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20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2427064C2
Принадлежит: АББ ОЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к кожуху для брызгозащищенной электрической коробки общего назначения. Техническим результатом является создание кожухов брызгозащищенных коробок общего назначения и коробок без брызгозащищенности. Кожух содержит кольцевую раму и крышечный элемент, устанавливаемый в ее отверстие, а также отдельный водонепроницаемый экран, установленный под рамой кожуха. При этом водонепроницаемый экран включает в себя коробкообразный окружающий кольцевой элемент и воротник, который окружает наружный конец последнего и удерживается между рамой кожуха и поверхностью стенки. Причем водонепроницаемый экран снабжен указательной маркировкой (5(IР44)) брызгозащиты, которая выполнена с ним за одно целое и проходит от него к наружной стороне рамы кожуха. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2451376C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, к электрическим устройствам, и может быть использовано в бытовых комплектах, промышленных установках, общественных и коммерческих зданиях, развлекательных и лечебных заведениях. Технический результат состоит в повышении надежности за счет уменьшения возможности поломки и застревания во время сборки и разборки. Электрическое устройство (1) содержит опорную раму (3) и одно или несколько электрических средств (2), пригодных для установки в указанной опорной раме (3). Электрическое средство (2) содержит, по меньшей мере, одну зацепляющую часть (9), предназначенную для вхождения в зацепление с противоположной зацепляющей частью (10) рамы (3), для предотвращения расхождения двух соединительных кромок (5). Зацепляющая часть (9) содержит небольшую пластину, опирающуюся вдоль первой линии (12), поперечной направлению (8) вставления, и вдоль второй линии (13), которая проходит по существу в указанном направлении (8) вставления средства (2) в раму (3). 15 з.п ...

12-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640814C2

Изобретение относится к отделочной пластине (10) для электрического устройства, содержащей защелкивающиеся лапки (410), которые содержат гибкий язычок, выполненный вдоль продольной оси и имеющий наружную сторону, и по меньшей мере одну защелку, которая выполнена на указанной наружной стороне по длине в направлении ширины указанного гибкого язычка и имеет поверхность зацепления, выступающую из указанной наружной стороны для зацепления с внутренним элементом указанного электрического устройства. Согласно изобретению по меньшей мере одна из указанных защелкивающихся лапок содержит прорезь, которая делит ее на две части в направлении высоты, и/или защелки, имеющие наклон относительно продольной оси. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить идеальное центрирование отделочной пластины относительно внутреннего элемента электрического устройства. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

17-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664386C2

Изобретение относится к кронштейну (100) электрического устройства, содержащему сердечник (110) из металлического материала, закрываемый крышкой (120) из изолирующего синтетического материала, которая содержит приспособления, обеспечивающие работу механизма (200) электрического устройства, устанавливаемого на указанном кронштейне электрического устройства. Кронштейн (100) содержит сердечник (110) из металлического материала, крышку, выполненную из изолирующего синтетического материла и непосредственно закрывающую сердечник (110), при этом сердечник и крышка содержат средства крепления, действующие совместно, чтобы соединить крышку с сердечником, крышка выполнена в виде единой детали посредством литья пластического материала и содержит выполненные за одно целое с ней приспособления монтажа или приема функциональных элементов для обеспечения работы механизма (200) электрического устройства, устанавливаемого на указанном кронштейне электрического устройства. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612401C2

Изобретение касается установочного устройства при монтаже систем энергоснабжения зданий. Установочное устройство содержит рамку (3) с по меньшей мере двумя приемными отверстиями (6 и 7), причем в первом приемном отверстии расположен первый функциональный элемент (4), который является компонентом электрической и/или оптической питающей сети и закреплен в стене, причем во втором приемном отверстии находится второй функциональный элемент (5), не являющийся компонентом электрической и/или оптической питающей сети. Изобретение обеспечивает создание дополнительных функциональных возможностей устройства. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535300C2

Предложена электрическая розетка, включающая по меньшей мере одно гнездо (4) для приема электрического штепселя. Розетка включает основную часть (1) корпуса и первую поверхность (6), лежащую по существу в первой плоскости. Первая поверхность (6) включает по меньшей мере одно отверстие, через которое упомянутый штепсель может быть введен в упомянутое гнездо (4) для установления требуемого электрического соединения. Основная часть (1) корпуса включает носитель (7) информации, позволяющий предоставлять информацию об упомянутом требуемом электрическом соединении. При этом носитель (7) информации включает подвижный элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения относительно основной части (1) корпуса, а именно с возможностью вращения вокруг первой оси (А), проходящей параллельно упомянутой первой плоскости, таким образом, что нанесенная на него информация может быть скрыта от внешних воздействий. Технический результат - предотвращение потери информации, необходимой для использования и/или обслуживания ...

07-09-2021 дата публикации

Накладной элемент и накладная пластина для настенных модульных электрических приборов

Номер: RU2754816C2
Принадлежит: БТИСИНО С.П.А. (IT)

Накладной элемент (10, 11, 12) настенного модульного электрического прибора (3), содержащий корпус плоской формы (200), соединительные элементы (230), закрепленные на корпусе плоской формы (200) и выполненные с возможностью механического соединения накладного элемента (10, 11, 12) с накладной пластиной (1) для модульных электрических приборов, содержащей основной корпус (100), при этом вышеуказанные соединительные элементы выполнены с возможностью установки корпуса плоской формы (200) в основном корпусе (100), при которой корпус плоской формы (200) выполнен с возможностью перемещения относительно основного корпуса (100) между двумя противоположными конечными положениями хода, в одном из которых корпус плоской формы (200) расположен ближе относительно основного корпуса (100), а в другом пластинчатый элемент (200) расположен дальше относительно основного корпуса (100), средства выравнивания (211, 231), выполненные с возможностью расположения между накладным элементом (10, 11, 12) и основным ...

08-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018126750A3

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015109766A

... 1. Защитное укрывное приспособление для электрических инсталляционных приборов, таких как выключатели и штепсельные розетки, для защиты от проникающей влаги, краски и/или загрязнений, состоящее из прямоугольного укрывного элемента (10) и фиксирующих элементов (20), причем укрывной элемент (10) выполнен таким образом, что он после установки в подштукатурную вставку инсталляционного прибора с помощью предусмотренных фиксирующих элементов накрывает подштукатурную вставку и ее опорную рамку, отличающееся тем, что фиксирующие элементы (20) установлены на передней (11) и задней (12) сторонах укрывного элемента (10), в передней стороне (11) выполнены выемки (40), которые после насадки укрывного элемента (10) на инсталляционный прибор, выполненный в виде выключателя, накрывают его подштукатурную вставку, включая опорную рамку, непроницаемо для жидкости и загрязнений, а в задней стороне (12) выполнены другие выемки (42), которые после насадки укрывного элемента (10) на инсталляционный прибор, выполненный ...

27-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014110411A

... 1. Распределительный электрощит (100), содержащий:- корпус (1), выполненный с возможностью размещения в нем одного или более электрических устройств, причем корпус (1) содержит одну или множество деталей (3, 4), соединенных друг с другом и выполненных из электрически изолирующего материала;- дверцу (2), выполненную из электрически изолирующего материала; и- средство (10) для соединения дверцы (2) с корпусом (1);отличающийся тем, что соединительное средство (10) содержит один или множество выступов (11), выполненных интегрально с и выступающих наружу от одной или множества деталей (3, 4) корпуса (1) в направлении дверцы (2), при этом один или множество выступов (11) сконфигурированы так, чтобы дверца (2) соединялась с ними поворотом вокруг оси (101) вращения относительно корпуса (1).2. Щит по п. 1, в котором соединительное средство (10) содержит один или множество соединительных участков (12), выполненных интегрально с и отходящих от передней стороны (5) дверцы (2) внутрь в направлении корпуса ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014108767A

... 1. Кронштейн (100) электрического устройства, который содержит сердечник (110) из металлического материала, закрываемый крышкой (120) из изолирующего синтетического материала, которая содержит приспособления, обеспечивающие работу механизма (200) электрического устройства, устанавливаемого на указанном кронштейне электрического устройства.2. Кронштейн (100) электрического устройства по п. 1, в котором указанные приспособления содержат средства (130) монтажа привода (230) электрического выключателя.3. Кронштейн (100) электрического устройства по п.2, в котором указанные средства монтажа содержат элементы (130) крепления указанного привода (230).4. Кронштейн (100) электрического устройства по п. 2 или 3, в котором указанные средства (130) монтажа содержат элементы (130) поворота указанного привода (230).5. Кронштейн (100) электрического устройства по п. 4, в котором указанные средства монтажа содержат элементы ограничения хода переключения привода (230).6. Кронштейн (100; 100) электрического ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009144570A

... 1. Облицовочная накладка (2; 102) электрического прибора (1), содержащая по меньшей мере один проем (22, 32; 122) для доступа к по меньшей мере одной функциональной части (5) электрического прибора (1) и образованная путем наложения друг на друга задней монтажной пластинки (20, 30; 40, 50; 120), содержащей в своей задней части средства (35; 123) монтажа на кронштейне (4) прибора, и передней отделочной пластинки (10; 110), придающей привлекательный внешний вид облицовочной накладке (2; 102), отличающаяся тем, что задняя монтажная пластинка (20, 30; 40, 50; 120) содержит в углублении на своей передней стороне гнездо (24; 44; 124), в котором полностью помещается отделочная передняя пластинка (10; 110), так что передняя сторона (11; 111) этой отделочной передней пластинки (10; 110) расположена заподлицо или слегка заглублена относительно передней стороны (21; 41; 121) монтажной задней пластинки (20, 30; 40, 50; 120). ! 2. Облицовочная накладка (102) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что монтажная задняя ...

28-10-1999 дата публикации

Deckel für eine Wanddose

Номер: DE0003940908C2

14-03-1932 дата публикации

Verschluss fuer die Rohreinfuehrungsoeffnungen elektrischer Installationsapparate

Номер: DE0000546603C

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Electrical installation device, especially connector, with bearing for hinged lid developed to enable the lid to be pivoted out of its position over cover of device

Номер: DE0019812798A1

The device has a base plate (14) and a frontal cover (12) to which a hinged lid (16) is linked via a bearing. The bearing is in the form of at least one curved linkage yoke (18) which is rigidly connected to the hinged lid. The yoke(s) protrudes into an aperture (24) between the cover and the base plate and is guided in the aperture by shape-locking. The linkage yoke(s) is attached directly to the lateral edge of the hinged lid.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Elektrisches Gerät

Номер: DE102015114060B4

Elektrisches Gerät der Gebäudeinstallation, welches ein mit einer Leiterplatte versehenes Funktionsmodul und einen Träger aufweist, wobei der Träger zur sicheren und positionsgerechten Festlegung des elektrischen Gerätes auf einer Gebäudewand dient und wobei am Träger zumindest ein Befestigungsmittel vorhanden ist, welches mit zumindest einem am Gehäuse des Funktionsmoduls angebrachten Befestigungselement haltend in Anlage kommt, und wobei zur funktionsgerechten Energieversorgung im Innenraum des Funktionsmoduls eine Batterie untergebracht ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Batterie (6) von einem Halteteil (7) aufgenommen ist, welches eine in der Leiterplatte (1) des Funktionsmoduls (F) vorhandene Ausnehmung (8) durchgreift, und an welchem zumindest eine einerseits zur Kontaktierung der Batterie (6) und andererseits zur Kontaktierung der Leiterplatte (1) vorgesehene erste Kontaktfeder (9) und/oder zweite Kontaktfeder (10) festgelegt ist.

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Installationsgerät zur Elektroinstallation

Номер: DE0029920219U1

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Befestigungssystem für funkbasierte Bedieneinheiten

Номер: DE202020105866U1
Принадлежит: SCHLUETER SYSTEMS KG, Schlüter-Systems KG

System (1) zum Befestigen zumindest einer funkbasierten Bedieneinheit (4) einer elektrischen Einrichtung eines ersten Anbieters an einem Dekorrahmen (5) einer an einer Wand (6) installierten Schalter- und/oder Steckdosenanordnung eines zweiten Anbieters, umfassend eine bevorzugt ringförmig ausgebildete Installationsgrundplatte (2), die dazu ausgelegt ist, rückseitig unmittelbar an der Wand (6) anliegend montiert zu werden und vorderseitig den Dekorrahmen (5) mittig zentriert aufzunehmen, und eine die Bedieneinheit (4) aufnehmende Dekorplatte (3), die dazu ausgelegt ist, rückseitig an dem Dekorrahmen (5) anzuliegen und mit der Installationsgrundplatte (2) unter Ausbildung einer Rastverbindung derart lösbar verbunden zu werden, dass der Dekorrahmen (5) kraftschlüssig zwischen der Wand (6) und der Dekorplatte (3) befestigt ist, wobei die Rastverbindung mehrere Raststufen aufweist, die derart ausgebildet sind, dass sie eine kraftschlüssige Befestigung von Dekorrahmen (5) unterschiedlicher Höhen ...

02-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020105219A1

Um einen Montageadapter (1) zur Befestigung an einer Elektronikdose, zur Aufnahme und Halterung von einem Keystone-Modul (3) oder von zwei Keystone-Modulen (3), zumindest aufweisend eine Halteplatte (2) mit Verbindungslochungen (4) zur Verbindung mit der Elektronikdose, ferner aufweisend eine erste Ausnehmung (5), in die ein Einsatzteil (6) zur Aufnahme und Halterung des Keystone-Moduls (3) oder der Keystone-Module (3) einsetzbar oder eingesetzt ist, zu schaffen, bei dem die Montage des Keystone-Moduls oder der Keystone-Module sowohl in gerader als auch in schräg zur Halteplatte und somit zur Wand angeordneter Lage ermöglicht ist, bei der nur eine äußerst geringe Anzahl an Teilen bei der Montage vor Ort vorzuhalten ist, die kostengünstig und einfach herstellbar ist und dabei eine hohe Lebensdauer aufweist wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Halteplatte (2) Haltemittel aufweist, mittels derer das Einsatzteil (6) und somit das daran angeordnete Keystone-Modul (3) oder die daran angeordneten Keystone-Module ...

23-03-2020 дата публикации

Steckdose zum Anschliessen eines Steckverbinders

Номер: DE202020101447U1
Принадлежит: ABB SCHWEIZ AG, ABB Schweiz AG

Steckdose (100) zum Anschließen eines Steckverbinders einer elektrischen Leitung, wobei die Steckdose aufweist:- eine an einer Wand anbringbare und an eine elektrische Stromversorgung anschließbare Unterdose (20), wobei die Unterdose (20) einen Doseninnenraum (25) zur Aufnahme eines Steckdoseneinsatzes (10) definiert;- wobei die Unterdose (20) eine Trägerstruktur (50) aufweist, die den Doseninnenraum (25) nach außen hin begrenzt;- wobei der Steckdoseneinsatz (10) an seiner Unterseite einen Steckkörper (15) aufweist, welcher in den Doseninnenraum (25) der Unterdose (20) einsetzbar ist;- wobei der Steckdoseneinsatz (10) an seiner Oberseite eine Abdeckung (30) mit elektrischen Anschlusseinrichtungen (65) zum Anschluss eines Steckverbinders aufweist;- wobei der Steckkörper (15) an seiner Außenfläche (18) mindesten zwei nach außen gerichtete und zueinander gegenüberliegende Spannelemente (40) aufweist, mit denen der Steckkörper (15) an der Trägerstruktur (50) der Unterdose (20) im eingesetzten ...

16-06-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008302854U1

08-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8512613U1

08-12-1960 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001822968U

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Elektrische Schutzkontaktsteckdose

Номер: DE102011054266B3

Es wird eine elektrische Schutzkontaktsteckdose vorgeschlagen. Zu dem Zweck, eine elektrische Schutzkontaktsteckdose zu schaffen, deren Beleuchtungseinrichtungen derart ausgestaltet sind, dass eine modulartige Verwendung für verschiedene Funktionsbereiche bzw. Beleuchtungszwecke auf einfache Art und Weise realisiert ist, ist im Sockelteil ein Aufnahmeraum für eine mit zumindest einem ersten Leuchtmittel bestückte erste Leiterplatte einer ersten Beleuchtungseinrichtung vorhanden, welche elektrisch leitend mit den im Sockelteil angeordneten Anschlusskontaktteilen in Verbindung steht, und ist eine mit zumindest einem zweiten Leuchtmittel bestückte zweite elektrische Leiterplatte einer zweiten Beleuchtungseinrichtung von einer Tragplatte aufgenommen, die unterhalb des Steckdosenzentralstücks innerhalb der Durchtrittsöffnung des Designrahmens angeordnet ist, welche über zwei zweite Kontaktfederelemente elektrisch leitend mit den im Sockelteil angeordneten Anschlusskontaktteilen in Verbindung ...

05-08-2010 дата публикации

Elektrisches Installationsgerät mit Federmittel

Номер: DE102008063109A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein elektrisches Installationsgerät (1), umfassend einen Gerätesockel, der mittels eines Tragrahmens (2) in einem Installationsgehäuse befestigbar ist, und ein frontseitig angeordnete Geräteelement (3), das durch ein Federmittel (4) lösbar an dem Tragrahmen (2) befestigbar ist. Das Federmittel (4) ist als M-förmiger Körper ausgebildet, dessen Schenkel (7) Rastnasen (8) aufweisen und dessen Mittelteil (9) bis in die Nähe einer Basis (10) heruntergezogen ist und dessen Schenkel (7) eine gemeinsame Basis (10) haben, wobei die Basis (10) rechwinklig abgebogen ist. Das Federmittel (4) besteht aus einem flächigen Material.

19-08-2004 дата публикации

Fixing elements for use with electrical housing parts are in form of sliding elements that engage other part

Номер: DE0010303513A1

The fixing together of two housing parts in a way that they are easily release uses two sliding elements [15]. These are retained in one of the main housing parts and when moved they engage locating slots [7] in the other housing part that are formed on integral pillars [6].

28-11-1968 дата публикации

Befestigung von Abdeckungen fuer elektrische Installationsapparate

Номер: DE0001440810A1

06-02-1969 дата публикации

Abdeckplatte,insbesondere Mehrfach-Abdeckplatte,fuer elektrische Installationsgeraete

Номер: DE0001465268A1

24-02-2000 дата публикации

Casing for use with electrical and electronic equipment; has cover secured to base by screws and captive threaded sleeves

Номер: DE0019837319A1

The casing has a cover (2) that is secured to a base (1) by screws (3). The screws engage threaded inserts (8) that are captive within holes in the base. The hole is profiled and has an internal ramp profile (6) that is engaged by a shoulder (9) on the insert, so that it is self-locking.

14-04-1983 дата публикации

Electrical installation apparatus

Номер: DE0003138457A1

The invention relates to an electrical installation apparatus, especially a socket, having a cover which is arranged such that it can pivot and, in its closed position closes a retaining space, which is surrounded by a cover, for a plug, switch or the like. The invention is intended to achieve the object of connecting the cover to the apparatus in a manner which is structurally as simple and elegant as possible and using fewer components than in the past; in addition, the cover is also intended to provide the capability of maintaining the open position, or of remaining in this position, if necessary, until it is intended to return into the closed position again. This object is achieved according to the invention in that the pivoting connection between the installation apparatus and the cover is at least one U-shaped spring bracket whose web runs along the cover edge and is held thereon, while its limbs are guided through the cover and are guided along behind it such that they can be tensioned ...

05-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029719621U1

27-10-1920 дата публикации

Koerper fuer elektrisches Installationsmaterial, wie Dosen, Stecker, Schalter, Fassungen

Номер: DE0000328346C

22-12-2011 дата публикации

Taster als Bedienelement der Haus- und Gebäudesystemtechnik

Номер: DE102010024245A1

Es wird ein Taster (1) als Bedienelement der Haus- und Gebäudesystemtechnik vorgeschlagen, mit einem Unterputz-Einsatz (2), bei dem neben dem Binäreingang auch eine Leiterplatte (27, 28) mit darauf montierten Mikroschaltern (30, 31, 32, 33) untergebracht ist, wobei der Unterputz-Einsatz (2) eine Schaltwippen-Lagerung (10) zur Aufnahme einer Schaltwippe (12, 13) aufweist, wobei die Schaltwippe (12, 13) Schaltarme (16, 17) besitzt, welche die Mikroschalter (30, 31, 32, 33) über separate Schaltstößel (118, 19, 20, 21) betätigt, wobei als Bedienelement (6) eine Wippe eines konventionellen Installationsgeräte-Programm für Steckdosen/Schalter/Taster/Dimmer verwendet ist.

11-07-2002 дата публикации

Elektrisches Installationsgerät

Номер: DE0020103739U1

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Elektrisches Installationsgerät

Номер: DE102018132291A1

Ein elektrisches Installationsgerät mit einem Schalteinsatz und einer Schaltwippe sowie einem Blendrahmen weist ein Koppelelement auf, das um eine zur Schwenkachse der Schaltwippe parallel verlaufende Kippachse (K) verkippbar ist.

02-08-2001 дата публикации

Abdeckung für ein in eine Wand eingebautes elektrisches Installationsgerät

Номер: DE0019817308C2

06-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001440828B2

11-04-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007344470U
Принадлежит: SCHNEIDER & CO

13-08-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE8107435U1

24-09-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE8107728U1

22-09-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008220118U1

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Scharniervorrichtung für eine zur Montage in einem Fußboden vorgesehene Anschlußbox

Номер: DE0019625187B4

Scharniervorrichtung für eine zur Montage in einem Fußboden vorgesehene Anschlußbox (1) zum Einstecken von Anschlußleitungen in in der Box (1) angebrachte Anschlußvorrichtungen für unter dem Fußboden verlegte Serviceleitungen verschiedener Art, welche Box (1) eine mit einem Deckel (2) versehene und von einem Rahmen (3), der zur Fixierung in der Ebene des Fußbodens (4) vorgesehen ist, umgebene Öffnung umfaßt, wobei der Deckel (2), der in geschlossener Lage auf einem an der Innenseite des Rahmens (3) angeordneten Absatz (6) ruht, durch die genannte Scharniervorrichtung im wesentlichen um ein als Drehachse (15) funktionierendes Teil seines Außenrandes oder seiner Seite bis zu einer geöffneten, instabilen Stellung drehbar ist, aus der er unter dem Einfluß der Schwerkraft zu einer geschlossenen Stellung zurückkehrt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Scharniervorrichtung mindestens ein Scharnier (9) mit zwei im wesentlichen viereckigen, an ihrer jeweiligen Kurzseite um eine gemeinsame Achse (15 ...

06-08-1970 дата публикации

Zapfensteckverbindung fuer die schraubenlose Befestigung der Abdeckung einer Geraetedose an einem Installationsgeraet

Номер: DE0001615724A1

07-12-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007822670U1

19-01-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008329059U1
Принадлежит: KRONE GMBH, 1000 BERLIN, DE

15-03-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9000237U1

21-09-1961 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001837978U

01-12-1994 дата публикации

Klappdeckelgelenk für eine Steck- bzw. Schutzkontaktsteckdose

Номер: DE0009413896U1

15-10-1964 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001902085U

17-08-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001966260U

02-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002121798B2

27-06-2018 дата публикации

Wall box protector

Номер: GB0002557677A

A cover 10 comprising: a waterproof plate 12, for fitting into and substantially covering a rectangular opening in an electric wall box; at least one magnet 14, for securing the cover to the box; and, a grip, to facilitate removal of the cover, which may be an aperture, preferably centrally disposed, in the plate. Two magnets 14 may be provided, near the centre of opposite edges of the plate. The width of the plate may be between 68mm and 72mm, whilst the length of the plate may be the same as the width or between 128mm and 132mm. The sheet may be formed of pressed steel. A method of preventing plaster entering the box using the cover 10 is also disclosed, which includes: closing an opening of the wall box with the plate 12 of the cover; plastering the wall; and, removing the cover by pulling the grip. The wall box may include a pair of screw receiving fittings provided as metallic shelves protruding from opposite walls of the box, and two magnets 14 may be positioned to coincide with the ...

28-11-2012 дата публикации

Electrical fitting

Номер: GB0201218707D0

25-04-2012 дата публикации

Back box shield

Номер: GB0201204532D0

20-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001289760A

13-08-2014 дата публикации

MBM Metal box mender

Номер: GB0201411656D0

06-09-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in electric wall boxes

Номер: GB0001082008A

... 1,082,008. Mounting switches. F. C. BLACK WELL & CO. Ltd. May 5, 1966 [May 29, 1965] No. 22932/65. Heading H2B. A wall box for mounting in openings in walls or panels of different thicknesses has, in at least two opposite walls 2 of the box, pairs of slots 6, 8, at differing distances from the mouth 7 and on opposite sides of threaded lugs 4, and flat metal strips 10 with lugs 12 at each end extending through either slots 6 or 8 to abut the inner surface of the wall or panel (17) are retained in position by screws 15 through lugs 4 which also clamp the wall box cover (not shown). Application to boxes for switches, sockets and switch sockets is mentioned (see Fig. 3, not shown).

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008705613D0

08-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001457894A

... 1457894 Service box SIMPLEX POWER CENTRE Ltd 13 May 1974 [22 May 1973] 24398/73 Heading H2E A floor service box comprises a hollow boxlike body for mounting beneath a floor surface and a lid connected to the body, or a part associated therewith, by a linkage constraining the lid to a predetermined angular relation with the floor surface and giving the lid a component of upward translatory movement during at least the initial part of the movement of the lid from its closed to its open position. As shown equal and parallel arms 26, 27 interconnect the lid 22 to the frame 34 attached to the box 10, the lid thus remaining parallel to the floor surface in the open position as shown. In another embodiment (not shown) the arms 26, 27 are unequal. The frame 34 is mounted and adjusted vertically by screw members (30-33, Fig. 4, not shown). Sockets or other fittings may be mounted on the plate 15. The handle 28 is retractable.

06-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002235489A

An electrical box protector consists of a disposable polystyrene barrier. When the electrical box is recessed and wired, the box protector is inserted into the exposed face of the box which accommodates the cables. Plaster or cement can then be spread around and over the box. When the plaster or cement has set hard, the box protector can be removed leaving a clean and fully functional box. There may also be a perforated knock-out section in the middle of the box protector which can easily be removed allowing excess cables in the box to protrude through the box protector, if necessary. ...

01-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB2237299A

A trim (3) for an electrical fitting especially for use in relation to a tiled surface. A first trim portion (5) is sandwiched between a fitting face plate (8) and a recessed wall portion (6). A second trim portion (4) connected to the first portion (5) by a third trim portion abuts the tiles. Seals (A,B,C) are formed between the trim, the surface and the fitting giving a degree of water resistance.

04-02-1998 дата публикации

Resin moulded connection box fixing construction

Номер: GB0002315610A

A resin-moulded product fixing construction includes a first member 22 moulded of a resin, the first member having a first flange 24 through which a first hole 26 is formed. A second member is moulded 21 of a resin which is more rigid than the resin of the first member, the second member having a second flange 23 through which a second through hole 25 is formed. The second flange 23 is superposed on the first flange 24 which is located on a mounting member 7, and a bolt 11 is arranged to fasten the first flange and the second flange to the mounting member by passing through the first and second holes 26 and 25.

14-07-2004 дата публикации

Electrical installation device

Номер: GB0002372889B

15-11-2006 дата публикации

Emergency electrical safety joint box

Номер: GB0002410623B

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Electrical switch mounting arrangement

Номер: GB0002438896A

An electrical switch mounting arrangement is proposed which comprises a faceplate (10) supporting a switch assembly, and a back box (not shown) for mounting behind the faceplate (10), in or on a wall, for accommodating electrical circuit elements. An insert (20) provides a front cover to the back box to which the faceplate can be mounted by inter-engagement of respective pins (16,18), which may be the electrical connector pins projecting from the switch assembly, and sockets (28).

28-03-2007 дата публикации

Clipping metal cover plate to electrical accessory

Номер: GB0002430562A

A metal cover plate 2 is removably mounted on a mounting frame 1, using at least two mutually spaced apart connecting means 10, each comprising a waisted metal protrusion 20 on the cover plate 2 and a metal clip 15 on the mounting frame 1, the clip defining a recess into which the protrusion 20 fits so that the clip grips the protrusion.

19-05-2010 дата публикации

Container suitable for protecting electrical connector

Номер: GB0002465403A

A container 12 and a lid 14 are connected together in a sealing arrangement by at least two separate types of catch. Opposed sides of the lid and container may be connected together by side catches (37, figure 7). Opposed ends of the container may be connected together by end catches 34 different from the side catches 37. Use of either of the catches 32 or 37 effects the seal around the periphery of the container. Ports (16, 18, figure 4) may be provided to allow entry and exit of electric cables.

08-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002227892A

A decorative cover for a domestic light switch or other domestic electrical accessory comprises a recessed plate 10 shaped to fit over and enclose the accessory body. The plate has an opening through which the switch rockers, sockets etc. are exposed and fixing holes which are in use aligned with those in the accessory body. In use, the accessory body is clamped to a fixing surface and the cover plate is clamped to the accessory body by the same fixing screws. ...

17-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002230291B

24-02-1993 дата публикации

Wallplate for electrical outlets.

Номер: GB0002258954A

A wallplate has an aperture 14 for receiving a number of modular data or telephone connectors or blind plates. To prevent the connectors or plates rattling, sprung tabs 26 are provided along the short sides of the aperture. The tabs urge the connectors/plates against one another after they have been snap-fitted to aperture rails 18. ...

31-08-1994 дата публикации

Conduit fitting

Номер: GB0002275580A

A conduit fitting, such as a terminal box or junction box, comprises a main housing (1) having at least one conduit entry (4), and a lid (9), the housing (1) having a recess (6) into which the lid (9) fits, with a seal or gasket clamped between the lid (9) and the base of the recess (6). The seal or gasket is visible between the housing (1) and the lid (9) so that its presence is readily apparent. A seal or gasket may be provided in the conduit entry. The seal may be a mix of silicon and PTFE. The housing may be die-cast zinc alloy or stainless steel provided with a coating of PTFE, fittings with multiple conduit entries are disclosed (figures 7 to 17). ...

05-08-2009 дата публикации

Universal pre-moulded clear faceplate for low voltage applications.

Номер: GB2457013A

A clear faceplate made out of Perspex is pre-moulded with a hole A of size 25 mm x 50 mm, 50 mm x 50 mm or 100 mm x 50 mm. The faceplates are to be fitted onto internal walls and low voltage snap-in modules are plugged into them, such as speaker terminals, aerial sockets, or video, data or telephone connections. Cables can be wired into a back box giving installers of faceplates a choice of snap-in modules that they can install to meet the requirements of the job and particular connection. Additional or spare cables can be left loose (i.e. not connected to a snap-in-module) in the rear of the back box allowing for future connection upgrades by replacing a single snap-in-module with another to meet the new connection requirement, rather than replacing the whole faceplate as is required at the moment.

14-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002070345B

06-11-1963 дата публикации

Electrical switch, socket, junction or like boxes

Номер: GB0000940934A

... 940,934. Switch cases. MIDLAND ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. Ltd. March 7, 1962 [March 8, 1961], No. 8417/61. Heading H2B. The metal body portion 11 of a wall box is provided with two or more screw-receiving insulating blocks 13 having elongated slots 15 receiving self-tapping screws 16 for securing an insulating cover-plate 12 to the body portion 11 after it has been correctly positioned. Each block 13 is retained in the body portion 11 by tongues 14 pressed therefrom engaging over lugs 10 on the block.

25-06-2003 дата публикации

Electrical wiring accessory

Номер: GB0000311590D0

17-03-2004 дата публикации

Electrical back box

Номер: GB0000403129D0

13-07-2016 дата публикации

A mountable plug socket unit

Номер: GB0002533930A

A mountable plug socket unit (1, figure 3) comprising; a mounting means 2 configured for mounting the plug socket unit to a surface, and a housing (3) containing mains electrical outlet socket (4). The mounting means and housing are configured for relative movement between a storage position where the housing is located against or at least partly within the surface, and a use position where the housing is held away from the surface and the mains electrical outlet socket is aligned so as to be readily accessible. The mounting means may comprise an outer casing, into which the housing pivots by a hinged connection (9) between the housing and casing, and a screw plate connected by screws (6) to the surface. Preferably holding means 10 are included which comprise an offset compression spring and which hold the housing in either the use or storage position, unless acted on by an external force. A rotary silicon damper 11 may be included to impart a controlled motion to the movement of the housing ...

26-06-2002 дата публикации

Terminals for switch

Номер: GB0002370418A

A switch having a terminal device capable of holding an electric wire is provided with a sufficient strength even if electric wires of different diameters or electric wires of different types are used in combination. Terminal devices 30a, 30b comprise annular terminal frames 100a, 100b installed in a casing 1, and terminal screws 34 engaged with screw holes 35 provided in peripheral walls of the terminal frames 100a, 100b. The terminal screws 34 connect and hold electric wires inserted into the terminal frames 100a, 100b through wire holes 12 provided in the rear wall of the casing 1 together with the terminal frames 100a, 100b. In the terminal frames 100a, 100b, bosses 36 are formed in the outer peripheral edges of screw holes 35, and the frames are locally curved opposite to the screw ends (see Fig. 8) at the region where the electric wires are clamped by the screws 34.

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing user input

Номер: GB0002478904A8

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Electrical socket

Номер: GB0002589586A

An electrical socket comprising a backplate assembly 14, a fascia 32 and at least one switch actuator 24, the backplate assembly including live, neutral and earth power cable connection terminals, and at least one socket 20, 22 for receiving a plug; the fascia having plug apertures for alignment with the or each socket; the or each switch actuator being mounted to and extending through a switch aperture 34, 36 in the facia; and the fascia being connectable to the backplate assembly in the connected position, the or each switch actuator being operable to control a corresponding socket in the backplate assembly. The switches may be rocker switches. Clips may be used to engage the backplate with the front plate. The backplate may be installed in a pattress box and covered by cardboard which is removable when the front plate is installed.

06-11-1963 дата публикации

A housing for carrying electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000941326A

... 941,326. Mounting electrical equipment. CHAMBERLAIN & HOOKHAM Ltd. April 21, 1961 [May 2, 1960], No. 15294/60. - Heading H1R. [Also in Division G1] A housing for carrying electrical apparatus comprising a back portion 10, a body portion 11 and a removable front portion 12 is held in position in a panel 19 or other supporting structure by means of the edges of a panel aperture engaging in a peripheral recess 18 formed between the body portion 11 and the front portion 12. The body portion 11 is provided at each of its four corners with a bracket having a projection 17 which co-operates with a flange 16 of the front portion 12 to form the recess 18. The front portion is clamped to the panel 19 and body portion by means of a screwed bolt 20 and nuts 21, 22, the front porabutting against annular seals 23. The housing may be secured to the panel by means of bolts extending through holes in the back portion 10 and in this case spacers are inserted in the peripheral recesses, Fig. 2 (not shown) ...

25-04-2018 дата публикации

Protective cover plate and dry wall board marker

Номер: GB0002555081A
Автор: DEAN HARRIS, Dean Harris

A protective cover plate which fits into the open side of an electrical wall outlet back box, in order to allow plastering without exposing the contents of the box to damage, has a flat rectangular surface and four upstanding side walls at an angle of 90° or more. A marker plate which attaches to the flat surface of the said cover plate contains upward pointing spikes (15, Fig 10) so that wall board which is placed over the said outlet box is marked by the said spikes for the purpose of locating the cut out position. An alternative cover plate is resilient and is held by a friction fit.

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Protector for an opening

Номер: GB0000920192D0

16-11-2005 дата публикации

An electrical wiring assembly

Номер: GB0000520219D0

02-07-2008 дата публикации

Wall, floor or ceiling electrical connector assembly

Номер: GB0000809524D0

07-10-2009 дата публикации

A front plate for an electrical wiring device

Номер: GB0000915149D0

27-08-2003 дата публикации

Floor box assembly

Номер: GB0000317142D0

04-12-2019 дата публикации

Outlet Box And Lid

Номер: GB0002574175A

A lid for a floor box or access hatch comprises a lid panel 2 having a recessed upper surface 3 at least partly surrounded by perimeter walls 4. A housing 5 is mounted on the upper surface, the housing defining a handle cavity and having a pivot pin (15, Fig 3) extending therethrough. A handle is pivotable about the pivot pin from a first handle position in which it is flush with an upper surface of the perimeter walls to a second handle position in which a first lateral end 8 is recessed into the handle cavity and an opposing second lateral end 9 is upstanding above the perimeter walls. Alternatively, the floor box may include a sealing plate 33 which can be moved between a position where it covers the whole of an aperture 32 in a cover plate 31, and a position where the aperture is exposed.

23-03-1994 дата публикации

An electrical switch or socket assembly

Номер: GB0009401665D0

19-11-1934 дата публикации

Improvements relating to junction, inspection, and other like boxes for electricity distributing systems

Номер: GB0000419758A

... 419,758. Junction-boxes &c. BLACKWELL & CO., Ltd., F. C., 1, Liverpool Road, Great Crosby, Liverpool, and FIRTH, F., Kenmure, Burbo-Bank Road, Blundellsands, both in Lancashire. June 12, 1933, No. 16711. [Class 38 (i).] A metal junction-box, inspection-box &c., having sides provided with readily detachable parts g is provided with a lid b secured thereto by interengaging ribs and recesses c, d and a non-detachable screw e. The parts g may be completely severed and temporarily re-secured in position by solder or by burring the contiguous edges of the parts and the box.

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Operation device

Номер: GB0201908024D0

01-03-2012 дата публикации

While-In-Use Electrical Box Cover

Номер: US20120048590A1
Автор: Mark R. Drane
Принадлежит: Thomas and Betts International LLC

A while-in-use electrical box cover with an improved hinge mount is provided that prevents damage to the box cover when the hood is overstressed in the open position. A hood attaches to the base of the box cover by way of a hood hinge mount and a base hinge mount. A hinge pin, or some variance thereof, is used to couple the hood hinge mount and base hinge mount. Hinge mounts are located in multiple positions allowing for horizontal or vertical mounting options of the hood. The hinge mounts are flexible to prevent the hood from being overstressed and damaging the hood or hinge pin.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Connection box assembly method

Номер: US20120132456A1
Автор: Brent L. Kidman
Принадлежит: Cheetah USA Corp

A method for assembling an electrical connection box. The method may include the steps of selecting a connection box having at least one receiver, selecting an assembly comprising an electrical fixture and at least one anchor, and securing the assembly to the connection box by inserting the at least one anchor within the first receiver. The at least one receiver may include a first engagement mechanism designed to engage a second engagement mechanism included as part of the at least one anchor.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130061783A1
Принадлежит: STEELCASE INC.

A work surface includes a grommet and door assembly that provides for routing of utility lines through an opening in the work surface. The door pivots in first and second opposite directions about first and second axes, respectively, to first and second open positions. Magnetic connectors retain the door during pivoting about the first and second axes, and also retain the door in a closed position. 1. A work surface comprising:a top having upper and lower side faces, the top defining an opening extending between the upper and lower side faces, and first and second horizontally spaced-apart pivot surfaces;a door including spaced-apart first and second pivot structures that engage the first and second pivot surfaces, respectively, when the door is in a closed position, and wherein the door closes off at least a substantial portion of the opening when it is in the closed position;first and second magnetic connectors that generate magnetic forces tending to retain engagement of the first and second pivot structures with the first and second pivot surfaces, respectively, whereby the door can be rotated about the first pivot structure in a first direction away from the closed position upon application of a force to the door sufficient to overcome the magnetic force of the second magnetic connector, and the door can be rotated about the second pivot structure away from the closed position upon application of a force to the door sufficient to overcome the magnetic force of the first magnetic connector.2. The work surface of claim 1 , wherein:the first pivot structure and the first pivot surface together define a horizontal first pivot axis about which the door rotates when the first pivot structure is engaged with the first pivot surface.3. The work surface of claim 1 , wherein:the door is movable to first and second open positions wherein the door is rotated in first and second directions, respectively, relative to the closed position; and including first and second ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Aggregation enclosure for elevated, outdoor locations

Номер: US20130084050A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Certain types of aggregation enclosures include cable input ports and downwardly angled cable output ports. A cover is pivotally coupled to the body so that the cover moves between an open position and a closed position. A modular component panel may be disposed within the enclosure. The component panel includes one or more distribution components (e.g., fiber distribution components or power distribution components) configured to connect at least a portion of an incoming cable to at least a portion of an outgoing cable.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Security cover plate for light switch

Номер: US20130092516A1
Автор: Robin A. Ray
Принадлежит: Individual

An light switch cover plate constructed of a durable and ruggedized break-resistant material that securely covers the light switch switching mechanism and includes, uniquely keyed mounting members, and a uniquely keyed switching implement operably connected to a switching lever to effect switching on and off the light switch switching mechanism.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098677A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Services GMBH

The invention relates to a box () for accommodating and laying optical waveguides and/or copper conductors, with the box () comprising at least one housing () and at least one cover (), with the cover () being attached to the housing () such that it can pivot, with the cover () being attached to the housing () such that it can be detached, with the cover () having at least one receptacle for a pin element (), with the housing () having at least one pin element (), it being possible for the at least one pin element () to be held by means of the receptacle for a pin element (), and it being possible for the at least one pin element () to be displaced parallel to a pivot axis relative to the holding element (). 1) A distribution cabinet for accommodating and laying optical waveguides and/or copper conductors , with the box comprising at least one housing and at least one cover , with the cover being attached to the housing such that it can pivot , with the cover being attached to the housing such that it can be detached , with the cover having at least one receptacle for a pin element , with the housing having at least one pin element , it being possible for the at least one pin element to be held by the receptacle for a pin element , wherein the at least one pin element can be displaced parallel to a pivot axis relative to the holding element.2) The distribution cabinet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the box has at least one spring element claim 1 , it being possible for a restoring force to be exerted on the at least one pin element or the holding element in a direction parallel to the pivot axis by the at least one spring element if the at least one pin element has been displaced out of a starting position of the at least one pin element relative to the holding element.3) The distribution cabinet as claimed claim 1 , wherein the box has at least one holding element for at least one sealing element claim 1 , it being possible for at least one sealing element to be ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Mounting clip for electrical device

Номер: US20130105474A1
Принадлежит: Hubbell Inc

An electrical assembly includes a wiring device and an insert clip member that can be preassembled to provide quick connection to an electrical box, mud ring or other support structure having an aperture with a dimension to receive the clip member. The clip member can couple to the mounting screws of the working device and can be snapped into an aperture in a mud ring to align the screws with the threaded holes in the electrical box. The clip has a U-shape with outwardly projecting tabs that engage the aperture in the mud ring and inwardly extending tabs that engage the mounting screws of the wiring device. The tabs allow the mounting screws to be pressed into the clip in a sliding or ratcheting manner and allow the clip to snap into the aperture in the mud ring.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Electrical Outlet Cover

Номер: US20130118771A1
Автор: Tonnesen Eric

An electrical outlet cover for mounting to an electrical outlet having a pair of electrical sockets, comprising: a faceplate having a pair of electrical socket covers adapted to be aligned with the pair of electrical sockets, each electrical socket cover having electrical socket cover slotted holes and an electrical socket cover ground hole for receiving prongs of an electrical plug therethrough and insertion into each of the electrical sockets; the faceplate having a rear having a frame adapted to fit about the pair of electrical sockets and align the electrical socket cover slotted holes and the electrical socket cover ground hole with electrical socket slotted holes and electrical socket ground holes of the electrical outlet, respectively; the rear of the faceplate further comprising a mounting block between the pair of electrical sockets of the electrical outlet, having a hole therethrough for fastening the electrical outlet cover to the electrical outlet. 1. An electrical outlet cover for mounting to an electrical outlet , the electrical outlet having a pair of electrical sockets , each electrical socket of the pair of electrical sockets having electrical socket slotted holes and an electrical socket ground hole for receiving prongs of an electrical plug , the electrical outlet having a threaded hole between the electrical sockets for receiving a threaded fastener , comprising: 'each electrical socket cover of said pair of electrical socket covers having electrical socket cover slotted holes and an electrical socket cover ground hole for receiving prongs of said electrical plug therethrough and insertion of said prongs into said electrical socket slotted holes and said electrical socket ground hole, respectively;', 'a faceplate comprising a pair of electrical socket covers adapted to be aligned with said pair of electrical sockets,'}said faceplate having a rear having a frame adapted to fit about said pair of electrical sockets of said electrical outlet and ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Arrangement structure for charging port cover

Номер: US20130153257A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An arrangement structure for a charging port cover includes a charging port ( 15 ) having a normal charging inlet ( 21 ) in a charging port opening portion ( 17 ). a lid ( 7 ) that covers the charging port opening portion ( 17 ) and is openable and closable on a vehicle body, and a charging port cover ( 35 ) attached to the lid ( 7 ) in an opened state to cover open sections between the charging port opening portion ( 17 ) and the lid ( 7 ). The charging port cover ( 35 ) is attached to the lid ( 7 ) via a lid-side striker ( 29 ) serving as an engaging member.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153289A1
Автор: Poli Gian-Carlo

A crystal and an ultrasonic welding method for a crystal. The crystal is used to close a top of a case of a portable object, the crystal being made of a transparent plastic material and being secured to the case of the portable object by ultrasonic welding. The crystal includes a top surface and a bottom surface that carry one or more conductive paths made of a transparent conductive material, and a peripheral rim that extends along at least one portion of the perimeter of the crystal. The peripheral rim provides at least one surface for the ultrasonic welding of the crystal to the case of the portable object. 18-. (canceled)9. A crystal used to close a top of a case of a portable object , wherein the crystal is made of a transparent plastic material and is secured to the case of the portable object by ultrasonic welding , the crystal comprising:a top surface and a bottom surface that carries one or more conductive paths made of a transparent conductive material;a peripheral rim that extends along at least one portion of the perimeter of the crystal, wherein the peripheral rim provides at least one surface for ultrasonic welding of the crystal to the case of the portable object,wherein the peripheral rim includes a top ultrasonic welding surface and a bottom ultrasonic welding surface, the bottom surface of the peripheral rim being closer to the top surface of the crystal than to the bottom surface of the crystal, the top surface and the bottom surface of the peripheral rim being connected to each other by a third ultrasonic welding surface.10. The crystal according to claim 9 , wherein the peripheral rim has a smaller thickness than a section of the crystal in an area where the peripheral rim is connected to the crystal.11. The crystal according to claim 9 , wherein a section of the peripheral rim is rectangular or square.12. The crystal according to claim 10 , wherein a section of the peripheral rim is rectangular or square.13. A case of a portable object whose ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157485A1

A charging port cover including a cover body closing an open part formed between an opening-closing body and a vehicle body in a state where the opening-closing body is opened when a charging gun is attached to a charging inlet and charging for a vehicle-mounted battery is performed, the opening-closing body capable of opening and closing an opening portion which is provided in the vehicle body and includes the charging inlet. The cover body includes a cover-side engaging member and a cover-side engaged member which engage respectively with an engaged member and an engaging member configured to engage with the engaged member, the engaged member and the engaging member being configured to engage and lock the closed opening-closing body with the vehicle body. The cover-side engaging member and the cover-side engaged member are integrated with each other by a joining member. 1. A charging port cover comprising a cover body closing an open part formed between an opening-closing body and a vehicle body in a state where the opening-closing body is opened when a gun for charging is attached to a charging inlet and charging for a battery mounted on a vehicle is performed , the opening-closing body capable of opening and closing an opening portion which is provided in the vehicle body of the vehicle and which includes the charging inlet , whereinthe cover body includes a cover-side engaging member and a cover-side engaged member which engage respectively with an engaged member and an engaging member configured to engage with the engaged member, when the open part is closed, the engaged member and the engaging member provided between the opening-closing body and the vehicle body and configured to engage and lock the closed opening-closing body with the vehicle body, andthe cover-side engaging member and the cover-side engaged member are integrated with each other by a joining member.2. The charging port cover according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover body includes the cover- ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192869A1
Автор: Drane Mark R.

An electrical floor box cover includes a frame having a lower surface disposable on a flooring surface and a beveled upper surface. The frame defines an access opening to permit access to an electrical box. A lid is securable to the frame and movable between a fully open position in which the access opening is substantially uncovered and a closed position. A lid lifting device is disposed between the lid and the frame, the lid lifting device urging the lid away from the closed position. A latch is disposed on the frame and includes an actuating member movable by a user between a latched and unlatched position without the use of a tool. When the actuating member is moved to the unlatched position, the lid lifting device lifts at least a portion of the lid above the frame to an initial open position wherein the lid substantially covers the access opening. Movement of the lid by the user from the initial open position to the fully open position is unassisted by the lid lifting device. 1. An electrical floor box cover comprising:a frame having a lower surface disposable on a flooring surface and a beveled upper surface, the frame defining an access opening to permit access to an electrical box;a lid securable to the frame and movable between a fully open position, in which the access opening is substantially uncovered, and a closed position;a lid lifting device disposed between the lid and the frame, the lid lifting device urging the lid away from the closed position; anda latch disposed on the frame and including an actuating member movable by a user between a latched and unlatched position without the use of a tool, wherein when the actuating member is moved to the unlatched position, the lid lifting device lifts at least a portion of the lid above the frame to an initial open position wherein the lid substantially covers the access opening, the lid lifting device supporting the lid in the initial open position, and wherein movement of the lid by the user from the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Slim line while in use cover and methods for making and using the same

Номер: US20130237088A1
Принадлежит: Sigma Electric Manufacturing Corp

In one embodiment, a while in use cover assembly 10 , comprising: a lid 14 hingedly attached to a base 12 having a back wall 64 ; and socket assembly 52,152 comprising a receiver socket 20 attached to the lid 14 and/or the base 12 , and located between the lid 14 and the base 12 ; wherein the receiver socket 20 comprises a face 122 with blade apertures configured to receive a power cord plug 86 ; wherein the socket face 122 changes orientation with respect to the back wall 64 when the lid is opened; and wherein the while in use cover assembly 10 is configured to be attached to an outlet socket 50.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Safety electrical outlet and switch system

Номер: US20130244478A1
Автор: Michael P. Gorman
Принадлежит: Protectconnect Inc

An electrical box is mounted on a wall stud, and a wiring panel is installed within the electrical box so as to partition the interior of the electrical box into a user inaccessible wiring compartment and a user accessible module compartment. A protective cover is attached to the wiring panel so as to protect the wiring panel during a makeup phase of wall panel installation and painting. After the makeup phase, the protective cover is removed from the wiring panel and a module having a user operable electrical function is mounted to the wiring panel within the user accessible module compartment.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248243A1

An improved electrical box is disclosed that incorporates a bracket and device cover as a single combined unit. The combined unit is simpler to manufacture and to install as opposed to three separate pieces. 1. An electrical housing assembly comprising:a. an electrical box, said electrical box having four sides and a rear surface;b. a mounting bracket extending from a side of said electrical box; andc. a device cover, said device cover having a generally flat surface containing an opening configured to receive an electrical component and mounting holes for affixing said electrical component,wherein said device cover is attached to said electrical box at a hinge that allows said device cover to rotate about said hinge from an open position to a closed position.2. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said hinge is a living hinge.3. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said mounting bracket extends perpendicularly from the side of said electrical box.4. The electrical housing assembly of wherein a tab extends from a side beyond the rear surface to form a far side support.5. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said far side support includes a notch to facilitate bending.6. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said electrical housing assembly is made from a single piece of stamped metal.7. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said electrical housing assembly is constructed from a first piece of metal comprising a vertical mounting bracket claim 1 , a left sidewall claim 1 , the rear surface claim 1 , a right sidewall claim 1 , the living hinge claim 1 , and the device cover; a second piece of metal comprising a top sidewall; and a third piece of metal comprising a bottom sidewall.8. The electrical housing assembly of wherein said second piece of metal and said third piece of metal are identical.9. The electrical housing assembly of further comprising a retention mechanism for keeping said device cover in the closed position.10. The ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306343A1

An electrical box includes a back wall and a front wall, configured to be essentially parallel to a mounting surface when the base is installed to the mounting surface, and a pair of interchangeable top and bottom walls. Each interchangeable top and bottom wall is connected to the back wall and the front wall. The electrical box includes a side wall connected to each of the other walls and an open end opposite the side wall that is configured to receive an electrical device therein. A standoff extends laterally from the back wall. The standoff is configured to provide a mounting structure and to position the electrical box away from the mounting surface. The electrical box is configured to receive a top-mounted hood to cover the open end when the base is installed with the open end positioned to face either of the right side or the left side. 1. An electrical box assembly , comprising: a box-like structure with an open side face for mounting an electrical device, the open side face being configured to receive the electrical device facing essentially perpendicular to a plane of a mounting surface,', 'a standoff configured to provide a mounting structure and to position the box-like structure away from the mounting surface,', 'a first hinge pin mount configured to receive a hinge pin when the base is installed to the mounting surface with the open side face on a left side, and', 'a second hinge pin mount configured to receive the hinge pin when the base is installed to the mounting surface with the open side face on a right side;, 'a base includingthe hinge pin configured to be removably inserted in either of the first hinge mount or the second hinge mount; anda hood configured to engage the hinge pin and to cover the side opening of the base,wherein the electrical box assembly is configured to provide a top-hinged orientation of the hood when the electrical box is installed with the side opening facing either of the left side or the right side.2. The electrical box ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Recess Can Adapter

Номер: US20130319719A1

An adapter for a recess can. The adapter includes a planar surface having two plate extensions extending perpendicular from the planar surface. The plate extensions are sized to fit flush against a wall of a recess can. In addition, the planar surface is sized to fit over an interior of the recess can and includes a central opening. The planar surface is configured for attaching to the wall of the recess can by inserting screws through the first and second plates and the wall of the recess can. 1. An adapter for a recess can , the adapter comprising:a planar surface, the planar surface having a first plate extension and a second opposing plate extension extending perpendicular from the planar surface;wherein the first and second plate extensions are sized to fit flush against a wall of a recess can;wherein the planar surface includes a central opening;wherein the planar surface is sized to fit over an interior of the recess can;wherein the planar surface is configured for attaching to the wall of he recess can.2. The adapter according to wherein the first plate extension and the second plate extension each are configured to be attached to the wall of the recess can by inserting screws through the first and second plates and the wall of the recess can.3. The adapter according to wherein the first and second plate extensions each includes holes sized and shaped to fit drilling screws for attaching the planar surface to the recess can.4. The adapter according to wherein the planar surface is circular.5. The adapter according to wherein the planar surface includes a plurality of knockouts capable of being removed from the circular planar surface.6. The adapter according to wherein each knockout enables a space to be created.7. The adapter according to further comprising a light fixture bracket having a mechanism for affixing the light fixture bracket to the planar surface claim 1 , the light claim 1 , fixture bracket supporting a light fixture.8. The adapter according ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008096A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

A charging-socket flap device for electric vehicles, including: a structure including an aperture and a jacket adjacent to the aperture, the jacket including an orifice; a movable gate forming a flap configured to close the aperture of the structure; an element hinging the gate housed in the jacket; a cover configured to close the orifice of the jacket. The cover is mounted on the orifice of the jacket to be a distance away from the orifice on at least one edge of the orifice in the closed position on the jacket, the cover being kept a distance away from the edge by a support making it possible for the cover to move with a damped movement toward the edge when a region of the vehicle body panel covering the flap device is impacted, or impacted by a pedestrian. 110-. (canceled)11. An electric vehicle charging-socket flap device , comprising:a frame including an aperture and a housing adjacent to the aperture, the housing including an orifice;a mobile gate forming a flap configured to close the aperture of the frame;an articulation element of the gate accommodated in the housing;a cover configured to close the orifice of the housing;wherein the cover is mounted on the orifice of the housing so as to be separated from the orifice on at least one edge thereof, in a position in which the orifice is kept closed on the housing;the cover being kept separated from the edge by a retaining means configured to permit the cover to be displaced in a damped manner toward an edge in event of an impact, or an impact of a pedestrian on an area of the wall of the body of the vehicle covering the flap device.12. The device as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the retaining means is configured to restore the cover from a position in abutment against the orifice to a position separated from the edge of the orifice where free displacement of the articulation element may be carried out.13. The device as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the force exerted by the retaining means for retaining or ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Electrical Outlet Box Acoustic Seal

Номер: US20140041927A1
Автор: Paul L. Battaglia

An electrical outlet box acoustic seal includes a seal body formed from a flexible sound suppressing material. The seal body has a front side, a rear side, and a peripheral edge. A seal rear projection extends from the seal rear side. The seal rear projection is configured to wrap around a front peripheral edge of an electrical outlet box having left and right sides, top and bottom sides, a rear side, and an open front defined by the outlet box front peripheral edge that provides access to an outlet box interior. When the outlet box is mounted in an opening formed in an architectural separation, and when the acoustic seal is installed on the outlet box, the seal rear projection inserts into a gap between the outlet box front peripheral edge and the opening of the architectural separation to assist in blocking noise transmission through the gap.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic Wall Cover System

Номер: US20140048303A1

A magnetic wall cover system that includes an inner cover made at least partially of a ferrous material. The inner cover has an outer alignment surface. The magnetic wall cover system also has an outer cover that has an inner alignment surface. The outer cover is adapted to be removably mounted on the inner cover such that the inner alignment surface is in engaging relationship to the outer alignment surface when the outer cover is mounted over the inner cover. The magnetic wall cover system also includes at least one magnet disposed on the outer cover. The magnet is adapted to form a magnetic attraction between the magnet and the ferrous material of the inner cover. 1. A magnetic wall cover system comprising:an inner cover made at least partially of a ferrous material, the inner cover having an outer alignment surface;an outer cover having an inner alignment surface, the outer cover adapted to be removably mounted on the inner cover such that the inner alignment surface is in engaging relationship to the outer alignment surface when the outer cover is mounted over the inner cover; andat least one magnet disposed on the outer cover, the at least one magnet adapted to form a magnetic attraction between the magnet and the ferrous material of the inner cover.2. The magnetic wall cover system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one magnet is made from Neodymium.3. The magnetic wall cover system of claim 1 , wherein the outer cover further comprises:a rim defining a perimeter of the outer cover; andan outer cover seal disposed on the rim;wherein the outer cover seal is adapted to engage with a mounting surface when the outer cover is mounted over the inner cover.4. The magnetic wall cover system of wherein the outer cover further comprises an alignment recess adapted to engage with a mounting bracket for an implement.5. The magnetic wall cover system of further comprising a plurality of magnets substantially symmetrically disposed on the outer cover.6. The magnetic wall ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054285A1
Автор: Kummer Randy Deon
Принадлежит: Southwire Company

Electrical accessories and associated methods of use and manufacture are provided. In one embodiment, an electrical accessory can be provided. The electrical accessory can include an electrical junction box having a first side wall. The electrical accessory can also include an adjustable bracket coupled to the electrical junction box. The adjustable bracket can include a sliding plate and a mounting plate. The sliding plate can be positioned adjacent the first side wall and can be removably coupled to the electrical junction box. The adjustable bracket can also include a mounting hole axially aligned with the mounting hole of the first side wall of the junction box. The axially aligned mounting holes can be configured to receive a screw such that rotation of the screw moves the sliding plate and electrical junction box in relation to the mounting plate. 1. An electrical accessory comprising: 'a first side wall comprising a first mounting hole;', 'an electrical junction box comprising a sliding plate disposed adjacent the first side wall;', 'a mounting plate movably coupled to the sliding plate; and', 'a second mounting hole axially aligned with the first mounting hole; and, 'an adjustable bracket coupled to the electrical junction box, the adjustable bracket configured to be coupled to one of a stud wall or a wall stud, the adjustable bracket comprisinga screw rotatably coupled to the first mounting hole and the second mounting hole, wherein rotational movement of the screw moves the mounting plate in relation to the sliding plate and the electrical junction box.2. The electrical accessory of claim 1 , wherein the adjustable bracket is coupled to the electrical junction box by the sliding plate being coupled to the electrical junction box.3. The electrical accessory of claim 1 , wherein the first side wall further comprises a top end claim 1 , a distal bottom end and at least one lateral edge extending from the top end to the bottom end claim 1 , and an upper wall ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060878A1

Cover plates are provided for electrical fixtures including a screwless cover plate and/or cover plate assembly for electrical devices that cover the outlets but provide holes for plugs, light switches, audio, data, or video connectors, and the like, and that do not show screw or attachment holes and where the cover plate is part of a cover plate assembly that have screwless attachment to a rectangular ring shaped mounting or strapping plate that attaches to the outlet, switch, wall, or housing or receptacle box without showing screw holes, e.g., via tabs or other attachment mechanism, with or without a backing plate. 1. A cover plate assembly for at least one electrical outlet or switch , or audio , data , or video connector , contained in a receptacle box , the cover plate assembly comprising:(a) a rectangular ring shaped mounting or strapping plate that is attachable to at least one electrical outlet or switch, or audio, data, or video connector, housing or receptacle box, or wall, via mounting holes or connectors, the mounting or strapping plate having one or more openings through which the one or more electrical outlets or switches, or audio, data, or video connectors extend ; and (i) a cover plate comprising outer edge portions circumscribing a generally planar body portion that lies between the outer edge portions in a first plane and that has a generally planar back surface disposed parallel to the first plane; and', '(ii) one or more retention members disposed adjacent to and fixed to the back surface of the cover plate, that lie in a second plane substantially perpendicular to the first plane,, '(b) a cover plate sub-assembly that is selectively attachable to the rectangular ring shaped mounting or strapping plate, the cover plate sub-assembly comprisingwherein:(A) the retention members selectively engage the rectangular ring shaped mounting or strapping plate to releasably secure the cover plate sub-assembly thereto;(B) the rectangular ring shaped ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Modular electrical junction box and method of use

Номер: US20150000972A1
Автор: Fred Mayer
Принадлежит: Individual

An electrical junction box assembly is disclosed that includes an electrical junction box housing having a plurality of junction box walls defining an interior region, and at least one aperture defined by at least one of the plurality of junction box walls, the aperture adapted to receive at least one electrical wire. The electrical junction box assembly further includes an inner housing disposed within the interior region of the electrical junction box housing and segmenting the interior region into a substantially-enclosed cavity and an open-face cavity. The inner housing is substantially adjacent to one of the plurality of junction box walls such that the electrical wire received into the electrical junction box housing via the aperture is disposed only within the substantially-enclosed cavity and not within the open-face cavity.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006276A1
Автор: Guthmiller Marty

Systems and methods for mounting electrical devices such that they appear “flush” with a finished wall. The systems include specialized back boxes, mud rings, faceplates, and other tools that are installed and used during the mounting process. The mounting process includes a specific series of steps that take place during construction and wall finishing, including that mud or other finishing material is used to both “hide” the mounting system and lock it into place The systems and methods allow for full usage of existing electrical devices such as electric outlets, light switches, and USB connectors, with an improved visual appearance over existing electrical plates that sit on top of the wall. 120-. (canceled)21. An electrical device mounting system , comprising: (1) a front opening;', '(2) a left side ear protruding from a left outer surface of the back box and a right side ear protruding from a right outer surface of the back box, wherein each of the ears comprises a protrusion with a front surface that is parallel to the front opening;', '(3) an electrical component mount on an inside portion of the back box;', '(4) at least two protrusions on the inside portion of the back box; and, 'a) a back box includingb) a trim ring including at least two holes to receive the at least two protrusions, arranged to snap the trim ring into the back box and thereby secure the trim ring and back box around a wall portion when coupled, and when the back box and the trim ring are coupled and installed (i) a back surface of the trim ring is in contact with a front side of the wall portion and (ii) the front surface of the left side ear and the front surface of the right side ear are in contact with a back side of the wall portion, thereby clamping the trim ring and back box around the wall portion.22. The electrical device mounting system of claim 21 , further comprising a faceplate including:(1) a first groove that mates with a first lip on a top inside portion of the trim ring ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006830A1

A poke-through device for installation in a hole in a floor structure, the poke-through device including a body defining an interior. The body including a length bounded by an upper end and a lower end, the body including a central axis extending along its length. A mounting frame including a pair of opposed end lobes separated by at least one divider. One of the pair of lobes has a first electrical device mounting surface and the other of the pair of lobes including a second electrical device mounting surface. The first and second electrical mounting surfaces are angled toward the central axis. The first and second electrical device mounting surfaces each including an opening adapted to receive therein an electrical device. A first intumescent member is disposed at the body upper end, and an electrical box is secured to the body lower end. A fire resistant gasket is disposed between the electrical box and the body lower end. The gasket includes openings therein to permit passage of wiring between the electrical box and the body. 1. A poke-through device for installation in a hole in a floor structure , the poke through device comprising:a body defining an interior, the body including a length bounded by an upper end and a lower end, the body including a central axis extending along its length;a mounting frame including a pair of opposed end lobes separated by at least one divider, one of the pair of lobes including a first electrical device mounting surface and the other of the pair of lobes including a second electrical device mounting surface, the first and second electrical mounting surfaces being angled toward the central axis, the first and second electrical device mounting surfaces each including an opening adapted to receive therein an electrical device;a first intumescent member disposed at the body upper end; andan electrical box secured to the body lower end.2. The poke-through device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the mounting frame forms a plane ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006901A9

In one example, a modified electrical device includes a body and at least one connector on the body to make power and control connections with an active cover plate. In some embodiments, a wall plate system may include a modified electrical device or receptacle and/or an active cover plate. 1. A wall-plate system comprising: a face plate;', 'a back plate;', 'electrical circuitry sandwiched between the face plate and the back plate;', at least two conductors; and', 'a mechanical structure joined to and surrounding the at least two conductors, wherein the at least two conductors extend from the mechanical structure., 'at least one electrical connector extending rearward from the active cover plate, wherein the electrical connector comprises], 'an active cover plate comprising2. The system of claim 1 , where the mechanical structure is an integral part of the back plate and the at least two conductors pass through the back plate and are electrically connected to the electrical circuitry.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical structure comprises a cable and a connector body and the at least two conductors comprise pins extending from the connector body.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical structure comprises a male protrusion.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two conductors are configured to contact mating conductors of an electrical receptacle claim 1 , wherein the mating conductors are configured to present line voltage to the at least two conductors.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an electrical receptacle.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical structure comprises a support and a male connector extending from an end of the support.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the support is resilient.9. The system of claim 7 , wherein the support comprises a hinge joint between the support and the back plate.10. The system of claim 7 , wherein the male connector comprises a magnet material.11. The system of claim 10 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012710A1

The present disclosure provides an intelligent lighting control system including a scalable wall-plate system. The wall-plate system is used for installation of a plurality of base modules in a multi-gang electrical box. The base modules in a base housing forms a well and includes a first electrical connector positioned in the well. A first light control module of a plurality of light control modules is nested in a first base module. A wall-plate cover is connected to the plurality of base modules such that the nested first light control module is positioned in a recess formed in a back surface of the wall-plate cover such that an aperture in the wall-plate cover is positioned over a well in a second base module of the plurality of base modules. A second light control module is nested through the aperture and into the well of the second base module. 1. A method of operating a lighting control system , the method comprising: 'a base housing forming a well and including a first electrical connector positioned in the well, the first electrical connector connected to a power circuit that is configured to receive current from an A.C. power supply and is configured for electrical coupling with a lighting circuit of a light fixture;', 'installing a plurality of bases modules in a multi-gang electrical box, the base modules comprising a module housing,', 'a second electrical connector configured for engagement with and electrical coupling to the first electrical connector of a base module when nested, and', 'a switch control circuit positioned in the housing and including a controller configured to modulate the flow of electrical energy to the lighting circuit via a dimmer circuit to produce a plurality of lighting scenes by varying the quantity of illumination of the light bulb, the switch control circuit electrically connected to the second electrical connector;, 'nesting a first light control module of a plurality of light control modules in a first base module of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013230A1

Provided is a drainage structure for an electrical connection box capable of preventing an internal circuit board from getting wet even if water has entered. An electrical connection box main body is mounted on a vehicle wherein a main body-side connector is located on an upper side and protrudes from an opening in a horizontal direction, and a protruding end portion of a housing peripheral wall of a lateral electrical component attaching portion protrudes to the outside from a lateral window, the lateral electrical component attaching portion protrudes laterally from on a side edge portion of a circuit board. A first drainage channel is provided inside the electrical connection box main body, and a second drainage channel extends downward and having an upper end portion connected to the first drainage channel in the protruding end portion of the housing peripheral wall of the lateral electrical component attaching portion. 1. A drainage structure for an electrical connection box , comprising:an electrical connection box main body; and an attachment that is a separate member and is aligned with and attached to an attaching surface that is provided within a top surface of the electrical connection box main body,wherein an opening is provided in the attaching surface of the electrical connection box main body so as to penetrate therethrough, a main body-side connector protrudes to the outside via the opening, the main body-side connector being provided on a circuit board in the electrical connection box main body so as to protrude therefrom, and an attachment-side connector is provided on an alignment surface of the attachment so as to protrude therefrom, andthe attachment is aligned with and attached to the electrical connection box main body, and thus the main body-side connector and the attachment-side connector are connected to each other,wherein the electrical connection box main body is configured to be mounted on a vehicle such that the main body-side connector ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013626A1
Автор: Gage Alexander Wade

A faceplate assembly for a wall-mounted electrical device may include a faceplate, an adapter plate, and/or an insert element. The faceplate assembly may be configured to accept a wall-mounted electrical device. The adapter plate may be configured to be attached to a wall-mounted electrical device. The adapter plate may include an opening that permits a front surface of a portion of the wall-mounted electrical device to protrude through the adapter plate. The faceplate may be configured to be removably attached to the adapter plate. The faceplate may include an opening that permits the front surface of the portion of the wall-mounted electrical device to protrude through the faceplate. The insert element may be configured to be removably attached to the adapter plate. The insert element may be configured to occupy a peripheral gap between an inner edge of the adapter plate and the outer surface of the wall-mounted electrical device. 1. A faceplate assembly for a wall-mounted electrical device , the faceplate assembly comprising:an adapter plate configured to be attached to the wall-mounted electrical device, the adapter plate defining a first opening that is configured to permit a front surface of a portion of the wall-mounted electrical device to protrude through the adapter plate;a faceplate configured to be removably attached to the adapter plate, the faceplate defining a second opening that is configured to permit the front surface of the portion of the wall-mounted electrical device to protrude through the faceplate; andan insert element configured to be removably attached to the adapter plate, the insert element defining a third opening that is configured to permit the front surface of the portion of the wall-mounted electrical device to protrude through the insert element.2. The faceplate assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insert element is configured to adjust a distance that the front surface of the portion of the wall-mounted electrical device extends ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Gesture-based control device for controlling an electrical load

Номер: US20200013279A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Technology Co LLC

A control device may be configured to control one or more electrical loads in a load control system. The control device may be a wall-mounted device such as dimmer switch, a remote control device, or a retrofit remote control device. The control device may include a gesture-based user interface for applying advanced control over the one or more electrical loads. The types of control may include absolute and relative control, intensity and color control, preset, zone, or operational mode selection, etc. Feedback may be provided on the control device regarding a status of the one or more electrical loads or the control device.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013737A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A frame plate forms a frame of an opening, and leads to side plates. On the frame plate, a spacer extends towards the opening. The spacer is folded back in the opening in the side plate directions, and is fixed to the inner surfaces of the side plates. 1. A housing having a base plate , side plates and an opening which is provided on an opposite side of the base plate and covered by a cover with a screw hole , the housing comprising:a frame plate placed on the opposite side of the base plate, leading to the side plates and forming a frame of the opening; anda spacer extending on the frame plate towards the opening, the spacer being folded back in the opening in side plate directions and fixed to inner surfaces of the side plateswherein:the spacer and the frame plate each have a screw hole;the screw hole of the cover, the screw hole of the spacer and the screw hole of the frame plate overlap one another, and a securing screw is inserted through the overlapped screw holes of the cover, the spacer and the frame plate, so that the cover, the spacer and the frame plate are secured by the securing screw; andan enclosed space is created immediately below the overlapped screw holes of the cover, the spacer and the frame plate.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein an end portion of the spacer extends along the inner surfaces of the side plates.5. The housing of further comprising a packing mounted on the frame plate with the spacer. The present invention relates to a housing.A housing for outdoor use which has electronic equipment installed therein, for example, is usually provided with an opening to insert electronic equipment into the housing or to check inside the housing.The housing is also hermetically sealed so that water, dust and the like do not enter the housing.As illustrated in , as a structure to seal an opening of a housing which is formed from a metal plate, the structure having a packing (rubber) mounted between a portion surrounding ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013657A1

An electrical connection box applied to a wire harness includes a substrate assembly and a housing the substrate assembly. The housing includes a first flexible rib that is extended along an extending direction Z, elastically deformable along a first support direction X, and supports the substrate assembly with respect to one side in the first support direction X, second flexible ribs that are extended along the extending direction Z, elastically deformable along the first support direction X, and supports the substrate assembly with respect to the other side in the first support direction X, and boss portions that are extended along the extending direction Z and position the substrate assembly with respect to the both sides in the first support direction X. 1. An electrical connection box , comprising:a substrate assembly that has a substrate on which an electronic component is provided and a conductive member extended from the substrate, the substrate and the conductive member being assembled to each other; and a housing space portion that is internally formed to house the substrate assembly,', 'an insertion hole that communicates internally and externally with the housing space portion to insert the conductive member along an insertion direction,', 'a first flexible rib that is extended along an extending direction, elastically deformable along a first support direction crossing the extending direction and the insertion direction, and supports the substrate assembly with respect to one side in the first support direction,', 'a second flexible rib that is extended along the extending direction, elastically deformable along the first support direction, and supports the substrate assembly with respect to the other side in the first support direction, and', 'a boss portion that is extended along the extending direction and positions the substrate assembly with respect to the both sides in the first support direction., 'a housing including'}2. The electrical ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013661A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

An enclosure () includes a housing () and a sealing unit () that mounts within a sealing unit opening () of the housing. The sealing unit () provides a peripheral seal between the housing () and the sealing unit () and provides seals around cable ports (). The sealing unit () can be mounted to and removed from the housing () through the sealing unit opening (). The base () lacks a permanent retention structure () at the outer end of the base () for retaining the sealing unit () in the base (). A cover () is removable from the base () without requiring the sealant arrangement () to be de-pressurized. A fastening arrangement () releasably retains the sealing unit () in the sealing unit opening (). 1. An enclosure comprising:a housing including a cover and a base, the cover having an open end positioned opposite from a closed end, the cover including a cover flange that extends around a periphery of the cover at the open end of the cover, the base being a hollow sleeve having an inner end and an outer end, the base including a base flange the extends around a periphery of the base at the inner end of the base;a clamp that receives the cover flange and the base flange to couple the cover and the base together;a sealing unit that fits within the base, the sealing unit defining a plurality of cable ports, the sealing unit including a sealant arrangement for sealing the cable ports and for providing a peripheral seal between the base and the cable sealing unit;an actuator carried with the sealing unit for pressurizing the sealant arrangement within the base;the base lacking a permanent retention structure at the outer end of the base for retaining the sealing unit in the base;the sealing unit being removable from the base by de-pressurizing the sealant arrangement and sliding the sealing unit outwardly from the base through the outer end of the base; andthe cover being removable from the base without requiring the sealant arrangement to be de-pressurized.2. The enclosure ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013706A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Technology Company LLC

A remote control device may be mounted to a structure. The remote control device may include a control unit, a base, a faceplate, an adapter, and a mounting plate. The adapter may be configured to be attached to the faceplate. The adapter may be configured to be secured to the structure. The mounting plate may float between the adapter and the structure when the adapter is secured to the structure. The mounting plate may include a frame, a mounting tab, and a plurality of spring arms. The mounting tab may extend from the frame, for example, a platform on the frame. The mounting tab may be configured to prevent rotation of the base of the remote control device when the base is attached to the mounting plate. The plurality of spring arms may be configured to bias the mounting tab away from the structure. 1. A faceplate assembly that is configured to be mounted to a structure , and that is further configured such that a remote control device that controls an amount of power delivered to an electrical load is attachable to the faceplate assembly , the faceplate assembly comprising:a faceplate defining a faceplate opening;an adapter that is configured to be attached to the faceplate, the adapter configured to be secured to the structure, and the adapter defining an adapter opening; and a frame;', 'a platform that extends from the frame;', 'a mounting tab that extends from the platform through the adapter opening and the faceplate opening, and wherein the mounting tab is configured to prevent rotation of a base of the remote control device when the remote control device is attached to the mounting plate; and', 'a plurality of spring arms configured to bias the mounting tab forward away from the structure., 'a mounting plate that is configured to float between the adapter and the structure, the mounting plate comprising2. The faceplate assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spring arms attaches to the frame proximate to a midpoint of the frame.3. The faceplate ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Quickly Charger Has USB Charging Ports for Lighting Device

Номер: US20200014228A1
Автор: CHIEN Tseng-Lu

The light device has USB charger has AC outlet power source has though the AC-to-DC device to change from 1Alternative current to 1voltage Direct current and the 1voltage DC current though the circuit-inside or IC or DC-to-DC circuit to get 2voltage or though more DC-to-DC devices to get more voltage DC current. The light device has At least one of voltage DC current to supply to USB Charger Charging-port output-end at 5 Volt and one of desire voltage DC current to supply to DC light source. Or/ The 1AC current to AC light source and has one of DC current selected from 1, 2or more voltage DC current to USB Charger charging-port's output end so the said light device has (1) illumination function by DC or/and AC light source and (2) USB charger function by supply desired 1or 2or more other voltage DC current to USB charging-port at 5 Volt DC. The light device optional has outlet-ports to get 1AC directly though conductive parts to outlet-ports to supply AC to other device. Furthermore, the light device Optional can add other function(s) select from (a) Time piece related (b) Reflect Image (c) Power station (d) project image (e) heater (f) Air Flow (g) wireless communication (h) remote controller (g) APP controller (h) Blue-tooth controller. 1. A light device having a USB charger , including;an LED light supplied with power from an AC outlet through AC-to-DC circuitry that is:(a) built-in the LED light device, or(b) includes an outside transformer having a plug-wire to connect with an outlet and that is plugged into the LED light device,wherein the AC-to-DC circuitry converts AC current from the AC outlet into DC current;at least one USB charging port including the USB charger output-end; andat least one DC-to-DC circuit and/or an integrated circuit included within the LED light device to change a first DC voltage into at least a second DC voltage, wherein the first DC voltage or at least a second DC voltage is supplied to (a) the USB charger output-end and/or (b) a DC ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037867A1

A resin structure includes: a box-shape main body having multiple regions; and multiple lids assembled to the main body. The main body has a first partition wall extending to separate between a pair of the regions. A first one of the multiple lids covers one of the pair of the regions and has a second partition wall provided at its edge portion. A second one of the multiple lids covers the other of the pair of the regions and has a third partition wall provided at its edge portion. The first partition wall and the second partition wall are located to overlap each other in a thickness direction of the first partition wall to form a multi-layer wall structure, and the first partition wall and the third partition wall are located to overlap each other in the thickness direction to form a multi-layer wall structure. 1. A resin structure comprising: a box-shape main body having a plurality of regions dividing inside of the main body; and a plurality of lids assembled to the main body to cover corresponding each of the plurality of the regions ,the main body having a first partition wall extending to separate between a pair of the regions among the plurality of the regions, the pair of the regions being adjacent each other,a first one of the plurality of the lids covering one of the pair of the regions and having a second partition wall provided at its edge portion to extend along the first partition wall,a second one of the plurality of the lids covering the other of the pair of the regions and having a third partition wall provided at its edge portion to extend along the first partition wall,the first partition wall and the second partition wall being located to overlap each other in a thickness direction of the first partition wall to form a multi-layer wall structure, and the first partition wall and the third partition wall being located to overlap each other in the thickness direction to form a multi-layer wall structure, upon the plurality of the lids being ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037868A1

A bracket mountable electrical box having a mounting assembly or device that can secure the electrical box to a mounting bracket. The mounting assembly or device can include one more arms that can define at least a portion of a channel that can receive the mounting bracket. The channel can be selectively closed, or at least partially deformable, in a manner that can assist in retaining the engagement between the mounting bracket and the mounting assembly or device, and thus the electrical box. Such configurations can accommodate securing the electrical box to the mounting bracket without at least the use of additional tools. 1. A device comprising:an electrical box having a perimeter wall and a back wall, the perimeter wall and an inner surface of the back wall defining an inner region of the electrical box, the inner region extending to an open end at a front side of the electrical box; anda mounting assembly coupled to a rear side of the electrical box, the mounting assembly comprising a first clip, a second clip, a first tab, and a second tab,wherein the first and second clips are on opposing sides of the electrical box, each of the first and second clips comprising a first leg and a second leg, the first leg extending outwardly from the rear side of the electrical box, the second leg extending from, and being generally orthogonal to, the first leg,wherein the first and second tabs are on opposing sides of the electrical box, the first and second tabs each being selectively foldable from a first position to a second position, the first tab being adjacent to an end of the second leg of the first clip when at the second position, and the second tab being adjacent to an end of the second leg of the second clip when at the second position, andwherein the first clip and a portion of the back wall are configured to define at least a portion of a first channel that is sized for placement of a portion of a mounting bracket, an open end of the first channel being open ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Modified electrical devices

Номер: US20190020156A1
Принадлежит: SnapRays LLC

In one example, a modified electrical device includes a body and at least one connector on the body to make power and control connections with an active cover plate. In some embodiments, a wall plate system may include a modified electrical device or receptacle and/or an active cover plate.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020490A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Technology Company LLC

A remote control device may control electrical loads and/or load control devices of a load control system without accessing electrical wiring. The remote control device may include a control unit and a base for the control unit. The base may include a frame and a mounting tab that attaches to the paddle actuator of a mechanical switch. The mounting tab may be monolithic with the frame. Alternatively, the base may include a resilient attachment member that extends from the frame and is captively retained by the mounting tab. The frame and the attachment member may be configured such that the attachment member is held in a fixed in position by the frame, or such that the attachment member is translatable relative to the frame. The base may include one or more alignment members. The base may cause a rear surface of the frame to be biased against the mechanical switch. 1. A base configured to be attached to a paddle actuator of an installed mechanical switch that controls whether power is delivered to an electrical load , the base comprising: an outer wall that extends along a perimeter of the frame;', 'a cross member that extends between opposed side walls of the outer wall; and', 'a mounting tab that extends from the cross member, the mounting tab configured to be attached to the protruding portion of the paddle actuator, wherein the mounting tab defines a fixed end that is supported by the cross member and a free end that is distal from the cross member,, 'a frame that defines an opening that is configured to receive a protruding portion of the paddle actuator, the protruding portion projecting outward when the mechanical switch is operated into a position that causes power to be delivered to the electrical load, wherein, when the protruding portion is received in the opening, the frame at least partially surrounds the paddle actuator, and wherein the frame compriseswherein the mounting tab is configured to, when the base is attached to the paddle actuator, cause a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021060A1
Автор: Cyzen Keith

Power outlet wall plates having retention components are described herein that are configured to be mounted around power outlets to thereby retain power cords in electrical engagement with sockets of the power outlets. The retention components can be secured to the structure using any suitable mechanism, such as by using fasteners, snap fit, and so forth 1. A power outlet wall plate for securing a plug of an electrical cord to a power outlet having spaced sockets , the wall plate comprising:a plate including interior edges defining a window opening sized to extend around the power outlet; anda casing including side portions extending outwardly from the plate and a retention portion extending between the side portions, the retention portion defining a slot opening extending over the window opening to align with the sockets of the power outlet,wherein the slot opening has lateral portions with a width to receive a wire extending from the plug of the electrical cord therethrough and the side portions are sized so that the retention portion prevents the plug from being removed from the socket with the plate secured around the power outlet.2. The power outlet wall plate of claim 1 , wherein the retention portion extends in a plane generally parallel to a plane of the window opening.3. The power outlet wall plate of claim 1 , wherein the side portions comprise side walls and the retention portion comprises a retention wall claim 1 , the casing further comprising end walls extending between the side walls and connected to the retention wall such that the casing comprises a housing defining an interior.4. The power outlet wall plate of claim 3 , wherein the housing is integral with the plate.5. The power outlet wall plate of claim 3 , wherein the housing further comprises a flange that projects laterally outwardly from the retention wall.6. The power outlet wall plate of claim 3 , wherein the end walls including inwardly projecting intermediate portions such that the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021094A1
Автор: Johnson Steven James

An electrical box assembly having an electrical box and a cable connector is provided. The cable connector includes a mounting bracket cable retaining member and a cable stop. The mounting bracket is secured to or integral with a side wall of the electrical box. The cable retaining member is secured to the mounting bracket and has a cable gripping portion extending into a cable receiving zone of the box. The cable stop extends from a bottom wall of the electrical box into the cable receiving zone. The cable stop permits one or more electrical wires from an electrical cable to pass through the cable stop while blocking sheathing of the electrical cable from passing through the cable stop. The cable gripping portion can engage the electrical cable inserted into the cable receiving zone from an exterior of the electrical box so that the cable retaining member is able to flex while the electrical cable passes into the cable receiving zone imparting little resistance to the forward advancement or movement of the electrical cable within the cable receiving zone, while imparting sufficient resistance to rearward movement of the electrical cable to prevent withdrawal of the electrical cable from the cable receiving zone. 1. An electrical box assembly comprising:an electrical box having a plurality of side walls, a bottom wall and at least one cable receiving zone; and a mounting member secured to or integral with one of the plurality of side walls or the bottom wall;', 'a cable retaining member secured to the mounting member and having a cable gripping portion extending into the cable receiving zone; and', 'a cable stop extending from the bottom wall or one of the plurality of side walls into the cable receiving zone, the cable stop being configured to permit one or more electrical wires from an electrical cable to pass through the cable stop while blocking sheathing of the electrical cable from passing through the cable stop;', 'wherein the cable gripping portion can ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021095A1
Принадлежит: ATAS International, Inc.

The present application teaches a receptacle box and methods of installing same for use in new and existing home and building construction. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of installing a receptacle outlet box on a surface of a structure overlying a throughhole that extends between an interior and an exterior of the structure , the structure having at least one pre-installed building panel attached thereto , the receptacle outlet box having a box portion and a cover portion , the box portion having a front side and a rear side that is attachable to the surface , the rear side having a rear opening and at least one flange that extends interior to a perimeter of the rear opening , the front side having a front opening , at least one flange that extends away from a perimeter of the front opening , and a first stop member located on a bottom portion of the front side , the cover portion having at least one slot and a second stop member located on a bottom portion thereof , the method comprising:cutting a hole in the at least one building panel overlying the throughhole in the structure, the hole being sized and shaped to receive the rear side of the receptacle outlet box;inserting the receptacle outlet box into the hole so that the rear side contacts the surface of the structure, at least a portion of the throughhole aligns with at least a portion of the rear opening of the rear side of the receptacle outlet box, and the at least one building panel is located between the at least one flange of the front side of the box portion and the surface of the structure;attaching the receptacle outlet box to the surface; andinserting the at least one flange of the box portion into the at least one slot of the cover portion, and moving the cover portion toward the first stop member until the second stop member moves past the first stop member and a bottom edge of the first stop member and a top edge of the second stop member become coplanar.14. The method of claim 13 , further ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022231A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Technology Company LLC

Remote control devices may control electrical loads and/or load control devices of a load control system without accessing electrical wiring. The remote control device may be mounted over a mechanical switch that is installed in a wallbox. The remote control device may include a control unit and a faceplate assembly. The faceplate assembly may include a mounting frame, an adapter plate, and a faceplate. The mounting frame may be configured to abut a bezel of the mechanical switch such that that the faceplate is spaced away from the bezel of the mechanical switch to enable the mounting ring to extend through respective openings in the adapter plate and the faceplate. 1. A multi-gang faceplate assembly that is configured to be mounted over a mechanical switch that is installed in a wallbox , wherein the mechanical switch is configured to control whether power is delivered to an electrical load , the faceplate assembly comprising:an adapter plate that defines a first adapter plate opening and second adapter plate opening that extend therethrough;a mounting frame that defines a plate, a mounting frame opening therethrough, and a mounting ring extending from the plate and surrounding the mounting frame opening; anda faceplate that is configured to be attached to the adapter plate, the faceplate defining a first faceplate opening and a second faceplate opening therethrough,wherein when the mechanical switch and the at least one other electrical device are mounted in the wallbox, the adapter plate is attached to a yoke of the mechanical switch and a yoke of the at least one other electrical device, the mounting frame is attached to the adapter plate, and the adapter plate is attached to the faceplate, andwherein when the mechanical switch is mounted in the wallbox, the mounting frame is configured to abut a bezel of the mechanical switch such that the faceplate is spaced away from the bezel of the mechanical switch to enable the mounting ring to extend through the first ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025835A1

A wall plate and system for covering an electrical component in an electrical box. The wall plate includes a base plate having a central aperture, and two trim pieces that join at the sides of the base plate to complete the wall plate. The base plate may include two side edges and wing portions extending from the side edges, and the trim pieces slide onto the respective side wing portions. The trim pieces may have features to engage a mounting plate attached to the electrical box or the electrical component, to capture the wall plate over the electrical box. A locking mechanism may be provided to lock the trim pieces in their inward positions against the base plate. The wall plate may be attachable without the use of tools or fasteners. 1. A wall plate system for covering an electrical component in an electrical box , the wall plate system comprising:a base plate defining a central aperture and having two opposing side edges, and at least one wing portion extending from each of the two side edges; andtwo trim pieces, each trim piece configured to slide respectively onto the at least one wing portion extending from one of the two opposing side edges of the base plate.2. The wall plate system of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of first retaining mechanisms for attaching the two trim pieces to the base plate, wherein when each first retaining mechanism is engaged, the respective trim piece is attached to the base plate and is able to slide between and inward position and an outward position on the on the respective wing portion of the base plate; anda plurality of second retaining mechanisms for retaining the two trim pieces in the inward position relative to the base plate.3. The wall plate system of claim 2 , wherein when plurality of second retaining mechanisms are engaged claim 2 , a front face the base plate and front faces of the two trim pieces combine to form a decorative front face of the wall plate system.4. The wall plate system of claim 2 , wherein ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Replaceable panel structure and socket, switch and humidity snesor with replaceable panel

Номер: US20170025837A1
Автор: LiDong Ni, Wei Gao

A replaceable panel structure and a socket, switch and humidity sensor with the replaceable panel. The replaceable panel structure includes a base, and a panel main body which is replaceably mounted on the base by a snap structure having first snap structures and second snap structures, wherein each of the first snap structures comprises a first elastic snap disposed on the panel main body and a stop block disposed on the base, a first slot fitted with the first elastic snap being formed on one side of the stop block away from the panel main body, the first elastic snap being deformed due to the stop of the stop block and then snapped into or released from the first slot; each of the second snap structures comprises a second snap disposed on the panel main body and a second slot disposed on the base and fitted with the second snap, the second snap being able to be inserted into or released from the second slot in a horizontal direction.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Grand chandelier piggy back light adapter kit

Номер: US20210025577A1
Автор: Bowden Michael Shane

The grand chandelier adaptor provides the means of joining two or more chandeliers or other electrical devices. This adaptor includes a junction box to facilitate the electrical connection as well as physical support of each device. 1. An assembly comprising a first chandelier , and a second chandelier or accessory , and an electrical junction box joining the chandelier or accessory and comprising:(a) the first chandelier.(b) the second chandelier or accessory.(c) the electrical junction box in which an electrical wire may be safely connected.(d) a mechanical means on the top of the electrical junction box that connects to the first chandelier.(e) a second mechanical means on the bottom of the electrical junction box that connects to the second chandelier accessory.2: The assembly of claim 1 , wherein wires enter from the first chandelier into the top of the junction box claim 1 , wherein the first chandelier is directly connected to the top of the junction box claim 1 , therebymaking the wires entering from the first chandelier into the junction box not visible from outside of the assembly.3: The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electrical junction box is constructed from claim 1 , aluminum or brass.4: The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outside shape of the electrical junction box Is circular claim 1 , square claim 1 , rectangle claim 1 , multi-sided claim 1 , baguette claim 1 , and diamond shapes.5: The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outside surface of the electrical junction box is fluted claim 1 , or flat.6: The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the junction box comprises a door.7: A method for retrofitting a chandelier claim 1 , comprising:(a) obtaining a first chandelier,(b) obtaining a second chandelier,(c) obtaining an electrical junction box in which electrical wire may be safely connected,(d) connecting the electrical junction box to the first chandelier via first mechanical means located on the top of the electrical junction box.(e) connecting the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045495A1
Автор: Taylor Phillip

A junction box assembly including a box and a selectively displaceable lid, the lid including one or more articulating lock sockets and one or more lock hinge sockets. Hinge arms can be pivotally coupled to the box, with a first hinge arm also being pivotally secured to an articulating hinge socket to accommodate pivotal displacement of the lid from the box, as well as pivotal displacement of the lid about a portion of the first hinge arm. A second hinge arm can be selectively removable from secure engagement with the lock hinge assembly. Further, a tamper resistant pin can extend through the upper head portion of the second hinge arm when the second hinge arm is engaged with the lock hinge socket so as to lock the second hinge arm to the lid, and thereby secure the lid at a closed position on the box. 1. A junction box assembly comprising:a box having a perimeter wall that defines at least a portion of an interior area of the box, a first hinge bracket and a second hinge bracket each outwardly extending from an exterior side of the perimeter wall;a lid selectively displaceable about the box between a closed position and an open position, the lid being sized and positioned to cover at least a portion of an opening to the interior area when at the closed position and not extend over the opening when at the open position, the lid including an articulating hinge socket and a lock hinge socket, the lock hinge socket having a recess;a plurality of hinge arms, each hinge arm of the plurality of hinge arms including an upper head portion and a lower head portion at opposing ends of a body portion of the hinge arm;wherein the lower head portion of a first hinge arm of the plurality of hinge arms is pivotally coupled to the first hinge bracket, and the upper head portion of the first hinge arm is selectively pivotally removable from the recess of the lock hinge socket; andwherein the lower head portion of a second hinge arm of the plurality of hinge arms is pivotally coupled ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027911A1

A floor box for housing electrical components includes a bottom and a plurality of walls extending from the bottom to at least partially define an interior and to at least partially define a central opening accessible to a user. A top plate having an inner portion at least partially defining a first wiring compartment facing the central opening and a second wiring compartment facing the central opening is connected to at least one of the plurality of walls. 1. A floor box for housing electrical components comprising:a bottom and a plurality of walls extending from the bottom to at least partially define an interior and to at least partially define a central opening accessible to a user;a top plate, having an inner portion at least partially defining a first wiring compartment facing the central opening and a second wiring compartment facing the central opening, connected to at least one of the plurality of walls;a first panel positioned in front of the first wiring compartment;a second panel positioned in front of the second wiring compartment;a first cover positioned over the top plate and covering the central opening;a second cover positioned over the first installation cover;a leveling device including a jack screw configured to adjust the position of the first cover relative to the top plate.2. The floor box of claim 1 , wherein the leveling device includes a can threadably receiving the jack screw.3. The floor box of claim 2 , wherein the can is connected to the top plate.4. The floor box of claim 1 , wherein the second cover is releasably secured to the first cover5. The floor box of claim 1 , wherein the second cover is snap-fit to the first cover.6. The floor box of claim 3 , wherein the snap-fit connection includes a set of barbs and a set of openings.7. The floor box of claim 1 , wherein the second cover includes a first knock out and the second cover includes a second knock out.8. The floor box of claim 1 , wherein a conductor conduit extends between the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Solar junction box

Номер: US20190028058A1
Автор: Wei Lu
Принадлежит: Leoni Cable China Co Ltd

A solar junction box includes a box cover and a terminal plate. The terminal plate includes a plurality of terminals arranged side by side and diode units for connecting adjacent terminals, and the terminals and diode units are integrally packaged in plastic. Two outermost terminals are respectively used to connect cables. The terminal plate serving as a back plate of the box cover is fixedly connected to the box cover in detachable manner. A cavity for filling silica gel is formed between the box cover and the terminal plate. The assembly of the solar junction box is convenient, and it has relatively good heat dissipation and sealing performance.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028340A1
Автор: CALVERT Peter

A plate for covering an electrical box comprising a face larger in height and width than the electrical box, an opening in the face capable of having an insert slidably placed into the opening, wherein the insert is at least partially obscured when placed into the opening, and the insert has thereon printed indicia that specify a device to which the electrical box is associated or color information of an adjacent surface. 1. A plate for covering an electrical box comprising:a face larger in height and width than the electrical box;an opening in the face capable of having an insert slidably placed into the opening;wherein the insert has thereon printed indicia; andwherein the indicium is at least partially obscured when the insert is placed into the opening.2. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the indicia specifies a circuit breaker to which the electrical box is associated.3. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the indicia specifies a data or communication device to which the electrical box is associated.4. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the indicia specifies color information for an adjoining surface.5. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the opening is equipped with a push-push mechanism that assists in extraction of the insert from the opening.6. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the insert comprises a raised ridge that assists in extraction of the insert from the opening.7. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the opening has a height of about 2 mm and a width of about 12 mm.8. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the opening has a depth of about 15 mm.9. The plate of claim 1 , wherein the insert is shaped like a memory card.10. The plate of claim 1 , further comprising a mounting mechanism that allows the plate to be installed on an external surface.11. The plate of claim 10 , wherein the mounting mechanism comprises at least one hole through the face for inserting a mechanical fastener.12. The plate of claim 10 , wherein the mounting mechanism comprises an area on which an adhesive may ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033544A1

An enclosure () includes a housing () and a sealing unit () that mounts within a sealing unit opening () of the housing. The sealing unit () provides a peripheral seal between the housing () and the sealing unit () and provides seals around cable ports (). The sealing unit () can be mounted to and removed from the housing () through the sealing unit opening (). The base () lacks a permanent retention structure () at the outer end of the base () for retaining the sealing unit () in the base (). A cover () is removable from the base () without requiring the sealant arrangement () to be de-pressurized. A fastening arrangement () releasably retains the sealing unit () in the sealing unit opening (). 1. An enclosure comprising:a housing having main housing body defining a first end and a second end, the main housing body also defining an end opening at the second end;a sealing unit that fits within the end opening, the sealing unit defining a plurality of cable ports, the sealing unit also including a sealant arrangement for sealing the cable ports and for providing a peripheral seal within the end opening between the housing and the cable sealing unit;an actuator carried with the sealing unit for pressurizing the sealant arrangement within the end opening;the main housing body also defining a side opening for accessing an interior of the main housing body, the side opening being separate from the end opening, the housing also including a side cover that mounts to the main housing body for covering the side opening.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein removal of the side cover from the main body does not cause de-pressurization of the sealant arrangement.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side opening and the end opening are completely independently defined with respect to each other.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side cover is secured to the housing main body by a clamp.5. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side cover includes cover flange that ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Retractable Recessed Electrical Outlet and Data Port Assembly

Номер: US20180034220A1

The present invention relates to a retractable electrical receptacle assembly which is installed into a standard electrical box and is substantially flush to a mounting surface into which the electrical box is mounted. The invention may be mounted into a wall, floor, countertop or work surface. The invention can be installed as part of new electrical service or can replace an existing outlet by wiring into an existing electrical box. The invention includes at least one operative socket in the closed position and at least one additional operative socket in the open position. 1. A recessed retractable electrical receptacle assembly comprising:a closed position and an open position;a rectangular housing adapted to fit inside a standard electrical box recessed into a mounting surface wherein said housing comprises a back side, four sides and one open side wherein a peripheral installation flange surrounds three sides of said open side and a housing hinge edge on one of said open side wherein said housing back side further comprises a wire connector comprising internal electrical contacts for connecting to electrical service wiring;a multi-socket connector adapted to fit inside said housing through said one open side and having a hinge edge for connecting to said housing hinged edge and wherein said multi-socket connector comprises a closed position socket surface and an open position socket surface adjacent to said closed position socket surface wherein the closed position socket surface and open position socket surface each comprise at least one electrical socket and wherein said at least one electrical socket is internally wired to said internal electrical contacts in said wire connector;an installation flange cover plate attachable to said peripheral installation flange said installation flange cover plate surrounding three sides of said closed position socket surface; anda hinge connecting said housing and said multi-socket connector for articulating said multi- ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034253A1
Автор: MORTUN Sorin

An in-use outlet cover includes a base configured to be positioned over an electrical receptacle. The base having a recessed portion at least partially defining a chamber configured to receive a plug to connect a load to the outlet. A cover assembly is pivotally connected to the base. An expandable member can positioned in a central opening of the base and moveable between a first position where the expandable member has a first volume and a second position where the expandable member has a second volume greater than the first volume, and wherein movement of the expandable member varies the size of the chamber. The cover assembly can additionally or alternatively include a lower cover pivotally connected to the base and an upper cover pivotally connected to the lower cover. 1. An in-use outlet cover comprising:a base configured to be positioned over an electrical receptacle, the base having a recessed portion at least partially defining a chamber configured to receive a plug to connect a load to the outlet;a cover assembly pivotally connected to the base and having a central opening; andan expandable member positioned in the central opening and moveable between a first position where the expandable member has a first volume and a second position where the expandable member has a second volume greater than the first volume, and wherein movement of the expandable member varies the size of the chamber.2. The in-use outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the expandable member includes a flexible side wall.3. The in-use outlet cover of claim 2 , wherein the side wall is corrugated.4. The in-use outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the expandable member includes a flange having a set of openings and wherein the cover assembly includes a set of bosses configured to engage the openings.5. The in-use cover of claim 1 , wherein the expandable member is at least partially transparent.6. The in-use outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the cover assembly includes a lower cover pivotally ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053658A1
Автор: Sawada Ryo

A locking assembly for a fuse box of a vehicle includes a base and a cover configured to be removably connected to the base. The base includes a projection extending outwardly from the base. An opening is disposed in the projection. The cover includes a locking member configured to be received by the opening in the projection when the cover is connected to the base. The cover is configured to rotate about a pivot axis of the locking member to disengage the locking member from the opening in the projection to remove the cover from the base. 1. A locking assembly for a fuse box of a vehicle comprising:a base, the base including a projection extending outwardly from the base, an opening being disposed in the projection; anda cover configured to be removably connected to the base, the cover including a locking member configured to be received by the opening in the projection when the cover is connected to the base,the cover being configured to rotate about a pivot axis passing through the locking member to disengage the locking member from the opening in the projection to remove the cover from the base, the pivot axis being spaced from the base.2. The locking assembly according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover is rotated approximately thirty-two degrees to disengage the locking member from the projection opening.3. The locking assembly according to claim 1 , whereinthe locking member includes first and second tabs extending outwardly from the cover.4. The locking assembly according to claim 3 , whereinthe locking member includes a post extending between the first and second tabs, the pivot axis passing through the post.5. The locking assembly according to claim 4 , whereinthe locking member includes a hook extending from the post, the hook engaging the projection when the cover is connected to the base.6. The locking assembly according to claim 5 , whereinthe hook is rigidly connected to the post.7. The locking assembly according to claim 4 , whereina protrusion protrudes ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041467A1

A cover assembly has a plurality of covers that are movable between an open and closed position to cover access openings in a base. The assembly includes a locking assembly for locking one or more of the covers in the closed position. The locking assembly includes a locking tab on the base that has two locking apertures. One locking aperture receives a lock to overlie a front face of each of the covers to prevent the covers from opening. A second locking aperture is oriented to mate with an aperture in a locking tab on one of the covers to lock the cover in a closed position while allowing the other cover to open independently of the other. In another embodiment, one cover has a flange that overlies at least a portion of the other cover so that locking one of covers prevents both covers from being opened. 1. A weatherproof cover assembly for an electrical wiring device comprising:a base having at least one opening for receiving a first electrical wiring device and a second electrical wiring device;a first cover hinged to said base for pivoting between an open position to access said first electrical wiring device and a closed position covering said first electrical wiring device;a second cover hinged to said base for pivoting between an open position to access said second electrical wiring device and a closed position covering said second electrical wiring device; anda locking tab on said base for cooperating with a locking member to simultaneously lock said first and second covers in the closed position.2. The assembly of claim 1 , whereinsaid locking tab is oriented whereby said locking member overlies at a least a portion of said first cover and a front face of said second cover to lock said first cover and said second cover in the closed position.3. The assembly of claim 1 , whereinsaid locking tab on said base has a first aperture for receiving locking member, and where said first aperture is oriented to position the locking member over at least a portion of a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036141A1

A variety of active cover plate configurations with prongs configured to contact side screw terminals of electrical receptacles are described. 1. An active cover plate comprising: [ 'an upright comprising at least one aperture; and', 'a prong extending from the face plate, wherein the prong comprises, 'a resilient contact comprising a fixed end and a free end; and', 'wherein the upright is wider than the resilient contact, wherein the resilient contact is disposed on an inboard side of the upright; and', 'wherein the fixed end of the resilient contact is secured to the upright and at least a portion of the resilient contact extends over the at least one aperture in the upright., 'a face plate;'}2. The active cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the resilient contact further comprises a middle portion between the fixed end and the free end claim 1 , wherein at least part of the middle portion extends over the at least one aperture in the upright.3. The active cover plate of claim 2 , in which lateral compression of the resilient contact brings the middle portion closer to the at least one aperture and moves the free end with respect to the upright.5. The active cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one aperture comprises a generally rectangular aperture through the upright claim 1 , the at least one aperture comprising a first short side claim 1 , a second short side claim 1 , a first long side and a second long side; wherein the fixed end of the resilient contact is connected to the upright proximate to the first short side of the aperture and the resilient contact extends over the aperture with the free end of the resilient contact more proximate to the second short side than the first short side of the rectangular aperture.6. The active cover plate of claim 1 , further comprising electrical insulation claim 1 , wherein the upright comprises at least one additional aperture claim 1 , wherein the upright is at least partially secured to the electrical insulation ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036174A1

A recessed floor fitting includes a poke-through housing, a divider assembly, and a feeder plate. The poke-through housing has a base and an outer wall with an open top that defines an interior chamber. The base includes a central aperture, a first perimeter aperture, and a second perimeter aperture. The divider assembly separates the interior chamber into a center portion, a first portion, and a second portion. The center portion is in communication with the center aperture. The first and second portions are in communication with the respective first and second perimeter apertures. The feeder plate is connected to the base, and has a mounting flange and a conduit extending from the mounting flange. 1. A recessed floor fitting for electrical connections comprising:a recessed housing having a base and an outer wall with an open top defining an interior chamber, wherein the base includes a central aperture, a first perimeter aperture, and a second perimeter aperture;a divider assembly separating the interior chamber into a center portion in communication with the center aperture, a first perimeter portion in communication with the first perimeter aperture, and a second perimeter portion in communication with the second perimeter aperture; anda feeder plate connected to the base, the feeder plate having a mounting flange and a conduit extending from the mounting flange.2. The recessed floor fitting of claim 1 , wherein the feeder plate conduit is positioned over one of the center aperture claim 1 , the first perimeter aperture claim 1 , or the second perimeter aperture claim 1 , and wherein the center aperture is configured to receive a half-inch feeder plate and a two-and-a-half-inch feeder plate.3. The recessed floor fitting of claim 1 , wherein the center portion is configured to receive a four-gang assembly and wherein the first perimeter portion and the second perimeter portion are each configured to receive a one-gang assembly.4. The recessed floor fitting of ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036175A1

A system according to at least one embodiment comprises a body comprising a plurality of support surfaces. The system further comprises an apparatus comprising a plurality of connector surfaces, each connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces being engageable with a respective support surface of the plurality of support surfaces, wherein, when any one connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces is engaged with its respective support surface of plurality of support surfaces, a multi-axis hinge associated with the one connector surface permits movement of the apparatus relative to the body about a plurality of different axes of rotation for the multi-axis hinge. 1. A system comprising:a body comprising a plurality of support surfaces; andan apparatus comprising a plurality of connector surfaces, each connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces being engageable with a respective support surface of the plurality of support surfaces,wherein, when any one connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces is engaged with its respective support surface of plurality of support surfaces, a multi-axis hinge associated with the one connector surface permits movement of the apparatus relative to the body about a plurality of different axes of rotation for the multi-axis hinge.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises one or more body surfaces defining an interior cavity and the apparatus is receivable in the interior cavity.3. The system of claim 2 , comprising a plurality of connector surfaces engageable with the one or more body surfaces claim 2 , wherein each support surface of the plurality of support surfaces is located on a respective connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein:the one or more body surfaces comprise a plurality of mounting structures; andeach connector surface of the plurality of connector surfaces is engageable with a respective mounting structure of ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039038A1

Certain types of aggregation enclosures include cable input ports and downwardly angled cable output ports. A cover is pivotally coupled to the body so that the cover moves between an open position and a closed position. A modular component panel may be disposed within the enclosure. The component panel includes one or more distribution components (e.g., fiber distribution components or power distribution components) configured to connect at least a portion of an incoming cable to at least a portion of an outgoing cable. 1. (canceled)2. A box comprising:a housing having a height extending between a top and a bottom, a width extending between opposite first and second sides, and a depth extending between a front and a rear, the housing including a peripheral wall extending forwardly of the rear to define an interior accessible through a front opening of the housing, the rear being configure to mount to a surface;a door pivotally coupled to the housing to selectively close the front opening;an input disposed at the bottom of the housing through the peripheral wall;a plurality of hybrid output ports disposed at the first side of the housing through the peripheral wall;a sealing arrangement that environmentally seals the interior of the housing when the door is closed;a rail disposed within the interior of the housing and mounted at the rear, the rail extending along at least a majority of the height of the housing; andovervoltage protection components mounted to the rail.3. The box of claim 2 , wherein the sealing arrangement includes an input sealing structure at the input claim 2 , an output sealing structure at each hybrid output claim 2 , and a gasket disposed between the housing and the door.4. The box of claim 3 , wherein the input sealing structure includes a sealed pass-through gland.5. The box of claim 3 , wherein the input sealing structure includes a sealed connection interface.6. The box of claim 3 , wherein each hybrid output secures a respective hybrid ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037422A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Technology Company LLC

Remote control devices may control electrical loads and/or load control devices of a load control system without accessing electrical wiring. The remote control device may be mounted over a mechanical switch that is installed in a wallbox. The remote control device may include a control unit and a faceplate assembly. The faceplate assembly may include a mounting frame, an adapter plate, and a faceplate. The mounting frame may be configured to abut a bezel of the mechanical switch such that that the faceplate is spaced away from the bezel of the mechanical switch to enable the mounting ring to extend through respective openings in the adapter plate and the faceplate. 1. A remote control device that is configured for use in a load control system comprising a load control device , the load control device configured to control an amount of power delivered to an electrical load that is electrically connected to the load control device , the remote control device comprising:an adapter plate configured to be attached to a yoke of a mechanical switch that controls whether power is delivered to the electrical load, the adapter plate defining a first opening;a mounting frame that defines a plate, a second opening therethrough, and a mounting ring extending from the plate and surrounding the second opening;a control unit configured to be attached to the mounting ring, the control unit comprising a user interface and a wireless communication circuit, the control unit configured to translate a user input received via the user interface into a control signal that controls the load control device, and to cause the wireless communication circuit to transmit the control signal; anda faceplate configured to be attached to the adapter plate, the faceplate defining a third opening therethrough,wherein when the mechanical switch is mounted in a wallbox, the mounting frame is attached to the adapter plate and the adapter plate is attached to the faceplate, and wherein when the mechanical ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040787A1
Автор: LIBERATORE Daniele

A recessed support, preferably in a recessed box, for hidden sockets, comprises a front face from which a recessed compartment extends which is destined to house electric plugs inserted in the sockets and which has an inclined lateral wall on which at least an electrical socket is afforded. A slidable cover is associated to the front face, which is constrained to the body of the support by guide and sliding means so as to be slidable between a closed position for covering the compartment and an open position which uncovers the compartment. Also present are a first and a second blocking screw of the socket to the inclined lateral wall; both the first and the second blocking screw in turn comprise: 1233142420120033. A recessed support , preferably in a recessed box , for at least a hidden socket and comprising a front face () from which a recessed compartment () extends which is destined to house at least an electric plug inserted in a corresponding socket and which has an inclined lateral wall () on which said socket is afforded , a slidable cover () being associated to said front face () , which slidable cover () is constrained to a body () of the support () by guide and sliding means () so as to be slidable between a closed position for covering the compartment () and an open position which uncovers the compartment ();{'b': 51', '52', '60', '31', '51', '52, 'claim-text': [{'b': 51', '52, 'i': b', 'b, 'a stem (, ) having at least a threaded portion;'}, {'b': 51', '52', '51', '52', '51', '4', '51', '52, 'i': a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a, 'a screwing head (, ) having a transversal dimension that is greater than the stem (, ); the stem () being interposed between the cover () in the closed position and the head (, ).'}], 'a first and a second blocking screw (, ) being suitable for connecting said at least a socket () to said inclined lateral wall (); both the first and the second blocking screw (, ) in turn comprising220021222414242122. The support according to ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040995A1
Автор: BROERE Hans

A power pedestal for electrical outlets is mountable to a mounting surface by means of a pedestal base. The pedestal base incorporates at least one stress relief feature that will allow the power pedestal to break away from the pedestal base in response to an external force acting on the power pedestal so as to induce stresses in the pedestal base exceeding a predetermined breaking point. The power pedestal may then be remounted to the mounting surface using a new pedestal base replacing the broken pedestal base. Optionally, the power pedestal may be provided with protective apparatus for protecting electrical outlets installed in the power pedestal from exposure to weather. The protective apparatus may comprise an angled hood having an angled top surface, at least two side panels, and an angled bottom surface having an aperture. 1. A power pedestal comprising an elongate body having one or more electrical outlets , wherein:(a) the power pedestal is adapted for mounting to a mounting surface using a pedestal base; and(b) the pedestal base incorporates at least one stress relief feature adapted to allow the power pedestal to break away from the pedestal base in response to an external force acting on the power pedestal so as to induce stresses in the pedestal base exceeding a predetermined breaking point.2. The power pedestal of wherein the at least one stress relief feature comprises a weakened section incorporated into the pedestal base.3. The power pedestal of wherein the weakened section of the pedestal base comprises a material having a lower threshold for deformation than other portions of the pedestal base.4. The power pedestal of wherein the weakened section of the pedestal base comprises a partial cutout of a section of the pedestal base.514. The power pedestal of claim wherein the pedestal base is adapted to mount the power pedestal to a mounting surface with a clearance gap between the bottom of the power pedestal and the mounting surface claim 1 , such ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048183A1

A wiring box is used for connecting an external wire to a driver circuit and for connecting the driver circuit to a lighting apparatus. The wiring box includes a box container and a foldable top cover. In some embodiments, it is preferable that the lighting apparatus have elongated shapes, like light tubes. The box container has a box opening. The foldable top cover includes a center plate and at least one lateral plate. The center plate is connected to the at least one lateral plate with an axial structure, the lateral plate is folded to align with the center plate in an elongated manner during shipping. The lateral plate is rotated with respect to the center plate along the axial structure to expand and to cover the box opening of the box container 1. A wiring box used for connecting an external wire to a driver circuit and for connecting the driver circuit to a lighting apparatus , comprising:a box container with a box opening; anda foldable top cover comprising a center plate and at least one lateral plate, the center plate being connected to the at least one lateral plate with an axial structure, the lateral plate being folded to align with the center plate in an elongated manner during shipping, the lateral plate being rotated with respect to the center plate along the axial structure to expand and to cover the box opening of the box container, wherein when the center plate and the at least one lateral plate covers the box opening, the center plate and the at least one lateral plate form a wire opening for the external wire to pass through.2. (canceled)3. The wiring box of claim 1 , wherein the wire opening has a friction tap for fastening a connection to the external wire by adding friction to the connection to the external wire.4. The wiring box of claim 1 , wherein a first connector portion of the center plate is connected to a second connector portion of the lateral plate claim 1 , a first main portion of the center plate has a first main surface and the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044380A1

An electrical outlet cover assembly includes a face plate and a cover plate having an electrical outlet opening sized to receive an outlet face therethrough. The face plate includes a base and at least one outlet face cavity. The cavity may extend forward of the base and include a continuous sidewall surrounding the cavity between the base and at least one face cover enclosing a front end of the cavity, and may be sized to receive the outlet face therein. A plurality of plug apertures may extend through the face cover and be positioned to align with corresponding plug apertures in the outlet face. The base may include a ridge extending outward from the sidewall behind the cover plate and in front of a yoke of the electrical outlet at an angle substantially perpendicular to the sidewall, the ridge comprising a ridge width larger than its thickness. 1. A face plate for use with an electrical outlet cover plate , the face plate comprising:a base; andat least one electrical outlet face cavity extending forward of the base and comprising a continuous sidewall having a thickness and surrounding the at least one cavity between the base and at least one face cover having a thickness and enclosing a front end of the at least one cavity the at least one cavity sized to receive the electrical outlet face therein; and the base comprises a ridge having a thickness and extending outward from the continuous sidewall configured to extend behind the cover plate and in front of a yoke of an electrical outlet at an angle substantially perpendicular to the continuous sidewall, the ridge comprising a ridge width larger than its thickness; and', 'the continuous sidewall thickness is less than the face cover thickness and the ridge thickness., 'a plurality of plug apertures extending through the at least one face cover and positioned to align with corresponding plug apertures in the electrical outlet face, wherein2. The face plate of claim 1 , wherein the ridge extends outward from the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044399A1
Автор: Smith Donald

A flush ring spacer, and method for using it, to adjustably support and firmly mount an electrical device, such as an electrical receptacle or switch, within a wall or other support surface. Using the present invention, electrical devices may be connected to 1900 (4-square), gem or other electrical boxes, while remaining firmly flush to the wall or other surface. The electrical device will stay grounded and not move or push in (which can affect grounding), and the face plate will not crack and will no longer be used to support the electrical device 1. A flush ring spacer for use in electrically connecting an electrical device to a single-gang or multi-gang electrical box device ring located within a wail or other support surface , and for use in adjustably supporting and firmly mounting the electrical device within the wall or other support surface , the electrical device having a yoke and yoke apertures for receiving one or more mounting fasteners , and the yoke of the electrical device being interdisposed between a face plate and the flush ring spacer during the mounting of the electrical device , the flush ring spacer comprising:a metallic spacer plate with an interior cutout, wherein a circumference of the interior cutout is sufficient to expose a working portion of tire electrical device;wherein the metallic spacer plate comprises one or more of a first set of metallic plate apertures enabling the metallic spacer plate to be attached to the yoke of the electrical device using the one or more grounding and mounting fasteners, thereby enabling the electrical device to be electrically grounded and to be firmly secured to the wail or other surface; andwherein the metallic spacer plate comprises one or more of a second set of metallic plate apertures for receiving one or more of the grounding and mounting fasteners, for use in securing the face plate to the yoke apertures of the electrical device,thereby enabling the electrical device to be electrically connected to ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044428A1
Автор: MA Zhen, SHANG Pei, ZHANG Dahai

Embodiments of present disclosure provide a socket cover, a socket assembly and associated manufacturing method. The socket cover comprises: a panel comprising an outer surface and an inner surface opposite to one another; a flange around the panel and extending inwardly in a direction perpendicular to the panel; and a plurality of through holes formed on the panel and having sizes and shapes matching respective socket holes of a socket module, the plurality of through holes adapted to align with respective socket holes when the socket cover is connected to the socket module. 1. A socket cover comprising:a panel comprising an outer surface and an inner surface opposite to one another;a flange around the panel and extending inwardly in a direction perpendicular to the panel; anda plurality of through holes formed on the panel and having sizes and shapes matching respective socket holes of a socket module, the plurality of through holes adapted to align with respective socket holes when the socket cover is connected to the socket module.2. The socket cover of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one connecting component adapted to connect the socket cover to the socket module.3. The socket cover of claim 2 , wherein the least one connecting component comprises:a first set of connecting elements arranged on at least one inner side of the flange and adapted to engage a second set of connecting elements of the socket module.4. The socket cover of claim 2 , wherein the least one connecting component comprises a sliding lock mechanism comprising:a body coupled to at least one elastic element arranged on the inner surface of the panel, the at least one elastic element adapted to be hold the body in a locking position where a third set of connecting elements of the socket module is locked with the body; anda tongue portion adapted to insert into an first opening formed on the flange when the body is in the locking position,wherein the tongue portion is adapted to, in ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047717A1
Автор: THOMAS Jason Peter

An electrical box assembly is provided. The electrical box assembly includes a mounting sleeve capable of being secured to a wall and configured to support an electrical device, a cover base configured to be inserted into and secured to the mounting sleeve, an adapter plate configured to be secured to the cover base, and a cover lid pivotably secured to the cover base. 1. An electrical box assembly comprising:a mounting sleeve capable of being secured to a wall and configured to support an electrical device;a cover base configured to be inserted into and secured to the mounting sleeve;an adapter plate configured to be secured to the cover base such that when the cover base is secured to the mounting sleeve the adapter plate and at least a portion of the cover base act as a divider within the mounting sleeve to form an electrical wiring chamber within a rear portion of the mounting sleeve and a plug chamber in a forward portion of the mounting sleeve; anda cover lid pivotably secured to the cover base.2. The electrical box assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting sleeve further comprises:a flange forming an open forward portion of the mounting sleeve;a pair of side walls extending from the flange;a top wall extending from the flange and attached to or integrally formed into a top portion of the pair of side walls;a bottom wall extending from the flange and attached to or integrally formed into a bottom portion of the pair of side walls; anda rear wall secured to or integrally formed into a rear portion of the pair of side walls, a rear portion of the top wall, and a rear portion of the bottom wall.3. The electrical box assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the flange comprises at least one dimple that facilitates drilling of at least one mounting hole in the flange.4. The electrical box assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the top wall includes at least one opening for receiving an electrical cable and at least one cable clamp aligned with the at ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Secured assembly electrical apparatus

Номер: US20170047718A1
Принадлежит: Legrand France SA, Legrand SNC

An electrical accessory ( 1 ) for installing in a wall, includes: a support portion that is adapted to be fastened to the wall and that includes at least one electrical box ( 80 ); an electrical unit ( 50 ) including at least one base ( 51 ) that houses an electrical mechanism ( 52 ) and that is provided with at least one snap-fastener tab ( 60 ) that is adapted to be snap-fastened on the support portion; and a front portion ( 10, 30 ) including a front wall ( 11 ) and at least one tongue ( 20 ) that extends at the rear of the front wall so as to fasten to the electrical unit. The tongue is adapted to be interposed between the snap-fastener tab and a rigid portion of the base of the electrical unit.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Expandable while-in-use electrical box cover

Номер: US20180048132A1
Принадлежит: Thomas and Betts International LLC

An electrical box cover including a base having a back wall perimetrically bounded by an upwardly extending side wall. The back wall having an opening for receiving an electrical device. A lid pivotally connected to the base. The lid having a lid plate with an opening that is defined by a collar. A housing having a front wall and a plurality of contiguous side walls extending therefrom to a distal edge to define a housing interior. The housing has a flange extending from the side walls and is slidably disposed in the lid opening and moveable between a retracted and extended position with respect to the collar. A plurality of lugs can extend inwardly from the collar and the flange engages the lugs when the housing is in the extended position.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Configurable Enclosure

Номер: US20180048133A1
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

A configurable enclosure including a cover portion operably attached to a base portion, the base portion including a wall disposed along a perimeter of a bottom surface, and a removable portion of the bottom surface configured to be peeled away from the base portion to create an opening on the bottom surface is provided. Moreover, an enclosure having a cover portion operably attached to a base portion, the base portion including a wall disposed around a perimeter of a bottom surface, a thin section of the bottom surface located proximate an outer edge of a removable portion of the bottom surface, an actuator operably attached to the removable portion, wherein through actuation of the actuator, the removable portion peels away from the bottom surface to create an opening on the base portion is also provided. Furthermore, an associated method is also provided. 1. A configurable enclosure for housing broadband equipment , the configurable enclosure comprising:a cover portion operably attached to a base portion, the cover portion being configured to physically cover an interior of the configurable enclosure in a closed position so as to prevent unauthorized access to the interior; andat least one connector configured to operably attach the cover portion to the base portion,wherein a bottom surface of the base portion includes a removable portion configured to be located in the interior of the configurable enclosure and released from the base portion, the removable portion being surrounded by a track,wherein an actuating structure is positioned on the removable portion within a perimeter of the removable portion, andwherein the removable portion and the track are configured to be separated from the base portion through manipulation of the actuating structure, thereby creating an opening on the base portion.2. The configurable enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the removable portion claim 1 , the track claim 1 , and a first portion of the bottom surface of the base portion ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053521A1
Автор: Hudlow Ryan, Unger John

A utility enclosure assembly includes a base having at least one receiving latching mechanism and a lid having at least one attached latching mechanism, each at least one attached latching mechanism for operatively engaging a respective one of the at least one receiving latching mechanism. 1. A utility enclosure assembly comprising:a base having at least one receiving latching mechanism; anda lid having at least one attached latching mechanism, each at least one attached latching mechanism for operatively engaging a respective one of the at least one receiving latching mechanism.2. The utility enclosure of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one attached latching mechanism comprises a spring biased bolt.3. The utility enclosure of claim 2 , wherein:the lid has at least one opening, each opening for receiving a respective spring biased bolt.4. The utility enclosure of claim 3 , wherein:the lid has at least one cavity and the at least one opening is provided at a bottom of the at least one cavity.5. The utility enclosure of claim 4 , wherein when in a locked position claim 4 , the spring biased bolt extends above an upper surface of the lid.6. The utility enclosure of claim 5 , wherein when in a locked position claim 5 , the spring biased bolt does not extend above the upper surface of the lid.7. The utility enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one receiving latching mechanism is mounted to the base by at least one of screws and rivets.8. The utility enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one receiving latching mechanism is formed in situ with the base.9. The utility enclosure of claim 2 , wherein:each spring biased bolt comprises a locking pin; andthe at least one receiving latching mechanism comprises a locking plate for operatively engaging each locking pin.10. A utility enclosure assembly comprising:a base having at least one lock plate; anda lid having at least one attached spring biased locking bolt, each at least one attached spring biased locking bolt ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131356A1
Автор: Hachadorian Gary
Принадлежит: Hackadorian Design & Calculation GmbH

The invention relates to a device including a hinged cover, which is pivotable about an axis of rotation out of a closed final position into an open final position, and a flexible element, which acts on the hinged cover with a force along a spring line of action. The flexible element is axially loaded in at least one final position of the cover and is loaded with transverse forces in bending or extension in at least one further position. In the open position of the cover, the spring line of action approaches the axis of rotation of the cover or lies substantially on the axis of rotation of the hinged cover such that the cover can be fixed in the open final position, or in the open position of the cover, the spring line of action coincides with the axis of rotation of the cover such that the cover can be fixed in the open final position. The invention also relates to a power socket, which is covered by a spring-loaded hinged cover and includes a device according to the invention. 111-. (canceled)12. Device , comprising a hinged cover which is pivotable about an axis of rotation out of a closed final position in an open final position , and a flexible element which acts upon the hinged cover with a force along a spring line of action , wherein:the flexible element is axially loaded in at least one final position of the hinged cover and is loaded with transverse forces in bending or tension in at least one further position, andthat in the open position of the hinged cover, the spring line of action approaches the axis of rotation of the hinged cover or lies substantially on the axis of rotation of the hinged cover such that the hinged cover reaches a stable self-supporting state in the open final position, orthat in the open position of the hinged cover, the spring line of action crosses over the axis of rotation of the hinged cover such that the hinged cover reaches a stable self-supporting state in the open final position, andwherein the device comprises a blocking ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054048A1

A device for the protection of wiring and cabling installed prior to the hanging of drywall or other construction or remodel efforts. The device is comprised essentially of at least one wall, a recess, and fastener holes that correspond to the fastener holes on standard old and new work boxes, ceiling boxes, or circuit breaker boxes. The recess and walls in concert form a solid perimeter of a volume, the solid perimeter preventing the intrusion of dust, paint, adhesives, drywall, and tools, as well as other common construction elements, into installed boxes. The solid protective device also prevents the inadvertent cutting or other damage to wiring and cables installed prior to the hanging and cutting of drywall. The device may include a door to allow access to elements while still providing protection from passive intrusion. 1. A construction device , comprising:a rigid wall forming an inside perimeter and an outside perimeter;a rim coupled with the rigid wall such that it overhangs the outside perimeter; anda floor coupled with the inside perimeter.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rigid wall forming an inside perimeter and an outside perimeter is essentially rectangular claim 1 , with a top end and a bottom end.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the top end or the bottom end of the rigid wall includes at least one fastener berth.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the rim coupled with the rigid wall includes at least one fastener hole corresponding to the at least one fastener berth.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rigid wall forming an inside perimeter and an outside perimeter is essentially circular.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the rigid wall includes at least one fastener berth.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the rim coupled with the rigid wall includes at least one fastener hole corresponding to the at least one fastener berth.8. The construction device of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one door, the at least one door ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054049A1
Автор: KIM Kwang Soo

There is provided an insert device configured be inserted into or withdrawn out of a hollow electrical-device frame buried in a wall in a building construction, the device comprising: an inserted portion configured to be inserted into or withdrawn out of the hollow electrical-device frame buried in the wall; and a grip portion coupled to the inserted portion, wherein the grip portion is configured to be gripped by an user to allow the inserted portion to be withdrawn out of the frame, wherein the inserted portion has a size and a shape such that the inserted portion is in close contact with an entire inner surface of the hollow electrical-device frame. 1an inserted portion configured to be inserted into or withdrawn out of the hollow electrical-device frame buried in the wall; anda grip portion coupled to the inserted portion, wherein the grip portion is configured to be gripped by an user to allow the inserted portion to be withdrawn out of the frame,wherein the inserted portion has a size and a shape such that the inserted portion is in close contact with an entire inner surface of the hollow electrical-device frame,wherein the inserted portion is made of a material selected from a group consisting of urethane, closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam, rubber, or PVC,wherein the inserted portion is fitted such that a front face thereof protrudes slightly from an open front face of the hollow electrical-device frame, or the inserted portion is fitted such that a front face of the inserted portion is flush with an open front face of the hollow electrical-device frame,wherein the inserted portion is filled with air and is made of an elastic material and has a form of a tube or a balloon which can be freely changed in shape,wherein the grip portion and the inserted portion are made of different materials,wherein the grip portion protrudes outwardly from the frame to block the front open face of the hollow electrical-device frame when the inserted portion has been ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200051765A1

A relay is provided with a housing, a coil arranged inside the housing, a fixed terminal, and a movable member. The housing is filled with an insulating liquid refrigerant, and the coil and the movable member are immersed in the liquid refrigerant, and at least a fixed contact of the fixed terminal is immersed in the liquid refrigerant. Heat generated in the coil, the movable member, and the fixed terminal is cooled by the liquid refrigerant, and thus the efficiency of cooling the relay is improved. 1. An electric apparatus comprising:a housing that has a heat dissipation member made of metal; anda conductive member arranged inside the housing,wherein the housing is filled with an insulating liquid refrigerant,at least part of the conductive member is immersed in the liquid refrigerant,the conductive member is arranged on a distribution board made of an insulating material, andthe distribution board is arranged facing the heat dissipation member.2. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the conductive member includes a busbar.3. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the conductive member includes a coil.4. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the conductive member includes a resistor.5. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the conductive member is in contact with the heat dissipation member in a heat transferring manner.6. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the distribution board is attached to the heat dissipation member.7. The electric apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the housing has an inlet via which the liquid refrigerant flows into the housing, and an outlet from which the liquid refrigerant flows to the outside of the housing. The technology disclosed in the present description relates to an electric apparatus.In vehicles such as electric cars or hybrid cars, a battery module is installed as a power source. The battery module is provided with a plurality of electric cells, ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057856A1

A lighting device and system having a faceplate and a backplate. The faceplate or the backplate may have an arm or a set of arms having electrical conductors to connect or couple to the electrical contact points of an outlet, plug, or switch. The operational modes may be in an emergency lighting mode and a nightlight mode. The voltage source can be connected to a light source or sensor through the control circuit or the switch, and the light source may be activated based on the output of the sensor. A controller is connected to the sensor can send or receive wireless signals through a wireless module. 1. An outlet cover comprising:a faceplate and a backplate;at least one arm having an electrical conductor extending from the backplate;a sensor for detecting at least one environmental condition;a light source attached to the outlet cover, wherein the light source further comprises at least one directional indicator;a control circuit having at least two operational modes and coupled to the light source;a switch coupled to the control circuit for shifting between the at least two operational modes, wherein the at least two operational modes are an emergency lighting mode and a nightlight mode and during the nightlight mode the emergency lighting mode may still be utilized; anda controller having a wireless module, wherein the wireless module is capable of sending and receiving wireless signals.2. The outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the backplate is removably coupled to the faceplate.3. The outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the faceplate and the backplate each define at least one outlet opening.4. The outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the at least on arm is removably coupled to the backplate.5. The outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductor is coupled to the control circuit.6. The outlet cover of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is selected from a group consisting of a photodiode claim 1 , carbon dioxide detector claim 1 , and carbon monoxide detector.7. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057894A1
Автор: Holmes Elliott

An electrical receptacle installation kit includes a pair of brackets and an electrical receptacle having a face plate and a pair of outlets. A pair of screws extend through holes in the faceplate. Each screw includes a pivoting finger secured to a distal end of the screw behind the faceplate. A pair of brackets are provided, and bracket includes a rear plate, a horizontal support, and a front lip. In use, a user places the brackets in the hole provided for the receptacle, so that the rear plate is on the backside of the sheet rock, and the front lip is on the front side of the wall. The receptacle is positioned between the brackets, and the screws are turned so that the fingers rotate until they engage the rear plate, so that the receptacle is secured within the wall. 1. An electrical receptacle installation kit comprising:a pair of brackets, each bracket including a rear plate, a horizontal support, and a front lip;wherein said rear plate is connected to said horizontal plate at an angle of 90 degrees or less;wherein said front lip is connected to said horizontal plate at an angle of 90 degrees or less; andwherein said brackets are each configured to secure an electrical receptacle to an opening in a wall.2. The electrical receptacle installation kit set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:an electrical receptacle having at least one electrical outlet, and including a face plate on a front side thereof; andat least one screw extending through a hole in said face plate, said screw including a pivoting finger attached at a distal end thereof behind said faceplate, so that said pivoting finger rotates when said screw is turned.3. A method of installing an electrical receptacle into a wall comprising the steps of:providing an electrical receptacle with a movable securing mechanism for engaging a rear portion of said wall;providing a pair of brackets having a rear plate, a horizontal support, and a front lip;affixing one of said brackets to an upper edge of an ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052471A1

An electrical outlet assembly is mountable in a floor or work surface, and includes an upper bezel and a lower insert that are joined in a non-rigid manner that permits some adjustment to the spacing and/or tilt of the upper bezel relative to the lower insert. The upper bezel and lower insert are joined together by a plurality of fasteners extending between a plurality of fastener receivers coupled to the upper bezel, and to the lower insert. At least one end of each coupling fastener is loosely captured in such a way that when the coupling fasteners are fully secured, they are permitted to move axially relative to the fastener receiver or the lower insert. This allows the lower insert to be repositionable in its axial direction relative to the upper bezel, and also permits the lower insert to be tilted out of alignment with the upper bezel. 1. An electrical outlet assembly for mounting in a floor or work surface , said unit comprising:an upper bezel defining a longitudinal bezel axis;a plurality of fastener receivers positioned below said upper bezel;a lower insert spaced below said upper bezel and having a longitudinal insert axis, wherein said lower insert is positionable with the longitudinal insert axis in parallel or coaxial alignment with the longitudinal bezel axis, said lower insert defining a plurality of recesses; anda plurality of coupling fasteners having lower portions received in respective ones of said recesses, and upper portions extending above said lower insert and secured at respective ones of said fastener receivers;wherein said lower portions of said coupling fasteners are axially movable within said recesses to permit said lower insert to move a limited distance along the longitudinal insert axis, and to permit said lower insert to tilt relative to said upper bezel with the longitudinal insert axis oriented in non-parallel alignment with the longitudinal bezel axis.2. The electrical outlet assembly of claim 1 , wherein said lower portions of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060102A1

An electrical device cover configured for mounting over an electrical device comprises a frame including a frame channel and an frame opening. The frame opening is defined by at least four sides and is large enough to receive at least one electrical device. A sliding tab comprising a screw channel is provided, the sliding tab is slidably coupled with the frame channel and is slidable to a closed position in which the screw channel at least partially surrounds a box mounting screw of the at least one electrical device. 1. An electrical device cover assembly comprising: a substantially U-shaped first frame portion; and', 'a substantially U-shaped second frame portion, each said first frame portion and second frame portion being slidably coupled together to define said central opening, said first frame portion and second frame portion being coupled together and slidable between a first extended position where said central opening has a first dimension to receive the electrical device, and a second retracted position where said central opening has a second dimension less than said first dimension, and where said first and second frame portions are positioned between a yoke of the electrical device and the electrical box for coupling the frame to the electrical box., 'a frame having a central opening for receiving an electrical device mounted within an electrical box and configured for coupling a cover to the electrical device, said frame including'}2. The assembly of claim 1 , whereineach said first frame portion and second frame portion have a longitudinally extending tab and a longitudinally extending channel;said tab of said first frame portion being slidably received in said channel of said second frame portion; andsaid tab of said second frame portion being slidably received in said channel of said first frame portion.3. The assembly of claim 2 , whereinsaid channel of said first frame portion has a first notch at a first end of said channel; andsaid tab of said ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055980A1
Автор: Branson Chris, Durkee Joe
Принадлежит: NewBasis West, LLC

A durable captive bolt assembly for use with subterranean utility boxes is described. The disclosed bolt assembly includes a fastener, a conical spring, a rigid washer, a deformable washer, and a bushing. The point and threads of the fastener are designed to clear debris from an internally threaded nut and reduce or eliminate cross threading, galling, and electrolysis. 1. An assembly useful for utility boxes comprising:a lag screw comprising a point, a shank, and a head wherein the shank is at least partially and wherein the threaded portion of the shank is at least two inches long;a bushing;a deformable washer;a cone spring; anda rigid washer, wherein the lag screw point is designed to remove dirt or debris from an internally threaded nut as the nut is threadedly engaged onto the lag screw and wherein the cone spring is configured to compress as the nut is threadedly engaged onto the shank.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the point of the lag screw is a gimlet point.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising auger threads.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the head of the lag screw is substantially hexagonal.5. A utility box comprising:a utility box body designed to withstand subterranean conditions;a utility box cover comprising a plurality of openings for passing a fastener through the utility box cover and a plurality of recesses;a plurality of internally threaded nuts; anda utility box fastener assembly wherein the fastener assembly comprises a lag screw, a conical spring, a rigid washer, a deformable washer, and a bushing, and wherein the lag screw is configured to remove dirt or debris from an internally threaded nut.6. The utility box of claim 5 , wherein the fastener assembly and utility box cover are configured such that the conical spring is compressed when the lag screw engages the internally threaded nut.7. The utility box of claim 5 , wherein the lag screw comprises an at least partially threaded shank and gimlet point.8. The utility box of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150062786A1
Принадлежит: Labinal, LLC

A face plate () for use in a panel () for electrical switching apparatus includes a generally planar member () having a first surface (), an opposite second surface () and a number of apertures () disposed through the first surface and the opposite second surface. Each aperture is configured to receive an actuatable mechanism () of an electrical switching apparatus (). The faceplate further includes a number of inclined features (), each extending from the opposite second surface () about a respective aperture () of the number of apertures. At least one inclined feature () includes an inclined surface () disposed opposite the opposite second surface () of the generally planar member (). The inclined surface () is disposed at a non-zero angle (?) with respect to the generally planar member (). 118218. A face plate () for use in a panel () for electrical switching apparatus , the faceplate () comprising:{'b': 19', '20', '22', '24', '14', '10, 'a generally planar member () having a first surface (), an opposite second surface () and a number of apertures () disposed through the first surface and the opposite second surface, each aperture being configured to receive an actuatable mechanism () of an electrical switching apparatus () therethrough; and'}{'b': 28', '22', '24', '28', '30', '22', '19, 'a number of inclined features (), each of the inclined features extending from the opposite second surface () about a respective aperture () of the number of apertures, at least one inclined feature () having an inclined surface () disposed opposite the opposite second surface () of the generally planar member (),'}{'b': 30', '19, 'sub': '1', 'wherein the inclined surface () is disposed at a non-zero angle (θ) with respect to the generally planar member ().'}218302832102428. The faceplate () of wherein the inclined surface () of at least one of the number of inclined features () includes an indicia () defining a characteristic of the electrical switching apparatus () or circuit ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Hvac controller with a temperature sensor mounted on a flex circuit

Номер: US20180059694A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) controller may include a housing, a display, a printed wiring board, a flextail, and a temperature sensor. The housing may be configured to house the display, the printed wiring board, the flextail, and the temperature sensor. The flextail may extend from, for example, the display or other component of the HVAC controller, along the interior surface of the housing, and connect to a connector on the printed wiring board. The temperature sensor may be mounted on the flextail, and connected to the printed circuit board via the flex tail or other connection. In some cases, the temperature sensor may be positioned on the flextail such that when the flextail is connected to the printed wiring board, the temperature sensor is positioned adjacent a lower part of the housing, where less internal heat generated by the internal electrical components of the HVAC controller will reside.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077668A1
Автор: Stadler Hermann

The invention relates to a junction box () with a base part () and a cover part () arranged pivotably on the base part (), wherein a spring element () is arranged between the base part () and the cover part (), which is preloaded in such a way that it transfers the cover part () from an open position to a closed position, wherein a locking element () is arranged on the junction box (), which element is movable between a first position and a second position, and which in the first position locks the cover part () against the spring force of the spring element () in the open position and allows the cover part () to be transferred from the open position to the closed position in the second position. 110203020402030305010204020. A junction box () with a base part () and a cover part () arranged pivotably on the base part () , wherein a spring element () is arranged between the base part () and the cover part () , which is preloaded in such a way that it transfers the cover part () from an open position to a closed position , characterized in that a locking element () is arranged on the junction box () , which element is movable between a first position and a second position , and which in the first position locks the cover part () against the spring force of the spring element () in the open position and allows the cover part () to be transferred from the open position to the closed position in the second position.250. The junction box according to claim 1 , characterized in that the locking element () can be pivoted between the first position and the second position.35060. The junction box according to claim 1 , characterized in that the locking element () is fixed in the first position by means of a first latching mechanism ().45072. The junction box according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , claim 1 , characterized in that the locking element () is fixed in the second position by means of a second latching mechanism ().5505151515120515251abb. The junction box ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190058309A1

Thermally conductive assemblies that provide a heat conduction path include at least one thermally conductive inner member with longitudinally opposing first and second ends and an open center channel and an outer member surrounding the at least one thermally conductive inner member. The outer member is sufficiently flexible to expand outward in response to an outward force applied by the at least one thermally conductive inner member. The at least one inner member can be a plurality of cooperating inner members that have inner surfaces that align to form an inner perimeter surrounding the open center channel. 1. A thermally conductive assembly comprising:at least one inner member with longitudinally opposing first and second ends and an open channel extending between the first and second ends, wherein the at least one inner member is thermally conductive; andan outer member surrounding the at least one inner member, wherein the outer member is sufficiently flexible to expand outward in response to an outward force applied by the at least one inner member.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner member is a plurality of cooperating inner members that have inner surfaces that align to form an inner perimeter surrounding the open channel.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner member is at least two cooperating inner members.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the at least two cooperating inner members are arcuate claim 3 , and wherein the open channel is an open circular center channel formed by inner surfaces of the at least two cooperating inner members.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer member includes a lip that resides over the first end of the at least one inner member.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer member is a ring that is radially expandable and comprises one or more of rubber claim 1 , a polymer and/or an elastomer.7. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the at least two cooperating inner ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059043A1
Автор: RITCHIE Austen

An electrical safety system, for use in a wet area, the electrical safety system comprising a resealable housing, for installation into the wet area, a conductive bar extending through a side of the housing, for installation against a conductive element adjacent to the housing and an electrical coupling, coupled to the bar and housed in the housing, for coupling to an earth wire to earth the bar and thus the conductive element. 1. An electrical safety system , the electrical safety system comprising:a resealable housing, the cast into a concrete structure of or associated with a wet area, the resealable housing including a removable lid providing resealable access to an inside of the resealable housing;a conductive element extending through the housing and coupled to metal reinforcing in the concrete structure that is adjacent to and outside of the housing to form a conductive coupling between the conductive element and the metal reinforcing; andan electrical coupling, housed in the housing, coupling an earth wire to earth the conductive element and thus the conducive metal reinforcing.2. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal reinforcing claim 1 , the housing and the conductive element are cast in the concrete structure such that the metal reinforcing and conductive element are concealed by the concrete structure.3. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the outer surface of the resealable housing is flush with a surface of the concrete structure.4. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the housing includes a substantially planar base with at least one substantially perpendicular sidewalls claim 3 , through which the conductive element extends claim 3 , the conductive element oriented substantially horizontally in use.5. (canceled)6. An electrical safety system as claimed in wherein a seal is provided between the housing and the lid.7. An electrical safety system as claimed in wherein the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Screw less cover plate for electrical fixtures

Номер: US20200059076A1
Принадлежит: DJW Push, Inc

A screw less, adjustable cover plate for electrical fixtures is disclosed. The cover plate has a rear side which comprises of a prong attached thereto or molded as an integral part of the cover plate. The prong extends rearward from the cover plate and is orthogonal to a face of the cover plate. The prong is positioned in such a manner that it aligns with a threaded hole in the electrical outlet conventionally used to receive a screw for fastening the cover plate to the outlet. In an embodiment, the prong is configured to be pushed and not threaded into the threaded hole, in order to secure the cover plate to the electrical outlet. In this manner, the cover plate can be quickly installed without any tools and screws. 1. A screw less cover plate for electrical fixtures comprising:at least one prong integrally formed on a rear portion of the cover plate and adapted to couple with at least one outlet of an electrical box to secure the cover plate to the electrical box;wherein the cover plate does not require a screw to attach the cover plate to the electrical box;wherein the at least one prong comprises of at least one ridge bridged at the end of the prong disengaging the at least one outlet while pressing on or taking off the cover plate from the electrical box; andwherein the cover plate does not require modification of the electrical box in order to be received and attached to the electrical box.2. The screw less cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one prong expands back to its normal position to engage a threaded hole in the at least one outlet of the electrical box to secure itself firmly in place.3. The screw less cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one prong has a void at its center.4. The screw less cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ridge is longitudinally distributed.5. The screw less cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the at least one prong extends rearward from a rear face of the cover plate.6. The screw less cover plate of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Enclosed Housing for Alarm System Electrical Equipment

Номер: US20180062366A1
Автор: Bandre John

A recessed enclosure for housing alarm system electrical equipment. The recessed enclosure includes a rear wall and peripheral sidewalls which form an enclosure. At least one flange extends orthogonally outward from the sidewalls with apertures for securing the housing to a wall stud or other suitable area for recessed housing. An inner lip extends orthogonally inward from the peripheral sidewalls. A second peripheral sidewall extends forward from substantially the same position as the first and terminates in a front facing edge. A covering is disposed inside the second peripheral sidewall and hingedly connected to the inner lip. Knock-out sections for receiving electrical equipment are situated along the rear and sidewalls. Tie-ins for managing electrical wiring are also disposed along an interior of the rear wall and sidewalls. A frame fits over an outer edge of the sidewall and rests flush with the wall and covering. 1) A housing for alarm system electrical equipment , comprising:a planar rear wall;peripheral sidewalls extending orthogonally from the edges of the rear wall and joined together, wherein an enclosure with an open front face is defined;an inner lip extending orthogonally inward over the interior volume and connected from the peripheral side walls;at least one planar flange extending orthogonally outward from the peripheral side walls;a second peripheral sidewall enclosure extending forward from the first edge in substantially the same position as the first peripheral sidewall enclosure, wherein tabs are disposed at regular intervals along the outer perimeter, the second peripheral sidewall enclosure having an outer edge facing the open front;a planar covering disposed inside the second peripheral sidewall enclosure and hingedly attached to the inner lip, wherein the planar covering extends over the front opening and rests flush along the surface of the inner lip when in a closed position such that the interior volume is fully enclosed;an outer frame ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063063A1

According to the present disclosure, a cover assembly for an in-floor fitting includes an upper ring, a lower ring connectable to a housing configured to accommodate electrical receptacles, and a flange member clamped between the upper ring and the lower ring. The flange member extends radially outward from the upper ring and lower ring and is configured to support the in-floor fitting on a surface. 1. An in-floor fitting comprising:a housing; andan assembly secured to an upper end of the housing, the assembly including a flange member clamped between an upper ring and a lower ring, the flange member extending radially outward from the upper ring and lower ring and configured to support the housing and the assembly on a surface.2. The in-floor fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the flange member includes a central opening and an edge of the central opening includes at least one cutout.3. The in-floor fitting according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of a bottom surface of the upper ring or a top surface of the lower ring includes a thin raised surface having at least one radial projection that fits within the at least one cut-out in the flange member.4. The in-floor fitting according to claim 3 , wherein both the bottom surface of the upper ring and the top surface of the lower ring include the thin raised surface having at least one radial projection that fits within the at least one cut-out in the flange member.5. The in-floor fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the upper ring claim 1 , lower ring claim 1 , and flange member all have central openings that claim 1 , together claim 1 , provide access to an interior of the housing.6. The in-floor fitting according to claim 5 , additionally comprising a cover for the central opening hingedly attached to the assembly and movable between a closed position and an open position.7. The in-floor fitting according to claim 6 , wherein the cover is accommodated within an outer wall of the upper ring when in the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Photovoltaic Junction Box

Номер: US20170063299A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

A photovoltaic junction box is disclosed. The photovoltaic junction box comprises a base having a receiving chamber, a cover mounted on the base closing the receiving chamber, and a plurality of ventilation passageways. The plurality of ventilation passageways are disposed between a peripheral edge of the cover and a peripheral edge of the receiving chamber, and communicate between the receiving chamber and an area external of the photovoltaic junction box. 1. A photovoltaic junction box , comprising:a base having a receiving chamber;a cover mounted on the base closing the receiving chamber; anda plurality of ventilation passageways disposed between a peripheral edge of the cover and a peripheral edge of the receiving chamber communicating between the receiving chamber and an area external of the photovoltaic junction box.2. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ventilation passageways are formed on the peripheral edge of the cover.3. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ventilation passageways are formed on the peripheral edge of the receiving chamber.4. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ventilation passageways are formed on both the peripheral edge of the cover and the peripheral edge of the receiving chamber.5. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of electronic elements disposed within the receiving chamber.6. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 5 , wherein the electronic elements comprise a plurality of conduction terminals and a plurality of diodes.7. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 6 , wherein each diode connects adjacent conduction terminals.8. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 7 , wherein each diode is soldered on the adjacent conduction terminals.9. The photovoltaic junction box of claim 8 , wherein each diode is directly mounted on surfaces of the adjacent conduction terminals.10. The photovoltaic junction box ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061795A1
Автор: Harp Brian

A cover plate for a junction box may include a plate portion configured to cover an opening of the junction box. The cover plate may include a mast portion configured to couple with equipment configured to be mounted on a mast. The cover plate may include an offset portion coupling the mast portion with a front side of the plate portion. 1. A cover plate for a junction box , the cover plate comprising:a plate portion configured to cover an opening of the junction box;a mast portion configured to couple with equipment configured to be mounted on a mast; andan offset portion coupling the mast portion with a front side of the plate portion.2. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the mast portion and the offset portion form a hollow inner portion with a first opening at a top of the mast portion and a second opening at a back side of the plate portion.3. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the offset portion is detachably coupled to the plate portion.4. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the plate portion claim 1 , the mast portion claim 1 , and the offset portion are integrally formed.5. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the equipment comprises a bell.6. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the junction box is a junction box for a flashing light system.7. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plate portion claim 1 , the mast portion claim 1 , and the offset portion comprises aluminum.8. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the plate portion is detachably coupled to the junction box.9. A method of configuring a junction box claim 1 , the method comprising: a plate portion configured to cover the opening of the junction box,', 'a mast portion configured to couple with equipment configured to be mounted on a mast, and', 'an offset portion coupling the mast portion with a front side of the plate portion., 'coupling a cover plate to an opening of the junction box, the cover plate comprising10. The method of claim 9 , further comprising installing ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Cover Assembly for an Electrical Box

Номер: US20140144667A1

A cover assembly for an electrical box, such as a fire-rated poke through, includes a frame defining an opening, the frame including a first frame location and a second frame location, the first frame location being substantially opposite the second frame location, a cover movable between a closed position over the opening and an open position away from the opening, the cover having a perimeter including a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end being substantially opposite the distal end, and a hinge attaching the cover to the rear frame portion, the hinge having two substantially parallel pivot axes, at least one of which is movable towards and away from the other, one pivot axis located at the first frame location and the other pivot axis located at the proximal end of the cover. This construction provides a cover assembly for an electrical box that allows ready access to utility interfaces within the box, while preventing unwanted fluid and debris from damaging the junction box or utility interfaces below the cover assembly. 1. A cover assembly for an electrical box comprising:a frame defining an opening, said frame including a first frame location and a second frame location, said first frame location being substantially opposite said second frame location;a cover movable between a closed position over said opening and an open position away from said opening, said cover having a perimeter including a proximal end and a distal end, said proximal end being substantially opposite said distal end; anda hinge attaching said cover to said rear frame portion, said hinge having two substantially parallel pivot axes, at least one of which is movable towards and away from the other, one pivot axis located at said first frame location and the other pivot axis located at said proximal end of said cover.2. The cover assembly of claim 1 , whereinsaid hinge enables said cover to pivot substantially 180 degrees with respect to said frame.3. The cover assembly of claim ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Desk Top Item with LED Means has USB-Units or USB-Module to Charge Other Electric or Digital Data Devices

Номер: US20150070896A1
Автор: Tseng-Lu Chien
Принадлежит: Individual

Desk top items with LEDs also include USB-unit(s) or USB-module(s) and, optionally, additional outlet-units, to supply charging power to other electric or digital devices such as a smart phone or digital data device. The USB-unit(s) or USB-module(s) are arranged to supply power only, and do not have an additional USB data transfer function.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064575A1

Certain types of aggregation enclosures include cable input ports and downwardly angled cable output ports. A cover is pivotally coupled to the body so that the cover moves between an open position and a closed position. A modular component panel may be disposed within the enclosure. The component panel includes one or more distribution components (e.g., fiber distribution components or power distribution components) configured to connect at least a portion of an incoming cable to at least a portion of an outgoing cable. 1. (canceled)2. A terminal comprising:a body defining an environmentally sealed interior, the body having a rear wall extending between a top of the body and a bottom of the body, the body also including first and second sidewalls extending from the rear wall, the body being elongated between the top and the bottom;a cable port arrangement disposed at the bottom of the body, the cable port arrangement being environmentally sealed and being configured to receive both an optical line and a power line;a first plurality of hybrid cable ports disposed at the first sidewall, each hybrid cable port of the first plurality being environmentally sealed and being connected to both the optical line and the power line; anda second plurality of hybrid cable ports disposed at the second sidewall, each hybrid cable port of the second plurality being environmentally sealed and being connected to both the optical line and the power line.3. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the rear wall of the body is configured to mount to a surface at an installation site.4. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the first and second sidewalls are not parallel to each other.5. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of hybrid cable ports faces in a first direction; the second plurality of hybrid cable ports faces in a second direction; and the first and second directions are disposed at an angle relative to each other.6. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein the first ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220085586A1

A wall-mounted enclosure assembly utilizes insertable door mounting components that allow the enclosure door to be easily mounted to the enclosure main housing without the use of tools and in a manner that easily sets the door installation depth to match the depth of the surrounding drywall. After the enclosure main housing is mounted in the wall, insertable mounting components that serve as hinges and latches for the door are inserted into slots formed on the vertical sides of the main housing. The insertable mounting components can be inserted to a desired depth but cannot be withdrawn from the slots until a release tab is pressed. The installation depth of the hinges and latches is correctly set to match the thickness of the drywall merely by inserting the insertable mounting components until a stopping surface on the components abuts the drywall. 1. An enclosure assembly , comprising:a main housing; anda door comprising hinges on a first vertical door side and latches on a second vertical door side,wherein the door further comprises one or more first vents on the first vertical door side and one or more second vents on the second vertical door side.2. The enclosure assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe one or more first vents comprise at least two first vents formed on an upper section of the first vertical door side and a lower section of the first vertical door side, respectively, andthe one or more second vents comprise at least two second vents formed on an upper section of the second vertical door side and a lower section of the second vertical door side, respectively.3. The enclosure assembly of claim 1 , wherein the main housing comprises a rear wall comprising vertically arranged mounting holes.4. The enclosure assembly of claim 3 , wherein the vertically arranged mounting holes comprise at least one single column of vertically arranged mounting holes and at least one pair of columns of vertically arranged mounting holes.5. The enclosure assembly of claim 3 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Electrical Junction Box

Номер: US20220085587A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

An electrical junction box includes a housing, a bus bar, a nut, and an insulating cap. A through hole of the housing has a first end side and a second end side, and the first end side is opened in a bus bar placement surface of the housing. The bus bar is placed on the bus bar placement surface and is fixed to the housing such that a first bolt hole of the bus bar and the through hole communicate with each other. The cap is attached to the housing. A terminal having a second bolt hole is fixed to the bus bar by fastening a bolt inserted into the second bolt hole and the first bolt hole in this order to the nut so as to sandwich the bus bar and the terminal.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067923A1

An electrical connection box includes: a lower cover having an opening; a locked portion formed on a lower side wall of the lower cover; an upper cover closing the opening of the lower cover; a locking portion that is formed on an upper side wall of the upper cover and is locked by the locked portion to restrict the upper cover from moving in a detachment direction with respect to the lower cover; a contact rib that is formed on the upper side wall, protrudes toward the lower side wall, and has a distal end formed to be close to a side of an assembly direction in which the upper cover is assembled with respect to the lower cover compared to the locked portion; and a locking portion slit formed between the locking portion and the contact rib on the upper side wall. 1. An electrical connection box comprising:a lower cover having an opening;a locked portion formed on a lower side wall of the lower cover;an upper cover closing the opening of the lower cover;a locking portion that is formed on an upper side wall of the upper cover and is locked by the locked portion to restrict the upper cover from moving in a detachment direction with respect to the lower cover;a contact rib that is formed on the upper side wall, protrudes toward the lower side wall, and has a distal end formed to be close to a side of an assembly direction in which the upper cover is assembled with respect to the lower cover compared to the locked portion; anda locking portion slit formed between the locking portion and the contact rib on the upper side wall.2. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , further comprising:a contact rib slit formed on an opposite side of the locking portion slit with the contact rib interposed therebetween. The present application claims priority to and incorporates by reference the entire contents of Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-160532 filed in Japan on Aug. 23, 2017.The present invention relates to an electrical connection box.Conventionally, an ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Power distribution housing

Номер: US20170070041A1
Автор: Brent Glad, Justin Kaufman
Принадлежит: Littelfuse Inc

A power distribution housing including a base, a cover adapted to fit onto the base, a latch member adapted to removably secure the cover to the base, the latch member having a first end pivotably connected to the base and a second end having a latch detent extending therefrom, the latch detent configured to engage a catch in the cover when the latch member is pivoted to a latched position wherein the cover is secured to the base by the latch member, and a locking member coupled to the latch member, the locking member movable between a locked position, in which a locking member extension of the locking member engages a locking member recess in the cover and prevents the latch member from being moved from the latched position to an unlatched position, and an unlocked position in which the locking member extension does not engage the locking member recess.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067294A1

Provided is an electrical connection box capable of preventing a short circuit caused by droplets. The electrical connection box is to be provided in a vehicle, and includes an inner box for housing an electrical device for interconnecting a plurality of in-vehicle devices, and an outer box for supporting the inner box on an inner bottom surface, in which the inner bottom surface of the outer box and an outer bottom surface of the inner box are separated and face each other at a predetermined distance that is larger than a sum of heights of droplets adhering to the inner bottom surface and the outer bottom surface from the surfaces to which the droplets adhere. 1. An electrical connection box to be provided in a vehicle , the electrical connection box comprising:an inner box for housing an electrical device for interconnecting a plurality of in-vehicle devices; andan outer box for supporting the inner box on an inner bottom surface,wherein the inner bottom surface of the outer box and an outer bottom surface of the inner box are separated and face each other at a predetermined distance that is larger than a sum of heights of droplets adhering to the inner bottom surface and the outer bottom surface from the surfaces to which the droplets adhere.2. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is smaller than 1.5 times the sum of the heights of the droplets from the adherence surfaces in the facing portions.3. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is larger than 7.2 mm and smaller than 10 mm.4. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is larger than 7.8 mm and smaller than 9.5 mm.5. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is larger than 8.3 mm and smaller than 8.7 mm.6. The electrical connection box according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical connection box is provided with a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Configurable Enclosure

Номер: US20200067295A1
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

A configurable enclosure including a cover operably attached to a base. The base includes a wall disposed along a perimeter of a bottom surface and a bottom surface having first and second removable portions configured to be peeled away from the base portion to create an opening through the bottom surface. Moreover, the bottom surface includes thin sections located between first and second tracks that extend around outer edges of each of the removable portions. Actuators are operably attached to the first and second tracks, wherein through actuation of the actuator, the removable portions peel away from the base to create an opening through the bottom surface. 1a base; anda cover coupled with the base, the cover being configured to physically cover an interior of the configurable enclosure in a closed position;wherein a bottom surface of the base includes a first removable portion configured to be released from the base, the first removable portion being surrounded by a first track,wherein the bottom surface of the base includes a second removable portion configured to be released from the base, the second removable portion being surrounded by a second track and including the first removable portion,wherein the first removable portion is disposed within the second removable portion on the bottom surface of the base such that the second removable portion includes a first edge having a portion shared with a first edge of the first removable portion and a second edge having a portion shared with a second edge of the second removable portion,wherein the first track includes a first portion that is aligned with a first portion of the second track and a second portion aligned with a second portion of the second track, the first portion being separated from the first portion by a void configured as a curved slit,wherein a first actuator is positioned on the first track and a second actuator is positioned on the second track,wherein the first removable portion and the first ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075835A1
Автор: Moss J

An electrical fitting that comprises an integral cover plate and an electrical component, such as an outlet or a switch, the combined electrical component/cover plate being secured via screws through the cover plate into a wall box. Wires are secured to power wires coming from the wall box via quick-connectors or wirenuts. 1. A composite electrical fitting dimensioned to be received by a new or existing wall box having an opening with power supply wiring passing therethough into the wall box , wherein said composite electrical fitting comprising:an electrical component having a cover therearound;a cover plate, integrally formed with said electrical component and said cover; andintegral wires, each having a first end and a second end, and wherein said first end is in electrical communication with said electrical component;quick-connectors, where each quick-connector is for interconnecting one of said second ends of said integral wires with the corresponding power supply wiring from the wall box;wherein said cover plate comprises at least one throughhole therein dimensioned to receive at least one fastener, wherein the wall box comprises at least one aperture dimensioned to cooperatively engage said at least one fastener, and wherein said composite electrical fitting is removably secured to the wall box via said at least one fastener; andwhereby, said electrical fitting being installable into the new or existing wall box via connection of said quick-connectors between said second ends of said integral wires and the power supply wires, and fastening said electrical fitting to the wall box.2. The composite electrical fitting of claim 1 , wherein each of said quick-connectors having a quick-connect member disposed at each of said second ends of said integral wires.3. The composite electrical fitting of claim 1 , wherein each of said quick-connectors having a quick-connect member disposed at each end of the power supply wiring from the wall box.4. The composite electrical ...
