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Применить Всего найдено 8435. Отображено 199.
10-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU23224U1

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU200433U1
Принадлежит: ЧАН, Цзюй- Чэнь (TW)

Шапка для ухода за волосами с беспроводным генератором отрицательных ионов состоит из воздухопроницаемого гибкого корпуса, по краям которого располагается эластичная лента, чтобы шапка для ухода за волосами с беспроводным генератором отрицательных ионов плотно сидела на голове. На внутренней поверхности гибкого корпуса имеется множество электрических нагревательных элементов и, по меньшей мере, один генератор отрицательных ионов, а на внешней поверхности гибкого корпуса располагается контроллер с электрической цепью и гнездо для элемента питания. При использовании настоящей полезной модели контроллер применяется для установки времени и температуры и управления электрическими нагревательными элементами и отрицательно-ионным генератором для генерирования тепла и отрицательных ионов. Генерируемое тепло и отрицательные ионы передаются внутрь гибкого корпуса и равномерно распределяются там для передачи тепла волосам на голове. При использовании в сочетании с кондиционером, бигуди и другими элементами ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU104027U1

... 1. Трансформируемый головной убор, включающий плоскую деталь, выполненную с возможностью соединения ее срезов с помощью разъемной молнии, отличающийся тем, что плоская деталь выполнена в форме двух симметричных относительно ее вертикальной оси криволинейных сегментов с общей стороной, совпадающей с упомянутой вертикальной осью, стянутых общей хордой, длина которой соответствует окружности головы, при этом соединяемыми срезами являются криволинейные стороны упомянутых сегментов. ! 2. Трансформируемый головной убор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что по оси симметрии плоской детали предусмотрен припуск для формирования, по крайней мере, одной складки либо сборок.

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2245086C1

Способ изготовления складываемого швейного изделия заключается в том, что материал, из которого изготавливают изделие, разрезают на полоски, количество, размер и форму которых предварительно определяют по конструкции изделия, затем полоски стачивают между собой по длине в порядке, предусмотренном конструкцией деталей изделия, после чего на каждой полоске застрачивают кулиску с одновременным размещением в ней шнура, при этом шов застрачивания кулиски совмещают со швом стачивания двух смежных полосок, выполненные из полосок детали с проложенным в кулисках шнуром соединяют между собой, образуя изделие, которое окончательно оформляют путем прикрепления к нему дополнительных деталей, что обеспечивает получение широкого ассортимента швейных изделий, удобных в эксплуатации. 2 з.п. ф-лы,1 ил.

23-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678170C1

Тактическая кепка с подсветкой и изменяемым углом освещения, содержащая головку, выполненную из клиньев с козырьком, окаймленную с внутренней стороны по краю полоской прокладкой, и выполненными в ней отверстиями с вставленными в них люверсами, в которых установлены светодиоды, направленные светоизлучающей частью наружу, при этом на головке установлен блок питания светодиодов, соединенный со светодиодами, отличающаяся тем, что в нее дополнительно введены подвижная светоотражающая пластина с упругими элементами, закрепленными одной своей стороной на головке ниже уровня крепления козырька, а другой - на светоотражающей пластине, и прозрачная вставка в козырьке. 2 ил.

27-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2107446C1

Сущность изобретения: способ кроя и крепления широких полей в головных уборах заключается в том, что поля прикрепляют не ниже одной второй высоты колпака. При этом широкие поля выкраивают в форме эллипса, цельные, двух- или трехъярусные, в форме козырька или других форм. 1 з.п. ф-лы. 1 ил.

20-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98114122A
Автор: Кузьмин В.Н.

Берпил - головной убор, состоящий из шерстянной шапочки, берета, пилотки: пуговиц и петель, отличающийся тем, что, с целью удовлетворения эстетических потребностей человека, в шерстяной шапочке на наружней поверхности прорезаются прорамки для пуговиц, пришитых на внутренней поверхности нижней кромке берета, пристегивающих шапочку к нему, в верхней части берета, прорезаются отверстия для петель, установленных на нем с внутренней стороны и застегивающихся на пуговицы, расположенные по периметру нижней кромки пилотки; а также для застегивания этих отверстий на пуговицы, пришитые напротив этих петель с внутренней стороны берета при автономном его использовании.

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003114041A

... 1. Способ изготовления складываемого швейного изделия, заключающийся в том, что материал, из которого изготавливают изделие, разрезают на полоски, количество, размер и форму которых предварительно определяют по конструкции изделия, затем полоски стачивают между собой по длине в порядке, предусмотренном конструкцией деталей изделия, после чего на каждой полоске застрачивают кулиску с одновременным размещением в ней шнура, при этом шов застрачивания кулиски совмещают со швом стачивания двух смежных полосок, выполненные из полосок детали с проложенным в кулисках шнуром соединяют между собой, образуя изделие, которое окончательно оформляют путем прикрепления к нему дополнительных деталей. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором швейное изделие представляет собой одежду, головной убор, покрывало, шторы, чехол для мебели, дорожную принадлежность. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором материал представляет собой ткань, кожу, пленку, нетканое полотно, трикотаж.

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94017518A1
Автор: Учаев Ю.Ф.

Головной убор относится к головным уборам и может быть использован для защиты головы и глаз от яркого солнца. Цель изобретения - повышение удобства пользования за счет возможности регулирования наклона козырька и возможности хранения убора в виде отдельных плоских элементов, что исключает их смятие. Головной убор содержит обруч, охватывающий голову, концы которого снабжены разъемным элементом, а также козырек, прикрепляемый к обручу. При этом обруч образован из отдельных элементов, соединяемых с козырьком, посредством Г-образно профилированных концов этих элементов, пропущенных в щели, выполненные в боковых участках козырька.

01-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010015483U1

Stirnband (10; 30; 50; 60), insbesondere mit einem an diesem angeordneten Schirm (12; 32; 62), dadurch gekennzeichnet dass Abdeckmittel (16; 36; 52) zum optionalen Abdecken der Kopfoberseite des Trägers vorgesehen sind.

14-12-1995 дата публикации

Umbrella hat to keep rain off wearer

Номер: DE0004446917A1

The hat has a central section with flexible stays fitted radially around the rim. The stays support the canopy when released and are bent towards the rim when the canopy is folded. A fastening strap (4) attached to the outer edge of the canopy has a snap fastening to the hat to secure the folded position. The hat is further secured by a chain strap (6). A telescopic shaft with a pointed lower end (7) is located in a tubular extension through the top of the hat. This is extended to convert the hat into an umbrella/parasol stuck into soft ground.

02-11-1922 дата публикации

Hutformhalter fuer weiche Herrenfilzhuete mit verstellbaren federnden Stuetzbuegeln

Номер: DE0000362669C
Принадлежит: PAUL HACKBEIL

10-05-2000 дата публикации

A bill shaping support for a cap

Номер: GB0002343362A

A resilient support 1 for shaping the bill of a cap including a body 4 having a surface adapted to engage and shape the bill to a desired configuration, means 6 for securing the body to the bill, and means 9 and 10 for the display of indicia.

31-07-2002 дата публикации

Calendered fabric for ultraviolet light protection

Номер: GB0002371567A

A garment - e.g. shirt, trousers, swimming costume or hat - includes a region consisting of a fabric which comprises synthetic polymer filaments, which has been calendered on at least one surface and which has an ultraviolet protection factor of at least 30, preferably of at least 1000. Also described is a layered fabric a first layer of which is as already described and a second layer of which is laminated to the first layer and preferably sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. A process to prepare a UV protective fabric includes the steps of forming a fabric from one or more multifilament yarns, calendering the fabric and measuring the UV protection factor of the calendered fabric.

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for hair cooling and dehumidification

Номер: GB0002576648A

A hair cooling and dehumidification apparatus includes a wearable headgear. The wearable headgear includes an outer layer, an insert layer, and an inner layer. The outer layer includes a supply port. The supply port is in fluid communication with a high-pressure storage tank via a vortex tube. The insert layer, detachably attached to the outer layer, includes a network of ducts and detachable insert elements. The ducts are in fluid communication with the supply port to receive a cooling gas from the vortex tube and distribute the cooling gas to the hair. The detachable insert elements are detachably attached to the insert layer via fasteners. The detachable insert elements, spaced apart to accommodate the network of ducts there between, comprise desiccant materials embedded within for absorbing moisture. The inner layer is proximal to the hair of the user to transfer the cooling gas to the hair.

26-08-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or in connection with cloth caps

Номер: GB0000257123A

... 257,123. Halon, W. Oct. 23, 1925. Springs and stiffeners. -- The rounded front e, Fig. 4, of a cloth cap above the peak is kept in shape by a device comprising two curved pieces a of stiffened canvas, buckram, fibre board &c. spaced apart by helical or other springs d, which are only slightly tempered or, preferably, not tempered at all, so that they may be compressed or extended at will to vary the space between the pieces a. These pieces are flat, but one or both may be flanged, as shown at b, Fig. 3. The device may be worn loosely, or inserted between the lining and the material of the cap.

19-02-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to devices for retaining the shape of hats

Номер: GB0000138709A

... 138,709. Rapson, F. L. Feb. 18, 1919. Springs and stiffeners.-Hats, particularly of the soft felt type, are maintained in shape by a U-shaped member a having teeth d to engage the hat and having arms e with adjustable hoop-like members g.

15-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000808278A

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349167T

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000270828T

09-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000563391B2

22-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003303365A1

13-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004360085A

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740045A1

There is provided a sweatband configured for attachment to an interior surface of a headwear for absorbing liquid from a head of a wearer of the headwear and including a side surface configured for disposition opposite to the head of the wearer when the sweatband is attached to the interior surface of the headwear and the headwear is being worn by the wearer, the side surface comprising: at least one pair of spaced-apart successive head contacting domains, wherein at least a respective portion of each one of the spaced-apart successive head contacting domains of each one of the at least one pair of spaced-apart successive head contacting domains is configured to contact the head of the wearer when the headwear is worn on a human head; and a channel configured to facilitate air flow between a space above the sweatband and a space below the sweatband when the headwear is worn on a human head, wherein the channel is defined by at least one recessed domain and each one of the at least one recessed ...

02-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1239751A

A headband construction is convertible for use, in the alternative, as a conventional headband or as a pair of sunglasses or sunshields. The headband construction includes an elongated band having a pair of eye openings therethrough which is receivable in encircling relation on the head of a wearer, a flap which is attached to the band adjacent the eye openings, and a lens piece which is secured on the band covering the eye openings. The flap is alternately positionable in a first position thereof wherein it is received and detachably retained in a wrapped disposition on the band so that it covers the eye openings and the lens piece, or a second position thereof wherein it is retained in a rolled or folded disposition adjacent the band so that it extends longitudinally therealong but does not obstruct the lens piece or the eye openings. The headband can also be worn with the flap in the second position thereof with the lens piece removed to provide a retainer for a pair of conventional ...

24-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1146729A

A grommet includes an eyelet and a washer both of rigid plastics which are matable together so as to be set in a fabric or sheet material. The eyelet has a barrel having on one end thereof an annular locking flange projecting radially outwardly and an annular recess 16 adjacent to the locking flange 14. The washer has an annular rib and a plurality of locking tongues projecting radially inwardly from the annular rib. When the eyelet and the washer are coaxially combined within each other with the fabric or sheet material sandwiched therebetween, the locking tongues are snapped over the locking flange into the annular recess. The washer is now retained or trapped on the barrel by the locking flange against removal. The advance in the art is in that the grommet can be easily attached to sheet material without the need for any attachment tool. Furthermore, the grommet has parts snappable together so as to be set in sheet material, without being permanently bent or deformed.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3109448A1

A wettable SMS material for personal protective equipment, such as a SMS fabric that has been treated to improve the wettability and absorbency properties of the SMS fabric is provided. A treated SMS fabric for personal protective equipment can retain its durability, breathability, and comfort, and may also provide the fabric with wettability and absorption properties. An article for personal protective equipment formed from a wettable SMS fabric is also provided.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003063219A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

A hair cooling and dehumidification apparatus includes a wearable headgear. The wearable headgear includes an outer layer, an insert layer, and an inner layer. The outer layer includes a supply port. The supply port is in fluid communication with a high-pressure storage tank via a vortex tube. The insert layer, detachably attached to the outer layer, includes a network of ducts and detachable insert elements. The ducts are in fluid communication with the supply port to receive a cooling gas from the vortex tube and distribute the cooling gas to the hair. The detachable insert elements are detachably attached to the insert layer via fasteners. The detachable insert elements, spaced apart to accommodate the network of ducts there between, comprise desiccant materials embedded within for absorbing moisture. The inner layer is proximal to the hair of the user to transfer the cooling gas to the hair.

18-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001274220A1

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843818A1

Emotional Hats and "Yes I can" dresses/shirts can be used as supplemental tool for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to develop emotional resilience, social skills, and cognitive skills; eating, defecating/urinating, attention focusing/learning/memorizing/listening/thinking habits; to dream and to improve communication; acknowledge and approve pleasurable childhood activities in children aged from 3-4 months to 18 years old.

01-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002004363A1

THE UNISEX SOFT HELMET pg.1 The Unisex Soft Helmet is designed in two separate pieces to be worn in several variations. It is intended for: a) cancer patients b) neurological patients c) geriatric patients d) migraine sufferers e) the hearing disordered The writer beleives it can similarily benefit: a) recovering alcoholics b) war veterans c) atheletes d) outdoorsmen Today's complicated social phenomenon ( i.e. unauthorized use of electronic and mechanical devices for the purpose of harassment or obstruction ) can be controlled in a significant way by the Soft Helmet. This petition comes as a result of a sincere effort on the part of its designer to create a comfortable, multi-purpose, protective headgear for all age groups.

07-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002209888A1

A variable combination cap comprises two or more constituting members readily disassembled and assembled to optionally present different types of caps, individually or in combination. The arrangement and combination of the constituting members from two or more variable combination caps in different colors or designs can present a great various kinds of caps.

01-09-1922 дата публикации

Apparat zum Aufrechterhalten der Hutform.

Номер: CH0000095988A

01-08-1923 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Erhaltung der Form weicher Hüte.

Номер: CH0000100466A

01-02-1926 дата публикации

Tendeur pour maintenir en forme des coiffures souples, telles que des casquettes, des bérets etc.

Номер: CH0000113724A
Принадлежит: DING & ROTH

02-07-1928 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000126805A

31-08-1951 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000277279A

15-05-1951 дата публикации

Conformateur pour casquettes et chapeuax.

Номер: CH0000275148A

15-09-1947 дата публикации

Formhalter für Hüte.

Номер: CH0000250614A

31-10-1949 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verhütung von Deformationen an Herrenhüten.

Номер: CH0000264584A

31-05-1956 дата публикации

Formhalter für Herrenhüte

Номер: CH0000313985A

15-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000632911A5

29-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000627634A5

31-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000649450A5

31-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000664673A5

15-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000657023A5

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Combinaison d'un couvre chef et un masque de protection respiratoire.

Номер: CH0000717388A1

L'invention concerne une combinaison d'un couvre-chef et un masque de protection respiratoire (6), le couvre-chef étant du type comportant un avant et deux côtés opposées et destiné à être porté dans cette orientation, comprenant une coiffe (1) ou une bande d'encerclement (13), et un serre-tête interne (3) sensiblement non-élastique présentant un bord supérieur (4) et un bord inférieur (5), le masque de protection respiratoire (6) en matière souple comportant deux élastiques de fixation (7). Une ouverture (8) est agencée sur le serre-tête interne du couvre-chef ou entre le serre-tête interne (3) et la coiffe (1) ou la bande (13), ladite ouverture (8) comportant un moyen d'accouplement mécanique femelle (9), et le masque de protection (6) comporte un moyen d'accouplement complémentaire mâle (10) agencé sur chacun des élastiques de fixation (7) dudit masque de protection (6), le moyen d'accouplement femelle (9) permettant de recevoir le moyen d'accouplement complémentaire mâle (10) des élastiques ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000082442U

Летний головной убор на основе конической азиатской шляпы, в которой угол при вершине конуса выбран в диапазоне от 100 до 130°.

25-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000046480U

Шапочка для купания содержит раскроенные и сшитые между собой детали верха, прокладки и подкладки, образуя наголовник, состоящий из задней затылочной части с опорным элементом, передней теменной части, двух боковых равных частей, покрывающих уши и щеки, и застежку. Верх и подкладка наголовника выполнены из натуральной ткани, а опорным элементом является прокладка, расположенная только в задней затылочной части между верхом и подкладкой, причем она выполнена в виде влагонепроницаемой мягкой пластины, по всей внешней поверхности которой равномерно расположены водоотталкивающие элементы из легкого материала. К продольным швам между задней и боковыми частями наголовника на уровне ушей прикреплены с обеих сторон водоотталкивающие опорные элементы из того же материала, со всех сторон обшитые тканью, толщина которых составляет не менее чем 0,5 см. Боковые части наголовника выполнены с возможностью соединения их между собой под подбородком с помощью застежки в виде завязок для плотного прилегания ...

26-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000058916U

26-10-2015 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000102466U

16-08-2019 дата публикации

Картонная шляпа

Номер: AM0000003321A

Изобретение относится к производству картонных одноразовых головных уборов, в частности,к изготовлению универсальных и многофункциональных шляп. Картонная шляпа имеет цилиндрическую часть, широкие поля и накладку. Поля и накладка соединены с цилинрической частью зацепами: поля, в свою очередь, изготовлены в виде равных секторов, на каждом из которых сделаны отверстия и они в свою очередь соединены друг с другом перегородками, при этом, один из секторов разделен на две равные части, а между отверстиями секторов проведена лента. Увеличивается универсальность шляпы, делая её применение более многофункциональным и целевым, 6 ил.

10-02-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000113711U

08-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AM0000000090U

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности к моделированию капюшонов. Капюшон изготовлен из цельного куска в виде равнобедреннего треугольника. Капюшон прикрепляется к вороту одежды при помощи трех элементов, которые размещены в вершинах треугольника, с возможностью прикрепления в одной и той же точке геометрического центра затылочной части ворота одежды. Вершину, находящуюся между сторонами треугольника, прикрепляют к элементу прикрепления на затылочной части ворота, затем набрасывают крой на голову таким образом, чтобы основание треугольника находилось на лобовой части. Два других конца треугольника проводят под подбородком в разные стороны и прикрепляют к той точке на затылочной части одежды, в которой прикреплена вершина треугольника. Упрощается конструкция капюшона, обеспечивается универсальность использования, 2 фиг..

29-12-2017 дата публикации

Composite energy cap

Номер: CN0107518484A

16-02-2011 дата публикации

Headband infrared multidimensional detecting instrument for blind person

Номер: CN0101975970A

The invention discloses a headband infrared multidimensional detecting instrument for blind person, comprising a minitype headband launching/receiving screen with two infrared emission units and 24 infrared receiving units and a dot matrix electrode which is made from special flexible materials such as composite conductive rubber, is connected with the headband launching/receiving screen and is stuck to the forehead of a blind wearer. The detecting instrument uses modulated infrared light as a detection source, emission and reception of the headband launching/receiving screen are controlled and detected by a central processing unit (CPU), and information concerning detected barriers in an interval is distributed to corresponding dot matrix electrodes by the 24 infrared receiving units in the form of impulse stimulation electric current and is transmitted to corresponding skin points in the dot matrix electrodes, wherein the impulse stimulation electric current is bidirectional asymmetric ...

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Child amusing cap

Номер: CN0108741367A

19-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001397241A

16-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CN0002124572U

13-04-2018 дата публикации

Cooling garment's auxiliary cooling structure and cooling garment

Номер: CN0207220197U

24-07-2013 дата публикации

Infusion cap

Номер: CN0203073029U

03-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CN0087207546U

20-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CN0002073236U

29-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CN0002094232U

13-10-2010 дата публикации

A cap

Номер: CN0201602188U

30-07-2014 дата публикации

Cap with road traffic safety prompting function

Номер: CN0203735544U

26-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CN0002041499U

27-12-2006 дата публикации

Cap with fan and electro-heating unit

Номер: CN0002850337Y

27-02-2008 дата публикации

Cap with brim capable of folding left and right

Номер: CN0201025906Y

01-09-2010 дата публикации

Heat insulation combined set

Номер: CN0201563675U

29-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CN0086208819U

25-04-2012 дата публикации

A cap

Номер: CN0102423162A

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Integrated gift cap and weaving process thereof

Номер: CN0108486755B

13-08-2003 дата публикации

Rotary cap

Номер: CN0002565282Y

14-06-2006 дата публикации

Combined motion cap

Номер: CN0002787017Y

19-11-2003 дата публикации

Simple sunbonnet

Номер: CN0002586377Y

28-11-2001 дата публикации

Concealed elastic regulating hat

Номер: CN0002461313Y

04-11-2009 дата публикации

Multifunctional hat

Номер: CN0201336987Y

15-02-2006 дата публикации

Protecting cap

Номер: CN0002757621Y

27-11-1996 дата публикации

Inner works for solar air-cooling hat

Номер: CN0002240875Y

07-04-2004 дата публикации

Radiation-proof cap

Номер: CN0002609378Y

04-04-2001 дата публикации

Water cooling cap

Номер: CN0002425530Y

11-08-2004 дата публикации

Sun hat

Номер: CN0002631258Y

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002845255B1
Принадлежит: RAYNAL

24-06-1953 дата публикации

Foldable and recutable hat sophisticated

Номер: FR0001031469A

13-06-1930 дата публикации

Impermeable and collapsible caps for all hats

Номер: FR0000683503A

11-05-1979 дата публикации

Hair cover for rain protection - has hood with frame of branches joined by articulated stays and with combs to support hood in hair

Номер: FR0002348663B1

13-07-1927 дата публикации

New fabric for the use of the hat industry

Номер: FR0000624314A

18-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002450072B1

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Removable band for visor

Номер: US20120210493A1
Автор: Lynn Evans
Принадлежит: Lynn Evans

A removable band for a conventional sun visor is disclosed. The removable band allows a visor-wearer to customize their visor without having to permanently alter their visor. A non-damaging adhesive may be used to affix the removable band to the visor and may be reused multiple times. The removable band may have decorative elements such as colors, patterns, themes, logos, lettering, attachments, rhinestones or other attractive decorations.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111651A1
Автор: Waters Michael

Headgear is provided having one or more electrical devices, such as light sources mounted thereto. The headgear includes a power source for providing power to the electrical devices and a motion sensing device, such that any operating electrical devices are shut off if the hat does not move within a predetermined time period to conserve the life of the power source. In one form, the motion sensing device is operable to reset a shut-off timer when movement of the headgear is detected by the motion sensor so that the light sources, for example, are not turned off when the headgear is worn with the light sources turned on. In this manner, the shut-off timer is constantly being reset when the headgear is worn to keep the shut-off timer from timing out and turning the light sources off. 1. Headgear comprising:a head fitting portion;support structure extending forwardly from the head fitting portion;one or more electronic device mounted to the support structure;a power source mounted to one of the head fitting portion and the support structure for providing power to the one or more electronic devices;a switch device mounted to one of the head fitting portion and the support structure and configured to cycle the one or more electronic devices between on and off states upon actuation thereof; anda motion sensing device mounted to one of the head fitting portion and the support structure and coupled between the power source and the one or more electronic devices;wherein any of the one or more electronic devices in an on state are shut off in response to the motion sensing device not detecting motion for a predetermined period of time.2. The headgear of wherein the motion sensing device is a tilt switch device.3. The headgear of wherein the support structure comprises a brim portion having a brim insert with upper and lower coverings thereon; and the motion sensing device is mounted to the brim insert underneath one of the upper and lower coverings.4. The headgear of further ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Cool cap

Номер: US20130152274A1
Автор: Welch Tammie Rosalee
Принадлежит: Berrie Green Accessories, LLC

A cap defines a cap body with a coolant reservoir. The cap is configured with side pockets that receive coolant packs; or the cap carries the coolant reservoir integrated into the cap structure. A cap configured as a swim cap protects and cools the user's hairdo in humid situations and carries a surface décor concealing the traditional austerity of a swim cap design. 1. A cooling cap , comprising:a cap body;a first coolant reservoir contained within said cap body; anda chemical characterized by high enthalpy of fusion contained within said coolant reservoir for, in use, cooling a user's head when the coolant is chilled and the user wears the cap.2. The cooling cap according to claim 1 , wherein:said cap body defines a plurality of peripheral pockets;at least one of said pockets extends from a base edge of the cap body to a dome thereof;said first coolant reservoir is sized to fit into at least one of said plurality of pockets;said cap further comprises a plurality of additional coolant reservoirs containing a chemical characterized by high enthalpy of fusion, sized to fit into additional pockets selected from said plurality of pockets;wherein at least one of said coolant reservoirs, selected from said first coolant reservoir and said additional coolant reservoirs, is sized to fit into said pocket extending from the base edge to the dome of the cap body;whereby the cooling cap is adapted, in use, to cool both the periphery and the dome of the user's head.3. The cooling cap according to claim 1 , wherein:said cap body is formed of an inner layer and an outer layer and defines said coolant reservoir there between; andsaid inner and outer layers of the cap body are formed of a waterproof material, such that the cooling cap is suitable for use as a bathing cap.4. The cooling cap according to claim 1 , wherein:said cap body is formed of a plurality of at least first and second panels combined at least at a first junction; andsaid first coolant reservoir is at least a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160188A1
Автор: Strong Finn Alexander

A system and method for increasing customer interest in head coverings. A set of actuating components are coupled to moveable elements of an active head covering, the moveable elements respond to operation of an actuating mechanism in a side extension. 1. An active head covering , comprising:a head portion having an outside layer, an inside layer coupled to said outside layer, and a head cavity defined therebetween, said outside layer defining at least one aperture, a first lateral portion and a second lateral portion opposite of said first lateral portion;a side extension portion extending downwardly from one of said lateral portions, said side extension portion defining a side extension cavity communicated to said head cavity and a terminal portion having a terminal portion cavity; andan actuator assembly, including:a first actuating mechanism disposed within said terminal portion, said first actuating mechanism having a bulb defining a first actuating volume containing a first quantity of air, said bulb repeatably collapsible to expel a portion of said first quantity of air through a first actuating port of said bulb, said bulb automatically expanding to refill said first actuating volume;a first remote actuator having a pair of flexible layers sealed to form a non-deformable actuating balloon defining a second actuating volume accessible through a second actuating port, said first remote actuator having a fixed portion foldably coupled to a moving portion at a fold region with said moving portion at least partially overlapping said fixed portion defining a folded configuration, said fixed portion disposed inside said head cavity with said fold region and said moving portion both disposed outside of said cavity portion, said first remote actuator unfolding about said fold region from said folded configuration in response to air entering into said second actuating volume with said moving portion moving away from said fixed portion and said first remote actuator ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227762A1

A hat has a topper mount extending from a surface of the hat, where the topper mount can receive a topper, such as an antenna topper. In some embodiments, the invention relates to a hat having the topper mount and/or a topper. In some embodiments, the invention relates to a retrofit kit that may convert a conventional hat into a hat with a topper mount and topper. Once the mount is installed in the hat, the topper may be interchangeable. 1. A hat comprising:a topper mount extending from a top portion of the hat; anda topper adapted to be disposed on the topper mount.2. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the topper mount includes a topper base supporting a topper neck that extends through the top portion of the hat claim 1 , and a topper knob adapted to fit into a hole in the topper.3. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the topper mount is a hat button manufactured into the hat.4. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the topper mount is integrated into the hat.5. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the topper mount is removable from the hat.6. The hat of claim 5 , wherein the topper mount extends through a hole in the top portion of the hat.7. A hat conversion kit for converting a hat into a changeable antenna mount hat claim 5 , comprising:a topper mount operable to extend through a top portion of a hat; anda topper removable secured to an end of the topper mount.8. The hat of claim 7 , wherein the topper mount includes a topper base supporting a topper neck that extends through the top portion of the hat claim 7 , and a topper knob adapted to fit into a hole in the topper.9. The hat of claim 7 , wherein the topper mount is removable from the hat.10. The hat of claim 9 , wherein the topper mount extends through a hole in the top portion of the hat.10. A hat topper comprising:{'img': {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00001', '@he': '7.53mm', '@wi': '135.93mm', '@file': 'US20130227762A1-20130905-P00999.TIF', '@alt': 'text missing or illegible when filed', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': ' ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232664A1

A military or uniform hat comprising a frame having an annular headband and visor connected thereto. A stay is connected to the frame and extends outwardly, above the visor so as to at least partially define a frontal portion of the hat. The stay includes an elongated channel formed rearward of a front face of the stay and structured to enclose and support at least a portion of the length of a grommet used to support an at least partially configure a cover of the hat. The stay includes an at least partially smooth, substantially uninterrupted front surface and oppositely disposed open ends of the channel cooperatively configured to eliminate or significantly reduce the possibility of any unsightly deformations, protrusions, etc. observable on the portion of the cover overlying the stay and/or frontal portion of the military hat. 1. A military hat comprising:a frame including an annular headband and a visor connected to said headband, said visor extending outwardly from and at least partially defining a frontal portion of said frame,a stay connected to said frame and extending upwardly from said visor to further at least partially define said frontal portion of said frame,a grommet connected in supported relation to said stay and structured to support and at least partially configure a hat cover,said stay comprising an elongated channel formed on a rear face thereof and extending along and in adjacent relation to an outer periphery of said stay, said channel structured to support and enclose a portion of said grommet,said channel including oppositely disposed open ends and an at least partially closed configuration extending along the length thereof between said open ends, andeach of said open ends comprising a front end segment and a rear end segment; each front end segment recessed inwardly along the length of said channel relative to a corresponding rear end segment.2. A military hat as recited in wherein said stay comprises a front face having a substantially ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247286A1

A personal protection system with a hood and a helmet that is worn under the hood. Internal to the helmet is a fan that draws air into the hood. The fan has blades that are curved along their longitudinal axes. 120-. (canceled)21. A personal protection system for fitting over a head , said system comprising:a head band shaped to be fitted around the head;a shell connected to said head band so as to be located above the head, the shell having an inlet opening;a motor mounted to said shell that is disposed within said shell;a fan mounted to said motor for rotation by said motor, said fan including: a base plate having a center and an outer perimeter; and a plurality of arcuately spaced apart blades that extend upwardly from a surface of said base plate, said blades having longitudinal axis that extend from ends of said blades adjacent the center of said base plate to ends of said blades adjacent the outer perimeter of said base plate, wherein said blade are further shaped so as to be curved such that the longitudinal axes of said blades are curved and being tapered such that, extending distally from the ends of said blades adjacent the center of said base plate, the cross sectional thickness of said blade decreases and wherein said motor and said fan are collectively positioned so that when said motor actuates said fan, said fan draws air in through the shell inlet opening;at least one nozzle connected to said shell for receiving air discharged by said fan, said nozzle positioned to direct air downwardly towards the head or neck;a hood that is disposed over said head band, said shell and said nozzle so as to extend over the head and neck, said hood having a transparent face shield that is positioned to be forward of a front of the head; anda fastening assembly connected to at least one of said shell or said hood for releasably holding said hood to said shell.22. The personal protection system of claim 21 , wherein:said fan is further formed to have a hub that ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Device for Active Hat

Номер: US20130254973A1

Present invention novelty is based on wearing an active hat on one's head, thus being able to activate, upon demand or in certain defined situations, opening or closing an object, operating or shutting off a visual presentation, when device controlling these actions is attached to the hat. Visual 2 or 3 dimensions presentation, or presentation using an electric screen, can be shown when device opens. The viewer will then be presented with, for example, electronic system, or an electric, or manual mechanism in motion, such as a 3-dimensions doll performing certain actions. Another possible application is appearance of a digital screen showing a picture, a motion picture or a demo, while hat is in open or closed position. 1. System and device enabled under the present invention , wherein , the system includes system and devices implementations attached to a hat that can be wear on the user head , and when system and device are installed as an integral part of the hat , or as a system enabled to be connected or to be removed from some hats , wherein , the system and device include the following components:A. The system and the device are attached, or integrated to some area on the hat still enabling to wear on the user head, wherein;B. In some parts of the hat, for example in the front, is an installation shaped in a shape of a door, that can be opened or shut at desired times or randomly, or can be controlled and operated by the user, or operates when an external event occurs, or stops, wherein;{'b': '2', 'C. When the door, in closed position hides a hollow space exist between the door and the hat, wherein, that space contains shapes, such as or 3-dimensions figurines, for example a doll, wherein;'}D. the shape, for example, a 3-dimensions doll, is attached to a mechanical system, electronic system, or a combination of these both, enabling in time of operating events, such as activation or deactivation of operation switch, to moves some of the system componnent, or to ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263358A1
Автор: Fleischmann Bruce A.

Head cooling aid device comprises a strip of flexible material having a series of laterally spaced air flow passageways extending completely through the width of the strip for allowing air to flow through the passageways. At the approximate center of the length of the device is an inwardly facing recess or cavity that substantially spans the space between the wearer's eyes to avoid the pinching-off of blood flow to the wearer's head in this region caused by tight cap headbands resulting in poor blood circulation in this region that may cause over-heating of the head and/or excess sweating. The device can either be attached to an inner surface of a front portion of a cap headband or be made an integral part of the front portion of the cap headband to promote air flow into the cap through the passageways and out through top vents in the cap when worn to contribute to cooling of the top of the wearer's head. 1. A head cooling aid device comprising a strip of flexible material having a greater length than width and a greater width than thickness , and a series of laterally spaced air flow passageways extending completely through the width of the strip for allowing air to flow through the passageways.2. The device of wherein the flexible strip has an inwardly facing cavity or recess at the approximate center of the length of the strip claim 1 , and the air passageways are in laterally spaced relation from opposite ends of the center cavity or recess.3. The device of which is attached to an inner surface of a front portion of a cap headband to promote air flow into the cap through the passageways and out through top vents in the cap when worn to contribute to cooling of the top of a wearer's head.4. The device of which is an integral part of a front portion of a cap headband to promote air flow into the cap through the passageways and out through top vents in the cap when worn to contribute to cooling of the top of a wearer's head.5. The device of which is either attached ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298589A1

A cooling lining comprises an outer () and inner layer () for example of woven material. On the inner layer are a number of pockets () with air channels forming a lattice there between. Within each pocket is a support member () with an insulation member () nearer the front face of the pocket to hold the sides of the pocket taut or substantially taut. Hydrophilic material () is inserted into the pockets. The lining may form a cooling vest () or may comprise separate members that can be attached to inside of a flak jacket by Velcro strips. 1. A cooling lining comprising a outer member , pockets mounted on the inner side of the outer member wherein spaces are provided between pockets and the pockets are arranged to cool the air in the said spaces.2. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein some of the spaces are arranged to form continuous channels which can guide hot air away from the liner.3. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein outwardly directed spaces and transfer spaces are provided between the pockets arranged to conduct air to the continuous channels.4. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the inner surface of each pocket comprises insulation material.5. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein an insulating material is placed against the inner surface of each pocket.6. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the outer member also has insulating properties.7. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the outer member is fireproof.8. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the side surfaces of the pocket are permeable to water.9. A cooling lining as claimed in further comprising hydrophillic material within the pockets.10. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the inner surface comprises moulded material and the pockets are moulded from the said moulded material.11. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the moulded material comprises polyethylene.12. A cooling lining as claimed in wherein the outer member comprises woven material.13. A cooling lining as claimed in ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340144A1
Автор: Strong Finn Alexander

A system and method for increasing customer interest in head coverings. A set of actuating components are coupled to moveable elements of an active head covering, the moveable elements respond to operation of an actuating mechanism in a side extension. 1. An active head covering , comprising:a head portion having an outside layer defining a head cavity therewithin; andan actuator assembly coupled to said head portion, said actuator assembly including:a first actuating mechanism, said first actuating mechanism having a bulb defining a first actuating volume containing a first quantity of air, said bulb repeatably collapsible to expel a portion of said first quantity of air through a first actuating port of said bulb, said bulb automatically expanding to refill said first actuating volume;a first remote actuator forming an actuating balloon defining a second actuating volume accessible through a second actuating port, said first remote actuator having a fixed portion foldably coupled to a moving portion at a fold region with said moving portion at least partially overlapping said fixed portion defining a folded configuration, said fixed portion coupled to said outer layer with said fold region and said moving portion both disposed outside of said head cavity portion, said first remote actuator unfolding about said fold region from said folded configuration in response to said portion of said first quantity of air expelled from said first actuating port with said moving portion moving away from said fixed portion and said first remote actuator folding about said fold region in response to air exiting from said second actuating volume, said first remote actuator biased to said folded configuration; andan air communication channel coupled to said first actuating port of said first actuating mechanism and coupled to said second actuating port of said first remote actuator.2. The active head covering of wherein said actuator assembly further includes an intake valve ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020153A1

A decorative facemask can be worn by a sports fan to imitate a facemask worn by a professional athlete. Facemasks can be imitated from a wide variety of sports. An apparatus to decorate the face of a wearer of a ball cap including a bill includes the decorative facemask affixed to the bill of the ball cap. 1. Apparatus to decorate the face of a wearer of a ball cap comprising a bill , the apparatus comprising:a decorative facemask affixed to the bill of the ball cap.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the decorative facemask comprises a bill attachment feature.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the bill attachment feature comprises a slot configured to receive the bill.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the slot is defined by two wires located along an upper edge of the facemask.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the slot comprises two slot end geometries configured to narrow the slot at each end of the slot.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the two wires comprise an upper wire configured to bend when the bill is inserted within the slot.7. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the slot is defined by a lower slot edge and a upper frame band.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the upper frame band is configured to bend when the bill is inserted within the slot.9. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the bill attachment feature comprises a pair of magnetic features.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the facemask is configured to imitate a football facemask.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the facemask is configured to imitate a hockey facemask.12. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the facemask is configured to imitate a baseball facemask.13. The apparatus of claim 12 , wherein the facemask further includes a chin pad.14. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the facemask comprises a decorative design.15. Apparatus to decorate the face of a wearer of a ball cap comprising a bill claim 1 , the apparatus comprising: a decorative grid pattern; and', 'a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000008A1
Автор: Shirai Syoji

Provided is a baseball cap-type headwear in which a peak is provided in a front lower end of a head circumferential portion and a crown is connected to an upper end of the head circumferential portion, in which a front portion of the head circumferential portion is formed as an inclined surface that widens in an outward direction of the headwear as the inclined surface advances toward a lower end, a void is formed between the peak and the head circumferential portion, and the central portion of one end of the peak is positioned on an inner side of the headwear more than the front lower end of the head circumferential portion, and at least the front portion of the head circumferential portion and the peak are integrally molded from a synthetic resin. 1. A baseball cap-type headwear in which a peak is provided in a front lower end of a head circumferential portion and a crown is connected to an upper end of the head circumferential portion , wherein:a front portion of the head circumferential portion is formed as an inclined surface that widens in an outward direction of the headwear as the inclined surface advances toward a lower end, the front lower end of the head circumferential portion is connected to both sides of one end of the peak but is not connected to a central portion of one end of the peak so that a void is formed between the peak and the head circumferential portion, and the central portion of one end of the peak is positioned on an inner side of the headwear more than the front lower end of the head circumferential portion, andat least the front portion of the head circumferential portion and the peak are integrally molded from a synthetic resin.2. The headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion and both sides of the head circumferential portion and the peak are integrally molded from a synthetic resin.3. The headwear according to claim 1 , wherein entire circumference of the head circumferential portion and the peak are integrally molded ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000171A1
Автор: Peterson Brad

An article of clothing may include a first layer made of a polyester fabric. The polyester fabric may have the following properties a thread count of at least 130 threads per square inch, a weft knit weave pattern, and a bird's eye mesh texture. The polyester fabric may include a dye sublimation printed image with a resolution that is at least 200 dots per inch. The dye sublimation printed image may be oriented to stretch laterally with a lateral stretch of the polyester. The article of clothing may also include a second layer attached to the first layer. The second layer may include a lining fabric configured to stretch laterally with the first layer. 1. A headwear article comprising:a first layer made of a polyester fabric having the following properties a thread count of at least 130 threads per square inch, a weft knit weave pattern, a stretchability of less than 50%, and a bird's eye mesh texture, the polyester fabric including a dye sublimation printed image with a resolution that is at least 200 dots per inch, the dye sublimation printed image being oriented to stretch laterally with a lateral stretch of the polyester fabric; anda second layer attached to the first layer, the second layer including lining fabric configured to stretch laterally with the first layer.2. The headwear article of claim 1 , wherein the lining fabric in the second layer includes at least one of acrylic knit claim 1 , cotton knit claim 1 , wool knit claim 1 , polar fleece claim 1 , and polyester stretchable fabric.3. The headwear article of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is an outer layer and the second layer is an inner layer.4. The headwear article of claim 1 , wherein the resolution is between 300 and 1400 dots per inch.5. The headwear article of claim 1 , wherein the headwear article has a first stretchability at a bottom of the headwear article and has a second stretchability at a top portion of the headwear article claim 1 , wherein the second stretchability IS less than the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000180A1
Автор: Gholson Arthur

Provided is a hat system including a crown having a headband and a bill. A connection mechanism may slidingly attach the bill and the crown. The connection mechanism includes a bill portion and a crown portion. The bill portion may include a channel and the crown portion may include at least one rail wherein the channel is configured to slidingly receive the rail to connect the bill to the crown. Additionally, the crown portion may include a first receiver track and the bill portion may include the second receiver track wherein the first receiver track may slidingly receive a portion of the crown portion and the second receiver track may slidingly receive a portion of the bill portion to connect the bill to the crown. 1. An interchangeable hat system comprising:a crown;a bill; anda connection mechanism between the bill and the crown wherein the connection mechanism includes a bill portion and a crown portion wherein the crown portion includes a first receiver track and the bill portion includes a second receiver track wherein the first receiver track slidingly receives the second receiver track and the second receiver track slidingly receives the first receiver track to connect the bill to the crown.2. The interchangeable hat system of claim 1 , wherein the crown portion includes an arm and an attachment member that define the first receiver track claim 1 , and the bill portion includes a wall and an attachment portion that define a second receiver track.3. The interchangeable hat system of claim 2 , wherein the crown portion includes a bead portion and the bill portion includes a bead portion.4. The interchangeable hat system of claim 1 , wherein the crown portion includes at least one hinge member for selectively biasing between an open position and a closed position relative to the first receiver track.5. The interchangeable hat system of claim 4 , wherein the hinge member includes a ridge.6. The interchangeable hat system of claim 4 , wherein when the hinge ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000206A1
Автор: DOMIZI Amy Lyn

A protective head cover having selectable size and location of at least one opening for exposure of a portion of a user's hair to an external hair treatment environment. An impermeable outer surface of the protective head cover protects hair thereunder from an external hair treatment environment. A main opening receives a user's head inserted into the protective head cover. An opening on the protective head cover, separate from the main opening, has an opening size that is selectable from a plurality of selectable sizes and an opening location that is selectable from a plurality of selectable locations. 1. A protective head cover having selectable size and location of at least one opening for exposure of a portion of a user's hair to an external hair treatment environment , comprising:an impermeable outer surface of the protective head cover that protects hair thereunder from an external hair treatment environment;a main opening that receives a user's head inserted into the protective head cover;at least one opening on the protective head cover, separate from the main opening, the at least one opening having an opening size that is selectable from a plurality of selectable sizes for the at least one opening and having an opening location that is selectable from a plurality of selectable locations for the at least one opening on the protective head cover, thereby the at least one opening being suitable for selectively exposing through the at least one opening a portion of the user's hair from under the protective head cover to an external hair treatment environment while protecting another portion of the user's hair, that is covered under the protective head cover, from the external hair treatment environment; anda flap at least partially covering the at least one opening on the protective head cover, and with a first plurality of user selectable attachments located along an edge of the flap, that mates with a corresponding second plurality of user selectable ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Wearable Accessory

Номер: US20170000206A1
Автор: Bonnie, CHONG Shong Voon

A wearable accessory is disclosed herein. In a described embodiment, the wearable accessory is configured in the form of a head protector having at least one connector and a plurality of accessory members having respective attachment mechanisms . Each attachment mechanism is releasably engageable to the at least one connector . The wearable accessory may be configured as other types of accessories and a connector for use with the wearable accessory is also disclosed. 1. A head protector comprisingfirst and second connectors;a plurality of semi-rigid protective members adapted to match a shape of a user's head, wherein each of the protective members include respective attachers being arranged to be releasably connectable to the first and second connectors; andwherein the protective members are spaced away from each other to create gaps between each of the protective members.2. The head protector of wherein each of the first and second connectors includes a coupling member extending from a base member claim 1 , and each attacher of the plurality of semi-rigid protective members is arranged to be releasably engaged to the coupling member.3. The head protector of wherein each of the first and second connectors include a single continuous structure and is circular in shape.4. The head protector of wherein each attacher includes an elastic loop member arranged to loop around the coupling member.5. The head protector of wherein each of the semi-rigid protective members includes a degree of flexibility to conform to a shape of a user's head.6. The head protector of wherein each of the semi-rigid protective members includes a cushion-like material.7. The head protector of comprising a decorative ornament releasably attached to at least one of the semi-rigid protective members.8. The head protector of wherein the first and second connectors are made of silicon rubber.9. The head protector of wherein each of the two connectors include ribbings which prevent the protective ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Bill Shaper Device

Номер: US20170006948A1
Автор: Quinones Raul David

The bill shaper device, is a unique and improved headwear shaping device that combine the following features in one single unit, making it, compact, curved inwardly towards dome of hat and contains a flat channel for receiving the visor portion of a baseball style hat, imparting a desired flat shape to the cap bill. Indicia may be placed on a top surface of the bill shaper device which covers the cap bill that may bear information, images, messages of the like related to any sports teams, advertising, or any communication or expression desired. The unitary shaped body of the invention is comprised of a lightweight, compact, cost-effective rigid material which also provides for enhanced portability of headwear even while in use. 1. The bill shaper device may be instantly applied to a cap bill and worn with a baseball style hat with a cap that has a shapeable bill extending forward and side-to-side with a sufficient distance to shade the forehead and eyes of the wearer.2. The brim shaper device is comprised of: a straight shaper strip slightly greater in length than the width of a shapeable cap bill.3. The shaper strip has an exposed upper side and a underside adapted to contact the top surface of a shapeable cap bill and is adapted to make a shapeable cap bill conform to the shape of the straight shaper strip.4. The bill shaper device of wherein the straight shaper strip is fabricated of a semi-rigid material capable of bending outwardly to receive the cap bill inserted between the tab and the shaper strip in a relatively flat configuration of the cap bill claim 2 , shaping the cap bill.5. The bill shaper device of further comprises at least one pointed protrusion extending from the pair of curved arms and at least one pointed protrusion capable of engaging the cap bill and assisting in retaining the cap bill shaper in place on the cap bill.6. The bill shaper device of wherein the exposed upper-side of the shaper strip is capable of receiving indicia applied thereto. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Ventilated Helmet Assembly

Номер: US20180007993A1
Автор: Moreno Juan

A ventilated helmet assembly for cooling a user when the user wears a helmet includes a helmet that may be worn on a head. A ventilation unit is coupled to the helmet. The ventilation unit may urge air inwardly and outwardly from the helmet. Thus, the ventilation unit may cool the user when the user wears the helmet. 1. A ventilated helmet assembly being configured to cool a user's head , said assembly comprising:a helmet being configured to be worn on a head, said helmet having a pair of intakes; anda ventilation unit being coupled to said helmet wherein said ventilation unit is configured to urge air inwardly and outwardly from said helmet thereby facilitating said ventilation unit to cool the user when the user wears said helmet, said ventilation unit including a pair of intake fans, each of said intake fans being coupled to an inner surface of said helmet, each of said intake fans being aligned with an associated one of said intakes wherein each of said intake fans is configured to urge air inwardly through said associated intake.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said helmet has an outer wall claim 1 , said outer wall being continuous such that said helmet has a substantially hemispherical shape claim 1 , said outer wall having a front side claim 1 , a back side and said inner surface claim 1 , said front side being substantially open wherein said front side is configured to expose a face of a user when the helmet is worn claim 1 , said outer wall having said pair of intakes extending therethrough wherein each of said intakes is configured to have air pass therethrough claim 1 , each of said intakes being positioned on said front side claim 1 , said intakes being spaced apart from each other.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said helmet has a pair of exhausts extending therethrough wherein each of said exhausts is configured to have air pass therethrough claim 2 , each of said exhausts being positioned on said back side claim 2 , said ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022584A1
Автор: KIM Min, KIM Sky, YIM Hyo Jeong
Принадлежит: Cheveux Corporation

Embodiments of the present disclosure are drawn to adjustable wearable headwear with integrated openings for accommodating one or more styles of hair. Aspects of the present disclosure also relate to adjustable headwear with integrated openings having a flexible member formed from one or more flexible elements (e.g., elastic bands, elastic straps, etc.) for permitting the headwear to adjust (e.g., expand or contract) based on a wearer's head size and/or hairstyle (e.g., a bun, a ponytail, or similar hairstyle), and for permitting natural contraction or expansion of the wearer's head. In an embodiment, the flexible elements may be arranged in a “ladder” pattern in a rear, flexible panel of the headwear. In another example of a headwear, the flexible elements may be arranged in a generally “X-shaped” pattern in a rear, flexible panel of the headwear. In such an example, two or more “X-shaped” elastic or flexible elements may be used. 1. A headwear item for the natural expansion and contraction of a wearer's head comprising:a brim portion;a cap portion formed as a generally semi-spherical body having an apex at a top of the cap portion and an annular periphery at a bottom of the cap portion that defines a head opening for receiving the head of the wearer within the cap portion, wherein the cap portion is formed from a plurality of panels, and wherein one of the panels is flexible; anda flexible panel,wherein the flexible panel comprises a plurality of elastic members disposed horizontally forming integrated hair openings to permit the expansion and contraction of the headwear and for passing a bundle of hair of the wearer therethrough, wherein each elastic member is configured to divide the hair opening into separate hair location sections.2. The headwear of claim 1 , wherein the openings formed between the elastic members are usable for locating the bundle of hair at different positions on the head of the wearer.3. The headwear of claim 1 , wherein the width of the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008505A1
Автор: Ebrahim Naazia

A system for providing warmth and protection to a wearer's head and that may accommodate the wearer's hair is disclosed. The system may include headwear that may include an opening that may gather, hold and allow the hair of the wearer to pass from the inside of the headwear to the outside of the headwear. The system may be used in combination with or may include a protective helmet. The opening may be located below the back bottom of the helmet when worn to ensure that the hair does not obstruct or otherwise compromise the protection provided by the helmet or the comfort of the helmet. 1. A system for accommodating hair , the system comprising:headwear for covering at least a portion of the hair; andat least one opening configured with the headwear;wherein the at least one opening is positioned at the rear of the headwear when worn; andwherein the at least one opening accommodates at least a portion of the hair.2. The system of wherein the headwear is selected from the group:a balaclava, a cap, a hat and a mask.3. The system of wherein the opening gathers the at least a portion of the hair claim 1 , and wherein the gathered at least a portion of the hair passes through the at least one opening.4. The system of wherein the headwear is worn under a helmet claim 1 , and the at least one opening is positioned below the bottom back portion of a helmet when worn.5. The system of wherein the at least one opening includes at least one elastic member.6. The system of wherein the at least one opening is formed as a hole claim 1 , a slit or by two overlapping flaps.7. The system of wherein the headwear includes a breathing ventilation component.8. A system for accommodating hair claim 1 , the system comprising:headwear for covering at least a portion of the hair;at least one opening configured with the headwear; anda helmet;wherein the at least one opening is positioned at the rear of the headwear and below the back of the helmet when worn; andwherein the at least one opening ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031001A1
Принадлежит: NMN Monday LLC

The invention is an article of headwear that incorporates a hair compression system and adjustment system for compressing one or more sections of a wearer's hair. The headwear may be formed of a compression system and an adjustment system. The compression system includes one or more stretchable materials. The compression system may compress along a circumference, side and/or vertical plane of the head of a wearer. The compression system is attached to an adjustment system. The adjustment system allows a user to selectively tighten the compression system to a desired compression to keep the hair of the wearer compressed while wearing the headwear. The desired hair compression is capable of being regulated by the adjustment system. When the user is finished wearing the headwear, the adjustment system may be released to allow the user to remove the headwear without undoing the effects of the compression system. 1. An article of headwear capable of compressing at least a portion of a head of a wearer , the headwear comprising:a crown;a compression system for compressing at least a portion of the head of the wearer, the compression system comprising a first stretchable material; andan adjustment system for adjusting the compression system.2. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein the first stretchable material compresses in a direction of a circumference of the headwear.3. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein the first stretchable material is a textile.4. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment system comprises a fastening means.5. The article of headwear of claim 4 , wherein the adjustment system further comprises a tightening means.6. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein a sweatband is attached to the crown and the compression system.7. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein the compression system further comprises a second stretchable material.8. The article of headwear of claim 1 , wherein the compression system further ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Hats exhibiting brim imagery, detachable brim imagery, and method of making and displaying the same

Номер: US20170013902A1
Автор: Anthony VALVERDE
Принадлежит: Under Bill LLC

Hats having images, including those with images displayed on the upper or lower surface of the brim. Exemplary hats include baseball hats with brims adapted to affix at least one image to the brim's lower surface, wherein said at least one image is detachable. Also described are displays, including kits and packages, comprising at least one detachable image adapted to be affixed to the upper surface or lower surface of a hat brim.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Personal head and neck cooling cap

Номер: US20180014596A1
Автор: Earl James Washington
Принадлежит: Individual

A head and neck cooling cap that has an air bag sewn to the back of the cap which extends below the wearer's collar line. The air bag contains a battery operated fan that fills the bag with air. The air is distributed over the cap's adjustable band to the top of the head. Air is also vented through vent grommets or other openings in the bag at the wearer's neck. The fan is equipped with a variable speed motor which runs from a battery pack or USB power pack. The batteries are typically worn in a pocket or other location on the user including a V-clip or possible battery belt or battery holder. The batteries can also be mounted in the bottom of the air bag.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014853A1
Автор: Ji Jack

The use of select knitting processes allow the production of a cap liner with a separate eye opening and several distinct mesh structures that are individually designed to enhance the comfort of the eyes, nose, and mouth of the wearer. Generally, the cap liner comprises: (a) a cap body comprising an upper mesh structure; (b) a neck retainer that is integrally formed with the cap body; (c) an eye opening positioned in the cap body; (d) a first ear position positioned in the cap body comprising a second mesh structure; (e) a second ear position positioned in the cap body comprising a third mesh structure; (f) a nasal ventilation positioned in the cap body comprising a fourth mesh structure; (g) a mouth ventilation positioned in the cap body comprising the fourth mesh structure or a fifth mesh structure; (h) a neck retainer base positioned on the neck retainer that is integrally formed with the neck retainer and comprises a sixth mesh structure or a two-layered structure; and (i) an edging at least partially surrounding the eye opening that comprises a three-layered structure. 1. A cap liner for a helmet , said cap liner comprising:(a) a cap body, wherein the cap body comprises an upper end portion comprising a first mesh structure;(b) a neck retainer, wherein the cap body and the neck retainer are integrally connected;(c) an eye opening positioned in the cap body;(d) a first ear position positioned in the cap body, wherein the first ear position comprises a second mesh structure;(e) a second ear position positioned in the cap body, wherein the second ear position comprises a third mesh structure;(f) a nasal ventilation positioned in the cap body, wherein the nasal ventilation comprises a fourth mesh structure; and(g) a mouth ventilation positioned in the cap body, wherein the mouth ventilation comprises the fourth mesh structure or a fifth mesh structure.2. The cap liner according to claim 1 , further comprising a neck retainer base positioned on the neck retainer ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Headgear having insulated ventilation channels and perspiration and moisture drainage channel

Номер: US20150020292A1

This headgear having insulated ventilation channels and perspiration and moisture drainage channel consists of top insulated ventilation channels with front ventilation openings and rear ventilation openings Insulated side walls with side ventilation openings Rim with embedded perspiration and moisture drainage channel Perspiration and moisture drainage channel perspiration and moisture collection holes and perspiration and moisture drainage holes and rim adjustment strap Air circulates between front and back of top of headgear through insulated ventilation channels to aid in the removal of excess moisture and heat from the top of the wearer's head. Insulated side walls with ventilation holes aid in the removal of excess moisture and heat from the sides of the wearer's head. Perspiration and moisture from the wearer's head is removed through collection holes placed on the rim embedded perspiration and moisture drainage channel and drained through discharge holes placed at the ends of the drainage channel in the rear area of the headgear. Other embodiments are described and shown. 1. A headgear suited for extraneous outdoor activities comprising:{'b': 50', '44', '52, 'a. a rim with a plurality of front ventilation openings and a visor ,'}{'b': 44', '42', '62', '56', '58', '60, 'b. said front ventilation openings open to a plurality of insulated ventilation channels and a plurality of insulated ventilation channel support ribs having means for attachment to top structural arch and bottom structural arch having means to form a rear ventilation opening ,'}{'b': 56', '58', '50, 'c. said top structural arch and said bottom structural arch having means for attachment to rear area of said rim ,'}{'b': 50', '66', '64', '68, 'd. the rim having means for attachment to rim embedded perspiration and moisture drainage channel perspiration and moisture collection holes and perspiration and moisture discharge holes ,'}{'b': 46', '48', '50', '62', '56', '58, 'e. insulated side walls ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021960A1

Embodiments are disclosed for headwear including a folding brim. For example, the headwear may include a headwear body including a crown, and a hat brim extending from the crown, the hat brim including one or more slits forming a hinge on an underside of the hat brim for folding the hat brim, each slit being reinforced with bias material along each edge of the slit and a center webbing over an opening formable under the slit when the brim is in a folded position, the bias material being coupled to an inner surface of each edge of the slit. 1. Headwear comprising:a headwear body including a crown; anda hat brim extending from the crown, the hat brim including one or more slits forming a hinge on an underside of the hat brim for folding the hat brim, each slit being reinforced with bias material along each edge of the slit and a center webbing over an opening formable under the slit when the brim is in a folded position, the bias material being coupled to an inner surface of each edge of the slit.2. The headwear of claim 1 , wherein the hat brim further includes a brim substrate claim 1 , the inner surface of each edge of the slit facing away from a face of a wearer of the headwear and toward the brim substrate.3. The headwear of claim 2 , wherein the brim substrate is sandwiched between two or more brim material pieces comprising an outer material of the brim that is exposed to an environment of the headwear.4. The headwear of claim 3 , wherein the two or more brim material pieces includes an under brim material piece having an outer surface facing the face of the wearer and an upper brim material piece having an outer surface facing away from the face of the wearer claim 3 , and wherein the bias material is coupled to a surface of the brim substrate facing or in face-sharing contact with the upper brim material piece.5. The headwear of claim 4 , wherein the center webbing is coupled to one or more of the bias material and the surface of the brim substrate facing or ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Visor with Plug In Accessory Sockets

Номер: US20160021963A1
Автор: Johns Stephen

Visors and methods of using a soft type foam visor formed from a pliable and flexible material, such as but not limited to EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) having patterns of through-holes and partial cutouts for allowing accessories such as labels, charms, badges, puncture tool and sunglass/eyeglass supports and the like, to be plugged into the holes and cut-outs and easily removable and interchangeable with other accessories. A removable rear head strap be attached to the visor, having a plurality of holes with fasteners to adjust the strap to different head sizes. 1. A visor assembly , comprising:a brim and a front headband formed from a plastic material, the headband having a left end and a right end;a separate removable rear headband strap having a first end for being attachable and detachable from the left end of the front headband, and a second end for being attachable and detachable from the right end of the front headband;a first rivet member and a first alignment stud for attaching the first end of the removable rear headband strap to the left end of the front headband; anda second rivet member and a second alignment stud for attaching the second end of the removable rear headband strap to the right end of the front headband.2. The visor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of slots on the left end of the headband; anda plurality of slots on the right end of the headband.3. The visor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first alignment stud protrudes inward from the first end of the headband strap claim 2 , and the second alignment stud protrudes inward from the second end of the headband strap.4. The visor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the brim includes:an curved outer perimeter edge;a curved base edge which transitions to a lower front edge of the front edge of the front headband; anda raised curved rim on the outer curved perimeter edge of the brim.5. The visor assembly of claim 4 , further comprising:a raised curved rim on the curved base edge ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Headwear Item Comprising Hair Locating Sections for Locating a Bundle of Hair at Different Positions on a Wearer's Head

Номер: US20170020222A1
Автор: Arnott Mackenzie Rae

A headwear piece for comfortably wearing with lengthy hair has a hair opening for passing a bundle of a wearer's hair therethrough. The headwear piece features at least one elastic member spanning across the hair opening, each of which divides the hair opening into separate hair locating sections. The hair locating sections are usable for locating the bundle of hair at different positions on the head of the wearer. 1. A headwear item for comfortably wearing with lengthy hair comprising:a cap portion formed as a generally hemi-spherical body having an apex at a top of the cap portion and an annular periphery at a bottom of the cap portion that defines a head opening for receiving a head of a wearer within the cap portion;a hair opening in the cap portion sized smaller than the head opening for passing a bundle of hair of the wearer therethrough;the hair opening being located between the annular periphery and the apex;at least one elongate elastic member spanning across the hair opening;each elastic member dividing the hair opening into separate hair locating sections, each of which is collectively defined by a portion of a periphery of the hair opening and a side of the respective elastic member;the hair locating sections being usable for locating the bundle of hair at different positions on the head of the wearer.2. The headwear item according to wherein said at least one elastic members comprises a plurality of elastic members spanning across the hair opening at spaced positions relative to one another.3. The headwear item according to wherein one or more of said at least one elastic member has an inner surface facing inwardly towards an inside of the cap portion that comprises a gripping material usable for resisting movement of the cap portion relative to the head of the wearer.4. The headwear item according to wherein the gripping material is a polymeric material.5. The headwear item according to wherein each elastic member is sufficiently resilient to resist ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020757A9
Автор: Kay Jordan S., Kay Neil J.
Принадлежит: Cisco Sales Corp.

A flip cap which has crown and bill portions, the bill having upper and lower members, at least one of the upper and lower members having a surface capable of displaying information secured thereto when the upper and lower members are spaced-apart. 1. A flip bill member comprising:a crown portion to be worn on a head of a person;a bill portion affixed to said crown portion and comprising upper and lower members;means for removably securing said upper and lower bill members together in a first position;means for securing said lower and upper bill members in a spaced-apart position from each other; andmeans for forming a cut out portion on said upper bill portion thus creating at least two elongated protrusions that create pressure on selected points of the lower bill portion.2. The member of wherein said spaced-apart position is approximately 90 degrees.3. The member of wherein said upper bill member has a first surface viewable to observers when said first and second bill members are in said spaced-apart position.4. The member of wherein said first surface comprises a satin cloth material.5. The member of wherein said first surface has messages formed thereon.6. The member of wherein said member is a cap.7. The member of wherein said member is a visor.8. The member of wherein said securing means comprises a plurality of holes formed in the upper bill member and a plurality of aligned pin members formed in said lower bill portion.9. The member of wherein said holes are oval shaped.10. The member of wherein a lower edge of said upper bill member has a shape that enables it to engage at least two of said pin members formed on said lower bill member when said lower and upper bill members are spaced-apart claim 8 , thereby maintaining said lower and upper bill members in said spaced-apart position.11. The member of wherein said upper member is secured to a first material formed around its edge.12. The member of wherein said lower member is secured to a second material ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Tassel Securing Graduate Cap Device

Номер: US20180020758A1

A tassel securing graduate cap device inhibits undesired movement or positioning of a tassel while wearing a graduation cap. The device includes a board coupled to a skull cap. The board has a perimeter edge. A line has a first end coupled to the board and a second end coupled to a tassel such that the line extends over the perimeter edge of the board. A slot extends into the perimeter edge of the board. The line is positionable in the slot wherein the slot inhibits sliding of the line along the perimeter edge of the board. 1. A tassel securing graduation cap device comprising:a skull cap;a board coupled to said skull cap, said board having a perimeter edge;a tassel;a line having a first end coupled to said board and a second end coupled to said tassel such that said line extends over said perimeter edge of said board; anda slot, said slot extending into said perimeter edge of said board, said line being positionable in said slot wherein said slot inhibits sliding of said line along said perimeter edge of said board.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising said slot having a first section extending inwardly from said perimeter edge of said board claim 1 , said first section forming an acute angle with said perimeter edge of said board.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising said slot having a second section extending into said board from a distal end of said first section relative to said perimeter edge of said board.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising each of said first section and said second section of said slot being straight.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising said board being square wherein said perimeter edge of said board defines a front point claim 1 , a rear point claim 1 , and a pair of lateral points.6. The device of claim 5 , further comprising said slot extending into said perimeter edge along a side of said perimeter edge between said front point and one of said lateral points.7. The device of claim 1 , further ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039499A1
Принадлежит: Sata GmbH & Co. KG

A skull mounting system for headgear, preferably a respirator hood, includes a headband with a front headband and a rear headband. The front headband extends around at least the front of the head of the wearer and the rear headband is found on the back of the head of the wearer, and at least one upper headband is provided that extends over the top of the head of the wearer. The upper headband has higher elasticity than the front and rear headbands. 1. A skull mounting system for headgear , the system comprising a headband with a front headband and a rear headband , the front headband extending around at least the front of the head of the wearer and the rear headband being situated on the back of the head of the wearer , and at least one upper headband is provided that extends over the top of the head of the wearer , wherein the at least one upper headband has a higher elasticity than the front and rear headbands.2. The skull mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the higher elasticity is in a band longitudinal direction.3. The skull mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one upper headband is rubber-elastic.4. The skull mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one upper headband comprises a plurality of upper headband sections and wherein the plurality of upper headband sections is guided over the top of the head of the wearer.5. The skull mounting system of claim 4 , wherein lengths of the plurality of upper headband sections overlap once and/or the plurality of upper headband sections form a coherent upper headband.6. The skull mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the front headband has a convex arch when the front headband is unloaded claim 1 , at least in areas that can directly or indirectly come in contact with the forehead of the wearer when worn claim 1 , which extends along the length of the front headband.7. The skull mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the front headband has a concave arch when the front headband is unloaded claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022441A1
Автор: KUSMIDER Renata

The invention is directed to a headwear piece with a body to engage a wearer's head with the headwear in an operative state. First and second accessories are provided and are interchangeably placeable in an opening in a wall on the body to be exposed for viewing in conjunction with another part of the body. The interchangeable accessories may have different appearances and/or functions. The invention is also directed to a method of configuring a headwear piece including the step of directing an accessory into an opening in the body wall, removing the same, and replacing it with another accessory. 1. A headwear piece comprising:a body configured to engage a wearer's head to maintain the headwear piece in an operative state with respect to a wearer's head wherein a portion of the body remains exposed to view,the body having a wall with oppositely facing surfaces and at least a first opening in the wall;a first accessory,the first accessory and body configured so that the first accessory can be placed into an operative position by moving a first part of the first accessory into the first opening as an incident of which another part of the first accessory is exposed at the first opening to be viewed in conjunction with the exposed portion of the body; anda second accessory,the second accessory and body configured so that the second accessory can be placed into an operative position in place of the first accessory by moving a first part of the second accessory into the first opening as an incident of which another part of the second accessory is exposed at the first opening to be viewed in conjunction with the exposed portion of the body,wherein the another parts of the first and second accessories at least one of: a) have a different appearance; and b) perform a different function,whereby by interchangeably placing the first and second accessories in the operative position at least one of: a) a desired appearance; and b) a desired function can be achieved through a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Modifiable transferable insertable hair and skin protective baseball Cap Liner

Номер: US20210022427A1
Автор: Gerald O. Roeback
Принадлежит: Individual

A modifiable transferrable insert-able hair and skin protection baseball cap liner is an apparatus in which the device can be inserted into any standard baseball cap undetected by others, to protect the hair and skin of the user when wearing. The invention can be manufactured by the method of sewing. A crown is formed from a non-woven fabric. A structural felt fabric is attached to the underside of the front formed crown and is sandwiched between the non-woven fabric in the underside of the crown, and the skin and hair protecting satin fabric. The felt fabric lines the lower inner portion of the invention to the rear of the apparatus for structural support on both sides of the invention. A parallel, sewn in grid on the lower left and right side of the invention allows the user to modify the device by cutting the selected grid lines to accommodate various type of baseball caps. The invention demonstrates the ability to have ventilations holes sewn into the upper crown nonwoven fabric to allow air flow between the baseball cap and the users head. The rear portion of the baseball cap insert is formed to accommodate a fitted baseball cap as well as an open back baseball cap.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Interchangeable Baseball Cap and Constructed Visor in One

Номер: US20150026867A1
Автор: Brzoska Mark Steven

A modular head wear system includes a base cap structure defined by seams, an inner head band, a base band, and a front section. The base cap structure is adapted to receive interchangeable panels that fit over the openings. 1. A modular head wear item comprising:edges defining at least one opening in the head wear item;at least one panel removably attached to the head wear item and at least partially covering the opening in the head wear item.2. The modular head wear item of claim 1 , wherein the head wear item is a cap.3. The modular head wear item of claim 2 , comprising a base cap structure.4. The modular head wear item of claim 3 , wherein the base cap structure comprises a base band and seams defining sections of a cap.5. The modular head wear item of claim 4 , wherein the panels are connected between the seams on the interior of the cap.6. The modular head wear item of claim 5 , wherein the panels are connected between the seams on the exterior of the cap.7. A modular cap comprising a removable panel on at least one side of the cap claim 5 , wherein the side of the cap extends between a front section and a back section of the cap.8. A modular cap comprising a threaded grommet affixed to the cap.9. A modular cap according to claim 8 , further comprising an accessory connected to the threaded grommet.10. A modular cap comprising a removable front band extending across the top of a bill of the cap.11. A modular cap according to claim 10 , wherein the front band comprises beading connected thereto.12. A modular cap according to claim 11 , wherein said front band is sufficiently elastic to stretch over a user's chin. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/861,820, filed Aug. 23, 2010, which itself claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/274,819, filed on Aug. 21, 2009. Each of these applications is incorporated by reference in its entirety as if set forth fully herein.The invention relates to the field of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Headgear with a visor

Номер: US20170027261A1
Автор: Kwang Han Cho
Принадлежит: Individual

A headgear includes front and rear sections, a visor, and first and second areas provided on the visor. The visor is disposed in and extending from the front section, and the visor comprises an upper surface and a lower surface. The first and second areas provided on the lower surface of the visor, and the first area and the second area have contrasting optical properties. The first area and the second area may have contrasting colors. Alternatively, the first area and the second area may be provided as two-tone portions. The first area and the second area may meet each other along a middle line dividing the lower surface of the visor substantially by halves. The middle line may be straight. The headgear may further comprise one or more eyesight reference portions disposed on the first or second area.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029711A1

A generally planar, conformable evaporative structure, particularly for incorporation in a garment or an item of personal protective equipment as part of a system to cool the wearer's body, includes an envelope of substantially impermeable, flexible material containing: a layer of flexible wick material disposed adjacent to a major face of the envelope and adapted to hold a working fluid in liquid phase for evaporation by heat conducted through the envelope; a layer of flexible, breathable fabric in parallel with the layer of wick material; and an array of flexible ribs such as open helical coils within the layer of breathable fabric adapted to maintain pathways for the flow of working fluid in vapour phase towards a condensation zone. 1. A generally planar , conformable evaporative structure comprising: a layer of flexible wick material disposed adjacent to a major face of said envelope, adapted to hold a working fluid in liquid phase for evaporation by heat conducted through said envelope;', 'a layer of flexible, breathable fabric adjacent to said layer of wick material;', 'one or more flexible rib(s) within said layer of breathable fabric, adapted to maintain pathway(s) for the flow of working fluid in vapour phase towards a condensation zone; and', 'one or more associated heat sinks for condensation of said working fluid in vapour phase.', 'wherein one of the one or more associated heat sinks is integrated with the or each said structure so that condensation takes place within the respective said structure, and', 'wherein the structure further comprises a heat exchanger in communication with the or each heat sink through which heat can be released into the environment., 'an envelope comprising substantially impermeable, flexible material containing2. A structure according to wherein said envelope comprises metallised polymer barrier film.3. A structure according to wherein said envelope carries an absorbent layer over the exterior of said major face thereof.4. A ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047034A1

A cooling device for attachment to a helmet includes a fan and an electronics assembly. The fan is operable to draw external air into the cooling device. The electronics assembly is operable to control the rotation speed of the fan based on a speed of movement of a user wearing the helmet with the cooling device attached to the helmet. The cooling device additionally includes an air filter, and a deflector to direct cooled air to a desired one of different regions inside the helmet. 1. A cooling device for attachment to a helmet , the cooling device comprising:a fan to draw external air into the cooling device; andan electronics assembly to control the rotation speed of the fan based on a speed of movement of a user wearing the helmet with the cooling device attached to the helmet.2. The cooling device of claim 1 , wherein the electronics assembly comprises:a processor; anda transceiver to receive data indicating the speed of movement from an external device, the transceiver to forward the speed of movement to the processor,wherein the processor is operable to cause the rotation speed of the fan to be controlled based on the speed of movement.3. The cooling device of claim 2 , wherein the electronics assembly further comprises:a memory to store a mapping between fan control voltages and speeds of movement of the user; anda fan driver circuit,wherein the processor is operable to retrieve the fan control voltage corresponding to the speed of movement received from the transceiver, the processor to forward data representing the retrieved fan control voltage to the fan driver circuit,wherein the fan driver circuit applies a voltage equaling the retrieved fan control voltage to the fan to control the speed of the fan.4. The cooling device of claim 3 , wherein the transceiver is a wireless transceiver implemented as a Bluetooth device claim 3 ,wherein the mapping maps the fan control voltages with respect to ambient temperature and time-of-day also in addition to the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Multi-functional Headwear with Tubular Top attached to a brim or visor

Номер: US20190029351A1
Автор: Pleil Alvin

Multifunctional headwear comprised of a pliable fabric tubular top attached to a brim or visor. The headwear has a compatible attachment apparatus connected to the tubular top and the brim or visor respectively, so the parts can be quickly and easily interchanged to accommodate rapid changes in environments and style situations. This headwear allows for customizing the fit of the tubular top while attached to a brim or visor, by twisting, knotting, draping or folding it to offer optimal comfort and protection while on the head. The brim has a slit in the rear where the excess fabric of the tubular top can pass through and be held in place. Likewise, the visor has a elastic fabric tab attached to hold excess fabric from the top in place. The pliable brims, visors and tubular top make the headwear easy to pack and fit into pockets and compact bags without compromising the hat's shape and integrity. 1. A multifunctional headwear that completely or partially covers the head comprising:a tubular top and:a brim or visor and;an attachment apparatus connected on said tubular top, said brim or said visor.2. The multifunctional headwear of claim 1 , wherein the tubular top which is open on both ends and may be composed of any known textile claim 1 , synthetic or natural material claim 1 , is elastic and stretchable and;has a cross-sectional diameter of at least 6.5 inches and that can expand to 8.0 inches and;has a length of at least 20-30 inches and;has an attachment apparatus on one end which is compatible with the attachment apparatus on a corresponding brim or visor, which is used to attach the top to said brim or visor;or is permanently attached to the brim or visor.3. The multifunctional headwear as of claim 1 , wherein the brim can be of any style claim 1 , shape or size and;may be composed of any known textile, synthetic or natural material and;has full circumferential coverage of the head above the eyes and ears and;has a slit positioned in the rear which is used to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033445A1

A novelty apparel includes multiple attached conformable, selectable and viewable occupational role playing indicia. A baseball cap includes a dome shaped crown of compound curves and a forward facing sun visor brim portion, a transparent window in a central front face portion of the dome shaped crown, where the window displays a single indicium selectable from a number of different indicia carried on a display surface conformable to said dome shaped crown. The selected indicium is displayed centered above the brim. The display surface conforms to the curved interior of the dome shaped crown, wherein the baseball cap does not deviate substantially from the look of a typical baseball cap with a single permanent indicium. 1. A baseball cap with multiple attached conformable , selectable and viewable indicia displayed on the baseball cap having a compound curved dome shaped crown and a forward facing sun visor brim portion , said baseball cap comprising:a transparent front window in a central front face portion of said compound curved dome shaped crown,said transparent front window displaying a single indicium selectable from a number of different indicia of said multiple, attached, conformable, selectable and viewable indicia carried on a display surface,said display surface being provided adjacent to an interior of said dome shaped crown, the selected indicium displayed centered above the brim;said display surface being at least a segmented portion of a compound curve conforming to the compound curved dome shaped crown; and,said baseball cap not deviating substantially from the look of a typical baseball cap with a single permanent indicium.2. The baseball cap with multiple attached claim 1 , conformable claim 1 , selectable and visible indicia as in wherein said display surface is an inner liner adjacent to an interior of said dome shaped crown claim 1 , said inner liner conforming to at least a portion of said compound curve of said dome shaped crown.3. The ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Antlers Novelty Caddy

Номер: US20170035168A1
Автор: Treadwell Juanita

The present invention is a antlers novelty caddy. The present invention provides a effective storage of items and a method for attachment(s). In particular, the present invention can be pinned to caps, hats, backpacks, or just about anything that comes to mind; and, the present invention can be placed and held on a magnetically metal surface, such as a refrigerator or in areas where there is a magnetic metal surface. In particular, the present invention provides a user easy access to items. 1. A antlers novelty caddy , comprising:a preferably configured element to resemble antlers;a removable cap element to resemble a antlers base;a built-in accessible storage chamber element; anda attachment member(s) area,a antlers novelty caddy configured so that it is attachable, wherein when a antlers base cap is openable and closable via a user, a stored item is easily accessible to the user.2. A antlers novelty caddy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a removable antlers member is antlers base cap element configured to facilitate access to a storage chamber element by a user.3. A antlers novelty caddy claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , wherein there is provided a removable antlers base cap member claim 2 , wherein the removable antlers base cap is at least one of:slip fit;press on;threaded;safety,configured to facilitate access to the storage chamber element by a user.4. A antlers novelty caddy claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein there is provided a attachment member(s) area claim 1 , wherein the attachment is at least one of:tie tacks;velcro;glue;pins;weld(s);rivet(s);press on;clip(s);magnet(s); andfilament,placed in the attachment(s) area on back of the antlers novelty caddy. The present invention relates to a antlers novelty caddy.Regular antlers novelties do not store items and do not allow the novelty to be attached to caps, hats, backpacks, or just about anything that comes to mind; and, regular antlers novelties do not have a storage chamber with a attachment area ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Mechanically Ventilated Headgear Assembly

Номер: US20220053869A1
Автор: Mark Colgan
Принадлежит: Individual

A mechanically ventilated headgear assembly for cooling a head of a user includes a hat, which can be positioned on the head of the user. The hat has a plurality of apertures positioned therein proximate to a top thereof to vent the hat. A battery is engaged to the hat. A fan, which is engaged to and positioned within the hat proximate to the top, is operationally engaged to the battery so that the battery is positioned to selectively power the fan. The fan motivates air through the apertures to cool the head of the user.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Wearable inflatable headpiece with automated soap bubble production mechanism

Номер: US20220054951A1

An automatic bubble blowing apparatus wearable on the head and having an inflatable ornamental skin. The inflatable ornamental skin is a non-tooled component which can be manufactured to have a variety of festive appearances. The apparatus has straps which can be used to secure the apparatus to the head of a user. Alternatively, the automatic bubble blowing apparatus can be utilized on a horizontal surface, such as a table, with the straps hidden under the apparatus. The automatic bubble blowing apparatus includes a power source, a surfactant solution reservoir, a fan for creating an air stream out an exit aperture, a mechanism for creating a surfactant film across the exit aperture, and an on-off switch which controls both power to the fan and sealing and unsealing of the exit aperture. 1. A wearable amusement apparatus comprising:an automatic bubble blowing apparatus including a power source, a surfactant solution reservoir, a fan for creating an air stream, and a film creation mechanism for creating a surfactant film across an exit aperture in the path of said air stream;a chassis adapted for being worn on the head of a wearer, said chassis seating said automatic bubble blowing apparatus;straps for attachment of said chassis of the head of said wearer; andan ornamental skin mounted on said chassis.2. The amusement apparatus of wherein said ornamental skin has an interior bladder and is inflatable.3. The amusement apparatus of wherein said ornamental skin provides a festive appearance to the amusement apparatus.4. The amusement apparatus of wherein said straps are of adjustable length.5. The amusement apparatus of wherein said film creation mechanism repeatedly creates said surfactant film across said exit aperture at regular time intervals.6. The amusement apparatus of wherein said automatic bubble blowing apparatus further includes a switch which functions to both control power from said power source to said fan and to open and close a cover over said exit ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Cap with interchangeable art

Номер: US20190037947A1
Автор: Trinidad Adil

A cap configured to permit different logos to be interchangeably positioned on the cap. The cap includes a front panel, a back panel and a visor. Further the cap comprises an adjustable strap. The front panel is made out of plastic material with hooks and other panels, such as the back panel and the visor, can also be made out of other materials. The logos are equipped with pile material permits them to be detachably mounted on the cap. A piece of stiffening material is positioned inside of the front panels forming the front face of the cap to maintain the front face in a shape. 1. A cap comprising:at least one front panel that is capable of having one or more interchangeable items attached or positioned thereon without having to sew or perform a complicated process to alter the appearance of the cap to attach a new logo;at least one back panel configured to cover a user's head in combination with the front panel;a visor;wherein the front panel and the back panel are sewn or fastened to each other;wherein both the front panel and the back panel include an inner portion and an outer portion;wherein the outer portion of front panel comprises plastic molded hooks; andwherein the inner portion includes a stiff panel that provides support to the front panel; andwherein the interchangeable items include two sides;wherein the first side of the interchangeable item includes a logo or design;wherein the second side of the interchangeable item includes an attachable element configured to be attached to the plastic molded hooks.2. A cap comprising:at least one translucent front panel that is capable of having one or more interchangeable items attached or positioned thereon without having to sew or perform a complicated process to alter the appearance of the cap to attach a new logo;at least one back panel configured to cover a user's head in combination with the translucent front panel;a visor;wherein the translucent front panel and the back panel are sewn or fastened to each ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037948A1

A one piece plastic decorative facemask decorates the face of a wearer of a ball cap including a bill. The decorative facemask includes a grid portion comprising a plurality of interconnected plastic segments with circular cross sections joined at substantially perpendicular angles, one of the plastic segments forming an upper edge of the grid portion spanning from a distal left side of the grid portion to a distal right side of the grid portion. The decorative facemask further includes an elongated plastic bar spanning the upper edge of the grid portion, is connected to the upper edge of the grid portion at a distal left side of the upper edge of the grid portion and a distal right side of the upper edge of the upper edge of the grid portion, and is unconnected to the upper edge of the grid portion between the distal left side of the upper edge of the grid portion and the distal right side of the upper edge of the upper edge of the grid portion, such that an open slot exists between the elongated bar and the upper edge of the grid portion. 1. Apparatus to decorate the face of a wearer of a ball cap comprising a bill , the apparatus comprising: a grid portion comprising a plurality of interconnected plastic segments with circular cross sections joined at substantially perpendicular angles, one of the plastic segments forming an upper edge of the grid portion spanning from a distal left side of the grid portion to a distal right side of the grid portion;', 'an elongated plastic bar spanning the upper edge of the grid portion, connected to the upper edge of the grid portion at a distal left side of the upper edge of the grid portion and a distal right side of the upper edge of the upper edge of the grid portion, and being unconnected to the upper edge of the grid portion between the distal left side of the upper edge of the grid portion and the distal right side of the upper edge of the upper edge of the grid portion, such that an open slot exists between the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037949A1
Автор: Nelson Frisner

A hat cooling system is disclosed. The hat includes a head portion that is couplable to a user's head. The hat also includes a brim coupled to the head portion and a stowage compartment formed atop the head portion. A battery pack is stowed in the stowage compartment and has an output port. At least two electrical fans are coupled to the brim of the hat. A power wire is coupled to the battery pack by an electrical connector, the power wire has a parallel circuit junction forming two output wires each of the two wires having an electrical connector that is coupled to one of the two fans. 1. A hat , comprising:a head portion couplable to a user's head;a brim coupled to the head portion;a stowage compartment formed atop the head portion;a battery pack stowed in the stowage compartment and having an output port;at least two electrical fans coupled to the brim of the hat;a power wire coupled to the battery pack by an electrical connector, the power wire having a parallel circuit junction forming two output wires each of the two wires having an electrical connector that is coupled to one of the two fans.2. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the hat is a wide brim hat.3. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the hat is formed from plastic.4. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the hat is formed from straw.5. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the output port of the battery pack is a USB port.6. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the fans are removably fastened to the hat.7. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the fans are integrated with the hat.8. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the stowage area is concealed from view.9. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the battery pack includes a micro USB input port.10. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the hat may be used to charge a mobile phone when one of the output wires is detached from the fan and coupled to a mobile phone charging cord.11. A hat claim 1 , comprising:a head portion configured for sitting on a user's head;a stowage compartment formed atop the head portion and used ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Adjustable visor for hats and visors

Номер: US20190037950A1

The shading devices provided within hats and visors currently on the market are limited when the sun is at lower angles from the viewers eyes. 1) The ‘adjustable visor’ assembly as shown on pg. 1 () and Pg. 2 () is claimed and regarded as ‘the invention’. The patent is being solicited for the ‘Adjustable Visor’ assembly as shown on Pg. 1 () and Pg. 2 (). The idea came to me when I was sitting at my daughter's soccer game. The sun was at an angle that my baseball hat's visor was not sufficient to provide appropriate shading onto my face.The ‘Adjustable Visor’ was the solution to the problem I was experiencing at my daughter's soccer game. The ‘Adjustable Visor’ would act as an additional retractable visor that, a person would fasten to a baseball type hat or golf type visor, for additional shading as required. There are two (2) applications for the ‘Adjustable Visor’, as follows: 1) It can be fastened to the underside of a hat's visor with double sided tape, and 2) It can be sewn into a hat or visor by a hat manufacturer for a permanent installation.a) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ assembly is shown on page 1 () and page 2 ( and ).b) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ can be fastened to someone's hat or visor via the double sided tape. Refer to page 3 ().c) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ is shown glued to the underside of the hat's visor, page 4 ().d) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ can also be stitched directly into hats and visors by the hat or visor manufacturer. Refer to page 5 ().e) When the ‘Adjustable Visor’ is stitched into a hat's visor, the only visible components are the track and the sliding knob page 6 ().f) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ would riot be visible when viewed from the side as shown on page 7 ().g) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ would be visible from tie front along the curvature of the visor, page 8 ().h) The ‘Adjustable Visor’ provides additional 70% shading when added to hat or visor. Refer to page 9 ().i) The sliding knob within the ‘Adjustable Visor’ assembly allows one to manually extend ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Size Adjustable Hat that Provides Different Height Options for Ponytails

Номер: US20190037951A1
Автор: Rue Kristen Elise

This embodiment gives baseball hats a custom feel. The embodiment has an opening from the button down the back panels. The opening is fastened up either looking like a ladder with the ladder design or like shoelaces with the crisscross design. This embodiment fills the need for flexibility in ponytail heights unlike the other baseball hats that have fixed ponytail positions. This embodiment will create a variety of ponytail height locations along with a size adjustable advantage from the stretchy material used in the lacing. The user will be able to choose a ponytail height for that given day, an advantage that popular baseball hats do not provide. The legal scope should not be limited to the forms shown. 15-. (canceled)6. A hat , comprising:a top end at a center of the hat and a rim extending about a bottom end of the hat;an opening in a back side of the hat, the opening extending from the top end of the hat to the rim extending about the bottom end of the hat; anda piece of stretchy material that extends across the opening to divide the opening into a plurality of holes, each of the plurality of holes sized to allow a ponytail to extend through the hole.7. The hat of wherein the hat includes a button at the top end of the hat and the opening extends from the button at the top end of the hat to the rim at the bottom end of the hat.8. The hat of claim 6 , wherein each of the holes is located a different distance from the top end of the hat than the rest of the holes and a different distance from the rim at the bottom end of the hat than the rest of the holes.9. The hat of claim 6 , wherein the opening has a length that extends in a direction from the top end of the hat to the rim at the bottom end of the hat and a width that extends perpendicular to the length claim 6 , wherein the length is greater than the width.10. The hat of wherein the width is around 2 inches.11. The hat of claim 6 , wherein the piece of stretchy material is stitched to another portion of the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037952A1
Автор: Melvin Stephen Robert

A ball cap accommodates long hair, including pigtail hairstyles, comprises a head covering portion formed from a front panel and one or more side panels. At least one side panel includes an opening slit having edges that are adapted to avoid catching the hair via finished edges. Each slit is sized to accept hair passed there through. A front brim extends outward from the front panel. 1. A ball cap apparatus adapted to accommodate hair worn through it , the ball cap comprising:a head covering portion having a substantially continuous sidewall that is sized and shaped to accommodate the upper portion of an individual's head;the sidewall having a lower edge defining a rim portion, the rim portion for fitting about the individual's head;the sidewall further defined by a front panel and at least a first side panel;the first side panel having a first slit disposed in it;the first slit comprising a first raw edge and a second raw, where the first and second raw edges are finished;the first slit being sized to accept hair for placement therethrough; anda brim portion extending orthogonally from said front panel.2. The apparatus of wherein each of the side panel is substantially-triangular.3. The apparatus of wherein the bundled long hair comprises at least one ponytail.4. The apparatus of wherein the bundled hair comprises at least one pigtail.5. The apparatus of wherein the first and second raw edges are finished with stitching.6. The apparatus of wherein the first and second raw edges are finished with a gimp to form a Milanese buttonhole.7. The apparatus of wherein the first and second raw edges are finished with a machine-made buttonhole.8. The apparatus of wherein the first and second raw edges are finished as a bound buttonhole having a trim.9. The apparatus of wherein the first and second raw edges are finished as a keyhole buttonhole.10. A ball cap apparatus adapted to accommodate hair worn through it claim 1 , the ball cap comprising:a head covering portion ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037982A1

A tiara for wearing on a human head includes a base member and ornamentation. The arcuate base member has a front portion and side portions. The front portion is positioned on top of the head when the tiara is worn, the front portion lying in a plane. The side portions extend along the sides of the head. The ornamentation is coupled to the base member and extends above the base member front portion. The side portions have rear ends that are below the front portion plane. The side portion rear ends extend inwardly toward the head when the tiara is worn. 1. A tiara for wearing on a human head , the head having a top , sides and ears , comprising:a) An arcuate base member having a front portion and side portions, the side portions being integral to the front portion, the base member having an open back, the front portion positioned on the top or the head when the tiara is worn, the front portion lying in a plane, the side portions extending along the sides of the head and behind the ears when the tiara is worn;b) Ornamentation coupled to the base member and extending above the base member front portion;c) The side portions having rear ends that are below the front portion plane, the side portion rear ends extending inwardly toward the head when the tiara is worn.2. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the side portion rear ends are shaped like ear ends.3. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the front portion is shaped like a rod.4. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the rear ends of the side portions are angled 30-60 degrees below the front portion plane.5. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the rear ends of the side portions are angled 40-50 degrees below the front portion plane.6. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the rear ends of the side portions are located behind ears on the head when the tiara is worn.7. The tiara for wearing on a human head of wherein the ornamentation is symmetric with respect ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for optical lighting, or heating, or cooling of the moving means, among others footwear, clothes, vehicles, vehicle parts or vehicle stickers.

Номер: US20160043662A1
Автор: Luchinskiy Alexander

Invention provides a practical application of energy converters to power moving means. To the powering belong in particular an optical lighting, heating, or cooling. To the moving means belong in particular footwear, clothes, vehicles, vehicle parts or vehicle stickers. The moving means contain details, which release an energy, in particular under the condition of mechanical loads on these details, or by deformation of these details, including among others bending, creasing, shifting, twisting, compression, tension, a combination of some of the above-mentioned kinds of deformation or other mechanical influences on these above-mentioned detail or details. Wherein either this energy is released from an internal chemical energy of the detail substance, or the energy of mechanical deformations is converted in other types of energy, in particular in an electric energy, in particular through a piezoelectric phenomenon. 9. Footwear on claim 1 , whereinthe footwear comprises a detail (details), which comprise one, several or many diffraction grating (gratings),or the footwear is covered by small elements, wherein the dimensions of these elements, or distance between these elements, or both, are so small that they cause a diffraction of the light, which one is falling on the shoe surface, and this way the shoe surface forms a diffraction grating—similar surface structure,or the footwear or some details of the footwear are covered by such a lacquer or by any other kind of layer coating or by such a shoe-polish/shoe-cream, which lacquer (layer coating, shoe-polish/shoe-cream, etc.) comprises small elements, wherein the dimensions of these elements, or distance between these elements, or both, are so small that they cause a diffraction of the light, which one is falling on the shoe, and this way these elements form a diffraction grating—similar surface structure on the shoe surface.20. Footwear or clothes on claim 1 , wherein a firm brand (trade-mark claim 1 , mark claim 1 , ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045483A1

A heat dissipating hat with atomizer structures primarily comprises a hat body and a plurality of atomizer structures connected to the hat body, wherein on a rear rim of the hat body are disposed a battery and a water storage groove therein is disposed a water injection opening; the plurality of atomizer structures are disposed on a rim of the hat body and a rim of a visor and are connected to the water storage groove and the battery with a tube body and a guide line respectively, wherein on the tube body are disposed intervally arranged release vents. When the hat is worn on a hot summer day, an appropriate amount of water is provided to each of the plurality of atomizer structures from the water storage groove, oscillated into water mist therein, and sprayed through the release vents arranged on the tube body from a rim of the hat body and a bottom of a visor onto and around the face of the wearer to achieve the effect of heat dissipation and cooling on a hot summer day. 1. A heat dissipating hat with atomizer structures , comprising:a hat body, on a rear rim thereof are disposed a battery and a water storage groove; 'which are connected to the water storage groove with a tube body and connected to the battery with a guide line, wherein on the tube body are disposed intervally arranged release vents;', 'a plurality of atomizer structures disposed on a rim of the hat body and a rim of a visor,'}wherein when the hat is worn on a hot summer day, an appropriate amount of water is provided to each of the plurality of atomizer structures from the water storage groove, oscillated into water mist therein, and sprayed through the release vents arranged on the tube body from a rim of the hat body and a bottom of a visor onto and around the face of the wearer to achieve the effect of heat dissipation and cooling on a hot summer day.2. A heat dissipating hat with atomizer structures of claim 1 , wherein the battery is connected to a socket for allowing a transformer or a ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047100A1
Автор: WILSON Peter

A headwear system may have a headband configured to fit a head of a user. At least one compliant portion is attached to the headband with a fastener. The compliant portion temporarily conforms to the head of the user in response to being positioned on the user's head. A bill may continuously extend from a body and have an information feature and at least one medallion affixed to the bill. The medallion can extend through an aperture in the information feature. 1. An apparatus comprising:a headband configured to fit a head of a user; anda compliant portion attached to the headband with a fastener, the compliant portion temporarily conforming to the head of the user.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the headband is part of a sports cap.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the headband is part of a visor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the headband is rigid.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the headband is flexible.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the compliant portion comprises a sizing feature housed in a carrier.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the sizing feature comprises a foam material.8. The apparatus o f claim 1 , wherein the compliant portion is positioned to contact a forehead of the head.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the compliant portion reduces a first diameter of the headband to a second diameter.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein multiple separate compliant portions are positioned on different regions of the headband.11. An apparatus comprising headwear having a bill continuously extending from a body claim 1 , an information feature and at least one medallion affixed to the bill claim 1 , the medallion extending through an aperture in the information feature.12. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the medallion and information feature are each affixed to the bill with a temporary adhesive.13. The apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the medallion has a height above the bill that is greater than the information feature.14. ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047101A1
Автор: Korioth Jeffery Mark

Embodiments disclosed herein describe systems and methods for a hat with inflatable accessories and/or projections. In embodiments, the hat may include an air pumping system disposed within the cap configured to inflate and/or deflate the inflatable projections, wherein if the inflatable projections are inflated they may be shaped and/or sized to represent a team's logo, slogan, mascot, etc. 1. An inflatable hat accessory comprising:a hat configured to be positioned on a head of a user;an inflatable accessory configured to be positioned on the hat;an air pumping system positioned within the hat, the air pumping system being configured to inflate and deflate the inflatable accessory.2. The inflatable hat accessory of claim 1 , wherein the air pumping system includes an inflate button positioned on an outer surface of the hat.3. The inflatable hat accessory of claim 2 , wherein the air pumping system includes internal tubing configured to connect the inflate button and the inflatable accessory claim 2 , wherein the internal tubing is positioned between the outer surface of the hat and the head of the user. This application claims a benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to Provisional Application No. 61/865,760 filed on Aug. 14, 2013, which is fully incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.1. Field of the DisclosureExamples of the present disclosure are related to hat accessories. More particularly, embodiments relate to inflatable accessories coupled to a hat or an article of clothing configured to be disposed on a user's head.2. BackgroundA conventional hat is a type of head covering that can be worn for protection against the elements, part of a uniform, or as a fashion accessory. A hat may have a soft cap with a rounded crown and a stiff bill projecting in the front of the hat. Conventionally, the front of the cap may have a billboard surface that includes designs, logos, slogans, etc. of teams, products, or companies. The back of a conventional hat may ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Attachable Personal Cooling Fans

Номер: US20220061441A1
Автор: Ng Richard

This invention relates to attachable personal cooling fans specifically designed to provide several hours of cooling for the user. These units were originally designed for baseball/softball plate umpires for hot weather conditions, however, they could be adapted for other uses. The units are portable and lightweight and can be attached to any facemask.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Detachable closure system adapted to not engage hair and ease of taking on and off

Номер: US20220061442A1
Автор: Tiffany Anne Rymer
Принадлежит: Individual

A detachable closure system for a wearable article is provided. The wearable article defines an opening and cavity for receiving a portion of a wearer. The wearable article extends between two flaps and that when engaged secure the wearable article to the wearer. Each flap provides one or more contact areas adjacent to a respective flap edge. Each contact area provides attachment components that are removably connectable to the attachment components along the other flap. The clothing material of the wearable article enable one flap to be stretched so as to overlap the other flap for selectively engaging a first, second, or even third contact area thereat. Thereby, the wearable article can be removable by peeling it off the wearer in the closed condition yet offers a plurality of selectable closed conditions for adjusting the fit of the wearable article.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049174A1
Автор: Holcomb Gary

A display cover for a graduation cap includes: a central portion formed of a stretchable material, the central portion supporting one or more indicia-forming materials; and an edge surrounding the central portion and defining an opening with a surface area smaller than a surface area of the central portion, at least one of the central portion having an at least partial curve such that an interior recess is formed therein, the interior recess reconfigurable to receive a mortar board of the graduation cap, wherein the central portion provides a barrier between the indicia-forming materials and the graduation cap. 1. A display cover for a graduation cap , comprising:a central portion formed of a stretchable material, the central portion supporting one or more indicia-forming materials; andan edge surrounding the central portion and defining an opening with a surface area smaller than a surface area of the central portion, at least one of the central portion having an at least partial curve such that an interior recess is formed therein, the interior recess reconfigurable to receive a mortar board of the graduation cap,wherein the central portion provides a barrier between the indicia-forming materials and the graduation cap.2. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the central portion is comprised of a fluid-permeable material.3. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the central portion is comprised of a fluid-resistant material.4. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the edge comprises an elastomeric material.5. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the edge is a seam.6. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the indicia-forming material is one of the group consisting of: pen claim 1 , marker claim 1 , paint claim 1 , glitter claim 1 , stickers claim 1 , screen print claim 1 , and an accessory coupled with the display cover.7. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the central portion is comprised of an opaque material.8. The display cover of claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130235A1

An adjustable, configurable hat is described that can be configured to accommodate a variety of hairstyles. In general, the adjustable, configurable hat has a crown member, an enlarged opening and a panel that is releasably attachable to the crown member. In one example, the adjustable, configurable hat generally has an open configuration and a closed configuration. In the closed configuration, the panel is releasably attached to the crown member by the fastening mechanisms, covers the enlarged opening and generally has the appearance of a hat that is not adjustable and configurable. In the open configuration, the panel is releasably attached to the inside of the crown member by the fastening members such that it is not visible when the hat is worn and the enlarged opening allows the wearer of the hat to wear a variety of hairstyles while wearing the hat. In both configurations, the fastening mechanisms and the panel are hidden by the crown member. In another example, the crown is split down the back center to have a left and right half and the hat can be configured to its open configuration by separating the left half from the right half and folding each half inside two respective pockets inside the hat. 1. A hat comprisinga headband shaped to fit about the circumference of a person's head; an interior surface;', 'an exterior surface; and', 'at least one opening in the crown member configured to allow an accumulation of hair to pass through the crown member; and, "a crown member attached to the headband, the crown member configured to cover a portion of a person's head, the crown member comprising:"}at least one panel configured to at least partially cover the at least one opening in the crown member;at least one tether configured to fixably attach the at least one panel to the crown member, the tether being visibly hidden by the crown member from the exterior surface; anda fastening system comprising at least a first and second fastening mechanism, the first ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072347A1
Автор: III Lewis Maurice, Oliver

Embodiments of particle protection headwear apparatuses and use thereof are detailed herein. In general, embodiments of the present invention include a shield and a shroud which couple to, or are partially or wholly integral with, a hat. The shield extends downwardly from the hat and is typically embodied as part of the hat. Further, the shield is designed for a user to be able to look through it. The shroud is coupled to and extends downwardly from the shield and the hat. The shroud extends entirely around a perimeter of the hat to form a breathable barrier between particles and the user's head. The shroud may be removeable from the shield and washable. 1. A particle protection apparatus comprising:a hat configured to be worn on a head of a user;a shield coupled to or integral with the hat and extending downwardly therefrom; anda shroud coupled to the shield and extending downwardly from the shield and around a perimeter of the hat, and the shroud being formed from a material configured to allow air to pass bi-directionally therethrough and to block a plurality of particles disposed in the air from passing therethrough.2. The particle protection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hat comprises a brim claim 1 , with the shield coupled to or integral with the brim and extending downwardly therefrom.3. The particle protection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the brim extends from a crown of the hat and terminates at a brim distal end claim 2 , and the shield is coupled to or integral with the distal end such that the shield and an upper portion of the shroud are configured to be horizontally spaced approximately 2.5 inches to 4 inches from a mouth of the user.4. The particle protection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hat is a helmet claim 2 , with the brim extending around the perimeter of the helmet.5. The particle protection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hat is a baseball cap claim 2 , with the brim extending from a front section of the baseball cap.6. The ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Warm Cap with Security Features

Номер: US20160058090A1
Автор: Leung Yee Chong

According to embodiments of the disclosed technology, systems, methods and devices are provided for wholly or partially obscuring the vision of a pet electronically using a cap worn on the head of the pet. In one embodiment, the cap has a screen or lens disposed proximate to the pet's eyes. The screen is capable of identifying an object or living thing that may be threatened by the pet, and wholly or partially obscuring the object from the vision of the pet to prevent the pet from being able to see and/or attack the object. An additional safety measure of the cap may be to completely darken or whiten the vision of the pet such that the pet is temporarily impaired from seeing anything. Still further, audio may also be used to distract or draw the pet's attention away the from target object. 1. A garment for keeping head temperature warm while providing security features , comprising:a cap adapted to change a temperature of a living thing wearing the cap; displays imagery located in a viewable periphery of the living thing wearing the cap; and', 'darkens a target object displayed on the screen such that the target object is not clearly visible on the screen, wherein the target object is an object under threat of attack by the living thing;, 'a screen disposed within the cap, wherein the screenan audio device disposed on or in the cap, wherein the audio device produces sound to direct the living thing in a direction away from the target object; 'capture the viewable periphery of the living thing using a camera;', 'a smart chip in the cap configured to darken the target object and display the darkened target object on the screen;', 'verify if the living thing is successfully precluded from attacking the target object by measuring movement of the living thing after darkening the target object on the screen; and', 'if the living thing continues to pursue the target object, highlight other objects that are distant from the target object to further distract to the living ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055124A1
Автор: Chen Chieh-Yu

A hat comprises a crown, a brim extending outward from an edge of the crown, and a first transparent liquid-proof layer disposed over the crown or the brim. The first transparent liquid-proof layer and the crown, or the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the brim, define an enclosed space containing a liquid and decorations. By forming the enclosed space that allows a user to see through it on the hat and disposing the liquid and the decorations into the enclosed space, the hat may present special visual effects different from that presented by conventional hats. 1. A hat comprising a crown , a brim extending outward from an edge of the crown , and a first transparent liquid-proof layer disposed over the crown or the brim , wherein the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the crown , or the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the brim , define an enclosed space containing a liquid and decorations.2. The hat of further comprising a second transparent liquid-proof layer disposed between the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the crown claim 1 , or between the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the brim claim 1 , wherein the second transparent liquid-proof layer and the first transparent liquid-proof layer define the enclosed space.3. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the liquid comprises water or glycerol.4. The hat of claim 1 , wherein the decorations comprise sequins claim 1 , glitters claim 1 , beads claim 1 , or luminescent decorations.5. A hat comprising a crown and a first transparent liquid-proof layer disposed over the crown claim 1 , wherein the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the crown define an enclosed space containing a liquid and decorations.6. The hat of further comprising a second transparent liquid-proof layer disposed between the first transparent liquid-proof layer and the crown claim 5 , wherein the second transparent liquid-proof layer and the first transparent liquid-proof layer define the enclosed space.7. The hat ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053560A1
Автор: Yoo John, Yoo Minsun

A cap including at least a first and a second rear panel, wherein each of the first and second rear panels are removably affixable to each other and wherein each of said first and second rear panels includes a first side, a second side, a third side, a fourth side and a fifth side. Four of the five sides of each of the first and second rear panels are linear and one of the five sides is substantially curved. 1. A cap comprising at least a first and a second rear panel , wherein each of the first and second rear panels are removably affixable to each other and wherein each of said first and second rear panels comprises a first side , a second side , a third side , a fourth side and a fifth side;wherein four of said five sides of each of the first and second rear panels are linear and wherein one of said five sides is substantially curved.2. The cap of claim 1 , further comprising a left side panel and a right side panel claim 1 , wherein a first outer edge of the left side panel is affixed to the first rear panel; andwherein a second outer edge of the right side panel is affixed to the second rear panel.3. The cap of claim 2 , further comprising at least two adjoined front panels claim 2 , wherein a first front panel is connected to the left side panel claim 2 , and a second front panel is connected to the right side panel.4. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the fourth side of the first and second rear panels comprises a fastener assembly.5. The cap of claim 4 , wherein first and second rear panels are removably affixed to each other at the fourth side via the fastener assembly claim 4 , by overlapping their respective fourth sides to form a closed position.6. The cap of claim 5 , wherein the fastener assembly comprises a hook and loop fastener.7. The cap of claim 5 , wherein when in the closed position claim 5 , each respective third side of the first and second rear panels define an elongate aperture.8. The cap of claim 7 , wherein the elongate aperture comprises an ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Hat Embellishing System

Номер: US20170055617A1
Автор: Irwin Girven
Принадлежит: Individual

A hat embellishing system includes a first magnet is positioned on an outer surface of an apex of a hat. A hub is attached to and extends upwardly from the first magnet. The hub is rotatably coupled to the first magnet. A plurality of blades is attached to and extends away from the hub. A second magnet is magnetically engaged with the first magnet. The second magnet is positioned on an inner surface of the hat opposite of the first magnet such that the first and second magnets are releasably engaged to the perimeter wall. The hub thereafter rotates with respect to the hat.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063777A1
Автор: LETKE Cam M.

Described is a wearable personal illumination/recording device. The device includes, among other features, a rigid support, a housing coupled to the rigid support, an audio/video recording device, such as a high-definition video camera capable of transmitting live or recorded signals to remote displays or recipients, a light source, and an energy source. The light source may be an LED spotlight. The storage device housing may include a storage device slot for receiving a removable storage device. A wireless module may provide for connecting the recording device to a wireless network. The device may also include a microphone coupled to the housing, an ear bud for receiving real-time audio feedback from a remote recipient, a control panel including at least one indicator light, and a remote control for controlling at least one function of the personal illumination/recording device. 1. A wearable personal illumination/recording device comprising:a crown portion for fitting over a user's head, the crown portion having a front and back side;a brim extending from the front side of the crown portion, the brim having an underside and a front portion and optionally detachable from the crown portion;a rigid support coupled to the underside of the brim, the rigid support having two side edges each having a channel formed therein;a housing coupled to the rigid support;a light/camera housing coupled to the housing and positioned at the front portion of the housing and brim;an audio/video recording device housed in the light/camera housing for collecting, storing, manipulating, and transmitting audio and video data over at least one communications channel;a light outputting device housed in the light/camera housing for outputting light; andan energy source housing electrically coupled to the housing having an energy source for supplying energy to the audio/video recording and light outputting devices.2. The wearable personal illumination/recording device of claim 1 , wherein ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Chilled Cap

Номер: US20140137310A1
Автор: Malone Lee

The present development is a liner unit comprising a light-weight polymeric material that becomes cold when exposed to water, which can be used to line a soft-crown cap, such as a baseball cap. The liner is sized to fit snuggly within the cap, and may be reversibly attached to the interfacing of the cap. Alternatively, the liner may comprise a magnet, sized and oriented on the liner so as to allow the magnet to engage with the underside of a button secured to the cap. 1. A liner unit comprising a light-weight polymeric material that becomes cold when exposed to water.2. The liner of wherein said polymeric material can retain at least 10 times its weight in aqueous liquids.3. The liner unit of wherein said polymeric material is polyvinyl alcohol material.4. The liner unit of wherein said polymeric material is natural rubber claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , or a rubber-like polymer.5. The liner unit of wherein said polymeric material comprises about 80% by weight polyester and 20% by weight nylon.6. The liner of wherein said polymeric material has a thickness of from about 2 cm to about 4 cm.7. The liner unit of wherein said polymeric material is capable of absorbing and transmitting water vapor.8. The liner unit of wherein said polymeric material comprises at least one swellable modified polymer.9. The liner unit of wherein said liner unit is sized to fit snuggly within a cap.10. The liner unit of wherein said liner unit is reversibly attached to an interfacing within the cap.11. The liner unit of wherein said liner unit comprises a magnet sized and oriented on said liner unit so as to engage with a button secured to the cap.12. The liner unit of further comprising apertures and/or voids corresponding with any such apertures and/or voids in said cap.13. A liner unit comprising a light-weight polymeric material that can retain at least 10 times its weight in aqueous liquids.14. The liner of wherein said polymeric material has a thickness of from about 2 cm to ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059489A1

A cap including at least one panel and a brim having an opening in a shape of at least one of an advertisement, a logo, a design, a statement, a phrase, an emblem of a sports team, company, or organization. 1. A cap comprising:at least one panel and a brim having an opening in a shape of at least one of an advertisement, a logo, a design, a statement, a phrase, an emblem of a sports team, company, or organization.2. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the opening is positioned off-center of the brim.3. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the opening includes a depth that is the same as the thickness of the brim.4. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the brim creates a shaded area that covers at least a portion of the user's face and wherein the opening is positioned such that light passing through the opening creates an image of the opening on the face of the user.5. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the opening is in a shape of a handgun.6. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the opening is in a shape of a cannabis leaf.7. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the at least one panel includes at least a statement and a design.8. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the at least one panel includes at least one of an advertisement claim 1 , a logo claim 1 , a design claim 1 , a statement claim 1 , a phrase claim 1 , an emblem of a sports team claim 1 , company claim 1 , or organization that is in a shape of the opening. This application claims the benefit of Design U.S. patent application Ser. Nos. 29/615,668 and 29/615,672, both filed on Aug. 30, 2017, the content of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference thereto.The present disclosure generally relates to a hat or a cap that displays a particular insignia, such as an advertisement, logo, design, or emblem of a sports team, company, or organization, through a cutout in the brim, visor, or bill portion of the hat or cap.The existing caps include an advertisement, logo, design, or emblem of a sports team, company, or organization swan, stitched, or ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Hat Brim Technology

Номер: US20190059493A1

A hat brim technology for framing one or more brim opening in a hat brim. A brim clip which engages at least a portion of a brim opening and which can optionally secure a number of brim material layers when in an installed state. A method for creating a framed brim opening in a hat brim. A cap including at least one panel and a brim having an opening in a shape of at least one of an advertisement, a logo, a design, a statement, a phrase, an emblem of a sports team, company, or organization.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Hat with attachable and interchangeable hairpiece

Номер: US20150067949A1
Автор: Dowdy Tori

A hat with an attachable and interchangeable hairpiece may be of any style and has one or more attachment points to which a hairpiece may be removably affixed. Hairpieces in various colors, lengths and styles may be provided, such that the user may interchange the styles with the hat to achieve varying looks. 1. A system of a hat and hairpiece comprising:(a) a hat component;(b) at least one hairpiece component;(c) a plurality of female attachment points;(d) said plurality of female attachment points being affixed to said hat component and positioned on the inside circumference of said hat component;(e) a plurality of male attachment points;(f) said plurality of male attachment points being affixed to said at least one hairpiece component;(g) said plurality of male attachment points being positioned on said hairpiece component to correspond to said plurality of female attachment points;(h) said plurality of male attachment points and said female attachment points being equal in number; and(i) said plurality of male attachment points and said plurality of female attachment points being configured so as to be mutually releasably attachable.2. The system of a hat and hairpiece of wherein said at least one hairpiece component is provided in a variety of colors lengths and styles such that said at least one hairpiece component may be mixed and matched with said hat component.3. The system of a hat and hairpiece of wherein at least one of said at least one hairpiece component is of a style selected from the group of braided claim 1 , curled claim 1 , straight claim 1 , and ponytail.4. The system of a hat and hairpiece of wherein at least one of said at least one hairpiece component is of a style selected from the group of braided claim 2 , curled claim 2 , straight claim 2 , and ponytail.5. The system of a hat and hairpiece of wherein said plurality of male attachment points and said plurality of female attachment points are both arranged in pairs and in a symmetrical ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060376A1
Автор: Carr Stephen C.

The present disclosure is directed to head ventilation devices and systems. A shell which may be worn as a hat includes a gap along at least a portion of a user's hatline defined by one or more spacer assemblies. An airflow assembly disposed at an upper end of the shell and spaced apart from the user's scalp causes airflow through the gap and an upper opening to ventilate a user's head. Additional protection features for sun shading, inclement weather, and/or safety may also be included. 1. A head ventilation system comprising:a shell defined by a sidewall surrounding a defined interior space, the shell extending upwards from an open bottom towards a top end;a corrugated hat band disposed around an interior surface of the sidewall near a lower end of the shell and comprising a plurality of flutes that extend from a relatively smaller opening at a bottom end to a relatively larger, the corrugated hat band configured to contact a head of a user when the user's head is inserted into the open bottom to thereby define at least one gap between the sidewall and the head of the user;an airflow space configured to be defined by the distance between the head of the user and the sidewall of the shell above the corrugated hat band; andan airflow assembly disposed such that when actuated the airflow assembly causes airflow through the at least one gap and the airflow space.2. The head ventilation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the airflow assembly is disposed at an upper end of the shell and configured to be spaced apart from the user's scalp.3. The head ventilation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shell further comprises a closed top end and at least one upper opening disposed in the shell.4. The head ventilation assembly of claim 1 , wherein the airflow assembly is disposed such that when actuated the airflow assembly causes airflow through the at least one gap claim 1 , the airflow space claim 1 , and the at least one upper opening.5. The head ventilation assembly of claim 4 ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Hat Cover

Номер: US20180064195A1
Автор: Cathleen Raven Glover
Принадлежит: Individual

A hat cover. The hat cover includes a flexible wrap having a first side, a second side, and a lower edge. A first fastener is disposed on the first side at a first end of the wrap. A second fastener is disposed on the second side at a second end of the wrap. The first fastener can removably secure to the second fastener to removably secure the wrap about a crown of a hat such that the lower edge rests flush with an upper surface of a brim of the hat. A plurality of clips is disposed on the second side configured to removably secure the wrap to the crown.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Snow Burial Survival Mask

Номер: US20180064967A1
Автор: Brookes Steven

A snow burial survival mask has an exhaust tube connected to a headgear. An intake port of the exhaust tube is positioned adjacent to a breathing portion of the headgear in order to intake exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2)-rich air. An air pump connected to the exhaust tube pump the exhaled air from the intake port to an exhaust port away from the user's face, extending survival time in a snow burial situation. At least one burial detection sensor such as a motion sensor, light sensor and/or CO2 sensor is configured to activate the air pump based on detection of a burial event. 1. A snow burial survival mask comprises:a headgear;at least one burial sensor;a power source;an exhaust tube;an air pump;the headgear comprises a breathing portion;the exhaust tube comprises an intake port and an exhaust port;the intake port of the exhaust tube being connected to the headgear adjacent to the breathing portion;the power source being electrically connected to the at least one burial sensor and the air pump; andthe air pump being operatively connected to the exhaust tube, wherein the air pump functions to pump air from the intake port to the exhaust port.2. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:the headgear being a face mask.3. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:the breathing portion of the headgear comprises a nose portion and a mouth portion; andthe intake port being positioned between the nose portion and the mouth portion.4. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:the at least one burial sensor comprises a light sensor; andthe light sensor being positioned adjacent to the breathing portion.5. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:the at least one burial sensor comprises a motion sensor.6. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:the at least one burial sensor comprises a carbon dioxide sensor.7. The snow burial survival mask as claimed in comprises:a housing; andthe power source being positioned within ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Sweat Absorption Assembly

Номер: US20210068491A1
Автор: Follo Leonard

A sweat absorption assembly for protecting headwear from sweat includes a plurality of mating mount components that are configured to removably attached a sweatband to a baseball cap. The mounting components include mating socket portions and stud portions coupled to a mount band of the sweat absorption assembly and the rim of a cap. An absorbing member of the sweat absorbing assembly is elongated and is positionable on the mount band and removably to be cleaned. 1. A sweat absorption assembly configured for protecting headwear from sweat , said assembly comprising:an absorbing member being elongated and composed of a liquid absorbent material;a mount band being elongated and being configured to receive and hold the absorbing member;a plurality of mounting components each comprising a first mounting portion and a second mating portion adapted to removably mate with each other,wherein each first mounting portion is attached to the mount band, and each second mounting portion is configured to be fixedly attached to a cap,wherein each first mounting portion comprises one of a stud or a socket and each second mounting portion comprises one of a mating stud or socket.2. The sweat absorption assembly configured for protecting headwear from sweat according to claim 1 , wherein all of the first mounting portions are studs and all of the second mounting portions are sockets.3. The sweat absorption assembly configured for protecting headwear from sweat according to claim 1 , wherein all of the first mounting portions are sockets and all of the second mounting portions are studs.4. The sweat absorption assembly configured for protecting headwear from sweat according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first mounting portions is a stud and at least another of the first mounting portions is a socket claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the second mounting portions is a socket and at least another of the second mounting portions is a stud configured to mate with a ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087353A1

A collapsible frame for supporting a fabric structure includes frame members which themselves can be plastically deformed as well as folded around one or more hinges. The ductile frame members can be deformed plastically to hold the fabric structure in a predetermined orientation. When not in use, the frame can be folded around the hinges disposed between the individual frame members. Folding the frame around the hinges significantly reduces the possibility of the ductile frame members work-hardening and experiencing a metal fatigue failure. 1141014. A flexible frame () for supporting a fabric structure () , said frame () comprising:{'b': ['16', '16', '16', '16', '16', '38', '40'], '#text': 'a plurality of elongated frame members (A, B, C, D), each of said plurality of elongated frame members () having a first end () and second end (); and'}{'b': ['18', '18', '18', '18', '18', '18', '18', '18', '42', '44', '42', '44'], '#text': 'a plurality of articulating joints (A, B, C, D), each of said plurality of articulating joins (A, B, C, D) comprising a hinge (, ) that rotates from an inline position to a rotated position in which the hinge (, ) is rotated 180° from the inline position;'}{'b': ['16', '16', '16', '16', '38', '18', '18', '18', '18', '40', '18', '18', '18', '18'], '#text': 'each of said plurality of elongated frame members (A, B, C, D) being attached at a first end () to one of said plurality of articulating joints (A, B, C, D) and attached at a second end () to another one of said plurality of articulating joints (A, B, C, D);'}{'b': ['16', '16', '16', '16', '10'], '#text': 'wherein said plurality of elongated frame members (A, B, C, D), are made of a ductile material that can be deformed plastically into a deformed shape and substantially retain the deformed shape and wherein said fabric structure () can be folded to a substantially flat configuration by rotating said plurality of articulating joints.'}2. The flexible frame of claim 1 , wherein:{'b': ['18', ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087354A1
Автор: Woods-Malmuth Lauren

A hat insert for maintaining a structure of a hat and a characteristic of a head of a wearer, and related methods of manufacture and use. The hat insert is constructed by attaching a shaper configured for supporting the hat to a liner configured for contacting the wearer's hair or scalp. An improved hat is constructed by inserting the hat insert into the hat. When the improved hat is worn by the wearer, the hat insert supports the hat and protects it from damage and also engages the wearer's hair or scalp and protects hair strands, hair follicles, and skin pores from becoming damaged or soiled as a result of wearing the hat. 1. A hat insert comprising a shaper associated with a liner;wherein the shaper is configured to support a hat, and wherein the liner is configured to contact a head of a wearer when an improved hat that comprises the hat insert and the hat is worn by the wearer.2. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein the shaper is attached to the liner.3. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein the liner comprises a crown support that engages and supports a crown of the hat.4. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein the liner comprises at least one friction tab that is configured to secure the hat insert to the interior of the hat and reduce movement of the hat insert relative to the hat.5. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein the shaper comprises a material that deforms with application of a compressive force and reforms with removal of the compressive force.6. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the liner comprises a material that absorbs moisture.7. The hat insert of claim 1 , wherein the shaper comprises a lower portion that is removably insertable into a sweatband of the hat and an upper portion that is removably engageable with the interior of the hat claim 1 , wherein the lower portion is delineated from the upper portion by a centerline of the shaper.8. The hat insert of claim 7 , wherein the lower portion comprises a plurality of lower ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Fan Assembly for a Hat

Номер: US20140150163A1
Автор: Hatton James Ronald

A fan assembly for a hat. In some embodiments, the present general inventive concept comprises a fan assembly to position a cooling fan upon the concave surface of the crown of a hat. Generally, the fan is connected by wires or similar means to a power source and controller located on the exterior of the hat. 1. A fan assembly for a hat , comprising:a fan adapted to be mounted along a surface of a hat, said fan being configured to direct air at the head of a person wearing the hat; anda power-control module in operative communication with said fan, said power control module being configured to supply power to said fan.2. The fan assembly for a hat of wherein said power-control module includes a power switch to control a flow of electricity to said fan.3. The fan assembly for a hat of claim 1 , said power-control module further including a housing having a clip disposed along an exterior surface thereof claim 1 , said clip being adapted to secure said power control module to a hat.4. The fan assembly for a hat of wherein said power switch comprises a variable power switch.5. The fan assembly for a hat of further comprising an air intake housing attached to said fan to direct air entering said fan.6. The fan assembly for a hat of claim 5 , said air intake housing being configured to be placed in fluid communication with an exterior of the hat.7. The fan assembly for a hat of further comprising at least one form wire adapted to extend along a surface of the hat to support the fan above the head of a person wearing the hat.8. A hat and fan assembly claim 1 , comprising:a fan mounted along an interior surface of said hat, said fan being configured to direct air at the head of a person wearing said hat;a power-control module to power said fan;a power switch to control the flow of electricity to said fan; andmeans for power to flow between said power-control module and said fan.9. The hat and fan assembly of wherein said power-control module and said power switch are ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display Device

Номер: US20220091467A1
Автор: Atsushi Umezaki
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A first transistor, a second transistor, a third transistor, a fourth transistor are provided. In the first transistor, a first terminal is electrically connected to a first wiring; a second terminal is electrically connected to a gate terminal of the second transistor; a gate terminal is electrically connected to a fifth wiring. In the second transistor, a first terminal is electrically connected to a third wiring; a second terminal is electrically connected to a sixth wiring. In the third transistor, a first terminal is electrically connected to a second wiring; a second terminal is electrically connected to the gate terminal of the second transistor; a gate terminal is electrically connected to a fourth wiring. In the fourth transistor, a first terminal is electrically connected to the second wiring; a second terminal is electrically connected to the sixth wiring; a gate terminal is connected to the fourth wiring.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

UV Radiation-Blocking Sports Hat

Номер: US20190075872A1
Автор: Demerly Kim

The UV radiation-blocking sports hat is an apparatus that shields the face and the head of a user from sun exposure. The apparatus includes a hat, a panel, a pocket, and a tinted shield. The hat protects the upper portion of the head from sun exposure. The panel protects the bottom portion of the head and the back of the neck of the user. The pocket contains a cooling pack in order too cool down the environment within the present invention. The tinted shield protects the face of the user while allowing the user to view the surrounding environment. The tinted shield is preferably made of polycarbonate material that is anti-scratch, anti-glare, and anti-fog. The apparatus may further include a plurality of ventilation slots in order to facilitate air flow for the environment within the present invention. 1. A UV radiation-blocking sports hat comprises:a hat;a panel;a pocket;a tinted shield;the hat comprises a sidewall and a crown;the crown being oriented perpendicular with the sidewall;a first rim of the sidewall being perimetrically connected across the crown;a second rim of the sidewall being positioned opposite the first rim of the sidewall across the sidewall;a first rim of the panel being connected along the second rim of the sidewall;a second rim of the panel being positioned opposite the first rim of the panel across the panel;a main opening being defined by the second rim of the panel;the tinted shield being integrated into the panel;the tinted shield traversing from the first rim of the panel to the second rim of the panel;the pocket being connected to an inner surface of the panel, positioned opposite the tinted shield; andan opening of the pocket being oriented towards the hat.2. The UV radiation-blocking sports hat as claimed in comprises:a cooling pack; andthe cooling pack being positioned within the pocket.3. The UV radiation-blocking sports hat as claimed in comprises:a plurality of ventilation slots;the plurality of ventilation slots traversing through ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Thermal Safety Helmet

Номер: US20180077994A1
Автор: Shapiro Daniel M.

A pliable padded thermal safety helmet that conforms to a patient's head. The helmet has an exterior layer that protects a patient from impact injuries, has an interior surface that secures a removable thermal packs that provide hot or cold therapy depending on the treatment intended for an injury, infection, etc. The thermal packs are removably attached to the inside surface of the thermal safety helmet at any desired location inside the thermal safety helmet to provide heat or cold to specific areas of a patient's head. 1. A thermal safety helmet for treating head conditions , comprising:an exterior layer of impact resistant material that provides protection from the external impacts;an interior lining, the interior lining fabricated from material suitable for attachment to a thermal pack;at least one thermal pack, each thermal pack having a first side suitable for attachment to the interior lining, and a second side fabricated with material similar to the interior lining;whereby, the thermal safety helmet provides impact protection to a patient and provides thermal packs for the application of heat or cold to specific areas of a patient's head.2. A thermal safety helmet claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein:the interior lining is attached to the exterior layer by hook and loop material.3. A thermal safety helmet claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein:the exterior layer is fabricated from foam material.4. A thermal safety helmet claim 3 , as in claim 3 , wherein:the foam material is Poron.5. A thermal safety helmet claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein:the exterior layer is fabricated from EVA material.6. A thermal safety helmet claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein:the exterior layer is fabricated from pliant material.7. A thermal safety helmet claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein:a exterior layer is fabricated substantially from EVA. This application is related to, and claims the benefit of, the co-pending provisional patent application entitled “Thermal Safety Helmet For Treating ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085519A1

A thermal therapy headgear for a patient includes a plurality of thermal reaction compartments, a liquid chamber, a gas chamber, and a gas container. The thermal reaction compartments contain a first of at least two thermal reaction components, and the liquid chamber contains the second thermal reaction component. The gas container has therein a pressurized gas and a gas valve for selectively releasing the pressurized gas into the gas chamber. The gas in the gas chamber will apply pressure to the liquid chamber and force the second thermal reaction component through the valve and into the thermal reaction compartments to react and transfer heat with the patient, and the presence of the gas within the gas chamber will cushion the patient. A method for conducting hypothermic therapy is also disclosed. 1. Thermal therapy apparatus for a patient , comprising:a flexible base for conforming to the patient;a plurality of reaction compartments, each compartment containing a first of at least two thermal reaction components, the thermal reaction compartments being interconnected by fluid conduits, each reaction compartment being in thermal contact with a heat transfer surface for contacting the surface portion of the patient which will transfer heat to the patient, the thermal reaction components having an initial state where the thermal reaction components are separated from contact with each other, and a treatment state in which the thermal reaction components are placed into contact, wherein a thermal reaction takes place and transfers heat with the cooling surface and the corresponding portion of the patient;a liquid chamber comprising a flexible wall and containing a second of the at least two thermal reaction components, the second thermal reaction component being a liquid, the liquid chamber being connected to the fluid conduits by a valve;a gas chamber adjoining the storage chamber;a gas container having therein a pressurized gas, and a fluid connection between the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132973A1
Автор: Wong Kingston T.
Принадлежит: Klein Tools, Inc.

A multiple component system is provided for mounting on a safety helmet and includes a first component housing carrying a first component, and a second component housing carrying a second component. Each housing has a first mount connector and a second mount connector located on opposing faces of the housing. The first mount connectors are configured to be compatible with the second mount connectors to provide quick release mount connections between the housings.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096102A1
Автор: Dick John H.
Принадлежит: DICKSBRIDGE, INC.

A head garment for privacy and methods of using the same are disclosed. The head garment has a frame including an elongated member, the frame including a loop portion that extends upward and forward from a rear portion that includes a tail, the loop portion including a rim, a veil having a rear portion that is connected to the rear portion of the frame and a front portion that is connected to the rim. The tension in the portion of the veil that spans between the connection to the rear portion of the frame and to the rim provides support for the rim, and the front portion of the veil extends beyond and drapes downward from the rim. The head garment is usable with a ventilation system and/or an electronic device and may be folded for stowing in a container. 1. A head garment for privacy comprising:a frame comprising an elongated member;the elongated member further comprising a loop portion that extends forward;the loop portion further comprising a rim;a veil comprising a rear portion that is connected to a rear portion of the frame, and a front portion that extends forward to and drapes downward from the rim;andwherein when the head garment is in a position for use, the rim and the front portion of the veil that extends to and drapes downward from the rim are spaced forward from a user's face.2. The head garment of wherein the rear portion of the veil is connected to a tail of the frame.3. The head garment of further comprising releasable connectors that are connected to the rim.4. The head garment of wherein the elongated member is bendable and formable.5. The head garment of further comprising releasable connectors that are connected to the veil.6. The head garment of wherein contact between the veil and the releasable connectors causes repositionable gripping of the veil at the rim.7. The head garment of wherein tension in a portion of the veil that spans between the connection of the rear portion of the veil to the rear portion of the frame and the gripping of the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093033A1

A novel piece of headwear such as a baseball style cap that has means to hold a person's hair in place while the headwear is being worn. The means to hold a person's hair in place include a clasp featuring a plurality of teeth that is integrated into the headwear itself. The clasp is integrated into the cap such that it flanks an opening or slit in the covering of the cap. In use, a person pulls their hair through the clasp as they place the cap on their head and engages the closure means on the clasp to hold their hair in place without compressing or pulling it. 1: An article of headwear , said headwear comprising:a slit extending away from an apex of the headwear and traversing a back of the headwear thereby creating an opening; andteeth integrated into the back of the headwear and positioned to extend laterally into the opening created by the slit.2: The article of headwear of wherein the teeth are featured by a clasp that is integrated into the headwear.3: The article of headwear of wherein the clasp has two sides claim 2 , each side featuring teeth that extend laterally away from each side of the clasp and extend into the opening created by the slit.4: The article of headwear of wherein each side of the clasp is arc-shaped such that a middle portion of each side of the clasp extends away from the other middle portion of the opposite side of the clasp.5: The article of headwear of wherein the two sides of the clasp are joined by a hinge.6: The article of headwear of wherein the slit is between a separate opening in the back of the covering of the headwear and the apex of the headwear.7: The article of headwear of wherein each side of the clasp has an end terminating in a hook.8: The article of headwear of wherein the teeth featured by each side of the clasp overlap when the clasp is closed.9: The article of headwear of wherein the teeth featured by each side of the clasp overlap when the clasp is closed.10: A clasp integrated into a back or a top of a piece of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170094749A1

Some forms relate to a stretchable computing display device. The stretchable computing display device includes a stretchable base; a patterned conductive section mounted on the stretchable base, wherein the patterned conductive section includes a first portion and a second portion that is electrically isolated from the first portion; an electroluminescent material mounted on the stretchable base such that the electroluminescent material is between the first portion and the second portion of the patterned conductive section; an encapsulant that covers at least a portion of the patterned conductive section; and a textile such that the stretchable base is mounted on the textile, wherein the textile is part of a garment. 1. A stretchable computing display device , comprising:a stretchable base;a patterned conductor mounted on the base;an electroluminescent material mounted on the patterned conductor;a transparent conductive material mounted on the electroluminescent material such that the electroluminescent material is between the patterned conductor and the transparent conductive material, wherein the electroluminescent material electrically isolates the patterned conductor from the transparent conductive material; andan encapsulant that covers at least a portion of each of the patterned conductor, the electroluminescent material and the transparent conductive material.2. The stretchable computing display device of claim 1 , further comprising a textile such that the stretchable base is mounted on the textile.3. The stretchable computing display device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one additional insulating material between the patterned conductor and the transparent conductive material claim 1 , wherein the additional insulating material electrically isolates the patterned conductor from the transparent conductive material.4. The stretchable computing display device of claim 1 , wherein the patterned conductor includes at least one pad that is used to ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Baseball bill decorator and protector

Номер: US20160100646A1
Автор: Travis Lee Bradford
Принадлежит: Individual

A sticker used to protect and decorate a bill of a hat is provided. The sticker may be shaped to substantially cover the bill of the baseball cap. The sticker includes an adhesive layer that is adhered to a surface of the bill of the baseball cap.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Body fan assembly

Номер: US20160100647A1
Автор: Charles J. Raiffeisen
Принадлежит: Individual

The present application includes and assembly having a head unit and a control unit. The head unit is worn on the head of a worker and is configured to induce a convective cooling effect upon the worker. The control unit is in communication with the head unit to permit the worker to operate and adjust the various functions of the head unit. The head unit includes a motorized fan which pulls air into a central cavity within the head unit and blows it through one or more ports. The ports provide multiple directions for routing the airflow. An optional sleeve may be used in combination with one of the ports to route airflow away from the head of the worker.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093213A1
Автор: Wilson Denovel

A pop up emblem disposed on a brim of a sports cap, the pop up emblem including a lifting portion to move from a first position laying flat on the brim to a second position disposed substantially perpendicularly with respect to the brim, a rotating rod disposed on the brim or within the brim, and connected at a first end to the lifting portion to rotate to move the lifting portion from the first position to the second position, and a knob connected to a second end of the rotating rod to cause the rotating rod to rotate when the knob is rotated. 1. A pop up emblem disposed on a brim of a sports cap , the pop up emblem comprising:a lifting portion to move from a first position laying flat on the brim to a second position disposed substantially perpendicularly with respect to the brim;a rotating rod disposed on the brim or within the brim, and connected at a first end to the lifting portion to rotate to move the lifting portion from the first position to the second position; anda knob connected to a second end of the rotating rod to cause the rotating rod to rotate when the knob is rotated.2. The pop up emblem of claim 1 , further comprising:a rod connecting member to connect to the first end of the rotating rod; anda rotating member disposed within the lifting portion or behind the lifting portion, and connected at a base thereof to the rod connecting member to allow the lifting portion to move from the first position to the second position in response to the rotation of the knob.3. The pop up emblem of claim 1 , further comprising:a brim connecting portion to connect a base of the pop up emblem to a top surface of the brim.4. The pop up emblem of claim 3 , further comprising:a fulcrum point disposed between the brim connecting portion and the lifting portion to act as a fulcrum upon which the lifting portion moves from the first position to the second position. The present general inventive concept relates generally to a pop up emblem for a sports cap.Many ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093215A1
Автор: Stolker Robert H.

A protective headgear having a protective outer layer, an inner impact dispersing layer, an opening in the posterior of the helmet to allow hair to exit the protective helmet, and juxtaposed to the posterior opening, a flap that covers a portion of the opening and is selectively attachable to the inner impact attenuating layer. 1. A protective headgear comprising:a protective outer layer having a front, two sides, a crown, a rear, a rear flap, a top, and a bottom;an inner impact dispersing layer having an outer face secured to the protective outer layer, and an inner face having a front, sides, and a rear, an opening extending from the bottom to an intermediate position between the crown and the bottom;a plurality of impact attenuating pads attached to the inner impact dispersing layer; anda posterior opening in the outer protective layer, said posterior opening aligning with at least a portion of the opening on the inner impact dispersing layer.2. The protective headgear of wherein the outer protective layer is made from an elastomeric foam material.3. The protective headgear of wherein the outer protective layer is made from a molded polymer material.4. The protective headgear of wherein the inner impact dispersing layer is made from a semi-rigid material.5. The protective headgear of wherein said helmet comprises an occipital securing strap.6. The protective headgear of wherein the opening corresponds to the rear opening in the compressible protective outer layer claim 1 , and comprising an inner left and right support positioned within said opening.7. The protective headgear of comprising at least six compressible pads; wherein a first pad is positioned at the front of the inner polymer shell; a second pad is attached to the crown of the inner polymer shell; third and fourth compressible pads are attached to the left and right supports; and fifth and sixth compressible pads are attached to the inner polymer shell sides.8. The protective headgear of wherein at ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098880A1
Автор: Howat Jonathan

Headwear for cooling the neurocranium region of a user's head and thereby the user's brain. In particular, the headwear provides selective cooling to specific areas of the parietal region, the frontal region, the temporal region and the occipital region of the cranium associated with the drainage system of the brain following a traumatic injury. 1. Headwear for cooling a wearer's head , comprising a cooling structure carrying a cooling agent , the cooling structure arranged for cooling the wearer's head and arranged to extend rearwardly past the wearer's internal occipital protuberance when the headwear is worn on a wearer's head , wherein the cooling structure comprises:a first cooling portion sized and positioned such that when the headwear is worn on a wearer's head it overlies the superior sagittal sinus; anda plurality of secondary cooling portions that extend from the first cooling portion and are sized and positioned such that when the headwear is worn on a wearer's head they overlie the transverse sinuses.2. Headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the first cooling portion is arranged to substantially cover only the area of the head corresponding to the superior sagittal sinus for cooling thereof.3. Headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the second cooling portions are arranged to substantially cover only the area of the head corresponding to the transverse sinuses for cooling thereof.4. Headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling structure comprises gaps that do not provide a cooling effect.5. Headwear according to claim 4 , wherein the cooling structure does not entirely cover the region of the headwear corresponding to the wearer's parietal region.6. Headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling structure comprises a network of cooling portions with gaps there between.7. Headwear according to claim 1 , wherein the first vessel is sized and positioned to extend from the rear of the superior sagittal sinus to the front of the superior ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Headgear for Use in Bharatnatyam

Номер: US20210100304A1

A Bharatnatyam headgear comprising a wearable hair net, the hair net being pliable and expandable to be worn over a dancer's head and covering the head, the wearable hair net matching a color of the dancer's hair. A circular piece is affixed to the hair net. The circular piece is capable of being positioned in a middle of a forehead at a forward end of the hair partition of the dancer. A forehead piece is affixed to the hair net, the forehead piece extending in a horizontal direction capable of being positioned to coincide with a hairline in a left and right direction and extending at least beyond eyebrows of the dancer. A vertical piece is affixed to the hair net, the vertical piece being attached to the circular piece and extending across a middle of the head to cover the hair partition. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more circular artificial floral arrangements are affixed to the hairnet and above the opening.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an artificial hair braid is affixed to the headgear.4. The method of wherein a plurality of ornament pieces are attached to the artificial hair braid. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/865,629, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,721,983, issued on Jul. 28, 2020, which is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/594,719 filed on Oct. 7, 2019, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,681,949, issued on Jun. 16, 2020, which are incorporated herein by reference in it respective entireties.This disclosure teaches a Bharatnatyam headgear that includes all the ornamentation and that can be worn without much difficulty. Methods for using the Bharatnatyam headgear are also disclosedThe country of India has at least seven forms of classical dances; namely Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Yakshagana, Kathakali; Odishi, Manipuri, Kathak , Sattria and Mohiniattam. Bharatanatyam is the most popular and originated in the state of Tamil Nadu. Bharatnatyam expresses South Indian religious themes and spiritual ideas, particularly those ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098951A1

A winged visor stiffener for a hat's brim. A flat horizontal front section is connected to two angled offset sections. Two flat horizontal wings are connected to the two angled offset sections. Two temple brace sections are each formed into the two flat horizontal wings. The temple brace sections function to brace the winged visor against the wearer's head to prevent the brim from flopping up and down, The winged visor stiffener is sewn into the hat's brim via a plurality of rows of tight stitching. The winged visor stiffener provides protection to the wearer's face from the sun while optimizing peripheral vision and prevents the bill from flopping up or down in wet and windy conditions. 1. A winged visor stiffener for a hat's brim , comprising:A. a flat horizontal front section,B. two angled offset sections connected to said flat front section,C. two flat horizontal wings, each said flat horizontal wing connected to one of said angled offset sections,D. two temple brace sections, each temple brace section formed into one of said two flat horizontal wings, wherein each said temple brace section functions to brace said winged visor against the wearer's head to prevent said brim from flopping up and down,wherein said winged visor stiffener is sewn into said brim via a plurality of rows of tight stitching and wherein said winged visor stiffener provides protection to the wearer's face, optimizes peripheral vision, and prevents said brim from flopping up and down.2. The winged visor stiffener as in claim 1 , wherein said winged visor is a fabricated from flexible claim 1 , bendable thin plastic.3. The winged visor stiffener as in claim 1 , wherein said flat horizontal front section is initially curved but becomes flat and horizontal after being sewn into said brim and wherein said two flat horizontal wings are initially tilted but become flat and horizontal after being sewn into said brim.4. The winged visor stiffener as in claim 1 , wherein each of said two flat ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Single Strap Fastening System

Номер: US20220167702A1
Автор: Hawkins Bret

A single strap fastening system is provided that can selectively fasten close and/or adjust a wearable article. The system may comprise two-sided fabric strap comprised of a first connectable fabric operable to releasably attach to a second connectable fabric of a wearable article. The system may also comprise a wearable article comprised of the second connectable fabric operable to releasably attach to a first connectable fabric of the two-sided strap. The first connectable fabric of the single fastening strap may be releasably coupled when joined to the second connectable fabric of the wearable article, thus fastening, closing and/or adjusting the wearable article. 1. A single strap fastening system that selectively fastens , closes and/or adjusts a wearable article , the system comprising;a two-sided fabric strap; wherein the inward-facing side has a first connectable fabric operable to releasably attach to a second connectable fabric;a wearable article comprised of a second connectable fabric operable to releasably attach to a first connectable fabric; wherein the second connectable fabric comprises ten percent or more of the surface area of the wearable article;wherein the strap is releasably coupled to the wearable article when the first connectable fabric of the inward-facing side is joined to the second connectable fabric of the wearable article;wherein the wearable article is larger than the strap.2. The fabric patch system of claim 1 , wherein the wearable article is at least one of a hat claim 1 , baseball cap claim 1 , helmet claim 1 , backpack claim 1 , jacket claim 1 , vest claim 1 , pants claim 1 , gloves claim 1 , headband claim 1 , bag claim 1 , luggage claim 1 , shoes.3. The single strap fastening system of claim 1 , wherein the second connectable fabric comprises ten percent or more of the surface area of the wearable article.4. The single strap fastening system of claim 1 , wherein each of the first connectable fabric and the second connectable ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160106162A1
Принадлежит: Fownes Brothers & Co., Inc.

Articles of clothing, such as heated articles of clothing, and devices including a micro-generator are described herein. In some embodiments, the article of clothing may include a micro-generator attached to the article of clothing. The article of clothing may also include at least one heating element that may be coupled to the micro-generator and may be integrated within the article of clothing. 1. An article of clothing , comprising:a micro-generator attached to the article of clothing; andat least one heating element coupled to the micro-generator and integrated within the article of clothing.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the micro-generator is operable provide energy to the at least one heating element to heat the wearable article of clothing.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the micro-generator is a three-phase micro-generator.4. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the micro-generator is stored within a housing.5. The article of clothing of claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises:a plurality of gears located within the housing; andan arm coupled to at least one of the plurality of gears, and extending through an opening in the housing.6. The article of clothing of claim 5 , wherein the arm comprises:a tab member.7. The article of clothing of claim 6 , wherein the tab member is foldable.8. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the wearable article of clothing comprises one of:a glove, a hat, a shoe, a boot, a sock, a jacket, a shirt, an undergarment, a vest, and a scarf.9. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the wearable article of clothing is made of at least one of:leather, conductive leather, water resistant leather, water resistant conductive leather, cotton, polyester, denim, flax, wool, silk, and a fur.10. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the micro-generator further comprises:an arm that rotates about a base member.11. The article of clothing of claim 10 , wherein the arm further ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103711A1

The Present invention relates to ventilated protective headwear. In particular, the invention relates to a helmet with forced air from one or more fans built into the body of the helmet. The helmet is most specifically for use with snowmobiling, motorcycling, ATVs, and the like. 1. An article of ventilated protective headwear including:A. A helmet having a chin guard with mesh having an internal surface and an external surface; andB. A fan adjacent to said mesh, wherein said fan is configured to push air into helmet or draw air out of helmet.2. The article of wherein said fan is adjacent to said external surface of said mesh.3. The article of further comprising a cover surrounding said fan claim 2 , said cover having at least one open side.4. The article of wherein said cover has at least one semi-open side.5. The article of further comprising at least one strap connecting said cover to said helmet.6. The article of wherein said helmet further comprises at least one hook claim 5 , said strap engaged with said hook.7. The article of wherein said fan is adjacent to said internal surface of said mesh.8. A ventilation system including:A. A helmet including a chin guard with mesh having an internal surface and an external surface; an external shell; a medial impact absorbent liner; and internal padding;B. A first fan adjacent to said mesh, said first fan configured to push air into said helmet or draw air out of said helmet;C. A power supply electrically engaged with said first fan; andD. A plurality of buttons attached to said helmet, said button electrically engaged with said first fan.9. The ventilation system of further comprising a second fan engaged with said helmet.10. The ventilation system of wherein said second fan is positioned on the rear side of said helmet.11. The ventilation system of wherein said first fan further comprises an air diverter.12. The ventilation system of wherein said padding defines a hole for said first fan.13. The ventilation system of ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120900A1
Автор: Stirgus Taeesha

Disclosed is a hair covering for protecting scalp hair during physical activities including sleeping. The hair covering includes a wrap member for covering hairs on the scalp of the wearer's head, the head covering having a proximal end and a distal end. A first strap extends from the proximal end of the wrap member and a second strap extends from the distal end of the wrap member. The first strap having two hooks, wherein each hook of the two hooks is a male member of hook-and-eye closure. The two hooks spaced apart are arranged side-by-side in a row. The second strap of an elongated configuration having a plurality of eyelets. Each eyelet a female part of the hook-and-eye closure. On the second strap, the plurality of eyelets arranged in a series of rows spaced apart and parallel to each other. Each row has two eyelets, wherein the series of rows are arranged lengthwise and along the length of the second strap. 1. A head covering comprising:a wrap member configured to cover scalp hair of a wearer's head, the wrap member having a proximal end and a distal end;a first strap coupled to the proximal end of the wrap member;an elongated second strap coupled to the distal end of the wrap member;a hook row coupled on an inner side of the first strap, the hook row has two spaced hooks;a series of spaced eyelet rows coupled on an outer side of the second strap, each eyelet row having two eyelets, the series of eyelet rows are aligned lengthwise and parallel to each other, the position of two eyelets in each eyelet row corresponds to position of two hooks in the hook row,wherein the second strap overlaps the first strap, the two hooks in the hook row releasably clasp with the two eyelets in an eyelet row of the series of spaced eyelet rows.2. The head covering according to claim 1 , wherein the two spaced hooks are made of metal wire.3. The head covering according to claim 1 , wherein the two eyelets are made of metal wire.4. The head covering according to claim 1 , wherein ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Cap with customizable ventilation functions exclusively working for each separate portion of cap

Номер: US20150113705A1

Disclosed is a cap with customizable ventilation functions exclusively working for each separate portion of the cap in which the ventilation levels of fabrics used for each part of the cap can be different depending on a user's selection by forming holes with different sizes and shapes at a certain portion of each of a crown part and a brim part of a cap and a panel part belonging to a head band part of the cap. 1. A cap with customizable ventilation functions exclusively working for each separate portion of the cap , comprising:a crown part which is formed of a plurality of panels; anda brim part which is attached to a front lower portion of the crown part, wherein at least one panel among the panels belonging to the crown part is formed of a customizable ventilation panel, the customizable ventilation panel being formed of a ventilation knit fabric in which at least two kinds of holes with different sizes and shapes being formed in one panel at a portion where a user wants to.2. The cap of claim 1 , wherein an assistant fabric is engaged to the ventilation fabric of the customizable ventilation panel so as to support the ventilation fabric.3. A cap with customizable ventilation functions exclusively working for each separate portion of the cap claim 1 , comprising:a crown part which is formed of a plurality of panels; anda brim part which is attached to a front lower portion of the crown part, wherein at least one panel among the panels belonging to the crown part is formed of a customizable ventilation panel, the customizable ventilation panel being formed in a three layer-laminated formed of a fabric first layer which is made of a knit fabric with at least two kinds of holes with different sizes and shapes, a cushion layer which is made of a pile thread and a fabric second layer made of a knit fabric, all the layer of which are configured in one panel, the holes being formed at a portion where a user wants to.4. The cap of claim 3 , wherein an assistant fabric ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113707A1
Автор: TSAI Kingto

An interchangeable decorative patch for a hat brim comprising a cover patch having at least one layer. The cover patch is made from any natural or synthetic material and may be trimmed to fit the particular hat brim inner and outer edges. The device is affixed to the brim of a hat using a hook and loop fasteners, threading strings that extend from the cover patch through the hat, or by tight fitment between the hat crown and brim outer edge. Alternatively, the cover patch may be affixed to the hat using band around the crown, or an interchangeable bound edge around the hat brim outer edge. 1. An interchangeable hat brim cover patch device , the device comprising a cover patch flat material of at least one layer having an inner and outer circumference , the cover patch flat material having substantially the same shape of a hat brim.2. The interchangeable hat brim cover patch device of claim 1 , wherein at least one slit in the inner circumference extends outward toward the outer circumference into which a hat brim may be inserted.3. The interchangeable hat brim cover patch device of claim 1 , further comprising a hat band to affix the inner circumference to a hat crown.4. The interchangeable hat brim cover patch device of claim 1 , further comprising an interchangeable bound edge that affixes the device to outer circumference of a hat brim edge.5. A method for altering the appearance of a hat brim using the device of claim claim 1 , comprising the steps of placing the device of onto the brim of a hat.6. The method for altering the appearance of a hat brim using the device of claim 5 , wherein the cover patch is trimmed to a particular hat brim shape.7. The method for altering the appearance of a hat brim using the device of claim 5 , wherein the cover patch is attached to the hat using a fastener.8. The method for altering the appearance of a hat brim using the device of claim 5 , wherein the cover patch is attached to the hat crown using a band placed around a crown ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113708A1
Автор: HILL Benjamin L.

A brim cover is provided. The brim cover may adapt the appearance of a hat as well as protects a brim of the hat. The brim cover may include a top surface and a bottom surface that connect along a closed portion of a first edge to form an opening to a cavity between the top surface and the bottom surface, wherein the cavity is shaped to receive a brim of a hat. The top surface and the bottom surface may include a graphic area and a lighting component. The graphic area may include a design and/or message. A user may then place the brim cover on the brim so as to adapt the appearance of the hat as well as protect the brim. The user may then remove the brim cover and place the brim cover on a different hat. 1. A brim cover comprising:a top surface comprising an edge and a bottom surface comprising an edge, wherein the top surface and the bottom surface are connected along a closed portion of the edges of the top surface and the bottom surface, wherein the top surface and the bottom surface are disconnected along an open portion of the edges forming an opening to a cavity between the top surface and the bottom surface, wherein the cavity is shaped to receive a brim of a hat.2. The brim cover of claim 1 , further comprising a graphic area comprising at least one of a color claim 1 , a design claim 1 , and a message claim 1 , wherein the graphic area is affixed to a portion of the top surface.3. The brim cover of claim 1 , further comprising a graphic area comprising at least one of a color claim 1 , a design claim 1 , and a message claim 1 , wherein the graphic area is affixed to a portion of the bottom surface.4. The brim cover of claim 3 , further including a lighting component integrated into at least a portion of the top surface.5. The brim cover of claim 4 , further including a lighting component integrated into at least a portion of the bottom surface.6. The brim cover of claim 3 , wherein a portion of the top surface comprises a transparent material.7. The brim ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140189934A1

An interchangeable cap cover comprising: a decorative outer cover; a first means for attachment along an inner perimeter of the outer cover; and a second means for attachment along an outer perimeter of an adjoining cap, which adjoins the outer cover to the adjoining cap. The respective means for attachment may include either a hook and loop connector or snap fasteners. 1. An interchangeable cap cover comprising:a. a decorative outer cover;b. a first means for attachment along an inner perimeter of the outer cover; andc. a second means for attachment along an outer perimeter of an adjoining cap, which adjoins the outer cover to the adjoining cap.2. The interchangeable cap cover according to claim 1 , where the first means for attachment and second means for attachment include hook and loop fasteners.3. The interchangeable cap cover according to where the first means for attachment and second means for attachment include snap fasteners.4. A method of cap styling comprising the steps of:a. inserting a first means for attachment along an inner perimeter of an outer cover;b. integrating a second means for attachment along an outer perimeter of a cap; andc. connecting the first means for attachment to the second means for attachment to create a unique style for the cap. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/749,462 filed on Jan. 7, 2013.1. Field of InventionThe present invention relates to an interchangeable hat cover that slips over a conventional hat.2. Description of Related ArtA hat or cap usually provides full headgear that's used to cover an individual's head. The traditional hat or cap may be worn for protection, worn for ceremonial purposes, safety or as a fashion accessory. Certain professions such as police, firemen, military, athletes and other government officials use some specific caps or hats which may relate to certain aspects of their profession. The traditional cap is a form of headgear that includes a bill with a ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200103167A1
Автор: Allen Todd Renell

The present application provides a cap drying apparatus and a method for drying a cap. The apparatus includes a base console having an inlet and a fan. The inlet receives an air stream from outside of the base console. The apparatus also includes an air supply conduit that is fluidly connected to the inlet and receives the air stream via operation of the fan. The apparatus further includes a mounting head having a distribution chamber and an outer portion comprising a plurality of air channels. The distribution chamber receives the air stream from the air supply conduit and disperses the air stream through the air channels and out of the mounting head. A cap securely fits on the outer surface of the mounting head, and the air stream dispersed through the air channels dries the cap. 1. A cap drying apparatus comprising:a base console comprising at least one air inlet and a fan, wherein the at least one air inlet is configured to selectively receive an air stream from outside of the base console;an air supply conduit fluidly connected to the at least one air inlet and configure to selectively receive the air stream via operation of the fan; anda mounting head comprising an inner air distribution chamber and an outer portion comprising a plurality of air channels, the air channels being in fluid connection with the inner air distribution chamber, wherein the inner air distribution chamber is fluidly connected to the air supply conduit and configured to receive the air stream from the air supply conduit, wherein the inner air distribution chamber is configured to disperse the received air stream through the plurality of air channels and out of the mounting head, and wherein the mounting head is sized and shaped such that a cap securely fits on its outer surface.2. The cap drying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mounting head is adjustable in size and shape claim 1 , and configured to securely fit hats of a various sizes on the outer surface of the mounting head.3. The ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

One-piece cap and making method thereof

Номер: US20180110282A1
Автор: Hongwei Zhang
Принадлежит: Individual

A one-piece cap comprising the cap made by a hot press forming method, including a bowl-shaped cap body and a cap visor connected with the cap body; the method of making the one-piece cap comprising steps of preheating a hot pressing die, preheating a hot pressing die, pressing and shaping materials, cutting off the excessive material, and trimming for a bound edge; the one-piece cap being made without sewing or bonding the cap body and the cap visor separately in the manufacturing process, and therefore, reducing the production procedures and costs, and saving the production time and the manual labor, thus the one-piece cap has simple structure and beautiful appearance with more round and smooth lines.
