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19-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017121357A3

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2486607C2

Изобретение относится к дисплейным устройствам, в которых осуществляют управление с инвертированием полярности общего электрода. Техническим результатом является эффективное подавление возникающего при инвертировании потенциала общего электрода электромагнитного шума. Дисплейное устройство, обеспечивающее управление с инвертированием полярности общего электрода, содержит схему управления общим электродом. Выходной каскад (11) схемы управления содержит выходные субкаскады (11a, 11b), выполненные с возможностью подавать напряжение на общий электрод (103). При этом каждый период подачи потенциала общего электрода каждой полярности состоит из частичных периодов, а напряжение подается на общий электрод (103) в течение каждого из частичных периодов, по меньшей мере, одним из выходных субкаскадов (11b), выбранных для каждого из частичных периодов. Причем полная нагрузочная способность начального субкаскада (11b), состоящего из, по меньшей мере, одного выходного субкаскада (11b) из выбранных в ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462738C1

Устройство жидкокристаллического дисплея включает в себя подложку активной матрицы, противоположную подложку и слой жидких кристаллов, включающий в себя рассеивающий свет жидкий кристалл, который имеет, когда напряжение не приложено к нему, первое состояние отображения, в котором молекулы жидкого кристалла выровнены нерегулярно, и когда напряжение приложено, второе состояние отображения, в котором молекулы жидкого кристалла выровнены регулярно. Подложка активной матрицы имеет первую поверхность, которая распложена ниже поверхности, на которой предусмотрены электроды пикселя, причем первая поверхность имеет первую область, в которую проецируется зазор между электродами соседних пикселей, первая область имеет частичные области, которые ортогонально пересекают линии шины затвора, линии шины истока, каждая из которых предусмотрена во второй области в местоположении, сдвинутом от соответствующей одной из частичных областей таким образом, что линия шины истока закрыта электродами соседнего пикселя ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494474C1

Изобретение относится к возбуждению устройств отображения, таких как жидкокристаллические устройства отображения, имеющие жидкокристаллические панели отображения с активной матрицей. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности устройству отображения, не понижая качество отображения, поочередно переключаться между (i) первым режимом, чтобы выполнить отображение посредством преобразования разрешения видеосигнала с коэффициентом n (n является целым числом), и (ii) вторым режимом, чтобы выполнить отображение посредством преобразования разрешения видеосигнала с коэффициентом m (m является целым числом, отличающимся от n). Во время первого режима потенциалы сигналов, имеющие одну и ту же полярность и один и тот же уровень шкалы яркости, подаются к пиксельным электродам, включенным в соответствующие два пикселя, которые соответствуют двум смежным сигнальным линиям сканирования и которые являются смежными друг с другом в направлении столбцов, и направление изменения в потенциалах сигналов ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010139849A

... 1. Возбуждающая схема для возбуждения жидкокристаллической дисплейной панели с активной матрицей, содержащая: ! средство изменения напряжения для изменения, после окончания периода выбора пиксела в жидкокристаллической дисплейной панели с активной матрицей, напряжения общего электрода пиксела, ! причем средство изменения напряжения изменяет напряжение общего электрода в направлении, противоположном полярности напряжения, приложенного к жидким кристаллам в пикселе. ! 2. Возбуждающая схема по п.1, в которой: !общий электрод в жидкокристаллической дисплейной панели с активной матрицей содержит множество общих электродов, которые надлежащим образом соответствуют группам линий затвора, каждая из которых состоит из множества линий затвора, которые принимают напряжения, имеющие идентичную полярность, и ! средство изменения напряжения изменяет по отдельности напряжение каждого из множества общих электродов, которые надлежащим образом соответствуют группам линий затвора. ! 3. Возбуждающая схема ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012133454A

... 1. Устройство отображения, содержащее подложку активной матрицы, причем упомянутая подложка активной матрицы включает в себя:множество затворных линий;множество истоковых линий, предусмотренных таким образом, чтобы пересекаться с множеством затворных линий;первое множество пиксельных электродов, каждый из которых обеспечен (i) между двумя соответствующими смежными линиями из множества истоковых линий и (ii) между двумя соответствующими смежными затворными линиями из множества затворных линий, причем каждый из первого множества пиксельных электродов предусмотрен для цвета из множества цветов, с помощью которых должно быть составлено изображение; имножество переключающих элементов, обеспеченных около соответственных пересечений множества затворных линий и множества истоковых линий, причем каждый из множества переключающих элементов соединен с одной соответствующей из множества затворных линий и одной соответствующей из множества истоковых линий,при этом каждый из первого множества пиксельных ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011152758A

... 1. Схема возбуждения отображения, предназначенная для возбуждения панели отображения, выполненной с шинами накопительных конденсаторов, образующие конденсаторы с пиксельными электродами, включенными в пиксели, причем схема возбуждения отображения содержит сдвиговый регистр, включающий в себя множество каскадов, выполненных таким образом, чтобы соответствовать множеству сигнальных линий сканирования соответственно, при этомсхема возбуждения отображения имеет схемы удержания, выполненные таким образом, чтобы один к одному соответствовать каскадам сдвигового регистра, причем сигнал цели удержания вводится в каждую из схем удержания, при этомкогда сигнал управления, выработанный одним из каскадов сдвигового регистра становится активным, схема удержания, соответствующая этому каскаду, загружает и удерживает сигнал цели удержания,выходной сигнал из схемы удержания подается в шину накопительных конденсаторов в виде сигнала шины накопительных конденсаторов,сигнал управления, который вырабатывается ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011131047A

... 1. Жидкокристаллическое устройство, содержащее множество пикселов, включающих в себя первые и вторые пикселы, которые располагаются смежно друг с другом,в котором каждый упомянутый пиксел включает в себя множество подпикселов, включающих в себя первые, вторые и третьи подпикселы, ив котором, если входной сигнал указывает на то, что каждый из первых и вторых пикселов должен воспроизводить конкретный хроматический цвет, включается не только третий подпиксел из, по меньшей мере, одного из первых и вторых пикселов, но также и, по меньшей мере, один из соответствующих первых и вторых подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов, ив котором, если средний уровень яркости соответствующих третьих подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов в одной ситуации, когда входной сигнал указывает на то, что каждый из первых и вторых пикселов должен воспроизводить хроматический цвет, является, по существу, равным уровню яркости соответствующих третьих подпикселов первых и вторых пикселов в другой ситуации, когда входной ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012119213A

... 1. Схема управления отображением для использования в устройстве отображения, (i) которое выполняет отображение на основании видеосигнала, разрешающая способность которого была преобразована в более высокую разрешающую способность, и (ii) в котором посредством подачи сигналов проводника конденсаторов удержания на проводники конденсаторов удержания, образующие конденсаторы с электродами пикселей, содержащимися в пикселях, потенциалы сигналов, записанные в электроды пикселей с шин сигнала передачи данных, изменены в направлении, соответствующем полярностям потенциалов сигналов,в которой, предполагая, что направлением, в котором продолжаются шины сигнала развертки, является направление вдоль строк, когда разрешающая способность видеосигнала преобразована с коэффициентом n (где n - целое число, равное двум или большее), по меньшей мере, в направлении вдоль столбцов, на электроды пикселей, содержащиеся в соответственных n пикселях, которые соответствуют n смежным шинам сигнала развертки и которые ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012100253A

... 1. Устройство жидкокристаллического дисплея, содержащее множество пикселей, включающих в себя красный пиксель, зеленый пиксель и синий пиксель,в котором каждый из множества пикселей содержит множество подпикселей, в том числе, первый подпиксель и второй подпиксель, ипри этом, когда уровни шкалы яркостей входных сигналов, соответствующие красным пикселям, зеленым пикселям и синим пикселям, равны друг другу на данном уровне, отношение разности яркости между первым подпикселем и вторым подпикселем одного пикселя среди красного пикселя, зеленого пикселя и синего пикселя к максимальной яркости одного пикселя является большим, чем отношение разности яркости между первым подпикселем и вторым подпикселем каждого одного из других двух пикселей среди красного пикселя, зеленого пикселя и синего пикселя к максимальной яркости соответственного одного из других двух пикселей.2. Устройство жидкокристаллического дисплея по п.1, при этом, когда уровень шкалы яркостей входных сигналов, соответствующий другим ...

12-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009044332A1

Eine Flüssigkristallanzeige wird bereitgestellt. Die Flüssigkristallanzeige weist eine Rad-Gemeinsame-Leitung auf, die eine gemeinsame Spannung durch Eingangsquellen empfängt, eine Mehrzahl von Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen, die in jeder der Flüssigkristallzellen, die jedes Pixel bilden, ausgebildet sind und elektrisch miteinander verbunden sind, sowie eine Mehrzahl von longitudinalen gemeinsamen Leitungen, die elektrisch verbunden sind mit der Rand-Gemeinsame-Leitung, zum Anlegen einer gemeinsamen Spannung an die Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen. Die Pixel-Gemeinsame-Leitung-Strukturen sind verbunden mit gemeinsamen Elektroden der Flüssigkristallzellen. Jede der longitudinalen gemeinsamen Leitungen ist zwischen zwei horizontal benachbarten Pixeln in einer Richtung parallel zu Datenleitungen ausgebildet. Die Pixel weisen eine Mehrzahl von Pixel-Einheiten auf, welche jeweils zwei vertikal benachbarte Pixel aufweisen, und jeder der Pixel-Einheiten sind zwei Datenleitungen und drei ...

02-09-1999 дата публикации

Doppelte Flüssigkristallanzeige mit aktiver Matrix und Steuerverfahren dafür

Номер: DE0069419702D1
Принадлежит: CANON KK, CANON K.K.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Flüssigkristallanzeigevorrichtung und Rahmenraten-Steuerverfahren derselben

Номер: DE102012112345A1

Eine Flüssigkristallanzeigevorrichtung umfasst eine Rahmenraten-Steuer(frame rate control, FRC)-Vorrichtung, die einen FRC-Kompensationswert zu digitalen Videodaten unter Verwendung mehrerer FRC-Muster, die Unterpixel definieren, in die der FRC-Kompensationswert geschrieben wird, hinzufügt, und eine Datentreiberschaltung (110), die die digitalen Videodaten, die von der FRC-Vorrichtung empfangen werden, in eine Datenspannung wandelt und eine Polarität der Datenspannung basierend auf einem vorab bestimmten Inversionsverfahren invertiert. Die FRC-Vorrichtung zählt Rahmenperioden und erhöht einen Rahmenzählwert jedes Mal, wenn sich die Rahmenperiode ändert. Die FRC-Vorrichtung wechselt zu einem nächsten FRC-Muster in einer vorbestimmten Reihenfolge als Antwort auf den Rahmenzählwert, und hält oder überspringt den Rahmenzählwert, wenn die Rahmenperiode eine vorbestimmte Zeit erreicht.

16-02-2006 дата публикации

Bildanzeigevorrichtung, Steuerverfahren dafür und elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE0060300547T2

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Kompensation der gemeinsamen Bezugsspannung in einem Anzeigegerät

Номер: DE112014000993T5

Ein Verfahren und eine Schaltungskomponente zur Unterdrückung eines Crosstalks, der mit der gemeinsamen Bezugsspannung in einem Flüssigkristalldisplay assoziiert ist, werden offenbart. Insbesondere werden in einem Flüssigkristalldisplay, in dem der Crosstalk hauptsächlich durch verschiedene Steuersignale erzeugt wird, die von einer Zeitsteuerschaltung generiert werden, ein oder mehr Zeitsteuersignale aus der Zeitsteuerschaltung extrahiert und verarbeitet, um zu einem Ausgleichssignal zu werden. Das Ausgleichssignal wird an das Anzeigefeld der Flüssigkristalldisplays bereitgestellt. Die von der Zeitsteuerschaltung generierten Zeitsteuersignale beinhalten ein Startsignal und eine Mehrzahl von Taktsignalen. Die Schritte zum Verarbeiten dieser Signale können Summierung, Invertierung, Hochpassfilterung und Amplitudenanpassung beinhalten, die in unterschiedlicher Reihenfolge und/oder Kombination auszuführen sind. Wenn die Zeitsteuersignale Stromsignale sind, können die Schritte zum Verarbeiten ...

08-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069734491D1

10-02-2005 дата публикации

Flüssigkristalldisplay und Ansteuerverfahren für dieses

Номер: DE102004030136A1

Ein Flüssigkristalldisplay ist mit Folgendem versehen: einer Vielzahl von auf einem ersten Substrat angeordneten Pixelbereichen; einer Vielzahl erste Elektroden und einer Vielzahl zweiter Elektroden, die einzeln in den Pixelbereichen vorhanden sind, um ein horizontales elektrisches Feld zu erzeugen; einer Vielzahl von Gateleitungen, die auf dem ersten Substrat entlang einer horizontalen Richtung angeordnet sind, um Scansignale an die Pixelbereiche zu liefern; einer Vielzahl von Datenleitungen, die entlang einer Längsrichtung auf dem ersten Substrat angeordnet sind, um Bildinformation an die Pixelbereiche zu liefern; einer Vielzahl von Schaltbauteilen, die jeweils in einem jeweiligen der Pixelbereiche vorhanden sind und über einen mit einer der Gateleitungen verbundenen ersten Anschluss, einen mit einer der Datenleitungen verbundenen zweiten Anschluss und einen mit einer ersten Elektrode des Pixelbereichs verbundenen dritten Anschluss verfügen; einer Vielzahl erster Leitungen für eine gemeinsame ...

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015103101B4

Eine Pixelstruktur, umfassend:eine Mehrzahl von nebeneinander in einer ersten Richtung angeordneten Datenleitungen (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 301, 302, 303, 304, 401, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707); undeine Mehrzahl von nebeneinander in einer zweiten Richtung angeordneten Gate-Leitungen (150, 250, 350, 451, 452, 453, 454, 550, 650, 750),wobei sich die Mehrzahl von Datenleitungen mit der Mehrzahl von Gate-Leitungen schneidet, um eine Mehrzahl von Subpixeln zu definieren, jedes aus der Mehrzahl von Subpixeln umfassend einen Dünnschichttransistor (140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740) und eine Pixelelektrode (130, 230, 330, 430, 530, 630, 730), die Mehrzahl von Subpixeln umfassend erste Reihen von Subpixeln (110, 210, 310, 410a, 410b, 510a, 510b, 610, 710) und zweite Reihen von Subpixeln (120, 220, 320, 420a, 420b, 520a, 520b, 620, 720), wobei die ersten Reihen von Subpixeln und ...

25-02-1998 дата публикации

Pixel arrangement structure, liquid crystal display device using the same and method for driving the device

Номер: GB0009727254D0

03-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008513779D0

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Active matrix displays and drive control methods

Номер: GB0000307034D0

31-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002098782B

23-12-2015 дата публикации

Liquid crystal panel and drive method thereof

Номер: GB0002527470A

A liquid crystal panel and a drive method thereof. A gate drive unit (41) alternately inputs a scanning signal to multiple scanning lines (G~G2k) at multiple lines, and a source drive unit (42) alternately inputs a gray-scale voltage to multiple data lines (D1~D2m) extending along a column direction. The liquid crystal panel and the drive method thereof avoid the inconsistent charging efficiency of pixel units caused due to the voltage drop of a signal line.

14-06-2017 дата публикации

Drive circuit of liquid crystal panel and liquid crystal display device

Номер: GB0201706900D0

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000356401T

15-07-1998 дата публикации

Display system with modulation of an electrode voltage to alter state of the electro-optic layer

Номер: AU0005513798A

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Display drive device and drive controlling method

Номер: AU2003294181A8

09-12-2010 дата публикации

Method to reduce power consumption with electro-optic lenses

Номер: AU2007257765B2

03-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003274469A1

09-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003232889A1

04-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002003098C

In a video signal display apparatus having a liquid crystal display unit with liquid crystal cells arranged in a matrix for displaying a display signal developed from an input video signal, the supplying of a scanning signal to the liquid crystal display unit is inhibited during a period in which an unnecessary portion of the video signal is provided, for example, as when the input video signal is derived from a VTR in a variable speed reproducing mode, and, during such inhibition of the supplying of the scanning signal to the liquid crystal display unit, the latter is made to continuously display the display signal previously supplied to the liquid crystal cells.

30-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001255022A1

26-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002109951A1

This invention relates to an improved drive and control means for matrix addressable electro-optic displays, such as passive matrix LCDs and active matrix LCDs. The present invention achieves improved drive and control of displays through the use of real time computation and memory circuits to simulate the electro-optic condition and the accumulated DC bias of individual display elements. This eliminates the burden of frequent and symmetrical reversals of the drive polarity, and allows the implementation of flexible DC drive methodologies.

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201792112A1

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201990104A1

12-06-2013 дата публикации

Polarity inversion driving method, driving device and liquid crystal display equipment

Номер: CN103151012A

The invention discloses a polarity inversion driving method, a polarity inversion driving device and liquid crystal display equipment, and relates to the technical field of liquid crystal display. Flickering caused by polarity inversion (POL) is weakened. The polarity inversion driving method is used for inversing polarities of pixels on a liquid crystal panel, and comprises the following steps of: generating a polarity inversion reference signal, wherein the polarity inversion reference signal is used for reflecting the selection of the polarities of the pixels of each row on the liquid crystal panel; generating a control signal, wherein the control signal comprises a control level generated in m frames, m is an integer more than or equal to 2, and the width of the control level in each of the m frames is gradually increased to be equal to the time length of one frame according to a time sequence, or is gradually decreased to be zero from a value equal to the time length of one frame; ...

11-08-2010 дата публикации

Multiple-primary-color liquid crystal display device

Номер: CN0101802698A

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a multiple-primary-color liquid crystal display device that displays more smoothly and with a higher resolution than that of a conventional liquid crystal display. The multiple-primary-color liquid crystal display device of the present invention, which is a multiple-primary-color liquid crystal display device for displaying by using not less than four primary colors, is provided with a plurality of pixels composing at least two kinds of subsets, at least one of the pixels contained in a first subset among at least two subsets is capable of carrying out rendering processing to lend brightness to a second subset. Each of a plurality of pixels has first and second sub-pixels that have different intensities from each other, wherein the second subset borrows the brightness from the sub-pixel that produces higher brightness in the first and second sub-pixels of the at least one pixel.

28-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001470930A

... 一种显示装置,带有一个象素阵列,其中沿第一方向和第二方向两维排列多个象素,其中交替地反复:用来沿第二方向顺序选择象素行的每Y行N次,并且把一个图像信号施加到为属于所选择的象素行的每Y行的象素的每一个中提供的电极对的一个上;用来沿第二方向顺序选择象素行的每Z行M次,并且把一个消隐信号施加到为属于所选择的象素行的每Z行的象素的每一个中提供的电极对的一个上,而Y、N、Z、和M是满足关系M<N和Y<N/M≤Z的自然数,并且在象素每一个中的电极对的另一个保持在基准电压下;及对于供给到象素列的每一个的消隐信号相对于基准电压的极性,反转为供给到消隐信号之后的每一个像素列的图像信号的极性,从而防止水平带条出现在由象素阵列显示的图像中。 ...

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Time schedule controller, source drive IC, and source driving method

Номер: CN0105609068A

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Display device and method for driving same

Номер: CN104641409A

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Device and method for controlling driver of LCD

Номер: CN0101458909A

The invention provides a driving device and method for controlling liquid crystal display device. When the liquid crystal panel is driven by reversal process, the turn-off pattern is displayed and the reversal process is changed into another reversal process without vertical crosstalk. The driving device comprises: a timing controller for processing and inputting RGB data using special reversal process to provides data to a data driver and changing the RGB data to provides the data using the reversal driving process without crosstalk after inputting the RGB data of turn-off pattern; a strobe driver for outputting the strobe signal to each strobe line of liquid crystal panel in response to the strode signal control signal; and a data driver for providing data voltage to each data line of the liquid crystal panel in response to the digital signal control signal.

22-11-2006 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: CN0001866346A

04-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CN0101796456A

In an active-matrix display using a three-terminal element (10) for a select element (10) of a pixel (PIX), a conduction control terminal (11) of the (three) terminal element (10) is formed by using wiring (12) routed so as to extend from a scanning signal line (GL) to the self-pixel (PIX) through the area of a pixel (PIX) different from the self-pixel (PIX) which is the pixel (PIX) selected by the (three) terminal element (10). This provides the realization of a display which is hardly likely to produce a drawing effect.

18-06-2008 дата публикации

Semiconductor integrated circuit device

Номер: CN0101202003A

01-04-2009 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and its driving method, television receiver, liquid crystal display program, computer readable recording medium with liquid crystal display program recorded therein, and

Номер: CN0101401026A

A driving method for a liquid crystal display device is applicable to an active matrix type liquid crystal display device provided with a plurality of source lines; a plurality of gate lines intersecting the source lines; and a plurality of pixel forming units, wherein the pixel forming units are disposed at matrix-like intersecting points corresponding to the intersecting points of the source lines and the gate lines, respectively, and take voltages of the source lines as pixel values at the intersecting points through which the source lines pass when their corresponding gate lines are selected. In the driving method, a non-image signal is applied to the source line at every horizontal scanning period, the gate line is selected during an effective scanning period, and, thereafter from time when the gate line is not selected until before the next effective scanning period, a scanning signal line is selected in consistence with application timing of the non-image signal to the source line ...

12-02-2003 дата публикации

Drive circuit and liquid crystal display device

Номер: CN0001396580A

14-11-2007 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and liquid crystal panel drive method

Номер: CN0101071213A

A liquid crystal display device includes a liquid crystal panel including a plurality of liquid crystal cells, a common voltage generation circuit that supplies a common voltage to the liquid crystal panel, a liquid crystal drive circuit that implements control for supplying said plurality of liquid crystal cells with voltage that accords with a video signal to display an image on the liquid crystal panel, and for reversing a polarity of the voltage supplied to the plurality of liquid crystal cells, and an adjustment module that stores characteristics data for correcting fluctuations in brightness and, based on said characteristics data, adjusts the brightness of the image displayed on the liquid crystal panel.

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display panel and device

Номер: CN0105116584A

15-04-2009 дата публикации

Display device and color filter substrate

Номер: CN0101410882A

A display device is provided with a plurality of signal lines connected with pixel electrodes including first and second pixel electrodes. A distance defined between the edge of the first pixel electrode and the central line of the first signal line is larger than a distance defined between the edge of the second pixel electrode and the central line of the second signal line. Alternatively, a distance defined between the edge of the first pixel electrode and the central line of a neighboring signal line adjacent to the first signal line is larger than a distance defined between the edge of the second pixel electrode and the central line of an immediate signal line adjacent to the second signal line, wherein the first pixel electrode is put between the first signal line and the neighboring signal line while the second pixel electrode is put between the second signal line and the immediate signal line.

18-09-2018 дата публикации

The driving method, the liquid crystal display panel and electronic device

Номер: CN0105869594B

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Display device, method for driving display device, and electronic equipment

Номер: CN0103299255B

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Include an inspection of the circuit of a liquid crystal display device and inspection method thereof

Номер: CN0103680434B

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display and driving method thereof

Номер: CN101494034B

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Display driving apparatus and display apparatus comprising the same

Номер: CN0101154367B

A display driving apparatus that drives display pixels having pixel electrodes arrayed in rows and columns on the basis of display data includes a signal generating circuit generates a driving signal for sequentially sets the respective display pixels corresponding to the respective rows in a selected state, and applies a signal voltage corresponding to a gradation value of the display data to the pixel electrode of each display pixel. The display driving apparatus also includes a correcting circuit that corrects the driving signal in accordance with selecting operation by the driving signal for each display pixel, and brings the magnitude of the signal voltage with respect to the gradation value of the display data, which is to be applied to the pixel electrode of each display pixel, close to the same value, and applies the corrected driving signal to each of the display pixels set in the selected state.

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Display device and method for the elimination of offset

Номер: CN0103021351B

06-08-2014 дата публикации

Image display method of plane display device

Номер: CN102136243B

13-04-2005 дата публикации

Image processing circuit and image data processing method, electrooptical device and electronic device

Номер: CN0001197048C

23-07-2008 дата публикации

Display panel driving circuit

Номер: CN0100405452C

13-01-2010 дата публикации

Drive circuit for display apparatus and display apparatus

Номер: CN0100580756C

A drive circuit that is an example of the present invention is a drive circuit of a display device for outputting in parallel the analog picture signals generated based on the digital picture signals inputted in serial. This circuit comprises a level shift circuit for converting the voltage level of the digital picture signals that were inputted in serial, a D/A conversion circuit for generating analog picture signals based on the digital picture signals that were subjected to level conversion with the level shift circuit, and an expansion circuit connected to the output side of the D/A conversion circuit or between the level shift circuit and the D/A conversion circuit and serving to expand and hold the inputted serial picture signals in parallel and output the picture signals in parallel. The level shift circuit is thus formed in the front stage of the picture signal register circuit.

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for driving an active matrix liquid crystal display device

Номер: CN101364394B

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: CN0106097950A

12-09-2001 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: CN0001071025C

20-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002656757B1

05-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002833742B1

05-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002970091B1
Принадлежит: LIU

07-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002901905A1

Chaque image couleur est décomposée en au moins une série d'au moins trois images primaires successives de couleurs primaires différentes, qui sont affichées successivement par modulation de la durée d'activation des pixels d'un imageur selon l'invention on resserre la distribution des phases d'activation des pixels dans les trois sous-trames successives : on décale les périodes d'activation des pixels de la première image primaire vers la fin de la sous-trame de cette première image, et, lors de la sous-trame de la troisième image primaire, on décale les périodes d'activation des pixels de cette troisième image primaire vers le début de la sous-trame de cette troisième image. On diminue ainsi avantageusement les défauts de rupture de couleur ...

24-10-2003 дата публикации

Addressing technique for bistable nematic liquid crystal display uses time offset signals applied to line with two voltage parts

Номер: FR0002838858A1

La présente invention concerne un procédé d'adressage électrique d'un écran matriciel à cristal liquide nématique bistable et à cassure d'ancrage, comprenant les étapes qui consistent à appliquer des signaux électriques contrôlés respectivement sur des électrodes de lignes et sur des électrodes de colonne de l'écran, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend les étapes qui consistent à adresser simultanément plusieurs lignes, à l'aide de signaux de lignes semblables et décalés temporellement d'un délai supérieur ou égal au temps d'application des tensions colonnes, lesdits signaux d'adressage lignes comprenant dans une première période au moins une valeur de tension permettant d'effectuer une cassure d'ancrage de tous les pixels de la ligne, puis une deuxième période permettant de déterminer l'état final des pixels composant la ligne adressée, cet état final étant fonction de la valeur de chacun des signaux électriques appliquée sur les colonnes correspondantes.

02-04-1993 дата публикации

Matrix screen with electro-optical cells

Номер: FR0002681973A1

La présente invention concerne les écrans matriciels comportant une pluralité de cellules électro-optiques arrangées en lignes et en colonnes, chaque cellule étant connectée à un conducteur de ligne (L1 à Lm) par un élément de commutation. Conformément à l'invention, chaque extrémité des conducteurs de colonne (C1 à Cn) est connectée à un circuit de commande (4, 5), un des circuits de commande fonctionnant en mode échantillonnage de ligne pendant que l'autre fonctionne en mode transfert et vice et versa. L'invention s'applique aux écrans à cristaux liquides.

12-10-2012 дата публикации

DISPLAY UNIT HAS Liquid crystals

Номер: FR0002973894A1
Принадлежит: LIU

La publication fournit l'information sur l'appareil ACL et la conception de l'élément du pixel de celui-ci. L'appareil ACL comprend le registre, le panneau ACL, le circuit de commande, l'unité d'ajustement de la fréquence dynamique et un circuit de contrôle. Le panneau ACL comprend plusieurs condensateurs des cristaux liquides et plusieurs unités des pixels. Le circuit de commande comprend plusieurs condensateurs de stockage correspondants aux condensateurs des cristaux liquides. La capacité électrique des condensateurs de stockage dépasse la mesure de la capacité électrique des condensateurs des cristaux liquides. Le circuit de commande projette l'information des images sur le panneau ACL. L'unité d'ajustement de la fréquence dynamique calcule et évalue sur la base de la classification des caractéristiques des images de l'information des images afin de générer le signal de contrôle d'affichage du mode en manière dynamique.

02-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002890224A1

Le dispositif d'affichage à cristaux liquides comprend une matrice de cellules de cristal liquide, un premier circuit de partage de charge (106) agencé sur un côté de la matrice de cellules de cristal liquide pour précharger des lignes de données (D1 à Dm) avant que les lignes de données ne soient chargées avec une tension de données. Le dispositif comprend également un second circuit de partage de charge (105) à l'extérieur de l'autre côté de la matrice de cellules de cristal liquide pour précharger les lignes de données avant que les lignes de données ne soient chargées avec une tension de données. Système d'affichage à cristaux liquides permettant de réduire le courant consommé et la génération de chaleur dans un circuit intégré de données.

20-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002833742A1

L'invention concerne l'afficheur à cristal liquide qui est capable de réduire la consommation de puissance et en outre d'améliorer la qualité de l'image. Un afficheur à cristal liquide comprend un panneau à cristal liquide 12 présentant des cellules à cristal liquide définies entre des lignes de grilles (GL1 - GLn) croisant des lignes de données (DL1 - DLm+1), qui sont alternativement reliées à des tracés en couches minces à l'une ou l'autre des lignes de données adjacentes, par blocs de i horizontal, i étant un nombre positif. L'afficheur présente un pilote de grilles 14 pour le pilotage des lignes de grilles, et un pilote de données 16 pour le pilotage des lignes de données et inclut une matrice de multiplexeur pour déterminer un canal de sortie d'un pixel de données appliquées en entrée et ajouter une donnée blanche en réponse à des signaux de contrôle dont la polarité est inversée par blocs de i lignes horizontales. L'afficheur présente encore une matrice de convertisseur numérique ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100524443B1

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100375901B1

10-01-2008 дата публикации

Low Power Multi-Phase Driving Method for Liquid Crystal Display

Номер: KR0100793667B1

21-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100777705B1

21-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100553325B1

17-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101256232B1

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102100815B1

09-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100435129B1

01-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100260465B1

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101354386B1

23-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102091434B1

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101446381B1

08-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100821016B1

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101279350B1

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100839702B1

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20120013817A1

A liquid crystal display device includes a substrate, a gate line, first and second data lines, a first power line, first, second, third and fourth switching elements, and first, second, third and fourth pixel electrodes. The first switching element is connected to the gate line and the first data line. The second switching element is connected to the gate line and the first power line. The third switching element is connected to the gate line and the second data line. The fourth switching element is connected to the gate line and the first power line. The first to fourth pixel electrodes are connected to the first to fourth switching elements, respectively. Thus, a light leakage may be prevented and an aperture ratio of a display substrate may be enhanced.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Electro-optic device and stereoscopic vision display apparatus

Номер: US20120033057A1
Автор: Hirosada Horiguchi
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An electro-optic device includes: an electro-optic panel displaying a display image with illumination light emitted from an illumination device; a display control circuit controlling the electro-optic panel to display a right-eye image during a right display period and display a left-eye image during a left display period; a glasses control circuit controlling a right-eye shutter of stereoscopic vision glasses so as to maintain an open state during the right display period, controlling a left-eye shutter of stereoscopic vision glasses so as to maintain an open state during the left display period, and controlling both the right-eye shutter and the left-eye shutter so as to maintain a close state during a blocking period; and an illumination control circuit controlling the illumination device to vary an intensity of the illumination light in a pulsed shape during the blocking period.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Display Apparatus, Liquid Crystal Display Apparatus, Drive Method For Display Apparatus, And Television Receiver

Номер: US20120038834A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In at least one embodiment a ripple, generated in an electric potential of data signal lines even in long-term reversal driving, is reduced and display quality is improved. In at least one example embodiment, the liquid crystal display apparatus of the present invention includes scanning signal lines and data signal lines, in which one scanning pulse is outputted to select one scanning signal line, each of the data signal lines receives data signals whose polarities are reversed per one vertical scanning period while in one horizontal scanning period, one of two data signal lines receives a data signal having a polarity and the other of the two data signal lines receives another data signal having another polarity, the two data signal lines being arranged adjacent to each other, scanning pulses are successively outputted in sets of two, and at a timing in which two scanning pulses fall, two scanning pulses rise.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20120044427A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

When each of R, G, and B pixels continuously display identical gray scales (1023 gray scale) in a liquid crystal display device in which the thicknesses of the liquid crystal layers are of R pixel>G pixel>B pixel, the R pixel is alternately supplied with a positive signal potential (SHR1023) and a negative signal potential (SLR1023), the G pixel is alternately supplied with a positive signal potential (SHG1023) and a negative signal potential (SLG1023), and the B pixel is alternately supplied with a positive signal potential (SHB1023) and a negative signal potential (SLB1023). A first middle value (SMR1023) that between SHR1023 and SLR1023 is set higher than a second middle value (SMG1023) that is between SHG1023 and SLG1023, and second middle value (SMG1023) is set higher than a third middle value (SMB1023) that is between SHB1023 and SLB1023.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Electro-optical device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120062532A1
Автор: Kenya Watanabe
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

The electro-optical device includes a first electrode for inverting a polarity, a second electrode opposite to the first electrode, and liquid crystals interposed between these electrodes. Before a polarity inversion timing, the scanning line driver circuit simultaneously selects two or more scanning lines of the plural scanning lines, and the data line driver circuit outputs an offset potential with the polarity opposite to that of the potential of the first electrode thereafter, to a data line. On the other hand, after the polarity inversion timing, the scanning line driver circuit individually selects each of the plural scanning lines, and the data line driver circuit outputs the data potential corresponding to the potential polarity of the first electrode thereafter, to the data line.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Image display device and transmission signal control method to be used in same

Номер: US20120068977A1
Автор: Kouichi Ooga
Принадлежит: NLT Technologeies Ltd

An image display device and a transmission signal control method to be used in same and more particularly to the image display device and the transmission signal control method that can be suitably used when transmission wirings for data signal based on a video signal become complicated due to configurations of a large-sized and high-definition image display device.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Driving circuit and operating method thereof

Номер: US20120075263A1
Принадлежит: Raydium Semiconductor Corp

A driving circuit and an operating method thereof are disclosed. The driving circuit includes at least one first channel, at least one second channel, a selecting module, and at least one switching module. The selecting module is coupled to input ends of the first channel and the second channel. The at least one switching module is coupled to output ends of the at least one first channel and the at least one second channel. The selecting module and the switching module will perform corresponding switching actions to make the driving circuit selectively under a first operating mode or a second operating mode.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Driving circuit and method for driving a display

Номер: US20120086677A1

In one aspect of the invention, a method for driving a display includes the steps of processing input image signals into pixel signals associated with the pixel matrix and grayscales of the display, generating a polarity control signal POL, and determining transmitting paths of the pixel signals according to the polarity control signal POL, and writing the pixel signals into the pixel matrix of the display along the determined transmitting paths.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

3d image display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120086706A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A method of driving a 3D image display device includes according to an embodiment receiving 3D data and separating a 3D input frame including the 3D data into a left-eye data frame and a right-eye data frame; doubling the left-eye data frame into the original left-eye data frame and a copied left-eye data frame and doubling the right-eye data frame into the original right-eye data frame and a copied right-eye data frame; and modulating the original left-eye data frame to a first modulated left-eye data frame based on the copied right-eye data frame arranged prior to the original left-eye data frame, modulating the copied left-eye data frame, and the copied right-eye data frame.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Shift Register, Display-Driving Circuit, Displaying Panel, And Displaying Device

Номер: US20120092311A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

Disclosed is a shift register for use in a display driving circuit that simultaneously selects signal lines, including, in a stage thereof: a flip-flop including an initialization terminal; and a signal generating circuit that receives a simultaneous selection signal and that generates an output signal of the stage by use of an output of the flip-flop, wherein: the output signal of the stage becomes active due to an activation of the simultaneous selection signal so as to be active during a period of the simultaneous selection; the output of the flip-flop is non-active while the initialization terminal, a set terminal, and a reset terminal of the flip-flop; and the initialization terminal of the flip-flop receives the simultaneous selection signal. This shift register makes it possible to downsize various drivers.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Display Driving Circuit, Display Device And Display Driving Method

Номер: US20120092317A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display driving circuit which carries out CC driving is configured such that a polarity of a data signal to be supplied to a source line is reversed every two horizontal scanning periods and a signal electric potential written from the source line to a pixel electrode changes in a different direction every two adjacent rows. In at least one example embodiment, this allows, in a display device which carries out CC driving, enhancement of a display quality by removing lateral stripes that are produced in a display video while n-line reversal driving is being carried out.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120098738A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

It is an object of the present invention to provide a display device in which problems such as an increase of power consumption and increase of a load of when light is emitted are reduced by using a method for realizing pseudo impulsive driving by inserting an dark image, and a driving method thereof. A display device which displays a gray scale by dividing one frame period into a plurality of subframe periods, where one frame period is divided into at least a first subframe period and a second subframe period; and when luminance in the first subframe period to display the maximum gray scale is Lmax 1 and luminance in the second subframe period to display the maximum gray scale is Lmax 2 , (1/2) Lmax 2 <Lmax 1 <(9/10) Lmax 2 is satisfied in the one frame period, is provided.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and potential setting method for the same

Номер: US20120105510A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A liquid crystal display device includes source bus lines, gate bus lines intersecting with the source bus lines, pixels arranged in a matrix to correspond to intersections between the gate bus lines and the source bus lines, each of the pixels including a TFT, a pixel electrode, a common electrode, and a liquid crystal layer, and a potential control section for controlling the potential of the common electrode. The potential control section sets a voltage, obtained by reducing potential V cenf255 of the common electrode at which flicker is minimum in display of gray level as black display and gray level as white display alternately every pixel by a predetermined voltage, as center voltage V cen255 of the potential of the common electrode in display of gray level for all the pixels.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Drive device for liquid crystal display panel

Номер: US20120133577A1
Автор: Kenji Gondo
Принадлежит: Kyocera Display Corp

A drive device for driving a liquid crystal display panel by column inversion driving, whereby power consumption is further reduced. In an output buffer 251 to apply a voltage to source wirings, in a prescribed period after initiation of driving at one frame, a bias circuit 262 gives a bias voltage to lower the driving ability of an amplifier 261 , whereby a first switch 263 becomes an open state and a second switch 264 becomes a closed state. Upon termination of the prescribed period, the first switch 263 becomes a closed state and the second switch 264 becomes an open state, whereby a source wiring is driven by a voltage signal from a D-A converter.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display panel, pixel circuit and driving method of differential voltage driven device therein

Номер: US20120162181A1

A display panel, a pixel circuit and a driving method of a differential voltage driving device are disclosed. The driving method includes: respectively supplying an alternating common voltage in a first polarity and a first display data in a second polarity to two terminals of the differential voltage driven device in a first frame; disconnecting the differential voltage driven device from the alternating common voltage, thereby keeping one terminal of the differential voltage driving device at the first polarity of the alternating common voltage; converting the alternating common voltage to the second polarity in a second frame which is consecutive to the first frame; and respectively supplying the alternating common voltage in the second polarity and a second display data in the first polarity to the two terminals of the differential voltage driving device in the second frame, here the first polarity is inverse to the second polarity.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display panel

Номер: US20120162278A1

An exemplary display panel includes a plurality of monochrome pixels, a plurality of data lines and a plurality of control lines. Each monochrome pixel provides a specific color on the display panel. The data lines are electrically coupled to the monochrome pixels for providing the display data. The data lines includes a first data line electrically coupled to a part of the monochrome pixels, and the specific colors provided by the part of the monochrome pixels are of the same color. Besides, each of the control lines is electrically coupled to a part of the monochrome pixels for controlling the part of the monochrome pixels electrically coupled thereto whether to receive the display data from the data lines.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Driver circuit

Номер: US20120162287A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Displays Ltd

A driver circuit including a DA converting circuit that converts video data input from the outside to a grayscale voltage; an amplifying circuit that amplifies the grayscale voltage; and a switch circuit that selects the grayscale voltage output from the amplifying circuit and a predetermined voltage as a voltage that is output to the image line. When video data indicating a minimum grayscale, the switch circuit outputs the predetermined voltage to the image line, and when video data indicating a grayscale other than the minimum grayscale is input, the switch circuit outputs the grayscale voltage output from the amplifying circuit to the image line. The predetermined voltage allows a voltage of the pixel electrode and a voltage of the counter electrode after passage of the writing of the image voltage to be coincident with each other.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Display driving circuit and operating methods

Номер: US20120169783A1
Автор: Hyun-Sang Park

A display driving circuit includes a buffer unit receiving gradation voltages and generating data signals that drive a panel. A first buffer unit includes “M” main buffers corresponding to M data lines of the panel and a second buffer unit comprises “N” sub buffers, N being less than M. A first switch unit controls a transmission path along which the gradation voltages are applied to the buffer unit, and a second switch unit controls a transmission path along which the data signals are supplied to the data lines. Switches in the second switch unit are turned ON during charge sharing.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20120188297A1
Автор: Takaji Numao
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A pixel circuit includes a first sub-dot unit including a thin film transistor and a liquid crystal element, and a second sub-dot unit including thin film transistors and liquid crystal elements. During a selection period, some thin film transistors are turned to an ON state, and in a subsequent voltage adjustment period, another transistor is turned to the ON state. The second sub-dot unit is configured such that when shifting to the voltage adjustment period, a voltage applied to the liquid crystal element changes according to changes in states of the thin film transistors, excluding a case in which a maximum gradation voltage has been applied to the source line during the selection period. With this, for a display device pixels including a plurality of sub-dots, it is possible to set the transmittances of all of the plurality of sub-dots to a level corresponding to the maximum gradation voltage.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Lcd and driving method applicable thereto

Номер: US20120200541A1

Provided is a driving method applicable to an LCD. Whether to perform polarity conversion on a plurality of frames is determined respectively. The frames are displayed, wherein in a unit time, the number of times of converting the polarities of the frames is smaller than the number of times of updating the frames.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Multiple polarity inversion driving method and display driver, timing controller, and display device using the same

Номер: US20120200553A1

A multiple polarity inversion driving method is provided, capable of being operated in a number of inversion schemes, and being flexibly adjusted in accordance with different design requirements and application conditions. The driving method includes providing display data in accordance with an inversion switching time unit as a repeated time unit. The inversion switching time unit has a number of different types of polarity distribution pattern intervals. Additionally, the display data provided to the different types of polarity distribution pattern intervals respectively have different types of polarity distribution patterns on the display.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Display driving circuit, display device, and display driving method

Номер: US20120200614A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In a display device (i) which carries out a display based on a video signal whose resolution has been converted to higher resolution (high-resolution conversion driving) and (ii) which carries out CC driving, when the resolution of the video signal is converted by a factor of 2 (double-size display), assuming that a direction in which the gate lines extend is a row-wise direction, signal potentials having the same polarity and the same gray scale are supplied to pixel electrodes included in respective two pixels that correspond to two adjacent gate lines and that are adjacent to each other in the column-wise direction (scanning direction), and a direction of change in the signal potentials written to the pixel electrodes from the source lines varies every two adjacent rows according to the polarities of the signal potentials.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Driving circuit and voltage generating circuit and display unit using the same

Номер: US20120212471A1
Автор: Katsumi Abe
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

To provide a liquid crystal display capable of implementing a symmetrical frame and a narrower frame without lowering drive capability of a common drive circuit. [Solution] A liquid crystal display substrate 10 has a data driver circuit 2 and a gate driver circuit 3 for driving the liquid crystal display integrated thereon together with a common drive circuit 4 , where common voltages VCOMH and VCOML are applied from the outside through a pad. The gate driver circuit 3 is placed to be adjacent to one of the four terminals of the liquid crystal display. The common drive circuit 4 is placed to be adjacent to the terminal opposite to where the gate driver circuit 3 is placed and as close to the pad as possible while having almost the same width as the area of the gate driver circuit 3 . The pad close to where the common drive circuit 4 is placed is used as the pad for applying the common voltages VCOMH and VCOML.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device free of upper substrate electrode and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120235965A1
Автор: Cheng-Chiu Pai

In a liquid crystal display device free of upper substrate, a plurality of independent common lines are provided, and a specified one of the plurality of common lines is electrically coupled to a specified group of pixels. A voltage level of the specified common line is changed from a first level to a second level before data are written into the specified group of pixels; and the voltage level of the specified common line is kept at the second level after the data are written into the specified group of pixels.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Pixel circuit, display device, and method for driving display device

Номер: US20120249512A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

Provided is a pixel circuit which includes a plurality of subpixel circuits and which makes it possible to suppress overshooting of electric potentials of the subpixel circuits to a small level. A pixel circuit (PIX 1 ) includes a first subpixel circuit (PIXA) and a second subpixel circuit (PIXB). The first subpixel circuit (PIXA) includes a first display element (ClcA), a first node (nA), a first external connection terminal (P 1 ), and a first switching element (T 1 ). The second subpixel circuit (PIXB) includes a second display element (ClcB), a second node (nB), a second external connection terminal (P 2 ), a third external connection terminal (P 3 ), a second switching element (T 2 ), and a third switching element (T 3 ). The first node (nA) and the second node (nB) are connected to each other via a first capacitor (C 2 ).

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Pixel array of fringe field switching liquid crystal display panel and driving method thereof

Номер: US20120249943A1
Автор: Cheng-Chiu Pai

A pixel array of a fringe field switching (FFS) liquid crystal display panel includes a plurality of gate lines, a plurality of data line, a plurality of pixel electrodes, and a plurality of common lines. The gate lines are disposed parallel to each other along a first direction. The data lines are disposed parallel to each other along a second direction. A plurality of sub-pixel regions is defined by the gate lines and the data lines. The common lines are disposed along the first direction and electrically isolated from each other. Each of the common lines includes a plurality of common electrodes extending along the second direction. The two adjacent common electrodes of each common line are respectively disposed in the two adjacent sub-pixel regions which are located in different rows.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20120299899A1
Автор: Yoshimitsu Yamauchi
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display device which can prevent deterioration of a liquid crystal and reduction in display quality at low power consumption without lowering an aperture ratio is provided. An opposite voltage (Vcom) is applied to an opposite electrode ( 80 ) of a liquid crystal capacitive element (Clc). One ends of a pixel electrode ( 20 ), a first switch circuit ( 22 ), a second switch circuit ( 23 ), and a first terminal of a second transistor (T 2 ) form an internal node (N 1 ). The other ends of the first switch circuit ( 22 ) and the second switch circuit ( 23 ) are connected to a source line (SL) and a voltage supply line (VSL), respectively. A control terminal of a first transistor (T 1 ) in the second switch circuit ( 23 ), a second terminal of the second transistor (T 2 ), and one end of a boost capacitive element (Cbst) form an output node (N 2 ). The other end of the boost capacitive element (Cbst) and the control terminal of the second transistor (T 2 ) are connected to a boost line (BST) and a reference line (REF), respectively. This configuration makes it possible to perform an action (self-refresh action) to return the absolute value of the voltage between both ends of a display element part to the value at the time of a last writing action without performing a writing action.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Active matrix substrate, liquid crystal panel, liquid crystal display device, television receiver

Номер: US20120300133A1
Автор: Yuhichi Saitoh
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An active matrix substrate of the present invention includes: data signal lines; scanning signal lines (GLi); transistors connected with the data signal lines and the scanning signal lines (GLi); and retention capacitor lines (CSLi). One pixel region includes a plurality of pixel electrodes. A CS driver ( 46 ) for outputting a retention capacitor line signal to drive the retention capacitor lines is formed monolithically. In one pixel region, a pixel electrode and a retention capacitor line corresponding to the pixel electrode forms a retention capacitor therebetween. This allows the liquid crystal display device based on a pixel-division system to have a liquid crystal panel with a narrower frame.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Display device and display driving method

Номер: US20120327137A1
Автор: Kohji Saitoh
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A display device includes a display screen in which pixels each made up of at least two rows and two columns of subpixels R, G, B, and W corresponding to a plurality of colors are two-dimensionally disposed so that a desired color is displayed by a combination of the plurality of colors. Horizontal lines in each of which subpixels are aligned in a row direction are scanned so that (i) gate bus lines corresponding to horizontal lines each including a specific color subpixel are selected and (ii) gate bus lines corresponding to horizontal lines each including no specific color subpixel are non-selected, the specific color subpixel being a subpixel of a specific color for which driving is desired.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Electro-optical device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130010006A1
Автор: Akihiko Ito
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

In one unit period of a display period, each pair of two scanning lines is selected and a gray scale potential corresponding to an image signal of pixels of one scanning line of each pair of scanning lines is supplied to each signal line. In another unit period, the other scanning line of each pair of scanning lines is selected and a gray scale potential corresponding to an image signal of the pixels of the other scanning line is supplied to each signal line.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130016137A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Each image signal line S is connected alternately to a plurality of sub-pixels P positioned on one side of the image signal line S and a plurality of sub-pixels P positioned on the other side. During one frame period, image signals having either one of the positive and negative polarities are input to the first, third, fourth, and sixth image signal lines S 1, S 3, S 4, and S 6 of the eight image signal lines S 1 to S 8 that constitute a unit array of the image signal lines during one frame period, while image signals having the other polarity are input to the remaining image signal lines S 2, S 5, S 7, and S 8. According to this liquid crystal display device, it is possible to prevent flicker in image and to prevent the common electrode position from becoming different from the base potential, while preventing increase of power consumption.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

LCD device and a related driving method

Номер: US20130021321A1
Автор: Chihtsung Kang

The present invention proposes a LCD device and a driving method thereof. Before required data voltage is applied on each pixel, each pixel is pre-charged to a high voltage level by adjusting outputted voltage level of a common line, thereby over-driving each pixel. The present invention also discloses a method of driving a LCD device. The present invention does not need the frame buffer such that the cost is reduced. Furthermore, a complicated timing function is not required to perform the over-driving operation. Moreover, the liquid crystal molecules of the pixels are not instantly driven to rotate through an incorrect angle if a prior art method of looking up tables to perform the over-driving operation.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display apparatus

Номер: US20130063410A1
Автор: Masayuki Abe
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The liquid crystal display apparatus includes a liquid crystal modulation element including first and second electrode, a liquid crystal layer disposed between the first and second electrodes, a first alignment film disposed between the first electrode and the liquid crystal layer, and a second alignment film disposed between the second electrode and the liquid crystal layer. The apparatus further includes a controller that respectively provides first and second electric potentials to the first and second electrodes such that a sign of an electric field generated in the liquid crystal layer is cyclically inverted in a modulation operation state. The controller respectively provides third and fourth electric potentials to the first and second electrodes such that the sign of the electric field is fixed in a state other than the modulation operation state. The apparatus can avoid an influence by cumulated charged particles without adding a new member.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130063657A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A display apparatus and a driving method thereof capable of assuring reliability in frame inversion driving and improving cinema video image quality are provided. To accomplish this, a display apparatus of the embodiment replaces at least one of a plurality of frame images obtained by doubling the frame rate, with a different image before display. Specifically, the display apparatus replaces at least one of the double-speed converted plural frame images with a high-frequency emphasized image and at least one with a low-frequency component image, and displays the frame images. Furthermore, the display apparatus replaces an image at the border between cinema images with a different image before displaying.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Lcd panel

Номер: US20130093747A1
Автор: Xiu-feng Zhou

The present invention discloses an LCD panel. The LCD panel comprises data lines, scan lines, and pixel units. Two arbitrarily adjacent data lines are respectively coupled to two data driver terminals outputting driving signals with opposite polarities. Three adjacent data lines intersect five adjacent scan lines to define eight pixel units of 4 rows*2 columns. In the pixel units in the (2n+1) th column, the pixel units in the (4m+1) th and (4m+4) th rows are coupled to the (2n+1) th data line, and the pixel units in the (4m+2) th and (4m+3) th rows are coupled to the (2n+2) th data line. In the pixel units in the (2n+2) th column, the pixel units in the (4m+1) th and (4m+4) th rows are coupled to the (2n+2) th data line, and the pixel units in the (4m+2) th and (4m+3) th rows are coupled to the (2n+3) th data line, wherein m, n are non-negative integers.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Display panel and display apparatus having the same

Номер: US20130106819A1

The display panel includes: a gate line; a data line which crosses the gate line and receives a data voltage from a data driver; a thin film transistor (TFT) which is formed at an intersection between the gate line and the data line; a common voltage unit which supplies a common voltage; a capacitor; and a switching unit which shuts off a supply of the data voltage and the common voltage and changes a charging electric potential of the capacitor into a black electric potential upon receiving a data signal corresponding to a black frame formed between image frames.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor display device

Номер: US20130134416A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

In the case where a still image is displayed on a pixel portion having a pixel, for example, a driver circuit for controlling writing of an image signal having image data to the pixel portion stops by stopping supply of power supply voltage to the driver circuit, and writing of an image signal to the pixel portion is stopped. After the driver circuit stops, supply of power supply voltage to a panel controller for controlling the operation of the driver circuit and an image memory for storing the image data is stopped, and supply of power supply voltage to a CPU for collectively controlling the operation of the panel controller, the image memory, and a power supply controller for controlling supply of power supply voltage to a variety of circuits in a semiconductor display device is stopped.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display and driving method of liquid crystal display

Номер: US20130141411A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc

According to one embodiment, a display includes pixel electrodes arranged in a matrix, gate lines extending along rows, signal lines extending along columns, storage capacitance lines extending along the rows to superpose a voltage on the pixel electrodes, a counterelectrode opposed to the pixel electrodes, a driver to drive the gate lines, the signal lines, and the storage capacitance lines, and a controller to control the driver. The controller sequentially drives the gate lines to write from the signal lines to the pixel electrodes and, after the write to the pixel electrodes, changes a potential of each of the storage capacitance lines to cause alignment of the liquid crystal layer to make a transition from splay alignment to bend alignment.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Image dithering module

Номер: US20130141455A1
Автор: Jian-Chao Wang

An image dithering module is provided. The image dithering module includes a plurality of data processing channels. The data processing channels respectively process image data of each pixel or sub-pixel in an image frame. Each of the data processing channels includes a bit processing unit and a bit truncator unit. The bit processing unit mixes first pixel data with random data to generate second pixel data. The bit truncator unit truncates partial bits of the second pixel data to generate third pixel data.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, projector and image processing method

Номер: US20130162698A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A driving device of a display apparatus includes a calculation unit which calculates a correction value to correct a gradation value of a pixel that is a correction target on the basis of n gradation values that corresponds to n pixels and a correction unit which corrects the gradation value of a pixel that is a correction target on the basis of the correction value and the calculation unit performs a first calculation in a case in which a gradation value among the n gradation values is included in a first range, performs a second calculation in a case in which a gradation value among the n gradation values is included in a second range, respectively performs the first calculation or the second calculation on the n gradation values, and calculates the correction value on the basis of the calculation results performed on the n gradation values.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130169618A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Liquid Crystal Display Co Ltd

A liquid crystal display device includes: a liquid crystal display unit that includes pixels and displays an image based on an input image signal input for each of frames; a drive unit that applies a voltage based on the input image signal to the pixels of the liquid crystal display unit while inverting a polarity of the voltage for each of the frames; a signal discrimination unit that discriminates whether the input image signal is an interlaced signal; and a signal generation unit that generates a phase inversion enabling signal for inverting a phase of the polarity of the voltage applied to the pixels, in a case where the signal discrimination unit discriminates that the input image signal is the interlaced signal. The drive unit inverts the phase of the polarity of the voltage applied to the pixels when the signal generation unit generates the phase inversion enabling signal.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display

Номер: US20130181964A1
Принадлежит: Himax Technologies Ltd

A liquid crystal display (LCD) including a LCD panel having a plurality of pixels, a source driver outputting a plurality of pixel voltages to the LCD panel, a gate driver, and a timing controller is provided. During performing a polarity inversion on a polarity signal corresponding to a first frame, the timing controller sequentially outputs a first start signal and a second start signal to the gate driver in a first frame period corresponding to the first frame. The gate driver sequentially outputs a plurality of first scan signals and a plurality of second scan signals to the LCD panel according to the first start signal and the second start signal, so that the brightness corresponding to a plurality of gray levels in the first frame are equal to the brightness corresponding to the gray levels in a plurality of previous frames and a plurality of following frames.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Three dimensional lcd monitor display

Номер: US20130187841A1
Автор: Casimer M. DeCusatis
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Creating a three dimensional (3D) image on a liquid crystal display (LCD) including providing a light source, a pixel matrix, and a plurality of electrodes for applying a voltage to the pixel matrix. The pixel matrix includes a plurality of first pixels having a first polarization and a plurality of second pixels having a second polarization. A first light is emitted from the light source, and first voltage is applied to at least one of the plurality of first pixels. A second light is emitted from the second light source and a second voltage is applied to at least one of the plurality of second pixels.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Circuit for outputting overdrive voltages of a liquid crystal panel and method thereof

Номер: US20130187901A1
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

A circuit for outputting overdrive voltages of a liquid crystal panel includes a memory unit and an overdrive unit. The overdrive unit includes a first lookup table, a second lookup table, and a selector. The memory unit stores a plurality of second pixel voltages corresponding to a second frame displayed by the liquid crystal panel and outputs a plurality of first pixel voltages corresponding to a first frame displayed by the liquid crystal panel stored in the memory unit. The overdrive unit looks up the first lookup table and the second lookup table to generate a first overdrive voltage and a second overdrive voltage according to each first pixel voltage and a corresponding second pixel voltage. The selector outputs the first overdrive voltage or the second overdrive voltage according to a polarity signal and a frame signal.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130215096A1
Автор: Tae-Jin Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A method of driving a display apparatus including a plurality of pixels that respectively store a voltage level corresponding to a data signal and respectively include a storage capacitor connected between a pixel electrode and a second common voltage electrode, the method including operations of determining whether image data of a current frame is changed, compared to image data of a previous frame, when the image data of the current frame is changed, storing a voltage level corresponding to the image data of the current frame in the storage capacitor of each of the plurality of pixels, and when the image data of the current frame is not changed, changing a level of a second common voltage applied to the second common voltage electrode of each of the plurality of pixels.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130222216A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A display apparatus includes a first pixel, a second pixel, a first selector, and a second selector. The first pixel includes first sub-pixels connected to a first gate line and respectively connected to corresponding data lines included in a first data line group and the second pixel includes second sub-pixels connected to a second gate line adjacent to the first gate line and respectively connected to corresponding data lines, one of which is included in a second data line group different from the first data line group. The first selector applies first data signals to one of odd-numbered data lines, and the second selector applies second data signals having a different polarity from the second data signals to one of even-numbered data lines.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Display device, display driving method, and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130234954A1
Автор: Gen Koide
Принадлежит: Japan Display West Inc

A display device includes: a pixel array portion in which plural pixels in which display gradations are controlled based on written pixel signals are disposed in row and column directions; plural scanning lines disposed in the pixel array portion and supplying scanning pulses for the pixels in the rows; plural signal lines disposed in the pixel array portion and supplying the pixel signals for the pixels in the columns; a scanning line driver successively supplying the scanning pulses to the plural scanning lines and causing the pixels in the rows to carry out write of the pixel signals; and a signal line driver outputting the pixel signals for the pixels to the plural signal lines, and intermittently outputting a charge voltage with lower electric potential than a predetermined pixel signal voltage once or more for one frame period of time to each of the plural signal lines.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235026A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Kaoru

Provided is a monolithic gate driver capable of performing block-reversal driving without causing deterioration of display quality or an increase in power consumption. Gate bus lines are divided into z blocks. Agate driver () is provided with a block scanning circuit (), as well as odd-numbered line scanning circuits () each provided for each block and even-numbered line scanning circuits () each provided for each block. The block scanning circuit () sequentially selects the first to z-th blocks one by one, and alternately selects the odd-numbered line scanning circuits () and the even-numbered line scanning circuits (). Each of the odd-numbered line scanning circuits () sequentially and selectively drives the odd-numbered gate bus lines included in the corresponding block. Each of the even-numbered line scanning circuits () sequentially and selectively drives the even-numbered gate bus lines included in the corresponding block. 2. (canceled)3. The scanning signal line drive circuit according to claim 1 , whereinin each of the stages that constitute the shift register, the clock signal supplied to the second electrode of the output-controlling switching element changes from a low level to a high level, after the first node is charged by the first-node charging unit and before the first node is discharged by the first-node discharging unit.4. The scanning signal line drive circuit according to claim 1 , whereina first stage of the shift register that constitutes the odd-numbered line scanning circuit is supplied with, as the start instructing signal, the state signal outputted from an odd-numbered stage of the shift register that constitutes the selection circuit,a first stage of the shift register that constitutes the even-numbered line scanning circuit is supplied with, as the start instructing signal, the state signal outputted from an even-numbered stage of the shift register that constitutes the selection circuit,the odd-numbered scanning signal lines out of the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adjusting liquid crystal display white point using column inversion

Номер: US20130241900A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for adjusting a white point of a liquid crystal display (LCD) using column inversion are provided. In one example, a method includes measuring white points of an electronic display that occur when the display employs different column inversion schemes. The display may be programmed to perform the column inversion scheme that produces a white point closest to a desired white point.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Driving control method and source driver thereof

Номер: US20130241910A1
Автор: Ju-Lin Huang, Peng-Yu Chen

A driving control method for a source driver is disclosed. The driving control method includes outputting a positive display voltage signal to a first output buffer of the source driver and outputting a negative display voltage signal to a second output buffer of the source driver according to a first control signal; and outputting a black-frame voltage signal to the first output buffer and the second output buffer according to a second control signal.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for liquid crystal display column inversion using 3-column demultiplexers

Номер: US20130241958A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for column inversion are provided. In one example, an electronic display may include a display panel having columns of pixels and display driver circuitry. The display driver circuitry may include source amplifiers and demultiplexers. Each demultiplexer may channel data output by at least one source amplifier to one of three columns of pixels. The display driver circuitry may drive the display panel according to a 3-column inversion scheme using one source amplifier per demultiplexer per frame of image data.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for liquid crystal display column inversion using reordered image data

Номер: US20130241960A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for performing column inversion using reordered image data are provided. In one example, an electronic display may include a display panel with columns of pixels and driver circuitry to drive the pixels using column inversion. The driver circuitry may drive pixels of a first superpixel in a first color order and drive pixels of an adjacent second superpixel in a second color order, such that more pixels are driven sequentially at a common polarity than would have been driven sequentially at the common polarity were the pixels of the first superpixel driven at the same color order as the pixels of the second superpixel.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130256672A1
Автор: Hajime Kimura
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

It is an object to provide a liquid crystal display device which has excellent viewing angle characteristics and higher quality. The present invention has a pixel including a first switch, a second switch, a third switch, a first resistor, a second resistor, a first liquid crystal element, and a second liquid crystal element. A pixel electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a signal line through the first switch. The pixel electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a pixel electrode of the second liquid crystal element through the second switch and the first resistor. The pixel electrode of the second liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a Cs line through the third switch and the second resistor. A common electrode of the first liquid crystal element is electrically connected to a common electrode of the second liquid crystal element.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device and Methods of Operating the Same

Номер: US20130265288A1

A liquid crystal display device is provided which includes a gate driver, a source driver, and a timing controller. The timing controller classifies an image signal and generates a gate control signal and a data control signal such that a liquid crystal panel is driven in an inversion manner corresponding to the classifying result. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a gate driver configured to drive a gate line of a liquid crystal panel in response to a gate control signal;a source driver configured to drive a data line of a liquid crystal panel in response to a data control signal; anda timing controller configured to generate the gate control signal and the data control signal,wherein the timing controller classifies an image signal and generates the gate control signal and the data control signal such that the liquid crystal panel is driven in an inversion manner corresponding to the classifying result.2. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein the timing controller classifies the image signal according to a quality sensitivity of the image signal.3. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein the timing controller generates a mode signal according to quality sensitivity of the image signal and selects an inversion manner of the liquid crystal panel in response to the mode signal.4. The liquid crystal display device of claim 3 , wherein when the mode signal is changed claim 3 , the timing controller changes the inversion manner of the liquid crystal panel in synchronization with a frame.5. The liquid crystal display device of claim 3 , wherein when the mode signal is changed claim 3 , the timing controller changes the inversion manner of the liquid crystal panel in a dimming manner.6. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein an inversion manner corresponding to the classifying result of the image signal includes an inversion manner where a frame driven in a second inversion manner is inserted in a frame of the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271439A1

A liquid crystal display device includes a plurality of video signal lines that extends in columns in a display area, a plurality of inversion control signal line each supplied with an inversion control signal for controlling inversion, a first selector that selects one of a pair of amplifiers different in the polarity from each other to input signals corresponding to a pair of adjacent video signal lines on the basis of the inversion control signal, and a second selector that selects one of a pair of the corresponding adjacent video signal lines to input signals output from the pair of amplifiers on the basis of the inversion control signal, in which at least one of the signals to be supplied to the plurality of inversion control signal lines is a signal different from other signals. 1. A liquid crystal display device , comprising:a display area in which a plurality of pixels is arrayed;a plurality of video signal lines that extends in columns in the display area, and applies a video signal voltage based on a gradation value to the plurality of pixels;a plurality of inversion control signal lines each supplied with an inversion control signal for controlling inversion drive;a first selector that selects one of a pair of amplifiers different in the polarity from each other to input signals corresponding to a pair of adjacent video signal lines on the basis of the inversion control signal that is applied to one inversion control signal line among the plurality of inversion control signal lines; anda second selector that selects one of a pair of the corresponding adjacent video signal lines to input signals output from the pair of amplifiers on the basis of the inversion control signal of the one inversion control signal line,wherein at least one of the signals to be applied to the plurality of inversion control signal lines is a signal different from other signals.2. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one signal is a signal ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285892A1

A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panel includes a pixel array, a scanning line driver, a common electrode driver, and a data line driver. During a current frame, the scanning lines receive a scanning signal. The common electrode driver applies a common electrode signal to the common electrode line during a time window in which the scanning line corresponding to the common electrode line receives the scanning signal. The data line driver applies a data signal to the data lines during a time window in which the scanning line driver outputs the scanning signal. The data signals of adjacent pixel rows have opposite polarities, the common electrode signal during the current frame is opposite to the common electrode signal during a next frame, and the data signals of the pixel row in the current frame have opposite polarities of the data signals applied on the pixel row during the next frame. 1. A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panel , comprising: a plurality of pixels, arranged in rows and columns,', 'a plurality of scanning lines, wherein each of the scanning lines is connected to one of the rows of pixels in the pixel array,', 'a plurality of common electrode lines, wherein each of the common electrode lines is connected to one of the rows of pixels in the pixel array, and', 'a plurality of data lines, wherein each of the data lines is connected to a column of pixels in the pixel array;, 'a pixel array comprisinga scanning line driving circuit connected to the scanning lines of the pixel array and configured to apply a scanning signal to each row of pixels;a common electrode driving circuit connected to the common electrode lines of the pixel array and configured to apply a common electrode signal to each row of pixels; anda data line driving circuit connected to the data lines of the pixel array and configured to apply a data signal to each column of pixels in the pixel array,wherein during a first scanning frame, the scanning line driving circuit sequentially applies a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300781A1
Автор: Lee Sang Tae

In first aspect of the invention, driving methods of gate interlaced scanning for color LCD are disclosed. This interlaced scanning involves powering odd gate lines sequentially first and then powering even gate lines sequentially, which can minimize the voltage polarity swing to reduce power consumption in source output block. In second aspect of the invention, driving methods of FSCLCD having an RGB LED backlight unit scanning with an increased LED lamp turn on time and reduced potential non-uniformity near modular light guid panel are disclosed. Novel driving methods of variabnt sub-color frame periods are also disclosed with various color sub-frames. In third aspect of the invention, a dual common electrode color LCD with a source driver IC block with lower driving voltage and lower power consumption in the display panel is disclosed, wherein each common electrode voltage has opposite voltage phase to reduce the source driving voltage. 1. A method for providing an interlaced scan in a liquid crystal display (LCD) , the method comprising:receiving a set of display data comprising N by M, wherein N is the number of columns in the display data and M is the number of rows in the display data;providing electrical power to gates at each odd line while blocking electrical power to gates at each even line for a first period within a display frame; andproviding electrical power to the gates at each even line while blocking electrical power to the gates at each odd line for a second period within the display frame, wherein temporal distribution of polarities for a particular inversion method remains unchanged in a first half of the display frame and change to opposite polarities only in a second half of the display frame.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of providing electrical power to the gates at each odd line and the step of providing electrical power to the gates at each even line utilizes electrical power provided by a source driver IC.3. The method of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314309A1
Автор: Kuwabara Nobuhiro

The present invention provides a display device in which a lateral crosstalk can be suppressed with a simple configuration. A display panel of a liquid crystal display device includes an output-end-side TFT provided on an output end side of a scanning signal line. Auxiliary capacitance lines adjacent to each other are connected via the output-end-side TFT. When a scanning signal line is in a selection state, a corresponding output-end-side TFT enters a conduction state, so that the auxiliary capacitance line and its preceding auxiliary capacitance line are connected to each other. At this time, impedance seen from a position where a potential fluctuation occurs in the auxiliary capacitance line is seemingly reduced more than that in the conventional technique. Consequently, time Tret until potential of the auxiliary capacitance line which fluctuated at the time of writing a data signal recovers to the original potential becomes shorter than that in the conventional technique. 1. A display device comprising:a plurality of data signal lines to which a plurality of data signals representing an image to be displayed are applied, respectively;scanning signal lines crossing the plurality of data signal lines and selectively driven by applying a plurality of scanning signals, respectively;a plurality of pixel circuits disposed in a matrix in correspondence with the respective intersections of the plurality of data signal lines and the plurality of scanning signal lines;a plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines disposed along the plurality of scanning signal lines, respectively;an auxiliary capacitance line drive circuit for applying a plurality of auxiliary capacitance signals for driving the plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines independently of one another to the plurality of auxiliary capacitance lines, respectively; andan output-end-side switching element provided on an output end side of each of the scanning signal lines,wherein each of the pixel circuits ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of driving a display panel, driving apparatus for performing the method and display apparatus including the driving apparatus

Номер: US20130314451A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A method of driving a display panel includes receiving an input image data, based on which the display panel displays an image, outputting a first image data during N frames corresponding to a first reference time and outputting a second image data during M frames corresponding to a second reference time based on a inversion signal, where N and M are natural number, the first image data has a first polarity equal to a polarity of the input image data, and the second image data has a second polarity inverted from the polarity of the input image data, and skipping a first frame of the first image data and a first frame of the second image data based on the inversion signal.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20130321251A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A display device includes: a plurality of gate lines extending in a row direction; a plurality of data lines; a plurality of pixels connected to the gate lines and the data lines; and a gate signal supply line connected with at least two gate lines among the plurality of gate lines. At least three data lines among the plurality of data lines are between two pixels adjacent to each other in a row direction.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Analog to digital converter

Номер: US20140002290A1
Принадлежит: Raydium Semiconductor Corp

An analog to digital converter generating a number of corresponding voltages in response to a number of values of a grey level is provided. The analog to digital converter includes a decoder and an operational amplifier. The decoder provides first to third output voltages having the same level when w most significant bits (MSBs) of the grey level correspond to the same value, provides first and second intermediate voltages in response to the x MSBs next to the w MSBs when the w MSBs correspond to different values, and selectively has the first to the third output voltages equal to one of the first and the second intermediate voltages. The operational amplifier obtains a pixel voltage by interpolating the first to the third output voltages, wherein the sum of w and x is smaller than or equal to the bit number of the gray level.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002432A1
Автор: Kuwabara Nobuhiro

In this liquid crystal display device, a potential propagation line (PVID) and video signal lines SL() to SL(M) are connected via coupling capacitive elements Cp() to Cp(M), and a capacitance drive circuit () causes the potential of the potential propagation line (PVID) to change in the same direction in which the potential of a video signal S(m) varies during a period of nonselection. As a result, even if there is not enough time to perform a precharge operation, the potentials of video signal lines can be similarly raised or lowered without performing a precharge operation. 1. An active-matrix display device with a plurality of pixel forming portions for forming an image to be displayed , a plurality of video signal lines for transmitting a plurality of video signals representing the image to be displayed to the pixel forming portions , and a plurality of scanning signal lines crossing the video signal lines , the pixel forming portions being arranged in a matrix so as to correspond to the video signal lines and the scanning signal lines , the device comprising:a scanning signal line drive circuit for selectively driving the scanning signal lines respectively;a video signal line drive circuit for applying video signals to the video signal lines by which the signals are to be transmitted, with their polarities being inverted every predetermined unit of period;a plurality of coupling capacitances connected at their first ends to the video signal lines; anda capacitance drive circuit for changing potentials at second ends of the coupling capacitances that are opposite to the first ends connected to the video signal lines respectively, in the same directions in which potentials of the video signal lines change when the video signals are transmitted.2. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the video signal line drive circuit applies the video signals to the video signal lines respectively such that the video signals transmitted by the video signal ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009451A1

An apparatus and a method for determining a polarity inversion scheme of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) in an electronic device are provided. The method for determining the polarity inversion scheme includes detecting a brightness of a region where the electronic device is placed, and determining the polarity inversion scheme of the LCD by considering the regional brightness of the electronic device and according to predetermined criteria. 1. A method for determining a polarity inversion scheme of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) in an electronic device , comprising:detecting an illuminance level around the electronic device; anddetermining the polarity inversion scheme of the LCD corresponding to the detected illuminance level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the detecting of the illuminance level comprises:detecting at least one of a brightness value and an illuminance value around the electronic device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining step comprises:selecting one of a frame inversion scheme, a line inversion scheme, a column inversion scheme, and a dot inversion scheme.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determining step comprises:when the detected illuminance level is greater than a reference value, selecting the dot inversion scheme.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determining step comprises:when the detected illuminance level is smaller than the reference value, selecting the frame inversion scheme.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reference value is determined by a flicker noise level perceivable based on the detected illuminance level.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining step comprises:comparing the detected illuminance level to a predetermined table having different polarity inversion scheme information corresponding to different illuminance levels.8. An electronic device comprising:a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD);a sensor for detecting an illuminance level;one or more processors;a memory; anda program stored in ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of driving dual mode liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20140009454A1
Автор: Dong-Guk Kim, Joong-Ha Lee
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A method of driving a dual mode liquid crystal display device includes: applying a first horizontal electric field to the liquid crystal layer for a first duration time during a reset period of a memory mode, the first duration time longer than a frame; eliminating the first horizontal electric field and keeping the liquid crystal layer without the first horizontal electric field for a second duration time during the reset period of the memory mode; applying a first vertical electric field corresponding to a static image for a third duration time during a writing period of the memory mode, the third duration time longer than the frame; and eliminating the first vertical electric field and keeping the liquid crystal layer without the first vertical electric field for a fourth duration time during the writing period of the memory mode.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009511A1
Автор: Hsiao Sheng-Wen

A power selector, a source driver and an operating method thereof are provided. The source driver includes a plurality of channel groups. Each channel group includes a first and a second switching unit, a first and a second multiplexer, and an operating voltage control module. The first and the second switching unit respectively receive a first-polarity grayscale data and a second-polarity grayscale data. Output terminals of the first and the second multiplexer are respectively coupled to a first and a second data line. The operating voltage control module switches operating voltages of the first and the second multiplexer to a first operating power set or a second operating power set according to polarities of the first and the second data line and controls the first and the second switching unit to prevent the first and the second multiplexer from receiving the first-polarity grayscale data and the second-polarity grayscale data simultaneously. 1. A source driver , comprising: a first switching unit, receiving a first-polarity grayscale data;', 'a second switching unit, receiving a second-polarity grayscale data;', 'a first multiplexer, coupled to the first switching unit and the second switching unit, and having an output terminal coupled to a first data line;', 'a second multiplexer, coupled to the first switching unit and the second switching unit, and having an output terminal coupled to a second data line; and', 'an operating voltage control module, coupled to the first multiplexer and the second multiplexer, wherein the operating voltage control module switches operating voltages of the first multiplexer and the second multiplexer to a first operating power set or a second operating power set according to polarities of the first data line and the second data line; and, 'a plurality of channel groups, wherein each of the channel groups comprisesa polarity control module, coupled to the first switching unit and the second switching unit of each of the channel ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Driving Display Device and Display Device

Номер: US20140015819A1

Power consumption is sufficiently reduced even when a moving image is displayed at an increased driving frequency. A liquid crystal display device includes a signal generation circuit which outputs a polarity inversion signal that is generated in accordance with a count value obtained by counting cycles of a vertical synchronization signal and a source driver which switches a polarity of video signals input to a pixel in accordance with the polarity inversion signal. The polarity of the video signals is kept the same for m (m is greater than or equal to 2) or more frame periods by the polarity inversion signal. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a signal generation circuit configured to output a polarity inversion signal that is generated in accordance with a count value obtained by counting cycles of a vertical synchronization signal; anda source driver configured to switch a polarity of video signals to be input to a pixel in accordance with the polarity inversion signal,wherein the polarity of the video signals is kept the same for m (m is greater than or equal to 2) or more frame periods by the polarity inversion signal.2. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , wherein the video signals supplied in accordance with the polarity inversion signal in one frame period have the same polarity in all the pixels.3. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , wherein the video signals supplied in accordance with the polarity inversion signal in one frame period have either a positive polarity or a negative polarity in pixels connected to the same source line.4. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , wherein the video signals supplied in accordance with the polarity inversion signal in one frame period have a positive polarity in a first region of pixels arranged in a matrix and a negative polarity in a second region of the pixels.5. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , wherein a blank period ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device and Method for Driving Liquid Crystal Display Device

Номер: US20140015868A1

A liquid crystal display device capable of consuming less power and a method for driving the liquid crystal display device are provided. The liquid crystal display device includes a pixel portion, a light supply portion sequentially supplying lights of a plurality of hues to the pixel portion, a counter counting the number of frame periods, a signal generator determining timing of inverting the polarity of an image signal every plural consecutive frame periods by using data on the number of frame periods counted by the counter, and a controller inverting the polarity of the image signal in accordance with the timing. A plurality of pixels are provided in the pixel portion. The image signal whose polarity is inverted every plural frame periods is input to the plurality of pixels. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a pixel; anda light supply portion configured to sequentially supply light of a plurality of hues to the pixel,wherein a polarity of an image signal input to the pixel is inverted every plural consecutive frame periods.2. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a counter configured to count the number of frame periods; anda controller configured to invert the polarity of the image signal input to the pixel in accordance with the number of frame periods counted by the counter.3. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 2 , further comprising a signal generator configured to determine timing of inverting the polarity of the image signal input to the pixel by using data on the number of frame periods counted by the counter.4. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the pixel comprises a transistor and a liquid crystal element to which the image signal is supplied through the transistor, andwherein the transistor comprises an oxide semiconductor film comprising a channel formation region.5. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 4 , wherein the liquid crystal ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device

Номер: US20140028645A1

A liquid crystal display device includes a plurality of pixels each including a transistor and a liquid crystal element, and a driver circuit that inputs at least a video signal and a reset signal to the plurality of pixels. The driver circuit makes the polarity of the video signal inverted every m frames (m is a natural number of 2 or more) and inputs the inverted video signal to the pixel, and inputs the reset signal to the pixel while not inputting the video signal. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a pixel comprising a liquid crystal element; anda driver circuit configured to input a video signal to the pixel while making polarity of the video signal inverted every m frames (m is a natural number of 2 or more), and configured to input a reset signal to the pixel when the video signal is not input to the pixel.2. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , wherein a potential of the reset signal is higher than a common potential during a first period and is lower than the common potential during a second period.3. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 2 , wherein the potential of the reset signal is approximately the same as the common potential after the first period and the second period.4. The liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , further comprising a backlight capable of emitting light to the pixel claim 1 ,wherein the driver circuit is configured to input the reset signal to the pixel when the backlight does not emit light.5. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a pixel comprising a liquid crystal element and a transistor electrically connected to the liquid crystal element; anda driver circuit configured to input a video signal to the pixel while making polarity of the video signal inverted every m frames (m is a natural number of 2 or more), and configured to input a reset signal to the pixel when the video signal is not input to the pixel,wherein the transistor comprises an oxide semiconductor ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035800A1

Disclosed are a segmented parallax barrier based display apparatus with 2D/3D mode switching and a method thereof. The parallax barrier based display apparatus may include a first panel reproducing an image; and a second panel positioned on a front surface of the first panel and including a first liquid crystal for forming a parallax barrier that blocks a part of the image reproduced by the first panel and a second liquid crystal for switching polarization of light that transmits the first liquid crystal. 1. A parallax barrier based display apparatus , comprising:a first panel reproducing an image; anda second panel positioned on a front surface of the first panel and including a first liquid crystal for forming a parallax barrier that blocks a part of the image reproduced by the first panel and a second liquid crystal for switching polarization of light that transmits the first liquid crystal.2. The parallax barrier based display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first liquid crystal and the second liquid crystal operate in a normally white mode to transmit light when voltage is not applied and block light when voltage is applied.3. The parallax barrier based display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first panel includes,a backlight irradiating light;a first polarizer polarizing the light irradiated from the backlight;a liquid crystal transmitting the light polarized by the first polarizer; anda second polarizer polarizing the light transmitting the liquid crystal.4. The parallax barrier based display apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the second panel further includes a third polarizer polarizing the light transmitting the second liquid crystal in the same direction as the second polarizer.5. The parallax barrier based display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the second panel further includes,a pair of first transparent electrodes arranged on a front surface and a rear surface of the first liquid crystal based on the first liquid crystal to obliquely deviate from each ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036184A1

The present disclosure provides a polarity inversion signal converting method, a polarity inversion signal converting apparatus and a display, the polarity inversion signal converting method comprises: judging whether a polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently and generating a judgment result; changing the polarity inversion signal currently output to a data driver, if the judgment result indicates that the polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently. With the present disclosure, the polarity inversion signal output to the data driver may be changed according to different situations, so that the driving manners of the data driver may vary flexibly. 1. A polarity inversion signal converting method , comprising:judging whether a polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently and generating a judgment result;changing the polarity inversion signal currently output to a data driver, if the judgment result indicates that the polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently.2. The polarity inversion signal converting method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the step of judging whether a polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently and generating a judgment result comprises: judging whether a preset number of frames of images with all-white picture or all-black picture are received continuously; and generating the judgment result indicating that the polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently, when the preset number of frames of the images with all-white picture or all-black picture are received continuously and the polarity inversion signal currently output to the data driver is a first polarity inversion signal,the step of changing the polarity inversion signal currently output to a data driver if the judgment result indicates that the polarity inversion signal is required to be converted currently comprises: adjusting the first polarity inversion signal currently ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display panel and apparatus having the liquid crystal display panel

Номер: US20140036191A1
Автор: GUO Zhao, Ming Liu, Tao Ding

The present invention provides a liquid crystal display panel. An Nth set of scan lines is disposed between two neighboring row of pixels. Each set of the scan lines comprises an upper scan line and a lower scan line. Gate electrodes of the thin film transistors in the neighboring row of pixels are alternatively coupled to the upper scan line and the lower scan line sequentially. An Nth data line is disposed between a 2N-1th column of pixels and a 2Nth column of pixels. The Nth data line is coupled to source electrodes of the thin film transistors of the neighboring 2N-1th column of pixels and 2Nth column of pixels.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Pixel unit, pixel structure, display apparatus and pixel driving method

Номер: US20140043215A1
Автор: Ming Hu

A pixel unit, a pixel structure, a display apparatus and a pixel driving method can solve the problem that it is necessary to change polarity of voltage for each of data signals input to respective data lines and thus a power consumption is large in the prior art. In the pixel unit of the disclosure, the positions of the pixel electrode and the common electrode in two adjacent pixels in a pixel unit adopting the dual gate technique are exchanged. The pixel structure is constituted by an array formed by the pixel units. When applying the pixel driving method to the pixel structure to achieve a pixel dot-inversion or a pixel column-inversion, there is no need for changing the polarities of voltages of data signals input to respective data lines, and thus the power consumption is reduced.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043221A1

A driving circuit includes a pair of operational amplifiers, one producing an analog voltage output of positive polarity, the other producing an analog voltage output of negative polarity. An output switching circuit interchanges these outputs between a pair of data lines. One or both of the operational amplifiers includes a parasitic diode having one terminal connected to the output terminal of the operational amplifier and another terminal normally connected to a power supply voltage of the operational amplifier. When the output of the operational amplifier is switched, a protective switching circuit temporarily disconnects the parasitic diode from the power supply of the operational amplifier and instead connects it to a power supply line carrying a voltage high enough, or low enough, to ensure that the parasitic diode is not forward biased by the existing voltage on the data line to which the output is switched. 1. A driving circuit for driving a display panel having a plurality of scan lines , a plurality of data lines spaced apart from the plurality of scan lines but arrayed to cross the plurality of scan lines , and a plurality of capacitive loads formed in respective areas neighboring crossings of the scan lines and the data lines , the driving circuit comprising:a first operational amplifier powered by a first power supply voltage and a second power supply voltage lower than the first power supply voltage, having an output terminal for output of an analog voltage with a direct current voltage component of positive polarity;a second operational amplifier powered by a third power supply voltage and a fourth power supply voltage lower than the third power supply voltage, having an output terminal for output of an analog voltage with a direct current voltage component of negative polarity;a first switching circuit for connecting the output terminal of the first operational amplifier to a first data line among the plurality of data lines and connecting the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Driving Circuit, Driving Method Thereof And Liquid Crystal Display

Номер: US20140043311A1
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a liquid crystal display driving circuit, a driving method thereof and a liquid crystal display, and relate to a field of display technique. The liquid crystal display driving circuit comprises a timing control circuit and at least two source driving circuits, and further comprises a polarity inversion circuit; the timing control circuit is configured to transmit a polarity inversion signal to the polarity inversion circuit; the polarity inversion circuit is configured to convert the polarity inversion signal into a first polarity inversion signal and a second polarity inversion signal which are output to the at least two source driving circuits, respectively, so that voltages of source signals driven by the at least two source driving circuits have opposite polarities with each other; wherein a phase of the first polarity inversion signal is different from that of the second polarity inversion signal. 1. A liquid crystal display driving circuit comprising a timing control circuit and at least two source driving circuits , further comprising a polarity inversion circuit; wherein ,the timing control circuit is connected with the polarity inversion circuit, and is configured to transmit a polarity inversion signal to the polarity inversion circuit;the polarity inversion circuit is connected with the timing control circuit and the at least two source driving circuits, respectively, and is configured to convert the polarity inversion signal into a first polarity inversion signal and a second polarity inversion signal which are output to the at least two source driving circuits, respectively, wherein a phase of the first polarity inversion signal is different from that of the second polarity inversion signal;the at least two source driving circuits comprise at least one first source driving circuit and at least one second source driving circuit, which are configured to receive the first polarity inversion signal and the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Thin film transistor array panel having improved flicker and cross-talk characteristics

Номер: US20140043312A1
Автор: Dong-Gyu Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A thin film transistor array panel, according to an embodiment of the present invention, includes a first data line, a second data line neighboring the first data line, a transistor disposed in a region between the first data line and the second data line, and a pixel electrode disposed close to the second data line among the first and second data lines. An extension of the pixel electrode may cross the second data line, thereby being connected to the transistor. Accordingly, it may not be necessary to use an additional connecting member between the pixel electrode and the data line such that the process may be shortened and the structure of the wiring may be simplified. Also, the spatial utility may be increased to improve the degree of integration.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055435A1

An exemplary image displaying method for a display device includes steps of: providing display data to pixels of the display device for displaying images; taking a special amount of frame of images as an image group, making polarities of a same pixel being of adjacent two frame of images in the image group and using a same polarity inversion in the adjacent two frame of images be different from each other, and making polarities of a same pixel being of the last frame of image in a former one of adjacent two image groups and of the first frame of image in a latter one of the adjacent two image groups and using the same polarity inversion in the last and first frame of images be the same with each other. 1. An image displaying method , adapted to a display device and comprising:providing display data to pixels of the display device for displaying images;taking a specific amount of frame of images as an image group; andmaking polarities of a same pixel being of adjacent two frame of images in a same image group and using a same polarity inversion manner in the adjacent two frame of images be different from each other.2. The image displaying method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the specific amount is a multiple of four.3. The image displaying method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the same polarity inversion manner is a column inversion manner.4. An image displaying method claim 1 , adapted to a display device and comprising:providing display data to pixels of the display device for displaying images;taking a specific amount of frame of images as an image group; andmaking polarities of a same pixel being of the last frame of image in a former one of adjacent two image groups and of the first frame of image in a latter one of the adjacent two image groups and using the same polarity inversion manner in the last and first frame of images be the same with each other.5. The image displaying method as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising:making polarities of a same ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062984A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a liquid crystal display device includes an array substrate, a counter-substrate, a liquid crystal layer and a signal line driver. The array substrate includes a signal line, a pixel electrode, and a thin-film transistor. The counter-substrate includes a common electrode. The signal line driver is configured to deliver video signals of a positive polarity and a negative polarity to the signal line and execute HV reverse driving. The signal line driver is configured to deliver, prior to delivering the video signals to the signal line, a precharge signal to the signal line in every 1 horizontal scanning period. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:an array substrate comprising a signal line, a pixel electrode, and a thin-film transistor including a semiconductor layer including a source region electrically connected to the signal line and a drain region electrically connected to the pixel electrode;a counter-substrate comprising a common electrode which is set at a constant potential, the counter-substrate being arranged opposite to the array substrate with a gap;a liquid crystal layer which is held between the array substrate and the counter-substrate and on which an electric field produced between the pixel electrode and the common electrode acts; anda signal line driver which is electrically connected to the signal line, and is configured to deliver video signals of a positive polarity and a negative polarity to the signal line, and execute HV reverse driving,wherein the signal line driver is configured to deliver, prior to delivering the video signals to the signal line, a precharge signal to the signal line in every 1 horizontal scanning period, the precharge signal having a voltage level which is different from an intermediate voltage value between the video signal of the positive polarity and the video signal of the negative polarity.2. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein the voltage level which is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071105A1

A controller in an intermediate inversion drive mode causes a source driver to alternate polarities of voltages applied to pixel electrodes connected to one of source signal lines per plural gate signal lines, and to apply the voltages so that a pair of the pixel electrodes, which are connected to one of the gate signal lines and to source signal lines adjacent to each other, are subjected to different voltage application in polarity from each other, the source driver alternating polarities of the voltages applied to the respective pixel electrodes for each frame. When the source driver, in the intermediate inversion drive mode, applies the voltages sequentially to the pixel electrodes connected to one of the source signal lines, the controller sets a longer voltage application period for the inverted electrode than for the equivalent electrode. 1. A liquid crystal display device , comprising:a liquid crystal display portion including source signal lines, gate signal lines and pixel electrodes connected to the source signal lines and the gate signal lines, the liquid crystal display portion configured to display an image in correspondence to an input image signal for each frame;a source driver configured to apply voltages in correspondence to the input image signal to the pixel electrodes through the source signal lines;a gate driver configured to output gate signals to the gate signal lines sequentially; anda controller configured to control the source driver and the gate driver to cause the source driver to apply a voltage to each of the pixel electrodes, for each gate signal line, in response to an output of each of the gate signals from the gate driver, the pixel electrodes connected to one of the source signal lines, whereinthe controller switches a drive mode of voltage application to the pixel electrodes between a first drive mode and a second drive mode, the controller causing an intermediate inversion drive mode to intervene between the first drive mode and ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078125A1
Автор: GONDO Kenji
Принадлежит: Kyocera Display Corporation

A gate driver selects a gate line of an odd-numbered row and a gate line of an even-numbered row subsequent thereto and sets the gate line of the even-numbered row to a selected-period potential with a delay of a predetermined time from a timing when the gate line of the odd-numbered row is set to the selected-period potential. After that, the gate driver sets the potential of the gate line set at the selected-period potential to a nonselected-period potential. A source driver switches polarities of pixels in each column every two rows, and sets potentials of respective source lines to potentials according to image data of respective pixels for one row, while making the polarities of the pixels in adjacent columns opposite to each other. 1. A drive device for liquid crystal display device , which drives a liquid crystal display device including source lines arranged along columns of pixels formed in a matrix pattern and gate lines arranged along rows of the pixels formed in the matrix pattern , the drive device for liquid crystal display device comprising:a gate driver which selects a gate line of an odd-numbered row and a gate line of an even-numbered row subsequent thereto, which sets the gate line of the even-numbered row at a selected-period potential with a delay of a first predetermined time from timing when the gate line of the odd-numbered row is set at the selected-period potential, and which thereafter sets the gate line of the odd-numbered row at a nonselected-period potential; anda source driver which switches polarities of the pixels in each column every two rows and which sets potentials of the respective source lines to potentials according to image data of respective pixels for one row, while making the polarities of the pixels in adjacent columns opposite to each other.2. The drive device for liquid crystal display device according to claim 1 , comprising:control means which feeds to the gate driver, a switching signal to indicate switching of gate ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Load driving apparatus and driving method thereof

Номер: US20140078129A1
Автор: Ji-Ting Chen, Kuo-Che Hong

A load driving apparatus including a first driving unit, a second driving unit, and a circuit switch module is disclosed. The first and the second driving unit are respectively disposed at a first driving channel and a second driving channel and respectively output a first driving signal and a second driving signal for driving a first load and a second load during a channel output period. The circuit switch module is coupled between the first and the second driving channel and includes a plurality of signal transmitting paths. During a data loading period and a charge sharing period, the circuit switch module turns on all the signal transmitting paths, so that a charge sharing effect between the first load and the second load is achieved during the charge sharing period and accordingly the power consumption is reduced. Additionally, a load driving method of the load driving apparatus is disclosed.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device including inspection circuit and inspection method thereof

Номер: US20140078187A1
Автор: Moonjung Choi
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed is an LCD device having a structure such as a column inversion type or a Z-inversion type where a single data line can be shared by two neighboring pixels, and an inspection circuit and method thereof. The inspection circuit for outputting gate driving signals in a division manner into odd and even-numbered signals is provided between the gate driving unit and a pixel region, so that only color pixels to be inspected can be driven. This can allow pixels to be normally inspected in an LCD device having an enhanced column inversion structure.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Vertical alignment type liquid crystal display apparatus having improved display uniformity

Номер: US20140078429A1
Автор: Yoshihisa Iwamoto
Принадлежит: Stanley Electric Co Ltd

A mono domain vertical alignment type liquid crystal display apparatus to be multiplex driven is provided whose display uniformity at a large pretilt angle (near 90°) is improved. Waveform A is applied to a liquid crystal cell of a mono domain vertical alignment type, the waveform A having a duty not lower than 4 and a frame frequency of f. The frame frequency f is determined from a pretilt angle θp, and is a frequency not lower than 60 Hz at a pretilt angle of 88.5°≦θp<89.6° or a frequency not lower than [120×(θp−89.6)+60] Hz at a pretilt angle of 89.6°≦θp≦89.9°.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085287A1
Автор: Kim Taesung
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

The present disclosure relates to various techniques, systems, devices, and methods for driving high resolution monitors while reducing artifacts thereon. Data may be stored on pixels of a display such that a first half of the pixels of the display (e.g., arranged in a checkerboard fashion) have data of a first polarity stored on them during a first half of a frame, then a second half of the pixels of the display have data of a second polarity stored on them during a second half of the frame. In such an arrangement, the polarity used to provide data to the pixels may be switched only one time during each frame. The data provided to drive the second half of pixels may be inverted relative to the first half of pixels. The display may use the dot inversion method to provide overall good image quality, yet operate with reduced power consumption. 1. A method comprising:storing data in a first set of pixels using a first voltage polarity during a first time period, wherein the first set of pixels comprises odd numbered pixels of a row of pixels; andstoring data in a second set of pixels using a second voltage polarity during a second time period, wherein the second set of pixels comprises even numbered pixels of the row of pixels, the second set of pixels is separate from the first set of pixels, and the second voltage polarity is opposite the first voltage polarity;wherein the first time period and the second time period are consecutive and occur during a single frame.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first voltage polarity is a positive voltage and the second voltage polarity is a negative voltage.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first voltage polarity is a negative voltage and the second voltage polarity is a positive voltage.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first time period occurs before the second time period.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second time period occurs before the first time period.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising providing ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085348A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a liquid crystal display device includes a driving module configured to apply a DC bias to a voltage corresponding to a gradation which is displayed on a pixel and to supply a resultant voltage to a pixel electrode, the driving module being configured to apply a higher DC bias in a white display state in which a potential difference is produced between a pixel electrode and a common electrode than in a black display state in which no potential difference is produced between the pixel electrode and the common electrode. 1. A liquid crystal display device comprising:a first substrate including a switching element disposed in each of pixels of an active area, a common electrode disposed over a plurality of pixels, a pixel electrode electrically connected to the switching element and disposed in each of the pixels, and a first alignment film;a second substrate including a second alignment film which is opposed to the first alignment film;a liquid crystal layer including liquid crystal molecules held between the first alignment film and the second alignment film; anda driving module configured to apply a DC bias to a voltage corresponding to a gradation which is displayed on the pixel and to supply a resultant voltage to the pixel electrode, the driving module being configured to apply a higher DC bias in a white display state in which a potential difference is produced between the pixel electrode and the common electrode than in a black display state in which no potential difference is produced between the pixel electrode and the common electrode.2. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein the DC bias in the white display state has a positive polarity.3. The liquid crystal display device of claim 1 , wherein the driving module is configured to increase the DC bias in accordance with an increase of a gradation value on a high gradation side including the white display state and to apply a maximum DC bias in the white display ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device and Driving Method Thereof

Номер: US20140092070A1
Автор: Jong Woo Kim, Su Hyuk Jang
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A liquid crystal display (LCD) device and method of driving an LCD device are provided. The LCD device includes: a panel, including: a plurality of gate lines, and a plurality of data lines, an image-sticking removal apparatus configured to, when an interlaced input video is received from an external system: generate an FRC pattern to be added into the input video and a polarity pattern used to output the input video to form one group, and generate at least two or more the groups formed in parallel to the gate lines during one frame, and a data driver configured to: convert image data inputted from the image-sticking removal apparatus into data voltages, invert a polarity of each of the data voltages on the basis of the polarity pattern, and output the polarity-inverted data voltages to the respective data lines.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098080A1

A driver circuit for dot inversion of liquid crystals includes a positive source supplying a first positive signal and a second positive signal; a negative source supplying a first negative signal and a second negative signal; a first selector unit connected with the sources to receive the first positive signal and the first negative signal; a second selector unit connected with the sources to receive the second positive signal and the second negative signal; a first source connected with the selection unit to alternatively output a first positive voltage and a first negative voltage; a second source connected with the selection unit to alternatively output a second positive voltage and a second negative voltage. When the first source outputs the first positive voltage, the second source outputs the second negative voltage. When the first source outputs the first negative voltage, the second source outputs the second positive voltage. 2. The driving circuit of claim 1 , wherein said first switch claim 1 , said second switch claim 1 , said third switch claim 1 , and said fourth switch are all field-effect transistors with the bulk electrodes coupled to the source electrodes claim 1 , respectively.3. The driving circuit of claim 1 , wherein said fifth switch claim 1 , said sixth switch claim 1 , said seventh switch claim 1 , and said eighth switch are all field-effect transistors with the bulk electrodes coupled to the source electrodes claim 1 , respectively.4. The driving circuit of claim 1 , wherein said sixth switching signal and said eighth switching signal are ground signal.5. The driving circuit of claim 1 , wherein the size of said first switch is identical to the size of said second switch; the size of said third switch is identical to the size of said fourth switch; the size of said fifth switch is identical to the size of said sixth switch; and the size of said seventh switch is identical to the size of said eighth switch.6. The driving circuit of claim 1 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Drive device and display device

Номер: US20150002381A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

In a case where a display device ( 1 ) receives an instruction to change a refresh rate of a display panel ( 2 ), the display device ( 1 ) changes the refresh rate with a timing with which there is a balance between the length of time for which positive source signals are written and the length of time for which negative source signals are written.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Display device and drive method therefor

Номер: US20150002492A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A sum of the number of frames constituting a scanning period and the number of frames constituting a pause period is an even number. A polarity of a POL signal in each frame in each of the scanning period and the pause period is reversed every frame. Further, the polarity of the POL signal is reversed at a timing when switching from the scanning period to the pause period is carried out, and is maintained at a timing when switching from the pause period to the scanning period is carried out. Alternatively, the polarity of the POL signal is maintained at a timing when switching from the scanning period to the pause period is carried out, and is reversed at a timing when switching from the pause period to the scanning period is carried out.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003870A1
Автор: Kato Hirofumi
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a display device includes a display panel including a display area where first drive areas and second drive areas are alternately disposed, and display function layers which include first display function layers and second display function layers and which are changed to a transparent state and a scattering state, and a control unit. The control unit applies a drive voltage to the first display function layers, in a first field period. The control unit applies the drive voltage to the second display function layers, in a second field period. A polarity of the drive voltage in the first field period is different from a polarity of the drive voltage in the second field period. 113-. (canceled)14. A display device , comprising:a display panel including a plurality of pixels each including a common electrode, a pixel electrode, and a pixel switch for writing a pixel signal in the pixel electrode; anda control circuit which drives the display panel in a first sub-frame period and a second sub-frame period subsequent to the first sub-frame period, wherein each of the first sub-frame period and the second sub-frame period includes a first polarity in which a first voltage is applied to the common electrode and a second polarity in which a second voltage is applied to the common electrode, and the first voltage is higher than the second voltage,whereinthe control circuit drives the pixel switch for writing to the pixel electrode in the first polarity in the first sub-frame period and writing to the pixel electrode in the second polarity in the second sub-frame period, orthe control circuit drives the pixel switch for writing to the pixel electrode in the second polarity in the first sub-frame period and writing to the pixel electrode in the first polarity in the second sub-frame period.15. The device of claim 14 , further comprising:a light source unit emitting light to the display panel,whereineach of the first sub-frame period and the second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004383A1
Автор: GAO Yujie

Disclosed are a pixel array, a display panel and a display device. The pixel array includes: a plurality of pixel units arranged in an array, a plurality of data lines and a plurality of gate lines, wherein each of the pixel units includes four sub-pixel units; the first sub-pixel unit group includes two adjacent sub-pixel units, and the second sub-pixel unit group includes remaining two adjacent sub-pixel units; the first sub-pixel unit group and the second sub-pixel unit group are alternately arranged in both a row direction and a column direction; the data line connected with the two adjacent sub-pixel units included in the first sub-pixel unit group is different from the data line connected with the two adjacent sub-pixel units included in the second sub-pixel unit group. 1. A pixel array , comprising: a plurality of pixel units arranged in an array , a plurality of data lines and a plurality of gate lines , wherein each of the pixel units comprises four sub-pixel units;in each pixel unit, four sub-pixel units are divided into a first sub-pixel unit group and a second sub-pixel unit group, the first sub-pixel unit group comprises two adjacent sub-pixel units, and the second sub-pixel unit group comprises remaining two adjacent sub-pixel units;the first sub-pixel unit group and the second sub-pixel unit group are alternately arranged in both a row direction and a column direction, the first sub-pixel unit group and the second sub-pixel unit group are respectively connected with one data line which is extended in the column direction;the two adjacent sub-pixel units comprised in the first sub-pixel unit group are connected with a same data line, the two adjacent sub-pixel units comprised in the second sub-pixel unit group are connected with a same data line, and the data line connected with the two adjacent sub-pixel units comprised in the first sub-pixel unit group is different from the data line connected with the two adjacent sub-pixel units comprised in the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004787A1
Автор: HAN Sangsu, Lee Kyoung Won

A display apparatus includes a timing controller and a display panel. The timing controller generates output image data based on input image data and generates a polarity control signal by analyzing the input image data. The display panel displays a plurality of frame images based on the output image data during a plurality of frames and operates based on an inversion driving scheme in which a polarity pattern of the plurality of frame images is changed based on the polarity control signal per N frames, where N is a natural number. The number N is variable based on the polarity control signal. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a timing controller configured to generate an output image data based on an input image data, and configured to generate a polarity control signal by analyzing the input image data; anda display panel configured to display a plurality of frame images based on the output image data during a plurality of frames, the display panel changes a polarity pattern of the plurality of frame images based on the polarity control signal for each of N frames, andwherein N is a natural number and varies based on the polarity control signal.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the timing controller generates an inversion control signal based on a type of image displayed on the display panel based on the output image data and generates the polarity control signal based on the inversion control signal claim 1 ,wherein N is changed by adjusting a transition time of the polarity control signal based on the inversion control signal.3. The display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein when the output image data corresponds to a dynamic image claim 2 , the display panel displays first frame images during first frames and displays second frame images during second frames subsequent to the first frames claim 2 ,wherein there are X first frame images and X first frames, where X is a natural number equal to or greater than two, each of the first frame images has a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device and electronic device including the liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20170004788A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

In a liquid crystal display device including a plurality of pixels in a display portion and configured to performed display in a plurality of frame periods, each of the frame periods includes a writing period and a holding period, and after an image signal is input to each of the plurality of pixels in the writing period, a transistor included in each of the plurality of pixels is turned off and the image signal is held for at least 30 seconds in the holding period. The pixel includes a semiconductor layer including an oxide semiconductor layer, and the oxide semiconductor layer has a carrier concentration of less than 1×10 14 /cm 3 .

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Driving method, driving circuit and display apparatus

Номер: US20170004792A1

A driving method is provided to drive an LCD panel having rows of pixels includes obtaining source data signals of a plurality of frames for the LCD panel; inputting a source data signal of one frame of the plurality of frames; and inverting polarity of the source data signal of the one frame before scanning sequentially the rows of pixels. The driving method also includes configuring at least one of timing of the source data signal and timing of scanning a first row of the rows of pixels to cause a time overlap between an actual scanning time of the first row and a time period when the source data signal is at a threshold value to be no less than an original scanning time of the first row; scanning the first row of the rows of pixels; and scanning rest of the rows of pixels to complete displaying the one frame.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004793A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a lateral electric-field type of liquid crystal display device includes a display panel and a controller, wherein a frame frequency falls within a range of 1 Hz to 10 Hz, an off-leak current of each of the TFTs has a value of 1×10A or less, a resistivity of a liquid crystal and a resistivity of an alignment film both fall within one of a first range and a second range, the first range being 1×10to 5×10Ω·cm, the second range being 5×10to 5×10Ω·cm, and a relationship of “R1× C1≈R2×C2” is satisfied, where R1 is a resistance and C1 is a capacity with respect to each pixel, R2 is a resistance and C2 is a capacity with respect to each pixel. 12-. (canceled)3. A lateral electric-field type of liquid crystal display device comprising:a display panel in which a plurality of liquid crystal pixels and TFTs are arranged in a matrix, the TFTs being configured to perform or stop application of pixel voltages to the liquid crystal pixels; anda controller configured to perform intermittent driving to rewrite image signals to the liquid crystal pixels,whereina frame frequency falls within a range of 10 Hz to 20 Hz,{'sup': −15', '−13, 'a value of an off-leak current of each of the TFTs falls within a range of 1×10to 1×10A,'}{'sup': 12', '14, 'a resistivity of a liquid crystal applied to the liquid crystal pixels falls within a range of 5×10to 5×10Ω·cm,'}{'sup': 11', '13, 'a resistivity of an alignment film applied to the liquid crystal pixels falls within a range of 1×10to 5×10Ω·cm, and'}a relationship of “R1×C1>R2×C2” is satisfied, where R1 is a resistance of the liquid crystal with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, C1 is a capacity of the liquid crystal with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, R2 is a resistance of the alignment film with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel, and C2 is a capacity of the alignment film with respect to said each liquid crystal pixel4. The liquid crystal display device of claim 3 , wherein the value of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005365A1

A display device includes a timing controller, a data driver, and a display panel. The timing controller includes a first compensator receiving a first image data, selecting a temperature compensation value in accordance with the external temperature, and converting the first image data to a second image data on the basis of the selected temperature compensation value and a second compensator selecting a kickback voltage compensation value predetermined in accordance with the areas of the display panel and converting the second image data to the output image data on the basis of the kickback voltage compensation value selected in accordance with the areas. 1. A display device comprising:a timing controller to generate output image data;a data driver to convert the output image data to a data voltage;a display panel comprising a plurality of areas to display an image in accordance with the data voltage; anda temperature sensor to sense an external temperature, a first compensator to receive first image data, to select a temperature compensation value according to the external temperature, and to convert the first image data to second image data on the basis of the selected temperature compensation value; and', 'a second compensator to select a kickback voltage compensation value according to an area from among the plurality of areas and to convert the second image data to the output image data on the basis of the selected kickback voltage compensation value., 'wherein the timing controller comprises2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the kickback voltage compensation value comprises a first sub-kickback voltage compensation value and a second sub-kickback voltage compensation value claim 1 , and the second compensator converts the second image data to the output image data using one of the first and second sub-kickback voltage compensation values in response to a polarity signal.3. The display device of claim 2 , wherein the data driver converts the output ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005366A1
Автор: Fang Bin, Yang Chihming

A LCD display panel and active shutter three-dimensional (3D) LCD display apparatus of the present invention are described. The LCD panel employs a frame amount value of “a”, a positive integer, including a plurality of frames constructs a frame set, the frame set includes at least one non-changed frame and at least one changed frame, and wherein when the LCD panel displays the non-changed frame, a plurality of polarities of pixel units keep constant, and when the LCD panel displays the changed frame, the polarities of pixel units of the LCD panel are changed. The present invention improves the image sticking phenomenon and the 3D image crosstalk. 1. A liquid crystal display (LCD) panel , comprising:a plurality of parallel data lines; anda plurality of parallel scan lines wherein the data lines and the scan lines are vertically arranged in an intersection manner mutually, and the data lines and the scan lines intersect to form a plurality of pixel units;wherein a frame amount value of “a”, a positive integer, including a plurality of frames constructs a frame set, the frame set includes at least one non-changed frame and at least one changed frame, and wherein when the LCD panel displays the non-changed frame, a plurality of polarities of pixel units keep constant, and when the LCD panel displays the changed frame, the polarities of pixel units of the LCD panel are changed.2. The LCD panel of claim 1 , wherein the frame amount value of “a” is selected from six to sixteen.3. The LCD panel of claim 1 , wherein the changed frame is arranged in a predetermined position of the frame set.4. The LCD panel of claim 1 , wherein each of the pixel units comprises:a first pixel unit, for receiving a first data signal; anda second pixel unit, for receiving a second data signal.5. The LCD panel of claim 4 , wherein an amount of the first pixel unit is equal to an amount of the second pixel unit.6. The LCD panel of claim 4 , wherein the first pixel unit intersects with the second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005367A1

A display apparatus includes a first interpolator configured to generate first correction data for a first polarity corresponding to an input data using a first look up table which stores correction data for the first polarity compensating for a luminance difference between the first polarity and a second polarity opposite to the first polarity of a data voltage for the sub pixel, a first delay compensator configured to apply a correction value to the first correction data for the first polarity and generate second correction data for the first polarity, the correction value compensating for an RC delay based on a pixel position corresponding to the input data. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a display panel comprising a gate line, a data line crossing the gate line and a sub pixel which is electrically connected to the gate line and the data line;a first interpolator configured to generate first correction data for a first polarity corresponding to an input data using a first look up table which stores correction data for the first polarity compensating for a luminance difference between the first polarity and a second polarity opposite to the first polarity of a data voltage for the sub pixel;a first delay compensator configured to apply a correction value to the first correction data for the first polarity and generate second correction data for the first polarity, the correction value compensating for an RC delay based on a pixel position corresponding to the input data;an output selector configured to selectively output the second correction data for the first polarity based on polarity mapping data of K-bit (K is a natural number), the polarity mapping data mapped to polarities of K sub pixels according to an inversion mode; anda data driver circuit configured to convert the second correction data for the first polarity to replace the data voltage and output the converted second correction data to the sub pixel.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005368A1

A display apparatus includes an image analyzer that analyzes image data and outputs an interrupt signal at a period during which the image data of a low frequency change to the image data of a high frequency, a frequency detector that detects the high frequency, a frame rate controller that outputs a vertical synch signal of the high frequency in response to the interrupt signal, a polarity compensation controller that determines a last frame of the low frequency based on an interrupt period at which the interrupt signal is generated, generates a reversed polarity signal with respect to a polarity signal of the last frame and outputs the reversed polarity signal during a polarity compensation period close to the interrupt period, and a data driver circuit that outputs a data signal based on the reversed polarity signal to a data line during the polarity compensation period. 1. A display apparatus comprising:an image analyzer configured to analyze image data and to output an interrupt signal at a period during which the image data of a low frequency change to the image data of a high frequency;a frequency detector configured to detect the high frequency changed from the low frequency;a frame rate controller configured to output a vertical synch signal of the high frequency in response to the interrupt signal;a polarity compensation controller configured to determine a last frame of the image data of the low frequency based on an interrupt period at which the interrupt signal is generated, to generate a reversed polarity signal with respect to a polarity signal of the last frame and to output the reversed polarity signal during a polarity compensation period defined to be close to the interrupt period; anda data driver circuit configured to output a data signal having a polarity corresponding to the reversed polarity signal to a data line of a display panel of the display apparatus during the polarity compensation period.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , further ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013074A1
Автор: Hayashi Hirotaka
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a display device includes a first scanning line, a second scanning line, a signal line, a capacitive line and a pixel including a pixel electrode, a first transparent electrode connected to the capacitive line, a second transparent electrode capacitively coupled to the pixel electrode, a first switch, and a second switch. The first transparent electrode is capacitively coupled to the second transparent electrode. The first switch is electrically connected to the signal line, the pixel electrode, and the first scanning line. The second switch is electrically connected to the signal line, the second transparent electrode, and the second scanning line. 1. A display device comprising:a first scanning line;a second scanning line;a signal line;a capacitive line; anda pixel including a pixel electrode, a first transparent electrode connected to the capacitive line, a second transparent electrode capacitively coupled to the pixel electrode, a first switch, and a second switch, whereinthe first transparent electrode is capacitively coupled to the second transparent electrode,the first switch is electrically connected to the signal line, the pixel electrode, and the first scanning line, andthe second switch is electrically connected to the signal line, the second transparent electrode, and the second scanning line.2. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising:a drive unit that applies a first control signal to the first scanning line to switch turning on and off of the first switch, applies a second control signal to the second scanning line to switch turning on and off of the second switch, applies an image signal to the signal line, and applies an auxiliary voltage to the capacitive line, whereinin a first driving period, the drive unit turns on the first switch, turns off the second switch, and applies the image signal to the pixel electrode through the signal line and the first switch, andin a second driving period following the first ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005151A1
Автор: IMAI Ryo

A driver device is provided and includes driver used for image display panel and having first display mode of performing display with first number of gradations of video signal; and second display mode of performing display with second number of gradations smaller than first number of gradations and larger than two, wherein driver is configured to: supply signals having first number of gradations to respective pixels in first display mode; supply signals having second number of gradations to respective pixels arranged in column direction in second display mode, amplify, by first amplifiers in first display mode, signals to be supplied to respective pixels, amplify, by second amplifiers in second display mode, gradation signals in one horizontal period, second amplifiers being smaller in number than first amplifiers, and temporally divide image for one frame into at least one first sub-frame and at least one second sub-frame. 1. A driver device comprising:a driver used for an image display panel comprising a plurality of pixels arranged in a column direction and a row direction, and configured to be supplied with a video signal having a predetermined number of gradations and configured to drive an image display panel, and having:a first display mode of performing display with a first number of gradations of the video signal; anda second display mode of performing the display with a second number of gradations smaller than the first number of gradations of the video signal and larger than two, whereinthe driver is configured to:supply signals having the first number of gradations to the respective pixels n in the first display mode;supply signals having the second number of gradations to the respective pixels arranged in the column direction in the second display mode,amplify, by first amplifiers in the first display mode, signals to be supplied to the respective pixels,amplify, by second amplifiers in the second display mode, gradation signals in one horizontal ...
