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21-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2801959C1

Изобретение относится к полупроводниковой технике, в частности к оптоэлектронике, а именно к технологии изготовления тонкопленочных покрытий на основе оксида индия и олова. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что в способе получения пленки на основе оксида индия и олова, включающем высокотемпературный нагрев размещенной в рабочей камере подложки в условиях вакуума, напыление пленки оксида индия и олова на нагретую подложку путем магнетронного распыления мишени, содержащей оксид индия и олова с использованием для бомбардировки мишени потока рабочего газа, и последующую высокотемпературную обработку подложки с нанесенной пленкой, согласно изобретению, нагрев подложки осуществляют до температуры от 400°С до 550°С, в качестве рабочего газа при распылении мишени используют аргон, а высокотемпературную обработку подложки с нанесенной пленкой осуществляют путем ее выдержки при температуре 540-550°С в течение 5-15 мин в рабочей камере, заполненной газовой средой, содержащей химически нейтральный ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010100962A

... 1. Осветительный прибор в камере (50) для освещения объекта, содержащий: ! некогерентный светоизлучающий диод (LED) (10) с боковым излучением, причем LED содержит: ! первый полупроводниковый слой (16) первого типа; ! второй полупроводниковый слой (12) второго типа; ! и активный слой (14) между первым полупроводниковым слоем и вторым полупроводниковым слоем, причем активный слой имеет главную поверхность; ! первый электрод (18) в контакте с первым полупроводниковым слоем; ! второй электрод (18) в контакте со вторым полупроводниковым слоем, причем первый электрод и второй электрод находятся на первой стороне LED, так что LED является перевернутым кристаллом, прозрачная подложка для выращивания, на которой был выращен первый полупроводниковый слой, второй полупроводниковый слой и активный слой, удаленный из-за второй стороны LED, противоположной первой стороне LED; ! равномерную отражающую пленку (32), образованную на второй стороне LED без зазора между LED и отражающей пленкой, причем площадь ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013158689A

... 1. Структура, содержащая:опорную подложку, содержащую тело и множество сквозных отверстий, проходящих через всю толщину тела; иполупроводниковое светоизлучающее устройство, содержащее светоизлучающий слой, размещенный между областью n-типа и областью p-типа, причем полупроводниковое светоизлучающее устройство присоединено к опорной подложке посредством диэлектрического соединяющего слоя;при этом опорная подложка является не более широкой, чем полупроводниковое светоизлучающее устройство.2. Структура по п. 1, в которой область n-типа расположена с отступом от края полупроводникового светоизлучающего устройства.3. Структура по п. 2, которая дополнительно содержащая полимерный слой, размещенный между краем области n-типа и краем полупроводникового светоизлучающего устройства.4. Структура по п. 1 дополнительно содержащая металлический контакт, размещенный на области n-типа.5. Структура по п. 4, в которой металлический контакт проходит по боковой стенке на краю области n-типа.6. Структура по ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132154A

... 1. Пакетная конструкция источника света, содержащая:первую подложку, представляющую собой светопропускающее стекло;вторую подложку, перекрывающуюся первой подложкой;первое смоляное тело в форме рамы, которое расположено между первой подложкой и второй подложкой и соединено с первой подложкой и второй подложкой, с созданием вместе с первой подложкой и второй подложкой первого разреженного пространства;фотолюминесцентное изделие, расположенное в первом разреженном пространстве; ислой наполнителя с пропусканием света, полностью помещенный в первое разреженное пространство и обволакивающий фотолюминесцентное изделие.2. Пакетная конструкция источника света по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вторая подложка представляет собой светопропускающее стекло.3. Пакетная конструкция источника света по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что фотолюминесцентное изделие содержит первый слой порошкового люминофора, который нанесен в виде покрытия на одной поверхности второй подложки или первой подложки.4. Пакетная конструкция ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148896A

... 1. Способ производства структур светоизлучающих диодов (СИД) на одной пластине, включающий в себя:формирование пластины устройства с матрицами СИД;разъединение матриц СИД на пластине устройства;разделение матриц СИД с целью создания промежутков между матрицами СИД;нанесение по существу непрерывного отражающего покрытия на поверхность матриц СИД и в промежутках между матрицами СИД;удаление первых частей отражающего покрытия с поверхности матриц СИД; иразлом или отделение отражающего покрытия в промежутках между матрицами СИД,при этом вторые части отражающего покрытия остаются на боковых сторонах матриц СИД, чтобы регулировать краевое излучение.2. Способ по п.1, в котором отражающее покрытие является полимером или смолой с отражающими частицами.3. Способ по п.2, в котором отражающее покрытие является силиконом, эпоксидной смолой или акриловым материалом, а отражающие частицы являются оксидом титана, оксидом цинка, двуокисью кремния, окисью алюминия или двуокисью циркония.4. Способ по п.2, ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010139637A

... 1. Светоизлучающее диодное устройство, которое содержит: ! светоизлучающий слой (103); и ! фильтрующий слой (105), который расположен на поверхности светоизлучающего слоя (103), фильтрующий слой (105) выбран так, чтобы принимать свет от светоизлучающего слоя, пропускать свет, попадающий в угловой диапазон, и не пропускать света, не попадающие в угловой диапазон, при этом фильтрующий слой (105) представляет собой интерференционный фильтрующий слой. ! 2. Светоизлучающее диодное устройство по п.1, в котором угловой диапазон представляет собой диапазон в пределах ±5° относительно нормали к фильтрующему слою или диапазон в пределах ±10° относительно нормали к фильтрующему слою или диапазон в пределах ±15° относительно нормали к фильтрующему слою или диапазон в пределах ±20° относительно нормали к фильтрующему слою или диапазон в пределах ±25° относительно нормали к фильтрующему слою. ! 3. Светоизлучающее диодное устройство по любому из предыдущих пунктов, в котором фильтрующий слой (105) устроен ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Optoelektronische Leuchtvorrichtung

Номер: DE102015110429A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine optoelektronische Leuchtvorrichtung, umfassend: – ein optoelektronisches Halbleiterbauteil mit einer eine lichtemittierenden Fläche umfassende Oberseite, – ein das Halbleiterbauteil einbettendes und die lichtemittierende Fläche freilassendes Gehäuse, – wobei eine Gehäusefläche mit einer lichtstreuenden dielektrischen Lackschicht beschichtet ist, die auf eine der Gehäusefläche abgewandten Fläche der Lackschicht einfallendes Licht streuen kann. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer optoelektronischen Leuchtvorrichtung.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Lichtemittierende Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102015111135A1

Eine lichtemittierende Vorrichtung umfasst ein Substrat, einen Halbleiterstapel, der Licht emittieren kann, eine erste reflektierende Struktur zwischen dem Substrat und dem Halbleiterstapel, um das Licht zu reflektieren, und eine zweite reflektierende Struktur zwischen dem Substrat und dem Halbleiterstapel, wobei die erste reflektierende Struktur ein maximales Reflexionsvermögen hat, wenn das Licht unter einem ersten Einfallswinkel auf die erste reflektierende Struktur einfällt, und die zweite reflektierende Struktur ein maximales Reflexionsvermögen hat, wenn das Licht unter einem zweiten Einfallswinkel auf die zweite reflektierende Struktur einfällt.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Strahlungsemittierende Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102017101729A1

Es wird eine strahlungsemittierende Vorrichtung angegeben, die eine Halbleiterschichtenfolge (10) mit einer aktiven Schicht (20), die im Betrieb eine Primärstrahlung emittiert, umfasst. Die Vorrichtung umfasst weiterhin eine Auskoppelfläche (11) auf einer Oberfläche der Halbleiterschichtenfolge (10), eine Wellenlängenkonversionsschicht (30) auf der von der Auskoppelfläche (11) abgewandten Seite der Halbleiterschichtenfolge (10), die zumindest einen die Primärstrahlung in Sekundärstrahlung umwandelnden Konversionsstoff enthält, und eine Spiegelschicht (40) auf der von der Halbleiterschichtenfolge (10) abgewandten Seite der Wellenlängenkonversionsschicht (30). Der zumindest eine Konversionsstoff ist elektrisch leitfähig und/oder in einem elektrisch leitfähigen Matrixmaterial eingebettet.

16-05-2007 дата публикации

II-VI/III-V-Schichtenaufbau auf InP-Träger

Номер: DE112005001384T5

Schichtenaufbau, umfassend: einen InP-Träger; und alternierende Schichten von II-VI- und III-V-Materialien.

06-11-2008 дата публикации

Halbleiterchip und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Halbleiterchips

Номер: DE102007029370A1

Es wird ein Halbleiterchip (1) mit einem Halbleiterkörper (2), der eine Halbleiterschichtenfolge mit einem zur Erzeugung von Strahlung vorgesehenen aktiven Bereich (25) umfasst, angegeben. Auf dem Halbleiterkörper (2) ist eine Spiegelstruktur (3) angeordnet, die eine Spiegelschicht (4) und eine zumindest bereichsweise zwischen der Spiegelschicht und dem Halbleiterkörper angeordnete dielektrische Schichtstruktur (5) aufweist. Ferner wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Halbleiterchips angegeben.

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Optoelektronisches Halbleiterbauteil

Номер: DE102010024864A1

In mindestens einer Ausführungsform des optoelektronischen Halbleiterbauteils (1) umfasst dieses einen Träger (2) sowie mindestens einen optoelektronischen Halbleiterchip (3), der an einer Trägeroberseite (20) angebracht ist. Weiterhin beinhaltet das Halbleiterbauteil (1) mindestens einen Bonddraht (4), über den der Halbleiterchip (3) elektrisch kontaktiert ist, sowie mindestens einen Abdeckkörper (5), der auf einer Strahlungshauptseite (30) angebracht ist und der den Bonddraht (4) überragt. Zumindest eine reflektierende Vergussmasse (6) umgibt den Halbleiterchip (3) in lateraler Richtung und reicht mindestens bis zu der Strahlungshauptseite (30) des Halbleiterchips (3). Der Bonddraht (4) ist vollständig von der reflektierenden Vergussmasse (6) oder vollständig von der reflektierenden Vergussmasse (6) zusammen mit dem Abdeckkörper (5) überdeckt.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Bauelement mit Begrenzungselement

Номер: DE102018118697A1

Es wird ein Bauelement (10) mit einem Halbleiterchip (1), einem Gehäuse (9) und einer reflektierenden Schicht (2) angegeben, wobei das Gehäuse einen Formkörper (90) und einen Grundkörper (91) aufweist, wobei der Formkörper den Grundkörper oder eine Kavität (8) des Gehäuses lateral umschließt und verschieden von der reflektierenden Schicht ist. Der Hauptkörper weist eine in Draufsicht von dem Formkörper unbedeckte Freifläche (80A) auf. Die Freifläche oder eine Bodenfläche (80) der Kavität umfasst eine Montagefläche (81) für den Halbleiterchip, wobei der Halbleiterchip auf der Montagefläche angeordnet ist. Die Bodenfläche oder die Freifläche ist bereichsweise von der reflektierenden Schicht bedeckt, wobei die Montagefläche von einem Begrenzungselement (3) zumindest bereichsweise umschlossen ist, das an die reflektierende Schicht angrenzt und dazu eingerichtet ist, eine Bedeckung des Halbleiterchips durch die reflektierende Schicht zu verhindern.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Polarisierte Strahlung emittierender Halbleiterchip

Номер: DE102007062041B4

Polarisierte Strahlung emittierender Halbleiterchip (1) mit- einer Strahlung erzeugenden aktiven Zone (3),- einem Polarisationsfilter (5), das eine erste Strahlung (S1) mit einer ersten Polarisation reflektiert und eine zweite Strahlung (S2) mit einer zweiten Polarisation transmittiert, wobei die Strahlung erzeugende aktive Zone (3) zwischen einer Strahlungsauskoppelfläche des Halbleiterchips (1) und dem Polarisationsfilter (5) angeordnet ist, und wobei ein Abstand d1zwischen der aktiven Zone (3) und dem Polarisationsfilter (5) derart eingestellt ist, dass eine von der aktiven Zone (3) in Richtung (V) der Strahlungsauskoppelfläche ausgesandte Strahlung (Su) mit der reflektierten ersten Strahlung (S1) interferiert, wobei der Halbleiterchip (1) eine Reflexionsschicht (7) aufweist, welche die zweite Strahlung (S2) reflektiert, wobei das Polarisationsfilter (5) zwischen der aktiven Zone (3) und der Reflexionsschicht (7) angeordnet ist, und wobei ein Abstand d2zwischen der aktiven Zone (3) und ...

12-07-2017 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: GB0201708592D0

03-09-2008 дата публикации

Vertical LED

Номер: GB0002447091A

The LED comprises a multilayered reflector108 comprising high refractive index transparent conductive layers (eg ZnO, ITO) and low refractive index transparent dielectric layers (eg MgF, SiN etc). The transparent conductive layer 106 extends over the reflector and electrically connects to the bottom conductive layer of the reflector directly so that a conduction path is present between the electrode 107 and the device layer 104.

23-12-2009 дата публикации

Vertical light emitting diodes

Номер: GB0002447091B

02-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001214655A

... 1,214,655. Electroluminescence. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. 19 Dec., 1967 [21 Dec., 1966 (2)], No. 57575/67. HeadingC4S. An e.1. diode comprises an e.c. crystal having a flat junction 3 intersecting side faces 4 arranged at angles to the crystal axis such that all normals to the faces in the immediate vicinity of the junction extend from the surface on one side of the junction, the crystal having a strong refractive index gradient normal to the juncjunction such that radiation is guided along the plane of the junction and emanates mostly through surfaces adjacent the intersection of the junction and faces 4. A frusto-conical Zn diffusion doped GaAs crystal has Cu contacts 5, 6 soldered to its flat surfaces, contact 6 acting as a heat sink. The crystal has its apex angle A greater than the critical angle so that radiation from the junction emerges only from the region 1 which has n-type conductivity with a low free charge. This passes only a narrow spectrum of radiation ...

31-08-2005 дата публикации

Light emitting device having heat-dissipating element

Номер: GB0002411522A

A light emitting device (e.g. a GaN based III-V nitride device) having a heat dissipating element is provided. The device includes an active layer 160b between first and second material layers for inducing laser emission, a first electrode 154 contacting the lowermost layer 152 of the first material layers, a second electrode contacting the uppermost layer 164 of the second material layers, and a heat dissipating element in contact with the lowermost layer 152. The heat dissipating element is a thermal conductive layer 156 which contacts a region of the lowermost layer 152, while a substrate 150 is present on the remaining region of the lowermost layer 152. The thermal conductive layer may contact the lowermost layer 152 through one or more via holes formed in the substrate. A dent extending into the lowermost layer 152 may also be formed along with the via hole (figure 10).

08-03-2006 дата публикации

LED with a colour purifying diffraction lattice

Номер: GB0002417825A

A diffraction lattice comprising an array of hexagonal islands formed either on the surface of the LED or at the interface between the LED and a transparent sapphire substrate. The period of the lattice is equal to m g /n where m is an integer, g is the wavelength and n is the refractive index. The height of the islands is equal to g (21+1)/2n where 1 is an integer. The diffractive lattice converts laterally propagating light into vertically emitting light where the spectrum of the emitted light is also filtered.

29-04-2009 дата публикации

Electrically isolated vertical light emitting diode

Номер: GB2454060A

The vertical LED includes an electrical conducting mirror layer 416, which reflects at least 60% of generated light incident on it, and a thermally conductive electrically isolating layer 405. A first LED electrode, which is not in direct contact with the main semiconductor layers 409 of the device, is located on the mirror layer 416. A light emitting module, system and projection system incorporating the light emitting device are also described, as is a method of manufacture of the device. A light emitting device is provided having high luminous output while maintaining high wall plug efficiency, wherein the high thermal and electrical conductivity paths of the device are separated during the semiconductor wafer and die level manufacturing step.

08-12-2021 дата публикации

Monolithic LED array and a precursor thereto

Номер: GB2595687A

A monolithic LED array precursor with a plurality of LED structures is disclosed comprising: a 1st semiconductor layer shared by the LED structures; 2nd, 3rd and 4th semiconductor layer sequentially stacked on the 1st semiconductor layer and having a trapezoidal cross-section such that they have sloped sides, the sides being preferably parabolic or approximating a Bezier curve; an electrical contact 320 on the 4th semiconductor layer; electrically insulating, transparent spacers 300 on the sides of the 4th semiconductor layer; a reflective electrically conducting layer disposed over the spacers. The 3rd sub-layer has a plurality of quantum well-sublayers. The 2nd semiconductor layer may be formed by selectively masking or selectively treating the 1st semiconductor layer. The primary contact may be a transparent conducting oxide with a convex external surface, which may have a reflective electrically conducting layer disposed thereon.

06-10-2004 дата публикации

Light emitting diode with diffraction lattice

Номер: GB0000419678D0

22-07-2020 дата публикации

Enchanced colour conversion and collimation of micro-led devices

Номер: GB0202008437D0

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Multicolour light emitting structure

Номер: GB0202001876D0

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Light emitting device, light emitting diode package, backlight unit, and liquid crystal display

Номер: GB202019681D0

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527697T

10-10-1969 дата публикации

<III>B<V> - luminescence diodeA

Номер: AT0000274914B

04-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008821091A

05-02-2002 дата публикации

Improved transparent substrate light emitting diode

Номер: AU0007715301A

27-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002346042A1

An apparatus (100) comprises an active region (120), a phosphor layer (140) and a substrate (130). The active region is configured to emit light having a first band of wavelengths selected from a first group of wavelengths. The phosphor layer has a first refractive index. The phosphor layer includes a plurality of wavelength-converting phosphors. The phosphor layer is configured to convert the first band of wavelengths of light emitted from the active region to a second band of wavelengths. A center wavelength of the second band of wavelengths is greater than a center wavelength of the first band of wavelengths. The substrate is disposed between and in contact with the active region and the phosphor layer. The substrate has a second refractive index. The first refractive index substantially equals the second refractive index.

01-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002346042C

An apparatus (100) comprises an active region (120), a phosphor layer (140) and a substrate (130). The active region is configured to emit light having a first band of wavelengths selected from a first group of wavelengths. The phosphor layer has a first refractive index. The phosphor layer includes a plurality of wavelength-converting phosphors. The phosphor layer is configured to convert the first band of wavelengths of light emitted from the active region to a second band of wavelengths. A center wavelength of the second band of wavelengths is greater than a center wavelength of the first band of wavelengths. The substrate is disposed between and in contact with the active region and the phosphor layer. The substrate has a second refractive index. The first refractive index substantially equals the second refractive index.

24-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002774404A1

A light emitter includes a light-emitting device (LED) die and an optical element over the LED die. The optical element includes a lens, a window element, and a bond at an interface disposed between the lens and the window element. The window element may be a wavelength converting element or an optically flat plate. The window element may be directly bonded or fused to the lens, or the window element may be bonded by one or more intermediate bonding layers to the lens. The bond between the window element and the lens may have a refractive index similar to that of the window element, the lens, or both.

28-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002777773A1

The invention relates to a signaling system comprising at least one light-emitting device (1) for showing a signal or warning to a viewer (99), wherein, in operational use, the light-emitting device (1) is configured for emitting radiation with a light distribution forming a solid angle in space, wherein a center line of the solid angle is defined as an optical axis (Z) of the light-emitting device (1). The light-emitting device (1) comprises a transparent housing (3), a reflector (5) and a light-emitting part (7) arranged within the housing (3), wherein the reflector (5) and the light-emitting part (7) are configured for generating the radiation with said light distribution. The signaling system further comprises blocking means (10) are arranged substantially at one side of the light-emitting device (1). The blocking means (10) are configured for individually blocking, in operational use, at least part of the radiation emitted by the light-emitting device (1) in a direction substantially ...

30-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001287155C

A semiconductor light emission device is disclosed which comprises a semiconductor light emission element and a light collection multiple diffraction ring for collecting the light emitted from said semiconductor light emission element.

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002466141A1

A method for manufacturing a semiconductor device comprises a step of growing a nitride semiconductor layer on a substrate of a different type, a step of, thereafter, joining a support substrate to the nitride semiconductor layer, and a step of, thereafter, removing the substrate of the different type. In the joining step, a conductive layer is formed of an alloy eutectic. In the different-type substrate removing step, the removal is effected by laser beam application, polishing, and chemical polishing. The method further comprises a step of separating the nitride semiconductor layer into chips by etching the exposed surface of the nitride semiconductor layer after the different-type substrate removing step. The method further comprises a step of forming projections and recesses in the exposed surface of the nitride semiconductor layer after the different-type substrate removing step.

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002754097A1

The present invention relates to an opposed terminal structure having a supporting substrate having conductivity. A nitride semiconductor having a light-emitting layer is also provided along with a first terminal formed on one face of the nitride semiconductor and a second terminal formed on another face of the nitride semiconductor. The first terminal is formed in a pattern of one of a rectangular shape, a plurality of lines, a square shape, a grid pattern, a plurality of dots, a rhombus, a parallelogram, a mesh shape, a striped shape, and a ramose shape branching from one into a plurality of branches. The thermal expansion coefficient of the supporting substrate is approximately the same as the thermal expansion coefficient of the nitride semiconductor. The supporting substrate is formed of nitride semiconductor.

15-06-1969 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000474201A

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000600578A5

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Passivation for a semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: CN103069589A

Passivation layer (34) is disposed over a side of a semiconductor structure (20) including a light emitting layer (24) disposed between an n-type region (22) and a p-type region (26). A material (38) configured to adhere to an underfill (58) is disposed over an etched surface of the semiconductor structure.

08-03-2017 дата публикации

Method Manufacturing Light Emitting Diode Having Supporting Lay7Er Attached To Temporary Adhesive

Номер: CN0106486569A

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108886078A

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109328401A

25-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109935666A

25-01-2006 дата публикации

Light-emitting device and electronic device

Номер: CN0001726522A

07-12-2016 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: CN0106206889A

17-03-2010 дата публикации

Semiconductor chip and method for producing a semiconductor chip

Номер: CN0101675539A

The invention relates to a semiconductor chip (1) having a semiconductor body (2) comprising a semiconductor layer sequence having an active region (25) designed to generate radiation. A mirror structure (3) is located on the semiconductor body (2), said mirror structure having a mirror layer (4) and a dielectric layer structure (5) located at least in areas between the mirror layer and the semiconductor body. A method for producing a semiconductor chip is also disclosed.

23-11-2016 дата публикации

For producing the at least one opto-electronic semiconductor chip method

Номер: CN0103430330B

31-05-2017 дата публикации

With reflective surface area of the semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: CN0103843466B

18-06-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: CN101740700B

06-07-2018 дата публикации

The semiconductor element and the semiconductor device having the same and method for manufacturing semiconductor device

Номер: CN0104821357B

01-04-2009 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: CN0100474645C

16-02-2018 дата публикации

The light emitting diode chip

Номер: CN0104576871B

09-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN0106098889A

25-10-1968 дата публикации

Electroluminescent diode

Номер: FR0001543748A

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003041576B1

05-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003053435A1
Принадлежит: VALEO VISION

Une source de lumière à semi-conducteur (2) comprend un substrat et une pluralité de bâtonnets électroluminescents (4) de dimensions submillimétriques, lesdits bâtonnets s'étendant longitudinalement depuis ledit substrat. Selon l'invention, au moins une paroi (5) s'étend également en saillie du substrat, entre deux desdits bâtonnets, la paroi présentant des propriétés réfléchissantes des rayons émis par au moins l'un desdits deux bâtonnets électroluminescents (4).

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003066616A1

L'invention porte sur une source de lumière guidée (1) qui comprend : - au moins une boîte quantique (2) associée à un guide d'onde discoïde (3) de manière à assurer une propagation cylindrique d'un front d'onde émis par l'au moins une boite quantique dans le guide d'onde discoïde ; - un guide d'onde annulaire (5) entoure le guide d'onde discoïde et qui présente un réseau de couplage (T) formé sur sa périphérie intérieure pour recevoir ledit front d'onde en incidence normale ; - un guide d'onde de sortie (6) optiquement couplé au guide d'onde annulaire, dans lequel est guidé ledit front d'onde. L'invention s'étend au procédé de fabrication d'une telle source, et à son utilisation pour l'émission d'une séquence de photons uniques.

25-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003048066A1
Принадлежит: VALEO VISION

La présente invention se rapporte à un dispositif lumineux (50) comprenant : - une source lumineuse à semi-conducteur comprenant une pluralité de bâtonnets électroluminescents répartis en plusieurs zones lumineuses activables sélectivement, plusieurs groupes de déviation optique (41, 42, 43 et 45, 44 et 46), comprenant chacun une entrée et au moins une sortie, chaque groupe de déviation optique étant agencé de manière : - à ce que son entrée reçoive essentiellement les rayons lumineux émis par une seule desdites zones lumineuses, - à dévier ces rayons de manière à former chacun une fonction photométrique donnée.

09-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101601624B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

... 본 발명의 일 관점은, 기판과, 상기 기판 상면에 배열되며 각각 상기 기판 상면에 순차적으로 형성된 제1 도전형 반도체층, 활성층 및 제2 도전형 반도체층을 갖는 복수의 발광셀과, 상기 복수의 발광셀을 직렬, 병렬 또는 직렬 및 병렬의 조합으로 연결되도록 형성된 연결부와, 상기 복수의 발광셀 사이의 분리영역 상면과 상기 기판 하면 중 적어도 일 면에 형성된 요철부를 포함하는 반도체 발광장치를 제공한다. 본 발명의 다른 관점은, 단위면적당 전류밀도를 개선하여 광효율을 향상시키는 동시에, 반사구조를 이용하여 광경로를 개선하도록 분리영역에 반사부재를 적용한 반도체 발광장치를 제공한다. 본 발명의 또 다른 관점은, 단위면적당 전류밀도를 개선하여 광효율을 향상시키면서 균일한 전류분산을 도모하도록 패드의 구조 및 위치를 개선한 반도체 발광장치를 제공한다.

12-11-2014 дата публикации

Nitride light emitting device

Номер: KR0101459764B1

19-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101254539B1

10-01-2007 дата публикации

Light emitting device and method for fabricating the same

Номер: KR0100667508B1

14-03-2016 дата публикации

Optoelectronic component and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: KR0101603397B1
Принадлежит: 에피스타 코포레이션

... 본 발명의 광전자 소자(1700)는 광전자 유닛(14), 제1 투명 구조(16), 및 제1 접촉층(170)을 포함하며, 그 중, 광전자 유닛(14)은 제1 상표면(141) 및 상기 제1 상표면(141)에 위치한 제1 금속층(142)을 가지며, 상기 제1 투명 구조(16)는 상기 광전자 유닛(14)을 에워싸며 상기 제1 상표면(141)을 노출한다. 제1 접촉층(170)은 제1 투명 구조(16) 상에 위치하며, 제1 금속층(142)과 전기적으로 연결되는 연결부(170a)를 가진다.

11-07-2018 дата публикации

반도체 발광소자

Номер: KR0101877241B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 세미콘라이트

... 본 개시는, 반도체 발광소자에 있어서, 바닥부와 측벽을 구비하며, 바닥부와 측벽에 의해 형성된 캐비티를 포함하는 몸체;로서, 바닥부에 적어도 하나 이상의 홀이 형성된 몸체; 각각의 홀에 위치하는 반도체 발광소자 칩;으로서, 전자와 정공의 재결합에 의해 빛을 생성하는 복수의 반도체층과, 복수의 반도체층에 전기적으로 연결된 전극을 구비하는 반도체 발광소자 칩; 그리고, 적어도 캐비티에 구비되어 반도체 발광소자 칩을 덮는 봉지재;를 포함하며, 측벽이 적어도 1개 이상의 개방 구간을 포함하고 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 반도체 발광소자에 관한 것이다.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR2010064869A2

The present invention relates to a semiconductor light-emitting device, and more particularly, to a semiconductor light-emitting device comprising: a substrate; an active layer which is formed on the substrate, and which generates light through electron-hole recombination; and a plurality of blocks formed beneath the substrate.

12-12-2017 дата публикации

웨이퍼 레벨 발광 다이오드 패키지 및 그것을 제조하는 방법

Номер: KR0101797561B1
Автор: 서원철, 조대성
Принадлежит: 서울바이오시스 주식회사

... 일 실시예 따른 발광 다이오드 패키지는, 제1 도전형 상부 반도체층, 활성층 및 제2 도전형 하부 반도체층을 포함하며, 제1 도전형 반도체층, 활성층 및 제2 도전형 반도체층을 따라 형성된 외부 측벽을 가지는 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀; 제1 도전형 반도체층에 접촉하며 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀에 제1 전기 접촉 경로를 제공하는 제1 콘택층; 제2 도전형 반도체층에 접촉하며 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀에 제2 전기 접촉 경로를 제공하는 제2 콘택층; 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀의 외부 측벽을 덮도록 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀의 측면들 상에 형성된 제1 절연층; 및 반도체 적층 구조 발광셀의 측면들 상에서 제1 절연층을 덮는 제2 절연층을 포함한다.

10-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101986982B1

30-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100638666B1

17-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR2011031098A2
Автор: NAM, Ki-Hyun

Disclosed is a semiconductor light emitting device. The semiconductor light emitting device comprises: a substrate; a plurality of semiconductor layers which are formed on an upper surface of the substrate and includes active layers for emitting the light by recombining electrons and holes; a metal layer which is formed on a lower surface of the substrate to reflect the light penetrating the substrate; a first material layer which is positioned between the lower surface of the substrate and the metal layer, and is formed with SiO2; a second material layer which is positioned between the first material layer and the metal layer, and is formed with TiO2; and a third material layer which is positioned between the second material layer and the metal layer, and is formed with SiO2. The semiconductor light emitting device is characterized in that the first, second, and the third material layers are sequentially stacked from the lower surface of the substrate in the downward direction and have ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100576856B1

23-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200030904A

03-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120031361A

PURPOSE: A light emitting diode with high efficiency is provided to improve reflective efficiency inside a substrate by forming a light reflective structure in a substrate and an electrode pad. CONSTITUTION: A buffer layer(120) is formed on a substrate(110). An n-type semiconductor layer(130) is formed on the buffer layer. An active layer(140) is formed on the n-type semiconductor layer. A p-type semiconductor layer(150) is formed on the active layer. A transparent electrode layer(160) is formed on the p-type semiconductor layer. An electrode pad(170) is formed on the transparent electrode layer. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190100062A

14-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150039926A

18-11-2014 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020140132517A

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160023560A

A semiconductor light emitting element for preventing an increase in the thickness of a device includes a substrate, a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, a first light emitting layer, a first conductivity layer, a third semiconductor layer, a fourth semiconductor layer, a second light emitting layer, a second conductivity layer, a first member, and a second member. The first member includes a first end part and a second end part. The first end part is located between the first substrate and the first conductive layer and is electrically connected to the first conductive layer. The second end part is not overlapped with the second conductive layer. The second member includes a third end part and a four end part. The third end part is located between the substrate and the second conductive layer and is electrically connected to the second conductive layer. The fourth end part is electrically connected to the second end part. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160007927A

Disclosed is a semiconductor light emitting device. The semiconductor light emitting device includes: multiple semiconductor layers having a first semiconductor layer with first conductivity, a second semiconductor layer with second conductivity different from the first conductivity, and an active layer installed between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer and generating light by recombination of an electron and a hole, wherein the first semiconductor layer, the second semiconductor layer, and the third semiconductor layer are formed on a growth substrate in order; a nonconductive reflecting film formed on the semiconductor layers to reflect light generated in the active layer to the growth substrate; a first electrode formed on the nonconductive reflecting film and supplying one of the electron and the hole, wherein the first electrode is electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer; and a second electrode formed on the nonconductive reflecting film ...

15-07-2020 дата публикации

Light emitting diode and method for fabricating the same

Номер: KR1020200085895A

04-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120072711A

PURPOSE: A light emitting diode chip and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to improve luminous efficiency in a package by transmitting light generated in an active layer and reflecting light whose wavelength is converted. CONSTITUTION: A light emitting structure(30) is located on the upper side of a substrate(21). A light emitting structure includes a first conductive semiconductor layer(25), a second conductive semiconductor layer(29), and an active layer(27). A buffer layer(23) is interposed between the substrate and the first conductive semiconductor layer. A transparent electrode layer(31) is located on a second conductive semiconductor layer. A first electrode pad(33) is located on the first conductive semiconductor layer. A bottom structure(43) is located on the lower side of the substrate. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190094471A

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140029490A

13-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160053346A

According to an embodiment of the present invention, provided is a nano-structure semiconductor light emitting device, comprising: a base layer composed of a first conductivity-type semiconductor; an insulation layer which comprises a first area and a second area, wherein the first area is arranged on an upper surface of the base layer and has a plurality of openings, and the second area is placed on each of the openings and is spaced apart from the first area; a dielectric nano-core arranged in the second area; and a plurality of nano light emitting structures having a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer consecutively stacked on the dielectric nano-core. According to the present invention, the nano-structure semiconductor light emitting device is able to alleviate a current leakage problem. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

08-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130046755A

07-06-2018 дата публикации

반도체 소자, 반도체 소자 패키지, 및 이를 포함하는 조명 시스템

Номер: KR1020180061373A

... 실시예에 따른 반도체 소자는 기판과, 상기 기판 상에 배치되는 버퍼층과, 상기 버퍼층 상에 배치되며 제1 도전형 반도체층, 제2 도전형 반도체층 및 상기 제1 도전형 반도체층과 상기 제2 도전형 반도체층 사이에 배치되어 자외선 광을 방출하는 활성층을 발광 구조물과, 상기 버퍼층 내에 배치되는 복수의 에어 보이드를 포함하고, 상기 에어 보이드는 2개 이상의 경사면을 가지도록 형성될 수 있다.

17-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190052887A

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080005729A

PURPOSE: A high power light emitting diode package and a manufacturing method thereof are provided to improve light collecting efficiency of the LED package by preventing interference between light beams from adjacent LED chips. CONSTITUTION: A high power light emitting diode package includes plural LED chips(105), first and second lead frames(102,103), a body member(101), and a bonding wire(106). The LED chips are mounted on the first lead frame. The second lead frame is arranged to be apart from the first lead frame by a predetermined distance. The first and second lead frames are fixed on the body member. The bonding wire electrically couples the LED chips with each other. The body member includes first and second reflectors. The first reflector(107) encloses the respective LED chips and includes an inner sidewall, which is slanted toward an upper portion thereof. The second reflector(104) encloses all of the LED chips and includes an inner sidewall, which is slanted toward an upper ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180051878A

The present disclosure relates to a manufacturing method of a semiconductor light emitting device. The manufacturing method comprises the steps of: arranging a semiconductor light emitting device chip in each opening of a mask having a plurality of openings formed therein, and arranging, in the openings, a plurality of semiconductor layers for generating light by recombination of electrons and holes and a semiconductor light emitting device chip having electrodes electrically connected to the semiconductor layers; injecting an encapsulation material into the opening of the mask in which the semiconductor light emitting device chip is arranged; separating the semiconductor light emitting device chip combined with the encapsulation material from the mask to transfer the semiconductor light emitting device chip to the fixing plate; applying a reflective material between the semiconductor light emitting device chips combined with the encapsulation material to form a reflective layer; and separating ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140113850A

07-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100060426A

PURPOSE: A light emitting diode is provided to improve the polarization of a light without interfering forming an electrode by radiating a controlled light having only a specific polarization direction. CONSTITUTION: A phase delay layer(103) is arranged on a reflection layer. A first wire grid polarizer comprises a plurality of conductive wire and is arranged on a phase delay layer. A lighting-emitting region(110) is arranged on the first wire grid polarizer. A second wire grid polarizer comprises a plurality of conductive wires and is arranged on the lighting-emitting region. The conductive wires of the first wire grid polarizer and conductive wires of the second wire grid polarizer are arranged in a slant angle. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Light emitting apparatus and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: TW0201631800A

The present disclosure provides a light-emitting apparatus, comprising a light emitting structure, the light emitting structure comprising a first conductive layer, an active layer, and a second conductive layer, the active layer being disposed on the first conductive layer and being a light emitting layer, the second conductive layer being disposed on the active layer; a first metal layer, the first metal layer being disposed on the light emitting structure and electrically-connected to the first conductive layer; and a second metal layer, the second metal layer being disposed on the light emitting structure and electrically-connected to the second conductive layer; wherein the first metal layer or the second metal layer has a rough surface, and the rough surface has a surface roughness between 0.5 and 5 microns.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting diode and method of producing the same

Номер: US20120007116A1
Принадлежит: Dowa Electronics Materials Co Ltd

A semiconductor light emitting diode including: a support substrate; an intermediate layer including an intermediate electrode portion, a second conductive semiconductor layer, an active layer, a first conductive semiconductor layer and an upper electrode portion sequentially disposed on the upper surface side of the support substrate in this order; and a lower electrode layer provided on the lower surface side of the support substrate, where: the intermediate layer has at least one intermediate electrode portion extending linearly or in an island-like shape; and the upper electrode portion and the intermediate electrode portion are disposed in such a positional relationship that these electrode portions are in parallel with and offset from each other and a distance between the upper electrode portion and the intermediate electrode portion is within the range of 10 μm to 50 μm.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

High-reflectivity and low-defect density LED structure

Номер: US20120043522A1
Принадлежит: HIGH POWER OPTO Inc

The present invention discloses a high-reflectivity and low-defect density LED structure. A patterned dielectric layer is embedded in a sapphire substrate via semiconductor processes, such as etching and deposition. The dielectric layer is formed of two materials which are alternately stacked and have different refractive indexes. An N-type semiconductor layer, an activation layer and a light emitting layer which is a P-type semiconductor layer are sequentially formed on the sapphire substrate. An N-type electrode and a P-type electrode are respectively coated on the N-type semiconductor layer and the P-type semiconductor layer. The dielectric layer can lower the defect density of the light emitting layer during the epitaxial growth process. Further, the dielectric layer can function as a high-reflectivity area to reflect light generated by the light emitting layer and the light is projected downward to be emitted from the top or the lateral. Thereby is greatly increased the light-extraction efficiency.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Optoelectronic semiconductor bodies having a reflective layer system

Номер: US20120049228A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An optoelectronic semiconductor body ( 1 ) having an active semiconductor layer sequence ( 10 ) and a reflective layer system ( 20 ) is described. The reflective layer system ( 20 ) comprises a first radiation-permeable layer ( 21 ), which adjoins the semiconductor layer sequence ( 10 ), and a metal layer ( 23 ) on the side of the first radiation-permeable layer ( 21 ) facing away from the semiconductor layer sequence ( 10 ). The first radiation-permeable layer ( 21 ) contains a first dielectric material. Between the first radiation-permeable layer ( 21 ) and the metal layer ( 23 ) there is disposed a second radiation-permeable layer ( 22 ) which contains an adhesion-improving material. The metal layer ( 23 ) is applied directly to the adhesion-improving material. The adhesion-improving material differs from the first dielectric material and is selected such that the adhesion of the metal layer ( 23 ) is improved in comparison with the adhesion on the first dielectric material.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Solid state lighting devices with improved contacts and associated methods of manufacturing

Номер: US20120049756A1
Автор: Martin F. Schubert
Принадлежит: Micron Technology Inc

Solid state lighting (“SSL”) devices with improved contacts and associated methods of manufacturing are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, an SSL device includes an SSL structure having a first semiconductor material, a second semiconductor material spaced apart from the first semiconductor material, and an active region between the first and second semiconductor materials. The SSL device also includes a first contact on the first semiconductor material and a second contact on the second semiconductor material, where the first and second contacts define the current flow path through the SSL structure. The first or second contact is configured to provide a current density profile in the SSL structure based on a target current density profile.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120086029A1
Автор: Chang-Hsin Chu, Kuo-Hui Yu
Принадлежит: Chi Mei Lighting Technology Corp

A light-emitting diode (LED) device includes a substrate and an epitaxial layer which is disposed on a surface of the substrate. A depression is disposed to a sidewall of the LED device, and a reflective layer is disposed to on least one portion of the depression. By the reflective layer disposed to the depression of the sidewall of the LED device, the light loss caused by the interface of the substrate and the epitaxial layer can be reduced, the light absorbed by the substrate can be decreased, and the angle of the light exiting from the LED device can be adjusted. A manufacturing method of the LED device is also disclosed.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing light emitting chip

Номер: US20120100648A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A method for manufacturing light emitting chips includes steps of: providing a substrate having a plurality of separate epitaxy islands thereon, wherein the epitaxy islands are spaced from each other by channels; filling the channels with an insulation material; sequentially forming a reflective layer, a transition layer and a base on the insulation material and the epitaxy islands; removing the substrate and the insulation material to expose the channels; and cutting the reflective layer, the transition layer and the base to form a plurality of individual chips along the channels.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement for emitting mixed light

Номер: US20120134134A1

An arrangement for emitting mixed light including a primary and secondary radiation with at least one first electroluminescent light-source for emitting first primary radiation, at least one second electroluminescent light-source for emitting second primary radiation, and a light-converting element for absorbing at least one of the primary radiations and re-emitting the secondary radiation. The light-converting element is arranged so that the entire proportion of primary radiation in the mixed light passes through the light-converting element. The light-converting element is a ceramic light-converting material whose microstructure is selected to be such that the color point of the mixed light of primary and second radiation is substantially independent of the angle of viewing.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Epitaxial Structure With An Epitaxial Defect Barrier Layer And Methods Making The Same

Номер: US20120138947A1
Принадлежит: Aqualite Co Ltd

An epitaxial structure for an LED is provided. The epitaxial structure includes a patterned epitaxial defect barrier layer disposed over a first portion of a substantially flat substrate to expose a second portion of the substrate. The epitaxial structure also includes a patterned buffer layer over the second portion of the substrate. The epitaxial structure further includes a first semiconductor layer over the patterned buffer layer and the patterned epitaxial defect barrier layer, an active layer over the first semiconductor layer, and a second semiconductor layer over the active layer.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting device and method for producing light emitting device

Номер: US20120175590A1
Автор: Ryo Saeki
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A method for producing a light-emitting device, includes: performing, on a first substrate made of III-V group compound semiconductor, crystal growth of a laminated body including an etching easy layer contiguous to the first substrate and a light-emitting layer made of nitride semiconductor; bonding a second substrate and the laminated body; and detaching the second substrate provided with the light-emitting layer from the first substrate by, one of removing the etching easy layer by using a solution etching method, and removing the first substrate and the etching easy layer by using mechanical polishing method.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20120175591A1
Автор: Jeong Soon Yim
Принадлежит: Yim Jeong Soon

A light emitting device including a substrate, a first conductive semiconductor layer on the substrate, an active layer on the first conductive semiconductor layer, a second conductive semiconductor layer on the active layer, and a reflective layer under the substrate and including a light reflection pattern configured to reflect light emitted by the active layer in directions away from the reflective layer.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Led with remote phosphor layer and reflective submount

Номер: US20120181565A1

A light emitting device comprises a flip-chip light emitting diode (LED) die mounted on a submount. The top surface of the submount has a reflective layer. Over the LED die is molded a hemispherical first transparent layer. A low index of refraction layer is then provided over the first transparent layer to provide TIR of phosphor light. A hemispherical phosphor layer is then provided over the low index layer. A lens is then molded over the phosphor layer. The reflection achieved by the reflective submount layer, combined with the TIR at the interface of the high index phosphor layer and the underlying low index layer, greatly improves the efficiency of the lamp. Other material may be used. The low index layer may be an air gap or a molded layer. Instead of a low index layer, a distributed Bragg reflector may be sputtered over the first transparent layer.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode element and light-emitting diode device

Номер: US20120217527A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A light-emitting diode element includes an optical semiconductor layer, an electrode unit to be connected to the optical semiconductor layer, and an encapsulating resin layer that encapsulates the optical semiconductor layer and the electrode unit, the encapsulating resin layer containing a light reflection component.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

High performance light emitting diode

Номер: US20120241718A1

A vertical light emitting diodes (LEDs) with new construction for reducing the current crowding effect and increasing the light extraction efficiency (LEE) of the LEDs is provided. By providing at least one current blocking portion corresponded to an electrode, the current flows from the electrode may be diffused or distributed more laterally instead of straight downward directly under the electrode and the current crowding effect could be reduced thereby. By providing at least one current blocking portion covered by a mirror layer to form an omni-directional reflective (ODR) structure, the internal light of the LEDs may be reflected by the ODR structure and the LEE could be increased thereby.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device and head mount display device

Номер: US20120248464A1
Принадлежит: Oki Data Corp

A semiconductor light emitting device includes a thin-film semiconductor light emitting element, a substrate, a first insulation layer having a surface to which the thin-film semiconductor light emitting element is bonded, a first metal layer composed of aluminum and disposed on a side of the first insulation layer facing the substrate, and a second insulation layer disposed between the first insulation layer and the first metal layer.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode device and producing method thereof

Номер: US20120248484A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method for producing a light emitting diode device includes the steps of preparing a base board; allowing a light semiconductor layer where an electrode portion is provided at one side in a thickness direction to be disposed in opposed relation to the base board, and the electrode portion to be electrically connected to a terminal, so that the light semiconductor layer is flip-chip mounted on the base board; forming an encapsulating resin layer containing a light reflecting component at the other side of the base board so as to cover the light semiconductor layer and the electrode portion; removing the other side portion of the encapsulating resin layer so as to expose the light semiconductor layer; and forming a phosphor layer formed in a sheet state so as to be in contact with the other surface of the light semiconductor layer.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode epitaxial structure and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120261696A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A light emitting device (LED) epitaxial structure includes a substrate, a nitride semiconductor layer, a patterned oxide total-reflective layer, a first-type semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second-type semiconductor layer. The nitride semiconductor layer is formed on the substrate. The patterned oxide total-reflective layer is formed on the nitride semiconductor layer. An upper surface of the nitride semiconductor layer is partially exposed out from the oxide total-reflective layer. The first-type semiconductor layer is arranged on the exposed upper surface of the nitride semiconductor layer and covers the oxide total-reflective layer. The active layer is arranged on the first-type semiconductor layer. The second-type semiconductor layer is arranged on the active layer.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Phosphor reflecting sheet, light emitting diode device, and producing method thereof

Номер: US20120261700A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A phosphor reflecting sheet provides a phosphor layer on one side in a thickness direction of a light emitting diode element and provides a reflecting resin layer at the side of the light emitting diode element. The phosphor reflecting sheet includes the phosphor layer and the reflecting resin layer provided on one surface in the thickness direction of the phosphor layer. The reflecting resin layer is formed corresponding to the light emitting diode element so as to be disposed in opposed relation to the side surface of the light emitting diode element.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting semiconductor device and package thereof

Номер: US20120299043A1
Автор: Chia-Liang Hsu
Принадлежит: Individual

The present application discloses a light-emitting semiconductor device including a transparent layer having an upper surface, a lower surface, and a sidewall; a wavelength conversion structure arranged on the upper surface; an epitaxial structure arranged on the lower surface and having a side surface devoid of the transparent layer and the wavelength conversion structure; and a reflective wall arranged to cover the sidewall.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Led lamps

Номер: US20120305978A1
Автор: Hassan P.A. Salam
Принадлежит: Epistar Corp

A high power LED lamp has a GaN chip placed over an AlGaInP chip. A reflector is placed between the two chips. Each of the chips has trenches diverting light for output. The chip pair can be arranged to produce white light having a spectral distribution in the red to blue region that is close to that of daylight. Also, the chip pair can be used to provide an RGB lamp or a red-amber-green traffic lamp. The active regions of both chips can be less than 50 microns away from a heat sink.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for Reducing Stress in Epitaxial Growth

Номер: US20120319160A1
Автор: Steven D. Lester
Принадлежит: Individual

A device and method for making the same are disclosed. The device includes a substrate having a first TEC, a stress relief layer overlying the substrate, and crystalline cap layer. The crystalline cap layer overlies the stress relief layer. The cap layer has a second TEC different from the first TEC. The stress relief layer includes an amorphous material that relieves stress between the crystalline substrate and the cap layer arising from differences in the first and second TECs at a growth temperature at which layers are grown epitaxially on the cap layer. The device can be used to construct various semiconductor devices including GaN LEDs that are fabricated on silicon or SiC wafers. The stress relief layer is generated by converting a layer of precursor material on the substrate after the cap layer has been grown to a stress-relief layer.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device and lighting system with the same

Номер: US20130001615A1
Автор: Shin Kim
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Embodiments provide a light emitting device including a light emitting structure having a first conduction type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conduction type semiconductor layer, a metal filter of an irregular pattern on the light emitting structure, and openings between the irregular patterns in the metal filter.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emmiting device

Номер: US20130015480A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, in a semiconductor light emitting device, a substrate has a first surface and a second surface to face to each other, and side surfaces each having a first region extending approximately vertically from the first surface toward the second surface side and a second region sloping broadly from the first region toward the second surface side. A semiconductor laminated body is provided on the first surface of the substrate and includes a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type which are laminated in the order. A reflection film is provided on the second surface of the substrate.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Posts in glue layer for group-iii nitride leds

Номер: US20130020597A1

A semiconductor light emitting device and a method for making the semiconductor light emitting device are described. The semiconductor light emitting device includes an epitaxial structure having a first type doped layer, a light emitting layer, and a second type doped layer. The epitaxial structure may further include an undoped layer. A substrate is bonded to at least one surface of the epitaxial structure with an adhesive layer. One or more posts are located in the adhesive layer. The posts may have different widths depending on the location of the posts and/or the posts may only be located under certain portions of the epitaxial structure.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Resonant Optical Cavity Semiconductor Light Emitting Device

Номер: US20130032825A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a light emitting device apparatus and method of fabrication. The structure employs a waveguide in the lateral (x) direction formed via materials index, resonant wavelength and/or current-induced index changes. In the vertical (y) direction a resonant optical cavity is formed via distributed Bragg reflector and/or metal mirrors with sufficient reflectivity so as to create a substantial standing wave. The light is thereby constricted to propagate in the longitudinal (z) direction. A tapered output section may be employed to suppress lasing in the longitudinal direction or to losslessly transfer the light from the confined section to a resonant output coupler. Conversely, feedback may be employed to induce lasing in the longitudinal direction by suitable means, such as a periodic variation in the material index, resonant wavelength, gain or loss. The resonant output coupler may be formed by suitable means, such as mirror or cavity modulation.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20130033870A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A light emitting device, comprises an element mounting substrate with a circuit pattern at least on an element mounting surface of the element mounting substrate, a light emitting element mounted on the element mounting surface of the element mounting substrate and connected with the circuit pattern, a sealing member that seals the light emitting element and is bonded on the element mounting surface, and a coating layer that covers the element mounting side of the element mounting substrate inside the sealing member, wherein the coating layer has its refractive index smaller than that of the sealing member.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087825A1

A light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive used for anisotropic conductive connection of a light-emitting element to a wiring board includes a thermosetting resin composition containing a silicone resin and a curing agent, conductive particles and light-reflective insulating particles. The light-reflective insulating particle is at least one kind of inorganic particles selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide, boron nitride, zinc oxide, silicon oxide, and aluminum oxide. The silicone resin is a glycidyloxyalkyl-alicyclic alkyl-modified organopolysiloxane. 1. A light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive used for anisotropic conductive connection of a light-emitting element to a wiring board , the light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive comprising: a thermosetting resin composition containing a silicone resin and a curing agent; conductive particles; and light-reflective insulating particles , wherein the silicone resin is a glycidyloxyalkyl-alicyclic alkyl-modified organopolysiloxane.2. The light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the light-reflective insulating particle is at least one kind of inorganic particles selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , silicon oxide claim 1 , and aluminum oxide.3. The light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive according to claim 2 , wherein the light-reflective insulating particle is a titanium oxide particle.4. The light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the light-reflective insulating particle has a spherical shape or a scale-like shape.5. The light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the light-reflective insulating particle has a spherical shape claim 1 , a particle diameter thereof is 0.02 to 20 μm.6. The light-reflective anisotropic conductive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20130105828A1
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Disclosed is a light emitting device including a light emitting structure including a plurality of light emitting regions including a first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer, and a plurality of boundary regions disposed between the light emitting regions, a first electrode unit disposed on the first semiconductor layer in one of the light emitting regions, a second electrode unit disposed on the second semiconductor layer in another of the light emitting regions, at least one connection electrode to electrically connect the first semiconductor layer of one of adjacent light emitting regions to the second semiconductor layer of the other thereof, and an intermediate pad disposed on the first semiconductor layer or the second semiconductor layer in at least one of the light emitting regions, wherein the light emitting regions are connected in series through the connection electrode.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105841A1

A light-reflective conductive particle for an anisotropic conductive adhesive used for connecting a light-emitting element to a wiring board by anisotropic conductive connection includes a core particle covered with a metal material and a light reflecting layer formed of a light-reflective inorganic particle having a refractive index of 1.52 or greater on the surface of the core particle. Examples of the light-reflective inorganic particles having a refractive index of 1.52 or greater include a titanium oxide particle, a zinc oxide particle, and an aluminum oxide particle. The coverage of the light reflecting layer on the surface of the core particle is 70% or more. 1. A light-reflective conductive particle for an anisotropic conductive adhesive used for connecting a light-emitting element to a wiring board by anisotropic conductive connection , wherein the light-reflective conductive particle comprises a core particle covered with a metal material and a light reflecting layer formed of a light-reflective inorganic particle having a refractive index of 1.52 or greater on a surface of the core particle , and a coverage of the surface of the core particle covered with the light reflecting layer is 70% or greater.2. The light-reflective conductive particle according to claim 1 , wherein the metal material with which the core particle is covered is gold claim 1 , nickel or copper.3. The light-reflective conductive particle according to claim 1 , wherein the core particle itself is a gold claim 1 , nickel or copper particle.4. The light-reflective conductive particle according to claim 1 , wherein the core particle is a particle fowled from a resin particle covered with gold claim 1 , nickel or copper.5. The light-reflective conductive particle according to claim 1 , wherein the core particle has a particle diameter of 1 to 20 μm claim 1 , and the light reflecting layer has a thickness of 0.5 to 50% of the particle diameter of the core particle.6. The light-reflective ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107132A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A light source capable of solving a problem in which the etendue is increased when random polarization is converted into a specific polarization is provided. A relief structure that functions as surface plasmon excitation means for exciting a surface plasmon by a specific polarization component in a polarization direction perpendicular to a first direction in an interface between metal layer and first cover layer in light from emission layer incident on the interface is formed at the interface. The relief structure is periodic in a second direction. Projections A of the relief structure are extended along the first direction. A light generation means for generating light having the same polarization component as the particular polarization component from the surface plasmon generated at the interface between metal layer and first cover layer according to the surface plasmon excited by the particular polarization component through the surface plasmon excitation means is formed at the interface between metal layer and second cover layer 1. A light source comprising:an emission layer; anda first transparent dielectric layer, a metal layer and a second transparent dielectric layer stacked in this order on said emission layer,wherein a relief structure that functions as surface plasmon excitation means for exciting a surface plasmon by a particular polarization component, in a polarization direction perpendicular to a first direction coplanar with an interface between said metal layer and said first transparent dielectric layer, in light from said emission layer incident on the interface is formed at the interface, the relief structure being periodic in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction in the interface, respective projections of the relief structure being extended along the first direction, andwherein light generation means for generating light having the same polarization component as the particular polarization component from the surface plasmon ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device and fabrication method thereof

Номер: US20130113005A1

A semiconductor light emitting device and a fabrication method thereof are provided. The semiconductor light emitting device includes a light emitting structure including a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer. A reflective structure is formed on the light emitting structure and includes a nano-rod layer comprised of a plurality of nano-rods and air filling space between the plurality of nano-rods and a reflective metal layer formed on the nano-rod layer.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device and fabrication method thereof

Номер: US20130113006A1

A semiconductor light emitting device include an n-type semiconductor layer, an active layer disposed on the n-type semiconductor layer, and a first p-type semiconductor layer disposed on the active layer. The first p-type semiconductor layer has an uneven structure formed on a surface thereof. A second p-type semiconductor layer has an impurity concentration higher than that of the first p-type semiconductor layer. The second p-type semiconductor layer is disposed on the first p-type semiconductor layer and has an uneven structure formed on a surface thereof. A reflective metal layer is formed on the second p-type semiconductor layer.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting element, lamp, electronic device and machine

Номер: US20130113012A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A semiconductor light-emitting element ( 1 ) is provided which includes a semiconductor layer ( 10 ), an n-type electrode ( 18 ) which is provided on an exposed surface ( 12 a ) of an n-type semiconductor layer, wherein an exposed surface is exposed by removing a part of the semiconductor layer ( 10 ), a transparent conductive film which is provided on the semiconductor layer ( 10 ) and a p-type electrode ( 17 ) which is provided on the transparent conductive film; a light-reflecting layer ( 39 ) is provided between the semiconductor layer ( 10 ) and the transparent conductive film, wherein at least part of the light-reflecting layer overlaps with the p-type electrode ( 17 ) in the planar view; the p-type electrode ( 17 ) comprises a pad portion (P) and a linear portion (L) which linearly extends from the pad portion (P) and has an annular structure in the planar view; the n-type electrode ( 18 ) exists in an inner area which is surrounded by the linear portion (L) and exists on a straight line (L 1 ) which goes through a center ( 17 a ) of the pad portion (P) and a center ( 10 a ) of the semiconductor layer ( 10 ); and the distance (D 3 ) between the center ( 18 a ) of the n-type electrode ( 18 ) and the center ( 17 a ) of the pad portion (P) is greater than or equal to the distance (D 4 ) between the center ( 17 a ) of the pad portion (P) and the center ( 10 a ) of the semiconductor layer ( 10 ).

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126928A1

A light emitting diode chip includes a substrate, an epitaxial layer, two inclined plane units, and two electrode units. The substrate has top and bottom surfaces. The epitaxial layer is disposed on the top surface of the substrate. Each of the inclined plane units is inclined downwardly and outwardly from the epitaxial layer toward the bottom surface of the substrate, and includes an inclined sidewall formed on the epitaxial layer, and a substrate inclined wall formed on the substrate. Each of the electrode units includes an electrode disposed on the epitaxial layer, and a conductive portion extending from the electrode to the substrate inclined wall along corresponding one of the inclined plane units. 1. A method for packaging a light emitting diode chip , comprising the steps of:(A) mounting a light emitting diode chip in a reflective cup;(B) disposing two conductive pieces respectively on two electrodes of the light emitting diode chip, such that the conductive pieces protrude out of the reflective cup;(C) filling a light-transmissive encapsulant into the reflective cup to encapsulate the light emitting diode chip and to overlie the two conductive pieces;{'b': '49', '(D) curing the light-transmissive encapsulant (); and'}(E) polishing the cured light-transmissive encapsulant so as to cause the conductive pieces to be exposed from, and to be flush with, a polished surface of the light-transmissive encapsulant.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step (F) of forming two upper conductive portions that are respectively connected to the two conductive pieces claim 1 , and that extend along the polished surface for electrical connection with external electrodes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the conductive pieces is a metal ball with a height ranging from 50 to 100 μm claim 1 , approximately.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflective cup in step (A) is made by the steps of:(a1) forming a protective portion on a package substrate;(a2) ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134467A1

An element-connecting board is a lead frame for allowing a light emitting diode element to be connected to one side thereof in a thickness direction. The element-connecting board includes the lead frame which is provided with a plurality of leads disposed with spaces from each other and a first insulating resin portion which is light reflective and fills the spaces. 1. An element-connecting board comprising:a lead frame for allowing a light emitting diode element to be connected to one side thereof in a thickness direction, which is provided with a plurality of leads disposed with spaces from each other, anda first insulating resin portion which is light reflective and fills the spaces.2. The element-connecting board according to claim 1 , whereinthe first insulating resin portion is formed from a reflecting resin composition containing an encapsulating resin composition and a light reflecting component.3. The element-connecting board according to claim 1 , whereina second insulating resin portion which is disposed at the other surface in the thickness direction and/or the side surface of the lead frame is further included.4. A light emitting diode device comprising:an element-connecting board including a lead frame which is provided with a plurality of leads disposed with spaces from each other and a first insulating resin portion which is light reflective and fills the spaces, anda light emitting diode element connected to one surface in a thickness direction of the lead frame.5. The light emitting diode device according to claim 4 , whereinan encapsulating sheet which is formed at one side in the thickness direction of the element-connecting board and encapsulates the light emitting diode element is further included.6. A method for producing an element-connecting board comprising the steps of:preparing a lead frame provided with a plurality of leads disposed with spaces from each other and a joint connecting a plurality of the leads,allowing a first insulating ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing an optoelectronic semiconductor chip, and optoelectronic semiconductor chip

Номер: US20130140598A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A method for producing an optoelectronic semiconductor chip is specified, comprising the following steps: providing an n-conducting layer ( 2 ), arranging a p-conducting layer ( 4 ) on the n-conducting layer ( 2 ), arranging a metal layer sequence ( 5 ) on the p-conducting layer ( 4 ),arranging a mask ( 6 ) at that side of the metal layer sequence ( 5 ) which is remote from the p-conducting layer ( 4 ),in places removing the metal layer sequence ( 5 ) and uncovering the p-conducting layer ( 4 ) using the mask ( 6 ), and in places neutralizing or removing the uncovered regions ( 4 a ) of the p-conducting layer ( 4 ) as far as the n-conducting layer ( 2 ) using the mask ( 6 ), wherein the metal layer sequence ( 5 ) comprises at least one mirror layer ( 51 ) and a barrier layer ( 52 ), and the mirror layer ( 51 ) of the metal layer sequence ( 5 ) faces the p-conducting layer ( 4 ).

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146917A1
Автор: Chinone Takako

A semiconductor light emitting device includes: a semiconductor lamination including a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, an active layer formed on the first semiconductor layer, and a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type formed on the active layer; a rhodium (Rh) layer formed on one surface of the semiconductor lamination; a light reflecting layer containing Ag, formed on the Rh layer and having an area smaller than the Rh layer; and a cap layer covering the light reflecting layer. Migration of Ag is suppressed. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a semiconductor lamination including a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, an active layer formed on the first semiconductor layer, and a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type formed on the active layer;a rhodium (Rh) layer formed on one surface of the semiconductor lamination;a light reflecting layer containing Ag, formed on the Rh layer and having an area smaller than the Rh layer; anda cap layer covering the light reflecting layer to encapsulate the light reflecting layer together with the Rh layer.2. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the light reflecting layer has a larger in-plan area at a side near the Rh layer than at a side near the cap layer.3. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a support substrate;a eutectic layer coupling the cap layer with the support substrate; anda wiring electrode layer formed on another surface of the semiconductor lamination.4. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the Rh layer has a thickness in a range of 0.1 nm to 1 nm.5. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting device comprising steps of:(a) preparing a growth substrate;(b) growing a semiconductor lamination on the growth substrate, including a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity type, an active ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146922A1

Disclosed is a semiconductor light emitting device. The light emitting device includes a first conductive type semiconductor layer; an active layer on the first conductive type semiconductor layer; and a first electrode pad including a plurality of reflective layers on the first conductive type semiconductor layer. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a first semiconductor layer having nitride material;a second semiconductor layer having nitride material;an active layer between the first and second semiconductor layers;an electrode layer on a central area of a surface of the second semiconductor layer;a first electrode pad on the first semiconductor layer; anda second electrode pad on a peripheral area of the surface of the second semiconductor layer,wherein the first electrode pad includes a first adhesive layer and a first barrier layer,wherein the second electrode pad includes a third reflective layer and a second barrier layer, andwherein the electrode layer includes a light transmissive material.2. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the edge portion of the second electrode pad is contacted with the electrode layer.3. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the second electrode pad includes a second adhesive layer over the second semiconductor layer.4. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second semiconductor layers are of different conductivity types.5. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive layer is in direct contact with the first semiconductor layer.6. The light emitting device of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the first semiconductor layer is greater in width than the second semiconductor layer.7. The light emitting device of claim 6 , wherein a first portion of the first semiconductor layer has a first width and a second portion of the first semiconductor layer has a second width claim 6 , and wherein the first width is greater than a width of the second semiconductor layer and ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146925A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Opto Device Co., Ltd.

A light-emitting diode (LED) according to an exemplary embodiment includes a light-emitting structure arranged on a first surface of a substrate, the light-emitting structure including a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer, and an active layer interposed between the first conductivity-type semiconductor layer and the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer. A first distributed Bragg reflector is arranged on a second surface of the substrate opposite to the first surface, the first distributed Bragg reflector to reflect light emitted from the light-emitting structure. The first distributed Bragg reflector has a reflectivity of at least 90% with respect to blue, green, and red light. 1. A light-emitting diode (LED) , comprising:a substrate having a first surface and an opposing second surface; a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer;', 'a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer; and', 'an active layer interposed between the first conductivity-type semiconductor layer and the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer;, 'a light-emitting structure disposed on the first surface of the substrate, the light-emitting structure comprisingrefractive index-grading layers covering at least a portion of the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer, the refractive index-grading layers having different refractive indices from each other; anda distributed Bragg reflector disposed on the second surface of the substrate,wherein the first distributed Bragg reflector has a reflectivity of at least 90% with respect to blue light, green light, and red light.2. The LED of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index-grading layers are transparent to light generated in the light-emitting structure.3. The LED of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index-grading layers comprises:a first grading layer that is configured as a current spreading layer; anda second grading layer that is configured as an insulation layer.4. The ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor package structure

Номер: US20130153944A1

A semiconductor package structure includes an insulating substrate, a patterned conductive layer, a light emitting diode (LED) chip and a conductive connection part. The insulating substrate has an upper surface divided into an element configuration region and an element bonding region. The patterned conductive layer includes plural circuits located in the element configuration region and at least one bonding pad located in the element bonding region. The LED chip is flip chip bonded on the patterned conductive layer and electrically connected to the circuits. The conductive connection part has a first end point electrically connected to the bonding pad and a second end point electrically connected to an external circuit. The bonding pad and a corner of the LED chip are disposed correspondingly. A horizontal distance between an apex of the corner and the first end point of the conductive connection part is greater than or equal to 30 micrometers.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168710A1

A semiconductor light source device is provided. The semiconductor light source device includes a light guide, at least one semiconductor light source set and at least one light transformation coupler. The light transformation coupler is disposed between the semiconductor light source set and the light guide for guiding the light emitted from the semiconductor light source set to the light guide. The light transformation coupler has an inclined surface and a curved surface. The inclined surface is a multi-level inclined surface with several slopes. 1. A semiconductor light source device , comprising:a light guide;at least one semiconductor light source set; andat least one light transformation coupler disposed between the semiconductor light source set and the light guide for guiding a light emitted from the semiconductor light source set to the light guide;wherein the light transformation coupler has an inclined surface and a curved surface, and the inclined surface is a multi-level inclined surface with several slopes.2. The semiconductor light source device according to claim 1 , the inclined surface and the curved surface are used for reflecting the light emitted from the semiconductor light source set.3. The semiconductor light source device according to claim 2 , wherein the shape of the curved surface is spherical claim 2 , elliptic or parabolic.4. The semiconductor light source device according to claim 1 , wherein the light transformation coupler has a first terminal surface and a second terminal surface claim 1 , the shape of the first terminal surface is substantially the same with that of the semiconductor light source set claim 1 , and the shape of the second terminal surface is substantially the same with a cross-section of the light guide.5. The semiconductor light source device according to claim 4 , wherein the first terminal surface is contacted with the semiconductor light source set.6. The semiconductor light source device according to claim 4 , ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Led module

Номер: US20130175559A1
Автор: Masahiko Kobayakawa
Принадлежит: ROHM CO LTD

An LED module 101 is provided with an LED chip 200 that includes a sub-mount substrate 210 made of Si and a semiconductor layer 220 laminated on the sub-mount substrate 210 . The module also includes white resin 280 that does not transmit light from the semiconductor layer 220 and that covers at least part of a side of the sub-mount substrate 210 , where the side is connected to the surface on which the semiconductor layer 220 is laminated. These arrangements enhance the brightness of the LED module 101.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting Device

Номер: US20130176196A1

The invention provides a light emitting device which is capable of displaying on both sides, has a small volume, and is capable of being used as a module. A light emitting element represented by an EL element and the like is used in a pixel portion, and two pixel portions are provided in one light emitting device. A first pixel portion has a structure to emit light only from a counter electrode side of the light emitting element. A second pixel portion has a structure to emit light only from a pixel electrode side of the light emitting element. That is, in the first pixel portion and the second pixel portion, directions of light emission are reverse in front and back. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a display portion, the display portion comprising:a first pixel portion in which a plurality of first pixels are arranged in matrix over a substrate, each of the plurality of first pixels comprises a first light emitting element, wherein the first light emitting element comprises a first pixel electrode, a first electroluminescent layer, and a first counter electrode;a second pixel portion in which a plurality of second pixels are arranged in matrix over the substrate, each of the plurality of second pixels comprises a second light emitting element, wherein the second light emitting element comprises a second pixel electrode, a second electroluminescent layer, and a second counter electrode; anda driver circuit positioned between the first pixel portion and the second pixel portion,wherein the first pixel electrode comprises a first reflecting film and the second pixel electrode comprises a transparent film,wherein the second light emitting element further comprises a second reflecting film over the second counter electrode, andwherein a direction of light emission of the first pixel portion is different from a direction of light emission of the second pixel portion.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein an area of the first pixel portion is ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181194A1

Provided is an organic light emitting device. The organic light emitting device comprising a first light emitting part on a substrate, emitting a first light of a first wavelength, wherein the first light emitting part includes a transparent first electrode, a first organic light emitting layer, and a transparent second electrode sequentially stacked on the substrate, a second light emitting part on the first light emitting part, emitting a second light of a second wavelength, wherein the second light emitting part includes a transparent third electrode, a second organic light emitting layer, and a reflective fourth electrode sequentially stacked on the first light emitting part, and a fluorescent material disposed at least one between the substrate and the first light emitting part, and between the first light emitting part and second light emitting part. 1. An organic light emitting device comprising:a first light emitting part on a substrate, emitting a first light of a first wavelength, wherein the first light emitting part includes a transparent first electrode, a first organic light emitting layer, and a transparent second electrode sequentially stacked on the substrate;a second light emitting part on the first light emitting part, emitting a second light of a second wavelength, wherein the second light emitting part includes a transparent third electrode, a second organic light emitting layer, and a reflective fourth electrode sequentially stacked on the first light emitting part; anda fluorescent material disposed at least one between the substrate and the first light emitting part, and between the first light emitting part and second light emitting part, wherein the fluorescent material receives the first and second lights and generates the third light of a third wavelength different from the first and second wavelengths.2. The organic light emitting device of claim 1 , at least one of the first and second light emitting parts includes a micro-resonator ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode chip

Номер: US20130187183A1
Автор: Karl Engl, Lutz Höppel
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A light-emitting diode chip is specified, comprising an n-conducting region ( 1 ), a p-conducting region ( 2 ), an active region ( 3 ) between the n-conducting region ( 1 ) and the p-conducting region ( 2 ), a mirror layer ( 4 ) at that side of the p-conducting region ( 2 ) which is remote from the active region ( 3 ), an encapsulation layer ( 5 ) at that side of the mirror layer ( 4 ) which is remote from the p-conducting region ( 2 ), and a contact layer ( 6 ) at a side of the encapsulation layer ( 5 ) which is remote from the mirror layer ( 4 ), wherein the encapsulation layer ( 5 ) extends along a bottom area ( 43 ) of the mirror layer ( 4 ) which is remote from the p-conducting region ( 2 ) and a side area ( 42 ) of the mirror layer ( 4 ) which runs transversely with respect to the bottom area ( 43 ), and the contact layer ( 6 ) is freely accessible in places from its side facing the n-conducting region ( 1 ).

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221390A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A light-emitting diode chip having a semiconductor layer sequence having an active layer that generates electromagnetic radiation, wherein the light-emitting diode chip has, on a front side, a radiation exit surface, at least regions of the light-emitting diode chip have, on a rear side opposite the radiation exit surface, a mirror layer containing silver, a protective layer containing Pt is disposed on the mirror layer, and the protective layer has a structure that covers the mirror layer only in sub-regions. 1. A light-emitting diode chip comprising a semiconductor layer sequence having an active layer that generates electromagnetic radiation , whereinthe light-emitting diode chip has, on a front side, a radiation exit surface,at least regions of the light-emitting diode chip have, on a rear side opposite the radiation exit surface, a mirror layer containing silver,a protective layer containing Pt is disposed on the mirror layer, andthe protective layer has a structure that covers the mirror layer only in sub-regions.2. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer covers a surface proportion of 10% to 70% of the mirror layer.3. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 2 , wherein the protective layer covers a surface proportion of 30% to 50% of the mirror layer.4. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer has a thickness of 1 nm to 200 nm.5. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 4 , wherein the protective layer has a thickness of 10 nm to 40 nm.6. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer has a plurality of mutually spaced apart sub-regions claim 1 , and a spaced interval between adjacent sub-regions is on average 2 μm 20 μm.7. The light-emitting diode chip according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer has a plurality of openings claim 1 , and the openings have on average a lateral dimension of 2 μm to 20 μm.8. The light- ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224892A1

A system and method for manufacturing an LED is provided. A preferred embodiment includes a substrate with a distributed Bragg reflector formed over the substrate. A photonic crystal layer is formed over the distributed Bragg reflector to collimate the light that impinges upon the distributed Bragg reflector, thereby increasing the efficiency of the distributed Bragg reflector. A first contact layer, an active layer, and a second contact layer are preferably either formed over the photonic crystal layer or alternatively attached to the photonic crystal layer. 1. A method , comprising:forming a reflective layer over a substrate through a deposition process or an epitaxy process;forming a photonic crystal layer over the substrate, the forming of the photonic crystal layer further comprising: depositing a base material over the substrate and forming a lattice of dielectric material in the base material, wherein the lattice of dielectric material is formed so that the photonic crystal layer is homogenous with respect to a first direction and non-homogenous with respect to a second direction and a third direction; andforming a light-emitting diode over the photonic crystal layer or the reflective layer through a plurality of epitaxial growth processes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer is formed over the photonic crystal layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photonic crystal layer is formed over the reflective layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming of the reflective layer comprises forming a stack of alternating materials with alternating high and low refractive indices.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming of the photonic crystal layer is performed such that the first direction is perpendicular to the second and third directions.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the depositing of the base material comprises depositing GaN claim 1 , AlGaN claim 1 , or Si as the base material.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode chip having electrode pad

Номер: US20130234192A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Optodevice Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is an LED chip including electrode pads. The LED chip includes a semiconductor stack including a first conductive type semiconductor layer, a second conductive type semiconductor layer on the first conductive type semiconductor layer, and an active layer interposed between the first conductive type semiconductor layer and the second conductive type semiconductor layer; a first electrode pad located on the second conductive type semiconductor layer opposite to the first conductive type semiconductor layer; a first electrode extension extending from the first electrode pad and connected to the first conductive type semiconductor layer; a second electrode pad electrically connected to the second conductive type semiconductor layer; and an insulation layer interposed between the first electrode pad and the second conductive type semiconductor layer. The LED chip includes the first electrode pad on the second conductive type semiconductor layer, thereby increasing a light emitting area.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

(meth)acrylate composition

Номер: US20130237660A1
Принадлежит: Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd

Provided is a (meth)acrylate composition containing: (A) at least one (meth)acrylate compound selected from the group consisting of a (meth)acrylate-modified silicone oil, a (meth)acrylate having a long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbon group, and a polyalkylene glycol (meth)acrylate having number-average molecular weight of not less than 400; (B) a (meth)acrylate compound to which an alicyclic hydrocarbon group having 6 or more carbon atoms is ester-linked; (C) (meth)acrylic acid or a (meth)acrylate compound having a polar group; (D) a radical polymerization initiator; and (E) a white pigment.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240923A1

A light-emitting diode structure comprising: a substrate; a light-emitting semiconductor stack on the substrate, wherein the light-emitting semiconductor stack comprises a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer with different polarity from the first semiconductor layer, and a light-emitting layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer; a first electrical pad on the substrate, wherein the first electrical pad is apart from the light-emitting semiconductor stack and electrically connects to the first semiconductor layer; and a second electrical pad on the substrate, wherein the second electrical pad is apart from the light-emitting semiconductor stack and electrically connects to the second semiconductor layer, wherein the first electrical pad and the second electrical pad are not higher than the light-emitting semiconductor stack. 1. A light-emitting diode structure , comprising:a substrate;a light-emitting semiconductor stack on the substrate, wherein the light-emitting semiconductor stack comprises a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer with different polarity from the first semiconductor layer, and a light-emitting layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer;a first electrical pad on the substrate, wherein the first electrical pad is apart from the light-emitting semiconductor stack and electrically connects to the first semiconductor layer; anda second electrical pad on the substrate, wherein the second electrical pad is apart from the light-emitting semiconductor stack and electrically connects to the second semiconductor layer,wherein the first electrical pad and the second electrical pad are not higher than the light-emitting semiconductor stack.2. A light-emitting diode structure according to claim 1 , further comprises a first electrical conducting layer connecting the first electrical pad and the first semiconductor layer.3. A light-emitting diode ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240937A1

There is provided a semiconductor light emitting diode (LED) chip including: a semiconductor light emitting diode unit including a light-transmissive substrate, and a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer sequentially formed on an upper surface of the light-transmissive substrate; a rear reflective laminate including an auxiliary optical layer formed on a lower surface of the light-transmissive substrate and made of a material having a predetermined refractive index and a metal reflective film formed on a lower surface of the auxiliary optical layer; and a bonding laminate provided on a lower surface of the rear reflective laminate and including a bonding metal layer made of a eutectic metal material and an anti-diffusion film formed to prevent diffusion of elements between the bonding metal layer and the metal reflective film. 1. A semiconductor light emitting diode (LED) chip comprising:a semiconductor light emitting diode unit including a light-transmissive substrate, and a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer sequentially formed on an upper surface of the light-transmissive substrate;a rear reflective laminate including an auxiliary optical layer formed on a lower surface of the light-transmissive substrate and made of a material having a predetermined refractive index and a metal reflective film formed on a lower surface of the auxiliary optical layer; anda bonding laminate provided on a lower surface of the rear reflective laminate and including a bonding metal layer made of a eutectic metal material and an anti-diffusion film formed to prevent diffusion of elements between the bonding metal layer and the metal reflective film.2. The semiconductor LED chip of claim 1 , wherein the eutectic metal material of the bonding metal layer contains at least one among gold (Au) claim 1 , silver (Ag) claim 1 , and tin (Sn ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diodes

Номер: US20130256708A1

An LED is provided. The LED includes at least two light emitting units located on a same plane. Each light emitting unit includes a first semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second semiconductor layer stacked in that order. Each light emitting unit further includes a first electrode and a second electrode electrically connected with the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer respectively. The active layer of each light emitting unit is spaced from the active layers of other light emitting units. A distance between adjacent active layer ranges from 1 micron to 1 millimeter.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264541A1
Автор: Kim Shin

A light emitting device including a light emitting structure having a first conduction type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conduction type semiconductor layer, a transparent conductive layer disposed on the light emitting structure, a metal filter having an irregular pattern disposed between the light emitting structure and the transparent conductive layer, and openings disposed between the irregular patterns in the metal filter. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a light emitting structure having a first conduction type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conduction type semiconductor layer;a transparent conductive layer disposed on the light emitting structure;a metal filter having an irregular pattern disposed between the light emitting structure and the transparent conductive layer; andopenings disposed between the irregular patterns in the metal filter.2. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the patterns has a first side width and a second side width claim 1 , and the first side width is different from the second side width.3. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal filter reflects a light from the light emitting structure.4. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal filter includes aluminum or titanium.5. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light emitting structure has a roughness disposed on a surface thereof.6. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal filter has a stripe type pattern.7. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal filter has a mesh type pattern.8. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pattern has irregular widths and the openings have regular widths.9. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the openings have irregular widths and the pattern has regular widths.10. The light emitting device as ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Optoelectronic Component and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20130264596A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An optoelectronic component has a semiconductor body, a dielectric layer, a mirror and an additional layer. The semiconductor body has an active zone for generating electromagnetic radiation and an n-contact and a p-contact () for electrical contacting purposes. The dielectric layer is disposed between the semiconductor body and the mirror. The additional layer is disposed between the semiconductor body and the dielectric layer. Furthermore, a method for producing a component of this type is provided. 115-. (canceled)16. An optoelectronic semiconductor component comprising:a semiconductor body having an active zone for generating electromagnetic radiation, an n-contact for electrical contacting purposes and a p-contact for electrical contacting purposes;a mirror;a dielectric layer disposed between the semiconductor body and mirror; andan additional layer disposed between the semiconductor body and dielectric layer.17. The optoelectronic semiconductor component according to claim 16 ,wherein the additional layer is based on a semiconductor material and a band gap of the additional layer is selected such that no fundamental absorption of radiation generated in the active zone occurs, andwherein the additional layer is located directly on the dielectric layer and the dielectric layer comprises a silicon nitride, a silicon oxide or a silicon oxynitride and the mirror comprises Ag or Au or an alloy with Ag or Au.18. The optoelectronic semiconductor component according to claim 17 ,further comprising a carrier,wherein the additional layer comprises GaP or of InGaAlP or InAlP, wherein the aluminum content is selected such that no fundamental absorption occurs at the emission wavelength of the radiation emitted from the active zone,wherein the semiconductor body is based on{'sub': x', 'y', '1-x-y', 'x', 'y', '1-x-y, 'InGaAlP or InGaAlAs, in each case with'}0≦x, y≦1 and x+y≦1, andwherein the semiconductor body is disposed on the carrier and a layer of the semiconductor body ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285092A1

A light emitting diode includes a substrate, graphene layer, a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, a second semiconductor layer, a first electrode, a second electrode, and a reflection layer. The first semiconductor layer, the active layer, and the second semiconductor layer are stacked on the substrate in sequence. The first electrode is electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer and the second electrode electrically is connected with the second part of the carbon nanotube layer. The graphene layer is located on at least one of the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer. The reflection layer covers the second semiconductor layer. 1. A light emitting diode , comprising:a substrate comprising an epitaxial growth surface;a semiconductor epitaxial layer on the epitaxial growth surface, wherein the semiconductor epitaxial layer comprises a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer stacked on the substrate, the active layer is between the first and the second semiconductor layer, and the first semiconductor layer is on the epitaxial growth layer of the substrate;a first electrode electrically connected with the second semiconductor layer;a second electrode electrically connected with the first semiconductor layer;a reflection layer covering the second semiconductor layer; anda graphene layer on at least one of the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer.2. The light emitting diode of claim 1 , wherein the graphene layer is a structure consisting of graphene.3. The light emitting diode of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the graphene layer is in a range from about 1 nanometer to about 100 micrometers.4. The light emitting diode of claim 1 , wherein the graphene layer comprises a graphene film consisting of a single layer of continuous carbon atoms.5. The light emitting diode of claim 4 , wherein the graphene layer has a thickness of a thickness of a single layer of carbon ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Side-view light emitting diode package and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130285097A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A side-view LED package includes a substrate, a pair of electrodes connected to the substrate, an LED die electrically connected to the electrodes, a reflective cup formed on the substrate, an opening defined at a lateral side of the reflective cup, an encapsulation formed on the substrate to cover the LED die, and a reflective layer coated on a top of the encapsulation and a top of the reflective cup, wherein part of light emitting from the LED die is reflected by the reflective cup and the reflective layer and then emits out of the side-view LED package from the opening. The present disclosure also provides a method for manufacturing the side-view LED package described above.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299856A1

A luminous glazing unit including at least one substrate formed by a transparent glazing element; at least one light source; and at least one light extraction device for extracting the light, the extraction device being arranged to create a luminous region, the extraction device being formed by at least one fibrous layer. 1. An illuminating or luminous glazing unit comprising:at least one substrate, formed by at least one glazing element;at least one light source; andat least one means for extracting the light, the extraction means being formed by at least one fibrous structure.2. The luminous glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising light-emitting diodes as light sources.3. The luminous glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said glazing unit is illuminated via an edge face.4. The luminous glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extraction means claim 1 , or the fibrous structure claim 1 , is claim 1 , or is formed by claim 1 , at least one fiber veil.5. The luminous glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the extraction means comprises at least one medium encapsulating the fibers and/or an adhesive.6. The luminous glazing unit claim 1 , in particular as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a diode that is constructed and arranged to receive command signals and/or wherein the one or more light sources are coupled to piloting means and/or wherein one or more sensors connected to the environment and/or to the glazing unit are associated with the one or more light sources.7. The illuminating or luminous glazing unit claim 1 , in particular as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:at least one transparent glass sheet, called the waveguide sheet;at least one light source, positioned so as to illuminate the waveguide sheet via the edge face of the latter; andat least one means for extracting the light, this extraction means being formed by a woven, nonwoven or knitted textile placed on at least one face of the waveguide sheet.8. The luminous glazing unit ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for fabricating semiconductor dice by separating a substrate from semiconductor structures using multiple laser pulses

Номер: US20130302926A1
Принадлежит: SemiLEDs Optoelectronics Co Ltd

A method for fabricating semiconductor dice includes the steps of providing a wafer assembly having a substrate and semiconductor structures on the substrate; and defining the semiconductor dice on the substrate. The method also includes the step of separating the substrate from the semiconductor structures by applying a first laser pulse to each semiconductor die on the substrate having first parameters selected to break an interface between the substrate and the semiconductor structures and then applying a second laser pulse to each semiconductor die on the substrate having second parameters selected to complete separation of the substrate from the semiconductor structures. The method can also include the steps of forming one or more intermediate structures between the semiconductor dice on the substrate configured to protect the semiconductor dice during the separating step.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307003A1

A light-emitting device package may include a pre-mold and a molding member. The pre-mold may include an upper body having a inclined (e.g., concavely) plane from which a plurality of vertical holes passing through the upper body are formed and a lower body having an upper surface that meets the inclined (e.g., concavely) plane under the upper body to form a concave unit. The molding member may fill the plurality of vertical holes and the concave unit. 1. A light-emitting device package comprising:a pre-mold including an upper body and a lower body, the upper body having a inclined plane from which a plurality of vertical holes passing through the upper body are formed and the lower body having an upper surface configured to contact the inclined plane under the upper body to form a concave unit;a pair of leads between the upper body and the lower body, the pair of leads separate from each other;a light-emitting device on one of the pair of leads;a wire configured to connect the light-emitting device to at least one of the pair of leads; anda molding member configured to fill the plurality of vertical holes and the concave unit.2. The light-emitting device package of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vertical holes are vertical to the lower body.3. The light-emitting device package of claim 1 , wherein the inclined plane is concavely shaped.4. The light-emitting device package of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vertical holes form a concentric circle in the inclined plane.5. The light-emitting device package of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of vertical holes are formed in the concentric circle having a distance between each other.6. The light-emitting device package of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vertical holes have a diameter in a range from about 0.1 mm to about 0.5 mm.7. The light-emitting device package of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of vertical holes is formed in a region that does not meet the pair of leads passing through at ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130309794A1

A light emitting device may include a substrate, an n-type clad layer, an active layer, and a p-type clad layer. A concave-convex pattern having a plurality of grooves and a mesa between each of the plurality of grooves may be formed on the substrate, and a reflective layer may be formed on the surfaces of the plurality of grooves or the mesa between each of the plurality of grooves. Therefore, light generated in the active layer may be reflected by the reflective layer, and extracted to an external location.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device having wavelength converting layer

Номер: US20130313585A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd

Disclosed is a light emitting device having a wavelength converting layer. The light emitting device comprises a plurality of semiconductor stacked structures; connectors for electrically connecting the plurality of semiconductor stacked structures to one another; a single wavelength converting layer for covering the plurality of semiconductor stacked structures; an electrode electrically connected to at least one of the semiconductor stacked structures; and at least one additional electrode positioned on the electrode, passing through the wavelength converting layer to be exposed to the outside, and forming a current input terminal to the light emitting device or a current output terminal from the light emitting device. Since the single wavelength converting layer covers the plurality of semiconductor stacked structures, the plurality of semiconductor stacked structures can be integrally mounted on a chip mounting member such as a package or a module.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320297A1
Принадлежит: Luminus Devices, Inc.

Light-emitting devices, and related components, systems and methods are disclosed. 1a multi-layer stack comprising III-V semiconductor materials including a light-generating region and a first layer supported by the light-generating region,wherein a surface of the first layer is configured so that at least 45% of a total amount of light generated by the light-generating region emerges via the surface of the first layer, andwherein the first layer has an edge which is at least one millimeter long.. A light-emitting device, comprising: This application is continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/287,365, filed Nov. 2, 2011, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/944,815, filed Nov. 26, 2007, which is a continuation of and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/052,592, filed Feb. 7, 2005, which is a continuation of and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/724,029, filed Nov. 26, 2003, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to the following U.S. Provisional Patent Applications: 60/462,889, filed Apr. 15, 2003; 60/474,199, filed May 29, 2003; 60/475,682, filed Jun. 4, 2003; 60/503,653, filed Sep. 17, 2003; 60/503,654 filed Sep. 17, 2003; 60/503,661, filed Sep. 17, 2003; 60/503,671, filed Sep. 17, 2003; 60/503,672, filed Sep. 17, 2003; 60/513,807, filed Oct. 23, 2003; and 60/514,764, filed Oct. 27, 2003. Each of these applications is incorporated herein by reference.The invention relates to light-emitting devices, and related components, systems and methods.A light emitting diode (LED) often can provide light in a more efficient manner than an incandescent light source and/or a fluorescent light source. The relatively high power efficiency associated with LEDs has created an interest in using LEDs to displace conventional light sources in a variety of lighting applications. For example, in some instances LEDs are being used as traffic lights and to ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330863A1

A method for making light emitting diode includes following steps. A substrate having an epitaxial growth surface is provided. A first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer is epitaxially grown on the epitaxial growth surface of the substrate in that sequence. A first optical symmetric layer is formed on the second semiconductor layer. A metallic layer is applied on the first optical symmetric layer. A second optical symmetric layer is formed on the metallic layer. The substrate is removed. A first electrode is configured to cover entire exposed surface of the first semiconductor layer. A second electrode is electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer. 1. A method for making light emitting diode , the method comprising:providing a substrate having an epitaxial growth surface;epitaxially growing a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer on the epitaxial growth surface of the substrate in that sequence;forming a first optical symmetric layer on the second semiconductor layer;applying a metallic layer on the first optical symmetric layer;forming a second optical symmetric layer on the metallic layer;exposing a surface of the first semiconductor layer by removing the substrate to form an exposed surface;applying a first electrode covering the entire exposed surface of the first semiconductor layer; andapplying a second electrode electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a first effective refractive index nof the second optical symmetric layer and a second effective refractive index nof an integrated structure satisfy |n−n|≦0.5 claim 1 , wherein the integrated structure comprises the substrate claim 1 , the composite semiconductor layer claim 1 , and the first optical symmetric layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first optical symmetric layer is deposited on the second semiconductor layer via sputtering or vacuum evaporation.4. The ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330864A1

A method for making light emitting diode includes following steps. A substrate having an epitaxial growth surface is provided. A first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer is epitaxially grown on the epitaxial growth surface of the substrate in that sequence. A first optical symmetric layer is formed on the second semiconductor layer. A metallic layer is applied on the first optical symmetric layer. A second optical symmetric layer is formed on the metallic layer. A first electrode is electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer. A second electrode is electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer. 1. A method for making light emitting diode , the method comprising:providing a substrate having an epitaxial growth surface;epitaxially growing a first semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second semiconductor layer on the epitaxial growth surface of the substrate in that sequence;forming a first optical symmetric layer on the second semiconductor layer;applying a metallic layer on the first optical symmetric layer;forming a second optical symmetric layer on the metallic layer;applying a first electrode electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer; andapplying a second electrode electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a first effective refractive index nof the second optical symmetric layer claim 1 , and a second effective refractive index nof an integrated structure satisfy |n-n|≦0.5 claim 1 , wherein the integrated structure comprises the substrate claim 1 , the composite semiconductor layer claim 1 , and the first optical symmetric layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first optical symmetric layer is deposited on the second semiconductor layer via sputtering or vacuum evaporation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a material of the metallic layer is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001497A1

The present invention relates to a method for providing a reflective coating () to a substrate () for a light-emitting device (), comprising the steps of: providing () a substrate () having a first surface portion () with a first surface material and a second surface portion () with a second surface material different from the first surface material; applying () a reflective compound () configured to attach to said first surface material to form a bond with the substrate () in the first surface portion () that is stronger than a bond between the reflective compound () and the substrate () in the second surface portion (); curing () said reflective compound () to form a reflective coating () having said bond between the reflective coating () and the substrate () in the first surface portion (); and subjecting said substrate () to a mechanical treatment with such an intensity as to remove () said reflective coating () from said second surface portion () while said reflective coating () remains on said first surface portion (). 1. A method for providing a reflective coating to a substrate for a light-emitting device , comprising the steps of:providing a substrate having a first surface portion with a first surface material and a second surface portion with a second surface material different from the first surface material;applying a reflective compound configured to attach to said first surface material to form a bond with the substrate in the first surface portion that is stronger than a bond between the reflective compound and the substrate in the second surface portion;at least partly curing said reflective compound to form a reflective coating having said bond between the reflective coating and the substrate in the first surface portion; andsubjecting said substrate to a mechanical treatment with such an intensity as to remove said reflective coating from at least a part of said second surface portion while said reflective coating remains on said first surface ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Reflecting layer-phosphor layer-covered led, producing method thereof, led device, and producing method thereof

Номер: US20140001948A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

A method for producing a reflecting layer-phosphor layer-covered LED includes a disposing step of disposing a reflecting layer at one side in a thickness direction of a support; a reflecting layer covering step of, after the disposing step, disposing an LED having a terminal at one surface thereof at the one side in the thickness direction of the support so as to allow the one surface of the LED to be covered with the reflecting layer; and a phosphor layer covering step of forming a phosphor layer so as to cover at least the other surface of the LED.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004635A1

A method of manufacturing an LED according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: 1. A method of manufacturing an LED , the method comprising:forming a reflective layer on an outer side of a substrate of an LED wafer including the substrate and a light emitting element on one surface of the substrate; andattaching, prior to the forming a reflective layer, a heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet onto an outer side of the light emitting element.2. A method of manufacturing an LED according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet comprises a hard base member and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer. This application claims priority under U.S.C. Section to Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-145450 filed on Jun. 28, 2012, which are herein incorporated by references.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an LED.2. Description of the Related ArtGenerally, an LED includes a substrate and a light emitting element formed on the substrate. In order to enhance the brightness, in some cases, the LED includes a reflective layer formed on a surface of the substrate on aside opposite to the light emitting element (for example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. 2001-085746). The reflective layer is formed by, for example, a vapor deposition method such as a MOCVD method and an ion assisted electron beam deposition method. In the case of the MOCVD method, after an LED wafer is placed on a table with the reflective layer forming side up (that is, with the outer side of the substrate up), an outer surface of the substrate is subjected to vapor deposition processing. Further, in the case of the ion assisted electron beam deposition method, the LED wafer is covered with a lid from a side opposite to the reflective layer forming side (that is, the light emitting element side), and a reflective layer forming surface (that is, the outer surface of the substrate) is exposed. The ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004637A1

A method of manufacturing an LED according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: 1. A method of manufacturing an LED , the method comprising:back-grinding a substrate of an LED wafer including the substrate and a light emitting element formed on one surface of the substrate;forming, after the back-grinding, a reflective layer on an outer side of the substrate; andattaching, on an outer side of the light emitting element of the LED wafer, a heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet.2. A method of manufacturing an LED according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet comprises a hard base member and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer.3. A method of manufacturing an LED according to claim 1 ,wherein the back-grinding comprises the attaching of the heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet, andwherein the LED wafer is subjected to the forming of the reflective layer under a state in which the heat-resistant pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet is still attached to the LED wafer. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. Section 119 to Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-145451 filed on Jun. 28, 2012, which are herein incorporated by references.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an LED.2. Description of the Related ArtHitherto, in manufacture of an LED, a light emitting element is laminated on a substrate to form an LED wafer, and then a surface of the substrate on a side opposite to the light emitting element is ground (back-ground) to thin the substrate (for example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-open Nos. 2005-150675 and 2002-319708). Generally, this grinding is carried out while fixing a surface of the substrate on the light emitting element side to a table via a pressure-sensitive adhesive wax. The LED wafer that has undergone grinding is subjected to, for example, steps of heating the wax to release the LED wafer, cleaning the wax adhering on the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008610A1
Принадлежит: ROHM CO., LTD.

A high luminance semiconductor light emitting device including a metallic reflecting layer formed using a non-transparent semiconductor substrate is provided. The device includes a GaAs substrate; a metal layer disposed on the GaAs substrate; and a light emitting diode structure. The light emitting diode structure includes a patterned metal contact layer and a patterned insulating layer disposed on the metal layer, a p type cladding layer disposed on the patterned metal contact layer and the patterned insulating layer, a multi-quantum well layer disposed on the p type cladding layer, an n type cladding layer disposed on the multi-quantum well layer, and a window layer disposed on the n type cladding layer. The GaAs substrate and the light emitting diode structure are bonded by using the metal layer. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a GaAs substrate;a metal layer disposed on the GaAs substrate; anda light emitting diode structure including a patterned metal contact layer and a patterned insulating layer disposed on the metal layer, a p type cladding layer disposed on the patterned metal contact layer and the patterned insulating layer, a multi-quantum well layer disposed on the p type cladding layer, an n type cladding layer disposed on the multi-quantum well layer, and a window layer disposed on the n type cladding layer, whereinthe GaAs substrate and the light emitting diode structure are bonded by using the metal layer.2. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a metal buffer layer disposed on the metal layer claim 1 , and disposed between the metal layer claim 1 , and the patterned metal contact layer and the patterned insulating layer.3. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 2 , wherein a metallic reflecting layer is formed of the metal layer disposed beforehand in the light emitting diode structure side.4. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 2 , wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014994A1

An optoelectronic device comprising a substrate; a first window layer on the substrate, having a first sheet resistance, a first thickness, and a first impurity concentration; a second window layer having a second sheet resistance, a second thickness, and a second impurity concentration; and a semiconductor system between the first window layer and the second window layer; wherein the second window layer comprises a semiconductor material different from the semiconductor system, and the second sheet resistance is greater than the first sheet resistance. 1. An optoelectronic device , comprising:a semiconductor stack;a contact layer having a first pattern on the semiconductor stack for ohmically contacting the semiconductor stack;an insulating layer having a second pattern on the semiconductor stack;a reflecting layer conformably covering the contact layer and the insulating layer; anda transparent conductive layer between the insulating layer and the reflecting layer for connecting the insulating layer and the reflecting layer.2. An optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor stack comprises:a first semiconductor layer of a first conductivity-type;a second semiconductor layer of a second conductivity-type; anda conversion unit between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer.3. An optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent conductive layer conformably covers the insulating layer and the contact layer.4. An optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the contact layer is more than twice as that of the insulating layer.5. An optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , further comprising a second contact layer having a plurality of fingers on a side of the semiconductor stack opposite to the contact layer.6. An optoelectronic device according to claim 5 , wherein the plurality of fingers are parallel to each other.7. An optoelectronic device according to claim 5 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021505A1

This disclosure discloses a light-emitting device. The light-emitting device comprises: a substrate; an intermediate layer formed on the substrate; a transparent bonding layer; a first semiconductor window layer bonded to the semiconductor layer through the transparent bonding layer; and a light-emitting stack formed on the first semiconductor window layer. The intermediate layer has a refractive index between the refractive index of the substrate and the refractive index of the first semiconductor window layer. 1. A light-emitting device , comprising:a substrate;an intermediate layer on the substrate;a first window layer comprising a first semiconductor optical layer on the intermediate layer and a second semiconductor optical layer on the first semiconductor optical layer; anda light-emitting stack on the second semiconductor optical layer;wherein a difference between the lattice constant of the intermediate layer and the lattice constant of the first semiconductor optical layer is greater than 1.5 Å.2. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor optical layer comprises a higher defect density than that of the intermediate layer.3. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor optical layer comprises a higher defect density than that of the second semiconductor optical layer.4. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer and the first semiconductor optical layer comprise different group III-V semiconductor compounds and the substrate comprises a non-semiconductor material.5. The light-emitting device of claim 1 , further comprising a nucleation layer formed on the intermediate layer for growing the first semiconductor optical layer.6. The light-emitting device of claim 5 , wherein the first semiconductor optical layer comprises a phosphide semiconductor compound.7. The light-emitting device of claim 5 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises a nitride semiconductor compound and the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027804A1

To provide a method of manufacturing at low cost a light emitting device that converts the wavelength of light radiated by a light emitting element and emits, the method includes: forming a phosphor layer on a translucent substrate; arranging a plurality of light emitting elements with a predetermined spacing, the light emitting elements having an electrode formed face provided with positive and negative electrodes respectively and arranged with the electrode formed faces on the top; embedding a resin containing phosphor particles so that an upper face of the embedded resin does not bulge over a plane containing the electrode formed faces; and curing the resin, and then cutting and dividing the cured resin, the phosphor layer and the translucent substrate into a plurality of light emitting devices each including one or more of the light emitting elements. 1. A method of manufacturing the light emitting device comprising:a phosphor layer forming step of forming a phosphor layer on a translucent substrate;a light emitting element arranging step of arranging a plurality of light emitting elements with a predetermined spacing, the light emitting elements having an electrode formed face provided with positive and negative electrodes respectively and arranged with the electrode formed faces on the top;a resin embedding step of embedding a resin containing phosphor particles so that an upper face of the embedded resin does not bulge over a plane containing the electrode formed faces; anda dividing step of curing the resin, and then cutting and dividing the cured resin, the phosphor layer and the translucent substrate into a plurality of light emitting devices each including one or more of the light emitting elements.2. A method of manufacturing a light emitting device comprising:a light emitting element arranging step of arranging a plurality of light emitting elements on a phosphor-containing substrate with a predetermined spacing;a resin embedding step of embedding a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034981A1

A light-emitting diode structure has: a substrate; a light-emitting semiconductor stack on the substrate, wherein the light-emitting semiconductor stack comprises a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer with electrical polarity different from that of the first semiconductor layer, and a light-emitting layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer; a first electrode electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer; and a second electrode electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer, wherein the first electrode comprises a contact area and an extension area, and the contact area has a first surface corresponding to the first semiconductor layer and the extension area has a second surface corresponding to the first semiconductor layer, wherein a roughness of the first surface is different from that of the second surface, and the reflectivity of the first surface is smaller than that of the second surface. 1. A light-emitting diode structure , comprising:a substrate;a light-emitting semiconductor stack on the substrate, wherein the light-emitting semiconductor stack comprises a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer with electrical polarity different from that of the first semiconductor layer, and a light-emitting layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer;a first electrode electrically connected to the first semiconductor layer; anda second electrode electrically connected to the second semiconductor layer,wherein the first electrode comprises a contact area and an extension area, andthe contact area has a first surface corresponding to the first semiconductor layer and the extension area has a second surface corresponding to the first semiconductor layer, wherein a roughness of the first surface is different from that of the second surface, and the reflectivity of the first surface is smaller than that of the second surface.2. The light-emitting ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034987A1
Принадлежит: CREE,INC.

A high efficiency light emitting diode with a composite high reflectivity layer integral to said LED to improve emission efficiency. One embodiment of a light emitting diode (LED) chip comprises an LED and a composite high reflectivity layer integral to the LED to reflect light emitted from the active region. The composite layer comprises a first layer, and alternating plurality of second and third layers on the first layer, and a reflective layer on the topmost of said plurality of second and third layers. The second and third layers have a different index of refraction, and the first layer is at least three times thicker than the thickest of the second and third layers. For composite layers internal to the LED chip, conductive vias can be included through the composite layer to allow an electrical signal to pass through the composite layer to the LED. 1. A light emitting diode (LED) chip , comprising:an active region between two oppositely doped layers; a first layer;', 'one or more second layers and a plurality of third layers on said first layer, said second layers having an index of refraction different from said third layers, wherein at least one of said second layers is interposed between two of said third layers, and each of said third layers having different thicknesses compared to the other of said third layers; and', 'a reflective layer on the topmost of said second and third layers;, 'a composite high reflectivity layer arranged to reflect light emitted from said active region, said composite layer comprisingwherein said composite high reflectivity layer is on a side of a substrate opposite said active region.2. The LED chip of claim 1 , wherein said first layer comprises a dielectric material.3. The LED chip of claim 1 , wherein said first layer is thicker than the thickest of said second and third layers.4. The LED chip of claim 1 , wherein said first layer is at least three times thicker than the thickest of said second and third layers.5. The LED ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting apparatus

Номер: US20140034989A1

A light emitting device including a contact layer, a blocking layer over the contact layer, a protection layer adjacent the blocking layer, a light emitter over the blocking layer, and an electrode layer coupled to the light emitter. The electrode layer overlaps the blocking layer and protection layer, and the blocking layer has an electrical conductivity that substantially blocks flow of current from the light emitter in a direction towards the contact layer. In addition, the protection layer may be conductive to allow current to flow to the light emitter or non-conductive to block current from flowing from the light emitter towards the contact layer.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034992A1

[Object] 1. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor light emitting element comprising:forming a semiconductor layer laminated of a first conductivity type semiconductor layer, a light emitting layer and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer, in this order;forming an electrode including a silver-containing layer in contact with an upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer; andforming an insulating layer coating over at least a side surface of the silver-containing layer from the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer by an atomic layer deposition method.2. The method for manufacturing of the semiconductor light emitting element according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating layer is an aluminum oxide or silicon dioxide.3. The method for manufacturing of the semiconductor light emitting element according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating layer has substantially uniform thickness such that the variations in thickness falls within ±20%.4. A semiconductor light emitting element comprising:a semiconductor layer laminated of a first conductivity type semiconductor layer, a light emitting layer and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer, in this order;an electrode including a silver-containing layer in contact with an upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer; andan insulating layer coating over at least a side surface of the silver-containing layer from the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer,the insulating layer having substantially uniform thickness over at least a side surface of the silver-containing layer from the upper surface of the second conductivity type semiconductor layer.5. The semiconductor light emitting element according to claim 4 , whereinthe insulating layer is a layer formed by an atomic layer deposition method.6. The semiconductor light emitting element according to claim 4 , whereinthe insulating layer is an aluminum oxide or ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Fabricating Phosphor-Coated LED Dies

Номер: US20140054616A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a method of packaging a light-emitting diode (LED). According to the method, a group of metal pads and a group of LEDs are provided. The group of LEDs is attached to the group of metal pads, for example through a bonding process. After the LEDs are attached to the metal pads, each LED is spaced apart from adjacent LEDs. Also according to the method, a phosphor film is coated around the group of LEDs collectively. The phosphor film is coated on top and side surfaces of each LED and between adjacent LEDs. A dicing process is then performed to slice through portions of the phosphor film located between adjacent LEDs. The dicing process divides the group of LEDs into a plurality of individual phosphor-coated LEDs.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Packaging Phosphor-Coated LEDS

Номер: US20140054619A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a method of packaging light-emitting diodes (LEDs). According to the method, a plurality of LEDs is provided over an adhesive tape. The adhesive tape is disposed on a substrate. In some embodiments, the substrate may be a glass substrate, a silicon substrate, a ceramic substrate, and a gallium nitride substrate. A phosphor layer is coated over the plurality of LEDs. The phosphor layer is then cured. The tape and the substrate are removed after the curing of the phosphor layer. A replacement tape is then attached to the plurality of LEDs. A dicing process is then performed to the plurality of LEDs after the substrate has been removed. The removed substrate may then be reused for a future LED packaging process.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting devices having shielded silicon substrates

Номер: US20140054638A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Techno Center Inc

Light emitting devices comprise a light emitting component, such as a GaN LED having active material layers supported by a Silicon substrate, which can be a growth substrate, or attached. Phosphor(s) can be disposed relative to the light emitting component to absorb a primary emission, and produce a secondary emission that can be relatively tuned or selected so that their combination produces light of a desired spectrum, such as light appearing white. The Silicon substrate has exposed sidewalls, which can be angled, with respect to planar surfaces of the substrate, and a light reflecting material, such as a diffusely reflective material coats the sidewalls. The reflective material can be opaque to the primary and secondary emissions. If other exposed portions of the Silicon substrate exist and are exposed to primary or secondary light, these other exposed portions can be coated with such light reflecting material.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting device package for controlling light emission from a side surface and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140070238A1
Автор: Il Woo Park, Jung Hoon Kim

A light emitting device package includes a base including at least one recess, at least one light emitting device disposed within the recess, and a reflective wall filling a space between the light emitting device and the recess so as to surround lateral surfaces of the light emitting device. The recess is formed to have a depth ranging from 80% to 120% of a height of the light emitting device.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070253A1
Принадлежит: ROHM CO., LTD.

The semiconductor device includes a substrate, a semiconductor layer which is formed on the substrate and includes a light emitting layer, and a diffraction/scattering film for diffracting or scattering light generated at the light emitting layer. The diffraction/scattering film is formed between the light emitting layer and the substrate, has a side surface slanted with respect to a film thickness direction thereof, and has a composition gradient in the film thickness direction. 1. A semiconductor light emitting device comprising:a substrate;a semiconductor layer which is formed on the substrate and includes a light emitting layer; anda diffraction/scattering film, which is formed between the light emitting layer and the substrate, for diffracting or scattering light generated at the light emitting layer, the diffraction/scattering film having a side surface slanted with respect to a film thickness direction thereof and having a composition gradient in the film thickness direction.2. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor layer is a nitride semiconductor layer claim 1 , and the diffraction/scattering film is a growth suppression film for suppressing growth of a nitride semiconductor in a process of growth of the nitride semiconductor layer on the substrate.3. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the diffraction/scattering film includes silicon and nitrogen claim 1 , and a composition of nitrogen has a gradient in the film thickness direction.41. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim claim 1 , wherein the diffraction/scattering film includes silicon claim 1 , nitrogen and oxygen claim 1 , and a composition of nitrogen and a composition of oxygen have a gradient in the film thickness direction.5. The semiconductor light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the diffraction/scattering film includes a film portion having a composition varying in the film ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077240A1

A photonic structure including a substrate of either crystalline silicon or germanium and a multilayer distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) positioned on the substrate. The DBR includes material substantially crystal lattice matching the DBR to the substrate. The DBR includes a plurality of pairs of layers of material including any combination of IV materials and any rare earth oxide (REO). A photonic device including multilayers of single crystal IV material positioned on the DBR and including material substantially crystal lattice matching the DBR to the photonic device. 1. A method of fabricating a photonic device on a silicon or germanium substrate comprising the steps of:providing a substrate including one of crystalline silicon or germanium;epitaxially growing a multilayer distributed Bragg reflector on the substrate; andepitaxially growing a photonic device including multilayers of single crystal IV material on the distributed Bragg reflector.2. A method as claimed in wherein the step of epitaxially growing the multilayer distributed Bragg reflector includes epitaxially growing a plurality of pairs of layers of material including any combination of IV materials and any rare earth oxide (REO).3. A method as claimed in wherein the step of epitaxially growing a plurality of pairs of layers of material including any combination of IV materials includes any one of Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , GeSn claim 2 , SiGeSn claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. A method as claimed in wherein the step of epitaxially growing a plurality of pairs of layers of material including any combination of any rare earth oxide (REO) includes any one of GdO claim 2 , ErO claim 2 , NdO claim 2 , YOPrO claim 2 , and combinations thereof.5. A method as claimed in wherein the step of epitaxially growing the multilayer distributed Bragg reflector includes selecting material substantially crystal lattice matching the multilayer distributed Bragg reflector to the photonic device.6. A method as ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087502A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Opto Device Co., Ltd.

Exemplary embodiments of the present invention disclose a light emitting diode chip including a substrate having a first surface and a second surface, a light emitting structure arranged on the first surface of the substrate and including an active layer arranged between a first conductive-type semiconductor layer and a second conductive-type semiconductor layer, a distributed Bragg reflector arranged on the second surface of the substrate, the distributed Bragg reflector to reflect light emitted from the light emitting structure, and a metal layer arranged on the distributed Bragg reflector, wherein the distributed Bragg reflector has a reflectivity of at least 90% for light of a first wavelength in a blue wavelength range, light of a second wavelength in a green wavelength range, and light of a third wavelength in a red wavelength range. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a reflective metal layer or a protective layer on the distributed Bragg reflector.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the second surface of the substrate comprises a root-mean-square (RMS) value of 3 nm or less before forming the distributed Bragg reflector.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distributed Bragg reflector comprises a reflectivity of at least 90% for light of a first wavelength in a blue wavelength range claim 1 , light of a second wavelength in a green wavelength range claim 1 , and light of a third wavelength in a red wavelength range.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of the second surface of the substrate comprises a root-mean-square (RMS) value of 1 nm or less before forming the distributed Bragg reflector6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising polishing the second surface of the substrate by a chemical mechanical polishing process after performing the lapping.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising polishing the second surface of the substrate using a chemical mechanical polishing process.8. The ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001557A1

There is provided a semiconductor light emitting device including: a heat dissipation structure including one or more of materials among a metal, a ceramic, a semiconductor, and a resin; a flexible insulating layer directly in contact with the heat dissipation structure; a conductive layer laminated on the flexible insulating layer; and a light emitting device mounted on the conductive layer, wherein the light emitting device includes a light emitting structure including a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer; and first and second electrodes connected to the first and second conductivity-type semiconductor layers, respectively, and the first electrode includes a plurality of conductive vias connected to the first conductivity-type semiconductor layer through the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer and the active layer.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001566A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

A semiconductor lighting device may include a substrate populated with at least one semiconductor light source, wherein at least one reflective surface region of the substrate is covered with a light-reflecting layer, and wherein the light-reflecting layer has an aluminum carrier coated in a reflection-intensifying manner. 1. A semiconductor lighting device , comprising a substrate populated with at least one semiconductor light source , wherein at least one reflective surface region of the substrate is covered with a light-reflecting layer , and wherein the light-reflecting layer has an aluminum carrier coated in a reflection-intensifying manner.2. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one semiconductor light source is applied on the at least one reflective surface region.3. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one semiconductor light source has an electrically insulating underside.4. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising at least one supply line fitted on the substrate and serving for supplying the at least one semiconductor light source with electrical signals claim 3 , wherein the at least one supply line is situated outside the at least one reflective surface region.5. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the at least one semiconductor light source is a volume emitter or a top emitter.6. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising at least one supply line fitted on the substrate and serving for supplying the at least one semiconductor light source with electrical signals claim 2 , wherein the at least one supply line is applied over an insulating layer on the at least one reflective surface region.7. The semiconductor lighting device as claimed in claim 6 , further comprising at least one semiconductor light source having an electrical contact at its underside claim 6 , wherein ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005973A1
Автор: Atanackovic Petar
Принадлежит: Silanna UV Technologies Pte Ltd

Resonant optical cavity light emitting devices are disclosed, where the device includes a substrate, a first spacer region, a light emitting region, a second spacer region, and a reflector. The light emitting region is configured to emit a target emission deep ultraviolet wavelength and is positioned at a separation distance from the reflector. The reflector may be a distributed Bragg reflector. The device has an optical cavity comprising the first spacer region, the second spacer region and the light emitting region, where the optical cavity has a total thickness less than or equal to K·λ/n. K is a constant ranging from 0.25 to 10, λ is the target wavelength, and n is an effective refractive index of the optical cavity at the target wavelength. 1. A resonant optical cavity light emitting device comprising:a substrate that is optically transparent to a target emission deep ultraviolet wavelength (target wavelength);a first spacer region directly coupled to the substrate, the first spacer region being non-absorbing to the target wavelength, wherein at least a portion of the first spacer region comprises a first electrical polarity;a light emitting region on the first spacer region, the light emitting region being configured to emit the target wavelength;a second spacer region on the light emitting region, the second spacer region being non-absorbing to the target wavelength, wherein at least a portion of the second spacer region comprises a second electrical polarity opposite of the first electrical polarity; anda reflector coupled to the second spacer region, the reflector comprising a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) that is reflective of the target wavelength, and wherein the reflector comprises aluminum-oxy-nitride, aluminum oxide, or magnesium fluoride;wherein the light emitting region is positioned at a separation distance from the reflector; andwherein the resonant optical cavity light emitting device has an optical cavity between the reflector and a first ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005227A1

A light-emitting diode, comprises an active layer for emitting a light ray; an upper semiconductor stack on the active layer, wherein the upper semiconductor stack comprises a window layer; a reflector; and a lower semiconductor stack between the active layer and the reflector; wherein the thickness of the window layer is small than or equal to 3 μm, and the thickness of the lower semiconductor stack is small than or equal to 1 μm. 1. A light-emitting diode , comprising:an active layer for emitting a light ray;an upper semiconductor stack on the active layer, wherein the upper semiconductor stack comprises a window layer;a reflector; anda lower semiconductor stack between the active layer and the reflector;wherein the thickness of the window layer is small than or equal to 3 μm, and the thickness of the lower semiconductor stack is small than or equal to 1 μm.2. The light-emitting diode according to claim 1 , wherein the lower semiconductor stack comprises multiple semiconductor layers claim 1 , the light ray with a phase and a peak wavelength λ in air claim 1 , and each of the multiple semiconductor layers has a refractive index ni claim 1 , a thickness di claim 1 , for one of the multiple semiconductor layers traveled through by the light ray claim 1 , the thickness di satisfies the following conditions of:{'br': None, 'i': m−', 'ni', 'di≦', 'm−', 'ni, '0.8*((21)/4)*(λ/)≦1.2*((21)/4)*(λ/),'}where m is a natural number.3. The light-emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein the thickness di of the one of the multiple semiconductor layers is larger than one seventh of the peak wavelength λ in air.4. The light-emitting diode according to claim 1 , wherein the lower semiconductor stack comprises p-type semiconductor material and the upper semiconductor stack comprise n-type semiconductor material.5. The light-emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein the multiple semiconductor layers comprise a confining layer on the active layer claim 2 , a cladding layer on ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005232A1

A semiconductor light-emitting device includes a semiconductor stack including a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, and an active layer; a plurality of first trenches penetrating the second semiconductor layer and the active layer to expose the first semiconductor layer; a second trench penetrating the second semiconductor layer and the active layer to expose the first semiconductor layer, wherein the second trench is disposed near an outmost edge of the active layer, and surrounds the active layer and the plurality of first trenches; a patterned metal layer formed on the second semiconductor layer and formed in one of the plurality of first trenches or the second trench; and a first pad portion and a second pad portion both formed on the second semiconductor layer and electrically connecting the second semiconductor layer and the first semiconductor layer respectively. 1. A semiconductor light-emitting device , comprising:a semiconductor stack comprising a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, and an active layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer;a plurality of first trenches penetrating the second semiconductor layer and the active layer to expose the first semiconductor layer;a second trench penetrating the second semiconductor layer and the active layer to expose the first semiconductor layer, wherein the second trench is disposed near an outmost edge of the active layer, and surrounds the active layer and the plurality of first trenches;a patterned metal layer formed on the second semiconductor layer and filling in one of the plurality of first trenches or the second trench;a first pad portion formed on the second semiconductor layer and electrically connecting the second semiconductor layer; anda second pad portion formed on the second semiconductor layer and electrically connecting the first semiconductor layer.2. The semiconductor light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Light emitting diode, photodiode, displays, and method for forming the same

Номер: US20170005235A1
Автор: Stephen Y. Chou, WEI Ding

The present invention is related to solid state light emitting diodes (LEDs), photodetector/photovoltaic devices, displays, applications and methods for making the same. As demonstrated experimentally, the LEDs, as disclosed herein, have high light emission efficiency, high contrast, high brightness, low ambient light reflection, low light glare, and a tunable display viewing angle. The same LED disclosed here can be used as high efficiency displays and high efficiency photovoltaic device or photodetectors. This means that the same device, where used in array form, can be used as the display (LED operation mode) and power supply (photovoltaic device mode) and camera (photodetector and imaging mode).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005238A1

A light emitting device includes a wavelength conversion layer, at least one light emitting unit and a reflective protecting element. The wavelength conversion layer has an upper surface and a lower surface opposite to each other. The light emitting unit has two electrode pads located on the same side of the light emitting unit. The light emitting unit is disposed on the upper surface of the wavelength conversion layer and exposes the two electrode pads. The reflective protecting element encapsulates at least a portion of the light emitting unit and a portion of the wavelength conversion layer, and exposes the two electrode pads of the light emitting unit. 1. A light emitting device , comprising:a wavelength conversion layer having an upper surface and a lower surface opposite to each other;at least one light emitting unit having two electrode pads located on the same side of the light emitting unit, wherein the light emitting unit is disposed on the upper surface of the wavelength conversion layer and exposes the two electrode pads;a reflective protecting element encapsulating the light emitting unit and a portion of the wavelength conversion layer, and exposing the two electrode pads of the light emitting unit and the lower surface of the wavelength conversion layer; anda light transmissible layer disposed on the wavelength conversion layer and located between the light emitting unit and the reflective protecting element.2. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light transmissible layer is further disposed between the wavelength conversion layer and the light emitting unit.3. The light emitting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reflective protecting element comprises a reflective surface in contact with the light emitting unit.4. A light emitting device claim 1 , comprising:a wavelength conversion layer having an upper surface and a lower surface opposite to each other;at least one light emitting unit having two electrode pads ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Semiconductor light emitting device

Номер: US20170005242A1

A semiconductor light emitting device may include a substrate having a first surface and a second surface, the second surface being opposite to the first surface; a light emitting structure disposed on the first surface of the substrate and including a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer; and a reflector disposed on the second surface of the substrate and including a low refractive index layer and a Bragg layer, wherein the Bragg layer includes a plurality of alternately stacked layers having different refractive indices, and wherein a refractive index of the low refractive index layer is lower than a refractive index of the Bragg layer.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005923A1
Принадлежит: EL-SEED Corporation

An LED element capable of further improving the light extraction efficiency and a manufacturing method for the same are provided. 1. An LED element of a flip chip type , comprising:a sapphire substrate;a semiconductor lamination unit that is formed on a front surface of the sapphire substrate and that includes a light-emitting layer; anda reflection unit that is formed on the semiconductor lamination unit,wherein the front surface of the sapphire substrate forms a verticalized moth eye surface having a plurality of depression parts or projection parts whose period is greater than twice an optical wavelength of light emitted from the light-emitting layer and smaller than coherent length,wherein a back surface of the sapphire substrate forms a transmission moth eye surface having depression parts or projection parts whose period is smaller than twice the optical wavelength of light emitted from the light-emitting layer,wherein the verticalized moth eye surface reflects and transmits light being incident on the verticalized moth eye surface from a side of the semiconductor lamination unit, and is configured in such a manner that, in an angle region exceeding a critical angle, intensity distribution of light emitted by reflection from the verticalized moth eye surface on the side of the semiconductor lamination unit is inclined to direction closer to vertical direction with respect to an interface between the semiconductor lamination unit and the sapphire substrate, as compared with the intensity distribution of light being incident on the verticalized moth eye surface on the side of the semiconductor lamination unit, and that, in the angle region exceeding the critical angle, the intensity distribution of light emitted by transmission from the verticalized moth eye surface on a side of the sapphire substrate is inclined to direction closer to the vertical direction with respect to the interface, as compared with the intensity distribution of light being incident on the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005930A1

An optoelectronic semiconductor chip includes a semiconductor body including n-conducting and p-conducting regions, an active region generating electromagnetic radiation, a mirror layer reflecting the electromagnetic radiation, and an encapsulating layer sequence formed with an insulating material, wherein the mirror layer is arranged at an underside of the p-conducting region, the active region is arranged at a side of the p-conducting region facing away from the mirror layer, the n-conducting region is arranged at a side of the active region facing away from the p-conducting region, the encapsulation layer sequence covers the semiconductor body at the outer surface thereof in places, the encapsulation layer sequence extends at the outer surface of the semiconductor body from the active region along the p-conducting region as far as below the mirror layer, and the encapsulation layer sequence includes at least one encapsulation layer which is an ALD layer or consists of an ALD layer. 112-. (canceled)13. An optoelectronic semiconductor chip comprising:a semiconductor body comprising an n-conducting region, an active region that generates electromagnetic radiation, and a p-conducting region;a first mirror layer that reflects the electromagnetic radiation; andan encapsulation layer sequence formed with an electrically insulating material, whereinthe first mirror layer is arranged at an underside of the p-conducting region;the active region is arranged at a side of the p-conducting region facing away from the first mirror layer;the n-conducting region is arranged at a side of the active region facing away from the p-conducting region;the encapsulation layer sequence covers the semiconductor body at the outer surface thereof in places;the encapsulation layer sequence extends at the outer surface of the semiconductor body from the active region along the p-conducting region as far as below the first mirror layer; andthe encapsulation layer sequence comprises at least one ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Semiconductor light-emitting device

Номер: US20160005941A1
Принадлежит: Epistar Corp

A semiconductor light-emitting device includes a semiconductor stack comprising a first semiconductor layer, a second semiconductor layer, and an active layer between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, wherein the first semiconductor layer includes a periphery surface surrounding the active layer; a plurality of vias penetrating the semiconductor stack to expose the first semiconductor layer; and a patterned metal layer formed on the plurality of vias and covered the periphery surface of the first semiconductor layer.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006198A1

A light-emitting diode (LED) includes a substrate, a semiconductor stacked structure disposed on the substrate, the semiconductor stacked structure including a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer, a wavelength converting layer configured to convert a wavelength of light emitted from the semiconductor stacked structure, the wavelength converting layer covering side surfaces of the substrate and the semiconductor stacked structure, and a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) configured to reflect at least a portion of light wavelength-converted by the wavelength converting layer, in which at least a portion of the DBR is covered with a metal layer configured to reflect light transmitted through the DBR. 1. light-emitting diode (LED) , comprising:a substrate;a semiconductor stacked structure disposed on the substrate, the semiconductor stacked structure comprising a first conductivity-type semiconductor layer, an active layer, and a second conductivity-type semiconductor layer;a wavelength converting layer configured to convert a wavelength of light emitted from the semiconductor stacked structure, the wavelength converting layer covering side surfaces of the substrate and the semiconductor stacked structure; anda distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) configured to reflect at least a portion of light wavelength-converted by the wavelength converting layer,wherein at least a portion of the DBR is covered with a metal layer configured to reflect light transmitted through the DBR.2. The LED of claim 1 , further comprising:a first electrode disposed on the semiconductor stacked structure and electrically connected to the first conductivity-type semiconductor layer; anda second electrode disposed on the semiconductor stacked structure and electrically connected to the second conductivity-type semiconductor layer.3. The LED of claim 1 , further comprising:a first insulating layer disposed on the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006204A1
Автор: TAKAHASHI Tsuzuki

A method of manufacturing a light emitting device includes: providing a substantially flat plate-shaped base member which in plan view includes at least one first portion having an upper surface, and a second portion surrounding the at least one first portion and having inner lateral surfaces; mounting at least one light emitting element on the at least one first portion; shifting a relative positional relationship between the at least one first portion and the second portion in an upper-lower direction to form at least one recess defined by an upper surface of the at least one first portion that serves as a bottom surface of the at least one recess and at least portions of the inner lateral surfaces of the second portion that serve as lateral surfaces of the at least one recess; and bonding the at least one first portion and the second portion with each other. 1. A method of manufacturing a light emitting device , the method comprising:providing a substantially flat plate-shaped base member which in plan view includes at least one first portion having an upper surface, and a second portion surrounding the at least one first portion and having inner lateral surfaces;mounting at least one light emitting element on the at least one first portion; an upper surface of the at least one first portion defining a bottom surface of the at least one recess, and', 'at least portions of the inner lateral surfaces of the second portion defining lateral surfaces of each of the at least one recess; and, 'shifting a relative positional relationship between the at least one first portion and the second portion in an upper-lower direction to form at least one recess defined bybonding the at least one first portion and the second portion with each other.2. The method of manufacturing the light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the second portion of the base member has at least one through-hole in each of which a respective one of the at least one first portion ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005784A1

In one embodiment, the optoelectronic semiconductor chip () comprises a semiconductor layer sequence () with an active zone () for generating a radiation. The semiconductor layer sequence () is based on AlInGaP and/or on AlInGaAs. A metal mirror () for the radiation is located on a rear side () of the semiconductor layer sequence () opposite a light extraction side (). A protective metallization () is applied directly to a side of the metal mirror () facing away from the semiconductor layer sequence (). An adhesion promoting layer () is located directly on a side of the metal mirror () facing the semiconductor layer sequence (). The adhesion promoting layer () is an encapsulation layer for the metal mirror (), so that the metal mirror () is encapsulated at least at one outer edge by the adhesion promoting layer () together with the protective metallization (). 2. The optoelectronic semiconductor chip according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal mirror is completely encapsulated at all edges by the adhesion promoting layer together with the protective metallization and, viewed in cross-section, all around adjoins the protective metallization together with the adhesion promoting layer.3. The optoelectronic semiconductor chip according to claim 1 , the metal mirror is a silver mirror,', 'the adhesion promoting layer is made of aluminum oxide,', {'sup': −5', '2, 'the adhesion promoting layer is produced by atomic layer deposition so that a specific diffusion constant of the adhesion promoting layer for water and oxygen is at most 10g/(md), calculated on a material thickness of 0.1 μm,'}, 'the protective metallization is a layer stack of several metal layers, and', 'a region between the semiconductor layer sequence and the protective metallization is free of cavities., 'wherein'}4. The optoelectronic semiconductor chip according to claim 1 ,wherein the through-connection extends up to a side of the semiconductor layer sequence facing the metal mirror and terminates at a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Light emitting diode device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20210005797A1

An LED device includes: a first semiconductor layer of a first type; a second semiconductor layer of a second type; a light emitting layer formed between the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer and configured to emit light; and a filter formed on the second semiconductor layer and configured to transmit light in the second wavelength band within the first wavelength band. The filter includes a defect layer, first refractive layers, and second refractive layers having a refractive index greater than a refractive index of the first refractive layers, the first refractive layers and the second refractive layers are formed alternately on one side and other side of the defect layer. A thickness of the defect layer is determined based on a center wavelength of the first wavelength band, a peak wavelength of the second wavelength band and a refractive index of the defect layer.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006596A1

A broadband efficient GaN-based LED chip based on a surface plasmon effect and a manufacturing method therefor. The broadband efficient GaN-based LED chip is of a flip-chip structure, and comprises, from bottom to top in sequence, a substrate, a buffer layer, an unintentionally doped GaN layer, an n-GaN layer, a quantum well layer, an electron blocking layer, a p-GaN layer, a metallic reflecting mirror layer, a passivation layer, a p-electrode layer, an n-electrode layer; and a position of a bottom surface of the metallic reflecting mirror layer connected to a surface of the p-GaN layer is provided with a micro-nano composite metal structure. A micro metal structure comprises alternating protrusion portions and recess portions; and a nano metal structure is distributed on an interface of the micro metal structure and the p-GaN layer. 1. A broadband efficient GaN-based LED chip based on a surface plasmon effect , the broadband efficient GaN-based LED chip is of a flip-chip structure , comprising from bottom to top in sequence , a substrate , a buffer layer , an unintentionally doped GaN layer , an n-GaN layer , a quantum well layer , an electron blocking layer , a p-GaN layer , a metallic reflecting mirror layer , a passivation layer , a p-electrode layer , and an n-electrode layer; and a position of a bottom surface of the metallic reflecting mirror layer contacted to a surface of the p-GaN layer is provided with a micro-nano composite metal structure.2. The broadband efficient GaN-based LED chip based on a surface plasmon effect according to claim 1 , wherein the micro-nano composite metal structure comprises a micro metal structure and a nano metal structure; both the micro metal structure and the nano metal structure are structures with alternating protrusion and recess claim 1 , and the nano metal structure is distributed on an interface of the micro metal structure and the p-GaN layer; the surface of the p-GaN layer is provided with a micro-nano composite ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006598A1
Автор: Yoo Myung Cheol
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

A vertical topology light emitting device can include a conductive support structure; an adhesion layer disposed on the conductive support structure; a p-type contact disposed on the adhesion layer; a GaN-based semiconductor structure disposed on the p-type contact, in which the GaN-based semiconductor structure includes an n-type GaN-based layer, a p-type GaN-based layer, and an active layer between the n-type GaN-based layer and the p-type GaN-based layer, in which the n-type GaN-based layer has an etched flat surface, and the GaN-based semiconductor structure includes a bottom surface proximate to the conductive support structure, a top surface opposite to the bottom surface, and a side surface between the top surface and the bottom surface; an interface layer on the GaN-based semiconductor structure; and a contact pad disposed on the interface layer, in which the interface layer includes a portion which directly contacts the etched flat surface of the n-type GaN-based layer, and a first thickness of the conductive support structure is 0.5 times less than a width of the top surface of the GaN-based semiconductor structure. 1. A vertical topology light emitting device , comprising:a conductive support structure;an adhesion layer disposed on the conductive support structure;a p-type contact disposed on the adhesion layer;a GaN-based semiconductor structure disposed on the p-type contact, wherein the GaN-based semiconductor structure comprises an n-type GaN-based layer, a p-type GaN-based layer, and an active layer between the n-type GaN-based layer and the p-type GaN-based layer, wherein the n-type GaN-based layer has an etched flat surface, and wherein the GaN-based semiconductor structure includes a bottom surface proximate to the conductive support structure, a top surface opposite to the bottom surface, and a side surface between the top surface and the bottom surface;an interface layer on the GaN-based semiconductor structure; anda contact pad disposed on the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006612A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Viosys Co., Ltd.

A light emitting diode chip includes: a first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a mesa disposed on a partial region of the first conductivity type semiconductor layer, and including an active layer and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer; a transparent electrode being in ohmic contact with the second conductivity type semiconductor layer; a first current spreader being in ohmic contact with the first conductivity type semiconductor layer; a second current spreader electrically connected to the transparent electrode; an insulation layer covering the mesa, the first current spreader and the second current spreader, and including a distributed Bragg reflector. A lateral distance between the first current spreader and the mesa is larger than a thickness of the insulation layer, and a first side surface of the first current spreader close to the mesa is longer than the second side surface thereof. 1. A light emitting diode chip comprising:a first conductivity type semiconductor layer;a mesa disposed on a partial region of the first conductivity type semiconductor layer, and including an active layer and a second conductivity type semiconductor layer;a transparent electrode being in ohmic contact with the second conductivity type semiconductor layer;a first current spreader disposed on the first conductivity type semiconductor layer near the mesa, and being in ohmic contact with the first conductivity type semiconductor layer;a second current spreader disposed on the transparent electrode and electrically connected to the transparent electrode;an insulation layer covering the first conductivity type semiconductor layer, the mesa, the transparent electrode, the first current spreader and the second current spreader, having openings exposing portions of the first current spreader and the second current spreader, and including a distributed Bragg reflector; anda first pad electrode and a second pad electrode disposed on the insulation layer, and connected to ...
