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10-12-2016 дата публикации

Костная пластина

Номер: RU0000166860U1
Принадлежит: "ЦхМ" Сп. з о.о.

1. Костная пластина для фиксации костных отломков, имеющая изогнутую внутрикостную часть, приспособленную для введения в костномозговой канал кости, и накостную часть с по крайней мере одним сквозным резьбовым отверстием под костный винт, отличающаяся тем, что внутрикостная часть (2) имеет на широкой стороне пластины удлиненное ребро (3).2. Костная пластина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что внутрикостная часть (2) имеет глубокие углубления, образующие острый конец (5).3. Костная пластина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в накостной части (1) имеет два сквозных резьбовых отверстия (4) под костные винты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 860 U1 (51) МПК A61B 17/72 (2006.01) A61B 17/80 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015151916/14, 03.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): КИРЫЛЮК Ян (PL), ХАРКЕВИЧ Марцин Павел (PL) (73) Патентообладатель(и): "ЦхМ" Сп. з о.о. (PL) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 23.01.2015 PL W.123739 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2016 Бюл. № 34 R U 1 6 6 8 6 0 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Костная пластина для фиксации костных отломков, имеющая изогнутую внутрикостную часть, приспособленную для введения в костномозговой канал кости, и накостную часть с по крайней мере одним сквозным резьбовым отверстием под костный винт, отличающаяся тем, что внутрикостная часть (2) имеет на широкой стороне пластины удлиненное ребро (3). 2. Костная пластина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что внутрикостная часть (2) имеет глубокие углубления, образующие острый конец (5). 3. Костная пластина по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в накостной части (1) имеет два сквозных резьбовых отверстия (4) под костные винты. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КОСТНАЯ ПЛАСТИНА 1 6 6 8 6 0 Адрес для переписки: 105215, Москва, а/я 26, Рыбиной Н.А. U 1 U 1 1 6 6 8 6 0 1 6 6 8 6 0 R U R U Стр.: 2

02-12-2019 дата публикации

Многозвеньевая реконструктивная пластина нижней челюсти

Номер: RU0000194186U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии. Многозвеньевая реконструктивная пластина нижней челюсти, имеющая отверстия для фиксации к нижней челюсти при помощи винтов, проксимальная и дистальная части пластины фиксируются к нижней челюсти с вестибулярной стороны, отличающаяся тем, что промежуточная часть пластины выполнена в виде монолитно соединенных четырех звеньев; угол, образованный в месте соединения звеньев друг с другом, составляет 92°; угол, образованный в месте перехода дистальной и проксимальной частей пластины в промежуточную по нижним краям, составляет 46°; в области соединения звеньев промежуточной части пластины друг с другом располагаются отверстия для фиксирующих внутрикостных винтов. Положительный эффект от использования предложенного устройства выражается в том, что оно позволяет повысить стабильность фиксации реконструктивного аутотрансплантата, повысить стабильность остеосинтеза отломков, уменьшить риск развития воспалительных осложнений в реконструктивном аутотрансплантате и отломках, улучшить адаптацию аутотрансплантата к костным отломкам пострезекционного дефекта и мягким тканям в области пластины. Предлагаемая модель может использоваться в отделениях челюстно-лицевой хирургии, хирургической стоматологии. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 186 U1 (51) МПК A61B 17/80 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61B 17/8071 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019116656, 29.05.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хассан Мохамед Аббас Хелми (RU) 02.12.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 02.12.2019 Бюл. № 34 1 9 4 1 8 6 R U (54) МНОГОЗВЕНЬЕВАЯ РЕКОНСТРУКТИВНАЯ ПЛАСТИНА НИЖНЕЙ ЧЕЛЮСТИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицине, а звеньев промежуточной части пластины друг с именно к челюстно-лицевой хирургии и другом располагаются отверстия для хирургической ...

17-03-2020 дата публикации

Ортопедическая н-образная реконструктивная пластина

Номер: RU0000196831U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к устройствам, специально предназначенным для использования в хирургии для лечения опорно-двигательного аппарата. Полезная модель может быть использована, в частности, в операциях по удлинению латеральной колонны стоны посредством остеотомии пяточной кости. Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлено заявляемое изобретение, является сокращение времени лечения пациента. Технический результат достигается тем, что ортопедическая Н-образная реконструктивная пластина содержит первую и вторую симметрично расположенные стороны, каждая из которых выполнена с двумя отверстиями, перемычку между этими сторонами в центральной части пластины и выступающий от нижней поверхности в центральной части пластины фиксирующий элемент. Фиксирующий элемент выполнен в виде двух пар лапок, которые выступают от первой к второй стороне пластины в поперечном направлений по линиям сопряжения их с перемычкой и расположены попарно друг напротив друга под острым углом друг к другу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 831 U1 (51) МПК A61B 17/56 (2006.01) A61B 17/80 (2006.01) A61B 17/68 (2006.01) A61F 2/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61B 17/8095 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019136919, 18.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 17.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 Адрес для переписки: 430027, Республика Мордовия, г. Саранск, ул. М. Расковой, 14, корп. 1, кв. 14, Тугушев Дамир Кямильевич 1 9 6 8 3 1 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 9949773 B2, 24.04.2018. RU 2698872 C2, 30.08.2019. RU 2113186 C1, 20.06.1998. RU 2098038 C1, 10.12.1997. RU 2621949 C1, 08.06.2017. RU 162540 U1, 10.06.2016. WO 2015160021 A1, 22.10.2015. (54) ОРТОПЕДИЧЕСКАЯ Н-ОБРАЗНАЯ РЕКОНСТРУКТИВНАЯ ПЛАСТИНА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицине, а реконструктивная пластина содержит первую и именно ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Pedicular facet fusion screw with plate

Номер: US20120010669A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Spine LLC

Spinal implants and methods for spinal stabilization and/or fusion are provided. Exemplary implants described herein can be configured for delivery to a facet joint to stabilize and/or fuse the facet joint, and can optionally be anchored within the pedicle for added fixation. The implant can optionally include a fusion-promoting bioactive material thereby providing a single device capable of spinal stabilization and/or fusion. Furthermore, a method of placing such an implant within a facet joint is provided.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Sacral-Iliac Stabilization System

Номер: US20120022595A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

The present invention provides a sacral-iliac plate having an iliac portion with a first screw hole for receiving a first fastener to secure the iliac portion to the iliac bone. A sacral portion integrated monolithically with the iliac portion is also provided with a second and third screw holes for receiving second and third fasteners to secure the sacral portion to the sacral bone. The sacral portion also includes a tulip for receiving and securing a spinal rod.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Bone screw with multiple thread profiles for far cortical locking and flexible engagement to a bone

Номер: US20120029579A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Osteosynthesis constructs for treating bone fractures and bone screws for use in such systems are disclosed. The bone screws include a threaded front section configured for engagement with cortical bone, a threaded mid-section and an unthreaded neck section configured for limited movement within the near cortex of the bone. Osteosynthesis constructs of the type disclosed promote secondary healing by allowing for substantially parallel motion at the near and far cortex within the effective motion range for callus formation.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Cable tie system for stabilizing bone

Номер: US20120041441A1

A cable tie system, including methods, apparatus, and kits, for stabilizing bone. The system may provide a tie device comprising a strap including a leading region and a trailing region, a needle connected to the leading region of the strap, and a buckle connected to the trailing region of the strap. The buckle may be configured to receive the leading region of the strap such that the buckle and the strap collectively form a loop and a ratchet mechanism. The tie device also may comprise a handle connected to the buckle, to allow a person to tension the loop around bone by pulling the strap and the handle in opposite directions. The handle may be detached from the tie device after use.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Composite internal fixators

Номер: US20120059376A1
Принадлежит: Smith and Nephew Inc

A multi-layer, fiber-reinforced composite orthopaedic fixation device having a design selected based on a desired characteristic of the orthopaedic fixation device. The design may be selected according to a model of the device, the model defining design constraints, and the design may comprise a pattern of the fiber angle for each layer. The selection of a design may be analyzed using finite element analysis to determine whether the design will comprise the desired characteristic.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Device for the dynamic fixation of bones

Номер: US20120059427A1
Автор: Fridolin SCHLÄPFER
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

An intermediate element for a detachable, lockable, ball joint-like connection in a device for the dynamic fixation of bones has a longitudinal axis, an outer wall concentric with the longitudinal axis, and an inner wall forming a coaxial cavity. Either the outer wall or the inner wall comprises one of two contact zones that form the ball joint-like connection. The intermediate element is at least partly made of a super-elastic or visco-elastic material.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid bone plate

Номер: US20120071875A1
Принадлежит: Stryker Trauma GmbH

A hybrid bone plate has a first plate portion, having a first top surface and a first bottom surface and comprises a hard titanium alloy. A second plate portion has a second top surface and a second bottom surface and comprises a pure titanium or a soft titanium alloy. The first plate portion has a higher material yield strength than the second plate portion. The first plate portion and the second plate portion are connected to each other at a transition region by for example welding wherein in the transition region the first top surface and the second top surface together form a closed top integral surface and the first bottom surface and the second bottom surface together form a closed bottom integral surface.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Handle assembly having a radiopaque region to facilitate positioning a bone plate on bone

Номер: US20120078312A1
Принадлежит: Acumed LLC

Bone fixation system, including methods, apparatus, and kits, and comprising a bone plate and at least one instrument that attaches to the bone plate and provides at least one radiopaque region to facilitate positioning the bone plate on bone visualized by radiographic imaging. The instrument may be a handle assembly and/or a targeting guide.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Spinal implant structure and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120083882A1

A spinal implant structure includes a hollow cylinder and a biodegradable polymer membrane. The hollow cylinder is implanted in a bone damaged part of human vertebra. The biodegradable polymer membrane is formed to a part of a surface of the hollow cylinder. Thus, the biodegradable polymer membrane blocks invasion of soft tissues, and then the bone fillers integrated with vertebra are maintained without loss.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Locking screw with synchronized thread

Номер: US20120089144A1

A targeting system for a bone plate having a bore therethrough with a first thread adjacent an outer surface of the bone plate and a second thread adjacent a bone contacting surface. The first thread has a larger diameter than the second thread. A targeting device has a coupling portion, an outer sleeve with an axial through bore for guiding a boring tool and a bone screw into the bone plate bore. The coupling portion is connected to a first end of the outer sleeve, wherein the coupling portion comprises an exterior threaded portion threadably engageable with the first thread of the bone plate bore and has a through bore having an axis corresponding to the axis of the through bore of the outer sleeve. The outer sleeve and coupling portion comprises two collapsible slits extending parallel to the outer sleeve bore axis dividing the coupling portion in two parts.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Fracture Fixation Device

Номер: US20120089193A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Sports Medicine LLC

Assemblies for securing fractured bone are provided. The assembly includes a first fixation element, a second fixation element, and an adjustable flexible member construct. The first fixation element having a male or a female sleeve is secured within a first portion of the fractured bone. The second fixation element having the other of the male or female sleeve telescopically received within the one of the male or female sleeve is secured within a second portion of the fractured bone. The adjustable flexible member construct extends between the first and second fixation elements and has at least one adjustable loop coupled to the first fixation element and the second fixation element and a pair of adjusting ends extending through an opening in the first fixation element. The pair of adjusting ends can be pulled to reduce a diameter of the adjustable loop and to compress fragments of the fractured bone.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Lamina implant set

Номер: US20120095509A1
Принадлежит: Facet Link Inc

An implant set for insertion into the lamina of a vertebra includes several reinforcing implants, each of which includes a main body with bearing surfaces on the vertebra and a fastening device. The main body has a front surface, a rear surface, and lateral and medial side surfaces, the medial side surface being offset rearwardly in relation to the lateral side surface. The side surfaces bear on sectioned surfaces of the lamina, and a rearwardly protruding extension with a lateral bearing surface on a spinous process of the vertebra is arranged on the rear surface. In this way, the resection opening can be easily and safely closed. Sleeves can be provided for the fastening by means of screws that are oriented such that the screws are guided through the adjoining facets and fuse the latter.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Smart device for non-invasive skeletal adjustment

Номер: US20120101527A1
Автор: Robert A. Connor
Принадлежит: Orthonex LLC

This invention is an implantable device and system that allows post-operative, non-invasive adjustment of members of the skeletal system. It includes extension-resisting members and a compression-resisting member that connect members of the skeletal system. Post-operative, non-invasive adjustment of the tensions, lengths, widths, and/or torsions of the extension-resisting members changes the relative movement, position, or both movement and position of members of the skeletal system. The compression-resisting member may act as a fulcrum. This invention can help to pioneer the evolution of “smart” orthopedic devices that adjust skeletal biodynamics to address changing clinical needs and changes in patient activity over time. Some promising applications include: dynamic stabilization of the spine; correction of scoliosis; and bone elongation.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Steel plate for funnel chest orthopaedic surgery

Номер: US20120130371A1
Автор: Deyu Zhu, Guoqing Li, Ju Mei

A steel plate for funnel chest orthopaedic surgery includes a supporting plate ( 1 ), a fixing piece ( 2 ), a telescopic fixing piece ( 3 ), a guiding head ( 4 ) and screws ( 6 ). The supporting plate ( 1 ) is an elongate steel plate. One end of the supporting plate ( 1 ) is designed to be integrated with the fixing piece ( 2 ), and the other end is provided with a size-adjusting strap ( 5 ). The telescopic fixing piece ( 3 ) is an elongate steel plate with the same width as that of the supporting plate ( 1 ). One end of the telescopic fixing piece ( 3 ) is designed to be integrated with the fixing piece ( 2 ), and the other end is provided with a groove. The guiding head ( 4 ) is an elongate steel plate with the same width as that of the supporting plate ( 1 ). One end of the guiding head ( 4 ) is provided with a hook, and the other end is provided with a groove.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Stitch lock for attaching two or more structures

Номер: US20120150223A1
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

An anchor assembly can include at least one anchor member, such as a pair of anchor members that are configured to be implanted in a target anatomical location in a first configuration, and can subsequently be actuated to an expanded configuration that secures the anchor members in the target anatomy. The anchor assembly can further include a connector member configured as a stitch lock that attaches the pair of anchor members together across a gap so as to approximate the anatomical defect.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Sacral tether anchor and methods of use

Номер: US20120150231A1
Принадлежит: Simpirica Spine Inc

A system for restricting flexion of a spinal segment in a patient comprises a constraint device having a tether structure and a compliance member coupled with the tether structure. The tether structure is adapted to be coupled with a superior spinous process and a sacrum. The system also includes an anchor member that is anchored to the sacrum. The anchor member has an attachment feature that is adapted to couple with the constraint device.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Bone repair systems

Номер: US20120150236A1
Автор: Kamaljit S. Paul
Принадлежит: Individual

Bone treatment plate assemblies, methods of fabrication, and methods of use. Such assemblies comprise spring structures assembled to bone treatment plates. The spring structure comprises elongate bands, and springs between the bands, urging the bands against structure of the plate. Spring width is less than spring height and/or one or more protuberances extending from the band or bands cooperate with one or more detents in the plate thereby to arrest longitudinal movement of the spring structure with respect to the plate.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Fixation screw assembly

Номер: US20120150239A1
Автор: Laszlo Garamszegi
Принадлежит: Individual

An orthopedic device has a configuration that employs a scalloped profile that defines internal scalloped edges having troughs and crests that extend substantially along the outer edge of a head of the device. The troughs and crests interface with a series of troughs and crests around the openings in the device. Each of the openings includes an outwardly extending slot that permits the opening to expand and contract outward as the head of the anchor is rotated. This enables an anti-backout feature that prevents or substantially inhibits undesired rotation and backout.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Wedge opening osteotomy plate

Номер: US20120184959A1
Принадлежит: OrthoHelix Surgical Designs Inc

An orthopedic plate is designed for opening osteotomies and includes a contoured double tabbed or butterfly shaped plate portion which can accommodate selective fixation including locking, variable locking and non-locking. The plate also includes a centrally located osteotomy support that maintains the opening between bone segments at a spaced relationship. The support can be integral to the plate, or can be modular, i.e. a separate and adjustable segment which can be changed to accommodate the desired geometry of the osteotomy site.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Bone plate incorporating a compression mechanism and associated surgical methods

Номер: US20120185000A1
Автор: Geoffrey STEWART
Принадлежит: SpineWorks LLC

The present invention provides a bone plate that includes a sliding mechanism that allows for both static and dynamic loading and the associated stabilization or partial or whole immobilization of two or more adjacent bone fragments or vertebral bodies of the spine. This sliding mechanism is designed such that as bone resorbs or the like, the sliding mechanism maintains axial compression in a collinear manner across the bone segments.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Use of flexible bushings to promote healing and stable fracture compression in orthopedic trauma plates

Номер: US20120191138A1
Автор: P. Douglas Kiester
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, an orthopedic plate system is provided, comprising one or more orthopedic plates, each having one or more openings, a plurality of screws for securing one or more bones to said plates through said openings, and, means for flexibly locking said screws to said plates so that controlled motion of said bones is enabled after the securing of said bones to said plates. One advantage of said system is that of enhancing the healing of said bones and/or their fractures. A screw and bushing assembly, which flexibly locks said screw to an orthopedic plate, and a method of installing said orthopedic plate, are also disclosed.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Bone fixation assembly

Номер: US20120197256A1
Автор: Stefan KNUEPPEL
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

A bone fixation system includes at least one bone fixation member and a bone fixation instrument. The bone fixation member includes a strap and a locking mechanism. The strap can be pulled through the locking mechanism so as to form a loop about a target bone so as to secure first and second bone segments in an approximated, compressed configuration. The bone fixation instrument is configured to apply tension to the loop about the target bone. The fixation instrument includes a tension assembly that is configured to secure a free end of the bone fixation member to the fixation instrument. The tension assembly is further configured to pull the free end so as to increase tension in the loop while the tension in the loop is less than a select tension. The tension assembly is unable to further increase tension in the bone fixation member once the tension in the bone fixation member has reached the select tension. The fixation instrument further includes a cutter assembly that is configured to cut the free end of the bone fixation member so as to separate the free end from the loop.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Bone Stabilization Device

Номер: US20120203229A1
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

A bone plate for the stabilization of bones includes upper and lower surfaces extending along a central longitudinal axis. The lower surface is configured to contact a target portion of bone when in an operative configuration a through opening extending through the plate from the upper surface to the lower surface. The through opening is sized and shaped to receive a stabilization plate. The through opening has an elongated curved shape selected to conform to a cross-sectional shape of a proximal portion of the stabilization plate.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for performing an osteotomy in bone

Номер: US20120215225A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for forming an osteotomy in bone. The osteotomy opening is formed in a bone with a keyhole. A similarly configured implant is inserted into the opening with a key configured to engage the keyhole to provide stability and support to the osteotomy opening.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Percutaneous Technique and Implant For Expanding The Spinal Canal

Номер: US20120215312A1
Автор: D. Greg Anderson
Принадлежит: ISD Innovative Surgical Designs Inc

Expanding a spinal canal by drilling a cylindrical passage in each pedicle of a vertebra, making a circumferential pedicle cut (osteotomy) through each pedicle from within the passage, separating each pedicle cut by inserting an implant into the passage to distract the pedicle cut (i.e., lengthen the pedicle) to expand the spinal canal, and securing each pedicle cut, allowing the vertebra to heal with the spinal canal expanded. The implant can include an outer sleeve, an inner bolt, and expandable flanges. The outer sleeve includes an upper and a lower portion, with the expandable flanges therein. Rotation of the inner bolt causes the upper and lower portions of the outer sleeve to separate, causing the pedicle cut to widen and the expandable flanges to radially extend into and stabilize the widened pedicle cut for expansion of the spinal canal.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Extra-Articular Implantable Load Sharing Systems

Номер: US20120221106A1
Принадлежит: Moximed Inc

A system and method for sharing and absorbing energy between body parts. In one particular aspect, the system facilitates absorbing energy between members forming a joint such as between articulating bones.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Pelvic and scapular bone plate and method for implantation

Номер: US20120226279A1

The invention relates to a pelvic or scapular bone plate implant having a planar or curved outer frame portion. The frame has a surface which can be aligned with a surface of a bone to which the bone plate is to be implanted. The plate has a flap portion, the outer frame portion at least partially surrounds the flap portion such that the bone contacting surface the flap portion is located within the outer boundary of the frame portion. The flap portion is connected with the outer frame portion via a material interconnection which allows the flap to be bent with respect to the frame. A method for implanting such a bone plate implant is also taught.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Sleeve for bone fixation device

Номер: US20120245704A1
Автор: Ronald Childs
Принадлежит: Ronald Childs

Disclosed is a bone fixation device of the type useful for connecting two or more bones or bone fragments together or connecting soft tissue or tendon to bone. The device comprises an elongate body having a distal anchor thereon. An axially moveable proximal anchor is carried by the proximal end of the fixation device, to accommodate different bone dimensions and permit appropriate tensioning of the fixation device. A sleeve can surround at least a portion of the bone fixation device to promote bone in-growth with or at the bone joint or fracture to facilitate fusion of the bone segment.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Spine Stabilization

Номер: US20120265203A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

A bone stabilizing plate includes two plate portions, each affixable to bones of a patient, the plate portions telescoping together with mating rails and grooves. A limiter associated with one of the plate portions sliding engages one a catch associated with the other of the plate portions, when the plate portions are telescoped together, and resists stops telescoping when the plate portions are telescoped a predetermined distance apart. Once the limiter and catch are engaged, the plate portions enable imposition of a minimum compressive force between bones connected to the plates. The limiter is resiliently positioned to deflect into a relief formed in its respective plate portion. A groove positioned proximate the catch enables free telescoping motion limited by the engagement of the catch and limiter, whereby the minimum compressive force between bones is maintained, and Wolfe's Law may apply.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods and assemblies for aligning a bone fixation plate

Номер: US20120265253A1
Принадлежит: Synthes GmbH, Synthes USA LLC

A bone fixation assembly is provided, including a bone fixation plate that has a plurality of apertures having different cross-sectional dimensions, and a temporary fixation wire. The temporary fixation wire includes an abutment member that can compress the bone fixation plate against an underlying bone so that the alignment of the bone fixation plate on the bone can be analyzed prior to using bone fixation members to permanently attach the bone fixation plate to the underlying bone.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Intraosseous fixation assembly for an osteotomy and method of use

Номер: US20120265301A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An intraosseous fixation assembly for insertion into an osteotomy includes a wedge member for creating a resultant angle in the osteotomy, where the wedge member includes a body portion and a plurality of apertures. The fixation assembly also includes a first member adapted for coupling to the body portion at a first angle and a second member adapted for coupling to the body portion at a second angle, where each of the first and the second angles is at a divergent angle with respect to the body portion. In addition, the plurality of apertures includes at least a first aperture and a second aperture, where the first aperture is adapted for receiving the first member, and the second aperture is adapted for receiving the second member.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Facet joint implant

Номер: US20120271352A1
Принадлежит: Aesculap AG

A facet joint implant includes a joint surface replacement implant and a fastening device for fixing the joint surface replacement implant in the joint gap of a facet joint of a human or animal spinal column. The fastening device includes at least two fastening elements that protrude from the joint surface replacement implant. The at least two fastening elements are each provided in the region of their free ends with at least one fixing element through hole. The facet joint implant includes a fixing element which is fed through at least two fixing element through holes of at least two fastening elements. The free ends of the fixing element are connectable to one another.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Device for creating a bone implant

Номер: US20120277802A1
Принадлежит: Stryker Trauma GmbH

An osteonsynthesis implant has a plate-shaped base component having at least one hole, at least one axially extending rod-shaped tie rod having a first and a second end and at least one threaded component. The first end of the rod-shaped tie rod can be placed in the hole of the base component. The hole and the first end of the tie rod are formed such that the first end of the tie rod can be locked axially in the hole and is pivoted about an axis of the hole while locked to the plate. The second end of the tie rod is provided with a thread and the threaded component can be screwed onto the thread of the first tie rod. The tie rod can perform a pivoting movement of up to about 20° around the hole axis while locked in the plate hole.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Bone plate & method for manufacturing

Номер: US20120277803A1

A method of manufacturing an orthopedic plate is disclosed. The method comprises the following steps: providing a stratum comprising a first surface for engaging bone and a second surface opposing said first surface, wherein the stratum comprises a fastener hole for receiving a fastener, wherein the fastener has a head and a shaft; providing a retaining element comprising a head and a shaft; creating a retaining hole for receiving the retaining element, wherein the retaining element extends through at least the second surface; placing the retaining element into the retaining hole to reach a fully-inserted position; cutting a portion of the head of the retaining element such that the head of the fastener can be inserted through the fastener hole and pass by the head of the retaining element to reach a fully-inserted position of the fastener. Also, an orthopedic plate made using the disclosed method is disclosed.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Orthopedic Anchor Assembly

Номер: US20120283784A1
Автор: Jon Suh, Sean Suh
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

In an exemplary embodiment, the present invention provides an anchor assembly that can be used for the fixation or fastening of orthopedic devices or instruments to bone tissue. In particular, the present invention preferably provides a variable angle or fixed angle anchor assembly that is able to securely connect the orthopedic device to bone tissue even when there is a variance in the angle and position of the assembly with respect to the device. Furthermore, in an exemplary embodiment, the present invention provides an anchor assembly having a locking mechanism that will quickly and easily lock the anchor assembly with respect to the orthopedic device.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Retaining mechansim

Номер: US20120289978A1
Автор: Clinton R. Jacob

A retaining mechanism for use in affixing a stratum to bone is disclosed. The mechanism comprises a stratum and a retaining element. The retaining element comprises a central longitudinal axis, a stop end, a fastener end opposite that of the stop end, a first side, a second side, a first cut-out in the first side, a second cut-out in the second side, and a central cut-out. The stratum is configured to engage the retaining element such that when the retaining element is in a first position, the retaining element permits a fastener to be passed through a hole in the stratum, and when the retaining element is in a second position, the retaining element at least partially overlaps the hole so as to help prevent inadvertent backing out of the fastener after the fastener has been fully inserted into the hole.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Juxta-articular stabilisation system

Номер: US20120290016A1
Автор: Deepak Kumar
Принадлежит: Individual

The juxta-articular stabilisation system constitutes of a plate with integral pin and tail part, a plate specific jig, a plate and jig specific drill sleeve, a plate positioner, a slotted head screw, a pin bender, screws and pins. This system can be used for fixation of most types of fractures involving the juxta-articular radius. The plate has a most juxta-articular row of screw holes in individually bendable and detachable extensions especially designed for very distal fractures or the volar lip fractures. The plate and jig assembly have plate positioning apertures in its juxta-articular part to allow adjustment in position of plate in longitudinal, transverse and oblique directions after temporary fixation to the juxta-articular fragment with a pin prior to fixation to diaphyseal fragment. This allows a very precise placement of the plate in the most desirable position. The drill guiding jig can be assembled to the plate prior to surgery thus reducing surgical step and time. The specific orientation of the screws holes in the diaphyseal part of the plate orientates the screws such that when tendons apply forces across the fracture, the plate is wedged between screw and the bone rather than pushed away from the bone. Therefore, more aggressive physical therapy can be commenced earlier and plates with fewer screws in the proximal part can be used without compromising the strength of the fixation. The plate also has bendable and dividable pin part and tail parts on either ends that allows the plate to be used with a chuck or power tool as a pin or drill bit and also have longer purchase into the bone with minimal soft tissue exposure.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Ring and bone fixation system

Номер: US20120303069A1
Принадлежит: United Orthopedic Corp

The present invention discloses a ring, embedded in a bone plate for fixing the relative position of a bone screw and the bone plate. The ring has a sidewall and the sidewall has a plurality of gaps. The ring further comprises a lower holding portion and an upper holding portion, the lower holding portion and the upper holding portion are utilized to hold the ring on one of the surface of the bone plate and the corresponding surface thereof respectively. The present invention is capable of fixing the screw to the through hole of the bone plate in various directions or angles so as to prevent the bone screw from passing through the joint, the smashed area or the area of severe osteoporosis thereof. Furthermore, the present invention is easy to operate, capable of avoiding damage and decreasing the trouble for the operator thereof.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Spinal Facet Implants with Mating Articulating Bearing Surface and Methods of Use

Номер: US20120323277A1
Принадлежит: GMEDELAWARE 2 LLC

Superior and/or inferior facets of one or more facet joints may be replaced by superior and/or inferior facet joint prostheses. In one embodiment, a kit of superior or inferior prostheses is provided, in which the prostheses have at least two dimensions that vary among members of the kit independently of each other. Each prosthesis may have a bone engaging surface having a surface that is polyaxially rotatable against a corresponding resection of a vertebra. Each prosthesis may also have an articulating surface shaped such that, after attachment to the spine, the replaced or partially replaced facet joints provide a larger medial-lateral range of motion when the spine is flexed than when the spine is extended. Crosslinks may be used to connect left and right prosthesis together in such a manner that they are stabilized in a position in which they are seated directly against the vertebra.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Low profile intervertebral implant

Номер: US20120323330A1
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

The present invention is directed to a low profile intervertebral implant ( 10 ) for implantation in an intervertebral disc space (D) in-between adjacent vertebral bodies (V). The intervertebral implant includes a plate ( 40 ) preferably coupled to a spacer ( 20 ). The plate is preferably formed from a first material and the spacer is preferably formed from a second material, the first material being different from the second material. The plate is preferably sized and configured so that the plate does not extend beyond the perimeter of the spacer. In this manner, the plate preferably does not increase the height profile (hs) of the spacer and the plate may be implanted within the intervertebral disc space in conjunction with the spacer.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Plate Holder for Manipulating Bone Plate

Номер: US20130006312A1
Принадлежит: Biomet CV USA

A plate holder is provided to facilitate percutaneous introduction of a bone plate, positioning of the plate on a bone surface, and stabilizing the plate while a fastener is inserted through the plate into the bone. The plate holder includes a proximal handle, a distal mount, and an arm extending between the handle and the mount. The mount includes a first portion which seats within a slot on the shaft of a plate, and a second portion at which the shaft is coupled and which includes a tapered proximal side. A set screw hole is provided through the first and second portions, and a set screw is provided therein. When the first portion is seated in a compression slot of a plate and the set screw is driven to seat, the set screw locks the mount to the plate.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Bone Fixation Plate

Номер: US20130006313A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

An apparatus for reducing the profile of a bone fixation plate while preventing backing out of screws is disclosed. The plate has at least two openings though which two screws can pass through bony tissue. The apparatus includes at least one section of relief and sections of engagement. As the screw is tightened, it will begin to lag the plate to the bone. When the screw head interferes with the plate at the interference point, there is a slight resistance that insertion forces can overcome. When the screw is advanced further, it snaps into the sliding fit area and is allowed to move freely. The forces that cause the screw to back out from the plate are preferably not strong enough to pass the screw head back past the interference section.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Bi-directional fixating/locking transvertebral body screw/intervertebral cage stand-alone constructs with vertical hemi-bracket screw locking mechanism

Номер: US20130018470A1

A bi-directional fixating transvertebral (BDFT) screw/cage apparatus is provided. The BDFT apparatus includes an intervertebral cage including a plurality of internal angled screw guides, a plurality of screw members, and a cage indentation adjacent to the screw guides that independently or supplemented by other screw locking mechanisms prevents the screw members from pulling out of the internal angled screw guides. The internal angled screw guides orient a first screw member superiorly and a second screw member inferiorly. The intervertebral cage is adapted for posterior lumbar intervertebral placement, anterior lumbar intervertebral placement, anterio-lateral thoracic intervertebral placement, or anterior cervical intervertebral placement.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Bone fixation with overlapping bone plates

Номер: US20130023938A1
Принадлежит: Acumed LLC

System, including methods, apparatus, and kits, for bone fixation using overlapping bone plates each including a plurality of notches arranged along the bone plate to provide interchangeable overlap locations.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Locking Confirmation Mechanism For a Bone Screw and Plate Assembly

Номер: US20130023940A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

Novel bone screw and plate assemblies including locking confirmation mechanisms are provided. In certain cases, a locking confirmation mechanism is operably attached to the plate, and comprises a toggling arm having an upper portion, a mid-portion and a lower portion. When a bone screw is positioned in a plate in an unlocked configuration, the locking confirmation mechanism assumes a first position. When the bone screw is positioned in the plate in a locked configuration, this causes the locking confirmation mechanism to pivot and assume a second position. The locking confirmation mechanism thus provides a convenient visual and/or tactile means to assess when the screw is in a locked configuration.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Implant retaining loop and guide wire extension

Номер: US20130023942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A surgical assembly, the assembly including a first guidewire, a second guidewire, in which each of the first guidewire and the second guidewire are configured to be received by a bone block, a first suture loop, a second suture loop, a first locking component, and a second locking component, in which the first locking component is coupled to the first suture loop and the second locking component is coupled to the second suture loop.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Shoulder replacement apparatus

Номер: US20130023999A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A surgical device ( 100 ) for guiding a key wire during a shoulder arthroplasty procedure, comprising a guide ( 105 ) for guiding a key wire ( 160 ) during the process of drilling into a scapula, and clamp means ( 101 ) configured to engage with the scapula neck such that a key wire located in the guide is located in a predetermined geometrical relationship with the scapula neck.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Positioning systems and methods for implanting an energy absorbing system

Номер: US20130041465A1
Принадлежит: Moximed Inc

Positioning instruments and related methods are described for implanting an energy absorbing system for treating joints. The positioning instruments and methods allow the energy absorbing system to be positioned at a joint such that the desired motion will occur for the particular design of a particular energy absorbing system which is to be implanted. The positioning instruments include a locating instrument for locating an anatomical feature and a target location for implantation of the energy absorbing system, a verification instrument for verification of the target location, a placement guide for guiding placement of a part of the energy absorbing system, and positioning device for aligning portions of the energy absorbing system.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Bone Fixation Plate System and Method

Номер: US20130046348A1
Автор: Michael Black
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

A fastener, for example a bone screw, is sized to pass through a hole of an implant, for example a bone plate, the fastener having a shaft or anchor portion engageable with body tissue, and a head portion. A locking cap secures to the bone plate and covers the head to block the head and inhibit screw back out. Alternatively or additionally, a locking disc located in the plate hole resiliently deflects downward to allow screw insertion, but is blocked to limit or prevent upward deflection so that screw back out is inhibited.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Laminar hook insertion device

Номер: US20130046352A1
Автор: Larry McClintock
Принадлежит: K2M Inc

A surgical hook insertion device includes an elongate body defining a lumen therethrough and an actuation assembly. The elongate body has a retaining portion configured and dimensioned to releasably retain a laminar hook therein. The actuation assembly includes an actuation rod and an actuator member. The actuation rod is slideably disposed within the lumen of the elongate body. The actuator member is operatively coupled with the actuation rod and is slideably mounted on the elongate body, wherein the actuation assembly is transitionable between a first position in which a portion of the actuation rod engages the laminar hook releasably disposed in the retaining portion and a second position in which the actuation rod disengages the laminar hook.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Implant Devices Constructed with Metallic and Polymeric Components

Номер: US20130053847A1
Автор: Glen Pierson, Mark Siravo

An intramedullary nail includes a longitudinal core extending along a longitudinal axis from a proximal portion of the nail to a distal portion thereof, the core including a plurality of interlocking features around a circumference thereof and a polymeric casing extending about at least a portion of the circumference of the core including the interlocking features to mechanically interlock the casing and the core, at least a portion of a length of the core being embedded within the casing offset from a longitudinal axis of the nail so that a thickness of casing varies about a circumference of the nail, a maximum thickness of the casing being located at a site at which a polymeric locking element is to be bonded to the nail.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072933A1

A bone screw is provided, with a thread section () of tubular construction having a tip () at its first end and a second end opposite the latter. The tubular thread section () comprises a bone thread () on its outer wall, and the wall of the thread section () comprises a plurality of recesses (). The bone screw further includes a holding element () with a first section () for connection to the thread section () and with a rod-like second section () which in the inserted state of the holding element () protrudes beyond the second end of the thread section (). A stop is provided for limiting the distance of insertion of the holding element () in the thread section (). The holding element () comprises an element () at its free end for engagement with a screw-in tool. 1. A bone screw comprising:a thread section of elongated tubular construction with an outer wall and having a first end and a second end;a tip at the first end; andan elongated holding element connected to the thread section at the second end, the holding element comprising a first section for connection to the second end of the thread section and an elongated rod-like second section having a longitudinal length and a free end opposite the first section;wherein the tubular thread section further comprises a bone thread on the outer wall and the outer wall of the thread section contains a plurality of recesses forming a mesh-like open network; and wherein the bone screw is dimensioned such, that the bone screw can be fully immersed in the opening created when screwing in.2. A bone screw according to claim 1 , further comprising a stop for limiting a distance of insertion of the holding element into the thread section.3. A bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the thread section further comprises a first internal thread section at its second end and the first section of the holding element comprises an external thread for cooperation with the first internal thread section.4. A bone screw according to ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Connecting member with tensioned cord, low profile rigid sleeve and spacer with torsion control

Номер: US20130072981A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A polyaxial bone screw assembly includes a threaded shank body and a receiver having an upper channel for receiving a longitudinal connecting member and a lower cavity. The longitudinal connecting member assembly includes a tensioned cord and has hard, non-elastic sleeves for attachment to the bone anchors, at least one spacer located between the bone anchors, and in some embodiments, an end elastic bumper and cord blocker. A down-loadable friction fit split retaining ring having inner and outer tangs and an up-loadable shank upper portion cooperate to provide for pop- or snap-on assembly of the shank with the receiver.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Strand for Minimally Invasive Removal of T-Anchor

Номер: US20130072989A1
Автор: Overes Tom, Walter Bruno

An anchoring device includes (a) a flexible member extending from a proximal end to a distal end and (b) an elongated anchor member extending from a first end to a second end and attached to the distal end of the flexible member such that the anchor member is movable between an insertion configuration in which the anchor member is substantially parallel to the flexible member and a locked configuration in which the anchor member is substantially perpendicular to the flexible member in combination with (c) a flexible removal element extending from a proximal end to a distal end attached to the first end of the anchor member. 1. An anchoring device , comprising:a flexible member extending from a proximal end to a distal end;an elongated anchor member extending from a first end to a second end and attached to the distal end of the flexible member such that the anchor member is movable between an insertion configuration in which the anchor member is substantially parallel to the flexible member and a locked configuration in which the anchor member is substantially perpendicular to the flexible member; anda flexible removal element extending from a proximal end to a distal end attached to the first end of the anchor member.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the removal element includes a loop.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the removal element is colored such that it is easily visible and differentiated from the flexible member.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible member is one of a suture claim 1 , thread claim 1 , cable and wire.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the removal element is one of a suture claim 1 , thread claim 1 , cable and wire.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distal end of the flexible member is attached to a portion of the anchor member approximately midway between the first end and the second end.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible member includes a channel extending therethrough along a portion ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Reverse thread bone screw

Номер: US20130072990A1
Автор: Peter Melott Simonson
Принадлежит: Individual

A left-handed bone screw for use in orthopedic spinal surgical procedures. The left-handed bone screw reverses the pitch angle of a conventional right-handed bone screw. In reversing the thread, the present invention permits the left-handed screw to reuse a previously tapped cortical and cancellous bone hole.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072993A1

A bone anchoring element includes a shaft for anchoring in a bone, the shaft having a tubular body. The shaft comprises a plurality of barb elements, wherein each barb element is formed as continuous one-piece part with the tubular body. Each each barb element is moveable between a first position adjacent to the tubular body and a second position further from the tubular body than the first position. The barb elements are arranged along at least one helical line around an axis of the shaft. 1. A bone anchoring element comprising:a shaft for anchoring in a bone, the shaft having a tubular body, wherein said shaft comprises a plurality of barb elements, wherein each barb element is formed as a continuous one-piece part with the tubular body;wherein each barb element is moveable between a first position adjacent to a surface of the tubular body and a second position farther from the surface of the tubular body than the first position; andwherein the barb elements are arranged along at least one helical line around an axis of the shaft.2. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , wherein said barb elements are cut out of the wall of said tubular body.3. (canceled)4. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , wherein said tubular body forms a hollow part of said shaft.5. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , wherein said tubular body is placed onto an essentially cylindrical shaft part.6. The bone anchoring element of claim 5 , further comprising a tip which is fixedly connectable to the cylindrical shaft part.7. The bone anchoring element of claim 5 , further comprising means for preventing said tubular body from rotating relative to the cylindrical shaft part.8. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , further comprising a tip which is fixedly connectable to said tubular body.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , further comprising a head claim 1 , which is connectable to said tubular body.12. The bone anchoring element of claim 1 , wherein ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

System For Rib Fixation

Номер: US20130079777A1

System, including methods, apparatus, and kits, for fixing ribs with bone plates. 1. A rib plate kit , comprising:a first elongate rib plate configured to be secured to a first rib bone, the first rib plate having a pre-operative contour comprising a population-averaged geometry sized and configured to be installed on the first rib bone, wherein the population-averaged geometry of the first rib plate defines a radius of longitudinal curvature between about 50 mm and about 300 mm, and a longitudinal twist; anda second elongate rib plate configured to be secured to a second rib bone, the second rib plate having a pre-operative contour comprising a population-averaged geometry sized and configured to be installed on a first plurality of rib bones that does not include the first rib bone, wherein the population-averaged geometry of the second rib plate defines a radius of longitudinal curvature between about 50 mm and about 300 mm, and a longitudinal twist;wherein at least part of the population-averaged geometry of each of the first and second rib plates is averaged over at least two ribs from different people.2. The rib plate kit of claim 1 , wherein the first rib plate and the second rib plate each include a plurality of holes configured to receive fasteners that are designed to secure the first rib plate to the corresponding rib bone and the second rib plate to the second corresponding rib bone claim 1 , respectively.3. The rib plate kit of claim 1 , wherein the radius of curvature of the first rib plate is an out-of-plane curvature and the radius of the out-of-plane curvature is between about 75 mm and about 125 mm.4. The rib plate kit of claim 3 , wherein the population-averaged geometry of the first rib plate further defines an in-plane longitudinal curvature with a radius between about 100 mm and about 300 mm.5. The rib plate kit of claim 4 , wherein the longitudinal twist of the first rib plate is between about one degree and about four degrees per centimeter ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079778A1
Принадлежит: Atex Technologies Inc

A continuous loop of material for use in mammals, particularly humans. One embodiment may have an air entanglement section therein and method of making the same. Another embodiment includes a hollow braided length having a first inner section and a second inner section, the sections formed by radially inserting the ends into the hollow braid and passing it along a portion of the hollow interior. These embodiments may also include a bone engagement member incorporated therein. A further embodiment is a loop assembly having a length of fiber, the length of fiber having two ends, and a bone engagement member having an end receiving member to securely receive the two respective ends therein.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079829A1
Принадлежит: Carbofix Orthopedics Ltd.

Radiolucent composite implants. Some embodiments include reconfiguration indicators. Some embodiments include radio-opaque markers, especially along contours. Some embodiments are provided in kit form with accessories such as radiolucent drill guides and/or drives. Some embodiments have fiber reinforcement adapted for various usage scenarios. Some embodiments include metal components, for example, to increase strength. Also described are manufacturing methods. 154-. (canceled)55. A bone implant kit comprising:a bone-supporting component formed mainly of a fiber-reinforced polymer composite, in the form of a radiolucent bone plate with a plurality of locations designated for attaching a fixation component therethrough;one or more fixation components for the bone-supporting component; anda radiolucent drill guide configured to attach to said bone plate component and configured to facilitate drilling for insertion of the fixation components.56. A bone implant kit according to claim 55 , wherein the bone-supporting component includes pre-drilled passages for the fixation components so that only the bone needs to be drilled during the implantation procedure.57. A bone implant kit combination according to claim 56 , wherein the bone-supporting component is supplied with at least one undrilled hole claim 56 , and both the bone and passages for the fixation components are drilled during the implantation procedure.58. A bone implant kit according to claim 55 , further including an arrangement for removing drilling debris created by drilling for insertion of a bone implant comprising a suction element configured for connection to a source of suction and for disposal of a suction port on the suction element adjacent to a drill bit during drilling.59. A bone implant kit according to claim 55 , further including an arrangement providing irrigation fluid to a drilling site comprising an irrigation element configured for connection to a source of irrigation fluid claim 55 ,wherein ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085532A1
Принадлежит: Beacon Biomedical, LLC

The present invention is directed to implantable devices for stabilizing or fusing bone structures within the spine. More specifically, the present invention is a spinal plate assembly that includes an automatic mechanism for blocking the pathway of a bone fastener once inserted to prevent unwanted backwards migration of the bone screw. 1. A spinal plate assembly comprising:a spinal plate, said spinal plate including a bottom surface, a top surface, a pair of side surfaces and a pair of end surfaces, at least two bores extending through said top and said bottom surfaces, each of said bores sized for passage of a bone screw, each of said bores including a counterbore extending downwardly from said top surface, said counterbore sized and shaped to substantially contain a head portion of said bone screw, a segmented T-slot extending between said pair of end surfaces and substantially parallel to said top surface, said T-slot extending through said top surface and into each said counterbore along first and second side surfaces thereof, at least one anchor pocket extending downward from said top surface, said anchor pocket having a pair of anchor pocket side walls,a locking member constructed and arranged to fit substantially within said T-slot, said locking member including a central base portion, at least one leaf spring extending outwardly therefrom in a first direction, a blade portion secured to a distal end of said leaf spring to contact said first side wall of said T-slot whereby said blade portion extends into at least one said counterbore, at least one anchor portion extending outwardly from said base portion in a direction different from said leaf spring, said at least one anchor portion terminating in an anchor foot, said anchor foot being constructed and arranged to fit into said at least one anchor pocket and cooperate with said pair of anchor pocket side walls to prevent movement of said locking member during movement of said blade portion away from said ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090688A1

A posterior vertebral plating system comprising a plate and a plurality of attachment members. The plate has a plurality of holes extending through the plate from an upper surface to a lower surface, and the plate is configured to extend along the posterior side of at least two vertebrae adjacent at least one boney structure of each of the vertebrae. The holes are spaced in such a way that a first plurality of holes is positionable over a boney structure of a first vertebra to define a plurality of fixation points to the first vertebra and a second plurality of holes is positionable over boney structure of a second vertebra to define a plurality of fixation points to the second vertebra. The attachment members are insertable through the holes of the plate and into the boney structure of a corresponding vertebra to fix the plate to the vertebra. 1. A posterior vertebral plating system , comprising:a plate having an upper surface, a lower surface, and a plurality of holes extending through the plate from the upper surface to the lower surface, the plate being configured to extend along the posterior side of at least two vertebrae adjacent at least one lateral mass of each of the vertebra and the holes being spaced in such a way that a first plurality of holes is positionable over the lateral mass of a first vertebra to define a plurality of fixation points to the first vertebra and a second plurality of holes is positionable over the lateral mass of a second vertebra to define a plurality of fixation points to the second vertebra; anda plurality of attachment members insertable through the holes of the plate and into the lateral mass of a corresponding vertebra to fix the plate to the vertebra.2. The posterior vertebral plating system of claim 1 , wherein the holes are arranged in at least two longitudinal rows of holes with the holes of one longitudinal row of holes being staggered relative to the holes of the other longitudinal row of holes.3. The posterior ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090695A1

System, including methods, apparatus, and kits, for bone fixation using a fixation device including a mounting portion and a fastener that attaches to the mounting portion. In some embodiments, the fixation device may include first and second mounting portions configured to be disposed across a bone from each other and secured with a fastener that extends from one of the mounting portions, through the bone, and to the other mounting portion. The system also may include a tool to facilitate installation of the fixation device. 1. A method of fixing bone , the method comprising:connecting a first mounting portion and a second mounting portion of a fixation device to an installation tool;disposing the first mounting portion and the second mounting portion across a bone from each other;urging the first and second mounting portions toward each other with jaws of the tool such that the tool is clamped to the bone; andsecuring the first and second mounting portions to the bone with a fastener extending from a first aperture defined by the first mounting portion, through the bone, and into a second aperture defined by the second mounting portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fixation device includes a spanning portion claim 1 , and wherein the spanning portion extends along the bone from the first mounting portion after the mounting portions are secured to the bone.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the spanning portion is provided by a plate member and spans a discontinuity in a rib bone after the step of securing.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the spanning portion is continuous with the first mounting portion.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the spanning portion claim 4 , the first mounting portion claim 4 , and the second mounting portion are continuous with one another.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the spanning portion and the first mounting portion are provided by discrete pieces of the fixation device.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096560A1

A universal jig is compatible with bone plates of varying size, in which different plate sizes having different hole configurations. For example, a longer bone plate may have a first hole pattern along a given length thereof, while various shorter bone plates may have differing hole patterns along respective corresponding lengths. The universal jig includes a combination of hole groupings to provide a jig hole for each hole in the differing hole patterns of the longer and shorter plates, so that the universal jig is useable with a variety of bone plates having disparate hole patterns. For any given bone plate length and hole configuration, a masking cover may provided to attach to the jig. The masking cover masks off unused jig holes, so that only those jig holes intended for use with a particular bone plate are left exposed. 1. (canceled)2. A bone plate fixation system , comprising:a first bone plate having a plurality of first bone plate holes arranged in a first bone plate hole configuration, the first bone plate hole configuration including a portion of the plurality of first bone plate holes arranged in a periprosthetic zone and a portion of the plurality of first bone plate holes arranged in a non-periprosthetic zone;a second bone plate having a plurality of second bone plate holes arranged in a second bone plate hole configuration, the second bone plate hole configuration including a portion of the plurality of second bone plate holes arranged in aperiprosthetic zone and a portion of the plurality of second bone plate holes arranged in a non-periprosthetic zone; and a first set of apertures, at least a portion of the first set of apertures configured to align with the periprosthetic zone of the first bone plate, and at least a portion of the first set of apertures configured to align with the periprosthetic zone of the second bone plate; and', 'a second set of apertures, at least a portion of the second set of apertures being configured to align with the non- ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096632A1
Автор: CHICO ROCA Lluis
Принадлежит: NEOS SURGERY, S.L.

A fixation device for the fixation of bone fragments, applicable to the mutual fastening of bone fragments temporarily separated during a surgical operation or as a result of a trauma. The device is also suitable for the fixation of a bone flap in the replacement thereof in a corresponding aperture made in the cranium or cranial bone mass. The device is made of biocompatible material and comprises a flexible strip and fastening means, the strip having a length allowing the formation of a fastening loop tightly fastening the bone fragments to be joined together. The fastening means are provided with at least one opening provided with interlocking means allowing the passage of a free end of the strip and preventing its extraction in the direction opposite to the insertion. 113-. (canceled)14. A fixation assembly for fixating a cranial bone flap with a cranial bone mass comprising:a support plate with an inner surface that is adapted to be applied against the inner face of the outer edges of the cranial bone mass and the cranial bone flap, the support plate having first and second peripheral edges,a first flexible strip segment extending from the first peripheral edge and a second flexible strip segment extending from the second peripheral edge, the first and second flexible strip segments being integral and forming a single piece with the support plate,a closure plate with an outer surface and an inner surface, the inner surface adapted to be applied against the outer face of the outer edges of the cranial bone mass and the cranial bone flap, the closure plate having first and second openings extending there through, each of the first and second openings adapted to respectively receive the first and second flexible strip segments, each of the first and second openings having associated therewith an interlocking feature that permits the passage and movement of the first and second flexible strip segments in a first direction through the respective first and second ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Bone Screw

Номер: US20130096636A1
Принадлежит: Eminent Spine LLC

A bone screw is disclosed. A head includes a driver-receiving element formed thereon. A shank having a proximal portion, which is integrally connected to the head, and a distal portion maintains a constant diameter from the proximal portion to the distal portion. Three helical threads extend around the shank from the proximal portion to the distal portion. The three helical threads are symmetrically and helically aligned and advance uniformly along the length of the shank for each revolution to define a thread depth that remains constant along the length of the shank. The three helical threads respectively include three leads, which are offset by approximately 120° from each another. A tip is integrally connected to the distal portion of the shank and the tip intersects with a flute to define a self-tapping point. 1. A bone screw comprising:a head having a driver-receiving element formed thereon;a shank having a proximal portion and a distal portion with a constant diameter from the proximal portion to the distal portion, the proximal portion being integrally connected to the head;first, second, and third helical threads extending around the shank from the proximal portion to the distal portion, the first, second, and third helical threads being symmetrically and helically aligned, the first, second, and third helical threads advancing uniformly along the length of the shank for each revolution to define a thread depth that remains constant along the length of the shank;the first, second, and third helical threads respectively including a first lead, a second lead, and a third lead, the first, second, and third helical leads being offset by approximately 120° from one another; anda tip integrally connected to the distal portion of the shank, the tip intersected with a flute to define a self-tapping point.2. The bone screw as recited in claim 1 , wherein the head further comprises a spherical head.3. The bone screw as recited in claim 1 , wherein the driver-receiving ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103093A1

A locking device includes a first locking member including a first end, a second end, a central axis, an outer surface with an external thread, a coaxial bore, and an internal thread provided along at least a portion of the bore, and a second locking member including a first end, a second end, and an outer surface with an external thread. When the second locking member is positioned in the first locking member, the second locking member is movable along the central axis by rotating the second locking member. Movement of the second locking member is limited towards the first end of the first locking member by a first stop and towards the second end of the first locking member by a second stop, where at least one of the first stop or second stop is arranged in the bore of the first locking member. 1. A locking device for securing a rod-shaped element in a receiving part of a bone anchor , the locking device comprising:a first locking member comprising a first end, a second end, a central axis passing through the first end and the second end, an outer surface with an external thread, a coaxial bore passing through the first locking member, and an internal thread provided along at least a portion of the bore; anda second locking member comprising a first end, a second end, and an outer surface with an external thread configured to cooperate with the internal thread of the first locking member,wherein when the second locking member is positioned in the first locking member, the second locking member is movable along the central axis by rotating the second locking member relative to the first locking member, wherein movement of the second locking member is limited towards the first end of the first locking member by a first stop and towards the second end of the first locking member by a second stop, and wherein at least one of the first stop or second stop is arranged in the bore of the first locking member.2. The locking device of claim 1 , wherein when the first and ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110175A1

A bone plate system is disclosed which includes a bone plate having at least one plate hole, at least one pin adapted to be disposed in the at least one plate hole, and a polymer component disposed between the at least one pin and the bone plate. The polymer component includes a polymer that may be melted through the application of ultrasonic energy. The at least one pin is constructed of a material that will not melt under such application of ultrasonic energy. The re-solidified polymer component creates a bond between the at least one pin and the bone plate to provide a more rigid and secure mating therebetween, and to at least substantially prevent backout of the at least one pin with respect to the bone plate. A method of implanting the bone plate system is also disclosed. 1. A method of implanting a bone plate system comprising the steps of:positioning a device adjacent to a bone, the device having at least one hole formed therein;inserting a member through the at least one hole and into the bone;providing a polymer component between at least the member and the device; andmelting the polymer component through an application of energy.2. The method of wherein the step of melting includes applying ultrasonic energy.3. The method of wherein the step of inserting includes applying a driving force to the member.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of melting is performed simultaneously with the step of inserting.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of pre-drilling a hole in the bone.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of pre-drilling includes using a drill guide.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of pre-drilling includes using the device as a drill guide.8. The method of wherein the member comprises a self-tapping screw claim 1 , and wherein the step of inserting includes creating a bone hole through the insertion of the self-tapping screw.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of allowing the polymer component ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116695A1
Принадлежит: Zimmer, Inc.

The present disclosure includes a method for reducing a bone fracture and an apparatus such as a cable button for use with a bone plate, the cable button including cable button threads, a plurality of cable button apertures, a hex socket, and a hex opening. The present disclosure also includes a method for reducing a bone fracture and an apparatus such as a cable button for use with a bone plate, the cable button including a plurality of legs, where a leg includes a protrusion, where the protrusion engages the bone plate, and the cable button defines at least one cable button aperture. 1. A bone fracture reduction apparatus , comprising:a cable button, axially extending from a fastener portion, including at least one protrusion extending radially outward from an exterior surface, to an integral head portion, including at least one cable button aperture; anda bone plate, including a bone contacting surface, an opposing surface positioned opposite the bone contacting surface, and at least one bone plate aperture, the at least one bone plate aperture configured to at least partially receive the fastener portion of the cable button and extending from the opposing surface to the bone contacting surface.2. The bone fracture reduction apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protrusion is configured to axially secure a position of the cable button relative to the bone plate.3. The bone fracture reduction apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cable button aperture includes first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third apertures claim 1 , spaced about a circumference of the head portion and extending from an exterior surface to an interior portion claim 1 , one of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third apertures defining an entry passage for a wire claim 1 , and one of the remaining first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third apertures defining an exit passage for the wire.4. The bone fracture reduction apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the cable button is ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Locking an Artificial Facet Between Two Vertebral Bodies

Номер: US20130116732A1

A bone screw ( 1 ) is used for locking an articular facet between the superior and inferior articular processes of two vertebral bodies and is provided with a threaded shaft ( 2 ), a screw head ( 3 ) and a central axis ( 4 ). The screw head ( 3 ) is further provided with a number of grooves ( 5 ) on the periphery of the screw head ( 3 ) which run essentially parallel to said central axis ( 4 ).

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116734A1

A system for fixing fractured bone portions of a distal humerus in position with respect to one another. In one embodiment, the system includes a plate portion, a projection portion, and a fixation post. The plate portion includes a surface for contacting a posterior portion of the distal humerus adjacent one of a lateral side and a medial side thereof. The projection portion extends outwardly from the plate portion and includes an aperture for receiving the fixation post. The fixation post includes at least one fenestration, and extends from adjacent the one of the lateral and medial sides of the distal humerus to adjacent the other of the lateral and medial sides of the distal humerus. 1. A system for fixing fractured bone portions of a distal humerus in position with respect to one another , the system comprising:a plate portion including a first surface, an opposite second surface, a first end, a second end, and a length between the first and second ends, the second surface being adapted to contact a posterior portion of the distal humerus adjacent one of a lateral side and a medial side thereof;a projection portion extending outwardly from the second surface, the projection portion including a third surface, an opposite fourth surface, and an aperture therethrough between the third and fourth surfaces, the fourth surface being adapted to contact the one of the lateral and medial sides, and the aperture being adapted to receive a fixation post;the fixation post including a head portion, a shaft portion, a first end, an opposite second end, and a fenestration provided in the shaft portion, the shaft portion extending from the head portion to the second end, the head portion being adapted to engage the aperture formed in the projection portion, the shaft portion being adapted to engage the fractured bone portions and to extend from the one of lateral and medial sides to adjacent the other of the lateral and medial sides, and the fenestration being adapted to ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Bone Plate

Номер: US20130116735A1
Автор: Schneider Rolf

A bone plate has an underside on the side of the bone, an upper side and a plurality of holes in the plate connecting the underside with the upper side, with a central hole axis. At least one of these holes in the plate has an internal jacket surface that tapers towards the underside, while the internal jacket surface has N≧3 recesses which extend radially away from the axis of the hole. 1. A bone plate comprising: an upper surface; a lower surface; and at least one hole extending from the upper surface to the lower surface , the at least one hole having a central hole axis and an internal jacket surface , wherein the internal jacket surface includes N recesses extending radially away from the central axis , where N≧3 and the internal jacket surface includes surface projections on at least a portion of the internal jacket surface.2. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the internal jacket surface tapers towards the lower surface of the plate.3. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the internal jacket surface has a concave shape.4. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the internal jacket surface has a spherical or ellipsoidal shape.5. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the hole is oblong in shape.6. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the surface projections are threads or ribs.7. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the N recesses are angularly spaced at a distance of 360°/N relative to the central axis of the hole.8. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein each recess has a peripheral expansion of at least 1°.9. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein each recess has a maximum peripheral expansion of 119°.10. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the recesses extend exclusively within the internal jacket surface of the hole.11. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the recesses extend radially away from the axis of the hole beyond the internal jacket surface.12. The bone plate of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface and lower surface of the plate define a plate thickness claim 1 , ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123859A1

An orthopedic fixation system, including a tissue anchor including a first instrument engagement feature and a second instrument engagement feature; a first tool engageable with the first instrument engagement feature, and a second tool engageable with the second instrument engagement feature, where the first and second tools are engageable simultaneously with the tissue anchor. 1. An orthopedic fixation system , comprising:a tissue anchor including a first instrument engagement feature and a second instrument engagement feature;a first tool engageable with the first instrument engagement feature, and a second tool engageable with the second instrument engagement feature, wherein the first and second tools are engageable simultaneously with the tissue anchor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first tool is positionable coaxially within the second tool.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tissue anchor is an orthopedic screw defining a head and a threaded body.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first and second instrument engagement features are on the head of the tissue anchor.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second instrument engagement feature circumscribes at least a portion of the first instrument engagement feature.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first instrument engagement feature includes a threaded cavity.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a locking element releasably engageable with the first instrument engagement feature.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the locking element is a set screw threadably engageable with the first instrument engagement feature.9. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a bone plate defining a plurality of openings therethrough claim 7 , wherein the bone plate is securable to the tissue anchor with the locking element.10. A surgical kit claim 7 , comprising:a fixation plate defining a plurality of openings therethrough;a bone anchor defining a first instrument engagement feature and a second ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Self-deploying locking screw retention device

Номер: US20130123925A1
Принадлежит: Titan Spine Inc

A screw assembly and a spinal implant. The screw assembly includes a screw with a head and a shaft where a screw retention member is positioned beneath the head of the screw and substantially surrounds the shaft of the screw. The screw retention member is formed from a temperature-sensitive material. The screw retention member has a first contracted position adapted for inserting the screw through at least one hole in the spinal implant and a second expanded position adapted for retaining the screw within the at least one hole in the spinal implant. The screw retention member may be in the form of a coiled spring or a collar having a plurality of tabs.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131732A1
Принадлежит: K2M, Inc.

A spinal fixation system includes a low profile dynamic anterior vertebral body plate and bone screws for the fixation and stabilization of the cervical spine. The system has a locking element through which the bone screw passes and the locking element is capable of movement relative to the plate when the bone screws are fully inserted and in a locked position. 1. A bone plate system , comprising:a plate defining at least two bone screw holes at least one of which including a groove;at least one locking element including a pivot pin couplable with the groove of the at least one bone screw hole,at least two bone screws corresponding to the at least two bone screw holes, the bone screws being capable of securely connecting to the at least one locking element and the at least two bone screw holes,wherein the at least one locking element is articulatable about an axis of the pivot pin and relative to the plate when the screws are in a fully locked position.2. The bone plate system of claim 1 , wherein the groove is defined within an inner facing wall of the at least one bone screw hole.3. The bone plate system of claim 1 , wherein the plate includes arcuate upper and lower surfaces that arc along a longitudinal axis and a transverse axis of the plate.4. The bone plate system of claim 3 , wherein the pivot pin projects outwardly from the at least one locking member and is oriented parallel to the transverse axis of the plate when the at least one locking element is engaged with the at least one bone screw hole.5. The bone plate system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two bone screw holes include a shape that complements a shape of the at least one locking element.6. The bone plate system of claim 5 , wherein the at least two bone screw holes and at least one locking element include a generally rectangular shape.7. The bone plate system of claim 6 , wherein a bottom portion of the at least one locking element includes a generally arcuate articulation surface and the at ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131733A1

A bone screw includes a front portion, a rear portion, and a shaft portion. The shaft portion is fixedly joined to the front portion and the rear portion, so as to form an integral bone screw. The Young's modulus of the shaft portion is smaller than that of the front portion and that of the rear portion. 1. A bone screw , comprising:a front portion and a rear portion; anda shaft portion, fixedly joined to the front portion and the rear portion, so as to form an integral bone screw, wherein the Young's Modulus of the shaft portion is smaller than that of the front portion and that of the rear portion.2. The bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion claim 1 , the shaft portion claim 1 , and the rear portion are all hollow inside and in communication with each other.3. The bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion comprises a first thread claim 1 , the rear portion comprises a second thread claim 1 , the shaft portion comprises a first and a second screw hole claim 1 , and the first and the second thread are screwed into the first and the second screw hole respectively.4. The bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion comprises a first groove claim 1 , the rear portion comprises a second groove claim 1 , the shaft portion comprises a first and a second protrusion claim 1 , and the first and the second protrusion are snapped into the first and the second groove respectively.5. The bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion comprises a first wrapped portion claim 1 , the rear portion comprises a second wrapped portion claim 1 , the shaft portion comprises a first and a second wrapping portion claim 1 , and the first and the second wrapping portion are used to wrap the first and the second wrapped portion respectively.6. The bone screw according to claim 1 , wherein the front portion comprises a first plug claim 1 , the rear portion comprises a second plug claim 1 , the shaft portion comprises a first ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131735A1

A bone screw and a method for manufacturing the same includes a screw thread configuration having one or more grooves cut into a leading face of the thread, a trailing face of the thread, and/or the shaft between the threads. Other implementations include the incorporation of facets into the one or more grooves. The implementation of the one or more grooves increases the surface are of the orthopedic screw and functions to increase in anchoring the bone screw within the bone once inserted therein, and thereby reduce the possibility for the screw backing out after insertion. 1. An orthopedic screw comprising:a shaft;a thread cut into at least a portion of said shaft, said threads having a leading edge, a trailing edge and a depth;at least one groove formed in one of the leading edge or the trailing edge and configured to increase a surface area of the respective leading or trailing edge; andat least one facet cut into the at least one groove.2. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove is radially cut into the leading or trailing edge of the thread.3. The orthopedic screw of claim 2 , wherein the at least one groove is cut into the leading or trailing edge of the thread with a varying radii with respect to the shaft throughout the groove.4. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein said at least one groove has a V-shaped cross section.5. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove has an upside down V-shaped cross section.6. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , further comprising at least one groove formed in the other of the leading edge or trailing edges of the thread.7. An orthopedic screw comprising:a shaft;a plurality of first threads cut into at least a portion of said shaft, said first threads having a leading edge, a trailing edge and a depth;at least one spiral groove formed in one of the leading edge or the trailing edge of the first thread and being configured to increase a surface area of the respective leading ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131736A1

A bone screw and a method for manufacturing the same includes a screw thread configuration having one or more grooves cut into a leading face of the thread, a trailing face of the thread, and/or the shaft between the threads. Other implementations include the incorporation of facets into the one or more grooves. The implementation of the one or more grooves increases the surface are of the orthopedic screw and functions to increase in anchoring the bone screw within the bone once inserted therein, and thereby reduce the possibility for the screw backing out after insertion. 1. An orthopedic screw comprising:a shaft;a plurality of first threads cut into at least a portion of said shaft, said first threads having a leading edge, a trailing edge and a depth, wherein a portion of the shaft remains between the leading edge and trailing edge of adjacent first threads; andat least one groove formed in the portion of the shaft between the leading edge and trailing edge of adjacent first threads and being configured to increase a surface area of the shaft.2. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove is radially cut into the portion of the shaft between two adjacent threads.3. The orthopedic screw of claim 2 , wherein the at least one groove is cut into shaft with a varying radii with respect to a central axis of the shaft throughout the groove.4. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove is longitudinally cut into the portion of the shaft between two adjacent threads.5. The orthopedic screw of claim 4 , wherein the at least one groove is longitudinally cut at varying depths with respect to a central axis of the shaft6. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein said at least one groove has a V-shaped cross section.7. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove has an upside down V-shaped cross section.8. The orthopedic screw of claim 1 , further comprising one or more facets cut into the at least one groove ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131737A1

Techniques are generally described related to a method and system for treating an injury with a bone screw. One example bone screw may be configured to fracture at a pre-selected frangible location so that the point of failure is not in an inaccessible location, e.g., deeply embedded below the surface of a treated bone. The bone screw may further include a material disposed over the frangible location that is designed to temporarily strengthen the screw and selected to be absorbed by the body over a period of time after installation of the screw in the bone. One example bone screw may include an unthreaded portion that is configured to facilitate removal of an embedded screw fragment from a bone in the event that the screw fails in vivo. 1. A bone screw comprising:a shank;a threaded portion formed on an end of the shank;a frangible region formed in the shank; andan unthreaded portion disposed between the threaded portion and the frangible portion,wherein the unthreaded portion is configured to facilitate removal of the threaded portion of the screw from a bone when the frangible portion of the screw has broken after installation of the screw in the bone.2. The bone screw of claim 1 , wherein the frangible portion is a reduced-cross-section portion of the shank.3. The bone screw of claim 2 , wherein the reduced-cross-section portion is an annular groove.4. The bone screw of claim 2 , wherein the frangible region has a cross-sectional area that is at least about 10% less than the cross-sectional area of the unthreaded portion.5. The bone screw of claim 2 , further comprising a material disposed over the frangible portion claim 2 , wherein the material is an absorbable material selected to be absorbable in-vivo after installation of the screw in the bone.6. The bone screw of claim 5 , wherein the material is selected from the group of absorbable materials consisting of calcium phosphate and calcium sulphate.7. The bone screw of claim 1 , wherein the unthreaded portion ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Bone fracture fixation clamp

Номер: US20130131738A1

A bone fixation clamp includes a first arcuate clamp member conforming to a shape of a bone and extending between a first connection end and a first free end, a second arcuate clamp member conforming to a shape of the bone, a second connection end of the second clamp member being pivotally attached to the first clamp member, the second clamp member extending between the second connection end and a second free end and a driving member received in the first clamp member passing out of the first clamp member to abut an abutment portion of the second member so that, as the driving member is extended further out of the first member, the driving member pivots the second clamp member relative to the first clamp member to draw the first and second free ends toward one another to apply a radially compressive force to the bone.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the fixation or fusion of bone

Номер: US20130131739A1
Автор: Mark A. Reiley
Принадлежит: SI Bone Inc

A stem-like bone fixation device allows for bony in-growth on its surface and across fracture fragments or between bones that are to be fused.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Femoral lesser trochanter securing device for firmly securing the lesser trochanter and the surrounds and stably strengthening the same so as to allow artificial hip replacement surgery

Номер: US20130138105A1
Автор: Jeesun Park
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided are a lesser trochanter securing device and an artificial joint device. The device includes a basket portion which covers a lesser trochanter, and a buttress plating portion which is joined to a lower edge of the basket portion, extends toward a femoral shaft and is secured and joined to the femoral shaft.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for re-alignment of bone

Номер: US20130138154A1
Автор: Reiley Mark A.

A bone re-angling device may be used in performing an osteotomy. The re-angling device may be a generally wedge-shaped body. The re-angling device maybe coupled to the bone using a fixation member. 120-. (canceled)21. A bone fixation system , comprising:a body including first and second sides that are disposed in an angled relationship to one another and a third side extending between the first and second sides, the third side defining an opening that extends into the body; anda fixation plate including a substantially planar first side and including a protrusion extending from a second side that is disposed opposite the first side of the fixation plate,wherein the fixation plate defines at least two openings sized and configured to receive a fastener, and wherein the protrusion has a complementary shape to the opening defined by the third side of the body.22. The bone fixation system of claim 21 , further comprising first and second fasteners each configured to be received within one of the at least two openings defined by the fixation plate.23. The bone fixation system of claim 21 , wherein the protrusion includes:first, second, third, and fourth sides each extending from the second side of the fixation plate at an angle; anda fifth side coupled to each of the first, second, third, and fourth sides of the protrusion and defining a plane that is disposed at a distance from and parallel to the plane defined by the first side of the fixation plate.24. The bone fixation system of claim 23 , wherein the fixation plate is formed from a first material and the body is formed from a second material that is different from the first material.25. The bone fixation system of claim 24 , wherein the first material includes metal.26. The bone fixation system of claim 23 , wherein the angle a right angle.27. The bone fixation system of claim 23 , wherein the angle is not a right angle.28. The bone fixation system of claim 23 , wherein the protrusion is coupled to the fixation ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144291A1

A method for repairing a fractured bone includes providing a bone fracture fixation assembly including a plate, an elongated shaft, and a rod. At least a portion of the shaft is threaded, and the shaft has a hole extending therethrough. The hole has an axis transverse to a longitudinal axis of the shaft. The method further includes positioning the plate adjacent the surface of the fractured bone, extending the shaft into the bone, cooperatively engaging the threaded portion of the shaft with a screw receiving aperture of the plate, extending the rod into the bone, and inserting the rod into the hole of the shaft. 1. A bone fracture fixation assembly comprising:a plate adapted to abut a surface of a bone adjacent a fracture thereof, said plate having a screw receiving aperture therethrough, a lower surface, and an upper surface opposite said lower surface, said aperture being threaded, and said lower surface being adapted to abut the surface of the bone;an elongated shaft having a distal end, an opposite proximal end, and a length therebetween, said shaft having a longitudinal axis along the length thereof, at least a portion of said shaft being threaded to cooperatively engage said aperture of said plate, said shaft configured to extend into the bone and said shaft engaging said plate such that the longitudinal axis of said shaft is transversely oriented with respect to a portion of said lower surface of said plate, said shaft having a threaded hole extending therethrough, said threaded hole having an axis transverse to the longitudinal axis of said shaft, anda rod configured to extend into the bone and for insertion into said threaded hole of said shaft, said rod having a length greater than the length of said shaft, and said rod having a threaded portion adapted to threadably engage said threaded hole of said shaft, wherein, when said shaft and said rod are positioned with respect to said plate and the bone, said threaded portion of said rod is inserted into said ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Dynamic fixation assemblies with inner core and outer coil-like member

Номер: US20130144341A1
Автор: Roger P. Jackson
Принадлежит: Individual

A dynamic fixation medical implant includes a longitudinal connecting member assembly having an elongate coil-like outer member and an inner cylindrical core attached to the outer member at only one end thereof. Some assemblies include a second longitudinal connecting member in the form of a rod that is fixed to the inner core and extends outwardly from the assembly. Certain assemblies include a threaded core or threaded inserts that cooperate with a helical slit of the coil-like outer member. Two or more cooperating bone screw assemblies attach to the connecting member assembly. The bone screw assemblies may include upper and lower compression members for affixing to and cradling the coil-like outer member only, allowing relative movement between the outer member and the inner cylindrical core. Press fit or snap-on features attach one end of the coil-like outer member to one end of the inner cylindrical core.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Anchor for attachment to a bony structure

Номер: US20130150892A1
Автор: Stéphane Douget
Принадлежит: Zimmer Spine SAS

A spine stabilization system including a first anchor, a second anchor and a rod for connecting the first and second anchors together. The first anchor includes an anchor body and a hook. A slot is defined between the hook and a first wall of the anchor body, facing the hook, the slot being configured to receive a bony structure. The first anchor further comprises a flexible member having first and second ends, and an intermediate portion therebetween. The anchor body is provided with an exit passage from which the first and second ends extend, and a loop passage going through the first wall and facing the hook, the intermediate portion extending from the loop passage to form a loop going through the slot and around the bony structure.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Bone Plate with Two Different Sizes of Discrete Drill Guides Connected to the Plate

Номер: US20130150899A1

A system for the internal fixation of a fractured bone includes a bone plate with threaded holes and two types of guides threadedly connected within the threaded holes. One guide is taller and smaller in diameter, whereas the other guide is shorter and wider in diameter. The guides provide guidance for drilling a hole through the guide and screw hole, and optional bending of the plate at the guide. The guides have structure allowing the guides to be individually removed through rotation. 1. A bone plate and drill guide system for fixation of a bone extending within soft tissue , the system comprising:a) a metal plate having an upper surface and a bone contacting lower surface, and defining an arrangement of a plurality of holes at least three of which are threaded holes; i) a tubular body having a proximal end, a distal end, a first length extending between said proximal and distal ends, and a first outer diameter,', 'ii) an axial cylindrical bore extending through said first-type drill guide of a diameter and length suitable for stably guiding a drill,', 'iii) a threaded portion extending distally from said distal end of said body to threadedly engage said tubular body with said threaded holes such that said proximal end of said body extends above said upper surface of said plate and said cylindrical bore is co-linear with a central axis of said threaded hole in which said threaded portion is threadedly engaged, and', 'iv) an internal non-cylindrical tool engagement feature within said bore at said proximal end of said body for engagement with a tool for applying a rotational force for removal of the drill guide from the threaded hole, and', 'said first-type drill guides being directly threadedly connected into respective ones of said threaded holes; and, 'b) a plurality of first-type drill guides, each unitarily formed for handling as a single element and consisting essentially of i) a body having a proximal end, a distal end, a second length extending between ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Reduced Component Bone Plating System

Номер: US20130150901A1
Принадлежит: Biomet CV USA

An orthopedic screw system includes a screw with a locking head that can both lockingly engage in a fixed angle threaded screw hole to secure a plate to a bone without compression, and non-lockingly engage at a compression screw hole to provide compression between the plate and the bone. The structure of the system is particularly well adapted to plates and screw of small dimensions, such as screws smaller than 3.5 mm and is capable of providing high compressive force, on the order of 120 lbs of axial load, without significant plastic deformation between the screw and plate.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Bone anchoring device and bone stabilization device including the same

Номер: US20130158605A1
Принадлежит: Biedermann Technologies GmbH and Co KG

A bone anchoring device, includes a receiving part for receiving a rod-shaped implant element, the receiving part having a first bore coaxial with a longitudinal axis and extending from a first end of the receiving part, and a recess extending from the first end to accomplish insertion of the rod-shaped implant element. The device further includes a bone screw having a threaded section for insertion into the bone and being fixed at or positionable at a second end of the receiving part and a fixation element provided to the first bore to fixate a rigid section of the rod-shaped implant element. The rigid section of the rod-shaped implant element has a first width, and the recess of the receiving part has a second width. The second width is larger than the first width, such that the recess may accommodate a stepped portion of the rod-shaped implant element that has an increased thickness.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Repairing Craniomaxillofacial Bones Using Customized Bone Plates

Номер: US20130158607A1

Bone plates and methods of using the bone plates for adjoining bone fragments are disclosed herein. A device for adjoining at least two bone fragments includes a delivery catheter having an elongated shaft with a proximal end, a distal end, and a longitudinal axis therebetween, wherein the delivery catheter has an inner void for passage of at least one filling material and an inner lumen for passage of a light source; a conformable bone plate releasably engaging the distal end of the delivery catheter, wherein the conformable bone plate has a first surface, a second surface, a proximal end, and a distal end and at least one aperture extending from the first surface to the second surface for receiving a fastener; and an adapter releasably engaging the proximal end of the delivery catheter for receiving the light source and a delivery system housing the at least one filling material. 1. A device for adjoining at least two bone fragments comprising:a delivery catheter having an elongated shaft with a proximal end, a distal end, and a longitudinal axis therebetween, wherein the delivery catheter has an inner void for passage of at least one filling material and an inner lumen for passage of a light pipe;a conformable bone pad releasably engaging the distal end of the delivery catheter, wherein the conformable bone pad has a first surface, a second surface, a proximal end, and a distal end and at least one aperture extending from the first surface to the second surface for receiving a fastener; andan adapter releasably engaging the proximal end of the delivery catheter for receiving the light pipe and a delivery system housing the at least one filling material.2. The device of wherein the adjoining of the at least two bone fragments occurs at an exterior surface of the bone fragments.3. The device of wherein the at least two bone fragments are craniomaxillofacial bones.4. The device of wherein the conformable bone pad is constructed from a polymer material.5. The device ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165978A1
Автор: CHICO ROCA Lluis
Принадлежит: NEOS SURGERY, S.L.

A fixation device for the fixation of bone fragments, applicable to the mutual fastening of bone fragments temporarily separated during a surgical operation or as a result of a trauma. The device is also suitable for the fixation of a bone flap in the replacement thereof in a corresponding aperture made in the cranium or cranial bone mass. The device is made of biocompatible material and comprises a flexible strip and fastening means, the strip having a length allowing the formation of a fastening loop tightly fastening the bone fragments to be joined together. The fastening means are provided with at least one opening provided with interlocking means allowing the passage of a free end of the strip and preventing its extraction in the direction opposite to the insertion. 113-. (canceled)14. A method of fixating a cranial bone flap with a cranial bone mass that involves the use of a fixation device that has a support plate with an inner surface that is adapted to be applied against the inner face of the outer edges of the cranial bone mass and the cranial bone flap , the support plate having first and second peripheral edges , a first flexible strip segment extending from the first peripheral edge and a second flexible strip segment extending from the second peripheral edge , the first and second flexible strip segments being integral and forming a single piece with the support plate , the fixation device having a closure plate with an outer surface and an inner surface , the inner surface adapted to be applied against the outer face of the outer edges of the cranial bone mass and the cranial bone flap , the closure plate having first and second openings extending there through , each of the first and second openings adapted to respectively receive the first and second flexible strip segments , each of the first and second openings having associated therewith an interlocking feature that permits the passage and movement of the first and second flexible strip segments ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165979A1

A wrist fusion plate has a proximal portion comprising at least one opening, wherein the proximal portion attaches to the radius by inserting bone screws through the proximal portion opening. A distal plate portion has a plurality of openings and is adapted to be attached to a metacarpal (M) by inserting bone screws through the distal portion attachment openings and into the metacarpal. A central plate portion has at least one attachment opening and is adapted to be attached to a carpal bone by inserting bone screws through the attachment opening. The proximal and distal portions are aligned along a longitudinal axis of the wrist fusion plate. One of the distal portion attachment openings is elongated in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. 1. A wrist fusion plate configured for fusing a wrist of a patient , comprising:a proximal portion comprising at least one proximal portion attachment opening, wherein the proximal portion is adapted to be attached to a radius of a patient by inserting a bone attachment member through the at least one proximal portion attachment opening and into the radius;a distal portion comprising a plurality of distal portion attachment openings and adapted to be attached to a metacarpal of the patient by inserting bone attachment members through the distal portion attachment openings and into the metacarpal; anda central portion comprising at least one central portion attachment opening and adapted to be attached to a carpal bone of the patient by inserting a bone attachment member through the central portion attachment opening,wherein at least the proximal portion and the distal portion extend generally along a longitudinal axis of the wrist fusion plate,and wherein one of the distal portion attachment openings is an oblong distal portion attachment opening that is elongated in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.2. The wrist fusion plate according to claim 1 ,wherein the central portion comprises ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Tensioning instrument and method

Номер: US20130167334A1
Автор: Matthew P. Gephart
Принадлежит: Pioneer Surgical Technology Inc

In one aspect, a tensioning instrument for a securing device, such as surgical cable, is provided having a pretensioning mechanism configured to allow a predetermined preload tension to be applied to the cable and a tensioning mechanism operable to increase the tension in the cable by a predetermined amount in excess of the preload tension applied by the pretensioning mechanism. The tensioning device has a first actuator operatively coupled to the pretensioning mechanism and is configured permit a predetermined preload tension to be applied to the cable. The tensioning device also has a second actuator different than the first actuator which is operatively coupled to the tensioning mechanism. The second actuator may be moved between an open position and a locked position to cause the tensioning mechanism to increase the tension in the cable by the predetermined amount in excess of the preload tension, if any.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Adjustable fixation device

Номер: US20130172936A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An articulated fixation device is provided having a high degree of adjustability for securing a plate member thereof to a skull and at least one spinal rod thereof to a vertebral bone. In one form, an adjustable bridge member is provided that is adjustably connected to both the plate member and the spinal rod. The adjustable connections can include an upper and rearward pivot connection between the plate member and the bridge member and a lower and forward pivot connection between the spinal rod and the bridge member.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Multifunctional Plate for Neurological Cranial Surgeries

Номер: US20130172941A1

A plate used in neurological cranial surgeries having a set of grooves and holes providing it with multiple functions: radial groove with semicircular end sufficient to receive a drain or catheter; central round hole, sufficient to receive a second drain or catheter; three curved oblong holes around the central circular hole and the borders with ends adjacent to the semicircular end of the radial groove. The plate provides a useful area, on which the following are disposed: the semicircular end of the radial groove, the central round hole and the curved oblong. 1. Multifuncional plate for neurological cranial surgeries comprising a Titanium round plate body , provided with peripheral holes intended to receive Titanium micro screws in order to attach it to the skull , characterized for containing a set of grooves/holes providing the plate with multiple functions: radial groove with semicircular end sufficient to receive a drain or catheter; central round hole , sufficient to receive a second drain or catheter; three curved oblong holes around the central circular hole and the borders with ends adjacent to the semicircular end of the radial groove; the referred plate provides a useful area , on which the following are disposed: the semicircular end of the radial groove , the central round hole and the curved oblong holes; the referred radial groove , central round hole and the curved oblong holes are configured and arranged in such a way as to provide transcutaneous access to the intracranial cavity through surgical instruments , such as puncture of biopsy needle and others; the radial groove , the central round hole and the curved oblong holes with sizes selected to comply with their function and to define among them and between them and the border of the plate material strips sized to help to provide resistance to the plate , sufficient to also use it as a plate intended to stabilize/attach the cranial bone flap in Craniotomy operations.2. The multifuncional plate ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172942A1

An orthopedic plate has a first end including a locking screw hole that receives a locking screw and spaced from that hole is a dosed compression housing that extends from the bone-facing side of the plate and which receives a compression screw that forms an angle of from about 10° to about 70° with a longitudinal axis of the plate. The compression housing is not located on the medial line of the plate, but is peripheral to the medial line, either in the longitudinal or the medial direction of the plate. 1. A plate and screw system which is capable of fixation of bone comprising a plate and a locking screw and a compression screw , the plate having a top surface opposing a bone facing surface in the z direction which opposes a bone surface , and the plate extending along a first length along a longitudinal axis and having a body extending along the longitudinal axis and defining a first end and a second end , the body defining a medial one , the first end having a terminal portion with a locking hole and the plate including a compression screw housing located at a position spaced apart from the first end and not located on the medial line and defining a compression screw hole extending at a compression screw angle relative to the longitudinal axis which angle is not 90° , and the compression screw housing extending from the bone facing surface of the plate.2. A plate and screw system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the compression screw angle is from about 10° to about 70° relative to the longitudinal axis in the z direction.3. A plate and screw system as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the compression screw angle is from about 20° to about 60° relative to the longitudinal axis in the z direction.4. A plate and screw system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the compression screw housing is peripheral to the medial line.5. A plate and screw system as set forth in further including a plurality of locking screws claim 1 , and wherein the first end of the plate defines ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for longitudinal closure of dissected sternums

Номер: US20130178906A1
Принадлежит: Charlotte Mecklenburg Hospital

Systems, devices, and methods for longitudinal closure of a dissected sternum are provided. The system includes first and second reinforcing members, fasteners, and closure members. Each reinforcing member is configured to be placed on an outer surface of a respective sternum portion, such that each reinforcing member is longitudinally disposed on an opposite side of a sternum opening with respect to the other reinforcing member. Fasteners may be placed in holes defined in the reinforcing members to secure a respective reinforcing member to a corresponding sternum portion. The closure members, which may be sternal closing wires, may then be wrapped around the sternum portions and the reinforcing members transversely to close the sternum opening. The system provides for a low installed profile, enhancing patient comfort and facilitating healing, and also provides for quick and easy access to the thoracic cavity for re-do sternotomies, if needed.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184749A1

An implantable cervical plate assembly includes a cervical plate, one or more bone fasteners and a driver tool. The cervical plate comprises an elongated asymmetric body having one or more through-openings extending from the front surface to the back surface of the elongated asymmetric body. The one or more bone fasteners are configured to be inserted through the one or more through-openings, respectively. The bone fasteners comprise a threaded main body and a head that includes one or more flexible structures configured to be flexed and inserted into a groove and then unflex and remain captured within the groove. The driver tool includes an elongated shaft, a handle and a bone fastener-engaging. The bone fastener-engaging component comprises one or more structures that complement and engage at least one of grooves and lobes of the bone fastener opening. 1. An implantable cervical plate assembly for stabilization of two adjacent spinal vertebras , comprising:a cervical plate comprising an elongated asymmetric body having a first straight side surface, a second contoured side surface opposite to the first side surface, front and back surfaces and top and bottom surfaces and wherein said elongated asymmetric body comprises two or more through-openings extending from the front surface to the back surface of said elongated asymmetric body;two or more bone fasteners configured to be inserted through said two or more through-openings, respectively, and attached to two or more locations in said two adjacent spinal vertebras, respectively, thereby attaching said cervical plate to said spinal vertebras;wherein said through-openings comprise a first diameter at the front surface of said elongated body, a second diameter at the back surface of said elongated body and a third diameter in the area between the front and back surfaces of the elongated body and wherein said first diameter is smaller than said third diameter, thereby forming a lip at the top of said through-openings ...
