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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU42157U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности, а именно в вспомогательным устройствам, для снятия размерных признаков и получения дополнительных данных о произвольной совокупности внешних антропоморфных признаков фигуры человека методом фотограмметрии с целью получения лекал одежды на индивидуальные фигуры, а также на фигуры со значительными отклонениями от условно-типового телосложения, в том числе на фигуры инвалидов. Техническим результатом заявленного технического решения является упрощение порядка взаимного размещения узлов устройства, а также процесса настройки оптической оси цифровой камеры в направлении, параллельном линии направления съемки, с одновременным повышением точности размещения узлов и настройки оптической оси, с сокращением затрачиваемого на расстановку и настройку устройства времени в. реальных условиях эксплуатации, при обеспечении возможности легкой сборки и разборки устройства, позволяющей расширить условия эксплуатации как в режиме стационара, так и в режиме ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU193329U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности и предназначена для дизайнеров одежды и портных, а именно для оптимизации рабочего процесса, организации местоположения, сбора, переноса и транспортировки инструментов. Браслет-органайзер для дизайнеров одежды и портных, имеющий отсеки для помещения предметов, выполненный из двух слоев ткани, соединенных между собой, имеющий прямоугольную форму, по двум противоположным краям которого имеются устройства фиксации, содержащий поперечные сквозные отсеки, ограниченные швами и, по меньшей мере, один круглый отсек, при этом один из поперечных отсеков содержит отсек для портновского мыла, вшитый магнит и держатель шпульки. Техническим результатом является удобство в эксплуатации. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-04-1991 дата публикации

Способ В.С.Шаршова изготовления плечевого изделия

Номер: SU1642986A1

Изобретение относится к швейной промышленности и позволяет снизить, материалоемкость при изготовлении изделий. Способ включает проведение замеров с помощью гибкого каркаса для определения рациональной длины изделия после проведения комплекса движений, соответствующих естественной динамике человека. На плечевом изделии действующего ассортимента формируют криволинейный контур нижнего среза изделия, рабочие лекала изготавливают с учетом полученного контура с прибавкой на интервал размерного безразличия , составляющего преимущественно 20 мм. 1 ил.

30-04-1991 дата публикации

Способ получения ткани с покрытием для сантиметра хозяйственного

Номер: SU1644886A1

Изобретение относится к произвр/дг ву галантерейных изделий, в JSCTHOCUI к уи - ройству для снятия марок - сантмнг- - / , зяйствснному, и позволяет повысить его эксплуатационные свойства. Спогоб полу е ния ткани с покрытием длт сантиметра хозяйственного включает операции подготовки тестильной основы и полимерного состава для покрытия, нанесение полимерного покрытия на текстильную основу с одной стороны и выполнение градуировки с помощью печати, в качестве текстильной основы используют стеклоткань, для приготовления полимерного покрытия предварительно смешивают карбоксиметилцелпюлозу с водой в соотношении 1 1, соединяют с полимерным составом содержащим следующие компоненты мае %. политичнопооиа 59-51 октнлфтагат 29-32, стеа.т кчпм-п 0,3-1 О ( кадмия С,3 1,0, гмгментн i , 0 кар- бс чс.члети нетлюлозя гог -ерпое окпытие износят натекгт пьиую г, но:, у и с другой стоооны т ч и н i j vir-iHQ го покрытия 3bitvpJ OT из .я h/ -1,5- 5, где h топщпнасчоч то/гимел- ого ЛОКРЫГИЯ, MM, d - ТОЛ1ЦИНЯ ЭКГГНТоНО ...

19-12-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Unterkleidung

Номер: DE0069713022T2
Принадлежит: NEW LADY CO, NEW LADY CO., LTD.

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000472260T

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000008601T

19-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002621972A1

A comparative sizing method in which at least one well-fitting source item i s received having at least one source item property associated therewith and a target item having at least one associated target item property for which a resultant comparative sizing recommendation is being requested based on the at least one source item as specified by its at least one source item property associated therewith. Each source item and the target item is correlated with each database item having associated database item properties in a database based on source-database item matches and target database item matches. The resultant comparative sizing recommendation is determined based on the correlated source- database item matches and target-database item matches.

13-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002717274A1

Each year thousands of millions of items of apparel are purchased. Within a large percentage of these transactions they are undertaken either by those for whom trying the item on prior to purchase is extremely difficult within the retail establishment or where the person they are buying for is absent. It is a common occurrence for additional time, effort and expense to be incurred taking the purchased item back to replace it or have a refund as the item does not fit as intended, by people for themselves or for others who are not present during the selection. Accordingly it would be advantageous to have a simple device to indicate the fit of items of apparel for the individual for whom the items are being purchased. Such a device is presented according to embodiments of the invention.

30-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA200970864A1

Способ индивидуального пошива содержит этапы, на которых получают трехмерное изображение тела клиента путем трехмерного сканирования клиента в одном географическом положении, переносят изображение или набор мерок с тела, вычисленных из изображения тела, по сети во второе географическое положение и регулируют компьютерно-управляемый манекен в таком втором географическом положении для индивидуального пошива и подгонки. Также раскрыт способ демонстрации детали одежды он-лайновому покупателю. Согласно способу принимают мерки с покупателя посредством он-лайнового соединения, определяют первый стандартный размер, соответствующий меркам покупателя; надевают деталь одежды на манекен, имеющий мерки покупателя; получают первый набор изображений, представляющий деталь одежды на манекене; и представляют покупателю первый набор изображений.

16-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000012012U

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000043004U

Способ определения антропометрических характеристик фигуры человека в динамике, при котором регистрируют изменения величин размеров тела (длин, обхватов, ширин, высот) при крайних положениях головы, туловища и конечностей относительно основной статической антропометрической позы. Определяют антропометрические характеристики фигуры человека при заданных углах пространственного положения рук в плечевом суставе (в трех плоскостях: профильной, фронтальной и горизонтальной) с одновременным их сгибанием в локтевом суставе.

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000034749A

Изобретение относится к швейному производству. Размерные признаки фигуры получают путем их измерения с помощью сантиметровой ленты, которую последовательно прокладывают между определенными антропологическими точками и уровнями. При получении размерных признаков высоты груди и длины талии впереди предварительно располагают на фигуре гибкую тонкую прозрачную пластину, соединив ее поперечный уровень с уровнем груди, фиксируют пластину вспомогательными элементами и измеряют указанные размерные признаки, прокладывая сантиметровую ленту от точки основания шеи через гибкую тонкую прозрачную пластину перпендикулярно уровню груди к талии.

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000076379U

Устройство для измерения параметров геометрических модулей тазового участка тела, которое представляет собой общую развертку тазового участка тела для поясных изделий, содержащую геометрические модули передней и задней части, причем конструкция тазового участка содержит геометрические модули конструктивного прототипа прямой юбки, при этом геометрические модули конструкции тазового участка передней и задней части штанов получают путем измерения с помощью проградуированных в миллиметрах всех лент по вертикали, горизонтали, расположенных в соответствии с антропометрическими точками, дополнительно оснащено касательными и геодезическими полосами по горизонтали и вертикали, в горизонтальные полосы вмонтированы муфты, с помощью которых осуществляется фиксирование устройства на теле человека, величина конкретного примитива определяется при помощи передвижных фиксирующих гибких, тонких, прозрачных глазков.

15-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000038345A

Изобретение относится к вспомогательным средствам для снятия мерок c фигуры человека для построения конструкторских чертежей швейных изделий и может использоваться при массовом и индивидуальном производстве швейных изделий. Приспособление для снятия мерок с фигуры человека содержит проградуированные в единицах длины центральные и боковую продольные полосы, расположенные согласно основным вертикальным антропометрическим линиям фигуры человека, и поперечные полосы, перпендикулярные центральным полосам. Приспособление дополнительно оснащено проградуированными в единицах длины верхней поперечной полосой, дополнительными продольными полосами, одна из которых жестко закреплена в начале верхней поперечной полосы и продлевается в обе стороны от нее.

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000025778U

Спосіб вимірювання динамічних ефектів обхватних розмірних ознак тіла людини включає вимірювання по оголеному тілу людини між антропометричними точками, використання спеціальних вимірювальних стрічок з еластичним елементом, вимірювання максимальної зміни величин обхватів при русі людини, автоматичне їх фіксування на шкалі, повернення шкали в початкове положення і фіксування її початкового значення, визначення динамічного ефекту.

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000059957 A

Пристрій для визначення ергономічних показників якості конструкції швейних виробів на фігурі людини, що містить вмонтовану на основі вертикальну раму з вимірювальними елементами, згідно з винаходом, вертикальна рама оснащена несучим елементом, встановленим з можливістю вертикального зворотно-поступального переміщення і виконаним у вигляді горизонтальної штанги з двома каретками і вертикальними балками, причому каретки з'єднані з вертикальними балками і встановлені на горизонтальній штанзі з можливістю їх переміщення, а вимірювальні елементи розташовані на кожній балці з можливістю їх повертання навколо своєї осі і виконані у вигляді прозорих площин з градусними поділками. Вертикальна рама виконана П-подібної форми і містить додаткову горизонтальну перекладку та вертикальний ходовий вал з маховиком, закріплений на горизонтальних перекладках в центрі вертикальної рами.

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000059571 A

Спосіб зняття мірки для виготовлення викройки одягу для компресійної терапії включає вимірювання частин тіла пацієнта, зокрема обхвату шиї, грудей, талії, стегон, гомілки, плеча та передпліччя. Вимірювання обхвату частин тіла здійснюють за допомогою мірної стрічки, виготовленої з призначеної для пошиття медичного одягу пружної еластичної тканини. Рівень натягу мірної стрічки при вимірюванні обхвату частин тіла визначають за об'єктивним критерієм оптимальності стиснення поверхневих тканин організму.

12-08-2009 дата публикации

Practical convenient automatic measurement method of width and thickness dimension of human body for dress

Номер: CN0101502346A

The invention relates to a practical portable method for automatically measuring the human width and thickness size for clothes, characterized in that: the human front view and side view in uniform specification can be obtained using common equipments such as camera, background plate or the like and then the human front and side image can be corrected by combining geometric correction and perspective correction. The image coordination is corrected and the true size of width and thickness of the image front and side is calculated. The used equipments are common and the price is not high and the floor area is small.

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Ruler special for dress design

Номер: CN0207927862U

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Radium -shine line location photograph volume body device

Номер: CN0208540799U

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Balance yard for clothes

Номер: CN0002927741Y

09-06-2010 дата публикации

Three-dimensional human body measurement method by using single camera

Номер: CN0101720992A

The invention relates to a three-dimensional human body measurement method by using a single camera. The three-dimensional human body measurement method comprises the following steps: arranging a set of mirror combination system in front of the single camera to further form a monocular vision sensor with the camera, wherein the monocular vision sensor can simultaneously acquire front and side images of a human body to be measured on the left and right planes of the camera; obtaining a front outline and a side outline of the human body by image processing such as threshold segmentation, edge detection and the like; determining the characteristic points and lines of the human body measurement; calculating to obtain the width and thickness data of the parts of the human body; and performing three-dimensional curve-fitting by regression analysis. The three-dimensional human body measurement method by using the single camera has the advantages of simple device, convenient operation, low measurement ...

22-01-2019 дата публикации

Clothing educational aid dipperstick

Номер: CN0208403364U

30-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0211794528U

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Method for designing segmental seamless underwear with comfortable pressure

Номер: CN0101596026A

The invention discloses a method for designing segmental seamless underwear with comfortable pressure. The method is characterized in that firstly, the style of the seamless underwear is designed; then, a sample of the seamless underwear is produced; the clothes pressures suffered by different sections of a human body are respectively measured; if the value of the pressure range of one section is within the comfortable pressure range of the section of the human body, specification parameters or clothes structure of the section is adjusted till the value of the pressure range is within the comfortable pressure range of the section; and when the clothes pressures of all sections of the human body conform to comfortable pressure ranges, the adjustment is ended and batch production can begin. The seamless underwear designed by the method wears comfortable on the body and brings no feeling of tightness.

29-09-2020 дата публикации

Soft ruler for clothing multi-dimensional measurement

Номер: CN0111713789A

26-03-2014 дата публикации

Garment data generation method and system based on garment customization

Номер: CN102726864B

30-04-1992 дата публикации

Improvements made to methods of cutting garments by adjusting the fitting toiles and the patterns

Номер: FR0002668339A1

TEMOIN d'ESSAYAGE caractérisé par six Fentes mobiles (1B,2B,3B), prises dans le droit fil du tissu,aux épaules,au dos et aux côtés.Prise en compte sur le Patron Entier Developpé des données du Témoin d'Essayage.Pour améliorer l'ajustement du Patron Entier Developpé par rapport au Témoin d'Essayage,un Gabarit de Dos permet de régler le haut du dos de l'encolure aux omoplates,par application sur le Patron,et donne la nouvelle ligne de l'encolure,des épaules et des emmanchures.Le Patron Entier Développé,pré-réglé,est mis à la disposition du fabricant confectionneur pour être appliqué tel quel sur le tissu choisi.

06-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002790647B1

20-10-1927 дата публикации

Device of measurement applied to the cut of clothing

Номер: FR0000628222A

28-11-1958 дата публикации

Process and equipment for the photographic study of contours and the shapes of a body

Номер: FR0001167749A

07-01-1954 дата публикации

Adaptable device armours some, especially with the use of the atchers of seam

Номер: FR0001050447A

19-08-1952 дата публикации

Device of measurement for tailors

Номер: FR0001014604A

14-07-1986 дата публикации

Номер: KR19860031344Y1

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: BE0001024802B1

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RO0000133243A2

The invention relates to a system for video coordination of operations of assembling textile details by sewing, meant for clothing industry. According to the invention, the system comprises an image acquisition module consisting of a video camera and a lighting system, an image processing module, a platform on which an algorithm for tracking textile details runs in real time, an acoustic/visual warning module and a charging terminal with requirements setting, said algorithm being a mini-pattern identification algorithm fragmenting the initial pattern based on the geometric features and on the material texture, the system being capable to track every textile detail, even when the operator partially obturates the detail viewing.

01-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EP3125173A1

A method of providing a garment with low aerodynamic drag for an individual person comprises providing a database containing data relating to the aerodynamic performance of a plurality of garments when worn by a plurality of persons having different adopted body shapes, determining the adopted body shape of the individual person, and entering data relating to the adopted body shape of the individual person into a computer. The database is interrogated by means of the computer to identify a set of aerodynamic performance data relating to garments worn by a person having a similar adopted body shape to the individual person. The computer compares the aerodynamic performance data of the garments in the identified data set, selects from the identified data set a garment having a relatively low aerodynamic drag, looks up in the database the characteristics of the selected garment, and uses at least some of the characteristics of the selected garment to provide a garment for the individual person ...

15-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EP3594889A1
Автор: WANG, Zhongtang

Disclosed is a method for method for determining a bra size, by uploading chest parameters to a server, analyzing the chest parameters, matching the chest parameters with data of a database, generating a bra size, and sending the bra size to the intelligent terminal, precise bra size determination is realized; and the bra size includes a band length, a bra cup size, a breast width and a breast convex height, which make it convenient for users to select well-fitted bras.

08-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EP3241455A1

A system for measuring dimensions and/or other internal properties of a shoe, garment or other object of interest is described. The system includes a fixture having a measurement tip. When the tip is placed inside of the object of interest, a processor collects positional data from the fixture to develop a three-dimensional model of the interior of the object. If the measurement tip includes one or more pressure sensors, the processor may collect pressure data and use the pressure data to include stretch properties in the three dimensional model.

07-11-2001 дата публикации

Custom apparel manufacturing apparatus and method

Номер: EP0000801905B1
Принадлежит: LEVI STRAUSS & CO.

22-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4149309A1

27-09-1976 дата публикации

Номер: JP0051108949A

16-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU9362U1

Прибор для определения размеров манекена или фигуры человека, содержащий основание с закрепленными направляющими стойками, на которых расположен обод (кольцо) со стержнями, отличающийся тем, что прибор имеет 10 измерительных колец с 72-мя стержнями на каждом, расположенными со смещением, что позволяет автоматически преобразовывать информацию от стержней в числовой сигнал и передать его для компьютерной обработки.

15-01-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для определения эргономических показателей фигуры человека

Номер: SU1134158A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЭРГОНОМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ ФИГУРЫ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, содержащее основание с фиксаторами положения туловища, нос и руки испытуемого, средство измерения положения объекта, соединенное с регистратором, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повыщения производите.яьности путем определения пространственного перемещения руки человека одновременно в двух плоскостях, оно имеет датчик угла поворота руки, телескопическую тягу, соединенную одним концом с фиксатором руки, а другим - с расположенной горизонтально осью датчика угла поворота руки, причем оба датчика жестко закреплены на основании , а их оси взаимно перпендикулярны.

15-06-1990 дата публикации

Способ формирования настила ткани с рисунком в клетку и полоску

Номер: SU1570702A1

Изобретение относится к легкой промышленности и позволяет расширить технологические возможности за счет подгонки рисунка клетки и полоски при выкраивании симметричных и асимметричных деталей при одновременном сокращении отходов ткани. Способ формирования настила ткани с рисунком в клетку и полоску включает операции определения длины полотен настила посредством добавления к длине раскладки лекал припуска на отходы ткани при настилании и припука на подгонку рисунка клеток и полосок, отрезание от рулона ткани полотен для настила. Подгонку рисунка на основе проводят посредством предварительного деления раппорта рисунка R по основе на N равных частей и последовательного увеличения длины полотна настила L до ближайшей (R/N)I части раппорта, длину настила формируют отрезанием от рулона ткани полотна на длину по основе, равную Lн=L+(R/N)I. Количество настилов полотен соосветствует N частей деления раппорта рисунка. 2 фиг.

24-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060116528T2

26-08-1981 дата публикации

Measuring dimensions of body.

Номер: GB0002069690A

An apparatus for measuring the size of the whole or a specified portion of a human body or like body comprises at least one light projecting means for projecting rays, light receiving means opposed to the light projecting means for receiving rays therefrom to detect an actual-size silhouette pattern of the body, a floor portion provided between the light projecting means and the light receiving means for positioning the body thereon, and a rotary member for rotating the two means around the body relative thereto intermittently through a small angle at a time while holding the two means opposed to each other. Measurements of the body can be taken by the apparatus automatically, rapidly and with the desired accuracy without permitting direct contact of any measuring element with the body.

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403916T

25-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321848B

09-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002359513C

A method of garment fitting, selection and creation is provided. The invention provides for the scanning of an individual to provide a photo-realistic virtual 3-D image of the individual in a physically simulated 3-D garment and provides for the use of measurements of the individual to intelligently recommend garments, produce patterns for custom made garments, provide alteration suggestions to fit a garment to the particular individual. The measurements and the photo- realistic 3-D information is stored so that an individual does not need to re-input information or undergo multiple scans, and can shop from home using the previously obtained information profile. Measurements and suggestions can be used by the individual or automatically sent to a manufacturer, dressmaker or tailor for the creation or alteration of a garment to achieve a correct fit for the individual.

13-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002202196C

The present invention is a system and method for custom tailoring and manufacturing apparel by using numerous try-on apparels of differing, pre-de termined dimensions to make a finished product. A system is used to keep track of the number of try-on apparels and each of their dimensions. As a consumer tries on one of these try-on apparels, a device associated with the system i s used to collect the consumer's responses about fit. If one try-on apparel does no t fit, the system suggest a next one to try, according to pre-defined rules. When a particular try-on apparel's fit has been approved for purchase by the consum er, this is reported to a manufacturing system, where a piece of apparel correspondin g tothe dimensions of the approved try-on apparel is cut , stitched, treated, and shipped as a finished apparel.

02-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002311714C

A measuring tag for releasable securement to a garment belt to facilitate the cutting of the belt to a desired size. The belt has a buckle including a throat for releasably clamping a first end of the belt to it. The tag is an elongated planar member whose periphery includes a top edge, a bottom edge, and a pair of longitudinally extending side edges. The top edge has an ear folded back over itself to form a socket having a stop surface against which a first end portion of the belt abuts. The ear and the first end of the belt are releasably received in the throat of the buckle. The measuring tag also includes a surface, e.g., the rear, on which measuring indicia are provided. That indicia is a longitudinally extending size chart including a pair of side-by-side rulers showing belt sizes in inches and pant sizes in inches. The tag is formed of a material which is severable at various locations along the indicia to sever it and the portion of the belt at that location, whereupon the remaining ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000023168U

Спосіб безконтактного вимірювання розмірних ознак фігури людини полягає в отриманні фотографічних образів фігури людини, з яких за антропометричними точками знімають поперечні та подовжні проекційні виміри, характеризуючи антропоморфні особливості зовнішньої форми тіла людини. Поруч з фотографованою людиною розміщують контрольний об'єкт у вигляді квадрата паперу розміром 10х10 см, та розраховують охватні розміри.

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000046966 A

Спосіб визначення ергономічних показників якості конструкції плечових швейних виробів полягає у визначенні кута відведення рук людини і величини переміщення певних конструктивних ліній (лінії грудей, талії, стегон, низу виробу та рукава). Визначають максимальний кут відведення рук при зафіксованих ділянках низу виробу та рукавів виробу і незафіксованих з наступним визначенням співвідношення відповідних величин кутів відведення рук та величину переміщення низу рукавів при відведенні рук на кут 180°. Пристрій для здійснення способу містить змонтовану на основі вертикальну раму, яка несе регульований по висоті щит зі шкалами величин кутових переміщень рук і щит лінійних переміщень низу виробу та фіксатори тулуба і ніг. Шкали величин кутових переміщень рук розміщені на двох щитах, виконаних стійко рухомими по горизонталі.

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000009370U

Пристрій для вимірювання параметрів голови містить рознімне кільце із замком та шарнірним з'єднанням, в якому із визначеним кутовим кроком розташовані отвори для датчиків координат, рухомі датчики координат із фіксуючими гвинтами та контактними елементами; опорні рухомі горизонтальні градуйовані датчики координат із контактними елементами. Додатково містить вертикальний опорний градуйований датчик та механізм зміни положення напрямку вимірювального кільця відносно горизонталі, що складається із фіксуючої дуги і вимірювача кута нахилу вимірювального кільця.

15-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000038944A

Изобретение относится к швейному производству. Устройство для определения антропометрических характеристик фигуры человека содержит центральные продольные элементы, продольный элемент проймы, поперечные элементы - плечевой, шейный и установленные горизонтально - фиксаторы в области груди и талии, установленные в месте перекрещивания продольных и поперечных элементов. Шейный и плечевой поперечные элементы в одном месте жестко соединены, дополнительно содержит боковой продольный элемент, поперечные элементы переднего и заднего углов подмышечной впадины, глубины подмышечной впадины, выступов живота и ягодиц, поперечный элемент нижней талии, гибкую прозрачную пластину, с нанесенными на ней продольным и поперечным уровнями, которая жестко закреплена на грудном поперечном элементе и центральном продольном элементе с возможностью передвижения вдоль последнего.

25-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000047672U

Устройство для определения антропометрических характеристик фигуры человека в динамике содержит смонтированную на основании вертикальную стойку с поперечной штангой, на которой закреплены средства для измерений длины рук. Вертикальная стойка имеет градуированный шарнир с фиксатором, который обеспечивает наклоны стойки вперед-назад и (или) вправо-влево на заданные углы относительно вертикали. На концах поперечной штанги с помощью градуированных шарниров с фиксаторами крепятся верхние планки, которые могут осуществлять пространственные движения в двух плоскостях на заданные углы относительно поперечной штанги. При этом к нижним концам верхних планок с помощью градуированных шарниров с фиксаторами присоединены нижние планки, которые могут осуществлять движения назад относительно верхней планки с заданными углами отклонения.

25-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000053834U

Способ преобразования конструкции женской юбки в конструкцию брюк включает разработку общей конструкции тазового участка обоих изделий, которая состоит из передней и задней частей. Конструкцию разрабатывают из модулей конструкции прямой юбки. При этом модули конструкции передней и задней частей брюк достраивают по схемам приростов в соответствующих конструктивных точках.

25-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000088030U

Способ бесконтактного измерения проекционных размерных признаков фигуры человека, который заключается в фотографировании человека, рядом с которым размещают контрольный объект в виде квадрата бумаги размером 10×10 см, кроме того, на фотографическое изображение человека накладывают чертеж абриса фигуры человека и соответствующего контрольного объекта, построенные в САПР одежды, масштабируют с помощью контрольных объектов и перемещают соответствующие точки абриса для достижения пропорций человека на фото.

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000078250C2

Запропоновано мірчий жіночий жакет і спосіб його застосовування. Поверхня жакета розчленована по вертикальних лініях бічних швів, лінії напівзаносу й лініях плечових швів на три основні частини - ліву й праву пілочки й спинку. Основні частини жакета розчленовані по вертикальних та горизонтальних лініях на окремі деталі. Додаткові членування поверхні жакета, спинки з її кокеткою й кокеток пілочок виконані по лініях плечових швів, вертикальних лініях опуклостей лопаток, середній лінії й лініях опуклостей грудних залоз. Основні частини та їхні деталі з'єднуються між собою по лініях членування шляхом зшивання й за допомогою відомих застібок з мірчими стрічками й направляючими хомутиками. Мірчий жакет потрібного розміру надягають на жінку та припасовують до її фігури. Відхилення від типових мірок, розміри розхилів виточок фіксують мірчими стрічками.

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000063491A

Спосіб визначення координат точок поверхні манекена здійснюється за допомогою градуйованої платформи з манекеном, що обертається, приводів для обертання манекена та переміщення вертикального стержня, механізму фіксування координат точок. Координати точок поверхні манекена - кут повороту манекена, величина переміщення вертикального стержня з механізмом ролика, відстань від поверхні манекена до осі обертання манекена - фіксуються трьома датчиками, які передають отримані значення на ЕОМ, після чого будується цифрова модель поверхні манекена.

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000036954U

Пристрій для нанесення антропогеодезичної сітки та паралелізації площин фотозйомки складається з робочої вертикальної площини, що розміщена на стійці. Вертикальна робоча площина виготовлена з перфорованої пластини, що має можливість регулювання за висотою, та додатково оснащена двома перфорованими пластинами із зазором між ними, в яких перпендикулярно розташовані спиці з можливістю зворотно-поступального руху. Спиці з одного боку мають елемент, що фарбує. Стійка додатково оснащена напрямною, рівнем та елементами регулювання рівня.

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000057751C2

Запропонований спосіб виміру фігури людини, при якому визначають основні антропометричні точки, розмічають їх на поверхні фігури людини, прокладають сантиметрову стрічку між двома антропометричними точками та знімають кожну розмірну ознаку. Додатково вимірюють не менше двох розмірних ознак, сполучених однією антропометричною точкою, сантиметровою стрічкою зі шкалою, на якій точка відліку “0” розташована в центрі стрічки з відліком в обидві сторони.

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000020678U

Пристрій для вимірювання параметрів грудних залоз жінок містить бюстгальтер, що складається з двох чашок, стану та двох бретелей. Чашки містять деталі, що мають мірні стрічки у вигляді текстильної застібки. Лінії членування чашки взаємно перпендикулярні і проходять через найбільш виступаючу точку грудних залоз. Передня частина стану виконана у вигляді мірної стрічки. Бічні частини стану ззаду з'єднані між собою за допомогою мірної стрічки.

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000025779U

Пристрій для визначення динамічних ефектів обхватних розмірних ознак тіла людини містить сантиметрову стрічку, нерухомі стрічки, застібки, стрічку з еластичної тканини, шкалу вимірювання, фіксатор.

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Customized sock and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN0108741249A

13-06-2007 дата публикации

Method for defining back-turndown-collar periphery line length

Номер: CN0001977703A

17-08-2005 дата публикации

Method and device for viewing, archiving and transmitting a garment model over a computer network

Номер: CN0001655700A

14-06-2019 дата публикации

Garment design method

Номер: CN0109875166A

28-07-1993 дата публикации

Quick cutting out method for fashionable dress olfting cloth without calculation

Номер: CN0001074595A

The invented method for quick cutting out garment uses a garment drawing lofting rule tool whereon the practice size are carved on every face for the standard and position of garments and the sketch picture of using the rule tool. It does not need to remender the cutting out formula forealculation and paper sample. As the rule straight and cross laying down once, the basic model structure of various standard and various class fashional dresses can be constructed quick, correctly and directly on the cloth stuff. It is easy to learn and practise, and operation is convenient, so this technology is favourable for development and popularity.

24-10-2007 дата публикации

Shape factor method for quantizing human shape and measuring device thereof

Номер: CN0100344243C

26-11-2014 дата публикации

Tailor ruler for dark color shell fabric

Номер: CN0203952550U

24-05-1957 дата публикации

Process facilitating the industrial clothes industry of clothing and means for its realization

Номер: FR0001137171A

24-03-1954 дата публикации

Device for the catch of measurements per tailor

Номер: FR0001059400A

22-05-1926 дата публикации

Apparatus being used to take with precision measurements on the human body for the cut of clothing of ladies and Sirs

Номер: FR0000605252A

30-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002948272B1
Принадлежит: DECATHLON

15-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002790647A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de définition anthropométrique destiné à permettre la construction ultérieure d'un patron pour pièces de vêtement en vue d'habiller notamment un corps humain, selon lequel on procède à une analyse anthropométrique pour que les résultats de cette dernière constituent une base de données variables pour un moyen informatique de création du dit patron. Selon l'invention, on détermine sur le corps un jeu de lignes fondamentales horizontales et verticales variables, puis on procède à un relevé de la posture, de la conformation et de la corpulence du corps, de manière à établir l'ensemble des valeurs inter-relationnelles reliant un corps et la structure d'un vêtement.

29-04-1926 дата публикации

Apparatus of catch of measurements for tailors

Номер: FR0000604121A

24-12-1952 дата публикации

Apparatuses to facilitate the cut of clothing

Номер: FR0001017985A

02-04-1952 дата публикации

Device for the clothes industry of owners

Номер: FR0001004786A

26-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002490465A


05-04-1955 дата публикации

Ribbon of measurement for the enlarging or the reduction of owners of seam

Номер: FR0001090935A

21-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002475884A1

05-07-1955 дата публикации

Process for the realization of clothing to measure and apparatuses for the setting enoeuvre of this process or similar process

Номер: FR0001097400A

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Internal measurement collection system and method of using same

Номер: US20120316827A1
Принадлежит: Shoefitr Inc

A system for measuring dimensions and/or other internal properties of a shoe, garment or other object of interest is described. The system includes a fixture having a measurement tip. When the tip is placed inside of the object of interest, a processor collects positional data from the fixture to develop a three-dimensional model of the interior of the object. If the measurement tip includes one or more pressure sensors, the processor may collect pressure data and use the pressure data to include stretch properties in the three-dimensional model.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Sizing Wheel for Medical Undergarments

Номер: US20130152847A1
Принадлежит: Medline industries, Inc.

A device () for determining an appropriately sized medical undergarment for a wearer includes a housing () and a wheel (). A first body mass index factor alignment indicator () can be aligned with a first body mass index factor, such as weight of a wearer, thereby revealing color coded symbols () aligned with a plurality of second body mass factor alignment indicators (). A user selects the appropriate size by determining which color is aligned with a second body mass factor alignment indicator of the wearer. An optional second side () of the device () can be used to determine an appropriate type of medical undergarment based upon urinary output, wearer mobility, or combinations thereof. 1. A device for determining an appropriately sized medical undergarment , comprising:an exterior member having a first side and a second side, each of the first side and the second side defining at least two apertures;an inner member coupled to the exterior member so as to be pivotally movable within the exterior member;a first wearer measurement alignment indicator disposed on the exterior member adjacent to a first aperture;a plurality of second wearer measurement alignment indicators disposed on the exterior member adjacent to a second aperture;a plurality of first wearer measurements disposed about the inner member so as to be at least partially visible through the first aperture;a plurality of color-coded symbols disposed about the inner member so as to be at least partially visible through the second aperture, with each color representing a different size of medical undergarment;wherein when a first wearer measurement is aligned with the first wearer measurement alignment indicator, a corresponding plurality of color-coded sizing symbols become visibly aligned with the plurality of second wearer measurement alignment indicators, thereby indicating the appropriately sized medical undergarment for each of the plurality of second wearer measurement alignment indicators.2. The ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227847A1
Автор: Peake Ellise

The present invention relates generally to an alternative apparel sizing system and method that replaces the current numerical sizing system with descriptive affirmations. More particularly, the present invention, through the use of the descriptive affirmations, will provide the clothes shopping consumer a more positive shopping experience by improving their overall self-image and psychological well-being. 1. A method of replacing traditional size designations comprising the steps of:selecting a traditional size designation corresponding to an article of clothing;selecting a descriptive affirmation;assigning the descriptive affirmation to the traditional size designation corresponding to an article of clothing; andproviding the article of clothing with the descriptive affirmation corresponding to the traditional size designation for an article of clothing wherein the descriptive affirmation forms a part of the article of clothing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the traditional size designation corresponding to an article of clothing is numerical.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the descriptive affirmation is a combination of words.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the descriptive affirmation is a combination of words and pictograms.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the assigned descriptive affirmation to the traditional size designation is located in an alternative sizing chart.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:fabricating a tag with the descriptive affirmation corresponding to the traditional size designation for an article of clothing.7. An alternative sizing chart for an article of clothing claim 1 , comprisinga first set having at least one traditional size designation corresponding to an article of clothing; anda second set having at least one descriptive affirmation.8. The alternative sizing chart according to claim 7 , wherein the at least one traditional size designation corresponding to an ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Shaped Fit Sizing System

Номер: US20130312273A1
Автор: Tulin Kris
Принадлежит: LEVI STRAUSS & CO.

A revolutionary, new sizing and fitting system for jeans is based on the concept of shape, not size. This sizing and fitting system is organized around some basic body shapes categories: e.g., slight curve (straighter figure, flatter fanny), demi curve (evenly proportioned hip and seat) and bold curve (smaller waist, larger seat). To use the system, the consumer finds their shape using a shape measuring tool. The shape measuring tool calculates a shape category based on a differential of two measurements in the seat area. With this shape category information, the consumer can easily locate a pair of form-fitting jeans. The sizing and fitting system is also applicable to pants, shorts, skirts, and other clothing where form fit is desirable in the seat and hip area. 1a first sizing classification for pants, corresponding to fit for a first differential value between first and second body measurements in a first range, wherein the first body measurement is at a first position of a person, and the second body measurement is at a second position relative to first position;a second sizing classification for pants, corresponding to fit for a second differential value between first and second body measurements in a second range; anda third sizing classification for pants, corresponding to fit for a third differential value between first and second body measurements in a third range,wherein first pants of a given size in the first sizing classification has a first girth measurement at a first position at a first distance below a top of the pants,second pants of the given size in the second sizing classification has a second girth measurement at the first position at the first distance below the top of the pants,third pants of the given size in the third sizing classification has a third girth measurement at the first position at the first distance below the top of the pants, andthe first, second, and third girth measurements of the pants is about the same,wherein first pants ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparel with sensor and methods of making the same

Номер: US20140090146A1
Принадлежит: adidas AG

An item of clothing that includes a first textile area that is suitable to receive at least one sensor, a second textile area, and a third textile area, which is arranged at least partially between the first and second textile areas. The third textile area is provided such that when the item of clothing is worn it isolates at least one motion between the first textile area and the second textile area, so that a sensor or sensors remain substantially fixed in relation to an area of a subjacent organ of a wearer of the item of clothing.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000190A1
Автор: Froloff Walt

Garment with a hood providing a wearer with hood embedded peripheral viewing capability and without compromising a wearer's protection from the elements is presented. Provides hood wearer protection from image recording surveillance state by offering a hoodie with peripheral viewing without exposing a wearer's face, without complicated side flaps, snaps or accessory caps, visors and/or bills. 1. A garment with a hood having embedded peripheral viewing comprising:a garment with fabric material hood for covering a wearers head, hood having a face opening, roughly two lateral sides, top and a back component contiguous with and connecting the sides;the hood having embedded side view ports on each lateral side of the hood;each hood lateral side having at least one embedded view port being more or less similar in construction and shape, positioned for more or less at wearer's eye level viewing and having at least one effective width of between 1 mm to 20 cm and a length measured at least 1 mm from a hood face edge and extending towards the rear or back of the hood with a length of between 1 mm and 30 cm, andthe lateral side view port edges having flexible support on the port edges to resist hood material from tearing through regular use,whereby the hood garment wearer has hood unobstructed view to the front and sides as the hood protects a wearer's head and face while wearing the hooded garment.2. Garment with a hood as in further comprising embedded side view ports having stitched port edges for strengthening the side view port in a hoods fabric.3. Garment with a hood as in further comprising embedded side view ports having reinforced patch coupled to the port edges for strengthening the side view port structural stability in a hood fabric.4. Garment with a hood as in further embedded side view ports having grommet-like coupled port edges for strengthening the side view port integrity.5. Garment with a hood as in further comprising a side view port having transparent ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008502A1

Apparel patterns may be generated as a function of custom apparel information provided by a user, such as one or more measurements, colors, etc., such that the user can have apparel custom-knitted to their particular size and shape without having to acquiesce the high expense and long wait times typically associated with custom-fit clothing. After a custom apparel pattern is generated, a custom-knitted article can be manufactured based on the pattern by transmitting appropriate information to a knitting machine. Data produced while generating custom apparel patterns can be stored and used to optimize and improve the manufacturing of customized knitwear for subsequent users. Further, such data can be shared with third parties such that manufacturers or others can utilize one or more beneficial aspects of the present disclosure without having to implement all of the functionality that would otherwise be required to obtain such benefits. 1. (canceled)2. A method of manufacturing a knitted article , the method comprising:receiving apparel information from a user at an apparel apparatus, the apparel apparatus being interfaced with a plurality of knitting machines;receiving capability information of one or more of the plurality of knitting machines;transmitting one or more of an apparel pattern based on the received apparel information, information associated with the apparel pattern, and information derived from the apparel pattern to a knitting machine to cause the knitting machine to make the knitted article.3. The method of wherein the capability information includes information representing shaping capabilities of the one or more knitting machines.4. The method of further comprising selecting the knitting machine from the plurality of knitting machines based on the capability information.5. The method of further comprising receiving additional information selected from a group consisting of knitting machine availability information claim 2 , knitting machine location ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and System for Automatic Garment Fit Customization

Номер: US20180012385A1
Автор: Bong Ouk CHOI, Wonseop LEE
Принадлежит: Physan inc

A method for automatic garment fit customization is provided. The method comprising steps for generating a garment by creating two-dimensional (2D) panels, in which the garment comprises a plurality of garment landmarks (GLMs) and a plurality of garment landmark lines (GLLs), which are key locations and lines on a surface of the garment, simulating draping of the garment on a reference body, where the reference body comprises body landmarks (BLMs) and body landmark lines (BLLs), performing a fit evaluation and calculating misfit measures comprising landmark (LM) misfits, landmark line (LL) misfits, and circumferential misfits, performing a fit adjustment for panel alteration operations modifying some of the 2D panels based on the fit evaluation, performing draping simulation with the modified 2D panels, and repeating until the misfit measures fall within a predetermined criterion and determining customized 2D panels that fit the reference body.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015629A1
Автор: Abe Daisuke

A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus including a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece, the cut data generating apparatus comprising: a controller, the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to: identify a size of an original pattern to be cut; judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece; divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece; and generate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns, determine whether at least one of the plural divided patterns divided falls within one workpiece along with another divided pattern, and generate cut data for cutting the divided patterns from one workpiece in case at least one of the divided patterns falls within one workpiece along with another divided pattern. 1. A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus comprising a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece , the cut data generating apparatus comprising:a controller,the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to:identify a size of an original pattern to be cut;judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece;divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece;determine whether at least one of the plural divided patterns falls within one workpiece along with another divided pattern; andgenerate cut data for cutting the divided patterns from one workpiece in case at least one of the divided patterns falls within one workpiece along with another divided pattern.2. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 1 ,the controller being ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Computer-Implemented Method For Designing A Garment Or Upholstery By Defining Sequences Of Assembly Tasks

Номер: US20180020756A1

A computer-implemented method for designing a virtual garment or upholstery in a three-dimensional scene comprising the steps of: a) providing a three-dimensional manikin, a set of pattern parts of said virtual garment or upholstery and a set of seam specification; b) receiving from a user a plurality of declarations of assembly tasks (A, B, C, D, D, E, E, E, F) for assembling the garment or upholstery; c) receiving from the user at least a declaration of a partial ordering relationship between two or more of said assembly tasks; d) executing said tasks according to said partial ordering relationship, each task changing a state of the garment or upholstery under assembly; characterized in that it further comprises a step of: e) while executing the tasks, generating a tree data structure comprising nodes linked by directed arcs, each node being associated to a state of the garment or upholstery and each arc being associated to an assembly task. A computer program product, non-volatile computer-readable data-storage medium and Computer Aided Design system for carrying out such a method. Application of the method to the manufacturing of a garment or upholstery. 1. A computer-implemented method for designing a virtual garment (GR) or upholstery in a three-dimensional scene comprising the steps of:{'b': 1', '14', '1', '7, 'a) providing a three-dimensional manikin (MK) in the three-dimensional scene, a set of pattern parts (P-P) of said virtual garment or upholstery and a set of seam specification, a seam (S-S) including a set of distance constraints between pairs of points of two pattern part edges to be stitched together;'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '21', '22', '2, 'b) receiving as inputs from a user a plurality of declarations of assembly tasks (A, B, C, D, D, E, E, E, F) for assembling the garment or upholstery;'}c) receiving as an input from the user at least a declaration of a partial ordering relationship between two or more of said assembly tasks;{'b': 0', '3', '41', '42 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Garment with Finishing Pattern Created by Laser

Номер: US20190021427A1

A garment includes a finishing pattern created by a laser. The garment can be a pair of jeans or other denim garment. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired wear pattern or other design. A technique includes determining a fabric's response to a laser, capturing an initial image of a wear pattern on a garment, and processing the initial image to obtain a working image in grayscale. The working image is further processed to obtain a difference image by comparing each pixel relative to a dark reference. The difference image is converted to a laser values image by using the previously determined fabric response to the laser. 1. A garment comprising:fabric panels made from a woven first material comprising a warp comprising dyed cotton yarn, wherein the fabric panels are sewn together using thread; andan outer surface of the garment comprises a finishing pattern created by a laser based on a laser input file, wherein the laser input file comprises digital data that is representative of a finishing pattern from an existing garment made from a second material, the first material comprises a different fabric characteristic from the second material, and the laser input file is created bycapturing a target image of the finishing pattern from the existing garment of the second material, anddetermining values for the laser input file that will result in a finishing pattern on the first material to obtain an appearance similar to the target image of the finishing pattern from the existing garment of the second material, wherein the determining values for the laser input file comprisesselecting a dark reference in the target image of the finishing pattern from the existing garment of the second material,for a pixel in the target image, calculating a difference value between a pixel value and the dark reference, andstoring a difference value in the laser input file, wherein the laser input file comprises a reverse image compared to the target image. ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Highly Custom and Scalable Design System and Method for Articles of Manufacture

Номер: US20190026406A1

A method to shorten the time from design to manufacture, includes providing a dynamic design interface for execution on a computing device, receiving a selection of an article of manufacture, and additional design input from the user specifying color, text, and graphics and placement on the article of manufacture, and dynamically generating a production-ready design file reflecting the selected article of manufacture and each of the additional design input from the user. The production-ready design file is dynamically converted to a 2-dimensional image file, which is dynamically applied to the 3-dimensional model representation for display via the dynamic design interface. The user may easily rotate the 3-dimensional model to see all sides of the design. The production-ready design file can be used as instructions to directly print the design on the article of manufacture. 1. A method , comprising:receiving a request for a dynamic design interface web page from a computing device via a global communication network;transmitting the dynamic design interface web page to the computing device, the dynamic design interface web page being configured to receive user design input for a design and dynamically render and display the design on a 3-dimensional model representation;receiving a first selection from the user selecting an article of manufacture;receiving a second selection from the user selecting a design template of the selected article of manufacture;receiving additional design inputs from the user specifying at least one graphic design element and its placement on the article of manufacture;receiving at least one color design input from the user and specifying its placement on the article of manufacture;receiving at least one text design input from the user and specifying its placement on the article of manufacture;automatically and dynamically generating and updating a production-ready design file reflecting each of the design inputs from the user;automatically ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Highly Custom and Scalable Design System and Method for Articles of Manufacture

Номер: US20190026407A1

A method to shorten the time from design to manufacture, includes providing a dynamic design interface for execution on a computing device, receiving a selection of an article of manufacture, and additional design input from the user specifying color, text, and graphics and placement on the article of manufacture, and dynamically generating a production-ready design file reflecting the selected article of manufacture and each of the additional design input from the user. The production-ready design file is dynamically converted to a 2-dimensional image file, which is dynamically applied to the 3-dimensional model representation for display via the dynamic design interface. The user may easily rotate the 3-dimensional model to see all sides of the design. The production-ready design file can be used as instructions to directly print the design on the article of manufacture. 1. A method , comprising:receiving a request for a dynamic design interface web page from a computing device;transmitting the dynamic design interface web page to the computing device, the dynamic design interface web page being configured to receive user design input for a design and dynamically render and display the design on a 3-dimensional model representation;receiving a first selection from the user selecting an article of manufacture;receiving a second selection from the user selecting a design template of the selected article of manufacture;receiving design inputs from the user specifying at least one of color and its placement on the article of manufacture, text and its placement on the article of manufacture, and a graphics file containing a graphics design element and its placement on the article of manufacture;transmitting, in real-time, the 3-dimensional model representation of the selected design template of the selected article manufacture modified with the uploaded design element and user design inputs to the computing device for display via the dynamic design interface web page; ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114620A1

Methods, systems, and media for interactive garment modeling and editing are provided. In some embodiments, a method for designing garments is provided, the method comprising: receiving a pattern template comprising a plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements for designing a garment; simultaneously displaying the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and a three-dimensional draped model, wherein the three-dimensional draped model is a simulated representation of the two-dimensional pattern elements stitched together; receiving an alteration command to at least a portion of one of: a pattern element of the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped model; in response to receiving the alteration command, determining sensitivity information for predicting changes to the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped model; and simultaneously updating the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped model based at least in part on the determined sensitivity information. 1. A method for designing garments , the method comprising:receiving a pattern template comprising a plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements for designing a garment;simultaneously displaying the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and a three-dimensional draped model, wherein the three-dimensional draped model is a simulated representation of the two-dimensional pattern elements stitched together;receiving an alteration command to at least a portion of one of: a pattern element of the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped model;in response to receiving the alteration command, determining sensitivity information for predicting changes to the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped model; andsimultaneously updating the plurality of two-dimensional pattern elements and the three-dimensional draped ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042322A1

The present invention relates to methods of generating a shape description from digital image acquisition for a patient body part or body area of interest and use of such shape description. Such shape description includes geometric information from which measurement information can optionally be derived. Included herein are methods for diagnosing and monitoring edema and other conditions in patients using shape descriptions acquired from a patient in need of such diagnosis and monitoring. The invention also includes use of the generated shape descriptions to make compression garments specifically configured for a patient's body part or body area. Compression garments generated from the shape descriptions are also included herein. 1. A method for making a compression garment comprising:a) selecting a body part or body area of interest in a patient in need of compression thereby, the body part or body area having a surface morphology of that patient;b) acquiring digital images of the selected body part or body area; i) the processing of the digital images comprises generating shape description information for the selected body part or body area;', 'ii) the generated shape description information comprises geometric information for the selected body part or body area, the geometric information being associated with the surface morphology of the selected body part or body area of the patient; and', 'iii) measurement information for the selected body part or body area can optionally be derived from the shape description information;, 'c) processing the digital images by a computing device, whereind) providing at least one compression gradient value identified as therapeutically appropriate to provide compression therapy to the patient when the at least one compression gradient value is incorporated into a compression garment fabricated from the shape description information or the optional measurement information; ande) fabricating the compression garment from the shape ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus to Provide A Clothing Model

Номер: US20170046769A1

A method and apparatus to provide a depiction of a garment model of a body shape is described. The garment model takes into account the visual and mechanical characteristics of the fabric, as well as the drape of the fabric on a body shape. 1. A method of transforming a garment into a garment model and rendering a depiction of the garment , comprising:obtaining a plurality of measurements of the garment;creating the garment model for simulation, the garment model including a simulation model defining mechanical properties of the garment, and a rendering model including the fabric visual characteristics; andgenerating a depiction of the garment model on a body shape.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the body shape includes a plurality of landmarks claim 1 , the landmarks defining locations to which guide points on the pattern are associated.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a location of a landmark of the plurality of landmarks is selected based on measurements of the body shape.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting a pose for the body shape, for the depiction, based on the measurements of the body shape.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the garment pattern has a plurality of sets of guide points claim 1 , when the garment has a plurality of wearing configurations.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the plurality of measurements of the garment comprises one of:receiving a computer aided design (CAD) data set and where adjustment is required adjusting the CAD data based on actual measurements,non-destructive acquisition by taking a plurality of high definition photographs of the garment to define each panel and connection, anddestructive measurement by cutting apart the garment to define each panel and connection.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein adjusting the CAD data comprises:determining systematic differences between the CAD data and measured data from the garment; andcharacterizing the systematic differences to create data for the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170046830A1
Автор: Zhao Gang

The present invention provides a method and a device for processing an image of an upper garment, helpful to improve a user's experience during virtual fitting. The method for processing an image of an upper garment in the present invention comprises setting a collar image having an upper edge, a connecting line of two endpoints of which is in the horizontal direction, the distance between the two endpoints being equal to the distance between two end portions at a notch on a rear collar in a picture of upper garment without the rear collar, and the upper edge being in left-right axial symmetry and is convex or concave at a preset height or depth, overlaying the image of the upper garment without the rear collar on an upper layer of the neckline image, and superposing the two ends of the collar with the two endpoints of the upper edge. 1. A method for processing an image of an upper garment , characterized by comprising:setting a neckline image, the neckline image having an upper edge, a line connecting two endpoints of which is in the horizontal direction, a distance between the two endpoints being equal to a distance between two ends of the collar at the notch on a rear collar in a picture of upper garment without the rear collar, and the upper edge being in left-right axial symmetry and is convex or concave at a preset height or depth;overlaying the image of the upper garment without the rear collar on an upper layer of the neckline image, and superposing the two ends of the collar with the two endpoints of the upper edge.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the neckline image has four edges claim 1 , wherein segment between two endpoints of the lower edge is parallel to segment between two endpoints of the upper edge claim 1 , and a line connecting midpoints of the two segments is vertical to the two segments.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the step of setting the neckline image comprises:scanning, line by line, ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052028A1

According to an embodiment, the invention relates to a computer implemented method for grading a pattern from a first size to a second size, the pattern comprising one or more panels, the method comprising the steps of a representation step comprising representing each panel of the one or more panels by a contour, wherein a contour comprises one or more segments, a constraint step comprising imposing constraints on segments for grading to the second size; generating a mesh of each panel of the one or more panels thereby obtaining a first set of meshes; combining the first set of meshes with the constraints into a system of equations; solving the system of equations into a second set of meshes, wherein the contours of the second meshes correspond to the pattern in the second size and representing the contours of the second set of meshes. 113.-. (canceled)14. A computer implemented method for grading a pattern suitable for fabricating a garment from a first size to a second size , the pattern comprising one or more panels , a panel comprising a two-dimensional closed domain , the method comprising the steps of:a first representation step comprising representing each panel of the one or more panels by a contour enclosing its respective closed domain, wherein a contour comprises one or more segments;a constraint step comprising imposing one or more constraints on one or more segments of a contour for grading to the second size;generating a mesh of each panel of the one or more panels thereby obtaining a first set of meshes;combining the first set of meshes with the constraints into a system of equations;solving the system of equations into a second set of meshes, wherein the contours of the second meshes correspond to the pattern in the second size; andrepresenting the contours of the second set of meshes.15. The computer implemented method according to claim 14 , representing the contours of the second set of meshes further comprising approximating the contours by ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Virtual prototyping integrated electronics in apparel using physiologic-enabled avatar

Номер: US20180064394A1
Автор: Eric Lewallen
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Systems, apparatuses and methods incorporate biometric testing and standards, textile standards, processor specifications and conductive fabric specifications to provide a way to efficiently design and produce technology embedded garments and/or apparel. The systems, apparatuses and methods may provide a design visualizer to retrieve specifications for conductive materials, decorative materials, sensors, design patterns and physiological models to design and produce technology embedded garments and/or apparel to monitor one or more biosignals. Using the design visualizer, the design patterns may be edited and/or refined to position the sensors to increase (e.g. maximize) performance of the sensors and/or accuracy of the sensors measurements and biosignals measurements, and reduce (e.g., minimize) the number of sensors. Additionally, the design visualizer may provide a visual heat map and overlay of positions and zones that identify recommended positions to locate the sensors based on one or more physiological models.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Pattern Filling in Garment Pieces

Номер: US20210076765A1
Принадлежит: Adobe Inc.

In implementations of pattern filling in garment pieces, a pattern filling system represents a first garment piece as a first curve and a second garment piece as a second curve. The system determines a relationship between the first garment piece and the second garment piece by comparing the first curve and the second curve. The pattern filling system generates a visually pleasing fill pattern for the first garment piece and the second garment piece based on the determined relationship. 1. In a digital medium environment for automatic pattern filling in garment pieces , a method implemented by a computing device , the method comprising:representing, by the computing device, a first garment piece as a first curve based on a centroid of the first garment piece and vectors from the centroid of the first garment piece to a boundary of the first garment piece;representing, by the computing device, a second garment piece as a second curve based a centroid of the second garment piece and vectors from the centroid of the second garment piece to a boundary of the second garment piece;identifying, by the computing device, a relationship between the first and second garment pieces by comparing the first curve and the second curve; andgenerating, by the computing device, a fill pattern for the first and second garment pieces based on the relationship.2. The method as described in claim 1 , wherein generating the fill pattern is based on a number complete objects that fit between a reference point on the first garment piece and a reference point on the second garment piece claim 1 , the reference point on the first garment piece and the reference point on the second garment piece equally spaced from an adjacent portion of the first and second garment pieces.3. The method as described in claim 2 , wherein the adjacent portion of the first and second garment pieces is determined based on the relationship.4. The method as described in claim 1 , wherein the first curve is identical ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075636A1
Автор: Harvill Young

Techniques for generating and using digital markups on digital images are presented. In an embodiment, a method comprises receiving, at an electronic device, a digital layout image that represents a form of a product for manufacturing a reference product; generating a digital markup layout by overlaying the digital markup image over the digital layout image; based on the digital markup layout, generating one or more manufacturing files comprising digital data for manufacturing the reference product; receiving a digital reference image of the reference product manufactured based on the one or more manufacturing files; identifying one or more found markup regions in the digital reference image; based on the found markup regions, generating a geometry map and an interactive asset image; based on, at least in part, the geometry map, generating a customized product image by applying a user pattern to the interactive asset image. 1. A computer implemented method comprising:receiving, at an electronic device, a digital reference image of a reference product that has been manufactured based on, at least in part, one or more manufacturing files;identifying one or more found markup regions in the digital reference image;determining a region mapping that maps one or more of one or more reference markup regions to the one or more found markup regions;based on, at least in part, the region mapping, generating a geometry map;generating an interactive asset image by removing the one or more found markup regions from the digital reference image;based on, at least in part, the region mapping and the geometry map, generating a customized product image by applying a user pattern to the interactive asset image; andcausing the customized product image to be displayed on a display device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, at the electronic device, a digital markup image that has the one or more reference markup regions, and is associated with a markup identifier; ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150081468A1
Автор: Fenimore Ryan Devin

A measuring garment may be provided. The measuring garment may include at least one measurement marking for determining a measurement for a desired garment dimension. The measuring garment may be used to convey calculate and subsequently convey measurement info to a garment company for producing or providing fitted garments. 1. A measuring shirt device comprising:a shirt having a torso portion, a right arm portion, a left arm portion, a neck portion, and at least one measurement marking, wherein the at least one measurement marking is disposed on at least one of the torso portion, the right arm portion, the left arm portion, or the neck portion.2. The measuring shirt of claim one , wherein the at least one measurement marking includes a ruler and at least one hash mark.3. The measuring shirt of claim two , wherein the at least one hash mark designates a quantified measurement or a general measurement.4. The measuring shirt of claim one , wherein the at least one measurement marking is a line running longitudinally on a portion of the shirt.5. The measuring shirt of claim one , wherein the at least one measurement marking is a line or combination of lines running circumferentially around a portion of the shirt.6. The measuring shirt of claim one , further comprising at least two measurement markings , wherein at least one of the at least two measurement markings is a line running longitudinally on a portion of the shirt and at least one of the at least two measurement markings is a line or combination of lines running circumferentially around a portion of the shirt.7. The measuring shirt of claim one , wherein the shirt includes measurement markings for at least one of a torso length , a left sleeve length , a right sleeve length , a neck size , a chest size , a waist size , a shoulder size , a bicep size , and a wrist size.8. The measuring shirt of claim one , wherein the at least one measurement marking is a grid of lines running longitudinally and ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for Designing Garments Using Garment Graph Programming

Номер: US20180077987A1

A method for define a dress using concepts of programming language is provided, which uses graph instead of language. Although it is graph-based, the internal operation of the method is similar to text-based programming. The method comprises steps for providing a database or an asset for a garment, providing at least one prototype garment for the garment including principal panels, uploading the prototype garment on a graph window by selecting and associating a principal panel from the asset for each part of the garment, selecting from corresponding assets and adding one or more non-principal panels to the principal panels, programming the garment graph by associating one or more predetermined operations to be applied to each of the principal panels based on a fitting-target body, compiling the programmed garment graph and constructing the garment, and displaying the constructed garment as fitted a mannequin in a garment window. 1. A method for designing garments , the method comprising steps for:providing a database or an asset for a garment, wherein the asset comprises a plurality of choices for each of a plurality of operands for the garment;providing at least one prototype garment for the garment including principal panels, wherein the prototype garment is configured to fit a standard body;uploading the prototype garment on a graph window by selecting and associating a principal panel from the asset for each part of the garment so as to construct a garment graph using graphical representations for principal panels or editing the prototype garment by selecting and associating a principal panel from the asset for each part of the garment;selecting from corresponding assets and adding one or more non-principal panels to the principal panels;programming graphically the garment graph by associating one or more predetermined operations to be applied to each of the principal panels based on a fitting-target body;compiling the programmed garment graph and constructing ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods And Systems For Fitting Compression Garments From Digital Imagery

Номер: US20210085529A1

The present disclosure includes methods and systems to generate compression garment fit information from 3D images taken of one or more body parts of a patient indicated for application of compression therapy. The body parts can include legs or arms or other areas. Three-dimensional (“3D”) imaging information can be used to derive compression garment fit information, where the shape description information includes for each body part: tissue compressibility information, outer circumference information, and length information. Comparisons between corresponding body parts on a person can also be conducted. 1) A compression garment customized for a person in need of compression therapy made by the method , comprising: i) selecting a first body part on the person in need of compression therapy;', 'ii) acquiring 3D images of the first body part; and', (1) body part length information;', '(2) outer circumference information for a plurality of body part locations, the outer circumference information comprising body part outer circumferences for corresponding body part locations; and', '(3) tensioned circumference information for each of the plurality of body part locations, the tensioned circumference information comprising body part tensioned circumferences for corresponding body part locations, wherein each of the body part tensioned circumference is smaller than the body part outer circumference at the same corresponding body part location; and, 'iii) processing the 3D images by a computing device, to derive the compression garment fit information, wherein the compression garment fit information is generated from], 'a) providing compression garment fit information for a person in need of compression therapy, wherein the compression garment fit information is generated byb) fabricating a compression garment from the compression garment fit information, thereby generating the compression garment customized for the person in need of compression therapy.2) The compression ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Clothing Sizing Scheme and Clothing Sized Thereto

Номер: US20180084855A1
Автор: Lewis Michael

A scheme associates dimensions of a garment with the height and weight of a wearer. The garments are classified according to a sizing scale based upon the scheme. Garments, such as shirts, manufactured in the various sizes of the sizing scale represent a line of clothing having dimensions associated with body characteristics of weight and height of the wearer. The scheme is based upon measurements of subjects divided into narrow ranges according to body type, and the sizing and dimensional tolerances of the garments are determined so as to provide a complementary fit to the wearer. 1. A scheme for associating a plurality of clothing dimensions with body characteristics of a weight and a height of a wearer , said scheme comprising a plurality of combinations of weight ranges and height ranges , each said dimension having a tolerance variation no greater than +/−0.125 inches.2. The scheme according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said combinations comprises a first slim range wherein said height ranges from 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 10 inches and said weight ranges from 125 lbs to 150 lbs.3. The scheme according to claim 2 , further comprising a second slim range wherein said height ranges from 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 1 inch and said weight ranges from 145 lbs to 175 lbs.4. The scheme according to claim 3 , further comprising a third slim range wherein said height ranges from 6 feet 0 inches to 6 feet 4 inches and said weight ranges from 160 lbs to 190 lbs.5. The scheme according to claim 4 , further comprising a first fit range wherein said height ranges from 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 10 inches and said weight ranges from 145 lbs to 175 lbs.6. The scheme according to claim 5 , further comprising a second fit range wherein said height ranges from 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 1 inch and said weight ranges from 160 lbs to 190 lbs.7. The scheme according to claim 6 , further comprising a third fit range wherein said height ranges from 6 feet 0 inches to 6 feet 4 ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Extraction of body dimensions from planar garment photographs of fitting garments

Номер: US20200090402A1
Принадлежит: eBay Inc, Phisix Inc

Techniques for extraction of body parameters, dimensions and shape of a customer are presented herein. A model descriptive of a garment, a corresponding calibration factor and reference garment shapes can be assessed. A garment shape corresponding to the three-dimensional model can be selected from the reference garment shapes based on a comparison of the three-dimensional model with the reference garment shapes. A reference feature from the plurality of reference features may be associated with the model feature. A measurement of the reference feature may be calculated based on the association and the calibration factor. The computed measurement can be stored in a body profile associated with a user. An avatar can be generated for the user based on the body profile and be used to show or indicate fit of a garment, as well as make fit and size recommendations.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Computer-Implemented Method For Defining Seams Of A Virtual Garment Or Furniture Upholstery

Номер: US20170105468A1

A computer-implemented method defines seams of a virtual garment or upholstery having a plurality of two-dimensional patterns (P) assembled by their edges (E-E). The method arranges said patterns around a three-dimensional avatar (AV). The position of each pattern depends on its situation within the assembled garment or upholstery. Next the method for each edge (E) of each pattern, except edges previously identified as seamless or for which a seam has already been defined: 107. A computer-implemented method for defining seams of a virtual garment or upholstery comprising a plurality of two-dimensional patterns (P) assembled by their edges (E-E) , the method comprising the steps of:a) arranging said patterns around a three-dimensional avatar (AV), the position of each pattern depending on its situation within the assembled garment or upholstery; and{'b': '0', 'claim-text': [{'b': 1', '1', '7, 'b) automatically identifying at least one edge (E-E), called candidate edge, which is suitable to be seamed to it;'}, {'b': 2', '1, 'b) if a plurality of candidate edges have been identified, selecting one of them (E) based on at least one geometric criterion; and'}, {'b': '3', 'b) defining a seam between the edge and the selected, or the only, candidate edge;'}, {'b': 1', '2', '3, 'said steps b), b) and b) being performed automatically by a computer.'}], 'b) for each edge (E) of each pattern, except edges previously identified as seamless21. A method according to wherein said step b) comprising identifying as candidate all the edges which have not been identified as seamless claim 1 , for which no seam has already been defined and having a length equal to that of said edge within a predetermined tolerance.32. A method according to wherein said step b) comprises selecting one candidate edge based on at least one criterion chosen among:minimal distance from said edge;minimal orientation mismatch with said edge;orientation mismatch with said edge lower than a threshold; andthe ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Simulated model comparison

Номер: US20150112648A1
Автор: Khalil Abu Al Rubb
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for comparing the fit of two objects. A request is sent to compare the fit of two objects, a program loads two models, model 1 and model 2, corresponding to the two objects. The program simulates the first model, model 1, being fit inside the second model, model 2. A result of the simulation is saved and the result is reported to a user.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190107391A1

Disclosed is an algorithmic measurement data tool, method and system of tools used to standardize bra cup sizing, that can be useful to women, surgeons, and bra manufacturers to provide consistency and realistic expectations of breast and standardize bra cup sizes. The method utilizes measurement of the breast hemicircumference, used in conjunction with a standardized scale developed according to measurement results obtained from over 5000 patients, to accurately determine the woman's cup size. Tools, such as a slide rule, a software program, and 3D imaging may also be used, establishing the breast hemicircumference, to determine the proper bra size. The tool documents and algorithmically compares documented hemicircumference measurements to actual reported cup sizes and manufacturers. This tool, method and system is particularly useful for breast surgery patients, providing a standardized bra cup measurement of the patient's current size and a more accurate estimation of what her post-operative result may be. 1. A method for determining a specific bra size for a breast comprising the steps of:measuring the breast hemicircumference from the medial most point of the breast at the nipple areolar level to the lateral most point of the breast over the maximum apex of the breast; andcomparing the hemicircumference measurement to algorithmic tabulated breast measurements.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement is performed with the use of a soft tape measure.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement is performed with 3D imaging software.4. The method of wherein the hemicircumference measurement is compared to tabulated measurements of various bra manufacturers.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the tabulated measurements are stored on a slide rule.6. A system for determining a specific bra size comprising:a table containing algorithmic tabulated breast measurements.7. The systems of claim 6 , wherein the table is stored on a ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190108458A1

A machine learning model for predicting a size fit satisfaction for a variable size component is trained using at least sizing profiles of a plurality of items and feedbacks of subjects regarding sizing of the plurality of items. The machine learning model is used to determine a value for the variable size component that corresponds to an optimal predicted size fit satisfaction. The determined value of the variable size component is provided for use in creating a new item with a sizing variation based on the determined value. 1. A method , comprising:using a processor to train a machine learning model for predicting a size fit satisfaction for a variable size component, wherein the machine learning model is trained using at least sizing profiles of a plurality of items and feedbacks of subjects regarding sizing of the plurality of items;using the machine learning model to determine a value for the variable size component that corresponds to an optimal predicted size fit satisfaction; andproviding the determined value of the variable size component for use in creating a new item with a sizing variation based on the determined value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning model is trained using at least the sizing profiles of the plurality of items selected as matching a silhouette category of the new item and the feedbacks.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning model is trained using at least the feedbacks of the subjects with a sizing profile that matches a silhouette category to be optimized.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising manufacturing the new item.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein creating the new item includes providing a base garment.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedbacks of the subjects regarding sizing of the plurality of items include body measurements of the subjects.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the body measurements of the subjects include a body height claim 6 , a sleeve length claim 6 , or a ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140195203A1
Автор: Lehrer Matthew

The present invention relates generally to garment design. In particular, embodiments of the present invention are directed to systems and methods configured to assist a garment designer in applying graphics and artwork across the seams of a garment. 1. A system for aligning design elements across the seams of a garment , the system comprising:a seam allowance module comprising physical memory storing instructions that cause the seam allowance module to:provide a user interface to a user;receive design input from said user, wherein said user places a digital representation of a design element on a digital representation of a garment;align said digital representation of a design element across a seam in said digital representation of a garment;divide said digital representation of a design element across said seam of said digital representation of a garment, wherein in said digital representation of a design element is split into two or more design element parts; anddetermine an allowance for said two or more design element parts; wherein said allowance is an amount of material added to said two or more design element parts to ensure proper alignment across said seam during garment assembly.2. The system of further comprising a communications means claim 1 , wherein said communications means allows said user to utilize said seam allowance module through a computer network.3. The system of further comprising a data store claim 1 , wherein said data store comprises one or more seam allowances that are added to said two or more design element parts.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said physical memory storing instructions further cause said seam allowance module to generate a design element pattern for said two or more design element parts.5. The system of further comprising a printing means claim 4 , wherein said design element pattern is printed onto a physical medium via said printing means.6. A method for aligning design elements across the seams of a garment ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160117749A1
Принадлежит: TAILORED LLC

A method herein is directed toward measuring clothing through image processing. The method comprises capturing a digital image of a clothing article and a reference object with the camera of the portable electronic device, analyzing the reference object in the digital image to determine a scale of the digital image with the processor of the portable electronic device, analyzing the clothing article in the digital image to determine a determined value for each of a plurality of measurements of the clothing article with the processor of the portable electronic device based upon the determined scale of the digital image, and transmitting the determined value for each of the plurality of measurements with the wireless communication transceiver of the portable electronic device, whereby the clothing article is measured with the portable electronic device. 1. A method of measuring a clothing article with a portable electronic device having a camera , a display , a processor , and a wireless communication transceiver , the method comprising:capturing a digital image of a clothing article and a reference object with the camera of the portable electronic device;analyzing the reference object in the digital image to determine a scale of the digital image with the processor of the portable electronic device;analyzing the clothing article in the digital image to determine a determined value for each of a plurality of measurements of the clothing article with the processor of the portable electronic device based upon the determined scale of the digital image; andtransmitting the determined value for each of the plurality of measurements with the wireless communication transceiver of the portable electronic device, whereby the clothing article is measured with the portable electronic device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portable electronic device is a smart phone or a tablet computer.3. The method of further comprising:analyzing the digital image to determine a ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Methods and systems for manufacture of a garment

Номер: US20200134930A1
Автор: Anne OOMMEN
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and systems for manufacture of a garment are disclosed, in particular for generating fabrication data for manufacture of a garment, where said garment is for regulation of a body region of a wearer of the garment. Measurement data for the body region of the wearer is obtained, and the measurement data is modified to simulate a regulating effect for the garment. The modified measurement data is used to generate the fabrication data for manufacturing the garment. The measurement data may be obtained for an unregulated state of the body region of the wearer, the measurement data may be modified to simulate a regulated state of the body region of the wearer. An initial form of the garment may be manufactured using the fabrication data, and the measurement data used to obtain a three-dimensional model of the body region. The initial form of the garment may then be compared to the three-dimensional model; and the comparison used to modify the initial form of the garment.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170154472A1

A system and method for determining a clothing size of a user using visually annotation, without the need for exact measurements methods, is provided. The system includes a parameterization module for selecting a reference model and base pattern a visual annotation module configured to receive a plurality of customizations for the clothing size as a plurality of points, a custom-size determination module configured to compute ratios of change of points relative to the reference model and applying the said ratios as transformations to the respective points of the base pattern to create a new graded, custom fit pattern. 1. A system and method for determining a custom size of an apparel or accessory by visual annotation , for subsequent use in grading to create a custom fit pattern , the system comprising:a visual tool configured for displaying a reference body model and a scaled apparel form corresponding to a base apparel pattern;a custom-size determination module configured to customize the apparel form in relation to the body model, and further configured to compute a ratio of change of points, relative to an original apparel form; anda processor module configured to apply the computed ratios to the base pattern to create a new custom graded pattern.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the body model is created using a body scanner that determines a plurality of points required to customize the clothing size.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the scaled apparel form is created from the output of the body scanner in reference to the current clothing being worn by the user.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the visual annotation is replaced by textual cues claim 1 , wherein the textual cues include knee-length” claim 1 , “ankle-length” claim 1 , “comfort fit” claim 1 , and “athletic fit”.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the body model is replaced by an equivalent reference object such as a grid pattern.6. A computer implemented ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160165988A1

A system comprising a machine-readable storage medium storing at least one program and a computer-implemented method for collecting body measurements of a human user using a body measurement garment is provided. The body measurement garment comprises a plurality of sensors configured to produce a set of output data. The method may include receiving the set of output data from the body measurement garment and determining a plurality of body measurements from the output data. The method may further include generating a body shape model representing the shape of the body of the user. The method may also include generating a garment fit model representing the fit of a garment on the human user. 1. A system comprising: a machine-readable medium;', 'a data receiver communicatively coupled to a body measurement garment, the body measurement garment comprising a plurality of sensors, the plurality of sensors producing a set of output data, the data receiver configured to receive a set of output data from the body measurement garment, the data receiver further configured to store the plurality of output signals in the machine-readable medium; and', 'a modeling engine configured to generate a garment fit model using the set of output data and a garment model, the garment model being a structured data set including dimensions of a physical garment, the garment fit model representing a fit of the physical garment on a user and indicating a tightness of at least one region of the physical garment on the user., 'a computing device comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the modeling engine is further configured to generate a body shape model using the set of output data claim 1 , the body shape model being a structured data set representing a shape of a body of the user claim 1 , the body shape model being renderable to present a three-dimensional virtual representation of the user.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the modeling engine is configured to generate the garment ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170161948A1

Systems and methods for three-dimensional polygonal garment mesh deformation and/or layering for garment fit visualization. A deformation engine receives at least one garment mesh fitted to a template body mesh and deforms the garment mesh to a target body mesh according to a geometrical deformation algorithm. A layering engine receives plural garment meshes that are separately fitted to a target body mesh, and deforms the plural garment meshes according to an iterative layering process that deforms each individual garment mesh according to a layering order while preventing intersections between other garment meshes and the target body mesh. 1. A system for deforming a polygonal mesh representing a garment fitted on a template body to a target body , the system comprising: receive a target body mesh representing the target body,', 'receive a template body mesh having a plurality of template body vertices and representing the template body, the target body mesh different from the template body mesh, and', 'receive a garment mesh having a plurality of garment vertices and representing the garment, the garment mesh fitted to the template body mesh;, 'an input interface configured to deform the garment mesh to the target body mesh by a geometrical deformation algorithm, the geometrical deformation algorithm comprising, for each garment vertex:', 'identifying one or more of the template body vertices and one or more others of the garment vertices each within a predetermined threshold of said garment vertex,', 'applying a predetermined weighting to each identified template body vertex and each identified other garment vertex,', 'mapping said garment vertex to the one or more identified template body vertices based on a sum of the weighted template body vertices and the weighted garment vertices,', 'determining a position of the mapped garment vertex relative to the target body mesh based on a mapping between the template body mesh and the target body mesh, such that said ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180173945A1

Disclosed are methods and systems for displaying items of clothing on a model having a similar body shape to that of an ecommerce user. In one aspects, a system includes one or more hardware processors configured to perform operations comprising receiving, by one or more hardware processors, an image, the image representing a user height, user weight, and user gender, causing display, by the one or more hardware processors, of a second image via a computer interface, the second image representing a model, the model selected based on a comparison of a model height, weight, and gender with the user height, weight, and gender respectively, receiving, by the one or more hardware processors, a selection of an item of clothing, and causing display, by the one or more hardware processors, of a representation of the selected model wearing the selected item of clothing. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by one or more hardware processors, an image, the image representing a user height, user weight, and user gender;causing display, by the one or more hardware processors, of a second image via a computer interface, the second image representing a model, the model selected based on a comparison of a model height, weight, and gender with the user height, weight, and gender respectively;receiving, by the one or more hardware processors, a selection of an item of clothing; andcausing display, by the one or more hardware processors, of a representation of the selected model wearing the selected item of clothing.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining principle axes of the user claim 1 , and determining the user height claim 1 , user weight claim 1 , and user gender by based on the principle axes of the user claim 1 , wherein the selecting is based on the determined user height claim 1 , user weight claim 1 , and user gender.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:determining a ratio between a 3D surface distance around the chest of the user to a Euclidean ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183617A1
Автор: McKinney Carlanda R.

A computer-implemented method of creating custom fitted undergarments with the steps of (1) separating a two dimensional undergarment pattern into pattern pieces; (2) converting each undergarment pattern piece into a digital representation; (3) obtaining data about a body's size and shape in three dimensions; (4) creating a three dimensional digital avatar of the body using obtained data and (5) fitting the digital representation of the undergarment representation pieces to the three dimensional digital avatar of the body to create a custom fitted three dimensional undergarment design. 1. A computer-implemented system for custom fitting undergarments comprising:a. A first component configured to convert two dimensional undergarment pattern pieces into digital representations;b. A second component configured to obtain data about a body's size and shape in three dimensions and create a three dimensional digital avatar of the body;c. A third component configured to fit the digital representations of the undergarment pattern pieces to the digital avatar of the body;d. A fourth component configured to record measurements of the fitted undergarment and create a two dimensional undergarment design pattern that corresponds to the measurements of the undergarment;e. A processor; andf. A computer-readable storage medium storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to implement the components.2. The computer-implemented system of where the first component converts two dimensional undergarment pattern pieces into digital representations using computer aided design.3. The computer-implemented system of wherein the second component obtains data about a body's size and shape in three dimensions using three dimensional optical scanning.4. The computer-implemented system of wherein the third component configured to fit the digital representations of the undergarment pattern pieces to the digital avatar of the body fits the undergarment pieces to the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Shadow Neutral 3-D Garment Rendering

Номер: US20200178633A1

A tool allows a user to create new designs for apparel and preview these designs in three dimensions before manufacture. Software and lasers are used in finishing apparel to produce a desired wear pattern or other design. Based on a laser input file with a pattern, a laser will burn the pattern onto apparel. With the tool, the user will be able to create, make changes, and view images of a design, in real time, before burning by a laser. Input to the tool includes fabric template images, laser input files, and damage input. The tool allows adding of tinting and adjusting of intensity and bright point. The user can also move, rotate, scale, and warp the image input. 1. A system comprising:a digital design tool, generating at least a first laser file including a finishing pattern, wherein the digital design tool generates a three-dimensional photorealistic visualization of a finishing pattern of a garment after postlaser wash on a computer screen and allows editing of the finishing pattern,the editing permitted by the digital design tool comprises selecting a first combination of a garment template and a first wear pattern, and saving the first combination as the first finishing pattern, anda three-dimensional photorealistic visualization of the first combination comprises displaying on a computer screen the garment template and the first wear pattern as a garment of a first combination would appear after postlaser wash,the editing permitted by the digital design tool comprises selecting a second combination of the garment template, a first wear pattern, and a first tint color, and saving the second combination as a second finishing pattern, anda three-dimensional photorealistic visualization of the second combination comprises displaying on a computer screen the garment template and the first wear pattern along with the first tint color as a garment of the second combination would appear after postlaser wash;a laser finishing machine, receiving as input at least a ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for the production of printed items of clothing made from textile material

Номер: US20150208746A1
Принадлежит: OWAYO GMBH

Example methods and apparatus including a method of making a printed article of clothing of fabric are described herein. A customer computer is connected for data exchange with a production computer, wherein the customer sets the design of a desired article of clothing via the computer connection by setting design parameters for a respective selection target from several possible selection targets. Based on the design setting, several print parts are printed on a printing medium by means of a printer, said printing medium being either directly a fabric panel, or an intermediate medium the print of which is transferred to fabric later. Fabric pieces are cut out from a fabric panel. The fabric panel either originates from direct printing, or from the print transfer from the intermediate medium. Otherwise, the fabric panel is unprinted and the cut fabric pieces are subjected to the print transfer later. Finally, the fabric pieces are sewn together to form the article of clothing.

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210227912A1
Автор: Ma Jaehwan

Sewing lines for sewing pattern pieces combined to form a garment is determined automatically using placement information and a graph. The placement information indicates at least matching relationships between at least the subset of the pattern pieces and placement points of an avatar onto which the garment is draped. The graph includes nodes and segments. The nodes are located on outlines of the pattern pieces. Each of the segments indicating a directed connection between adjacent ones of the nodes. Matching edges of at least the subset of the pattern pieces is determined by the placement information as sewing lines for at least the subset of the pattern pieces using the graph. 1. A computer-implemented method of determining sewing lines for sewing pattern pieces combined to form a garment , comprising:receiving placement information of at least a subset of pattern pieces, the placement information indicating at least matching relationships between at least the subset of the pattern pieces and placement points of an avatar onto which the garment is draped;generating a graph comprising nodes and segments, the nodes located on outlines of the pattern pieces, each of the segments indicating a directed connection between adjacent ones of the nodes; anddetermining matching edges of at least the subset of the pattern pieces identified by the placement information as sewing lines for at least the subset of the pattern pieces using the graph, an edge representing an area in one of the pattern pieces to be sewn with another one of the pattern pieces and including at least one of the segments.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the graph comprises:extracting, from points on the outlines of at least the subset of the pattern pieces, a corner point at which portions of an outline intersect with an angle that is larger than a predetermined reference angle;extracting, from the points on the outlines of at least the subset of the pattern pieces, a notch corresponding ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Kit to Facilitate Identifying at Least One Glove Particularly Suitable to be Worn By a Particular Individual

Номер: US20160213084A1
Автор: OSullivan Megan

A kit to facilitate identifying at least one glove particularly suitable to be worn by a particular individual includes a backdrop having at least two visually-discernible calibration marks disposed thereon, a camera, a memory having stored therein characterizing parameters for a variety of different gloves, and a control circuit that operably couples to the latter. The control circuit presents to a kit user via a display an image of the particular individual's hand as placed on the backdrop, and then presents a plurality of user-placeable markers by which the kit user marks particular locations of the particular individual's hand. The control circuit then processes the image of the particular individual's hand as marked by the kit user and as a function of the two visually-discernible calibration marks to identify at least one glove that is particularly suitable to be worn by the particular individual. 1. A kit to facilitate identifying at least one glove particularly suitable to be worn by a particular individual , the kit comprising:a backdrop sized and configured to have a hand of the particular individual placed thereupon and further having at least two visually-discernable calibration marks disposed thereon;a camera;a memory having stored therein characterizing parameters for each of a variety of different gloves; ["present to a kit user via a display an image of the particular individual's hand as placed on the backdrop;", "present to the kit user via the display a plurality of user-placeable markers by which the kit user marks particular locations of the particular individual's hand;", "process the image of the particular individual's hand as marked by the kit user and as a function of the two visually-discernable calibration marks to identify at least one glove that is particularly suitable to be worn by the particular individual."], 'a control circuit operably coupled to the memory and to the camera and configured to2. The kit of wherein the backdrop ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190204057A1
Автор: Chen Chi-Jen

A tailor ruler includes a transparent substrate includes a series of scales, a series of parallel lines and a series of longitudinal lines respectively formed thereon, wherein the series of parallel lines and the series of longitudinal lines respectively perpendicularly correspond to one another. Each of the parallel lines and the longitudinal lines respectively has a series of reference lines formed thereof. Each intersection of the parallel lines and the longitudinal lines is formed with an identifying point. An anti-slip layer is disposed on the back surface of the transparent substrate, wherein the anti-slip layer is disposed along an edge of the transparent substrate. The anti-slip layer contains countless sharp particles, wherein the sharp particles are partially exposed relative to a surface of the anti-slip layer for promoting a fraction force of the anti-slip layer and enhancing an anti-slip effect of the tailor ruler. 1. A tailor ruler comprising a transparent substrate having a front surface and a back surface , the transparent substrate including a series of scales peripherally formed on the front surface thereof , a series of parallel lines formed on the front surface thereof and a series of longitudinal lines formed on the front surface thereof , wherein the series of parallel lines and the series of longitudinal lines respectively perpendicularly correspond to one another; each of the parallel lines and the longitudinal lines respectively having a series of reference lines formed thereof , each intersection of the parallel lines and the longitudinal lines formed with an identifying point , an anti-slip layer disposed on the back surface of the transparent substrate , wherein the anti-slip layer disposed along an edge of the transparent substrate , the material of the anti-slip layer selected from a group consisted of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) , rubber printing ink and silicone , the anti-slip layer containing countless sharp particles , wherein ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150237941A1
Автор: Huang Sidi

A tailoring device. The tailoring device may comprise a tube and a rod, wherein the tube may comprise a channel and one or more slits. The rod may be configured to be inserted through the channel of the tube and secured inside the tube. The slits may be used to partition the tube into one or more smaller tubes. A user may tailor a garment by inserting a measured piece of the garment into the channel of the tube and securing the measured piece of garment inside the tube by inserting the rod through the channel and into the tube while securing the garment inside the tube. The tube and rod may be removed from the garment and may be configured to reusable and easy to use. 1. A tailoring device comprising:a tube; anda rod;wherein said tube comprises a channel and a hollow portion;wherein said rod is configured to be inserted through said channel and into said hollow portion of said tube;wherein said rod has a diameter that is greater than an opening of said channel, such that said rod may be enclosed and secured by said tube; andwherein said tube is configured to accept a measured portion of a fabric past said channel and into said hollow portion of said tube and wherein said rod is configured to be put into said hollow portion of said tube over said measured portion of said fabric, such that said rod secures said measured portion of said fabric into said hollow portion of said tube.2. The tailoring device of claim 1 , wherein said tube further comprises one or more slits;wherein said one or more slits are configured to allow a user to partition said tube into one or more smaller tubes for a customized length.3. The tailoring device of claim 1 , wherein said tube further comprises one or more notches;wherein said one or more notches are configured to allow a user to partition said tube into one or more smaller tubes for a customized length.4. The tailoring device of claim 2 , wherein said one or more slits are configured to reduce a weight of said tailoring device.5. The ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150243076A1

An automatic garment grading is provided. A retargeting technique is used with the mediator and the correspondence function. The mediator is a parameterized draft. Local coordinates systems are used for making correspondence. The mean value coordinates system (MVC) are improved so that the weights would have positive values, which is omitted mean value coordinates (OMVC). The mediator is parameterized draft, and correspondence function is the OMVC in the method. Smart grading is less time-consuming and easy to implement, and can minimize designer's specialized know-how and save performing time for the grading of real garment and virtual garment. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source drafts D(A) are parameterized drafts obtained using a draft constructor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PBSs comprise bust circumference claim 1 , waist circumference claim 1 , hip circumference claim 1 , waist back length claim 1 , bust point to bust point claim 1 , and neck point to breast point for constructing a parameterized draft for a bodice claim 1 , wherein the PBSs comprise other predetermined sizes for constructing parameterized drafts for other body parts.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the source panels is represented by a collection of points and lines on a given coordinate system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source drafts D(A) are decided further from garment types and gender in addition to from the primary body sizes (PBSs) of the source body A.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the weight function λis calculated by a mean value coordinates scheme.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein when P claim 7 , exterior to the plane claim 7 , is located outside a convex hull and close to a draft vertex the method further comprising a step for extending the plane by introducing a ghost vertex such that P lies inside the extended plane and then applying the omitted mean value coordinates (OMVC).9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ghost vertex is ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210259341A1

A method and apparatus for displaying a dart on a pattern piece receives a position of a second dart to be generated in association with a first dart included in at least one pattern piece that forms a garment, sets a pivot point by an intersection point between a first extension line extending from the first dart and a second extension line extending from the second dart, generates the second dart in the pattern piece based on a width of the first dart that is changed by rotating at least a portion of the pattern piece around the pivot point, and displays a pattern piece including the generated second dart. 1. A method of displaying a dart on a pattern piece , comprising:receiving a position of a second dart to be generated in association with a first dart included in at least one pattern piece that forms a garment;setting a pivot point by an intersection point between a first extension line extending from the first dart and a second extension line extending from the second dart;generating the second dart in the pattern piece based on a width of the first dart that is changed by rotating at least a portion of the pattern piece around the pivot point; anddisplaying a pattern piece including the generated second dart.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating of the second dart comprises:generating a plurality of duplicate pattern pieces that divide at least a portion of the pattern piece based on the pivot point;changing a width of the first dart by rotating one of the duplicate pattern pieces around the pivot point;determining a width of the second dart based on the changed width of the first dart; andgenerating, in the pattern piece, the second dart to which the determined width of the second dart is applied.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the width of the second dart is determined in association with the changed width of the first dart.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the generating of the duplicate pattern pieces comprises:dividing the pattern piece ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190231012A1
Принадлежит: UNDER ARMOUR

Methods and systems of preparing custom clothing patterns are described. In particular, custom clothing patterns are prepared by obtaining a 2-D image of an individual, determining points of measurements of the individual from the 2-D image utilizing a body morphology technology, and modulating a digital clothing pattern template comprising measurement locations corresponding to the points of measurements by applying the measurements to the corresponding measurement locations of the digital pattern template, and altering the pattern based on the measurements and personal preferences. 1. A computer-implemented process for preparing custom clothing patterns , the computer-implemented process comprising:receiving a two-dimensional image of an individual;determining points of measurements of the individual from the two-dimensional image;selecting a predetermined body morphology from a plurality of body morphologies; said selecting comprising a matching of said points of measure to a select body morphology,modulating a digital clothing pattern template comprising measurement locations corresponding to the points of measurements and said select body morphology by applying the measurements to the corresponding measurement locations of the digital pattern template, andaltering the pattern based on the measurements and personal preferences.2. The computer-implemented process of claim 1 , wherein said points of measurement comprise at least twenty-one specific body measurements.3. The computer-implemented process of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of body morphologies are crated in advance of said step of receiving and stored in a database.4. The computer-implemented process of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving facial images of said individual which are created and substituted for the data produced to define said two-dimensional image, whereby a, higher resolution further conveys a more realistic and personalized two-dimensional image to assist the individual in ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for making tailored garments

Номер: US20160249699A1
Автор: Giovanni Inghirami

A method for allowing a user to make a tailored garment (M) comprises the following steps: preparing at least one image (I) comprising a sample garment (C) of the same type as the tailored garment (M) t o be made and also comprising a reference object (O) with actual standardized dimensions (M/,M 8 ); measuring on the at least one image (I) the dimensions of the reference object (O) and a set of basic dimensions (M 1 ,M 2 ,M 3 ,M 4 ,M 5 ,M 6 ) of the sample garment (C); calculating the actual dimensional values of the set of basic dimensions of the sample garment (C) as a function of: the dimensional values of the set of basic dimensions (M 1 ,M 2 ,M 3 ,M 4 ,M 5 ,M 6 ) of the sample garment (C) measured on the image (I), the dimensional values of the reference object (O) and the actual dimensions (M 7 ,M 8 ) of the reference object (O); selecting the aesthetic features of the tailored garment (M) to be made; transmitting to a tailoring apparatus ( 4 ) the calculated actual dimensional values of the set of basic dimensions of the sample garment (C) and the selected aesthetic features; performing on the tailoring apparatus ( 4 ) a sequence of operations of cutting and sewing the tailored garment (M), to make the tailored garment (M) so its basic dimensions are substantially equal to the previously calculated actual dimensional values of the set of basic dimensions of the sample garment (C).

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200237039A1
Автор: Warren Ellen L.

Systems, methods, apparatuses and articles of manufacture for garment construction and size selection are disclosed. 1. A method of constructing a garment , comprising:selecting a size of a bodice portion based at least in part on a bust measurement;selecting a size of a bottom portion based at least in part on a waist measurement and a hips measurement;selecting a length of the bottom portion based at least in part on a length measurement; andcoupling the bodice portion to the bottom portion.2. The method of claim 1 , in which selecting a size of the bodice portion is further based on a bra cup size.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the garment is a swimsuit.4. The method of claim 2 , in which the garment is a leotard.5. The method of claim 1 , in which the size of the bodice portion ranges from a size 0 to a size 8.6. The method of claim 6 , in which the size of the bottom portion ranges from a size 0 to a size 8.7. The method of claim 1 , in which the size of the bodice portion ranges from a size extra small (XS) to a size extra large (XL).8. The method of claim 1 , in which size of the bottom portion ranges from a size extra small (XS) to a size extra large (XL).9. The method of claim 1 , in which the size of the bodice portion is only pairable with a subset of the sizes of the bottom portion.10. The method of claim 1 , in which a size of the garment is selected from a group consisting of short claim 1 , medium claim 1 , and long. The present disclosure claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) of U.S. Patent Application No. 62/796,729, filed on Jan. 25, 2019, entitled “SIZING AND CONSTRUCTION METHOD FOR CUSTOM FIT LEOTARDS AND ONE-PIECE SWIMWEAR”, which application is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present disclosure pertains generally to clothing, and more particularly to sizing and construction methods for leotards and swimwear.The clothing industry has undergone many changes in the past several decades. Although clothing can still be ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180255857A1
Принадлежит: OWAYO GMBH

Example methods and apparatus including a method of making a printed article of clothing of fabric are described herein. A customer computer is connected for data exchange with a production computer, wherein the customer sets the design of a desired article of clothing via the computer connection by setting design parameters for a respective selection target from several possible selection targets. Based on the design setting, several print parts are printed on a printing medium by means of a printer, said printing medium being either directly a fabric panel, or an intermediate medium the print of which is transferred to fabric later, Fabric pieces are cut out from a fabric panel. The fabric panel either originates from direct printing, or from the prim transfer from the intermediate medium. Otherwise, the fabric panel is unprinted and the cut fabric pieces are subjected to the print transfer later. Finally, the fabric pieces are sewn together to form the article of clothing. 1. A method of making a plurality of sets of printed fabric pieces with fabric piece dimensions confined by respective cutting lines , each set for use in a respective one article of clothing from a plurality of articles of clothing , wherein the printed fabric pieces each are provided with a print having a print-size corresponding , or nearly corresponding to one of (i) the dimensions of the respective printed fabric piece , and (ii) the dimensions of the respective printed fabric piece minus seam allowance , wherein at least some of the printed fabric pieces having the print sizes each are provided with a multi color print composed of a plurality of color areas , the method comprising:transmitting data, by a producer computer having a data memory, wherein the data enables a customer to set, for each set of the plurality of sets of printed fabric pieces, respective selection targets for a plurality of design parameters of a design of the respective article of clothing, wherein the data ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170258164A1

The incorporation of digitally-printed assembly instructions and notations into textile product assembly processes is described. In one embodiment, an order to purchase a textile product having a number of panels is received. The panels are arranged and placed into a template for printing on a textile printer. Seams among the panels are identified and, with reference to the seams, assembly tasks are compiled to assemble the textile product. The assembly tasks are ordered according to at least one assembly factor directed to efficiency, quality, or other factors. The assembly tasks are associated with a set of assembly notations according to an assembly notation syntax. The assembly notations are incorporated into the template for printing, and the textile printer is instructed to print the panels along with the assembly notations. Sewing workers can refer to the assembly notations to determine how the textile product should be assembled using the panels. 1. A system , comprising:a textile printer; and receiving, by the at least one computing device, an order to purchase a textile product having a plurality of panels defined in a tech pack;', 'arranging, by the at least one computing device, the plurality of panels for the textile product into a textile panel template;', 'identifying, by the at least one computing device, a plurality of seams among the plurality of panels in the textile product with reference to the tech pack;', 'compiling, by the at least one computing device, a plurality of assembly tasks in an assembly scheme to assemble the textile product using at least one of the plurality of seams in the textile product;', 'ordering, by the at least one computing device, the plurality of assembly tasks into an ordered set of assembly tasks according to at least one assembly factor;', 'generating, by the at least one computing device, a set of assembly notations to print on a textile sheet based at least in part on the ordered set of assembly tasks and an ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180263324A1
Автор: Anderson Giovonnae F.

A method for creating a clothing construction sloper customized to an individual's measurements, including capturing the individual's body dimensions data using a 3D scanner, extracting and storing the captured measurement data using a sloper program, and developing a printed or digital master pattern used to fit existing garments to the person. 1. A method for creating a customized clothing construction sloper for a clothing customer , comprising the steps of:(a) manually placing physical landmarks on the customer;(b) scanning the customer using a 3D body scanner;(c) providing a computer having permanent and temporary memory and a processor; (d1) generating scanning landmarks using the scanned data;', '(d2) aligning the scanning landmarks to the physical landmarks;', '(d3) testing for alignment of the scanning landmarks with the physical landmarks;', '(d4) moving the scanning landmarks as needed to match the physical landmarks;, '(d) loading a sloper program on the computer, wherein when executed the sloper program performs the steps of(e) extracting customer measurements from the body scan;(f) geometrically drawing a custom sloper using the extracted measurements;(g) draping the sloper onto the 3D body scan;(h) testing the fit of the sloper to identify individual fit characteristics of the customer;(i) modifying the sloper as needed using alteration principles to make the fit more accurate;(j) passing the sloper back to the draping step and repeating steps (g) through (i) until the sloper fits the customer; and(k) adding seam allowances and closures as needed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the physical landmarks are landmark stickers.3. The method of claim 1 , further including printing a full scale of the sloper on pattern paper.4. The method of claim 1 , further including fitting the customer with close-fitting scan garment prior to placing landmark stickers for use in obtaining a body scan.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the physical landmarks are placed ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140358738A1

A system and method is provided for representing fitting of clothing for a plurality of users. At least one processor accesses database(s) that includes clothing information representing articles of clothing and fit information representing fitting of at least some of the articles of clothing on respective persons. A graphical user interface is operable on a mobile computing device that includes at least one electronic prompt for users to submit for clothing information and fit information. Clothing information and fit information received from a plurality of user computing devices and in response to at least one prompt in the graphical user interface is stored in the database(s). At least some the clothing information and fit information is processed to determine a value representing the fit of the article of clothing with at least one person, information associated with the value is transmitted to at least one computing device. 1. A method for representing fitting clothing for a plurality of users , the method comprising:accessing, by at least one processor, at least one database that includes clothing information representing articles of clothing and fit information representing fitting of at least some of the articles of clothing on respective persons;providing a graphical user interface that is operable on a mobile computing device that includes at least one electronic prompt for users to submit for clothing information and fit information;storing in the at least one database, by at least one processor, clothing information and fit information received from a plurality of user computing devices and in response to at least one prompt in the graphical user interface;processing at least some the clothing information and fit information, including at least some of the clothing information and fit information received from the plurality of user computing devices, to determine a value representing the fit of the article of clothing with at least one person; ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Drafting Garment Patterns

Номер: US20140360030A1
Автор: Grove Carol S.

Systems and methods are provided for designing garments from software templates and a software toolkit, drafting garment patterns from body photographs and garment style drawings, and for creating adjustable pattern style drawings and for drafting garment patterns from the pattern style drawings. The garment patterns are adjusted by measurements from two-dimensional images and body part circumferences of a three-dimensional body. After obtaining the measurement the system preferably automatically makes such adjustments. The system includes a content generation side which creates pattern styles of garments. The system also includes a user-side through which a user generates a body outline and interacts with the previously generated content to draft garment patterns that are fully customized. 1. A method of drafting garment patterns for a three-dimensional body , comprising:a) obtaining scaled two-dimensional images of the body, the scaled images having scaled dimensions corresponding to a body and upon which measurements can be made;b) acquiring access to a style drawing, the style drawing being a line representation of at least a portion of a garment and having boundary lines defined by parameters;c) aligning the style drawing relative to the body outline in software;d) adjusting the shape of the style drawing relative to the scaled images in software;e) providing a pattern associated with the style drawing; andf) automatically drafting a garment pattern corresponding at least in part on the adjustments to the shape of the style drawing, the pattern printed or printable on flexible sheet material and including indicia indicating the cuts required for making a garment that corresponds to the style drawing.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein:the scaled images includes separately displayable front view, back view, left view, and right view, andthe style drawings includes a front view, a back view, a left view, and a right view which are aligned relative to the ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160286906A1
Автор: KOREN Omer, MALAL Noam
Принадлежит: EDGIMAGO 2012 LTD.

A method for obtaining size and shape data of a subject comprising positioning a substantially two dimensional reference object on a plane near to the subject; providing a digital camera comprising a display screen, a digital imaging chip, a processor, a memory and a transmitter; imaging the object and subject on the display screen together with a framework corresponding to a projection of the reference object from a desired angle, and tilting the screen together with a framework corresponding to an outline of the reference object to align the outline with the perimeter of the reference object on the screen. 1. A method for matching an article of footwear to a foot comprising:(a) obtaining size and shape data of a foot by positioning a substantially two dimensional reference object on a plane near to the foot;providing a digital camera;imaging the object and foot on the display screen together with a framework corresponding to a projection of the reference object from a desired angle, and tilting the screen together with a framework corresponding to an outline of the reference object to align the outline with the perimeter of the reference object on the screen,(b) comparing the size and shape data of the foot with a mapping of the inside surface of a data-base of articles of footwear, wherein each inside surface mapping is obtained the steps of inserting the stereo vision camera of claim into the interior space of the footwear, activating a motor to bring the stereo camera into a predetermined position in the interior space of the footwear, taking stereo pairs of images and stored them within the memory, repeating the process to generating further stereo pairs of images for additional positions of the stereo vision camera inside the interior space, and creating a three dimensional model of the inside of the article of footwear. A method for obtaining size and shape data of a subject comprisingpositioning a substantially two dimensional reference object on a plane ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190272575A1

A method herein is directed toward measuring clothing through image processing. The method comprises capturing a digital image of a clothing article and a reference object with the camera of the portable electronic device, analyzing the reference object in the digital image to determine a scale of the digital image with the processor of the portable electronic device, analyzing the clothing article in the digital image to determine a determined value for each of a plurality of measurements of the clothing article with the processor of the portable electronic device based upon the determined scale of the digital image, and transmitting the determined value for each of the plurality of measurements with the wireless communication transceiver of the portable electronic device, whereby the clothing article is measured with the portable electronic device. 124-. (canceled)25. A method of determining a plurality of measurements of a laid-flat clothing article having a clothing type , the method comprising:capturing at least one digital image of a laid flat clothing article;analyzing the clothing article in the digital image to determine the clothing type and to recognize a plurality of type-specific measurement points of the clothing article based on the geometry and boundaries of the image of the clothing article;identifying a pair of type-specific measurement points from the plurality of type-specific measurement points in the digital image for each of the plurality of measurements;determining a distance between each pair of measurement points in the digital image;applying a scale of the digital image to the determined distance between each pair of measurement points to determine the value for each of the plurality of measurements; andstoring the plurality of measurements in a database.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the method steps are performed on a portable electronic device.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the step of capturing at least one digital image is ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160292915A1

Techniques for three-dimensional garment simulation using parallel computing are presented herein. An access module can be configured to access a three-dimensional garment model of a garment. The garment model can include garment points that represent a surface of the garment. A processor, having a plurality of cores, can be configured by a garment simulation module to calculate one or more exerted forces on a subset of garment points. Additionally, the garment simulation module can generate cross pairs and apportion the generated cross pairs among the plurality of cores. Moreover, the garment simulation module can determine, using the plurality of vector execution units in parallel based on an organized data layout, whether boundaries of the first subgroup of cross pairs are overlapping based on the one or more exerted forces. Subsequently, the garment simulation module can calculate one or more simulated forces acting on the garment points based on the determination. 1. A system comprising:memory configured to access, from a database, a three-dimensional garment model of a garment, the three-dimensional garment model including garment points that represent a surface of the garment; and organize a data layout associated with the garment points based on the plurality of vector execution units;', 'determine, using the plurality of vector execution units in parallel, an exerted force on a subset of garment points based on the organized data layout;', 'calculate one or more simulated forces acting on the subset of garment points based on the determined exerted force; and', 'generate an image of the three-dimensional garment model draped on a three-dimensional body model based on the calculated one or more simulated forces., 'a processor having a plurality of cores and plurality of vector execution units, the processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the data layout is organized based on a number of vector execution units in the plurality of vector ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for preparing custom clothing patterns

Номер: US20150302597A1
Автор: Aimee Bentson
Принадлежит: Avyn, Inc.

Methods and systems of preparing custom clothing patterns are described. In particular, custom clothing patterns are prepared by obtaining a 3-D image of an individual, determining points of measurements of the individual from the 3-D image, and modulating a digital clothing pattern template comprising measurement locations corresponding to the points of measurements by applying the measurements to the corresponding measurement locations of the digital pattern template, and altering the pattern based on the measurements.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Methods of Determining Measurements for Custom Clothing Manufacture

Номер: US20170303616A1
Автор: Koh Chong-Jin
Принадлежит: Original Inc.

The technology disclosed relates to methods usable for determining measurements for custom clothing manufacture, including receiving a raw image of a clothing article and a scale reference, and applying perspective correction to adjust the raw image to produce an adjusted image. The method also includes determining a scale reference from the adjusted image, for use with a line measurement tool; and receiving user inputs that positions ends of the line measurement tool on measurement reference positions on the adjusted image of the clothing article. The method further includes generating multiple clothing article distances between the measurement reference positions on the adjusted image of the clothing article using the line measurement tool; and storing at least three clothing article distances for use in producing a custom clothing article with a fit based on the favorite clothing article in the raw image. 1. A method of determining measurements for custom clothing manufacture , comprising:receiving a raw image of a clothing article and a scale reference;recognizing the scale reference;using the scale reference and a hardware processor, applying perspective correction to adjust the raw image and produce an adjusted image;determining a scale of the adjusted image from the scale reference for use with a line measurement tool;causing display of the adjusted image and the line measurement tool on a user display;receiving a user input that positions ends of the line measurement tool on measurement reference positions on the adjusted image of the clothing article;generating a clothing article distance between the measurement reference positions on the adjusted image of the clothing article using the line measurement tool;repeating the receiving user input and the clothing article distance generating steps n times to generate at least n+1 clothing article distances, n being an integer equal to at least 3; andstoring the at least n+1 clothing article distances for use in ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

System And Method Of Ascertaining A Desired Fit For Articles Of Clothing Utilizing Digital Apparel Size Measurements

Номер: US20200293701A1

A novel and useful system and method for ascertaining a desired fit for at least one article of clothing (AOC) for a user using a digital size measurement that may include one or more of at least one memory, at least one rendering device which may include at least one of a speaker or a display, at least one controller configured to obtain digital size certificate information (DSCI) comprising digital size information (DSI) related to at least one of form of the at least one AOC and corresponding identification information related to the at least one AOC from the at least one memory, reconstruct a D model of the at least one AOC in accordance with the DSI, render the D model on the at least one rendering device, modify the D model in accordance with an input of the user, form desired fitting DSI (DSI) in accordance with the modified D model, and may store the DSIin the at least one memory.

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating digital clothing

Номер: US20160314604A1
Принадлежит: Clo Virtual Fashion Inc

A computer simulation technology that processes 2D clothing patterns and thus creates digital clothing. The purpose of the present disclosure is to easily adjust a length of another segment to be sewn the same as a length of a selected segment on a pattern when free-sewing.

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150339800A1

This invention solves the problem of porting a custom design to different sizes of apparel, or between different types of products without losing the key shape or form of the design. Using existing methods, a direct scaling of the design or image between sizes or product types is not possible because the apparel sizes vary widely between sizes and vary more horizontally than vertically. In such cases, the design loses aspect ratio and the image is distorted or partly cut off on the end manufactured product. That makes it necessary to design individually for each size or type of product. This invention describes a computer implemented method that solves the problem of automating the extrapolation of designs from one size to another and from one product type to another, without losing the visual essence of the original design. 1. A method for taking a design made for an apparel pattern at a particular size and automatically extrapolating the design to other graded sizes of the same pattern set whose grading rules are non-linear , comprising the following steps:Obtaining a Delta factor for Width and Height respectively, from the pattern grading rules, as a ratio, for the two sizes being translated between andPerforming certain affine transformation on the original design based on the value and nature of the Delta Factors as a general case, and based on the type of design or image as a special case andAutomatically using the transformed design with the graded patterns to create the new manufacturing pattern set that can be used to manufacture the apparel or accessory at the new size.21. A method as recited in , wherein the design is created interactively on a real or simulated 3D model of an apparel or accessory at a particular size and automatically extrapolated to other sizes.31. A method as recited in , wherein each element in the original design , instead of the final composite , are individually transformed using different affine transformations based on the nature ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Bra Measurement System

Номер: US20150342278A1
Автор: Butler Sheila

A bra measurement system includes a left bra wing, a right bra wing, a breast plate, a left bra strap, and a right bra strap. The left bra wing and the right bra wing are connected with the breast plate opposite of each other so that the bra measurement system can be attached around the wearer body. The left bra strap and the right bra strap connect between the left bra wing and the breast plate and the right bra wing and the breast plate respectively. A plurality of fitting zippers of the left bra wing and the right bra wing allows a bra fitting specialist to get the correct girth measurements of the wearer while a plurality of additional zippers of the breast plate enables the bra fitting specialist to get the correct measurement of the cup sized and the cleavage of the breasts. Then the measurements can be used to create a customized bra that fits the respective individual. 1. A bra measurement system comprises:a left bra wing;a right bra wing;a breast plate;a left bra strap;a right bra strap;the left bra wing and the right bra wing each comprise a plurality of fitting zippers;the breast plate comprises a left breast panel section, a right breast panel section, and a center panel section;the left breast panel section being adjacently connected with the center panel section;the right breast panel section being adjacently connected with the center panel section, opposite of the left breast panel section;the left bra wing being adjacently connected with the left breast panel section;the right bra wing being adjacently connected with the right breast panel section;the left bra strap being connected between the left bra wing and a top edge of the breast plate; andthe right bra strap being connected between the right bra wing and the top edge of the breast plate.2. The bra measurement system as claimed in comprises:the left bra wing and the right bra wing each further comprise a side panel, a top bra band, a bottom bra band, and a measuring tape;the top bra band and ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Apparatuses And Methods Of Interacting With 2D Design Documents And 3D Models And Generating Production Textures for Wrapping Artwork Around Portions of 3D Objects

Номер: US20150351477A1

A network device including document, design, aggregation and production texture modules. The document module generates a 2D design document that includes non-aggregated texture islands (NTIs). Each of the NTIs corresponds to a pattern of a product. The NTIs include at least two versions of one of the NTIs. The design module adds an artwork image across at least two of the NTIs. The aggregation module aggregates the at least two versions of the NTIs and generates a final aggregated texture image based on the 2D design document. The final aggregated texture image includes final aggregated texture islands (FATIs). Each of the FATIs is distinctive from the other ones of the FATIs. The production texture module, based on the final aggregated texture image, generates a production texture that includes islands, which are scaled to match an actual size of a respective pattern to be transferred on fabric for the product. 1. A network device comprising:a document module configured to generate a 2D design document, wherein the 2D design document comprises a plurality of non-aggregated texture islands, wherein each of the plurality of non-aggregated texture islands corresponds to a pattern of a product being manufactured, and wherein the plurality of non-aggregated texture islands comprise at least two versions of one of the plurality of non-aggregated texture islands;a design module configured to add an artwork image across at least two of the plurality of non-aggregated texture islands;an aggregation module configured to (i) aggregate the at least two versions of the plurality of non-aggregated texture islands, and (ii) generate a final aggregated texture image based on the 2D design document, wherein the final aggregated texture image comprises a plurality of final aggregated texture islands, and wherein each of the plurality of final aggregated texture islands is distinctive from the other ones of the plurality of final aggregated texture islands; anda production texture ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170340042A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, system and computer program product for computer assisted pattern drafting in garment development. In an embodiment of the invention, a pattern making method includes initially acquiring a multiplicity of different two-dimensional image slices of a human form. Thereafter, a panel of a portion of a pattern of a garment is selected for processing in a data processing system and a metric computational rule for the selected panel is mapped to one of the two-dimensional image slices. A measurement of the one of the two-dimensional image slices is then acquired and the mapped metric computational rule is applied using the acquired measurement to produce a measurement for the selected panel. 1. A pattern making method comprising:acquiring into memory of a computer, a multiplicity of different two-dimensional image slices of a human form;selecting by a processor of the computer, a panel of a portion of a pattern of a garment;mapping by the processor of the computer a metric computational rule for the selected panel to one of the two-dimensional image slices;acquiring by the processor of the computer a measurement of the one of the two-dimensional image slices; and,applying by the processor of the computer the mapped metric computational rule using the acquired measurement to produce a measurement for the selected panel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the panel forms part of a saddle of the garment.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acquired measurement is an angle of curvature of a perimeter portion of the two-dimensional image slice.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acquired measurement is a length of a perimeter portion of the two-dimensional image slice.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising monitoring changes in the angle of curvature and in response to a threshold change claim 3 , selecting a different one of the two-dimensional image slices claim 3 , mapping a different metric computational rule ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200342641A1

A computer simulation technology that processes 2D clothing patterns and thus creates digital clothing. 1. A method of creating digital clothing , wherein the method is executable by a computing device comprising a computing element and a storage element storing patterns and draped digital clothing , the method comprising:setting a first selected segment by inputting the first selected segment to be sewn on a first segment on a pattern; and inputting a starting point of a second selected segment onto at least one second segment, which is to be sewn to the first selected segment;', 'inputting an ending point, which, upon starting a point-clicking process at the starting point located on a second segment, is the closest in distance to a point, where the point-clicking process occurs, on the second segment that includes the input starting point; and', 'setting, as the second selected segment, a section of the second segment between the input starting point and the input ending point., 'setting a second selected segment, which comprises2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second segments are at least one of a straight line claim 1 , a curved line claim 1 , a multi-branch line claim 1 , and shapes that include polygons and circles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the setting of the second selected segment further comprises claim 1 , between the inputting of the starting point and the inputting of the ending point:detecting a current cursor position; anddisplaying a candidate for the ending point by determining, as the candidate for the ending point of the second selected segment, a point, which is the closest in distance to the current detected cursor position and which makes the second selected segment a same as a length of the first selected segment along the second segment that includes the input starting point, wherein the second selected segment is made by connecting the input starting point to such a point.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190343206A1

The present invention relates to system and method of pattern-making for mass customized production of apparels. More particularly, the invention relates to height and size customizations which enable customers to get garments fitted to their body measurements. Further, the invention relates to style customization that enables customers to fashion the garment to their style preferences. The system [] of pattern-making for mass customized production of apparels comprises a computing module [], an internet [], user device [], a design database [] comprising a product pattern repository [] and an order pattern repository [], one or more servers [], a processor [], a customization input module [], a user style recommendation module [] and a comparison module []. Advantageously, the present invention achieves unit manufacturing of customized individual consumer orders obtained from an online store, a physical store or through other channels. 1100. A computer assisted system [] of pattern-making for mass customized production of apparels , comprising:{'b': '101', "a computing module [] to compute plurality of operations as per the user's request;"}{'b': 102', '102', '106, 'i': 'a', 'a network [] for communicating information between a client side [] and an user device [];'}{'b': 103', '103', '103, 'i': a', 'b, 'a design database [] comprising a product pattern repository [] and an order pattern repository [];'}{'b': '104', 'one or more servers [];'}{'b': '105', 'at least one processor [];'}{'b': '107', 'a customization input module [];'}{'b': '108', 'a user style recommendation module []; and'}{'b': '109', 'claim-text': [{'b': '101', 'wherein the computing module [] is configured to receive user data input at its web portal or application programming interface (API),'}, {'b': '103', 'i': 'a', 'wherein the product pattern repository [] is configured to store graded patterns of standard sizes and default style and body type for all launched garments,'}, {'b': 103', '107, 'i ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200364826A1
Автор: Hamilton John
Принадлежит: STEELCASE INC.

A system determines an object-design for a three-dimensional model of an object. The object-design may exhibit a design continuity. The system breaks the object-design in to spatial patterns corresponding to the discrete surfaces making up the outward surface of the object. The system then generates flattened patterns by projecting the spatial patterns into a two-dimensional plane. The system prints the flattened patterns on to designated regions of material sheets in an orientation that preserves the design continuity of the object-design. The regions may be extracted from the sheets and then joined at their edges to form a cover for object that exhibits the continuity of the object design. 1. A method comprising:flattening a first portion an object surface through projection onto a two-dimensional plane to obtain a flattened pattern;orienting the flattened pattern to maintain a continuity with a second portion of the object surface; andafter orienting the flattened pattern, printing the flattened pattern on to a material sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , where the object surface comprises a curved surface in three dimensions.3. The method of claim 1 , where projecting the first portion the object surface comprises applying a surface area preserving transform to the first portion of the object surface claim 1 , applying a silhouette-type transform to the first portion of the object surface claim 1 , or both.4. The method of claim 1 , where the continuity comprises an alignment continuity claim 1 , an orientation continuity claim 1 , or both.5. The method of claim 1 , where printing the flattened pattern comprises printing an alignment marker.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , before printing the flattened pattern claim 1 , designating a region on the material sheet on which to print the flattened pattern.7. The method of claim 6 , where designating the region comprises accounting for material to support joining the region to another region claim ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200375293A1
Автор: Koh Chong Jin

Disclosed are methods and systems for generating a customized garment design. The method, when executed by a processor, comprises first retrieving a user signal about a user, identifying a user style comprising at least a preferred garment category for the user by analyzing the user signal, and retrieving a group of features for the preferred garment category, where each of the features is associated with at least one style variable. The method further comprises identifying at least one preferred style value for each of the style variables based on the user signal, generating one or more candidate garment feature sets by selecting one or more combinations of preferred style values for each style variable, and generating the customized garment design by selecting a garment feature set from the one or more candidate garment feature sets. 1. A method for generating a customized garment design , comprising:retrieving a user signal about a user;identifying a user style comprising at least a preferred garment category for the user by analyzing the user signal;retrieving a group of features for the preferred garment category, wherein each of the features is associated with at least one style variable;for each of the style variables, identifying at least one preferred style value based on the user signal;generating one or more candidate garment feature sets by selecting one or more combinations of preferred style values for each style variable; andgenerating the customized garment design by selecting a garment feature set from the one or more candidate garment feature sets.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one style variable associated with at least one of the features is selected from the group consisting of a cut variable and a fabric variable.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each preferred style value is associated with a score computed based on the user signal claim 1 , and wherein the score indicates an affinity to the user.4. The method of claim 3 , ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200397080A1

Methods and systems are provided to generate a base digital file for a garment and a custom digital file for the garment, which may be used in garment production. For example, a system may receive information providing various specifications for manufacturing a garment, generate a base digital file for the garment, receive a request to transform the garment from a first garment size to a second garment size, and then generate a custom digital file for the garment by applying custom user body measurements to the base digital file or by applying a grading scale. 1. A system comprising:a memory storing computer-executable instructions; and receive information associated with a garment, the information comprising a garment identifier and measurements associated with a first garment size;', the garment identifier;', 'a version object identifying that the base digital file is associated with the garment in the first garment size;', 'an array of panel objects, wherein each panel object in the array of panel objects represents a portion of the garment, and wherein each panel object is associated with a panel identifier, a fabric identifier representing a fabric for the panel object, and one or more seam objects representing one or more seams which form the portion of the garment; and', 'an array of notions objects, wherein each notions object in the array of notions object is associated with a panel object in the array of panel objects and represents an accessory to be applied to the panel object;, 'generate a base digital file for the garment comprising, 'wherein the base digital file for the garment is associated with a grading scale to transform the garment from the first garment size to a second garment size;', 'receive a request to transform the garment from the first garment size to the second garment size, wherein the request comprises a selection of the second garment size or a user input of one or more user body measurements;', 'generate a custom digital file for ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200397081A1

Disclosed are modularized garment manufacturing method and system for small quantity batch production of garments. Basic components constituting an ordered garment are generated by analyzing shape graphic data of the ordered garment. For each basic component, basic patterns are generated for each dimension of the ordered garment. The basic patterns are compared with reference garment patterns stored in a garment pattern database to determine a pattern category of each basic pattern. Based on the pattern category of the basic patterns and information on garment production lines currently in operation, subdivided work modules are determined for each basic pattern. A configuration of modular sewing process lines, which include module processing lines for manufacturing the working modules and component-joining process lines for completing production of the ordered garment by joining the basic pattern products produced in each module processing line, is designed based on operation information of a garment production line. 1. A modularized garment manufacturing method for producing a garment by using a computer program which is run by a first computer device , comprising:generating a plurality of basic components constituting an ordered garment by analyzing shape graphic data of the ordered garment;generating basic patterns for each dimension of the ordered garment for each of the plurality of basic components;classifying a pattern category of each of the plurality of basic patterns by comparing the plurality of basic patterns with reference garment patterns stored in a garment pattern database in terms of similarity;determining work modules subdivided for each of the plurality of basic patterns based on classification result of the pattern category of the plurality of basic patterns and information on a garment production line currently in operation; anddesigning a configuration of modular sewing process lines based on operation information of a garment production line ...

12-10-2021 дата публикации

Extraction of body dimensions from planar garment photographs of fitting garments

Номер: US11145118B2
Принадлежит: eBay Inc

Techniques for extraction of body parameters, dimensions and shape of a customer are presented herein. A model descriptive of a garment, a corresponding calibration factor and reference garment shapes can be assessed. A garment shape corresponding to the three-dimensional model can be selected from the reference garment shapes based on a comparison of the three-dimensional model with the reference garment shapes. A reference feature from the plurality of reference features may be associated with the model feature. A measurement of the reference feature may be calculated based on the association and the calibration factor. The computed measurement can be stored in a body profile associated with a user. An avatar can be generated for the user based on the body profile and be used to show or indicate fit of a garment, as well as make fit and size recommendations.

10-07-2020 дата публикации

Method, server and program of acquiring image for measuring a body size and a method for measuring a body size using the same

Номер: KR102132721B1
Автор: 양재민
Принадлежит: (주) 아이딕션

The present invention relates to a method for obtaining an image for measuring body size and a method for measuring body size using the same which obtain an optimal image for measuring body size by providing a guiding line to a shooting screen of a terminal, extract the edge of the body of a user from the obtained image, and obtain a three-dimensional (3D) image of the body of the user using the edge, thereby calculating the body size of the user.

11-06-2021 дата публикации

Method, server and program of acquiring image for measuring a body size and a method for measuring a body size using the same

Номер: KR102264014B1
Автор: 양재민
Принадлежит: (주) 아이딕션

본 발명은 신체 사이즈 측정용 사진 획득 방법 및 이를 이용한 신체 사이즈 측정 방법에 관한 것으로, 단말의 촬영화면으로 가이딩 라인을 제공함으로써 신체 사이즈 측정을 위한 최적의 이미지를 획득하고, 획득된 이미지로부터 사용자 신체의 엣지를 추출하고 이를 이용하여 사용자 신체의 3D 이미지를 획득함으로써 사용자의 정확한 신체 사이즈를 산출할 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a method for obtaining a picture for measuring body size and a method for measuring body size using the same, and to obtain an optimal image for body size measurement by providing a guiding line to a photographing screen of a terminal, and to obtain an optimal image for body size measurement from the obtained image By extracting the edge of and using this to obtain a 3D image of the user's body, it is possible to calculate the user's exact body size.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for generating pattern, and apparatus and method for mass-producing order based custom-made gloves

Номер: KR101116896B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아이옴니

본 발명은 장갑 주문제작 방법 및 장치에 관한 것이다. 보다 상세하게는, 본 발명의 주문관리 서버는 계측 및 주문처리장치로부터 고객정보와 인체를 스캔한 결과를 수신받아, 패턴 생성장치를 통해 장갑을 제작하기 위한 패턴정보를 생성하고, 이에 대응하여 피혁가공장치에 해당 장갑을 제작하도록 요청하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a glove customization method and apparatus. More specifically, the order management server of the present invention receives the results of scanning the customer information and the human body from the measurement and order processing device, and generates the pattern information for manufacturing gloves through the pattern generating device, and correspondingly leather It is characterized by requesting the processing device to manufacture the glove. 본 발명에 따르면, 치수 계측에서부터 제작까지 모든 주문 및 생산과정을 온라인상에서 자동화 할 수 있고, 또한 인체스캔을 위한 장비로서, 고가의 3차원 인체스캐너 장비가 아닌, 저가의 2차원 인체스캐너 장비를 이용하여 스캔을 수행함으로서 제작비용을 낮추면서도 정밀한 피혁장갑을 생산할 수 있는 장점이 있다. According to the present invention, all orders and production processes from dimension measurement to fabrication can be automated on-line, and as a device for human body scanning, it uses a low-cost two-dimensional human scanner device rather than an expensive three-dimensional human scanner device. By performing a scan to reduce the manufacturing cost has the advantage of producing precise leather gloves. 인체 스캔, 골프장갑, 피혁장갑, 의류, 온라인 주문제작, 패턴 Body Scan, Golf Gloves, Leather Gloves, Clothing, Made to Order Online, Pattern

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for construction of realistic 3d avatar of buyers for virtual fitting

Номер: RU2615911C1

FIELD: information technology. SUBSTANCE: method for constructing a realistic 3D avatar of buyers for virtual fitting comprises determining base parameters of a user body using the visual interface for manually entering of values or automatic method based on body silhouette analysis; creating a manikin proportional to a user body by linear morphing of morftargets; calibrating a morphed manikin with cache the previously calibrated manikins; updating manikin parameters based on user body photoes; setting of manikin external characteristics; user face photo overlay on a mannequin; creating users body geometry for fitting clothes; generating a 3D body image for photorealistic rendering, and a system for constructing a realistic 3D avatar of a buyer for virtual fitting comprising a user body parameters entering interface, a module for creation of manikin body by morphing based on body parameters; a module of updating of a morphed manikin by iterative exchange and morphing; a module of interactive manikin body proportions setting; a module of appearence setting; a module of manikin face overlay. EFFECT: minimized errors in remote ordering of clothing, footwear, headgear, echanced list of technical means used in technology of remote ordering of clothing, improved remote ordering accuracy of clothing that exactly match with real customer's body characteristics with remaining of a more convenient method to present a result of fitting. 12 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 615 911 C1 (51) МПК A41H 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015152380, 08.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.12.2015 Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Пластинин Сергей Аркадьевич (RU), Резников Владимир Борисович (RU), Шапилов Олег Витальевич (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.12.2015 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN ...

11-09-1981 дата публикации

Automatic measuring method for size of human body and device therefor

Номер: JPS56115904A
Принадлежит: Unitika Ltd

25-11-2004 дата публикации

Method of designing a product in a virtual environment

Номер: US20040236455A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A method of designing a product for use on a body used to develop a preferred product configuration using a computer-based virtual product development and testing system. A virtual product sub-model is created of a product for use on the body. An environment sub-model is generated so that environmental factors affecting the product are also used in designing or evaluating the product. Instructions defining how the product sub-model and the environment sub-model interact are introduced in an interaction model. The sub-models and the interaction defined by the interaction model are then combined to create a virtual use model simulating the use of the virtual product sub-model by the virtual wearer sub-model. The use model determines the forces, deformations and stresses caused by movement and interaction between the virtual wearer sub-model and the virtual product sub-model using numerical method analysis. The results of the use model are analyzed to evaluate the performance of product features embodied in the virtual product sub-model such as when and exposed to typical movements or forces. The product sub-model is then modified in response to the determined performance of the product feature and the steps of interacting the models and combining the models are reperformed in the use model to design the product.

12-04-2019 дата публикации

A kind of ready-made clothes method based on the acquisition of clothing data

Номер: CN109602113A
Автор: 孙云权, 齐立哲
Принадлежит: Ji Hua Laboratory


25-09-2020 дата публикации

Golden proportion four-body men's clothing type sample plate and four-body men's clothing

Номер: CN211558931U
Автор: 许宗保
Принадлежит: Individual


25-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR2799556B1
Принадлежит: Lectra Systemes SA

22-06-2020 дата публикации

Apparel pattern drawing system suitable for korean body shape by division pattern standardization calculation

Номер: KR20200072254A
Автор: 임사여
Принадлежит: 임사여

본 발명은 한국인 평균체형의 연구를 바탕으로 디비젼패턴 체형 표준화 계산식을 통한 한국인 체형에 적합한 의류 패턴시스템에 관한 것으로서, 한국인 평균체형치수를 활용하여 체형 표준화 계산법을 통해 평균체형의 표준화 치수를 획득하여, 대량생산이 가능한 기성복이면서도 시각적, 감각적인 심미감을 가지는 디자인 패턴을 누구나 손쉽게 제도할 수 있도록 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본 발명은, 제작하고자 하는 의류에 따른 패턴을 인체의 특성에 따라 제도하는 패턴제도단계 및 상기 패턴제도단계를 통해 의류제작이 가능하도록 하는 의류패턴 시스템에 있어서, 상기 패턴제도단계는, 사이즈코리아에서 제공되는 성별, 연령별, 시기별, 항목별에 대한 평균체형치수를 획득하는 획득단계; 및 상기 획득단계를 통해 획득된 평균체형치수에서 신장은 머리길이를 기준으로 하고, 둘레는 옆폭을 기준으로 하여 디비젼패턴 체형 표준화 계산식에 따라 성별, 연령별, 항목별에 대한 한국인 표준체형치수를 산출하여 패턴제도가 원활하게 이루어지도록 하는 표준화체형치수 산출단계;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

13-02-1976 дата публикации

Tape for measuring a persons size - is divided onto longitudinal bands corresponding to different measurements

Номер: FR2278278A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Henri Hubert

The tape (1) is used to determine a person's size, the numbers on the tape corresponding to the sizes of clothes rather than exact measurements. The tape is divided in longitudinal bands which are crossed by perpendicular lines at intervals of 1 cm. The tape passes through a case (11) which has windows through which each of the longitudinal bands can be read. Inscriptions on the case show which measurements are indicated, i.e. chest, waist, and hips.

02-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3065626A1
Автор: Sondes Louati Jarraya
Принадлежит: Individual

Dispositif (1) de mesure de mensurations d'une personne (2), comprenant un premier ruban (3) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une première longueur mesurée le long de ce premier ruban. Le dispositif (1) comporte un deuxième ruban (4) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une seconde longueur mesurée le long de ce deuxième ruban (4) et une première liaison (5), cette première liaison (5) étant adaptée pour attacher le premier ruban (3) au deuxième ruban (4), le premier ruban (3) formant une première boucle fermée s'étendant dans un premier plan (P1) et que le deuxième ruban (4) s'étendant longitudinalement, de manière rectiligne, dans un deuxième plan (P2) perpendiculaire audit premier plan (P1). A device (1) for measuring a person's measurements (2), comprising a first graduated flexible tape (3) bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a first length measured along the first tape. The device (1) comprises a second flexible tape (4) graduated and bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a second length measured along the second ribbon (4) and a first link (5), this first link (5) being adapted to attach the first ribbon (3) to the second ribbon (4), the first ribbon (3) forming a first closed loop extending in a first plane (P1) and the second ribbon (4) extending longitudinally, in a rectilinear manner, in a second plane (P2) perpendicular to said first plane (P1).

20-09-1907 дата публикации

Measuring device for tailors, etc.

Номер: FR377986A
Автор: Edgard Couplet
Принадлежит: Edgard Couplet

02-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3065625A1
Автор: Sondes Louati Jarraya
Принадлежит: Sondes Louati Jarraya

Dispositif (1) de mesure de mensurations d'une personne (2), comprenant un premier ruban (3) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une première longueur mesurée le long de ce premier ruban. Le dispositif (1) comporte un deuxième ruban (4) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une seconde longueur mesurée le long de ce deuxième ruban (4) et une première liaison (5), cette première liaison (5) étant adaptée pour attacher le premier ruban (3) au deuxième ruban (4), le premier ruban (3) formant une première boucle fermée s'étendant dans un premier plan (P1) et que le deuxième ruban (4) s'étendant longitudinalement, de manière rectiligne, dans un deuxième plan (P2) perpendiculaire audit premier plan (P1). A device (1) for measuring a person's measurements (2), comprising a first graduated flexible tape (3) bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a first length measured along the first tape. The device (1) comprises a second flexible tape (4) graduated and bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a second length measured along the second ribbon (4) and a first link (5), this first link (5) being adapted to attach the first ribbon (3) to the second ribbon (4), the first ribbon (3) forming a first closed loop extending in a first plane (P1) and the second ribbon (4) extending longitudinally, in a rectilinear manner, in a second plane (P2) perpendicular to said first plane (P1).

30-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: FR3065626B1
Автор: Jarraya Sondes Louati
Принадлежит: Individual

Dispositif (1) de mesure de mensurations d'une personne (2), comprenant un premier ruban (3) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une première longueur mesurée le long de ce premier ruban. Le dispositif (1) comporte un deuxième ruban (4) flexible gradué et portant des inscriptions pour indiquer au moins une seconde longueur mesurée le long de ce deuxième ruban (4) et une première liaison (5), cette première liaison (5) étant adaptée pour attacher le premier ruban (3) au deuxième ruban (4), le premier ruban (3) formant une première boucle fermée s'étendant dans un premier plan (P1) et que le deuxième ruban (4) s'étendant longitudinalement, de manière rectiligne, dans un deuxième plan (P2) perpendiculaire audit premier plan (P1). Device (1) for measuring the measurements of a person (2), comprising a first flexible tape (3) graduated and bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a first length measured along this first tape. The device (1) comprises a second flexible tape (4) graduated and bearing inscriptions to indicate at least a second length measured along this second tape (4) and a first link (5), this first link (5) being adapted to attach the first ribbon (3) to the second ribbon (4), the first ribbon (3) forming a first closed loop extending in a first plane (P1) and the second ribbon (4) extending longitudinally, rectilinearly, in a second plane (P2) perpendicular to said first plane (P1).

23-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: FR3082393B1
Автор: Claire Chabaud
Принадлежит: ENDEER

L'invention concerne un soutien-gorge (40) personnalisé pour une utilisatrice, comprenant deux bonnets (41, 42) pour recevoir chacun un sein de l'utilisatrice, chaque bonnet (41, 42) étant fait d'un matériau élastique, caractérisé en ce que chaque bonnet (41, 42) est amovible et en ce que le soutien-gorge comprend pour chaque bonnet (41, 42) un organe d'adaptation (20) du bonnet à la forme du sein, en forme de tige courbe (20) obtenue sur mesure de l'utilisatrice, ladite tige courbe étant adaptée pour épouser sur toute sa longueur la forme du sillon sous-mammaire de ladite utilisatrice, et s'étendant depuis le voisinage du sternum de l'utilisatrice jusqu'au voisinage du creux axillaire de l'utilisatrice, de sorte que ladite tige courbe (20) étire le bonnet (41, 42) pour épouser la forme du sein. The invention relates to a personalized bra (40) for a user, comprising two cups (41, 42) for each receiving a breast of the wearer, each cup (41, 42) being made of an elastic material, characterized by in that each cup (41, 42) is removable and in that the bra comprises for each cup (41, 42) an adaptation member (20) of the cup to the shape of the breast, in the form of a curved rod (20) obtained to measure by the user, said curved rod being adapted to follow over its entire length the shape of the submammary fold of said user, and extending from the vicinity of the sternum of the user to the vicinity of the wearer's axilla, so that said curved rod (20) stretches the cup (41, 42) to conform to the shape of the breast.

13-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR2799556A1
Принадлежит: Lectra Systemes SA

L'invention concerne un procédé pour visualiser un vêtement, composé de pièces de vêtement, ayant des lignes de couture, sur un mannequin virtuel. Ce procédé comporte :- une étape de dépôt des pièces de vêtement (38, 40) sur la surface du mannequin (32) ou sur une surface déduite de celle du mannequin,- la jonction des pièces de vêtement, selon leurs lignes de couture,- la relaxation de chaque pièce du vêtement, depuis sa position à la surface du mannequin vers sa position d'équilibre sur le mannequin.L'invention concerne également un dispositif pour mettre en oeuvre ce procédé.

13-10-1926 дата публикации

Measuring device for making clothes

Номер: FR611950A
Автор: Johann Roben

24-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR3060432B1
Принадлежит: Lectra SA

L'invention concerne un procédé de partitionnement d'un placement prédéterminé (P) de pièces destinées à être découpées dans un matériau souple en feuille par déplacement d'au moins un outil de coupe suivant deux directions (X, Y) dans au moins deux fenêtres de coupe distinctes et déterminées le long desquelles le matériau est successivement avancé, dans lequel, à partir d'un placement prédéterminé des pièces dans le matériau, le procédé comprend la création automatique de groupes de pièces (G-1 à G-m) distincts les uns des autres en affectant chaque pièce à un unique groupe de pièces en fonction de son placement géométrique, chaque groupe de pièces étant associé, pour la découpe, à un même outil de coupe (0-1 à O-k) et à une même fenêtre de coupe (F-1 à F-I), et l'application d'espacements entre les différents groupes de pièces. The invention relates to a method for partitioning a predetermined placement (P) of pieces to be cut in a flexible sheet material by moving at least two cutting tools in two directions (X, Y) in at least two distinct and determined cutting windows along which the material is successively advanced, in which, from a predetermined placement of the pieces in the material, the method comprises the automatic creation of groups of pieces (G-1 to Gm) separate from each other; each other by assigning each piece to a single group of pieces according to its geometric placement, each group of pieces being associated, for cutting, to the same cutting tool (0-1 to Ok) and to the same window of cutting (F-1 to FI), and the application of spacings between different groups of pieces.

05-01-1933 дата публикации

Apparatus for taking measurements for tailors

Номер: FR739134A
Автор: Juan Rabat Molas

27-10-1934 дата публикации

Device usable for taking photographic measurements

Номер: FR772315A
Автор: Hans Preben Holten

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3060432A1
Принадлежит: Lectra SA

L'invention concerne un procédé de partitionnement d'un placement prédéterminé (P) de pièces destinées à être découpées dans un matériau souple en feuille par déplacement d'au moins un outil de coupe suivant deux directions (X, Y) dans au moins deux fenêtres de coupe distinctes et déterminées le long desquelles le matériau est successivement avancé, dans lequel, à partir d'un placement prédéterminé des pièces dans le matériau, le procédé comprend la création automatique de groupes de pièces (G-1 à G-m) distincts les uns des autres en affectant chaque pièce à un unique groupe de pièces en fonction de son placement géométrique, chaque groupe de pièces étant associé, pour la découpe, à un même outil de coupe (0-1 à O-k) et à une même fenêtre de coupe (F-1 à F-I), et l'application d'espacements entre les différents groupes de pièces. The invention relates to a method for partitioning a predetermined placement (P) of pieces to be cut in a flexible sheet material by moving at least two cutting tools in two directions (X, Y) in at least two distinct and determined cutting windows along which the material is successively advanced, in which, from a predetermined placement of the pieces in the material, the method comprises the automatic creation of groups of pieces (G-1 to Gm) separate from each other; each other by assigning each piece to a single group of pieces according to its geometric placement, each group of pieces being associated, for cutting, to the same cutting tool (0-1 to Ok) and to the same window of cutting (F-1 to FI), and the application of spacings between different groups of pieces.

02-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for developing patronage for tailoring of e.g. garment, from measurements of individual, involves changing computer file containing parts of basic pattern corresponding to nearest size of individual determined from measurements

Номер: FR2986138A1

The method involves developing a set of basic patterns in the form of a set of computer files stored in a database (4), where each pattern corresponds to a size and a type of clothing, and each pattern is developed from an assembly of items of clothing. Measurements of an individual are taken by an automatic installation (1) in the form of a cabin with a body scanner. The computer file containing parts of the basic pattern is changed corresponding to the nearest size of the individual determined from the measurements. An independent claim is also included for a system for developing a patronage for tailoring of a garment from measurements of an individual.

04-06-1909 дата публикации

Water level device for taking measurements of the human body

Номер: FR398426A
Автор: Konrad Weigel
Принадлежит: Individual

26-01-1932 дата публикации

Measuring instrument for tailors

Номер: FR718522A
Автор: Johann Mayer

09-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR2797155A1
Автор: Thierry Lanier
Принадлежит: Sofileta

Procédé pour réaliser, sur une bande déformable un objet tridimensionnel formé de pièces, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend les étapes de : - réalisation d'un modèle tridimensionnel ayant la forme de l'objet à obtenir;- positionnement et/ ou dessin de la forme et du coloris des motifs sur le modèle tridimensionnel;- démontage du modèle de manière à séparer les pièces modèles le constituant;- mise à plat des pièces modèles ainsi pourvues de motif (s) ou partie (s) de motif;- obtention d'une image bidimensionnelle des pièces modèles et d'une image bidimensionnelle des motifs;- impression de l'image bidimensionnelle des motifs sur la bande; La bande est découpée conformément à l'image des pièces modèles. Les motifs viennent en continuation sur au moins deux pièces adjacentes sans interruption ou décalage décelable de forme et de coloris. Method for producing, on a deformable strip, a three-dimensional object formed from parts, characterized in that it comprises the steps of: - production of a three-dimensional model having the shape of the object to be obtained; - positioning and / or drawing of the shape and color of the patterns on the three-dimensional model; - disassembly of the model so as to separate the model parts constituting it; - flattening of the model parts thus provided with motif (s) or part (s) of motif; - obtaining a two-dimensional image of the model parts and a two-dimensional image of the patterns; - printing of the two-dimensional image of the patterns on the strip; The strip is cut according to the image of the model parts. The patterns come continuously on at least two adjacent pieces without interruption or detectable offset in shape and color.

30-11-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the preparation of tailors' patterns

Номер: GB855101A
Принадлежит: Individual

855,101. Photographic processes. MULLER. N. Dec. 27, 1957 [Jan. 4, 1957], No. 40210/57. Classes 97(1) and 98(2) A method of manufacturing tailors patterns comprises projecting on to a screen an image of the person for whom the clothing is intended superposed on a measuring grid, projecting from a second projector an image of a person for whom a tailors pattern is available, adjusting the size and shape of the second image until it coincides with the first, projecting with the second projector in the same position an image of the available tailors pattern and obtaining therefore the desired tailors pattern. A person of standard dimensions is photographed in two positions (Fig. 4) to provide a double exposure with a background grid on a single photographic transparency and a pattern of the cut pieces of cloth with vertical and horizontal dimensions appropriately disposed which comprise the perfectly fitting suit for the standard person is reproduced on a photographic transparency on the same scale and background grid. The subject for whom a pattern is to be devised is photographed in the same manner as in Fig. 4 to provide a further transparency. The transparency of the standard person is inserted in a projector 16 (Fig. 7) mounted on a trolley 15 and slidable on rails 14, and the transparency of the subject is inserted on a second projector 12 mounted on a trolley 11 which carries a semi transparent mirror 13 at 45 degrees to both optical axes and is slidable on rails 10 perpendicular to the rails 14 such that both images appear simultaneously on a screen 17. The trolley 15 is then moved along the rails, and an anamorphotic lens on the objective of the projector 16 is adjusted until both images have the same overall length and width. The trolley 11 is then withdrawn and a third trolley 18 riding on the rails 10 and carrying a mirror 19 inclined at 45 degrees of the horizontal is moved into the position formerly occupied by the mirror 13 such that the image from 16 is ...
