sun-Woo Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

According to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the gap between a display panel and a driving circuit is maintained by an insulating side wall that covers the sides of conductors provided on a drive pad and that is higher than the surface of the conductors without adding a photolithography process. Even when, as the resolution of the display device is increased, the gap between two adjacent conductors is reduced, the two adjacent conductors may be prevented from being shorted.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002497A1
Автор: Dong Chengcai

The present invention provides a liquid crystal display panel and liquid crystal display device. In liquid crystal display panel, each pixel unit in the first substrate includes first pixel electrode and second pixel electrode. Charging scan line and data line drive first and second pixel electrodes to display through first switch and second switch. Third switch is connected to discharging scan line. Input terminal of third switch is connected to first or second pixel electrode; output terminal of third switch is connected to discharging circuit. Second substrate includes first common electrode and second common electrode. First common electrode corresponds to first pixel electrode and provides first common voltage. Second common electrode corresponds to second pixel electrode and provides second common voltage. As such, the present invention can further improve the low color shift at large viewing angle and effectively reduce the image retention problem. 1. A liquid crystal display panel , which comprises: a first substrate , a second substrate , a first common electrode driver , a second common electrode driver , and a liquid crystal layer sandwiched between the first substrate and the second substrate;the first substrate comprising a plurality of charging scan lines, a plurality of discharging scan lines, a plurality of data lines and a plurality of pixel units, arranged in a matrix format, with each of pixel units corresponding to a charging scan line, a discharging scan line and a data line;each of pixel units further comprising: a first pixel electrode, a second pixel electrode, and a first switch and a second switch for operating on the first pixel electrode and the second pixel electrode respectively; each of pixel units further comprising a third switch and a discharging circuit; each switch comprising a control terminal, an input terminal and an output terminal; the control terminals of the first switch and the second switch being connected to the charging ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005430A1

A phase modulator for reflecting incident light at a desired angle includes pixel circuits and reflection pixels provided at positions where column data lines and row scanning lines orthogonal and intersect each other, and liquid crystal layers where each refractive index to incident light is changed by a driving voltage supplied from one pixel circuit. Each column data line outputs a control voltage which varies in a range up to a predetermined maximum voltage to corresponding pixel circuits. Each pixel circuit includes a charge pump for amplifying the control voltage. When the driving voltage supplied to a corresponding liquid crystal layer is not higher than the maximum voltage, the control voltage is outputted to the liquid crystal layer without amplifying. When the driving voltage supplied to the liquid crystal layer exceeds the maximum voltage, the control voltage is amplified by a charge pump and outputted to the liquid crystal layer. 1. A phase modulator for reflecting incident light at a desired angle , comprising:a plurality of column data lines and a plurality of row scanning lines orthogonal to each other;a plurality of pixel circuits provided at positions where the plurality of column data lines and the plurality of row scanning lines intersect each other;a plurality of reflection pixels provided respectively corresponding to the plurality of pixel circuits;a plurality of liquid crystal layers provided corresponding to each of the plurality of reflection pixels and each of whose refractive index with respect to incident light is changed by a driving voltage supplied from a corresponding pixel circuit; anda charge pump controller, whereineach of the column data lines outputs a control voltage varying within a range up to a predetermined maximum voltage to each of the pixel circuits,each of the pixel circuits includes a charge pump configured to amplify the control voltage, andwhen the driving voltage supplied to a corresponding liquid crystal layer is ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003790A1
Автор: GAO Huichao

A pixel structure includes a pixel electrode and a pixel switch including a gate electrode, an upper source electrode, an upper drain electrode, an upper active layer, a lower source electrode, a lower drain electrode, and a lower active layer. A bottom-gate TFT is formed by the upper source electrode, the upper active layer, the upper drain electrode and the gate electrode; a top-gate TFT is formed by the lower source electrode, the lower active layer, the lower drain electrode and the gate electrode. The upper source electrode is connected to the lower source electrode. The pixel electrode includes a first sub-pixel electrode and a second sub-pixel electrode. The first sub-pixel electrode is connected to the upper drain electrode for receiving a first signal; the second sub-pixel electrode is connected to the lower drain electrode for receiving a second signal from the bottom-gate TFT different from the first signal. 1. A pixel structure comprising:a pixel switch, comprising a gate electrode, an upper source electrode, an upper drain electrode, an upper active layer, a lower source electrode, a lower drain electrode, and a lower active layer; wherein the upper source electrode, the upper active layer, the upper drain electrode and the gate electrode form a bottom-gate thin film transistor (TFT); the lower source electrode, the lower active layer, the lower drain electrode and the gate electrode form a top-gate TFT; the upper source electrode and the lower source electrode are connected to each other;a touch unit, configured to obtain a touch position signal; wherein an output end of the touch unit is connected to the upper source electrode and the lower source electrode, respectively, and configured to transmit the touch position signal to the bottom-gate TFT and the top-gate TFT, respectively; anda pixel electrode comprising a first sub-pixel electrode and a second sub-pixel electrode; wherein the first sub-pixel electrode is connected to the upper drain ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004127A1

Disclosed are an array substrate, a driving method of the array substrate, and a display device. The array substrate includes gate lines (), data lines (), and pixel units, each of the pixel units includes a common electrode () and a pixel electrode (). The common electrode () includes a first common electrode () and a second common electrode (). The first common electrode () includes a plurality of first strip electrodes and the second common electrode () includes a plurality of second strip electrodes. The first strip electrodes and the second strip electrodes are arranged alternately configured to form electrical fields with the pixel electrode () respectively. By disposing the first and second common electrodes forming multi-dimensional electric fields with the pixel electrode respectively, the transmittance of the display device is improved. 1. An array substrate , comprising gate lines , data lines , and a plurality of pixel units defined by the gate lines and the data lines , each of the plurality pixel units comprising a common electrode and a pixel electrode ,wherein the common electrode and the pixel electrode are located at different film layers and are insulated from each other by an insulating layer; the common electrode comprises a first common electrode connected to a first common electrode line and a second common electrode connected to a second common electrode line; the first common electrode and the second common electrode are both slit electrode and comprise a plurality of first strip electrodes and a plurality of second strip electrodes respectively; the first strip electrodes are arranged alternately with the second strip electrodes, configured to form electrical fields with the pixel electrode respectively.2. The array substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the pixel electrode is a slit electrode and comprises a plurality of third strip electrodes; the third strip electrodes of the pixel electrode are arranged alternately with the first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004363A1
Автор: Lin Chih-Chung

A manufacturing method of touch module includes steps of: providing a substrate and disposing a shield layer on the substrate, a section of the substrate where the shield layer is positioned being defined as a non-touch section, a section of the substrate, which is free from the shield layer being defined as a touch section; printing multiple touch electrodes on the touch section and the non-touch section of the substrate by means of printing process; disposing an insulation layer on the touch electrodes of the non-touch section, the insulation layer being formed with multiple electrical connection holes on the touch electrodes; disposing a lead layer with multiple metal leads on the insulation layer to pass through the electrical connection holes to electrically connect with the touch electrodes; and disposing a protection layer on the touch electrodes and the lead layer. 1. A manufacturing method of touch module , comprising steps of:providing a substrate and disposing a shield layer on the substrate, a section of the substrate where the shield layer is positioned being defined as a non-touch section, a section of the substrate, which is free from the shield layer being defined as a touch section;printing multiple touch electrodes on the touch section and the non-touch section of the substrate by means of printing process;disposing an insulation layer on the touch electrodes of the non-touch section, the insulation layer being formed with at least one electrical connection hole on the touch electrodes;disposing a lead layer with multiple metal leads on the insulation layer to pass through the electrical connection hole to electrically connect with the touch electrodes; anddisposing a protection layer on the touch electrodes and the lead layer.2. The manufacturing method of touch module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the touch electrodes are disposed on the touch section and the non-touch section of the substrate by means of halftone printing or plate printing ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004364A1
Автор: Hu Ming, HU Zuquan

The invention provides a touch sensing circuit and method, a touch screen and a display device, the touch sensing circuit comprises: a touch sensing unit, an output control unit and a detection unit; the touch sensing unit is configured for providing a touch current, and transmitting the touch current to the output control unit; the output control unit is connected with a second control line, a read-out line, the touch sensing unit and the detection unit, for outputting the touch current to the detection unit; the detection unit is connected with a reference voltage terminal, an output terminal, the read-out line and the output control unit, for detecting significant change in the voltage output by the output control unit, thereby determining the location where the touch occurs. The detection accuracy of the detection sensing circuit in determining the occurrence of touch is improved. 113.-. (canceled)14. A touch sensing circuit , comprising: a touch sensing unit , an output control unit and a detection unit;the touch sensing unit is connected with a first control line, a first power source, a second power source and the output control unit, for providing a touch current, and the touch current is transmitted to the output control unit;the output control unit is connected with a second control line, a read-out line, the touch sensing unit and the detection unit, for outputting the touch current to the detection unit through the read-out line;the detection unit is connected with a reference voltage terminal, an output terminal, the read-out line and the output control unit, for detecting significant change in a voltage output by the output control unit, thereby determining a location where a touch occurs.15. The touch sensing circuit according to claim 14 , wherein the touch sensing unit is also connected to a signal line claim 14 , and the touch sensing unit comprises: a first transistor claim 14 , a second transistor claim 14 , a touch electrode claim 14 , a first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Display apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20160004367A1
Автор: Masahiko Shimada
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle display apparatus includes a ring dial rotatable about an axis perpendicular to a surface of a steering wheel, a first rotation angle detector configured to detect rotation of the ring dial, a capacitive electrode disposed radially outside the ring dial so as to surround the ring dial and configured to detect at least a user's touch, and a display panel configured to cause transition of a screen in response to detection of rotation of the ring dial by the first rotation angle detector and detection of the user's touch by the capacitive electrode.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: US20160004368A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc

In a display apparatus provided with an electrophoresis layer, such a display apparatus capable of operating a driving electrode for use in displaying an image as an electrode for use in detecting an input position is provided. A display apparatus includes: a substrate; another substrate that is disposed so as to face the substrate; an electrophoresis layer sandwiched between the substrate and another substrate; a plurality of pixel electrodes formed on the substrate; and a plurality of driving electrodes formed on another substrate. An electric field is formed between each of the plurality of pixel electrodes and each of the plurality of driving electrodes, so that an image is displayed, and an input position is detected based on an electrostatic capacitance of each of the plurality of driving electrodes.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004369A1

According to an aspect, a display device with a touch detection function includes: a first substrate; a plurality of pixel electrodes in a first region; a display functional layer; a plurality of first drive electrodes facing the pixel electrodes in a perpendicular direction with respect to a surface of the first substrate; and a plurality of touch detection electrodes facing the first drive electrodes and extending in a direction different from a direction in which the first drive electrodes are extended. At least one touch detection electrode of the plurality of touch detection electrodes extends from the first region to a second region adjacent to the first region. A second drive electrode capacitively-coupled to the at least one touch detection electrode is further provided in the second region. 1. A display device with a touch detection function , comprising:a first substrate;a plurality of pixel electrodes arranged in a matrix on a plane parallel to the first substrate and in a first region;a display functional layer exerting an image display function in the first region;a plurality of first drive electrodes facing the pixel electrodes in a perpendicular direction with respect to a surface of the first substrate; anda plurality of touch detection electrodes facing the first drive electrodes in the perpendicular direction and extending in a direction different from a direction in which the first drive electrodes are extended, the plurality of touch detection electrodes being capacitively-coupled to the first drive electrodes, whereinat least one touch detection electrode of the plurality of touch detection electrodes extends from the first region to a second region adjacent to the first region, anda second drive electrode capacitively-coupled to the at least one touch detection electrode is further provided in the second region.2. The display device with a touch detection function according to claim 1 , wherein the second region overlaps an area outside an ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Touch Screen Panel Integrated Display Device And Display Panel

Номер: US20160004371A1

The present invention relates to touch screen panel integrated display panel and display device. The touch screen panel integrated display panel comprises: a common electrode to which a common voltage is applied in a display mode and a touch driving signal is applied in a touch mode; a gate line that transfers a scan signal to a pixel row; and a gate driving integrated circuit that is connected to the gate line and outputs the scan signal to the gate line, wherein the gate driving integrated circuit includes a pull-up transistor and a pull-down transistor for outputting the scan signal to the gate line in the display mode, and additionally includes a touch mode transistor for outputting the touch driving signal applied to the common electrode or a signal corresponding to the touch driving signal to the gate line in the touch mode. 1. A touch screen panel integrated display device comprising:a display panel including a plurality of data lines, a plurality of gate lines and a plurality of common electrodes;a data driving unit that provides a data voltage to the plurality of data lines, when a driving mode is a display mode; anda gate driving unit that sequentially provides a scan signal to the plurality of gate lines, when the driving mode is the display mode,wherein a common voltage is applied to the plurality of common electrodes when the driving mode is the display mode, a touch driving signal is applied to at least one of the plurality of common electrodes when the driving mode is a touch mode, andeach of a plurality of gate driving integrated circuits included in the gate driving unit includes a pull-up transistor and a pull-down transistor for outputting the scan signal to a corresponding gate line when the driving mode is the display mode, and additionally includes a touch mode transistor for outputting the touch driving signal or a signal corresponding to the touch driving signal to the corresponding gate line when the driving mode is the touch mode.2. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004071A1

According to one embodiment, a display device includes a driver, a first pixel circuit disposed apart from the driver in plan view but electrically connected to the driver, a second pixel circuit separated further from the driver than the first pixel circuit in plan view but electrically connected to the driver, a first pixel electrode overlapping the driver in plan view, a second pixel electrode overlapping the first pixel circuit in plan view, a first relay line electrically connecting the first pixel circuit and the first pixel electrode to each other, and a second relay line electrically connecting the second pixel circuit and the second pixel electrode to each other. 1. A display device comprising:a driver;a first pixel circuit arranged apart from the driver in a plan view, the first pixel circuit being electrically connected to the driver;a second pixel circuit separated further from the driver than the first pixel circuit in the plan view, the second pixel circuit being electrically connected to the driver;a first pixel electrode overlapping the driver in the plan view;a second pixel electrode overlapping the first pixel circuit in the plan view;a first relay line electrically connecting the first pixel circuit and the first pixel electrode to each other;a second relay line electrically connecting the second pixel circuit and the second pixel electrode to each other; anda dummy electrode, a part of the dummy electrode overlapping the driver.2. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first insulating film located between the first pixel circuit and the first relay line and between the second pixel circuit and the second relay line;a second insulating film located between the first relay line and the first pixel electrode and between the second relay line and the second pixel electrode;a first lower connection portion extending through the first insulating film and electrically connecting the first pixel circuit and the first relay line ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004075A1
Автор: YOSHIDA Masahiro

The image display device of the present invention includes a substrate. The substrate includes: a first metal layer, a first insulating layer, a second metal layer, a second insulating layer, and a third metal layer stacked in the stated order; a scanning signal line; and a gate driver. The gate driver includes a unit circuit including an output control transistor. The scanning signal line is provided in the second metal layer in the display region. The substrate includes a first additional line electrically connected to a gate electrode of the output control transistor. The first additional line includes a first additional line portion provided in the first metal layer in the display region. The first additional line portion overlaps the scanning signal line in the display region via the first insulating layer. 1. An image display device comprising:a substrate;a display region that includes multiple display units arranged in a matrix and displays an image; anda frame region that is a region outside the display region,wherein the substrate includes:an insulating substrate;a first metal layer, a first insulating layer, a second metal layer, a second insulating layer, and a third metal layer stacked in the stated order on the insulating substrate;a pixel electrode provided in the display region;a pixel control transistor provided in the display region and electrically connected to the pixel electrode;a scanning signal line electrically connected to a gate electrode of the pixel control transistor; anda gate driver provided monolithically on the insulating substrate in the frame region and configured to drive the scanning signal line,the gate driver includes a unit circuit including:a clock terminal to which a clock signal is input;an output terminal electrically connected to the scanning signal line and configured to output a scanning signal to the scanning signal line; andan output control transistor with one of a source electrode and a drain electrode connected to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Display control and touch control device, and display and touch sense panel unit

Номер: US20180004321A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Kuroiwa
Принадлежит: Synaptics Japan GK, Wells Fargo Bank NA

Provided is a technique which enables the avoidance of a temporal damage to a panel module, and keeps a voltage load on a display panel circuit node from becoming excessively large even if a constant voltage is applied to the node for a longer time exceeding a display drive term in a non-display drive term, provided that a display frame period is divided to have display and non-display drive terms. In performing display and touch-sensing actions on condition that a display frame period is divided to include display and non-display drive terms, an operation source voltage supplied to a panel module during the non-display term where touch sensing is performed is smaller, in absolute value, than that supplied in the display term, whereby a voltage load applied to an input circuit node of a panel module for a longer time exceeding the display term is kept from being excessively large.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004327A1
Автор: LUDDEN Christopher A.

Embodiments of the disclosure generally provide an integrated control system having an integrated controller that is configured to provide both display updating signals to a display device and a capacitive sensing signal to a sensor electrode that is disposed within the integrated input device. The internal and/or external signal routing configurations described herein can be adapted to reduce signal routing complexity typically found in conventional devices and reduce the effect of electrical interference created by the capacitive coupling formed between the display routing, capacitive sensing routing and/or other components within the integrated control system. Embodiments can also be used to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the display and touch sensing signals received, transmitted and processed within the integrated control system. 1. A controller comprising:display circuitry coupled to a first subset of a plurality of output pads, the first subset of output pads is configured to transfer display update signals to display electrodes of a display device during a first time period;capacitive sensing circuitry coupled to a second subset of the plurality of output pads, the second subset of output pads is configured to transfer capacitive sensing signals to sensor electrodes of a sensing device during a second time period; andguarding circuitry configured to operate at least a portion of the display circuitry during the second time period.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the guarding circuity is further configured to operate at least a portion of the capacitive sensing circuitry during the second time period.3. The controller of claim 1 , wherein operating the at least a portion of the display circuitry during the second time period comprises: driving a guarding signal onto the at least a portion of the display circuitry claim 1 , and wherein the guarding signal and the capacitive sensing signals are similar in at least one of phase and amplitude. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Touch Display Panel and Touch Display Device

Номер: US20200004365A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A touch display panel and device. A common electrode is provided between a display driving signal line and a touch line. The common electrode functions as a shielding pattern that prevents display noise of a touch sensing signal without increasing the number of masks used to form the touch display device. A touch load reducing layer is disposed in a region between the touch line and the common electrode, except for a region in which the common electrode and pixel electrodes overlap. This reduces the load of the touch line and improves touch sensing performance without having an adverse effect on display driving.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004193A1

Provided is a display system or a display device that is suitable for increasing in size. The display system includes a first display panel, a second display panel, a detection means, and a compensation means. The first display panel includes a first display region. The second display panel includes a second display region. The first display region and the second display region include a first region where they overlap. The detection means has a function of detecting the size of the first region. The compensation means has a function of compensating an image displayed on the first display region in accordance with the change in the size of the first region. 1. (canceled)2. A display system comprising:a first display panel comprising a first display region comprising a first pixel; anda second display panel comprising a second display region comprising a second pixel,wherein a first region of the first display region and a first region of the second display region overlap each other,wherein the display system is configured to compensate an image displayed on the first display region in accordance with a change in a size of the first region of the first display region, andwherein the display system is configured to correct a luminance of one of the first display region and the second display region in accordance with a change in a distance between the first pixel and the second pixel.3. The display system according to claim 2 , wherein each of the first display panel and the second display panel has flexibility.4. The display system according to claim 2 , further comprising an FPC electrically connected to the first display panel.5. The display system according to claim 4 , wherein the first display panel includes a curved portion connected to the FPC such that the FPC is between the first display panel and the second display panel.6. The display system according to claim 4 ,wherein an end portion of the first display panel is attached to a rear surface of the second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004366A1

A display device is provided. The display device includes a first base substrate, a gate line on the first base substrate and extending in a first direction, a data line disposed on the first base substrate, insulated from the gate line, and extending in a second direction, which crosses the first direction, a switch on the first base substrate and electrically connected to the gate line and the data line, an insulating layer on the switch, a first electrode on the insulating layer, a light-shielding conductive layer directly contacting the first electrode and overlapping the switch, and a second electrode insulated from the first electrode and the light-shielding conductive layer, at least partially overlapping the first electrode, and electrically connected to the switch. 121.-. (canceled)22. A display device , comprising:a first base substrate;a gate line on the first base substrate and extending in a first direction;a data line on the first base substrate, insulated from the gate line, and extending in a second direction, which crosses the first direction;a switch on the first base substrate and electrically connected to the gate line and the data line;an insulating layer disposed on the switch;a first electrode on the insulating layer and electrically connected to the switch;a second electrode insulated from the first electrode and at least partially overlapping the first electrode; anda light-shielding conductive layer insulated from the first electrode, directly contacting the second electrode, and overlapping the switch.23. The display device as claimed in claim 22 , further comprising a contact hole claim 22 , which at least partially exposes the switch claim 22 , through the insulating layer claim 22 , the first electrode being electrically connected to the switch via the contact hole claim 22 , wherein the light-shielding conductive layer overlaps the contact hole.24. The display device as claimed in claim 22 , further comprising an auxiliary light- ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004767A1
Автор: FUJITA Shin

An electro-optical device includes a scanning line, a data line intersecting with each other, a pixel circuit which is provided corresponding to the intersection thereof, and a wire. The pixel circuit includes a light emitting element, one transistor which controls a current flowing to the light emitting element, and the other transistor of which conduction state is controlled according to a scanning signal which is supplied to the scanning line between a gate node of the one transistor and the data line. The wire is provided between the data line and the one transistor. 2. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the shield wire is disposed between the gate of the first transistor and a gate of the second transistor in plan view.3. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein a part of the gate electrode layer constitutes an electrode of a capacitor, andwherein the capacitor is electrically connected to the gate electrode of the first transistor.4. The electro-optical device according to claim 3 ,wherein the shield wire overlaps at least part of the capacitor in plan view.6. The electro-optical device according to claim 5 ,wherein the first relay electrode is disposed so that the first relay electrode does not overlap the shield wire.7. The electro-optical device according to claim 5 , further comprising:a second relay electrode connected to the second transistor;a first connection portion connected between the first relay electrode and the second relay electrode; anda second connection portion connected between the first relay electrode and the extended portion of the data line,wherein the first connection portion overlaps the second connection portion in plan view.8. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the shield wire overlaps at least part of the first transistor in plan view.9. An electronic apparatus comprising an electro-optical device according .10. An electronic apparatus comprising an electro-optical device ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004768A1

A display module including a substrate having a plurality of pixels, a data line that supplies a data signal to a pixel, a current supply line that supplies electric current to the pixel, a data driving circuit that supplies a data signal to the data line, and a gate driving circuit thereon. The plurality of pixels are arranged in a display area of the substrate, and each of the plurality of pixels includes a light emitting device, a first thin film transistor connected to the data line that supplies the data signal, a second thin film transistor connected to the current supply line, and a capacitor. The light emitting device includes a first electrode layer connected to the second thin film transistor, an organic layer formed on the first electrode layer, and a second electrode layer formed on the organic layer. 1. A display device comprising:a first substrate;a display region above the first substrate and including a plurality of pixels;a plurality of current supply lines above the first substrate and configured to supply electric current to the plurality of pixels; anda terminal region arranged along an edge of the first substrate, and having a first terminal and a second terminal,each of the plurality of pixels includes a light emitting device,the light emitting device comprises:a first electrode layer to which the electric current is supplied from the one of the plurality of current supply lines;an organic layer above the first electrode layer, the organic layer having a light emitting layer; anda second electrode layer formed above the organic layer, whereineach of the plurality of current supply lines is connected to the current supply bus line,the current supply bus line runs along a direction intersects with the plurality of current supply lines,a third electrode layer covered by a passivation layer is below the second electrode layer,the third electrode layer is connected to the first terminal,the current supply bus line is connected to the second terminal ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004776A1
Автор: Park YongKyu
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

There are provided a source driver integrated circuit, a controller, an organic light emitting display panel, an organic light emitting display device, and a method for driving the organic light emitting display device. Thus, it is possible to provide a structure in which different sensing components configured to sense sub-pixel characteristics can sense characteristics of the same sub-pixel together, and the structure enables more accurate recognition of a sensing difference between the sensing components on the basis of sensing values obtained from the respective sensing components and the sensing difference to be corrected using the recognized sensing difference. Thus, an image quality can be improved. 1. An organic light emitting display device comprising:a first source driver integrated circuit electrically connected to Q (Q≧1) number of first sensing lines;a second source driver integrated circuit electrically connected to S (S≧1) number of second sensing lines; andat least one difference sensing line configured to electrically connect at least one of the S number of second sensing lines and the first source driver integrated circuit.2. The organic light emitting display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the Q number of first sensing lines are electrically connected to a first sub-pixel which is supplied with a data voltage from the first source driver integrated circuit,the S number of second sensing lines are electrically connected to a second sub-pixel which is supplied with a data voltage from the second source driver integrated circuit, andthe at least one difference sensing line is not electrically connected to the first sub-pixel which is supplied with a data voltage from the first source driver integrated circuit but electrically connected to the second sub-pixel which is supplied with a data voltage from the second source driver integrated circuit.3. The organic light emitting display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004787A1
Автор: HAN Sangsu, Lee Kyoung Won

A display apparatus includes a timing controller and a display panel. The timing controller generates output image data based on input image data and generates a polarity control signal by analyzing the input image data. The display panel displays a plurality of frame images based on the output image data during a plurality of frames and operates based on an inversion driving scheme in which a polarity pattern of the plurality of frame images is changed based on the polarity control signal per N frames, where N is a natural number. The number N is variable based on the polarity control signal. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a timing controller configured to generate an output image data based on an input image data, and configured to generate a polarity control signal by analyzing the input image data; anda display panel configured to display a plurality of frame images based on the output image data during a plurality of frames, the display panel changes a polarity pattern of the plurality of frame images based on the polarity control signal for each of N frames, andwherein N is a natural number and varies based on the polarity control signal.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the timing controller generates an inversion control signal based on a type of image displayed on the display panel based on the output image data and generates the polarity control signal based on the inversion control signal claim 1 ,wherein N is changed by adjusting a transition time of the polarity control signal based on the inversion control signal.3. The display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein when the output image data corresponds to a dynamic image claim 2 , the display panel displays first frame images during first frames and displays second frame images during second frames subsequent to the first frames claim 2 ,wherein there are X first frame images and X first frames, where X is a natural number equal to or greater than two, each of the first frame images has a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004793A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a lateral electric-field type of liquid crystal display device includes a display panel and a controller, wherein a frame frequency falls within a range of 1 Hz to 10 Hz, an off-leak current of each of the TFTs has a value of 1×10A or less, a resistivity of a liquid crystal and a resistivity of an alignment film both fall within one of a first range and a second range, the first range being 1×10to 5×10Ω·cm, the second range being 5×10to 5×10Ω·cm, and a relationship of “R1× C1≈R2×C2” is satisfied, where R1 is a resistance and C1 is a capacity with respect to each pixel, R2 is a resistance and C2 is a capacity with respect to each pixel. 12-. (canceled)3. A lateral electric-field type of liquid crystal display device comprising:a display panel in which a plurality of liquid crystal pixels and TFTs are arranged in a matrix, the TFTs being configured to perform or stop application of pixel voltages to the liquid crystal pixels; anda controller configured to perform intermittent driving to rewrite image signals to the liquid crystal pixels,whereina frame frequency falls within a range of 10 Hz to 20 Hz,{'sup': −15', '−13, 'a value of an off-leak current of each of the TFTs falls within a range of 1×10to 1×10A,'}{'sup': 12', '14, 'a resistivity of a liquid crystal applied to the liquid crystal pixels falls within a range of 5×10to 5×10Ω·cm,'}{'sup': 11', '13, 'a resistivity of an alignment film applied to the liquid crystal pixels falls within a range of 1×10to 5×10Ω·cm, and'}a relationship of “R1×C1>R2×C2” is satisfied, where R1 is a resistance of the liquid crystal with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, C1 is a capacity of the liquid crystal with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, R2 is a resistance of the alignment film with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, and C2 is a capacity of the alignment film with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel4. The liquid crystal display device of claim 3 , wherein the value of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

A driving circuit, a driving method thereof, and a liquid crystal display

Номер: US20170004794A1
Автор: Qiuping Huang

The present invention is to provide a driving circuit, and a method and a liquid crystal display (LCD) thereof. The driving circuit includes a plurality of scan lines and a plurality of data lines which are perpendicular to each other. A plurality of pixel regions is defined by the plurality of scan lines and the plurality of data lines. Each pixel region includes a pixel, at least two thin film transistors (TFTs). A gate electrode and a source electrode of each TFT are connected with a scan line and a data line respectively, and a drain electrode thereof is connected with the pixel, wherein the pixel is charged when the two TFTs are open. Therefore, the charging time of the pixel is increased and g quality of the picture displayed by the LCD is improved.
