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12-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018136688A3

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016147632A3

27-05-2022 дата публикации

Магнитный электродвигатель-генератор

Номер: RU2772864C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано как магнитный электродвигатель, а также в качестве генератора для питания синхронных, асинхронных и тяговых электродвигателей, а также для зарядки аккумуляторных батарей. Технический результат заключается в увеличении мощности магнитного электродвигателя. Достигается тем, что магнитный электродвигатель-генератор содержит закрепленный на валу ротор с постоянными магнитами, статор с постоянными магнитами, ротор имеет n постоянных магнитов, выполненных в виде клиньев, расщиряющихся к статору и имеющих прямоугольную в плане форму, расположенных относительно оси ротора под углом 65-75° и залитых нейтральным по отношению к магнитным полям материалом, статор имеет n или n±1 постоянных магнитов, выполненных в виде клиньев, сужающихся к ротору и имеющих прямоугольную в плане форму, обращенных S-одноименными полюсами к постоянным магнитам ротора, расположенных относительно оси статора под углом 65-75° и залитых нейтральным по ...

30-10-2024 дата публикации

Синхронный генератор с комбинированным возбуждением

Номер: RU2829496C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно, к электрическому синхронному генератору комбинированного возбуждения. Технический результат – обеспечение высоких энергетических показателей, уменьшение массогабаритных характеристик. Синхронный генератор с комбинированным возбуждением состоит из статора, набранного из листов электротехнической стали, на котором расположена обмотка, выполненная медным эмалированным проводом, и явнополюсного ротора, набранного из листов электротехнической стали. Особенностью изобретения является попарное чередование на роторе полюсов с электромагнитным возбуждением и полюсов с постоянными магнитами. При этом направление намагничивания рядом расположенных магнитов противоположное, а полюсов с электромагнитным возбуждением – знакопеременное. 2 ил.

30-07-2021 дата публикации

Устройство синхронного генератора с возбуждением от постоянных магнитов

Номер: RU2752527C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано при создании и эксплуатации бесколлекторных синхронных генераторов с постоянными магнитами, в частности для электроснабжения вагонов подвижного состава, а также автономного электроснабжения различных объектов. Технический результат состоит в повышении удельной мощности и КПД, эффективности работы генератора за счет увеличения рабочих индукций в воздушном зазоре и обеспечения низкой начальной скорости, высокой надежности и срока активного существования генератора. В предлагаемом устройстве синхронного генератора с возбуждением от постоянных магнитов используется ротор с тангенциальным намагничиванием, позволяющий: использовать для его изготовления легкие немагнитные материалы, например титан, алюминий и т.д., и тем самым существенно уменьшить массу генератора, существенно увеличить рабочие индукции в воздушном зазоре (почти в два раза) от индукций постоянных магнитов. Распределение статорных обмоток в пазах по поверхности статора ...

09-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694065C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к вращающейся электрической машине, оснащенной механизмом регулирования магнитного потока, и предназначено изменять магнитный поток, направленный от постоянного магнита к обмотке статора, без использования специального актуатора. Электрическая машина включает в себя основную часть корпуса, подвижный механизм, перемещающийся при приеме центробежной силы, элемент шунтирования магнитного потока и смещающие пружины. Кулачковый элемент включает в себя кулачковую поверхность так, чтобы быть обращенной к подвижному механизму и выполнять соприкосновение с подвижным механизмом, и кулачковый элемент преобразует радиальное перемещение подвижного механизма, принятое кулачковой поверхностью, в осевое перемещение элемента шунтирования магнитного потока. Смещающие пружины придают смещающее усилие элементу шунтирования магнитного потока в направлении, отдаляющемся от осевой торцевой поверхности сердечника ротора, так, чтобы определять позицию ...

16-04-2024 дата публикации

Способ стабилизации выходного напряжения генератора с магнитоэлектрическим возбуждением

Номер: RU2817407C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в магнитоэлектрических генераторах автономных систем электроснабжения. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности регулирования, расширении диапазона изменения нагрузки при стабильном выходном напряжении и обеспечении высокого КПД за счет изменения магнитного состояния зубцов статора, по которым замыкается магнитный поток. Способ стабилизации напряжения магнитоэлектрического генератора, заключающийся в стабилизации напряжения генератора, снабженного дополнительной обмоткой, путем изменения магнитной индукции магнитопровода статора. При этом обеспечивают насыщение зубцов магнитоэлектрического генератора в режиме холостого хода и осуществляют изменение магнитной индукции в зубцах статора. Изменение магнитной индукции в зубцах статора в процессе нагрузки генератора до номинальной осуществляют путем уменьшения тока в дополнительной обмотке статора, при этом обеспечивают встречное направление магнитных потоков ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123505A

... 1. Механизм (2, 40, 50, 52) часовой электронный, оборудованный, по меньшей мере, одним электродвигателем (4, 42, 4А, 4В), включающим статор и ротор (6) с постоянным магнитом, расположенный в отверстии (24) статора, указанный статор определяет, по меньшей мере, два магнитных полюса (12, 14, 56, 57, 58), включающих соответствующие, по меньшей мере, два полюсных наконечника (61, 62), проходящих по периферии указанного отверстия, указанные, по меньшей мере, два полюсных наконечника соединяются друг с другом при помощи, по меньшей мере, одного непрерывного перешейка (20, 22), электродвигатель включает, по меньшей мере, одну катушку (28, 28А, 66, 67), установленную вокруг соответствующего, по меньшей мере, одного сердечника (26, 26А, 64, 65), отличающийся тем, что указанные, по меньшей мере, два полюсных наконечника и указанный, по меньшей мере, один сердечник совместно образуют первую деталь (8, 8А, 8В, 55), выполненную из ферромагнитного материала, указанная первая деталь сформирована, по меньшей ...

24-09-2018 дата публикации

Синус-косинусный двухфазный генератор

Номер: RU2667660C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, к электрическим машинам. Технический результат состоит в упрощении конструкции. Двухфазный генератор переменного напряжения содержит ротор с постоянными магнитами и статор с обмотками. Ротор выполнен принудительно вращающимся внешним источником механической энергии для наведения в обмотках статора переменного напряжения. Количество обмоток возбуждения на статоре четное и в четыре раза больше, чем количество пар полюсов на роторе. Диаметрально противоположные обмотки соединены между собой последовательно встречно или параллельно сонаправленно. Обеспечивается одновременная генерации однофазного переменного напряжения в виде синусоиды и косинусоиды. 6 ил.

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014105882A

... 1. Электродвигатель (1), включающий в себя по меньшей мере:- первичную часть (2а, 2b) с обмоткой (3), не содержащей железа, которая содержит по меньшей мере две фазы (6), при этом одна фаза (6) включает в себя по меньшей мере два жгута (4) обмотки и по меньшей мере один электрический соединительный элемент (5),- вторичную часть (7а, 7b) с четным количеством магнитных полюсов (8), которые с чередованием расположены на вторичной части (7а, 7b), при этом- обмотка (3) расположена на первичной части (2а, 2b) в воздушном зазоре (9) между первичной частью (2а, 2b) и вторичной частью (7а, 7b) по отношению к оси (10а, 10b) таким образом, что:- соответствующие жгуты (4) обмотки фазы (6) расположены напротив соответствующего магнитного полюса (8), и- все магнитные полюса (8) выполнены с возможностью одновременного использования для образования усилия.2. Электродвигатель (1) по п. 1, в котором первичная часть является статором (2а), вторичная часть выполнена в виде ротора (7а), осью (10а) является ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016006031T5

Motor, der einen Stator, der Wicklungen aufweist, und einen Rotor umfasst, der einem magnetischen Drehfeld unterworfen wird, das durch Liefern von Antriebsstrom zu den Wicklungen erzeugt wird. Die Wicklungen umfassen in Serie geschaltete erste Wicklungen und zweite Wicklungen und die ersten Wicklungen und zweiten Wicklungen werden gleichzeitig durch den Antriebsstrom angeregt. Der Rotor umfasst eine Mehrzahl von Rotorteilen, die Seite an Seite in der axialen Richtung angeordnet sind. Jeder der multiplen Rotorteile umfasst Magnetpole, die Permanentmagnete aufweisen, und Teile, die magnetischen Kraftfluss gestatten. An einer Drehposition des Rotors, wobei die Magnetpole den ersten Windungen entgegengesetzt sind, sind die magnetischen Kraftfluss gestattenden Teile den zweiten Wicklungen entgegengesetzt und gestatten die Erzeugung eines Verkettungskraftflusses aufgrund eines schwachen Feldstroms in den zweiten Wicklungen. Die multiplen Rotorteile weisen dieselbe Anzahl von Magnetpolen auf und ...

14-10-1999 дата публикации

Rotor für eine Windkraftanlage sowie Windkraftanlage

Номер: DE0029810364U1

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020105640A1

Eine Zykloiden-Reluktanzmaschine besteht aus einem Stator, der einen Rotor umgibt. Statorwicklungen und Rotorwicklungen bilden jeweils konzentrische Rotor- und Stator-Elektromagnete. Der Rotor ist in Bezug auf den Stator exzentrisch positioniert, um sich mit zwei Freiheitsgraden (2DOF) zu bewegen, einschließlich einer Drehbewegung um eine Drehachse des Rotors und einer Orbitalbewegung um eine Mittelachse des Stators. Ein Rotoreinschränkungsmechanismus (RCM) schränkt die Bewegung des Rotors ein, so dass der Rotor in der Lage ist, ein Ausgangsdrehmoment zu erzeugen und an eine gekoppelte Last in mindestens einem der 2DOF zu übertragen. Eine Magnetfeldpolarität der Stator- und/oder Rotorpole des jeweiligen Stators und Rotors ändert sich über einen elektrischen Zyklus der mehrphasigen Spannung. Die angekoppelte Last kann in einigen Ausführungsformen eine Antriebsachse eines Fahrzeugs sein. Bei anderen werden die Stator- und Rotorwicklungen über verschiedene Wechselrichter angetrieben.

26-04-2007 дата публикации

Antriebsvorrichtung für Waschmaschine

Номер: DE112006000007T5

Antriebsvorrichtung für eine Waschmaschine mit: einer Wanne, die Waschwasser enthält und mit einer darin drehbar eingebauten Trommel versehen ist; einem Doppel-Rotor mit einem äußeren Rotor, der mit Magneten versehen ist, die durch dessen innere Fläche gehalten werden, und einem inneren Rotor, der an der Innenseite des äußeren Rotors eingebaut und mit Magneten versehen ist, die durch dessen äußere Fläche gehalten werden; einem inneren Lager, das an der Rückfläche der Wanne zum drehbaren Halten des inneren Teils einer Trommelwelle befestigt ist, die die Trommel und den Doppel-Rotor verbindet; einer äußeren Lagerhalterung, die mit einem äußeren Lager zum drehbaren Halten des äußeren Endes der Trommelwelle versehen ist; und einem Stator, der an der Rückfläche der äußeren Lagerhalterung befestigt ist, so dass der Stator zwischen dem äußeren Rotor und dem inneren Rotor angebracht ist, wobei eine magnetische Energie zum Drehen des Doppel-Rotors durch elektrische Energie, die von...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Rotor einer elektrischen Rotationsmaschine, elektrische Rotationsmaschine und Rotorelement einer elektrischen Rotationsmaschine

Номер: DE112017000001T5

Ein Rotor 3 weist ein rohrförmiges Hülsenelement 9, mehrere Permanentmagnete 10, die an einer äußeren Umfangsfläche des Hülsenelements 9 in einer Umfangsrichtung ausgerichtet sind; und ein rohrförmiges Bewehrungselement 12 auf, das eine äußere Umfangsfläche der Permanentmagnete 10 ummantelt. Das Hülsenelement 9 umfasst Endabschnitte 9b und 9c, die in axialer Richtung zueinander beabstandet sind, und eine innere Umfangsfläche 9a, die ein Durchgangsloch ausbildet, das parallel zur axialen Richtung verläuft und durch das eine Welle hindurchgeht. Der Endabschnitt 9b ist ein Flanschabschnitt. Die innere Umfangsfläche 9a umfasst eine schräg verlaufende Oberfläche 9a-1, deren Innendurchmesser vom Endabschnitt 9b zum Endabschnitt 9c hin kontinuierlich kleiner wird, und eine schräg verlaufende Oberfläche 9a-2, deren Innendurchmesser vom Endabschnitt 9c zum Endabschnitt 9b hin kontinuierlich kleiner wird.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017002770T5

Ein Rotierende-Elektrische-Maschine-Antriebssystem umfasst: eine rotierende elektrische Maschine, die einen Stator, auf den eine Ankerwicklung gewickelt ist, und einen Rotor aufweist, auf den eine Erregerwicklung gewickelt ist; und eine Steuerungsvorrichtung, die einen elektrischen Strom, der zu zumindest einer der Erregerwicklung und der Ankerwicklung zugeführt wird, steuert. Der Rotor 30 umfasst: einen Erregerkern 32, der einen Nabenteil 321 und klauenförmige Magnetpolteile 323 aufweist; eine Erregerwicklung, die auf den Nabenteil 321 gewickelt ist; und Dauermagnete 34, die zwischen den klauenförmigen Magnetpolteilen 323 angeordnet sind. Eine d-Achsen-Magnetschaltung 36, die durch eine magnetomotorische Kraft der Erregerwicklung gebildet wird, und zumindest ein Teil von ersten und zweiten Magnet-Magnetschaltungen, die durch eine Magnetkraft der Dauermagneten 34 gebildet werden, werden geteilt. Wenn eine elektrische Last an den Rotor 30 angeschlossen ist, wird ein magnetischer Leitwert ...

15-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020126281A1

Eine rotierende elektrische Maschine umfasst einen Stator, einen Rotor mit einem Permanentmagneten, eine erste Anzahl von ersten Spulen und eine zweite Anzahl von zweiten Spulen. Die zweite Anzahl unterscheidet sich von der ersten Anzahl. Die erste Spule ist am Stator so angeordnet, dass sich Spulenachse entlang einer Drehachsenrichtung des Rotors erstreckt. Die zweite Spule ist auf dem Rotor so angeordnet, dass eine sich ihre Spulenachse entlang der Drehachsenrichtung des Rotors erstreckt. Die erste Spule und die zweite Spule sind auf dem Stator bzw. dem Rotor so angeordnet, dass sie sich in einem Zustand, in dem sich der Rotor in einer vorbestimmten Drehwinkelposition befindet, einander nahe gegenüberliegen. Die ersten Spulen sind so ausgebildet, dass sie abhängig von einer relativen Position in Bezug auf die zweite Spule eine Spannung induzieren.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Elektronisch kommutierte Maschine, elektronisch schlupfregelbare Bremsanlage und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektronisch kommutierten Maschine

Номер: DE102020204831A1

Die Erfindung betrifft u.a. eine elektronisch kommutierte Maschine (10), insbesondere einen elektronisch kommutierten Elektromotor.Zur Erfassung eines von einer Rotorwelle (16) der Maschine (10) absolvierten Drehwinkels bzw. einer Drehzahl ist diese Rotorwelle (16) mit einem Signalgeber (24) einer Sensoreinrichtung bestückt. Letzterer weist ein Magnetelement (26) auf, das mittels eines Halteelements (28) an der Rotorwelle (16) befestigt ist.Vorgeschlagen wird ein auf der Rotorwelle (16) kraftschlüssig angeordneter Klemmkörper (46) auf welchen das Haltelement (28) aufgepresst ist.

17-05-2001 дата публикации

Electrical machine e.g. generator, has optional arrangement of permanent magnets or/and electromagnets and possibly circuits, and magnetic force compensation to exert little or no influence on relative motion

Номер: DE0010049620A1

The machine has at least one stator (10) and at least one optional rotor for optional movement of any type, especially rotary motion, linear motion or tumbling motion, or at least two optional rotors running with different speeds or/and directions or/and types of motion, permanent magnets or electromagnets (1-8,11-14) and coils (3,4), especially with iron cores. There is an optional arrangement, especially of one or more permanent magnets or/and electromagnets, and circuits or no circuits irrespective of the magnetic arrangements, so that the magnetic forces between relatively moving parts are wholly or partly compensated to exert little or no influence on the relative motion(s).

29-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002048901B2

28-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002702799A1

05-04-2001 дата публикации

Pole switched, permanent magnet stimulated electric machine has stator with conventional three-phase or alternating current coil and rotor with unmagnetisable magnets per pole

Номер: DE0019946648A1

The pole switched, permanent magnet (2) stimulated electric machine has a stator (3) with a conventional three-phase or alternating current coil and a rotor with (1) more than one unmagnetizable magnet per pole. The magnets are predominantly tangentially magnetized and the width of the magnet varies in the radial direction.

29-05-2019 дата публикации

Getriebemotor und kooperierender Roboter

Номер: DE102018128802A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt einen Getriebemotor bereit, der zum Antreiben eines Gelenkabschnitts eines kooperierenden Roboters geeignet ist. Ein Getriebemotor (1) umfasst einen Motor (10) und einen Drehzahlminderer (40) und treibt einen Gelenkabschnitt eines kooperierenden Roboters an, der eine Arbeit in Zusammenwirkung mit einer Person durchführt. Zudem ist bei dem Getriebemotor (1) ein Betriebsgrad kleiner oder gleich 20 % ED, ein Untersetzungsverhältnis des Drehzahlminderers (40) ist kleiner oder gleich 30 und eine Ausgangsdrehzahl des Motors (10) ist kleiner oder gleich 1000 U/min.

23-05-1938 дата публикации

Wechselstromerzeuger mit Dauermagnetanker, insbesondere zur UEbertragung einer Messgroesse

Номер: DE0000660291C

07-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005007690D1

22-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011107803A1

Ein Motor umfasst einen Rotor und einen Stator. Der Rotor umfasst einen Rotorkern, Magnetpolabschnitte, und Kernpolabschnitte. Erste Magnetpolabschnitte, welche die Magnetpolabschnitte oder die Kernpolabschnitte sind, umfassen je einen ersten und zweiten entgegengesetzten Abschnitt, angeordnet in Axialrichtung. Jeder erste entgegengesetzte Abschnitt weist eine Hilfsnut auf, und jeder zweite entgegengesetzte Abschnitt weist keine Hilfsnut auf. M (°) repräsentiert einen Öffnungswinkel des Magnetpolabschnitts, G (°) repräsentiert einen Öffnungswinkel der Leerstelle, und L repräsentiert die Anzahl der Zähne, wobei ein Winkel D1 von der Längsachse in der Umfangsrichtung des ersten Magnetpolabschnitts zu der Seitenoberfläche in der Hilfsnut ist, die näher zu der Längsachse in der Umfangsrichtung ist, die Bedingung D1 = M/2 + G a × 360 (°)/L erfüllt (wobei a eine natürlich Zahl ist).

30-03-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001488074B2

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Electric machine for use as three-phase generator, for supplying electrical energy to electrical system in motor vehicle, has permanent magnet ring comprising unipolar radial magnet directly connected to rotor shaft

Номер: DE102007035319A1

The machine (10) has a claw pole rotor (14) comprising hybrid-excited electromagnetic and permanent magnetic claw pole modules (16a, 16b) arranged axially adjacent to each other on a rotor shaft (15). The module (16a) has a field coil (17) for electromagnetic excitation and the module (16b) has a permanent magnet ring (25) for permanent magnetic excitation. Each module has two axially spaced claw pole disks (18, 20) with pole fingers (19) interlocked in the outer periphery. The ring has an unipolar radial magnet directly connected to the rotor shaft over a forward conductance ring (26).

17-04-2013 дата публикации

Electric machine and method of operation thereof

Номер: GB0201303653D0

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Electro-magnetic coupling system

Номер: GB0201207754D0

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Electric machine apparatus

Номер: GB0201619856D0

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Electric machine

Номер: GB0201317307D0

15-08-2012 дата публикации

Magnetically geared generator used in water current power applications

Номер: GB0002488088A

The present invention provides an electrical machine for use in marine generation comprising a marine turbine, a first rotor mechanically connected to the marine turbine, a second rotor and a stator. The first rotor is configured to transfer torque to the second rotor in a magnetically geared manner, and the second rotor is configured to induce an AC voltage in the stator.

09-07-2003 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electromotive machines

Номер: GB0000312486D0

19-12-2018 дата публикации

Sensor magnet, rotor, electric motor, and air conditioner

Номер: GB0002563518A

A sensor magnet (25) is provided with: a first magnetic pole section (251) including a magnetic pole having a first polarity; a second magnetic pole section (252) including a magnetic pole having a second polarity; and an interpolar section (253) formed between the first magnetic pole section (251) and the second magnetic pole section (252). The width (L3) of the interpolar section (253) is larger than the width (L1) of the first magnetic pole section (251) and the width (L2) of the second magnetic pole section (252).

10-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002570031A

A magnetic pole arrangement comprises a plurality of magnetic pole assembles 110 arranged back-to-back along a longitudinally extending axis of rotation X, each providing flux to an air gap. Each magnetic pole assembly comprises one or more magnetic poles pieces 30 and two components of magnetic flux, an axial flux component provided by plural axially magnetised and displaced magnets 40 adjacent axial faces of the pole piece and a circumferential flux component provided by plural circumferentially magnetised magnets 50 that are adjacent circumferential faces of the pole pieces and spaced around the rotation axis X. The magnetic flux sources can be triangular (fig 13, 92) or quadrilateral (fig 14, 93) hexagonal and the pole-pieces can be quadrilateral in section (fig 13,31) or hexagonal (fig 14,33). There may be magnetic end plates 100 connecting axially magnetised magnets 40 that may be shared between adjacent magnetic poles. There may be a third component of axial flux provided from a ...

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: GB0002571000B
Принадлежит: INTELLITECH PTY LTD, Intellitech Pty Ltd

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Magnetically geared machine for marine generation

Номер: GB0000920148D0

04-04-2012 дата публикации

Dynamo-electric machine with rotor magnet adjustable shunt

Номер: GB0002484161A

A dynamo-electric machine includes a rotor 1 having a plurality of permanent magnets 3, a stator 5 having a plurality of stator coils 9, and an adjustable magnetic shunt 4, for shunting the magnetic flux of at least one of the permanent magnets 3, the shunt 4 being displaceable axially between a shunting position and a non-shunting position. The rotor 1 includes a magnetically anisotropic rotor core 11 and a magnetically isotropic core element 24 situated between the V of the magnets to increase the flux quantity14 shunted when the shunt 4 contacts the rotor end. A further isotropic core 26 may be provided inboard of the magnets (figs 11,12) to achieve even further flux diversion 14. The anisotropic rotor may be achieved by means of laminations and the isotropic core parts may be an electrically non-conductive material comprising a soft magnetic composite (SMC) of insulated iron powder particles. The prior art fig 2 shows an example of appropriate shunt control.

31-10-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in magnetos for ignition purposes

Номер: GB0000170902A

... 170,902. Smith, E. A. Layton-. June 30, 1920. Magneto-electric machines.-In a magneto for ignition purposes, a single permanent magnet of bar or tubular form is used which is coaxial with the rotor and provided with pole-pieces acting in conjunction with a single stationary armature coil. As shown in Fig. 1, the permanent magnet A has its longitudinal axis coincident with the rotor axis and is provided with staggered radial polar extensions A<2>, A<3>. The armature B has its core ends divided and spaced apart lengthwise of the rotor axis to co-operate with the polar extensions. In the modification shown in Fig. 4, the end portions of the polar extensions are brought into the same place as the two core ends of the armature B. According to the Provisional Specification, two or more bar magnets may be used clamped to flats formed on the rotor spindle.

04-12-2019 дата публикации

Permanent magnet conical motors, stators and rotors thereof

Номер: GB0002574279A

A permanent magnet conical motor comprises a stator whose inner surface has a cone shape and a rotor having a truncated cone shape where a cone angle of the rotor is the same as a cone angle of the stator. The rotor may have a permanent magnet and rotate axially with respect to the stator. A spring mounted on a shaft of the rotor may negate an axial force produced by the magnet when the motor is not energized. The spring elasticity coefficient may be based on the axial force produced by the magnet when the motor is at no load. The cone angle may be calculated based on torque demand and an axial force required for an axial movement. When energized, a force acting on the rotor has a normal component and a tangential component with respect to a rotor lateral surface, and the tangential component may be proportional to rotor torque and a shear stress produced on the surface. The rotor axial force may be determined according to magnet characteristics at no load, and the magnet characteristics ...

08-06-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to alternating current motors

Номер: GB0000624412A

... 624,412. A.C. motors. BRITISH THOMSONHOUSTON CO., Ltd. June 19, 1945, No. 15547. Convention date, June 20, 1944. [Class 35] In a synchronous motor with a distributed stator winding and a toothed rotor with adjacent rotor teeth of opposite polarity, the number of rotor teeth is twice the number of stator teeth, plus or minus two, and the width of the rotor teeth may be less than the width of the stator teeth. In the form shown, the rotor has fifty imbricated teeth, twenty-five on each of two flanged discs 3, secured to the ends of an axially magnetized cylindrical magnet 6 on the shaft 5 and the stator has twenty-four teeth. The winding may be single-phase, split-phase with condenser, or polyphase and the stator may be wound for a number of poles as low as two. A relatively greater number of turns is inserted in the slots nearer the centre of a pole as denoted by the varying numbers of wires shown in the slots of the two-pole, split-phase stator shown, these wires relating to one-phase only ...

30-09-1936 дата публикации

Improvements relating to ignition magnetos for internal combustion engines

Номер: GB0000454436A

... 454,436. Magnetos. LUCAS, Ltd., J., and ALLEN, A. MASSEY-, Great King Street, Birmingham. March 30, 1935, No. 9990. [Class 35] A magneto comprises a cylindrical single or double rotary magnet co-operating with a pair of armatures, the flux changes in which are in quadrature. In the form shown in Figs. 3 and 4, two four-pole magnets f are axially displaced with their poles in alignment and cooperate with armatures a which, in addition to being axially displaced, are angularly separated by 135‹. In a modified form, the angular displacement is 180‹ but the magnets are angularly displaced by 90‹. A single magnet may be used if the armatures are coplanar, their angular displacement then being as shown in Fig. 4. The magnets may be cast on the shaft.

24-08-2022 дата публикации

Electric machine, rotor and stator

Номер: GB0002603926A

A stator core 110 segment comprising a body 140 defining a segment 120 of an annular ring and a pole tooth 150 projecting radially from the body, the tooth comprising a pair of tips 160a, 160b, which have an initial configuration in which they extend longitudinally with respect to the tooth and an assembled configuration in which they extend transversely to provide a flange at the pole tooth end. Each tooth tip comprises a web contiguous with the tooth and a head at the distal end of the web and the tooth has a recess in a shoulder proximal to each tip, the recess defining a seat to receiving and aligning a portion of the head when the tip is in assembled. The head may comprise a first portion proximal to the web and a second portion distal to the web, where when assembled the first portion engages the seat and the second portion extends transversely beyond the tooth. The first portion of the head and the seat may have complementary profiles which resiliently engage, where the profiles ...

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Electrical Machine and Power Electronics Converter

Номер: GB0002603158A

An integrated electrical machine and power electronics converter arrangement 10, comprising: an electrical machine comprising one or more windings 1221, a power electronics converter 131 arranged to supply or receive current from the windings, a magnetocaloric effect MCE material 16 in thermal contact with the converter, and a heat sink Q for removing heat from the MCE material. The MCE material is arranged in proximity to the windings so when in use, stray magnetic flux from the windings through the MCE material activates the material in order to create magnetic refrigeration which removes heat from the converter. The machine and converter may be in a common housing or connected together in a machine housing 12 and converter housing 13. The heat sink may be arranged to transfer heat removed from the MCE material into a cooling system 17, removing heat from both the machine and the material. The cooling system may comprise conduit in a cooling jacket for cooling fluid in thermal contact ...

19-10-2022 дата публикации

A rotor for a permanent magnet electrical machine

Номер: GB0002605780A

A rotor 2 for a permanent magnet electrical machine comprising a hub 10 having a central rotational reference axis; and first and second sets 4, 6, of rotor segments 12, with the first set extending around the circumferential surface of the hub at a different axial location to the second set. Each segment includes at least one permanent magnet 20 with the magnets of the first set offset in the circumferential direction relative to the magnets of the second set, and an engagement portion 16 shaped to engage mechanically with the hub so as to resist radial forces, and having a radially extending central axis in a plane extending perpendicular to the central rotational reference axis. In each rotor segment of the first set, the centre of mass of its magnet(s) is circumferentially offset from the central axis of the respective engagement portion, and the segment is shaped such that the centre of mass of the segment is substantially aligned with the central axis of the respective engagement ...

03-05-2023 дата публикации

An interior permanent magnet motor

Номер: GB0002569142B
Принадлежит: TRW LTD [GB]

11-10-2023 дата публикации

Stator for an electric machine

Номер: GB0002617307A

A stator 10 for interacting with magnets 6 carried by a rotor 2 of an electric machine 1, the stator comprising an active region arranged to be aligned with the magnets carried by the rotor; a first inactive region and a second inactive region, where the first and second inactive regions are separated by the active region. A slotless phase winding 7 comprising conductive elements is provided, where each conductive element comprises a conductor provided in an insulating housing, and where the slotless phase winding is arranged in a serpentine structure. The winding comprises first active segment in which the conductive elements extend across the active region from the first inactive region to the second inactive region; a second active segment in which the conductive elements extend across the active region from the second inactive region to the first inactive region; and an inactive segment coupling the first active segment to the second active segment, where the inactive segment comprises ...

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Decreased drag high efficiency electric generator.

Номер: AP2011005804A0

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Decreased drag high efficiency electric generator.

Номер: AP0201105804A0

10-08-1987 дата публикации

Speed sensor

Номер: AT0000383707B

Speed sensor, which contains a permanent magnet 1, which is in the form of a disc with poles located alternately on the circle circumference and with an axial hole 2 for a rotating shaft 3. Active conductors 7a of a winding 4a which is fitted to a supporting part are located opposite the poles of the permanent magnet 1 and are connected in series via the ends 8a of this winding 4a. An additional winding 4b is arranged in a similar manner to the winding 4a and its electrical conductors 7b and ends 8b are located in the immediate vicinity of the active conductors 7a and winding ends 8a, with a shift within 30 to 330 degrees electrical. One set of ends of the windings 4a, 4b is connected to a differential amplifier 9, while the others are connected to a common supply rail 10 for this differential amplifier 9. ...

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399387T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457093T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000459123T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400917T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522017T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505594A2

15-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AT505594A3

Electromagnetic rotary drive device (10) having a stator which has electromagnet devices which interact with a rotor (11), which is formed with at least one permanent magnet (13), in order to rotate it, and likewise to provide an electromagnetic bearing for it, and having an open-loop and/or closed-loop control device (20) for the electromagnetic bearing and rotation of the rotor (11), with the stator being in the form of segments (14) with an extender (19) over only a portion of the geometric circle circumference defined by the rotor (11), with force components (3a, 3b) being formed during operation in the direction tangential to the surface of the rotor (11) and in the normal direction by the currents supplied to the electromagnet devices (15, 21) of the segments (14) of the stator, which force components (3a, 3b) cause a torque as well as two supporting forces in different radial directions at right angles to the rotor rotation axis (7).

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506167A1

The invention relates to a roller conveyor comprising rollers (1) for transporting goods to be conveyed along a conveying direction transversely to the roller axes, said rollers being rotatably supported in a roller frame (2) in roller bearings (8), and further comprising a drive for the rollers (1), wherein it is provided that the roller conveyor has at least one section on which the drive is formed by electric motors disposed on the roller frame (2) in the region of the roller bearing (8), the rotor of said motors being connected to the respective rollers (1), and the stator of said motors (9) being disposed coaxially to said roller, and wherein furthermore the stator (9) surrounds the rotor (100) only partially and is entirely disposed beneath a conveying plane (101) of the roller conveyor.

15-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000180546T

15-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000159132T

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000170680T

15-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000103122T

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000217776T

15-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000198637T

28-05-2020 дата публикации

DC voltage air conditioning compressor drive unit

Номер: AU2018377857A1
Принадлежит: Jogias Patent & Trade Marks Attorneys

The invention relates to a Direct Current (DC) air conditioning compressor drive unit for use in both buildings and in vehicle installations. Energy savings can be demonstrated in the automotive industry when compared to the current status of known DC air conditioning drive units and in particular those relying on direct or pulley drive. More particularly, when coupled to DC battery and inverter technology for air conditioning purposes within domestic housing, commercial and industrial buildings, it can provide extreme energy savings. Preferably, the purpose of this innovation is to enhance the viability and energy savings opportunities of using DC power in air conditioning if used in conjunction with smart compressor technology.

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Radial airgap, transverse flux motor

Номер: AU2004247246A1

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Brushless DC Motor and Brushless DC Motor Controller

Номер: AU2003302360B2

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Rotary electric machine

Номер: AU2011233453B2

A motor (1) is provided with a drive shaft (60), a rotor (40) attached to said drive shaft (60), and a stator (20) which has an approximately cylindrical stator core (30) provided around the outer circumference of said rotor (40), and multiple coil units (21, 22, 23) wound around said stator core (3) in a distributed manner. The stator core (30) is configured from three stator core partitions (31) arranged in the circumference direction, and each coil unit (21, 22, 23) is arranged so as not to span any two of the three partition stator cores (31). The coil end (21E) of at least one of the multiple coil units (21, 22, 23) is configured so as to penetrate further inside than the inner circumference of the stator core (30).

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Rotating electric machine

Номер: AU2011233453A1

A motor (1) is provided with a drive shaft (60), a rotor (40) attached to said drive shaft (60), and a stator (20) which has an approximately cylindrical stator core (30) provided around the outer circumference of said rotor (40), and multiple coil units (21, 22, 23) wound around said stator core (3) in a distributed manner. The stator core (30) is configured from three stator core partitions (31) arranged in the circumference direction, and each coil unit (21, 22, 23) is arranged so as not to span any two of the three partition stator cores (31). The coil end (21E) of at least one of the multiple coil units (21, 22, 23) is configured so as to penetrate further inside than the inner circumference of the stator core (30).

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002367852A1

17-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003245814A1

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Electromagnetic distributed direct drive for aircraft

Номер: AU2015309162A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A fault tolerant, optically or electrically managed, EMP resilient electromagnetic distributed direct drive powertrain applied to provide lift and/or propulsion and/or attitude control to an aircraft. The electromagnetic distributed direct drive being network based, capable of autonomous operations and decisions such as pilot input interpreting mode, load distribution, fault management, self- healing operations, electrical and mechanical health monitoring, as well as electrical and mechanical fault prediction.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Electric motor having a diametric coil

Номер: AU2016424895A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The invention relates to an electric motor, which comprises: (A) a disk-type rotor which comprises: (a) a co-centric shaft and disk; (b) two or more permanent magnets on top or within said disk; and (c) pieces of ferromagnetic material that are disposed between at least two of said permanent magnets; and, (B) a stator which comprises: (d) a diametric coil unit which is disposed along a diameter of the rotor's disk, the coil unit comprises: (d1) a diametric rectangular bobbin having a rectangular cavity, said rectangular cavity having a length slightly larger than the diameter of the rotor; (d2) a coil which is wounded around said diametric bobbin; and (d3) upper and lower holes within said bobbin to contain said shaft, thereby to allow rotation of said rotor within the said rectangular cavity.

14-09-1995 дата публикации

Lightweight high power electromotive device

Номер: AU0000662801B2

28-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002697557A1

A wind turbine generator is provided with: a main shaft which supports a wind turbine rotor; a main bearing which rotatably supports the main shaft; a generator provided with a generator rotor and a stator; and a sleeve coupled to the generator rotor and is inserted onto the main shaft. The stator is provided with: stator magnetic poles arrayed in the circumferential direction of the main shaft; and first and second stator plates which are coupled to the main shaft relatively rotatably thereto to support the stator magnetic poles and arranged in the axial direction of the main shaft. The generator rotor is provided with: rotor magnetic poles arrayed in the circumferential direction; and at least one magnetic pole supporting structure coupled to the main shaft to support the rotor magnetic poles and provided between the first and second stator plates. The first and second stator plates and the rotor magnetic pole supporting structure are configured such that the rotor magnetic poles and ...

19-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1144970A

A permanent magnet generator that minimizes the effect that temperature would otherwise have on the output current when the generator is operating under a heavy current load. The permanent magnet generator includes a stator having a plurality of teeth and slots between adjacent teeth with at least one winding having electrical conductors passing through the slots, and a strip of ferromagnetic material positioned in at least one of the slots and electrically isolated from the conductors. The ferromagnetic material has a Curie point in the range of 300 to 600.degree.F. The invention provides for a reduction in the inductive reactance of a winding of the generator as temperature increases over its operating temperature range so that the effect of temperature on the output current of the generator is minimized. pc/ ...

09-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524302A1

The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator (20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first winding (22).

18-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002584925A1

The present invention provides an electrical machine (1) with reduced cogging. The magnet poles (3) of the electrical machine are comprised of at least two separate groups of at least two circumferentially adjacent magnet poles. One of the circumferentially outer magnet poles (3) in one of the groups of magnet poles is defined as being in its reference position. The reference position of each other magnet pole (3) is defined as the position each other magnet pole would occupy if all the magnet poles were equally circumferentially spaced around the first or second body and the one circumferentially outer pole was in its reference position. At least one of the circumferentially outer magnet poles (3) in each group is sited in its reference position. At least one magnet pole (3) in each group is a displaced magnet pole and is sited in a position that is displaced from its reference position by an amount that is not equal to an integral multiple of the reference angular pitch of the winding ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003015708A1

L'invention concerne une éolienne flottante (10) comprenant une plateforme flottante (14) et une turbomachine (12) reposant sur la plateforme, la turbomachine comprenant: -des première et deuxième turbines (24) à flux transverse disposées de façon symétrique par rapport à un premier plan, chaque turbine comprenant des pales (32) comprenant des parties centrales (33) se prolongeant aux extrémités par des bras, reliés à des éléments d'arbre (52, 56) par des liaisons pivotantes (74, 76), chaque turbine comprenant, en outre, des carénages supérieur et inférieur (42, 44); et -une structure (26) de maintien des turbines comprenant un pylône médian vertical (28) entre les turbines et en amont d'un deuxième plan contenant les axes (A, A') de rotation des pales des turbines.

02-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062350A1

A power generating system using magnetic induction and a method of operating same are disclosed. The power generating system includes at least one stationary electromagnet receiving an excitation voltage from a power supply. The at least one stationary electromagnet has a north pole, a south pole and a magnetic field. The system also includes at least one stationary coil positioned inside the magnetic field and intersected by magnetic field lines of the at least one electromagnet such that when the at least one electromagnet is excited, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the at least one stationary coil. The power supplied may be AC or DC. The system also includes a frequency modulator for changing the rate of electric current introduced to the at least one electromagnet so that the change of current rate will cause an EMF to be induced in the coil.

18-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524302C

... ²²²The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator ²(20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a ²current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first ²winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be ²used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first ²winding (22).² ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672032A1

An alternator (10) has a housing (11), a pair of opposed magnet end plate s (12, 13) mounted within the housing (11) a coil plate (14) mounted in and held in position within the housing (11), between the pair of magnet end pla tes (12, 13). A drive shaft (15) is located within housing (11) and is coupl ed to the pair of magnet end plates (12, 13). Each magnet end plate (12, 13) has a plurality of permanent magnets (17) disposed thereon. The coil plate (14) has a plurality of magnet wire coils (not shown) embedded therewithin s uch that they can be seen from both sides of the coil plate (14). In use, tu rning of the drive shaft (15) causes the magnet end plates (12, 13) to move relative to the coil plate (14) thus exciting each magnet wire coil (not sho wn) on each side resulting in the generation of an alternating current there in.

08-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002640048A1

Le turboréacteur comporte un corps haute pression (30) et un corps basse pression (20) entraînant une soufflante (40). En outre, pour la production de courant électrique, il comporte en outre un générateur électrique (60) agencé dans la soufflante (40) et prélevant une puissance sur celle-ci. Ce générateur comporte un rotor (62) intégré à la soufflante, et un stator (64) intégré au carter de soufflante (14). Cette disposition du générateur électrique (60) évite les problèmes d'opérabilité du moteur à bas régime et permet la conversion de puissance mécanique en puissance électrique avec un rendement élevé. De plus, l'installation et la maintenance du générateur électrique sont facilitées pa r leur implantation au niveau de la soufflante (40).

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002958848A1

A fault tolerant, optically or electrically managed, EMP resilient electromagnetic distributed direct drive powertrain applied to provide lift and/or propulsion and/or attitude control to an aircraft. The electromagnetic distributed direct drive being network based, capable of autonomous operations and decisions such as pilot input interpreting mode, load distribution, fault management, self- healing operations, electrical and mechanical health monitoring, as well as electrical and mechanical fault prediction.

08-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002737357C

An AC permanent magnet synchronous electrical machine includes a stator (1) and a rotor (2). An air gap (7) is provided between the outer circumference of the rotor (2) and the inner wall of the stator (1). The minimum air gap length of the air gap (7) is g min, and a mechanical rotating angle of a position with the minimum air gap length is zero degree. The number of the pole pairs of the electrical machine is p. an air gap length of a position with an electrical degree of p.cndot..theta. is g(p.cndot..theta.). g(p.cndot..theta.) of a position within a certain electrical degree range is inversely proportional to a cosine function of the electrical degree.

15-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002836087C

The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator (20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first winding (22).

19-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002823656A1

A magnetically isolated phase stator includes a stator phase section with two sides and a magnetically inactive isolation region on each side that prevents a permanent magnetic field from being shared from the stator phase section and another stator phase section of the stator. A magnetically isolated phase interior permanent magnet electrical rotating machine includes a magnetically isolated phase stator, a rotor, and an air gap between the stator and rotor defining a rotor-stator interface, the rotor having two or multiples of two permanent magnets arranged in parallel with opposing magnetic poles to direct magnetic flux through a pole of the rotor, through the air gap of the rotor-stator interface, and through a pole of the stator.

21-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002076412A1

... 14 An electric machine within a hub housing rotatably disposed on an axle. A magnetic rotor is mounted on and can be rotated about the axle and is driven by the rotation of the hub housing by means of a transmission. The magnetic rotor comprises a central support carrying a plurality of axially aligned permanent-magnetic rods arranged in a starshaped configuration. A coil assembly in the form of a cylindrical shell is arranged around the magnetic rotor. This design results in a compact and easy to assemble configuration with an overall efficiency higher than 0.5.

28-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002136216C

An air gap length g between a stator and a portion having metallic characteristics of a rotor is determined to be equal or more than N5/6.cndot.P1/8.cndot.d.cndot.Kg so as to supply a brushless DC motor which is able to rotate at super high speed.

13-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002117985A1

An electromagnet transducer is provided which consists of a rotor drum having a series of permanent magnet strips thereabout, a generator connected to the rotor drum, a stator frame having a series of aligned electromagnets and a synchronizing circuit for turning the current off to the electromagnets at the right moments, so as to cause the rotor drum to continue to rotate to operate the generator.

02-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002074360A1

23-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002259794A1

The present invention makes the slots of stator core 2A of stator 1A rectangular enclosed slots 4A in which triangular projecting parts 3a are formed on the inner periphery side of this stator core 2A. It cools stator core 2A by passing cooling gas through projecting parts 3a. It also causes the magnetic flux that reaches stator core 2A from permanent magnets 6 by passing through retaining ring 8 and air gap 9 to pass the inner periphery sides of projecting parts 3a of stator core 2A. By this means, it prevents oscillation of magnetic flux density in the peripheral direction, reduces the eddy currents in retaining ring 8 which accompany this oscillation, and prevents temperature rise.

30-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002278581A1

A high speed, brushless, DC motor has a rotor (10) comprising a solid rare earth magnet core (17) magnestised diametrically. The rotor (16) includes a sleeve (18) surrounding the magnet core (17) to radially constrain the core during high speed rotation thereof. The sleeve (18) extends axially in both directions from the core to form a hollow shaft for the rotor (16). The sleeve (18) is formed of non-magnetic, low electrical conductivity material. Control circuity (14) is provided including an electronic inverter of a predetermined rating, the control circuity including means to maintain substantially constant power through the range of motor speeds from a base speed to a maximum speed while maintaining a power factor close to 1.

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Электрическая машина

Номер: RU0000181894U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к электрическим машинам и может найти применение при создании асинхронных и синхронных электродвигателей и электрогенераторов.Электрическая машина, содержащая статор с полузакрытыми пазами, магнитные клинья для фиксации обмотки статора и ротор с постоянными магнитами, отличающаяся тем, что магнитные клинья выполнены т-образными и расположены таким образом, что тело магнитного клина помимо части паза занимает и его шлиц, при этом относительная магнитная проницаемость материала клина не менее 40.Заявляемая полезная модель позволяет уменьшить зубцовые пульсации электромагнитного момента, уменьшить вихревые токи в массиве постоянных магнитов и снизить их нагрев.

31-07-2018 дата публикации

Синхронный электрический двигатель-генератор

Номер: RU0000181979U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к электроэнергетике, в частности к синхронным электрическим машинам, работающим в режиме двигателя и генератора, и может быть использована в силовых электроприводах, в различных системах автоматики, а также в качестве источника переменного или постоянного тока, в качестве вентильного генератора. Технический результат, на достижение которого направлена заявляемая полезная модель, заключается в повышении эффективности электрической машины за счет увеличения токовой постоянной двигателя-генератора и обеспечения возрастания удельной мощности двигателя-генератора на единицу тепловых потерь. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 979 U1 (51) МПК H02K 1/14 (2006.01) H02K 3/28 (2006.01) H02K 21/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02K 1/14 (2018.02); H02K 3/28 (2018.02); H02K 21/14 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017147032, 29.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 31.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 31.07.2018 Бюл. № 22 7969058 B2, 28.06.2011. RU 2059994 C1, 10.05.1996. RU 2121206 C1, 27.10.1998. RU 2453968 C2, 20.06.2012. RU 2330368 C2, 27.07.2008. (54) СИНХРОННЫЙ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ-ГЕНЕРАТОР (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к Технический результат, на достижение которого электроэнергетике, в частности к синхронным направлена заявляемая полезная модель, электрическим машинам, работающим в режиме заключается в повышении эффективности двигателя и генератора, и может быть электрической машины за счет увеличения использована в силовых электроприводах, в токовой постоянной двигателя-генератора и различных системах автоматики, а также в обеспечения возрастания удельной мощности качестве источника переменного или постоянного двигателя-генератора на единицу тепловых тока, в качестве вентильного генератора. потерь. 2 ил. R U 1 8 1 9 7 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 105978182 A, ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Compact linear actuator with rotary mechanism

Номер: US20120043832A1
Автор: Edward A. Neff, Toan M. Vu
Принадлежит: SMAC Inc

Methods and apparatus for a compact linear actuator having an improved rotary mechanism are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, the linear actuator comprises a spline bearing for guiding the shaft of the actuator as it is linearly actuated. A rotor positioned around the spline bearing rotatably engages the spline bearing when magnetically actuated by a surrounding stator. A rotational lock connected to the piston assembly may be used to prevent the piston assembly from rotating during operation. Optionally, a rotary scale may be attached to the spline bearing in order to indicate how far the shaft has rotated. Since the shaft does not bear the mass of the rotary mechanism, linear performance of the actuator is substantially improved.

17-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120119592A1
Автор: Kyung Min Lee
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An actuator is provided, which includes a main shaft having a first shaft portion for generating a magnetic field in a linear direction and a second shaft portion for generating a magnetic field in a rotational direction, and a coil wound around an outer peripheral surface of the main shaft. The actuator performs both a rotational driving function and a straight driving function via a single unit to improve the positional accuracy and provide spatial efficiency, thereby improving the merchantable quality of the actuator.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

A D.C. Charged Particle Accelerator, A Method of Accelerating Charged Particles Using D.C. Voltages and a High Voltage Power Supply Apparatus for use Therewith

Номер: US20120146554A1
Принадлежит: Twin Creeks Technologies Inc

A d. c. charged particle accelerator comprises accelerator electrodes separated by insulating spacers defining acceleration gaps between adjacent pairs of electrodes. Individually regulated gap voltages are applied across each adjacent pair of accelerator electrodes. In embodiments, the individually regulated gap voltages are generated by electrically isolated alternators mounted on a common rotor shaft driven by an electric motor. Alternating power outputs from the alternators provide inputs to individual regulated d. c. power supplies to generate the gap voltages. The power supplies are electrically isolated and have outputs connected in series across successive pairs of accelerator electrodes. The described embodiment enables an ion beam to be accelerated to high energies and high beam currents, with good accelerator stability.

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120169163A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

A motor includes a motor case, and a rotor and a stator, which are disposed in the case. The case has a tubular portion, a front cover mounted to an axial end of the portion, and a rear cover mounted to the other axial end of the portion. The rotor has a rotary shaft and the stator includes a plurality of teeth, which extend toward a central axis of the shaft and are circumferentially disposed at equal intervals. Between each circumferentially adjacent pair of the teeth, a slot extending toward the axis is formed. In each slot, a U-shaped segment is inserted in parallel with the axis. The distal ends of the segments projecting out from the slots are electrically interconnected, thereby forming an SC coil including the segments disposed circumferentially. The SC coil includes a receiving terminal, and the terminal includes leads extending in parallel to the axis.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Brushless electric motor provided with rotor having intermediate magnetic pole

Номер: US20120235615A1
Автор: Masayuki Nashiki
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An AC electric motor includes an annular A-phase winding WA wound in the circumferential direction of a stator, a stator pole group SPGA configured to generate magnetic flux φA to interlink with the A-phase winding WA, an annular B-phase winding WB wound in the circumferential direction, and a stator pole group SPGB configured to generate magnetic flux φB to interlink with the B-phase winding WB. The motor additionally includes a third stator pole group SPGC, N and S magnetic poles of the rotor, and X magnetic poles, which serve as third rotor poles, showing magnetic characteristics between the N and S magnetic poles of the rotor. DC currents are supplied to the A-phase and B-phase windings WA and WB to generate rotational torque.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Coreless electric machine apparatus, moving body, robot and manufacturing method of the coreless electric machine apparatus

Номер: US20120306310A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A coreless electric machine includes: a permanent magnet on a first member; N-phase (N≧2) air-core electromagnetic coils on a second member; and a coil back yoke on the second member, each electromagnetic coil including a conductor bundle in which a conductor is wound M times (M≧2), coil sub-aggregates are provided, each including the N electromagnetic coils of the respective N phases and in each of which a conductor bundle forming an effective coil area of a first-phase electromagnetic coil contacts a second conductor bundle forming an effective coil area of another phase electromagnetic coil, and the second conductor bundle is in an air-core portion of the first phase electromagnetic coil, and the coil sub-aggregates are arranged along the cylindrical area, in which the coil sub-aggregates do not overlap in a radiation direction of the cylindrical area, and adjacent coil sub-aggregates contact each other.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Insulator, and stator and motor provided with same

Номер: US20130115064A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

An insulator includes a main body, a latching portion, and a slot. The main body covers a portion of a stator core around which a coil is wound to insulate the stator core from the coil. The latching portion is disposed at an end of a portion of the main body around which the coil is wound to latch the coil onto the main body. The slot is formed so as to expose the coil at a portion of the latching portion on a side where cooling oil for cooling the coil is supplied to the coil.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Electric Motor

Номер: US20130147418A1

A multi-phase electric motor comprises a stator comprising a plurality of wire coils surrounding a non-magnetizable core; a rotor with permanent magnets embedded therein, the rotor being disposed adjacent to the stator, the rotor being mounted on a rotatable drive shaft; a power source; a position sensor operably connected to the rotor; and a control circuit operably connected to the power source, the position sensor, and the wire coils, for controlling distribution of electrical energy to the wire coils. In this motor the control mechanism transfers electrical charge from a first coil to a second coil. 1. A coil and magnet arrangement for a multi-phase electric regenerating motor , comprising:a first pair of magnets separated by a distance B, each magnet having a width W, length L and height L;a second pair of magnets separated by a distance B, each magnet having a width W, length L, and height L, separated from said first pair of magnets by distance A;a coil having a core with a height HC,wherein W≦A, and L≧A.2. A coil and magnet arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein B≦A.4. A coil and magnet arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein C≧W.5. A coil and magnet arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein HM≧HC.6. A coil and magnet arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein B≦A claim 1 , C≧W claim 1 , and HM≧HC.7. A method for modular control of an electric motor comprising:generating a digital PWM signal containing a clock frequency and duty cycle set as one of a performance limiter or based on the natural response sessonant frequency of the motor coils;generating timing and polarity start and stop pulses,generating a throttle signal;generating a protection signal;logically determining based on the digital PWM signal, the timing an polarity signal, the throttle signal and the protection signal, when to turn the motor on and off to achieve a maximum saturation of magnetic field within a coil, prior to complete collapse of the field for the off portion of a duty ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270954A1
Автор: Erd Ludwig, Möhle Axel

A rotor for an electrical machine has a rotor body and permanent magnets arranged on the circumference of the rotor body, wherein those areas of the circumference of the rotor body which are covered by the permanent magnets have at least one recess and/or that side of the permanent magnets which faces the circumference of the rotor body has at least one recess. Each recess is configured as a slot which extends in parallel relationship to a circumference-proximal side of the permanent magnets. Removably insertable in the recesses are ferromagnetic bars to allow removal of the permanent magnets. 19.-. (canceled)10. A rotor for an electrical machine , comprising:a rotor body;a permanent magnet arranged on a circumference of the rotor body to thereby cover an area on the circumference of the rotor body, said area having at least one recess formed at least in one of the rotor body and a circumference-proximal side of the permanent magnet so as to define between the permanent magnet and the rotor body a contact area which is between 20% and 85% of a surface area of the circumference-proximal side of the permanent magnet, said recess configured as a slot which extends in parallel relationship to the circumference-proximal side of the permanent magnet; anda ferromagnetic bar removably insertable in the recess to allow removal of the permanent magnet.11. The rotor of claim 10 , wherein the contact surface is between 45% and 55% of the surface area of the circumference-proximal side of the permanent magnet.12. The rotor of claim 10 , wherein the slot has a square claim 10 , rectangular claim 10 , round claim 10 , trapezoidal or V-shaped form.13. A rotor for an electrical machine claim 10 , comprising:a rotor body;a ferromagnetic carrier element arranged on a circumference of the rotor body, said ferromagnetic carrier element having a circumference-distal side and a circumference-proximal side;a permanent magnet arranged on the circumference-distal side of the carrier elements ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Rotor and motor including rotor

Номер: US20130313936A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Shibata
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A rotor includes: a rotor core fixed to a rotating shaft so as to be rotatable together with the rotating shaft; and a plurality of permanent magnets embedded and fixed in the rotor core. Each permanent magnet is formed of a pair of magnet pieces having a pair of magnetic pole-facing portions radially extending and magnetized so that poles of the same polarity face each other in a circumferential direction. The pair of the magnetic pole-facing portions is formed so that the length of each magnetic pole-facing portion in a magnetization direction is greater in a radially outer portion than in a radially inner portion.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Brushless motor

Номер: US20130313938A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

A brushless motor includes a first rotor core, a second rotor core, and a field magnet member. The first rotor core includes primary projecting pieces arranged along a circumferential direction at equal intervals. The second rotor core has the same shape as the first rotor core, and includes secondary projecting pieces arranged along the circumferential direction at equal intervals. The secondary projecting pieces are positioned between the primary projecting pieces that are adjacent to one another in the circumferential direction. The field magnet member is arranged between the first rotor core and the second rotor core. The field magnet member is magnetized along an axial direction to generate primary magnetic poles in the primary projecting pieces, and generate secondary magnetic poles in the secondary projecting pieces. A rotor includes the first rotor core, the second rotor core, and the field magnet member.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320889A1

A blower system, including a permanent magnet motor and a wind wheel. The permanent magnet motor includes a stator assembly, a rotor assembly, and a motor controller. The rotor assembly includes a salient pole rotor including a rotor core and magnets embedded in the rotor core. The motor controller includes a microprocessor, a frequency inverter, and a sensor unit. The sensor unit inputs a phase current or phase currents, a phase voltage, and a DC bus voltage into the microprocessor. The microprocessor outputs a signal to control the frequency inverter which is connected to a winding of the stator assembly. The ratio between an air gap of the motor and the thickness of the magnets ranges from 0.03 to 0.065, and the ratio between the length of a pole arc and the length of the magnets ranges from 0.8 to 1.0. 2. The blower system of claim 1 , whereinthe rotor core comprises an annular ring comprising a central axial bore, and a plurality of magnetic induction blocks protruding outwards from an outer side of the annular ring;between two adjacent magnetic induction blocks is formed a radial recess for receiving permanent magnets; anda hook block protrudes from the magnetic induction blocks at both sides of an opening of the radial recess.3. The blower system of claim 2 , whereina section of an outer side surface of the magnetic induction blocks is a circular-arc line; andthe outer side surface employs a point with a distance deviating from the center of the central axial bore as a center of circle.4. The blower system of claim 3 , wherein a number of magnetic poles of the rotor is 8 claim 3 , 10 claim 3 , or 12.5. A method for controlling a blower system claim 3 , the system comprising a permanent magnet motor and a wind wheel driven by the permanent magnet motor; the permanent magnet motor comprising a stator assembly comprising a winding claim 3 , a rotor assembly claim 3 , and a motor controller; the rotor assembly being a salient pole rotor comprising a rotor core ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009022A1
Автор: KIM Byoung Soo
Принадлежит: AMOTECH CO., LTD.

Provided are an amorphous split core stator, which maximizes an opposing area between a plurality of split cores and magnets, increases a fill factor of coils, and which is molded by using amorphous metallic powder to thereby minimize an eddy current loss (or a core loss), and an axial gap type motor using the same. The axial gap type amorphous split core motor includes: a rotating shaft whose both ends are rotatably supported; first and second annular yokes the center of each of which is combined with the rotating shaft and that are placed at an interval therebetween; first and second rotors having a plurality of magnets that are mounted on the inner surfaces of the first and second yokes with polarities opposite to each other; and a stator having a plurality of split cores that are placed between the first and second rotors and on each of which a coil is wound, in which the split cores are molded by using amorphous metallic powder. 1. An axial gap type amorphous split core motor comprising:a rotating shaft whose both ends are rotatably supported;first and second annular yokes the center of each of which combined with the rotating shaft and that are placed at an interval therebetween;first and second rotors having a plurality of magnets that are mounted on the inner surfaces of the first and second yokes with polarities opposite to each other; anda stator having a plurality of split cores that are placed between the first and second rotors and on each of which a coil is wound,wherein the split cores are molded by using amorphous metallic powder.2. The axial gap type amorphous split core motor according to claim 1 , wherein the split cores are molded by mixing the amorphous metallic powder made into a plate shape with crystalline metal powder with excellent soft magnetic properties and made into a spherical shape claim 1 , in order to increase permeability and a packing density.3. The axial gap type amorphous split core motor according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Motor and method for manufacturing stator core and rotor core of motor

Номер: US20140042851A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

A motor includes a first, second, and third motor unit. First, second and third rotors each including a first and second rotor core and a field magnet. The first and second rotor cores include respectively first and second rotor core bases and a plurality of first and second claw magnetic poles that are arranged alternately along a circumferential direction of the motor. The field magnet causes the plurality of first claw magnetic poles and the plurality of second claw magnetic poles to function as different magnetic poles. Each of first and second stators including pluralities of first claw magnetic poles and second claw magnetic poles alternately arranged along the circumferential direction of the motor. The second stator core having a coil section.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042853A1

A magnetic resistance changing mechanism for changing a magnetic resistance of a stator magnetic path including a stator yoke portion and each tooth portion by mechanically changing the stator magnetic path is provided. A pair of side protruded portions are formed on circumferential sides of a rotor side end portion of each tooth portion. The rotor side end face of each tooth portion is shaped so that a gap between the rotor side end face of each tooth portion and an outer periphery of the rotor is increased continuously or stepwisely from a circumferential intermediate portion of the rotor facing end face toward circumferential end portions thereof. 1. An electric rotating machine comprising:a rotor having a plurality of permanent magnets arranged at an outer peripheral portion of a rotor main body; and a plurality of tooth portions arranged at predetermined intervals in a circumferential direction of the rotor;', 'a stator yoke portion arranged outside of the plurality of tooth portions; and', 'a magnetic resistance changing mechanism configured to change a magnetic resistance of a stator magnetic path, which is formed by the stator yoke portion and each of the plurality of tooth portions, by mechanically changing the stator magnetic path;', 'wherein each of the plurality of tooth portions includes a pair of side protruded portions protruding from both sides of a rotor side end portion of each of the plurality of tooth portions in the circumferential direction;, 'a stator arranged outward of the rotor main body in a radial direction of the rotor main body, the stator including when the magnetic resistance changing mechanism is in a first state in which the stator magnetic path is changed so that the magnetic resistance of the stator magnetic path is minimum or near minimum, a main magnetic path that extends from one of the magnetic poles of one of a pair of adjacent permanent magnets is formed by a magnetic path passing substantially through the pair of adjacent ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Magnet alternator assembly

Номер: US20140070656A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An alternator assembly including a stator disk having at least one slot positioned around a circumference of the stator disk. The slot functions to accommodate a removable stator coil spool. The stator coil spool is inserted into and extracted out from the stator disk through the slot.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Housingless transverse flux electrical machine

Номер: US20140084739A1
Принадлежит: Eocycle Technologies Inc

A housingless transverse flux electrical machine (TFEM) includes a pair of halves adapted to receive therein a plurality of cores and a coil therein. The halves are the exterior boundary for the environment and the TFEM can be in operating configuration without further housing.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009644A1

An electric propulsion system for an aircraft includes a nacelle and an electric machine. The electric machine includes a stator positioned in the nacelle, and a rotor and fan assembly positioned in a primary flow path through the nacelle. The rotor and fan assembly includes a cylindrical fan shroud, a plurality of rotor magnets positioned on an outer surface of the fan shroud, and a fan hub mounted on a central support shaft via one or more bearings. A plurality of fan blades extend between an inner surface of the fan shroud and an outer surface of the fan hub. The rotor magnets may be loaded in compression in a radial direction when the rotor and fan assembly is at rest. The fan blades may be pre-stressed in a radial direction when the rotor and fan assembly is at rest. 1. A propulsion system for an aircraft , the system comprising:a nacelle defining a primary air flow path from an inlet end of the nacelle to an outlet end of the nacelle; a first stator positioned in the nacelle and comprising a first one or more stator windings; and', a first fan shroud having a first outer surface;', 'a first plurality of rotor magnets positioned directly on the first outer surface of the first fan shroud and concentric with the first one or more stator windings;', 'a first fan hub positioned concentrically interior of the first fan shroud, the first fan hub being coupled to a central support shaft; and', 'a first plurality of fan blades extending between the first fan shroud and the first fan hub., 'a first rotor and fan assembly positioned in the primary flow path, the first rotor and fan assembly comprising], 'a first electric machine comprising2. The system of claim 1 , comprising: a second stator positioned in the nacelle and comprising a second one or more stator windings; and', a second fan shroud having a second outer surface;', 'a second plurality of rotor magnets positioned directly on the second outer surface of the second fan shroud and concentric with the second one ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005555A1

A permanent magnet machine is disclosed, including a stator assembly which includes a housing, a stator backiron, a plurality of windings disposed in the housing coupled to a plurality of electrical connections, and a plurality of stator teeth coupled to the stator backiron. The permanent magnet also includes a rotor assembly which includes a center configured to couple to a mechanical coupling member disposed about the center, an inner core, positioned around the center, an outer core disposed around the inner core, and a plurality of outwardly protruding poles radially located within the stator assembly each outwardly protruding pole having an outer surface adjacent to at least one tooth of the plurality of teeth. Each outer surface of each outwardly protruding pole having a rotor tooth extending from the outer core and a permanent magnet disposed next to the rotor tooth. 1. A permanent magnet machine , comprising: a housing,', 'a stator backiron,', 'a plurality of windings disposed in the housing coupled to a plurality of electrical connections, and', 'a plurality of stator teeth coupled to the stator backiron;, 'a stator assembly including'} a center configured to couple to a mechanical coupling member disposed about the center,', 'an inner core disposed around the center,', 'an outer core disposed around the inner core, and', 'a plurality of outwardly protruding poles radially located within the stator assembly each outwardly protruding pole having an outer surface adjacent to at least one tooth of the plurality of teeth;, 'a rotor assembly including'}wherein each outer surface of each outwardly protruding pole having a rotor tooth extending from the outer core and a permanent magnet disposed next to the rotor tooth.2. The permanent magnet machine of claim 1 , wherein upon applying a plurality of electrical currents in a first form claim 1 , each to a corresponding electrical connection of the plurality of electrical connections claim 1 , the rotor assembly ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Magnetic geared motor

Номер: US20220014079A1

A magnetic geared motor includes a stator, a first inner rotor that is disposed to an inner side of the stator and rotates by a magnetomotive force of the stator, a first center rotor disposed between the stator and the first inner rotor, a second center rotor disposed to an inner side of the first inner rotor, and a second inner rotor disposed to an inner side of the second center rotor. The stator, the first center rotor, the first inner rotor, the second center rotor, and the second inner rotor are disposed coaxial to each other, and the first inner rotor includes first outer magnetic pole pairs disposed in a circumferential direction and a plurality of first inner magnetic pole pairs disposed in the circumferential direction.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006541A1

A single phase motor includes an excitation part and an armature part. The excitation part includes N magnets that result in 2N magnetic poles being formed on the excitation part, and the armature part includes 2N tooth portions forming 2N pole portions, where N is an integer greater than one. The present invention further provides a rotor for the single phase motor. The present invention allows each magnet to be fully used, reduces the number of the magnets used in the single phase phase and the workload during motor assembly, as well as reduces the motor fabriction cost. 1. A single phase motor comprising:an armature part comprising 2N tooth portions forming 2N pole portions, where N is an integer greater than one; andan excitation part comprising N magnets that result in 2N magnetic poles being formed on the excitation part.2. The single phase motor of claim 1 , wherein the armature part further comprises 2N coils wound around the 2N tooth portions claim 1 , respectively.3. The single phase motor of claim 1 , wherein the armature part further comprises N coils wound around N of the tooth portions claim 1 , each tooth portion with coil is located between two tooth portions without coil.4. The single phase motor of claim 1 , wherein the armature part comprises a stator claim 1 , the excitation part comprises a rotor rotatable relative to the stator claim 1 , and the stator comprises the 2N tooth portions extending toward the rotor.5. The single phase motor of claim 4 , wherein the rotor is a surface mounted permanent magnet rotor and comprises a rotor core claim 4 , and the N magnets are arranged on a circumferential surface of the rotor core at even intervals.6. The single phase motor of claim 5 , wherein N grooves are defined in the circumferential surface of the rotor core and arranged at even intervals claim 5 , and the N magnets are affixed to or mounted in the grooves claim 5 , respectively.7. The single phase motor of claim 6 , wherein each groove is an arc ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Permanent magnet auxiliary synchronous reluctance motor and electric vehicle provided with same

Номер: US20210006109A1
Принадлежит: Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai

A permanent magnet auxiliary synchronous reluctance motor includes a stator portion and a rotor portion. The stator portion includes a stator core and a winding embedded in the stator core. The stator core is provided with a stator tooth and a stator slot. The rotor portion is provided inside the stator portion; a rotor body of the rotor portion is provided with a plurality of permanent magnet slot groups which are evenly arranged along a circumferential direction of the rotor body; each of the permanent magnet slot groups is provided with multiple layers of permanent magnet slots; a distance between end portions of adjacent permanent magnet slots between adjacent permanent magnet slot groups is less than or equal to a width of a stator tooth boot of the stator tooth, and the number of slots per pole and per phase of the motor is two or three.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006121A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Limited

A method of mounting a rotor assembly to a frame of an electric motor. The method includes providing a rotor assembly having a bearing and a frame having a bearing seat. The bearing seat has an aperture. The bearing and/or the internal surface of the bearing seat has an annular groove. The method includes locating the bearing within the bearing seat. The method includes injecting an adhesive through the aperture into the annular groove. The method includes affecting relative movement between the bearing and the bearing seat. The method includes curing the adhesive. 1. A method of mounting a rotor assembly to a frame of an electric motor , the method comprising providing a rotor assembly having a bearing , providing a frame having a bearing seat , the bearing seat comprising an aperture , and the bearing and/or an internal surface of the bearing seat comprising an annular groove , locating the bearing within the bearing seat , injecting an adhesive through the aperture into the annular groove , affecting relative movement between the bearing and the bearing seat , and curing the adhesive.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein affecting relative movement between the bearing and the bearing seat comprises affecting relative movement in an axial direction.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annular groove is located on the bearing claim 1 , and locating the bearing within the bearing seat comprises locating the bearing such that the aperture and the annular groove are aligned.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein affecting relative movement between the bearing and the bearing seat comprises affecting relative movement such that the aperture and the annular groove are at least partially misaligned.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein locating the bearing within the bearing seat comprises locating the bearing such that opposing edges of the annular groove are coincident with corresponding opposing points on the perimeter of the aperture.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein curing ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007004A1

An electric motor having a permanent magnet and a compressor including an electric motor are provided. The electric motor may include a stator; and a rotor rotatably disposed and spaced a predetermined gap apart from the stator. The rotor may include a rotational shaft, a permanent magnet arranged concentrically to the rotational shaft, and a permanent magnet support that supports the permanent magnet. The permanent magnet may have a cylindrical shape and be magnetized to have polar anisotropy such that a magnetic field is formed on the magnet's surface facing the gap but is not formed on the magnet's surface opposite to the gap. The permanent magnet support may be configured to form no flux path in the permanent magnet and connect the rotational shaft to the permanent magnet. Thus, the rotor has a reduced weight with consequent suppression of vibration and noise. 1. An electric motor having a permanent magnet , comprising:a stator; and a rotational shaft;', 'a permanent magnet disposed concentrically with the rotational shaft; and', 'a rotor frame provided between the rotational shaft and the permanent magnet, wherein the permanent magnet has a cylindrical shape and is magnetized in polar anisotropy such that a magnetic field is formed on a surface of the permanent magnet facing the gap and a magnetic field is not formed on a surface of the permanent magnet opposite to the gap, and wherein the rotor frame does not form a flux path of the permanent magnet and is configured to connect the rotational shaft and the permanent magnet., 'a rotor rotatably disposed and spaced a predetermined gap apart from the stator, wherein the rotor includes2. The electric motor permanent magnet of claim 1 , wherein the rotational shaft and the rotor frame are formed of different materials.3. The electric motor of claim 2 , wherein the rotor frame is injection-molded around the rotational shaft.4. The electric motor of claim 2 , wherein the rotational shaft includes at least one ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Improved Rotary-Linear Actuation Assembly

Номер: US20200007015A1
Автор: Marco Cipriani
Принадлежит: Arol SpA

A rotary-linear actuation assembly comprising a casing internally housing an output shaft arranged coaxial with an actuation axis (A) in a translationally and rotationally movable manner, at least two actuators, of which a first actuator is adapted to impose a translational movement along the actuation axis (A) on the output shaft and a second actuator is adapted to impose a rotary movement about the actuation axis (A) on the output shaft, and at least one position sensor adapted to detect an instant position of the output shaft inside the casing. At least one position sensor is mounted in fixed manner in respect of rotation about the actuation axis (A) and in fixed manner in respect of translation along the actuation axis (A) and faces at least a portion of the output shaft.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Magnetically Isolated Phase Interior Permanent Magnet Electrical Rotating Machine

Номер: US20220021251A1
Автор: Charles J. Flynn
Принадлежит: QM Power Inc

A rotor for a machine has a plurality of rotor segments, each rotor segment forming at least one rotor pole and having a plurality of permanent magnets interior to the rotor and at least one saturatable bridge section for each permanent magnet in the rotor segment, each saturatable bridge section comprising a protrusion between air regions separating a north pole and a south pole of the permanent magnet to cause a portion of magnetic flux from the permanent magnet to traverse the saturatable bridge and cause a majority of the permanent magnet flux through an air gap of a rotor-stator interface between the rotor and a stator of the machine and through a stator pole.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013753A1
Автор: ISLAM RAKIBUL, Paul Subhra

An interior permanent magnet machine includes a stator having electromagnetic windings. The machine also includes a rotor that is disposed concentrically with the stator and is disposed about a rotor axis, the rotor comprising a rotor core defined by a first rotor lamination that is arranged to receive a first magnet set according to a first rotor topology and a second magnet set according to a second rotor topology. 1. An interior permanent magnet machine comprising:a stator having electromagnetic windings; anda rotor that is disposed concentrically with the stator and is disposed about a rotor axis, the rotor comprising a rotor core defined by a first rotor lamination that is arranged to receive a first magnet set according to a first rotor topology and a second magnet set according to a second rotor topology.2. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 1 , wherein coggings of the first rotor topology and the second rotor topology are 180 degrees out of phase with each other.3. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 1 , wherein the first rotor topology is defined by a first magnet pocket and a second magnet pocket that extends from the first magnet pocket.4. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 3 , wherein the first magnet pocket includes a first edge and the second magnet pocket includes a second edge that extends from the first edge.5. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 4 , wherein the first edge extends along a first axis that is disposed in a non-perpendicular relationship with respect to the rotor axis.6. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 5 , wherein the second edge extends along a second axis that is disposed in a non-perpendicular relationship with respect to the rotor axis.7. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 6 , wherein the first axis is disposed in a non-parallel and a non-perpendicular relationship with respect to the second axis.8. The interior permanent magnet machine of claim 6 , wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20210013765A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Ltd

An electric motor has a rotor assembly having a bearing, and a frame having a bearing seat. The bearing is received within the bearing seat. The bearing is secured to the bearing seat by a first adhesive located at a hidden interface defined between the bearing and the bearing seat. The bearing seat has a cut-out, and a portion of the bearing is exposed through the cut-out. The bearing is secured to the bearing seat by a second adhesive located at the cut-out.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014178A1
Автор: Takahashi Shunsuke

A bus bar unit includes a bus bar holder on one side in an axial direction of an annular stator around a central axis extending in a vertical direction, a bus bar extending along a plane perpendicular to the axial direction and fixed to the bus bar holder, and an external connection terminal connected to the bus bar and extending upward from the bus bar. The bus bar includes a wire and a terminal connector located on one end thereof and connected to the external connection terminal, a first lead wire connector located on the other end thereof and connected to a lead wire extending from the stator, a second lead wire connector located between the terminal connector and the first lead wire connector, and a first linear portion to connect the first and second lead wire connectors and having a linear shape when viewed in the axial direction. Each of the first and the second lead wire connectors has a U-shape that opens in a radial direction. 18-. (canceled)9. A bus bar unit that is provided in a motor , the bus bar unit comprising:a bus bar holder provided on one side in an axial direction of a stator disposed in an annular shape around a central axis extending in a vertical direction;a bus bar extending along a plane perpendicular to the axial direction and fixed to the bus bar holder; andan external connection terminal connected to the bus bar and extending upward from the bus bar; whereinthe bus bar includes a wire and a terminal connector located on one end thereof and connected to the external connection terminal, a first lead wire connector located on the other end thereof and connected to a lead wire extending from the stator, a second lead wire connector located between the terminal connector and the first lead wire connector, and a first linear portion to connect the first lead wire connector to the second lead wire connector and having a linear shape when viewed in the axial direction; andeach of the first lead wire connector and the second lead wire connector ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014262A1

A rotor that includes a permanent magnet; and a rotor core that has a magnet placement hole in which the permanent magnet is disposed, wherein the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole is formed such that a total width of a minimum width of a first magnetic flux passage between a portion of the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole on a first side in the longitudinal direction and the magnet placement hole and a minimum width of a second magnetic flux passage between a portion of the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole on a second side in the longitudinal direction and the magnet placement hole is less than a total length of a length of the first magnetic flux passage in the longitudinal direction and a length of the second magnetic flux passage in the longitudinal direction. 1. A rotor comprising:a permanent magnet; and the rotor core is provided with a stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole provided on one side of the magnet placement hole in a short-length direction of the magnet placement hole with respect to the magnet placement hole as seen in an axial direction and formed so as to overlap the permanent magnet in a longitudinal direction of the magnet placement hole as seen in the short-length direction, the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole relaxing a stress generated by expansion of the permanent magnet and suppressing magnetic flux generated by the permanent magnet; and', 'the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole is formed such that a total width of a minimum width of a first magnetic flux passage between a portion of the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole on a first side in the longitudinal direction and the magnet placement hole and a minimum width of a second magnetic flux passage between a portion of the stress relaxation magnetic flux suppression hole on a second side in the longitudinal direction and the magnet placement hole is less than a total length of a length ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014278A1

A rotor includes a shaft arranged along a central axis extending in a vertical direction, a rotor core fixed on the shaft, magnets provided at an outer side of the rotor core in a radial direction, a rotor cover to accommodate the rotor core and the magnets, and a resin to fix the rotor cover and the magnets to each other. The rotor cover includes a cylindrical portion extending in an axial direction and surrounding outer sides of the rotor core and the magnets in the radial direction, and a bottom plate extending inward in the radial direction from a lower end portion of the cylindrical portion. The resin includes a filler provided at an inner side of the cylindrical portion in the radial direction and filled between the cylindrical portion and the magnets, an anti-separation portion, at least a portion of which is located below the bottom plate, and a connector overlapping the bottom plate in the axial direction. The filler and the anti-separation portion are connected via the connector. 110-. (canceled)11. A rotor comprising:a shaft arranged along a central axis extending in a vertical direction;a rotor core fixed on the shaft;magnets provided at an outer side of the rotor core in a radial direction;a rotor cover to accommodate the rotor core and the magnets; anda resin to fix the rotor cover and the magnets to each other; wherein the rotor cover includes:a cylindrical portion extending in an axial direction and surrounding outer sides of the rotor core and the magnets in the radial direction; anda bottom plate extending inward in the radial direction from a lower end portion of the cylindrical portion;the resin includes:a filler provided at an inner side of the cylindrical portion in the radial direction and filled between the cylindrical portion and the magnets;an anti-separation portion, at least a portion of which is located below the bottom plate; anda connector overlapping the bottom plate in the axial direction; andthe filler and the anti-separation ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018981A1
Автор: KUSASE Shin
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An AC excitation synchronous rotating electric machine includes a multi-phase coil, an armature core, an outer yoke core, a field-winding-less rotor and a controller. The armature core has the multi-phase coil wound thereon. The rotor is rotatably disposed so as to face the armature core and includes magnetic poles each having a facing portion and a magnetic reluctance portion. The facing portion is provided at one axial end of the magnetic pole so as to face the outer yoke core and allow magnetic flux to flow therebetween. The magnetic reluctance portion is provided at the other axial end of the magnetic pole to impede the magnetic flux from flowing therethrough. The controller controls supply of multi-phase alternating current to the multi-phase coil so that magnetomotive force generated in the armature core is applied to the magnetic poles, thereby causing the magnetic poles to operate as a DC field. 1. An AC excitation synchronous rotating electric machine comprising:a multi-phase coil;an armature core having the multi-phase coil wound thereon;an outer yoke core;a field-winding-less rotor rotatably disposed so as to face the armature core, the rotor including a plurality of magnetic poles each of which has a facing portion and a magnetic reluctance portion, the facing portion being provided at one axial end of the magnetic pole so as to face the outer yoke core and allow magnetic flux to flow between the facing portion and the outer yoke core, the magnetic reluctance portion being provided at the other axial end of the magnetic pole to impede the magnetic flux from flowing through the magnetic reluctance portion; anda controller that controls supply of multi-phase alternating current to the multi-phase coil so that magnetomotive force generated in the armature core is applied to the magnetic poles, thereby causing the magnetic poles to operate as a DC field.2. The AC excitation synchronous rotating electric machine as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018985A1
Автор: Suzuki Takashi

In an insulator to insulate teeth of a stator, which is a three-phase electric motor and which has nine teeth or more, and a conducting wire wound around the teeth, slits for parallel wire connection to be conducting wire extraction parts only in parallel wire connection, slits for serial wire connection to be conducting wire extraction parts only in serial wire connection, and shared slits to be conducting wire extraction parts in both of the serial wire connection and the parallel wire connection are provided. 1. An insulator that insulates teeth of a stator , which is a three-phase electric motor and which includes nine teeth or more , and a conducting wire wound around the teeth , the insulator comprising:a slit for parallel wire connection which slit becomes a conducting wire extraction part only in parallel wire connection;a slit for serial wire connection which slit becomes a conducting wire extraction part only in serial wire connection; anda shared slit that becomes a conducting wire extraction part in both of the serial wire connection and the parallel wire connection.2. The insulator according to claim 1 , wherein the slit for serial wire connection is provided in a position corresponding to the teeth that is not adjacent to a neutral point and a winding end of any power line in a case of the serial wire connection.3. The insulator according to claim 2 , wherein the slit for serial wire connection is formed in a depth identical to a depth of the slit for parallel wire connection.4. A brushless DC motor including the insulator according to . The present invention relates to an insulator, which winds a wire around teeth of a stator of an electric motor, and a brushless DC motor including the same.Conventionally, in a stator winding with nine poles which winding is star-connected in three phases, specification of a winding such as the number of times of winding, a wire diameter, a winding method, and the like of a winding in a case where three windings in ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Rotor and electrical machine

Номер: US20170019004A1
Автор: Gurakuq Dajaku
Принадлежит: FEAAM GmbH

A rotor for an electrical machine is provided, comprising a main rotor ( 2 ), which can be rotated about a longitudinal axis ( 3 ) and which is free of permanent magnets, and having an auxiliary rotor ( 5 ), which comprises at least one axial flux rotor ( 6 ), which can also be rotated about the longitudinal axis ( 3 ) and is arranged in axial direction adjacent to the main rotor ( 2 ), in which the axial flux rotor ( 6 ) comprises permanent magnets ( 8 ). Furthermore, an electrical machine with the rotor ( 2, 5 ) and a stator ( 1 ) is provided.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020234A1

A magnetic position sensing system includes at least one annular magnet mounted to a surface of a rotating body. The annular magnet includes a first end, a second end, an inner diameter surface, and an outer diameter surface. The inner diameter surface and outer diameter surface define a radial thickness therebetween, and the radial thickness varies from the first end to the second end. 120-. (canceled)21. A magnetic position sensing system comprising: a first end;', 'a second end;', 'an inner diameter surface; and', 'an outer diameter surface;, 'at least one annular magnet mounted to a surface of a rotating body, the at least one annular magnet comprisingwherein the inner diameter surface and outer diameter surface define a radial thickness therebetween, the radial thickness varying from the first end to the second end.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the at least one annular magnet further comprises a forward surface and an aft surface claim 21 , and an axial thickness between the forward surface and the aft surface.23. The system of claim 22 , wherein the axial thickness of the at least one annular magnet decreases from the outer diameter surface to the inner diameter surface in a region adjacent the first end.24. The system of claim 22 , wherein the axial thickness of the at least one annular magnet increases from the outer diameter surface to the inner diameter surface in a region adjacent the second end.25. The system of claim 22 , wherein the axial thickness of the at least one annular magnet increases from the outer diameter surface to the inner diameter surface in a region adjacent the first end.26. The system of claim 22 , wherein the axial thickness of the at least one annular magnet decreases from the outer diameter surface to the inner diameter surface in a region adjacent the second end.27. The system of claim 21 , wherein the at least one annular magnet comprises a plurality of segments claim 21 , each of the segments having a first end and a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021166A1

An electromagnetic rotary drive includes a ring-shaped magnetically effective core arranged around a stator and has a magnetic central plane. The stator is a bearing and a drive stator, with which, the rotor is contactlessly magnetically drivable about an axis of rotation, and with which the rotor is contactlessly magnetically levitatable with respect to the stator. The rotor actively magnetically levitated in a radial plane perpendicular to an axial direction, and passively magnetically stabilized in the axial direction and against tilting. The rotor includes a magnetically effective bearing ring arranged radially externally disposed and spaced from the magnetically effective core, and a bearing stator having a magnetically effective stator ring interacts with the bearing ring. The bearing stator is configured such that the stator ring passively magnetically stabilizes the rotor against tilting, and the bearing ring is connected to the magnetically effective core of the rotor via a connecting element. 1. An electromagnetic rotary drive , which is designed as an external rotor , having a rotorcomprising:a ring-shaped magnetically effective core arranged around a stator and having a magnetic central plane, the stator being a bearing and a drive stator, with which, in an operating state, the rotor being contactlessly magnetically drivable about an axis of rotation defining an axial direction, and with which the rotor is contactlessly magnetically levitatable with respect to the stator, the rotor actively magnetically levitated in a radial plane perpendicular to the axial direction, and passively magnetically stabilized in the axial direction and against tilting, the rotor comprising a magnetically effective bearing ring arranged radially externally disposed and spaced from the magnetically effective core of the rotor, and a bearing stator having a magnetically effective stator ring is configured to interact with the bearing ring, the bearing stator is configured and ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Rotor of synchronous motor

Номер: US20200021177A1
Принадлежит: Okuma Corp

A rotor of a synchronous motor includes a rotor core that includes magnet insertion holes and a plurality of slits formed on an outer peripheral side of the magnet insertion holes, and permanent magnets embedded in the magnet insertion holes. Magnetic-path forming slits are formed at intervals in a direction along a side of the permanent magnet. Magnetic paths are formed between the magnetic-path forming slits and at portions on the outside of the magnetic-path forming slits on the outermost side. An adjusting slit is formed between a predetermined magnetic-path forming slit and the permanent magnet such that a difference between quantities of magnetic flux passing through the magnetic paths adjacent to each other for widths in a direction intersecting an orientation of a magnetic pole of the permanent magnet is small.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025938A1

The present invention is a machine in which the repulsion and attraction forces of moving electromagnets are utilized to power a series of linkages that ultimately turn a crank. The motor is controlled by an external computer system which distributes an electric current among the electromagnets. In order to reverse the polarities of the electromagnets, the direction of the current will be rapidly changing. This polarity reverse causes electromagnets to repel and attract. The magnets then oscillate along two swing arms that once swung because of both polarity attraction and repulsion, activate the linkages. 1. A motor , comprising;a first rocker arm mounted for reciprocation about an axis and extending therefrom;a second rocker arm mounted for reciprocation about said axis independent of said first rocker arm and extending therefrom;a first magnetic head mounted distally at an end of said first rocker arm and including one or more permanent magnets of switchable-polarity electromagnets each having a coil-wound core;a second magnetic head mounted distally at an end of said second rocker arm and including one or more switchable-polarity electromagnets each having a coil-wound core;a power supply connected to the coils of said second magnetic head;a switching circuit connected to said power supply for switching polarity of power applied to the coils of said second magnetic bead by said power supply;a crankshaft mounted for unidirectional rotation about said axis independent of said first rocker arm and second rocker arm; andat least one linkage mechanism pivotally connected to said first rocker arm, said second rocker arm, and to said crankshaft for translating reciprocation of said first rocker arm and second rocker arm into unidirectional rotation of said crankshaft.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein said first rocker arm extends bilaterally on both sides of said axis and includes a third magnetic head mounted distally at another end of said first rocker arm.3. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Multi-lundell motor

Номер: US20160028277A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

A multi-Lundell motor includes a rotor and a stator. The rotor includes first and second rotor cores and a permanent magnet. The first and second rotor cores each include claw poles in the circumferential direction. The permanent magnet is magnetized in the axial direction between the first and second rotor cores. The stator includes first and second stator cores and a winding. The first and second stator cores each include claw poles in the circumferential direction. The winding is arranged between the first and second stator cores and extended in the circumferential direction. At least one of the first and second rotor cores and the first and second stator cores include core segments arranged in the circumferential direction.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026502A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rotating electric machine includes: a stator having an armature core having slots formed between magnetic pole teeth, and a plurality of coils each of which is wound so as to straddle a plurality of the magnetic pole teeth; and a rotor including a plurality of permanent magnets disposed at certain intervals on an outer peripheral surface of the magnetic yoke, and the coils include an armature coil for driving the rotating electric machine and a non-armature coil for magnetizing or demagnetizing the permanent magnets of the rotor. 1. A rotating electric machine comprising:a stator including an armature core including a back yoke having an annular shape, a plurality of magnetic pole teeth extending radially inward from the back yoke, and slots surrounded by the back yoke and the magnetic pole teeth, anda plurality of coils each of which is wound so as to straddle a plurality of the magnetic pole teeth and is disposed in the slots; anda rotor including a rotary shaft, a magnetic yoke provided on an outer peripheral side of the rotary shaft, and a plurality of permanent magnets disposed at certain intervals on an outer peripheral surface of the magnetic yoke, whereinthe coils include armature coils for driving the rotating electric machine and a non-armature coil for magnetizing or demagnetizing the permanent magnets of the rotor.2. The rotating electric machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe armature coils include: a first armature coil that is disposed on an opening side and a core back side of the slots so that the number of magnetic pole teeth which the first armature coil straddles is a minimum natural number larger than (the number of slots/the number of magnetic poles); and a second armature coil that is disposed on opening sides of the slots or core back sides of the slots so that the number of magnetic pole teeth which the second armature coil straddles is a largest natural number smaller than (the number of slots/the number of magnetic poles); andthe ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Rotating electrical machine

Номер: US20220045578A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A rotating electrical machine includes a rotor and a magnet unit. The rotating electrical machine also includes a cylindrical stator and a housing. The stator is equipped with a stator winding made up of a plurality of phase windings. The stator is arranged coaxially with the rotor and faces the rotor. The housing has the rotor and the stator disposed therein. The rotor includes a cylindrical magnet retainer to which the magnet unit is secured and an intermediate portion which connects between a rotating shaft of the rotor and the magnet retainer and extends in a radial direction of the rotating shaft. A first region located radially inside an inner peripheral surface of a magnetic circuit component made up of the stator and the rotor is greater in volume than a second region between the inner peripheral surface of the magnetic circuit component and the housing in the radial direction.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045582A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for assembling a new and improved electrical motor/generator, specifically a method of producing a coil assembly is disclosed comprising: pressing a plurality of individual teeth having interlocking side features, applying a conductor around one of the interlocking side features, coupling a tooth of the coil assembly with an adjacent tooth, applying a second conductor around one of the interlocking side features of the adjacent tooth, repeating the coupling and applying steps until an entire ring has been assembled. 1. A method of producing a coil assembly comprising: pressing a powdered metal into a mold to form a coil segment which has a first fin, a second fin, a third fin, a fourth fin, and a center core protrusion, and', 'treating the coil segment to hardened and strengthen the coil segment;, 'forming a plurality of coil segments, wherein each coil segment in the plurality of coil segments is formed byapplying a first conductor winding to a portion of the center core protrusion of a first coil segment of the plurality of coil segments,coupling the first coil segment to a second coil segment of the plurality of coil segments,applying a second conductor winding around at least a portion of the center core protrusion of the second coil segment,repeating the applying, coupling, and applying steps until one half of the coil assembly has been assembled,repeating the applying, coupling, and applying steps until a second half of the coil assembly has been assembled, andjoining the first half of the coil assembly to the second half of the coil assembly to form the coil assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the powdered metal has resin coatings on substantially each particle and the treating includes heat treating the coil segment in a nitrogen steam environment which causes the resin coatings of the powdered metal to be oxygenated together.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the powdered metal is mixed with a low melting point ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Dynamo-electric machine and vehicle

Номер: US20190027977A1

In a stator for a rotating electrical machine in which six or more slot conductors are inserted through one slot, the stator for a rotating electrical machine straddles slots such that a slot pitch of a jumper wire connecting round windings having different positions in a radial direction has at least two kinds or more different slot pitches.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027980A1

A sensor magnet includes: a first magnetic-pole part including a magnetic pole of first polarity; a second magnetic-pole part including a magnetic pole of second polarity; and an inter-pole part formed between the first magnetic-pole part and the second magnetic-pole part. A width of the inter-pole part is larger than both of a width of the first magnetic-pole part and a width of the second magnetic-pole part. 1. A sensor magnet comprising:a first magnetic-pole part including a magnetic pole of first polarity;a second magnetic-pole part including a magnetic pole of second polarity; andan inter-pole part formed between the first magnetic-pole part and the second magnetic-pole part, whereinthe first magnetic-pole part, the inter-pole part, and the second magnetic-pole part are arranged in a circumferential direction around an axis line, anda width of the inter-pole part in a radial direction is larger than both of a width of the first magnetic-pole part in a radial direction and a width of the second magnetic-pole part in a radial direction and more than 1.5 times as large as the width of the first magnetic-pole part.2. The sensor magnet according to claim 1 , wherein a depression is formed inside the inter-pole part in the radial direction.3. The sensor magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the inter-pole part includes a first projecting part projecting inward in the radial direction on the inter-pole part.4. The sensor magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the inter-pole part includes a second projecting part projecting outward in the radial direction on the inter-pole part.5. The sensor magnet according to claim 3 , further comprising a third projecting part projecting toward the axis line claim 3 , on an inner periphery side of the sensor magnet claim 3 , whereina thickness of the third projecting part is smaller than a thickness of the first projecting part.6. The sensor magnet according to claim 1 , wherein an area of a detection target surface of the inter-pole ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028009A1

A permanent-magnet synchronous motor includes: an annular stator core; a cylindrical rotor disposed inside the stator core, and having a first end face in an axial direction of the stator core and a second end face in the axial direction; a disk-shaped sensor magnet having a plurality of magnetic poles disposed circumferentially, and having a third end face and a fourth end face; and a magnetic sensor disposed so as to be opposed to the fourth end face in the axial direction, and detecting a rotating position of the sensor magnet. When a first thickness means the axial thickness at the center of each of the magnetic poles and a second thickness means the axial thickness of an inter-magnetic-pole portion between adjacent magnetic poles of the magnetic poles, the second thickness is greater than the first thickness. 1. A cylindrical rotor having a first end face and a second end face comprising:a disk-shaped sensor magnet having a plurality of magnetic poles disposed circumferentially and having a third end face and a fourth end face; anda magnetic sensor disposed so as to face the fourth end face and detecting a rotating position of the disk-shaped sensor magnet, whereinthe third end face faces the first end face,when a thickness of each of the magnetic poles in the axial direction of the sensor magnet is a first thickness and a thickness of an inter-magnetic-pole portion, which is located between adjacent magnetic poles among the plurality of magnetic poles, in the axial direction is a second thickness, the second thickness is larger than the first thickness, andthe sensor magnet includes a protrusion on the third end face in the inter-magnetic-pole portion.2. (canceled)3. A cylindrical rotor having a first end face and a second end face comprising:a disk-shaped sensor magnet having a plurality of magnetic poles disposed circumferentially and having a third end face and a fourth end face; anda magnetic sensor disposed so as to face the fourth end face and detecting ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028390A1

An electric motor has a first carrier having an array of electromagnetic elements and a second carrier having electromagnetic elements defining magnetic poles. The first and second carriers each define an axis. An airgap is formed between the first and second carriers when in an operational position. An inner thrust bearing connects the first and second carriers and is arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the carriers. An outer thrust bearing connects the first and second carriers and is arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the carriers. The electromagnetic elements of each of the first and second carriers are arranged radially inward of the outer thrust bearing and radially outward of the inner thrust bearing. The inner thrust bearing and the outer thrust bearing are arranged to maintain the airgap against a magnetic attraction of the electromagnetic elements of the first and second carriers. 1. An electric machine comprising:a stator having an array of electromagnetic elements, the stator defining a stator axis;a rotor having permanent magnetic elements defining magnetic poles, the rotor carrier defining a center rotor axis;an airgap being formed between the rotor and the stator when the stator and the rotor are in an operational position;an inner bearing connecting the rotor and the stator, the inner bearing being arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the stator and the rotor;an outer bearing connecting the rotor and the stator, the outer bearing being arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the stator and the rotor;the electromagnetic elements of the stator and the permanent magnetic elements of the rotor having a magnetic attraction between each other; andwherein the rotor further comprises a plurality of posts in which the permanent magnetic elements of the rotor are placed between the plurality of posts, and the rotor further comprising a plurality of inner flux restrictors lying radially inward from the plurality of posts and radially ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028392A1

An electric motor and a rotor thereof are provided. The rotor includes a shaft, a housing, a rotor core fixed to the shaft and received in the housing, and a plurality of permanent magnets placed between an outer surface of the rotor core and an inner surface of the housing. The housing comprises a metal skeleton and a holding frame integral with and molded to the metal skeleton. 1. A rotor of an electric motor , comprising:a shaft;a housing;a rotor core fixed to the shaft and received in the housing; anda plurality of permanent magnets, placed between an outer surface of the rotor core and an inner surface of the housing;wherein the housing comprises a metal skeleton and a holding frame integral with and molded to the metal skeleton.2. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein the metal skeleton is substantially cylindrical claim 1 , having an inner surface to bear against an outer surface of each permanent magnet claim 1 , the holding frame comprises a plurality of axial holding portions arranged at intervals in a circumferential direction claim 1 , and the axial holding portions are arranged between adjacent permanent magnets to bear against side surfaces of the permanent magnets.3. The rotor according to claim 2 , wherein the holding frame further comprises an annular support portion placed at one axial end of the rotor core claim 2 , for supporting the rotor core and the permanent magnets.4. The rotor according to claim 3 , wherein a plurality of end portions extend radially inward from one axial end of the metal skeleton and are arranged at intervals in the circumferential direction claim 3 , and the annular support portion of the holding frame is overmolded to the end portions.5. The rotor according to claim 2 , wherein the metal skeleton is made of non-magnetic metal.6. The rotor according to claim 5 , wherein the metal skeleton has a thickness in the range of 0.2 mm to 1 mm.7. The rotor according to claim 2 , wherein the inner surface of the metal skeleton ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028395A1
Автор: Takenori Hashimoto
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A cooling structure is provided that cools a rotor in a motor. The motor includes a shaft that is rotatably supported on a case and a rotor having a rotor core to which a plurality of magnets are provided on an outer periphery of the shaft and which is disposed to face a stator. Flow passages are formed on the shaft and the rotor and cooling oil passes through a core flow passage inside the rotor core from an introduction flow passage on a first side in an axial direction of the shaft and flows to the introduction flow passage on a second side in the axial direction of the shaft. An inlet communicating with the introduction flow passage and an outlet communicating with the introduction flow passage are formed in the case.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028397A1

A rotating electrical machine includes a stator including a plurality of slots on which conductive wire is wound, and a rotor facing the stator and including a plurality of magnetic poles, wherein the rotating electrical machine is configured of fractional slot in which a denominator of an irreducible fraction obtained by dividing a number of the slots of the stator by a number of phases and a number of the magnetic poles of the rotor is equal to or greater than four, and ratio of magnitude of magnetomotive force of each phase is even in respective poles of the magnetic poles of the rotor. 1. A rotating electrical machine comprising:a stator including a plurality of slots on which conductive wire is wound; anda rotor facing the stator and including a plurality of magnetic poles, whereinthe rotating electrical machine is configured of fractional slot in which a denominator of an irreducible fraction obtained by dividing a number of the slots of the stator by a number of phases and a number of the magnetic poles of the rotor is equal to or greater than four, andratio of magnitude of magnetomotive force of each phase is even in respective poles of the magnetic poles of the rotor.2. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe rotating electrical machine is configured of distributed winding in which the irreducible fraction is greater than one and which includes a predetermined coil pitch,a two-layer unit includes two layers of coil sides accommodated in the slots in a radial direction of the rotor,in the two-layer unit, a group of the coil sides which include same phase and same direction of an electric current in each pole and which are accommodated in one of the slots or in a plurality of the slots adjacent to each other corresponds to a phase belt,a plurality of the phase belts forms a mixed coil formed in a manner that the phase belts are stacked up in the radial direction while each of the plurality of phase belts is shifted in a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Electromagnetic Modules of Electrical Machines

Номер: US20210028674A1

In a first aspect, a method for removing an electromagnetic module from an electrical machine is provided. The electrical machine comprises a plurality of electromagnetic modules having an electromagnetic material. The electromagnetic modules comprise base and a support extending from the base and supporting the electromagnetic material. The base comprises a bottom surface and a first side surface. The first side surface comprises an axially extending groove defining a cooling channel with an axially extending groove of a first side surface of an adjacent electromagnetic module. The method comprises inserting a rod in a cooling channel formed by the groove of the electromagnetic module to be removed and a groove of an adjacent electromagnetic module; releasing the electromagnetic module to be removed from a structure of the electrical machine; and sliding the electromagnetic module to be removed along the rod. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for removing an electromagnetic module from an electrical machine having a rotor and a stator , the electrical machine comprising a plurality of electromagnetic modules having an electromagnetic material; the electromagnetic material being one of a permanent magnet and a stator winding , the electromagnetic modules comprising: a bottom surface;', 'a first side surface comprising an axially extending groove defining a cooling channel with an axially extending groove of a first side surface of an adjacent electromagnetic module;, 'a base and a support extending from the base and supporting the electromagnetic material, the base comprising inserting a rod in a cooling channel formed by the electromagnetic module to be removed and the groove an adjacent electromagnetic module;', 'releasing the electromagnetic module to be removed from a structure of the electrical machine; and', 'sliding the electromagnetic module to be removed along the rod., 'the method comprising17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the electromagnetic ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028677A1
Автор: FUJINO Katsuaki
Принадлежит: Kabushiki Kaisha Kuu

A rotary electric machine includes a rotor in which a plurality of permanent magnets are disposed along a rotation circumference and in which a magnetic pole of the permanent magnet is directed in a direction along a rotational axis and a stator in which a plurality of windings are disposed along the rotation circumference in a direction in which the magnetic pole of the permanent magnet is directed. The stator is formed in a direction in which a magnetic path from an end of the stator to an inside of the stator intersects a main magnetic flux direction from the rotor when the rotor is directed toward ends of first to four windings. A plurality of stators, provided along the rotational axis of the rotor, are respectively placed at positions at which gaps between the windings deviate from each other in a rotation circumference direction. 1. A rotary electric machine comprising:a rotor including a plurality of permanent magnets disposed in a housing along a rotation circumference of the rotor wherein a magnetic pole of each of the permanent magnets is directed in a direction along a rotational axis of the rotor; anda stator including a plurality of windings disposed along a rotation circumference,wherein each of the windings is formed in a direction corresponding to a magnetic path from an end of the winding to an inside of the winding wherein the magnetic path intersects a main magnetic flux direction from the permanent magnet when the magnetic pole is directed towards the winding,wherein a plurality of the stators are provided along the rotational axis of the rotor, andwherein the stators are respectively placed at positions at which gaps between the windings deviate from each other in a rotation circumference direction.2. A rotary electric machine comprising:a rotor including a plurality of permanent magnets disposed therein in a housing along a rotation circumference wherein a magnetic pole of each of the permanent magnets is directed in a direction along a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028678A1
Автор: OHORI Ryo

A motor includes: a stator having teeth protruding radially inward from the inner peripheral surface of a stator core; coils wound on the teeth; a shaft rotating on the inside radially of the stator core; a rotor core affixed to the shaft and radially centered on the rotation axis of the shaft; permanent magnets arranged on the outer peripheral surface of the rotor core; projecting poles which are formed projecting radially outward between the permanent magnets adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction of the outer peripheral surface of the rotor core, and with which the projecting contact surfaces of the permanent magnets are in contact. The stator is formed by stacking electromagnetic steel sheets in the direction of the rotation axis of the shaft. At least one of the axial ends of each of the permanent magnets projects further than an axial end of the rotor core. 1. A motor comprising:a stator which comprises an annular stator core, and a plurality of teeth protruding radially inward from an inner circumferential surface of the stator core;coils which are wound around the teeth;a shaft which rotates inside the stator core in a radial direction thereof;a rotor core which is affixed to the shaft and radially centered on a rotation axis of the shaft;a plurality of permanent magnets disposed on an outer peripheral surface of the rotor core; andprojecting poles which are formed to project radially outward between the permanent magnets adjacent to each other in a circumferential direction of the outer peripheral surface of the rotor core and with which circumferential side surfaces of the permanent magnets are brought into contact,wherein the stator is formed by stacking a plurality of electromagnetic steel sheets in a direction of the rotation axis of the shaft, andat least one end portion of both ends of each permanent magnet in the direction of the rotation axis projects further than an end portion of the rotor core in the direction of the rotation ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029843A1

[Object] To provide an electronic apparatus capable of inhibiting a failure due to dropping of a screw from occurring. 1. An electronic apparatus , comprising:a casing that includes an opening portion;a cover portion that has a first surface and a second surface and is to be attached to the opening portion, the first surface including a screw hole and facing the casing, the second surface being opposite to the first surface;a circuit board to be disposed on the first surface;a screw member that includes a head portion and a shank and fixes the circuit board to the cover portion, the head portion engaging with the circuit board, the shank including a groove and passing through the circuit board, the groove being screwed into the screw hole; anda facing member that is to be disposed inside the casing and faces the head portion with a distance smaller than a length of the shank.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe shank includes a first shank and a second shank, the first shank being an area in which the groove is formed, the second shank protruding toward the second surface more than the first shank, andthe facing member faces the head portion with a distance larger than a length of the first shank.3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe head portion has a height larger than a length of the shank.4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe screw member is disposed on an upper side in a vertical direction than the facing member.5. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe facing member is a holding member that holds a bearing. The present invention relates to an electronic apparatus including a circuit board that is screwed.For example, there is known an electronic apparatus including an electric motor, a circuit board on which a control circuit that drives the electric motor, and a casing that houses the electric motor and the circuit board. For example, Patent Literature 1 discloses a ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Rotor and rotating electric machine having the same

Номер: US20140117792A1
Автор: Akihito NAITOU
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A rotor for a rotating electric machine has a core body and a magnet. The core body has a through-hole, a first polar portion, and a second polar portion. The first polar portion and the second polar portion are alternately arranged in the circumference direction. The magnet is disposed on the core body at a position corresponding to the first polar portion or the second polar portion. The through-hole has an arc-shaped surface having a first curvature radius. The first polar portion has an arc-shaped surface having a second curvature radius. The second polar portion has an arc-shaped surface having a third curvature radius. The first curvature radius is larger than or equal to the second curvature radius. The first curvature radius is larger than or equal to the third curvature radius.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Synchronous Motor

Номер: US20140117804A1
Автор: Nestler Helmut
Принадлежит: Sew-Eurodrive GMBH & Co. KG

A synchronous motor includes a stator with a stator winding, and a rotor on which magnetic poles made of permanent-magnetic material are formed, each pole having a cambered outer contour, especially an outer contour cambered radially outwards, in particular, 2×p individual poles being salient in the circumferential direction, p being the number of pole pairs. 115-. (canceled)16. A synchronous motor , comprising:a stator having a stator winding;a rotor including magnetic poles formed of permanent-magnetic material;wherein each pole has a cambered outer contour, circumscribing the permanent-magnetic material and cambered radially outwardly;wherein the pole, in an area of the cambered outer contour, has a local maximum radial distance as a function of an angle at circumference, such that each pole has a maximum radial distance that is greater than a maximum radial distance of the rotor in an angle-at-circumference area between two poles immediately adjacent in the circumferential direction; andwherein 2×p poles are salient in the circumferential direction, p being the number of pole pairs.17. The synchronous motor according to claim 16 , wherein the circumscribing outside radius of the respective pole decreases in the circumferential direction from the center of the pole claim 16 , up to the pole edge lying outside in the circumferential direction claim 16 , wherein the circumscribing radius is a radius that does not cut claim 16 , but rather only touches the permanent magnets claim 16 , and has only one or two points of intersection with the respective permanent magnet.18. The synchronous motor according to claim 16 , wherein: each pole has at least two permanent magnets claim 16 , all permanent magnets of all poles are substantially identical geometrically; the permanent magnets are magnetized differently; and/or each permanent magnet is cuboidal.19. The synchronous motor according to claim 16 , the permanent magnets are arranged on a laminated core made of stacked ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033650A1
Автор: MIKAMI Koji, YAMADA Yoji

A brushless motor includes a first rotor core, a second rotor core, and a field magnet member. The first rotor core includes primary projecting pieces arranged along a circumferential direction at equal intervals. The second rotor core has the same shape as the first rotor core, and includes secondary projecting pieces arranged along the circumferential direction at equal intervals. The secondary projecting pieces are positioned between the primary projecting pieces that are adjacent to one another in the circumferential direction. The field magnet member is arranged between the first rotor core and the second rotor core. The field magnet member is magnetized along an axial direction to generate primary magnetic poles in the primary projecting pieces, and generate secondary magnetic poles in the secondary projecting pieces. A rotor includes the first rotor core, the second rotor core, and the field magnet member. 1. A brushless motor comprising:a first rotor core including a substantially disk-shaped first core base and a plurality of primary cog-shaped magnetic poles arranged at equal intervals on an outer circumferential portion of the first core base, wherein each of the primary cog-shaped magnetic poles projects toward an outer side in a radial direction and extends in an axial direction to include at least one end portion in the axial direction, and the first core base includes an inner end surface, positioned at an inner side in the axial direction, and a shaft fixing portion;a second rotor core arranged to oppose the first rotor core and including a substantially disk-shaped second core base and a plurality of secondary cog-shaped magnetic poles arranged on an outer circumferential portion of the second core base at equal intervals, wherein each of the secondary cog-shaped magnetic poles projects toward the outer side in the radial direction and extended in the axial direction to include at least one end portion in the axial direction, the secondary cog- ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Bearing Assembly, Motor, and Method of Assembling Bearing Assembly

Номер: US20190032707A1

The bearing assembly () comprises the bearing holder () formed of a cylindrical member, the rolling bearings () press-fitted and fixed to the inside circumference of the bearing holder (), the shaft member () which is inserted to the inner circumferential side of the rolling bearings () and has the hollow portion (a) at the position thereof opposing the rolling bearings () in the radial direction, and the ball members () press-fitted to the hollow portion (a) of the shaft member () so as to press the shaft member () against the rolling bearings () in the radial direction and secure them. 1. A bearing assembly comprising:a bearing holder formed of a cylindrical member;a rolling bearing which is press-fitted and fixed to an inside circumference of said bearing holder;a shaft member which is inserted to an inner circumference side of said rolling bearing and has a hollow portion at a position where said shaft member and said rolling bearing are opposite in a radial direction; anda ball member which is press-fitted to said hollow portion of said shaft member to press and fix said shaft member against said rolling bearing in the radial direction.2. The bearing assembly as set forth in claim 1 , whereinsaid ball member is arranged such that a center of said ball member aligns with a center of a rolling element of said rolling bearing when viewed in an axial direction of said shaft member.3. The bearing assembly as set forth in claim 1 , whereina linear expansion coefficient of said rolling bearing is larger than that of said bearing holder and is also larger than that of said shaft member.4. The bearing assembly as set forth in claim 1 , whereinsaid shaft member is fixed to said rolling bearing while a preload is applied to said rolling bearing.5. The bearing assembly as set forth in claim 1 , comprising:two of said rolling bearings which are press-fitted and fixed to the inside circumference of said bearing holder.6. The bearing assembly as set forth in claim 5 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Motor-generator with radial-flux double-sided stator

Номер: US20180034353A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A motor-generator includes a double-sided stator having a first stator pole wound with a first stator winding of a first channel and a second stator pole wound with a second stator winding of a second channel. The first stator pole and the second stator pole are axially aligned with respect to a centerline of the motor-generator and radially offset between a radially inner side and a radially outer side of the double-sided stator. The motor-generator also includes at least one rotor radially disposed from the double-sided stator with respect to the centerline of the motor-generator.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052589A1

Disclosed is a radial-axial air gap three-phase disc-type transverse flux permanent magnet motor. Each phase includes a stator consisting of shoe-shaped stator cores and shoe-shaped permanent magnets, and a radial-axial rotor. The permanent magnets are magnetized in the circumferential direction, and the magnetization directions of the two adjacent permanent magnets are opposite to each other. Armature windings are wound in the grooves formed by the alternately arranged stator cores and the permanent magnets. The radial-axial rotor includes radial teeth, axial teeth, and right-angled yokes. The radial teeth are connected to the axial teeth through the right-angled yokes. Adjacent radial/or axial teeth are spaced at a mechanical angle of 360/n degrees. Radial teeth and the adjacent axial teeth under the same pole pairs are spaced at a mechanical angle of 180/n degrees, where n is the number of pole pairs of the radial-axial air gap three-phase disc-type transverse flux permanent magnet motor. 1. A radial-axial air gap three-phase disc-type transverse flux permanent magnet motor , comprising a stator , a rotor , and three armature windings , wherein the stator is annular cylindrical , and comprises three sector-shaped annular stator sections of the same structure; each stator section comprises p shoe-shaped permanent magnets and p+1 shoe-shaped stator cores , wherein p is an even number less than or equal to 2k , and k is a positive integer greater than or equal to one; stator sections with grooves are formed by arranging the stator cores and the permanent magnets alternately in the circumferential direction of the stator sections , and a gap exists between two adjacent stator sections; shoe-shaped teeth of the stator cores and shoe-shaped teeth of the permanent magnets form an inner ring of the annular cylindrical stator; the outer sides of the stator cores and the outer sides of the permanent magnets form an outer ring of the stator; in any stator section , any ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052596A1

A magnetic geared motor () includes a stator () including a plurality of teeth () that produce a magnetomotive force, a first rotor () that rotates by the magnetomotive force of the stator (), and a second rotor () that, in response to rotation of the first rotor (), rotates at a lower speed than the first rotor (). The first rotor (), the second rotor (), and the stator () are disposed coaxial to each other, and a plurality of magnets () of different polarities are disposed in respective slot openings () present between each two adjacent teeth (). 1. A magnetic geared motor , comprising:a stator that includes a plurality of teeth;a first rotor that rotates by a magnetomotive force of the stator; anda second rotor that rotates at a lower speed than the first rotor, whereinthe first rotor, the second rotor, and the stator are disposed coaxial to each other, anda plurality of magnets of different polarities are disposed in respective slot openings present between each two adjacent teeth of the plurality of teeth.2. The magnetic geared motor according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of teeth each include a magnetic pole portion that projects in a radial direction,the plurality of magnets include at least a first magnet and a second magnet, andthe magnetic pole portion, the first magnet, and the second magnet are arrayed cyclically in a circumferential direction such that any adjacent two of the magnetic pole portion, the first magnet, and the second magnet have opposite polarities.3. The magnetic geared motor according to claim 2 , whereina total number of first magnets and a total number of second magnets are each identical to a total number of slots in the stator, the first magnets each being the first magnet, the second magnets each being the second magnet.4. A magnetic geared motor claim 2 , comprising:a stator that includes a plurality of teeth and produces a magnetomotive force;a first rotor that rotates by the magnetomotive force; anda second rotor that, in ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036409A1

A motor includes a rotor having a shaft centered on a central axis that extends in an axial direction, a stator which is disposed to face the rotor and includes a plurality of coils, a housing in which the rotor and the stator are housed, and a bus bar assembly that is disposed on one side of the shaft in the axial direction, wherein the bus bar assembly includes a plurality of bus bars that are electrically connected to the plurality of coils of the stator and a bus bar holder that holds the plurality of bus bars, and wherein at least one bus bar among the plurality of bus bars is placed on a disposition surface part provided on the bus bar holder and extends in a direction crossing the central axis. 1. A motor comprising:a rotor having a shaft centered on a central axis that extends in an axial direction of the shaft;a stator which is disposed to face the rotor and comprises a plurality of coils;a housing in which the rotor and the stator are housed; anda bus bar assembly that is disposed on one side of the shaft in the axial direction, a plurality of bus bars that are electrically connected to the plurality of coils of the stator and', 'a bus bar holder that holds the plurality of bus bars, and, 'wherein the bus bar assembly comprises'}wherein at least one bus bar among the plurality of bus bars is placed on a disposition surface part provided on the bus bar holder and extends in a direction crossing the central axis.2. The motor according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one bus bar linearly extends on the disposition surface part.3. The motor according to claim 1 ,wherein the bus bar holder is disposed at a position crossing the central axis.4. The motor according to claim 1 ,wherein the housing is a resin housing, andwherein the bus bar assembly is integrated with the resin housing by insert molding.5. The motor according to claim 4 ,wherein the bus bar holder has a through-hole that opens to both sides in the axial direction, andwherein the bus bar holder is ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine with Automatic Rotor Decoupling in the Winding Short Circuit

Номер: US20190036418A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A permanent-magnet synchronous machine includes a stator in which a stator winding is arranged, a rotor which can rotate about a rotation axis and in which permanent magnets are arranged, wherein the rotor is connected to a motor shaft via a connecting device which is formed such that it initially connects the rotor to the motor shaft in a rotationally fixed manner, such that a torque which is generated by the interaction of stator winding and permanent magnet is transmitted to the motor shaft, where the connecting device is further configured automatically break the rotationally fixed connection of the rotor in the event of a short circuit of the stator winding, such that a torque that acts on the motor shaft is no longer transmitted to the rotor.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Rotor and rotary electric machine

Номер: US20190036430A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A rotor includes a rotary member; a plurality of permanent magnets disposed in an outer circumference of the rotary member; a holding member that is provided on an outer circumferential surface of the permanent magnets to hold the permanent magnets, the holding member having a cylindrical shape formed of a fiber reinforced plastic; and cover members that cover at least both end portions of a longitudinal direction Di of the holding member.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036241A1
Автор: Huang Hao, Jia Xiaochuan

A permanent magnet generator, includes a cylindrical rotor assembly having a set of circumferentially-spaced permanent magnets arranged at an outer radius of the rotor assembly, and spaced from one another by non-magnetic spacing element, and a stator assembly configured to coaxially receive the rotor assembly. The stator assembly includes a cylindrical stator core, a circumferentially spaced set of posts extending from the stator core and defining a set of stator slots between adjacent posts, and a set of conductive windings wound about the stator slots. 1. A stator assembly , comprising:a cylindrical stator core;a circumferentially spaced set of posts extending from the stator core and defining a set of stator slots between adjacent posts;a first set of conductive windings wound about a first subset of stator slots in a first continuous circumferential portion of the stator core; anda second set of conductive windings wound about a second subset of stator slots in a second continuous circumferential portion of the stator core, and wherein the second continuous circumferential portion is different from the first continuous circumferential portion.2. The stator assembly of wherein the stator assembly is a permanent magnet generator stator assembly.3. The stator assembly of wherein a power output of the first set of conductive windings is preselected to control a synchronous operation of a generator including the permanent magnet generator stator assembly.4. The stator assembly of wherein a power output of the second set of conductive windings is preselected to connect to a specific electrical load.5. The stator assembly of wherein the specific electrical load is at least one of an essential load claim 4 , a flight critical load claim 4 , a vehicle management system claim 4 , a vehicle management system claim 4 , or a flight computer.6. The stator assembly of wherein a power output of the first set of conductive windings is connected with an exciter stator of a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036246A1

A rotor for an electrical machine includes a rotor hub comprising a multi-faceted surface extending along a perimeter of the rotor hub. Each facet of the multi-faceted surface may have a substantially planar surface. A plurality of permanent magnet assemblies is disposed circumferentially around the multi-faceted surface. Each individual permanent magnet assembly of the plurality of permanent magnet assemblies is coupled to the substantially planar surface of a corresponding facet. Each individual permanent magnet assembly comprises a first magnet segment polarized in a direction substantially orthogonal to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which to which a particular permanent magnet assembly comprising the first permanent magnet pole segment is coupled, and at least a second permanent magnet pole segment of the particular permanent magnet assembly polarized in a direction substantially parallel to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which to which the particular permanent magnet assembly is coupled. 1. A rotor for an electrical machine , comprising:a rotor hub comprising a multi-faceted surface extending along a perimeter of the rotor hub, wherein each facet of the multi-faceted surface has a substantially planar surface; a first permanent magnet polarized in a direction substantially orthogonal to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which a particular permanent magnet assembly comprising the first permanent magnet is coupled, and', 'at least a second permanent magnet and/or second permanent magnet pole segment of the particular permanent magnet assembly polarized in a direction substantially parallel to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which to which the particular permanent magnet assembly is coupled., 'a plurality of permanent magnet assemblies disposed circumferentially around the multi-faceted surface, wherein each individual permanent magnet assembly of the plurality of permanent magnet assemblies is ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036247A1
Автор: Saban Daniel M.

A rotor sub-assembly for an electrical machine comprises a rotor hub. The rotor hub may comprise a multi-faceted surface comprising a plurality of facets extending along a perimeter of the rotor hub. Each facet of the multi-faceted surface may comprise a substantially planar surface that is oriented substantially perpendicular to a radial line extending from an approximate center of the rotor hub. A plurality of permanent magnet assemblies is disposed circumferentially around the multi-faceted surface. Each of the permanent magnet assemblies is singularly affixed to a corresponding facet of the multi-faceted surface and comprises exactly one of: a first permanent magnet polarized in a direction substantially orthogonal to the planar surface of the corresponding facet onto which a particular permanent magnet assembly comprising the first permanent magnet is coupled; or a second magnet of the particular permanent magnet assembly polarized in a direction substantially parallel to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which to which the particular permanent magnet assembly is coupled; or a combination of the first permanent magnet and the second permanent magnet. 1. A rotor sub-assembly for an electrical machine , comprising:a rotor hub comprising a multi-faceted surface comprising a plurality of facets extending along a perimeter of the rotor hub, wherein each facet of the multi-faceted surface comprises a substantially planar surface that is oriented substantially perpendicular to a radial line extending from an approximate center of the rotor hub; a first permanent magnet polarized in a direction substantially orthogonal to the planar surface of the corresponding facet onto which a particular permanent magnet assembly comprising the first permanent magnet is coupled, or', 'a second magnet of the particular permanent magnet assembly polarized in a direction substantially parallel to the planar surface of the corresponding facet to which to which the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036248A1

An end plate for a rotor assembly of an electrical machine includes a central through-opening for a shaft, a collar formed on an end face of the end plate on the radial outside in the circumferential direction and a plurality of elevations on the end face. The elevations and collar axially delimit a cooling channel, wherein the cooling channel forms a plurality of cooling channel sections on both sides by a respective elevation. Two elevations delimiting a cooling channel section are spaced apart from one another by a first arc length at a first radial position between the through-opening and the collar and are spaced apart from one another by a second arc length greater than the first arc length at a second radial position delimited by the collar. Each cooling channel section includes at least one fluid guide element between the first radial position and the second radial position. 125411723142726254128292628292715181518212239402829282921223940312727. An end plate ( , ) for a rotor assembly () of an electrical machine () , comprising a central through-opening () for feeding through a shaft () , a collar () formed on an end face () of the end plate ( , ) on the radial outside in the circumferential direction and a plurality of elevations ( , ) on the end face () , the elevations ( , ) and the collar () axially delimiting a cooling channel ( , ) , the cooling channel ( , ) forming a plurality of cooling channel sections ( , , , ) , which are delimited on both sides by a respective elevation ( , ) , two elevations ( , ) delimiting a cooling channel section ( , , , ) being spaced apart from one another by a first arc length at a first radial position between the through-opening () and the collar () and being spaced apart from one another by a second arc length that is greater than the first arc length at a second radial position delimited by the collar () ,wherein{'b': 21', '22', '39', '40', '33', '34', '35', '37, 'each cooling channel section (, , , ) comprises at ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle driving apparatus

Номер: US20200036261A1
Автор: Nao Uchibori
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle driving apparatus including: a rotating machine including a rotor and a stator; a motor case storing therein the rotating machine and fastened to a non-rotary member; and an intermediate member including (i) a main body having a flat plate shape and (ii) a protrusion which protrudes in a direction of an axis of the rotating machine from a surface of the main body on a side of the rotating machine and which has an annular shape surrounding the axis. The protrusion of the intermediate member includes a plurality of stator fastening portions through which the stator of the rotating machine is fastened to the intermediate member. The intermediate member is fastened to a high rigidity portion of the motor case that has a higher rigidity than the other portion of the motor case.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036562A1
Автор: Ishikawa Atsushi

A motor includes a rotor rotatable about a rotation axis, and a stator surrounding the rotor so as to form an air gap between the stator and the rotor. The rotor has a rotor core having a magnet insertion hole and a rare earth magnet provided in the magnet insertion hole. The rotor core has a plurality of slits on an outer side of the magnet insertion hole in a radial direction about the rotation axis. Each of the plurality of slits has a length in the radial direction which is longer than a length in a circumferential direction about the rotation axis. The plurality of slits have a uniform minimum distance to the magnet insertion hole. When the minimum distance is expressed as T and the air gap is expressed as G, 2.75≤T/G≤5.25 is satisfied. 1. A motor comprising:a rotor rotatable about a rotation axis; anda stator surrounding the rotor so as to form an air gap between the stator and the rotor,wherein the rotor has a rotor core having a magnet insertion hole, and a rare earth magnet provided in the magnet insertion hole;wherein the rotor core has a plurality of slits on an outer side of the magnet insertion hole in a radial direction about the rotation axis;wherein each of the plurality of slits has a length in the radial direction which is longer than a length in a circumferential direction about the rotation axis;wherein the plurality of slits have a uniform minimum distance to the magnet insertion hole; andwherein when the minimum distance is expressed as T and the air gap is expressed as G,2.75≤T/G≤5.25 is satisfied.2. The motor according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of slits extends parallel to a straight line in the radial direction passing through a center of the magnetic insertion hole in the circumferential direction.3. The motor according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of slits extends to be inclined with respect to a straight line in the radial direction passing through a center of the magnetic insertion hole in the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036564A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A rotor for a dynamo-electric machine includes a shaft and a rotor core constituted by laminating a plurality of electromagnetic steel sheets, and the rotor core is configured such that the shaft is attached to an inner periphery of the rotor core. Each of the electromagnetic steel sheets constituting the rotor core includes an insertion hole into which the shaft is inserted, and a key protruding radially inwardly from the insertion hole, the shaft includes a keyway formed along an axial direction, the shaft is attached by clearance fit to the insertion holes of the electromagnetic steel sheets, and the key is fitted by pressing into the keyway such that a side face of the key abuts on a side face of the keyway. 1. A rotor for a dynamo-electric machine , the rotor comprising:a shaft; anda rotor core constituted by laminating a plurality of electromagnetic steel sheets, the rotor core being configured such that the shaft is attached to an inner periphery of the rotor core, wherein:each of the electromagnetic steel sheets constituting the rotor core includes an insertion hole into which the shaft is inserted, and a key protruding radially inwardly from the insertion hole;the shaft includes a keyway formed along an axial direction;the shaft is attached by clearance fit to the insertion holes of the electromagnetic steel sheets; andthe key is fitted by pressing into the keyway such that a side face of the key abuts on a side face of the keyway.213.-. (canceled)14. The rotor for the dynamo-electric machine claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the key includes an extension portion protruding radially inwardly from the insertion hole claim 1 , and a projection portion extended outwardly in a width direction of the extension portion from at least one side face of the extension portion in the width direction.15. The rotor for the dynamo-electric machine claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:the key includes an extension portion protruding radially inwardly from the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Brushless Direct Current Motor and Rotor Thereof

Номер: US20160043620A1

A BLDC motor includes a stator and a rotor. The rotor includes a shaft, first and second end plates, a plurality of cores arranged between the first and second end plates, a plurality of magnets, and a housing. The cores are evenly spaced from each other in the circumferential direction. A space is formed between neighboring cores. Each space receives one magnet. The magnets are magnetized circumferentially such that side surfaces of the magnets have corresponding polarities. The housing is made of magnetically permeable material, surrounding and covering radially outer ends of the magnets and cores. 1. A rotor of a motor , comprising:a shaft;a first end plate comprising a first main body and a plurality of first pins perpendicular to the first main body;a second end plate comprising a second main body and a plurality of second pins perpendicular to the second main body;a plurality of cores arranged between the first and second end plates, the cores being evenly spaced from each other in a circumferential direction, a space being defined between adjacent cores, each of the cores defining a through hole with one of the first pins and one of the second pins inserted therein, a sum of the lengths of the first and second pins in the same through hole being not larger than the length of the through hole; anda plurality of magnets, each of the magnets being received in a respective space between the cores.2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the first pins comprise a plurality of first long pins and a plurality of first short pins claim 1 , the second pins comprise a plurality of second long pins and a plurality of second short pins claim 1 , each first long pin and a corresponding second short pin are in the same through hole claim 1 , each first short pin and a corresponding second long pin are in the same through hole claim 1 , and a sum of the lengths of the first short pin and corresponding second long pin is the same as a sum of the lengths of the first long pin and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041080A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

This rotor includes: a rotor core in which a plurality of insertion holes each penetrating the rotor core in an axial direction are formed with intervals interposed thereamong in a circumferential direction; and magnets respectively provided in the insertion holes, wherein a hole-inside-peripheral-surface of each insertion hole does not contact with a magnet-inside-peripheral-surface of a corresponding one of the magnets, a hole-outside-peripheral-surface of the insertion hole and a magnet-outside-peripheral-surface of the magnet contact with each other at two locations of a first location and a second location, an adhesive layer portion is formed between the first location and the second location and between the hole-outside-peripheral-surface of the insertion hole and the magnet-outside-peripheral-surface of the magnet, and a first protruding portion which protrudes toward outside in a radial direction and which contacts with the magnet is formed at the hole-inside-peripheral-surface of the insertion hole. 1. A rotor comprising:a rotor core in which a plurality of insertion holes each penetrating the rotor core in an axial direction are formed with intervals interposed thereamong in a circumferential direction; andmagnets respectively provided in the insertion holes, whereina hole-inside-peripheral-surface of each insertion hole does not contact with a magnet-inside-peripheral-surface of a corresponding one of the magnets,a hole-outside-peripheral-surface of the insertion hole and a magnet-outside-peripheral-surface of the magnet contact with each other at two locations of a first location and a second location,an adhesive layer portion is formed between the first location and the second location and between the hole-outside-peripheral-surface of the insertion hole and the magnet-outside-peripheral-surface of the magnet, anda first protruding portion which protrudes toward outside in a radial direction is formed at the hole-inside-peripheral-surface of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041156A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A position sensor mounted in an actuator includes a magnetic detecting element for detecting the position of a shaft, and a temperature detecting element for detecting intra-sensor temperature which is used for correction of the temperature characteristics of the magnetic detecting element, the magnetic detecting element and the temperature detecting element being built therein. A control device for the actuator acquires both the temperature-corrected position of the shaft and the intra-sensor temperature from the position sensor, and uses them for control of the actuator. 16.-. (canceled)7. A control device for an actuator , the actuator including a shaft , a direct-current motor for causing the shaft to reciprocate in an axial direction , and a position sensor for detecting a position of the shaft , the control device comprising:an acquirer to acquire both the position of the shaft which is temperature-corrected by using intra-sensor temperature detected by a temperature detecting element built in the position sensor, and the intra-sensor temperature; anda controller to control the actuator by using both the temperature-corrected position of the shaft and the intra-sensor temperature which are acquired by the acquirer.8. The control device for the actuator according to claim 7 , further comprising a coil temperature estimator to estimate a temperature of a coil of the direct-current motor claim 7 , anda temperature corrector to correct the temperature of the coil estimated by the coil temperature estimator by using the intra-sensor temperature acquired by the acquirer, andwherein the controller controls the actuator by using both the temperature-corrected position of the shaft acquired by the acquirer, and the temperature corrected by the temperature corrector.9. The control device for the actuator according to claim 7 , further comprising an abnormality determiner to determine that internal temperature of the actuator is abnormal when the intra-sensor temperature ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048706A1
Автор: Akasako Youichi

A synchronous electric motor having a structure for reducing cogging torque generated by the positioning error of a permanent magnet. Protrusions are alternately arranged in regions A and B in the circumferential direction of an iron core. Therefore, with respect to neighboring magnets positioned on both sides of the first protrusion, in region B, where the protrusion does not exit, ends of the neighboring magnets are attracted to each other by magnetic force. On the other hand, with respect to the neighboring magnets positioned on both sides of the second protrusion, in region A, where the protrusion does not exit, ends of the neighboring magnets are attracted to each other by magnetic force resulting in being inclined in opposing directions, and thus the generated cogging torque is significantly reduced. 1. A synchronous electric motor having s slots and 2p poles , wherein a lowest common multiple of s and p is an odd multiple of p , the synchronous electric motor having a rotor comprising:an iron core having a plurality of protrusions for positioning permanent magnets; anda plurality of permanent magnets positioned on the iron core,wherein the protrusions are arranged on the iron core so that one end of each permanent magnet is inclined towards one of neighboring permanent magnets so as to be attracted to the one of the neighboring permanent magnets, and so that the other end of each permanent magnet is inclined towards the other of neighboring permanent magnets so as to be attracted to the other of the neighboring permanent magnets.2. The synchronous electric motor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the iron core includes a first region and a second region defined by dividing the iron core into two halves in a direction of a rotation axis thereof claim 1 ,wherein, in the first region, first protrusions are arranged on a boundary between neighboring permanent magnets alternately in a circumferential direction of the iron core,wherein, in the second region, second ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048707A1

A method for producing a radially anisotropic ring magnet having at least one axial groove on the inner surface comprises using a die comprising a cylindrical, magnetic core, a magnetic sleeve having an axial ridge in alignment with the groove on the outer surface and disposed on an outer peripheral surface of the core, and an outer, cylindrical die member defining a cavity for forming the ring magnet with the magnetic sleeve, and compression-molding magnet powder charged into the cavity while applying a magnetic field in a radial direction, and a radially anisotropic ring magnet substantially having a composition of R-TM-B, wherein R is at least one of rare earth elements including Y, TM is at least one of transition metals, and B is boron, having at least one axial groove on the inner surface, and magnetized such that centerlines between magnetic poles do not overlap grooves. 1. A radially anisotropic ring magnet substantially having a composition of R-TM-B , wherein R is at least one of rare earth elements including Y , TM is at least one of transition metals , and B is boron , said ring magnet having at least one axial groove on the inner surface , and being magnetized such that said groove does not overlap centerlines between magnetic poles.2. A rotor for a brushless motor comprising the radially anisotropic ring magnet recited in claim 1 , and a rotor yoke having an axial ridge in alignment with at least one groove of said radially anisotropic ring magnet claim 1 , both concentrically fixed to each other. This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/666,245 filed on Dec. 22, 2009 which is a National Stage of International Application No. PCT/JP2008/061423 filed Jun. 23, 2008, claiming priority based on Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2007-170538 and 2007-298547, filed Jun. 28, 2007 and Nov. 16, 2007 respectively, the contents of all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

High-magnetic-flux discrete stator electrical machine

Номер: US20200044494A1
Принадлежит: StarRotor Corp

Electrical machines such as electromagnetic devices rely on the magnetic flux to create the forces required to move the component that transfers the work output of the device. Embodiment of the disclosure achieve this through a unique stator pole to rotor/actuator pole configuration that maximizes the magnetic flux flow across the air gap(s). This is achieved by tilting the air gap in more than one plane with respect to the rotation plane of the rotor.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20200044495A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Hattori
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electric motor includes: a rotary shaft member rotating about an axis; a rotor including a rotor core and a magnet, the rotor core being provided on the rotary shaft member, the magnet being provided on the rotor core; and a stator including a stator core and a stator coil, the stator core having a plurality of slots formed in a circumferential direction, the stator core being disposed at an interval in a radial direction that is a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the rotary shaft member with respect to the rotor core, the stator coil being inserted into the plurality of slots and wound around the stator core. Further, the stator coil includes a first conductor and a second conductor having a conductivity greater than a conductivity of the first conductor, and the second conductor is disposed in the slots.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20200044496A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An electric motor includes: a rotary shaft member rotating about an axis; a rotor including a rotor core, which has an annular shape and is provided on the rotary shaft member, and a magnet provided on the rotor core; a stator including a stator core, which has an annular shape and is disposed at an interval from the rotor core in a radial direction that is a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the rotary shaft member, and a stator coil wound around the stator core; a field yoke, which has an annular shape, includes the rotor and the staorm, and has a fixed relative positional relationship with the stator core; and a case member, which has a side wall extending in the axial direction to face an outer peripheral surface of the field yoke, the field yoke being fixed to the case member.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044497A1

A rotating electric machine includes a stator and a rotor disposed within the stator. The stator defines a plurality of teeth and a plurality of semi-open slots. The plurality of semi-open slots further include a plurality of slot groups wherein each slot group further includes a plurality of slot subgroups. Each slot group includes at least a first subgroup of slots having a first slot opening width and being dedicated to a first phase, and a second subgroup of slots having a second slot opening width and being dedicated to a second phase, the second slot opening width being different from the first slot opening width. 1. A rotating electric machine , comprising:a stator that defines a plurality of teeth and a plurality of semi-open slots; anda rotor configured to rotate within the stator;wherein the plurality of semi-open slots is further formed by a plurality of slot groups, each slot group further includes a plurality of slot subgroups wherein each slot group includes a first subgroup of slots dedicated to a first phase and having a first slot opening width defined at each slot in the first subgroup, and a second subgroup of slots adjacent to the first subgroup of slots, the second subgroup of slots being dedicated to a second phase and having a second slot opening width defined at each slot in the second subgroup, the second slot opening width being different from the first slot opening width.2. The rotating electric machine as defined in wherein each slot group further includes a third subgroup of slots having a third slot opening width wherein the third slot opening width is different from each of the first and second slot opening widths.3. The rotating electric machine as defined in wherein the first slot opening width may vary from the second slot opening width by as little as 0.05 mm to as much as 0.5 mm.4. The rotating electric machine as defined in wherein the first slot opening width claim 2 , the second slot opening width and the third slot opening ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044499A1
Автор: ITO Yuta, Kubota Yoshihisa

A stator core for a rotary electric machine is provided, which includes core members stacked and formed annularly so as to surround a rotor, each core member including a plurality of slots extending from one end to another end in a shaft direction and teeth formed between the slots. A whole of the teeth includes a first teeth section including, at a tip on an inner periphery side of each core member, each tooth including a first protrusion portion and a second protrusion portion with a lower protrusion height than the first protrusion portion protruding in a circumferential direction of each core member and a second teeth section including a pair of the first protrusion portions and/or a pair of the second protrusion portions. 1. A stator core for a rotary electric machine , comprising a plurality of slots extending from one end to another end in a shaft direction and', 'teeth formed between the slots,, 'core members stacked and formed annularly so as to surround a rotor, each core member comprising'}wherein a whole of the teeth includes 'a first protrusion portion and a second protrusion portion with a lower protrusion height than the first protrusion portion protruding in a circumferential direction of each core member and', 'a first teeth section comprising, at a tip on an inner periphery side of each core member, each tooth comprising'} 'a pair of the first protrusion portions and/or a pair of the second protrusion portions.', 'a second teeth section comprising'}2. The stator core for a rotary electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein the inner periphery of each core member is provided with opening portions in communication with the slots and between the adjacent teeth; anda center of each of the opening portions in the circumferential direction is deviated, in the circumferential direction, with respect to an axis connecting a center of each core member and a center of each slot in the circumferential direction.3. The stator core for a rotary electric ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

3-phase permanent magnet motor or generator having variable stator teeth

Номер: US20140125189A1
Автор: Keith I. Hoemann
Принадлежит: Nidec Motor Corp

An electric motor or generator machine is provided. The machine includes a rotor rotatable about an axis, as well as a stator. The stator includes a stator core and wiring wound around the stator core. The stator core includes a plurality of arcuately spaced apart alternating primary teeth and secondary teeth, such that each secondary tooth is spaced between a corresponding pair of primary teeth. The wiring is wound about the primary teeth to form a plurality of coils. The plurality of coils includes an A-phase coil, a B-phase coil, and a C-phase coil. Each of the primary teeth includes a generally radially extending primary arm and a generally arcuately extending primary crown. Each of the primary crowns spans one hundred sixty (160) to two hundred (200) electrical degrees.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Permanent magnet synchronous motor and a rotor thereof

Номер: US20170047799A1

A permanent magnet synchronous motor, a rotor thereof comprising an iron core in cylindrical form, with p S pole magnet plates and p N pole magnet plates arranged inside of the iron core around an axis thereof, wherein p is a positive integer, and the p S pole magnet plates and the p N pole magnet plates are alternatively aligned; on a surface of a rotor iron core of each magnet steel plate are arranged two d axial surface grooves; the two d axial surface grooves corresponding to each magnet steel plate are situated on two sides of a center line of the magnet steel plate; an inter-axial distance of the two d axial surface grooves of each magnet steel plates is approximately equal to a tooth tip span of a rotor tooth of the permanent magnet synchronous motor. Also disclosed is a rotor of a permanent magnet synchronous motor.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Rotary electrical machine

Номер: US20170047833A1
Принадлежит: M-LINK Co Ltd

A rotary electrical machine has a first annular body and a second annular body that face opposite each other with a coil interposed therebetween, either the first annular body or the second annular body being provided with a permanent magnet, the first annular body and/or the second annular body rotating about the axis of a rotating shaft, and the driving force of a motor being extracted through the rotating first annular body or second annular body or through the axis of the rotating shaft rotating with the rotating first annular body or second annular body.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069647A1

An electric machine includes a stator rotatably supporting a rotor, the rotor includes a stacked rotor laminations forming a rotor core with cavities having magnets arranged in the cavities through at least two adjacent rotor laminations and parallel to a rotor central axis, each lamination including an outer edge having grooves or scallops arranged asymmetrically about the circumference to reduce torque ripple. At least one groove or scallop may be arranged along a q-axis and at least one groove or scallop may be arranged between a q-axis and a d-axis of the rotor core. The laminations may be substantially identical with a first group of laminations flipped or rotated about a diametric axis relative to a second group of laminations. An electrified vehicle includes an electric machine powered by a traction battery, the electric machine having a rotor core with stacked rotor laminations having a scalloped outer edge.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069649A1

A generator rotor assembly () comprises a cylindrical ring structure () defining a central hollow portion and arranged to rotate around a rotational axis. The cylindrical ring structure () comprises a plurality of permanent magnet packages () arranged coaxially around the rotational axis, the permanent magnet packages () comprising a plurality of coaxially stacked ring-shaped segmented layers (), a plurality of tie rod holes () and a plurality of tie rods (). The coaxially stacked ring-shaped segmented layers () comprise a plurality of contiguous segment sheets () arranged around the rotational axis to form the ring-shaped layer, the stacked layers () being staggered such that segment breaks between two contiguous segment sheets () in one of the layers are angularly offset with respect to segment breaks between two contiguous segment sheets () in an adjacent layer. The tie rod holes () extend axially through the layers of the permanent magnet packages (), wherein the plurality of tie rod holes () of adjacent permanent magnet packages () are complementary in size and position, such that a plurality of tie rod bores is defined. The tie rods () extend through respective ones of the plurality of tie rod bores.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Electric Motor

Номер: US20220069668A1

An example electric motor includes a housing, a stator fixed relative to the housing, a rotor, a brake assembly, a first bearing, and a second bearing. The rotor has a hub portion, a cylindrical portion, and a disk portion. The hub portion of the rotor has a first end, a second end, and a through hole therethrough. The brake assembly is fixed relative to the housing and configured to selectively couple the disk portion of the rotor to the housing. The first bearing is mounted between the first end of the hub portion of the rotor and the disk portion of the rotor. The second bearing is mounted between the second end of the hub portion of the rotor and the disk portion of the rotor. 1. An electric motor comprising:a housing;a stator fixed relative to the housing;a rotor having a hub portion, a cylindrical portion made of a magnetic material, and a disk portion made of a non-magnetic material, wherein the hub portion has a first end, a second end, and a through hole therethrough;a brake assembly fixed relative to the housing and configured to selectively couple the disk portion of the rotor to the housing;a first bearing mounted between the first end of the hub portion of the rotor and the disk portion of the rotor; anda second bearing mounted between the second end of the hub portion of the rotor and the disk portion of the rotor.2. The electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the hub portion is made of a non-magnetic material.3. The electric motor of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of magnets mounted circumferentially about the cylindrical portion of the rotor.4. The electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the brake assembly comprises a brake housing and a base claim 1 , wherein the base is fixedly attached to the housing of the electric motor claim 1 , and wherein the brake housing has a first cylindrical portion extending axially from the base and a second cylindrical portion extending axially from the base claim 1 , the second cylindrical portion of the brake ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052131A1
Автор: Wakita Tadayuki

Six non-wound teeth and six wound teeth with a winding wound therearound are alternately placed in a circumferential direction with an axis as the center to configure a stator, a rotor in which drive magnets line in the circumferential direction is supported on an outer peripheral side of the stator in such a manner as to be rotatable about the axis. Outer peripheral ends of the non-wound tooth and the wound tooth are caused to face the drive magnets of the rotor. The windings of the stator are energized to continuously switch the magnetic flux flowing through the teeth. The rotor is then rotated. A circumferential width of the outer peripheral end of the non-wound tooth is set to be wider than a circumferential width of the outer peripheral end of the wound tooth. 1. A brushless motor in which a plurality of non-wound teeth and a plurality of wound teeth with a winding wound therearound are alternately placed in a circumferential direction with an axis as a center to configure a stator; a rotor in which a plurality of drive magnets lines in the circumferential direction in such a manner as to face an inner or outer periphery of the stator is supported in such a manner as to be rotatable about the axis; and magnetic flux flowing through the non-wound tooth and the wound tooth are continuously switched by energization of the winding of the stator to apply rotational force to the rotor , whereina circumferential width of an opposing surface of the non-wound tooth to the drive magnet is set to be wider than a circumferential width of an opposing surface of the wound tooth to the drive magnet.2. The brushless motor according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential width of the opposing surface of the wound tooth to the drive magnet is set to be equal to or greater than a circumferential width of the drive magnet.3. The brushless motor according to claim 1 , whereinthe rotor is placed on an outer peripheral side of the stator, andeach of the non-wound teeth on the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Rotor of an electrical rotating machine with permanent magnets

Номер: US20180054099A1

The invention mainly relates to a rotor ( 10 ) of an electrical rotating machine, comprising a rotor body ( 11 ) and a set of permanent magnets ( 22 ), and wherein a ratio between a space occupied by all of the permanent magnets ( 22 ) and a space (V) defined by the rotor body ( 11 ) is higher than 30%, preferably higher than 50%.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057948A1

An electric machine including a distributed cooling system is disclosed. The electric machine includes a housing, a stator assembly, a rotor assembly, and a distributed cooling system. The distributed cooling system comprising at least one inlet, a first passage, a second passage, and a third passage. The first passage extending axially in a first direction through at least a portion of the rotor shaft to direct a flow of coolant in the first direction. A second passage fluidly coupled to the first passage extending in a second direction through at least a portion of the rotor shaft between a receiving end and a distributing end. At least one third passage fluidly coupled to the second passage extending between a first end and a second end and distributes coolant received from the second passage to at least one of the first end or the second end into the stator assembly. 1. An electric machine with distributed cooling , the electric machine comprising:a stator assembly;a rotor assembly comprising a rotor shaft and a rotor core; and at least one inlet arranged on an end of the rotor shaft;', 'a first passage extending axially in a first direction through at least a portion of the rotor shaft, wherein the first passage is configured to direct a flow of coolant received from the inlet in the first direction;', 'a second passage fluidly coupled to the first passage, the second passage extending in a second direction through at least a portion of the rotor shaft between a receiving end and a distributing end, wherein the second passage is configured to direct the flow of coolant in the second direction for distribution at the distributing end; and', 'at least one third passage fluidly coupled to the second passage, the at least one third passage extending between a first end and a second end, wherein the third passage is configured to distribute coolant received from the second passage to at least one of the first end or the second end into the stator assembly., 'a ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057975A1

Provided is a rotating electric machine capable of reducing oscillations and noise generated in the rotating electric machine. The rotating electric machine includes a stator, a rotor, and a frame. The rotor includes: a rotor core; and a plurality of permanent magnets, and the rotor is divided into a plurality of blocks. The plurality of blocks include: a skew-angle-increasing pair of blocks; and a skew-angle-decreasing pair of blocks. The frame includes: a body portion configured to hold the stator; and a flange portion, which projects outward from the body portion, and the body portion has a thickness that changes from one end to another end of the body portion in an axial direction thereof. 1. A rotating electric machine , comprising:a stator;a rotor provided to be opposed to the stator; and [ a rotor core; and', 'a plurality of permanent magnets, which are provided in the rotor core, and are arranged in a circumferential direction of the rotor,, 'the rotor including, 'the rotor being divided into a plurality of blocks in an axial direction of the rotor,', a skew-angle-increasing pair of blocks, which are a pair of blocks of the plurality of blocks that are adjacent to and shifted from each other in a first direction of the circumferential direction of the rotor from one end to another end of the rotor in the axial direction of the rotor; and', 'a skew-angle-decreasing pair of blocks, which are a pair of blocks of the plurality of blocks that are adjacent to and shifted from each other in a second direction, which is an opposite direction from the first direction, of the circumferential direction of the rotor from the one end to the another end of the rotor in the axial direction of the rotor,, 'the plurality of blocks including, a body portion, which is formed into a cylindrical shape, and is configured to hold the stator; and', 'a flange portion, which is provided at an end of the body portion in an axial direction of the body portion, and projects outward from ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Pump, Motor And Shaft Sleeve Unit Thereof

Номер: US20170058908A1

A liquid pump includes a motor and an impeller. The motor includes a stator, a rotor, a base body and a shaft sleeve unit supporting the rotor for rotation. The shaft sleeve unit includes a fixing member fixed in the base body, a bearing received in the fixing member and surrounding the rotary shaft, and a resilient buffering member disposed between the fixing member and the bearing. The impeller is coupled to the rotor. 1. A motor comprisinga stator;a rotor comprising a rotary shaft having an output end;a base body ; anda shaft sleeve unit received in the base body and supporting the rotor for rotation, the shaft sleeve unit comprising a fixing member fixed in the base body, a bearing received in the fixing member and surrounding the rotary shaft, and a resilient buffering member disposed between the fixing member and the bearing.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein one of an outer surface of the fixing member and an inner surface of the base body is formed with a protrusion claim 1 , the other of the outer surface of the fixing member and the inner surface of the base body is formed with a slot claim 1 , and the protrusion is engaged in the slot to connect the fixing member to the base body.3. The motor of claim 1 , wherein one of an inner surface of the buffering member and an outer surface of the bearing is formed with an annular protrusion claim 1 , the other of the inner surface of the buffering member and the outer surface of the bearing is formed with an annular groove claim 1 , and the annular protrusion is engaged in the annular groove to connect the bearing with the buffering member.4. The motor of claim 1 , wherein one of an outer surface of the buffering member and an inner surface of the fixing member is formed with an annular protrusion claim 1 , the other of the outer surface of the buffering member and the inner surface of the fixing member is formed with an annular groove claim 1 , and the annular protrusion is engaged in the annular groove to connect ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077725A1
Автор: RONG Chuanbing

A rotor of an electric machine includes a rotor core defining a magnet channel extending axially between opposing ends of the rotor core. A permanent magnet is disposed in the channel and has opposing ends and opposing major sides. The magnet includes a central piece of anisotropic magnetic material having a first magnetically easy crystallographic axis, and a corner piece of anisotropic magnetic material joined to the central piece and having a second magnetically easy crystallographic axis that is oblique to the first easy axis. 1. A rotor of an electric machine comprising:a rotor core defining a magnet channel extending axially between opposing ends of the rotor core; and{'claim-text': ['a central piece of anisotropic magnetic material having a first magnetically easy crystallographic axis, and', 'a corner piece of anisotropic magnetic material joined to the central piece and having a second magnetically easy crystallographic axis that is oblique to the first easy axis.'], '#text': 'a permanent magnet disposed in the channel and having opposing ends and opposing major sides, the magnet including:'}2. The rotor of further comprising a second corner piece of anisotropic magnetic material joined to the central piece and having a third magnetically easy crystallographic axis that is oblique to the first easy axis.3. The rotor of claim 2 , wherein the central piece further has opposing front and back surfaces and a side surface extending therebetween claim 2 , wherein the corner piece and the second corner piece are joined to the side and are joined to each other.4. The rotor of claim 2 , wherein the central piece further has opposing front and back surfaces and opposing first and second side surfaces extending therebetween claim 2 , wherein the corner piece is joined to the first side and the second corner piece is joined to the second side.5. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the permanent magnet is prismatic having opposing front and back faces claim 1 , and wherein ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077738A1
Автор: Takahashi Yuki
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A rotating electrical machine includes a magnetic field generator that includes a magnet unit that has magnetic polarities. The magnet polarities alternate in a circumferential direction of the rotating electrical machine. The rotating electrical machine includes an armature that comprises multi-phase armature windings. One of the magnetic field generator and the armature serves as a rotor. Each of the multi-phase armature windings includes conductor members arranged at regular intervals in the circumferential direction to face the magnet unit. Each of the multi-phase armature windings includes a heat dissipation passage defined in each of the conductor members for dissipation of heat from the corresponding one of the conductor members. 1. A rotating electrical machine comprising:a magnetic field generator that includes a magnet unit that has magnetic polarities, the magnet polarities alternating in a circumferential direction of the rotating electrical machine; andan armature that comprises multi-phase armature windings, one of the magnetic field generator and the armature serving as a rotor,wherein each of the multi-phase armature windings comprises:a plurality of conductor members arranged at regular intervals in the circumferential direction to face the magnet unit; anda heat dissipation passage defined in each of the conductor members for dissipation of heat from the corresponding one of the conductor members.2. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 1 , wherein:each of the conductor members comprises a plurality of conductors connected in parallel to each other to constitute a parallel-circuit section, the plurality of conductors including at least first and second conductors;the at least first and second conductors of each of the conductor members are arranged in parallel to at least one of the circumferential direction and a corresponding radial direction of the rotating electrical machine;the conductor members include at least a first conductor ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Permanent-magnet motor

Номер: US20190058365A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A permanent-magnet motor includes a through-hole expansion portion provided in a through-hole for inserting a permanent magnet into the rotor core of a permanent-magnet motor, and a bridge portion that surrounds adjacent through-hole expansion portions and forms part of the outer circumferential surface of the rotor core; the bridge portion has a small-thickness portion that is formed to be smaller than that of a portion, other than the bridge portion, of the rotor core.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190058383A1
Автор: HIROTANI Yu, Takizawa Yuji
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Each of a plurality of permanent-magnet pairs is configured with a pair of permanent magnets that are arranged in a v-shaped manner in such a way that the distance between the portions of the permanent magnets, facing each other at the outer side in the radial direction of the rotor core, is smaller than the distance between the portions thereof, facing each other at the inner side in the radial direction of the rotor core; a magnetic-field pole is formed of part, of the rotor core, that is situated between the adjacent permanent-magnet pairs. 1. A permanent-magnet motor comprising:a stator provided with a stator core having a plurality of teeth and a plurality of slots and an armature winding having a plurality of multiphase windings that are wound around the teeth and are contained in the slots; anda rotor provided with a rotor core facing the stator core via a predetermined air gap, a plurality of permanent magnets embedded in the rotor core, and a plurality of magnetic-field poles,wherein the plurality of permanent magnets form a plurality of permanent-magnet pairs in each of which end surface portions having a different polarity substantially face each other,wherein each of the permanent-magnet pairs is configured with a pair of the permanent magnets that are arranged in a v-shaped manner in such a way that the distance between the portions of the permanent magnets, facing each other at the outer side in the radial direction of the rotor core, is smaller than the distance between the portions thereof, facing each other at the inner side in the radial direction of the rotor core, andwherein the magnetic-field pole is formed of part, of the rotor core, that is situated between the adjacent permanent-magnet pairs.2. The permanent-magnet motor according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of the plurality of teeth are coupled with the respective adjacent teeth at the end portion claim 1 , at the radial-direction central portion side claim 1 , of the stator.3. The ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059125A1

The present invention relates to an electric machine comprising a rotor () and a stator () having a wall () opposite the rotor, said stator comprising a multiplicity of radial slots arranged circumferentially along said stator. Said slots are provided with apertures () opening into said inner wall that are closed by closing means () so as to form a multiplicity of closed slots (). 18.-. (canceled)9. An electrical machine comprising a rotor and a stator having an inner wall opposite the rotor , the stator comprising radial slots arranged circumferentially along the stator , the slots having open apertures opening into the inner wall , and wherein the apertures are closed by closing means which close the opening to form closed slots.10. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the slots extend longitudinally along an axis of the stator.11. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the closing means comprises a wedge made of a magnetic material claim 9 , having dimensions corresponding to the open apertures to close the slots.12. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the closing means comprises a wedge made of a magnetic material claim 10 , having dimensions corresponding to the open apertures to close the slots.13. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 11 , wherein a thickness of the wedges is flush with a surface of the inner wall of the stator.14. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 12 , wherein a thickness of the wedges is flush with a surface of the inner wall of the stator.15. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the wedges are crimped claim 11 , welded or glued in the apertures.16. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the wedges are crimped claim 12 , welded or glued in the apertures.17. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the wedges are crimped claim 13 , welded or glued in the apertures.18. An electrical machine as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the wedges ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062461A1
Автор: Gieras Jacek F.

An interior permanent magnet (IPM) rotor as a well as method for providing and a system that includes an IPM rotor is provided. The IPM rotor includes a rotor body that rotates around a central rotational axis, wherein the rotor body is a ferromagnetic core with a central axial bore and is included of a plurality of rotor segments, wherein each rotor segment corresponds to a pole of the IPM motor, and wherein at least one of the rotor segments of the plurality of rotor segments includes a spoke-type interior permanent magnet (IPM) disposed within the rotor body and extending radially outward from the central axial bore to an outer surface of the rotor body, and a curved interior permanent magnet (IPM) disposed within the rotor body and extending radially outward at an incline with respect to a radial plane extending through a center of the spoke-type IPM. 1. An interior permanent magnet (IPM) rotor comprising:a rotor body that rotates around a central rotational axis,wherein the rotor body is a ferromagnetic core with a central axial bore and is comprised of a plurality of rotor segments,wherein each rotor segment corresponds to a pole of the IPM motor, andwherein at least one of the rotor segments of the plurality of rotor segments comprises:a spoke-type interior permanent magnet (IPM) disposed within the rotor body and extending radially outward from the central axial bore to an outer surface of the rotor body; anda curved interior permanent magnet (IPM) disposed within the rotor body and extending radially outward at an incline with respect to a radial plane extending through a center of the spoke-type IPM, wherein the ferromagnetic core has a bridge distance extending from an interior surface of the rotor body from the central axial bore to a surface of the spoke-type IPM that is nearest the central axial bore, the bridge distance configured to control leakage flux between the spoke-type (IPM) and the central axis bore, wherein the bridge distance is less than 1 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Generator of electrical current by movement and induction by means of permanent magnets and resonant coils

Номер: US20180062485A1
Принадлежит: Energy Resonance Magnetic SL

The invention relates to a generator of electrical current by movement and induction by means of permanent magnets and resonant coils according to an envelope housing a circular solid element in the form of a rotor in which a variable magnetic flux is generated by incorporating thirty-eight permanent and rectangular magnets arranged such that they are radially aligned on the outer periphery of said rotor, and rotating inside a stator which has an annular shape and is hollow so as to carry out the cooling on the inside thereof, containing seventy-six idle coils which are regularly distributed and between which resonant capacitors and coils are alternated with non-resonant coils, arranged specifically three millimetres from the magnets, from which electrical current is generated with a very high efficiency.
