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22-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2620000C2
Принадлежит: Э РЕЙМОНД ЭТ СИЕ (FR)

Изобретение относится к разматывающему крючку и вязальному аппарату для подвязки и выращиванию растений. Разматывающийся крючок для веревки, предназначенной для направления роста вьющихся растений, включает по крайней мере один крючок, предназначенный для навешивания на опорный кабель, и по крайней мере одну разматывающуюся катушку, предназначенную для приема веревки из мотка. Крючок выполнен из гибкой проволоки и имеет первый желоб, в который входит кабель, а разматывающаяся катушка снабжена вторым желобом, в котором моток веревки наматывается на первый желоб. Первый желоб расположен практически перпендикулярно второму желобу для обеспечения выталкивания кабелем при навешивании на него крюка мотка веревки из разматывающейся катушки. При таком выполнении разматывающего крючка и вязального аппарата для выращивания упрощается и ускоряется процесс их установки. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

16-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU6970U1

... 1. Устройство для закрепления растений, содержащее скобу с фиксаторами на концах и расположенный диаметрально противоположно фиксаторам элемент для крепления к опоре, отличающееся тем, что элемент для крепления к опоре выполнен в виде по крайней мере двух соединенных друг с другом пластин с крепежными выступами на их внутренней рабочей поверхности, пластины выполнены с возможностью поворота относительно оси, образованной их плоскостью соединения, при этом скоба, фиксаторы и пластины выполнены из эластичного материала.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выступы пластин расположены в шахматном порядке относительно друг друга на каждой пластине и относительно каждой пластины.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что фиксаторы выполнены в виде защелки.

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU130784U1

... 1. Опора для растений содержит платформу с размещенной на ней как минимум одной втулкой с резьбовым соединением, и/или как минимум одним штекерным соединением, и/или как минимум одним штекерным винтом, или отверстиями для закрепления втулки, или штекера, или штанги, или винтов.2. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что платформа имеет соединительный элемент с емкостью для посадки растений.3. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что во втулке, винте или штекере выполнены отверстия для полива.4. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что втулка, винт или штекер имеет произвольные длину и диаметр.5. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что штанга выполнена в виде трубки и имеет боковые отверстия, и/или выступы, и/или держатели.6. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что штанга выполнена телескопической или наборной.7. Опора для растений по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что платформа для растений имеет полость.

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU129756U1

Элемент для сборки вертикальных шпалервыполненный в виде плоской проволочной металлической конструкции с внешней границей в форме прямоугольника.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691438C2
Принадлежит: А. РАЙМОН Э КОМПАНИ (FR)

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства, а более конкретно к поддерживающей растение скобе для поддержки стеблей растений, в частности стеблей растений, несущих тяжелые овощи, например растения томатов. Поддерживающая растение скоба содержит центральный несущий элемент. Скоба дополнительно содержит первый крюкообразный элемент и второй крюкообразный элемент, продолжающиеся от центрального несущего элемента в различных направлениях. Первый крюкообразный элемент и второй крюкообразный элемент имеют свободный конец. Свободный конец вместе с центральным несущим элементом образует проход для размещения стеблей растения в соответствующем крюкообразном элементе. Центральный несущий элемент содержит опорную область, выполненную с возможностью упора в пересечение стеблей. При таком выполнении обеспечиваются низкие затраты производства, упрощается установка устройства на растении, снижается повреждаемость стеблей растений, обеспечивается надежность фиксации устройства на растении. 14 ...

27-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2159538C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для сельскохозяйственного производства, садово-паркового и приусадебного озеленения, а также комнатного цветоводства и озеленения. Вертикальная составляющая шпалеры выполнена из двух гибких нитей, соединенных между собой жесткими горизонтальными стержнями в форме веревочной лесенки, подвешенной к натянутой проволоке. Крепление растений к шпалере производится эффективным устройством для крепления по свидетельству на полезную модель 361. Изобретение способствует уменьшению трудоемкости шпалерного выращивания растений, упрощению выращивания растений при использовании шпалеры в качестве опоры и улучшению условий труда. 7 ил.

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Катушка для приспускания тепличных растений

Номер: RU195295U1

Полезная модель относится к вспомогательному технологическому оборудованию для использования в теплицах общего и промышленного значения и предназначена для подвязки растений.Сущность полезной модели: катушка для приспускания тепличных растений для установки на проволочном кронштейне, подвешиваемом на шпалеру, выполненная из пластика и имеющая на одной из своих боковых стенок радиальный выступ для стопорения вращения относительно проволочного кронштейна за счёт контакта с пружинящим фиксирующим рычагом этого кронштейна на боковой стенке, на которой выполнен дополнительный выступ для стопорения вращения. Намоточный стержень может быть выполнен в виде детали с Z-образным поперечным сечением и поперечными рёбрами жёсткости. Всю катушку целесообразно изготавливать из светостабилизированного пластика.2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2056729C1
Автор: Бешнов Г.В.

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства, а именно к оборудованию при выращивинии саженцев плодовых культур. Задачей, на решение которой направлено изобретение, является предохранение саженцев, выращиваемых в открытом грунте, от внешних воздействий и создание более благоприятных условий выращивания в течение первых четырех лет. Опора для выращивания саженцев содержит охранный контур в виде цилиндрической спирали и стойку. Новым в опоре является то, что охранный контур выполнен за одно целое вместе с верхним концом вертикальной стойки, нижний конец которой соединен с горизонтальной разъемной перекладиной, имеющей в середине дугообразный вырез для пропуска корневой шейки саженца. С одной частью горизонтальной перекладины шарнирно соединена накладка, имеющая в своей средней части дугобразный вырез, ориентированный противоположно упомянутому вырезу горизонтальной перекладины, другой конец которой в рабочем положении соединен с другой противоположной частью перекладины. Горизонтальная ...

10-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94018017A1
Автор: Бешнов Г.В.

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства, а именно к оборудованию при выращивании саженцев плодовых культур. Задачей, на решение которой направлено изобретение, является предохранение саженцев, выращиваемых в открытом грунте, от внешних воздействий и создание более благоприятных условий выращивания в течение первых 4-х лет. Опора для выращивания саженцев содержит охранный контур в виде цилиндрической спирали и стойку. Новым в опоре является то, что охранный контур выполнен за одно целое вместе с верхним концом вертикальной стойки, нижний конец которой соединен с горизонтальной разъемной перекладиной, имеющей в середине дугообразный вырез для пропуска корневой шейки саженца. С одной частью горизонтальной перекладины шарнирно соединена накладка, имеющая в своей средней части дугообразный вырез, ориентированный противоположно упомянутому вырезу горизонтальной перекладины, другой конец которой в рабочем положении соединен с другой противоположной частью перекладины. Горизонтальная ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2552043C1

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства. В способе омолаживают растения в продленной культуре раннего арбуза в открытом грунте за счет формирования новых побегов из спящих почек надсемядольного колена на отплодоносивших растениях арбуза. После сбора плодов раннего урожая проводят сплошную обрезку главного стебля и плетей первого порядка на длину междоузлия - 15-18 см от надсемядольного колена для стимулирования прорастания спящих почек, у которых в пазухах листьев формируются генеративные органы, дающие начало образованию завязей плодов, формирующих дополнительный урожай. Оставляют зачатки стеблей, находящиеся в зоне надсемядольного колена. Способ обеспечивает получение дополнительного урожая арбуза. 1 табл., 1 пр.

15-07-1991 дата публикации

Опора Баскакова для растений

Номер: SU1662423A1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к опорам для растений, преимущественно кустарниковым, а также может быть использовано для поддержания кроны древесных растений. Целью изобретения является расширение функциональных возможностей. Опора содержит центральную стойку 1 с прикрепленными к ней стяжками 6, удерживающими за вершины 9 стороны 10 фигуры, образующей охранный контур, состоящий из равномерных реек 11, соединенных между собой осями 12 и представляющих собой шарнирно соединенные составляющие подвижных параллелограммов, являющихся сторонами 10 охранного контура опоры. Стороны 10 охранного контура скреплены между собой конечными рейками 11 в верхней и нижней части при помощи пропущенных через них колец 8. При развитии растения происходит процесс саморегулирования поддержания ее ветвей за счет перемещения охранного контура опоры вширь и вверх. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 7 ил.

15-04-1987 дата публикации

Подпорка для растений,выращиваемых в горшках или ящиках

Номер: SU1303081A1

Изобретение относится к сельско.му хозяйству . Цель изобретения является улучшение условий роста растений нри выращивании в горшках или ящиках, а также обеспечение надежной фиксации подпорки для растений и упрощение пересадки растений из горшка в открытый грунт. В пустой горшок для выращивания растений опускают соединенное с полой стойкой 1 основание 2 со штуцерами 3. После их установки в горшок устанавливают постоянные магниты 5 так, чтобы они охватывали нижние части стойки 1 и штуцеров 3. Затем в горшок засыпают почву и высаживают растение, подвязав его к стойке 1. В процессе ухода за растением через полые стойку 1, основание 2 и штуцеры 3 подают воду и питательные растворы, которые, проходя через зазор между магнитами 5, омагничиваются и, выходя через отверстия 4, лучше усваиваются корнями растения. При пересадке растения горшок вместе с ним опрокидывают вверх дном, снимают горшок, одновременно поддерживая снизу почвенный ко.м у основания растения. Затем осторожно извлекают из почвы ...

29-08-1991 дата публикации

Supporting device for plants - is for use in plant pots and has support surface or grid with spikes sticking into soil

Номер: DE0004005409A1

The support for plants is designed to be stuck in the soil, esp. in plant pots or similar vessels. It consists of a circular, oval or polygonal frame (1) with one or more spikes (2) on one side to go into the soil. The oval or polygonal frame contains a number of wires or rods (3), crossing each other at right angles to form a grid or grating. A solid surface may be used, divided into small areas (4) by ribs. USE/ADVANTAGE - The support is inexpensive, does not damage the plants, and ensures regular trouble-free growth of the plants in a flower pot.

12-05-2005 дата публикации

Method for securing upright pole into a plant pot has a screw fitting to secure the pot onto a support base and with a threaded connection for the pole

Номер: DE202005000486U1

A method for securing an upright pole into a plant pot has a screw fitting to clamp into a bottom hole of the pot, with a male thread (1.32) and a clamping nut (1.5) to secure the fitting. The bottom flange of the fitting is secured to the support plate (1.1) by threaded fasteners (1.4). The top of the fitting has a smaller female thread into which the upright pole (1.72) is screwed. The pole can be in several sections linked by screw fittings. For tall poles stabilising arms are fitted between the pole and the inside of the pot. The design can be applied to existing plant pots.

18-03-1999 дата публикации

Befestigungsspange für Pflanzstäbe

Номер: DE0029822309U1

20-04-1995 дата публикации

Twining-aiding rope

Номер: DE0004407165C1

The invention relates to a twining-aiding rope for plants on facades or the like, in the case of which the plant-friendly jacket is fixed on a rope core, which is used for tensile strength, by a shrinkage film which, if appropriate, is additionally bonded on the outer side of the jacket and on the outer side of the rope core.

24-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007721907U1

13-12-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9013948U1

12-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009412433U1

23-10-2003 дата публикации

Schelle zur Befestigung von Pflanzenhaltestützen an einem Stab

Номер: DE0020308694U1

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Pflanzen-Haltevorrichtung für Pflanzen auf Hochstamm

Номер: DE0029615213U1

30-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000139920A3

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Anchor assistance e.g. for tree roots, has a structure having inserted on top surface of ground through which material is filled and material positively increases tree root anchoring into ground

Номер: DE0010346875A1

The anchor assistance has a structure having inserted on a top surface of the ground through which material is filled. The material positively increases tree root anchoring into the ground. The structure is made from biocompatible material and coated on a surface of the structure.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Rankhilfe für selbstkletternde und Stütze für nicht selbstkletternde Pflanzen

Номер: DE102019002045B3
Принадлежит: DAHMEN CLAUDIA, Dahmen, Claudia

... 2.2 Für die Platzierung mehrerer Pflanzen auf engstem, aber dem Bedarf der Pflanzen angepassten Raum sind erfindungsgemäß in einen auf ein Standrohr (7, 7a) gesteckten Zentrierkopf (1) radial gleichmäßig aufgeteilt mehrere Tragarme (2) eingefügt. Auf die Tragarme (2) sind bedarfsangepasst eine beliebige Anzahl Seilführungsklemmen (8) geklickt, in deren Führungsnut (8a) Seile (9) oder Seilschlaufen eingelegt sind, deren Enden parallel mit einem gleichbleibenden Zwischenraum (9b) herab hängen und an deren Enden Schlaufen (9a) ausgebildet sind, in denen Gewichte (17) mit Doppelhaken (18) eingehängt sind, so dass die herabhängenden Seile (9) gestrafft werden. In Gewindebohrungen (19a) an der Unterseite der Gewichte (17) sind Schraubstifte (19) eingeschraubt, die im Auge (20a) eines Bodenankers (20) vertikal frei gleiten und das seitliche Verschwenken der herab hängenden Seile (9) verhindern. Weil die Erfindung das typgerechte Höhenwachstum unterschiedlicher Pflanzen berücksichtigen soll, besteht ...

01-03-2001 дата публикации

Trellis for growing plants over columns comprises vertical wires fastened to column by distance pieces and horizontal support rods attached to wires by clips

Номер: DE0019940883A1

The trellis for growing plants over columns (10) comprises vertical wires (13, 13') fastened to the column by distance pieces (11, 11', 12, 12'). Horizontal support rods (14, 16, 17) are attached to the wires by clips (15). An Independent claim is included for a cable clip for use in the trellis.

01-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008111240U1

03-04-2008 дата публикации

Foldable plant cultivation aid, has upper and lower parts of rod or bar hinged connected for fold-out, fold-in action

Номер: DE102006045982A1

A plants climbing aid has a two-part or multi-part rod, bar or telescopic bar and is provided with a hinge (3) arranged between the upper part (2) of the rod or upper rod parts with the lower rod part (1) or several lower rod parts, so as to unfold or fold-in the upper rod region relative to the lower rod region.

21-12-2011 дата публикации

Support device and a method for supporting garden canes

Номер: GB0002481248A

A support device 1 suitable for supporting a garden rod or cane comprises a base 5 and a support member 3, the support member having at least one support formation arranged to receive and support the rod, wherein the support member is connected to, or is releasably connectable to, a peripheral portion of the base in a cantilevered manner such that the support formation overhangs the plane of the base, wherein the support device is open sided on the side opposite that to which the support member is connected to, or is connectable to, the base. The support member may be designed to pivot about an axis that it substantially perpendicular to the base. The device may be used with a growing bag. Also disclosed is a support device having a support member formed from an elongate body, the body having at least one support formation formed by a tortuous portion of the body. A method for supporting a rod using the aforementioned support device is also disclosed.

20-09-2017 дата публикации

Clamp device

Номер: GB0002548365A

A clamp device comprises clamp body 18 shaped to substantially encircle a part 16 to which the clamp device is to be secured, in use. The clamp body 18 defines a pair of lips 20 provided with openings 22 (see figure 2) which substantially align with one another with a threaded member 24 extending through the substantially aligned openings. First and second cable retaining features 28, 30 (see figure 2) are formed in the clamp body 18 and are positioned such that a cable 12 extending between the first and second cable retaining features 28, 30 extends in a first direction. A third cable retaining feature 32 (see figure 2) is formed in the clamp body 18 and positioned such that a cable 14 extending between the first cable retaining feature 28 and the third cable retaining feature 32 extends in a second direction angled to the first direction.

28-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001404327A

... 1404327 Plant support J J E SHEPPARD 18 Dec 1973 [2 Oct 1972] 45330/72 Heading A1E A plant support comprises a plastics tube 1 filled with liquid fertiliser which is supplied to a plant through an aperture 5, positioned either just above or just below ground. A fastening loop 6 is provided to attach the plant and a spiked plug 3 assists the insertion of the support into the ground.

04-12-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in Devices for Supporting and Carrying Climbing and other Trees and Plants.

Номер: GB0191302055A

... 2055. Parker, J. R. Jan. 25. Suspended holders for flower-pots. - Collapsible supports, holders, or hanging baskets for climbing, trailing, and other plants comprise spirals of wire, cane, &c. carried by sticks, rods, or the like. Fig. 1 shows a conical support consisting of a single spiral wire 1 connected to an axial stick 8 by cross-wires 4. The stick 8 is made in sections connected together by sockets 9, and has a pointed lower end for insertion in the soil and a reduced upper end to engage the central eye 3 of the spiral. The base coil 2 and lowest crosswire 4 are held down by pegs 14 and a crosspin 15 respectively. The conical support may consist of two or more spirals of the same or different hands. The support may be of globe, pear, umbrella, or other shape, and may be carried by one or more sticks passing through eyes or fixed to cross-wires. An appliance of inverted umbrella shape, having a central stick or wire, may constitute a banging basket, the top coil being suspended by ...

06-10-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in plant supports

Номер: GB0000716314A

... 716,314. Plant supports. HICKS, G. W. March 13, 1952 [April 17, 1951], No. 8914/51. Class 6 (2) Plant supports consist of lengths of looped wire w, Fig. 2, the lower ends of which are inserted in the ground and the upper ends are formed as hooks for engaging in loops in a looped overhead wire carried by poles supported on blocks b by wire coils a, Fig. 3, the ends of which pass through the blocks into the ground. Lengths of cord may be reeved through the loops of the upright and overhead wires.

04-07-1956 дата публикации

Adjustable supports

Номер: GB0000752211A

... An adjustable support for test-tubes and other laboratory apparatus comprises a vertical member 1 of flat strip material, the longitudinal edges of which are turned over to form inwardly - facing channels 2 which receive the ends 7 of a resilient wire-loop 4 adapted to encircle the object to be supported, the loop being releasably and verticallyadjustably retained in the channels. As shown, the lower end of the member 1 is pointed for insertion in the ground as a plant support, but it may be secured to a base. The loops may be of various shapes.

29-11-1989 дата публикации

Support arrangement

Номер: GB0002218886A

A support arrangement for an elongate article, the arrangement comprising a main support (1) and at least one article engagement or attachment device (4) which is adapted for slidable engagement with the main support (1) wherein the main support and any associated article engagement or attachment device are plastics mouldings which are initially moulded as interconnected components by means of frangible webs (6) adapted for subsequent separation by the user of the support arrangement, whereby an associated article engagement or attachment device cannot be readily lost prior to its being required for use. ...

18-03-1992 дата публикации

Plant support.

Номер: GB0002247816A

The invention concerns an assembly of a plant pot (16) and a cane (12) and methods of growing plants using such an assembly. The cane (12) has a connecting member eg. in the form of a hook (14) for releasably securing to the plant pot (16) via a cooperating member eg. a hole (24), of the pot (16). When plants are grown in such assemblies where the cane (12) is secured to the pot (16), the plant can be handled via the cane (12) without fear of the plant becoming separated from its pot (16). ...

09-08-1995 дата публикации

Frame assembly for plants in growing bags

Номер: GB0002286105A

The frame assembly for holding canes 6 to support plants raised in growing bags 5 comprises three substantially L-shaped open-ended tubular members 1, each having an upright limb 1a and a base limb 1b. The L-shaped members are disposed in parallel spaced apart relationship. A transverse bar 3 is removably attached to the upright limb 1a of the three L-shaped members. In use, a growing bag 5 is placed over the base limbs 1b, and a cane 6 is inserted into the open end of the upright limb 1a of each L-shaped member. The portion of the upright limbs 1a above a pinched-in flattened region 4 is sufficiently long to hold the canes substantially vertically and the internal constriction formed by the top part of the pinched-in region grips the end of the canes. In the embodiment of Figure 5, each L-shaped member comprises a U-shaped portion (7) providing a recess for rearward portion of growing bag. ...

24-02-1999 дата публикации

Sling for grow bag

Номер: GB0002328357A

A sling for suspending a grow bag has suspension strings/cords/wires E which can be used for supporting plants growing in the grow bag. The web A of the sling may be plastics, hessian or nylon. The sling can be hung from fences, walls or overhead beams. The suspension strings, cords or wires may be varied in length. The sling allows plants such as climbing plants to be grown in areas of limited space.

17-01-2001 дата публикации

Flexible tie

Номер: GB0002352004A

A flexible garden tie (10) has pad portions (11,12) joined by a strip portion (13). The pad (11) has studs (14) at its opposite ends and the pad (12) has openings (15) similarly distributed to accept the studs (14) as a friction fit. The tie (10) may be folded and a cane or the like engaged between the pads (11,12) or another tie may be secured end-to-end by inserting its studs (14) in the openings (15) of the first tie, or in an overlying relationship in which studs (14A) extending half way along one strip portion (13) engage openings (15A) extending half way along the other strip portion.

09-05-2001 дата публикации

Support device for a pole

Номер: GB0002355925A

A device for supporting a pole eg of an umbrella or rotary clothes line in a container 3 such as a plant pot comprises an open topped tube secured to a flat plate 2 locatable within the container, and a second flat plate 5 locatable outside the container. The two plates are secured by fasteners 6 so that the base of the container is trapped between them. In another embodiment (Figs 4-6) the lower plate has an upstanding cylindrical part (28) passing through the container and engages by interference or screw thread fitting within the bottom end of the tube, which is open. Extension arms 9 may be provided for extra stability. The tube may contain deformable elements or have a stepped structure to accommodate poles of different sizes.

04-06-2003 дата публикации

Wheeled plant support assembly

Номер: GB0002382514A

A plant-growing assembly comprises a flat base 10 to support a grow bag etc, the base being supported on ground-engaging wheels 12, and a support arrangement projecting upwards from the base at or adjacent its rear edge, for supporting plants as they grow. The support arrangement comprising horizontal lines 16 extending between upright posts 14, each line 16 having a fitting (18) at each of its ends in the form of an enlarged head which communicates with keyhole shaped recesses (15) in the upright posts 14.

01-02-2006 дата публикации

Plant support holder

Номер: GB0002416471A

The plant support holder has a base part, moveable opposed arms 9, 10 and a guide for receiving a plant support 6. The support arms each have a guide part 2,3 which align to form the guide 13 when an inwardly biassing force is applied by the user. When the user removes the forces the arms tend to their original position but are prevented from doing so by the engagement of the guide parts with the plant support. In this way the arms provide opposing forces which balance to stabilise the plant support vertically.

29-03-2006 дата публикации

Plant pot cane holder

Номер: GB0002418339A

A plant pot cane holder includes a base 4 which fits into the bottom of a pot. A number of tubular sockets 3, each with a number of supporting wings 2, are fitted to the base. Plant support canes are fitted into the sockets. The base may contain a number of holes 1 to allow for drainage, or a series of circular score marks which may be forced through to form drainage holes. To allow for the support of varying sized canes, the sockets are fitted with inwardly facing flaps 5 which engage with the surface of the canes. Alternately the canes may be fitted with rubber washers which match the internal diameter of the sockets. The holder may be produced in varying shapes to match the shape of the plant growth container in which is it to be used.

10-03-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in devices for supporting flowering or other plants

Номер: GB0000481376A

... 481,376. Treatment of growing plants. FURLEY, R. G. Sept. 23, 1936, No. 25870. [Class 6 (ii)] A device for sup porting plants com prises a branched sup port slidably mountec on an upright or stake each branch termin ating in, or being pro vided with a hook or ring, and being divided into at least two portions which are slidably connected together by a helical coil on one portion engaging the free end of the adjacent por. tion. Two branched supports 1 are shown mounted on a metal stake 2 with a ring or rings 3 below them. Each support 1 consists of two pieces of wire twisted together and terminating in upper and lower helical coils 6 embracing the stake 2. Each branch is divided into two parts 7, 8 the upper one of which ends in a hook 9 pressed through a rubber sleeve 11. This part 8 is provided with a coil or coils 10 slidably mounted on the lower part 7. The rings 3 are made by twisting wire and are each supported by two coils 6. They may be broken as shown so that they may be passed ...

12-02-1969 дата публикации

Garden trellis

Номер: GB0001142952A

... 1,142,952. Garden trellis. ZAMBA CO. Ltd. 28 April, 1967 [27 April, 1966], No. 18437/66. Heading EIX. To permit of the leading shoots of climbing plants to grow up between a lattice garden trellis and a supporting wall, members A of the trellis are deformed to provide spacer means 3, preferably U-shaped, projecting to one side of the plane of the trellis to cause the trellis to be stood off from the wall when secured against the wall.

31-08-1989 дата публикации

Support for wire or pipe

Номер: GB0002214258A

A fastener for supporting an elongate member, such as a wire rod (16), from a masonry nail (12) driven into a wall (10), comprises a thin strip of material (14) having a slotted aperture (18). The strip (e.g. of stainless steel) is bent about one side of the nail so that the rod (16) can pass from one end of the aperture under the other side of the nail and out through the other end of the aperture. Two such fasteners (16, 16a, Fig. 5) may be used in adjoining pairs but facing their respective nails (12, 12a) in opposite directions. The aperture (18) may be open on one side and may be C-shape. ...

29-09-1993 дата публикации

Plant support

Номер: GB0002265291A

The support comprises: a laminar body 11 pierced with a multiplicity of apertures 23; a stud 13 having a head portion 19 of diameter such as to preclude its passing through a said aperture 23 and a shank portion 21 of a diameter permitting penetration thereof of the said aperture 23, the shank portion projecting proud of one surface of the laminar body 11 and the head portion abutting the other laminar body surface; and a tubular member 15 upstanding from the one surface of the laminar body 11, being seated with shank portion 21 received within the lower end of the passage of the tubular member. The plant support is within a container with the laminar body adjacent the container bottom 29; growing medium 31 within the container covers laminar body 31 tending to maintain stability of the body 11 and tubular member 15. ...

23-07-1997 дата публикации

Support for pot plants

Номер: GB0002309148A

21-02-2001 дата публикации

Combination watering tube and retaining means for plant support

Номер: GB0000100811D0

08-08-2001 дата публикации

Stick support

Номер: GB0002358783A

The support comprises a circular disc 1 and a tube 2 joined to the disc. The tube is eccentrically arranged so that in use a stick placed in tube 2 can support a plant away from the center of a pot into which the device has been placed.

28-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002467262A

A clip (1) formed of a resiliently deformable material in the form of a split ring. Each end of the split ring is provided with a tab (9) and hole (10) having a ratchet mechanism (11, 12) to provide non- releasable closure. Further embodiments have a hole arrangement to allow release of the closure by twisting the ring.

17-12-2003 дата публикации

Garden spike pole holder

Номер: GB0000326587D0

19-04-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to devices for supporting plants in gardens and for analogous purposes

Номер: GB0000161708A

... 161,708. Bailey, J. J. Jan. 19, 1920. Plants, supporting; seed and plant protectors. -A device for supporting plants or for analogous purposes such as supporting nets to protect seedbeds consists of a wide flat arch a having an upstanding loop or projection c at or near the top of each upright b. Loops d may be formed in the uprights to indicate the depth to which they should be inserted in the soil. Transverse sticks may be inserted in these loops, or they may be connected by ties. The cross-piece a may be undulating and may be bent to form a horizontal bow, and it may have one or more intermediate legs such as c. Bow-shaped supports may be arranged concentrically at increasing heights. The central part may be connected to the uprights by loops to permit the device to be folded for storage. When used for supporting nets, rods or canes to which the nets are attached are placed in recesses formed in the support near the ends, or these rods may pass through loops forming the projections at ...

14-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002035027B
Принадлежит: HARA J O, O'HARA J

15-05-1985 дата публикации

Connecting together garden canes

Номер: GB0002147485A

A connector, for connecting together canes such as bean poles, has a body and a plurality of holes 2,3 arranged to resiliently grip the canes. The holes may be arranged in a circular array or in a line depending upon the application of the connector. ...

14-03-2001 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a support device

Номер: GB0000102187D0

03-05-2000 дата публикации

Apparatus for developing and supporting plants

Номер: GB0000006358D0

05-12-2018 дата публикации

Plant support

Номер: GB0002563018A

A plant support arrangement comprises two or more adjacent plant-supporting poles (16, figure 4) carrying respective removable supporting bosses 5, the bosses being held apart by an elongate link 2 connected between them. The bosses and links may comprise connector portions 7, 10 for connecting them together. The, or each elongate link may comprise at least one linking member. There may be at least two linking members which may be mutually connectable with an adjustable overlap. The linking members may each be provided with a linear array of alternating projections 12 and recesses 11 to enable the linking members to be mutually engaged. The poles may be supported upright by bases. In one embodiments the poles may project from a grow-bag. A kit of parts for a plant support arrangement is also disclosed ...

03-08-1966 дата публикации

Improvements relating to devices for training climbing plants

Номер: GB0001037886A

... 1,037,886. Plant supports. D. V. ALLEN. June 22, 1965 [June 26, 1964], No. 26638/64. Heading A1E. A support for climbing plants comprises a net 1 supported on end supports 2, 3 and at least one intermediate support 4 the end supports being braced by members 6 which as shown comprise two steel rods welded together intermediate their ends. The supports 2, 3 may be spring steel rods or rigid steel rods of T-section. The net is secured on the supports by means of wire loops 5, 7 which may incorporate springs. Alternatively springs may be provided in the top line of the net.

24-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002027323B
Принадлежит: WAVIN BV

31-07-1913 дата публикации

An Improved Support for Sweet Peas and other Flowering Plants.

Номер: GB0191218466A

... 18,466. Davie, J. Aug. 12. P l a n t s, supporting and training. - An adjustable and collapsible wire support for flowering plants comprises loosely - connected U- shaped frames rigidly held in position by hooks D connected to the centres of crosswires B. Fig. 5 shows an horizontal section of a support comprising four of the U-shaped frames, but three or a larger number may be used. The sections are held together by S- shaped wire hooks or bands C. According to the Provisional Specification, wires may be interlaced diagonally on the frames.

06-07-1916 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Plant Supports.

Номер: GB0191510237A

... 10,237. Holmes, P. J. July 14. Plants, supporting and training. - A plant support comprises horizontal lengths 4, 5 of wire, cord, or other material attached at their ends to vertical posts 1 and carrying vertical lengths of wire or cord 6, which may in part be rolled round or gathered against the top length 4. When the peas, beans, or other plants which are being supported have grown to the height of the horizontal member 4 the attachments 2 to the vertical posts are loosened and the support lowered, the lower part of the cords 6 and the plants being allowed to rest upon the ground. A second section similar to the first is attached to the posts above the first. If part of the lengths 6 is rolled round the member 4 this part is let out before the section is lowered for the addition of the second section. In the Provisional Specification, a modification is described in which one section only is used, extra lengths of vertical wires being let out when desired from a supply rolled round a ...

22-06-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in adjustable supports for growing plants

Номер: GB0000394074A

... 394,074. Treatment of growing plants. JONES, S. H., 79, Semley Road, Norbury, London. Feb. 29, 1932, No. 5966. [Class 6 (ii).] An appliance for adjustably mounting on a stake or rod for supporting plants comprises a spiral or helical coil of wire having its axis curved so that it grips the stake thrust through it. Narrow bands or rings B, B<1> may be formed at or attached to the ends of the coil A, which are out of alignment. The wire may be continued to form an eye D and a loop E for encircling a plant, the loop being closed by hooking its end C into the eye D.

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Plant-growing assembly

Номер: GB0000128814D0

03-04-1996 дата публикации

Plant support, section and assembly

Номер: GB0009602435D0

11-09-1936 дата публикации

An appliance for supporting stakes in bulb bowls, plant pots, or the like

Номер: GB0000453493A

... 453,493. Treatment of growing plants. FEARNLEY, F., Brixtone, Boothtown, Halifax. March 11, 1935, No. 7496. [Class 6 (ii)] An appliance for supporting stakes in bulb bowls, plant pots, &c. consists of a substantially circular plate or base A provided with an intermittent flange or rim and a central aperture B and having secured thereto, or formed integral therewith, one or more tubular elements D adapted to hold the stakes. The rim may be made intermittent by cutting semicircular recesses C in it. The tubular elements D may be rigid or flexible and may be arranged in vertical or slightly flared positions. They may consist of wire coils or of tubes of wire mesh, and may be tapered. The outer parts of the projecting portions of the base A may be bent down to form short legs.

22-04-1940 дата публикации

Improvements in plant supports

Номер: GB0000520361A

... 520,361. Supporting plants. HOPGOOD, J. Oct. 29, 1938, No. 31372. [Class 6 (ii)] Stakes 4 pushed into the ground for supporting plants are given additional support by a thin, narrow strip of material 1 formed with holes 3 to receive the stakes and bent into an arch shape for insertion in the ground.

08-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001587546A

21-05-1980 дата публикации

Retaining devices

Номер: GB0002033527A
Автор: Knight, Walter John

A retaining device particularly for use as a beanstick coupling device comprising a planar portion (9) having a plurality of bores (10, 11) formed therein to accommodate a respective number of rod-like members (2,3) such as beansticks, and having a lug (12) extending substantially normally to the plane of the planar portion (9) with at least one bore (13) formed therein to accommodate one or more rod-like members (1) extending substantially normally to the other rod-like members. A terminal retaining member and an intermediate retaining member are described, the terminal member (8) having three angled bores (15, 16, 17) in the planar portion and one bore (19) in the lug (18) to couple together two beansticks (5, 6) in a pair of spaced rows of beansticks, with an end beanstick (7) located intermediate the rows and a horizontal (1) extending between the rows. The intermediate retainer (4) merely couples together a pair of bean- sticks (2, 3) of adjacent rows with a horizontal beanstick (1 ...

13-09-2023 дата публикации

Garden clip having curved clamping portions

Номер: GB0002616400A

A clip or clasp having two clip elements (102, fig 1) and a central pin mechanism. Each clip element has a curved clamping part 108 with an inner concave surface 110 and an outer convex surface 114, a fingerhold part 112 extending from the outer convex surface and at least one pin bearing parts 106. The central pin mechanism comprises a pin 104 extending through at least ne pin bearing part to form an axis of rotation and a spring (116, fig 4) coaxial with and having a greater radius than the pin. The spring is configured to bias the fingerhold parts of each clip element away from each other such that the clamping parts are pressed against one another. Preferably the fingerhold parts have a textured surface 118 to provide a better grip. The textured surface may comprise ridges protrusions.

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357846T

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395818T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383069T

10-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370277B

25-09-1972 дата публикации

Supporting and retaining mechanism

Номер: AT0000301930B

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501488B1

27-12-1996 дата публикации

Device for tying plants, in particular tomatoes

Номер: AT0000401845B

The invention relates to a device for tying plants, in particular tomatoes, comprising two clamps 4 which are connected to one another by way of the openings of their helical springs 5 by a cord 6 and are fixed by knotting 7 on the outside. A stick 8 is pushed into the earth alongside the tomato plant 3, and one clamp 4 is clipped onto the tomato-plant stem 3 and the second clamp 4 is clamped onto the stick 8 at the top. ...

15-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA257184A

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Plant holding device

Номер: AT0000522222A3

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Haltevorrichtung für Pflanzen umfassend ein Haltegitter (2), wobei das Haltegitter (2) eine Mehrzahl an zueinander im Wesentlichen parallel verlaufenden Haltestegen (4) umfasst, und wobei zwischen einzelnen Haltestegen (4) spaltförmige Öffnungen (5) vorgesehen sind.

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513466T

15-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012554U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Pflanzenstütze (1), umfassend einen Stützstab (2) zum Befestigen an einer Pflanze, wobei eine Grundplatte (3) mit zumindest einer Befestigungsvorrichtung (4) zur Befestigung des Stützstabs (2) an seinem Verbindungsende (5) vorgesehen ist.

27-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003993U1

The spring clip (4) is designed to fasten a vertical rod or a plant stem to a horizontal wire (3). A first bend near the first straight end (5) of the clip is connected by a second straight portion (6) to a second bend which passes round the plant stem or rod (2). A third straight portion (10) is connected via a gentle bend to an elongated straight portion (11) leading to a curved end (13).

15-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000116797T

15-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA18081A

15-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000980476A

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000080514T

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Tree growth aid

Номер: AT0000016033U3

Zusammenfassend kann die Erfindung wie folgt beschrieben werden: Die Baumwuchshilfe besteht aus einer Stahlstange blank oder verzinkt (1) mit einem Durchmesser von 6 bis 20mm (je nach Anforderung) sowie drei oder vier gebogenen Stahlstangen blank oder verzinkt (2) mit einem Durchmesser von 6 bis 20mm (je nach Anforderung), die miteinander verschweißt sind.

15-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000025802T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000228293T

25-06-1974 дата публикации

Support for garden flowers

Номер: AT0000316191B

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169175T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178453T

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Binding tape, binding method, tape winding body and reel

Номер: AU2019305815A1

The binding tape (10) has: intermediate layers (11); and first surface layers (16) covering the intermediate layers (11) from one side. The intermediate layers (11) have multiple first linear members (12) arranged parallel to each other and at a given angle to the longitudinal direction (D1) of the binding tape (10).

17-06-2021 дата публикации

A Trellis

Номер: AU2020217364B2
Автор: BARNES PAUL, Barnes, Paul

Trellis arrangements are used for supporting fruit-bearing plants as they grow. A problem in some orchards or the like is that it can be difficult to install trellis posts in the 5 ground, in particular when the posts are relatively long and difficult to place at the correct angle. The invention discloses a trellis comprising a plurality of supports, each support comprising a shaft embedded in a ground, and at least one connector arm extending upwards at an acute angle with respect to the ground. The trellis is such that for each support, a post is sleeve-fitted to the connector arm so that the post extends 10 upwards at an acute angle but does not touch the ground; the upwardly extending posts collectively support elevated lines running between the posts; and the lines support branches of a fruit bearing plant growing along the lines. Figure 2 9 3 3 3 3 9 2 *2 2a q2a ...

25-08-1994 дата публикации

Display stakes for potted plants

Номер: AU0005523194A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Pivoting plant support system

Номер: US20120000123A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for supporting foliage or fruit on plants and bushes includes a base ring assembly. The base ring assembly includes a plurality of base ring sections that are placed around a base of a plant and which snap together around the base, or stem, of the plant. A pivot assembly supports a lower rod that is able to pivot inward toward a line extending vertically upward from a center of the plant support system or to pivot outward away from the line. The lower rod is able to be secured in the desired position. At least one leg is attached to the base ring assembly for insertion into a soil or growing medium. A preferred oval or elliptical hollow center version of the lower rod is described along with an upper rod that are used to provide an extensible variable overall length structure.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Vegetable Support Cage

Номер: US20120017502A1
Автор: Stephen Woehler
Принадлежит: Individual

A plant support structure. The plant support structure includes a cord secured to pegs on a plurality of stakes. The stakes are inserted into the ground and are typically vertically oriented. The stakes have pegs between which the cord can be secured to provide a support for a plant. Each stake has a plurality of pegs and plant support can be formed in multiple places between each stake. The stakes can be inserted into the soil in a variety of orientations depending on the application, and the stakes may include a cross-member securing two stakes together.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Garden Support System and Method

Номер: US20120186149A1
Автор: Donald D. Dray
Принадлежит: Fiberglass Innovations LLC

A garden support system according to one embodiment includes a plurality of support poles having a generally elongated pole body. At least one of the support poles has a first end that includes a tapered portion for insertion into a support medium. The system includes a plurality of alignment members for joining the support poles in a grid arrangement for supporting at least one plant. The alignment members each have a pair of channels each for receiving a corresponding support pole therein. When the alignment members and support poles are joined, the alignment members hold the support poles in place by a friction fit between the respective pole bodies and channels and permit adjustment of the grid arrangement by sliding an alignment member along a corresponding pole body.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125457A1
Автор: Pennors Jean-Marc
Принадлежит: Santik Agri Corporation

A crop hook in accordance with one embodiment of the present disclosure generally includes first and second ends, at least one of the first and second ends having a first hook, and a body portion between the first and second ends, wherein the first hook is substantially non-planar with at least a portion of the body portion. 1. A crop hook , comprising:(a) first and second ends, at least one of the first and second ends having a first hook; and(b) a body portion between the first and second ends, wherein the first hook is substantially non-planar with at least a portion of the body portion.2. The crop hook of claim 1 , wherein the body portion includes first and second twine holding portions.3. The crop hook of claim 2 , wherein the first and second twine holding portions are angled relative to each other.4. The crop hook of claim 2 , wherein the first and second twine holding portions are substantially non-planar with each other.5. The crop hook of claim 4 , wherein the angle between the plane of the first twine holding portion and the plane of the second twine holding portion is selected from the group consisting of in the range of about 70 to about 110 degrees claim 4 , in the range of about 75 to about 105 degrees claim 4 , in the range of about 80 to about 100 degrees claim 4 , and in the range of about 85 to about 95 degrees.6. The crop hook of claim 2 , wherein the first and second twine holding portions are substantially planar with each other.7. The crop hook of claim 2 , wherein the angle between the plane of the first hook and the plane of the first twine holding portion is selected from the group consisting of in the range of about 75 to about 105 degrees claim 2 , in the range of about 80 to about 100 degrees claim 2 , in the range of about 85 to about 95 degrees.8. The crop hook of claim 1 , wherein the other of the first and second ends has a second hook.9. The crop hook of claim 8 , wherein the second hook is substantially non-planar with at least a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133254A1
Автор: OBrien Sean
Принадлежит: Western Pulp Products Company

Embodiments herein provide hangers and hanging systems for molded pulp fiber hanging pots and baskets, for instance for growing and/or displaying plants. In various embodiments, these molded pulp fiber basket systems may have a lip and/or rim onto which a set of resilient clips may attach to provide support to the basket, and the rim may have a rolled, domed, wedge-shaped, triangular, or flat profile, or any other profile that allows the clips to be mounted easily and that is capable of supporting the weight of the basket in a fully-loaded state. In various embodiments, each clip may include a retaining member and a biasing member, and may also include an optional internal and/or external structural projection. Each clip may couple to or be integral with a corresponding support strand, and all of the support strands may couple to or be integral with a hook or other hanging element. 1. A molded fiber hanging basket system , wherein the system comprises:a molded fiber pulp basket having a molded pulp fiber rim member; and a hook member adapted to support the hanging basket system from above;', 'a plurality of support strands adapted to transmit the weight of the molded pulp fiber basket to the hook member; and', a retention member adapted to span the molded pulp fiber rim member of the molded pulp fiber basket, the retention member terminating in a barb adapted to grip an outside surface of the molded pulp fiber basket; and', 'an integral biasing member, wherein the integral biasing member opposes the retention member and biases the clip in a closed position., 'a corresponding plurality of one-piece resilient clip bodies adapted to couple to and support the molded pulp fiber basket via each corresponding support strand, each clip body comprising], 'a hanger comprising2. The molded fiber hanging basket system of claim 1 , wherein the clip body further comprises an integral external structural projection spanning at least a portion of an exterior surface of the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139434A1

A novel plant support system having an adjustable frame, one or more stake fasteners for removably coupling the frame to one or more stakes and one or more support members removably coupled to the frame to engage and support one or more plants. The frame includes two slidably interconnected wires capable of adjusting the dimensions of frame, and a plurality stake fasteners capable of adjusting the vertical placement of the frame along one or more stakes. Preferably, the plant support system is a compact, modular system suitable for orienting and maintaining one or more plants in an upright position. 1. A plant support system comprising: a first frame member, wherein the first frame member comprises:', 'two wires slidably positioned relative to one another to adjust the frame size, wherein each wire comprises a first end and wherein the first ends of the two wires are interconnected relative to one another such that the first ends slidably overlap one another; and, 'a frame for surrounding a plant, wherein the frame comprisesa fastener for coupling the frame to a stake.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first ends overlap and are spaced apart from one another.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the frame further comprises a loop formed on each of the first ends.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein one of the loops is substantially perpendicular to an adjoining first end.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein one of the loops is oriented at an angle of about 45° to about 60° with respect to an adjoining first end.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the two wires further comprises a second end claim 1 , and wherein the two wires are removably attached to one another at the second end.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the two wires are removably connected by a hook and loop.8. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a stabilizer that receives and is coupled to the two wires claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer supports and substantially aligns the first ends.9. The ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Expandable Plant Support Cage

Номер: US20130145686A1
Автор: Dame Clyde

Disclosed is a plant support device having a wire construction and a rectangular cross section that tapers from an upper region to a base region. The device comprises a plurality of rectangular support members attaching at their corners to upstanding post members forming a wire cage that supports a growing plant within its internal volume. The base region includes a plurality of downwardly elongated stake members that are adapted to be depressed into a soil surface, while a plurality of stake extension members are further provided for elevating the overall structure as the plant grows and requires more elevated support. The extension members are stake members having a stake receiving post and a threaded set screw for securing the extension to the base of each ground stake. 1. An expandable upright plant support device , comprising:a plurality of upstanding support posts having an upper end and a lower end;a plurality of aligned cross bars extending between and connecting to adjacent support posts, said cross bars forming an enclosed area along a horizontal plane wherein said posts are the corners of the enclosed area;at least one set of aligned cross bars being positioned between said upper and lower portion of said support posts;said upper portion of said support posts terminating with a set of aligned cross bars;said lower portion of said support posts terminating at a pointed ground stake end;a set of elongated ground stake extension members comprising a first ground stake end and a second end having a means of accepting said support post lower portion or the stake end of another ground stake extension member;each member attaching to a support post ground stake end for raising said support posts vertically.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said aligned cross members form a rectangular cross section with said support members at each corner.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said upright support posts taper outwardly from said lower portion to said upper portion. ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Plasma processing method

Номер: US20130164911A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi High Technologies Corp

The present invention provides a plasma processing method in which sideetching and microloading can be suppressed in a plasma processing method of forming trenches with a mask having a minimum opening width of 20 nm or less. The plasma processing method of the present invention is characterized by including the steps of forming trenches by plasma etching, forming a nitride film on sidewalls of trenches using plasma, and forming an oxide film on sidewalls and bottom surfaces of the trenches using plasma.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Plant Growing Cage

Номер: US20130174479A1

Disclosed herein is a new tool for use in planting fruits and vegetables which under certain circumstances may increase the yield of fruit and vegetables. The tool is a structure that envelopes the plant and protects the lower portion of the plant by enclosing it in a structure that protects the plant from the elements and yet allows the plant to get the benefit of sunlight. A cage is disclosed having a lower portion enveloped in plastic or other suitable material. Certain opacities of plastics or other materials may be used according to local climate conditions and plant type. 1. A device comprising:three elongated supports, said supports disposed substantially equidistance about a top ring;a second ring disposed to encompass the elongated supports;a third ring disposed to encompass the elongate supports, said second ring disposed a predetermined distance from said second ring, anda barrier having a first edge coupled to the second ring and a second edge coupled to the third ring, said barrier disposed within the volume encompassed by the second and third rings,wherein a portion of each of the elongated supports extends away from the barrier opposite the top ring.2. The device of wherein the barrier is comprised of translucent plastic.3. The device of wherein the thickness of the barrier is from 2 to 100 mils.4. The device of wherein the barrier has a substantially smooth surface disposed against the second and third ring.5. A device comprising:a support structure, said support structure including at least one leg portion;a substantially circular ring disposed on said support structure;a barrier, said barrier having a first end affixed to said ring and substantially enclosing an area formed by the ring.6. The device of further including:a second substantially circular ring,wherein a second end of the barrier is affixed to the second ring.7. The device of wherein the barrier is disposed within the area formed by the circular ring and the second circular ring.8. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219785A1
Автор: Ritchotte Michael H.

Plant support systems and methods for supporting and protecting plants are provided. Plant support systems can include a support frame made from a mesh material. A support frame can include apertures which allow the plant to grow through the support frame thereby providing support to substantially all of the plant while also concealing the support system. A plant support system can include stakes or anchors for securing the support system to a planting surface. A plant support system can be suitable for various sizes and types of plants, and can have an adjustable diameter to fit such varying sizes and types. A plant support system as disclosed herein can be suitable for supporting and protecting a plant throughout the lifecycle of a plant. 1. A plant support system comprising:a support frame to support a plant, wherein the support frame comprises a mesh wall structure comprising a mesh material, wherein the support frame is positionable at a perimeter of at least a portion of a plant;a plurality of apertures positioned throughout the support frame to facilitate growth therethrough by the plant; andat least one securement mechanism to secure the support frame to a surface from which a plant is growing.2. The plant support system according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more fasteners that are securable to the mesh wall structure to hold the mesh wall structure in a deformed shape of the support frame.3. The plant support system according to claim 2 , wherein the one or more fasteners comprise one or more clips.4. The plant support system according to claim 2 , wherein the one or more fasteners comprise one or more ties that are securable on overlapping portions of the mesh wall structure.5. The plant support system according to claim 1 , wherein the mesh wall structure comprises a skeletal framework of interconnected links that define the plurality of apertures claim 1 , wherein the plurality of apertures comprise apertures of a plurality of different shapes ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283684A1

What is disclosed is a portable and/or movable plant support system that can be used in a consumer setting in which a plant is grown with the movable support system and can be moved from one place to another without altering the plant's growth and in an embodiment of which an indeterminate plant can be grown and allowed to be lowered when lower portions of the plant stop producing, thus allowing for new growth and thus enhanced production at the top of the plant. 1. A device for growing a plant , wherein said device comprises the following:a base section, wherein said base section comprises an attachment region for attaching a plant at least two extension arms extending upward from said base section, wherein said extension arms have a first end located at the connection points of said extension arms and said base section, and a second end, wherein said extension arms are connected by a cross member at points proximate to said secondwherein said cross member comprises a plant support device, wherein said plant support device extends from said cross member and extends toward said base section.2. The device of wherein said attachment region comprises a ring and a ring support claim 1 ,wherein said ring and said ring support are configured to support a planting pot.3. The device of wherein said device comprises a grow light.4. The device of wherein said device comprises a pot attached to said attachment region.5. The device of wherein said device comprises an interchangeable base section claim 2 , wherein said interchangeable base section comprises a first part and a second part claim 2 , wherein said first part and said second part comprise three prongs claim 2 , wherein said three prongs are configured to support said device when attached to said device.6. The device of wherein said attachment region is configured to attach to a five gallon pot.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein said plant support string comprises a string roller.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333281A1
Автор: Donitz Efraim
Принадлежит: EFCO INC.

An apparatus and system for growing plants having a garden structure comprised of a plurality of interconnected trellis panel frames made of frame segments which are connected together by fittings, with attached soil containers for growing plants. 1. An apparatus for growing plants comprisinga garden structure having a plurality of connected trellis panel frames;each of said trellis panel frames having a plurality of frame segments;each of said frame segments having at least one end;said plurality of frame segments connected together at said ends so as to bound an interior area between said frame segments; andfor each of said trellis panel frames a planter within said interior space connected to a frame segment.2. The apparatus for growing plants of wherein each trellis panel frame of said garden structure is connected to an adjoining trellis panel frame through a fitting.3. The apparatus for growing plants of wherein each end of a frame segment is connected through a fitting to an end of another frame segment.4. The apparatus for growing plants of wherein each frame segment is hollow.5. The apparatus for growing plants of wherein said planter has a floor with a drainage hole in said floor.6. The apparatus for growing plants of further comprising a plurality of said planters arranged vertically within said interior space.7. The apparatus for growing plants of further comprising an irrigation pipe attached to said garden structure.8. The apparatus for growing plants of further comprising a cover attached to said garden structure;9. The apparatus for growing plants of further comprising a cover arm attached to a frame segment of each trellis panel frame.10. An apparatus for growing plants comprisinga pyramid shaped garden structure having three connected triangular trellis panel frames;each of said triangular trellis panel frames having a horizontal base frame segment connected at a left end to a lower left end of a left vertical frame segment, said horizontal base ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000023A1

A plant cage includes an annular base configured to surround a portion of a plant. The base includes a plurality of circumferentially spaced stake openings formed therethrough. Each of the stake openings is inclined relative to a central axis of the base. The base is formed from a first segment releasably coupled to a second segment. The plant cage further includes a plurality of stakes. Each of the stakes is configured to extend through one of the stake openings formed in the base. A first portion of each of the stakes is received in the ground and a second portion of each of the stakes extends away from the ground into a substantially conical shape. 1. A plant cage comprising:a base configured to surround a portion of a plant, the base including a plurality of circumferentially spaced stake openings formed therethrough; anda plurality of stakes, each of the stakes configured to extend through one of the stake openings formed through the base.2. The plant cage of claim 1 , wherein the base is annular in shape.3. The plant cage of claim 1 , wherein the base includes a first surface configured to rest on a surface of the ground and a second surface formed opposite the first surface.4. The plant cage of claim 3 , wherein a first portion of each of the stakes extends beyond the first surface and into the ground and a second portion of each of the stakes extends beyond the second surface and away from the ground.5. The plant cage of claim 3 , wherein each of the stake openings is inclined to extend radially outwardly relative to a central axis of the base as each of the stake openings extends through the base from the first surface to the second surface.6. The plant cage of claim 5 , wherein at least one of the stake openings is also inclined in a direction tangential to a perimeter of the base.7. The plant cage of claim 3 , wherein each of the stake openings extends through a guide projection projecting from the second surface of the base.8. The plant cage of claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000048A1
Автор: Daniel Kevin M.

A kit for providing stem, branch and foliage support for a planting. The kit includes a plurality of hoop shaped bodies, each exhibiting an open interior adapted to encircle and support the planting. A plurality of vertically elongated portions secured about a perimeter of each of said bodies and include upper and lower inter-engaging ends for stacking the bodies in vertically spaced apart and tiered defining fashion. A plurality of elongated ground engagement stakes each include a flattened and intermediate located planar surface adapted for embedding the stakes in combination with an upper located pair of finger graspable retrieval tabs adapted for retracting the stakes. Each of the stakes further include an upper end securing the lower inter-engaging ends of a lower most hoop shaped body. 1. A kit for providing stem , branch and foliage support for a planting , comprising:a plurality of hoop shaped components, each exhibiting an open interior adapted to encircle and support the planting;a plurality of vertically elongated portions extending from perimeter locations of each of said components, each including upper and lower inter-engaging ends for stacking said components in tiered fashion; anda plurality of elongated ground engagement stakes, each including a flattened and intermediate located planar surface adapted for embedding the stakes in the ground, in combination with an upper located pair of finger graspable retrieval tabs adapted for retracting the stakes from the ground, said stakes each further including upper ends for engaging with said lower ends of a lower most hoop shaped component.2. The kit as described in claim 1 , further comprising elongated and height extending portions interposed between each of the integrated tier defining portions in order to increase the vertical spacing between said hoop shaped components.3. The kit as described in claim 1 , further comprising said lower-most hoop shaped component configured to engage an upper rim ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007497A1
Автор: Delp II Steven P.

A decorative plant stand that allows the caretaker to remove collected water from the plant without having to lift or remove the plant from the floor or the plant stand. The plant stand comprises a platform comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a thickness therebetween, the platform at least one opening in the top surface extending through the entire thickness; a rail assembly positioned below the bottom surface of the platform and fixedly attached to the platform, the rail assembly comprising at least one channel; and a removable tray slidably disposed within the at least one channel, wherein any plant water and other debris that leak from the pot through the opening in the top surface are collected within the removable tray for disposal. A method for draining water from the plant, which is collected in the tray, is also provided. 1. A plant stand for a plant in a pot having at least one hole on the bottom of the pot , comprising:a platform comprising a top surface, a bottom surface, and a thickness therebetween, the platform at least one opening in the top surface extending through the entire thickness;a rail assembly positioned below the bottom surface of the platform and fixedly attached to the platform, the rail assembly comprising at least one channel; anda removable tray slidably disposed within the at least one channel, wherein any plant water and other debris that leak from the pot through the opening in the top surface are collected within the removable tray for disposal.2. The plant stand of claim 1 , wherein the rail assembly comprises a first rail with a first channel and a second rail with a second channel claim 1 , the first channel and second channel being parallel to one another.3. The plant stand of claim 1 , the platform further comprising at least three legs extending downwardly from the bottom surface.4. The plant stand of further comprising casters attached to the end of each of the at least three legs.5. The plant stand of claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007289A1
Автор: Steele Mike

The invention involves a growing medium support apparatus comprising a frame with a plurality of legs and an aperture. The aperture receives a first grow block, and the legs anchor the apparatus to a second grow block so that the second is situated and secured below the first. In exemplary embodiments, the frame of the apparatus is configured such that a bottom surface of the first grow block and a top surface of the second grow block touch to form at least a portion of a growing medium for a plant. As one grow block is placed on top of the other, a plant growing on the first grow block can expand its roots between the grow blocks secured together with the growing medium support apparatus. In some exemplary embodiments, multiple support apparatus may be utilized to secure multiple grow blocks to form a growing medium for the plant. 1. A growing medium support apparatus , comprising: a top opening defined by an interior perimeter of the top edge,', 'the side walls, and', 'a bottom opening defined by an interior perimeter of the bottom edge;', 'wherein the rectangular aperture is configured to snugly receive a portion of a first grow block so that a bottom surface of the first grow block is substantially aligned with the bottom edge of the rectangular frame and exposed through a bottom portion of the rectangular aperture; and, 'a rectangular frame, including side walls expanding between a top edge and a bottom edge of the rectangular frame, and a rectangular aperture defined bya plurality of legs, each of the plurality of legs extending below the bottom edge of the rectangular frame and configured to anchor with a second grow block in a manner so that the bottom surface of the first grow block and a top surface of the second grow block make contact to form at least a portion of a growing medium for a plant.2. The growing medium support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the side walls are tapered so that the top opening of the rectangular aperture has an area greater than ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for optimizing GROWING AND harvesting of CLIMBING PLANTS

Номер: US20210007292A1
Автор: Carlson Edward Scott

The present invention provides structures that maximize the use of minimal ground space or pot soil by providing a height-adjustable, outward-expanding string or net trellis. A compact kit can be assembled into a tall plant support structure which may be at least twice as wide at the top as at the base where the plants begin growing. A multiplicity of elongated flaccid cords secured adjacent the base at one end are inclined generally outward and attached at an opposing end to a suspended top horizontal frame support to help support plants as they grow generally vertically. 1. A plant support trellis providing ever increasing growth volume in the vertical direction from growing medium comprising:a) at least one frame member having one of a first predetermined diameter and width;b) a frame support system for suspending the frame member horizontally;c) one of a net and a multiplicity of elongated flaccid cords configured for attachment at one end adjacent the growing medium and to said support hoop at the other end.2. The plant support trellis of wherein said frame support system includes a ring claim 1 , a bracket claim 1 , and multiple connecting members between the ring and the frame.3. The plant support trellis of wherein said multiplicity of elongated flaccid cords is at least four.4. The plant support trellis of wherein said frame member is a hoop.5. The plant support trellis of wherein said frame member has at least four sides.6. The plant support trellis of wherein said support trellis further includes said net being of sufficient length to reach from the frame member to a plant below when installed.7. A kit for erecting a plant support trellis claim 1 , said kit comprising:a. at least one planar frame member,b. a frame support system configured for suspending said frame member horizontally; andc. a compact supply of elongated flaccid cord with a predetermined total length.8. The kit of wherein said planar frame member is a hoop.9. The kit of wherein said hoop ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007843A1
Автор: Fakhari M. John
Принадлежит: ALF Operating Partners, Ltd.

A plant cage for supporting growing plants includes horizontal and vertical support rods connected by locking clips to form a cage of a desired size and shape. The locking clip includes a clamp at each end of an elongated body, with each clamp formed of two tabs extending outwardly at oblique angles, with an aperture formed in each tab for receiving a horizontal or vertical support rod. The outwardly extending tabs are resilient and flexible such that the tabs can be moved towards each other to a deflected position so that the apertures align and a support rod can be inserted, the resiliency of the material then biases the tabs away from each other when released so that the apertures become unaligned so that the inserted rod is frictionally captured by the clamp. 1. A plant cage , comprising:at least one vertical support rod;at least one horizontal support rod;a locking clip configured to attach said at least one horizontal support rod to said at least one vertical support rod, wherein said locking clip comprises a main body with first and second clamps at opposite ends of said main body in orthogonal relationship to each other, said first and second clamps each comprising a pair of tabs extending outwardly from said main body, said tabs movable between a deflected position and a released position.2. The plant cage of claim 1 , wherein each of said tabs comprises an aperture formed therethrough claim 1 , and wherein said apertures on said pair of tabs are aligned concentrically when said tabs are in said deflected position and are not aligned concentrically when said tabs are in said released position.3. The plant cage of claim 2 , wherein said at least one vertical support rod extends through a pair of apertures in a pair of tabs extending from a first end of said main body claim 2 , and wherein said at least one horizontal support rod extends through a pair of apertures in a pair of tabs extending from a second end of said main body.4. The plant cage of claim 3 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007844A1
Автор: Pettigrew Doug

Provided is a hanger assembly for a horticultural container. The hanger assembly includes a hook, a plurality of strands extending from the hook, and a clip extending from each strand. Each clip has a retaining leg and a spring leg opposite the retaining leg, where the spring leg and retaining leg are non-mirror images of one another and the spring leg is free of a catch. One of clips is a guide clip and the others of the plurality of clips are secondary clips that are mirror images of the guide clip. 1. A hanger assembly attachable to a horticultural container , the assembly comprising:a hook;two or more strands extending from the hook; anda clip extending from each of the strands, wherein each clip has a retaining leg terminated by a catch for engaging with an outer lip of the horticultural container to support a load of the container and a spring leg free of a catch that extends toward the retaining leg, the spring leg configured to abut an inner surface of the horticultural container and apply a force against the inner surface to retain the retaining leg in position when the load is not applied.2. The hanger according to claim 1 , wherein each spring leg has an inwardly bent portion bent toward the respective retaining leg and an outwardly bent portion extending from the inwardly bent portion and bent away from the retaining leg.3. The hanger assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the two or more strands include one strand with the clip extending therefrom being a guide clip and at least one strand with the clip extending therefrom being a secondary clip that is a mirror image of the guide clip.4. The hanger according to claim 1 , wherein each catch extends inwardly and projects upwardly such that the retaining legs are substantially J-shaped.5. The hanger assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one strand with the secondary clip includes two or more strands each having one of the secondary clips extending therefrom.6. The hanger assembly according ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Root Trellis For Use In Hydroponic Growing And Methods Of Using Same

Номер: US20190008104A1

An apparatus and method is disclosed comprises a root trellis or use thereof. Specifically, a solid medium made from a non-corrosive material composed of a 3-dimensional solid grid for supporting and providing structure to a plant root's downward and lateral growth when roots are otherwise unsupported by a solid medium. The apparatus is potentially constructed with an attached appendage by which the trellis can suspend itself from the container or reservoir it is placed inside to maintain a functional shape, especially if the device composition material is not rigid enough to support its own shape. 1. A root trellis for use in a hydroponic growing system comprised of:a lattice structure configured to fit within the space defined by a container holding the growing medium in the hydroponic system.2. The root trellis of wherein the lattice structure occupies the lower two-thirds of the container.3. The root trellis of wherein the lattice structure is composed of an inert material.4. The toot trellis of wherein the lattice structure is comprised of a material that provides nutrients to plants.5. The root trellis of wherein the lattice structure is operable to provide tensional force against an interior wall of the container.6. The root trellis of having at least one support arm operable to attach to the top of the container.7. The root trellis of wherein the lattice structure is comprised of a series of intersecting parallel and perpendicular circular shapes.8. The root trellis of wherein the lattice structure is between 9-10 inches in diameter and 7-9 inches in height.9. A method of plants in a hydroponic system comprising:placing a lattice structure configured to fit within the space defined by a container holding the growing medium in the hydropic system in the container.10. The method of wherein the lattice structure occupies the lower two-thirds of the container.11. The method of wherein the lattice structure is comprised of an inert material.12. The method of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030779A1
Автор: Chojnacki Brian

A method and system for supporting containerized plants in an upright and stationary position and at customizable, uniform spacing therebetween. The system comprises a frame, pockets, stabilizers positioned within the pockets and spacers. The pockets, stabilizers and spacers provide both horizontal and vertical support to each containerized plant, holding it securely in place without stakes or cables. The pockets with stabilizers and the spacers may be arranged in various patterns to promote stability of the system and health of the containerized plants. An irrigation system may be coupled to the system for maintaining and nourishing plants. The length of the frame is greater than the width, thus creating a stable environment to combat winds and disruptive forces. Individual frames may be attached to form designated and defined uniform growing or display areas and provide greater stability. 1. A method of stabilizing a plurality of containerized plants , wherein each of the plurality of containerized plants has a center of gravity , the method comprising the step of providing counterweight leverage at a point below the center of gravity.2. The method of further comprising the step of providing space between the containerized plant.3. The method of wherein the plants to be stabilized are vulnerable plants.4. The method of wherein the plurality of plants are contained within a system having a design and shape claim 1 , and wherein the design and shape of the system and the weight and location of the plurality of plants within the system further stabilize the plurality of plants. This patent application is a divisional of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/880,785, filed Jan. 26, 2018, entitled System and Method for Stabilizing Containerized Plants, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates generally to systems and devices for stabilizing and supporting containerized plants and, more particularly, but ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013794A1

A plant growing apparatus of a hydroponic and/or aeroponic plant growing system includes a support assembly and a pair of height control mechanisms. The support assembly includes a bottom platform, supported and mobilized by corner caster wheel devices, and top and intermediate platforms, vertically spaced apart from one another and the bottom platform by upright corner posts rigidly affixed at the corners of the bottom platform. The intermediate platform may be manually raised or lowered along the posts. The height control mechanisms are concurrently operable to raise or lower the top platform along the posts. In addition to the plant growing apparatus, the plant growing system also includes light modules supported by the top platform, plant grow cells supported by the intermediate platform below the light modules, and a water reservoir and pump on the bottom platform and connected in communication with the plant grow cells and height control mechanisms. 1. A plant growing support assembly , comprising:a bottom platform having a peripheral frame formed by a plurality of elongated members being disposed in a rectangular configuration and rigidly affixed to one another at adjacent end portions thereof so as to form a plurality of corners of said bottom platform;a plurality of elongated posts being spaced apart from one another and disposed about and rigidly affixed to respective ones of said plurality of corners of said bottom platform so as to extend upright therefrom and parallel to one another;a top platform having a peripheral frame formed by a plurality of elongated members being disposed in a rectangular configuration and a plurality of spaced apart couplers being rigidly affixed to respective end portions of adjacent pairs of said elongated members so as to form therewith a plurality of corners of said peripheral frame of said top platform, said couplers defining passages therethrough that slidably receive said elongated posts along corresponding upper ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014473A1
Автор: TAKASHIMA Katsunori

The plant cultivation device which workability of cutting of the leaves of the plant at the base portion thereof from the root portion of the plants. The plant cultivation device includes a culture medium holding portion in a cylindrical shape, accommodating and holding a seedling culture medium, arranged in the through-holes of the fluid passage member and absorbing the culture fluid into the seedling culture medium and a leaf supporting portion formed in a cylindrical shape, arranged at an upper side of the culture medium holding portion and supporting the leaves from around the leaves which are cultivated from the seeds. The culture medium holding portion and the leaf supporting portion are formed such that a cutting tool, used for separation between the seedling culture medium and the leaves, can be insertable from outside into a bordering portion between the culture medium holding portion and the leaf supporting portion. 1. A plant cultivation device which obtains leaves of a cultivated plant by cutting a base portion of the leaves from a root portion of the cultivated plant , comprising:a fluid passage member formed with a fluid passage through which a culture fluid flows and formed with a plurality of through-holes on an upper surface of the fluid passage member with a predetermined interval separated from one another and arranged along the fluid passage;a seedling culture medium on which seeds of the plants are arranged;a culture medium holding portion formed in a cylindrical shape, accommodating therein the seedling culture medium to hold thereof, arranged in the plurality of through-holes of the fluid passage member and absorbing the culture fluid into the seedling culture medium; anda leaf supporting portion formed in a cylindrical shape, arranged at an upper side of the culture medium holding portion and supporting the leaves which are cultivated from the seeds at the circumference of the leaves, wherein,the culture medium holding portion and the leaf ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014474A1
Автор: Montagano Michael

In one series of embodiments there is provided a bracing member for a plant support frame. In embodiments the bracing member comprises a body portion defining a perimeter; an opening provided within the body portion which is sized and dimensioned to receive a plant there through; and a plurality of radially oriented circumferential holes extending through the body portion. The holes being sized to accept a cooperating fastener for securing a support rod to the bracing member for forming the plant support frame. The different bracing members of a plant support frame are dimensioned for storage in a flat concentric arrangement whereby the circumferential holes of an inner bracing member align with the circumferential holes of an outer bracing member for receiving a locking pin there through for securing different bracing members together. 1. A plant support frame comprising first and second bracing members and first and second support rods.2. The support frame according to further comprising:a) a third bracing member; andb) a plurality of support rods.3. The support frame according to wherein each of said first claim 2 , second and third bracing members have different diameters.4. The support frame according to wherein said bracing members are secured to said rods by fasteners selected from the group consisting of clips claim 3 , clamps claim 3 , screw clamps claim 3 , and U-bolts.5. The support frame according to wherein said fastener is a screw clamp mounted on said bracing member and comprises a gripping surface able to adopt an angle of between about 5 degrees and about 85 degrees to the plane of said bracing member.6. The support frame according to wherein at least one said bracing member comprises an optionally removable segment.7. A bracing member for forming claim 2 , together with suitable support rods claim 2 , a plant support frame claim 2 , the bracing member comprising a plurality of openings claim 2 , said individual said openings sized to accept a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014487A1

A plant growing apparatus includes a support assembly and a height control mechanism. The support assembly includes a plurality of platforms, a plurality of elongated posts spaced apart from one another about the plurality of platforms, and a plurality of support clips selectively attachable to the posts to support selected platforms at different heights along the posts. The plurality of platforms include a bottom platform supporting lower ends of the posts, a top platform supported on upper ends of the posts, and upper and lower platforms movable along the posts toward and away from the top and bottom platforms. The height control mechanism is mounted by the top platform and coupled to the upper platform such that it operates to selectively raise or lower the upper platform along the posts. 1. A plant growing support assembly , comprising: a main platform portion formed by a plurality of platform sections,', 'a plurality of pairs of matching threaded elements fastened together so as to affix two adjacent sides of each platform section to adjacent sides of two adjacent platform sections and dispose an inner segment of each platform section adjacent to inner segments of said other platform sections to define a central opening in said main platform portion and dispose an outer segment of each platform section diagonally across said each platform section from, outwardly and remote of, and extending parallel to, said inner segment of said platform section,', 'a plurality of extension portions each affixed to and protruding outwardly from said outer segment of one of said platform sections of said main platform portion, and', 'a plurality of annular guides each affixed to one of said extension portions and spaced outwardly from said outer segment of said each platform section, said each annular guide defining a passage therethrough;, 'a plurality of platforms, each of said platforms comprising'}a plurality of elongated posts spaced apart from one another about said ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Trellis Attachment

Номер: US20210015053A1

A trellis has a first ring circumnavigating a container, such as a level of pockets of a vertical gardening system. The first ring can be connected with arms to the container and one or more second rings can extend upwardly from an uppermost first ring to connect to second ring(s) which can extend above the first rings, possibly parallel thereto, and extend the second rings above the first rings and container. 1. A trellis structure comprising:a container having an upper lip defining a perimeter;a first ring circumnavigating the perimeter of the upper lip of the container;an arm connected to the first ring and connected to the upper lip of the container spacing the first ring external to the perimeter of the upper lip of the container.2. The trellis structure of wherein the arm has a first end connected to the first ring.3. The trellis structure of wherein the arm has a second end opposite the first end claim 2 , and the second end is connected to the upper lip of the container.4. The trellis structure of wherein the arm is cantileveredly connected to the upper lip of the container.5. The trellis structure of wherein the arm has a second end with at least one shoulder contacting the upper lip of the container.6. The trellis structure of further comprising a foot contacting an exterior surface of the container below the shoulder.7. The trellis structure of wherein the at least one shoulder is first and second shoulders spaced apart from one another.8. The trellis structure of wherein the foot extends farther from a first end of the arm claim 7 , opposite the second end of the arm claim 7 , than the first and second shoulders.9. The trellis structure of wherein the first and second shoulders snap connect to the upper lip of the container.10. The trellis structure of wherein the first ring extends at least partially above the upper lip of the container.11. The trellis structure of wherein the first ring extends at least partially below the upper lip of the container.12 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Plant Support Assembly

Номер: US20200015431A1
Автор: Kirk Tom

A plant support assembly for facilitating the growing of plants includes a plate and a frame that is octagonally shaped. A net is coupled to and extends inwardly from the frame. A plurality of rods is coupled to and extends between the plate and the frame. Each rod comprises a plurality of nested sections so that the rod is selectively extensible. A plurality of rollers is coupled to a lower surface of the plat. The net is configured to support stems and leaves of a plant that is growing from a container that is positioned on an upper surface of the plate. The rollers are configured to roll on a horizontal surface to selectively position the plate. 1. A plant support assembly comprising:a plate;a frame, said frame being octagonally shaped;a plurality of rods coupled to and extending between said plate and said frame, each said rod comprising a plurality of nested sections such that said rod is selectively extensible;a net coupled to and extending inwardly from said frame wherein said net is configured for supporting stems and leaves of a plant growing from a container positioned on an upper surface of said plate;a plurality of rollers coupled to a lower surface of said plat wherein said rollers are configured for rolling on a horizontal surface for selectively positioning said plate.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said plate being circularly shaped.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said upper surface being white wherein said upper surface is configured for reflecting light.4. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said frame being tubular.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said frame comprising plastic such that said frame is configured for resisting water.6. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said net comprising plastic wherein said net is configured for resisting water.7. The assembly of claim 1 , further including said plurality of rods comprising five said rods.8. The assembly of claim 1 , further including ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Low Stress Trainer Kit

Номер: US20170020083A1
Автор: Piskala Joseph Paul

Provided is a kit facilitating the low stress training horticultural technique comprising an elastic band upon which are strung arms of synthetic cord. The elastic band fits around horticultural containers and the arms form loops when pulled through the cord lock. The looped arms may be fitted around the branches of a plant, then tightened and locked to train plant branches down into a horizontal position, causing side growth sites on the plant to develop into a uniform canopy of primary budding sites, thus increasing the quantity and quality of yield while maintaining ease of manipulation of both the growth of individual plants and the spacing of horticultural areas. 1. A reusable kit for implementing low stress training technique , comprising a band which fits around horticultural containers , along which five or more arms of cord are attached by loops or rings , allowing the arms free movement along the band. Each arm has a cord lock which through which the cord of the arm is pulled to form a loop which may be fitted onto a branch of a plant. The loop may then be adjusted and locked with the cord lock to train the branches and/or stem of the plant into a horizontal growth pattern in species where this training results in leafing and secondary budding sites on the plant developing into primary flowering sites , thus increasing yield.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the band is formed of shock cord or similar durable elastic material.3. The kit of claim 2 , wherein the arms are formed of cord made from synthetic material such as nylon paracord.4. The kit of claim 3 , wherein the arms are attached to the band with rings claim 3 , hooks or dips claim 3 , or are sewn around the band in such a way as to allow free movement of the arms along the band.5. The kit of claim 4 , in which the cord lock is any locking device which may lock or loosen around the cord loop depending on whether a button is manipulated up or down by the user.6. The kit of claim 5 , wherein the band ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039330A1
Автор: Pena Gabriel

A plant training device includes a first portion including a first portion base and a plurality of angularly spaced-apart first indexing elements extending along an exterior of the first portion base. A second portion includes a second portion base having a first end and a second end opposite the first end. The second portion base defines an interior cavity structured to receive at least a portion of the first portion base therein, the interior cavity including a plurality of angularly spaced-apart recesses. Each recess is structured to complementarily slidingly engage and receive therein a first indexing element of the first portion whenever at least a portion of the first portion base is received in the second portion interior cavity at the second portion base first end, to rotationally secure the first portion and the second portion with respect to each other. 1. A plant training device comprising:a first portion including a first portion base and a plurality of angularly spaced-apart first indexing elements extending along an exterior of the first portion base; anda second portion including a second portion base having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the second portion base defining an interior cavity structured to receive at least a portion of the first portion base therein, the interior cavity including a plurality of angularly spaced-apart recesses, each recess being structured to complementarily slidingly engage and receive therein a first indexing element of the first portion whenever at least a portion of the first portion base is received in the interior cavity at the second portion base first end, to rotationally secure the first portion and the second portion with respect to each other.2. The plant training device of wherein the recesses of the plurality of angularly spaced-apart recesses are spaced apart from a second end of the second portion base.3. The plant training device of wherein the first portion base has a first end and a ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable Plant Support Assembly

Номер: US20140109474A1
Автор: JR. Joel Richard, Reed

An adjustable plant support assembly is provided which can be quickly and easily assembled with no tools at all. When disassembled it can be stored in a minimum space, and since there are very few different components it can be manufactured in a simple manner. A plurality of vertical support posts are disposed at the corners of a polygon, e.g. four support posts are disposed at the corners of a rectangle. A plurality of support rods horizontally interconnect the support posts with apertures at the corner angles of the intersecting rods to provide horizontal support. The interconnecting rods can be moved up and down vertically along the vertical support posts to provide the appropriate height to support the plant. The horizontally interconnecting rods can be secured in place by a screw or other fastening device. 1. A supporting structure comprising:a plurality of vertical supports in the form of elongated rods disposed at the corners of a polygonal shape;a plurality of intersecting fixed or removable adjustable horizontal supports in the form of elongated rods connected together at an angle that matches the angles formed by the polygonal shape of said vertical supports;said horizontal supports connected at said angle by an aperture that allows said vertical supports to pass through said aperture;a fastening mechanism that when engaged said horizontal supports are fastened to said vertical supports and when disengaged allows said horizontal supports to move freely in a vertical plane along said vertical supports.2. A structure as in wherein said vertical and horizontal supports comprise metal posts.3. A structure as in wherein said angle is in the range of 85 to 95 degrees.4. A structure as in wherein said supporting structure is for supporting plant or vegetation growth.5. A structure as in wherein said supporting structure is used for supporting holiday or seasonal decorations.6. A structure as in wherein said fastening mechanism is a screw.7. A structure as in ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027112A1

An indoor farming module system in provided. The indoor farming module system may comprise a housing. Additionally, the indoor farming module system may comprise a plurality of indoor farming module components within the housing, the plurality of indoor farming module components comprising a high-density racking system having a plurality of vertical levels within the housing, wherein a vertical distance between two adjacent vertical levels is not more than 11 inches; an airflow management lighting system, wherein the airflow management lighting system provides airflow and lighting to each level of the plurality of vertical levels; an irrigation system; and a recirculation system. 1. An indoor farming module system , the system comprising:a housing; a high-density racking system having a plurality of vertical levels within the housing, wherein a vertical distance between two adjacent vertical levels is not more than 11 inches;', 'an airflow management lighting system, wherein the airflow management lighting system provides airflow and lighting to each level of the plurality of vertical levels;', 'an irrigation system; and', 'a recirculation system., 'a plurality of indoor farming module components within the housing, the plurality of indoor farming module components comprising2. The module of claim 1 , wherein the vertical distance between two adjacent vertical levels is not more than 10 inches.3. The module of claim 1 , wherein the vertical distance between two adjacent vertical levels is not more than 8 inches.4. The module of claim 1 , wherein the vertical distance between two adjacent vertical levels is not more than 6 inches.5. The module of claim 1 , wherein the airflow management lighting system is at least partially integrated within the high-density racking system.6. The module of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the indoor farming module components are coated in a material that reflects at least 95% of total light.7. The module of claim 1 , wherein one or ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Vertical Hydroponic Plant Production Apparatus

Номер: US20170027119A1
Автор: STOREY Nathaniel R.

A vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus for allowing vertical hydroponic greenhouse crop production is provided. The apparatus comprises a hollow grow tube having a front face, a back face, an open first end, and an open second end. A slot is formed in the front face of the grow tube. A media material is insertable into the grow tube. The grow tube is positionable in either a horizontal position, vertical position, or any position between the horizontal position and the vertical position allowing inclined, multi-angled crop production and multi-storied conveyor style crop production. 1. A vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a hollow grow tube; anda media material insertable into the grow tube;wherein the grow tube is positionable in either a horizontal position, vertical position, or any position between the horizontal position and the vertical position allowing inclined, multi-angled crop production and multi-storied conveyor style crop production.2. The vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus of :wherein said grow tube has a front face, a back face, an open first end, and an open second end; and{'sup': 'nd', 'a slot formed in the front face of the grow tube, the slot having a width 1/32 to 31-32the width of the front face.'}3. The vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus of :wherein said grow tube has a back face, an open first end, and an open second end.4. The vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus of :wherein said grow tube has a base, a right side and left side, and an open first end.5. The vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the slot allows the front face to expand outward during insertion of the media material and biased inward against the media material once the media material is inserted into said tube.6. The vertical hydroponic plant production apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the grow tube has a shape selected from the group consisting of substantially square ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027753A1
Автор: Major Scott James

One exemplary embodiment can be a plant support system. The plant support system can include a plurality of panels, an end support, and a removable top frame. Generally, the plurality of panels includes a first panel and a second panel, and the first and second panels, in turn, include respective vertical portions and horizontal portions, and at least one panel forms an aperture optionally covered by a door to allow access to a plant. The end support can be coupled to the first panel and to the second panel. Typically, the removable top frame is coupled to the first and second panels. 1. A plant support system , comprising:a plurality of panels, comprising a first panel and a second panel wherein the first and second panels comprise respective vertical portions and horizontal portions, and at least one panel forms an aperture optionally covered by a door to allow access to a plant;an end support coupled to the first panel and to the second panel; anda removable top frame coupled to the first and second panels.2. The plant support system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of panels further comprises a third panel wherein the third panel is positioned substantially parallel to the first panel; and the plant support system further comprises at least one dowel inserted through and supported by a horizontal portion in the first panel and a horizontal portion in the third panel.3. The plant support system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of panels comprises at least three panels to form a triangle-based geometric figure.4. The plant support system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of panels comprises four panels to form a square-based geometric figure.5. The plant support system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of panels comprises a first set claim 1 , and the plant support system further comprises a second set comprising a second plurality of panels wherein the second set of panels is stacked on top of the first set of panels ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140115963A1
Автор: Sung Gerald

A green wall planting support apparatus includes at least one hanging plate, a plurality of containers and a water supply system. The hanging plate includes a channel portion that is elongated in a lengthwise direction of the hanging plate and that has a first channel, and a hanging portion that is made in one piece with the channel portion and that is disposed in the lengthwise direction. The containers are detachably connected to the hanging plate for receiving plant and each includes a hanger portion that is detachably connected to the hanging portion. The water supply system includes at least one water dispensing unit that is mounted on the channel portion for conveying water to the container. 1. A green wall planting support apparatus adapted to be mounted on a wall , comprising:at least one hanging plate including a channel portion that is elongated in a lengthwise direction of said hanging plate and that is adapted for connection to the wall, and a hanging portion that is made in one piece with said channel portion and that is disposed in the lengthwise direction, said channel portion having a first channel;a plurality of containers detachably connected to said hanging plate and each including a receiving portion that is adapted to receive plant, and a hanger portion that is detachably connected to said hanging portion; anda water supply system including at least one water dispensing unit that is mounted on said channel portion of said hanging plate and that is adapted to convey water to said containers.2. The green wall planting support apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said channel portion of said hanging plate has a vertical base wall and a projecting wall that projects horizontally from said vertical base wall in a forward direction opposite to the wall claim 1 , said hanging portion being integrally formed with said projecting wall.3. The green wall planting support apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said channel portion further has a ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033623A1
Автор: Kelly John J., MAURO Ed

An adjustable plant support is disclosed. The support includes an upright support, a plurality of holes disposed along a length of the upright support, and at least one support arm configured to be removably secured to the upright support through a selected hole of the plurality of holes. The support arm also includes a hook at a distal end of the support arm and is configured to define an interior portion of the support arm and adapted to support a plant. A pin of the support arm is at a proximate end of the support arm, where a free end of the pin is configured to slidingly engage the selected hole. In addition, the pin of the support arm extends back towards the U-shape collar in a different lateral plane, where a width of the U-shaped collar is configured to slidingly engage an outer surface of the upright support. 1. An adjustable plant support , the support comprising:an upright support;a plurality of holes disposed along a length of the upright support; andat least one support arm configured to be removably secured to the upright support through a selected hole of the plurality of holes, wherein each support arm is suspended perpendicular to the upright support and configured to freely pivot upwards about the selected hole.2. The adjustable plant support of claim 1 , the support arm further comprising:a hook at a distal end of the support arm and configured to define an interior portion of the support arm and adapted to support a plant;a pin at a proximate end of the support arm, wherein a free end of the pin is configured to slidingly engage the selected hole; anda U-shaped collar interposed between the hook and the pin, wherein the U-shaped collar is configured to engage the upright support and limit downward movement of the at least one support arm.3. The adjustable plant support of claim 2 , further comprising a support extension claim 2 , wherein the support extension is configured to slidingly engage an upper end of the upright support to increase a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037779A1
Автор: Chirco Joseph

A horticultural cart for supporting and training plant growth include a movable base structure. The base structure of the cart includes a bed portion that is configured to support a root system of a plant. A trellis is disposed over the bed portion of the base structure and is configured to support a shoot system of the plant. The trellis is rotatable to an angled orientation over the bed portion, such that the trellis is configured to align with a trellis of an adjacent cart for providing a valley shape that disperses light across the plants supported at the trellises from a light source disposed above the trellises. 1. A horticultural cart for supporting and training plant growth , said horticultural cart comprising:a movable base structure comprising a bed portion that is configured to support a root system of a plant;a trellis disposed over the bed portion of the base structure, wherein the trellis includes a grid that is configured to support a shoot system of the plant; andan arm attached between the base structure and the trellis to support the trellis at a selected suspended position over the bed portion, wherein the trellis is rotatably coupled with the arm to position the grid at non-parallel angled orientation relative to the bed portion.2. The horticultural cart of claim 1 , wherein the base structure comprises a plurality of wheel assemblies disposed below the bed portion claim 1 , and wherein the bed portion of the base structure comprises a basin with a sloped floor that is configured to be angled relative to a ground surface engaged by the plurality of wheel assemblies.3. The horticultural cart of claim 1 , wherein the trellis comprises a frame that engages around a perimeter of the grid to define a grid area that is greater than an area defined by a periphery of the bed portion of the base structure.4. The horticultural cart of claim 1 , wherein the grid is positionable at different selectable heights above the bed portion of the base structure.5. ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Plant support cage

Номер: US20220061231A1
Автор: Gretchen Fahey
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a growing support structure for use in planting crop and ornamental plants which supports the growth of the plant and may improve fruit production. The tool is a cage structure through which the plant grows, propping up the shoots of the plant and supporting the fruit, flowers, and/or other anatomical structures, keeping them from contacting the ground, thereby preventing rot. The cage structure also allows the plant to still receive the benefit of sunlight, as the cage allows the passage of sunlight.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Binding machine

Номер: US20210053199A1
Автор: Hajime Takemura
Принадлежит: Max Co Ltd

A binding machine, includes: a staple magazine unit configured to accommodate a staple having a crown portion and a pair of leg portions; a staple driver provided at a position facing the crown portion; a clincher provided at a position facing tip ends of the leg portions and movable along an extending direction of the leg portions; and a regulating portion configured to regulate a movement amount of the clincher toward the leg portions. The clincher and the staple driver are configured to sandwich the staple therebetween with a movement of the clincher along the extending direction toward the leg portions, folding the staple.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051733A1
Автор: Schultz Matthew R.

A connector and connector assembly are disclosed. The connector may have a body with a first U-shaped surface defining a first axis, a second U-shaped surface defining a second axis that is orthogonal to the first axis, a first fastener that penetrates a wall of the first U-shaped structure and is configured to clamp a rod within the first U-shaped structure, and a second fastener that penetrates a wall of the second U-shaped structure and is configured to clamp a rod within the second U-shaped structure. The connector assembly may have one or more rods secured within one or more connector bodies by one or more fasteners. 1. A connector , comprising: a first U-shaped structure defining a first axis;', 'a second U-shaped structure defining a second axis that is orthogonal to the first axis;', 'a first fastener that penetrates a wall of the first U-shaped structure and is configured to clamp a rod within the first U-shaped structure; and', 'a second fastener that penetrates a wall of the second U-shaped structure and is configured to clamp a rod within the second U-shaped structure., 'a body having2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first and second U-shaped structures are configured to have a flat claim 1 , curved claim 1 , or polygonal shape.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first and second U-shaped structures share an inner wall.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first and second fasteners are threaded.5. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first and second fasteners are thumb screws.6. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the connector body is formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy.7. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the outside wall of the first U-shaped structure has one or more holes for one or more fasteners claim 1 , and the outside wall of the second U-shaped structure has one or more holes for one or more fasteners.8. A connector assembly claim 1 , comprising:one or more rods secured within one or more connector bodies by one or more ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Totem plant support

Номер: US20220071104A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are example embodiments of a sectional interlocking plant support system providing a stand for supporting growing plants in soil comprising a stake and a pole, coupled to the stake or other devices, the pole comprising a porous tubular body, the porous tubular body formed by a plurality of porous openings on the pole, the pole configured to be stackable on a second pole, the height being adjustable be selecting a number of poles to connect together. The porous openings on the pole comprising at least one hole shaped in at least one of a circle, a triangle, a square, a hexagon, a pentagon, a heptagon, an octagon, a nonagon, a polygon having more than nine sides, or a irregular shape.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054976A1
Автор: Uy Adam Chin Shong
Принадлежит: ZEED, LLC

The disclosure herein is directed to a plant cultivation assembly. The plant cultivation assembly provides support for the plants to allow for proper plant growth. Specifically, the plant cultivation assembly allows for vertical plant growth without the need to use stakes. In one embodiment, the plant cultivation assembly may be used for vertical farming. 1. A plant cultivation assembly comprising:a tray having a bottom, a side, a top edge, and an interior;a net;at least one stand;at least one plate having at least one hole; andat least one pole having a first end and a second end;wherein a number of the stand, the plate, and the pole is the same;wherein the plate is attached to the top edge of the tray;wherein the base is placed in the interior of the tray near where the plate is attached;wherein the pole passes through the at least one hole in the plate and attaches to the base at the first end; andwherein the net attaches to the pole at the second end.2. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plate is attached to the top edge using a nut and a bolt claim 1 , a clip claim 1 , or an adhesive.3. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein second end of the pole further has at least one protrusion for attaching to the net.4. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 3 , wherein the protrusion is a hook or a clip.5. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pole further is a telescopic pole.6. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the number of the stand claim 1 , the plate claim 1 , and the pole is four.7. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plate is made from metal claim 1 , non-corrosive metals claim 1 , composite metals claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , acrylic claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , fiberglass or composites.8. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stand is made from metal claim 1 , non-corrosive metals claim 1 , composite metals claim 1 , ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059241A1
Автор: Montagano Michael

In one series of embodiments there is provided a bracing member for a plant support frame. In embodiments the bracing member comprises a plurality of support rod fasteners and in embodiments the bracing member comprises a removable segment. In embodiments there are provided support frames comprising the bracing members, and methods for making the support frames. 1. A plant support frame comprising first and second bracing members and first and second support rods.2. The support frame according to further comprising:a) a third bracing member; andb) a plurality of support rods.3. The support frame according to wherein each of said first claim 2 , second and third bracing members have different diameters.4. The support frame according to wherein said bracing members are secured to said rods by fasteners selected from the group consisting of clips claim 3 , clamps claim 3 , screw clamps claim 3 , and U-bolts.5. The support frame according to wherein said fastener is a screw clamp mounted on said bracing member and comprises a gripping surface able to adopt an angle of between about 5 degrees and about 85 degrees to the plane of said bracing member.6. The support frame according to wherein at least one said bracing member comprises an optionally removable segment.7. A bracing member for forming claim 2 , together with suitable support rods claim 2 , a plant support frame claim 2 , the bracing member comprising a plurality of openings claim 2 , said individual said openings sized to accept a cooperating fastener for securing the bracing member to a support rod.8. The bracing member according to wherein said bracing member comprises a removable segment.9. The bracing member according to wherein said bracing member comprises said fastener.10. The bracing member according to wherein said fastener is selected from the group consisting of a clamp claim 7 , clip claim 7 , screw clamp and U-bolt.11. The bracing member according to wherein said fastener is a screw clamp and said ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055648A1
Автор: Brandt Adena Ruth

A jewelry item for supporting a living plant includes a stylized base member that is handmade from a polymer clay to resemble a whimsical article. Structurally, the jewelry item is formed with a lumen (passageway) that extends between two open ends. The living plant is preferably a tillandsia that can live in a soil-free environment, when periodically hydrated. 1. A charm for holding and displaying a living plant , wherein the plant has a root section and a tip section , the charm comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1, 'a base member formed with a hollow lumen, wherein the hollow lumen extends through the base member between a first open end and a second open end, and wherein the first open end defines a circular cross-section of the lumen with a diameter D, and wherein the second open end defines a circular cross-section of the lumen with a diameter D, wherein Dis greater than D, and further wherein Dis sufficiently large to receive the root section of the living plant through the first open end and into a soil-free environment inside the lumen of the base member to hold the plant on the base member for exposure of the tip section of the plant; and'}an attachment affixed to the base member, wherein the attachment can be engaged with an object for display of the charm with the plant.2. The charm recited in wherein the plant is a tillandsia.3. The charm recited in wherein the lumen of the base member has a textured inner surface surrounding the lumen for facilitating an engagement of the root section of the plant with the base member.4. The charm recited in wherein the lumen of the base member is formed with a decreasing taper from the first open end to the second open end.5. The charm recited in wherein the attachment is a magnet.6. The charm recited in wherein the attachment is a wire for engagement with a hole pierced into a body portion of a person.7. The charm recited in wherein the base member is made of a polymer clay.8. The charm recited in wherein the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059240A1
Принадлежит: JAK Projects, LLC

A modular plant growth and support fencing assembly and method for supporting plant extremities during growth of the plants which provides the dual function of containing a plant growth medium in a plant tray; and supporting the plant upper extremities through a framework of intersecting legs and ribs arranged at different heights. The plant tray contains soil growth medium, liquids, and plants. The tray has a generally convex bottom surface that causes the liquid to flow towards multiple drain holes at the depressed perimeter region. A pattern of cuboids and channels on the bottom surface of the tray facilitate drainage of liquid and enhance oxygenation of roots. A fence mounts above the plant tray that has intersecting legs, ribs, and connectors at predetermined levels along the height of the legs to fasten the plant upper extremities, i.e., stem, bud, and other parts of plant growing above the tray. The assembly can be assembled and disassembled through easy connection and disconnection of the tray to the legs, ribs, and connectors. 2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of square blocks on the bottom surface forms a crisscross checkerboard pattern.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tray is of rectangular shape and comprises at least three drain holes on each side of rectangular shape of the tray.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of legs comprises at least eight legs mounted on eight mount tubes on the sidewall of the tray.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plant tray is constructed from a rigid polymer.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ribs comprise PVC pipes.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the upper connector comprises eight upper rib apertures to receive eight upper ribs.8. A modular plant growth and support fencing assembly for containing a plant growing medium and liquids for growing a plant and providing support to the plant therein claim 1 , the assembly comprising: a bottom surface having an elevated ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079369A1
Автор: Ieraci Bruno

A window planter includes a first compartment including a first sidewall and a second sidewall. The first compartment is configured to house a first group of plants. A second compartment is slidably coupled to the first compartment. The first compartment includes a first outer sidewall. The second compartment is configured to house a second group of plants separated from the first group of plants by the first sidewall of the first compartment. A third compartment is slidably coupled to the first compartment. The third compartment includes a second outer sidewall. The third compartment is configured to house a third group of plants separated from the first group of plants by the second sidewall. At least the first compartment and the second compartment are configured to be secured to a window frame. 1. A window planter , comprising:a first compartment including a first sidewall and a second sidewall, the first compartment configured to house a first group of plants;a second compartment slidably coupled to the first compartment, the second compartment including a first outer sidewall, the second compartment configured to house a second group of plants separated from the first group of plants by the first sidewall of the first compartment;a third compartment slidably coupled to the first compartment, the third compartment including a second outer sidewall, the third compartment configured to house a third group of plants separated from the first group of plants by the second sidewall,wherein at least the second compartment and the third compartment are configured to be secured to a window frame;a first elevated compartment supported above the second compartment, the first elevated compartment configured to house a fourth group of plants;a second elevated compartment supported above the third compartment, the second elevated compartment configured to house a fifth group of plants;a first forward compartment supported by the second compartment, the first forward ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068117A1

The plant cage of the present invention comprises a plurality of vertical risers with a plurality of horizontal cross section assemblies that are capable of being raised or lowered on the vertical risers as well as increasing or decreasing in diameter by transitioning the inner bore of the larger horizontal tube. 11. An adjustable plant cage () comprising:{'b': '120', 'a plurality of vertical supports (); and,'}{'b': '200', 'a plurality of 4 way cross assemblies (); and,'}{'b': 200', '210, 'the said 4 way cross assemblies () comprised in part of a cross fitting (); and,'}{'b': 120', '210', '200, 'each said vertical support () is sized to be movably received and is movably received vertically through the cross fitting () of at least one cross section assembly (); and,'}{'b': 400', '200', '400', '410', '420', '410', '420, 'at least one transitioning tube section () is intermediate each 4 way cross assembly (); the said at least one transitioning tube section () is comprised of an outer tube () and an inner tube (); the said outer tube () is sized to slideably receive the said inner tube (); and,'}{'b': 200', '400, 'each 4 way cross assembly () is sized to horizontally receive and does slideably receive the tube extending from the most proximal transitioning tube section (); and,'}{'b': 300', '300', '120', '500', '300', '120, 'a container mount assembly () is affixed, by container mount assembly () affixing means, to each of said plurality of vertical supports () most proximal to a container () or the planting medium wherein a plant is or is to be located; the said container mount assembly () is in alignment with the upwardly extending vertical support ().'}21. An adjustable plant cage () depending from further comprising:{'b': 120', '200, 'the said plurality of vertical supports (), said plurality of 4 way cross assemblies () and the said transitioning tube section are comprised of a rigid or semi-rigid tubular material; and,'}{'b': 200', '210, 'the said 4 way cross ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Mobile Trellis

Номер: US20180064038A1
Автор: Niccoli Matthew Louis

A mobile plant trellis structure for providing support and optimal light exposure during plant growth. The plant trellis structure includes one or two horizontal grids that slide along vertical support states. The frame of the horizontal grid structure is configured from wood, PVC piping or light weight metals. The vertical support stakes are configured from steel core plastic rods or wood. Shapes of the horizontal grids include square, round, hexagon, and so forth. Trellis structure will move up and down and be set for optimum height for plant health. A group of 4 are placed together for a single light source. 1. A plant trellis structure comprising:a horizontal planar grid attached to vertical stakes;said planar grid comprising a rigid frame for holding a wire grid used to support plant stalks;said rigid frame containing holes for vertical stakes;said grid allowed to slide up and down along vertical stakes.2. The plant trellis structure according to where minimum height adjustment of said horizontal grid is accomplished with clamps.3. The plant trellis structure according to where the number of said vertical stakes is four.4. The plant trellis structure according to where said rigid frame is square in shape.5. The plant trellis structure according to where said rigid frame is circle in shape.6. The plant trellis structure according to where plants are held spread apart to a 5 foot by 5 foot area for optimal light exposure.7. The plant trellis structure according to where plants are held spread apart to a 4 foot by 4 foot area for optimal light exposure.8. The plant trellis structure according to where said rigid frame includes two additional cross member supports with holes for vertical stakes.9. A plant trellis structure comprising:multiple horizontal planar grids attached to vertical stakes;said planar grids comprising a rigid frame for holding a wire grid used to support plant stalks;said rigid frame containing holes for vertical stakes;said grid allowed to ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Frustoconical Planter with Vertical Securement Means

Номер: US20210068353A1
Автор: Fox Dencell Sinclair

A planter for detachably affixing and securing a pot and plant in a vertical orientation relative to a tree, the planter adapted to allow the tree to grow through the planter and blend in with surrounding vegetation. 1. A frustoconical planter comprising:a frustocone tapering downwards having an open top end and an open bottom end, the frustocone defining a hollow interior cylindrical recess adapted to receive a pot for securing a plant;wherein the pot defines a plurality of apertures for draining water from the open bottom end;a tripod affixed to the frustocone, the tripod comprising an elongated shaft affixed at a proximal end to the frustocone and two or more short legs; andattachment means affixed to a distal end of the elongated shaft adapted to affix the elongated shaft to an organic object.2. The planter of claim 1 , wherein the attachment means comprises a clip.3. The planter of claim 1 , wherein open bottom end is adapted to allow a tree branch to grow upwardly into the frustocone.4. The planter of claim 1 , wherein an exterior surface of the frustocone is ornated to appear wooden.5. The planter of claim 1 , wherein the two or more short legs converge at a medial point of the elongated shaft.6. The planter of claim 1 , wherein the attachment means comprises a clip having two interconnected prongs and a biased spring.7. A frustoconical planter comprising:a frustocone tapering downwards having an open top end and an open bottom end, the frustocone defining a hollow interior recess adapted to receive soil and a plant;a tripod affixed to the frustocone, the tripod comprising an elongated shaft affixed at a proximal end to the frustocone and two or more short legs; andattachment means affixed to a distal end of the elongated shaft adapted to affix the elongated shaft to an organic object.8. The planter of claim 7 , wherein the hollow interior recess is substantially cylindrical.9. The planter of claim 7 , wherein the attachment means comprises a clip.10. The ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for an adjustable plant support

Номер: US20140144076A1
Автор: Robert Deeb
Принадлежит: Individual

This disclosure combines the use of snap connectors embedded in flexible straps that are wrapped around tomato or other vine plants, together with a plant support rod or stake containing reciprocal snap connectors onto which the snap connectors embedded in the flexible straps are to be either secured into place at varying points along the plant support rod or for each flexible strap to be secured onto itself or another flexible strap while wrapped around the vine plant and plant support rod. The purpose of the apparatus is to accommodate plant growth and to maintain a vertical growth path for the vine plant.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071138A1

A garden stake to secure vertically grown plants. The stake is configured to be driven deep into the ground via a machined point on the bottom end. A plurality of notches provide places to tie up the stem and branches as the plant grows throughout the growing season. An I-Beam cross section of the stake gives rigidity to the stake, preventing the stake from bending or breaking under the weight of the maturing plant. 1. A garden stake for securing a growing plant , comprising:an elongate stake body, having a plurality of notches defined in a side surface of the stake body in spaced apart relation along a longitudinal length of thereof;{'b': '14', 'a ground penetrating point defined at a lower end of the elongate body; and'}a striking head formed at an upper end of the elongate body.2. The garden stake of claim 1 , wherein the elongate stake body has a substantially cross shaped cross section along the longitudinal length of the stake body below the striking head.3. The garden stake of claim 2 , wherein the substantially cross shaped cross section is formed such that a raised portion of the elongate body has a channel formed between the raised portion and an adjacent raised portion.4. The garden stake of claim 3 , wherein the notches are formed in the raised portion such that the notches have an upwardly oriented opening forming a retaining hook.5. The garden stake of claim 4 , wherein the notches are formed in pairs on opposite sides of the elongate body.6. The garden stake of claim 5 , wherein the pairs of notches are defined along the raised portions alternately between a first pair of opposed raised portions and a second pair of opposed raised portions. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. provisional application No. 62/217,139, filed Sep. 11, 2015.The present invention relates to garden accessories and, more particularly, to stakes for vertically grown plants, such as saplings, vegetable plants, such as tomatoes, beans, and other vegetables.For ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200068812A1

A plant support system includes a support ring having at least one wall portion, and at least one support beam coupled to the at least one wall portion and configured to increase rigidity of the at least one wall portion. Further, the plant support system also includes a base coupled to the at least one wall portion and having at least one stationary clamping surface; a clamp spine having a movable clamping surface situated opposite the at least one stationary clamping surface; and a plurality of spring leaves coupled to the clamp spine and configured to bias the clamp spine. 1. A plant support system , comprising:a support ring having at least one wall portion;at least one support beam coupled to the at least one wall portion and configured to increase rigidity of the at least one wall portion;a base coupled to the at least one wall portion and having at least one stationary clamping surface;a clamp spine having a movable clamping surface situated opposite the at least one stationary clamping surface; anda plurality of spring leaves coupled to the clamp spine and configured to bias the clamp spine.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one receiving anchor coupled to the support ring.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one receiving anchor further comprises at least one lock tab.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a handle coupled to the clamp spine.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising an extension limiter coupled to the handle.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a travel limiter to limit displacement of the clamp spine.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the travel limiter contacts a portion of the support ring at maximum displacement of the travel limiter.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spring leaves are arranged provide for freedom of motion of the clamp spine to a direction which is substantially parallel to a plane of the support ring.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084736A1
Автор: Uy Adam Chin Shong
Принадлежит: ZEED, LLC

The disclosure herein is directed to a plant cultivation assembly. The plant cultivation assembly provides support for the plants to allow for proper plant growth. Specifically, the plant cultivation assembly allows for vertical plant growth without the need to use stakes. In one embodiment, the plant cultivation assembly may be used for vertical farming. 1. A plant cultivation assembly comprising:a tray having a bottom, a side, a top edge, and an interior;a net; andat least one pole having a first end and a second end;wherein the bottom of the tray has at least one indentation;wherein the first end of the pole sits in the at least on indentation; andwherein the net attaches to the pole at the second end.2. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a plate having at least one hole; wherein the plate attaches to the top edge of the tray; and wherein the pole passes though the at least one hole in the plate.3. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein second end of the pole further has at least one protrusion for attaching to the net.4. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 3 , wherein the protrusion is a hook or a clip.5. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pole further is a telescopic pole.6. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the number of the pole and the at least one indentation is four.7. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plate is made from metal claim 2 , non-corrosive metals claim 2 , composite metals claim 2 , plastic claim 2 , nylon claim 2 , acrylic claim 2 , rubber claim 2 , carbon fiber claim 2 , fiberglass or composites.8. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pole is made from metal claim 1 , non-corrosive metals claim 1 , composite metals claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , acrylic claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , fiberglass or composites.9. The plant cultivation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tray is made from ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Height-Adjustable Plant Support Structure

Номер: US20180084737A1
Автор: Wills Jackie

A height-adjustable plant support structure is a device used for providing structural support for a growing plant. The device includes a primary stabilizing tubular member and a plurality of primary extendable tubular members that is able to telescopically extend from and retract into the primary stabilizing tubular member. A plurality of accessory-mounting holes laterally traverses into the plurality of primary extendable tubular members and may accommodate hooks, ties, strings, and other accessories for supporting the growth of a plant. A flexible water-distribution conduit is positioned within the plurality of primary extendable tubular members, allowing water to be delivered directly to a plant's roots. The device height may be adjusted manually or automatically via a pneumatic telescopic cylinder. At least one flexible trellis member is utilized to support growing plants such as shrubs, grapevine, ivy, and climbing roses. 1. A height-adjustable plant support structure comprises:a primary stabilizing tubular member;a plurality of primary extendable tubular members;a plurality of accessory-mounting holes;a flexible water-distribution conduit;the plurality of primary extendable tubular members comprises a selected primary tubular member, a preceding primary tubular member, and a subsequent primary tubular member;the selected primary tubular member being telescopically engaged with the subsequent primary tubular member;the preceding primary tubular member being telescopically engaged with the selected primary tubular member;the plurality of extendable tubular members being telescopically engaged into the primary stabilizing tubular member;each of the plurality of accessory-mounting holes laterally traversing into a corresponding member from the plurality of primary extendable tubular members; andthe flexible water-distribution conduit being internally connected to the plurality of primary extendable tubular members.2. The height-adjustable plant support structure ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165468A1
Автор: ROESER Bryan, ROESER David

Systems and associated apparatus and methods are described for growing plants in a dense and efficient manner in an indoor environment using artificial light. The systems are configured to hold a high density of plants at a relatively close, substantially fixed distance from a light fixture that provides artificial light for growth of the plants. As the plants grow, the plants are transferred to one or more following stations or stages, each of which is configured to hold the now larger plants at the same relatively close, substantially fixed distance from a light fixture. By providing multiple stages to accommodate plant growth, and maintaining the close positioning of the plants to the light fixtures, the impact of the artificial light on the growth of the plants is maximized and the efficiency of the electrical energy use is increased. 1. A plant growing system , comprising:first and second plant growing stations that are arranged next to one another;the first and second plant growing stations each include a light fixture and a plant support structure that is configured to hold a plurality of plants thereon with the plants facing the light fixture, the light fixture and the plant support structure are mounted to permit relative movement therebetween;the plant support structure of each of the first and second plant growing stations includes a first surface that in use faces toward its associated light fixture;in the first plant growing station, there is a first substantially constant distance between the light fixture thereof and the first surface of the plant support structure thereof;in the second plant growing station, there is a second substantially constant distance between the light fixture thereof and the first surface of the plant support structure thereof; andthe first distance is less than the second distance.2. The plant growing system of claim 1 , further comprising a third plant growing station claim 1 , wherein the first plant growing station is ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Foldable Hinged Trellis Device and Fabrication Method

Номер: US20170086388A1
Автор: Hess Tommy M.

A foldable trellis device in accordance with the present invention includes a predetermined trellis configuration having first and second symmetrical portions with substantially similar dimensions and design features. The foldable trellis device further includes pivoting connecting elements to pivotally connect the two portions to allow the two portions to “close” such that front surfaces of respective first and second portions become engaged, or to allow the first and second portions to manually positioned to vertically resist gusting winds. To increase the stability of the foldable trellis device when wind gusts are relatively strong and from varying directions, a stabilizing member is pivotally connected to the first and second portions to form a wind resistant configuration when taking a top elevation view of the foldable trellis device. 1. A foldable hinged trellis device comprising:a predetermined trellis configuration having at least two half portions;means for pivotally joining cooperating edge portions of each of said two half portions; andmeans for maintaining a selected vertical position of each of said two half portions after pivotally joining together said cooperating edge portions of said two half portions, said selected position being maintained irrespective of wind speed and wind direction.2. The device of wherein said two half portions are detachably joined together.3. The device of wherein said predetermined trellis configuration includes two symmetrical half portions.4. The device of wherein said predetermined trellis configuration includes two portions having different configurations.5. The device in wherein said means for pivotally joining cooperating edge portions of each of said two half portions includes a plurality of aligned hinges secured to front surfaces of each of said two half portions.6. The device of wherein said means for maintaining a selected vertical position for each of said two half portions includes at least two anchoring rods ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Plant Cage Assembly

Номер: US20170086389A1
Автор: Ash Randy

A plant cage assembly includes a cage has a plurality of members. Each of the members is movably coupled together such that the cage is positionable between a deployed position and a collapsed position. The cage may surround a plant when the cage is positioned in the deployed position thereby facilitating the cage to support the plant. The cage may be stored when the cage is positioned in the collapsed position. 1. A plant cage assembly comprising:a cage having a plurality of members, each of said members being movably coupled together such that said cage is positionable between a deployed position and a collapsed position, said cage being configured to surround a plant when said cage is positioned in said deployed position thereby facilitating said cage to support the plant, said cage being configured to be stored when said cage is positioned in said collapsed position.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said plurality of members comprises a plurality of uprights claim 1 , each of said uprights having a top end claim 1 , a bottom end and a peripheral surface extending between said top end and said bottom end claim 1 , said peripheral surface having a first side and a second side claim 1 , said first side and said second side forming a right angle with each other claim 1 , each of said uprights being elongated between said top end and said bottom end claim 1 , said bottom end of each of said uprights being tapered to a point wherein said bottom end of each of said uprights is configured to penetrate a support surface claim 1 , said plurality of uprights comprising a pair of first uprights and a pair of second uprights.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , further comprising a first set of supports claim 2 , each of said first set of supports being movably coupled between said first side corresponding to said pair of first uprights such that said pair of first uprights is spaced apart from each other claim 2 , said first set of supports being spaced apart ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Plant Feeder

Номер: US20170086397A1
Автор: Sutton Keith Robert

An apparatus includes container having an open top, a lower end portion with a drain opening, and an interior growing space vertically between the open top and the lower end portion. A lid is received over the open top of the container. A plant retainer is supported on the lid, and retains a plant in a growing position in which the stem reaches vertically through the retainer and the roots reach downward from the stem. A plant feeder device is located beneath the retainer to emit water beside the plant. A root trellis reaches across the interior growing space beneath the feeder device. The root trellis has an inner portion aligned vertically with the retainer, an outer portion surrounding the inner portion, and a cross-sectional profile inclined vertically from the inner portion to the outer portion. 1. An apparatus comprising:a container having an open top, a lower end portion with a drain opening, and an interior growing space vertically between the open top and the lower end portion;a lid received over the open top of the container;a plant retainer supported on the lid and configured to retain a plant in a growing position with a stem reaching vertically through the retainer and roots reaching downward from the stem;a plant feeder device located beneath the retainer and configured to emit water beside a plant in the growing position; anda root trellis reaching across the interior growing space beneath the feeder device, the root trellis having a first portion aligned vertically with the retainer, a second portion surrounding the first portion, and a cross-sectional profile inclined vertically from the first portion to the second portion.2. An apparatus as defined in wherein the cross-sectional profile of the root trellis is inclined vertically downward from the first portion to the second portion.3. An apparatus as defined in where the cross-sectional profile of the root trellis has an arcuate configuration between the first portion and the second portion.4. An ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087674A1
Автор: Chou Yi, Wang Haiyan

The present disclosure relates to an automatic forming machine for plant growth supports, comprising a ring rolling system with a ring rolling unit, a mold system with a mold unit, and a welding system, which are all disposed on a machine frame, wherein the ring rolling unit can roll a metal wire and make the metal wire be formed into a ring with an opening in the mold unit; the mold system is for carrying the ring and making two free ends of the ring with an opening aligned or alternately overlap with each other; the welding system welds can weld the opening of the ring carried by the mold unit, causing the ring to become a closed ring. The present disclosure has a high automatic degree and can reduce the production time and labor cost. 121-. (canceled)22. An automatic forming machine for plant growth supports , comprising a ring rolling system , a mold system , and a welding system , which are all disposed on a machine frame , the ring rolling system comprises a ring rolling unit , and the mold system comprises a mold unit , wherein the ring rolling unit is adapted to roll a metal wire and make the metal wire be formed into a ring with an opening in the mold unit; the mold unit is for carrying the ring and making two free ends of the ring with an opening aligned or overlap with each other; the welding system is adapted to weld the opening of the ring carried by the mold unit , causing the ring to become a closed ring.23. The automatic forming machine for plant growth supports according to claim 22 , characterized in that the mold unit comprises a baseplate with an annular first groove for holding the ring claim 22 , and the first groove makes the two free ends of the ring aligned or overlap with each other.24. The automatic forming machine for plant growth supports according to claim 23 , characterized in that the baseplate comprises a first baseplate element and a second baseplate element with a first engaging part between their first ends and a second engaging ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096949A1
Автор: CHANG Cheng-Chung

A modular garden system is provided with a rectangular frame including a plurality of rectangular openings spaced apart vertically; a plurality of hooks formed on one side of the frame, each hook including a vertical groove; a plurality of connectors formed on an other side of the frame, each connector including a post; a bar disposed on a top of the frame; and a hook member disposed on an underside of the frame, the hook member including a horizontal groove. The posts of one garden system are capable of being complimentarily received in the vertical grooves of the hooks of an adjacent garden system. The bar of one garden system is capable of being complimentarily received in the horizontal groove of the hook member of an adjacent garden system. 1. A modular garden system comprising:a rectangular frame comprising a plurality of rectangular openings spaced apart vertically;a plurality of hooks formed on one side of the frame, each of the hooks comprising a vertical groove;a plurality of connectors formed on an other side of the frame, each of the connectors comprising a post;a bar disposed on a top of the frame; anda hook member disposed on an underside of the frame, the hook member comprising a horizontal groove;wherein the posts of one garden system are capable of being complimentarily received in the vertical grooves of the hooks of an adjacent garden system; andwherein the bar of one garden system is capable of being complimentarily received in the horizontal groove of the hook member of an adjacent garden system.2. The modular garden system of claim 1 , wherein the frame is made of plastic.3. The modular garden system of claim 1 , wherein the vertical groove of each of the hooks has a vertical narrow opening.4. The modular garden system of claim 1 , wherein the posts are vertically oriented.5. The modular garden system of claim 1 , wherein the frame is rectangle claim 1 , the hooks are equally spaced apart on one side of the frame claim 1 , and the posts are ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170094913A1

A plant tie comprises a plastically deformable elongate body having first and second free ends that are attachable to each other by means of at least one permanent magnet. In some embodiments the plant tie comprises an attachment portion between the free ends, the attachment portion being adapted to attach the plant tie to a cylindrical member. 1. A plant tie comprising a plastically deformable elongate body having first and second free ends that are attachable to each other by means of at least one permanent magnet.2. The plant tie of comprising a permanent magnet adjacent the first free end and a magnetic material adjacent the second free end.3. The plant tie of comprising a permanent magnet adjacent the first free end and a permanent magnet adjacent the second free end.4. The plant tie of any preceding claim wherein the plastically deformable elongate body is provided by at least one portion of plastically deformable metal wire.5. The plant tie of wherein the plastically deformable wire is at least part covered in a plastics material.6. The plant tie of wherein the plastically deformable wire is fully covered in a plastics material.7. The plant tie of any preceding claim comprising an attachment portion between the free ends claim 4 , the attachment portion being adapted to attach the plant tie to a substantially cylindrical member.8. The plant tie of wherein the attachment portion comprises a recess that is adapted to releasably clip the plant tie to a substantially cylindrical member.9. The plant tie of wherein the recess is at least part substantially cylindrical.10. The plant tie of any of to wherein the attachment portion is substantially equidistantly disposed between the first and second free ends.11. The plant tie of any preceding claim wherein a magnet is contained in a plastic housing.12. A kit comprising a plant tie made in accordance with any preceding claim claim 8 , the kit further comprising at least one metal pole.13. The kit of comprising a ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Mesh Lined Planter Box

Номер: US20150101248A1
Автор: Adkinson Jacob C.

Disclosed herein is a mesh lined planter box for use in growing of plants where mobility and/or easy removal of the plants and/or growing media is desired. The mesh lining in one example comprises a replaceable fabric mesh bag into which growing media is placed for growing of plants. Also disclosed is a trellis which may be removed from the planter box. The trellis may also include vertically adjustable cross members. A watering system is also disclosed attached to the base unit, or trellis of the planter box. The watering system in one form comprising a plurality of feed lines attached to a common main line and having valves on each feed line. 1. A fabric mesh lined planter box comprising:a. a base unit frame;b. at least one wire mesh panel attached to the base unit frame forming a base unit;c. a fabric mesh bag in contact with and vertically supported by the wire mesh panels;d. the fabric mesh bag configured to contain growing media for growing of plants therein.2. The planter box as recited in further comprising a plurality of trellis posts removably attached to and extending vertically above the base unit.3. The planter box as recited in wherein the base unit is vertically positionable along the trellis posts.4. The planter box as recited in further comprising a trellis cross member attached to laterally adjacent trellis posts.5. The planter box as recited in further comprising a watering system comprising a main line attached to the base unit and having a hose connection thereon.6. The planter box as recited in further comprising:a. a plurality of trellis posts removably attached to and extending vertically above the base unit;b. the watering system is attached to the trellis posts via a vertical adjustment system providing vertical positioning of the watering system along the trellis posts.7. The planter box as recited in further comprising:a. a water retaining drip pan removably attached to the base unit; andb. the drip pan paced below the positioned below ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182202A1
Автор: WILMOT Eric
Принадлежит: Wellspring Systems, LLC

A supportive device and mounting system for positioning potting or planting systems on a support surface and enabling convenient and secure location, adaptive replacement and optional irrigation use. A base support member is secured to a structural support system. An insert member is adaptive positioned within the based support member enabling a smooth transition to the structural support system. Alternative irrigation systems operably interconnect each base support, member for improved convenience. A method for installing, modifying and operating the supportive device and mounting system is also provided. 1. A supportive system for positioning potting or planting systems on a support surface , said system comprising:at least one base support member having a plurality of opposing sides, a closed bottom, and an open top, said opposing sides and said closed bottom bounding an interior volume;at least two said opposing sides being proximate to support side walls of an external structural support system for said base support member;said at least two said opposing sides operably secured to said support side walls thereby securing said base support member relative to said external structural support system;an insert member having a plurality of opposing insert sides, a closed insert, bottom, and an open insert top, said opposing insert sides and said closed insert, bottom bounding an interior insert volume; andsaid insert member positionable within said base support member.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said insert member comprises at least one wicking well proximate said closed insert bottom.3. The system according to claim 2 , further comprising:at least one irrigation means for providing operative irrigation to said wicking well of said insert member;wherein said irrigation means includes at least one of a sealed access or a and bounded access from an exterior surface of said base support member to an interior surface of said base support member;wherein ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Tree Planter Harness

Номер: US20140183311A1
Автор: Peterson John Joseph

The Tree Planter Harness is an apparatus which supports and holds in an elevated or ground level position a planter or planters around and adjacent to the circumference of an upright tree trunk for the purpose of growing or retaining plants. 1: (canceled)2: (canceled)3: (canceled)4: (canceled)5: (canceled)6: (canceled)7: (canceled)8: (canceled)9: (canceled)10: (canceled)11. A method of using a harness system for at least one planter comprising: [ [ wherein the two ends are connected via the connecting and adjustment fastener forming a main loop having a first length and', 'wherein the length of the main loop is adjustable,, 'at least one main support harness having two ends with each of the two ends having a complimentary connecting and adjustment fastener,'}, wherein the two ends are connected via the connecting and adjustment fastener forming a secondary loop having a second length and', 'wherein the length of the secondary loop is adjustable,, 'at least one planter retaining harness coupled to the at least one main support harness having two ends with each of the two ends having a complimentary connecting and adjustment fastener,'}, 'an adjustable attaching fastener that couples the at least one planter retaining harness to the at least one main support harness,, 'wherein the tree planter harness comprises,'}, 'feeding a second end of the main support harness around the other side of the secondary object;', 'securing the first end to the second end using a connecting and adjustment fastener;', 'adjusting the height of the main support harness around the secondary object;', 'tightening the main support harness around the periphery of the secondary object;', 'feeding a first end of a planter retaining harness around one side of a planter;', 'feeding a second end of the planter retaining harness around the other side of the planter;', 'securing the first end to the second end using a connecting and adjustment fastener; and', 'tightening the planter retaining harness ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Top Dripping and Bottom Wicking Assembly and Method of Feeding a Plant

Номер: US20180103598A1
Автор: Marshall Aaron

A top dripping and bottom wicking assembly and method of operation feeds a reservoir that controllably drips liquid nutrient solution from above a plant, and also uses capillary action of a planar wick member to draw the liquid nutrient solution into a plant growing medium and plant roots. The assembly works to controllably drip the liquid nutrient onto the plant through sized and dimensioned drip holes that form in the reservoir, while simultaneously dispersing the liquid nutrient solution through a planar wick member to disperse liquid nutrient solution to a plant growing medium and the roots of the plant. Stakes hold the reservoir above the plant. The wick member is flat and forms a central opening to allow passage of the plant. A plant support member retains the plant in an upright position. The plant support member forms wicking holes to enable passage of liquid nutrients from the wick. 1. A top dripping and bottom wicking assembly , the assembly comprising:a reservoir defined by a generally ring-shape, the reservoir further being defined by a reservoir inner wall and a reservoir outer wall that form a channel, the walls being defined by at least one drip hole;a reservoir cap adapted to mate with the reservoir, the reservoir cap defined by a generally ring-shape, the reservoir cap further being defined by a cap inner wall and a cap outer wall,whereby the cap inner wall detachably couples to the reservoir outer wall;a nozzle integrated with the reservoir cap, the nozzle being in communication with the channel of the reservoir;a plant support member defined by a support surface, the support surface forming at least one bottom wicking hole, the plant support member further being defined by a brim that encircles the support surface, the brim forming a plurality of brim apertures, the plant support member further being defined by at least one segregating wall that segregates the support surface, the plant support member further being defined by a central support ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105359A1

A sheet metal planter comprises three panel types, can be assembled with readily available tools, can be disassembled to fit in a compact space, can be made in more than one shape, does not require fasteners in one embodiment or places a modest load on fasteners in another embodiment, and is aesthetically pleasing. 1. A structure in an x- , y- , z-coordinate system , wherein the structure is made from sheet metal , comprising:a horizontally oriented bottom panel made from sheet metal and comprising a horizontal rectangle, wherein a first side and a third side of the bottom panel are oriented along the z-axis and are mirror images of one another, and a second side and a fourth side of the bottom panel are oriented along the x-axis and are mirror images of one another, wherein the first and third sides define bottom panel z-sides and the second and fourth sides define bottom panel x-sides, wherein the bottom panel z- and x-sides comprise a 90 degree flange;two similar vertically oriented inside panels made from sheet metal, wherein a first side and a third side of each inside panel are oriented along the z-axis, and a second side and a fourth side of each inside panel are oriented along the y-axis, wherein the second and fourth sides of each inside panel are mirror images of one another, wherein the first side defines an inside panel top z-side, wherein the third side defines an inside panel bottom z-side, wherein the second and fourth sides define inside panel y-sides, and wherein each inside panel y-side comprises a 90 degree flange and wherein the inside panel bottom z-side comprises a 90 degree flange; the two inside panels fit between the outside panel y-side 90 degree flanges, preventing the inside panels from movement outward, away from the center of the structure;', 'the outside panel top x-side 180 degree flanges fit over the top of the inside panel y-side 90 degree flanges, preventing the top of the outside panels from movement outward, away from the center ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105361A1

This multiplant bioactive composting pot of chosen shape, size, and material has a central composting chamber () with two or more outer plant chambers() separated by a partition () forming soil loaded plant and waste loaded composting parts. Each plant chamber has water drain hole () on the side, an inside a stem support insert () and is filled with soil. The compost chamber is pre-coated with composting microbes. The compost chamber has a lid ()in rainy& snowy areas. The waste is composted in few days. The plant roots grow into partition holes () and suck up this nutrition for faster growth and more yield. Any excess water is drained out by hole () in the soil part. Series of these pots form an organic garbage garden to add nutrition and clean up air too. 1124456. an multiplant bioactive composting pot comprising of a central composting chamber () , of needed shape and size and provided with two or more outer plant chambers () , the pot has on its inside a partition () between each plant chamber and the central waste chamber , this partition () having multiple root holes () , the plant chamber has an excess water drain hole () on the side and is filled with soil and planted.27. An multiplant bioactive composting pot as claimed above , wherein the plant chamber in the floor has stem support inserts () for plant stem supporting poles.3. A multiplant bioactive composting pot as claimed in claim 1 , wherein various safe microbes for decomposing organic wastes—proteins claim 1 , sugars claim 1 , fats claim 1 , cellluoses claim 1 , skin claim 1 , bones are suspended in solution with microbial nutrients claim 1 , coated to the inside of composting chamber and dried. This invention in general relates to bioactive garden pots with built in composting of organic wastes and many plants growing in the same pot in different plant chambers.All homes, hotels generate organic wastes from eating that includes vegetables, meat, fish etc left overs that is sent to city dumping yard ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Modular Plant Growing System with Support and Protection Features

Номер: US20150113869A1
Автор: Gregory H. Brown
Принадлежит: Individual

A plant growing system protects plants during spring, for early and/or fast growth, and supports the plants later in the growing season. Frames hold panels that protect the plants by enclosing, shielding, and/or shading the interior growing space, and upon removal of the panels, the frames may support the larger plants and their fruit/vegetables. Multiple cooperating frames pivotally connect to form modular units of various sizes and shapes, and a latching/locking feature may stabilize the unit by preventing accidental disconnection of the frames. The frames may include feature(s) that allow, and stabilize, stacking of multiple units for accommodating taller plants. The panels held by the frames may be translucent/transparent, opaque, or a combination of the two, for customizing the interior environment inside each modular unit to the plant(s), the time of year, and/or the location and climate.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220174896A1
Автор: Keegan William J.

A plant grow rack that includes a base portion having semi-circular bracket and a plurality of stakes and support hooks attached thereto and is adapted to be placed around an existing plant, be pushed into the ground, and hold a semi-circular water supply line above the ground and around the plant to thereby water said plant. 1. A plant grow rack comprising: a semi-circular bracket; and', [ 'wherein said shaft is tapered and adapted to be pushed into ground material;', 'a shaft;'}, 'wherein said head is attached between said shaft and said semi-circular bracket; and', 'a head;'}, 'wherein said support hook is attached to said head and adapted to releasably hold a water supply line thereon;', 'a support hook;'}], 'a plurality of stakes, each including, 'wherein said plurality of stakes are spaced from one another and adapted to be pushed into said ground material; and', 'wherein said base portion is adapted to be securely placed around a plant to be watered and hold a water supply line above said ground material;, 'a base portion including [ a plurality of spaced holes therethrough; and', 'a water nozzle adapted to connect with and allow water to enter and exit said watering loop;', 'wherein said bracket water line has a semi-circular shape similar to said semi-circular shape of said semi-circular bracket of said base portion; and', 'wherein said bracket water line is adapted to be placed upon and held in place by said support hooks of said plurality of stakes of said base portion;, 'a semi-circular watering tube including, 'wherein said bracket water line is adapted to allow water to pass therethrough and through said plurality of spaced holes and into said ground material surrounding said plant to be watered; and, 'a bracket water line including [ a proximal end adapted to releasably connect to said water nozzle of said bracket water line; and', 'a distal end; and, 'a watering tube including, 'wherein said adjustable water flow nozzle is connected to said distal ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112074A1
Автор: Mermelstein Gary Alan

Examples of the present disclosure are related to systems and methods to redirect vertical growth of flowering plants. In embodiments, a portable growing system may redirect vertical growth of plants in a late vegetative stage and in an early flower stage. This may allow lower budding sites positioned within the portable growing system to receive substantially the same amount of light as higher budding sites positioned within the portable growing system. 1. A portable growing system for plants , the system comprising:a first screen;vertical supports configured to support the first screen;a plurality of slots positioned within the first screen configured to receive the vertical supports.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of slots includes a first end positioned proximal to a center of the first screen and a second end positioned proximal to a corner of the first screen.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first ends of the slots have a smaller diameter than the second ends of the slots.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the vertical supports includes a cap claim 1 , the cap including a channel partitioning an upper portion and a lower portion of the cap claim 1 , the channel having a smaller diameter than that of the slots claim 1 , the upper portion claim 1 , and lower portion.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the vertical supports are configured to slide within the slots.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second screen positioned above the first screen.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the first screen and the second screen are formed of a mesh pattern claim 6 , a sizing of the mesh pattern associated with the first screen being different than the mesh pattern associated with the second screen.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of slots positioned within the first screen form a first set of slots claim 6 , and the second screen includes a second set of slots claim 6 , wherein a shape associated with the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110408A1
Автор: Franklin Michael

A device for supporting a tree limb. The device includes a Y-shaped structure comprising a V-shaped portion and a stem portion. In some embodiments, the V-portion can be situated to contact a tree branch or tree trunk to provide support to the tree. In embodiments, a telescoping stem portion having a longitudinal axis and first and second ends is provided. A releasable coupler can be included for varying the length of the telescoping stem portion between the first and second ends. A V-shaped portion is fixedly coupled to the first end of the stem portion. 1. A propping device comprising:a Y-shaped rigid structure comprising an upper V-shaped portion and a stem portion having a first end and a second end,wherein the V-shaped portion comprises two arms defining a space therebetween,wherein the space is continuously tapering,wherein the V-shaped portion is coupled to the first end of the stem portion, andwherein the stem portion has a length as measured between the first end and the second end and is configured to be adjustable in length.2. The propping device of claim 1 , wherein the stem portion at the second end is coupled to an anchor configured to engage with a ground that is supporting a tree.3. The propping device of claim 2 , wherein the second end is flanged.4. The propping device of claim 1 , wherein the stem portion is configured to be adjustable in length over a range spanning at least 75 cm.5. The propping device of claim 1 , wherein the Y-shaped structure and the stem portion are metal.6. The propping device of claim 1 , wherein the two arms are straight.7. The propping device of claim 6 , wherein the two straight arms each extend along a longitudinal axis claim 6 , these axes forming an angle between 15 to 25 degrees claim 6 , 25 to 50 degrees claim 6 , or 50 to 75 degrees.8. The propping device of claim 7 , wherein the length of each of the two straight arms is at least 20 cm.9. The propping device of claim 8 , wherein the longitudinal axes of the two ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Plant Pot and Support Structure

Номер: US20140196365A1
Автор: Washington Al Michael

A plant pot and support structure for supporting a plant growing in the pot including the plant pot, at least one pillar connected to the plant pot, and at least one mesh supported by and connected to the pillar. The plant grows upwardly through, and is supported by, the mesh. The pillars are connected to and supported by the plant pot. The mesh is suspended in a horizontal plane allowing the plant to grow up and through the openings in the mesh, which in turn provides support to the plant. In doing so, the plant does not need to divert its growth resources toward strengthening its stalk and can maximize its fruit or flowering yield. In another embodiment, there is disclosed a plant pot having a sidewall that includes at least one bore extending downwardly along the sidewall. 1. A plant pot and support structure for supporting a plant growing in the plant pot comprising:(a) the plant pot;(b) at least one pillar connected to the plant pot; and(c) at least one mesh supported by and connected to the pillar, whereby the plant grows upwardly through, and is supported by, the mesh.2. The plant pot and support structure of wherein the plant pot includes a sidewall that has at least one bore for receiving an end of the pillar.3. The plant pot and support structure of including at least three pillars and the mesh is connected to and supported by each pillar.4. The plant pot and support structure of wherein the mesh comprises a flexible material.5. The plant pot and support structure of having a second mesh claim 4 , the second mesh being positioned at a different elevation from the plant pot than a first mesh.6. The plant pot and support structure of including at least one extension pillar that is connected to and extends upwardly from the pillar.7. The plant pot and support structure of having a second mesh claim 3 , the second mesh being positioned at a different elevation from the plant pot than a first mesh.8. The plant pot and support structure of wherein the mesh ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Tray Structure for Constructing Plant Tower

Номер: US20180116129A1
Автор: Cai Han-Xi, Tsai Sheng-Yu

A tray structure includes a plurality of trays stacking together from top to bottom and expanding in an alternating manner to construct a spiral plant tower. Each of the trays includes a bottom plate, a peripheral wall and a cultivating space. Each of the trays includes an inner tube provided with a protruding locking member, and an outer tube provided with a plurality of recessed locking members. The recessed locking members of the outer tube of an upper one of the trays are locked onto the protruding locking member of the inner tube of a lower one of the trays. Each of the trays includes a connecting tube located in and connected with the inner tube by a plurality of separating ribs. The connecting tubes of the trays are juxtaposed to each other when the trays are combined together. 1. A tray structure comprising:a plurality of trays stacking together from top to bottom and expanding in an alternating manner to construct a spiral column-shaped plant tower;wherein:each of the trays includes a bottom plate and a peripheral wall surrounding the bottom plate, with a cultivating space being defined between the bottom plate and the peripheral wall;each of the trays includes an inner tube located at a first side of the bottom plate and provided with a protruding locking member, and an outer tube located at a second side of the bottom plate and provided with a plurality of recessed locking members;the recessed locking members of the outer tube of an upper one of the trays are locked onto the protruding locking member of the inner tube of a lower one of the trays;each of the trays includes a connecting tube located in the inner tube and the outer tube and connected with the inner tube by a plurality of separating ribs; andthe connecting tubes of the trays are juxtaposed to each other when the trays are combined together.2. The tray structure of claim 1 , wherein each of the trays includes a plurality of reinforcing ribs located in the cultivating space and connected with ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116130A1

A planter which defines a planting recess for receiving a plant, in use, and which also defines a ballast cavity for receiving ballast, in use, to provide stability for the planter 117-. (canceled)18. A planter , comprising:a planting recess configured to receiving a plant; anda ballast cavity configured to receiving a ballast that provide stability for the planter.19. The planter according to claim 18 , further comprising a closure configured to retain the ballast in the ballast cavity.20. The planter according to claim 19 , wherein the closure is removable for introducing or removing ballast.21. The planter according to claim 19 , wherein the closure incudes a planar or substantially planar member that forms a base of the planter.22. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein the ballast cavity extends around a perimeter of the planting recess.23. The planter according to claim 22 , wherein the ballast cavity extends continuously around the perimeter of the planting recess.24. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein when the planter is positioned with the planting recess open from above claim 18 , the ballast cavity widens toward a base of the planter.25. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein when the planter is positioned with the planting recess open from above claim 18 , the planting recess widens upwardly towards a mouth of the planter.26. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein the planting recess forms an inverted frusto-conical space.27. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein the ballast cavity is provided between the planting recess and an external non-inverted frusto-conical wall.28. The planter according to claim 18 , comprising a continuous wall which divides the planting recess and the ballast cavity.29. The planter according to claim 18 , wherein the planting recess and the ballast cavity are defined by a main part of the planter.30. The planter according to claim 29 , wherein the main part is a moulded part.31. The planter ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170118923A1
Автор: Montagano Michael

In embodiments there is disclosed a modular pole for horticultural and agricultural use, pole sections and connector pins for use to assemble the pole, and methods for assembling the pole. In embodiments a connector pin is inserted into end sockets in opposed pole section ends and in embodiments the ends are held onto the connector pin by a fastener which may comprise a clip or a threaded sleeve. 1. A plant support pole comprising at least first and second pole sections , and at least one connector pin:each pole section having first and second free ends, each said free end comprising a connector pin receiving socket;said at least one connector pin having two connector pin ends, each of said connector pin ends sized to mate with a said connector pin receiving socket;so that opposed mating of two said free ends with said connector pin ends substantially prevents relative lateral movement of said free ends.2. The plant support pole according to further comprising a fastener for holding said opposed free ends in mutual engagement with said connector pin.3. The plant support pole according to wherein said free ends are threaded.4. The plant support pole according to wherein said fastener comprises two threaded sockets for receiving and securing said threaded free ends in mutual opposition.5. The plant support pole according to wherein said fastener comprises a clip.6. The plant support pole according to wherein at least one free end comprises a flange for engaging said clip.7. The plant support pole according to wherein said connector pin is a metal rod.8. The plant support pole according to wherein the pole further comprises at least one end piece.9. A pole section for a modular plant support pole claim 1 , said section comprising a free end claim 1 , said end comprising an axial socket sized to mate with a cooperating connector pin.10. The pole section according to wherein said pole section comprises two said free ends claim 9 , and wherein both said ends comprise a ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Modular Magnetic Container System

Номер: US20150128491A1
Автор: Aller Jared, Cui Yi, Oyler Beau

A vessel in a modular magnetic storage system is set forth. The vessel includes at least one magnet housing assembly configured to securely store a magnet therein. The magnet housing assembly is provided on, within a portion, or within a wall of the vessel. An interior wall of the vessel is configured to form a compartment and to selectively store at least one object therein. The magnet housing assembly is configured to hold the vessel securely in a suspended configuration through a cover provided on the magnet housing assembly. The vessel is mounted in the suspended configuration by selectively connecting the magnet to a surface. 1. A vessel of a modular magnetic storage system comprising:an interior wall and an exterior wall, the interior wall and exterior wall configured to form an interior compartment of the vessel adapted for selectively storing at least one object therein;a magnet assembly housing formed at least one of on and in the vessel, the magnet assembly housing adapted and configured to secure magnets to the vessel; anda resilient cover positioned over the magnet assembly housing, the resilient cover providing a coefficient of friction between the resilient cover and a surface to which the vessel can attach, wherein the resilient cover maintains a position of the vessel on the surface when the vessel is attached to the surface.2. A vessel as claimed in claim 1 , the vessel further defined by a non-porous exterior wall and a non-porous resilient cover.3. A vessel as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a removable porous separator disposed within the interior compartment of the vessel.4. A vessel as claimed in claim 1 , the magnet assembly housing including molded snap elements.5. A vessel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface is a second vessel of a modular magnetic storage system.6. A vessel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface is a back-plate.7. A vessel as claimed in claim 6 , the back-plate configured to selectively mount on a ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Urban forest high-rise villa

Номер: US20190119935A1
Автор: Daqing Zheng

The present disclosure provides an urban forest high-rise villa, which includes: outdoor garden courtyards. The outdoor garden courtyards include: lower outdoor garden courtyards and upper outdoor garden courtyards. The lower outdoor garden courtyard and the upper outdoor garden courtyard of the upper floor located immediately above the lower outdoor garden courtyard are arranged in different oration or in a staggered manner, the lower outdoor garden courtyard and the upper outdoor garden courtyard are each of a height identical to a two-story height of the urban forest high-rise villa. The floor located immediately above a window of a main room (such as living room, bedroom) and the floors located immediately above a window of a main room (such as living room, main bedroom) are not arranged with outdoor garden courtyards, to achieve direct lighting in the main room.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127620A1
Автор: GALATE Rebecca

Disclosed is a firm support for long stem flowers or plants. The stake is provided with interlocking clips with open and close cylinders that hold the plant stem in place. A node is provided on the periphery of the cylinder, which facilitates small hinge operation with a strong magnetic closure for open/close of a cylinder that holds the stem in place. 1. A firm-support structure for a plant stem , comprising:a stake;at least one cylinder;at least one extension arm;at least one interlocking clip.2. The firm-support structure for a plant stem according to claim 1 , wherein said stake has four sides.3. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 1 , wherein said stake goes into the ground.4. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 1 , wherein said stake has a plurality of ‘U’ shaped locks at a periphery of said stake.5. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 1 , wherein at least one cylinder has a node installed at a periphery of said cylinder.6. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 5 , wherein said node is pushed back to enable at least one cylinder to hold said plant stem.7. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 1 , wherein at least one extension arm connects at least one cylinder with at least one interlocking clip.8. The firm-support structure for a plant stem or like according to claim 1 , wherein at least one interlocking clip is slide into ‘U’ shaped locks at said periphery of said stake.9. A method for supporting a plant stem claim 1 , comprising steps of:providing a stake with a plurality of ‘U’ shaped locks;providing at least one cylinder with a node;providing at least one extension arm;providing at least one interlocking clip.10. The method for supporting a plant stem according to claim 9 , wherein said plurality of ‘U’ shaped locks are positioned at periphery of said stake.11. The method for supporting ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127621A1

In order to support a plant in a bucket that has a top and outside rim, a trellis base having a base surface portion and a rim engagement portion is disclosed. These portions seat on the top and outside rim of the bucket and extend around and beneath the top and outside rim of the bucket. A bottom portion of a further extension wall carries a hold down means which when positioned beneath the top and outside rim of the bucket, anchors the trellis base on the bucket. An inward bias means to inwardly bias and maintain the hold down means in position can also be used. The base surface portion carries at least one removable upright trellis holding means to removably carry the plant trellis. 1. A trellis base configured to removably carry a plant trellis , to support a growing plant in a bucket having a top and outside rim which extends from a sidewall of the bucket , comprising:a base surface portion running peripherally around the inside of the rim of the bucket and having a generally horizontal upper surface that extends between an inner perimeter of the base surface portion and an outer perimeter of the base surface portion;the outer perimeter of the base surface portion attached to a rim engagement portion;the rim engagement portion comprising a first inside wall portion extending upwards from the base surface portion and wrapping over into a top rim portion, the top rim portion extending generally horizontally outward over the rim of the bucket before wrapping downwards into an outside wall portion which curves below a top edge of the rim of the bucket;the outside wall portion attached to a further extension portion which carries a hold down means which when positioned beneath the top and outside rim of the bucket, anchors the trellis base on the bucket;an inward bias means to inwardly bias and maintain the hold down means beneath the top and outside rim of the bucket;the upper surface carrying at least one removable upright trellis holding means to removably carry ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200120879A1
Автор: NICHOLAS James Donald

Modular trellis sections of aesthetic appearance that are manually portable and easily installed in residential or commercial gardens, and that can be arrayed to form a linear, a partially enclosed, or an entirely enclosed trellis fence are configured as a basic rectilinear frame formed from a pair of rigid generally parallel vertical rods to which are permanently secured in co-planar relation a first horizontal rod extending between the upper ends of the vertical rods and a second horizontal rod at a predetermined distance from the lower free ends of the vertical rods to define a pair of supporting legs, and vertically spaced rigid supporting hooks that are secured in co-planar relation to the inner facing surfaces of the vertical rods, the openings of the supporting hooks being configured and dimensioned to receive horizontal rails and open mesh wire panels that extend between and link the trellis sections to form a fence. The several configurations of trellis sections, along with other accessories are well suited for sale as kits for installation by both residential gardeners and commercial growers.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160135384A1

An apparatus for growing and harvesting a tangled mass composed of sprouted seed grain, including a plurality of overlying movable (relative to the frame), substantially planar surfaces having a length, each surface movable (relative to the frame) between a first position and a second position, each surface configured to receive a layer of seed grain that is permitted to grow for a predetermined period of time on each surface in the first position, the layer of seed grain becoming a continuous tangled mass of sprouted seed grain. After the predetermined period of time, a surface of the plurality of surfaces is moved to the second position, such that the mass associated with the moved surface is at least substantially removable from the moved surface due to gravity. 1. An apparatus for growing and harvesting a tangled mass composed of sprouted seed grain , comprising:a plurality of overlying substantially planar surfaces having a length, the length being capable of continuously extending at least a length of a semi-trailer, each surface being independently rotatably connected to an immobile frame, each surface rotatable between a first position and a second position, each surface configured to receive a layer of seed grain that is permitted to grow for a predetermined period of time on each surface in the first position, the layer of seed grain becoming a continuous tangled mass of sprouted seed grain;wherein each rotatable surface is rotatable about an axis extending along the length of the surface;wherein the frame includes cantilevered frame portions, each frame portion extends outwardly from the frame and beneath the corresponding surface to a rotatable connection positioned on an underside of the corresponding surface along the axis, the frame portion being perpendicular to the axis;wherein upon rotation of a surface of the plurality of surfaces to the second position after the predetermined period of time, the mass associated with the surface is at least ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160135385A1
Автор: Wang Meng-Wei

A screen of green has a base, a supporting seat, at least one supporting pillar, and a platform. The at least one supporting pillar is erectly mounted on the base. The supporting seat is movably mounted on the at least one supporting pillar and is above the base. The platform has multiple grids and is mounted on the supporting seat. The screen of green kit is utilized to grow a vine and to support the fruit of the vine. 1. A screen of green kit comprising:a base;at least one supporting pillar erectly mounted on the base;a supporting seat movably mounted on the at least one supporting pillar and being above the base; anda platform mounted on the supporting seat and having multiple grids.2. The screen of green kit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein [ a through hole axially defined through the adjusting unit and mounted around a corresponding one of the at least one supporting pillar; and', 'an outer surface;', 'an adjusting threaded hole radially defined in the outer surface of the adjusting unit and communicating with the through hole; and, 'an adjusting unit having'}, 'an adjusting bolt screwed with the adjusting threaded hole and abutting against the corresponding supporting pillar., 'the supporting seat has at least one adjusting structure connected respectively with the at least one supporting pillar, and each one of the at least one adjusting structure has'}3. The screen of green kit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein [ a fixing hole axially defined in the fixing unit and disposed around the corresponding supporting pillar;', 'an outer surface; and', 'a fixing threaded hole radially defined in the outer surface of the fixing unit and communicating with the fixing hole; and, 'a fixing unit having'}, 'a fixing bolt screwed with the fixing threaded hole and abutting against the corresponding supporting pillar., 'the base has at least one fixing structure connected respectively with the corresponding supporting pillar, and each one of the at least one fixing structure has ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160135386A1
Автор: Merz Thomas Victor

A plant growth support pot having a support structure to enhance growth in a desired line, said support pot comprising of a pot, wherein said pot has a pot-height, a pot-collar, a pot-bottom, a pot-side-wall and a pot-top; an insert, wherein said insert has an insert-height, an insert-collar, an insert-bottom, an insert-side-wall and an insert-top, wherein said insert-height being shorter than said pot-height; said insert being inserted into the pot, wherein said insert-collar coincides with said pot-collar; a plurality of pillar members each having a distal, a medial and a proximal end; said pot-bottom comprising of a plurality of receiving holes to receive said distal end of said pillar members; and said insert-bottom comprising of a plurality of insert-aperture to receive said medial section of said pillar members. 1- A plant growth support pot having a support structure to enhance growth in a desired manner , said support pot comprising:a. A first-pot, wherein said first-pot having a first-bottom, a first-side wall and a first-top collar;b. A second-pot, wherein said second-pot having a second-bottom, a second-side wall and a second-top collar, wherein said second-side wall being shorter than said first-side wall;c. said second-pot being inserted into the first-pot, wherein said second-top collar coincides with said first-top collar;d. a plurality of pillar members each having a distal, a medial and a proximal end;e. said first-bottom comprising of a plurality of receiving holes to receive said distal end of said pillar members; andf. said second-bottom comprising of a plurality of apertures to receive said medial section of said pillar members.2- The plant growth support pot of claim 1 , wherein said pot further having a plurality of drain holes designed on an outer perimeter of said first-bottom.3- The plant growth support pot of claim 1 , wherein said second-bottom being a semi-hollow-shape having an inwardly extended ledge claim 1 , wherein said ledge having ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Crimper For Managing Plant Growth

Номер: US20180132427A1
Автор: Ritchie Brian

A crimper for managing the growth of a plant by controlling the position of a branch of the plant over the course of the plant's growth. The crimper includes a shaping tool and a growth control member. The shaping tool includes a gripping section and may also include a handle section, wherein the gripping section includes a first member and a second member, wherein the first member and the second member are curved in the same direction. The growth control member is arranged for placement about the branch of the plant, wherein actuation of the shaping tool causes the first member and the second member to squeeze the growth control member into a fixed curved shape about the branch of the plant. 1. A crimper for managing the growth of a plant by controlling the position of a branch of the plant , the crimper comprising:a. a shaping tool including a handle section and a gripping section, wherein the gripping section includes a first member and a second member, wherein the first member and the second member are curved in the same direction; andc. a growth control member arranged for placement about the branch of the plant, wherein actuation of the shaping tool causes the first member and the second member to squeeze the growth control member into a fixed curved shape about the branch of the plant.2. The crimper of further comprising a flexible interface applied to one or both of the first member and the second member of the gripping section of the shaping tool.3. The crimper of wherein the first member and the second member are of different arc lengths.4. The crimper of wherein the growth control member is made of Aluminum foil or steel mesh.5. A crimper for managing the growth of a plant by controlling the position of a branch of the plant claim 1 , the crimper comprising:a. a shaping tool including a gripping section, wherein the gripping section includes a first member and a second member, wherein the first member and the second member are curved in the same direction ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Plant Strap

Номер: US20180139909A1
Автор: Paul Barnes
Принадлежит: New Zealand Tube Mills Ltd

In the field of horticulture plants can be exposed to winds or other damaging sideways forces. To supportively protect them it is known to tether a plant to a stake or the like. It is an object of a preferred form of the invention to go at least some way towards providing a convenient way of achieving this. Preferably this is achieved by a strap for connecting a plant to an elongate plant support, such as a stake. The strap has a pair of lobes each having a stake receiving aperture and central slits. A leading end of the strap has serrated edges. The strap is such that it can be bent back on itself so the stake receiving apertures align for receiving and gripping the stake, and so that the serrated edges engage one of the slits to form and maintain a plant holding loop.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144163A1
Автор: Lim Jee Keng

A modular pallet for use in supporting and transporting goods. The modular pallet comprises a plurality of hollow legs integral to an inner side of the sidewall and a plurality of interlocking means integral to an outer side of the sidewall for coupling other modular pallets laterally, wherein each of the hollow legs comprises a top opening aligned with the top surface of the pallet and a bottom opening further away from the bottom surface of the pallet, and a top groove along a peripheral edge of the top opening and a bottom groove along a circumference of the hollow leg adjacent to the bottom surface. A multilayer support structure comprises at least two layers of the modular pallets separated by a plurality of hollow support columns for being positioned under the ground to support a hardscape/softscape disposed thereon while enable for tree roots growth, water drainage and storage of utilities. 1. A modular pallet comprising:a top surface for supporting load;a bottom surface disposed below and parallel to the top surface;a sidewall extending from a peripheral edge of the top surface to a peripheral edge of the bottom surface defining a main body by the top surface, the bottom surface and the sidewall, wherein the main body is divided into a plurality of support sections with each support section comprises a network of reinforcing ribs extending vertically from the top surface to the bottom surface forming a honeycomb-like structure having void spaces from the top surface to the bottom surface;a plurality of hollow legs integral to an inner side of the sidewall and extending downwardly from the top surface, wherein each of the hollow legs comprises a top opening aligned with the top surface and a bottom opening further away from the bottom surface such that a gap is created between the bottom surface and the bottom openings of the hollow legs which should at least permit unobstructed insertion of the forks of a forklift truck into the gap, wherein each of the ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Plant Support

Номер: US20190150374A1
Автор: Long Rodney G.

Disclosed herein is a supporting bracket component of a support system for temporarily supporting a plant via a fixed a fixed structure of vertical poles which support at least one substantially horizontal support cord, the support system comprising: a substantially vertical alignment wire having a top end and a bottom end; a curve greater than 180° in the top end of the vertical alignment wire forming a hanging hook portion configured to be selectively supported by one of the support cords; at least one supporting bracket coupled to one of the substantially horizontal support cords and capturing the alignment wire and the plant; wherein the alignment wire maintains vertical orientation of the plant substantially above the point at which the plane protrudes from the ground. 1. A supporting bracket component of a support system for trees and bushes , the supporting bracket comprising:a first end, a second end, and a median point there between;the first end, second end, and median point defining a base plane;a first leg extending from the first end toward the median point, the first leg lying substantially in the base plane;a second leg extending from the first leg to the median point, the second leg lying substantially in the base plane, the second leg at an angle of between 95° and 115° to the first leg;a third leg extending from the second leg toward the second end, the third leg lying substantially in the base plane, the third leg at an angle of between 10° and 45° to the second leg;a fourth leg extending from the third leg to the second end, the fourth leg lying substantially in the base plane, the fourth leg at an angle of between 95° and 115° to the third leg;a non-planar circular hook configured to attach to a horizontal support cord component of the support system for trees and bushes;the non-planar circular hook extending from the first leg away from the median point, the non-planar circular hook scribing less than 180°, the non-planar circular hook lying at ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Aerial Plant Planter

Номер: US20170156271A1
Автор: Wen Weipeng

An aerial plant planter includes a fixing portion; and a retaining portion upwardly extended from the fixing portion, wherein the retaining portion comprises at least three retaining members, wherein the retaining members are universally and spacedly arranged around an axis to from a retaining cavity having a retaining opening, wherein a diameter of the retaining cavity is gradually increased from the retaining opening. 1. An aerial plant planter , comprising:a fixing portion; anda retaining portion upwardly extended from said fixing portion, wherein said retaining portion comprises at least three retaining members, wherein said retaining members are universally and spacedly arranged around an axis to form a retaining cavity having a retaining opening, wherein a diameter of said retaining cavity is gradually increased from said retaining opening.2. The aerial plant planter claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of said retaining members of said retaining portion comprises a supporting end claim 1 , a retaining end claim 1 , and a connecting portion formed between said supporting end and said retaining end claim 1 , wherein said supporting end is outwardly and upwardly extended from said fixing portion claim 1 , wherein said connecting portion is extended from said supporting end claim 1 , wherein said retaining end is inwardly and upwardly extended from said connecting portion claim 1 , wherein said connecting portion is an arc-shaped structure claim 1 , wherein a supporting structure is formed by said supporting end claim 1 , and said retaining cavity is formed by said retaining end of said retaining member of said retaining portion.3. The aerial plant planter claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of said retaining member of said retaining portion comprises a supporting end outwardly extended from said fixing portion claim 1 , and a retaining end upwardly and inwardly extended from said supporting end claim 1 , wherein a supporting structure is ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Growing Plants

Номер: US20160165808A1

System for growing plants especially strawberry and like plants that require cross-pollination to produce fruit and includes: providing a vertical stack of spaced, symmetrical growing stations each having a plant tray; placing plants to be grown on the plant trays; rotating the stack about its vertical axis while causing the plants to be contacted by a pollinator which cross-pollinates the plants; exposing the plants to growth promoting light sources during periods of plant growth; watering the plants at selected intervals; and cropping the plants when mature, for example, by picking mature strawberries. 1. Method for growing plants comprising:(a) providing a vertical stack of spaced, symmetrical growing stations each having a plant tray;(b) placing plants to be grown on said plant trays;(c) rotating said stack causing said plants to be contacted by a pollinator which cross-pollinates the plants;(d) exposing said plants to growth promoting light sources during periods of plant growth;(e) watering said plants at selected intervals; and(f) cropping said plants when mature.2. Apparatus for growing plants comprising:(a) a vertical stack of spaced apart symmetrical growing stations each supporting a plant tray adapted to receive plants to be grown;(b) means to rotate the vertical stack about its vertical axis;(c) means to cross-pollinate said plants as they rotate on their respective trays;(d) growth promoting light sources positioned above each growing station adapted to operate during periods of plant growth; and(e) means to deliver water to said plants at selected intervals. The present application claims priority on prior U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/090,636, filed Dec. 11, 2014, which is hereby incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.The invention relates to a method and apparatus for growing plants, especially strawberry and like plants that require cross-pollination to produce fruit.The invention provides a method for growing plants ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170164566A1
Автор: Stablum Leonard Wayne

There is provided an assembly for retaining hanging plants or other botanicals items that evokes the pleasing visual aesthetic of an umbrella in that the ribs and other elements of the assembly extend from a central pole and provide an overall downwardly arching arrangement. The assembly can be shipped and stored in a convenient space saving configuration and can be easily assembled by a user. 1. A hanging article assembly , comprising:a pole assembly,a receiver portion:a plurality of ribs, each rib being securable to the receiver portion;a decorative element on the receiver portion; andan overlay element associated with each rib, the decorative element on the receiver portion and the overlay element associated with each rib being coordinated with one another to provide a visual appearance evocative of a tree, a plant, or other botanical object.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receiver portion includes a plurality of recesses each for receiving an end of a rib inserted therein.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the decorative element associated with each rib extends at least partially along the extent of the associated rib and the receiver portion includes a plurality of recesses each for receiving one end of a respective decorative element.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the pole assembly delimits a pole axis claim 3 , the receiver portion is securable to one axial end of the pole assembly claim 3 , each rib includes a body portion delimited by a proximate end and a distal end that is at a greater radial spacing from the receiver portion than the proximate end of the body portion claim 3 , the proximate end of each rib terminates at the receiver portion claim 3 , and the decorative element on the receiver portion extends axially beyond the termination of the proximate ends of the ribs at the receiver portion.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the distal end of each rib is a hook.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the pole assembly includes a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150173313A1
Автор: Garcia Arizpe Ignacio

An assembly for arranging plants vertically, with a built-in watering system, applicable to plants contained in plant pots, consisting of a framework with individual supports for plant pots, a water container provided with a trickier in the upper part, a support with a drainage collector in the lower part, and plant pots, used to carry water to the upper container where it passes through the trickier and falls to an inverted relief in the body of the plant pot just below. From there, it is guided to an inner cavity which finally allows the water to enter the plant pot. The excess water is ejected via a drainage opening with a conduit used as an extension and falls to the inverted relief of the plant pot directly beneath, in order to then repeat the process in the other plant pots. 1. An equipment for vertically arranged plants , with a built-in watering system , applicable to plants contained in plant pots , characterized by a structure or framework with individual supports for plant pots , a water container with a flow-regulating device or trickler in the upper part , a support with a removable receptacle in the lower part and plant pots , essentially characterized in that the plant pots have an opening in the form of a low relief in the side part or body thereof that allows water to enter a cavity in the inner wall , which finally distributes it inside the plant pot , which feature allows plant pots to absorb water that falls from the upper container and to eject the excess water through a drainage opening , which falls to the low relief of the plant pot directly beneath it in order to repeat the process , said elements fitting together to create a supporting structure for individual plant pots arranged vertically , provided with a watering system that operates under gravity , without hoses or devices connected to the plant pots , with means for storing and distributing the watering water , and for collecting the excess water or water drainage; in this equipment ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Plant Support Apparatus

Номер: US20170172072A1
Автор: Jablonski Mark A.

The present application discloses a plant support device that includes a single support strut, aligned approximately in a vertical direction when in use, and one or more enclosing fixtures, each mounted on a first support strut with its own first hinge, wherein each first hinge enables a substantially vertical swing relative to the support strut when in use, and wherein each first hinge is operatively coupled to a detent for holding the enclosing fixture at selected angles relative to the support strut. 1. A plant support device comprising:a. a single support strut, aligned approximately in a vertical direction when in use;b. one or more enclosing fixtures, each mounted on the single support strut with its own first hinge, wherein each first hinge enables a substantially vertical swing relative to the support strut when in use, and wherein each first hinge is operatively coupled to a detent for holding the enclosing fixture at selected angles relative to the support strut.2. The plant support device of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the enclosing fixtures comprises a second hinge for opening and closing the enclosing fixture.3. The plant support device of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the enclosing fixtures comprises a second hinge for opening and closing the enclosing fixture; and a locking mechanism for holding the enclosing fixture in a closed position.4. The plant support device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more enclosing fixtures comprise a second hinge for opening and closing each of the one or more enclosing fixtures.5. The plant support device of wherein the one or more enclosing fixtures further comprise a locking mechanism for holding the enclosing fixture in a closed position.6. The plant support device of claim 5 , wherein the locking mechanism comprises one or more magnets claim 5 , a spring claim 5 , a latch claim 5 , a strike-plate claim 5 , a snap fitting claim 5 , a hook and eye claim 5 , a threaded sleeve claim 5 , a spring-loaded sleeve ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170172073A1

This invention relates to a clamp for holding a pair of spaced objects together and especially to a clamp for supporting a tree trunk or plant to an upright stake or post. The clamp body has a pair of hinged arms having two end portions with each end portion having a clamping jaw for attaching over a pair of spaced objects to be supported to each other, such as a tree trunk to a supporting stake, when said hinged arms are closed. The hinged arms having a snap lock connector for attaching the arms together when said hinged arms are closed so that an object supporting clamp can be attached over a pair of spaced objects for supporting one object to the other object. 1. A clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other comprising:a clamp body having a pair of hinged arms having two end portions and having open and closed positions, each end portion of said clamp body having a clamping jaw for attaching over a pair of spaced objects to be held in a spaced relationship to each other when said hinged arms are in a closed position, and said hinged arms having a snap lock connector for attaching said pair of hinged arms together when said hinged arms are in a closed position;whereby a pair of objects can be clamped in a spaced relationship to each other.2. The clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other in accordance with having two snap lock connectors for holding said pair of hinged arms together.3. The clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other in accordance with in which one said hinged arm has a spring therein.4. The clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other in accordance with in which each said hinged arm has a spring therein.5. The clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other in accordance with in which one of said clamped jaws has a generally arcuate jaw member in each clamp arm to form a generally circular jaw when said pair of hinged arms are in a closed position.6. The clamp for holding a pair of objects to each other in accordance with ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210204488A1
Автор: Westlind Samuel

A scalable precision distribution aeroponic system, including a modular frame mount constructed of a lightweight, rigid material, the frame mount including a pair of generally vertically oriented support members and at least one generally horizontally oriented crossmember positioned between the vertically oriented support members, the pair of generally vertically oriented support members operably coupled to the generally horizontally oriented crossmember via couplings, the couplings including a generally horizontally oriented support configured to extend substantially orthogonal to the horizontally oriented crossmember, and an interchangeable growth media operably coupled to the modular frame mount, the interchangeable growth media comprising a nourishment layer and a surface film, the nourishment layer defining one or more channels into which the generally horizontally oriented supports of the couplings are positioned for support of the interchangeable growth media. 1. A modular frame mount for a precision distribution aeroponic system , comprising:a pair of generally vertically oriented support members;at least one generally horizontally oriented crossmember positioned between the vertically oriented support members; andone or more couplings, wherein the pair of generally vertically oriented support members are operably coupled to the generally horizontally oriented crossmember via the one or more couplings, the couplings comprising a generally horizontally oriented support extending substantially orthogonal to the horizontally oriented crossmember and configured to support an interchangeable growth media selectively coupleable to the modular frame.2. The modular frame mount of claim 1 , wherein the frame mount further comprises one or more bearing wheels configured to enable the modular frame mount to be hung in a generally vertical orientation3. The modular frame mount of claim 1 , wherein the couplings include at least one of a three-way T-shaped coupling claim ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170188524A1

This invention is a plant support and growth directing apparatus to enhance growth of a plant and increase product production from the plant by increasing air and light to a plant's canopy. The apparatus has at least one post and at least one crown attached thereto. At least one of the crowns has a plurality of spaces or openings sized and configured to receive and support branches of a plant to define a user desired growing pattern of the plant. In one configuration, the spaces are interstitial between coils of a coiled member, such as a spring, that is attached to or part of the crown. The crown may also be surfaced with an abrasive material such as a sand or polymer grit thereby more effectively holding the plant in place and providing a means to abrade or stress the plant to stimulate a growth response. 1. A plant support and growth directing apparatus for supporting and training at least one branch of a plant comprised of:at least one post;at least one post support means;at least one crown attached to the post;the crown being comprised of at least one component selected from at least one of the group consisting of: a support structure; a lattice with square shaped openings; a lattice with rectangular shaped openings; a lattice with triangular shaped openings; a lattice with circular shaped openings; a lattice with rounded shaped openings; a lattice with rounded shaped openings and slots disposed on at least one opening; a lattice with polygonal shaped openings; a lattice with a combination of different geometrically shaped openings; a chainmail; a bendable member capable of being bent to a user specified configuration; or an elastic object capable of storing mechanical energy having at least one interstitial space;at least one plant stressing means; andat least one plant positioning means attached to the component of the crown.2. The plant support and growth directing apparatus of wherein the elastic object capable of storing mechanical energy having at least ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Topiary System

Номер: US20190183067A1
Автор: Limon Anthony

A user-assembled topiary structure having a body and engageable appendages formed of rigid mesh adapted for plant growth thereon and therethrough. The topiary structure is customizable to differing shapes by the user who can choose from various kits of appendages which are engageable to the body portion to change it to the shape of a different object or animal. The components forming the body portion and appendages are all stackable within one half section of the body portion for easy shipping and storage. 1. A user-assembled topiary apparatus , comprising:a first body half section formed of a rigid mesh and having an exterior surface and having a first cavity therein surrounded by a first perimeter edge;a second body half section formed of a rigid mesh and having an exterior surface and having a second cavity therein extending to a second perimeter edge;said first body half section positionable within said second cavity of said second body half section to form a stacked configuration;said first body half section being removably engageable to said body second half section in a removable engagement forming a body portion of a topiary structure;said body portion having a body shape defined by curvatures of said exterior surface of both said first half body section and said second body half section while in said removable engagement;a plurality of appendages each formed of a rigid mesh and each extending between a respective first end thereof to a respective second end thereof;complimentary fasteners for engaging said first end of each of said plurality of appendages to said body portion at respective engaged positions thereon; andwhereby, said body with said plurality of appendages in said engaged positions thereon form said topiary structure to a shape resembling an animal or object on which plants can grow to said shape.2. The user-assembled topiary apparatus of additionally comprising:each of said plurality of appendages formed of a first appendage half section ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Plant Branch Spacer

Номер: US20180192595A1

A plant branch spacer that is utilized to spread or otherwise manipulate the direction of branches, without interfering with the roots; the plant branch spacer having an expandable ring, a plurality of knobs, and a locking mechanism. The expandable ring has a first arc-section and a second arc-section that are slidably engaged with each other, allowing the expandable ring to contract, expand, and separate. The locking mechanism is connected to the first arc-section and removably engaged with the second arc-section, wherein the locking mechanism secures the second arc-section in place along the first arc-section. The plurality of knobs is positioned about the expandable ring, and distributed to form a series of pockets used to separate branches from one another. A branch manipulator can be attached to one of the plurality of knobs in order to further redirect one or more branches away from the expandable ring. 1. A plant branch spacer comprises:an expandable ring;a plurality of knobs;a locking mechanism;the expandable ring comprising a first arc-section and a second arc-section;the first arc-section comprising a proximal end and a distal end;the second arc-section comprising a terminal end and a free end;the terminal end being adjacently attached to the proximal end;the free end being removably engaged with the distal end;the locking mechanism being adjacently connected to the distal end;the locking mechanism being removably engaged with the free end;the plurality of knobs being adjacently connected to the expandable ring;the plurality of knobs being perimetrically distributed about the expandable ring; andthe plurality of knobs being exteriorly positioned about the expandable ring.2. The plant branch spacer as claimed in comprises:the free end being slidably engaged with the first arc-section.3. The plant branch spacer as claimed in comprises:the first arc-section comprising a receiving channel; andthe free end being positioned within the receiving channel.4. The ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200187429A1

This invention is able to enhance growth of plants and increase plant production by increasing exposure to air and light and stressing the plant. The apparatus has at least one post and at least one crown attached thereto. At least one of the crowns has a plurality of spaces sized and configured to receive, stress and support branches of a plant to define user desired growing pattern of the plant. In one configuration, the spaces are interstitial between coils of a coiled member, such as a spring, that is attached to or part of the crown. The crown is surfaced with an abrasive material such as a sand or polymer grit thereby more effectively holding the plant in place and providing a means to abrade or stress the plant to stimulate a growth response which can be controlled over the internet by means of a cellular microcontroller. 1. A plant stressing , support and growth directing apparatus for supporting and training at least one branch of a plant comprised of:at least one post;at least one crown support means attached to the post;at least one crown attached to the crown support means;the crown being comprised of at least one elastic object capable of storing mechanical energy having at least one interstitial space;the crown being further comprised of at least one plant stressing means; andthe crown being further comprised of at least one plant positioning means attached to the crown.2. The plant stressing claim 1 , support and growth directing apparatus of wherein the elastic object capable of storing mechanical energy having at least one interstitial space is a coiled spring;the coiled spring being coated with a thermal insulator.3. The plant stressing claim 1 , support and growth directing apparatus of wherein the plant stressing means is comprised of the coiled spring with an attached abrasive surface.4. The plant stressing claim 1 , support and growth directing apparatus of wherein the coiled spring is magnetic.5. The plant stressing claim 1 , support and ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170202162A1

A closed loop system for growing vegetation is provided. The closed loop system includes at least a first transport conveyor and a second transport conveyor. Each of the first and second transport conveyors includes a front end opposite a rear end. The present invention further includes at least a first transfer conveyor. A lighting system is positioned to emit light towards the first transport conveyor and a second transport conveyor. The present invention further includes at least one terrace structure. The first transport conveyor transports at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end, the first transfer conveyor transfers the at least one terrace structure from rear end of the first transport conveyor to the front end of the second transport conveyor and the second transport conveyor transports the at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end. 1. A mobile terrace growing system comprising:a first transport conveyor comprising a front end and a rear end;a second transport conveyor comprising a front end and a rear end;a first transfer conveyor;a lighting system positioned to emit light towards the first transport conveyor and the second transport conveyor; and a bottom portion configured to support the terrace structure in an upright position; and', 'at least one growing panel extending from the bottom portion and comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, wherein the outer surface comprises a plurality of adjoining risers and terrace levels, wherein a plurality of openings are formed through the terrace levels and a substantially enclosed space is formed within the terrace structure, wherein, 'at least one terrace structure comprisingthe first transport conveyor transports the at least one terrace structure from the front end to the rear end,the first transfer conveyor transfers the at least one terrace structure from the rear end of the first transport conveyor to the front end of the second transport conveyor, ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160212950A1
Автор: JOSÉ Briones Ortuño

The invention relates to a system for applying to the trunk () of a palm tree, serving as a lifting and holding means for the leaves () thereof, or as a support means for additional plants, of the climbing type or other types, or even for supporting elements such as photovoltaic plates, wind generators, antennae etc. The system is based on the arrangement of two rings () and () on the trunk () of the palm tree, ring () being the one which is fixed to the trunk, and having an adjustable contour so as to be able to adapt to the increasing thickness of the trunk () of the palm tree as it grows, or being fixed and applied to the fully grown trunk, while ring () is suspended in relation to the previous one and is wider, the two rings ( and ) being connected by means of suitable struts () that are length-adjustable or fixed, deformable or rigid, and complemented by a third stabilisation ring () which is connected to the lifting ring () by means of struts (), the contour of said stabilisation ring () also being adjustable or fixed. 1124321125. A lifting and support system for palm trees , foreseen to support the leaves of a palm tree which droop below a certain height , or to support other materials such as climbing plants or even the leaves derived from the lopping of the same palm tree to which it is applied , characterised in that it comprises at least one or two rings ( and ) , the first as a ring for its affixing on the trunk () of the palm tree , corresponding to an area located below the upper leaves () of the same , while the second ring () is a supporting means and features a greater contour than the first , being located below the affixing ring () , for the support and holding of leaves which the palm tree will allow to droop , with the distinguishing feature that both the affixing ring () and the supporting ring () are linked to each other by means of struts ().261127. A lifting and support system for palm trees claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , characterised in ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200196540A1
Автор: MacDonald Kevin

A system for building a reconfigurable trellis includes at least one slidable pole connector configured to slide along a pole having either a circular or rectangular cross-section. The slidable pole connector includes a first portion configured to slide along a first pole and a second portion extending perpendicularly from the first portion and configured to receive an end of a second pole. The first portion may be in the form of a sleeve, which may be unitary or may include two detachably connected parts. A tightening mechanism may be provided to secure the first portion against the first pole and to prevent further sliding of the first portion when the connector is in a desired position. Several slidable pole connectors may be used with one another and with strand or rope connectors to secure a plurality of vertical poles, horizontal poles, and ropes, cables, strings, or wires to one another in a variety of adjustable configurations.
