
Укажите год

Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
Укажите год
Укажите год

Применить Всего найдено 40848. Отображено 200.
20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320030C2

Носитель записи включает навигационную область и, по крайней мере, одну область плей-листа. В навигационной области хранится управляющая навигационная информация. Эта информация необходима для управления воспроизведением записанных на носителе видеоданных со множеством каналов воспроизведения. В области плей-листа хранятся файлы плей-листов. Каждый плей-лист указывает, по меньшей мере, один воспроизводимый элемент. Каждый воспроизводимый элемент указывает, по меньшей мере, один клип видеоданных. 5 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434263C2

Предложенное портативное электронное устройство включает в себя множество записей выходных данных пользователя и интерфейс пользователя, сконфигурированный с возможностью генерации обнаруживаемых пользователем выходных данных, соответствующих выбранной записи из множества записей выходных данных пользователя. Устройство также включает в себя детектор движения, сконфигурированный с возможностью генерации информации движения, которая свидетельствует о движении портативного электронного устройства. Также устройство содержит контроллер, сконфигурированный с возможностью поддержания случайного выбора одной из множества записей выходных данных пользователя, генерируемых с помощью интерфейса пользователя, как обнаруживаемых пользователем выходных данных в ответ на информацию движения. Техническим результатом является упрощение управления портативным электронным устройством. 5 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2447482C2

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам для устройства цифровой видеозаписи и воспроизведения транслируемого медиа контента. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности телезрителю с легкостью понять, через комбинацию визуальных элементов, текущее положение просмотра в пределах представления заранее записанного или транслируемого в реальном времени медиа контента или их комбинации. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что пользовательский интерфейс состояния медиа данных указывает секцию прошедшего записанного контента, соответствующего контенту, предшествующему во временной последовательности текущему положению просмотра, через первый визуальный элемент и секцию будущего записанного контента, соответствующего контенту, последующему во временной последовательности текущему положению просмотра, через второй визуальный элемент. Первый и второй визуальные элементы являются визуально различимыми, например, посредством представления каждого визуального элемента ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Способ, устройство и терминал для формирования видеоэффектов

Номер: RU2640735C2
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области компьютерных технологий, в частности к средствам и способам для формирования видеоэффектов. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности формирования видеоэффектов. Технический результат достигается за счет получения инструкции по формированию видеоэффектов; выполнения формирования видеоэффектов ускоренного или замедленного движения на видеоматериале, подлежащем обработке, в соответствии с инструкцией по формированию видеоэффектов во время воспроизведения видеоматериала, подлежащего обработке, при этом формирование видеоэффекта замедленного и ускоренного движения включает осуществление определения количества движения на видеоматериале, подлежащем обработке, в соответствии с инструкцией по формированию видеоэффектов, и получение абсолютных величин векторов движения всех предварительно настроенных блоков в каждом видеокадре видеоматериала, подлежащего обработке. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543936C2

Изобретение относится к средствам управления воспроизведением видеоданных. Техническим результатом является адаптация статуса воспроизведения секции видеоданных в зависимости от изменения статуса отображения изображения. В способе представляют изображение, соответствующее секции видеоданных, имеющее статус представления изображения на втором устройстве (13), в ответ на изменение статуса представления изображения, передают команду первому устройству (12) для адаптирования статуса воспроизведения секции видеоданных на первом устройстве в зависимости от изменения статуса представления изображения. В способе представление изображения на упомянутом втором устройстве (13) содержит выделение изображения в течение временного интервала воспроизведения соответствующей секции видеоданных на первом устройстве (12). 2 н. и. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2304313C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу и устройству воспроизведения носителей записи, где ввод цифрового кода необходим только однажды, хотя ввод цифрового кода необходим для воспроизведения и каталога, и Списка воспроизведения. Множество каталогов формируются на диске. Один каталог имеет флаг DVR_protect_flag, устанавливаемый для управления воспроизведением информации в каталоге. Также Список воспроизведения, который является частью информации внутри каталога, имеет флаг playback_control_flag, устанавливаемый для управления его воспроизведением. В случае, когда DVR_protect_flag равен 1, воспроизведение разрешается, только когда введен правильный цифровой код. В случае, когда и DVR_protect_flag, и playback_control_flag равны 1, ввод цифрового кода для playback_control_flag пропускается, когда уже был введен правильный цифровой код для DVR_protect_flag. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2367034C2

Предоставляется запоминающий носитель для хранения метаданных для предоставления функции расширенного поиска, использующей различные поисковые ключевые слова аудиовизуальных (AV) данных. Запоминающий носитель хранит AV данные и метаданные для проведения расширенного поиска AV данных по ключевому слову. Метаданные могут включать в себя информацию, относящуюся к точке входа и/или продолжительности, ракурсам и т.д. каждой сцены. Метаданные могут создаваться на многочисленных языках, тем самым делая возможным, чтобы функция расширенного поиска поддерживала многочисленные языки. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2346340C2

Изобретение относится к управлению графическими данными для носителей с высокой плотностью записи. Носитель записи со структурой данных для управления воспроизведением графических данных содержит область графической информации, включающую, по меньшей мере, один сегмент информации о воспроизведении графических изображений и, по меньшей мере, один сегмент информации о палитре, соответствующий указанному, по меньшей мере, одному сегменту информации о воспроизведении графических изображений. Каждый сегмент информации о палитре предоставляет информацию о цветах. Каждый сегмент информации о воспроизведении графических изображений предоставляет информацию о воспроизведении, включающую индикатор для указания одной из палитр (ID палитры), для воспроизведения одного или более графических изображений, при этом каждый сегмент информации о палитре имеет идентификатор, идентифицирующий каждую палитру. Информация о воспроизведении указывает сегмент информации о палитре, используя указанный индикатор.

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2368962C2

Предложена структура данных на носителе записи. Она содержит область навигации, хранящую файл информации. Файл информации содержит множество навигационных сегментов, представляющих один или несколько каналов воспроизведения раздела. Каждый из навигационных сегментов содержит, по меньшей мере, одну навигационную команду. Каждый из навигационных сегментов содержит навигационную команду для запуска списка воспроизведения. Один из навигационных сегментов является входным навигационным сегментом раздела. 5 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219679C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки цифровых сигналов. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей. В способе для сбора разбитой на пакеты информации сети Интернет принимают разбитую на пакеты информацию из широковещательного источника видеопрограмм, выбирают идентификатор данных из программных идентификаторов с использованием карты распределения информации, идентифицируют данные сети Интернет в разбитой на пакеты информации из широковещательного источника видеопрограмм с использованием выбранного идентификатора данных, выполняют поиск данных сети Интернет из входного канала для получения информационного выходного сигнала в ответ на запрос пользователя, форматируют найденную информацию для отображения. 3 с. и 15 з.п.ф-лы, 9 ил.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312412C2

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу воспроизведения диска, предназначенного только для воспроизведения, имеющего большую емкость записи. Виртуальную модель, соответствующую функции проигрывателя, создают и описывают на языке Java. BDBasicPlayer детектирует входную команду пользователя и изменение состояния проигрывателя и генерирует событие. Объект, который воплощает интерфейс слушателя, регистрирует слушателя события, соответствующего событию, получение которого обеспечивается объектом для BDBasicPlayer прежде, чем происходит событие. Когда событие становится ненужным, его регистрацию устраняют. BDBasicPlayer передает событие в объект, в котором был зарегистрирован слушатель события. Объект выполняет метод, соответствующий полученному событию. Между событиями и методами могут быть гибко установлены взаимоотношения. Таким образом, обеспечивается возможность пользователю в интерактивном режиме управлять программой, записанной на носитель информации большой емкости. 2 н. и 9 з.п.

20-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2308773C2

Обеспечено устройство записи/воспроизведения движущегося изображения. Аудиоданные в данных движущегося изображения содержат первое аудио или первое аудио и второе аудио, и информация основных блоков включает в себя информацию о состоянии первого аудио и информацию о состоянии второго аудио. Информация о состоянии первого аудио указывает, является ли соответствующее первое аудио оригинальным аудио или модифицированным аудио. Если существует второе аудио, информация о состоянии второго аудио указывает, является ли второе аудио оригинальным аудио, модифицированным аудио, фиктивным аудио или модифицированным аудио, записанным поверх всего или части фиктивного аудио. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503054C2

Изобретение относится к устройству управления отображением. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала технических возможностей устройства управления отображением. Результат достигается тем, что устройство управления отображением в соответствии с настоящим изобретением последовательно отображает каждое из заранее определенного количества целевых изображений отображения из множества изображений-кандидатов, которые будут отображаться на экране отображения, так что целевые изображения отображения располагаются на экране отображения в очередности расположения в соответствии с заранее определенной очередностью множества изображений. Устройство управления отображением определяет, когда заранее определенное количество изображений установлено в качестве новых целевых изображений отображения в соответствии с заранее определенной очередность, очередность отображения заранее определенного количества изображений так, что каждое из заранее определенного количества изображений располагается ...

12-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2630709C1
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области навигационного приборостроения и может найти применение в системах навигации при формировании навигационного видеоизображения. Технический результат – расширение функциональных возможностей. Для этого осуществляется аппаратно-программная поддержка следующих этапов: получают навигационный запрос, определяют навигационное видеоизображение, согласующееся с указанным навигационным запросом, причем указанное навигационное видеоизображение представляет собой видеоизображение, полученное при натурной съемке дороги, в результате осуществляют навигацию на основе указанного навигационного видеоизображения, согласующегося с указанным навигационным запросом, определяющий подмодуль устройства навигации выполнен с возможностью определения навигационного видеоизображения. При этом начальная навигационная точка и конечная навигационная точка совпадают с соответствующими точками указанного навигационного запроса, согласующегося с указанной начальной навигационной точкой и ...

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005133207A

... 1. Устройство воспроизведения, которое воспроизводит содержимое, записанное на носителе "только для чтения", в соответствии с порядковой информацией, устройство воспроизведения содержит блок обнаружения, действующий, чтобы обнаруживать одну или несколько порций порядковой информации из записываемого носителя; блок отображения, действующий, чтобы формировать динамическое меню с тем, чтобы отображать обнаруженные порции порядковой информации во взаимосвязи с содержимым, записанным на носителе "только для чтения"; блок приема, действующий, чтобы принимать действие пользователя для задания одной из отображенных порций порядковой информации; и блок воспроизведения, действующий, чтобы воспроизводить набор содержимого, записанного на носителе "только для чтения", в соответствии с заданной порцией порядковой информации. 2. Устройство воспроизведения по п. 1, в котором записываемый носитель хранит набор порций порядковой информации в соответствии с идентификаторами пакетов, и отображенные порции ...

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004125872A

... 1. Носитель записи со структурой данных для управления воспроизведением графических данных, содержащий область графической информации, включающую, по меньшей мере, один сегмент информации о графических изображениях и, по меньшей мере, один сегмент информации о палитре, каждый сегмент информации о палитре предоставляет информацию о цветах, каждый сегмент информации о графических изображениях предоставляет информацию о воспроизведении для воспроизведения одного или более графических изображений. 2. Носитель записи по п.1, в котором информация о воспроизведении идентифицирует сегмент информации о палитре для использования при воспроизведении одного или более графических изображений. 3. Носитель записи по п.2, в котором два или более сегментов информации о графических изображениях содержат информацию о воспроизведении, которая идентифицирует один и тот же сегмент информации о палитре. 4. Носитель записи по п.1, в котором каждый сегмент информации о палитре имеет идентификатор; и информация ...

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010107446A

... 1. Электронная книга, содержащая: ! корпус; ! визуальный дисплей, расположенный на корпусе; ! по меньшей мере одно устройство звукового вывода на корпусе; ! цифровой процессор в корпусе, выполненный с возможностью обмена информацией с визуальным дисплеем и устройством звукового вывода; ! машиночитаемый материальный носитель информации в корпусе, связанный с процессором, причем файлы электронной книги хранятся на носителе для демонстрации данных книги под управлением процессора, причем процессор выполняет логическую процедуру, содержащую: ! прием пользовательского выбора проигрывать как аудиофайл, так и визуальный файл одновременно, причем оба файла связаны с электронной книгой и один из них образует первый файл, а другой из них образует второй файл, при этом пользователь может прослушивать аудиофайл, читая визуальный файл; ! поддержание управления закладкой первого файла в первых файлах, так что, если пользователь перескакивает вперед во втором файле, первый файл сохраняет закладку в том ...

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005110959A

... 1. Носитель для хранения информации, на котором данные объектов видео многоракурсного показа записаны для управления видеовоспроизводящим устройством, содержащий по меньшей мере один записанный фрагмент для каждого ракурса, при этом каждый фрагмент является блоком записи данных для данных объектов видео для некоторого ракурса, при этом по меньшей мере один фрагмент для определенного ракурса записан в непрерывных областях носителя для хранения информации. 2. Носитель для хранения информации по п.1, в котором данные объектов видео для каждого ракурса содержат совокупность точек перехода, которые являются точками доступа для беспрерывного воспроизведения фрагмента для другого ракурса; и дополнительную информацию касательно точек перехода. 3. Носитель для хранения информации по п.2, в котором фрагменты содержат информацию фрагмента, содержащую дополнительную информацию касательно точек перехода. 4. Носитель для хранения информации по п.3, в котором информация касательно точек перехода задает ...

27-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006101290A

... 1. Носитель записи информации, содержащий информацию неподвижного изображения, которая включает в себя по меньшей мере одно неподвижное изображение, звуковую информацию, информацию управления воспроизведением, которая воспроизводит звуковую информацию синхронизированно с воспроизведением информации неподвижного изображения, причем информация управления воспроизведением включает в себя информацию повторения звука для управления многократным воспроизведением звуковой информации, синхронизированной с информацией неподвижного изображения. 2. Носитель записи информации по п.1, в котором информация управления воспроизведением включает в себя информацию повторения неподвижного изображения для управления мрогократным воспроизведением информации неподвижного изображения. 3. Носитель записи информации по п.1, в котором информация управления воспроизведением определяет синхронизацию воспроизведения звуковой информации с использованием в качестве эталона оси времени воспроизведения неподвижного изображения ...

20-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005140017A

... 1. Носитель для хранения информации, содержащий, по меньшей мере, одно заглавие, которое воспроизводится как движущееся изображение, и по меньшей мере, один блок информации атрибутов, который соответствует, по меньшей мере, одному заглавию и указывает, может ли пользователь управлять одним из, по меньшей мере, одного заглавия, подлежащего воспроизведению, при этом информация атрибутов включает в себя информацию о типе доступа, которая представляет каждое заглавие как "нормальное заглавие", если для заглавия может осуществляться поиск посредством пользовательской операции, и представляет каждое заглавие как "скрытое заглавие", если для заглавия не может осуществляться поиск посредством пользовательской операции, причем информация о типе доступа, которая представляет заглавие как "скрытое заглавие", дополнительно содержит информацию, которая указывает, отображается ли номер заглавия для заглавия. 2. Носитель для хранения информации по п.1, в котором заглавие отображается, если значение информации ...

20-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009122175A

... 1. Способ изменения первой топологии соединений, используемой медиа-процессором, когда медиа-процессор активен, причем способ содержит этапы, на которых ! сохраняют текущее состояние медиа-процессора, ! принимают одну или более команд на преобразование первой топологии во вторую топологию соединений между мультимедийными компонентами, при этом вторая топология описывает набор входных мультимедийных потоков, один или более источников для входных мультимедийных потоков, последовательность операций для выполнения над мультимедийными данными и набор выходных мультимедийных потоков, и ! обновляют первую топологию до второй топологии в соответствии с упомянутыми одной или несколькими командами. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что одна или несколько команд содержат разницу между первой топологией и второй топологией. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что медиа-процессор возобновляет действие интерфейса после обновления первой топологии до второй топологии. ! 4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010129698A

... 1. Устройство воспроизведения записи, содержащее: ! преобразователь видеосигнала, выполненный с возможностью выполнения определенной обработки сигналов для видеосигнала, принятого из внешнего источника, и вывода полученного в результате видеосигнала; ! проигрыватель устройства записи, выполненный с возможностью сохранения и воспроизведения видеосигнала; и ! контроллер, выполненный с возможностью выполнения переключения между нормальным режимом, в котором видеосигнал, воспроизводимый проигрывателем устройства записи, подается в дисплей, где видеосигнал отображается в виде изображения, и режимом редактирования, в котором выполняется переключение между первым видеосигналом, подаваемым из преобразователя видеосигнала, и вторым видеосигналом, полученным в результате добавления задержки, соответствующей времени, необходимому для обработки сигналов в преобразователе видеосигнала, к видеосигналу, воспроизводимому проигрывателем устройства записи, причем указанное переключение выполняется для обеспечения ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014100876A

... 1. Устройство воспроизведения, содержащее:модуль воспроизведения для воспроизведения первого потока данных и второго потока данных без синхронизации, при этомпервый поток данных содержит первый элемент просмотра и второй элемент просмотра, причемвторой элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент просмотра, включающий в себя часть первого элемента просмотра, при этоммодуль воспроизведения выполнен с возможностью воспроизведения второго элемента просмотра после воспроизведения первого элемента просмотра, и осуществления после воспроизведения второго элемента просмотра перехода для воспроизведения первого элемента просмотра сначала.2. Устройство воспроизведения по п.1, в котором первый поток данных представляет собой видеоизображение; а второй поток данных представляет собой звук.3. Устройство воспроизведения по п.1, в которомпервый элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент просмотра, являющийся объектом циклического воспроизведения, авторой элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент ...

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008110823A

... 1. Запоминающий носитель для хранения графических данных, которые являются декодируемыми в единицах периодов в устройстве воспроизведения, содержащий: ! видеоданные и графические данные для предоставления меню, наложенного на изображение, базирующееся на видеоданных, содержащие множество наборов отображения, ! причем каждый набор отображения содержит сегмент компоновки, сегмент объектов и сегмент палитры, и ! причем сегмент компоновки предоставляет информацию о множестве страниц меню, и каждая страница меню содержит идентификатор страницы и информацию эффектов перехода, которая применяется, когда выполняется переход среди упомянутого множества страниц меню, и ! сегмент компоновки содержит информацию о состоянии, содержащую информацию о местоположении, в котором в пределах периода расположен соответствующий набор отображения, содержащий сегмент компоновки. ! 2. Устройство для воспроизведения мультимедийных данных с запоминающего носителя, содержащее: ! декодер, декодирующий видеоданные и ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126144A

... 1. Электронное устройство, содержащее:дисплей;процессор, управляющий дисплеем, для отображения требуемых изображений; имашиночитаемый носитель информации, доступный для процессора и несущий инструкции, которые при их исполнении с помощью процессора побуждают процессор:отображать на экране дисплея пользовательский интерфейс (ПИ), включающий в себя многочисленные изображения пиктограмм, каждая из которых связана с базовым объектом, причем, по меньшей мере, некоторые изображения пиктограмм имеют иконку категории, наложенную на нее;ПИ, включающий в себя также элементы выбора фильтра для того, чтобы определить, какие пиктограммы будут появляться на экране дисплея, и какие нежелательно показывать, элементы выбора фильтра, включающие в себя элементы выбора категории, один из которых можно выбрать для того, чтобы определить, какие категории пиктограмм представлены на экране дисплея, элементы выбора фильтра, включающие в себя также элементы выбора источника контента, один из которых можно выбрать ...

20-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005130815A

... 1. Носитель записи со структурой данных для управления возобновлением воспроизведения, по меньшей мере, записанных на носителе записи видеоданных, имеющий записанные на нем данные, содержащие по меньшей мере, один блок данных для проигрывания, включающий видеоданные; и навигационную информацию для управления блоком данных для проигрывания, где навигационная информация включает управляющую информацию для указания, разрешено или нет возобновление блока данных для проигрывания. 2. Носитель записи по п.1, в котором блок данных для проигрывания является разделом или программной последовательностью. 3. Носитель записи по п.2, в котором управляющая информация записывается в таблицу информации программной последовательности, имеющую отношение к навигационной информации. 4. Носитель записи по п.1, в котором блок данных для проигрывания является частью данных, указанных объектом фильма, составляющим раздел. 5. Носитель записи по п.4, в котором управляющая информация записывается в объект фильма, ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107711A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее:контроллер отображения, выполненный с возможностью управлять блоком отображения для отображения меток, соответствующих множеству изображений;блок обнаружения, выполненный с возможностью обнаруживать информацию выбора, введенную пользователем, причем информация выбора включает в себя маршрутную информацию и дополнительную информацию; иблок воспроизведения, выполненный с возможностью воспроизводить некоторое число изображений из множества изображений на основе дополнительной информации.2. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее:память, выполненную с возможностью хранения множества изображений.3. Устройство по п.1, в котором блок воспроизведения выполнен с возможностью изменять по меньшей мере одно из порядка изображений, числа изображений из множества изображений, длительности воспроизведения изображений или данных, указывающих, какие изображения подлежат воспроизведению, когда изменяется дополнительная информация.4. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006131586A

... 1. Декодер текстовых субтитров для декодирования потоков текстовых субтитров, записанных на носитель записи, содержащий: процессор текстовых субтитров, выполненный с возможностью разбирать поток текстовых субтитров на текстовые данные и информацию управления воспроизведением, текстовые данные представляют текст субтитров, который должен быть отображен в области текстовых субтитров; визуализатор текста, выполненный с возможностью визуализации текстовых данных в растровые данные, используя информацию управления воспроизведением; и контроллер представления, выполненный с возможностью управления операциями процессора текстовых субтитров и визуализатора текста. 2. Декодер по п.1, в котором визуализатор текста дополнительно использует данные шрифтов при визуализации текстовых данных в растровые данные. 3. Декодер по п.1, дополнительно содержащий буфер предварительной загрузки субтитров, выполненный с возможностью предварительной загрузки всей части потока текстовых субтитров с носителя записи ...

27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009131724A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображения, отличающееся тем, что содержит: ! средство ввода движущегося изображения, предназначенное для приема снятого движущегося изображения, снятого с помощью устройства съемки изображения; ! средство расчета информации преобразования, предназначенное для расчета, на основе первого снятого изображения, включенного в снятое движущееся изображение, и второго снятого изображения, расположенного после первого снятого изображения вдоль оси времени, снятого движущегося изображения, информации преобразования, относящейся к первому снятому изображению и второму снятому изображению; ! средство содержания изображения, предназначенное для содержания, в качестве изображения предыстории, отдельных изображений, включающих в себя первое снятое изображение, и расположенных перед вторым снятым изображением вдоль оси времени снятого движущегося изображения; ! средство преобразования изображения, предназначенное для преобразования, по меньшей мере, одного из изображения предыстории ...

27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009143003A

... 1. Машиночитаемый носитель данных, содержащий выполняемые команды, чтобы: ! отображать видеосодержание; ! предоставлять курсор, связанный с относительным положением видеосодержания; ! принимать новое положение курсора, связанное с запросом о новом относительном положении видеосодержания; ! и отображать изображение эскиза с пониженным разрешением видеосодержания, соответствующее новому относительному положению. ! 2. Машиночитаемый носитель данных по п.1, дополнительно содержащий выполняемые команды, чтобы превратить изображения эскиза в полноэкранное изображение на новом относительном положении, когда курсор не передвигается в течение заданного периода времени. ! 3. Машиночитаемый носитель данных по п.2, дополнительно содержащий выполняемые команды, чтобы возобновить воспроизведение видеосодержания от нового относительного положения. ! 4. Машиночитаемый носитель данных по п.1, дополнительно содержащий выполняемые команды, чтобы приостановить видеосодержание в ответ на запрос о новом относительном ...

15-07-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для записи на видеопластинку

Номер: SU1103813A3

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАПИСИ НА ВИДЕОПЛАСТИНКУ, содержащее источник составного видеосигнала, подсоединенный к выходу цветовой поднесущей блока синхронизации, снабженного выходом синхронных цветовой поднесущей синхронизирующих импульсов, подключенным к формирователю управляющих импульсов , выходы которого соединены с регистрами сдвига, формирователь основных информационных разрядов, выполненный с выходом номеров видеополя и полосы, сумматор напряжений и выходную шину, отличающееся тем, что, с целью уменьшения погрешности записи на видеопластинку, в него введены генератор цифровых данных , выполненной в виде включенных последовательно блока деления и умножения полиномов и блока сложения полиномов, и процессор-формирователь модулированного сигнала, включенный между выходом сумматора напряжений и выходной шиной, а выход цветовой поднесущей блока синхронизации подключен к формирователю управляющих импульсов , причем выход первого регистра сдвига подключен к входу блока деления и умножения полиномов ...

09-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004123420A1

08-04-2004 дата публикации

Kopiergerät für optische Platten (II)

Номер: DE0069333440D1

07-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004032957A1

07-02-2002 дата публикации

Wiedergabe von Stehbilddaten

Номер: DE0069524835D1

17-10-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003414597C2

18-02-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zum Bearbeiten einer Videoaufzeichnung mit einer Audio-Auswahl

Номер: DE0019983916B4

Ein maschinen-implementiertes Verfahren, umfassend: Empfangen eines einen Videoinhalt enthaltenden Signals; Analysieren des Videoinhalts des empfangenen Signals, um sichtbare Merkmale des Videoinhalts zu ermitteln; und Ermitteln einer geeigneten Audio-Inhalt-Auswahl aus einer Mehrzahl verfügbarer Audio-Inhalt-Auswahlen, mit welcher das empfangene Signal ergänzt werden soll, wenigstens teilweise auf der Grundlage der ermittelten sichtbaren Merkmale des Videoinhalts; Bestimmen eines Aufzeichnungspegels für die ermittelte Audio-Inhalt-Auswahl, bei welchem der Audioinhalt des empfangenen Signals mit der ermittelten Audio-Inhalt-Auswahl angereichert werden soll, wobei bestimmt wird, ob das empfangene Signal einen Audioinhalt enthält, sofern festgestellt worden ist, daß das empfangene Signal einen Audioinhalt enthält, Ermitteln eines Audio-Attributs, welches anzeigt, ob der Audio-Inhalt Sprache enthält, und der Aufzeichnungspegel wenigstens teilweise in Abhängigkeit von dem ermittelten Audio-Attribut ...

05-10-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002919475C2
Принадлежит: DICTAPHONE CORP., RYE, N.Y., US

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Benutzerschnittstellenanordnung sowie Computerprogramm

Номер: DE102012217152A1

Benutzerschnittstellenanordnung 1 zum Anzeigen und/oder Abspielen von Videosequenzen 2, wobei die Videosequenzen 2 jeweils ein Ereignis anzeigen und in einem Überwachungszeitraum 12 aufgenommen sind, wobei die Benutzerschnittstellenanordnung 1 eine Steuereinrichtung 4 und einen Bildschirm 3 aufweist, wobei die Steuereinrichtung 4 den Bildschirm 3 zur Ausgabe einer Anzeige 6 ansteuert, wobei die Anzeige 6 einen Zeitstrahl 7 umfasst, der den Überwachungszeitraum 12 oder einen Teil des Überwachungszeitraums 12 angibt, wobei die Anzeige 6 mindestens eine Markierung 8 zur zeitlichen Einordnung und zur Angabe der Dauer der mindestens einen Videosequenz 2 auf dem Zeitstrahl 7 oder in Bezug auf den Zeitstrahl 7 umfasst.

14-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003869795D1

28-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059703622D1

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Tragbares Festkörperlaufwerksmodul

Номер: DE102020116909A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung bezieht sich auf ein tragbares Festkörperlaufwerks(SSD)-Modul. Das tragbare SSD-Modul enthält ein Gehäuse, ein SSD, ein lichtemittierendes Vorrichtungs(LED)-Modul und einen Hauptbügel. Das Gehäuse kann ein Fenster aufweisen. Das SSD kann im Gehäuse angeordnet sein. Das LED-Modul kann im Gehäuse angeordnet sein, um eine Operation des SSD durch das Fenster anzuzeigen. Der Hauptbügel kann im Gehäuse angeordnet sein, um das LED-Modul zu tragen. Somit kann das LED-Modul leicht und sicher mit dem Gehäuse kombiniert werden.

23-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003720433A1

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Gestapelte Medienelemente mit selektiven Parallax-Effekten

Номер: DE102020106961A1

Gemäß einer Ausführungsform schließt ein Verfahren das Erhalten einer Medienkomposition zum Anzeigen auf einer elektronischen Anzeigevorrichtung ein. Die Medienkomposition schließt eine Vielzahl von Schichten ein, wobei jede Schicht ein visuelles Element einschließt. Das Verfahren schließt auch das Auswählen von mindestens einigen der Schichten der Medienkomposition, um einen Parallax-Effekt darauf anzuwenden, und das Bestimmen eines Ausmaßes des gesamten Parallax-Effekts ein, der auf die ausgewählten Schichten angewendet werden soll. Das Verfahren schließt auch das Bestimmen eines geeigneten Versatzausmaßes, das individuell auf jede der ausgewählten Schichten angewendet werden soll, und das Verschieben der ausgewählten Schichten in einer oder mehreren Richtungen um ihre jeweils geeigneten Ausmaße ein. Darüber hinaus schließt das Verfahren das Anzeigen der Medienkomposition, das den Parallax-Effekt zeigt, auf der elektronischen Anzeigevorrichtung ein.

06-05-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002047667A1

19-10-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002047667C3
Принадлежит: SONY CORP., TOKIO

07-02-2002 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Abspielen von Multimediadateien von einem Speicher in einem Autoradio

Номер: DE0010014987C2

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zum Abspielen von Multimediadateien von einem Speicher in einem Autoradio vorgeschlagen, die dazu dient, Verzeichnisse und Multimediadateien, die sich auf dem Speicher befinden, als Datenträger und Titel jeweils darzustellen. Dies ermöglicht eine intuitive Bedienung eines Autoradios. Mittels einer Wippe, die sowohl in vertikaler als auch horizontaler Richtung bedienbar ist, werden die einzelnen Datenträger bzw. Titel ausgewählt. Werden Datenträger und/oder Titel angezeigt und es erfolgt nach einer vorgegebenen Zeit jeweils keine Eingabe, werden automatisch Titel dargestellt bzw. abgespielt. Sogenannte Play-Listen sind erstellbar. Nach Einlegen eines Speichers in ein Laufwerk wird automatisch die erste Multimediadatei mit dem ersten Titel im ersten Datenträger dekodiert und mittels eines Lautsprechers wiedergegeben. Das Abspielen von Titeln in zufälliger Reihenfolge wird mittels der Eingabevorrichtung 8 ermöglicht. Die Multimediadateien sind in MP3 kodiert.

08-04-2004 дата публикации

Aufzeichnungsgerät und Videokamera

Номер: DE0069718863T2

04-12-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003330715C2

24-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003233370A1

06-03-1980 дата публикации

Dictation machine with reversible tape drive - has marker affecting on actuation signal recording and uses control signals for tape movement interruption

Номер: DE0002837791A1

The operating station of the dictating machine is designed for recording, reading and erasing of tape recordings. The machine contains an electro-acoustic transducer and a control for the machine operation. A marker-operator (19-21) affects the recording of signals on the recording tape (12), when it is actuated. The control (9) is so designed that the signals which can be read during relative movement of the tape along the processing station (11) and which can be supplied to the control, initiative the generation of control signals which interrupt the tape movement. Preferably several markers-operators are provided for recording of different signals. The latter are separately recognised by the control which acts acordingly.

12-12-1996 дата публикации

Plattenspieler von Wechseltyp

Номер: DE0000694923T1

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Videorecorder oder Lesegerät für eine Kassette mit einem Halbleiterspeicher

Номер: DE0004232868B4

Videorecorder oder Lesegerät für eine Kassette mit einem Halbleiterspeicher zum Schreiben und Lesen von kassettentypischen Daten, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß Mittel vorgesehen sind, die während eines Aufnahmevorgangs nach einer manuellen Betätigung (4) oder selbsttätig das Signal eines Bildes in den Speicher (3) schreiben.

30-09-1993 дата публикации

Inscription contact e.g. for magnetic tape video cassette - is accessed by VTR engaging the contacts formed by embossed letters on cassette

Номер: DE0004226408C1

A magnetic tape video cassette has a built-in memory chip (6) that contains identification data and information relating to the type of recording. Access to the memory when the cassette is loaded into the recorder is provided by contacts (5) on the chip that connect with contacts on the surface of the cassette. The cassette surface contacts are provided by the embossed letters indicating the type of cassette, e.g. V.H.S. The letters are formed on one side of the cassette wall with the chip located in a recess on the other side. ADVANTAGE - Uses inscription symbols as contacts for built-in memory.

08-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002717175T1

System zum Transferieren von Informationen über Attribut, umfassend eine Aufzeichnungs/Wiedergabevorrichtung, die Musikstückdaten von einem Wiedergabemedium wiedergibt und die Musikstückdaten auf ein Aufzeichnungsmedium aufzeichnet, und einen Server zur Bereitstellung von Attributinformationen, der durch eine Kommunikation mit der Aufzeichnungs/Wiedergabevorrichtung verbunden ist und Attributinformationen bereitstellt, die ein Attribut der auf das Aufzeichnungsmedium aufgezeichneten Musikstückdaten anzeigen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Aufzeichnungs/Wiedergabevorrichtung Folgendes umfaßt: ein Identifikationsinformationserlangungsmittel, um vom Wiedergabemedium Identifikationsinformationen über das Wiedergabemedium zu erlangen; ein Identifikationsinformationssendemittel, um die Identifikationsinformationen, die vom Identifikationsinformationserlangungsmittel erlangt werden, zum Server zur Bereitstellung von Attributinformationen zu senden; ein Attributinformationsempfangsmittel, um die ...

15-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002134261A1

15-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002011611B2

02-06-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for recording data onto a recording medium including warning of the approach to an end of medium position

Номер: GB0000409643D0

14-12-1994 дата публикации

Video editing systems

Номер: GB0009421792D0

28-10-1998 дата публикации

Portable av editing apparatus

Номер: GB0009819163D0

29-10-1997 дата публикации

Video query and editing system

Номер: GB0009717924D0

12-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods, systems, devices and computer program products for managing playback of digital media content

Номер: GB0201219555D0

11-05-2016 дата публикации

Recording apparatus and method of controlling recording apparatus

Номер: GB0201605048D0

10-03-2010 дата публикации

Improvement in media editing

Номер: GB0201001024D0

20-03-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to monitors for commercial phonographs

Номер: GB0000770742A

... 770,742. Dictating machines. DICTAPHONE CORPORATION. June 10, 1955 [June 10, 1954], No. 16734/55. Class 40 (2). A correction indication device for dictation machines having a movable carriage 16 and replaceable instruction-indication sheets, is provided with marking means 42 mounted on and movable with said carriage, and an indicator control member 10 movable to different instruction positions and linked with the said marking means. The control member 10 comprises an operating knob 28 mounted on a shaft 30 and having ears marked " C " and " L " to indicate correction and length, respectively. Finger pressure on one or other ear causes a bellcrank 32, Fig. 6, to be rotated to lift or lower, by means of a link 34, a bail 38 carrying a sliding member 40 which has pivoted to it a marker bar 42 passing through a channel shaped cover 48 pivoted at 50 on the carriage 16. The marker bar 42 carries a roller 54 which engages a cam surface on the inner part of the cover 48, so that as the bar 42 is ...

18-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008406780D0

23-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008409298D0

16-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009216286D0

18-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009004127D0

29-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009316626D0

26-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009200307D0

12-06-1996 дата публикации

Data storage

Номер: GB0009607692D0

19-10-1994 дата публикации

An apparatus for generating signals representing textural information relating to recorded matter

Номер: GB0009417577D0

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for photo editing and mobile terminal using this method

Номер: US20120007890A1

Disclosed is an image data processing method, and more particularly, to a method for photo editing and a terminal using the same method. The method of photo editing in a mobile terminal may include discernibly displaying a plurality of similar pictures with a reference picture and a compared picture, receiving an edit command for the displayed reference picture, applying the received edit command similarly to the compared picture, and displaying the execution result of the edit command for the reference picture and the compared picture at the same time.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Image processing device, image processing method and image processing program

Номер: US20120014619A1
Автор: Hiroaki Tobita
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing device is provided where it is possible to determine a reproduction form of preview moving images in an expression form which does not currently exist which is determining the reproduction form of the preview moving images using a comic which are elements of the base moving images in two dimensions by arranges panel images of base moving images in a comic region and determining the reproduction form of the preview moving images according to the comic panels arranged in the comic region, and it is possible to impress expressiveness.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Playback apparatus and program content transmitting and receiving system

Номер: US20120027377A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Program content is easily selected on a playback apparatus having a plurality of program content recording locations. A video recording management server ( 11 ) manages program IDs, the video recording condition of program content on a television apparatus ( 10 ), and recording location information indicating on which server each program content is recorded, in association with each other as program management information. The television apparatus ( 10 ) displays an electronic program guide ( 100 ) in which past and future programs are displayed integrally, and displays a video recording complete mark (RM) for programs previously recorded on a user content server ( 13 ). On the other hand, when an instruction to play back program content is made in the electronic program guide ( 100 ), the television apparatus ( 10 ) receives the program content from a server designated from the video recording management server ( 11 ) to perform streaming playback. Thus, the television apparatus ( 100 ) can perform video recording and playback of program content desired by the user by means of the electronic program guide ( 100 ), without making the user specify a program content recording location.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Enhanced navigation system using digital information medium

Номер: US20120033942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A new navigation function is added to a legacy DVD-Video. A player unit plays back recorded contents, that include video contents or AV contents and ENAV contents associated with contents (menu, chapter) of the video contents, from a DVD-Video disc. The video contents of the DVD disc are played back by a video playback engine. The ENAV contents of the DVD disc are played back by an ENAV engine. The ENAV engine controls playback of the ENAV contents and that of the video contents in combination, connection, and/or synchronism with each other according to the played-back contents of the ENAV contents.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus

Номер: US20120047459A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

In order to efficiently display a plurality of images on a display screen, the display screen is divided into a number of areas based on the number of images that are designated for display. For example, if four information items are selected and designated for display, the screen is divided into four areas, each area displaying one of the selected information items. Image information is reduced in size for display in each divided area, and sound information can be represented by a corresponding symbol (e.g., a musical note). If five or more information items are selected and designated for display, then the screen is divided into nine areas, and each of the selected images is displayed in one of the divided areas.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for embedding media programs having custom user selectable thumbnails

Номер: US20120054615A1
Принадлежит: HULU LLC

A method and apparatus for embedding a media program with a randomly user selected thumbnail is disclosed. The user can scan a media program to identify one of a plurality of media program frames, select the frame of interest, then designate it as the thumbnail to use in connection with the embedded media program.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Communication system and its method and communication apparatus and its method

Номер: US20120059497A1
Автор: Akihiro Morohashi
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

This invention relates to a communication system including a first apparatus having a first storage medium, and a second apparatus for transmitting data to the first apparatus, the second apparatus comprising: a second storage medium for storing management information of data to be transferred to the first storage medium; communication means for communicating data with the first apparatus; edit means capable of editing the management information; and control means for making a control to transfer data stored in the second storage medium to the first storage medium by way of the communication means on the basis of the management information edited by the edit means.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Interactive video tour system editor

Номер: US20120066599A1
Принадлежит: MJW Corp Inc

A computer system, method, and apparatus for editing an interactive image video tour. The system may include a computer including an image editor for providing a visual program interface for editing an interactive image video tour; a database in communication with the computer containing data associated with a plurality of images comprising a portion of the interactive image video tour; and a viewer in communication with the computer for displaying the plurality of images. The method may include selecting a data file that includes image data and displaying an image associated therewith on a computer, the data file being stored in an image database containing a plurality of images for creating an interactive image video tour; and modifying one aspect of the image data contained in the selected data file. The apparatus may include a computer-readable medium containing instructions for controlling a computer system to perform a method for editing an interactive image video tour.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for editing

Номер: US20120093487A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An editing method comprises: generating, from a material data which is generated according to a first time and in which a first time range is specified, a playback data that is to be played back according to a second time different from the first time; and locating a second time range, which includes the material data within the first time range, in the playback data.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

User-customized programming

Номер: US20120102529A1

A method may include transmitting a list of programs for customization to a user device and receiving, from the user device, a selection by the user of one of the listed programs. The method may further include determining a list of clips to recommend to the user based on a user profile associated with the user and transmitting the list of clips to the user device for customizing the selected program. Further, the method may include receiving a selection of one of the clips from the user device and inserting the clip into the selected program to generate a customized program.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for media annotation, selection and display of background data

Номер: US20120106924A1
Принадлежит: Flickintel LLC

Video content is a time varying presentation of scenes or video frames. Each frame can contain a number of scene elements such as actors, foreground items, background items, or other items. A person enjoying video content can select a scene element by specifying a screen coordinate while the video content plays. Frame specification data identifies the specific frame or scene being displayed when the coordinate is selected. The coordinate in combination with the frame specification data is sufficient to identify the scene element that the person has chosen. Information about the scene element can then be presented to the person. An annotation database can relate the scene elements to the frame specification data and coordinates.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Information reproducing apparatus, method for controlling information reproducing apparatus, content recording medium, control program, computer-readable recording medium storing control program

Номер: US20120128329A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

The AV data reproducing apparatus includes: (i) a reading section for reading out, from a recording medium, additional function information indicating an additional function correlated with a manipulation input; and (ii) an additional function program executing section for executing the additional function in response to the manipulation input. With this, an operation unique to the content can be carried out by executing the additional function (additional function program) indicated by the additional function information stored in the recording medium together with the AV data. This makes it possible for the AV data reproducing apparatus to carry out an operation other than an operation intrinsically corresponding to a key.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Music data reproduction apparatus

Номер: US20120130518A1
Принадлежит: Alpine Electronics Inc

A music data reproduction apparatus can reproduce music data stored in a hierarchical folder with a simpler operation, and the reproduction can be started in a shorter time. An audio system for reproducing music data stored in a hierarchical format in one or more folders recorded on a memory includes a folder specifying unit for specifying one of the folders, a music data extracting unit for extracting music data stored in a lower-level folder under the folder that is specified by the folder specifying unit, and an audio processing unit for reproducing the music data that is extracted by the music data extracting unit.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Playlist Creation

Номер: US20120131460A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

A method, apparatus, and computer program product for: defining a graph of interconnected nodes, each node representing a content item; presenting the graph to a user; receiving a first user input defining a first route through one or more nodes via the interconnections, the route beginning at a first initial node and ending at a first terminal node; and determining a playlist comprising the content item associated with each node in the first route, ordered according to its node's position in the first route.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for media annotation, selection and display of additional information associated with a region of interest in video content

Номер: US20120139839A1
Принадлежит: Flickintel LLC

Methods, systems, and processor-readable media for selecting a region within a particular frame of video content to access additional information about an area of interest associated with the region within the particular frame, and displaying the additional information, in response to selecting the region associated with the particular frame of video content to access the additional information about the area of interest associated with the region within the particular frame. A selection packed can be generated, which includes frame selection data associated with the particular frame of video content. The frame selection data can include data that is sufficient to identify the particular frame of video content.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus, display control method and program

Номер: US20120162251A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An electronic apparatus includes an operation reception unit that receives a switching operation for switching between a list display screen where index images for selecting content items belonging to one or a plurality of groups are disposed on a display surface of a display unit, and a group display screen where the index images are disposed on the display surface, and a display control unit that displays one of the list display screen and the group display screen on the display unit based on the switching operation, moves the index images with content item units from predetermined positions on one screen of the list display screen and the group display screen, displayed at the time of receiving the corresponding switching operation to predetermined positions on the other screen displayed after the corresponding switching operation is received, and displays the index images by animation during the movement.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Adaptable audio instruction system and method

Номер: US20120164617A1
Автор: Dongju Chung
Принадлежит: Individual

An adaptable audio instruction system and method allows for tailoring and modification to audio sequences used for audio instruction of users. The tailoring and modification abilities of the system regard content and presentation details of the audio sequences to comply with user preferences and user progress in learning content contained in the audio sequences.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

System And Method For Web Based Collaboration Using Digital Media

Номер: US20120173980A1
Автор: Eric B. Dachs
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method configured to allow production team members to view, organize and manage production of a motion picture. The system and method allows the production team members to organize the project script; extract the script into scenes and slates; view, organize, select and collaborate on uploaded digital media and takes for each scene as well as uploaded audio, music or special effects that are to be applied to the product. The system tracks versions of the project by monitoring each change as well. The system also allows production member to organize project calendars, tasks associated with projects, contacts, notes, budgeting and other facets of the project. The system incorporates security measures which allow certain members of the production team to only have access to designated high-security material.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Media library monitoring system and method

Номер: US20120185589A1
Автор: Robert C. Sims
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of methods and systems comprise collecting data associated with a library or library components and storing the collected data in repository. By collecting data associated with a library or library components and storing the collected data in a repository, the degradation of library components can be monitored and the reliability of library components determined, allowing unreliable components to be bypassed or replaced, enhancing the reliability of the library and preventing data loss.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Picture-based video indexing system

Номер: US20120189268A1

A video indexing system uses pictures representative of a recorded video program to assist a user in determining the contents of a recorded medium without having to view the program itself. The pictures preferably represent segments of the program which are spaced apart in time, enabling a relatively small number of such pictures to characterize a lengthy program, and are presented in separate windows on the screen of the same device used to display the video program. The pictures may include still or moving imagery. A viewer optionally may select a particular picture with a pointing device, to commence replay of the recorded program from that period in the program, or to recall stored audio information so as to assist in identifying the selection. The picture information may be stored on the same medium as that used to record the video program, or a different medium may be used.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Customized Video Modification

Номер: US20120192226A1
Принадлежит: Impossible Software GmbH

A computer-implemented method for incorporating advertisement information into a video is disclosed. The method may include receiving a request for a modified video and receiving at least one parameter for determining advertisement information to be included in the modified video. Based on the received parameter, the method may select the advertisement information to be included in the modified video. The method may also include determining an advertisement area in a video for the advertisement information to be located, and generating the modified video by integrating the advertisement information into the advertisement area in the video. Further, the method may include sending the modified video to one or more devices.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Media-Editing Application with Video Segmentation and Caching Capabilities

Номер: US20120198319A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

For a media-editing application that creates a composite media presentation, some embodiments of the invention provide a method for reducing rendering operations by dividing the composite presentation into several segments and rendering the segments in a manner that allows for these segments to move with respect to each other without losing the rendered results. The media-editing application defines portions of a media presentation as segments. When the media-editing application renders a segment of the media presentation, the application computes an identifier that uniquely identifies the segment and then uses this identifier to store and later retrieve the rendered result for the segment. The application in some embodiments computes the identifier based on a set of attributes of the segment, and stores the results of rendering the segment at a location that is uniquely identifiable in a storage structure by the identifier.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Efficient Media Processing

Номер: US20120206653A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Some embodiments provide a media-editing application. The application includes several image processing destinations for performing operations on video images. The application includes a scheduling engine for scheduling disk read, decode, and graphics processing operations to perform on images to prepare the images for the several destinations. The scheduling engine includes a first set of instructions for scheduling images based on a speed at which a particular one of the several destinations processes the images when none of the destinations require images in real-time. The scheduling engine includes a second set of instructions for scheduling images based on a real-time clock when at least one of the several destinations requires images in real-time.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Media-Editing Application with Anchored Timeline

Номер: US20120210230A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A media application of some embodiments includes a timeline, which is a composite display area for displaying media clips that are part of the composite media presentation. The timeline of some embodiments includes a primary lane called a spine as well as one or more anchor lanes. The spine represents a primary sequence of media, which, in some embodiments, does not have any gaps. When a clip is deleted or removed from the timeline, the media-editing applications automatically closes the gap created in place of the clip. The clips in the anchor lanes are anchored to a particular position along the spine. Anchor lanes may be used for compositing (e.g., removing portions of one video and showing a different video in those portions), B-roll cuts (i.e., cutting away from the primary video to a different video whose clip is in the anchor lane), audio clips, or other composite presentation techniques.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Display control device, display control method, and program

Номер: US20120236027A1
Автор: Tetsuji Ogata
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention relates to a display control device, a display control method, and a program, enabling realization of various playing display using frame images subjected to compositing processing as a motion transition image. A recording medium has recorded therein, as a series of recording frame image data, each of composited image data generated by sequentially performing image compositing processing for each input of frame image data, each of composited image data being enabled of moving image display in which a moving subject image in each frame image data is sequentially placed so as to be arrayed in a predetermined direction, with each recording frame image data being playable. In accordance with operation of an operation input unit such as a touch panel, a frame position to be played is determined out of the series of recording frame image data, and playing of the recording frame image data at the determined frame position is executed. Thus, a scene which the user desires to view out of the motion transition image can be easily viewed.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Reproduction device and display control method

Номер: US20120240047A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A reproduction device including a reproduction unit configured to reproduce content data including at least one of audio, video, and text for which attribute data is assigned for each of a different plurality of attributes; a display unit; and a control unit configured to make the display unit display a playback screen containing at least one attribute data among the plurality of attribute data assigned to the content data when reproducing the content data and, when one attribute data among the attribute data composing the playback screen is selected, switch the display content of the content from the playback screen to the list relating to the selected attribute data.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Media processing system, control method for media processing system, and media processing device

Номер: US20120243050A1
Автор: Hidetoshi Maeshima
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A media processing system enables producing a copy of media based on the state of media deterioration. An error rate measurement unit measures the error rate of recorded media after specific data is written to the media; an error rate evaluation unit determines if the media error rate measured by the error rate measurement unit is less than or equal to a preset threshold value; and a data recording unit that, when the error rate evaluation unit determines the error rate exceeds the specific threshold value, writes specific data recorded to the recorded media to other unused media.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Detecting and processing corrupted video recordings

Номер: US20120251074A1

Embodiments of the invention include a method that comprises receiving a request to record television content on a specified channel for a specified period of time. The method can also include tuning to the specified channel at the specified time, and recording the specified content. The method can also include determining that one or more segments of the television content is corrupted. The method can also include presenting a notification indicating that some of the television content is corrupted, retuning to the specified channel made by the request, and acquiring uncorrupted television content for use in replacing the one or more segments of corrupted television content.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Portable Electronic Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Displaying Electronic Lists and Documents

Номер: US20120274597A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a computer-implemented method, a portion of an electronic document is displayed on the touch screen display. The displayed portion of the electronic document has a vertical position in the electronic document. An object is detected on or near the displayed portion of the electronic document. In response to detecting the object on or near the displayed portion of the electronic document, a vertical bar is displayed on top of the displayed portion of the electronic document. The vertical bar has a vertical position on top of the displayed portion of the electronic document that corresponds to the vertical position in the electronic document of the displayed portion of the electronic document. After a predetermined condition is met, display of the vertical bar is ceased. The vertical bar is displayed for a predetermined time period when the portion of the electronic document is initially displayed.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Application of speed effects to a video presentation

Номер: US20120301114A1
Автор: Gary Johnson
Принадлежит: Individual

Some embodiments provide a method of specifying speed effects for playing a video clip. The method defines a set of speed effects for the video clip. It then displays in real-time a presentation of the video clip that accounts for the set of speed effects defined for the video clip. This method represents the playback speed of a video clip in terms of a graph that is part of a graphical user interface (“GUI”). This graph is defined along two axes, with one axis representing the playback time, and the other axis representing the content-time (i.e., the time within the video clip). A user can select and adjust the graph at different instances in time in order to change the playback speed of the video clip at these instances. Some embodiments use a deformable line bar superimposed on a rectangle that represents the video clip to represent playback speed.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling a display of multimedia content using a timeline-based interface

Номер: US20120308204A1
Автор: Sung-Jae Hwang

A touch screen control method for controlling a playback of multimedia content using a timeline-based interface includes detecting a selection at a specific location on the timeline; and selectively zoom-displaying an area around the location where the selection is detected the position on the timeline where the event trigger has occurred.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating a custom track

Номер: US20120316900A1
Автор: Michael Wayne Shore
Принадлежит: Capshore LLC

A method for creating a custom track is described. A selection of at least one artist, venue, and track of a live musical performance having at least one complete song for selection by the user is provided. A selection by the first user of the at least one artist, venue, and track is received. At least one clip associated with the at least one selected artist, venue, and track is displayed. The first user is allowed to create a first custom track from the at least one clip by selecting at least a portion of the at least one clip to be included in the first custom track and a start time and an end time of the at least a portion of the at least one clip within the first custom track.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Picture Selection for Video Skimming

Номер: US20120321280A1
Автор: Ken Kengkuan Lin
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Some embodiments of the invention provide a video preview generator that quickly generates preview displays of different parts of a video. The preview generator includes a skimming tool and a picture generator. The skimming tool is moveable across a representation of a video clip in order to identify different video pictures within the video clip. As the skimming tool moves across the video clip representation, the picture generator identifies and displays different video pictures for different positions of the skimming tool on the video clip. For at least some of the positions of the skimming tool, the picture generator presents a video picture that is not at the location identified by the skimming tool, but rather is at a nearby location and is easier to present in the preview than the video picture at the identified location.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Recording Content within Digital Video

Номер: US20120321281A1
Автор: Nick Hilem
Принадлежит: Exclaim Mobility Inc

A method for recording user content within a digital video is provided. The method may display a visual timeline associated with the digital video at a user interface, reserve one or more frames of the digital video for insertion of the user content, temporally indicate the reserved frames on the visual timeline using one or more visual tags, retrievably store the user content at a storage device, associate the user content to the reserved frames of the digital video, and enable the user content to be played back in parallel with the digital video at the reserved frames. The user content may include any one or more of text data, audio data, image data and video data. The reserved frames may be selected based on input provided by a user through the user interface.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Program search device and program search method

Номер: US20120323564A1
Автор: Takeya Fujii
Принадлежит: JVCKenwood Corp

A program search device includes: a table storage unit that stores an allowed word table; a program stream acquiring unit that acquires a program stream generated according to a broadcasting code of ethics; a table update unit that extracts caption data or program information, which is a first text data item related to the content of a program; a program storage unit that stores a program included in the acquired program stream; a data acquiring unit that acquires a second text data item; a data processing unit that divides the second text data item into morphemes, replaces the divided morpheme with a predetermined symbol; an index giving unit that gives a set of the recombined third text data item; and a program extracting unit that extracts the program stored in the program storage unit.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Optical disc reproducing apparatus

Номер: US20130011112A1
Автор: Keizo Yuki
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A reproducing apparatus includes a signal processing unit that performs background playback of a title based on data recorded on a BD after an operation mode is changed from a reproduction mode of the BD to a different mode. The signal processing unit holds screen information concerning a mask screen that masks a reproduction screen of the title, and screen information concerning a replacement demand screen that prompts replacement of the housed BD, outputs the mask screen when the operation mode is returned to the reproduction mode in a case where a playback position of the BD does not reach an end during the background playback, and outputs the replacement demand screen when the operation mode is returned to the reproduction mode in a case where the playback position reaches the end during the background playback.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device information processing method and program storage medium

Номер: US20130016954A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An object three-dimensionally represented by frames contained in a moving image and a time axis indicative of a playback time of the moving image is displayed on a display unit, and, while the three dimensional image being displayed, and an object representative of a moving image of a part between two points detected on the time axis is displayed in response to an instruction by a thing approaching to the display unit and is moved in accordance with a moving operation on the thing.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Transcript editor

Номер: US20130047059A1
Принадлежит: Avid Technology Inc

A transcript editor enables text-based editing of time-based media that includes spoken dialog. It involves an augmented transcript that includes timing metadata that associates words and phrases within the transcript with corresponding temporal locations within the time-based media where the text is spoken, and editing the augmented transcript without the need for playback of the time-based media. After editing, the augmented transcript is processed by a media editing system to automatically generate an edited version of the time-based media that only includes the segments of the time-based media that include the speech corresponding to the edited augmented transcript.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Customizable Database-Driven Menu Structure for a Portable Computing Device

Номер: US20130067409A1
Принадлежит: Alto Patent Tech LLC

A portable media playing device incorporating a menu structure. The device includes a display mechanism, a navigation database, including a navigation record with a navigation description, and an action database, including an action record with an action description. The action database is customizable. A display driver displays the navigation description. When the navigation description is selected, the display driver displays the action description. When the action description is selected, a digital synchronization system generates an extra action request (EAR) record that includes an action identifier and action data for storage in an EAR database. When the device is synchronized with a computer, a synchronization manager accesses the EAR database and updates the action database with any new action records.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Video management system

Номер: US20130071087A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A system and method for managing video data and metadata associated with the video data is disclosed. In one embodiment, a content management system receives video data and metadata associated with the video data, such as a title, a thumbnail image and a subject matter identifier. Instructions for a media player used to present the video data using a destination site are also generated to simplify distribution of the video data to one or more destination sites. The content management system further enables a user to edit the stored video data to customize placements of advertisements or other data within the video data by identifying one or more cue points in the video data. A data store is coupled to the content management system to store the video data and the metadata associated with the video data.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Video trick mode mechanism

Номер: US20130071095A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

A system and method for video trick mode playback is described, the system and method including a user actuated control operative to slide ( 130 ) a playback position along a video file, the user actuated control including a rewind actuation, a forward actuation ( 120 ) and a default neutral actuation, a player device including a plurality of video file readers ( 110 b - 110 e ) operative to play the video frames at nominal frame rate disposed along the video file, around the playback position, the distance between the video file readers varying according to the sliding speed of the playback position, a trick play engine to control the sliding speed and direction of the playback position, the sliding speed and direction being functions of a user actuation and a trick play engine velocity, the position at which each one of the plurality of video file readers is disposed along the video file is updated to catch-up with the playback position when the playback position is not sliding forward at nominal frame rate according to predetermined rules.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Information reproducing system using information storage medium

Номер: US20130084055A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An information storage medium storing management information, wherein the management information manages a main video or an advanced application, the main video is decoded, a decoded main video is presented to a main video plane, the advanced application is presented to a graphic plane, the graphic plane is placed on or above the main video plane, and the main video plane and the graphic plane are overlaid to be displayed.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for real-time and on-demand multimedia streaming

Номер: US20130091301A1
Принадлежит: GIBBY MEDIA GROUP Inc

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for improving real-time on-demand multimedia streaming for display on computers with different hardware and software constraints. The methods and systems improve multimedia streaming by using a media player with a custom-sized frame, a predefined pixel aspect ratio, a predefined frame-rate, a progressive order, a predefined number of reference frames, a predefined average variable bit rate, and a predefined maximum variable bit rate. The methods and systems also utilize one or more servers with flash media and buffer the media content from the servers to load and start streaming with substantially no load time delay.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Video thumbnail display device and video thumbnail display method

Номер: US20130093786A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A video thumbnail display device includes a receiving unit which receives a selection of the first template included in the first thumbnail, a template determining unit which determines whether or not the second thumbnail including the second template which includes the same video data as that in the first template is displayed, an image obtaining unit which obtains the first display image in the first thumbnail and the second display image in the second thumbnail when the second thumbnail is determined to be displayed; a plural-video displaying unit which displays the first template in the first display region and the second template in the second display region, and an image displaying unit which displays the first display image in the region associated with the first display region and the second display image in the region associated with the second display region.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Parameter Controlling Apparatus

Номер: US20130113837A1
Принадлежит: Yamaha Corp

By user's pinching operation on a slider 2 e of a controller 2 , it is judged that the slider 2 e has been operated on two points, so that a DAW screen is zoomed in or out in accordance with the speed at which the distance between the two points has changed and the amount by which the distance between the two points has changed. By user's sliding operation on the slider 2 e of the controller 2 , it is judged that the slider 2 e has been operated on one point, so that the function of the DAW is controlled in accordance with the speed at which the slider 2 e has moved and the amount by which the slider 2 e has moved.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20130120313A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is an information processing apparatus including a contact detection unit that detects coordinates of a position of a touch manipulation with respect to a touch panel, a storage unit that stores a table that is a command table relating to an editing process with respect to a material that is an element of content, and that at least includes a command to change a reproduction position of the material that is reproduced on a separate information processing apparatus, according to a distance that the touch manipulation moves, and a command specification unit that specifies the command issued to the separate information processing apparatus, from the table stored in the storage unit, based on a detection result obtained by the contact detection unit.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Information recording and reproducing method using management information including mapping information

Номер: US20130142496A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, there is provided an information playback method, comprising reading out management information used to manage one or more video titles from an information storage medium, the medium storing an advanced content including the management information in which a title timeline indicating playback timings of objects of each video title being individually defined, and playing back objects of each video title in accordance with the title timeline defined in the readout management information.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Smartphone-Based Methods and Systems

Номер: US20130169838A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Arrangements involving portable devices (e.g., smartphones and tablet computers) are disclosed. One arrangement enables a content creator to select software with which that creator's content should be rendered—assuring continuity between artistic intention and delivery. Another utilizes a device camera to identify nearby subjects, and take actions based thereon. Others rely on near field chip (RFID) identification of objects, or on identification of audio streams (e.g., music, voice). Some technologies concern improvements to the user interfaces associated with such devices. Others involve use of these devices in connection with shopping, text entry, sign language interpretation, and vision-based discovery. Still other improvements are architectural in nature, e.g., relating to evidence-based state machines, and blackboard systems. Yet other technologies concern use of linked data in portable devices—some of which exploit GPU capabilities. Still other technologies concern computational photography. A great variety of other features and arrangements are also detailed.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and method, and program storage medium

Номер: US20130176456A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Bando
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed is an information processing method comprising the steps of: storing measured position information in association with first time information representing times of day at which the measured position information is obtained; storing video information in association with second time information representing times of day at which the video information is obtained; and associating the measured position information with the video information in accordance with degrees of difference between the first time information and the second time information.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Digital image processing apparatus and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20130182166A1

A digital image processing apparatus and a method of controlling the same. The digital image processing apparatus includes: a display controller for displaying first content on a display unit; and an image generator for generating second content based on a photographing signal input, which may be from a user, and third content related to the second content.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for compiling and playing a multi-channel video

Номер: US20130188932A1
Принадлежит: SRSLY Inc

A system and method for compiling video segments including defining an event; providing a multi-user video aggregation interface; receiving a plurality of video segments through the aggregation interface; determining event-synchronized alignment of the plurality of videos; and assembling a multi-channel video of event, the multi-channel video file configured with at least two video segments that have at least partially overlapping event-synchronized alignment.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Moving image shooting apparatus and method of using a camera device

Номер: US20130222640A1

An apparatus and method generate and store metadata in a moving image shooting mode for use in playing and editing the moving image. The moving image processing method of the apparatus equipped with a camera includes acquiring images at every frame period in a moving image shooting mode; generating metadata of the images; encoding the images into the moving image; storing the moving image with the metadata; and displaying a specific metadata selected among the metadata as supplementary functions of the moving image in a moving image playback mode.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Information playback system using information storage medium

Номер: US20130230298A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, there is provided a data processing method. The method includes reading management information indicative of a playback and display procedure, acquiring a content from a certain storage position at a timing determined based on the management information, and performing playback and display of the content at a timing determined based on the management information.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Content preparation systems and methods for interactive video systems

Номер: US20130236160A1
Принадлежит: Yoostar Entertainment Group Inc

Content preparation systems and methods are disclosed that generate scenes used by an interactive role performance system for inserting a user image as a character in the scene. Original media content from a variety of sources, such as movies, television, and commercials, can provide participants with a wide variety of scenes and roles. In some examples, the content preparation system removes an original character from the selected media content and recreates the background to enable an image of a user to be inserted therein. By recreating the background after removing the character, the user is given greater freedom to perform, as the image of the user can perform anywhere within the scene. Moreover, systems and methods can generate and store metadata associated with the modified media content that facilitates the combining of the modified media content and the user image to replace the removed character image.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Advanced Television System

Номер: US20130247109A1

A digital television recording method comprising: broadcasting a television program associated with a broadcaster set of parameters enabling access to a first set of predetermined portions of the program; operating an agent for determining whether to record the program and for associating with the program, upon recording of the program, an agent set of parameters enabling access to a second set of predetermined portions of the program; storing the program together with the broadcaster set of parameters and the agent set of parameters to generate an addressable program; retrieving at least a portion of the addressable program; displaying the at least a portion of the addressable program to a user; receiving from the user a user set of parameters enabling access to a third set of predetermined portions of the addressable program; editing the addressable program to include the user set of parameters enabling access to the third set of predetermined portions of the addressable program thereby generating an edited addressable program; and storing the edited addressable program.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Electronic program guide with digital storage

Номер: US20130247112A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

An interactve television program guide system with digital storage is provided. The program guide gives users the ability to store information associated with recorded programs in a directory in the digital storage device thereby providing easy access to program information. The program guide may also provide a global media library for indicating the programs stored on removable storage media used with the program guide. The guide may also allow the user to manage ad maintain a user media library to do the same. Non-time-sensitive data associated with recorded programs may be stored in a way that allows the user to interact with the data on playback as if the program were being originally aired. The program guide also allows the user to define “super-programs”for playback of a sequence of stored programs or program segments.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Graphical manipulation of digital images

Номер: US20130249949A1
Принадлежит: SanDisk Technologies LLC

A method for graphical manipulation of digital images includes a computing device with an interface to a memory, a processor and a graphical application that is executed on the computing device. The processor is operative, under control of the graphical application, to retrieve one or more digital images from the memory and to process each of the retrieved digital images. Processing each retrieved digital image produces a respective set of modified digital images each with a central portion and a frame portion. The central portion is produced from content of the processed retrieved digital image, and the frame portion produced with a frame style and frame attributes that are related to the content of the processed retrieved digital image.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of displaying recorded material and display device using the same

Номер: US20130251335A1
Автор: Youn Jine Cha

A method of displaying a recorded material and display device using the same facilitates user recognition of the content of selected recorded material prior to its reproduction. The display device includes a personal video recorder for storing content of at least one recording item of a recording item list; a PVR controller ( 104 ) for extracting a plurality of thumbnails corresponding to each stored recorded item, each thumbnails being extracted in correspondence to a prescribed time interval; and a display module ( 106 ) for displaying the recording item list in response to a recording item list request and for simultaneously displaying, in response to a user selection of a specific recording item, the extracted thumbnails corresponding to the selected recording item via a corresponding plurality of preview windows. A specific preview window is designated, and the selected recording item is reproduced from a recording position corresponding to the thumbnail of the designated window.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating a custom track

Номер: US20130251346A1
Автор: Michael Wayne Shore
Принадлежит: Capshore LLC

A method and system for creating and editing video and/or audio tracks is described. The method includes providing at least one artist, venue, and track available for selection and providing at least one clip associated with the at least one artist, venue, and track. The method also includes allowing a user to create a custom track from the at least one clip. The system includes a plurality of video cameras for recording a live performance at a plurality of positions. The system also includes at least one server for storing a plurality of video clips created from the plurality of video cameras and an application stored on the at least one server for allowing a user to access the plurality of video clips via the Internet.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Browsing a Mobile Device with an In-Vehicle User Interface

Номер: US20130275871A1
Автор: Sean L. Helm

Systems and methods for browsing a mobile device are provided. Some embodiments may include determining a location of each of a plurality of media files on the mobile device. The plurality of media files may be organized according to a predetermined configuration and may include at least two identical media files at different locations in the predetermined configuration. Similarly, some embodiments may include receiving a request for a requested media file of the plurality of media files at the vehicle computing device and determining which of the at least two identical media files is more accessible. Still some embodiments may include navigating the mobile device to one of the at least two identical media files that is more accessible and play the requested media file through a vehicle audio system.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Separate video file for i-frame and non-i-frame data to improve disk performance in trick play

Номер: US20130294743A1
Автор: Kevin Thornberry
Принадлежит: Individual

A device has an input circuit to receive a stream of video data, which includes intra-frames (I-frames) and inter-frames. A video frame parser separates the I-frames and inter-frames from the stream of video data. A memory device has a file system thereon, and a processor is configured to process the video data. The processor stores the I-frames in an I-frame file in a contiguous memory region of the memory device and stores the inter-frames in an inter-frame file of the memory device. The processor also stores an index file, which includes information to coordinate a pre-parsed position of each I-frame with at least one adjacent inter-frame.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Distributed Database Management System

Номер: US20130294754A1
Принадлежит: Tivo Inc

A distributed database management system provides a central database resident on a server that contains database objects. Objects, e.g., program guide data, to be replicated are gathered together into distribution packages called “slices,” that are transmitted to client devices. A slice is a subset of the central database which is relevant to clients within a specific domain, such as a geographic region, or under the footprint of a satellite transmitter. The viewer selects television programs and Web content from displayed sections of the program guide data which are recorded to a storage device. The program guide data are used to determine when to start and end recordings. Client devices periodically connect to the server using a phone line and upload information of interest which is combined with information uploaded from other client devices for statistical, operational, or viewing models.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and computer program product for generating animated images

Номер: US20130300750A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

In accordance with an example embodiment a method, apparatus and computer program product are provided. The method comprises facilitating a selection of a region in a multimedia frame and performing an alignment of multimedia frames occurring periodically at a pre-defined interval in a capture order associated with a plurality of multimedia frames based on the multimedia frame comprising the selected region. The method further comprises computing region-match parameters corresponding to the selected region for the aligned multimedia frames. One or more multimedia frames are selected from among the aligned multimedia frames based on the computed region-match parameters and a multimedia frame is identified from among the selected one or more multimedia frames and multimedia frames neighbouring the one or more selected multimedia frames based on the computed region-match parameters. The multimedia frame is identified for configuring a loop sequence for an animated image.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Gesture touch inputs for controlling video on a touchscreen

Номер: US20130307792A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

In general, this disclosure describes novel techniques for controlling video content on a computing device, such as a mobile computing device. For example, a computing device may execute a media application that provides a video output to a presence-sensitive screen of the computing device. During execution of the media application, the presence-sensitive screen may receive a gesture touch input that has motion with respect to the presence-sensitive screen. The computing device may then rewind or fast forward the video output based at least in part on the gesture touch input. The computing device may display, during the rewinding or fast forwarding of the video output, a plurality of frames of the video output concurrently on the presence-sensitive screen in lateral motion corresponding to the rewinding or fast forwarding.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Information recording medium, information recording/playback method, and information recording/playback apparatus

Номер: US20130308923A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

There is provided a system configured to prevent recording contents of various broadcasting schemes from being recorded together on a single recording medium while supporting various broadcasting schemes. An optical disc used here can record a digital stream complying with a predetermined digital broadcasting scheme and including specific information APP_NAME corresponding to a broadcasting scheme to be recorded. The broadcasting scheme to be recorded is checked. If another digital stream has already been recorded on the optical disc, its broadcasting scheme is detected from APP_NAME, and is compared with that of the stream to be recorded. If these broadcasting schemes are different, recording is aborted.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Inter-video corresponding relationship display system and inter-video corresponding relationship display method

Номер: US20130314601A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

To enable a presence/absence of a modification of a source video to be readily assessed in a derived video created by utilizing the source video. Relationship information including information indicating a segment corresponding relationship between at least one source video and a derived video created by utilizing at least a part of segments of the at least one source video and information indicating a presence/absence of a modification of the source video in a segment of the derived video in which the corresponding relationship exists is stored in a relationship information storing unit, and based on the relationship information stored in the relationship information storing unit, the segment corresponding relationship between the derived video and the at least one source video is displayed in a display mode in accordance with the presence/absence of a modification of the source video in the segment of the derived video in which the corresponding relationship exists.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for high speed visualization of audio stream in an electronic device

Номер: US20130325154A1

An electronic device and a method for high speed visualization of an audio stream are provided. The method of operating the electronic device includes extracting only header information from at least one frame included in a specific audio file, extracting a global gain value, which is an average volume of respective frames, by using the extracted frame header information, filtering the extracted global gain value, and displaying the filtered value.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Facilitating User Refinement of a Media Content Listing

Номер: US20130326350A1

An exemplary method includes a media content delivery system 1) presenting, within a media content listing interface, a graphical depiction of a slider disposed in between a first pole representative of a first media content characteristic and a second pole representative of a second media content characteristic, 2) determining, based on a position of the slider in between the first and second poles, a first weighted value for the first media content characteristic and a second weighted value for the second media content characteristic, 3) selecting, based on the first and second weighted values, a subset of media content instances from a plurality of media content instances available for access by way of an access device for inclusion in a media content listing, and 4) presenting display elements representative of the subset of media content instances within the media content listing interface. Corresponding methods and systems are also disclosed.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Recording device/method/medium and replaying device/method

Номер: US20130336632A1
Автор: Akinobu Watanabe
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd

The present invention is to provide a play list in which information with which 3D contents can be displayed in a display correctly is recorded, a recording/reproducing device/method/medium and a reproducing device/method of the play list. For example, the present invention is to provide the recording/reproducing device/method/medium and the reproducing device/method in which a 3D system is recorded/reproduced in the play list. The recording method of recording information in the recording medium, includes a step of recording AV streams and a step of recording the play list in which reproduce order of the AV streams is prescribed and the play list includes user interface application information, the interface application information including 3D type information representing the 3D system of 3D contents in the play list.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Interactive networked headphones

Номер: US20130339859A1
Автор: Jason Hardi
Принадлежит: MUZIK LLC

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for connecting an interactive wearable device with a network. In one aspect, a method includes loading content from a playlist; recognizing contextual information relating to the content; determining the location of the user; requesting supplemental content via a network based on the contextual information and the location; displaying supplemental information to a user; interacting with the supplemental information at least in part via an interactive headphone.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

System and method for semi-automatic video editing

Номер: US20130343727A1
Автор: Alex Rav-Acha, Oren Boiman
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-transitory computer readable medium that stores instructions that cause a computerized system to: process a media stream to extract metadata about characteristics of the media stream; display to a user the metadata; receive from the user an instruction to generate a modified media stream that is responsive to at least one characteristic that is represented by the metadata; and process the media stream to generate a modified media stream, in response to the instruction.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automatically generating a media asset segment based on verbal input

Номер: US20130346867A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

Systems and methods for automatically generating a media asset segment based on verbal input are provided. Verbal input is received from a user while a media asset is being presented to the user. The verbal input is processed to extract an instruction and comment information included in the verbal input. The instruction is cross-referenced with a command database to determine whether the instruction corresponds to a segment generation command. In response to determining the instruction corresponds to the segment generation command, a segment that includes a portion of the media asset that was presented to the user when the verbal input was received is generated. The comment information is associated with the generated segment. A message that includes the generated segment and the associated comment information is transmitted to a remote server.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Automated photograph capture and retrieval system

Номер: US20140002663A1
Автор: Brendan John Garland
Принадлежит: Individual

An automated photo capture and retrieval system for automatically capturing and indexing an image of an individual within an event, the individual being uniquely identifiable. The system includes a tracking device worn by an individual traveling along a route for automatic identification and tracking; a detector for automatically detecting the tracking device and when the tracking device is detected a capture signal is sent to a camera distributed throughout the event which automatically capture images of an individual in the field of view of the camera; a means of associating and labelling the captured image with the detected identity of the individual; a communications network for transmitting the labelled images to a computer; a means for automatically editing each image and saving the edited image in an image database; and a means of advising the individual that an image of the individual has been captured.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Pay-per-play audiovisual system with touch screen interface

Номер: US20140013226A1
Принадлежит: TouchTunes Music Corp

An audiovisual reproduction system triggered by payment from a user is developed around a microprocessor device. The system includes memory containing, in compressed digital form, audio and visual information, and a display and digital audio reproduction unit, for creating a multimedia environment. The display includes a video monitor and an interactive user interface which reacts to external events and translates the external events for a multitasking operating system as events activating, via a graphical module of a library of integrated tools and services, a display of windows or frames providing control of physical operating parameters of the audiovisual reproduction system. The external events includes at least a down-event where the user contacts a representation displayed on the touch screen, selecting a parameter to modify, and an up-event where the use breaks contact with the screen, which triggers modification of the selected parameter, saving the parameter in the memory.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Live-chase video-description buffer display

Номер: US20140013351A1
Автор: Michael I. STARLING

Embodiments of the invention describe a method of generating an enhanced audio stream. The enhanced audio stream is generated from live audio received and accompanies a live video broadcast. This live audio is buffered and combined with a visual description of the live video broadcast. Together these form an enhanced audio stream. The visual description is entered by a visual describer while they are viewing a an instantaneously updated visual buffer size display. The visual buffer size display is calibrated to a pre-set maximum buffer size, and shows the pre-set maximum buffer size and the current buffer size in a visual manner. Further, live audio from the buffer that is inserted into the enhanced audio stream is compressed in time.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Transforming data to create layouts

Номер: US20140026038A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Concepts and technologies are described herein for transforming data to create layouts. In accordance with the concepts and technologies disclosed herein, a computing device can execute a layout generator. The computing device can be configured to receive or retrieve data that includes visual content such as an image and other content such as text. The computing device can analyze the visual content to identify a salient region and/or an invariant region within the visual content. The computing device can access designs for laying out visual content and other content based upon an identified salient region and/or invariant region. The computing device can evaluate the designs to determine if a design matches the data. The computing device can load the data into the selected design to generate the layout.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Non-linear contextual video playback control

Номер: US20140029914A1
Принадлежит: Kilo Inc

A system for associating a non-linear video path with a video file includes: a controller adapted to: present a video file through the user interface; receive a command through the user interface to associate a first path point with a frame in the video file; receive a command through the user interface to associate a second path point with a second frame in the video file; receive a command through the user interface to associate a third path point with a third frame in the video file, wherein the first path point, second path point, and third path point define a non-linear path, wherein the non-linear path is associated with the video file such that, when presented to a user for playback through a device that receives user input, progress of the video file during playback is controlled by one or more user inputs related to the non-linear path.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for tagging information about image, apparatus and computer-readable recording medium thereof

Номер: US20140040828A1

A method and a system for tagging information about an object included in an image to the image, and searching for the image by using the tagged information, and an apparatus and a computer-readable recording medium thereof. The method includes: detecting at least one object included in a displayed image, receiving, from a user, information about the detected object, and tagging the received information to the displayed image.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Display control apparatus, display apparatus, and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20140044421A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Disclosed is a display control apparatus for performing display control in order to display an image on a display apparatus; the display control apparatus comprising an input unit configured to input image group data composed of a plurality of images to be sequentially played; an acquiring unit configured to acquire information of a display size of a specific object included in each of the images; and a deciding unit configured to decide a play speed at which the plurality of images are sequentially played one by one in accordance with the display size of the specific object included in each of the images.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle Event Playback Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20140047371A1
Принадлежит: SmartDrive Systems Inc

Vehicle event data playback systems have been devised and invented to provide authorized users means for advanced visual review. Detailed circumstances relating to vehicle operation are visually presented in these unique playback systems. In particular, a group of cooperating visual display devices operate in conjunction with each other to effect a detailed visual presentation of a vehicle's operational states. An interested party is afforded a high level of access to many data types in highly graphical and intuitive arrangements. Further, data replay access is enhanced by slow motion, fast forward, loop repeat, among others which have never before been associated with these data types nor with the compound visual presentations first taught in the accompanying disclosure.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Filing digital images using voice input

Номер: US20140049665A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Ltd

Method and device for naming digital image data files stored on a camera enabled device having an image sensor, an audio sensor, a display and a memory, including: capturing image data through the image sensor; automatically displaying on the display a default filename for an image data file for the captured image data; monitoring the audio sensor for voice input upon detecting a user input selecting the default filename, and determining a new filename for the image data file in dependence on a text translation of the voice input. A folder name can alternatively be determined in dependence on a text translation of a voice input and an image data file for the captured image data saved in the memory using a folder having the folder name.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Digital Video Recording System

Номер: US20140056572A1
Принадлежит: Tivo Inc

A digital video recorder (DVR) system processes digital streams and associates stream information with segments of video and audio components. Segments of video and audio components from memory are sent to one or more decoders essentially simultaneously with the storing of the segments of video and audio components from the memory on one or more storage devices. The decoder converts the video and audio components into output signals.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Electronic device for merging and sharing images and method thereof

Номер: US20140059461A1
Автор: Geon-soo Kim

An electronic device for merging and sharing images and a method thereof are provided. The method includes detecting that at least two or more touch-input images are dragged to a set region and merging the images when they are located within a set distance.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Intelligent media queue

Номер: US20140075308A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable storage media for intelligently managing a playlist of digital media provide an intelligent dynamic queue that is configured to manage the playback of digital media. The queue can transition between passive playback mode, active playback mode, and mixed playback mode. The queue can handle the playback of the songs in the queue according to the playback mode and/or a queue status field that is associated with each song in the queue.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Low latency video storyboard delivery with selectable resolution levels

Номер: US20140082661A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A video storyboard delivery system is disclosed. The system receives, from a playback client executed on a user device, a request for a video including one or more user device parameters. The system obtains a storyboard manifest including information defining a storyboard associated with the video, wherein the information includes a plurality of storyboard resolution levels. Using the one or more user device parameters, a selection is made of one of the plurality of storyboard resolution levels from the storyboard manifest. The storyboard at the selected resolution level is delivered to the playback client.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Progress bar for branched videos

Номер: US20140082666A1
Принадлежит: JBF Interlude 2009 LTD - ISRAEL

A system for navigating and visualizing the progression of selectably presentable video content includes a progress indicator module for dynamically displaying the progression status of video content paths made up of selectably presentable video content segments. The system further includes an interactive control module for facilitating navigation along the video content paths. The progression status may be graphically represented in the form of a tree structure having linked video content segments forming the content paths. The control module may be used to navigation the video within this tree structure.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Display apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20140085187A1

Disclosed are a display apparatus and a control method thereof. The display apparatus includes: an image processor which processes an image of a content including a plurality of scenes in order to display the image; a display which displays an image of the content thereon; a voice input which inputs a user's voice; and a controller which displays a first scene of the plurality of scenes of the content, and displays a second scene falling under a next scene of the first scene, out of the plurality of scenes of the content, in response to a determination that the user's voice, which has been input while the first scene is displayed, corresponds to the first scene.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Interpretation of Free-Form Timelines Into Compositing Instructions

Номер: US20140086560A1
Автор: Michael Gallo
Принадлежит: Adobe Systems Inc

A method, system, and computer-readable storage medium are disclosed for interpretation of free-form timelines into compositing instructions. An array comprising a plurality of items is generated. Each of the plurality of items comprises one or more instructions representing one or more operations occurring at a point in time in a video sequence. For each one of a plurality of patterns, the array is scanned to determine if one or more groups of items in the array match the pattern. For each group of items matching one of the plurality of patterns, the matching group of items is replaced in the array with a merged item. Each merged item comprises an ordered sequence of the one or more instructions in the corresponding matching group of items. A frame of the video sequence is composited dependent on the array comprising the one or more merged items.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099073A1

There is provided a content editing apparatus, content editing method and program capable of easily and rapidly extracting sections corresponding to a reproducing operation of content data. 112-. (canceled)13. An information processing apparatus comprising: provide a list to a user, the list comprising a plurality of items of content data;', 'receive a command from the user to perform reproduction of a first item of content data of the plurality of items of content data;', 'record log data associated with the first item of content data based on the received command from the user, wherein the log data comprises a content ID, a user ID, a generating date and/or time, and a reproduction state; and', 'generate a graphical representation of interest degree of the user for the first item of content data, wherein said interest degree is based, at least in part, on the recorded log data associated with the first item of content data., 'at least one controller configured to14. The information processing apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the at least one controller is further configured to calculate a score for the interest degree of the user for the first item of content data claim 13 , and wherein generating the graphical representation of interest degree is based on said score.15. The information processing apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the interest degree comprises a plurality of interest degree values associated with respective portions of the first item of content data.16. The information processing apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the at least one controller is further configured to reproduce portions of the first item of content data based on a threshold interest degree claim 15 , such that only portions of the first item of content data associated with an interest degree value higher than the threshold interest degree are reproduced.17. The information processing apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the graphical representation includes a relationship between the interest ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004773A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus for analyzing a video shot. The apparatus includes at least one program, memory in which the program is recorded, and a processor for executing the program. The program may include a frame extraction unit for extracting at least one frame from a video shot, a shot composition and camera position recognition unit for predicting shot composition and a camera position for the extracted at least one frame based on a previously trained shot composition recognition model, a place and time information extraction unit for predicting a shot location and a shot time for the extracted at least one frame based on previously trained shot location recognition model and shot time recognition model, and an information combination unit for combining pieces of information, respectively predicted for the at least one frame, for each video shot and tagging the video shot with the combined pieces of information. 1. An apparatus for training a recognition model , comprising:at least one program and memory in which the program is recorded; anda processor for executing the at least one program,wherein the at least one program includesa shot composition recognition model generation unit for generating a neural network model for predicting a shot composition and a camera position using a video shot tagged with shot composition information and camera position information as training data, anda shot time and location recognition model generation unit for generating a neural network model for predicting a shot time and a shot location using a video shot tagged with shot time information and shot location information as training data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shot composition recognition model generation unit comprises:a frame extraction unit for extracting at least one frame from the video shot and forming data for each of the at least one frame;an image feature extraction unit for extracting image features related to an object included in the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003799A1

This invention relates to a device and a method of generating a first and a second fingerprint () usable for synchronisation of at least two signals () and corresponding method and device for synchronising two or more signals. A fingerprint pair is generated on the basis of a segment of a first signal e.g. an audio signal and of a segment of a second signal e.g. a video signal at each synchronisation time point. The generated fingerprint pair(s) are stored in a database () and communicated or distributed to a synchronisation device (). During synchronisation, fingerprint(s) of the audio signal and fingerprint(s) of the video signal to be synchronised are generated and matched against fingerprints in the database. When a match is found, the fingerprints also determine the synchronisation time point, which is used to synchronise the two signals. In this way, a simple, reliable and efficient way of synchronising at least two signals is obtained. Further, this is enabled without modifying either the first and second signal (or subsequent signals). The signals may even be distorted or changed to some extent while still enabling synchronisation. 1. A method comprising:accessing a first fingerprint associated with a first signal;accessing a second fingerprint associated with a second signal, the first fingerprint and the second fingerprint forming a fingerprint pair that includes information to identify a first point within the first signal and a second point within the second signal at which the first and second signals are synchronized relative to each other;using a processor, processing a search configured to find a first match to the first fingerprint among first fingerprints generated from the first signal and find a second match to the second fingerprint among second fingerprints generated from the second signal, the first match and the second match forming a match pair that indicates an offset by which the first point and the second point differ; andcompensating for ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003803A1

A mobile terminal and controlling method thereof are disclosed, which facilitates a terminal to be used in further consideration of user's convenience. The present invention includes a touchscreen, a memory, and a controller outputting a play screen of a video to the touchscreen, the controller, if receiving a touch drag input to the outputted plays screen of the video, activating a memo function of saving a touch path of the touch drag input as a writing memo, the controller recording the outputted play screen of the video while the memo function is activated. Accordingly, while a mobile terminal plays a video, a user interface for enabling a user to input a memo more quickly and conveniently can be provided advantageously. 1. A mobile terminal comprising:a touchscreen configured to display information and receive touch inputs;a memory configured to store information; and cause the touchscreen to reproduce a video;', 'activate a memo function in response to receiving a touch input comprising at least one drag input while the video is reproduced;', 'display a track information of the received touch input on the touchscreen; and', 'cause the memory to store a memo item comprising the track information and the reproduced video while the memo function is activated., 'a controller configured to2. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:terminate the memo function when the touch input is no longer received for a threshold length of time; andcause the memory to store the memo item after the memo function is terminated.3. The mobile terminal of claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured to reproduce the stored memo item in response to a reproduction command touch input received via the touchscreen.4. The mobile terminal of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:detect a change of a scene of the reproduced video; andpause the reproduced video if the change of the scene occurs while the at least one drag ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003864A1

There is provided a display control device including an operation detection unit configured to detect an enlargement operation on any image displayed within a display screen among a plurality of images having a predetermined relation, and a display control unit configured to determine a display area of the image based on the detected enlargement operation and to cause a portion corresponding to the display area to be enlarged and displayed for each of the images displayed within the display screen. 110-. (canceled)11. An information processing apparatus for controlling a display of moving images , comprising:a sensor configured to detect position information of an input relative to the display; identify a display area on the display of the first moving image in response to the position information of the input, the display area corresponding to a first image included in the first moving image,', 'display a thumbnail image of the first moving image based on the display area, and', 'store a second moving image based on the display area, wherein the second moving image is stored separately from the first moving image., 'a store configured to store a first moving image and circuitry configured to12. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the thumbnail image is displayed with an entire image of the first image.13. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the thumbnail image corresponds to a starting position on the display of the first moving image.14. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the display displays a slider and the thumbnail image is changed by operation of the slider.15. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the sensor is a touch sensor.16. The information processing apparatus of claim 15 , wherein the touch sensor overlaps the display.17. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the input is a tap operation.18. The information processing apparatus of claim 11 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and System for Generating a Smart Time-Lapse Video Clip

Номер: US20160004390A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

An electronic device with a display, processor(s), and memory displays a video monitoring user interface including a video feed from a camera located remotely from the client device in a first region and an event timeline in a second region, the event timeline including event indicators for motion events previously detected by the camera. The electronic device detects a user input selecting a portion of the event timeline, where the selected portion of the event timeline includes a subset of the event indicators. In response to the user input, the electronic device causes generation of a time-lapse video clip of the selected portion of the event timeline. The electronic device displays the time-lapse video clip, where motion events corresponding to the subset of the event indicators are played at a slower speed than the remainder of the selected portion of the event timeline.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004586A1
Автор: Suzuki Takeshi

A non-transitory, computer-readable recording medium stores therein a work management program that causes a computer to execute a process that includes receiving information that specifies a start time and an end time of work; receiving audio data or video data that includes an obtaining time thereof; identifying among the received audio data or video data, audio data or video data for which the obtaining time is between the start time and the end time specified by the received information; and displaying at an area that corresponds to a time interval demarcated by the start time and the end time, a symbol that corresponds to the identified audio data or video data. 1. A non-transitory , computer-readable recording medium storing therein a work management program that causes a computer to execute a process comprising:receiving information that specifies a start time and an end time of work;receiving audio data or video data that includes an obtaining time thereof;identifying among the received audio data or video data, audio data or video data for which the obtaining time is between the start time and the end time specified by the received information; anddisplaying at an area that corresponds to a time interval demarcated by the start time and the end time, a symbol that corresponds to the identified audio data or video data.2. The non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable recording medium according to claim 1 , the process further comprising:calculating from the start time and the end time, a period during which the work is performed;associating and displaying the work and information related to the work, when the calculated period is longer or shorter than a predetermined period.3. The non-transitory claim 2 , computer-readable recording medium according to claim 2 , the process further comprising:associating and displaying the work and a symbol that indicates that the end time has been changed, when after associating and displaying the work and the information ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for media playback

Номер: US20210004148A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

In accordance with some embodiments, a method is performed at a device with one or more processors, non-transitory memory, a display, and an input device. The method includes displaying, on the display, a playback status indicator regarding playback of a media item. The method includes displaying, on the display, an image associated with the media item. The method includes detecting an input interacting with the image. In response to a first portion of the input, the method includes adjusting the appearance of the image on the display in accordance with the first portion of the input. In response to a second portion of the input, the method includes changing playback of media items on the device in accordance with the input in accordance with the second portion of the input.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

User created textbook

Номер: US20170004859A1
Автор: Jaran Charumilind
Принадлежит: Coursera Inc

In one general aspect, a method for generating a digital textbook can include receiving, by a computing device, a time-based transcript of a video of an online lecture, receiving a time-based thumbnail image subset of images included in the video of the online lecture, and displaying at least a portion of the transcript including a particular word. The method can further include receiving a selection of the particular word, determining a first thumbnail image and a second thumbnail image associated with the particular word, displaying the first thumbnail image and the second thumbnail image, receiving a selection of the first thumbnail image, and modifying, based on the selection of the first thumbnail image, the time-based transcript by including the first thumbnail image in the time-based transcript. The method can further include storing the modified time-based transcript as the digital textbook.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004397A1

Certain exemplary embodiments relate to entertainment systems and, more particularly, to systems that incorporate digital downloading jukebox features and improved user interfaces. For instance, a smart search may be provided, e.g., where search results vary based on the popularity of songs within the venue, in dependence on songs being promoted, etc. As another example, a tile-based approach to organizing groupings of songs is provided. Groupings may involve self-populating collections of songs that combine centrally-promoted songs, songs in a given genre that are popular across an audiovisual distribution network, and songs that are locally popular and match up with the given genre (e.g., because of shared attributes such as same or similar genre, artist, etc.). Different tile visual presentations also are contemplated, as are different physical jukebox designs. In certain example embodiments, a sealed core unit with the “brains” of the jukebox is insertable into a docking station. 1. A digital jukebox device , comprising:a display device; and enables a user to input search criteria in searching for a song available for playback via the digital jukebox device on a pay-for-play basis, and', 'self-updates with results as search criteria is inputted, wherein search results are displayed as entries along respective axes, each said axis having the search results arranged according to a respectively different order, wherein (a) a self-update to the search screen that causes an entry to be removed from one or both of the axes in turn causes the respective axis or axes to shrink in size until all entries are displayable thereon in a single non-scrolling screen, at which point (b) further self-updates to the search screen that cause an entry to be removed from one or both of the axes do not trigger the respective axis or axes to further shrink in size, unless (c) still further self-updates to the search screen that cause an entry to be removed from one or both of the axes ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Intelligent Media Content Segmentation and Analysis

Номер: US20180005041A1

There is provided a system including a non-transitory memory storing an executable code and a hardware processor executing the executable code to receive a media content including a plurality of frames, divide the media content into a plurality of shots, each of the plurality of shots including a plurality of frames of the media content based on a first similarity between the plurality of frames, determine a plurality of sequential shots of the plurality of shots to be part of a first sub-scene of a plurality of sub-scenes of a scene based on a timeline continuity of the plurality of sequential shots, identify each of the plurality of shots of the media content and each of the plurality of sub-scenes with a corresponding beginning time code and a corresponding ending time code. 1. A system comprising:a non-transitory memory storing an executable code; receive a media content including a plurality of frames;', 'divide the media content into a plurality of shots, each of the plurality of shots including a plurality of frames of the media content based on a first similarity between the plurality of frames;', 'determine a plurality of sequential shots of the plurality of shots to be part of a first sub-scene of a plurality of sub-scenes of a scene based on a timeline continuity of the plurality of sequential shots;', 'identify each of the plurality of shots of the media content and each of the plurality of sub-scenes with a corresponding beginning time code and a corresponding ending time code., 'a hardware processor executing the executable code to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hardware processor further executes the executable code to:determine one or more sequential sub-scenes of the plurality of sub-scenes to be part of the scene; andidentify the scene with a corresponding beginning time code and a corresponding ending time code.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hardware processor further executes the executable code to:receive a user input annotating ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005436A1
Автор: AXEN Yaniv, WELLER Shmuel
Принадлежит: SundaySky Ltd.

Apparatus for generation of playable media from structured data, comprises a structured data reading unit for reading in of content of a first structure, a transformation unit for transforming said content into a second structure, said transformation comprising incorporating media play instructions, and a rendering unit for rendering content from the second structure using said media play instructions to generate playable media from the content. 1. A system comprising: 'access structured data, the structured data comprising an assembly of media elements, the assembly being specific to a subject, the media elements of the assembly being a source of content for a dynamic part of a customized document for the subject, and the customized document being a non-playable document displayed with a static part applicable to more than one subject and the dynamic part customized for the subject based on at least one of the media elements;', 'a structured data reading unit comprising at least one processor, the structured data reading unit configured to access a template; and', 'process the accessed structured data in accordance with one or more rules that control generation of a customized video for the subject by automatically generating, using the accessed template, a renderable script for the customized video that integrates at least one static portion applicable to more than one subject with at least one dynamic portion based on the media elements that are the source of content for the dynamic part of the customized document; and, 'a transformation unit comprising at least one processor, the transformation unit configured to 'render the customized video for the subject based on the renderable script automatically generated by the transformation unit, the customized video being a playable video that includes the at least one static portion applicable to more than one subject and the at least one dynamic portion customized for the subject based on the at least one of the ...
