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27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598538C2

Изобретение относится к бортовой информационной системе с антенной (2) для приема спутниковых данных географического положения. Техническим результатом является повышение качества приема слабых сигналов географического положения. Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что заявленная бортовая информационная система содержит устанавливаемый во внутреннем пространстве транспортного средства корпус (1) и модуль для обработки спутниковых данных географического положения; антенна (2) для приема спутниковых данных географического положения расположена на корпусе (1) бортовой информационной системы так, что во встроенном состоянии направление приема направлено во внутреннее пространство транспортного средства. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615268C2

Примеры исполнения относятся к концепции для упругодеформируемого предмета (300) спортивного инвентаря, в частности мяча, со следующими признаками: по меньшей мере одна деформируемая структура (200) электромагнитных катушек, которая расположена вокруг искривленной поверхности (202) внутри предмета (300) спортивного инвентаря, причем указанная по меньшей мере одна деформируемая структура (200) электромагнитных катушек намотана в форме спирали вокруг проходящей в окружном направлении и искривленной в соответствии с окружной поверхностью (202) оси (208) для создания резерва удлинения, который согласован с максимальной упругой деформацией предмета (300) спортивного инвентаря. Обеспечивается возможность выдерживать упругие деформации мяча. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

25-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016150572A3

02-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627010C1

Изобретение относится к антенной технике. Многоантенная система содержит: планарную F-образную антенну (PIFA) (10) первого типа, которая содержит металлическую земляную плоскость (11), диэлектрическую пластину (12), полосковый излучатель (13), питающий блок (15) зондового типа и металлический закорачивающий штырь (16), причем полосковый излучатель расположен на верхней поверхности диэлектрической пластины и соединен с металлической земляной плоскостью посредством использования питающего блока зондового типа и металлического закорачивающего штыря; PIFA (30) второго типа, перпендикулярную PIFA (10) первого типа, содержащую металлическую земляную плоскость (31), полосковый излучатель (33), питающий блок (36) и металлический закороченный полосок (34), причем полосковый излучатель соединен с металлической земляной плоскостью с использованием питающего блока и металлического закороченного полоска; и шлейф (2) развязки, расположенный на краю стороны, близкой к PIFA второго типа, верхней поверхности ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008111490A

... 1. Устройство беспроводной связи, содержащее ! передающую антенну с первым настраиваемым элементом для изменения первого частотного диапазона передачи, относящегося к первому режиму связи, на второй частотный диапазон передачи, относящийся к первому режиму связи или ко второму режиму связи; и ! приемную антенну со вторым настраиваемым элементом для изменения первого частотного диапазона приема, относящегося к первому режиму связи, на второй частотный диапазон приема, относящийся к первому режиму связи или ко второму режиму связи. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором частотные диапазоны содержат по меньшей мере два из частотных диапазонов множественного доступа с кодовым разделением (CDMA) 450 Мгц, CDMA 800 МГц, Расширенной глобальной системы мобильной связи (EGSM) 900 МГц, Системы глобального позиционирования (GPS) 1575 Мгц, CDMA 1800 МГц, CDMA 1900 МГц, Цифровой сотовой системы (DCS) 1700 МГц, Универсальной системы мобильной связи (UMTS) 1900 Мгц. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором первый ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156630A

... 1. Антенна транспортного средства, содержащаякорпус антенны с печатной платой, встроенной в нем;антенную стойку, соединенную с соединителем корпуса антенны;антенный провод, установленный внутри антенной стойки и соединенный с печатной платой; ивспомогательную антенну, смонтированную внутри корпуса антенны для передачи и приема сигналов частот.2. Антенна транспортного средства по п. 1, в которой вспомогательная антенна соединена с печатной платой посредством соединения с соединителем.3. Антенна транспортного средства по п. 1, в которой вспомогательная антенна выполнена в форме тонкой пленки, образующей заданную конфигурацию, и вспомогательная антенна включает в себяосновное тело, которое образует заданную конфигурацию в виде одного ленточного элемента, который периодически следует по поперечной и продольной траекториям в последовательности; исоединительный элемент, соединенный с соединителем посредством продолжения от одной стороны основного тела.4. Антенна транспортного средства по п. 3 ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009120036A

... 1. Приемное устройство радиосвязи для работы по меньшей мере на одной частоте выше 200 МГц и для приема сигналов, включающих ортогонально кодированные подпотоки данных, полученные из потока исходных данных, содержащее антенную решетку, имеющую по меньшей мере две антенны для обеспечения разнесенного приема и приемную схему, соединенную с антенной решеткой и имеющую каскад детектирования для обнаружения подпотоков данных и каскад сумматора для объединения обнаруженных подпотоков данных для восстановления потока данных источника, причем каждая из антенн содержит электрически изолирующий сердечник из твердого материала, относительная диэлектрическая проницаемость которого больше 5, и структуру из трехмерных антенных элементов, расположенную на внешней поверхности сердечника или рядом с ней и ограничивающую внутренний объем, большую часть которого занимает материал сердечника. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором каскад детектирования содержит компенсирующую схему, по существу выполненную с возможностью ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009140133A

... 1. Антенное устройство для портативного беспроводного терминала, содержащее: ! основную антенну для передачи и приема сигнала в первой полосе частот; ! передающую (Tx) суб-антенну для передачи сигнала во второй полосе частот; ! приемную (Rx) суб-антенну для приема сигнала в третьей полосе частот; и ! контроллер для селективного использования одной из Tx суб-антенны и Rx суб-антенны, если вторая полоса частот перекрывается с третьей полосой частот, и для обеспечения управления таким образом, что Tx суб-антенна и Rx суб-антенна используются одновременно, если вторая полоса частот не перекрывается с третьей полосой частот. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором основная антенна оборудована в основной плате, имеющей часть подачи питания, электрически соединенную с радиочастотным (RF) разъемом. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором Rx суб-антенна содержит, по меньшей мере, одно из: наушников, гарнитуры и головного телефона, соединенных с портативным беспроводным терминалом. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, в ...

28-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010316637A1

Zur Unterdrückung von Nebenkeulen bei Pulsradar-Systemen werden die Antennencharakteristiken von Sende- (1) und Empfangsantenne (2) so ausgebildet, dass die dominanten Nebenkeulen versetzt zueinander erscheinen und sich ihre Maxima und Minima gegenseitig unterdrücken. DOLLAR A Dies erhöht die Sicherheit gegen eine Detektion von Falschzielen.

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Befestigbare Geräteauflage mit einem Kommunikationsmittel

Номер: DE202011110344U1

Eine befestigbare Auflage zum Befestigen an einer unteren Oberfläche einer Ausrüstung, wobei die befestigbare Auflage ein Gehäuse zum Abstützen eines Gewichts der Ausrüstung aufweist, wobei das Gehäuse einen Befestigungsabschnitt zum Fixieren der befestigbaren Auflage an der unteren Oberfläche der Ausrüstung, ein erstes Gehäuseteil und ein zweites Gehäuseteil aufweist, wobei das erste Gehäuseteil und das zweite Gehäuseteil eine Kammer des Gehäuses bilden, wobei die Kammer unterhalb des Befestigungsabschnitts angeordnet ist, und wobei die Kammer eine elektrische Schaltung und ein Kommunikationsmittel beherbergt, wobei das Kommunikationsmittel mit der elektrischen Schaltung verbunden ist, wobei die elektrische Schaltung ein Zusammenwirken mit der Ausrüstung bereitstellt, wobei eine Höhe der befestigbaren Auflage mindestens 1 cm ist.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bestimmung der räumlichen Position eines Objekts, elektronische Schaltung und elektronisches System

Номер: DE102012223385A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der räumlichen Position eines Objekts (120) mit folgenden Schritten: Senden von einer Anzahl von M orthogonalen Codesequenzen über eine Anzahl von zumindest M Antennen (102, 104, 106, 108, 111, 112) mittels CDMA, wobei jede der Codesequenzen über eine andere der M Antennen ausgesendet wird, und wobei die M Antennen in einem räumlichen Bereich verteilt angeordnet sind, Empfang einer Teilmenge der Codesequenzen durch einen CDMA-Empfänger (146) des Objekts, Zuordnung eines Identifikators zu jeder der empfangenen Codesequenzen durch den CDMA-Empfänger, Speicherung der Identifikatoren in einem elektronischen Speicher (150) des Objekts, Auslesen der Identifikatoren aus dem elektronischen Speicher des Objekts über eine kontaktlose Kommunikationsschnittstelle (124), Zugriff auf eine Zuordnungsvorschrift (142), welche jede der Codesequenzen zu einer der Antennen und/oder einer der Antennenpositionen zuordnet, um aufgrund der ausgelesenen Identifikatoren ...

20-11-2003 дата публикации

Antenna for motor vehicle terrestrial and satellite radio reception, has crossed dipole antenna arranged at one end of baseplate, and monopole at other end

Номер: DE0020314442U1

The antenna has a baseplate (4) with an elongate surface that has a shape that differs from a circular shape. A crossed dipole antenna (2) for circularly polarized signals is arranged adjacent to one end (4a) of the baseplate, while a monopole antenna (3) for linearly polarized signals is arranged adjacent to another end (4b) of the baseplate. A microstrip line (8) for the crossed dipole antenna is formed on the surface of the baseplate.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Radarsensoranordnung an einem Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102016222474A1

Radarsensoranordnung an einem Kraftfahrzeug (10), mit mindestens zwei winkelauflösenden Radarsensoren (12), die zusammen mit einer Steuer- und Auswerteeinrichtung (14) ein kooperatives Radarsystem bilden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Radarsensoren (12) jeweils eine Gruppenantenne mit einer in Richtung der Winkelauflösung gekrümmten Apertur (16) aufweisen.

29-03-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003619028C2

07-09-2006 дата публикации

Integrierte Antenne mit angekoppelter Masse

Номер: DE112004001683T5

Antennenanordnung, die umfasst: ein Dielektrikum, das dafür ausgelegt ist, in einen geerdeten Rahmen eingebaut zu werden, ein Massekopplungselement, das sich auf dem Dielektrikum erstreckt und erste und zweite Signal-Masseverbindungspunkte aufweist, wobei die Position des Massekopplungselements auf dem Dielektrikum derart ist, dass, wenn das Dielektrikum in den geerdeten Rahmen eingebaut ist, das Massekopplungselement und der Rahmen unter Abstand voneinander angeordnet sind, jedoch eine elektrische Kopplung aufweisen, ein erstes Antennenelement, das als Muster auf das Dielektrikum aufgebracht ist, um sich zu einem ersten Signalspeiseverbindungspunkt auf dem Dielektrikum zu erstrecken, wobei sich der erste Signalspeiseverbindungspunkt nahe dem ersten Signal-Masseverbindungspunkt befindet, und ein zweites Antennenelement, das als Muster auf das Dielektrikum aufgebracht ist, um sich zu einem zweiten Signalspeiseverbindungspunkt auf dem Dielektrikum zu erstrecken, wobei sich der zweite Signalspeiseverbindungspunkt ...

25-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060316347D1
Принадлежит: NXP BV, NXP B.V.

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Device for use in hearing aid, has electric and magnetic antenna direction of current in electrical conductor of electric antenna proceeds orthogonal to direction of current in conducting loop of magnetic antenna

Номер: DE102006035125A1

The device has an electric and magnetic antenna which are arranged adjacent and spatially to each other. The electric antenna has a current carrying electrical conductor (21) which works as a resonator. The magnetic antenna has a coil with a current carrying conducting loop which works as inductor of the magnetic antenna. The direction of current in the electrical conductor of the electric antenna proceeds orthogonal to the direction of current in the conducting loop of the magnetic antenna.

16-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004035064A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein kompaktes Antennenmodul für Frequenzen im GHz-Bereich, zur Befestigung an einem Kraftfahrzeug, das eine hohe Funktionalität erreicht und mindestens aufweist: DOLLAR A eine untere Patch-Antenne (10) mit einem unteren dielektrischen Substrat (11), einer auf der Oberseite des unteren Substrates (11) ausgebildeten unteren lambda/2-Antennenstruktur (12) für Frequenzen im GHz-Bereich im Satellitenempfang und einer auf der Unterseite des unteren Substrates (11) vorgesehenen unteren Metallisierung (13), DOLLAR A eine auf der unteren Patch-Antenne (10) angebrachte, kleiner dimensionierte obere Patch-Antenne (20) mit einem oberen dielektrischen Substrat (21), einer auf der Oberseite des oberen Substrates (21) ausgebildeten oberen lambda/2-Antennenstruktur (22) für Frequenzen im GHz-Bereich im Satellitenempfang, wobei unterhalb des oberen Substrates eine untere Metallisierung (23) vorgesehen ist, DOLLAR A einen unteren Antennenabgriff (14) von der unteren lambda/2-Antennenstruktur ...

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013100216B4

Ausführungsbeispiele betreffen ein Konzept für einen elastisch verformbaren Sportausrüstungsgegenstand (300), der wenigstens eine verformbaren elektromagnetischen Spulenstruktur (200) um eine gekrümmte Oberfläche (202) innerhalb des Sportausrüstungsgegenstands umfasst, so dass die mindestens eine elektromagnetische Spulenstruktur (200) eine dreidimensionale Kurve mit nicht-verschwindender geometrischer Windung und Krümmung bildet, um eine Verlängerungsreserve zu schaffen, die auf eine maximale Verformung des Sportausrüstungsgegenstands abgestimmt ist.

21-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010360996A1

Ein zellularer Handapparat unterstützt eine nicht-komprimierte Hand-Over-Operation für unterschiedliche Frequenzbereiche und unterschiedliche Drahtlos-Standards.

10-03-2020 дата публикации

Isotrope Antenne für ein elektrisches Feld

Номер: DE202017007240U1
Принадлежит: WAVE CONTROL SL, Wave Control SL

Isotrope Antenne für ein elektrisches Feld, mit drei Dipolantennen (D1, D2, D3), die senkrecht zueinander angeordnet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass mindestens eine der drei Dipolantennen (D1, D2, D3) eine bikonische Dipolantennen ist.

23-11-2006 дата публикации

Multiplexen von Sendeantennen für ein passives Fahrzeug-Schließsystem

Номер: DE102006016528A1

Ein Antennenkoppler für ein Funkkommunikationssystem in einem Fahrzeug koppelt eine Sendesignalquelle mit einer Vielzahl von Antennen in dem Fahrzeug. Eine erste sättigbare Reaktanzspule weist eine erste Lastwicklung und eine erste Steuerwicklung auf, die um einen ersten sättigbaren Kern gewickelt sind, wobei die erste Lastwicklung die Signalquelle mit einer ersten Antenne koppelt. Eine erste Stromquelle ist mit der ersten Steuerwicklung gekoppelt, um einen ausgewählten Strom zu der ersten Steuerwicklung zuzuführen. Eine zweite sättigbare Reaktanzspule weist eine zweite Lastwicklung und eine zweite Steuerwicklung auf, die auf einen zweiten sättigbaren Kern gewickelt sind, wobei die zweite Lastwicklung die Signalquelle mit einer zweiten Antenne koppelt. Eine zweite Stromquelle ist mit der zweiten Steuerwicklung gekoppelt, um einen ausgewählten Strom zu der zweiten Steuerwicklung zuzuführen. Eine Steuereinrichtung ist mit der ersten und der zweiten Stromquelle gekoppelt, um den ersten und ...

04-12-2003 дата публикации

Sektorantenne in Hohlleitertechnik

Номер: DE0010222838A1

Eine Hohlleiter-Gruppenantenne umfasst einen sich in einer Raumrichtung erstreckenden Hohlleiter (13) und eine Mehrzahl von Kammern (15), deren jede jeweils einen Sende-/Empfangsschlitz (16) aufweist und über einen Koppelschlitz (14) an den Hohlleiter (13) gekoppelt ist. Die Sende-Empfangsschlitze (16) sind in einem festen Abstand voneinander verteilt, und die Verteilung der Koppelschlitze (14) in der Raumrichtung an dem Querhohlleiter (13) ist abweichend von der Verteilung der Sende-/Empfangsschlitze (16) so gewählt, dass eine sich im Hohlleiter (13) ausbreitende Welle mit der Arbeitsfrequenz die Sende-/Empfangsschlitze (16) mit zum Realisieren einer Sektor-Richtcharakteristik geeigneten Amplitude und Phase anregt. Der feste Abstand beträgt ca. 0,5 lambda¶0¶ für eine 90 DEG -Sektor-Richtcharakteristik und ca. 0,64 lambda¶0¶ für eine 45 DEG -Sektor-Richtcharakteristik.

24-10-2018 дата публикации

Broadband antenna

Номер: GB0002534689B
Принадлежит: FILTRONIC WIRELESS AB, Filtronic Wireless AB

19-08-1998 дата публикации

Antenna assembly

Номер: GB0009813130D0

26-12-2012 дата публикации

Reconfigurable mimo antenna for vehicles

Номер: GB0201220236D0

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Tunable antenna systems

Номер: GB0201317442D0

25-04-2012 дата публикации

Antenna isolation using a tuned groundplane notch

Номер: GB0201204373D0

07-10-2015 дата публикации

Braring calculation

Номер: GB0201514938D0

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Wireless communicaiton

Номер: GB0201313847D0

09-02-2000 дата публикации

Co-located quadrifilar and monopole antenna

Номер: GB2339969A

An integrated dual-mode antenna including a quadrifilar antenna and a collocated monopole antenna. The integrated antenna is compact and unencumbered by signal blockage or isolation problems.

17-07-2002 дата публикации

Security system determines relative positioning between transponder and protected area

Номер: GB0002371137A

A security system which is suitable for use in a passive entry and passive starting arrangement for a vehicle 10. A set of transmitters in the form of coils A, B, C are spaced around the vehicle 10. Operation of a door handle, or pressing a start button, initiates a challenge from the vehicle which is sent out successively on the plurality of coils. A portable transponder 26 carried by an authorised user picks up the challenge signals and determines vector information relating to the relative positioning between the vehicle and the transponder by measuring, for each challenge signal, the signal levels from each of three orthogonal coils X, Y, Z in the transponder. The vector information is sent as an encrypted response signal, to security controller 18 in the vehicle, which determines the position of the transponder in relation to the vehicle and only allows entry or remobilization if the response signal is correct and the position meets criteria relating to the geography of the vehicle ...

02-07-2003 дата публикации

Beamsteering control system for a vehicle radio receiver where an audio signal is adjusted in response to a test signal quality

Номер: GB0002383719A

A vehicle radio receiver 102 has a beamsteering control system with two signal paths. One signal path generates an audio signal in response to incoming radio signals. Another signal path generates a test signal in response to the incoming radio signals. The audio signal is adjusted in response to the measured proportion of the first and second radio signals in the test signal, when the test signal quality exceeds the receiver signal quality.

06-05-2009 дата публикации

Antenna system

Номер: GB0002426385B

12-09-2007 дата публикации

Antennas in a modular assembly for mounting on a circuit board

Номер: GB0002435962A

An antenna assembly 10 comprises a plurality of antennas 12, 14, 16 held in a fixed relationship by a ganging member 18. The ganging member 18 may be formed by a moulding or potting process to at least partially encapsulate the antennas 12, 14, 16 in a dielectric material. The ganging member 18 may be a two part housing which may be secured to enclose the antennas 12, 14, 16. The antenna assembly 10 allows a quick, easy and cheap way to mount a plurality of antennas in a high density formation simultaneously to a circuit board 24. The antenna assembly 10 may be connected to transmitter and/or receiver systems of a wireless communication system. The antenna assembly 10 may be used in vehicle systems such as remote keyless entry, tyre pressure monitoring, remote garage door opening, immobilization or voice activated controls.

17-12-1997 дата публикации

Portable radio communication apparatus

Номер: GB0002281013B

21-02-2007 дата публикации

Mobile phone, analysis device included therein, and analysis method

Номер: GB0002391113B

31-03-2010 дата публикации

Double polarization flat antenna array

Номер: GB0002463711A

A flat antenna includes an array of radiating slots defined by an assembly of waveguides. The central section and the ends of the guides are provided with short-circuit pins (PCC, figs 7 and 8). In a geometric configuration close to that of the slots, there are radiating dipoles DR using microstrip technology, fed by connection areas between two dielectric substrates (figs 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B). The ground plane PM at the level of the lower dielectric substrate is cut out at right angles to the radiating slots and also at right angles to the passages for feeding the connection areas. The structure of the dipoles can be made entirely decoupled from the structure of the slots, enabling mutually uncoupled operation in two different polarizations. The feed lengths to the dipoles may be made equal (figs 6B, 7). In a four quadrant structure (figs 7 and 8), the dipoles may be provided throughout the circular area.

01-10-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to directive radio stations

Номер: GB0000680084A

... 680,084. Directive radio systems. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. Jan. 12, 1951, No. 954/51. Class 40 (vii). A directive antenna structure for a radio station required to transmit and receive high-frequency waves over the same path, such as a radar or two-way communication station, comprises in unitary assembly a box-like apparatus compartment containing transmitting and receiving apparatus which are respectively connected to aerial elements situated in concave reflectors mounted on opposite sides of the compartment and positioned for like directivity. As shown, the apparatus is mounted in a rectangular box 1 to either side of which are fixed paraboloidal reflectors 2 and 3 truncated by plane surfaces substantially parallel to the axes which are the opposite conductive sides 13 and 15 of the box 1. To correct for the axis of directivity of such a reflector being slightly displaced away from the flat plane the axis of the reflector may be slightly displaced in the reverse direction to ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации

Multiple-input, multiple-output antenna with cross-channel isolation using magneto-dielectric material

Номер: GB0201701533D0

02-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002213016A

A secondary radar transponder on a mobile target has an antenna arrangement which can receive interrogation signals from all directions and radiate reply signals. The antenna arrangement includes several individual antennas, each of which, with its primary lobe, covers a specific sector of the entire 360 DEG range and is connected to a receiver, so that through receiving level comparison, that particular sector from which the interrogation signal incides can be ascertained. The reply signal is then radiated only by the individual antenna covering that particular sector. The transponder is particularly suited for identification friend-foe (IFF) purposes.

28-12-2016 дата публикации

A rotable antenna apparatus

Номер: GB0002539723A

A rotatable antenna apparatus 10 comprises antenna signal processing means 35 mounted on a thermally conductive shaft 40 which is thermally coupled between the components of the signal processing means 35 and a heat sink 50 located within a fixed location relative to the rotatable shaft 40. An antenna assembly 30 is coupled to the signal processing means 35. A thermally conductive coupling structure 45 may be provided between the components and the shaft 40 which may include an elongate member which extends into a recess in the shaft and into a recess within a component interface structure 45. The component interface structure 45 may be formed in two parts which are connected together to sandwich a portion of the elongate member. A thermal paste may be applied between the elongate member and the component interface structure 45. The elongate member may comprise a heat pipe. A heat pad may be used between the one or more components and the component interface structure 45. The shaft 40 may ...

09-03-2016 дата публикации

Reconfigurable multi-band antenna with four to ten ports

Номер: GB0002529886A

A MIMO antenna device has a substrate 1 incorporating a first ground plane 2, a symmetric conductive strip 5 having first and second arms 6, 7 each having a proximal portion and a distal portion, a first conductive strip 11 located generally between the distal portions and adjacent to the proximal portions of the first and second arms, a second conductive strip 15 located generally adjacent to the first arm and a third conductive strip 16 located generally adjacent to the second arm. The first to third conductive strips are configured to be unbalanced. The symmetrical conductive strip may be configured to be balanced or the first arm may be unbalanced and the second arm a ground plane. The antenna device may be configured with four or five feed points, and may drive from four up to ten signal ports. The device enables conductive strips to be located in close proximity whilst providing sufficient isolation between the ports.

24-09-2014 дата публикации

Communication terminal and information processing system

Номер: GB0002487315B

18-06-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle roof antenna

Номер: GB0002508980A

A vehicle roof antenna comprises an insulating support 7 fixed perpendicularly with respect to an upper surface of a base plate 3 and a conductive plate antenna 8 having a surface angled with respect to a side surface of the insulating support 7, characterised in that at least one arm (62 64, 93, 94, figure 4) is provided to regulate a position of the conductive plate by contacting the insulating support 7. The arm may abut the insulating support 7 or may pass through the insulating support 7 and form a latch against the opposite surface. The insulating support 7 may be a circuit board substrate with an antenna pattern 18 connected to the conductive plate antenna 8. A plurality of conductive plates may be provided such as to form a roof or inverted-V shape. The conductive plates may be attached to an upper edge of the insulating support 7 using clamps or clips (23, figure 8).

28-12-2016 дата публикации

A rotable antenna apparatus

Номер: GB0002539724A

A rotatable antenna apparatus comprising; a fixed unit 20 for attachment of the apparatus to an external structure, and a rotatable unit 60 mounted on the fixed unit and comprising an aerial assembly 65 and processing circuitry 65 coupled to the antenna assembly for performing signal processing operations. An interface unit is coupled to both the fixed unit and the rotatable unit, and is used to route a cable to provide a wired connection from the fixed unit to the processing circuitry. The interface unit includes a cable housing 50 within which a length of the cable is enclosed in a coiled arrangement. A control mechanism constrains the amount to which the length of cable is wound and unwound within the cable housing so as to inhibit application of a stretching stress on the cable during rotation of the rotatable unit. Preferably the length of cable moves between an inner coil configuration (figure 4A) and an outer coil configuration (figure 6A). The cable housing may include a rotatable ...

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Node role assignment in networks

Номер: GB0002539730A8

There is provided a node for use in a network, the node comprising: communication circuitry to communicate with a management server. Bootstrap circuitry initially identifies an intermediate node from at least one available node in the network in response to the communication circuitry being unable to communicate with the management server directly. The communication circuitry is arranged to communicate with the management server indirectly via the intermediate node when unable to communicate with the management server directly. Role assignment circuitry assigns a role to be performed by the node in the network based on whether the communication circuitry communicates with the management server directly, or indirectly via an intermediate node. Embodiments describe use within a wireless feeder network where the nodes may be a Feeder Base Station or Feeder Terminal.

07-11-2001 дата публикации

A security system

Номер: GB0000122241D0

25-07-1984 дата публикации

Transponder detection systems

Номер: GB0002133660A

An a.c. signal from a relatively moving transponder travelling along path P is detected by an elongated receive aerial 10 which comprises two parallel loops 12, 13 connected in a figure-of-eight configuration, the path P passing along the length of loop 12. A transmit aerial (20, Figure 2 not shown) may also be provided which is of similar size and shape as the receive aerial 10 and is arranged symmetrically relative thereto. ...

11-02-2015 дата публикации

Wireless communication

Номер: GB0002516869A

An antenna arrangement comprises a first conductive member 30 coupled to a first feed 26 and coupled to a ground member (18, fig 4) in at least two places 46. The first conductive member 30 and the ground member 18 define a first perimeter 50 and are configured to resonate in a first frequency band. A second conductive member 42 is coupled to a second feed 28. The second conductive member 42 and the ground member 18 define a second perimeter 52 smaller than the first perimeter 50 and are configured to resonate in a second frequency band. The second conductive member 42 is disposed within the first perimeter 50 such that the second conductive member 42 is surrounded by the first conductive member 30. The arrangement may define two slot antennas. The conductive members form a conductive housing e.g. a bezel of a portable electronic device.

08-03-2006 дата публикации

Balanced-Unbalanced Antennas

Номер: GB0000601893D0

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Switch architecture for antenna matching circuits

Номер: GB0002537676A

An antenna matching network for use between an antenna 1 and a signal port 2 comprising a plurality of matching circuits connected in parallel 3, each matching circuit independently isolatable through use of switches 4 and 5 on either side of each matching circuit, where the plurality of matching circuits is divided into two individually isolatable groups 9 and 10, and each group is connected in series with a pre-matching circuit 12. Resistors that are connected to ground may be provided either side of the group switches 11 and also on either side of the switches between the matching circuits 3 and the signal port 2.

05-10-2016 дата публикации

Antenna equipment and electronic device

Номер: GB0201614201D0

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405967T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382194T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381791T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000393974T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449435T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000494595T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487248T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487249T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398344T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000531098T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556465T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556464T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000379820T

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348414T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328400T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511662T

15-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001686T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000330338T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000287129T

16-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037924256T

05-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030154586T

12-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034989749T

23-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036019825T

06-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032244317T

06-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037033887T

18-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035186838T

07-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039742074T

12-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037332272T

24-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037240321T

18-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038598312T

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) multi-band antennas with a conductive neutralization line for signal decoupling

Номер: US20120013519A1

A MIMO antenna includes first and second radiating elements, a conductive neutralization line, and first and second parasitic radiating elements. Each of the first and second radiating elements includes a straight portion connected to a serpentine portion. The straight and serpentine portions are configured to resonate in at least two spaced apart RF frequency ranges in response to the straight portion being electrically excited through a RF feed. The conductive neutralization line conducts resonant currents between the first and second radiating elements and has a conductive length that is configured to phase shift the conducted resonant currents to cause at least partial cancellation of currents in the first and second radiating elements which are generated by wireless RF signals received by the first and second radiating element from each other. The first parasitic radiating element can be adjacent and parasitically coupled to the first radiating element to radiate responsive to the first radiating element resonating at a RF frequency. The second parasitic radiating element can be adjacent and parasitically coupled to the second radiating element to radiate responsive to the second radiating element resonating at a RF frequency.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Portable wireless terminal

Номер: US20120098712A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Disclosed is a portable wireless terminal wherein deterioration in antenna performance when placed on a metal desk or other structure can be prevented without sacrificing designability and without increasing the number of components. In this terminal, a hinge part ( 103 ) functions as an antenna which resonates at a frequency of a first wireless system ( 150 ). A whip antenna ( 112 ) faces the surface of a first circuit board ( 104 ) that is opposite the surface faced by an input device ( 115 ), is disposed substantially parallel to the first circuit board ( 104 ), and resonates at a frequency of a second wireless system ( 160 ). A second contact spring ( 110 ) electrically connects a second wireless circuit ( 108 ) to the antenna element of a whip antenna ( 112 ) and is disposed perpendicularly to the first circuit board ( 104 ). A switch ( 113 ) grounds the whip antenna ( 112 ) and second contact spring ( 110 ) to the first circuit board ( 104 ) when the second wireless system ( 160 ) is not operating.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Loading of a twisted folded-monopole

Номер: US20120100817A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

A loading of a twisted folded monopole (LTFM) includes a first antenna portion and a second antenna portion. The first and second antenna portions are mutually coupled to support a lower band for wireless communications. The LTFM also includes a third antenna portion and a fourth antenna portion. The third and fourth antenna portions generate self resonance in a higher band for wireless communications.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Single Array Antenna for Coverage of a Venue

Номер: US20120112983A1
Автор: Robert Mathews

A portable antenna structure that employs a plurality of antenna modules that collectively cover a venue and provide telecommunications services to customers within the venue, arranged to produce a plurality of beams that have non-overlapping regions, regions where adjacent beams overlap with each other, and collectively the beams fully cover the venue. Customers that are located at a spot in the venue where only one beam provides coverage are served by that beam, and customers that are located at a spot in the venue where two adjacent beams overlap are served by one of the beams, or both (depending on the technology used) and if appropriate they are handed off from one beam to the other beam in a conventional manner.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Detection of Transmission Facilities

Номер: US20120122402A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In embodiments, a method of detecting a transmitting device within an obstruction rich environment is disclosed. The method may involve detecting the transmitting device with a wireless transmission detection facility; communicating signal information relating to the detected transmitting device from the wireless transmission detection facility to a central unit; determining the location of the transmitting device; displaying information of the detection and location of the transmitting device through a user interface; and providing an action facility for causing actions related to the detected transmitting device.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication apparatus changing radiation patterns of antenna apparatuses

Номер: US20120122414A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

When controlling antenna apparatuses to select a predetermined combination from among a plurality of combinations of antenna elements, a controller measures RSSIs of wireless signals received by the antenna apparatuses, and sets a detection packet interval and a changeover threshold based on measured RSSIs with reference to a detection packet interval table and a changeover threshold table. Then, the combination of the antenna elements is changed over by using the set detection packet interval and the changeover threshold.

31-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120133572A1
Автор: Chia-Hung Su, Cho-Kang Hsu
Принадлежит: Chi Mei Communication Systems Inc

An antenna is used in an electronic device. The electronic device includes a circuit board. The antenna includes a first antenna portion, a second antenna portion, a first feed portion, and a second feed portion. The first antenna portion is longer than the second antenna portion. The first antenna portion and the second antenna portion are perpendicularly disposed around the circuit board and in one exemplary embodiment may be spaced from the perimeter edge of the circuit board.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) antenna system

Номер: US20120139810A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Inc

An antenna system includes a multi-port antenna with an active feeding network coupled thereto. The active feeding network applies complex weights to signals received from and transmitted to each port of the multi-port antenna. The complex weights are applied according to eigenvectors corresponding to a Hermitian matrix representation of the multi-port antenna. The Hermitian matrix may be base on such multi-port antenna parameters such as power dissipation, power radiation, real-power flow, volumetric storage of electromagnetic energy, and/or volumetric dissipation of electromagnetic energy. The multi-port antenna yields orthogonal electromagnetic fields in volumes or surfaces of interest in response to the active feeding network excitation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for wirelessly transmitting and receiving energy and data

Номер: US20120157021A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for wirelessly transmitting and receiving energy and data including: a signal generator generating a first frequency signal for power transmission; a first matching circuit matching input/output impedance upon receiving the first frequency signal generated by the signal generator; an oscillator outputting a second frequency signal, a carrier frequency, by using the first frequency signal, generated by the signal generator, as a reference frequency; a mixer modulating a data signal output from a communication module by using the second frequency signal; a second matching circuit matching input/output impedance upon receiving a modulated signal by using the second frequency signal; a resonator resonating an output signal from the first matching circuit to a reception side apparatus; and a radiator radiating an output signal from the second matching circuit to the reception side apparatus.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Electromagnetic patch antenna repeater with high isolation

Номер: US20120164942A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A repeater system is disclosed including a dual-fed donor patch antenna with a first microstrip antenna probe and a second microstrip antenna probe, phase shifting circuitry connected to the first microstrip antenna probe and the second microstrip antenna probe, wherein the phase shifting circuitry is configured to receive an input signal, supply a first signal to the first microstrip antenna probe, and supply a second signal to the second microstrip antenna probe using the input signal such that the first signal and the second signal are approximately 180 degrees out of phase with respect to each other. The repeater system also includes a coverage antenna (either a patch antenna or dipole antenna) and a housing connecting the dual-fed donor patch antenna and the coverage antenna. The housing is disposed to serve as a ground plane for the donor patch antenna and the coverage antenna.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Antenna isolation for portable electronic devices

Номер: US20120169550A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Portable electronic devices are provided with wireless circuitry that includes antennas and antenna isolation elements. The antennas may include antennas that have multiple arms and that are configured to handle communications in multiple frequency bands. The antennas may also include one or more antennas that are configured to handle communications in a single frequency band. The antennas may be coupled to different radio-frequency transceivers. For example, there may be first, second, and third antennas and first and second transceivers. The first and third antennas may be coupled to the first transceiver and the second antenna may be coupled to the second transceiver. The antenna isolation elements may be interposed between the antennas and may serve to reduce radio-frequency interference between the antennas. There may be a first antenna isolation element between the first and second antennas and a second antenna isolation element between the second and third antennas.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Communication device

Номер: US20120178387A1
Автор: Takafumi Ohishi
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

In the embodiment, a communication device is provided including a substrate, an antenna mounted on the substrate, a first communication unit which transmits or receives a first signal via the antenna, a terminal provided on the substrate, a signal wire one end of which is connected to the terminal, a conductor plate connected to the other end of the signal wire, and a second communication unit which transmits or receives a second signal via the conductor plate. A sum length of a line length of the signal wire and half a circumferential length of the conductor plate is equal to integral times of half the wavelength of the resonance frequency of the antenna.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Multi-element antenna structure with wrapped substrate

Номер: US20120223866A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Antennas are provided for electronic devices such as portable computers. Multiple resonating elements may be formed on a flexible antenna resonating element substrate. The flexible antenna resonating element substrate may have a first antenna resonating element at one end and a second antenna resonating element at an opposing end. The flexible antenna resonating substrate may be wrapped around a dielectric carrier and mounted within an electronic device under an inactive display region and above a dielectric housing window. Conductive structures such as conductive housing structures may form antenna ground. The resonating elements and antenna ground may form first and second antennas. A parasitic antenna resonating element may form part of the first antenna.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Metal cover for a radio communication device

Номер: US20120238317A1

Exemplary embodiments are disclosed of metal covers for radio communication devices. In an exemplary embodiment, a metal cover for a radio communication device generally includes a front side part and first and second back side parts. The first back side part is connected to the front side part through one of a top side part and a bottom side part. The second back side part is connected to the front side part through the other one of the top side part and the bottom side part. The top and bottom side parts are at opposite ends of the front side part. The first and second back side parts are generally coplanar and spaced apart from each other by a gap.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Antenna apparatus and dual-mode intelligent terminal

Номер: US20120258771A1
Автор: Bin LEI, Chenfei ZHAO
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

The disclosure discloses an antenna apparatus, which comprises: a CELL/GPS antenna, located at a short side of a mainboard of a dual-mode intelligent terminal and configured to receive or transmit EV-DO signals, to receive GPS signals, and to transmit the received signals to a CELL/GPS dual-frequency device; the CELL/GPS dual-frequency device, configured to transmit the received EV-DO and GPS signals to an EV-DO module and a GPS module respectively; a GSM antenna, located at the other short side of the mainboard of the dual-mode intelligent terminal, connected with a GSM module, and configured to receive or transmit GSM signals; and a WIFI/BT antenna, located at a long side of the mainboard of the dual-mode intelligent terminal, connected with a WIFI module and a BT module, and configured to receive or transmit WIFI signals or BT signals. The disclosure also discloses a dual-mode intelligent terminal. The application of the apparatus and dual-mode intelligent terminal of the disclosure can avoid interference among antennae while implementing the placement of the antennae.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Multi-band wireless terminals with metal backplates and multi-band antennae, and multi-band antenna systems with metal backplates and multi-band antennae

Номер: US20120274518A1
Автор: Zhinong Ying

A multi-band antenna system may include a unitary metal backplate. The unitary metal backplate may include a notch. The antenna system may also include a first antenna that may be at least partially covered by a non-metal cover. The first antenna may be on an end of the unitary metal backplate, and may be configured to resonate in a first frequency band in response to a first electromagnetic radiation. The first frequency band may include includes cellular frequencies. The antenna system may also include a second antenna that may be recessed in the notch. The second antenna may be configured to resonate in a second frequency band in response to a second electromagnetic radiation.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-input multiple-output antenna

Номер: US20120274536A1
Автор: Chun-Jui Pan
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna on a substrate includes first and second antennas defined in axial symmetry, a coupling portion, and a grounding portion. The substrate includes a first surface and an opposite second surface. Each of the antennas includes a feeding portion, a radiating portion, and a matching portion. The feeding portion feeds electromagnetic signals to the antenna. The radiating portion radiates the electromagnetic signals, and is in a meandering “S” pattern. A length of the radiating portion is substantially equal to a quarter wavelength of the electromagnetic signals. The matching portion implements impedance matching between the feeding portion and the radiating portion. The coupling portion is located between the first antenna and the second antenna and is serpentine shape. A length of the coupling portion is substantially equal to a half wavelength of the electromagnetic signals. The grounding portion is located on both the first and second surface.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Notebook computer and liquid crystal display module

Номер: US20120281162A1
Принадлежит: Young Lighting Technology Inc

A notebook computer includes a host and a display device. The display device includes a casing and a liquid crystal display module. The casing is pivoted to the host. The liquid crystal display module includes a back cover, a light guide plate, a liquid crystal panel, a light source, and an antenna. The back cover is disposed in the casing. The light guide plate is disposed on and supported by the back cover. The liquid crystal panel is disposed on and supported by the back cover, and the light guide plate is located between the back cover and the liquid crystal panel. The light source is disposed on a side surface of the light guide plate. The antenna is integrally connected to the back cover.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Multi-band compatible multi-antenna device and communication equipment

Номер: US20120287012A1
Автор: Daisuke AIZAWA
Принадлежит: Funai Electric Co Ltd

A multi-band compatible multi-antenna device which is miniaturized by reducing a distance between antenna elements includes a first antenna element corresponding to a 1.5 GHz band and a 2.0 GHz band, a second antenna element corresponding to the 1.5 GHz band and the 2.0 GHz band, a first passive element which is arranged between the first antenna element and the second antenna element and which resonates at a frequency corresponding to the 1.5 GHz band, and a second passive element which is arranged between the first antenna element and the second antenna element separately from the first passive element and which resonates at a frequency corresponding to the 2.0 GHz band.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Distributed Antenna System, Allocation of Distributed Antennas, Base Station

Номер: US20120314665A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

In the case where a base station other than of a distributed antenna system provides a time or frequency at which a transmitted power is low, an antenna group configuration unit estimates a communication area of a mobile station using an uplink reference signal that the mobile station transmits, calculates an inter-system interference power for the communication area of each mobile station based on a received power of the out-of-system base station that the each mobile station reports, calculates the inter-system interference power to each of antennas by averaging the inter-system interference powers that the multiple mobile stations report, and decides antennas that form an antenna group according to magnitudes of the calculated inter-system interference powers.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-system multi-band rfid antenna

Номер: US20130002502A1
Автор: Yong Wang, Yuhang Zhao
Принадлежит: Shanghai IC R&D Center Co Ltd

The present invention provides a multi-system multi-band RFID antenna, which comprises an on-chip antenna and at least one external antenna, wherein the on-chip antenna is arranged on RFID chip; the external antennas are arranged outside the RFID chip; and the RFID chip is provided with connection pads on the outer surface, wherein both the on-chip antenna and the external antennas are connected with the RFID chip through the connection pads. According to the multi-system multi-band RFID antenna of the present invention, the RFID chip can provide appropriate antennas for applications in different systems with different frequency bands, and can satisfactorily meet the need for RFID multi-system integration applications in the future.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Antenna Configurations for Wireless Speakers

Номер: US20130016870A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Antenna configurations for wireless speakers are disclosed. An example playback device includes a housing having a metallic face and a non-metallic face, the metallic face including an opening; a first antenna of a first type positioned within the housing adjacent an inner surface of the non-metallic face; and a second antenna of second type different from the first type positioned within the housing, the second antenna including a slot aligned with the opening of the metallic face.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for an integrated antenna and satellite dish

Номер: US20130019270A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Delaware Intellectual Property Inc

Systems and methods for an integrated antenna and satellite dish. Exemplary embodiments include an apparatus, including a satellite dish, a wireless antenna coupled to the satellite dish and a coupling box communicatively coupled to the satellite dish and the wireless antenna. Additional exemplary embodiments include a content communication method, including receiving a satellite signal, receiving a first wireless signal, performing coupling box processing on the satellite signal and the wireless signal, transmitting the satellite signal and the wireless signal to a set top box and performing set top box processing on the satellite signal and wireless signal. Further exemplary embodiments include a content communication system, including a satellite dish for receiving content from a satellite, a wireless antenna for receiving content from a wireless network and a coupling box for processing the content from the satellite and the content from the wireless network.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Antenna apparatus including multiple antenna elements for simultaneously transmitting or receiving multiple wideband radio signals

Номер: US20130021218A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An antenna apparatus includes antenna elements, each made of a conductive plate. The antenna elements are provided along a reference axis passing through first and second positions of the antenna apparatus, and close to a section between the first and second positions. Each of the antenna elements has first and second portions along a circumference of the antenna element, the first portion is close to the reference axis and electromagnetically coupled to the other antenna element, and the second portion is remote from the reference axis. The first portions of the respective antenna elements are shaped so that the antenna elements are the closest to each other near the first position, and a distance between the antenna elements gradually increases from the first position to the second position. The antenna apparatus has feed points provided on the antenna elements, respectively, and near the first position.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Metal covers for radio communication devices

Номер: US20130027270A1

An exemplary embodiment of an antenna system includes a metal cover for a radio communication device and a complementary antenna. The metal cover includes front side part, a first back side part connected to the front side part through a top side part, and a second back side part connected to the front side part through a bottom side part. The bottom and top side parts are positioned at opposite ends of the front side part. The first and second back side parts are positioned essentially coplanar and distanced from each other by a gap. The front side part comprises a recess at the bottom side part and/or at the top side part in which recess the complementary antenna is positioned in.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Compact Multi-Element Antenna With Phase Shift

Номер: US20130063306A1
Автор: Xiao Ping Yang
Принадлежит: Airgain Inc

A phased array antenna system includes a first radiation element that is made of a material and has a length selected to resonate at a desired frequency. A phase-shift element is coupled to one end of the first radiation element. A second radiation element is coupled to the end of the phase-shift element opposite the first radiation element, so that a radio signal passes through the first radiation element through the phase-shift element and through the second radiation element, the second radiation element is made of a material and has a length selected to resonate such that the first and second radiation elements cooperate to form a desired beam pattern from the antenna system.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Smart channel selective repeater

Номер: US20130072207A1
Принадлежит: Mobile Joose Inc

A system and method for processing signals in a selected channel through a repeater wherein the repeater is dynamically adapted to the channel by receiving channel information from a local cell phone, such information including modulation and channel designation.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Node in a Communication System with Switchable Antenna Functions

Номер: US20130079047A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present invention relates to a node ( 1 ) in a wireless communication system, the node ( 1 ) comprising at least a first and second antenna function ( 2, 3 ), and a first and second radio chain ( 4, 5 ). At least at the start of a first mode of operation, each antenna function ( 2, 3 ) is connected to a corresponding radio chain ( 4, 5 ). The node further comprises a switching network ( 6 ) and a beamforming network ( 7 ), which switching network ( 6 ), at least at the start of a second mode of operation, is arranged to disconnect at least one antenna function ( 2 ) from its corresponding radio chain ( 4 ) and connect it to another of the radio chains ( 5 ) via at least a part of the beamforming network ( 7 ), such that at least two antenna functions ( 2, 3 ) are connected to the same radio chain ( 5 ). The node ( 1 ) is arranged to perform beamforming for said at least two antenna functions ( 2, 3 ) by means of said beamforming network ( 7 ), the switching network ( 6 ) being arranged to switch between the first mode and the second mode.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082887A1
Автор: Repo Kari, Säilä Juhani
Принадлежит: COJOT OY

Combination antenna, which comprises two different antenna parts, of which the first antenna part is fitted to operate at a lower frequency range and the second antenna part is fitted to operate at a higher frequency range. The second antenna part of the combination antenna is arranged above the first antenna part. The supply cable of the second antenna part () of the combination antenna is arranged to travel in connection with the first antenna part. The first antenna part comprises two or more radiator parts () and also coils () between them, wherein the coil or coils () are formed from the supply cable of the second antenna part (). 1. Combination antenna , which comprises two different antenna parts , of which the first antenna part is fitted to operate at a lower frequency range and the second antenna part is fitted to operate at a higher frequency range , wherein the second antenna part is arranged above the first antenna part , characterized in that{'b': '102', 'the supply cable of the second antenna part () is arranged to travel in connection with the first antenna part,'}{'b': 104', '106', '108', '112, 'the first antenna part comprises two or more radiator parts (, , ) and also coils () between them,'}{'b': 112', '102, 'wherein the coil or coils () are formed from the supply cable of the second antenna part ().'}2102. Combination antenna according to claim 1 , in which combination antenna the supply cable of the second antenna part () is a coaxial cable and the sheath of the coaxial cable is arranged to function as a coil.3102. Combination antenna according to claim 1 , in which combination antenna the supply cable of the second antenna part () is wound into one or more turns cylindrically in the direction of the radiator parts of the first antenna part.4104106108. Combination antenna according to claim 1 , in which combination antenna the supply cable is arranged to travel at least partly inside the radiator parts ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the first ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device with nfc antenna adjacent display and related methods

Номер: US20130090073A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

An electronic device may include a housing having a display opening therein, processing circuitry within the housing, and wireless transceiver circuitry within the housing and coupled to the processing circuitry. The electronic device may also include NFC transceiver circuitry within the housing and coupled to the processing circuitry, a display within the housing and coupled to the processing circuitry, the display having an external surface exposed through the display opening and having an internal surface within the housing, and an NFC antenna positioned within the housing behind and aligned with the internal surface of the display and coupled to the NFC transceiver circuitry.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Mobile wireless terminal

Номер: US20130093631A1
Автор: Kenichiro Kodama
Принадлежит: Sony Mobile Communications Japan Inc

A wireless terminal including a display device; a first conductive plate that supports the display device; a second conductive plate that supports the display device; a circuit board including a ground pattern that is connected to the first conductive plate; a radio frequency (RF) circuit mounted on the circuit board; and a first feeding unit connected to the RF circuit and disposed between the first and second conductive plates.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093634A1

A multi-band antenna system for MIMO applications is adapted to provide high isolation between antennas across a wide range of frequencies. Multiple Isolated Magnetic Dipole (IMD) antennas are co-located and connected with a feed network that can include switches that adjust phase length for transmission lines connecting the antennas. Filtering is integrated into the feed network to improve rejection of unwanted frequencies. Filtering can also be implemented on the antenna structure. Either one or multi-port antennas can be used. 1. A multiband MIMO antenna system , comprising:a first antenna element comprising a first feed port;a second antenna element comprising a second feed port;a first transmission line extending between said first and second feed ports; anda second transmission line extending between said first and second feed ports;said second transmission line further comprising a filter adapted to reject one or more frequencies for optimizing isolation between the first and second antenna elements.2. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the filter is positioned at a pre-determined distance from the feed ports of the first and second antenna elements for optimizing antenna isolation.3. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , comprising a first filter coupled to said first transmission line claim 1 , and a second filter coupled to said second transmission line.4. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , further comprising a switch disposed between said first feed port of the first antenna element and said filter on said second transmission line.5. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 3 , comprising a first switch disposed adjacent to said first filter at said first transmission line claim 3 , and a second switch disposed adjacent to said second filter at said second transmission line.6. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , further comprising a parasitic element disposed adjacent to one or both of the first and ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Multiple-Antenna Systems With Enhanced Isolation and Directivity

Номер: US20130093641A1
Автор: Ng Kok Jiunn, Ng Tze Yuen

Exemplary embodiments are provided of multiple-antenna systems with enhanced and/or good isolation and directivity. In one exemplary embodiment, a system generally includes a ground plane and two or more antenna elements coupled to the ground plane. The system also includes two or more low frequency isolators/reflectors and two or more high frequency isolators/reflectors coupled to the ground plane. 1. A system comprising:a ground planetwo or more antenna elements coupled to the ground plane;two or more low frequency isolators/reflectors coupled to the ground plane; andtwo or more high frequency isolators/reflectors coupled to the ground plane.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each antenna element is configured for multi-band operation such that each antenna element is operable within a first frequency range and a second frequency range.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein:the first frequency range is from about 2.4 gigahertz to about 2.5 gigahertz, and the second frequency range is from 4.9 gigahertz to 5.875 gigahertz; and/orthe first frequency range is the 2.45 gigahertz band, and the second frequency range is the 5 gigahertz band.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the low frequency isolators/reflectors have inverted U-shaped configurations; and/orthe high frequency isolators/reflectors have inverted U-shaped configurations.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein:each of the low frequency isolators/reflectors includes two vertical sections and a horizontal section that is generally parallel with the ground plane; andeach of the high frequency isolators/reflectors includes two vertical sections and a horizontal section that is generally parallel with the ground plane.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the low frequency isolators/reflectors and high frequency isolators/reflectors are positioned relative to the antenna elements for increasing isolation between the antenna elements and/or for increasing directivity of each said antenna element in the direction of the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099997A1
Автор: TISCHER Steven N.

Techniques for providing multi-directional receiving antenna arrays are described herein. According to an embodiment, an apparatus includes an antenna array including multiple antennas and an orientation system. The orientation system includes multiple orientation marks and multiple alignment marks. At least one of the multiple antennas is configured to be positioned toward a respective station transmitter location based at least partially on an alignment of one of the multiple orientation marks relative to one of the multiple alignment marks. 1. An apparatus comprising:an antenna array including multiple antennas and an orientation system,wherein the orientation system includes multiple orientation marks and multiple alignment marks, andwherein at least one of the multiple antennas is configured to be rotated toward a respective station transmitter location based at least partially on an alignment of one of the multiple orientation marks relative to one of the multiple alignment marks.2. The apparatus as recited in wherein the antenna array further includes a base coupled to multiple arms claim 1 , each of the multiple arms supporting a respective one of the multiple antennas.3. The apparatus as recited in wherein at least one of the multiple arms includes one or more of the multiple alignment marks claim 2 , and wherein the at least one antenna includes one or more of the orientation marks.4. The apparatus as recited in wherein the base is configured to be fastened to a receiving location.5. The apparatus as recited in wherein the base includes a rotary component and an adjustable angled portion claim 2 , wherein the rotary component is configured to enable rotation of the base claim 2 , and wherein the adjustable angled portion is configured to enable mounting of the base upon an inclined receiving location.6. The apparatus as recited in wherein each of the multiple arms includes a telescoping portion to adjust a respective arm length.7. The apparatus as recited ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Antenna system switching method and mobile terminal

Номер: US20130106666A1
Принадлежит: Beijing Lenovo Software Ltd

An antenna system switching method and a mobile terminal is described. The mobile terminal includes a first portion and a second portion, a first antenna system and a second antenna system. The mobile terminal has a first physical status and a second physical status according to the difference of the relative positions of the first portion and the second portion. The mobile terminal operates through the different first antenna system and second antenna system according to the difference of the physical statuses in which it is, so that an antenna ground unit and an antenna radiating unit can be located on different parts of the mobile terminal, the demand for the height of the antenna of the mobile terminal is satisfied while the light and thin of the mobile terminal is implemented.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Mobile wireless communications device with selective antenna load switching and related methods

Номер: US20130122976A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A mobile wireless communications device may include at least two antennas having a different structure. The device may also include wireless transceivers, a load(s), signal processing circuitry, and a controller. The controller may be for selectively switching the signal processing circuitry to a desired one of the wireless transceivers, selectively switching a desired one of the antennas to the desired one of the wireless transceivers, and selectively switching a different one of the antennas to at least one of the loads.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135161A1

An antenna device includes a first antenna including a first element formed in an annular form and having a length defined in accordance with a wavelength of a first frequency within a first frequency band, which is predetermined. The first antenna is configured to transmit and/or receive a signal of the first frequency. The first antenna also includes a retaining portion arranged at an outer peripheral portion of the first element and retains the first element in a state where a plane orthogonal to an axial direction of the first element conforms to a horizontal direction. The antenna device also includes a second antenna including a second element arranged at a radially inward position of the first element and configured to transmit and/or receive a signal of a second frequency within a second frequency band that is different from the first frequency band. 1. An antenna device , comprising:a first antenna including a first element formed in an annular form and having a length defined in accordance with a wavelength of a first frequency within a first frequency band, which is predetermined, the first antenna being configured to transmit and/or receive a signal of the first frequency;the first antenna including a retaining portion arranged at an outer peripheral portion of the first element and retaining the first element in a state where a plane orthogonal to an axial direction of the first element conforms to a horizontal direction; anda second antenna including a second element arranged at a radially inward position of the first element and configured to transmit and/or receive a signal of a second frequency within a second frequency band that is different from the first frequency band.2. The antenna device according to claim 1 , wherein the first element includes an outer peripheral surface extending parallel to the axial direction of the first element.3. The antenna device according to claim 1 , wherein the second element includes a radiation surface that ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135163A1

An active antenna system and algorithm is proposed that provides for dynamic tuning and optimization of antenna system parameters for a MIMO system that will provide for greater throughput. As one or multiple antennas are loaded or de-tuned due to environmental changes, corrections to correlation and/or isolation are made by tuning the active antenna. A null-steering technique is implemented to alter the near-field and far-field characteristics to aid in modifying correlation and isolation in the multi-antenna system. 1. An active MIMO antenna system , comprising:a first active modal antenna capable of selective operation about a plurality of modes, wherein each of said plurality of modes generates a distinct antenna radiation pattern resulting from the first active modal antenna;a second antenna;each of the first active modal antenna and the second antenna being individually coupled to a respective transceiver selected from a first and second transceiver; anda processor coupled to at least the first active modal antenna and configured to select the mode from the plurality of modes associated with the first modal antenna such that correlation of the two antenna system is altered for optimal performance.2. The active MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , wherein:the second antenna is an active modal antenna capable of selective operation about a plurality of modes, wherein each of said plurality of modes generates a distinct antenna radiation pattern resulting from the first active modal antenna;the processor is further coupled to the second modal antenna and configured to select the mode from the plurality of modes associated with the second modal antenna such that the correlation of the two-antenna system is altered for optimal performance.3. The active MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , wherein: a radiating structure disposed above a circuit board and forming an antenna volume therebetween;', 'a parasitic element positioned adjacent to the radiating structure; and', 'an ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Mimo antenna for improved isolation

Номер: US20130135168A1

A MIMO antenna for improving isolation is disclosed. The disclosed antenna includes a dielectric feature; a ground plane included in a first layer of the dielectric feature; a first radiator, which is electromagnetically joined with a first feed point, configured to radiate a first RF signal, and joined with the ground plane; a second radiator, which is electromagnetically joined with a second feed point, configured to radiate a second RF signal, and joined with the ground plane; and a connector line, which is joined with a particular point of the first radiator and with a particular point of the second radiator to connect the first radiator with the second radiator. The disclosed antenna can improve isolation properties between multiple antennas and can ensure adequate isolation properties even when the distances between multiple antennas are set to be relatively small.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Multi-antenna module containing active elements and control circuits for wireless systems

Номер: US20130141292A1
Принадлежит: Ethertronics Inc

An antenna system is provided for use in wireless communication, the antenna system is contained in a modular structure. The antenna system includes a plurality of co-located antennas, including at least one active modal antenna, each of the antennas being adapted for operation at a distinct frequency band. The antenna system further includes an active tuning module for tuning a frequency response of the co-located antennas.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141305A1
Автор: LEEM Jihun

A mobile terminal includes a terminal body, a multi-layered circuit board mounted onto the terminal body and having a first ground and a second ground laminated on each other, a first antenna device connected to the first ground, and a second antenna device connected to the second ground, whereby antennas can be implemented more efficiently within a small space with maintaining performance of the antennas, resulting in size reduction of the mobile terminal. 1. A mobile terminal comprising:a terminal body;a multi-layered circuit board mounted onto the terminal body, the multi-layered circuit board having a first ground and a second ground laminated on each other;a first antenna device grounded to the first ground; anda second antenna device grounded to the second ground,wherein the multi-layered circuit board comprises a first surface on which electric devices are disposed and a second surface on which the second ground is formed, wherein the first antenna device is connected to the first ground via a through hole extending from the first surface down to the first ground formed between the first surface and the second surface.2. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first antenna device is disposed adjacent to one end of the terminal body claim 1 , andwherein the second antenna device is spaced apart from the multi-layered circuit board, and disposed adjacent to another end of the terminal body.3. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the second antenna device and the multi-layered circuit board are connected to each other via a connection portion claim 2 , the connection portion extending from the second antenna device to the multi-layered circuit board.4. The terminal of claim 3 , wherein the connection portion is disposed such that at least part thereof is obscured by a power supply unit detachably coupled to the terminal body.5. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the multi-layered circuit board comprises at least one dielectric layer claim 1 , andwherein the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for balancing band performance

Номер: US20130155949A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

An apparatus includes a processor disposed within an enclosure and configured to communicate with multiple wireless devices. A first and a second antenna are disposed within the enclosure. The first antenna is configured to operate within a first band, and the second antenna is configured to operate within a second band. The second band has a center frequency less than a center frequency of the first band. The first antenna is configured to send a signal having a signal strength at a wireless device and associated with the first band, and the second antenna is configured to send a signal having a signal strength at the wireless device and associated with the second band. The signal strength for the signal associated with the first band is greater than the signal strength associated with the second band such that the wireless device selects the first band to communicate with the processor.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Electronic monitoring systems, shipment container monitoring systems and methods of monitoring a shipment in a container

Номер: US20130161386A1
Автор: John R. Tuttle
Принадлежит: Round Rock Research LLC

A shipping container has passive radio antenna element having internal and external antennas. A connector spanning the wall joins the two antennas. An internal communications device is disposed within the container and an external communications device is disposed external to the container. Another shipping container has a repeater element having internal and external antennas. A repeater unit spans the wall joining the two antennas. A communications device is disposed within the container and another communications device is disposed externally. RF signals are re-radiated by the antennas. Methodology includes inputting PF signals from a communication device disposed at a first location, receiving the signals through an antenna comprised by an antenna element, and re-radiating the signal from a second antenna comprised by the element, where the element spans the wall of a shipping container. The re-radiated signal is received by a second communications device disposed at a second location.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Dual radiation patterns antenna

Номер: US20130162491A1
Автор: Ya Chung Yu

A dual radiation patterns antenna is provided in the present invention. The dual radiation patterns antenna includes a substrate, a first antenna unit and a second antenna unit. The substrate has a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface. The first antenna is formed on the first surface of the substrate and used to radiate a first radiation pattern. The second antenna is formed on the second surface of the substrate and used to radiate a second radiation pattern. A first vertical projecting plane of the first antenna unit on the second surface is overlapped with the second antenna unit completely or partially. A second vertical projecting plane of the second antenna unit on the first surface is overlapped with the first antenna unit completely or partially. The first radiation pattern and the second radiation pattern are perpendicular each other.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162497A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A first antenna element is embodied in a blanched structure, and a second antenna element is embodied in a blanched structure. A low coupling circuit for increasing susceptance with an increase in frequency is interposed between the first antenna element and the second antenna element. The first antenna element and the second antenna element exhibit resonance of a Y12 component of an admittance matrix between first and second frequencies and between second and third frequencies. The first branch element and the third branch element assume a value of nearly a quarter of a resonant electrical length of the Y12 component of the admittance matrix between the first and second frequencies. The second branch element and the fourth branch element assume a value of nearly a quarter of the resonant electrical length of the Y12 component of the admittance matrix between the second and third frequencies. 1. An antenna comprising:a circuit board having a ground pattern;a first antenna element that is made of a conductive metal and that has a first branch element and a second branch element having a shorter electrical length than that of the first branch element; anda second antenna element that is made of a conductive metal and that has a third branch element and a fourth branch element having a shorter electrical length than that of the third branch element;wherein the first antenna element and the second antenna element are placed in proximity to each other while spaced apart from the ground pattern of the circuit board at a predetermined interval and are electrically connected to a first power feeding part and a second power feeding part placed on the circuit board, by a first matching part and a second matching part;wherein the antenna has a low coupling circuit that electrically connects a portion of the first antenna element to a portion of the second antenna element, the first matching part to the second matching part, or the first power feeding part to the second power ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for preventing interference of contactless card reader and touch functions when they are physically and logically bound together for improved authentication security

Номер: US20130162594A1
Принадлежит: Cirque Corp

A system for physically and logically integrating near field communication technology, touch sensor technology and display technology by using a more powerful near field communication antenna disposed under the touch sensor and display screen for transmitting, and a smaller near field communication antenna on top of the touch sensor for receiving near field communication signals.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Contactless connector

Номер: US20130163483A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Corp

A contactless connector includes a transmitter having a first transmit integrated circuit generating a first signal and a second transmit integrated circuit generating a second signal. A first pick-up antenna is adjacent the first transmit integrated circuit and conveys the first signal along a first transmission line to a first propagation antenna. A second pick-up antenna is adjacent the second transmit integrated circuit and conveys the second signal along a second transmission line to a second propagation antenna. The first and second propagation antennas transmit the first and second signals to a propagation path at different and separable polarizations to allow duplex communication with the propagation path.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Communication Device Comprising Two or More Antennas

Номер: US20130178181A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present invention provides an electronic device adapted for performing a wireless communication for a transmission of data. The device comprises at least a first antenna having a first antenna feed point and a second antenna having a second antenna feed point, The antennas are adapted to transmit and receive electromagnetic signals for providing the wireless communication using a multiple antenna communication scheme.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187821A1

A dual-polarization radiating element for a multiband antenna comprises a support with a high dielectric constant whose shape is roughly cylindrical, having an axis of revolution, at least a first and a second pair of dipoles printed on a first surface of the support, the dipoles of the first pair being roughly orthogonal to the dipoles of the second pair, and conductive lines, to feed each dipole, printed onto a second surface of the support. The support is placed on a flat reflector, with the cylindrical support's axis of revolution being perpendicular to the plane of the reflector. 2. A radiating element according to claim 1 , wherein the first surface supporting the dipoles is the outer surface of the support.3. A radiating element according to claim 1 , wherein the transversal axis passing through the middle of the dipoles is a distance away from the reflector equal to about one-quarter the wavelength at the central operating frequency.4. A radiating element according to claim 1 , wherein the median axes passing through the middles of two consecutive dipoles are about one half-wavelength apart from one another.5. A radiating element according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of dipoles is fed by a single coaxial cable.6. A radiating element according to claim 1 , comprising at least two groups of dipoles claim 1 , each group of dipoles comprising at least a first and a second pair of dipoles supported by the support claim 1 , and each group of dipoles operating within a different frequency band.7. A radiating element according to claim 6 , wherein the support forms concentric cylinders linked to one another claim 6 , each cylinder supporting a group of dipoles and each group of dipoles operating within a different frequency band.8. A radiating element according to claim 7 , wherein the diameter of each of the concentric cylinders is a function of the wavelength at the central operating frequency within each of the frequency bands.9. A radiating element according ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Isolation of antennas mounted on a printed circuit board

Номер: US20130187823A1
Принадлежит: Thomson Licensing SAS

The present invention relates to a circuit comprising on a same board at least one antenna, a processing circuit and a cover covering the processing circuit. Said circuit comprises between the antenna and the cover at least one isolation element realized partly on the board and partly on the cover.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194143A1
Автор: BUNGO Akihiro
Принадлежит: Sony Mobile Communications Japan, Inc.

A communication terminal apparatus and wireless communication device include comprising a first antenna having a first feed point, and a second antenna including a slit antenna and having a second feed point, the second antenna being spaced apart from the first antenna. The slit antenna includes a first conductive plate, a second conductive plate disposed substantially parallel to the first conductive plate, and a short-circuiting structure electrically connected between the first conductive plate and the second conductive plate so as to electrically short the first conductive plate to the second conductive plate. 1. A communication terminal apparatus comprising:a first antenna having a first feed point; anda second antenna including a slit antenna and having a second feed point, the second antenna being spaced apart from the first antenna, whereinthe slit antenna includesa first conductive plate,a second conductive plate disposed substantially parallel to the first conductive plate, anda short-circuiting structure electrically connected between the first conductive plate and the second conductive plate so as to electrically short the first conductive plate to the second conductive plate.2. The communication terminal apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe slit antenna is formed by part of an outer end of the first conductive plate and part of an outer end of the second conductive plate, the part of the outer end of the first conductive plate and the part of the outer end of the second conductive plate face each other.3. The communication terminal apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first conductive plate is part of a conductive case panel.4. The communication terminal apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the second conductive plate is a conductive layer of a printed circuit board.5. The communication terminal apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the second conductive plate is a metal plate that is positioned substantially parallel to the first conductive plate of the case panel.6. ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207854A1
Автор: RYU Seungwoo

The present disclosure relates to a portable terminal having antennas for transmitting or receiving wireless signals. The portable terminal includes a terminal body, a first antenna mounted in the terminal body to transmit or receive a wireless signal, a second antenna disposed with being spaced apart from the first antenna and set to transmit or receive a wireless signal at a frequency band different from the first antenna, and a connection unit configured to electrically connect the first and second antennas to reduce a frequency interference between the first and second antennas, at least part of the connection unit being formed along an edge of the terminal body. 1. A portable terminal comprising:a terminal body;a first antenna mounted in the terminal body to transmit or receive a wireless signal;a second antenna disposed with being spaced apart from the first antenna and set to transmit or receive a wireless signal at a frequency band different from the first antenna; anda connection unit configured to electrically connect the first and second antennas to reduce a frequency interference between the first and second antennas, at least part of the connection unit being formed along an edge of the terminal body.2. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the connection unit comprises:a first connection portion formed along a side surface of the terminal body and made of a conductive material; anda second connection portion disposed between the first and second antennas and the first connection portion to electrically connect the first and second antennas to the first connection portion.3. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the second connection portion is formed integrally with the first connection portion and protrudes from the first connection portion into the terminal body claim 2 , or implemented as a flexible printed circuit board or a cable formed separate from the first connection portion.4. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the second connection portion is a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214990A1
Автор: CHIU Min-Yuan
Принадлежит: ASUSTeK Computer Inc

A wireless communication apparatus includes a first antenna, an antenna driving circuit, a first medium, a second medium, and a second antenna. The antenna driving circuit drives the first antenna. The first medium is electrically connected between the first antenna and the antenna driving circuit. The second medium and the first medium are in energy coupling. The second antenna is electrically connected with the second medium. 1. A wireless communication apparatus , comprising:a first antenna;an antenna driving circuit driving the first antenna;a first medium electrically connected between the first antenna and the antenna driving circuit;a second medium, wherein the first medium and the second medium are in energy coupling; anda second antenna electrically connected with the second medium.2. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the antenna driving circuit is electrically connected with the first antenna by a conductive unit.3. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the conductive unit is a coaxial transmission line.4. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first medium is located between the conductive unit and the first antenna.5. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the signal transmission distance of the first medium and the first antenna equals to ¼ of the operation wavelength of the first antenna.6. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 1 , further comprises:a medium driving module connected with the second medium for driving the second medium to move toward or away from the first medium.7. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 1 , further comprises:a medium driving module connected with the first medium for driving the first medium to move toward or away from the second medium.8. The wireless communication apparatus of claim 1 , further comprises:a medium isolating element disposed between the first medium and the second medium for blocking the energy coupling ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222205A1

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a matching network for a communication device having first and second antennas, where the matching network includes a first variable component connectable and a detector. The first variable component can be connectable along a first path between the first antenna and a front end module of the communication device, where the first antenna is configured for transmit and receive operation. The detector can be connectable along a second path between the second antenna and the front end module of the communication device, where the detector obtains an RF voltage associated with the second path, where the second antenna is configured for a diversity receive operation, and where the first variable component is adjusted based on the detected RF voltage to tune the matching network. Additional embodiments are disclosed. 1. A mobile communication device , comprising:an antenna;a matching circuit coupled with the antenna, the matching circuit including one or more variable reactance elements with variable reactance values; anda controller coupled with the matching circuit, wherein the controller obtains an RF voltage at an output of the matching circuit, wherein the controller determines derivative information associated with the RF voltage by calculating a finite difference of two sequential measurements associated with the variable reactance values, and wherein the controller tunes the matching circuit using the derivative information.2. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the RF voltage is obtained at a transmission frequency of the mobile communication device.3. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the RF voltage is obtained using a log detector.4. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the derivative information comprises first and second derivatives.5. The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein the controller tunes the matching ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Low-Profile Antenna Assemblies

Номер: US20130229315A1

A low-profile antenna assembly includes at least two antennas co-located under a cover. At least one of the at least two antennas includes an antenna configured for use with AM/FM radio. And, at least one of the at least two antennas includes an antenna configured for use with at least one or more of SDARS, GPS, cell phones, Wi-Fi, DAB-VHF-III, DAB-L, etc. 1. An antenna configured for use with AM/FM radio , the antenna comprising multiple electrical conductors located toward a first side surface of the antenna and multiple electrical conductors located toward an opposing second side surface of the antenna , the multiple electrical conductors being interconnected around at least part of the antenna to thereby establish a continuous electrical path around the at least part of the antenna and define an inductively loaded portion of the antenna.2. The antenna of claim 1 , further comprising a capacitively loaded portion.3. The antenna of claim 2 , further comprising electrically conductive plating located toward an upper portion of the antenna claim 2 , and wherein the upper portion of the antenna defines the capacitively loaded portion of the antenna.4. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductors include wires.5. The antenna of claim 1 , further comprising a printed circuit board claim 1 , and wherein the electrical conductors are defined by traces located on first and/or second side surfaces of the printed circuit board.6. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is configured for operation at one or more frequencies ranging between about 140 kilohertz and about 110 megahertz.7. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein a height of the antenna is about 55 millimeters or less.8. The antenna of claim 7 , wherein the antenna defines a footprint having a length of about 65 millimeters or less and a width of about 30 millimeters or less.9. An antenna assembly comprising the antenna of in combination with at least one additional antenna claim 1 , the antenna and ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Mobile communication terminal with improved isolation

Номер: US20130234911A1
Автор: Hu-Jang LEE
Принадлежит: PANTECH CO LTD

A terminal includes a main ground disposed on a substrate, a first antenna connected to the main ground, a second antenna spaced apart by a reference distance from the first antenna and connected to the main ground, and a dummy pattern disposed within a reference proximity to at least one of the first antenna and the second antenna

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Single input/multiple output (simo) or multiple input/single output (miso) or multiple input/multiple output (mimo) antenna module

Номер: US20130237284A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

An antenna module is provided. The antenna module includes a first slot antenna unit and a second slot antenna unit. The first slot antenna unit is coupled to a radio frequency (RF) unit. The second slot antenna unit is coupled to the RF unit. The first and second slot antenna units are embedded in a wireless communications dongle, and the wireless communications dongle operates as a modem to transmit or receive a wireless signal to or from a wireless telephony communications network for a computer via the first and second slot antenna units when the wireless communication dongle connects to the computer.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Antenna device

Номер: US20130241796A1
Автор: Shoji Nagumo
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

An antenna device can detect the surrounding environment and appropriately corrected and maintain stable antenna characteristics. The antenna device includes at least first and second antenna element electrodes, an antenna matching circuit provided along a wireless communication signal path for the first antenna element electrode, a capacitance detection circuit connected to the second antenna element electrode and operable to detect stray capacitance of the antenna element electrode using a sensing signal. A matching control circuit controls the antenna matching circuit in accordance with an output signal of the capacitance detection circuit.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for implementing fm antenna and a mobile terminal

Номер: US20130249766A1
Автор: Wenqing He
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

A device for implementing a frequency modulation (FM) antenna so as to solve the technique problem of poor reception performance of the FM antenna. The device comprises a first Print Circuit Board (PCB) containing a metal line, a device used as FM antenna and a matching circuit, the first PCB containing the metal line and the device used as FM antenna being connected respectively to the matching circuit, wherein the first PCB containing the metal line is used as a first FM antenna and configured to receive FM signals; the device used as FM antenna is used as a first FM antenna and configured to receive FM signals; and the matching circuit is configured to filter the FM signals received by the first FM antenna and the second FM antenna and output the filtered FM signals.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257681A1

According to one embodiment, an antenna apparatus includes a first antenna unit disposed along a side of a ground pattern, a second antenna unit disposed along the side of the ground pattern so as to be juxtaposed with the first antenna unit, a first RF cable configured to connect the first antenna unit and the radio circuit unit, and a second RF cable configured to connect the second antenna unit and the radio circuit unit. The first RF cable and the second RF cable are routed from the first antenna unit and the second antenna unit in an arrangement direction of the first antenna unit and the second antenna unit so as to be parallel to each other, with the first RF cable being disposed so as to pass over the ground pattern. 1. An antenna apparatus provided in an electronic device including a radio circuit unit and a ground pattern which forms a ground potential , the apparatus comprising:a first antenna unit disposed along a side of the ground pattern and configured to resonate in a first frequency band and a second frequency band;a second antenna unit disposed along the side of the ground pattern so as to be juxtaposed with the first antenna unit and configured to resonate in the second frequency band;a first RF cable configured to connect the first antenna unit and the radio circuit unit; anda second RF cable configured to connect the second antenna unit and the radio circuit unit,wherein the first RF cable and the second RF cable are routed from the first antenna unit and the second antenna unit in an arrangement direction of the first antenna unit and the second antenna unit so as to be parallel to each other, with the first RF cable being disposed so as to pass over the ground pattern.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first frequency band is set to a value lower than the second frequency band.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a position at which the second antenna unit is in contact with the ground pattern is set at a position set back from a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268976A1

A multi-service antenna may comprise: a support structure, a reflector mounted to the support structure, a signal processing assembly mounted with the support structure, a first wire strung between the reflector and the support structure and/or the signal processing assembly, and circuitry for processing a first signal received as a result of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., terrestrial television and/or cellular signals) incident on the first wire. The circuitry for processing the first signal may be housed in the signal processing assembly. A second wire may also be strung between the reflector and the support structure and/or the signal processing assembly, and the circuitry may be operable to perform diversity processing of signals received via the two wires. 1. A system comprising:a satellite dish assembly;a plurality of antenna elements mounted to said satellite dish assembly, said plurality of antenna elements being configured for reception of terrestrial television signals; andcircuitry, mounted with said satellite dish assembly, for diversity combining of a plurality of said terrestrial television signals received via said plurality of antenna elements.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of antenna elements comprises a wire attached to said satellite dish assembly at two attachment points.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein a first of said two attachment points is on a boom of said satellite dish assembly.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said first of said two attachment points is slidably adjustable along said boom.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein each of said plurality of antenna elements is adjustable in length to accommodate different positions of said first of said two attachment points along said boom.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein:said circuitry comprises a selector controllable to select a subset of said antenna elements to be used for said reception of said plurality of signals.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein said ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Antenna Structures Having Slot-Based Parasitic Elements

Номер: US20130293425A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Electronic devices may include radio-frequency transceiver circuitry and antenna structures. The antenna structures may include antenna resonating elements and antenna ground plane structures. An electronic device may have antennas formed from the antenna resonating elements and an antenna ground plane. The antenna ground plane may have slot structures. The slot structures may be configured to form a slot-based parasitic antenna element to minimize coupling between the antennas in a device. The slot-based parasitic antenna element may be located between the antennas in a device. The slots structures from which a parasitic antenna element is formed may include open slots and closed slots. Slots may have one or more arms and one or more bends. Slots may be formed in internal housing members, traces on dielectric carriers, and other conductive structures.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Mimo/diversity antenna for improving the isolation of a specific frequency band

Номер: US20130307744A1
Принадлежит: Mobitech Corp

A MIMO/diversity antenna for improving isolation of a frequency band includes: a ground surface formed on a printed circuit board; planar inverted F antennas having the ground surface therebetween and disposed on the printed circuit board having no ground surface formed, each F antenna having an antenna pattern that includes a radiation unit, a power supply unit, and a ground unit; power supply pads and ground pads formed on the printed circuit board having no ground surface formed corresponding to the power supply unit and the ground unit of the antenna pattern in the planar inverted F antennas; and connection patterns connecting the ground surface with each ground pad to electrically connect the ground surface to each ground unit of the antenna pattern in the planar inverted F antennas. At least one of the connection patterns is formed with a strip line of a meandering shape.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Antenna for wireless apparatus

Номер: US20130307745A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An antenna for wireless apparatus which is placed in the vicinity of a conductive object is disclosed. The antenna for wireless apparatus includes a GND plate, a conductive plate parallel to the GND plate, two antenna elements, and two raising conductive plates. Each of the antenna elements includes a short-circuit conductive body and a radiation plate placed at an edge of the short-circuit conductive body. The two antenna elements are placed substantially parallel to a side surface of the conductive object with a distance of a half wavelength of a radio wave to be transmitted and received. The two raising conductive plates are placed close to the two antenna elements respectively and raise the conductive plate from the GND plate to a predetermined height.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307749A1
Автор: NAGAI Tatsuro

In a high-frequency module, an arrangement order of antenna terminals, transmission-side signal terminals, and reception-side signal terminals in a second direction corresponds to an arrangement order of antenna terminal electrodes, transmission-side terminal electrodes, and reception-side terminal electrodes in the second direction. 1. (canceled)2. A high-frequency module comprising:a plurality of demultiplexing units each of which includes an antenna terminal connected to an antenna, a transmission-side signal terminal, a reception-side signal terminal, a transmission filter unit connected between the antenna terminal and the transmission-side signal terminal, and a reception filter unit connected between the antenna terminal and the reception-side signal terminal;a mounting substrate including first and second long sides extending in a first direction and first and second short sides extending in a second direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the first direction and have a rectangular shape;a plurality of demultiplexer chips mounted on a mounting surface of the mounting substrate and in which the demultiplexing units are provided;a plurality of antenna-side mounting electrodes provided on the mounting surface of the mounting substrate and connected to the antenna terminals;a plurality of transmission-side mounting electrodes provided on the mounting surface of the mounting substrate and connected to the transmission-side signal terminals;a plurality of reception-side mounting electrodes provided on the mounting surface of the mounting substrate and connected to the reception-side signal terminals;a plurality of antenna terminal electrodes provided on a back surface of the mounting substrate;a plurality of transmission-side terminal electrodes provided on the back surface of the mounting substrate;a plurality of reception-side terminal electrodes provided on the back surface of the mounting substrate;a first wiring line provided within the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314297A1
Автор: HAMABE Taichi
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An antenna apparatus is configured to include first, second, third and fourth antennas. The first and fourth antennas are provided to be symmetrical with respect to a predetermined symmetry line on the grounding conductor, and the second and third antennas are arranged to be symmetrical with respect to the symmetry line so that the second and third feeding points are separated apart by a predetermined distance. A first antenna element of the first antenna and a fourth antenna element of the fourth antenna are formed to be substantially parallel to a Y-axis direction, and a second antenna element of the second antenna and a third antenna element of the third antenna are formed to be substantially parallel to an X-axis direction. 1. An antenna apparatus comprising:a first antenna configured to include a first radiating antenna element, that is formed to be substantially parallel to a predetermined first direction, and is fed with electric power from a first feeding point provided at a first edge portion of a grounding conductor;a second antenna configured to include a second radiating antenna element, that is formed to be substantially parallel to a predetermined second direction different from the first direction, and is fed with electric power from a second feeding point provided at a second edge portion of the grounding conductor;a third antenna configured to include a third radiating antenna element, that is formed to be substantially parallel to the second direction, and is fed with electric power from a third feeding point provided at the second edge portion of the grounding conductor;a fourth antenna configured to include a fourth radiating antenna element, that is formed to be substantially parallel to the first direction, and is fed with electric power from a fourth feeding point provided at a third edge portion of the grounding conductor,wherein the first and fourth antennas are provided to be symmetrical with respect to a predetermined symmetry line on the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Antenna in electronic device with separable radiator

Номер: US20130321219A1

A built-in antenna of a hand-held electronic device has separable radiators. The antenna includes a first radiator mounted to a first housing portion of the electronic device, and a second radiator mounted to a second housing portion. The first radiator and second radiator are electrically connected to each other when the first and second housing portions are assembled.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Mimo antenna device, antenna and antenna package

Номер: US20130321234A1
Принадлежит: National Sun Yat Sen University

A multi-input and multi-output antenna device is disclosed. The MIMO antenna device comprises two antennas symmetrically disposed on a substrate. Each antenna comprises a T-shaped feeding unit, a radiation unit and a ground unit. The T-shaped feeding unit and the radiation unit are disposed on a first surface of the substrate. The T-shaped feeding unit forms a strip portion and a top portion. The radiation unit has first and second ends. The radiation unit extends from the first end to the second end to form a rectangular region and a spacing. The first end extends parallel to the top portion. The ground unit is disposed along two sides of the strip portion and electrically coupled to the second end. The two strip portions of the two T-shaped feeding units are parallel to and aligned with each other. The two ground units are electrically connected to each other.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Three Dimensional Antenna Array System with Troughs

Номер: US20130321239A1
Автор: Bingham James Alan

A system and method for installing and deploying antenna elements on antenna arrays cards is disclosed. The antenna elements are installed on front sides of the antenna array cards and active components are installed on back sides of the antenna array cards. The antenna array cards are then installed within enclosures to create troughs with the antenna elements. Alternatively, magnetic and electric antenna elements are installed together on the front sides of the antenna array cards to create non-homogenous arrays. 1. An antenna system comprising:antenna array cards that include an array of antenna elements disposed on a front side of the cards, the antenna elements being separately tuned to receive over the air broadcasts from broadcasting entities; andan enclosure that houses the antenna array cards to form troughs with the antenna elements on sides of the troughs.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna array cards are installed back to back within the enclosure.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the enclosure houses between 6 and 32 antenna array cards.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the troughs extend entirely through the enclosure.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna array cards include ground planes to reflect the radio frequency signals from the broadcasting entities.6. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising tuners claim 1 , demodulators claim 1 , multiplexors claim 1 , and data link connectors claim 1 , which are installed on the antenna array cards.7. The system according to claim 6 , wherein the tuners and demodulators are disposed on back sides of the antenna array cards and correspond to the antenna elements disposed on front sides of the cards.8. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the troughs are orientated within the enclosures to maintain a line of sight with one or more transmitters of the broadcasting entities.9. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328742A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A first connection circuit () is adjusted to cancel out mutual coupling impedance occurring between a first antenna element () in a first frequency band and a second antenna element () in a second frequency band, and reduces a degradation occurring due to the coupling between the antenna elements. A second frequency band cutoff circuit () for the second frequency band is provided between the first antenna element () and the first feeding portion (). 1. An antenna device comprising:an enclosure;a circuit board provided in the enclosure and having a ground pattern;a first antenna element which is made of a conductive metal and operates in a first frequency band;a second antenna element which is made of a conductive metal and operates in the first frequency band and a second frequency band;a first connection circuit which electrically connects portions of the first antenna element and the second antenna element;a first radio circuit unit provided on the circuit board;a first feeding portion electrically connected to the first radio circuit unit;a second radio circuit unit provided on the circuit board;a second feeding portion electrically connected to the second radio circuit unit; anda second frequency band cutoff circuit for electrical cutoff in the second frequency band, whereinthe first antenna element and the second antenna element are disposed close to each other so as have a predetermined interval from the ground pattern on the circuit board,the first antenna element is electrically connected to the first feeding portion via the second frequency band cutoff circuit,the second antenna element is electrically connected to the second feeding portion, andthe first connection circuit is configured to cancel out mutual coupling impedance between the first antenna element and the second antenna element in the first frequency band.2. The antenna device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first antenna element is electrically connected to the first feeding portion via a ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335280A1

A system that incorporates the subject disclosure may include, for example, a method for electrically coupling a first lower frequency radiator of a first antenna to a first upper frequency radiator of a second antenna via a shared first port, electrically coupling a second lower frequency radiator of the first antenna to a second upper frequency radiator of the second antenna via a shared second port, suppressing, at least in part, with at least one first filter, first signals of the first lower frequency radiator from entering the first upper frequency radiator, second signals of the first upper frequency radiator from entering the first lower frequency radiator, or both, and suppressing, at least in part, with at least one second filter, third signals of the second lower frequency radiator from entering the second upper frequency radiator, fourth signals of the second upper frequency radiator from entering the second lower frequency radiator, or both. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A multimode antenna , comprising:a low band antenna comprising a first low band radiating structure and a second low band radiating structure each configured to radiate low band radio frequency signals in a low band resonant frequency range;a high band antenna comprising a first high band radiating structure and a second high band radiating structure each configured to radiate high band radio frequency signals in a high band resonant frequency range;a first port electrically coupled to the first low band radiating structure and the first high band radiating structure;a second port electrically coupled to the second low band radiating structure and the second high band radiating structure;a first component that decouples the first low band radiating structure from the first high band radiating structure by suppressing low band radio frequency signals from entering the first high band radiating structure, suppressing high band radio frequency signals from entering the first low band ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335290A1

A multi-band antenna system for MIMO applications is adapted to provide high isolation between antennas across a wide range of frequencies. Multiple Isolated Magnetic Dipole (IMD) antennas are co-located and connected with a feed network that can include switches that adjust phase length for transmission lines connecting the antennas. Filtering is integrated into the feed network to improve rejection of unwanted frequencies. Filtering can also be implemented on the antenna structure. Either one or multi-port antennas can be used. 1. A multiband MIMO antenna system , comprising:a first antenna element comprising a first feed port;a second antenna element comprising a second feed port;a first transmission line extending between said first and second feed ports; anda second transmission line extending between said first and second feed ports;said second transmission line further comprising a filter adapted to reject one or more frequencies for optimizing isolation between the first and second antenna elements.2. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , wherein the filter is positioned at a pre-determined distance from the feed ports of the first and second antenna elements for optimizing antenna isolation.3. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , comprising a first filter coupled to said first transmission line claim 1 , and a second filter coupled to said second transmission line.4. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , further comprising a switch disposed between said first feed port of the first antenna element and said filter on said second transmission line.5. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 3 , comprising a first switch disposed adjacent to said first filter at said first transmission line claim 3 , and a second switch disposed adjacent to said second filter at said second transmission line.6. The multiband MIMO antenna system of claim 1 , further comprising a parasitic element disposed adjacent to one or both of the first and ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Flexible rfid label

Номер: US20130341416A1
Принадлежит: Round Rock Research LLC

An RFID tag includes a base having at least one fold formed therein. An integrated circuit is formed on the base. At least one antenna segment extends from the integrated circuit and crosses the fold. When the fold is creased, a portion of the antenna segment on one side of the fold is aligned to be orthogonal to a portion of the antenna segment on the other side of the fold.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for an integrated antenna and satellite dish

Номер: US20130343264A1

Systems and methods for an integrated antenna and satellite dish. Exemplary embodiments include an apparatus, including a satellite dish, a wireless antenna coupled to the satellite dish and a coupling box communicatively coupled to the satellite dish and the wireless antenna. Additional exemplary embodiments include a content communication method, including receiving a satellite signal, receiving a first wireless signal, performing coupling box processing on the satellite signal and the wireless signal, transmitting the satellite signal and the wireless signal to a set top box and performing set top box processing on the satellite signal and wireless signal. Further exemplary embodiments include a content communication system, including a satellite dish for receiving content from a satellite, a wireless antenna for receiving content from a wireless network and a coupling box for processing the content from the satellite and the content from the wireless network.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to control mutual coupling and correlation for multi-antenna applications

Номер: US20140002323A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Ltd

The present invention provides a method and apparatus to manipulate the mutual coupling and the correlation between the antennas ( 502, 504 ) on the handset ( 202 ) without the need to change the physical distance between them or to change their orientation. The manipulation in the mutual coupling and in the correlation is achieved using a circuit that is connected between the antennas' terminals ( 506, 508 ) and the terminals ( 510, 512 ) of the RF front end/power amplifier ( 514 ). This circuit can be fixed or tunable. The coupling control takes place between two transmitting antennas ( 502, 504 ) or two receiving antennas ( 502, 504 ).

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008446A1
Автор: Carr William N.

A multi-band antenna is disclosed that can operate in two different frequency bands through two different modes of operation. It can operate as a radio antenna for coupling energy into or out of a radio signal in a radio frequency band; or it can operate as a magnetic antenna for coupling energy into or out of a magnetic signal in a lower frequency band. A radio signal is a signal consisting of an electromagnetic wave; a magnetic signal is a signal consisting of a magnetic field. The multi-band antenna achieves the two modes of operation in a compact volume of space comparable to the volume of space occupied by an equivalent single-band antenna. 1. A dual-frequency antenna comprising:a flat magnetic coil physically adapted for efficient antenna coupling with magnetically-coupled energy at a first frequency,wherein the shape of the coil is also physically adapted for efficient antenna coupling with electromagnetic energy at a second frequency.2. The antenna of further comprising one or more sheets of electrically conductive material for enhancing antenna coupling with electromagnetic energy at the second frequency.3. The antenna of further comprising:a first input-output port for coupling a first electrical circuit with the magnetic energy at the first frequency, anda second input-output port for coupling a second electrical circuit with the electromagnetic energy at the second frequency.4. The antenna of wherein the flat magnetic coil comprises multiple coil layers.5. The antenna of wherein coil loops in one coil layer are in a shifted position claim 4 , relative to coil loops in an adjacent layer claim 4 , such that the capacitance between adjacent coil loops is large enough to present a low impedance at the second frequency.6. The antenna of wherein the flat magnetic coil comprises at least one coil layer claim 1 , and at least one other layer that comprises a conductive strip claim 1 ,wherein the conductive strip is physically arranged such that it is ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Probe System and Method for Operating a Probe System

Номер: US20140011444A1

A probe system includes a probe and a transmission/reception element. The probe and the transmission/reception element are configured such that information is transmittable between them in wireless fashion via a radio signal. The transmission/reception element or the probe has two antennas, set apart from each other, for receiving the radio signal, so that the information received by the two antennas via the radio signal is able to be processed concurrently. 1. A probe system , comprising:a probe having a stylus and a sensor, the sensor adapted to generate a sensor signal in accordance with contact of the stylus; anda transmission/reception device;wherein information is wirelessly transmittable between the probe and the transmission/reception device via a radio signal;wherein the transmission/reception device or the probe includes two antennas, set apart from each other, adapted to receive the radio signal; andwherein the transmission/reception device or the probe is adapted to process concurrently the information received by the two antennas via the radio signal.2. The probe system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas are arranged at an angle relative to each other.3. The probe system according to claim 1 , wherein each of the two antennas is connected to an electronic receiver circuit adapted to process concurrently the information received.4. The probe system according to claim 3 , wherein the electronic receiver circuits are arranged on two electronic modules claim 3 , each electronic module including an electronic transmitter circuit.5. The probe system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas are arranged in a closed housing.6. The probe system according to claim 1 , wherein the information includes readiness information and/or probe-contact information.7. The probe system according to claim 1 , wherein the antennas are adapted to alternately transmit radio signals claim 1 , so that the radio signal is transmittable by only one antenna claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022130A1
Автор: Man Ying Tong, QI YIHONG
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Limited

A mobile wireless communications device includes a housing and circuit board carried by the housing. Radio Frequency (RF) circuitry is mounted on the circuit board. A first antenna is supported by the circuit board within the housing and operatively connected to the RF circuitry and configured for cellular phone communications. A second antenna is supported by the circuit board within the housing and operatively connected to the RF circuitry and configured for WiFi communications. The second antenna comprises an inverted-F or monopole antenna having an opening gap that is pointed away from the first antenna. 125-. (canceled)26. A mobile wireless communications device comprising:a portable housing;circuitry within said portable housing;a cellular antenna extending in a lateral direction within said portable housing and operatively connected to said circuitry for cellular communications in at least one cellular frequency band; anda WiFi antenna operatively connected to said circuitry for WiFi communications in at least one WiFi frequency band;said WiFi antenna comprising an inverted-F antenna defining an opening gap pointed in a longitudinal direction within said portable housing and away from said cellular antenna;said WiFi antenna having an input impedance of between 30 to 75 ohms.27. The mobile wireless communications device according to further comprising a circuit board within said portable housing; and wherein at least one of said cellular antenna and WiFi antenna is supported by said circuit board.28. The mobile wireless communications device according to wherein said circuit board comprises an antenna ground plane.29. The mobile wireless communications device according to further comprising first and second circuit boards within said portable housing; and wherein said cellular antenna is supported by said first circuit board claim 26 , and said WiFi antenna is supported by said second circuit board.30. The mobile wireless communications device according to ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022131A1

An antenna, including a broadband vertically polarized monopole radiating element, a reflector having a projection in a first plane generally perpendicular to a vertical axis of the monopole radiating element, a plurality of horizontally polarized radiating elements arranged generally concentrically with respect to the monopole radiating element, each one of the horizontally polarized radiating elements having a projection in a second plane generally perpendicular to the vertical axis, the second plane being offset from the first plane in a direction along the vertical axis and a feed arrangement for feeding the monopole and horizontally polarized radiating elements. 1. An antenna , comprising:a broadband vertically polarized monopole radiating element;a reflector having a projection in a first plane generally perpendicular to a vertical axis of said monopole radiating element;a plurality of horizontally polarized radiating elements arranged generally concentrically with respect to said monopole radiating element, each one of said horizontally polarized radiating elements having a projection in a second plane generally perpendicular to said vertical axis, said second plane being offset from said first plane in a direction along said vertical axis; anda feed arrangement for feeding said monopole and horizontally polarized radiating elements.2. An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein said monopole radiating element comprises a conical radiating element.3. An antenna according to claim 2 , wherein said conical radiating element comprises an upper conductive cylindrical element and a lower conductive conical element claim 2 , said upper cylindrical and lower conical elements being held in a partially overlapping configuration by means of an inner spacer element and an outer supporting stand.4. An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein said monopole radiating element comprises an upstanding multi-branched structure.5. An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022137A1

A multi-beam antenna comprises an array of feeds illuminating a reflector, the feeds being associated in a plurality of groups. Each feed comprises a polarizer, two diplexers and four ports operating in four different colours. All the feeds belonging to the same group comprise first ports having the same first colour, or second ports having the same second colour, linked together to form a first beam and third ports having the same third colour, or fourth ports having the same fourth colour, linked together to form a second beam. 1. A multi-beam antenna with a plurality of feeds per beam comprising at least one reflector and one array of a plurality of feeds illuminating the reflector , the feeds being associated in a plurality of groups offset relative to one another in two directions X , Y of a plane placed at the focus of the reflector , each group comprising the same number of feeds , wherein each feed comprises a polarizer linked to a radiating element and two diplexers respectively incorporated into two output channels of the polarizer , each diplexer comprising two output ports , the two output ports of the two diplexers forming four ports of the feed , the four ports operating in four different colours , each colour being defined by a pair of frequency and polarization values , and wherein , all the feeds belonging to the same group comprise first ports having a same first colour , or second ports having a same second colour , linked together to form a first beam and third ports having a same third colour , or fourth ports having a same fourth colour , linked together to form a second beam.21212. The multi-beam antenna of claim 1 , wherein the groups are evenly spaced by a first pitch L in the direction X and by a second pitch L in the direction Y claim 1 , the pitches L and L corresponding to one or more feeds claim 1 , two adjacent groups in the direction X sharing at least one feed in common.3. The multi-beam antenna of claim 2 , wherein two adjacent ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Dual-Band LTE MIMO Antenna

Номер: US20140023123A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of a multiple-input-multiple output antenna for use with wireless communication systems are disclosed. In various embodiments, the antenna comprises a first element a first radiation element operable to resonate at a first frequency and a second radiation element operable to resonate at a second frequency, wherein said second frequency is not an integer multiple of said first frequency. In various embodiments, the first and second antenna radiation elements are each proximate to a ground plane and the respective resonance frequencies of said first radiation element and said second radiation element is achieved by controlling the electrical coupling between said first radiation element, said second radiation element and said ground plane. In some embodiments, the resonance frequencies of said first and second radiation elements is controlled independently.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Communication device and antenna system therein

Номер: US20140043202A1
Принадлежит: Acer Inc

A communication device including a first conductive plate and an antenna system is provided. The antenna system includes a first antenna, a second antenna, a ground plane, and an open slot. Both the first antenna and the second antenna operate in at least a first band and a second band. The ground plane substantially has an inverted-T shape, and includes a main ground plane and a protruded ground plane. The main ground plane is coupled to the first conductive plate. The protruded ground plane is substantially located between the first antenna and the second antenna. The open slot is formed on the ground plane, and an open end of the open slot is located at an edge of the protruded ground plane. The open slot increases the isolation between the first antenna and the second antenna in the first band and the second band.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Mobile wireless communications device with selective load switching for antennas and related methods

Номер: US20140045560A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Ltd

A mobile wireless communications device may include a plurality of antennas, a plurality of wireless transceivers, and signal processing circuitry. The device may further include a controller for selectively switching the signal processing circuitry to a desired one of the wireless transceivers, and for selectively switching a desired one of the antennas to the desired one of the wireless transceivers. Moreover, the controller may also be for selectively connecting and disconnecting the at least one other one of the antennas to an unused one of the wireless transceivers.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

3-Dimensional Antenna

Номер: US20140049430A1
Автор: II Roy Donald Koski
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The system and method of the present application includes a 3-dimensional spherically-shaped antenna having multiple elements of various size based on self-similarity of repeated patterns, i.e., fractal antenna. This antenna provides a wide-band response to efficiently capture ambient electromagnetic energy that may be further processed and used to generate electricity. The antenna may also be tuned to provide a more accurate and efficient antenna capable of capturing a specific band of frequencies. The electricity collected may then be used to power various loads including electrical and electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, audio and video equipment, medical equipment, electrical appliances, lights, and numerous other devices. This may be particularly useful in remote locations, and can also compliment renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, thermal, and others. The antenna also provides increased reception for wireless communication applications, and may utilize fractal and non-fractal antennas.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Antennas for handheld electronic devices

Номер: US20140049432A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A handheld electronic device may be provided that contains wireless communications circuitry. The handheld electronic device may have a housing and a display. The display may be attached to the housing a conductive bezel. The handheld electronic device may have one or more antennas for supporting wireless communications. A ground plane in the handheld electronic device may serve as ground for one or more of the antennas. The ground plane and bezel may define an opening. A rectangular slot antenna or other suitable slot antenna may be formed from or within the opening. One or more antenna resonating elements may be formed above the slot. An electrical switch that bridges the slot may be used to modify the perimeter of the slot so as to tune the communications bands of the handheld electronic device.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Multi-input multi-output antenna with electromagnetic band-gap structure

Номер: US20140049437A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

A MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) antenna includes a system ground plane, an antenna ground plane, an EBG (Electromagnetic Band-Gap) structure, a first antenna element, and a second antenna element. The antenna ground plane overlaps a first portion of the system ground plane. The EBG structure is formed on a second portion of the system ground plane. The first antenna element and the second antenna element are both disposed in proximity to the EBG structure, but substantially extend in different directions.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071005A1
Автор: WANG Chuan-Chun

A mobile device includes a metal body element, a feeding element, and a second antenna. The metal body element is substantially a planar structure and has a slot, wherein a first antenna is formed by the slot of the metal body element. The feeding element extends across the slot of the metal body element, and is coupled to a first signal source. The second antenna is substantially located inside the slot of the metal body element, and is coupled to a second signal source. The slot is used as a portion of a resonant structure of the second antenna in order to reduce a total size of the first antenna and the second antenna. 1. A mobile device , comprising:a metal body element, being substantially a planar structure, and having a slot, wherein a first antenna is formed by the slot of the metal body element;a feeding element, extending across the slot of the metal body element, and coupled to a first signal source; anda second antenna, substantially located inside the slot of the metal body element, and coupled to a second signal source,wherein the slot is used as a portion of a resonant structure of the second antenna in order to reduce a total size of the first antenna and the second antenna.2. The mobile device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a first coaxial cable, coupled between the feeding element and the first signal source.3. The mobile device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a second coaxial cable, coupled between the second antenna and the second signal source.4. The mobile device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a dielectric substrate, wherein the second antenna is disposed on the dielectric substrate.5. The mobile device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the dielectric substrate and the metal body element are located on different planes.6. The mobile device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the slot of the metal body element substantially has an L-shape.7. The mobile device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the slot of the metal body ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078009A1
Автор: Lin Po-Wei, Wong Kin-Lu

The present invention is related to a communication device which includes a ground element and an antenna system. The ground element includes a main ground plane and a protruded ground plane. The antenna system includes a first antenna and a second antenna. The first antenna includes a metal radiation element and is adjacent to the main ground plane of the ground element. The second antenna is a slot antenna and is formed in the protruded ground plane of the ground element. The protruded ground plane is adjacent to the first antenna. 1. A communication device , comprising:a ground element, comprising a main ground plane and a protruded ground plane; and a first antenna, comprising a metal radiation element, and being adjacent to the main ground plane of the ground element; and', 'a second antenna, being a slot antenna, wherein the second antenna is formed in the protruded ground plane of the ground element, and the protruded ground plane is adjacent to the first antenna., 'an antenna system, comprising2. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna and the second antenna operate in at least one same mobile communication band claim 1 , and the mobile communication band is a GSM1800/1900 band.3. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna is a monopole antenna.4. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna is a shorted monopole antenna.5. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna is a loop antenna.6. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna has an inverted J-shape.7. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least two sides of the first antenna are adjacent to the main ground plane and the protruded ground8. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second antenna is an open slot antenna and has an open end disposed at a specific edge of the protruded ground plane claim 1 , ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Antennas Having Polarization and Angle Diversity and Related Wireless Communications Devices

Номер: US20140078010A1

Antenna systems are provided including a chassi and first and second radiating elements coupled to the chassi. The first radiating element is configured to amplify excitation of the chassi and the second radiating element is configured to reduce excitation of the chassi so as to reduce mutual coupling in the antenna system. Related co-located antennas and methods of controlling mutual coupling are also provided.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078018A1
Автор: LIN Wun-Jian, Wong Kin-Lu

A communication device including a ground element and an antenna system is provided. The antenna system is adjacent to the ground element. The antenna system includes at least a first antenna, a second antenna, a connection element, and a resistive element. The second antenna is adjacent to the first antenna. The connection element includes a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion is coupled to the first antenna, and the second portion is coupled to the second antenna. The resistive element is coupled between the first portion and the second portion of the connection element. The connection element and the resistive element increase the isolation between the first antenna and the second antenna. 1. A communication device , comprising:a ground element; and a first antenna;', 'a second antenna, adjacent to the first antenna;', 'a connection element, comprising a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion is coupled to the first antenna, and the second portion is coupled to the second antenna; and', 'a resistive element, coupled between the first portion and the second portion of the connection element,', 'wherein the connection element and the resistive element increase isolation between the first antenna and the second antenna., 'an antenna system, adjacent to the ground element, wherein the antenna system at least comprises2. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resistive element is a chip resistor claim 1 , and a resistance of the chip resistor is at least 75Ω.3. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna and the second antenna operate in at least one same mobile communication band.4. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first antenna further comprises a first feeding element claim 1 , the second antenna further comprises a second feeding element claim 1 , and the connection element is coupled between the first feeding element and the second ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle antenna for mobile services

Номер: US20150002342A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A pole-type vehicle antenna is provided that is mounted to a vehicle for the purpose of mobile services. In the vehicle antenna, a new type antenna for mobile services that substitutes for an antenna pole in a breakdown of the antenna pole is implemented by providing a thin film type preliminary antenna that performs antenna functions for mobile services inside an antenna case. Therefore, when the antenna is broken, a driver does not feel inconvenient in using mobile services.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Radio-Frequency Device and Wireless Communication Device for Enhancing Antenna Isolation

Номер: US20150002349A1
Принадлежит: Wistron NeWeb Corporation

A radio-frequency device for a wireless communication device includes an antenna disposition area; a plurality of linearly polarized antennas for transmitting and receiving a plurality of radio signals, wherein the plurality of linearly polarized antennas are substantially disposed in the antenna disposition area in a manner such that polarization directions of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas are orthogonal to each other; and a grounding resonant element coupled to a grounding terminal of one of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas for enhancing isolations of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas. 1. A radio-frequency device for a wireless communication device , the radio-frequency device comprising:an antenna disposition area;a plurality of linearly polarized antennas, for transmitting and receiving a plurality of radio signals, wherein the plurality of linearly polarized antennas are substantially disposed in the antenna disposition area in a manner such that polarization directions of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas are orthogonal to each other; anda grounding resonant element, coupled to a grounding terminal of one of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas for enhancing isolations of the plurality of linearly polarized antennas.2. The radio-frequency device of claim 1 , wherein the grounding resonant element forms at least one slot.3. The radio-frequency device of claim 1 , wherein the grounding resonant element has a bend or an opening.4. The radio-frequency device of claim 1 , wherein the grounding resonant element is disposed between a shell and a printed circuit board of the wireless communication device.5. The radio-frequency device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of linearly polarized antennas comprises a planar inverted-F antenna claim 1 , a dipole antenna claim 1 , a folded-type dipole antenna and/or a slot antenna.6. A wireless communication device claim 1 , comprising:a radio-frequency signal processor, ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Antenna device

Номер: US20150002353A1

There is provided an antenna device which can suitably tilt directivity of an antenna. The antenna device includes a dielectric substrate, a conductive plate arranged on one surface of the dielectric substrate, a first slot element to which electric power is supplied from a power supply line, which has an electrical length having an approximately ½ wavelength of use frequency of the antenna device, and which is formed in the conductive plate, a second slot element which has an electrical length longer than that of the first slot element, and which is formed in the conductive plate to be substantially parallel to the first slot element by leaving a gap of an approximately ¼ wavelength of the electrical length from the first slot element, and a ground conductor arranged to be substantially parallel to the conductive plate by leaving a predetermined gap from the conductive plate.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006178A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An antenna module to be provided to a vehicle includes: an array antenna configured to form a beam directed from an aperture provided in an exterior body panel of the vehicle, toward a vehicle outside; and a housing holding the array antenna in a vehicle inside. 1. An antenna module to be provided to a vehicle , the antenna module comprising:an array antenna configured to form a beam directed from an aperture provided in an exterior body panel of the vehicle, toward a vehicle outside; anda housing holding the array antenna in a vehicle inside.2. The antenna module according to claim 1 , whereinthe exterior body panel includes a metal plate,the antenna module further comprises a control unit configured to control an orientation direction of the beam such that the orientation direction of the beam is directed toward a base station that is a transmission source of a reception wave received by the array antenna, andthe control unit corrects the orientation direction of the beam in accordance with a crossing angle between an arrival direction of the reception wave and an aperture plane of the aperture.3. The antenna module according to claim 1 , further comprising a guide portion provided at an inner end of the aperture and configured to claim 1 , when a transmission wave radiated from the array antenna is incident thereon claim 1 , radiate the incident transmission wave toward the vehicle outside.4. The antenna module according to claim 3 , wherein the guide portion includes a reflection element configured to reflect the incident transmission wave toward the vehicle outside.5. The antenna module according to claim 3 , wherein the guide portion includes a metamaterial configured to radiate the incident transmission wave toward the vehicle outside.6. The antenna module according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing includes: a bottom portion to which the array antenna is fixed; and a cylindrical side wall portion erected from the bottom portion,a fixing sleeve to which the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Wireless device

Номер: US20150005045A1
Автор: Koichi Sato, Makoto Tabata
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A wireless device includes: a casing having a first face; a display configured to be visible from the first face; a touch sensor formed by a transparent material and mounted in the casing with respect to the display as a part of the first face; a substrate mounted to a side opposite to the first face with respect to the display; and an antenna element including: a first portion built in the casing, connected to a feeding point included in the substrate, and located within a first range occupied by the touch sensor when viewed from a direction perpendicular to the first face; and a second portion located within a second range other than the first range.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003685A1

A method and an electronic device for ranging are provided. An ultra-wideband (UWB) signal is received from an external device through a first antenna. A communication state between the external device and the electronic device is identified using information about communication quality included in the UWB signal. A signal received through a second antenna is identified by decoding the received signal based on the identified communication state. A distance between the electronic device and the external device is determined based on whether the received signal is a low frequency (LF) signal. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first antenna;a second antenna;a communication module configured to transmit and receive ultra-wideband (UWB) signals using the first antenna;a power transceiver module configured to transmit and receive signals related to charging of the electronic device and low frequency (LF) signals, using the second antenna;a processor operatively connected to the communication module, the power transceiver module, the first antenna, and the second antenna, receive an UWB signal from an external device;', 'identify a communication state between the external device and the electronic device using information about communication quality included in the UWB signal;', 'identify a signal received by the power transceiver module by decoding the received signal based on the identified communication state; and', 'determine a distance between the electronic device and the external device based on whether the received signal is an LF signal., 'wherein the communication module is configured to2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the communication module is further configured to identify that the electronic device is located within a specified distance from the external device claim 1 , based on the received signal being the LF signal when the information about the communication quality is less than a specified first threshold value claim 1 , and claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004262A1

An illustrative example embodiment of a detector device, which may be useful on an automated vehicle, includes an array of detectors arranged in one dimension. The array includes a plurality of first detectors and a plurality of second detectors. The first detectors respectively have one of the second detectors between the first detector and an adjacent one of the first detectors. The first detectors respectively are spaced from the one of the second detectors by a first distance. The one of the second detectors are respectively spaced from the adjacent one of the first detectors by a second distance that is larger than the first distance. The first detectors are spaced from each other by a third distance that is a sum of the first and second distance. The second detectors are also spaced from each other by the third distance. 1. A detector device , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'an array of receiver antennas arranged in one dimension, the array including a plurality of first receiver antennas and a plurality of second receiver antennas, the first receiver antennas respectively having one of the second receiver antennas between the first receiver antenna and an adjacent one of the first receiver antennas, the first receiver antennas respectively being spaced from the one of the second receiver antennas by a first distance d in the one dimension, the one of the second receiver antennas respectively being spaced from the adjacent one of the first receiver antennas by a second distance d in the one dimension that is larger than the first distance, the first receiver antennas being spaced from each other in the one dimension by a third distance d+d that is a sum of the first and second distance, the second receiver antennas being spaced from each other by the third distance; and'} determine a plurality of first estimates of the angle of detection from the plurality of first receiver antennas,', 'determine a plurality of second estimates of the angle of detection ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Wireless Device Capable of Multiband MIMO Operation

Номер: US20170005398A1

A wireless handheld or portable device includes a communication module with a MIMO system that provides multiband MIMO operation in first and second frequency bands. The MIMO system includes first and second radiating systems, a ground plane common to the two radiating systems, first and second radio frequency systems, and a MIMO module. The first and second radiating systems both operate in the first and second frequency bands and respectively include first and second radiating structures coupled to the ground plane, which respectively have first and second radiation boosters that fit in an imaginary sphere having a diameter smaller than ¼ of a diameter of a radiansphere of a longest wavelength of the first frequency band. The first and second radiofrequency systems respectively modify impedance of the first and second radiating structures to provide impedance matching to the first and second radiating systems within the first and second frequency bands. 1. A portable computer capable of multiband Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) operation comprising: a first radiating system configured to operate in at least two frequency bands;', 'a second radiating system configured to operate in at least two frequency bands including one frequency band in common with a frequency band of the first radiating system; and', 'a ground plane common to the first and second radiating systems,', 'the first radiating system comprising a first radiation booster acting in cooperation with the ground plane, the first radiation booster being shaped to fit in an imaginary sphere having a diameter smaller than ¼ of a diameter of a radiansphere of a free-space operating wavelength corresponding to a lowest frequency of a lowest frequency band in which the first radiating system operates, and', 'the second radiating system comprising a second radiation booster acting in cooperation with the ground plane, the second radiation booster being shaped to fit in an imaginary sphere having a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013883A1

A communication device comprising: a millimetre wave antenna arrangement comprising a distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating element and a corresponding fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element; a Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit; wherein the fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element is arranged together with the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit on a first substrate; wherein the distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating element is arranged on at least one second substrate spaced apart from the first substrate; and a switching arrangement configured to selectively connect either the fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element to the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit or the distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating element to the Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit. An associated method in a communication device, and an associated computer program product. 1. A communication device , comprising:a fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element;a plurality of distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating elements;a radio frequency integrated circuit;a first substrate, wherein the fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element and the radio frequency integrated circuit are arranged together on the first substrate; anda plurality of second substrates that are spaced apart from each other, wherein each of the plurality of distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating elements is arranged on a second substrate, and each of the plurality of second substrates is spaced apart from the first substrate, and is connected to the first substrate by a flexible transmission line of a plurality of flexible transmission lines;wherein the fixed millimetre wave antenna radiating element is connected to the radio frequency integrated circuit, and/or, at least one of the plurality of distributed millimetre wave antenna radiating elements is connected to the radio frequency integrated circuit.2. The communication device according to claim 1 , further ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006133A1

Aspects of the present disclosure provide an apparatus for wireless communications. The apparatus generally includes a printed circuit board (PCB) and a plurality of antenna elements. Each of the plurality of antenna elements is mechanically attached to a perimeter of the PCB via one or more solder elements. Each of the solder elements are spaced apart from each other and electrically isolated from each other in a vicinity of the antenna elements. 1. An apparatus for wireless communication , comprising:a printed circuit board (PCB); anda plurality of antenna elements, each mechanically attached to a perimeter of the PCB via one or more solder elements, wherein the solder elements are spaced apart and electrically isolated from each other in a vicinity of the antenna elements.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the solder elements are electrically isolated from the antenna elements.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one or more solder elements form a frame around the perimeter of the PCB.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of antenna elements are evenly spaced along the perimeter of the PCB.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of antenna elements are configured to form a radiation pattern that radiates outward from the perimeter of the PCB.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of antenna elements comprises a plurality of antenna elements packaged in a single unit.7. A method claim 1 , comprising:positioning a plurality of antenna elements relative to a printed circuit board (PCB); andattaching the antenna elements to the PCB using one or more solder elements, wherein the solder elements are spaced apart and electrically isolated from each other in a vicinity of the antenna elements.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the solder elements are electrically isolated from the antenna elements.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the one or more solder elements form a frame around the perimeter of the PCB.10. The method of ...
