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21-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628710C2

Изобретение относится к легкой промышленности, в частности к швейному производству. Технической задачей изобретения является защита кистей рук потребителя от воздействия внешней среды в холодное время года за счет использования рукавов в качестве муфты. Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей и повышение теплозащитных свойств зимней одежды. Поставленная задача решается тем, что предложена конструкция рукава для зимней одежды, включающая рукав и основную подкладку рукава, выполняют с дополнительной подкладкой, которая образует внутренний карман рукава, величиной от низа рукава до локтя, вход в карман располагают со стороны низа рукава, при этом рукав и дополнительную подкладку рукава от низа рукава до локтя выполняют шириной достаточной для помещения во внутренний карман рукава другой руки от кисти до предплечья. Дополнительно во внутреннем кармане рукава на уровне локтя закрепляют ремень для фиксации положения руки в кармане. Внутренний карман рукава выполняют с возможностью ...

23-09-2019 дата публикации

Рукав предмета одежды с частично разъемным швом на застежке-молнии

Номер: RU2700917C2
Принадлежит: ЛАДАЕВ Рафаэль (IL)

Рукав предмета одежды, имеющий ближний, плечевой, конец, присоединенный к пройме предмета одежды, и дальний, манжетный, конец, заканчивающийся около манжеты, при этом упомянутый рукав предмета одежды содержит: (а) шов, простирающийся от проймы до манжеты, причем упомянутый шов сомкнут по меньшей мере около упомянутого плечевого конца и около упомянутого манжетного конца; (b) неразъемную застежку-молнию, содержащую: (i) звенья и (ii) по меньшей мере один замок, выполненный так, чтобы сделать возможным обратимое сцепление звеньев, по меньшей мере частичное, между упомянутым плечевым концом и упомянутым манжетным концом; упомянутая неразъемная застежка-молния с обеспечением ее функционирования прикреплена к упомянутому шву вблизи его упомянутого плечевого конца и вблизи его упомянутого манжетного конца. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU188031U1

РЕФЕРАТПолезная модель относится к элементам защитной одежды, а именно, к рукавам, обеспечивающим возможность защиты пользователя от укусов клещей. Рукав защитной одежды содержит наружную часть с основной манжетой и внутреннюю часть с дополнительной манжетой. Основная манжета расположена с наиболее удаленной от плечевого шва стороны. Внутренняя часть выполнена из материала, плотность которого исключает возможность проникновения через неё клещей, и прикреплена к наружной части выше локтевого сгиба таким образом, что между наружной и внутренней частями образуется ловушка для клещей. Полезная модель позволяет повысить надёжность защиты от укусов клещей при различных конфигурациях ношения рукава.4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 илл.

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2564619C1

Изобретение относится к швейной отрасли, в частности к способам крепления отделочных деталей швейных изделий, и может быть использовано в промышленном производстве и при индивидуальном пошиве, при изготовлении изделий с подкладкой, в частности двусторонних швейных изделий-трансформеров. Крепление съемных отделочных манжет осуществляют с помощью потайной застежки на петли и пуговицы, для получения которой съемную манжету и рукав выполняют с планками. К верхнему срезу подкладки съемной манжеты притачивают планку манжеты с подкладкой, затем настрачивают верхний срез съемной манжеты в шов притачивания к ее подкладке упомянутой планки. Низ рукава обрабатывают обтачкой, верхний срез которой соединяют с планкой рукава, ее подкладкой и цельновыкроенной с подкладкой притачной манжетой подкладки рукава, к нижним срезам соединенных деталей притачивают подкладку рукава, после чего прокладывают отделочную строчку в шов притачивания манжеты подкладки рукава и планки рукава. Для крепления съемной манжеты ...

30-06-1992 дата публикации

Способ выполнения рукава верхнего плечевого изделия

Номер: SU1743552A1

Использование: в швейной промышленности . Сущность изобретения: проводят раскрой ткани на детали рукава, формируют на ней декоративные элементы. Декоративные элементы выполняют из материала рукава , при этом выполняют с припуском на 1/3-1/5 его длины и ширины. Уровень расположения декоративных элементов выбирают по центру рукава на его вертикальной оси, проходящей от вершины линии оката до середины нижнего среза рукава, на расстоянии 1 /3 длины от нижнего среза детали. Для формирования декоративного элемента намечают точки вершин их расположения, захватывают материал детали края с образованием конуса с вершиной на участке за- хвата, поворачивают его вокруг вертикальной оси, проходящей через вершину конуса, перпендикулярно плоскости детали на 90-180° для формирования спиралеобразного обьемного элемента, укладывают последний на плоскость детали и закрепляют у основания, высоту конуса выбирают 5-15 см для тканей с относительной плотностью по основе 35-10% и поверхностной плотностью 20-75 г ...

11-02-2010 дата публикации

Kräuselfeste Bekleidungsnaht und Verfahren zur Herstellung

Номер: DE0069414094T3

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Fixierung eines langärmligen Kleidungsstücks im Handgelenksbereich

Номер: DE102017125892A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Fixierung eines langärmligen Kleidungsstücks (2) im Handgelenksbereich (3), aufweisend eine das Kleidungsstück (2) im Handgelenksbereich (3) umfassende Manschette (10). Die erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an der Manschette (10) mindestens ein Haltemittel (11) vorgesehen ist, welches zum Umfassen mindestens eines Fingers (40) und/oder des Daumens (41) der betreffenden Hand (4) eine zumindest bereichsweise schlaufen- oder ringförmige Ausbildung (110) aufweist.

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing medical oversleeves and production system

Номер: GB0002509677B
Автор: DIANMIN ZHOU, Dianmin Zhou

08-03-2017 дата публикации

Improvements to a garment

Номер: GB0002541922A

A garment 10, such as a cold-environment jacket, comprises a body portion 11 and a limb portion 13, both joined together along an endless joint including a band 14 having opposed long edges and formed of an elastics material, which extends at least partially around the joint. The band 14, which may be formed of a polyester/elastane mix, is joined along one long edge to the body portion 11 and along the other long edge to the limb portion 13. The elastic nature of the material provides freedom of movement whilst preventing loss of body heat.

21-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements relating to coats or jackets

Номер: GB0000494213A

... 494,213. Coats. WHITEHEAD, A. Dec. 10, 1937, No. 34252. [Class 141] A coat sleeve 1 is provided on the bottom or cuff edge 3 thereof witl a supplemental covering 5 which is adapted tc be removed when it becomes worn to expose the actual lower edge 3 of the sleeve, the cover ing 5 being extended upwardly on the out side of the sleeve at 6 to constitute a cuff, and the inner portion 9 of the covering 5 extending upwardly on the inside of the sleeve to the top of the normal inturned end 2 of the sleeve, the end 2, the portion 9 of the covering 5, and the lower edge of the sleeve lining 4 being seamed together at 10.

05-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001386479A

... 1386479 Shirts OTTO KAUF AG 30 June 1972 30661/72 Heading A3V A shirt is formed from a front 4a, 4b, a back 3, two sleeves 1, a yoke 2 and a collar band, the sleeves and yoke being cut out in one piece so that the yoke is joined seamlessly to each sleeve. The back may be formed from three strips extending longitudinally thereof and seamed together, the central strip narrowing from the collar band for at least part of its length. A one-piece front may be used instead of the arrangement shown and such front may have a slit extending from the collar band to the chest provided with buttons and button holes.

08-10-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sleeves for shirts or the like

Номер: GB0000680624A

... 680,624. Shirt sleeves. BELFAST COLLAR CO., Ltd.; and FAULKNER, B. Jan. 10, 1951 [April 14, 1949], No. 10134/49. Class 141. The opening at the bottom of a shirt sleeve adjacent the cuff is formed by cutting the shirt material to form an opening 5, Fig. 3, folding and stitching a binding strip 7 around both edges of the opening in one continuous operation and thereafter folding in and stitching down the binding 7 at one edge as shown in Fig. 4 so that in wear it will overlap the binding of the other edge. The inturned binding 7 is stitched down by a line of stitching 10 which runs along the fold edge of the binding to the apex of the opening 5 where it is turned across the binding and runs into the first line of stitching 9.

03-12-1997 дата публикации

Liquid impervious surgical gown cuff and method for making the same

Номер: GB0009720760D0

27-11-2002 дата публикации

Garment sleeve

Номер: GB0002375701A

A sleeve for a garment such as a golf jacket has first and second panels 106,108 with convex edges 112,114 joined at a seam at the back of the sleeve, the edges having a radius of curvature which decrease towards the elbow. A third panel 110 may also be provided, concave edges 125,126 being joined at a seam at the front of the sleeve. The remaining panel edges 136,138 are joined at a seam on the underside of the sleeve.

14-02-2007 дата публикации

Shirt cuff with wristwatch accomodations

Номер: GB0002410675B

10-10-2012 дата публикации

Coats, jackets and fleeces having storage pockets on sleeves for storing gloves

Номер: GB0002489756A

A coat, jacket or fleece has a pocket (1, figure 2) for storing a glove 6 embedded on the top or underside of a sleeve at point of assembly or manufacture. The pocket is located on a cuff of the sleeve and comprises a zip (2) for opening and closing. A glove is attached to the sleeve by means of a zip (3, figure 3), allowing the user to detach the glove from the sleeve for washing and replacement. The pocket further comprises a button 8, allowing the pocket to close when the glove is in use, and a stretch band (4) for holding the glove in the pocket. The coat, jacket or fleece may be suitable for children aged from five years to adults, and may be suitable for use by employees of a business or industrial plant.

27-03-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Holders or Clips for use with Overcoats or Trousers.

Номер: GB0000124405A

... 124,405. Hummerston, J. J. Dec. 3, 1918. Sleeve and like adjusters.-To hold in regulated positions the sleeves of an outer and of an inner coat, or the legs of an overall and of an ordinary pair of trousers, a hook attachment A of any desired shape is secured to the inside of the sleeve or leg of the outer garment B, into which the edge of the innercoat or trouser C can be placed. The hook may be covered with silk or other material.

20-09-2000 дата публикации

Detachable glove extension

Номер: GB0002347841A

The invention provides a detachable glove extension 10 comprising a fabric sleeve 1, for covering a human forearm. A cuff 3 extends from the lower end of the fabric sleeve, with the cuff adapted, by means of a projecting lip 4 and strap (fig 4, 13), to provide secure, releasable, fastening of a wrist portion of a glove (fig 3, 11) around the cuff. Preferably, the cuff is formed from a resilient plastic or elastomeric material. Straps 5 and 6, provided on the fabric sleeve, bind the sleeve to the wearer's forearm, preventing slippage. The invention also provides a glove assembly comprising, a glove, and a detachable glove extension.

19-03-2003 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing shirts with raglan sleeves

Номер: GB0002379595A

The present invention provides a continuous process for the manufacture of a garment. A web of fabric including opposing web side edges wherein one of the opposing web side edges is proximate the garment bottom edge of the garment is provided. The web of fabric is cut, thereby forming a fabric web wherein the fabric web includes one of the opposing web side edges opposed to an octagonal shape pattern defining pairs of shoulder side edges having a side edge located between the shoulder side edges of each pair of the shoulder side edges and edges located between the pairs of shoulder side edges. The side edges of the fabric web are cut, thereby forming edges defining neck openings in the fabric web. The fabric web is cut, thereby defining discrete garment-sized pieces wherein each of the discrete garment-sized pieces of the fabric web includes at least one neck opening, a front panel having a pair of opposing garment side edges, a garment end portion, and a bottom edge.

22-08-1984 дата публикации

Sleeve making apparatus

Номер: GB0002134773A

An automated sleeve transfer apparatus and method adapted to receive continuous webs of material including pairs of left and right sleeves alternating between cuff-to-cuff and shoulder-to-shoulder relation and having a die cutting mechanism for receiving the pairs of sleeves from the webs is disclosed having a circular wheel having rotatable vacuum plates on its circumference for carrying pairs of sleeves along a circular path to a transfer point, a conveyor for transferring successive severed pairs of cuff-to-cuff sleeves from the die cutting mechanism to the vacuum plates on the circumference of the circular wheel, a mechanism within the circular wheel for rotating the vacuum plates to turn each sleeve end for end to rearrange the sleeves from cuff-to-cuff to shoulder-to-shoulder relation while moving along the circular path before said transfer point, a second conveyor for receiving successive severed pairs of shoulder-to-shoulder sleeves from the die cutting mechanism and for conveying ...

01-12-2004 дата публикации

Arm pocket

Номер: GB0000424084D0

08-09-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001245893A

... 1,245,893. Knitted garments. R. TORRES. 13 Jan., 1969 [12 Jan., 1968], No. 1897/69. Heading A3V. [Also in Division D1] The sleeves and yoke of a knitted garment are integrally knit and the shoulders fashioned by widening and/or narrowing. The body of the garment is sewn to the yoke.

10-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383474B

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394042T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481008T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000531285T

15-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000014068T

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Safety pocket, improved shirt with safety pocket, and method of use

Номер: AU2019398029A1

The invention relates to a safety pocket for a work shirt, the safety pocket including, a pocket body suitable to receive items that the wearer would like to carry with them with ready access, having a back and front wall. An opening to the pocket body is formed between the front and back of the pocket body, and a safety means, is associated with the opening. The safety means acts to substantially catch and hold the items within the pocket body, if the person leans forward and the safety means may be moved between an open state, where items can be put inside the pocket body, and a secure state where items are substantially prevented from passing through the opening. The invention also relates to a variant to retrofit to existing pockets. The invention also relates to an improved work shirt, including the safety pocket.

08-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003292002A1

01-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000774539B2

11-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1139051A

The A garment comprising a vest and a pair of sleeves attached to the vest. Each sleeve has a closable opening near the shoulder of the vest and adapted to be tucked up with its lower part passed through the opening and stowed inside the vest. The garment is convertible from a jacket-type vest with sleeves to an ordinary sleeveless vest, and vice versa, without necessity for the wearer to take off the garment.

06-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1110005A

A liquid impervious cuff assembly for a disposable surgical gown or the like comprising a stockinette folded back upon itself to form a double-walled, substantially cylindrical cuff envelope folded at its forward end, open at its rearward end and having inner and outer walls. A layer of liquid impervious material is located between the inner and outer walls of the cuff envelope. The open end of the cuff envelope and the fluid impervious layer between the walls thereof are attached to the free end of a surgical gown sleeve. This attachement may be accomplished by sewing the inner wall, the liquid impervious layer and the outer wall at the open end of the cuff envelope to the free end of the surgical sleeve. The cuff assembly may be adhesively attached to the free end of the gown sleeve. For example, the inner wall, liquid impervious layer and outer wall of the cuff envelope at the open end thereof may be arranged in an overlapping orientation and each adhered directly to the free end of ...

10-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002351139A1

A shirt (10) or upper cover comprises a torso enclosure (14) and sleeves (16; 18). The sleeves (16, 18) have short top lengths (TL) and long bottom lengths (BL). The sleeve seams (20, 22) extend over the clavicle/acromin regions of the wearer (12) of the shirt (10). Top regions (30, 32) of the torso enclosure (14) and the tops (34, 36) of the sleeves (16, 18) follow the curvature of the shoulder substantially above the shoulder joints. The bottoms of the sleeves fold upwardly into the armpits of the wearer (12), providing perspiration absorbing cloth against skin regions of the torso and the arms.

30-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002613944A1

A band (20) that extends around a garment appendage (12), such as a sleeve or trouser leg. The band (20) has a concealed position that hides a reflective tape (24) and a deployed position where the reflective tape (24) is visible. The band (20) includes a strip (22) that encircles and is attached to the garment appendage (12) at a distance (42) from the free end (14) of the garment appendage (12). The reflective tape (24) is bonded to the underside (34) of the strip (22) or to the garment appendage (12).

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003073872A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

Technical garments including joint stabilization socks, sleeves, and other garments are disclosed. The exemplary garments disclosed herein include regions with material properties, such as tensile strengths, that are different from other regions of the garment. Particular regions of the exemplary garments include interwoven materials with substantially high tensile strengths for providing resistance/compression to targeted body parts (e.g., ankles, knees, shoulders, etc.) for preventing undesirable movement (e.g., that mimics medically-relevant taping patterns). In particular embodiments, the regions with higher tensile strengths are interwoven or integrated into a base material, such that the garment can be comfortably worn while also providing compression and support to targeted body parts.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003025809A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Present aspects are directed to a knit sleeve that provides for a left- arm wearing or right-arm wearing assembly location for each knit sleeve, as coupled to a garment body, Present aspects are directed to a knit sleeve (174) that provides for a left-arm wearing or right- arm wearing assembly location for each knit sleeve (174), as coupled to a garment body (286), as well as a convergence between knitted features on front and back body extensions as mated to the upper arm of the sleeve. A knit sleeve (174) convergence pattern for an underarm portion of a knit sleeve (174) comprises a plurality of knitted ribs (130, 160, 18, 226, 242) and a convergence point comprising a central location between the plurality of knitted ribs (130, 160, 18, 226, 242).

01-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003041902A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

A knitted element may include at least three zones. The first zone may include terry loop knitting. The second zone may include mesh knitting. The third zone may include jersey knitting. The knitted element may include at least one seamless transition between the first zone and the second zone, or between the first zone and the third zone so that terry loop knitting is continuous with either the mesh knitting or the jersey knitting. The first zone, the second zone, and the third zone may each include wool knitting. The terry loop knitting may be adapted to provide warmth in areas where it is needed, while the mesh knitting may be adapted to provide breathability in areas where it is needed. The jersey knitting may provide an intermediate level of warmth and breathability.

23-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002655943C
Принадлежит: GX, INC., GX INC

A garment sleeve with knuckle protector and thumb aperture. A shield (18) having knuckle thimbles (14) attached to a shield base (24), is attached either to a sleeve inner surface (4) or a sleeve outer surface (6). If the former, the sleeve (2) incorporates sleeve thimble apertures (20) through which the knuckle thimbles (14) extend. Indicia (22) may be inscribed on the knuckle thimbles (14) for aesthetic reasons. Each knuckle thimble (14) may incorporate a thimble void (28) sized to admit a human knuckle on a side of the shield base (24) opposite a thimble dome (26). A thumb aperture (10) is located through the sleeve (2) such that when the thumb of a wearer of the sleeve (2) extends through the thumb aperture (10), the wearer's knuckles are disposed beneath, and protected by, the knuckle thimbles (14).

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002602502C
Принадлежит: AVENT, INC.

... ²²²A protective garment, such as a surgical gown, includes a garment body ²defining sleeves. A cuff may be secured at respective ends of the sleeves. A ²circumferentially extending coating is disposed on the sleeves beginning at ²the sleeve or cuff. The coating has a high friction surface such that an end ²of a glove pulled over the coating is inhibited from rolling or sliding back ²over the coating and down the sleeve. The coating may be formed of a low-tack ²surface modifier and may include a dye or colorant that may be used to ²indicate the fluid protection level of, for example, a surgical gown.² ...

24-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2993338C

The dry suit is produced preferably as a one-piece combined suit made of a three-layer, water-tight but air-permeable, woven laminate with maximum 220 g/m2 mass per unit area, and also seamlessly includes the feet. A water-tight zipper (4) extends from the crotch area up to the top edge of the collar (5). There is a water-tight zipper (4) on each of the sleeves (8), which extends rearwards from the front edge of the cuff (13) along the lower arm. With said watertight zipper (4, 7) the collar and chest region as well as the sleeves (13) and front arms (8) can open to a certain extent, providing an effective cooling function, which makes the wearing of the dry suit in non-critical mission phases significantly more comfortable and less tiring. In addition, said dry suit has a total weight of less than 1.5 kg and is correspondingly light to wear on the body.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002981707A1

A sleeve is provided with an antibacterial substance to substantially prevent germs from surviving thereon. The sleeve is designed to be worn by children over their existing clothes, worn over the elbow so that the wearer may cough or sneeze into it with the antibacterial substance acting to eliminate any germs transferred from the wearer to the sleeve by that cough or sneeze. The sleeve is elastic and held in place by a frictional fit that allows for easy application and removal without limiting range of motion for the user.

24-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002841723A1

26-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002095263A1

SLEEVE PUPPET A garment having an amusement device in the form of a puppet being integrally a part thereof and attached to the sleeves of the garment. The puppet is formed from the sleeve of a garment having two distinct layers of material which are attached at one end. A first layer extends into a second layer wherein the first layer is attached to the second layer at the end of the sleeve through which the hand extends. The interior end of the second inner layer is substantially unattached to the outer layer. Because of the substantially unattached interior end, an upper and a lower cavity is formed within the sleeve between the two layers of material. Accordingly, the fingers of the hand may be placed in the upper and lower cavities for manipulating the end of the sleeve and forming a puppet. When desired, the inside layer can be folded outwardly to form a cuff such that the puppet is hidden from view. Upon unfolding the cuff, the puppet is exposed. Ornamental items which represent facial ...

02-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002124866C

A garment suited for a young child comprises cuffs which are devoid of any hem at their distal end and which have hidden side seams. A pouch overlays the cuff at the distal end; the pouch is invertible over the cuff end to enclose an appendage such as a hand or foot of the wearer within the cuff. When the pouch is not inverted, the cuff may be turned back to expose the appendage.

26-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002248462A1

A garment, such as a turnout coat for a firefighter, comprises a body, which has a front portion and a back portion, a left sleeve, a right sleeve, and a col lar. Each sleeve is sewn in a raglan pattern to an associated gusset, which is sewn t o a lower part of front portion of the body, at the front portion of the body, and is sewn in a dolman pattern to the back portion of the body. The collar is sewn to the left and right sleeves and to the front portion of the body. The garment is openable and closeable at the collar and at the gussets.

30-04-1895 дата публикации

Work jacket with broken through shoulder cave employment

Номер: CH0000009160A

15-07-1947 дата публикации

Armel für Oberkörperbekleidungsstück.

Номер: CH0000249622A
Принадлежит: HESS & CIE H, H. HESS & CIE.

31-12-1946 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000246240A

31-07-1950 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000269782A

30-09-1949 дата публикации

Vêtement à manches.

Номер: CH0000263951A

15-03-1950 дата публикации

Kleidungsstück mit Ärmeln.

Номер: CH0000267103A

30-06-1960 дата публикации

Manche de chemise munie d'un dispositif pour régler sa longueur

Номер: CH0000347157A

15-11-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000401870A
Принадлежит: CASUAL WEAR LTD

31-05-1934 дата публикации

Gestricktes oder gewirktes Kleidungsstück.

Номер: CH0000169333A

15-03-1971 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000504176A

15-03-1971 дата публикации

Vêtement à manches

Номер: CH0000504175A

31-03-1971 дата публикации

Kleidungsstück mit eng anliegenden Ärmeln

Номер: CH0000504848A

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000573290A5

30-11-1967 дата публикации

Windfang für Ärmel oder Hosenbeine

Номер: CH0000447081A

30-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000639542A5

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Sportswear jacket - has sleeve mountings for sleeves at armholes for reversible garment worn as jacket or gilet

Номер: CH0000682791A5
Принадлежит: BULLSON AG

The jacket has mountings (7) at each sleeve (9) to fit it to the armhole (5) at the right and left sides of the chest section (1). USE/ADVANTAGE - The jacket is for sportswear, where it can be converted easily from a jacket to a gilet by removing the sleeves. The jacket can be reversible, where the body and also the sleeves can be reversed, for wear either as a full jacket or a gilet.

31-03-1995 дата публикации

Jacket equipped with a watch

Номер: CH0000685092A5

The jacket includes a watch (2) fastened removably on an outer cuff. The bracelet (strap) of the watch serves as the closure for the cuff. The watch may be fastened to the cuff with the aid of self-gripping (touch-and-close, Velcro) strips. ...

15-08-1994 дата публикации

Torso garment with elongate sleeve.

Номер: CH0000684237A5

15-07-2005 дата публикации

Garment sleeve, and especially a shirt, has slits at the cuff from the edge, secured by closures and leaving a tongue between them to pass under a wrist watch or bracelet

Номер: CH0000694747A5
Принадлежит: CHARLES EULAU

The garment, with at least one sleeve (1) or leg, has two slits (2) along the garment from the edge. Each slit can be opened and closed by a closure. The tongue section (3), between the slits, can be passed under a wrist watch or bracelet, leaving the watch dial or jewelry exposed. Especially with a shirt, the watch can be read or the jewelry seen without pulling or folding the sleeve. The slit closure can be a button (4) and loop (5), hook and eye, contact bonding or magnetic closure.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000131471U

30-01-2018 дата публикации

Clothing with elasticity sleeve gallery structure

Номер: CN0206933423U

14-08-2020 дата публикации

Men's jacket that air permeability is better

Номер: CN0111528546A

04-05-2016 дата публикации

Clothes with clear weavy grains and fluorescent layers

Номер: CN0105533825A

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Waterproof warmth-keeping jacket with clocks

Номер: CN104585940A

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Apron with oversleeves and rags

Номер: CN0109393595A

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Anti-fouling worker clothes

Номер: CN0105686142A

07-07-2017 дата публикации

Hospital gown convenient to put on and take off

Номер: CN0106923413A

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Attractive upper garment with mosquito-preventing function

Номер: CN0105077727A

29-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107518480A

08-05-2013 дата публикации

Secure luminous T-shirt with hem provided with rope

Номер: CN103082458A
Автор: Lu Rongyao

The invention relates to a secure luminous T-shirt with the hem provided with a rope. The secure luminous T-shirt comprises a T-shirt body (1) which is sewn through fabric. The back of the fabric is provided with a breathable layer, breathable holes are arranged in the breathable layer, and a metal coating is pasted between the breathable layer and the fabric. The hem of the T-shirt body (1) is provided with a circle of the rope (2) which is twisted through hemp ropes, and silk ribbons for decoration are arranged at two ends of the rope (2). Luminophors which are long-phosphorescence phosphors or rare earth long-afterglow phosphors are coated on the surfaces of cuffs of the T-shirt body (1). According to the secure luminous T-shirt, the hem of the T-shirt body is provided with a circle of the rope, so that the tightness of the hem can be adjusted according to a user, the hem cannot swing randomly during the exercise, the rope can be used as decoration, the female figure is well presented ...

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Protective garment for private treatment person

Номер: CN0211153933U

27-02-2018 дата публикации

Overcoat that conveniently carries

Номер: CN0207040941U

29-03-2019 дата публикации

Abdominal operation patient's novel patient's gown

Номер: CN0208658021U

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Special patient clothes for sleep electroencephalogram breath monitoring

Номер: CN0212036162U

22-06-2018 дата публикации

A structure-optimized body garment

Номер: CN0207519677U

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Surgical gown with sleeve adjusting structure

Номер: CN0210382759U

19-05-2020 дата публикации

Magnetic type anti-wear raincoat

Номер: CN0210538998U

13-08-2019 дата публикации

T-shirt capable of preventing cuff from walking

Номер: CN0209235036U

12-07-2019 дата публикации

Spliced one-piece children's clothing

Номер: CN0209090109U
Автор: YU LIAN

11-09-2020 дата публикации

Antistatic sweater

Номер: CN0211458893U

03-04-2020 дата публикации

Flying shoulder sleeve dress

Номер: CN0210226945U

03-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN202842408U

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Women's suit with body shaping function

Номер: CN0211379677U

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Patient clothes convenient to wear

Номер: CN0211379739U

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Take antibiotic sanitation clothing of solar energy of light

Номер: CN0204812173U

The utility model discloses a take antibiotic sanitation clothing of solar energy of light, including sanitation clothing, one of them shoulder of sanitation clothing is equipped with warning device, warning device includes a solar cell panel and two warning boards of establishing in the solar cell panel both sides, connects through flexible telescopic band between warning board and the solar cell panel, solar cell panel takes the shoulder at sanitation clothing, and the warning board of both sides is placed respectively in sanitation clothing's front and back, the end of warning board is equipped with the fixed band, warning board middle part is equipped with the warning light, and the front end of one of them warning board is equipped with the light, and solar cell panel is the mains operated of warning light and light, sanitation clothing is last to be equipped with the nanometer antibacterial fabric layer in cuff, collarband and base department at least. The utility model discloses ...

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Dismantle folding down coat

Номер: CN0211703567U

02-10-2020 дата публикации

Outdoor sportswear

Номер: CN0211608241U

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Compression shirt with roll-over sleeve

Номер: US20120180181A1
Принадлежит: Shock Doctor Inc

One embodiment of the invention is a shirt comprising a body portion for receiving a user's torso and first and second sleeves attached to the body portion. The first and second sleeves each have an elbow region including at least a first anti-slip pattern and a cuff region including at least a second anti-slip region. In use, an elbow pad may be disposed over an upper region of one sleeve such that an inner surface of the elbow pad contacts the first anti-slip pattern. A lower sleeve portion including the cuff region may be folded over the elbow pad such that the second anti-slip pattern contacts an outer surface of the elbow pad.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091616A1
Автор: Muche Marion, Nagy Uwe
Принадлежит: Paul Hartmann AG

A medical clothing item, includes a body covering section having first and second side edges delimiting an opening of the body covering section and at least one closure for closing the opening, wherein the closure includes a first closure element arranged on the first side edge, and a second closure element, arranged on the second side edge and/or in a region bordering the second side edge, wherein the first closure element has a fastening section for permanent fastening on the body covering section, a release section non-detachably connected with the body covering section, and a coupling section connected with the fastening section, wherein the coupling section is coverable when not interacting with the second closure element, wherein the coupling section has first mechanical coupling means for coupling to the second closure element, wherein the second closure element has second mechanical coupling means formed by a surface of the medical clothing item. 110.-. (canceled)11. A medical clothing item , comprising:a body covering section having an inside and an outside, and first and second side edges delimiting an opening of the body covering section for putting on the medical clothing item;sleeves attached to the body covering section; andat least one closure for closing the opening, said closure comprising a first closure element arranged on the first side edge, and a second closure element, arranged on the second side edge and/or in a region bordering the second side edge, wherein the first closure element has a fastening section for permanent fastening on the body covering section, a release section non-detachably connected with the body covering section, and an coupling section connected with the fastening section, said coupling section being coverable by the release section when not interacting with the second closure element, wherein the coupling section has first mechanical coupling means for coupling to the second closure element wherein the second closure ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091624A1

A protective apparel support () system is disclosed comprising a support frame configured to rest on the shoulders of a wearer, the support having a first shoulder member (), a second shoulder member () and a shield () engagement portion. A shield () is selectively coupleable to the support and protective apparel () is coupled to the shield. 1. A protective apparel and support apparatus , comprising:a yoke including a chest member, the yoke configured to rest on shoulders of a wearer, the chest member configured to secure a shield of a gown portion, the chest member including an insertion member configured to be removably disposed within a receiving member of a securement device; andthe securement device including the receiving member, the securement device configured to support a weight of the yoke and a weight of the shield.2. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the chest member includes a shoulder pad configured to be disposed on a shoulder plate of the securement device when the insertion member is disposed within the receiving member.3. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chest member includes a fan configured direct an air flow into an interior barrier space defined by the shield.4. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a control module configured to change a speed of the fan.5. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chest member is a first chest member claim 1 , the yoke including a second chest member.6. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the first chest member is not in direct contact with the second chest member.7. The protective apparel and support apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the first chest member includes a first fan configured direct an air flow into an interior barrier space defined by the shield claim 5 , and the second chest member includes a second fan configured direct an air flow ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Isolation Garment and Foot Wear

Номер: US20130152264A1
Автор: Birmingham McCann D.

An isolation gown is provided and includes a body cover portion that is open near the knee area of the wearer. The gown includes two sleeves, wherein each of the sleeves is configured to cover a wearer's arm and terminate in an arm opening located proximate a wearer's wrist, such that each arm of the wearer is covered by the sleeves to an area proximate the wearer's wrist, wherein each of the arm openings includes a continuous elastic portion surrounding the arm opening to resiliently contact the wearer's arm, and a collar defining a neck opening, wherein the collar defines a collar opening and includes a configurable connecting article to close the collar opening, wherein each of the body cover portion and the two sleeves are constructed from a material impervious to liquids. 1. An isolation gown for covering a body of a wearer , the isolation gown comprising:a body cover portion, where the body cover portion is configured to cover the body of the wearer between an area proximate a neck area of the wearer and a knee area of the wearer, wherein the body cover portion is open near the knee area of the wearer,two sleeves, wherein each of the sleeves is configured to cover a wearer's arm and terminate in an arm opening located proximate a wearer's wrist, such that each arm of the wearer is covered by the sleeves to an area proximate the wearer's wrist, wherein each of the arm openings includes a continuous elastic portion surrounding the arm opening to resiliently contact the wearer's arm, anda collar defining a neck opening, wherein the collar defines a collar opening and includes a configurable connecting article to close the collar opening,wherein each of the body cover portion and the two sleeves are constructed from a material impervious to liquids.2. The isolation gown of claim 1 , wherein the liquids include at least one of water and bodily fluids.3. The isolation gown of claim 1 , wherein further comprising a hand anchor means for preventing the sleeves from ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Drag inducing swimwear

Номер: US20130152265A1
Автор: Patrick Gerald Whaley
Принадлежит: Patrick Gerald Whaley

An exercise and training device for swimmers in the form of a shirt, top, or singlet that, due to the material of manufacture, increases the resistance to the swimmer's movement through the water.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Protection gown with breakable neck portion

Номер: US20130239285A1
Автор: Peter Jonason
Принадлежит: Molnycke Health Care AB

Provided is a protection gown having a front part, a back part joined to the front part and two sleeves. The back part has two portions connected to each other in a neckline region of the gown. The two portions of the back part of the protection gown are connected to each other by a strip of material. The connection between the two portions of the back part of the protection gown can be released by manually breaking the strip of material or its attachment to one of the two portions of the back part of the protection gown. At least a portion of the neckline of the gown is resiliently stretchable.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305426A1

According to techniques of this application, a garment may include a trunk, three left sleeves, and three right sleeves. Two of the left sleeves and two of the right sleeves may be short sleeves. The third left sleeve and the third right sleeve may be long sleeves. The garment may include a placket that comprises a first placket piece, a second placket piece, and a third placket piece portion. The placket may be assembled separately and then attached to a V-neck cutaway of the trunk. 1. A garment comprising: a first placket piece,', 'a second placket piece attached to the first placket piece by at least one placket inner seam,', 'a third placket piece located at least partially between the first placket piece and the second placket piece,', 'wherein the third placket piece extends across an open area defined by the first and second placket pieces, and', 'wherein the third placket piece is attached to the first placket piece and the second placket piece by the at least one placket inner seam., 'a placket attached to at least a portion of a V-neck cutaway in a trunk with at least one placket outer seam, wherein the placket includes2. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising a short left sleeve claim 1 , a short right sleeve claim 1 , a long left sleeve claim 1 , and a long right sleeve.3. The garment of claim 2 , wherein the garment is reversible.4. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising:a first left sleeve including an unattached distal end and a proximal end attached to the trunk;a second left sleeve including an unattached distal end and a proximal end attached to at least one of the trunk or the first left sleeve;a third left sleeve including a segment extending distally from the distal ends of the first and second left sleeves;a first right sleeve including an unattached distal end and a proximal end attached to the trunk;a second right sleeve including an unattached distal end and a proximal end attached to at least one of the trunk or the first right ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318689A1

An iron-on pants leg or arm sleeve fabric extender used to either increase the number of times a person is able to wear a garment and/or to add personalized embellishments to articles of clothing. The additional fabric can be attached by using a hot iron to affix iron-on tape between the extender cuff and the article of clothing. 1. An extending apparatus for use with clothing comprising:(a) a substantially rectangular piece of material having first and second opposed edges, and third and fourth opposed edges substantially perpendicular to the first and second edges;(b) attachment means positioned proximate the first edge, the second edge and the third edge of the substantially rectangular piece, wherein the attachment means is adapted for attachment to clothing and does not include sewing; and(c) wherein the piece is foldable along a line extending substantially parallel to the first and second edge to form an area for receiving a terminal end of a pant leg or a shirt sleeve, and the piece is rollable into a cylinder having a desired circumference by attaching the third edge at a desired position of the piece proximate to the fourth edge, whereby the piece is conformable to the circumference of the pant leg or shirt sleeve.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment means comprises adhesive positioned along the first edge claim 1 , the second edge and the third edge.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of material comprises cloth.4. An apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the attachment means comprises adhesive adapted for adhering to cloth positioned along the first edge claim 3 , the second edge and the third edge.5. An apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the attachment means comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of heat fusible adhesive strips claim 4 , fabric glue claim 4 , snaps claim 4 , buttons and hook and loop fasteners.6. An apparatus for extending length of a pant leg or shirt sleeve ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Medical Gown

Номер: US20140007316A1

A medical gown has a neck opening entirely surrounded by continuous material of the gown, wherein the neck opening is round at a front side of the gown and extends to a point at a rear side of the gown. Another medical gown has a neck opening entirely surrounded by continuous material of the gown, and having a slit at a rear side extending from a bottom edge of the gown to a point short of the neck opening.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020151A1
Автор: Czajka Francis A.
Принадлежит: Medline industries, Inc.

A disposable surgical gown having a neck binding that includes a visual indicator to identify the barrier protection level associated with the disposable surgical gown. In particular, the disposable surgical gown has a neck binding that is color-coded for identifying the barrier protection level associated with the disposable surgical gown for protecting against penetration of body fluids and infectious materials. Also disclosed is a disposable surgical drape having a visual indicator, such as color-coding, to identify the barrier protection level associated with the disposable surgical drape. A surgical kit includes the disposable surgical gown and/or disposable surgical drape having visual indicators, such as color-coding, to identify the barrier protection level. The surgical kit may include other items to be used in a surgical setting which may also have visual indicators, such as color-coding, to identify the barrier protection level associated with the disposable surgical gown and/or disposable surgical drape. 127-. (canceled)28. A disposable surgical gown comprising:a main body including a front body portion, a back body portion, and sleeves connected to the front and back body portions; anda visual indicator configured to identify a barrier protection level of the disposable surgical gown, the visual indicator positioned along a periphery of the main body of the disposable surgical gown to visually indicate the barrier protection level.29. The disposable surgical gown of claim 28 , wherein the visual indicator includes at least one of a color claim 28 , a pattern claim 28 , a configuration claim 28 , a design claim 28 , text claim 28 , characters claim 28 , and graphics.30. The disposable surgical gown of claim 28 , wherein the visual indicator is positioned along the neck binding of the disposable surgical gown.31. The disposable surgical gown of claim 28 , wherein the visual indicator relates to a barrier protection level designated by the Association for ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Protective glove apparatus

Номер: US20140075638A1
Автор: Daniel Larkin
Принадлежит: Individual

A protective glove apparatus includes a left-handed shoulder-length glove, and a right-handed shoulder-length glove. A collar extends from a proximal end of the left-handed shoulder-length glove and extends from a proximal end of the right-handed shoulder-length glove. The collar is configured to substantially surround a user's neck and help prevent the left-handed shoulder-length glove and the right-handed shoulder-length glove from sliding down the user's arms.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082828A1
Автор: Bill Wanda Sue

An attachable sleeve that may be secured to a bra. The attachable sleeve may include a tubular body with a top end and a bottom end. The attachable sleeve may further include a plurality of straps attached to the tubular body at the top end. The plurality of straps may include a first strap, a second strap and a third strap. The first strap and the second strap may attach together over the shoulder of a user to keep the sleeve secured to the underarm. The third strap may go under the bra, wrap around, and connect to the first strap, second strap, and bra of the user. Once connected, the third strap may hold the attached first and second strap on the shoulder preventing the straps from slipping down as well as holding the sleeve securely to the upper arm. 1. An attachable sleeve comprising:a tubular body having a top end and a bottom end;a plurality of straps comprising at least a first strap, a second strap, and a third strap, wherein the plurality of straps comprises a first end and a second end, wherein the first ends are attached to the top end of the tubular body;a first connector attached to at least one of the second ends of the first strap and the second strap, wherein the first connector releasably connects the first strap and the second strap together; anda second connector attached to the third strap, wherein the second connector releasably connects to a connected first strap and second strap.2. The attachable sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the second connector comprises a first mate and a second mate claim 1 , wherein the first mate is at the top end and the second mate is attached below the first mate claim 1 , wherein the first mate and the second mate releasably connect to one another.3. The attachable sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the first connector comprises a buckle and a first mate and a second mate claim 2 , wherein the buckle is attached to the first strap claim 2 , and the first mate and second mate are attached to the second strap claim 2 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000162A1
Автор: SPIES Alberto

A forearm guard compressive sleeve is disclosed which functions as a protective guard in athletic endeavors and as fashion apparel and as an advertising and promotional medium. The sleeve is constructed to mitigate the effects of environmental and mechanical hazards, limit the deleterious effects of an athlete's perspiration and muscle stress and imbue the user with psychological confidence in his or her athletic performance. The inventive forearm guard incorporates Near Field Communication components including one of more NFC tags which enable access via NFC-enabled mobile smart phones or computers to the Internet. A method is disclosed enabling celebrity athletes or personnel using the inventive forearm guard to transfer wireless personalized information to fans and supporters including sending virtual autographs and mementos. 1. A forearm guard compression sleeve for use as a sports , fashion and advertising device comprising:a sleeve of tubular construction made of stretchable material and conformable to the forearm of a wearer,an impact absorbing pad affixed to an external surface of said sleeve to protect the wearer from athletic and environmental hazards,said impact absorbing pad and said external surface of said sleeve adapted to display visible images for fashion and display advertising,and, a Near Field Communication device contained within the forearm guard adapted to communicate wirelessly with a smart phone to enable selected digital media to appear on the display of said smart phone.2. A forearm guard compression sleeve as in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve of tubular construction is woven into a tubular length of cushioned material folded back inside itself and sewn together internally at a seam midpoint between and distal to the ends of the tube.3. A forearm guard compression sleeve as in claim 2 , wherein the sleeve is woven from a composition of fiber material which is 94% cotton and 6% elastane.4. A method of providing users of wearable communication ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000162A1

Sleeve for muscle or joint regions of the human body having an inner side () in contact with the body and an outer side () facing away from it, wherein it is proposed according to the invention that a sequence of elastic strip bodies () is provided at least in sections of the sleeve, which are held spaced apart from one another parallel to one another in an air-permeable shell (), which forms respectively one connecting web () running centrally in the longitudinal direction of the strip bodies () between adjacently located strip bodies (). The sleeve is primarily intended for use during sleep and prevents cooling of the covered areas by reliably avoiding the formation of perspiration. After putting in place, the sleeve according to the invention results in a massage and therefore improved circulation in the tissue and an enhanced metabolism. It therefore has a pain-relieving, relaxing, decongesting and swelling-reducing effect. 13-. (canceled)4. Sleeve for muscle or joint regions of the human body having an inner side in contact with the body during use and an outer side facing away from it , wherein an air-permeable shell is provided , wherein a sequence of elastic strip bodies is provided at least in sections of the sleeve , which are held spaced apart from one another parallel to one another in the air-permeable shell , wherein the air-permeable shell forms respectively one connecting web running centrally in the longitudinal direction of the strip bodies between adjacently located strip bodies , and the elastic strip bodies undergo a reduction in volume under pressure and acquire their original shape again when the pressure is removed.5. The sleeve according to claim 4 , wherein the inner side of the shell is designed in a mesh-like manner or is provided with a mesh-like surface structure.6. The sleeve according to claim 4 , wherein the connecting web is formed by a seam which connects the inner side and the outer side of the air-permeable shell. The invention ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000175A1
Автор: Rojas Nancy M.

A carrier for transporting an animal is constructed from a hoodie jacket manipulated into a cross-body, i.e., sling-style, outer bag for carrying small animals. The jacket's sleeves are joined to one another to create a shoulder strap. Preferably, the jacket has two sewn-in front pockets and a full-front pull zipper that extends from the bottom of the jacket to the neck aperture. The carrier has a separate, removable sleep bag to provide additional comfort to the animal and ease entry and exit of the animal into and out of the carrier. 1. An animal carrier formed from a jacket , the jacket comprising:a. a hood;b. a first sleeve;c. a second sleeve, wherein the first sleeve and the second sleeve are long sleeves; andd. a zipper that bisects the front of the jacket,wherein a first half of a waistline of the jacket is joined to a second half of the waistline to form a closed-bottom bag, and wherein the first sleeve and the second sleeve are joined to one another to form a shoulder strap, wherein the zipper extends from a neck of the jacket to the waistline.2. The animal carrier of claim 1 , further comprising a removable inner sleep bag.3. The animal carrier of claim 2 , wherein the inner sleep bag is padded and quilted.4. The animal carrier of claim 1 , wherein the first half of the waistline is stitched to the second half of the waistline claim 1 , and wherein the first sleeve is stitched to the second sleeve claim 1 , wherein the first sleeve is inserted into the second sleeve prior to stitching the sleeves together.5. The animal carrier of claim 4 , wherein an overlapping portion of the first sleeve and the second sleeve is quilted and padded claim 4 , and wherein the stitching used to join the first sleeve to the second sleeve comprises a rectangular stitch pattern in combination with an “X” stitch pattern sewn 4″ long and the width of the first sleeve claim 4 , wherein the rectangular stitch pattern and the “X” stitch pattern are positioned along the overlapping ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Purpose Wrap

Номер: US20150007377A1

A multi-use wrap is provided which is wearable in myriad different styles, under various categories. The wrap preferably is a substantially rectangular piece of fabric having first and second opposed long edges and first and second opposed short edges, and having a seam along all edges including a fusible interfacing incorporated therein. The wrap can be a shawl that can be worn as a caplet, pinned, belted, off the shoulder, off two shoulders or buttoned down the back. The second implementation is as a sleeve fully buttoned and put on like a jacket or buttoned in back for a covered shoulder effect. The third implementation is as a neck scarf simply tied in front, double tied in front, loosely wrapped, braided, one end tucked inside the other, wrapped around the head. The fourth implementation is as a skirt buttoned on one side with a V shape in the front, to the side or in the back. The fifth implementation is as a top fastened around the neck as a halter top or fastened in the front as a strapless/maternity top. The wrap of the present invention is readily foldable and transportable. 1. A multi-purpose garment for wearing by a person , comprising:a. a substantially rectangular piece of fabric having first and second opposed long edges and first and second opposed short edges, and having a seam along all edges including a fusible interfacing incorporated therein;b. a first set of buttons aligned along the first long edge beginning proximate the first short edge and spaced equidistantly beginning therefrom;c. a second set of buttons aligned along the second long edge proximate the second short edge and spaced equidistantly beginning therefrom;d. a first set of button holes aligned along the second long edge beginning proximate the first short edge and spaced equidistantly therefrom; ande. a second set of button holes aligned along the first long edge beginning proximate the second short edge and spaced equidistantly therefrom.2. The garment of wherein the first and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007425A1

The present invention is directed to upper-body apparel having integrated gloves, wherein the gloves can easily switch between a stowed position and a donned position. The apparel comprises a pair of sleeves, each sleeve having an opening configured for extending a hand, the sleeve having an upper portion and a lower portion, the sleeve opening having an upper segment and a lower segment each extending along circumference of the sleeve opening, the upper segment extends along the upper portion of the sleeve and the lower segment extends along the lower portion of the sleeve. A glove having a palm side, a rear side, and a glove opening, a palm segment of the periphery of the glove opening extends along the palm side of the glove, and a rear segment of the periphery of the glove opening extends along the rear side of the glove. A flap having a front edge and an opposite rear edge, the rear edge having two opposite corners, the flap is made of stretchable material. The upper segment of the sleeve opening is coupled to the rear segment of the glove opening. The palm segment of the glove opening is coupled to the front edge of the flap, the two opposite corners of the rear edge of the flap coupled to the upper portion of the sleeve. The glove is sandwiched between the upper portion of the sleeve and the flap. 1. An upper-body apparel comprising:a sleeve having an opening configured for extending a hand, the sleeve having an upper portion and a lower portion, the sleeve opening having an upper segment and a lower segment extending along the circumference of the sleeve opening, the upper segment extends along the upper portion of the sleeve and the lower segment extends along the lower portion of the sleeve;a glove having a palm side, a rear side, and a glove opening, a palm segment of the periphery of the glove opening extends along the palm side of the glove, and a rear segment of the periphery of the glove opening extends along the rear side of the glove; anda flap ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007427A1
Автор: Toratani Ikuo

A garment prevents a wearer from moving a shoulder forward to put an arm in front of the trunk. The garment includes a front body, which is a tube extending vertically and has a front body and a rear body. An upper area of the rear body has a minimum horizontal width shorter than an upper area of the front body. The right sleeve is worn on and fits the right arm of the wearer and is connected with the right armhole. The right sleeve longitudinally stretched by 50% generates a longitudinal tension of 100 cN or more. The left sleeve is worn on and fits the left arm of the wearer and is connected with the left armhole. The left sleeve longitudinally stretched by 50% generates a longitudinal tension of 100 cN or more. 1. A stretchy garment configured to cover at least a portion of the upper body of a wearer , comprising: a front body; and', the hem is disposed below the neckline;', 'the right armhole is disposed right of the neckline;', 'the left armhole is disposed left of the neckline; and', 'an upper area of the rear body with four corners at the upper and lower ends of the right armhole and the left armhole has a minimum horizontal width shorter than an upper area of the front body with four corners at the upper and lower ends of the right armhole and the left armhole;, 'a rear body connected with the front body to form a neckline, a hem, a right armhole, and a left armhole, wherein], 'a tubular body extending vertically, includinga right sleeve configured to be worn on and fit the right arm of the wearer, connected with the right armhole, and capable of generating a longitudinal tension of 100 cN or more, when longitudinally stretched by 50%; anda left sleeve configured to be worn on and fit the left arm of the wearer, connected with the left armhole, and capable of generating a longitudinal tension of 100 cN or more, when longitudinally stretched by 50%.2. The garment according to claim 1 , wherein:the right sleeve generates a longitudinal tension of 150 cN or ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007985A1

The present invention provides sports upper clothing which has an improved cooling function, which includes a front body, a back body and sleeves, The sleeve has a front portion located on a same side as the front body, and a back portion located on a same side as the back body. The back portion is made of a fabric having a low breathability value and the front portion has a greater breathability value than the back portion. 3. The sports upper clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion of the sleeve is partially or entirely made of a different fabric from that of the back portion.4. The sports upper clothing according to claim 3 , wherein the front portion of the sleeve is provided by a mesh fabric.5. The sports upper clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the front body has a highly breathable portion which is disposed across a region from a collar across shoulders and to a breast center and has a greater breathability value than the back portion of the sleeve.7. The sports upper clothing according to claim 5 , wherein the fabric providing the front portion and the back portion of the sleeve has a bending resistance falling in a range from 20 mm through 150 mm claim 5 , andthe sleeve is connected to the highly breathable portion.8. The sports upper clothing according to claim 7 , wherein the front portion of the sleeve has a sleeve end which claim 7 , in a front view claim 7 , exposes a sleeve end of the back portion of the sleeve.9. The sports upper clothing according to claim 8 , wherein the sleeve has a rim portion which is disposed at the sleeve end and has a higher bending stiffness than the front portion and the back portion.10. The sports upper clothing according to claim 9 , where in the sleeve has its sleeve cap line and sleeve base line formed parallel to each other.11. The sports upper clothing according to claim 8 , where in the sleeve cap line and the sleeve base line of the sleeve become farther away from each other toward the sleeve ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Medical Gown

Номер: US20200008499A1

A gown is provided including non-woven fabric having a front portion, a rear portion, said rear portion ending in a lower edge, and a head insertion aperture that is between the front portion and the rear portion. The gown includes an opening in the rear portion; this opening is formed at the lower edge and extends upwards towards the head insertion aperture, and is configured to assist the wearing in donning the gown. There is a bridge extending across the rear portion at least partially between the opening and the head insertion aperture. This bridge is configured to tear and split the rear portion when the front portion is pulled away from the wearer. 1. A gown comprising:a. a non-woven fabric having a front portion, a rear portion, the rear portion ending in a lower edge, and a head insertion aperture defined between the front portion and the rear portion;b. an opening, the opening defined in the rear portion, said opening formed at the lower edge and extending towards the head insertion aperture, configured to assist a wearer in donning the gown; andc. a bridge extending across the rear portion at least partially between the opening and head insertion aperture; the bridge being configured to tear and split the rear portion when the front portion is pulled away from the wearer.2. The gown of claim 1 , further comprising one or more notches claim 1 , each notch extending from the head insertion aperture into the bridge; the one or more notches being configured to tear and split the bridge when the front portion is pulled away from the wearer.3. The gown of claim 1 , further comprising one or more notches claim 1 , each notch extending from the opening into the bridge; the one or more notches being configured to tear and split the bridge when the front portion is pulled away from the wearer.4. The gown of claim 2 , further comprising one or more notches claim 2 , each notch extending from the opening into the bridge; the one or more notches being configured to ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Overgarment With An Elevated Marsupial Pocket

Номер: US20200008500A1
Принадлежит: Cozy Comport Company LLC

An overgarment includes a single body constructed from a soft fabric having a torso in the body. Opposed sleeves are attached to the torso at sleeve openings, and the sleeves each have a top, an opposed bottom, and a length. A marsupial pocket on a front of the torso has a top and opposed bottom, the top of the marsupial pocket is proximate the bottom of each sleeve, and the bottom of the marsupial pocket is below the bottom of each sleeve. 1. An overgarment comprising:a body constructed from a soft fabric;a torso in the body, the torso having a neck opening, a bottom edge, and a torso height between the neck opening and the bottom edge;opposed sleeves attached to the torso at sleeve openings, the sleeves each having a top, an opposed bottom, and a length; anda marsupial pocket having a top and opposed bottom, wherein the top of the marsupial pocket is proximate the bottom of each sleeve at the respective sleeve opening, and the bottom of the marsupial pocket is below the bottom of each sleeve at the respective sleeve opening;wherein the marsupial pocket has a height between its top and bottom which is approximately one-third the torso height.2. The overgarment of claim 1 , further comprising:the torso has a width measured between the sleeve openings at the bottoms of the opposed sleeves; andthe height of the marsupial pocket is approximately three-tenths the width of the torso.3. The overgarment of claim 1 , wherein each opposed sleeve terminates in a cuff having a length of approximately two and a half inches.4. The overgarment of claim 1 , further comprising:the torso has a front and an opposed back, each having a bottom edge;the marsupial pocket is attached to the front of the torso; andthe bottom edge of the back of the torso is a convex extension below the bottom edge of the front of the torso.5. The overgarment of claim 1 , wherein the height of the marsupial pocket is approximately 1.1 times a diameter of the neck opening.6. The overgarment of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014073A1
Автор: Amir Uri, SHOSHANI Boaz
Принадлежит: Healthwatch LTD.

According to the teachings of the present invention there is provided a knitted smart garment. The garment includes a tubular form having variable elasticity and at least one conductive textile electrode for sensing an electrical vital signal, such as a clinical-level ECG signal. The garment further includes at least one elastic and loose conductive stripe, having a first end and a second end. The first end of the at least one conductive stripe is securely attached to a respective conductive textile electrode, and the second end of the at least one conductive stripe is operatively connected with a processor. The elasticity and looseness of the at least one conductive stripe is configured to prevent a pulling force from being applied to the respective conductive textile electrode, when the garment is stretched. 1. A knitted smart garment , the garment comprising:a) a tubular form having a preconfigured elasticity;b) at least one conductive textile electrode for sensing an electrical vital signal; andc) at least one elastic conductive stripe, having a first end and a second end,wherein said first end of each said conductive stripe is securely and conductively attached to a respective said conductive textile electrode, and said second end of said at least one conductive stripe is operatively connected to a processor; andwherein said elasticity of each said at least one conductive stripe is configured to prevent a pulling force from being applied to said respective conductive textile electrode, when said garment is stretched.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said electrical vital signal is a clinical-level ECG signal.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductive stripe is insulated by insulation means.4170. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductive stripe movements are restricted by motion restricting means claim 1 , wherein said motion restricting means are selected from a group of motion restricting means including sleeves () ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Gamer Hoodie

Номер: US20210015181A1

A hooded garment can include a torso section extending from a waist region to a neck region, where the torso section includes a chest region and a back region. The hooded garment includes a hood extending upward from the neck region and having a front opening, a right sleeve extending from a right shoulder region of the right torso region and having a first wrist opening, and a left sleeve extending from a left shoulder region of the left torso region and having a second wrist opening. 136.-. (canceled)37. A hooded garment , comprising:a torso section extending from a waist region to a neck region, wherein the torso section comprises a chest region and a back region, the torso section comprising a lapel pocket on the chest region and configured to be proximate a wearer's chest;a hood extending upward from the neck region and having a front opening, wherein the hood is oversized and configured to provide room for a wearer's head and a headset on the wearer's head;one or more affixment points configured to removably affix ornamental patches to the hooded garment;a right sleeve extending from a right shoulder region of a right torso region and having a first wrist opening; anda left sleeve extending from a left shoulder region of a left torso region and having a second wrist opening.38. The hooded garment of claim 37 , wherein the torso section comprises at least one of:a front right pocket comprising a first opening in the right torso region proximal the waist region on the chest region; anda front left pocket comprising a second opening in the left torso region proximal the waist region on the chest region.39. The hooded garment of claim 37 , wherein at least one of the right sleeve or the left sleeve further comprises a channel having a first opening proximate to the neck region and a second opening proximate to at least one of an elbow region claim 37 , the first wrist opening claim 37 , or the second wrist opening.40. The hooded garment of claim 39 , wherein the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016009A1
Автор: Colleran Jason

Implementations of an arm sleeve that provides external assistance to the arm and shoulder during an arm motion are provided. In one implementation, the arm sleeve comprises a framework that includes a torso portion configured to be attached to the torso of a user and an arm portion configured to receive at least a portion of an arm of the user. The framework of the arm sleeve is a unitary construction of interconnected elastic members that define openings therebetween. The interconnected elastic members include a first elastic member configured to play an active part throughout an overhead throwing motion, a second elastic member configured to decrease the concentric contraction force necessary for shoulder abduction during the cocking phase of a throwing motion, and a third elastic member configured to assist eccentrically contracting muscles during the deceleration phase of a throwing motion. In another implementation, the framework of the arm sleeve is encased by an elastomeric cover. 1. An arm sleeve , that provides external assistance to the arm and shoulder during an arm motion , comprising:a framework that includes a torso portion configured to be attached to the torso of a user and an arm portion configured to receive at least a portion of an arm of the user, the framework is a unitary construction of interconnected elastic members that define openings therebetween;the interconnected elastic members of the framework include a first elastic member with a first end, a second area, and a second end, wherein the first end of the first elastic member extends from a front side of the torso portion, across a front side of the arm portion to the second area, the second area is part of the arm portion and is superior to the bicep of the arm while the arm sleeve is being worn, the first elastic member continues across the triceps area of the arm, past an elbow joint of the arm, to the second end, the second end is located near the distal end of the arm portion at ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021950A1

The embodiments herein provide a modular adjustable apparel system. The modular apparel system comprises a pre-tailored main garment with a plurality of segments and a plurality of attachments. The plurality of segments are removably attached to the main garment through a plurality of fasteners. The plurality of the segments are replaced with the plurality of attachments. The plurality of attachments are fixed to the plurality of the segments in the main garment through a plurality of fasteners. The plurality of the attachments are selected based on a user preferences. The plurality of attachments are selected from a group consisting of sleeves, collars, laces, front part of the apparel, rear part of the apparel, lace for the apparel, accessories for the apparel, and fasteners of the apparel. The user preference is any one of a design, pattern, color, texture, fabric of the plurality of attachments. 1. A modular apparel comprising:a pre-tailored main garment having a plurality of segments;a plurality of attachments attached to the plurality of segments in the pre-tailored main garment, wherein the plurality of attachments are attached to the respective plurality of segments of the pre-tailored main garment, and wherein the plurality of attachments are attached to the pre-tailored main garment to form a modular apparel, and wherein the plurality of the attachments are selected based on a user preferences.a plurality of fasteners for combining the pre-tailored main garment and the plurality of attachments, and wherein the plurality of fasteners are attached to any one of the pre-tailored main garment and the plurality of attachments.2. The modular apparel according to claim 1 , wherein the pre-tailored main garment is flexible and adjustable.3. The modular apparel according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of attachments are flexible and adjustable.4. The modular apparel according to claim 1 , wherein the pre-tailored main garment and the plurality of attachments ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020751A1
Автор: Jenny Ruth Lewis
Принадлежит: Individual

A garment including a plurality of attached glove members having releasably attached glove bodies is provided. The garment includes a central portion and two opposed sleeve portions. Each attached glove member is attached to each opposed sleeve portion through the use of a retainer. The glove members may be used separately or together, allowing the user to deploy a combination of glove members simultaneously.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020753A1

Garments, garment systems, and methods of using garments and garments systems useful for warming and protecting the body, especially the upper body. A garment may be a sleeved partial undergarment accessory that may be worn under an outer garment and may be removed without requiring removal of the outer garment. A garment may include first and second tubular sleeves with a continuous front region extending between the sleeves and from a neck opening down to a torso opening, a continuous back region extending between the sleeves and from the neck opening down to the torso opening. The opening extends from and is continuous with a distal-most region of the proximal sleeve openings so that the front region and the back region do not connect to each other around the first and second sleeve openings. 1. A method of forming a double shirt arrangement , the method comprising:placing, on a wearer, an outer shirt including at least an outer shirt neck edge defining an outer shirt neck opening, an outer shirt torso edge defining an outer shirt torso opening, and distal-most first and second outer shirt arm edges defining first and second outer shirt arm openings, wherein placing the outer shirt includes placing the outer shirt such that the neck opening surrounds a neck of the wearer and such that first and second arms of the wearer extend through the first and second outer shirt arm openings; and tubular first and second sleeves each having a respective proximal end and a respective distal end, each having a tubular construction between its proximal and distal ends that is void of any fastener, and each having a length of at least 12 inches, wherein, when the sleeved partial undershirt is worn under the outer shirt, the distal ends of the first and second sleeves extend through and beyond the first and second outer shirt arm openings, respectively, such that a double shirt arrangement with a sleeved base layer is provided;', 'a yoke including a front yoke portion, a back ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Winged Cape For Children's Play

Номер: US20190021408A1

A winged cape for wearing by a person includes a flexible inner web and a flexible outer web, each fixed together with a threaded stitch at a common outline. Each web has a top edge and at least one side edge. Four arm slots are formed through the inner web to define a pair of sleeves that are generally orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of each web. Preferably two or more opposing elastic finger rings are each fixed with the at least one side edge of the inner web on opposing sides of the longitudinal axis of the inner web and proximate to a longitudinal axis of the sleeves. With each arm of the person positioned through one of the sleeves and a finger of each hand of the person inserted through one of the finger rings, the webs form a winged cape worn by the person. 1. A winged cape for wearing by a person , comprising:a flexible inner web and a flexible outer web, each web sharing a common outline representing a pair of wings, each web mutually fixed at least along their common outline, each web having a top edge and at least one side edge;at least four parallel arm slots formed through the inner web to define sleeves generally orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of each web, the sleeves mutually coaxially aligned and integrally formed with the inner web;whereby with each arm of the person positioned through one of the arm sleeves between the arm sleeve and the outer web, the longitudinal axes of the webs are parallel with and aligned with the person's torso, the webs forming the winged cape worn by the person.2. The winged cape of wherein each web is mutually fixed at least along their common outline with a sewn stitch.3. The winged cape of wherein each web is further mutually sewn together along at least two additional stitches outside of the sleeves defined between arm slots in the inner web.4. The winged cape of wherein each sleeve is proximate to and generally parallel with the top edge of the webs.5. The winged cape of further including two opposing elastic ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021417A1
Автор: KROECHER Andre

A pair of convertible pants comprising an upper pants portion, a lower pants portion, an opening extending longitudinally from a hem end of the lower pants portion to a section that turns and continuously extending substantially circumferentially around the leg opening and ends at a terminus, and a closure being operable to extend along the entire length of the opening to selectively open and close the opening. 1. (canceled)2. A pair of pants comprising first and second legs , each of the first and second legs extending from a lower hem to a crotch of the pants and comprising a linear slide fastener extending continuously along a path that includes a circumferential portion , a transition portion and a longitudinal portion , the circumferential portion extending circumferentially nearly completely around the leg in a plane located between the hem and the crotch , the plane being generally horizontal when the leg is oriented vertically , the longitudinal portion extending substantially longitudinally along an outer lateral side of the leg to the hem and the transition portion connecting the circumferential and longitudinal portions , the transition portion turning through an angle of approximately 90 degrees , the linear slide fastener comprising a slider operable to open and close the linear slide fastener and being oriented such that when the linear slide fastener is closed the slider is proximate the hem and when the linear slide fastener is open the slider is proximate the plane of the circumferential portion , wherein the leg may be converted from a first configuration to a second configuration by moving the slider along the path to open the linear slide fastener such that a lower pants portion comprising part of the leg below the plane remains attached to an upper pants portion comprising the parts of the pants above the plane by a strip of material extending across the plane.3. The pants according to wherein the legs each comprise two garment layers claim 2 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Phototherapy Anti-Smog Cloth Structure

Номер: US20200022430A1
Автор: Wang Man-Ching

A cloth structure includes a first weaving layer, a second weaving layer interwoven with the first weaving layer, an intermediate connecting layer located between the first weaving layer and the second weaving layer, and a sun protection layer applied on the first weaving layer. The cloth structure presents a single-cloth fabric. The sun protection layer covers pores of the first weaving layer and forms a first protection layer to filter the smog. The first weaving layer is formed with inverted V-shaped cloth patterns, so that the first weaving layer forms a second protection layer to filter the smog. The intermediate connecting layer forms a third protection layer to filter the smog. The second weaving layer obstructs the thread openings of the first weaving layer and forms a fourth protection layer to filter the smog. 1. A cloth structure comprising:a first weaving layer;a second weaving layer;an intermediate connecting layer located between the first weaving layer and the second weaving layer; anda sun protection layer mounted on the first weaving layer;wherein:a method for forming the cloth structure comprises a first step of preparing material, a second step of weaving, a third step of shaping cloth, a fourth step of dyeing and finishing, a fifth step of tension-free full-out layering coloring, a sixth step of tension-free and dust-free drying, and a seventh step of shaping and dispersing;the first step includes providing a first texture material polymer, a second texture material polymer and a third texture material polymer;the first texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber nylon and elastic yarn;the second texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber and elastic yarn;the third texture material polymer is made of polyester fiber;the third texture material polymer is processed by fine grinding;the second step includes performing double-sided weaving to weave the first texture material polymer for forming the first weaving layer, to weave the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Running Shirt with Quick Release Sleeves

Номер: US20160029717A1
Автор: DiMarco Neil A.

A running shirt with quick release sleeves. The shirt comprises a torso portion, a pair of quick release removable sleeves, and a pair of quick release zippers, one at each sleeve. 1. A running shirt , comprising:a fabric torso portion comprising a waist opening, a collar, a left arm opening, a right arm opening, the collar is opposite of the waist opening, the left arm opening is opposite of the right arm opening;a right sleeve;a left sleeve;a right quick release zipper for releasably joining the right sleeve to the torso portion adjacent the right arm opening;a left quick release zipper for releasably joining the left sleeve to the torso portion adjacent the left arm opening;each of the left and right quick release zippers comprise a slider, a first stop element, a second stop element, a first row of fastener elements, a second row of fastener elements, the first row of fastener elements is connected to one of the sleeves or the body adjacent the corresponding arm opening, the second row of fastener elements is connected to the other of the sleeve or the body adjacent the corresponding arm opening, the first row of fastener elements comprises a length that is longer than a length of the second rows of fastener elements;each of the first and second rows of fastener elements comprises a starting end and a terminating end, the starting end of the first row of fastener elements comprises the first stop element, the terminating end of the first row of fastener elements comprises the second stop element, the slider positionable between the first and second stop elements along the first row of fastener elements, the first and second stop elements each are sized to prevent the slider from passing the first and second stop elements, respectively;the slider has a joining portion, a first path, and a second path, the first and second paths are for receiving the first row of fasteners and the second row of fasteners respectively, when each of the first and second rows of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Wearable Device for the Arm with Close-Fitting Biometric Sensors

Номер: US20170027511A1
Автор: Connor Robert A.
Принадлежит: Medibotics LLC

This invention is a wearable device for an arm with a plurality of close-fitting biometric sensors. These sensors can be spectroscopic sensors which project light onto an arm surface at different angles. Alternatively, these sensors can be electromagnetic energy sensors which measure tissue impedance, resistance, conductivity, or permittivity. These sensors can be on the circumference-center-facing wall of an elastic fluid, gel, or gas filled member. Data from these sensors can be used to measure a person's hydration levels, oxygen levels, glucose levels, or heart rate. 1. A wearable device for the arm with a plurality of close-fitting spectroscopic sensors comprising:an attachment member which is configured to span at least a portion of the circumference of a person's arm;an enclosure which is part of and/or attached to the attachment member;a first spectroscopic sensor in the enclosure which is configured to project a beam of light onto the arm surface at a first angle relative to the enclosure; anda second spectroscopic sensor in the enclosure which is configured to project a beam of light onto the arm surface at a second angle relative to the enclosure, wherein the first angle differs from the second angle by at least 10 degrees.2. The device in wherein the attachment member is selected from the group consisting of: strap claim 1 , band claim 1 , bracelet claim 1 , ring claim 1 , armlet claim 1 , cuff claim 1 , and sleeve.3. The device in wherein the attachment member is configured to be attached to the person's arm by connecting two ends of the attachment member with a clasp claim 1 , clip claim 1 , buckle claim 1 , hook claim 1 , pin claim 1 , plug claim 1 , or hook-and-eye mechanism.4. The device in wherein the attachment member is configured to be attached to the person's arm by stretching and sliding it over the person's hand onto the arm.5. The device in wherein data from the first and/or second spectroscopic sensors are analyzed to measure the person's ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Dual Power Mode Electric Tool Operation with Glove

Номер: US20180027888A1
Автор: Hitchen Robin

A glove with electrical contacts and a power tool with electrical contacts are electrically coupled together. Before they are coupled, the glove contacts have a high impedance with the power source. Upon coupling, circuitry within the power tool is powered by the electrical current emanating from the glove contacts, and a coded signal is generated. This coded signal is received and causes the gloved contacts to exhibit comparatively lower impedance and conduct a higher current while the coded signal is maintained. During this time, currents at the power supply and powered tool are measured and compared. While these currents remain within prescribed tolerance, the business end of the power-tool is operational or operated. 1. An electrical system comprising:a glove with first electrical contacts;a power tool comprising second electrical contacts on a handle region thereof;an electrical circuit within said power-tool electrically connected to said second electrical contacts which receives electrical current from a contact of said first electrical contacts in said high impedance state and outputs a coded signal;a controller which switches said output from said contact of said first electrical contacts to a low impedance state upon receiving said coded signal.2. The electrical system of claim 1 , further comprising:a battery; andan electrical cable in a sleeve of a garment connecting said battery to said first electrical contacts.3. The electrical system of claim 2 , wherein said controller is electrically connected to said electrical cable within said sleeve of said garment.4. The electrical system of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , upon said controller ceasing to receive said coded signal claim 3 , said controller switches said output to said high impedance state.5. The electrical system of claim 4 , wherein a business end of said electrical tool is powered in said low impedance state and is unpowered in said high impedance state.6. The electrical system of claim 2 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047018A1
Автор: Koos Margaret M.

A protective gown with collar extension includes a collar extension portion extending upwardly from a neckline of a protective gown to provide securement of the gown to prevent gaping an pull-away from a wearer. In one embodiment, a tie extends from each side of the collar extension to allow securement to a wearer. In another embodiment, the material of the collar extension extends beyond the region of the gown, with the extending ends of the collar extension forming ties to allow securement to a wearer. Other methods of securement are shown and described. 1. A one-time use protective gown with collar extension , comprising:a gown having a main body portion with first and second sleeves extending therefrom for insertion of a wearer's arms; anda collar extension extending upwardly from a neckline of the gown.2. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 1 , wherein the collar extension comprises a tie attached to an upper edge of the collar extension and extending beyond the collar extension at each end to allow securing the collar extension around the neck of the wearer.3. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 1 , wherein material of the collar extension extends outwardly from each side of the collar extension such that the extending ends form ties to allow securing the collar extension around the neck of a wearer.4. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 1 , wherein the collar extension comprises one or more fasteners configured to secure the collar extension around the neck of a wearer.5. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 4 , wherein the fasteners comprise adhesive strips claim 4 , adhesive pads claim 4 , snaps claim 4 , bands claim 4 , buckles claim 4 , Velcro strips claim 4 , and combinations thereof.6. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 1 , wherein the collar extension extends upwardly approximately four inches from a neckline of the gown.7. The protective gown with collar extension of claim 1 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047907A1

In some embodiments, a heavyweight jacket includes a main body configured to fit on the torso of a wearer and sleeves that are fully detached from the main body. The sleeves advantageously facilitate putting on the heavy jacket, while providing a jacket of high weight. To form the heavyweight jacket, a pre-bonded fabric may be used. The fabric is pre-bonded and may optionally be further layered to increase the garment's weight without sacrificing flexibility or breathability. The layered fabric distributes the garment's weight evenly and ensures that the garment does not excessively restrict a wearer's freedom of movement or cause the wearer to overheat. The weight of the fabric may be increased by using a heavyweight glue to bond various layers of material together. 1. A heavyweight sleeve configured to fit on an arm of a human wearer , the sleeve comprising:pre-bonded fleece fabric;an inner face and an outer face, the inner face being thinner than the outer face,wherein the sleeves taper from one open end to an opposite open end of the sleeves, andwherein the sleeves are formed of fabric having a uniform density of 8 or more ounces per square yard.2. The heavyweight sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve comprises one or more patches.3. The heavyweight sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the patches are located in one or more positions spaced apart from a location corresponding to a joint of the wearer.4. The heavyweight sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the patches occupy about 50% or more of a surface area of the fabric forming the sleeve.5. The heavyweight sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the patches are formed of heavier weight fabric than the fabric having the uniform density of 8 or more ounces per square yard.6. The heavyweight sleeve of claim 1 , wherein neighboring layers of the fleece fabric are bonded together with adhesive to form the pre-bonded fleece fabric claim 1 , wherein the adhesive provides at least 20% of the weight of the pre-bonded fabric per yard.7. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029634A1

An arm cover glove device for protecting the removal of an intravenous access device includes a sleeve portion, a glove portion and a securing system. The sleeve portion is configured to go around an arm of a patient. The sleeve portion includes an open top end configured to receive and cover an arm of the patient into a hollow interior of the sleeve portion, and a bottom end. The glove portion is connected to the bottom end of the sleeve portion. The glove portion is configured to receive and cover the hand of the patient. The sleeve portion and the glove portion are configured to cover the intravenous access device while connected to the arm or hand of the patient. The securing system is configured to keep the patient from removing the arm cover glove device. 1. An arm cover glove device for protecting removal of an intravenous access device comprising: an open top end configured to receive and cover the arm of the patient into a hollow interior of the sleeve portion; and', 'a bottom end;, 'a sleeve portion configured to go around an arm of a patient, said sleeve portion includinga glove portion connected to the bottom end of the sleeve portion, said glove portion is configured to receive and cover a hand of the patient;said sleeve portion and said glove portion are configured to cover the intravenous access device while connected to the arm or the hand of the patient; anda securing system configured to keep the patient from removing the arm cover glove device.2. The arm cover glove device of claim 1 , wherein the securing system including at least one strap configured to keep the open top end of the sleeve portion at a top portion of the arm of the patient.3. The arm cover glove device of claim 2 , wherein the securing system including:a first strap configured to connect from a first connection point on a front side of the open top end of the sleeve portion around a neck of the patient to a second connection point on a back side of the open top end of the sleeve ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033451A1
Автор: Bradshaw Victoria D.

A sleeve accessory includes a sleeve and a fastening system for attaching the sleeve to a shoulder strap of another clothing item. The sleeve accessory is preferably removable and replaceable, and enables a user to adapt to changing environments or social situations by attaching or detaching the sleeve accessories as desired. Sleeve accessories may be provided in a variety of designs, colors, or patterns, to permit coordination with other clothing, or to permit mixing and matching of colors and patterns to increase the versatility of a wardrobe. In some examples, the sleeve accessory may include a decorative pattern, a logo, or other distinctive markings. 1. A sleeve accessory , comprising:a sleeve configured to fit over the arm of a wearer, the sleeve having an upper end configured to be disposed at the shoulder of the wearer, a lower end opposite the upper end, an inside configured to face the skin of the wearer, and an outside opposite the inside;a fastening system configured to removably fasten the sleeve accessory to a shoulder strap of another clothing item.2. The sleeve accessory of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve further includes a tab protruding from the upper end of the sleeve so as to extend along the shoulder of a wearer claim 1 , and wherein an end of the tab is configured to extend beyond and around the shoulder strap of the other clothing item.3. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the fastening system is disposed on the inside of the sleeve.4. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprises a hook and loop fastener.5. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprises a snap.6. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprises a snap having a decorative shape.7. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprise a button or a zipper.8. The sleeve accessory of claim 2 , wherein the sleeve and fastener system are configured to fasten the sleeve accessory to a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031119A1
Автор: Clements Brendan
Принадлежит: Rubies II, LLC

A costume for simulating an animal comprises an upper torso covering portion which extends to at least one shoulder, a sleeve and a hand puppet. The fabric, texture, pattern, look and feel of the sleeve coordinates with that of the shoulder to which the sleeve is attached so that the costume presents a realistic and whimsical long necked animal whereby the neck is the sleeve surrounding the contained arm of the wearer. Preferably, the hand puppet is worn by the wearer's hand and has an upper jaw or beak and a lower jaw or beak and the fingers within the hand puppet control the movement of the beak to visual and entertaining advantage. 1. A costume comprising: at least a partial covering, upper torso costume component simulating an animal body;', 'a first sleeve for an arm extending from said partial covering, upper torso costume component, said first sleeve being a visual continuation of said partial covering, upper torso costume component of said animal body; and', 'a hand puppet head corresponding to said animal body and attached to an end of the first sleeve., 'an upper body clothing component comprising2. The costume of claim 1 , wherein the hand puppet is a foamed puppet glove with a lower jaw movable with respect to the upper jaw by the fingers contained within said hand puppet.3. The costume of claim 1 , wherein the hand puppet comprises a mouth element including a lower jaw portion configured to cover a wearer's thumb and an upper jaw portion configured to cover a wearer's remaining fingers.4. The costume of claim 1 , wherein the first sleeve comprises one or more fabric elements disposed thereon which simulate at least a portion of said animal body.5. The costume of claim 1 , further comprising an opening provided between the end of the first sleeve and the hand puppet.68-. (canceled)9. The costume of wherein a shoulder of said upper torso costume component is a color claim 1 , texture claim 1 , pattern and/or look and feel of said simulated animal body and ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035731A1
Принадлежит: CURT G. JOA, INC.

A method for manufacturing and folding a gown which increases manufacturing efficiency and consistency and decreases the time to manufacture. Additionally, the method includes folding a gown for packaging which will allow a person to don the gown with minimal contact with the outer portions of the gown. 1. A method for forming a nonwoven gown assembly including the steps of:providing a front panel material having an outside surface;providing a right arm sleeve;providing a left arm sleeve;providing a left back panel material having an inside surface;providing a right back panel material having an inside surface;cutting a neck bole in the front panel material;folding the right arm sleeve;folding the left arm sleeve;adhering the folded right arm sleeve to the outside surface of the front panel material along a first edge portion;adhering the folded left arm sleeve to the outside surface of the front panel material along a second edge portion;adhering the inside surface of the left back panel material to the folded left arm sleeve and the second edge portion of the outside surface of the front panel material; andadhering the inside surface of the right back panel material to the folded right arm sleeve and the first edge portion of the outside surface of the front back panel material.2. The method of including the further steps of:providing a belt; andadhering the belt to the outside surface of the front panel material.3. A method for forming a nonwoven gown including the steps of:providing a gown assembly, the gown assembly including a front panel material having an outside surface, a major dimension and a minor dimension; a folded right arm sleeve; a folded left arm sleeve; a left back panel material having an inside surface; a right back panel material having an inside surface;adhering the folded right arm sleeve to the outside surface of the front panel material along a first edge portion;adhering the folded left arm sleeve to the outside surface of the front panel ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055360A1

A tattooable element for decorating fashion or decorative objects and the limbs of the human body is provided that includes a polymer layer () suitable for tattooing and a reinforcing element () of the tattooable layer. The reinforcing element () can be an element that is separate from the polymer layer () and fixed to the polymer layer (), or it can be integrated into the polymer layer (). Optionally, the reinforcing element () prevents the needle from penetrating the tattooable element during the tattooing of the polymer layer (). If used to decorate human limbs, it takes the form of an adaptable elastic tubular sheath. 123. The tattooable element for decorating fashion or decorative objects , characterised by comprising a polymer layer () suitable for tattooing and a reinforcing element () of the tattooable layer.2322. The tattooable element according to claim 1 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is an element that is separate from the polymer layer () and fixed to the polymer layer ().33. The tattooable element according to claim 2 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is made of fabric.43. The tattooable element according to claim 2 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is made of fibreglass.5324. The tattooable element according to claim 1 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is fixed to the polymer layer () by means of glue ().632. The tattooable element according to claim 1 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is fixed to the polymer layer () by means of fusing.732. The tattooable element according to claim 1 , characterised in that reinforcing element () is integrated within the polymer layer ().83. The tattooable element according to claim 7 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is a mesh.93. The tattooable element according to claim 7 , characterised in that the reinforcing element () is fibres.102. The tattooable element according to claim 1 , characterised in that the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061403A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a removable padded garment comprised of a set of elements, including, but not limited to: a plurality of configurable arm panels each comprising: a shoulder edge, a hand edge, and at least one arm panel connecting means; and a tubular body panel comprising: a front surface comprising: a plurality of front pocket covers, each of the plurality of front pocket covers comprising a front connecting means, and a plurality of front pockets configured to connect to the shoulder edge in a detached state, and a back surface comprising a plurality of back pockets, and a top surface configured to connect to part of each of the plurality of configurable arm panels a head aperture, a plurality of arm apertures configured to receive the plurality of configurable arm panels in an attached state, and a torso aperture.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Medical Scrub Cape Top

Номер: US20220061426A1

The Medical Scrub Cape Top was birthed out of a direct response to Covid19 Pandemic. A pandemic whose negative impact was felt worldwide. Despite the dangers of this crisis, our healthcare professionals risked their health and the health of their families, while responding to the call of duty. We wanted to celebrate them, recognizing them as the true Heros that they are! It is our intention to give back leading with gratitude. It is our hope that by adding a whimsical flair to their uniforms, would merry many hearts, directly impact the wearer and its patient equally, resulting in support for a high morale workplace environment. Medical Scrub Cape Top. This is a useful and improvement of a Medical Scrub Top. Universal unisex appeal. Fresh take on a Medical Scrub Top.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Medical Scrub Cape Jacket

Номер: US20220061427A1

The Medical Scrub Cape Jacket was birthed out of a direct response to Covid19 pandemic. A pandemic whose negative impact was felt worldwide. Despite the dangers of this crisis, our healthcare professionals risked their health and the health of their families, while responding to the call of duty. We wanted to celebrate them, recognizing them as the true Heros that they are! It is our intention to give back leading with gratitude. It is our hope that by adding a whimsical flair to their uniforms, would merry many hearts, directly impact the wearer and its patient equally, resulting in support for a high morale workplace environment. Medical Scrub Cape Jacket. This is a useful and improvement of a Medical Scrub Jacket. Universal unisex appeal. Fresh take on a Medical Scrub Jacket.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061428A1
Автор: Thibodeau Lee

A fluid management system includes a sleeve member having a first end, a second end, an interior surface, and an exterior surface. The first end of the sleeve member is proximate a distal end of the gown sleeve and the second end extends inside of the distal end of the gown sleeve. A portion of the exterior surface of the sleeve member proximate the second end is in contact with a portion of an interior surface of the gown sleeve. There is a cuff member having a first end, a second end, an interior surface, and an exterior surface. The interior surface faces and is moveable with respect to portions of the exterior surface of the sleeve member/gown sleeve to enable the insertion of a cuff ring of the protective glove between interior surface of the cuff member and the exterior surface of one of the sleeve member/gown sleeve.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Textured Undergarment

Номер: US20160050981A1
Автор: Costa Susan

The instant application discloses, among other things, a textured undergarment. In one embodiment, it may comprise an undergarment having stitching or appliqués which, when worn under fitted clothing, may produce an image visible through an outer layer of clothing. A textured undergarment may comprise an undershirt, underwear, bra, girdle, legging, or sleeve, for example. The image produced may include a decorative design such as stripes, circles, flowers, hearts, letters, religious symbols, or logos, for example. In another embodiment, a textured undergarment may have detachable designs which may allow a user to customize the images or pattern produced. In yet another embodiment, it may include raised designs which may dually function as a padding or cushion, for example. 1. A textured undergarment , comprising:a material configured to be worn on a part of a human body;a raised design capable of showing through a layer of clothing;an attachment means for affixing the raised design to the material.2. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the material is made from the list containing cotton claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , Spandex claim 1 , and satin.3. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the raised design comprises stitching.4. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the raised design comprises at least one appliqué.5. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the raised design comprises at least one piece of hardware.6. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the attachment means includes any means from the list containing glue claim 1 , thread claim 1 , clips claim 1 , hook and eye closures claim 1 , buckles claim 1 , zippers claim 1 , hook and loop fasteners claim 1 , and Velcro.7. The textured undergarment of claim 1 , wherein the raised design includes any feature from the list containing a glow in the dark surface claim 1 , lights claim 1 , and electronics. This disclosure relates generally to a Textured Undergarment.People are ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Sleeved partial undergarment and methods of use

Номер: US20160050994A1
Принадлежит: Sleeveit LLC

Garments, garment systems, and methods of using garments and garments systems useful for warming and protecting the body, especially the upper body. A garment may be a sleeved partial undergarment accessory that may be worn under an outer garment and may be removed without requiring removal of the outer garment. A garment may include first and second tubular sleeves with a continuous front region extending between the sleeves and from a neck opening down to a torso opening, a continuous back region extending between the sleeves and from the neck opening down to the torso opening. The opening extends from and is continuous with a distal-most region of the proximal sleeve openings so that the front region and the back region do not connect to each other around the first and second sleeve openings.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Expandable and Flexible Garment Yoke and Garment With Same

Номер: US20210052017A1
Автор: Roup Herman Sydney

A garment has a yoke attached to the garment body, wherein the yoke is formed from a material having stretch and recovery in at least two directions thereof. The material may be formed from a fusible substrate combined with a particular fabric having stretch properties. The yoke may have an inner piece and an outer piece having substantially the same shape and size as the inner piece, and wherein at least one of the inner piece and the outer piece is formed from a material formed from a fusible substrate combined with a particular fabric having stretch properties. 1. A garment comprising:a yoke attached to a garment body;wherein at least a portion of the yoke is formed from a first material having stretch and recovery in at least one direction thereof, said material being formed from a fusible substrate combined with a particular fabric having stretch properties.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the yoke extends below an armhole of the garment.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the particular fabric is single-ply.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the first material is formed from said particular fabric fused with said fusible substrate.5. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the yoke comprises an inner piece and an outer piece having substantially the same shape and size as the inner piece claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the inner piece and the outer piece is formed from said first material.6. The garment of claim 5 , wherein both the inner piece and the outer piece are formed from said first material.7. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment body includes a back and a front claim 1 , and the yoke includes at least one back portion configured with the back of the garment body claim 1 , and at least one front portion configured with the front of the garment body.8. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the yoke includes a left section and a right section.9. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the first material has stretch and recovery at ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Jackets with pockets and removable sleeves for use in the hospital setting

Номер: US20210052023A1
Автор: Nuno ANTUNES
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is related to a textile article developed to be used as a way to warm up healthcare professionals, said article being in the form of a jacket with pockets and removable sleeves. This jacket has the particularity of being functional not only in terms of warming up the user, but also for allowing to store small personal and/or professional objects and, simultaneously, fulfilling the requirements of asepsis and sterilization imposed to the healthcare professionals. Therefore, the present invention belongs to the area of protective clothing for professional use, particularly to be used by healthcare professionals, preferentially in a hospital setting.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Infusion friendly sweater donnable with medical attachments

Номер: US20210052025A1
Автор: Aleah Colon-Alfonso
Принадлежит: Individual

A comfort, infusion-friendly, sweater supplements existing attire of a wearer and accommodates pre-existing medical attachments. The sweater includes a first arm portion with top and bottom plackets extending lengthwise from a collar portion to a wrist portion, plackets having fasteners and mating fasteners. The sweater has a first front portion connected to the first arm portion, a second arm portion, a second front portion and a back. A collar pull tab, having a pull fastener, extends outward near the collar. A mating fastener is on the collar portion or the back portion. Engaging the first arm fasteners and mating fasteners dons the sweater over the existing attire of the wearer, without disruption the medical connections. Based on the plackets and pull tab(s), a wearer can single-handedly don and remove the sweater, adding self-sufficient comfort with a medical procedure.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Athletic Arm Warmer

Номер: US20170049161A1

A device for warming a first arm and shoulder of a wearer includes a single arm portion and a torso portion. The single arm portion is configured to substantially cover the first arm of the wearer from the shoulder to a position beyond an elbow of the first arm. The torso portion is connected to the single arm portion. 1. A garment for warming a first arm and shoulder of a wearer , the device comprising: a single arm portion configured to substantially cover the first arm of the wearer , the single arm portion including a shoulder end and a wrist end; and a hand covering moveably coupled to the single arm portion , the hand covering moveable between (i) a retracted position wherein the hand covering engages the single arm portion , and (ii) an extended position wherein the hand covering extends past the wrist end of the single arm portion.2. The garment of wherein the hand covering engages the single arm portion when retained within a pocket positioned on an exterior of the single arm portion.3. The garment of wherein the hand covering is coupled to the single arm portion by a strap extending through a slot in the single arm portion.4. The garment of wherein the slot provides a first opening to a pocket configured to receive the hand covering claim 3 , the pocket further comprising a second opening configured to pass the hand covering.5. The garment of wherein the hand covering is provided at one end of the strap and a first coupling component is provided at the second end of the strap claim 4 , the first coupling component configured to be releasably connected to a second coupling component on an exterior of the arm portion.6. The garment of wherein the hand covering is a mitt with no thumb.7. The garment of further comprising a torso portion connected to the single arm portion. This present application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 13/400,293, filed 20 Feb. 2012 and entitled “Athletic Arm Warmer,” which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049494A1

A garment portion made primarily from a material with low-stretch characteristics, having defined stretch zones with greater flexibility is provided herein. The stretch zones have slits through the garment portion. An interior layer having higher stretch characteristics than the garment body portion is affixed to the internal surface of the garment body portion in the area of the stretch zone. The result is a garment portion that is primarily constructed with a low-stretch material that has stretch zones allowing greater flexibility. 1. A garment portion having stretch zones , comprising:a garment body portion made from a material having low-stretch characteristics, the material having an external surface and an internal surface; and an exterior facing layer defined by the external surface of the garment body portion;', 'an interior layer affixed to the internal surface of the of the garment body portion, the interior layer having an area corresponding to the area of the stretch zone and having higher stretch properties than the material of the garment body portion; and', 'a plurality of spaced apart slits extending through the material of the garment body portion within the stretch zone area., 'at least one defined stretch zone on the garment body portion, the stretch zone having an area less than an area of the garment body portion, comprising2. The garment portion of claim 1 , wherein the interior layer is affixed to the internal surface of the garment body portion with a heat-activated adhesive applied to at least one of the internal surface of the garment body portion in the stretch zone area or to the interior layer.3. The garment portion of claim 1 , wherein the interior layer is one of a stretch-woven or stretch-knit material.4. The garment portion of claim 1 , wherein the stretch zone is located in an area of the garment portion subjected to tensioning forces when the garment portion is worn and used claim 1 , and wherein the slits are oriented orthogonally ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Bicycle Cuff

Номер: US20140130227A1

A lightweight and portable bicycle cuff is disclosed to protect the lower leg, pants, and shoe of a bicycle rider from the effects of dirt, grease, and an exposed chain and front gear(s) while having minimal impact on pedaling by the bicycle rider. In certain embodiments the bicycle cuff provides increased visibility to traffic while riding. In some embodiments the cuff includes a flexible, water resistant woven material which conforms generally to the rider's ankle and foot by means of tailored shaping of the woven material, a strip of reflective material along the rear ankle area, and a loop and hook style closure on one side. In these embodiments the cuff covers from just above the ankle to approximately one third of the way down the front of the rider's shoe and just over the edge of the back of the rider's shoe. 1. A cuff for a bicycle rider comprising:an instep flap comprising a flexible fabric generally trapezoidal shaped, and having an instep flap top edge, an instep flap bottom edge, an instep flap front edge and an instep flap back edge;a front flap comprising a flexible fabric generally quadrilateral shaped having a front flap top edge, a front flap bottom edge, a front flap closure edge and an front flap attachment edge, the front flap attachment edge joined with the instep flap front edge;a back flap comprising a flexible fabric generally quadrilateral shaped having a back flap top edge, a back flap bottom edge, a back flap closure edge and a back flap attachment edge, the back flap attachment edge joined with the instep flap back edge; andwherein the instep flap, the back flap and the front flap are tailored to curve around a rider's ankle and a rider's shoe, so as to cover approximately from just above the top of the rider's ankle to just below the top of the rider's shoe and to follow a general contour of the rider's ankle.2. The cuff of claim 1 , wherein the flexible fabric comprises one of:a water resistant urethane-coated nylon;a woven cloth;a non ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058085A1
Автор: Reddic Michelle

A line of fashionable clothing with garments containing a lightweight rubber liner that encompasses the interior of each garment including casual athletic wear including short sleeve T-shirts, long sleeve T shirts, casual shirts, full body suits, shorts, Capri pants, long athletic pants, tank tops, sports bras, attachable sleeves and hooded sweatshirts. 1. A garment having an outer layer and an inner layer containing a lightweight rubber liner that encompasses the interior of the garment.2. The garment of wherein the rubber liner is dense rubber foam material.3. The garment of wherein the garment is selected from the group consisting of: casual athletic wear including short sleeve T-shirts claim 1 , long sleeve T shirts claim 1 , casual shirts claim 1 , full body suits claim 1 , shorts claim 1 , Capri pants claim 1 , long athletic pants claim 1 , tank tops claim 1 , sports bras claim 1 , attachable sleeves and hooded sweatshirts.4. The garment of wherein the garment is selected from the group consisting of: casual athletic wear including short sleeve T-shirts claim 2 , long sleeve T shirts claim 2 , casual shirts claim 2 , full body suits claim 2 , shorts claim 2 , Capri pants claim 2 , long athletic pants claim 2 , tank tops claim 2 , sports bras claim 2 , attachable sleeves and hooded sweatshirts.5. The garment of wherein the garment is double stitched and reinforced.6. The garment of claim 3 , available in a wide range of sizes and styles that appeal to female and male consumers.7. The garment of claim 3 , where in the outer layer material is selected from the group consisting of breathable cotton claim 3 , lightweight canvas claim 3 , soft nylon and sleek Spandex™.8. The garment of claim 3 , further comprising stretchy elastic waistbands claim 3 , sturdy zipper closures claim 3 , snaps and fasteners.9. The garment of claim 3 , further comprising integrated storage pockets located on the front of tops and jackets and on the hips and back panels of pants.10. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055109A1

The present invention is an improvement to surgical gown with two distinctive features. 1) the back of the gown and the back of the gown sleeves are a contrasting or bright color and 2) these same two-toned gown areas, back of sleeves and gown back top to bottom could also have a resin painted on that would transfer to any object it comes into contact with. Resin transfer will result in a visible change in the gown, a color change and/or bare spot in the resin loss region of the gown. 1. An improved operating room surgical gown comprises:a two-toned surgical gown which is similar to a standard gown currently commercially available with contrasting or bright colors added to back of the gown and back of the gown sleeves.2. The improved operating room surgical gown of may also have an iteration whereby the two gown areas intended to be visually marked or painted could have the paint substituted for a resin that would transfer from the gown and stain whatever it came into contact with in either a permanent or temporary fashion. The present invention relates to an improved method of maintaining sterility in the operating room. This invention also relates to aiding in the identification of when a non-sterile area has been touched by operating room personnel. One such application would be for all personnel involved in a sterile procedure to don these two-toned gowns.Prevention of an infection during surgical procedures is of utmost importance. Surgical site infections (SSIs) are currently a major burden in health care. SSIs lead to increased length of stay for a given hospital admission for a given surgical procedure, increased costs relate directly to treating the infection itself and in some cases a SSI may lead to loss of a limb and even loss of a life.Multiple protocols have been developed over the past century to reduce SSI rates. These protocols include; administration of antibiotics before the surgery begins, cleaning and cleansing the skin where the site of the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055111A1
Автор: Chia Frances

A modular garment system for physically active users to wear before, during or after physical activity. The modular garment system can easily convert to a scarf or be worn around the waist. The modular garment system is designed to be reversible and flexible for multi-use purposes. 1. A modular garment system comprising: a neck opening;', 'an upper-torso-cover;', 'a right arm sleeve; and', 'a left arm sleeve;, 'an upper-torso-arms sleeve having;'}, 'a modular garment assembly comprising;'}wherein said modular garment system comprises said modular garment assembly;wherein said modular garment assembly comprises said upper-torso-arms sleeve;wherein said upper-torso-arms sleeve comprises in functional combination said upper-torso-cover, said right arm sleeve, and said left arm sleeve;wherein parameters of said upper-torso-arms sleeve are defined by said neck opening, said upper-torso-cover, said right arm sleeve, and said left arm sleeve, said upper-torso-cover, said right arm sleeve, and said left arm sleeve integrally associated with each other;wherein said upper-torso-arms sleeve comprises a flexible, reversible fabric body; andwherein said modular garment system is structured and arranged to provide a user-wearer with an easily removable, convertible athletic garment suitable for protecting said user-wearer from undesirable ambient conditions.2. The modular garment system of wherein said right arm sleeve comprises a right hand opening and said left arm sleeve comprises a left hand opening such that said user-wearer may insert respective hands therethrough when wearing.3. The modular garment system of wherein said right arm sleeve is foldable upon itself such that said user-wearer is able to foldingly-form a right glove with a right cuff of said right arm sleeve and said left arm sleeve is foldable upon itself such that said user-wearer is able to foldingly-form a left glove with a left cuff of said left arm sleeve such that said hands of said user-wearer are able ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059321A1
Автор: GIORGINI Fabio

A garment structure for making a base layer or midlayer jersey for sporting activities that includes a first tubular element that corresponds to both the front and the rear zone of the torso and a second tubular element that affects arms, shoulders and part of the torso in which both the first element and the second are obtained with circular machines making a knitted fabric that provides different processing that enable functional and structural features to be given to the knitted fabric and to the garment. In particular, the first tubular element has a cylindrical conformation with a lower edge that bounds the length of the jersey and an upper end divided into a pair of profiles: a first profile defined, laterally, by the line of the sides and a second profile that leads away from the line of the sides continuing the first profile with a trapezium configuration. 12323) Garment structure for making a base layer or midlayer jersey for sporting activities , characterized in that it substantially consists of a first tubular element () that corresponds to both the front and the rear zone of the torso and of a second element () , which is also tubular that affects arms , shoulders and part of the torso in which both the first element () and the second () are obtained with circular machines making a knitted fabric that provides different processing that enable functional and structural features to be given to the knitted fabric and to the garment in which:{'b': 2', '20', '22', '22', '20', '23', '24, 'i': 'a', 'the first tubular element () has a cylindrical conformation with a lower edge () that bounds the length of the jersey and an upper end divided into a pair of profiles: a first profile () defined, laterally, by the line of the sides with an upper edge () that is slightly edged but is substantially parallel to the lower edge () and a second profile () that leads away from the line of the sides continuing the first profile with a trapezium configuration and with a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054116A1

A hydration sleeve can include: a band of sleeve material shaped and dimensioned to fit around a user's limb; a bladder pocket connected to the band of sleeve material; and opening extending into the bladder pocket to permit insertion of a hydration bladder into the bladder pocket; and a mouthpiece port extending through the band of sleeve material. Other embodiments and features, including single-use hydration bladders and garments incorporating hydration sleeves are described. 1. A hydration sleeve , comprising:a band of sleeve material shaped and dimensioned to fit around a user's limb;a bladder pocket connected to the band of sleeve material;an opening extending into the bladder pocket to permit insertion of a hydration bladder into the bladder pocket; anda mouthpiece port extending through the band of sleeve material,.wherein the band of sleeve material is tubular and has a seam running along a length of the band of sleeve material, the seam formed by connecting ends of the band of sleeve material together.2. The hydration sleeve of claim 1 , further comprising a bladder located in the bladder pocket.3. The hydration sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the bladder includes a mouthpiece that extends through the mouthpiece port.4. The hydration sleeve of claim 1 , further comprising a closure adapted to close the opening extending through the band of sleeve material.5. The hydration sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the bladder pocket includes a layer of insulating material.6. The hydration sleeve of claim 1 , further comprising:a hydration sensor located on the hydration sleeve; anda monitor indicated to alert the user of a hydration level of the user.7. The hydration sleeve of claim 6 , further comprising a fill gauge adapted to indicate an amount of contents in the hydration bladder.8. The hydration sleeve of claim 7 , wherein the fill gauge comprises at least one of an electronic gauge or a visual indicator.920-. (canceled)21. The hydration sleeve of claim 1 , further ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Textile-based product

Номер: US20170056644A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A textile product comprising a non-conductive section comprising a network of non-conductive fibres and an electric pathway comprising a network of conductive fibres, the electric pathway for conducting or transmitting an electrical signal when connected to a power source, is provided herein. The electric pathway and the non-conductive section are integrated into a common layer of the textile.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Upright Position Support Garment

Номер: US20190059464A1
Автор: Hoebee Laura M.

A garment for providing comfort to a wearer in confined environment such as travelling through transport facility with confined seating arrangements. The sleep garment comprises a blanket portion, a sleeve portion and a padded neck portion. The sleeve configuration allows the wearer to fold their arms across their chest with the forearms angled upward and to secure in position with hook and loop o straps. The hook and loop straps are sewn at the back of the sleeve such way it is accessible to the palm of the wearer. Loop fabric on the exterior of the garment allows the wearer to position the arm securing strap anywhere on the product for optimum comfort while keeping the elbows located near the body. 1. A garment , comprising:a blanket comprising:a neck support disposed approximate to an upper edge of the blanket:a sleeve section having a first opening and a second opening disposed below the neck support; andat least one fastener strap disposed on the sleeve section for detachably securing the sleeve section to an exterior side of the blanket.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fastener strap comprises a hook material for securing onto a loop material associated with a section of the exterior side of the blanket.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve section is affixed to an interior side of the blanket.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the neck support is at least partially occupied with filler material.5. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fastener strap is constructed of nylon.6. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising a release cord associated with the at least one of the fastener straps.7. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the blanket is constructed of a material selected from the group consisting of cotton claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , wool claim 1 , fleece claim 1 , elastic polyurethane claim 1 , silk claim 1 , charmeuse claim 1 , bamboo claim 1 , natural fiber claim 1 , or any blend thereof.8. The garment of claim ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059472A1
Автор: Hopkins Linda

A garment comprising, a vest, wherein a collar is attached to the neck opening and a first and second resealable opening mechanism extend through the collar towards the lower openings a predetermined distance, a first sleeve having a first end and second end and is attached to the first sleeve opening of the vest at the first end and a cuff attached at the second end and a first opening present on the second sleeve, wherein a third resealable opening mechanism is integrated into the opening, and a second sleeve having a first end and second end and is attached to the second sleeve opening of the vest at the first end, a cuff is attached at the second end, and a second opening present on the second sleeve, wherein a fourth resealable opening mechanism is integrated into the opening. 1. A garment for covering the upper body of a patient comprising:a vest having a neck opening, a first sleeve opening, a second sleeve opening, and a lower opening, wherein a collar is attached to the neck opening and a first and second resealable opening mechanism extend through the collar towards the lower openings a predetermined distance;a first sleeve having a first end and second end and is attached to the first sleeve opening of the vest at the first end and a cuff attached at the second end and a first opening present on the second sleeve, wherein a third resealable opening mechanism is integrated into the opening; anda second sleeve having a first end and second end and is attached to the second sleeve opening of the vest at the first end, a cuff is attached at the second end, and a second opening present on the second sleeve, wherein a fourth resealable opening mechanism is integrated into the opening.2. The garment for covering the upper body of a patient of claim 1 , wherein the vest has a first face and a central axis extending from the neck opening to the lower opening claim 1 , and the first and second resealable opening mechanisms are positioned substantially equal ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079273A1
Автор: Beran Mark

A medical gown has a front side extending to a back side which in combination forms a body covering which covers at least an upper portion of a medical personnel wearing color coded scrubs. The medical gown is made of an untinted, un-colored, clear, transparent, or translucent thermoplastic. Alternatively, the medical gown may include a clear or transparent window. 1. A medical gown comprising:a front side, anda back side coupled to said front side,wherein at least a portion of said front side is made of an untinted, transparent material positioned to enable the exposure of an underlying garment worn by a person donning the medical gown.2. The medical gown of wherein the entire front side is made of a transparent material.3. The medical gown of wherein the said front side and said back side are made of a transparent material.4. The medical gown of wherein said transparent material portion is clear.5. The medical gown of wherein said transparent material portion of said front side is in the form of a window.6. A medical gown for medical personnel wearing medical clothing beneath the medical gown claim 1 , the medical gown comprising claim 1 ,a body covering configured to cover the torso of the medical personnel, said body covering having a window therein made of a transparent material, said window being positioned to overlay and expose the medical clothing worn by the medical personnel.7. The medical gown of wherein said window comprises the entire front side of said body covering has a front side of said body covering.8. The medical gown of wherein said transparent material is clear.9. A medical gown and medical scrub system comprising:a color coded medical scrub, anda medical gown having front side and a rear side, a portion of said medical gown being transparent to enable the viewing of said color coded medical scrub beneath said medical gown.10. The medical gown of wherein the entire front side is transparent.11. The medical gown of wherein the said front side ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Disposable Medical Gown

Номер: US20160066631A1
Автор: Pasko Stephanie

A disposable medical gown () includes a body covering portion () and optionally one or more sleeves (). The body covering portion () defines a head insertion aperture () between a frontal body covering portion () configured to cover a frontal body portion of a wearer and a rear portion () configured to cover at least parts of shoulder blades of the wearer. A torso opening () is disposed on a side of the rear portion () opposite the head insertion aperture (), and extends distally from the rear portion (). One or more perforations () extend across the rear portion () at least partially between the torso opening () and the head insertion aperture (), and facilitate easy removal of the gown (). A user removes the gown () by pulling the front portion (), thereby tearing the perforations. Elastic gatherings can be included to snug the gown about the torso or limbs of the user. 1. A gown , comprising:a non-woven fabric layer defining a neck opening between a front portion and a rear portion, wherein the rear portion defines an opening configured to assist a user in donning the gown;one or more perforations extending across the rear portion at least partially between the opening and the neck opening, the one or more perforations to tear and split the rear portion when the front portion is pulled away from the user;one or more sleeves extending distally away from an intersection of the front portion and the rear portion, each sleeve defining an arm insertion aperture and terminating at a thumb loop configured to engage a saddle of a thumb of the user; andone or more tie members, attached to the non-woven fabric layer;wherein the opening is closable when the one or more tie members are tied together about a torso of the user; andwherein the one or more sleeves each include an elastic gathering.2. The gown of claim 1 , the elastic gathering to gather portions of each sleeve about a wrist of the user.3. The gown of claim 1 , the one or more tie members comprising a first tie ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060360A1
Автор: Decker Catherine

A hand-worn garment is described and includes at least one pocket portion, on the back and/or palm sides of the garment. The pocket portion defines a pocket space that can be sized and configured to house a facial wipe or other item that the wearer wishes to carry with them. The hand-worn garment can be a glove, fingerless glove, or mitten. Also described is a garment, such as a shirt or jacket, having such that a pocket portion that is a component of a sleeve of the garment. 1. A hand-worn garment , comprising:a main garment portion for substantially encircling a wearer's hand and defining a back side and a palm side;a back pocket space attached to the back side; anda palm pocket space attached to the palm side.2. The hand-worn garment of claim 1 , the back pocket space defined by a plurality of sides and a back pocket opening claim 1 , the palm pocket space defined by a plurality of sides and a palm pocket opening claim 1 , wherein at least one of the back pocket opening and the palm pocket opening is closer to the wearer's fingers than it is to the wrist.3. The hand-worn garment of claim 1 , the back pocket space defined by a plurality of sides and a back pocket opening claim 1 , the palm pocket space defined by a plurality of sides and a palm pocket opening claim 1 , wherein at least one of the back pocket opening and the palm pocket opening is closer to the wearer's wrist than it is to the fingers.4. The hand-worn garment of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first pocket space and the second pocket space is sized to house a facial wipe.5. The hand-worn garment of claim 4 , wherein the facial wipe is permanently attached to the garment.6. The hand-worn garment of claim 4 , wherein the facial wipe is removably attached to the garment.7. The hand-worn garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment is devoid of a manual closure device for at least one of the first pocket space and the second pocket space.8. The hand-worn garment of claim 1 , wherein at least one of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064188A1

An article of clothing, or garment, disclosed herein includes a sleeve with a proximal end and a distal end. The proximal end of the sleeve is coupled to the remainder of the garment, while the distal end of the garment includes a placket and a cuff. Disposed within the placket is a gusset constructed from a resilient material that enables the gusset to stretch and impart a compression fit around the arm of the user. This compression force enables the distal end of the sleeve to remain in its placement along an upper portion of the arm as the end of the sleeve is pushed or slid up the arm. 1. A sleeve for an article of clothing comprising:a first end; and a placket, and', 'a resilient gusset at least partially disposed within the placket., 'a second end, the second end comprising2. The sleeve for an article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein coupled to the second end of the sleeve is a cuff.3. The sleeve for an article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the placket includes a first side and a second side.4. The sleeve for an article of clothing of claim 3 , wherein the second end of the sleeve includes a first position claim 3 , where the first side and the second side of the placket are spaced a first distance from one another claim 3 , and a second position claim 3 , where the first side and the second side are spaced a second distance from one another claim 3 , the second distance being greater than the first distance.5. The sleeve for an article of clothing of claim 4 , wherein when the second end of the sleeve is in the first position claim 4 , the resilient gusset is in a relaxed state claim 4 , and when the second end of the sleeve is in the second position claim 4 , the resilient gusset is in a stretched state.6. The sleeve for an article of clothing of claim 5 , wherein the resilient gusset in the stretch state imparts a compression force against a portion of a body of a wearer of the article of clothing that is encircled by the second end of the sleeve.7. The ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064189A1
Автор: Jackson Dean

A wetsuit is provided, the wetsuit comprising: a sleeve, formed from at least a first material and a second material, the sleeve having an upper arm portion and a forearm portion, wherein the first material defines a boundary that is arranged to extend from the forearm portion, around a bicep region in the upper arm portion and back to the forearm portion, and the second material is arranged to be positioned within the boundary in the bicep region and forearm portion, and wherein the first material has a first elastic modulus and the second material has a second elastic modulus, the first elastic modulus being greater than the second elastic modulus. 1. A wetsuit , comprising:a sleeve, formed from at least a first material and a second material, the sleeve having an upper arm portion and a forearm portion,wherein the first material defines a boundary that is arranged to extend from the forearm portion, around a bicep region in the upper arm portion and back to the forearm portion, and the second material is arranged to be positioned within the boundary in the bicep region and forearm portion, andwherein the first material has a first elastic modulus and the second material has a second elastic modulus, the first elastic modulus being greater than the second elastic modulus.2. The wetsuit of claim 1 , wherein the first elastic modulus is at least 10% greater than the second elastic modulus.3. The wetsuit of claim 1 , wherein the first elastic modulus is at least 25% greater than the second elastic modulus.4. The wetsuit of claim 1 , wherein the boundary extends along a posterior region of the forearm portion of the sleeve.5. The wetsuit of claim 1 , wherein the boundary extends from a cuff region of the sleeve.6. The wetsuit of claim 5 , wherein the boundary extends back to the cuff region of the sleeve.7. The wetsuit of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve has an elbow region claim 1 , and the second material is positioned at the elbow region claim 1 , within the boundary.8 ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064236A1
Автор: Wolfe Kyle

The present invention is a garment, such as a shirt, that includes a bi-sectional breast pocket including a standard seam traversing a traditional “home plate” shaped pentagon, and an adjacent parallel seam forming a column having open top and bottom ends. The column establishes a holder for glasses wherein a temple of the glasses can be inserted into the column through the open bottom end so that the glasses can hang comfortably and securely outside the column. The garment may also include a second, hidden shoulder pocket that can be used to hold a small object, such as a key, pack of gum, or the like. The garment in some cases may also include a third hidden pocket along the seam of the shirt below the ribs of the wearer, where slightly smaller objects can be kept such as a wallet, money clip, hotel card key, or the like. 1. A garment to be worn by a user , the garment including a torso portion formed by a breast pocket and a glasses holder combination, the glasses holder adjacent the breast pocket and formed by a tubular compartment having an open top end and an open bottom end, the tubular compartment sized to receive a temple of a pair of glasses thereinthrough;', 'a hidden sleeve pocket formed by a horizontal slit in the sleeve and a sheet sewn against an inner surface of the first arm sleeve, where the first arm sleeve and the sheet form a compartment that is accessible only through the horizontal slit in the first arm sleeve; and', 'a hidden side pocket formed with the torso portion and a layer of garment sewn against an inner surface thereof to form a second compartment, the second compartment assessable through an opening in the seam joining the front surface and the back surface., 'a front surface and a back surface joined at first and second seams, first and second arm sleeves, and a neck, the garment comprising2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein both first and second sleeves have a hidden sleeve pocket.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the glasses ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Temperature regulating garment

Номер: US20140143928A1
Автор: Mark Silverberg
Принадлежит: Individual

A garment for regulating temperature includes a body having a back panel and at least one front panel made of a temperature insulating textile and partially joined along at least one common edge, the joined panels defining an inside chamber. At least one pocket is fastened to an inside surface of at least one of the front panel and the back panel. The at least one pocket is configured for accommodating a temperature regulating element.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Motion-Activated Venting System

Номер: US20170065005A1

A motion-activated venting system for incorporation into an article of apparel is described herein. The motion-activated venting system may comprise a variety of pleats having one or more folded edges and a ventilation region having a plurality of apertures. In a first state, the one or more folded edges overlie the ventilation region such that the plurality of apertures is covered. In a second state, the one or more folded edges are remote from the ventilation region such that the plurality of apertures is exposed. Further, in an intermediate state, the motion-activated venting system is partially open, thereby exposing a portion of the plurality of apertures. 1. An article of apparel having a first motion-activated venting system , the article of apparel comprising:a front panel adapted to cover a front torso of a wearer when the article of apparel is in an as-worn configuration; and a first fold having a first folded edge;', 'a second fold opposite the first fold, the second fold having a second folded edge opposite the first folded edge; and', 'a ventilation region interposed between the first fold and the second fold, the ventilation region having a plurality of apertures., 'a back panel adapted to cover a back torso of the wearer when the article of apparel is in the as-worn configuration, wherein the first motion-activated venting system is incorporated into at least one of the front panel or the back panel, the first motion-activated venting system comprising2. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein when the first motion-activated venting system is in a first state the first folded edge and the second folded edge cover the plurality of apertures claim 1 , when the first motion-activated venting system is in a second state the plurality of apertures is uncovered claim 1 , and when the first motion-activated venting system is an intermediate state a portion of the plurality of apertures is uncovered.3. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Isolation Gown

Номер: US20220087338A1
Автор: Geoffrey M. Baldwin
Принадлежит: Specialty Coating and Laminating LLC

An isolation gown has enhanced neck and thorax coverage of gown material. Also, to improve the durability of the gown, improved waist ties are integral in the web that are engineered so that they will not tear as easily as conventional waist ties. The head hole cutout of garments includes a flap and/or neck shield that is internal to a basic geometric cutout. In the conventional examples of a uniform circle or oval head shape cutout, the present gown web includes a flap of material, as a portion of the neck die cutout, that extends into the area inside that circle or inside that oval shape. This flap or neck shield provides an additional barrier area to the neck and upper thoracic regions of the user.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Sleeve incorporating a cover means

Номер: US20180071173A1
Автор: Hunter Kylie
Принадлежит: RPF Developments Ltd

A sleeve () comprising an aperture () through which a hand () projects when worn, and a cover means () located adjacent the aperture, the cover means movable between a first position in which it allows access to the aperture from outside the sleeve, and a second position in which it covers a hand projecting through the aperture when the sleeve is worn. 1. A sleeve comprising an aperture through which a hand projects when worn , and a cover means located adjacent the aperture , the cover means movable between a first position in which it allows access to the aperture from outside the sleeve , and a second position in which it covers a hand projecting through the aperture when the sleeve is worn.2. The sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the cover means is a pocket attached to claim 1 , or integral with the sleeve claim 1 , the pocket being reversible to move between the first and second positions.3. The sleeve of claim 2 , wherein the pocket is arranged on the outside claim 2 , and at the end claim 2 , of the sleeve adjacent the aperture.4. The sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the cover means includes a teething surface arranged such that with the cover means in the second position the teething surface is outermost relative to the sleeve.5. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into an item of infant's clothing.6. The sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the teething surface is a sheet of material.7. The sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the teething surface is elastomeric.8. The sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the teething surface comprises any one or more of natural rubber claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , silicone claim 1 , silicone rubber claim 1 , and plastics.9. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into a onesie.10. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into a shirt.11. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into an infant bodysuit.12. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into an infant sweatshirt.13. The sleeve of claim 1 , being incorporated into an infant ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071269A1
Автор: Lambertz Bodo W.

The invention relates to an article of sports clothing () for wearing next to the skin, comprising at least on base basic zone of elastically expandable textile fabric and at least on compression section () comprising means for compression, which are formed by ridges that are provided on the face of the textile fabric facing towards the skin. The compression sections () are arranged asymmetrically in relation to the body halves, divided into the sections provided for the trunk () and/or the upper and/or lower extremities (). 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A sport compression shirt with sleeves having a first sleeve and a second sleeve adapted to cover the arms of a wearer , a first shoulder region and a second shoulder region adapted to cover the shoulders of the wearer , and a trunk region adapted to cover a trunk of the wearer comprising:an elastically expandable textile base fabric having an interior surface for contacting skin when the shirt is worn, and an exterior surface;a plurality of fabric compression sections on the interior surface of the base fabric distributed over portions of the trunk region, the first shoulder region, the second shoulder region, the first sleeve, and the second sleeve thereof; the compression sections comprising a plurality of spaced ridges configured to contact and exert pressure on the skin when the shirt is worn;wherein, the compression sections distributed over the first shoulder region are arranged asymmetrically to the compression sections of the second shoulder region to provide a different level of compression in the first shoulder region relative to the second shoulder region when the shirt is worn, and the compression sections distributed over the first sleeve are arranged asymmetrically to the compression sections of the second sleeve to provide a different level of compression in the first sleeve relative to the second ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071779A1
Автор: EDGAR Aimee

The present invention is directed to a garment that includes a section configured to cover at least a portion of a body of a user, and a rehabilitation mechanism integrated into the garment and operable between a normal wear configuration and a rehabilitation wear configuration. The rehabilitation mechanism includes a first fastener and a second fastener to allow for positioning of the rehabilitation mechanism between the normal wear configuration and the rehabilitation wear configuration. 1. A garment , comprising:a section configured to cover at least a portion of a body of a user; anda rehabilitation mechanism integrated into the garment and operable between a normal wear configuration and a rehabilitation wear configuration;wherein the rehabilitation mechanism comprises a first fastener and a second fastener to allow for positioning of the rehabilitation mechanism between the normal wear configuration and the rehabilitation wear configuration.2. The garment according to claim 1 , wherein the rehabilitation mechanism comprises at least one strap having the first fastener positioned thereon claim 1 , and configured for connection to the second fastener claim 1 , wherein when the first fastener is connected to the second fastener the at least one strap is configured to position the rehabilitation mechanism in the rehabilitation wear configuration.3. The garment according to claim 2 , wherein the rehabilitation mechanism comprises a kangaroo pocket having the second fastener positioned thereon.4. The garment according to claim 3 , wherein when the rehabilitation mechanism is in the rehabilitation wear configuration claim 3 , the at least one strap is configured to provide support for the kangaroo pocket.5. The garment according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one strap comprises a first strap and a second strap claim 2 , wherein the first fastener is positioned on the first strap and a third fastener is positioned on the second strap claim 2 , wherein the kangaroo ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Cover With Cape Function

Номер: US20140157480A1
Автор: Karen Bonnici Czarnik
Принадлежит: Karen Bonnici Czarnik

A convertible cover includes a cover and first and second panels. The first and second panels each have first and second sets of opposing sides. One of the first and second sets of opposing sides are attached to a front side of the cover and the other of the first and second sets of opposing sides are not attached to the cover. An alternate convertible cover and a method of converting a cover into a cape are also disclosed.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079341A1
Автор: Lopez Esteban

A health suit for improving sweating and tanning in various weather conditions includes a transparent material that is configured to allow ultraviolet rays and infrared energy to pass through the material and penetrate the skin with minimal deflection or absorption by the material. The health suit may also include an anti-fog layer or other set of anti-fogging features or other set of anti-fogging features, moisture absorbing material, and a heat retention feature to improve sweating and tanning in various weather conditions. 1. A health suit for body sweating and tanning , comprising:a first portion comprising a torso portion;a second portion, wherein each of the portions is made of a transparent material configured to permit ultra violet rays and infra-red energy to pass through each of the first and second portions with minimal deflection or absorption by the material;an anti-fog feature to prevent fog from condensing on an inside surface of each of the portions;a selectively removable absorbing material selectively disposed on the inside surface of the each of the portions, wherein the absorbing material is configured to collect moisture; andone or more heat retention features selectively attached to each of the portions, wherein the heat retention features are configured to trap heat inside each of the portions.2. The health suit of claim 1 , wherein the second portion comprises a plurality of leg portions.3. The health suit of claim 1 , wherein the first portion further comprises a plurality of sleeves that are selectively attached to the torso portion.4. The health suit of claim 3 , wherein the first portion is a shirt or jacket.5. The health suit of claim 3 , wherein the first portion may be selectively attached to each of the plurality of sleeves with zippers claim 3 , buttons claim 3 , elastic bands claim 3 , strings or hook and loop connector for providing convenient disassembling of each of the plurality of sleeves from the first portion.6. The health ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079352A1

This protective garment has: a core region having a first side and an opposite second side and two appendage regions connected to the core region. Each appendage region has an innermost layer and a metal mesh layer. The core region and the appendage regions can both include an outermost layer. The innermost layer of the protective garment is configured to have a rolling degree of freedom relative to the metal mesh layer when a clamping force is applied to the outermost layer, which allows the wearer to rotate the appendage. 1. A protective garment comprising:a core region having a first side and an opposite second side;two appendage regions connected to the core region;wherein each appendage region comprises an innermost layer and a metal mesh layer;wherein the core region and the appendage regions both include an outermost layer;wherein the two appendage regions are sleeves;wherein the innermost layer is disposed at a seam with the core region and extends distally toward a wrist, and wherein the metal mesh layer is disposed at the wrist of the appendage region and extends a distance toward the seam with the core region;wherein the metal mesh layer has a lower coefficient of static friction and kinetic friction compared to the innermost layer and the outermost layer, and wherein the innermost layer is configured to slide relative to the metal mesh layer; andwherein the innermost layer is configured to have a rolling degree of freedom relative to the metal mesh layer when a clamping force is applied to the outermost layer.2. The protective garment of claim 1 , wherein the core region is configured to be disposed on a human torso.3. The protective garment of claim 1 , wherein the sleeves are configured to be raglan sleeves.4. The protective garment of claim 1 , wherein the appendage regions each defines a thumbhole and one to four finger holes.5. The protective garment of claim 1 , wherein the innermost layer is attached at the seam with the core region and a seam at ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084845A1
Автор: Cumiskey Mark

A suit wearable by a human user includes a torso section, two arm sections extending from an upper portion of the torso section, and two leg sections extending from a lower portion of the torso section. The suit further includes a plurality of spaced apart marks connected with an interior surface portion of the suit. The plurality of marks formed on the interior surface portion of the suit impart a roughened, uneven surface along an exterior surface portion that corresponds with the interior surface portion of the suit, and a surface roughness of the exterior surface portion varies based upon a degree of stretch applied to the suit. 1. A suit wearable by a human user , the suit comprising:a torso section;two arm sections extending from an upper portion of the torso section;two leg sections extending from a lower portion of the torso section; anda plurality of spaced apart marks formed on an interior surface portion of the suit;wherein the plurality of marks formed on the interior surface portion of the suit impart a roughened, uneven surface along an exterior surface portion that corresponds with the interior surface portion of the suit, and a surface roughness of the exterior surface portion varies based upon a degree of stretch applied to the suit.2. The suit of claim 1 , wherein the roughened claim 1 , uneven exterior surface comprises protrusions defined along an exterior surface portion of the suit that correspond with the marks on the interior surface portion of the suit when the suit is stretched.3. The suit of claim 2 , wherein the exterior surface comprises indentations defined along the exterior surface portion of the suit that corresponds with the marks on the interior surface portion of the suit when the suit is in an unstretched state.4. The suit of claim 3 , wherein the indentations are converted to the protrusions along the exterior surface portion of the suit when the suit is transitioned from the unstretched state to a stretched state.5. The suit of ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084846A1
Автор: Rivera Michael

A compression based foundation having strategically paced padding to guard against the types of injuries most usually sustained during obstacle course racing is provided. Also provided is an energy supplement storage garment where energy supplements are within easy reach during active racing conditions. 1. A protective garment comprising:(a) an elastic compressive tubular sleeve having two openings,(b) padding wherein said padding is configured to cover one or more body parts and is configured to flex or rotate flexes or rotates with the covered body part when the garment is worn during obstacle course racing, and wherein said padding comprises one or more padding zones, said one or more padding zones comprise multiple pads, said padding is configured to cover one or more body parts and said padding comprises:', '(i) a knee padding, wherein said knee padding is arranged so as to have a plurality of rectangular pads configured to be located over the knee, one or more trapezoidal pads configured to be located over knee joint area, and a plurality of rectangular pads configured to be located below the knee joint area, wherein said plurality of rectangular pads configured to be located below the knee joint are arranged in three rows, and', '(ii) a leg padding, wherein said leg padding is arranged so as to have more than one rectangular pad configured to be located over the shin., '(c) a storage compartment;'}2. The protective garment of wherein the one or more padding zones comprise separate elbow and forearm.3. The protective garment of wherein the elbow padding comprises 13 pads separated by grooves.4. The protective garment of wherein the forearm padding comprises 5 pads separated by grooves.5. The protective garment of wherein the elastic compressive tubular sleeve has watertight closures claim 1 , wherein said closures are watertight when said protective garment is worn.6. The protective garment of wherein the watertight closures are elastic bands.7. The protective ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084852A1
Автор: Page Ethan

An object retaining article is provided. The object retaining article includes a first layer having a first length and a second layer having a second length and being coupled to the first layer to form an object compartment. 1. An object retaining article comprising:an inner layer of elastic material having an inner layer compartment portion and an extension portion configured to wrap around an object positioned adjacent the inner layer compartment portion; andan outer layer of elastic material having an outer layer compartment portion and coupled to the inner layer to form an object compartment defined by the inner layer compartment portion and the outer layer compartment portion.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer is coupled to the inner layer at a coupling portion claim 1 , the coupling portion being separated from the extension portion by the inner layer compartment portion.3. The article of claim 1 , further comprising at least one gripping member coupled to the inner layer and configured to substantially fix the object retaining article against movement.4. The article of claim 3 , wherein the at least one gripping member includes a circumferentially extending gripping member.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer has a first length claim 1 , the outer layer has a second length claim 1 , and the first length is greater than the second length.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer is formed as a continuous loop defining an opening therethrough.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer forms a waistband of an article of clothing.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer forms a limb opening of an article of clothing.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer forms a neckline of an article of clothing.10. An object retaining article comprising:an inner ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085120A1

A towel for washing a user's body that includes a sheet of fabric having a first surface and a second surface; and a pair of cuffs coupled to the first surface of the fabric, wherein the cuffs are used to, each, pass a hand of the user therethrough allowing a portion of the fabric to drape between the hands of the user. 1. A towel for washing a user's body , comprising:a sheet of fabric having a first surface and a second surface; anda pair of cuffs coupled to the first surface of the fabric, wherein the cuffs are used to, each, pass a hand of the user therethrough allowing a portion of the fabric to drape between the hands of the user.2. The towel of claim 1 , wherein the cuffs include a diagonal stick that increases a cavity of the cuff along a direction away from a side of the fabric.3. The towel of claim 1 , wherein each of the cuffs are placed along opposite sides of the fabric.4. The towel of claim 1 , wherein placement of the user's hands through the cuffs allows for hand-to-face contact by the user.5. The towel of claim 1 , wherein the fabric is foldable to shroud the cuffs therein.6. The towel of claim 5 , wherein the fabric is folded into thirds across the first surface of the towel to cause a first third of the fabric and a second third of the fabric to cover a remaining portion of the fabric to which the cuffs are coupled.7. The towel of claim 1 , wherein placement of the user's hands through the cuffs places the fabric claim 1 , second surface forward claim 1 , in front of an anterior portion of the user's body.8. The towel of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the cuff includes an elastic fabric to expand around a user's wrists claim 1 , forearms claim 1 , or combination thereof.9. The towel of claim 1 , wherein the fabric is made of wool claim 1 , flax claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , hemp claim 1 , a man-made material claim 1 , or combinations thereof.10. A hygienic instrument claim 1 , comprising:a towel having a first side and a second side; anda pair of ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134163A1
Автор: Forell Robert Allen

A weight lifting support shirt comprises a chest support portion (CSP), a first arm support portion (FASP), a second arm support portion (SASP), a neck relief portion (NRP), a torso support portion (TSP), a first lateral extension (FLE), and a second lateral extension (SLE). The CSP extends across a chest portion of lifter from a first end to a second end of CSP. The FASP extends from first end of CSP, and SASP extends from second end of CSP. The NRP is attached to an upper boundary of CSP. The NRP connects FASP to SASP. The TSP is in communication with and extends below CSP. FLE extends from FASP and a first lateral side of TSP. SLE extends from SASP and a second lateral side of TSP. The FLE wraps around a first shoulder and a back of lifter and SLE wraps around a second shoulder and back of lifter.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Sock Pouch

Номер: US20150096106A1
Автор: Bell Ann
Принадлежит: Bootaroo LLC

A sleeve pouch may be provided. The sleeve pouch may be formed through the attachment of an elastic annular member to a sleeve member, wherein the space between the two surfaces forms a pouch capable of storing objects. 1. A sock having a pouch comprising:a sock member; andan elastic annular member having a bottom edge and a top edge, said bottom edge of said elastic annular member being connected to an outer surface of said sock member at a position below a top edge of the sock member;wherein said elastic annular member and said sock member forms an annular space;wherein said elastic annular member is operable to secure an item to the sock member within the annular space.2. The sock having a pouch of claim 1 , wherein the elastic annular member is made of a stretchable fabric.3. The sock having a pouch of claim 1 , wherein the elastic annular member is connected to the sock member by means of stitching.4. The sock having a pouch of claim 1 , wherein the sock member comprises a sock of conventional construction.5. The sock having a pouch of claim 1 , wherein the sock member comprises a sleeve.6. The sock having a pouch of claim 1 , wherein the annular member comprises one or more members attached together.7. A storage compartment within an article of clothing comprising:a sleeve member comprising at least one cylindrical shape; andan annular member configured to surround a portion of the sleeve member;wherein the annular member is configured to join the sleeve member such that the surrounded portion of the sleeve member faces an area of an inner surface of the annular member;wherein the area of the inner surface of the annular member and the surrounded portion of the sleeve member form a pouch for storing items.8. The storage compartment of claim 7 , wherein the annular member exerts a force upon the sleeve member through elastic compression.9. The storage compartment of claim 7 , wherein one edge of the annular member is attached to the sleeve member.10. The ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096671A1
Автор: Zhou Dianmin

The present invention provides a method for producing medical oversleeves and a production system. The method comprises steps of unreeling, gluing, agglutinating, cutting and finished product collecting, etc. The system comprises an unreeling device, a gluing device, an agglutinating device, a cutting device and a finished product collecting device, etc. With the method for automatically producing medical oversleeves and the production system provided by the present invention, the deficiency of the present manual semi-mechanized production is overcome. 1. A method for producing medical oversleeves , medical oversleeves being formed by agglutinating and cutting two rolls of non-woven fabrics with a width consistent to the length of the oversleeves , comprising the following steps:A) a step of unreeling: synchronously unreeling two rolls of non-woven fabrics with a width consistent to the length of the oversleeves at a set speed, and making them move face to face;B) a step of gluing: continuously and cyclically coating, on one of the two rolls of non-woven fabrics in a specified distance and a specified width, a straight holt melt glue zone vertical to the non-woven fabric strip and an inclined holt melt glue zone;C) a step of agglutinating: extruding and agglutinating the coating surface of the non-woven fabrics, coated with the holt melt glue, with the other roll of non-woven fabrics, and pulling the non-woven fabrics to move;D) a step of cutting: cutting along the straight and inclined hot melt glue lines in a piece to be cut, in order to form left and right oversleeves; andE) a step of collecting the finished products.2. The method for producing medical oversleeves according to claim 1 , before Step B) claim 1 , further comprising the following steps:A01) a step of placing rubber bands: placing, on two sides of the two rolls of non-woven fabrics, rubber bands having a same constant tension along the non-woven fabrics; andA02) a step of folding: folding two edges ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093025A1
Автор: Lewis Jenny Ruth

A garment including a plurality of attached glove members having releasably attached glove bodies is provided. The garment includes a central portion and two opposed sleeve portions. Each attached glove member is attached to each opposed sleeve portion through the use of a retainer. The glove members may be used separately or together, allowing the user to deploy a combination of glove members simultaneously. 1. A garment , comprising:a pair of sleeves;at least one glove member non-releasably attached to each of the pair of sleeves at a cuff portion thereof; andat least one cooperating glove member retainer carried by each one of the pair of sleeves and adapted for releasably securing a second portion of each of the at least one glove members to a respective one of the pair of sleeves;wherein the at least one glove member further includes a selectively sealable slit adapted for insertion of a user's hand therethrough.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the second portion comprises a glove body configured for covering at least a portion of a user's hand.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the cuff portion is dimensioned to allow the glove body to reach the user's hand for wearing.4. The garment of claim 2 , wherein the glove body is configured as a fingerless glove.5. The garment of claim 2 , wherein the glove body is configured as a full-fingered glove.6. The garment of claim 2 , wherein the glove body is configured as a mitten.7. The garment of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of glove members each configured and dimensioned to allow placing two or more of the plurality of glove members concurrently on a user's hand.8. A garment comprising:a pair of sleeves;a plurality of glove members non-releasably attached at a cuff portion thereof to each of the pair of sleeves; anda plurality of glove member retainers adapted for releasably attaching a second portion of each of the plurality of glove members to a one of the pair of sleeves.9. The garment of claim 10 , wherein ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095371A1

A hockey shirt suitable for being worn by a hockey player and comprising (a) a torso portion having a head opening and a lower trunk opening; and (b) first and second sleeves, each of the first and second sleeves comprising biceps, elbow and forearm portions and a gripping zone provided on one of the biceps, elbow and forearm portions. The gripping zone is made of a material having a coefficient of friction sufficient for preventing movement between the hockey shirt and a hockey elbow pad worn by the hockey player. 111-. (canceled)12. A hockey shirt for wearing by a hockey player , the hockey shirt being an undergarment configured to be worn under protective equipment worn by the hockey player , the hockey shirt being at least partially made of a synthetic moisture-moving material to move moisture away from skin of the hockey player when the hockey player sweats , the hockey shirt comprising:a torso portion for receiving a torso of the hockey player, the torso portion comprising a head opening for receiving a head of the hockey player and a lower trunk opening for fitting around a waist and hips of the hockey player; and i) an inner arm portion for facing an inner side of the arm of the hockey player that films towards the torso of the hockey player;', 'ii) an outer arm portion for facing an outer side of the arm of the hockey player that faces away from the torso of the hockey player; and', 'iii) a gripping zone configured to grip a hockey elbow pad worn by the hockey player, the gripping zone comprising gripping material disposed in the outer arm portion of the sleeve to engage an inner surface of the hockey elbow pad, a coefficient of friction of the gripping material with the inner surface of the hockey elbow pad being greater than a coefficient of friction of the synthetic moisture-moving material with the inner surface of the hockey elbow pad., 'b) a sleeve for receiving an arm of the hockey player, the sleeve comprising13. The hockey shirt claimed in claim 12 ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Gown with Concentric Sleeves and Corresponding Methods

Номер: US20180092412A1

A gown () includes a body covering portion (). A first sleeve () and a second sleeve () each extend distally away from the body covering portion and terminating at a retention device (). A first concentric sleeve () is coupled to the first sleeve at a first connection location () and extends along an exterior of the first sleeve toward the retention device. A second concentric sleeve () is coupled to the second sleeve at a second connection location () and extends along the exterior of the second sleeve toward the retention device. 1. A gown , comprising:a body covering portion;a first sleeve and a second sleeve, each extending distally away from the body covering portion and terminating at a thumb loop;a first concentric sleeve coupled to the first sleeve at a first connection location and extending along an exterior of the first sleeve toward the thumb loop; anda second concentric sleeve coupled to the second sleeve at a second connection location and extending along the exterior of the second sleeve toward the thumb loop.2. The gown of claim 1 , the first concentric sleeve extending along the exterior of the first sleeve to a first termination boundary claim 1 , the first termination boundary disposed between the thumb loop and the first connection location.3. The gown of claim 2 , the second concentric sleeve extending along the exterior of the second sleeve to a second termination boundary claim 2 , the second termination boundary disposed between the thumb loop and the second connection location.4. The gown of claim 3 , the first concentric sleeve comprising an elastic gathering drawing the first concentric sleeve toward the first sleeve claim 3 , the elastic gathering disposed between the first connection location and the first termination boundary.5. The gown of claim 4 , the elastic gathering disposed closer to the first termination boundary than the first connection location.6. The gown of claim 5 , the elastic gathering disposed at the first termination ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090562A1
Принадлежит: Hurley International LLC

An article of clothing is provided and includes a substrate material including an inner surface and an outer surface disposed on an opposite side of the substrate material than the inner surface. The substrate material forming a body-receiving portion and a limb-receiving portion extending from the body-receiving portion, whereby the body-receiving portion includes a first opening sized for circumscribing a neck of the wearer and the limb-receiving portion includes a second opening sized for circumscribing a limb of the wearer. A flocking material is arranged adjacent the inner surface of the substrate material proximate at least one of the first opening and the second opening. 1. An article of clothing comprising:a substrate material including an inner surface and an outer surface disposed on an opposite side of the substrate material than the inner surface, the substrate material forming a body-receiving portion and a limb-receiving portion extending from the body-receiving portion, the body-receiving portion including a first opening sized for circumscribing a neck of a wearer, the limb-receiving portion including a second opening sized for circumscribing a limb of the wearer; anda flocking material arranged adjacent the inner surface of the substrate material proximate at least one of the first opening and the second opening.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flocking material surrounds the first opening.3. The article of clothing of claim 2 , wherein the flocking material surrounds the second opening.4. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flocking material surrounds the second opening.5. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the limb-receiving portion includes a joint portion operable to oppose a joint of the wearer during use.6. The article of clothing of claim 5 , wherein the joint portion includes the flocking material.7. The article of clothing of claim 6 , wherein the flocking material of the joint portion is disposed ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160100636A1

A garment having at least one sleeve, intended to cover a part of the body of a wearer, the sleeve having at least one region, the inner surface of which is equipped with a network of picots, the sleeve being designed to be able to exert compressive stress from said picots onto the skin of the body part that is intended to be positioned facing said network, the picots each having a trigonal base and being distributed in the network so as to form alveoli between adjacent picots, the sleeve being designed such that the picots can exert pressure on the skin great enough to form a skin protrusion in at least one alveolus in order to micro-massage the protrusion during relative movements taking place between the network and the body part. 1. A garment comprising at least one sleeve , intended to cover a part of the body of a wearer , said sleeve having at least one region , the inner surface of which is equipped with a network of picots , said sleeve being designed to be able to exert compressive stress from said picots onto the skin of the body part that is intended to be positioned facing said network , said garment being wherein each picot has a trigonal base , said picots being distributed in the network so as to form alveoli between adjacent picots , said sleeve being designed such that the picots can exert pressure on the skin great enough to form a skin protrusion in at least one alveolus in order to micro-massage said protrusion during relative movements taking place between said network and said body part.2. The garment according to claim 1 , and the adjacent picots are linked in the network via at least one corner of their base.3. The garment according to claim 1 , and the adjacent picots are spread in at least one direction.4. The garment according to claim 3 , and the distance of spread is less than 75% of the dimension of the base of the picots in the direction of spreading.5. The garment according to claim 1 , and the picots are distributed in the network ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170099886A1
Автор: Mahoney Ellen

A hooded shoulder wrap for allowing a user to cover their upper body while in a bed or chair without restricting mobility. The hooded shoulder wrap includes a trapezoidal base section operative to be wrapped around the neck, shoulder and upper torso area of a user, a hood member for use to cover the head and neck, and two sleeve sections through which a user can selectively slide their arms. In use, the hooded shoulder wrap may be advantageously employed in addition to conventional blankets to optimally cover a user, with the blankets covering the user's entire lower body and lower torso and the hooded shoulder wrap covering the upper torso, shoulders and head/neck. 1. A hooded shoulder wrap , comprising:an elongated base section having an upper edge, a lower edge, and opposing side edges, wherein the elongated base section is adapted to partially cover an upper torso of a user;a hood member integral with the base section and positioned to extend beyond the upper edge; andat least one sleeve section defining a tubular body which extends from the base section.2. The hooded shoulder wrap of claim 1 , wherein two mirror image sleeve sections extend from said base section.3. The hooded shoulder wrap of claim 1 , wherein said upper edge is shorter in length than the lower edge.4. The hooded shoulder wrap of claim 1 , wherein the opposing side edges include opposing sections of a fastener system claim 1 , thereby enabling the opposing side edges to be releasably fastened together so as to configure the hooded shoulder wrap to be moved from an open configuration to a closed configuration.5. A hooded shoulder wrap claim 1 , comprising:an elongated base section having an upper edge, a lower edge, and opposing side edges, wherein two mirror image sleeve sections extend from said base section, wherein the elongated base section is adapted to partially cover an upper torso of a user;a hood member integral with the base section and positioned to extend beyond the upper edge; ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220167698A1
Автор: Toratani Ikuo

A restricting portion is located between rear surfaces of left and right sleeves and prevents left and right shoulder blades of a wearer from moving apart from each other. A first seam point, which is the lowest point on a seam between a front surface of the left sleeve and a front body, is positioned above a first bottom point, which is the lowest point on a seam between the rear surface of the left sleeve and the rear body. A second seam point, which is the lowest point on a seam between a front surface of the right sleeve and the front body, is positioned above a second bottom point, which is the lowest point on a seam between the rear surface of the right sleeve and the rear body. 1. An upper body of a garment comprising:a body including a front body and a rear body; a first seam point that is the lowest point on a seam between a front surface of the left sleeve and the front body; and', 'a first bottom point that is the lowest point on a seam between a rear surface of the left sleeve and the rear body, the first bottom point being positioned below the first seam point;, 'a left sleeve including a second seam point that is the lowest point on a seam between a front surface of the right sleeve and the front body; and', 'a second bottom point that is the lowest point on a seam between a rear surface of the right sleeve and the rear body, the second bottom point being positioned below the second seam point;, 'a right sleeve includinganda restricting portion located between the rear surfaces of the left and right sleeves and preventing left and right shoulder blades of a wearer from moving apart from each other.2. The upper body of the garment according to claim 1 , wherein the restricting portion includes a region of the rear body from a boundary between the rear body and the left sleeve to a boundary between the rear body and the right sleeve.3. The upper body of the garment according to claim 1 , wherein the restricting portion includes a fabric attached to the ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103704A1
Автор: Smart Simon

A low drag garment comprises a textured fabric in at least one side region of the garment, wherein the textured fabric has a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.2-0.8 mm. 1. A low drag garment comprising a textured fabric in at least one side region of the garment , wherein the textured fabric has a texture pattern with a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.2-0.8 mm.2. A low drag garment according to claim 1 , wherein the textured fabric has a texture pattern with a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.3-0.7 mm claim 1 , preferably 0.4-0.6 mm.3. A low drag garment according to claim 1 , wherein the garment includes a body portion and the textured fabric is provided in at least one side region of the body portion claim 1 , and wherein the textured fabric in the side region of the body portion has a texture pattern with a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.2-0.4 mm.4. A low drag garment according to claim 3 , wherein the garment includes a sleeve portion and the textured fabric is provided in at least one side region of the sleeve portion claim 3 , and wherein the textured fabric in the side region of the sleeve portion has a texture pattern with a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.3-0.8 mm.5. A low drag garment according to claim 3 , wherein the garment includes a leg portion and the textured fabric is provided in at least one side region of the leg portion claim 3 , and wherein the textured fabric in the side region of the leg portion has a texture pattern with a substantially uniform texture height in the range 0.2-0.4 mm.6. A low drag garment according to claim 1 , comprising a relatively smooth fabric in at least one front region of the garment claim 1 , wherein the relatively smooth fabric has a texture height of less than 0.2 mm.7. A low drag garment according to claim 1 , comprising a textured fabric in at least one rear region of the garment claim 1 , wherein the textured fabric ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Gown with Moisture Contact Indicator

Номер: US20190104779A1
Принадлежит: Medline Industries LP

A gown ( 100 ) includes a body covering ( 101 ) disposed between a first sleeve ( 102 ) and a second sleeve ( 103 ). The body covering portion includes a first layer ( 106 ) coupled to a second layer ( 107 ) by an adhesive ( 108 ) comprising a unactivated colorant, such as an unactivated dye ( 109 ). The unactivated colorant transitions to an activated colorant ( 201 ) when wet, and the second layer absorbs the activated colorant.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175070A1
Автор: Toratani Ikuo

An upper body of a garment includes a body having at least a rear body, a left sleeve, and a right sleeve. The left sleeve includes a left connecting portion connected to a left side of the body. The right sleeve includes a right connecting portion connected to a right side of the body. Each rear surface of the left connecting portion and the right connecting portion has a recess protruding to the inside of the left or right sleeve. A length of the recess in a longitudinal direction of the left or right sleeve is longer than a width of the recess in a circumferential direction of the left or right sleeve. 1. An upper body of a garment comprising:a body including at least a rear body;a left sleeve including a left connecting portion connected to a left side of the body; anda right sleeve including a right connecting portion connected to a right side of the body, wherein:each rear surface of the left connecting portion and the right connecting portion has a recess protruding to the inside of the left or right sleeve; anda length of the recess in a longitudinal direction of the left or right sleeve is longer than a width of the recess in a circumferential direction of the left or right sleeve.2. The upper body of the garment according to claim 1 , wherein:the left sleeve includes a hardly-stretchy region that, when being stretched by 20% in the longitudinal direction of the left sleeve, increases a stretching force to 45 cN or more in the same direction and that extends at least within the rear surface of the left connecting portion; andthe right sleeve includes a hardly-stretchy region that, when being stretched by 20% in the longitudinal direction of the right sleeve, increases a stretching force to 45 cN or more in the same direction and that extends at least within the rear surface of the right connecting portion.3. The upper body of the garment according to claim 2 , wherein:the hardly-stretchy region of the left sleeve ranges from the rear surface of the left ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112198A1
Автор: Scemla Sebastien

Method of manufacturing a sleeve assembly for a shirt including a sleeve adapted to receive an arm and a cuff. An outer surface of the cuff is connected to a lower edge region of the sleeve at a location between upper and lower edges of the cuff to define a cuff extension portion. The sleeve assembly is foldable from the unfolded condition to a first folded condition about the location at which the cuff is connected to the sleeve. The sleeve assembly is foldable from the first folded condition to a second folded condition about a location at which a free edge of the cuff abuts the sleeve to place a portion of the sleeve on an outer side of the sleeve assembly and an outer surface of the cuff extension portion between two portions of the sleeve. 1. A method for manufacturing a sleeve assembly for a garment , comprising:connecting a cuff having an inner surface and an outer surface and an upper edge and a lower edge to a lower edge region of a sleeve at a location on said outer surface of the cuff between the upper and lower edges of the cuff to thereby define a cuff extension portion between the location at which the cuff is connected to the lower edge region of the sleeve and the upper edge of the cuff, said cuff extension portion being alongside but not affixed to an inner side of the sleeve assembly when the sleeve assembly is in an unfolded condition, the sleeve assembly being foldable to a first folded condition about the location at which the outer surface of the cuff is connected to the lower edge region; andselecting dimensions of the cuff extension portion such that when the sleeve assembly is folded from the first folded condition to a second folded condition about a location at which the lower edge of the cuff abuts the sleeve, a first portion of an inner surface of the sleeve is placed on an outer side of the sleeve assembly and an outer surface of the cuff at the cuff extension portion is placed between the first portion of the inner surface of the ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Sleeve extension and method of making same

Номер: US20170112209A1
Автор: Horn Randi

A sleeve extension to be worn on a particular body part of the wearer having an elasticized upper edge and a plurality of folds or pleats or gathers extending from the upper edge to a lower edge for covering or concealing a portion of the body part. 1. A method of fabricating a sleeve extension comprising the steps of:selecting a flexible fabric material;cutting the fabric material to a preselected geometrical configuration having an upper longitudinal edge and a lower longitudinal edge and a preselected initial longitudinal length and a preselected transverse width between said upper longitudinal edge and said lower longitudinal edge;gathering the cut fabric material into a plurality of folds extending substantially transversely to said upper longitudinal edge and lower longitudinal edge and substantially throughout the longitudinal length of said fabric material;securing an elastic band into said folds in regions spaced from and adjacent to said upper longitudinal edge of the material;cutting the folded and elastic banded material to a preselected finished longitudinal length to provide a pair of spaced apart transverse edges extending between said upper and lower longitudinal edges; and,securing the transverse edges of the elastic banded cut and folded material together to define a generally cylindrical sleeve configuration having a preselected finished diameter in regions adjacent said upper longitudinal edge.2. The method defined in wherein:the step of securing an elastic band comprises the step of securing a plurality of elastic strands in spaced apart relationship and spaced from said longitudinal edge.3. The method defined in wherein:the step of securing a plurality of elastic strands comprises the step of securing at least three elastic strands and positioning a first of said strands in regions about ¼ to ¾ inches from said upper longitudinal edge.4. The method defined in wherein:the step of securing at least three elastic bands further comprises the step ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110538A1
Автор: Ghasletwala Khatija

An improved adaptive garment has a shoulder seam closure of (1) a first panel containing one or more magnetic fasteners or a magnetic strip of a positive or negative polarity, and (2) a second panel containing one or more magnetic fasteners or a magnetic strip of opposite polarity. The magnetic elements of the first and second panels are attracted and attach to each other, such that the second panel overlaps the first panel and closes the shoulder seam. This improved adaptive garment permits those with limited dexterity or mobility, youngsters, or those with disabilities and/or other health conditions get dressed more easily and quickly, with or without the assistance of others. This shoulder seam closure further permits the adaptive garment not to use a back seam closure of magnetic fasteners, thereby eliminating their pressure against the wearer's back and the discomfort, pain or irritation they might cause, and permitting to contain a back vent or pleat. 1. An adaptive garment comprising a shoulder seam closure comprising:a first panel, wherein the first panel contains at least one first magnetic element; anda second panel, wherein the second panel contains at least one second magnetic element;wherein the first magnetic element is attracted and attaches to the second magnetic element such that the second panel overlaps the first panel and closes the shoulder seam.2. The adaptive garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first magnetic element is magnetic fastener having a connecting side of positive or negative polarity claim 1 , and the at least one second magnetic element is a magnetic fastener having a connecting side of the opposite polarity claim 1 , thereby forming at least one pair of magnetic fasteners.3. The adaptive garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first magnetic element is magnetic strip having a connecting side of positive or negative polarity claim 1 , and the at least one second magnetic element is a magnetic strip having a ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Seamless Protective Apparel

Номер: US20140196506A1
Автор: Walsh Megan
Принадлежит: Medline industries, Inc.

A sleeve for a protective garment, such as a medical gown, includes a knit, woven, or non-woven layer and a seamless layer that are laminated together. The knit, woven, or non-woven layer can be a circularly knit seamless layer, or alternatively can have seams. The seamless layer can be water or vapor impermeable or resistant so as to prevent microorganisms, pathogens, liquids, or other substances from passing through the sleeve. 1. A multilayer , seamless garment portion , comprising:a circular knit layer having a inner side and an outer side; anda seamless barrier layer coupled to one of the inner side or the outer side of the circular knit layer to form a laminated tubular layer;wherein the laminated tubular layer is configured to form a tubular garment portion.2. The multilayer claim 1 , seamless garment portion of claim 1 , further comprising another circular knit layer coupled to the seamless barrier layer.3. The multilayer claim 2 , seamless garment portion of claim 2 , wherein the another circular knit layer is coupled to the seamless barrier layer on a side opposite the circular knit layer with the seamless barrier layer being disposed between the circular knit layer and the another circular knit layer.4. The multilayer claim 2 , seamless garment portion of claim 2 , wherein the circular knit layer claim 2 , the another circular knit layer claim 2 , and the seamless barrier layer are concentrically aligned with each other.5. The multilayer claim 2 , seamless garment portion of claim 2 , wherein the circular knit layer claim 2 , the another circular knit layer claim 2 , and the seamless barrier layer are coextensive.6. The multilayer claim 2 , seamless garment portion of claim 2 , further comprising another seamless barrier layer coupled to one of the circular knit layer or the another circular knit layer.7. The multilayer claim 1 , seamless garment portion of claim 1 , wherein the circular knit layer and the seamless barrier layer are adhesively coupled ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121607A1

A sleeve cuff modification includes an elastic connector, which extends from an opening within the sleeve cuff. The elastic connector is stitched on an inner portion of the sleeve and has a button opening that extends through a sleeve opening for attachment to a button on the sleeve. The elastic nature of the connector allows the user to expand the circumference of the sleeve so that the sleeve may be easily rolled up the individual's arm without unbuttoning the sleeve. 1. A sleeve cuff modification for a sleeve cuff comprising:an elastic connector, where the elastic connector extends from a sleeve opening in the sleeve cuff;a stitched attachment on a proximate end of the elastic connector, where the stitched attachment secures the elastic connector within the sleeve cuff;a button opening at a distal end of the elastic connector, where the button opening extends out of the sleeve opening for attachment to a button on an outer surface of the cuff.2. The sleeve cuff modification according to claim 1 , where the button opening is a slit.3. The sleeve cuff modification according to claim 1 , where the button and stitched attachment are connected in a single stitched configuration.4. The sleeve cuff modification according to claim 1 , where the elastic connector varies in length. 1. Field of InventionThe present invention relates to a sleeve cuff modification that allows a user to expand the cuff size through the use of an inserted elastic connector.2. Description of Related ArtMany individuals wear dress shirts. Dress shirts normally include a button-down front and sleeves that include cuffs that may be button or may require cuff links in order to close the sleeve in a position around the user's wrist. The cuff may be unfastened and the user may roll up the sleeves as desired in certain instances to avoid damage to the cuff Further some individuals roll their sleeves up in a warm situation to allow for a cooler surface over the individual's arm. As stated the connection ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138327A1

A sports ball throwing training apparatus includes an article of clothing worn by a user, and an elongated sleeve detachably coupled to an abdominal region of the article of clothing. The sleeve forms a hollowed interior for receiving and encompassing a portion of the user's arm. The arm sleeve is configured to permit the user's arm, along with a sports ball held by the user, to translate axially through the hollowed interior as the user withdraws their arm from the arm sleeve and winds-up to throw the ball forward. The position of the arm sleeve relative to the article of clothing indicates whether or not the user is throwing the sports ball with proper form. 1. A sports ball throwing training apparatus , comprising:an article of clothing worn by a user; andan elongated sleeve detachably coupled to an abdominal region of the article of clothing, the sleeve forming a hollowed interior for receiving and encompassing a portion of the user's arm;wherein the arm sleeve is configured to permit the user's arm and a sports ball held by the user to translate axially through the hollowed interior as the user withdraws its arm from the arm sleeve and winds-up to throw the ball forward; andwherein the position of the arm sleeve relative to the article of clothing indicates whether or not the user is throwing the sports ball with proper form.2. The sports ball throwing training apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm sleeve is made of neoprene.3. The sports ball throwing training apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm sleeve comprises a strip of hook and loop material for attaching to the article of clothing.4. The sports ball throwing training apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the article of clothing comprises a T-shirt overlaid with hook and loop material for attachment with the strip of hook and loop material on the arm sleeve.5. The sports ball throwing training apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm sleeve is configured to remain coupled to the article of clothing as the user ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Breathable or Convertible Sleeve System

Номер: US20160120241A1
Автор: Rose Mary

Disclosed embodiments provide for quick and one handed conversion of a jacket to a vest and of conversion of a vest to a jacket. Disclosed sleeves do not need to be turned inside out when retracted into the garment. A convertible jacket may comprise a vest or body and may comprise a retractable sleeve with the retractable sleeve comprising a zipper or longitudinal faster. The zipper may have an external tab or pull and/or an internal tab or pull. A retractable sleeve may be attached to a garment by use of in internal seam with the internal seam defining an arm void when the retractable sleeve is retracted into the garment. 1. A convertible jacket comprising a retractable sleeve , with the retractable sleeve configured for retraction by one handed operation , the jacket comprising:a) an internal seam attached to the jacket and the retractable sleeve and the internal seam circling the retractable sleeve, the internal seam defining an arm void when the retractable sleeve is retracted into the jacket;b) the retractable sleeve comprising a longitudinal fastener disposed upon a top side of the retractable sleeve, the longitudinal fastener comprising an external tab disposed in a jacket shoulder area when the longitudinal faster is in a closed position with the external tab disposed in a wrist area of the retractable sleeve when the longitudinal fastener is in an open position; andc) a arm exit void defined by longitudinal seams, the longitudinal seams exposed when the longitudinal fastener is in an open position.2. The jacket of further comprising a protective collar circling an outer perimeter of the jacket shoulder area.3. The jacket of further comprising an internal tab internal to the retractable sleeve claim 1 , the internal tab attached to the longitudinal fastener.4. The jacket of wherein the longitudinal fastener comprises a zipper. This is a utility application based upon U.S. patent application Ser. No. 62/074,189 filed on Nov. 3, 2014. This related application ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120734A1

Embodiments disclosed herein relate to a garment system including at least one sensor, and at least one actuator that operates responsive to sensing feedback from the at least one sensor to activate a flexible compression garment to selectively constrict or selectively dilate. Such selective constriction or dilation against the at least one body part can improve muscle functioning, or joint functioning during an activity such as a sport or other athletic activity. 1. A garment system , comprising:at least one flexible compression garment configured to be worn on at least one body part of a subject, the at least one flexible compression garment defining an interior space configured to receive the at least one body part;a wearable device separate from the at least one flexible compression garment and configured to be worn on an additional body part of the subject, the wearable device including one or more sensors configured to sense at least one characteristic associated with movement or at least one physiological characteristic of the subject, the one or more sensors further configured to output one or more sensing signals indicative of the at least one characteristic;one or more actuators positioned relative to the at least one flexible compression garment and configured to selectively constrict or selectively dilate the at least one flexible compression garment; anda control system operably coupled to the one or more actuators and further operably coupled to the one or more sensors to receive the one or more sensing signals therefrom, the control system including control electrical circuitry configured to direct the one or more actuators to selectively constrict or selectively dilate the at least one flexible compression garment during movement of the subject responsive to the one or more sensing signals from the one or more sensors.2. The garment system of claim 1 , wherein the wearable device includes a watch claim 1 , a bracelet claim 1 , an armband claim 1 , a ...
