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29-05-2018 дата публикации

Модуль напольного массажного покрытия

Номер: RU0000179977U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам массажа нижних конечностей человека с одновременной акупрессурой рефлексогенных точек и может быть использована для стимуляции подошвенных мышц стопы и улучшения кровообращения, снижения утомляемости мышц нижних конечностей после статических и физических нагрузок, для укрепления сердечно-сосудистой, иммунной, нервной и других функциональных систем человека, а также для профилактики простудных заболеваний.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в заявляемом модуле напольного массажного покрытия прямоугольной формы, снабженного полыми внутри массажными элементами разных типоразмеров и форм, основанием которых является окружность, имеющими на своей поверхности «шипы» разной высоты, и элементами замкового соединения, расположенными по всему периметру модуля, массажные элементы разных типоразмеров равномерно распределены по поверхности модуля.При использовании заявляемой полезной модели происходит воздействие на стопу пациента, что позволяет стимулировать работу внутренних органов человека и, тем самым, служит средством для укрепления сердечно-сосудистой, иммунной, нервной и других функциональных систем человека, а также для профилактики простудных заболеваний. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 977 U1 (51) МПК A61H 11/00 (2006.01) A61H 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 11/00 (2006.01); A61H 15/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017130527, 29.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бутко Владимир Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.05.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 173412 U1, 28.08.2017. RU 111761 U1, 27.12.2011. RU 46181 U1, 27.06.2005. WO 9606559 A1, 07.03.1996. (45) Опубликовано: 29.05.2018 Бюл. № 16 1 7 9 9 7 7 (54) Модуль напольного массажного покрытия (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к средствам массажа нижних конечностей человека с ...

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000184813U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для проведения массажа и релаксакции и может быть использована в медицинских и косметологических целях. Релаксатор представляет собой тело продолговатой эллипсоидной формы из твердого природного материала, при этом на одной из боковых поверхностей выполнено углубление с образованием вокруг углубления двух валиков, между которыми образованы дополнительные выемки, находящиеся вблизи вершин эллипсоида, расположенных на большой оси эллипсоида для размещения пальцев при сжимании релаксатора в ладони и удержания его в руке за счет только обхвата, а не сильного сжатия. Между выемками выполнена перегородка с высотой, не превышающей глубину углубления. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности воздействия на нервные окончания за счет исключения повышенного давления на суставы пальцев с одновременным расширением функциональных возможностей. Релаксаторы вызывают состояние расслабления, когда человек начинает ощущать покой, умиротворение, расслабленность и одновременно с этим происходят различные процессы на уровне подсознания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 813 U1 (51) МПК A61H 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 15/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017146017, 26.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Токтон Светлана Дмитриевна (RU) Дата регистрации: 12.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 86869 U1, 20.09.2009. RU 66951 обхвата, а не сильного сжатия. Между выемками выполнена перегородка с высотой, не превышающей глубину углубления. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности воздействия на нервные окончания за счет исключения повышенного давления на суставы пальцев с одновременным расширением функциональных возможностей. Релаксаторы вызывают состояние расслабления, когда человек начинает ощущать покой, умиротворение, расслабленность и ...

05-02-2020 дата публикации

Многофункциональное ручное массажно-очищающее устройство

Номер: RU0000195800U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности к средствам по укреплению здоровья человека и улучшению его самочувствия посредством активного и непосредственного воздействия на многочисленные акупунктурные точки, расположенные на подошве и ладонях, на пальцах ног и рук и их массажа, а также одновременно относится к косметическим и туалетным средствам, приспособлениям для массажа тела и средствам личной гигиены, а именно к устройствам, предназначенным для ухода за стопами ног и ладонями и, в частности, к устройствам, предназначенным для удаления огрубевшей кожи и мозолей на ногах и руках.Ручное массажно-очищающее устройство включает три рабочие поверхности, расположенные под углами относительно друг друга. Первая рабочая поверхность является зубчатой поверхностью, на которой с двух сторон обеспечены фаски под углом 30-50 градусов, вторая и третья рабочие поверхности, расположенные по отношению друг к другу под острым углом в пределах 15-30 градусов. В точке пересечения второй и третьей рабочих поверхностей обеспечен радиус скругления 3-5 мм. Устройство может быть выполнено из твердой натуральной вулканической пемзы. Полезная модель позволяет расширить арсенал технических средств, а также в обеспечить повышение эффективности воздействия устройством.1 з.п. ф-лы РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 800 U1 (51) МПК A61H 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 15/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019122499, 16.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Миронов Владимир Борисович (RU) Дата регистрации: 05.02.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.03.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 05.02.2020 Бюл. № 4 1 9 5 8 0 0 R U (54) Многофункциональное ручное массажно-очищающее устройство (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области включает три рабочие поверхности, медицины, в частности к средствам по расположенные под углами относительно друг ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000201636U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для проведения массажа.В основу полезной модели поставлена задача создания усовершенствованной конструкции массажера, которая позволит повысить удобство и скорость сборки (разборки) массажера и его транспортировки.Поставленная задача решается тем, что массажер содержит корпус, рукоятку для рук, которая соединена с корпусом, оси, которые расположены на корпусе, массажные элементы, которые попарно расположены на осях и выступают над поверхностью корпуса, согласно полезной модели, корпус выполнен двумя одинаковыми плоскими продольными элементами и двумя плоскими поперечными элементами, которые соединяются между собой с помощью пазов и образуют несущую конструкцию корпуса, при этом один поперечный элемент выполнен рукояткой. Оси фиксируются в пазах продольных элементов подвижным соединением с возможностью вращения вокруг своей оси и имеют возможность переставляться в пазах продольных элементов в разном порядке, массажные элементы выполнены взаимозаменяемыми с возможностью установки на осях попарно в любой комбинации, а расстояние между массажными элементами, которые попарно расположены на осях, регулируется.Техническим результатом заявленного решения, за счет усовершенствования конструкции массажера, является удобство и увеличение скорости его сборки и разборки, такая конструкция массажера в разобранном виде является удобной и компактной для транспортировки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 636 U1 (51) МПК A61H 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 15/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020133879, 14.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Разумовский Константин Вениаминович (UA) Дата регистрации: 24.12.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 70797 U1, 20.02.2008. RU 141417 U1, 10.06.2014. RU 2267309 C2, 10.01.2006. RU 2268030 C2, 20.01.2006. CN ...

01-12-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для массажа десен

Номер: RU0000208078U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, и может быть использована для профилактики и лечения заболеваний пародонта.Техническим результатом полезной модели является упрощение изготовления устройства для массажа десен в виде пластмассовой рамки овальной формы с двумя поперечными стержнями-осями и ручки с двумя подвижными силиконовыми шариками, выступающими за пределы высоты рамки, с ацентрично расположенными отверстиями, входящими в поперечные стержни-оси в рамке, возможность применения в домашних условиях.Устройство накладывают шарикообразными элементами из силикона на десны и, прижимая их к десне, совершают возвратно-поступательные движения. За счет ацентричности расположения по оси крутящихся шарикообразных элементов из силикона, осуществляется массаж десен шарикообразными элементами, выступающими за пределы высоты рамки. Устройство позволяет проводить массаж десен в домашних условиях, не травмируя слизистую оболочку. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 078 U1 (51) МПК A61H 13/00 (2006.01) A61H 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61H 13/00 (2021.08); A61H 15/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021116937, 10.06.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.12.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 01.12.2021 Бюл. № 34 2 0 8 0 7 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1761143 A1, 15.09.1992. SU 1602521 A1, 30.10.1990. RU 2706822 C1, 21.11.2019. RU 2384284 C1, 20.03.2010. SU 1516108 A1, 23.10.1989. СN 211130064 U, 31.07.2020. СN 210991903 U, 31.07.2020. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ МАССАЖА ДЕСЕН (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, и может быть использована для профилактики и лечения заболеваний пародонта. Техническим результатом полезной модели является упрощение изготовления устройства для массажа десен в виде пластмассовой рамки овальной формы с двумя поперечными стержнями-осями и ручки с ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Massage roller

Номер: US20120065557A1
Автор: Cassidy Phillips
Принадлежит: Cassidy Phillips

A massage roller includes a generally resilient roller body and a plurality of massage zones having various densities provided on the roller body.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Deep Muscle Messager

Номер: US20120101416A1
Автор: Robert Kendall
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for providing massaging stimulation and relaxation effects on back muscles by using the weight of the human body on a supportive structure of tennis balls that are allowed to move freely as a result of the motion of the body.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Exothermic therapeutic natural massage shells

Номер: US20120265108A1
Автор: Daniel L. Young

An exothermic natural massage shell includes a natural bivalve shell comprising a first half and a second half adhered together with an adhesive to form a hollow chamber. An aperture is formed in the first half to provide a portal to the hollow chamber of the bivalve shell. A reactant is disposed inside the hollow chamber of the bivalve shell. The reactant may be a reactive powder mixture disposed inside a fluid-permeable pouch. Combining the reactant with an activator inside the hollow chamber of the bivalve shell causes an exothermic reaction that heats the bivalve shell and maintains the bivalve shell at a substantially constant elevated temperature for a duration of time. The adhesive adhering the first shell half to the second shell half includes a first elastomeric polymer bonding agent with balanced coefficient of expansion properties and a second flexible resin sealant that makes the adhesive moisture-proof.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Moxibustion Device

Номер: US20130018443A1
Автор: Kin Ming Lee
Принадлежит: Traditional Chinese Medical Centre Ltd

A moxibustion device includes a handle, a moxa stick clamping unit, a front fixing component, a front bearing, a front bearing cover, a traditional Chinese medicine (moxa stick), a back bearing cover, a back bearing, a back fixing component, a roller's inner screen and a rotary drum. The moxibustion device is of a more ergonomic design and allows for more accurate and more direct application of force and/or rolling on acupuncture points; it is applicable to the parts of body with a small bending scope such as joints of the limbs and cervical vertebra and large-area skin such as the waist and the back. It can be easily operated, and the acupuncture points and the main and collateral channels can be acutely located.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Roller Massager

Номер: US20130090582A1
Принадлежит: Hygenic Corp

The present invention provides in some embodiments, a device for massaging and treating a person's muscles. The device can include an elongate cylindrical center and a roller section rotatably positioned about the outer surface of the elongate cylindrical center shaft and extending at least a portion of a distance between the first end of the elongate cylindrical center shaft and the second end of the elongate cylindrical center shaft. A first handle can be coupled to the first end of the elongate cylindrical center shaft. The first handle can also be removable, such that the interchangeable roller section can be removed and changed. A second handle can be coupled to the second end of the elongate cylindrical center shaft. The second handle can be configured to prevent the roller section from sliding off of the elongate cylindrical center shaft in a direction of the second end.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090583A1
Автор: Jung Jin Sang
Принадлежит: KWANG ZIN

The present invention relates to a ball acupressure device capable of stably fixing internal components and at the same time, performing smooth rotary functions. The invention comprises: a housing body having an opening on the upper part thereof; a fixed ring which is arranged in a state of being placed on the bottom of the housing body; a first bearing which is arranged on the fixed ring; a first rotary ring which is arranged on the first bearing; a second bearing which is arranged on the first rotary ring; a second rotary ring which is arranged on the second bearing to allow a rolling rotation thereon; an acupressure part which is accommodated in the inside part the first rotary ring and the second rotary ring, and in which a plurality of protrusive acupressure pins are formed on the outer side thereof; and a clamp which supports the acupressure part to enable rotation, and at the same time enables rotation on the second rotary ring, wherein an end that prevents separation curves to the inside of the opening and is formed on the upper rim of the housing body, and a ball bearing is interposed between the end that prevents separation and the second rotary ring. 1. A ball acupressure device comprising:a housing body including an opening on the top;a fixed ring placed on the bottom of the housing body;a first bearing provided on the fixed ring;a first rotating ring disposed on the top of the first bearing;a second bearing disposed on the top of the first rotating ring;a second rotating ring rollably disposed on the top of the second bearing;an acupressure part received inside the first rotating ring and the second rotating ring and including a plurality of acupressure pins projecting from the outer surface; anda clamp rotatably supporting the acupressure part and rotatably provided on the second rotating ring,wherein a separation preventing protrusion bent toward the inside of the opening is formed on the upper edge of the housing body, and a plurality of ball ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138024A1
Автор: Jennings Tom

Disclosed in some embodiments are unique massage devices that incorporate a generally disk-shaped member. In some preferred forms, the disk-shaped member will have an outer annular surface for contacting and massaging the body of a massage recipient, and the outer annular surface will have a variable width around the disk-shaped member. While this outer annular surface might be provided by an individual object (e.g., a molded rubber member), in some preferred forms, the outer annular surface will be provided by two or more constituent pieces that have been united to form a full outer annular surface. The invention also provides methods for constructing and using such massage devices. 1. A massage device , comprising: a left side face having a perimeter;', 'a right side face having a perimeter, said right side face substantially opposite said left side face; and', 'an intermediate, annular surface located generally between the perimeter of said left side face and the perimeter of said right side face,', 'wherein the width of said intermediate surface varies around the disk-shaped member., 'a disk-shaped member for contacting and massaging the body of a massage recipient, the disk-shaped member having an exterior that includes2. The massage device of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter of said left side face opposes the perimeter of said right side face in a symmetrical fashion around said disk-shaped member.3. The massage device of claim 1 , further comprising at least a first handle extending from the left side face of the disk-shaped member.4. The massage device of claim 3 , further comprising a second handle extending from the right side face of the disk-shaped member.5. The massage device of claim 4 , wherein said disk-shaped member is rotatable with respect to said first handle and said second handle.6. The massage device of claim 1 , wherein the width of the intermediate surface varies at a constant rate around a partial segment of the disk-shaped member.7. The ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Massage Roller

Номер: US20130158455A1

A massage device comprising at least one cylinder adjustably mounted on a rod, a sphere at one end and a cap with a planar surface at the other end of the rod. The massage device may be utilized for massage of another or for self-massage. The massage device may be utilized to achieve release of the first rib. 1. A massage device comprising:(a) a cylindrical rod with a sphere at one end, a middle section and a cap at the second end;(b) at least one cylinder adjustably mounted on the middle section of said rod, each cylinder having an aperture through said cylinder, said rod extending through said aperture, wherein said cylinder is rotatable about the rod;(c) wherein each cylinder is axially movable and positionable along the middle section of the rod; and(d) wherein said cap comprises a planar surface distal to said middle section.2. The massage device of wherein at least one adjustably mounted cylinder is perpendicular to said rod.3. The massage device of wherein said cylinder is solid.4. The massage device of wherein the length of said cylinder ranges between 0.5 inches and 6 inches.5. The massage device of wherein said cylinder fits between muscle fibers.6. The massage device of wherein the diameter of said cylinder ranges between 0.5 inches and 10 inches.7. The massage device of wherein said diameter ranges between 1 inch and 6 inches.8. The massage device of wherein the diameter of an end of said cylinder differs from the diameter of the center of said cylinder.9. The massage device of claim 1 , comprising at least two cylinders mounted on said rod.10. The massage device of claim 1 , comprising at least 3 cylinders mounted on said rod.11. The massage device of wherein the diameter of said sphere is in the range of 1 inch to 5 inches.12. The massage device of wherein said massage device is a self-massage device.13. A massage kit comprising a massage device of and a video.14. The massage device of claim 1 , wherein said sphere is detachable. This application ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172793A1
Автор: Takashima Jiro

A device for massaging a human body cavity is disclose that includes a substantially cylindrical shaft having a length and a diameter configured to fit inside the human body cavity, wherein an outer surface of the substantially cylindrical shaft forms an asymmetric ridge such that the substantially cylindrical shaft has a non-round cross-sectional profile. A device for massaging a human body cavity may have the asymmetric ridge running in a direction parallel a longitudinal axis of the substantially cylindrical shaft or along a spiral path on an outer surface of the substantially cylindrical shaft. The device for massaging a human body cavity may have a solid core or a hallow core. The device may include a core made of a first material and a surface coating made of a second material. 1. A device for massaging a human body cavity , comprising:a substantially cylindrical shaft having a length and a diameter configured to fit inside the human body cavity,wherein an outer surface of the substantially cylindrical shaft forms an asymmetric ridge such that the substantially cylindrical shaft has a non-round cross-sectional profile.2. The device for massaging a human body cavity of claim 1 , wherein the asymmetric ridge runs in a direction parallel a longitudinal axis of the substantially cylindrical shaft.3. The device for massaging a human body cavity of claim 1 , wherein the asymmetric ridge runs along a spiral path on an outer surface of the substantially cylindrical shaft.4. The device for massaging a human body cavity of claim 1 , wherein the device has a hallow core.5. The device for massaging a human body cavity of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a core made of a first material and a surface coating made of a second material.6. The device for massaging a human body cavity of claim 1 , wherein the device is a hemorrhoid massager having a diameter in a range between 5 mm and 25 mm and a length in a range between 4 cm and 10 cm.7. A device for massaging a human ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Massage tools

Номер: US20130178768A1
Принадлежит: Icon Health and Fitness Inc

A massage tool kit including a first massage tool comprising one or more grips and one or more rollers and a second massage tool having a bore extending at least partially therethrough with the bore being sized to selectively receive the first massage tool therein, and a third massage tool having a bore extending at least partially therethrough with the bore being sized to selectively receive the second massage tool therein.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method of massage

Номер: US20130180532A1
Автор: Valerie MONTAILLIER
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of massaging a contracture muscle includes determining on the muscle at rest a direction on the muscle and on this direction, a preferential massage sense, and mobilizing the skin in the preferential massage sense.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Heatable Massage Roller and Posture Aid

Номер: US20130184620A1
Автор: Michael A. Cohen
Принадлежит: Individual

A massage roller comprises a central spinal recess portion, a circular wall portion on each side of the spinal recess portion, and an outer portion extending outwardly from each of the circular wall portions, the outer portion having a first diameter at or near the circular wall portion, and a second diameter remote from the circular wall portion, the second diameter being larger than the first diameter.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190664A1
Автор: Johnson Ronald B.

A massage device mounting system may include a massage ball with a plurality of massage fingers positioned across the ball aligned with the vertices of a pentakis dodecahedron. The massage device mounting system may also include a mounting body removably entrapped between a plurality of massage fingers on the massage apparatus. The mounting body may include a mounting shoulder with a continuous or discontinuous ring. The mounting shoulder may also be circular shaped or polygonal shaped. The mounting body may also include one or two handles coupled to the mounting shoulder. Some mounting bodies may also include a mounting base that can mount to a mounting wall. 1. A massage device mounting system , comprising:a massage ball comprising a plurality of massage fingers, each massage finger comprising a center axis central to an outward tip of the massage finger and extending to a center of the massage ball;a mounting body comprising a mounting shoulder removably entrapped between a plurality of fingers of the plurality of flexible massage fingers, the mounting shoulder comprising an inner boundary that surrounds at least a majority of a portion of the massage ball.2. The massage device mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of massage fingers comprises thirty-two massage fingers and each center axis is positioned to correspond to a location of a different one of thirty-two vertices of a pentakis dodecahedron.3. The massage device mounting system of claim 2 , wherein the mounting shoulder is removably entrapped on the massage ball between at least three fingers of the thirty-two fingers directly contacting the inner boundary of the mounting shoulder and at least three fingers of the thirty-two fingers directly contacting an outer surface of the mounting shoulder.4. The massage device mounting system of claim 3 , further comprising at least one handle coupled to the mounting body.5. The massage device mounting system of claim 4 , wherein the mounting shoulder ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197405A1
Принадлежит: R2T2 SOLUTIONS LLC

A thermal therapy device including a hollow roller having a non-uniform cross-section along its length to define a thermally conductive external surface. Two end caps, one on each end of the roller, in combination with the thermally conductive external surface of the roller, collectively define a single thermal-medium-receiving reservoir. A first pin coupled to one of the end caps is aligned with a second pin coupled to the other end cap to define a central axis about which the roller may rotate. A frame including two spaced apart lateral supports interconnected by two spaced apart support arms defines a roller receiving opening dimensioned to removably receive the roller. The support arms each having a pin receiving opening such that the pin receiving openings are collinear with one another and dimensioned to removably receive one of the pins when the roller is releasably and rotatably connected to the frame. 1. A thermal therapy device , comprising:a hollow roller having a continuous concave cross-section along substantially the entirety of its length to define a generally concave thermally conductive external surface;two end caps, one on each end of the hollow roller, which, in combination with the thermally conductive external surface of the hollow roller, collectively define a single thermal-medium-receiving reservoir for containing a thermal medium;a first pin coupled to one of the end caps and a second pin coupled to the other end cap, the first and second pins aligned with one another to define a central axis about which the hollow roller may rotate;a frame including two spaced apart lateral supports interconnected by two spaced apart support arms, the lateral supports and support arms defining a roller receiving opening dimensioned to removably receive the roller, the support arms each having a pin receiving opening such that the pin receiving openings are collinear with one another and dimensioned to removably receive one of the pins when the roller is ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218059A1
Автор: Cerioli Mario

A sensitive and stimulating therapeutic device for postural and locomotory rehabilitation of subjects with disabilities includes a fixed base, mobile support elements, transmission elements arranged between the base and the support elements, motor element () cooperating with the transmission elements to produce in the mobile support elements an angular rotation movement reversible on an axis parallel to the cephalocaudal body axis of a subject, a control unit with a non-volatile memory and a data processing device, for controlling the motor element. The mobile support elements include: a frame kinematically connected to the transmission elements, a swinging support surface connected to the frame by a median fulcrum blade parallel to the rotation axis, on which the surface swings and by at least one weight transducer arranged to detect the weight variation produced by a movement of the subject and to transmit it to the control unit, for processing. 2141178. A device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said mobile support means () comprise a plurality of elastically yielding support feet () claim 1 , interposed between said frame () and said surface ().31109. A device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said transducer () does not belong to the axis of said fulcrum blade ().41817. A device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said swinging support surface () comprises two lateral sidewalls ().51726123. A device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said frame () comprises at least one arc-shaped cross guide () claim 1 , arranged for slidingly engaging at least one pair of wheels () associated with said fixed base ().61135. A device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said transmission means comprise a selectively activated clutch () placed downstream of said motor means ().71114. A device () according to claim 6 , characterized in that said device () comprises manual movement means () of said transmission means. ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231594A1
Автор: Bennett Alexander J.

A heated roller for therapy that allows a user to easily, safely and conveniently combine the benefits of heat with the use of a roller. The heated roller includes a roller body having a substantially cylindrical exterior shape, an insulating material, perforations, and a hollowed core with an opening configured to receive a structural support. The structural support includes a hollowed core with an opening configured to receive a heating element. The heating element may be electric or non-electric and the heating element and the structural support may be formed into a single structure. The heated roller includes an openable cap to provide access to the internally positioned structural support and heating element. 1. A heated roller for therapy , the heated roller comprising:a roller body having an exterior surface defining a substantially cylindrical exterior shape and an interior surface defining a roller body core having a hollowed shape, wherein the roller body comprises an insulating material, a first end having an opening therein and a second end opposite the first end, and perforations that extend between the exterior surface and the interior surface;a structural support removably positionable inside the roller body core having an exterior surface sized to be positioned inside the roller body core and an interior surface defining a structural support core having a hollowed shape, wherein the structural support comprises a first end having an opening therein and a second end opposite the first end; anda heating element removably positionable inside the structural support core having an exterior surface sized to allow the heating element to be positioned inside the structural support core.2. The heated roller of claim 1 , wherein the insulating material is selected from the group consisting of foam claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , and cork.3. The heated roller of claim 1 , wherein the heating element comprises an electric heating element.4. The ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245509A1

Provided is a bearing device for a beauty/health roller which presents no risk of bathwater or bathtub contamination, is hygienic, is less heavy than conventional ball bearings, is devoid of roller rattle, and exhibits a small rotational resistance of the rollers, and to provide the beauty/health roller having this bearing device. A bearing device for a beauty/health roller is used in a beauty/health roller having a grippable body and a roller arranged at the end portion of the body, and rotatably supports the roller on a supporting shaft provided to the end portion of the body. The bearing device comprises a radial bearing into which the supporting shaft is fitted and which rotatably supports the roller on the supporting shaft ; a thrust bearing arranged toward one end face of the radial bearing and a preload-applying member interposed between the radial bearing and the thrust bearing The radial bearing and the thrust bearing are slider bearings obtained by being molded from different resin compositions. 1. A bearing device for a beauty/health roller having a grippable main unit and a roller arranged at an end portion of the main unit , the bearing device rotatably supporting the roller on a support shaft provided to an end portion of the main unit ,the bearing device characterized in comprising: a radial bearing into which the support shaft is fitted, the radial bearing rotatably supporting the roller on the support shaft;a thrust bearing arranged toward one end face of the radial bearing; and a preload-applying member interposed between the radial bearing and the thrust bearing; andeach of the radial bearing and the thrust bearing is slider bearing obtained by being molded from a resin composition.2. The bearing device for a beauty/health roller of claim 1 , characterized in that the radial bearing is electroconductive.3. The bearing device for a beauty/health roller of claim 1 , characterized in that the preload-applying member is an elastic ring comprising a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245514A1

The present invention discloses a body massager comprising a portable housing including a backrest and a seat support. A longitudinal guide is provided in the backrest cooperating with a carriage for translation of the carriage within the backrest and a motor drives the carriage along the guide. A pair of massage members are supported by the carriage and extend from the backrest for imparting a rolling massage effect upon the back of the user. A second motor drives the massage members for generating a rotary kneading massage effect or for adjusting a width of the rolling massage effect. 1. A portable body massager comprising:a portable housing sized to be received and supported by a backrest of a conventional chair, the housing having a longitudinal axis and an external contact surface for receiving a portion of a body of a user;a longitudinal guide mounted in the housing;a carriage oriented in the housing and cooperating with the guide for limited longitudinal translation in the housing along the guide;a first motor supported upon the carriage, the motor having a motor output shaft driven thereby, the motor output shaft being operably coupled to the housing to translate the carriage along the guide;at least a pair of massage members transversely spaced about the longitudinal axis, each of the at least a pair of massage members being supported by the carriage for imparting a massage effect upon the portion of the user's body as the carriage is translated relative to the housing;a second motor supported upon the carriage in operable communication with the at least a pair of massage members for driving the at least a pair of massage members relative to the carriage for providing a kneading massage effect to a targeted region of the user's body corresponding to the longitudinal orientation of the carriage and for user-selected operation of the at least a pair of massage members relative to the carriage to selectively adjust a width of the at least a pair of massage ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261517A1
Автор: Rodgers Jeffrey Read

The present disclosure is directed to a deep tissue massage device that includes a compliant cylinder formed of compressible material, the cylinder having an external surface with at least one external ridge pattern formed on the exterior surface of the cylinder. The at least one ridge pattern includes a single ridge circumferentially formed on the exterior surface of the cylinder that has a V-shaped branch portion that extends from one end of the single ridge and joins together at a second end of the single ridge to form two opposing Y-shaped ridges. 1. A deep tissue massage device , comprising: a compliant cylinder formed of compressible material , the cylinder having an external surface with at least one external ridge pattern formed on the exterior surface of the cylinder , the at least one ridge pattern including a single stem formed on the exterior surface of the cylinder having a branch portion that extends from one end of the stem.2. The deep tissue massage device of claim 1 , wherein the branch portion has at least two legs that join together at a second end of the stem.3. The deep tissue massage device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ridge pattern is either a continues ridge or is formed in segments on the exterior surface of the device.4. The deep tissue massage device of claim 1 , wherein a pair of end ridges are formed on each end of the cylinder claim 1 , the end ridges extending a distance away from the exterior surface of the device that is equal to a distance that the at least one ridge pattern extends away from the exterior surface of the cylinder.5. A device comprising:a compressible cylinder having a sidewall with a circular cross section configuration and a first and second end walls; a leg portion having a first end and a second end, the leg portion arranged circumferentially around at least a portion of the sidewall,', 'a first arm portion arranged at least circumferentially around the sidewall and having a first end and a second end, ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Vibrating massage roller

Номер: US20130281892A1
Принадлежит: Health e Co

A process of massaging a subject is provided that includes the provision of a vibratory massage roller having a casing with a casing surface extending over a length of the vibratory roller. A motor in included in the housing and is electrically coupled to a power source. The power source is energized to induce a vibratory amplitude to the surface that varies less than 30 amplitude percent across the central 70 percent of the length. The massage roller is contacted with the subject to massage the subject.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296749A1

A multifunctional massage device includes a main body and a massage stimulation roller. The main body is made in the form of a handle that has an end forming a support seat including joint holes for rotatably supporting the massage stimulation roller for free rotation of the massage stimulation roller and an opposite end forming a skin-scraping section that is curved and comprises a large-area opening formed therein. The massage stimulation roller has an outer circumferential surface on which a plurality of conic or pyramid projections is formed that is arranged in circumferential rows in order to form a massage section. The massage stimulation roller may be used to carry out a massaging operation through transcutaneous nerve stimulation, while the skin-scraping section functions to carry out a skin-scraping operation.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Massaging Bed With Massager Spaced From Massager Drive

Номер: US20130298336A1
Автор: Jones Daniel W.

A method and apparatus for a sleep system is provided. More specifically, the invention provides a method and apparatus for an adjustable mattress that allows the user to increase or decrease the firmness of the mattress. Furthermore, the adjustable mattress has zones of adjustability thereby allowing two users to adjust the firmness of the mattress of each user's zone. The adjustable mattress is also multimodal. The motorized foundation contains adjustable massaging units that may be used for physical therapy and relaxation. Likewise, the motorized foundation may be used in relax mode to assist in obtaining sleep and awaken mode to gently awake the user by the stimulation of the adjustable mattress. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. (canceled)28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. (canceled)31. (canceled)32. (canceled)33. (canceled)34. (canceled)35. (canceled)36. (canceled)37. (canceled)38. (canceled)39. (canceled)40. (canceled)41. (canceled)42. (canceled)43. (canceled)44. (canceled)45. (canceled)46. (canceled)47. A massaging bed comprising:a mattress; anda massaging apparatus having (a) a massager drive, and (b) a massager spaced from the massager drive.48. The massaging bed of wherein the mattress has a person-supporting sleep surface overlying the massager claim 47 , and wherein the massager is disposed within the mattress claim 47 , the massager underlies the person-supporting sleep surface claim 47 , and the massager is carried by an elongate connector that extends from the massager drive to the massager spacing the massager from the massager drive.49. The massaging bed of wherein the elongate connector extends generally upwardly from the massager ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Massage Device

Номер: US20140005580A1

A massage device includes at least one massage section with an essentially cylindrical rubber-elastic outer sheath, with at least one electromotive drive arranged in the massage device and non-rotatably mounted therein, and with a device arranged in the massage section and non-rotatably mounted therein for generating deformations of the rubber-elastic outer sheath. The device includes a multitude of plunger guides extending radially to the massage section and supporting plungers therein, and a cam shaft connected with the electromotive drive and acting on the ends of the plungers facing away from the rubber-elastic outer sheath, thereby the plungers being radially moved towards the massage section, and wherein the rubber-elastic outer sheath is connected with the ends of the plungers of the rubber-elastic outer sheath facing towards the rubber-elastic outer sheath. As an alternative to the plungers, eccentric wheels with roller wheels supported on eccentric bearing pins may be used. 1. A massage device comprising:at least one massage section with an essentially cylindrical rubber-elastic outer sheath;at least one electromotive drive arranged in the massage device and non-rotatably mounted therein; and wherein said device includes a multitude of plunger guides extending radially to the massage section and supporting plungers therein, and a cam shaft connected with said electromotive drive and acting on the ends of the plungers facing away from the rubber-elastic outer sheath, thereby the plungers being radially moved towards said massage section, or', 'wherein said device includes a multitude of eccentric wheels to be rotatably driven by means of said electromotive drive, which eccentric wheels include at least one freely rotatable roller wheel each supported on at least one eccentric bearing pin, wherein the roller wheel acts on the inside of the rubber-elastic outer sheath and moves it radially towards the massage section, and', 'wherein the rubber-elastic outer ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012168A1
Автор: Carlson Thomas G.

An apparatus and system are disclosed for manipulating soft tissue. The apparatus includes a support member and a raised member. The support member includes a support surface disposed between a first end of the support member and a second end of the support member. The support member is elongated in a lengthwise direction between the first end of the support member and the second end of the support member. The raised member includes an outer surface disposed opposite an inner surface. The inner surface is supportable by the support surface of the support member. The outer surface of the raised member is configured to rotate along at least a portion of a user's body in response to movement of the raised member along the user's body. The raised member is repositionable along the support surface of the support member in the lengthwise direction. 1. An apparatus for manipulating soft tissue , the apparatus comprising:a support member having a support surface disposed between a first end of the support member and a second end of the support member, the support member elongated in a lengthwise direction between the first end of the support member and the second end of the support member; anda raised member having an outer surface disposed opposite an inner surface, the inner surface supportable by the support surface of the support member, the outer surface of the raised member configured to rotate along at least a portion of a user's body in response to movement of the raised member along the user's body;wherein the raised member is repositionable along the support surface of the support member in the lengthwise direction between the first end of the support member and the second end of the support member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support surface includes at least one engagement element and wherein the inner surface of the raised member comprises at least one stopping element claim 1 , the at least one engagement element comprising an element selected ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000209A1

A pumping-type cosmetic container having a metal applicator, in which it is possible that an applicator made of a metal material is coupled to a front part of a button member, such that the contents can be applied through the applicator immediately after contents are discharged through a pumping operation. The warmth or cold can be delivered to the skin during the application of the contents to the skin through the applicator made of the metal material, thereby enabling facial skin metabolism to be promoted and skin elasticity to improve. 1. A pumping-type cosmetic container having a metal applicator , comprising:a container body where contents are stored;a pumping member coupled to the upper portion of the container body and discharging the contents stored in the container body by means of pumping operation;a fixation body coupled as encasing the pumping member at the upper portion of the container body, and fixing the pumping member to the upper portion of the container body; anda button member disposed at the upper portion of the pumping member, and delivering pressure to the pumping member according to user's pressurization, and inducing the pumping operation,wherein a discharge outlet is formed such that contents can be discharged to the outside, a securing part is provided at the inner side of the discharge outlet such that an applicator, made of metal, applying contents onto skin can be secured, and a contents movement hole is formed at the bottom surface of the securing part such that the contents moving to the upper portion thereof through pumping operation of the pumping member can move to the discharge outlet.2. A pumping-type cosmetic container having a metal applicator , comprising:a container body storing contents;a pumping member coupled to the upper portion of the container body and discharging the contents stored in the container body by means of pumping operation;a fixation body coupled as encasing the pumping member at the upper portion of the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Thoracic Spine Mobilization/ Manipulation Practitioner Support Tool

Номер: US20190000710A1
Автор: Simpson Brad G.

A thoracic manipulation tool for protecting the hands of a practitioner consists of a first distal phalanx-receiving slot, a second distal phalanx-receiving slot, and a third distal phalanx-receiving slot that are positioned along an inner surface of a gripping device. An elongated structural body of the gripping device ensures that an outer surface of the gripping device is pressed against the palm of the practitioner when the manipulation tool is in use. More specifically, when the distal phalanx of the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky finger are pressed against the inner surface, the outer surface is pressed against the palm of the user. The materialistic properties of the gripping device ensure that the practitioner can maintain a firm grip while executing the thoracic spine manipulation procedure. 1. A thoracic spine mobilization/manipulation practitioner support tool comprises:a gripping device;a first distal phalanx-receiving slot;a second distal phalanx-receiving slot;a third distal phalanx-receiving slot;the gripping device comprises an elongated structural body, an inner surface, an outer surface, a first lateral surface, a second lateral surface, a first end, and a second end;the elongated structural body longitudinally extending from the first end to the second end;the elongated structural body extending from the inner surface to the outer surface;the elongated structural body extending from the first lateral surface to the second lateral surface;the first distal phalanx-receiving slot, the second distal phalanx-receiving slot, and the third distal phalanx-receiving slot being positioned along the inner surface from the first lateral surface to the second lateral surface;the first distal phalanx-receiving slot being positioned along the inner surface adjacent the first end;the second distal phalanx-receiving being positioned adjacent the first distal phalanx-receiving slot opposite the first end;the third distal phalanx-receiving slot being ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000711A1
Автор: Pundyk William John

Disclosed is an apparatus for massaging a body part of a user comprising a housing formed from a flexible material, a interchangeable spherical resilient body received within the housing, the interchangeable spherical resilient body being made from soft material and at least one connecting material coupled to opposite ends of the housing, the at least one connecting material having a predetermined length. The flexible material may include a tube like fabric or mesh material. The interchangeable spherical resilient body may include at least different sizes, spherical or non-spherical shape, and different textures. 1. An apparatus for massaging a body part of a user comprising;a housing;a resilient body received within the housing; andat least one connecting material;a double sliding adjustment knot;a gripping point;a single sliding locking adjustment ring;a ball container access point;a drawstring.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes mesh container or tube like fabric.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the connecting material coupled to opposite ends of the housing.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the connecting material includes cord claim 1 , rope claim 1 , fabric claim 1 , elastic and retractable material.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the length of the connecting material is 4 ft-6 ft.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the resilient body received within the housing is spherical or non-spherical object.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the circumference of the resilient body is 6 inch-12 inches.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the resilient body received within the housing is interchangeable.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the trigger point of the resilient body is heat claim 1 , cold or vibration.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drawstring includes zipper claim 1 , hook or loop material.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the single sliding locking adjustment ring is used for resilient body ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Beverage container with integrated massaging apparatus

Номер: US20200002077A1
Автор: Ryan Broderick Latone
Принадлежит: Individual

Beverage containing massage devices that may perform multiple physical recovery functions are disclosed. In an aspect, beverage containing massage devices are disclosed that may be used to transport at least one beverage, such as water, as well as manipulate the soft tissue with at least one portion of a user's body in order to produce a massaging effect. By giving the user a beverage to flush toxins from the body and hydrate, as well as self-induced soft tissue manipulation to break up muscle adhesions, reduce tension and soreness, and improve cardiovascular circulation, the beverage containing massage devices of the present disclosure may allow important physical recovery needs for active individuals to be met using a single device.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Smart spa shower column

Номер: US20220007895A1
Принадлежит: Insetec Sureste SL

Smart spa shower column, including a compartment containing a roller) which cleans it by pressure by a perforated tube and which is located in the lower part of a chassis that houses a motor and a spindle that provides vertical movement to a roller that is attached to the chassis by arms, one of which houses a motor which gives rotation to the roller and the other arm houses a mechanism for locking the roller in its stop position and a tube that provides water and/or soap to the roller; and where the chassis houses an electronic control unit and a power supply battery. The chassis is solidly attached at the top to a shower system which incorporates a dispenser and a presence sensor.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Physical Therapy Ball

Номер: US20150005683A1
Автор: Balducci Jennifer

A physical therapy ball comprises inner and outer hallow spherical bodies. A web positions the inner spherical body with respect to the outer spherical body to form a gap there between. The gap is filled with a high heat capacity gel. An array of conical sections extends from the outer surface of the outer spherical body to facilitate foot massage. 1. A physical therapy ball comprising: i. a hollow outer spherical body having an outer surface,', 'ii. a plurality of spaced protuberances extending radially from and being integral with said outer spherical body,', 'iii. an inner spherical body, and', 'iv. a standoff positioning said inner spherical body in a spaced relationship to said outer spherical body thereby to form a gap therebetween, and, 'A. an integral spherical structure includingB. a fluid material in the gap for establishing the temperature of said outer body.2. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein said fluid material is from a group of gels consisting of hydroxyethyl cellulose claim 1 , elastic gel claim 1 , non-toxic silica gel claim 1 , putty claim 1 , and the like.3. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein said fluid material is a gel of hydroxyethyl cellulose.4. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein said inner spherical body has a volume that is in the range from about 20% to 50% of the internal volume of said outer spherical body.5. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein said inner spherical body has a volume that is in the range from 30% to 40% of the internal volume of said outer spherical body.6. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein said inner spherical body has a volume that is about 33% of the internal volume of said outer spherical body.7. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 1 , wherein the integral spherical structure has about 150 to about 250 spaced protuberances.8. A physical therapy ball as recited in claim 7 , wherein the integral spherical ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Spinal Adjustment Apparatus

Номер: US20220015985A1
Автор: Potesak Wayne L.

A spinal adjustment apparatus for providing an easy, adjustable tool for at home back pain relief includes a rod having a rod first end and a rod second end. A pair of massage balls is coupled to the rod. Each massage ball has an attachment aperture extending through an axis thereof. The rod is coupled through the attachment aperture of each massage ball such that each massage ball may be adjustably positioned along the rod between the rod first end and the rod second end. A pair of handles is coupled to the rod. The pair of handles is coupled to the rod first end and the rod second end. 1. A spinal adjustment apparatus comprising:a rod having a rod first end and a rod second end;a pair of massage balls coupled to the rod, each massage ball having an attachment aperture extending through an axis thereof, the rod being coupled through the attachment aperture of each massage ball such that each massage ball may be adjustably positioned along the rod between the rod first end and the rod second end; anda pair of handles coupled to the rod, the pair of handles being coupled to the rod first end and the rod second end.2. The spinal adjustment apparatus of further comprising the rod being threaded; the attachment aperture of each massage ball being threaded; each handle of the pair of handles having a threaded handle aperture to selectively engage the rod.3. The spinal adjustment apparatus of further comprising each of the rod first end and the rod second end having an unthreaded engagement portion claim 1 , the engagement portion being thinner and having a pointed end.4. The spinal adjustment apparatus of further comprising a diameter of each massage ball being between ⅛and ⅙of a length of the rod.5. The spinal adjustment apparatus of further comprising each handle having an inner cap portion claim 1 , a medial grip portion claim 1 , and an outer cap portion.6. The spinal adjustment apparatus of further comprising a pair of secondary massage balls claim 1 , the pair of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Device for Therapy and Training for the Back

Номер: US20170007486A1
Автор: Tetyana Kühne

The invention relates to a device for therapy and training for the back, comprising two elastically deformable bodies ( 1 ) which are arranged at a distance from each other, between which a deformable spacer ( 2 ) which interconnects both bodies ( 1 ) is arranged, said device being characterized in that said spacer ( 2 ) is embodied as a spring element in form of a helical spring ( 2 ), the ends thereof being bent so as to form journals ( 2.1 ) extending in the extension of the helical spring axis, said journals being introduced into blocks ( 3 ) fixed in the inside of the bodies ( 1 ).

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007495A1

A myofascial release device includes a rigid inner core having a first density surrounded by an outer layer having a second density. The second density may be less than the first density to promote myofascial release. The rigid inner core may be a hollow aluminum core and end caps may be placed on either end of the myofascial release device. The overall diameter of the myofascial release device may be between 1.5 and 3 inches, and preferably 2 inches. The inner core may be cooled during manufacturing such that, when the inner core returns to room temperature, the diameter of the inner core is greater than or equal to the inner diameter of the outer layer. 1. A myofascial roller device , comprising:a rigid inner layer having a first density; andan outer layer of compressible material, surrounding the inner layer, having a second density that is less than the first density;wherein a diameter of the rigid inner layer is greater than or equal to an inner diameter of the outer layer.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the rigid inner layer is greater than the inner diameter of the outer layer such that claim 1 , when the outer layer surrounds the inner layer claim 1 , friction between contacting surfaces of the outer layer and inner layer causes the outer layer to remain secured on the inner layer.3. The device of claim 1 , the rigid inner layer comprising a hollow cylindrical core.4. The device of claim 2 , the outer layer constructed with a material selected from the group consisting of rubber claim 2 , foam rubber claim 2 , open cell foam claim 2 , closed cell foam claim 2 , filled closed cell foam and open cell polyethylene foam.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of the myofascial roller device is between 1.5 and 3 inches.6. The device of claim 1 ,wherein an outer diameter of the myofascial roller device is approximately 2 inches.7. The device of claim 1 , further comprising end caps on each of a first and second end of the myofascial ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Massage Head Unit with Axle and Asymmetric Cantilever

Номер: US20160008210A1
Автор: Chen Jue-Yao

A massage head unit with axle and asymmetric cantilever includes: a depressed receiving space; two cantilevers flanking the depressed receiving space asymmetrically, extending upward, and each having a top surface on which at least a massage bump is disposed; and a turntable disposed on an axle disposed centrally at the depressed receiving space and having a top surface on which at least a massage hemisphere is disposed, wherein the cantilevers swing asymmetrically to perform a kneading massage, whereas the turntable performs a rotating pressing massage. 1. A massage head unit with axle and asymmetric cantilever , comprising:a depressed receiving space;two cantilevers flanking the depressed receiving space asymmetrically, extending upward, and each having a top surface on which at least a massage bump is disposed; anda turntable disposed on an axle disposed centrally at the depressed receiving space and having a top surface on which at least a massage hemisphere is disposed,wherein the cantilevers swing asymmetrically to drive the massage bumps to swing and thus perform a kneading massage, whereas the turntable rotates to drive the massage hemisphere to perform a rotating pressing massage.2. The massage head unit with axle and asymmetric cantilever of claim 1 , wherein the massage hemisphere is provided in form of two massage hemispheres.3. The massage head unit with axle and asymmetric cantilever of claim 2 , wherein the two massage hemispheres are provided in form of a large massage hemisphere and a small massage hemisphere.4. The massage head unit with axle and asymmetric cantilever of claim 1 , wherein a ring is disposed centrally at the depressed receiving space claim 1 , the axle has an oblique stepped surface engageable with the ring claim 1 , the ring is peripherally coupled to a cruciform protruding rod claim 1 , a casing includes a slot element protruding from the casing claim 1 , a slot is disposed centrally at the slot element and penetrable by the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008211A1
Автор: Yang Byung Heon

Disclosed is a functional chair having acupressure balls. The chair includes a chair seat; a back of a chair coupled to one side of the chair seat; a pair of acupressure plate rotary shafts which is parallel to a vertical axis at a position ambilaterally spaced at predetermined distance from the center of rear surface of the back of the chair; a pair of acupressure plates which rotate around the rotary shaft of the respective acupressure plates; and a pair of armrests fixed to one side of the respective acupressure plates, and extended to the front of the back of the chair. A plurality of operating holes is formed on the front of the back of chair. A sleeve for covering the acupressure plate rotary shaft is positioned along a lengthwise direction on the respective acupressure plates and the acupressure rotary shaft penetrates the respective acupressure plates. 1. A functional chair comprising acupressure balls , comprising:a chair seat;a back of a chair coupled to one side of the chair seat and extended in the upward direction;a pair of acupressure plate rotary shafts which is parallel to a vertical axis at a position ambilaterally spaced at a predetermined distance from the center of rear surface of the back of the chair;a pair of acupressure plates which rotate around the respective acupressure plate rotary shafts; anda pair of armrests coupled and fixed to one side of the respective acupressure plates, and extended to the front of the back of the chair,wherein:a plurality of operating holes formed by being perforated on the front of the back of the chair at symmetrical positions of both right and left sides based on the vertical axis of the center of the back of the chair are further comprised;a sleeve for covering the acupressure plate rotary shaft is positioned along a lengthwise direction on the respective acupressure plates, and the acupressure plate rotary shaft penetrates the sleeve such that the respective acupressure plates is rotatably fixed to the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Rotating and Extensible Swinging Massage Head Unit

Номер: US20160008212A1
Автор: Chen Jue-Yao

A rotating and extensible swinging massage head unit includes: a ring having an eccentric shaft hole; a swinging arm extending laterally from the ring, the swinging arm having a centrally-located oblong limiting slot, a driven side connected to the ring, and an active side having thereon a massage bump, an eccentric shaft inserted into the eccentric shaft hole of the ring and having therein a central axial pore; a turntable disposed integrally on a top side of the eccentric shaft and being concentric with the central axial pore, wherein a massage hemisphere is disposed protrudingly on a top side of the turntable. Rotation of the eccentric shaft swings the swinging arm to perform a swinging kneading massage and rotates the turntable to perform a rotating massage simultaneously. 1. A rotating and extensible swinging massage head unit , comprising:a ring having an eccentric shaft hole;a swinging arm integrally extending laterally from the ring, the swinging arm having a centrally-located oblong limiting slot, a driven side connected to the ring, and an active side having thereon a massage bump,an eccentric shaft inserted into the eccentric shaft hole of the ring and having therein a central axial pore; anda turntable disposed integrally on a top side of the eccentric shaft and being concentric with the central axial pore, wherein a massage hemisphere is disposed protrudingly on a top side of the turntable,wherein rotation of the eccentric shaft swings the swinging arm to perform a swinging kneading massage and rotates the turntable to perform a rotating massage simultaneously.2. The rotating and extensible swinging massage head unit of claim 1 , wherein the massage hemisphere comprises two massage hemispheres.3. The rotating and extensible swinging massage head unit of claim 2 , wherein the two massage hemispheres comprise a large massage hemisphere and a small massage hemisphere.4. The rotating and extensible swinging massage head unit of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008213A1

A massage bar includes a shaft and two handles are connected to two ends of the shaft. A massage roller is mounted to the shaft and includes multiple massage disks of different diameters. Each massage disk has a hole defined centrally therethrough and the shaft extends through the holes of the massage disks. Each massage disk has a massage portion formed on the outside thereof. The massage disks are replaceable to arrange the massage disks to have desired shape to provide desired massage features. 1. A massage bar comprising:a shaft;two handles connected to two ends of the shaft, anda massage roller mounted to the shaft and the massage roller having multiple massage disks of different diameters, each massage disk having a hole defined centrally therethrough, the shaft extending through the holes of the massage disks, each massage disk having a massage portion in a zigzag shape defined by plural protrusions and recesses on an outside thereof.2. The massage bar as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the massage disks has apertures defined therethrough claim 1 , the massage portions are flexible by squeezing the apertures.3. The massage bar as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shaft has positioning grooves defined in each of the two ends thereof claim 1 , each handle has ridges on an inside thereof claim 1 , the ridges are engaged with the positioning grooves.4. The massage bar as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shaft is made of a flexible material. 1. Fields of the InventionThe present invention relates to a massage bar, and more particularly, to a massage bar with replaceable massage disks to provide desirable massage features.2. Descriptions of Related ArtThe conventional way of massage generally use hands to press and/or rub the muscles to increase the blood circulation. The massage therapy becomes one of important and effective ways to provide relief of stress and help with health condition. The long term of massage is deemed to help the body to maintain better ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008219A1
Автор: Pollak Charles

A head massaging device comprising a first band curving over a user's head, where the first band terminates at a front end and a back end; a forehead patch at the front end of the first band, where the forehead patch includes a massager; a neck patch at the back end of the first band, where the neck patch includes at least one massager; a second band bisecting the first band over the user's head, where the second band terminates at a pair of ends; and a pair of patches at each end of the second band, where the pair of patches each include a massager. 1. A head massaging device comprising:a. a first band curving over a user's head, where the first band terminates at a front end and a back end;b. a forehead patch at the front end of the first band, where the forehead patch includes a massager;c. a neck patch at the back end of the first band, where the neck patch includes at least one massager;d. a second band bisecting the first band over the user's head, where the second band terminates at a pair of ends; ande. a pair of patches at each end of the second band, where the pair of patches each include a massager.2. The head massaging device according to claim 1 , where the head massaging device includes a controller to operate the plurality of massagers.3. The head massaging device according to claim 2 , where the controller includes a battery pack.4. The head massaging device according to claim 1 , where a controller in positioned within each massager.5. The head massaging device according to claim 1 , where the first band and the second band are adjustable in length and contour.6. The head massaging device according to claim 1 , where the first band and the second band are made of rubber with an internal wire.7. The head massaging device according to claim 1 , where the plurality of massagers include a pair of balls.8. The head massaging device according to claim 7 , where the pair of balls rotate around each other claim 7 , slide back and forth claim 7 , vibrate and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007878A1
Автор: ZHONG Xurong

An anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method. According to the anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method, a protective layer is formed in a cavity of a mold firstly, and then massage blocks and a foamed elastic body are fixed by the protective layer, so that the massage blocks are mounted and supported independently, and the technical defect that in the prior art, all massage blocks/protrusions have to be fixed to a hard support plate is overcome. 1. An anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method , wherein comprising the following steps:Step 1, preparation of a protective layer, specifically, a mold is provided, and pits are formed in a cavity of the mold; a film forming agent is evenly sprayed onto the inner surface of the cavity of the mold, and the protective layer is prepared after the film forming agent is coagulated;Step 2, fixing of massage blocks, specifically, hard massage blocks are arranged on the protective layer formed in Step 1 and located at positions corresponding to the pits, and thus the massage blocks are fixed;Step 3, foaming of an elastic body, specifically, foam materials are injected into the cavity in Step 2 and foamed and cured, so that the elastic body is prepared.2. The anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein Step 1 comprises the following Sub-steps:Sub-step 11, heating the mold and spraying a releasing agent into the cavity of the mold;Sub-step 12, brushing the cavity of the mold with dry air;Sub-step 13, spraying the film forming agent into the cavity.3. The anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method according to claim 2 , wherein the mold is maintained at the temperature from 50 DEG C. to 70 DEG C. after being heated claim 2 , and the film forming agent is the mixed liquor of polyether polyol and isocyanate.4. The anti-fatigue foot pad manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the massage blocks are one type or the combination of several types of steel balls claim 1 , pebbles claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007927A1
Принадлежит: LURACO, INC.

A massage chair includes a seat and a backrest configured to support a user. A pair of side panels extend upward from opposing sides of the seat so as to form an armrest. A pivoting arm is coupled to at least one of the pair of side panels and the backrest and is configured to selectively rotate between a first position and a second position. The pivoting arm extends over a portion of the massage chair in the second position and is automatically biased between the first position and the second position. A roller mechanism is included within the pivoting arm to selectively agitate a surface of the pivoting arm so as to induce a massage effect. The roller mechanism is controlled via a remote control and can operate between a plurality of settings including an on/off setting, a rotational speed setting, a motion setting, and a heat setting. 1. A massage chair , comprising:a seat and a backrest configured to support a user;a frame in communication with the seat and the backrest, the frame comprising a pair of guide rails and a pair of guide channels that are spaced apart to provide a balanced movement of a massage device along the pair of guide channels, each of said pair of guide rails comprises a curved portion located about the seat, backrest extending upward from the curved portion;wherein each guide channel comprises a plurality of gear teeth that smoothly transitions from the backrest to the curved portion, the guide channel comprises at least two sections of a plurality of gear teeth that are coupled together via a joint, the joint running parallel to the plurality of gear teeth;a pair of side panels extending upward from opposing sides of the seat; anda pivoting arm coupled to at least one of the pair of side panels, the pivoting arm configured to rotate between a first position and a second position, the pivoting arm configured to extend over the seat in the second position so as to wrap around the user and provide a massaging effect to a front portion of a leg ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Water Encapsulated and Mechanical Hybrid Body Massage Chair with Rapid Heating and Cooling Control

Номер: US20210007928A1
Автор: Howe Todd

A chair is disclosed for providing water and air adjustable massage. The massage chair includes a surface that is easy to clean, and water-filled rollers within the chair to apply a massaging effect to the body of the user thereon. Each water-filled roller incorporates a foam inner roller that is surrounded by either a cylindrical water-filled wrap or water-filled inserts. The massage chair incorporates a leg section to perform a percussive and vibrating massage on the legs of the user thereon. The massage chair has the ability to recline and to apply heat and/or cooling to the user thereon. The massage chair incorporates auto-sensing controls, massage pattern software, and Cloud Control Software that enables the owner in a commercial environment to establish the time for use, frequency, and price for the massage session. 1. (canceled)2. A massage chair , comprising:a) a chair body having a chair back, chair seat, and leg section, said chair body having a surface, wherein the surface is smooth, moisture proof, and treated with an anti-bacterial additive, and wherein said surface is configured to receive a body of a user, said surface being without exposed seams;b) a programable roller system positioned within the chair body, said programmable roller system comprising a plurality of rollers, each roller in the plurality of rollers containing a liquid;c) a plurality of adjustable air bladders positioned within said chair back; 1) at least one connected water pad within the massage chair, said water pad being configured to be rapidly heated or cooled, said rapid heating or cooling comprising increasing or decreasing a temperature of said water pad up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit within 60 seconds;', '2) at least one pump configured to circulate water through separate heating and cooling tanks;', '3) a plurality of valves configured to regulate the circulation of water through the water heating and cooling system; and', '4) at least one drain configured to expel excess ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008508A1
Автор: Jones Dylan

A exercise roller device including a center roller portion provided with shaped end roller portions, and the center roller portion provided with a centered circumferential groove. A method of making the exercise roller device. 1. An exercise roller device , comprising:an outer roller comprising a cylindrical-shaped center roller portion provided with parabolic-shaped end roller portions located at opposite ends of the center roller portion, the center roller portion comprising a centered cylindrical-shaped portion located within a centered circumferential groove, the centered cylindrical-shaped portion having a diameter less than the cylindrical-shaped roller portion; andan inner roller supporting the outer roller.2. An exercise roller device , comprising:an outer roller comprising a cylindrical-shaped center roller portion provided with parabolic-shaped end roller portions located at opposite ends of the center roller portion, the center roller portion comprising a centered cylindrical-shaped portion located within a centered circumferential groove, the centered cylindrical-shaped portion having a diameter less than the cylindrical-shaped roller portion; andan inner roller supporting the outer roller, the inner roller comprising multiple inner roller portions assembled together, the inner roller portion comprising a shell and one or more longitudinal webs interconnected to one or more transverse webs defining multiple cells within the inner roller.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the inner roller is substantially rigid and the outer roller is soft or resiliently deformable.4. The device according to claim 2 , where the outer roller comprises one or more outer roller panels connected to the inner roller.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the one or more panels is multiple panels.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the multiple panels are of the same size and shape.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the outer roller is ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023138A1
Автор: Reeg Mitchell

A muscle recovery device includes an elongated, generally tubular shaped main body having a first end, a second end and a middle section. Handles are positioned along the first and second ends, and a plurality of independently operable rollers are secured along the length of the main body at locations between the handles. The main body including a curvilinear shape and each of the rollers are positioned perpendicular to the curved portion of the main body to which each roller is secured so as to be positioned angularly to another roller. Each of the rollers are removably positioned along the main body and have an adjustable separation distance. 1. A muscle recovery device , comprising:an elongated tubular shaped main body having a first end, a second end and a middle section;a first handle that is disposed along the first end of the main body;a second handle that is disposed along the second end of the main body; anda plurality of independently operable rollers that are positioned along the middle section of the main body.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main body includes a curvilinear shape.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of independently operable rollers is positioned perpendicular to a section of the main body to which the roller is secured.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of independently operable rollers includes a circular-shaped body having an outside surface and a central aperture.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the outside surface of at least one of the plurality of independently operable rollers includes a plurality of indentations.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the outside surface of at least one of the plurality of independently operable rollers includes a plurality of protrusions.7. The device of claim 4 , wherein the outside surface of at least one of the plurality of independently operable rollers includes a plurality of indentations and a plurality of protrusions.8. The device of claim 4 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008718A1
Автор: MATSUSHITA Tsuyoshi

A beauty care tool includes: a handle; and a first rotating body and a second rotating body respectively fitted to the handle. The first rotating body and the second rotating body are molded carbon products, and a spacing between rotational axes thereof is progressively larger away from the handle. 1. A beauty care tool comprising:a handle; anda first rotating body and a second rotating body respectively fitted to the handle, whereinthe first rotating body and the second rotating body are molded carbon products, and a spacing between rotational axes thereof is progressively larger away from the handle.2. The beauty care tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe first rotating body and the second rotating body are formed into a spherical shape.3. The beauty care tool according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of concave parts are formed on a surface of the first rotating body and the second rotating body.4. The beauty care tool according to claim 3 , whereinthe plurality of concave parts are grooves that extend from one end in a direction of rotational axis toward the other end. The present invention relates to beauty care tools that provide beauty benefit to the skin.Beauty care tools designed to allow a user to apply a rotating body, i.e., a roller, to the skin and roll the roller are known. When the beauty care tool is used for the face, the face line around the chin is tightened and the user can experience the benefit of lifted skin. Using the tool more actively in the fashion of lymphatic massage promotes drainage of waste matter, improves metabolism, and makes the skin glossier. Using the tool for the foot facilitates removing swelling and cellulite, which are happy benefits particularly for women.Utility Model Registration 3194033 and JP2013-103086 disclose beauty care tools designed to allow a user to apply a roller and roll the roller. By using these beauty care tools, the roller massages the skin and provides the benefits of promoting the bloodstream and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Adjustable Physical Therapy Ball and Trigger Point Massage Device

Номер: US20190008719A1

An adjustable physical therapy ball and trigger point massage device consists of a first end ball, a second end ball, and at least one threaded rod. The first end ball and the second end ball are terminally and rotatably mounted onto the at least one threaded rod. At least one intermediate ball can be rotatably mounted along the at least one threaded rod in between the first end ball and the second end ball. A plurality of threads connecting the at least one intermediate ball and the at least one threaded rod allows the intermediate ball to move along the at least one threaded rod. If a larger surface area needs to be treated, a second threaded rod can be connected to a first threaded rod through a rod connector. 1. An adjustable physical therapy ball and trigger point massage device comprises:a first end ball;a second end ball;at least one threaded rod;an end ball insert;an end cap;the first end ball and the second end ball each comprise a spherical body and a rod-end receiving channel;the rod-end receiving channel traversing into the spherical body along a central axis of the spherical body, wherein the central axis intersects an origin of the spherical body;the end cap being positioned within the rod-end receiving channel of the first end ball and the second end ball, wherein the end cap is positioned adjacent the origin;the end ball insert being positioned into the rod-end receiving channel of the first end ball and the second end ball;the end cap being removably attached to the end ball insert within the rod-end receiving channel;the first end ball being terminally and rotatably mounted onto the at least one threaded rod; andthe second end ball being terminally and rotatably mounted onto the at least one threaded rod opposite the first end ball.2. The adjustable physical therapy ball and trigger point massage device as claimed in further comprises:wherein the at least one threaded rod is a single rod;the first end ball being terminally connected to the single ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Mountable Massage Device

Номер: US20220031558A1

A mountable massage device is configured to have an adjustable length and be secured in a frame, such as a door frame, or other appropriate structure. In one disclosed embodiment, the device comprises a threaded rod, a center tube, first and second extension tubes, and first and second braces configured to support the device when secured in a frame. Handles are coupled to the center tube and allow a user to rotate the tube, thereby extending or retracting the extension tubes. This allows a user to match the length of the device to the width of a door frame. Massage pads are coupled to the center tube and may be used to massage a user's muscles. 1. A mountable massage device , comprising:a threaded rod;a center tube coupled to the threaded rod;a first extension tube rotatably coupled to the threaded rod;a second extension tube rotatably coupled to the threaded rod;a first handle coupled to the center tube;a second handle coupled to the center tube;a first brace coupled to the first extension tube; anda second brace coupled to the second extension tube.2. The mountable massage device of claim 1 , comprising at least one massage pad coupled to the center tube.3. The mountable massage device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one massage pad is rotatably coupled to the center tube.4. The mountable massage device of claim 1 , comprising at least one massage accessory coupled to the center tube.5. The mountable massage device of claim 1 , comprising:a first massage pad coupled to the center tube; anda second massage pad coupled to the center tube.6. The mountable massage device of claim 5 , wherein the first massage pad and the second massage pad are rotatably coupled to the center tube.7. A mountable massage device claim 5 , comprising:a threaded rod;a center tube coupled to the threaded rod;a first extension tube rotatably coupled to the threaded rod;a second extension tube rotatably coupled to the threaded rod;a first handle coupled to the center tube;a second handle ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031559A1

A device configured for a vehicle for supporting and massaging a neck of a passenger is provided. The device is configured such that a neck support pad is integrally formed on a lower end portion of a headrest to hold up and support the neck of a passenger, and a massage device is mounted in the neck support pad to massage the neck of the passenger, thus stably supporting and massaging the neck of the passenger sitting on a seat. 1. A device for supporting and massaging a neck of a passenger , the device comprising:a neck support pad integrally formed on a lower end portion of a headrest to support the neck of the passenger;a skeleton frame including a front frame that has guide holes on first and second sides of the front frame, a rear frame which is mounted behind the front frame to be spaced from the front frame, and wing-out frames that are rotatably mounted on the first and second sides of the front frame, the skeleton frame mounted in the neck support pad;at least a main air cell mounted on a front of the front frame to be expanded or contracted, thus supporting a rear portion of the neck of the passenger;at least a side air cell mounted on a front of each of the wing-out frames to be expanded or contracted, thus supporting a side portion of the neck of the passenger;a lifting and driving device mounted on the rear frame to be driven when a massage mode is selected; anda massage ball connected to the lifting and driving device to selectively protrude forwards through each of the guide holes of the front frame, and lifted when the lifting and driving device is driven to massage the neck of the passenger.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the lifting and driving device includes:a lift rail mounted on the rear frame;a lift bar inserted and fastened to the lift rail to be lifted along the lift rail;a first motor mounted on a rear surface of the lift rail;a friction roller mounted on an output shaft of the first motor;a wire connected at first and second end ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031560A1
Автор: CHIU Ka-Hong

A back massaging device includes a seat back, a linear rack gear, a frame body, a main gear, a massage member, two motor assemblies and a control unit. The linear rack gear and the frame body are on the seat back. The main gear is pivoted at the frame body through a gear shaft. One of the motor assemblies is meshed with the main gear for rotating a massage protrusion of the massage member by an angle. Another motor assembly is meshed with the linear rack gear for driving the massage protrusion to vertically move. The control unit is electrically connected to the motor assemblies for calculating rotation angle values and vertical movements of the massage protrusion, and controlling the motor assemblies to operate synchronously to outline a trajectory pattern corresponding to one of trajectory scripts by the massage protrusion. 1. A back massaging device , comprising:a seat back having a back rest portion for supporting a human back;a linear rack gear fixedly disposed on the seat back and extending in a vertical direction of the seat back;a frame body slidably disposed on the seat back;a gear shaft having a first rotation axis passing through the back rest portion;at least one main gear pivotally disposed at one surface of the frame body through the gear shaft;a massage member comprising a support arm and a massage protrusion, the support arm that is fixedly connected to the massage protrusion and the gear shaft, and the massage protrusion that is deviated from the first rotation axis of the gear shaft;a first motor assembly directly or indirectly meshed with the main gear for driving the main gear to rotate about the first rotation axis so as to rotate the massage protrusion by a predetermined angle;a second motor assembly directly or indirectly meshed with the linear rack gear for driving the frame body to vertically move along the vertical direction so as to control a height position of the massage protrusion; anda control unit disposed on the frame body, and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Massage Roller and Conductive Structure thereof

Номер: US20220031561A1
Автор: Liangsan Zhao

A conductive structure of a massage roller includes a working circuit board, a conductive base, a conductive plate, two first conductive parts and two second conductive parts. The working circuit board and the conductive plate are positioned at upper and lower ends of the conductive base respectively. The conductive base is provided with at least a pair of accommodating cavities, and conductors are placed in the accommodating cavities. The two first conductive parts are positioned on the bottom surface of the working circuit board, and the first conductive parts are connected with the working circuit board. The two second conductive parts are positioned on the top surface of the conductive plate, and the second conductive parts are connected with the conductive plate; and the top surfaces of the conductors abut against the two first conductive parts, and the bottom surfaces of the conductors abut against the two second conductive parts.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Automatic liquid outlet structure and beauty massage instrument

Номер: US20220031562A1

The present disclosure discloses an automatic liquid outlet structure and a beauty massage apparatus, and the automatic liquid outlet structure comprises a rolling massage mechanism, a liquid storage mechanism, and a liquid adsorption mechanism. The liquid adsorption mechanism is disposed between the rolling massage mechanism and the liquid storage mechanism. A first side of the liquid adsorption mechanism is in communication with the liquid storage mechanism, and a second side of the liquid adsorption mechanism is in contact with the rolling massage mechanism. The liquid storage mechanism is configured to hold a liquid. The liquid held in the liquid storage mechanism is configured to be adsorbed into the liquid adsorption mechanism. When the rolling massage mechanism is in a rolling process, the liquid adsorbed in the liquid adsorption mechanism is transferred to the rolling massage mechanism.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015290A1

In a massage machine including a backrest part, even when a user lays his/her body on the backrest part, a kneading treatment tip does not touch the body of the user, and even when sitting only for reclining use, the user is provided with an excellent feeling of sitting. The massage machine includes a backrest part; a back part massage mechanism disposed inside the backrest part; and first guide rails that are disposed inside the backrest part and vertically guide the back part massage mechanism, the first guide rails are disposed so as to face in a vertical direction, and on the upper end sides of the first guide rails, draw-in parts adapted to draw in the back part massage mechanism backward are formed. 1. A massage machine comprising:a backrest part;a back part massage mechanism disposed inside the backrest part; anda first guide rail that is disposed inside the backrest part and vertically guides the back part massage mechanism, whereinthe first guide rail is disposed so as to face in a vertical direction, and on an upper end side of the first guide rail, a draw-in part adapted to draw in the back part massage mechanism backward is formed.2. The massage machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe draw-in part is formed by curving backward and extending the upper end side of the first guide rail.3. The massage machine according to claim 2 , whereinthe first guide rail corresponding to the draw-in part is extended in a direction intersecting with the first guide rail located on a lower side than the draw-in part.4. The massage machine according to claim 3 , whereinthe back part massage mechanism comprises a kneading treatment tip adapted to perform kneading treatment on a treatment area of a user, and a vertical movement gear adapted to engage with the first guide rail, andthe kneading treatment tip is provided on a further front side of the vertical movement gear disposed in the back part massage mechanism.5. The massage machine according to claim 4 , whereina ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015853A1

A method for customizing a vehicular massage function includes providing massage element indicia, creating massage subroutines using the massage element indicia, selecting a vehicle that includes a seat having a massage element configuration, placing the massage subroutines in communication with the vehicle, adapting the massage subroutines to be compatible with the massage element configuration and activating the seat to perform at least one massage subroutine. 1. A method for operating a massage function of a vehicle , the method comprising steps of:providing a user interface having a plurality of massage element indicia;creating a plurality of massage subroutines by selecting patterns of massage element indicia from the plurality of massage element indicia, wherein selection of each massage element indicia corresponds to a massage instruction for a specific massage subroutine;storing the plurality of massage subroutines in a portable memory in communication with the user interface;selecting a vehicle to be occupied, wherein the vehicle to be occupied includes a seat having a plurality of massage elements placed in a massage element configuration;placing the portable memory in communication with the vehicle to be occupied wherein the plurality of massage subroutines are in selective communication with the plurality of massage elements;selecting a pattern of massage subroutines of the plurality of massage subroutines to be performed;adapting the pattern of massage subroutines to be compatible with the massage element configuration, wherein each massage instruction of each specific massage subroutine is placed in correspondence with at least one massage element of the plurality of massage elements; andactivating the plurality of massage elements to perform the pattern of massage subroutines.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the massage element indicia corresponds to a representation of a user's back exemplified within the user interface claim 1 , and wherein the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016026A1
Автор: Depta Barbara

An example exercise and therapy device includes a foot covering. The foot covering includes a pocket. The exercise and therapy device also includes a pliable object. The pliable object is received within the pocket and arranged to be placed adjacent a foot of an individual wearing the foot covering. 1. An exercise and therapy device , comprising:a foot covering, the foot covering comprising a pocket; anda pliable object, the pliable object received within the pocket and arranged to be placed adjacent a foot of an individual wearing the foot covering.2. The exercise and therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the foot covering comprises an ankle support.3. The exercise and therapy device of claim 2 , wherein the pocket is arranged to position the pliable object adjacent a heal of the foot.4. The exercise and therapy device of claim 3 , wherein the ankle support comprises a strap comprising the pocket claim 3 , the strap further comprising a first portion and a second portion claim 3 , the pocket positioned between the first and second portions claim 3 , the first and second portions to be wrapped about a portion of an individual.5. The exercise and therapy device of claim 4 , further comprising a fastener carried by the first portion of the strap claim 4 , the fastener arranged to attach the ankle support to the portion of the individual.6. The exercise and therapy device of claim 1 , further comprises rings claim 1 , the rings coupled to the foot covering and arranged to position the rings on sides of a foot of an individual.7. The exercise and therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the foot covering comprises a sock.8. The exercise and therapy device of claim 7 , wherein the pocket is arranged to position the pliable object adjacent a heal of the foot.9. The exercise and therapy device of claim 8 , wherein the sock comprises an open-toed sock.10. The exercise and therapy device of claim 7 , wherein the pocket is arranged to position the pliable object adjacent a ball of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Breastmilk pump

Номер: US20200016307A1
Принадлежит: Annaabella Tech Ltd, Annabella Tech Ltd

The present invention relates to breastmilk pumps imitating the suckling mechanism of a baby's mouth.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022529A1
Автор: Abdo John

A massage device includes spaced apart first and second arms having aligned first and second pivot areas. A cross bar having a first end and a second end is attached to the first arm proximate the first end of the cross bar between the first and second pivot areas. The cross bar is attached to the second arm proximate the second end of the cross bar between the first and second pivot areas. A massage element is carried by the cross bar. 1. A massage device comprising: a first middle portion having a first end and a second end;', 'a first front angled portion extending from the first end of the first middle portion wherein a junction of the first front angled portion and the first end of the first middle portion forms a first pivot area; and', 'a first back angled portion extending from the second end of the first middle portion wherein a junction of the second end of the first middle portion and the first back angled portion forms a second pivot area;, 'a first arm comprising a second middle portion having a first end and a second end;', 'a second front angled portion extending from the first end of the second middle portion wherein a junction of the second front angled portion and the first end of the second middle portion forms a third pivot area; and', 'a second back angled portion extending from the second end of the second middle portion wherein a junction of the second end of the second middle portion and the second back angled portion forms a fourth pivot area;, 'a second arm comprisinga cross bar having a first end and a second end wherein the cross bar is attached to the first middle portion proximate the first end of the cross bar and wherein the cross bar is attached to the second middle portion proximate the second end of the cross bar; anda massage element carried by the cross bar.2. The massage device of and wherein the first pivot area is aligned with the third pivot area and the second pivot area is aligned with the fourth pivot area.3. The massage ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022531A1
Автор: Ryan Ian Q.

A massage device for use on horizontal, vertical, narrow or non-flush stabilizing surfaces is disclosed. The massage device can include a frame having a cavity of a substantially half spherical shape to accommodate a roller ball. A plurality of ball bearings located between the cavity and the roller ball allow the roller ball to rotate as affected by motion from external forces of self-massaging, a massage from another person, or otherwise. A stabilizing mechanism attached to the frame provides stabilization during self-massage. The massage device attaches to horizontal or a vertical flush surface with suction cups, and to a non-flush surface or one that is narrower than the massage device with a strap. 1. An apparatus for self-massaging , comprising:a frame having a cavity of a substantially half spherical shape;a roller ball having a spherical shape and located within the cavity, the roller ball for contact by body parts being massaged by a portion of the roller ball that is not within the cavity;a plurality of ball bearings located between the cavity and the roller ball and sized smaller than the roller ball, the plurality of ball bearings allowing the roller ball to rotate as affected by motion from external forces; anda stabilizing mechanism attached to the frame to stabilize the frame and keep the frame stationary when affected by motion from the external forces.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the roller ball rotates in any direction as affected by motion from external forces.3. The apparatus for claim 1 , wherein: the frame cavity secures the roller ball within the frame while also allowing rotation.4. The apparatus for claim 1 , wherein:the stabilizing mechanism comprises at least one suction cup for temporary attachment to a stabilizing surface at any orientation.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the stabilizing mechanism comprises a strap for temporary attachment to a stabilizing surface.61. The apparatus of clam claim 1 , further comprising: ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020771A1
Автор: Shannon Eric

A massage roller system includes an axle and a massage roller rotatably mounted on the axle such that first and second ends of the axle protrude from first and second end surfaces of the massage roller. First and second handles are mounted to the first and second ends of the axle, each handle including a knob that, in response to twisting, adjusts pressure applied by the handle to one of the first and second end surfaces of the massage roller. First and second supportive plates each include a bearing surface for supporting the first and second handles. 1. A massage roller system , comprising:an axle;a massage roller rotatably mounted on the axle such that first and second ends of the axle protrude from first and second end surfaces of the massage roller;first and second handles mounted to the first and second ends of the axle, each handle including a knob that, in response to twisting, adjusts pressure applied by the handle to one of the first and second end surfaces of the massage roller;a first supportive plate including a first surface, a second surface spaced apart from the first surface, a first bearing surface extending between the first and second surfaces and supporting a first of the first and second handles and a first bottom portion opposite the first bearing surface; anda second supportive plate including a first surface, a second surface spaced apart from the first surface and a second bearing surface extending between the first and second surfaces and supporting the second of the first and second handles and a second bottom portion opposite the second bearing surface.2. The massage roller system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second handles includes at least one groove configured to mate with at least one of the first bearing surface or the second bearing surface.3. The massage roller system as set forth in claim 2 , wherein each groove restricts motion of the handle relative to the supportive plate along a first axis.4. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020772A1

Roller devices, systems, and methods for their use to treat or alleviate symptoms relating to soft tissue injuries and ailments. Such a therapeutic system includes at least one roller device that has an axis of rotation and at least first and second rollers oriented perpendicular to the axis of rotation and spaced apart along the axis of rotation to provide substantially continuous lines of contact with an individual's skin. Each of the rollers has a circular perimeter that defines an outer diameter and a contact surface of the roller. The contact surface defines a contact surface radius sized so that the roller applies a level of pressure to the soft tissue beneath the skin when the roller device is pressed with a level of force against the skin of the individual and caused to travel across the skin within the body region of the individual's body. 1. A therapeutic system adapted to perform therapy on soft tissue beneath the skin within a body region of an individual's body through a rolling application of pressure , the system including at least a first roller device comprising:an axis of rotation; andat least first and second rollers oriented perpendicular to the axis of rotation and spaced apart along the axis of rotation to provide substantially continuous lines of contact with the individual's skin, each of the first and second rollers having a circular perimeter that defines an outer diameter and a contact surface of the roller, the contact surface defining a contact surface radius sized so that the roller applies a level of pressure to the soft tissue beneath the skin when the first roller device is pressed with a level of force against the skin of the individual and caused to travel across the skin within the body region of the individual's body.2. The therapeutic system according to claim 1 , wherein the outer diameters of the first and second rollers are different and the contact surface radii of the first and second rollers are different to apply ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Massage Roller

Номер: US20170020773A1
Автор: Ross Adam L.
Принадлежит: Exemplar Design, LLC

A massage apparatus includes at least one roller. The roller includes a tubular frame, raised rolling bands, and a plurality of massaging protuberances, wherein the height of the bands is at least the height of the protuberances. The bands and protuberances may be flexible and pliable, and made from rubber, silicone, neoprene or foam. A removable cap may be provided. 1. A massage roller comprising:a tube having an outer surface and two ends;a plurality of massaging protuberances extending radially from the outer surface of the tube, the protuberances having a predetermined maximum height measured from a centerline of the tube to a top portion of each protuberance;two bands located proximate the respective ends of the tube, the bands each encircling a respective segment of the tube, wherein each of the bands has an outer diameter comprising a second predetermined distance measured from the centerline of the tube, wherein the second predetermined distance is at least equal to or greater than the longest of the first predetermined distances.2. The massage roller of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a base which is circular claim 1 ,3. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a base which is rectangular.4. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a base which is ovular.5. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a base which is triangular.6. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a semi-spherical shape.7. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a cylindrical shape.8. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a pyramidal shape.9. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of protuberances has a flat-topped shape.10. The massage roller of wherein at least one of the plurality of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020774A1

A thermally active roller apparatus, which includes a core; an intermediate compliant layer disposed about the core; a cover disposed about the intermediate compliant layer; and a heating element. Included is a thermally active roller apparatus in which the compliant layer may be formed from two or more portions having different stiffnesses. A thermally active or non-thermally active roller apparatus that includes a compliant layer comprising at least two portions of different stiffnesses and wherein the at least two portions are interdigitated to lock them together. 1. A thermally active roller apparatus , comprising:a core;an intermediate compliant layer disposed about the core;a cover disposed about the intermediate compliant layer; anda heating element.2. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the core is hollow claim 1 , forming a compartment.3. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising control electronics.4. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first endcap and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , a second endcap claim 1 , wherein the first endcap is disposed at a first end of the core and the optional second endcap is disposed at a second end of the core.5. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first endcap comprises electronic controls.6. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the second endcap comprises a door for accessing a compartment within the core.7. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a fabric sleeve disposed about a roller portion of the thermally active roller apparatus.8. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate compliant layer comprises a pliable foam.9. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate compliant layer comprises grooves for housing the heating element.10. The thermally active roller apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Fitness and Massage Roller

Номер: US20180021211A1
Автор: MÄKELÄ Ari, SUOKAS Arttu
Принадлежит: Ptstudio Oy

An adjustable fitness and massage roller formed as a tubular structure is disclosed. The tubular structure has protrusions that can be continuously adjusted via an adjustment mechanism to extend out from the circumferential surface of the roller. In a basic position the circumferential surface is smooth and the he protrusions are not extending outward. In an extreme working position the protrusions are in utmost extended position. The user can adjust the surface of the roller according to her/his preference by adjusting the position of the protrusions. 1. A fitness and massage roller having a tubular structure and comprising:a tubular surface frame having a first end, and a second end, and a circumferential surface;an end plate attached to the first end;an end flange attached to the second end;a turnable adjustment ring attached to the end flange;a multitude of protrusions having a height extending from the circumferential surface, said height being continuously adjustable between a first and a second extreme position by the turnable adjustment ring, wherein the first extreme position is a basic position where the circumferential surface is smooth and the second extreme position is a position where full height of the protrusions extend from the circumferential surface.2. The fitness and massage roller according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular surface frame comprises a multitude of openings on the circumferential surface through which the protrusions extend.3. The fitness and massage roller according to claim 2 , wherein the tubular surface frame comprises a middle structure comprising a middle shaft having two ends claim 2 , and a multitude of protrusion plates comprising an edge with one or more protrusions are attached on the middle shaft in a way that the protrusions are toward the circumferential surface.4. The fitness and massage roller according to claim 3 , wherein the middle structure comprises conical tooth rings attached at both ends of the middle shaft ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Hand-held massage gun and conversion mechanism thereof

Номер: US20220040032A1
Принадлежит: New Era AI Robotic Inc

A hand-held massage gun and conversion mechanism thereof are disclosed. The hand-held massage gun includes a massage gun body and a conversion mechanism. The massage gun body includes an output rod. The conversion mechanism includes a hollow shell, a movable block and return springs. The hollow shell is detachably connected to the massage gun body, and two ends of the hollow shell are provided with an opening and a long hole. The movable block is accommodated in the hollow shell. The movable block has an inclined surface, an abutting portion and a linkage rod inserted in the long hole. The output rod is inserted in the opening and abutted against the inclined surface. The return springs are elastically supported between the hollow shell and the abutting portion.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Massage device having misaligned y-shaped massage roller shafts

Номер: US20190021941A1
Автор: Hae Won Jeong
Принадлежит: Amorepacific Corp

The present invention relates to a massage device having misaligned Y-shaped massage roller shafts and, more specifically, to a massage device having misaligned Y-shaped massage roller shafts, the device having massage roller shafts formed in a wide Y-shape at both sides of the upper end portion of a grip body and having massage rollers respectively and rotatably coupled to the massage roller shafts such that the massage roller shafts are formed to be misaligned in a narrow Y-shape when viewed from the side, and thus when massaging a wide body portion, the front side, which has the wide Y-shaped massage roller shafts, makes contact with and massages the body portion, and when massaging a narrow body portion, the lateral side, which has the narrow Y-shaped massage roller shafts, makes contact with and massages the body portion, thereby enabling various body portions having different thicknesses to be massaged.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140107545A1
Автор: Pathrose John

The present invention relates to a massaging apparatus. Said massaging apparatus is comprised of a massage sphere that can be rotated with the use of adjacent ball bearings. The massage sphere is encased in an upper, midsection and lower housings, whereby only a section of the massage sphere is exposed. A strap is connected to the lower housing, and can be wrapped around the midsection housing for easy storage. To use the massaging apparatus, one simply has to hold the device and roll the exposed part of the massage sphere over the desired area. In order to massage hard to reach areas such as the back, both ends of the strap are held in each hand, and the massaging apparatus is placed on a hard surface such as a wall, in between the wall and the person's back. The user holds the straps and applies pressure onto the massaging apparatus. 1. A massaging apparatus comprising:a. a massage sphere for applying massaging pressure;b. an upper housing having an opening for receiving the massage sphere;c. a midsection housing operatively connected to the upper housing surrounding the massage sphere;d. a lower housing operatively connected to the midsection housing and enclosing the massage sphere;e. fastening means for connecting the lower housing to the upper housing; andf. a strap secured to the midsection housing for movement of the massaging apparatus, and wherein the massage sphere is rotatably enclosed within the upper, midsection and lower housings.2. The massaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper housing is further comprised of recesses for engagement with the lower housing.3. The massaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the lower housing is further comprised of protrusions for engagement with the recesses of the upper housing.4. The massaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper housing is further comprised of a securing member.5. The massaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower housing is further comprised of a T-bar.6. The massaging apparatus of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025568A1
Автор: LIU Amy

Acupressure apparatus and method that relieves muscle knots and tightness in a user's back by means of an acupressure ball which is threaded two ends by a cord, the cord being both flexible and stretchable. The ball is adjustable along the cord and can be set at a fixed position along the length of the cord using two anchors around the holes where the ball is threaded through. The user grasps the apparatus at each end of the cord and the apparatus can be positioned at the desired spot on a user's back by any of a combination of adjusting the user's hands, arms, and the position of the ball along the cord while the user is grasping the acupressure apparatus. The user's body weight applied on the ball against a rigid surface will apply acupressure therapy. 1. An apparatus for applying acupressure to targeted pressure points on a human user's back , the apparatus comprising:an elastic cord stretchable by the human user;a first handle attached to one end of the elastic cord;a second handle attached to the opposite end of the elastic cord;a first ball that is threaded through by the elastic cord, through the entire diameter of the ball.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first handle and said second handle are made of the same material as said elastic cord.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said first handle and said second handle has sufficient flexibility and stretchability to thread and unthread through said ball along with said elastic cord.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first handle and said second handle are made of different material as said elastic cord.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said ball is fixed in place to said elastic cord at a predetermined position on the elastic cord by friction between surfaces where said elastic cord and said ball make contact.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said ball is fixed in place to said elastic cord at a predetermined position on said elastic cord by a first stopper and a second stopper ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022867A1

A treatment unit includes a treatment element configured to press a person to be treated; a treatment part that includes the treatment element; an output shaft that drives the treatment part; a drive part configured to rotate the output shaft; and a swash plate eccentric cam that rotates integrally with the output shaft. The treatment part oscillates in a direction along a direction of an axis of rotation of the output shaft and a direction intersecting the direction of the axis without rotating along with rotation of the swash plate eccentric cam.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Self-Massaging Tool

Номер: US20210022953A1
Автор: Wilson Wesley

A massaging tool includes a housing that includes a first shell member and a second shell member. The first shell member defines a first interior cavity, and the second shell member defines a second interior cavity. The housing is configurable in a first orientation where the first shell member is secured to the second shell member and a second orientation where the first shell member is decoupled from the second shell member. 1. A massaging tool comprising:a housing including a first shell member defining a first interior cavity and a second shell member defining a second interior cavity;wherein the housing is configurable in a first operational mode where the first shell member is secured with the second shell member and a second operational mode where the first shell member is decoupled from the second shell member.2. The massaging tool of claim 1 , wherein when the housing is configured in the first operational mode claim 1 , the housing forms a generally cylindrical roller massaging tool.3. The massaging tool of claim 1 , wherein the first shell member is securable with the second shell member via at least one of a magnetic coupling claim 1 , a draw latch coupling claim 1 , or a hook and loop fastener.4. The massaging tool of claim 1 , wherein when the housing is configured in the second operational mode claim 1 , at least one of the first shell member or the second shell member forms a semi-cylindrical half-dome roller.5. The massaging tool of claim 1 , wherein the housing is constructed from a crosslinking expanding polymer.6. The massaging tool of claim 1 , further comprising a handle operably coupled with the housing.7. The massaging tool of claim 6 , wherein the handle is disposed at an end of the housing claim 6 , wherein the end of the housing further defines a recess between the handle and the end of the housing.8. The massaging tool of claim 1 , further comprising at least one support member coupled with at least one of the first shell member or the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022954A1
Автор: Jones Dylan

A roller assembly includes a roller body having a rounded outer surface, an end opening, and an internal cavity extending inwardly along an axial direction from the end opening and configured to receive a weight assembly including one or more weights, a weight holder received within the cavity and configured for holding the weight assembly within the cavity, and a retaining structure engaged with the roller body to retain the weight holder and the weight assembly within the cavity. The weight holder includes first and second engaging members to engage first and second ends of the weight assembly that are spaced in the axial direction, to limit movement of the weight assembly along the axial direction. At least one of the first and second engaging members is positionable in different axial positions relative to the other, such that the engaging members can accommodate changes in size of the weight assembly. 1. A roller assembly comprising:a roller body extending in an axial direction between first and second ends, the roller body having a first cylindrical roller portion proximate the first end, a first end opening at the first end, and a first internal cavity extending into the first cylindrical roller portion along the axial direction from the first end opening to a first wall surface proximate a center of the roller body, the first internal cavity configured to receive a weight assembly including one or more weights; a shaft having a proximal end engaged with the first wall surface and a distal end opposite the proximal end, the shaft being configured to engage the weight assembly by extending through holes in the one or more weights; and', 'a fixing member engaged with the shaft and positionable in a plurality of different axial positions along the shaft, wherein the fixing member is configured to engage a proximal end of the weight assembly;, 'a weight holder received within the first internal cavity and configured for holding the weight assembly within the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026902A1
Автор: Berglund Jan

A roller for cleaning the skin comprising a wheel mounted on a handle having means for mounting said wheel, and where the wheel's periphery has asymmetrical suction cups with elongated shapes. Said suction cups have their suction surfaces oriented out from the center axis of the wheel and are preferably made of rubber or elastomer. 1. A roller intended for cleaning skin comprising a wheel mounted freewheeling on a handle with means for mounting said wheel on said handle , said roller is characterized by; that the wheels periphery have suction cups;a, with their suction surfaces oriented out from the center axis of the wheel and;b, with an elongated shape, for example elliptical or oval with the longitudinal axis essentially perpendicular to the rolling direction of the suction cups and;c, that are asymmetrical.2. A roller according to wherein said suction cups have hollowed suction surfaces.3. A roller as in wherein said suction cups are made of rubber or elastomer.4. A roller according to with at least two wheels having their periphery covered with suction cups and with their suction surfaces pointing out from the center axis of the wheel.5. A roller as in wherein said wheels have different dimensions.6. A roller as in wherein said suction cups have different sizes and/or shapes on one wheel claim 1 ,7. A roller as in wherein said suction cups are leaning.8. A wheel that has its periphery covered with suction cups claim 1 , said suction cups have;a, their suction surfaces oriented out from the center axis of the wheel and;b, has an elongated shape, for example elliptical or oval with the longitudinal axis essentially perpendicular to the rolling direction of the suction cups and;c, are asymmetrical.9. A wheel as in with suction cups having hollowed suction surfaces.10. A wheel as in wherein said suction cups are made of rubber or elastomer claim 8 ,11. A roller for cleaning skin claim 8 , comprising:a first wheel rotatably coupled to a handle at a first end of the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027302A1
Принадлежит: COSMOGEN SAS

An application head for a product includes a body that is substantially of revolution and has at its front axial end a hollow spherical surface forming a housing that receives a magnetizable applicator ball with a tight fit, said applicator ball being held by a magnet, this body being intended to hold the product on its inside, wherein the body comprises a chamber located along the passage of the product coming from the inside of this body so as to lead into the housing, this chamber containing a magnetized or non-magnetized valve held on its inside, which can slide through a short axial travel while remaining stuck to the applicator ball, so as to close the passage in the rear position and to open this passage in the front position. 1. An application head of a product , including a body substantially of revolution having at its front axial end a hollow spherical surface forming a housing fittingly accommodating a magnetizable application ball held by a magnet , the body being provided to accommodate therein the product , wherein the body includes a chamber located along a passage of the product coming from an inside of the body in order to open into the housing , the chamber containing a valve , the valve being one of magnetized or not held therein , the valve sliding along an axial stroke by remaining adhered to the application ball , in order to perform , in a rear position , a closing of the passage , and in a front position , an opening of this passage.2. The application head according to claim 1 , wherein the chamber includes a substantially cylindrical shape having an axis parallel to an axis of the body.3. The application head according to claim 1 , wherein the chamber is laterally shifted relative to an axis of the body.4. The application head according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is held forwards within the chamber claim 1 , by an inner relief of the chamber allowing passage of the product.5. The application head according to claim 1 , wherein the valve ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027742A1
Автор: KANG Sun-young

Disclosed is a hyperhidrosis treatment apparatus including a contact part which is detachably mounted and gets in contact with a user's skin so that the contact part can be easily replaced with a new one. 1. A hyperhidrosis treatment apparatus including a probe which gets in contact with a user's skin , a contact part which is mounted at one side of the probe and of which one side gets in contact with the user's skin and the other side gets in contact with a thermoelectric element , and an upper case and a lower case to which the contact part is mounted ,wherein the contact part includes: a cooling contact part which gets in contact with the thermoelectric element; and a skin contact part which gets in contact with the user's skin and is bent at a predetermined angle so that the probe penetrates therethrough, andwherein the cooling contact part and the skin contact part are joined to each other in a detachable manner.2. The hyperhidrosis treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling contact part is formed in a plate type claim 1 , and includes: a first main body which gets in contact with the thermoelectric element; a flat part which is formed at one side of the first main body and is thinner than the first main body and whose bottom side extends to the first main body uniformly; and a joining part which protrudes on the flat part claim 1 , is lower than the first main body and is dented relative to the direction that the skin contact part is joined claim 1 , andwherein the skin contact part includes: a second main body bent at a predetermined angle, the second main body having one side joined with the cooling contact part and the other side through which the probe penetrates; a flat part which is formed at one side of the second main body and is thinner than the second main body and whose upper side extends uniformly; and an insertion protrusion part which protrudes on the bottom side of the flat part toward the cooling contact part and is lower ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Exercise Roller

Номер: US20170027808A1
Автор: Castiglione Angelo

An exercise roller is comprised of at least two sub exercise roller units, the sub exercise roller units connected together to form a single exercise roller and separable to be usable as separate exercise rollers. 1. An exercise roller comprised of at least two sub exercise roller units , the sub exercise roller units connected together to form a single exercise roller and separable so that at least one sub exercise roller unit is usable as a separate exercise roller.2. The exercise roller of wherein adjacent sub exercise roller units engage end on end.3. The exercise roller of wherein at least one sub exercise roller units is tubular claim 1 , cylindrical or rod like.4. The exercise roller of wherein at least one sub exercise roller unit is a substantially unitary.5. The exercise roller of wherein at least one sub exercise roller unit comprises a first tubular or cylindrical part having an internal longitudinally extending passageway with a second part snugly engaging within the passageway.6. The exercise roller of wherein the second part is rod like claim 5 , tubular or cylindrical.7. The exercise roller of wherein the second part is a second sub exercise roller unit snugly engaged within the passageway.8. The exercise roller of wherein the second part is tubular or cylindrical and a third part is located within the second part.9. The exercise roller of wherein the passageway extends the length of the first sub exercise roller unit.10. The exercise roller of wherein at least two sub units are attached to each other end on end and means for attachment are provided on one or both adjacent ends on the sub units.11. The exercise roller of wherein the means for attachment is comprised of hook and loop fastener material.12. The exercise roller of wherein the means for attachment includes a bore in each of the adjacent ends of the two sub units and a joiner received within said bores.13. The exercise roller of wherein the joiner is a sub exercise roller unit.14. The ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030277A1

Provided is a thermotherapy device, which includes a first housing (), a second housing () disposed under the first housing (), a transfer plate (), at both sides of which transfer rollers () are provided, and a pair of guide rails () that is provided to the second housing () and on which the respective transfer rollers () of the transfer plate () are placed. The pair of guide rails () are integrally molded when the second housing () is injection-molded. Thus, since the guide rails on which the transfer rollers of the transfer plate travel are integrally molded when the second housing is injection-molded, inefficiency caused by mounting separate rails as in the related art is removed, and thereby assemblability, productivity, and economic efficiency of the thermotherapy device can be improved. 1. A thermotherapy device comprising:a first housing;a second housing disposed under the first housing;a transfer plate, at both sides of which transfer rollers are provided; anda pair of guide rails that is provided to the second housing and on which the respective transfer rollers of the transfer plate are placed,wherein the pair of guide rails are integrally molded when the second housing is injection-molded.2. The thermotherapy device of claim 1 , wherein the pair of guide rails further includes slide parts claim 1 , which are inclined in an inward direction claim 1 , on upper surfaces thereof.3. The thermotherapy device of claim 2 , wherein the transfer rollers of the transfer plate further include contact parts whose outer circumferential surfaces are inclined in the inward direction so as to correspond to the slide parts of the guide rails.4. The thermotherapy device of claim 1 , wherein the first housing further includes anti-separation members that are disposed above the transfer rollers and prevent the transfer rollers from being separated from the guide rails while the transfer rollers are traveling.5. The thermotherapy device of claim 1 , wherein each of the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030278A1
Автор: Faussett Spring S.

A portable rolling massager is provided that includes a spindle, a roller rotatably mounted on the spindle, and a covering for the roller that features a comfortable surface when applied to the skin and pressure is applied to muscles underlying the skin. Heating and cooling of the cover provides other therapeutic benefits. Storage in the spindle accommodates weights, flashlights, key storage, music devices, and the like. Hand grips having distal ends are designed to provide the ability to massage trigger points that develop in the muscles. 1. A massage device , comprising:a spindle;a roller positioned to roll around and move along on the spindle;a first handgrip attached to a first end of the spindle, the first handgrip having a first flange positioned adjacent to the roller, the first flange having an outer diameter greater than an outer diameter of the roller; anda second handgrip attached to a second end of the spindle, the second handgrip having a second flange positioned adjacent to the roller, the second flange having an outer diameter greater than the outer diameter of the roller, and the roller is capable of direct contact with the first flange and the second flange.2. The device of wherein the first handgrip includes a first ridge at an end of the first handgrip opposite to the first flange and the second handgrip includes a second ridge at an end of the second handgrip opposite to the second flange.3. The device of wherein the roller includes first and second beveled end surfaces.4. The device of wherein the first handgrip includes a compressible compartment.5. The device of wherein the spindle includes a compartment that is accessible by removing the first handgrip.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a foam gripping cover mounted on the roller claim 1 , the foam gripping cover having an outer diameter that is smaller than an outer diameter of the first and second flanges.7. The device of wherein the foam gripping cover includes a protrusion.8. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Massage device for neck portion

Номер: US20180028388A1

A massage device includes a rotatay member rotatably supported on a supporting base with a pivot axle, and a massage member engaged onto the rotatay member and rotated in concert with the massage member relative to the supporting base for engaging with a neck portion of a user and for exercising and massaging the neck portion of the user. The supporting base includes a number of rollers engaged with the rotatay member for rotatably supporting the rotatay member on the supporting base. The supporting base includes a number of sockets for engaging with and for supporting the rollers.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028396A1
Автор: Brodsky Marc

A device for self-administration of massage, trigger point therapy and/or myofascial release, and methods for same. 1. A device comprising:a sleeve having a first section, second section, and a middle section therebetween;first and second rollers disposed within a section of the sleeve, a spaced distance defined between the first roller and the second roller, anda restrainer to prevent movement of the first and second rollers to another section of the sleeve.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second rollers consist of only two rollers.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second rollers comprise a plurality of rollers.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rollers are spherical.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rollers are cylindrical.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second rollers comprise foam.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the first and second rollers comprise foam rubber.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second rollers comprise latex.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second rollers comprise sponge.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the first and second rollers has a diameter of less than three inches.11. The device of claim 10 , wherein both the first and second rollers has a diameter of less than 3 inches.12. The device of claim 10 , wherein both the first and rollers has a diameter of about 2.5 inches.13. The device of claim 10 , wherein both the first and rollers has a diameter of about 2.25 inches.14. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distance between the first and second roller is not more than 1 inch.15. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second rollers have an outer surface.16. The device of claim 15 , wherein the outer surface is smooth.17. The device of claim 15 , wherein the outer surface is textured.18. The device of claim 17 , wherein the texture includes rounded protrusions.19. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Squeeze Roller for MyoFascial Release

Номер: US20180028397A1
Автор: Underwood Archie

A device for redirecting force to release tension in muscles and fascia in a body part. 1. A device for redirecting force to a body part , comprising:a first and a second rounded roller anda flexible tensioning means to maintain the rollers at a predetermined range of distances to permit contacting a body part between the rollers, while allowing the rollers to pivot towards each other;whereby exerting force between the body part and the tensioning means redirects the force from the rollers toward the body part.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a roller is substantially spherical claim 1 , ellipsoid claim 1 , conical claim 1 , or cylindrical claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein on roller can rotate independent of the other roller.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the exterior of a roller is relatively compressible.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the tensioning means comprises a cable that passes through the rollers and the spacer.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the tensioning means further comprises a washer or terminal eyelet.7. The device of claim 5 , wherein the tensioning means has a hook or handle.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the tensioning means allows replacement of a roller.9. A system comprising the device of claim 1 , further comprising rollers of different properties.10. A system comprising the device of claim 1 , further comprising a mat.11. A system comprising the device of claim 1 , further removable covering.12. A system comprising the device of claim 1 , further comprising rollers with of different properties.13. A method for using the device of claim 1 , comprising the steps of(a) positioning a body part between the rollers; and(b) applying force to the tensioning means toward a surface;thereby redirecting the force toward the body part from the directions of the rollers.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the method further comprises the step of(c) rolling the body part between the rollers.15. The ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114221A1

Handheld roller massage apparatus comprising at least two air-filled elastomeric massage spheres and two handle grips attached to a support rod where the handle grips and massage spheres are fully adjustable along the support rod. Massage spheres have special size, elastic modulus, and perceived inflation pressure to reach deep muscle and ligament tissue along either side of the spine. Massage spheres deform from massage pressure primarily in the tip of the sphere and not at the base due to support from T-washer members on either side of massage spheres, which also helps reach deep muscle and ligament tissue along either side of the spine. 1said rigid cylindrical metal tube is a straight rigid hollow cylindrical tube made of metal that is 1.5-4 feet long and 0.25-2 inches in outer diameter,{'b': 30', '40', '50', '60', '20, 'said at least two contact orbs, said at least four T-washers, said two handle grips, and said two end caps are center-mounted on said rigid cylindrical metal tube so that in end plan view, said at least two contact orbs , said at least four T-washers , said two handle grips , said two end caps , and said rigid cylindrical metal tube are mounted concentrically with each other,'}said at least two contact orbs are each sphere-shaped hollow balls 2.5-3 inches in outer diameter made of elastomeric or resilient material that deflects or deforms under pressure but returns back to its original shape when the pressure is released,each of said at least four T-washers is a rigid non-permeable annulus-shaped or washer-shaped member integral with or rigidly attached to a rigid non-permeable hollow cylindrical member with open ends, where the inner diameter of said hollow cylindrical member is the same as the inner diameter of said annulus member and one end of said hollow cylindrical member is integral with or rigidly attached to the inner diameter of said annulus member so that the longitudinal axis of said hollow cylindrical member is perpendicular to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047448A1

Provided are a method for providing a massage to stimulate a growth plate for promoting growth and a massage apparatus. The massage apparatus includes: a body data calculation unit for calculating length related information of at least a portion of a body part of a user; a growth plate stimulation massage pattern determination unit for determining a growth plate stimulation massage pattern on the basis of the calculated body length related information; and a growth plate stimulation massage providing unit for providing a massage on the basis of the growth plate stimulation massage pattern. 1. A massage device configured to provide a growth plate stimulating massage promoting growth , comprising:a body data calculation portion configured to calculate length-related information of at least some body areas of a user;a growth plate stimulating massage pattern determination portion configured to determine a growth plate stimulating massage pattern on the basis of the calculated body-length-related information; anda growth plate stimulating massage providing portion configured to provide a massage on the basis of the growth plate stimulating massage pattern.2. The massage device of claim 1 , comprising:a body massage portion comprising at least one air cell and a massage module; anda leg massage portion comprising an upper air cell, an intermediate air cell, and a lower air cell,wherein the leg massage portion has a structure divided into an upper leg module and a lower leg module to be vertically movable independently.3. The massage device of claim 2 , wherein the body data calculation portion comprises:a leg length determination portion configured to obtain a heel position of the user and to determine a leg length on the basis thereof; anda height determination portion configured to obtain a shoulder height of the user and to determine a height of the user on the basis of the leg length and the shoulder height, andwherein the growth plate stimulating massage pattern ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047449A1
Автор: Zhang Aizhong

A dry eye treatment device, comprising a roller, a holder, wherein the roller contacts and rolls over an eyelid in a plurality of directions in a treatment; a heating element to generate heat, wherein at least a portion of the heat is transferred to the roller; a temperature monitoring system, which comprises a thermal sensor and a temperature control circuit; and an electric power source. The roller is of a convex cylindrical or concave cylindrical shape. A method for dry eye treatment, comprising: cleaning an eyelid with a first cleansing wipe; heating a roller to a predetermined temperature; applying thermally conductive gel between the roller and the eyelid; rolling the roller over the eyelid in a plurality of directions; and removing the thermally conductive gel and expressed debris with a second cleansing wipe; and further, increasing the temperature by an increment and repeating the treatment method. 1. A dry eye treatment device , comprising:a roller, wherein said roller is connected to a holder, wherein said roller contacts and rolls over an eyelid in a plurality of directions in a treatment;a heating element to generate heat, wherein said heating element is outside said roller, wherein at least a portion of said heat is transferred from said heating element to said roller by a heat transfer element with thermal conduction;a temperature monitoring system, wherein said temperature monitoring system comprises a thermal sensor and a temperature control circuit; andan electric power source to electrically heat said heating element.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said roller is of a convex cylindrical shape or a concave cylindrical shape.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said thermal sensor measures a temperature of a surface of said roller or a temperature of an element thermally connected with a surface of said roller claim 1 , wherein said temperature control circuit ensures said temperature of said surface of said roller is within a predetermined ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030180A1
Автор: Lin Yi-Hung

A foam roller includes a tube and a pad. The tube is made of an elastic material and formed with an external face and an internal face. The external face of the tube includes alternately arranged facets and angles. The pad is made of a relatively soft and elastic material and formed on the external face of the tube. The pad includes facets and angles corresponding to the facets and angles of the tube. 1. A foam roller comprising:{'b': 10', '11', '12', '11', '10', '13, 'a tube () made of an elastic material and formed with an external face () and an internal face (), wherein the external face () of the tube () comprises alternately arranged facets () and angles; and'}{'b': 20', '11', '10', '20', '21', '210', '13', '10, 'a pad () made of a relatively soft and elastic material and formed on the external face () of the tube (), wherein the pad () comprises facets () and angles () corresponding to the facets () and angles of the tube ().'}2101512152112101210. The foam roller according to claim 1 , wherein the tube () comprises an internal plate () formed on the internal face () claim 1 , wherein the internal plate () extends along a central line (L) at a distance from a diameter (L) of the internal face () of the tube () claim 1 , wherein the distance is 0.15 to 0.70 as large as a radius of the internal face () of the tube ().310202510. The foam roller according to claim 1 , wherein the tube () comprises two open ends claim 1 , wherein the pad () comprises two lateral covering portions () for covering the open ends of the tube ().41810201020. The foam roller according to claim 3 , comprising two covers () for covering the open ends of the tube () to keep the material of the pad () out of the tube () during the making of the pad ().5. A foam roller comprising:{'b': 10', '11', '12, 'a tube () made of an elastic material and formed with a smooth cylindrical external face () and an internal face (); and'}{'b': 20', '11', '10', '20, 'a pad () made of a relatively soft and ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030181A1
Автор: LIN Kuo-Feng, Lin Yi-Hung

A foam roller includes a tube and a pad. The tube is made of an elastic material and formed with an external face and an internal face. The external face of the tube includes facets, ridges and protuberances. Each of the ridges is formed between two adjacent ones of the facets. The protuberances are formed on the facets. The pad is made of a relatively soft and elastic material and formed on the external face of the tube. The pad includes facets, ridges and protuberances corresponding to the facets, ridges and protuberances of the tube. 1. A foam roller comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '11', '22', '11', '18', '11', '10, 'a tube () made of an elastic material and formed with an external face and an internal face, wherein the external face of the tube () comprises facets (), ridges (), each of which is formed between two adjacent ones of the facets (), and protuberances () formed on the facets (), wherein the internal face of the tube () extends around and along an axis;'}{'b': 15', '150', '10, 'a reinforcement element () in the form of a plate being biased from the axis and comprising two connective portions () connected to the internal face of the tube (); and'}{'b': 20', '10', '20', '21', '22', '28', '11', '12', '18', '10, 'a pad () made of a soft and elastic material and formed on the external face of the tube (), wherein the pad () comprises facets (), ridges () and protuberances () corresponding to the facets (), ridges () and protuberances () of the tube ().'}21828. The foam roller according to claim 1 , wherein the protuberances ( claim 1 , ) are formed with various length claim 1 , width and height and in various shapes and locations.3. (canceled)420. The foam roller according to claim 1 , wherein the pad () is made of thermoplastic elastomer.5. The foam roller according to claim 4 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer comprises ethylene vinyl acetate (“EVA”).6. (canceled) The present application is a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030617A1
Автор: Penn Byron

Massage devices and associated methods. Massage devices include a frame, a first massage element rotatably supported on a first support member, and a second massage element rotatably supported on a second support member. The first massage element and the second massage element may be separated by a selected separation distance. The massage device may include a separation adjustment mechanism for adjusting the selected separation distance. The separation adjustment mechanism may be configured to be selectively transitioned between a use configuration and an adjustment configuration. Methods of utilizing a massage device to massage a limb may include positioning the limb between a first massage element and a second massage element of the massage device and applying a compressive force to the limb with each of the first massage element and the second massage element. 1. A massage device for massaging a limb of a user , the massage device comprising:a frame;a first massage element operatively supported by the frame and configured to rotate relative to the frame about a first axis of rotation; anda second massage element operatively supported by the frame and configured to rotate relative to the frame about a second axis of rotation;wherein one of the first massage element and the second massage element is at least substantially spherical wherein the other of the first massage element and the second massage element is at least substantially cylindrical;wherein the first massage element is supported on a first support member that is operatively coupled to the frame; wherein the second massage element is supported on a second support member that is operatively coupled to the frame; wherein the first massage element and the second massage element are selectively maintained at a selected separation distance from one another;wherein the massage device further comprises at least one separation adjustment mechanism for adjusting the selected separation distance; wherein each ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030618A1

A calf massage module includes: at least one movable shaft inserted into a spring so as to move forward or rearward by the compression and expansion of the spring; a massage module housing having a movable shaft guide part for guiding the movement of the movable shaft; and a moving housing inserted into the massage module housing according to the movement of the movable shaft. 1. A calf massage module comprising:at least one movable shaft which is inserted into a spring and moves forward or rearward by compression and expansion of the spring;a massage module housing including a movable shaft guide part that guides movement of the movable shaft; anda moving housing which is inserted into the massage module housing according to the movement of the movable shaft.2. The calf massage module of claim 1 , wherein the calf massage module further includes a roller fixing bracket which supports a shaft of a roller that massages a calf of a user claim 1 ,wherein the roller fixing bracket is mounted in the moving housing, and the movable shaft is connected with the roller fixing bracket.3. The calf massage module of claim 2 , wherein the calf massage module further includes a supporting shaft connected to the roller fixing bracket and moving forward or rearward along a supporting shaft guide part formed in the massage module housing.4. The calf massage module of claim 3 , wherein movement of the supporting shaft is limited by a hook protrusion formed on the supporting shaft guide part to prevent the moving housing from separating therefrom in a forward direction.5. The calf massage module of claim 3 , wherein the supporting shaft has a stepped shape corresponding to a hook protrusion formed on the supporting shaft guide part.6. The calf massage module of claim 3 , wherein a rear end portion of the supporting shaft protrudes outward from the massage module housing when moving rearward along the supporting shaft guide part.7. The calf massage module of claim 2 , wherein one end ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030619A1
Автор: Taylor Lani

A self-massage roller having a bottle, a covering, and, optionally, a removable cap. The bottle provides a vessel for holding liquids. The covering includes a base layer and a plurality of nubs. The base layer overlays the outer surface of the bottle. Each nub in the plurality of nubs protrudes from the base layer in a direction radially away from the outer surface of the bottle. Each nub is a massage element, and the plurality of nubs forms a textured surface for myofascial release of certain muscles of the user. In another version, each nub is attached directly to the outer surface of the bottle without an intervening base layer. In versions with a cap, the cap may include a flip-up spout, or it may have a plunger valve that opens upon pulling the plunger outward and closes upon pushing in the plunger. 1. A self-massage roller , comprising:a bottle, wherein the bottle is configured to contain liquids for consumption by a user, and the bottle is further configured to support a body weight of the user; anda removable foam covering overlaid on a portion of an outer surface of the bottle, wherein the foam covering is configured to protect the bottle from physical damage, and the foam covering provides thermal insulation for the liquids contained in the bottle;wherein the bottle and the foam covering together exert external pressure on one or more body parts of the user for myofascial release in response to the user rolling the one or more body parts with the bottle.2. The self-massage roller of claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness of the bottle and a density of the foam covering together provide strength to support the full body weight of the user.3. The self-massage roller of claim 2 , wherein the strength provided by the wall thickness of the bottle and the density of the foam covering prevent the bottle from collapsing or rolling away from the user in response to the user applying the full body weight onto the bottle.4. The self-massage roller of claim 1 , wherein ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033437A1
Автор: Inada Nichimu

A massage machine includes a display unit or a voice output unit and a control unit that controls functions of the massage machine. The control unit includes control modes in which the functions assigned to each of the control modes are at least partially different from each other. The control modes include a full function control mode in which all or almost all of the functions are assigned, and a function limitation control mode in which the functions are at least partially limited. When the massage machine is in a predetermined state, the control unit proceeds to the function limitation control mode. In the function limitation control mode, the control unit causes the display unit to display information relating to the massage machine, or causes the voice output unit to output the information by using a voice. The information is receivable from a service provider. 1. A massage machine comprising:at least one of a display unit and a voice output unit; anda control unit configured to control functions of the massage machine,wherein the control unit includes data of control modes in which the functions assigned to each of the control modes are at least partially different from each other,wherein the control modes include a full function control mode in which all or almost all of the functions are assigned, and a function limitation control mode in which the functions are at least partially limited,wherein when the massage machine is in a predetermined state, the control unit proceeds to the function limitation control mode,wherein in the function limitation control mode, the control unit causes the display unit to display information relating to the massage machine, or causes the voice output unit to output the information by using a voice,wherein the information is receivable from a service provider.2. The massage machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the information includes at least any one of features that include a manual, a price, and a purchase method of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Sliding-Type Apparatus for Thermotherapeutic Treatment

Номер: US20160038335A1
Автор: Lee Hea Sung, Park Ji Hoon

The present invention relates to a sliding-type apparatus for thermo-therapeutic treatment comprising: a body () on which a thermo-therapeutic treatment device () is arranged; a cover () which is slid, and covers said thermo-therapeutic treatment device (); and guide grooves which are formed to slide on said body (). According to the present invention, if the apparatus for thermo-therapeutic treatment is not used, a lower bed member is slid such that the lower bed member can be overlapped with the body whereby a space can be easily utilized, and if the apparatus for thermo-therapeutic treatment is used, the lower bed member is easily unfolded in a sliding manner. 1. A sliding-type apparatus for thermo-therapeutic treatment , comprising:{'b': 1100', '1010, 'a body () in which a thermo-therapeutic treatment device () is disposed;'}{'b': 1200', '1100, 'a lower bed member () which is slid on the body () to be unfolded or overlapped so that a length thereof is changed;'}{'b': 1250', '1200', '1010', '1200', '1100, 'a cover () which is formed at the lower bed member () to cover the thermo-therapeutic treatment device () when the lower bed member () is overlapped on the body (); and'}{'b': '1100', 'a guide groove for sliding, which is formed in the body ().'}2. A sliding-type apparatus for thermo-therapeutic treatment , comprising:{'b': 1100', '1010, 'a body () in which a thermo-therapeutic treatment device () is disposed;'}{'b': 1200', '1100, 'a lower bed member () which is slid on the body () to be unfolded or overlapped so that a length thereof is changed;'}{'b': 1250', '1200', '1010', '1200', '1100, 'a cover () which is formed at the lower bed member () to cover the thermo-therapeutic treatment device () when the lower bed member () is overlapped on the body (); and'}{'b': '1250', 'a guide groove for sliding, which is formed in the cover ().'}31250. The sliding-type apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cover () comprises a frame which is moved along the guide groove.41100 ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035648A1
Автор: FRANK Karlheinz

The present invention concerns a rotating attachment, in particular for purposes of massage, which comprises a rotating mechanism with at least one rotating axle/rotation axis. This rotating axle can be connected with a drive or can be readily inserted into a plug connector, coupling or chuck or be secured and/or connected in a torque-proof manner. Furthermore, at least one massage head with at least one massage axle is provided for. In each case, at least one roll that can be rotated around the massage axle can be provided for at and/or on the massage axle. The massage head, the massage axles and/or the rolls are arranged such that the rotating axle and each of the massage axles are arranged in different planes and/or the massage axle(s) and/or the roll(s) are at least partially laterally tilted and/or deviated with reference to the rotating axle in one component. 1. A rotating attachment , comprising:a rotating mechanism with at least one rotating axle to turn the rotating attachment around the at least one rotating axle;at least one massage head with at least one massage axle;at least one case in which at least one roll is rotatable around the at least one massage axle,wherein:the at least one rotating axle and each of the massage axles are arranged in different planes; and/or the at least one massage axle and/or the at least one roll are laterally tilted and/or pivoted with reference to the at least one rotating axle at least partially in one component.2. The rotating attachment according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one massage axle and/or the at least one roll are tilted to an inside of the at least one rotating axle at least partially in one component.3. The rotating attachment according to claim 1 , wherein:each massage head comprises at least two massage axles and at least one rotating roll in each case for each massage axle; and/orthe massage axles and/or the rolls are aligned with a homogeneous orientation.4. The rotating attachment according to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038887A1
Автор: Piccirillo Lauren

Devices for soothing a baby may simulate the feel of massage by a caregiver with a circular massaging motion. An apparel component, such as a swaddle blanket or sleep sack, may be configured to receive the device. At least one clip may facilitate placement of the device. 1. A device for soothing a baby , comprising:a housing;a plurality of rotating elements movably disposed within the housing, each of the rotating elements comprising a gear portion and a massaging element attached to the gear portion; anda motor disposed within the housing and configured to rotate the gear portions of the plurality of rotating elements to enable rotating movement of the massaging elements.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the massaging elements protrude from the housing.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the massaging elements comprise a semi-circular S-shape.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein each of the massaging elements comprise a U-shape.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to rotate each of the gear portions around an axis located at a center of each of the rotating elements.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rotating elements comprise three rotating elements disposed around a central gear claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to drive the central gear to rotate the three rotating elements.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rotating elements comprise four rotating elements disposed around a central gear claim 1 , wherein the motor is configured to drive the central gear to rotate the four rotating elements.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is embedded in an insert having an opening configured to receive the device and the insert is configured to be placed within a blanket.9. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a microphone.10. The device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one retractable clip.11. The device of claim 1 , wherein the rotating movement of the massaging elements is substantially circular.12. A ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036195A1

A foot massager having a stretch function includes a body including a housing having a massage cavity for placing the feet, and a foot massage mechanism provided below the massage cavity. A lower part of the body is connected to a support base supporting the body. An upper portion of the massage cavity has a massage air bag capable of squeezing and holding the feet in position. A rear part of the body corresponding to the heels is connected via a pin mechanism to the support base. A front part of the body corresponding to the toes is connected via a swing drive mechanism to the support base. The massage air bag expands, and squeezes the insteps, and holds the feet in position. The swing drive mechanism drives the body to use a pin as a fulcrum to swing up and down and to stretch and massage the feet. 1. A foot massager having a stretch function , comprising a body comprising a housing and a foot massage mechanism , the housing is provided with a massage cavity for placing the feet , and the foot massage mechanism being provided below the massage cavity , whereina lower part of the body is connected to a support base supporting the body;an upper portion of the massage cavity is provided with a massage air bag capable of squeezing and holding the feet in position; anda rear part of the body corresponding to the heels is connected via a pin mechanism to the support base, a front part of the body corresponding to the toes is connected via a swing drive mechanism to the support base, the massage air bag expands, and squeezes the insteps, and holds the feet in position, and the swing drive mechanism drives the body to use a pin as a fulcrum to swing up and down and to stretch and massage the feet.2. The foot massager according to claim 1 , wherein the swing drive mechanism includes a rotary member and a swing lever; the body is provided with a rotating spindle rotating about a fixed axis; the rotary member is connected to the rotating spindle and driven to rotate by the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036197A1
Автор: Khansari Hassan A.

Disclosed herein is a variable pressure massage apparatus including a position adjustable table upon which an individual lays to receive a massage without the presence of a masseuse or a masseur. Standing above the position adjustable table are a motor housing in which a heating lamp and a motor are located and from which a rotating massage drum is suspended and held above the table. The motor is coupled to a spindle of the rotating massage drum by way of a reduction gear box that is located within the motor housing so that a force generated by the motor causes the massage drum to rotate. The massage drum has a plurality of interchangeable rollers which roll over the body of the individual to administer the massage as the massage drum is rotated by the motor. 1. An apparatus for massaging an individual , said apparatus comprising:a table upon which the individual lays when receiving the massage;a rotatable massage drum having at least one roller to apply a pressure to the individual laying on the table to administer the massage, said rotatable massage drum positioned above the table so as to engage the body of the individual; anda motor coupled to said rotatable massage drum to generate a force to be imparted to said rotatable massage drum to cause said massage drum to rotate and said at least one roller thereof to roll over the body of the individual receiving the massage.2. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , further comprising a motor housing within which said motor is located claim 1 , said rotatable massage drum located outside said motor housing and coupled to said motor through said motor housing such that said rotatable massage drum is suspended from said motor housing and held above said table.3. The apparatus recited in claim 2 , further comprising a reduction gear box located within said motor housing and coupled between said motor located within said motor housing and said rotatable massage drum located outside said motor housing.4. The apparatus recited ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038500A1
Автор: JUNTUNEN Juha, LEHTI Olli

A massage device comprising a base () provided with means () for adjusting the frames () of massage balls () in order to allow the distance () between the massage balls () to be adjusted, and wherein the shafts () of the massage balls () are secured to the frames () in such a way that they extend upwards in a V shape with respect to one another. 1. A massage device , comprisinga base provided with a means for adjusting a plurality of frames of massage balls in order to allow a distance between the massage balls to be adjusted, andwherein shafts of the massage balls are secured to the plurality of frames in such a way that the shafts extend upwards in a V shape with respect to one another.2. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the means comprises an adjustment groove.3. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the means comprises a screw-gear shaft.4. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the means comprises cavities or fastening points on the base.5. A massage device as defined in claim 2 , wherein spring-biased locking pins are provided between the base and the plurality of frames claim 2 , enabling the distance between the massage balls to be adjusted.6. A massage device as defined in claim 5 , wherein the spring-biased locking pins can be lifted by adjustment knobs in order to adjust the distance between the massage balls.7. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of frames are adjustable for changing the rotational angle of the massage balls in relation to the base in order to adjust the V shape.8. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein a non-slip bottom is provided under the base.9. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the each frame forms one of the plurality of shafts as well.10. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein each of the massage balls comprise some other shape than a sphere.11. A massage device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of each of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038282A1
Автор: BUI Stephen
Принадлежит: Active Life Solutions, LLC.

A device for therapeutic, fitness and sports enhancement can include an elongated apparatus body. The apparatus body can include three or more rounded and/or sharp edges connected by curvilinear surfaces between each of the edges about a longitudinal axis of the apparatus body. The device may or may not also include multiple projections along the outer surface of the apparatus body that are configured to be applied to the user of the device. 1. A therapeutic , fitness and sports enhancement apparatus comprising: an elongated apparatus body with three or more rounded and/or sharp edges connected by curvilinear outer surfaces between said edges about a longitudinal axis with or without a plurality of projections on the outer surfaces.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus body comprises a fixed or movable sleeve or a plurality of sleeve parts fitted over the outer surfaces of the apparatus body.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus body comprises a heatable or a coolable material.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a support.5. The apparatus of wherein the support comprises attachment means for attaching the apparatus body to the support in at least two different positions about the longitudinal axis of the apparatus body.6. The apparatus of wherein the attachment means fix the apparatus body immovably to the support so that the apparatus body does not revolve around its longitudinal axis.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus body comprises soapstone.8. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the support comprises a gripping means configured to be gripped by toes.9. The apparatus of wherein the gripping means comprise protrusions or extrusions in the support at one or more sides of where the apparatus body is fixed to the support.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a cross-sectional profile of the apparatus body comprises a semi triangular or Reuleaux triangle.11. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the support ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045702A1
Автор: Lin Su-Lin

A cosmetic device disposed with a magnetic attraction structure and a replaceable cosmetic assembly is disclosed. The cosmetic device includes a holding unit, a connection part, a cover body, and the cosmetic assembly. The holding unit has a power supply unit and a notch disposed with a first magnetic attraction component and several first connection terminals. The power supply unit electrically connects with the first connection terminals for transmitting electric power. The connection part includes a fixing block disposed with a second magnetic attraction component and several second connection terminals. The second magnetic attraction component and the first magnetic attraction component may attract each other for binding the connection part with the holding unit. The second connection terminals are electrically connected with the first connection terminals. The cosmetic assembly assembled with the cover body, and the cosmetic assembly is electrically connected with the second connection terminals for performing cosmetic functionalities. 1. A cosmetic device disposed with a magnetic attraction structure and a replaceable cosmetic assembly , comprising:a holding unit, wherein a notch is concavely disposed at a top side of the holding unit, a first magnetic attraction component and a plurality of first connection terminals are disposed in the notch, a power supply unit is disposed in the holding unit, and the power supply unit is electrically connected with the first connection terminals for transmitting electric power to the first connection terminals;a connection part, wherein a fixing block is convexly disposed at a bottom side of the connection part, a configuration of the fixing block matches with a configuration of the notch, a second magnetic attraction component and a plurality of second connection terminals are disposed at a bottom side of the fixing block, the position of the second magnetic attraction component corresponds to the position of the first ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Exercise Aid

Номер: US20160045391A1
Автор: Strassburg David

The present disclosure provides a roller that can be used to facilitate all of the equipment that a runner needs, and especially on race day. The roller has a cylindrical body with a first end cap and a second end cap at opposing ends. The first end cap and/or the second end cap is removable such that objects can be placed within the roller and contained therein. Each end cap has an orifice through which a strap is disposed. In this way, the strap can be used to sling the roller over the shoulder for easy portability. 1. A roller for runners , comprising:a cylindrical body having a first end cap and a second end cap, each of the first end cap and second end cap having an orifice, at least one of the first end and/or the second end being removable; anda removable strap disposed through the orifices of the first and second end caps, the removable strap further comprising at least two tabs configured to attach to a runner's bib.2. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the first end cap and second end cap are configured such that the first end cap can be attached to the second end cap of a second roller to adjoin two rollers.3. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the removable strap is adjustable in length.4. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical body comprises a foam outer surface.5. The roller of claim 4 , wherein the foam outer surface of the foam roller has a surface with a texture.6. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the first end cap and/or the second end cap is removably attached to the cylindrical body by way of threaded engagement.7. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the tabs of the removable strap have snaps for attaching a runner's bib.8. The roller of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical body is hollow. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/015,934, filed on Jun. 23, 2014, now pending, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to therapeutic aid for exercising, and in particular to ...
