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22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623107C2
Принадлежит: БАКАБ С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к электронагревательному кабелю, предназначенному для трубопроводов. С трех фазных проводов (11, 12 и 13) снята оболочка, соответственно, на участках (11а, 12а, и 13а). Эти участки должны быть расположены и зафиксированы с одной стороны и соединены электрически между собой с другой стороны внутри коробки (14), имеющей, например, центральную (15) полость прямоугольного сечения, глубина которой должна быть как минимум равна длине оголенных участков (11а, 12а и 13а) и длина которой должна быть предпочтительно большей, чем поперечное сечение этих участков фазных проводов без оболочки. Они зафиксированы в центральной полости (15) электропроводным связующим материалом (16), например оловянным припоем, чтобы обеспечить фиксацию и электрическое соединение между ними. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение надежности соединения. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

07-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713779C2
Принадлежит: ВЕНДА ОЙ (FI)

Настоящее изобретение в общем относится к нагревательному устройству и, более конкретно, к нагревательному модулю для нагревания области пола и к способу производства такого нагревательного модуля. Нагревательный модуль для нагрева области пола содержит первый проводящий слой; второй проводящий слой, расположенный напротив первого проводящего слоя; нагревательный модуль дополнительно содержит промежуточный изолирующий слой, расположенный между первым и вторым проводящими слоями, при этом промежуточный изолирующий слой содержит: канал на поверхности промежуточного изолирующего слоя, расположенной рядом со вторым проводящим слоем; нагревательный кабель, заключенный в канале, и проводящий заполняющий материал, заполняющий канал и покрывающий нагревательный кабель; проводящее адгезивное покрытие между вторым проводящим слоем и поверхностью промежуточного изолирующего слоя, и уплотняющий слой, покрывающий кромки первого проводящего слоя, промежуточного изолирующего слоя и второго проводящего ...

29-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686564C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам и способам, применяемым для нагревания формаций. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении или исключении потенциальных проблем в ходе производства, компоновки и/или монтажа изолированных проводников. Изолированный электрический проводник (MI кабель) содержит внутренний электрический проводник, электрический изолятор, по меньшей мере частично окружающий электрический проводник, и наружный электрический проводник, по меньшей мере частично окружающий электрический изолятор. Изолированный электрический проводник имеет практически непрерывную длину по меньшей мере приблизительно 100 м. Изолированный электрический проводник на всей указанной практически непрерывной длине по меньшей мере приблизительно 100 м имеет напряжение начала пробоя, по меньшей мере равное приблизительно 60 В на 1 мил толщины электрического изолятора (около 2400 В на 1 мм толщины электрического изолятора) приблизительно при 1300°F (около 700°С) и приблизительно 60 Гц. Изолированный ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517178C2
Принадлежит: ВАНГ Бокуан (CN)

Данное изобретение относится к электропроводящему тепловыделяющему материалу. Указанный выше электропроводящий тепловыделяющий материал состоит из подложки и электропроводящего тепловыделяющего слоя, практически равномерно нанесенного на указанную выше подложку. Упомянутый выше электропроводящий тепловыделяющий слой образуется из электропроводящей тепловыделяющей краски, в состав которой входит электропроводящий тепловыделяющий базовый материал и связующее вещество. Указанный выше электропроводящий тепловыделяющий базовый материал выбирают из группы, включающей в себя природный графит, искусственный графит или электропроводящую углеродную сажу; указанное выше связующее вещество выбирают из группы, которая включает в себя акриловую смолу, эпоксидную смолу, полиуретан, меламин, желатин, карбоксиметилцеллюлозу и поливиниловый спирт. В некоторых примерах осуществления подложка представляет собой бумагу. Указанный выше электропроводящий тепловыделяющий материал может быть использован при изготовлении ...

11-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674537C2

Изобретение относится к электрически управляемой системе, генерирующей аэрозоль, которая содержит устройство и съемный картридж, при этом картридж содержит субстрат, образующий аэрозоль, электрически управляемый испаритель и первые электрические контакты, соединенные с испарителем, при этом устройство содержит главную часть, образующую полость для вмещения картриджа, электрический источник питания, вторые электрические контакты, соединенные с электрическим источником питания, и мундштучную часть, при этом мундштучная часть в закрытом положении удерживает первые электрические контакты на картридже в контакте со вторыми электрическими контактами на устройстве. Технический реузльтат заключается в надежности эксплуатации картриджа. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

10-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018112246A3

25-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019103982A3

13-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100894A3

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2070773C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и предназначено для использования при обогреве любых жилых и других помещений зданий, сооружений, салонов различных видов наземного, воздушного и водного транспорта. Резистивный электронагреватель содержит подложку из ситалла, характеризуемого способностью пропускать инфракрасные лучи и объемным сопротивлением до 108 Ом/см3. На подложку нанесен нагреватель в виде пленки из диоксида элемента IV группы с добавкой переходного элемента d-подуровня. В результате нанесения нагревателя на подложку образуется токопроводящий переходный слой, который вместе с нагревателем включен в общую электрическую цепь. Вследствие лучепропускания через ситалловую подложку электрическая энергия эквивалентно превращается в тепловую и до 95% тепла передается в обогреваемый объем при малом потреблении энергии (0,25-0,35 кВт на 1 м2 обогревающей поверхности). Использование предлагаемого устройства позволит заменить существующие громоздкие и малоэффективные системы водо ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696979C1

Изобретение относится к электрообогреваемому многослойному стеклу, имеющему емкостную область коммутации, способу его изготовления, системе стекла. Технический результат – усовершенствование обогреваемого многослойного стекла, имеющего емкостную область коммутации, просто и экономично интегрированную в многослойное стекло, не препятствуя видимости сквозь стекло, - достигается тем, что многослойное стекло включает в себя, по меньшей мере: подложку (1), верхнее стекло (4) и по меньшей мере один промежуточный слой (3), расположенный между ними, по меньшей мере одну нагревательную проволоку (21) и по меньшей мере две токособирательные шины (22), расположенные между верхним стеклом (4) и промежуточным слоем (3). При этом нагревательная проволока (21) соединена электропроводяще с токособирательными шинами (22) таким образом, что при подаче электрического напряжения на токособирательные шины (22) через нагревательную проволоку (21) может течь ток нагрева, нагревая нагревательную проволоку (21) ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735598C1

Изобретение относится к стеклянному листу с электропроводящим покрытием и может быть использовано для остекления зданий и автомобилей. Техническим результатом является снижение видимости отпечатков пальцев на поверхности стекла. В частности, предложен стеклянный лист с электропроводящим покрытием, содержащий основу (1) и электропроводящее покрытие (2) на открытой поверхности основы (1), которое содержит, начиная от основы (1), по меньшей мере блокирующий слой (7) против диффузии щелочей с показателем преломления по меньшей мере 1,9, диэлектрический нижний просветляющий слой (3) с показателем преломления от 1,3 до 1,8, электропроводящий слой (4), диэлектрический барьерный слой (5) для регулирования диффузии кислорода с показателем преломления по меньшей мере 1,9 и диэлектрический верхний просветляющий слой (6) с показателем преломления от 1,3 до 1,8. Причем стеклянный лист имеет локальный минимум степени отражения (RL) в интервале от 310 нм до 360 нм и локальный максимум степени отражения ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2540174C1

Изобретение относится к стеклоизделиям с электрообогреваемой поверхностью. Технический результат изобретения заключается в исключении градиента температур и зон концентрации тепловыделения. На подложку наносят прозрачный электропроводный слой. В электропроводном слое формируют по меньшей мере одну секцию с электроизолированными зонами, разделенными электропроводными полосами, которые по меньшей мере частично отклоняются от продольного направления секции и состоят из прямолинейных и/или криволинейных участков. Полосы имеют в пределах секции одинаковую ширину, которую для заданной конфигурации электроизолированных зон выбирают в зависимости от требуемого общего сопротивления Rсекции, состоящего из совокупности сопротивлений Rуказанных участков полос, где сопротивление каждого участка полосы Rопределяют из уравнения:, где R- удельное сопротивление электропроводного слоя;- ширина полосы;- длина каждого участка полосы. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010138665A

... 1. Нагревательное устройство, содержащее нагревательный элемент, теплопровод и первый и второй преобразователи регулятора температуры, находящиеся в непосредственном контакте с теплопроводом, при этом первый преобразователь регулятора температуры расположен на первом расстоянии от нагревательного элемента, второй преобразователь регулятора температуры расположен на втором, меньшем, чем первое, расстоянии от нагревательного элемента, при этом порог срабатывания первого преобразователя регулятора температуры ниже порога срабатывания второго преобразователя регулятора температуры. !2. Устройство по п.1, в котором оба преобразователя регулятора температуры выполнены на одной и той же поверхности теплопровода. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором первый и второй преобразователи регулятора температуры выполнены на двух различных поверхностях теплопровода. !4. Устройство по п.1, в котором нагревательный элемент выполнен на теплопроводе в виде покрытия. ! 5. Устройство по п.1, в котором нагревательный ...

22-02-2007 дата публикации

Heating pattern for use as infrared composition heater in living space, has thermal papers, where infrared composition heater is provided with thermal papers on both sides, and insulation layer is arranged in pattern

Номер: DE202006017338U1

The pattern has thermal papers, where an infrared composition heater is provided with the thermal papers on both sides. An insulation layer is arranged in the pattern, where the insulation layer is provided with a glass fiber fabric (1), and the pattern comprises a very short preheating time. The glass fiber fabric is impregnated with a composite material and is provided as a base material (2.3).

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Verlegen von Sammelleisten in Folien

Номер: DE102016119678A1

Bei einem Verfahren und einer Vorrichtung zum Verlegen von Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) in Folien, bei dem eine Schar von Heizdrähten (32) und mindestens zwei jeweils mindestens eine Teilanzahl der Heizdrähte (32) elektrisch kontaktierende Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) auf mindestens eine Basisfolie (3, 14-17, 21-24, 30) aufgebracht werden, wobei die Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) mittels einer Zuführungseinrichtung jeweils in Richtung auf eine Andrückrolle (1) geführt und mittels der Andrückrolle (1) in Richtung auf die Basisfolie (3, 14-17, 21-24, 30) gepresst und mittels einer Schneidevorrichtung (8) geschnitten werden, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) jeweils in Zuführungsrichtung vor der Andrückrolle (1) geschnitten werden.

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Elektromigration-resistenten kristallinen Übergangsmetall-Silizidschicht, entsprechende Schichtenfolge und Mikro-Heizer

Номер: DE102016208970A1

Die Erfindung schafft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Elektromigration-resistenten kristallinen Übergangsmetall-Silizidschicht, eine Schichtenfolge und einen Mikro-Heizer. Im Schritt A des Verfahrens wird ein Halbleitersubstrat mit einer elektrisch isolierenden Schicht bereitgestellt. Im Schritt B des Verfahrens wird ein Übergangsmetall auf die elektrisch isolierende Schicht physikalisch abgeschieden. Im Schritt C des Verfahrens wird eine plasmaunterstützte chemische Gasphasenabscheidung unter Ausbilden eines Inert-Gas-Plasmas durchgeführt. Im Schritt D des Verfahrens wird in das Inert-Gas-Plasma Monosilan zugeleitet, wobei das Monosilan in Silizium und Wasserstoff zerfällt und das Silizium in Gasphase mit dem Übergangsmetall eine chemische Reaktion zum Ausbilden der Elektromigration-resistenten kristallinen Übergangsmetall-Silizidschicht eingeht.

18-06-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001565460A1

26-03-2009 дата публикации

Sitzheizung mit Insassensensor

Номер: DE212007000056U1

17-12-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9109999U1

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Flächiges Heizelement

Номер: DE102006021649C5

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft Elektrisches Heizelement (1) mit mindestens einem flächigen Heizwiderstand (18) zur Anordnung nahe einer zu beheizenden Fläche, mindestens einer Elektrode (4) zum Einspeisen von Strom in den Heizwiderstand (18), welche mindestens zwei Kontaktleiterstränge (3, 31) aufweist, die zumindest in einem länglichen Kontaktierungsbereich (200) zumindest lokal miteinander und mit dem Heizwiderstand (18) in Verbindung stehen. Es ist vorgesehen, daß an mindestens einer Stelle längs der Elektrode (4) und/oder des Kontaktierungsbereiches (200), an der mindestens einer der Kontaktleiterstränge (3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35) zumindest lokal eine Verlaufsrichtung parallel zur Verlaufsrichtung der Elektrode (4) und/oder des Kontaktierungsbereiches (200) aufweist, mindestens ein weiterer Kontaktleiterstrang (3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35) zumindest lokal eine winklig dazu gerichtete Verlaufsrichtung aufweist.

23-11-2006 дата публикации

Vehicle pre-heater, has frames coupled to outer side surfaces of outermost heat radiation fin assemblies, and reinforcing grooves longitudinally formed on contact surfaces of frames and heat radiation fin assemblies

Номер: DE102006021730A1

The pre-heater has a pair of frames (4000, 5000) coupled to outer side surfaces of outermost heat radiation fin assemblies (2000). Reinforcing grooves (4100, 5100) are longitudinally formed on contact surfaces of the frames and the heat radiation fin assemblies. Longitudinal ends (4200, 5200) of the frames are coupled to housings (6000, 7000), where the housings are provided with coupling grooves into which the longitudinal ends of the frames are to be inserted.

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Electrical conductor for heating has carrier structure of bonded fiber and carbon material adhering to it as conductor

Номер: DE102007006624A1

The electrical conductor has a carrier structure and electrically conductive material. The carrier structure is made of bonded fiber. The conducting material consists of a carbon material, possibly carbonized carboniferous material, which adheres to the bonded fiber, and may be applied to it by pyrolitic deposition or other forms of deposition.

26-07-2007 дата публикации

Flächiges Heizelement

Номер: DE102004013625B4

Flächiges Heizelement mit einem beheizbaren Flächenelement (2) und wenigstens zwei Kontakt-Elektroden (3, 5), die jeweils zwei Endabschnitte (12, 13) aufweisen, wobei die Endabschnitte (12, 13) wenigstens einer Kontakt-Elektrode (3, 5) durch eine elektrische Bypassleitung (9) miteinander elektrisch leitend verbunden sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bypassleitung (9) eine höhere mechanische Belastbarkeit im Vergleich zur Kontakt-Elektrode (3, 5) aufweist.

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Heizeinrichtung und Heizeinrichtung

Номер: DE102016211081A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Heizeinrichtung (11) mit einem flächigen Heizleiter (17a, 17b), der in Schichtbauweise auf einen Träger (13) aufgebracht ist, wird zum elektrischen Abgleich des Heizleiters auf einen vorgegebenen Wert der elektrische Widerstand des Heizleiters zwischen Anschlusskontakten (21, 22) als Leistungsanschlüsse für den Heizleiter verringert durch Aufbringen von zusätzlichem elektrisch leitfähigem Material. Dies kann entweder Kontaktmaterial (29) sein, mit dem weitere Zusatz-Heizleiterflächen (19a, 19b, 19b´) zu dem Heizleiter parallel geschaltet werden. Dadurch kann der elektrische Widerstand verringert werden.

27-09-1924 дата публикации

Schaltung fuer Heizapparate, insbesondere Heizkissen

Номер: DE0000403007C
Принадлежит: WERNER OTTO

30-12-1999 дата публикации

Batteriebetriebenes, regelbares, mobiles Personenheizgerät

Номер: DE0029912782U1

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Quetschverbindung für geflechtartiges Abschirmmaterial zur Verwendung in mit kapazitiven Sensoren ausgestatteten Lenkrädern

Номер: DE102016221412A1

Es ist eine Baugruppe offenbart, die ein elektrisch leitendes Element und ein elektrisch leitfähiges Geflecht (26) umfasst. Das elektrisch leitfähige Geflecht (26) weist zwei Abschnitte auf. Der erste Abschnitt ist verdrillt und erstreckt sich vom zweiten Abschnitt her, wobei entweder das elektrisch leitende Element oder der verdrillte erste Abschnitt um das jeweils andere Teil, d.h. den verdrillten ersten Abschnitt bzw. das elektrisch leitende Element, zur Ausbildung einer verdrillten Verbindung gewickelt sind. Das Geflecht (26) umfasst zudem einen Quetschverbinder, der auf die verdrillte Verbindung zur Ausbildung einer gequetschten Verbindung bzw. einer Quetschverbindung gequetscht ist. Die Baugruppe kann Teil eines Lenkrades (12) eines Fahrzeuges sein. Die Erfindung offenbart zudem ein Verfahren zur Verbindung eines elektrisch leitenden Elements mit einem elektrisch leitfähigen Geflecht (26), wobei das Verfahren zumindest die folgenden Schritte umfasst: – Verdrillen eines ersten Abschnittes ...

17-04-1975 дата публикации

Flexible electrical heater for e.g. pipes, walls etc. - with multicomponent metallic heating wires fastened to surface of flexible support

Номер: DE0002350461A1

Flexible electrical heating unit for the surfaces of e.g. containers, pipes and walls, has a metallic heating conductor fastened to a flexible, flat support, the conductor being passed over the surface of the support as wires combined into >=1 seam. Prod. has good mechanical strength. High operating voltages can be used with small heating units. Heat output is easily controlled.

09-03-2006 дата публикации

Heizgerät für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben

Номер: DE0010393784T5

Erzeugnis, umfassend: einen Träger des Erzeugnisses, wobei der Träger eine Oberfläche besitzt, ein Heizelement, das auf der Oberfläche liegt, wobei das Heizelement Folgendes enthält: i) einen Träger, ii) ein erstes leitfähiges Medium, das auf dem Träger verteilt ist, wobei das erste leitfähige Medium Folgendes enthält: 1) einen ersten Abschnitt, der eine Vielzahl von ersten Erweiterungen besitzt, wobei der erste Abschnitt ein negativer Abschnitt ist, 2) einen zweiten Abschnitt, der eine Vielzahl von zweiten Erweiterungen besitzt, wobei der zweite Abschnitt ein positiver Abschnitt ist, iii) ein zweites leitfähiges Medium, das den ersten Abschnitt und den zweiten Abschnitt elektrisch miteinander verbindet.

10-08-2006 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizung oder Erwärmung Stoffwaren

Номер: DE0060024710T2

22-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060041058D1

04-07-1936 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Einlegen der Heizleiter beim Herstellen elektrischer Heizkissen

Номер: DE0000632229C

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Heating rod i.e. thinner heating rod, for heating aluminum sheet by heating system in automobiles, has contact plate applied to front side against heating element, where plate protrudes from housing and comprises dyed anodized back

Номер: DE102013101077A1

The rod has a heating element (2) i.e. ceramic heater, arranged in a housing (1). A contact plate (3) i.e. aluminum sheet, is applied to a front side against the heating element, where the plate protrudes from the housing. The contact plate comprises a dyed anodized back. The anodized back is located at an anodized coat (4), where thickness of the anodized coat is10 m and 20 m. The heating element and the contact plate are arranged in the housing by a mounting frame. The heating element is electrically connected with the contact plate that faces an opposite side of the housing. The housing is designed as a pipe and a square tube. An independent claim is also included for a method for manufacturing a heating rod.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizeinrichtung

Номер: DE102018215398A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektrischen Heizeinrichtung (1) mit zumindest zwei fluiddurchströmbaren, einen Fluidkanal (4) bildenden Scheibenpaaren (2), welche aus zwei Scheiben (3) zusammengesetzt sind und einen Fluidkanal (4) zwischen sich ausbilden, wobei die Scheibenpaare (2) einen vordefinierten Abstand zueinander einnehmen und einen Freiraum (5) ausbilden, wobei zumindest zwischen zwei der Scheibenpaare (2) in dem Freiraum (5) zumindest eine Heizeinheit (8) angeordnet ist, welche zumindest ein Heizelement (9) und damit elektrisch verbundene Kontaktelektroden (10) zur elektrischen Kontaktierung des zumindest einen Heizelements (9) aufweist. Auch betrifft die Erfindung eine solche elektrische Heizeinrichtung (1).

03-06-1939 дата публикации

Biegsamer elektrischer Heizkoerper

Номер: DE0000676426C

24-05-2006 дата публикации

A method for heating motor vehicle interiors has a layer system of electrically heated ducts through which air is blown through speed restricting filling

Номер: DE102005008596B3

The fan (20) blows air through a central duct layer (10) of a sandwich (18) in a housing (16), having electric resistance heating (14) as well as through the outer layers (12) all of which contain a network of flow resisting material to diffuse the air flow and increase the heat transfer.

12-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102005015050A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Flächenheizeinrichtung (1) zur Anordnung im Bereich von Fußböden, Wänden oder Decken, mit einer elektrisch leitfähigen Schicht (2), einer weiteren, ersten Schicht (3) und elektrischen Zuleitungen (5, 6). Um eine universal einsetzbare Flächenheizung zur Verfügung zu stellen, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, daß die erste Schicht (3) aus einem elektrisch isolierenden und flüssigkeitsdichten Material besteht.

24-09-2009 дата публикации

Surface element, useful e.g. as heating element for heating and polymerizing plastic sandwiches and drying and polymerizing coatings on substrate, comprises a flat substrate comprising structured electrically conductive knitted fabrics

Номер: DE102009011910A1

Surface element comprises a flat substrate comprising at least structured electrically conductive knitted fabrics, where: by applying an electrical voltage, a resistance heating (1) is realized; the substrate is doped and/or coated with functional ceramics, which are able to selectively transform infrared radiation for emitting and absorbing, and optionally additional layers made of functional ceramics in the sense of selectively transformed infrared and/or reflective material are integrated or applied as coating.

21-12-2011 дата публикации

Flow heater with thick film heaters; Associations of thick film elements with heat dissipaters

Номер: GB0002481265A

A flow heating arrangement where the surface of the support plate for a film heater remote from the heater is in contact with liquid to be heated . The liquid passes though a tortuous route defined by a channel plate which is secured to the substrate and thus defines channels. The elements 26 may align with the channels or the conductive connection areas between channel member 21 and substrate 25. Alternatively tubes 15 carrying the liquid to be heated may be brazed 16 to the element 3. The invention also relates to a combination of an electrical heating element 3 comprising a substrate 4, an insulating layer 5 located on the substrate and a thick film conductor 6 located on the insulating layer and a heat dissipater 2, wherein the second side of the metallic substrate is in contact with the heat dissipater, and wherein the substrate is brazed 7 to the heat dissipater (Figs 1,2 not shown), the surface of the heating element over which the thick film conductor extends being substantially ...

07-08-1919 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Electrically Heated Fabrics.

Номер: GB0000130518A

... 130,518. Lucas, A. S. Oct. 30, 1918. Special threads and wires used in sewing.- In electrically - heated gloves or like articles, the heating wires on one side of the fabric lining the glove are used as an integral part of the sewing by which they are secured. A sewing-machine, of the type in which one thread is passed through the fabric from the upper side by a needle and looped around another thread which lies entirely on the lower side, is employed. The heating wire b, Fig. 2, which may be insulated, is employed as the lower thread, and the other cotton or like thread c is the one which passes through the fabric a. To prevent the conductors from being damaged by an accidental jerk, the ends may be brought together and passed through a short length of flexible tube e, coiled as shown, and sewn to the fabric. The Provisional Specification states that the invention may be used for other body coverings for airmen and drivers of motor vehicles, bed warmers, surgical appliances, and the like ...

14-07-1938 дата публикации

Electric heating cushions

Номер: GB0000488826A

... 488,826. Thermal switches. FIG.4. BARTRIK, J. Nov. 19, 1937, No. 31917. Convention date, Nov. 20, 1936. [Class 38 (v)] [Also in Groups XI and VI] A lead sheathed heating wire in a pad is jointed by cementing, casting or soldering to a member 11 in which is mounted a member 13 carrying bimetallic strips 12 enclosed by a member 14 and forming a thermal switch.

06-09-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical heating elements

Номер: GB0000642625A

... 642,625. Woven fabrics. ECKETT, S. W. May 7, 1948, No. 12640. [Class 142(iv)] [Also in Groups XI and XXXVI] A heating mat is formed by weaving a resistance wire 10 into a fabric of two or more layers of fabric woven from asbestos or like insulating yarn so that the wire joins the layers but does not reach the outer surface. The two fabric layers may have a continuous thick weft 1 common to both layers and passing from one layer to the other for successive runs, the two webs being woven into a compound fabric by a resistance wire 10 woven as a weft common to all the warp threads 6 .. 9 of both layers and lying between them. The ends of wires are twisted round metal pins 22 passing through transverse holes in terminal posts 18 which pass out through the fabric. The return lead 13 of the wire 10 runs along one side of the fabric in the bends 4 of the weft 1 and is held in place by woven warp threads 14, 15 and by a thick stuffing warp 16. When sufficient resistance wire has been incorporated ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle catalyst liquid additive transport arrangement

Номер: GB0201603893D0

09-02-1955 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electric heating elements

Номер: GB0000723552A

... 723,552. Electric heating resistances and panels. COX, D. B. Jan. 30, 1952, No. 2522/52. Class 39 (3) [Also in Group XXXVI]. A low temperature electric heating element comprises a preformed unitary flexible sheet 21 of lead foil less than 0.002 inch thick attached to a backing of insulating material and then formed with slits 25 arranged to provide a narrow elongated tortuous current path, and a slightly thicker piece of flexible metal 27 is secured to the foil and has a supply cable 28 attached thereto, the foil or the foil and backing being enclosed between layers of insulating material e.g. paper adhered thereto. The backing may be a thin flexible insulating sheet attached to or laminated with the foil. The lead may be alloyed with 1-4 per cent of antimony or tin or both, or it may have on both sides a thin coating of tin to facilitate rolling the foil. After mounting the foil on paper, slits 25 are formed in it alternately from opposite sides to form a zig zag path by cutting or by ...

28-09-1916 дата публикации

Electric Bath Blanket.

Номер: GB0191514043A

... 14,043. Parker, H. D. Oct. 4. Warming and cooling wearing-apparal.-An elec. tric blanket, to be folded round a patient for the application of heat and electric effects, comprises two layers 5, 6 of material such as duck, between which resistance wires 10, arranged in the manner shown, are secured by a number of seams. The blanket is formed with an extension 7 to be folded over the feet, and an extension 20 for the head. The extension 7 may be formed, as shown, with a loose flap 22, which may be folded over the feet without disturbing the lead-in wires 24. The resistance wire is formed of metal of high magnetic permeability, preferably annealed steel.

27-03-1968 дата публикации

Porous non-woven webs

Номер: GB0001107792A

A substantially infusible, porous, non-woven, electrically conductive web comprises uniformly distributed, electrically conductive, carbonaceous fibres and insulative fibres. The carbonaceous fibres have an average fibre length of 1/16 to 7/16 inch and average denier of from 0.25 to 5.0 and comprise 1 to 35% by weight. The insulative fibres comprise at least 50% by weight, and may be cellulosic or of asbestos. Minor amounts of other fibres and fillers such as fibres of cellulose derivatives or glass, metal filaments and flakes, mica flakes, thermoset resins, e.g. phenol-formaldehyde, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide may also be present. The web may be made on a paper-making machine from an aqueous slurry. Electric heating elements may be made by bridging electrical contacts with the sheet of the invention. Electric recording sheets may be made by coating the paper of the invention with a lead thiosulphate coating.

25-02-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Laminates

Номер: GB0001182591A

... 1,182,591. Laminated non-woven fabrics. LANTOR Ltd. 24 Feb., 1967 [24 Nov., 1965], No. 49983/65. Heading B5N. A method of making a laminate comprises bringing two non-woven fabrics into contact with each other, at least one fabric containing not substantially less than 50% by weight of weldable fibres in that face which is in contact with the other fabric and there being not less than one ounce per square yard of weldable fibres in said face and welding the fabrics together in a predetermined pattern. Specified weldable fibres are modacrylic, polyaerylic. polyamide, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylidene chloride, polyvinyl acetate and cellulose acetate fibres. Other fibres which can be present in the fabrics are cotton fibres and thermoplastic fibres weldable under different conditions from those present at the face. The examples describe the manufacture of electric blankets, the heating element being placed in position prior to welding, the non-woven fabrics being of composite ...

04-03-1970 дата публикации

A Method of Securing a Feed Conductor for Electric Current to Heating Wires of a Kind Suitable for Incorporation in a Laminated Panel

Номер: GB0001183316A

... 1,183,316. Soldering. TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CO. Ltd. 5 June, 1967 [11 June, 1966], No. 26126/66. Heading B3R. In securing a feed conductor for electric current to heating wires suitable for incorporation in a laminated panel, the wires are placed on an even surface, the feed conductor, which comprises a metal strip coated with solder, is placed across the wires and the feed conductor is heated by high frequency induction to melt or soften the solder. Tungsten wires 10 of diameter 0À0005 inch are laid on a sheet of glass 11 forming part of a transparent panel, e.g. for a windscreen of a motor vehicle or aircraft and are sprayed with a solution of resin in chloroform and a solder coated copper strip 12 of thickness 0-003 inch is laid across the wires so that it forms arches over the wires and lies against the glass sheet between the wires. An induction coil 13 mounted on a carriage 14 is moved along the strip to heat the strip and soft heat resisting, e.g., silicone rubber rollers 15 on the ...

18-04-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electric heaters for bed warmers, pads, carpets and the like

Номер: GB0000427263A

... 427,263. Heating by electricity. HODGES, C. G., 19, Spencer Gardens, Eltham, London. Oct. 30, 1933, No. 30061. [Class 37] In the manufacture of electrically heated blankets, pads, carpets, rugs, and the like, two layers of fabric 5 are stitched together in parallel lines 4, and a shuttle 1 carrying the heating wire 8 is passed alternately in opposite directions through the pockets thus formed. The heating wire is then connected to the supply wires 7, and the blanket or the like completed by three rows of stitching 6. Specifications 272,627, [Class 37], and 400,301 are referred to.

10-06-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Electrically Heatable Glass Products

Номер: GB0001194090A

... 1,194,090. Electrically heated windows. ASAHI GLASS CO. Ltd. 6 Nov., 1968 [9 Nov., 1967; 13 Jan., 1968], No. 52470/68. Heading H5H. [Also in Divisions C1 and C7] A vehicle window, of the type comprising a single glass sheet having a plurality of parallel strips of resistance material 2 formed by firing an electro-conductive frit on a surface of the sheet, has at least two bus-bars 8, 9, in the form of band-like solder layers directly fired on to the glass surface to intersect the strip of resistance 2 along the edges of the glass sheet. The preferred solder is specified (see Division C7). A thin protective synthetic resin film formed by electrophoretic deposition covers the strips 2. Copper or silver may be deposited on some areas of the strips to provide cooler and hotter areas of the heated window or, alternatively, the thickness and/or width of the strips may be diminished within a desired area, or the strips in that area may be made from a different electroconductive frit of a higher ...

24-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009302693D0

11-08-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in 2 ply blankets

Номер: GB0000627590A

... 627,590. Compound fabrics. BURGESS, A. F. (Simmons Co.). Oct. 7, 1946, No. 29854. [Class 140] [Also in Groups IX and XI] A blanket comprises two separately woven plies sewn together by rows of concealed stitches, thus forming parallel tubular pockets to receive heating wires. The plies 19, 20 are gripped by jaws 24, 25 and a row of stitches (which do not show on the outside of the completed blanket 15) are made by a sewing machine 40. A length of heater wire may be laid between the plies before each row of stitches is made.

24-07-1913 дата публикации

Electrically Heated Garments.

Номер: GB0191228846A

... 28,846. Stubling, A. C. Dec. 14. Warming wearing-apparel.-A garment is heated by a resistance arranged, as shown, so that the space under the shoulders is free from wiring, and the main part of the resistance is in a single folded length encircling the wearer. The sleeves are heated by separate resistances connected to the main resistance. A belt carrying terminals 7 and a switch 8 may be provided. Slippers 12, heated by a resistance in the sole, may be connected to terminals at the foot of the garment. It is stated that the arrangement of the resistance produces beneficial effects besides those due to heating.

17-03-2010 дата публикации

Electrothermal heater mat

Номер: GB0201001581D0

21-07-2010 дата публикации

Thick film heaters

Номер: GB0201009993D0

01-01-2014 дата публикации

Aerosol generating material and devices including the same

Номер: GB0201320231D0

13-01-1993 дата публикации

Resistance heating mesh bondable to car seat cover.

Номер: GB0002257608A

PURPOSE: To extend a seat heater by using an elastic adhesive film having air and moisture permeability to be adhered to a support member for the adhesive fixation to the reverse side of a seat cover. CONSTITUTION: The extensible heater is formed of a thin web-like support material 4 consisting of a fiber-reinforced foam material. A panel heater member 2 having a net-like structure which has a free space 5 and is three-dimensionally deformable is placed on the support material 4. An elastic synthetic resin adhesive film 3 having air and moisture permeability is pressed onto the panel heater member 2, and one surface of the film is covered with a protecting sheet 1. The synthetic resin adhesive film 3 adheres the panel heater member 2 to the support member 4 through the free space 5 in the mesh-like structure of the panel heater member 2. In the assembling of the heater, the protecting sheet 1 is peeled. The heater is then adhered and fixed to the inside of a seat cover by the adhesive film ...

02-01-1992 дата публикации

Split element electric blanket having increased fault current ratio.

Номер: GB0002245440A

A heating circuit comprising two resistances R1, R2 in series with a semiconductor device 5, R1 being at least double the value of R2 and shunted by at least one semiconductor device D1, D2 of opposite polarity to device 5. The semiconductor elements 5, D1. D2 ensure that wherever contact between R1, R2 occurs, sufficient fault current is drawn to rupture fuse 4. ...

24-11-1993 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrically-powered heating panels.

Номер: GB0002267189A

With reference to Figure 3, an electrically-powered heating panel 1 of flexible construction, in the form of an under-carpet heater comprises, a dual wire heating cable 2, with inner 3 and outer 4 heating wires thereof connected in series together, with fuse means 5, the inner and outer heating wires 3, 4 being of substantially equal electrical resistance. The inner and outer heating wires 3, 4, which are of coiled form, are electrically insulated from each other by inner insulation 6 of thermoplastics material. (Polyethylene.) Under normal conditions, the current flow from line L to neutral N is by way of fuse 5, inner heating wire 3, and then outer heating wire 4. As the inner insulation sheath 6 is of polyethylene, this sheath will soften/melt and allow substantial electrical contact, (creating a short circuit), to occur between the inner and outer wires 3, 4 in the event of excessive overheating at any point along the length of the heating cable 2. If a short circuit takes place at ...

04-01-1995 дата публикации

Transparent film radiant heat source for use with incubators

Номер: GB0002279544A

A radiant heater in the form of an overlay for an incubator hood. The heater has an optically transparent, radiotransparent and phototherapy transparent electrically conductive coating, preferably indium tin oxide. ...

18-06-2003 дата публикации

An oven with a magnetron and a thick-film heating means

Номер: GB0002383126A

The oven comprises a main heating means and an auxiliary heating means, the auxiliary heating means comprising a thick-film heating element 29 disposed in the base 3 of the oven cavity 17. Preferably the main heating means is a magnetron 23 which produces microwaves or a resistance heating element with a fan (71, 73 fig. 7), and a grill type heating element (77, fig. 7) directing heat downwardly on to a food item disposed on a supporting means. The supporting means is preferably a turntable 19, and is used to support the food item above the base. The thick-film heating element is preferably applied to a substrate such as a coated metal or a ceramic material. The construction of the thick-film heating element is such that it includes a track 33 which is meandered so that the track is spaced closer together as it approaches the periphery of the turntable (figure 1). Preferably the auxiliary heating means is shaped as a rectangle which is offset from the central vertical axis of the turntable ...

05-06-1985 дата публикации

Electrical heating circuits and protective circuits for use therewith

Номер: GB0002149243A

A heating circuit, such as for an electric blanket, comprises a heater conductor 14 supplied with AC power through a thermal switch 16 which is in thermal relationship with resistors 20 and 24. Resistors 20 and 24 are connected in series with a sensing conductor 22 through capacitor 18 and rectifier 26. Sensing conductor 22 is wound around and along the heater conductor 14 but separated therefrom by temperature-sensitive insulating material 28. Under normal conditions, rectifier 26 blocks current flow through sensing conductor 22 during alternate half cycles and the charge on capacitor 18 blocks such current flow during the other half cycles. If blanket overheat occurs, however, the impedance of layer 28 falls, either locally or generally depending on the type of overheat, and current can now flow through either or both of resistors 20 and 24, depending on the position of the overheat. Resistors 20 and 24 are positioned in thermal relationship with the thermal switch 16 so that when one ...

07-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002230852B

20-10-1999 дата публикации

Protection of electric heating element

Номер: GB0002336481A

A thick film heating element 1 in a kettle or other water heating apparatus is associated with a PTC resistor 5. When a main switch 7 is on, and a switch 6 is briefly closed, current flows through a coil 4, closing contacts 3 and energising the heater 1. If the element 1 overheats, resistor 5 reduces the current in coil 4, so that contacts 3 open and the heater 1 is disconnected from the main supply. Alternatively, the relay may be arranged to cycle on and off if overheating occurs (Figure 2, not shown).

20-10-1999 дата публикации

Heating pads for garments

Номер: GB0002336514A

This invention relates to heating pads for garments which are waterproof and can thus be washed and function underwater eg in a diving suit. The pad comprises a carbonised material 2, bus bars 3 in electrical contact with said carbonised material; an outer skin material 8 bonded to a first side of the carbonised material; a coated insulating material 6 bonded to a second side of the carbonised fabric; wherein the edges of the outer skin material are sealably bonded to the edges of the coated insulating material. Material compositions are disclosed. A control system, incorporated into a waterproof control box is provided to control the temperature during warming up and normal operation in response to sensors. A thermal cut out is provided. A piezoelectric percussion switch switches the pad on/off.

17-05-2000 дата публикации

Electric heaters

Номер: GB0002343824A

A thick film heater comprises an electrically insulating liver provided on a substrate, and a resistive heating track applied to the insulating layer. The substrate is composed of a steel with a carbon content of less than 0.01 %.

11-09-2002 дата публикации

Thick film heaters and resistances

Номер: GB0002373157A

A thick film heating element or resistance comprises a main track 4 arranged to carry electric current during normal operation and an auxiliary track portion 26a, 26b electrically coupled to said main track 4 by a bridge 32 of glass, glass-ceramic or ceramic material such that it does not carry current during normal operation, but wherein the configuration of the auxiliary track 26a, 26b and the bridge 32 of glass, glass-ceramic or ceramic material is chosen such that at a predetermined temperature a leakage current between the main 4 and auxiliary 26a, 26b tracks via gaps 30a, 30b rises to such an extent that a failure current flows through a section of the main track 4.

03-12-2008 дата публикации

Surface heater with conductive cellulose nonwoven

Номер: GB0002449829A

The invention relates to a surface heater, which is used for applications in the range of heating voltages of up to 1000 V, produces attainable powers of up to 2 kW/m<2> and is characterized by the fact that the electrical resistance required for the heating is formed by an electrically conductive cellulose nonwoven. Metallic contacts which are incorporated ensure the connection of the conductive cellulose nonwoven to a voltage source. Polymer films applied on both sides provide mechanical and electrical protection and prevent the ingress of moisture into the cellulose nonwoven.

05-08-1943 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electrically heated clothing and the like

Номер: GB0000555125A

... 555,125. Two-part couplings. WARMEX, Ltd., and GOLDSTEIN, A. Jan. 1, 1942, No. 43. [Class 38 (i)] [Also in Group XI] Supply of current to electrically heated clothing is effected by widely spaced live contacts arranged on a surface with which the wearer is normally in contact and terminal contacts on the corresponding surface of the clothing. A jacket 18 for a motor cyclist having a heating circuit 16 conected by press-studs 14, 15 to gloves 12 has a terminal contact 13 on the palm of each of the gloves and the corresponding live contacts 9 are arranged on the grips 8 of the handlebar. For aircraft pilots &c. the terminal contacts are on the trouser-seat and the live contacts on the seat cushion. For sentries &c. contacts on the boot-soles co-operate with live contacts in the form of a track following the sentries' beat. Instead of being directly affixed to the article of clothing the terminal contacts may be on an attachable band or fitment such as the parachute pack on which an airman ...

05-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008510708D0

31-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008424278D0

06-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002170680A

A thin flexible lightweight electrical heat wrap unit usable on the human body, usually with a vibratory massaging device. In the heat wrap unit, electrical resistance wires are arranged in a serpentine pattern and sealed together with a thermostat between two thin flexible composite sheets. The composite sheets comprise a knapped loop fabric material inseparably laminated to a base of electrically insulating pliable material. The base faces of the sheets are bonded together thereby causing the fabric loops to be on all exterior sides of the heat wrap. The heat wrap unit operates on 12-24 volts and has an enclosed socket electrically connected to the resistance wires and structurally attached to an edge of the wrap unit. The socket is connected through an external temperature control unit and transformer to a power supply. Also, a vibrator massage device can be electrically connected to the control unit and physically attached by a Velcro (R.T.M.) fastener to the heat wrap unit outer surface ...

04-10-1995 дата публикации

Heater or temperature sensor using a layer of metal matrix compound

Номер: GB0002288110A

Component for electric hotplates, igniters, temperature sensors or the like, which comprises an electric resistance element, an electrically insulating layer and a heat-transfer plate comprising an MMC (metal matrix compound) material.

07-05-2003 дата публикации

Conductor composition V

Номер: GB0000307547D0

09-07-2003 дата публикации

Functional insole heater for footwear

Номер: GB0000312550D0

11-12-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical heating tapes, pads and the like

Номер: GB0000944169A

... 944,169. Mounting heating resistances in woven fabrics. ISOPAD Ltd., and W. REIK. June 8, 1961 [June 28, 1960], No. 22602/60. Heading H5H. [Also in Division D1] A heater tape is woven from glass yarns in the form of a flat tube having seams 8, 9 produced by crossing the weft from one ply to the other as shown; heater wires 4, 5 sheathed with silicone rubber 10 are laid during weaving in the passages 81, 91 and are joined together at one end of the tape. Wires may also be laid in the passages 13 at the edges of the tape. In a wider fabric, the wires are joined together in zigzag manner in one or more circuits. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 852,157.

07-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002061076B
Принадлежит: MCMULLAN J P

02-03-1983 дата публикации

Conductive silicone rubber heater

Номер: GB2104357A

A conductive elastomer heating element is produced by applying an insulating adhesive 15 on an insulating substrate 11; placing a pair of electrodes 13, 14 thereon; applying conductive silicone rubber 12, applying a further layer of said insulating adhesive 15 thereto to provide more effective bonding between the conductive silicone rubber 12 and electrodes 13, 14; heating said formed laminate of substrate and conductive silicone rubber for curing; and heat sealing to furnish a tight bonding therebetween. ...

13-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002089851B
Принадлежит: FIBERITE CORP

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002138356B

15-05-1942 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electrically heated overlays, mattresses, pads, blankets and the like

Номер: GB0000545232A

... 545,232. Electrically heated overlays. THERMALUX ELETRICAL PRODUCTS, Ltd., and SYKES, A. March 7, 1941, No. 3104. [Class 39 (iii)] In an electrically heated overlay such as that described in Specification 400,301, [Group XXXVI], the heating element A consists of enamelled wire coiled'on a cord B threaded through open-ended conduits formed by sewing lengths of tape C to a canvas backing D. The exposed parts of the element are covered by a strip of material E sewn to the backing around the edges, and between the tapes. Two padded outer covers H, H1 are added and are secured around, the edges by a stitched binding K. The stitching of the upper cover H is discontinued at k' to form a flap H2, which normally lies within and is covered by a strip H' of the same material as the outer cover. The strip H3 is secured by stitching or press studs at M. Access to the heating element and any internal fitting such as a thermostat is obtained by disconnecting the securing means ...

04-01-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrically heated textile appliances

Номер: GB0000743032A

... 743,032. Electric heating. THERMEGA, Ltd., SWINDELLS, V. E., and,BLACKBURN, J. E. Jiily .26, 1954, [Aug. 6, 1953; Dec. 7, 1953], Nos. 21792/53 and 34033/53. Class 39(3). An electrically-heated textile appliance, e.g. a blanket, includes a heating element comprising a resistance 3 of ribbon form wound on a sheath 2, e.g. of polythene, which has a conductive core 1 extending therethrough. An outer covering 4, e.g. of polyvinyl chloride, is provided. The melting temperature of the sheath 2 is below that of the scorching temperature of the blanket &c., so that, if the resistance 3 overheats, the sheath is melted and a short circuit created between the resistance and core, and the current supply interrupted through a fuse. Indicating lights may be arranged in the supply circuit, and the core may comprise one or more wire strands. In Fig. 4 two cores 1, 1a extend through the sheath and are secured to the opposite ends of the resistance 3 so that if the sheath melts the resistance engages the ...

30-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008607084D0

01-12-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electric heating pads

Номер: GB0000384146A

... 384,146. Thermal switches. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London.-(Assignees of Payne, J. H. ; 79, West Street; Ballston Spa, New York, U.S.A.) March 4, 1932, No. 6563. Convention date, March 6, 1931. [Class 38 (v).] A thermal switch which is embedded in an electric heating pad comprises annular members 60, 61 provided with binding posts and housing a bimetallic strip 67 mounted on the member 60 and carrying a contact co-operating with a contact 77 on the member 61. The members are insulated from one another and secured together by an eyelet 71.

10-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009319785D0

08-04-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in Electric Heating Devices

Номер: GB0001187562A

... 1,187,562. Electric heating devices. P. EISLER. 8 Aug., 1967 [8 Aug., 1966], No. 5416/66. Heading H5H. In an electric heating device comprising a flat section heating element arranged in zig-zag formation with the major surfaces of each limb 12 in a substantially common plane, the heating element consists of a conductive element loosely carried in an insulating sheath and is secured by means which exert longitudinal tension solely on the sheaths of the limbs. As shown, the apices 13 of the zigzag element are passed over glass or ceramic bobbins 14 which are rotatably mounted on rods 15, 16, at least one e.g. 16, being biased away from the other by springs 18 to tension the sheaths of the heating elements. The weight of the rods 15, 16 is taken by brackets 17, 18 secured to a metal framework. The smooth surfaces and rotatable mounting of bobbins 14 ensures substantially constant tension on the sheath. Each bobbin may support one or more apices of the zigzag element and may be longitudinally ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Heated set, in particular for seats of benches

Номер: US20120111846A1
Автор: Jan Hammerschmidt
Принадлежит: Individual

Areal shapable heating element ( 2 ) covered by electro-insulation foil ( 3 ), with metal heat-conductive layer ( 4 ) placed above whereof, is placed on the seating part of the bench ( 1 ). The set is covered from the top and side of the bench ( 1 ) by carpet decorative layer ( 5 ).

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Self-Adhesive Radiant Heating Underlayment

Номер: US20120198691A1
Принадлежит: Protecto Wrap Co

Provided herein is a self-adhesive radiant heat underlayment that may be utilized in flooring and/or outdoor applications. The heating underlayment has an adhesive backing that allows for conveniently adhering a flexible heating element place prior to applying a material over the top surface thereof. In one arrangement, a mesh grounding layer is provided to ground the flexible heating element to reduce unintended electrical tripping of the installed underlayment.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Controllable thermal warming devices

Номер: US20120228279A1
Принадлежит: Haas William J, Haas William S

A portable controllable thermal warming device including a thermal ink heating element having a conductive ink pattern comprised of interconnected lines in a definite pattern fixedly disposed on a substrate, a controller operatively coupled to a power source and the conductive ink pattern, the power source adapted to deliver a voltage to the conductive ink pattern causing the conductive ink pattern to radiate heat, the controller adapted by way of a sensor to control the voltage delivered to the conductive ink pattern and adjust the voltage in response to the operating characteristic and the means for controlling the voltage by a wire link or a wireless remote signal.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Process Including Converting Resistive Powder to Fused Heater Element using Laser Metal Deposition Apparatus

Номер: US20130042465A1
Автор: Brian Esser, John Knapp

A process ( 200 ), comprising: a transfer operation ( 204 ), including transferring a resistive powder ( 106 ) to an electrically insulated element ( 102 ); and a converting operating ( 206 ), including converting at least some of the resistive powder ( 106 ) to a fused heater element ( 108 ) by using a laser metal deposition apparatus ( 110 ), the fused heater element ( 108 ) being fused to the electrically insulated element ( 102 ).

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Disc comprising an electrical connection element

Номер: US20130043066A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The present invention relates to a pane with an electrical connection element, comprising: a substrate made of glass ( 1 ), an electrically conductive structure ( 2 ) with a layer thickness of 5 μm to 40 μm on a region of the substrate ( 1 ), a connection element ( 3 ), and a layer of a solder material ( 4 ), which electrically connects the connection element ( 3 ) to a portion ( 12 ) of the electrically conductive structure ( 2 ), wherein the connection element ( 3 ) contains at least an iron-nickel alloy or an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy, the connection element ( 3 ) is connected to the portion ( 12 ) of the electrically conductive structure ( 2 ) via a contact surface ( 11 ) over its entire surface, and the contact surface ( 11 ) has no corners.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for making wave-shaped heating unit

Номер: US20130152382A1
Автор: Shu-Lien Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for making a wave-shaped heating unit and includes a step of preparing a housing by compressing a metal tube to form an elongate tube with an oval cross section; a step of inserting a heating plate by inserting a soft heating plate into the housing, and two respective first ends of two wires connected to the heating plate; a step of clamping by compressing the elongate tube to clamp the heating plate within the housing, two respective second ends of the two wires extending beyond the housing, and a step of forming wave-shape by bending the housing into continuous convex portions and concaved portions.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Ptc resistor

Номер: US20130277359A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A PTC resistor according to the present invention comprises at least one PTC composition which comprises at least one resin and at least two conductive materials. The at least two conductive materials comprises at least two conductive materials different from each other. The at least one PTC composition may comprise a first PTC composition which comprises a first resin and at least one first conductive material and a second PTC composition which is compounded with the first PTC composition and comprises a second resin and at least one second conductive material. The at least one first conductive material is at least partially different from the at least one second conductive material. One of the first resin and the second resin may comprise a reactant resin and a reactive resin which is cross-linked with the reactant resin. The PTC resistor may comprise a flame retardant agent. The PTC resistor may comprise a liquid-resistant resin.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Flexible transparent heating element using graphene and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140021195A1

The present invention relates to a flexible transparent heating element using graphene and a method for manufacturing the same. The heating element comprises a flexible transparent substrate; a graphene layer formed to at least one side of the flexible transparent substrate; and an electrode connected with the graphene layer.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Electrical heating device

Номер: US20140061183A1
Принадлежит: WET Automotive Systems AG

The invention relates to an electrical heating device with at least one electrical heating resistor and at least one contacting device.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Shaped heater for an aerosol generating system

Номер: US20140064715A1

A heater for heating an aerosol-forming substrate includes a plurality of elongate heating elements arranged in an elongate array. The elongate array has a support end with a first dimension, a heating end with a second dimension and a middle portion with a third dimension. The array is arranged to heat the substrate to form an aerosol. The third dimension is greater than the first dimension and greater than the second dimension. An electrically heated aerosol generating system can include the heater.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Systems, methods, and devices for storing, heating, and dispensing fluid

Номер: US20140097206A1
Принадлежит: 417 and 7/8 LLC

A heating unit for use in heating a fluid storage and dispensing system includes a wall module and a lid module. The modules include cover layers. Each module may include a heating component disposed between the cover layers and which is configured to convert electrical energy to heat energy and to distribute the heat energy. The heating component includes a heat generating element for converting electrical current to heat energy and a heat spreading element comprising carbon thermally coupled to the heat generating element. The modules may further include a thermal insulation layer. The modules may also include a receiving power connector electrically connected to the heat generating element.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000149A1
Автор: ROTHWELL Howard

A method for obtaining a heating element for an electronic vapor provision system, the method including providing a sheet of electrically conductive porous material, directing light onto at least a portion of the sheet, detecting an amount of the light transmitted through the portion of the sheet, comparing the amount of light detected to a range of light transmission values known to correspond to a predetermined range of electrical resistance values required for the portion, and selecting the portion of the sheet for use as a heating element if the amount of detected light lies within the range of light transmission values, and otherwise rejecting the portion of the sheet. 1. A method for obtaining a heating element for an electronic vapor provision system , the method comprising:providing a sheet of electrically conductive porous material;directing light onto at least a portion of the sheet;detecting an amount of the light transmitted through the at least a portion of the sheet;comparing the amount of light detected to a range of light transmission values known to correspond to a predetermined range of electrical resistance values required for the portion; andselecting the at least a portion of the sheet for use as a heating element if the amount of detected light lies within the range of light transmission values, and otherwise rejecting the at least a portion of the sheet.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive porous material comprises a mesh of metal fibers.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the mesh of metal fibers comprises a mesh of sintered stainless steel fibers.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet comprises at least a partially formed heating element claim 1 , and the at least a portion of the sheet comprises substantially the whole sheet.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least a portion of the sheet has dimensions corresponding to dimensions of the heating element claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000150A1
Автор: ROTHWELL Howard

A method for obtaining a heating element for an electronic vapor provision system includes providing a sheet of electrically conductive porous material, measuring amounts of light transmitted through at least two locations on the sheet to obtain a set of optical transmission values including a maximum value and a minimum value, comparing a difference value calculated from the maximum and minimum values with a predetermined acceptable variation in optical transmission, and selecting the sheet for use as a heating element if the difference value falls within the acceptable variation. 1. A method for obtaining a heating element for an electronic vapor provision system , the method comprising:providing a sheet of electrically conductive porous material;measuring amounts of light transmitted through at least two locations on the sheet to obtain a set of optical transmission values including a maximum value and a minimum value;comparing a difference value calculated from the maximum value and the minimum value with a predetermined acceptable variation in optical transmission; andselecting the sheet for use as a heating element if the difference value falls within the predetermined acceptable variation.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the difference value is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value claim 1 , and the predetermined acceptable variation is a largest acceptable range in the measured optical transmission values which the difference value should not exceed.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the difference value is expressed as a percentage claim 2 , proportion or fraction claim 2 , and the largest acceptable range is defined as a percentage claim 2 , proportion or fraction of the maximum value or the minimum value of optical transmission measured for the sheet.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the largest acceptable range is not greater than 10% of the maximum value.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001695A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd

A laminated glass according to the present invention is a windshield for an automobile to which an information acquisition device for acquiring information from the outside of a vehicle by emitting and/or receiving light can be installed, the windshield including an outer glass plate that includes a first side and a second side that is opposite to the first side, an inner glass plate that is arranged opposite to the outer glass plate and has substantially the same shape as the outer glass plate, and an intermediate film that is arranged between the outer glass plate and the inner glass plate. The windshield includes an information acquisition region that is to be located opposite to the information acquisition device and through which the light passes.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002024A1
Принадлежит: Leonardo S.p.A.

A structural element of a means of transport comprising a resistive heater for defrosting operations, wherein the resistor has conduction terminals coupled to respective terminals of a voltage generator adapted to cause a current flux through the resistor. The resistor includes one or more conductive paths of partially reduced graphene oxide or partially oxidized graphene configured to generate, when travelled by the current flux, heat by Joule effect. 1. A structural element of a transport device adapted to operate at temperatures below the water freezing point , housing a resistive heater having conduction terminals configured to be coupled to a voltage generator adapted to cause a current flux through the resistive heater ,characterized in that said resistive heater comprises one or more conductive paths of partially reduced graphene oxide, or partially oxidized graphene, extending between, and electrically coupled to, said conduction terminals, said conductive paths being configured to generate, when the current flux passes through them, heat by Joule effect thus carrying out a defrosting operation of a region of the structural element.2. The structural element of claim 1 , wherein said resistive heater comprises a layer of graphene oxide in which said one or more conductive paths of partially reduced graphene oxide are defined claim 1 , separated from each other by one or more insulating areas of graphene oxide.3. The structural element of claim 1 , wherein said resistive heater comprises a layer of graphene in which said one or more conductive paths of partially oxidized graphene are defined claim 1 , separated from each other by one or more insulating areas of totally oxidized graphene.4. The structural element of claim 2 , wherein said one or more conductive paths have a resistivity value in the range between 10Ωm and 10Ωm and said one or more insulating areas have a resistivity value equal to claim 2 , or greater than claim 2 , 10Ωm.5. The structural ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a heating system on a 3D plastic window such as a 3D car window of plastic

Номер: US20170006666A1

According to an example aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for producing a heating system on a 3D plastic window such as a car window of plastic, comprising an electric heat conductor structure consisting of at least two bus bars (principal heat conductors) and a grid line pattern with a plurality of grid lines (branch heat conductors), comprising a step, in which the two bus bars are respectively screen-printed onto the 3D plastic window, preferably on the edges of the latter, by means of at least one displaceable squeegee with screen-printing ink in the form of a first electrically conductive paste, preferably a first silver paste, a step, in which the grid line pattern is applied onto the 3D plastic window such that it respectively overlaps the two bus bars with at least one second electrically conductive paste, preferably a second silver paste, which has a greater electrical resistance than the first electrically conductive paste, and a final step, in which the two bus bars and the grid lines overlapping these bus bars are at the respective overlapping points electrically connected into the electric heat conductor structure by means of electrical connectors.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007474A1

A heating circuit assembly and method of manufacture includes an electrically conductive heating element having a pattern. An electrically non-conductive substrate is additive manufactured and secured to the element for structural support. The substrate has a topology that generally aligns with the pattern of the element thereby reducing the assembly weight and minimizing substrate material waste. 1. A heating circuit assembly comprising:an electrically conductive element arranged in a pattern; andan electrically non-conductive substrate secured to the element and having a topology that generally aligns with the pattern.2. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is thermoplastic.3. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a thermosetting substrate.4. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the pattern and topology are three-dimensional.5. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 4 , wherein the substrate includes at least one of a glass and a ceramic material to enhance structural integrity.6. The heating circuit assembly set forth in further comprising:an electrically non-conductive and thermally conductive layer secured to at least the element with the element disposed between the substrate and layer.7. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 6 , wherein the layer is an additive manufactured layer.8. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 7 , wherein the layer has a topology that generally corresponds to the pattern.9. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of glass and ceramic materials to enhance structural integrity.10. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of boron nitride claim 8 , aluminum oxide claim 8 , aluminum nitride claim 8 , silicon carbide claim 8 , and diamond particles to control thermal conductivity.11. The heating circuit ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Rare-Earth Doped Semiconductor Infrared Radiation Thick-Film Electronic Paste and Preparation Method Therefor

Номер: US20190007998A1
Автор: Guanxian SU, Jian Liu
Принадлежит: Corehelm Electronic Material Co ltd

A rare-earth doped semiconductor infrared radiation thick-film electronic paste and a preparation method therefor. The electronic paste comprises, in parts by weight, 10%-90% of organic vehicle and 10%-90% of functional phase. The organic vehicle comprises, in parts by weight, 50%-95% of organic solvent, 1%-40% of thickener, and 0%-5% of organic aid. The functional phase comprises, in parts by weight, 40%-95% of rare-earth doped infrared radiation semiconductor material, 5%-60% of conductor material, and 0%-20% of functional additive. The electronic paste features a wide range of selectable base materials, a wide heating temperature range, high heating efficiency, and a heating body of low temperature, and can implement bidirectional conversion of heat to electricity and electricity to heat. The preparation method comprises: a. mixing a thickener, an organic aid, and an organic solvent to prepare an organic vehicle; b. mixing the organic vehicle and a functional phase, and grinding the mixture to prepare an electronic paste; and c. printing the electronic paste onto a substrate by means of screen printing, and curing or sintering same to form a film.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Heated floor panels

Номер: US20200011542A1
Принадлежит: Goodrich Corp

A heater panel includes a core and a heater/dielectric layer including a positive thermal coefficient (PTC) heater layer between a pair of dielectric layers. A structural facing is included, wherein the heater/dielectric layer is bonded directly between the core and the structural facing. A second structural facing can be bonded to the core opposite the heater/dielectric layer. An impact layer can be bonded to the structural facing, e.g., the first structural facing described above, opposite the heater/dielectric layer.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030943A1
Автор: Guo Ruyun

An electronic cigarette burner element has a heating wire, a porous ceramic matrix, and outer cover, holes in the outer cover, and a ventilation air passage through the porous ceramic matrix. The heating wire is configured to heat and atomize vape oil. The heating wire is formed with a coil and a pair of leads including a first lead and a second lead. A porous ceramic matrix encapsulates the coil of the heating wire. A heating body is formed when the heating wire is encapsulated by the porous ceramic matrix. An outer cover can be made of metal and can fit over the heating body. A hole is formed on the outer covet to receive vape oil. The vape oil wicks through the porous ceramic matrix like a sponge receiving water. A ventilation air passage is formed along a surface of the porous ceramic matrix. 1. An electronic cigarette burner element comprising:a. a heating wire configured to heat and atomize vape oil, wherein the heating wire is formed with a coil and a pair of leads including a first lead and a second lead;b. a porous ceramic matrix encapsulating the coil of the heating wire;c. a heating body formed when the heating wire is encapsulated by the porous ceramic matrix;d. an outer cover fitting over the heating body, wherein the outer cover is made of metal;e. a hole formed on the outer cover, wherein the hole is configured to receive vape oil, wherein the vape oil wicks through the porous ceramic matrix;f. a ventilation air passage along a surface of the porous ceramic matrix, wherein the ventilation air passage emits a vape gas when the coil heats the vape oil, wherein the ventilation air passage is configured to receive fresh air and is configured to exhaust the gas; andg. a power supply supplying power to the first lead and the second lead.2. The electronic cigarette burner element of claim 1 , further comprising: second hole claim 1 , and a third hole formed on the outer cover claim 1 , wherein the hole claim 1 , the second hole and the third hole are formed ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015325A1

A heated floor panel assembly contains a positive temperature coefficient heater secured in the assembly through a number of welded joints through a thermoplastic dielectric layer. The positive temperature coefficient heater is on a thermoplastic substrate, which is bonded to the thermoplastic dielectric layer. The assembly further includes an impact layer, a core layer, and structural layers. 1. A floor panel assembly having a top surface and a bottom surface , the assembly comprising:an impact layer proximate the top surface;a core layer between the impact layer and the bottom surface; a first dielectric layer;', 'a positive temperature coefficient heater element on the first dielectric layer; and', 'a second dielectric layer overlaying and welded to the positive temperature coefficient heater element; and, 'a positive temperature coefficient heater between the impact layer and the core layer, the heater comprisingat least one structural layer between the impact layer and the bottom surface.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heater further comprises a bus bar on the first dielectric layer claim 1 , the bus bar overlapping with the positive temperature coefficient heater element.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first dielectric layer and the second dielectric layer comprise a thermoplastic selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyimide claim 1 , polyether ether ketone claim 1 , polyetherimide claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyphenylsulfone claim 1 , fluorinated ethylene propylene claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second dielectric layer is welded to the first dielectric layer through weld joints made from ultrasonic welding claim 1 , laser welding claim 1 , radio frequency welding claim 1 , or heat sealing.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second core layer between the impact layer and the positive temperature coefficient heater.6. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Self-regulating conductive heater and method of making

Номер: US20160021705A1

A heater comprising: a heater layer including: (a) a thermoplastic elastomer; and (b) a plurality of conductive fillers mixed within the thermoplastic elastomer, wherein the conductive fillers are a metal coated material or entirely made of metal; and wherein the heater layer is made up of about 30 percent or less conductive fillers.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041123A1
Автор: STABLO Frederic

Motor vehicle exterior part comprising: a wall comprising a face intended to be visible from outside the vehicle, the face being coated with a first layer; a second layer covering the first layer; and a heating element arranged between the two layers on the first layer, the first layer comprising an area of increased thickness and the heating element being arranged only on the area of increased thickness of the first layer. 1. Motor vehicle exterior part comprising:a wall comprising a face intended to be visible from outside of a vehicle, said face being coated with a first layer,a second layer covering the first layer,a heating element arranged between the two layerswherein the first layer comprises an area of increased thickness and the heating element is arranged only on the area of increased thickness of the first layer, and wherein the heating element is a heating filament.2. Exterior part according to the preceding claim , wherein the area of increased thickness of the first layer extends outward from the rest of the first layer.3. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein an exterior face of the second layer claim 1 , not in contact with the heating element claim 1 , is substantially planar.4. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein the layers are substantially transparent to electromagnetic waves at frequencies used by radars.5. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein the layers are substantially transparent to electromagnetic waves at frequencies of visible light.6. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein the wall of the part is composed of a mixture of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymer and polycarbonate.7. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second layers are made of polyurethane.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. Exterior part according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer has a thickness of about 3.2 mm in the area of increased thickness and has a thickness of about 2.5 mm in the area outside of the area of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022214A1

A battery is provided comprising a power storage element, a battery housing, at least two electrical contacts, at least one first charging port, and at least one second charging port. The two electrical contacts and the first charging port are in electrical communication with the power storage element to allow discharge of the at least one power storage element. Similarly, the electrical contacts and the second charging port are in electrical communication with the power storage element to charge at least one power storage element. 1. A system for powering various technological devices , the system comprising:a rechargeable battery;a receptacle containing the rechargeable battery;a furniture member including a fabric cover, the fabric cover in electronic communication with a heat source; andwherein the receptacle containing the rechargeable battery is in electrical communication with the heat source to provide power to the heat source to the furniture member.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a wrap member positioned and located on the furniture member to which the receptacle is securable.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a pocket member positioned and located on the furniture member in which the receptacle is securable.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furniture member is a heatable seat pad.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furniture member is a heatable stadium seat.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furniture member is a collapsible chair.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is configured to contain two or more rechargeable batteries that are placed side-by-side relative to one another.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is configured to contain two or more rechargeable batteries that are placed side-by-side relative to one another.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is configured to contain two or more batteries that are placed so that end portions of the two or more ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Printed heating element

Номер: US20190023030A1
Автор: David B. Sweet, JIN Hu
Принадлежит: Goodrich Corp

A heating element is provided with a conductive path pattern which can be printed in a mask-free manner (e.g., drop-on-demand) with existing printing technology. The printing step can be performed, for example, with a thermal inkjet printer, a piezoelectric inkjet printer, an aerosol jet printer, or an ultrasound printer. The ink solution can be formulated so that it establishes an electrically conductive path which is free of polymer binders.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041934A1

A method for preparing needle coke for ultra-high power (UHP) electrodes from heavy oil is provided. In this method, heavy oil is used as a raw material. The size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is conducted with polystyrene (PS) as a packing material to separate out specific components with a relative molecular weight of 400 to 1,000. The ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) is conducted to remove acidic and alkaline components to obtain a neutral raw material. The neutral raw material is subjected to two-stage consecutive carbonization to obtain green coke, and the green coke is subjected to high-temperature calcination to obtain the needle coke for UHP electrodes. The needle coke has a true density of more than 2.13 g/cmand a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of ≤1.15×10/° C. at 25° C. to 600° C. 1. A method for preparing needle coke for ultra-high power (UHP) electrodes from heavy oil , comprising the following steps:(1) selecting heavy oil as a raw material;(2) subjecting the raw material to size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to separate out components with a relative molecular weight of 400 to 1,000;(3) removing acidic and alkaline components by ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) to obtain a neutral raw material;(4) subjecting the neutral raw material to first-stage carbonization for 1 h to 6 h at a pressure of 2 MPa to 8 MPa and a temperature of 400° C. to 450° C.;(5) after the first-stage carbonization is completed, heating a reactor to 460° C. to 520° C., conducting second-stage carbonization for 6 h to 12 h at a pressure of 0 MPa to 2 MPa to obtain a green coke product, and subjecting the green coke product to high-temperature calcination to obtain the needle coke for the UHP electrodes;wherein a packing material used for the SEC is an organogel, and the organogel is one from the group consisting of polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl acetate (PVA), cross-linked dextran, and cross-linked polyacrylamide (CL-PAM); an eluate used for the SEC is one from the group ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025932A1

A laminated top plate of a workpiece carrier is described that is particularly suitable for mechanical and semiconductor processing. In one example, A method of fabricating a workpiece carrier top plate includes dispensing conductive paste onto at least one of a plurality of ceramic sheets, embedding the paste between the plurality of ceramic sheets, compacting ceramic sheets together with the paste, and sintering the paste. 1. A method of fabricating a workpiece carrier top plate comprising:dispensing conductive paste onto at least one of a plurality of ceramic sheets;embedding the paste between the plurality of ceramic sheets;compacting ceramic sheets together with the paste; andsintering the paste.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sintering the paste further comprises sintering the ceramic sheets.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising embossing the ceramic sheets are before the conductive paste is dispensed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein dispensing the paste comprises spreading the paste and then removing the paste with a squeegee.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising applying a stencil over a selected one of the ceramic sheets and wherein spreading comprises spreading the paste through the stencil onto the selected ceramic sheet.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the stencil defines a line pattern of openings so that the paste is applied to the selected ceramic sheet as lines.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising piercing holes through the ceramic sheets.8. A workpiece carrier top plate for carrying a semiconductor substrate claim 1 , the carrier comprising:a plurality of ceramic sheets compacted together;sintered conductive paste dispensed onto the ceramic sheets and embedded between the ceramic sheets; andelectrical terminals coupled to the conductive paste to apply an electrical current to the conductive paste.9. The workpiece carrier top plate of claim 8 , wherein the ceramic sheets are sintered.10. The workpiece carrier top ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Air heater having two-piece ceramic holder and ceramic holder for air heater and methods of assembly

Номер: US20160029436A1

An air heater, method of assembling an air heater and a ceramic holder for an air heater are provided. The ceramic holder is formed from two parts that are operably mounted to the housing for securing a ceramic insulator to the housing.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027877A1

A method of forming a heater assembly of an e-vaping device includes bending a wire to form a first lobe and bending the wire to form a second lobe. The first lobe and the second lobe form a generally sinuously-shaped heater having a first set of lobes and a second set of lobe. A first apex of the first lobe is generally opposite a second apex of the second lobe. The method may also include curling the first set of lobes towards the second set of lobes to form a heater having a substantially tubular form. The heater defines an opening there through. 1. A method of forming a heater assembly of an e-vaping device , the method comprising:bending a wire to form a first lobe;bending the wire to form a second lobe, the first lobe and the second lobe forming a generally sinuously-shaped heater having a first set of lobes and a second set of lobes, a first apex of the first lobe being generally opposite a second apex of the second lobe;curling the first set of lobes towards the second set of lobes to form a heater having a substantially tubular form, the heater defining an opening there through.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:threading a wick through the opening in the heater.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the curling comprises:placing a wick across the second set of lobes; andcurling the first set of lobes over the wick, such that the heater at least partially surrounds the wick.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:bending the wire to form a third lobe having a third apex;bending the wire to form a fourth lobe having a fourth apex; andbending the wire to form a fifth lobe having a fifth apex, the third apex and the fifth apex being in the first set of lobes, and the second apex and the fourth apex being in the second set of lobes.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wire is a nickel-chromium wire.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:attaching electrical leads to a first end and a second end of the heater.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Concrete Heating System

Номер: US20220046764A1
Автор: Brown Michael E.

A concrete heating system for electrically melting snow and ice. The concrete heating system generally includes a heating device for embedding in conductive concrete, the device having a spacing member and a plurality of electrically isolated conductors extending outward at an angle from the spacing member along its length. The device also includes a first electrode near the first end of the spacing member, and a second electrode extending outward from the spacing member at the second end. The plurality of conductors conduct an electrical current between the first electrode and the second electrode when the concrete heating device is embedded in conductive concrete and the power source applies a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode. 1. A concrete heating device , comprising:a first spacing member comprising a first end and a second end;a first electrode extending from the first spacing member, wherein the first electrode is adapted for connection to a power source;a second electrode extending from the first spacing member, wherein the second electrode is adapted for connection to the power source; anda plurality of conductors extending from the first spacing member, wherein the plurality of conductors are spaced apart from each other;wherein the second electrode is spaced apart from the first electrode and the plurality of conductors such that the plurality of conductors are positioned between the first electrode and the second electrode;wherein the plurality of conductors are not conductively coupled to the first electrode, the second electrode or each other; andwherein the plurality of conductors conduct an electrical current between the first electrode and the second electrode when the concrete heating device is embedded in conductive concrete and the power source applies a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The concrete heating device of claim 1 , further comprising a second spacing member spaced apart from ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Heater For Heating Gas and Method of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20210030995A1
Автор: Park Jae-Sang

The present invention relates to a heater for heating a gas and a method for manufacturing the same for heating the anesthetic gas or the like by heating the heat transfer area to make it more instantaneous at a short distance. To this end, the present invention is made of an insulator and formed by a slit and a plurality of supports to form a hollow cylindrical or polygonal body, and the slit formed in the body and a portion of the hollow inside the body. It includes a heating wire wound to be exposed to, the slit is formed in a spiral in the body, the support is formed in the middle of the slit, characterized in that the heating wire is wound in the spiral in the body. In addition, the method for manufacturing a heater for heating a gas according to the present invention includes a plate preparation step of preparing a rectangular-shaped plate member made of an insulator, and a slit forming a supports while obliquely forming a plurality of slits through the plate member in the vertical direction. Step and the bending shape forming step of bending the plate member formed with the slit in a cylindrical or polygonal column shape to form a body, and a heating wire spirally winding the heating wire so that a part of the heating wire is exposed inside the body by the slit and the support. Characterized in that it comprises a winding step. 1. A gas heating heater , comprising;a body, which is formed in a hollow cylindrical or polygonal columnar shape by forming a plurality of slits and a plurality of supports; anda heating cable, part of which is wound around the inside of the body to be exposed thereto by the slits formed in the body;wherein the slits are each formed to be inclined in a spiral shape on the body;the supports are each formed in the middle part of each slit; and the heating wire is spirally wound to the body.2. The gas heating heater of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of supports formed on the body such that at least two supports are formed at least two ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Element substrate, liquid ejection head, and method of manufacturing element substrate

Номер: US20210031513A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An element substrate has a layered structure including a heating resistance element, a first insulation layer where a temperature detection element constituted by a via is formed, and a second insulation layer provided between the heating resistance element and the temperature detection element which electrically insulates the heating resistance element and the temperature detection element.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of forming a composite substrate for layered heaters

Номер: US20160035602A1
Принадлежит: Watlow Electric Manufacturing Co

A method of forming a heater assembly for use in semiconductor processing includes thermally securing a heater substrate to an application substrate; and applying a layered heater having at least one functional layer to the heater substrate after the heater substrate is secured to the application substrate. The heater substrate defines a material having a coefficient of thermal expansion that is matched to a coefficient of thermal expansion of the functional layer. The material of the functional layer is not capable of withstanding the elevated temperature of the thermal securing step.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031929A1

An aerospace surface heating apparatus includes opposing layers formed from a thermoplastic containing in excess of % by volume of an inorganic filler material, and at least one electrically powered heating element located between the opposing layers. A method for making a heater for an aerospace component includes forming an electrical heating element on a layer of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic film substrate, applying two opposing thermoplastic layers on opposing sides of the intermediate layer, and applying heat and pressure to the layers to join the layers together, in which the thermoplastic material contains an inorganic filler material. 131-. (canceled)32. An aerospace surface heating apparatus comprising:opposing layers formed from a thermoplastic containing in excess of 20% by volume of an inorganic filler material; andat least one electrically operable heating element located between the opposing layers.33. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the thermoplastic contains between 20% and 30% by volume of an inorganic filler material.34. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the thermoplastic is polyethertherketone (PEEK).35. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the thermoplastic is polyaryletherketone (PAEK).36. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the thermoplastic is polyetherketoneketone (PEKK).37. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the inorganic filler material is magnesium silicate.38. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the inorganic filler material is boron nitride.39. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the inorganic filler material is evenly distributed throughout the thermoplastic material.40. The aerospace surface heating apparatus of claim 32 , wherein the at least one electrically operable heating element is at least one track of a copper-containing conductor ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034875A1

An electrically heatable pane with a switch region is presented. The pane has a transparent substrate, with at least one transparent electrically conductive layer that is, at least partially, arranged on a surface of the pane. At least one separating line electrically divides the layer into a heating region and a switch region. At least two busbars are provided for connection to a voltage source. The busbars being connected to the heating region, form a current path between the busbars. A heating current can therefore flow through the current path. Furthermore, the switch region has at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region, where the connection region can be connected to sensor electronics. 117-. (canceled)18. An electrically heatable pane with a switch region , comprising:a transparent substrate with a surface,at least one transparent and electrically conductive layer arranged on at least a part of the surface,at least one separating line that electrically divides the electrically conductive layer into a heating region and a switch region, andat least two busbars provided for connection to a voltage source that are connected to the heating region to form a current path for a heating current between the busbars, the switch region comprises at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region,', 'the at least one contact region, the feed line region, and the connection region are contiguous regions of the electrically conductive layer,', 'the feed line region electrically connects the at least one contact region to the connection region, and', 'the connection region is adapted to be electrically connected to sensor electronics., 'wherein19. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein the feed line region has a length of 1 cm to 70 cm claim 18 , and has a width of 0.5 mm to 10 mm.20. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein an angle α between the current path and a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037119A1
Автор: JR. John, Thompson

The invention relates to an electrical device for melting snow and ice that has accumulated on the surface of a. vehicle. During inclement weather, snow, sleet, rain or hail accumulate on all exposed surfaces of the automobile, in particular on the flat surfaces, such as on the roof the hood, the trunk, or a truck bed of a vehicle. These areas of snow coverage are relatively large and significantly high off the ground, presenting a challenge to clean in terms of time and effort. Frequently, the owners of the vehicles need to use their automobiles early in the morning, when snow or ice that has accumulated over night is at its hardest. Since it is unsafe, and sometimes unlawful, to operate a vehicle that has not been properly snow dusted and deiced, cleaning must be effectuated before a vehicle can be driven on the roads. 1. A heating apparatus for a vehicle , the heating apparatus comprising: 'wherein the first material is secured to a roof of the vehicle;', 'a first material having a top surface and a bottom surface,'}a heating element disposed between the top surface and the bottom surface of the first material;a power cord coupled to the heating element;a temperature gauge coupled to the power cord;an inverter coupled to the power cord; and wherein the adaptor is coupled to a power source configured to provide direct current,', 'wherein the inverter converts the direct current from the power source to an alternating current, and', 'wherein the temperature gauge measures an ambient temperature of an environment of the heating apparatus and is configured to control an operable state of the heating element based on the ambient temperature., 'an adaptor coupled to the power cord,'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top surface of the first material has a texture configured to promote dissipation of ice and/or snow.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the texture is a raised claim 2 , repeating pyramidal pattern.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Electric Heating Device and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20220053610A1
Принадлежит: Eberspaecher Catem GmbH and Co KG

An electric heating device includes a housing with a partition wall which separates a connection chamber from a heating chamber for emitting heat. At least one heating assembly housing projects from the partition wall in the direction of the heating chamber. The heating assembly housing supports at least one PTC element and strip conductors in an electrically insulated manner A housing wall projecting from the partition wall and delimiting the connection chamber and/or the heating chamber and/or the heating assembly housing is connected to the partition wall by material bonding, which may be by induction soldering. Also disclosed is a method of making an electric heating device.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053611A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A ceramic heater with a shaft includes: a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded; a hollow ceramic shaft having an upper end bonded to a surface on an opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; and a shaft heater embedded in a side wall near an upper end of the ceramic shaft. 1. A ceramic heater with a shaft , comprising:a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded;a hollow ceramic shaft having an upper end bonded to a surface on an opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; anda shaft heater embedded in a side wall near the upper end of the ceramic shaft.2. The ceramic heater with a shaft according to claim 1 ,wherein the ceramic shaft has a cylindrical shaft body, and an insulating film that covers a side surface near the upper end of the shaft body, andthe shaft heater is provided on the side surface near the upper end of the shaft body, and is embedded in the ceramic shaft by being covered with the insulating film.3. The ceramic heater with a shaft according to claim 2 ,wherein the insulating film is an aerosol deposition film or a thermal spray film. The present invention relates to a ceramic heater with a shaft.In transfer, exposure, a film deposition process such as CVD, washing, etching, and micromachining such as dicing, for a semiconductor wafer, a ceramic heater with a shaft for holding the wafer has been used so far. As shown in PTL 1, such a ceramic heater with a shaft is disclosed, which includes: a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded; a hollow ceramic shaft provided on the surface on the opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; and a heating element power supply rod housed in the inner space of the ceramic shaft. The heating element power supply rod is bonded to the resistance heating element from the surface on the opposite side of the wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate.PTL 1: JP 2007-51317 AIn the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053612A1

A heater element including: a primary conductor formed from a single sheet of metal, wherein the primary conductor is capable of radiating heat within 5 seconds and has a DeLuca Element Ratio of less than 2 ohms/m2; and primary conductor bars that are not welded to the primary conductor. 1. A heater element comprising:{'sup': '2', '#text': 'a primary conductor formed from a single sheet of metal, wherein the primary conductor is capable of radiating heat within 5 seconds and has a DeLuca Element Ratio of less than 2 ohms/m; and'}primary conductor bars that are not welded to the primary conductor.2. The heater element of wherein the single sheet of metal comprises two or more thicknesses.3. The heater element of claim 1 , wherein the primary conductor is shaped into a U shape.4. The heater element of wherein the U-shape comprises ends and a curve claim 3 , the ends of the U are connected to an electrical circuit claim 3 , and the curve is tensioned with a tensioner.5. The heater element of wherein a portion of the curve comprises multiple pathways for a current to flow.6. The heater element of wherein the heater element is adapted to increase in temperature during operation at a rate of greater than 100 degrees C. per second.7. The heater element of wherein the single sheet of metal comprises a mesh or lattice structure.8. The planar element per wherein the single sheet of metal comprises planar sections having a thickness greater than 0.001 inches.9. The heater element per wherein the single sheet of metal comprises ends and a middle part to radiate disposed between the ends claim 1 , and a thickness of each of the ends is greater than a thickness of the middle part.10. The heater element per wherein the single sheet of metal is a portion of a roll or continuous sheet.11. A process for making a heating element from a single sheet of metal comprising providing a sheet having two or more thicknesses formed either singularly or sequentially.12. The process per further ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053830A1

An air-heating type heat not burn heating device, a ceramic heating element and a preparation method thereof are provided. The ceramic heating element includes a honeycomb ceramic body and a heating printed circuit. Porous channels are arranged in the honeycomb ceramic body, and the porous channels are circular holes or polygonal holes. The heating printed circuit is arranged around an outer surface of the honeycomb ceramic body to heat the air passing through the porous channels. According to the ceramic heating element, the surface made of high purity alumina honeycomb ceramic has high compactness, it is able to effectively prevent absorption of smoke dust particles, thus to effectively preventing odd smell; the high-purity alumina honeycomb ceramic has good thermal conductivity, with a thermal conductivity of 33 W/mk; the wall thickness and pore diameter in the honeycomb ceramic structure are both very small, and the thermal conductivity is extremely excellent. 1. A ceramic heating element , comprising:a honeycomb ceramic body, wherein porous channels are arranged in the honeycomb ceramic body, and the porous channels are circular holes or polygonal holes; anda heating printed circuit, wherein the heating printed circuit is arranged around an outer surface of the honeycomb ceramic body to heat air passing through the porous channels.2. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the alumina ceramic tube body is an alumina honeycomb ceramic body claim 1 , and the alumina honeycomb ceramic body has a density being larger than or equal to 3.86 g/cm.3. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the porous channels are uniformly distributed in the honeycomb ceramic body.4. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the porous channels are arranged in a center of the honeycomb ceramic body.5. An air-heating type heat not burn heating device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', '#text': 'claim 1'}, '#text': 'the ceramic heating ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Non-contact Heat-Not-Burn Heating Device

Номер: US20220053833A1

A non-contact heat-not-burn heating device includes a ceramic heating element, a smoking product bearing assembly and a sealing sleeve; the sealing sleeve is arranged in the hollow mode to sleeve the ceramic heating element and the smoking product bearing assembly inside, and the ceramic heating element and the smoking product bearing assembly are mutually separated. The ceramic heating element includes a heating body and a heating circuit, the heating body is cylindrical and internally provided with a porous channel, and the heating circuit is arranged on the heating body to heat the air passing through the porous channel. The smoking product bearing assembly includes a ceramic tube and a blocking piece; a cavity defined by the ceramic tube is suitable for placing a smoking product, and the blocking piece is connected to the ceramic tube and adjacent to the ceramic heating element to limit the position of the smoking product. 1. A non-contact heat-not-burn heating device , comprising a ceramic heating element , a smoking product bearing assembly , and a sealing sleeve ,wherein the sealing sleeve is arranged in a hollow mode to sleeve the ceramic heating element and the smoking product bearing assembly inside, and the ceramic heating element and the smoking product bearing assembly are mutually separated,the ceramic heating element comprises a heating body and a heating circuit, wherein the heating body is cylindrical and internally provided with a porous channel, and the heating circuit is arranged on the heating body to heat air passing through the porous channel; andthe smoking product bearing assembly comprises a ceramic tube and a blocking piece, wherein a cavity defined by the ceramic tube is configured for placing a smoking product, and the blocking piece is connected to the ceramic tube and adjacent to the ceramic heating element to limit a position of the smoking product.2. The non-contact heat-not-burn heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037649A1

A method for processing a substrate is presented. The substrate includes an electrically conductive coating, and at least one isolating line that runs between first and second subregions of the electrically conductive coating. According to one aspect, the isolating line includes at least one defect with a proportion of less than 10% of the total surface area of the isolating line. First and second electric contacts are respectively connected to the first and second subregion. A voltage Uis applied between the first and second electric contacts, and a measurement is taken to detect whether an electric current is flowing between the first and the second subregions. If a current is flowing, application of the voltage and measurement of the current are repeated with a voltage greater than or equal to U, until a current can no longer be measured. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method for processing a substrate having an electrically conductive coating and at least one isolating line , the method comprising: a1) an electrically conductive coating on at least one surface of the substrate;', 'a2) at least one isolating line in the electrically conductive coating;', 'a3) at least one first subregion and one second subregion of the electrically conductive coating between which the isolating line runs;', 'a4) optionally, at least one defect of the isolating line in a region of the isolating line where a local sheet resistance is lower than a sheet resistance of the isolating line outside the defect;, 'a) providing a substrate, the substrate comprisingb) electrically conductingly connecting a first electric contact to the first subregion and a second electric contact to the second subregion of the electrically conductive coating;{'sub': 'n', 'c) applying a voltage Ubetween the first electric contact and the second electric contact;'}d) measuring, using the first electric contact and the second electric contact, a flow of an electric current between the first subregion and the second ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040498A1

Precision screen printing is described that is capable of sub-micron uniformity of the metallization materials that are printed on green sheet ceramic. In some examples, puck is formed with electrical traces by screen printing a paste that contains metal on a ceramic green sheet in a pattern of electrical traces and processing the printed green sheet to form a puck of a workpiece carrier. In some example, the printing includes applying a squeegee of a screen printer to the printed green sheet in a squeegeeing direction while the green sheet is on a printer bed of the screen printer. The method further includes mapping the printer bed at multiple locations along the squeegeeing direction, identifying non-uniformities in the printer bed mapping, and modifying a printer controller of the screen printer to compensate for mapped non-uniformities in the printer bed. 1. A method of forming a puck of a carrier with electrical traces comprising:screen printing a paste that contains metal on a ceramic green sheet in a pattern of electrical traces; andprocessing the printed green sheet to form a puck of a workpiece carrier.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising drying the paste and wherein processing the printed green sheet comprises compacting the printed green sheet with a plurality of green sheets to form the puck.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein processing further comprises sintering the compacted green sheets and polishing the sintered green sheets.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein screen printing comprises printing on a screen printer using a squeegee claim 1 , the method further comprising:using an auto-zero feature of the screen printer to record motor encoder values in a memory when printing; andadjusting the squeegee mounting of the printer to compensate for variations as detected by the auto-zero feature.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein screen printing comprises applying a squeegee of a screen printer to the printed green sheet in a squeegeeing direction ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042071A1

A heatable media guide serves for guiding a medium. It has a tubular guide element which extends in a longitudinal direction and has a sheathing made from a sheathing material, which surrounds an interior space for the medium. The guide element furthermore has at least one heating element, which extends with the sheathing in the longitudinal direction and which is embedded in the sheathing material. 1. A heatable media guide for guiding a medium , the heatable media guide comprising:a tubular guide element extending in a longitudinal direction and having a sheathing made from a sheathing material, said tubular guide element surrounding an interior space for the medium; andat least one heating element extending with said sheathing in the longitudinal direction and is embedded in said sheathing material.2. The media guide according to claim 1 , wherein said sheathing is annularly shaped defining an annular sheathing and said heating element is embedded directly in said annular sheathing.3. The media guide according to claim 1 , wherein said sheathing has an inner sheathing layer and an outer sheathing layer and said outer sheathing layer has a greater thermal insulating effect compared to said inner sheathing layer.4. The media guide according to claim 3 , wherein said outer sheathing layer has a higher gas or air content than said inner sheathing layer.5. The media guide according to claim 4 , wherein said outer sheathing layer is a foamed sheathing layer.6. The media guide according to claim 3 , wherein said outer sheathing layer has hollow chambers incorporated therein claim 3 , said hollow chambers are formed as hollow channels extending continuously in the longitudinal direction.7. The media guide according to claim 3 , wherein said heating element is disposed in said inner sheathing layer.8. The media guide according to claim 1 , wherein said heating element is embedded outside said sheathing in said sheathing material.9. The media guide according to claim 8 , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Vaporizer of an electronic vaping device and method of forming a vaporizer

Номер: US20180042301A1
Автор: Ali A. Rostami
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A method of forming a vaporizer of an electronic vaping device includes applying a porous material to at least one surface of a heating element to form a coating thereon. The heating element is formed of a conductive material.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Electrothermal film layer manufacturing method, electrothermal film layer, electrically-heating plate, and cooking utensil

Номер: US20180042424A1

An electrothermal film layer manufacturing method, an electrothermal film layer, an electrically-heating plate, and a cooking utensil. An electrothermal film layer is formed, by means of a spraying method, a deposition method or an evaporation plating method, on a surface of an insulation substrate with a temperature of 450 to 600 degrees by using a mixture comprising tin dioxide, antimony and fluorine; and then the electrothermal film layer is manufactured by performing annealing and filming processing on the electrothermal film layer and the insulation substrate. The electrothermal film layer manufacturing method is simple and is convenient to operate, the manufactured electrothermal film layer can convert radiant heat energy into infrared heat energy to radiate, allows heat to be rapidly increased, can reduce temperature loss caused by moisture exhaust, increase the speed of heat energy absorption, and decrease heat energy loss, and accordingly the radiation heat conduction efficiency is effectively improved, the objective of energy conservation is achieved, and the demands of a nation on energy conservation products are better satisfied.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048198A1
Автор: DEMPSEY Stephen

The present teachings relate to a method for producing a radiant heater comprising applying two electrodes to a substrate, and printing a desired area of the substrate with an electrically conducive paint to create a heating zone, wherein the desired area at least partially overlays the electrodes. 1. A method for producing a radiant heater comprising:applying two electrodes to a substrate; andprinting a desired area of the substrate with an electrically conductive paint to create a heating zone;wherein the desired area at least partially overlays the electrodes.2. The method of further comprising repeating the printing of the desired area with the electrically conductive paint such that a plurality of layers of the paint are applied to create the heating zone.3. The method of further comprising applying a strip of conductive coating overlaying each electrode after printing of the desired area.4. The method of wherein each strip of conductive coating is wider than the electrode which it overlays.5. The method of wherein each strip of conductive coating is shorter than the electrode which it overlays.6. The method of wherein the strip of conductive coating is applied using screen printing.7. The method of further comprising applying an electrode cover overlaying each of the electrodes prior to printing the desired area.8. The method of wherein the electrode cover is a strip of conductive paint.9. The method of wherein the electrode is a self adhesive conductive tape.10. The method of wherein printing the desired area comprises using a screen printer to print the electrically conductive paint.11. The method of further comprising applying a primer to the substrate before applying the electrode.12. The method of further comprising applying a sealer after printing of the desired area.13. The method of wherein the substrate is gypsum plasterboard.14. A radiant heater comprising:a substrate;two electrodes applied to the substrate;a heating zone formed by an electrically ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Electrical Heating Unit for Exhaust Gas System and Method for its Manufacture

Номер: US20220061130A1

A method for the manufacture of an electrical heating unit for use in an exhaust gas system and the use of an electrical heating unit obtainable by this method are described. The method comprises forming the electrical heating unit as a single piece by additive layer manufacturing. An exhaust gas system comprising the electrical heating unit and a downstream catalyst article is also described. 1. A method for the manufacture of an electrical heating unit for use in an exhaust gas system , the method comprising forming the electrical heating unit as a single piece by additive layer manufacturing , wherein the electrical heating unit comprises:a tubular body comprising a wall for, in use, conducting a flow of an exhaust gas to be heated;a first electrode extending through a hole in the wall of the tubular body without contacting the wall of the tubular body;a second electrode in contact with the wall of the tubular body; anda resistive heating element arranged within the tubular body extending from the first electrode to the wall of the tubular body to, in use, heat the flow of an exhaust gas, wherein the electrical heating unit is formed from a metal having a melting point of at least 1000° C.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of an FeCr alloy claim 1 , an NiCr alloy claim 1 , stainless steel and Inconel.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second electrode is arranged coaxially around the first electrode without contacting the first electrode claim 1 , preferably wherein the method further comprises providing an insulating sleeve between the first electrode and the second electrode.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistive heating element is in the form of a substantially planar continuous strip having a length greater than a diameter of the tubular body.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the resistive heating element is in the form of a pair of spirals that meet near a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Non-contact Heat-not-burn Heating Device

Номер: US20220061389A1
Принадлежит: Xiamen Fengtao Ceramics Co Ltd

A non-contact heat-not-burn heating device includes a ceramic heating element, a smoking product bearing assembly and a sealing sleeve. The ceramic heating element includes a heating body and a heating circuit, the heating body is internally provided with a porous channel, and the heating circuit heats air passing through the porous channel. The smoking product bearing assembly includes a preheating tube and a blocking piece, the blocking piece is arranged in a cavity defined by the preheating tube to divide the cavity into a first cavity and a second cavity. The sealing sleeve is arranged in the hollow mode to form a bearing cavity, the ceramic heating element and the smoking product bearing assembly are arranged in the bearing cavity. The sealing sleeve is made of bushings to reduce the heat transmission of the ceramic heating element to the outside and reduce the outer wall temperature of the device.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Non-contact Heat-not-burn Heating Device

Номер: US20220061390A1

A non-contact heat-not-burn heating device includes a ceramic heating element, a smoking product bearing assembly and a cooling tube. The ceramic heating element includes a heating body and a heating circuit, the heating body is cylindrical and internally provided with a porous channel, and the heating circuit is arranged on the heating body to heat air passing through the porous channel. The smoking product bearing assembly includes a ceramic tube and a blocking piece, the blocking piece is arranged in a cavity defined by the ceramic tube to divide the cavity into a first cavity and a second cavity. The cooling tube is arranged above the ceramic tube and separated from the ceramic tube, the inner diameter of a cavity defined by the cooling tube is identical with that of the first cavity, so that a holder of the smoking product can pass suitably.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045584A1

A method of manufacturing a layered heater includes: applying a dielectric material on a substrate to form a dielectric layer; thermal-spraying a resistive material on the dielectric layer to form a resistive layer on the dielectric layer; forming a plurality of conductive overlays at predetermined locations on the substrate; and forming a plurality of cuts into the resistive layer by laser cutting to form a resistive circuit pattern that overlaps the conductive overlays. 1. A method of manufacturing a layered heater , comprising:applying a dielectric material on a substrate to form a dielectric layer;thermally spraying a resistive material on the dielectric layer to form a resistive layer on the dielectric layer;forming a plurality of conductive overlays at predetermined locations on the substrate; andforming a plurality of cuts into the resistive layer by laser cutting to form a resistive circuit pattern that overlaps the conductive overlays.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate defines opposing ends claim 1 , and the forming of a plurality of conductive overlays comprises forming the plurality of conductive overlays along each of the opposing ends of the substrate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of conductive overlays are discretely arranged along each of opposing ends of the substrate before the resistive circuit pattern is formed.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the resistive circuit pattern includes a plurality of bend portions.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of conductive overlays overlap the bend portions.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the conductive overlays are formed on at least one of a top surface and a bottom surface of the bend portions.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein some of the plurality of cuts are parallel.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the plurality of cuts extend between the plurality of conductive overlays9. The method ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053376A1
Автор: WEISSBORN Klaus

A method for producing a silver coating on a glass pane, wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and/or at least one solder contact surface, wherein the method includes printing the silver coating onto the glass pane by screen printing with a printing pattern having printing and non-printing regions and baking the printed silver coating, wherein the printing region of the printing pattern for the busbar and/or the printing region of the printing pattern for the solder contact surface is provided at least partially with a dot matrix or a line matrix. 1. A method for producing a silver coating on a glass pane , wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and/or at least one solder contact surface , wherein the method comprises printing the silver coating onto the glass pane by screen printing with a printing pattern having printing and non-printing regions and baking the printed silver coating , wherein the printing region of the printing pattern for the busbar and/or the printing region of the printing pattern for the solder contact surface is provided at least partially with a dot matrix or a line matrix.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and a plurality of heating conductors and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , at least one solder contact surface for an alarm loop and/or an antenna.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the busbar has a maximum width in the range from 9 to 30 mm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the printed busbar and/or of the printed solder contact surface before baking at the locations that are printed with the printing region of the printing pattern provided with the dot matrix or the line matrix is in the range from 25 to 100 μm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dots of the dot matrix have a diameter in the range from 0.14 mm to 0.22 mm claim 1 , and/or wherein the lines of the line matrix have a width in the range ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Silver nano electronic ink-printed heating element separation type electric thermotherapy device and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20170049610A1
Автор: Moon Sig Kang
Принадлежит: Paru Co Ltd, ZIVON CO Ltd

A silver-nano electronic-ink print heating element separation-type electric thermotherapy apparatus includes two or more silver-nano electronic-ink print heating elements that emit heat using a power source applied from a power source unit. The electric thermotherapy apparatus includes a control unit which receives the power source from the power source unit to output a power source on-off signal and a temperature control signal for controlling the two or more silver-nano electronic-ink print heating elements, and the silver-nano electronic-ink print heating elements emitting heat depending on the power source and/or a temperature applied using the control unit, whereby an integral heating element, such as an electric mat, an electric mattress, an electric cushion, a hot-water mat, and an electric carpet, includes two or more divided parts, and thus it is easy to separately use the parts of the heating element and to independently control the temperature for the heating parts.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Electrically Conductive Film

Номер: US20200053873A1
Автор: Schaetzle Martin

The invention relates to an electrically conductive film () having an electrically nonconductive substrate layer (), and an electrically conductive metal layer () that has a structure produced by material removal and that on a first side is joined, at least in sections, to the substrate layer (). 1. An electrically conductive film comprising:an electrically nonconductive substrate layer;an electrically conductive metal layer that has a structure produced by material removal and that on a first side is joined, at least in sections, to the electrically nonconductive substrate layer; andan electrically nonconductive cover layer having a structure that is produced by material removal;wherein the electrically conductive metal layer is located on a second side and is joined, at least in sections, to the cover layer;wherein a material of which the electrically nonconductive substrate layer is made has a modulus of elasticity in the range of 10 to 100 megapascals;wherein the material of which the electrically nonconductive substrate layer is made has a lower modulus of elasticity than the material of which the cover layer is made; andwherein a difference between the modulus of elasticity of the material of which the electrically nonconductive substrate layer is made and the modulus of elasticity of the material of which the cover layer is made is at least 20 megapascals.2. An electrically conductive film comprising:an electrically nonconductive substrate layer;an electrically conductive metal layer that has a structure produced by material removal and that on a first side is joined, at least in sections, to the electrically nonconductive substrate layer; andwherein the structure of the electrically conductive metal layer has one or more strip conductors that have at least one bent section;wherein the structure of the metal layer has one or more strip conductors;wherein at least one of the one or more strip conductors includes multiple strip conductor sections whose strip ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Exhaust Gas Heater

Номер: US20220074333A1
Принадлежит: Purem GmbH

An exhaust gas heater for an exhaust gas system of a combustion engine includes a carrier and at least one heating conductor through which a current flows. The heating conductor is mounted on the carrier. The heating conductor is provided via separation from a metal flat material blank. A method of making an exhaust gas heater includes a step of separating the heating conductor from the metal flat material blank.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Electronic Cigarette and Atomizing Assembly and Atomizing Element Thereof

Номер: US20200054077A1

An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette is provide, which includes: a porous body comprising an atomizing surface and a liquid absorbing surface; and a porous heating film formed on the atomizing surface. An electronic cigarette and an atomizing assembly including the same are also provided. 1. An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette , comprising:a porous body comprising opposing first and second sides and a sidewall that extends therebetween, the porous body comprising a liquid absorbing surface on the first side and an atomizing surface on the second side; anda porous heating film formed on the atomizing surface by vapor deposition;wherein the porous body is provided with a plurality of micropores wherein the porous body is made of porous ceramic and insulated from the porous heating film;wherein a diameter of the plurality of micropores on the porous body is greater than a thickness of the porous heating film.2. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a first opening that is contained within the body and that extends through the body claim 1 , the porous heating film has a second opening that is aligned with the first opening in the porous body.3. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein most of the plurality of the micropores has a diameter of about 1 μm to about 100 μm.4. The atomizing element according to claim 3 , wherein a sum volume of the micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm is more than 60% of a sum volume of total micropores.5. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a porosity of about 30% to about 83%.6. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous heating film is made of metal; the porous heating film has a thickness of about 0.5 μm to about 1.5 μm; the porous heating film is provided with a plurality of micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm.7. The atomizing element according to claim 6 , wherein ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057880A1
Принадлежит: Morgan Advanced Ceramics, Inc.

A method of forming one or more high temperature co-fired ceramic articles, comprising the steps of: —a) forming () a plurality of green compacts, by a process comprising dry pressing a powder comprising ceramic and organic binder to form a green compact; b) disposing () a conductor or conductor precursor to at least one surface of at least one of the plurality of green compacts to form at least one patterned green compact; c) assembling the at least one patterned green compact with one or more of the plurality of green compacts or patterned green compacts or both to form a laminated assembly; d) isostatically () pressing the laminated assembly to form a pressed laminated assembly; e) firing () the pressed laminated assembly at a temperature sufficient to sinter the ceramic layers together. 1. A method of forming one or more high temperature co-fired ceramic articles , comprising the steps of:—a) forming a plurality of green compacts, by a process comprising dry pressing a powder comprising ceramic and organic binder to form a green compact;b) disposing a conductor or conductor precursor to at least one surface of at least one of the plurality of green compacts to form at least one patterned green compact;c) assembling the at least one patterned green compact with one or more of the plurality of green compacts or patterned green compacts or both to form a laminated assembly;d) isostatically pressing the laminated assembly to form a pressed laminated assembly;e) firing the pressed laminated assembly at a temperature sufficient to sinter the ceramic layers together.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step (b) comprises the step of applying a metallization layer to at least one surface of at least one of the plurality of green compacts to form the at least one patterned green compact.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which:—step c) further comprises positioning one or more shapes formed from a fugitive material between at least two of the green ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079238A1

Provided is a heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with a heat transfer efficiency improved by strengthening a bonding force between a cigarette support portion and a heater portion by thermally pressing and bonding the cigarette support portion and the heater portion together using a heat-dissipating adhesive layer with a heat-dissipating filler added to a high-heat-resistant thermoplastic polyimide resin, and a method of manufacturing the same. 1. A heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with excellent heat transfer efficiency , the heater comprising:a cigarette support portion to support a cigarette;a heater portion located on outside of the cigarette support portion to heat the cigarette bound to the cigarette support portion; anda heat-dissipating adhesive layer coated on the surface of the cigarette support portion to bond the cigarette support portion and the heater portion together.2. The heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with excellent heat transfer efficiency of claim 1 , wherein the heat-dissipating adhesive layer is comprised of:a thermoplastic polyimide resin; anda heat-dissipating filler dispersed and arranged in the thermoplastic polyimide resin.3. The heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with excellent heat transfer efficiency of claim 2 , wherein the thermoplastic polyimide resin has glass transition temperature (Tg) of 240-300° C. and thermal decomposition temperature (Td) of 500-550° C.4. The heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with excellent heat transfer efficiency of claim 2 , wherein the heat-dissipating filler is added in an amount of 20-50 by weight based on 100 by weight of the thermoplastic polyimide resin.5. The heater for a ciga-like electronic cigarette with excellent heat transfer efficiency of claim 1 , wherein the heat-dissipating filler is comprised of at least one of carbon-based fillers including carbon black claim 1 , carbon nanotube claim 1 , and/or graphene.6. The heater for a ciga-like ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060019A1

An assembly for controlling the temperature of a device includes: a heat sink configured to be maintained at a temperature below a desired set point temperature; a heater element having a surface configured to be thermally coupled to a surface of the device; and a thermally conductive pedestal interposed between the heat sink and the heater element. The heater is configured to apply heat to the device when the temperature of the device falls below the set point temperature, and heat is transferable to the heat sink through the pedestal and heater element when the temperature of the device is above the set point temperature. 1. An assembly for controlling the temperature of a device , the assembly comprising:a heat sink configured to be maintained at a temperature below a desired set point temperature;a heater element having a surface configured to be thermally coupled to a surface of the device; anda thermally conductive pedestal interposed between the heat sink and the heater element;wherein the heater element is configured to apply heat to the device when the temperature of the device falls below the set point temperature, and heat is transferable to the heat sink through the pedestal and heater element when the temperature of the device is above the set point temperature.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a thermally conductive interface material disposed between the heat sink and the pedestal.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the interface material comprises a carbon nanotube material.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the interface material comprises a thermally conductive epoxy.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a thermally conductive interface material disposed between the pedestal and the heater element.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the interface material comprises a thermally conductive elastomeric material.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the assembly is movable relative to the device to thermally couple with a ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Cartridge for an Aerosol Delivery Device and Method for Assembling a Cartridge for a Smoking Article

Номер: US20160066621A1
Принадлежит: RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co

The present disclosure relates to a cartridge for an aerosol delivery device such as a smoking article. The cartridge may include a base, a reservoir substrate, and an atomizer. The reservoir substrate may define a cavity therethrough. The atomizer may comprise a liquid transport element and a heating element extending at least partially about the liquid transport element. The atomizer may extend through the cavity through the reservoir substrate such that the heating element is positioned proximate an end of the reservoir substrate. Ends of the liquid transport element may extend to an opposing end of the reservoir substrate. A related method for assembling a cartridge for a smoking article is also provided.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Planar heating device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20180063890A1

A planar heating device includes a substrate, first and second electrodes disposed on both ends of the substrate, a heating layer disposed on the substrate and configured to contact the first and second electrodes, a first additional heating layer disposed on one end of the heating layer, and a second additional heating layer disposed on the other end of the heating layer.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081356A1

The present disclosure relates to producing an electrically connected coated substrate. An example method comprises providing a coating on a surface of a substrate; and applying an electrically conductive material to the coating. The electrically conductive material is not heated above 500° C. 1. A method for producing an electrically connected coated substrate , the method comprising:providing a coating including one or more conductive layers on a surface of a substrate; andapplying an electrically conductive material to the coating,wherein the electrically conductive material comprises a busbar and is not heated above 500° C.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises at least one of: an infrared reflective coating claim 1 , a nanowire coating claim 1 , a low-emissivity coating claim 1 , a transparent conductive oxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.57-. (canceled)8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive material comprises tin.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the electrically conductive material is a soldering paste.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is bent prior to applying the electrically conductive material.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive material is not treated at temperatures above 300° C.12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a first glass substrate claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises laminating the first glass substrate to a second glass substrate to provide a laminated glazing.13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive material is applied with ultrasonic vibration.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the electrically conductive material comprises a wire.1729-. (canceled)30. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a top layer of the coating is electrically non-conductive claim 1 , and ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200066555A1

A hot plate in which holes are formed in proximity pins. The holes of the proximity pins are connected to vacuum holes to suppress generation of air flow during substrate heat treatment. A substrate heat-treating apparatus including the hot plate, and a method of fabricating the hot plate. The hot plate includes: a body with a heater; a plurality of first holes pass through the body in a downward direction; a plurality of proximity pins formed on the body support the substrate such that the substrate does not contact the top of the body. A plurality of second holes formed in at least some of the proximity pins and pass through the proximity pins in the downward direction from surfaces of the proximity pins. The first and second holes are connected to each other, and a vacuum is created inside the first and second holes to fix the substrate. 1. A hot plate comprising:a body in which a heater for heating a substrate is provided;a plurality of first holes which pass through the body in a downward direction from a top of the body;a plurality of proximity pins which are formed on the body and support the substrate such that the substrate does not contact the top of the body; anda plurality of second holes which are formed in at least some of the proximity pins and pass through the proximity pins in the downward direction from surfaces of the proximity pins,wherein the first and second holes are connected to each other, and a vacuum is created inside the first and second holes to fix the substrate.2. The hot plate of claim 1 , wherein the second holes are connected to the first holes such that the second holes overlap the first holes when seen from above the body.3. The hot plate of claim 1 , wherein proximity pins having the second holes are located on the first holes claim 1 , and proximity pins not having the second holes are not located on the first holes.4. The hot plate of claim 1 , wherein the proximity pins are made of the same material as the body and are ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Transparent thin film heater with good moisture tolerance and mechanical properties comprising a transparent conducting oxide and the method for producing the same

Номер: US20220086961A1

The present disclosure provides a transparent thin film heater including: a metal layer; and a transparent conductive oxide layer, wherein the transparent conductive oxide layer includes a composition represented by the following Chemical Formula 1 and is doped with nitrogen:ZnxSn1−xO2  [Chemical Formula 1]wherein 0<x≤0.12.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Printed transparent heaters using embedded micro-wires

Номер: US20180070411A1
Автор: Haoyan Wei
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

A transparent heater includes a plurality of high aspect ratio micro-wires. A plurality of channels is formed into the surface of a transparent substrate within an active heater region. The channels have a width of between 4 microns and 9 microns to insure that they are invisible to the naked eye, and a depth that is at least 1.5 times the width. Spacing between the channels is preferably at least 100 μm. Micro-wires are formed by at least partially filling the channels with a conductive material. Power source connections are provided to connect to an electrical power source to supply a current through the plurality of micro-wires. An average optical transmittance of the transparent heater within the active heater region is greater than 50 percent.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070412A1
Автор: Cole Bruce

A heating tape for a vehicle includes a base layer, an adhesive layer, and an electrically-resistive layer. The base layer has a strap shape and has optical transparency. The adhesive layer is formed of an adhesive having optical transparency. The adhesive layer is formed on one side of the base layer and is adhesive to a window glass of the vehicle. The electrically-resistive layer is formed of an electrically-resistive material having optical transparency. The electrically-resistive layer generates heat when an electric current passes through the electrically-resistive layer. 1. A heating tape for a vehicle , the heating tape comprising:a base layer that has a strap shape, the base layer having optical transparency;an adhesive layer that is formed of an adhesive having optical transparency, the adhesive layer being formed on one side of the base layer and being adhesive to a window glass of the vehicle; andan electrically-resistive layer that is formed of an electrically-resistive material having optical transparency, whereinthe electrically-resistive layer generates heat when an electric current passes through the electrically-resistive layer.2. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe base layer includes a UV inhibitor that inhibits a ultraviolet radiation from passing therethrough.3. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrically-resistive layer is configured to heat to a temperature to melt ice or frost formed on the window glass but not to degrade the base layer and the adhesive layer.4. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrically-resistive layer is formed by cold plasma coating.5. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe adhesive layer is configured to retain the window glass when the window glass is broken.6. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe window glass includes a rear window of the vehicle, andthe heating tape is used for the rear window.7. The heating tape according to claim 1 , ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071031A1
Автор: Bajic Goran

A seat heater includes a substrate. A formed heating wire is disposed on the substrate. A sewing thread attaches the formed heating wire to the substrate. A method of fabricating the seat heater includes forming a straight heating wire into a formed heating wire having miniature wave shape, feeding the formed heating wire onto a substrate, and attaching the formed heating wire onto the substrate by sewing a thread. 1. A seat heater comprising:a substrate;a formed heating wire including a wave shape disposed on the substrate; anda sewing thread attaching the formed heating wire to the substrate.2. The seat heater of claim 1 , wherein the thread is sewn in gaps between half-periods of the wave shape of the formed heating wire.3. The seat heater of claim 2 , wherein the thread is sewn two or more times per each half-period of the wave shape of the formed heating wire.4. The seat heater of claim 2 , wherein the thread is sewn at less than all of the half-periods of the wave shape of the formed heating wire.5. The seat heater of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is one selected from a group consisting of a woven fabric carrier and non-woven fabric carrier.6. The seat heater of claim 1 , wherein the wave shape is one selected from a group consisting of a sinusoidal shape claim 1 , a rectangular square wave shape claim 1 , a saw-tooth shape claim 1 , and a zig-zag shape.7. The seat heater of claim 1 , wherein the formed heating wire is formed into its shape prior to being disposed on the substrate.8. A method of fabricating a seat heater claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:forming a straight heating wire into a formed heating wire including a wave shape;feeding the formed heating wire onto a substrate; andattaching the formed heating wire onto the substrate by sewing a thread.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the thread is sewn in gaps between half-periods of the wave shape of the formed heating wire.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the thread is sewn two or ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071033A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

A method and a heating device () for fluids are provided. The device includes a tubular metal jacket (), a heating element () and a control/regulating element () for the heating element. The heating element and the control/regulating element are arranged at least partially within the tubular metal jacket and are embedded at least partially in a metal powder or granular metal () within the jacket. The heating element is a heating cartridge, a hollow cartridge, a tubular heating body or a coiled tube cartridge. The control/regulating element is electrically insulated from the metal powder or granular metal. 1. A heating device for fluids , the heating device comprising:a tubular jacket surface formed of metal;at least one heating element comprising a heating cartridge, a hollow cartridge, a tubular heating body or a coiled tube cartridge;at least one control/regulating element comprising at least one control element or regulating element or both at least one control and regulating element for the at least one heating element, wherein the at least one heating element and the at least one control/regulating element are arranged at least partially within the tubular jacket surface; andmetal powder or granular metal within the tubular jacket surface, wherein the at least one heating element and the at least one control/regulating element are embedded at least partially in the metal powder or granular metal and the at least one control/regulating element is electrically insulated from the metal powder or granular metal.2. A heating device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the at least one control/regulating element is electrically insulated from the metal powder or granular metal by the at least one control/regulating element being arranged within a sleeve claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is arranged at least partially within the tubular jacket surface and is at least partially embedded in the metal powder or granular metal within the first jacket surface.3. A heating ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200068664A1
Автор: SONG Misun

An electric heater includes a substrate and an inner plane heating element formed on one surface of the substrate. The inner plane heating element includes an inner pattern portion connecting a start point with an end point. The inner pattern portion includes a first track, a second track located outside the first track and spaced part from the first track, a first bridge connecting the first track with one end of the second track, a third track located outside the second track and spaced apart from the second track, and a second bridge connecting the other end of the second track with the third track. A first gap G between the first and second tracks is shorter than a second gap G between the second and third tracks along a virtual line crossing the first, second and third tracks and closer to the first bridge than the second bridge. 1. An electric heater comprising:a substrate; andan inner plane heating element located at a surface of the substrate, the inner plane heating element comprising an inner pattern portion having a start point and an end point that are connected to each other, a first track,', 'a second track located outside of the first track and spaced part from the first track,', 'a first bridge that connects the first track to a first end of the second track,', 'a third track located outside of the second track and spaced apart from the second track, and', 'a second bridge that connects a second end of the second track to the third track, and, 'wherein the inner pattern portion comprises a first gap positioned between the first track and the second track, and', 'a second gap positioned between the second track and the third track, the second gap being longer than the first gap along a virtual line that crosses the first track, the second track, and the third track and that extends to a portion of the inner pattern portion closer to the first bridge than to the second bridge., 'wherein the inner pattern portion defines2. The electric heater of claim 1 ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074105A1

The present invention relates to a heating element and a manufacturing method therefor. More specifically, according to one embodiment of the present invention, provided is a method for manufacturing a heating element, comprising the steps of: preparing an adhesive film; forming conductive heating patterns on the adhesive film; and laminating a transparent substrate on at least one surface of the adhesive film having the conductive heating patterns. 1. A method for manufacturing a heating element comprising:preparing a bonding film;forming a conductive heating pattern on the bonding film; andlaminating a transparent substrate on at least one surface of the bonding film provided with the conductive heating pattern.2. The method for manufacturing a heating element of comprising:preparing a first bonding film;forming a conductive heating pattern on the first bonding film; and,by laminating a second bonding film and a transparent substrate on the first bonding film, bonding the second bonding film on a surface opposite to the surface provided with the conductive heating pattern of the first bonding film.3. The method for manufacturing a heating element of claim 1 , comprising:preparing a first bonding film;forming a conductive heating pattern on the first bonding film; andforming a second bonding film on the surface provided with the conductive heating pattern of the first bonding film.4. (canceled)5. The method for manufacturing a heating element of claim 1 , wherein the laminating of a transparent substrate is consecutively or simultaneously laminating a transparent substrate on both surfaces of the bonding film provided with the conductive heating pattern.6. The method for manufacturing a heating element of claim 1 , wherein the forming of a conductive heating pattern on the bonding film includes preparing an adhesive film provided with a conductive heating pattern and having an adhesive strength decrement of 30% or greater by an external stimulus based on adhesive ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180077752A1
Автор: LINDLEY Jacob, Swanson Cal

The present disclosure provides a thermal system that includes an array of heating resistor circuits having first termination ends and second termination ends, and a plurality of nodes connected to the heating resistor circuits at the first and second termination ends. The thermal system further includes power wires to provide power to the heating resistor circuits and signal wires to sense a temperature of each of the heating resistor circuits. Each node is connected to a power wire and to a signal wire, and a number of heating resistor circuits is greater than or equal to a number of power wires and to a number of the signal wires. 1. A thermal system comprising:an array of heating resistor circuits, each of the heating resistor circuits having a first termination end and a second termination end;a plurality of nodes that connect to the array of heating resistor circuits at each of the first and second termination ends;a plurality of power wires to provide power to the array of heating resistor circuits; anda plurality of signal wires to sense a temperature of each of the heating resistor circuits,wherein each of the plurality of nodes is connected to a power wire from among the plurality of power wires and to a signal wire from among the plurality of signal wires, andwherein a number of heating resistor circuits is greater than or equal to a number of power wires and to a number of the signal wires.2. The thermal system of further comprising a control system coupled to the plurality of power wires and configured to provide power to at least one of the heating resistor circuits by way of the power wires.3. The thermal system of claim 2 , wherein the control system is configured to selectively apply power or a ground signal to the plurality of nodes by way of the power wires4. The thermal system of claim 2 , wherein the control system is coupled to the plurality of signal wires and configured to measure a resistance of each of the heating resistor circuits by way ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180077755A1

A heating element includes a matrix; and a plurality of conductive fillers, wherein some of the plurality of conductive fillers include first nano-sheets and first metal media configured to reduce a contact resistance between the first nano-sheets. 1. A heating element comprising:a matrix; anda plurality of conductive fillers,wherein some of the plurality of conductive fillers include first nano-sheets and first metal media configured to reduce a contact resistance between the first nano-sheets.2. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein others of the plurality of conductive fillers comprise second nano-sheets and second media configured to reduce a contact resistance between the second nano-sheets.3. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the first nano-sheets and the second nano-sheets are the same as or different from each other claim 2 , andwherein the first metal media and the second metal media are same as or different from each other.4. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the first nano-sheet comprises at least one nano-sheet selected from an oxide nano-sheet claim 2 , a boride nano-sheet claim 2 , a carbide nano-sheet claim 2 , and a chalcogenide nano-sheet claim 2 , andwherein the second nano-sheet is the same as or different from the first nano-sheet.5. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the first metal medium is a first metal particle comprising at least one selected from a noble metal claim 2 , a transition metal claim 2 , and a rare earth metal claim 2 , and the second metal medium is a second metal particle which is same as or different from the first metal particle.6. The heating element of claim 5 , wherein a diameter of the first metal particle and a diameter of the second metal particle are each independently about 1 nanometer to about 10 micrometers.7. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein others of the plurality of conductive fillers comprise only the first nano-sheets or only second nano-sheets which are different nano-sheets ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180077756A1
Автор: Klumpp Maike, Linow Sven

A method for producing a heating filament made of a composite material and having a longitudinal axis is provided. Carbon fibers are embedded in a matrix made of carbon and a planar structure is prepared that contains carbon fibers in a textile bond. The planar structure is impregnated with thermoplastic material, and then the impregnated planar structure is carbonized in a protective gas or vacuum while forming the composite material. The planar structure is prepared from a fiber composite material, in which plastic threads made of the thermoplastic material are incorporated into the textile bond of the planar structure. The resulting carbon heating filament provides for the smallest possible material loss in the cutting process from a large surface area, namely to form a strip-shaped semi-finished product. Also, the resulting carbon heating filament filament has a high specific electrical resistance and is distinguished by high mechanical stability. 115.-. (canceled)16. Method for producing a heating filament made of a composite material and having a longitudinal axis , in which carbon fibers are embedded in a matrix made of carbon , the method comprising the following steps:(a) preparing a planar structure comprising the carbon fibers in a textile bond;(b) impregnating the planar structure with a thermoplastic material; and 'wherein the planar structure is prepared from a fiber composite material, in which plastic threads made of the thermoplastic material are incorporated into the textile bond of the planar structure.', '(c) carbonizing the impregnated planar structure while forming the composite material,'}17. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the plastic threads form structural threads of the textile bond.18. Method according to claim 16 , wherein the plastic threads are oriented in the direction of the heating filament longitudinal axis.19. Method according to claim 18 , wherein a plurality of the plastic threads are distributed uniformly across a width ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080490A1

A conductive paste contains at least a conductive powder, glass frit, and an organic vehicle. The conductive powder contains a noble metal powder such as an Ag powder and a base metal powder containing Cu and/or Ni, and the base metal powder has a specific surface area of less than 0.5 m/g. The content of the base metal powder with respect to the total amount of the conductive powder is, in ratio by weight, 0.1 to 0.3 when the base metal powder contains Cu as its main constituent, 0.1 to 0.2 when the base metal powder contains Ni as its main constituent, and 0.1 to 0.25 when the base metal powder contains a mixed powder of Cu and Ni as its main constituent. 1. A conductive paste comprising:a conductive powder;glass frit; andan organic vehicle,whereinthe conductive powder contains a noble metal powder and a base metal powder containing at least one of Cu and Ni as a main constituent thereof,{'sup': '2', 'the base metal powder has a specific surface area of less than 0.5 m/g, and'}a content of the base metal powder with respect to a total amount of the conductive powder is, in ratio by weight:0.1 to 0.3 when the base metal powder contains the Cu as the main constituent thereof;0.1 to 0.2 when the base metal powder contains the Ni as the main constituent thereof; and0.1 to 0.25 when the base metal powder contains a mixture of the Cu and the Ni as the main constituent thereof.2. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein specific surface area of the base metal powder is 0.15 to 0.5 m/g.3. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is an atomized powder.4. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is 8 μm or less in average particle size.5. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the base metal powder is 2.5 to 8.0 μm in average particle size.6. The conductive paste according to claim 1 , wherein the noble metal powder is 0.1 to 3 μm in average particle size.7. The conductive paste ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079180A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

An electric heating device and a method for manufacturing an electric heating device with at least two plate pairs forming a fluid passage through which fluid can flow, which plate pairs are assembled from two plates and form a fluid passage between the two, wherein the plate pairs take on a predefined distance from one another and form a free space, wherein at least one heating unit is arranged in the free space between at least two of the plate pairs, which heating unit has at least one heating element and contact electrodes electrically connected thereto for making electrical contact with the at least one heating element. The invention also relates to such an electric heating device. 1. A method for manufacturing an electric heating device comprising at least two plate pairs forming a fluid passage through which fluid is adapted to flow , the two plate pairs being assembled from two plates and form a fluid passage there between , wherein the plate pairs take on a predefined distance from one another and form a free space , wherein at least one heating unit is arranged in the free space between at least two of the plate pairs , which heating unit has at least one heating element and contact electrodes electrically connected thereto for making electrical contact with the at least one heating element , the method comprising:providing and stacking the plates into a stack of plates and/or plate pairs;soldering the stack of plates; andinserting and attaching the heating unit in the free space.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the heating unit in the free space is attached to the plate pairs via at least one adhesive.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one adhesive is fed into the free space before insertion of the heating unit or wherein the at least one adhesive is fed into the remaining free space after insertion of the heating unit.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein a partial sealing of one side at a time of at least one ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084611A1

Disclosed is an attachment between a bus bar and a nano-carbon heater used for de-icing and/or anti-icing in an aircraft or other vehicle. The attachment between the bus bar and the heater is created through a coupling agent, a pre-preg glass fabric, and a conductive adhesive. This attachment allows for electrical connections to be made to the heater via the bus bar, and the attachment is strong enough to withstand stress from thermal cycles. 1. A heating assembly comprising:a bus bar;a nano-carbon heater;a conductive adhesive, wherein the conductive adhesive connects the bus bar to the nano-carbon heater; anda pre-preg layer covering the heater and the bus bar.2. The assembly of and further comprising a coupling agent chemically bonding the bus bar and the conductive adhesive.3. The assembly of and further comprising at least one wire connected to the bus bar through one or more solder connections.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nano-carbon heater is a carbon nanotube heater.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nano-carbon heater is a graphene heater.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nano-carbon heater is a graphene nanoribbon heater.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pre-preg layer comprises a plurality of glass fibers.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pre-preg layer seals one or more edges of the bus bar.9. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the bus bar is perforated.10. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the conductive adhesive is thermally resistant.11. A method of making a heating assembly claim 1 , the method comprising:perforating a portion of a bus bar;treating the bus bar with a coupling agent;applying a conductive adhesive to the bus bar, wherein the coupling agent forms covalent bonds between the bus bar and the conductive adhesive;attaching a nano-carbon heater to the bus bar with the conductive adhesive;attaching a pre-preg glass fabric to the bus bar; andcuring the bus bar and heater such that the bus bar is ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084612A1

A nano alumina fabric protects heaters used for de-icing aircraft or other vehicles. This allows heaters to withstand mechanical foreign object damage (FOD), is environmentally safe, and is a cost-efficient alternative to other protection fabrics. 1. A heating assembly comprising:a nano alumina fabric;a first adhesive;a heating element, wherein the nano alumina fabric is attached to the heating element by the first adhesive;a second adhesive; anda glass pre-preg fabric, wherein the glass pre-preg fabric is attached to the heating element by the second adhesive on a side of the heating element opposite the nano alumina fabric.2. The assembly of and further comprising a skin claim 1 , wherein the skin is attached to the nano alumina fabric by a third adhesive.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a metal claim 2 , an alloy claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon pre-preg fabric.5. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube pre-preg fabric.6. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube filled film.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a nano-carbon heater.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a resistive heating element.9. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nano alumina fabric is impregnated with a polymer resin selected from the group consisting of an epoxy claim 1 , a phenolic polymer claim 1 , a bismaleimide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising one or more additional layers.11. The assembly of claim 10 , wherein the one or more additional layers comprise pre-preg fabrics.12. A method for making a heating assembly claim 10 , the method comprising:bonding a nano alumina fabric to a heating element with a first adhesive;bonding the heating element to a glass pre-preg fabric with a second adhesive; ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084613A1

Disclosed is the use of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) fabric as a skin for protection of nano-carbon heaters used for de-icing aircrafts or other vehicles. This allows the heaters to be resistant to hail, bird, and other mechanical striking damages, and can be applied to parts of aircraft that require acoustic protection. 1. A heating assembly comprising:a boron nitride nanotube fabric;a first adhesive;a heating element, wherein the boron nitride nanotube fabric is attached to the heating element by the first adhesive;a second adhesive; anda glass pre-preg fabric, wherein the glass pre-preg fabric is attached to the heating element by the second adhesive on a side of the heating element opposite the boron nitride nanotube fabric.2. The assembly of and further comprising a skin claim 1 , wherein the skin is attached to the boron nitride nanotube fabric by a third adhesive.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a metal claim 2 , an alloy claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon pre-preg fabric.5. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube pre-preg fabric.6. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin comprises a carbon nanotube filled film.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a nano-carbon heater.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a resistive heating element.9. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the boron nitride nanotube fabric is impregnated with a polymer selected from the group consisting of an epoxy claim 1 , a phenolic polymer claim 1 , a bismaleimide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising one or more additional layers11. The assembly of claim 10 , wherein the one or more additional layers comprise pre-preg fabrics.12. A method for making a heating assembly claim 10 , the method comprising:bonding a boron nitride ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170086513A1

One variation of a method for fabricating a garment includes: applying a first mask to a first side of a fabric substrate coated with a conductive material; applying a second mask—mirrored image of the first mask—to a second side of the fabric substrate opposite the first side; applying an etchant to the fabric substrate to remove conductive material outside of the first mask; arranging a conductive interface pad of a component carrier over an electrode defined by remaining conductive material on the fabric substrate, the component carrier including a flexible substrate and a rigid electrical component mounted to the flexible substrate, the conductive interface pad extending from a terminal of the rigid electrical component across a region of the flexible substrate; mechanically fastening the component carrier to the fabric substrate to form a garment insert including an electrical circuit; and incorporating the garment insert into the garment. 1. A method for fabricating a garment comprising:applying a first mask to a first side of a fabric substrate coated with a conductive material;applying a second mask to a second side of the fabric substrate opposite the first side, the second mask comprising a mirrored image of the first mask;applying an etchant to the fabric substrate to remove conductive material outside of the first mask;arranging a conductive interface pad of a component carrier over an electrode defined by remaining conductive material on the fabric substrate, the component carrier comprising a flexible substrate and a rigid electrical component mounted to the flexible substrate, the conductive interface pad extending from a terminal of the rigid electrical component across a region of the flexible substrate;mechanically fastening the component carrier to the fabric substrate to form a garment insert comprising an electrical circuit; andincorporating the garment insert into the garment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a non- ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210092801A1

A cooktop includes a base and an electrically conductive coating applied to the lower surface of the base. The coating is composed of a paint containing electrically conductive particles dispersed in a silicone or polyester-silicone or epoxy-silicone resin. The conductive particles are selected from the group consisting of multi-wall or single-wall carbon nanotubes, graphene, copper metallic particles, nickel metallic particles, or combinations thereof. 111-. (canceled)12. A cooktop comprising:a base having an upper surface and a lower surface;an electric power supply for supplying an electrically conductive coating with electric current; andan electrically conductive coating applied to said lower surface and operationally connected to said electric power supply;wherein said coating includes a paint containing electrically conductive particles, dispersed in a silicone or polyester-silicone or epoxy-silicone resin, wherein said conductive particles are selected from the group consisting of multi-wall carbon nanotubes, single-wall carbon nanotubes, graphene, copper metallic particles, nickel metallic particles, or combinations thereof;wherein the paint has a surface electrical conductivity between 5-1000 106 /sq so that, when the coating is supplied with electric current, the coating is heated by the Joule effect and the upper surface of the base is heated by conduction.13. A cooktop according to claim 12 , wherein the base is made of glass-ceramic.14. A cooktop according to claim 12 , wherein the paint contains carbon nanotubes in an amount of 0.1% to 20% by weight.15. A cooktop according to claim 12 , wherein the paint contains metallic particles in an amount of 0.1% to 40% by weight.16. A cooktop according to claim 12 , wherein the paint contains dispersants comprising surfactants claim 12 , gum arabic claim 12 , or serinol pyrrole claim 12 , to prevent or limit the agglomeration of the particles.17. A cooktop according to claim 12 , wherein said base has an upper ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180092402A1

A method for manufacturing an atomizing unit, comprises a step A of forming an oxide film on a surface of a heating element forming a part of an atomizing unit that atomizes an aerosol source, by supplying electric power to the heating element, in a state where the heating element is processed into a heater shape. 1. A method for manufacturing an atomizing unit , comprising the steps of:a step A of forming an oxide film on a surface of a heating element forming a part of an atomizing unit that atomizes an aerosol source, by supplying electric power to the heating element, in a state where the heating element is processed into a heater shape.2. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the step A is performed in a state where the heating element is neither in contact with nor close to the aerosol source.3. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:a step B of bringing a liquid holding member into contact with or close to the heating element, the liquid holding member being a member to hold the aerosol source, whereinthe step A is performed in a state where the liquid holding member is in contact with or close to the heating element.4. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 3 , wherein the step A is performed in a state where the liquid holding member is in contact with a reservoir that is a member to store the aerosol source.5. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 4 , wherein the step A is performed before the aerosol source is filled in the reservoir.6. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 3 , wherein the liquid holding member has a heat conductivity of 100 W/(m·K) or less.7. The method for manufacturing the atomizing unit according to claim 3 , wherein:the liquid holding member is made of a material having flexibility; andthe heater shape is a shape of the heating element wound ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing sheet heating element, fixing device, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20140178114A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A method for manufacturing a sheet heating element includes preparing a sheet member containing a metal or alloy, and performing anodic oxidizing treatment on the sheet member until only a surface layer of the sheet member is oxidized while a center portion thereof is not oxidized.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092951A1

A heater system includes a substrate, a layered heater having a resistive layer formed on the substrate by a layered process, the resistive layer having sufficient temperature coefficient of resistance characteristics such that the resistive layer is a heater element and a temperature sensor. A single set of electrical leads having two electrical lead wires provides power to the resistive layer and receives a signal indicative of a temperature of the resistive layer. A two-wire controller includes a power controller, and the two-wire controller is configured to receive the signal indicative of the temperature of the resistive layer, determine the temperature of the resistive layer, and control temperature of the heater system. 1. An apparatus comprising:a resistive layer formed by a layered process selected from the group consisting of thick film, thin film, thermal spray, and sol-gel;a two-wire controller comprising a power controller; anda single set of electrical leads consisting of only two electrical lead wires connecting the resistive layer to the two-wire controller,wherein the resistive layer has sufficient temperature coefficient of resistance characteristics such that the resistive layer is a heater element and a sensor, and the resistive layer is in communication with the two-wire controller through the single set of electrical leads, wherein temperature information of the layered heater is provided on command from the resistive layer to the two-wire controller through the single set of electrical leads and the power controller supplies a power directly to the resistive layer to control the temperature of the resistive layer through the single set of electrical leads, wherein the two wire controller includes only a single set of electrical leads consisting of only two electrical lead wires connecting the two wire controller to the resistive layer.2. The heater system of claim 1 , wherein the layered process is selected from the group consisting of thick ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100072A1

Disclosed is a ceramic heater and a ceramic plate for a ceramic heater, wherein, in order to prevent crack development at a ceramic surface around an electrode part and thereby improve durability, the end of a support part for an electrode rod is spaced apart from the ceramic surface opposite thereto, and a space for placing a filler mass is provided around the end of the support part for the electrode rod, whereby force or stress applied to the ceramic surface due to the expansion of the support part or by the filler mass is removed. 1. A ceramic heater comprising:a ceramic plate including an embedded heating element, a thread formed on at least one part of an inner circumferential surface of an opening portion, and a connector electrically connected to the heating element and embedded to be partially exposed from a bottom surface of the opening portion; anda support eyelet fastened through the thread and coupled to an electrode rod,wherein a concave portion is formed to be recessed inward from an inner circumferential surface of the opening portion at an end adjacent to the bottom surface.2. The ceramic heater of claim 1 , wherein the support eyelet is fastened through the thread so that an end of the support eyelet is spaced apart from the bottom surface of the opening portion by a predetermined distance.3. A ceramic plate comprising:a thread formed on a part of an inner circumferential surface of an opening portion and configured to fasten a support eyelet coupled to an electrode rod;a connector electrically connected to an embedded heating element and embedded to be partially exposed from a bottom surface of the opening portion; anda concave portion formed to be recessed inward from the inner circumferential surface of the opening portion at an end adjacent to the bottom surface.4. The ceramic plate of claim 3 , wherein the concave portion is configured to accommodate a filler mass produced at the time of brazing an end surface of the electrode rod and the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Fluid heating device and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20200094654A1
Принадлежит: Webasto SE

A method for producing an electrical fluid heater, in particular an air heater for a motor vehicle, including at least one fluid guiding channel for the fluid to be guided through, wherein at least one conductive polymer structure containing a polymer component and a conductive component, in particular carbon component, is coated, in particular cohesively, with at least one metallic layer.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098702A1

A method of making a carbon allotrope heater element for ice protection includes imparting the heater element with a wetting layer, adding a metallic element, which is melted and wets the wetting layer such that a bus bar attachment is made on at least a portion of the carbon allotrope heater element. 1. A method of making a conformal electrical connection on a carbon allotrope heater element comprising:applying a wetting agent to a portion of the carbon allotrope heater element to create a wetting layer;introducing a metallic material onto the portion of the carbon allotrope heater element with the wetting layer; andmelting the metallic material such that it wets the portion of the carbon allotrope heater element with the wetting layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon allotrope heater element is comprised of a material selected from the group consisting of carbon nanotubes claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , graphene nanoribbons claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , boron nitride nanotubes claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heat treating the wetting layer on the carbon allotrope heating element.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein heat treating the wetting layer claim 3 , introducing the metallic material claim 3 , and melting the metallic material are done simultaneously.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein introducing a metallic material is done by slurry claim 1 , vapor claim 1 , or direct writing methods.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent is selected from the group consisting of carbides claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , elemental or alloyed metallic chemistries and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic material is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , copper alloys claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , aluminum alloys claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , nickel alloys claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , platinum alloys claim 1 , silver claim 1 , silver alloys claim 1 , ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098706A1

The present specification relates to an ink composition, a cured pattern prepared using an ink composition, a heating element including a cured pattern, and a method for manufacturing a heating element. 1. An ink composition comprising:an aromatic epoxy resin;a thermal acid generator; andan organic dye.2. The ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the aromatic epoxy resin has an epoxy equivalent of 150 g/eq or more and 500 g/eq or less.3. The ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the aromatic epoxy resin includes at least one of epoxy group-substituted ortho cresol novolac claim 1 , epoxy group-substituted phenol novolac claim 1 , epoxy group-substituted bisphenol A novolac claim 1 , epoxy group-substituted bisphenol A claim 1 , epoxy group-substituted bisphenol F and epoxy group-substituted bisphenol S.4. The ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermal acid generator has an acid generating temperature of 90° C. or more and 120° C. or less.5. The ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the organic dye includes at least one of an anilino azo-based dye claim 1 , a pyridone azo-based dye claim 1 , a pyrazole azo-based dye claim 1 , a triphenylmethane-based dye claim 1 , a phthalocyanine-based dye claim 1 , an anthraquinone-based dye claim 1 , an anthrapyridone-based dye claim 1 , an oxonol-based dye claim 1 , a benzylidene dye and a xanthene dye.6. The ink composition of claim 1 , wherein the organic dye includes at least one of Color Index Solvent Black 27 claim 1 , Color Index Solvent Black 28 claim 1 , Color Index Solvent Black 29 claim 1 , Color Index Solvent Blue 67 claim 1 , Color Index Solvent Blue 70 and Color Index Solvent Blue 136.7. The ink composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of:a surfactant;an adhesion promotor;a curing agent; anda solvent.8. The ink composition of claim 7 , wherein the solvent includes two or more solvents having different boiling points.9. The ink composition of claim 7 , wherein the solvent includes one or more low ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120777A1
Автор: Gustafson JR Bighorn

An electric heating mat system including at least two layers of heat conductive material forming a mat, electrical wiring positioned between the layers of heat conductive material, a thermostat and thermostat-gauge for maintaining and controlling a temperature of the electrical heating system, a fastening assembly including at least one tie-strap and a receiving-member, and a power cord. The electrical wiring generates heat via passing electric current through the electrical wiring to spread the heat through the at least two layers of the heat conductive material to provide a heated surface. The mat provides a heated, sanitary sleeping area for animals. 1. An electric heating mat system comprising:at least two layers of heat conductive material forming a mat;electrical wiring positioned between said layers of heat conductive material, wherein said electrical wiring generates heat via passing electric current through said electrical wiring to spread said heat through said at least two layers of said heat conductive material;a thermostat and thermostat-gauge for maintaining and controlling a temperature of said electrical heating system;a fastening assembly including at least one tie-strap and a receiving-member; anda power cord.2. The electric heating mat system of claim 1 , wherein said electrical wiring is present throughout said layers of said heat conductive material.3. The electric heating mat system of claim 1 , wherein said electrical wiring is configured in a circular configuration.4. The electric heating mat system of claim 1 , wherein said electrical wiring is present in a middle layer of the electrical heating system.5. The electric heating mat system of claim 1 , wherein said power cord extends out of the electrical heating system and is configured to connect to a power source.6. The electric heating mat system of claim 5 , wherein said power source is an AC wall socket.7. The electric heating mat system of claim 5 , wherein said power cord extending from ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200100367A1

An illustrative example method of making a sensor device including a cover covering at least one of an emitter and a detector includes establishing a heater on the cover by depositing a fluid comprising an electrically conductive material onto a portion of the cover and curing the deposited electrically conductive material. 1. A method of making a sensor device including a cover covering at least one of an emitter and a detector , the method comprisingestablishing a heater on the cover bydepositing a fluid comprising an electrically conductive material onto a portion of the cover andcuring the deposited electrically conductive material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cover has an interior surface facing the at least one of the emitter and detector and the method comprises depositing the fluid comprising the electrically conductive material onto the interior surface.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises screen printing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises robotically controlling a flow of the fluid and a pattern of the fluid on the portion of the cover.5. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe cover comprises a plurality of layers; andthe portion of the cover comprises one of the layers.6. The method of claim 5 , whereinone of the layers comprises glass or polycarbonate;another one of the layers comprises a thin film substrate; andthe method comprises depositing the fluid onto the thin film substrate and adhesively securing the thin film substrate to the one of the layers.7. The method of claim 5 , whereinthe plurality of layers comprises two layers that comprise glass or polycarbonate; depositing the fluid onto a surface of one of the two layers,', 'positioning the surface of the one of the two layers to face toward another of the two layers, and', 'laminating the two layers together with the heater between the two layers., 'the method comprises'}8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the curing comprises heating the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121857A1

The invention relates to a structured catalyst for catalyzing steam methane reforming reaction in a given temperature range T upon bringing a hydrocarbon feed gas into contact with the structured catalyst. The structured catalyst comprises a macroscopic structure, which comprises an electrically conductive material and supports a ceramic coating. The macroscopic structure has been manufactured by 3D printing or extrusion and subsequent sintering, wherein the macroscopic structure and the ceramic coating have been sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere in order to form chemical bonds between the ceramic coating and the macroscopic structure. The ceramic coating supports catalytically active material arranged to catalyze the steam methane reforming reaction, wherein the macroscopic structure is arranged to conduct an electrical current to supply an energy flux to the steam methane reforming reaction. The invention moreover relates to methods of manufacturing the structured catalyst and a system using the structured catalyst. 1. A structured catalyst for catalyzing steam methane reforming reaction in a given temperature range T upon bringing a hydrocarbon feed gas into contact with said structured catalyst , said structured catalyst comprising a macroscopic structure , said macroscopic structure comprising an electrically conductive material , said macroscopic structure having a resistivity between 10Ω-m and 10Ω-m in the given temperature range T , and said macroscopic structure supporting a ceramic coating , wherein the macroscopic structure has been manufactured by extrusion or 3D printing and by subsequent sintering , wherein said macroscopic structure and said ceramic coating have been sintered in an oxidizing atmosphere in order to form chemical bonds between said ceramic coating and said macroscopic structure , wherein said ceramic coating supports catalytically active material , said catalytically active material being arranged to catalyze the steam methane ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121968A1
Автор: Farreyrol Olivier

A method of producing a vehicle glass assembly includes (A) providing a harness including a metal wire, a connector at a terminal of the metal wire, including a flat portion made of a metal plate, and a block of lead-free solder, containing tin as a major component, soldered on the flat portion of the connector; (B) providing a glass substrate layer over which a conductive layer, including an electrically conductive wire pattern and a connecting terminal, is formed; (C) sandwiching the block between the flat portion of the connector and the connecting terminal of the conductive layer, and then melting the block to form a solder connection between the connector and the connecting terminal; wherein the amount of the lead-free solder is between 4 mg and 13 mg. 1. A method of producing a vehicle glass assembly , comprising:(A) providing a harness comprisinga metal wire,a connector at a terminal of the metal wire, comprising a flat portion made of a metal plate, anda block of lead-free solder. containing tin as a major component, soldered on the flat portion of the connector;(B) providing a glass substrate layer over which a conductive layer, comprising an electrically conductive wire pattern and a connecting terminal, is formed;(C) sandwiching the block between the flat portion of the connector and the connecting terminal of the conductive layer, and then melting the block to form a lead-free solder layer by a solder connection between the connector and the connecting terminal;wherein the amount of the lead-free solder is between 4 mg and 13 mg,wherein the block on the flat portion is away from all edges of the flat portions,wherein all lead-free solder is disposed between the flat portion and the connecting terminal in the solder connection.2. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the lead-free solder is between 4.5 mg and 10 mg.3. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the area of the flat portion is between 10 mmand 15 mm.4. ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220174788A1
Автор: Hara Tomohiro, UNNO Yutaka
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A ceramic heater includes a disc-shaped ceramic plate having a wafer placement surface, and a shaft provided on a surface on an opposite side of the wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate. First and second resistance heating elements are embedded inside the ceramic plate. When the ceramic plate is viewed from above, the gap (first gap) between first turn-back sections which face each other in a circumferential direction, and the gap (second gap) between second turn-back sections which face each other in a circumferential direction are arranged so as not to overlap. 1. A ceramic heater comprising:a disc-shaped ceramic plate having a wafer placement surface;a shaft provided on a surface on an opposite side of the wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate;a first resistance heating element which is embedded in a first plane parallel to the wafer placement surface and inside the ceramic plate, and has a shape in a one-stroke pattern from one of a pair of first terminals provided in a region surrounded by the shaft to the other first terminal with turned back at multiple first turn-back sections; anda second resistance heating element which is embedded in a second plane different from the first plane, parallel to the wafer placement surface and inside the ceramic plate, and has a shape in a one-stroke pattern from one of a pair of second terminals provided in the region surrounded by the shaft to the other second terminal with turned back at multiple second turn-back sections,wherein when the ceramic plate is viewed from above, gaps each between two of the first turn-back sections which face each other in a circumferential direction and gaps each between two of the second turn-back sections which face each other in a circumferential direction are arranged so as not to overlap.2. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the ceramic plate is divided into an inner zone and an outer zone by a boundary which is a concentric circle of the ceramic plate,one of ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Aerosol generation device and heating assembly thereof

Номер: US20220175045A1
Автор: Pei Li, Zhenlong JIANG
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Smoore Technology Ltd

The present disclosure relates to an aerosol generation device and a heating assembly thereof. The heating assembly includes an electrically conductive external tube, an electrical resistance circuit disposed in the external tube and having an electrode electrically connected with the external tube, a first electrode lead wire in electrical connection with the external tube, and a second electrode lead wire in electrical connection with an opposite electrode of the electrical resistance circuit. The external tube is electrically conductive, and electrode lead wires that are needed for the electrical resistance circuit and the temperature detection circuit are led out via the external tube. Such a structural configuration can help to reduce the number of electrode lead wires needed for the heating assembly and to increase the distance among each of the electrode lead wires.

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Electronic Cigarette and Atomizing Assembly and Atomizing Element Thereof

Номер: US20170112193A1

An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette is provided, which includes: a porous body comprising an atomizing surface and a liquid absorbing surface; and a porous heating film formed on the atomizing surface. An electronic cigarette and an atomizing assembly including the same are also provided. 1. An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette , comprising:a porous body comprising an atomizing surface and a liquid absorbing surface, the porous body having a first opening that is contained within the body and that extends through the body; anda porous heating film deposited on the atomizing surface, the porous heating film having a second opening that is aligned with the first opening in the porous body;the porous body is provided with a plurality of micropores with a diameter of about 1 μm to about 100 μm;the diameter of the plurality of micropores on the porous body is greater than a thickness of the porous heating film.2. (canceled)3. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein a sum volume of the micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm is more than 60% of a sum volume of total micropores.4. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a porosity of about 30% to about 83%.5. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous heating film is made of metal; the porous heating film has a thickness of about 0.5 μm to about 1.5 μm; the porous heating film is provided with a plurality of micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm.6. The atomizing element according to claim 5 , wherein the porous heating film is made of one selected from the group consisting of titanium claim 5 , nickel claim 5 , and nickel-chromium; the thickness of the porous heating film ranges from about 0.8 μm to about 1 μm.7. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous heating film is formed on the porous body by vapor deposition.8. (canceled)9. The atomizing element according to claim 1 ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210127457A1

This invention provides improved printed heaters to heat a variety of articles. The improvement comprises replacing the single large area resistive material layer with columns of a number of small patches of resistive material or of continuous resistive material, i.e., replacing the single large area heater with a number of smaller individual heaters. Printing of the resistive material is facilitated since the area of each resistive material patch is greatly reduced. In addition, some embodiments enable the opportunity to provide a breathable heater for use in wearable garments. 17-. (canceled)8. An article containing a printed heater , the heater comprising:a) a substrate;b) two printed bus bars; andc) an array of printed columns of resistive material between the two bus bars with a separation between adjacent columns, wherein the columns of resistive material overlap and are in electrical contact with each bus bar and wherein the bus bars can be printed onto the substrate before or after the resistive material columns.9. The article of claim 8 , wherein each individual resistive material column has a width W and an effective length L claim 8 , each resistive material column has essentially the same sheet resistance R claim 8 , and wherein there are N columns.10. The article of claim 8 , wherein the printed bus bars are silverbus bars and the printed resistive material is carbon.11. The article of claim 8 , wherein the article is a wearable garment.12. The article of claim 11 , wherein the heater is permeable.13. The article of claim 8 , wherein the article is a seat.14. The article of claim 8 , wherein the article is a part of an electric automobile.15. An article containing a printed heater claim 8 , the heater comprising:a) a substrate;b) two printed bus bars;c) an array of printed columns of resistive material between the two bus bars with a separation between adjacent columns, wherein the columns of resistive material overlap and are in electrical contact with ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200107406A1

A transparent planar heating film is provided. The transparent planar heating film includes a transparent electrode, metal nanoparticles applied to the upper surface of the transparent electrode, and a transparent adhesive film attached to the upper surface of the metal nanoparticles. The heating temperature of the transparent planar heating film is a maximum of at least two times higher at the same power consumption than that of conventional planar heating films. In the transparent planar heating film, the metal nanoparticle film is bonded to a desired location on the surface of the transparent electrode, enabling selective heating. Also provided is a method for manufacturing the transparent planar heating film. 1. A transparent planar heating film comprising a transparent electrode , metal nanoparticles transferred to the upper surface of the transparent electrode , and a transparent adhesive film attached to the upper surface of the metal nanoparticles.2. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent electrode is made of a material selected from the group consisting of indium tin oxide (ITO) claim 1 , zinc oxide (ZnO) claim 1 , fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) claim 1 , and aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO).3. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles are nanoparticles of a metal selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , W claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , and alloys thereof.4. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles have an average diameter of 3 to 500 nm.5. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent adhesive film is made of at least one material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112054A1

A heater assembly includes both a carbon allotrope heating element for ice protection and a metallic carrier material for lightning strike damaged protection. The carbon allotrope heating element is formed on the metallic carrier material to create an integrated heating and lighting protection assembly. 1. A heater assembly extending a thickness from a bond side to a breeze side comprising:a carbon allotrope heating element; anda carrier material capable of preventing lightning strike damage attached to the carbon allotrope heating material opposite the bond side.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first electrical isolation material on the bond side attached to the carbon allotrope heater opposite the carrier material.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first electrical isolation material is bonded to the carbon allotrope heater by an adhesive.4. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second electrical isolation material on the breeze side attached to the carrier material opposite the carbon allotrope heater.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the second electrical isolation material comprises a pre-impregnated material.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carbon allotrope heating element is made from a material selected from the group consisting of carbon nanotubes claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , graphene nanoribbons claim 1 , and graphite.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carbon allotrope heating element is a film claim 1 , sheet claim 1 , curved sheet claim 1 , or three dimensional shape.8. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is a mesh.9. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , copper alloys claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , aluminum alloys claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carbon allotrope heating element is bonded to the carrier material with an adhesive.11. A method of making a heater assembly ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220183114A1

A panel includes a substrate and an electro-thermal layer disposed on the substrate. A thermally conductive and electrically insulating top layer is disposed on the electro-thermal layer. The top layer, electro-thermal layer, and substrate can all be printed layers. The electro-thermal layer can be a first electro-thermal layer and the top layer can be a first top layer, wherein at least one additional electro-thermal layer and at least one additional top layer are disposed on the first top layer, wherein the additional electro-thermal and top layers are disposed in an alternating order. 1. A panel comprising:a substrate;an electro-thermal layer disposed on the substrate; anda thermally conductive and electrically insulating top layer disposed on the electro-thermal layer.2. A panel as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top layer seals the electro-thermal layer.3. A panel as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top layer includes at least one of diamond claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , silicon carbide claim 1 , and/or an oxide based on vanadium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , and/or zinc.4. A panel as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top layer is printed on the electro-thermal layer and/or on the substrate.5. A method of forming a panel comprising:printing an electro-thermal layer onto a substrate; andprinting a top layer onto the electro-thermal layer and/or onto the substrate, wherein the top layer has a higher thermal conductivity and a lower electrical conductivity than the electro-thermal layer.6. A method as recited in claim 5 , further comprising printing the substrate onto a base substrate. This is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/340,272 filed Nov. 1, 2016, the content of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.1. Field of the InventionThe present disclosure relates to heating panels, and more particularly to multilayered deicing/heating floor panels such as used ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Electric heater and electric heating apparatus having same

Номер: US20200113378A1
Автор: Misun Song

An electric heater includes a substrate, a first outer pattern part disposed on one surface of the substrate and to connect with a pair of first electrodes, a second outer pattern part to connect with the pair of first electrodes in parallel with the first outer pattern part and to be spaced apart from the first outer pattern part, and an inner pattern part disposed on one surface of the substrate so as to be located such that the first outer pattern part and the second outer pattern part surround the inner pattern part, to be spaced apart from the first outer pattern part and the second outer pattern part, and to connect with a pair of second electrodes spaced apart from the pair of first electrodes.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266659A1

A heater () for heating a heat transfer medium, especially in a vehicle, with at least one heating element () built up with PTC material with a plurality of heat transfer medium flow ducts () passing through the heating element (). 1. A heater for heating a heat transfer medium , the heater comprising:a heating element formed with PTC material; anda plurality of heat transfer medium flow ducts passing through the heating element.2. The heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer medium flow ducts extend in the heating element essentially parallel to one another between an incoming flow end face and an outflow end face.3. The heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:at least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional geometry which essentially does not change in a flow duct longitudinal direction; orat least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional dimension essentially not changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction; orat least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional geometry which essentially does not change in a flow duct longitudinal direction and has a cross-sectional dimension essentially not changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction.4. The heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:at least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional geometry changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction; orat least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional dimension changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction; orat least one of the heat transfer medium flow ducts has a cross-sectional geometry changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction and has a cross-sectional dimension changing in a flow duct longitudinal direction.5. The heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:at least two of the heat transfer medium flow ducts are defined by a flow duct partition of the heating element, which partition separates the at least two of ...
