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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 13799. Отображено 200.
27-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2430491C2

Описаны способы, предназначенные для посылки информации управления в беспроводной системе связи. Техническим результатом является создание эффективности посылки информации управления. Для этого сегмент управления может включать в себя мозаичные элементы, а каждый мозаичный элемент может включать в себя множество блоков передачи. Некоторое количество ресурсов управления может быть определено и сопоставлено блокам передачи для сегмента управления. Для симметричного сопоставления может быть сформировано множество наборов ресурсов управления, и каждая группа из L последовательных наборов из S ресурсов управления может быть сопоставлена S блокам передачи в одном и том же местоположении в L мозаичных элементах. Для локализованного сопоставления каждое множество из S ресурсов управления может быть сопоставлено кластеру из S смежных блоков передачи в одном мозаичном элементе. Для распределенного сопоставления каждый ресурс управления может быть сопоставлен одному блоку передачи в одном мозаичном ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604432C2

Изобретение относится к определению шифровальной книги гибридных автоматических запросов повторения (HARQ)-подтверждения (ACK) в сетях беспроводной связи. Технический результат - эффективное снижение непроизводственных издержек от использования HARQ-ACK. Для этого получают индекс назначения нисходящего канала (DAI); определяют количество нисходящих субкадров в пределах пакетного окна первой обслуживающей соты из множества обслуживающих сот, в котором нисходящие субкадры пакетного окна ассоциированы с восходящим субкадром для передачи соответствующей информации гибридного автоматического запроса HARQ-ACK; определяют количество битов HARQ-ACK, соответствующих первой обслуживающей соте, доступных на физическом восходящем канале совместного использования (PUSCH) восходящего субкадра, основываясь на DAI и определенном количестве нисходящих субкадров; определяют количество битов HARQ-ACK, соответствующих каждой из множества обслуживающих сот, доступных на PUSCH восходящего субкадра; и определяют ...

25-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739526C2

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности передачи в системе радиосвязи. Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что передатчик может сообщать результат измерения разницы во времени на основе события, связанного с измерением разницы во времени, причем в том случае, если предварительно заданная длина временного интервала передачи (TTI) сконфигурирована, и, кроме того, в том случае, если результат измерения больше предварительно заданного порога, передатчик сообщает результат измерения на терминальное устройство. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618507C2

Изобретение относится к системе беспроводной связи, используемой для связи типа Устройство-Устройство, и предназначено для получения синхронизации за пределами участка покрытия системы беспроводной связи. Раскрываемым в настоящем изобретении является способ для осуществления связи типа устройство-устройство между единицами оборудования пользователя за пределами зоны покрытия базовой станции в системе беспроводной связи. В частности, способ содержит этапы, на которых: делят на множество вероятных отрезков конкретную единицу времени для связи типа устройство-устройство; обнаруживают опорный сигнал, который передается от второго оборудования пользователя из числа единиц оборудования пользователя, из одного отрезка вероятных отрезков, который не является последним отрезком; достигают синхронизации для связи типа устройство-устройство со вторым оборудованием пользователя на основании опорного сигнала; и передают предварительно определенный сигнал авторизации на последнем отрезке вероятных отрезков ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537844C2

Изобретение относится к системе беспроводного доступа, поддерживающей агрегацию множественных несущих (CA), и обеспечивает принятие решения, для какой обслуживающей ячейки должна быть выполнена обратная связь. Изобретение раскрывает, в частности, способ для апериодической обратной передачи информации состояния канала (CSI) в системе беспроводного доступа, поддерживающей CA, и согласно варианту осуществления настоящего изобретения содержит этапы: прием первого сообщения, включающего в себя поле запроса апериодической CSI и предоставление восходящей линии связи, от базовой станции; прием второго сообщения, включающего в себя информацию битового массива, указывающую компонентную несущую нисходящей линии связи (CC DL), подвергаемую измерению CSI, от базовой станции; измерение CSI с учетом по меньшей мере одного из: запроса апериодической CSI, предоставления восходящей линии связи и информации битового массива; и передачу измеренной CSI на базовую станцию посредством физического совместно используемого ...

18-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714605C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в возможности избежать конфликтов, когда множество устройств с различными уровнями приоритета совместно используют общий набор ресурсов для беспроводной связи. Способ беспроводной связи содержит этапы, на которых: принимают индикатор уровня приоритета пользователя; определяют интервал времени передачи (TTI), соответствующий упомянутому уровню приоритета пользователя, причем TTI определяет интервал для отслеживания индикатора диспетчеризации, при этом индикатор диспетчеризации представляет собой один из множества индикаторов диспетчеризации, преобразованных во множество уровней приоритета пользователя, и каждый индикатор диспетчеризации указывает, может ли разрешение на передачу быть доступным для пользователя, которому назначен соответствующий один из множества уровней приоритета пользователя; и отслеживают индикатор диспетчеризации согласно упомянутому определенному интервалу. 4 н. и ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446596C2

Изобретение относится к технике связи и может использоваться для передачи управляющей информации. Технический результат состоит в повышении эффективности использования пропускной способности каналов. Для этого в способе канал управления используют для передачи управляющей информации. Разделяют канал на множество подканалов, каждый из которых работает на заданной скорости передачи данных. Для каждого из одного или нескольких абонентских терминалов один из подканалов выбирается на основе одного или нескольких критериев выбора для передачи управляющей информации от точки доступа на соответствующий абонентский терминал. Управляющая информация передается от точки доступа на абонентский терминал по конкретному подканалу, выбранному для соответствующего абонентского терминала. На абонентском терминале упомянутые один или несколько подканалов декодируются для получения управляющей информации, предназначенной для абонентского терминала. 8 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 17 табл.

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582060C2

Изобретение относится к телекоммуникационным системам. Технический результат состоит в улучшении запуска запросов планирования восходящей линии связи в телекоммуникационной системе. Для этого в одном аспекте мобильный терминал посылает начальный запрос планирования к базовой станции. Позже мобильный терминал не передает запроса планирования к базовой станции до тех пор, пока не будет детектировано событие запуска запроса планирования. 6 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

21-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654500C2
Принадлежит: НТТ ДОКОМО, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к системе мобильной связи и предназначено для адекватного сообщения информации о времени передачи зондирующего опорного сигнала (SRS) и параметров SRS в мобильный терминал при использовании апериодического SRS и периодического SRS и эффективной эксплуатации радиоресурсов, используемых для передачи сигнала SRS. Мобильный терминал, который передает периодический сигнал SRS и апериодический сигнал SRS, содержит модуль приема, выполненный с возможностью приема в нисходящем канале управления конкретной битовой информации, выбранной из числа элемента битовой информации, указывающего не активировать передачу апериодического сигнала SRS, и множества элементов битовой информации, каждый из которых указывает передать апериодический сигнал SRS с использованием предопределенного параметра сигнала SRS по умолчанию; и модуль задания передачи сигнала SRS, выполненный с возможностью управления временем передачи апериодического сигнала SRS на основании указанной конкретной битовой ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503133C2

Изобретение относится к системам беспроводной связи с множественным доступом со многими несущими и предназначено для назначения ресурсов для основной несущей и дополнительной несущей с сообщением предоставления. Сообщение предоставления, переданное с основной несущей, может включать в себя информацию ресурсов множества несущих. Кроме того, системы и способы облегчают идентификацию информации управления для основной несущей и/или дополнительной несущей на основании рабочего режима, причем рабочий режим является традиционным режимом или расширенным режимом. На основании рабочего режима конкретные ресурсы, ассоциированные с областями управления, контролируются в отношении информации управления для соответствующей основной несущей(их) или дополнительной несущей(их). 12 н. и 46 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

26-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776782C2

Изобретение относится к обработке сигнала на основе последовательности. Техническим результатом является низкая корреляция последовательности, а также поддержание относительно небольшого отношения пикового уровня мощности сигнала к среднему (PAPR) и значение кубической меры (СМ), в результате чего удовлетворяется требование в прикладной среде связи, в которой сигнал передают с использованием PUCCH (физического канала управления восходящей линии связи). Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что определяют последовательность, удовлетворяющую требованию для передачи сигнала с использованием PUCCH, где последовательность представляет собой последовательность , состоящую из N элементов, представляет собой элемент в последовательности , и определенная последовательность представляет собой последовательность, удовлетворяющую заданному условию; N элементов в последовательности соответственно отображают на N поднесущие для генерирования первого сигнала; и передают первый сигнал. 30 н ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019103586A3

13-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018104838A3

08-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019101914A3

30-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019113762A3

29-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020101122A3

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019138974A3

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016110093A3

13-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706024C2

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении улучшенных систем и способов для запуска запросов планирования восходящей линии связи в телекоммуникационной системе. Мобильный терминал посылает начальный запрос планирования (SR) к базовой станции. Следующий запрос планирования к базовой станции передается, если изменяется состояние буфера мобильного терминала, при этом изменение состояния буфера представляет собой то, что величина времени, которое истекло с момента передачи предыдущего SR, превышает порог. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2343635C1

Заявлены способ и устройство для передачи и приема управляющей информации нисходящей линии связи в системе мобильной связи, поддерживающей услугу передачи пакетных данных восходящей линии связи. Технический результат - сокращение служебной информации сигнализации нисходящей линии связи, которая является результатом предоставления диспетчеризации при управляемой узлом базовой станции (узлом В) диспетчеризации. Для этого при передаче пакетных данных в системе мобильной связи гибридного запроса автоматического повтора передачи пакета (HARQ), второй приемопередатчик принимает от первого приемопередатчика условное предоставление (RG) в качестве информации управления скоростью. Второй приемопередатчик устанавливает разрешенную максимальную скорость передачи данных процесса HARQ, к которому применяют RG, в разрешенную максимальную скорость передачи данных процесса HARQ, предшествующего данному процессу HARQ, если RG указывает сохранение. Второй приемопередатчик передает пакетные данные первому ...

27-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2763158C2

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности отслеживания передачи по нисходящей линии связи и/или восходящей линии связи. Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что в составе оборудования пользователя (UE), которое осуществляет обмен данными с устройством базовой станции на одной или более частях ширины полосы нисходящей линии связи (BWP DL) в обслуживающей соте, схема приема выполнена с возможностью приема сообщения управления радиоресурсом (RRC), включающего в себя первую информацию, приема сообщения RRC, включающего в себя вторую информацию, отслеживания PDCCH на основе первой информации, приема по PDCCH формата информации управления нисходящей линии связи (DCI), содержащего третью информацию и четвертую информацию, а схема передатчика сконфигурирована для выполнения в интервале, на основе обнаружения DCI, содержащей третью информацию и четвертую информацию, передачи апериодического отчета CSI по PUSCH, причем ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2403678C2
Принадлежит: Нокиа Корпорейшн (FI)

Изобретение относится к системам мобильной связи. Определены параметры для использования в интерфейсе (lub/lur) между элементами сети, обеспечивающие возможность установления конфигурации усовершенствованного восходящего радиоканала (UL E-DCH). Определяются основные информационные элементы для поддержки функций UL E-DCH в сети на интерфейсах lub/lur. Приводятся конкретные параметры для осуществления связи через интерфейсы lub/lur. Приводятся конкретные параметры для связи через интерфейсы lub/lur между контроллерами радиосети и узлами В, дающие возможность устанавливать и реконфигурировать канал UL E-DCH. Обеспечивается гибкость, что является техническим результатом. 7 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 17 табл.

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2381633C2

Изобретение относится к беспроводной системе связи. Заявлен способ планирования канала пакетной передачи восходящей линии связи в системе мобильной связи. Способ планирования содержит определение диапазона пользовательских устройств (UE), к которому должно быть применено распределение планирования для планирования канала пакетной передачи восходящей линии связи, и передачу распределения планирования на пользовательское устройство, включенное в определенный диапазон, при этом распределение планирования включает в себя идентификатор для идентификации диапазона пользовательских устройств и содержание планирования для передачи информации, применимой к распределению планирования. Техническим результатом является решение проблемы перегрузки в коммуникационном графике. 4 н. и 38 з.п. ф-лы. 3 ил.

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2479950C2

Изобретение относится к системе мобильной связи и предназначено для создания сигнализации для особенностей нового выпуска стандарта, который полностью обратно совместим с унаследованным выпуском стандарта. Изобретение раскрывает, в частности, способ для распределения ресурсов терминалам пользователя (UE1, UE2), работающим в первом режиме, который может быть установлен всеми терминалами пользователя (UE1, UE2), или в дополнительном режиме, который может быть установлен только частью терминалов пользователя (UE2), в котором базовые станции (eNB) посылают сообщения для распределения ресурсов терминалам пользователя (UE1, UE2), которые имеют один и тот же формат для первого режима и дополнительного режима, и терминалы пользователя (UE1, UE2) интерпретируют упомянутые сообщения для распределения ресурсов терминалам пользователя (UE1, UE2) по-разному в зависимости от режима, в котором они работают, базовой станции, терминалу пользователя и сети связи для их реализации. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ...

15-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757414C1

Группа изобретений относится к области связи, а более конкретно к способу и устройству беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является обеспечение предотвращения влияния одной передачи по восходящей линии связи (UL), которую исполняют, на другую передачу, подлежащую исполнению. Предложен способ беспроводной связи. Способ содержит этап, на котором осуществляют прием терминалом первого сообщения, причем первое сообщение используют для выдачи команды терминалу на прекращение передачи по восходящей линии связи (UL). Далее, согласно способу, осуществляют определение терминалом того, что передача по UL может быть прекращена, на основе момента времени приема, когда соответственно принимают первое сообщение и сигнальную информацию планирования для передачи по UL и прекращают терминалом передачу по UL в ответ на первое сообщение. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

04-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2690505C1
Автор: ЧОУ Джои (US)

Изобретение относится к беспроводным системам связи. Сетевой менеджер (NM) включает в себя функцию координации самооптимизируемой сети (SON) для достижения технического результата в виде недопущения конфликта и обеспечения разрешения конфликта, вызванного работой одной функции SON одновременно с тем, когда другая функция SON должна работать на расширенном узле B (eNodeB). Состояние координации SON является одним из следующих состояний: первое состояние, указывающее, что соответствующий eNodeB уже обеспечивает зону обслуживания для других eNodeB, выключенных с целью экономии энергии функцией SON ESM; второе состояние, указывающее, что соответствующий eNodeB уже обеспечивает зону обслуживания для соседнего eNodeB, который находится в состоянии простоя; и третье состояние, указывающее, что соответствующий eNodeB обновляет параметры конфигурации в соответствующей соте. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

07-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702272C1

Изобретение относится к области связи между вычислительными устройствами. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости передачи данных. Технический результат достигается за счет отправки на устройство восходящей передачи данных первой информации о распределении, которая идентифицирует ресурсы восходящей линии связи, выделенные упомянутому устройству для восходящей передачи упомянутых оставшихся блоков данных, и отправки на упомянутое устройство второй информации о распределении, которая идентифицирует один или более из упомянутых выделенных ресурсов восходящей линии связи, указанных в первой информации о распределении, которые были выделены для восходящей передачи упомянутых оставшихся блоков данных, причем упомянутая вторая информация о распределении дополнительно сохраняет связи между оставшимися блоками данных и распределенными ресурсами восходящей линии связи и не допускает связи оставшегося блока данных более чем с одним распределением ресурсов восходящей линии связи посредством ...

09-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746217C1

Изобретение относится к области связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении решения для сообщения конфигурации полупостоянного планирования SPS для восходящего канала (SPS для UL) в беспроводной сети, в котором может существовать до одной конфигурации SPS для UL на каждую конфигурированную ячейку, и конфигурации SPS для UL в различных обслуживаемых ячейках могут быть активными одновременно. Способ полупостоянного планирования содержит этапы, на которых: посылают оконечному устройству по меньшей мере одно из сообщений конфигурации SPS для восходящего канала (UL) для активации или деактивации по меньшей мере одного из грантов SPS для UL по меньшей мере в одной ячейке из одной или более ячеек, конфигурированных для оконечного устройства, причем конфигурация сообщения SPS для UL передается в сигнале уровня 1; принимают от оконечного устройства элемент управления (control element, CE) для управления доступом к среде (media access control, MAC) для подтверждения указанного ...

01-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693269C1

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи. Технический результат изобретения заключается в обеспечении улучшенной связи для беспроводных устройств MTC, не расширяя размер предоставления восходящего канала UL. Способ работы беспроводного терминала содержит этапы: передача преамбулы случайного доступа от беспроводного терминала (UE-a) узлу (BS-a) сети радиодоступа RAN; прием ответа о случайном доступе RAR процедуры случайного доступа от узла (BS-a) сети радиодоступа, содержащего предоставление восходящего канала UL для передачи сообщения 3 процедуры случайного доступа. Предоставление UL содержит конфигурацию временной области, связанную с передачей по восходящему каналу сообщения 3. Конфигурация частотной области содержит назначение ресурсных блоков, которое указывает физический ресурсный блок PRB, ресурсы для передачи по восходящему каналу сообщения 3, где назначение ресурсных блоков содержит индекс узкой полосы UL и набор пар PRB внутри узкой полосы; и/или конфигурацию скачкообразной ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682011C1

Изобретение относится к деактивации для вторичной соты. Технический результат – достижение согласования понимания активации вторичной соты оборудованием пользователя UE и базовой станцией ввиду наличия механизма автономной деактивации UE. Для этого способ деактивации включает в себя этап, на котором перезапускают таймер деактивации, ассоциированный с первой SCell, несущей PUCCH, в случае, когда таймер деактивации перезапускается или отчет индикатора качества канала передается в любой второй SCell во вторичной группе сот PUCCH. 4 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

11-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691199C1

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Технический результат – повышение эффективного использования системами связи с разными операторами или разными протоколами связи ресурсов передачи по восходящей линии связи, при использовании одной и той же нелицензированной полосы частот. Для этого устройство на стороне базовой станции для использования в беспроводной связи содержит: блок установки, выполненный с возможностью устанавливать разные уровни приоритета для использования ресурсов передачи по восходящей линии связи на нелицензированной полосе частот в отношении множества устройств пользователя; и блок генерирования, выполненный с возможностью генерировать сообщение разрешения планирования восходящей линии связи для использования одного и того же ресурса передачи по восходящей линии связи в нелицензированной полосе частот по отношению к каждому устройству пользователя, причем каждое сообщение разрешения планирования восходящей линии связи содержит информацию уровня приоритета соответствующего ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511540C2

Изобретение относится к технике связи, более точно к сигнализации в ответ на распределение ресурсов UL/DL. Технический результат - повышение точности обнаружения данных. Для этого в способе и устройстве для приема информации планирования определяют, по меньшей мере, одно предоставление распределения нисходящей линии связи, содержащееся в информации планирования, не было принято, что приводит к прерывистой передаче в нисходящей линии, определяют отправку ответа на принятое планирование, в ответ на упомянутое определение. В других способе и устройстве для отправки информации планирования и приема ответа на информацию планирования, содержащего указание прерывистой передачи, что, по меньшей мере, одно распределение нисходящей линии связи информации планирования не было принято. 8 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

20-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009130369A

... 1. Способ для сигнализации планирования восходящей линии связи для устройства беспроводной передачи/приема (WTRU), содержащий этапы, на которых: ! отображают запрос планирования восходящей линии связи с использованием значения N-битного индекса, при этом N выбирается так, что предоставляется менее чем полное разрешение, и значение индекса соответствует целому множителю для параметра, относящегося к планированию восходящей линии связи размещения ресурсов WRTU, упомянутое целое число имеет два или более множителей, каждый множитель является числом менее 7; ! динамически корректируют разрешение отображения; и ! передают значение индекса в запросе планирования восходящей линии связи сетевому объекту. ! 2. Способ, согласно п.1, в котором параметром является заполненность буфера данных в количестве битов, которые требуется запланировать для передачи в восходящей линии связи. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором распределение ресурсов основано на единицах блоков ресурсов (RB). ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором ...

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010117376A

... 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! принимают информацию планирования; ! определяют, что по меньшей мере одно распределение нисходящей линии связи информации планирования не было принято; и ! отправляют ответ на принятую информацию планирования, который содержит указание прерывистой передачи, в ответ на упомянутое определение. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором указание содержит по меньшей мере один бит прерывистой передачи, а ответ содержит по меньшей мере один бит подтверждения/отрицательного подтверждения процесса гибридного автоматического запроса на повторение нисходящей линии связи. ! 3. Способ по любому из пп.1 или 2, в котором каждое распределение нисходящей линии связи информации планирования содержит отдельный процесс гибридного автоматического запроса на повторение. ! 4. Способ по любому из пп.1 или 2, в котором информация планирования принимается по физическому каналу управления нисходящей линии связи, а ответ отправляется по физическому совместно используемому каналу восходящей ...

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006108987A

... 1. Способ управления скоростью передачи данных, предназначенный для управления скоростью передачи данных канала, к которому применяется данный способ управления скоростью передачи данных, содержащий этапы, на которых уведомляют, посредством контроллера радиосети, во время установления вызова, об основной допустимой скорости передачи данных канала, к которому применяется данный способ управления скоростью передачи данных, начинают, на мобильной станции, после установления вызова, передачу со скоростью передачи данных, меньшей или равной основной допустимой скорости передачи данных, когда подлежащие передаче данные сформированы, и выполняют, на мобильной станции, управление скоростью передачи данных канала, к которому применяется данный способ управления скоростью передачи данных, на основе канала абсолютного предоставления, передаваемого от базовой радиостанции. 2. Мобильная станция, выполненная с возможностью управления скоростью передачи данных канала, к которому применяется способ управления ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008122298A

... 1. Способ, заключающийся в том, что ! посылают запрос изменения в узел для изменения указателя скорости передачи данных; ! принимают от узла команду на изменение указателя для изменения указателя скорости передачи данных, указывающего максимально допустимую скорость передачи данных, доступную для передачи данных по восходящей линии связи, в ответ на запрос изменения, при этом команда на изменение основана на заранее определенных правилах, управляющих подачей сигналов на изменение указателя скорости передачи данных; и ! корректируют указатель скорости передачи данных в соответствии с командой на изменение и на основании заранее определенных правил для интерпретации команды на изменение; ! причем указатель скорости передачи данных указывает максимально допустимую скорость передачи данных, доступную для передачи данных по восходящей линии связи, для аппарата оборудования пользователя, сконфигурированного с возможностью осуществления беспроводной связи; и ! причем заранее определенные правила ...

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719282C1

Изобретение относится к системам новой радиосвязи («New Radio», NR) пятого поколения (5G), использующим высокие частоты (HF). Технический результат заключается в поддержании восстановления луча связи. Способ функционирования узла доступа включает в себя генерирование сообщения конфигурации, включающего в себя информацию, указывающую набор опорных сигналов первого типа опорных сигналов и набор опорных сигналов второго типа опорных сигналов, используемых для идентификации нового луча, и информацию, указывающую ресурсы канала произвольного доступа, выделенные для передачи преамбульных последовательностей, при этом каждый ресурс канала произвольного доступа связан с опорным сигналом первого типа опорных сигналов, отправку, в одно или более пользовательских устройств (UE), сообщения конфигурации, приема, от UE, преамбульной последовательности в одном из ресурсов канала произвольного доступа и определение идентификатора UE в соответствии с преамбульной последовательностью и одним из ресурсов ...

30-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662734C1

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является улучшение производительности в сети беспроводной связи. Устройство 108 беспроводной связи и способ для помощи в выборе предварительного кодировщика для беспроводной связи с радиоузлом 106 (RN), и RN 106 для осуществления выбора предварительного кодировщика для беспроводной связи с устройством 108 беспроводной связи. Устройство беспроводной связи снабжено некоторым множеством предварительных кодировщиков. Устройство беспроводной связи определяет некоторое подмножество предварительных кодировщиков из множества предварительных кодировщиков; и передает на RN по меньшей мере один зондирующий опорный сигнал (SRS), предварительно закодированный с помощью соответствующего по меньшей мере одного предварительного кодировщика, содержащегося в упомянутом подмножестве. RN принимает от устройства беспроводной связи по меньшей мере один SRS, предварительной закодированный с помощью соответствующего по меньшей мере одного предварительного ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011102924A

... 1. Способ связи в сети беспроводной связи, содержащий этапы: ! связь на первой несущей на первом уровне мощности передачи первой базовой станцией; и ! связь на второй несущей на втором уровне мощности передачи первой базовой станцией, причем второй уровень мощности передачи является более низким, чем первый уровень мощности передачи, чтобы уменьшить помеху для второй базовой станции, осуществляющей связь на второй несущей, причем первая и вторая базовые станции принадлежат различным классам мощности или поддерживают различные типы ассоциаций. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором первая несущая назначена на первую базовую станцию в первом классе мощности, и в котором вторая несущая назначена на вторую базовую станцию во втором классе мощности, отличном от первого класса мощности. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором первая несущая назначена на первую базовую станцию с неограниченным доступом, и в котором вторая несущая назначена на вторую базовую станцию с ограниченным доступом. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012124029A

... 1. Объект инфраструктуры беспроводной связи, содержащий:приемопередатчик;контроллер, коммуникативно связанный с приемопередатчиком,причем контроллер выполнен с возможностью формирования битов четности на основании информации разрешения планирования,при этом контроллер выполнен с возможностью кодирования битов четности на основании дополнительной информации разрешения планирования, не используемой для формирования битов четности,причем кадр, внутри которого должна передаваться информация разрешения планирования, указывает упомянутую дополнительную информацию разрешения планирования, при этом упомянутый кадр входит в состав многокадровой структуры, ипри этом закодированные биты четности объединяются с информацией разрешения планирования.2. Объект по п.1, в котором контроллер выполнен с возможностью кодирования битов четности посредством скремблирования битов четности при помощи уникального набора битов, соответствующего дополнительной информации разрешения планирования, не используемой для ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011106281A

... 1. Устройство беспроводной связи, содержащее ! по меньшей мере один процессор, сконфигурированный для определения блоков передачи, доступных для канала управления, из всех блоков передачи для сегмента управления, в котором посылается сигнал канала управления, и исключая блоки передачи, недоступные для канала управления, определения набора блоков передачи для пакета из множества блоков передачи, доступных для канала управления, и посылки или приема пакета через набор блоков передачи, и ! память, связанную по меньшей мере с одним процессором. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором набор блоков передачи для пакета распределен по блокам передачи, доступным для канала управления. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором блоки передачи, недоступные для канала управления, содержат блоки передачи, используемые для пилот-сигнала, других каналов управления, других передач, или их комбинацию. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, в котором сегмент управления содержит по меньшей мере один мозаичный элемент, причем каждый мозаичный ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012127376A

... 1. Способ запроса Информации о Состоянии Канала (CSI) базовой станцией, содержащий этапы, на которыхустанавливают поле запроса CSI разрешения Восходящей Линии Связи (UL) для планирования передачи UL по UL Компонентной Несущей (CC), соответствующей Нисходящей Линии Связи (DL) CC, применительно к которой запрашивается CSI, в значение запроса; ипередают терминалу разрешение UL.2. Способ запроса CSI по п. 1, при этом этап, на котором устанавливают поле запроса CSI, содержит этап, на котором устанавливают поле запроса CSI разрешения UL для планирования передачи UL по UL CC, которая связана посредством SIB с DL CC, применительно к которой запрашивается CSI, в значение запроса.3. Базовая станция для запроса у терминала Информации о Состоянии Канала (CSI), содержащая:планировщик, который устанавливает поле запроса CSI разрешения Восходящей Линии Связи (UL) для планирования передачи UL по UL Компонентной Несущей (CC), соответствующей Нисходящей Линии Связи (DL) CC, применительно к которой запрашивается ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009144991A

... 1. Способ для назначения ресурсов подтверждения (ACK) восходящей линии связи для пользовательского оборудования (UE) в системе беспроводной связи, содержащий этапы на которых: ! идентифицируют UE, для которого должно быть установлено постоянное назначение ресурсов связи; ! идентифицируют ресурсы ACK восходящей линии связи для использования идентифицированным UE; и ! передают назначение идентифицированных ресурсов ACK восходящей линии связи с постоянным назначением ресурсов связи на UE. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором передача содержит передачу индекса ACK восходящей линии связи, соответствующий идентифицированным ресурсам ACK, по каналу управления нисходящей линии связи посредством сигнализации уровня 2 (L2). ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором передача содержит передачу индекса ACK восходящей линии связи, соответствующий идентифицированным ресурсам ACK, в сообщении по каналу данных нисходящей линии связи посредством сигнализации уровня 3 (L3). ! 4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий выделение ...

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Improving transmission resource utilization by populating a transmission data allocation with data equal to a size of any remaining space

Номер: GB0002500287A

Managing the transmission of data, comprising: populating a first portion of a transmission data allocation 306 with data of a first data type associated with a first one of a plurality of transmission grants 302, 304, the plurality of transmission grants defining an allowed amount of transmission data for a plurality of data types 308, 310, each transmission grant associated with one or more of the data types, populating a second portion of the transmission data allocation 306 with data of a second data type associated with a second one of the plurality of transmission grants, determining, using a processor, that additional space remains in the first portion of the transmission data allocation, and populating the transmission data allocation with data of the second data type equal to a size of the additional space. The transmission data allocation size may be based on the aggregate size of the received transmission grants. The first data type may be non-scheduled data and the second data ...

11-11-2009 дата публикации

A system and method for managing forward channel access using a reverse channel

Номер: GB2459792A

A system and method for managing forward channel access using a reverse channel in a wireless communication system is disclosed. A repeater receives requests on a reverse channel to access a forward channel. Each request includes a priority. The repeater selects a request based upon the priority. The repeater then allows access to the forward channel for a transmission based upon the selected request.

10-04-2019 дата публикации

Cellular communication system devices and methods

Номер: GB0002556178B

08-03-2006 дата публикации

Mobile radio communications device,related network device and related method

Номер: GB0000601592D0

01-11-2017 дата публикации

Cellular communication system devices and methods

Номер: GB0201715147D0

31-08-2008 дата публикации

Random access procedure with enhanced coverage

Номер: AP0200884562D0

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Random access procedure with enhanced coverage

Номер: AP0000002648A

31-08-2008 дата публикации

Random access procedure with enhanced coverage

Номер: AP2008084562A0

31-08-2008 дата публикации

Random access procedure with enhanced coverage

Номер: AP0200884562A0

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506829T

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for signaling system information

Номер: AU2017227408B2

The present disclosure relates to a communication method and system for converging a 5th-generation (5G) communication system for supporting higher data rates beyond a 4th-generation (4G) system with a technology for internet of things (IoT). The present disclosure may be applied to intelligent services based on the 5G communication technology and the IoT-related technology, such as smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car, connected car, health care, digital education, smart retail, security and safety services. A method for receiving system information (SI) by a user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system is provided. The method includes receiving, from a base station (BS), first type SI associated with SI which is essential for communication with the BS, and receiving, from the BS, second type SI associated with at least one SI which the UE needs.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Uplink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) scheduling using beamformed reference signals

Номер: AU2017309254A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

Aspects of the present disclosure provide methods and apparatus for selecting beamforming parameters for uplink transmissions based on an uplink reference signal. An example method generally includes identifying one or more parameters for beamformed transmission to a transmit receive point (TRP), transmitting a reference signal using beamforming in accordance with the identified parameters, and receiving, from the TRP in response to the reference signal, signaling for adjusting the one or more parameters for one or more subsequent beamformed transmissions.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Method for reserving finite number of resources used for performing V2X communication in wireless communication system, and terminal using same

Номер: AU2017248062A1
Принадлежит: Dentons New Zealand Limited

The present invention provides a vehicle-to-X (V2X) operation method performed by a V2X terminal in a wireless communication system, the method comprising: reserving a finite number of resources used for performing a V2X communication; and performing the V2X communication on the finite number of reserved resources.

20-05-2021 дата публикации

User equipment and base stations that achieve ultra reliable and low latency communications

Номер: AU2019351481A1

A user equipment, comprising: receiving circuitry configured to receive an RRC message comprising first information used for a PUSCH transmission corresponding to a configured grant, the first information comprising a first parameter(s) and a second parameter(s), the first parameter being for power control, the second parameter(s) being for configuring a type of frequency resource allocation, the receiving circuitry configured to receive an RRC message comprising second information used for a PUSCH transmission scheduled by a PDCCH with CRC scrambled by a C-RNTI, the second information comprising a third parameter(s) for configuring a type of frequency resource allocation, the receiving circuitry configured to monitor a PDCCH with CRC scrambled by a CS-RNTI, the PDCCH being used for scheduling of a PUSCH retransmission corresponding to the configured grant, and transmitting circuitry configured to perform a PUSCH initial transmission corresponding to the configured grant by using the first ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Cross-slot scheduling for cross numerology

Номер: AU2020284233A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. A user equipment (UE) may identify a scheduling offset threshold corresponding to a cross-slot grant. The UE may monitor a control channel in a first slot for the cross-slot grant, the control channel having a first numerology that is different than a second numerology of a shared channel and determine a beginning slot defined in the second numerology based on interpreting the scheduling offset threshold as being defined in the first numerology or the second numerology. The UE may then enter a low power state, or communicating a data transmission, during the beginning slot based on whether the cross-slot grant is detected.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019201071B2
Принадлежит: Madderns Pty Ltd

Methods and apparatus for managing user equipment (UE) communications in a wireless communications system are disclosed. In an embodiment, one method comprises receiving, at the UE, control information located at one or more resource element positions in a control channel region of a downlink subframe or a slot of the downlink subframe. A check is performed on the control channel region received at each of the one or more resource element positions to determine whether corresponding control information is for the UE. Where the check indicates the corresponding control information is for the UE, a position of a data channel region and a transmission time interval (TTI) length of the data channel region is determined as being less than a temporal length of the downlink subframe, based on the corresponding control information. At the determined position, downlink data in the data channel region is received.

22-11-2018 дата публикации

User equipments, base stations and methods

Номер: AU2017263316A1

A UE is described that includes a higher layer processor configured to receive a dedicated RRC configuration message which configures a License Assisted Access (LAA) cell. The UE also includes a PDCCH receiver configured to receive a first PDCCH and a second PDCCH. The first PDCCH is a PDCCH with CRC scrambled by CC-RNTI, and with a DCI format which contains a subframe configuration field. The second PDCCH is a PDCCH with DCI formats for scheduling physical uplink shared channel(s) (PUSCH(s)) on the LAA cell. If the first PDCCH is detected in subframe n, and the first PDCCH is not detected in subframe n-1, and if the number of occupied OFDM symbols for the subframe n indicated by the subframe configuration field in the subframe n is less than 14, the UE is not required to receive any other physical channels in subframe n except for the second PDCCH.

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019220020B2

Embodiments of the present application relate to the field of communications and provide a routing updating method and device, and a scheduling request cancelling method and device, capable of reducing signaling overheads and reducing a data interruption time caused by a change of network topology. One of the methods comprises: a first node receives a first message sent by a second node, and updates its own routing information according to the received first message. The first message is used for indicating that a switching node leaves a source node and/or the switching node accesses a target node. The first node is any of the followings: a target node, a source node, a core node, a first relay node between the target node and the core node, and a second relay node between the source node and the core node. The second node is any of the followings: a switching node, the target node, the source node, the core node, the first relay node, and the second relay node. The source node is a node ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации

Efficient uplink operation with high instantaneous data rates

Номер: AU2007339219A1

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Medium access control layer architecture for supporting enhanced uplink

Номер: AU2009200349A1

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Buffer status reporting in a mobile communication system

Номер: AU2010230512A1

The invention relates to methods for transmitting a buffer status report (BSR) in a mobile communication system, more particularly to the definition of rules for triggering, generating and transmitting buffer status reports. The invention also relates to a data transmission method utilizing new rules to decide data of which radio bearers is transmitted within a given transmission time interval. Moreover, the invention relates to scheduling method for radio resources that is taking into account additional scheduling- relevant information from the buffer status reporting and/or data transmission method. To avoid unnecessary grants from the network and to suggest an advanced handling of data transmissions the invention suggests a buffer status reporting and data transmission schemes that take into account the scheduling mode of data of radio bearers pending for transmission to decide whether to report on it in a buffer status report, respectively, whether to multiplex the data to a transport ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Control channel design for many-antenna MU-MIMO systems

Номер: AU2016251049A1
Принадлежит: Cullens Pty Ltd

Disclosed embodiments include methods for control channel design in many-antenna multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems. A beacon comprising an identifier of a many-antenna base station is encoded into a base sequence. A plurality of synchronization sequences is generated based on the encoded base sequence and a set of orthogonal beam sequences. The many-antenna base-station transmits, using a plurality of antennas, the plurality of synchronization sequences in a plurality of beam directions associated with the set of orthogonal beam sequences for synchronization and associated with users without knowledge of channel state information (CSI).

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Reference signal transmitting method, mobile station apparatus and base station apparatus

Номер: AU2011215189A1

This invention is directed to efficient use of radio resources to be used for SRS transmissions. A base station apparatus (eNodeB) transmits a scheduling grant including an instruction of SRS (Sounding Reference Signal) transmission, and a mobile station apparatus (UE) transmits an SRS in response to the scheduling grant. The SRS is transmitted in the same subframe as a subframe of PUSCH (Physical Uplink Shared Channel) over which the transmission is instructed by the scheduling grant, in the immediately preceding subframe or in a subframe that is earlier by a given number of subframes.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Method, system and device for detecting a SILENCE period status in a user equipment

Номер: AU2014393076B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A method, system and device for detecting a SILENCE period status 200A in a first device 101. The detection is performed by a second device 102 that is in communication with the first device, receiving transmissions of the first device. The SILENCE period status corresponds to a status wherein the first device has no speech samples to be transmitted towards the second apparatus. The second device receives, 413, transmissions from the first device and determines, 414A, 414B, 414C, the type of the received transmissions. The second device counts 415 the number of received transmissions of a first type, and times a time interval between the last received transmission of the first type and the last received transmission of a second determined type. At reception of a transmission of the first type, the second device detects 416 whether the first device is in the SILENCE period status 420 on an evaluation 416 of the counted number of transmissions of the first type and the time interval of the ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Scheduling request collection through license-assisted operation

Номер: AU2017246108B2

In an aspect of the disclosure, a method, a computer-readable medium, and an apparatus are provided. The apparatus may be configured to send, in a first network, a scheduling request (SR) associated with a second network. The apparatus may be further configured to receive an uplink grant based on the SR. The apparatus may be further configured to send, in the second network, uplink transmission based on the uplink grant. In an another aspect of the disclosure, a method, a computer-readable medium, and an apparatus are provided. The apparatus may be configured to receive, in a first network, a scheduling request (SR) associated with a user equipment (UE). The apparatus may be further configured to generate an uplink grant based on the SR. The apparatus may be further configured to send, in a second network, the uplink grant to the UE.

16-08-2001 дата публикации

Radio communication system

Номер: AU0000720460C

16-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002528328A1

Disclosed is a method for operating a moible station with a base station, as well as apparatus for performing this method. The method includes, when the mobile station is in an Autonomous mode of operation, autonomously transmitting from the mobile station to the base station of a reverse access channel or a reverse supplemental channel (Transition 3); in response to receiving an acknowledgement indication from the base station, that comprises a reverse channel assignment message for the mobile station, switching the mobile station to a Scheduled mode of operation (Transition 4) and transmitting data from the mobile station on an assigned reverse channel.

15-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002676183C

Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate utilizing power control preambles with closed loop power control techniques in a wireless communication environment. An uplink grant can be transferred over a downlink (e.g., a first uplink grant after uplink inactivity), and a power control preamble can be sent over an uplink in response to the uplink grant. According to an example, transmission of the power control preamble can be explicitly scheduled and/or implicitly scheduled. The power control preamble can be transmitted at a power level determined by an access terminal utilizing an open loop power control mechanism. A base station can analyze the power control preamble and generate a power control command based thereupon to correct the power level employed by the access terminal. The access terminal can thereafter utilize the power control command to adjust the power level for uplink data transmission.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089079A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a mechanism for observing random access performance in a Long Term Evolution network. The object is achieved by a method in a base station (). The method observes a random access performance in a Long Term Evolution communication network. The random access performance is defined by an access delay, where the access delay is a delay from the initial random access attempt until access is granted. The method comprises receiving a respective report from a plural of user equipments (), where each of the respective user equipment () has performed a random access process and has received a random access grant. Respective report will comprise access delay related random access information. Further the method comprises determining a respective access delay, which is based on each of the access delay related random access information. The determined access delays will be the basis for the estimation of access delay statistics. Finally will the random access performance be observed based on the access delay statistics. 1. A method in a base station for observing a random access performance in a Long Term Evolution communication network ,where said random access performance is defined by an access delay, said access delay being a delay from the initial random access attempt until access is granted, comprising;receiving from a plurality of user equipments a respective report, wherein each of the respective user equipment has performed a random access process and has received a random access grant, and which respective report comprises access delay related random access information,determining a respective access delay based on each of the access delay related random access information,estimating access delay statistics based on the determined access delays, andobserving the random access performance based on the access delay statistics.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , optimizing the random access ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121280A1

It is possible to perform effective communication based on an A-SRS transmitted from a mobile station apparatus. A base station apparatus: notifies the mobile station apparatus of control information for setting, to the mobile station apparatus, whether to transmit a first sounding reference signal assigned in a physical uplink shared channel resource or to transmit a second sounding reference signal assigned in a resource different from the physical uplink shared channel resource; and notifies the mobile station apparatus of an uplink grant including an indication of transmission of a sounding reference signal. When receiving the indication of transmission of the sounding reference signal included in the uplink grant, the mobile station apparatus transmits the first sounding reference signal to the base station apparatus when the transmission of the first sounding reference signal is set by transmission control information, and transmits the second sounding reference signal to the base station apparatus when the transmission of the second sounding reference signal is set by the transmission control information. 135-. (canceled)36. A mobile station apparatus that performs wireless communication with a base station apparatus , the mobile station apparatus comprising:a reception unit that receives, from said base station apparatus, an uplink grant which is used for scheduling of a physical uplink shared channel and which includes a field that instructs whether or not to request transmission of a sounding reference signal;a transmission unit that transmits, to said base station apparatus, said sounding reference signal with a first bandwidth, in case that one or more information bits corresponding to a first value are set to said field; andsaid transmission unit that transmits, to said base station apparatus, said sounding reference signal with a second bandwidth, in case that one or more information bits corresponding to a second value are set to said field.37. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223411A1

A method and apparatus for effectively facilitating grant scheduling is provided. The method may comprise transmitting, by a user equipment (UE), a grant request, wherein the grant request includes a UE power headroom (UPH) value, and receiving, from a Node B, a scheduling grant, wherein the scheduling grant is derived from the transmitted UPH. 1. A method of wireless communication in a time division synchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA) system , comprising:transmitting, by a user equipment (UE), a grant request, wherein the grant request includes a UE power headroom (UPH) value; andreceiving, from a Node B, a scheduling grant, wherein the scheduling grant is derived from the transmitted UPH.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scheduling grant is derived by the Node B from the UPH by generating an SNR headroom value from the UPH claim 1 , and determining a code rate from the SNR headroom value using a look up table.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SNR headroom value is determined using a first equation for scheduled communications claim 1 , and a second equation for non-scheduled communications.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transmitting further comprises transmitting the grant request using a random access channel.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transmitting further comprises transmitting the grant request using a physical uplink channel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving further comprises receiving the scheduling grant using an E-AGCH.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the grant request is a non-scheduled request claim 1 , and wherein the receiving further comprises receiving the scheduling grant using an E-UCCH.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:incrementing a E-PUCH power up upon receiving a NACK from the Node B.9. An apparatus for wireless communication in a TD-SCDMA system claim 1 , comprising:means for transmitting, by a UE, a grant request, wherein the grant request includes a UPH value; ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279447A1

A method and apparatus for transmitting a Reference Signal (RS) during retransmission at a User Equipment (UE) in a multi-antenna wireless communication system are disclosed. The RS transmission method includes receiving an uplink grant from a Base Station (BS), initially transmitting data and an RS corresponding to each layer based on the uplink grant, receiving ACKnowledgment/Negative ACKnowledgment (ACK/NACK) information for the initially transmitted data, and retransmitting the RS corresponding to each layer and the data according to the ACK/NACK information. The retransmission includes initializing a cyclic shift value for the RS corresponding to each layer according to a cyclic shift field for RSs included in the uplink grant. 1. A method for transmitting signals at a User Equipment (UE) in a multi-antenna wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving, by the UE from a Base Station (BS), a first uplink grant indicating a number of transport blocks and a number of layers for the transport blocks;transmitting, by the UE to the BS, the transport blocks and Reference Signals (RSs) based on the first uplink grant;receiving, by the UE from the BS, Negative ACKnowledgment (NACK) information for at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission;if a second uplink grant for retransmission is not received from the BS and if a number of the at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission is not equal to the number of transport blocks indicated by the first uplink grant, configuring, by the UE, resources of a RS for the at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission based on a cyclic shift field included in the first uplink grant and a number of layers of the at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission; andretransmitting, by the UE to the BS, the at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission and the configured RS for the at least one of the transport blocks for retransmission based on the number of layers of ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294332A1

Disclosed in the present invention is a method for a relay node to receive a control signal from a base station in a wireless communication system. More particularly, the present invention comprises the steps of: receiving a downlink signal from the base station; and obtaining control information for the relay node by blind-decoding the downlink signal, wherein a search space for blind decoding is located in the data region of a subframe, and is divided into a search space for a downlink grant and a search space for an uplink grant. When the subframe corresponding to the control information for the relay node is a downlink (DL) standalone, the search area including only the search space for the downlink grant, or the search area for the uplink grant being set as an invalid search space would be desirable.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301602A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

A base station in a mobile communication system includes a scheduling unit generating downlink grant information indicating that downlink radio resources should be allocated to not more than a first multiplex number of user devices; and a transmission unit transmitting control signals containing the downlink grant information and data signals mapped to the radio resources specified by the downlink grant information, wherein, when less than the first multiplex number and not less than a second multiplex number being less than the first multiplex number, of user devices that receive periodically generated periodic data as data signals exist, and user devices that receive non-periodically generated non-periodic data as data signals exist, the scheduling unit generates downlink grant information indicating that the downlink radio resources should be allocated to the second multiplex number of user devices receiving the periodic data and the user devices receiving the non-periodic data. 1. A base station in a mobile communication system , comprising:a scheduling unit configured to generate downlink grant information indicating that downlink radio resources are to be allocated to equal to or less than a first multiplex number of user devices; anda transmission unit configured to transmit a control signal containing the downlink grant information and a data signal mapped to the radio resources specified by the downlink grant information, whereinwhen less than the first multiplex number, and equal to or more than a second multiplex number, the second multiplex number being less than the first multiplex number, of user devices that receive periodically generated periodic data as the data signal exist, and user devices that receive non-periodically generated non-periodic data as the data signal exist, the scheduling unit generates the downlink grant information indicating that the downlink radio resources are to be allocated to the second multiplex number of user devices that ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130336106A1

A user equipment (UE) and a method of using the UE are provided for fulfilling a network's intent to increase or decrease the serving grant for the UE in spite of a deadlock condition that may otherwise prevent fulfillment of the network's intent. That is, upon determining the network's intent, the UE may alter its serving grant according the intent by altering the number of packets for transmission in a TTI. 1. A method of wireless communication operable at a user equipment (UE) , comprising:receiving a first relative grant indicating an intent to alter a serving grant for the UE;determining that a deadlock condition prevents an alteration of the serving grant for the UE according to the intent; andaltering the serving grant for the UE according to the intent by altering a number of packets for transmission in a transmission time interval (TTI).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first relative grant comprises an UP command.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the altering of the serving grant for the UE comprises increasing the serving grant for the UE to include one more packet.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first relative grant comprises a DOWN command.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the altering of the serving grant for the UE comprises decreasing the serving grant for the UE to include one less packet.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the altering of the serving grant for the UE comprises changing a number of scheduled data packets per transmission time interval (TTI) by one claim 1 , according to the intent.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving a plurality of relative grants including the first relative grant claim 1 ,wherein the altering of the serving grant for the UE comprises detecting that the plurality of relative grants comprises greater than a threshold number of relative grants each indicating the intent to alter the serving grant for the UE.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the detecting that the plurality of relative ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130336273A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

The present invention is designed such that, when a user terminal performs radio communication using a plurality of serving cells of different component carriers, it is possible to flexibly report aperiodic channel state information of a serving cell required on the network side among the plurality of serving cells. A radio base station apparatus transmits an uplink scheduling grant, which includes an identification field that identifies an uplink serving cell where an uplink shared channel is allocated among a plurality of uplink serving cells and a request field that requests reporting of aperiodic channel state information from a user terminal, to the user terminal, via a downlink control channel, and the user terminal reports aperiodic channel state information of a downlink serving cell that is designated by a combination of the identification field and the request field, to the radio base station apparatus, via the uplink shared channel. 1. An aperiodic channel state information reporting method comprising the steps of:transmitting, from a radio base station apparatus to a user terminal, an uplink scheduling grant, which includes an identification field that identifies an uplink serving cell where an uplink shared channel is allocated among a plurality of uplink serving cells and a request field that requests reporting of aperiodic channel state information from the user terminal, via a downlink control channel; andreporting aperiodic channel state information of a downlink serving cell designated by a combination of the identification field and the request field, from the user terminal to the radio base station apparatus, via the uplink shared channel.2. The aperiodic channel state information reporting method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the uplink shared channel is allocated to an uplink serving cell identified by the identification field claim 1 , the radio base station apparatus designates at least one downlink serving cell claim 1 , ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Performing An Enhanced Random Access Channel Procedure In A Cell_Fach State

Номер: US20140016572A1

A method and apparatus for performing an enhanced random access procedure in a Cell_FACH state are disclosed. A wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) transmits a random access channel (RACH) preamble for random access. If a positive acknowledgement (ACK) is received in response to the RACH preamble, the WTRU enters a contention resolution phase and transmits a message via an enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH). If contention resolution fails, the RACH preamble is retransmitted. A contention back-off timer may be used for retransmission. A physical random access channel (PRACH) code may be reselected. The RACH preamble may be retransmitted using a reserved PRACH resource so that E-DCH resource is allocated to the collided WTRUs. Data transmitted during the contention resolution phase may remain in a hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) buffer. The MAC-i/is entity may be reset. All data sent during the contention resolution phase may be stored in a temporary buffer. 1. A method comprising:entering a contention resolution phase; andon a condition that contention resolution fails because no E-DCH absolute grant channel (E-AGCH) with a WTRU's E-DCH radio network temporary identity (E-RNTI) is received within a period of time resetting a medium access control (MAC)-i/is entity.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:initiating an enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) transmission on an assigned E-DCH resource;transmitting data using the assigned E-DCH resource; andreleasing the assigned E-DCH resource on the condition that contention resolution fails because no E-AGCH with a WTRU's E-RNTI is received within the period of time.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising requesting access to the assigned E-DCH resource.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein when the contention resolution fails the E-DCH transmission is stopped.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the contention resolution fails E-DCH reception is stopped.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

TTI Adaptation in E-DCH

Номер: US20140016595A1

An apparatus, comprising at least one processor configured to dynamically change a timing parameter, such as a Transmission Timing Interval for an E-DCH resource for a second apparatus in a cell. 1. A network apparatus for a wireless network , the network apparatus being configured to communicate with wireless mobile terminals and to control communication of the wireless mobile terminals , and the network apparatus comprising at least one controller configured to dynamically change a timing parameter for a wireless mobile terminal in a cell by:including an information element in a System Information Block, wherein the information element indicating what Absolute Grant Channel configuration parameters are to be used;detecting and evaluating a radio condition for a wireless mobile terminal;assigning the timing parameter accordingly and including a first parameter indicating which Absolute Grant Channel to be used for a corresponding communication channel resource andincluding a second parameter indicating the timing parameter for each entry in a corresponding channel configuration list.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , the controller being further configured to schedule a different common communication channel resource for the wireless mobile terminal.3. The apparatus according to claim 4 , the controller being further configured to select at least one common communication channel resource and to indicate a timing parameter for each common uplink channel.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , the controller being further configured to allocate the at least one communication channel resource being a common E-DCH resource to the wireless mobile terminal taking into account the timing parameter that is indicated for that uplink channel.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , the controller being further configured to include an information element in a System Information Block claim 1 , wherein the information element indicating the Absolute Grant Channel ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036808A1

A dedicated grant may be shared by a group of WTRUs for performing uplink communications. A WTRU in a group may use the dedicated grant when it receives a group identifier and/or a WTRU identifier that are associated with the WTRU. The uplink communications from each WTRU transmitting in a group may be time-aligned. WTRUs may be allowed to transmit on the uplink channel using the dedicated grant for a designated time period. The WTRU may perform uplink control using MCS configurations controlled by the network. The WTRU may receive an indication of the MCS parameters or an MCS adjustment that may be applied to uplink communications. Uplink communications may be performed using an active non-scheduled transmission mode of operation or an inactive non-scheduled transmission mode of operation. Uplink load balancing may be performed by the network during dynamic frequency handover to manage the data packets being transmitted. 1. A method for controlling an uplink transmit power on a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) , the method comprising:receiving, via a grant channel, a group identifier and a WTRU identifier, wherein the group identifier indicates a group of WTRUs that share a dedicated grant on an uplink channel, and wherein the WTRU identifier indicates which WTRU within the group of WTRUs is allowed to use the dedicated grant on the uplink channel;determining whether the group identifier and the WTRU identifier are associated with the WTRU; anddetermining, based on whether the group identifier and the WTRU identifier are associated with the WTRU, whether to send information on the uplink channel using the dedicated grant.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sending the information on the uplink channel when the group identifier and the WTRU identifier are associated with the WTRU.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , when at least one of the group identifier or the WTRU identifier are not associated with the WTRU claim 1 , refraining ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Mac multiplexing and tfc selection procedure for enhanced uplink

Номер: US20140036884A1
Автор: Stephen E. Terry
Принадлежит: InterDigital Technology Corp

A method and a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) for multiplexing data for an enhanced uplink channel is disclosed. The WTRU multiplexes data from medium access control for dedicated channel (MAC-d) flows into a medium access control for EU channel (MAC-e) protocol data unit (PDU), wherein a data multiplexing limit is at least based on an EU transport format combination (E-TFC) size and a size based on the at least one serving grant and the at least one non-scheduled grant. The WTRU select an E-TFC for transmission of the MAC-e PDU, wherein the selected E-TFC is a smallest E-TFC that supports the multiplexed data.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079035A1

A method and apparatus for controlling enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) transmissions are disclosed. A plurality of primary absolute grants are received, wherein the plurality of primary absolute grants are associated with a TTI. At least one relative grant is received for E-DCH transmission, wherein the at least one relative grant is associated with the TTI. At least one serving grant for E-DCH transmission is determined. A H-ARQ process is identified for use for the TTI. It is determined whether the identified H-ARQ process is available for scheduled data and whether scheduled data is allowed to be transmitted in the TTI based at least on the identified H-ARQ process. On a condition that the identified H-ARQ process is available for scheduled data and scheduled data is allowed to be transmitted in the TTI, scheduled data is allocated for transmission in the TTI. 1. A method , implemented by a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) , the method comprising:receiving a plurality of primary absolute grants for enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) transmission, wherein the plurality of primary absolute grants are associated with a transmission time interval (TTI);receiving at least one relative grant for E-DCH transmission, wherein the at least one relative grant is associated with the TTI;determining at least one serving grant for E-DCH transmission based on at least one primary absolute grant of the plurality of primary absolute grants and the at least one relative grant;identifying a hybrid automatic repeat request (H-ARQ) process for use for the TTI;determining whether the identified H-ARQ process is available for scheduled data, wherein only an active H-ARQ process is used for transmission of scheduled data and a non-active H-ARQ process is not used for transmission of scheduled data;determining whether scheduled data is allowed to be transmitted in the TTI based at least on the identified H-ARQ process;on a condition that the identified H-ARQ process is available ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Uplink Control Signaling for Joint FDD and TDD Carrier Aggregation

Номер: US20150003302A1

Embodiments of the invention are directed to a method for operating a mobile device including establishing a connection to a first base station designated as a PCell and establishing a connection to a second base station designated as a SCell. When the mobile device receives PDSCH from a TDD SCell in a subframe n, it transmits a HARQ ACK to an FDD PCell in subframe n+4. When the mobile device receives PDSCH in a downlink subframe from an FDD SCell, it transmits a HARQ ACK corresponding to the PDSCH to a TDD PCell in a selected uplink subframe. The selected uplink subframe may be the first valid uplink subframe following the downlink subframe. For example, where the downlink subframe carrying the PDSCH is subframe n, and the selected uplink subframe is subframe n+k, where k≧4. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for operating a mobile device , comprising:establishing a connection to a first serving cell designated as a primary serving cell (PCell);establishing a connection to a second serving cell designated as a secondary serving cell (SCell), wherein the SCell uses a different duplex mode than the PCell;receiving subframe scheduling messages for the SCell in a downlink subframe; andselecting an uplink subframe to send a scheduling message acknowledgement based upon the duplex mode of the PCell,wherein the PCell and SCell duplex modes are selected from a Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode and a Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the primary serving cell operates in FDD mode and the secondary serving cell operates in TDD mode.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein a Downlink Control Information (DCI) format scheduling downlink assignments or uplink grants on the TDD SCell does not include information in a Downlink Assignment Index (DAI) field.18. The method of claim 15 , wherein a Downlink Control Information (DCI) format scheduling an uplink grant on a first serving cell operating in FDD mode contains information in a Downlink Assignment ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003371A1

A method and apparatus for cancelling at least one of a buffer status report (BSR), a power headroom report (PHR) and a scheduling request (SR) in a wireless communication system is provided. A user equipment (UE) triggers at least one of a BSR, a PHR and an SR, and cancels the triggered at least one of BSR, PHR and SR if uplink transmission (UL) transmission is not available. Furthermore, the UE prohibits triggering additional at least one of BSR, PHR and SR until the UL transmission is available. 1. A method for cancelling , by a user equipment (UE) , at least one of a buffer status report (BSR) , a power headroom report (PHR) and a scheduling request (SR) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:triggering at least one of a BSR, a PHR and an SR; andcancelling the triggered at least one of BSR, PHR and SR if uplink transmission (UL) transmission is not available.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising prohibiting triggering additional at least one of BSR claim 1 , PHR and SR until the UL transmission is available.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:triggering at least one of BSR, PHR and SR if the UL transmission is available;transmitting the triggered at least one of BSR, PHR and SR.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising cancelling all triggered at least one of BSR claim 3 , PHR and SR.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the UL transmission is not available when in-device coexistence (IDC) interference occurs.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein if the BSR is triggered claim 1 , the triggered BSR includes a BSR where UL data becomes available for transmission claim 1 , and the UL data belongs to a logical channel with higher priority than priorities of logical channels which belong to any logical channel group (LCG) and for which data is already available for transmission claim 1 ,7. The method of claim 1 , wherein if the BSR is triggered claim 1 , the triggered BSR includes a BSR where UL data becomes available for ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006576A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. A first user equipment (UE) may receive, from a base station associated with the first UE and a second UE, a downlink control information activating a set of configured grant resources for transmissions from the second UE to the first UE. The UE may transmit, according to the downlink control information, a feedback message to the base station confirming receipt of the downlink control information. 1. An apparatus for wireless communication at a first user equipment (UE) , comprising:a processor,memory coupled with the processor; and receive, from a base station associated with the first UE and a second UE, a downlink control information activating a set of configured grant resources for transmissions from the second UE to the first UE; and', 'transmit, according to the downlink control information, a feedback message to the base station confirming receipt of the downlink control information., 'instructions stored in the memory and executable by the processor to cause the apparatus to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the downlink control information identifies a second feedback resource for a second feedback message associated with the transmissions from the second UE and the instructions are further executable by the processor to cause the apparatus to:receive the transmissions from the second UE according to the downlink control information; andtransmit the second feedback message to the base station confirming receipt of the transmissions from the second UE.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are further executable by the processor to cause the apparatus to:determine, based at least in part on a field in the downlink control information, that the downlink control information comprises a reception mode downlink control information activating the set of resources for reception of the transmissions from the second UE.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the instructions ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007336A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a user equipment may receive a configuration of a resource pool for configured grant uplink communications and one or more parameters for identifying a resource set from the resource pool, wherein the resource set is a subset of resources in the resource pool; identify the resource set of the resource pool based at least in part on the one or more parameters; and transmit a configured grant uplink communication in a resource selected from the resource set. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:receiving a configuration of a resource pool for configured grant uplink communications and one or more parameters for identifying a resource set from the resource pool, wherein the resource set is a subset of resources in the resource pool;identifying the resource set of the resource pool based at least in part on the one or more parameters; andtransmitting a configured grant uplink communication in a resource selected from the resource set.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the configuration indicates one or more bursts of resources in the resource pool.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more parameters include at least one of:a start parameter that relates to a start time for the resource set,a length parameter that relates to a time length of the resource set, ora resource quantity parameter that relates to a number of resources included in the resource set.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more parameters include the start parameter and the length parameter claim 3 , and the resource set is identified as a subset of the resources in the resource pool in a time window with a start time determined based at least in part on the start parameter and a time length determined based at least in part on the length parameter.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007337A1

A method and apparatus for activation and retransmissions for a pool of resources is provided. A first device autonomously selects a set of resources on a pool of resources for N number of transmissions of a Transport Block (TB) stored in a process. The first device transmits, to the network, a request for a retransmission grant for the process based on i) the N number of transmission being completed and ii) retransmission of the TB being required. The request includes a Hybrid Automatic Repeat request (HARQ) process identifier (ID) associated to the process. 1. A method performed by a first device operating in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving, from a network, a configuration of a pool of resources;autonomously selecting a set of resources on the pool of resources for N number of transmissions of a Transport Block (TB) stored in a process;performing, to a second device, transmission of the TB up to the N number of transmissions;transmitting, to the network, a request for a retransmission grant for the process based on i) the N number of transmission being completed and ii) retransmission of the TB being required, wherein the request includes a Hybrid Automatic Repeat request (HARQ) process identifier (ID) associated to the process;receiving, from the network, the retransmission grant indicating the HARQ process ID; andperforming, to the second device, the retransmission of the TB based on the retransmission grant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected set of resources is indicated to the network.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the retransmission of the TB is required based on i) the transmission of the TB being not positively acknowledged from the second device claim 1 , and/or ii) a Packet Delay Budget (PDB) of the TB still remains.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the request for the retransmission grant is transmitted via a Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH) or Uplink Control Information (UCI) and/or a Media ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007385A1

Embodiments herein relate to e.g. a method performed by a user equipment, (UE) for communicating in a wireless communication network, wherein the UE is configured with one or more periodic uplink, UL, grants indicating one or more UL resources to use for one or more UL transmissions. The UE receives a dynamic UL grant for an UL transmission; and prioritizes an UL transmission of the one or more configured periodic UL grants over an UL transmission of the dynamic UL grant under a condition that there is UL data to be transmitted on the one or more configured periodic UL grants according to a logical channel prioritization procedure. 1. A method performed by a user equipment , UE , for communicating in a wireless communication network , wherein the UE is configured with one or more periodic uplink , UL , grants indicating one or more UL resources to use for one or more UL transmissions , the method comprising:receiving a dynamic UL grant for an UL transmission; andprioritizing an UL transmission of the one or more configured periodic UL grants over an UL transmission of the dynamic UL grant under a condition that there is UL data to be transmitted on the one or more configured periodic UL grants according to a logical channel prioritization procedure.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more configured periodic UL grants are for a first type of transmissions claim 1 , and the dynamic UL grant is for a second type of transmissions.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the logical channel prioritization procedure comprises one or more of the following:data is available on a logical channel for the first type of transmissions; anda logical channel transmission is only permitted for the first type of transmissions; when there is UL data available for transmission on the one or more configured periodic UL grants for any logical channel for which transmission on the one or more configured periodic UL grants is permitted according to a configured ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007390A1

Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for determining uplink grants for multiple modes. One method () includes determining (), over a first time period, a first mode uplink grant corresponding to a first mode. Determining the first mode uplink grant comprises receiving the first mode uplink grant. The method () includes determining () autonomously, over a second time period, a second mode uplink grant corresponding to a second mode. The second mode is different from the first mode. The method () includes using () the first mode uplink grant and the second mode uplink grant to transmit data based on an uplink grant availability corresponding to the first mode uplink grant and the second mode uplink grant. 1. A method comprising:determining, over a first time period, a first mode uplink grant corresponding to a first mode, wherein determining the first mode uplink grant comprises receiving the first mode uplink grant;determining autonomously, over a second time period, a second mode uplink grant corresponding to a second mode, wherein the second mode is different from the first mode; andusing the first mode uplink grant and the second mode uplink grant to transmit data based on an uplink grant availability corresponding to the first mode uplink grant and the second mode uplink grant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second time period overlaps with the first time period.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising retransmitting the data using the first mode claim 1 , the second mode claim 1 , or a combination thereof based on an earliest available grant time claim 1 , a quality of service requirement claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the first mode uplink grant comprises triggering a buffer status report.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising computing the buffer status report based on a buffer occupancy corresponding to at least one logical channel configured to use the first mode.6. The method ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007412A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described in which repetitions of communications may be configured for multi-transport block (TB) communications. A UE may determine that an acknowledgment of one or more initial repetitions of one or more TBs is received, and may cancel one or more subsequent repetitions of the acknowledged TB(s). The acknowledgment of the one or more initial repetitions may be provided by a base station in a new resource grant that provides an implicit acknowledgment of one or more TBs. In cases where multiple different TBs may be associated with the prior resource grant, the UE can determine to drop one or more repetitions after an implicit acknowledgment of a TB based on whether the resource grants are for a single TB or are for multiple TBs. 1. A method for wireless communication at a user equipment (UE) , comprising:transmitting, to a base station, one or more repetitions of a first uplink communication based at least in part on a first resource grant received from the base station;receiving, from the base station, a second resource grant for a second uplink communication that at least partially overlaps with resources for one or more repetitions of the first uplink communication; anddetermining to cancel or to transmit one or more remaining repetitions of the first uplink communication based at least in part on the second resource grant providing an implicit acknowledgment of successful receipt of at least one transport block of the first uplink communication and based at least in part on whether one or more of the first resource grant or the second resource grant schedules multiple transport blocks.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises:identifying that each of two or more transport blocks scheduled by the first resource grant are acknowledged by the base station based at least in part on the second resource grant;determining to cancel the one or more remaining repetitions of the first uplink ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014343A1

This disclosure provides an indication method, a terminal device, and a network-side device. The method includes: sending first information to a network-side device; where the first information is used to indicate a target status of at least one grant, and the target status includes at least one of the following states: a deactivated state or an activated state. 1. An indication method , applied to a terminal device and comprising:sending first information to a network-side device; whereinthe first information is used to indicate a target status of at least one grant, and the target status comprises at least one of the following states: a deactivated state or an activated state.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving first signaling from the network-side device before sending first information to the network-side device; whereinthe first signaling is used to indicate one of the following:activating part or all of the at least one grant;deactivating part or all of the at least one grant; oractivating a first grant and deactivating a second grant, wherein the at least one grant comprises at least two grants, and the first grant and the second grant are different grants in the at least two grants.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein a resource for sending the first information comprises one of the following:a first resource that is determined based on a reception time of the first signaling; ora resource, indicated by the first signaling, for the first information;wherein the first resource comprises one of the following:a resource with a difference from the reception time being greater than or equal to first duration in time domain;a resource, with a minimum difference from the reception time in time domain, in resources configured for the terminal device; ora resource, with a maximum difference from the reception time in time domain or a difference being equal to second duration, in the resources configured for the terminal device.4. ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015082A1

Methods and apparatuses for physical layer beam indications. A method for operating a user equipment (UE) includes receiving one or more first transmission configuration indicator (TCI) states for reception and transmission of downlink (DL) channels and uplink (UL) channels, respectively; receiving one or more TCI state identifiers (IDs); and transmitting an acknowledgement in response to the reception of the one or more TCI state IDs. The method further includes, based on the acknowledgement: determining, based on the one or more TCI state IDs, one or more second TCI states; determining a time to apply the one or more second TCI states; and updating one or more spatial filters based on the one or more second TCI states. The method further includes receiving and transmitting data on the DL channel and UL channels, respectively, using the one or more spatial filters starting at the determined time. 1. A user equipment (UE) , comprising: receive one or more first transmission configuration indicator (TCI) states for reception and transmission of downlink (DL) channels and uplink (UL) channels, respectively;', 'receive one or more TCI state identifiers (IDs), on a DL related downlink control information (DCI) format or an UL related DCI format, using the one or more first TCI states;', 'receive and transmit channels associated with the DL related DCI format or the UL related DCI format using the one or more first TCI states; and', 'transmit an acknowledgement in response to the reception of the one or more TCI state IDs; and, 'a transceiver configured to determine, based on the one or more TCI state IDs, one or more second TCI states;', 'determine a time to apply the one or more second TCI states; and', 'update one or more spatial filters based on the one or more second TCI states,, 'a processor operably connected to the transceiver, the processor configured towherein the transceiver is further configured, based on the acknowledgement, to receive and transmit data on ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015089A1

Disclosed is a method for transmitting and receiving data between a user equipment (UE) and a base station in a narrowband wireless communication system. Specifically, the method includes transmitting, to the UE, a preconfigured uplink (UL) resource (PUR) configuration via RRC signalling, receiving, from the UE, uplink data on the PUR when the UE is in an idle mode, and transmitting, to the UE, a feedback for the uplink data, wherein the feedback is configured to be transmitted on an NPDCCH after a specific time has passed from the PUR reception. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the specific time is a specific number of at least one subframe.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the specific number is four.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:monitoring a feedback window on a search space for transmitting the feedback; andindicating, to the UE, stopping the monitoring based on whether or not DCI including the feedback is received on the feedback window.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:configuring to transmit, to the UE, a response on other second field excluding a first field required to indicate a PUR retransmission from a plurality of fields included in a UL grant.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the specific time is a specific number of at least one subframe.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the specific number is four.9. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:monitoring a feedback window on a search space for receiving the feedback; andstopping the monitoring based on whether or not DCI including the feedback is received on the feedback window.10. The method of claim 6 , further comprising:configuring to receive, from the base station, a response on other second field excluding a first field required to indicate a PUR retransmission from a plurality of fields included in a UL grant.11. A base station transmitting data to a user equipment (UE) in a narrowband (NB) wireless communication system claim 6 , the base station comprising:a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015116A1
Автор: Chen Li, Miao Jinhua, ZHAO Yall

The present disclosure provides a resource configuration method, a base station and a terminal. The resource configuration method applied for the base station side includes transmitting configuration indication information to a terminal. The configuration indication information is configured to indicate priority level information about dynamically-scheduled resources and preconfigured grant resources when data transmission is performed by the terminal. 1. A resource configuration method applied for a base station , comprising:transmitting configuration indication information to a terminal, wherein the configuration indication information is configured to indicate priority level information about dynamically-scheduled resources and preconfigured grant resources when data transmission is performed by the terminal.2. The resource configuration method according to claim 1 , wherein the configuration indication information is transmitted to the terminal through Radio Resource Control (RRC) signaling or physical layer signaling.3. The resource configuration method according to claim 1 , wherein the configuration indication information is configured to indicate that a priority level of a target preconfigured grant resource is higher than a priority level of the dynamically-scheduled resource when the data transmission is performed by the terminal.4. The resource configuration method according to claim 1 , wherein the configuration indication information is transmitted to the terminal through RRC signaling for a configured grant resource claim 1 , and the configuration indication information is configured to indicate that a priority level of the preconfigured grant resource configured by the configured grant resource is higher than a priority level of the dynamically-scheduled resource.5. The resource configuration method according to claim 4 , wherein when a plurality of preconfigured grant resources has been configured by the configured grant resource claim 4 , the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015120A1

Method, systems and devices for data transmission in a cell having large transmission delay. In particular embodiments, assisting information may be sent from a network device to a communication device. The assisting information may be used to calculate a timing offset to determine a correct transmission time to compensate for propagation delay in large cell with significant propagation delay. 1. A method comprising:receiving scheduling information by a communication device over radio channel from a network device, including receiving assisting information for determining scheduled transmission timing; andtransmitting, by the communication device, a scheduled transmission at a time determined according to the assisting information.2. The method of wherein receiving the assisting information comprises receiving an offset index associated with an offset value.3. The method of wherein receiving assisting information comprises receiving information associating the offset index with the offset value in broadcast information from the network device.4. The method of wherein receiving assisting information comprises receiving information associating the offset index with the offset value in signaling information from the network device.5. The method of wherein receiving the assisting information comprises receiving a configurable scaling factor.6. The method of wherein receiving the assisting information comprises receiving broadcast information including a configurable offset value.7. A method comprising:communicating system information from a network device in a communication network to a communication device over a radio channel, the system information including assisting information for determining timing of a scheduled transmission by the communication device; andreceiving the scheduled transmission.8. The method of wherein communicating system information comprises communicating an offset index as the assisting information.9. The method of further comprising:defining ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015130A1
Автор: Liu Jinhua, Wang Min
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget lM Ericsson (publ)

The invention refers to a method for selecting logical channels for transmission on granted uplink (UL) resources within a cell of a radio access network (RAN) comprising receiving, from a network node in the RAN, a grant of resources associated with a carrier frequency in unlicensed spectrum, the carrier frequency comprising a plurality of radio channels, and selecting one or more of a plurality of logical channels for transmission during a subsequent transmission time interval (TTI) using the granted resources, wherein the selecting is based on respective priorities associated with the logical channels and information indicating the respective availabilities, and/or radio qualities of tire radio channels. The invention further relates to methods for configuring selection of logical channels for transmission on granted UL resources within a cell of a RAN, as well as a network node and user equipment configured to perform operations corresponding to the referred methods. 1. A method for selecting logical channels for transmission on granted uplink , UL , resources within a cell of a radio access network , RAN , the method comprising:receiving, from a network node in the RAN, a grant of resources associated with a carrier frequency in unlicensed spectrum, the carrier frequency comprising a plurality of radio channels;selecting one or more of a plurality of logical channels for transmission during a subsequent transmission time interval, TTI, using the granted resources, wherein the selecting is based on respective priorities associated with the logical channels and on information indicating one of a plurality of states associated to each of the radio channels, wherein a state is at least one of: an availability, a load and a radio quality of a corresponding radio channel;wherein the plurality of states comprises a first state and a second state, wherein the first state has a higher availability, and/or a lower load and/or a higher radio quality compared to the second ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015131A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a base station may determine to transmit a pre-allocated uplink (UL) grant to a user equipment (UE), wherein the pre-allocated UL grant includes: a secondary node (SN) transmission configuration indicator (TCI) list, and a type 1 configured grant (CG). The base station may transmit, to the UE, the pre-allocated UL grant based at least in part on determining to transmit the pre-allocated UL grant. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a base station (BS) , comprising: a secondary node (SN) transmission configuration indicator (TCI) list, and', 'a type 1 configured grant (CG); and, 'wherein the pre-allocated UL grant includes, 'determining to transmit a pre-allocated uplink (UL) grant to a user equipment (UE),'}transmitting, to the UE, the pre-allocated UL grant based at least in part on determining to transmit the pre-allocated UL grant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the TCI list includes information for multiple candidate beams of a target cell claim 1 , andwherein the pre-allocated UL grant is included in a radio resource control (RRC) reconfiguration message.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the pre-allocated UL grant comprises:transmitting repetitions of the pre-allocated UL grant based at least in part on determining to transmit the pre-allocated UL grant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining to transmit the pre-allocated UL grant comprises: a handover of the UE,', 'an addition of a secondary node (SN),', 'a change in the SN, or', 'a handover request acknowledgement (ACK)., 'determining to transmit the pre-allocated UL grant in association with at least one of5. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the pre-allocated UL grant comprises: 'wherein the TCI list is associated with selecting a beam via which the UE is to transmit an initial physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015137A1
Автор: WU Yumin

The present disclosure provides a method for changing an uplink grant, a method for sending information, and a communications apparatus. The method for changing an uplink grant includes: in a case that a logical channel satisfies a change trigger event, changing an uplink grant usable by the logical channel. 1. A method for changing an uplink grant , performed by a terminal and comprising:in a case that a logical channel satisfies a change trigger event, changing an uplink grant usable by the logical channel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the changing an uplink grant usable by the logical channel comprises:changing at least one of a subcarrier spacing, a physical uplink shared channel range, a type, or a cell that are corresponding to the uplink grant usable by the logical channel.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the change trigger event comprises at least one of the following:a data packet loss rate of the logical channel is greater than or equal to a first packet loss rate threshold;a data transmission delay of the logical channel is greater than or equal to a first delay threshold;a measurement result of a cell corresponding to the uplink grant usable by the logical channel satisfies a first preset condition; ora measurement result of a target cell satisfies a second preset condition, wherein the target cell is a cell corresponding to a changed uplink grant usable by the logical channel.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the cell corresponding to the uplink grant usable by the logical channel comprises a plurality of cells; andin a case that the change trigger event comprises that a measurement result of a cell corresponding to the uplink grant usable by the logical channel satisfies a first preset condition, the measurement result of the cell corresponding to the uplink grant usable by the logical channel comprises any one of the following:a measurement result of a cell with a highest measurement value among the plurality of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015187A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed. In an example from the perspective of a User Equipment (UE) configured with bundled transmission, the UE initializes a configured uplink grant. The UE performs a plurality of transmissions within a bundle of a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) using the configured uplink grant. The UE stops a Discontinuous Reception (DRX) timer in response to a first transmission of the plurality of transmissions, wherein the DRX timer is not stopped in response to one or more second transmissions of the plurality of transmissions. When the DRX timer is running, the UE monitors a downlink control channel for an uplink grant for retransmission. 1. A method of a User Equipment (UE) configured with bundled transmission , the method comprising:initializing a configured uplink grant;performing a plurality of transmissions within a bundle of a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) using the configured uplink grant;stopping a Discontinuous Reception (DRX) timer in response to a first transmission of the plurality of transmissions, wherein the DRX timer is not stopped in response to one or more second transmissions of the plurality of transmissions; andmonitoring, when the DRX timer is running, a downlink control channel for an uplink grant for retransmission.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first transmission is an earliest transmission within the bundle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the one or more second transmissions are one or more retransmissions of the first transmission.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the stopping the DRX timer is performed at the first transmission.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising:starting a Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) Round-Trip Time (RTT) timer in response to the first transmission; andstarting the DRX timer in response to expiration of the HARQ RTT timer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein:a duration of the HARQ RTT timer corresponds to a minimum duration before a UL ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006785A1

Provided is a wireless communication device. A PHICH reception unit determines whether a received signal in a PHICH region is an ACK signal or a NACK signal. When doing so, the PHICH reception unit does not receive a PHICH in a subframe in which a terminal monitors an E-PDCCH. A control signal reception unit outputs a retransmission prompting signal to a signal allocation unit when the signal outputted from the PHICH reception unit is a NACK signal and when a UL grant was not detected. Meanwhile, when a UL grant was detected, the control signal reception unit outputs the detected UL grant to the signal allocation unit. The signal allocation unit maps the transmission signal in accordance with the retransmission prompting signal and the UL grant and transmits the transmission signal from a wireless transmission unit. 1. A communication apparatus comprising:a memory that stores instructions; and in case of carrier aggregation aggregating a primary cell and one or more secondary cells, receiving a physical HARQ indicator channel (PHICH) including an ACK or NACK transmitted from another communication apparatus in the primary cell and not in the one or more secondary cells;', 'controlling retransmission of data to the other communication apparatus in the primary cell based on the PHICH and assignment control information received in the primary cell; and', 'controlling retransmission of data to the other communication apparatus in the one or more secondary cells based on assignment control information received in one of the primary cell and the one or more secondary cells and not based on the PHICH., 'a processor that, when executing the instructions stored in the memory, performs operations including2. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processor receives the PHICH in only one of two subsets of subframes claim 1 , wherein the only one subset is either in a channel state information (CSI) measurement set or in a mobility measurement set.3. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for reducing power consumption in non-terrestrial network

Номер: US20210006328A1
Автор: Jae Heung Kim

An operation method of a terminal in a non-terrestrial network may comprise when a transmission operation of downlink data is started in an on-duration according to a discontinuous reception (DRX) cycle, starting a first timer indicating a first time interval required for a retransmission operation of the downlink data; starting a second timer when the first timer expires; performing a downlink monitoring operation in a second time interval according to the second timer; and when control information for the retransmission operation is received from a non-terrestrial node in the second time interval, receiving the downlink data from the non-terrestrial node in a downlink resource indicated by the control information, wherein the first timer is configured in consideration of a transmission delay between the non-terrestrial node and the terminal.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006456A1

A method and an apparatus for beam failure recovery in a communication system. The method for beam failure recovery includes the steps of: searching for a plurality of candidate beams when a beam failure is detected; transmitting a beam failure recovery request signal to a base station by using beam #1 of the plurality of candidate beams; receiving a beam failure recovery response signal in response to the beam failure recovery request signal via beam #1 from the base station; and transmitting an SR requesting a resource for transmission of multi-beam setting information to the base station, where the multi-beam setting information includes indexes of one or more beams excluding beam #1 of the plurality of candidate beams. 1. A beam failure recovery method performed by a terminal in a communication system , the beam failure recovery method comprising:searching for a plurality of candidate beams when a beam failure is detected;transmitting a beam failure recovery request signal to a base station using a beam #1 among the plurality of candidate beams;receiving from the base station a beam failure recovery response signal that is a response to the beam failure recovery request signal through the beam #1;transmitting a scheduling request (SR) to the base station, the SR requesting a resource for transmission of multi-beam configuration information including index(es) of one or more beams excluding the beam #1 among the plurality of candidate beams;receiving an uplink (UL) grant from the base station, the uplink grant being a response to the SR; andtransmitting the multi-beam configuration information to the base station using a resource indicated by the UL grant.2. The beam failure recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the beam failure is detected based on a measurement result of a first reference signal configured by the base station claim 1 , and the first reference signal has a quasi-co-location (QCL) relationship with a demodulation reference signal (DM-RS) ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007376A1

Data is accessed from a network via a wireless communication link. A determination is made as to whether payload data has been received from a subscriber's terminal, if so, then a request is sent for a first set of traffic channels, and the payload data is transmitted over the first set of traffic channels. 1. A wireless code division multiple access (CDMA) device comprising:a processing device, while in an idle mode, configured, on a condition that payload data associated with a channel is present, to determine a size of the payload data associated with the channel;wherein the processing device is further configured, on the condition that the payload data associated with the channel is present, to transmit, in an active mode, information to a base station to request traffic channels from the base station;wherein the processing device is further configured to receive a grant in response to the transmitted information;wherein the processing device is further configured in response to the grant to transmit the payload data over at least one CDMA channel;the processing device further configured to transmit a release message after the payload data is transmitted and to return the CDMA device to the idle mode, wherein a mode for device operation over in a forward direction is independent of a mode for device operation in a reverse direction.2. The wireless CDMA device of wherein a number of CDMA channels that the payload data is transmitted over is derived from at least the grant.3. The wireless CDMA device of wherein the payload data is transmitted over a plurality of CDMA channels and a portion of the payload data is transmitted over each channel.4. The wireless CDMA device of wherein a number of the plurality of CDMA channels that the payload data is transmitted over is derived from at least the grant.5. The wireless CDMA device of wherein the processing device is further configured to transition from an idle to an active mode on a condition that the payload data is ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007052A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communication are described. A user equipment (UE) may monitor a narrowband (e.g., a single carrier, anchor carrier, etc.) for a control message that includes a grant for downlink data transmissions. The narrowband containing the control message may be a portion of a system bandwidth. The UE may then monitor a wideband (e.g., all or multiple carriers of the system bandwidth) for data according to the control message. Monitoring the wideband may include additional or alternate circuitry being powered (e.g., receiver circuit switching) to enable reception on an increased range of frequency spectrum. In some examples, a gap or narrowband data transmission may be scheduled between the control message and the grant to allow grant processing and receiver circuitry switching at the UE. In some cases, the control message and data transmission may be received in the same or different transmission time intervals (TTIs). 1. (canceled)2. A method for wireless communication , comprising:monitoring a first bandwidth of downlink resources at a wireless device, the first bandwidth associated with a first subcarrier spacing;receiving a control message that includes a grant indicating a second bandwidth of downlink resources associated with a data transmission, the second bandwidth associated with a second subcarrier spacing;monitoring the second bandwidth for the data transmission during a transmission time interval (TTI) based at least in part on receiving the grant that indicates the second bandwidth, wherein a time gap exists between the control message and the data transmission.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the time gap allows the wireless device to switch from monitoring the first bandwidth to monitoring the second bandwidth claim 2 , and wherein the time gap does not include any transmissions to the wireless device.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the time gap allows the wireless device to prepare receiver circuitry to switch ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007061A1
Автор: SHEN Xingya

Method for reporting or receiving power headroom, user equipment, base station, medium and system are provided. The method for reporting power headroom includes determining a first carrier and a first time slot corresponding to the first carrier for transmitting a PHR; acquiring a second time slot for receiving transmission grant information and corresponding to at least one other carrier: acquiring the third time slot which the uplink data transmission is performed in and corresponds to the at least one other carrier, determining whether a time difference between the second and first time third time slot, if it is less than the threshold; reporting the power headroom corresponding to the third time slot, if it is not less than the threshold. Power headroom may be accurately reported to prevent network and UE from misunderstanding the power headroom. 1. A method for reporting power headroom , comprising:determining a first carrier and a first time slot corresponding to the first carrier for transmitting a power headroom report (PHR);acquiring a second time slot for receiving transmission grant information and corresponding to at least one other carrier, wherein the transmission grant information is used to indicate to perform uplink data transmission in a third time slot;acquiring the third time slot which the uplink data transmission is performed in and corresponds to the at least one other carrier, wherein the third time slot overlaps with the first time slot in a time domain;determining whether a time difference between the second time slot and the first time slot is less than a preset threshold;rejecting reporting power headroom corresponding to the third time slot, if the time difference between the second time slot and the first time slot is less than the preset threshold; andif the time difference between the second time slot and the first time slot is greater than or equal to the preset threshold, generating the PHR based on the power headroom corresponding ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007099A1

In one aspect, a method of wireless communication includes receiving, by a mobile communication device during a first cycle, a periodic grant via a first carrier of a plurality of carriers, monitoring, by the mobile communication device during a next cycle after the first cycle, for configured grants (CGs) for multiple carriers of the plurality of carriers based on the periodic grant, and receiving, by the mobile communication device during the next cycle after the first cycle, a first transmission in a first CG of the CGs via a second carrier of the plurality of carriers and a second transmission in a second CG of the CGs via a third carrier of the plurality of carriers. Other aspects and features are also claimed and described. 1. A method of wireless communication comprising:receiving, by a mobile communication device during a first cycle, a periodic grant via a first carrier of a plurality of carriers;monitoring, by the mobile communication device during a next cycle after the first cycle, for configured grants (CGs) for multiple carriers of the plurality of carriers based on the periodic grant; andreceiving, by the mobile communication device during the next cycle after the first cycle, a first transmission in a first CG of the CGs via a second carrier of the plurality of carriers and a second transmission in a second CG of the CGs via a third carrier of the plurality of carriers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the mobile communication device comprises a user equipment (UE);the periodic grant comprises a Semi-Persistent Scheduling (SPS) message;the first transmission and the second transmission each comprise a Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH);the plurality of carriers correspond to a plurality of component carriers (CCs);the first carrier corresponds to a first CC of the plurality of CCs;the second carrier corresponds to a second CC of the plurality of CCs; andthe third carrier corresponds to a third CC of the plurality of CCs.3. The method of claim ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method for uplink channel access to unlicensed band in wireless communication system, and device therefor

Номер: US20210007115A1

A method for performing an uplink transmission to a base station by a user equipment through an unlicensed cell in a wireless communication system is provided. The method includes: receiving an uplink grant that schedules the uplink transmission in at least one subframe from the base station; and performing the uplink transmission in the at least one subframe using at least one of a first type channel access or a second type channel access. The uplink transmission is performed using the second type channel access when all of the at least one subframe is included in a predetermined interval determined based on a downlink transmission through the unlicensed cell from the base station.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007625A1

An example technique may include controlling receiving, by a user device from a serving cell, a first control information including a scheduling grant that identifies a resource to be used for communication between the user device and the serving cell, controlling receiving, by the user device, at least a part of a second control information from one or more other cells that are not serving the user device, and determining, by the user device, whether or not to reject the scheduling grant from the serving cell based on at least the first control information received from the serving cell and the part of the second control information received from the one or more other cells that are not serving the user device. 1. A method comprising:controlling receiving, by a user device from a serving cell, a first control information including a scheduling grant that identifies a resource to be used for communication between the user device and the serving cell;controlling receiving, by the user device, at least a part of a second control information from one or more other cells that are not serving the user device; anddetermining, by the user device, whether or not to reject the scheduling grant from the serving cell based on at least the first control information received from the serving cell and the part of the second control information received from the one or more other cells that are not serving the user device.210.-. (canceled)11. An apparatus comprising at least one processor and at least one memory including computer instructions , when executed by the at least one processor , cause the apparatus to:control receiving, by a user device from a serving cell, a first control information including a scheduling grant that identifies a resource to be used for communication between the user device and the serving cell;control receiving, by the user device, at least a part of a second control information from one or more other cells that are not serving the user device; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007122A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. A user equipment (UE) may identify a maximum transmission power for an uplink transmission on a first cell of a first cell group (CG) based on a direction of communications (e.g., uplink, downlink, or flexible) with a separate cell of a second CG during a same duration of the uplink transmission and within a same first frequency range, where the direction of communications is either an actual direction or an assumed direction. The UE may receive an uplink grant scheduling the uplink transmission during a symbol and within the first frequency range, determine the maximum transmission power for the UE based on the direction of communications for the separate cell during the symbol and within the first frequency range, and subsequently transmit the uplink transmission in accordance with the maximum transmission power. 1. A method for wireless communications at a user equipment (UE) , comprising:identifying that the UE is configured with a first cell group and a second cell group, the first cell group having a first cell operating within a first frequency range and a second cell operating with a second frequency range, and the second cell group having at least a third cell operating within the first frequency range;receiving an uplink grant scheduling an uplink transmission on the first cell during a symbol and within the first frequency range;determining a maximum transmission power for the uplink transmission based at least in part on a direction of communications with the third cell during a duration of the symbol and within a frequency range that includes the first frequency range and is exclusive of the second frequency range; andtransmitting the uplink transmission on the first cell of the first cell group within the first frequency range in accordance with the maximum transmission power.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the maximum transmission power for the uplink transmission ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007128A1

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. A user equipment (UE) may receive a set of one or more uplink grants scheduling at least a first uplink transmission and a second uplink transmission during a channel occupancy time of an unlicensed radio frequency spectrum band. The UE may identify a transmission gap between the first uplink transmission and the second uplink transmission of the plurality of uplink transmissions by the UE during the channel occupancy time, the transmission gap exceeding a threshold time. The UE may determine that the transmission gap corresponds to a lost uplink grant. The UE may modify the first uplink transmission or the second uplink transmission based at least in part on the determination that the transmission gap corresponds to the lost uplink grant. 1. A method for wireless communication at a user equipment (UE) , comprising:receiving an uplink grant scheduling a plurality of uplink transmissions during a plurality of transmission time intervals (TTIs) in an unlicensed radio frequency spectrum band;modifying one or more uplink transmissions of the plurality of uplink transmissions based at least in part on the uplink grant; andperforming the plurality of uplink transmissions based at least in part on the uplink grant and the modifying.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the one or more uplink transmissions comprises:reordering, based at least in part on the uplink grant, the plurality of uplink transmissions.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reordering the plurality of uplink transmissions comprises scheduling uplink retransmissions before scheduling new uplink transmissions.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the one or more uplink transmissions comprises:adding padding bits to a subset of the plurality of uplink transmissions for which no data is available.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the one or more uplink transmissions comprises:adding padding bits to each of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007129A1

Various embodiments herein provide multiplexing rules for configured grant transmissions in New Radio (NR) systems operating on unlicensed spectrum. Other embodiments may be described and claimed. 1. One or more non-transitory computer-readable media (NTCRM) having instructions , stored thereon , that when executed by one or more processors cause a user equipment (UE) to:determine a configured grant (CG)-physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) transmission is to overlap with transmission of grant-based uplink UL control information (CG-UCI); anddetermine whether to transmit the CG-PUSCH transmission based on a set of predetermined rules.2. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined rules include: CG-UCI is not to be transmitted for mini-slots within CG bursts for which a mini-slot time allocation spans across slot boundaries.3. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1 , wherein the CG-UCI includes:an indication of a start and length indicator value (SLIV) for individual mini-slots within which the CG-UCI is transmitted; and/oran indication of a repetition number.4. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined rules include: if the UE is configured with a mini-slot for a PUSCH allocated to span across a slot boundary claim 1 , then only a portion of the mini-slot that fits within a first slot is transmitted claim 1 , and a portion of the mini-slot in a second slot is punctured.5. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined rules include: if UE is configured with a PUSCH allocated to span across the slot boundary claim 1 , the PUSCH is broken up into two repetitions claim 1 , such that a first repetition is mapped to an end of a first slot claim 1 , and a second repetition is mapped to a beginning of the second slot claim 1 , and the combined length of the two repetitions equals a value L.6. The one or more NTCRM of claim 5 , wherein the instructions claim 5 , when executed claim 5 , are further to cause the UE to perform a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007130A1

Sub bands can be scheduled with optimal modulation and coding scheme (MCS) when the user equipment reports the sub band channel quality indicator (CQI) and sub band pre-coding matrix index (PMI). The network can use multiple downlink control channels to indicate the sub band resources and the corresponding MCS for that resource allocation. By using multiple downlink control channels to indicate the sub band MCS, the network can use resources more efficiently. 1. A method , comprising:facilitating, by network equipment comprising a processor, sending a reference signal to a user equipment;in response to sending the reference signal, facilitating, by the network equipment, receiving channel state data associated with a feedback channel from the user equipment, wherein the channel state data comprises an average channel quality value representative of a first average channel quality of first sub band communications;based on the channel state data, obtaining, by the network equipment, a result of an averaging of channel quality data, the result comprising data representative of a second average channel quality of the first sub band communications; andbased on the second average channel quality, determining, by the network equipment, a number of scheduling grants to be used to schedule second sub band communications by the network equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:scheduling, by the network equipment, the second sub band communications in accordance with the scheduling grants.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the scheduling comprises scheduling a first downlink control channel for a first sub band and scheduling a second downlink control channel for a second sub band different than the first sub band based on a channel quality associated with the first sub band communications.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:in response to sending the reference signal, facilitating, by the network equipment, receiving speed data, representative of a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007131A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to methods and apparatus for grant processing in uplink centric subframes. An example method generally includes transmitting a first subframe comprising a first grant that includes information for one or more transmissions on that allocated resources in the first subframe to a user equipment (UE) and transmitting the first subframe, with a second grant that allocates resources in at least a second subframe to occur after the first subframe. Other aspects, embodiments, and features are also claimed and described. 1transmitting a first subframe comprising a first grant that includes information for one or more transmissions on allocated resources in the first subframe; andtransmitting the first subframe with a second grant that allocates resources in at least a second subframe to occur after the first subframe.. A method of wireless communication, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/430,162, filed Jun. 3, 2019, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/269,743, filed Sep. 19, 2016, which claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/288,428, filed Jan. 28, 2016, which are hereby assigned to the assignee hereof and hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein in their entirety as if fully set forth below and for all applicable purposes.Certain aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communications, and more particularly, to grant processing in uplink centric subframes. Embodiments enable and provide efficient communication protocols (e.g., link grants) for helping ease processing time (e.g., for downlink and uplink frame/sub-frame processing), improve power conservation, and positively benefit user experience.Wireless communication systems are widely deployed to provide various telecommunication services such as telephony, video, data, messaging, and broadcasts. Typical wireless communication systems may employ ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007135A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to communicating via grant-free uplink resources. An example method generally includes receiving, from a base station, a configuration indicating one or more sets of resources for grant-free uplink transmissions; determining a valid time to transmit a grant-free uplink transmission via the one or more sets of resources based on a transmission associated with the one or more sets of resources; and transmitting, to the base station, the grant-free uplink transmission based on the determination. 1. A method of wireless communication by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:receiving, from a base station, a configuration indicating one or more sets of resources for grant-free uplink transmissions;determining a valid time to transmit a grant-free uplink transmission via the one or more sets of resources based on a transmission associated with the one or more sets of resources; andtransmitting, to the base station, the grant-free uplink transmission based on the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:determining the valid time to transmit the grant-free uplink transmission comprises determining, based on the configuration, that a first set of the sets of resources is associated with a prohibit timer;transmitting comprises transmitting, to the base station, the grant-free uplink transmission via the first set of resources; andthe method further comprising refraining from transmitting a subsequent grant-free uplink transmission via at least one of the one or more sets of resources during the prohibit timer in accordance with the determination.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the prohibit timer applies to refraining from transmitting the subsequent grant-free uplink transmission on all of the one or more sets of resources or only applies to refraining from transmitting the subsequent grant-free uplink transmission on the first set of resources.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the prohibit timer is a timer that runs ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007149A1

Various embodiments herein provide techniques for grant-based and configured grant physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) transmissions in New Radio (NR) systems operation in unlicensed spectrum. Other embodiments may be described and claimed. 1. One or more non-transitory computer-readable media (NTCRM) having instructions , stored thereon that , when executed by one or more processors , cause a user equipment (UE) to:successfully perform a listen before talk (LBT) operation to occupy a channel; andencode a message for continuous transmission over multiple slots based on the successful LBT operation.2. The one or more NTCRM of claim 1 , wherein the instructions claim 1 , when executed claim 1 , further cause the UE to receive a downlink control information (DCI) to trigger the message claim 1 , wherein the DCI includes an index to a table having combinations of: an LBT type claim 1 , an offset claim 1 , and channel access priority class (CAPC). The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/902,746, which was filed Sep. 19, 2019; U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/910,297, which was filed Oct. 3, 2019; U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/932,299, which was filed Nov. 7, 2019; and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/943,569, which was filed Dec. 4, 2019; the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference.Embodiments relate generally to the technical field of wireless communications.Various embodiments generally may relate to the field of wireless communications.The following detailed description refers to the accompanying drawings. The same reference numbers may be used in different drawings to identify the same or similar elements. In the following description, for purposes of explanation and not limitation, specific details are set forth such as particular structures, architectures, interfaces, techniques, etc. in order to provide a thorough understanding of the various aspects of various ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007669A1
Автор: LEE Sunyoung, Yi Seungjune

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method and a device for transmitting, by a user equipment (UE), data in a wireless communication system, the method comprising: receiving a first uplink grant for a logical channel group (LCG) and a first LCG indicator of the LCG; generating a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) containing a data of only the LCG indicated by the first LCG indicator; and transmitting the MAC PDU using the first uplink grant. 1. A method for transmitting , by a user equipment (UE) , a data in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving a first uplink grant for a logical channel group (LCG) and a first LCG indicator of the LCG;generating a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) containing a data of only the LCG indicated by the first LCG indicator; andtransmitting the MAC PDU using the first uplink grant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first uplink grant and the first LCG indicator are received through a Downlink Control Information (DCI) included in a Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH).3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the DCI further includes a second uplink grant for another LCG and a second LCG indicator of the another LCG.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first uplink grant and the first LCG indicator are received through a downlink MAC PDU included in a Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH).5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the method further comprising receiving a Downlink Control Information (DCI) indicating the PDSCH through a Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH).6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first uplink grant and the first LCG indicator are included in the downlink MAC PDU as a MAC control element (CE).7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the MAC CE further includes a second uplink grant for another LCG and a second LCG indicator of the another LCG.8. A user equipment (UE) ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007688A1
Автор: FU Jingxing, Li Yingyang

The present disclosure relates to a pre-5-Generation (5G) or 5G communication system to be provided for supporting higher data rates Beyond 4-Generation (4G) communication system such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). The present disclosure provides a method of receiving downlink channel and/or downlink reference signal on an unlicensed band. An LTE user equipment (UE) receives control information of a cell operating on an unlicensed band, and receives downlink channel and/or downlink reference signal transmitted in the cell according to the control information. According to the present disclosure, data can be properly received on an unlicensed band. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for receiving downlink subframes by user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving, from a cell, indication information on channel occupancy for communication using an unlicensed band; andreceiving, from the cell, the downlink subframes, based on the indication information,wherein configuration of a last subframe of the downlink subframes is related to a downlink pilot time slot (DwPTS) duration of a special subframe in time division duplexing (TDD).24. The method of claim 23 , wherein an occupied orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol of the last subframe is determined based on the DwPTS duration.25. The method of claim 23 , further comprising:determining an end of occupied OFDM symbol of the last subframe based on the indication information.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the indication information includes a boundary of the occupied OFDM symbol of the last subframe.27. The method of claim 23 , wherein the configuration of the last subframe is applicable claim 23 , if the subframe includes a regular cyclic prefix.28. A user equipment (UE) for receiving downlink subframes in a wireless communication system claim 23 , the UE comprising:a transceiver; and receive, from a cell, indication information on channel occupancy for ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007717A1

This invention proposes efficient data transmission methods in the mobile cellular network. A specific resource pool is divided into several resource groups to indicate the size level of the data available for transmission. The base station allocates a proper UL grant to the terminal. Based on the allocated UL grant, the terminal compares the granted Transport Block (TB) size with the size of data available for transmission. If the UL grant is large enough, the terminal transmits the data available for transmission in the allocated UL resource, otherwise, re-attempts the random access procedure. In another example, the terminal transmits a BSR message and as much of the data as is available for transmission. The base station may grant additional UL resources if there is remaining data to be transmitted. A timer is used for the terminal to decide whether waiting for the additional UL grant from the base station. 2. The user equipment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one specific resource pool and the at least one non-specific resource pool are classified by at least one of the classification: different sets of preamble sequences claim 1 , or by different sets of composite time-frequency regions claim 1 , or by different sets of preamble sequences and composite time-frequency regions.3. The user equipment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one specific resource pool is utilized for the random access procedure of non-radio resource control (RRC) connection to transmit traffic data claim 1 , and the at least one non-specific resource pool is utilized for the user equipment to perform the random access procedure for RRC connection (re-) establishment procedure.4. The user equipment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one condition comprises at least one of the following conditions:a traffic data package from the application layer is bigger than zero;a size of the data available for transmission in the user equipment is small than a threshold;a channel condition is better ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007844A1

A three-dimensional around view providing apparatus for providing a 3D around view through a user interface module included in a vehicle may include a plurality of image pickup units mounted in the vehicle, a depth estimator configured to receive a plurality of images from the plurality of image pickup units and to acquire a plurality of depth maps corresponding to the plurality of images, a controller configured to minimize a depth difference between a first boundary region of a first depth map and a second boundary region of a second depth map. At least one among an autonomous vehicle, a user terminal, and a server according to embodiments of the present disclosure may be associated or integrated with an artificial intelligence (AI) module, a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)), a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, a 5th-generation (5G) service related device, and the like. 1. A three-dimensional (3D) around view providing apparatus for providing a 3D around view through a user interface module included in a vehicle , the 3D around view providing apparatus comprising:a plurality of image pickup units mounted in the vehicle;a depth estimator configured to receive a plurality of images from the plurality of image pickup units and to acquire a plurality of depth maps corresponding to the plurality of images;an image processor configured to minimize a depth difference between a first boundary region of a first depth map and a second boundary region of a second depth map, to acquire a first around view depth map with the minimized depth difference between the first boundary region and the second boundary region, and to restore a 3D around view image for the plurality of images by using the first around view depth map, the first boundary region and the second boundary region being boundary regions in which the first depth map and the second depth map, which are adjacent to each other among the plurality of depth maps, overlap; anda ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007844A1

A method and radio access node for controlling beam transmission from a radio access node. The method identifies a number of user equipment (UEs) associated with a same beam set and groups the identified UEs into one or more corresponding groups. The method assigns a same discontinuous reception (DRX) phase to the UEs in each corresponding group, and coordinates transmission from the beam set to UEs in the one or more corresponding groups based on the assigned DRX phase. 1. A method of controlling beam transmission from a radio access node , comprising:identifying a number of user equipments (UEs) associated with a same beam set;grouping the identified UEs into one or more corresponding groups;assigning a same discontinuous reception (DRX) phase to the UEs in each corresponding group; andcoordinating transmission from the beam set to UEs in the one or more corresponding groups based on the assigned DRX phase.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein coordinating transmission from the beam set based on the assigned DRX phase comprises transmitting to the UEs in the group coinciding with the active time of the DRX phase.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transmission comprises reference signals claim 1 , paging claim 1 , downlink (DL) scheduling information claim 1 , and/or uplink (UL) scheduling grant information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying a number of UEs associated with the same beam set comprises identifying one or more of:a number of UEs associated with a same active/monitored set of beams;a number of UEs moving at high speed requiring wider beams;a number of UEs requiring narrower beams;a number of UEs using a same Wi-fi access point;a number of UEs performing frequent measurement reporting;a number of UEs using the same set of beams for carrier aggregation;a number of UEs requiring longer beam transmission times;a number of UEs requiring longer DRX active times;a number of UEs performing tracking area registration at the same time; ora number of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007867A1
Автор: HU Yueting, Kimura Ryota

If the sequence of a traffic of a first communication link from a communication apparatus to another communication apparatus includes a traffic of a second communication link from that another communication apparatus to a communication apparatus, latency is reduced, thereby saving processing time. 1. A communication apparatus comprising:a frame generating block configured, if, after data is transmitted from an upper layer to another communication apparatus, a receive acknowledge signal of said data is required, to generate a predetermined frame that includes transmission grant information for said another communication apparatus to transmit said receive acknowledge signal and said data; anda transmitting block configured to transmit said generated frame to said another communication apparatus.2. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid transmitting block transmits said frame including said transmission grant information to said another communication apparatus without waiting for a scheduling request for requesting said transmission grant information from said another communication apparatus.3. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid transmission grant information of said predetermined frame includes channel resource allocation information for transmitting said receive response signal.4. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid transmission grant information of said predetermined frame includes a transmission grant index that indicates use of, also next time, transmission grant information used immediately before for transmitting said receive response signal.5. The communication apparatus according to claim 4 , further comprising:a transmission grant information storage block configured to store said transmission grant information used immediately before, whereinif said transmission grant index indicates use of, also next time, transmission grant information used immediately before for transmitting ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007940A1

A method for transmitting data to a base station (BS) at a user equipment (UE) is discussed. The method includes receiving information regarding a contention-based Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH) zone including a plurality of contention-based PUSCH resource blocks, allocating at least one contention-based PUSCH resource block for transmission of the data based on the contention-based PUSCH zone information, and transmitting the data to the BS, wherein, when the UE determines to transmit the data using the contention-based PUSCH zone, the information regarding the contention-based PUSCH zone is received through a unicast message. 1. A method for transmitting data to a base station (BS) at a user equipment (UE) , the method comprising:receiving information regarding a contention-based Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH) zone including a plurality of contention-based PUSCH resource blocks;allocating at least one contention-based PUSCH resource block for transmission of the data based on the contention-based PUSCH zone information; andtransmitting the data to the BS,wherein, when the UE determines to transmit the data using the contention-based PUSCH zone, the information regarding the contention-based PUSCH zone is received through a unicast message.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the contention-based PUSCH zone information includes at least one of information for transmission of the data claim 1 , which includes at least one of a maximum resource block size per UE claim 1 , a Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) level claim 1 , and an initial transmission power reference claim 1 , and information regarding resources in which the contention-based PUSCH zone is configured.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:transmitting a random access preamble to the BS,wherein the contention-based PUSCH zone for transmission of the data is allocated to a subframe in which the random access preamble is transmitted.4. The method according to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007952A1

Aspects of the present invention relate to the scheduling of resources in a telecommunication system that includes a mobile terminal and base station. In one embodiment, the mobile terminal sends an initial scheduling request to a base station. Subsequently, the mobile terminal does not transmit a scheduling request to the base station unless and until a scheduling request triggering event is detected. 1. A method for transmitting scheduling requests from a mobile terminal to a base station , the method comprising:sending a scheduling request to the base station, wherein the scheduling request is associated with first data to be transmitted to the base station;receiving a scheduling grant from the base station in response to the scheduling request;transmitting a buffer status report to the base station in response to receiving the scheduling grant;receiving second data for transmission to the base station while at least some of the first data is waiting to be transmitted to the base station;transmitting a subsequent scheduling request (SR) to the base station if a buffer status of the mobile terminal has changed, wherein a change in the buffer status of the mobile terminal comprises the second data having higher priority than the first data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the previous SR is a last SR.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the subsequent scheduling request is transmitted at a next opportunity.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the change in the buffer status of the mobile terminal further comprises an amount of time that has elapsed since a previous SR was transmitted exceeds a threshold.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the change in the buffer status of the mobile terminal further comprises a difference between a current amount of data in a buffer and a previous and non-zero amount of data that was in the buffer exceeds a threshold.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:responsive to an ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Handling Users with Different Timing Alignment Requirements

Номер: US20190007962A1

A method in a network node () comprises determining (), for one or more wireless devices (), whether one or more or a short transmission time interval (TTI) and a reduced processing time are supported by the one or more wireless devices. The method comprises assigning () the one or more wireless devices to one of at least two available scheduling pools () based on the determination of whether one or more of the short TTI and the reduced processing time are supported. 1. A method in a network node , comprising:determining, for one or more wireless devices, whether one or more of a short transmission time interval and a reduced processing time are supported by the one or more wireless devices; andassigning the one or more wireless devices to one of at least two available scheduling pools based on the determination of whether one or more of the short TTI and the reduced processing time are supported.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein assigning the one or more wireless devices to one of at least two available scheduling pools based on the determination of whether one or more of the short TTI and the reduced processing time are supported comprises:assigning one or more wireless devices determined to support one or more of the short TTI and the reduced processing time to a first scheduling pool; andassigning one or more wireless devices determined not to support one or more of the short TTI and the reduced processing time to a second scheduling pool.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising scheduling the one or more wireless devices based on the assigned scheduling pool.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein scheduling the one or more wireless devices based on the assigned scheduling pool comprises:scheduling the one or more wireless devices assigned to the first scheduling pool with one or more of a short TTI and reduced processing time; andscheduling the one or more wireless devices assigned to the second scheduling pool with a legacy grant.5. The method of claim 2 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Discontinuous scheduling

Номер: US20190007963A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communication are described that support discontinuous scheduling. A base station may transmit, to a user equipment (UE), a grant of resources of a communication channel over a multiple of aggregated TTIs. The UE may monitor a control channel for the grant of resources transmitted by base station. The base station and the UE may identify a location of an excluded TTI within the plurality of aggregated TTIs. The excluded TTI may correspond to a TTI for communicating synchronization signals, random access channel (RACH) signals, or the like. The base station may communicate with the UE via the resources of the communication channel over at least a subset of the aggregated TTIs based on the grant and the location of the excluded TTI.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007964A1

The present specification relates to an operational configuration of a station and an access point in a wireless LAN (WLAN) system. More specifically, the present specification suggests a method for a station or an access point to operate in a case where at least one channel is dynamically allocated during a data transmission interval (DTI) in a wireless LAN system, and an apparatus for the same. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for transmitting data by a station , STA , in a wireless local area network , WLAN , system , the method comprising:receiving a grant frame for dynamically allocating a first allocation period within a data transmission interval, DTI, from an access point, AP, during the DTI,wherein the grant frame comprises dynamic allocation information for, during the first allocation period, allocating either a plurality of channels including a first primary channel or at least one channel except the first primary channel; andtransmitting data in the first allocation period through either the plurality of channels including the primary channel or at least one channel except the first primary channel allocated by the dynamic allocation information.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein when at least one channel except the first primary channel is allocated in the first allocation period claim 21 , the dynamic allocation information further comprises information indicating a second primary channel that operates as a primary channel during the first allocation period.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein when at least one channel except the first primary channel is allocated in the first allocation period claim 21 , the STA performs at least one of a backoff procedure through the second primary channel during the first allocation period and network allocation vector claim 21 , NAV claim 21 , configuration.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the grant frame is transmitted during a grant period claim 21 , GP.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the grant frame ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008090A1

Provided are a method and device for determining indication signalling of a pilot signal for channel measurement, and method and device for feeding back CSI. The method for determining indication signalling of pilot signal for channel measurement includes: a NodeB sends DL control signalling, which includes transmission resource configuration information of a non-periodic CSI-RS, to a terminal, wherein the transmission resource configuration information of the non-periodic CSI-RS is used for determining a location of the non-periodic CSI-RS, and the non-periodic CSI-RS is used for instructing the terminal to perform channel measurement. The non-periodic CSI-RS is determined according to the transmission resource configuration information of the non-periodic CSI-RS, and channel measurement is further performed according to the non-periodic CSI-RS, so that the problems of higher overhead and resource waste caused by periodical sending of a CSI-RS in the related art may be solved, resources are saved, and sending overhead is reduced. 1. A method for determining indication signalling of a pilot signal for channel measurement , comprising:sending, by a NodeB, Downlink (DL) control signalling, which comprises transmission resource configuration information of non-periodic Channel State Information Reference Signal (CSI-RS), to a terminal, wherein the transmission resource configuration information of the non-periodic CSI-RS is used for determining a location of the non-periodic CSI-RS,wherein sending, by the NodeB, the DL control signalling, which comprises the transmission resource configuration information of the non-periodic CSI-RS, to the terminal comprises:sending, by the NodeB, the transmission resource configuration information of the non-periodic CSI-RS and resource allocation information of a Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) to the terminal in the same Downlink Control Information (DCI) format of the DL control signalling; or,sending, by the NodeB, the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Paging and Random Access Response (RAR) Scheduling and DCI Format

Номер: US20200008172A1
Автор: Chen Hua-Min, Chen Tao

Methods and apparatus are provided for paging and random access response (RAR) scheduling and downlink control information (DCI) for a user equipment (UE). In one novel aspect, an SI-paging and a call-paging are transmitted separately, and scheduled by SI-Paging-DCI and call-Paging-DCI respectively. In one embodiment, a special PO is introduced for stand-alone SI-Paging scheduled by SI-Paging-DCI, and the special PO is different from the PO for call-Paging. In another novel aspect, SI-Paging is scheduled together with call-paging in the same PDSCH scheduled by call-Paging-DCI. In one embodiment, the SI-paging carries a value tag and a bitmap, wherein the value tag indicates whether any SI updates, and the bitmap indicates which one or more SIs updates. In another embodiment, the SI-Paging carries several valuetags, and the number of valuetag corresponds to the number of SI. The UE compares a current valuetag to a stored valuetag to verify whether a SI changes. 1. A method , comprising:determining a User Equipment (UE) state;receiving a paging based on the UE state;obtaining paging information for System Information (SI) updates notification and/or UE ID information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the UE state is to determine whether the UE is in radio resource control (RRC) connected mode or RRC idle mode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving paging based on the UE state is receiving a paging message carrying SI updates notification information in a control channel by the UE in radio resource control (RRC) connected mode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving paging based on the UE state is receiving a paging message carrying SI updates notification information and UE ID information by the UE in radio resource control (RRC) idle mode.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving paging based on the UE state is receiving a control channel in one subframe and receiving a data channel in the same or a different subframe.6. The method of claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008183A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed from the perspective of a User Equipment (UE). In one embodiment, the method includes the UE performing a first device-to-device (D2D) transmission based on a periodic resource. The method further includes the UE performs a second D2D transmission based on the periodic resource in response to no data available for the second D2D transmission, wherein the second D2D transmission indicates release of the periodic resource. The method also includes the UE stops using the periodic resource to perform a third D2D transmission. 1. A method for a User Equipment (UE) , comprising:performing a first device-to-device (D2D) transmission based on a periodic resource;performing a second D2D transmission based on the periodic resource in response to no data available for the second D2D transmission, wherein the second D2D transmission indicates release of the periodic resource; andstopping using the periodic resource to perform a third D2D transmission.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first D2D transmission includes a first sidelink control information.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first sidelink control information includes a field indicating reservation period equal to a non-zero value.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first D2D transmission includes a first sidelink data transmission.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first sidelink data transmission includes at least one MAC (Medium Access Control) SDU (Service Data Unit).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second D2D transmission includes a second sidelink control information.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the second sidelink control information includes a field indicating reservation period equal to a special value.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the second sidelink control information includes a field indicating the periodic resource release.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second D2D transmission includes a second sidelink data transmission.10. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008190A1

Various aspects described herein relate to communicating in a wireless network. A resource grant comprising an indicator of whether to transmit a demodulation reference signal (RS) for an uplink control channel or an uplink data channel can be received from a network entity. It can be determined whether to transmit the RS in at least one transmission time interval (TTI) based at least in part on the indicator. 1. A method for communicating in a wireless network , comprising:generating, by a network entity, a resource grant for transmitting, in a transmission time interval (TTI) that is of a two symbol or three symbol duration, an uplink channel, wherein the resource grant indicates a first uplink channel symbol of the two symbol or three symbol duration of the TTI over which to transmit the uplink channel, and wherein the resource grant indicates to transmit a demodulation reference signal (RS) for the uplink channel in the TTI;transmitting, to a user equipment (UE), the resource grant;receiving, from the UE and based on the resource grant, the uplink channel in the first uplink channel symbol of the TTI; andreceiving, from the UE and based on the resource grant, the demodulation RS in the TTI.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first uplink channel symbol occurs before at least a symbol in the TTI over which the demodulation RS is received.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the demodulation RS has at least one of a bandwidth size claim 1 , a frequency location claim 1 , or a number of antenna ports similar to that of the uplink channel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resource grant triggers transmission of the demodulation RS in two or more different TTIs.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the demodulation RS is associated with at least one of a cyclic shift claim 1 , a bandwidth claim 1 , a frequency location claim 1 , a hopping pattern claim 1 , a number of antenna ports claim 1 , or a comb level.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resource grant ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Transmission and reception method and apparatus for reducing transmission time interval in wireless cellular communication system

Номер: US20200008193A1

Methods and apparatuses for signal transmission and reception are provided for a wireless communication system. A message is transmitted to a terminal that includes information on a number of symbols for a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) on a higher layer signaling. The PDCCH is transmitted to the terminal in a slot, based on the information. Data is transmitted to the terminal in a slot based on the PDCCH. The slot for a transmission of the data is transmitted is identified based on the PDCCH

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008218A1
Автор: Ou Meng-Hui, Shih Tun-Huai

A method and apparatus are disclosed. In an example, a first node may trigger a scheduling request (SR) based upon an expected transmission from a second node which is a child node of the first node. The first node may determine a first SR configuration for the SR from a plurality of SR configurations configured to the first node. 1. A method for a first node , comprising:triggering a first scheduling request (SR) based upon an expected transmission from a second node, wherein the second node is a child node of the first node; anddetermining a first SR configuration for the first SR, wherein the first SR configuration is one of a plurality of SR configurations of the first node.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein no data from the first node is available for transmission when the first SR is triggered.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:receiving a second SR from the second node, wherein the second SR is associated with a second SR configuration of the second node.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first SR is triggered responsive to receiving the second SR from the second node.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first SR configuration is determined based upon the second SR configuration.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first SR configuration is determined based upon a mapping of the second SR configuration to the first SR configuration.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the mapping is based upon a first index of the first SR configuration and a second index of the second SR configuration.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the mapping is based upon a mapping table that maps a second plurality of SR configurations of the second node comprising the second SR configuration to the plurality of SR configurations of the first node comprising the first SR configuration.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first SR configuration is determined by using a specific SR configuration of the plurality of SR configurations of the first node.10. The method of claim 1 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008220A1
Автор: LEE Hojae, Lee Sangrim

A method for transmitting, by a terminal, an uplink signal in a wireless communication system according to one embodiment of the present disclosure comprises the steps of: receiving, from a base station, scheduling request (SR) resource information and data resource information; transmitting an SR through any one of a UE-wise SR resource and a group-wise SR resource allocated through the SR resource information; and repeatedly transmitting uplink data through a plurality of resource areas allocated through the data resource information, wherein one UE-wise SR resource may be allocated to each first resource area set consisting of N resource areas, and at least one group-wise SR resource may be allocated to each resource area. The UE is capable of communicating with at least one of another UE, a UE related to an autonomous driving vehicle, a base station or a network. 1. A method for transmitting an uplink signal by a user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving scheduling request (SR) resource information and data resource information from a base station;transmitting an SR through one of a UE-wise SR resource and a group-wise SR resource allocated through the SR resource information; andrepeatedly transmitting uplink data through a plurality of resource zones allocated through the data resource information,wherein one UE-wise SR resource is allocated to each resource zone set including N resource zones, and at least one group-wise SR resource is allocated to each of the resource zones.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the UE selects one of the UE-wise SR resource and the group-wise SR resource based on a time when the uplink data is generated.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the UE selects the UE-wise SR resource and transmits the SR claim 2 , repeated transmission of the data is started from a start time of the resource zone set.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the UE selects the group- ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008222A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Methods and systems are provided for signaling for semi-static configuration in grant free uplink transmissions. Radio resource control (RRC) signaling is used to provide information from a base station to a user equipment (UE) that configure the grant free transmission resource to be used by the UE. In some implementations, the RRC signaling may be used in conjunction with system information that is transmitted to all UEs and/or Downlink Control Information (DCI) that the UE needs to access subsequent to the RRC signaling. In some implementations, the DCI includes an activation or deactivation indicator that the UE monitors to determine when the UE is allowed to transmit to the BS or should stop transmitting. Implementations allow for grant free transmission resources to be configured on an individual user based and a group basis. 1. A method for a user equipment for grant free transmissions , the method comprising:receiving, from a network equipment, a radio resource control (RRC) signaling indicating an uplink grant-free transmission resource configuration, the configuration including a number of transmission repetitions K;receiving, from the network equipment, a first downlink control information (DCI) message, wherein the first DCI message indicates that the UE is permitted to perform uplink grant free data transmissions and a reference signal (RS) value for the UE assigned from a group of RS values;obtaining, uplink grant free transmission resources based on the uplink grant-free transmission resource configuration indicated in the RRC signaling and the first DCI message; andtransmitting, to the network equipment, uplink data using the uplink grant free transmission resources.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:receiving, from the network equipment, a second DCI message, wherein the second DCI message includes a deactivation indication indicating the UE is not permitted to perform uplink grant free transmissions; andstopping transmissions ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008235A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure provide techniques for physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) with repetitions, including techniques for signaling the number of PDCCH repetitions, the hybrid automatic repeat request (HARD) timeline processing with PDCCH repetitions, and the demodulation reference signal (DMRS) structure for the repeated PDCCH. A method for wireless communications, by a user equipment (UE), includes determining a number of repetitions of a PDCCH. Each of the PDCCH repetitions has a same downlink control information (DCI) payload, a same aggregation level, and/or a grant for a same data channel allocation. The method includes monitoring for the PDCCH based on the determined number of repetitions. 1. A method for wireless communications , by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:determining a number of repetitions of a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH), each of the PDCCH repetitions having at least one of: a same downlink control information (DCI) payload, a same aggregation level, or a grant for a same data channel allocation; andmonitoring for the PDCCH based on the determined number of repetitions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the number of repetitions comprises receiving signaling indicating the number of repetitions.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the signaling comprises at least one of: radio resource control (RRC) signaling claim 2 , DCI claim 2 , or a medium access control (MAC) control element (CE).4. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the indication comprises an indication of a number of repetitions associated with each of one or more control resource sets (CORESETS) or one or more search spaces, andthe determination of the number of repetitions is based on the indicated number of repetitions associated with the CORESET or search space monitored for the PDCCH.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determination of the number of repetitions is based on a scrambling sequence of a received demodulation ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022213A1
Автор: Van Phan Vinh, Yu Ling

A method performed by an access node can comprise receiving, from a core network (CN), resource requirements for uplink transmissions corresponding to downlink transmissions of data between the access node and a user device, receiving, from the CN, downlink data destined for the user device, determining, based on the received resource requirements, a schedule for the received downlink data and for expected uplink data corresponding to the received downlink data, and sending the schedule to the user device. 1. A method performed by an access node , the method comprising:receiving, from a core network (CN), resource requirements for uplink transmissions corresponding to downlink transmissions of data between the access node and a user device;receiving, from the CN, downlink data destined for the user device;determining, based on the received resource requirements, a schedule for the received downlink data and for expected uplink data corresponding to the received downlink data; andsending the schedule to the user device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the received resource requirements for uplink transmissions comprise a size and/or a timing information of at least one uplink transmission included in the uplink transmissions; andthe determining comprises determining, based on the size and/or the timing of the at least one uplink transmission, the schedule for the received downlink data and for the expected uplink data corresponding to the received downlink data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the uplink transmissions are carried out by using an established uplink logical channel and downlink transmissions are carried out by using an established downlink logical channel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the schedule for both the received downlink data and expected uplink data is included in a single instance of a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the schedule comprises a downlink schedule for the received downlink data ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022218A1

A primary wireless access node receives primary power headroom for User Equipment (UE). A secondary wireless access receives secondary power headroom for the UE and transfers the secondary power headroom to the primary wireless access node. The primary wireless access node compares the power primary headroom to the secondary power headroom to determine a primary uplink grant amount and a secondary uplink grant amount for the UE. The primary wireless access node grants primary uplink resources to the UE based on the primary uplink grant amount. The secondary wireless access node grants secondary uplink resources to the UE based on the secondary uplink grant amount. The wireless access nodes receive user data from the UE based on the uplink grant amounts. 1. A method of operating a wireless communication network to serve User Equipment (UE) over wireless uplinks , the method comprising:a primary wireless access node wirelessly receiving primary power headroom for the UE on the primary wireless access node;a secondary wireless access node wirelessly receiving secondary power headroom for the UE on the secondary wireless access node and transferring the secondary power headroom to the primary wireless access node;the primary wireless access node comparing the primary power headroom to the secondary power headroom, determining a primary uplink grant amount and a secondary uplink grant amount for the UE based on the power headroom comparison, and transferring the secondary uplink grant amount to the secondary wireless access node;the primary wireless access node granting primary uplink resources to the wireless UE based on the primary uplink grant amount and wirelessly receiving primary user data from the wireless UE using the primary uplink resources; andthe secondary wireless access node granting secondary uplink resources to the wireless UE based on the secondary uplink grant amount and wirelessly receiving secondary user data from the wireless UE using the secondary ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Uplink rank adaptation for mimo communication

Номер: US20220022223A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods related to wireless communication systems and uplink (UL) rank adaptation are provided. A user equipment (UE) receives, from a base station (BS), a configuration indicating a resource associated with a plurality of UL reference signal ports. The UE determines, based on at least one of an overheating status, a throughput, or a latency, a quantity of transmission layers for a transmission. The UE transmits, to the BS, an indication of at least one of (1) one or more UL reference signal ports of the plurality of UL reference signal resources associated with the UL reference signal resource based on the quantity of transmission layers, or (2) a number of UL reference signal ports associated with the multi-port UL reference signal resource based on the quantity of transmission layers.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022225A1

The present disclosure relates to a communication method and system for converging a 5th-Generation (5G) communication system for supporting higher data rates beyond a 4th-Generation (4G) system with a technology for Internet of Things (IoT). The present disclosure may be applied to intelligent services based on the 5G communication technology and the IoT-related technology, such as smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car, connected car, health care, digital education, smart retail, security and safety services. According to the present disclosure, a terminal can perform uplink scheduling in accordance with a priority of a logical channel in a mobile communication system supporting various numerology types and TTI durations. 1receiving information on mapping restrictions for a plurality of logical channels from a base station;receiving an uplink (UL) grant from the base station;selecting a logical channel from the plurality of logical channels based on the information on mapping restrictions and the UL grant; andtransmitting uplink data based on the selected logical channel to the base station.. A method of a terminal for transmitting uplink data, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/971,737 filed on May 4, 2018, which is based on and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119 to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-0056806 filed on May 4, 2017 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to an uplink transmission operation of a terminal in a mobile communication system. More particularly, the present disclosure provides a method and an apparatus for determining which logical channel data belongs to is to be transmitted and in what size the data is to be transmitted when the system supports various types of numerologies and transmission time interval (TTI) duration.To meet the demand for wireless ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Power Control in Wireless Communications

Номер: US20220030521A1

A plurality of resource pools and/or a plurality of transmission and/or reception points may be used in wireless communications. Different pathloss references may be used for different resource pools and/or different transmission and/or reception points. A wireless device may receive one or more messages indicating a plurality of power control parameter sets each associated with a respective resource pool and/or a respective transmission and/or reception point. The wireless device may control a transmission power based on a pathloss reference associated with a resource pool and/or a transmission and/or reception point.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Transmission and Reception of Aperiodic Channel State Information

Номер: US20220030579A1

Wireless communications may comprise aperiodic transmission and reception. Control information may be associated with an aperiodic reference signal. A wireless device may be configured to use a first transmission control indicator (TCI) state of at least two TCI states to receive an aperiodic reference signal based on: a scheduling offset, and the aperiodic reference signal overlapping in time with a scheduled physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH). 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a wireless device, downlink control information (DCI) associated with an aperiodic channel state information reference signal (CSI-RS); and a scheduling offset, between a last symbol of the DCI and a first symbol of the aperiodic CSI-RS, being less than a threshold; and', 'the aperiodic CSI-RS overlapping in time with a scheduled physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) transmission that is indicated with the at least two TCI states., 'receiving, using a first transmission configuration indicator (TCI) state of at least two TCI states, the aperiodic CSI-RS, wherein using the first TCI state is based on2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least two TCI states comprise the first TCI state and a second TCI state claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises receiving one or more configuration parameters that indicate the first TCI state and the second TCI state.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more configuration parameters comprise:a first TCI state index associated with the first TCI state; anda second TCI state index associated with the second TCI state.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving one or more configuration parameters that indicate one or more aperiodic CSI trigger states; andreceiving the aperiodic CSI-RS based on the one or more aperiodic CSI trigger states.5. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the DCI comprises a TCI field that indicates the at least two TCI states.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the threshold is associated with ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transmitting data in wireless communication system

Номер: US20220030586A1

A method for transmitting data by a user equipment (UE), includes configuring a Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH) configuration related to a physical random access channel (PRACH), wherein the PUSCH configuration includes parameters fora time interval for allocating PUSCH zones and a number of contiguous PUSCH zones in time domain, and transmitting the PRACH and a PUSCH based on the PUSCH configuration.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Base station apparatus, terminal apparatus and communication method

Номер: US20220030607A1
Принадлежит: FG Innovation Co Ltd, Sharp Corp

A terminal apparatus includes: a reception unit which receives, from a base station apparatus, a physical downlink control channel including downlink control information in a search space specific to the terminal apparatus; and a control unit which determines the number of bits of a time domain resource allocation field in the downlink control information. The time domain resource allocation field is a time domain resource allocation field for a physical downlink shared channel A default table indicates a time domain resource allocation configuration for the physical downlink shared channel. When a parameter is not received, the number of bits of the time domain resource allocation field is determined based on the number of the in the default table.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012727A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

For the purpose of preventing transmission of UL signals in a subframe other than a UL subframe during the fallback operation in Dynamic TDD communication, the present invention provides a user terminal for communicating in Dynamic TDD, the user terminal having: a reception section that receives control information including an indication to dynamically change a subframe configuration of a Dynamic TDD cell and a control section that controls not to perform specific resource transmission in flexible subframes in the fallback operation based on the subframe configuration of Dynamic TDD cell signaled by higher layers or SIB1. 1. A user terminal comprising:a reception section that receives control information including a subframe configuration of a TDD (Time Division Duplex) cell signaled by L1 signaling; anda control section that, when the user terminal does not detect the subframe configuration signaled by L1 signaling, controls to stop transmission of sounding reference signals in a subframe to which transmission of an uplink shared channel is not allocated by uplink grant.2. The use terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the subframe is indicated as a downlink subframe in a subframe configuration signaled by higher layers.3. The use terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the sounding reference signals are resources that are transmitted periodically.4. A radio base station comprising:a transmission section that transmits a control signal including a subframe configuration of a TDD (Time Division Duplex) cell by L1 signaling; anda reception section that receives sounding reference signals from a user terminal,wherein when the user terminal does not detect the subframe configuration signaled by L1 signaling, the reception section does not receive the sounding reference signals in a subframe to which transmission of an uplink shared channel is not allocated by uplink grant.5. A radio communication method for a user terminal communicating in eIMTA (enhanced ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Transmission of control information in a wireless network with carrier aggregation

Номер: US20170013625A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Techniques for sending control information to support operation on multiple component carriers (CCs) are disclosed. A user equipment (UE) may be configured with multiple CCs for carrier aggregation. The multiple CCs may be associated with different uplink-downlink configurations and may have different downlink subframes and uplink subframes. In one aspect, uplink control information (UCI) for a secondary CC (SCC) may be sent on a primary CC (PCC) based on a UCI transmission timeline for the PCC (and not based on a UCI transmission timeline for the SCC). For example, a downlink grant for the SCC may be sent based on a downlink grant transmission timeline for the PCC. In another aspect, uplink grants for an SCC may be sent on the PCC based on an uplink grant transmission timeline for the PCC (and not based on an uplink grant transmission timeline for the SCC).

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Information transmission method and device

Номер: US20170013642A1
Автор: QIANG LI, Sha Ma, Zhiyu Yan
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

The present invention relates to the communications field, and discloses an information transmission method and a device, which can resolve a problem of excessively high overheads of scheduling signaling of data retransmission in an unlicensed spectrum. A specific solution is as follows: writing a data retransmission identifier of a first carrier into a preset field of a physical downlink control channel; generating a data scheduling instruction of the physical downlink control channel; sending, on a second carrier, the data scheduling instruction of the physical downlink control channel to a receiving device; and sending data that is on the first carrier on the second carrier according to the data scheduling instruction of the physical downlink control channel. The present invention is applied to information transmission.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Flexible uplink/downlink transmissions in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20190013898A1
Автор: Haipeng Lei
Принадлежит: Lenovo Innovations Ltd Hong Kong

Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for flexible uplink/downlink transmissions. One apparatus includes a processor and a memory that stores code executable by the processor. The code, in various embodiments, includes code that determines a frame period length for communication with a user equipment. In a further embodiment, the code includes code that determines an uplink/downlink split pattern to use with the determined frame period length. In certain embodiments, the code includes code that forms at least one message indicating the frame period length and the uplink/downlink split pattern. The apparatus may include a transmitter that provides the at least one message to the user equipment.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014219A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

The present invention is designed to measure and/or report CSI (Channel State Information) of a plurality of narrow bands, even when the band to use is limited to a partial narrow band in a system band. According to one aspect of the present invention, a user terminal, in which the band to use is limited to a partial narrow band in a system band, has a receiving section that receives information related to CSI (Channel State Information) measurement in a narrow band, a measurement section that measures CSIs in a plurality of narrow bands based on the information related to CSI measurement, and a transmission section that reports the measured CSIs. 1. A user terminal , in which a band to use is limited to a partial narrow band in a system band , the user terminal comprising:a receiving section that receives information related to CSI (Channel State Information) measurement in a narrow band;a measurement section that measures CSIs in a plurality of narrow bands based on the information related to CSI measurement; anda transmission section that reports the measured CSIs.2. The user terminal according to claim 1 , wherein:the information related to CSI measurement includes information related to a CSI subframe set, which represents a group of subframes for measuring narrow band CSI; andthe measurement section measures CSI in a predetermined narrow band in a CSI subframe belonging to the CSI subframe set, based on the information related to the CSI subframe set.3. The user terminal according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the receiving section receives a PDSCH (Physical Downlink Shared Channel) at a same timing as a predetermined CSI subframe claim 2 , the measurement section does not measure CSI in the predetermined CSI subframe.4. The user terminal according to claim 1 , wherein:the information related to CSI measurement includes information related to a start or stop of periodic narrow band CSI measurement; andthe measurement section controls execution of the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Carrier Aggregation Optimization

Номер: US20150016365A1

The present invention provides a method, apparatus and a computer program product for carrier aggregation optimization. The present invention includes receiving, at a base station, information from another base station regarding usage of PCell and SCell per carrier at the another base station, analyzing, at the base station, the received information, configuring, at the base station, PCells and SCells for user equipment served by the base station based on the analysis of the received information.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid automatic repeat request feedback and multiple transmission time interval scheduling

Номер: US20180014298A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communication are described. A mobile device may be scheduled for resources of multiple transmission time intervals (TTIs) with a downlink control message; some or all of the multiple TTIs may be associated with different hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) processes. Each TTI may include data mapped to one transport block (TB), and each TB may be associated with a separate HARQ process. The downlink control message may include an indication of which HARQ processes are associated with resources of the multiple TTIs scheduled by the message. For example, the downlink control message may include a mapping (e.g., a bitmap) that indicates a relationship between each HARQ process and each TTI scheduled by the message. Feedback for TBs of some TTIs may differ, and an acknowledgment of receipt or successful decoding may depend on timing of TTIs in relation to a control message.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014299A1

Some demonstrative embodiments include apparatuses, devices, systems and methods of dynamic allocation using a grant frame. For example, a wireless station may be able to generate a grant frame including a duration field and a Dynamic Allocation Info field, the Dynamic Allocation Info field including an allocation duration subfield and an access mode subfield, the access mode subfield to indicate an access mode of an allocation according to the grant frame; and to transmit the grant frame. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus comprising:a memory; and set both a value of an allocation duration field and a value of a duration field based on a time offset to be indicated to a second STA, a sum of the value of the allocation duration field and the value of the duration field to indicate the time offset from a transmit end of a grant frame; and', 'transmit the grant frame to the second STA in a frequency band above 45 Gigahertz (GHz), the grant frame comprising the duration field and a dynamic allocation information (info) field, the dynamic allocation info field comprising the allocation duration field., 'a processor configured to cause a first wireless communication station (STA) to3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the time offset comprises an offset from a Physical layer (PHY) Transmit end (PHY-TXEND) indication primitive of the grant frame.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the time offset comprises an offset of an access time for a transmit attempt.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the time offset comprises an offset of an attempt to obtain a Transmit Opportunity (TxOP).6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the grant frame comprises a frame control field claim 2 , the duration field after the frame control field claim 2 , a Receive Address (RA) field after the duration field claim 2 , a Transmit Address (TA) field after the RA field claim 2 , the dynamic allocation info field after the TA field claim 2 , a beamforming (BF) control field after the dynamic ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Techniques for Reducing Communication Errors in a Wireless Communication System

Номер: US20150016399A1
Автор: Kotecha Jayesh

A technique for operating a wireless communication device includes transmitting a scheduling request from the wireless communication device and receiving, following the scheduling request, an uplink grant that assigns an uplink channel to the wireless communication device. A time period between the scheduling request and the uplink grant is determined. Only channel quality information is transmitted in the uplink channel when the uplink grant requests the channel quality information and the time period is less than a predetermined time period. 1. An apparatus for operating a wireless communication device , comprising:a transceiver; and transmitting a scheduling request from the wireless communication device;', 'receiving, following the scheduling request, an uplink grant that assigns an uplink channel to the wireless communication device;', 'determining a time period between the scheduling request and the uplink grant; and', 'transmitting only channel quality information in the uplink channel when the uplink grant requests the channel quality information and the time period is less than a predetermined time period., 'a processor coupled to the transceiver and configured for2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured for:transmitting the channel quality information and data in the uplink channel when the uplink grant requests the channel quality information and the time period is greater than the predetermined time period.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the uplink grant is an aperiodic channel quality information uplink grant.4. An apparatus for operating a wireless communication device claim 1 , comprising:a transceiver; and receiving, at a first wireless communication device, a scheduling request from a second wireless communication device;', 'scheduling a channel quality information only uplink grant for the second wireless communication device at least a predetermined time period after the scheduling request, wherein the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014313A1
Автор: LEE Sunyoung, Yi Seungjune

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method and a device for transmitting, by a user equipment (UE), data in a wireless communication system, the method comprising: configuring multiple radio bearer groups (RBGs), each of the multiple RBGs including one or more radio bearers; receiving an uplink grant; selecting a RBG according to a predetermined rule; generating a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) containing a data of the selected RBG; and transmitting the MAC PDU using the uplink grant, wherein the predetermined rule is at least one of: selecting a RBG having a logical channel with the highest logical channel priority, selecting a RBG having a largest amount of data stored in a PDCP or RLC buffer, or selecting a RBG having a radio bearer with a shortest delay requirement. 1. A method for transmitting , by a user equipment (UE) , a data in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:configuring multiple radio bearer groups (RBGs), each of the multiple RBGs including one or more radio bearers;receiving an uplink grant;selecting a RBG according to a predetermined rule;generating a Medium Access Control Protocol Data Unit (MAC PDU) containing a data of the selected RBG; andtransmitting the MAC PDU using the uplink grant,wherein the predetermined rule is at least one of:selecting a RBG having a logical channel with the highest logical channel priority, selecting a RBG having a largest amount of data stored in a PDCP or RLC buffer, or selecting a RBG having a radio bearer with a shortest delay requirement.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selecting a RBG according to a predetermined rule selects only one RBG.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MAC PDU does not contain a data of a RBG not selected by the predetermined rule.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MAC PDU is generated by performing a logical channel prioritization (LCP) procedure for the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014806A1

The present disclosure relates to pseudo-randomization of unused resources at a medium access control layer (MAC) of a user equipment (UE). For example, the disclosure presents a method and an apparatus for determining that an uplink (UL) resource grant, associated with a first radio access technology (RAT), for the UE results in unused resources where there are a greater number of resources than available data for transmission at the UE, wherein the UE is configured to receive information associated with a second RAT, and wherein the first RAT is different from the second RAT, populating the unused resources, at a medium access control (MAC) layer, with pseudo-randomized bits, and transmitting at least a portion of the available data and the populated unused resources using the UL resource grant associated with the first RAT. As such, pseudo-randomization of unused resources at a medium access control layer (MAC) of a UE may be achieved. 1. A method for wireless communications , by a user equipment (UE) , comprising:determining that an uplink (UL) resource grant, associated with a first radio access technology (RAT), for the UE results in unused resources where there are a greater number of resources than available data for transmission at the UE, wherein the UE is configured to receive information associated with a second RAT, and wherein the first RAT is different from the second RAT;populating the unused resources, at a medium access control (MAC) layer, with pseudo-randomized bits; andtransmitting at least a portion of the available data and the populated unused resources using the UL resource grant associated with the first RAT.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the populating comprises:generating a maximum length sequence (MLS) and storing the MLS in a first buffer at the MAC layer;performing a bit inversion of the MLS and storing an output of the bit inversion in a second buffer at the MAC layer;initiating a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) with a non- ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014814A1

The present invention provides a user equipment collision detection method and apparatus. The user equipment collision detection method includes: sending, by user equipment, a collision detection request on a common E-DCH to a base station, where the collision detection request carries a first radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) corresponding to the user equipment, so that the base station determines whether the common E-DCH is occupied by other user equipment than the user equipment; receiving, by the user equipment, an acknowledgement message sent by the base station, where the acknowledgement message carries absolute grant (AG) information and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code; and determining, by the user equipment according to the first RNTI, and the AG information and the CRC code that are carried in the acknowledgement message, whether the common E-DCH is an available resource. 1. A user equipment collision detection method , comprising:sending, by user equipment, a collision detection request on a common enhanced uplink dedicated channel (E-DCH) to a base station, wherein the collision detection request carries a first radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) corresponding to the user equipment, so that the base station determines whether the common E-DCH is occupied by other user equipment than the user equipment;receiving, by the user equipment, an acknowledgement message sent by the base station, wherein the acknowledgement message carries absolute grant (AG) information and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code; anddetermining, by the user equipment according to the first RNTI, the AG information, and the CRC code, whether the common E-DCH is an available resource.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first RNTI comprises a first definition portion and a second definition portion; andthe method further comprises:de-masking, by the user equipment, the CRC code by using the first definition portion; andif a CRC code is verified ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013941A1

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatuses for the identification of a channel state information reference signal (CSI-RS) resource. In some aspects, a UE that receives the CSI-RS may determine CSI feedback based at least in part on the CSI-RS after detecting the CSI-RS resource that includes the CSI-RS. Signaling or techniques for when no CSI-RS is detected (such as when the base station fails a channel access operation for all available CSI-RS resources) are also provided. Furthermore, approaches for rate matching for a shared channel around CSI-RS resources or for CSI interference management (CSI-IM) resources are provided, as well as CSI reporting approaches for cases when the UE fails to transmit CSI feedback due to a failed channel access operation, such as a triggered or re-triggered CSI report. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by an apparatus of a user equipment (UE) , comprising:receiving configuration information for a channel state information reference signal (CSI-RS), wherein the configuration information indicates a plurality of CSI-RS resources;determining whether the CSI-RS is received on the plurality of CSI-RS resources based on the configuration information; andselectively transmitting a CSI report based on whether the CSI-RS is received.24-. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether the CSI-RS is received is based on decoding information indicating that a CSI-RS resource claim 1 , of the plurality of CSI-RS resources claim 1 , is included in a transmit opportunity (TXOP).6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving information indicating a CSI-RS resource, of the plurality of CSI-RS resources, on which the CSI-RS was transmitted, wherein determining whether the CSI-RS is received is based on the information indicating the CSI-RS resource.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of CSI-RS resources are associated with a tracking reference signal (TRS) burst claim 1 , and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013948A1

A communication method and system for converging a 5generation (5G) communication system for supporting higher data rates beyond a 4generation (4G) system with a technology for Internet of things (IoT) are provided. The communication method and system may be applied to intelligent services based on the 5G communication technology and the IoT-related technology. A method performed by a terminal for beam failure recovery (BFR) on a secondary cell (SCell) in a wireless communication system comprises receiving information for BFR on an SCell including a scheduling request configuration for the BFR on the SCell; detecting beam failure on the SCell based on whether a number of beam failure instances within a preconfigured time duration exceeds a preconfigured number; and, as a response to detecting the beam failure on the SCell, transmitting a scheduling request for the BFR on the SCell based on the scheduling request configuration. 1. A method performed by a terminal for beam failure recovery (BFR) on a secondary cell (SCell) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving, from a base station, information for BFR on an SCell including a scheduling request configuration for the BFR on the SCell;detecting beam failure on the SCell based on whether a number of beam failure instances within a preconfigured time duration exceeds a preconfigured number; andas a response to detecting the beam failure on the SCell, transmitting, to the base station, a scheduling request for the BFR on the SCell based on the scheduling request configuration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information for the BFR on the SCell includes a list of reference signals identifying candidate beams for the BFR on the SCell and a reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for a candidate beam.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reference signals include at least one of a synchronization signal block (SSB) or a channel state information reference signal.4. The method of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013949A1

A communication method and system for converging a 5generation (5G) communication system for supporting higher data rates beyond a 4generation (4G) system with a technology for Internet of things (IoT) are provided. The communication method and system may be applied to intelligent services based on the 5G communication technology and the IoT- related technology, such as smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car, connected car, health care, digital education, smart retail, security and safety services. A method performed by a terminal for handling scheduling request (SR) cancellation in a wireless communication system is provided. The method comprises identifying that at least one first SR is triggered, identifying whether each of the at least one first SR is triggered for beam failure recovery (BFR) of a secondary cell (SCell), and determining whether to cancel each of the at least one SR based on the identification. 1. A method performed by a terminal in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:identifying that at least one first scheduling request (SR) is triggered;identifying whether each of the at least one first SR is triggered for beam failure recovery (BFR) of a secondary cell (SCell); anddetermining whether to cancel each of the at least one first SR based on the identification.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:except for a second SR triggered for the BFR of the SCell, cancelling at least one third SR for buffer state report (BSR) triggered prior to media access control (MAC) protocol data unit (PDU) assembly among the at least one first SR when a MAC PDU including a BSR MAC control element (CE) is transmitted, the BSR MAC CE including buffer status up to a last event that triggered a BSR prior to the MAC PDU assembly.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:stopping each respective SR prohibit timer corresponding to the at least one third SR.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:except for a second SR ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014506A1

According to some embodiments, a method in a first wireless device of relaying data from a second wireless device to a wireless communication network comprises: obtaining data transmission pattern information associated with data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network; requesting resources from the wireless communication network according to the data transmission pattern information; receiving an indication of resources from the wireless communication network; receiving the data from the second wireless device; and transmitting the data to the wireless communication network using the indicated resources. In particular embodiments, obtaining the data transmission pattern information comprises receiving the data transmission pattern information from the second wireless device; determining the data transmission pattern based on a service type or protocol associated with the data to be relayed; or determining the data transmission pattern based on a LTE version supported by the second wireless device. 1. A method in a first wireless device of relaying data from a second wireless device to a wireless communication network , the method comprising:obtaining data transmission pattern information associated with data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network;requesting resources from the wireless communication network according to the data transmission pattern information;receiving an indication of resources from the wireless communication network;receiving the data from the second wireless device; andtransmitting the data to the wireless communication network using the indicated resources.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data to be relayed comprises one or more data bursts and the data transmission pattern information includes at least one of a periodicity of the one or more data bursts claim 1 , an amount of data associated with each of the one or more data bursts claim 1 , and a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014591A1
Автор: Lei Haipeng
Принадлежит: Lenovo Innovations Limited (Hong Kong)

Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for uplink/downlink scheduling. One apparatus includes a processor and a memory that stores code executable by the processor. The code, in various embodiments, determines an uplink schedule for data to be transmitted from a user equipment. In a further embodiment, the code determines a downlink schedule for data to be provided to the user equipment. The apparatus may include a transmitter that provides an uplink grant message to the user equipment to initiate an uplink transmission based on the uplink schedule. In certain embodiments, the uplink schedule and the downlink schedule are determined without using a predefined split pattern for uplink and downlink transmission. 1. An apparatus comprising:a processor; code that determines an uplink schedule for data to be transmitted from a user equipment; and', 'code that determines a downlink schedule for data to be provided to the user equipment; and, 'a memory that stores code executable by the processor, the code comprisinga transmitter that provides an uplink grant message to the user equipment to initiate an uplink transmission based on the uplink schedule;wherein the uplink schedule and the downlink schedule are determined without using a predefined split pattern for uplink and downlink transmission.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the code comprises code that reserves a gap between downlink transmission and the uplink transmission to enable the user equipment to perform a clear channel assessment (“CCA”).3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the uplink grant message comprises an indication that indicates timing for the uplink transmission.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the indication within the uplink grant message comprises an offset between a subframe in which the uplink grant message is received and a subframe in which the uplink transmission begins.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the indication within the uplink grant message comprises an index ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014592A1

A wireless node (e.g., a slave relay node) may receive scheduling commands over multiple wireless links and identify a scheduling conflict. For example, the wireless node my identify a conflict of wireless resources indicated by the received scheduling commands. The wireless node may select a non-conflicting subset of the scheduling commands based on a conflict policy, and transmit data over the wireless links according to the non-conflicting subset of the scheduling commands. Additionally or alternatively, the wireless node may transmit a conflict report indicating the identified scheduling conflict. The conflict report may be sent to other wireless nodes (e.g., master relay nodes associated with the conflicting scheduling commands). The other wireless nodes may engage in negotiation signaling to resolve the scheduling conflict, and may transmit an updated scheduling command to the slave relay node. The slave relay node may transmit data over wireless links based on the updated scheduling command. 1. A method for wireless communication , comprising:receiving a plurality of scheduling commands over a plurality of wireless links;identifying a conflict for a wireless resource associated with the plurality of scheduling commands;selecting a non-conflicting subset of the plurality of scheduling commands based at least in part on a conflict policy; andtransmitting data over one or more of the plurality of wireless links based at least in part on the selected non-conflicting subset.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving signaling indicating the conflict policy.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conflict policy is based at least in part on priority information signaled in one or more of the plurality of scheduling commands.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conflict policy is based at least in part on a size of the selected non-conflicting subset claim 1 , wherein the size of the selected non-conflicting subset is larger than other non-conflicting ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014593A1

A communication scheme and system for converging a 5generation (5G) communication system for supporting a data rate higher than that of a 4generation (4G) system with an Internet of things (IoT) technology is provided. The present disclosure is applicable to intelligent services (e.g., smart homes, smart buildings, smart cities, smart cars, connected cars, health care, digital education, retail stores, security and safety-related services) based on 5G communication technology and IoT-related technology. 1. A method of a terminal in a mobile communication system , the method comprising:transmitting, to a base station, a scheduling request (SR) for a first service or a second service based on SR configurations for the first and second services;receiving an uplink grant in response to the SR from the base station; andtransmitting, to the base station, uplink data of the first or second service based on the SR configurations for the first and second services and the uplink grant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the uplink data comprises transmitting the uplink data of the first or second service based on a resource region in which the uplink grant is received claim 1 , the resource region for receiving the uplink grant for the first service being distinguished from a resource region for receiving the uplink grant for the second service.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the uplink data comprises transmitting the uplink data based on information included in the SR configuration for the first or second service claim 1 , and the information included in the SR configuration for the first or second service comprises at least one of information for identifying individual services in association with SR resources claim 1 , information for determining a numerology or transmission time interval (TTI) of uplink data for the individual services claim 1 , information related to quality of service (QoS) of logical channels associated with the individual ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014596A1

Provided are a method and apparatus for configuring contention-based access parameters of a Licensed-Assisted Access (LAA) device. The method includes: determining, according to different priority classes, different Listen Before Talk (LBT) mechanisms or different LBT mechanism parameter sets corresponding to the different priority classes; executing contention-based access to an unlicensed carrier by using the different LBT mechanisms or the different LBT mechanism parameter sets corresponding to the different priority classes; and when a right of using the unlicensed carrier is successfully gained based on a used LBT mechanism or a used LBT mechanism parameter set, transmitting data by utilizing the unlicensed carrier. 1. A method for configuring contention-based access parameters of a Licensed-Assisted Access (LAA) device , comprising:determining, according to different priority classes, different Listen Before Talk (LBT) mechanisms or different LBT mechanism parameter sets corresponding to the different priority classes;executing contention-based access to an unlicensed carrier by using the different LBT mechanisms or the different LBT mechanism parameter sets corresponding to the different priority classes; andtransmitting, when a right of using the unlicensed carrier is successfully gained based on a used LBT mechanism or a used LBT mechanism parameter set, data by utilizing the unlicensed carrier.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The method for configuring contention-based access parameters of an LAA device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the different LBT mechanisms comprise at least one of:an LBT Cat2 mechanism or an enhanced LBT Cat2 mechanism;an LBT Cat4 mechanism;an LBT Cat3 mechanism.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The method for configuring contention-based access parameters of an LAA device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein parameters of the LBT mechanism parameter set comprise at least one of: a first CCA duration claim 1 , a defer ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014606A1

According to some embodiments, a method in a first wireless device of relaying data from a second wireless device to a wireless communication network comprises: obtaining data transmission information associated with data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network; requesting resources from the wireless communication network according to the data transmission information before receiving the data to be relayed; receiving an indication of resources from the wireless communication network; receiving the data from the second wireless device; and transmitting the data to the wireless communication network using the indicated resources. In particular embodiments, the data transmission information includes at least one of an amount of data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network and an estimated time for receiving the data from the second wireless device at the first wireless device. 1. A method in a first wireless device of relaying data from a second wireless device to a wireless communication network , the method comprising:obtaining data transmission information associated with data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network;requesting resources from the wireless communication network according to the data transmission information before receiving the data to be relayed;receiving an indication of resources from the wireless communication network;receiving the data from the second wireless device; andtransmitting the data to the wireless communication network using the indicated resources.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data transmission information includes at least one of an amount of data to be relayed from the second wireless device to the wireless communication network and an estimated time for receiving the data from the second wireless device at the first wireless device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the data ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014727A1

Various aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to wireless communication. In some aspects, a first transmit receive point (TRP) may transmit a first physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) communication to a user equipment (UE), wherein the first PDSCH communication includes a first set of layers for a codeword, and wherein a second set of layers for the codeword are transmitted to the UE in a second PDSCH communication from a second TRP. The first TRP may receive from the UE, acknowledgement or negative acknowledgement (ACK/NACK) information corresponding to the codeword. The first TRP may adjust a contention window size based at least in part on a determination that a condition, associated with the ACK/NACK information, is satisfied. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A method of wireless communication performed by a first transmit receive point (TRP) , comprising:transmitting a first physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) communication to a user equipment (UE), wherein the first PDSCH communication includes a first set of layers for a codeword, and wherein a second set of layers for the codeword are transmitted to the UE in a second PDSCH communication from a second TRP;receiving, from the UE, acknowledgement or negative acknowledgement (ACK/NACK) information corresponding to the codeword; andadjusting a contention window size based at least in part on a determination that a condition, associated with the ACK/NACK information, is satisfied.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ACK/NACK information includes a negative acknowledgement (NACK) claim 1 , and wherein the first TRP is configured to count the NACK as a fractional NACK value to determine whether the condition is satisfied.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the condition is that a threshold percentage of negative acknowledgements (NACKs) are received in a reference time window claim 2 , and wherein the first TRP is configured to increment a NACK counter using the fractional NACK value ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015094A1

A user equipment of a wireless communication system is disclosed. The user equipment includes a communication module, and a processor. The processor is configured to transmit a radio frame divided into a plurality of subframes through the communication module, and perform a UL transmission in a partial subframe having a duration shorter than one subframe duration to the base station based on at least one of an indication of a base station and a result of a channel access of the wireless communication system. 1. A user equipment of a wireless communication system , the user equipment comprising:a communication module; anda processor,wherein the processor is configured to:perform a uplink (UL) transmission including a single or a plurality of subframes by using the communication module, and perform a UL transmission in a partial subframe having a duration shorter than a duration of one subframe to a base station according to at least one of an indication of the base station and a result of a channel access of the wireless communication system.2. The user equipment of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to:when the user equipment accesses a channel using a channel access based random backoff, adjust a value of a contention window used in the channel access based random backoff based on whether a transmission of a reference subframe previously transmitted by the user equipment using the channel access based random backoff is successful or not, andattempt a UL transmission to the base station by accessing the channel based on the value of the contention window,wherein the reference subframe comprises the partial subframe,wherein the contention window indicates a range in which a natural number that determines a backoff time in a procedure of the channel access based random backoff is obtained randomly,wherein the value of the contention window is the largest value among values that the natural number is capable of having.3. The user equipment of claim 2 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014799A1

Apparatuses, methods, and systems are disclosed for power headroom report generation. One method includes aggregating multiple serving cells. The method includes determining that a power headroom report is triggered. The method includes determining that an uplink resource for a new transmission on a serving cell of the multiple serving cells is allocated at a first time after the power headroom report is triggered. The method includes determining a power headroom value for each serving cell of the multiple serving cells being activated based on information received prior to and including a predetermined time before the start of the uplink resource at the first time. The method includes generating a power headroom report medium access control control element including at least the power headroom value for each serving cell of the multiple serving cells being activated. 1. A method comprising:aggregating a plurality of serving cells;determining that a power headroom report is triggered;determining that an uplink resource for a new transmission on a serving cell of the plurality of serving cells is allocated at a first time after the power headroom report is triggered;generating a power headroom report medium access control control element comprising at least a power headroom value for each serving cell of the plurality of serving cells being activated; andtransmitting the power headroom report medium access control control element on the uplink resource for new transmission on the allocated first time;wherein the power headroom value for each serving cell of the plurality of serving cells being activated is determined based on information received at a time prior to and including a second time in response to the uplink resource allocated at a first time being scheduled by an uplink grant received at a second time after the power headroom report is triggered; andwherein the power headroom value for each serving cell of the plurality of serving cells being activated is ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Method for reporting power headroom and corresponding user equipment

Номер: US20210014800A1

Disclosed are a communication method and system for converging a 5th-Generation (5G) communication system for supporting higher data rates beyond a 4-Generation (4G) system with a technology for Internet of Things (IoT), applicable to intelligent services based on the 5G communication technology and the IoT-related technology, such as smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car, connected car, health care, digital education, smart retail, security and safety services.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Time Alignment Timer Information

Номер: US20210014818A9

A base station distributed unit may transmit a timing advance command for a timing advance group to a wireless device. The base station distributed unit may start a time alignment timer for the timing advance group of the wireless device in response to the transmission of the timing advance command. The base station distributed unit may determine expiration of the time alignment timer. The base station distributed unit may transmit a first message to a base station central unit. The first message may indicate the expiration of the time alignment timer for the timing advance group of the wireless device. 1. A method comprising:transmitting, by a base station distributed unit to a wireless device, a timing advance command for a timing advance group;starting, by the base station distributed unit and in response to transmitting the timing advance command, a time alignment timer for the timing advance group of the wireless device;determining, by the base station distributed unit, expiration of the time alignment timer; andtransmitting, by the base station distributed unit to a base station central unit, a first message indicating the expiration of the time alignment timer for the timing advance group of the wireless device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the timing advance group comprises one or more cells.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , by the base station distributed unit and in response to determining the expiration of the time alignment timer claim 1 , at least one of:releasing hybrid automated repeat request uplink resource configurations for one or more cells of the timing advance group;releasing physical uplink control channel configurations for one or more cells of the timing advance group;releasing sounding reference signal configurations for one or more cells of the timing advance group;clearing configured downlink assignments for one or more cells of the timing advance group;clearing uplink resource grants for one or more cells of ...
