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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 25852. Отображено 200.
10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2576518C2

Изобретение относится к устройству формирования и воспроизведения данных движущегося изображения. Техническим результатом является обеспечение обработки изображений, позволяющей воспроизводить на экране движущиеся изображения высокой четкости с высоким быстродействием изменений при вводе пользователем операции по воспроизведению области изображения, ограничивая объем обрабатываемых данных. Предложено кадры движущегося изображения конфигурировать в виде иерархической структуры, где каждый кадр представлен с множеством уровней разрешения, при этом разрешение становится выше в порядке следования нулевого слоя 30, первого слоя 32, второго слоя 34, третьего слоя 36, нулевой слой 30 и второй слой 34 задаются в качестве слоя исходного изображения, а первый слой 32 и третий слой 36 задаются в качестве слоя разностного изображения в иерархических данных, представляющих кадр в момент времени t1. В случае когда область 124а, которая должна воспроизводиться с разрешением третьего слоя 36, к значениям ...

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316130C2

Изобретение относится к системам радиосвязи и, в частности, к системам радиосвязи, работающим в сетевой среде передачи данных. Сущность состоит в том, что мобильный радиотерминал (MWT) принимает IP-пакеты, предназначенные для наземной сети в заданном порядке следования, фрагментирует каждый из IP-пакетов на более мелкие фрагменты пакетов, добавляет идентификационную информацию в каждый из фрагментов пакетов и передает фрагменты пакетов параллельно друг другу по одновременно действующим спутниковым каналам. Принимающая станция принимает фрагменты пакетов, переданные от MWT, пересылает принятые фрагменты пакетов в наземный контроллер по сетевому соединению на основании идентифицирующей информации, добавленной во фрагменты пакетов. Наземный контроллер объединяет фрагменты пакетов в реконструированные IP-пакеты на основании идентифицирующей информации, добавленной во фрагменты, а также упорядочивает реконструированные IP-пакеты в заданном порядке следования на основании идентифицирующей информации ...

20-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2289888C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для воспроизведения данных, полученных съемкой под многими углами, к носителю информации, на который записываются эти данные, и к машиночитаемому носителю записи, на который записан программный код, обеспечивающий осуществление компьютером способа воспроизведения данных. Техническим результатом является сохранение непрерывности воспроизведения данных даже во время смены угла. Носитель информации содержит аудиовидеоданные, разделенные на клипы, являющиеся элементами записи, и дополнительную информацию, относящуюся к точкам перехода. Устройство для воспроизведения указанных данных содержит считывающее устройство и воспроизводящий блок, предназначенный для воспроизведения указанных данных посредством поиска и воспроизведения клипа, соответствующего считанным данным, причем каждый клип имеет информацию о времени поступления и о времени воспроизведения. Команда «перейти к аудиовидеоданным, полученным съемкой под другим углом», приводит к обращению к точке перехода ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543950C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам формирования изображений с функцией аутентификации личности. Техническим результатом является повышение точности аутентификации объекта за счет выбора новых данных о характерных признаках. Предложено устройство формирования изображения, включающее в себя блок формирования изображения. Устройство также включает в себя блок регистрации, сконфигурированный для регистрации множества данных о характерных признаках, вплоть до максимального предела, в энергонезависимой памяти с привязкой к одному и тому же объекту. Устройство также содержит блок аутентификации, сконфигурированный для идентификации того, является ли объект, который был обнаружен на основе изображения, захваченного посредством блока формирования изображения, зарегистрированным объектом на основе данных о характерных признаках, зарегистрированных в энергонезависимой памяти. Кроме того, устройство включает в себя блок выбора, сконфигурированный для выбора одного из объектов, зарегистрированных в ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2248625C2

Изобретение относится к оптическим носителям записи для хранения данных. Носитель содержит форматированную информацию для данных и информацию изготовителя, содержащую идентификационную информацию записывающего устройства, которое формирует или модифицирует данные на носителе записи и упорядочивает информацию, относящуюся к модификации данных на носителе. При этом информация изготовителя имеет индивидуальный формат, не совместимый с другими изготовителями. Технический результат - сокращение времени, требуемого для определения, является ли действительной информация изготовителя, поддерживающая специфические функции изготовителя, которые не могут быть выполнены при использовании только форматированной информации. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2390965C2

Изобретение относится к системам записи телевизионных программ. Технический результат заключается в усовершенствовании записи. Заявлен приемник телевизионных сигналов для приема и сохранения телевизионных сигналов, закодированных с переменной скоростью передачи данных. Информация о времени вырабатывается на основании времени приема сигналов, которые определяют длительность телевизионных сигналов, когда они выходят в развернутом виде практически с постоянной скоростью передачи данных. Принятые сигналы затем записываются в файл на жесткий диск в принятом порядке вместе с информацией о времени. Информация о времени сигналов, сохраненных в файле, проверяется, и старые сигналы удаляются из файла, так что файл сохраняет сигналы, соответствующие заранее заданному периоду времени. 12 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525482C2

Изобретение относится к области устройств воспроизведения и записи файлов. Техническим результатом является сокращение времени обращения к носителю записи и уменьшение объема памяти устройства воспроизведения. Устройство 22 воспроизведения непрерывно считывает чередующиеся данные с диска 21, на котором записан файл в формате медиафайлов ISO. Файл включает в себя чередующиеся данные, физически и непрерывно записанные на диск 21, полученные путем разделения каждого из потоков данных файлов В и D на элементы чередования и чередования элементов чередования, и позиционную информацию, указывающую при помощи элемента чередования, являющегося фрагментом данных в формате медиафайлов ISO, позицию указанного элемента чередования, образующего указанный фрагмент данных. Кроме того, устройство 22 воспроизведения разделяет чередующиеся данные на элементы чередования каждого из файлов В и D на основе позиционной информации. 5 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312412C2

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу воспроизведения диска, предназначенного только для воспроизведения, имеющего большую емкость записи. Виртуальную модель, соответствующую функции проигрывателя, создают и описывают на языке Java. BDBasicPlayer детектирует входную команду пользователя и изменение состояния проигрывателя и генерирует событие. Объект, который воплощает интерфейс слушателя, регистрирует слушателя события, соответствующего событию, получение которого обеспечивается объектом для BDBasicPlayer прежде, чем происходит событие. Когда событие становится ненужным, его регистрацию устраняют. BDBasicPlayer передает событие в объект, в котором был зарегистрирован слушатель события. Объект выполняет метод, соответствующий полученному событию. Между событиями и методами могут быть гибко установлены взаимоотношения. Таким образом, обеспечивается возможность пользователю в интерактивном режиме управлять программой, записанной на носитель информации большой емкости. 2 н. и 9 з.п.

27-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2138924C1
Принадлежит: Оптиком АСА (NO)

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике и используется в службе видео по требованию за наличные и в системе выдачи общей информации с оплатой по заказу или оплатой за единицу просмотра или файл. Техническим результатом является доступность полной библиотеки данных в реальном масштабе времени без необходимости передачи в неавтономном режиме выбранного фильма (фильмов) через телекоммуникационные линии связи с высокой пропускной способностью. Система содержит входной/ выходной интерфейс, один выходной интерфейс, локальное запоминающее устройство, декодер, управляющий смеситель, интерфейс управления пользователя, внутренний контроллер потока информационного обмена, причем локальное запоминающее устройство содержит один заменяемый или обмениваемый носитель, один входной интерфейс. 3 с. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2479146C2

Изобретение относится к устройству видеозаписи, которое записывает данные, включающие в себя видеоданные. Техническим результатом является сжатие видеоданных таким образом, чтобы сводить скорость передачи битов к целевой скорости передачи битов, наряду с сохранением минимального качества изображения, и записи сжатых видеоданных. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что устройство видеозаписи содержит средство сжатия, которое сжимает видеоданные во время осуществления управления скоростью, включающего в себя изменение шага квантования таким образом, чтобы сводить скорость передачи битов в предварительно определенный период к целевой скорости передачи битов, средство записи, которое записывает сжатые данные на носитель записи, и средство вычисления полной скорости, которое вычисляет полную скорость передачи битов результата сжатия видеоданных при помощи средства сжатия от начала сжатия до текущего момента. Средство сжатия содержит средство ограничения шага квантования, которое ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2479147C2

Изобретение относится к системе передачи данных, в которой в сигнал изображения внедрена информация идентификации содержания. Техническим результатом является возможность выполнения стороной приема оптимальной обработки сигнала изображения (данных изображения) в зависимости от типа содержания. Результат достигается тем, что система 40 состоит из устройства 41 записи на ЖД (жесткий диск) и модуля 42 дисплея, и в ней используется интерфейс передачи данных МИВЧ (мультимедийный интерфейс высокой четкости (HDMI)). Источник 53 МИВЧ устройства 41 записи на ЖД передает данные изображения (сигнал изображения) в форме дифференциальных сигналов в потребитель 61 МИВЧ модуля 42 дисплея через три канала ДПМП (дифференциальная передача сигналов с минимизацией переходов (TMDS)). Источник 53 МИВЧ вставляет информацию идентификации содержания, предназначенную для идентификации типа содержания данных изображения, предназначенных для передачи, в пакет ВВИ InfoFrame, размещенный в периоде гашения обратного ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Способ видеонаблюдения за объектами

Номер: RU2690134C1

Изобретение относится к способу видеонаблюдения за объектом. Способ включает шаги, на которых осуществляют размещение устройств видеонаблюдения на объектах видеонаблюдения. Передают видеоинформацию от устройств видеонаблюдения на центральный сервер, посредством которого осуществляют вывод видеосигнала в виде видеоизображения объекта на экран устройства пользователя в режиме реального времени. Предварительно разрабатывают карту заданной местности, на которой размещают устройства видеонаблюдения на объектах видеонаблюдения с географически - координатной привязкой. Вводят разработанную карту заданной местности в программное обеспечение центрального сервера в виде сайта карты. С устройства пользователя осуществляют регистрацию в центральном сервере для получения кода доступа на сайт карты. С устройства пользователя осуществляют выбор, по меньшей мере, одного объекта видеонаблюдения и видеонаблюдение за выбранным объектом в течение заданного времени по видеосигналу, переданному в заданный момент ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005124270A

... 1. Способ передачи интерактивного телевидения, согласно которому по меньшей мере одно приложение интерактивного телевидения передают в модулях прикладных программ в потоке вещания; причем упомянутый способ содержит этап передачи в виде сигнализации в упомянутом потоке вещания информации, относящейся к запоминанию упомянутых модулей. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое приложение интерактивного телевидения передают, как по меньшей мере один объект приложения в КУЦЗС-модулях в упомянутом потоке вещания. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый по меньшей мере один объект приложения содержит по меньшей мере один объект файла прикладных программ и по меньшей мере один объект каталога прикладных программ, причем упомянутый объект файла прикладных программ содержит по меньшей мере один файл прикладных программ, и упомянутый по меньшей мере один объект каталога прикладных программ содержит информацию каталога запоминания для соответствующего файла прикладных программ.

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004139119A

... 1. Печатающее устройство, которое непосредственно соединяется с цифровым фотоаппаратом через средство связи, использует цифровой фотоаппарат в качестве устройства интерфейса пользователя и распечатывает воспринятое изображение, сохраненное и хранимое цифровым фотоаппаратом, содержащее средство запроса, выполненное с возможностью осуществления запроса подсоединенному внешнему устройству послать информацию, которой владеет внешнее устройство, с целью опознавания на ранней стадии соединения с внешним устройством через упомянутое средство связи, является ли внешнее устройство цифровым фотоаппаратом, имеющим функцию прямой печати; и средство уведомления, выполненное с возможностью, когда, в качестве результата запроса, выполненного средством запроса, информация, посланная из подсоединенного устройства, описывает информацию опознавания, которой владеет фотоаппарат, имеющий функцию прямой печати, определения того, что устройство является цифровым фотоаппаратом, имеющим функцию прямой печати, и ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006124710A

... 1. Способ воспроизведения данных с носителя информации, на который записаны аудиовидеоданные, разделенные на клипы, и отдельно от клипов записана дополнительная информация, относящаяся к точкам перехода, причем способ, включающий в себя этапы, на которых считывают аудиовидеоданные с носителя информации; воспроизводят считанные данные; и принимают команду перейти от одного угла к другому углу, при этом при воспроизведении воспроизводят клип, соответствующий считанным данным, а когда принята команда перейти к другому углу, при воспроизведении воспроизводят клип для другого угла, начиная с точки перехода клипа для другого угла, и при этом каждый клип имеет множество точек перехода, представляющих собой точки доступа, которые делают возможным переход от одного угла к другому углу, и аудиовизуальные данные, имеющие одинаковые точки перехода, имеют одинаковую информацию о времени воспроизведения. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором аудиовидеоданные, имеющие такие одинаковые точки перехода, имеют такую ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015105625A

... 1. Способ воспроизведения мультимедиа, отличающийся тем, что содержит этапы, на которыхполучают аудиоданные и/или данные субтитров первой предварительно установленной длительности времени до позиции паузы мультимедиа,определяют начальную позицию высказывания для всего высказывания в соответствии с аудиоданными и данными субтитров ипродолжают воспроизведение мультимедиа в соответствии с начальной позицией высказывания, когда обнаруживается инструкция продолжения воспроизведения мультимедиа или выполняется условие продолжения воспроизведения мультимедиа.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что определение начальной позиции высказывания для всего высказывания в соответствии с аудиоданными содержит этапы, на которыхобнаруживают интервал времени между соседними двумя аудиосигналами в аудиоданных иопределяют любую из позиций времени между этими соседними двумя аудиосигналами как начальную позицию высказывания, когда интервал времени между этими соседними двумя аудиосигналами больше, чем первый ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008121268A

... 1. Телевизионное принимающее устройство, содержащее: ! принимающий блок (112) для приема вещания, которое включает в себя множество потоков (248, 252); и ! процессор (128), выполненный с возможностью, в ответ на поступление на принимающий блок рекламы в вещании, прерывания отображения и/или записи упомянутого вещания, чтобы ограничить последующее отображение и/или запись упомянутого вещания потоком из упомянутого множества потоков, решение о выборе которого из множества вариантов принято упомянутым процессором (S330, S340). ! 2. Принимающее устройство по п.1, в котором прерванное отображение и/или запись представляется на текущем телевизионном канале (248), при этом одним вариантом из упомянутых вариантов является переключение с упомянутого текущего телевизионного канала на другой телевизионный канал (244). ! 3. Принимающее устройство по п.2, в котором подвариантом упомянутого варианта является ограничение упомянутого последующего отображения и/или записи меньшим количеством, чем все из ...

20-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006102959A

... 1. Способ записи и/или воспроизведения интерактивного телевидения, содержащий этап маркировки записанного контента интерактивного телевидения идентификационной информацией для управления доступом к записанному контенту интерактивного телевидения. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором вышеописанный контент интерактивного телевидения представляет собой аудио/видео контент, связанный с интерактивным телевизионным приложением. 3. Способ по п.2, содержащий осуществление записи упомянутого контента интерактивного телевидения упомянутым приложением интерактивного телевидения. 4. Способ по п.3, в котором упомянутая идентификационная информация является информацией, идентифицирующей упомянутое приложение, осуществляющее запись. 5. Способ по п.3, в котором упомянутая идентификационная информация является информацией, идентифицирующей передатчик, который транслирует упомянутое приложение и записанный контент интерактивного телевидения. 6. Способ по п.2, содержащий указание приложения воспроизведения для воспроизведения ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014100876A

... 1. Устройство воспроизведения, содержащее:модуль воспроизведения для воспроизведения первого потока данных и второго потока данных без синхронизации, при этомпервый поток данных содержит первый элемент просмотра и второй элемент просмотра, причемвторой элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент просмотра, включающий в себя часть первого элемента просмотра, при этоммодуль воспроизведения выполнен с возможностью воспроизведения второго элемента просмотра после воспроизведения первого элемента просмотра, и осуществления после воспроизведения второго элемента просмотра перехода для воспроизведения первого элемента просмотра сначала.2. Устройство воспроизведения по п.1, в котором первый поток данных представляет собой видеоизображение; а второй поток данных представляет собой звук.3. Устройство воспроизведения по п.1, в которомпервый элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент просмотра, являющийся объектом циклического воспроизведения, авторой элемент просмотра представляет собой элемент ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010140053A

... 1. Носитель записи, на который записан поток с перемежением, включающий в себя множество блоков данных, и информацию управления, в которомпоток с перемежением включает в себя поток общего вида, используемый для воспроизведения моноскопического видеоизображения, и поток подвида, используемый для стереоскопического воспроизведения видеоизображения, в комбинации с потоком основной точки обзора,множество блоков данных включают в себя множество блоков данных общего вида, содержащихся в потоке общего вида, и множество блоков данных подвида, содержащихся в потоке подвида,информация управления включает в себя информацию 2D управления, которая относится к блокам данных общего вида при воспроизведении моноскопического видеоизображения, и информацию 3D управления, которая относится к блокам данных общего вида, при воспроизведении стереоскопического видеоизображения,множество блоков данных сгруппированы в группу блоков общих данных, группу блоков 2D данных и группу блоков 3D данных,группа блоков общих ...

10-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002112828A

... 1. Способ записи и/или редактирования звуковых, видео и/или информационных данных на перезаписываемом носителе записи содержащий следующие этапы: записывают идентификационный код изготовителя записывающего устройства, которое последним модифицировало данные носителя записи при осуществлении записи/редактирования на носитель записи. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит этап, при котором осуществляют запись идентификационного кода продукта записывающего устройства изготовителя, которое последним модифицировало данные носителя записи при осуществлении записи/редактирования на носитель записи. 3. Способ записи/воспроизведения звуковых, видео, и/или информационных данных на перезаписываемом носителе записи с записывающим/воспроизводящим устройством с использованием информации изготовителя, записанной на носителе записи, содержащий следующие этапы: проверяют соответствие идентификационного кода изготовителя указанного устройства, которое последним модифицировало данные ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107671A

... 1. Устройство формирования данных движущихся изображений, формирующее иерархические данные движущегося изображения, где иерархически организованы в порядке разрешения многие последовательности изображений, которые являются представлениями кадров изображения, образующих одно движущееся изображение при различных уровнях разрешения, для формирования воспроизводимого на экране изображения, переключая при этом используемый слой на другой слой в соответствии с уровнем разрешения, требуемым в устройстве обработки изображений, которое воспроизводит движущееся изображение, содержащее:блок формирования иерархических данных, который формирует данные изображения соответствующих слоев каждого кадра изображения ступенчатым уменьшением каждого кадра изображения, и в данные изображения по меньшей мере одного слоя включаются данные разностного изображения, представляющего собой разность между увеличенным изображением и изображением на другом слое, которое является представлением того же кадра изображения ...

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010104451A

... 1. Устройство беспроводной связи, содержащее: ! процессор, соединенный с запоминающим устройством и интерфейсом беспроводной связи; ! процессор, выполненный с возможностью передавать первый передаваемый символ с первым временным индексом из первого набора временных индексов; ! процессор, выполненный с возможностью передавать второй передаваемый символ со вторым временным индексом из первого набора временных индексов, причем второй временной индекс отличается от первого временного индекса, при этом часть первого передаваемого символа и часть второго передаваемого символа включают в себя одинаковую информацию данных. ! 2. Устройство беспроводной связи по п.1, в котором первый набор временных индексов ассоциирован с первым идентификатором устройства, и второй временной индекс, включенный в первый набор, не содержится во втором наборе временных индексов, ассоциированном со вторым идентификатором устройства, при этом второй набор включает в себя, по меньшей мере, один временной индекс, не содержащийся ...

15-12-1977 дата публикации

Носитель информации

Номер: SU584815A3

24-04-1997 дата публикации

Temporary storage and information display method

Номер: DE0019642430A1

A television programme viewer may become interested in a given region of the display, and would like to be able to examine the region for a longer period. This region can be marked, by using a key on the remote control, and then stored. At a later stage, when some other scenes are being shown, the information that has been stored, in the TV set or in the control, can be blended into the current programme. The information is positioned on the screen as it was originally, before abstraction. If this position, of the superimposed insert, blocks the view, it can be moved to another position and be rended transparent.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020204372A1

Eine Abbildungseinheit für eine ultraschnelle Abbildungsvorrichtung weist eine einem an einem Einspanntisch getragenen Werkstück gegenüber angeordnete Objektivlinse, einen in einem sich von der Objektivlinse erstreckenden ersten Strahlengang angeordneten Strahlteiler, eine in einem sich vom Strahlteiler erstreckenden zweiten Strahlengang angeordnete Abbildungsbearbeitungseinheit und eine in einem sich vom Strahlteiler erstreckenden dritten Strahlengang angeordnete Beleuchtungseinheit auf. Die Beleuchtungseinheit weist eine Breitband-Pulslichtquelle und ein Spektrometer auf, das ausgestaltet ist, um einen einzelnen Lichtpuls, der von der Breitband-Pulslichtquelle emittiert worden ist, in mehrere Wellenlängen zu teilen, und um einen Zeitversatz zwischen jeweils zwei benachbarten der mehreren Wellenlängen zu erzeugen.

06-04-2000 дата публикации

Compact Disc und Verfahren zum Abrufen von darauf gespeicherten Daten

Номер: DE0069132004D1
Принадлежит: SONY CORP, SONY CORP.

23-02-2006 дата публикации

Video programme recording and playback control method, has facility to skip over inserted advertisements

Номер: DE102004037679A1

Analogue and/or digital video programmes are recorded on a unit that has a display that shows the start and end times together with expected interruptions for advertisements. The recording can be played back in the same unit or a separate player and the user may manually or automatically initiate skipping of the advertisement sections.

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004019225D1

04-12-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001787005B2
Принадлежит: C B S INC., NEW YORK, N.Y. (V.ST.A.)

08-08-2002 дата публикации

Vorrichtung mit mehreren Transportstrompfaden zum Empfang von digitalen Rundfunksignalen

Номер: DE0010104440A1

The invention relates to a device for receiving digital radio signals, comprising a digital radio receiver which has several transport current paths and at least two signal sinks. Switching means which are used to connect each of the transport current paths to each of the two signal sinks are also provided.

13-01-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the storage of information on a moving recording medium

Номер: GB0000980434A

... 980,434. Electric recording and playback; television. ZEISS IKON A.G. May 11, 1961 [May 11, 1960; June 24, 1960], No. 17306/61. Heading G5R. [Also in Division H1] A transverse track recording head is made by grooving a body 28, 30, of insulating or semiconducting material, Fig. 4a, coating it with a conductor or another semiconductor layer respectively, Fig. 4b, polishing the layer to leave, Fig. 4c, a series of electrodes 27, 32, forming a divided grid and cutting away the body, Fig. 6b, to leave a sharpedged array of electrodes arranged transversely to the direction of tape-movement. An erase/polerise electrode 29, Fig. 6a, may be fitted at the rear. A metallic-electrode embodiment may be combined with a cathode ray tube, Fig. 2, which scans the electrodes in turn to either produce recording potentials at the electrode tips or to produce, at an electrode 26, a playback output related to chargepatterns on the record. The light from a normal CR-tube 67 may be focussed on to multiple photo-electric ...

19-07-2017 дата публикации

Video recording system and method

Номер: GB0002546247A

A video recording system and method. The method has the steps of: receiving a video data stream 10 from a camera device (100, fig 3), monitoring for user inputs, and commencing storage of the data 30 in a data storage device in response to a first input 20. In response to a second input 40, the data storage is halted 50, and the stored data may then be saved in a memory device, and further video data may be stored in the data storage device. In response to a third input 70, the data storage is halted 80, the data stored in the data storage device is deleted 90, and then further video data may be stored in the data storage device. The video recording system may be a small camera worn be a person doing sports such as climbing, watersports, or biking; or worn when the activity is spontaneous or sporadic and an event of interest to be captured on video is unexpected, such as nature watching or at celebrations. The user inputs may be via a camera interface such as a button or touch screen.

12-11-2003 дата публикации

Video signal processing apparatus and computer system integrated with the same

Номер: GB0000323817D0

01-02-2006 дата публикации

Media recording selection system

Номер: GB0000526218D0

11-05-2016 дата публикации

Recording apparatus and method of controlling recording apparatus

Номер: GB0201605048D0

20-12-1950 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for printing by the action of heat on heat-sensitive materials

Номер: GB0000647821A

... 647,821. Copying telegraphy. GROAK, J. Sept. 23, 1946, No. 28469. [Class 40 (iii)] [Also in Groups XX and XL (a)] A method of making images consists in bring- ing into contact two surfaces, one of which contains, consists of, or is coated with a substance adapted to be softened by heat, and scanning said substance with a controlled radiant energy beam consisting either of an electrically-charged corpuscular beam or a radiant heat beam to soften parts thereof so that material is transferred from one surface to the other in correspondence with the softened parts of the substance on contacting the two surfaces. The transfer of material may be only temporary, e.g. if the reproduction is produced on a transparent or translucent surface, the heat-softened material on a second strip may be brought into engagement with the non-opaque strip to produce an image which may be viewed through the non-opaque strip but which is destroyed by parting the two surfaces. The controlled radiant energy beam may ...

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427928A

... 1427928 Video playback system RCA CORPORATION 13 April 1973 [19 April 1972] 18041/72 Heading G5R In a video disc play-back system the presence of the vertical sync component in the playedback signal is used to close a switch in the video output signal path and the absence of the component is used to actuate a video pick-up arm return mechanism and also to open said switch and mute the output signal circuit.

05-04-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to cathode ray beam operated information storage devices

Номер: GB0001064118A

... 1,064,118. Recording &c. apparatus using electron beams. UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. Sept. 3, 1963 [Sept. 4, 1962], No. 34732/63. Heading G5R. [Also in Division H1] In an information storage device, an electron beam is controlled in accordance with information to be stored to form apertures in a record member in a pattern representative of said information and means are provided, responsive to the passage of the beam through the apertures, for reading the stored information. The record member may comprise a tape 12 of aluminium, 1 mil. thick, with or without a surface coating of thermoplastic material, ¢ mil. thick, the electron beam being used to evaporate the material of the tape to form apertures through the tape or in the surface coating. As shown, the tape passes over conductive roller 16, and insulating sprocket 18, the teeth of which coact with slots in the edge of the tape, and which drives an X-position transducer 19. An X-position command 26 and the output of transducer 19 are ...

31-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001318739A

... 1318739 Embossing RCA CORPORATION 22 Sept 1970 [29 Sept 1969] 45071/70 Heading B6J A method of replicating a holographic relief pattern having an average peak to valley depth of about 500 Angstrom units comprises embossing the pattern on to a flexible thermoplastics tape. The tape may be made of a plasticized, cast polyvinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer or a vinyl coated "Mylar" base (Registered Trade Mark), and can be either transparent or opaque, for instance reflective. The tape 204 and a master tape 226 of plastics or metallic material, e.g. nickel, carrying the holographic relief pattern are passed through calender rollers 206, 208 having silicone rubber surfaces 222, 224, the master tape being heated via roller 208 to a temperature below the flow temperature of the thermoplastics tape, this tape being cooled by compressed air through orifices in a metal plate 230 before being peeled from the master. The thermoplastics tape may be heated up to 0À3 to 0À85 of its flow temperature ...

04-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001376183A

... 1376183 Holographic recording and playback MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO Ltd 28 Oct 1971 [8 Nov 1970 12 Nov 1970] 50115/71 Heading G2J A record tape 58 is formed with a hologram of pictures 54 on a master tape 48, and with a superimposed or adjacent hologram 59 or phase pattern of the sound track on the master tape 48, using coherent beams 50-53 from a laser, the feeding of the film 48 and tape 58 being effected continuously with respect to sound and intermittently with respect to the pictures. The reconstructed picture image is viewed by a camera 70 to give an output 72 to a television. The reconstructed sound track image is formed on a slit 75 in front of a photo-electric transducer 76 to give an audio output 78. The picture hologram may be of the Fraunhofer type, recorded and reproduced with a collimating lens 55, 69. The sound hologram 59 may be of the Fresnel type, recorded and reproduced without such a lens. The occurrence of a speckle pattern on the reproduced picture may be ...

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for generating a description file, and corresponding streaming method

Номер: GB0201216420D0

03-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002219462B

08-12-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for supporting AVC in MP4

Номер: GB0002402590A

Switch sample metadata defining switch sample sets associated with multimedia data is created. Each switch sample set includes samples that have identical decoding values. Further, a file associated with the multimedia data is formed. This file includes the switch sample metadata, as well as other information pertaining to the multimedia data.

29-09-2004 дата публикации

Video segment detection and replacement using fingerprint data

Номер: GB0002399976A

A television system signal substitution system is described which replaces video segments (such as advertisements) identified using fingerprint data with selected replacement video segments. Fingerprint data of an input video signal and that of the segment in question are used to identify segments to be replaced with substitute data. Fingerprint data may relate to statistical information on colour (such as colour coherence vectors for example) or statistical information on spatial or temporal variations in the data. In a second claimed invention, the fingerprint data analysed from video segments may be stored in a database which can be distributed to subscribers.

28-04-2004 дата публикации

Video recorder catch up

Номер: GB0002394618A

A hard disk recorder is arranged to receive and record signals defining a television programme, and can play back time shifted programmes. The recorder is operable to replay signals at a higher frame rate to catch up with a regular programme so as to reduce the time shift when, for instance, the start of a programme has been missed. The recorder may have buffers on its input and output, and the output buffer's data rate may be higher than that of the input buffer.

05-03-2008 дата публикации

Wide area security and method

Номер: GB0002441491A

A method and system for providing security to large scale sites with large number of people comparing plurality of surveillance sensors, geographical database for the secured site, experts know-how database with plurality of potential scenarios. The system and method according to the invention can handle a large number of inputs, analyze the meaning of the input, prioritize operation, identity threats and produce instructions to the security personnel in response to events taking place in the secured site.

02-05-2007 дата публикации

Television signal processor with storage function

Номер: GB0002431808A

An audio/visual processor 2 is adapted to receive a broadcast TV signal 1 via receiver 21. Signal processor 22 demodulates the signal to separate the TV signal from the carrier signal before decoder/encoder 23 converts the demodulated signal into a format suitable for display upon a monitor 31. The decoder/encoder 23 also serves to send the decoded signal to storage means such as memory 25 or an external storage device (27, figure 4). A transmission interface 24 is connectable to a monitor 31 at host end 3, where the received TV signal may be displayed. The present invention seeks to allow for simultaneous viewing and storage of received TV programs. Memory 25 may comprise a non-volatile memory, a flash memory or a hard disk, whilst the external storage device 27 may comprise a portable stick, a compact flash (CF) card, a memory stick (MS) card, a multimedia memory card (MMC), a smart media (SM) memory card or a secure digital (SD) memory card.

07-07-1993 дата публикации

An IR LED assembly for VCR control of a cable converter unit

Номер: GB0002263035A

A VCR included apparatus for controlling a cable converter unit. In a preferred embodiment, infrared (IR) transmission of commands from the VCR to the cable converter unit is employed. An LED assembly 214 holds the LEDs in a predetermined orientation and provides first and second IR ports through which different amounts of IR signals are transmitted, more for the longer "bounce" path than the direct path. ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации

Method of digital recording

Номер: GB0002386244A

A digital television receiver in the form of a set-top box includes a hard disk drive for storing a dynamic view buffer (34). Content from a live feed (40) is continuously stored in the buffer. The buffer can then be accessed at different points, thus allowing playback to be time-shifted. A cropping operation, whereby content is removed from the beginning (37) of the buffet is used to keep the size of the buffer in check. Cropped data can be used to create new record files.

24-03-2004 дата публикации

Method of saving power by reducing reception time in a standby mode of a mobile communication terminal

Номер: GB0002393360A

A signal received by a mobile communication terminal in a standby mode is sampled, converted to digital, and stored. At least a part of the receive part is de-activated and the stored samples are processed. If it is decided that the samples contain insufficient data, the receive path may be re-activated to receive further samples. In this way, the various activities which the mobile needs to undertake while in the standby state (channel tracking, monitoring nearby base stations) are carried out with minimum drain on the power supply.

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Remote wellsite surface control system and method based on cloud service

Номер: GB0002593019A

A remote wellsite surface control system and method based on a cloud service, including a configuration management cloud service module 10, an authentication and authorization cloud service system 11, a log management cloud service module 12, an instruction issuing cloud service module, a wellsite logging-while-drilling real-time data transmission system, a wellsite real-time video system 6 including derrick camera 4 and drone 3, a surface software system 5 and a remote decision-making system 9 utilising remote base expert 13. The system has different access levels for different users and password protection to different modules of the system. An administrator may configure the accounts and systems and instruments. Real-time vide streams may be utilised to monitor correct operation of the wellsite and drill remotely. Operation logs of each module of the system and of the well are uploaded to a cloud server, which generates a system operation report and which can be analysed to confirm normal ...

03-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009225772D0

09-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002224618A

A still image recording/playback apparatus 1 includes a camera 2 having a section for recording an electrical signal from an image sensor 48 on a recording medium 27 as image data in synchronism with depression of a shutter release button 16, and a player 3 having a playback section for sequentially processing frames of stored signals from the camera 2 in response to depression of a frame feed switch 36a to supply the processed signal as a video signal, wherein when the camera 2 is coupled to the player 3, such coupling is detected, the camera is switched to a playback mode and the shutter release button 16 of the camera 2 serves as the frame feed switch. …… ...

07-04-1999 дата публикации

Concurrent video recording and playback

Номер: GB0002329997A

A video recording device instantaneously captures stores video images displayed on a television 10. The images are preferably stored in a storage device comprising a hard disk drive 94 coupled to the television through an IEEE 1394 serial bus network. The instantaneous record operation is initiated by pressing an instantaneous record button on a remote control 16. In response, the information currently being displayed is simultaneously routed to the storage device. After storing the images, the viewer can replay the video by pressing an instantaneous playback button on the remote control. The recording device further includes the ability to record a program while concurrently playing back a previously recorded video broadcast. This previously recorded video broadcast can be the earlier recorded portion of the same program that is still recording or a different video broadcast. The viewer enters the data and commands for recording and playback preferably using the remote control. Once again ...

27-06-2007 дата публикации

Media recording selection system

Номер: GB0002433687A

In a remote booking system allowing a user to select programmes to be recorded on a personal video recorder (PVR) (1) by sending messages from a mobile device (3), the system receives a 'natural language' message identifying a programme by information generally available to the user, and attempts to match the received message to programmes in a programme schedule. If there is only one matching programme, the system instructs the user's PVR (1) to record that programme, and may optionally send a message to the mobile device (3) confirming the programme to be recorded. If there are a plurality of matching programmes, the system may send a message to the mobile device (3) listing the matching programmes. The user replies to the message by identifying one of the matching programmes, and the system then instructs the user's PVR (1) to record that programme.

09-03-2011 дата публикации

Media recording selection system

Номер: GB0002433687B

10-02-2010 дата публикации

Deletion of Recorded Television Signal after Detection of Credits

Номер: GB0002462470A

A method of deleting a recording of a television signal S6, or displaying a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow a user to decide whether or not to delete the recording (figure 3), when playback of the recording is stopped by the user S3 before the end of the recording and a credits sequence has been detected S4. When the credits sequence has been detected S4 this indicates that the user has watched the entire program, and may therefore want to delete the recording. The credits sequence may be detected by detecting scrolling text, text against a uniform background or text containing certain words e.g. "director", and detection may only occur during a last portion of the recording for example during the last 26% or 15 minutes of the recording. The credits sequence may be detected during reproduction of the recording, or may be detected at some other time e.g. the time at which the recording is stored, in which case the time of the credits sequence is stored and compared with the time ...

08-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002060230B
Принадлежит: RCA CORP

11-11-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for re-recording content associated with re-emerged popularity

Номер: GB0002525979A

A means for re-recording (or relocating) content associated with popularity that re-emerged, e.g. A Set Top Box (STB) for recording TV programmes). A plurality of media assets 570 are recorded on a storage medium. The popularity 520 of a given media asset is determined, and compared to a first threshold 530 for the given media asset. If the popularity rating drops below the first threshold, then the media asset is selected for deletion (or relocated) and added to a list 500. The popularity rating of the media assets selected for deletion are retrieved. If the popularity level of a media asset, which is selected for deletion, rises above a second threshold 540, then said media asset is re-recorded/restored in the storage device. User notifications may be used to schedule re-recording, or else re-recording may be automatic when popularity increases above a second threshold. Popularity of episodes or series may be determined based on user profiles, industry ratings, numbers of pay-per-view ...

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Improvements to television service method and system

Номер: GB0002533210A

Method and apparatus for providing a television or radio programme in which a "start over" service allows the user to start watching and/or listening to the program from the start of the programme even if the selection of the programme is made once broadcast of the programme has already started. Data from the live provision of the programme 2 is stored in memory once the programme is selected and programme data 8 recorded in the memory is used to generate the programme for watching and/or listening instead of the data from the restart service 4, once the data for the continued and synchronised provision of the programme is available in the memory. The switch to using data buffered in the memory may be automatic and the point at which the switch is made may be selected using synchronisation. The memory may be the time shift buffer of a personal video recorder (PVR).

24-04-2002 дата публикации

Method of digital recording

Номер: GB0000205413D0

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Method of searching for clip differences in recorded video data of a surveillance system

Номер: GB0000513865D0

03-07-2002 дата публикации

Displaying an EPG guide bar with a recorded program indicator

Номер: GB0002370710A

Apparatus for displaying an EPG guide bar has an EPG data extraction part extracting EPG data from a signal though a transmission channel, a first memory storing the EPG data and a second memory storing a broadcast programme. A user interface display part and graphics processor produce a guide bar having a fixed indicator displaying a present time, and title areas of broadcast programmes corresponding to the EPG data of the first memory which move linearly in the guide bar in real-time correspondingly to the present-time. The user interface display part and graphics processor update the title areas with a predetermined time interval centred around the fixed indicator so as to produce information indicating a record-proceeding status on at least one of the title areas of the broadcast programmes which are being recorded in the second memory. The portion of the broadcast which is currently stored may be indicated by a shaded area on the EPG guide bar.

11-11-2009 дата публикации

Video signal comprising two camera viewpoints

Номер: GB2459757A

A video signal comprises multiplexed sequences of synchronous frames taken from different camera angles that enable a viewer to play back and switch between camera angles. Frames 1-9 constitute frames from a first (camera angle one) video sequence and frames 10-18 from a second (camera angle two) video sequence. The viewer starts to play the encoded multiple angle video file and the sequence for camera angle one is played. At frame 3 the viewer presses a key to change the camera angle. The player counts the number of frames lapsed and then adds the number of frames between the two camera angle video sequences, (in this case nine), so the player jumps to frame 12 and starts to play camera angle two from frame 12 onwards. The signal may be used with a mobile device using cell, wireless or internet connections. Independent claims for methods and apparatus for recording, transmitting, receiving and replaying are included.

20-12-2000 дата публикации

Mixed-media telecommunication call set-up

Номер: GB0000026700D0

29-05-2002 дата публикации

Improvements in the field of programme delivery

Номер: GB0000209120D0

31-10-2001 дата публикации

Television system

Номер: GB0000122189D0

14-12-2005 дата публикации

Surveillance system having auto-adjustment functionality

Номер: GB0000522421D0

27-01-2010 дата публикации

Record operation mode setting

Номер: GB0000921851D0

08-02-1967 дата публикации

Process for the recording, using an electron beam, and retrieval of information

Номер: GB0001057947A

A polymerizable recording medium, if desired carried on a natural or synthetic polymer support, is polymerized with an electron beam, said medium comprising, generally together with a polymeric binding agent, at least one non-gaseous ethylenically unsaturated polymerizable compound having a b.p. above 100 DEG C. In examples, the polymerizable compounds used are triethylene glycol diacrylate, pentaerythritol tri- and tetra-acrylates and a mixture thereof, glycerol triacrylate, trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate and diallyl succinate; other compounds are also disclosed, viz. glycerol di- and tri-methacrylate, glycerol diacrylate, diallyl maleate, butane-1,2,4-triol tri-methacrylate, tri-methylolpropane tri-methacrylate, tetramethylene glycol dimethacrylate, polyethylene glycol diacrylate, triallyl cyanurate and dipentaerythritol tetraacrylate. The preferrd binder is cellulose acetate/hydrogen succinate but several other polymeric compounds are also exemplified. Polymerization initiators may ...

10-08-1966 дата публикации

Improvements relating to data storage apparatus

Номер: GB0001038600A

... 1,038,600. Read-only stores. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION. April 26, 1965 [April 27, 1964], No. 17460/65. Heading G4A. In data storage apparatus including a record on which data is stored as a pattern formed of materials of different atomic weights, data is read out by directing a beam of electrons at the record and detecting the number of electrons scattered from the record. The electron beam is moved over the record in the form of a raster in synchronism with the movement of a second electron beam in a raster (which may be larger than the first) over the screen of a CRT display. The beam intensity in the CRT display is controlled by the number of electrons scattered from the record into a detector. Those electrons not scattered go to a meter. In Fig. 2 (not shown), the record comprises a photographic film covered with a very thin conducting layer connected to the meter. In Fig. 3 (not shown), the record comprises two layers of different materials, the upper layer having ...

14-06-2017 дата публикации

Video storage

Номер: GB0002545221A

Video storage method and apparatus for storing and retrieving a video sequence of images, comprising: an array of storage devices (eg. discs, solid state drives); a driver to store the images of the video sequence in time order in the array, and read the images of the video sequence in time order from the array; wherein each image in the sequence is stored in its entirety on at least one of the storage devices and temporally adjacent images are stored in and read from different storage devices in the array. Each picture may be recorded on only one memory device, on many archiving devices or on all storage devices. Frames may be accessed from separate storage devices in a repeating order. Blended images may be generated for real-time display. Images may be uncompressed files. If a storage device fails a replacement storage device may be populated with images automatically when it is detected based on its position in the array. Frame file name may indicate its temporal position in the image ...

02-06-2004 дата публикации

Recording/reproducing apparatus for video/audio signals

Номер: GB0000409702D0

16-03-2005 дата публикации

Storing digital content for access using a captured image

Номер: GB0000502844D0

02-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001448095A

... 1448095 Off-axis holograms RCA CORPORATION 27 Sept 1973 [12 Oct 1972] 45270/73 Heading G2J Two holograms are formed, one on each side of a transparent thermoplastic sheet and, by virtue of being recorded with off-axis beams, are decodable separately. A process for replicating the master holograms employs a tape 12 embossed with the appropriate relief patterns by metal masters 80, 90 by pressure from heated calender rolls 60, 66 and then blow cooled at 100, 102.

07-12-2005 дата публикации

Video content creating apparatus

Номер: GB0000522104D0

27-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001251767A

05-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001506229A

... 1506229 Data record tracking BATTELLE DEVELOPMENT CORP 24 June 1975 [26 June 1974] 26829/75 Heading G4M [Also in Division G3] A record carrying data in spaced groups on a plurality of adjacent record tracks contains tracking data in the spaces between groups with the tracking data distinguishing a given track from the two adjacent tracks on the opposite sides of the given track. Data, which may be optical marks 12 representing a video signal or may be analog data (Figs. 7, 8, not shown) is recorded in a plurality of tracks A-E in spaced groups. Between the groups is tracking information 18 which in one embodiment is in the same relative location in each track and has an initial reference zone mark 20 followed by a track identifying zone mark 22, 24, 26. The zone marks are staggered for adjacent tracks so that any track is distinguished from its adjacent tracks by the position of the mark. The marks are larger than the data marks so as to be easily distinguishable and so that a correct and ...

20-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002001509B
Принадлежит: SONY CORP

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Recording apparatus

Номер: GB0000805816D0

03-05-2023 дата публикации

Image display method and apparatus

Номер: GB0002594214B

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating image display apparatus

Номер: US20120019721A1

A multifunctional display device displays a first area containing a program received through a channel, a second area containing card objects, and a third area containing additional information of a downloadable applications selected in association with one of the card objects.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Coding method, decoding method, coding apparatus, decoding apparatus, program, and integrated circuit

Номер: US20120020414A1
Принадлежит: Chong Soon Lim, Takahiro Nishi, Youji Shibahara

A coding method includes: defining an access unit; and coding each of the pictures included in the access unit, for each access unit. The defining includes: determining a unit of coding for determining whether the pictures included in the access unit are to be uniformly coded on a per-field basis or on a per-frame basis; and determining a field type for determining whether the pictures are to be uniformly coded as top fields or bottom fields when it is determined that the pictures included in the access unit are to be coded on a per-field basis. In the coding, each of the pictures is coded for each access unit in a format determined in the determining of a unit of coding and in the determining of a field type.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Automatic verification system for video playback apparatus

Номер: US20120020575A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An automatic verification system for a video playback apparatus includes: a continuous-shoot recording/storage section configured to capture a video output of the video playback apparatus continuously and store a plurality of captured images; an image comparison section configured to compare one of the plurality of stored images with one of a plurality of reference images prepared in advance; and a continuous-shoot determination control section configured to send the plurality of stored images to the image comparison section one by one and control the image comparison section.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Playback apparatus and program content transmitting and receiving system

Номер: US20120027377A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Program content is easily selected on a playback apparatus having a plurality of program content recording locations. A video recording management server ( 11 ) manages program IDs, the video recording condition of program content on a television apparatus ( 10 ), and recording location information indicating on which server each program content is recorded, in association with each other as program management information. The television apparatus ( 10 ) displays an electronic program guide ( 100 ) in which past and future programs are displayed integrally, and displays a video recording complete mark (RM) for programs previously recorded on a user content server ( 13 ). On the other hand, when an instruction to play back program content is made in the electronic program guide ( 100 ), the television apparatus ( 10 ) receives the program content from a server designated from the video recording management server ( 11 ) to perform streaming playback. Thus, the television apparatus ( 100 ) can perform video recording and playback of program content desired by the user by means of the electronic program guide ( 100 ), without making the user specify a program content recording location.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Display Control Device, Display Control Method, and Program

Номер: US20120033933A1
Автор: Hirotaka Suzuki
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention relates to a display control device, a display method, and a program, whereby a new thumbnail method can be provided. A clustering unit 611 subjects each frame of a content to clustering into any cluster of a plurality of clusters, and a scene classifying unit 612 classifies, regarding each of a plurality of clusters, a frame belonging to a cluster into a scene that is a group of one or more frames that temporally continue. A thumbnail creating unit 613 creates the thumbnail of a scene, and a display control unit 614 displays the thumbnail thereof on a display device 603.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Enhanced navigation system using digital information medium

Номер: US20120033942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A new navigation function is added to a legacy DVD-Video. A player unit plays back recorded contents, that include video contents or AV contents and ENAV contents associated with contents (menu, chapter) of the video contents, from a DVD-Video disc. The video contents of the DVD disc are played back by a video playback engine. The ENAV contents of the DVD disc are played back by an ENAV engine. The ENAV engine controls playback of the ENAV contents and that of the video contents in combination, connection, and/or synchronism with each other according to the played-back contents of the ENAV contents.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for updating information in real time for use in a media guidance application

Номер: US20120033943A1
Принадлежит: Rovi Technologies Corp

Systems and methods are provided for updating a media guidance application with real-time media information for enhancing recording features. In particular, real-time schedule changes, actual and estimated, are provided for updating instructions for a media guidance application operation.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

K rate fast-forwarding and backwarding mechanism for digital videos

Номер: US20120057854A1

A K rate fast-forwarding and backwarding mechanism for digital videos comprises a video including a plurality of Group of Pictures (GOP). Each GOP has an I frame and plural P frames. The video defines a plurality of rounds at the time that the video plays at a rate. Each round contains at least one GOP. The number of the GOP included in the round is decided in accordance with a group of classified rules composed of at least one classified rule. Thereby, a group of playing rules composed of at least one playing rule is adopted to play. Thus, a complete VCR function is achieved, which concurrently attains a smooth playing operation.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Receivers for television signals

Номер: US20120070130A1
Принадлежит: British Sky Broadcasting Ltd

A television signals receiver for receives and stores television signals encoded at a variable data rate. Time information is generated based on the time of receipt of the signals that defines the duration of the television signals when output in decompressed form at a substantially constant data rate. The received signals are then written to a file on a hard disk 13 in received order together with the time information. The time information of signals stored in the file is monitored and old signals are deleted from the file such that the file stores signals corresponding to a predetermined period of time.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Interactive media system and method for presenting pause-time content

Номер: US20120072956A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

Interactive media systems and methods are provided for substituting pause-time content in place of media that has been paused. The user may pause media such as real-time media, video-on-demand media, near video-on-demand, or recorded media. If the user pauses real-time media or near video-on-demand media, the interactive media application may store the media. The interactive media application may also provide the user with the ability to rewind, resume play of, and fast-forward the media. The pause-time content may be audio or video media and may be an advertisement, trivia, program summaries or any other suitable pause-time content. The interactive media application may provide customized pause-time content specific to the user or specific to the media paused by using media data associated with the media. The interactive media application may also prevent the user from accessing features (e.g., fast-forward) of the system.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method of storing and retrieving associated information with a digital image

Номер: US20120079051A1
Автор: Leigh M. Rothschild

A method and apparatus for associating metadata with an image are disclosed. The metadata associated with the image includes communication options for communicating with a party associated with the image. The communication options may include email, Short Message Service (SMS), blog, social media, video conference, Internet chat, etc. The communication options are displayed in response to selection of the image. Communication with the party associated with the image is initiated using at least one of the communication options.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Image editing apparatus, image editing method, and image editing program

Номер: US20120082437A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides an image editing apparatus which decreases a CPU load required for previewing a group of finished images used for continuous presentation, such as a photo movie, and reduces a processing time. The image editing apparatus includes an image obtaining unit obtaining material images; a converting unit carrying out conversion on an image, included in the material images, of which load required for playback is greater than a predetermined load reference, the conversion additionally creating a proxy image corresponding to the image and having a smaller load required for the playback; and a preview playback unit playing back, as a preview, the proxy image and material images which are included in the material images and are other than the image corresponding to the proxy image in a predetermined order.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Electronic Apparatus and Image Processing Method

Номер: US20120106917A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes an anniversary setting module, an image setting module, an image extraction module, and an image extraction module. The anniversary setting module sets an input date to be an anniversary. The image setting module associates one still image of a plurality of still images with the anniversary, the associated still image being designated by a user. The image extraction module extracts still images from the plurality of still images when a present date is within a predetermined time period including the anniversary, the extracted still images being relevant to the associated still image. The image display module displays a moving picture using the associated still image and the extracted still images.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Time-adapted content delivery system and method

Номер: US20120110627A1
Принадлежит: Nbc Universal Inc

A system for coordinated playback of time-shifted content with time-adapted complimentary content is provided. The time-shifted content may be played back from storage media, both local and remote. Time-shifting may occur by independent playback such as from optical discs and other memory devices, as well as from user manipulation of features in a playback system based upon real-time or near real-time content distribution. The content is identified, along with timing information identifying where in the content the playback is occurring. Time-adapted complimentary content may then be selected and transmitted to the playback system. Such time-adapted content may include advertisement, product and service offerings, complimentary information, audio and/or video content, and so forth.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for applying content restrictions to renderers in identified network viewing areas

Номер: US20120117585A1

A media broker includes a communication interface communicatively coupling the media broker to one or more media storage devices and one or more renderers and a controller associated with the communication interface adapted to transmit a request for location information to one or more renderers, receive location information from each of the one or more renderers and determine, based upon the received location information, one or more viewing areas each comprising at least one of the one or more renderers. And then applying the media restrictions assigned to the renderers in those viewing areas, while still allowing media storage devices detected in any viewing area to record media of any rating.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Variable Bit Video Streams for Adaptive Streaming

Номер: US20120141089A1
Автор: Neil D. Hunt
Принадлежит: Netflix Inc

One embodiment of the present invention sets forth a technique for adapting playback bit rate in a content delivery system based on scene complexity of the video content as well as network conditions and other performance factors. A scene complexity map of the video content indicates the complexity levels of different scenes within the video content. Using the scene complexity map, a content player may download scenes of lower scene complexity levels from video streams encoded to lower bit rates to manage the bandwidth consumed to download the video content and allow for the downloading of scenes of higher complexity levels from video streams encoded to higher bit rates.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Information recording medium, device and method for playing back 3d images

Номер: US20120141097A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A recording medium allows random access to be performed in playing back 3D graphics. The recording medium includes a digital stream area where a digital stream including temporally-arranged GOP pairs is recorded, and a map information area where map information is recorded. The map information indicates entry addresses in one to one correspondence with entry times on a time axis of the digital stream, and each entry address shows a beginning of a corresponding GOP pair region in the digital stream area. Each GOP pair includes first-type and second-type GOPs, wherein each first-type GOP is data indicating a plain view picture set to be played back from a corresponding entry time, and each second-type GOP is data to be played back with a corresponding first-type GOP to provide a stereoscopic view. The data indicates a difference between a stereoscopic picture set and the plain view picture set.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Data Segment Service

Номер: US20120148215A1

Aspects of the disclosure relate to the delivery of media content over a network. Specifically, aspects are directed to identification and/or extraction of a selected data such as a video clip from content and providing identifying information to a user to retrieve, view, and/or share the selected video clip. Aspects described herein provide the ability to identify a starting point and stopping point of a video clip on a media gateway device and generate a URL that can be used and/or shared in order to access the selected video clip. The URL may identify a stored media clip, or may contain information from which a video clip can be recreated.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for presenting substitute content in an audio/video stream using text data

Номер: US20120159537A1

Various embodiments of apparatus and/or methods are described for skipping, filtering and/or replacing content from an audio/video stream using text data associated with the audio/video stream. The text data is processed using location information that references a segment of the text data of the first audio/video stream to identify a location within the first audio/video stream. The location within the first audio/video stream is utilized to identify portions of the audio/video stream that are to be skipped during presentation. The portions of the audio/video stream that are to be skipped are filtered from the audio/video stream, and some of the skipped portions of the audio/video stream are replaced with substitute content. The filtered video stream, including the substitute content, is outputted for presentation to a user.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Set top box device, system and method for realizing internet protocol television (iptv) channel recording and playing

Номер: US20120159545A1
Автор: Lei Zhao, Peng Zhou
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

A set top box apparatus, a system and a method for implementing Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) channel recording and playing are disclosed in the present invention. The set top box apparatus is configured to: store information of channels and playing addresses of the channels downloaded from an Electronic Program Guide (EPG) server; when receiving a channel recording and/or channel switching command of a user, acquiring a corresponding playing address according to a channel selected by the user, and acquiring a media stream of a channel program corresponding to the playing address from a media server for recording or playing; when the user needs to record and play simultaneously in a same procedure, the set top box apparatus switches the recording to be performed in a background, and set the playing to be performed in a foreground. The invention implements a humanized channel recording function.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Digital Content Retrieval

Номер: US20120174167A1
Автор: Eric Walters, Richard Lang
Принадлежит: Tivo Inc

Flexibility with respect to access and enjoyment of time shifted content in a content distribution network is provided, especially with regard to content not present on a DVR. A DVR accesses a network storage device over a network for particular portions of content not available on the DVR and the network storage device provides those missing portions. The user may then rewind and playback not only already locally stored content but also that content provided by the storage device. Content can he provided through faster-than-real-time transmissions such that the content is made available to the DVR prior to it being needed for rewind functionality or playback.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: US20120189264A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An imaging apparatus includes a setting unit and a display controller configured to control the display unit. A plurality of recording modes include a first recording mode which generates heat so that the temperature in the case reaches a predetermined temperature, and a second recording mode which generates heat so that the temperature in the case cannot reach the predetermined temperature. The display controller determines the remaining recording time based on the temperature of a case, and determines whether the set-up recording mode is the first recording mode, and determines, based on a result of the determination, whether to display a remaining recording time which is determined based on the temperature in the case, on the display unit.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Picture-based video indexing system

Номер: US20120189268A1

A video indexing system uses pictures representative of a recorded video program to assist a user in determining the contents of a recorded medium without having to view the program itself. The pictures preferably represent segments of the program which are spaced apart in time, enabling a relatively small number of such pictures to characterize a lengthy program, and are presented in separate windows on the screen of the same device used to display the video program. The pictures may include still or moving imagery. A viewer optionally may select a particular picture with a pointing device, to commence replay of the recorded program from that period in the program, or to recall stored audio information so as to assist in identifying the selection. The picture information may be stored on the same medium as that used to record the video program, or a different medium may be used.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Optical disk for high resolution and general video recording, optical disk reproduction apparatus, optical disk recording apparatus, and reproduction control information generation apparatus

Номер: US20120189278A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A high resolution video signal is divided by video division means into a main signal and a sub signal, and the main signal and the sub signal are MPEG-encoded. The stream of the main signal and the stream of the sub signal are divided into 1 GPO or more of frames. First interleave blocks each including 1 GOP or more of the stream of the main signal and second interleave blocks each including 1 GOP or more of the stream of the sub signal are recorded on an optical disk. A high resolution reproduction apparatus reproduces both the first and second interleave blocks to obtain a high resolution video output. A non-high quality picture reproduction apparatus reproduces only the first or second interleave blocks to obtain a standard resolution video output.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, method, and medium storing a program, that reduce playback time differences when joining moving images of different formats

Номер: US20120207450A1
Автор: Araki Matsuda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Moving image editing device, method, and storage medium storing a program provide a smart rendering scheme to minimize the variation of playback time, even when editing moving image data that does not match the save format. The format of the moving image-data is compared with the save format. The moving image data is converted into the save format. The moving image data is sequentially joined and saved. A portion or the entirety of the moving image data itself is output if the format of the moving image data matches the save format, or the data encoded into the save format after decoding a portion or the entirety of the moving image data is output if the format of the moving image data does not match the save format. The device repeats sequential joining so that the difference in the playback time with the moving image data is minimized.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Content item search apparatus and method

Номер: US20120209883A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a content item search apparatus includes an extraction unit, a storage and a presentation unit. The extraction unit extracts one or more elements corresponding to a search word from one or more content items for each of classes, based on extraction rules indicating expressions to extract the elements indicating character strings required to specify relationships between the search word and the classes. The storage stores, as expression information, the extracted elements and the search word. The presentation unit generates one or more explanatory expressions associated with the search word based on generation rules and the expression information, and presents the explanatory expressions.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Receiving apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20120218476A1
Автор: Takashi Tokoro
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

There is provided a receiving apparatus. The receiving apparatus comprises, among other things, a transmitting unit that transmits a power-on command that instructs the transmitting apparatus detected by the detecting unit to turn on power when there is no connecting unit whose status signal has been changed from “unable” to “able” as a result of the determination made by the determining unit, the transmitting unit causing the determining unit to perform the determination again after transmitting the power-on command, and a control unit that, when there is a connecting unit whose status signal has been changed from “unable” to “able” as a result of the determination made by the determining unit, controls the selecting unit so as to select the connecting unit.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus And Methods For Dynamically Optimizing Recording Schedules

Номер: US20120224834A1

In embodiments disclosed herein, television recording schedules are automatically adjusted in a digital video recording system. In at least one embodiment, the digital video recording system receives a first request to record a first program at the digital video recording system and a second recording request to record a second program at the digital video recording system. The system determines that there are insufficient resources to fulfill both the first and second recording requests. The system may set an open recording request for at least one of the first and second programs, which seeks additional scheduling data corresponding to at least one of the programs. Subsequent additional data may be received to fulfill the open recording request. In some embodiments, recording requests may be automatically rescheduled to more optimal recording times.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Video recording management

Номер: US20120224835A1

A device may estimate a probability that each video recording, of a group of video recordings, will be played back at the device during a time interval. The group of video recordings may include video recordings stored locally at the device and video recording stored at a remote location. The device may also determine whether to transfer a video recording to the remote location or retrieve a video recording from the remote location based on the estimated probabilities.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and computer program product for standby handling in a streaming media receiver

Номер: US20120226756A1
Принадлежит: Individual

It is presented a method executed in a streaming media receiver, the streaming media receiver comprising native software and web software for executing a web application. The method comprising the steps of: receiving, in an active web application running in the web software, a message indicating that the streaming media receiver is to be put in a passive standby mode; sending, from the active web application, a message to the native software indicating when the active web application is to be reinstated; setting, from the native software, a timer with the time of when the web application is to be reinstated; setting the streaming media receiver in a passive standby mode; receiving, in the native software, a signal that the timer has expired; setting the streaming media receiver in an active standby mode; and sending, from the native software, a message to the web application that the timer has expired.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Digital image filtration methods

Номер: US20120229673A1
Автор: Neal Solomon
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-functional digital imaging system is described that controls and manages digital image filtration processes. The camera CPU and DSP are used to filter digital sensor files using algorithms to correct optical and digital aberrations.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for managing a status change of a multimedia asset in multimedia delivery systems

Номер: US20120240145A1
Автор: Thomas Day
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods are disclosed which detect a change in the status of a multimedia asset in a multimedia delivery system, and take steps to make the multimedia asset available after the status change. The multimedia asset can then be locally recorded on the user's digital video recorder (DVR) before the status changes. Alternatively, the user can be directed to an equivalent asset, for example, video-on-demand (VOD). The user may also receive a notification, which can be displayed on a TV or computer monitor or send to a remote device, for example to a mobile phone as an email or a short message. The user may be able to purchase the asset and/or initiate recording the asset. The status can be, for example, an expiration date of an asset, or a change of the source or format of an asset.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Convertion apparatus and convertion method

Номер: US20120242894A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A conversion apparatus and method is disclosed by which a file including data multiplexed therein can be edited or handled readily while maintaining the compatibility. A standard/independent conversion section converts a file of a standard AV multiplex format wherein video data and audio data are placed in a multiplexed state in a body into a file of an AV independent format wherein video data or audio data are placed collectively in a body. Meanwhile, an independent/standard conversion section converts a file of the AV independent formation into a file of the standard AV multiplex format.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Communication control device and communication control method in audio visual device system, and television receiver

Номер: US20120246349A1
Автор: Kazumi Suga
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A communication control device in an audio visual device system has disconnection detection unit for detecting that an audio visual device is disconnected from the audio visual device system, device detection unit for detecting an audio visual device which has not acquired a logical address according to a device type, and control unit for performing control for causing the audio visual device without a logical address to acquire a logical address, when disconnection of a audio visual device is detected by the disconnection detection unit. With this configuration, in an audio visual device system in which an upper limit is set to the number of logical addresses according to a device type, it is possible to cause an audio visual device which cannot acquire a logical address according to the device type to acquire a logical address when it is made available.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus

Номер: US20120249878A1
Принадлежит: Onkyo Corp

An image processing apparatus includes a resolution determining section that determines, for a selected combination of an input terminal and an output terminal, an input set resolution set for an input terminal to be a processing resolution, when an output set resolution of an output terminal is set to “Source”; and ignores the input set resolution set for the input terminal and determines the output set resolution set for the output terminal to be a processing resolution, when the output set resolution of the output terminal is set to other than “Source”.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and system for generating media content

Номер: US20120251082A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Sony Europe Ltd

A method of generating media content is described which comprises capturing still or moving image content items at a capture device and uploading the captured image content items and image content metadata indicating a time of capture of each of the image content items to a network. A playback log indicating playback times of audio content items listened to by the user of the capture device is stored. One or more of the captured image content items is correlated with one or more portions of the playback log based on the time of capture indicated by the metadata relating to the one or more captured content items and the playback times indicated by the playback log. A media output is generated as a collection of a plurality of the captured image content items stored at the network accompanied by audio content related to the portion of the playback log which is correlated with the captured image content items in the collection. In this way, a media output can be generated at a network, such as a cloud network, from user generated image content and commercial audio content which the user who captured the image content was listening to at the time the image content was captured.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Distributed, interactive television program guide; system and method

Номер: US20120254920A1
Автор: Alan Waterman, Brian Beach
Принадлежит: Individual

In an interactive network-based personal video recording system, a user interface is provided that allows viewers to search a database of program guide information according to program title, indexed program attributes such as actor and director, and key word. Viewer interaction is by way of a remote control unit.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Microcomputer, system including the same, and data transfer device

Номер: US20120263429A1
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

A microcomputer is provided, which can load data of different areas in parallel and transfer the loaded data to a storage circuit. The microcomputer includes a CPU to control a DRIs each of which loads image data of a prescribed area out of image data inputted from a camera and transfers the image data to a memory blocks, and the DRIs each of which transfers image data of respectively different area out of the image data inputted from the camera to the memory blocks. Therefore, it becomes possible to load image data of different areas in parallel and to transfer the loaded image data to the memory blocks.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Display apparatus for providing enhanced electronic program guide and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20120284751A1
Автор: Ryoung KIM, Yujin Bae
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of controlling a display apparatus including receiving, via a receiving unit, first metadata corresponding to contents to be displayed on the display apparatus from at least a first source externally connected to the display apparatus, said first metadata including channel information and broadcast programs to be broadcast for each channel included in the channel information; matching, via a controller thumbnail images with the broadcast programs; generating, via the controller, an enhanced program guide including a designated time zone indicating when a broadcast program is to be broadcast and a corresponding matched thumbnail image; and displaying via the display apparatus, the enhanced program guide based on a selection signal requesting the enhanced program guide be displayed.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Flexible rendering of user interface elements

Номер: US20120290941A1

An exemplary method includes 1) retrieving a set of presentation elements from a remote server, the set of presentation elements including a graphical element, 2) retrieving metadata from the remote server, the metadata associated with the graphical element and including information specifying coordinates at which the graphical element is to be displayed and a distance for the graphical element to cover within a graphical user interface, 3) using the metadata to determine a distance to stretch the graphical element within the graphical user interface, 4) stretching the graphical element the determined distance starting from the specified coordinates, and 5) including the stretched graphical element within the graphical user interface. Corresponding methods and systems are also disclosed.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for modified reruns

Номер: US20120291078A1
Автор: Srilal Weerasinghe

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a network device having a controller programmed to receive a rerun of a video program in an editable digital format streamed in an Internet Protocol Television system where the rerun has an identifier, initiate a search of a rerun database for video clips matching the identifier, retrieve a rerun descriptor file associated with the identifier, determine an insertion point on the rerun for inserting a video clip matching the identifier using the rerun descriptor file, and substitute at the insertion point, a portion of the rerun with the video clip matching the identifier. Other embodiments are disclosed.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Orientation-based generation of panoramic fields

Номер: US20120300019A1
Автор: Dahey Yoo, William X. Yang
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A field sensor may be capable of generating a panoramic field, e.g., by instructing the user to capture a sequence of fields of the panorama, performing a field evaluation to identify one or more landmarks depicted in overlapping areas of two contiguous fields, performing a field registration therebetween, and stitching together the panoramic field. However, panoramic field stitching based on field evaluation may fail to register two fields accurately or at all. Rather, panoramic field stitching may be performed using a device having an orientation sensor that detects the orientation of the device while capturing each field with a field sensor. The detected orientation may be used to orient the fields within a projection, from which a panoramic field may be accurately stitched. Additional variations include stitching together projections of the panorama captured at different times and utilizing fields captured at a distance from the root location of the panorama.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating a custom track

Номер: US20120316900A1
Автор: Michael Wayne Shore
Принадлежит: Capshore LLC

A method for creating a custom track is described. A selection of at least one artist, venue, and track of a live musical performance having at least one complete song for selection by the user is provided. A selection by the first user of the at least one artist, venue, and track is received. At least one clip associated with the at least one selected artist, venue, and track is displayed. The first user is allowed to create a first custom track from the at least one clip by selecting at least a portion of the at least one clip to be included in the first custom track and a start time and an end time of the at least a portion of the at least one clip within the first custom track.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Frame indexing technique to improve personal video recording functionality and security of transmitted video

Номер: US20120321082A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Systems and methods of efficiently indexing a digitized video stream are presented. In one embodiment, the method comprises receiving a coded video stream containing non-scrambled frame location indicators and scrambled video data, filtering the non-scrambled frame location indicators, and generating a database used for indexing frames. In one embodiment, the apparatus comprises a processor such as a hardware and/or software capable of generating a database used for improving video playback functionality by way of filtering non-scrambled indicators that define the start of frames in a digitized video stream.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Recordable downloadable video audio wedding and photo album and accessories

Номер: US20120321272A1
Автор: Edward Sikorski
Принадлежит: Individual

A system to record videos and take still photographs of special events, which can be placed into a photo album; the electronic recording and video displaying device as a tablet being preferably built into the cover of the album. The system allows consumers to view segments of their weddings while looking through their wedding photos. Further, the electronic recording and video displaying device can be removed from the photo album and connected to a charger or hooked up to a computer for downloading event footage such as that of a wedding. Users may erase the recorded video and replace it with new footage or an entity may control content. Alternate embodiments may be placed into a corresponding box or a card as a remote means for sending personalized greetings.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for supplementing on-demand media

Номер: US20120324518A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

Systems and methods for providing supplemental content with on-demand media in an interactive television application are described.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Guidance for image capture at different locations

Номер: US20120327252A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

A method for providing guidance to a user as to what images should be captured by the user as the user moves from location to location, comprising receiving a first captured digital image having pixel data captured of a scene at a first location, using a processor to analyze the pixel data of the first captured digital image and determining based on such analysis a second possible image capture location for the user, wherein the second possible image capture location is selected from a plurality of different possible locations, and transmitting guidance to the user over a communications network, the guidance including information concerning a next scene to be captured at the second location.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System for videotaping and recording a musical group

Номер: US20120328260A1
Автор: Keith A. Raniere
Принадлежит: First Principle Inc

A system comprising: a plurality of lead computers; a plurality of player workstations; a plurality of audio receivers and transmitters for capturing audio signals and converting said audio signals to a transmittable form, wherein at least one audio receiver and transmitter is associated with each player; a plurality of video receivers and transmitters for capturing images and converting said images to a transmittable form, wherein at least one video receiver and transmitter is associated with each player; a storage device and a processor for receiving and processing signals from said audio and video receivers and transmitters and; an output device for outputting each audio and video receiver.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-core processor for hand-held, image capture device

Номер: US20130010127A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC, Silverbrook Pty Ltd

A multi-core processor for installation in a hand-held device that has first and second image sensors. The multi-core processor has a first sensor interface for receiving data from the first image sensor, and a second sensor interface for receiving data from the second image sensor. Multiple processing units in the multi-core processor are configured to operate in parallel for processing data from the first and second sensor interfaces. The multiple processing units and the first and second sensor interfaces are all integrated onto a single chip.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Portable imaging device with multi-core processor

Номер: US20130010148A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A portable imaging device that has a CMOS image sensor, a color display for displaying an image sensed by the CMOS image sensor and a central processor. The central processor has an image sensor interface for receiving data from the CMOS image sensor, multiple processing units for parallel operation to simultaneously process the data, and an image display interface for sending processed data to the color display. The central processor is integrated onto a single chip.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Iterative, maximally probable, batch-mode commercial detection for audiovisual content

Номер: US20130014157A1
Автор: Michael L. Harville
Принадлежит: Interval Licensing LLC

Identification of starting and ending times of commercial breaks and commercials within those commercial breaks found in audiovisual content is disclosed. A solution to a “batch optimization” problem is used in which commercial locations within a set of audiovisual content are detected as a group by choosing a set of commercial locations which optimizes a cost function which can include considerations of, for example, 1) one or more cues, 2) relative locations of commercials within the audiovisual content, and/or 3) probability models based on statistics obtained regarding characteristics of typical commercial and commercial breaks. Optimization can be done over the total set of commercial location decisions, rather than on a per-commercial basis. Additionally, the cost function can be iteratively evaluated and many more types of cues and combinations of cues can be used in detection of commercials.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Hand-held quad core processing apparatus

Номер: US20130016227A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A hand-held apparatus is provided having a digital camera, a display, a miniature keyboard, a network interface, and four interconnected processing units arranged to jointly run programs for the operation of the digital camera, display, miniature keyboard, and network interface.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Television Having Program Recording and Playback Functions and Operating Method Thereof

Номер: US20130022331A1
Автор: Ping Chen, Zhang-Hang Wu
Принадлежит: TPV Electronics Fujian Co Ltd

A television having program recording and playback functions includes a screen, a storage unit, a sensor and a processor. The television determines whether the person is absent in front of the screen during displaying the television program and, if so, records the television program and corresponding channel information, and then determines whether a person is present in front of the screen again after the person is absent in front of the screen and, if so, controls the screen to display a menu. The television reads the recorded channel information to tune to a corresponding channel when a first option of the menu is selected, and reads the recorded television program to display the recorded television program by the screen when a second option of the menu is selected.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Portable Information Processing Device

Номер: US20130027314A1
Автор: Sei Kohno, Yasuo Masaki
Принадлежит: Funai Electric Co Ltd

Disclosed is a portable information processing device which can improve convenience by reducing an operational burden resulting from a selecting operation of the user. A control portion ( 18 a ) of the portable information processing device ( 1 ) selects, at least on the basis of that an external display device ( 5 ) is connected and a prescribed application is being started, a second mode from a first mode causing an external display device to display the same data as the data displayed on an built-in display portion ( 10 ) and the second mode causing the built-in display portion to display data different from the data displayed on the external display device.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Content record terminal, content record/reproduction system, and content recording method

Номер: US20130036479A1
Автор: Hisashi Tsuji
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

When a content write unit records a content on a medium, a control unit controls to record a dummy license which is generated by a dummy license generation unit and an expiration time limit is set into a past time, into the medium. When a recording of the content on the medium is completed, the control unit controls to delete the dummy license recorded on the medium and to record a normal license into the medium.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Intelligent recording

Номер: US20130044996A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An audio/video recording method and system is provided. The method includes receiving by a processor of an audio/video recording device, a request for recording broadcast audio/video data. The processor analyzes audio/video presentation capabilities for audio/video presentation devices and formats of a first group of broadcast audio/video files associated with the broadcast audio/video data. Results of the analyses are compared and in response a first audio/video file is selected from the first group of broadcast audio/video files. The first audio/video file includes a first format requiring a first amount of storage space within a storage device of the audio/video recording device. The first format is associated with the audio/video presentation capabilities of a first audio/video presentation device and the first audio/video file is recorded.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Providing Modified Media Content

Номер: US20130051753A1

A method includes processing media content. The media content includes audio data corresponding to a first audio playback rate and video data corresponding to a first video playback rate. Processing the media content includes identifying a speech portion of the audio data. The speech portion includes a consonant portion. The method further includes producing modified media content. The modified media content is produced based on modifying the video data and modifying the audio data. Modifying the audio data includes applying a non-linear transformation to the speech portion identified in the audio data. The method further includes storing the modified media content.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Automatically Recording Supplemental Content

Номер: US20130051773A1

A content provider transmits instructions to a content receiver to record multiple instances of content. The instances of content are included in the same frequency band of a broadcast transmitted by the content provider via a first communication link and scrambled utilizing the same control word. The content provider determines to supplement the multiple instances of content and transmits an instruction to record a supplemental instance of content from a second content provider via a second communication link. The content receiver receives the instructions and accordingly receives, descrambles, and stores the multiple instances of content and the supplemental instance of content. In some implementations, the first communication link may be a satellite communication link and the second communication link may be a different type of communication link such as a terrestrial broadcast communication link and/or an Internet protocol communication link.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Presentation of Still Image Data on Display Devices Using a Wireless Home Entertainment Hub

Номер: US20130055330A1
Автор: Patrick T. Igoe
Принадлежит: Porto Vinci Ltd LLC

A method of presenting still image data on multiple display devices using a wireless home entertainment hub comprises obtaining a registration of a plurality of devices with the wireless home entertainment hub, where the plurality of devices includes at least two display devices. An assignment of a zone for each display device of the at least two display devices is received. Still image data is caused to be displayed on a subset of the at least two display devices.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Generating and storing an asset at a PORT apparatus

Номер: US20130057685A1
Принадлежит: THIRD IRIS CORP

A system for providing video intelligence as a service to a plurality of small and medium sized enterprises to distributed video recordation equipment, comprising an apparatus and computer-implemented method. An apparatus comprises a point of recordation terminal apparatus coupled to a public network. A method for operating a system for video intelligence in a public network in a secure manner.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for storing a broadcast

Номер: US20130057773A1
Автор: Jung-Il Park

A method and apparatus for storing a broadcast are disclosed. The broadcast storing apparatus includes a broadcast receiver which receives a broadcast signal; a storage unit which stores a broadcast signal; and a controller which stores a broadcast signal in the storage unit in response to a storage function being set up for storing a received broadcast signal. The broadcast storing apparatus deletes a part of the stored broadcast signal on the basis of event information related to storage of the broadcast signal. Thus, there are provided a method and apparatus for storing a broadcast, in which a highlight scene is effectively stored while saving storage space.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Reproduction device, display device, television receiver, system, recognition method, program, and recording medium

Номер: US20130057774A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

Disclosed herein is a mobile telephone terminal for feeding a video image to a sink device, the mobile telephone terminal including an output control section for carrying out control for supplying, to a television through a CEC I/F, a Report Display Source Info command, which is a CEC command unique to the vendor and which inquires whether the television is displaying a video image being fed to the television. The output control section obtains, through the CEC the result of the inquiry in the form of a Report Display Source Info command, which is a CEC command unique to the vendor.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Digital jukebox device with karaoke and/or photo booth features, and associated methods

Номер: US20130070093A1
Принадлежит: TouchTunes Music Corp

Certain exemplary embodiments relate to entertainment systems and, more particularly, certain exemplary embodiments relate to jukebox systems that incorporate digital downloading jukebox features along with karaoke jukebox and/or photo booth features. A combined karaoke/photo booth/jukebox may enable more integrated performance-like experiences in an in-home or out-of-home location or venue. By leveraging vast audio media libraries, trusted rights-respecting network infrastructure, and on-site image/video capturing from integrated recorders and/or remote portable devices, a more sociable experience may be created for karaoke jukebox patrons, e.g., where custom content can be generated and shared in a safe and legally appropriate manner.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Video management system

Номер: US20130071087A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A system and method for managing video data and metadata associated with the video data is disclosed. In one embodiment, a content management system receives video data and metadata associated with the video data, such as a title, a thumbnail image and a subject matter identifier. Instructions for a media player used to present the video data using a destination site are also generated to simplify distribution of the video data to one or more destination sites. The content management system further enables a user to edit the stored video data to customize placements of advertisements or other data within the video data by identifying one or more cue points in the video data. A data store is coupled to the content management system to store the video data and the metadata associated with the video data.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Usb video interface for alpr cameras and associated method

Номер: US20130076903A1
Принадлежит: NDI Tech Inc

A video processing system ( 10 ) for automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) provides an interface between video cameras ( 14, 16 ) and a host computer ( 20 ) through a single high speed USB connection ( 18 ). The system ( 10 ) supports four simultaneous composite video channels ( 28 A, 28 B, 28 C, 28 D) with two channels dedicated to an IR monochrome video and two channels dedicated to color video. Compression software incorporates a high speed memory for buffering and stripping unnecessary data from a digitized data stream. Monochrome channel data and color channel data are marked with an incrementing index to tag them with frame identification. As a result, processing software in the host computer can re-align the monochrome and color video information after processing a license plate image, regardless of the order of data arrival. Color overview and monochrome recognition images are provided at the same time, and thus show the same plate or vehicle.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Information reproducing system using information storage medium

Номер: US20130084055A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An information storage medium storing management information, wherein the management information manages a main video or an advanced application, the main video is decoded, a decoded main video is presented to a main video plane, the advanced application is presented to a graphic plane, the graphic plane is placed on or above the main video plane, and the main video plane and the graphic plane are overlaid to be displayed.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Video thumbnail display device and video thumbnail display method

Номер: US20130093786A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A video thumbnail display device includes a receiving unit which receives a selection of the first template included in the first thumbnail, a template determining unit which determines whether or not the second thumbnail including the second template which includes the same video data as that in the first template is displayed, an image obtaining unit which obtains the first display image in the first thumbnail and the second display image in the second thumbnail when the second thumbnail is determined to be displayed; a plural-video displaying unit which displays the first template in the first display region and the second template in the second display region, and an image displaying unit which displays the first display image in the region associated with the first display region and the second display image in the region associated with the second display region.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Image processing device

Номер: US20130101223A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Provided is an image processing device for associating images with objects appearing in the images, while reducing burden on the user. The image processing device: stores, for each of events, a photographic attribute indicating a photographic condition predicted to be met with respect to an image photographed in the event; stores an object predicted to appear in an image photographed in the event; extracts from a collection of photographed images a photographic attribute that is common among a predetermined number of photographed images in the collection, based on pieces of photography-related information of the respective photographed images; specifies an object stored for an event corresponding to the extracted photographic attribute; and conducts a process on the collection of photographed images to associate each photographed image containing the specified object with the object.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Alternative Advertising in Prerecorded Media

Номер: US20130101272A1

Presenting viewers with an alternative brief version of a recorded advertisement when they choose to fast-forward through or skip (or any other trick play event) the recorded advertisement. The alternative advertisement may be displayed instead of or in conjunction with the recorded advertisement (i.e., fast-forwarding advertisement is displayed in one portion of the screen (i.e., background or portion of a split screen) and the alternative brief version is displayed in another portion). The alternative brief version of the advertisement (trick play advertisement) may be a marketing message that is a static screen presenting a logo or a portion of the recorded advertisement, or may be a condensed version of the actual advertisement. The trick play advertisements may be targeted. An alternate or entirely unrelated advertisement can also be displayed as the trick play advertisement.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Digital camera that transmits data to external system

Номер: US20130107076A1
Автор: Ryuichi Shiohara
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

With a digital camera ( 100 ), a photographed image ( 31 ) is displayed on a liquid crystal display and the user selects a desired image and specifies print specifications of the number of print sheets, a print paper size, a print color mode, etc., then print image data is prepared. The prepared print image data is transmitted from the digital camera ( 100 ) to a color printer of an output unit. An image is printed at the color printer in accordance with the print image data.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Data reproducing apparatus, content management method, program, and storage medium

Номер: US20130107079A1
Автор: Satoshi Nakama
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A data reproducing apparatus comprises: a reproducing unit adapted to read out data from a plurality of recording media; a list generating unit adapted to generate a content list which describes storage location information in association with contents stored in the plurality of recording media; and a communication unit adapted to communicate with an external device and sending the content list to the external device, wherein the list generating unit checks if the contents stored in the plurality of recording media include identical contents, and if the identical contents are detected, the list generating unit generates the content list including information indicating that the storage location information of the identical contents are integrated.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium and apparatus for protecting copyrighted digital data

Номер: US20130108243A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Copying, dubbing or reproducing copyrighted digital data can be inhibited or restricted to properly protect a copyright. AV data recorded on a pre-recorded tape is output from a reproducing unit of a first digital VCR with protective information indicating whether the copy of the AV data is inhibited or not. The protective information is input with the A/V data to a second digital VCR. Copy permission information of a blank tape loaded in the second digital VCR is discriminated and the second digital VCR records the AV data supplied from the first digital VCR based on the protective information and the copy permission information.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Presenting linear and nonlinear content via dvr

Номер: US20130114940A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Embodiments related to the presentation of linear content and non-linear content in an integrated user experience are disclosed. One embodiment provides a method of identifying linear content and non-linear content for presentation via a video recording device. The method includes detecting a trigger to perform a search for content items, and providing, responsive to the trigger, a search request to one or more metadata sources, each metadata source containing locations of one or more of linear content items and non-linear content items available at one or more content sources. The method further includes receiving from each metadata source a search response including metadata associated with available content at one or more of the content sources, and outputting a list of content items identifying one or more linear content items and one or more non-linear content items from one or more metadata sources.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Image recording apparatus, image reproducing apparatus, method of controlling image recording apparatus, method of controlling image reproducing apparatus, computer program, and recording medium

Номер: US20130120611A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A system, method and computer program product for arranging digital data in a file in an apparatus-implemented system, is disclosed. One or more pages are generated, where each page includes: i. a mode field containing a camera operation mode, ii. an image data field containing image data, iii. an offset field containing an offset to a next page in the file, and a total size field containing a page size. Each page is recorded in the file using the same format.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121666A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A playback device which performs processing using video signals and audio signals respectively corresponding to the video signals. The playback device includes: a reproduction unit which reproduces the video signals and the audio signals; a video output unit which performs processing for outputting a multi video that represents videos respectively obtained from the video signals through the reproduction performed by the reproduction unit; a playback state determination unit which determines at least one of: a playback state of at least one of the video signals; and a playback state of at least one of the audio signals; a selection unit which selects one of the audio signals based on the playback state determined by the playback state determination unit; and an audio signal output unit which outputs the audio signal selected by the selection unit. 1. A playback device which performs processing using video signals and audio signals respectively corresponding to the video signals , the playback device comprising:a reproduction unit configured to reproduce the video signals and the audio signals;a video output unit configured to perform processing for outputting a multi video that represents videos respectively obtained from the video signals through the reproduction performed by the reproduction unit;a playback state determination unit configured to determine at least one of: a playback state of at least one of the video signals; and a playback state of at least one of the audio signals;a selection unit configured to select one of the audio signals based on the playback state determined by the playback state determination unit; andan audio signal output unit configured to output the audio signal selected by the selection unit.2. A playback device according to claim 1 ,wherein the playback state determination unit is configured to determine a video playback state that is the playback state of the at least one of the video signals, andthe selection unit is configured to ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Communication apparatus and method for controlling the communication apparatus

Номер: US20130122815A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method for controlling a communication apparatus includes communicating with an external device through close proximity wireless communication, receiving a remote control signal transmitted from a remote controller, storing a remote control setting which enables or disables an operation of the remote controller, making a determination as to whether a connection between the communication apparatus and the external device through the close proximity wireless communication is established, and controlling an operation of the remote controller for the communication apparatus on the basis of the determination.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128079A1
Автор: Oyama Yasufumi

An image processing apparatus is intended to display an image arbitrarily selected between an original image and an edited image in accordance with a user's preference after image editing. The image processing apparatus is designed so that an image displayed after the image editing can be selected depending on a user's intention. The image processing apparatus specifies and displays an unedited or edited image on the basis of a user operation, whereby the user can easily view a desired image. 1an image pickup unit configured to capture an image of an object;a first storage control unit configured to store the image captured by the image pickup unit in a storage device;an editing unit configured to edit an image stored in the storage device;a second storage control unit configured to store the edited image as a new image in the storage device; anda selecting screen display unit configured to display a selecting screen for selecting which of the edited image and which unedited original image is to be displayed after editing is performed.. A digital camera comprising: The present application is a Continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/670,098 filed Feb. 1, 2007, which claims priority from Japanese Application No. 2006-034966 filed Feb. 13, 2006, and Japanese Application No. 2007-004675 filed Jan. 12, 2007, the entire contents of each of which are hereby incorporated by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a technology for selecting an image to be displayed after image editing finishes in an image processing apparatus.2. Description of the Related ArtAt present, image processing apparatuses and image pickup devices are becoming more sophisticated. As a result, image processing apparatuses have not only a function of simply displaying (playing back) an image recorded on a recording medium or a pickup image (hereinafter simply referred to as an “image”) but also a function of editing an image and storing the edited image as a new image ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for recordign video content

Номер: US20130129309A1
Автор: Krishna Prasad Panje
Принадлежит: General Instrument Corp

An aspect of the present invention provides a device for use with a stream of video content and a video display. The device includes a receiver, a circular buffer, an output portion, a controller and a second buffer. The receiver receives the stream of video content. The circular buffer stores up to a predetermined first length of the stream of video content as buffered video content. The output portion outputs a first video signal, based on the buffered video content, to the video display. The controller controls the output portion to output the first video signal as one of the buffered video content playing in real time, a paused portion of the buffered video content, and a previously played portion of the buffered video content. The second buffer stores a portion of the buffered video content as stored video content. The output portion outputs a second video signal, based on the stored video content, to the video display. The circular buffer continues to store the stream of video content when the controller controls the output portion to output the first video signal as one of the paused portion of the buffered video content and the previously played portion of the buffered video content. When the circular buffer stores the stream of video content for a second length that is greater than the first length, the controller can further control the second buffer to store a predetermined portion of the second length as the portion of the buffered video content.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Recording Information on a Mobile Computing Device

Номер: US20130129311A1

A computer-readable medium storing computer executable instructions for: (1) receiving video footage taken by a handheld device; (2) identifying one or more indicia associated with a point of interest within the video footage; (3) using the one or more indicia to retrieve information associated with the point of interest; (4) displaying the information on a display screen associated with the handheld device as the video footage is being displayed on the display screen; and (5) recording a screen capture of the display screen as the display screen is displaying the video footage and information. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing computer executable instructions for:(A) receiving video footage taken by a handheld device;(B) identifying one or more machine-readable indicia within said video footage, said one or more machine-readable indicia being associated with a point of interest within said video footage;(C) using said one or more machine-readable indicia to retrieve information associated with said point of interest;(D) displaying said information on a display screen associated with said handheld device as said video footage is being displayed on said display screen; and(E) recording a screen capture of said display screen as said display screen is displaying said video footage and said information.2. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein:said computer-readable medium further stores computer-executable instructions for allowing a user to annotate said video footage; andsaid Step (E) comprises recording said screen capture of said display screen as said display screen is displaying said video footage, said user's annotations of said video footage, and said information.3. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 2 , wherein said user's annotations of said video footage comprise handwritten annotations.4. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 2 , wherein said user's annotations of said video ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129312A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The possibility that one who is not accustomed with manipulation may cause inadvertent alteration or deletion by using an easy-remote control is reduced. 1. A data processing apparatus comprising:a reception section configured to receive a first remote control signal sent from a first remote control having buttons provided on a surface thereof and a second remote control signal sent from a second remote control having a smaller number of buttons provided on a surface thereof than on the first remote control;a processor configured to generate image data representing a list of contents by using, from a storage medium on which content-related information is recorded, the content-related information being read from the storage medium, such that image data representing a different list of contents is generated depending on whether the first remote control signal is received or the second remote control signal is received; andan output section configured to output the image data representing the list of contents.2. The data processing apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe processor,when the first remote control signal is received, generates the image data representing the list of contents by using information which is recorded based on a manipulation of the first remote control and a manipulation of the second remote control, andwhen the second remote control signal is received, generates the image data representing the list of contents by using information which is recorded based on a manipulation of the second remote control, from within the content-related information recorded on the storage medium.3. The data processing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 ,data of at least one content is recorded on the storage medium as the content-related information; andthe processor generates image data representing a list of recorded contents.4. The data processing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the storage medium contains a content which is recorded based on a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Recording of television programming

Номер: US20130129321A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A video recording system that controls recording of television programming relating to sporting events to better match the intent of a user who specified programming for recording. The system merges data from an electronic program guide and sports data, such as from a news feed, to determine values of recording parameters, such as start and stop time and channel. User input may specify a player, team, league or other sports entity for which sporting events are to be recorded. The system may use the sports data to identify sporting events involving the specified sports entity and then access an electronic program guide to determine a channel on which to record the sporting events. When the user specifies a sporting event to record, sports data may be used to track progress of the event and dynamically adjust an ending time of the recording to ensure that the full event is recorded.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135486A1
Автор: Wan Chung Chun

High dynamic range imaging techniques with multi-storage pixels are provided. Multiple images may be captured during a single exposure using an image sensor with multi-storage pixels. During a single exposure, charge from photodiodes may be transferred alternately to multiple storage nodes of the multi-storage pixels. During readout of a multi-storage pixel, charge may be transferred from each of multiple storage nodes one at a time to a floating diffusion node. Each subsequent transfer of charge may be summed with the charge already stored in the floating diffusion node. A pixel signal may be read out from the multi-storage pixel after each charge transfer. Images formed from the pixel signals may be combined to produce a high dynamic range image. 1. A method for capturing images with an image sensor having of multi-storage pixels , wherein each multi-storage pixel has a photodiode , at least first and second storage nodes , and a floating diffusion node , for each multi-storage pixel the method comprising:transferring from the photodiode at least first and second pluralities of charge portions to the at least first and second storage nodes, respectively;summing the first plurality of charge portions to produce a first stored charge at the first storage node;summing the second plurality of charge portions to produce a second stored charge at the second storage node;transferring the first stored charge from the first storage node to a floating diffusion node;reading out the first stored charge from the floating diffusion node as a first pixel signal having a first exposure time;transferring the second stored charge from the second storage node to a floating diffusion node; andreading out a sum of the first and second stored charges from the floating diffusion node as a second pixel signal having a second exposure time.2. The method defined in claim 1 , further comprising:forming a first image from the first pixel signal from each multi-storage pixel, wherein the ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus and scheduled viewing setting method using the same

Номер: US20130136422A1
Автор: Jin-tack LIM

A method of setting a scheduled viewing of broadcast content is provided. The method includes: receiving a command for setting a scheduled viewing of broadcast content; recording the scheduled broadcast content; during the recording, detecting presence of a user; and determining whether to delete the recorded broadcast content based on a result of the detecting the presence of the user.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for video image data recording and playback

Номер: US20130136428A1
Автор: Yi-Li Liu
Принадлежит: Aten International Co Ltd

A video data recoding method suitable for recording computer sessions. Each video image frame is divided into multiple blocks. A server processes the video frames and transmits only changed blocks for each frame to a video log server. The video log server stores the changed blocks with block indices in a data file. The video log server also maintains a virtual frame table which stores, for each block of the frame, the data location within the data file where the most recent occurrence of that block is stored. The virtual frame table is continuously updated as changed blocks are stored in the data file. The video log server further stores a snapshot file containing snapshots of the virtual frame table at predetermined time points, along with time stamps and a next changed frame location. The data file and the snapshot file are used to reproduce the video images.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

System and methods for optimizing buffering heuristics in media

Номер: US20130136430A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An algorithm to analyze previous attempts by the a user of a media player and either presents the media player with all data, a subset of data or even a hint, enabling the boot of the heuristics engine with the ability to custom-target initial startup methods of the media engine.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141610A1

When a shutter release operation is performed at an electronic still camera, an MPU records image data output from an image capturing element into a CF card. The MPU also stores the image data in a transfer buffer memory of an interface circuit. The image data stored in the transfer buffer memory are transferred to a transfer buffer memory provided at an interface circuit of a personal computer connected via an IEEE-1394 cable. The MPU of the personal computer reads out the image data having been taken into the personal computer from the transfer buffer memory and records them in a specific recording area in a recording device. 1. A recording medium having a data file management program recorded therein , said program comprising:recording processing in which an information data file is recorded in a recording medium;attribute data file creation processing in which an attribute data file having recorded therein attribute information of the information data file recorded in the recording medium is created;read processing in which attribute information of an information data file that has not yet been recorded in the recording medium is read;decision-making processing in which a decision is made as to whether or not the attribute information recorded in said attribute data file matches the attribute information read through said read processing, a match signal is output when matching and a non-match signal is output when not-matching; andcontrol processing in which control is implemented on said recording processing based upon results of the decision made in said decision-making processing.2. A recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinin said control processing, a recording operation through said recording processing is allowed when said non-match signal is output through said decision-making processing and a recording operation through said recording processing is disallowed when said match signal is output through said decision-making processing.3. A recording ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Adjusting Time Metadata of Digital Media Items

Номер: US20130141612A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Methods, apparatuses, and systems for adjusting time metadata of digital media items. A digital image captured at a location is associated with a time of capture and a location of capture. It is determined that a time of capture of the digital image is in a preset time zone that is different from a time zone of the location. In response to the determining, multiple locations are provided, each being associated with a respective time zone including a time zone of the location. A selection of a location is received and the time of capture is adjusted based on a time zone associated with the selected location. 1. A system comprising:an image receiver configured to receive a digital image, including a time of capture of the digital image corresponding to a preset time zone;a location receiver configured to receive location information identifying a location, including a time of recording of the location information corresponding to a reference time zone;a comparison unit configured to compare the preset time zone with the reference time zone; and detect an assignment of the digital image to the location; and', 'generate an indication of a time zone conflict, responsive to the comparison by the comparison unit., 'a processor operatively coupled to the image receiver and the location receiver, the processor configured to'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the preset time zone is associated with the digital image in response to input.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is associated with the preset time zone claim 1 , and wherein the processor is configured to associate the time of capture with the preset time zone.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:transmit the location information to a time zone database operatively coupled to the processor, the time zone database configured to store time zones and location information of locations that lie in each of the stored time zones;receive, from the time zone database, a time ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145411A1
Принадлежит: DISH DIGITAL L.L.C.

A remote storage digital video recorder (RS-DVR) system is disclosed. The RS-DVR system includes a network interface to communicate data between the RS-DVR system and a subscriber system via a network, a file system module coupled to the network interface, an ingest agent coupled to the file system module to receive encoded media segments that represent media content files encoded at a plurality of different bitrates; and a storage architecture coupled to the file system to store the encoded media segments, resulting in stored media segments. The RS-DVR carries out a number of functions and operations to service multiple subscribers and associated subscriber systems, such as various storage device management operations, file structure techniques, assignment of recorded media to subscribers, file system indexing, and supporting shared and per-subscriber content rights. 1. A remote storage digital video recorder (RS-DVR) system comprising:a network interface to communicate data between the RS-DVR system and a subscriber system via a network;a file system module coupled to the network interface;an ingest agent coupled to the file system module to receive encoded media segments that represent a media content file encoded at a plurality of different bitrates; anda storage architecture coupled to the file system to store the encoded media segments as a single logical file.2. The RS-DVR system of claim 1 , wherein the storage architecture comprises a plurality of memory storage devices claim 1 , and the single logical file is partitioned for storage across the plurality of memory storage devices.3. The RS-DVR system of claim 2 , wherein the single logical file is partitioned such that data representing encoded media segments for different bitrates are stored on different ones of the plurality of memory storage devices.4. The RS-DVR system of claim 1 , wherein the single logical file comprises a sparse file.5. The RS-DVR system of claim 1 , wherein the single logical file ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147987A1

A display apparatus includes an image recording section which records a plurality of image data items obtained on different dates and including image data items including a person, and a control section which displays one of the image data items selected from the image data items on a display section, retrieves another one of the image data items obtained on a date different from a date of the selected image data item and including the person, and displays the another one of the image data items on the display section. 1. A display apparatus comprising:an image recording section which records a plurality of image data items obtained on different dates and including image data items including a person;a display section;an event determination section which determines in what events the plurality of image data items are included, respectively; anda control section which displays one image data item of an event selected from the image data items on the display section, retrieves another one the image data items obtained on a date different from a date of the event from the plurality of image data items and including the person, and displays the another one of the image data items on the display section.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control section displays the image data items together with information of the events on the display section.3. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the information of the events include date information of photographing or information classified into folders formed by a user.4. The display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of image data items are obtained by shooting with an image pickup device which includes the control section, andthe control section subjects the plurality of image data items to image classification based on each of the information of each of the image data; anddetermines whether the person is included or not for each of the image data items from a result of ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148942A1

A medical communication system includes a plurality of end-user audio/video recording and playback devices () disposed with recipients of medical assistance, and a medical server () configured to receive audio/video messages (′) generated by the end-user audio/video devices and to generate and transmit audio/video responses () to targeted end-user audio/video devices. The medical server includes an audio/video recording and playback device () configured to playback received audio/video messages and to record audio/video responses, and the end user audio/video recording and playback devices are configured to playback audio/video responses (′) received from the server. In some embodiments, each end-user audio/video device includes: a video recording lens (); a microphone (); and an automatic lens cover () arranged to physically block the video recording lens except during recording of audio/video content. In some embodiments, each end-user audio/video device includes a consumer entertainment device (). 1. An apparatus comprising:{'b': 60', '50', '52', '56', '60', '168, 'a handheld remote controller () for controlling a television (), DVD (), set-top box (), or other electronic device, the handheld remote controller () including tactile controls () for entering control commands;'}{'b': 164', '60, 'a built-in microphone () built into the handheld remote controller (); and'}{'b': 166', '164, 'a transmitter () for transmitting audio picked up by the built-in microphone () from the handheld remote controller.'}2166164168. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the transmitter () for transmitting audio picked up by the built-in microphone () is not used to transmit control commands entered using the tactile controls ().3. The apparatus as set forth in claim 1 , further including:{'b': 10', '40', '60', '40, 'a medical server () configured to cause a patient audio/video recording and playback device () controlled by the handheld remote controller () to play back pre- ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155283A1

An image sensor including a pixel array, each pixel including, in a substrate of a doped semiconductor material of a first conductivity type, a first doped region of a second conductivity type at the surface of the substrate; an insulating trench surrounding the first region; a second doped region of the first conductivity type, more heavily doped than the substrate, at the surface of the substrate and surrounding the trench; a third doped region of the second conductivity type, forming with the substrate a photodiode junction, extending in depth into the substrate under the first and second regions and being connected to the first region; and a fourth region, more lightly doped than the second and third regions, interposed between the second and third regions and in contact with the first region and/or with the third region. 1. An image sensor comprising a pixel array , each pixel comprising , in a substrate of a doped semiconductor material of a first conductivity type:a first doped region of a second conductivity type at the surface of the substrate;a trench of an insulating material surrounding the first region;a second doped region of the first conductivity type, more heavily doped than the substrate, at the surface of the substrate and surrounding the trench;a third doped region of the second conductivity type, forming with the substrate a photodiode junction, extending in depth into the substrate under the first and second regions and being in contact with the first region or connected to the first region by one or several additional regions of the second conductivity type; anda fourth doped region of the first or second conductivity type, more lightly doped than the second and third regions, interposed between the second and third regions and in contact with the second region and/or with the third region.2. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the external lateral perimeter of the trench to the external lateral perimeter of the third region is ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156407A1

A progressive video streaming apparatus and method based on a visual perception are provided, and the progressive video streaming apparatus may include a gaze detector to detect gaze information including at least one of a location of a focus and a viewing angle of a user, a video playback quality determiner to determine video playback quality layers, based on the detected gaze information, a progressive streaming receiver to request video data and receive the video data, using a visual perception priority based on the detected gaze information, and a visual perception-based player to play back the received video data, by controlling an interactive delay to be reduced below a selected criterion, while reducing a visually recognized quality change in the received video data below another selected criterion. 1. A progressive video streaming apparatus based on a visual perception , the progressive video streaming apparatus comprising:a gaze detector to detect gaze information including at least one of a location of a focus and a viewing angle of a user;a video playback quality determiner to determine video playback quality layers, based on the detected gaze information;a progressive streaming receiver to request video data and receive the video data, using a visual perception priority based on the detected gaze information; anda visual perception-based player to play back the received video data, by controlling an interactive delay to be reduced below a selected criterion, while reducing a visually recognized quality change in the received video data below another selected criterion.2. The progressive video streaming apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interactive delay is computed by adding at least one of a packetizing delay time claim 1 , a network delay time claim 1 , a group-of-pictures (GOP) delay time claim 1 , and a buffering delay time.3. The progressive video streaming apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the progressive streaming receiver transmits claim 1 , first ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Installation or device with a high-definition multimedia interface

Номер: US20130159751A1
Принадлежит: EM Microelectronic Marin SA, Minebea Co Ltd

The Installation is equipped with a power supply unit and a High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), this installation being able to be connected to a second HDMI device with which it can communicate by using a protocol defined in the HDMI Standard, this installation or device being able to be set in Standby or Power-down mode and to be removed from this Standby or Power-down mode by said second HDMI device via a Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) line. The installation has a Power Management Unit (PMU) arranged on the primary side of said power supply unit, this PMU having its own power supply circuit directly connected to the power supply source of this installation or device and being arranged for switching OFF the electrical energy on the secondary side of said power supply unit when this installation or device enters said Standby or Power-down mode.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169839A1
Автор: Takahashi Ryo

Even when as an object targeted for registering feature data, an object for which registered feature data has reached an upper limit is selected, replacement of the registered feature data is prompted to register new feature data. An imaging apparatus includes a registration unit configured to register a plurality of feature data up to an upper limit number in association with the same object, a selection unit configured to select one of registered objects for which new feature data is to be registered, and a control unit configured to perform control to display a selection screen for allowing, when the object selected by the selection unit is the object for which the upper limit number of feature data has been registered, a user to select the feature data to be replaced with the new feature data among the upper limit number of feature data registered for the object. 1. An imaging apparatus having an imaging unit , comprising:a registration unit configured to register a plurality of feature data up to an upper limit number in a nonvolatile memory in association with a same object;an authentication unit configured to identify whether an object detected from an image captured by the imaging unit is a registered object based on the feature data registered in the nonvolatile memory;a selection unit configured to select one of objects registered in the nonvolatile memory for which new feature data is registered by the registration unit; anda control unit configured to perform control to display a selection screen for allowing, when the object selected by the selection unit is the object for which the upper limit number of feature data has been registered, a user to select the feature data to be replaced with the new feature data among the upper limit number of feature data registered for the object;wherein the registration unit registers the new feature data by replacing the feature data selected on the selection screen.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for providing relevant supplemental content to a user device

Номер: US20130170813A1
Принадлежит: United Video Properties Inc

Systems and methods are provided for presenting a supplemental content asset on a secondary device that is relevant to a primary content asset that is being presented on a primary user device, to enhance the user experience of the primary content asset. A relevant supplemental content asset may be selected based on characteristics of the primary content asset and/or user profile information. Presentation of the supplemental content asset and primary content asset may be coordinated and synchronized by exchange of messages between the primary user device and secondary device.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and method, and program storage medium

Номер: US20130176456A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Bando
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed is an information processing method comprising the steps of: storing measured position information in association with first time information representing times of day at which the measured position information is obtained; storing video information in association with second time information representing times of day at which the video information is obtained; and associating the measured position information with the video information in accordance with degrees of difference between the first time information and the second time information.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176459A1
Автор: YANG Jeongmo

A method and an apparatus are provided for storing camera-captured images. A preview image is displayed. An occurrence of a shutter event is checked for. A compressed image corresponding to the preview image is stored in a storage unit, when the shutter event has occurred. 1. A method for storing camera-captured images , the method comprising the steps of:displaying a preview image;checking for an occurrence of a shutter event; andstoring a compressed image corresponding to the preview image in a storage unit, when the shutter event has occurred.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein checking for the occurrence of the shutter event is performed after the preview image is displayed.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein displaying the preview image comprises:receiving raw data from a camera module and storing the raw data in a buffer;processing the raw data from the buffer into the preview image; andoutputting the preview image to a display unit.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein storing the compressed image comprises:processing the raw data from the buffer into a compressed image, when the shutter event has occurred;outputting the compressed image to the storage unit; andemptying the buffer so that the buffer is able to store new raw data.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein storing the compressed image further comprises emptying the buffer so that the buffer is able to store the new raw data claim 4 , when the shutter event has not occurred.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein displaying the preview image comprises:receiving the preview image and the compressed image from a camera module, and storing the preview image and the compressed image in a buffer; andextracting the preview image from the buffer, and outputting the preview image to a display unit.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein storing the compressed image comprises:extracting the compressed image and outputting the compressed image to the storage unit, when the shutter event has occurred; andemptying the buffer so ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182147A1

A mark information recording apparatus includes an output unit and a recording unit. The output unit is configured to output, for displaying a partial image being a part of an entire image having an arbitrary resolution among entire images generated at a plurality of different resolutions with respect to a single target, the partial image. The recording unit is configured to associate mark information with information on a position within the entire image and information on the resolution of the output partial image and record the mark information. 1. A mark information recording apparatus , comprising:an output unit configured to output, for displaying a partial image being a part of an entire image having an arbitrary resolution among entire images generated at a plurality of different resolutions with respect to a single target, the partial image; anda recording unit configured to associate mark information with information on a position within the entire image and information on the resolution of the output partial image and record the mark information.2. The mark information recording apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe recording unit is configured to record, as the mark information, annotation information and a mark image to be combined in the partial image.3. The mark information recording apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:an annotation information generation unit configured to start, when information on an input operation by a user for starting generation of the annotation information is acquired, the generation of the annotation information.4. The mark information recording apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:an annotation information generation unit configured to start, when information on an audio of a speech of a user is acquired, generation of the annotation information.5. The mark information recording apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire information on ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for compiling and playing a multi-channel video

Номер: US20130188932A1
Принадлежит: SRSLY Inc

A system and method for compiling video segments including defining an event; providing a multi-user video aggregation interface; receiving a plurality of video segments through the aggregation interface; determining event-synchronized alignment of the plurality of videos; and assembling a multi-channel video of event, the multi-channel video file configured with at least two video segments that have at least partially overlapping event-synchronized alignment.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Recording apparatus, recording method, and recording system

Номер: US20130202272A1
Автор: Toshio Minoshima
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A recording apparatus of moving image data generates first moving image data and second moving image data having less number of pixels than the first moving image data, outputs the generated moving image data by using a plurality of output channels which conform with predetermined format, determines the number of the second moving image data to be generated on the basis of an output state of the moving image data which is output by using the output channels in the case where the first moving image data is output in accordance with the predetermined format, and generates the second moving image data of the determined number in parallel with the outputting of the first moving image data.
