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10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2576515C2

Изобретение относится к интеллектуальному нагревательному кабелю, выполненному для интеллектуального нагревания, и к способу его изготовления. Нагревательный кабель имеет гибридную конструкцию, содержит нагревательный элемент и изолирующий слой, сформированный на внешней поверхности нагревательного элемента, оптический кабель в качестве датчика скомбинирован с нагревательным кабелем, в которой датчик оптического кабеля соединен с нагревательным кабелем для достижения функции датчика для регистрации температур обоих объектов, установлен снаружи изоляционного слоя, и указанный нагревательный датчик такой, что обеспечивает источник активной подачи тепла, выполненный с возможностью регулировать выработку нагревательного кабеля в соответствии с температурными колебаниями. Интеллектуальный нагревательный кабель обеспечивает интеллектуальный нагрев для использования с системой вспомогательного обогрева. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 8 ил.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312417C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к кабелю для применения в заранее определенном классе по напряжению, причем указанный кабель содержит: проводник, изолирующий слой, окружающий указанный проводник, причем указанный изолирующий слой имеет толщину, выбираемую для обеспечения заранее определенной электрической нагрузки, когда кабель работает под нормальным напряжением, соответствующим указанному заранее определенному классу по напряжению, и защитный элемент, окружающий указанный проводник, имеющий толщину и механические свойства, выбираемые для обеспечения заранее определенной ударопрочности, причем указанный защитный элемент включает в себя, по меньшей мере, один полимерный расширенный слой. Толщину изолирующего слоя, толщину защитного элемента выбирают совместно для минимизации общего веса кабеля при условии предотвращения обнаружимого повреждения изолирующего слоя при ударе с энергией 50 Дж. Способ разработки кабеля, включающий определение толщины изолирующего слоя, определение толщины защитного ...

10-04-2023 дата публикации

Кабель судовой

Номер: RU217636U1

Полезная модель относится к области судового электрооборудования, а конкретно к судовым кабелям. Кабель судовой, включающий сердечник, содержащий токопроводящие жилы, поверх которого имеется внутреннее покрытие кабеля, поверх которого наложена оплетка, поверх которой, в свою очередь, имеется наружная оболочка кабеля. Внутреннее покрытие кабеля выполнено в виде экструдированной внутренней оболочки из термореактивного материала, поверх внутренней оболочки под оплеткой дополнительно сформирован диффузионный барьер, выполненный из материала, препятствующего газовой и молекулярной диффузии материалов изоляции и оболочек, а наружная оболочка выполнена из двух слоев термореактивного полимера, между которыми размещен огнестойкий барьер. Технический результат - увеличение срока службы судовых кабелей сверх установленного гарантированного срока эксплуатации в течение 25 лет. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

18-10-2022 дата публикации

Кабель для нефтяных скважин

Номер: RU214257U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к конструкциям кабелей, предназначенных для эксплуатации внутри нефтяных скважин, на постоянное напряжение 1 кВ. Кабель применяется для подачи напряжения питания и передачи данных от инструмента нефтяной скважины. Кабель для нефтяных скважин содержит токопроводящую жилу, изоляцию из фторопласта и систему оболочек, система оболочек включает в себя последовательно наложенные внутреннюю оболочку из блок-сополимера пропилена с этиленом, металлическую оболочку и наружную оболочку из блок-сополимера пропилена с этиленом, при этом тангенс угла механических потерь указанного блок-сополимера не менее 0,028. Технический результат - повышение надежности. 5 з.п. ф-лы.

25-08-2023 дата публикации

Кабель шахтный

Номер: RU220114U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной отрасли электротехнической промышленности, а именно к конструкциям гибких силовых шахтных кабелей, предназначенных для присоединения передвижных механизмов к электрическим сетям. Технический результат заключается в повышении заметности кабеля в условиях недостаточной освещенности. Технический результат достигается тем, что между сердечником с токопроводящими жилами и прозрачной наружной оболочкой силовой кабель содержит последовательно расположенные обмотку из световозвращающей ленты, а также слой из прозрачной плёнки для повышения яркости световозвращающей ленты. 3 з.п. ф-лы.

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182082U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к монтажным проводам для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта. Провод содержит многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу, изоляцию и оболочку. Изоляция выполнена из полимерного безгалогенного компаунда марки Mecoline IS RDX 1232F. Материал оболочки полимерный безгалогенный компаунд марки Mecoline S RDX 1215 F. Технический результат - повышение надежности работы провода в условиях воздействия смазочных масел и дизельного топлива.

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182080U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к проводам для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта. Провод содержит многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу, изоляцию и оболочку. Изоляция выполнена из полимерного безгалогенного компаунда марки Mecoline I RDX 1230F. Материал оболочки полимерный безгалогенный компаунд марки Mecoline S RDX 1212 F. Технический результат - расширение диапазона рабочих температур, повышение надежности работы провода и снижение дымообразования при пожаре.

04-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU186790U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к кабелям и проводам силовым с полимерной изоляцией, предназначенным для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в электрических установках при переменном напряжении до 660 В и 1000 В.Кабель силовой содержит токопроводящую жилу, выполненную из алюминиевого сплава, изоляцию и оболочку из полимерного материала, при этом под оболочкой продольно проложена упрочняющая синтетическая нить.

24-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2748368C1
Принадлежит: ПРИЗМИАН С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к электрическому кабелю для вертикальных применений, содержащему сердечник, имеющий длину L, оболочку, окружающую сердечник и проходящую по всей длине L, и армирующую обшивку, окружающую оболочку и находящуюся с ней в непосредственном контакте. Армирующая обшивка изготовлена из концентрических слоев, содержащих первый слой, проходящий продольно от первого конца кабеля (ближнего или верхнего конца кабеля, находящегося в эксплуатации) ко второму концу кабеля (к дальнему или нижнему концу кабеля, находящемуся в эксплуатации) по существу вдоль всей длины L. Армирующая обшивка также содержит по меньшей мере один дополнительный слой, проходящий продольно от первого конца кабеля ко второму концу кабеля на более короткую длину чем L. По меньшей мере один слой армирующей обшивки представляет собой замкнутую по периферии металлическую трубку. Также раскрыт способ для изготовления такого кабеля. Изобретение обеспечивает защиту против механического проникновения текучих сред, ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013151202A

... 1. Сшиваемая полимерная смесь для применения в качестве смеси для изготовления оболочки электрических и/или оптических кабелей и проводов, которая содержит полихлоропрен и следующие компоненты:100 м.ч. полихлоропрена в качестве полимера, который содержит натуральный каучук (NR) и/или бутадиенстирольный каучук (SBR) в количестве от 0 до 40 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука;минеральный наполнитель в количестве от 20 до 100 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука;необязательно краситель;по меньшей мере один пластификатор;противостаритель;технологическую добавку в количестве от 3 до 16 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука;необязательно связующий агент в количестве от 0,5 до 4,0 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука;сшивающую систему, которая содержит метил-2-меркаптобензимидазол в количестве от 0,3 до 2,0 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука, силан в количестве от 0,5 до 4,0 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука, 3-метил-2-тиазолидинтион в количестве от 0,5 до 4,0 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука и дисульфид 2-меркаптобензотиазола в количестве от 0,3 до 2 м.ч./100 м.ч. каучука;стабилизатор в ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113468A

... 1. Интеллектуальный нагревательный кабель для использования в системе сопроводительного обогрева, содержащий:нагревательный элемент и изоляционный слой, сформированный на внешней поверхности данного нагревательного элемента, причемнагревательный кабель имеет гибридную конструкцию, в которой оптический кабель в качестве датчика скомбинирован с нагревательным кабелем.2. Интеллектуальный нагревательный кабель по п.1, в котором нагревательный элемент выбран из полимерного нагревательного элемента, проявляющего положительный температурный коэффициент (РТС) характеристик сопротивления, полимерного нагревательного элемента, выполненного с возможностью вырабатывания тепла при использовании электрической энергии, проводника из сплава с сопротивлением металла и медного проводника.3. Интеллектуальный нагревательный кабель по п.2, в котором указанный полимерный нагревательный элемент содержит, в полимерном материале, образующем нагревательный элемент, в качестве проводникового материала, проявляющего ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019006897T5

Eine äußere Abdeckung (eine äußere Abdeckung für einen elektrischen Draht) 20 ist aus einem Blech geformt, hat einen röhrenförmigen Gehäuseabschnitt 20a, der in einem gefalteten Zustand geformt ist, und soll um einen elektrischen Draht, der in dem Gehäuseabschnitt 20a untergebracht ist, angebracht werden; Wände, die den Gehäuseabschnitt 20a bilden, umfassen eine erste Seitenwand 22 mit einem darin geformten Vorsprung 26 und eine obere Wand 24 mit einem darin geformten Loch 27; und der Gehäuseabschnitt 20a durch Eingriff zwischen der ersten Seitenwand 22 und der oberen Wand 24 durch Schmelzen des Vorsprungs 26, der durch das Loch 27 hindurchgegangen ist, und Verschweißen des geschmolzenen Vorsprungs 26 mit der oberen Wand 24 gebildet wird.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Verbundkabel, das in einem Industrieroboter montiert ist

Номер: DE102016000106A1

Es wird angestrebt, die Effekte von elektromagnetischen Wellen auf die Signale zu unterdrücken, die von Signalleitungen übertragen werden, und Verbundkabel kompakter und mit einer höheren Effizienz herzustellen. Hierfür wird ein Verbundkabel 30 bereitgestellt, das in einem Industrieroboter 12 montiert ist, umfassend: ein zentrales Element 32, um ein Fluid oder Drahtmaterial zuzuführen, das bei einem Bearbeitungsvorgang des Industrieroboters verwendet wird; eine erste Signalleitung 34, die an einer äußeren Umfangsseite des zentralen Elements angeordnet ist; eine Abschirmung 36, die die erste Signalleitung umgibt und elektromagnetische Wellen blockiert; eine Stromleitung 40, die an einer äußeren Umfangsseite der Abschirmung angeordnet ist; und eine röhrenförmige Hülle 42, die die Stromleitung umgibt.

15-07-2015 дата публикации

Subsea umbilical

Номер: GB0201509167D0

08-02-1995 дата публикации

Flexible sheath and its application to flexible metal pipes and cables

Номер: GB0009425010D0

25-05-2022 дата публикации

Flexible conductor element

Номер: GB0002601242A

Evaluation The contractable flexible conductor element has a plurality of electrical conductors (12, 14, 16, fig 1) arranged parallel to one another and a plastic sheathing (20) whereby the electrical conductors are electrically insulated from one another and the environment. In some circumstances the cable may be over-long for a particular use and need shortening to avoid potential damage due to sagging, for example. The electrical conductors and the plastic sheathing have a common length-compensating portion 30, 34 over which a plastic sleeve 32, 36 is provided. The sleeve radially contracts under the action of heat and radially surrounds the length-compensating portion and secures the length-compensating portion in the longitudinal direction in the contracted state.

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444233T

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Flexible continuous tape from multifilament yarn and method for making these

Номер: AU2008328856B2

The invention pertains to a method for making a flexible fibrous continuous tape containing 60 to 98 wt% fiber based on the weight of the tape, from multifilament yarn selected from aramid, glass, aromatic polyester, and rigid rod polymer, comprising the steps: a1 ) spreading the filaments of the yarn to obtain a filament layer having a cross sectional aspect ratio (w/h) of 2 to 2000; and b1 ) treating the spread filaments with a curable resin, or a liquid thermoplastic resin or wax; or a2) treating the yarn with the curable resin, or the liquid thermoplastic resin or wax; and b2) spreading the filaments of the yarn to obtain a filament layer having a cross sectional aspect ratio (w/h) of 2 to 2000; followed by c) fixating the filaments by curing or solidifying the resin to obtain the tape, wherein steps a1 - b1, respectively a2 - b2, and c are performed in-line. The method is suitable for making flexible tape containing 60 to 98 wt% fiber based on the weight of the tape, comprising a filament ...

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Compositions for riser and plenum cables

Номер: AU2011215703A1

The present invention relates to materials for making cable jackets, particularly riser and plenum cables. The materials provide low flammability and allow the cable to meet UL 910 or NFPA 262 or UL 1666 specifications. The material contains PVC resin, a plasticizer, a metal oxide particle, and optionally a brominated phthalate. Preferably, the metal oxide particle is spherical amorphous silicon dioxide. More preferably, the spherical amorphous silicon dioxide has a mean particle size of about 100-200 nm and/or a BET surface area of about 10-30 m2/g. The metal oxide particle is also preferably metal oxide particle non-porous, non-ionic, and/or non-hydrated.

09-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002784871C

Compositions comprising: A. Ethylene-based polymer, e.g., LDPE; B. Polyalkylene glycol, e.g., PEG; C. Tertiary hindered amine stabilizer; D. Sulphur-containing hindered phenol antioxidant; E. Peroxide; and F. Optional coagent are useful in the preparation of TRXLPE insulation for medium voltage cable that exhibits a commercially desirable balance of long term heat aging retardancy and water-tree resistance.

07-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775973A1

The present disclosure is directed to plasticizer compositions. A composition is provided which includes a castor-free acetylated glyceride of 12-hydroxystearic acid (AGHA) having a hydroxyl number from 0 to less than 15. The castor-free AGHA finds application in coatings for wire and cable.

17-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789313C

The present invention relates to materials for making cable jackets, particularly riser and plenum cables. The materials provide low flammability and allow the cable to meet UL 910 or NFPA 262 or UL 1666 specifications. The material contains PVC resin, a plasticizer, a metal oxide particle, and optionally a brominated phthalate. Preferably, the metal oxide particle is spherical amorphous silicon dioxide. More preferably, the spherical amorphous silicon dioxide has a mean particle size of about 100-200 nm and/or a BET surface area of about 10-30 m2/g. The metal oxide particle is also preferably metal oxide particle non-porous, non-ionic, and/or non-hydrated.

27-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3111232A1

A cable includes cable one or more conductors and a covering surrounding the one or more conductors. The covering is formed from a composition including polyethylene and a polyolefin elastomer, where the composition is crosslinked. A method of forming the cable is also provided.

18-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928229A1

An improved thermocouple includes a drawn coaxial thermocouple wire pair having a more precise "hot" junction at which a first and second metallic material electrically connect with each other for measuring temperature. Adapted for use with an electrophysiologic catheter, the improved thermocouple comprising an elongated body having a proximal end and a distal end. The body includes a core of a first metallic material, a first coaxial layer of ceramic material, and a second coaxial layer of a second metallic material. The thermocouple further includes a solder cap on the distal end, the solder cap electrically connecting the core and the second layer at the distal end. A method of manufacturing includes drawing the body through a die, and applying solder on a distal end of the body to electrically connect the two metallic materials at the distal end.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002971145A1

Energy cable comprising, from the interior to the exterior, an electrical conductor, an inner semiconductive layer, an electrically insulating layer made from a thermoplastic material in admixture with a dielectric fluid, and an outer semiconductive layer, wherein the outer semiconductive layer comprises: (i) from 55 wt% to 90 wt% of a copolymer of ethylene with at least one ester comonomer having an ethylenic unsaturation; (ii) from 10 wt% to 45 wt% of a propylene copolymer with at least one olefin comonomer selected from ethylene and an a-olefin other than propylene, said copolymer having a melting point of from 145°C to 170°C and a melting enthalpy of from 40 J/g to 80 J/g; (iii) at least one conductive filler; (iv) at least one dielectric fluid; the amounts of (i) and (ii) being expressed with respect to the total weight of the polymeric components of the layer. The outer semiconductive layer is cold-strippable, having an adhesion with the underlying thermoplastic insulating layer which ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002902208A1

Cables having a conductor with a polymeric covering layer and a non-extruded coating layer made of a material based on a liquid composition including a polymer resin and a fatty acid amide. Methods of making cables are also provided.

05-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002902208C

Cables having a conductor with a polymeric covering layer and a non-extruded coating layer made of a material based on a liquid composition including a polymer resin and a fatty acid amide. Methods of making cables are also provided.

18-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002730363C
Принадлежит: BOREALIS AG

The invention relates to a process for polymerizing a polymer in the presence of a mixture of at least two chain transfer agents, which mixture comprises a polar chain transfer agent (polar CTA), and a non-polar (non-polar CTA) ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002809347A1

A shielded electrical cable (2) includes one or more conductor sets (4) extending along a length (L) of the cable (2) and being spaced apart from each other along a width (W) of the cable (2). Each conductor set (4) has one or more conductors (6) having a size no greater than 24 AWG and each conductor set (4) has an insertion loss of less than about -20 dB/meter over a frequency range of 0 to 20GHz. First and second shielding films (8) are disposed on opposite sides of the cable (2), the first and second films (8) including cover portions (7) and pinched portions (9) arranged such that, in transverse cross section, the cover portions (7) of the first and second films (8) in combination substantially surround each conductor set (4), and the pinched portions (9) of the first and second films (8) in combination form pinched portions of the cable (2) on each side of each conductor set (4).

06-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002837182C

A cable jacket that comprises first and second jacket layers each formed of a jacket material. At least one shielding tape is embedded between the first and second jacket layers. The shielding tape is formed of a substrate material and the substrate material has at least one conductive segment.

30-11-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle cable.

Номер: CH0000716221A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kraftfahrzeugladekabel (10) für ein Gleichspannungsladen eines elektrischen Energiespeichers eines Kraftfahrzeugs, mit einem Kabelmantel, mit einem kühlfluidgekühlten ersten elektrischen Leiter für eine erste Gleichspannungsphase, mit einem kühlfluidgekühlten zweiten elektrischen Leiter für eine zweite Gleichspannungsphase, mit einem Erdleiter oder Potentialausgleichsleiter und/oder mit mindestens einem Steuerleiter. Der erste und zweite elektrische Leiter, der Erdleiter oder Potentialausgleichsleiter und/oder der mindestens eine Steuerleiter sind vom Kabelmantel umschlossen. An solchen Positionen des Kraftfahrzeugladekabels (10), an welchen dasselbe in Halterungen fixiert ist, also zumindest im Bereich eines ersten Endes (10a) und eines zweiten Endes (10b), sind zwischen dem Kabelmantel und den elektrischen Leitern, dem Erdleiter oder Potentialausgleichsleiter und/oder dem mindestens einen Steuerleiter Formelemente angeordnet, welche die elektrischen Leitern, ...

30-07-2014 дата публикации

silanosshivaemaya polymer composition

Номер: EA0201490412A1

11-08-2017 дата публикации

Electric Wire Sheathing Member And Wire Harness

Номер: CN0107039930A

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Environmentally-friendly fire-resistant control cable

Номер: CN0108878043A

17-04-2020 дата публикации

Weak current cable that security performance is high

Номер: CN0109637705B

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Signal transmission line and terminal equipment

Номер: CN0108878020B

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Light-weight high-tensile wear-resistant covered wire

Номер: CN0108878017A

28-08-2018 дата публикации

High-strength insulated power cable

Номер: CN0108461208A

21-09-2018 дата публикации

Novel anti-icicle cable

Номер: CN0108565051A

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Cable sheath with high abrasion resistance

Номер: CN0109003728A

28-04-2020 дата публикации

Flame-retardant resin composition, cable using same, and optical fiber cable

Номер: CN0106795338B

19-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003024922A1

L'invention concerne une gaine tubulaire annelée qui comporte une bande longitudinale pouvant facilement être détachée par un utilisateur, notamment manuellement. Plus précisément, l'invention se rapporte à une gaine tubulaire annelée comportant un corps de gaine (1) et une bande longitudinale (6) constitués de matériaux n'adhérant sensiblement pas l'un à l'autre et elle se distingue en ce que la bande longitudinale (6) présente, sur chacun de ses côtés longitudinaux, un débordement supérieur (2,8) et un débordement inférieur (3,9) entre lesquels un bord longitudinal respectif (5,7) du corps de gaine (1) est logé. L'invention a également trait à un procédé de fabrication ainsi qu'à l'utilisation d'une telle gaine.

15-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101630834B1
Автор: LEE, DAE HO

The present invention relates to a tubular ferrite core, more specifically, to a tubular ferrite core which comprises: a tube unit; a ferrite material loaded inside of the tube unit; and a fixing unit located on an external surface of the tube unit. The fixing unit comprises: a first fixing unit located on one end of the tube unit; and a second fixing unit located in the other end of the tube unit. Therefore, the tubular ferrite core radiates an electromagnetic wave generated from a power line to the outside of the power line or blocks an electromagnetic wave generated from the outside of the power line from influencing on the power line. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

20-02-2017 дата публикации

수축튜브 조립장치

Номер: KR0101708296B1
Автор: 최양환
Принадлежит: (주) 피엔피

... 본 발명은 수축튜브 조립장치에 관한 것으로서, 케이블의 피복을 보강할 수 있는 수축튜브에 끝단 피복이 탈피 또는 반탈피된 케이블을 자동으로 삽입하여 고정할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 개발된 것으로;일정한 크기로 절단된 수축튜브가 공급되는 수축튜브 공급부와;맞물리면 수축튜브의 외경에 밀착되는 내경이 형성되는 집게 형상의 수축튜브 피커와, 상기 수축튜브 피커를 작동하는 피커실린더와, LM 가이드의 경로에 따라 상기 수축튜브 피커를 수직 이송하는 제1 모터 및 수평 이송하는 제2 모터를 구비하는 수축튜브 이송부와;상기 수축튜브 피커에 고정된 수축튜브의 길이 방향과 평형하고 상하 이격되어 마주보는 면에는 케이블의 외경과 동일한 곡률반경으로 함몰되어 그 사이에 케이블이 삽입되도록 하며 삽입된 케이블의 양옆은 외부로 노출되도록 하는 한 쌍의 가이드바와, 상기 가이드바의 일측에 고정되고 중앙에 관통된 케이블 삽입홀을 통하여 삽입된 케이블이 한 쌍의 가이드바의 사이에 안착되도록 하는 고정블록을 포함하는 케이블 가이드부와;상기 케이블 가이드부의 하부에서 위치하는 판형의 이송판넬과, 상기 가이드바 방향으로 LM 가이드의 경로에 따라 이송판넬을 이송시키는 제3 모터와, 상기 이송판넬에 장착되어 실린더에 의하여 상기 가이드바의 사이에 삽입된 케이블의 노출된 양옆을 가압하여 고정하는 두 개의 케이블 피커를 포함하는 케이블 이송부와;상기 케이블 이송부에 의하여 이송된 수축튜브가 삽입된 케이블의 양단을 잡도록 하는 두 개의 제2 케이블 피커와, LM 가이드의 경로에 따라 상기 제2 케이블 피커를 수직 이송하는 제4 모터 및 수평 이송하는 제5 모터를 구비하는 케이블 픽업부를 구비함을 특징으로 하는 수축튜브 조립장치에 관한 것이다.

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160117127A

The present invention provides a shield cable and a shield tape capable of exhibiting conductor shield performance and magnetic shield performance while maintaining flexibility or flexibility resistance. The shield cable (100) includes a signal wire (101), a braided shield (102) disposed around the signal wire (101), a shielding tape (103) wound around the braided shield (102), and a jacket (104) disposed around the shielding tape (103). The shielding tape (103) includes a tape substrate (201), a magnetic hot-melt adhesive layer (202) that is disposed on an outer surface of the tape substrate (201) and is made of a magnetic resin composite including magnetic powder and a hot-melt adhesive, and an electroconductive metal layer (203) that is disposed on an inner surface of the tape substrate (201) and is made of an electroconductive metal. The magnetic hot-melt adhesive layer (202) is in close contact with the jacket (104) and the electroconductive metal layer (203) is in contact with the ...

09-11-2018 дата публикации

중합체 조성물 및 전기 장치

Номер: KR1020180121950A

... 본 발명은, 중합체(a) 및 나노입자 충전제(b)를 포함하는 중합체 조성물, 전기 장치, 예컨대 전력 케이블, 및 전기 장치의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로서, 이때 상기 중합체 조성물은, Dvol 부피%인 나노입자 충전제(b)의 부피 퍼센트를 포함하고, 이는 하나의 나노입자로부터 그의 최근접 나노입자 인접체(neighbour)까지, 자유 반경을 가지며 2 차원(2D)인 중심-대-중심 평균 거리(nm)를 가지며, 이는 R1st nm이고, 상기 중합체 조성물은 최근접 인접체까지의 상기 중심-대-중심 평균 거리 R1st와 상기 부피 퍼센트 Dvol 부피% 사이의 의존성을 나타내고, 이는 R1st = E/(Dvol + 0.3) + F이고, 이때, Dvol1 ≤ Dvol ≤ Dvol2, E1 ≤ E ≤ E2, F1 ≤ F ≤ F2이고, Dvol1은 0.010이고, Dvol2는 4.4이고, E1은 100이고, E2는 280이고, F1은 50이고, F2는 140이다.

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Shielding layer and cable having the same

Номер: TW0201941225A

The invention discloses a shielding layer including a plurality of conductors, fibers mixed with the conductors to enhance the bending resistance of the shielding layer.

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008089584A1
Автор: WOOSNAM, Calvin

A networked communications system comprising one or more integrated satellite based devices each for b -oadband digital signaling, one or more customized segment addressable cable a isembly for terrestrial signaling in operable communication with the integrate ] satellite based device and a command console, the command console norther compπsing interconnectivity with public data or voice network signals through digital bridging; and a remote relay station in operable communication with the command console and the customized segment addressable cable assembly. Each detector includes a UWB receiver, processor and voice synthesis circuit, further embedded with a media access control address scheme for identity of each detector.

21-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003068609A1

A protective cover (10, 20, 60) for protecting lengths of material (82) used in environments in which the lengths of material (82) are moved or pulled around and subjected to abrasion, chemicals, and weather extremes. The protective sleeve (10, 20, 60) includes a sleeve (10, 20, 60) surrounding the length of material (82) to be protected. The sleeve (10, 20, 60) has open ends (15, 17) and is formed of a fabric made substantially of high strength yarn.

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210350953A1

A hybrid cable for collecting data inside a well includes an electrical cable extending along a longitudinal axis of the hybrid cable, an optical fiber extending along the longitudinal axis, an armor that extends along the longitudinal axis, and encircles the electrical cable and the optical fiber, and a connecting device extending along the longitudinal axis, to enclose the electrical cable and the optical fiber, and to be enclosed by the armor. The connecting device has an unsmooth external surface.

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Wire connection structure having a coil-shaped circuit formed by wire end portions and a conductive member wound around a ring-shaped magnetic body

Номер: US0010096946B2

A wire connection structure includes a ring-shaped magnetic body, a first wire having a first wire end portion which is inserted through the ring-shaped magnetic body from a first direction, a second wire having a second wire end portion which is inserted through the ring-shaped magnetic body from a second direction opposite to the first direction, and a conductive member which is disposed outside the ring-shaped magnetic body and has two end portions that are electrically connected to a conductor of the first wire end portion and a conductor of the second wire end portion respectively.

07-05-2013 дата публикации

USB cable and method of producing same

Номер: US0008435069B2

A method and apparatus for producing a USB cable capable of being fed out of and returned to a cable reel is disclosed along with a cable reel that houses the cable and provides connectivity for the cable.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019371494A1

A shielded flat cable includes conductors arranged parallel to each other and respectively having a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, a first insulator provided on the first surface of each of the conductors, and a second insulator provided on the second surface of each of the conductors. The first surface of each of the conductors includes an exposed surface at an end part along a longitudinal direction. The shielded flat cable further includes a shield member that includes a metal layer and is configured to cover the first insulator and a portion of the exposed surface of the first surface, via a resin layer.

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200291208A1

The invention relates to a polymer composition comprising a polymer (a) and a nanoparticle filler (b), wherein the polymer composition comprises a volume percentage (vol. %) of the nanoparticle filler (b), which is Dvol vol. %, and has a center-to-center average distance, in nanometer (nm), in two dimensions (2D) and with a free radius, from one nanoparticle to its nearest nanoparticle neighbour, which is R1st nm, and wherein the polymer composition shows a dependency between said center-to-center average distance to nearest neighbour, R1st, and said volume percentage, Dvol vol. %, which is R1st=E/(Dvol+0.3)+F, wherein Dvol1≤Dvol≤Dvol2, E1≤E≤E2, F1≤F≤F2, and Dvol1 is 0.010 and Dvol2 is 4.4, E1 is 100 and E2 is 280, and F1 is 50 and F2 is 140; an electrical device, e.g. a power cable; and a process for producing an electrical device.

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200286649A1

A shield connection structure that includes a tube made of metal; a flexible shield made of metal; and a ring that includes an inner ring externally fitted onto the tube and an outer ring, the ring being made of a same type of metal as the flexible shield, wherein the flexible shield is electrically connected to the tube via the ring when sandwiched between the inner ring and the outer ring.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190228881A1

A cable includes: a linear conductor; a plurality of resin hollow tubes which are disposed around the conductor so that an air layer is formed around the conductor and which extend in a longitudinal direction of the conductor; and an insulating protective member configured to protect the conductor and the plurality of hollow tubes.

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150348668A1

The invention discloses a non-metallic light weight conductive wire, a composite conductive wire, a special cable, a motor and the like application products made of the conductive wire, and a method of making the composite conductive wire. The invention has the advantages of novel structure and simple operation, and is easy for large scale industrialized production. Application of the conductive wire produced by the invention in fields of motor manufacturing, aerospace and the like helps drastically reduce the weight of wire.

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200335240A1

An electric wire conductor having both flexibility and a space-saving property, a covered electric wire, and a wiring harness containing such an electric wire conductor. The electric wire conductor contains a plurality of elemental wires twisted together, and has a non-circular portion in which a cross section intersecting an axial direction of the wire strand has a non-circular shape. The cross section of the non-circular portion has a continuous vacancy capable of accommodating two or more of the elemental wires. Further, a covered electric wire contains the electric wire conductor and an insulator covering the electric wire conductor. Furthermore, a wiring harness contains the covered electric wire.

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Electric wire conductor, covered electric wire, and wiring harness

Номер: US0011094430B2

An electric wire conductor having both flexibility and a space-saving property. Also provided are a covered electric wire and a wiring harness containing the electric wire conductor. An electric wire conductor contains a wire strand containing a plurality of elemental wires twisted together. The electric wire conductor has a flat portion in which a cross section intersecting an axial direction of the wire strand has a flat shape. Assuming a conductor cross-sectional area of the flat portion as s mm2 and a vacancy ratio defined as a ratio of vacancies not occupied by the elemental wires in a cross section of the flat portion as v %, the conductor cross-sectional area and the vacancy ratio satisfies v>0.29 s+2.0. The covered electric wire contains electric wire conductor and an insulator covering the conductor. The wiring harness contains the covered electric wire.

22-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628759C2
Принадлежит: РОСЕМОУНТ ИНК. (US)

Предложено герметизирующее уплотнение для установки между двумя камерами, например камерами технологического преобразователя, соединенными переходным каналом, который содержит электрический кабель. Уплотнение содержит упор, корпус кабельного сальника, обжимную втулку, гайку кабельного сальника и первое эластомерное уплотнение. Упор выступает от внутренней поверхности переходного канала. Корпус кабельного сальника соприкасается с упором и охватывает часть электрического кабеля. Обжимная втулка находится внутри корпуса кабельного сальника и охватывает часть электрического кабеля. Гайка кабельного сальника давит на обжимную втулку, плотно прижимая последнюю к электрическому кабелю и к внутренней поверхности корпуса кабельного сальника. Первое эластомерное уплотнение расположено между наружной поверхностью корпуса кабельного сальника и внутренней поверхностью переходного канала. Изобретение обеспечивает создание герметизирующего уплотнения для установки между двумя камерами. 3 н. и 21 з.п.

15-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2703211C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиции оболочки кабеля, способу получения кабеля, оболочке кабеля и кабелю, например кабелю низкого напряжения или кабелю питания, или коммуникационному кабелю связи. Композиция оболочки кабеля содержит смесь расширяющейся и сшиваемой оболочки из композиции полимера, содержащего полиолефиновый материал, где полиолефиновый материал несет силановые фрагменты, и вспенивающую систему. Смесь оболочки содержит по меньшей мере 0,1% по массе и не более 1% по массе вспенивающего агента от общей массы полиолефинового материала. Изобретение обеспечивает получение оболочки кабеля, которая легко удаляется и имеет повышенную гибкость. 5 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил, 1 табл.

17-07-2018 дата публикации

Фасонный полимерный несущий элемент

Номер: RU2661486C1

Техническое решение относится к областям строительства и электротехники и может быть использовано в качестве несущих элементов для подвески, например, тросов, кабелей и проводов, в качестве армирующих элементов в строительных конструкциях и в качестве несущих сердечников в конструкциях кабелей и проводов. Полимерный несущий элемент (1) имеет круглый, трапецеидальный или Z-образный профиль и выполнен из термопластичного материала из класса полиолефинов или термопластического эластомера, непрерывно армированных высокопрочными волокнами с низкой плотностью - базальтовыми, углеродными, стеклянными или пара-арамидными. Изобретение обеспечивает создание полимерного несущего элемента с расширенными возможностями применения, в том числе в условиях непосредственного воздействия внешних и ударных нагрузок, в условиях прямого воздействия ультрафиолетового излучения, а также для получения прочных многожильных несущих конструкций. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

02-07-2021 дата публикации

Провод в защитной оплетке для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта

Номер: RU205214U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к проводам для подвижного состава рельсового транспорта. Провод содержит медную луженую многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу, покрытую изоляцией, и защитную оплетку. Изоляция выполнена из поливинилхлоридного компаунда марки KL 82/3. Оплетка выполнена из синтетических нитей. Она пропитана кремнийорганическим лаком или стирол-акриловой дисперсией. Провод может содержать экран в виде оплетки из медных проволок, наложенной поверх защитной оплетки. Технический результат - облегчение эвакуации персонала и пассажиров при пожаре в условиях задымления.

22-11-2022 дата публикации

Судовой кабель

Номер: RU214946U1

Полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к кабелям, предназначенным для стационарной прокладки, на номинальное рабочее напряжение 0,6/1 кВ, эксплуатируемым на судах морского флота неограниченного района плавания, речного флота, береговых и плавучих сооружениях. Кабель судовой, содержащий как минимум одну токопроводящую жилу, полимерную изоляцию и полимерную оболочку, выполненные из стойкой к воздействию масел безгалогенной силанольносшиваемой композиции на основе полиолефинов с системой антипиренов, кислородный индекс которой не менее 35%, температурный индекс не менее 280°С. Техническим результатом является изготовление кабеля повышенной надежности, обеспечивающего возможность работы при повышенных нагрузках и отвечающего требованиям пожарной безопасности, а также соответствующего требованиям судостроительства к применяемым кабелям.

27-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012142301A

... 1. Применение полимерной композиции для получения по меньшей мере одного слоя, предпочтительно по меньшей мере изолирующего слоя, силового кабеля, предпочтительно силового кабеля постоянного тока (DC), включающего проводник, окруженный по меньшей мере внутренним полупроводящим слоем, изолирующим слоем и внешним полупроводящим слоем, в указанном порядке, отличающееся тем, что полимерная композиция включает(a) полиолефин, который не является полиэтиленом низкой плотности (ПЭНП), и(b) второй полиолефин, который отличается от полиолефина (а).2. Применение по п.1 для получения кабеля постоянного тока, в котором внутренний полупроводящий слой содержит первую полупроводящую композицию, изолирующий слой содержит изолирующую композицию, и внешний полупроводящий слой содержит вторую полупроводящую композицию, и в котором изолирующая композиция изолирующего слоя содержит указанную полимерную композицию, предпочтительно состоит из нее, включающую(a) полиолефин, который не является полиэтиленом низкой ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151001A

... 1. Герметизирующее уплотнение для установки между двумя камерами, соединенными переходным каналом, в котором расположен электрический кабель, содержащее:упор, выступающий от внутренней поверхности переходного канала,корпус кабельного сальника, расположенный внутри переходного канала и находящийся в контакте с упором, при этом корпус кабельного сальника охватывает часть электрического кабеля,обжимную втулку, расположенную внутри корпуса кабельного сальника и охватывающую часть электрического кабеля,гайку кабельного сальника, предназначенную для сжатия обжимной втулки и плотного прижатия последней к электрическому кабелю и к внутренней поверхности корпуса кабельного сальника, ипервое эластомерное уплотнение, расположенное между наружной поверхностью корпуса кабельного сальника и внутренней поверхностью переходного канала.2. Уплотнение по п. 1, в котором корпус кабельного сальника содержит резьбовой конец, имеющий резьбу на внутренней поверхности корпуса кабельного сальника, при этом гайка ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Isoliertes Fahrzeugkabel und Fahrzeugkabelbaum

Номер: DE112011104608B4

Isoliertes Fahrzeugkabel (1), aufweisend: einen metallischen Leiter (2); und eine isolierende Abdeckschicht (3), welche den Außenumfang des metallischen Leiters (2) bedeckt, wobei die isolierende Abdeckschicht (3) eine gemischte Harzzusammensetzung aufweist, die Harzbestandteile aufweist, welche aufweisen einen Bestandteil A: ein Polysulfonharz, und einen Bestandteil B: ein aromatisches Polyesterharz, und wobei eine Gesamtheit von 100 Gewichtsanteilen der Bestandteile A und B in der gemischten Harzzusammensetzung 95 bis 60 Gewichtsanteile des Bestandteils A und 5 bis 40 Gewichtsanteile des Bestandteils B aufweist.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Abgeschirmter Leitungspfad

Номер: DE112011100246T5

Ein abgeschirmter Leitungspfad (10) der vorliegenden Erfindung enthält eine Mehrzahl von elektrischen Drähten (11, 21), die gebildet sind durch Umschließen elektrischer Leiter (12, 22) mit isolierenden Beschichtungen (13, 23), und eine metallische Röhre (30), welche die hierein eingeführten elektrischen Drähte (11, 21) schützt und abschirmt. Die Röhre (30) hat einen Röhrenhauptkörper (31) in Rohrform, durch welchen die elektrischen Drähte (11, 21) eingeführt sind, und eine Trennwand (32), die sich von einer Innenwand (31A) des Röhrenhauptkörpers (31) aus erstreckt und einen Innenabschnitt (31B) des Röhrenhauptkörpers (31) unterteilt. Die vorliegende Erfindung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Trennwand 32) in einem Querschnitt senkrecht zu einer Axialrichtung des Röhrenhauptkörpers (31) eine gekrümmte Form oder gebogene Form hat.

12-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060329473D1
Принадлежит: JHRG LLC, JHRG, LLC

24-03-2021 дата публикации

Subsea umbilical

Номер: GB2526702B
Принадлежит: NEXANS

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Downhole cables for well operations

Номер: AU2011279389A1

A slickline cable comprises an axially extending strength member having a first diameter proximate an upper end and at least one smaller second diameter distal from the upper end. A coating material is adhered to at least a portion of the length of the strength member to form a substantially uniform outer diameter along the slickline cable. A method for making a slickline comprises forming an axially extending strength member having a first diameter proximate an upper end and at least one smaller second diameter distal from the upper end. A coating material is adhered to at least a portion of the length of the strength member to form a substantially uniform outer diameter along the slickline cable.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid cable transition assembly

Номер: AU2017322199A1
Автор: ISLAM NAHID, Islam, Nahid
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

An assembly for breaking out hybrid power/fiber cable, comprising: a hybrid power/fiber cable comprising a plurality of conductors and a plurality of optical fibers, wherein first lengths of the conductors and the optical fibers are circumferentially surrounded by an armor layer, and wherein a portion of the armor layer is circumferentially surrounded by a cable jacket, and wherein second lengths of the conductors arid the optical fibers are free of the armor layer and the cable jacket; a breakout sleeve having an internal bore, a portion -of the cable jacket and a portion of the armor layer residing in the internal bore, and portions of the second lengths of the conductors and optical fibers residing in the internal bore; wherein the sleeve is fixed to the cable jacket.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021104230A4

The invention relates to a composite cable with both optical signal and electric energy transmission functions, including an optical cable unit, an electric cable unit, and a first sheath body. The optical cable unit and the electric cable unit are both disposed in the first sheath body. The electric cable unit includes a first electric cable subunit and a second electric cable subunit. Along a length extension direction, the first electric cable subunit and the second electric cable subunit are both always kept in a parallel state relative to the optical cable unit. A cross section of the first sheath body is in a "capsule" shape, and is formed by sequentially connecting an upper section used for installing the first electric cable subunit, a middle section used for installing the optical cable unit, and a lower section used for installing the second electric cable subunit. On the premise of ensuring an overall mechanical property of the composite cable, a butterfly-shaped design structure ...

03-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002674555A1

An expandable electric wire expandable without needing a strong force (en ergy loss), capable of carrying a large current for driving power, and havin g an expandability under a light load and a small electric resistance. The e xpandable electric wire is characterized in that it has a structure composed of at least a core part, a conductor part, and a cover part, the core part is an elastic cylindrical body made up of an elastic body and an intermediat e layer covering the peripheral surface of the elastic body, the conductor p art includes a conductor wire which is a strand wire composed of thin wires, the conductor wire is wound and/or braided around the peripheral surface of the elastic cylindrical body, and the cover part is an external covering la yer made of an insulator and covering the peripheral surface of the conducto r part.

14-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002730363A1

The invention relates to a process for polymerizing a polymer in the presence of a mixture of at least two chain transfer agents, which mixture comprises: a polar chain transfer agent (polar CTA), and a non-polar (non-polar CTA).

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748880A1

A flame retardant material is disclosed comprising a polymer and at least two high purity, fine precipitated Al(OH)3 flame retardant fillers, characterised by one having, in isolation, a specific surface area of at least 130% that of another; for example, a first AL(OH)3 filler having, in isolation, a specific surface area of 4 to 8 m2/g (ideally between 6 to 8 m2/g) and a second AL(OH)3 filler having, in isolation, a specific surface area of 8 to 14 m2/g (ideally between 10 to 12 m2/g).

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002886902A1

An external conductor layer (30) comprises a first shielding layer (31) that is formed of a metal foil, an insulating layer (32), and a second shielding layer (33) that is formed of a metal foil. The first shielding layer (31) of the external conductor layer (30) and an insulating body (20) are bonded to each other.

02-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2899857C

Sleeve (1 ) for a high- or medium-voltage power cable (120) having an inner conductor (130). The sleeve comprises (i) a tubular sleeve body (10) having an electrically conductive or semiconductive first axial electrode section (60), and (ii) a circuit board (30). The sleeve is radially expandable or shrinkable. It can be arranged radially outward of the inner conductor, such hat the first axial electrode section is radially separated from the inner conductor by at least an electrically insulating spacer layer (140). The circuit board is at least partially arranged radially outward of the sleeve body and comprises an electrical contact (100) which is electrically connected with the first axial electrode section.

01-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833884A1

The present invention relates to insulation compositions. In an object of the present invention, the compositions contain a fluoropolymer, a poly(arylene ether) and a styrene block copolymer. The compositions maintain substantially similar electrical properties and flame retardancy, and have reducing cost and density when compared to fluoropolymers alone.

23-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002833031A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

The invention relates to a crosslinkable polymer mixture based on a chlorinated polymer, in particular based on sulfur-free polymer, for use for the production of cables and lines via extrusion and subsequent crosslinking, in particular via heat and/or irradiation, and also to a process for the production of cables and lines with the claimed polymer mixture, which following production via mixing of the ingredients is extruded and crosslinked. A feature of the claimed polymer mixture here is that, prior to the extrusion and crosslinking that follow production thereof via mixing, it is stable in storage.

04-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107017601A

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing communication cable sheath

Номер: CN0109403051A

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Compression square stranded wire with self-adhesive filament

Номер: CN0108666011A

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Electrical cable

Номер: CN104040645A

Provided is an electrical cable for which flexibility of an insulating resin portion of the electrical cable is denoted by a secant modulus value, and the flexibility is improved. In an electrical cable (10a), the outer circumference of a conducting body (11), which is formed from wires having wire diameters of 0.15-0.5mm and which has a cross-section area of 20mm2 or more, is covered with an insulating resin (12) which includes a flame retardant. The electrical cable diameter/conductive body diameter is 1.15-1.40. The secant modulus of the insulating resin (12) is 10-50MPa.

28-12-2018 дата публикации

An optoelectronic hybrid cable containing a sensing module and a manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN0109102942A
Автор: XU JUN

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Electric wire

Номер: CN0108806832A

13-11-2018 дата публикации

High-performance cable shield sheath material

Номер: CN0108806876A
Автор: CAO HUA

28-08-2018 дата публикации

Large-number-of-pairs twisted pair cable with #-shaped frame

Номер: CN0108461200A

20-04-2018 дата публикации

High compression-resistance railway tunnel cable

Номер: CN0107945952A

09-04-2019 дата публикации

Steel core cloth wire and cable

Номер: CN0109599210A

05-02-2019 дата публикации

Cable for wind power generator

Номер: CN0109308956A

28-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108461207A
Автор: YAN LIN

26-04-2019 дата публикации

Photoelectric compound aerial insulated cable with aluminium cable steel reinforced conductor

Номер: CN0109686487A

22-02-2019 дата публикации

Fireproof low voltage cable used for intelligent early warning communication

Номер: CN0109378122A

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Communication cable and multi-functional retrofitting type travelling elevator cable

Номер: CN0108511131A

12-10-2018 дата публикации

For an electric power cable sleeve

Номер: CN0105190328B

30-11-2018 дата публикации

새로운 조성물 및 이의 용도

Номер: KR0101924084B1
Принадлежит: 보레알리스 아게

... 본 발명은 새로운 반전도성층을 포함하는 케이블에 관한 것이다.

09-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150137176A

The present invention relates to a coated wire set comprising conductor wires. The conductor wire is made of Al or Al alloy. The wire set of the conductor wires is totally coated to form a coating layer around the wire set. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

21-05-2021 дата публикации

Бортовой авиационный электрический провод

Номер: RU0000204344U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехнической промышленности и может быть использована в качестве токопроводящей жилы для бортового или монтажного провода для передачи электроэнергии и сигналов.Провод содержит многопроволочную токопроводящую жилу из медных проволок, проволок из медного сплава и алюмомедных проволок одинакового диаметра, покрытую изоляцией, число медных проволок может быть от 1 до (n-2) проволок, число проволок из медного сплава может быть от 1 до (n-2) проволок, число алюмомедных проволок может быть от 1 до (n-2) проволок, где n - общее число проволок, при этом в наружном повиве токопроводящей жилы содержатся только проволоки из меди и медного сплава.Полезная модель обеспечивает снижение массы бортового или монтажного провода путем применения комбинированной токопроводящей жилы из разных по твердости материалов проволок с сохранением электрических характеристик. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 344 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/17 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/17 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020142727, 23.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 21.05.2021 Бюл. № 15 2 0 4 3 4 4 R U (54) БОРТОВОЙ АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ ПРОВОД (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области проволок, число алюмомедных проволок может электротехнической промышленности и может быть от 1 до (n-2) проволок, где n - общее число быть использована в качестве токопроводящей проволок, при этом в наружном повиве жилы для бортового или монтажного провода токопроводящей жилы содержатся только для передачи электроэнергии и сигналов. проволоки из меди и медного сплава. Провод содержит многопроволочную Полезная модель обеспечивает снижение токопроводящую жилу из медных проволок, массы бортового или монтажного провода путем проволок из медного сплава и алюмомедных применения комбинированной токопроводящей проволок ...

20-08-2021 дата публикации

Силовой кабель

Номер: RU0000206084U1

Полезная модель относится к бронированным огнестойким силовым кабелям с пониженной пожароопасностью и стойким к воздействию агрессивных сред. Кабель предназначен для использования во взрывоопасных зонах всех категорий, а также в распределительных и магистральных сетях 0,66-500 кВ. Силовой кабель содержит одну токопроводящую жилу и последовательно расположенные на ней в направлении к наружной оболочке нанесенную экструзией изоляцию, внутреннюю оболочку, бронепокров в виде герметичной гофрированной металлической трубки и наружную оболочку из пластмассы. Бронепокров имеет спиралевидную форму гофрирования, а коэффициент гофрирования равен 10-20%, предпочтительно 15%. Конструкция кабеля обеспечивает его высокую механическую прочность, химическую стойкость к агрессивным газам, парам и жидкостям, огнестойкость за счет герметичного металлического термического барьера. Герметичная сплошная гофрированная броня защищает кабель от всех внешних воздействий. Спиралевидная форма гофры придает кабелю повышенную гибкость и прочность при растяжении. Герметичность гофрированной брони обеспечивается за счет соединения лазерной сваркой или дуговой сваркой в среде инертных газов неплавящимся электродом краев ленты. Кабель сохраняет механические свойства (прочность, относительное удлинение и эластичность) в широком температурном диапазоне, в том числе при низких температурах. Кабель имеет широкий диапазон рабочих температур, в том числе низкотемпературное применение. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 084 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/17 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/17 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020126236, 06.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ПЕРСПЕКТИВА-2А" (ООО "ПЕРСПЕКТИВА-2А") (RU) Дата регистрации: 20.08.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 0 6 0 8 4 R U (54) СИЛОВОЙ КАБЕЛЬ (57 ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Shield conducting path

Номер: US20120279776A1
Автор: Yoshio Mizutani

A shield conducting path of the present invention includes a plurality of electric wires which is formed by enclosing electric conductors with insulation coatings, and a metallic pipe which protects and shields the electric wires by inserting them therethrough. The pipe has a tube main body which has a tubular shape and through which the electric wires are inserted, and a partition wall which is extended from an inner wall of the tube main body and partitions an inner portion of the tube main body. The present invention is characterized in that the partition wall has a cross section of a curved shape or a bent shape when cut in a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the tube main body.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067744A1

A spacer assembly includes first and second clamping bodies. The first clamping body has a first slot therein and the second clamping body has an opening. A fastener is received by the first clamping body slot and the second clamping body opening to secure the first clamping body to the second clamping body such that rotation of the fastener moves the fastener in the first clamping body slot to move the first clamping body relative to the second clamping body. 1. A spacer assembly , comprising:a first clamping body having a first slot therein;a second clamping body having an opening; anda fastener received by said first clamping body slot and said second clamping body opening to secure said first clamping body to said second clamping body such that rotation of said fastener moves said fastener in said first clamping body slot to move said first clamping body relative to said second clamping body.2. The spacer assembly according to claim 1 , whereinsaid fastener and said second clamping body opening are threaded.3. The spacer assembly according to claim 1 , whereina tab extends outwardly from said first clamping body; anda second slot extends longitudinally in said second clamping body, said second slot movably receiving said tab to further secure said first clamping body to said second clamping body.4. The spacer assembly according to claim 1 , whereina first tab extends outwardly from said first clamping body;a first shoulder extends longitudinally on said second clamping body, said first shoulder movably receiving said first tab to further secure said first clamping body to said second clamping body.5. The spacer assembly according to claim 1 , whereina second tab extends outwardly from said second clamping body;a second shoulder extends longitudinally on said first clamping body, said second shoulder movably receiving said second tab to further secure said first clamping body to said second clamping body.6. The spacer assembly according to claim 1 , whereina ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Downhole Cables for Well Operations

Номер: US20130122296A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A slickline cable comprises an axially extending strength member having a first diameter proximate an upper end and at least one smaller second diameter distal from the upper end. A coating material is adhered to at least a portion of the length of the strength member to form a substantially uniform outer diameter along the slickline cable. A method for making a slickline comprises forming an axially extending strength member having a first diameter proximate an upper end and at least one smaller second diameter distal from the upper end. A coating material is adhered to at least a portion of the length of the strength member to form a substantially uniform outer diameter along the slickline cable. 1. A slickline cable comprising:an axially extending strength member having a first diameter proximate an upper end and at least one smaller second diameter distal from the upper end; anda coating material adhered to at least a portion of the length of the strength member to form a substantially uniform outer diameter along the slickline cable.2. The slickline cable of wherein the substantially uniform outer diameter of the slickline cable is chosen from the group consisting of: the first diameter; and a predetermined diameter larger than the first diameter.3. The slickline cable of wherein the coating comprises a thermoplastic material.4. The slickline cable of wherein the coating has a specific gravity less than a specific gravity of a fluid in a wellbore.5. The slickline cable of wherein the coating material swells when exposed to a slickline fluid.6. The slickline cable of wherein the coating comprises at least on of: a plurality of reinforcing fibers and a plurality of hollow glass beads.7. The slickline cable of wherein the strength member continuously tapers from the first diameter to the at least one second diameter.8. The slickline cable of wherein the at least one second diameter comprises a plurality of monotonically decreasing diameters from the upper end to a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168127A1
Автор: Matsuno Takayuki
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

The present invention provides an electrical wire which includes a conductor portion comprising a plurality of element wires being twisted together, and an insulating covering portion disposed over the conductor portion. Each of element wires is formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy material, and has a circular cross-section. The stranding pitch of the element wires is at least three times greater than a pitch diameter of the conductor portion but no more than thirty times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion. 1. An electrical wire , comprising:a conductor portion comprising a plurality of element wires being twisted together, each element wire being formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy material and having a circular cross-section; andan insulating covering portion disposed over the conductor portion, wherein a stranding pitch of the element wires is at least three times greater than a pitch diameter of the conductor portion but no more than thirty times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion.2. The electrical wire according to claim 1 , wherein the stranding pitch of the element wires is at least three times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion but no more than twenty times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion.3. The electrical wire according to claim 1 , wherein the stranding pitch of the element wires is at least ten times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion but no more than twenty times greater than the pitch diameter of the conductor portion.4. An electrical wire claim 1 , comprising:a conductor portion comprising a plurality of element wires being twisted together, each element wire being formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy material and having a circular cross-section; andan insulating covering portion disposed over the conductor portion, wherein a stranding pitch of the element wires is at least three times greater than an outer diameter the conductor portion ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180755A1
Принадлежит: LS Cable & System Ltd.

An electric cable for a nuclear power plant that allows easy monitoring of its condition for long term use in a nuclear power plant, and a fabrication method thereof is provided. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant includes at least one core having a conductor and an insulating body coating the conductor, and a sheath body surrounding the core, and the insulating body and the sheath body are made of the same composition. 1. An electric cable for a nuclear power plant , comprising:at least one core having a conductor and an insulating body coating the conductor; anda sheath body surrounding the core,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of the same composition.2. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of a halogen-free composition.3. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of polymer material satisfying radiation resistance for a nuclear power plant.4. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of polymer material satisfying a heat aging characteristic for a nuclear power plant.5. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of polymer material which passes a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) test for a nuclear power plant.6. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,{'sub': f', 'f, 'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of material having a tensile strength in the range of 1.0 kg/mmto 1.4 kg/mmand an elongation rate in the range of 130% to 250% at a normal temperature.'}7. The electric cable for a nuclear power plant according to claim 1 ,wherein the insulating body and the sheath body are made of material having a residual tensile strength of 70% or above and ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Polymer-bonded metallic elements used as strength members, and/or power or data carriers in oilfield cables

Номер: US20130233587A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method for manufacturing a component includes a step of providing at least one metallic element. A surface of the at least one metallic element is modified to facilitate a bonding of the at least one metallic element to a polymeric layer. The polymeric layer is then bonded to the at least one metallic element to form the component.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233588A1

There are provided an automotive insulated wire, and automotive wiring harness that have an excellent resistance to a liquid, and an excellent resistance to an electrolyte, and that can be provided at low cost without causing an increase in cost. An automotive insulated wire () includes a metallic conductor () and an insulation covering layer () that covers the outer periphery of the metallic conductor, wherein the insulation covering layer is made from a mixed resin composition that contains resin ingredients that contain an ingredient A: a polysulfone resin, and an ingredient B: an aromatic polyester resin, and wherein a total of 100 parts by mass of the ingredients A and B contained in the mixed resin composition consists of 95 to 60 parts by mass of the ingredient A, and 5 to 40 parts by mass of the ingredient B. 1. An automotive insulated wire comprising:a metallic conductor; andan insulation covering layer that covers the outer periphery of the metallic conductor,wherein the insulation covering layer comprises a mixed resin composition that comprises resin ingredients that comprisean ingredient A: a polysulfone resin, andan ingredient B: an aromatic polyester resin, andwherein a total of 100 parts by mass of the ingredients A and B in the mixed resin composition comprises 95 to 60 parts by mass of the ingredient A, and 5 to 40 parts by mass of the ingredient B.2. The automotive insulated wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the ingredient A: the polysulfone resin, has a flexural modulus of 2400 MPa or more, and comprises one or more resins selected from the group consisting of polysulfone, polyethersulfone, and polyphenylsulfone.3. The automotive insulated wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the ingredient B: the aromatic polyester resin, has a melting point of 240 degrees C. or higher, and comprises one or more resins selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate, polybutylene naphthalate, and polyethylene naphthalate.4. An automotive wiring ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264112A1
Автор: Li Mi, LIN XIONGWEN, Xu Hailong

A cable () in particular for use in a concentrated solar power installation is provided, is provided with a core () for transmitting signals and/or power, an inner jacket () enclosing the core, an outer jacket () enclosing the inner jacket, and a shield () disposed between the inner and outer jackets. The shield is configured as a flexible conduit. A concentrated solar power installation comprising the cable is also provided. 1. A cable comprising:a core for transmitting signals and/or power;an inner jacket enclosing the core;an outer jacket enclosing the inner jacket; anda shield disposed between the inner and outer jackets, wherein the shield is configured as a flexible conduit.2. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible conduit is formed by connecting a plurality of tube sections in series claim 1 , wherein every two adjacent tube sections are pivotable relative to each other.3. The cable according to claim 2 , wherein the wall of the tube sections is S-shaped or C-shaped in the longitudinal section thereof claim 2 , and every two adjacent tube sections are connected by hooking adjacent ends thereof onto each other.4. The cable according to claim 3 , wherein the tube sections have an outer diameter ranging from 20.5 to 24.5 mm claim 3 , an inner diameter ranging from 17 to 21 mm claim 3 , and a length ranging from 5.35 to 7.35 mm.5. The cable according to claim 4 , wherein the minimum bending radius of the cable is less than 100 mm.6. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible conduit is made of galvanized steel tape.7. The cable according to claim 6 , wherein the galvanized steel tape has a thickness ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 mm.8. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible conduit is configured as a corrugated pipe.9. A concentrated solar power installation comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the cable according to , wherein the cable is connected to light concentrated reflectors of the installation to ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Shield conductor

Номер: US20130269972A1

A shield conductor includes a pipe made of metal and an electric wire. The electric wire is passed through the pipe. The pipe includes a first deformed portion and a second deformed portion. The first deformed portion has a first short diameter portion and a first long diameter portion having different outer diameters in a peripheral direction of the pipe. The second deformed portion is in a different position from the first deformed portion in an extension direction in which the pipe extends and includes a second short diameter portion and a second long diameter portion having different outer diameters in the peripheral direction. The first and the second short diameter portions are provided in different positions in the peripheral direction. The first and the second long diameter portions are provided in different positions in the peripheral direction.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Shield conductor

Номер: US20130292154A1

A shield conductor includes an electric wire, a metal pipe, and a tubular protector. The protector covers a portion extending from an end portion of the metal pipe to an end portion of a casing. The protector includes a tubular outer layer member made of flexible insulation and a tubular flexible shield member made of a conductive material. The outer layer member is arranged to extend from a first connecting portion to a second connecting portion. The first connecting portion is connected to the metal pipe and the second connecting portion is connected to the casing. The shield member is arranged along an inner surface of the outer layer member and provided integrally with the outer layer member. The shield member is electrically connected to the metal pipe at the first connecting portion and is electrically connected to the casing at the second connecting portion.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306354A1
Автор: LEE Hong-Wei

A signal wire protection device is disclosed. The signal wire protection device is installed on a signal wire having an adapter for protecting the signal wire. The signal wire protection device includes a main body bent to form a tubular structure such that the inner space of the main body forms a containing space for containing the signal wire. A side of the main body is disposed with an opening connected to the containing space; the main body is made of an elastic material so that the signal wire can pass through the opening and enter the containing space via elastic deformation of the main body. 1. A signal wire protection device installed on a signal wire having an adapter to protect the signal wire , wherein the signal wire protection device comprises a main body bent to form a tubular shape so that the inner space of the main body forms a containing space for containing the signal wire , one side of the main body having an opening connected to the containing space , and the main body being made of an elastic material , such that the signal wire can pass through the opening and enter the containing space via elastic deformation of the main body.2. The signal wire protection device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a head portion made of an elastic material claim 1 , wherein the head portion is connected to an end of the main body for containing a portion of the adapter.3. The signal wire protection device as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising an identifying portion formed by extending a side of the main body outwardly.4. The signal wire protection device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the identifying portion is substantially a rectangular cuboid shape.5. The signal wire protection device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the head portion comprises at least one pinhole for allowing at least one screw to pass through the pinhole.6. The signal wire protection device as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the number of the pinholes is two claim 5 , and the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333914A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A shield sleeve for shielding an electric wire includes a tensile strength fiber that has an approximately circular section and on which a metal-plating layer is formed. A plurality of the tensile strength fibers is braided to form a tubular shape. Braid density of the braided tensile strength fibers is 85% or more and 98% or less and resistance between the braided tensile strength fibers is 0.096 Ω/m or less. 1. A shield sleeve for shielding an electric wire comprising:a tensile strength fiber that has an approximately circular section and on which a metal-plating layer is formed;wherein a plurality of the tensile strength fibers is braided to form a tubular shape.2. The shield sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein braid density of the braided tensile strength fibers is 85% or more and 98% or less and resistance between the braided tensile strength fibers is 0.096 Ω/m or less.3. The shield sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein the braided tensile strength fibers has a multi-layer construction in a radial direction of the electric wire.4. The shield sleeve according to claim 2 , wherein the braided tensile strength fibers has a multi-layer construction in a radial direction of the electric wire.5. A shield sleeve for shielding an electric wire comprising:a tensile strength fiber bundle that includes a plurality of tensile strength fibers having an approximately circular section and on which a metal-plating layer is formed;wherein a plurality of the tensile strength fiber bundles is braided to form a tubular shape.6. The shield sleeve according to claim 5 , wherein braid density of the braided tensile strength fiber bundles is 85% or more and 98% or less and resistance between the braided tensile strength fiber bundles is 0.096 Ω/m or less.7. The shield sleeve according to claim 5 , wherein the braided tensile strength fiber bundles form a multi-layer construction in a radial direction of the electric wire.8. The shield sleeve according to claim 6 , wherein the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Communication cable

Номер: US20140027149A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A communication cable is provided which can suppress the shielding performance thereof. A communication cable 1 includes one or a plurality of conductors 10 , an insulator 20 placed on the conductor 10 to cover it, a shielding layer 30 which is formed on an outer circumference of the insulator 20 , an insulating sheath 40 which covers the shielding layer 30 and a biaxially oriented film layer 50 which is provided between the insulator 20 and the sheath 40 so as to cover the outer circumference of the insulator 20.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027151A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

A shielded cable includes an electric wire bundle configured such that a plurality of electric wires are bundled, a first band-shaped member configured to be spirally wound so as to cover the electric wire bundle, a second band-shaped member configured to be spirally wound on the outer periphery of the first band-shaped member, and a drain wire configured to be arranged between the first band-shaped member and the second band-shaped member. The first band-shaped member and the second band-shaped member include a metal layer including a conductive metal and a resin layer including an insulating resin, and are wound such that the metal layers thereof face each other across the drain wire. The first band-shaped member, the second band-shaped member and the drain wire are wound in the same direction to the electric wire bundle. 1. A shielded cable , comprising:an electric wire bundle configured such that a plurality of electric wires are bundled;a first band-shaped member configured to be spirally wound so as to cover the electric wire bundle;a second band-shaped member configured to be spirally wound on the outer periphery of the first band-shaped member; anda drain wire configured to be arranged between the first band-shaped member and the second band-shaped member,wherein the first band-shaped member and the second band-shaped member comprise a metal layer comprising a conductive metal and a resin layer comprising an insulating resin and are wound such that the metal layers thereof face each other across the drain wire, andwherein the first band-shaped member, the second band-shaped member and the drain wire are wound in a same direction relative to the electric wire bundle.2. The shielded cable according to claim 1 , wherein the first band-shaped member and the second band-shaped member have a same width claim 1 , andwherein the first band-shaped member, the second band-shaped member and the drain wire are wound at a same pitch.3. The shielded cable according to ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099882A1
Автор: Woosnam Calvin H.
Принадлежит: Technology Mining Company, LLC

A communication systems providing a fault-tolerant communications path for narrow and broad band communication comprising one or more self-powered satellite units each providing signal information to at least one command console through a segmented cable assembly system in operable communication with a central station that receives signal information from the at least one command console and relays signal information back to the command console wirelessly and via the segmented cable assembly system. 1. A communication systems providing a fault-tolerant communications path for narrow and broad band communication comprising:one or more self-powered satellite units each providing signal information to at least one command console through a segmented cable assembly system;a central station that receives signal information from the at least one command console and relays signal information back to the command console wirelessly and via the segmented cable assembly system.2. The communication system of claim 1 , wherein the segmented cable assembly system is powered by a controller outfitted with a transceiver and an external high gain antenna.3. The communication system of claim 1 , wherein the segmented cable assembly system includes a repeater.4. The communications system of claim 1 , wherein the cable assembly includes a UWB radio and antenna.5. A cable assembly comprisingone or more fixed length cable segments, each segment linked to a junction box having a repeater system to extend a signal communications range significantly further than 3000 feet.6. The cable assembly of claim 5 , wherein the each segment includes a metal casing and core bundle wrapped with an aerogel material.7. The cable assembly of claim 5 , wherein each segment includes a stress release system claim 5 , each segment configured for 2600 pounds of longitudinal force.8. The cable assembly of claim 5 , wherein each segment will re-broadcast a signal selected from the group consisting of UWB claim 5 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Downhole Cables and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20170004905A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A cable that includes a cable core. The cable core has an inner armor wire layer disposed thereabout. The inner armor wire layer has an outer armor wire layer disposed thereabout. The inner armor wire layer and outer armor wire layer have torque removed therefrom during manufacturing.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005508A1

A cable for conveying an electrical submersible pump into and out of a well bore includes at least one strength member made of a composite material comprising a fiber reinforced plastic. A plurality of electrical conductors forming circumferential segments is disposed externally to the at least one strength member. A protective jacket encapsulates the at least one strength member and the plurality of electrical conductors. 1. A cable for conveying an electrical submersible pump into and out of a well bore , comprising:at least one strength member made of a composite material comprising a fiber reinforced plastic;a plurality of electrical conductors forming circumferential segments disposed externally to the at least one strength member; anda protective jacket encapsulating the at least one strength member and the plurality of electrical conductors.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electrical conductors comprises three electrical conductors.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electrical conductors each comprises a solid cross-section.4. The cable of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of electrical conductors each comprises a hollow cross-section.5. The cable of claim 4 , wherein the hollow cross section comprises a hole in the electrical conductor.6. The cable of claim 4 , wherein a cross sectional area of the hole is selected to increase the impedance per unit length of the electrical conductor by at most a selected amount.7. The cable of claim 6 , wherein the selected amount is at most five percent.8. The cable of claim 6 , wherein the selected amount is at most one percent.9. The cable of claim 4 , wherein the hole is filled with an electrically non-conductive material having a density lower than a density of the electrical conductor.10. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the projective jacket has a smooth outer surface.11. The cable of claim 1 , wherein fibers in the fiber reinforced plastic are oriented at an angle of at most 60 degrees ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005511A1

Sleeve () for a high- or medium-voltage power cable () having an inner conductor (). The sleeve comprises (i) a tubular sleeve body () having an electrically conductive or semiconductive first axial electrode section (), and (ii) a circuit board (). The sleeve is radially expandable or shrinkable. It can be arranged radially outward of the inner conductor, such hat the first axial electrode section is radially separated from the inner conductor by at least an electrically insulating spacer layer (). The circuit board is at least partially arranged radially outward of the sleeve body and comprises an electrical contact () which is electrically connected with the first axial electrode section. 1. Sleeve for a high- or medium-voltage power cable the cable comprising an inner conductor defining axial and radial directions , wherein the sleeve comprisesa tubular sleeve body having a first axial electrode section, which section is electrically conductive or semiconductive,wherein the sleeve is radially expandable and arrangeable radially outward of the inner conductor when expanded, such that the first axial electrode section is radially separated from the inner conductor by at least an electrically insulating spacer layer,and the sleeve further comprises a circuit board, at least partially arranged radially outward of the sleeve body, comprising a first electrical contact which is electrically connected with the first axial electrode section.2. (canceled)3. Sleeve according to claim 1 , further comprising an electrically non-conductive jacket claim 1 , at least partially arranged radially outward of the sleeve body claim 1 , and at least partially arranged radially outward of the circuit board.4. Sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein the first axial electrode section is operable to form an electrode of a sensing capacitor of a voltage sensor for sensing a voltage of the inner conductor of the power cable.5. Sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein the circuit board ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Ultra high voltage direct current power cable system

Номер: US20220013249A1
Принадлежит: LS Cable and Systems Ltd

Provided is an ultra-high-voltage direct-current (DC) power cable system. Specifically, the present disclosure relates to an ultra-high-voltage DC power cable system capable of simultaneously preventing or minimizing electric field distortion, a reduction of DC dielectric strength, and a reduction of impulse breakdown strength due to the accumulation of space charges in an insulating layer of a cable and an insulating material of an intermediate connection part.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005726A1

A sheathed wire harness includes connectors to be fitted to counterpart connectors, electric wires connected to the connectors, and a fibrous resin cloth that is connected to the electric wires and surrounds the electric wires. The resin cloth includes a cover portion that can be moved to a closed position in which portions of the electric wires near the connectors are covered, and moved to an open position in which the portions of the electric wires near the connectors are exposed. 1. A sheathed wire harness comprising:a connector to be fitted to a counterpart connector;an electric wire connected to the connector; anda fibrous resin cloth for surrounding the electric wire,wherein the resin cloth includes a cover portion that can be moved to a closed position in which a portion of the electric wire on a connector side is covered, and to an open position in which the portion of the electric wire on the connector side is exposed, andthe cover portion covers the portion of the electric wire on the connector side in a state in which the connector is fitted to the counterpart connector.2. The sheathed wire harness according to claim 1 , wherein the resin cloth includes a holding portion with which the cover portion can be held in the closed position and released therefrom.3. The sheathed wire harness according to claim 2 , wherein the cover portion includes a held portion to be held by the holding portion claim 2 , and the holding portion and the held portion both have flexibility.4. The sheathed wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein the resin cloth includes:a tubular portion for surrounding the electric wire; andan extending portion that extends from the tubular portion toward the connector and is configured to cover a portion of the electric wire that is not covered with the cover portion, andthe cover portion is continuous with a lateral side of the extending portion relative to a direction in which the extending portion extends.5. The sheathed wire harness ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Electromagnetic wave absorption cable

Номер: US20190009512A1
Автор: Seiji Kagawa
Принадлежит: Individual

An electromagnetic wave absorption cable comprising an electromagnetic-wave-absorbing tape spirally wound around the inner insulating sheaths surrounding conductor wires, an insulating layer, and an electromagnetic-wave-reflecting layer; the electromagnetic-wave-absorbing tape being constituted by laterally partially overlapped two electromagnetic-wave-absorbing films; a thin metal film of each electromagnetic-wave-absorbing film being provided with large numbers of substantially parallel, intermittent, linear scratches with irregular widths and intervals in plural directions; the linear scratches in each electromagnetic-wave-absorbing film having a crossing angle θs of 30-90°; the linear scratches in both electromagnetic-wave-absorbing films being crossing; and the total (D2+D3) of the longitudinal width D2 of an overlapped portion of the electromagnetic-wave-absorbing films and the longitudinal width D3 of an overlapped portion of the electromagnetic-wave-absorbing tape being 30-70% of the longitudinal width D of the electromagnetic-wave-absorbing tape.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012373A1
Автор: Nonen Hideki

A cable with a connector includes a cable for transmitting electric signals, a clamping member having electrical conductivity for clamping an end of the cable, and a connector accommodating the clamping member. The cable includes an insulated electric wire including a conductive wire covered with an insulator, a shielding member covering the insulated electric wire, a drain wire arranged with contacting the shielding member, and an outer coat covering an outer periphery of the shielding member. The clamping member clamps the cable from an outside of the outer coat. The drain wire folds back toward an outside of the outer coat at the end of the cable and is interposed between the clamping member and the outer coat. 1. A cable with a connector , comprising:a cable for transmitting electric signals;a clamping member having electrical conductivity for clamping an end of the cable; anda connector accommodating the clamping member,wherein the cable comprises:an insulated electric wire comprising a conductive wire covered with an insulator;a shielding member covering the insulated electric wire;a drain wire arranged with contacting the shielding member; andan outer coat covering an outer periphery of the shielding member,wherein the clamping member clamps the cable from an outside of the outer coat,wherein the drain wire folds back toward an outside of the outer coat at the end of the cable and is interposed between the clamping member and the outer coat.2. The cable with the connector according to claim 1 , wherein the cable comprises a plurality of cables and the clamping member clamps ends of the plurality of cables collectively.3. The cable with the connector according to claim 1 , wherein the clamping member comprises a cylindrical metallic material and clamps the cable.4. The cable with the connector according to claim 1 , wherein the shielding member comprises a first shielding conductor covering the insulated electric wire claim 1 , and a second shielding conductor ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013114A1
Автор: Rodriguez Vincent

A cable for transmitting power to a tattoo gun from a primary power source is disclosed herein. The cable for transmitting power includes an elongate member having a first end portion and a second end portion, a first adapter located at the first end portion, a second adapter located at the second end portion, and at least one magnet coupled to the second end portion and configured to removably attach the cable to a surface. The cable is useful for delivering power to a tattoo gun while allowing for efficient use and storage. 1. A cable for transmitting power to a tattoo gun from a primary power source , said cable comprising:an elongate member having a first end portion and a second end portion and configured to transmit power;a first adapter, said first adapter located at said first end portion and configured to attach to said primary power source;a second adapter, said second adapter located at said second end portion and configured to attach to said tattoo gun; andat least one magnet, said at least one magnet coupled along said elongate member and configured to removably attach said cable to a surface.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein said elongate member is flexible.3. The cable of claim 2 , wherein said elongate member has a plurality of lumens.4. The cable of claim 3 , wherein said plurality of lumens comprises two lumens.5. The cable of claim 1 , wherein said cable has a predetermined length that extends from said first adapter to said second adapter.6. The cable of claim 5 , wherein said predetermined length is approximately six feet.7. The cable of claim 1 , wherein said first adapter has a first portion and a second portion.8. The cable of claim 7 , wherein said second portion has a diameter greater than a diameter of said first portion.9. The cable of claim 7 , wherein said first portion is made of a gold-plated material.10. The cable of claim 1 , wherein said second adapter comprises a U-shaped member.11. The cable of claim 10 , wherein said U-shaped ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Composite Cable

Номер: US20200013523A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

Both deformation of a cross-sectional shape of the entire composite cable and deformation of a cross-sectional shape of an electric wire included in the composite cable are suppressed. The composite cable includes: a plurality of first electric wires; a shield electric wire in which a shield layer 33 is formed around a twist pair wire 32 obtained by intertwining a plurality of second electric wires; a sheath formed around an electric wire assembly obtained by intertwining the first electric wires and the shield electric wire; a first line filler filled between the twist pair wire and the shield layer; and a second line filler filled between the electric wire assembly and the sheath. The first electric wires and the shield electric wire are intertwined in a first direction, and the second electric wires are also intertwined in the first direction.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Composite Cable

Номер: US20200013524A1

Both deformation of a cross-sectional shape of the entire composite cable and deformation of a cross-sectional shape of an electric wire included in the composite cable are suppressed. The composite cable includes: a plurality of first electric wires; a shield electric wire in which a shield layer is formed around a twist pair wire obtained by intertwining a plurality of second electric wires; a sheath formed around an electric wire assembly obtained by intertwining the first electric wires and the shield electric wire; a first line filler filled between the twist pair wire and the shield layer; and a second line filler filled between the electric wire assembly and the sheath. While the first electric wires and the shield electric wire are intertwined in a first direction, the second electric wires are intertwined in a second direction that is opposite to the first direction. 1. A composite cable comprising:a plurality of first electric wires;a shield electric wire in which a shield layer is formed around a stranded electric wire obtained by intertwining a plurality of second electric wires;a sheath formed around an assembly obtained by intertwining the plurality of first electric wires and the shield electric wire;a first line filler filled between the stranded electric wire and the shield layer; anda second line filler filled between the assembly and the sheath,wherein the plurality of first electric wires and the shield electric wire are intertwined in a first direction while the plurality of second electric wires included in the shield electric wire are intertwined in a second direction that is opposite to the first direction.2. The composite cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the second line filler is intertwined in the first direction together with the first electric wires and the shield electric wire, andthe first line filler is intertwined in the second direction together with the second electric wires.3. The composite cable according to claim 1 ,wherein a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036023A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

Systems and methods for physical cable route tracing are provided. In one embodiment, a cable comprises: one or more of either electrical conductors or optical fibers; a cable sheath around the one or more of either electrical conductors or optical fibers; and a pattern of cable tracing facilitation markings located on an exterior of the cable sheath; wherein the cable tracing facilitation markings comprise either: a visually varying pattern that gradually changes along a length of the cable sheath; or a series of coded markings of an ordered sequence pattern. 1. A cable , the cable comprising:one or more of either electrical conductors or optical fibers;a cable sheath around the one or more of either electrical conductors or optical fibers; anda pattern of cable tracing facilitation markings located on an exterior of the cable sheath; a visually varying pattern that gradually changes along a length of the cable sheath;', a repeating decay pattern along the length of the cable sheath:', 'a gradually changing graphical arrangement; or', a series of colored stripes;', 'a patterned sequence of stripes of varying patterns or colors; and', 'patterns separated by increasing distances along the length of the cable sheath., 'at least one of], 'wherein the visually varying pattern comprises], 'wherein the cable tracing facilitation markings comprise either2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the cable tracing facilitation markings further comprise a series of coded markings of an ordered sequence pattern.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The cable of claim 2 , wherein each of the coded markings of the ordered sequence pattern correlate to a subset of an ordered sequence.6. The cable of claim 2 , wherein each of the coded markings of the ordered sequence pattern correlate to an encoded numeric sequence.7. The cable of claim 2 , wherein each of the coded markings of the ordered sequence pattern encode information about the cable.8. The cable of claim 2 , wherein the coded markings of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102753A1
Принадлежит: John Mezzalingua Associates, LLC

A coaxial cable device and method involve weld connectivity. The device, in one embodiment, includes an outer conductor engager and an inner conductor engager. At least one of such conductor engagers includes a weld interface for weld connection with part of a coaxial cable. 1. A coaxial cable device comprising:a coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor and an outer conductor;an inner conductor engager;a compressor configured to cooperate with at least part of the inner conductor engager; andan outer conductor engager configured to receive at least part of the outer conductor, the outer conductor engager being welded to the received part of the outer conductor.2. The coaxial cable device of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductor engager is configured to receive at least part of the inner conductor.3. The coaxial cable device of claim 1 , wherein the outer conductor comprises a corrugated shape defining: (a) a plurality of peaks and valleys; and (b) an intermediate section extending from each valley to each peak claim 1 , the outer conductor engager being welded to one of the intermediate sections.4. The coaxial cable device of claim 3 , wherein: (a) the intermediate section of the outer conductor extends in a first plane; and (b) the outer conductor engager comprises a conductor engagement surface extending in a second plane which is substantially parallel to the first plane.5. The coaxial cable device of claim 1 , which comprises a compression driver claim 1 , the compression driver defining an opening configured to receive the inner conductor.6. The coaxial cable device of claim 1 , which comprises a body.7. The coaxial cable device of claim 1 , which comprises a coupler rotatably coupled to the body.8. A coaxial cable device comprising:a coaxial cable comprising an inner conductor and an outer conductor; (a) a receiving edge configured to receive at least part of the inner conductor; and', '(b) at least one additional edge defining at least one opening, the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020330A1
Автор: TODA Kentaro

A cable assembly extends in a longitudinal direction. The cable assembly comprises a first cable, two second cables, two coupling portions, an interposing portion and an outer cover. The first cable has a first conductor and a first cover. Each of the second cables has a second conductor and a second cover. The coupling portions couple the second covers, respectively, with the first cover. The first cable, the two second cables and the two coupling portions are arranged in a V-shape in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal direction. The interposing portion extends along the first cable and the two second cables and has a full length which is equal to that of each of the first cable and the two second cables. The interposing portion is brought into contact with all the first cable and the two second cables. 1. A cable assembly extending in a longitudinal direction , wherein:the cable assembly comprises a first cable, two second cables, two coupling portions, an interposing portion and an outer cover;the first cable has a first conductor and a first cover;the first cover covers the first conductor;the two second cables are positioned apart from each other in a first direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction;each of the second cables is positioned apart from the first cable in a second direction perpendicular to both the longitudinal direction and the first direction;each of the second cables has a second conductor and a second cover;the second cover covers the second conductor;the coupling portions couple the second covers, respectively, with the first cover;the first cable, the two second cables and the two coupling portions are arranged in a V-shape in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal direction;the interposing portion extends along the first cable and the two second cables and has a full length which is equal to that of each of the first cable and the two second cables;the interposing portion is brought into contact with all the first cable ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024303A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed are a fire retardant thermoplastic resin composition suitable for preparing an electric wire, etc. by enhancing extrudability of a resin composition without hindering fire retardancy of the resin composition, and an electric wire comprising the same. The fire retardant thermoplastic resin composition comprises a matrix resin that comprises 20 to 35% by weight of a poly arylene ether resin, 20 to 35% by weight of a vinyl aromatic resin and 5 to 20% by weight of an olefin-based resin comprising a rubber ingredient, 1 to 10% by weight of a room-temperature liquid-type fire retardant, and 8 to 20% by weight of an ancillary fire retardant, based on 100% by weight of a mixture of a poly arylene ether resin, a vinyl aromatic resin, an olefin-based resin, a room-temperature liquid-type fire retardant and an ancillary fire retardant.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Tape Wrapped Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable For High Speed Data Transmissions

Номер: US20160027558A1

A method to construct a tape wrapped unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable is provided. The method includes the step of twisting a first wire and a second wire together to form a twisted pair. The method further includes the step of wrapping tape around the twisted pair with an effective amount of tension on the tape such that a separation distance between the first wire and second wire does not substantially vary along the length of the twisted pair. 1. A method to construct a tape wrapped unshielded twisted pair cable , said method comprising:twisting a first wire and a second wire together to form a twisted pair; andwrapping non-adhesive backed PVC tape around the twisted pair with an effective amount of tension on the tape such that a separation distance between the first wire and second wire does not substantially vary along the length of the twisted pair.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the effective amount of tension is approximately 20 newtons.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of wrapping tape further includes wrapping the tape with an effective amount of overlap on the tape such that the separation distance between the first wire and second wire does not substantially vary along the length of the twisted pair.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the effective amount of overlap is approximately 50 percent.5. A tape wrapped unshielded twisted pair cable for high speed data transmissions claim 3 , said cable comprising:a first insulated wire;a second insulated wire twisted together with the first wire to form a twisted pair; anda non-adhesive backed PVC tape wrapped around the twisted pair to control a separation distance between the first wire and the second wire such that the separation distance does not substantially vary.6. The cable according to claim 5 , wherein a first insulation of the first wire and a second insulation of the second wire are not adhesively bonded or welded together.7. A tape wrapped unshielded ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027746A1
Автор: Gundel Douglas B.

A shielded electrical cable is disclosed. The cable includes a plurality of conductor sets that extend along the length of the cable and are spaced apart from each other along the width of the cable. Each conductor set includes one or more insulated conductors, and first and second shielding films that are disposed on opposite first and second sides of the cable. The first and second films include cover portions and pinched portions arranged such that, in transverse cross section, the cover portions of the first and second films in combination substantially surround each conductor set, and the pinched portions of the first and second films in combination form pinched portions of the cable on each side of each conductor set. Each conductor set also includes an EMI absorbing layer that is disposed on the first side of the cable, and an adhesive layer that bonds the first shielding film to the second shielding film in the pinched portions of the cable. The plurality of conductor sets includes a first conductor set that includes neighboring first and second insulated conductors and has corresponding first cover portions of the first and second shielding films and corresponding first pinched portions of the first and second shielding films that form a first pinched region of the cable on one side of the first conductor set. The maximum separation between the first cover portions of the first and second shielding films is D. The minimum separation between the first pinched portions of the first and second shielding films is d. d/D is less than 0.25. The minimum separation between the first cover portions of the first and second shielding films in a region between the first and second insulated conductors is d. d/D is greater than 0.33. 1. A shielded electrical cable , comprising:a plurality of conductor sets extending along a length of the cable and being spaced apart from each other along a width of the cable, each conductor set including one or more insulated conductors ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025811A1
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

A quad-shield coaxial cable includes, an elongated center conductor extending along a longitudinal axis, an insulator coaxially surrounding the inner conductor, an inner conductive foil layer coaxially surrounding the insulator, an inner layer of braided shield coaxially surrounding the inner foil layer, an outer layer of braided shield coaxially surrounding the inner layer of braided shield, an outer conductive foil layer coaxially surrounding the outer layer of braided shield, and a jacket coaxially surrounding the outer conductive foil layer. 1. A quad-shield coaxial cable , comprising:an elongated center conductor extending along a longitudinal axis;an insulator coaxially surrounding the inner conductor;an inner conductive foil layer coaxially surrounding the insulator;an inner layer of braided shield coaxially surrounding the inner foil layer,an outer layer of braided shield coaxially surrounding the inner layer of braided shield;an outer conductive foil layer coaxially surrounding the outer layer of braided shield; anda jacket coaxially surrounding the outer conductive foil layer.2. The quad-shield coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductor is configured to carry data signals to and from a data network.3. The quad-shield coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductive foil layer claim 1 , the inner layer of braided shield claim 1 , the outer layer of braided shield claim 1 , and the outer conductive foil layer are configured to block undesirable radiation or signal noise from leaving the cable.4. The quad-shield coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductive foil layer claim 1 , the inner layer of braided shield claim 1 , the outer layer of braided shield claim 1 , and the outer conductive foil layer are configured to block undesirable radiation or signal noise from entering the cable.5. The quad-shield coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer of braided shield and the outer layer of braided shield are configured to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027274A1
Принадлежит: LEONI Kabel GmbH

The disclosure relates to a cable, which is adapted to extend in an initial configuration according to a predetermined initial state and in a deformed configuration to assume a deformed state compared with the initial state, wherein the cable has a sheath arrangement, which extends along a longitudinal axis of the cable at least in sections, wherein the sheath arrangement is adapted to change its impedance according to the initial or deformed configuration of the cable. The disclosure likewise relates to an arrangement comprising a cable and a measuring unit as well as a method for detecting a deformed configuration of a cable. 1. A cable ,which is adapted to extend in an initial configuration according to a predetermined initial state and in a deformed configuration is adapted to assume a deformed state compared with the initial state,wherein the cable has a sheath arrangement, which extends at least in sections along a longitudinal axis of the cable,wherein the sheath arrangement is adapted to change its impedance according to the initial configuration or the deformed configuration of the cable.2. A cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the initial configuration corresponds to a linear configuration, in which the cable extends substantially in a straight line, and the deformed configuration corresponds to a bent configuration, in which the cable has a predetermined bending radius, at least in sections.3. A cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the initial configuration corresponds to an unstretched configuration, in which the cable has an initial length, and the deformed configuration corresponds to the stretched configuration, in which the cable is stretched and lengthened to a predetermined extent, at least in sections.4. A cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the sheath arrangement is adapted to increase its impedance on assuming the deformed configuration as compared to the initial configuration.5. A cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the sheath arrangement is ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027908A1

An object of the present invention is to prevent, as much as possible, a braid from having inductance. A tubular conductive braid includes first conductive wires that describe a helix and second conductive wires that describe a helix in a direction opposite to the first conductive wires about a helix axis that is the same as a helix axis (X) of the first conductive wire, the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires being combined so as to form a tubular shape. The first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at multiple locations on a line that extends along the helix axis. 1. A tubular conductive braid comprising:first conductive wires that describe a helix and second conductive wires that describe a helix in a direction opposite to the first conductive wires about a helix axis that is the same as a helix axis of the first conductive wires, the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires being combined so as to form a tubular shape,wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at a plurality of locations on a line that extends along the helix axis.2. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at intersections therebetween.3. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 2 , wherein a linear conductor is arranged along the line claim 2 , and an electrical and mechanical connection portion of the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires is electrically and mechanically connected to the linear conductor.4. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected by soldering or welding.5. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035044A1
Автор: Ruskin Rodney

An irrigation tube having outlets extending along the length of the tube in a spaced relationship and finely-divided silica or iron oxide particles dispersed in the tube thereby increasing a surface hardness of the tube to deter rodent, worm or insect damage, the silica particles further can include an odor repellant located within the particles. 1. An irrigation device comprising:a tube having an inner portion and an outer portion;a plurality of outlets extending through the tube in a spaced relationship along a length of the tube; andfinely-divided silica or iron oxide particles dispersed in at least the outer portion of the tube thereby increasing a surface hardness of the tube to deter rodent, worm or insect damage.2. The device of wherein the silica or iron oxide particles are uniformly dispersed throughout the inner portion and the outer portion of the tube.3. The device of further comprising an odor repellant located within the finely-divided silica or iron oxide particles.4. The device of wherein the tube is a low-density polyethylene.5. The device of wherein the tube is a flexible polyvinylchloride (PVC).6. The device of wherein the tube is rubber.7. The device of further comprising a plurality of emitters positioned on an inside surface of the tube in a spaced relationship such that an emitter is positioned over an outlet.8. An electric cable comprising:at least one wire; anda plastic or rubber covering surrounding the wire having finely-divided silica or iron oxide particles dispersed in at least an outer portion of the covering thereby increasing a surface hardness of the covering to deter rodent, worm or insect damage.9. The cable of wherein the silica or iron oxide particles are uniformly dispersed throughout the covering.10. The cable of further comprising an odor repellant located within the finely-divided silica or iron oxide particles.11. The cable of wherein the covering is a low-density polyethylene.12. The cable of wherein the covering is a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036412A1

A thermal sleeve for routing and protecting elongate members and method of construction thereof are provided. The sleeve has a tubular woven wall extending along a central axis between opposite open ends with an outer reflective foil layer fixed thereto. The wall is woven with lengthwise extending warp yarns and circumferentially extending fill yarns. The fill yarns include first and second fill yarns bundled in side-by-side abutting relation as a single pick, thereby forming discrete single pick bundles in axially spaced relation from one another. The first fill yarn is provided as a standard monofilament, while the second fill yarn is provided having a low melt material melted and bonded to the abutting first fill yarn and to portions of the abutting warp yarns, wherein the spaces between the discrete bundles remain substantially free of melted material, thereby further enhancing longitudinal flexibility of the sleeve. 1. A textile sleeve for routing and protecting elongate members , comprising:an elongate, tubular woven wall extending along a central axis between opposite open ends with an outer layer of reflective foil fixed thereto, said wall including warp yarns extending parallel to the central axis and fill yarns extending transversely to said warp yarns, said fill yarns including a first fill yarn bundled with a second fill yarn in side-by-side abutting relation to form discrete bundles extending circumferentially about said central axis, said first fill yarn having a first melt temperature, said second fill yarn having an outer surface of low melt material having a second melt temperature less than said first melt temperature, said low melt material being melted and bonded to said first fill yarn and to abutting portions of said warp yarns.2. The textile sleeve of claim 1 , wherein said second fill yarn is a bicomponent monofilament having a heat-settable core claim 1 , said heat-settable core being heat-set and providing said wall with increased hoop ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043633A1

High voltage three-phase cable comprising three cores positioned so as to assume the configuration with minimum radial dimension and a sheath surrounding the three cores, wherein each core comprises an electric conductor having a substantially triangular shaped cross section with vertex portions and edges; an insulating system surrounding the electric conductor, the insulating system comprising an inner semiconducting layer surrounding the electric conductor, an insulating layer surrounding and in contact with the inner semiconducting layer and an outer semiconducting layer surrounding and in contact with the insulating layer, the layers of the insulating system being made of an extruded polymeric material having a dielectric constant ε comprised from 2 to 2.5; and a metallic screen surrounding the insulating system. 1. A high voltage three-phase cable , comprising:three cores positioned to have each a minimized radial dimension toward a longitudinal axis of the cable; anda sheath surrounding the three cores; an electric conductor having a substantially triangular shaped cross section with vertex portions and edge portions;', 'an insulating system surrounding the electric conductor, the insulating system comprising an inner semiconducting layer surrounding the electric conductor, an insulating layer surrounding and in contact with the inner semiconducting layer and an outer semiconducting layer surrounding and in contact with the insulating layer, the layers of the insulating system being made of an extruded polymeric material having a dielectric constant comprised from 2 to 2.5; and', 'a metallic screen surrounding the insulating system., 'wherein each core comprises2. The high voltage three-phase cable according to claim 1 , wherein the extruded polymeric material is substantially devoid of contaminant particles with a size greater than 200 μm as measured in accordance to ICEA S-94-649-2013 claim 1 , Appendix J.3. The high voltage three-phase cable according to ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Non-ohmic composition, cable connection unit, and method for producing cable connection unit

Номер: US20220064428A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A non-ohmic composition including a base elastomer and a plurality of non-ohmic particles, wherein, in a case of comparing volume resistivities ρ for the non-ohmic composition within a range of E≥E th for the non-ohmic composition not elongated, the E being an electric field strength applied to the non-ohmic composition, the ρ being the volume resistivity of the non-ohmic composition, and the E th being a threshold electric field strength at a point where an absolute value of a variation in a slope of log ρ with respect to log E is maximum, the volume resistivity ρ for the non-ohmic composition uniaxially elongated by 50% is 50 times or less the volume resistivity ρ for the non-ohmic composition not elongated.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069497A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

An apparatus includes a rigid housing, a first connector coupled to the housing, the first connector to receive an edge connector of an input/output (I/O) device, and a second connector coupled to the housing, the second connector to couple to an edge connector socket. Pairs of electrical connection pins of the first connector are coupled to respective pairs of electrical connection pins of the second connector via shielded differential cables inside the housing. 1. An apparatus comprising:a rigid housing;a first connector coupled to the housing, the first connector to receive an edge connector of an input/output (I/O) device; anda second connector coupled to the housing, the second connector to couple to an edge connector socket;wherein pairs of electrical connection pins of the first connector are coupled to respective pairs of electrical connection pins of the second connector via shielded differential cables inside the housing.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shielded differential cables are twinaxial cables.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shielded differential cables are coaxial cables.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein shielded differential cables are twisted pair cables.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second connectors each comprise a ground bar coupling a set of electrical connection pins of the connectors other than the pairs connected to the shielded differential cables.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the ground bar is connected to the shielding of each shielded differential cable inside the housing.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first connector housing is oriented orthogonally to the second connector housing.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first connector is to receive a Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe)-compatible I/O device claim 1 , and the second connector is to couple to a PCIe-compatible edge connector socket.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a fourth ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170053722A1

An exterior member having a tubular form which accommodates and protects a conductive path, the exterior member includes at least one conductive path holding part which holds the conductive path. The at least one conductive path holding part is configured in a protruding part in an inner surface of the tube, and in a recessed part in an outer surface of the tube. In the recessed part, one or a plurality of protrusions are formed which protrude outward. The protrusions are configured in forms having elasticity. 1. An exterior member having a tubular form which accommodates and protects a conductive path , the exterior member comprisingat least one conductive path holding part which holds the conductive path, whereinthe at least one conductive path holding part is configured to have a protruding part in an inner surface of the tube and a recessed part in an outer surface of the tube,in the recessed part, one or a plurality of protrusions are formed which protrude outward, andthe protrusions are configured in forms having elasticity.2. The exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein each of the protrusions is configured in an annularly extending form in plan view.3. The exterior member according to claim 1 , wherein the protruding part and the recessed part are configured in forms of a circular arc in section in an axial direction of the tube and having elasticity.4. The exterior member according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one conductive path holding part comprises a plurality of conductive path holding parts,the plurality of conductive path holding parts are arranged and formed in one or a plurality of prescribed positions in the axial direction of the tube and in a one-paired state so as to sandwich an axis of the tube in the prescribed positions.5. The exterior member according to claim 1 , further comprisinga straight tube part as a part in which the conductive path is arranged straight, whereinthe at least one conductive path holding part is arranged and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200051713A1

Provided is a power cable, particularly, an ultra-high voltage underground or submarine cable for long-distance direct-current transmission. More specifically, the present invention relates to a power cable, in which an insulating layer has high dielectric strength, an electric field applied to the insulating layer is effectively reduced, and particularly, a void is suppressed from occurring in the insulating layer due to contraction of insulating oil, caused by a decrease of temperature in the insulating layer under a low-temperature condition or when the supply of an electric current is stopped, thereby effectively suppressing partial discharge, dielectric breakdown, etc. due to an electric field concentrated in the void. 1. A power cable comprising:a conductor;an inner semi-conductive layer covering the conductor;an insulating layer covering the inner semi-conductive layer and impregnated with insulating oil;an outer semi-conductive layer covering the insulating layer;a metal sheath layer covering the outer semi-conductive layer; anda cable protection layer covering the metal sheath layer,{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein a minimum thickness t of a certain cross section of the metal sheath layer is less than or equal to 90% of a maximum thickness t thereof.'}212. The power cable of claim 1 , wherein the minimum thickness t of the cross section of the metal sheath layer is in a range of 50 to 90% of the maximum thickness t.3. The power cable of claim 1 , wherein an outer side of the metal sheath layer is generally oval in shape claim 1 ,{'b': '1', 'opposite and symmetrical upper and lower portions of the cross section thereof have the minimum thickness t, and'}{'b': '2', 'opposite and symmetrical left and right portions of the cross section have the maximum thickness t.'}4. The power cable of claim 1 , wherein the metal sheath layer comprises a lead sheath formed of pure lead or a lead alloy.5. The power cable of or claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer comprises an inner ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061685A1

Embodiments described herein provide an EM source cable assembly with a buoyant member having first and second ends, and a longitudinal axis connecting the first end to the second end, and a plurality of indentations disposed along a surface of the buoyant member between the first end and the second end, wherein the indentations are operable to receive corresponding cables. The indentations extend along the longitudinal axis, and may be arranged helically about the longitudinal axis. The buoyant member may have a low density core material and a dense outer material, each of which may be a polymeric material. The low density material may be a foam, and the buoyant member may be formed by coextruding the low density material and the dense outer material. 1. An electromagnetic (EM) source for geophysical prospecting , comprising:a buoyant member having first and second ends, and a longitudinal axis connecting the first end to the second end; anda plurality of recesses disposed along a surface of the buoyant member between the first end and the second end, wherein the recesses receive corresponding cables.2. The EM source of claim 1 , wherein the recesses are arranged helically about the longitudinal axis.3. The EM source of claim 1 , wherein the recesses extend parallel along the longitudinal axis.4. The EM source of claim 1 , wherein a core of the buoyant member comprises a low density material.5. The EM source of claim 4 , wherein an outer shell of the buoyant member comprises a material denser than the low density material.6. The EM source of claim 1 , wherein the recesses are evenly spaced around the longitudinal axis of the buoyant member.7. The EM source of claim 5 , wherein the low density material comprises a material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 5 , polypropylene claim 5 , polyurethane claim 5 , polyisocyanurate claim 5 , polystyrene claim 5 , polybutadiene claim 5 , polyisoprene claim 5 , or any mixture thereof.8. The EM source of ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064117A1

A power cable having improved durability and associated methods of assembly and use are described herein. In one aspect, the power cable is adapted for use in powering an implantable circulatory pump system. The cable includes one or more conductors of uninsulated wire strands that are loosely packed so as to move relative one another during cable flexure. The driveline cable may include a plurality of conductors, each comprised of multiple uninsulated bundles of uninsulated, loosely packed wire strands of a conductive material, that are wrapped about a central core. The cable may include at least six conductors, each conductor having at least 200 wire strands of a 30 gauge or higher. The cable may include the plurality of wire strands wound in a Litz style configuration to provide improved durability over many cycles of use at reduced cost, improved integrity of the electrical connection and reduced diameter. 1. A driveline cable for an implantable heart pump , the driveline cable comprising:a plurality of conductors wound along a longitudinal axis of the cable, each conductor comprising a plurality of uninsulated wire strands disposed within an outer insulating layer, wherein the plurality of uninsulated wire strands in each cable are loosely packed such that a majority of the uninsulated wire strands are movable relative other wire strands when the conductor is flexed; andan outer jacket disposed about the wound plurality of conductors.2. The driveline cable of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of strands of each conductor comprise a plurality of uninsulated bundles of wire strands wound together in a first pattern along a longitudinal axis of the conductor.3. The driveline cable of claim 2 , wherein each bundle comprises a plurality of bunches of wire strands wound together in a second pattern along a longitudinal axis of the respective bundle.4. The driveline cable of claim 3 , wherein the each bunch of wire strands comprises a group of wire strands wound ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061530A1
Автор: Chen Hung-Yu, LEE HSING-YU

The instant disclosure relates to a high frequency signal transmission device which includes an insulation cover, at least one flexible flat cable, and an electrical connector assembly. The insulation cover has an accommodation space, the at least one flexible flat cable is disposed in the accommodation space, and the electrical connector assembly is electrically connected to one end of the at least one flexible flat cable. The at least one flexible flat cable includes a plurality of conductors, an insulation layer, a polyolefin resin layer, and a shielding layer. The insulation layer is laminated over the conductors. The polyolefin resin layer is attached to the insulation layer by a first low-k dielectric adhesive layer, and the shielding layer is attached to the polyolefin resin layer by another first low-k dielectric adhesive layer. 1. A high frequency signal transmission device , comprising:an insulation cover having an accommodation space; a plurality of conductors;', 'an insulation layer laminated over the conductors;', 'a polyolefin resin layer attached to the insulation layer by a first low-k dielectric adhesive layer; and', 'a shielding layer attached to the polyolefin resin layer by another first low-k dielectric adhesive layer;', 'wherein the polyolefin resin layer has a thickness less than 100 μm, and the first low-k dielectric adhesive layers each have a dielectric constant (Dk) less than 3 and a dissipation factor (Df) less than 0.01; and, 'at least one flexible flat cable disposed in the accommodation space, and comprisingan electrical connector assembly electrically connected to one end of the at least one flexible flat cable.2. The high frequency signal transmission device of claim 1 , wherein the sum of the thicknesses of the at least one flexible flat cable and the insulation cover is greater than 0 mm and less than 2.3 mm.3. The high frequency signal transmission device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one flexible flat cable has an outer ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067276A1
Автор: Islam Nahid

An assembly for breaking out hybrid power/fiber cable, comprising: a hybrid power/fiber cable comprising a plurality of conductors and a plurality of optical fibers, wherein first lengths of the conductors and the optical fibers are circumferentially surrounded by an armor layer, and wherein a portion of the armor layer is circumferentially surrounded by a cable jacket, and wherein second lengths of the conductors and the optical fibers are free of the armor layer and the cable jacket; a breakout sleeve having an internal bore, a portion of the cable jacket and a portion of the armor layer residing in the internal bore, and portions of the second lengths of the conductors and optical fibers residing in the internal bore; wherein the sleeve is fixed to the cable jacket. 1. An assembly for breaking out hybrid power/fiber cable , comprising:a hybrid power/fiber cable comprising a plurality of conductors and a plurality of optical fibers, wherein first lengths of the conductors and the optical fibers are circumferentially surrounded by an armor layer, and wherein a portion of the armor layer is circumferentially surrounded by a cable jacket, and wherein second lengths of the conductors and the optical fibers are free of the armor layer and the cable jacket;a breakout sleeve having an internal bore, a portion of the cable jacket and a portion of the armor layer residing in the internal bore, and portions of the second lengths of the conductors and optical fibers residing in the internal bore;wherein the sleeve is fixed to the cable jacket.2. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the breakout sleeve includes electrical contacts in the internal bore claim 1 , and wherein the electrical contacts engage the armor layer.3. The assembly defined in claim 2 , wherein the electrical contacts comprise flexible fingers formed in a ring.4. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the breakout sleeve is formed of a conductive metallic material.5. The assembly defined in claim 1 ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Insulated electric wire and method for producing insulated electric wire

Номер: US20190074106A1

An insulated electric wire includes a linear conductor and one or more of insulating layers formed on an outer peripheral surface of the conductor. In the insulated electric wire, at least one of the one or more of insulating layers has a plurality of pores, outer shells are disposed on peripheries of the pores, and each of the outer shells has a plurality of projections on an outer surface thereof.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075944A1

An insulated wire includes a conductor, and an insulation layer provided around the conductor. The insulation layer includes an inner layer located on a conductor side and an outer layer provided around the inner layer. The inner layer includes a halogen-free resin composition including a base polymer (A). The outer layer includes a cross-linked body obtained by cross-linking a halogen-free flame-retardant resin composition including a base polymer (B) and a halogen-free flame retardant. The base polymer (A) includes a thermoplastic resin (a) having an aromatic ring in a backbone chain. The base polymer (B) includes a polyolefin component. A thickness of the inner layer is not less than 0.03 mm and not more than 70% of a thickness of the insulation layer. 1. An insulated wire , comprising:a conductor; andan insulation layer provided around the conductor,wherein the insulation layer comprises an inner layer located on the conductor side and an outer layer provided around the inner layer,wherein the inner layer comprises a halogen-free resin composition comprising a base polymer (A),wherein the outer layer comprises a cross-linked body obtained by cross-linking a halogen-free flame-retardant resin composition comprising a base polymer (B) and a halogen-free flame retardant,{'b': '1', 'wherein the base polymer (A) comprises a thermoplastic resin (a) having an aromatic ring in a backbone chain,'}wherein the base polymer (B) comprises a polyolefin component, andwherein a thickness of the inner layer is not less than 0.03 mm and not more than 70% of a thickness of the insulation layer.21. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin (a) comprises at least one of polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polybutylene naphthalate claim 1 , polyethylene naphthalate claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polyetherimide claim 1 , silicone-modified polyetherimide claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyphenylene ether ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170076837A1

A wire harness includes: a tubular outer member; a conductive path which is inserted in and protected by the outer member; and a vibration suppressing member which reduces a movable range of the conductive path to suppress shakes of the conductive path. The vibration suppressing member includes an inward projection portion which projects inward from a tube inner surface of the outer member in a state in which the vibration suppressing member is attached to the outer member from a side of a tube outer surface after insertion of the conductive path. 1. A wire harness comprising:a tubular outer member;a conductive path which is inserted in and protected by the outer member; anda vibration suppressing member which reduces a movable range of the conductive path to suppress shakes of the conductive path,wherein the vibration suppressing member comprises an inward projection portion which projects inward from a tube inner surface of the outer member in a state in which the vibration suppressing member is attached to the outer member from a side of a tube outer surface after insertion of the conductive path.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein a position where the vibration suppressing member is attached to the outer member includes a position of at least a portion of the outer member to be routed straightly.3. The wire harness according to claim 2 ,wherein the portion of the outer member to be routed straightly has a circular shape in cross section.4. The wire harness according to claim 2 ,wherein the portion of the outer member to be routed straightly is to be routed under a floor of an automobile.5. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein the wire harness comprises a plurality of vibration suppressing members which are attached to the outer member so as to be arranged in a tube axial direction of the outer member straightly at a predetermined interval, in a staggered manner, or at a constant pitch around a tube axis of the outer member.6. The wire ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080816A1

Provided is an insulation composition having a low dielectric constant and a cable including an insulation layer formed of the insulation composition. More particularly, the present invention relates to an insulation composition for reducing a space charge to increase superimposed impulse breakdown strength when impulse voltages overlap during application of a direct-current(DC) voltage, having a low dielectric constant, and improving impulse breakdown strength, and a cable including an insulation layer formed of the insulation composition. 1. An insulation composition comprising:a base resin; andinorganic nanoparticles included in the base resin,wherein a dielectric constant of the insulation composition is less than that of the base resin.2. The insulation composition of claim 1 , wherein a dielectric constant reduction rate (%) defined by Equation 1 below is 1% or more claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'i': a', 'b', 'a]*, 'dielectric constant reduction (%)=[(-)/100, \u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}wherein a represents the dielectric constant of the base resin, and b represents the dielectric constant of the insulation composition.3. The insulation composition of claim 2 , wherein the dielectric constant reduction rate (%) is 2% or more.4. The insulation composition of claim 1 , wherein an electric field distortion factor (%) defined by Equation 2 below is less than 150% claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'electric field distortion factor (%)=α/β\u2003\u2003[Equation 2]'}wherein α represents an electric field (kV/mm) applied to an insulation layer sample formed of the insulation composition, and β represents an electric field (kV/mm) distorted due to a distribution of space charges in the insulation composition.5. The insulation composition of claim 4 , wherein the electric field distortion factor (%) is 120% or less.6. The insulation composition of claim 1 , wherein a content of the inorganic nanoparticles is 0.01% by weight or more and less than 1% by weight claim 1 , based on a total weight ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080821A1
Автор: TSUKIMORI Naoto

Provided is a shielded conductive path that can be adapted to a branch structure without making the shape of a shielding member more complex. A shielded conductive path includes a trunk line electric wire, branch line electric wires connected to the trunk line electric wire via branching portions, trunk line shielding members having conductivity and enclosing the outer circumference of the trunk line electric wire, and branch line shielding members having conductivity and enclosing the outer circumference of the branch line electric wires. Moreover, the shielded conductive path includes a relay connecting member having conductivity, the relay connecting member being disposed corresponding to the branching portions, and the trunk line shielding members and the branch line shielding members being attached to and in contact with the relay connecting member. 1. A shielded conductive path comprising:a trunk line electric wire;a branch line electric wire connected to the trunk line electric wire via a branching portion;a trunk line shielding member having electrical conductivity and enclosing an outer circumference of the trunk line electric wire;a branch line shielding member having electrical conductivity and enclosing an outer circumference of the branch line electric wire; anda relay connecting member having electrical conductivity and disposed corresponding to the branching portion, the trunk line shielding member and the branch line shielding member being attached to and in contact with the relay connecting member.2. The shielded conductive path according to claim 1 ,wherein the relay connecting member has a trunk line tube portion in which the trunk line electric wire can be inserted and a branch line tube portion in which the branch line electric wire can be inserted, the trunk line shielding member is attached to an outer circumferential surface of the trunk line tube portion, and the branch line shielding member is attached to an outer circumferential surface of ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Manufacturing a Conductor Part

Номер: US20150090473A1

A method for manufacturing a conductor part for a connector unit is provided. The conductor part includes a conductive core, an insulating sleeve, and at least a first conductive layer arranged between the conductive core and the insulating sleeve. The method includes equipping at least one section of a radially inner surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer, and equipping at least one section of a radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with at least a second conductive layer. The second conductive layer is a metal layer or a conductive plastic layer. The method also includes inserting the conducting core in the insulating sleeve before or after equipping a surface of the insulating sleeve with a conductive layer. 1. A method for manufacturing a conductor part for a connector unit , wherein the conductor part comprises a conductive core , an insulating sleeve and at least a first conductive layer arranged between the conductive core and the insulating sleeve , wherein the method comprises:equipping at least one section of a radially inner surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer;equipping at least one section of a radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with at least a second conductive layer, wherein the second conductive layer is a metal layer or a conductive plastic layer; andinserting the conducting core in the insulating sleeve before or after the equipping of the radially inner surface or the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer or the second conductive layer, respectively.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the equipping of the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve comprises plating the metal layer onto the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve claim 1 , spraying the second conductive layer onto the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve claim ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090475A1

A cable having one or more conductors with a polymeric covering layer and a non-extruded coating layer formed of a material based on a liquid composition including a polymer resin and an antimicrobial additive. Methods of forming cables are also provided. 1. A cable comprising:one or more conductors;a polymeric covering layer; anda non-extruded coating layer formed from a liquid composition, the liquid composition comprising a polymer resin and an antimicrobial additive.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial additive comprises at least one metal compound and at least one non-metal compound.3. The cable of claim 2 , wherein the at least one metal compound comprises a silver-based compound.4. The cable of claim 2 , wherein the at least one non-metal compound comprises one or more of triclosan and hexaconazole.5. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric covering layer is extruded.6. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial additive comprises about 1% or less by weight of the liquid composition.7. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the one or more conductors comprise an optical conductor or an electrical conductor.8. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric covering layer comprises polyethylene claim 1 , low-density polyethylene claim 1 , high-density polyethylene claim 1 , high molecular weight polyethylene claim 1 , ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene claim 1 , linear-low-density polyethylene claim 1 , very-low density polyethylene claim 1 , maleated polypropylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polybutylene claim 1 , polyhexalene claim 1 , polyoctene claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl-acetate copolymer claim 1 , thermoplastic elastomers claim 1 , neoprenes claim 1 , chlorinated polyethylenes claim 1 , ethylene-propylene-diene ter-polymer claim 1 , nitrile butadiene rubber/polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , copolymers thereof claim 1 , or combinations thereof.9. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the polymer resin comprises one of an epoxy or a urethane.10 ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088572A1
Автор: Andle Jeffrey C.

A sensor system for an electric power asset includes a sensor instrument coupleable to sensors associated with the electric power asset to receive sensor signals therefrom, and an antenna connection cable coupled to the sensor instrument. The antenna connection cable includes a cable sheath and a plurality of twisted pair signal carriers contained within the cable sheath to carry sensor signals received from the electric power asset. A first subset of the plurality of twisted pair signal carriers carry antenna signals and a second separate subset of the plurality of twisted pair signal carriers carry signals for partial discharge monitoring. 1. A sensor system for an electric power asset , comprising:a sensor instrument coupleable to sensors associated with the electric power asset to receive sensor signals therefrom; and a cable sheath; and', 'a plurality of twisted pair signal carriers contained within the cable sheath to carry sensor signals received from the electric power asset;', 'wherein a first subset of the plurality of twisted pair signal carriers carry antenna signals and a second separate subset of the plurality of twisted pair signal carriers carry signals for partial discharge monitoring., 'an antenna connection cable coupled to the sensor instrument, the antenna connection cable comprising2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the first subset of twisted pair signal carriers comprise balanced radio frequency antenna signals between an external instrument and an antenna of the electric power asset.3. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the first subset of twisted pair signal carriers carries signals to allow diversity antenna operation between an external instrument and an antenna of the electric power asset.4. The sensor system of claim 3 , wherein each of the first subset of twisted pair signal carriers carries a signal between an external instrument and a different feed point for an antenna of the electric power asset.5. The sensor system of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Flat cable and method for manufacturing a flat cable

Номер: US20210090759A1
Автор: Jie Zhang, Tengfei Li, Yang Li
Принадлежит: Bozhou Lanto Electronic Ltd

Disclosed are a flat cable and a method for manufacturing the same. The flat cable includes a plurality of pairs of differential signal conductors, a grounding conductor, an insulation sheath, a covering layer, and a metal conductive member. The grounding conductor is disposed between each two adjacent ones of the plurality of pairs of differential signal conductors. The insulation sheath wraps outer sides of the plurality of pairs of differential signal conductors and the grounding conductor. The covering layer covers an outer side of the insulation sheath. An opening is disposed in the insulation sheath, the opening communicates with the grounding conductor, and an area of the opening is greater than an area of the grounding conductor. At least one part of the metal conductive member is received in the opening and is in electrical contact with the grounding conductor.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160093417A1

A cable strengthening and personalization device and method for use with cables round, flat or with contemporous shape for devices which include smart phones, smart watches, inductive smart device chargers, tablet computers, MP3 media players, mobile phones, digital recording devices both audio and video, global positioning devices, game controllers and other devices that use a USB or other type plug on the power facing end and iPhone lightening, phone plug, USB standard A, mini or micro USB type or other type plug on the device end is herein disclosed. The device components are designed to strengthen and customize existing device connection cables in the area of, just adjacent to and along the entire existing cable length without dismantling such cables nor impact the usability especially in the applications where limited space exists and enhance the durability and or appearance of the existing cables, plug and power supplies (AC to DC converters or DC). The components of the device can be assembled in a hot or cold manual, semi-automated or automated process without dismantling the components of the cable under enhancement. Among other things the strengthening and personalization components reduce the effect of mechanical forces including cutting, abrasion, axial and longitudinal which results in extension of the service life of said cable, allows the user to easily identify said cable among a host of similar cables and express their individuality through a plethora of colors and images to customize the plug surfaces, entire cable body and AC power supply to meet the preference of the user. 1. A device that reinforces and personalizes a charge and synchronization cable and associated AC power supply for mobile devices and associated inductive charging device cables that can be installed without altering existing components and superimposed over in a manual , semi-automated or automated process , can exist in several embodiments and a person skilled in the art can ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174785A1

A ROV cable insulation system is provided having insulated electric conductors, sheathed drain wires, screen tape, and outer protection. The screen tape includes a polymeric semiconductive tape. 1. ROV cable insulation system comprising:insulated electric conductors;sheathed drain wires;screen tape; andouter protection, wherein the screen tape has a polymeric semiconductive tape.2. ROV cable according to claim 1 , where the polymeric semiconductive tape is a semiconductive nylon tape.3. ROV cable according to claim 1 , where the polymeric semiconductive tape has a volume resistivity better than 1000Ωm.4. ROV cable according to claim 1 , where the polymeric semiconductive tape is made of polyamide.5. ROV cable according to claim 1 , where the polymeric semiconductive tape is made of polyamide and an adhesive.6. ROV cable according to claim 1 , where the power conductor insulation includes an inner semi-conductive part and an outer insulator part.7. ROV cable according claim 1 , where the drain wires are sheathed with semi-conductive polymer. This application claims priority to Norwegian Patent Application No. 2012 1547, filed on Dec. 21, 2012, the entirety of which is incorporated by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to an ROV cable with improved electrical durability compared to prior art.2. Description of Related ArtConventional ROV cables used today have functioned relatively well, however with a constrained electrical lifetime, due to dimensional constraints that make it difficult and even impossible to apply any safety margins in the cable design. Such cables are typically used in conjunction with Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) being deployed from Tether Management Systems (TMSs), or directly from the surface.Electrical failure of ROV cables may cause downtime for the operator, re-termination and in worst case abortion of the mission and sail to harbour for a replacement umbilical. Operational downtime is a key parameter for ROV operators ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Polymer resin composition for preparing insulating material having reinforced thermal stability

Номер: US20150104659A1
Принадлежит: Nexans SA

A polymer resin composition has EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) as a base resin. The composition further has the following components based on 100 parts by weight of the base resin: 1 to 5 parts by weight of amine-based antioxidant, and 1 to 5 parts by weight of HALS (Hindered Amine Light Stabilizer). An insulating material can be manufactured using the polymer resin composition providing good thermal stability and also an extended lifespan under high temperatures. Such an arrangement is particularly suitable for use in cables for nuclear power plants.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190096547A1
Автор: Kumada Taketo
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A differential transmission cable and a wire harness is provided. The differential transmission cable includes two electric wires, a non-conductive film that is wound around the two electric wires, and a sheath that is brought into contact with the periphery of the film in a filled state. The film has an adhesive layer in one surface of the film. The film is wound around the two electric wires such that the adhesive layer is arranged outside. In addition, the film is laterally wound around the two electric wires. 1. A differential transmission cable comprising:two electric wires;a non-conductive film which is wound around the two electric wires; anda sheath which is brought into contact with the periphery of the film in a filled state; whereinthe film has an adhesive layer in one surface of the film, andthe film is wound around the two electric wires such that the adhesive layer is arranged outside.2. The differential transmission cable according to claim 1 , wherein:the film is laterally wound around the two electric wires.3. A wire harness comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the differential transmission cable according to ; and'}another member which contains a plasticizer and is provided adjacent to the differential transmission cable. This application is a based on and claims priority from Japanese Patent Applications No. 2017-183263 filed on Sep. 25, 2017, the entire contest of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a differential transmission cable and a wire harness.Conventionally, a differential transmission cable used for transmitting a high frequency signal in a differential transmission system is known. The differential transmission cable has a configuration in which two electric wires each having a conductor and an insulator are twisted and a sheath is provided around the twisted two electric wires. In the differential transmission system, transmission signals whose phases are inverted 180 ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160104555A1

A method for improving the electric field distribution in a high voltage direct current cable includes providing a cable that includes a conductor, a protective jacket, a shield layer disposed inside the jacket, and an insulation layer disposed inside the shield layer, surrounding the conductor. The insulation layer includes ethylene-propylene rubber, talc, and montmorillonite. 1. A method for improving the electric field distribution in a high voltage direct current cable , said method comprising providing a cable comprising a conductor , a protective jacket , a shield layer disposed inside the jacket , and an insulation layer disposed inside the shield layer , surrounding the conductor , said insulation layer comprising ethylene-propylene rubber , talc , and montmorillonite.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising transmitting high voltage direct current through the cable.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the montmorillonite comprises montmorillonite that has been modified with a quaternary ammonium compound.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the montmorillonite comprises at least one of:montmorillonite modified with dimethyl, benzyl, hydrogenated tallow, quaternary ammonium; andmontmorillonite modified with dimethyl, dehydrogenated tallow, quaternary ammonium.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the montmorillonite comprises montmorillonite that has been modified with a quaternary ammonium compound claim 1 , said method further comprising transmitting high voltage direct current through the cable.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the montmorillonite comprises at least one of:montmorillonite modified with dimethyl, benzyl, hydrogenated tallow, quaternary ammonium; andmontmorillonite modified with dimethyl, dehydrogenated tallow, quaternary ammonium.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the montmorillonite and talc in the cable are present in the form of a plurality of particles claim 1 , said particles ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107866A1

A cable adapted for suspension between poles in a single wire earth return application is composed of three elements; a core ; a conductive layer around the core, and a jacket over the conductive layer. The core has high tensile strength to weight ratio and can be made of a composite material such as carbon fibre and epoxy. The conductive material can be aluminium. The jacket can be made from a material having electrical insulating properties. The conductive layer can be formed as a loose tube () around the core and drawn down to contact the outer surface of the core. 1. An electrical cable comprising:including a core made from a material having high tensile strength,a conductive layer over the core, andan outer jacket.2. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the conductive layer is a tube the inner diameter of which is in contact with the outer surface of the core.3. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the conductive layer is aluminium.4. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer jacket is made from a material having electrical insulating properties.5. A cable as claimed in having an outer diameter of about 13 mm or less.6. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter of the cable is no greater than 10 mm.7. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the core has a diameter of between about 3 mm and about 8 mm.8. A cable as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the core diameter is greater than or equal to about 3.5 mm and the less than or equal to about 7 mm.9. A cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the conductive layer is no greater than about 2 mm and no less than about 0.2 mm.10. A single line earth return line including a cable as claimed in .11. An overhead power line including at least one line having a cable as claimed in .12. A method of manufacturing a suspension cable claim 1 , the method including the steps of:applying a layer of conductive material to the exterior of a core,and applying a jacket over the layer of ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107873A1
Принадлежит: Dekoron Wire & Cable LLC

An armored cable features a core and an armor generally surrounding the core and having an inner diameter. The armor has a thickness of 0.001 to 0.100 times the inner diameter of the armor. In addition, the armor has corrugations with a pitch of 0.050 to 1.000 times the inner diameter of the armor. The armor has a corrugation depth of 0.010 to 0.400 times the inner diameter of the armor. 1. An armored cable comprising:a) a core;b) an armor generally surrounding the core and having an inner diameter;c) said armor having a thickness of 0.001 to 0.100 times the inner diameter of the armor;d) said armor having corrugations with a pitch of 0.050 to 1.000 times the inner diameter of the armor;e) said armor to have a corrugation depth of 0.010 to 0.400 times the inner diameter of the armor.2. The armored cable of claim 1 , wherein said armor has a thickness 0.002 to 0.060 times the inner diameter of the armor.3. The armored cable of claim 1 , wherein the corrugations have a pitch of 0.050 to 0.600 times the inner diameter of the armor.4. The armored cable of claim 1 , wherein the corrugation depth is 0.020 to 0.400 times the inner diameter or the armor.5. The armored cable of claim 1 , further comprising an outer polymeric jacket generally surrounding the armor.6. The armored cable of claim 5 , further comprising an inner polymeric jacket positioned between the core and the armor so as to generally surround the core.7. The armored cable of wherein the armor is comprised of metal or alloy.8. The armored cable of claim 7 , wherein the armor is comprised of stainless steel.9. The armored cable of claim 7 , wherein the armor is formed from a strip or extruded.10. The armored cable of claim 7 , wherein the armored cable meets the requirements of armored cables designated by Underwriter's Laboratory standards as MC claim 7 , MC-HL claim 7 , PLTC claim 7 , ITC claim 7 , and ITC-HL.11. The armored cable of claim 7 , wherein the armored cable meets the requirements of armored ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102203A1

A single-core cable is protected over a long region by a pipe. A conductive path includes: a single-core cable in which end portions of a single-core wire are exposed; a first stranded cable in which an end portion of a first stranded wire that is exposed is coaxially fixed to the one end portion of the single-core wire; a second stranded cable in which an end portion of a second stranded wire that is exposed is coaxially fixed to the other end portion of the single-core wire; and a pipe that has an inner diameter dimension capable of surrounding the single-core cable and the first stranded cable, and is axially displaceable between a protective position at which only the single-core cable is surrounded, and an exposed position at which the one end portion of the single-core wire and the first stranded cable are surrounded, and the other end portion of the single-core wire is exposed. 1. A conductive path comprising:a single-core cable having a configuration in which a single-core wire is surrounded by a single-core wire insulating covering, and one end portion and another end portion of the single-core wire are exposed by the single-core wire insulating covering being removed;a first stranded cable having a configuration in which a first stranded wire is surrounded by a first stranded wire insulating covering, and an end portion of the first stranded wire that is exposed by the first stranded wire insulating covering being removed is coaxially fixed to the one end portion of the single-core wire;a second stranded cable having a configuration in which a second stranded wire is surrounded by a second stranded wire insulating covering, and an end portion of the second stranded wire that is exposed by the second stranded wire insulating covering being removed is coaxially fixed to the other end portion of the single-core wire; anda pipe that has an inner diameter dimension capable of surrounding the single-core cable and the first stranded cable, and is axially ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102204A1

A cable includes two insulated electric wires, two non-circular drain wires disposed on two opposite outer sides of the two insulated electric wires, a shield conductor wound around the two insulated electric wires and the two drain wires, and a jacket jacketing the shield conductor, wherein the two drain wires and the two insulated electric wires are arranged in a line. 1. A cable comprising:two insulated electric wires;two non-circular drain wires disposed on two opposite outer sides of the two insulated electric wires;a shield conductor wound around the two insulated electric wires and the two drain wires; anda jacket jacketing the shield conductor; whereinthe two drain wires and the two insulated electric wires are arranged in a line.2. The cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drain wire is curved and concentric with the associated electric wire.3. A cable comprising:a pair of insulated electric wires side by side intimately disposed with each other in a transverse direction, each of said insulated electric wire having an inner conductor and an outer insulation concentrically arranged with each other;a flat drain wire extending along the transverse direction and intimately disposed on one side of said pair of insulated electric wires in a vertical direction perpendicular to said transverse direction;a metallic shielded conductor intimately surrounding both said pair of insulated electric wires and said flat drain; andan insulative jacket intimately surrounding said shielded conductor; whereina dimension of said flat drain wire in said transverse direction is similar to a diameter of the insulated electric wire, and is aligned with a ranged defined between two corresponding center points of said pair of insulated electric wires in the vertical direction.4. A cable comprising:a pair of insulated electric wires side by side intimately disposed with each other in a transverse direction, each of said insulated electric wire having an inner conductor and an outer ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus, method and system for electrical interconnection

Номер: US20200099203A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Shanghai Bell Co Ltd

Certain examples relate to an apparatus, method and system for electrical interconnection. Certain examples provide an apparatus comprising: an outer longitudinally extending member comprising a longitudinally extending perimeter region defining an inner longitudinally extending cavity; and at least a first longitudinally extending conductor and a separate second longitudinally extending conductor; wherein the at least first and second longitudinally extending conductors are embedded within the longitudinally extending perimeter region and extend along the length thereof.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105123A1
Автор: TAKAHASHI Yuten

An electric wire holder includes a fixed portion to be fixed to a support panel provided on a vehicle body and a holding portion that extends from one end of the fixed portion and is configured to hold an electric wire to be routed to an electric parking brake. The holding portion is provided with an opening for receiving the electric wire, the opening being open between a leading end of the holding portion and the one end of the fixed portion, and a recessed portion for accommodating the electric wire that has passed through the opening. In the recessed portion, a serration is formed on an inner surface at a position corresponding to a region to be crimped by a crimping tool. 1. An electric wire holder comprising:a fixed portion configured to be fixed to a support provided on a vehicle body; anda holding portion extending from one end of the fixed portion and configured to hold an electric wire to be routed to an electric parking brake,wherein the holding portion includes an opening configured to receive the electric wire, the opening being open between a leading end of the holding portion and the one end of the fixed portion, and a recessed portion configured to accommodate the electric wire that has passed through the opening, anda serration is formed on an inner surface of the recessed portion at a position corresponding to a region to be crimped by a crimping tool.2. The electric wire holder according to claim 1 , wherein the serration includes a plurality of grooves extending in parallel with a direction orthogonal to a width direction of the holding portion.3. The electric wire holder according to claim 1 , wherein the serration includes grooves forming a lattice.4. The electric wire holder according to claim 1 , wherein the serration includes a plurality of triangular holes claim 1 , and projections that rise from edges of the holes.5. A wire harness comprising:an electric wire to be routed to an electric parking brake; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001 ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107608A1

In systems where insulating deposits form during normal operation, electrodes are configured with a preformed dielectric thereon, wherein the preformed dielectric is formed with a geometric feature that performing a triple junction. These triple junctions enhance low level discharge activity to facilitate localized breakdown of the deposits and maintain electrode conductivity. 1. A method of making an electrode , comprising the steps of:preforming a dielectric layer on a surface of the electrode, the dielectric layer including at least one geometric feature configured to overshadow a portion of the surface of the electrode to create a triple junction at the resulting electrode/dielectric/vacuum interface; andshielding, with the geometric feature, the portion of the surface from exposure to deposit forming particles in use to maintain the triple junction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one geometric feature is an array of geometric features configured to shield a plurality of portions of the electrode surface from exposure to deposit forming particles in use.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:determining a directionality of deposit forming particles in an environment in which the electrode is to be used; andconfiguring the geometric feature to shield the portion of the electrode surface from deposit forming particles from the determined direction.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of forming in situ triple junctions on the electrode during use.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of preforming claim 1 , before use claim 1 , a conductive shield over the dielectric layer claim 1 , the conductive shield overhanging at least a portion of the dielectric layer and the electrode.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said geometric feature is an angled end face of the dielectric layer.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising the step of preforming a conductive shield over the dielectric layer ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150116908A1
Автор: Thomas Jayan, YU ZENAN

A method of fabricating electrodes having protruding nanofeatures includes growing metal oxide nanofeatures on a metal or metal alloy wire using a heat treatment in an oxidizing environment. An electrically conducting material is deposited on the nanofeatures to form coated nanofeatures. An electrochemically active material (active material) is deposited to form a coating onto the coated nanofeatures to form at least one nanofeatured electrode. An energy storage coaxial cable (ESCC) can be formed from a first nanofeatured electrode and a second nanofeatured electrode, wherein the first nanofeatured electrode is configured as a linear electrode and the second nanofeatured electrode is configured as a tubular electrode, and the ESCC includes an ion porous separator and an electrolyte between the first nanofeatured electrode as an inner electrode and the second nanofeatured electrode as an outer electrode. 1. A method of fabricating electrodes having protruding nanofeatures , comprising:growing metal oxide nanofeatures on a metal or metal alloy wire using a heat treatment in an oxidizing environment;depositing an electrically conducting material on said nanofeatures to form coated nanofeatures, anddepositing an electrochemically active material (active material) coating onto said coated nanofeatures to form at least one nanofeatured electrode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal or metal alloy wire comprises a copper wire claim 1 , said metal oxide is copper oxide claim 1 , said depositing said electrically conducting material comprises sputtering claim 1 , and wherein said depositing said nanofeatures of said active material comprises electrodepositing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said active material comprises MnO.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one nanofeatured electrode comprises a first nanofeatured electrode and a second nanofeatured electrode claim 1 , wherein said first nanofeatured electrode is configured as a linear electrode ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Transmission cable

Номер: US20210125744A1
Автор: James Cheng Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A transmission cable provided includes a conductor, a protective layer, and a wrapping layer. The protective layer covers the conductor. The wrapping layer surrounds the protective layer. The protective layer covers the conductor to increase a bending strength of the transmission cable.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210142930A1
Автор: Lawrence Michael
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

A quad-shield coaxial cable includes an insulator portion configured to encircle an inner conductor portion, an inner conductive foil portion configured to encircle the insulator portion, an inner braided shield portion configured to encircle the inner conductive foil layer portion, an outer braided shield portion configured to encircle the inner braided shield portion, an outer conductive foil portion configured to encircle the outer braided shield portion, and a jacket portion configured to encircle the outer conductive foil portion. 1. A coaxial cable comprising:an inner braided shield portion configured to encircle an inner conductive foil layer portion;an outer braided shield portion configured to encircle the inner braided shield portion; andan outer conductive foil portion configured to encircle the outer braided shield portion.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductive foil portion comprises an inner conductive foil layer configured to coaxially surround an insulator portion.3. The cable of claim 2 , wherein the insulator portion is configured to surround an inner conductor portion.4. The cable of claim 3 , wherein the inner conductor portion comprises an elongated center conductor that extends along a longitudinal axis.5. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner braided shield portion comprises an inner layer of braided shield configured to coaxially surround the inner conductive foil portion.6. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the outer braided shield portion comprises an outer layer of braided shield configured to coaxially surround the inner braided shield portion.7. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the outer conductive foil portion comprises an outer conductive foil layer configured to coaxially surround the outer braided shield portion.8. The cable of claim 1 , further comprising a jacket portion configured to encircle the outer conductive foil portion. This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/450,253, filed Jun. 24, 2019, ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119845A1
Автор: AKAMATSU Shigeo
Принадлежит: TLV CO., LTD.

A sensor connection structure is disposed in a manifold including a main pipe, a plurality of branch pipes connected to each of left and right of the main pipe, and a plurality of steam traps (valves) disposed in the branch pipes. The sensor connection structure includes: a plurality of sensors respectively disposed on the steam traps; a plurality of connection boxes arranged along an axis of the main pipe, connected to each other in series through electric wire pipes, and connected to the plurality of sensors through electric wire pipes; and a terminal unit connected to one of the plurality of connection boxes through an electric wire pipe. 1. A sensor connection structure configured to be disposed in a pipe unit , the pipe unit including a main pipe , a plurality of branch pipes connected to each of left and right of the main pipe , and a plurality of valves disposed in the branch pipes , the pipe unit being configured to allow fluid to flow in the pipe unit , the sensor connection structure comprising:a plurality of sensors that are respectively disposed on the plurality of valves and detect operating states of the valves;a plurality of connection boxes arranged along an axis of the main pipe, connected to each other in series through electric wire pipes, and connected to the plurality of sensors through electric wire pipes; anda terminal unit connected to one of the plurality of connection boxes through an electric wire pipe.2. The sensor connection structure of claim 1 , whereinthe main pipe is attached to, and supported by, a front side of a strut extending along the axis of the main pipe, andthe plurality of connection boxes are attached to a rear side of the strut and disposed on the main pipe through the strut.3. The sensor connection structure of claim 1 , whereineach of the plurality of connection boxes is connected to one of the sensors located at the left of the main pipe and one of the sensors located at the right of the main pipe.4. The sensor ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Lead Wire

Номер: US20190122787A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a lead wire having a conductor that is hardly pulled out from the lead wire during the peeling process or the like while being formed of carbon fibers. In the present invention, a belt-shaped conductor formed of a plurality of carbon fibers are included in a lead wire having a circular cross section. 1. A lead wire having a circular cross section , comprising:a belt-shaped conductor formed of a plurality of carbon fibers; anda covering material in a tubular shape covering the belt-shaped conductor.2. The lead wire according to claim 1 , wherein a filling rate (%) expressed by Formula (1) below is 60% or more and 95% or less:{'br': None, 'i': S', '/S, 'sub': 2', '1, 'Filling rate(%)=()×100% \u2003\u2003(1)'}where:{'sub': '1', 'sup': '2', 'S(mm) represents an area of a cross section of a hollow interior obtained by cutting the covering material along a plane orthogonal to a lengthwise direction thereof; and'}{'sub': '2', 'sup': '2', 'S(mm) represents an area in which the plurality of carbon fibers are present in the hollow interior.'}3. The lead wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe belt-shaped conductor is twisted, and a pitch of the twist is more than 5 mm and less than 50 mm.4. The lead wire according to claim 2 , whereinthe belt-shaped conductor is twisted, and a pitch of the twist is more than 5 mm and less than 50 mm. This application claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-065172, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates to a lead wire, and more particularly, to a lead wire with a circular cross section that includes a conductor and a tubular covering material covering the conductor.Conventionally, electric wires are widely used for transferring electric energy. Among these wires, a small-sized wire called a lead wire is frequently used in electric and electronic equipment and the like for transferring weak electric power or ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Electrical cable

Номер: US20200118715A1
Принадлежит: TE Connectivity Corp

An electrical cable includes a conductor assembly having a first conductor, a second conductor, and an insulator structure surrounding the first conductor and the second conductor. The first and second conductors carry differential signals. The insulator structure has an outer surface. A cable shield is wrapped around the conductor assembly and engages the outer surface of the insulator structure. The cable shield has an inner edge and a flap covering the inner edge. The cable shield forms a void at the inner edge being located closer to the first conductor than the second conductor. The air void compromising the first conductor by reducing an effective dielectric constant surrounding the first conductor. The first conductor is shifted closer to the cable shield a shift distance compared to the second conductor to increase capacitance of the first conductor compared to the second conductor.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Cable for Vertical Applications

Номер: US20210158992A1
Принадлежит: Prysmian SpA

Disclosed is an electrical cable for vertical applications, comprising a core having a length L, a sheath surrounding the core and extending through the whole length L and a reinforcing jacket surrounding the sheath and in direct contact therewith. The reinforcing jacket is made of concentric layers comprising a first layer longitudinally extending from a first cable end (the proximal or upper cable end, in use) towards a second cable end (the distal or lower cable end, in use) substantially along the whole length L. The reinforcing jacket also comprises at least one further layer longitudinally extending from the first cable end towards the second cable end for a length shorter than L. At least one layer of the reinforcing jacket is a circumferentially closed metal tube. Also disclosed is a process for manufacturing such cable.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Shield structure for wire harness

Номер: US20160134090A1
Автор: Takao KUSHIMA
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd

A connecting position of a braid portion relative to a shield pipe is stabilized. A shield pipe in which a conductive wire constituting a wire harness is inserted, a braid portion that is connected to an end portion of the shield pipe and in which the conductive wire that is extended out of the shield pipe is inserted, an end member that is formed of a conductive material and that is mounted to an outer circumferential surface of the shield pipe while covering an end surface of the shield pipe, the braid portion being connected to an outer circumferential surface of the end member, and a crimp ring that crimps the braid portion onto the end member are provided. A positioning groove for positioning the crimp ring in an axial direction is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the end member.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140212609A1

A cable including a core, a strength member surrounding the inner metal tube, and an outer layer surrounding the first layer, wherein the outer layer includes a polycarbonate material. 1. A cable , comprising:a core;a first strength member surrounding said core; andan outer layer surrounding said strength member;wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate material.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein said strength member is a metal tube.3. The cable of claim 2 , wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate based polyurethane.4. The cable of claim 1 , further comprising a second strength member surrounding said first strength member.5. The cable of claim 4 , wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate based polyurethane.6. The cable of claim 4 , wherein said second strength member comprises a yarn.7. The cable of claim 6 , wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate based polyurethane.8. The cable of claim 4 , wherein said second strength member comprises a first layer of metal wires.9. The cable of claim 8 , wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate based polyurethane.10. The cable of claim 6 , wherein said second strength member comprises a second layer of metal wires.11. The cable of claim 10 , wherein said outer layer comprises a polycarbonate based polyurethane.12. The cable of claim 4 , further comprising an encapsulating jacket between said first strength member and said second strength member.13. The cable of claim 5 , further comprising an encapsulating jacket between said strength member and said second strength member.12. The cable of claim 6 , further comprising an encapsulating jacket between said strength member and said second strength member.13. The cable of claim 7 , further comprising an encapsulating jacket between said strength member and said second strength member.14. The cable of claim 2 , wherein said core comprises at least one of a metal tube with at least one optical fiber claim 2 , an insulated electrical ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150141792A1

A cable for use in biopotential measurements in a magnetic resonance (MR) environment comprises a flexible plastic or polymer sheet () extending as a single unitary structure from a first end to an opposite second end, and an electrically conductive trace () disposed on the flexible plastic or polymer sheet and running from the first end to the opposite second end. The electrically conductive trace has sheet resistance of one ohm/square or higher, and may have a hatching or checkerboard pattern. The cable may further include an electrically insulating protective layer () disposed on the substrate and covering the electrically conductive trace, an electrode () disposed on the electrically conductive trace at the second end, an edge connector () at the first end, or various combinations of such features. 1. A cable for use in biopotential measurements in a magnetic resonance (MR) environment , the cable comprising:a flexible plastic or polymer sheet extending as a single unitary structure from a first end to an opposite second end;an electrically conductive trace disposed on the flexible plastic or polymer sheet and running from the first end to the opposite second end, the electrically conductive trace having sheet resistance of one ohm/square or higher; and a layer of electrically conductive material disposed on the electrically conductive trace at the second end that is more electrically conductive than the material comprising the electrically conductive trace, and', 'an attachment layer disposed on the layer of electrically conductive material and configured to attach the electrode to human skin., 'an electrode disposed on the electrically conductive trace at the second end, the electrode including2. The cable of claim 11 , wherein the layer of electrically conductive material of the electrode comprises a silver layer.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the attachment layer comprises an electrolyte layer.4. The cable of claim 3 , wherein the electrolyte layer ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Wire harness

Номер: US20220277868A1
Автор: Taiji Mochizuki

It is an object of the present invention to provide a technology with which a protective portion with high protective capabilities is provided while avoiding an operation to switch out binding adhesive tape much as possible. A wire harness includes: a wire; and a tape-wrapping protective portion provided in at least a partial region along a longitudinal direction of the wire, the tape-wrapping protective portion including a spiral-wrapping portion in which an adhesive tape is wrapped in a spiral shape around the wire, and in the portion where the spiral-wrapping portion is provided, the adhesive tape being wrapped so as to form more than two layers.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160148721A1

A sheath member has a cylindrical and flexible main body to accommodate an electric wire and a deformation restricting portion molded on an outer peripheral side of the main body and extending over a predetermined shape maintaining range such that the main body is maintained in a desired routing shape. 1. A sheath member comprising:a cylindrical and flexible main body to accommodate an electric wire; anda deformation restricting portion molded on an outer peripheral side of the main body and extending over a predetermined shape maintaining range along a longitudinal direction of the main body such that the main body is maintained in a desired routing shape,wherein the main body comprises a first body portion and a second body portion that are formed as separate pieces, andwherein the deformation restricting portion extends to bridge the first body portion and the second body portion.2. The sheath member according to claim 1 , wherein the shape maintaining range includes a bent section of the main body.3. The sheath member according to claim 1 , wherein the deformation restricting portion has an outer shape corresponding to a shape of a contacting object that is brought into contact with the sheath member when the electric wire is routed.4. The sheath member according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the deformation restricting portion in a first direction in a cross section of the deformation restricting portion is greater than the thickness in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction. This application is a continuation of International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2014/072482 filed on Aug. 27, 2014, claiming priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2013-177046 filed on Aug. 28, 2013, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a sheath member.Automobiles and the like are provided with wire harnesses that are routed to supply electric power from a battery and the like and to transmit control ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200136304A1
Автор: Iwase Masayuki

A method for manufacturing a cable with a connector is provided. In the method, a contact is attached to a reinforcing wire. The reinforcing wire to which the contact is attached is inserted into an insertion portion of a housing. The housing is connected to one end of a cable. The reinforcing wire is secured to the cable by a securing member. 1. A method for manufacturing a cable with a connector , comprising steps of:attaching a contact to a reinforcing wire;inserting the reinforcing wire to which the contact is attached into an insertion portion of a housing, the housing being connected to one end of a cable;securing the reinforcing wire to the cable by a securing member.2. A cable with a connector , comprising:a cable;a housing connected to one end of the cable;a reinforcing wire;a contact connected to the reinforcing wire and inserted into an insertion portion of the housing; anda securing member securing the reinforcing wire to the cable.3. The cable with the connector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the housing is made of resin.4. The cable with the connector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the cable is longer than the reinforcing wire.5. The cable with the connector as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein the contact is connected to one end of the reinforcing wire, and a second contact is connected to the other end of the reinforcing wire.6. The cable with the connector as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein the housing has a plurality of insertion portions, and the insertion portion into which the contact is inserted is located closer to an edge of the housing than an insertion portion into which the third contact is inserted.7. The cable with the connector as claimed in claim 2 ,wherein the cable includes an insulated lead wire, andwherein the reinforcing wire has a higher resistance property of disconnection than a resistance property of disconnection of the lead wire. The present application is based on and claims priority to Japanese Priority Application No. 2018-203270 ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Wire harness, electrical wire protector, and electrical wire holder

Номер: US20170148542A1
Автор: Takamasa Maeda
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd

A wire harness including: an electrically conducting path including an electrical wire having a front end portion to which a terminal fitting is fixed; a corrugated tube configured to enclose the electrical wire; a rubber boot that is attached to a front end portion of the corrugated tube and is configured to enclose the electrical wire; and an electrical wire holder that is provided with: a holding part configured to hold the electrical wire; and a locking part configured to be locked to a circumferential surface of the corrugated tube. It is possible to stabilize the positional relationship between the front end portion of the electrically conducting path and the front end portion of the rubber boot by holding the electrical wire with the electrical wire holder and locking the electrical wire holder to the circumferential surface of the corrugated tube.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170148546A1
Автор: NAKAI Hirokazu

An electric wire and a shielding member configured to electrically shield the electric wire by enclosing an outer circumference thereof. A core wire of the electric wire has a single-core portion which is formed by applying pressure to a portion of a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of strands together to reduce their cross section. This causes the strands to be brought into intimate contact with each other and form a single body, and a stranded wire portion in which the strands remain in a twisted-together state with no pressure having been applied thereto. The shielding member has a first shielding portion enclosing a portion of the electric wire where the core wire constitutes the single-core portion, and a second shielding portion enclosing a portion of the electric wire where the core wire constitutes the stranded wire portion. The second shielding portion has higher flexibility than the first shielding portion. 1. A shielded conduction path comprising:an electric wire; anda shielding member configured to electromagnetically shield the electric wire by enclosing an outer circumference of the electric wire,wherein a core wire of the electric wire has a single-core portion which is formed by applying pressure to a predetermined portion of a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of strands together and whose cross section has been reduced as a result of the application of the pressure causing the strands to be brought forcefully into intimate contact with each other and form a single body, and a stranded wire portion in which the plurality of strands remain in a twisted-together state with no pressure having been applied thereto,the shielding member has a first shielding portion enclosing a portion of the electric wire where the core wire constitutes the single-core portion and a second shielding portion enclosing a portion of the electric wire where the core wire constitutes the stranded wire portion, andthe second shielding portion has higher ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Terminating a cable assembly with connectorized pigtails

Номер: US20220291453A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

A multi-fiber cable assembly includes a pigtail segments spliced to a trunk segment using multiple mass fusion splices. The splices are disposed within an encapsulation at a common axial location. A flexible conduit extends from one end of the encapsulation to protect bare fibers of the trunk segment. A protective sheath extends from the opposite end of the encapsulation to protect the pigtail segments. The conduit and sheath are axially fixed to the encapsulation.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Electric wire sheathing member and wire harness

Номер: US20170154709A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd

An electric wire sheathing member including a resin pipe that can be easily attached to a vehicle, and a wire harness are provided. The electric wire sheathing member includes a resin pipe, the resin pipe including a straight tube portion that has a tubular shape into which an electric wire can be inserted and whose cross-sectional shape is constant in an axial direction, a bellows portion that has a tubular shape into which the electric wire can be inserted and in which ridge portions and valley portions are repeated in an axial direction, and a bent portion that is formed by bending the straight tube portion into a predetermined shape. With this configuration, the straight tube portion is not flexible like a corrugated tube having a bellows shape is, and therefore, the shape of the bent portion is retained. Accordingly, the wire harness can be easily attached to a vehicle.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Shield sleeve

Номер: US20180158568A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A shield sleeve for shielding an electric wire includes a tensile strength fiber that has an approximately circular section and on which a metal-plating layer is formed. A plurality of the tensile strength fibers is braided to form a tubular shape. Braid density of the braided tensile strength fibers is 85% or more and 98% or less and resistance between the braided tensile strength fibers is 0.096 Ω/m or less.

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Cable Comprising an Element Indicating Water Infiltration and Method Using Said Element

Номер: US20150168662A1
Принадлежит: Prysmian SpA

A cable includes an indicating element for detecting the infiltration of water into the cable and a method using such indicating element.

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150170794A1
Принадлежит: DELL PRODUCTS L.P.

In accordance with embodiments of the present disclosure, a dual axial cable may include two substantially parallel and substantially adjacent wires, each wire formed from an electrical conductor surrounded throughout its length by a bifurcated electrical insulator. Each bifurcated electrical insulator may include a first portion of electrically insulative material and a second portion of electrically insulative material having a dielectric constant substantially higher than a dielectric constant of the first portion, such that a cross-section of each wire includes its respective first portion and respective second portion. The cable may be configured such that throughout the length of the cable, the second portions of each of the two wires are substantially adjacent to each other. 1. A dual axial cable , comprising:two substantially parallel and substantially adjacent wires, each wire formed from an electrical conductor surrounded throughout its length by a bifurcated electrical insulator; a first portion of electrically insulative material; and', 'a second portion of electrically insulative material having a dielectric constant substantially higher than a dielectric constant of the first portion;', 'such that a cross-section of each wire includes its respective first portion and respective second portion; and, 'wherein each bifurcated electrical insulator compriseswherein the cable is configured such that throughout the length of the cable, the second portions of each of the two wires are substantially adjacent to each other.2. The dual axial cable of claim 1 , wherein the cable is configured such that in a cross-section of the cable claim 1 , a center of an outer perimeter of one second portion is substantially adjacent to a center of an outer perimeter of the other second portion.3. The dual axial cable of claim 1 , wherein the cable is configured such that in a cross-section of the cable claim 1 , the second portions of the two wires are substantially ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Electronic appliance with integral reinforced usb

Номер: US20190157818A1
Автор: Tzvi Deri
Принадлежит: Individual

A cellular telephone appliance including: a cellular telephone housing; a USB receiving recess configured to receive a USB and a USB cable, which includes electrical wires and a security wire; and a USB cable release and retraction mechanism disposed in the cellular telephone housing. The USB cable includes a security wire configured to carry a tensile load on the USB cable upon pulling thereof.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210193348A1

An electric wire conductor having both flexibility and a space-saving property. Also provided are a covered electric wire and a wiring harness containing the electric wire conductor. An electric wire conductor contains a wire strand containing a plurality of elemental wires twisted together. The electric wire conductor has a flat portion in which a cross section intersecting an axial direction of the wire strand has a flat shape. Assuming a conductor cross-sectional area of the flat portion as s mmand a vacancy ratio defined as a ratio of vacancies not occupied by the elemental wires in a cross section of the flat portion as v %, the conductor cross-sectional area and the vacancy ratio satisfies v>0.29s+2.0. The covered electric wire contains electric wire conductor and an insulator covering the conductor. The wiring harness contains the covered electric wire. 1. An electric wire conductor comprising , a wire strand comprising a plurality of elemental wires twisted together ,the conductor having a flat portion where a cross section of the wire strand intersecting an axial direction of the wire strand has a flat shape, wherein{'sup': '2', 'assuming a conductor cross-sectional area of the flat portion as s mmand a vacancy ratio defined as a ratio of vacancies not occupied by the elemental wires in a cross section of the flat portion as v %, the conductor cross-sectional area and the vacancy ratio satisfies v≥0.29s+2.5, and'}{'sup': '2', 'the conductor cross-sectional area is 10 mmor larger.'}2. The electric wire conductor according to claim 1 , wherein deformation ratios of the elemental wires from a circle in the cross section of the flat portion are lower at a peripheral part facing an outer periphery of the flat portion than at a center part positioned inside of the peripheral part.3. An electric wire conductor claim 1 , comprising a wire strand comprising a plurality of elemental wires twisted together claim 1 ,the conductor having a flat portion where a cross ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190164662A1
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A method is disclosed for additively manufacturing a composite wiring harness. The method may include directing a plurality of conductors through a print head, directing at least one reinforcement through the print head, and coating at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with a matrix material. The method may also include discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material from the print head, and exposing the matrix material during discharging to a cure energy to cause hardening of a sheath around the plurality of conductors. 1. A composite wiring harness , comprising:a plurality of elongated conductors arranged generally parallel to each other;at least one connector connected to at least one end of at least one of the plurality of elongated conductors; anda sheath at least partially surrounding the plurality of elongated conductors and forming an outer shell of the composite wiring harness, a rigid portion and a flexible portion; and', 'at least one of a glass fiber, a carbon fiber, and an aramid that is continuous through the rigid and flexible portions and coated in a thermoset matrix material, the thermoset matrix material having a first performance characteristic in the rigid portion and a second performance characteristic in the flexible portion., 'wherein the sheath includes2. (canceled)3. The composite wiring harness of claim 1 , wherein a characteristic of at least one of the thermoset matrix material and the at least one of the glass fiber claim 1 , the carbon fiber claim 1 , and the aramid fiber is different between the rigid and flexible portions.4. A composite wiring harness claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of elongated conductors arranged generally parallel to each other and being continuous through and at a center of the composite wiring harness;at least one connector connected to at least one end of at least one of the plurality of elongated ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190164663A1
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A method is disclosed for additively manufacturing a composite wiring harness. The method may include directing a plurality of conductors through a print head, directing at least one reinforcement through the print head, and coating at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with a matrix material. The method may also include discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material from the print head, and exposing the matrix material during discharging to a cure energy to cause hardening of a sheath around the plurality of conductors. 1. A method of additively manufacturing a composite wiring harness , comprising:directing a plurality of conductors through a print head;directing at least one reinforcement through the print head;coating at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with a matrix material;discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material from the print head; andexposing the matrix material during discharging to a cure energy to cause hardening of a sheath around the plurality of conductors.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material from the print head includes:first discharging only the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material to form a portion of the sheath;discharging only the plurality of conductors against the portion of the sheath; anddischarging only the reinforcement with the matrix material against the plurality of conductors to close off the sheath around the plurality of conductors.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors and the at least one reinforcement with the matrix material from the print head includes discharging the at least one of the plurality of conductors ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150179300A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A wire harness includes at least one conducting path, and a tubular exterior member that covers the conducting path. The exterior member has a shape changed portion in at least one position. The shape changed portion includes at least one small tube portion which includes an accommodation space necessary for accommodating the conducting path, a tube continuous portion one end of which is continuous with an end of the small tube portion, and a large tube portion which is continuous with another end of the tube continuous portion and includes a tubular shape that is larger in outer shape than the small tube portion.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150179301A1

A electrical wire cover has a corrugated tube fixing portion () and engagement projection strips () which are integral parts of a cover body () which surrounds electrical wires, a electrical wire tie which fixes, that is, tightly fastens, one of first to third corrugated tubes, and tying member restricting portions () provided in the corrugated tube fixing portion (). Each tying member restricting portion () has plural, that is, first to third, positioning portions ( and ) having different electrical wire tie bridging positions. 1. An electrical wire protection member , comprising:a body which surrounds an electrical wire to be installed;a semicylindrical corrugated tube fixing portion which is an integral part of the body and to which an end portion of one of plural kinds of corrugated tubes having different diameters is fixed, wherein the electrical wire is inserted in the corrugated tube;engagement projection strips which project inward from the corrugated tube fixing portion so as to extend in a radial direction of the corrugated tube fixing portion, and which engage with respective outer circumferential grooves of the corrugated tube;a tying member which fixes, by tight fastening, the corrugated tube to an inner peripheral surface of the corrugated tube fixing portion; andtying member restricting portions which are formed in respective end portions of the corrugated tube fixing portion in an outer circumferential direction of the corrugated tube fixing portion and which determine a position of the tying member,wherein each of the tying member restricting portions has plural positioning hole portions having different tying member bridging positions that correspond to the different diameters of the corrugated tubes, respectively.2. The electrical wire protection member according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning hole portions corresponding to a corrugated tube having a maximum diameter are located outside respective positioning hole portions corresponding to a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150179312A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A method of manufacturing an exterior member which covers the circumference of an electric wire, which is wired between electrical components, along the electric wire, and is supported by a supporting body while one side in a circumferential direction is exposed, the exterior member including an exterior member body that is formed into a long cylindrical shape and which has a predetermined background color and an identifying mark that is provided on the outer surface of the exterior member body and which has another predetermined color different from the background color, includes providing the identifying mark on the outer surface of the exterior member body having a straight shape and bending the exterior member body at a middle position in the longitudinal direction after the providing the identifying mark. 1an exterior member body that is formed into a long cylindrical shape and which has a predetermined background color; andan identifying mark that is provided on the outer surface of the exterior member body and which has another predetermined color different from the background color,wherein the exterior member body is formed with at least one bent part which is bent at a middle position in a longitudinal direction, andthe identifying mark is provided to face the one side while the exterior member is supported by the supporting body,the method comprising:providing the identifying mark on the outer surface of the exterior member body having a straight shape; andbending the exterior member body at a middle position in the longitudinal direction after the providing the identifying mark.. A method of manufacturing an exterior member which covers the circumference of an electric wire, which is wired between electrical components, along the electric wire, and is supported by a supporting body while one side in a circumferential direction is exposed, the exterior member including: This application is a continuation of PCT application No. PCT/JP2013/073443, which was ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220312657A1
Автор: Liu Yuhui, Yan Jun

Disclosed is a high-frequency cable, in particular, a high-frequency cable with a stable structure, including: two signal cables arranged in parallel; one ground cable located between the two signal cables or two ground cables respectively located on lateral sides of the two signal cables, and axes of the two signal cables and axes of the two ground cables being located on the same plane; a fastening layer wrapped outside the two signal cables and the ground cable, and configured to fasten the two signal cables and the ground cable; a shielding layer wrapped outside the fastening layer; and a sheath layer wrapped on the shielding layer. The high-frequency cable with a stable structure provided by the present disclosure features a stable structure, is easy to process, reduces production costs, and provides good electrical performance. 1. A high-frequency cable with a stable structure , comprising:two signal cables arranged in parallel,one ground cable located between the two signal cables or two ground cables respectively located on lateral sides of the two signal cables, and axes of the two signal cables and axes of the two ground cables being located on the same plane;a fastening layer wrapped outside the two signal cables and the ground cable, and configured to fasten the two signal cables and the ground cable;a shielding layer wrapped outside the fastening layer; anda sheath layer wrapped on the shielding layer.2. The high-frequency cable with a stable structure of claim 1 , wherein the shielding layer is one of an aluminum foil layer claim 1 , a copper foil layer claim 1 , and a metal braided layer claim 1 , and the shielding layer is connected to the ground cable.3. The high-frequency cable with a stable structure of claim 2 , wherein a coverage rate of the fastening layer is greater than 0 and less than 100% claim 2 , aluminum foil or copper foil of the shielding layer is located on one side of the fastening layer claim 2 , and the aluminum foil or the copper ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Two-core balanced cable

Номер: US20180174706A1
Принадлежит: Junkosha Co Ltd

(Problem) Provided is a twisted pair cable that has moderate flexibility and uniformity in bending with respect to a bending direction. (Solution) A twisted pair cable ( 10 ) includes a double-twisted core line ( 28 ) formed by twisting two core lines ( 26 ) having conductors ( 22 ) and dielectric layers ( 24 ) formed on outer circumferences thereof, an inclusion ( 30 ) formed of polytetrafluoroethylene and twisted and combined with the double-twisted core line ( 28 ), a winding body layer ( 32 ) wound on an outer circumference of the core lines ( 26 ) and the inclusion ( 30 ), an outer conductor ( 34 ) installed on an outer circumference of the winding body layer ( 32 ), and an outer coating ( 36 ) installed on an outer circumference of the outer conductor ( 34 ) and has ellipticity of an overall cross-sectional shape of the cable formed to be within a range of 2% to 8%.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180177307A1
Автор: John Charles Hepler
Принадлежит: VIA Inc

A chair for particular use in clinical or hospital environments has a frame to which a support material is secured. The support material may form a chair back and/or a seat for the chair to provide support to the chair occupant. The support material may be made from a textile that includes copper containing particles such as copper iodide or copper oxide within the textile fibers.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210211093A1

The invention relates to a photovoltaic plant () comprising: at least one photovoltaic module (), including at least one junction box () placed on a front face of the photovoltaic module (), via which face the solar rays enter, in proximity to a peripheral edge () of said photovoltaic module (), and at least one DC current cable () that conveys the current generated by the at least one photovoltaic module (), characterized in that it furthermore comprises a protective sheath () that is placed, on the front face of the photovoltaic module (), encircling the junction box () and the DC current cable (), said protective sheath () having a cross-section the height of which corresponds at least to the height of the junction box () and including a window () that is located in the face of the protective sheath () that makes contact with the photovoltaic module (), via which window the junction box () protrudes from the protective sheath (), and a closable longitudinal aperture () allowing the junction box () and the DC current cable () to be accessed. 1. A photovoltaic plant for generating electrical energy comprising:at least one photovoltaic module, including photovoltaic cells connected to at least one junction box positioned on a front face of the photovoltaic module, via which face the solar rays enter, in proximity to a peripheral edge of said photovoltaic module,at least one DC current cable that conveys the current generated by the at least one photovoltaic module,characterized in that it furthermore includes:a sheath, fixed on the front face of the photovoltaic module, encircling the junction box and the at least one DC current cable, intended to be placed along the peripheral edge of the photovoltaic module close to the junction box, said sheath having a cross-section whose height corresponds at least to the height of the junction box and including a window that is located in the face of the sheath that makes contact with the photovoltaic module, via which window ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Bacterial resistant chair

Номер: US20210212476A1
Автор: John Charles Hepler
Принадлежит: Individual

A chair for particular use in clinical or hospital environments has a frame to which a support material is secured. The support material may form a chair back and/or a seat for the chair to provide support to the chair occupant. The support material may be made from a textile of interwoven strands wherein some of the interwoven strands include copper containing particles such as copper iodide or copper oxide within the textile fibers.
