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14-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627933C2

Изобретение относится к области оптического приборостроения и касается устройства захвата изображения. Устройство включает в себя блок восприятия изображения, блок управления и блок вычислений. Блок восприятия изображений осуществляет фотоэлектрическое преобразование изображения объекта. Блок управления считывает сигналы изображения из пикселей в первой и второй зонах. Блок вычислений осуществляет вычисление значений фокуса на основе сигналов второй зоны пикселей при перемещении фокусной линзы и определяет положение наилучшей фокусировки. В устройство включены блок фотометрии и блок оценки, который определяет наличие точечного источника в области обнаружения фокуса. Кроме того, устройство может включать в себя командный блок и блок подсчета, выполненный с возможностью подсчета среди сигналов изображения для обнаружения фокуса числа тех сигналов изображения, которые имеют значения яркости, большие или равные заранее определенному значению. Дополнительно устройство включает в себя блок обнаружения ...

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599177C2
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Описаны способ управления фотографированием, устройство и терминал. Способ включает в себя: получение скорости движения объекта на картинке, которая должна быть сфотографирована терминалом; определение, находится ли скорость движения в пределах заранее заданного диапазона скоростей; и фокусирование на объекте, если скорость движения находится в пределах заранее заданного диапазона скоростей. Согласно этому способу скорость движения объекта на картинке, которая должна быть сфотографирована, может быть подана в качестве обратной связи, процессом фокусировки можно управлять; поэтому, когда объект на картинке, которая должна быть сфотографирована, перемещается, камера терминала может автоматически следовать за объектом и фокусироваться на объекте, что заставляет процесс фокусировки быть более автоматическим и менее отнимающим много времени. Технический результат - снижение времени фокусировки и повышение качества изображения движущихся объектов. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508564C2

Изобретение относится к элементу, регистрирующему изображение, который может определять фокус с помощью способа определения разницы фаз. Регистрирующий изображение элемент устройства регистрации изображения содержит пару пикселей автофокусировки, осуществляющих функцию разделения выходного зрачка и обычные пиксели, которые не осуществляют указанную функцию. Пара пикселей автофокусировки содержит пару фотоэлектрических преобразователей, размер которых совпадает с размерами фотоэлектрических преобразователей обычных пикселей. Над парой фотоэлектрических преобразователей расположен перекрывающий свет участок и одна микролинза. Перекрывающий свет участок содержит две перекрывающие свет области, которые перекрывают пучок света, проходящий через выходной зрачок. Микролинза расположена между двумя перекрывающими свет областями. Технический результат - уменьшение размеров пикселей. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756433C2

Сменный объектив присоединен к корпусу камеры и содержит оптическую систему, содержащую линзу регулировки фокуса, привод для ее движения, блок обнаружения для обнаружения позиции линзы регулировки фокуса, и передатчик, выполненный с возможностью передачи первого значения и второго значения. Первое значение изменяется в соответствии с позицией линзы регулировки фокуса и представляет собой коэффициент перемещения плоскости изображения, соответствующий величине перемещения плоскости изображения относительно величины перемещения линзы регулировки фокуса в позиции линзы регулировки фокуса. Второе значение представляет собой коэффициент перемещения плоскости изображения, при этом величина перемещения плоскости изображения относительно величины перемещения линзы регулировки фокуса становится минимальной в диапазоне движения линзы регулировки фокуса. Передатчик передает первое значение после приема первого сигнала от корпуса камеры и передает второе значение после приема второго сигнала. Технический ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604655C1
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к многофункциональной цепи с многовитковой катушкой, способу управления такой цепью в мобильном устройстве. Техническим результатом является повышение стабильности работы антенны коммуникации ближнего поля (NFC). Предложена многофункциональная цепь с многовитковой катушкой, содержащая: многовитковую катушку, переключатель, согласующую цепь NFC и дополнительную плату камеры, причем переключатель имеет общий порт, первый порт и второй порт, многовитковая катушка соединена с общим портом, согласующая цепь NFC соединена с первым портом, а дополнительная плата камеры соединена со вторым портом. При наличии управляющего сигнала камеры второй порт переходит в проводящее состояние так, что многовитковая катушка выполняет функцию катушки подстройки фокуса для камеры на дополнительной плате камеры, а при отсутствии управляющего сигнала камеры первый порт переходит в проводящее состояние так, что многовитковая катушка выполняет функцию антенны NFC в согласующей цепи NFC. Как ...

08-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754988C1

Изобретение относится к электронному устройству и способу управления в соответствии с перемещением управляющего органа. Электронное устройство содержит: блок обнаружения, выполненный с возможностью обнаруживать операцию перемещения при касании рабочей поверхности; блок управления дисплеем, выполненный с возможностью идентифицируемо отображать выбранную позицию на дисплее; и блок управления, выполненный с возможностью выполнять управление так, чтобы перемещать выбранную позицию в ответ на то, что величина перемещения позиции касания при операции перемещения, обнаруженной блоком обнаружения, превышает пороговое значение. Если операция перемещения выполняется в первом направлении, выбранная позиция перемещается в направлении, соответствующем первому направлению, в ответ на то, что величина перемещения при операции перемещения превышает первое пороговое значение. Если операция перемещения выполняется во втором направлении, выбранная позиция перемещается в направлении, соответствующем второму ...

08-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742466C1
Принадлежит: ИЛЛЮМИНА, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к области биотехнологии. Предложена система получения изображений (варианты) и способ сервоуправления в системе получения изображений (варианты). Система содержит предметный столик для установки образца, оптический столик с объективом, исполнительное устройство для перемещения предметного столика относительно оптического столика, сервосхему для управления исполнительным устройством и схему сервоуправления. При этом в одном варианте система также содержит схему автоподстройки фокуса. Способ включает определение схемой распознавания факта работы системы в режиме формирования модели фокуса, определение схемой сервоуправления набора параметров управления для указанного режима, применение схемой сервоуправления набора параметров управления к сервосхеме для управления работой исполнительного устройства, а при обнаружении схемой распознавания перехода системы получения изображений в сканирующий режим определение схемой сервоуправления набора параметров управления для ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014139662A

... 1. Светоизлучающее устройство, содержащее:светоизлучающий элемент, имеющий электродную часть, с которой соединен питающий провод;панельный элемент, выполненный с возможностью рассеяния света, излучаемого упомянутым светоизлучающим элементом;элемент основания, выполненный с возможностью удерживания упомянутого панельного элемента;покрывающий элемент, прикрепленный к упомянутому элементу основания таким образом, что он покрывает упомянутый светоизлучающий элемент и упомянутый панельный элемент; иэкранирующий элемент, выполненный из непроводящего материала и выполненный с возможностью экранирования промежутка между первым зазором, образованным в области, где стыкуются упомянутый элемент основания и упомянутый покрывающий элемент, и упомянутой электродной частью упомянутого светоизлучающего элемента,причем упомянутый экранирующий элемент экранирует промежуток между вторым зазором, образованным в области, где стыкуются упомянутый элемент основания и упомянутый панельный элемент, и упомянутой ...

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010133164A

... 1. Способ фокусировки цифровой камеры, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! предварительно сохраняют, по меньшей мере, один конкретный объект изображения; ! активируют камеру, чтобы получать изображение; ! анализируют объекты в изображении; ! сравнивают объекты в изображении, по меньшей мере, с одним конкретным объектом изображения; ! определяют то, имеется ли совпадение между по меньшей мере одним объектом в изображении и по меньшей мере одним конкретным объектом изображения, при этом, если имеется совпадение, ! фокусируют изображение на совпадающем объекте. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором, если на этапе определения имеется более чем одно совпадение, то на этапе фокусировки фокусируют на каждом совпадающем объекте, после чего выполняют дополнительный этап, на котором захватывают каждое сфокусированное изображение. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором, если на этапе определения имеется более чем одно совпадение, то на этапе фокусировки фокусируют на всех совпадающих объектах как на группе, после чего ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149224A

... 1. Устройство для захвата изображения, содержащее:датчик изображения, который включает в себя матрицу пикселов, сформированных посредством компоновки, в направлении рядов, то есть в горизонтальном направлении, и в направлении колонок, то есть в вертикальном направлении, множества пикселов формирования изображения и множества пикселов определения фокуса;блок вертикального вывода, сконфигурированный для вывода, в вертикальном направлении упомянутого датчика изображения, сигналов множества пикселов, выровненных в одной колонке;блок вертикального суммирования, сконфигурированный для суммирования, в вертикальном направлении упомянутого датчика изображения, сигналов множества пикселов, выровненных в одной колонке; иблок управления, в котором обеспечен режим считывания всех пикселов, в котором сигналы считываются из всех пикселов упомянутого датчика изображения без суммирования, и режим считывания суммирования, в котором сигналы множества пикселов суммируются в вертикальном направлении посредством ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Verstellbare gestapelte Filter für Fahrzeugkameras

Номер: DE102018118849A1

Es sind ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung für verstellbare gestapelte Filteranordnungen für Fahrzeugkameras offenbart. Ein beispielhaftes Fahrzeug schließt eine Kamera, einschließend eine Linse und Bildsensoren, ein. Die Kamera schließt außerdem LCD-Passfilterpixel und optische Filterpixel ein, die zwischen der Linse und den Bildsensoren gestapelt sind. Das beispielhafte Fahrzeug schließt außerdem eine Filtersteuerung ein, um einen ersten Satz der optischen Filterpixel zu identifizieren, die eine Filtereinstellung bilden und einen ersten Satz der LCD-Passfilterpixel zu deaktivieren, um den ersten Satz der optischen Filterpixel freizulegen, um die Filtereinstellung zu bilden.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Verringerung des Drifts in einer variablen Linse eines Sichtsystems

Номер: DE102015106844A1

Diese Erfindung stellt ein Sichtsystem bereit, das so ausgelegt ist, dass es den optischen Drift kompensiert, der bei gewissen Anordnungen mit variabler Linse auftreten kann, z. B. bei Flüssiglinsenbaugruppen, ohne jedoch darauf beschränkt zu sein. Das System enthält einen Bildsensor, der operabel mit einem Sichtsystemprozessor verknüpft ist, und eine Anordnung mit variabler Linse, die so gesteuert wird (z. B. durch den Sichtprozessor oder eine weitere bereichsbestimmende Einrichtung), dass deren Brennweite variiert wird. Eine Sammellinsenanordnung ist so konfiguriert, dass sie eine Wirkung der Anordnung mit variabler Linse über einen vorab festgelegten Betriebsbereich des Objekts von der Sammellinsenanordnung abschwächt. Die Anordnung mit variabler Linse ist benachbart einem vorderen oder hinteren Brennpunkt der Sammellinse angeordnet. Die Anordnung mit variabler Linse umfasst veranschaulichenderweise eine Flüssiglinsenanordnung, die inhärent über ungefähr 20 Dioptrien variabel sein kann ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Berechnen einer Fokusmetrik

Номер: DE112008000263B4

Ein Verfahren (200), das folgende Schritte aufweist: Empfangen (202) eines Fokussierbilds; Verschieben (204) des Fokussierbilds, um ein verschobenes Fokussierbild zu erhalten; und Berechnen (206) einer Fokusmetrik (FM) des Fokussierbilds mit M Zeilen und N Spalten gemäß:wobei Gx und Gy Bilder darstellen, die sowohl signalmäßig als auch rauschmäßig lineare Funktionen des Fokussierbilds sind, und m1, m2, k1 und k2 Verschiebungen der Bilder sind, die ausgewählt sind, um zu bewirken, dass die Produkte von Gx und Gy keine Elemente der Form enthalten, wobei Nij das Rauschen in dem ij-ten Pixel in delt.

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Sprachgesteuerte Kamera mit AI-Szenendetektion zur präzisen Fokussierung

Номер: DE102020108640A1
Автор: POHL DANIEL, Pohl, Daniel

Eine Einrichtung, ein Verfahren und ein computerlesbares Medium für eine sprachgesteuerte Kamera mit künstlicher Intelligenz (AI) zur präzisen Fokussierung. Das Verfahren enthält Empfangen, durch die Kamera, von Anweisungen in natürlicher Sprache von einem Anwender zum Fokussieren der Kamera, um eine gewünschte Fotografie zu erhalten. Die Anweisungen in natürlicher Sprache werden unter Verwendung von Techniken zum Verarbeiten natürlicher Sprache verarbeitet, um zu ermöglichen, dass die Kamera die Anweisungen versteht. Ein Vorschaubild einer von einem Anwender gewünschten Szene wird durch die Kamera aufgenommen. Künstliche Intelligenz (AI) wird auf das Vorschaubild angewandt, um einen Kontext zu erhalten und Objekte in dem Vorschaubild zu detektieren. Eine Tiefenkarte des Vorschaubilds wird erzeugt, um Abstände von den detektierten Objekten in dem Vorschaubild zu der Kamera zu erhalten. Es wird bestimmt, ob die detektierten Objekte in dem Bild mit den Anweisungen in natürlicher Sprache von ...

14-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003771228D1

28-09-2006 дата публикации

Optisches Suchersystem und verschlußlose Digitalkamera mit demselben

Номер: DE0010045153B4

Optisches Suchersystem (36, 43, 44) mit Linsen zum Betrachten eines Objektbildes in einer verschlußlosen Digitalkamera (10), mit folgenden Merkmalen: einem Paar von voneinander beabstandeten, beweglichen Spiegeln (42, 46) zum Durch-Die-Linse-Betrachten des Objektbildes, das zu erfassen ist, in einer Betriebsart und zum Betrachten eines erfaßten Objektbildes mittels einer Durch-Die-Linse-Anzeigeeinheit in derselben Betriebsart; und einem Spiegelsteuersystem (21) zum Bewegen von zumindest einem der Spiegel (42, 46), um zu erlauben, daß das Objektbild erfaßt wird, und zum Bewegen von zumindest dem anderen Spiegel um das Betrachten des erfaßten Objektbildes mittels der Anzeigeeinheit zu erlauben.

19-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069823082D1

08-12-2016 дата публикации

Bildaufnahmevorrichtung und Steuerverfahren für diese

Номер: DE102016110297A1

Eine Bildaufnahmevorrichtung umfasst eine Anzeigeeinheit, die eine Anzeigerichtung auf zumindest eine von einer Bildaufnahmerichtung einer Bildaufnahmeeinheit oder einer entgegengesetzten Richtung ändert, eine Energiespareinheit, die eine Energiesparfunktion zur Reduzierung eines Energieverbrauchs in Erwiderung darauf ausführt, dass eine Periode, in der eine Bedienung von einem Benutzer nicht angenommen wurde, eine Schwelle überschreitet, und eine Steuereinheit, die eine Steuerung durchführt, so dass die Schwelle zu einer Zeit, zu der die Anzeigerichtung die Bildaufnahmerichtung ist, länger eingestellt ist als die Schwelle zu einer Zeit, zu der die Anzeigerichtung die entgegengesetzte Richtung ist.

21-06-2007 дата публикации

Adapter für die Fernstreuerung einer Fokuslinse

Номер: DE602004006334D1
Принадлежит: CANON KK, CANON K.K.

16-10-2013 дата публикации

Auto-focus image system

Номер: GB0002501196A

An auto focus image system that includes a pixel array coupled to a focus signal generator. The pixel array captures an image that has a plurality of edges. The generator generates a focus signal that is a function of a plurality of edge-sharpness measures, each one measured from one of the plurality of edges. The generator may determine to reduce a relative extent to which an edge contributes to the focus signal on basis of detecting that the edge does not have sufficient reflection symmetry, according to a predefined criterion, in a sequence of gradients of an image signal across the edge.

04-07-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of adjusting automatic focus

Номер: GB0201208716D0

22-01-2014 дата публикации

Auto-focus image system

Номер: GB0201321654D0

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Lens barel with radially retractable optical element

Номер: GB0002420872A

A lens barrel includes a radially retractable optical element (13e) constituting a part of a photographing optical system, the radially retractable optical element being movable between a photographing position located on an optical axis of the photographing optical system, and a radially retracted position located at an off optical axis position; a biassing device (39) for biassing the radially retractable optical element toward the photographing position; and a swing member (60) which is rotatable about an axis extending parallel to the optical axis, the swing member pushing the radially retractable optical element against a biassing force of the biassing device to move the radially retractable optical element to the radially retracted position. The swing member (60) may be rotated by gears (61-64).

07-11-2012 дата публикации

Focusing apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002454956B

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Image based analysis of samples

Номер: GB0201610434D0

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Camera capable of deleting a video effect superimposed on moving image

Номер: GB0002485657A

A system controller (101) of a video camera (100) performs control such that a moving image taken by an image pickup section (106) and a title superimposed on the moving image are recorded together in a storage medium (122). When certain conditions change during the taking of the moving image, the system controller stops recording the display item in the storage medium. The conditions could include shooting parameters such as the autofocus, exposure, average white balance (AWB), or zoom. The condition could also be the appearance of a face within the moving image. Additional timing conditions can also be applied so that the title is not deleted too soon.

09-08-2000 дата публикации

A focussing and focal length adjusting device for a video camera

Номер: GB0000014691D0

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Auto-focus image system

Номер: GB0002501414A

An auto focus image system that includes a pixel array coupled to a focus signal generator. The pixel array captures an image that has a plurality of edges. The generator generates a focus signal that is a function of a plurality of edge-sharpness measures, each one measured from one of the plurality of edges. The generator may determine to reduce a relative extent to which an edge contributes to the focus signal on basis of a pair of shape measures of the edge that are measured from a plurality of sample-pair differences, where each sample-pair difference is a difference between a pair of samples of image data within a predetermined neighborhood of the edge. One of the shape measures may be the edge-sharpness measure of the edge.

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Two field of view imaging system

Номер: GB0002508227A

An imaging system 10 for imaging a scene with a target image comprises a wide field of view (WFOV) imaging device 11 for imaging the scene and a controller for storing data representative of a location of the least target image within the scene. A narrow field of view (NFOV) imaging device 15 images the target. A steering arrangement selectively steers the imaging axis of the NFOV imaging device across at least a portion of the scene. The system may be used with CCTV and surveillance cameras.

03-08-2005 дата публикации

Image compression apparatus and method capable of varying quantization parameter according to image complexity

Номер: GB0000513004D0

23-02-1983 дата публикации

Television camera

Номер: GB0002103898A

A television camera in which an electronic view-finder is further used for adjusting an optimum focusing. The picture signal is then applied to the view-finder via a switching device, and that during the presence of an aperture correction signal. Outside the occurrence of this aperture correction signal the supply of a picture signal which has been made unsharp may be affected, or the supply thereof may be interrupted. Adjusting the optimum focusing on the basis of the picture on the viewer screen is then facilitated.

25-07-2012 дата публикации

High speed video capture using different frame rates

Номер: GB0002487456A

A method and apparatus for photographing a moving picture comprising capturing an input image at a first frame rate (e.g. 30fps), detecting a moving target object in the input image, photographing a focus area including the target object at a second frame rate (e.g. 1000fps), and combining a first image captured at the first frame rate with a second image captured at the second frame rate. The frame rate may vary depending on the speed of the target. The first and second images may be stored in first and second buffers, and the combined image may be stored on a recording medium. If the speed of the target is above a threshold value, the focus area may comprise the target. The input image comprising the background area excluding the focus area may be captured at the first frame rate for a predetermined time. In one embodiment, the target is captured at a faster frame rate than the background area. When the moving object is detected, the focus area may be updated. This high speed video capture ...

19-06-2019 дата публикации

Display control apparatus and control method of the same

Номер: GB0002569429A

A display control unit comprising an autofocus (AF) mode setting unit configured to set a first AF mode that performs continuous AF operations, a display control unit configured to, in a case where the first AF mode has been set and continuous AF is being performed, displays on a live view image a first display item that indicates an AF position that is a position of an object to focus on in AF. An accepting unit is configured to, in a case where the first AF mode has been set and continuous AF is being performed, accept a stop instruction to stop the continuous AF and a control unit is configured to display a second display item indicating a degree of in-focus as to a position corresponding to the AF position, instead of the first display item, in response to the stop instruction having been received by the accepting unit and the continuous AF having been stopped.

17-06-2015 дата публикации

An image acquisition technique

Номер: GB0201507356D0

22-01-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to control systems

Номер: GB0001140566A

... 1,140,566. Automatic speed control; zoom lenses. RANK ORGANISATION Ltd. Oct. 12, 1966 [Sept.3, 1965], No.37663/65. Headings G2J and G3R. The zoom mechanism 10 of a television camera is driven by motor 18 associated with tachometer generator 17 and amplifier 19, the zoom rate being controlled by potentiometer 29 which is set manually. A focus portion 11, which allows the lens to be adjusted independently of the zoom setting, is actuated by mechanism 12 which is controlled by hand wheel 13 of demand unit 14. A tachometer generator 31 is driven by the mechanism 12 to provide an electrical signal which is added to the zoom rate signal from potentiometer 29, thus compensating for the effect of focus adjustment upon the magnification. The signal from the generator 31 may be attenuated by a potentiometer coupled to the zoom mechanism. If the zoom mechanism is controlled by a positional servo, the positional demand signal is modified by a signal from the focusing system. The positional servo comprises ...

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus

Номер: GB0002570417B
Автор: AKIRA KANO, Akira Kano
Принадлежит: CANON KK, Canon Kabushiki Kaisha

20-01-2021 дата публикации

Plenoptic camera for mobile devices

Номер: GB0002585782A

Plenoptic camera for mobile devices, comprising a main lens (102), a microlens array (104), an image sensor (108), and a first reflective element (510) configured to reflect the light rays (601 a) captured by the plenoptic camera before arriving at the image sensor (108), in order to fold the optical path of the light captured by the camera before impinging the image sensor. Additional reflective elements (512) may also be used to further fold the light path inside the camera. The reflective elements (510, 512) can be prisms, mirrors or reflective surfaces (804b; 814b) of three-sided optical elements (802) having two refractive surfaces (804a, 804c) that form a lens element of the main lens (102). By equipping mobile devices with this plenoptic camera, the focal length can be greatly increased while maintaining the thickness of the mobile device under current constraints.

24-08-2016 дата публикации

Methods of manufacturing security documents and security devices

Номер: GB0201612020D0

06-12-2017 дата публикации

Display control apparatus and method of controlling display control apparatus

Номер: GB0201717175D0

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Traffic enforcement system with time tracking and intergated video capture

Номер: GB0201914908D0

28-07-2021 дата публикации

Focus stabilization of imaging system with variable focus lens

Номер: GB202108549D0

18-10-2017 дата публикации

Methods of manufacturing security documents and security devices

Номер: GB0201714332D0

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408166T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360954T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000479922T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000495550T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000424692T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546012T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513248T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338425T

09-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037054580T

06-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037209789T

21-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034157881T

25-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033436081T

23-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034818871T

20-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033602593T

07-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035323554T

21-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034645902T

24-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032966509T

13-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035219105T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034013594T

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019206079B2

A method, system, and apparatus are provided for capturing a video image and speed of a target vehicle. A ranging device detects a distance to a target vehicle. The focal distance or zoom of a video camera is set and adjusted based on the distance. The speed of travel of the vehicle is detected, displayed, and/or stored in association with a video image captured of the vehicle by the video camera. A range of distances within which to capture the video image and speed of the vehicle may be set by detecting distances between a pair of landmarks or using GPS and compass heading data. An inclinometer is provided to aid initiation of a power-conservation mode. A target tracking time may be determined and compared to a minimum tracking time period. A device certification period can be stored and displayed and the device deactivated upon expiration thereof.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Impulse rescan system

Номер: AU2018374385A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A digital pathology scanning apparatus is configured to initiate a rescan of a portion of a sample responsive to detecting a mechanical vibration during image acquisition that exceeds a predetermined threshold. The digital pathology scanning apparatus includes a plurality of sensors and a processor that analyzes sensor data received during movement of a scanning stage supporting a sample during image acquisition. The processor is configured to identify a mechanical vibration imparted on the scanning stage during image acquisition and determine if the mechanical vibration exceeds a predetermined threshold. If the predetermined threshold is exceeded, the processor is configured to initiate a rescan of the portion of the sample being scanned at the time of the mechanical vibration.

08-10-1996 дата публикации

Viewfinder for video camera

Номер: AU0005430696A

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Photographing apparatus for photographing panoramic image and method thereof

Номер: AU2012211608A1

A photographing apparatus is provided. The photographing apparatus includes a photographing unit, a display unit for displaying a screen image corresponding to light entering the photographing unit, a sensor which senses a motion of the photographing apparatus, a graphic processor which generates a plurality of guide images and a photographing focus for photographing a panoramic image and displays the plurality of guide images and the photographing focus on the screen image, and changes a position of the photographing focus according to the motion of the photographing apparatus, a controller for controlling the photographing unit to automatically photograph, if the photographing focus matches one of the plurality of guide images, and a storage unit which stores photographed image data panoramic image.

23-02-2006 дата публикации

Autofocus device and microscope using the same

Номер: AU2005273421A1

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Optically adaptive endoscope

Номер: AU2015231416B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Optical systems for flexible and rigid endoscopes that have a low diffraction limit and small geometrical optical aberrations, the systems including an aperture stop where the diameter can be adjusted to select either higher resolution or higher depth of field. The optical systems can include a lens group either to focus on different object distances or on a fixed average object distance. The aperture stop can be adjusted to increase either depth of field or resolution dependent on the endoscopic and surgical situation. Simple symbols help the surgeon to adjust the aperture stop to these situations. The surgeon can either look around the body cavity with large depth of field but moderate overall resolution or focus on a small area with less depth of field but greater resolution. The balance between resolution and depth of field can be adjusted by an automatic image control. Fields in the image field are defined and software used in the camera controller analyzes the sharpness of the different ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Photographing method and electronic device

Номер: AU2015307358A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A photographing methodism provided. The photographing method includes photographing, by an electronic device, a plurality of images through a photographing module functionally connected to the electronic device, providing a photographing guide associated with a validity of at least one photographed image during the photographing of the plurality of images, and generating a single image using the at least one photographed image.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Traffic enforcement system with time tracking and integrated video capture

Номер: AU2014274669A1

A method, system, and apparatus are provided for capturing a video image and speed of a target vehicle. A ranging device detects a distance to a target vehicle. The focal distance or zoom of a video camera is set and adjusted based on the distance. The speed of travel of the vehicle is detected, displayed, and/or stored in association with a video image captured of the vehicle by the video camera. A range of distances within which to capture the video image and speed of the vehicle may be set by detecting distances between a pair of landmarks or using GPS and compass heading data. An inclinometer is provided to aid initiation of a power- conservation mode. A target tracking time may be determined and compared to a minimum tracking time period. A device certification period can be stored and displayed and the device deactivated upon expiration thereof.

08-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002372124A1

An imaging apparatus which can be used to capture high-quality iris images for identification of a person. The iris imager as in the figure comprises a camera (105), a cold mirror (120), a lens (110), an illuminator (130), and a focus assessment processor. The imager has sensors and indicators which assist a user in aligning and focusing the device. The imager also automatically captures the image when proper positioning is achieved. The focus assessment processor accesses the image and applies certain measurement routines to assess the focus. The output of the focus assessment processor is used to control an indicator. A template representative of the iris features is extracted and then compared to a database of previously stored templates to identify the person.

17-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002701785C

A one source multi use (OSMU)-type stereoscopic camera is disclosed. The stereoscopic camera includes left and right cameras of which lenses are aligned with parallel optical axes, a separation adjustment unit for adjusting the separation between the cameras, a critical parallax computing unit, a camera separation computing unit, and an image storage unit. The critical parallax computing unit adjusts the focus of the stereoscopic camera to an object and determines the far point of an image so that a maximum critical parallax is computed based on a far point limit parallax of a medium-size display. The camera separation computing unit computes the separation between the optical axes based on the computed critical parallax and drives the separation adjustment unit. The image storage unit stores images photographed by the readjusted cameras. Therefore, stereoscopic video made according to the present invention may be viewed on various sizes of displays.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003089228A1

The disclosed embodiments relate to a system that performs microscopy imaging with an extended depth of field. This system includes a stage for holding a sample, and a light source for illuminating the sample, wherein the light source produces ultraviolet light with a wavelength in the 230 nm to 300 nm range to facilitate microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation (MUSE) imaging. The system also includes an imaging device, comprising an objective that magnifies the illuminated sample, and a sensor array that captures a single image of the magnified sample. The system also includes a controller, which controls the imaging device and/or the stage to scan a range of focal planes for the sample during an acquisition time for the single image. The system additionally includes an image-processing system, which processes the single image using a deconvolution technique to produce a final image with an extended depth of field.

27-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062237A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

Imaging device (2) and method for reading an image sensor (1) in the imaging device (2). The imaging device (2) has optics (3) with which the imaging device (2) can be focused on objects (4). The image sensor (1) has a plurality of sensor lines (5), wherein each sensor line (5) comprises a plurality of preferably linearly arranged, preferably individually readable pixel elements (6). A pixel range (7) is defined with the pixel range (7) comprising at least a section of a sensor line (5). The reading of the image sensor (1) is restricted to the pixel elements (6) in the pixel range (7).

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002908719A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

A method and system for controlling a setting of an equipment related to image capture comprises capturing position data and orientation data of a sensing device; determining position information of a region of interest (i.e. a node) to be treated by the equipment, relative to the position and orientation data of the sensing device; and outputting a control signal directed to the equipment, in order to control in real-time the setting of the equipment based on said position information of the region of interest.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002991958A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A method of manufacturing a security device is disclosed, comprising: providing a transparent support layer having first and second surfaces; conveying the transparent support layer along a transport path in a machine direction; and during the conveying, in either order or simultaneously: forming an array of focussing elements on the first surface of the transparent support layer in at least a first region; and applying an image array to the second surface of the transparent support layer in at least part of the first region. At least in a first registration zone of the transparent support layer, the image array comprises a set of first image elements comprising portions of a first image, interleaved with a set of second image elements comprising portions of a second image, and the focussing element array is configured such that each focussing element can direct light from a respective one of the first image elements or from a respective one of the second image elements therebetween in ...

21-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918273A1

The systems and methods of the present disclosure enable a user to use a mobile device to automatically capture a high resolution image of a rectangular object. The methods include capturing a low resolution image of the rectangular object and detecting edges of the rectangular object in the low resolution image, where the edges form a quadrangle, calculating a coordinate of each corner of the quadrangle, calculating an average coordinate of each corner of the quadrangle in a most recent predetermined number of low resolution images, calculating a dispersion of each corner of the quadrangle in the most recent predetermined number of low resolution images from a corresponding coordinate of each calculated average coordinate, determining whether the dispersion of each corner of the quadrangle is less than a predetermined value, capturing a high resolution image of the rectangular object when it is determined that the dispersion of each corner of the quadrangle is less than the predetermined ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002914345A1
Принадлежит: MOFFAT & CO.

A method, system, and apparatus are provided for capturing a video image and speed of a target vehicle. A ranging device detects a distance to a target vehicle. The focal distance or zoom of a video camera is set and adjusted based on the distance. The speed of travel of the vehicle is detected, displayed, and/or stored in association with a video image captured of the vehicle by the video camera. A range of distances within which to capture the video image and speed of the vehicle may be set by detecting distances between a pair of landmarks or using GPS and compass heading data. An inclinometer is provided to aid initiation of a power- conservation mode. A target tracking time may be determined and compared to a minimum tracking time period. A device certification period can be stored and displayed and the device deactivated upon expiration thereof.

29-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002901708A1

A mobile communication device includes a processor operably coupled to a memory and to a wireless communication subsystem operable to send and receive data, a camera operably coupled to the processor, a sensor operably connected to provide to the processor a distance between the camera and an element viewable by the camera. Instructions are stored in the memory; when these instructions are executed by the processor, the mobile communication device takes an image with the camera, uses the sensor to determine a distance between the camera and at least one object recorded in the image, receives a request for a desired measurement comprising one of a desired length measurement and a desired area measurement of an element in the image, calculates the desired measurement, and provides the desired measurement to the user.

30-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002942921C

Optical systems for flexible and rigid endoscopes that have a low diffraction limit and small geometrical optical aberrations, the systems including an aperture stop where the diameter can be adjusted to select either higher resolution or higher depth of field. The optical systems can include a lens group either to focus on different object distances or on a fixed average object distance. The aperture stop can be adjusted to increase either depth of field or resolution dependent on the endoscopic and surgical situation. Simple symbols help the surgeon to adjust the aperture stop to these situations. The surgeon can either look around the body cavity with large depth of field but moderate overall resolution or focus on a small area with less depth of field but greater resolution. The balance between resolution and depth of field can be adjusted by an automatic image control. Fields in the image field are defined and software used in the camera controller analyzes the sharpness of the different ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002942921A1

Optical systems for flexible and rigid endoscopes that have a low diffraction limit and small geometrical optical aberrations, the systems including an aperture stop where the diameter can be adjusted to select either higher resolution or higher depth of field. The optical systems can include a lens group either to focus on different object distances or on a fixed average object distance. The aperture stop can be adjusted to increase either depth of field or resolution dependent on the endoscopic and surgical situation. Simple symbols help the surgeon to adjust the aperture stop to these situations. The surgeon can either look around the body cavity with large depth of field but moderate overall resolution or focus on a small area with less depth of field but greater resolution. The balance between resolution and depth of field can be adjusted by an automatic image control. Fields in the image field are defined and software used in the camera controller analyzes the sharpness of the different ...

13-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002115386A1

Apparatus for controlling a time-delay-and-integration (TDI) line detector having at least one control parameter, the apparatus including at least two auxiliary detectors having parameter values at least slightly lower and slightly above that of the at least one control parameter, and at least one control system which controls the value of the at least one control parameter based on the difference in quality of the output of the at least two auxiliary detectors.

14-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002199407A1

A high speed image capture apparatus (100) includes a camera (102) with an integration period between consecutive flashes of an illuminating light pulse (605), where the camera (102) has an image read out period and an image output. A timer (612) provides a strobe output (608) representative of the start of a flash (605). An image capture apparatus (516) captures a first image during the integration period and a second image within a predetermined time after capturing the first image but before the image read out period (Fig. 7) has elapsed so as to substantially increase a rate of producing usable image outputs. The image capture apparatus (516) is coupled to the strobe output and the image output.

15-05-2000 дата публикации

Procedure and device for the optical focusing.

Номер: CH0000690138A5

30-11-2018 дата публикации

Photographic means, in particular for recording stack images.

Номер: CH0000710414B1

Es wird eine fotografische Einrichtung, insbesondere zur Aufzeichnung von Stapelbildern, offenbart, die eine Kameraeinrichtung (1) mit einem Objektiv (10), einem Verschluss (110) und einem Bildsensor (120) enthält. Die fotografische Einrichtung enthält weiterhin eine Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2), wobei die Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2) einen Verschiebeaktuator (22) enthält, die Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2) mechanisch starr an die Kameraeinrichtung (1) gekoppelt ist, und wobei die Kameraeinrichtung (1) spielfrei linear entlang der optischen Achse (A) durch Betätigen des Verschiebeaktuators (22) verschoben werden kann. Die fotografische Einrichtung enthält weiterhin eine Steuereinrichtung (3), wobei die Steuereinrichtung einen Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz-Controller (32) enthält, wobei der Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz-Controller konfiguriert ist zum Ausführen einer automatisierten Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz aus: Verschieben der Kameraeinrichtung (1) zwischen einer Nahpunktposition und ...

31-05-2016 дата публикации

Photographic Means.

Номер: CH0000710414A1

Es wird eine fotografische Einrichtung offenbart, die eine Kameraeinrichtung (1) mit einem Objektiv (10), einem Verschluss (110) und einem Bildsensor (120) enthält. Die fotografische Einrichtung enthält weiterhin eine Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2), wobei die Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2) einen Verschiebeaktuator (22) enthält, die Linearverschiebeeinrichtung (2) mechanisch starr an die Kameraeinrichtung (1) gekoppelt ist, wobei die Kameraeinrichtung (1) spielfrei linear entlang der optischen Achse (A) durch Betätigen des Verschiebeaktuators (22) verschoben werden kann. Die fotografische Einrichtung enthält weiterhin eine Steuereinrichtung (3), wobei die Steuereinrichtung einen Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz-Controller (32) enthält, wobei der Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz-Controller konfiguriert ist zum Ausführen einer automatisierten Stapelaufzeichnungssequenz aus: Verschieben der Kameraeinrichtung (1) zwischen einer Nahpunktposition und einer Fernpunktposition in einer Sequenz von Verschiebeschritten ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Wiedererkennung von Oberflächen.

Номер: CH0000717252A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Wiedererkennung von Oberflächen, insbesondere zur optischen Erfassung von strukturierten und/oder bildhaften Oberflächen, zum Beispiel von Gemälden oder Skulpturen, das einfach und ortsunabhängig anwendbar und sicher ist. Hierzu umfasst es die Schritte Fokussierung einer Kamera (5) auf einem markanten Bildpunkt (3) der Oberfläche (2) Erstellung von mindestens einem Live-Videostream von einem wieder zu erkennenden, kontrastreichen Bereich des Bildpunktes (3) Analyse jedes Einzelbildes des Live-Videostreams Speicherung des Einzelbildes mit der höchsten Detailtiefe Vergleich des Einzelbildes mit der höchsten Detailtiefe mit einem Ziel- bzw. Referenzbild.

17-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting movement type of camera in video

Номер: CN102740106A

The embodiment of the invention discloses a method and a device for detecting the movement type of a camera in a video. The method comprises the steps of estimating a first zoom movement parameter between adjacent frames in the video; when the first zoom movement parameter meets a first preset condition, estimating a second zoom movement parameter between frames at intervals of a predetermined number in a corresponding video clip; and when the second zoom movement parameter meets a second preset condition, identifying the movement type of the camera in the video clip as slow zoom. With the embodiment of the invention, the movement type of the camera in the video can be effectively and accurately detected.

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: CN0101459773A

An imaging apparatus comprises an image pickup unit, a cutout image generation unit for cutting out a specified area in a pickup image taken by the image pickup unit to generate a cutout image enlarged at a specified magnification, an image display unit for displaying one or both of the pickup image taken by the image pickup unit and the cutout image generated by the cutout image generation unit, a display image control unit for controlling a method of displaying an image the image display unit displays, a manual focus operation unit for the user to control through manual operation the focus position of the image pickup unit, and a manual zoom operation unit for the user to control the zoom magnification of the image pickup unit.

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Focusing method, terminal and computer-readable storage medium

Номер: CN0108769539A

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Image pick-up apparatus capable of taking moving images and still images and image picking-up method

Номер: CN0001838731A

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083184A1

An imager () which may comprise a body () and an image sensor () housed within the body wherein the body may be releasably operably coupleable to a module (), the module having an optical aperture () extending therethrough that aligns with the image sensor when operably coupled to the body to form an imaging channel wherein the sensor is operable to image a subject within an optical axis X of the imaging channel. 1. An imager comprising:a body; andan image sensor supported by the bodywherein the body is releasably operably coupleable to a module, the module having an optical aperture extending therethrough that aligns with the image sensor when operably coupled to the body to form an imaging channel wherein the sensor is operable to image a subject within an optical axis of the imaging channel.2. The imager of claim 1 , further comprising a camera lens for focussing the subject image on the image sensor.3. The imager of claim 2 , wherein the camera lens is housed in the body of the imager or in the module.4. The imager of claim 2 , wherein the module comprises projection means for emitting radiation along the imaging channel for radiating the subject for a diagnostic purpose.5. The imager of claim 4 , wherein the projection means comprises optics.6. The imager of claim 4 , wherein when the subject is an eye claim 4 , the camera lens comprises an entrance pupil claim 4 , wherein the entrance pupil is such that there is substantially no overlap between a conjugate of the entrance pupil and a conjugate of an image of the projection means in a corneal plane.7. The imager of claim 4 , wherein the projection means comprises radiation emitting means.8. The imager of claim 7 , wherein the radiation emitting means comprises one or more light emitting diodes.9. The imager of claim 7 , comprising a selector operable to select a wavelength of the radiation emitted by the radiation emitting means according to the diagnostic purpose.10. The imager of claim 9 , wherein when the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083231A1

Subject matter disclosed herein may relate to lens actuators used, for example, in auto-focus and/or vibration compensation systems of digital cameras. 119-. (canceled)20. A method , comprising:selectively applying one or more electrical signals through one or more of a plurality of electrically conductive elements of a spring to one or more drive mechanisms contacting a lens holder; andproducing a motion of the lens holder at least in part in response to the selective application of the one or more electrical signals to the one or more drive mechanisms.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein said selectively applying one or more electrical signals through the one or more of a plurality of electrically conductive elements of the spring to one or more drive mechanisms comprises selectively applying the one or more electrical signals through the one or more of the plurality of electrically conductive elements of the spring to one or more of a coil and magnet claim 20 , a piezoelectric component claim 20 , and/or an electro-active polymer component.22. The method of claim 20 , wherein said producing the motion comprises producing a linear and/or a tilting motion of the lens holder at least in part in response to the selective application of the one or more electrical signals.23. An optical apparatus claim 20 , comprising:means for producing a motion of a lens holder, wherein said means for producing the motion comprises a plurality of elements capable of independent operation;means for applying a restoring force to the lens holder, said means for applying the restoring force comprising means for conducting a plurality of electrical signals to the plurality of elements capable of independent operation; andmeans for selectively applying one or more of said plurality of electrical signals to one or more of the plurality of elements capable of independent operation.24. The apparatus of claim 23 , wherein said means for producing the motion of the lens holder comprises means ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083232A1
Автор: TAY Hiok Nam

An auto focus image system that includes a pixel array coupled to a focus signal generator. The pixel array captures an image that has at least one edge with a width. The focus signal generator may generate a focus signal that is a function of the edge width and/or statistics of edge widths. A processor receives the focus signal and/or the statistics of edge widths and adjust a focus position of a focus lens. The edge width can be determined by various techniques including the use of gradients. A histogram of edge widths may be used to determine whether a particular image is focused or unfocused. A histogram with a large population of thin edge widths is indicative of a focused image. 1. A method of automatic focus control for an image capture apparatus employing a focus signal that is a function of a plurality of edge widths , each edge width belonging to one of a plurality of edges in an image , comprising:servoing the focus signal to a target level that is offset from an optimal signal level that indicates a sharpest focusing on the pixel array, the target level indicating a less focused state.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:moving a focus lens in response to a change of signal level in the focus signal.3. A non-transitory computer-readable medium that comprises computer instructions that when executed cause an auto-focus image pickup system to perform in accordance with the method of .4. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 3 , wherein the computer instructions when executed further cause the auto-focus image pickup system to move a focus lens in response to a change of signal level in the focus signal.5. An image pickup apparatus claim 3 , comprising:a focus lens;a pixel array configured to receive light that passes through the focus lens;a focus signal generator configured to generate a focus signal from a plurality of edges detected from an image formed on the pixel array; anda focus controller configured to control a position of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093874A1
Автор: Hulsken Bas

The present invention relates to the field of digital pathology and in particular to whole slide scanners. A tilted autofocus image sensor images an oblique cross-section of the slide. For focusing multiple sequential overlapping images, which have been taken by the tilted sensor, are compared. The axial position of the tissue layer can be determined from the polar error signal resulting from this differential measurement. 1. Autofocus imaging system for a microscope system , the autofocus imaging system comprising:{'b': 24', '26', '4', '4, 'an image sensor arrangement (, ) for acquiring primary image data of an object of interest () and first and second autofocus image data of an oblique section of the object of interest ();'}{'b': '26', 'wherein the image sensor arrangement comprises a tilted image sensor () which is configured for acquiring the first autofocus image data and, at a later time, the second autofocus image data;'}{'b': '800', 'a calculation unit () for generating a polar error signal of a focus position of the microscope system on the basis of a comparison of first data relating to the first autofocus image data with second data relating to the second autofocus image data.'}2. The autofocus imaging system of claim 1 ,wherein the image sensor arrangement comprises:{'b': 24', '4, 'a primary image sensor () for acquiring the primary image data of the object of interest (); and'}{'b': 26', '4, 'a tilted autofocus image sensor () for acquiring the first autofocus image data and, at a later time, the second autofocus image data of an oblique section of the object of interest ().'}3. The autofocus imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the comparison comprises:determining, in the first data, a first contrast as a function of an x-position on the autofocus image sensor and determining, in the second data, a second contrast as a function of an x-position on the autofocus image sensor;comparing the first contrast function with the second contrast function.4. The ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Image forming optical system, image pickup apparatus using the same, and information processing apparatus

Номер: US20130093938A1
Автор: Takuya OTSU
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An optical system includes, in order from the object side, an aperture, a first lens having a positive refractive power, a second lens having a negative refractive power, a third lens having a positive refractive power, a fourth lens having a positive refractive power and having a meniscus shape with a convex surface facing the image side, and a fifth lens having a negative refractive power. The optical system satisfies a certain condition.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100319A1
Автор: Hada Tetsuya

An apparatus includes a display unit configured to display a captured image, an object region detection unit configured to detect the main object region in a photographic screen, a determination unit configured to determine whether the main object region is in a focused state, an enlarge unit configured to enlarge and display the main object region in focus on the display unit larger than when the main object region is not in focus, an object movement detection unit configured to detect whether the main object in the main object region moves in the photographic screen, and an enlarge control unit configured to, when the object movement detection unit detects that the main object is moving, limit the enlarge from performing enlargement and display. 1. An apparatus comprising:a display unit configured to display a captured image;an object region detection unit configured to detect an object region including an object inside a photographic screen;an in-focus determination unit configured to determine whether the object region is in focus;an enlarge unit configured to enlarge and display on a display unit the object in the object region in focus;a movement detection unit configured to detect whether the object in the object region moves in the photographic screen; anda control unit configured to, upon detecting the object is moving, limit the enlarge unit from performing enlargement and display.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the object region is not in focus, the control unit inhibits the enlarge unit from performing the enlargement and display.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a size determination unit configured to determine a size of the object region in the photographic screen claim 1 ,wherein, when the size of the object region is larger than a predetermined size, the control unit inhibits the enlarge unit from performing the enlargement and display.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a position ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100323A1
Автор: ABE Kenichiro

An image forming optical system of four lenses includes in order from an object side, a first lens having a positive refractive power, which is a biconvex lens, a second lens having a negative refractive power, of which, an image-side surface is a concave surface, a third lens having a positive refractive power, which is meniscus-shaped with a concave surface directed toward the object side, a fourth lens having a negative refractive power, of which, an image-side surface is a concave surface, and an aperture stop which is disposed nearest to the object side. The image forming optical system satisfies predetermined conditional expressions. 1. An image forming optical system of four lenses , comprising in order from an object side:a first lens having a positive refractive power, which is a biconvex lens;a second lens having a negative refractive power, of which, an image-side surface is a concave surface;a third lens having a positive refractive power, which is meniscus-shaped with a concave surface directed toward the object side;a fourth lens having a negative refractive power, of which, an image-side surface is a concave surface; andan aperture stop which is disposed nearest to the object side, wherein [{'br': None, 'θ9<48\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': TL/', 'Y<, '20.8\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'the image forming optical system satisfies the following conditional expressions (1) and (2)'}where,θ9 denotes the maximum value (unit: degree) of an angle between a plane-normal over an entire area in an effective plane of the image-side surface of the fourth lens,TL denotes a distance from a surface vertex of the first lens up to an image plane, andY denotes the maximum image height.2. The image forming optical system according to claim 1 , wherein the aperture stop is disposed at an image side of the surface vertex of the first lens.3. The image forming optical system according to claim 1 , wherein the fourth lens satisfies the following conditional expression (3){'br': ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100338A1
Автор: IWASAKI Yoichi
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An imaging device of an aspect of the invention, when reading, as voltage signals, signal charges output from a first pixel receiving a light on a partial area biased to a predetermined direction from a light axis of a light flux passing an exit pupil of an imaging optical system and a second pixel arranged so as to be adjacent to the first pixel and receiving a light on a partial area biased to an opposite direction to the predetermined direction from the light axis, combines and reads the signal charges of adjacent first-number pixels with respect to the first pixel and the second pixel, and calculates an arithmetic mean of adjacent second-number voltage signals with respect to the combined and read voltage signals of the first pixel and the second pixel. 1. An imaging device comprising:an imaging optical system;an imaging element in which a plurality of pixels including a first pixel and a second pixel are arranged in a two-dimensional manner, the first pixel receiving a light on a partial area biased to a predetermined direction from a light axis of a light flux passing an exit pupil of the imaging optical system, the first pixel arranged at interval of a predetermined number of pixels, and the second pixel arranged so as to be adjacent to the first pixel and receiving a light on a partial area biased to an opposite direction to the predetermined direction from the light axis of the light flux passing the exit pupil of the imaging optical system;a brightness acquisition unit configured to acquire a brightness of a subject;an imaging element drive unit configured to read signal charges the plurality of pixels as a voltage signal, the imaging element drive unit configured to read and combine a first number of adjacent first pixels and to read and combine the first number of adjacent second pixels when reading signal charges from the first pixel and the second pixel;an arithmetic mean calculation unit configured to calculate an arithmetic mean of voltage signals, ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113977A1
Автор: YUMIKI Naoto
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A camera body () includes a display unit () and a body microcomputer (). The display unit () is able to display a zoom display bar () that expresses the focal length of the optical system (L). The body microcomputer () controls the display unit () so that the direction in which a zoom ring () moves when the user operates the zoom ring () substantially coincides with a change direction in which the zoom display bar () shown on the display unit () changes according to the operation of the zoom ring (). 1. A camera body used in an imaging device along with a lens barrel with which the state of an optical system can be varied by operating a operation member , said camera body comprising:a display unit configured to display a state indicator that expresses the state of the optical system and a through image; anda control unit configured to control the display unit so that a state indicator is displayed when the user operates the operation member, whereinthe lens barrel further has a memory unit configured to store lens information,the lens information includes focal length information expressing the range over which the focal length of the optical system can be varied,the state indicator has a display meter that expresses the focal length information and expresses the focal length of the optical system as numerical information,the control unit is configured to control the display unit so that the state indicator is displayed when the operation member is operated, and a display of the state indicator is automatically cancelled after the operation of the operation member is ended.2. A camera body used in an imaging device along with a lens barrel with which the state of an optical system can be varied by operating a operation member , said camera body comprising:a display unit configured to display a state indicator that expresses the state of the optical system and a through image;a control unit configured to control the display unit so that a state indicator is displayed ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113981A1
Принадлежит: Lytro, Inc.

A method for acquiring, generating, and/or outputting image data comprises (i) acquiring light field data representative of a scene, (ii) acquiring configuration data representative of how light rays optically propagate through a device, (iii) generating image data using the light field data and the configuration data, wherein the image data includes a focus depth different from that of the light field data, (iv) generating an electronic data file including the image data, the light field data, and the configuration data, and (v) outputting the electronic data file. In one aspect, a light field acquisition device comprises optics, a light field sensor, and processing circuitry to: (i) determine configuration data representative of how light rays optically propagate through the optics, and (ii) generate the electronic data file, wherein the electronic data file includes image data, light field data representative of a light field from the scene, and configuration data. 1. A method of generating and outputting image data corresponding to a scene , the method comprising:acquiring light field data which is representative of a light field from the scene, wherein the light field data is acquired using a data acquisition device;acquiring configuration data which is representative of a characteristic of the data acquisition device;generating first image data by using at least a portion of the acquired configuration data to interpret at least a portion of the light field data, wherein the first image data comprises a focus or focus depth that is different from a focus or focus depth of the light field data;generating a first electronic data file comprising (i) the first image data, (ii) the light field data, and (iii) the configuration data; andoutputting the first electronic data file;wherein the acquired configuration data is representative of at least one of an optical model and a geometric model representing optical propagation of light rays through the acquisition ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Image pickup element and image pickup device

Номер: US20130113982A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image pickup element includes a light-receiving portion having a matrix arrangement formed by disposing first-direction arrays, each having photoelectric conversion portions arranged in a first direction with a predetermined gap maintained therebetween, in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, and micro-lenses provided above the light-receiving portion. A certain first-direction array in the matrix arrangement is provided with a pair of photoelectric conversion portions that optically receive, via a pair of micro-lenses, photographic-subject light beams passing through a pair of segmental regions in an exit pupil of a photographic optical system, the pair of segmental regions being disposed biasedly in opposite directions from each other in the first direction. The pair of micro-lenses is disposed such that light axes thereof extend through vicinities of edges of the pair of photoelectric conversion portions, the edges being the farthest edges from each other in the first direction.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113987A1
Автор: Fukuda Koichi

The focus detection apparatus includes an image pickup part (-) including first and second pixels photoelectrically converting first and second images formed by light fluxes passing through different pupil area of an image-forming optical system to produce first and second image signals, a first signal processor () performing a first process to smooth the first and second image signals by using mutually different filters, a second signal processor () performing a second process to sharpen the first and second image signals by using mutually different filters. A calculating part () calculates a defocus amount by using the first and second image signals subjected to the first process when a contrast value is higher than a predetermined value, and calculates the defocus amount by using the first and second image signals subjected to the second process when the contrast value is lower than the predetermined value. 1. A focus detection apparatus comprising:an image pickup part configured to include (a) first pixels photoelectrically converting a first image formed by a light flux passing through a first pupil area of an image-forming optical system to produce a first image signal and (b) second pixels photoelectrically converting a second image formed by a light flux passing through a second pupil area of the image-forming optical system to produce a second image signal;a first signal processor configured to perform a first process to smooth the first and second image signals by using mutually different filters for the first and second image signals;a second signal processor configured to perform a second process to sharpen the first and second image signals by using mutually different filters for the first and second image signals; anda calculating part configured to calculate a defocus amount of the image-forming optical system by using the first and second image signals on which the first process or the second process has been performed,wherein the calculating part is ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120639A1
Автор: Maeda Muneyoshi

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit, a first information acquisition unit configured to acquire information on a focal length of a lens unit configured to guide light to the imaging unit, a second information acquisition unit configured to acquire information on an amount of light incident on the imaging unit, and a control unit configured to control a diaphragm configured to adjust the amount of light incident on the imaging unit, wherein the control unit is configured to determine a maximum opening value, which is used for diaphragm control of the diaphragm, based on the information on the focal length acquired by the first information acquisition unit and the information on the amount of incident light acquired by the second information acquisition unit. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging unit;a first information acquisition unit configured to acquire information on a focal length of a lens unit configured to guide light to the imaging unit;a second information acquisition unit configured to acquire information on an amount of light incident on the imaging unit; anda control unit configured to control a diaphragm configured to adjust the amount of light incident on the imaging unit,wherein the control unit is configured to determine a maximum opening value, which is used for control of the diaphragm, based on the information on the focal length acquired by the first information acquisition unit and the information on the amount of light acquired by the second information acquisition unit.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if the focal length based on the acquired information on the focal length is not changed claim 1 , compared to a case where the amount of incident light based on the acquired information on the amount of incident light is a first light quantity claim 1 , the control unit is configured to increase the maximum opening value in a case where the amount of incident light based on the acquired ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Zoom lens and image pickup apparatus including the same

Номер: US20130120640A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Taki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A zoom lens includes a negative lens unit having a negative refractive power and a positive lens unit having a positive refractive power arranged in order from an object side to an image side. For focusing from infinity to a closest distance, the negative lens unit moves towards the image side and the positive lens unit moves towards the object side. Predetermined mathematical conditions are satisfied to obtain high optical performance over the entire focusing range.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120641A1
Автор: NAGAOKA Eiichi
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The imaging device includes: a first optical system; a second optical system; a first imaging element configured to convert an optical image of a first shooting range formed by the first optical system into an electrical signal; a second imaging element configured to convert an optical image of a second shooting range formed by the second optical system into an electrical signal; a first focus driving section configured to shift a focus lens of the first optical system to a focus position of a first object in the first shooting range; and a movement prediction section configured to predict movement of an image of a second object in the second shooting range. The first focus driving section shifts the focus lens of the first optical system to a position different from the focus position of the first object, according to a result of the prediction of the movement prediction section. 1. An imaging device for taking an image of an object , the imaging device comprising:a first optical system;a second optical system;a first imaging element configured to convert an optical image of a first shooting range formed by the first optical system into an electrical signal;a second imaging element configured to convert an optical image of a second shooting range formed by the second optical system into an electrical signal;a first focus driving section configured to shift a focus lens of the first optical system to a focus position of a first object included in the first shooting range; anda movement prediction section configured to predict movement of an image of a second object included in the second shooting range, whereinthe first focus driving section shifts a position of the focus lens of the first optical system to a position different from the focus position of the first object, according to a result of the prediction of the movement prediction section.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , wherein the position of the focus lens of the first optical system is shifted ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120643A1
Автор: Tamaki Yoshihito

The focus detection apparatus includes an image pickup part including first and second pupil division pixels Sand Sto produce first and second image signals, a processor performing a restoration process on the first and second image signals to produce first and second restored image signals, and a calculating part calculating a provisional value of a defocus amount of an image-forming optical system by using the first and second image signals. When the provisional value is smaller than a predetermined value, the restoration process is performed to produce pluralities of the first and second restored image signals by using a greater number of image restoration filters than when the provisional value is greater than the predetermined value, and the defocus amount is calculated by using the pluralities of the first and second image signals. 1. A focus detection apparatus comprising:an image pickup part configured to include (a) first pixels photoelectrically converting a first image formed by a light flux passing through a first pupil area of an image-forming optical system to produce a first image signal and (b) second pixels photoelectrically converting a second image formed by a light flux passing through a second pupil area of the image-forming optical system to produce a second image signal;a filter generator configured to produce an image restoration filter to be used for a restoration process for the first image signal and the second image signals;an image restoration processor configured to respectively perform the restoration process on the first image signal and the second image signal by using the image restoration filter to produce a first restored image signal and a second restored image signal; anda calculating part configured to calculate a defocus amount of the image-forming optical system by using the first and second restored image signals,wherein the calculating part is configured to calculate a provisional value of the defocus amount by using the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120644A1
Автор: Fujii Shinichi

In a second image sensor which has a plurality of phase difference detection pixels which generate signals for performing adjusted focus decision by way of phase difference detection and a plurality of image generation pixels which generate signals for generating images, a first pixel group which is formed by arranging part of phase difference detection pixels of the plurality of phase difference detection pixels in a specific direction, and a second pixel group which is formed by arranging part of image generation pixels of the plurality of image generation pixels in the specific direction are alternately arranged in an orthogonal direction orthogonal to the specific direction. Consequently, when an image capture element used to detect a phase difference and generate an image generates an image, it is possible to reduce a load of processing related to image generation. 1. An image capture element comprising:a plurality of phase difference detection pixels which generate signals for performing adjusted focus decision by way of phase difference detection; anda plurality of image generation pixels which generate signals for generating an image,wherein a first pixel group formed by arranging part of phase difference detection pixels of the plurality of phase difference detection pixels in a specific direction and a second pixel group formed by arranging part of image generation pixels of the plurality of pixel generation pixels in the specific direction are alternately arranged in an orthogonal direction orthogonal to the specific direction.2. The image capture element according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of image generation pixels has a fixed ratio of the phase difference detection pixels and the image generation pixels for each neighboring pixel in an area of the image capture element which receives subject light.3. The image capture element according to claim 1 , whereinthe first pixel group comprises a plurality of phase difference detection pixels ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128097A1
Автор: Nishio Akihiro

An image-pickup apparatus has an image sensor in which an image-pickup pixel and a focus detecting pixel are arrayed; a focus detection unit which detects a defocus amount of the imaging lens by a phase difference detection method using an output signal from the focus detecting pixel; and acquisition unit which acquires the ray vignetting information of the imaging lens. When the focus lens in the imaging lens is positioned within a position range in which the position of the focus lens cannot be detected, the focus detection unit detects the defocus amount of the imaging lens using the ray vignetting information in a position of the focus lens in which the amount of ray vignetting is the smallest within the position range. 1. An image-pickup apparatus capable of mounting a removable lens unit with an image-pickup optical system including a focus lens thereon , comprising:an image sensor in which an image-pickup pixel to receive a light beam passed through an exit pupil of the image-pickup optical system and a focus detecting pixel to receive a light beam passed through the exit pupil, partially shielded, of the image-pickup optical system, are arrayed;focus detection means for detecting a shift amount of said focus lens from a focus position based on a phase difference in an output signal from said focus detecting pixel; andacquisition means for acquiring ray vignetting information of said image-pickup optical system,wherein, when a position detection resolution of said focus lens is lower than a drive resolution of said focus lens, said focus detection means detects the shift amount of said focus lens from the focus position using the ray vignetting information in a predetermined position of said focus lens specified based on information from said lens unit.2. The image-pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said focus detection means calculates an amount of ray vignetting using the information from said lens unit claim 1 , and specifies said ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135517A1
Автор: Lee In Jae
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

Provided is a method and a system for detecting an error focus calibration, wherein a first DFOV value is measured in a state before the collimator lens is interposed between the resolution chart and the camera module, and a second DFOV value is measured in a state after the collimator lens is interposed between the resolution chart and the camera module, a determination is made whether a value obtained by subtracting the second DFOV value from the first DFOV value is smaller than a threshold value, and detecting as an error of auto calibration, in a case the subtracted value is greater than the threshold value. 1. A system for detecting an error of auto focus calibration comprising: a collimator lens driving unit interposing a collimator lens between a resolution chart and a camera module for measuring a DFOV (Display Field of View) value of infinity; a DFOV measuring and storing unit measuring and storing a first DFOV value in a state before the collimator lens is interposed between the resolution chart and the camera module , and measuring and storing a second DFOV value in a state after the collimator lens is interposed between the resolution chart and the camera module; and an auto focus calibration error detecting unit determining whether a value obtained by subtracting the second DFOV value from the first DFOV value stored in the DFOV measuring and storing unit is smaller than a threshold value , and detecting an error of an auto calibration , in a case the subtracted value is greater than the threshold value.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller controlling the collimator lens driving unit claim 1 , the DFOV measuring and storing unit and the auto focus calibration error detecting unit.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller outputs a control signal performing an auto focus calibration claim 2 , in a case the subtracted value of the auto focus calibration error detecting unit is smaller than the threshold value.4. The system of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Focus adjusting apparatus and focus adjusting method

Номер: US20130135518A1
Автор: Akiko Uehara
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

There are provided a focus adjusting apparatus and method in which a look of an image plane can be improved when an object area to be focused in the image plane is judged and focused prior to image-taking preparation operation. A first operation for determining the object area to be focused is performed prior to the image-taking preparation operation, and a second operation for performing the focus adjusting operation is performed at the time of the image-taking preparation operation.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135519A1

An optical function device includes a base material layer, a semi-transparent layer formed on a principal plane of the base material layer, the semi-transparent layer reflecting light of incident light at a ratio determined in advance and passing remaining light; and a reflection prevention layer formed on a principal plane opposite to the principal plane of the base material layer with respect to the base material layer, the reflection prevention layer preventing reflection of the light passing through the base material layer. The image-capturing device includes an optical function device, a first light receiving device for receiving transmission light from the optical function device, and a second light receiving device for receiving reflection light from the optical function device. 1. An optical function device comprising:a base material layer;a semi-transparent layer formed on a principal plane of the base material layer, the semi-transparent layer reflecting light of incident light at a ratio determined in advance and passing remaining light; anda reflection prevention layer formed on a principal plane opposite to the principal plane of the base material layer with respect to the base material layer, the reflection prevention layer preventing reflection of the light passing through the base material layer.2. The optical function device according to claim 1 , wherein the base material layer is made of an optically isotropic material.3. The optical function device according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the base material layer is equal to or less than 100 μm.4. The optical function device according to claim 1 , wherein an average of an effective reflectance of the reflection prevention layer in a wavelength band of 400 nm to 650 nm is equal to or less than 1.2%.5. The optical function device according to claim 1 , wherein the semi-transparent layer and the reflection prevention layer are made of a same material.6. The optical function device according to ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135520A1

An apparatus for adjusting an autofocus and a method of controlling the same are provided. The apparatus includes an imaging device that photographs light from a subject so as to generate an image signal; a contrast calculation unit that calculates a first contrast value of an image from the image signal; a correction unit that corrects a luminance of the image signal if the calculated first contrast value is equal to or less than a reference value; and a focus adjustment unit that adjusts a focus by using a second contrast value that is calculated from the corrected image signal, thereby providing an improved focus adjustment function. 1. An apparatus for adjusting an autofocus , the apparatus comprising:an imaging device that photographs light from a subject so as to generate an image signal;a contrast calculation unit that calculates a first contrast value of an image from the image signal;a correction unit that corrects a luminance of the image signal if the calculated first contrast value is equal to or less than a reference value; anda focus adjustment unit that adjusts a focus by using a second contrast value that is calculated from the corrected image signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the correction unit corrects the luminance of the image signal according to an average luminance of the image.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the correction unit generates a luminance correction curve according to the average luminance and corrects the luminance of the image signal according to the generated luminance correction curve.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a slope of an output signal with respect to an input signal of the luminance correction curve is steep in a region of the average luminance.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a luminance calculation unit that calculates the average luminance.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the luminance calculation unit calculates the average luminance with respect to an image of a region ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141631A1
Автор: Suto Hidekazu

Disclosed is an auto-focus apparatus utilized for an image pickup apparatus having a focus ring. The auto-focus apparatus includes an evaluation value calculator periodically calculating a plurality of evaluation values for a plurality of areas of a subject image based on high frequency components of image signals of the plurality of areas of the subject image; and a control unit, after detecting that the focus ring has been stopped, performing image processing on an area of the subject image where fluctuations of the evaluation values obtained just before the focus ring has been stopped exhibit a predetermined history, based on an evaluation value obtained in the area of the subject image exhibiting the predetermined history, and outputting instruction signals for moving a focus lens base on a peak of the evaluation values obtained by the image processing. 110-. (canceled)11. An auto-focus apparatus utilized for an image pickup apparatus having a focus ring comprising:an evaluation value calculator periodically calculating a plurality of evaluation values for a plurality of areas of a subject image based on high frequency components of image signals of the plurality of areas of the subject image; anda control unit, after detecting that the focus ring has been stopped, performing image processing on an area of the subject image where fluctuations of the evaluation values obtained just before the focus ring has been stopped exhibit a predetermined history, based on an evaluation value obtained in the area of the subject image exhibiting the predetermined history, and outputting instruction signals for moving a focus lens base on a peak of the evaluation values obtained by the image processing. The invention contains subject matter related to Japanese Patent Application JP 2007-105065 filed in the Japanese Patent Office on Apr. 12, 2007, the entire contents of which being incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to an auto-focus ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Imaging device and camera body

Номер: US20130141632A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A camera system includes an interchangeable lens and a camera body to which the interchangeable lens can be mounted, either directly or via an adapter. A lens microcomputer of the interchangeable lens is configured to hold lens information including information related to a focal point detection method. A body microcomputer of the camera body is configured to select a focal point detection method on the basis of lens information. The body microcomputer is configured to select a contrast detection method as the focal point detection method if the interchangeable lens is compatible with a contrast detection method. The body microcomputer is configured to select a phase difference detection method as the focal point detection method if the interchangeable lens is not compatible with a contrast detection method, and the adapter is compatible with a phase difference detection method.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus and focus detection method

Номер: US20130147998A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image capturing apparatus performs focus detection based on a pair of image signals obtained from an image sensor including pixels each having a pair of photoelectric conversion units capable of outputting the pair of image signals obtained by independently receiving a pair of light beams that have passed through different exit pupil regions of an imaging optical system. In the focus detection, an f-number of the imaging optical system is acquired, the pair of image signals undergo filtering using a first filter formed from an summation filter when the f-number is less than a predetermined threshold, or using a second filter formed from the summation filter and a differential filter when the f-number is not less than the threshold, and focus detection is performed by a phase difference method based on the pair of filtered image signals.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148004A1

A zoom lens includes, in order from the object side, a first lens group having a positive refracting power and fixed in position, a second lens group having a negative refracting power and movable in a direction of an optical axis for zooming, a third lens group having a positive refracting power, and a fourth lens group movable in the direction of the optical axis. The first lens group includes three lenses including a negative lens, a positive lens and another positive lens disposed in order from the object side to the image side and satisfies 3. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , wherein a face of the lenses of the first lens group is formed as an aspheric face.4. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , wherein the fourth lens group has a positive refracting power.5. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , further comprising:a fifth lens group having a positive refracting power and disposed on the image side of the fourth lens group.8. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein a reading out region of the image pickup device is changed within a predetermined zooming interval in an intermediate zoom region. The present technology relates to a technical field of a zoom lens and an image pickup apparatus, and more particularly to a technical field of a zoom lens and an image pickup apparatus wherein both of increase in magnification and angle are achieved and besides reduction in diameter is achieved.In recent years, small-sized image pickup apparatuses such as a video camera and a digital camera for consumer use have been widespread also for home use.For such small-sized image pickup apparatus, a high-performance wide-angle zoom lens is demanded wherein the entire lens system is reduced in size and increased in magnification.Generally, as a zoom lens used for a video camera, an inner focus type zoom lens is available wherein lens groups other than a first lens group disposed most on the object side are moved to carry out focusing. It is known that, in ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148009A1

A zoom lens includes, from the object side, a positionally-fixed first lens group having a positive refracting power, a second lens group having a negative refracting power and movable in an optical axis direction for zooming, a third lens group having a positive refracting power, and a fourth lens group movable in the optical axis direction. The first lens group includes a negative lens, a positive lens and another positive lens disposed in order from the object side and satisfies 2. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , wherein a face of the lenses of the first lens group is formed as an aspheric face.3. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , wherein the fourth lens group has a positive refracting power.4. The zoom lens according to claim 1 , further comprising:a fifth lens group having a positive refracting power and disposed on the image side of the fourth lens group.6. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein a reading out region of the image pickup device is changed within a predetermined zooming interval in an intermediate zoom region. The present technology relates to a technical field of a zoom lens and an image pickup apparatus, and more particularly to a technical field of a zoom lens and an image pickup apparatus wherein both of increase in magnification and angle are achieved and besides reduction in diameter is achieved.In recent years, small-sized image pickup apparatuses such as a video camera and a digital camera for consumer use have been widespread also for home use.For such small-sized image pickup apparatus, a high-performance wide-angle zoom lens is demanded wherein the entire lens system is reduced in size and increased in magnification.Generally, as a zoom lens used for a video camera, an inner focus type zoom lens is available wherein lens groups other than a first lens group disposed most on the object side are moved to carry out focusing. It is known that, in such an inner focus type zoom lens, the entire lens system can be ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148010A1
Автор: Uehara Akiko

The invention includes steps of setting a main area set within the frame of a photographed image signal, and a plurality of auxiliary areas each of which is smaller than the main area, selecting one or a plurality of focus detection areas from the main area and the auxiliary areas in accordance with the in-focus position of a focus lens based on the focus signals of the main area and the auxiliary areas, and controlling the focus lens to move to the in-focus position of the focus lens in the focus detection area selected in the selecting step. 1. An auto focusing apparatus comprising:a detection unit which detects a focus signal indicating a focus state to an object in a focus detection area set within a frame of a photographed image signal;an object information acquisition unit which acquires one or a plurality of pieces of object information within the frame based on the image signal;an extraction unit which extracts a main object as an object to be focused from the object information obtained by the object information acquisition unit;a main area setting unit which sets, in the frame, a main area as one focus detection area within an area where the main object exists;an auxiliary area setting unit which sets, around the main area, auxiliary area as focus detection area;a focus detection area selection unit which selects one or a plurality of focus detection areas from the main area and the auxiliary area in accordance with an in-focus position of a focus lens based on the focus signals of the main area and the auxiliary area; anda control unit which controls the focus lens based on to the in-focus position of the focus lens in the focus detection area selected by the focus detection area selection unit,wherein the focus detection area selection unit executes selection based on a difference between the in-focus positions of the focus lens in the respective focus detection areas.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the focus detection area selection unit ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155271A1
Автор: Ishii Hirokazu

The present invention relates to an image capture apparatus comprising an image sensor that includes a plurality of first pixel portions and a plurality of second pixel portions whose output signals can be used to perform a correlation operation. In a case of a first photographing condition, the apparatus performs correction processing on output signals from the first pixel portions using output signals from the second pixel portions, and in a case of a second photographing condition, does not perform correction processing on output signals from the first pixel portions using output signals from the second pixel portions. The apparatus also performs image processing on a signal resulting from the correction processing or a signal that was not subjected to the correction processing, and records a signal resulting from the image processing. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:an image sensor that includes a plurality of first pixel portions and a plurality of second pixel portions whose output signals can be used to perform a correlation operation;a memory storing information that corresponds to a defective pixel portion among the second pixel portions;a first signal processing unit that, in a case of a first photographing condition, performs correction processing on output signals from the first pixel portions using output signals from the second pixel portions, and in a case of a second photographing condition, does not perform correction processing on output signals from the first pixel portions using output signals from the second pixel portions; anda second signal processing unit that performs image processing on a signal resulting from the correction processing performed by the first signal processing unit or a signal that was not subjected to the correction processing by the first signal processing unit, and records a signal resulting from the image processing.2. The image capture apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a determination unit ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155276A1
Автор: Ueda Haruhisa

To allow an AF mode to be quickly changed when the AF mode can be changed among a plurality of AF modes. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:display means for displaying an output image from image capturing means for capturing an object image, the display means being capable of detecting a plurality of touches of a touching object;focus detecting means for performing focus detection on the basis of the output image from the image capturing means;focusing portion determining means for determining an area where focusing is possible on the basis of an output from the focus detecting means;object recognizing means for recognizing a certain object on the basis of the output image from the image capturing means; andmode determining means for performing, in accordance with a touch of the touching object on the display means, at least any one of automatic selection of an AF mode from among a plurality of AF modes, automatic selection of an AE mode from among a plurality of AE modes, and automatic selection of a color temperature adjustment mode from among a plurality of color temperature adjustment modes.2. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:range setting means for setting a range in accordance with a touch of the touching object on the display means,wherein the mode determining means performs automatic selection in accordance with a recognition result of the certain object obtained by the object recognizing means in the range set by the range setting means and a determination result obtained by the focusing portion determining means.3. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when one touching object touches the display means claim 2 , the range setting means sets one local point included in a touched location of the one touching object as a range.4. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when a plurality of touching objects touch the display means claim 2 , the range ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155287A1
Автор: Muramatsu Keiko

An imaging apparatus includes a first imaging unit, a second imaging unit, a light measurement calculator, a holding unit, a detection unit, a recognition unit, a selection unit, and a focus adjustment controller. The second imaging unit is configured to acquire first image information, second image information, and third image information. The selection unit is configured to select the at least one of focus detection areas using a recognition result of the recognition unit. The focus adjustment controller is connected to the selection unit and is configured to perform a focus adjustment control using a focus adjustment state in a focus detection area selected by the selection unit. The changing unit is connected to the recognition unit and is configured to change the predetermined range based on the first determination and the second determination. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:a first imaging unit configured to acquire an image to be stored;a second imaging unit configured to acquire first image information, second image information, and third image information, the second imaging unit being separate from the first imaging unit;a light measurement calculator configured to perform a light measurement calculation using at least one of the first image information, the second image information, and the third image information;a holding unit configured to hold reference information that functions as a reference image;a detection unit connected to the holding unit and configured to detect a first difference between at least a part of the first image information and the reference information, detect a second difference between at least a part of the second image information and the reference information, and detect a third difference between at least a part of the third image information and the reference information;a recognition unit connected to the detection unit, configured to make a first determination whether or not the first difference is within a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162879A1

An imaging apparatus includes a shooting lens having a focus lens for adjusting a degree of focus on an imaging plane; an image sensor converting an optical image of a photographic subject to an electric image signal and outputting it; a confirmation image creator creating a focus state confirmation image in which a part, or a whole of an image expressed by the image signal is enlarged; a display displaying the focus state confirmation image; and a focus evaluation value calculator calculating a focus evaluation value based on the image signal; wherein when a state of an inclination of change in a focus evaluation value calculated at a plurality of positions of the focus lens while moving the focus lens is different from a state of an inclination of change in a focus evaluation value calculated immediately before, the focus state confirmation image is displayed on the display. 2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the focus state confirmation image is displayed on the display claim 1 , when a sign that expresses the inclination of change in the focus evaluation value is reversed from a sign that expresses an inclination of change in the focus evaluation value calculated immediately before.3. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein when the inclination of change in the focus evaluation value is smaller than the inclination of the change in the focus evaluation values calculated immediately before claim 1 , the focus state confirmation image is displayed on the display.6. The imaging apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the focus lens is manually movable by a user claim 4 , and when the moving direction of the focus lens is reversed by a user claim 4 , the focus state confirmation image is displayed on the display. The present application is based on and claims priority from Japanese Patent Application Number 2011-279826, filed Dec. 21, 2011, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162888A1
Автор: OOZEKI Keisuke
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A camera-mounted cellular phone () comprises a camera sensor () which picks up an image, a switch () which is configured to switch and set at least equal to or more than two operation modes each corresponding to an image-pickup distance from the camera sensor () to an object, and an LED () which emits light together with an image-pickup. At the time of image-pickup, an image-pickup operation is performed by controlling a focal point of the camera sensor () in accordance with an operation mode switched and set by the switch (), and the luminous brightness of the LED () is controlled in accordance with the operation mode switched and set. 1. An image-pickup device comprising a camera unit which picks up an image , a first light-emission unit which emits light together with an image-pickup operation by the camera unit , and a second light-emission unit which is arranged apart from the camera unit relative to the first light-emission unit and which emits light together with an image-pickup operation by the camera unit , the image-pickup device further comprising:an operation mode setting unit which is configured to switch and set a first operation mode corresponding to a first image-pickup distance from the camera unit to an object and a second operation mode corresponding to a second image-pickup distance longer than the first image-pickup distance;a camera control unit which performs an image-pickup operation by controlling a focal point of the camera unit in accordance with an operation mode switched and set by the operation mode setting unit; anda light-emission control unit which controls the second light-emission unit to emit light when the operation mode setting unit switches and sets the first operation mode, and controls the first light-emission unit to emit light when the operation mode setting unit switches and sets the second operation mode, wherein the light-emission control unit controls the first light-emission unit or the second emission unit to emit ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162890A1

In a focus detection apparatus, a sensor includes a first mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first and the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount, and a second mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first or the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount. 1. A focus detection apparatus comprising:a sensor configured to photoelectrically convert an object image signal corresponding to first and second AF areas and output the converted signal via a signal line, wherein a storage time during photoelectric conversion is controlled by the sensor monitoring stored charges via the signal line, and wherein the sensor monitors whether the stored charges have reached a predetermined charge amount; anda controller configured to detect a defocus amount from the object image signal, wherein the controller performs focus adjustment of an imaging lens based on the defocus amount,wherein the sensor includes a first mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first and the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount, and a second mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first or the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount.2. The focus detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to switch between the first mode and the second mode based on a user setting.3. The focus detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor can select the second mode during continuous shooting.4. The focus detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured such that a time from starting storage until reading the object image signal is shorter in the second mode than in the first mode.5. The focus detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging Arrangements and Methods Therefor

Номер: US20130169855A1

Image data is processed to facilitate focusing and/or optical correction. According to an example embodiment of the present invention, an imaging arrangement collects light data corresponding to light passing through a particular focal plane. The light data is collected using an approach that facilitates the determination of the direction from which various portions of the light incident upon a portion of the focal plane emanate from. Using this directional information in connection with value of the light as detected by photosensors, an image represented by the light is selectively focused and/or corrected. 1. A digital imaging system for generating a virtual image of a scene , wherein the virtual image includes a plurality of pixels , the system comprising:a photosensor array, having a plurality of photosensors, configured to detect light including a plurality of light rays from the scene, wherein each photosensor, in response to detecting the light incident thereon, generates light data, the photosensor array further configured to detect a set of the plurality of light rays that concurrently arrive at the particular portion of the physical focal plane at different angles of incidence;an optics arrangement, having a physical focus, configured to direct light rays from the scene to the photosensor array via a physical focal plane; andprocessing circuitry to compute a pixel value of each pixel of the virtual image by combining light data from selected photosensors based on angles of incidence of the light rays detected by each photosensor, as characterized by the location of each photosensor relative to the physical focal plane, the virtual image having a virtual focus and a virtual focal plane that are respectively different from the physical focus and the physical focal plane, wherein the virtual focal plane comprises one of a planar focal plane and a non-planar focal plane, wherein the processing circuitry further determines the angles of incidence of light upon ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Self-calibrated ringing compensation for an autofocus actuator in a camera module

Номер: US20130169857A1
Принадлежит: Maxim Integrated Products Inc

Various embodiments of the present invention relate to an actuator driver in a camera module, and more particularly to methods, systems and devices of employing self-calibrated ringing compensation to improve the autofocus rate of the camera module that is driven by an actuator. Oscillation characteristics of the actuator are calibrated to control a sink current that drives the actuator during an autofocus. The actuator driver comprises a digital-to-analog converter (DAC), a filter, a current sink and a self calibration module. The self calibration module calibrates the free-oscillation frequency and damping coefficient, and accordingly, the DAC generates a voltage that may be subsequently bypassed, filtered or shaped by the filter. This voltage is further converted to the sink current by the current sink. Such self-calibrated ringing compensation allows close tracking of free oscillation, and may efficiently enhance the settling time of the lens and autofocus rate of the camera module.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169858A1
Автор: Yamasaki Ryo

An image sensing apparatus including: an image sensor including a plurality of focus detection pixel pairs that perform photoelectric conversion on each pair of light beams that have passed through different regions of a photographing lens and output an image signal pair; a flash memory that stores shift information on relative shift between an optical axis of the photographing lens and a central axis of the focus detection pixel pairs; a correction unit that corrects a signal level of the image signal pair based on the shift information and exit pupil information of the photographing lens so as to compensate for an unbalanced amount of light that enters each of the focus detection pixel pairs; and a focus detection unit that detects a focus of the photographing lens using the image signal pair corrected by the correction unit. 1. An image sensing apparatus comprising:an image sensor including a plurality of focus detection pixel pairs that perform photoelectric conversion on each pair of light beams that have passed through different regions of a photographing lens and output an image signal pair;a correction unit configured to correct a signal level of the image signal pair based on first information and second information showing a light amount ratio, wherein the first information is related to a production error which includes an alignment error at a time of forming the image sensor, and the second information is related to a light amount which changes in response to an image height when the production error does not exist; anda focus detection unit configured to detect a focus of the photographing lens using the image signal pair corrected by the correction unit.2. The image sensing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the exit pupil information includes information regarding an exit pupil shape depending on an image height of each of the focus detection pixel pairs claim 1 , and the correction unit determines a ratio between exit pupil areas corresponding ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176473A1
Автор: Ogino Hiroyuki

An apparatus includes an imaging unit, a focus detection unit configured to detect a focusing state of a focus lens, a designation unit configured to receive a designation of an in-screen position of an object displayed on a display screen, and a control unit configured to control a movable range of the focus lens when the focusing state is detected by the focus detection unit such that if the designation unit does not designate the in-screen position of the object, the movable range is set to be a first range and, if the designation unit designates the in-screen position of the object, the movable range is set to a second range that is wider than the first range. 1. An apparatus comprising:a focus detection unit configured to detect a focusing state of light from an object incident thereon via a focus lens so that an object-image is in focus on an imaging unit;a control unit configured to move the focus lens when the focusing state is detected;a designation unit configured to receive a designation of an in-screen position of an object displayed on a display screen; andan object detection unit configured to detect a specific object based on an output signal of the imaging unit;wherein the control unit performs AF frame setting processing which sets area which detects focusing state based on the designated specific object when the specific object is detected by the object detection unit to a position in the display screen designated by the designation unit, and AF frame setting processing which sets area which detects the focusing state based on correlation of at least two output signals output from the imaging unit at different time to a position in the display screen designated by the designation unit when the specific object is not detected by the object detection unit to a position in the display screen designated by the designation unit.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising movable range selecting unit configured to set the movable range of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176478A1
Автор: EGUCHI Masaru

A zoom lens system includes a negative first lens group, positive second and third lens groups, wherein upon zooming from the short to long focal length extremities, the distance between the first and second lens groups decreases and the distance between the second and third lens groups changes. The second lens group includes a biconvex positive lens element with an aspherical surface on each side, and a negative meniscus lens element with an aspherical surface, and a concave surface on the image side. Conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied: 1. A zoom lens system comprising a negative first lens group , a positive second lens group , and a positive third lens group , in that order from the object side , wherein upon zooming from the short focal length extremity to the long focal length extremity , the distance between said first lens group and said second lens group decreases and the distance between said second lens group and said third lens group changes , in the optical axis direction ,wherein said second lens group includes a biconvex positive lens element provided with an aspherical surface on each side thereof, and a negative meniscus lens element provided with an aspherical surface on at least one surface thereof and having a concave surface on the image side, in that order from the object side, and [{'br': None, 'b': '80', 'νd> \u2003\u2003(1),'}, {'br': None, 'and'}, {'br': None, 'Pg_F>0.53 \u2003\u2003(2),'}, {'br': None, 'wherein'}], 'wherein the following conditions (1) and (2) are satisfiedνd designates the Abbe number with respect to the d-line of the biconvex positive lens element that is provided within said second lens group, andPg_F designates the partial dispersion ratio of the biconvex positive lens element that is provided within said second lens group.2. The zoom lens system according to claim 1 , wherein the following condition (3) is satisfied:{'br': None, 'i': Подробнее

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182127A1

In a camera unit that is capable of attaching and detaching a lens unit, a camera control unit transmits a drive command for shifting a focus lens to a position corresponding to a focal point detected by use of an evaluation value for focus adjustment generated from an imaging signal by a TVAF signal processing unit to a lens control unit. The camera control unit acquires data indicating the amount of change in image magnification from the lens apparatus when performing center shift to thereby control the focus lens so as to suppress an out-of-focus blur of an image according to the image signal in response to the amount of change in image magnification relative to the shift amount of the focus lens in the vicinity of a focal point. 1. An imaging apparatus for communicating with a lens apparatus comprising a focus lens , the imaging apparatus comprising:a signal processing unit configured to generate an evaluation value for focus adjustment from an imaging signal obtained by an imaging element;a transmitting unit configured to transmit information corresponding to the vibration center and the vibration amplitude of the focus lens, wherein the lens apparatus is configured to vibrate the focus lens based on the received information corresponding to the vibration center and the vibration amplitude;a camera controlling unit configured to transmit to the lens apparatus a drive command for shifting the focus lens to a position corresponding to a focal point detected by use of the evaluation value; andan acquiring unit configured to acquire from the lens apparatus data indicating the amount of a change in image magnification,wherein the camera controlling unit is configured to, in a case of performing center shift for shifting the vibration center of the focus lens in the detected focusing direction, and if the amount of change in image magnification relative to the shift amount of the focus is a first amount of change, decrease the vibration amplitude when compared to a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182137A1
Автор: Voss Hendrik

A control unit for generating a control signal comprises a base part, a control element rotatable about an axis of rotation relative to the base part, a position encoder for detecting an angular position or a change in angular position of the control element relative to the base part, a control device which is adapted generate the control signal in dependence on the detected angular position or change in angular position of the control element and an electronic display device, wherein the control device is adapted to control the electronic display device to show at least one symbol arrangement. The control unit is characterized in that the electronic display device has the shape of a cylinder or of a cylinder sector whose axis coincides with the axis of rotation of the control element or extends in parallel thereto. 1. A control unit for generating a control signal comprising:{'b': '12', 'a base part ();'}{'b': 18', '12, 'a control element () rotatable about an axis of rotation relative to the base part ();'}{'b': 52', '18', '12, 'a position encoder () for detecting an angular position or a change in angular position of the control element () relative to the base part ();'}{'b': 50', '18, 'a control device () which is adapted to generate the control signal in dependence on the detected angular position or change in angular position of the control element (); and'}{'b': 16', '50', '16', '16', '18, 'an electronic display device (), wherein the control device () is adapted to control the electronic display device () for showing at least one symbol arrangement, wherein the electronic display device () has the shape of a cylinder or of a cylinder sector whose axis coincides with the axis of rotation of the control element () or runs in parallel hereto.'}2. A control unit in accordance with claim 1 ,{'b': '16', 'wherein the electronic display device () is non-lit.'}3. A control unit in accordance with claim 1 ,{'b': '16', 'wherein the electronic display device () includes ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182140A1
Автор: Yasuda Hitoshi

In a camera unit that is mountable to a lens unit having a focus lens, an AF signal processing unit generates an AF evaluation value from an imaging signal obtained by an imaging element, and a camera control unit generates drive information for moving the focus lens to an in-focus point using the AF evaluation value and transmits the drive information to the mounted lens unit. The camera control unit transmits drive information including a focus lens position served as a reference for micro vibration and an amount of movement of the focus lens indicated by shift amount of an image plane with reference to the focus lens position to a lens unit. 1. An imaging apparatus that is mountable to a lens unit provided with an imaging optical system including a focus lens , the imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging unit configured to generate an imaging signal by photo-electrically converting an object image;a signal processing unit configured to generate an evaluation signal for focus adjustment using the imaging signal; anda control unit configured to generate drive information about a focus lens based on the evaluation signal and to transmit the drive information to the lens unit when mounted,wherein, when micro vibration of the focus lens is performed, the control unit is configured to transmit to the lens unit first information about the position of the focus lens to serve as a reference for micro vibration and second information about an amount of movement of the focus lens indicated as a shift amount of an image plane with reference to the position of the focus lens when the first information was transmitted, as drive information about the focus lens.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit transmits to the lens unit information claim 1 , as the second information claim 1 , indicating the shift amount of the image forming position of an object image with reference to the position of the focus lens when the first information was ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182172A1
Автор: SUZUKI Yasuyuki

A focus detecting device that addresses unstableness in frame rate by performing optimal focus detection depending on a frame rate setting, an AF frame selection setting, and a shooting speed priority/focus priority setting is provided. 1. An image pickup apparatus available for continuous shooting , comprising:a sensor that performs photoelectric conversion in accordance with an object image, stores electric charges, and outputs an object signal;focus detecting means for detecting a defocus amount from the object signal;focus adjusting means for performing focus adjustment for an image taking lens based on the defocus amount; andcontrol means for controlling the sensor so that, during the continuous shooting, the sensor outputs the object signal after a predetermined time elapses since the sensor starts storing the electric charges, the predetermined time varying in accordance with the number of shooting times per unit time set by a user.2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising the control means for controlling the sensor so that claim 1 , during the continuous shooting claim 1 , if the number of shooting times per unit time set by the user since the sensor starts storing the electric charges is a first number claim 1 , the sensor outputs the object signal after a predetermined time elapses claim 1 , the predetermined time being shorter than a predetermined time of a second number claim 1 , the second number being smaller than the first number.3. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a mirror that can be shifted between a first state in which the mirror guides the object image to the sensor and a second state in which the mirror guides the object image to a second sensor claim 1 , wherein the shift of the mirror is repeated during the continuous shooting claim 1 , and wherein the sensor stores the electric charges after the mirror is shifted from the second state to the first state.4. An image pickup apparatus ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182173A1
Автор: MURATA Hironobu

A solid-state imaging device includes a second image sensor having an organic photoelectric conversion film transmitting a specific light, and a first image sensor which is stacked in layers on a same semiconductor substrate as that of the second image sensor and which receives the specific light having transmitted the second image sensor, in which a pixel for focus detection is provided in the second image sensor or the first image sensor. Therefore, an AF method can be realized independently of a pixel for imaging. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising:a second image sensor including an organic photoelectric conversion film transmitting a specific light; anda first image sensor which is stacked in layers on a same semiconductor substrate as that of the second image sensor and which receives the specific light having transmitted the second image sensor, whereina pixel for focus detection is provided in one of the second image sensor and the first image sensor.2. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe second image sensor is arranged in a specific color array as a color filter of the first image sensor.3. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , whereina color component of an image signal photoelectrically converted by the second image sensor and a color component of an image signal photoelectrically converted by the first image sensor are in a complementary color relationship.4. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereina light-receiving surface of the second image sensor and a light-receiving surface of the first image sensor are arranged on a same optical path.5. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , whereina light-receiving surface of the second image sensor and a light-receiving surface of the first image sensor are arranged on a same optical path.6. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 3 , whereina light-receiving surface of the second image sensor and a light-receiving ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Endoscope system and method for controlling endoscope system

Номер: US20130188029A1
Автор: Jumpei Takahashi
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An endoscope system includes a focus control section that performs a focus control process on an optical system of an endoscopic scope, an operation information acquisition section that acquires operation information about at least one operation among a discharge operation, a suction operation, and a tissue treatment operation based on sensor information from an operation detection sensor, and a switch control section that determines whether or not to cause the focus control section to perform the focus control process based on the operation information.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188090A1
Автор: Saito Keisuke

In an image capture apparatus, when a first object and a second object are designated via a touch operation unit during live view display, focus information of each of the first and second objects is stored, and then a focus moving time is set. In execution of image capture, image capture where a focusing point and an exposure value are adjusted to the first object is executed and, after an interval corresponding to the focus moving time, image capture where the focusing point and the exposure value are adjusted to the second object is executed. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:an optical unit configured to direct light from an object to generate an object image;an imaging unit configured to obtain image data from the object image; an object specifying unit configured to designate a first object in the image data responsive to a first user input and to designate a second object in the image data responsive to a second user input, and', 'a time setting unit configured to set, based on a third user input, an image capture time interval between the first object and the second object;, 'a user operation input unit configured to provide both'}a shutter release unit configured to invoke an image capture operation by the imaging unit; and 1) perform, responsive to the invocation of the image capture operation by the operation unit, a first image capture operation in which a focusing point of the optical unit is set to a first focusing point corresponding to the first object and in which an exposure value of the imaging unit is set to an exposure value appropriate for the first object, and', '2) perform, responsive to the elapse of the image capture time interval following the first image capture operation, a second image capture operation in which the focusing point of the optical unit is set to a second focusing point corresponding to the second object and in which the exposure value of the imaging unit is set to an exposure value appropriate for the second object ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for spatial and spectral imaging

Номер: US20130190563A1
Автор: Amit Pascal

A system and method for acquiring images containing spatial and spectral information of an object include acquiring defocused images using an optical system based on extended depth of field. The optical system further includes a filter array comprising an array of at least six different sub-filters that are arranged such that any group of four immediately adjacent sub-filters includes at least one red sub-filter, at least one green sub-filter and at least one blue sub-filter. The filter array is located at the aperture stop of the optical system. A coded mask is located at the focal plane of the optical system, and an imager is located beyond the focal plane such that images acquired by the imager are defocused. The images are refocused, and spectral and spatial information is restored by designated software.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194475A1
Автор: OKAMOTO Teppei
Принадлежит: Pentax Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd.

A digital camera includes an image sensor, a display device which displays a live-view display of an object image, an autofocus adjuster which detects a focal state and brings a specified object image into an in-focus state by moving a focal-adjusting lens group of a photographing lens, a focus lock-on device which prohibits the focal-adjusting lens group from moving and enters a focus locked-on state when the autofocus adjuster brings the specified object image into an in-focus state, a focus lock-on detector, and a distinguishing-display controller. When the focus lock-on detector detects a focus locked-on state, the distinguishing-display controller performs image processing on part or the entirety of the specified object image, and a peaking display of the specified object image is displayed on the display device. 1. A digital camera comprising:an image sensor which captures an object image via a photographing lens;a display device which displays an object image captured by said image sensor;an autofocus adjuster which detects a focal state based on said object image captured by said image sensor and brings a specified object image into an in-focus state, based on the detected focal state, by moving a focal-adjusting lens group of said photographing lens in the optical axis direction thereof;a focus lock-on device which prohibits said focal-adjusting lens group from moving in the optical axis direction, via the autofocus adjuster, and enters a focus locked-on state when the autofocus adjuster brings said specified object image into an in-focus state;a focus lock-on detector which detects whether or not said focus lock-on device is in a focus locked-on state; anda distinguishing-display controller which carries out image processing on at least a part of said specified object image, whereby a peaking display of the specified object image is displayed on said display device in a distinguished manner from the other object images,wherein said image processing and ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201381A1
Автор: Nakagawa Hidenori

Provided is an image pickup apparatus, including: a lens portion including a focus lens unit and a magnification-varying lens unit; an image pickup element movable in an optical axis direction; a moving unit for moving the image pickup element in the optical axis direction; a memory unit for storing, as a reference position, a position of the image pickup element serving as a reference in the optical axis direction, the position corresponding to a zoom position; an operation unit for operating a defocus amount; and a controller for controlling the moving unit to move the image pickup element based on the reference position and the defocus amount operated by the operation unit. 1. An image pickup apparatus , comprising:a lens portion including a focus lens unit and a magnification-varying lens unit;an image pickup element movable in an optical axis direction;a moving unit for moving the image pickup element in the optical axis direction;a memory unit for storing, as a reference position, a position of the image pickup element serving as a reference in the optical axis direction, the position corresponding to a zoom position;an operation unit for operating a defocus amount; anda controller for controlling the moving unit to move the image pickup element based on the reference position and the defocus amount operated by the operation unit.2. An image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a calculating unit for calculating a shift amount of the image pickup element with respect to the reference position based on the defocus amount set by the operation unit claim 1 ,wherein the controller moves the image pickup element based on the reference position and the shift amount.3. An image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the operation unit comprises a mechanism for conveying an operation feeling to a photographer to notify the photographer of an operation position of the operation unit corresponding to a defocus amount of zero during an ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201383A1
Автор: Okado Teruyuki

An image sensor comprises a plurality of pixels covered by color filters and arranged two-dimensionally in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction; and a read out means capable of reading by switching between a first read out method for reading a signal from each of the plurality of pixels and a second read out method for reading by adding signals in the first direction within each pixel group including a predetermined number of pixels covered by a color filter of a same color. The plurality of pixels include a plurality of pixel groups of first focus detection pixels and a plurality of pixel groups of second focus detection pixels, arranged discretely, and the first and second focus detection pixels are partially shielded from light on different sides in the second direction so as to receive light transmitted through different exit pupil regions. 1. An image sensor comprising:a plurality of pixels covered by color filters and arranged two-dimensionally in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction; anda read out unit that reads by switching between a first read out method of reading a signal from each of the plurality of pixels and a second read out method of reading by adding signals in the first direction within each pixel group including a predetermined number of pixels covered by a color filter of a same color,wherein the plurality of pixels include a plurality of pixel groups of first focus detection pixels and a plurality of pixel groups of second focus detection pixels, arranged discretely, andwherein the first focus detection pixels and the second focus detection pixels are partially shielded from light on different sides in the second direction so as to receive light transmitted through different exit pupil regions.2. The image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when reading by the second read out method claim 1 , the read out unit reads by skipping a predetermined number ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201385A1

An optical apparatus includes an image sensor that includes a focus detecting pixel and an image pickup pixel, a first focus detector configured to provide a focus detection based upon a phase difference between the pair of image signals detected by the focus detecting pixel of the image sensor, a second focus detector configured to provide a focus detection based upon a contrast value based upon an output of the image pickup pixel of the image sensor, and a controller configured to provide autofocus utilizing the first focus detector when a focus detection precision of the first focus detector is equal to or higher than a first value and an image magnification variation amount calculated from a wobbling amount of the image pickup optical system used for the second focus detector is equal to or higher than a second value. 1. An optical apparatus comprising:an image sensor that includes a focus detecting pixel configured to detect a pair of image signals, and an image pickup pixel configured to photoelectrically convert an optical image formed by an image pickup optical system;a first focus detector configured to provide a focus detection based upon a phase difference between the pair of image signals detected by the focus detecting pixel of the image sensor;a second focus detector configured to provide a focus detection based upon a contrast value based upon an output of the image pickup pixel of the image sensor; anda controller configured to provide autofocus utilizing the first focus detector when a focus detection precision of the first focus detector is equal to or higher than a first value and an image magnification variation amount calculated from a wobbling amount of the image pickup optical system used for the second focus detector is equal to or higher than a second value.2. The optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to provide the autofocus utilizing the second focus detector when the focus detection precision of the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201386A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An image signal processing apparatus is disclosed. This device includes a divided area setup unit which sets rows and columns of divided areas in an area defined by a focal evaluation value calculation area setup unit, a high-brightness pixel presence/absence check unit which determines whether a high-brightness pixel exists in each divided area defined by the divided area setup unit, a high-brightness pixel judgment threshold setup unit which sets a threshold for use in the high-brightness pixel presence/absence checker, and an area-selective focal point evaluation value calculation unit which selects a divided area that was determined by the high-brightness pixel checker to contain no high-brightness pixels as a focal evaluation value calculation target and then calculates a focal evaluation value. Variable control of the high-brightness pixel judgment threshold that is set by the high-brightness pixel judgment threshold setup unit is started and stopped at specified timings. 1. An image signal processing apparatus comprising:imaging unit having a focus lens;autofocus unit including a determination unit which determines an area having a brightness being greater than or equal to a preset threshold by extraction from within an area to be applied calculation of a focal evaluation value used to move the focus lens to an in-focus point, a threshold setup unit which sets up the threshold used in said determination unit, and a focal evaluation value calculation unit which calculates the focal evaluation value by excluding from the focal evaluation value calculation area an area extracted by the determination unit and having a brightness greater than or equal to the preset threshold; anda system control unit which performs autofocus control in such a way as to achieve focus based on the focal evaluation value calculated by the focal evaluation value calculation unit of said autofocus unit,wherein, when an object being imaged is changed, said system control unit performs ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201387A1
Автор: Yasuda Hitoshi

An image pickup apparatus includes a detector configured to detect an in-focus direction based on a focus signal that results from an output signal of an image pickup device by reciprocating a focus lens in an optical axis direction, and a focus controller configured to provide focusing by moving the focus lens in the in-focus direction. The focus controller is configured to set an amplitude of the focus lens when moving a center of a reciprocation of the focus lens, to be less than that of the focus lens when the center of the reciprocation of the focus lens is not moved. 1. An image pickup apparatus comprising:a detector configured to detect an in-focus direction based on a focus signal that results from an output signal of an image pickup device by reciprocating a focus lens in an optical axis direction; anda focus controller configured to provide focusing by moving the focus lens in the in-focus direction,wherein the focus controller is configured to set a reciprocation amplitude of the focus lens in moving a center of a reciprocation of the focus lens, to be smaller than that of the focus lens in maintaining the center of the reciprocation of the focus lens.2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein when a depth of focus is smaller than a threshold claim 1 , a maximum reciprocation amplitude of the focus lens is the reciprocation amplitude of the focus lens when the focus controller maintains the center of the reciprocation of the focus lens.3. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in reciprocating the focus lens when a depth of focus is not smaller than a threshold claim 1 , the focus controller sets the reciprocation amplitude of the focus lens in moving the center of the reciprocation of the focus lens claim 1 , to be larger than the reciprocation amplitude of the focus lens in maintaining the center of the reciprocation of the focus lens.4. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein after the center of ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Focus Adjusting Method and Image Capture Device thereof

Номер: US20130208166A1

By determining using a linear adjustment, a directional adjustment, or a focus scan adjustment on a movable lens unit according to which range region the sharpness of a digital image or a region of interest of the digital image falls in, best focus control performance may be simply and rapidly fulfilled. 1. A focus adjusting method , comprising:capturing a digital image by an image sensor module comprising a lens unit;calculating a color characteristic of the digital image in the RAW image domain;determining a focus control algorithm according to the color characteristic;generating a focus control signal according to the focus control algorithm; andadjusting the lens unit of the image sensor module according to the focus control signal.2. The focus adjusting method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a region of interest within the digital image;parsing pixel values within the region of interest; andcalculating the color characteristic according to the pixel values of the region of interest.3. The focus adjusting method of claim 1 , wherein determining the control algorithm according to the color characteristic comprises:in response to the color characteristic in a first range, determining the control algorithm to be a linear adjustment;in response to the color characteristic in a second range, determining the control algorithm to be a directional adjustment; andin response to the color characteristic in a third range, determining the control algorithm to be a focus scan adjustment;wherein the first range, the second range and the third range correspond to focus degrees from high to low respectively.4. The focus adjusting method of claim 3 , wherein adjusting the lens unit of the image sensor module comprises:during performing the linear adjustment as the control algorithm, adjusting the lens unit by a first step from a current position toward a first direction, wherein the first step and the first direction are derived from a linear relationship between the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215314A1
Принадлежит: Intellectual Ventures Fund 83 LLC

A digital camera comprises an image sensor for providing initial sensor image data and final sensor image data; a lens for exposing the image of a scene onto the image sensor; an exposure control system for adjusting an exposure level of a final image on the image sensor in response to a scene type; and a processor for processing the initial sensor image data to select one of a plurality of scene types, and to process the final sensor image data in response to the scene type. 1. A digital camera comprising:an image sensor configured to provide initial sensor image data and final sensor image data;a lens configured to expose an image of a scene onto the image sensor;an exposure control system configured to adjust an exposure level of a final image on the image sensor in response to a scene type; and process the initial sensor image data to select one of a plurality of scene types,', 'provide the selected scene type to the exposure control system prior to capturing the final sensor image data to cause the exposure control system to adjust the exposure level of the final image on the image sensor, wherein the exposure control system sets the exposure level of the final image differently for different scene types, and', 'process the final sensor image data in response to the scene type to compensate for the exposure level of the final image on the image sensor., 'a processor configured to2. The digital camera of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to compensate for scene lighting in response to the selected scene type.3. The digital camera of claim 1 , wherein the final sensor image data is processed using a processing parameter selected claim 1 , in accordance with the selected scene type claim 1 , from a group of parameter types including: neutral balance claim 1 , color balance claim 1 , flare correction claim 1 , contrast adjustment claim 1 , color saturation claim 1 , sharpness adjustment claim 1 , noise reduction claim 1 , and combinations ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Image capture device, image capture device focus control method, and integrated circuit

Номер: US20130215319A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The stability is improved with which focus control is performed by an image capture device that brings a face region image into focus according to the contrast method. A human detection circuit 3 performs a human image search by using a threshold value Thh 1 . A face detection circuit 2 performs a face image search by using a threshold value Thf 1 . When an entire body image region corresponding to an entire body of a person is detected and a face image region corresponding to a face of the same person is detected in the captured image through the human image search and the face image search, the face detection circuit 2 performs redetermination with respect to the face image region by using a threshold value Thf 2 . The redetermination by using the threshold value Thf 21 has higher accuracy compared to the face image search by using the threshold value Thf 1.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Zoom Lens System, Imaging Optical Device, and Digital Appliance

Номер: US20130215320A1

A zoom lens system is composed of negative, positive, negative, and positive lens groups, of which at least the first to third move during zooming. During zooming from the wide-angle end to the telephoto end, the distance between the first and second lens groups decreases, the distance between the second and third lens groups varies, and the distance between the third and fourth lens groups increases. The conditional formulae 1.0≦|f2/f1|≦1.5 and 2.0≦|f4/f1|≦5.0 are fulfilled (f1, f2, and f4 representing the focal lengths of the first, second, and fourth lens groups). 8. The zoom lens system according to claim 1 , whereinthe zoom lens system is an interchangeable lens for a mirrorless camera. This application is based on Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-034920 filed on Feb. 21, 2012, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a zoom lens system, an imaging optical device, and a digital appliance. More particularly, the present invention relates to a compact zoom lens system suitable for use in a digital appliance (for example, a interchangeable-lens digital camera) equipped with an image input capability for capturing an image of a subject with an image sensor, an imaging optical device that outputs in the form of an electrical signal the image of the subject captured with the zoom lens system and the image sensor, and a digital appliance incorporating such an imaging optical device so as to be equipped with an image input capability.2. Description of Related ArtPatent Document 1 listed below proposes a zoom lens system that is compact enough to be suitable for use in a mirrorless exchangeable-lens camera or a video camera and that offers an angle of view of about 100 degrees (2ω) combined with a zoom ratio of about 2×. Proposed in Patent Document 1, however, is a two-group zoom lens system, which does not provide sufficient flexibility to secure flatness of the off-axial image plane over ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216199A1
Автор: Nakajima Hirofumi

An image processing apparatus obtains an image signal, which is captured by an image capturing apparatus, and in which respective pixels correspond to light fluxes of different combinations of pupil regions, where the light fluxes have passed through in an imaging optical system of the image capturing apparatus, and incident directions. The image processing apparatus sets a focal length corresponding to an object to be focused, and generates a reconstructed image focused on the object of the set focal length from the image signal. The image processing apparatus generates a moving image by concatenating a plurality of reconstructed images generated in association with a plurality of different focal lengths, and outputs the moving image in association with the image signals. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:an obtaining unit configured to obtain an image signal, which is captured by an image capturing apparatus, and in which respective pixels correspond to light fluxes of different combinations of pupil regions, where the light fluxes have passed through in an imaging optical system of the image capturing apparatus, and incident directions;a setting unit configured to set a focal length corresponding to an object to be focused in association with a reconstructed image generated from the image signal obtained by said obtaining unit;a generation unit configured to generate the reconstructed image focused at the focal length set by said setting unit by adding pixel values of the image signal corresponding to respective pixels of the reconstructed image; andan output unit configured to generate and output a moving image by concatenating, as frames, a plurality of reconstructed images generated by said generation unit in association with a plurality of different focal lengths.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said output unit generates the moving image by concatenating the plurality of reconstructed images generated in association with the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Photographic machine comprising a camera system with exeptional 1,500mm-3000mm mega zoom capability with 3 distinct levels of magnification, image stabilization, accurate metering, and auto focus confirmation

Номер: US20130222626A1
Автор: Ryan Kent Molde
Принадлежит: Individual

This camera system comprises a novel or new combination of three elements or parts including a 1000 mm focal length Maksutov Cassegrain MTO or Rubinar mirror lens threaded to an M42 to Sony Alpha mount or M42 to Olympus 4/3 mount adapter, both with their own “dandelion chip”, programmed with the focal length of 1000 mm allowing for the only currently image stabilized lens of this length, also allowing the lens to communicate with the camera to allow proper metering and exposure as well as focus confirmation for faster, more certain sharp photos whether through “focus peaking” in the case of the Sony, or “catch in focus” and a confirmation beep with the Olympus, as well as 3 variable levels of zoom from 1500 mm to 3000 mm in the case of the Sony (incorporating both the crop factor of the sensor and the crop zoom push button feature) and 2× crop with Olympus.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222677A1

An image processing apparatus comprises an image capturing unit which captures a plurality of images having different in-focus positions; a defocus amount calculating unit which calculates a defocus amount of an image captured by the image capturing unit; a filtering unit which performs filtering on an original image according to the defocus amount calculated by the defocus amount calculating unit; and a displacement amount detecting unit which detects a displacement amount between the images having different in-focus positions using the image on which filtering was performed by the filtering unit. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:an image capturing unit configured to capture a plurality of images having different in-focus positions;a defocus amount calculating unit configured to calculate a defocus amount of an image captured by the image capturing unit;a filtering unit configured to perform filtering on an original image according to the defocus amount calculated by the defocus amount calculating unit; anda displacement amount detecting unit configured to detect a displacement amount between the images having different in-focus positions using the image on which filtering was performed by the filtering unit.2. An image processing apparatus comprising:an image capturing unit configured to capture a plurality of images having different in-focus positions;a defocus amount calculating unit configured to calculate a defocus amount of an image captured by the image capturing unit;a magnification setting unit configured to set a magnification of an original image according to the defocus amount calculated by the defocus amount calculating unit;a resizing unit configured to change a size of the original image by the magnification set by the magnification setting unit; anda displacement amount detecting unit configured to detect a displacement amount between the images having different in-focus positions using the image whose size was changed by the resizing ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device and Focus Adjustment Method Thereof

Номер: US20130235252A1

An electronic device and a focus adjustment method thereof are provided. The electronic device and the focus adjustment method thereof pre-process the image frames captured to provide focus information of the image frames and adjust the focus according to the focus information. Therefore, as the subject followed or the current scene is out of focus in response to movement of the electronic device, the present invention can immediately obtain the change of focus via the focus information and effectively adjust the focus according to the focus information. 1. An electronic device , comprising:an image sensor unit comprising at least one lens module, configured to capture a plurality of image frames of at least one scene;a pre-processing unit, coupled with the image sensor unit and configured to process the image frames to provide focus information of the image frames; andan image processing unit, coupled with the image sensor unit and the pre-processing unit and configured to determine a focus change condition of the image frames and adjust the lens module according to the focus information in response to the focus change condition being satisfied.2. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pre-processing unit derives the focus information from a predefined region of the image frames according to predefined region information provided by the image processing unit.3. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the focus change condition is determined as being satisfied in response to a variance of at least one predetermined characteristic value of at least two consecutive image frames of the image frames exceeding a predetermined threshold claim 1 , and the predetermined characteristic value is one of a brightness value claim 1 , a motion value and a sharpness value.4. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a gravity sensor unit coupled with the image processing unit claim 1 , the gravity sensor unit being configured ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235253A1

An image capture apparatus includes: an image sensor having a plurality of pixels that photoelectrically convert an object image formed by an imaging optical system, each of the pixels having one microlens and a photoelectric conversion portion that has been divided into a plurality of portions; a focus detection unit configured to correct an image shift amount detected with a phase difference detection method using focus detection signal arrays of two images obtained by the photoelectric conversion portions divided into a plurality of portions; and a controller that calculates information corresponding to a movement amount of a lens of the imaging optical system based on the image shift amount detected and corrected by the focus detection unit, and controls movement of the lens of the imaging optical system. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:an image sensor having a plurality of pixels that photoelectrically convert an object image formed by an imaging optical system, each of the pixels having one microlens and a photoelectric conversion portion that has been divided into a plurality of portions;a focus detection unit configured to correct an image shift amount detected with a phase difference detection method using focus detection signal arrays of two images obtained by the photoelectric conversion portions divided into a plurality of portions; anda controller that calculates information corresponding to a movement amount of a lens of the imaging optical system based on the image shift amount detected and corrected by the focus detection unit, and controls movement of the lens of the imaging optical system.2. The image capture apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the correction of the image shift amount performed by the focus detection unit does not reflect change in an F-number.3. The image capture apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls movement of the lens of the imaging optical system based on the image shift amount in ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235254A1

A device for assisting focusing of a camera that is equipped with a manual focus-adjusting unit and that provides digital image contents, such as a smart camera. The device includes a means for determining a focus value of the camera depending on an operation of the manual focus-adjusting unit and means for displaying focusing information on the basis of the determined focus value to a user being provided. 1. A device for assisting focusing of a camera , equipped with a manual focusing apparatus and for providing digital image contents , the device comprising: means for determining a focus value of the camera depending on an operation of the manual focusing apparatus and means for indicating to a user focusing information on the basis of the determined focus value.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for indicating the focusing information comprises one or more light-emitting diodes.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for indicating the focusing information comprises an acoustic signal generator.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for indicating the focusing information is configured to superpose the focusing information in the digital image contents provided by the camera.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the focusing information contains instructions for adjusting the focusing apparatus and/or an indication of a sharpness value.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for indicating the focusing information indicates the focusing information when the focus value determined by the means for determining the focus value passes at least one threshold.7. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for determining the focus value is integrated into a camera processor.8. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the means for determining the focus value is configured to determine an edge strength of edges in the digital image contents.9. A camera for providing digital image ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242167A1

An image capturing apparatus and a method capable of capturing images that have undergone Auto Focus (AF), in a mobile terminal are provided. The apparatus includes a camera module, and a controller for determining whether a captured frame has undergone AF if a ‘capture’ entry is selected while performing Continuous Auto Focus (CAF) in a preview mode, and for performing AF on the captured frame if the captured frame has not undergone AF. 1. An apparatus for capturing an image in a mobile terminal , the apparatus comprising:a camera module; anda controller for determining whether a captured frame has undergone Auto Focus (AF) if a ‘capture’ entry is selected while performing Continuous Auto Focus (CAF) in a preview mode, and for performing AF on the captured frame if the captured frame has not undergone AF.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller measures a change in motion of the captured frame by comparing the captured frame with a previous frame that has undergone AF claim 1 , andif the change in motion of the captured frame is greater than a threshold, determines that the captured frame has not undergone AF.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein if the change in motion of the captured frame is less than or equal to the threshold claim 2 , the controller determines that the captured frame has undergone AF and stores the captured frame.4. An apparatus for capturing an image in a mobile terminal claim 2 , the apparatus comprising:a camera module; anda controller for determining whether a captured frame has undergone Auto Focus (AF) if a ‘capture’ entry is selected while performing Continuous Auto Focus (CAF) in a preview mode, and for automatically switching to the preview mode where CAF is performed, if the captured frame has not undergone AF.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the controller measures a change in motion of the captured frame by comparing the captured frame with a previous frame that has undergone AF claim 4 ,if the change in motion of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242172A1
Автор: Hamano Hideyuki

A focusing apparatus with a photoelectric converter which photoelectrically converts at least a pair of optical images formed by light fluxes that have passed a focus lens to output at least a pair of image signals, a phase difference detector which detects a phase difference between the pair of output image signals, and a driving amount calculator which calculates a driving amount of the focus lens based upon the detected phase difference. The driving amount calculator changes the calculated driving amount, in accordance with a first driving amount corresponding to a detected phase difference when the focus lens is located at a first position, a second driving amount corresponding to the detected phase difference when the focus lens is located at a second position, and a relationship between the first and second positions. 1. A focusing apparatus comprising:a photoelectric converter configured to photoelectrically convert at least a pair of optical images formed by light fluxes that have passed a focus lens and to output at least a pair of image signals;a phase difference detector configured to detect a phase difference between the pair of image signals output from the photoelectric converter; anda driving amount calculator configured to calculate a driving amount of the focus lens based upon the phase difference detected by the phase difference detector,wherein the driving amount calculator changes the driving amount of the focus lens calculated based upon the phase difference, in accordance with a first driving amount of the focus lens corresponding to a phase difference detection result by the phase difference detector when the focus lens is located at a first position, a second driving amount of the focus lens corresponding to the phase difference detection result by the phase difference detector when the focus lens is located at a second position, and a relationship between the first position and the second position.2. The focusing apparatus according to claim ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242173A1

A focusing apparatus includes an image pickup element that includes a plurality of unit cells including a first pixel and a second pixel corresponding to a same microlens, a detector configured to detect a phase difference of an image signal of a first pixel group and an image signal of a second pixel group that correspond to a focus detection region, a focus controller configured to perform a focus control based on a detection result of the detector, an exposure controller configured to control an exposure value based on an output from the image pickup element, the detector detects the phase difference of an image signal generated by sequentially switching a plurality of focus detection regions, and the exposure controller controls the exposure value so as to be fixed until the detector completes a detection of the phase difference in the plurality of focus detection regions. 1. A focusing apparatus comprising:an image pickup element that includes a plurality of unit cells including a first pixel and a second pixel corresponding to a same microlens;a detector configured to detect a phase difference of an image signal of a first pixel group and an image signal of a second pixel group that correspond to a focus detection region;a focus controller configured to perform a focus control based on a detection result of the detector;an exposure controller configured to control an exposure value based on an output from the image pickup element,wherein the detector detects the phase difference of an image signal generated by sequentially switching a plurality of focus detection regions, andwherein the exposure controller controls the exposure value so as to be fixed until the detector completes a detection of the phase difference in the plurality of focus detection regions.2. The focusing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the exposure controller sets the exposure value based on a signal generated by the image pickup element before a signal that is used to detect the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250109A1
Автор: YOKOTA Soichiro
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A multi-lens camera system includes multiple camera units including respective optical filters and image sensors that acquire a captured image via the optical filter, each of the optical filters having multiple filter regions whose optical characteristics differ respectively, and an image processor, operably connected to the multiple camera unit, to execute different types of image processing on the captured image to form an image that contains multiple image regions whose characteristics differ depending on the optical characteristics of the filter region in which they are acquired. 1. A multi-lens camera system comprising:multiple camera units including respective optical filters and image sensors that acquire captured images via the optical filters, each of the optical filters having multiple filter regions whose optical characteristics differ respectively; andan image processor operably connected to the multiple camera units, to execute different types of image processing on the captured image to form an image that contains multiple image regions whose characteristics differ depending on the optical characteristics of the filter regions.2. The multi-lens camera system according to claim 1 , wherein the image processor performs a parallax calculation using image information for a specified image region.3. The multi-lens camera system according to claim 2 , wherein the image processor performs the parallax calculation for multiple image regions claim 2 , and performs the parallax calculation based on different image information depending on the image regions.4. The multi-lens camera system according to claim 2 , wherein the image processor recognizes objects in the captured images by multiple different image recognitions method differing depending on the image regions.5. The multi-lens camera system according to claim 4 , wherein the image processor recognizes the objects in the captured image using parallax information obtained between first image regions in the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250149A1
Автор: Yamasaki Ryo

The image capturing apparatus () includes an image sensor photoelectrically converting an object image formed by an image taking optical system (), first and second photoelectric conversion elements provided in the image sensor or a focus detection element and photoelectrically converting paired focus detecting images formed by light fluxes passing through pupil areas of the image taking optical system, a filter processor () performing an image signal restoration process using a filter on first and second image signals obtained from the first and second photoelectric conversion elements, and a focus detector () detecting a focus state based on a phase difference between the first and second image signals after the image signal restoration process. The filter processor calculates a contrast direction in which the object image has contrast, by using an output from the image sensor, and changes the filter depending on the contrast direction. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:an image sensor configured to photoelectrically convert an object image formed by an image taking optical system;first photoelectric conversion elements and second photoelectric conversion elements provided in one of the image sensor and a focus detection element separate from the image sensor, and configured to respectively photoelectrically convert paired focus detecting images formed by light fluxes passing through mutually different pupil areas of the image taking optical system, and;a filter processor configured to perform an image signal restoration process using a filter on a first image signal obtained from the first photoelectric conversion elements and on a second image signal obtained from the second photoelectric conversion elements; anda focus detector configured to detect a focus state of the image taking optical system based on a phase difference between the first and second image signals after the image signal restoration process,wherein the filter processor is configured ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20130250157A1
Автор: Koji Yoshida
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus enables the user to separately set an AF area and an enlargement area and, when the position of the AF area is changed, eliminates time and effort to change the position of the enlargement area. To achieve this, the imaging apparatus includes an AF area setting unit configured to set an AF area used for AF indicating an area out of the live view image of a subject imaged by an imaging unit, and a control unit configured to change a position of an enlargement area indicating an area to be enlarged in conjunction with a position of the AF area set by the AF area setting unit and configured, in response to an instruction to change the position of the enlargement area, to change the position of the enlargement area without changing the position of the AF area set by the AF area setting unit.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250162A1
Автор: Sasaki Ryohei

An automatic focusing apparatus includes: a focus lens unit; a focus driver; a first focus detector that detects an in-focus state based on a phase difference; a second focus detector that detects an in-focus state using a signal from an image pickup element; a focus controller that controls the focus driver to perform focusing based on a first focus detection result and a second focus detection result; a movement detector that detects a movement of an object with components in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis based on an image signal obtained from the first focus detector; and a re-execution determination unit that determines whether to control the focus driver to re-execute focusing based on the first focus detection result and the second focus detection result that are newly detected after the execution of focusing and based on a movement detection result detected by the movement detector. 1. An automatic focusing apparatus comprising:a focus lens unit;a focus driver that drives the focus lens unit;a first focus detector that detects an in-focus state based on a phase difference; a focus controller that controls the focus driver to perform focusing based on a first focus detection result detected by the first focus detector and a second focus detection result detected by the second focus detector;', 'a movement detector that detects a movement of an object with components in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis based on an image signal obtained from the first focus detector; and', 'a re-execution determination unit that determines whether to control the focus driver to re-execute focusing based on the first focus detection result and the second focus detection result that are newly detected after the execution of focusing and based on a movement detection result detected by the movement detector., 'a second focus detector that detects an in-focus state using a signal from an image pickup element;'}2. The automatic focusing apparatus according ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250163A1
Автор: Sakurai Shinji

A document camera has an automatic focus function, and performs the automatic focus process for automatically adjusting the focus lens to the focal position in accordance with the subject distance when the document camera is started up, or when the focus key of the input operation section is operated. Further, when performing the automatic focus process, the document camera is arranged to detect the focal position in the state in which the zoom lens is temporarily moved to the telephoto end with shallow depth of field, and then restore the position of the zoom lens to the original position. 1. An imaging device comprising:a lens unit including a zoom lens and a focus lens;an imaging element adapted to receive light input through the lens unit to perform imaging;a zoom drive section adapted to move the zoom lens in an optical axis direction to vary a focal distance;a focus drive section adapted to move the focus lens in the optical axis direction to vary a focus state; anda focus control section adapted to make the imaging element perform imaging while making the focus drive section change a position of the focus lens to detect an focal position based on an imaging result of the imaging element, and perform focusing based on the focal position detected,wherein the focus control section detects the focal position in a state in which the zoom lens is positioned on a telephoto side of a predetermined reference position using the zoom drive section, and then move the zoom lens to the reference position after the detection.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe focus control section detects the focal position in a state in which the zoom lens is positioned at a telephoto end using the zoom drive section.3. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a start-up operation section adapted to receive an operation of instructing startup of the imaging device,wherein the focus control section detects the focal position to perform focusing if ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250164A1
Автор: AOKI Takashi

It is provided a image capturing apparatus including a control unit that determines whether to set a division number to a first division number n or to a second division number m which is larger than n based on the setting status of an image capturing apparatus, calculating a divided area evaluation curve by calculating a correlation between first detection information and second detection information for each of divided areas formed by dividing a phase difference detection area into the n or the m, and acquires a defocus amount to drive and control a focus lens to the in-focus position from a total evaluation curve obtained by conducting a required calculation processing on the divided area evaluation curves of the plural divided areas. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:an image capturing element where pair-pixels each configured by a first phase difference detection pixel and a second phase difference detection pixel that are pupil-divided are arranged two-dimensionally in a phase difference detection area provided on a light receiving surface that captures an image of a subject;a focus lens that is disposed at the front end of a light path of the image capturing element and forms an optical image which is in-focus on the subject on the light receiving surface; anda control unit that calculates a phase difference between a first distribution curve of first detection information output from the first phase difference detection pixel in relation to one side arrangement direction of the pair-pixel and a second distribution curve of second detection information output from the second phase difference detection pixel in relation to the one side arrangement direction and drives and controls the focus lens to the in-focus position based on the phase difference, wherein the control unit includes:a determination unit that determines whether to set a division number into which the phase difference detection area is divided in a direction perpendicular to the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250165A1
Автор: Hamada Masataka

A method applies fast and accurate autofocusing (AF) by using a contrast AF method in a digital photographing apparatus. In the digital photographing apparatus, when AF peaks of a subject of a central multi-point and a subject of a nearest multi-point are detected, further scanning is not performed. In addition, scanning is not performed on a region from which it is difficult to detect a peak, so that fast and accurate AF may be performed. 1. A digital photographing apparatus which applies multi-point AF via contrast AF , the digital photographing apparatus comprising:taking lenses;an imaging device, which generates image signals by converting image light from an object incident via the taking lenses into electric signals;a driving unit, which drives a focusing lens of the taking lenses;a calculating unit, which calculates AF evaluation values by performing AF detection with respect to the image signals;a multi-point AF detecting unit, which divides a photographed image formed of the image signals into a plurality of focal point detecting areas and detecting the peak of AF evaluation values of each of the focal point detecting areas; anda main object determining unit, which, if the peak value at a center of the image and a peak location of a closest object are detected by the multi-point AF detecting unit, stops detection of other peaks, selects one from among a plurality of peaks detected by the searching unit based on a pre-set multi-point AF reference, determines an object corresponding to the selected peak value as the main object, and detects contrast AF thereof.2. A digital photographing apparatus which applies multi-point AF via contrast AF , the digital photographing apparatus comprising:taking lenses;an imaging device, which generates image signals by converting image light from an object incident via the taking lenses into electric signals;a driving unit, which drives a focusing lens of the taking lenses;a calculating unit, which calculates AF evaluation ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Eye Gaze Based Image Capture

Номер: US20130258089A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Gaze detection technology may be used to aim aimable optics on an imaging device. As a result, the user need not do anything more to direct the camera's line of sight than to look at something. In some embodiments, the camera may then adjust the focus and exposure based on the gaze target. In addition, the camera may keep track of how long the user looks at a given area within a scene and, if a time threshold is exceeded, the camera may zoom in to that gaze target.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258149A1
Автор: CHOI Dong-bum, LEE Yong-Ju

An image pickup apparatus, an image pickup method and a non-transitory computer readable recording medium are provided. The image pickup apparatus includes an image sensor including a first pixel group and a second pixel group, a controller which controls the image sensor to capture an image of an object by using the first pixel group and to capture a live view of the object by using the second pixel group, a storage which stores the image captured by the first pixel group, and an auto focusing (AF) processor which generates AF information by using the live view captured by the second pixel group. 1. An image pickup apparatus , comprising:an image sensor comprising a first pixel group and a second pixel group;a controller which controls the image sensor to capture an image of an object by using the first pixel group and to capture a live view of the object by using the second pixel group;a storage which stores the image captured by the first pixel group; andan auto focusing (AF) processor which generates AF information by using the live view captured by the second pixel group.2. The image pickup apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the AF processor generates the AF information by performing contrast AF of the live view captured by the second pixel group.3. The image pickup apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second pixel group comprises a plurality of pixels and a shielding component to generate a phase difference of incident light received at each of the pixels claim 1 , and the AF processor generates the AF information by performing phase differential AF of the live view captured by the second pixel group based on the phase difference.4. The image pickup apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a user interface which receives a consecutive image capture command and transmits the consecutive image capture command to the controller,wherein the controller receiving the consecutive image capture command controls the image sensor to perform consecutive image captures by ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Camera Module with Processor-Based MEMS-Actuated Autofocus

Номер: US20130258166A1

A miniature MEMS autofocus camera module includes an image sensor and an optical assembly including a movable lens group that comprises one or more lenses and that is coupled to a MEMS actuator such that the movable lens group is movable relative to the image sensor. The optical assembly further includes at least a first fixed lens group that comprises one or more lenses and that is fixed relative to the image sensor. A processor is programmed to control an autofocus method designed to adjust a focus distance to an object disposed an arbitrary distance from the miniature MEMS autofocus camera module by actuating the MEMS actuator that is coupled with the movable lens group. 1. A miniature MEMS autofocus camera module , comprising:an image sensor;an optical assembly including a movable lens group that comprises one or more lenses and that is coupled to a MEMS actuator such that the movable lens group is movable relative to the image sensor, wherein the optical assembly further includes at least a first fixed lens group that comprises one or more lenses and that is fixed relative to the image sensor;a processor; anda non-transitory digital storage device having code embedded therein for programming the processor to control an autofocus method designed to adjust a focus distance to an object disposed an arbitrary distance from the miniature MEMS autofocus camera module by actuating the MEMS actuator that is coupled with the movable lens group.2. The miniature MEMS autofocus camera module of claim 1 , further comprising a second fixed lens group that comprises one or more lenses and that is fixed relative to the image sensor claim 1 , wherein the movable lens group is disposed between the first and second fixed lens groups.3. The miniature MEMS autofocus camera module of claim 1 , wherein a first surface of the one or more fixed lenses furthest from the image sensor and a second surface of the one or more movable lenses nearest to the image sensor are provided with one ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus and in-focus position detection method thereof

Номер: US20130258168A1
Автор: Takashi Aoki
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

It is provided a image capturing apparatus including a control unit that determines whether to set a division number to a first division number n or to a second division number m which is larger than n based on the status of a subject, calculating a divided area evaluation curve by calculating a correlation between first detection information and second detection information for each of divided areas formed by dividing a phase difference detection area into the n or the m, and acquires a defocus amount to drive and control a focus lens to the in-focus position from a total evaluation curve obtained by conducting a required calculation processing on the divided area evaluation curves of the plural divided areas.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258169A1
Автор: Yasuda Hitoshi

In an image capturing apparatus that carries out TV-AF type autofocus control by setting an AF frame on a predetermined object, for example a person's face, that is detected in an image, in a case in which a in-focus position search direction cannot be determined from an AF evaluation value, changes in the size of the region of the object are detected and focus detection is carried out by determining the in-focus position search direction based on the changes in the size of the region of the object. 1. An image capturing apparatus that carries out autofocus control by driving a focus lens , comprising:a detection unit which detects a region of a particular object from a captured image;a setting unit which sets a focus detection area based on detection results obtained by the detection unit;a generating unit which generates an AF evaluation value based on a component of a predetermined frequency band contained in the focus detection area of a captured image;a determination unit which determines an in-focus position search direction based on a change in a size of the region of the particular object detected by the detection unit; anda control unit which determines an in-focus position based on a plurality of AF evaluation values obtained at different positions of the focus lens by driving the focus lens to the different positions based on the in-focus position search direction determined by the determination unit if it is determined that an AF evaluation value is less than a predetermined threshold.2. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the detection unit detects a face region of a person as the region of the particular object.3. A control method for an image capturing apparatus that carries out autofocus control by driving a focus lens claim 1 , comprising:a detection step of detecting a region of a particular object from a captured image;a setting step of setting a focus detection area based on detection results obtained in the detecting ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258170A1
Автор: Tamaki Yoshihito

An image capture apparatus includes an image capture means having a first pixel group, a second pixel group, and a third pixel group, a focus detection means that calculates a defocus amount of the imaging lens using a first image signal obtained from the first pixel group and a second image signal obtained from the second pixel group, an image generation means that corrects the first and second image signals so as to be equivalent to a third image signal obtained from the third pixel group, and that generates a captured image using first and second corrected image signals and the third image signal, wherein the image generation means corrects the first and second image signals based on the defocus amount calculated by the focus detection means, and obtains the first and second corrected image signals. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:an image capture unit having a first pixel group that receives a light beam passing through a first area in an exit pupil of an imaging lens that forms an object image, a second pixel group that receives a light beam passing through a second area in the exit pupil of the imaging lens, the second area being different from the first area, and a third pixel group that receives a light beam passing through an entire area in the exit pupil of the imaging lens;a focus detection unit configured to calculate a defocus amount of the imaging lens using a first image signal obtained from the first pixel group and a second image signal obtained from the second pixel group; andan image generation unit configured to correct the first image signal and the second image signal obtained from the first pixel group and the second pixel group of the image capture unit so as to be equivalent to a third image signal obtained from the third pixel group, and that generates a captured image using a first corrected image signal, a second corrected image signal, and the third image signal,wherein the image generation unit corrects the first image signal ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258171A1

A focus adjustment unit of the present invention comprises a lens drive section for driving the focusing lens, an image sensor for acquiring imaged data for a subject image, a control section for executing imaging operations using the image sensor by causing movement of the focusing lens, and carrying out scan operations for detecting position of the focusing lens at which a peak of image contrast occurs, a continuous shooting speed setting section for setting a speed for continuously executing exposure operations for shooting, and a limit time setting section for setting an effective limit time effective for carrying out the scan operation in accordance with a continuous shooting speed that has been set by the continuous shooting speed setting section, wherein the control section controls the scan operation so that the time that has been set up by the limit time setting section is not exceeded. 1. A focus adjustment unit , for carrying out focus adjustment of a photographing optical system that concentrates light from a subject , including a focusing lens capable of movement in the optical axis direction , comprising:a lens drive section for driving the focusing lens;an image sensor for acquiring imaged data for a subject image that has been concentrated by the photographing optical system;a control section for executing imaging operations using the image sensor by causing movement of the focusing lens, and carrying out scan operations for detecting position of the focusing lens at which a peak of image contrast occurs, based on a plurality of items of imaged data output by the image sensor,a continuous shooting speed setting section for setting a speed for continuously executing exposure operations for shooting using the image sensor; anda limit time setting section for setting an effective limit time for carrying out the scan operation in accordance with a continuous shooting speed that has been set by the continuous shooting speed setting section, whereinthe ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265480A1
Автор: TAY Hiok Nam

An auto-focus image system that includes a pixel array coupled to a focus signal generator. The pixel array captures an image that has a plurality of edges. The generator generates a focus signal that is a function of a plurality of edge-sharpness measures, each being measured from a different one of the plurality of edges. The edge-sharpness measure is a quantity that has a unit that is a power of a unit of length. It may be a distance in the edge. It may be an area. It may be a central moment. The generator may reduce a relative extent to which an edge contributes to the focus signal on basis of detecting that the edge does not have sufficient reflection symmetry in a sequence of gradients of an image signal across the edge according to a predefined criterion. The edge may be prevented from contributing altogether. 1. A method for generating a focus signal from a plurality of edges of an image of a scene to indicate a degree of image sharpness , comprising:rejecting or de-emphasizing a contribution from an edge towards the focus signal in a computing device depending on a quantity that represents a degree of reflection asymmetry in a sequence of gradients across the edge.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein any edge that makes a contribution towards the focus signal contributes an edge-sharpness measure that is a quantity computed from a plurality of samples of image data within a predetermined neighborhood of said any edge claim 1 ,wherein the edge-sharpness measure has a unit that is a power of a unit of length, given that distance between gradients and count of pixels both have a unit of length, gradient value has unit that is a unit of energy divided by a unit length, and normalized gradient values are unitless.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the power is neither +1 nor −1.4. A method for generating a focus signal from a plurality of edges of an image of a scene to indicate of a degree of image sharpness claim 2 , comprising:computing an edge-sharpness ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265482A1
Автор: Funamoto Shohei

Disclosed is an image capture apparatus that has a subject tracking functionality of sequentially detecting a predetermined subject in images that are continuously shot, and a method for controlling the same. During tracking of the subject, degrees of reliability of tracking are determined. When the detected face is set as a template image, the template image is not changed until it is determined a predetermined plurality of times in succession that the degrees of reliability of tracking are low. It is thus possible to achieve a subject tracking functionality that is hardly affected by false detections. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:a face detection unit configured to detect a face that is included in an image;a subject detecting unit configured to detect, from an image obtained by shooting, a area that is similar to a template image; anda control unit configured to achieve a functionality of tracking a subject by making the subject detecting unit sequentially detect a area similar to a template image of the subject area in images that are continuously shot;wherein the control unit is further configured to determine, during tracking of the subject, reliability of the detection by the subject detecting unit and, when the face detected by the face detection unit is set as the template image, not to change the template image until it is determined a predetermined plurality of times in succession that reliability of the detection by the subject detecting unit is low.2. The image capture apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the control unit is further configured to change, during tracking of the subject, the template image to another face that has been continuously detected for a predetermined plurality of times in succession if it has been continuously determined for a predetermined plurality of times in succession that reliability of the detection by the subject detecting unit using a face, which was previously detected and has been set as the template ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265483A1
Автор: Tamaki Yoshihito

A focus detection apparatus which performs a center-of-gravity adjustment of a pair of image restoration filters for restoring the pair of image signals, on the basis of an image shift amount which is calculated from a pair of image signals of an object which are formed by focus-detecting pixels of an image pickup element having a plurality of focus-detecting pixels for respectively receiving light which passes through different exit pupil areas of a photographing lens; calculates the image restoration filters; generates a pair of restored image signals by restoring the pair of image signals by the calculated pair of image restoration filters; and detects a defocus amount of the photographing lens by using the pair of restored image signals. 1. A focus detection apparatus which includes an image pickup element having a plurality of focus-detecting pixels for respectively receiving light from an object which passes through different exit pupil areas of a photographing lens and forming a pair of image signals of the object , comprising:an image restoration filter calculation unit configured to calculate image restoration filters by performing a center-of-gravity adjustment of a pair of image restoration filters for restoring the pair of image signals on the basis of the pair of image signals of the object which are formed by the plurality of focus-detecting pixels and an image shift amount which is calculated from the pair of image signals;an image restoration processing unit configured to restore the pair of image signals by using the pair of image restoration filters calculated by the image restoration filter calculation unit, thereby generating a pair of restored image signals; anda focus detection unit configured to detect a defocus amount of the photographing lens by using the pair of restored image signals generated by the image restoration processing unit.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the image restoration filter calculation unit alters the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265484A1
Автор: Hasegawa Reiji

An image capturing apparatus includes: a first detection unit that, based on feature amounts of an image obtained by an image sensor, detects a position of a certain subject in the image and a position of a certain part of the certain subject; and a second detection unit that detects a position of a region of the certain subject in the image obtained by the image sensor with a smaller calculation amount than the first detection unit. A focus detection area corresponding to the certain part is selected from among a plurality of focus detection areas based on a relationship between the position of the region of the certain subject detected by the second detection unit and the positions of the certain subject and the certain part detected by the first detection unit. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:an image sensor;a first detection unit that, based on feature amounts of an image obtained by the image sensor, detects a position of a certain subject in the image and a position of a certain part of the certain subject;a second detection unit that detects a position of a region of the certain subject in the image obtained by the image sensor with a smaller calculation amount than the first detection unit;a selection unit that selects, from among a plurality of focus detection areas, a focus detection area to be focused on; andan autofocus unit that performs autofocus on the selected focus detection area,wherein the selection unit selects a focus detection area corresponding to the certain part based on a relationship between the position of the region of the certain subject detected by the second detection unit and the positions of the certain subject and the certain part detected by the first detection unit.2. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the second detection unit detects the position of the region of the certain subject by way of template matching using a template image generated based on the position of the certain subject ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271637A1
Автор: PARK Gwang-Ha

A focus control apparatus and method for controlling the focus manually is provided. The focus control apparatus includes a shutter button, a display for displaying an image whose focus is changed depending on a moving direction of a drag occurring after the shutter button is touched in a preview mode, and a controller for controlling the display to display the image whose focus is changed depending on the moving direction of the drag occurring after the shutter button is touched in the preview mode. 1. An apparatus for controlling a focus , the apparatus comprising:a shutter button;a display for displaying an image whose focus is changed depending on a moving direction of a drag occurring after the shutter button is touched in a preview mode; anda controller for controlling the display to display the image whose focus is changed depending on the moving direction of the drag occurring after the shutter button is touched in the preview mode.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising;a lens unit for capturing an image;a lens driver for driving the lens unit corresponding to a moving direction of a drag occurring after the shutter button is touched in the preview mode; anda sensor unit for converting an optical signal captured by the lens unit into an electrical signal.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a lens unit claim 1 ,wherein when a drag occurs after the shutter button is touched in the preview mode, the controller switches to a manual focus mode in which the controller changes a focus of an image displayed in the preview mode by moving the lens unit corresponding to the moving direction of the drag.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the controller switches to the manual focus mode when a drag occurs in a manual focus control area after the shutter button is touched in the preview mode.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a sensor unit claim 3 ,wherein the controller determines a moving direction of a drag occurring after the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271644A1
Автор: SHIBUNO KOJI, Ueda Hiroshi

A camera body including a receiving unit that receives an operation by a user, an obtaining unit that obtains driving method information indicating a capability of controlling a focus lens from a mounted interchangeable lens, a body controller that controls the camera body and generates a control signal for controlling the interchangeable lens, and a sending unit that sends the control signal to the interchangeable lens. The body controller determines control of the interchangeable lens by referring to the driving method information to generate a control signal that instructs the interchangeable lens to perform the determined control. The receiving unit receives a selection of one driving method setting menu from a plurality of driving method setting menus, and makes a driving method setting menu, which uses a driving method other than the driving method indicated by the driving method information, unselectable. 2. The camera body according to claim 1 , whereinthe body controller generates the control signal according to the operation by the user received by the receiving unit and the driving method information obtained by the obtaining unit.3. The camera body according to claim 1 , wherein when the body controller determines claim 1 , by referring to the driving method information obtained by the obtaining unit claim 1 , that a driving method corresponding to the operation received by the receiving unit is not supported by the interchangeable lens claim 1 , the body controller does not generate a control signal for driving the interchangeable lens in the driving method corresponding to the operation.4. The camera body according to claim 1 , further comprising a display unit that can display information claim 1 , whereinthe receiving unit receives a selection about a driving method for the interchangeable lens, and when the driving method for the interchangeable lens received by the receiving unit is not included in the driving methods indicated by the driving ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271645A1

A digital photographing apparatus, a method of controlling the same, and a recording medium having recorded thereon a program for executing the method for obtaining a plurality of clear sections in a plurality of images and combining such clear section into a final image. The digital photographing apparatus including: a lens unit including a focusing lens that adjusts a focal length; an image capturing device that obtains image data from incident light; a border image data obtaining unit that obtains border image data from image data obtained by the image capturing device; and a clear image determining unit that determines an image including an area that is the clearest from among images that respectively correspond to a plurality of image data. 1. A digital photographing apparatus comprising:a lens unit comprising a focusing lens adjustable to a focal length;an image capturing device that obtains image data from incident light that is incident on the image capturing device through the lens unit;a border image data obtaining unit that obtains border image data from image data obtained by the image capturing device;a clarity data obtaining unit that obtains a difference between maximum border image data and minimum border image data in an area k×l based on a pixel (x,y) of a border image that is obtained from the border image data obtained by the border image data obtaining unit, as clarity data of the pixel (x,y); anda clear image determining unit that determines an image that includes an area that is the clearest from among images that respectively correspond to a plurality of image data,wherein, when the focusing lens of the lens unit is controlled to vary the focal length, the image capturing device obtains first through n-th image data where n is an integer, andthe border image data obtaining unit obtains first through n-th border image data from the first through n-th image data, and obtains a first result that is obtained by applying a Gaussian filter to m-th ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278813A1

According to one embodiment, in a first imaging mode, an imaging mode control unit allows a second imaging optical system to function in an optical path between an imaging unit and a first imaging optical system and stops focus adjustment. In a second imaging mode, the imaging mode control unit stops the function of the second imaging optical system and allows the focus adjustment to be performed. The first imaging optical system takes in a light from an object to the imaging unit. The second imaging optical system forms an image piece in each pixel block. 1. A camera module comprising:an imaging unit which is configured to include pixel cells arranged in an array shape and images an object image;a first imaging optical system which takes in a light from an object to the imaging unit;a second imaging optical system which forms an image piece corresponding to a portion of the object image in each pixel block which is configured to include a plurality of the pixel cells;a focus adjustment unit which performs focus adjustment of the first imaging optical system; andan imaging mode control unit which controls driving of the second imaging optical system and the focus adjustment unit in a first imaging mode and a second imaging mode,wherein in the first imaging mode, the imaging mode control unit allows the second imaging optical system to function in an optical path between the imaging unit and the first imaging optical system and stops the focus adjustment of the focus adjustment unit, andwherein in the second imaging mode, the imaging mode control unit stops the function of the second imaging optical system and allows the focus adjustment unit to perform the focus adjustment.2. The camera module according to claim 1 , wherein the second imaging optical system is configured to include a micro lens array where a plurality of lens elements which forms the image piece is arranged in an array shape.3. The camera module according to claim 2 , wherein in the first imaging ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278815A1

A focusing method for a camera by adjusting the focal length from a minimum focal length to a maximum focal length. Obtaining a number of first image definitions for analysis and comparing the first definitions to obtain a greatest definition in the first definitions. When the camera is adjusted for obtaining a second definition, obtaining a number of second image definitions for analysis. Comparing the second definition with the greatest definition and outputting a first informing signal if the second definition is less than the greatest definition. Informing the user that the camera needs to be adjusted and outputting a second informing signal when the second definition is equal to the greatest definition and informing the user that further adjustment is not required. 1. An auxiliary focusing system for a camera , comprising:a processor; and a definition calculating module to calculate definitions of each image of a plurality of images during a focus length of the camera being adjusted from a minimum focal length to a maximum focal length for obtaining a plurality of first definitions, and to calculate a definition of one of the plurality of images when the camera is adjusted for obtaining a second definition;', 'a storing module to store the first definitions and the second definition;', 'a comparison module to compare the first definitions stored in the storing module to obtain a greatest definition in the first definitions, wherein the comparison module further compares the second definition with the greatest definition, when the second definition is less than the greatest definition, the comparison module outputs a first informing signal, when the second definition is equal to the greatest definition, the comparison module outputs a second informing signal; and', 'an informing module to inform that the camera needs to be adjusted in response to receiving the first informing signal, and to inform that the camera needs not be adjusted in response to receiving ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278817A1
Автор: Ikemoto Kiyokatsu

A ranging apparatus has an imaging unit including a pixel group for acquiring first and second images formed by luminous fluxes having passed through first and second pupil areas of an imaging optical system, and a calculation unit configured to create third and fourth images by performing convolution integrals on the first and second images with corrected first and second image modification functions, and to calculate a distance up to the subject by comparison of the third and fourth images, wherein the corrected first and second image modification functions are formed by causing centroid positions calculated based on data of sampling points of the first and second image modification functions corresponding to pixel arrangement of the pixel group to each coincide with a sampling point closest to the centroid position; and the convolution integral is performed by taking the sampling point closest to the centroid position as a reference point. 1. A ranging apparatus comprising:an imaging optical system arranged to form an image of a subject;an imaging unit including a pixel group arranged to acquire a first image and a second image, the first and second images being formed by luminous fluxes having passed mainly through a first pupil area and a second pupil area, respectively, of an emitting pupil of the imaging optical system; anda calculation unit,wherein the calculation unit is configured to create a third image by performing convolution integral on the first image with a corrected first image modification function as well as to create a fourth image by performing convolution integral on the second image with a corrected second image modification function, and to calculate a distance up to the subject by comparison of the third and fourth images,wherein the corrected first and second image modification functions are formed by causing respective centroid positions, which are calculated based on data of sampling points of respective first and second image ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286275A1
Автор: OGAWA Takeshi

An image processing apparatus for processing image signals which are obtained from an image pickup element in which a plurality of photoelectric conversion units are arranged correspondingly to a microlens detects whether or not the image signal from each photoelectric conversion unit corresponding to one microlens reaches a saturation level, and controls whether or not a correlation of the image signals from a plurality of photoelectric conversion units including the photoelectric conversion units is used for an operation of an image shift amount which is performed by a correlation operation unit. 1. An image processing apparatus for processing image signals which are obtained from an image pickup element , comprising:a correlation operation unit configured to operate a correlation of the image signals of two images which are obtained from the image pickup element and operate an image shift amount between the images picked up by photoelectric conversion units on the basis of the correlation;a saturation detection unit configured to detect whether or not the image signal reaches a saturation level; anda controller configured to control the correlation operation unit,wherein the controller controls whether or not the correlation of the image signals from a plurality of photoelectric conversion units including the photoelectric conversion units is used for the operation of the image shift amount which is performed by the correlation operation unit, andthe control by the controller is made in accordance with a result of the saturation detection of the photoelectric conversion unit which is performed by the saturation detection unit.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the image pickup element is constructed such that the plurality of photoelectric conversion units are arranged correspondingly to a microlens.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls in such a manner that when the two images are relatively shifted to operate the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286278A1
Автор: Asano Kota

A lens apparatus includes an imaging optical system including a movable lens unit, a drive unit configured to drive the movable lens unit, and a control unit configured to cause the movable lens unit to perform a wobbling motion in an optical axis direction by alternatively outputting to the drive unit a first drive command for driving the movable lens unit at a first driving speed and a stop command for stopping driving of the movable lens unit, and to move the movable lens unit based on contrast information obtained from an image pickup unit during the wobbling motion of the movable lens unit, wherein, at least one of before and after outputting the first drive command to the drive unit, the control unit outputs to the drive unit a second drive command for driving the movable lens unit at a second driving speed lower than the first driving speed. 1. A lens apparatus connectable to a camera apparatus including an image pickup unit , the lens apparatus comprising:an imaging optical system including a movable lens unit;a drive unit configured to drive the movable lens unit in an optical axis direction of the imaging optical system; anda control unit configured to cause the movable lens unit to perform a wobbling motion in the optical axis direction by alternatively outputting to the drive unit a first drive command for driving the movable lens unit at a first driving speed and a stop command for stopping driving of the movable lens unit, and to move the movable lens unit based on contrast information obtained from the image pickup unit during the wobbling motion of the movable lens unit in the optical axis direction,wherein, at least one of before outputting the first drive command to the drive unit and after outputting the first drive command to the drive unit, the control unit outputs to the drive unit a second drive command for driving the movable lens unit at a second driving speed lower than the first driving speed.2. The lens apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293695A1
Автор: Ludwig Lester F.

Computer-implemented arrangements for adjusting the focus in original electron microscope image data are described. In an implementation, an origin-centered fractional Fourier transform operation and an origin-centered phase restoration operation, both responsive to a provided fractional power value, are collectively applied to original electron microscope image data to produce computationally-focused image data. A parameter adjuster is used to provide a range of variation of the power value, and can be adjusted by a user or under the direction of a control system. The fractional Fourier transform operation and the phase restoration operation can be realized by at least one numerical algorithm and can comprise an approximation. 1. A computer-implemented method for adjusting the focus in original electron microscope image data , the method comprising:obtaining original electron microscope image data comprising a plurality of spatially-indexed amplitude values, and further comprising a center located relative to the plurality of spatially-indexed amplitude values;providing a fractional power parameter associated with a fractional Fourier transform operation;calculating approximated centered two-dimensional discrete phase restoration information responsive to the fractional power value;calculating an approximated centered two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform operation responsive to the fractional power value;operating on the original electron microscope image data with the approximated centered two-dimensional phase restoration information and the approximated centered two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform operation to produce computationally-focused image data;wherein the focus plane of the computationally-focused image data is responsive to the fractional power parameter.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the fractional power and operating on the original electron microscope image data with another resulting approximated centered ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293737A1

An apparatus and method for adjusting compression rate based on the image size analysis in a camera device are provided. The image processing apparatus includes a compression rate determiner which determines a compression rate according to complexity of an image by extracting auto focus filter values of the image acquired from the camera, a processor which processes the image acquired from the camera in a unit of the line, and a still image codec which compresses line images output from the processor at the compression rate. 1. An image processing apparatus of a camera , the apparatus comprising:a compression rate determiner which determines a compression rate according to complexity of an image by extracting auto focus filter values of the image acquired from the camera;a processor which processes the image acquired from the camera in a unit of a line; anda still image codec which compresses line images output from the processor at the compression rate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the compression rate determiner comprises:a filter which generates the auto focus filter values by filtering luminance data or Green (G) data of the image acquired from the camera;a summing unit which sums the auto focus filter values; anda determiner which analyzes the summed auto focus filter value to determine a Q factor for adjusting the compression rate according to the complexity of the image.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the determiner comprises a Q table and compares the summed auto focus filter value with the Q table to determine the Q factor.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the processor comprises:a pre-processor which corrects auto exposure and focus, lens shading, and dead pixels of the image acquired from the camera; anda post-processor which performs color interpolation and image conversion on the pre-processed image.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the processor comprises:a pre-processor which corrects auto exposure and focus, lens shading, and ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293763A1

A focus detection apparatus which is capable of estimating each of signals from a plurality of split PDs, which are included in a sum signal from split PDs, by performing a computation to thus detect saturation with respect to each split PD. With respect to each unit pixel cell having a plurality of PDs sharing one micro lens, saturation of a pixel signal read out in a non-destructive manner from one of the PDs is detected. Based on a first luminance signal and a sum pixel signal obtained by summing signals output from the PDs, another pixel signal output from another one of the PDs is estimated. Saturation of the estimated pixel signal is detected, and a second luminance signal is generated. Based on the first and second luminance signals, the amount of defocus for an optical unit is calculated. 1. A focus detection apparatus comprising:a solid-state imaging device configured to have an array of a plurality of unit pixel cells each having a plurality of photoelectric converters sharing one micro lens;a first saturation detection unit configured to, with respect to each of the unit pixel cells, detect saturation of a pixel signal read out in a non-destructive manner from one of the plurality of photoelectric converters;a first luminance signal generation unit configured to generate a first luminance signal from a first output signal from said first saturation detection unit;an estimation unit configured to, based on the first luminance signal and a sum pixel signal obtained by summing and reading out signals from the plurality of photoelectric converters, estimate another pixel signal output from another one of the plurality of photoelectric converters;a second saturation detection unit configured to detect saturation of the other pixel signal estimated by said estimation unit;a second luminance signal generation unit configured to generate a second luminance signal from a second output signal from said second saturation detection unit; anda focus detection ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

MEMS Auto Focus Miniature Camera Module with Fixed and Movable Lens Groups

Номер: US20130293764A1

A MEMS auto focus miniature camera module includes an image sensor and an optical train including at least one movable lens and one or more fixed lenses or fixed lens groups on either side of the movable lens. The movable lens provides an auto focus feature of the camera module. A MEMS actuator translates the movable lens through an auto focus range to adjust focus. 1. An auto focus zoom camera module , comprising:a camera module housing;an image sensor within the housingan optical train within the housing including multiple lenses configured to provide auto focus and zoom for the camera module, including a first fixed lens group, a second fixed lens group and a movable lens that is disposed between the first and second fixed lens groups and that is coupled to an actuator to move the movable lens relative to the image sensor and the first and second fixed lens groups in an auto focus zoom operation of the camera module.21. The camera module of clam , wherein the first fixed lens group comprises at least two fixed lenses.3. The camera module of claim 2 , wherein the second fixed lens group comprises at least two fixed lenses.4. The camera module of claim 3 , wherein the movable lens is disposed in the middle between two pairs of fixed lenses.5. An auto focus camera enabled embedded device claim 3 , comprising:an embedded device housing;a processor within the housing; an image sensor; and', 'an optical train at least including a first fixed lens group nearest the image sensor and a second fixed lens group, and at least one movable lens disposed between the first and second fixed lens groups that is coupled to a MEMS actuator to move the movable lens relative to the image sensor and the first and second fixed lens groups in an auto focus operation of the camera module, and', 'processor readable code for programming the processor to perform an auto-focus operation., 'a camera module within the embedded device housing, wherein the camera module includes'}6. An auto focus ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

MEMS Auto Focus Miniature Camera Module with Abutting Registration

Номер: US20130293765A1

A MEMS auto focus miniature camera module includes an image sensor and an optical train including at least one movable lens and one or more fixed lenses or fixed lens groups on either side of the movable lens. The movable lens provides an auto focus feature of the camera module. A MEMS actuator translates the movable lens through an auto focus range to adjust focus. 1. An auto focus MEMS camera module , comprising:an image sensor, andan autofocus module including a MEMS actuator that is configured to move at least one movable lens in a spacing between first and second fixed lens groups along an optical axis of the camera module in an auto focus operation, andwherein the image sensor is disposed approximately at a back focal length of one or more fixed lenses of the second fixed lens group nearest the image sensor.2. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fixed lenses of the second lens group are configured to compensate for a field curvature induced by the one or more moving lenses.3. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fixed lenses of the second lens group are configured to match an associated point spread function to a pixel dimension of the image sensor approximately uniformly over an area of the image sensor.4. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the auto focus module is configured such that an autofocus distance range comprises 10 cm to 9 m.5. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the auto focus module is configured such that an autofocus distance range comprises 15 cm to 5 m.6. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the auto focus module is configured such that an autofocus distance range comprises 20 cm to 3 m.7. The camera module of claim 6 , wherein the autofocus distance excludes a hyperfocal distance.8. The camera module of claim 1 , further comprising a processor and a non-transitory storage device having code embedded therein for programming the processor to perform an autofocus operation.9. The camera module of ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293766A1
Автор: SUGIMOTO Masahiko

When a contrast-system multipoint ranging is performed to detect a main photographic subject in a screen based on a ranging result, a focus area is set at a screen center to perform continuous AF. When focusing is attained or almost attained in the continuous AF, the multipoint ranging is executed, and the main photographic subject in the screen is detected based on the ranging result. In this way, change in an angle of view can be prevented, and the main photographic subject can be accurately recognized. 134-. (canceled)35. An imaging device comprising:an imaging optical system;an imaging unit for capturing an image through the imaging optical system;a continuous AF unit for performing a continuous AF by repeating focus adjustment of the imaging optical system to focus on a photographic subject in a specific focus area set in an imaging area of the imaging unit;a multipoint ranging unit for dividing the imaging area into a plurality of ranging areas, changing a focal position of the imaging optical system within a predetermined search range, detecting a position where contrast is a local maximum in each of the ranging areas, and performing ranging of a photographic subject in each of the ranging areas;a main photographic subject recognition unit for recognizing a main photographic subject in the imaging area based on distance information of each of the ranging areas obtained by the multipoint ranging unit; anda control unit for controlling the continuous AF unit and the multipoint ranging unit to cause the continuous AF unit to terminate the continuous AF and to cause the multipoint ranging unit to execute ranging when focusing on the photographic subject is attained or almost attained in the specific focus area by the continuous AF unit.36. The imaging device according to claim 35 , whereinthe multipoint ranging unit limits the search range to a predetermined range in a vicinity of a position focused or almost focused by the continuous AF unit, and executes the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293768A1
Автор: Niyagawa Kazuya

An imaging apparatus has an imaging part including an image sensor; a focusing control part configured to drive an optical system included in the imaging part, input an image of a subject into a light reception part of the image sensor, obtain an automatic focusing evaluation value based on the image obtained through the imaging part and carry out focusing control; and a distance measuring part configured to measure a distance to the subject using plural two-dimensional sensors. The focusing control part carries out focusing control in a case where a position of the subject is outside a distance-measurement-available-area of the distance measuring part. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging part including an image sensor;a focusing control part configured to drive an optical system included in the imaging part, input an image of a subject into a light reception part of the image sensor, obtain an automatic focusing evaluation value based on the image obtained through the imaging part and carry out focusing control; anda distance measuring part configured to measure a distance to the subject by using plural two-dimensional sensors, whereinthe focusing control part carries out the focusing control in a case where a position of the subject is outside a distance-measurement-available-area of the distance measuring part.2. The imaging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe focusing control part is configured to determine whether to use a distance measuring result obtained by the distance measuring part according to a focal length.3. The imaging apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe focusing control part is configured to carry out the focusing control in a case where a position of the subject has moved from inside of the distance-measurement-available-area of the distance measuring part to outside of the distance-measurement-available-area of the distance measuring part.4. The imaging apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , whereinthe focusing control part ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Focus detecting apparatus

Номер: US20130293769A1
Автор: Masataka Hamada

A focus detecting apparatus includes: a lens; a light-transmitting unit; a light-receiving unit; and an optical film that transmits a beam of light passing through the lens and includes a holographic optical element, a diffractive optical element, or a pellicle mirror, wherein a beam of light from the light-transmitting unit is reflected on a reflection mirror including the optical film, passes through a first exit pupil area on one side of an optical axis, and is transmitted to the subject, a beam of reflected light of light irradiated onto the subject passes through a second exit pupil area on another side of the optical axis, is reflected on the reflection mirror and received by the light-receiving unit, and a focal position is obtained using position information of the beam of light received by the light-receiving unit. Autofocusing can be continuously performed during continuous photographing operation and in low brightness environment.
