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27-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2236878C2

Источник питания для подачи водной жидкости к объекту и установка пожаротушения. Данный источник питания обеспечивает возможность автоматической подачи водной жидкости к объекту без опасности замерзания. Источник питания для подачи водной жидкости к объекту по трубопроводной системе, которая заполнена антифризом так, что в трубопроводной системе поддерживается давление дежурного режима, в котором контейнер для водной жидкости, дополнительный контейнер, который наполнен антифризом, и средство для подачи водной жидкости из контейнера в трубопроводную систему в жидкой фазе, если давление в трубопроводной системе падает ниже давления дежурного режима на первую величину давления, обеспечивающую немедленное повышение до первого уровня давления в трубопроводной системе, соединены с трубопроводной системой. Чтобы обеспечить экономию и автоматическую подачу водной жидкости к объекту без опасности замерзания жидкости, средство для подачи водной жидкости из контейнера включает в качестве части источника ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599793C2

Изобретение описывает способ получения флегматизирующего состава для защиты углеводородных моторных топлив от возгорания, включающий смешение флегматизирующего состава и топлива с последующим разделением смеси, характеризующийся тем, что включает стадию получения состава из флегматизирующих и ингибирующих веществ посредством их предварительного смешения в соотношениях от 1:4 до 4:1 с последующим введением полученного состава в углеводородное моторное топливо при соотношениях состав:топливо от 1:100 до 1:10 соответственно. Техническим результатом изобретения является возможность создания эффективных пламягасящих смесей, в частности горения углеводородов, использование их для флегматизации углеводородных топлив, в частности, на транспортных объектах, оснащенных ДВС. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 2 ил., 3 пр.

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2229308C2

Предложено: твердая смесь, предназначенная для пожаро- и взрывобезопасной транспортировки, при этом она представляет собой (4+х) мас.% нитроглицерина и (96-х) мас.% безводной лактозы в пересчете на смесь нитроглицерина и безводной лактозы, где х представляет величину от 0 до 9, в частном случае - 13 мас.% нитроглицерина и 87 мас.% безводной лактозы. Изобретение позволяет осуществлять международные перевозки указанной смеси не только дорожным, железнодорожным, морским, но и воздушным транспортом ввиду того, что указанная смесь не классифицируется как взрывчатое вещество. 2 з.п. ф-лы.

21-11-2022 дата публикации

Способ пожаротушения (в том числе превентивного) и защиты от поражающих факторов обычных боеприпасов подвижных и неподвижных объектов посредством подавления условий для распространения и воспламенения с последующим взрывом топливно-воздушной смеси с помощью применения наполняемых огнетушащим агентом противопожарно-противоосколочных подушек, изготовленных с применением стойких к баллистическим воздействиям огнестойких материалов

Номер: RU2783896C2

Изобретение относится к области предотвращения пожаров и взрывов, а также защиты от поражающих факторов, образующихся при пробитии защитных преград, и может быть использовано для внедрения в широком спектре военных и гражданских транспортных средств различных типов и на неподвижных объектах (в зданиях). Наибольшая эффективность предлагаемой системы достигается при работе в режиме превентивного пожаротушения, описанной подробно в патентной заявке «Способ превентивного пожаротушения с последующим подавлением условий для воспламенения топливно-воздушной смеси и имеющейся пожарной нагрузки от вторичных источников зажигания», регистрационный №2021106981/20(015084). В обычном режиме работы (общепринятом на сегодня), после получения сигнала на запуск системы, происходит срабатывание применением наполняемых огнетушащим агентом противопожарно-противоосколочных подушек, изготовленных с применением специальных стойких к баллистическим воздействиям огнестойких материалов и, одновременно, заполнение ...

28-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673623C2

Системы пожаротушения для транспортных средств и промышленного применения содержат компоновки из входной шины и выходной шины, соединенных с централизованным контроллером для обеспечения автоматического или ручного обнаружения пожара и ручного или автоматического запуска системы при пожаре. Компоновки дополнительно обеспечивают системную информацию о статусе и работе компонентов системы. Кроме того, компоновки компонентов системы обеспечивают возможности расширения и программирования для выполнения системы для защиты нескольких и изменяющихся источников опасности при помощи специализированного или запрограммированного обнаружения и/или запуска. Системы содержат настроенные соединители и цветовые схемы для упрощения установки системы. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

10-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777762C1

Заявляемое решение относится к противопожарной технике, а именно способу предотвращения возгораний аккумуляторных батарей и отсеков с ними на транспорте, а также эффекту охлаждения аккумуляторных батарей. Целью изобретения является создание способа противопожарной защиты и охлаждения аккумуляторных батарей и отсеков с ними с помощью токонепроводящего газового огнетушащего вещества - галогенуглеводорода (например: огнетушащий состав ФК-5-1-12, хладон 114В2), находящегося в жидкой фазе с низким давлением насыщенных паров при нормальных условиях. Сущность заявляемого изобретения заключается в повышении противопожарной защиты отсеков с аккумуляторными батареями на транспорте, а также отводе избыточного тепла от аккумуляторных батарей. Аккумуляторные батареи или блоки аккумуляторных батарей находятся в герметичном контейнере, в конструкцию которого включен клапан сброса избыточного давления. В герметичный контейнер с аккумуляторными батареями залито газовое токонепроводящее огнетушащее вещество ...

28-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008046C1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению, а именно к системам пожаротушения транспортных средств. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит радиаторы 1 и 10, верхний бачок 2 с горловиной 3, закрывающейся крышкой 4, контрольную трубку 5, запорный клапан 6, поршень с пружиной, трубопроводы 9, 21 и 23, редуктор 11 низкого давления, редуктор 12 высокого давления, фильтр 13, жиклер 14, пироголовку 15 баллона 16, наполненного углекислым газом, нижний бачок 17, шланг 18, рубашку охлаждения цилиндров 19, сливной кран 20, электромагнитный кран 22, распылительный коллектор 24, термоизвещатели 25, обмотку реле 26, разомкнутый его контакт, переключатель 28, сигнальную лампу 29, кнопку проверки исправности, микровыключатель, нормально замкнутый контакт реле 26, систему зажигания. 25 - 26 - 27 - 29 - 22 - 23 - 24, 27 - 29, 26 - 25, 31 - 15 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 9 - 14 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 17 - 18 - 19, 17 - 21 - 22. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Система пожаротушения колесного транспортного средства

Номер: RU2745664C1

Изобретение относится к противопожарной технике, а именно к автоматическим системам пожаротушения, и может быть использовано для пожарной защиты моторных отсеков транспортных средств при возникновении аварии. Система содержит по меньшей мере одну разрушаемую емкость (1) с огнетушащим порошковым составом, размещенную в зоне тушения, средство для создания давления в емкости и средство разрушения емкости. В качестве средства для создания давления в емкости использован резервуар (3) с огнетушащим газом, который соединен с по меньшей мере одной емкостью (1) с огнетушащим порошковым составом посредством трубопровода (4) с обеспечением создания давления в емкости. В качестве средства разрушения емкости использованы силовые элементы (2), установленные в транспортном средстве с возможностью разрушения по меньшей мере одной емкости (1) при деформации кузова транспортного средства. Обеспечивается повышение безопасности. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015115204A

... 1. Система пожаротушения для транспортного средства, содержащая:централизованный контроллер;по меньшей мере одну входную шину, соединенную с централизованным контроллером, при этом входная шина обеспечивает соединение аналоговых и цифровых устройств с централизованным контроллером;по меньшей мере одну выходную шину, соединенную с источником агента пожаротушения и устройством запуска для высвобождения агента пожаротушения, при этом устройство запуска соединено с централизованным контроллером; иустройство ручного запуска, соединенное с входной шиной для установки связи с централизованным контроллером для передачи электрического сигнала на устройство запуска на выходной шине для обеспечения ручного запуска через электрический сигнал.2. Система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что по меньшей мере одна входная шина содержит по меньшей мере одно аналоговое устройство обнаружения пожара, при этом устройство является аналоговым или цифровым устройством.3. Система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что централизованный ...

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007101938A

... 1. Система пожаротушения транспортного средства, состоящая из резервуаров, заполненных гасящим составом, трубопроводов, датчиков наличия жидкости и датчиков температуры, отличающаяся тем, что резервуары с гасящим составом размещены в бампере (-ах) или в подножке (-ах) транспортного средства или в других местах, причем резервуары соединены пожарными трубопроводами с моторным отделением и с зоной топливного бака, а трубопроводы снабжены разрывными мембранами и форсунками, а поступление гасящего агента в зону возгорания или пожара осуществляется при механическом воздействии на бамперы или подножки или же по команде с управляющего микропроцессора и сигналам от датчиков температуры. 2. Система пожаротушения транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что резервуары соединены с пожарными трубопроводами через электронные клапаны, подключенные к управляющему микропроцессору. 3. Система пожаротушения транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что связь микропроцессора с электронными клапанами ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97113945A

Система упреждающего пожаротушения танков, БМП, включающая в себя герметичное на время пожаротушения моторно-трансмиссионное отделение (МТО), в котором на время пожаротушения образуется застойная газовая зона, протектированные топливные баки в бронированном отсеке, изолированном от обитаемого отделения, воздухопроводы, подводящие воздух извне к двигателю и агрегатам, требующим охлаждения и отводящие от этих агрегатов воздух за пределы МТО, баллоны с огнегасящим составом, оптические и термодатчики, аппаратуру, управляющую противопожарным оборудованием, герметичную бронированную перегородку между обитаемым отделением и МТО, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно снабжена подсистемой упреждающей автоматической подачи на заданное короткое время части выхлопных газов из выпускного коллектора двигателя в свободный объем МТО и обеспечивающей герметизацию МТО после пробития брони и срабатывания датчика пробития брони в МТО. 2. Система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно снабжена подсистемой ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566310C1

Изобретение относится к технике пожаротушения и направлено на повышение работоспособности пожарных автоцистерн в зимнее время. В пожарной автоцистерне, содержащей цистерну, размещенную на базе автомобиля с системой выпуска газов, жаровыми трубами, устройством обогрева насоса выхлопными газами и дымоходом, дополнительно включены переключающий клапан и дозатор, цистерна выполнена двухкорпусной, причем жаровые трубы и дымоход размещены в межкорпусном пространстве, жаровые трубы подсоединены к системе выпуска газов через переключающий клапан, выполненный трехпозиционным с возможностью подключения к нему внешнего источника горячих газов, наружный корпус цистерны выполнен теплоизолированным, межкорпусное пространство выполнено с возможностью заполнении его незамерзающей жидкостью, пробка заливной горловины межкорпусного пространства выполнена с предохранительным клапаном, при этом дозатор размещен в заливной горловине межкорпусного пространства цистерны. 1 ил.

10-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97111855A

... 1. Способ автоматического обнаружения опасности пожара и предотвращения или тушения пожара, например, транспортных средств с двигателем внутреннего сгорания, заключающийся в автоматическом обнаружении удара транспортного средства, вовлеченного в столкновение, посредством датчиков удара, и в распылении пожаротушащего агента через форсунки с помощью средства управляемого клапана в соединении с выпускным отверстием (-ями) резервуара пожаротушащего агента, отличающийся тем, что используют множество независимо действующих форсунок, распределенных по различным частям транспортного средства, распыляющий охлаждающий и пожаротушащий агент согласно заданной временной программе. 2. Способ автоматического обнаружения опасности пожара и предотвращения или тушения пожара, отличающийся тем, что в качестве пожаротушащего агента используют CO2, имеющийся в транспортном средстве в контейнере и применяемый в качестве хладоагента в системе кондиционирования воздуха транспортного средства, причем выпускное ...

27-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99120191A

... 1. Устройство подвагонного тушения пожаров на станциях метрополитена, которое содержит одно- двухосную тележку ручной тяги, на раме которой хомутами и замками закреплен огнетушитель баллонного типа, снабженный запорным устройством и устройством подачи огнетушащего вещества в очаг пожара, отличающееся тем, что огнетушители закреплены на раме одной тележки или рамах нескольких тележек (двухосных и более - осных, одиночных или сцепленных в поезд сцепками), находящихся на узкоколеечной дороге, узкая колея которой расположена внутри основной колеи движения вагонов метрополитена и объединена с основной колеей шпалами, а первая и/или последняя колесные пары тележки (первая и/или последняя тележки поезда) узкой колеи соединены с соответствующими им тяговыми устройствами типа "тяни-толкай" или имеют индивидуальные тяговые приводы; причем система управления движением тележки узкой колеи объединена с системой управления движением вагонов метрополитена (например, с системой автоматической регулировки ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013141962A

... 1. Способ предотвращения опасности взрыва газового транспортного средства, заключающийся в том, что регистрируют концентрацию горючего газа в каждом изолированном помещении с газовым оборудованием, находящимся в газовом транспортном средстве и при приближении ее к предельно допустимой концентрации сразу или с задержкой до 10 сек выключают подачу газа в газовое оборудование, находящееся в помещении с повышенной концентрацией газа, и вентилируют это помещение, отличающийся тем, что одновременно или с задержкой до 10 сек перекрывают выход газа из газового оборудования, находящегося в помещении с повышенной концентрацией газа, и открывают управляемое устройство герметизации газового оборудования, например клапан, сообщая газовое оборудование с атмосферой, понижая в нем давление до минимально допустимого, одновременно или с задержкой до 10 сек открывают запорное электропневматическое устройство, установленное на трубопроводе сжатого воздуха, чем обеспечивают эффективную вентиляцию изолированного ...

20-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: SU1821986A1

Использование: в самолетном приборостроении, в частности в устройствах систем пожарной защиты, преимущественно мотогондолы воздушно-реактивного двигателя. Сущность изобретения: система содержит пульты сигнализации о пожаре и управления подачей газоаэрозольного огнетушащего состава из камеры с выходными отверстиями, связанные через блок управления с датчиками температуры. Камера системы представляет кольцевой коллектор для размещения в носовой части мотогондолы. В качестве газоаэрозольного состава используют состав на основе нитрата калия в виде зарядов из цилиндрических канальных шашек. Последние размещены по оси коллектора. Их геометрические размеры определяют из соотношения (D - d)/4 < Vx 1c < (D - d)/2, где D, d - соответственно диаметр шашки и диаметр канала шашки; V - скорость горения состава. 2 ил., 1 табл.

23-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1769898C

03-08-1989 дата публикации

Extinguisher for vehicles

Номер: DE0003801196A1

The subject of the application is an extinguisher with an extinguishing-medium container which has a connection piece inserted into its wall and a rising pipe adjoining said piece on the inside by means of a nipple. The rising pipe is connected to the terminal nipple via at least one flexible section and has at the free end a weighted suction piece. The rising pipe is to have such flexibility that, even in the case of the extinguisher being upside-down, the extinguishing medium can be extracted perfectly. In this case, furthermore, by means of the shaping of the rising pipe, good flexibility over a very great temperature range as well as complete tightness are to be ensured. To this end, the rising pipe between the connection nipple and the suction piece consists of one or more sections of a folding bellows, the folding bellows sections in each case being formed from one piece.

24-11-1966 дата публикации

Der Brandermittlung dienende Rauchmeldeeinrichtung

Номер: DE0001229421B

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Kombiniertes Kühl- und Löschsystem

Номер: DE102016216619A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein kombiniertes Kühl- und Löschsystem (3) für ein Kraftfahrzeug. Ein weiterer Anspruch ist auf ein Kraftfahrzeug mit dem kombinierten Kühl- und Löschsystem (3) gerichtet. Das kombinierte Kühl- und Löschsystem (3) umfasst ein Kühlsystem (4), innerhalb welchem Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) als Kühlmittel zirkuliert, wobei das Kühlsystem (4) einen Kompressor (6), einen Verdampfer (8), ein Expansionsventil (7) und einen Kondensator (9) aufweist. Weiterhin umfasst das kombinierte Kühl- und Löschsystem (3) ein Löschsystem (5) mit einem Druckbehälter (14), innerhalb welchem verdichtetes CO2 gespeichert ist, und ein Steuerungsventil (21), welches mit dem Druckbehälter (14) des Löschsystems (5) und mit dem Kühlsystem (4) verbunden ist, sowie dazu eingerichtet ist, CO2 aus dem Druckbehälter (14) dem Kühlsystem (4) zuzuführen und in umgekehrter Richtung CO2 des Kühlsystems (4) dem Druckbehälter (14) zuzuführen.

16-04-2021 дата публикации

Sicherheitslöschtank für Lithium-Ionen-Akkumulator

Номер: DE202021001163U1
Принадлежит: MATTHIES ALFRED, Matthies, Alfred

Der Sicherheitslöschtank besteht wg. der entstehenden Hitze aus einem Metallbehälter, welcher mit Kunststoff elektrisch isoliert ist. Der Tank ist mit Wasser gefüllt und mit einer Kunststoffmembran wasserdicht verschlossen. Diese Membran besteht aus schwer entflammbaren aber leicht schmelzenden Kunststoff. Bei einem Akkubrand schmilzt die Membran und der brennende Akku fällt ins Wasser und wird so gelöscht.

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Branddetektion in Triebwerkräumen

Номер: DE102018000096A1

Es wird eine Branderkennungsanlage für militärische Fahrzeuge vorgestellt, Eingangs-Spülluft, Ausgangs-Spülluft, mindestens einen Sensor und ein Steuergerät aufweisend, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass mindestens ein Temperatursensor und mindestens ein Gassensor die Eingangs-Spülluft detektieren, mindestens ein Temperatursensor und mindestens ein Gassensor die Ausgangs-Spülluft detektieren und die Schwellwerte des Steuergerätes durch die Werte der Eingangs-Spülluft festlegbar sind.

26-02-1976 дата публикации

Fire extinguishing for car - is permanently fitted in engine compartment and operated from dashboard

Номер: DE0002439567A1

The fire extinguisher has a flattened spherical shape and is mounted on a horizontal axis in the engine compartment or in other fire risk sections of the car. The system is filled with dry or wet extinguisher material with the material blown out of the container using compressed gas. This is provided by a small gas bottle on the dashboard, coupled to the extinguisher by a flexible hose. The outlet pipe for the system is weighted and pivoted so that no matter what the inclination of the extinguisher, the outlet always sits in the bottom of the container. This enables the extinguisher to operate even if the vehicle has turned over.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit einer Brandpräventionsvorrichtung und Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102014015115A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrzeug (1) mit einer Brandpräventionsvorrichtung (2), umfassend zumindest eine Verteilvorrichtung (2.1) zum Verteilen eines Brandpräventionsmittels in dem Fahrzeug (1). Erfindungsgemäß umfasst die Brandpräventionsvorrichtung (2) zumindest eine mit der Verteilvorrichtung (2.1) gekoppelte Vorratseinheit (2.2) zur Speicherung des Brandpräventionsmittels, wobei die Vorratseinheit (2.2) in einem Bereich einer tragenden Fahrzeugsäule (5) zwischen einem Fahrzeugchassis (6) und einem äußeren Verkleidungsteil (7) einer Fahrzeugkarosserie angeordnet ist. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Verfahren zum Betrieb eines solchen Fahrzeugs (1) mit einer Brandpräventionsvorrichtung (2), wobei bei jeder Kollision des Fahrzeugs (1) mindestens ein potenzieller Brandherd im Fahrzeug (1) mit dem Brandpräventionsmittel beaufschlagt wird.

21-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060122125D1

25-02-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8716573U1

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Fire prevention- or fire fighting method for battery of vehicle, particularly motor vehicle, involves selecting cooling medium of climate cycle as extinguishing agent, where cooling medium guiding line is provided with emergency openings

Номер: DE102008059942A1

The fire prevention- or fire fighting method involves selecting a cooling medium of a climate cycle (1) as an extinguishing agent. The cooling medium is selected from a group of substances, such as oxidizing agent, particularly displacing-, adsorbing- or absorbing oxygen. The cooling medium guiding line (3) of an air conditioning system is provided with emergency openings (2), where carbon dioxide is selected as the cooling medium. An independent claim is also included for a device for fire prevention or fire fighting in a vehicle, particularly a motor vehicle.

10-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001343457A

... 1343457 Minimising fires in.fuel tanks PARKER-HANNIFIN CORP 23 April 1971 [11 May 1970] 11134/71 Heading ASA An inerting system for an inflammable fluid in a container, e.g. aircraft fuel tank 17, comprises dewar 10 fitted with pressure relief valve 12 and containing a liquid at cryogenic temperature and under its own vapour pressure, e.g. N 2 at -205‹C to -195‹C and 2-5 kg/cm2, connected by conduit 15 via control valve 21 to fog nozzle 35 positioned in ullage 16 above fuel 18. Valve 21 is normally closed and is associated with operating device 22 which is automatically actuated by fire detectors 23, 24 and control unit 25, and with operating device 28 which is actuated by manual operation of switch button 29. Unit 25 may include a timer to close valve 21 after a predetermined period. Check valve 33 is provided upstream of nozzle 35 and one-way vent valve 38 prevents overpressurising of tank 17. Ullage 16 contains fuel vapour, oxygen from the atmosphere or released from the fuel ...

10-08-1931 дата публикации

A new or improved means for extinguishing fires

Номер: GB0000354379A

... 354,379. Fire-extinguishing systems. SANSOME, R. H., Tranquillo, High Street,. Hampton, Middlesex. May 9, 1930, No. 14285. [Class 47 (ii).] In a fire-extinguishing system for aircraft &c., of the kind in which a hand extinguisher is removably held by a bracket with its nozzle in engagement with a socket leading to distributing piping, the extinguisher a is held in inverted position by the bracket d with its actuating knob b in convenient position for operation by the foot of the pilot. The nozzle c, Fig. 4, has a coned portion c<1> which is brought into fluid-tight engagement with a similarly coned washer e carried by the socket c<3>. The latter is connected to the distributing piping y. In a modification, Fig. 5, the knob b is operated by a spring f and plunger g when a locking pin h is withdrawn by means of a cable and lever, or,. alternatively, when the pin h, of fusible material, fuses.

11-02-1998 дата публикации

Vehicle safety systems

Номер: GB0002291244B

02-05-2001 дата публикации

Supplying water to firefighting installations

Номер: GB0002355655A

A "power source" for supply of water based liquid to an installation has a container 5 for the liquid and a pump unit 6 comprising a pump 7 and power unit 8 for the pump, the unit 6 supplying liquid from the container to the installation via a pipe system 4 which is filled with the liquid. To ensure supply of the water based liquid to the installation without risk of it freezing, the pipe system 4 is filled with antifreeze and the "power source" has an additional container 9 for antifreeze and a further pump unit 10 comprising a pump 11 and power unit 12 for the pump. The further pump unit maintains a standby pressure in the pipe system 4 via a pipeline 13 and supplies antifreeze for this purpose from the further container 9 to the pipe system 4 if the pressure in the pipeline drops below the standby pressure whereby the pump unit 6 feeds water based liquid which has a tendency to freeze into and out of the pipe system 4 if the pressure in the system 4 falls below a certain level. Fire ...

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Fire safety system

Номер: GB0002330303B

10-10-2001 дата публикации

Installation for extinguishing fire

Номер: GB0002354943B

02-07-1931 дата публикации

A new or improved automatic fire extinguisher for use on motor cars, motor buses and other vehicles driven by internal combustion engines

Номер: GB0000351697A

... 351,697. Fire - extinguishers. WHEATLEY, A., 16, Bond Street, Tunstall, and MoGARRY, B. J. V., 27, Nicholas Street, Burslem, both in Stoke-on-Trent. May 27, 1930,.No. 16269. [Class 47 (ii).] In a fire-extinguisher for vehicles of the kind comprising a tank a, charged with extinguishing medium under pressure, and distributing pipes d provided with fusible nozzles f, each nozzle comprises a conical valve h<2> carried by a rod h that is guided in a removable and renewable nipple g<1> and is held up by a fusible disc g secured to the nipple.

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Fire extinguisher system for a train in a tunnel

Номер: GB0002364243A

A train 2 has a foam tanker 5 which is connected to carriages 10, such as carriages carrying lorries, by a fire proof pipe 6. In the event of a fire in one of the carriages heat sensors 7 will indicate this to the driver on a control panel 1, the driver will start an air pump 3 which will pressurise the tank, and then press a button on the control panel 1 to open a two way valve 8 in the appropriate carriage to force foam through sprayers 9.

03-09-2014 дата публикации

Safety device

Номер: GB0002511459A

A device for rendering fuel inert in a fuel holding facility comprises a container located within the fuel facility. The container holds a chemical which, when mixed with fuel contained within the fuel facility, renders the fuel inert. Means are provided for releasing the chemical from the container and into contact with the fuel, and means are also provided for activating the chemical releasing means.

29-03-2017 дата публикации

Improvements relating to fire suppression systems

Номер: GB0002542580A

A fire suppressant container 10 is disclosed having a first internal compartment 42 containing a first fire suppression agent and a second internal compartment 44 containing a second agent. The container is further provided with a first outlet 22 in communication with the first internal compartment, a second outlet 58 associated with the second internal compartment and in fluid communication with a flexible bladder 54 located within the second internal compartment, and an inlet 34 in communication with the second internal compartment. The second internal compartment is separated from the first internal compartment by a piston 40 of the container. In use, pressurisation of the second internal compartment causes movement of the piston in the direction of the first outlet. This, in turn, causes the first agent to be delivered via the first outlet. Residual pressure in the second internal compartment then acts to pressurise the second fire suppression agent within the flexible bladder and causes ...

02-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008913375D0

10-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001359458A

... 1359458 Fuel tanks C CHITI 9 June 1971 [6 Aug 1970 17 Feb 1971] 55104/73 Divided out of 1358073 Heading B7H A fuel tank for a motor vehicle or boat for reducing fire risk on collision comprises an internal chamber, or set of internal chambers which communicate with one another, surrounded by and sealed from an external chamber. The internal chamber(s) are adapted to be filled with fuel and the external chamber is adapted to be filled with a fluid which when admixed with the fuel makes the fuel non- flammable. As shown in Fig. 1 the tank has an outer casing 11 housing a number of tubes 27 which communicate with one another and extend across the interior of casing 11. The tubes 27 may be filled with fuel and the space between the tubes and the casing forms a chamber which is sealed from the interior of the tubes and which may be filled with the fluid which makes the fuel non- flammable. Alternatively (Fig. 2) the tank comprises inner and outer containers 34, 33 which define between them a ...

29-09-1932 дата публикации

Means for extinguishing a fire at the carburetter of an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0000381085A

... 381,085. Engine stop-gear. McMILLAN, P. S., 13, Dundas Street, Glasgow. March 8, 1932, No. 6987. [Class 122 (iv).] An extinguishing device a for carburetter fires is set in operation by a cable and a handcontrol m arranged at the driver's or passengers' seat. The cable moves an actuating lever g which is also connected to the movable contact o<1> of a cut-out switch o provided in the ignition circuit of the engine.

16-02-2022 дата публикации

Railway vehicle including an energy storage system

Номер: GB0002597996A

A railway vehicle 10 includes an energy storage system (105, figure 1) comprising rechargeable batteries for providing electrical power to a traction motor of a train drive system, and at least one casing 3 forming a chamber in which the batteries are sealingly housed. The railway vehicle further includes an exhaust system 4 for collection and discharge of combustion fumes generated by accidental combustion of the batteries. The exhaust system provides a collection duct 4b which opens to the chamber 3 for collection of combustion fumes. The exhaust system further provides a discharge duct 4a which fluidly communicates with the collection duct to receive the combustion fumes therefrom. The discharge duct discharges the received combustion fumes to the outside of the vehicle at an outlet port 4d which is located to direct the discharged combustion fumes away from a passenger compartment. The exhaust system is configured to provide (i) a closed operational state which in normal usage maintains ...

14-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001600267A

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361777T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392235T

15-09-2019 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: AT0000520512B1

Verbrennungsmotor, umfassend ein Kurbelgehäuse (1), einen Ansaugtrakt (15), eine Blow-by- Gas-Leitung (5, 7) mit einer Blow-by-Filtereinheit (6) und einer Flammensperre (9), wobei die Blow-by-Gas-Leitung (7) zum Ansaugtrakt (15) führt, wobei die Eintrittsmündung (8) der Blow-by- Gas-Leitung (7) innerhalb des Ansaugtrakts (15) ist und dass im Bereich der Eintrittsmündung (8) eine Flammensperre (9) angeordnet ist.

15-04-2019 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: AT0000520512A1

Verbrennungsmotor, umfassend ein Kurbelgehäuse (1), einen Ansaugtrakt (15), eine Blow-by- Gas-Leitung (5, 7) mit einer Blow-by-Filtereinheit (6) und einer Flammensperre (9), wobei die Blow-by-Gas-Leitung (7) zum Ansaugtrakt (15) führt, wobei die Eintrittsmündung (8) der Blow- by-Gas-Leitung (7) innerhalb des Ansaugtrakts (15) ist und dass im Bereich der Eintrittsmündung (8) eine Flammensperre (9) angeordnet ist.

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000306971T

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121038T

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013658U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Batterie (B) insbesondere für ein elektrisch betriebenesFahrzeug, mit einem zumindest ein Mittel zur Brandbekämpfung aufweisendenGehäuse (1). Um eine effektive Brandbekämpfung zu ermöglichen, ist vorgesehen,dass das Mittel zur Brandbekämpfung durch zumindest eine frei zugänglicheKoppelstelle (K) zum Anschluss eines Löschmittels gebildet ist.

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000276801T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342106T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173646T

06-05-2010 дата публикации

A water deluge system for fire trucks

Номер: AU2010100300B4

12-05-2011 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for extinguishing fires

Номер: AU2005257978B2

06-05-2010 дата публикации

A water deluge system for fire trucks

Номер: AU2010100300A4

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003210944A1

23-04-2001 дата публикации

Installation for fighting fire, spray head

Номер: AU0007792300A

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Fire suppression systems and methods

Номер: AU2013317755A8

Fire suppression systems (10) for vehicles and industrial applications including arrangements of an input bus (24) and output bus (26) coupled to a centralized controller (20) to provide for automatic and manual detection of a fire (H) and manual and automatic system actuation in response to the fire. The arrangements further provide for system information regarding the status and operation of the system components. Additionally, the arrangement of system components provide for expandability and programmability to configure the system for the protection of multiple and variable hazards (H) using customized or programmed detection and/or actuation. The systems include configured connectors (25) and colour coded schemes to facilitate system installation.

19-07-1996 дата публикации

A safety system for a materials handling device

Номер: AU0004310996A

26-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002574482A1

26-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002519232C

A sprinkler system for rail vehicles (SFZ) with at least one liquid container (FBH), which can be connected via a pressure medium line (DML) with a pressure medium container (DMB) and which can be placed under pressure, and with a number of thermally triggerable sprinkler nozzles (SDF, SDD) that are connected with the liquid container via a liquid line (FLL), where in the pressure medium line (DML) between the pressure medium container (DMB) and the liquid container (FBH), there is connected an electromechanical alarm valve (AVE) that is controlled by a fire alarm system (BMA), which alarm valve is closed during routine operation but which is opened in case of an alarm, so that in case of an alarm, the liquid container (FBH) and the liquid line (FLL) leading to the sprinkler nozzles will be pressurized.

09-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002697776A1

A vehicle fire prevention system comprises a passive fire prevention system to be associated with a fuel tank on the vehicle. An active fire prevention system is associated with a crew compartment in the vehicle. A control link provides a signal to actuate the active fire prevention system. In addition, a vehicle incorporating the fire prevention system is also disclosed and claimed.

15-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3114376A1

An anti-fire safety system for a transport vehicle having one or more storage tanks storing hydrogen, the anti-fire safety system comprising at least: a first hydrogen-releasing system which is configured to release outside the vehicle hydrogen contained in at least one of the storage tanks; and a second release system which is arranged to intervene and bypass the first hydrogen release system under predetermined operative conditions, wherein the second release system is configured to transform by means of a chemical reaction, at least a part of bypassed hydrogen flowing outward from at least one storage tank, into at least one different substance. Also, a transport vehicle comprising one or more storage tanks for storing hydrogen, wherein the transport vehicle further comprises the anti-fire system defined hereinabove.

22-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002714258A1

A sensor head for a dry powder agent according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes a housing defined along an axis along which light is communicated, the housing defines a multiple of apertures transverse to the axis and in communication with a measurement volume along the axis. Each of the multiple of apertures defines a longitudinal length along the axis which is less than a lateral length defined around the axis. A mirror is within the housing to reflect the light through the measurement volume.

16-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002807802A1

A valve for a fire extinguishing system includes a housing, a flow control apparatus, an actuator apparatus, and a manual override apparatus. The flow control apparatus is disposed in a cavity to prevent or permit flow of the fire extinguishing agent from an ingress aperture to an egress aperture of the housing. The flow control apparatus includes a burst disk clamped between the first and second annular faces and an annular spool axially movable along the longitudinal axis relative to the housing. The actuator apparatus includes a bearing sleeve angularly movable around a longitudinal axis relative to the housing and a latch element operably coupling the bearing sleeve and the annular spool. The manual override apparatus includes a cam operably coupled to the bearing sleeve.

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002873642C

A device for suppressing fire inside a container includes a support structure configured to be mounted inside a vehicle at a position associated with at least one location configured to receive a container. The device further includes a deployment structure coupled to the support structure and a penetrator assembly coupled to the deployment structure. The penetrator assembly includes a nozzle having a tip configured to pierce a container and an actuator associated with the nozzle. The actuator is configured to extend the tip of the nozzle such that it pierces a container. The support structure and the deployment structure are configured such that the penetrator assembly is movable in at least one plane with respect to the support structure, and the penetrator assembly is configured to receive fire suppressant and direct the fire suppressant into the container, ...

23-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002118467A1

A portable fire fighting tool that is connectable to a portable fire extinguisher is described. This tool comprises a penetrating head with a removable, sharp cutting element thereon and wherein the penetrating head is preferable connected at 90.degree. to a linear, hollow handle. At the opposite end of the handle a quick connect device may be used to connect a portable fire extinguisher and the handle together. This tool is especially useful in fighting an automobile or truck engine or trunk compartment fire when the automobile or truck is locked preventing entry into the engine compartment or the trunk. By forcing the penetrating head down and through the sheet metal of the engine or trunk compartment, the cutting element cuts through the sheet metal. When the fire extinguisher is discharged, the fire extinguishing agent (e.g. foam, water, dry chemical, Halon ? or CO2) flows down over the cutting element in an umbrella-like fashion extinguishing the fire without doing further damage to ...

01-06-1928 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum selbsttätigen Feuerlöschen, insbesondere für Kraftfahr- und Flugzeuge.

Номер: CH0000126306A
Принадлежит: KYLAR JAN

15-08-1965 дата публикации

Feuerlöscher, insbesondere für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: CH0000397436A

15-06-2001 дата публикации

Fire prevention device for communicating passages between train coaches, comprises drop down device, preferably curtain, which can block passage in event of fire

Номер: CH0000691254A5
Принадлежит: ALSTOM LHB GMBH

The device (1) is made from fireproof material and dropped down into a vertical position where it completely blocks the passage.

14-09-2012 дата публикации

Person motor vehicle with an air conditioning system.

Номер: CH0000704588A1

Das mit einer Klimaanlage ausgerüstete Personenkraftfahrzeug hat eine in seinem Motorraum angeordnete, selbsttätig auslösende Vorrichtung (7) zur Verhinderung von Brandschäden, so dass die Klimaanlage mit einem einen verbesserten Wirkungsgrad ermöglichenden und umweltfreundlichen Kältemittel betreibbar ist, dessen Anwendung in bisherigen Fahrzeugklimaanlagen zu einer zu grossen Brandgefahr führt. Hierzu ist in dem Motorraum ein kompakt dimensionierter Aerosolerzeuger (7) angeordnet, der mit mindest einem Auslösemittel (8, 9) zusammenwirkt, das aufgrund eines Druckabfalls in der Klimaanlage oder aufgrund einer drohenden Beschädigung (Crashs) von Komponenten der Klimaanlage und somit vor Entstehung von Feuer selbsttätig auslösbar ist, so dass der Motorraum (1) bei Austritt von Kältemittel aus in ihm angeordneten Komponenten der Klimaanlage durch Aerosol ausgefüllt wird. Die konstruktive Realisierung wir durch einen Aerosolerzeuger (7) begünstigt, dessen Aerosol durch Abbrennen eines Festkörpers ...

15-10-2012 дата публикации

Device for combined Brandmeldung and - fight.

Номер: CH0000704809A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur kombinierten Brandmeldung (t1) und -bekämpfung (t2) für ein Schienenfahrzeug, bei der eine Auswertevorrichtung für einen Rauchpegel, der an einem Brandmelder anliegt, eine Brandmeldung (t1) auslöst, wenn der Rauchpegel über eine zugehörige Validierzeit (t1) einen Schwellwert (S) dauerhaft überschreitet, wobei die Auswertevorrichtung für den Rauchpegel des wenigstens einen Rauchmelders derart ausgebildet ist, dass für eine Brandmeldung (t1) und eine Brandbekämpfung (t2) jeweils eine gesonderte Validierzeit (t1, t2) festgelegt ist.

29-01-2016 дата публикации

Process for the combined Fire detection and fire fighting.

Номер: CH0000704809B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur kombinierten Brandmeldung und -bekämpfung für ein Schienenfahrzeug, bei der eine Auswertevorrichtung für einen Rauchpegel, der an einem Rauchmelder anliegt, eine Brandmeldung auslöst, wenn der Rauchpegel über eine zugehörige Validierzeit (t1) einen Schwellwert (S) dauerhaft überschreitet, wobei die Auswertevorrichtung für den wenigstens einen Rauchmelder derart ausgebildet ist, dass für eine Brandmeldung und eine Brandbekämpfung jeweils eine gesonderte Validierzeit (t1, t2) festgelegt ist.

17-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000041336C2

Устройство для гашения огня, предназначенное для установки в пожароопасной зоне, содержащее резервуар с невоспламеняющейся жидкостью, средство для распыления невоспламеняющейся жидкости в пожароопасную зону и образования тумана, средство подачи невоспламеняющейся жидкости из резервуара через средство распыления под давлением для образования тумана, сенсорное средство для обнаружения наличия огня в пожароопасной зоне, связанное через средство управления со средством подачи жидкости из резервуара в пожароопасную зону. Средство для распыления выполнено из условия подачи невоспламеняющейся жидкости под давлением около 20,4 кгс/см2 количестве примерно 1 л/мин на 1 м3 пожароопасной зоны со средним размером капель до 500 микрон при объеме резервуара около 1 литра на 1 м3 объема пожароопасной зоны.

15-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000032717A

Устройство для пожарной защиты моторного отсека автомобиля содержит пеногенераторы. В емкости для пенообразователя коаксиально емкости для бромхладона установлен поршень с герметизирующими цилиндрами. Изобретение относится к автоматическим системам пожаротушения и может быть использовано для пожарной защиты моторных отсеков транспортных средств.

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000013694 U

Пасажирський купейний вагон, оснащений комплектом протипожежної безпеки, містить кузов цільнонесучої зварної конструкції, двовісні візки, службові приміщення, пасажирський салон, купе для пасажирів, системи кондиціонування, водопостачання, опалення, електропостачання, оповіщення й керування, єдиний комплекс протипожежної безпеки, протипожежні перегородки, блоки пасажирського салону, вогнезатримувальні перегородки, протипожежну заслінку секції припливного повітропроводу системи кондиціонування, пристрій пожежогасіння, датчики пожежної сигналізації, локальну автоматичну систему пожежогасіння, пристрої звукового оповіщення, вікна аварійних виходів, первинні засоби пожежогасіння.

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Система предотвращения возгорания топливного бака в багажном отсеке легкового автомобиля

Номер: BY0000015895C1

Система предотвращения возгорания топливного бака в багажном отсеке легкового автомобиля, содержащая резервуар для огнегасительного вещества, взрывной заряд для выбрасывания огнегасительного вещества и пиротехническую цепочку, приводящую к срабатыванию взрывного заряда под действием огня, несгораемую перегородку, отделяющую багажный отсек с крышкой от пассажирского салона, а резервуар для огнегасительного вещества снабжен трубопроводом с рассеивателем на конце, установленным в полости топливного бака, отличающаяся тем, что резервуар для огнегасительного вещества образован верхней и нижней частями крышки багажного отсека, между которыми равномерно размещено огнегасительное вещество, взрывной заряд прикреплен внутри резервуара к нижней части крышки багажного отсека и соединен с проникающей в полость багажного отсека пиротехнической цепочкой, на нижней части крышки багажного отсека равномерно установлены направленные вниз в пространство багажного отсека рассеиватели, воздействующие на багажное ...

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Automobile fire extinguishing device based on non-newtonian fluid

Номер: CN0109453485A

03-01-2020 дата публикации

Fire prevention and control system of hybrid motor train unit

Номер: CN0110639143A

10-11-2017 дата публикации

Automobile -used fire extinguishing apparatus

Номер: CN0206621686U

01-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatic fire extinguishment device for storing and transporting automobiles and hazardous substances

Номер: CN0203370214U

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Controller for fire extinguishing device of electric bus

Номер: CN0210472881U

13-02-2018 дата публикации

On -vehicle battery fire extinguisher

Номер: CN0206995647U

02-01-2013 дата публикации

Fire extinguishing device for car

Номер: CN202637774U

30-09-2015 дата публикации

Pole is held up to fire prevention bus

Номер: CN0204674424U

The utility model discloses a pole is held up to fire prevention bus belongs to the car annex. Characteristics still include base, lower base, flameproof fabric, handle, dabber and wind spring, to hold up the pole body to be hollow shaft -like, the square orifice has been offered to its one side, hold up on the pole body lower extreme respectively with last base, base fixed connection down, hold up this internal coaxial dabber of establishing of pole, be and hollowly boxlikely establish the wind spring in going up the base, cup joint with the wind spring dabber upper end, the lower extreme is cup jointed fixedly by the bearing, the flameproof fabric twines at the spindle, and the head of flameproof fabric is stretched out by the opening part of holding up the pole body to be equipped with the handle, when not using, the handle is hugged closely and is held up on the pole body and by holding up the rod cover to cover. Should hold up the pole not change original shape of holding up the pole ...

02-09-2015 дата публикации

Anti-overflow flows ripple net formula back-fire relief breather valve

Номер: CN0204611002U

The utility model discloses an anti-overflow flows ripple net formula back-fire relief breather valve, including tube-shape valve body, disk seat, valve gap, circular sealed pad, screw rod and pressure spring, circular sealed pad pressure is suitable for reading the tube-shape valve body, the end opening with the tube-shape valve body suitable for reading of disk seat is connected, the valve gap lid is suitable for reading the tube-shape valve body, its characterized in that: the tube-shape valve body in be equipped with ripple back-fire relief net, the disk seat in the diapire on be equipped with anti-overflow hemisphere, the cambered surface of anti-overflow hemisphere is up. This anti-overflow flows ripple net formula back-fire relief breather valve compares with the back-fire relief breather valve of present use, owing to adopted the through-hole entirely for the ripple back-fire relief net of oblique triangle-shaped through-hole, makes the fire flow and is obstructed on longer inclined ...

16-01-2013 дата публикации

Fixing support for telescopic fire extinguisher

Номер: CN202666230U

29-01-2019 дата публикации

Automatic warning new forms of energy fire -suppression bottle strorage device for public transport vehicle

Номер: CN0208436284U

23-12-2015 дата публикации

Special fire -fighting controller of motor bus engine compartment

Номер: CN0204891012U

The utility model relates to a special fire -fighting controller of motor bus engine compartment, include: logic modules, fire alarm detection module, fire control action output module, audible alarm output module, light warning output module, switching value output module, power input module and state indicating module. Fire alarm detection module is connected to logic modules, and logic modules links respectively in fire control action module, voice alarm module, light alarm module and on -off output module. The utility model provides a special fire -fighting controller of motor bus engine compartment installs detector for fire alarm system additional for motor bus engine compartment, acquires the sensor state in real time through the controller to the realization is monitored motor bus engine compartment condition of a fire state, in time discovers the condition of a fire, prevents to miss fire control opportunity, avoids causing great casualties and loss of property, the damage of prevention ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Hydraulic system and method for delivering electricity, water, air, and foam in a firefighting apparatus

Номер: US20120012344A1
Принадлежит: JNT LINK LLC

A firefighting apparatus comprising a controller, and a hydraulic pump driven by a power-take-off and operable to supply a hydraulic fluid under pressure. A water pumping subsystem is powered by the hydraulic fluid and operable to supply water under pressure to a conduit, wherein a flow rate of water is substantially regulated by controlling the hydraulic fluid input to the water pumping subsystem. A chemical foam subsystem is powered by the hydraulic fluid and operable to inject foam at a predetermined flow rate into the conduit, wherein the flow rate of the foam is substantially regulated by controlling the hydraulic fluid input to the chemical foam subsystem. An electrical power generator subsystem is powered by the hydraulic fluid and operable to generate electrical power, wherein the frequency and voltage of the generated power is substantially regulated by controlling the hydraulic fluid input to the electrical power generator subsystem. A hydraulic fluid cooling device receives and cools the hydraulic fluid returned from the water pumping subsystem, chemical foam subsystem, and electrical power generator subsystem. A hydraulic reservoir further stores the cooled hydraulic fluid.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for connecting the fire extinguishing system of a mobile unit to an external medium source

Номер: US20120317780A1
Автор: Jarkko Malinen
Принадлежит: Marioff Corp Oy

Method for joining the extinguishing system of a mobile unit ( 1 ), such as of a vehicle, a carriage connected to a vehicle, a railway vehicle or its carriage, such as a train or train carriage, to an external medium source, in which method a connecting part ( 7 ) is arranged in the extinguishing system of the mobile unit, and a counterpart ( 71 ) is outside the mobile unit, which parts are connected to each other. The counterpart ( 71 ) is arranged in a movable means ( 70 ), which is moved between at least one first position, a standby position, and one second position, a connection position, in which case the coupling is automatically formed between the connecting part ( 7 ) and the counterpart ( 71 ).

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255971A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

A valve for a fire extinguishing system includes a housing, a flow control apparatus, an actuator apparatus, and a manual override apparatus. The flow control apparatus is disposed in a cavity to prevent or permit flow of the fire extinguishing agent from an ingress aperture to an egress aperture of the housing. The flow control apparatus includes a burst disk clamped between the first and second annular faces and an annular spool axially movable along the longitudinal axis relative to the housing. The actuator apparatus includes a bearing sleeve angularly movable around a longitudinal axis relative to the housing and a latch element operably coupling the bearing sleeve and the annular spool. The manual override apparatus includes a cam operably coupled to the bearing sleeve. 1. A valve for a fire extinguishing system dispensing a fire extinguishing agent , the valve comprising:a housing including an ingress aperture and an egress aperture, the housing defines a cavity extending along a longitudinal axis between the ingress aperture and the egress aperture; a rupturable disk having opposite first and second sides;', 'an inlet ring including a first annular face contiguously engaging the first side of the rupturable disk; and', 'an outlet ring including a second annular face contiguously engaging a radially outer portion of the second side of the rupturable disk, wherein at least a radially outer portion of the rupturable disk is clamped between the first and second annular faces;, 'a flow control apparatus disposed in the cavity to prevent or permit flow of the fire extinguishing agent from the ingress aperture to the egress aperture, the flow control apparatus includes—'}an annular spool axially movable inside the housing along the longitudinal axis;an actuator apparatus including an electromechanical actuator, a bearing sleeve angularly movable outside of the housing around the longitudinal axis, and a latch element operably coupling the bearing sleeve and the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Thermal Event Suppression Apparatus

Номер: US20130264073A1
Автор: Ling Greg

A method of suppressing thermal event for an automotive battery pack having a thermal event suppression apparatus attached to said battery pack; wherein said suppression apparatus has a nozzle that sprays a fire extinguishing media, and having said nozzle extended into a housing of said battery pack; and wherein said suppression apparatus has a thermal event detector to detect a threshold temperature, and said detector triggers a valve to open, allowing said nozzle to spray said media into the housing. 1. A thermal event suppression apparatus for an automotive battery pack comprising:a fire extinguishing media case;a fire extinguishing media enclosed within said media case;a spray nozzle;a conduit fluidly connecting said media case to said nozzle, and wherein said nozzle is adapted to be enclosed within a housing of the battery pack;a thermal event detector coupled to the conduit, wherein the thermal event detector controls the opening of a valve in the conduit based on a temperature surrounding the thermal event detector.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is adapted to spray said media within said housing of the battery pack.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the thermal event detector is a metallic strip detector claim 2 , and wherein a metallic strip in the detector melts under a specific heat threshold.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the thermal event detector has a thermal sensor claim 2 , said thermal sensor is connected to an electrical control unit.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the thermal sensor triggers the electrical control unit when the thermal sensor senses a temperature over a specific threshold.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , further including an attachment support to attach the extinguishing media case on one side of the housing of the battery pack.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fire extinguishing media is at least one of a class A type claim 1 , class B type claim 1 , class C type claim 1 , and class D type ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306335A1
Автор: PETZINGER Mark R.

A device for suppressing fire inside a container includes a support structure configured to be mounted inside a vehicle at a position associated with at least one location configured to receive a container. The device further includes a deployment structure coupled to the support structure and a penetrator assembly coupled to the deployment structure. The penetrator assembly includes a nozzle having a tip configured to pierce a container and an actuator associated with the nozzle. The actuator is configured to extend the tip of the nozzle such that it pierces a container. The support structure and the deployment structure are configured such that the penetrator assembly is movable in at least one plane with respect to the support structure, and the penetrator assembly is configured to receive fire suppressant and direct the fire suppressant into the container. 1. A device for suppressing fire inside a container , the device comprising:a support structure configured to be mounted inside a vehicle at a position associated with at least one location configured to receive a container;a deployment structure coupled to the support structure; a nozzle having a tip configured to pierce a container, and', 'an actuator associated with the nozzle, wherein the actuator is configured to extend the tip of the nozzle such that it pierces a container,, 'a penetrator assembly coupled to the deployment structure, the penetrator assembly comprisingwherein the support structure and the deployment structure are configured such that the penetrator assembly is movable in at least one plane with respect to the support structure, andwherein the penetrator assembly is configured to receive fire suppressant and direct the fire suppressant into the container.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one plane is a vertical plane.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one plane comprises two planes.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the two planes are orthogonal with respect to ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327548A1
Автор: Cailly Vincent
Принадлежит: EUROCOPTER

The present invention relates to fire-protection storage means () having a fire-protection bag () suitable for being fastened to a partition () of a hold () of a vehicle (). Said fire-protection bag () is provided with airtight closure means (), the fire-protection bag () having a vacuum pump () and extinguisher means () for extinguishing a fire that occurs in the interior (INT) of said fire-protection bag (). 1. Fire-protection storage means having a fire-protection bag suitable for being fastened to a partition of a hold of a vehicle , wherein said fire-protection bag is provided with airtight closure means , the fire-protection bag having a vacuum pump and extinguisher means for extinguishing a fire that occurs in the interior of said fire-protection bag.2. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 1 , wherein said extinguisher means comprise an extinguisher co-operating with fire detector means.3. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 2 , wherein said detector means comprise a member for detecting a temperature inside said fire-protection bag that is greater than or equal to a threshold.4. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 2 , wherein said extinguisher comprises a body containing an extinguishing agent claim 2 , said body including an outlet orifice closed by a thermal bulb fuse.5. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 1 , wherein said fire-protection bag comprises a plurality of fireproof walls made of a material selected from the category of fireproof materials claim 1 , two adjacent fireproof walls being connected together by a closure member of said closure means.6. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 5 , wherein each fireproof wall is covered in a sealing wall.7. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 1 , wherein said closure means comprise at least one closure member having a magnetized tape.8. Fire-protection storage means according to claim 1 , wherein said vacuum pump comprises a bellows ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069665A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

An automatic fire suppressing system is preferably provided onboard a vehicle and is supplied with one or more fire suppressing agents that are discharged in response to detecting a fire threat. Preferred embodiments include high-speed valves for discharging the fire suppressing agent(s), optical detectors for detecting and evaluating fire threat conditions, and modules for monitoring and controlling the automatic fire suppressing system. 1. A system for suppressing fire on a vehicle including at least one of a crew compartment , an engine bay , a fuel tank , a cargo hold , a wheel well and an occupant egress , the system comprising:an electronic control module disposed on the vehicle;a first sensor configured to detect fire in a first one of the occupant compartment, the engine bay, the fuel tank, the cargo hold, the wheel well and the occupant egress;a second sensor configured to detect fire in a second one of the occupant compartment, the engine bay, the fuel tank, the cargo hold, the wheel well and the occupant egress;a first data bus operatively coupling the electronic control module with the first and second sensors;a first node configured to release a first fire suppressing agent in the first one of the occupant compartment, the engine bay, the fuel tank, the cargo hold, the wheel well and the occupant egress;a second node configured to release a second fire suppressing agent in the second one of the occupant compartment, the engine bay, the fuel tank, the cargo hold, the wheel well and the occupant egress; anda second data bus operatively coupling the electronic control module with the first and second nodes, the second data bus communicating with the first and second nodes independently of the first data bus communicating with the first and second sensors;wherein polls on the first data bus from the electronic control module to the first and second sensors include smaller size messages that occur more frequently than polls on the second data bus from the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006144A1
Автор: Rehfuß Benjamin

A traction battery device for an at least partially electrically driven motor vehicle includes at least one traction battery with at least one battery housing for housing battery modules and/or battery cells and at least one extinguishing apparatus for automatically carrying out an extinguishing process in an extinguishing situation. An extinguishing agent can be introduced into the battery housing with the extinguishing apparatus via at least one feed device. In this context, the extinguishing apparatus has at least one extinguishing-agent-generating device which, in the case of an extinguishing situation, is suitable for combining, and is designed to combine, at least two spatially separate extinguishing agent components in a controlled fashion and to mix them to form an extinguishing agent which can be extinguished and which can be introduced into the battery housing via the feed device. 1. A traction battery device for an at least partially electrically driven motor vehicle , said traction battery device comprising:at least one traction battery with at least one battery housing for housing battery modules and/or battery cells and at least one extinguishing apparatus for automatically carrying out an extinguishing process in an extinguishing situation,wherein the at least one extinguishing apparatus is configured to introduce at least one extinguishing agent into the battery housing via at least one feed device,wherein the extinguishing apparatus comprises at least one extinguishing-agent-generating device which is configured to combine at least two spatially separate extinguishing agent components in a controlled fashion and to mix the extinguishing agent components together to form an extinguishing agent which can be introduced into the battery housing via the feed device.2. The traction battery device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the feed device comprises foam ducts and foam outlet units via which the extinguishing agent claim 1 , in the form of an ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016456A1
Автор: Kang Kyung Wan

A fire extinguishing system for a vehicle includes: a fire sensing line arranged in a predetermined space of the vehicle to output a fire sensing signal as an electrical signal when a fire is sensed; a controller configured to output a control signal for spraying a fire extinguishing agent when the fire sensing signal from the fire sensing unit is input; a fire extinguishing agent cylinder configured to discharge the fire extinguishing agent filling an inside thereof in response to the control signal output from the controller; and a spray nozzle assembly arranged in the predetermined space of the vehicle and configured to spray the fire extinguishing agent supplied from the fire extinguishing agent cylinder through a fire extinguishing agent hose. 1. A fire extinguishing system for a vehicle , comprising:a fire sensing line arranged in a predetermined space of the vehicle to output a fire sensing signal as an electrical signal when a fire is sensed;a controller configured to output a control signal for spraying a fire extinguishing agent when the fire sensing signal from the fire sensing unit is input;a fire extinguishing agent cylinder configured to be operated to discharge the fire extinguishing agent filling an inside of the fire extinguishing agent cylinder in response to the control signal outputted from the controller; anda spray nozzle assembly arranged in the predetermined space of the vehicle and configured to spray the fire extinguishing agent supplied from the fire extinguishing agent cylinder through a fire extinguishing agent hose, a tube comprising a first hollow part and a second hollow part extending in a length direction of the tube;', 'two electrically conductive wires disposed along the first hollow part to be respectively covered with a covering material to be electrically isolated from each other, and configured to be short-circuited when external current is applied thereto and configured to input a short-circuit signal as the fire sensing ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016443A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An extinguishing system for a high-voltage battery of a motor vehicle, including at least one extinguishing agent container with a gaseous extinguishing agent; a seal for sealing the extinguishing agent container, which prevents an outflow of the extinguishing agent into the interior of the high-voltage battery; a control device interacting with the seal device, designed to open the seal upon the incidence of a triggering signal, thus allowing the extinguishing agent to flow into the interior of the high-voltage battery and to displace any air included therein; an auto-ignition mechanism that interacts with the seal, which auto-ignites at a certain auto-ignition temperature and opens the seal. 1. An extinguishing system for a high-voltage battery of a motor vehicle , comprising:at least one extinguishing agent container with a gaseous extinguishing agent;a seal for sealing the extinguishing agent container, which prevents an outflow of the extinguishing agent into the interior of the high-voltage battery;a control device interacting with the seal device, designed to open the seal upon the incidence of a triggering signal, thus allowing the extinguishing agent to flow into the interior of the high-voltage battery and to displace any air comprised therein; andan auto-ignition mechanism that interacts with the seal, which auto-ignites at a certain auto-ignition temperature and opens the seal.2. The extinguishing system according to claim 1 , wherein the auto-ignition mechanism features a fuse which auto-ignites as of the auto-ignition temperature and opens the seal.3. The extinguishing system according to claim 1 , wherein the control device can have a signaling connection with a crash sensor for providing the triggering signal.4. The extinguishing system according to claim 1 , wherein the control device has a signaling connection with a temperature sensing system of the extinguishing system claim 1 , which is designed to measure a temperature of the high-voltage ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017050A1
Автор: KIM Hyunkyu

The present invention relates to provide a fire risk factor notifying device and method in an interior vehicle environment based on an interior monitoring sensor (IMS) which may recognize objects which may cause a vehicle fire based on an IMS in an interior vehicle environment. According to the present invention, in the IMS-based fire risk factor notifying device and method in an interior vehicle environment, one or more of an autonomous vehicle and a server of the present invention may be associated with artificial intelligence (AI) modules, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), robots, augmented reality (AR) devices, virtual reality (VR) devices, and 5G service-related devices. 1. A fire risk factor notifying device , comprising:a monitoring unit monitoring an interior environment of a vehicle based on an image obtained from an interior monitoring sensor (IMS);an object recognizing unit recognizing a second object which may cause a vehicle fire from among first objects monitored in the interior vehicle environment, the second object identified based on object learning data;a behavior recognizing unit recognizing a passenger's behavior monitored in the interior vehicle environment;a grade determining unit determining a risk grade of a vehicle fire based on a combination of the second object and the passenger's behavior; anda notification processing unit transferring the determined risk grade to the passenger via a device capable of transferring visible or audible information in the vehicle.2. The fire risk factor notifying device of claim 1 , wherein the object recognizing unit measures the temperature of a thermographic image based on a thermographic image map monitored in the interior vehicle environment.3. The fire risk factor notifying device of claim 2 , wherein the behavior recognizing unit determines whether the passenger behavior recognized by the behavior recognizing unit is related to the second object and the thermographic image map in association with the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Fire Suppression Module, Modular System Including Same, and Method of Installing Modular System

Номер: US20140102734A1

A fire suppression module. The fire suppression module includes a base member, a cap member and a fire suppressant. The cap member is connected to the base member. The base member and the cap incomer cooperate to form a an enclosure. The fire suppressant is positioned within the enclosure. 1. A fire suppression module , comprising:a base member;a cap member connected to the base member, wherein the base member and the cap member cooperate to form an enclosure; anda fire suppressant, wherein the fire suppressant is positioned within the enclosure.2. The fire suppression module of claim 1 , wherein the cap member is integral with the base member.3. The fire suppression module of claim 1 , wherein the cap member defines protrusions configured to engage and lock onto the base member.4. The fire suppression module of claim 1 , further comprising a cap assembly claim 1 , the cap assembly comprising:the cap member; anda cap floor member connected to the cap member.5. The fire suppression module of claim 4 , wherein the cap floor member is integral with the cap member.6. The fire suppression module of claim 4 , wherein the cap member and the cap floor member cooperate to form a sub-enclosure claim 4 , and wherein the fire suppressant is positioned within the sub-enclosure.7. The fire suppression module of claim 4 , wherein:the cap floor member defines an opening therethrough; andthe cap assembly further comprises a plug member positioned in the opening.8. The fire suppression module of claim 4 , further comprising a compression member positioned between the cap assembly and the base member.9. A fire suppression system claim 4 , comprising:a plurality of snaps;a plurality of attachment members, wherein each respective attachment member is connected to a different strap; and a base member;', 'a cap member connected to the base member, wherein the base member and the cap member cooperate to form an enclosure; and', 'a fire suppressant, wherein the fire suppressant is ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021209A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Ignition-quenching systems include an ignition-risk structure that extends from a support structure into a combustible environment and include a porous ignition-quenching cover that substantially covers the ignition-risk structure. The ignition-quenching cover is configured to quench an ignition event triggered by an ignition source associated with the ignition-risk structure. Ignition-quenching covers generally include a porous body. The porous body may include one or more porous elements. Methods according to the present disclosure include installing a porous ignition-quenching cover over an ignition-risk structure to prevent bulk combustion, e.g., of a fuel vapor in a fuel tank, due to an ignition event associated with the ignition-risk structure. 1. An ignition-quenching system for preventing bulk combustion in a combustible environment by an ignition source associated with an ignition-risk structure , the ignition-quenching system comprising:a support structure that is in contact with a combustible environment;an ignition-risk structure that extends from the support structure into the combustible environment; anda porous ignition-quenching cover that includes a porous body, wherein the porous ignition-quenching cover substantially covers the ignition-risk structure, is coupled to the support structure, and is configured to quench an ignition event in the combustible environment triggered by the ignition source associated with the ignition-risk structure.2. The ignition-quenching system of claim 1 , wherein the porous body includes one or more porous elements.3. The ignition-quenching system of claim 2 , wherein each porous element is independently selected from the group consisting of a reticulated lattice claim 2 , a reticulated foam claim 2 , and an open-cell foam.4. The ignition-quenching system of claim 1 , wherein the porous body has an average effective passage diameter that is less than or equal to a quenching distance of the combustible environment.5. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021213A1

An actuator assembly for use in fire suppression systems for use in vehicle and industrial fire protection systems. The actuator assembly engages a cartridge of pressurized gas and releases the gas contained therein with a puncturing assembly. The actuator assembly includes a receptacle that controls the manner in which the actuator assembly and cartridge engage one another. The actuator assembly is configured for electrical and pneumatic actuation for rupturing the seal of the cartridge of pressurized gas. The actuator assembly has a housing that includes at least one inlet port that is coupled to a pressurized gas source, which is formed between a first chamber for electrical components sealed from the operative environment of the actuator assembly and a second chambers for the puncturing assembly. The actuator assembly allows for serial interconnection of multiple actuator assemblies for operation by a as single source of pressurized gas. 1. An actuator assembly configured for electrical and pneumatic actuation for rupturing a seal of a cartridge of pressurized gas , the assembly comprising:a housing having a proximal end and a distal end with a passageway extending axially from the proximal end to the distal end along an actuator axis, the passageway defining a first chamber and a second chamber with the second chamber disposed distally of the first chamber, with the first and second chambers centered along the actuator axis, the housing including at least one inlet port formed between the first and second chambers in communication with the passageway for coupling to a pressurized gas source;an electrically operated protracting actuation device having an electrical connector and a rod member, the protracting actuation device being disposed within the housing such that the electrical connector is disposed in the first chamber and the rod member is disposed in the second chamber with the first chamber being sealed from the second chamber and the at least one inlet ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023721A1
Автор: Baxendell Doug J.

An actuator includes a housing with a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a bore disposed therein. The bore defines a poppet movement axis and extends between the first end and second end of the housing. A solenoid is disposed within the bore and extends about the poppet movement axis. An armature is disposed within the bore and is movable along the poppet movement axis between a disengaged position and an engaged position, the engaged position proximate the solenoid and the disengaged position spaced apart from the solenoid. A magnet is disposed within the bore between the first end of the housing and the armature, the magnet magnetically coupled to the armature to bias the armature towards the disengaged position. 1. An actuator , comprising:a housing having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a bore defining a poppet movement axis disposed between the first end and the second end;a solenoid disposed within the bore and extending about the poppet movement axis;an armature disposed within the bore and movable between an engaged position and a disengaged position, the engaged position being proximate the solenoid, the disengaged position being spaced apart from the solenoid; anda magnet disposed within the bore between the armature first end of the housing, the magnet being magnetically coupled to the armature to bias the armature towards the armature disengaged position.2. The actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing defines an armature stop disposed within the bore between the first end of the housing and the solenoid claim 1 , the armature stop bounding the disengaged position of the armature.3. The actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein the magnet is a first magnet and further comprising at least one second magnet claim 1 , the second magnet being disposed on a side of the poppet movement axis laterally opposite the first magnet.4. The actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein the magnet has an armed and a disarmed ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Self Contained Fire Extinguisher System Including A Linear Temperature Sensor

Номер: US20170028239A1

A self contained fire extinguisher system that does not need external power in order to sense or initiate a release of a fire suppression medium, includes components configured to utilize a linear sensor network that can be connected to at least one and/or different sources of fire suppression mediums. A linear temperature sensing cord can be routed over a large area not practical with individual sensors. The cord can also actuate several and different sources of fire suppression mediums to maximize the suppression of a fire. 120-. (canceled)21. A fire suppression system , comprising:a linear temperature sensor having a thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material with an auto-ignition temperature;a source of a fire suppression medium; anda boost initiator coupling the linear temperature sensor to the source of the fire suppression medium,wherein the linear temperature sensor is configured such that the thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material is ignited and combustion propagates to the source of the fire suppression medium in response to an ambient temperature reaching the auto-ignition temperature.22. The system of wherein the thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material comprises a fuel and an oxidizer.23. The system of wherein the auto-ignition temperature of the thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material is between approximately 225 degrees Fahrenheit and approximately 800 degrees Fahrenheit.24. The system of wherein the source of the fire suppression medium comprises a propellant that is ignited in response to the combustion of the thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material.25. The system of wherein the source of the fire suppression medium comprises a sealing disc claim 21 , wherein the sealing disc is ruptured in response to the combustion of the thermally sensitive pyrotechnic material.26. The system of wherein the source of the fire suppression medium comprises a valve claim 21 , wherein the valve is opened in response to the combustion of the thermally sensitive ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Fire protection device for an at least partially electrically operated motor vehicle, and fire sensor

Номер: US20220048392A1
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A fire protection device (1) is provided for an at least partially electrically operated motor vehicle for detecting a fire caused by a battery device (2) of the vehicle. The fire protection device (1) includes a fire sensor (4) that is connected operatively to a monitoring system (3). The fire sensor (4) has a monitoring current conductor (14) that is suitable and configured for being interrupted by fire-induced destruction in the event of a fire. The monitoring system (3) is suitable and configured for detecting the fire by the interrupted monitoring current conductor (14).

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030647A1
Автор: Ryczek Chad L.
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

A vehicle includes a chassis, a body coupled to the chassis, a series of tractive elements coupled to the chassis, a hazard coupled to the chassis, and a fire suppression system. The fire suppression system includes a tank configured to contain a volume of fire suppressant, a nozzle having an outlet at least selectively fluidly coupled to the tank and configured to release a spray of the fire suppressant therefrom, and an activator configured to selectively release the fire suppressant from the tank such that at least a portion of the fire suppressant passes through the outlet of the nozzle. The nozzle is oriented such that the spray is directed toward the hazard. The nozzle is positioned less than 8 inches away from the hazard. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a chassis;a body coupled to the chassis;a plurality of tractive elements coupled to the chassis;a hazard coupled to the chassis; and a tank configured to contain a volume of fire suppressant;', 'a nozzle having an outlet at least selectively fluidly coupled to the tank and configured to release a spray of the fire suppressant therefrom; and', 'an activator configured to selectively release the fire suppressant from the tank such that at least a portion of the fire suppressant passes through the outlet of the nozzle,, 'a fire suppression system, comprisingwherein the nozzle is oriented such that the spray is directed toward the hazard, and wherein the nozzle is positioned less than 8 inches away from the hazard.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is positioned at least 6 inches away from the hazard.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has a spray angle between 110 degrees and 130 degrees.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the nozzle has a spray angle of approximately 120 degrees.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has an effective suppression area of at least 3 square feet at the hazard.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle has an effective suppression area of at least 7 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Inert gas system and method

Номер: US20210031939A1
Автор: Michael L. Perry
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A system and method for providing inert gas to a protected space is disclosed. The system is onboard an aircraft that includes a pressurized cabin or cockpit space. The system includes an airflow path including an inlet and an outlet, and the inlet is in operative fluid communication with the pressurized cabin or cockpit space. A carbon dioxide separator is configured for separating carbon dioxide from air, and includes an inlet in operative fluid communication with the airflow path outlet, and a carbon dioxide outlet. The system also includes an inert gas flow path from the carbon dioxide outlet to the protected space.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Safety Device For Preventing Fuel Combustion In An Automobile Collision

Номер: US20200039351A1
Автор: Balan Alexandru

A safety system for an automobile includes a safety device with containing areas in which two premixed liquids are stored during an initial state and which are in fluid communication with a fuel tank. Two valves are mounted internally in the safety device and are closed in the initial state to separate the premixed liquids. The valves are spaced apart at an initial distance, in the initial state, that is greater than a triggered distance, in a triggered state. A cylindrical ring is mounted in the safety device near the valves and has evacuation holes around its periphery that are adjacent to a respective pair of flow-mix channels. The flow-mix channels form a flow-path between the containing areas and a respective evacuation hole via which, in the triggered state, the premixed liquids are combined into a mixed liquid that is subsequently expelled for neutralizing fuel flammability in the fuel tank. 1. A safety system for an automobile , the safety system comprising:a safety device having a pair of containing areas in which a pair of premixed liquids are stored separately during an initial state of the safety system, the pair of containing areas being in fluid communication with a fuel tank of an automobile;a pair of valves mounted internally in a central region of the safety device between the pair of containing areas, the pair of valves being closed in the initial state to maintain enclosed and separate the pair of premixed liquids, respectively, in the pair of containing areas, the pair of valves being spaced apart at an initial distance in the initial state and at a triggered distance in a triggered state of the safety system when the pair of valves are open, the initial distance being greater than the triggered distance; anda cylindrical ring mounted in a central location of the safety device near the pair of valves, the cylindrical ring having a plurality of evacuation holes around its periphery with each evacuation hole being adjacent to a respective pair of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052926A1
Автор: Harzfeld Edgar

A method for preventing fires in tank systems and tank systems for methanol fuels comprising a fire protection apparatus are disclosed. The method can be effectively implemented to prevent vehicle fires, and to provide tank systems for methanol fuel with an appropriate fire protection apparatus. The method for preventing fires in tank systems is used, for example, in vehicles having a drive using a methanol-based fuel. An incombustible mixture of methanol and water being produced in an emergency. The tank systems contain at least one double-layer tank and/or at least one bell tank and/or at least one bellows-type tank. 115.-. (canceled)16. A method for preventing fires in tank systems , comprising:{'b': 106', '6', '107', '7, 'providing a tank system that contains a methanol tank () filled with methanol () and a water tank () filled with water ();'}{'b': 7', '107', '6', '6', '106', '7, 'releasing, in response to a control signal from an airbag system and/or a fire warning system, water () from the water tank () into the methanol () or releasing methanol () from the methanol tank () into the water (); and'}{'b': '76', 'thereby creating a water-methanol mixture () having material properties which fall below an effective ignition limit.'}17. The method according to claim 16 , further comprising:sending the control signal, at the same time that the airbag system and/or the fire warning system is triggered, to a receiver of a control and activation unit of the tank system, [{'b': 107', '106, 'a double-layer tank, in which the water tank () is arranged in an upper half of the methanol tank (), and'}, {'b': 101', '106', '107, 'at least two bulkhead triggering units () with integrated bulkheads that are in operative connection with both the methanol tank () and the water tank (), and'}, {'b': 102', '107, 'a punch triggering unit () in operative connection with the water tank (), and'}], 'wherein the tank system comprises'}{'b': 101', '102', '7', '107', '106, 'wherein the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Fire Suppressant Panel

Номер: US20160059056A1
Принадлежит: Firetrace USA LLC

A fire suppressant panel according to various aspects of the present technology is configured to deliver a fire suppressant material in response to a detected fire condition in a transportable container. In one embodiment, the fire suppressant panel comprises a housing having a heat sensitive detection tube disposed on one side of the housing. The heat sensitive detection tube is adapted to release a fire suppressant material in response to being exposed to a fire condition.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054906A1
Автор: Renault Loic

A transport refrigeration unit (TRU) fire detection and mitigation system is provided for use with a TRU that includes a housing and components supportively disposed within the housing that are configured to condition an interior of a container. The TRU fire detection and mitigation system includes a fire detection sub-system and a mitigation sub-system. The fire detection sub-system is partially disposable within the housing and configured to detect a thermal event therein. The mitigation sub-system is coupled to the fire detection sub-system and configured to take a mitigation action responsive to the thermal event being sensed by the fire detection sub-system. 1. A transport refrigeration unit (TRU) fire detection and mitigation system for use with a TRU comprising a housing and components supportively disposed within the housing and configured to condition an interior of a container , the TRU fire detection and mitigation system comprising:a fire detection sub-system which is partially disposable within the housing and configured to detect a thermal event therein; anda mitigation sub-system coupled to the fire detection sub-system and configured to take a mitigation action responsive to the thermal event being sensed by the fire detection sub-system.2. The TRU fire detection and mitigation system according to claim 1 , wherein the container comprises a container of a transportation vehicle.3. The TRU fire detection and mitigation system according to claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a ceiling to which respective components of the fire detection and mitigation sub-systems are secured.4. The TRU fire detection and mitigation system according to wherein:the components comprise an exhaust system, a clutch, a gas supply hose and gas containers,the housing comprises potential hot spot locations proximal to each of the components, andat least respective portions of the fire detection and mitigation sub-systems are disposable proximate to the potential hot spot ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062130A1

Battery enclosure arrangements for a vehicular battery system. The arrangements, capable of impact resistance include plurality of battery cells and a plurality of kinetic energy absorbing elements. The arrangements further include a frame configured to encase the plurality of the kinetic energy absorbing elements and the battery cells. In some arrangements the frame and/or the kinetic energy absorbing elements can be made of topologically interlocked materials. 1. A high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system for a vehicular battery system comprising:a plurality of high-shear enclosure arrangement modules, each high-shear enclosure arrangement module comprising a high-shear shell encasing at least one rigid protective shell, wherein the at least one rigid protective shell includes a plurality of electrically insulated cases, each electrically insulated case includes a battery cell.2. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim 6 , further comprising at least one rupture module disposed amongst the plurality of high-shear enclosure arrangement modules.37. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , wherein the rupture module contains a fluid.48. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , wherein the fluid is a fire extinguishing fluid configured to be expelled out onto neighboring high-shear battery arrangement enclosure modules in response to a pre-determined impact force.59. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , the fire extinguishing fluid is a fluid containing sodium chloride (NaCl) dry powder.69. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , the fire extinguishing fluid is a fluid containing copper (Cu) dry powder. The present U.S. patent application is a divisional application of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/551,670 filed Nov. 24, 2014, which claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Fire Prevention Capsules and Method of Use

Номер: US20160067533A1
Автор: Eriomenco Serghei

A fire prevention device is provided for arresting the formation of fires and suppressing those that are already ablaze. The device is a hollow shell willed with a powdered flame retardant and a small weighting element. The shell disintegrates at high temperatures releasing the flame retardant into a flaming area. A weighting element helps carry the device close to the heart of a fire prior to shell disintegration. When the flame retardant is released it falls on the flames, suppressing them and preventing the fire from spreading. A variety of uses are provided including lining automobile engine hoods and chemical transportation tanks with the capsules, placing them as packing fill inside crates of volatile material, lining ceilings with the balls, and others. 1) A fire prevention capsule comprising:a hollow shell;a powdered flame retardant housed within said hollow shell;a weighting element housed within said hollow shell.2) The device of claim 1 , wherein said hollow shell is constructed of a flame retardant substance.3) The device of claim 1 , wherein said weighting element is a densely packed flame retardant.4) A method of fire prevention claim 1 , comprising the steps of:selecting an interior volume for fire prevention treatment, wherein said interior volume houses one or more combustible elements;determining whether said interior volume should be lined with fire prevention capsules or filled with fire prevention capsules;applying said fire prevention capsules comprising a hollow shell, powdered substance, and weighting element to sad interior volume.5) The method of claim 4 , wherein said selection of said interior volume is based on the risk of fire presented by said combustible element.6) The method of claim 4 , wherein said determination is based on the need for empty space within said interior volume.7) The method of claim 4 , wherein said applying comprises filling an interior volume with a plurality of fire prevention capsules.8) The method of claim 4 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065674A1
Автор: Maier Jens

A power system for an electric vehicle including a firewall positioned between an engine compartment and a passenger compartment of the vehicle. A floor structure of the vehicle is coupled with the firewall and defines an aperture between the firewall and a central support beam of the floor structure. A battery assembly is configured to mount with an underside of the floor structure having a battery and a battery connector housing to house a battery connector. The connector housing defines an electric connector to couple with an electric system of the vehicle. The connector housing is inserted within the aperture of the floor structure such that at least a portion of the battery connector housing extends above the floor structure. A rigid tunnel is coupled with the firewall, the floor structure, and the central support beam to cover the portion of the connector housing that extends above the floor structure. 1. A power system for an electric vehicle , the power system comprising:a firewall positioned between an engine compartment and a passenger compartment of the electric vehicle;a floor structure of the electric vehicle coupled with the firewall, the floor structure defining an aperture between the firewall and a central support beam of the floor structure; at least one battery; and', 'a battery connector housing, the battery connector housing being configured to house at least one battery connector therein, the battery connector housing defining at least one electric connector configured to couple with at least one electric system of the electric vehicle, the battery connector housing being configured to be inserted within the aperture of the floor structure such that at least a portion of the battery connector housing extends above the floor structure; and', 'a rigid tunnel coupled with the firewall, the floor structure, and the central support beam, the rigid tunnel being configured to cover the portion of the battery connector housing that extends above the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Fire Extinguishing System for Tire of Vehicle

Номер: US20210069534A1
Автор: SHIN Hyeon Gi

A fire extinguishing system is provided for a tire of a vehicle. The fire extinguishing system includes fire extinguishing injectors filled with fire extinguishing chemicals and installed in the vehicle to be able to inject the fire extinguishing chemical to the tire. A fire detection line is installed to connect between the fire extinguishing injectors. Each of the fire extinguishing injectors is configured to inject the fire extinguishing chemical when a fire of the tire is detected through the fire detection line. 1. A fire extinguishing system comprising:a plurality of fire extinguishing injectors filled with fire extinguishing chemicals, the fire extinguishing injectors configured to be installed in a vehicle to be able to inject the fire extinguishing chemical to a tire; anda fire detection line installed to connect between the plurality of fire extinguishing injectors, wherein each of the fire extinguishing injectors is configured to inject the fire extinguishing chemical when a fire of the tire is detected through the fire detection line.2. The fire extinguishing system of claim 1 , wherein each of the fire extinguishing injectors comprises:a pressure generator in which a pressure generation chemical is installed to generate an injection pressure; anda tank filled with the fire extinguishing chemical and having a plurality of injection holes.3. The fire extinguishing system of claim 2 , wherein:the fire detection line is connected to the pressure generator to generate the injection pressure due to the pressure generation chemical when a fire is detected through the fire detection line; andthe tank is coupled to the pressure generator to allow the fire extinguishing chemical in the tank to be injected through the injection holes due to action of the injection pressure generated by the pressure generator.4. The fire extinguishing system of claim 2 , wherein:an ignition agent coupled to the pressure generation chemical is installed at the pressure generator;the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075822A1

An engine compartment fire suppression system for an HVAC system of a vehicle monitors conditions including, but not limited to, a collision sensor, an air conditioning system pressure sensor, engine coolant temperature, exhaust gas temperature, or an engine load calculation. The fire suppression system discharges a fire suppression composition when a controller receives a specified combination of the monitored conditions. 1. A fire suppression system for a vehicle comprising:a circulation loop that circulates a flammable refrigerant;a pressure sensor operatively connected to the circulation loop to sense a reduction in pressure;a collision sensor operatively connected to the vehicle to sense a collision;a distribution system dispenses a fire suppression composition; anda controller receives a pressure signal from the pressure sensor and a collision signal from the collision sensor, and actuates the distribution system.2. The fire suppression system of further comprising:a temperature sensor disposed on the vehicle; andwherein the controller receives a temperature signal in addition to the pressure signal and the collision signal before actuating the fire suppression system.3. The fire suppression system of wherein the temperature sensor is an engine coolant temperature sensor.4. The fire suppression system of wherein the temperature sensor is an exhaust gas temperature sensor.5. The fire suppression system of further comprising:an engine load calculating system that receives operating data from the vehicle and calculates a load value representing engine load; andwherein the controller receives the engine load value in addition to the pressure signal and the collision signal before actuating the fire suppression system.6. The fire suppression system of wherein the pressure sensor is an air conditioning pressure switch that detects a reduction in the pressure in the circulation loop and sends the pressure signal to the controller.7. The fire suppression system of ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083445A1

The present invention reliably extinguishes fires in devices that have exceeded the guaranteed temperature without the use of a sensor. An in-vehicle fire extinguisher () extinguishes fires using an air conditioner for heating or cooling the interior of a vehicle compartment. A coolant discharged from a compressor () is pumped into the compressor () through a circulation path () via a condenser (), an expansion valve () and an evaporator (). A fire extinguishing unit () is provided to the circulation path () between the expansion valve () and the compressor (). When a device mounted in a vehicle exceeds the guaranteed temperature, the fire extinguishing unit () melts so that coolant pumped from the circulation path () is discharged to the exterior and extinguishes the device fire. 1. An in-vehicle fire extinguishing apparatus configured to perform fire extinguishing by utilizing an air conditioning apparatus that heats or cools a vehicle interior , the in-vehicle fire extinguishing apparatus comprising:an incombustible or flame-retardant refrigerant;a compressor that compresses the refrigerant in such a manner as to increase a temperature and a pressure of the refrigerant;a condenser that causes a high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant compressed by the compressor to release heat;an expansion valve that expands the refrigerant that is caused to release heat by the condenser in such a manner as to reduce the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant;an evaporator that causes a low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant expanded by the expansion valve to absorb heat;a circulation path that causes the refrigerant output from the compressor to enter the compressor through the condenser, the expansion valve, and the evaporator; anda fire extinguishing section provided in the circulation path between the expansion valve and the compressor, the fire extinguishing section allowing the refrigerant entered from the circulation path to be output to the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096884A1

A refuse vehicle includes a chassis supporting a plurality of wheels, a vehicle body supported by the chassis and defining a receptacle for storing refuse therein, a lifting system coupled to the vehicle body and movable relative to the receptacle, wherein the lifting system is configured to lift a refuse container and empty refuse in the refuse container into the receptacle, at least one sensor configured to detect a thermal event in or near the refuse container, wherein the lifting system is configured to stop lifting the refuse container in response to the thermal event being detected. 1. A refuse vehicle , comprising:a chassis supporting a plurality of wheels;a vehicle body supported by the chassis and defining a receptacle for storing refuse therein,a lifting system coupled to the vehicle body and movable relative to the receptacle, wherein the lifting system is configured to lift a refuse container and empty refuse in the refuse container into the receptacle; andat least one sensor configured to detect a thermal event in or near the refuse container, wherein the lifting system is configured to stop lifting the refuse container in response to the thermal event being detected.2. The refuse vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is located on an arm of the lifting system.3. The refuse vehicle of claim 2 , further comprising at least one thermal suppression component that is activated in response to detecting the thermal event.4. The refuse vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the at least one thermal suppression component is located on the arm of the lifting system.5. The refuse vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle comprises a hopper volume claim 1 , a storage volume claim 1 , and a top opening claim 1 , wherein refuse is loaded into the hopper volume through the top opening.6. The refuse vehicle of claim 5 , further comprising a top door configured to close the top opening in response to the thermal event being detected.7. The refuse vehicle of ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089555A1
Автор: GLEN Robert E.

A suppression system for use in a safety railcar may include a source of pressurized water connected to at least one foam tank containing a suppression foam. A controllable valve mediates flow of pressurized water from the source of pressurized water to the at least one foam tank. The controllable valve is controllable to permit flow of pressurized water to the at least one foam tank in response to detection of a hazardous event. A spray nozzle is connected to the foam tank via a rupture disc that is configured to rupture and permit flow of suppression foam from the spray nozzle when pressure within the foam tank exceeds a predetermined threshold. 1. A suppression system in a safety railcar , the suppression system comprising:a source of pressure;at least one suppressor tank containing a suppression agent, each suppressor tank being connected to receive pressure from the source of pressure to pressurize the suppression agent;a controllable valve positioned to mediate flow of pressure; andat least one spray nozzle connected to receive the suppression agent from each suppressor tank, each spray nozzle being connected to the respective suppressor tank via a rupture cover configured to rupture and permit flow of suppression foam from the spray nozzle when pressure within the at least one suppressor tank exceeds a predetermined threshold;the controllable valve being controllable to permit flow of suppression agent in response to detection of a hazardous event.2. A suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the source of pressure is pressurized water.3. A suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the suppression agent is selected from one or more of a dry chemical claim 1 , a foam claim 1 , and a wet chemical.4. A suppression system of claim 3 , wherein the dry chemical is selected from one or more of monoammonium phosphate claim 3 , sodium bicarbonate claim 3 , potassium bicarbonate claim 3 , urea complex claim 3 , potassium chloride claim 3 , MET-L-KYL/PYROKYL claim 3 , ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Unexpected thermal event assist

Номер: US20160090105A1

A vehicle system may include a thermal sensor; and a vehicle connectivity module in communication with the thermal sensor and a plurality of vehicle systems configured to receive an indication, from the thermal sensor, indicative of detection of a thermal event external to the vehicle, and responsive to the detection, utilize at least one of the plurality vehicle systems to perform at least one assistance feature to provide notification of the thermal event. A computer-implemented method may include activating a vehicle connectivity module responsive to detection of a thermal event external to the vehicle by a vehicle thermal sensor, confirming, by the vehicle connectivity module, the detection of the thermal event by utilizing other thermal sensor inputs of the vehicle, and responsive to the confirmation, commanding a vehicle system to perform at least one assistance feature to provide notification of the thermal event to a user.

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Battery housing for lithium-ion cells

Номер: US20140170447A1
Принадлежит: ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A battery housing includes an inner chamber configured to accommodate galvanic cells, in particular lithium-ion cells, which are provided with a cut-out area that can be opened in the event of failure of the cell. In order to prevent, retard and optionally at least partially extinguish a fire in the event of the failure of one or more cells, for example during an accident of an electrically operated vehicle, the inner chamber of the battery housing includes at least one dispenser for dispensing a flame-inhibiting, flame-retarding and/or flame-extinguishing agent. The dispenser has at least one dispenser opening arranged adjacent to a cut-out area of a cell and configured to be opened. The dispenser opening is configured to be opened during a mechanical shock and/or a temperature increase and/or a pressure increase above a predetermined limit value.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134153A1
Автор: Vincent Rèmi

A system for extinguishing a fire and/or preventing a fire from starting or restarting in an electric vehicle, associated method of operation including a prior step of lifting the vehicle off the ground. In particular, the system for extinguishing the fire and/or preventing the fire from starting or restarting in the electric vehicle, which incudes, a module or a battery pack comprising a plurality of electrochemical batteries, in particular metal-ion batteries, includes a self-supporting inflatable structure, the shape and dimensions of which when deployed are adapted to create a peripheral barrier, which is closed upon itself, around the electric vehicle; and a liquid supply device for filling, at least partially, the volume delimited inside the peripheral barrier, so as to immerse at least the module or battery pack in the liquid.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134154A1

A system for extinguishing a fire and/or preventing a fire from starting or restarting in an electric vehicle having a module or a battery pack with a plurality of electrochemical batteries, in particular metal-ion batteries, includes a self-supporting inflatable structure, the shape and dimensions of which when deployed are configured to lift the electric vehicle off the ground, create a liner between the ground and the electric vehicle, and create a peripheral barrier in continuity with the liner, which is closed upon itself, around the electric vehicle. The system also includes a liquid supply device for filling, at least partially, the sealed volume delimited inside the peripheral barrier and by the liner, so as to immerse at least the module or battery pack in the liquid.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086152A1
Автор: Stadler Michael
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for responding to a fire-critical battery state in a motor vehicle having at least one battery, and a motor vehicle designed to carry out such a method. A battery temperature of the at least one battery of the motor vehicle is continuously detected by at least one temperature sensor. The method includes the following steps: Continuous detection of a temperature change in the battery based on the continuously detected battery temperature; verifying whether the detected temperature change exceeds a specified threshold defining a fire-critical battery state; and activating at least one vehicle function in order to perform a protective and/or warning measure by a control unit, if the fire-critical battery state is reached. 1. A method for responding to a fire-critical battery state in a motor vehicle having at least one battery , wherein a battery temperature is continuously detected by at least one temperature sensor , comprising the following steps:continuously detecting of a temperature change of the battery based on the continuously detected battery temperature;verifying whether the detected temperature change exceeds a specified threshold defining a fire-critical battery state; andactuating at least one vehicle function for carrying out a protective measure and/or warning measure by a control device, if the fire-critical battery state is reached.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , as a protective measure claim 1 , at least one of the following measures is carried out in the vehicle:activating a safety mode of an air conditioner by deactivating the air conditioner or operating the air conditioner in recirculation mode without ventilation function;door release;automatic closing of opened vehicle windows and or of an opened vehicle moonroof; andinterrupting a power supply for an electric drive unit of the motor vehicle.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the following measures is carried out as a warning measure: ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for Controlling and/or Preventing a Fire in a Vehicle Air-Conditioning System

Номер: US20140174767A1
Принадлежит: ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A method for controlling and/or preventing a fire in a vehicle air-conditioning system which contains 2,3,3,3 -tetrafluoro- 1 -propene as a coolant includes bringing the components of the air-conditioning system containing the coolant into contact with an extinguishing agent which contains an aqueous solution or suspension of a compound containing calcium and a gelling extinguishing agent additive.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Multi-Blanket Inert Gas Rail Car Fire Suppression

Номер: US20160101304A1

A container ignition and fire suppression system, comprising means for removing volatile gases present prior to and produced during and after loading the container with a volatile liquid based on a weight capacity of the container; filling a headspace above a level of the volatile liquid with a blanket composition of inert gas(es); pressurizing the volatile liquid and the predetermined composition of inert gas(es) to a predetermined pressure to retard outgassing of the volatile liquid into the head space occupied by the inert gas(es); discharging a fire retardant foam at onset of a rupturing of the predetermined blanket composition, the discharge adapted to smother, extinguish and prevent a fire from igniting via a spark, a rupture and other combustible processes; and a monitor and control apparatus adapted to determine and adjust a plurality of conditions regarding the inert gas(es) and the volatile liquid in the container via telemetry. 1. A container spark and fire suppression method , comprising:removing volatile gases present prior to and produced during and after loading the container with a volatile liquid based on a weight capacity of the container;filling a headspace above a level of the volatile liquid with a predetermined blanket composition of inert gas(es), the filling occurring during at least one of the loading, transporting and evacuating the container thereof; andpressurizing the volatile liquid and the predetermined composition of inert gas(es) to a predetermined pressure in the container to retard outgassing of the volatile liquid into the head space occupied by the inert gas(es).2. The container spark and fire suppression method of claim 1 , wherein the removing occurs during loading the container with the volatile liquid and exchanging a volume occupied by the volatile gases with a volume occupied by the loaded volatile liquid.3. The container spark and fire suppression method of claim 1 , wherein the blanket composition of inert gases comprises ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094088A1

Ignition-quenching covers are configured to quench an ignition event in a combustible environment triggered by an ignition source associated with an ignition-risk structure. Ignition-quenching covers comprise a porous body that includes two or more porous elements and are configured to cover the ignition-risk structure, wherein the ignition-risk structure is associated with a potential ignition source that may produce the ignition event in the combustible environment. The porous body defines passages sized to quench the ignition event. Methods comprise installing a porous ignition-quenching cover over an ignition-risk structure to prevent bulk combustion, e.g., of a fuel vapor in a fuel tank, due to an ignition event associated with the ignition-risk structure. 1. An ignition-quenching cover configured to quench an ignition event in a combustible environment triggered by an ignition source associated with an ignition-risk structure , the ignition-quenching cover comprising:a porous body that includes two or more porous elements;wherein the ignition-quenching cover is configured to cover the ignition-risk structure, wherein the ignition-risk structure is associated with a potential ignition source that may produce the ignition event in the combustible environment, andwherein the porous body defines passages sized to quench the ignition event.2. The ignition-quenching cover of claim 1 , wherein a passage orientation of at least one of the two or more porous elements is different than a passage orientation of at least another of the two or more porous elements.3. The ignition-quenching cover of claim 1 , wherein each porous element is independently selected from the group consisting of a reticulated lattice claim 1 , a reticulated foam claim 1 , and an open-cell foam.4. The ignition-quenching cover of claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a mass density of at most 0.5 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).5. The ignition-quenching cover of claim 1 , wherein the porous body ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094091A1
Автор: SKAAKSRUD Ole-Petter

Systems for enhanced detection and response to an environmental anomaly in a shipping container may include wireless ID nodes within a shipping container, and a command node mounted to the container that communicates with the ID nodes and a transit vehicle transceiver. The command node's memory has program code, a communication profile and context data for each the ID nodes. The command node is adapted to monitor the ID nodes for an unanticipated ceased broadcasting from any of the ID nodes per the communication profiles; detect the anomaly when the number of ID nodes in the unanticipated ceased broadcasting state exceeds a threshold setting on the command node; generate a layered alert notification identifying a mediation recipient and mediation action, and establishing a mediation response priority based upon the ceased broadcasting ID nodes; and initiate the mediation response by transmitting the notification to the external transceiver. 1. An improved method for monitoring a shipping container and responding to an environmental anomaly related to the shipping container using a wireless node network having at least a plurality of ID nodes disposed within the shipping container and a command node associated with the shipping container , each of the ID nodes being associated with a respective one of a plurality of packages maintained within the shipping container , and wherein the command node being operative to communicate with each of the ID nodes and an external transceiver associated with a transit vehicle , the method comprising:monitoring, by the command node, the ID nodes for an unanticipated state of ceased broadcasting from any of the ID nodes according to a communication profile maintained on the command node for each the ID nodes;sensing, by the command node, an initial group of one or more of the ID nodes to be in the unanticipated state of ceased broadcasting based upon the monitoring step;detecting, by the command node, the environmental anomaly when ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adaptive monitoring for an environmental anomaly in a shipping container using elements of a wireless node network

Номер: US20200094092A1
Автор: Ole-Petter Skaaksrud
Принадлежит: FedEx Corporate Services Inc

Adaptive wireless node-implemented systems and methods are described for detecting an environmental anomaly related to a shipping container and reporting a layered alert notification to an external transceiver on a transit vehicle transporting the shipping container. The system has ID nodes within the container (a portion of which being associated with objects transported in the container), a primary command node within the container, and a designated survivor command node mounted to the container. The primary command node monitors signal activity from the ID nodes, identifies the environmental anomaly based upon the signal activity, generates the alert notification (identifying a targeted mediation recipient and mediation action, and establishing a mediation response priority), and transmits the alert notification to the external transceiver to initiate a mediation response. The designated survivor command node takes over as the primary command node when unable to communicate with the primary command node.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for internal and external monitoring for an environmental anomaly within a shipping container and reporting to an external transceiver to initiate a mediation response

Номер: US20200098234A1
Автор: Ole-Petter Skaaksrud
Принадлежит: FedEx Corporate Services Inc

Systems and methods are described for detecting and initiating a response to an environmental anomaly in a shipping container. Generally, a system includes two sets of ID nodes within and outside the container and a command node mounted to the container. The command node is specially adapted to monitor the different sets of ID nodes for unanticipated non-broadcasting according to communication profiles for respective ID nodes in each set and detect an unresponsive group of ID nodes and what set of ID nodes the unresponsive ones are in. The command node identifies the anomaly when the number of unresponsive ID nodes exceeds a threshold setting, automatically generates an alert notification on the anomaly with an alert level setting based upon whether the unresponsive ID nodes are in the first and/or second set of ID nodes, and initiates a mediation response by transmitting the notification to the transit vehicle transceiver.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems, apparatus, and methods for detecting an environmental anomaly and initiating an enhanced automatic response using elements of a wireless node network and using sensor data from id nodes associated with packages and environmental threshold conditions per package

Номер: US20200098238A1
Автор: Ole-Petter Skaaksrud
Принадлежит: FedEx Corporate Services Inc

An improved system detects an environmental anomaly in a shipping container and initiates a mediation response through a generated layered alert notification. The system includes sensor-based ID nodes associated with packages within the container, and a command node mounted to the container communicating with the ID nodes and an external transceiver on a vehicle transporting the container. The command node is programmed to detect sensor data from the ID nodes; compare the sensor data to package environmental thresholds in context data related to each ID node; detect the environmental anomaly when the comparison indicates an environmental condition for at least one package exceeds its environmental threshold; responsively generate a layered alert notification identifying a mediation recipient and mediation action, and establishing a mediation response priority based upon the comparison; and transmit the layered alert notification to the transceiver unit to initiate a mediation response related to the mediation action.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems, apparatus, and methods for detecting an environmental anomaly and initiating an enhanced automatic response using elements of a wireless node network including a command node having a command node environmental sensor

Номер: US20200100076A1
Автор: Ole-Petter Skaaksrud
Принадлежит: FedEx Corporate Services Inc

Systems/methods are described for initiating a mediation response to a detected environmental anomaly in a shipping container. Multiple wireless sensor-based ID nodes in the container generate sensor data on environmental conditions proximate each ID node. A command node mounted to the container has a command node sensor generating sensor data on an environmental condition proximate the command node. The command node detects ID node sensor data and detects the anomaly when ID node sensor data exceeds an ID node's threshold condition. The command node then generates a layered alert notification identifying a targeted mediation recipient and targeted mediation action, and establishing a mediation response priority based upon comparing the ID node sensor data and the threshold, and a difference between the command node sensor data and a container environmental profile maintained by the command node). The command node initiates a mediation response by transmitting the notification to an external transceiver.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Fire Extinguisher Mounting Bracket for Vehicle

Номер: US20160114202A1

A mounting bracket for a fire extinguisher comprising a base configured for attachment to a vehicle or seat; an endcap pivotably mounted to the base, wherein the endcap comprises at least one receptacle which is configured to accommodate a fire extinguisher tank; and a neck clamp configured to engage a bottle neck on a fire extinguisher. 1. A mounting bracket for a fire extinguisher comprising:a base configured for attachment to a vehicle or seat;an endcap pivotably mounted to the base, wherein the endcap comprises at least one receptacle which is configured to accommodate a fire extinguisher tank; anda neck clamp configured to engage a bottle neck on a fire extinguisher.2. The mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the endcap includes two receptacles claim 1 , each having different diameters wherein the receptacle is selectable for engagement with a fire extinguisher tank.3. The mounting bracket of claim 2 , wherein the neck clamp comprises a collar that is configured to engage with a bottle neck on a fire extinguisher such that it urges the extinguisher towards the receptacle.4. The mounting bracket of claim 3 , wherein the neck clamp further comprises a tension clip that is configured to tensibly receive a bottle neck of a fire extinguisher.5. The mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the receptacles are located on opposite sides of the endcap and the endcap is rotated to select an appropriately sized receptacle. The present disclosure relates to an apparatus for securing fire extinguishers in vehicles, and more particularly to a quick-release mounting bracket capable of securing fire extinguishers of different dimensions.Many commercial vehicle cabs are required to be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher. Generally, federal and state regulations require the fire extinguisher to be easily accessible and securely mounted within the vehicle cab. The regulations also govern the size of the fire extinguisher required in the vehicle cab. Generally, vehicles ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113080A1

A device for preventing or extinguishing a fire in an electrochemical energy storage system comprising storage cells arranged in a storage housing, wherein the energy storage system is connected to a discharge unit for discharging energy from the energy storage system, the discharge unit comprising: at least one anchor, and a drive assembly for driving the at least one anchor to the ground, the anchor being electrically connected to the energy storage system, such when the anchor is driven to the ground, the energy storage system is grounded. 1. A device for preventing or extinguishing a fire in an electrochemical energy storage system comprising storage cells arranged in a storage housing , wherein at least one anchor, and', 'a drive assembly for driving the at least one anchor to the ground,, 'the energy storage system is connected to a discharge unit for discharging energy from the energy storage system, the discharge unit comprisingthe anchor being electrically connected to the energy storage system, such when the anchor is driven to the ground, the energy storage system is grounded.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly comprises a pyrotechnical drive cartridge.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly is connected to a vehicle control system and adapted to drive the anchor to the ground when a crash signal is received at the drive assembly.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the crash signal is a delayed air-bag signal.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly is adapted to drive the anchor into the ground.6. The device according to claim 1 , further including a composition of expandable volume claim 1 , containing an extinguishing agent for preventing or extinguishing a fire claim 1 , is disposed with limited volume in one or a plurality of hollow spaces in or on the storage housing claim 1 , wherein expansion of the volume of the composition can be activated by sensors.7. The ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202723A1
Автор: Cordani Peter
Принадлежит: GelTech Solutions, Inc.

An apparatus for protecting a lineman, firefighter or any other individual using an aerial bucket from a fire. The apparatus dispenses a non-conductive admixture of hydrated super absorbent polymer having fire suppression and extinguishing properties without creating an electrically conductive environment to allow protection from electrical fires. The admixture can cling to clothing and skin with properties that can inhibit injury to an operator lineman when applied in time. A pressurized dispensing system discharges the admixture into the aerial bucket when authorized. 1. An aerial bucket lift fire safety apparatus comprising:a container capable of holding pressurized hydrated super absorbent polymer;a predetermined admixture of hydrated super absorbent polymer stored within said container;at least one charging cylinder coupled to said sealed container for pressurization of said container storing said admixture;a distribution ring securable to an aerial bucket lift and fluidly coupled to said container, said distribution structure having at least one spray nozzle; andat least one remote activator positioned between said container and said distribution ring for releasing said stored admixture of hydrated super absorbent polymer into said aerial bucket.2. The aerial bucket lift fire safety apparatus device according to wherein said distribution ring is constructed and arranged to secure to the top surface of an aerial bucket.3. The aerial bucket lift fire safety apparatus device according to wherein said distribution ring includes a guard to shield said spray nozzle claim 2 , whereby said guard inhibits clothing from snagging on said spray nozzle.4. The aerial bucket lift fire safety apparatus device according to wherein said distribution ring has a plurality of spray nozzles to provide an overlapping spray pattern of said admixture.5. The aerial bucket lift fire safety apparatus device according to wherein said container is coupled to said distribution ring by a ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266274A1
Автор: Morgan Sean

An aspirating spray nozzle including a cylindrical nozzle body, an integrated annular shroud and a nozzle cap. The cylindrical nozzle body has an externally threaded first end portion defining an inlet, a second end portion defining an outlet, and a middle portion. The integrated annular shroud encircles part of the nozzle body and has a base which is integrally joined to the middle portion by way of webbing means. The nozzle cap is adapted to be connected to the second end portion of the nozzle body. 118-. (canceled)19. An aspirating spray nozzle including:a cylindrical nozzle body having an externally threaded first end portion defining an inlet, a second end portion defining an outlet, and a middle portion;an integrated annular shroud having a tapering external wall which encircles at least part of the nozzle body and a base which is integrally joined to the middle portion by way of webbing means; anda nozzle cap adapted to be connected to the second end portion of the nozzle body.20. The aspirating spray nozzle of claim 19 , wherein the base includes an exterior periphery so shaped and configured as to facilitate manual or tool based engagement with the exterior periphery for turning of the rotatable spray nozzle.21. The aspirating spray nozzle of claim 20 , wherein the exterior periphery includes one or more flats which enable the shroud to be driven to rotate by a tool such as a wrench or spanner.22. The aspirating spray nozzle of claim 20 , wherein the exterior periphery is a hex which gives a good granularity of angles for the tool to approach from.23. The aspirating spray nozzle of claim 19 , wherein the webbing means include spokes claim 19 , each spoke of the spokes having one end integrally connected to an interior of the base of the shroud and an opposite end to the middle portion of the nozzle body.24. The aspirating spray nozzle of claim 23 , wherein the spokes are evenly spaced apart around the middle portion which is cylindrical.25. The aspirating ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118013A1

Disclosed is a fire extinguisher cover for covering over a motor vehicle, the battery of which has caught fire. The cover comprises a sheet for covering over the vehicle, the sheet comprising an opening disposed thereon, and a casing assembly comprising a plurality of spaced apart casings and a drawstring running through the plurality of casings. The drawstring is arranged to be tightened to achieve a tight abutment between the casing assembly, the ground and the vehicle tires when the vehicle is covered by the sheet, and the fire-extinguishing fluid is run through the at least one opening to be fill up between the vehicle and the sheet resulting in said fluid reaching the battery for extinguishing the fire emanating therefrom. 2. The cover according to made of fire resistant material or materials.3. The cover according to being water proof.4. The cover according to coated with an isolating material claim 1 , which is resistant to high Voltage.5. A use of the cover according to for a motor vehicle wherein claim 1 , the battery comprises a Lithium-ion battery.6. The cover according to wherein claim 1 , the at least one opening comprises a plurality of openings.7. The cover according to wherein claim 1 , the fire-extinguishing fluid comprises water.8. The cover according to wherein claim 1 , the sheet is rectangular.9. The cover according to wherein claim 1 , the at least one drawstring comprises one un-looped drawstring claim 1 , the free ends of which extend from open extremities of two casings claim 1 , the free ends of the drawstring being disposed at one of the two opposite transverse sides of the sheet claim 1 , the extremities of the two casings being opposingly disposed.10. The cover according to wherein claim 9 , each free end is fitted with a handle.11. The cover according to wherein claim 10 , the handles are arranged to be pulled outwardly for tightening the drawstring when the cover is arranged on the vehicle.12. The cover according to wherein claim 9 , ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Fire-Fighting Device

Номер: US20210154507A1
Автор: Frießner Martin

Fire-fighting device with at least one generator arranged for discharging fire-fighting agent, an electrically triggerable ignition means arranged in the generator, the ignition means being controllable via an at least two-pole control connection. A bypass circuit electrically arranged at the control connection detects a tiggering of the ignition means and closes a switch when the ignition means is released. 115-. (canceled)16. A fire-fighting device comprising:at least one generator arranged for discharging fire-fighting agent;an electrically triggerable ignition arranged in the generator, wherein the ignition has an at least two-pole control connection;a bypass circuit electrically arranged at poles of the control connection; anda switch,wherein the bypass circuit is arranged to monitor an ohmic resistance across the ignition and is connected to the switch in such a way that it closes the switch and short-circuits the poles of the control connection or connects them with low resistance depending on the resistance across the ignition, andthat the bypass circuit is connected to the control connection electrically in parallel.17. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the bypass circuit monitors a current through the ignition and in that the bypass circuit closes the switch for a detected current below a limit value.18. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the bypass circuit has an asymmetrically connected current mirror.19. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the switch is an electronic switch.20. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one generator is a solid aerosol generator.21. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the ignition is a pyrotechnic ignition claim 16 , in particular an ignition which can be ignited electrically via a resistance wire.22. Fire-fighting device according to claim 16 , wherein the control connection is formed for an input voltage between 16.8 V and 30 ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Combine Harvester Fire Suppression System

Номер: US20210162246A1
Автор: McClellan Kevin

A combine harvester fire suppression system is provided. The combine harvester fire suppression system includes a nozzle assembly. The nozzle assembly, formed by a number of nozzles that are connected by a nozzle tubing, is connected to a supply pipe. The supply pipe is connected to a primary fire extinguisher. Additionally, the supply pipe is connected to a secondary fire extinguisher. The supply pipe is also connected to a power source. The power source includes a manual control valve. The manual control valve is designed to release the primary fire extinguisher and the secondary fire extinguisher when it is pulled. 1) A combine harvester fire suppression system , comprising:a nozzle assembly;the nozzle assembly comprising a plurality of nozzles placed upon a nozzle tubing;the nozzle assembly in operable connection with a supply pipe;a primary fire extinguisher disposed on the supply pipe;a secondary fire extinguisher disposed on the supply pipe;a power supply in operable connection with the supply pipe;a manual control valve in operable connection with the power supply;the manual control valve configured to release the primary fire extinguisher and the secondary fire extinguisher when engaged.2) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the manual control valve comprises a pull cable.3) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 2 , wherein the pull cable comprises a steel-braided cable.4) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the manual control valve is installed within an operator station of a combine harvester.5) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle assembly is disposed around a fan assembly.6) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein nozzle tubing comprises copper tubing.7) The combine harvester fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle assembly comprises at least one nozzle disposed in an engine compartment of a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144361A1
Принадлежит: Marotta Controls, Inc.

A fire extinguishing system is disclosed in which the system comprises a fire extinguisher having an opening, and a valve assembly covering the opening. The valve assembly includes a valve movable from a first position in which the valve seals the opening of the fire extinguisher to a second position in which the valve exposes the opening to allow expulsion of fire suppression material(s) from the fire extinguisher. A release mechanism, which may be in the form of a solenoid or a manual release mechanism, is provided for moving the valve to its open position. Methods of using the aforementioned fire extinguisher to suppress a fire are also disclosed. 1. A fire extinguishing system comprising:a canister for containing a fire suppression material, the canister having an opening; anda valve assembly having a valve movable from a first position in which the valve seals the opening of the canister to a second position in which the valve exposes the opening to allow expulsion of the fire suppression material from the canister, wherein a release arm restrains the valve from moving to the second position, the release arm being rotatable about an axis to allow the valve to move to the second position, the valve assembly including a release mechanism that, in an unactuated state, prevents rotation of the release arm, and, in an actuated state, allows rotation of the release arm about the axis to move the valve to the second position.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the valve is engaged to a valve arm that is movable with the valve to the second position claim 1 , the release arm contacting a portion of the valve arm when the release mechanism is in the unactuated state to prevent the valve arm and valve from moving to the second position.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the release arm disengages from the valve arm when the release mechanism is in the actuated state to allow movement of the valve arm and valve to the second position claim 2 , the release arm disengaging ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Fire Control Enclosure

Номер: US20220280821A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fire control enclosure with a telescoping rigid structural frame assembly, flame retardant fabric, a plurality of wheels and a plurality of smoke exhaust outlet pipes. The telescoping frame is capable of forming an elongate structure capable of controlling a fire that is set to create a fire break between two areas having ignitable material. Exhaust pipes are attached to the top of the structure to let smoke out. Metal wheels at the bottom of the structure allow it to be rolled into place. The fire control enclosure can alternatively be used to extinguish a fire with closed exhaust pipes.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Motor vehicle and method for introducing an extinguishing agent into a battery

Номер: US20220280823A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A vehicle having a battery, which has a battery housing and at least one battery cell arranged in the battery housing. The motor vehicle has an extinguishing agent line for guiding an extinguishing agent, which includes a first end which opens at least into the battery housing and a second end which opens into a region of the motor vehicle which is arranged in an interior of the motor vehicle. In this case, the second end has a coupling element for coupling to an extinguishing agent reservoir. The extinguishing agent line has a closure device releasable under at least one predetermined condition, which releases a supply of extinguishing agent through the first end into an interior of the battery housing only when the at least one predetermined condition is met.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129795A1
Автор: KU Kang Yung

A fire extinguishing apparatus for a vehicle is provided, which is capable of quickly and easily extinguishing, at an initial time, a fire that occurs in an engine compartment of a vehicle by injecting a fire extinguishing fluid into the engine compartment from the outside of the engine compartment when the fire occurs in the engine compartment of the vehicle. The fire extinguishing apparatus for a vehicle according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes: a cowl assembly provided at a boundary between the outside and an engine compartment that defines an internal space of a vehicle, and configured to divide the outside from the engine compartment; and a fire extinguishing pipe coupled to the cowl assembly to allow the engine compartment to communicate with the outside, in which an inlet portion of the fire extinguishing pipe, of which at least one end is exposed to the outside, is connected to a fire extinguisher having therein a fire extinguishing material, and an outlet portion of the fire extinguishing pipe, which is partially exposed into the engine compartment, guides the fire extinguishing material discharged from the fire extinguisher so that the fire extinguishing material is injected into the engine compartment. 1. A fire extinguishing apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a cowl assembly provided at a boundary between the outside and an engine compartment that defines an internal space of a vehicle, and configured to divide the outside from the engine compartment; anda fire extinguishing pipe coupled to the cowl assembly to allow the engine compartment to communicate with the outside, wherein an inlet portion of the fire extinguishing pipe, of which at least one end is exposed to the outside, is connected to a fire extinguisher having therein a fire extinguishing material, and an outlet portion of the fire extinguishing pipe, which is partially exposed into the engine compartment, guides the fire extinguishing material discharged from ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Spray Head

Номер: US20140231105A1

A spray head (), comprising a fastening body (), a spray head body () with at least one nozzle () and a thermally activated triggering device (), said spray head body () being arranged into fastening body (), in its cylinder space () to be movable between two positions, the first position, in which spray head is in the inactive state, and the second position, in which the spray head body is extended out, said spray head body () being arranged to be movable through the effect of pressurized medium in relation to fastening body () from the first position to the second position. A retaining arrangement () has been arranged between spray head body () and fastening body (), adapted to keep spray head body () in the first position, until the pressure of the medium exceeds a preset value. 1. A spray head , comprising a fastening body a spray head body with at least one nozzle and a thermally activated triggering device , said spray head body being arranged into fastening body , into its cylinder space to be movable between two positions , the first position , in which spray head is in the inactive state , and the second position , in which the spray head body is extended out in a ready position prior to activation of said thermally activated triggering device , said spray head body being arranged to be movable by pressurized medium in relation to fastening body from the first position to the second position , wherein a retaining arrangement has been arranged between spray head body and fastening body , and adapted to keep the spray head body in the first position , until the pressure of the medium exceeds a preset value.2. A spray head according to claim 1 , wherein retaining arrangement comprises a retaining element claim 1 , or wherein a retaining arrangement has been formed using bonding agent claim 1 , such as glue or soldering material.3. A spray head according to claim 1 , wherein retaining arrangement comprises at least one groove that is formed onto the spray head ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140231107A1
Автор: Wang Huru, Wang Lei, Yan Jie

An automatic fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting device for an electric automobile, comprising a powder bottle (), a bottle head valve () connected to the lower part of the powder bottle (), and a gas bottle () connected to the lower part of the bottle head valve (); the powder bottle () is connected to the bottle head valve () via a truncated-cone-shaped connecting piece (); a central gas outlet () is disposed along an axis; three lateral gas outlets () are uniformly distributed on a side surface; an angle of 100 degrees is formed between the lateral gas outlets () and the central axis of the powder bottle (). The automatic fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting device for an electric automobile separates the powder bottle from the gas bottle, improving device safety and stability; the connection structure enables the gas and powder to be fully mixed, thus achieving better fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting effect. 1. An automatic fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting device for electric automobile , characterized in that comprising:a powder bottle, a bottle head valve connected to the lower part of the powder bottle and a gas bottle connected to the lower part of the bottle head valve,wherein the powder bottle is connected to the bottle head valve via a connecting piece.2. The automatic fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting device for electric automobile of claim 1 , characterized in that: the middle portion of the powder bottle is a cylinder claim 1 , the top end portion and the bottom end portion thereof are cones claim 1 , the top end portion of the powder bottle is connected with a connector claim 1 , and the bottom end portion of the powder bottle is disposed with a connecting piece.3. The automatic fire-extinguishing and fire-fighting device for electric automobile of claim 1 , characterized in that: the connecting piece is in a truncated-cone-shape claim 1 , a central gas outlet is disposed along an axis claim 1 , three lateral gas outlets are uniformly ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Impact resistant battery enclosure systems

Номер: US20150155534A1

Battery enclosure arrangements for a vehicular battery system. The arrangements, capable of impact resistance include plurality of battery cells and a plurality of kinetic energy absorbing elements. The arrangements further include a frame configured to encase the plurality of the kinetic energy absorbing elements and the battery cells. In some arrangements the frame and/or the kinetic energy absorbing elements can be made of topologically interlocked materials.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Battery device having anti-fire spreading structure

Номер: US20190148782A1
Автор: Chen-Yen Chang
Принадлежит: STL Tech Co Ltd

The invention provides a battery device having anti-fire spreading structure, which comprises a plurality of battery cells and a multi-layer housing frame. The battery cells are connected in series or in parallel, and arranged in each layer of housing frame. Each of battery cells is placed in a anti-fire casing tube, respectively. Each of battery cells in each layer of housing frame is isolated from each other by an anti-fire passage. A conductive metal surface is disposed on the housing frame. An electrode terminal of each battery cell is connected to the conductive metal surface via a fuse of upward bending, respectively. Accordingly, by the dispositions of one or more anti-fire spreading structures, which will reduce the probability of spread burning of the battery cells so as to increase the safety of the battery device in using.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

High rate discharge (hrd) valve opening mechanism for a fire and explosion protection

Номер: US20140238708A1
Принадлежит: Kidde Technologies Inc

A valve actuation mechanism has a plurality of links. Each link has a proximal end and distal end, and the links are disposed adjacent a valve member. The actuation mechanism also has at least one roller connected to the distal ends of at least two links. The roller contacts a surface of the valve member. In addition, at least one pivot for each link is present in the valve, wherein each pivot is positioned on the proximal end of each of the plurality of links.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Device, System, and Method for Supplying Fire Suppressing Agent to the Interior of a Container for an Extended Duration

Номер: US20180154199A1
Автор: James B. Popp, Joseph May
Принадлежит: Federal Express Corp

A method for supplying fire suppressing agent to the interior of a container for an extended duration includes detecting sensor signals indicative of a temperature associated with a container, determining via a controller that the fire suppressing agent should be supplied to the interior of the container based at least in part on the sensor signals, and initiating via the controller expulsion of fire suppressing agent from a chamber containing fire suppressing agent. The method may further include puncturing a surface of the container with a puncture mechanism to provide flow communication between the chamber and the interior of the container to permit supply of fire suppressing agent into the interior of the container at a first time, initiating via the controller expulsion of fire suppressing agent from a second chamber containing fire suppressing agent at a second time after the first time, and supplying fire suppressing agent from the second chamber into the interior of the container.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Automatic fire extinguisher system having a safety assembly

Номер: US20190151692A1
Принадлежит: Kidde Technologies Inc

A safety assembly provided with an automatic fire extinguisher system includes an engagement member, a blocking member, and an extension member. The engagement member is slidably received within an outlet port of a valve housing. A blocking member having a first blocking member portion and a second blocking member portion is at least partially received within a cavity defined by the valve housing. The extension member extends between the engagement member and the blocking member.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165513A1
Автор: LI Shufu

The present invention provides a thermal management and automatic fire-extinguishing system of a vehicle battery, used for managing the vehicle battery in a hybrid vehicle or an electric vehicle, including: fire-extinguishing packages which are adjacent to or in contact with the vehicle battery, wherein the fire-extinguishing package is filled with a fire-extinguishing agent; and the fire-extinguishing package is configured to be opened when the temperature of the vehicle battery is higher than a preset temperature, so that the fire-extinguishing agent can be released and then filled into a space where the vehicle battery is located, thereby achieving the effects of automatic combustion prevention and fire extinguishing of the vehicle battery, effectively protecting the vehicle battery and the whole vehicle, reserving more escape time for passengers and improving the safety of the vehicle. On the whole, the thermal management and automatic fire-extinguishing system of the vehicle battery of the present invention is simple and reliable in structure, low in cost and strong in universality, and can be directly mounted on the vehicle without reforming the existing vehicle battery cooling system. 2. (canceled)3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material of at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is plastic or resin claim 1 , and when the temperature of the vehicle battery is higher than the preset temperature claim 1 , the at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is heated by the vehicle battery into a fluid state claim 1 , so that the fire-extinguishing agent can be released and then filled into the space where the vehicle battery is located.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the melting point of the material of the at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is selected within a range of 85-95° C. claim 3 , and the melting point of the material of the lower fire-extinguishing package is higher than the melting point of the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Fire Fighting System, Rail Vehicle with Fire Fighting System and Method for Operating a Fire Fighting System

Номер: US20220305309A1

Fire fighting system with a first feed platform arranged for feeding a pipe system having extinguishing nozzles with extinguishing fluid comprising a first sub-system with a first extinguishing fluid reservoir, at least two first propellant gas reservoirs, and a first control circuit, wherein the first propellant gas reservoirs each have a valve for pneumatically coupling the respective first propellant gas reservoir to the extinguishing fluid reservoir and the respective valves can be pneumatically activated in each case via an outlet of the respective other valve, a second sub-system having a second extinguishing fluid reservoir, at least two second propellant gas reservoirs and a second control circuit, the second propellant gas reservoirs each having a valve for pneumatically coupling the respective second propellant gas reservoir to the extinguishing fluid reservoir, and the respective valves being activatable pneumatically in each case via an outlet of the respective other valve, characterized in that the first control circuit is operatively connected to a first one of the valves of the first subsystem and to a second one of the valves of the second subsystem, and in that the second control circuit is operatively connected to a second one of the valves of the first subsystem and to a first one of the valves of the second subsystem. 1. Fire fighting system with a first feed platform arranged for feeding an extinguishing fluid to a piping system having extinguishing nozzles , comprising: a first extinguishing fluid reservoir,', 'at least two first propellant gas reservoirs, and', 'a first control circuit,', 'wherein at least one first propellant gas reservoir being pneumatically coupled to the first extinguishing fluid reservoir and at least the first propellant gas reservoir can be pneumatically activated via an outlet of the other first propellant gas reservoir,, 'a first sub-system with'}a second sub-system with at least two second propellant gas reservoirs, ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Sensor Integration in Mechanical Fire Suppression Systems

Номер: US20180169450A1
Автор: Moffa Anthony Philip

Systems and methods for remote monitoring of mechanical fire suppression systems are provided. For example, some embodiments generally provide for a smart fire suppression system with integrated sensors and communication technology to monitor the current state of the fire suppression system and notify various monitoring platforms, service providers, equipment manufacturers and/or others of the current state. In some embodiments, various sensors (e.g., micro switches) can be used to detect and report the status of the cartridge, activation status of the system, and/or the status of the detection line. Additional sensors and actuators may be also be included within the smart fire suppression system to allow monitoring of different states (e.g., temperature) and control the appliance and/or building utilities. 1. A fire suppression system comprising:a nozzle;a cartridge containing a pressurized gas;an agent tank coupled to the cartridge and having stored within a fire suppression agent;distribution piping providing a conduit that allows the fire suppression agent when expelled from the agent tank to flow from the agent tank to the nozzle; 'wherein, upon activation of the release assembly, the cartridge releases the pressurized gas causing the fire suppression agent to expel from the agent tank through the distribution piping to the nozzle;', 'a release assembly coupled to the cartridge,'}one or more sensors to measure a current state at the nozzle, the cartridge, the agent tank, or the release assembly; anda communications module to receive measurements of the current state from the one or more sensors and transmit the current state to a remote monitoring platform.2. The fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the communications module is configured to:receive a bypass signal to suppress an alarm within the fire suppression system allowing a technician to service the fire suppression system; andsuppress, in response to the bypass signal, alarm notifications ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190175969A1

Fire suppression systems () for vehicles and industrial applications including arrangements of an input bus () and output bus () coupled to a centralized controller () to provide for automatic and manual detection of a fire (H) and manual and automatic system actuation in response to the fire. The arrangements further provide for system information regarding the status and operation of the system components. Additionally, the arrangement of system components provide for expandability and programmability to configure the system for the protection of multiple and variable hazards (H) using customized or programmed detection and/or actuation. The systems include configured connectors () and colour coded schemes to facilitate system installation. 1. A vehicle fire suppression system comprising:a centralized controller;at least one input bus coupled to the centralized controller, the input bus providing for connecting analog and digital devices to the centralized controller;at least one output bus coupled to an extinguishment supply and an actuating device for releasing the extinguishment, the actuating device being coupled to the centralized controller; anda manual actuating device coupled to the input bus for communication with the centralized controller to electrically signal the actuating device on the output bus to provide for manual actuation via an electrical signal,wherein the centralized controller is a programmable controller including internal circuitry to detect the status of at least one of the input bus and output bus, further comprising a fire detection circuit coupled to the at least one input bus, the internal circuitry detecting the status of the at least one input bus so as to discern between: a fault condition, a sensed detection, and a manual release along the fire detection circuit depending upon a variable resistance in the internal circuitry of the programmable controller.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one input bus includes at ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160193489A1

The present invention provides a compact automatic fire extinguishing equipment that can be installed near an object of fire extinguishing for which there is limited space therearound for a long term in a state of maintenance-free and that can extinguish a fire immediately on the occasion of a fire. 1. An automatic fire extinguishing equipment characterized in that: the fire extinguishing agent and the sealed container filled with the said fire extinguishing agent; the said fire extinguishing agent is made of a compound having fire extinguishing effect at less than at least 75 degrees Celsius of boiling point and being liquid at at least 25 degrees Celsius (room temperature); the said container is laminated with the gas barrier layer and the thermoplastic resin layer.2. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized by the said gas barrier layer being put in between the said thermoplastic resin layers.3. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said gas barrier layer and the thermoplastic resin layer are laminated through the adhesive layer.4. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said gas barrier layer is consisting of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer resin (ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer: EVOH).5. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the thickness of the said gas barrier layer is 0.01 mm-1 mm.6. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said thermoplastic resin layer consisting of polyethylene resin claim 1 , polypropylene resin or other polyolefin resin.7. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said polyethylene resin's density is 930 kg/m3-960 kg/m3.8. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the vapor pressure of the said fire extinguishing agent is more than 0.6 Mpa in 150 degrees Celsius.9. ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180185681A1

A fire extinguisher including a body extending along a longitudinal axis and defining a storage chamber wherein a load of an extinguishing agent is present, and also a pressurizing chamber including a pyrotechnic gas generator, the pressurizing chamber being separated from the storage chamber by a perforated wall configured to put an outlet of the pyrotechnic gas generator into communication with the storage chamber, the perforated wall defining an end of the storage chamber, the extinguisher having a discharge channel configured to deliver the extinguishing agent to the outside of the extinguisher during actuation of the pyrotechnic gas generator, the discharge channel opening out into the storage chamber through an opening positioned at a distance from the perforated wall, as measured along the longitudinal axis of the body, that is less than or equal to half the length of the storage chamber. 1. A fire extinguisher comprising a body extending along a longitudinal axis and defining a storage chamber wherein a load of an extinguishing agent is present , and also a pressurizing chamber comprising a pyrotechnic gas generator , the pressurizing chamber being separated from the storage chamber by a perforated wall configured to put an outlet of the pyrotechnic gas generator into communication with the storage chamber , the perforated wall defining an end of the storage chamber , the extinguisher having a discharge channel configured to deliver the extinguishing agent to the outside of the extinguisher during actuation of the pyrotechnic gas generator;wherein said discharge channel opens out into the storage chamber through an opening positioned at a distance from the perforated wall, as measured along the longitudinal axis of the body, that is less than or equal to half the length of the storage chamber.2. The extinguisher according to claim 1 , further comprising a first shutter shutting the discharge channel in sealed manner claim 1 , said first shutter being ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220682A1
Автор: Malovec Roman

Automatic self-extinguishing fire device includes a hose (), whereby at the ends of the hose () an ending () closed with a screw () is firmly pressed and the ends are equipped by heat shrinking PVC protector. The hose () is at least partially transparent so that the inner content of the hose () can be seen. The extinguishing substance () is colored or it has a space with a gas bubble on its inside and in the bubble it has a floating body, which position in the hose () can be observed from the outside. One end of the hose () is equipped by pressure valve to fill the hose with extinguishing substance (). The hose () is disrupted by the influence of fire in the most exposed place, a rupture appears which widens into an opening through which the extinguishing substance () swiftly leaks into the outside environment, which extinguishes the fire. High reliability and the simplicity of installation are advantages of the device. Device needs no control system or electric power supply for detection of fire. 22. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the extinguishing substance () is colored.321. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 2 , wherein the hose has a control surface with a color corresponding to the color of the extinguishing substance () claim 2 , as perceived from an outside claim 2 , on an outer surface of the hose ().4211. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the extinguishing substance () is a liquid; inside the hose () there is a space with a gas bubble and also a floating body which is adjusted for a movement inside the hose ().51. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the hose () is made from a polyamide.6. (canceled)71. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the ending of the hose () has a heat-shrinking PVC protector.8. (canceled)912. The automatic self-extinguishing ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197102A1

Fire protection systems and methods for the protection of multiple areas of an occupancy. The system includes detectors for detecting a fire condition in an area of the occupancy and release assemblies for discharging a firefighting agent into a hazard area of the occupancy. The system includes a plurality of manual actuating devices to manually actuate the release assemblies. Each of the manual actuating devices includes an indicator for visually and/or audibly identifying the manual actuating device for operation in response to a fire condition. 1. A fire protection system for protecting an occupancy defining a plurality of hazard areas , the system comprising:a plurality of detectors, each of the plurality of detectors being configured to generate a detection signal upon detecting a fire condition in one of the plurality of hazard areas;a plurality of release assemblies, each of the plurality of release assemblies being configured to discharge a firefighting agent into one of the plurality of hazard areas;a plurality of manual actuating devices, each of the manual actuating devices being configured to manually actuate at least one release assembly that is different than at least one release assembly actuated by another manual actuating device, each of the manual actuating devices including a housing having an indicator with a standby state and an identify state to identify the manual actuating device for operation; anda controller in communication with each of the manual actuating devices to selectively operate at least one indicator from the standby state to the identify state to identify at least one manual actuating device for actuating the at least one release assembly for discharge of the firefighting agent into the at least one of the plurality of hazard areas for which a fire condition has been detected by at least one detector.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is in communication with each of the plurality of detectors to receive the ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160206905A1
Принадлежит: OCT PTY LTD.

An apparatus () for delivering a fire suppressant fluid into a vehicle (), the apparatus () including a first funnel () in fluid communication with a delivery pipe (), the funnel () being arranged to receive the fire suppressant fluid from a first location external to the vehicle () and the delivery pipe () extending from the first funnel () into the vehicle () so as to deliver the fire suppressant fluid within the vehicle (). 1. An apparatus for delivering a fire suppressant fluid into a vehicle , the apparatus including first and second funnels in fluid communication with a delivery pipe extending between the first and second funnels , the delivery pipe including a delivery portion adapted to deliver the fire suppressant fluid into the vehicle , and first and second directional flow devices located between the respective first and second funnels and the delivery portion so as to each allow flow of the fire suppressant fluid in a single direction from the respective first and second funnels into the delivery portion ,wherein the first and second funnels are adapted to receive a stream of the fire suppressant fluid dispensed from respective first and second locations that are each remote and external to the vehicle such that the fire suppressant fluid is directed through at least one of the first and second directional flow devices to the delivery portion so as to deliver the fire suppressant fluid within the vehicle, andwherein the first funnel and the second funnel are each arranged to be outwardly angled relative to a lengthwise axis of the vehicle.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the delivery portion includes a plurality of apertures.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of apertures are adapted to provide a spray.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first directional flow device is a first one-way valve fitted between the first funnel and a first end of the delivery ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Combined Cooling and Extinguishing System

Номер: US20190193519A1
Принадлежит: CPT Group GmbH

Various embodiments include a combined cooling and extinguishing system for a motor vehicle, the system comprising: a cooling system circulating carbon dioxide as a coolant, the cooling system including a compressor, an evaporator, an expansion valve; and a condenser; an extinguishing system including a pressure vessel storing compressed CO; and a control valve connected to the pressure vessel and to the cooling system. The control valve includes a first setting to supply COfrom the pressure vessel to the cooling system and a second setting to supply COfrom the cooling system to the pressure vessel. 1. A combined cooling and extinguishing system for a motor vehicle , the system comprising:a cooling system circulating carbon dioxide as a coolant, the cooling system including a compressor, an evaporator, an expansion valve; and a condenser;{'sub': '2', 'an extinguishing system including a pressure vessel storing compressed CO; and'}a control valveconnected to the pressure vessel and to the cooling system;{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the control valve includes a first setting to supply COfrom the pressure vessel to the cooling system and a second setting to supply COfrom the cooling system to the pressure vessel.'}2. The combined cooling and extinguishing system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control valve supplies carbon dioxide to the cooling system if the compressor is not being driven.3. The combined cooling and extinguishing system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control valve closes supply of carbon dioxide to the cooling system if the compressor is being driven.4. The combined cooling and extinguishing system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control valve moves into a closed position if the extinguishing system releases COfor fighting a fire.5. The combined cooling and extinguishing system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control valve supplies carbon dioxide to the pressure vessel if the cooling system is at a steady state.6. The combined cooling and ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193658A1
Автор: Volkmann Matthias

A modular safety kit for vehicles has an emergency control unit (ECU), a plurality of sensors and one or more safety devices. The emergency control unit is a computer processor with a plurality of connection ports for receiving information from sensors and sending activation signals to one or more connected safety devices. The sensors include at least one thermal sensor connected to a port and at least one linear heat detection wire connected to a port. The one or more safety devices connected to ports include a fire suppression device, a line cutter device, a line blocker device and a glass breaker device. 1. A modular safety kit for vehicles comprises:an emergency control unit (ECU), the emergency control unit being a computer processor with a plurality of connection ports for receiving information from sensors and sending activation signals to one or more connected safety devices; the sensors including:at least one thermal sensor connected to a port;at least one linear heat detection wire connected to a port; andone or more safety devices connected to ports including:a fire suppression device, a line cutter device, a line blocker device and a glass breaker device.2. The modular safety kit of further comprises:a human machine interface (HMI) configured to provide an optical and acoustic warning to a driver of the vehicle, the HMI being connected to the ECU.3. The modular safety kit of further comprises:a manual activation switch connected to the HMI to direct the ECU to activate one or more of the connected safety devices.4. The modular safety kit of wherein the vehicle further comprises a hazard warning system connected either directly to the ECU or a separate vehicle ECU connected to the HMI or connected directly to the ECU.5. The modular safety kit of wherein the hazard warning system includes vehicle crash sensors which send a signal to the ECU in the event of a vehicle crash.6. The modular safety kit of wherein the vehicle is a bus or commercial truck vehicle ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229288A1

An apparatus includes a robot body, at least one sensor coupled to the robot body and positioned to receive stimuli from a passenger cabin of a vehicle, an actuatable component coupled to the robot body, and a computer coupled to the robot body and communicatively coupled to the sensor and the actuatable component. The computer is programmed to predict an imminent anomalous event in the vehicle based on data from the at least one sensor, and in response to the determination, actuate the actuatable component to remediate the anomalous event. 1. An apparatus comprising:a robot body;at least one sensor coupled to the robot body and positioned to receive stimuli from a passenger cabin of a vehicle;an actuatable component coupled to the robot body; anda computer coupled to the robot body and communicatively coupled to the sensor and the actuatable component; predict an imminent anomalous event in the vehicle based on data from the at least one sensor; and', 'in response to the prediction, actuate the actuatable component to remediate the anomalous event., 'wherein the computer is programmed to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein remediating the anomalous event includes providing an exit for occupants from the passenger cabin.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein remediating the anomalous event includes extinguishing a fire.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is unattached to the vehicle.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a locomotion component coupled to the robot body.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the locomotion component includes at least one of wheels claim 5 , tracks claim 5 , or legs.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuatable component includes a fire extinguisher.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuatable component includes an actuator and a striker movable by the actuator relative to the robot body claim 1 , wherein the actuator is equipped to move the striker at a sufficiently high speed relative to the ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160213962A1
Автор: Mulloy Patrick S.

Apparatus are provided for a shield and flange support for a duct. The shield and flange support includes a first side and a second side coupled to the first side to extend toward the duct. The first side and the second side cooperate to define a cavity, and the cavity includes at least one of a first insulating fluid and a first insulating solid. 1. A shield and flange support for a duct , comprising:a first side; anda second side coupled to the first side to extend toward the duct, the first side and the second side cooperating to define a cavity, the cavity including at least one of a first insulating fluid and a first insulating solid.2. The shield and flange support of claim 1 , wherein the shield and flange support further comprises a body that includes the first side and the second side claim 1 , and the body is discrete from the flange.3. The shield and flange support of claim 2 , wherein the body includes a plurality of sections.4. The shield and flange support of claim 2 , wherein the body includes a third side and a fourth side claim 2 , the third side to be coupled to the duct and the second side claim 2 , and the fourth side coupled to the third side and the first side.5. The shield and flange support of claim 4 , wherein the fourth side is spaced apart from the flange and the duct to define a gap for receipt of at least one of a second insulating fluid and a second insulating solid.6. The shield and flange support of claim 1 , wherein the cavity is filled with a honeycomb material.7. The shield and flange support of claim 1 , wherein the shield and flange support comprises a first body portion and a second body portion claim 1 , with the first body portion including the first side and the second body portion including the second side.8. The shield and flange support of claim 7 , wherein the first body portion is removably coupled to the second body portion.9. The shield and flange support of claim 1 , wherein the shield and flange support is coupled to ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160213964A1

A device for suppressing and/or extinguishing a fire associated with a container may include a housing defining a hollow sleeve and a column configured to be received within the hollow sleeve. The column may define a first chamber, a second chamber, at least one aperture, and a piercing end configured to pierce a barrier. The first chamber may be configured to receive an expansion agent, and the second chamber may be configured to receive a fire extinguishing agent. The device may be configured such that upon activation of the expansion agent, the column extends from the housing so as to enable the piercing end to penetrate the container and to enable the fire extinguishing agent to be delivered into an interior of the container via the at least one aperture. 114-. (canceled)15. A device for suppressing and/or extinguishing a fire associated with a container , the device comprising:a housing defining a hollow sleeve; anda column configured to be received within the hollow sleeve, the column defining a chamber, at least one aperture, and a piercing end configured to pierce a barrier, wherein the chamber is configured to receive an expansion agent and the column is configured to receive a fire extinguishing agent, wherein the device is configured such that upon activation of the expansion agent, the column extends from the housing so as to enable the piercing end to penetrate the container and to enable the fire extinguishing agent to be delivered into an interior of the container via the at least one aperture, and wherein the device further comprises an igniter lead configured to activate the expansion agent.16. The device of claim 15 , further comprising expansion agent received in the chamber.17. The device of claim 16 , wherein the expansion agent comprises a pyrotechnic charge.18. The device of claim 15 , further comprising fire extinguishing agent received in the column.19. The device of claim 18 , wherein the fire extinguishing agent comprises a fire ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170214018A1

The present invention relates to a lithium-ion battery and an electric vehicle utilizing the lithium-ion battery. The lithium-ion battery comprises a housing, and battery cell group disposed in the housing, wherein, a fire-extinguishing material layer is provided between the battery cell group and the housing, and the housing is provided with drain hole. The technical scheme of the present invention can effectively prevent fire and explosion of lithium-ion battery, and can significantly improve the safety of lithium-ion battery in use. 1. A lithium-ion battery comprising a housing , and a battery cell group , disposed in the housing wherein a fire-extinguishing material layer is provided between the battery cell group and the housing , and the housing is provided with drain hole , wherein the lithium-ion battery further comprising battery sheath arranged in the housing , and the battery cell group is arranged in the battery cell sheath , the fire-extinguishing material layer is arranged between the battery cell sheath and the housing , the material of the battery cell sheath is ABS plastics or aluminum.2. The lithium-ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the fire-extinguishing material layer is a fire-extinguishing material that can undergo an endothermic reaction and generate carbon dioxide.3. The lithium-ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein a shock absorption and flame-retardant material is filled between the battery cell group and the battery cell sheath copolymer fibers.4. The lithium-ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein a heat-insulating layer is arranged on the inner surface of the housing.5. The lithium-ion battery according to claim 1 , further comprising a pressure relief valve matched with the drain hole.6. The lithium-ion battery according to claim 5 , wherein the pressure relief valve comprises a valve body and a valve cap with a through-hole claim 5 , which are matched and connected with each other claim 5 , a valve ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Solid Propellant Fire Extinguishing System

Номер: US20140305668A1
Автор: Berezovsky Julia

A fire extinguishing system comprises a hermetically sealed storage canister () fabricated with at least one gas outlet () and defining a hollow () within; a powder form fire extinguishing agent () stored inside the canister (): a solid propellant (), which is ignitable to generate gases (); connected to the canister (); and a rupturable seal () disposed at the gas outlet (), wherein the solid propellant () generates gasses to aerate the fire extinguishing agent () inside the canister () and build a positive gas pressure until the gas pressure is sufficient to rupture the seal () for discharging the fire extinguishing agent () under pressurized gas flow (). 111-. (canceled)12. A fire extinguishing system , comprising:{'b': 110', '111', '112, 'a hermetically sealed storage canister () fabricated with at least one gas outlet () and defining a hollow () within;'}{'b': 120', '110, 'a powder form fire extinguishing agent () stored inside the canister ();'}{'b': 130', '135, 'a potassium nitrate based solid propellant () that is ignitable to generate gases () and is stored inside a tubular member, wherein the tubular member has a first end fixed around a top portion of the canister and a second end defining a gas outlet point that is buried into the fire extinguishing agent; and'}{'b': 140', '111', '130', '135', '120', '110', '140', '120', '150, 'a rupturable seal () disposed at the gas outlet (), wherein the solid propellant () generates gases () to sufficiently aerate the fire extinguishing agent () inside the canister () and build a positive gas pressure until the gas pressure is sufficient to rupture the seal () for discharging the fire extinguishing agent () under a pressurized gas flow ().'}13160111120. The fire extinguishing system of claim 12 , further comprising a distribution piping () attached to the gas outlet () to channel the discharged fire extinguishing agent ().14130130. The fire extinguishing system of claim 12 , further comprising a switch communicating ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle with a High-Voltage Accumulator

Номер: US20210242531A1
Автор: BECK Jana, SCHMIEG Tobias

A vehicle has a high-voltage accumulator which has a high-voltage accumulator housing. At least one accumulator cell is arranged in the high-voltage accumulator housing and has an emergency degassing opening that is closed in a gas-tight manner in a normal state of the accumulator cell and opens when a specified internal pressure in the interior of the accumulator cell is exceeded so that a hot or burning gas can leak out of the accumulator cell into the high-voltage accumulator housing. Granulate which expands when heated by incident hot or burning gas is provided in sub-regions of the high-voltage accumulator. The sub-regions are arranged in the region of the emergency degassing opening of the at least one accumulator cell. 1. A vehicle having:{'b': '1', 'a high-voltage accumulator (), which comprises a high-voltage accumulator housing,'}{'b': 5', '6', '5', '5', '7', '5, 'at least one storage cell () arranged in the high-voltage accumulator housing, incorporating an emergency degassing opening () which, in a normal state of the storage cell (), is closed in a gas-tight manner and which, in the event of an overshoot of a predefined internal pressure in the interior of the storage cell (), opens such that hot or burning gas () can escape from the storage cell () into the high-voltage accumulator housing,'}{'b': 1', '6', '5', '9', '7, 'characterized in that, in subregions of the high-voltage accumulator (), which are arranged in the region of the emergency degassing opening () of the at least one storage cell (), granulates () are provided which, in the event of heat-up associated with the application of hot or burning gas () thereto, undergo expansion.'}29. The vehicle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the granulates () contain a volcanic rock claim 1 , particularly raw perlite.3999. The vehicle according to or claim 1 , characterized in that water is entrapped in the granulates () which claim 1 , in the event of the heat-up of the granulates () claim 1 , ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Fire suppression systems and methods

Номер: US20150231431A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

Fire suppression systems for vehicles and industrial applications including arrangements of an input bus and output bus coupled to a centralized controller to provide for automatic and manual detection of a fire and manual and automatic system actuation in response to the fire. The arrangements further provide for system information regarding the status and operation of the system components. Additionally, the arrangement of system components provide for expandability and programmability to configure the system for the protection of multiple and variable hazards using customized or programmed detection and/or actuation. The systems include configured connectors and color coded schemes to facilitate system installation.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224507A1
Автор: Fiorino Giuseppe

Apparatus for extinguishing fires installable on heavy goods industrial vehicles, in particular trucks, comprising a device for the formation of extinguishing liquid, at least two hose reel for the delivering of said extinguishing liquid, each placed in a case provided with means for the activation of said device, characterized in that the device for the formation of the extinguishing liquid is a compact, modular, standardizable device equipped with: 1. Fire-extinguishing apparatus installable on vehicles comprising:an extinguishing liquid formation device; andat least two hose reels for the delivering of said extinguishing liquid, each placed in a case comprising an activator for activating the extinguishing liquid formation device;wherein the extinguishing liquid formation device comprises:at least one substantially toroidal-shaped holding tank for holding a solution of water and foaming agent and defining a pressurization box compartment;at least one pressurization box comprising a pressurizer comprising nitrogen gas and/or air; andat least one mixing chamber for mixing water and foaming agent from the holding tank with nitrogen and/or air from the pressurization box;wherein the pressurization box compartment is bounded by the holding tank and holds the at least one pressurization box and the at least one mixing chamber; andwherein the pressurization box and the mixing chamber are interconnected, the mixing chamber and the holding tank are interconnected, and the mixing chamber and the at least two hose reels are interconnected.2. Apparatus of wherein the pressurizer comprises:a tank containing the nitrogen gas and/or air;a pressure reducer; andpressure calibration valves.3. Apparatus of wherein the holding tank comprises an inlet/outlet connected to an inlet of the mixing chamber claim 1 , through which claim 1 , during the operation claim 1 , solution of water and foaming agent from the holding tank is conveyed into the mixing chamber and mixed with a ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222735A1
Автор: Jeon Yoon Cheol, Kim Dal

A system and a controlling method for extinguishing a fire in a battery of a vehicle is provided for preventing the vehicle from being completely burned out and protecting consumer's physical assets by injecting cooling water of a water cooling system when a fire occurs in a battery to extinguish the fire of the battery at an early stage and by supplying an external cooling material from outside of the vehicle to extinguish the fire of the battery when the fire of the battery is not extinguished at the early stage. 1. A system for extinguishing a fire in a battery of a vehicle , comprising:a water cooling system configured to circulate cooling water for cooling a vehicle electric component and the battery;a fire extinguishing line configured to be branched from a cooling water circulating line of the water cooling system to provide the cooling water for fire extinguishment of the battery;a fire extinguishing valve configured to control a flow of the cooling water between the cooling water circulating line and the fire extinguishing line;a controller configured to control a state of the fire extinguishing valve;an external cooling material connecting device configured to be connected to an external cooling material supplying device of the vehicle; andan external connecting valve configured to control a flow of an external cooling material so that the external cooling material is supplied to the fire extinguishing line.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the external cooling material connecting device is located in front of the vehicle.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller opens the external connecting valve when the external cooling material supplying device is connected to the external cooling material connecting device.4. A system for extinguishing a fire in a battery of a vehicle claim 1 , comprising:a water cooling system configured to circulate cooling water for cooling a vehicle electric component and the battery;a fire extinguishing line configured ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236283A1

A valve assembly includes a valve with a valve body and chamber. A poppet with a stem and piston is slidably engaged inside the valve body. A poppet release mechanism is included for releasing the poppet from a closed position. A mechanism cover is attached to the valve body. A safety mechanism with a pin, spring, and lever is included for preventing the poppet from moving into a fully open position. A first end of the pin extends into the chamber into a pathway of the poppet and a second end of the pin extends into the valve body of the valve. The spring is positioned between and in contact with the pin and the mechanism cover to bias the pin toward the poppet. A first end of the lever is pivotably attached to the pin and a second end of the lever extends out from the valve body. 1. A fire suppression system for a vehicle with a wall , the fire suppression system comprising: a pressure container with a neck portion, the pressure container for holding a fire extinguishing agent;', a valve with a poppet and a chamber;', 'a pin positioned such that a first end of the pin extends into the chamber of the valve into a pathway of the poppet and a second end of the pin extends into a body of the valve, the pin movable between a blocking position in which the pin blocks the poppet from moving into a fully open position and an un-blocking position in which the pin is removed from a pathway of the poppet to allow the poppet to fully open the flow passage;', 'a lever with a pivot, the lever pivotably attached to the pin, wherein a first end of the lever engages the pin and a second end of the lever extends out from the valve body and spans across the neck portion of the pressure container;', 'an exit port in fluid communication with the chamber; and, 'a valve assembly threadably engaged with neck portion of the pressure container, the valve assembly comprising], 'an extinguisher, wherein the extinguisher comprises 'a lip extending outwards from a base portion of the mounting ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle with Fire Protection Apparatus

Номер: US20150251029A1
Автор: Siegemund Thomas

A vehicle with a partition area for passengers between two sections of the vehicle, wherein a fire protection apparatus is mounted in the ceiling region of the partition area and has a protective curtain that can be transferred from an idle position, in which the partition area is open, into a closed position in case of a fire. The protective curtain has at least two material webs that adjoin one another and partially overlap one another in the closed position, wherein the lower edge of the material webs that points toward the floor of the partition area is spaced apart from the floor in the closed position. 116-. (canceled)17. A vehicle with a partition area for passengers between two sections of the vehicle comprising a fire protection apparatus mounted in a ceiling region of the partition area and comprising a protective curtain that can be transferred from an idle position , in which the partition area is open , into a closed position in case of a fire , wherein the protective curtain is composed of several material webs that adjoin one another in a planar fashion and partially overlap one another in the closed position , wherein a lower edge of the material webs that points toward a floor of the partition area is spaced apart from the floor in the closed position.18. The vehicle according to claim 17 , wherein the protective curtain closes at least ⅔ of a headroom of the partition area in the closed position starting from an upper end claim 17 , but does not completely close the partition area.19. The vehicle according to claim 17 , wherein individual material webs feature comprise chain-shaped weights on a lower end.20. The vehicle according to claim 17 , wherein the material webs of the protective curtain are accommodated in the fire protection apparatus in a folded configuration in their idle state claim 17 , wherein no fixed folding lines are provided in the material webs.21. The vehicle according to claim 20 , wherein an underside of the folded protective ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Fire suppression systems and methods

Номер: US20150251031A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

Fire suppression systems ( 10 ) for vehicles and industrial applications including arrangements of an input bus ( 24 ) and output bus ( 26 ) coupled to a centralized controller ( 20 ) to provide for automatic and manual detection of a fire (H) and manual and automatic system actuation in response to the fire. The arrangements further provide for system information regarding the status and operation of the system components. Additionally, the arrangement of system components provide for expandability and programmability to configure the system for the protection of multiple and variable hazards (H) using customized or programmed detection and/or actuation. The systems include configured connectors ( 25 ) and colour coded schemes to facilitate system installation.

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Firefighting System with Two-Stage Heating Installation

Номер: US20180250538A1

Firefighting system , comprising a pressure-resistant extinguishing agent container , and a heating means arranged in or on the extinguishing agent container. The operational readiness is enhanced in that the heating means has at least two heating circuits which can be connected independently of one another. 1. Firefighting system comprisinga pressure-resistant extinguishing agent container, anda heating means arranged in or on the extinguishing agent container, characterised in thatthe heating means has at least two heating circuits which can be connected independently of one another.2. Firefighting system according to claim 1 , characterised in thatthe heating circuits each have at least one heating resistor.3. Firefighting system according to claim 2 , characterised in thata first heating resistor has a lower specific resistance compared to a second heating resistor.4. Firefighting system according to or claim 2 , characterised in thata first heating resistor has a lower melting point compared to a second heating resistor.5. Firefighting system according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterised in thata first heating resistor is connected to a first voltage source and a second heating resistor is connected to a second voltage source, the voltage sources charging the heating resistors with electrical voltages which are different from one another.6. System according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterised in thatan energy supply feeds a direct voltage to the heating circuits, in particular in that a first direct voltage is a 24 V, preferably a 110 V direct voltage, and in that the second direct voltage is a 380 V, preferably a 400 V direct voltage.7. Firefighting system according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterised in thatthe heating circuits are enclosed in a common housing of the heating means.8. Firefighting system according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterised in thatthe heating means is arranged ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150265864A1

A nozzle assembly () for controlling the release or delivery of a fluid or other medium from a vessel. The nozzle assembly () comprises a body () having a longitudinal and latitudinal dimension and having an inlet () and a plural outlets (), release means () and valve means () operable to selectively open or close fluid communication between the inlet () and the outlets (), wherein the valve means () is biased, in use, toward an open position or condition such that operation of the release means () causes or permits the valve means () to move or change to the open position or condition, fluid being flowable with the valve means () in the open position or condition, from the inlet () to the outlets () and flowing from the outlets () in different directions to define a flow or spray pattern which subtends an angle of less than 360° in both the longitudinal and latitudinal directions. 1360. A nozzle assembly for controlling the release or delivery of a fluid or other medium from a vessel , the nozzle assembly comprising a body having longitudinal and latitudinal dimensions and having an inlet and plural outlets , a release mechanism and valve means operable to selectively open or close fluid communication between the inlet and the outlets , wherein the valve means is biased , in use , toward an open position or condition such that operation of the release mechanism causes or permits the valve means to move or change to the open position or condition , fluid being flowable , with the valve means in the open position or condition , from the inlet to the outlets and flowing from the outlets in different directions to define a flow or spray pattern which subtends an angle of less than ° in both the longitudinal and latitudinal directions.2. The nozzle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the release mechanism comprises an abutment movable or changeable between a deployed condition in which the valve means is biased thereagainst and a released condition in which the ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210308508A1
Автор: SHIN Hyeon Gi

A fire suppression apparatus for a vehicle includes: a docking unit disposed on an exterior panel of a vehicle body, the exterior panel configured to cover an interior space of the vehicle wherein the docking unit comprises a hole through which a fire-fighting hose or a spray nozzle, which is connected to the fire-fighting hose, for supply of fire-fighting water pass to be coupled to the docket unit; a supply pipe having a first end connected to the docking unit; and a nozzle assembly arranged in the interior space in the vehicle and connected to a second end of the supply pipe, the nozzle assembly being configured to spray the fire-fighting water, which is supplied through the supply pipe from the fire-fighting hose or the spray nozzle, in order to respond to the outbreak of a fire in the interior space of the vehicle. 1. A fire suppression apparatus for a vehicle comprising:a docking unit disposed on an exterior panel of a vehicle body, the exterior panel configured to cover an interior space of the vehicle wherein the docking unit has a hole through which a fire-fighting hose or a spray nozzle, which is connected to the fire-fighting hose, for supply of fire-fighting water pass to be coupled to the docket unit;a supply pipe having a first end connected to the docking unit; anda nozzle assembly arranged in the interior space of the vehicle and connected to a second end of the supply pipe, the nozzle assembly configured to spray the fire-fighting water, which is supplied through the supply pipe from the fire-fighting hose or the spray nozzle, to extinguish a fire in the interior space of the vehicle in case of fire.2. The fire suppression apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interior space of the vehicle is configured as an engine room.3. The fire suppression apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the vehicle includes a bus claim 2 , the exterior panel of the vehicle body is a flap door configured to open and close the engine room of the bus.4. The fire ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259089A1

A valve arrangement includes a housing with an outlet and an inlet and having a poppet. The poppet has a stem and is movable within the housing along a movement axis between an open position and a closed position. The inlet is isolated from the outlet when the poppet is in the closed position. The inlet is in fluid communication with the outlet when the poppet is in the open position. The stem is inverted relative to the housing such that at least a portion of the poppet stem is disposed in the inlet when the poppet is in the open position. 1. A valve arrangement , comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet; anda poppet with a stem disposed within the housing and movable within the housing along a movement axis extending through the inlet between open and closed positions,wherein the inlet is isolated from the outlet when the poppet is in the closed position and the inlet in fluid communication with the outlet when the poppet is in the open position,wherein the poppet stem is inverted relative to the housing such that at least a portion of the poppet stem is disposed within the inlet when the poppet is in the open position.2. The valve arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing includes an inlet body bounding the inlet and an outlet body bounding an outlet claim 1 , the inlet being in fluid communication with the outlet through the housing when the poppet is in the open position.3. The valve arrangement as recited in claim 2 , wherein the inlet body and the outlet body comprise different materials.4. The valve arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein the stem includes a rod fixed relative to the poppet and arranged along the movement axis.5. The valve arrangement as recited in claim 1 , wherein stem includes an annulus fixed relative to the poppet and extending circumferentially about the movement axis claim 1 , wherein the annulus includes a plurality of slots extending radially through the annulus.6. The valve arrangement as recited in ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Electronic Detection Extinguisher System

Номер: US20210322807A1
Автор: Baker John P.

An electronic detection extinguisher system detects and extinguishes a fire which starts at the interaction of a fuel nozzle and the fuel inlet. The electronic detection extinguisher system is comprised of at least one controller which detects and sends signals, at least one sensor which sends signals to the encoder, at least one encoder which extends the signals provided by the controller or the sensor, at least one valve which is electronically controlled that releases the extinguisher solution or gas, at least one relay which provides direct current from the power supply to the electronically controlled valve, at least one relay which cuts the direct current of the fuel pump which stops the fuel from pumping, at least one extinguisher line which provides the gas or extinguisher solution to the tip of the extinguisher, at least one data cable which connects the encoder to the sensor, at least one source of extinguishing solution or gas, at least one regulator to regulate the pressure of the gas or extinguisher solution. 1. A fire suppression system comprising:A tank holding a extinguisher solution or inert gas;Said tank containing a valve;A controller for detecting and sending signals;Said controller connected to a sensor;Said sensor for detecting temperature;Said controller sending a signal when said temperature is detected by said sensor as being over a threshold;Said signal is then sent by said controller to said valve causing said valve to open;Said extinguisher solution or inert gas flowing through said valve to suppress the fire.2. The system according to :further including a encoder;Whereby said encoder allows the range of said signal to be extended.3. The system according to :Further including a encoder;a second encoder;said signal is sent to said encoder in I2C form;Said encoder changes said signal to DI2C and sends it to said second encoder;Said second encoder changes the signal from DI2C to I2C;Whereby said signal is sent to the sensor from a longer ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190255933A1
Автор: Dugas Patrick J.

Some implementations can include a supplemental regenerative braking system comprising a power take-off section to receive mechanical energy, and an electric clutch to engage the power take-off section and transfer mechanical energy from the power take-off section to an output of the electric clutch. The system can also include a roller stop assembly coupled to the output of the electric clutch and constructed to transfer mechanical energy from the output of the electric clutch, and a generator coupled to the roller stop assembly. The system can further include a flywheel coupled to the generator. 1. A system comprising:a power take-off section to receive mechanical energy;an electric clutch to engage the power take-off section and transfer mechanical energy from the power take-off section to an output of the electric clutch;a roller stop assembly coupled to the output of the electric clutch and constructed to transfer mechanical energy from the output of the electric clutch;a generator coupled to the roller stop assembly; anda flywheel coupled to the generator.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flywheel is a variable inertia flywheel.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the variable inertia flywheel contains a fire suppressant liquid.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a flexible containment curtain configured to enshroud the flywheel and provide a protective barrier between a vehicle and a top and side exterior of the flywheel.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the variable inertia flywheel includes containment reinforcement members.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the variable inertia flywheel includes a top side and a bottom side claim 5 , wherein the bottom side is disposed above a battery of a vehicle claim 5 , and wherein the bottom side is formed of a material having a melting point that permits the bottom of the variable inertia flywheel to melt and release the fire suppressant liquid over the battery when the battery is on fire or heated to a ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360738A1
Автор: TIEN Wen-Kwo

An automatic fire-preventing and fire-extinguishing system includes a mercury switch, a fire-extinguishing device, an electromagnetic driving unit and an electromagnetic valve. The fire-extinguishing device includes a fire extinguisher and a hose unit to direct extinguishing agent dispensed by the fire extinguisher to a predetermined flammable section of a vehicle. The electromagnetic driving unit operates the fire extinguisher in a dispensing mode in an activating state of the mercury switch. The electromagnetic valve operates to block fuel flow in a fuel supply line in the activating state of the mercury switch. 1. An automatic fire-preventing and fire-extinguishing system configured for use with a vehicle , comprising: a sealed envelope having a lower portion and an upper portion,', 'a first electrical contact disposed at said upper portion of said sealed envelope and disposed to connect electrically to an electric power source,', 'a second electrical contact disposed adjacent to said first electrical contact at said upper portion of said sealed envelope, and', 'a mercury bead contained in said sealed envelope and movable in said sealed envelope to switch said mercury switch between a deactivating state, where said mercury bead breaks electrical connection between said first electrical contact and said second electrical contact, and an activating state, where said mercury bead makes electrical connection between said first electrical contact and said second electrical contact;, 'a mercury switch including'}a fire-extinguishing device including a fire extinguisher operable in a dispensing mode to dispense an extinguishing agent, and a hose unit connected to said fire extinguisher and configured to direct the extinguishing agent dispensed by said fire extinguisher to a predetermined flammable section of the vehicle;an electromagnetic driving unit connected electrically to said second electrical contact, associated removably and operably with said fire extinguisher, ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360739A1
Автор: Wedowski Michael

A protection device, in particular a fire protection device on a motor vehicle. The device includes a fire fighting device having at least one container which is filled with an extinguishing agent and which can be paired with a body of a vehicle or an airplane or with a building wall or ceiling and comprising at least one outlet device which is to be closed by a temperature-controlled first valve, and/or the device includes at least one temperature-resistant tank which can be fluidically connected to an air conditioner, in which a negative pressure is present in order to receive a coolant of the air conditioner, and which is paired with at least one temperature-controlled second valve in order to open at least one flow channel for the coolant. 1. A protection device , in particular a fire protection device in a motor vehicle , with a fire-fighting mechanism comprising at least one container that is filled with extinguishing agent and assignable to a body of a vehicle or aeroplane or to the wall or ceiling of a building and comprises at least one discharge mechanism closed with a temperature-controlled first valve , and/or at least one temperature-resistant tank that can be connected to an air-conditioning system in a flow-related manner , in which tank a vacuum prevails in order to receive a refrigerant of the air-conditioning system , and to which tank an at least temperature-controlled second valve for opening at least one flow channel for the refrigerant is assigned.2. The protection device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second valve comprises a small glass tube filled with a liquid and/or air that shatters at a predetermined temperature and clears a passage for the extinguishing agent or the refrigerant.3. The protection device according to claim 2 , wherein the small glass tube is inserted in a metal tube.4. The protection device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second valve comprises a valve tappet made of a memory metal that ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160279453A1
Автор: Ernfjäll Johnny
Принадлежит: Fogmaker International AB

The present invention relates to a fire extinguishing system comprising a pressurized detection conduit (), an extinguishing line () separate from the detection conduit (), and a control module () adapted for sensing a pressure drop in the detection conduit () and for opening supply of extinguishing medium from a storage () to the extinguishing line (). The detection conduit () is gas-permeable and filled with a detection liquid. The fire extinguishing system further comprises a liquid-gas interface () fluidly connecting the detection conduit () to a pressurized gas source (), wherein the liquid-gas interface () comprises an interface container () defining a gas space () which communicates with the pressurized gas source () and a liquid space () which communicates with the detection conduit (). 1. Fire extinguishing system comprising:{'b': 15', '115, 'a pressurized detection conduit (;),'}{'b': 8', '108', '15', '115, 'an extinguishing line (; ) separate from the detection conduit (; ), and'}{'b': 5', '105', '15', '115', '3', '103', '8', '108, 'a control module (; ) adapted for sensing a pressure drop in the detection conduit (; ) and for opening supply of extinguishing medium from a storage (; ) to the extinguishing line (; ),'}characterized in,{'b': 15', '115, 'the detection conduit (; ) being gas-permeable and filled with a detection liquid, and'}{'b': 17', '117', '15', '115', '13', '103', '106', '17', '117', '23', '123', '31', '131', '13', '106', '33', '133', '15', '115, 'the fire extinguishing system further comprising a liquid-gas interface (; ) fluidly connecting the detection conduit (; ) to a pressurized gas source (; , ), wherein the liquid-gas interface (; ) comprises an interface container (; ) defining a gas space (; ) which communicates with the pressurized gas source (; ) and a liquid space (; ) which communicates with the detection conduit (; ).'}231131331333513523123. Fire extinguishing system according to claim 1 , wherein the gas space (; ) and the ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170274232A1
Автор: Kreuser Chris

Modular fire protection systems and associated methods of installation for protecting structures and/or vehicles from wildfire damage. Exemplary fire protection systems for protecting structures will typically include at least one palletized fire wrap panel for deployment on the roof of the structure. 1. A modular fire protection system for protecting a structure against damage from an external fire , comprising:a plurality of detachably connectable fire wrap panels constructed from a fire-resistant material, the panels for covering different portions of a structure to be protected;at least one of the plurality of detachably connectable fire wrap panels being a palletized fire wrap panel that includes and is attached at one end to a hinged supporting pallet that is adaptable to the pitch of a roof of the structure when located to straddle the peak thereof; andmeans for connecting the plurality of detachably connectable fire wrap panels to one another and for securing the detachably connected fire wrap panels to the structure.2. The fire protection system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one generally sock-shaped fire protection component for covering a projection such as claim 1 , but not limited to claim 1 , a chimney claim 1 , vent claim 1 , antenna or satellite dish associated with the structure claim 1 , the generally sock-shaped fire protection component adapted for detachable connection to at least one of the plurality of fire wrap panels.3. A vehicle fire shelter for protecting a vehicle against damage from an external fire claim 1 , comprising:a cover constructed from a fire-resistant material, the cover further comprising a base panel and four upwardly extendable side panels;a closure mechanism for detachably connecting adjacent edges of the upwardly extendable side panels when the upwardly extendable side panels are raised to cover corresponding sections of the vehicle; anda plurality of cross-ties extending from the cover at locations near corners ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210362761A1
Автор: Page James

A cargo compartment for use in a transport vehicle, the cargo compartment comprising a cargo compartment housing configured and adapted to comply with at least one regulatory requirement of the transport vehicle. The cargo compartment includes wheels attached to the cargo compartment housing. A cargo compartment system for use in a transport vehicle includes a cargo compartment. The cargo compartment includes a cargo compartment housing configured and adapted to comply with at least one regulatory requirement of the transport vehicle, and wheels attached to the cargo compartment housing. The cargo compartment system includes a seat track having at least one fastener. The cargo compartment housing is configured and adapted to couple to the seat track and be secured to the seat track via the at least one fastener. 1. A cargo compartment for use in a transport vehicle , the cargo compartment comprising:a cargo compartment housing configured and adapted to comply with at least one regulatory requirement of the transport vehicle; andwheels attached to the cargo compartment housing.2. The cargo compartment as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cargo compartment housing includes a flame resistant material claim 1 , wherein the flame resistant material is a flame resistant plastic material.3. The cargo compartment as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cargo compartment housing includes a fire suppression system claim 1 , wherein the fire suppression system includes at least one of a particulate detector or a spray system.4. The cargo compartment as recited in claim 1 , further comprising at least one cargo compartment door operatively connected to the cargo compartment housing configured and adapted to secure cargo within the cargo compartment housing.5. The cargo compartment as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cargo compartment housing includes at least one of a fire suppression system or a flame resistant material.6. A cargo compartment system for use in a transport vehicle ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387031A1
Автор: YANG Huitae

An apparatus of supplying a fire extinguishing agent to a high voltage battery pack of a vehicle when a fire occurs in a battery case installing a high voltage battery pack includes a fire detection device that is configured to detect an occurrence of the fire in the battery pack, an inflow plug which is formed at the battery case and is configured to allow the fire extinguishing agent to flow into the battery case when open, a fire extinguishing agent supply pipe connected to the inflow plug and guiding the fire extinguishing agent to the inflow plug, and an inflow plug opening device that is configured to open the inflow plug when the fire is detected in the fire detection device. 1. An apparatus of supplying a fire extinguishing agent to a battery pack of a vehicle when a fire occurs in a battery case in which the battery pack is mounted , the apparatus comprising:a fire detection device that is configured to detect an occurrence of the fire in the battery pack;an inflow plug which is formed at the battery case and is configured to allow the fire extinguishing agent to flow into the battery case when the inflow plug is opened;a fire extinguishing agent supply pipe connected to the battery case and guiding the fire extinguishing agent to the inflow plug; andan inflow plug opening device that is configured to open the inflow plug when the fire is detected in the fire detection device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the fire detection device is configured to heat a pressure transfer gas by a heated gas which is discharged from the battery case when the fire occurs in the battery pack; andwherein the inflow plug opening device is configured to open the inflow plug by use of a pressure of the pressure transfer gas supplied from the fire detection device.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fire detection device includes:a gas discharge plug which is opened by a pressure of a heated gas generated in the battery pack to discharge the heated gas from the ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Fire-retarding apparatus and methods of their manufacture

Номер: US20150297923A1
Автор: Sham S. Hariram
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A fire-retarding apparatus includes a composite. The composite includes a face layer attached to a fire-retarding layer.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180289996A1
Автор: Jeon Yoon Cheol, Kim Dal

A system and a controlling method for extinguishing a fire in a battery of a vehicle is provided for preventing the vehicle from being completely burned out and protecting consumer's physical assets by injecting cooling water of a water cooling system when a fire occurs in a battery to extinguish the fire of the battery at an early stage and by supplying an external cooling material from outside of the vehicle to extinguish the fire of the battery when the fire of the battery is not extinguished at the early stage. 1. A system for extinguishing a fire in a battery of a vehicle , comprising:a water cooling system configured to circulate cooling water for cooling a vehicle electric component and the battery;a fire extinguishing line configured to be branched from a cooling water circulating line of the water cooling system to provide the cooling water for fire extinguishment of the battery;a fire extinguishing valve configured to control a flow of the cooling water between the cooling water circulating line and the fire extinguishing line; anda controller configured to control a state of the fire extinguishing valve.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a smoke sensor and a temperature sensor configured to sense the fire of the battery.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a nozzle configured to be connected to the fire extinguishing line to inject the cooling water to the battery.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a fire occurs in the battery claim 1 , the controller stops a supply of the cooling water to the cooling water circulating line for cooling the vehicle electric component and opens the fire extinguishing valve.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an external cooling material connecting device configured to be connected to an external cooling material supplying device of the vehicle; andan external connecting valve configured to control a flow of an external cooling material so that the external cooling material is ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

A device for dispensing a pressurized material

Номер: US20190290949A1

A device for dispensing a pressurized material, includes a body defining a pressurizing chamber containing a gas generator, and a tank containing the material to be dispensed, the tank being defined by an end wall having an outlet orifice. The device includes a piston, to move inside the body, separating the pressurizing chamber from the tank, the gas generator to trigger the dispensing of the material to the outside of the body through the outlet orifice by causing the piston to pass from a material-storage, first position to an end-of-material-dispensing, second position in which the piston faces the end wall. The piston, when in the first position, presents a housing that is closed by a fragile portion beside the pressurizing chamber and that is open beside the tank, the housing containing a striker element that is held in the housing and that defines a channel opening out into the tank.
