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20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594354C2
Принадлежит: СЕНСУС ЮЭсЭй ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к контролю аккумуляторных батарей. Технический результат - увеличение срока службы аккумуляторных батарей. Заявлены способ и устройство для предотвращения чрезмерной пассивации батареи в электронном модуле считывания показаний измерителя. Модуль работает большую часть времени в режиме потребления малой мощности. Режим потребления малой мощности прерывают в определенные периоды передачи, где модуль на некоторое время включают или иным образом активируют подключенный передатчик связи для беспроводной передачи данных удаленному узлу. Из-за низкого потребления тока в течение периодов между передачами данных батарея модуля легко поддается наращиванию пассивирующего слоя. Тем не менее, предпочтительно, что модуль выполнен с возможностью выполнять фиктивные активации своего передатчика на некоторое время в периоды, отличные от определенных периодов передачи, например в промежутках между передачами данных. Такие фиктивные активации происходят не для передачи данных, а являются ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Аккумуляторная система

Номер: RU2648979C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к аккумуляторной системе и транспортному средству с указанной системой, преимущественно, с перезаряжаемыми аккумуляторами на литиевой основе. Предложенная аккумуляторная система содержит несколько электрически соединенных друг с другом аккумуляторных элементов, каждый из которых содержит несколько электрохимических индивидуальных ячеек, при этом каждый элемент из указанных аккумуляторных элементов термически изолирован от других аккумуляторных элементов. Каждая из указанных электрохимических индивидуальных ячеек содержит контрольное устройство, которое выполнено с возможностью электрического отсоединения аккумуляторного элемента от других аккумуляторных элементов, если по меньшей мере, одно измеренное значение, контролируемое указанным контрольным устройством, лежит вне заданного диапазона значений. Повышение безопасности работы аккумуляторной системы за счет термической изоляции каждого элемента от других аккумуляторных элементов ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2520309C2

Изобретение относится к аккумуляторам энергии, в частности, к аккумуляторам для автомобиля. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности аутентификации аккумулятора. Аккумулятор с блоком приложения (AU), который выполнен с возможностью определять и/или обрабатывать заданные рабочие параметры аккумулятора энергии. Кроме того, аккумулятор энергии содержит блок защиты (CU), который выполнен с возможностью криптографически обрабатывать определенные и/или обработанные рабочие параметры. Кроме того, аккумулятор энергии содержит коммуникационный интерфейс (IF1, IF2), чтобы предоставлять в распоряжение криптографически обработанные рабочие параметры. 16 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2402432C1

Изобретение относится к электрическим транспортным средствам и способу управления устройством преобразования напряжения. Транспортное средство содержит множество заряжаемых устройств накопления мощности, электродвигатель, модуль приема электрической мощности, устройство преобразования напряжения, управляющее устройство, управляющее устройством преобразования напряжения для обеспечения обмена электрической мощностью между множеством устройств накопления мощности, когда множество устройств накопления мощности заряжается от источника электропитания. Способ заключается в определении требования зарядки множества устройств накопления мощности от источника электропитания. Если требуется зарядка множества устройств накопления мощности от упомянутого источника электропитания, управляют устройством преобразования напряжения так, чтобы заряжать множество устройств накопления мощности от источника электропитания. Обеспечивают обмен электрической мощностью между множеством устройств накопления мощности ...

04-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627239C1

Использование – в области электротехники. Технический результат – предотвращение снижения производительности батареи. Представлена система управления аккумуляторной батареей, соединенная с батареей и управляющая ее зарядкой/разрядкой. Система содержит: датчик тока, который измеряет значение тока путем определения зарядного/разрядного тока, протекающего через батарею, датчик напряжения, который определяет напряжение батареи, датчик температуры, который определяет температуру батареи, расчетчик действующего значения тока, который на основании значения тока, измеренного датчиком тока, рассчитывает действующее значение тока в заданном временном окне, и ограничитель зарядки/разрядки, который применяет первое ограничение зарядки/разрядки с тем, чтобы ограничить зарядный/разрядный ток на основании действующего значения тока, рассчитанного расчетчиком действующего значения тока. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321923C1
Принадлежит: ЭЛ ДЖИ КЕМ, ЛТД. (KR)

Раскрыты защитное устройство и вторичная батарея с использованием защитного устройства. Защитное устройство включает в себя чувствительное к напряжению нагревательное устройство, выделяющее теплоту, когда разность напряжений между обоими концами его превышает заданный уровень напряжения, и термочувствительное устройство, имеющее обратимую функцию включения/выключения тока в зависимости от температуры. Термочувствительное устройство соединено с чувствительным к напряжению нагревательным устройством так, что термочувствительное устройство обнаруживает теплоту, выделяемую из чувствительного к напряжению нагревательного устройства. Технический результат - улучшение характеристик защиты. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595168C1

Изобретение относится к электрическим тяговым системам транспортных средств с питанием от собственных источников энергоснабжения. Система управления транспортного средства содержит аккумуляторную батарею, обогреватель аккумуляторной батареи и вспомогательную систему кондиционирования воздуха, блок связи и блок управления. Аккумуляторная батарея выполнена с возможностью заряжаться от внешнего источника энергии. Обогреватель и система кондиционирования выполнены с возможностью работать от электричества, подаваемого от внешнего источника или аккумулятора. Блок связи выполнен с возможностью передавать информацию о транспортном средстве. Блок управления выполнен с возможностью инструктировать блок связи передавать информацию пользователю транспортного средства, когда обогреватель или система кондиционирования воздуха начинают работу, используя электричество аккумулятора, когда внешний источник энергии недоступен. При этом блок связи передает информацию об уменьшении оставшегося уровня заряда ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010143854A

... 1. Батарея с жидким электролитом, которая имеет: корпус (1) с донной частью (1d) корпуса, электроды, которые расположены в корпусе (1), жидкий электролит и нагревательное устройство для нагревания корпуса (1), отличающаяся тем, что донная часть (1d) корпуса имеет выемки (1е), а нагревательное устройство имеет нагревательные выступы (2b), нагреваемые нагревательным устройством, которые выполнены с возможностью входить в зацепление с выемками (1е) донной части (1d) корпуса, так что возникает теплотехнический касательный контакт. ! 2. Батарея по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что выемки (1е) предусмотрены между элементами батареи. ! 3. Батарея по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что нагревательные выступы (2b) выполнены с возможностью нагреваться раздельно. ! 4. Батарея по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в нагревательных выступах (2b) предусмотрен температурный датчик (3). ! 5. Батарея по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что в нагревательных выступах (2b) предусмотрен температурный датчик (3). ! 6. Батарея по ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012149451A

... 1. Блок оценки внутренней температуры батареи для инструмента с электрическим приводом, предусмотренный в устройстве для инструмента с электрическим приводом и считывающий обнаруженную температуру из устройства обнаружения температуры, которое обнаруживает температуру элемента батареи, представляющей собой источник питания инструмента с электрическим приводом, чтобы оценить внутреннюю температуру батареи на основе обнаруженной температуры, при этом блок содержит:устройство установления начального значения, которое, когда начинается разрядка батареи или когда начинается зарядка батареи, считывает обнаруженную температуру из устройства обнаружения температуры и устанавливает обнаруженную температуру в качестве начального значения; иустройство вычисления величины повышения температуры, которое во время разрядки батареи или во время зарядки батареи считывает обнаруженную температуру из устройства обнаружения температуры и вычисляет величину повышения температуры элемента батареи на основе последнего ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement for controlling temperature of rechargeable battery in electrically powered vehicle, has fluid circuit comprising channel that is provided in housing, for allowing circulation of fluid

Номер: DE102012206495A1

The arrangement (1a) has a fluid circuit (5) which is entirely provided within the housing (2). A fluid motor (4) is designed, such that a change in temperature of the fluid in the housing external portion (B) at full capacity of the fluid motor is always less than 1 [deg] C. The fluid circuit has channel (6) provided in the housing, for allowing circulation of fluid. An independent claim is included for method for temperature control of battery.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018112832A1

Ein Wärmemanagementsystem für ein Fahrzeug beinhaltet eine Steuerung. Die Steuerung heizt ein Kühlmittel in einem Leistungselektronikkreis mittels Wärmeübertragung zwischen dem Kühlmittel und einer elektronischen Komponente als Reaktion darauf, dass eine Umgebungstemperatur unter einem Schwellenwert liegt und eine Kühlmitteltemperatur niedriger als eine Batterietemperatur ist, vor. Die Steuerung pumpt zudem als Reaktion darauf, dass die Kühlmitteltemperatur die Batterietemperatur übersteigt, das Kühlmittel durch einen Batteriekreis.

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Batterieüberwachungsverfahren, Batterieüberwachungsvorrichtung und Batterieüberwachungssystem

Номер: DE112018007349T5

Eine Batterieüberwachungsvorrichtung, die für ein Fahrzeug vorgesehen ist, erfasst eine Spannung, einen Strom und eine Temperatur jeder einer Vielzahl von Einheitszellen und überträgt Einheitszelleninformationen, die die erfasste Spannung, den erfassten Strom und die erfasste Temperatur jeder Einheitszelle und eine Kennung jeder der Einheitszellen enthalten, an eine Zustandsberechnungsvorrichtung, die außerhalb des Fahrzeugs vorgesehen und konfiguriert ist, jeden der Zustände der Vielzahl von Einheitszellen zu berechnen. Die Zustandsberechnungsvorrichtung empfängt die von der Batterieüberwachungsvorrichtung gesendeten Einheitszelleninformationen, berechnet jeden der Zustände der Vielzahl von Einheitszellen auf der Grundlage der empfangenen Spannung, des Stroms und der Temperatur jeder Einheitszelle und sendet berechnete Zustandsinformationen jeder Einheitszelle und die Kennung jeder der Einheitszellen an die Batterieüberwachungsvorrichtung oder eine fahrzeugeigene Steuervorrichtung, die ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kühlung einer Batterie, insbesondere einer Hochleistungsbatterie, in Kraftfahrzeugen

Номер: DE102012214098A1

Bei dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren zur Kühlung einer Batterie, insbesondere einer Hochleistungsbatterie, für Kraftfahrzeuge wird die Batterie zu ihrer Kühlung mit einem Verdampfer verbunden, der in einen Kältekreislauf mit einem Kältemittel-Verdichter eingebunden wird. Weiterhin wird mittels einer elektronischen Steuereinheit die Drehzahl des Verdichters unabhängig von der Kältemittel-Temperatur abhängig von der Batterie-Temperatur gemäß einer empirisch ermittelten, abgespeicherten Kennlinie derart gesteuert, dass die thermische Trägheit der Batteriezellen und des Verdampfers berücksichtigt wird.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Energiespeichervorrichtung und Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Kühlmittelflusses in einer Energiespeichervorrichtung, Batterieanordnung sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102016210460A1
Автор: ROMBERG JAN, Romberg, Jan

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Energiespeichervorrichtung mit mehreren Energiespeicherzellen und einem Gehäuse, in welchem die Energiespeicherzellen angeordnet sind, wobei zwischen den Energiespeicherzellen Kühlkanäle vorgesehen sind, die von einem Kühlmittel, das zur Aufnahme von Abwärme wenigstens einer der Energiespeicherzellen ausgebildet ist, durchströmt werden können, wobei wenigstens ein in wenigstens einem der Kühlkanäle und/oder an wenigstens einer Verzweigung von Kühlkanälen angeordnetes Steuerelement vorgesehen ist, das zur dynamischen Steuerung eines Kühlmittelflusses durch die Kühlkanäle ausgebildet ist.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017207416A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung, ein Verfahren und ein System zum Aufladen eines elektrochemischen Energiespeichers sowie ein Fahrzeug. Eine Aufladeeinrichtung zum Aufladen des elektrochemischen Energiespeichers weist einen ersten Stromkreis auf, welcher mit dem elektrochemischen Energiespeicher elektrisch gekoppelt ist oder gekoppelt werden kann. Eine Heizeinrichtung zum Beheizen des elektrochemischen Energiespeichers weist einen vom ersten Stromkreis getrennten zweiten Stromkreis mit einem durch ein äußeres magnetisches Wechselfeld induktiv erwärmbaren Induktionsheizelement auf, welches mit dem elektrochemischen Energiespeicher thermisch gekoppelt ist oder gekoppelt werden kann.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Akkupack für eine Handwerkzeugmaschine

Номер: DE102015208252A1
Автор: ROEHM HEIKO, Roehm, Heiko

Die Erfindung beschreibt einen Akkupack für eine Handwerkzeugmaschine umfassend eine Schnittstelle zum Herstellen einer mechanischen und elektrischen Verbindung des Akkupacks mit einer Handwerkzeugmaschine und/oder einem Ladegerät, wobei die Schnittstelle Kontaktelemente zur elektrischen und/oder mechanischen Kontaktierung korrespondierender Gegenkontaktelemente an der Handwerkzeugmaschine und/oder korrespondierender Gegenkontaktelemente an dem Ladegerät umfasst. Ferner weist das Akkupack zumindest eine Akkuzelle und wenigstens eine Akkupackelektronik auf, wobei die Akkupackelektronik mit der zumindest einen Akkuzelle und mit zumindest einem Kontaktelement elektrisch verbunden ist; wobei die Akkupackelektronik dazu ausgelegt ist, wenigstens einen Betriebsmodus einer Antriebseinheit der Handwerkzeugmaschine zu aktivieren und/oder zu deaktivieren. Ferner ist vorgesehen, dass das Akkupack zumindest einen Bewegungssensor aufweist, wobei der Bewegungssensor mit der Akkupackelektronik elektrisch ...

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Elektrisch angetriebener, mobiler Körper und Boosteraufladungs-Verfahren für einen elektrisch angetriebenen, mobilen Körper

Номер: DE112008000980T5

Elektrisch angetriebener, mobiler Körper, der eine Stromspeichereinrichtung zum Speichern von elektrischem Strom, der von einer externen Stromversorgungsvorrichtung geliefert wird, umfasst und mit elektrischem Strom betrieben wird, der in der Stromspeichervorrichtung gespeichert ist, auf: eine Lade-Steuereinrichtung zum Steuern des elektrischen Stroms, der an die Stromversorgungsvorrichtung geliefert wird, in einer solchen Weise, dass der elektrische Strom eine Spannung und einen elektrischen Strom hat, der geeignet ist, um der Stromspeichervorrichtung eine Boosteraufladung zu erteilen; und eine Kühleinrichtung, um das Ladesystem der Stromspeichervorrichtung zwangsweise zu kühlen, wobei der elektrische Strom von der Stromversorgungsvorrichtung geliefert wird.

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Batterieladungszustandsschätzvorrichtung und Ladungszustandsschätzverfahren

Номер: DE112015006416T5

Es wird eine Batterieladungszustands-Schätzvorrichtung bereitgestellt, die einen Ladungszustand mit hoher Genauigkeit unabhängig vom Laden oder Entladen einer Batterie abschätzt. Ein End-Ladungszustands-Rechenmittel 107 ist vorgesehen, welches einen End-Ladungszustand der Batterie gemäß den Ladungszustandsschätzwerten durch ein Strom-Integrationsmodus-Lastzustandsschätzmittel 102 berechnet, und das Strom-Integrationsmodus-Lastzustandsschätzmittel 102. Das End-Ladungszustands-Rechenmittel 107 führt, wenn eine Differenz zwischen dem Ladungszustandsschätzwert durch das Strom-Integrationsmodus-Lastzustandsschätzmittel 102 und dem Ladungszustandsschätzwert durch das Äquivalenz-Schaltungsmodellmodus-Ladezustandsschätzmittel 103 kleiner als oder gleich dem Ladungszustands-Differenz-Schwellenwert wird, ein Umschalten des End-Ladungszustands vom Ladungszustandsschätzwert durch das Strom-Integrationsmodus-Lastzustandsschätzmittel 102 zum Ladungszustandsschätzwert durch das Äquivalenz-Schaltungsmodellmodus-Ladezustandsschätzmittel ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung, Steuerverfahren, nichtflüchtiges Speichermedium, und Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102021100744A1

Eine Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung (80) beinhaltet eine Bestimmungseinheit, die dazu eingerichtet ist, zu bestimmen, ob ein Absolutwert eines Lenkwinkels als Drehwinkel eines Lenkrades (10) einen ersten Schwellenwert überschreitet, eine Schätzeinheit, die dazu eingerichtet ist, eine Lithiumabscheidungsmenge als eine Menge an Lithiummetall abzuschätzen, das aufgrund eines in die Lithium-Ionen-Batterie (70) fließenden regenerativen Stroms auf der Lithium-Ionen-Batterie (70) abgelagert wird, basierend auf von dem Fahrzeug erhaltenen Fahrzeuginformationen, wenn die Bestimmungseinheit bestimmt, dass der Absolutwert des Lenkwinkels den ersten Schwellenwert überschreitet und eine Meldebefehlseinheit, die dazu eingerichtet ist, einen Befehl zum Melden zu geben, dass sich das Fahrzeug in einem ersten Zustand befindet, basierend auf der von der Schätzeinheit abgeschätzten Lithiumabscheidungsmenge.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018006195T5

Eine Ladesteuervorrichtung (50) steuert das Laden der Energiespeichereinrichtungen (B1 bis B4). Die Vorrichtung enthält eine Vielzahl von parallel verbundenen Ladepfaden (61A, 61B) für die Energiespeichereinrichtungen, ein Spannungsabfallelement (64A, 64B) und einen in Reihe damit verbundenen Schalter (65A, 65B) an jedem der Ladepfade und eine Steuereinheit (100). Die Steuereinheit (100) steuert die Schalter (65A, 65B) für das Schalten des Ladepfads aus der Vielzahl von Ladepfaden (61A, 61B), der während des Ladens nicht mit Strom versorgt wird.

16-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007048659A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen Energiespeicher, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einer Applikationseinheit (AU), die dazu ausgebildet ist, vorgegebene Betriebsparameter des Energiespeichers zu erfassen und/oder zu verarbeiten. Ferner umfasst der Energiespeicher eine Sicherheitseinheit (CU), die dazu ausgebildet ist, die erfassten und/oder verarbeiteten Betriebsparameter kryptologisch zu verarbeiten. Des Weiteren umfasst der Energiespeicher eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle (IF1, IF2), um die kryptologisch verarbeiteten Betriebsparameter zur Verfügung zu stellen.

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Verbindereinheit zum Kontaktieren elektrischer Speicherzellen, Verfahren zum Herstellen einer solchen Verbindereinheit und Akkumulatorenbatterie mit der Verbindereinheit

Номер: DE102012011607B4
Автор: GIERE PETER, Giere, Peter
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG, Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft

Verbindereinheit (100) zum Kontaktieren einer Anzahl elektrischer Speicherzellen, umfassend elektrische Leistungsverbinder (22) zum Verbinden von Polen der einzelnen Speicherzellen untereinander und Messleitungen (23) zum Verbinden wenigstens einiger der Pole mit wenigstens einer Zellenüberwachungseinheit, wobei die Leistungsverbinder (22) und die Messleitungen (23) mit flächig gestalteten Leiterabschnitten ausgebildet sind, wobeidie Leiterabschnitte wenigstens weitgehend aus einem gemeinsamen Stanzteil (20) geformt und in wenigstens einer elektrisch wenigstens weitgehend isolierenden Haltevorrichtung (21) eine zusammenhängende Baugruppe bildend gehalten sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dassdie Leiterabschnitte der Verbindereinheit (100) aus einem streifen- oder flachbandförmigen Leitermaterial (25), das in seiner Längserstreckung ausgerichtete, fortlaufende Bereiche von quer zur Längserstreckung des Leitermaterials variierter Dickenabmessung aufweist, geformt sind,wobeidie elektrischen Leistungsverbinder ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Batteriezelleinrichtung mit Kurzschlusssicherheitsfunktion und Verfahren zum Überwachen einer Batteriezelle

Номер: DE102013204534A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Batteriezelleinrichtung (221) mit einer Batteriezelle (21) und einer Überwachungsvorrichtung zum Überwachen der Batteriezelle (21). Die Überwachungsvorrichtung umfasst eine Sensorvorrichtung (240), eine Zustandsermittlungsvorrichtung (250), die dazu ausgebildet ist, anhand einer Auswertung von durch die Sensorvorrichtung bereitgestellten aktuellen Messwerten einen aktuellen und/oder künftigen Batteriezellzustand zu erkennen und/oder vorherzusagen, und eine Aktorvorrichtung (260), die dazu ausgebildet ist, die Batteriezelle (21) aus einem kritischen Batteriezellzustand in einen sicheren Betriebsmodus zu überführen. Es wird vorzugsweise eine Kurzschlusssicherheitsfunktion (270) bereitstellt, mittels der durch die Zustandsermittlungsvorrichtung (250) ein kritischer Batteriezellzustand, in dem die Batteriezelle (21) durch einen batteriezellextern liegenden Kurzschluss zwischen Ausgangsterminals (222, 223) der Batteriezelleinrichtung (21) beschädigt werden ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Batteriesystem mit auslösbarem Wärmespeicher

Номер: DE102013225582A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Batteriesystem, insbesondere Lithium-Batteriesystem, welches mindestens einen elektrochemischen Energiespeicher, beispielsweise eine Lithium-Batteriezelle, ein Lithium-Batteriemodul und/oder ein Lithium-Batteriepack, umfasst. Um die Funktionalität, den Wirkungsgrad und die Lebensdauer des elektrischen Energiespeichers beziehungsweise einer Fahrzeugkomponente zu verbessern, umfasst das Batteriesystem mindestens einen latenten und/oder thermochemischen Wärmespeicher zur Speicherung von Wärmeenergie und zur auslösbaren Freigabe von gespeicherter Wärmeenergie und mindestens eine Auslöseeinrichtung zur Auslösung einer Freigabe von in dem Wärmespeicher gespeicherter Wärmeenergie. Darüber hinaus betrifft die Erfindung ein Betriebsverfahren für ein derartiges Batteriesystem.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Gehäuse für einen elektrochemischen Speicher, elektrochemischer Speicher und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Gehäuses für einen elektrochemischen Speicher

Номер: DE102015201535A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Gehäuse für einen elektrochemischen Speicher (100). Das Gehäuse umfasst eine Hausung (102), die einen flexibel verformbaren Abschnitt (104) aufweist, eine mit einem Fluid (106) gefüllte Kappe (108), die an einer Außenseite (122) der Hausung (102) angeordnet ist und den flexibel verformbaren Abschnitt (104) abdeckt, und einen Drucksensor (110), der innerhalb der Kappe (108) angeordnet ist, wobei der Drucksensor (110) ausgebildet ist, um eine durch eine Verformung des flexibel verformbaren Abschnitts (104) hervorgerufene Druckänderung innerhalb der Kappe (108) zu erfassen.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Zweispannungsbatterie mit Stromsensoren und Kalibrierverfahren hierfür

Номер: DE102016122438A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zweispannungsbatterie für ein Fahrzeug umfassend eine Mehrzahl von Batteriezellen, wobei jeweils eine Gruppe von Batteriezellen zu einem Batteriezellblock verbunden ist, und umfassend eine Batterieelektronik mit einer Mehrzahl von Leistungsschaltelementen zum seriellen und/oder parallelen Verbinden jedenfalls einzelner Batteriezellblöcke, wobei in einer ersten Verbindungsanordnung der Batteriezellblöcke eine erste Spannung und wobei in einer zweiten Verbindungsanordnung der Batteriezellblöcke eine zweite Spannung bereitgestellt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens einzelnen Batteriezellblöcken ein Blockstromsensor mit einem Messwiderstand zugeordnet ist, welcher ausgebildet ist zum Messen eines Blockstroms durch den einen zugeordneten Batteriezellblock.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

System für den Betrieb einer Last

Номер: DE102016212545A1

Es wird ein System (100) für den Betrieb einer Last (90) bereitgestellt, das einen elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeicher (80) umfasst, welcher mindestens einen Ausgang (81) zur elektrisch leitfähigen Verbindung mit einer Last (90) und mindestens einen Sensor (70) umfasst. Der mindestens eine Sensor (70) ist dazu ausgebildet, die Temperatur des elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeichers (80) und/oder die Spannung an dem mindestens einen Ausgang (81) des elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeichers (80) zu messen. Des Weiteren weist das System (100) eine Systemmanagement-Einheit (60) auf, welche dazu ausgebildet ist, die Spannung an dem mindestens einen Ausgang (81) des elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeichers (80) in Abhängigkeit von einer Veränderung in der Temperatur des elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeichers (80) derart zu verändern, dass einer auf die Temperaturveränderung zurückzuführende Änderung im Wert der Leistungsdichte des elektrochemischen Hochleistungsspeichers (80) entgegengewirkt ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017108743A1

Ein beispielhaftes Verfahren beinhaltet das Zirkulieren eines Fluids entlang eines Fluidkreislaufs, der sich durch einen Wärmetauscher und einen Batteriesatz erstreckt, und während des Zirkulierens das Erwärmen des Fluids mit einer Strömung von Abgas und das Verwenden des Fluids zum Beheizen des Batteriesatzes. Ein beispielhaftes Fahrzeugsystem beinhaltet einen Batteriesatz, einen Wärmetauscher, einen Fluidkreislauf, der konfiguriert ist, um ein Fluid zwischen dem Batteriesatz und dem Wärmetauscher zu zirkulieren, und ein Ventil, das zwischen einer Heizposition und einer Kühlposition hin und her bewegt werden kann. Das Ventil in der Heizposition ermöglicht eine größere Strömung entlang eines Abgaskreislaufs zum Erwärmen des Fluids in dem Fluidkreislauf als das Ventil in der Kühlposition.

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Sensorvorrichtung zum Überwachen zumindest einer Batteriezelle

Номер: DE102017209413A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Sensorvorrichtung (10) zum Überwachen zumindest einer Batteriezelle (20) eines Batteriesystems (100), aufweisend ein Sensorelement (11) zur Erfassung zumindest einer Zustandsgröße der Batteriezelle (20), zumindest ein mit dem Sensorelement (11) verbundenes und elektrisch und/oder thermisch leitfähiges Verbindungselement (12), sodass das Sensorelement mit der Batteriezelle (20) und mit einer Elektronikeinheit (30) des Batteriesystems (100) verbindbar ist, wobei das Verbindungselement (12) als flexible Leiterplatte (12) ausgebildet ist.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018101314A1

Ein Verfahren und eine Temperaturerfassungsschaltung sind beschrieben. Ein Beispiel des Verfahrens umfasst: Treiben eines Wechselstroms mit einer ersten Frequenz in eine Batterie und Erfassen eines Imaginärteils einer Batterieimpedanz bei der ersten Frequenz; Treiben eines Wechselstroms mit einer zweiten Frequenz, die sich von der ersten Frequenz unterscheidet, in die Batterie und Erfassen eines Imaginärteils der Batterieimpedanz bei der zweiten Frequenz; und Berechnen einer Schnittfrequenz, bei der der Imaginärteil gleich einem vorgegeben Wert ist, wenigstens basierend auf dem bei der ersten Frequenz erhaltenen Imaginärteil und dem bei der zweiten Frequenz erhaltenen Imaginärteil.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Zelltemperatursensoreinheit und elektrische Batterie

Номер: DE102014018090A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zelltemperatursensoreinheit (1) für eine Einzelzelle einer elektrischen Batterie mit zumindest einem Temperatursensor (2). Erfindungsgemäß umfasst der Temperatursensor (2) eine Leiterplatte (3) und einen mechanisch und elektrisch mit der Leiterplatte (3) verbundenen SMD-Heißleiter (4), wobei die Leiterplatte (3) und der SMD-Heißleiter (4) derart vollständig von einem Kunststoff (K) umspritzt sind, dass zumindest zwei sich gegenüberliegende Flachseiten (S1, S2) der Zelltemperatursensoreinheit (1) als ebene Flächen ausgebildet sind. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine elektrische Batterie, umfassend zumindest einen aus mehreren Einzelzellen gebildeten Zellverbund und zumindest eine Zelltemperatursensoreinheit (1), welche zwischen Flachseiten von zwei benachbarten Einzelzellen angeordnet ist.

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014105118A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Batteriezellenmodul (20, 30, 40), das eine Mehrzahl an Energiespeicherzellen (11), die entlang einer Stapelrichtung nebeneinander angeordnet sind und jeweils einen Zellenkörper (2) und zwei aus dem Zellenkörper (2) tretende elektrische Zellenableiter (3, 13) aufweisen, und eine Platine (8, 19) auf, die mindestens einen der Zellenableiter (3, 13) jeder Energiespeicherzelle (11) elektrisch kontaktiert, indem der kontaktierte Zellenableiter (3, 13) in die Platine (8, 19) hineinragt.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Zellverbindereinheit und/oder Zellspannungsabgriffseinheit

Номер: DE102015010925A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zellverbindereinheit (12) und/oder Zellspannungsabgriffseinheit (13) für eine Batterie (3) mit einer Mehrzahl von Einzelzellen (4), wobei die Zellverbindereinheit (12) und/oder Zellspannungsabgriffseinheit (13) zumindest eine Temperiereinheit (15) umfasst.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Gehäuse zum Aufnehmen eines thermisch zu konditionierenden elektrischen Bauelements sowie Fahrzeugbatterie und Verteilerkasten

Номер: DE102018113964A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Gehäuse (1) zum Aufnehmen eines thermisch zu konditionierenden elektrischen Bauelements, bevorzugt zum Aufnehmen einer Batteriezelle (92) und/oder eines Batteriemoduls (90), umfassend einen doppelwandigen Gehäuseabschnitt (2), an den das thermisch zu konditionierende elektrische Bauelement thermisch angebunden ist, wobei in dem doppelwandigen Gehäuseabschnitt (2) ein Peltier-Element (5) aufgenommen ist.

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Kalorimetrisches Verfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung von auf einer Anode einer Lithium-Ionen-Zelle abgeschiedenem metallischen Lithium

Номер: DE102018128451A1

Verfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung von auf einer Anode einer Lithium-Ionen-Zelle (LiZ) abgeschiedenem metallischen Lithium, mit den Schritten:- Bestimmen oder Einstellen des Ladezustands der LiZ,- Versetzen der LiZ mit Wärme in einem kalorimetrischen Reaktionsraum, um eine exotherme Reaktion des metallischem Lithiums mit einem von der LiZ umfassten Flüssigelektrolyten zu bewirken,- Messen von im kalorimetrischen Reaktionsraum aus der exothermen Reaktion entstehendem Wärmemenge, und- Berechnung der Stoffmenge von metallischem Lithium anhand der gemessenen Wärmemenge, um die Stoffmenge des mit der exothermen Reaktion umgesetzten metallischen Lithiums anhand der Stöchiometrie der exothermen Reaktion zu ermitteln.

06-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019129468A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Schnellladen eines Batteriesystems, das eine Mehrzahl von Lithiumionenzellen umfasst, wobei Einheiten aus einzelnen Zellen oder aus Blöcken parallel geschalteter Zellen in Reihe geschaltet sind, und weiterhin Mittel zum Messen der Spannung und zumindest einer Komponente der Impedanz dieser Zelleneinheiten vorgesehen sind, ausgehend von einem anfänglichen Ladezustand SOC0auf einen vorbestimmten Ziel-Ladezustand SOCZiel, in dem optimierte Schnelllade-Bedingungen unter Einsatz von Impedanzmessungen bzw. Impedanzspektroskopie (EIS) ermittelt werden. Ein weiterer Gesichtspunkt der Erfindung betrifft ein Batteriesystem, in dem das Verfahren implementiert ist.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Galvanische Zelle und Verfahren zum Herstellen einer galvanischen Zelle

Номер: DE102014200378A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine galvanische Zelle (100). Die galvanische Zelle (100) umfasst einen ersten Stromsammler (104) zum Kontaktieren einer ersten Elektrode der galvanischen Zelle (100), einen zweiten Stromsammler (106) zum Kontaktieren einer zweiten Elektrode der galvanischen Zelle (100), ein Gehäuse (102) zum Aufnehmen zumindest eines Teilbereichs des ersten Stromsammlers (104) und des zweiten Stromsammlers (106), einen Isolator (108), der innerhalb des Gehäuses (102) entlang einer Wand (112) des Gehäuses (102) angeordnet und ausgebildet ist, um zumindest einen der Stromsammler (104, 106) von dem Gehäuse (102) elektrisch zu isolieren, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Isolator (108) eine Aussparung (118) aufweist, in der ein Sensor (110) zum Erfassen mindestens eines Parameters der galvanischen Zelle (100) angeordnet ist.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Erkennen eines thermischen Durchgehens einer Batteriezelle eines Batteriemoduls für ein Fahrzeug und Batteriemodul

Номер: DE102019214104A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Erkennen eines thermischen Durchgehens von zumindest einer Batteriezelle (120) eines Batteriemoduls (100) für ein Fahrzeug und ein Batteriemodul (100), das ein Batteriegehäuse (110) aufweist, in dem die zumindest eine Batteriezelle (120) und eine Sensorvorrichtung (200) angeordnet sind, die dazu ausgebildet ist, die Feuchtigkeit innerhalb des Batteriegehäuses (110) zu erfassen. Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren umfasst ein Ermitteln eines ersten Feuchtigkeitswerts innerhalb des Batteriegehäuses (110) mittels der Sensorvorrichtung (200) an einem ersten Zeitpunkt, ein Ermitteln von zumindest einem zweiten Feuchtigkeitswert innerhalb des Batteriegehäuses (110) mittels der Sensorvorrichtung (200) an zumindest einem zweiten Zeitpunkt, der zeitlich auf den ersten Zeitpunkt innerhalb einer vorbestimmten Zeitspanne von ungefähr 60 Sekunden oder kleiner folgt, und ein Erkennen eines thermischen Durchgehens der zumindest einen Batteriezelle (120), ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Batteriesystem mit mindestens einem Lüfter

Номер: DE102018214749A1

Batteriesystem (200) mit einem Batteriegehäuse, das einen Grundkörper (201), ein erstes Abdeckelement und ein zweites Abdeckelement (203) umfasst, wobei das erste Abdeckelement eine erste offene Stirnseite des Grundkörpers (201) verschließt und das zweite Abdeckelement (203) eine zweite offene Stirnseite des Grundkörpers (201) verschließt, einem Batteriezellenhalter (204), der innerhalb des Batteriegehäuses angeordnet ist und eine Vielzahl von Batteriezellen (205) aufweist, und einem Batteriemanagementsystem (109), das dazu eingerichtet ist die Vielzahl von Batteriezellen (205) zu überwachen und Temperaturen der einzelnen Batteriezellen (205) zu erfassen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Batteriezellenhalter (204) mindestens eine quaderförmige Aussparung aufweist, die sich von einer dritten Stirnseite (207) des Batteriezellenhalters (204) bis zu einer vierten Stirnseite (208) des Batteriezellenhalters (204) erstreckt, wobei die dritte Stirnseite (207) des Batteriezellenhalters (204) in ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019118454A1

Diese Offenbarung stellt eine zellmontierte monolithische integrierte Schaltung bereit. Ein Batteriesystem weist Folgendes auf: eine Batteriezelle, die einen Becher beinhaltet, und ein keramisches Substrat, das eine gemusterte metallisierte Fläche beinhaltet und über einen wärmeleitfähigen Klebstoff an dem Becher montiert ist. Das Batteriesystem weist zudem eine monolithische integrierte Schaltung auf, die Daten über die Zelle misst und überträgt und derart an der gemusterten metallisierten Fläche montiert ist, dass das keramische Substrat und die monolithische integrierte Schaltung elektrisch voneinander isoliert sind.

13-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003528673A1

25-02-2010 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug und zugehöriges Betriebsverfahren

Номер: DE102008037238A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines eine Brennkraftmaschine (2) aufweisenden Kraftfahrzeugs (1), insbesondere eines Personenkraftwagens, - bei dem die Brennkraftmaschine (2) mit einer Start-Stopp-Funktion betrieben wird, bei der die Brennkraftmaschine (2) während des Betriebs des Fahrzeugs (1) in Abhängigkeit von Parametern, wie zum Beispiel ein aktueller Antriebsleistungsbedarf, automatisch eingeschaltet und ausg nur dann aktiviert wird, wenn eine Fahrzeugbatterie (3) eine Batterietemperatur aufweist, die oberhalb einer Batteriemindesttemperatur liegt, - bei dem die Batterie (3) Innenraumluft zur Klimatisierung eines Passagierraums (8) des Fahrzeugs (1) ausgesetzt wird.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Elektrochemische Zelle eines Akkumulators

Номер: DE102010046307B4

Elektrochemische Zelle eines Akkumulators mit mindestens einem Sensorelement, bei der das/die Sensorelement(e) innerhalb der Zelle in diese integriert angeordnet ist/sind und ein Sensorelement als elektrisch leitende schichtförmige Leiterbahnstruktur (2), die mit metallischen Partikeln und einem Binder ausgebildet ist, auf einer Oberfläche eines dielektrischen in Form einer dünnen Folie ausgebildeten Laminats (1) ausgebildet ist und die Leiterbahnstruktur (2) bis auf am äußeren Rand angeordnete für eine elektrische Kontaktierung vorgesehene Bereiche mit einem weiteren dielektrischen in Form einer Folie ausgebildeten Laminats (3), das auf der Leiterbahnstruktur (2) angeordnet ist, fluiddicht abgedichtet ist, die Laminate (1) und (3) stoffschlüssig miteinander verbunden und das Sensorelement eine maximale Dicke von 150 μm aufweist.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007031857A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Akkumulator (1) für handgeführte, elektromechanische Werkzeuge, mit einer Mehrzahl von Akkuzellen (10), die mittels elektrischer Zellverbinder (100) elektrisch miteinander verbunden sind, wobei wenigstens ein Zellverbinder (100) eine elektrische Isolierung (22, 32, 42) aufweist und an/in der elektrischen Isolierung (22, 32, 42) eine elektronische Komponente (200) vorgesehen ist. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung ein elektromechanisches Werkzeug, insbesondere einen Akkuschrauber, eine Bohrmaschine, eine Kreissäge, eine Stichsäge, eine Schleifmaschine, ein Gartengerät, mit einem erfindungsgemäßen Akkumulator (1).

07-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201618022D0

01-02-2017 дата публикации

Multi power tool system incorporating battery pack

Номер: GB0201621312D0

21-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle energy management

Номер: GB0201800287D0

15-09-2021 дата публикации

A method and a controller for controlling a battery of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002593001A

A method for preheating a vehicle battery (104, Fig 2) comprises warming the battery by controlling a time-varying electrical loading of a battery before an anticipated start time when the temperature of the battery is indicated to be below a threshold temperature. The time-varying electrical load is controlled such that the duration of a relatively higher electrical load is shorter than the duration of a relatively lower electrical load. The variation in electrical load may include an increase in electrical load followed by a decrease in electrical load, for example a decrease to zero electrical load. The electrical load may be pulsed and pulses may have the same maximum load or different maximum loads. The variation in electrical load may include a step and/or ramp from a first above-zero electrical load to a second, higher, above-zero electrical load. The anticipated start time may be dependent on a user setting; detection of a user approaching or entering the vehicle; or machine learning ...

22-09-2021 дата публикации

Sensor arrangement for battery unit of electrical vehicle

Номер: GB2561359B
Автор: ALBERT LAM, Albert Lam

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus

Номер: GB2568663B

17-11-2021 дата публикации

Thermal management of vehicle energy storage means

Номер: GB0002594978A

A thermal control apparatus 204 is configured for thermal control of an energy storage means 202 (e.g. battery) of a vehicle. A parameter is obtained by a control system 210. The parameter is indicative of a state of health (SOH) of the energy storage means, e.g. a measured variable such as; capacity, power capability, internal resistance, self-discharge, or charge acceptance of the energy storage means. The control system controls operation of the thermal control apparatus in dependence on a difference between the parameter and a target, wherein the target is indicative of an expected SOH of the energy storage means. A rate of change of the target varies in association with cumulative energy throughput of the energy storage means. The cumulative energy throughput may be determined in dependence on mileage and/or time and/or charge cycles of the energy storage means. If the parameter is below the target, a cooling performance of the energy storage means may be increased. The thermal control ...

28-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009311931D0

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Power circuit control system

Номер: GB0000920052D0

03-08-2016 дата публикации

Battery management system

Номер: GB0201610936D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Cooling system and method

Номер: GB0201705509D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Transport or storage container

Номер: GB0201705505D0

27-12-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus

Номер: GB0201718882D0

10-02-2021 дата публикации

Actuating mechanism with integral battery

Номер: GB2584755A8

... a motor driven actuator device comprising an actuator enclosure 1 an actuator motor in the form of a reversible electric motor; a control module 3; a drive comprising gearing and a shaft, the actuator device further comprises an input for receiving an external power supply; and a battery pack 6 to drive the motor, and electrically connectable to the external power supply for charging. During charging, the control module receives charge level data of the battery pack; compares the measured level with a pre-determined level required to complete two battery shutdown events under battery power; and if the measured level is equal to or greater than the pre-determined charge level, indicate this to other internal components. During actuator operation, the control module detects and determines the validity of the external power supply, and if it is determined to be invalid, instruct a battery shutdown event causing the battery to be discharged; and, subsequently detect when the power supply becomes ...

09-02-2022 дата публикации

Battery pack

Номер: GB0002597790A

A battery pack comprises an enclosure 101 housing at least one battery stack 103, 105, and a cooling device such as a fan 111, 113 which blows air through the enclosure over the battery stack(s) in a first airflow direction 121 (fig 1A) and a second airflow direction 123 (fig 1B) opposite to the first direction. The cooling device is coupled to a controller which controls the cooling device to alternate between the first airflow direction and the second airflow direction based on a parameter indicative of the temperature of the battery stack(s). Preferably, two stacks 103, 105 are provided and the cooling device is controlled to switch airflow direction to ensure even cooling of the stacks. Heat exchangers 107, 109 may be provided within the airflow passages. Preferably, multiple battery packs are provided in a hermetic enclosure (200, fig 2), the heat exchangers being supplied with heat exchange fluid from a common supply (207, fig 2). A fan may be provided at each end of the battery pack ...

20-12-2017 дата публикации

Actuating mechanism with integral battery

Номер: GB0201718371D0

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Power storage device

Номер: GB0201719474D0

11-10-2023 дата публикации

Battery safety system and method

Номер: GB0002617329A

A method and systems for the thermal regulation of a battery to help prevent thermal runaway. The system comprises sensors, a battery management system for comparing one or more parameters associated with the sensor data to a corresponding threshold value, a first thermal regulation system, and a second thermal regulation system. The system configures the first thermal regulation system 1230 in response to comparison 1220, and the second thermal regulation system is configured if any of the one or more parameters exceeds the corresponding threshold value 1240. The sensed data may be temperature data or off-gas detection data. The first thermal regulation system may comprise a cooling circuit and the second thermal regulation system may provide one or more fire suppressant materials to the battery module.

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000523790T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553512T

15-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508875B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines elektrischen Energiespeichers (5) für ein Fahrzeug (1), insbesondere für ein Elektrofahrzeug oder für ein Hybridfahrzeug (1), wobei ein Alterungsmaß (26) für den Energiespeicher (5) unter Berücksichtigung wenigstens einer Ruhetemperatur (TRX) des Energiespeichers (5) bestimmt wird, wobei ein Belastungsgrenzwert (30-32) für eine maximale Belastung des Energiespeichers (5) reduziert wird, falls das Alterungsmaß (26) einen Schwellenwert (27) überschreitet, wobei für mehrere Zeitabschnitte (tx) jeweils eine Ruhetemperatur (TRX) ermittelt wird und diese Ruhetemperaturen (TRX) bei der Bestimmung des Alterungsmaßes (26) kumulativ berücksichtigt werden.

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508875A3

Beim Betreiben eines elektrischen Energiespeichers 5 wird ein Alterungsmaß 26 für den Ener­giespeicher 5 berücksichtigt, das unter Berücksichtigung wenigstens einer Ruhetemperatur TRX des Energiespeichers 5 bestimmt wird.

15-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435474A

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Battery bank control device and method

Номер: AU2020240964A1

The present invention relates to a device for setting a power limit value of a battery bank having a plurality of battery racks connected in parallel, and comprises a battery bank control device comprising: a voltage measurement unit for measuring the voltage of each of a plurality of battery racks; a first power limit calculation unit for calculating, for each battery rack, a first power limit value which is based on a SOC calculated on the basis of the respective voltages of the battery racks; a capacity ratio calculation unit for calculating the capacity ratio of each battery rack on the basis of capacity information of the plurality of battery racks; a second power limit calculation unit for calculating respective second power limit values by using the respective capacity ratios and first power limit values of the battery racks; and a battery bank power limit calculation unit for calculating a battery bank power limit value by using the respective second power limit values of the battery ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Battery operated hair dryer

Номер: AU2018344098B9
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A battery operated hair dryer includes a rechargeable battery pack electrically connected to a fan and a heating element. The battery operated hair dryer also includes a battery management and control module to control how to efficiently dry a user's hair while, at the same time, managing the state of charge and health of the battery.

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003212952A1

08-09-2016 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for controlling access to one or more memories in a rechargeable battery

Номер: AU2015223446A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A method and apparatus for controlling access to one or more memories in a rechargeable battery includes a switching circuit that connects the memory to a device data contact, and disconnects the memory from a charger data contact, when the rechargeable battery is connected only to a device powered by a battery. The switching circuit, however, connects the memory to the charger data contact and disconnects it from the device data contact. In some embodiments a second memory that contains a subset of the data in the first memory is connected to the device data contact when the first memory is connected to the charger data contact.

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Battery management system for a watercraft motor module

Номер: AU2014209215A1

Disclosed herein is a battery management system. A housing may contain one or more of an electric motor, a battery electrically coupled to the electric motor, and a sensor configured to detect a harmful environmental condition within the housing. Such sensors can detect a potentially harmful condition including but not limited to smoke, heat, water, or shock. A circuit may be coupled to the at least one sensor and configured to uncouple the battery from the motor and discharge the battery when the sensor detects the harmful environmental condition. If a potential problem with the internal environment of the cassette is detected, the cassette batteries can be effectively disconnected with the main output, thus disabling the motors. Furthermore, energy stored in the batteries can be slowly and safely discharged. In some embodiments, when a potential problem with the internal environment of the cassette is detected, the batteries can be discharged and permanently disabled. Illustrative embodiments ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Energy storage system for hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: AU2013274198A1

An energy storage system comprising at least one energy storage module adapted to supply electrical energy to a hybrid vehicle. The energy storage module comprises an enclosure, at least one battery array located within the enclosure, and an energy storage controller module located within the enclosure and electrically connected to the battery array. The energy storage controller module is further connected to a hybrid control module of the hybrid vehicle by a low voltage connecter. A high voltage junction box is attached to a first end of the enclosure and having a plurality of high voltage connection terminals. At least one of the high voltage connection terminals is configured to receive a high voltage conductor connected between the energy storage module and an inverter of the hybrid vehicle. When multiple energy storage modules are used in conjunction, one module functions as a master module and one module functions as a slave module.

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Intelligent monitoring systems for liquid electrolyte batteries

Номер: AU2016398500B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

An improved battery monitoring system for liquid electrolyte batteries is provided. The battery monitoring system includes a network of sensors for monitoring the condition or performance of a plurality of liquid electrolyte batteries, for example lead-acid batteries. The sensors are adapted to share data regarding battery condition or battery performance to a standalone device over a wireless local area network. A server in electrical communication with the standalone device receives some or all of the data for analysis, which can result in maintenance alerts and other alerts being sent to the standalone device. The improved battery monitoring system can reduce or eliminate the manual inspection of lead-acid batteries and can improve battery operation and longevity by ensuring an appropriate level of maintenance for each lead-acid battery.

18-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002538817C

A battery heater for heating a battery of a hand-held electronic device is provided. The heater comprises a flexible substrate having a first and a second side, at least one heating element on the first side, a layer of insulating material adjacent to the second side, a controller for controlling the operation of the heating element, the controller receiving input from a temperature measuring means, and a battery power measuring means.

29-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002594608C

A protection circuit for a battery pack, comprising: a thermistor for indicating a temperature of a cell in the battery pack; a first comparator coupled to the thermistor for determining whether the temperature has exceeded a charge cut-off temperature threshold for the cell, and if so, for turning off a first switch in series with the cell to prevent charging of the cell; and, a second comparator coupled to the thermistor for determining whether the temperature has exceeded a discharge cut-off temperature threshold for the cell, and if so, for turning off a second switch in series with the cell to prevent discharging of the cell.

29-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760498A1

A cooling device includes a cooling fan placed in a power storage device, an exhaust port placed in a battery, and a cooling wind flow path for allowing cooling wind taken in from the cooling fan to flow therethrough. In the power storage device and the battery, communication between a gap inside a casing a gap inside a casing can be established via an opening. The cooling wind supplied from the wind blowing fan flows through the gap formed inside the casing for the power storage device to cool capacitor cells. Subsequently, the cooling wind that has passed through the power storage device is introduced into the inside of the casing for the battery via the opening, and flows through a gap between the upper surface of battery cells and the casing and a gap between the battery cells to cool the battery cells. Thereafter, the cooling wind is emitted to the outside of the casing via the exhaust port .

22-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760498C

A cooling device includes a cooling fan placed in a power storage device, an exhaust port placed in a battery, and a cooling wind flow path for allowing cooling wind taken in from the cooling fan to flow therethrough. In the power storage device and the battery, communication between a gap inside a casing a gap inside a casing can be established via an opening. The cooling wind supplied from the wind blowing fan flows through the gap formed inside the casing for the power storage device to cool capacitor cells. Subsequently, the cooling wind that has passed through the power storage device is introduced into the inside of the casing for the battery via the opening, and flows through a gap between the upper surface of battery cells and the casing and a gap between the battery cells to cool the battery cells. Thereafter, the cooling wind is emitted to the outside of the casing via the exhaust port .

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3136621A1

Systems and methods of monitoring and testing a battery module, including generating Electrochemical Impedance Spectra (EIS) of one or more battery modules, fitting the EIS spectra to an equivalent circuit model to establish equivalent circuit fit parameters, measuring an open circuit voltage of the one or more battery modules, measuring a temperature of the one or more battery modules, combining the EIS equivalent circuit fit parameters with measured open circuit and temperature values to determine weighting parameters of the equivalent circuit fit parameters, applying the weighting parameters to the equivalent circuit fit parameters to generate weighted equivalent circuit fit parameters, and generating a state-of-health (SoH) measurement of the one or more battery modules based on the weighted equivalent circuit fit parameters.

26-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001150769A1

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3104190A1

The invention relates to a storage unit (11) for electrical energy and a method for monitoring a storage unit (11) of this kind. The storage unit (11) has at least one storage element (1) for the short-term storage of electrical energy, for example a battery or capacitor. A means (3) for detecting physical variables, more particularly a pressure (p) or temperature (T), in the direct surroundings of the storage element (1) is allocated to the storage element (1), wherein the means (3) is designed to detect the physical variable, more particularly to detect a change over time of the physical variable, wherein the means (3) for detecting the physical variable is designed to provide a signal if a predefinable change over time of the physical variable is exceeded. Use in an intermediate circuit capacitor in a rail vehicle is one advantageous use of the invention.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3104614A1

An electric power module (1) comprises: a plurality of electric power units (10), each of which extends along a longitudinal direction (L) from a first end (10A), including a first electrode (11), to a second end (10B), including a second electrode (12); a first panel (13), including a first plurality of contact elements (131), each of which is in contact with the first electrode (11) of a corresponding power unit (10); a second panel (14), including a second plurality of contact elements (141), each of which is in contact with the second electrode (10) of a corresponding power unit (10). In the module (1), the first panel (13) comprises a first plurality of holes (133), each of which is aligned, along the longitudinal direction (L), with a respective contact element (131) of the first plurality of contact elements and with a respective first electrode (11), and the second panel (14) comprises a second plurality of holes (143), each of which is aligned, along the longitudinal direction ...

02-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3081042C

A distributed battery module thermal management system, device and method for use in battery pack systems consisting of a plurality of multiple battery modules interconnected in series or parallel. One example of system is for forklift batteries operating in sub-zero applications. The system includes a battery pack master controller that manages each battery module thermally to optimize the cell temperatures. By doing so the system longevity and performance can be maximized. The system consists of a battery monitoring module that collects data from sensors such as thermistors, a housing designed for passive cooling with heaters to provide active heating applied to a module core consisting a plurality of cell blocks.

14-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3044209C

A plug-in bussed electrical center for use in an energy storage module comprises a modular removable connector formed of electrically insulative material having a plurality of connecting terminals. The connecting terminals are configured to electrically connect a battery adapted to supply energy to a hybrid vehicle and a hybrid vehicle drive system. The connecting terminals are electrically connected to the battery by pluggable connectors.

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009561A1

The invention relates to a battery monitoring device. In particular, the invention relates to a battery monitoring device which may be easily associated with a battery in order to monitor a number of the battery's physical characteristics. The battery monitoring device may comprise an electrolyte level sensor, a temperature sensor, a voltage sensor, and a wireless communications unit. A unit integrated as the present invention can monitor the electrolyte levels, the temperature, and the voltage of a battery. In the event of a potentially damaging battery condition, the wireless communications unit may send a notification to a remote device, such as a battery controller, a computer, a smart phone, or tablet.

02-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040031C

A battery module comprises a core-shell lithium transition metal oxide as the cathode material and an additive in the electrolyte, wherein the additive is diethylstilbestrol, butanesultone, vinylene carbonate, dimethyl sulfide, or a combination thereof. The battery module exhibits high performance at low temperature and has a maximum pulse discharging current measured at -30 °C of not less than 15% of the maximum pulse discharging current measured at 25 °C over a pulse discharge period of about 5 seconds.

19-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003034193A1

Marine energy storage unit with thermal runaway safety barriers to prevent cell temperature increase, said marine energy storage unit comprises at least one closed module cabinet (10) with a plurality of stacked battery cells (4) and an internal cooling system. The internal cooling system comprises an enclosed cabinet cooling circuit (3) with a water-to-air exchanger (20) for air cooling of the battery cells (4), and the water-to-air exchanger (20) is connected to a water-to-water heat exchanger (30) for receipt of water from an external source.

08-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002523240C

A battery pack is provided including universal battery modules and a master control module. By selecting proper rated universal battery modules and connecting them either in series and/or parallel, a high performance and long life battery pack is assembled that is suitable for high power applications such as electrical vehicles whereby the master control module acts as the battery pack control and interface module.

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002901318A1

The present disclosure includes various assemblies to be used with one or more energy storage devices. In one embodiment, an energy storage device assembly can include a plurality of energy storage devices, and each of these energy storage devices can include a first projecting electrode and a second projecting electrode. The energy storage devices can be connected to each other through a weld, which can directly bond the adjacent first and second projecting electrodes of adjacent energy storage devices to one another. This configuration can allow each of the energy storage devices to be connected together in series.

10-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002911062C

A fuel cell system to be installed on a vehicle includes a fuel cell, a secondary battery, an SOC detector that detects a temperature and a state of charge of the secondary battery, an accelerator position detector that detects an accelerator depressed amount, and a controller that controls power to be generated by the fuel cell. The controller includes: a required generation power calculator that calculates required generation power based on the accelerator depressed amount and the temperature and the state of charge of the secondary battery; and a maximum required power calculator that calculates maximum required power based on the accelerator depressed amount and the temperature and the state of charge of the secondary battery. The maximum required power includes allowable charging power correlated with a maximum value of charging power. If determining that a condition for rapid reduction in consumption power of a motor is satisfied, the controller sets the allowable charging power to ...

02-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983327A1

A method of operating an electric vehicle having a battery system with a first battery module and a second battery module includes sending a triggering signal. And, in response to the triggering signal, selectively dissipating energy from the first battery module without dissipating energy from the second battery module.

31-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002916540A1

A lithium-polymer based battery pack for power a hand held power tool or a garden tool,the battery pack has a plurality of battery cells located within housing that is selectively connectable to and supportable by a hand held power tool or a garden tool. The battery cells have a lithium- polymer based chemistry and a nominal charged internal impedance of less than or equal to approximately 5 milliohms.In one embodiment the cells are think cells are stacked within the housing such that each sell is layered over or under an adjacent cell and a resiliently deformable substrate located between adjacent battery cells.In another embodiment the cells may be interconnected to have a combined output voltage of at least 9 volts and to produce a combined average discharge current of greater than 20 amps.A lithium-polymer tool battery and a battery powered tool are also part of the invention.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915579A1

An electric accumulator is provided with an external case and two battery units housed in the external case. The battery units contain a battery case comprising a top case and a bottom case. Housed in the battery case is a battery block group wherein a plurality of rows of batteries are apposed in a direction approximately orthogonal to the row direction while being disposed into trefoil shapes. In addition, housed in the battery case is a dividing plate immobilized between the top case and the bottom case, and inserted between facing and contiguous battery rows.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932409A1

Thermally-protected heatable chemical cell battery system adapted for providing power to an electronic device comprising a chemical cell battery, control circuitry operatively connected with the battery, a heating element operatively connected with the control circuitry and the battery, the heating element being powered by the battery and located adjacent the battery, the control circuitry providing sufficient power from the battery to the heating element, optionally responsive to a temperature sensor and temperature feedback system, to improve the operating performance of the battery and to control charging, a preferably Aerogel insulating member surrounding the battery and the heating element, contact leads passing through a portion of the insulating member and an optional protective cover adapted for conveying power from the battery to the electronic device.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Battery pack, charger, and charging system

Номер: US20120032639A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A battery pack, a charger, and a charging system. The battery pack includes a rechargeable battery, and a protection circuit to control charging and discharging of the battery, wherein the protection circuit includes a micom to output an operating state signal representing an operating state of the micom and a malfunction transferring unit to transfer information on whether the battery is malfunctioning based on the operating state signal. Accordingly, when an error is detected by the protection circuit of the battery pack, charging is stopped, and thus the battery pack may be stably charged.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and regulating apparatus for regulating a temperature of an energy accumulator unit

Номер: US20120078437A1
Принадлежит: Behr GmbH and Co KG

A method for regulating a temperature of an energy accumulator unit is provided, which is in thermal contact with at least one cooling unit. The method has a step of determining a temperature difference between a temperature at a primary measuring site of the energy accumulator unit and a temperature at a secondary measuring site of the energy accumulator unit or cooling unit. The method has a step of selecting a control variable using the determined temperature difference and a predefined characteristic curve, the predefined characteristic curve representing a correlation between a control variable and a temperature difference or a variable dependent thereon. An actuator is actuated via a regulating unit using the selected control variable for regulating a flow of the cooling and/or refrigerating agent through the cooling unit in order to bring about the regulation of the temperature of the energy accumulator unit.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Identifying and amerliorating a deteriorating condition for battery networks in-situ

Номер: US20120084032A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A temperature is measured for each terminal of the battery unit. The magnitude and sign of a temperature differential is calculated from the temperatures. The temperature differential is then correlated to a deteriorating condition of the battery unit.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for electrochemical cell monitoring and control

Номер: US20120094150A1
Автор: Joseph M. TROUTMAN
Принадлежит: Alliant Techsystems Inc

Battery sub-arrays are configured for electrical and mechanical coupling with each other to form a multi-cell battery. A sub-array may be an individual cell or a group of cells. Each sub-array includes a bypass switch to connect the sub-array within the multi-cell battery or bypass the sub-array. Monitoring and control circuitry controls the bypass switch in response to voltage measurements, temperature measurements or a combination thereof for the sub-array. Each sub-array is contained in a holder including a housing and a thermal container encompassing a substantial portion of the housing. The housing includes a cell cavity, a sensor cavity, and a circuit cavity. Positive terminals and negative terminals are positioned on sides of the holder such that when holders are mechanically abutted in an array, various electrical connections can be made to connect the cells in series, parallel, or a combination thereof.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Lithium ion secondary battery system and battery pack

Номер: US20120105010A1
Автор: Masahiro Kinoshita
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A lithium ion secondary battery system includes: an assembled battery including a plurality of lithium ion secondary batteries; a SOC measuring unit for measuring the SOC of the lithium ion secondary battery, and a temperature sensing unit for sensing the temperature thereof; and a heating unit for heating the lithium ion secondary battery. When a SOC measured by the SOC measuring unit is lower than a preset SOC set in advance in association with discharge rate, and a temperature measured by the temperature sensing unit is lower than a preset temperature set in advance in association with discharge rate, then, a control unit sends a command to the heating unit to supply heat, so that the temperature of the lithium ion secondary battery becomes a predetermined temperature.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Modular battery pack systems for prismatic cells

Номер: US20120129024A1
Принадлежит: Cobasys LLC

A modular frame includes a first row of cell slots configured to receive first prismatic cells of a battery pack system. A second row of cell slots is configured to receive second prismatic cells of the battery pack system. A central interface beam is disposed between the first row of cell slots and the second row of cell slots. The central interface beam includes a first side and a second side. The first side is configured to receive terminals of the first prismatic cells. The second side opposes the first side and is configured to receive terminals of the second prismatic cells.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods to thermally manage electronic devices

Номер: US20120155025A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for an electronic device includes a housing having one or more walls that define an internal region. An outlet port is fluidically coupled to the internal region of the housing, which allows emission of a fluid from the internal region of the housing as a first flow at a first temperature. A merging element, fluidically coupled to the outlet port, merges the first flow with a second flow, which has a second temperature that is less than the first temperature.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Battery Phase Meter to Determine Internal Temperatures of Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Cells Under Charge and Discharge

Номер: US20120155507A1

Methods and systems to determine an internal temperature of a rechargeable lithium-ion cell based on a phase shift of the cell. Internal cell temperature may be determined with respect to an internal anode temperature and/or an internal cathode temperature. Internal anode temperature may be determined based on a phase shift of a frequency within a range of approximately 40 Hertz (Hz) to 500 Hz. Internal cathode temperature may be determined based on a phase shift of a frequency of up to approximately 30 Hz. A temperature sensor as disclosed herein may be powered by a monitored cell with relatively little impact on cell charge, may be electrically coupled to cell but housed physically separate from the cell, and/or may monitor multiple cells in a multiplex fashion. A rate of change in phase shift may be used to initiate pre-emptive action, without determining corresponding temperatures.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Lead storage battery charging control method, charging control circuit, power source device, and lead storage battery

Номер: US20120161719A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Disclosed is a charging control method including: a full charging step of charging a lead storage battery until the battery is fully charged; a refresh charging step of performing refresh charging of charging the lead storage battery with a predetermined refresh charging quantity of electricity after the lead storage battery has been fully charged; and a refresh charging quantity setting step of setting the refresh charging quantity of electricity in the refresh charging step for the lead storage battery which has been fully charged at a present time, depending on a temperature of the lead storage battery throughout a deficient charging period, the deficient charging period being a period from a time when the lead storage battery has been fully charged at a previous time to a time when the lead storage battery has been fully charged at the present time in the full charging step.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Single Wire Battery Pack Temperature and Identification Method

Номер: US20120169271A1
Принадлежит: Gillette Co LLC

Disclosed are techniques for identifying battery pack types and by inference battery chemistries by measuring a transient response of the battery pack to signal applied to the battery pack.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Solar chargeable battery for portable devices

Номер: US20120176078A1
Принадлежит: Suncore Corp

A solar chargeable battery comprises a built-in photovoltaic array and a programmable battery charging circuit. The photovoltaic array provides a variable power source in response to light. The battery charging circuit receives the variable power source and operates in different modes to charge the battery over a range of lighting conditions. For example, the battery charging circuit charges the battery to a substantially fixed regulated voltage level in a first mode when a voltage level of the variable power source is above a predefined threshold. The battery charging circuit charges the battery to an adjustable regulated voltage level in a second mode when the voltage level of the variable power source is below the predefined threshold.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Control apparatus, control apparatus network and control method

Номер: US20120176091A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A first upper limit and a second upper limit of emission power are set in each of the NaS batteries. The second upper limit is maximum value of the emission power for maintaining the temperature of the NaS battery at an upper limit temperature or less. In allocation of the emission power to each of the NaS batteries, each of the NaS batteries is separated into a preferential virtual battery to which a non-excess of the emission power that does not exceed the second upper limit is allocated and non-preferential virtual battery to which an excess of the emission power that exceeds the second upper limit is allocated, and after the emission power is allocated to all the preferential virtual batteries, the emission power is allocated to each of the non-preferential virtual batteries.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

System for automatically gathering battery information

Номер: US20120182132A1
Принадлежит: Midtronics Inc

A method and apparatus is provided in which a radio frequency identification (RIFD) tag is associated with the storage battery and is used in conjunction with a battery test, battery charger, or other battery maintenance. A cable configured to be affixed to the storage battery. The cable is configured to store information and wirelessly communicate the information to a battery tester. A battery maintenance device configured to couple to the battery and to perform battery maintenance on the battery through the cable. The battery maintenance device includes wireless communication circuitry configured to communicate with a memory of the cable.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for using a stand-alone system connected to a battery

Номер: US20120187912A1

A method for using a stand-alone system, provided with an actuator connected to a battery, comprises during a discharging phase of the battery at a predetermined current the measurement of a temperature representative of the battery temperature and the determination of a first voltage threshold depending upon the measured temperature. Then, a voltage is measured at the battery terminals. An operating mode, selected at least between a normal and deteriorated mode, is determined, said stand-alone system being in the normal operating mode when the measured voltage is higher than the first voltage threshold, and in the deteriorated operating mode when the measured voltage is lower that the first voltage threshold, the current provided by the battery during an actuation being reduced when going from the normal mode to the deteriorated mode.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Battery management apparatus of high voltage battery for hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20120256488A1
Принадлежит: SK Innovation Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a battery management apparatus of a high voltage battery for a hybrid vehicle, in more detail, a battery management apparatus of a high voltage battery for a hybrid vehicle which includes: a plurality of battery packs including a plurality of unit cells; slave battery management modules measuring and monitoring temperature and voltage of the unit cells in the battery packs; temperature/voltage measurement wires connecting the unit cells with adjacent unit cells for the slave battery management modules to measure temperature and voltage between the unit cells and the adjacent unit cells; a master battery management module connected with the slave battery management modules; and communication wires connecting the modules.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Battery system and method for increasing an operational life of a battery cell

Номер: US20120270077A1
Автор: William Koetting
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A battery system and a method for increasing an operational life of a battery cell are provided. The battery system includes a voltage sensor that generates a first signal indicative of a voltage level output by the battery cell, and a current sensor that generates a second signal indicative of a level of electrical current flowing through the battery cell. The battery system further includes a microprocessor that calculates a resistance level of the battery cell based on the first and second signals, and generates a control signal to induce a fluid supply system to increase a pressure level of the coolant fluid being supplied to the heat exchanger to a first pressure level, based on the resistance level.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for preventing erroneous loading of component-to-be-loaded on main body side apparatus, component-to-be-loaded and battery pack

Номер: US20120270086A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A battery apparatus of the type having a length, a width and a height, top and bottom surfaces substantially perpendicular to the height direction. First and second side surfaces, that include curved surfaces, are disposed between the top and bottom surfaces, and front and rear end portions are disposed between the top and bottom surfaces and also disposed between the first and second side surfaces. A plurality of electric contact portions are exposed through terminal windows; and a battery cell is electrically connected to at least one of the electric contact portions. The front end portion includes first and second level surfaces, with the second level surface being lower than the first level surface; and wherein the terminal windows are disposed in the second level surface.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20120270606A1
Автор: Joungyoul KIM, Mansoo Kim

A mobile terminal including a wireless communication unit configured to wirelessly communicate using at least two different communication systems; a display unit including a backlight configured to apply light to a display screen of the display unit; a sensing unit configured to measure a temperature of the mobile terminal if the at least two different communication systems are simultaneously used; and a controller configured to adjust a brightness of the backlight based on the measured temperature and a preset temperature.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Battery warming circuit and battery warming apparatus

Номер: US20120280660A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A battery warming circuit is a circuit installed in a vehicle provided with an inverter circuit, which is supplied with direct current electrical power from a secondary battery, and a 3-phase alternating current motor, and this circuit includes: a switch control unit, which has first and second terminals connected to control terminals of first and second switching elements, and controls turning the first and second switching elements on and off; an accumulation unit which has a third terminal connected to the other end of a specific coil, and accumulates back electromotive force generated in the specific coil by turning the second switching element on and off, with the first switching element being turned on; and a charging control unit which is provided between the positive electrode of the secondary battery and the accumulation unit, and supplies electrical power accumulated in the accumulation unit to the secondary battery.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Electricity supply system for vehicles

Номер: US20120321914A1
Принадлежит: Ecomotive Inova Consultores Sl

The invention relates to an electricity supply system for vehicles, which has a connector device that includes an electronic board provided with a data microprocessor; a plurality of connector plugs arranged in parallel and connected to one another to couple to a plurality of removable rechargeable batteries; a connection to the electronic board provided with a continuous current BUS to couple to the electrical system of the engine of the corresponding vehicle; and a discriminator such that the electronic board is able to identify the electrical supply from any of the plurality of removable batteries, such that when the rechargeable batteries are discharged or low they can be recharged from an external electricity source such as the general electricity grid.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Heating system for a battery module and method of heating the battery module

Номер: US20130004805A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A heating system and a method for heating a battery module are provided. The method includes determining if the temperature signal indicates that the temperature level is less than a threshold temperature level. If the temperature level is less than the threshold temperature level, then the method further includes generating a first control signal to induce the switch to have the first operational position to at least partially discharge the first and second battery cell groups through a resistor to generate heat energy in the resistor. The method further includes generating a second control signal to turn on a fan to distribute the heat energy in the battery module to increase a temperature level of the battery module.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Battery Management for a Breathing Assistance System

Номер: US20130047983A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A method for providing battery security in a breathing assistance system configured to provide breathing assistance to a patient is provided. A battery security system of the breathing assistance system receives battery data from a battery received in the breathing assistance system, and analyzes the received battery data to determine whether the battery is approved for use in the breathing assistance system. If the battery is determined to be approved for use in the breathing assistance system, the battery is allowed to provide power to the breathing assistance system. If the battery is not determined to be approved for use in the breathing assistance system, the battery is prevented from providing power to the breathing assistance system.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Battery Thermal Event Detection System Utilizing Battery Pack Isolation Monitoring

Номер: US20130049971A1
Автор: Weston Arthur Hermann
Принадлежит: Tesla Motor Inc

A system for detecting cell failure within a battery pack based on variations in the measured electrical isolation resistance of the battery pack is provided. The system includes an electrical isolation resistance monitoring subsystem for monitoring the electrical isolation resistance of the battery pack; a system controller coupled to the isolation resistance monitoring subsystem that detects when the electrical isolation resistance falls below a preset value; and a cell failure response subsystem that performs a preset response upon receipt of a control signal from the system controller, where the control signal is transmitted when the electrical isolation resistance falls below the preset value. The system may include a secondary effect monitoring system, wherein the cell failure response subsystem performs the preset response when the electrical isolation resistance falls below the preset value and the secondary effect is detected by the secondary effect monitoring system.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Battery state monitoring device

Номер: US20130060497A1
Автор: Seiji Bito
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Corp

A battery state monitoring device includes a battery pack including at least one battery cell, and a measuring circuit that measures a state of the battery cell, the measuring circuit including temperature measuring means for measuring a temperature of the battery cell, current measuring means for measuring a current flowing through the battery cell, and voltage measuring means for measuring a voltage of the battery cell, and including a calculation circuit in parallel, wherein the battery state monitoring device calculates a predetermined voltage corresponding to a predetermined state of charge of the battery cell, based on the temperature and the current of the battery cell, using a predetermined operational expression including a temperature quadratic exponential function and a temperature linear function, and compares the voltage of the battery cell with the predetermined voltage calculated using the operational expression to determine the predetermined state of charge of the battery cell.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for use with a vehicle battery

Номер: US20130063094A1

A method and system for use with a vehicle battery pack having a number of individual battery cells, where the method estimates, extrapolates or otherwise determines individual cell resistances. According to an exemplary embodiment, the method and system use a voltage and temperature reading for each of the individual battery cells, as well as a voltage and current reading for the overall battery pack to determine one or more cell resistance values, such as a minimum and maximum cell resistance for the battery pack. This approach relies upon temperature deviations in the battery pack to make assumptions or estimates regarding individual battery cell resistances. By having individual cell resistance values—instead of using an overall pack resistance value and building in a buffer to account for cell variations—better and more accurate cell-level data can be obtained that, in turn, can improve charging, discharging, cell balancing and/or other battery-related processes.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130065103A1
Автор: Masanori Yumura
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd

An upper rotating body is rotatably attached to a lower traveling body. An electricity storage module is mounted on the upper rotating body. The electricity storage module includes a plurality of electricity storage cells each having at least a pair of electrodes led out from the edges of a plate-like portion. The electricity storage cells are stacked in the thickness direction of the plate-like portions, and are connected in series by bringing the electrodes of the electricity storage cells adjacent to each other in the stack direction into contact with each other. At least some of the electrode pairs, each of which is comprised of a pair of electrodes in contact with each other, each have a bridge structure having the electrodes bent in a direction in which the electrodes approach each other and also having the outer surface of one electrode and the inner surface of the other electrode in contact with each other.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Charging control system

Номер: US20130076314A1
Автор: Hayato Nagakura
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A charging control system is configured to calculate an internal resistance line indicating a relation between a value of a charging current and a value of a voltage of a battery, which voltage occurs when the charging current has flown into the battery, to obtain a maximum inputtable value point S MAX corresponding to a maximum inputtable power/current and a currently-inputted value point S INP corresponding to a charging power/current currently inputted to the battery, these points existing on the calculated internal resistance line. The charging control system is also configured to calculate a point located between the maximum inputtable value point S MAX and the currently-inputted value point S INP , as a target point S TRG corresponding to a target charging power/current point, and to set, based on the calculated target point S TRG , a charging power/current for charging the battery.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078485A1
Автор: Muis Pascal

A battery module includes multiple electrochemical cells, a circuit board, and multiple interconnectors. Each electrochemical cell includes a terminal. Each of the interconnectors is coupled to the circuit board and to a terminal of one of the electrochemical cells. Each of the interconnectors is a resilient spring-type interconnector. 1. A battery module , comprising:a plurality of electrochemical cells, each electrochemical cell comprising a terminal;a circuit board; anda plurality of interconnectors, wherein each of the plurality of interconnectors is coupled to the circuit board and to a terminal of one of the plurality of electrochemical cells, and wherein each of the interconnectors is a resilient spring-type interconnector.2. The battery module of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of interconnectors comprises a pair of rings coupled together by an elastically-compliant member that is configured to flex in response to a force.3. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the elastically-compliant member is configured to allow the pair of rings to flex relative to each other in response to a force.4. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein a first of the rings is coupled to the circuit board and a second of the rings is coupled to a terminal of one of the plurality of electrochemical cells.5. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the elastically-compliant member is integrally formed with the pair of rings.6. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein a first of the rings has a diameter smaller than a diameter of a second of the rings claim 2 , and wherein the elastically-compliant member is helically curved with a diameter increasing from a connection point with the first of the rings to a connection point with the second of the rings.7. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the elastically-compliant member extends from an inner edge of a first of the rings to an outer edge of a second of the rings.8. The battery module of claim 1 , wherein each of the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Battery module having sensing member with novel structure

Номер: US20130078487A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A battery module includes a battery cell stack having a plurality of battery cells or unit modules connected in series and/or in parallel to each other in a state in which the battery cells or the unit modules are stacked in the lateral direction. The battery cell stack is provided at the front thereof with bus bars to connect electrode terminals of the battery cells to external input and output terminals. Voltage sensing members are provided at ends thereof with connection terminals electrically connected to electrode terminal connection parts of the battery cells to sense voltages of the battery cells or the unit modules. An upper case is provided with mounting parts, in which the voltage sensing members are mounted. A lower case is coupled to the upper. The lower case is provided at the front thereof with external input and output terminals.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Nonaqueous electrolyte battery and battery pack

Номер: US20130078530A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, a nonaqueous electrolyte battery includes a nonaqueous electrolyte, a positive electrode, a negative electrode and a separator. The nonaqueous electrolyte includes an asymmetric sulfone-based compound and a symmetric sulfone-based compound. The positive electrode includes a composite oxide represented by Li 1−x Mn 1.5−y Ni 0.5−z M y+z O 4 ( 0 ≦x≦ 1, 0 ≦y+z≦ 0.15 , and M is at least one kind of element selected from the group consisting of Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Nb, Sn, Zr and Ta). The negative electrode includes a Ti-containing oxide which is capable of absorbing and releasing lithium. The separator includes a nonwoven fabric.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Temperature detection device and battery pack

Номер: US20130108904A1
Автор: Hisakazu Okabayashi
Принадлежит: Makita Corp

A temperature detection device of the present invention is provided in a battery pack for electric power tool and detects a temperature inside the battery pack. The temperature detection device includes a signal output circuit and an output signal-based temperature detection unit. The signal output circuit is configured to output an output signal for use other than for indicating an ambient temperature thereof. A state of the output signal changes depending on the ambient temperature. The output signal-based temperature detection unit is configured to detect the temperature inside of the battery pack based on the state of the output signal from the signal output circuit.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Battery warm-up apparatus and method thereof

Номер: US20130111932A1
Автор: Keisuke Mishima
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

A the battery warm-up apparatus includes an electric motor, a battery, an electric generator for charging the battery, an engine for driving the electric generator, a refrigeration circuit arranged to pass through inside the engine in a manner that a temperature medium flows through an inside thereof, a heat exchanger, a battery-heating channel branched from the refrigeration circuit, arranged to pass through the battery and connected to the refrigeration circuit again, a first switching valve arranged at a first portion of the refrigeration circuit, the battery-heating channel being branched from the refrigeration circuit at the first portion, the first switching valve connecting and disconnecting the battery-heating channel relative to the refrigeration circuit, a battery temperature sensor, and a controller for operating the first switching valve on the basis of temperature of the battery and for allowing the temperature medium to flow through the battery-heating channel.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122339A1
Принадлежит: V ENS Co Ltd

A battery according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises a battery cartridge module which generates electric current, and which is formed by stacking a plurality of battery cartridges, each of which has a plurality of through holes formed by opening one side thereof; pack brackets which support the battery cartridge modules such that the battery cartridge modules are stacked into a layer; and a plurality of long bolts inserted into the respective through holes such that the long bolts penetrate through the respective battery cartridges and fasten the battery cartridge modules to the pack brackets.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130081A1

In order to enable the temperature in the region of at least one of the cell terminals that are connected to one another in an electrically conductive manner by a cell connector to be determined in a simple and reliable manner, there is proposed a cell connector for connecting a first cell terminal of a first electro-chemical cell and a second cell terminal of a second electro-chemical cell of an electro-chemical device in an electrically conductive manner which comprises a base body and a temperature sensing element that is fixed to the base body. 1. A cell connector for connecting a first cell terminal of a first electro-chemical cell and a second cell terminal of a second electro-chemical cell of an electro-chemical device in an electrically conductive manner ,wherein the cell connector comprises a base body and a temperature sensing element fixed to the base body.2. The cell connector in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the base body comprises a temperature sensing element holder in which the temperature sensing element is at least partly accommodated.3. The cell connector in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensing element holder surrounds the temperature sensing element over at least half of the periphery of the temperature sensing element.4. The cell connector in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensing element holder comprises a pocket for accommodating the temperature sensing element and a flap for restraining the temperature sensing element in the pocket.5. The cell connector in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the pocket and the flap are formed together in one piece manner.6. The cell connector in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the pocket is formed in one piece manner with a first layer of the base body and the flap is formed in one piece manner with a second layer of the base body.7. The cell connector in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the flap is connected by a web member to the pocket and/or to a part of the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Charge/discharge control circuit and battery device

Номер: US20130134942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided are a charge/discharge control circuit having a self-test function, which can dispense with a complicated test device, and a battery device. The battery device includes the charge/discharge control circuits each including a pull-up/pull-down circuit provided at a terminal to which a secondary battery is to be connected. When a self-test start signal is input so as to enter a self-test state, a self-test control circuit controls the pull-up/pull-down circuit, to thereby perform a test on a voltage detection circuit provided at the terminal to which the secondary battery is to be connected. When the self-test is finished, a self-test start signal is output to a next-stage charge/discharge control circuit, to thereby perform a test sequentially on the voltage detection circuits of the cascade-connected charge/discharge control circuits.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Rechargeable battery pack

Номер: US20130143084A1
Автор: Jae-Won Kim, Ji-Heon Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A rechargeable battery pack including a cell having an electrode assembly and a pouch for retaining the electrode assembly therein; an electrode tab connected to a lead tab of the cell; and a temperature sensor received in a receiving groove of the electrode tab.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157093A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

A battery apparatus having an electrochemical cell that includes an electrically insulating hollow mandrel, a pair of active materials wound on the mandrel, and a sensing unit located within the mandrel and coupled to the pair of active materials through a pair of contacts. The active materials are connected and separated by an electrolyte. The sensing unit is configured to monitor conditions of the cell and to generate a signal indicative of a sensed condition for communication to a battery management unit. 1. A battery apparatus having an electrochemical cell , the cell comprising:an electrically insulating hollow mandrel;a pair of active materials wound on the mandrel, wherein the pair of active materials corresponds to an anode and a cathode that connected and separated by an electrolyte; anda sensing unit located within the mandrel and coupled to the pair of active materials through a pair of contacts, wherein the sensing unit is configured to monitor conditions of the cell and to generate a signal indicative of a sensed condition for communication to a battery management unit.2. The battery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensing unit comprises a sensor head and a microprocessor unit that carries out supporting electronic functions.3. The battery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the monitored conditions include a temperature level and/or a voltage level.4. The battery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein pair of active materials and the electrolyte are wound around the mandrel in a jelly roll arrangement.5. The battery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a monobloc container configured to house a plurality of cells claim 1 , each of which is substantially similar to the electrochemical cell.6. The battery apparatus of claim 5 , further comprising a cover for sealing the monobloc container.7. The battery apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the container and cover are made of at least one material that can withstand organic solvents associated with the plurality of ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Heater module wire connection structure for battery pack

Номер: US20130161310A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

The heater module wire connection structure for a battery pack includes a battery pack ( 11 ), and first and second heater modules ( 22 L, 23 L) which warm the inside of the battery pack and have lead wires ( 44 L, 45 L) connected thereto. Further, the heater module wire connection structure includes a power supply cable ( 42 ) to which the lead wires of the first and second heater modules are crimped and connected, and a temperature sensor ( 43 C) which is placed inside of the battery pack and detects the temperature of the first heater module ( 23 L). The lead wire ( 45 L) of the first heater module, the temperature of which is detectable by the temperature sensor, and the lead wire ( 44 L) of the second heater module ( 22 L), the temperature of which is not detectable by the temperature sensor, are simultaneously crimped and connected to the same position on the power supply cable.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Electric facility operating according to galvanic principles, such as a lithium-ion cell, comprising a control for the operating conditions

Номер: US20130169236A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A facility which operates according to galvanic principles, such as in particular a lithium-ion accumulator, and a method for monitoring and controlling an electric operating condition of the facility. The facility comprises at least one galvanic cell and an operating management system for monitoring and controlling the electric operating condition of the facility and for monitoring a representative temperature of the facility. The operating management system is designed to control the electric operating condition of the facility as a function of the temperature. This Abstract is not intended to define the invention disclosed in the specification, nor intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Battery Bus Bars Within a Battery Pack

Номер: US20130171480A1
Принадлежит: A123 SYSTEMS, INC.

Systems and methods monitoring battery bus bars are disclosed. In one example, positive temperature coefficient thermistors are coupled to battery bus bars. The systems and method may reduce the cost and complexity of battery bus bar monitoring. 1. A method for monitoring status of battery bus bars , comprising:adjusting battery pack operation in response to a change in state of output of any of a plurality of temperatures sensors mechanically coupled at different locations to one or more battery bus bars, the plurality of temperature sensors in a daisy-chain configuration.2. The method of claim 1 , where said daisy-chain configuration comprises a wiring lead of a first temperature sensor electrically coupled to a first wiring lead of a second temperature sensor and a second wiring lead of said second temperature sensor electrically coupled to a wiring lead of a third temperature sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , where said temperature sensors are positive temperature coefficient sensors.4. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting battery pack operation includes reducing output of a battery pack.5. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting battery pack operation includes sending a status message so that an external load limits current drawn from said battery pack.6. The method of claim 1 , where said plurality of bus bars are coupled to a single battery module.7. The method of claim 6 , where said battery module is one of a plurality of battery modules included in a battery pack.8. The method of claim 1 , where said plurality of battery bus bars are electrically coupled to lithium-ion battery cells.9. A method for monitoring status of battery bus bars claim 1 , comprising:coupling a plurality of temperature sensors to a plurality of battery bus bars;electrically coupling said plurality of temperature sensors in a daisy-chain configuration;electrically coupling said plurality of temperature sensors to a digital input of a controller; andadjusting battery pack operation ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Secondary cell and method of operating same

Номер: US20130189548A1
Автор: Tim Schaefer
Принадлежит: Li Tec Battery GmbH

A secondary cell ( 1 ) comprising a rechargeable electrode assembly ( 2 ) provided to at least intermittently supply electrical energy and which comprises at least two electrodes ( 2 a, 2 b ) of different polarity and a separator arranged between said electrodes. The secondary cell ( 1 ) further comprises at least one current conduction device ( 3 ) provided to supply electrical energy from the electrode assembly ( 2 ) to an electrical load and which is electroconductively connected to said electrode assembly ( 2 ). The secondary cell ( 1 ) moreover comprises at least one measuring device ( 6 ) to detect an operating state, particularly an operating state of the electrode assembly ( 2 ), and a safety apparatus ( 8 ) to reduce a conduction cross section of the current conduction device ( 3 ) and thus effect a state of safety when the measuring device ( 6 ) detects a malfunction state which deviates from a normal operating state.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for variably controlling disconnection of interconnection lines in battery system

Номер: US20130207476A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed are an apparatus and method for variably controlling the disconnection or connection of switch connections between battery units in a large battery system based on the degree of a sensed dangerous external situation to convert the battery system into a small capacity and low voltage state. The apparatus includes: switches provided to interconnection lines between battery assembly units to electrically connect or disconnect the interconnection lines; a switch control module adapted to apply on/off signals to the switches; and a disconnection control module adapted to control the switch control module based on a sensed dangerous level to vary the position and number of the target switches to be opened or closed and the disconnection intervals. According to the apparatus and method, dangerous external situations of a large battery system can be sensed and the disconnection of physical connections between the battery units can be variably controlled.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224532A1

Battery assembly comprising a plurality of battery blocks, where each battery block comprises a first metal plate fixedly connected to the positive terminals of a plurality of rechargeable battery cell members and a second metal plate fixedly connected to the negative terminals of the cell members, further comprising a printed circuit board provided with an electronic circuit configured to monitor, control and/or balance said battery blocks, where the metal plates of subsequent battery blocks are fixedly connected to each other such that the battery blocks are electrically configured in series, and where the PCB is mechanically fixed to mounting flanges of the metal plates with mounting means that also provides an electric connection between the metal plates and the PCB. The advantage of the invention is that a self-supporting battery assembly that can be produced in a cost-effective way is provided. 1. A battery assembly comprising:a plurality of battery blocks, where each block comprises a plurality of rechargeable battery cell members that are arranged side by side in at least one row and that are electrically configured in parallel, where each block comprises a first metal plate fixedly connected to the positive electrode terminals of the cell members and a second metal plate fixedly connected to the negative electrode terminals of the cell members,a printed circuit board (PCB) provided with an electronic circuit configured to monitor, control and/or balance said battery blocks,mounting means arranged to connect the metal plates to the PCB, characterized in that wherein the first metal plate of a first battery block is fixedly connected to the second metal plate of a second battery block, such that the battery blocks are electrically configured in series, and that the PCB is mechanically fixed to the metal plates with the mounting means that also provides an electric connection between the metal plates and the PCB.2. The battery assembly according to claim 1 , ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Battery pack case

Номер: US20130224541A1
Принадлежит: Global Battery Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a battery pack case. An upper cover, a lower support base and each side cover form at least one seating depression extending in a sideways direction. Each of the front and rear covers has band locking depressions at positions corresponding to the seating depressions. Each band locking depression has a shape corresponding to a related one of fixing bands. Each fixing band includes a band body which is made of rubber, fabric or plastic and extends a predetermined length in one direction, and a locking protrusion provided on each of opposite ends of the band body. The locking protrusion has a structure corresponding to a related one of the band locking depressions. The locking protrusions of the fixing bands are inserted into the corresponding band locking depressions, thus fastening the elements including the front cover and the rear cover together.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Hermetically-Sealed Feed-Through Device

Номер: US20130230750A1

A hermetically-sealed electrical feed-through device includes a conductor, an insulating sleeve, and an outer ferule interconnected in a manner preventing relative rotation therebetween and/or includes a thermocouple in direct contact with the conductor for monitoring temperature. The conductor can have a body section extending along an axis and having an outer contour including flats or an outwardly-extending eccentrically-shaped lobe. The sleeve confronts and covers the body section of the conductor and accommodates and engages the outer contour at the flats or lobe to prevent rotation of the conductor relative to the sleeve, and the outer ferrule sandwiches the insulating sleeve between the outer ferrule and the outer contour of the conductor. The outer ferrule accommodates and engages the sleeve adjacent the outer contour of the conductor at the flats or lobe to prevent rotation of the insulator sleeve relative to the outer ferrule.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236755A1

The invention relates to electrochemical cells of a rechargeable battery. It is the object of the invention to provide possibilities with which parameters can be determined simply, reliably and with sufficient spatial resolution within the cells of a rechargeable battery in real time and with small additional technical effort. In an electrochemical cell in accordance with the invention, at least one sensor element is arranged within the cell, integrated therein. In this respect, a sensor element is configured as an electrically conductive layer-wise conductor track structure on a surface of a dielectric laminate configured in the form of a thin film. Except for regions arranged at the outer margin provided for an electrical contacting, the conductor track structure is sealed in a fluid-tight manner by a further dielectric laminate which is configured in the form of a film and which is arranged on the conductor track structure. 121232. An electrochemical cell of a rechargeable battery having at least one sensor element , characterized in that the sensor element(s) is/are arranged within the cell , integrated therein , and a sensor element is configured as an electrically conductive layer-wise conductor track structure () on a surface of a dielectric laminate () which is configured in the form of a thin film , and the conductor track structure () is sealed in a fluid tight manner , except for regions provided at the outer margin for an electrical contact , by a further dielectric laminate () which is configured in the form of a film and is arranged on the conductor track structure ().213. A cell in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the laminates ( claim 1 , ) are formed from a polymer or from a ceramic material.3. A cell in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that a sensor element is configured as a temperature sensor claim 1 , a pressure sensor claim 1 , a force-measuring sensor claim 1 , a sensor for determining the electrical conductivity or ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle operating system and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20130249277A1
Автор: Ri-A Ju, Seong-joon PARK
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A vehicle operating system and a method of controlling the vehicle operating system, the vehicle operating system including an electric power generation module that is configured to generate electric power; a battery, the battery being chargeable by using the electric power generated by the electric power generation module; a battery management system that controls the chargeable battery; and a cooler that is configured to cool the battery, wherein the battery management system is configured to cut off the electric power supplied to the battery when the battery is fully charged, and when the battery management system cuts off the electric power supplied to the battery, the cooler is configured to consume the electric power generated by the electric power generation module.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260193A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

An assembled battery wiring member for an assembled battery that plural single cells each having a positive terminal and a negative terminal are arranged in a predetermined array direction and the positive terminal of one of a pair of single cells adjacent in the array direction is connected to the negative terminal of another single cell one after another by a conductive coupling member. It includes a flat cable including plural linear conductors arranged parallel to each other and an insulating film covering the plural linear conductors, and a connecting member to connect the plural linear conductors to the coupling member. The connecting member includes a plate-shaped conductor and an insulation covering the conductor, one end of the conductor is connected to the coupling member and another end of the conductor is connected to the linear conductor through an opening formed in the insulation film of the flat cable. 1. An assembled battery wiring member for an assembled battery configured such that a plurality of single cells each having a positive terminal and a negative terminal are arranged in a predetermined array direction and the positive terminal of one of a pair of single cells adjacent in the array direction is connected to the negative terminal of another single cell one after another by a conductive coupling member , comprising:a flat cable comprising a plurality of linear conductors arranged parallel to each other and an insulating film covering the plurality of linear conductors; anda connecting member to connect the plurality of linear conductors to the coupling member,wherein the connecting member comprises a plate-shaped conductor and an insulation covering the conductor, one end of the conductor is connected to the coupling member and another end of the conductor is connected to the linear conductor through an opening formed in the insulation film of the flat cable.2. The assembled battery wiring member according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288091A1

A flexible board includes a base layer, a wiring conductor layer that is located on the base layer, and a cover layer that is stacked over the base layer and covers the wiring conductor layer. A portion of the wiring conductor layer defines connecting portions that connect each of split electrodes of a flexible thermistor. The cover layer includes an opening that exposes the connecting portions, and receives the flexible thermistor. The split electrodes of the flexible thermistor are mounted on the connecting portions of the wiring layer. The height of the exposed surface of the flexible thermistor from the opening is substantially equal to the height of the surface of the cover layer. 1. A temperature sensor comprising: a metal base;', 'a thermistor layer that is located on the metal base, the thermistor layer being thinner than the metal base; and', 'a pair of split electrodes that are located on the thermistor layer; and, 'a flexible thermistor that includes a base layer;', 'a wiring conductor layer that is located on the base layer; and', 'a cover layer that is stacked over the base layer and covers the wiring conductor layer; wherein, 'a flexible board that includesthe cover layer includes an opening through which a portion of the wiring conductor layer is exposed;the flexible thermistor is received within the opening, and the split electrodes of the flexible thermistor are electrically connected to the wiring conductor layer that is exposed from the opening; anda height of a surface of the cover layer is substantially the same as a height of an exposed surface of the flexible thermistor.2. The temperature sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the height of the surface of the cover layer becomes the same as the height of the exposed surface of the flexible thermistor when the temperature sensor is pressed in a thickness direction with respect to the flexible board.3. The temperature sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the height of the exposed surface of the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Dynamic pressure control in a battery assembly

Номер: US20130330577A1
Принадлежит: Nucleus Scientific Inc

Operating a battery assembly that includes one or more rechargeable battery cells includes: monitoring one or more operational parameters of the battery cells; and dynamically controlling pressure applied to the one or more battery cells based at least in part on one or more of the monitored operational parameters.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004911A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Limited

A mobile wireless communications device may include a portable device housing, wireless communications circuitry carried by the portable device housing, and a self-contained rechargeable battery pack carried by the portable housing for powering the wireless communications circuitry. The self-contained rechargeable battery pack may include a battery casing, at least one internal battery cell carried within the battery casing, internal battery circuitry carried within the battery casing, and at least one internal filter element carried within the battery casing and coupled to the internal battery circuitry. 124-. (canceled)25. A mobile wireless communications device comprising:a portable device housing;wireless communications circuitry carried by said portable device housing; a battery casing,', 'internal battery circuitry carried within said battery casing and comprising a battery temperature signal line, and a battery identification signal line, and', 'a respective internal filter element carried within said battery casing and coupled to said battery temperature signal line, and said battery identification signal line., 'a rechargeable battery pack carried by said portable housing and coupled to said wireless communications circuitry, said rechargeable battery pack comprising'}26. The mobile wireless communications device of wherein said rechargeable battery pack further comprises:at least one internal battery cell carried within said battery casing;at least one supply line coupled to said at least one internal battery cell; andan internal filter element carried within said battery casing and coupled to said at least one supply line.27. The mobile wireless communications device of wherein said at least one internal battery cell comprises at least one lithium-ion battery cell.28. The mobile wireless communications device of wherein said rechargeable battery pack further comprises a battery connection interface carried by said battery casing and coupled to said ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Electrical storage system and mobile body

Номер: US20140009117A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An electrical storage system includes: a plurality of electrical storage portions that are connected parallel to each other; a measurement portion that measures the full charge capacity of each of the electrical storage portions while switching an electrical storage portion that is a measurement target among the electrical storage portions; and a charge and discharge control portion that performs charge and discharge control on the electrical storage portions. The charge and discharge control portion makes other electrical storage portion other than the measurement target perform charge or discharge in a period of time during which the measurement portion measures the full charge capacity of the electrical storage portion that is the measurement target.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Energy storage system for hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20140017530A1
Принадлежит: Allison Transmission Inc

An energy storage system comprising at least one energy storage module adapted to supply electrical energy to a hybrid vehicle. The energy storage module comprises a primary enclosure, at least one battery array located within the primary enclosure, and an energy storage controller module located within the primary. The energy storage controller module is further connected to a hybrid control module of the hybrid vehicle by a low voltage connecter. A high voltage junction box is attached to a first end of the primary enclosure and having a plurality of high voltage connection terminals. At least one of the high voltage connection terminals is configured to receive a high voltage conductor connected between the energy storage module and an inverter of the hybrid vehicle. When multiple energy storage modules are used in conjunction, one module functions as a master module and one module functions as a slave module.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Storage battery module

Номер: US20140023897A1
Автор: Atsuo Suga
Принадлежит: Hitachi Vehicle Energy Ltd

A storage battery module 20 includes plural battery cells 320 in which a wound electrode group 322 having positive and negative electrodes, and positive and negative electrode collector plates 327 a and 327 b connected to the positive and negative electrodes are accommodated in a battery cell 321, and positive and negative external terminals 331 and 341 are provided to be exposed to outside of the battery case 321, a circuit board 350 including a temperature detecting wiring 302 of the battery cell 320 connected to the positive and negative external terminals 331 and 341, and a temperature sensor 381 for detecting a temperature of the battery cell 320 provided above the wiring 302.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Battery pack

Номер: US20140038007A1
Автор: Sang-Kyu Ahn
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A battery pack includes a number of battery modules, a case, a circulation unit and a control unit. The case accommodates the plurality of battery modules therein. The circulation unit is positioned in the case so as to circulate heat generated from the plurality of battery modules. The control unit selects one or more of the number of battery modules and operates the circulation unit using power of the selected battery modules. Accordingly, the temperature equilibrium of the battery pack is implemented by conducting heat from a high-temperature battery module to a low-temperature battery module, so that it is possible to decrease the degree of deterioration and to extend the lifetime of the battery pack.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Energy storage cell for a multi-cell energy storage device

Номер: US20140042957A1
Принадлежит: NXP BV

An energy storage cell for a multi-cell energy storage device is disclosed. The energy storage cell comprises a cell information storage device adapted to store cell information regarding the energy storage cell.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Cooling blower control device and method for high-voltage battery

Номер: US20140057547A1
Автор: Min Kyeong Kang
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

Disclosed is a cooling blower control device and method for a high-voltage battery, by which a cooling blower used in a high-voltage battery is efficiently controlled using fuzzy control. To this end, the cooling blower control device includes a temperature (or first) sensor configured to sense an internal temperature of a battery pack assembly, and a current sensor configured to sense an output current of the battery pack assembly. A fuzzy controller performs fuzzy control by using outputs of the temperature sensor and the current sensor as inputs to output a cooling blower's duty ratio, and a pulse-width modulation (PWM) controller performs PWM control by using an output of the fuzzy controller as an input to output a control signal for driving the cooling blower.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065454A1
Автор: Kohlberger Markus

A battery includes at least one battery cell in a battery cell housing and includes a housing cover having a monitoring circuit. An electrode of the at least one battery cell is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the battery cell housing via a switching mechanism in the monitoring circuit. The monitoring circuit is configured to open the switching mechanism when a malfunction signal is detected. The switching mechanism is closed during normal operation. Separate contacts provide contact to the cell housing in a module assembly and the electrode is disconnectable from the battery cell housing. 1. A battery , comprising:at least one battery cell having an electrode;an electrically conductive battery cell housing; anda housing cover having a monitoring circuit,wherein the electrode of the at least one battery cell is connected to the battery cell housing in an electrically conductive manner via a switching mechanism in the monitoring circuit, andwherein the monitoring circuit is configured to open the switching mechanism when a malfunction signal is detected, the switching mechanism being configured so as to be closed during normal operation.2. The battery according to claim 1 , wherein:the at least one battery cell includes a plurality of battery cells connected in a battery module, andthe connection between the battery cell housing and the electrode of the at least one battery cell is provided in the battery module.3. The battery according to claim 1 , further comprising:a spring contact arranged on the housing cover and connected to the switching mechanism in an electrically conductive manner,wherein the spring contact is configured to contact the battery cell housing when the housing cover is in place.4. The battery according to claim 3 , wherein the switching mechanism and the spring contact are connected in an electrically conductive manner via one of a stamped circuit board claim 3 , a cable claim 3 , and a foil circuit board.5. The battery ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Battery thermal system and diagnostic method

Номер: US20140067323A1
Автор: Scott M. Skelton

A system includes a battery pack having a fluid inlet, a fluid outlet, and battery cells. The system also includes a thermal system having heat transfer fluid, a flow device, an inlet thermocouple, one or more internal thermocouples connected to a respective one of the battery cells, and a controller. The controller receives and processes temperature signals from the thermocouples using a thermal model to diagnose performance of the flow device. The system may estimate values when an outlet thermocouple is not used. A method includes circulating the fluid through the battery pack, positioning an inlet thermocouple proximate to the fluid inlet, and connecting one or more internal thermocouples to respective battery cells. A controller receives and processes temperature signals from the inlet thermocouple and the internal thermocouple(s) to diagnose performance of the flow device using the thermal model.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072847A1
Автор: Moon Dae-Yon, WANG Han-Jun
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.

A battery module includes a plurality of rechargeable unit cells; and a lead tab assembly that electrically connects the unit cells together, wherein the lead tab assembly includes a first lead tab extending in a first direction and that is electrically connected to a first unit cell of the unit cells; a second lead tab that extends in the first direction and that is electrically connected to a second unit cell of the unit cells; a temperature-sensing element that is located between the first lead tab and the second lead tab and is electrically connected to the first lead tab and the second lead tab; and an insulating member that accommodates at least a portion of the first lead tab, the second lead tab, and the temperature-sensing element. 1. A battery module comprising:a plurality of rechargeable unit cells; anda lead tab assembly that electrically connects the unit cells together, wherein the lead tab assembly comprises:a first lead tab extending in a first direction and that is electrically connected to a first unit cell of the unit cells;a second lead tab that extends in the first direction and that is electrically connected to a second unit cell of the unit cells;a temperature-sensing element that is located between the first lead tab and the second lead tab and is electrically connected to the first lead tab and the second lead tab; andan insulating member that accommodates at least a portion of the first lead tab, the second lead tab, and the temperature-sensing element.2. The battery module of claim 1 , wherein the insulating member comprises a first fixing unit that penetrates the second lead tab and via which one surface of the second lead tab contacts the insulating member.3. The battery module of claim 2 , wherein the first fixing unit comprises:a pillar portion penetrating the second lead tab; anda blocking portion that is substantially perpendicular to the pillar portion and contacts a surface of the second lead tab.4. The battery module of claim 3 , ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Battery system with heat exchanger

Номер: US20140093755A1

A battery module includes a plurality of electrochemical cells arranged in a first row and a second row offset from the first row. The battery module also includes a heat exchanger configured to allow a fluid to flow through the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is disposed between the first and second rows of cells and has a shape that is complementary to the cells in the first and second rows of cells so that an external surface of the heat exchanger contacts a portion of each of the plurality of electrochemical cells. The heat exchanger is configured to route the fluid between an inlet and an outlet such that a path of the fluid flow includes a plurality of adjacent fluid flow segments.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003819A1
Принадлежит: Vehicle Energy Japan Inc.

An appropriate upper limit current value is set in consideration of steep change in battery voltage in a high-current region caused by the ion concentration gradient in a diffusion layer formed around an interface between an electrode and an electrolyte. An upper limit current calculator includes: a concentration gradient estimator that estimates a lithium ion concentration gradient in a diffusion layer formed around an interface between an electrode and an electrolyte of a battery, based on a current flowing in the battery, or on the current and a temperature; and an upper limit current determiner that determines an upper limit current value of the battery, based on the lithium ion concentration gradient. The upper limit current determiner determines the upper limit current value such that an overvoltage of the battery according to the lithium ion concentration gradient falls within a predetermined range. 1. A battery control apparatus , comprising:a concentration gradient estimator that estimates an ion concentration gradient in a diffusion layer formed around an interface between an electrode and an electrolyte of a secondary battery, based on a current flowing in the secondary battery, or on the current and a temperature of the secondary battery; andan upper limit current determiner that determines an upper limit current value of the secondary battery, based on the ion concentration gradient,wherein the upper limit current determiner determines the upper limit current value such that an overvoltage of the secondary battery according to the ion concentration gradient falls within a predetermined range.2. The battery control apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the upper limit current determiner determines the upper limit current value such that a rate of a resistance component according to the ion concentration gradient in an internal resistance of the secondary battery falls within a predetermined range.3. The battery control apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001525A1

A battery including an output terminal, an electric storage device, a monitoring apparatus including a detector and a controller, the detector being configured to detect a variation value corresponding to an amount of charge of the electric storage device, a relay connected to the output terminal and the electric storage device, and a communication unit connected to the controller. The controller is configured to execute an opening process to switch a state of the relay from a closed state to an open state and to cause the communication unit to receive an input signal from outside. 1. A battery , comprising:an output terminal;an electric storage device;a monitoring apparatus including a detector and a controller, the detector being configured to detect a variation value corresponding to an amount of charge of the electric storage device;a relay connected to the output terminal and the electric storage device; anda communication unit connected to the controller,wherein the controller is configured to execute an opening process to switch a state of the relay from a closed state to an open state and to cause the communication unit to receive an input signal from outside.2. The battery according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:switch a power consumption mode of the monitoring apparatus between a first power consumption mode, in which the monitoring apparatus monitors the electric storage device, and a second power consumption mode, in which the monitoring apparatus consumes less power supplied from the electric storage device than in the first power consumption mode.3. The battery according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured to:determine whether the variation value detected by the detector is lower than a low power threshold.4. The battery according to claim 3 , wherein the controller is further configured to:execute a power saving process to switch the power consumption mode of the monitoring apparatus from the first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001735A1
Автор: Chuang Chi-Sheng

Various techniques described herein relate to battery packs of electric vehicles, batteries, and battery charging systems. Batteries may comprise a plurality of battery modules, wherein each battery module may be provided with one or more battery cells, and the plurality of battery modules may be connected in series when providing electric power output. Battery charging systems described herein may comprise a charging circuit that connects a plurality of battery modules in series, and may be used for charging the plurality of battery modules in the battery in series. Additional charging circuits may be connected respectively to the plurality of battery modules, and the additional charging circuits may be used for charging at least one battery module in the plurality of battery modules. 1. A battery pack for an electric vehicle , comprising:a battery comprising a plurality of battery modules connected in series, the battery modules including a first battery module and a second battery module; a first charging circuit configured to charge the plurality of battery modules in series to a first preset voltage;', 'a plurality of second charging circuits each corresponding one or more of the plurality of battery modules, each of the second charging circuits being configured to charge a corresponding battery module to a second preset voltage individually, the plurality of second charging circuits including a second charging circuit connected to the first battery module and the second battery module; and, 'a battery charging system, comprising charging the plurality of the battery modules to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit;', 'detecting whether the plurality of battery modules have been charged to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit; and', 'when it is detected that the plurality of battery modules have been charged to the first preset voltage through the first charging circuit, switching off the first charging circuit and, ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Battery module, battery pack including battery module, and vehicle including battery pack

Номер: US20190001838A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed is a battery module, which includes a plurality of battery cells stacked one another and respectively having electrode leads protruding in the front and rear directions of the battery module, and a bus bar unit configured to integrally connect the electrode leads of the plurality of battery cells.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006133A1

A power storage control system reduces the operating cost in a power storage system, and comprises a monitoring section and a charge/discharge control section. The monitoring section monitors a prescribed index value that correlates with the degradation degree of a storage battery for each storage battery included in a plurality of power storage systems. The charge/discharge control section controls the period in which the prescribed index value of each storage battery changes to a prescribed value by degradation accompanying charging and discharging of the storage battery, by performing control relating to at least one of the charge amount or the charge/discharge speed in charging and discharging of the storage battery based on the monitoring results of the monitoring section. 1. A power storage control system comprising:a monitor configured to monitor a predetermined index value having a correlation with a deterioration extent of a storage battery, for each storage battery included in a plurality of power storage systems; anda charge/discharge controller configured to control a period in which the predetermined index value changes to a predetermined value of each of the storage batteries due to deterioration accompanying charging and discharging of the storage batteries, by performing control related to at least either of a charge amount or charge/discharge speed in charging and discharging of the storage battery, based on monitoring results of the monitor.2. The power storage control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe charge/discharge controller is further configured to perform control to distribute periods in which the predetermined value changes to a predetermined value for each of the storage batteries included in the power storage system, as control of the period.3. The power storage control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe charge/discharge controller is further configured to perform either or both of control decreasing an upper limit and ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006144A1
Автор: Rehfuß Benjamin

A traction battery device for an at least partially electrically driven motor vehicle includes at least one traction battery with at least one battery housing for housing battery modules and/or battery cells and at least one extinguishing apparatus for automatically carrying out an extinguishing process in an extinguishing situation. An extinguishing agent can be introduced into the battery housing with the extinguishing apparatus via at least one feed device. In this context, the extinguishing apparatus has at least one extinguishing-agent-generating device which, in the case of an extinguishing situation, is suitable for combining, and is designed to combine, at least two spatially separate extinguishing agent components in a controlled fashion and to mix them to form an extinguishing agent which can be extinguished and which can be introduced into the battery housing via the feed device. 1. A traction battery device for an at least partially electrically driven motor vehicle , said traction battery device comprising:at least one traction battery with at least one battery housing for housing battery modules and/or battery cells and at least one extinguishing apparatus for automatically carrying out an extinguishing process in an extinguishing situation,wherein the at least one extinguishing apparatus is configured to introduce at least one extinguishing agent into the battery housing via at least one feed device,wherein the extinguishing apparatus comprises at least one extinguishing-agent-generating device which is configured to combine at least two spatially separate extinguishing agent components in a controlled fashion and to mix the extinguishing agent components together to form an extinguishing agent which can be introduced into the battery housing via the feed device.2. The traction battery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the feed device comprises foam ducts and foam outlet units via which the extinguishing agent claim 1 , in the form of an ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006306A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A fire spreading prevention method in an energy storage system (ESS) composed of a plurality of battery racks including an individual battery rack fire detection step of detecting whether a fire occurs for each of the plurality of battery racks and a battery rack forced discharge step of forcibly discharging at least some of the plurality of battery racks when a fire is detected in the individual battery rack fire detection step. 1. An energy storage system (ESS) composed of a plurality of battery racks , the ESS comprising:a forced discharge device configured to forcibly discharge power of the ESS;a main output line configured to form a current path between the plurality of battery racks and an electronic device;a forced discharge line configured to form a current path between the plurality of battery racks and the forced discharge device; andan ESS controller configured to set the connection of the plurality of battery racks to one of the main output line and the forced discharge line, a fire detector configured to detect a fire of the battery rack and to output a fire detection signal upon detecting the fire of the battery rack; and', 'a switch assembly configured to connect the battery rack to the main output line or the forced discharge line under the control of the ESS controller., 'wherein each of the plurality of battery racks comprises2. The ESS of claim 1 , wherein the ESS controller comprises:a forced discharge battery rack setting module configured to set at least one battery rack to be forcibly discharged among the plurality of battery racks, when receiving a fire detection signal from at least one of the fire detectors; anda discharge order setting module configured to set a discharge order of the at least one battery rack to be forcibly discharged.3. The ESS of claim 2 , wherein the forced discharge battery rack setting module is configured to:detect an ID of a battery rack where a fire is detected by the respective fire detector,detect an ID of at ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Damping in contact hearing systems

Номер: US20220007118A1
Принадлежит: EarLens Corp

Embodiments of the present invent include a method of controlling unwanted vibration in a tympanic lens, wherein the tympanic lens comprises a perimeter platform connected to a microactuator through at least one biasing element, the method comprising the step of: damping the motion of the at least one biasing element. In embodiments of the invention, the at least one biasing element is a spring. In embodiments of the invention, the at least one bias spring is coated in a damping material.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007734A1

A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply configured to supply power to a load that atomizes an aerosol source; a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the power supply; a controller; and a circuit board. The circuit board includes: a first surface; a second surface; a power supply layer in which a power supply path is formed; and a ground layer. The power supply layer and the ground layer are provided between the first surface and the second surface. The temperature sensor is mounted on the second surface, and at least one of the power supply path and the ground path is not formed in a region which overlaps the temperature sensor as viewed from a first direction, the first direction being a direction in which the first surface and the second surface are opposed to each other. 1. A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler comprising:a power supply configured to supply power to a load that atomizes an aerosol source;a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the power supply;a controller configured to control at least one of charging of the power supply and discharging to the load based on an output of the temperature sensor; anda circuit board on which a plurality of elements including the temperature sensor and the controller are mounted, whereinthe circuit board includes: a first surface; a second surface which is located on a side opposite from the first surface; a power supply layer in which a power supply path configured to supply power to the plurality of elements is formed; and a ground layer in which a ground path configured to function as a ground of the plurality of elements is formed,the power supply layer and the ground layer are provided between the first surface and the second surface,the temperature sensor is mounted on the second surface, andat least one of the power supply path and the ground path is not formed in a region which overlaps the temperature sensor as viewed from a first ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003904A1

A flat built temperature control unit for use in a rechargeable battery unit, in particular a rechargeable lithium ion battery. The temperature control unit includes at least one temperature sensor arranged on one of the surfaces of a first electrically insulating sheet. A plurality of first electrically conductive tracks electrically connects the at least one temperature sensor to a plurality of electrically conductive contact members. A rechargeable electrochemical battery unit, in particular for automotive applications, comprises at least one battery block including a plurality of stacked battery cells, at least one disclosed temperature control unit, and a control unit that is configured for receiving an output signal of at least one temperature sensor and for controlling operation of at least one out of cooler and heater based on the received output signal and on fulfillment of at least one predetermined condition. 2. The temperature control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a total height (h) claim 1 , as measured in a direction perpendicular to the surfaces of the first electrically insulating sheet claim 1 , of (i) the at least one temperature sensor claim 1 , (ii) an electrically conductive track that is electrically connected to the at least one temperature sensor and (iii) the first electrically insulating sheet is less than or equal to 1.0 mm.3. The temperature control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least first electrically insulating sheet has a basically oblong shape and the plurality of electrically conductive contact members is arranged on the surface of the first electrically insulating sheet and at an end region of the basically oblong shape.4. The temperature control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one temperature sensor is a surface-mount device NTC temperature sensor.5. The temperature control unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one temperature sensor comprises an electrically insulating cover that ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Battery state estimation device, battery control device, battery system, battery state estimation method

Номер: US20190004115A1

A battery management device includes: an SOCv calculation unit that calculates a state of charge using voltage across both ends of a battery; an SOCi calculation unit calculates a state of charge by integrating currents flowing in the battery; an SOCw calculation unit performs weighted addition of the battery's state of charges calculated by the SOCv and the SOCi calculation unit. An SOCi biased time calculation unit calculates an SOCi biased time based on one or a plurality of elapsed time from the end of a previous system operation or the end of charging or discharging during the previous system operation to the start of the current system, temperature, degree of degradation, and polarization voltage of the battery. The SOCw increases a weight of the state of charge of the battery calculated by the SOCi calculation while the elapsed time from the activation is within the SOCi biased time.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005322A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a battery module. The battery module includes five nonaqueous electrolyte batteries electrically connected in series. The five nonaqueous electrolyte batteries each include a positive electrode, a negative electrode, and a nonaqueous electrolyte. The negative electrode includes an active material including a titanium-including composite oxide. The titanium-including composite oxide includes Na and a metal element M within a crystal structure. The metal element M is at least one selected from the group consisting of Zr, Sn, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Fe, Co, Mn, and Al. 1. A battery module comprising five nonaqueous electrolyte batteries electrically connected in series , each of the five nonaqueous electrolyte batteries comprising:a positive electrode;a negative electrode; anda nonaqueous electrolyte,wherein the negative electrode comprises an active material comprising a titanium composite oxide comprising Na and a metal element M in its crystal structure, the metal element M being at least one selected from the group consisting of Zr, Sn, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Fe, Co, Mn, and Al, andthe crystal structure of the titanium composite oxide has symmetry belonging to a space group Cmca or Fmmm.2. The battery module according to claim 1 , wherein the metal element M comprises Nb.3. The battery module according to claim 1 , wherein the titanium composite oxide is a composite oxide represented by a formula LiM(I)TiM(II)O:wherein:M(I) is Na, or comprises Na and at least one element selected from the group consisting of Sr, Ba, Ca, Mg, Cs, and K;M(II) is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Zr, Sn, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Fe, Co, Mn, and Al,a is within a range of 0≦a≦6;b is within a range of 0≦b<2;c is within a range of 0 Подробнее

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005371A1

Systems and methods for storing energy for use by an electric vehicle are disclosed. Systems can include an electric vehicle battery pack including a rack configured to couple a plurality of independently removable battery strings to the vehicle, the battery strings configured to be selectively coupled in parallel to a vehicle power bus. The battery strings may include a housing, a plurality of electrochemical cells disposed within the housing, a circuit for electrically connecting the electrochemical cells, a positive high-voltage connector, a negative high-voltage connector, a switch within the housing, and a string control unit configured to control the switch. Each battery string can include a coolant inlet and a coolant outlet configured to couple with and sealingly uncouple from an external coolant supply conduit and an external coolant return conduit, and an auxiliary connector configured to couple with an external communications system and/or an external low-voltage power supply. 1. An electric vehicle battery pack comprising: an individual battery string housing;', 'a plurality of electrochemical cells disposed within the housing;', 'a circuit for electrically connecting the plurality of electrochemical cells, the circuit having a positive terminal and a negative terminal;', 'a positive high-voltage connector located on an exterior surface of the housing, the positive high-voltage connector electrically coupled to the positive terminal;', 'a negative high-voltage connector located on an exterior surface of the housing, the negative high-voltage connector electrically coupled to the negative terminal;', 'a switch disposed within the housing and electrically connected in series with at least the positive high-voltage connector; and', 'a string control unit disposed within the housing, the string control unit electrically coupled to and configured to control the switch., 'a rack configured to couple a plurality of independently removable battery strings to the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005373A1
Автор: Tashiro Hiroki

A battery system includes a secondary battery, a current sensor and a controller. The controller is configured to calculate a liquid level height of an electrolytic solution from a current value that is obtained by the current sensor. The controller is configured to calculate a flow rate of the electrolytic solution, a diffused state of salt in the electrolytic solution and an amount of salt produced in the electrolytic solution as a result of charging or discharging of a power generating element of the secondary battery on the basis of an amount of fluctuations in the liquid level height, and is configured to calculate a distribution of salt concentration on electrodes of the power generating element. The controller is configured to calculate an amount of increase in resistance of the secondary battery from the distribution of salt concentration. 1. A battery system comprising:a secondary battery including a power generating element, an electrolytic solution and a battery case, the power generating element being configured to be charged or discharged, the power generating element and the electrolytic solution being accommodated in the battery case;a current sensor configured to detect a current value of the secondary battery; anda controller configured to(a) calculate a liquid level height of the electrolytic solution, the liquid level height indicating a height of a liquid level of the electrolytic solution outside the power generating element with a height from a reference plane to a reference point of the liquid level, the liquid level height being calculated based on the current value that is detected by the current sensor,(b) calculate a first flow rate, the first flow rate being a flow rate at the time when the electrolytic solution moves from an inside of the power generating element toward an outside of the power generating element, the first flow rate being calculated at each position within the power generating element in a moving direction of the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for mining battery characteristic data having sensitivity to volume fraction of active material of battery electrode and method thereof

Номер: US20220013813A1
Принадлежит: LG Energy Solution Ltd

Disclosed is an apparatus and method for mining battery characteristic data, which calculates a particle surface concentration (c se,i ) of lithium from a first state space model derived from a Pade approximation equation of a transcendental transfer function, calculates a change ratio ⁢ ∂ c se , i ∂ ? ⁢ ( t ) ? ⁢ indicates text missing or illegible when filed of the particle surface concentration to the change in the active material volume fraction from a second state space model derived by the partial derivative of the Pade approximation equation, calculates a change ratio ⁢ ∂ η i ⁡ ( t ) ∂ ɛ ⁢ ? ? ⁢ indicates text missing or illegible when filed of over-potential to the change in the active material volume fraction from the Butler-Vollmer equation, calculates a potential slope ∂ U i ∂ c se , i corresponding to the particle surface concentration by using an open circuit potential function, and stores voltage-current data in which the sensitivity of the battery voltage to the active material volume fraction of the electrode calculated from ∂ U i ∂ c se , i , ∂ c se , i ∂ ɛ s , i ⁢ ( t ) ⁢ ⁢ and ⁢ ⁢ ∂ η i ⁡ ( t ) ∂ ɛ s , i is greater than or equal to a threshold as mined characteristic data.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013818A1
Автор: Chen Xiaobo, Li Yao

The present application provides a thermal runaway detection method and a battery management system, which can effectively detect occurrence of thermal runaway of a battery. The method includes: acquiring at least one parameter of a cooling medium of a battery, the battery including a heat conducting apparatus, and the cooling medium being contained in the heat conducting apparatus; and determining, when the at least one parameter satisfies a preset condition, that thermal runaway occurs in the battery. 1. A thermal runaway detection method , wherein the method comprises:acquiring at least one parameter of a cooling medium of a battery, the battery comprising a heat conducting apparatus, and the cooling medium being contained in the heat conducting apparatus; anddetermining, when the at least one parameter satisfies a preset condition, that thermal runaway occurs in the battery.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one parameter comprises at least one of the following parameters:pressure of the cooling medium, a flow rate of the cooling medium, a liquid level of the cooling medium, and temperature of the cooling medium.3. The method according to or claim 1 , wherein the at least one parameter satisfying the preset condition comprises:the at least one parameter satisfying any one of the following preset conditions: a parameter value reaching a corresponding threshold; a change amount of the parameter value reaching a corresponding threshold; and the parameter value being lost.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one parameter comprises the pressure of the cooling medium claim 3 , wherein the pressure of the cooling medium satisfying a preset condition comprises:the pressure of the cooling medium dropping to a first pressure threshold; a change amount of the pressure of the cooling medium exceeding a second pressure threshold; or data of the pressure of the cooling medium being lost.5. The method according to claim 4 , further ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013821A1
Автор: Tong Yui Lung

A battery assembly comprising a thermal exchange device and a plurality of batteries arranged into a plurality of battery groups is disclosed. The thermal exchange device comprises a thermal contact surface which is in thermal contact with a heat transfer network, and a thermal exchange surface which is configured to perform heat exchange. The heat transfer network comprises the plurality of inter-battery connectors which are in electrical contact with battery terminals of the batteries forming the battery assembly. The inter-battery connectors are in physical and thermal contact with the thermal contact surface of the thermal exchange device to facilitate transfer of heat from the battery terminals to the thermal contact surface and are electrically insulated from the thermal exchange surface or the thermal exchange device. 1. A battery assembly comprising a thermal exchange device and a plurality of batteries arranged into a plurality of battery groups , wherein the battery group comprises a plurality of batteries in parallel connection and the battery groups are connected in series by a plurality of inter-battery connectors , wherein the thermal exchange device comprises a thermal contact surface which is in thermal contact with a heat transfer network , and a thermal exchange surface which is configured to perform heat exchange; wherein the heat transfer network comprises the plurality of inter-battery connectors which are in electrical contact with battery terminals of the batteries forming the battery assembly , wherein the inter-battery connectors are in physical and thermal contact with the thermal contact surface of the thermal exchange device to facilitate transfer of heat from the battery terminals to the thermal contact surface and are electrically insulated from the thermal exchange surface or the thermal exchange device.2. The battery assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the battery assembly comprises a plurality of battery groups and batteries of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013831A1
Автор: Tong Yui Lung

A power supply apparatus () comprising a main housing (), a battery assembly (), battery management circuitry () and temperature conditioning arrangement. A battery compartment () comprises a discharge chamber () which is in fluid communication with safety vents of batteries (). Venting apertures () are formed on the discharge chamber (), and thermal sensors are provided on the discharge chamber (). The thermal sensors are configured to detect temperature inside the battery compartment () and to deliver temperature information to the battery management circuitry (), which is to activate a counter-measure or temperature conditioning arrangement to condition temperature of the battery assembly () when the temperature detected by the thermal sensor or a plurality of thermal sensors reaches an activation threshold temperature. 1. A power supply apparatus comprising a main housing , a battery assembly and battery management circuitry;wherein the battery assembly comprises a plurality of batteries, the batteries having safety vents which are distributed on a first surface of the battery assembly for releasing gaseous discharge,wherein the main housing comprises a battery compartment in which the battery assembly is held,wherein the battery compartment comprises a discharge chamber which is in fluid communication with the safety ventswherein a venting aperture or a plurality of venting apertures is formed on the discharge chamber, and wherein a thermal sensor or a plurality of thermal sensors is provided on the discharge chamber,wherein the thermal sensor is configured to detect temperature inside the battery compartment and to deliver temperature information to the battery management circuitry, andwherein the battery management circuitry is configured to activate a counter-measure or a temperature conditioning arrangement to condition temperature of the battery assembly when the temperature detected by the thermal sensor or the plurality of thermal sensors reaches an ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Battery, power consumption device, method and device for preparing a battery

Номер: US20220013853A1
Принадлежит: Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd

Embodiments of the present application provide a battery. The battery includes: a battery cell comprising a pressure relief mechanism, the pressure relief mechanism being arranged in a first wall of the battery cell and the pressure relief mechanism being configured, when an internal pressure or temperature of the battery cell reaches a threshold, to be actuated to release the internal pressure; and a thermal management component for containing a fluid to adjust the temperature of the battery cell; wherein a first surface of the thermal management component is attached to the first wall, and the thermal management component is configured to be capable of being damaged when the pressure relief mechanism is actuated, so that the fluid is discharged from inside of the thermal management component. According to the technical solutions of the embodiments of the present application, the safety of the battery can be enhanced.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Electrical storage system

Номер: US20170005488A1
Автор: Yusuke Suzuki
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electrical storage system includes an electrical storage device, a voltage sensor, a current sensor and a controller. The controller calculates a full charge capacity of the electrical storage device on the basis of a state of charge of the electrical storage device at the time when external charging is started, a state of charge of the electrical storage device at the time when the external charging is completed, and an accumulated value of a current value during the period when the external charging is being carried out, and sets a polarization elimination time. When a stopped time during the period when charging or discharging of the electrical storage device is stopped is longer than the polarization elimination time, the controller regards a voltage value of the electrical storage device at the time of at least one of the start of the external charging or the completion of the external charging as an open circuit voltage of the electrical storage device. The controller calculates a state of charge corresponding to the voltage value as a state of charge that is used to calculate the full charge capacity by using a correlation between the open circuit voltage and the state of charge. The controller shortens the polarization elimination time as a rate of change increases. The rate of change indicates a ratio of a variation in the open circuit voltage to a variation in the state of charge.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Reduced Order Battery Thermal Dynamics Modeling for Controls

Номер: US20160006087A1
Автор: LEE Tae-Kyung, LIN Xinfan

A vehicle includes a traction battery that is comprised of a number of cells. A controller operates the traction battery according to a temperature for each of the cells. The temperature is based on a number of coefficients representing a contribution of at least one cell boundary thermal condition and a heat generated in the cell to a steady-state temperature at a predetermined location within the cell. The contributions may be filtered to predict a dynamic response of the temperature to changes in the boundary thermal conditions and the heat generated in the cell. The coefficients may be derived from a full-order model. The resulting reduced-order model requires less execution time while achieving accuracy similar to the full-order model. In addition, a range of characteristic temperatures may be obtained for each cell. 1. A vehicle comprising:a traction battery including a plurality of cells; andat least one controller programmed to operate the traction battery according to a temperature for each of the cells that is based on a plurality of coefficients representing a contribution of at least one cell boundary thermal condition and a heat generated in the cell to a steady-state temperature at a predetermined location within the cell.2. The vehicle of wherein the at least one controller is further programmed to filter the contribution of the at least one cell boundary thermal condition and the heat generated by the cell to predict a dynamic response to changes in the at least one cell boundary thermal condition and the heat generated in the cell.3. The vehicle of wherein the at least one controller is further programmed to filter the contribution of the at least one cell boundary thermal condition with a first time constant to predict a dynamic response to changes in the at least one cell boundary thermal condition and filter the contribution of the heat generated in the cell with a second time constant to predict a dynamic response to changes in the heat ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006339A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a battery pack including a pack body and a plurality of terminals. The pack body has first and second main surfaces that are opposed to each other in a first axis direction, first and second end surfaces that are opposed to each other in a second axis direction orthogonal to the first axis direction, and first and second side surfaces that are opposed to each other in a third axis direction orthogonal to the first axis direction and the second axis direction. The plurality of terminals includes a positive terminal, a negative terminal, a temperature detection terminal, and a control terminal that are arranged on the first end surface along the third axis direction. The negative terminal is arranged between the temperature detection terminal and the control terminal and closer to the control terminal than the temperature detection terminal. 1. A battery pack , comprising:a pack body having a first main surface and a second main surface that are opposed to each other in a first axis direction, a first end surface and a second end surface that are opposed to each other in a second axis direction orthogonal to the first axis direction, and a first side surface and a second side surface that are opposed to each other in a third axis direction orthogonal to the first axis direction and the second axis direction;a plurality of terminals including at least a positive terminal, a negative terminal, and a temperature terminal that are arranged on the first end surface along the third axis direction; anda cover having a plurality of terminal windows placed on the first end surface, configured to expose the terminals to outside,wherein one corner portion of one terminal window positioned closest to the first side surface along the third axis, is formed with a radius of curvature larger than that of other corner portions of the terminal window.2. The battery pack according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of terminal windows includes at ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006341A1

An assembly is provided for attaching a temperature sensor to a battery cell. The assembly may comprise a sleeve having a hollow interior, the hollow interior being shaped to slide at least partially over the battery cell to a position on the battery cell. The assembly may further comprise a housing mounted on an exterior surface of the sleeve, the housing having an opening sized to accept the temperature sensor. The sleeve and the housing may provide thermal conductivity between the hollow interior of the sleeve and an interior of the opening of the housing, to facilitate thermal coupling between the battery cell and the temperature sensor. 1. An assembly for attaching a temperature sensor to a battery cell comprising:a sleeve having a hollow interior, the hollow interior being shaped to slide at least partially over the battery cell to a position on the battery cell; anda housing mounted on an exterior surface of the sleeve, the housing having an opening sized to accept the temperature sensor,wherein the sleeve and the housing provide thermal conductivity between the hollow interior of the sleeve and an interior of the opening of the housing, to facilitate thermal coupling between the battery cell and the temperature sensor.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a thermally conductive element filling at least a portion of the housing and providing a thermal connection between the housing and the temperature sensor.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the thermally conductive element comprises a thermally conductive epoxy.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the thermally conductive element further serves to physically retain the temperature sensor within the housing.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is rigid.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the battery cell and the sleeve are cylindrical.7. The assembly of wherein the sleeve and the housing are constructed of a metal material.8. The method of wherein the sleeve and housing are ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006347A1

A vehicle includes a traction battery arranged to be cooled by a chiller of a refrigerant system, and a radiator of a coolant system. The coolant system includes a proportioning valve having a pair of first and second outlets that each selectively receives a proportion of coolant flowing into the valve depending upon a position of the valve. The coolant system further includes a chiller loop connected to the first outlet and arranged to convey coolant to the chiller, and a radiator loop connected to the second outlet and arranged to convey coolant to the radiator. A controller is configured to, in response to the refrigerant system being ON, actuate the proportioning valve to proportion the coolant between the first and second outlets such that heat transfer through the chiller is limited to a chiller capacity. 1. A vehicle comprising:a traction battery;a refrigerant system including a compressor, a condenser, a battery chiller, and a cabin evaporator; a proportioning valve including an inlet connected in fluid communication with an outlet side of the battery, and a pair of first and second outlets, wherein the valve is configured such that each of the outlets selectively receives a proportion of coolant flowing into the inlet depending upon a position of the valve,', 'a chiller loop connected in fluid communication with the first outlet of the proportioning valve, and arranged to convey coolant between the battery and the chiller to transfer heat from the coolant system to the refrigerant system, and', 'a radiator loop connected in fluid communication with the second outlet of the proportioning valve, and arranged to convey coolant between the battery and a radiator to transfer heat from the coolant system to the outside air; and, 'a coolant system including'}a controller configured to, in response to the refrigerant system being ON, actuate the proportioning valve to proportion the coolant between the first and second outlets such that heat transfer through the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling battery cell charging-discharging

Номер: US20180006469A1
Принадлежит: Lenovo Beijing Ltd

A method includes detecting a present temperature value of a battery cell of a battery, determining whether the present temperature value is higher than a lowest threshold temperature value and lower than a highest threshold temperature value, detecting a present electric current value of the battery in association with a determination that the present temperature value is higher than the lowest threshold temperature value and lower than the highest threshold temperature value, determining whether the present electric current value is higher than a threshold current value corresponding to the present temperature value, and stopping a charge-discharge process of the battery cell in response to determining that the present electric current value is higher than the threshold current value.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005929A1

An improved, low porosity, solid electrolyte membrane and a method of manufacturing the solid electrolyte membrane are provided. The low porosity, solid electrolyte membrane significantly improves both mechanical strength and porosity of the membrane, inhibits the growth of lithium dendrites (Li dendrites), and thereby maintains and maximizes electrochemical stability of an all-solid-state battery. This is accomplished by wet-coating a sulfide or oxide solid electrolyte particle with a thermoplastic resin, or a mixture of the thermoplastic resin and a thermosetting resin, using a solvent to prepare a composite and hot-pressing the composite at a relatively low temperature and at a low pressure. 1. A low porosity solid electrolyte membrane comprising a solid electrolyte particle coated with a polymer film , wherein the polymer film comprises at least one thermoplastic resin.2. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film further comprises at least one thermosetting resin.3. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of claim 1 , wherein the solid electrolyte membrane is hot-pressed.4. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of claim 1 , wherein the solid electrolyte particle is a sulfide or an oxide solid electrolyte particle.5. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is selected from the group consisting of polymethyl methacrylate claim 1 , polystyrene and polyester resins.6. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of wherein the thermosetting resin is selected from the group consisting of an acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber claim 2 , an epoxy resin and an unsaturated ester resin.7. The low porosity solid electrolyte membrane of claim 1 , wherein the low porosity solid electrolyte membrane comprises:from about 70 to about 98% by weight of the solid electrolyte particle; andfrom about 2 to about 30% by weight of the thermoplastic resin.8. The solid electrolyte membrane of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Portable Lithium-Titanate Battery and Charger

Номер: US20210005940A1
Автор: Charles Welch
Принадлежит: Zapbatt Inc

An electronic circuit that very rapidly charges an internal lithium-titanate battery that can then be used to power an external low-power electronic device and/or charge the external electronic device's internal battery.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006643A1
Автор: Sakurai Atsushi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A battery module includes: a cell stack body a pair of end plates disposed on a front surface and a rear surface of the cell stack body; and a fastening frame for connecting the pair of end plates. The fastening frame includes a right side frame, a left side frame, and a lower frame. The right side frame and the left side frame each includes a lower flange portion extending in a direction coming closer to each other along the lower surface of the cell stack body. The lower frame is disposed between the lower surface of the cell stack body and the lower flange portions of the left side frame and the right side frame. The lower frame includes a fixing portion fixed to a structure for supporting the battery module. 1. A battery module comprising:a cell stack body that is constituted by a plurality of cells stacked in a front-rear direction and includes a front s face, a rear surface, a left surface, a right surface, an upper surface, and a lower surface;a pair of end plates that are disposed on the front surface and the rear surface of the cell stack body; anda fastening frame that connects the pair of end plates, whereinthe fastening frame includes:a right side frame disposed on the right surface of the cell stack body;a left side frame disposed on the left surface of the cell stack body; anda lower frame disposed on the lower surface of the cell stack body,the right side frame and the left side frame each includes a lower flange portion extending in a direction coming closer to each other along the surface of the cell stack body,the lower frame is disposed between the lower surface of the cell stack body and the lower flange portions of the left side frame and the right side frame, andthe lower frame includes fixing portions that are fixed to a structure for supporting the battery module.2. The battery module according to claim 1 , whereinthe pair of end plates each includes:a left end plate portion;a right end plate portion, anda central end plate portion interposed ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Battery enclosures in electronic devices

Номер: US20190006649A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

Battery enclosures and electronic devices having a battery enclosure are described herein. In one example, a battery enclosure includes a shell, a battery positioned within an internal volume of the shell, and a fire-retardant composition positioned on an outer surface of the shell, a first inner surface of the shell, between the first inner surface of the shell and the battery, or a combination thereof. In certain examples, the shell and/or fire-retardant composition are configured to provide a thermal seal or protection barrier between components (e.g., a battery) positioned within the battery enclosure and components of the electronic device positioned outside of the battery enclosure.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006722A1

A method for controlling a plurality of batteries and an electronic device thereof are provided. The electronic device includes a power management circuit configured to supply power to the electronic device; a first battery electrically connected with a power input port of the power management circuit; a second battery electrically connected with the power input port; a first charging circuit configured to charge the first battery; a second charging circuit configured to charge the second battery; a first current control circuit electrically connected between the first charging circuit and the first battery, and configured to control a first charging current supplied from the first charging circuit to the first battery and a leakage current due to a voltage difference between the first battery and the second battery; and a second current control circuit electrically connected between the second charging circuit and the second battery, and configured to control a second charging current supplied from the second charging circuit to the second battery and the leakage current. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a power management circuit configured to supply power to the electronic device;a first battery electrically connected with a power input port of the power management circuit;a second battery electrically connected with the power input port;a first charging circuit configured to charge the first battery;a second charging circuit configured to charge the second battery;a first current control circuit electrically connected between the first charging circuit and the first battery, and configured to control a first charging current supplied from the first charging circuit to the first battery and a leakage current due to a voltage difference between the first battery and the second battery; anda second current control circuit electrically connected between the second charging circuit and the second battery, and configured to control a second charging current ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006724A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided are temperature monitoring apparatus and method for a battery pack. The temperature monitoring apparatus includes a plurality of slave battery management systems (BMSs) including a first slave BMS and a second slave BMS; and a master BMS connected to the plurality of slave BMSs to communicate with them. The master BMS sets a next wake-up time of the second slave BMS based on first temperature data indicating a temperature of a first battery module from among a plurality of battery modules and transmitted from the first slave BMS. 1. A temperature monitoring apparatus for a battery pack , the temperature monitoring apparatus comprising:a plurality of slave battery management systems (BMSs) including a first slave BMS and a second slave BMS; anda master BMS connected to the plurality of slave BMSs to communicate with the plurality of slave BMSs,wherein each of the plurality of slave BMSs is configured to switch from a sleep mode to a wake-up mode when a wake-up time set in advance thereto by the master BMS is reached, to measure a temperature of a battery module set thereto from among the plurality of battery modules included in the battery pack, during a wake-up period that is defined as a period from a latest time point of switching to the wake-up mode to a time point of re-switching to the sleep mode, and to transmit to the master BMS temperature data indicating the temperature measured during the wake-up period, andthe master BMS is configured to set a next wake-up time of the second slave BMS based on first temperature data transmitted from the first slave BMS and indicating a temperature of a first battery module from among the plurality of battery modules.2. The temperature monitoring apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the master BMS is configured to receive driving data notifying a driving state of an electric vehicle from the electric vehicle including the battery pack claim 1 , to determine whether an event set in advance is being performed claim 1 , ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Battery warm up system and method for warming up battery using the same

Номер: US20150008887A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A battery warm up system according to the present disclosure includes a battery state measuring unit to measure a state of charge (SOC) of each module of a battery pack of a vehicle, a control unit to optionally output a forced discharging start signal and to output a balancing start signal, a forced discharging circuit unit to force at least one battery module among a plurality of battery modules of the battery pack to be discharged in response to the forced discharging start signal, and a balancing unit to balance the SOC of each of the battery modules in response to the balancing start signal.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021038A1
Автор: HOLDSWORTH Joseph J.
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A battery assembly and a method of assembling a battery assembly are provided. The battery assembly comprises: an array of battery cells, the array comprising plural rows, each row comprising plural cells; a flexible printed circuit board (PCB) provided between two adjacent rows, of the plurality of rows of cells; and at least one temperature sensor provided adjacent to and electrically connected to the flexible PCB, each temperature sensor being operable to sense a temperature of one or more cells of the two adjacent rows. 1. A battery assembly comprising:an array of battery cells, the array comprising plural rows each row comprising plural cells, the plural rows including at least a first row, a second row adjacent to the first row, and a third row adjacent to the second row;a plurality of flexible printed circuit boards (PCBs), each flexible PCB provided between two adjacent rows of the plurality of rows of cells, the plurality of flexible PCBs including a first flexible PCB provided between the adjacent first and second rows and a second flexible PCB provided between the adjacent second and third rows; anda plurality of temperature sensors, each temperature sensor provided adjacent to and electrically connected to one of the plurality of flexible PCB, each respective temperature sensor being operable to sense a temperature of one or more cells of the respective two adjacent rows.2. The battery assembly of claim 1 , wherein each temperature sensor provided in a gap formed between cells of the two adjacent rows.3. The battery assembly of claim 2 , wherein each temperature sensor is held by or within a sensor carrier.4. The battery assembly of claim 3 , wherein the sensor carriers are shaped to cooperate with shapes of the cells surrounding the gap.5. The battery assembly of claim 4 , wherein the sensor carriers comprise arcuate extensions for cooperating with the shape of cells of circular cross-section.6. The battery assembly of . wherein the cells of adjacent ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Thermal device for heating and cooling battery modules

Номер: US20220021044A1

A thermal device comprises a first layer of a non-metallic material that is a good conductor of heat and electricity, that includes a first terminal and a second terminal, and that has a first surface and a second surface; a metallic material disposed on the first surface of the first layer; a first plastic layer disposed on the metallic material; and a second plastic layer disposed on the second surface of the first layer. The first plastic layer and the second plastic layer include a plastic material that is a good conductor of heat.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Battery heating system, Battery Device and Electric Vehicle

Номер: US20220021053A1

Provided is a battery heating system, a battery device and an electric vehicle. The battery heating system includes: a battery pack having multiple battery cells; a plurality of heating resistors, each heating resistor is connected to a corresponding battery cell and is configured to heat the connected battery cell; a switching circuit, which is connected to each battery cell and each heating resistor; a controller, which is connected to the switch circuit and is configured to select one or more battery cells for discharging and one or more battery cells to be heated from the plurality of battery cells according to the temperature and/or energy of each battery cell, and control switches in the switching circuit to switch on/off, so that the current of the one or more battery cells for discharging flows through the corresponding heating resistor to heat the one or more battery cells to be heated. 1. A battery heating system , comprising:a battery pack having multiple battery cells;a plurality of heating resistors, each heating resistor is connected to a corresponding battery cell and is configured to heat the corresponding battery cell;a switching circuit, which is connected to each battery cell and each heating resistor;a controller, which is connected to the switch circuit and is configured to select one or more battery cells for discharging and one or more battery cells to be heated from the plurality of battery cells according to the temperature and/or energy of each battery cell, and control switches in the switching circuit to switch on/off, so that the current of the one or more battery cells for discharging flows through the corresponding heating resistor to heat the one or more battery cells to be heated.2. The battery heating system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control heating power of each heating resistor by keeping the switches in the switch circuit in an on or off state for a preset length of time.3. The ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Lithium Ion Battery and Method for Assessing Deterioration of Lithium Ion Battery

Номер: US20220021089A1

A lithium ion battery including a cell formed by sequentially stacking a positive current collector, a positive active material layer, a separator, a negative active material layer, and a negative current collector, the lithium ion battery being characterized by including a frame member disposed between the positive current collector and the negative current collector to seal the positive active material layer, the separator, and the negative active material layer, the frame member having, disposed therein, an electronic component for detecting an internal condition of the cell. 1. A lithium ion battery comprising a cell formed by sequentially stacking a positive current collector , a positive active material layer , a separator , a negative active material layer , and a negative current collector ,the lithium ion battery comprising a frame member disposed between the positive current collector and the negative current collector to seal the positive active material layer, the separator, and the negative active material layer,the frame member having, disposed therein, an electronic component which detects an internal condition of the cell.2. The lithium ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic component is a sensor which measures a temperature claim 1 , voltage claim 1 , current claim 1 , or acoustic emission at a predetermined position in the cell.3. The lithium ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic component is disposed at each of multiple positions in the frame member provided around a perimeter of the cell to individually detect conditions at different positions in the cell.4. The lithium ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic component is electrically connected to the negative current collector and the positive current collector and receives power supply from the lithium ion battery.5. The lithium ion battery according to claim 4 , wherein the negative current collector and the positive current collector ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Battery Heating Device, Battery Heat Adjustment Method, Storage Medium, and Electronic Device

Номер: US20220024350A1
Принадлежит: Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd

A battery heating device of an electric vehicle, a battery heat adjustment method, a storage medium, and an electronic device are provided. The device includes a battery heating circuit, an engine cooling circuit and a three-way valve. The three-way valve connects the battery heating circuit and the engine cooling circuit to mix a first liquid in the engine cooling circuit and a second liquid in the battery heating circuit, and transmits a mixed liquid to the battery heating circuit to heat a battery in the battery heating circuit. By means of the disclosure, the problems of large overall weight and packaging space of a system caused by the use of a heat exchanger and high manufacturing cost in a conventional art are solved, the overall weight and packaging space of the system are reduced, additional components are reduced, and the cost is reduced.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009328A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A battery with at least two battery cells, which are connected by at least one electric connection element to one another, and a superordinate control device. Each of the battery cells is provided with at least one galvanic element, a battery cell housing for accommodating the galvanic element, at least one sensor device for detecting a physical and/or chemical feature of the battery cell, and a communication device for communicating with the superordinate device. The superordinate device is adapted to control an energy flow in at least one of the battery cells and/or from at least one of the battery cells as a function of the physical and/or chemical features of the battery cell. The invention further also relates to a motor vehicle with such a battery. 110-. (canceled)11. A battery , comprising:at least two battery cells, which are connected to each other by means of an electric connection element, and with a superordinate control device, wherein each of the battery cells is provided with at least one galvanic element, a battery cell housing for accommodating the galvanic element, at least one sensor device for detecting at least one physical and chemical feature of the battery cell and a communication device for communicating with the superordinate control device, wherein the superordinate control device is adapted to control as a function of the physical and chemical features of the battery cells an energy flow in at least one of the battery cells and from at least of the battery cells.12. The battery according to claim 11 , wherein each of the battery cells is provided with a storage device for storing the physical and chemical features of the battery cell and the superordinate cell is adapted to control the energy flow as a function of the stored physical and chemical features of the battery cells.13. The battery according to claim 11 , wherein the electric connection element is provided with at least one sensor device for detecting state variables of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009331A1
Принадлежит: NextEV USA, Inc.

A battery for a vehicle having a fixed battery pack and a replaceable battery pack. The replaceable battery pack has electronic or mechanical locks to semi-temporarily hold the replaceable battery pack in place. The fixed battery pack is held in place via permanent or semi-permanent fasteners such as bolts. A battery controller controls the replaceable battery pack to power motors of the vehicle before controlling the fixed battery pack to power motors of the vehicle. 1. A battery system , comprising:a fixed battery pack;a replaceable battery pack; and detect electrical characteristics of the fixed battery pack,', 'detect electrical characteristics of the replaceable battery pack,', 'compare the electrical characteristics of the fixed battery pack with the electrical characteristics of the replaceable battery pack, and', 'control either or both of the fixed battery pack and the replaceable battery pack to power one or more motors based on the comparison between the electrical characteristics of the fixed battery pack and the electrical characteristics of the replaceable battery pack., 'a battery controller configured to2. The battery system of claim 1 , wherein:the fixed battery pack has bolts fastened to an enclosure.3. The battery system of claim 1 , wherein:the replaceable battery pack has electrically or mechanically activated locks.4. The battery system of claim 1 , wherein comparing the electrical characteristics of the fixed battery pack with the electrical characteristics of the replaceable battery pack comprises:determining whether the replaceable battery pack or the fixed battery pack are discharged below a charging threshold.5. The battery system of claim 4 , wherein controlling either or both of the fixed battery pack and the replaceable battery pack further comprises:responsive to determining that neither the replaceable battery pack nor the fixed battery pack are discharged below a charging threshold, controlling the replaceable battery pack, but not ...
