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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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12-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2763983C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к медицинскому устройству для введения в организм медицинской жидкости или для управления введением в организм медицинской жидкости, а также способу обнаружения короткого замыкания в нем. Устройство содержит пользовательский интерфейс, связанный с электронной схемой, подключенной к первому и второму портам контроллера. Электронная схема обеспечивает возможность обнаружения контроллером воздействия на пользовательский интерфейс. При этом настраивают первый порт в качестве выходного. Подают на первый порт первого сигнала. Получают со второго порта второй сигнал. Выполняют на основании второго сигнала определение того, произошло ли короткое замыкание. Вырабатывают в соответствующем случае сигнал предупреждения о коротком замыкании. Электронная схема содержит первую и вторую линии, соединяющие первый и второй порты контроллера с первой и второй площадками соответственно. Первая и вторая площадки подключены через первый и второй резисторы соответственно ...

09-04-2019 дата публикации

Зажим устройства для дозированной подачи жидкости из капельницы с трубкой

Номер: RU188374U1

Зажим устройства для дозированной подачи жидкости из капельницы с трубкой, содержащий зажимной узел, выполненный с возможностью пережима сечения трубки, снабженный малогабаритным шаговым электродвигателем, выполненным с возможностью управления его работой через схему управления, отличается тем, что зажимной узел выполнен в виде диска, закрепленного на валу электродвигателя с возможностью поворота до 180° от исходного положения, при этом на его свободной поверхности установлены симметрично оси поворота диска два стержня, зазор между которыми составляет 1,1-1,2 от наибольшего возможного диаметра трубки, при этом система управления содержит измерительный блок с датчиком угла поворота вала электродвигателя. Кроме того, зажимной узел выполнен с возможностью фиксации на штативе-держателе капельницы. Технический результат выражается в повышении в несколько раз оперативности срабатывания зажима при регулировании процесса подачи в широком диапазоне расходов, кроме того, упрощается конструкция зажима ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013151264A

... 1. Устройство (1) для управления или поддержки управления температурой пациента посредством инфузии текучей среды, содержащее:по меньшей мере один элемент (2) подачи инфузионной текучей среды;по меньшей мере один ввод (5) температуры тела, выполненный с возможностью приема фактической температуры (Tb) тела пациента;по меньшей мере один дополнительный ввод (7), выполненный с возможностью приема по меньшей мере одного дополнительного параметра (AP), представляющего фактическое физиологическое состояние пациента;по меньшей мере один блок (10) управления, связанный с упомянутым вводом (5) температуры тела и упомянутым дополнительным вводом (7);по меньшей мере один исполнительный механизм (13), который управляет по меньшей мере фактическим расходом (FR) и/или фактической температурой инфузионной текучей среды в соответствии по меньшей мере с одним управляющим сигналом упомянутого блока (10) управления;причем упомянутый блок (10) управления управляет температурой пациента посредством упомянутого ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124685A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее:- переключатель (412), выполненный с возможностью непостоянного соединения схемы (416) устройства из электронного устройства с батареей (414);- управляющую схему (402) прерывателя, соединенную с переключателем (412) и содержащую вход подачи питания и вход активации прерывателя, причем управляющая схема (402) прерывателя выполнена с возможностью включения переключателя (412), когда напряжение питания подано на вход подачи питания.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором управляющая схема (402) прерывателя выполнена с возможностью выключения переключателя (412), когда на входе активации прерывателя обнаружен активационный сигнал.3. Устройство по п. 1 или 2, в котором входом активации прерывателя управляют посредством схемы (416) устройства, и в котором управляющая схема (402) прерывателя выполнена с возможностью выключения переключателя (412), когда схема (416) устройства принимает соответствующую управляющую команду.4. Устройство по п. 1, в котором управляющая схема (402 ...

20-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003105304A

... 1. Система, содержащая насос для вливания лекарственных средств, конфигурированный для ношения на теле пациента, устройство для мониторинга физиологических жидкостей, конфигурированное для ношения на теле пациента, для непрерывного, по существу, мониторинга, по меньшей мере, одной характеристики физиологической жидкости, и устройство для дистанционного управления, предназначенное для дистанционного управления насосом для вливания лекарственных средств и устройством для мониторинга физиологической жидкости, при этом устройство для дистанционного управления содержит устройство для мониторинга физиологической жидкости, предназначенное для эпизодического мониторинга, по меньшей мере, одной характеристики физиологической жидкости. 2. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая устройство для обмена информацией между устройством для дистанционного управления, насосом для вливания лекарственных средств и устройством для мониторинга физиологической жидкости. 3. Система по п.1, где указанное устройство ...

30-04-1938 дата публикации

Аппарат для внутривенного введения жидкостей по каплям

Номер: SU53003A1
Автор: Машков И.П.

05-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002528960A1

01-07-1999 дата публикации

System zur Verabreichung einer Infusion und/oder Perfusion an einen Patienten, Infusions- und/oder Perfusionsverfahren sowie Infusions- und/oder Perfusionseinrichtung

Номер: DE0019756872A1

A device for giving a transfusion and/or perfusion to a patient comprises one or several sensors (3, 8) for measuring real values of one or several patient-specific parameters; control means (5) in communication with the sensor(s) (3, 8); and a transfusion and/or perfusion device (11) containing the transfusion and/or perfusion solution to be given and in communication with the control means (5). The control means (11) control the amount of transfusion and/or perfusion solution to be supplied by means of the transfusion and/or perfusion device (11) depending on the sensed real values. The control means (5) comprise an expert system for processing incoming real values and on the basis of which control is carried out.

09-11-2006 дата публикации

Connecting system with a connector for fluid connection of other system components to a patient useful for peritoneal dialysis, has fluid channel section of connector completely closed in the shutting position of shutting plug

Номер: DE102005020764A1

Connecting system (1) with a connector (2) for fluid connection of other system components to a patient, a connection device with a fluid chamber (8,23) for connecting the connector (2) to a fluid carrying external component, a shutting plug (sic)(14) which works together with a driver (36), and a shutting position. In the shutting position of shutting plug (14) fluid channel section (11) of connector (2) I is completely closed.

26-09-2001 дата публикации

Syringe pumps

Номер: GB0000118846D0

07-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008424624D0

23-05-2001 дата публикации

Implantable analyte measuring device

Номер: GB0000108052D0

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Medical device data integration apparatus and methods

Номер: GB0002559279A

Methods, systems, and apparatuses integrating medical device data are disclosed. In an example embodiment, a vital sign monitor apparatus includes a renal failure therapy interface configured to receive a renal failure therapy parameter from a renal failure therapy machine performing a renal therapy treatment on a patient and an infusion pump interface configured to receive an infusion parameter from an infusion pump performing an infusion treatment for the same patient. The apparatus also includes a vital sign monitor engine configured to display, within a combination user interface of a vital sign monitor, the renal failure therapy parameter within a renal failure therapy timeline, and the infusion parameter within an infusion timeline that is aligned with the renal failure therapy timeline.

01-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000206792D0

18-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009123325D0

17-12-1997 дата публикации

Inhalation device

Номер: GB0009722285D0

03-04-1996 дата публикации

A system for the delivery of drugs and therapeutic agents

Номер: GB0009601969D0

30-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001599241A

08-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001503383A

... 1503383 Reciprocating pumps E H ELLINWOOD 23 April 1975 [23 April 1974] 16817/75 Heading F1A [Also in Division G3] An implantable apparatus for dispensing medication in response to abnormal body conditions, comprises: a housing provided with suture anchors for implantation within the body, said housing containing a medication storage reservoir, or electrical battery, an electric motor 210, a pump housing a bellows attached to a piston 212 and driven by motor 210 via a cam 211; a trumpet-ended catheter 248, Fig. 13; electrodes 250 for monitoring heart activity; and a data evaluation and timing unit, Fig. 16 (not shown), mounted within the housing. In use, the data evaluation and timing unit is programmed to disperse regular doses of medicament, and monitors the heart activity with electrodes 250, such that extra doses of medication may be given or doses of medication may be suppressed if the electrical activity differs from pre-set control levels. An eight position switch 252 allows for ...

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Medical device data integration apparatus and methods

Номер: GB0002603250A

A monitor displays renal failure therapy parameter within a renal failure therapy timeline at a combination user interface, displays infusion parameter within an infusion timeline that is aligned with the renal failure therapy timeline at the combination user interface, and displays the difference parameter within a difference timeline that is aligned with the renal failure therapy timeline and the infusion timeline at the combination user interface. The system integrates infusion therapy progress data, renal failure therapy progress data, and/or physiological data into clinician documentation to provide quick and accurate infusion pump documentation and access to near real-time trends, and contextual patient infusion data that improves patient treatment. This allows derivative data on infusion and renal failure to be created. The system utilizes an integration engine at a patient monitor to provide relatively faster responses to a user's input and/or make customization of routines at the ...

15-11-2023 дата публикации

Fluid delivery system

Номер: GB0002618605A

A fluid delivery system 100 comprising a fluid source 130, a pump 120 arranged to deliver fluid from the fluid source 130 to a patient 140, a sensor 150 configured to measure a physiological parameter associated with the patient during fluid delivery, and a controller 170 configured to control operation of the pump 120. The controller 170 receives from the sensor 150 a plurality of measurements of the physiological parameter, generating curve data that is dependent on the plurality of measurements of the physiological parameter. The curve data is compared with predetermined curve data and a control signal 180 generated based on said comparison. The control signal 180 is output to the pump 120 to control the delivery of fluid from the fluid source 130 to the patient 140. The fluid to be delivered may be saline, delivered for the treatment of shock, and the physiological parameter may be cardiac output. The controller 170 may be configured to predict a fluid responsiveness of the patient, ...

30-10-1987 дата публикации

Apparatus and methodology for pulsed administration of growth promoting agents.

Номер: OA0000008214A

10-12-1990 дата публикации

Implantable device for dosing liquid long-term medicaments

Номер: AT0000391813B

An implantable device for dosing liquid long-term medicaments, e.g. insulin, consists of a storage container 1, which is divided into two chambers 6, 7 by means of a membrane 8, the refillable medicament being situated in one chamber 7 and a propellant with a temperature-dependent vapour pressure in the other chamber 6. The medicament is permanently under the pressure of the propellant and is continually injected into the human body by means of a delivery system 4 connected to the storage container 1. The cross-sectional area of the delivery system 4 is altered in one position by means of an electronically controlled actuating element 5, by constriction over a certain length and as a function of a measured physiological parameter. In addition, a device is provided with whose aid the delivery system 4 can be closed by means of the actuating element 5 on detection of a lower threshold value of the body temperature. As a result, flow-back of a medicament into the medicament chamber 7 on occurrence ...

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449561T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000428462T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553440T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507659B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur transkutanen, in-vivo Messung der Konzentration zumindest eines Analyten in einem lebenden Organismus (A) mit einem in den Organismus einbringbaren Träger und einem auf dem Träger immobilisierten Lumineszenzindikator (15), der auf eine Änderung der Konzentration des zu messenden Analyten mit einer Änderung zumindest einer optischen Eigenschaft reagiert, wobei der Lumineszenzindikator (15) mit einer Quelle (16) zur Bereitstellung der Anregungsstrahlung (a) und einem Detektor (17) zur Erfassung der Messstrahlung (m) transkutan in Verbindung steht. Erfindungsgemäß ist der Lumineszenzindikator (15) am äußeren Umfang eines Katheters (10) immobilisiert, der zur Abgabe eines flüssigen Mediums, beispielsweise eines Medikamentes, in den Organismus (A) oder zum Absaugen einer Körperflüssigkeit dient.

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422373T

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146974T

15-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000129412T

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA20187A

15-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000076761T

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000083636T

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090578T

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007659T

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000181844T

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000117562T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000319495T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000333911T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000301483T

15-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000205686T

15-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000198159T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284033T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000283080T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249258T

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000261325T

20-09-2018 дата публикации

System and method for providing alerts optimized for a user

Номер: AU2017259158A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Systems and methods are disclosed that provide smart alerts to users, e.g., alerts to users about diabetic states that are only provided when it makes sense to do so, e.g., when the system can predict or estimate that the user is not already cognitively aware of their current condition, e.g., particularly where the current condition is a diabetic state warranting attention. In this way, the alert or alarm is personalized and made particularly effective for that user. Such systems and methods still alert the user when action is necessary, e.g., a bolus or temporary basal rate change, or provide a response to a missed bolus or a need for correction, but do not alert when action is unnecessary, e.g., if the user is already estimated or predicted to be cognitively aware of the diabetic state warranting attention, or if corrective action was already taken.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020202414B2
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The present disclosure describes a closed-loop fluid resuscitation and/or cardiovascular drug administration system that uses continuous measurements and adaptive control architecture. The adaptive control architecture uses a function approximator to identify unknown dynamics and physiological parameters of a patient to compute appropriate infusion rates and to regulate the endpoint of resuscitation.

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020213388B2
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The present disclosure describes a closed-loop fluid resuscitation and/or cardiovascular drug administration system that uses continuous measurements and adaptive control architecture. The adaptive control architecture uses a function approximator to identify unknown dynamics and physiological parameters of a patient to compute appropriate infusion rates and to regulate the endpoint of resuscitation. Resuscitation Fluid (Crystalloid/Colloid) Fluid E xchange Circulation lw Interstitial (Blood) Tissue Urine Blood Evaporation ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Hierarchical Adaptive Closed Loop Fluid Resuscitation and Cardiovascular Drug Administration System

Номер: AU2020264408A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The present disclosure describes a closed-loop fluid resuscitation and/or cardiovascular drug administration system that uses continuous measurements and adaptive control architecture. The adaptive control architecture uses a function approximator to identify unknown dynamics and physiological parameters of a patient to compute appropriate infusion rates and to regulate the endpoint of resuscitation.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Advance diagnosis of infusion device operating mode viability

Номер: AU2020204039A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method of operating an infusion device to deliver fluid to a user in accordance with an operating mode, the method comprising: obtaining operational information pertaining to one or more prior instances of the operating mode; obtaining status information pertaining to the infusion device; determining a diagnosis time based at least in part on the operational information, the diagnosis time being prior to a subsequent instance of the operating mode; automatically determining viability of the subsequent instance of the operating mode based at least in part on the status information at the diagnosis time; and automatically generating a notification indicative of a recommended action for the user based at least in part on the viability.

28-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000588794B2

28-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000624057B2

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Flow sensor system including transmissive connection

Номер: AU2019201054A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

FLOW SENSOR SYSTEM INCLUDING TRANSMISSIVE CONNECTION A flow sensor sub-assembly includes a flow tube having a lumen, an outside diameter, a first end, and a second end. An inlet fitting includes a conical orifice sized for insertion in either end of the flow tube, such that an internal passage of the inlet fitting is coaxial and concentric with the lumen and the end of the flow tube abuts a shoulder. An outlet fitting includes a conical orifice sized for insertion in either end of the flow tube, such that an internal passage of the inlet fitting is coaxial and concentric with the lumen and the end of the flow tube abuts a shoulder. A first piezo element integrated with the inlet fitting is arranged at an upstream position of the flow tube assembly and a second piezo element integrated with the outlet fitting is arranged at a downstream position of the flow tube assembly. LCc L1 ) ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020203918A1
Принадлежит: WRAYS PTY LTD

The present disclosure describes a closed-loop fluid resuscitation and/or cardiovascular drug administration system that uses continuous measurements and adaptive control architecture. The adaptive control architecture uses a function approximator to identify unknown dynamics and physiological parameters of a patient to compute appropriate infusion rates and to regulate the endpoint of resuscitation. Resuscitation Fluid (Crystalloid/Colloid) Fluid E xchange Circulation lw Interstitial (Blood) Tissue Urine Blood Evaporation ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

System for controlling means for injection of anaesthetics or sedatives with a view to inducing anaesthesia or sedation

Номер: US20120010591A1
Принадлежит: HOPITAL FOCH

This system is characterized in that it includes means ( 2 ) for acquiring a signal representative of the electrocortical activity of the patient ( 1 ), means ( 3 ) for analyzing this signal in order to extract therefrom an anesthetic depth signal, means ( 4, 5, 6 ) for tracking the value and the time-dependent evolution of this anesthetic depth signal, associated with means ( 4, 5, 6 ) for computing control signals for controlling the injection means, in order to automatically bring the anesthetic depth signal to below a predetermined value during at least one predetermined period of time, in that the means for injecting anesthesia agents comprise first means ( 7 ) for injecting a hypnotic agent, and second means ( 8 ) for injecting a morphinomimetic agent, in that the means for computing control signals for controlling the injection means comprise means for inputting by an operator a type of anesthesia induction selected from a set of induction types which differ by the initial concentration of hypnotic agent and in that the means for inputting the induction type comprise means for determining the initial concentration of hypnotic agent, with which is associated an predetermined initial concentration of morphinomimetic agent depending on the selected induction type.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Sterile disposable remote pneumatic actuators

Номер: US20120029429A1
Автор: Jeffrey Alan KLEIN
Принадлежит: Individual

The various embodiments of the present invention relate to remote pneumatic (bellows-action) actuators for switching applications, which are preferably sterile and/or disposable. When compressed, the bellows-action actuator provides a pulse of air pressure sufficient to actuate a remotely-located pneumatic switch configured to turn on/off an electrical, mechanical or optical device. The pulse of air pressure is propagated along a non-conducting tube, thereby substantially reducing the risk of e.g., electric shock or O 2 ignition/combustion associated with conventional electric switches in wet, hazardous or medical environments.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detecting occlusions in an ambulatory infusion pump

Номер: US20120041370A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

An improved pump, reservoir and reservoir piston are provided for controlled delivery of fluids. A motor is operably coupled to a drive member, such as a drive screw, which is adapted to advance a plunger slide in response to operation of the motor. The plunger slide is removably coupled to the piston. A method, system, and an article of manufacture for automatically detecting an occlusion in a medication infusion pump is provided. The electrical current to an infusion pump is measured. Based on a series of measurements of one or more variables, the infusion pump detects whether there is an occlusion in the system.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Infusion data communication system

Номер: US20120053533A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

An infusion data communication system provides a communication link among a fluid container, an infusion pump, and a patient through which identification data may be communicated. Data devices are located at the fluid container and the patient and conduct low frequency RF energy at a low power level containing the data into the medical fluid. The data-laden RF energy propagates through the medication fluid to data readers at the infusion pump which receives the RF energy and reads the data. A comparison is made to verify that the right medication is mounted to the infusion pump for administration to the right patient. RFID devices may be used for the data devices and readers. Pump programming data may also be propagated to the infusion pump from the container RFID tag. The RFID device at the patient may be writable and may be used to store a patient MAR.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for medication delivery using single input-single output (siso) model predictive control

Номер: US20120059351A1
Автор: Pernell E. T. Nordh
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A method includes receiving measurements from a sensor associated with a patient at a portable medication delivery device. The method also includes controlling delivery of medication to the patient at the portable medication delivery device using a single input, single output (SISO) model predictive control technique. The SISO model predictive control technique includes predicting a characteristic of the patient using the measurements and a model associated with the patient. The SISO model predictive control technique also includes determining whether the characteristic of the patient is predicted to fall outside of a desired range. In addition, the SISO model predictive control technique includes, if the characteristic of the patient is predicted to fall outside of the desired range, determining an amount of medication to deliver to the patient and delivering the determined amount of medication to the patient.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Medical devices that support enhanced system extensibility for diabetes care

Номер: US20120095313A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

A medical device or medical software is provided that supports system extensibility for diabetes care. The medical device or software is comprised of an application and particular data structures that support diabetes care. The data structures include: a patient class that has attributes and methods associated with a person receiving medical treatment for diabetes; a patient log class that has a composition relationship with the patient class and attributes and methods that log actions taken by the patient; a treatment plan class that has a composition relationship with the patient class and attributes and methods that define a series of planned actions related to medical treatment of the patient; and an adherence class that has a composition relationship with the patient log class and attributes and methods define relationships between actions planned for the patient and actions taken by the patient. The application instantiates an object from at least one of the patient log class, the adherence class and the treatment plan class, having only external-to-the-composition knowledge of which objects are instantiated, and performs a function using the instantiated object.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Translating a Continuous-Delivery Delivery Profile Into a Plurality of Periodic Bolus Deliveries

Номер: US20120095436A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and apparatus for translating a continuous-delivery delivery profile into a plurality of periodic bolus deliveries.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Mixed injection inspection system

Номер: US20120105620A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A mixed injection inspection system is provided for inspecting mixed injection work for mixing an injection drug by an inspector different from a mixed injection worker. The mixed injection inspection system includes: a mixed injection work photographing device provided in a mixed injection work place and used to photograph the mixed injection work; an inspector side mixed injection work monitor provided in a place remote from the mixed injection work place and used to display the mixed injection work photographed by the mixed injection work photographing device; an inspector side input device provided in a place remote from the mixed injection work place and used to input instructions for the worker working at the mixed injection work place; and a mixed injection worker side display for displaying to the mixed injection worker what has been input by the inspector side input device.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Operating A Portable Medical Device

Номер: US20120109100A1
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions Inc

Some embodiments of a portable medical device, such as an infusion pump, can receive an external reference signal (e.g., a radio, cellular and/or satellite signal) to provide an automatic time-setting and maintenance operation. In these circumstances, the medical device can maintain accurate time and date information even in the event of a power interruption, a time-zone change and/or an internal clock error, for example. In this manner, the portable medical device provides safe operation and added convenience to the user.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses for Detecting Medical Device Acceleration, Temperature, and Humidity Conditions

Номер: US20120116197A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

An ambulatory medical device for detecting acceleration, temperature, and/or humidity conditions in or around the medical device is provided. The medical device includes one or more acceleration, thermal, and/or humidity sensors which detect acceleration, temperature, and/or humidity conditions in or around the medical device. In response to detected conditions, the medical device may, among other things, alter the operation of the device, provide an alarm or warning to the user, or transmit data about the detected conditions to another device.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Automated Therapy System and Method

Номер: US20120116487A1
Принадлежит: Velomedix Inc

An automated therapy system having an infusion catheter; a sensor adapted to sense a patient parameter; and a controller communicating with the sensor and programmed to control flow output from the infusion catheter into a patient based on the patient parameter without removing fluid from the patient. The invention also includes a method of controlling infusion of a fluid to a patient. The method includes the following steps: monitoring a patient parameter with a sensor to generate a sensor signal; providing the sensor signal to a controller; and adjusting fluid flow to the patient based on the sensor signal without removing fluid from the patient.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Determination and application of glucose sensor reliability indicator and/or metric

Номер: US20120125075A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

Disclosed are a system and method for determining a metric and/or indicator of a reliability of a blood glucose sensor in providing glucose measurements. In one aspect, the metric and/or indicator may be computed based, at least in part, on an observed trend associated with signals generated by the blood glucose sensor.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Device, system and method for meal detection for interfacing with and controlling auxiliary devices associated therewith

Номер: US20120143021A1
Автор: Ron Nagar
Принадлежит: Insuline Medical Ltd

The present invention relates to a device, system and method for detecting meal event in a subject and in particular to such a device, system and method for communicating and controlling auxiliary devices and/or systems associated therewith.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Injection device with puncture function, method for controlling injection device with puncture function, chemical solution administration device, and method for controlling chemical solution administration device

Номер: US20120179016A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An injection device with a puncture function includes, in a single casing, a cylindrical cartridge in which insulin is enclosed, a cartridge holder to which the cartridge is inserted, a needle inserted at a front end of the cartridge, a reciprocation unit for reciprocating the cartridge toward the needle, and an extrusion member for extruding the insulin from a rear end of the cartridge toward the needle, and the motion speed and the motion amount of the reciprocation unit are made variable.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Intelligent drug delivery appliance

Номер: US20120190955A1
Принадлежит: IP Holdings Inc

A system, method and apparatus for real time measurement and monitoring of various personal health parameters including controlled delivery of drugs/medications by intelligent pump appliances, intelligent inhalation appliances and intelligent skin patch appliances used in a standalone manner or in a wired or wireless networked configuration, in conjunction with various peripheral devices, other intelligent appliances, servers, RF ID Tags and stationary/mobile devices. The intelligent appliances relate to the measurement, monitoring and delivery of insulin/other drugs for the treatment of diabetes and other diseases. The method also additionally includes the application of intelligent appliances for pain management including visualization of organs and body locations exhibiting pain.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Data Storage for an Infusion Pump System

Номер: US20120220936A1
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions Inc

A pump system can include a pump device and a controller device removably attachable to the pump device. The controller device can be reusable, and one or more pump devices can be disconnected and reconnected to the controller device. As such, some pump usage data can be conveniently stored in the pump device itself. In such circumstances, the controller device can receive data related to the pump's history or other usage when the pump device is attached to the controller.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for monitoring the use of medications

Номер: US20120226446A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

Systems and methods for monitoring the use of a fluid over the lifecycle of the fluid, said systems including a plurality of fluid identification stations, each station having one or more sensors to detect and identify a parameter of a fluid, wherein a each station is operably interconnected thereby permitting each station to access and verify the identity of a fluid as determined by each independent fluid identification station.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Smart medication waste disposal

Номер: US20120226447A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system for recording the wasting of fluids includes a waste disposal unit and a sensor system, having a sensor. The sensor can have one or more sensor elements in fluid communication with a fluid as it is wasted from a container into the waste disposal unit. The sensor system is configured to identify one or more drugs within the fluid and record the identity of the one or more drugs in a computer-readable medium electrically coupled to the sensor system.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Goal-directed fluid therapy

Номер: US20120259308A1
Автор: Howard Levin, Mark Gelfand
Принадлежит: Individual

A method includes setting a hydration goal and administering a diuretic to the patient to induce increased urine flow and collecting urine expelled by the patient. The amount of urine expelled by the patient is determined based on the collected urine. The patient is infused with fluid from a fluid source. The amount of fluid infused into the patient is determined. Diuresis is induced by automatically and continuously adjusting the amount of fluid infused into the patient from the fluid source to meet the hydration goal based on the set hydration goal, the determined amount of urine expelled by the patient and the fluid infused.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Infusion Pump Systems and Methods

Номер: US20120265126A1
Автор: Mark C. Estes
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions Inc

Some embodiments an infusion pump system can be used to determine a user's total insulin load (TIL) that provides an accurate indication of the insulin previously delivered to the user's body which has not yet acted. In particular embodiments, the TIL can account for both the bolus deliveries and the basal deliveries that have occurred over a period of time. Such information may be useful, for example, when the infusion pump is operated in conjunction with a continuous glucose monitoring device.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems for intravenous drug monitoring

Номер: US20120277612A1
Автор: Bo Li
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for monitoring a concentration of an anesthetic drug using a patient's breath is provided. The system comprises a sampling subsystem for processing the patient's breath to form a breath sample, one or more sensors to measure drug concentration in the breath sample, one or more sensors to measure a concentration of gases in the breath sample; and one or more microprocessors for determining a concentration of the drug in a plasma of the patient using a transfer function and the concentration of the drug in the breath sample. A system for monitoring propofol concentration in patient's breath sample is also provided.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Integrated delivery device for continuous glucose sensor

Номер: US20120296311A1
Принадлежит: Dexcom Inc

Systems and methods for integrating a continuous glucose sensor, including a receiver, a medicament delivery device, and optionally a single point glucose monitor are provided. Manual integrations provide for a physical association between the devices wherein a user (for example, patient or doctor) manually selects the amount, type, and/or time of delivery. Semi-automated integration of the devices includes integrations wherein an operable connection between the integrated components aids the user (for example, patient or doctor) in selecting, inputting, calculating, or validating the amount, type, or time of medicament delivery of glucose values, for example, by transmitting data to another component and thereby reducing the amount of user input required. Automated integration between the devices includes integrations wherein an operable connection between the integrated components provides for full control of the system without required user interaction.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for delivery of two or more drug agents

Номер: US20120330228A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A computerized electro-mechanical drug delivery device configured to deliver at least one dose of two or more medicaments. The device comprises a control unit. An electro-mechanical drive unit is operably coupled to the control unit and a primary reservoir for a first medicament and a secondary reservoir for a fluid agent, e.g. a second medicament. An operator interface is in communication with the control unit. A single dispense assembly is configured for fluid communication with the primary and the secondary reservoir. Activation of the operator panel sets a first dose from the primary reservoir and based on the first dose and a therapeutic dose profile, the control unit is configured to determine a dose or range of the fluid agent. Alternatively, the control unit determines or calculates a dose or range of a third medicament. Further, a dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device is disclosed.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Multidirectional microfluidic drug delivery devices with conformable balloons

Номер: US20130035660A1
Автор: Pj ANAND
Принадлежит: Alcyone Lifesciences Inc

The methods, systems, and devices disclosed herein generally involve convection-enhanced delivery of drugs to a target region within a patient. Microfluidic catheter devices are disclosed that are particularly suitable for targeted delivery of drugs via convection, including devices capable of multi-directional drug delivery, devices that control fluid pressure and velocity using the venturi effect, and devices that include conformable balloons. Methods of treating various diseases using such devices are also disclosed, including methods of treating cerebral and spinal cavernous malformations, cavernomas, and hemangiomas, methods of treating neurological diseases, methods of treatment using multiple microfluidic delivery devices, methods of treating hearing disorders, methods of spinal drug delivery using microfluidic devices, and methods of delivering stem cells and therapeutics during fetal surgery. Methods of manufacturing such devices are also disclosed.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Devices and methods for recording information on a subject's body

Номер: US20130046173A1
Принадлежит: ELWHA LLC

Embodiments disclosed herein relate to methods, devices, and computer systems thereof for visibly or non-visibly indicating a subject has received a medical treatment. In certain embodiments, a subject receives an information mark in conjunction with a medical treatment. In certain embodiments, the information mark includes unique information relating to the subject. In certain embodiments, devices, computer systems, and methods relate to reading an information mark on a subject, and optionally determining if further medical treatment of the subject is warranted. In certain embodiments, receipt of an information mark entitles a subject to a reward.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Activity Sensing Techniques for an Infusion Pump System

Номер: US20130053820A1
Автор: Deb Ruppert, Mark C. Estes
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions Inc

Some embodiments of a wearable infusion pump system can include a pump device having a drive system to dispense a medicine to a user, an activity sensor that detects a possible change in an activity level of the user, and a controller to activate the drive system to dispense the medicine to the user. The controller device can query the user to indicate whether a detected activity level of the user represents an actual change in the activity level of the user. The controller device can alter the medicine dispensing schedule based on the user indicated changes in activity level.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Optical sensing systems and methods

Номер: US20130060106A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

An optical glucose sensor may include an optical fiber and a glucose-permeable membrane having a hollow interior and being coupled to the optical fiber's distal end. The membrane's hollow interior provides a compartment to house a competitive glucose binding affinity assay. The assay may include a glucose analog that may be labeled with a dye, and a glucose receptor that may be labeled with a fluorophore. The optical fiber may include a compound parabolic concentrator tip, and the compartment may additionally house a reflector disposed so as to face the optical fiber's tip. A fluorophore-labeled assay may be interrogated by an optical interrogating system including a light source and a filter substrate having one or more coatings to effect, e.g., an excitation filter and/or an emission filter. The interrogating system may be manufactured as a stacked planar integrated optical system and diced into smaller units.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079608A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

Systems and methods for non-vascular sensor implantation and for measuring physiological parameters in areas of a body where the physiological parameters are heterogeneous. An implant unit is implanted in an area of a body and a foreign body capsule is allowed to form around the implant unit area. A sensor may be directed into a body cavity such as, for example, the peritoneal space, subcutaneous tissues, the foreign body capsule, or other area. A subcutaneous area of the body may be tunneled for sensor placement. Spatially separated sensing elements may be used for detecting individual amounts of the physiological parameter. An overall amount of the physiological parameter may be determined by calculating a statistical measurement of the individual sensed amounts in the area. Another embodiment of the invention, a multi-analyte measuring device, may include a substrate having an electrode array on one side and an integrated circuit on another side. 1. A method for non-vascular implant of a sensor comprisingimplanting an implant unit in an area of a body;allowing a foreign body capsule to form around the area of the implant unit; anddirecting the sensor into the foreign body capsule.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein implanting an implant unit comprises incising an area of the body large enough for the implant unit.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising placing a material around the implant unit for promoting growth characteristics.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant unit comprises electronics.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant unit comprises a pump.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein allowing a foreign body capsule to form comprises inserting materials around the implant unit to promote growth characteristics.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising attaching the sensor to the implant unit.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the sensor is attached to the implant unit prior to formation of the foreign body capsule.9. The method of ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Insulin pump and method for controlling a user interface of an insulin pump

Номер: US20130079709A1

An insulin pump comprises a pump device, a control for the pump device, a memory, an operating element for operating the insulin pump and a method for controlling a user interface of the insulin pump are disclosed. The control is designed and programmed such that options for the user of the insulin pump are displayed by the user interface as a function of a user-specific preference profile stored in the memory and as a function of a current time and are provided for selection by using the operating element. The insulin pump can be designed in an auto-adaptive fashion, such that the control continuously updates the user-specific preference profile based on analyzing operating inputs of the user. Embodiments of the invention allow a large range of functions and simple operation, even in the case of miniaturized pumps.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Therapy Management Development Platform

Номер: US20130079710A1

A therapy management development platform includes a pump controller coupled to an interface module. The interface module includes an interface module controller and a module-sensor input/output interface including at least one standardized input port, output port and power connection. The interface module is also customizably programmed to receive data from a sensor and to provide instructions to the pump controller to vary the operation of a pump coupled thereto according to one of a plurality of levels of functionality. Upon receipt of an indication of approval from a remote computer to change the level of access to the functionality of the platform, the interface module may be customizably programmed to receive different data from the sensor, to provide different instructions to the pump controller, or both, the approval corresponding to a stage in testing of a medical device. 1. A therapy management development platform comprising:a pump controller comprising a processor and memory; andan interface module including an interface module controller comprising a processor and memory, and a module-sensor input/output interface comprising at least one standardized input port, at least one standardized output port and at least one standardized power connection,the interface module coupled to the pump controller,the interface module customizably programmed to receive data from a sensor coupled to the module-sensor input/output interface and to provide instructions to the pump controller to vary the operation of a pump coupled thereto according to one of a plurality of levels of functionality,wherein upon receipt of an indication of approval from a remote computer to change the level of access to the functionality of the platform, the interface module may be customizably programmed to receive different data from the sensor, to provide different instructions to the pump controller to vary the operation of the pump, or both, the approval corresponding to a stage in ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Time Intervals During Blood Parameter Monitoring

Номер: US20130085471A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

A system and method for monitoring at least one blood parameter of the blood of different patients, comprising a plurality of access devices for establishing at least one means of access to the blood of each patient through the skin, a plurality of removal devices for removing a quantity of blood from each patient in order to obtain at least one blood sample, at least one blood analysis device for analysing the blood sample with respect to predeterminable blood parameters and for generating individual blood parameter data sets, a calculation device which can be used jointly for a plurality of blood parameter data sets of different patients for calculating data sets of drug parameters of the drugs to be administered to the respective patient on the basis of the individual blood parameter data sets, and a plurality of supply devices for supplying the respective drug having the calculated drug parameters.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090625A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

A medical device system includes at least one controllable patient-worn or patient-carried medical device, and a plurality of controller devices that are capable of independently controlling features or functions of the patient medical device. Control commands and other data is wirelessly communicated among the patient medical device and the multiple controller devices. A number of techniques, protocols, and other measures are provided to coordinate wireless communication between the various devices in a medical device system. These control command coordination processes address situations where conflicting, redundant, or concurrent control commands might be independently issued by the multiple controller devices. 1. A method of coordinating control commands in a medical device system comprising a medical device that delivers therapy to a patient , and a plurality of wireless controller devices for the medical device , the method comprising:detecting user interaction with the medical device;after detecting the user interaction, wirelessly broadcasting a disable message from the medical device, the disable message conveying instructions intended to at least partially disable control functions of the plurality of wireless controller devices;thereafter, executing a function of the medical device; andafter execution of the function, wirelessly broadcasting an enable message from the medical device, the enable message conveying instructions intended to override the effect of the disable message.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating claim 1 , in response to detecting the user interaction claim 1 , a control command with the medical device claim 1 , wherein the control command initiates execution of the function.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the disable message conveys instructions intended to fully disable all control functions of the plurality of wireless controller devices.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the disable message conveys ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096494A1
Автор: Kassab Ghassan S.
Принадлежит: CVDevices, LLC

Devices, systems, and methods for auto-retroperfusion of the cerebral venous system. In an exemplary embodiment of a catheter for controlling blood perfusion pressure of the present disclosure, the catheter comprises a body having a proximal open end, a distal end, a lumen extending between the proximal open end and the distal end, and a plurality of orifices disposed thereon, each of the orifices in fluid communication with the lumen, at least one expandable balloon, each of the at least one expandable balloons coupled with the body, having an interior that is in fluid communication with the lumen and adapted to move between an expanded configuration and a deflated configuration, and at least one sensor coupled with the distal end of the body, each of the at least one sensors adapted to gather data relating to a fluid flowing through the lumen, wherein the catheter is configured to be coupled to a flow unit for regulating the flow and pressure of a fluid. 1. A catheter for controlling blood perfusion pressure , the catheter comprising:a body having a proximal open end, a distal end, a lumen extending between the proximal open end and the distal end, and a plurality of orifices disposed thereon, each of the orifices in fluid communication with the lumen;at least one expandable balloon, each of the at least one expandable balloons coupled with the body, having an interior that is in fluid communication with the lumen and adapted to move between an expanded configuration and a deflated configuration; andat least one sensor coupled with the distal end of the body, each of the at least one sensors adapted to gather data relating to a fluid flowing through the lumen;wherein the catheter is configured to be coupled to a flow unit for regulating the flow and pressure of a fluid.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the at least one sensors is adapted to transmit the gathered data to a remote device.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the body is configured ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method of monitoring safety in medication delivery for diabetes management

Номер: US20130096530A1
Автор: Erwin S. Budiman
Принадлежит: Abbott Diabetes Care Inc

Glucose sensor signals and medication delivery control signals are monitored and these signals are modified for compatibility and safety purposes. In one application, output control signals from a controller directed to a delivery device are modified as a function of an actual amount of insulin delivered to the user. The safety layer method allows for an increased level of safety in an integrated delivery management (“IDM”) system and permits the development of separate hardware and software upgrades for components of the IDM system while assuring that compatibility between components will continue and safety is increased.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102964A1
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions, Inc.

A disposable, wearable, self-contained insulin dispensing device includes a housing and an insulin source in the housing that is connected to a catheter for injecting insulin into a user. 1. A medicine dispensing system , comprising:a wearable pump housing assembly including a lower portion for releasably coupling with a skin surface, the wearable pump housing assembly containing a generally cylindrical insulin reservoir in an interior space such that the generally cylindrical insulin reservoir extends in a longitudinal direction along a length of the wearable pump housing assembly;a piston rod movably arranged in the housing assembly to dispense insulin from the generally cylindrical insulin reservoir;a drive system to advance the piston rod toward the generally cylindrical insulin reservoir;a bolus push button arranged on the wearable pump housing assembly so as to activate a bolus dispensing operation in which a bolus dosage of insulin is dispensed from the generally cylindrical insulin reservoir;a control circuit in the pump housing assembly to communicate drive signals to the drive system to cause the dispensation of the insulin, the control circuit including: a programmable unit that stores a programmed dosage schedule, and a wireless communication receiver; anda wireless controller to communicate signals to the control circuit in the pump housing assembly indicative of the programmed dosage schedule, wherein the wireless controller includes a user interface display screen and is configured to receive user input of glucose level measurements.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an infusion interface catheter that is attachable to the wearable pump housing assembly claim 1 , the infusion interface catheter being configured to penetrate through the skin surface claim 1 , wherein the infusion interface catheter communicates insulin dispensed from the insulin reservoir.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising an adhesive layer coupled to a lower ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and/or system for multicompartment analyte monitoring

Номер: US20130109942A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

Subject matter disclosed herein relates to monitoring and/or controlling levels of an analyte in bodily fluid. In particular, estimation of a concentration of the analyte in a first physiological compartment based upon observations of a concentration of the analyte in a second physiological compartment may account for a latency in transporting the analyte between the first and second physiological compartments.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116667A1

A system for the controlled administration of a substance by means of an infusion device implanted in the human body is described. The system has an implantable unit for detecting a shortage or an excess of such substance or a physiological parameter correlatable to the shortage or excess of such substance, an infusion group of this substance implantable in the peritoneal cavity and having a central control unit for processing data received from the detection unit, and energy storage means to power such infusion group. The system also has a carrier of such substance adapted to be ingested, and a refilling device for refilling the infusion group with such substance. 1. A system for a controlled administration of a substance by means of an infusion device implanted in a human body comprising:an implantable unit for detecting a shortage or an excess of said substance or a physiological parameter correlatable with the shortage or the excess of said substance,an infusion group of said substance implantable in a peritoneal cavity and comprising a central control unit for processing data received from said implantable unit in order to generate command signals for a release of the substance in a intraperitoneal cavity,energy storage means for supplying power to said infusion group,a carrier of said substance adapted to be ingested in order to passively reach a duodenal lumen and made of a perforable material resistant to gastric acids and with parts made of magnetizable metal, anda refilling device for resupplying the infusion group with said substance, comprising a magnetic reversible docking group for said carrier, facing on the duodenal lumen and actuable when said carrier reaches a pre-established distance therefrom, and drawing means for drawing said substance from said carrier communicating with suction means of said infusion group.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said substance is insulin and said implantable detection unit comprises a glycemia sensor.3. ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123745A1
Автор: Simmons Mark Randal

An infusion pump includes: a housing, a pump actuator supported by the housing, electronics configured to control the pump actuator, a pain controlled analgesic (“PCA”) input device, a cord having a remote end connected to the PCA input device and a local end connected to the housing, a remote integrated circuit; and a local integrated circuit in communication with the electronics and the remote integrated circuit so as to provide operational information concerning the PCA input device to the electronics. 1. An infusion pump method comprising:providing a pain controlled analgesic device having a remote controller;operably coupling an infusion pump actuator to a local controller;attempting to send an electrical signal from one of the local controller and the remote controller to the other of the local controller and the remote controller;attempting to receive the sent electrical signal at the other of the local controller and the remote controller; andif the other of the local controller and remote controller does not receive the sent electrical signal, sending an output that is indicative of a frayed cord or an open circuit condition between the remote controller and the local controller.2. The infusion pump method of claim 1 , which includes attempting to send the electrical signal from the local controller to the remote controller.3. The infusion pump method of claim 1 , which includes periodically attempting to send the electrical signal from the local controller or the remote controller.4. The infusion pump method of claim 1 , which includes if the other of the local and the remote controller receives the sent electrical signal claim 1 , waiting a predetermined amount of time and repeating the attempting and output sending steps.5. The infusion pump method of claim 1 , which includes issuing an alert in response to the output indicative of the frayed cord or the open circuit condition.6. The infusion pump method of claim 1 , which includes indicating (i) audibly ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical device comprising a multipart housing

Номер: US20130131468A1
Автор: Frank Deck
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

A medical device for carrying out at least one medical function, comprising at least one element that can be at least partially inserted into a body tissue of a user and further comprising at least one housing that can be placed on a skin surface of the user. The housing has a multipart design and comprises at least one functional component. The functional component can be connected to the insertable element. The housing further comprises at least one protective component. The protective component is designed to at least partially enclose the functional component. The protective component can be connected to the functional component, particularly after insertion of the insertable element.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131587A1

The invention is directed to a medical equipment system by means of which the provision of medication to a patient is adapted according to continuously recorded physiological measurement signals. The object of the invention is to find ways by which medication can be administered to a patient with a high degree of accuracy. This object is achieved, according to the invention, by a medical equipment system with a spectrometer for recording measurement signals from vital tissue of a patient, in particular for continuously determining the material composition of body liquids and also of tissue-bound substances possibly present only temporarily in the corresponding tissue area, with a signal processor for processing the measurement signals supplied from the spectrometer and for generating a medication signal, and with medication equipment for administering a medicament according to the medication signal. 2. The equipment system according to claim 1 , wherein the spectrometer device and the signal processing device are configured in such a way that by these media the detection of the spectra is done with such a high sampling rate that in this way cell dynamic processes claim 1 , for example vasomotion effects claim 1 , can be recognized.3. The equipment system according to claim 1 , wherein by the third interface device signal processing programs can be loaded into the signal processing device claim 1 , which are kept ready in a computer system as parts of a tool box.4. The equipment system after claim 1 , wherein the medication signal is emitted as a scalar in a range from 0-99.5. The equipment system after claim 1 , wherein the spectrometer device includes a measuring head that can be applied to a selected tissue area of the patient claim 1 , and that this measuring head over a light guide device is coupled with an analysis module claim 1 , the signal processing device being integrated in that analysis module.6. The equipment system after claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131630A1
Автор: Blomquist Michael L.

An apparatus for delivering a bolus of a medical agent to a patient. The apparatus comprises a pump mechanism, a data input device, and a processor in data communication with the keypad and arranged to control the pump mechanism. The processor is programmed to receive data specifying a bolus amount through the data port, receive data regarding duration through the data port, receive a percentage through the data port, the percentage defining a portion of the bolus amount to deliver immediately upon executing a deliver command and a remainder of the bolus amount to deliver over the duration upon executing a deliver command, and execute the deliver command thereby controlling the pump mechanism to deliver the bolus. Also a method of temporarily adjusting the delivery rate of an infusion pump. The infusion pump is programmed to deliver a basal rate. The method comprises prompting a user to select whether to enter the temporary rate as a percent of the current delivery rate or as a new delivery rate; entering into the pump a period of time having a beginning and an end; entering into the pump a temporary basal rate; and delivering the therapeutic agent at a delivery rate substantially equal to the temporary basal rate during the period of time. 1measuring the characteristic of the body and determining whether the measured characteristic is within the acceptable range or not;delivering a meal bolus if the measured characteristic is inside of the acceptable range, including programming a desired bolus amount and desired duration of bolus delivery into the pump and programming a percentage into the pump defining a portion of the bolus to deliver upon executing a deliver command and a remainder to deliver over the duration;delivering a bolus if the measured characteristic is outside of the acceptable range, including displaying a desired bolus amount based on a correction factor defining the amount of change of the characteristic of the body per each unit of delivered ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Occlusion detection for a fluid infusion device

Номер: US20130133438A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

A device for delivering fluid to a user includes a housing, a drive motor assembly in the housing, a force sensor, and an electronics module. The drive motor assembly regulates delivery of fluid by actuating a piston of a fluid reservoir, and the force sensor generates output levels in response to force imparted thereto during, for example, fluid delivery operations. The electronics module processes the output levels of the force sensor to assess the operating health of the force sensor, to check for occlusions in the fluid delivery path, and to monitor the seating status of the fluid reservoir.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137952A1
Принадлежит: Animas Corporation

Described and illustrated herein are an exemplary methods and system to display analyte sensor data. Such method may be achieved by the medical device receiving data from the analyte sensor for a period of time and displaying a target zone and a graphical representation of the data in which one or more portions of the graphical representation comprises a specific indicia of clinical risk. 1. A method of monitoring analyte concentrations of a user over time , the method comprising:determining with an analyte sensor that transforms signals of analyte concentrations in physiological fluid of the user over a period of time into determined analyte concentration data; anddisplaying a target zone of upper and lower analyte concentration thresholds, a first indicia representative of the determined analyte concentration data in the target zone, and a second indicia representative of the determined analyte concentration data outside of the target zone.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the displaying further comprises displaying a third indicia for at least one analyte concentration of the determined analyte concentration data below the target zone.3. The method of claim 1 , in which the target zone comprises a threshold value indicative of clinical risks arising from diabetes.4. The method of claim 2 , in which each of the first claim 2 , second and third indices comprises respective symbols.5. The method of claim 2 , in which each of the indices further comprises a color.6. The method of claim 1 , in which each of the indices comprises an icon.7. The method of claim 1 , in which the analyte sensor comprises a continuous glucose sensor.8. The method of claim 1 , in which the displaying comprises displaying a trend indicative symbol to represent a trend of determined analyte concentration data over a predetermined time frame.9. A system for diabetes management claim 1 , the system comprising:an analyte sensor configured to transmit data transformed from a user's signals ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137953A1

The present disclosure provides methods of processing data provided by a transcutaneous or subcutaneous analyte sensor utilizing different algorithms to strike a balance between signal responsiveness accompanied by signal noise and the introduction of error associated with that noise. The methods utilize the strengths of a lag correction algorithm and a smoothing algorithm to optimize the quality and value of the resulting data (glucose concentrations and the rates of change in glucose concentrations) to a continuous glucose monitoring system. Also provided are systems and kits. 1. A method for monitoring an analyte , comprising:monitoring a data stream including a set of contiguous source data points related to the concentration of an analyte;providing one or more sets of maximum lag corrected signals from the one or more sets of monitored data stream, wherein each set of maximum lag corrected signals is generated utilizing correction terms based on time derivative estimates and historical monitored data stream, and wherein parameters for the maximum lag correction minimize the correlation between the expected glucose error and time derivative estimates and minimize the correlation between the expected glucose error and a pre-determined array of historical monitored data stream;providing one or more sets of maximum smoothing signals from the set of monitored data stream, wherein each set of maximum smoothing signals is generated utilizing a smoothing algorithm;determining analyte concentration utilizing the one or more sets of maximum lag corrected signals; anddetermining a rate of change in the analyte concentration utilizing the one or more sets of maximum smoothing signals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the one or more sets of maximum lag corrected signals includes utilizing an aggressive lag correction algorithm claim 1 , the lag correction algorithm configured to drive one or more of the correlation between the expected glucose error and the time ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Medical Device With Contextual Awareness

Номер: US20130144206A1
Принадлежит: Zyno Medical LLC

A medical device, such as an infusion pump, obtains a contextual awareness of its operation by communicating with centralized patient records and or other medical equipment communicating with a common patient, and/or provides real time advisory information, at care point or remotely. A protocol obtained by the medical device from a protocol server provides context-aware protocols and necessary predicate information for those protocols. This predicate information may be discovered by the medical device communicating with electronic medical records and the associated medical equipment. 1. A medical device comprising:an interventional element communicating with a patient to perform a medical procedure on the patient;a data input device for receiving data related to an interventional task performed by the interventional element;a data communication link for electronic data communication with external devices; and (a) transmit the data related to the interventional task to an external data serving device to receive an operation protocol related to the interventional task and an identification of required predicate data;', '(b) discover predicate data of the required predicate data from at least one external predicate data device; and', '(c) monitor execution of the interventional task according to the received operation protocol and predicate data from the at least one external data serving device and external predicate data device., 'an electronic controller communicating with the interventional element, the data input device, and a data communication link and executing a stored program to2. The medical device of wherein the interventional element is a pump for the delivery of a liquid medicament and interventional task is the delivery of liquid medicament3. The medical device of wherein the data related to interventional task includes drug information identifying the liquid medicament and delivery information identifying at least one of the delivery rate and volume for ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Infusion Pump Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130150824A1
Принадлежит: Asante Solutions, Inc.

Some embodiments of an infusion pump system can include a controller in which one or more features sets to be provided by the controller are enabled or disabled based upon the particular pump device that is connected to the controller. For example, in some embodiments, one or more advanced features of the controller are available to the user only when a first type of pump device (e.g., having predefined settings stored therein) is connected to the controller, and those advanced features of the controller are disabled when a second type of pump device is connected to the controller. 1. A method of using a portable infusion pump system , comprising:selecting a pump device from a set of pump devices comprising at least a first type of pump device and a second type of pump device having the same size and shape as the first pump device, wherein the first type of pump device houses a drive system and an internal circuit that stores a first parameter setting indicative of disabling wireless communication, and wherein the second type of pump device houses a drive system and an internal circuit that stores a second parameter setting indicative of enabling wireless communication;removably attaching the first type of pump device to a controller device to form an electrical connection between the controller device and the first type of pump device so that the controller device is operable to control the drive system dispensation of the first type of pump device to dispense medicine from the first type of pump device, wherein the controller device automatically disables a wireless communication device of the controller device in response to querying via the electrical connection the first parameter setting of the internal circuit housed by the first type of pump device, and wherein the controller device displays a text alert message on a user interface display of the controller device indicating that wireless communication is disabled.2. The method of claim 1 , further ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158473A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

An infusion system, which may be a closed loop infusion system or “semi-closed-loop” system, uses state variable feedback to control the rate that fluid is infused into the body of a user. The closed loop infusion system includes a sensor system, a controller, and a delivery system. The “semi-closed-loop” system further includes prompts that are displayed or sounded or otherwise provide indications to the user prior to fluid delivery. The sensor system includes a sensor for monitoring a condition of the user. The sensor produces a sensor signal, which is representative of the condition of the user. The delivery system infuses a fluid into the user at a rate dictated by the commands from the controller. The system may use three state variables, subcutaneous insulin concentration, plasma insulin concentration, and insulin effect, and corresponding gains, to calculate an additional amount of fluid to be infused as a bolus and to be removed from the basal delivery of the fluid. 1. An apparatus for infusing a fluid into a body of a user , the apparatus comprising:a housing;a pump inside the housing for delivering a fluid into the body of the user; and controls delivery of a basal amount of fluid to the body of the user at a predetermined basal rate;', 'determines a bolus amount of fluid to be delivered to the body of the user;', 'determines at least one state variable;', 'determines, based on the at least one state variable, an additional amount of fluid to be delivered to the body of the user with the bolus amount of fluid;', 'controls delivery of the determined bolus amount of fluid and the determined additional amount of fluid to the user; and', 'reduces the basal rate by the additional amount of fluid delivered with the bolus amount of fluid., 'at least one controller to control delivery of the fluid from the housing by the pump, wherein the at least one controller2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one state variable is selected from the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Device for the dosed dispensing of a fluidic medium

Номер: US20130158501A1
Автор: Arnitz Theo

A device for the dosed dispensing of a medium (e.g., therapeutic and/or diagnostic agent) for an insulin pump is proposed. The device comprises a transporting and transferring container, a measuring element, and an adjusting element for influencing a dispensing of the medium by way of a connection to an interior space. The transporting and transferring container has a reservoir for receiving the medium. The reservoir is closed by a displaceable element. The displaceable element is movably mounted in relation to the reservoir. A relative positioning of the displaceable element in relation to the reservoir determines the interior space of the reservoir available for receiving the medium. The measuring element senses the relative positioning of the displaceable element in relation to the reservoir. The measuring element and the adjusting element interact so that the dispensing of the medium is influenced by the relative positioning sensed by the measuring element. 1. A device for the dosed dispensing of a fluidic medium , the device comprising:at least one transporting and transferring container, wherein the transporting and transferring container has at least one reservoir for receiving the fluidic medium, the reservoir has at least one displaceable element that is movably mounted in relation to the reservoir and wherein a relative positioning of the displaceable element in relation to the reservoir determines an interior space of the reservoir available for receiving the fluidic medium;at least one measuring element, wherein the measuring element senses the relative positioning of the displaceable element in relation to the reservoir; andat least one adjusting element for influencing the dispensing of the fluidic medium by way of at least one fluid connection to the interior space;wherein the measuring element and the adjusting element interact so that the dispensing of the fluidic medium is influenced by the relative positioning sensed by the measuring element.2. ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158503A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

An infusion system, which may be a closed loop, or “semi-closed-loop”, infusion system, uses state variable feedback to control the rate at which fluid is infused into a user's body. The closed loop system includes a sensor system, a controller, and a delivery system. The “semi-closed-loop” system further includes prompts that provide indications to the user prior to fluid delivery. The sensor system includes a sensor for monitoring a condition of the user and produces a sensor signal which is representative of the user's condition. The delivery system infuses a fluid into the user at a rate dictated by the commands from the controller. The system may use three state variables, e.g., subcutaneous insulin concentration, plasma insulin concentration, and insulin effect, and corresponding gains, to calculate an additional amount of fluid to be infused with a bolus and to be removed from the basal delivery of the fluid. 1. A method of infusing insulin into a body of a user , the method comprising:delivering a basal amount of insulin to the body of the user at a predetermined basal rate;determining at least one state variable;determining, based on the at least one state variable, an additional amount of insulin to be delivered to the body of the user; andreducing the basal rate by said additional amount of insulin to be delivered to the body of the user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one state variable is selected from the group consisting of subcutaneous insulin concentration claim 1 , plasma insulin concentration claim 1 , and insulin effect.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining at least one state variable includes determining subcutaneous insulin concentration claim 1 , plasma insulin concentration claim 1 , and insulin effect.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the additional amount of insulin is further based on at least one gain corresponding to one of the at least one state variables.5. The method of claim 1 , further ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158504A1

A system and method for monitoring and delivering medication to a patient includes a controller that has a control algorithm and a closed loop control that monitors the control algorithm. A sensor is in communication with the controller and monitors a medical condition. A rule base application in the controller receives data from the sensor and the closed loop control and compares the data to predetermined medical information to determine the risk of automation of therapy to the patient. The controller then provides a predetermined risk threshold where below the predetermined risk threshold automated closed loop medication therapy is provided. If the predetermined risk threshold is met or exceeded, automated therapy adjustments may not occur and user/clinician intervention is requested. 1. A system for delivering medication to a patient , the system comprising:a controller having a control algorithm and an automation risk monitor that monitors the control algorithm;an electronic medication delivery device controlled by the controller;a sensor in communication with the controller and the automation risk monitor and monitoring a medical condition;a rule based application in the automation risk monitor that receives data from the sensor and the closed loop control and compares the data to predetermined medical information to determine a risk of therapy automation to the patient; andwherein the controller controls the medication delivery device to deliver medication to the patient based on a comparison of the risk to a predetermined risk threshold.2. The system of wherein when the risk is below the predetermined risk threshold additional automated medication delivery therapy is provided and when the risk at or above the predetermined risk threshold the controller triggers a request for user intervention.3. The system of wherein triggering a request for user intervention causes the closed loop control to function as an open loop.4. The system of wherein the additional ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158515A1
Автор: Austen, JR. William G.
Принадлежит: The General Hospital Corporation d/b/a

The present invention relates to systems and apparatuses for improving quality and viability of biological material, such as harvested adipose cells, stem cells, or other cells or biological components, by treatment of the biological material with membrane-repairing/stabilizing agents or the like and/or mechanical removal of components, such as impurities and/or excess treatment agents. The present invention further relates to systems and apparatuses for transplanting tissue, such as adipose tissue. 1. An apparatus comprisinga chamber having at least one outlet; anda pressure generating device configured and arranged for generating a positive pressure within the chamber that is at or below a predetermined threshold, the positive pressure being sufficient to cause a biological material, if present in the chamber, to discharge through the outlet, wherein the predetermined threshold is a pressure above which the biological material has relatively low viability as a tissue graft following discharge from the outlet into a graft site in a subject.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positive pressure is maintained such that the velocity of the biological material discharging from the outlet is up to about 265 cm/sec.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the positive pressure is maintained such that the flow rate of the biological material discharging from the outlet is below 3 ml/sec.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined threshold is 4 atm.5. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the outlet is positioned at a distal end of the chamber,wherein the chamber comprises an opening at a proximal end, andwherein the pressure generating device is a plunger arrangement configured and arranged to pass through the opening and to be movably disposed in the chamber, such that displacement of the plunger arrangement within the chamber toward the distal end generates the positive pressure.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the plunger arrangement comprises a force- ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Fluid injection and safety system

Номер: US20130160532A1
Принадлежит: Optiscan Biomedical Corp

Various medical systems and methods are described, including a medical monitoring system. The medical monitoring system can have a fluid system configured to receive bodily fluid and optically analyze said fluid to determine analyte concentration. The fluid system can have a removable portion. The removable portion can have an opening with a port. The system can also have a container configured to contain anticoagulant. The container can have a portion configured to mate with the port of the removable portion. The container can be further configured to not fit into a conventional luer fitting. An anti-coagulant insertion apparatus is also described. The apparatus can have a syringe, a dock with a port, and an adapter configured to connect the syringe to the port. The dock can also have a tab configured to move with the port.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165900A1
Принадлежит: OptiScan Biomedical Corporation

Disclosed are methods and apparatus for determining analyte concentration in a sample such as bodily fluid. Systems and methods disclosed herein can also include a treatment dosing system to infuse or inject a treatment drug (e.g., insulin or glucose) and provide glycemic control. The dose of the treatment drug may be based on the concentration of the analyte or the average value for the concentration of the analyte and/or the rate of change of the value of the concentration of the analyte. 1. An analyte detection and treatment dosing system comprising:a fluid transport network configured to provide fluid communication with a body fluid in a patient through a patient end;at least one pump system coupled to the fluid transport network, the pump system having a sampling mode in which the pump system is operable to withdraw a sample of bodily fluid from the patient end and transport said sample of bodily fluid toward the body fluid analyzer, and an infusion mode in which the pump system is operable to transport an infusion fluid to the patient;a body fluid analyzer accessible via the fluid transport network, the body fluid analyzer configured to measure a characteristic of at least one analyte in the body fluid and determine the concentration of the at least one analyte from the measured characteristic; anda treatment dosing system in communication with the body fluid analyzer, said treatment dosing system including a treatment dosing protocol stored in a computer memory and configured to automatically determine a recommended dose of an infusion substance configured to provide glycemic control, wherein the body fluid analyzer determines the recommended dose based at least in part on the measured concentration of the analyte and the stored treatment dosing protocol,the treatment dosing system comprising a treatment pump having a variable pump rate to deliver the recommended dose of the infusion substance to the patient.2. The analyte detection system of claim 1 , ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165901A1
Принадлежит: EndoTool, LLC

In example methods and systems described, insulin therapy for a patient can be determined. At least one of a short-acting subcutaneous insulin dosage recommendation, a correction subcutaneous insulin dosage recommendation, an intravenous insulin dosage recommendation, a recommended amount of carbohydrates to be administered to the patient, or combinations thereof, can be determined. In addition, information indicating a confirmation of a nutrition intake for the patient, and a long-acting insulin-on-board for the patient can be received, and based on this information, a required long-acting subcutaneous or intravenous insulin dosage for the patient can be determined. The short-acting subcutaneous or intravenous insulin dosage recommendation can be adjusted based, at least in part, on a difference between the long-acting insulin-on-board and the required long-acting subcutaneous or intravenous insulin dosage. 1. A non-transitory computer readable medium having stored therein instructions executable by a computing device to cause the computing device to perform functions comprising:receiving information associated with a glucose measurement value of a patient;receiving information associated with anticipated nutrition intake for the patient;receiving information indicating a short-acting insulin-on-board for the patient, wherein short-acting insulin-on-board is associated with an amount of short-acting insulin that remains in the patient due to a prior insulin administration;based, at least in part, on the information associated with the glucose measurement value of the patient, the anticipated nutrition intake for the patient and the short-acting insulin-on-board, determining at least one of a short-acting subcutaneous insulin dosage recommendation, a correction subcutaneous insulin dosage recommendation, an intravenous insulin dosage recommendation, a recommended amount of carbohydrates to be administered to the patient, or combinations thereof;receiving information ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165906A1

An administration apparatus to administer an inhibitor drug to a patient to inhibit cell division of a malignant cell includes an administration unit configured to administer the inhibitor drug to the patient; an administration timing storage unit configured to store an administration time to start an administration of the inhibitor drug; a time measurement unit configured to measure a current time; and a control unit configured to drive and control the administration unit so as to administer the inhibitor drug to the patient when the current time coincides with the administration time. The administration time is set on a basis of a pre-determined phase of a cell cycle of the malignant cell. 1. An administration apparatus to administer an inhibitor drug to a patient to inhibit cell division of a malignant cell comprising:an administration unit configured to administer the inhibitor drug to the patient;an administration timing storage unit configured to store an administration time to start an administration of the inhibitor drug;a time measurement unit configured to measure a current time; anda control unit configured to drive and control the administration unit so as to administer the inhibitor drug to the patient when the current time coincides with the administration time,wherein the administration time is set on a basis of a predetermined phase of a cell cycle of the malignant cell.2. The administration apparatus as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein a phase when a cell division inhibition effect by the inhibitor drug is the highest is selected as the predetermined phase in the cell cycle;the cell cycle is divided into a plurality of groups by a predetermined period not more than a duration time of the predetermined phase; andthe administration time is set plural times at not less than (T+t) intervals if the cell cycle is made T, and the predetermined period is made t, and is set so that a difference of respective administration times for the plurality of groups is ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Handheld Diabetes Manager With A User Interface For Displaying A Status Of An External Medical Device

Номер: US20130172708A1
Принадлежит: Roche Diagnostics Operations Inc

A handheld diabetes manager has a graphical user interface for displaying status of an external medical device and includes a port configured to receive a test strip and a blood glucose measurement module. The diabetes manager includes a communications module that selectively communicates via a wireless data link with an external medical device to receive status data pertaining to the operation of the external medical device, and a user interface module in data communication with the blood glucose measurement module and the communications module. The graphical user interface includes a status screen that presents data pertaining to a glucose measure determined by the blood glucose measurement module concurrently with the status data received from the external medical device, such that the status data of the external medical device is presented on the status screen only when the communication module is in data communication with the external medical device.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Providing Servo-Controlled Resuscitation

Номер: US20130172849A1

The present invention provides a system and method for controlling resuscitation in a patient. In at least one embodiment, the invention includes a fluid rate measurer, a controller electrically coupled to the fluid rate measurer, and a pump. The controller is adapted to receive signals from a physiological monitor and controls the pump. 1. An automated system for controlling resuscitation of a patient , comprising:a fluid rate measurer;at least one pump;a physiological monitor; a servo control computer program module for receiving values specifying a physiological variable range and controlling said at least one pump; and', 'an error correction computer program module for performing error correction of the voltage to control said pump based on a relation of an amount of fluid expected to be pumped and an amount of fluid that is actually pumped by said pump., 'a controller electrically coupled to said fluid rate measurer, said physiological monitor, and said at least one pump, said controller adapted to receive signals transmitted by said physiological monitor and capable of executing'}2. The automated system of claim 1 , further comprising a calibration module for performing an initial fluid flow rate calibration to determine a relationship between pumping volume and pumping voltage.3. The automated system of claim 1 , wherein said servo control computer program module includes computer readable instructions for allowing an operator to specify a low value for the physiological variable range.4. The automated system of claim 3 , wherein said servo control computer program module further includes computer readable instructions for allowing an operator to specify a high value for the physiological variable range.5. The automated system of claim 4 , wherein said resuscitation pump begins to pump only when the signal from said physiological monitor approaches or reaches the low value consecutively for two pump cycles and ceases to pump only when the signal from said ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178786A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.

An apparatus comprises one or more physiological sensing circuits that generate a sensed physiological signal and at least one of the physiological sensing circuits is implantable, a measurement circuit configured to recurrently measure one or more physiological parameters that indicate a status of heart failure of the subject, a comparison circuit configured to compare the one or more physiological parameter measurements to one or more physiological parameter target values, a therapy circuit configured to control delivery of one or more drugs to treat heart failure, and a control circuit in electrical communication with the comparison circuit and the therapy circuit and configured to recurrently adjust delivery of drug therapy according to the comparison of the measured physiological parameters to the physiological parameter targets. 1. An apparatus comprising:one or more physiological sensing circuits, wherein a physiological sensing circuit is configured to generate a sensed physiological signal, wherein a physiological signal includes physiological information and wherein at least one of the physiological sensing circuits is implantable;a measurement circuit configured to recurrently measure one or more physiological parameters of a subject using one or more of the sensed physiological signals, wherein the one or more physiological parameters indicate a status of heart failure of the subject;a comparison circuit configured to compare the one or more physiological parameter measurements to one or more physiological parameter target values;a therapy circuit configured to control delivery of one or more drugs to treat heart failure; anda control circuit in electrical communication with the comparison circuit and the therapy circuit and configured to recurrently adjust delivery of drug therapy according to the comparison of the measured physiological parameters to the physiological parameter targets.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the one or more physiological ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178792A1
Автор: Li Po-Ying
Принадлежит: MINIPUMPS, LLC.

The accuracy of drug delivery with drug pump devices may be improved by a combination of pump operation at high flow resistances and pump pressures, pressure-relief mechanisms, and sensor-based feedback for pump control. 1. A high-pressure drug pump device comprising:a drug reservoir;an exit member for fluidically connecting the reservoir with a drug injection site;{'sup': 6', '−1, 'a flow restrictor for restricting fluid flow through the exit member, the flow restrictor having a flow resistance factor of at least 10μl;'}an electrolysis pump comprising a pump chamber in mechanical communication with the drug reservoir via an intervening displacement member, the electrolysis pump being operable to exert a pressure of at least 5 psi to drive the displacement member toward the exit member and thereby force therethrough fluid in the drug reservoir; andcircuitry for operating the pump to generate a pressure of at least 5 psi, the circuitry and the flow restrictor cooperating to cause continuous fluid flow through the exit member at a constant flow rate in the range from about 400 nl/min to about 5 μl/min.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pump is operable to exert a pressure of at least 10 psi.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pump is operable to exert a pressure of at least 50 psi.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pump is operable to exert a pressure of at least 100 psi.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pump is operable to exert a pressure of at least 200 psi.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the smallest inner diameter of the flow restrictor does not exceed 100 μm.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the smallest inner diameter of the flow restrictor does not exceed 50 μm.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flow restrictor has a length in the range from about 1 cm to about 15 cm.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the exit member comprises the flow restrictor.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the exit member comprises a cannula connected to the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178826A1
Автор: Li Po-Ying
Принадлежит: MINIPUMPS, LLC.

The accuracy of drug delivery with drug pump devices may be improved by a combination of pump operation at high flow resistances and pump pressures, pressure-relief mechanisms, and sensor-based feedback for pump control. 1. A pump device comprising: a pump chamber and contained therein a pair of electrodes in contact with a liquid electrolyte for generating an electrolysis gas from the electrolyte upon application of a voltage between the electrodes; and', 'a pressure-relief mechanism for causing recombination of the electrolysis gas into the liquid electrolyte., 'an electrolysis pump comprising'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure-relief mechanism comprises a spark-ignition circuit including a spark gap disposed within the pump chamber claim 1 , generation of a spark at the spark gap causing the recombination of at least a portion of the electrolysis gas.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the spark-ignition circuit is configured to facilitate interrupting the spark before recombination of the electrolysis gas is complete.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the pump chamber comprises first and second compartments and a gas-permeable separation therebetween claim 2 , the spark plug being disposed in the first compartment to thereby limit the recombination of the electrolysis gas to the first compartment.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the separation comprises at least one of a membrane claim 4 , a porous material claim 4 , a solid wall with holes claim 4 , or a valve.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure-relief mechanism comprises an electrically conductive filament disposed within the pump chamber claim 1 , heating of the filament upon application of a current thereto causing the recombination of the electrolysis gas.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure-relief mechanism comprises a catalyst that continuously causes recombination of electrolysis gas.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the catalyst comprises a material selected from ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184639A1

A system and method for introducing one or more stimulating drugs and/or applying electrical stimulation to the brain to treat mood and/or anxiety disorders uses an implantable system control unit (SCU), specifically an implantable signal/pulse generator (IPG) or microstimulator with one or more electrodes in the case of electrical stimulation, and an implantable pump with one or more catheters in the case of drug infusion. In cases requiring both electrical and drug stimulation, one or more SCUs are used. Alternatively and preferably, when needed, an SCU provides both electrical stimulation and one or more stimulating drugs. In a preferred embodiment, the system is capable of open- and closed-loop operation. In closed-loop operation, at least one SCU includes a sensor, and the sensed condition is used to adjust stimulation parameters. 134-. (canceled)35. A method of treating a patient with an anxiety disorder and/or a mood disorder , comprising:sensing a condition of the patient, wherein the sensed condition is one of a serotonin level, a neurotransmitter breakdown product level, change in a neurotransmitter breakdown product level, a medication level, change in a medication level, a drug level, change in a drug level, and change in level of a bloodborne substance;determining a stimulus based on the at least one sensed condition; anddelivering the stimulus from the implanted system control unit to an area of the brain, thereby, at least in part, alleviating symptoms of the anxiety and/or mood disorder of the patient.36. The method of claim 35 , wherein the anxiety and/or mood disorder is a mood disorder characterized by depressed mood caused by chronic decreased activity in the area of the brain claim 35 , and the stimulus increases excitement of the area of the brain.37. The method of claim 36 , wherein the area of the brain is one of a hippocampus claim 36 , insula claim 36 , right middle temporal gyrus claim 36 , occipital cortex claim 36 , temporal cortex claim ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184640A1
Автор: Li Po-Ying
Принадлежит: MINIPUMPS, LLC

The accuracy of drug delivery with drug pump devices may be improved by a combination of pump operation at high flow resistances and pump pressures, pressure-relief mechanisms, and sensor-based feedback for pump control. 1. A drug pump device comprising:a drug reservoir;an exit member for fluidically connecting the reservoir with a drug injection site;an electrolysis pump comprising a pump chamber in mechanical communication with the drug reservoir via an intervening displacement member, the electrolysis pump being operable to exert a pressure to drive the displacement member toward the exit member and thereby force therethrough fluid in the drug chamber; anda pressure sensor disposed within the pump chamber for measuring a pressure therein;a direct-measurement flow sensor disposed within the exit member for measuring a flow rate of fluid flow therethrough; andcontrol circuitry for (i) calculating a flow rate from the measured pressure, (ii) comparing the calculated flow rate with the measured flow rate, and (iii) if the measured flow rate is within 5% of the calculated flow rate, continuing fluid flow through the exit member by operating the pump to generate a pressure, and otherwise initiating a safety protocol.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the safety protocol comprises interrupting pump operation.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the safety protocol comprises re-starting pump operation.4. In a drug pump device comprising a drug reservoir claim 1 , an exit member for fluidically connecting the reservoir with a drug injection site claim 1 , and an electrolysis pump operable to exert a pressure on the reservoir to thereby force fluid from the drug reservoir into the exit member claim 1 , a method of controlling a rate of fluid flow through the exit member claim 1 , the method comprising:measuring a pressure in a pump chamber of the electrolysis pump;measuring a flow rate of fluid flow through the exit member;calculating a flow rate from the measured pressure; ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184641A1
Автор: Li Po-Ying
Принадлежит: MiniPumps,LLC.

The accuracy of drug delivery with drug pump devices may be improved by a combination of pump operation at high flow resistances and pump pressures, pressure-relief mechanisms, and sensor-based feedback for pump control. 1. A drug pump device comprising:a drug reservoir;an exit member for fluidically connecting the reservoir with a drug injection site;an electrolysis pump comprising a pump chamber in mechanical communication with the drug reservoir via an intervening displacement member, the electrolysis pump being operable to exert a pressure to drive the displacement member toward the exit member and thereby force therethrough fluid in the drug reservoir; anda pressure sensor disposed within the pump chamber for measuring a pressure therein;a direct-measurement flow sensor disposed within the exit member for measuring a flow rate of fluid flow therethrough; andcontrol circuitry for (i) calculating a flow rate from the measured pressure, (ii) comparing the calculated flow rate with the measured flow rate, and (iii) adjusting an electrolysis current supplied to electrolysis electrodes within the pump chamber based on the measured flow rate if it is within 5% of the calculated flow rate, and otherwise based on the calculated flow rate,whereby the pump is operated to generate a pressure causing continuous fluid flow through the exit member at a target flow rate.2. In a drug pump device comprising a drug reservoir , an exit member for fluidically connecting the reservoir with a drug injection site , and an electrolysis pump operable to exert a pressure on the reservoir to thereby force fluid from the drug reservoir into the exit member , a method of controlling a rate of fluid flow through the exit member , the method comprising:measuring a pressure in a pump chamber of the electrolysis pump and calculating a flow rate therefrom;measuring a flow rate of fluid flow through the exit member;comparing the calculated flow rate with the measured flow rate; andadjusting an ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for non-intravenously administering a medication

Номер: US20130184681A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A computer-based apparatus for dispensing a medication, including: at least one specially programmed computer; and a medication device. The at least one computer is arranged to automatically generate a medication regimen for a patient, the medication regimen including designation of a measure for an orally-administered or injectable medication; or automatically modify a medication regimen for a patient, by modifying a designation of a measure for an orally-administered or injectable medication. The medication device is arranged to: extract the orally-administered or injectable medication from a medication storage element; and non-intravenously dispense an amount of the orally-administered or injectable medication equal to the designated measure or the modified designated measure into a container. The at least one specially programmed computer is part of the medication device, is attached to the medication storage element, or is located remote from the medication device.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190674A1
Принадлежит: Fenwal, Inc.

Systems and methods for using physiological data in a medical device are disclosed. The physiological data may be measured by a vital sign reader and received by a processing circuit associated with the medical device. The processing circuit may automatically adjust the operation of the medical device during a medical procedure based on the physiological data. In some implementations, the processing circuit may mirror a memory partition to a redundant storage device, allowing for uninterrupted execution of the medical procedure in the event of a memory failure condition. 1. A method for using physiological data in a medical device comprising:generating, by a processing circuit, a start procedure command configured to cause the medical device to begin a medical procedure on a subject;receiving, at the processing circuit, physiological data from a measurement device, the physiological data being indicative of a physiological condition of the subject during the medical procedure;analyzing, by the processing circuit, the physiological data; andgenerating, by the processing circuit, a control command for the medical device based in part on the analyzed physiological data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the physiological data comprises at least one of a measured blood pressure claim 1 , body temperature claim 1 , respiratory rate claim 1 , or pulse rate of the subject.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the medical procedure comprises administering a medicament to the subject claim 1 , pausing the medical procedure claim 1 , or aborting the medical procedure.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the control command is configured to cause the medical device to adjust an infusion rate of the medicament to the subject.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the medical procedure comprises an apheresis procedure and the medicament comprises at least one of: an anticoagulant claim 4 , blood replacement fluid claim 4 , or bolus of saline.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the medical ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190682A1

A system for controlling an environment of a patient undergoing an surgical procedure is provided. The system includes a conduit configured to channel fluids towards the patient, a sensor configured to measure at least one operating parameter of the fluid being channeled to the patient, an effector configured to change the operating parameter of the fluid, and a controller configured to selectively activate the effector based on a signal received from the sensor. 1. A system for controlling an environment of a patient undergoing a surgical procedure , said system comprising:a conduit configured to channel fluids towards the patient;a sensor configured to measure at least one operating parameter of the fluid being channeled to the patient;an effector configured to change the operating parameter of the fluid; anda controller configured to selectively activate said effector based on a signal received from said sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor configured to monitor a parameter of the patient.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said effector includes at least one reservoir configured to hold a first fluid therein.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said effector includes a a first reservoir for holding a first fluid therein and a second reservoir for holding a second fluid therein.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said effector includes at least one of a resistive heating element and a heat pump.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said conduit extends through at least a portion of said effector.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein said effector is releasably coupled to said conduit.8. A system for use in controlling an environment of a patient claim 1 , said system comprising:a conduit configured to channel fluid towards the patient;a sensor configured to measure an operating parameter of the fluid being channeled to the patient;a first reservoir configured to selectively release a first substance into said conduit to ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190683A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

A medical device includes a first housing portion (FHP) and a second housing portion (SHP) configured to be to be movable relative to each other from a first position to operatively engage at a second position to couple at least one of a drive device and a needle-inserting device supported by one of the FHP and the SHP to a reservoir supported by the other of the FHP and the SHP. Electronic circuitry configured to detect at least one of a first magnetic interaction between a magnet and at least one of a first magnetically attractive material and a first magnet-responsive device and a second magnetic interaction between the magnet and at least one of a second magnetically attractive material and a second magnet-responsive device, and to provide a signal or a change in state in response to detecting at least one of the interactions. 119.-. (canceled)20. A medical device for treating a user , the device comprising:a first housing portion adapted to be carried by a user;a second housing portion configured to be selectively operatively engaged with and disengaged from the first housing portion, the first housing portion and the second housing portion configured to be movable relative to each other from a first position to a second position to operatively engage each other at the second position;a first interactive element supported on the first housing portion;a second interactive element supported on the second housing portion in a position to interact with the first interactive element when the first housing portion and the second housing portion are in the first position;a third interactive element supported on the second housing portion in a position to interact with the first interactive element when the first housing portion and the second housing portion are in the second position; andelectronic circuitry configured to detect at least one of a first interaction between the first interactive element and the second interactive element, and a second interaction ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Cardioplegia Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20130190717A1
Принадлежит: Quest Medical, Inc.

A microplegia console for controlling the delivery of cardioplegia to a patient, comprising an integrated display/touch screen for displaying cardioplegia information and patient information and allowing inputting of parameters via the display/touch screen into the console for computer-controlled perfusion of cardioplegia into the patient. The invention further comprises a method for delivery of cardioplegia to a patient, including defining and selecting a protocol from a displayed list and sequencing a series of the protocols. The invention also comprises a method for cardioplegia delivery to achieve aortic valve closure. Additionally, the invention comprises a method for activating an icon whereby, upon a first selection of the icon, displaying an indicia indicating that the icon has been first selected; and upon a second selection of the icon, activating the icon. 1. A console for controlling the delivery of cardioplegia to a patient , comprising in combination:an integrated display/touch screen for displaying cardioplegia information and patient information and allowing inputting of parameters via the display/touch screen into the console for computer-controlled perfusion of cardioplegia into the patient;a flow knob allowing manual control the cardioplegia flow rate; andan interface operatively connected between the console and a cardioplegia pump, said interface enabling intercommunication of one or more of diagnostics status, messages and periodic data updates between the console and the pump.2. The console as set forth in claim 1 , wherein manual control of the cardioplegia flow rate via the flow knob takes precedence over any in-process computer-controlled cardioplegia perfusion into the patient.3. The console as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the manual control of the cardioplegia flow rate via the flow knob suspends or cancels any in-process computer-controlled cardioplegia perfusion such that manual control of the cardioplegia perfusion into the patient ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197430A1

The present disclosure involves a system for monitoring patients, and more specifically post-operative patients receiving narcotics/sedatives/opioids, and a novel apparatus for automatically delivering one or more substances such as a reversing agent, including but not limited to the agent commonly known as naloxone, in response to dangerous respiratory conditions such as respiratory depression or other undesired consequences caused by reaction to another dosage being delivered to the subject. 1. A system for monitoring and delivering a substance to a subject , comprising:a monitoring unit for monitoring at least one condition of the subject;an interface unit adapted to provide an interface with at least one user;a delivery unit for automatically delivering at least one dosage of a narcotic/sedative/opioid reversal agent to the subject in response to at least a signal from the monitoring unit indicating one or more of the at least one condition is outside a preset condition value;wherein the interface unit and delivery unit are in continuous communication with the patient monitoring unit; andwherein the delivery unit delivers the at least one dosage of a narcotic/sedative/opioid reversal agent intranasally to the subject.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one condition is selected from the group consisting of a respiratory rate claim 1 , a carbon dioxide claim 1 , oxygen and pH value claim 1 , a blood pressure claim 1 , an acoustic measurement of respiration claim 1 , a heart rate claim 1 , a physiological response and a subject's response to an audible signal.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the system further comprises an intranasal supply of oxygen claim 2 , which contains an amount of gas comprising at least 90% oxygen.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one dosage of a narcotic/sedative/opioid reversal agent is comprised of naloxone.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the delivery unit may selectively and automatically provide one or ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Device and Method for Determining Information Related to a Medical Device

Номер: US20130197445A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The invention relates to an apparatus ( 2, 3 ), comprising a mating unit ( 20 - 1, 20 - 2 ) for releasably attaching the apparatus ( 2 ) to a medical device ( 1 ) or for releasably receiving at least a part of the medical device ( 1 ). The apparatus ( 2, 3 ) further comprises one or more optical sensors ( 25, 26 ) and/or one or more acoustical sensors ( 27 ) for determining information related to a condition and/or use of the medical device ( 1 ). The invention further relates to a system comprising such an apparatus ( 2, 3 ) and such a medical device ( 1 ), to a method ( 500, 600, 700 ) and a computer program ( 61 ) for determining information related to a condition and/or use of such a medical device ( 1 ), and to a computer-readable medium ( 60 ) storing such a computer program ( 61 ).

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197469A1
Принадлежит: PRO-IV LTD.

The present disclosure relates to an infusion control valve adapted to be actuated by a valve actuator. The present disclosure further relates to an infusion valve actuator adapted to actuate an infusion control valve upon being triggered by an authentication unit. Furthermore, the present disclosure relates to methods for the administration of a substance. 1. An infusion control valve adapted to be actuated by a valve actuator , wherein said valve actuator is adapted to be triggered by an authentication unit.2. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said valve actuator is adapted to be remotely triggered by said authentication unit.3. The valve of claim 1 , wherein remotely triggered comprises means of IR claim 1 , RF claim 1 , ultrasound or any combination thereof.4. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said valve is adapted to allow the flow of the infusion liquid upon being actuated.5. The valve of claim 3 , wherein said valve comprises a key cylinder claim 3 , wherein said key cylinder is adapted to allow the flow of the infusion liquid upon being actuated by the rotation of a key within said key cylinder.6. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said valve is adapted to inhibit the flow of the infusion liquid when said valve is not actuated.7. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said authentication unit comprises a patient details acquisition unit claim 1 , a liquid characteristics acquisition unit claim 1 , a comparison unit claim 1 , adapted to calculate a correlation value between the details and the characteristics claim 1 , and a valve actuator control unit.8. The valve of claim 7 , wherein said actuator is adapted to be triggered by said valve actuator control unit if said correlation value is higher than a predetermined threshold value.9. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said valve is adapted to be actuated by said valve actuator by mechanical claim 1 , electrical claim 1 , electromechanical claim 1 , magnetic means or any combination thereof.10. The valve of claim 1 , wherein said ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Wireless strain gauge/flow sensor

Номер: US20130204202A1
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics lnc USA

A flow rate sensor is provided in a wireless, leadless package. The flow rate sensor includes a MEMs sensor coupled to an ASIC and an antenna. The flow rate sensor is powered by radiation received from a control module adjacent the flow rate sensor. The flow rate sensor is placed within a fluid and monitors the flow rate of the fluid. The control module is not in the fluid and receives flow rate data from the flow rate sensor.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Body Cavity Physiological Measurement Device

Номер: US20130211372A1
Автор: Rosenshein Beth

Provided herein is a self-contained physiological measuring device adapted for disposition within a patient body cavity, primarily the vagina, for an extended period of time (e.g., 6-48 hours or more). While disposed within the body cavity, the device periodically measures one or more physiological parameters. In addition to measuring such physiological parameters, the device is operative to store such measurements to memory for subsequent download/processing upon removal of the device from the body cavity and/or upon wireless interrogation. 1. A method for generating diagnostic markers associated with hypogonadism in women , comprising:obtaining, from a plurality of individuals, a plurality of measurements of intra-vaginal physiological parameters, wherein said measurements are taken over an extended monitoring period by a self contained intra-vaginal monitoring device;for each individual, correlating said parameter measurements with a corresponding level of a measured gonadtropin obtained from a blood sample;analyzing said plurality of parameter measurements and a corresponding plurality of gonadtropin levels to identify a relationship between at least one physiological parameter and said gonadtropin levels.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising;using gonadtropin levels of a first group of individuals having normal levels of gonadtropins to generate a base line reference for said gonadtropin levels, wherein said base line reference is correlated to at least one of said plurality of measurements.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:using gonadtropin levels of a second group of individuals having abnormal levels of gonadtropins to generate base line references indicative of hypogonadism.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said method comprises taking intra-vaginal measurements using of at least one of:a temperature sensor;a pH sensor;a strain gauge; anda pulse oximetry sensor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said measurements are periodically ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method of Managing History of Injection of Medicinal Fluid

Номер: US20130211373A1
Автор: LEE Young Gyu
Принадлежит: Woo Young Medical Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a method of managing a history of the injection of a medicinal fluid. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method of managing a history of the injection of a medicinal fluid, which is capable of managing the history of the injection of a medicinal fluid in an apparatus for injecting a medicinal fluid that automatically injects a predetermined volume of medicinal fluid into a vein or epidural space of a patient in order to manage the pain of the patient. 1. A method of managing a history of injection of a medicinal fluid in an apparatus for injecting a medicinal fluid , the method comprising:(a) setting information about injection of a medicinal fluid at an apparatus for injecting a medicinal fluid;(b) storing a history of injection of the medicinal fluid into a patient based on the set information about injection of the medicinal fluid for a predetermined time interval; and(c) analyzing the stored history of injection of the medicinal fluid for the predetermined time interval, and regulating a state of injection of the medicinal fluid into the patient.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information about injection of the medicinal fluid of step (a) comprises at least one of the following: a total volume of the medicinal fluid claim 1 , a flow rate of the medicinal fluid claim 1 , an amount of drug included in the medicinal fluid claim 1 , a bolus dose claim 1 , a bolus rate claim 1 , a bolus limit per time claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , after step (a):step (a1) of displaying the information about injection of the medicinal fluid.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein step (a1) comprises:(a11) displaying the total volume of the medicinal fluid and the flow rate of the medicinal fluid;(a12) displaying the drug amount, computing a drug rate using the total volume of the medicinal fluid, the flow rate of the medicinal fluid, and the drug amount, and displaying ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Closed Loop Control System with Safety Parameters and Methods

Номер: US20130218126A1

Methods, system and devices for monitoring a plurality of parameters associated with a closed loop control operation including continuously monitoring a physiological condition and automatic administration of a medication, detecting an adverse condition associated with the monitored physiological condition or the medication administration deviating from a predetermined safety level of the closed loop control operation, and initiating a non-zero pre-programmed medication delivery rate are provided. 1. A method , comprising:monitoring a plurality of parameters associated with a closed loop control operation including continuously monitoring a physiological condition and automatic administration of a medication;detecting an adverse condition associated with the monitored physiological condition or the medication administration deviating from a predetermined safety level of the closed loop control operation; andinitiating a non-zero pre-programmed medication delivery rate.2. The method of wherein the plurality of parameters monitored includes analyte level claim 1 , insulin administration level claim 1 , exercise level claim 1 , analyte sensor signal condition claim 1 , insulin on board information claim 1 , signal transmission level claim 1 , or one or more combinations thereof.3. The method of wherein the detected adverse condition includes one or more of a failed communication state between a medication delivery device and a controller executing the closed loop control operation claim 1 , absence of a valid analyte level information claim 1 , or detection of medication delivery level exceeding a predetermined threshold level.4. The method of wherein the non-zero pre-programmed medication delivery rate includes an open loop medication delivery rate.5. The method of further including:estimating insulin on board information; andmodifying the non-zero pre-programmed medication delivery rate based on the estimated insulin on board information.6. The method of further ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218133A1
Принадлежит: HOSPIRA, INC.

A differential pressure based flow sensor assembly and method of using the same to determine the rate of fluid flow in a fluid system. The sensor assembly comprises a disposable portion, and a reusable portion. A flow restricting element is positioned along a fluid flow passage between an inlet and an outlet. The disposable portion further has an upstream fluid pressure membrane and a downstream fluid pressure membrane. The reusable portion has an upstream fluid pressure sensor and a downstream fluid pressure sensor. The upstream fluid pressure sensor senses the upstream fluid pressure at a location within the fluid flow passage between the inlet and the flow restricting element. The downstream fluid pressure sensor senses the downstream fluid pressure at a location within the fluid flow passage between the flow restricting element and the outlet. The process utilizes output of the sensors to calculate the flow rate of the fluid. 1. A differential pressure based flow sensor assembly to determine the flow rate of a fluid system comprising: a sealed disposable body defining a fluid flow passage forming an inlet and an outlet;', 'a flow restricting element positioned along the fluid flow passage between the inlet and the outlet, wherein the flow restricting element includes an orifice that defines a non-capillary fluid flow path;', 'an impermeable upstream fluid pressure membrane at a location in the fluid flow passage between the inlet and the flow restricting element; and', 'a an impermeable downstream fluid pressure membrane at a location in the fluid flow passage between the flow restricting element and the outlet; and, 'a disposable portion having an upstream fluid pressure sensor to sense an upstream fluid pressure at an upstream location in the fluid flow passage between the inlet and the flow restricting element, the upstream fluid pressure sensor being positioned and adapted to interact with the upstream fluid pressure membrane and thereby generally determine ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226078A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.

The health state of a subject is automatically evaluated or predicted using at least one implantable device. In varying examples, the health state is determined by sensing or receiving information about at least one physiological process having a circadian rhythm whose presence, absence, or baseline change is associated with impending disease, and comparing such rhythm to baseline circadian rhythm prediction criteria. Other chronobiological rhythms beside circadian may also be used. The baseline prediction criteria may be derived using one or more past physiological process observation of the subject or population of subjects in a non-disease health state. The prediction processing may be performed by the at least one implantable device or by an external device in communication with the implantable device. Systems and methods for invoking a therapy in response to the health state, such as to prevent or minimize the consequences of predicted impending heart failure, are also discussed. 1. A system comprising:a prediction criteria module, adapted to store information about one or more chronobiological rhythm prediction criteria;a physiological information collection device, adapted to sense or receive information about at least one physiological process having a chronobiological rhythm whose presence, absence, or change is statistically associated with a disease state;an impending disease state prediction module, coupled to the prediction criteria module to receive the one or more chronobiological rhythm prediction criteria and coupled to the physiological information collection device to receive the chronobiological rhythm of the at least one physiological process, the impending disease state prediction module being adapted to predict an occurrence of impending disease using the one or more chronobiological rhythm prediction criteria and the chronobiological rhythm of the at least one physiological process; anda therapy control module adapted to adjust or initiate a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method And Device For Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130226079A1

An apparatus and a system for controlling and/or managing administration of a drug to a body of a patient. The apparatus includes a drug infusion device configured to deliver drug at a predetermined location in the body of the patient, at least one sensor disposed in the drug infusion device and configured to measure a, corresponding property related to the patient and selected from the group consisting of physiological properties, biochemical properties, environmental properties and drug-related properties, a controller disposed in the drug infusion device and configured to receive from the at least one sensor data representative of the measured corresponding property and based on the received data, determine a drug delivery rate. The drug delivery device is configured to deliver the drug to the body of the patient based on the determined drug delivery rate. 1. An apparatus to control administration of a drug to a body of a patient , the apparatus comprising:a drug infusion device configured to deliver drug at a predetermined location in the body of the patient;at least one sensor disposed in the drug infusion device and configured to measure a corresponding property related to the patient and selected from the group consisting of physiological properties, biochemical properties, environmental properties and drug-related properties;a controller disposed in the drug infusion device and configured to receive from the at least one sensor data representative of the measured corresponding property and based on the received data, determine a drug delivery rate; andthe drug delivery device is configured to deliver the drug to the body of the patient based on the determined drug delivery rate.236-. (canceled) The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/008,276, filed Dec. 18, 2007, entitled “Method and Device for Drug Delivery”, and incorporates its disclosure herein by reference in its entirety.The present application relates to U ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226138A1
Автор: Sia Tiong-Heng Alex

Various embodiments relating to a method of controlling the blood pressure of a subject is provided, the method includes generating blood pressure data indicating the blood pressure of the subject, controlling a plurality of pumps to infuse, in dependence on the blood pressure data, drugs into the subject, wherein each of the plurality of pumps is adapted to infuse one out of a plurality of different drugs into the subject, and wherein each of the plurality of different drugs has a particular influence on the blood pressure of the subject, wherein the plurality of pumps is controlled such that, in dependence on the blood pressure data, a mix of drugs is infused into the subject which stabilizes the blood pressure of the subject. 1. A method of controlling the blood pressure of a subject , comprising:generating blood pressure data indicating the blood pressure of the subject, wherein the blood pressure data is an average blood pressure value calculated from a summation of at least two blood pressure values determined at regular time intervals of about 20 seconds, wherein the blood pressure data is generated by a non-invasive blood pressure data generating unit,generating heart rate data indicating the heart rate of the subject, wherein the heart rate data is an average heart rate value calculated from a summation of at least two heart rate values determined at regular time intervals of about 20 seconds,controlling a plurality of pumps to infuse, in dependence on the blood pressure data and the heart rate data, drugs into the subject, wherein each of the plurality of pumps is adapted to infuse one out of a plurality of different drugs into the subject, and wherein each of the plurality of different drugs has a particular influence on the blood pressure of the subject,wherein the plurality of pumps is controlled such that, in dependence on the blood pressure data and the heart rate data, a mix of drugs is infused into the subject which stabilizes the blood pressure of ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method to improve safety monitoring in type-1 diabetic patients by detecting in real-time failures of the glucose

Номер: US20130231543A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for monitoring a diabetic patient includes continuous glucose monitoring system that is configured to generate glucose data indicative of the patient's actual glucose level. An continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump is configured to inject insulin into the patient and that is configured to generate insulin data regarding when and how much insulin has been injected into the patient. A processor, programmed with a discrete-time reiterative filter, calculates a predicted glucose level corresponding to a predicted glucose level currently expected to be sensed by the continuous glucose monitoring system, based on the insulin data and the glucose data over time and is also programed to generate an alert when the actual glucose level is different from the predicted glucose level by a predetermined amount. An alert generating device is coupled to the processor and is configured to generate an aesthetically-sensible event corresponding to the generation of the alert.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231608A1
Принадлежит: DEKA Products Limited Partnership

A method of dispensing fluid includes three processes. A first one of these processes includes pumping fluid into a resilient variable-volume dispensing chamber. The dispensing chamber is in series with a normally present finite fluid impedance and an output. The impedance is sufficient so as to cause expansion of the dispensing chamber as it receives pumped fluid even while some fluid flows through the output. Another one of these processes includes repeatedly measuring a parameter related to volume of the dispensing chamber over time. A third one of these processes includes controlling the pumping of fluid based on repeated measurements of the parameter to produce a desired fluid flow through the output. A corresponding system for dispensing fluid implements these processes. 1. A device for dispensing fluid , the device comprising:a housing;a pump enclosed in the housing;a dispensing assembly downstream of the pump, the dispensing assembly comprising a sensor for quantitatively measuring a parameter related to a volume of a dispensing chamber, wherein the pump ejects fluid in a manner so as to repeatedly deliver fluid from the dispensing chamber through an exit;a control loop coupled to the sensor and the pump for controlling actuation of the pump based on the measured parameter; anda controller for determining the cumulative volume of fluid delivered through the exit based on the measured parameter.2. The device of wherein the sensor further comprising an acoustic energy source for acoustically exciting gas in an acoustically contiguous region to produce an acoustic response therein.3. The device of wherein the sensor further comprising a first acoustic transducer mounted at a first position in the acoustically contiguous region for producing an electrical signal based on the acoustic response.4. The device of wherein the region comprising:a subregion coupled to the dispensing chamber wherein a change in volume of the dispensing chamber causes a change in volume ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237863A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic, Inc.

A medical device system and method that includes sensing a heart sound signal from a first external sensor, determining whether a pulmonary hypertension signature is detected in response to the sensed heart sound signal, sensing a lung sound signal from a second external sensor, determining whether a heart failure signature is detected in response to the sensed lung sound signal, and determining therapy parameters in response to determining whether a pulmonary hypertension signature is detected and determining whether a heart failure signature is detected. 1. A method , comprising:sensing a heart sound signal from a first external sensor;determining whether a pulmonary hypertension signature is detected in response to the sensed heart sound signal;sensing a lung sound signal from a second external sensor;determining whether a heart failure signature is detected in response to the sensed lung sound signal; anddetermining therapy parameters in response to determining whether a pulmonary hypertension signature is detected and determining whether a heart failure signature is detected.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detecting pulmonary hypertension induced heart failure progression in response to determining whether a pulmonary hypertension signature is detected and determining whether a heart failure signature is detected.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:delivering therapy having a first set of therapy parameters to treat heart failure in a patient in response to determining only the heart failure signature being detected; anddelivering therapy having a second of therapy parameters different from the first set of therapy parameters in response to only the pulmonary hypertension signature being detected.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising delivering therapy having a third set of therapy parameters different from the first set of therapy parameters and the second set of therapy parameters in response to both the heart failure signature ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Core-temperature-based herd management system & methods

Номер: US20130239907A1
Принадлежит: Herdx Inc

A system and method for managing a herd of animals possibly requiring medical treatment, such as cows in a feedlot. The animals are herded individually into a chute, where identification data is collected from a tag, and core temperature data is collected using a special non-contacting core temperature sensor. The animal is tagged with a color coded tag representing a range of temperatures into which that animal's temperature falls. The animal is then delivered to a pen corresponding to that range of temperatures, where appropriate medicinal treatment is automatically dosed and applied to the animal.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Drug Injection Devices, Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130245545A1
Принадлежит: MEDINGO LTD.

Disclosed is a drug injection device, comprising a drug delivery module and an analyte measurement module, such as a blood glucose meter. The injection device may include a support for receiving a reservoir or a cartridge, a drive means for expelling the fluid from the reservoir or cartridge, and an injection means fluidically coupled to the reservoir or cartridge. Additionally, the injection device comprises an analyte measurement module. Medical systems including embodiments of the injection device are also disclosed. 1. An injection device for delivering a fluid , the injection device comprising:a support for receiving a reservoir or a cartridge;a drive means for expelling the fluid from the reservoir or cartridge; andan injection means fluidically coupled to the reservoir or cartridge;wherein the injection device comprises an analyte measurement module.2. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the delivery of the fluid corresponds to a prick claim 1 , or is configured to oscillate back and forth along a longitudinal axis as the liquid is dispensed from the fluid injection means.3. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the analyte measurement module is part of a housing of the injection device.4. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the analyte measurement module is a blood glucose meter and the fluid is insulin.5. The injection device of claim 1 , further comprising a user interface including data inputting and outputting means.6. The injection device of claim 1 , further comprising communication means claim 1 , adapted to communicate with other networked devices.7. The injection device of claim 1 , further comprising an energy source selected from the group consisting of a dynamo claim 1 , a spring claim 1 , a rechargeable battery claim 1 , a solar cell claim 1 , or a combination thereof.8. The injection device of claim 1 , further comprising a code reader adapted to identify a previously coded drug cartridge.9. The injection device of claim 1 , ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245546A1
Автор: Hayn Henning

A functional adhesive bandage includes an adhesive layer and a cover layer. A sensor for measuring a vital parameter, a control unit, an energy storage device, and an actuator are arranged between the adhesive layer and the cover layer. The control unit is configured to evaluate the vital parameter measured by the sensor. The control unit is further configured to regulate the actuator based on the evaluation. 1. A functional adhesive bandage , comprising:an adhesive layer;a cover layer;a sensor configured to measure a vital parameter;a control unit;an energy storage device; and the sensor, the control unit, the energy storage device, and the actuator are arranged between the adhesive layer and the cover layer,', 'the control unit is configured to evaluate the vital parameter measured by the sensor, and', 'the control unit is configured to regulate the actuator based on the evaluation., 'an actuator; wherein2. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is an electromagnetic radiation source.3. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is a delivery unit for an active ingredient.4. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is at least one of a heating element and a cooling element.5. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is an electrode.6. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is one of a mechanical actuator claim 1 , a pneumatic actuator and a hydraulic actuator.7. The functional adhesive bandage according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is a converter of at least one of mechanical energy and thermal energy into electrical energy.8. A method for regulating a vital parameter with a functional adhesive bandage claim 1 , comprising:prescribing an intended variable for the vital parameter;measuring an actual variable for the vital parameter;establishing a deviation of the actual variable from ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245547A1

Techniques are used for adaptation of drug-administration parameters that control insulin delivery in a blood glucose control system. One technique provides long-term adaptation of a nominal basal infusion rate, adapting to longer-term changes in a patient's needs due to growth, illness, hormonal fluctuations, physical activity, aging, etc. Another technique provides adaptation of priming dose size at mealtimes for overall better glycemic control and also adapting to longer-term changes in a patient's needs. Adaptation calculations use a receding-horizon window of recent values of the adapted parameter. Doses of a counter-regulatory agent (e.g., glucagon) may also be delivered in response to information about estimated accumulation of exogenously infused insulin (subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, or intravenously) and/or the effect insulin might have on glucose levels (blood glucose concentration or interstitial fluid glucose concentration). 1. A sensor-driven glucose control system , comprising:a glucose sensor operative to continually measure glucose level of a subject and generate a corresponding glucose level signal;an insulin delivery device operative in response to an insulin dose control signal to infuse insulin into the subject; and (1) modulating a basal infusion rate of insulin about a nominal basal infusion rate in response to short-term variations of glucose level occurring on the order of seconds to minutes; and', '(2) continually adjusting the nominal basal infusion rate based on a mathematical relationship between the basal infusion rate as modulated and the nominal basal infusion rate over a longer term than a short term associated with modulating the basal infusion rate., 'a controller operative to generate the insulin dose control signal in response to the glucose level signal by2. A sensor-driven glucose control system according to claim 1 , wherein the longer term is defined by a receding-horizon time window extending back from ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245599A1
Принадлежит: THERMEDX, LLC

Fluid management systems and methods of operating fluid management systems which may provide one or more functions associated with suction, irrigation, distention, deficit monitoring, infusion, fluid warming, and the like. Some example embodiments may include infra-red lamps arranged to heat fluid flowing through a disposable cartridge. Some example embodiments may provide a three-dimensional fluid path through the cartridge and/or multi-stage heating capabilities. Some example fluid management systems may be selectable between pressure control and flow control modes. 1. A fluid management system comprising:a pump configured to deliver a fluid from at least one fluid supply container to a site, said site being a surgical site or a patient;a heater assembly for heating the fluid prior to delivery of the fluid to the site; and establishment of either a pressure control mode or a flow control mode, wherein for the pressure control mode a default target pressure is established to control the pump to deliver fluid to the site, and wherein for the flow control mode a default target flow rate is established to control the pump to deliver fluid to the site,', 'enablement or disablement of the heater assembly to heat the fluid, wherein if the heater assembly is enabled, then a default target temperature is established for heating the fluid delivered to the site according to the target temperature, and', 'enablement or disablement of fluid deficit monitoring for determining a fluid deficit that is a difference between (i) a volume of fluid delivered to the site from the at least one fluid supply container and (ii) a volume of fluid returned from the site to at least one fluid collection container, wherein if the fluid deficit monitoring is enabled, then a default alarm limit is established that is indicative of a maximum fluid deficit, said control system activating a deficit alarm when the monitored fluid deficit exceeds the maximum fluid deficit., 'a control system for ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245605A1
Автор: Candiotti Keith

A method of providing a patient controlled analgesia to a pediatric patient including connecting a patient controlled analgesia system, such as an infusion pump and hand control, to an intravenous line of the pediatric patient and securing the hand control in a patient interface object, such as a stuffed toy having an internal void for receiving the hand control and an actuator affixed within the void. The patient is informed that pressing the area of the stuffed toy proximate to the actuator results in relieving pain experienced by the patient. Furthermore, an Internet address that is specific to the pediatric patient is provided to the patient for instructions on use of the combined patient controlled analgesia system and the patient interface object. 1. A method of providing patient controlled analgesia to a patient , said method comprising steps of:connecting an intravenous line from a patient controlled analgesia system to said patient, said patient controlled analgesia system comprising said intravenous line, an infusion pump coupled to said intravenous line, and a hand control in operational communication with said infusion pump;securing and concealing said hand control in a patient interface object, wherein said patient interface object is a toy comprising an internal void therein and having an actuator affixed within said internal void wherein said actuator is selectively movable to engage and disengage said hand control and wherein engagement of said hand control initiates delivery of analgesia by said infusion pump to said patient; andfamiliarizing said patient to correlate pressing an area of said toy proximate to said actuator with relieving pain experienced by said patient.2. The method of providing patient controlled analgesia to said patient as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing instructions to access an Internet page to said patient claim 1 , wherein said Internet page is unique to said patient and wherein said Internet page ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253299A1

Methods and apparatuses for monitoring and regulating physiological states and functions are disclosed. Several embodiments include application of one or more microelectrode arrays to a dorsal root ganglion for measurement of sensory neuron activity, or stimulation of sensory reflex circuits. The methods and apparatuses can be used, for example, for monitoring or controlling bladder function in a patient. 1. A method of monitoring a physiological state of an organ or a tissue in a patient , comprising contacting at least one dorsal root ganglion in the patient with a microarray , wherein the microarray comprises a plurality of individual electrodes , the method further comprising a calibration phase and a monitoring phase , wherein: measuring sensory neuron activity with the individual electrodes; and', 'correlating the sensory neuron activity measured with the individual electrodes in the array with the physiological state of the organ or the tissue in the patient to identify individual electrodes in the array that measure the sensory neuron activity associated with the physiological state; and, '(A) the calibration phase comprises measuring the sensory neuron activity associated with the physiological state with the identified individual electrodes; and', 'outputting an indication of the physiological state of the organ or the tissue to an effector, a user interface, a computer readable storage medium, and/or a local or remote computer system, to monitor the physiological state of the organ or the tissue in the patient., '(B) the monitoring phase comprises2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microarray penetrates the dorsal root ganglion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microarray is closely coupled to the surface of the dorsal root ganglion.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the effector is a neuroprosthesis claim 1 , an orthosis claim 1 , an exoskeleton claim 1 , an assistive device claim 1 , or a drug pump.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253418A1
Принадлежит: DexCom, Inc.

Systems and methods for processing sensor data are provided. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for calibration of a continuous analyte sensor. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for classification of a level of noise on a sensor signal. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for determining a rate of change for analyte concentration based on a continuous sensor signal. In some embodiments, systems and methods for alerting or alarming a patient based on prediction of glucose concentration are provided. 1. A method for processing continuous analyte sensor data , comprising:receiving sensor data from a continuous analyte sensor, the sensor data comprising one or more sensor data points;calibrating the sensor data using calibration information;calculating an accuracy of the sensor data; andproviding insulin delivery instructions and/or insulin therapy instructions based on a comparison of the calculated accuracy with one or more thresholds.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thresholds delineate at least two predetermined ranges of accuracy.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thresholds delineate at least three predetermined ranges of accuracy.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating the accuracy comprises evaluating the calibration information.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating the accuracy is based on a signal indicative of drift.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating the accuracy comprises calculating a difference between the sensor data and its corresponding reference data.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating the accuracy is performed on calibrated sensor data in units of blood glucose concentration.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing insulin delivery instructions and/or insulin therapy instructions comprises controlling an insulin pump.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing insulin delivery instructions and/ ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Sensing systems and methods

Номер: US20130253422A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

A fluidic media detection system for detecting a presence of fluidic media includes a first housing portion adapted to be carried by a user; a second housing portion configured to be selectively operatively engaged with and disengaged from the first housing portion, the second housing portion for supporting a reservoir having an interior volume for containing fluidic media; a fluid conduit supported by one of the first housing portion and the second housing portion for providing fluid communication between the reservoir and the user when the first housing portion and the second housing portion are operatively engaged; and at least one interactive element, positioned near a portion of the fluid conduit, that interacts with the fluidic media when the fluidic media is present in the fluid conduit.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Container For Storing Medical or Pharmaceutical Liquids

Номер: US20130253439A1

A container for storing a medical or pharmaceutical liquid comprising a storage compartment for storing the liquid comprising, an inlet opening for filling the storage compartment and an outlet opening for discharging liquid out of the storage compartment is presented. A hydrophilic membrane layer is arranged within the storage compartment which is gas-tight in a wet condition and which at least covers the outlet opening and contacts the liquid stored within the storage compartment. A dosing assembly and a device for automated release of a medical or pharmaceutical liquid comprising and/or capable of using at least one container are also disclosed. 1. A container for storing a medical or pharmaceutical liquid , the container comprising:a storage compartment for storing the liquid comprising an outlet opening for discharging liquid out of the storage compartment; anda hydrophilic membrane layer within the storage compartment which is gas-tight in a wet condition and covers the outlet opening, wherein the membrane layer contacts the liquid stored within the storage compartment independent of a container orientation with respect to gravity and a filling level of the container.2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane layer is attached to an inner surface of the storage compartment.3. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane layer extends at least along 50% of a length of the storage compartment in at least one dimension.4. The container according to claim 1 , wherein a membrane layer layout within the storage compartment comprises a straight claim 1 , diagonal claim 1 , waved claim 1 , annulated claim 1 , and/or zigzag geometry and/or a cross or star shaped geometry.5. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane layer comprises at least one membrane strip running along a center line of an inner surface of the storage compartment.6. The container according to claim 1 , wherein a membrane layer layout comprises a cross ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255390A1
Принадлежит: MEDRAD, INC.

A pressure sensor for use with a fluid delivery system having good sensitivity at low pressure, but also configured to remain in operating condition after being exposed to high pressures is disclosed herein. In one variation, the pressure sensor includes a fluid path set, a deformable element associated with the fluid path set and configured to deform in response to an external pressure, and a pressure transducer for monitoring deformation of the deformable element. In certain embodiments, the pressure sensor is configured to measure fluid pressure within the range of between about 0 mm Hg to about 300 mm Hg. However, the sensor pressure is also be configured to remain functional after being exposed to pressure in excess of about 60,000 mm Hg. 1. A hemodynamic pressure sensor for use with a fluid delivery system comprising:a fluid path defined by a tubing element;a pressure transducer in continuous fluid communication with fluid in the tubing element and adapted to measure fluid pressure in the tubing element, the pressure transducer comprising a deformable element configured to deform in response to changing fluid pressure in the tubing element, andwherein the pressure transducer converts to an electronic signal a representation of the amount of deformation of the deformable element to measure the changing fluid pressure in the tubing element.2. The hemodynamic pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pressure transducer is configured to measure pressure within the range of between about 0 mm Hg to about 300 mm Hg and wherein the pressure transducer is configured such that it remains in working condition after being exposed to pressure in excess of about 60 claim 1 ,000 mm Hg.3. The hemodynamic pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pressure transducer is configured to be placed in fluid connection with a pressure port in fluid communication with the tubing element.4. The hemodynamic pressure sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pressure transducer is an optical ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Administration

Номер: US20130261561A1
Автор: Deberadine Robert

A system comprises a user token device and a medicament administration device. 1. A system comprising a user token device and a medicament administration device , wherein:the user token device comprises a memory configured to store information relating to at least one medicament pertaining to a user,the medicament administration device and the user token device are configured to communicate wirelessly in at least a unidirectional fashion, andthe medicament administration device and the user token device are configured to prevent a user from administering medicament other than in accordance with the information stored in the user token device.2. A system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the medicament administration device is configured to allow user replacement of a medicament cartridge.3. A system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the medicament administration device is configured to detect a type of a medicament or cartridge type that is included in the medicament administration device claim 2 , and to transmit information identifying the medicament or cartridge type to the user token device.4. A system as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the user token device further comprises an indicator configured to indicate whether the medicament administration device may be used in accordance with the detected medicament type.5. A system as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the medicament administration device is configured to prevent administration of medicament unless permitted by the user token device.6. A system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the user token device is configured to transmit information identifying a permitted cartridge type to the medicament administration device claim 2 , and wherein the medicament administration is configured to prevent use of a cartridge other than a cartridge of the permitted cartridge type.7. A system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the user token device is configured to determine from information received from the medicament administration ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Smart power strip

Номер: US20130261834A1
Автор: Koorosh Mozayeny
Принадлежит: Individual

A power strip includes a controller that controls the transfer of electricity to one or more outlet electrical connectors based at least in part on a set of rules and certain status information. Some embodiments provide for apparatuses and methods of controlling the transfer of electricity to one or more outlet electrical connectors of a power strip based on various status information, such as cost, personal preferences, time information, power consumption.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274183A1

An apparatus and method for automatically supplying insulin based on exercise amount are provided. The apparatus includes a blood sugar measurer for measuring a blood sugar level of a patient; a controller for, comparing the measured blood sugar level with a predetermined blood sugar level, if the measured blood sugar level is greater than or equal to the predetermined blood sugar level, determining whether a current time is within a blood sugar change time zone, if the measured blood sugar level is equal to or higher than the predetermined blood sugar level, and if the current time does is not within the blood sugar change time zone, acquiring exercise amount information about the patient and determining a dose of insulin to be injected inject into the patient based on the acquired exercise amount information, if the current time does not fall within the blood sugar change time zone; and an insulin injector for injecting the determined dose of insulin into the patient. 1. An apparatus for automatically supplying insulin based on exercise amount , the apparatus comprising:a blood sugar measurer for measuring a blood sugar level of a patient; comparing the measured blood sugar level with a predetermined blood sugar level,', 'if the measured blood sugar level is greater than or equal to the predetermined blood sugar level, determining whether a current time is within a blood sugar change time zone, and', 'if the current time is not within the blood sugar change time zone, acquiring exercise amount information about the patient and determining a dose of insulin to inject into the patient based on the acquired exercise amount information; and, 'a controller foran insulin injector for injecting the determined dose of insulin into the patient.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an exercise amount measurer for acquiring the exercise amount information about the patient.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller further receives the exercise amount ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Patient Monitoring Apparatus and Method for Orthosis and Other Devices

Номер: US20130274653A1

A drug delivery system is provided. The drug delivery apparatus including at least one sensor configured to detect at least one of a drug delivery parameter and patient data and a portable communication device communicatively coupled to the drug delivery apparatus. The portable communication device includes an input device configured to receive data from the drug delivery apparatus, wherein the data includes at least one of a drug delivery parameter and patient data and an output device coupled to the input device and configured to display the received data. 120-. (canceled)21. A drug delivery system comprising:a drug delivery apparatus including at least one sensor configured to detect at least one of a drug delivery parameter and patient data; and an input device configured to receive data from the drug delivery apparatus, wherein the data includes at least one of a drug delivery parameter and patient data; and', 'an output device coupled to the input device and configured to display the received data., 'a portable communication device communicatively coupled to the drug delivery apparatus, the portable communication device comprising22. A drug delivery system in accordance with claim 21 , wherein the portable communication device further comprises a communications component configured to transmit a delivery protocol to the drug delivery apparatus.23. A drug delivery system in accordance with claim 22 , wherein the communications component is further configured to transmit claim 22 , to an external source claim 22 , an indication that a change be made to the delivery protocol based on the received data.24. A drug delivery system in accordance with claim 22 , wherein the communications component is configured to transmit the received data to an external source.25. A drug delivery system in accordance with claim 21 , wherein the drug delivery apparatus is configured to change the drug delivery protocol based on data received from an external source.26. A drug ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274654A1
Автор: TSOUKALIS Achilleas
Принадлежит: MICREL Medical Devices S.A.

The invention relates to a system for administring drug to a Parkinson's disease patient comprising (a) a drug; (b) a storing bag for the drug; (e) a pump for administering the drug; (d) a pump controller for controlling the pump activity, the pump controller having access to a correlation of a first parameter tand a second parameter A, and to the current first parameter t, wherein the first parameter tis correlated with a certain activity of the patient and the second parameter Ais correlated with a dosage of the drug and the pump controller controls the pump activity In dependence of the first parameter tand the correlation, and/or wherein the system comprises (e) a storing hag the drug suitable for pre-filling and long-term oxidations-free storage having a multi layer wall with the internal layer made of EVA or cyclic, polyolefines and at least one further layer made of EVOH. 1. System for administering a drug to a Parkinson's disease patient comprising (a) a drug , (b) a storing bag for the drug , (c) a pump for administering the drug , and (d) a pump controller for controlling the pump activity ,{'sub': x', 't', 'x, 'the pump controller having access to a correlation of a first parameter tand a second parameter A, and to the current first parameter t,'}{'sub': x', 't', 'x, 'wherein the first parameter tis correlated with a certain activity of the patient and the second parameter Ais correlated with a dosage of the drug and the pump controller controls the pump activity in dependence of the first parameter tand the correlation,'}and/or wherein the system composes (e) a storing bag the drug suitable for pre-filling and long-term oxidations-free storage having a mufti layer wall with the internal layer made of EVA or cyclic polyolefines and at least one further layer made of EVOH.2. System according to claim 1 , wherein the storing bag for the drug comprises internal micro-striation texture.3. System according to claim 1 , wherein the system comprises (f) means ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274664A1

Included are embodiments of an ambulatory infusion device. Some embodiments include an energy storage for storing electrical energy utilized for powering the ambulatory infusion device. The energy storage may serve as a primary power source of the ambulatory infusion device. Also included is a dosing unit with an electrically powered actuator and an electronic controller, where the electronic controller controls operation of the electrically powered actuator. Some embodiments also include a testing unit for testing the energy storage. The testing unit may be configured to repeatedly carry out a test during operation of the ambulatory infusion device. Additionally, the test may include determining a control variable, the control variable being indicative of a capability of the energy storage for further powering the ambulatory infusion device. 1. Ambulatory infusion device which administers a drug or substance to a patient , comprising:an energy storage which depletes; anda testing unit for testing the energy storage, the testing unit configured to repeatedly carry out a test during operation of the ambulatory infusion device, the test including determining a control variable, the control variable being indicative of a capability of the energy storage to further power the ambulatory infusion device, wherein the testing unit is configured to vary the testing of the energy storage in dependence of the control variable.2. The ambulatory infusion device according to claim 1 , wherein the testing unit is configured to vary the testing by reduce a testing interval for carrying out consecutive tests as a change of the control variable indicates a decreasing capability of the energy storage for further powering the ambulatory infusion device.3. The ambulatory infusion device according to claim 1 , wherein the testing unit comprises a test load having a test load resistance claim 1 , wherein the test includes connecting the test load to the energy storage and the testing unit ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274705A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic, Inc.

Devices, systems and methods using feedback from sensors for the treatment of pathological conditions such as Kidney Disease (KD) alone, Heart Failure (HF) alone, KD with concomitant HF or cardiorenal diseases syndrome (CRS) are described. The devices, systems and methods monitor and gather patient information and administer one or more diuretic or natriuretic molecules. 1. A medical device , comprising:one or more sensors adapted to detect at least one physiologic parameter relating to any one of cardiac function, kidney function or fluid status of a patient,a pump for delivering one or more diuretic or natriuretic molecules to a patient, andan algorithm for determining the need for the patient to have an increased or decreased amount of a diuretic or natriuretic molecule.2. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the pump is controlled by a control system claim 1 , the control system applying the algorithm to data received from the one or more sensors.3. The medical device of claim 2 , wherein the control system has a data aggregation device function or has access to a data aggregation device function for receiving and storing data from the one or more sensors.4. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors determine a physiological parameter selected from blood pressure claim 1 , pulmonary artery pressure claim 1 , left atrial pressure claim 1 , central venous pressure claim 1 , lung fluid volume claim 1 , proteinuria claim 1 , plasma renin claim 1 , central venous pressure claim 1 , right atrial pressure claim 1 , cardiac output claim 1 , and glomerular filtration rate (GFR).5. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the algorithm decreases a rate of administration of the pump when a physiological parameter shows a value that indicates an improvement in cardiac function claim 1 , kidney function or fluid status of the patient compared to a prior value claim 1 , or increases a rate of administration of the pump when a physiological parameter ...
