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27-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU25281U1

... 1. Модуль порошкового пожаротушения, содержащий корпус, выполненный с возможностью подвесной установки и крепления и с отверстием в верхней части, предназначенным для засыпки огнетушащего пороша, размещенного внутри герметичной полости корпуса, и снабженный съемно-закрепляемым контейнером, выполненным в виде стакана, закрываемого герметичной крышкой, и дном, обращенным внутрь корпуса, и расположенным внутри контейнера газогенерирующим веществом и инициирующим устройством, подключенным к системе сигнализации для принудительного инициирования газогенерирующего вещества при поступлении электрического импульса, при этом газогенерирующее вещество и огнетушащий порошок занимают объем, составляющий не более 99% общего объема герметичной полости корпуса, отличающийся тем, что снаружи нижней части корпуса установлен распылитель огнетушащего порошка, который имеет внутри продольное отверстие для перемещения штока и боковые отверстия в нижней полости для выхода огнетушащего порошка, а на дне контейнера ...

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU43179U1

Полезная модель относится к противопожарной технике, в частности, к порошковым огнетушителям и может быть использована для тушения в том числе и в труднодоступных местах. Данное устройство при эксплуатации позволяет получить технический результат, состоящий в обеспечении равномерного распределения порошка по защищаемой площади при сохранении высокой скорости доставки порошкового облака и максимальной его дальнобойкости (дальности), в обеспечении стабильности рабочего давления, снижения массы устройства, в повышении надежности в эксплуатации. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что устройство для тушения пожара, содержащее заполненный огнетушащим порошком корпус с выпускным насадком и разрушаемой диафрагмой, газогенератор размещенный внутри корпуса, и полый рассекатель струи, прикрепленный к нижней части корпуса, соосно выпускному насадку, при этом полый рассекатель струи выполнен в виде усеченного конуса с соотношением между его высотой и диаметром основания от 0,1 до 0,3 или ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151421U1

Модуль пожаротушения распыленной огнетушащей жидкостью, состоящий из емкости, узла инициирования с химическим генератором теплоты и системы подачи огнетушащего вещества, отличающийся тем, что устройство запуска модуля состоит из разрываемого кольца, соединенного со штоком, а узел инициирования содержит полиэтиленовую емкость с окисляемым составом и окислителем, прорываемую штоком под действием пружины, а система подачи огнетушащего вещества состоит из крышки с нагревателем, разрушаемой мембраны, сифонной трубки и клапана разбрызгивателя.

14-11-2022 дата публикации

Силовой автоматический выключатель с генератором огнетушащего аэрозоля (варианты)

Номер: RU2783450C1

Заявленное решение относится к области электротехники и энергетики и может быть использовано для оперативного аварийного отключения электрического оборудования при воздействии высоких температур, например при пожаре, а также перегрузке, коротком замыкании. Технический результат заключается в повышении оперативности первичного пожаротушения с увеличением эффективности воспрепятствования распространению огня в замкнутом пространстве, в частности таком, как электрический шкаф, при одновременной защите от короткого замыкания, перегрузке. Отличительной особенностью заявленного решения является одновременное использование в составе изделия механизма автоматического отключения фаз и механизма отключения нуля N, генератора огнетушащего аэрозоля (ГОА) совместно с электрическим воспламенителем ГОА и инициирующего термочувствительного устройства (t1) и отключающего термочувствительного устройства (t2), находящегося в зоне воздействия тепла, возникающего при работе модуля генератора огнетушащего аэрозоля ...

27-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128071C1

Изобретение относится к средствам пожаротушения, а именно к порошковым самосрабатывающим или срабатывающим от внешнего сигнала огнетушителям. Порошковый модуль содержит корпус, внутри которого размещен огнетушащий порошок и газогенерирующее вещество, при этом газогенерирующее вещество и огнетушащий порошок занимают объем, составляющий не более 99% общего объема полости корпуса. Корпус снабжен контейнером, внутри которого расположено газогенерирующее вещество, в котором установлено инициирующее устройство, подключенное к системе сигнализации для принудительного инициирования газогенерирующего вещества при поступлении электрического импульса, или выполненное самосрабатывающим для инициирования газогенерирующего вещества от теплового потока очага пожара. Корпус выполнен с отверстием в стенке для контейнера, в боковых стенках которого, размещенных внутри корпуса, выполнены отверстия для выпуска газов в объем полости корпуса. А стенки корпуса выполнены с участками ослабленного сечения или ослабленного ...

07-03-2023 дата публикации

Устройство пожаротушения с электрическим инициированием

Номер: RU2791321C1

Изобретение относится к устройству пожаротушения (УПТ) с размещенным внутри модулем (1) с аэрозолеобразующим или газообразующим составом, содержащему электрический воспламенитель (7) модуля (1) и инициирующее термочувствительное устройство (4), соединенные последовательно проводниками между собой, при этом дополнительно содержит контактную группу (10) для инициирования через проводники внешним сигналом электрического воспламенителя (7) модуля или подачи напряжения инициирования на инициирующее термочувствительное устройство (4) и электрический воспламенитель (7) модуля; датчик срабатывания (11) и кнопку ручного запуска (18) электрического воспламенителя (7) модуля (1); датчик срабатывания (11) соединен проводниками (17) с контактной группой (10); кнопка ручного запуска (18) электрического воспламенителя (7) модуля через проводники соединена с электрическим воспламенителем (7) модуля. Технический результат заключается в повышении оперативности первичного пожаротушения с увеличением эффективности ...

17-01-2023 дата публикации

Устройство пожаротушения с инициированием с помощью самовозгорающегося термовоспламенителя

Номер: RU2788210C1

Изобретение относится к области пожаротушения, а именно к устройству пожаротушения (УПТ) с размещенным внутри модулем (1) с аэрозолеобразующим или газообразующим составом, которое может быть использовано для оперативного тушения электрических щитов или шкафов при воздействии высоких температур, например, при пожаре. Устройство пожаротушения содержит корпус УПТ при этом модуль (1) выступает за пределы корпуса УПТ и содержит на себе самовозгорающийся термовоспламенитель (22), имеющий температуру инициирования ниже, чем температура инициирования модуля (1), при этом дополнительно содержит датчик срабатывания (11) и кнопку ручного запуска (18) электрического воспламенителя модуля (7), контактную группу (10) для инициирования через проводники внешним сигналом электрического воспламенителя модуля (7) или подачи напряжения инициирования на кнопку ручного запуска (18) и электрический воспламенитель модуля (7). Технический результат заключается в повышении оперативности первичного пожаротушения ...

12-07-1990 дата публикации

Automatically triggered fire extinguisher - has nozzles sealed with solder that melts in fire to release agent

Номер: DE0004000010A1

The fire extinguisher has a cylindrical body (10) with end layer (12) that are welded into position. The material of the unit is selected to withstand an internal pressure of up to 20 bar. A suitable fluid is used to fill the extinguisher via an inlet connection (16). Located along the cylindrical surface are a number of nozzles (14) that are screwed into holes. The nozzles are sealed by plugs of solder (20). In the event of a fire the solder melts and releases the extinguishing agent under pressure. For paint spraying, tv, or computing appts. Simple means of producing automatic fire extinguisher.

31-10-1974 дата публикации

Automatic independently operating fire extinguisher system - fitted as room ceiling tiles or as hanging containers

Номер: DE0002319675A1

A fire extinguishing installation working completely independently and incapable of causing secondary damage, as do sprinklers, comprises a number of hollow bodies, either hanging freely or carried by plates secured to the room ceiling or the roof of a covered space, filled with a dry extinguisher powder. The containers are of an easily melted material ignitable with difficulty, such as polystyrol with a halogenated epoxy resin, and the powder is selected with regard to the type of fire which may arise.

06-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002430100A1

27-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008807039D0

31-12-2002 дата публикации

Fire retardant delivery system.

Номер: AP2002002680A0

A fire extinguishing and fire retarding method is provided compromising the step of confining a fire extingushing and fire retarding agent in slurry, liquid or gaseous form (11) within a shell (10) wherein the shell (10) comprises such an agent in solid form. An agent such as ice water or liquid dioxide is useful when employing the shell (10) as "non-lethal" device. The solid shell (10) is sublimable and will burst upon impact or upon exposure to the environmental conditions at the target site to realse the contents of the shell (10) as well as the fragments of the shell onto the target site.

15-05-2006 дата публикации

Fire retardant delivery system.

Номер: OA0000012330A

31-12-2002 дата публикации

Fire retardant delivery system

Номер: AP0200202680A0

31-12-2002 дата публикации

Fire retardant delivery system

Номер: AP0200202680D0

09-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000465840B2

21-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004421879A

26-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001009338A1

10-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA994636A

19-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002365227A1

Barrel assemblies (10) each include a plurality of projectiles (11) arranged in-line within barrel (12) and associated with discrete selectively ignitable propellant charges (13) for propelling projectiles (11) through the muzzle of barrel (12). Projectiles (11) are intended for civilian or non-military purposes and include holding body (17) in which matter or objects may be transported. Projectiles (11) are arranged with one another and barrel (12) so as to prevent rearward travel of an ignited propellant charge to the trailing propellant charge. The matter or objects contained within holding body (17) may include explosive charges for seismic exploration, fire retardants, fire extinguishing means, pyrotechnics, herbicide, insecticide, fertiliser or seeds. Methods of delivering loaded projectiles (11) for civilian purposes are claimed.

14-01-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000583571A5

30-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571869A5

29-08-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000565675A5

31-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000719640A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine passive Niederdruckvorrichtung zum Verringern unerwünscht erhöhter Temperatur oder zum Unterdrücken einer Flammenverbrennung in geschützten elektrischen Einrichtungen, die in der geschützten elektrischen Einrichtung angeordnet ist und einen Träger (1) aufweist, innerhalb dessen ein komprimiertes Kühlmedium (3) vorliegt. Der Träger (1) ist ferner mit einem Füllventil (5) zum Einfüllen des Kühlmediums (3) in den Träger (1), einem Druckmesser (2) für die passive Orientierungssteuerung des Kühlmediums in dem Träger (1) und einem Drucksensor (4) zum Trennen der geschützten Einrichtung von der elektrischen Leistung und zum Verbinden mit Signalisierungsausrüstung versehen. Der Träger (1) besteht aus Kunststoff, Metall oder einer Metallzusammensetzung in irgendeiner hohlen geschlossenen Form und Größe und ist mit zumindest einem Temperaturdetektor ausgestattet, z. B. mit einer Ampulle (6) aus temperaturwechselbeständigem Glas, die in der geschützten Einrichtung bei der ...

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000098167U

13-11-2020 дата публикации

Novel combined box-type substation

Номер: CN0211929996U

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Intelligence building fire prevention emergency device

Номер: CN0207694133U

09-07-2019 дата публикации

Spray-force-adjustable in-wall fire-fighting equipment for building

Номер: CN0209075933U

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Novel fireproof electric appliance cabinet

Номер: CN0211456232U

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Safety door access barrier gate based on Internet of things

Номер: CN0112012132A

10-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002358605A

L'invention concerne les soupapes à commande thermique. Elle se rapporte à une soupape qui comprend une base 18 en une seule pièce qui comporte des doigts 40 reliés par un élément fusible 52. Un plongeur 12 repoussé par le fluide sous pression à l'intérieur du récipient peut écarter les doigts 40 lorsque l'élément fusible 52 a fondu et peut alors avancer en permettant la décharge du récipient. Ce dernier peut être rempli par enfoncement du plongeur 12, sans retrait de l'élément fusible 52. Application aux appareils d'extinction automatique d'incendies.

08-06-1970 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001594788A

13-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002565496A


14-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002237650A1

22-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002135574A1

07-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR2020120003995U

27-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102026186B1

09-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR2020140002663U

03-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170000531A

The present invention relates to a built-in fire extinguishing tube, and a construction material applying the same. The present invention fills a fire extinguishing solution or a fire extinguishing agent into a tube which reacts with a flame or a high temperature to be embedded in a construction material susceptible to fire such as a sandwich panel or an interior material for interior decoration purposes, a fire door, and a firewall; and by applying the tube in a construction material in an appropriate structure, the construction material is able to rapidly suppress the fire and prevents the spread of the fire to the surroundings. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

31-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AR0000243393A1

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021157771A1
Автор: KANG, Jeong Soo

The present invention relates to an integrated fire protection apparatus and method using IoT-based fire extinguishing devices, the apparatus comprising: a monitoring information reception unit for receiving monitoring information for fire protection from a plurality of fire extinguishing devices including an IoT function; a monitoring information management unit for visualizing the monitoring information in a normal monitoring state and constructing a database for fire detection; an abnormality detection alarm unit for switching the normal monitoring state to a cautionary state when an abnormality related to the plurality of fire extinguishing devices is detected during construction of the database, and generating a first alarm related to the abnormality; and a fire protection management unit for determining an attention region through fine monitoring related to the plurality of fire extinguishing devices in the cautionary state and generating a second alarm related to outbreak of fire ...

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020099392A1

The invention relates to a fire-extinguishing hose (10) for a battery compartment or a motor vehicle, said hose having an elongate shape with both longitudinal ends thereof being closed, said hose comprising a tubular wall (16) which delimits an internal cavity (14) for storing a pressurised extinguishing fluid (18), and said wall comprising a thermoplastic material that can melt under the effect of the heat generated by a fire (44) or fire outbreak, characterised in that the hose has a preform applied by means of thermoforming and comprises at least two rectilinear sections connected by an elbow section so as to facilitate installation thereof in said battery compartment or vehicle.

13-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: WO1991008022A1

A fire extinguisher has an enclosure (10) containing an extinguishing fluid (16) under pressure. At least part of the wall of the enclosure is of a thermoplastic material which is exposed to the area protected by the extinguisher. When a fire (20) occurs, the thermoplastic will soften and the internal pressure will then cause the tube to rupture so that the extinguishant will flow out at the point where excess heat is found. In this way, the extinguishant will be applied directly to the cause of the fire.

14-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: WO1995024240A1
Автор: PIERCE, Lauvon

An automatic foam fire extinguishing system (1) in which the sprinkler opens to discharge foam at one temperature and closes to stop the flow of foam at a lower temperature. The system (1) includes sprinkler header (3) and a reservoir (21) for foam and air. In an alternative embodiment, the reservoir (110) is closely coupled to sprinkler header (100) to provide a portable self-contained unit.

16-05-1989 дата публикации

Self-activating fire extinguisher

Номер: US0004830114A1
Принадлежит: Future Fire Suppression, Inc.

A self-activating fire extinguisher which is particularly useful as a Christmas tree ornament is comprised of a thin-walled sealed glass container having a quantity of a fire extinguishing liquid such as Halon 2402 contained therein. When in the vicinity of a fire, the temperature of the liquid will rise causing it to boil which increases the pressure within the container. Eventually the container will break, releasing the liquid; the fumes from which extinguish the fire. In order to prevent glass fragments from being thrown about when the container breaks, the majority of the container covered by a metal shell. This shell is adhesively secured to the glass and maintains the broken pieces of glass together even at high temperatures. The liquid and fumes are released through a small portion of the container that is not covered by the shell.

06-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: US3719231A

An attachment for a manually operated, valve controlled compressed gas fire extinguisher or alarm device includes a housing attachable to the device by means of pins which also pivotally mount the conventional valve operating hand levers of the device. A plunger, guided freely by a spring loaded plunger operator, extends through an opening made in the upper hand lever and is aligned with the valve. The plunger operator normally is held in retracted position by a heat responsive fuse link which interconnects the housing and operator. Upon melting of the fuse link the operator and plunger extend, under the influence of the spring loading, the plunger thus engaging and operating the valve to release the compressed gas. The attachment permits normal manual operation of the device.

06-02-2018 дата публикации

Tumble dryer with automatic fire extinguishing system

Номер: US0009885142B2

A tumble dryer, in particular a household tumble dryer, includes a housing, a drum intended for laundry to be dried, which is supported rotatably in the housing, and a container positioned on an outer face of the lateral surface of the drum and holding an extinguishing agent. The container has a first temperature-activated release facility which automatically releases the extinguishing agent into a space outside the drum, in the presence of a temperature produced by a fire.

14-08-2003 дата публикации

Double glass system

Номер: US2003150174A1

A double glass system is disclosed in which not only the sunbeams are completely shielded, but also the firefighting is made easier at a fire accident. An incombustible or combustion-resistant liquid with a pigment added therein is used as the solution to be supplied into the double glass. Thus the double glass can shield the sight and the sunbeams, and can serve as a compartment wall, while it is helpful to firefighting at a fire accident, because the solution generates a fire-suppressing gas upon being burned. Thus the functions of the double glass are diversified. Further, an opaque liquid such as mercury is used in place of the solution, so that a sunbeam-shielding effect, a sight blocking effect (to the required degree) and a mirror effect can be obtained. Mercury is supplied into double glass by expanding the mercury and the air by heating them, and therefore, a driving means such as pump is not required. Accordingly, the double glass system is simplified in its constitution, as well ...

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220355144A1
Принадлежит: TOPPAN INC.

A fire stopper includes a fire extinguishing agent-containing layer and a resin substrate arranged in this order.

28-08-1991 дата публикации

Fire extinguishing system

Номер: EP0000443240A1
Автор: Phelps, Graham Barrie

A release device for fire extinguisher means (20) comprising a sealed envelope (22) containing a liquid, wherein the envelope breaks when the temperature of the liquid therein reaches a predetermined value, characterised in that the device further comprises associated heating means (14,21). ...

11-01-1995 дата публикации

Номер: JP0007000109B2

18-10-2022 дата публикации

Силовой автоматический выключатель с генератором огнетушащего аэрозоля (варианты)

Номер: RU2781781C1

Заявленное решение относится к области электротехники и энергетики и может быть использовано для оперативного аварийного отключения электрического оборудования при воздействии высоких температур, например при пожаре, а также перегрузке, коротком замыкании. Технический результат заключается в повышении оперативности первичного пожаротушения с увеличением эффективности воспрепятствования распространения огня в замкнутом пространстве, в частности, таком как электрический шкаф, при одновременной защите от короткого замыкания, перегрузке. Отличительной особенностью заявленного решения является одновременное использование в составе изделия механизма автоматического отключения фаз и механизма отключения нуля N, генератора огнетушащего аэрозоля (ГОА) совместно с электрическим воспламенителем ГОА, инициирующего термочувствительного устройства (t1) и отключающего термочувствительного устройства (t2), находящегося в зоне воздействия тепла, возникающего при работе модуля генератора огнетушащего аэрозоля ...

24-01-2023 дата публикации

Устройство защитного отключения (УЗО) с аэрозолеобразующей или газообразующей системой пожаротушения и инициированием с помощью самовозгорающегося термовоспламенителя.

Номер: RU2788832C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и пожаротушения, а именно к устройству защитного отключения (УЗО), которое может быть использовано для оперативного аварийного отключения электрического оборудования при воздействии высоких температур, например при пожаре, а также перегрузке, коротком замыкании. Устройство защитного отключения (УЗО) содержит корпус и модуль (12) c аэрозолеобразующим или газообразующим составом (модуль), при этом модуль (12) выступает за пределы корпуса выключателя и содержит на выступе самовозгорающийся термовоспламенитель (22), имеющий температуру инициирования ниже, чем температура инициирования модуля (12), при этом дополнительно содержит отключающее термочувствительное устройство (8), контактную группу (18) для инициирования внешним сигналом, датчик срабатывания (21) и кнопку (25) ручного запуска электрического воспламенителя. Технический результат заключается в повышении оперативности первичного пожаротушения с увеличением эффективности воспрепятствования ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU148983U1

Модуль порошкового пожаротушения, содержащий заполненный огнетушащим порошком корпус с взрывонепроницаемой оболочкой, с выходным отверстием в нижней части, перекрытым мембраной, установленный в верхней части газогенерирующий элемент с токоведущими цепями электрического активатора, расположенными во взрывонепроницаемой оболочке, и размещенный в теплостойкий кожух с выходным отверстием в нижней части, в котором смонтирован аэратор, отличающийся тем, что над выходным отверстием теплостойкого кожуха установлена вплотную с кожухом тканая металлическая сетка.

30-03-2018 дата публикации

Самосрабатывающий огнетушитель

Номер: RU178352U1

Полезная модель относится к самосрабатывающим огнетушителям и предназначена для пожаротушения объектов, где невозможно постоянное присутствие человека. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности автоматического процесса пожаротушения за счет конструктивной возможности регулирования с фиксацией направления подачи огнетушащего средства, посредством встроенной гибкой подводки, выполненной с возможностью фиксации своего положения направления подачи огнетушащего средства. Результат достигается самосрабатывающим огнетушителем, включающим запорно-пусковое устройство и корпус с горловиной содержащий огнетушащее средство, причем горловина соединена с крышкой запорно-пускового устройства посредством резьбового соединения, причем запорно-пусковое устройство содержит крышку, соединенную посредством резьбового соединения с гибкой подводкой, которая с другого своего конца подсоединена к штуцеру, на который установлен автоматический спринклер, выполненный с возможностью при возникновении ...

20-07-2003 дата публикации

Запорно-выпускное устройство модуля порошкового пожаротушения (варианты)

Номер: RU2001114137A

... 1. Запорно-выпускное устройство модуля порошкового пожаротушения, содержащее корпус, в котором установлен обтюратор, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит сопло, при этом обтюратор, имеющий цилиндрическую часть, жестко закреплен в корпусе, а сопло фиксируется срезными штифтами таким образом, что обтюратор входит в сопло, причем между торцевой поверхностью верхней части сопла и основанием обтюратора имеется зазор, а корпус выполнен в виде цилиндрической трубы переменного сечения с прорезями на боковой поверхности. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внутренние поверхности сопла выполнены цилиндрическими и коническими. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что верхняя часть сопла выполнена цилиндрической. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что длина LO части обтюратора, входящей в сопло, связана с диаметром Dш штифтов, шириной Н канавки уплотнительного кольца и размером L3 зазора между верхней частью сопла и основанием обтюратора соотношением: 2 < (LO-Dш-L3)/Н<10 ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Модуль пожаротушени

Номер: RU2002115508A

... 1. Модуль пожаротушения, содержащий корпус, выполненный с возможностью подвесной установки и крепления, внутри герметичной полости которого размещены огнетушащее вещество и твердотопливный газогенератор, снабженный газоводами, расположенными по отношению к нему радиально, отличающийся тем, что модуль дополнительно снабжен направляющей, в которой размещен с возможностью вращения и выдвижения из корпуса стакан с тангенциальными отверстиями на его цилиндрической стенке, с выпуклым, снабженным перфорацией, дном и выходом открытой части стакана, оснащенной буртиком, в полость корпуса, при этом выходное отверстие направляющей перекрыто мембраной, имеющей утонение, выполненное по окружности, а газоводы по всей длине оснащены отверстиями с кольцевыми заглушками. 2. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что перфорация в дне стакана выполнена в виде диаметрально-пересекающихся прорезей. 3. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что перфорация в дне стакана выполнена в виде сочетания диаметрально-пересекающихся ...

30-04-1990 дата публикации

Автоматический огнетушитель

Номер: SU1560240A1

Изобретение относится к противопожарной технике, может быть использовано для тушения загораний в замкнутых объемах, электроустановках, кабельных коробах, распределительных шкафах, коммутационных блоках, двигателях различных видов транспорта и позволяет повысить эффективность работы огнетушителя при тушении пожаров и безопасность при эксплуатации. Автоматический огнетушитель содержит хрупкий баллон 1, заполненный огнетушащим порошком, внутри которого закреплен хрупкий баллон 2 с огнетушащей жидкостью, а средство для разрушения баллонов выполнено в виде электропроводящей пленки, нанесенной на внутреннюю поверхность баллона 2 с огнетушащей жидкостью, причем соотношение объемов с огнетушащей жидкостью и порошком составляет 1:2-1:10, а соотношение объема огнетушащей жидкости и баллона 2 составляет 0,5-0,75. 2 ил.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Brandschutzeinrichtung für elektrische Kleingeräte

Номер: DE202012100623U1

Brandschutzeinrichtung für mit einem Gehäuse (11) versehene elektrische Kleingeräte (10) bestehend aus einem einen vollständig umschlossenen und von einer Gefäßwand begrenzten Hohlraum (2) aufweisenden Berstgefäß (1), wobei in dem Hohlraum (2) eine Flüssigkeit angeordnet ist, die a) aufgrund thermischer Ausdehnung bei einer vorbestimmten Auslösetemperatur die Gefäßwand brechen und das Berstgefäß (1) bersten lässt; b) eine Brand verhindernde Wirkung und/oder eine Löschwirkung hat.

29-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008330772D0

23-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008304243D0

14-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008403706D0

24-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001407866A

... 1407866 Fire fighting apparatus E J POITRAS 15 Jan 1973 [26 Jan 1972] 1990/73 Heading A5A Pressurised fire extinguishing apparatus comprises a container of pressurised extinguishant provided with a fluid outlet tube having a discharge orifice at its outlet end, a thermoresponsive hermetic seal closing the orifice and comprising a plug having an outer wall sealed to the inner wall of the tube by an eutectic material which melts at a predetermined temperature, and an auxiliary seal isolating the eutectic material from the container contents. In Fig 1, container 12 of extinguishant 13, e.g. methyl bromide, is fitted with discharge tube 15 having open lower end 16, filling valve 14, and discharge orifices 18, 19 each containing release mechanism 21. The latter comprises cup-shaped sealing plug 22 sealed at its side wall 25 to the inner surface of tube 15 by eutectic material 26, such as a fusible metallic alloy, and cup-shaped auxiliary seal 23, preferably of resilient elastomeric material ...

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000107867T

08-01-2003 дата публикации

System and method for treating fires

Номер: AU2002344823A1

11-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002365227C

Barrel assemblies (10) each include a plurality of projectiles (11) arranged in-line within barrel (12) and associated with discrete selectively ignitable propellant charges (13) for propelling projectiles (11) through the muzzle of barrel (12). Projectiles (11) are intended for civilian or non-military purposes and include holding body (17) in which matter or objects may be transported. Projectiles (11) are arranged with one another and barrel (12) so as to prevent rearward travel of an ignited propellant charge to the trailing propellant charge. The matter or objects contained within holding body (17) may include explosive charges for seismic exploration, fire retardants, fire extinguishing means, pyrotechnics, herbicide, insecticide, fertiliser or seeds. Methods of delivering loaded projectiles (11) for civilian purposes are claimed. ...

26-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1009338A

18-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001317852C

Apparatus for suppressing explosions comprises a reservoir means containing hot pressurised water which is heated by a heating means. On explosion conditions occurring in an enclosure a high speed differential pressure diaphragm is fractured to release a charge of hot pressurised water into the enclosure. When the water enters the enclosure portion it is converted into water droplets to suppress the flame front of a deflagration and portion of the water flashes off as flash steam to reduce the oxygen concentration and suppress the explosion. A differential pressure diaphragm 40 comprises a pair of bursting diaphragms having a space therebetween which is maintained at a balance pressure. When explosion conditions occur the balance is disturbed and the diaphragms burst under the higher pressure.

13-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002559751A1

A fire-extinguishing means which is formed of a pipe or hose element which comprises a wall and a space (W) defined by it for conveying an extinguishing medium. The wall is formed of at least two layers (2, 3), at least one of which is of material sensitive to increased temperature which melts, burns or otherwise weakens as a result of increased temperature so the extinguishing medium being pressurised in the space (W) is able to pass through the wall to its outer side.

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002170130C

The object of the invention is to attend to necessary low-pressure functions at fire fighting in a novel way by means of a high-pressure drive unit having one or several hydraulic accumulators in order to achieve a minimum dependence on availability of electric energy. This is achieved in such a way that at least part of the gas being left over after the hydraulic accumulators have been emptied of liquid is utilized for driving a low-pressure pump.

25-01-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000113280U

28-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000019419C2

Огнетушащее устройство включает корпус с заглушенным торцом, камеру сгорания, размещенную в корпусе коаксиально с ним и снабженную твердотопливным генератором огнетушащего аэрозоля с элементом поджига. Генератор выполнен со сквозной осевой проточкой, а камера - в виде стакана, установленного жестко с зазором к внутренней поверхности корпуса. Открытый торец камеры обращен в сторону стенки-отражателя, образующей заглушенный торец корпуса. Зазор между камерой и корпусом оборудован многозаходными винтовыми ребрами.

27-03-2020 дата публикации

Processing technology of aluminum alloy fireproof window profile

Номер: CN0110924828A

02-10-2020 дата публикации

Charging rack for battery of electric bicycle

Номер: CN0211617453U

23-06-2020 дата публикации

Intensive insulation bus duct cover plate

Номер: CN0210838864U

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Chemistry articles for use strorage device

Номер: CN0208590688U

30-10-2020 дата публикации

Fireproof and flame-retardant structure of stilted building wall

Номер: CN0211817093U

The utility model discloses a fireproof and flame-retardant structure of a stilted building wall. According to the technical scheme, the floor comprises a base plate, the base layer plate is sequentially provided with a heat preservation plate, a fireproof plate and a decorative plate in the indoor direction and the outdoor direction correspondingly. A cavity is formed in the base layer plate; thecavity is filled with fire extinguishing particles; a plurality of guide tubes are also arranged; the plurality of guide pipes are symmetrically arranged by taking the base layer plate as the center;one end of the guide tube is communicated with the cavity; the other end of the connecting rod obliquely extends downwards; a groove for accommodating the guide pipe is formed in one surface, facingthe fireproof plate, of the decorative plate; the end, away from the cavity, of the guide pipe sequentially penetrates through the heat preservation plate and the fireproof plate and enters the groove, the ...

13-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002135574B1

24-05-1996 дата публикации

Automatic fire extinguisher using mixture of nitrogen and halon

Номер: FR0002727025A1

Dispositif d'extincteur automatique. Il comprend un récipient (1, 2) en acier comportant un premier orifice (11) obturé par une valve (12) de remplissage et un second orifice (21) obturé par un matériau (22) fusible à une certaine température, ledit récipient (1, 2) étant empli d'un gaz extincteur sous une pression de 2 à 3 kg/cm**2.

15-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003088213A1

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102123819B1

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Telecommunication box using Internet of Things

Номер: KR0102156833B1

19-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101899102B1
Принадлежит: VANGUARDTEC CO., LTD.

An automated fire extinguisher is disclosed. According to an embodiment, the automated fire extinguisher comprises: a fire extinguishing agent container having at least one opened exit end, and provided with a closed area except for the exit end to accommodate a fire extinguishing agent therein; and a spray nozzle coupled to the exit end to seal the exit end, having a discharge port through which the fire extinguishing agent can be sprayed, and provided for the discharge port to be opened in accordance with a temperature. The fire extinguishing agent exists in a liquid state at room temperature, and is evaporated at predetermined evaporation temperature. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101377693B1

03-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR20030026804A

PURPOSE: To achieve quick and effective fire extinguishment by sufficient diffusion of fire extinguishing agents while speeding up response during the fires. CONSTITUTION: The automatic fire extinguisher 10 is provided with a breaking means 14 for applying impacts to tear up a fire extinguishing agent container 12 housing the fire extinguishing agent 13. The breaking means 14 is provided with a fixed plate 19 fixed at the central part on the side of the fire extinguishing agent container 12 on the bottom wall 11a of a holder 11, a guide member 22 suspended on the side of the fire extinguishing agent container 12 of the fixed plate 19, a movable plate 21 arranged on the outer circumferential surface on the side 22a of the base end part of the guide member 22, an elastic body 20 interposed between the fixed plate 19 and the movable plate 21 and the breaking member 23 fastened on the outer circumferential surface of the tip part of the guide member 22 with a heat sensitive material 29. © KIPO ...

06-01-2016 дата публикации

Номер: KR2020160000060U

02-02-2010 дата публикации

self [...] extinguisher

Номер: BR0PI0901347A2

12-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: BE0000856741A1

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021125426A1
Автор: LEE, Gill Do

The present invention relates to a bullet fire extinguisher for fire suppression, and more particularly, to a fire extinguisher filled with a powder fire-extinguishing agent to suppress fires, the fire extinguisher comprising: a bullet fire-extinguisher container body having an accommodation space therein; a powder fire-extinguishing agent filled in the accommodation space of the bullet fire-extinguisher container body; and a support fastened and fixed to a lower portion of the bullet fire-extinguisher container body, wherein the bullet fire-extinguisher container body accommodating the powder fire-extinguishing agent is formed of an eco-friendly material to prevent environmental pollution, and has a simple structure and thus can quickly scatter the accommodated powder fire-extinguishing agent, and thereby effectively suppress a fire.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016060868A1

A fire suppression system includes a transport refrigeration unit configured to cool a transport container. Also included is a tubular container having a fire suppressant stored therein, the tubular container disposed within the transport refrigeration unit. Further included is a predetermined fracture location of the tubular container, wherein the predetermined fracture location is configured to rupture upon reaching a critical temperature to expel the fire suppressant.

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011010887A3
Автор: PARK, Chang Ki

The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing a spiral tube, which has a simple structure for conveniently manufacturing the spiral tube, and to a fire-extinguishing device having the spiral tube manufactured by the apparatus. According to the present invention, provided is a fire-extinguishing device having a spiral tube, wherein the fire-extinguishing device comprises a chemical agent tube (20) which is wound into a spiral shape to form a concentric circle on the same plane, and which has a chemical agent chamber (22) loaded with a fire-extinguishing agent; and a heat-sensitive module (50) for controlling the opening/shutting operation of a discharge path formed between the chemical agent chamber (22) and a nozzle (80).

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: WO2018051662A1
Автор: OTAKI Akiyoshi

This automatic fire extinguishing device, which is an automatic fire extinguishing device 1 mounted on a ceiling 7, is characterized by being provided with a fire extinguishing fluid container 2 filled with a fire extinguishing fluid 21, and a gas supply device 5 for supplying gas into the fire extinguishing fluid container, wherein: the fire extinguishing fluid container is provided with a spray nozzle 3 which downwardly sprays the fire extinguishing fluid under a specific pressure; the gas supply device is provided with a carbon dioxide bombe 5 and a trigger device 6 for discharging the gas present in the carbon dioxide bombe; the trigger device is provided with a thermosensitive sensor 60 which operates by detecting a specific temperature, and a trigger 61 which is disposed to be maintained a distance apart from and face the carbon dioxide bombe; the gas supply device is horizontally connected under the ceiling along the ceiling surface and has a lower portion to which the fire extinguishing ...

14-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: WO1990006155A1

An automatically activated fire extinguishing device for a stove. The device (10) is installable in a hood (16) over the stove (11) and has a compact design which substantially hides portions of the device from normal viewing. A container (12) holds the fire extinguishing compound and is evacuated when valve (22) punctures seal (21) in the container opening (20). A tube (24) conveys the compound from valve outlet (25) to header (26) when valve (22) is open. Nozzles (28) secured to header (26) direct the compound to the stove surface (30). Fusible links (36), trigger (37) and wires (38) activate a valve opening mechanism (40) when link (36) breaks pushing rod (41) of valve (22) upwards to puncture seal (21). The invention also includes an automatic stove shut-off (44) which shuts off the electricity or gas to the stove in the event of a fire.

14-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3804817A1
Автор: HAGGE, Harlan

Disclosed is a fire suppressant system for a cargo container, the system having: a pressure vessel disposed within the cargo container, an exterior surface of the pressure vessel defining a fire suppressant-opening; a seal member that covers the fire suppressant-opening; and a connection feature connects the seal member to the pressure vessel, wherein the connection feature that releases the seal member when exposed to a predetermined minimum temperature.

17-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055001635Y2

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for hot aisle/cold aisle data center fire suppression

Номер: US20130025888A1
Принадлежит: Firetrace USA LLC

Methods and apparatus for hot aisle/cold aisle data center fire suppression according to various aspects of the present invention include a detection system that is configured to be located proximate to a side of a computer cabinet facing a hot aisle and a discharge system that is configured to be located within a subfloor having a cooling airflow that is directed upwards from the subfloor through one or more vents in the subfloor and into a cold aisle. The detection system may be configured to detect a fire condition such as smoke exiting the cabinet and in response generate a signal that activates the discharge system. The discharge system may be configured to inject a fire suppressant into the cooling airflow, whereby the cooling airflow may facilitate delivery of the fire suppressant into the cold aisle and the computer cabinet.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fire protection device for small electrical devices

Номер: US20130220650A1
Принадлежит: Job Lizenz GmbH and Co KG

A fire protection device for small electrical devices provided with a housing. The fire protection device includes a bursting capsule featuring a hollow space that is completely enclosed and delimited by a vessel wall, wherein a liquid is disposed in the hollow space. The liquid breaks the vessel wall at a predetermined trigger temperature due to thermal expansion thereby causing the bursting capsule to rupture. When the vessel wall ruptures and releases the liquid it has a fire preventing effect and/or a fire extinguishing effect.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255973A1
Автор: Prieur Jean-claude

An air management system including a component rack with shelves, a retractable air management structure mechanically attached to the component rack, and an activation apparatus including an electromechanical release device and a fire detection sensor. The retractable air management structure includes a flexible sheet rollably mounted on a spring loaded roller mounted internal to a housing. The flexible sheet is configured to extend from a rolled position on the spring loaded roller to an extended position. The flexible sheet in the extended position is configured to direct a flow of air through the component rack. The flexible sheet includes a thermally insulative and fire retardant material. The electromechanical release device is configured to automatically release the spring loaded roller if the fire detection sensor detects a fire within a specified area surrounding the component rack. 1. A system comprising:a retractable air management structure mechanically attached to a component rack with shelves, wherein said retractable air management structure comprises a flexible sheet rollably mounted on a spring loaded roller mounted internal to a housing, wherein said flexible sheet is configured to extend from a rolled position on said spring loaded roller to an extended position extending from a top of said component rack to an electromechanical release device, wherein said flexible sheet in said extended position is configured to direct a flow of air through said component rack, wherein said flexible sheet extended in said extended position is configured to be placed in said rolled position on said spring loaded roller, and wherein said flexible sheet comprises a thermally insulative and fire retardant material;an activation apparatus comprising said electromechanical release device and a fire detection sensor, wherein said electromechanical release device is configured to automatically release said spring loaded roller if said fire detection sensor detects a fire ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277071A1
Автор: Schaefer Tim

In a method or in a device for fighting or preventing fires in the interior, on the surface, or in the surroundings of an electrochemical energy store, a unit is provided which ensures that the concentration of an inert gas or of a mixture of inert gases in the interior, on the surface, or in the surroundings of the electrochemical energy store does not fall below a predetermined value. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for fighting or preventing fires in the interior , on the surface , or in the surroundings of an electrochemical energy store , the method comprising:providing a device that functions to ensure that the concentration of at least one inert gas or a mixture of inert gases does not fall below a predetermined value in the interior, on the surface or in the surroundings of an electrochemical energy store; andgenerating or maintaining a negative pressure at least temporarily in the interior, on the surface, or in the surroundings of the electrochemical energy store by extracting gases, into which negative pressure at least one inert gas or mixture of inert gases injected in liquid form is able to expand by evaporation, absorbing heat.18. The method according to claim 17 , in which the device comprises:at least one sensor that measures the concentration of at least one inert gas;a control unit to which the values measured by the at least one sensor are transmitted; anda gas supply device that is controlled by the control unit in its function of introducing a stream of inert gas or a mixture of inert gases in the interior, on the surface, or in the surroundings of the electrochemical energy store.19. The method according to claim 17 , wherein an inert gas from the group consisting of argon claim 17 , nitrogen claim 17 , carbon dioxide claim 17 , or a mixture of at least two gases from this group claim 17 , or a mixture of at least one gas from this group with at least one other gas claim 17 , is used claim 17 , and the concentration of at least one of these gases ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Autonomous fire-fighting agent

Номер: US20130313466A1
Принадлежит: Type Ferme &#34;Pirochimica&#34; SA

An autonomous fire-fighting agent ( 10 ) formed from a material with fire-extinguishing properties. The material includes: microcapsules with a fire-extinguishing composition, the microcapsules having sizes of from 2 to 100 μm and being in the form of a halocarbon enclosed in a polymeric shell consisting of polyurea and/or polyurethane; and a binder. The binder includes a composite material having a polymeric component and mineral fibers and/or particles. The invention also relates to a method for manufacturing an autonomous fire-fighting agent ( 10 ) and an object which uses the autonomous fire-fighting agent ( 10 ) to fight a fire 10-20 s after ignition.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Self-adjusting firestopping sleeve apparatus with flexibly resillient supplemental constriction means

Номер: US20140020915A1
Автор: LOPES Julio
Принадлежит: Specified Technologies Inc.

A firestopping sleeve positionable usually in walls which is self-adjusting and includes a sleeve defining an access corridor extending longitudinally therewithin with at least one firestopping pad positioned therein. The pad defines an access corridor extending therethrough for receiving wall penetrating cables which are firestopped therearound by the pad. A supplemental construction band is positioned extending around the pad for enhancing firestopping adjacent the penetrating wire for facilitating preventing the flow of heat, smoke or fire therepast. 1. A self-adjusting firestopping sleeve apparatus with a flexibly resilient supplemental constriction means for receiving penetrating members such as wires and cables extending therethrough for firestopping therearound comprising: (1) a first end defining a first opening therein in fluid flow communication with respect to said access corridor;', '(2) a second end defining a second opening therein in fluid flow communication with respect to said access corridor and positioned spatially disposed from said first end;, 'A. a sleeve adapted to be positioned passing through a construction barrier wherein said sleeve defines an access corridor extending longitudinally therethrough for providing access through the construction barrier for positioning penetrating members, said sleeve includingB. a firestopping pad means located within said access corridor and extending at least partially therealong and defining a confinement area extending longitudinally therethrough along said access corridor for receiving and extending around a penetrating member passing through the confinement area and being responsive to exposure to fire conditions thereadjacent to seal therearound to minimize flow of fire, smoke and heat through said access corridor adjacent the penetrating members; andC. a supplemental constriction means positioned extending around said firestopping pad means for enhancing constriction thereof around the penetrating ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Modular energy-efficient and safety network cabinet

Номер: US20140024305A1
Автор: Xiaole Fu

A modular energy-efficient and safety network cabinet comprises: at least one cabinet body; a main blast pipe, used to transfer air between an air-conditioner and the cabinet body defining a recycle way that the air is in from the bottom of the cabinet body and out from the top of the cabinet body; at least one tributary blast pipe, connected the main blast pipe and the cabinet body; a fire extinguisher, disposed above the cabinet body and full with inert-gas; an induction pipe, connecting the fire extinguisher and the cabinet body; a force draft fan, disposed under the cabinet body; a return fan, disposed above the cabinet body; an exhaust smoke valve, disposed above the return fan; a control system, used to control the temperature and humidity of the cabinet body and to put out a fire.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Mixture for Abating Combustion by a Li-ion Battery

Номер: US20140060859A1

Abatement of combustion by Li-ion battery is achieved by positioning a mixture comprising a thermally destabilizable solid fluoropolymer and a fluorinated composition with respect to the battery, the positioning being effective to provide the abatement of combustion of the battery, the mixture preferably being a semi-solid and having the proximity to the battery to provide the combustion abatement effect, preferably as a coating on at least a portion of the battery. 1. Mixture for abating the combustion by a Li-ion battery , comprising a thermally destabilizable solid fluoropolymer and a fluorinated composition.2. The mixture of wherein said fluorinated composition has a low enough molecular weight such that a semi-solid mixture is formed when said fluorinated composition is mixed with said solid fluoropolymer.3. The mixture of as a semi-solid.4. The mixture of wherein said fluorinated composition is fluoropolyether.5. The mixture of wherein said destabilizable fluoropolymer contains thermally unstable moieties.6. The mixture of wherein said fluorinated composition by itself is in the liquid state at temperatures up to at least 40° C.7. A process for abating the combustion by a Li-ion battery claim 1 , comprising positioning a mixture comprising thermally destabilizable solid fluoropolymer and a fluorinated composition with respect to said battery claim 1 , which is effective provide said abating by said combustion of said battery.8. Process of wherein said battery has an electrical connector and said positioning includes forming a coating of said mixture at least on said electrical connector.9. The process of wherein said positioning includes forming a coating of said mixture on at least a portion of said battery. This invention relates to the abatement of combustion stemming from a Li-ion battery that has been compromised such as by short circuiting.A lithium-ion battery (Li-ion battery) is a battery in which lithium ions move between oppositely charged electrodes ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014001A1
Автор: Dengler Georg

A fire protection device for a cable bushing leading a cable unit from a fire-risk area to an area to be protected against fire. The fire protection device has a fire protector that is provided for protection against the spread of fire into the space to be protected through the cable bushing. In order to provide a fire protection device that offers high flexibility in the use of cable bushings and allows subsequent repositioning of the cable, the fire protector is configured as an assembly component. 17-. (canceled)8. A fire protection apparatus for a cable bushing leading a cable unit from a space at risk of fire to a space to be protected against fire , the fire protection apparatus comprising:a fire protection device for protecting against a spread of the fire into the space to be protected through the cable bushing, said fire protection device having a structural unit made of an intumescent material and a main body, said structural unit fastened to said main body, said fire protection device being an assembly component coupled to the cable bushing during assembly.9. The fire protection apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein said fire protection device together with the cable bushing forms a cable duct for the cable unit.10. The fire protection apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein when said fire protection device is coupled to the cable bushing claim 8 , said fire protection device and the cable bushing overlap in a direction oriented perpendicular to a direction of extent of the cable unit.11. The fire protection apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein when said structural unit is installed claim 8 , the cable unit runs through said structural unit.12. The fire protection apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein said main body is a hollow body having an inner space provided for a passage of the cable unit and in said inner space said structural unit is disposed.13. The fire protection apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein said fire protection device ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Treating Underground Conduits

Номер: US20160023026A1
Автор: Peter Cordani
Принадлежит: GelTech Solutions Inc

An apparatus and method for extinguishing and/or suppressing an electrical fire within a wooden conduit. The apparatus includes a source of pressurized fire suppressant coupled to fluid dispenser by a flexible hose. The fluid dispenser includes a coupling element securable to the flexible hose and a body element formed from a tubular wall with a plurality of fluid passage apertures for distribution of the fire suppressant. A leading element of the fluid dispenser is available for securement to a draw line for pulling the fluid dispenser through the conduit. Further disclosed is the method for extinguishing and/or suppressing the electrical fire which includes mixing of a non-conductive fire suppressant fluid, and distributing the fluid throughout the wooden conduit by drawing the fluid dispenser through the conduit with either a fish line or a discarded electrical wire.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Fire Suppression Apparatus and Method for Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Rim Seal Gap Area

Номер: US20170028235A1

A fire suppressant system mounted above the flammable liquid within the rim space between a floating roof and the tank wall that stores solid fire suppressant materials within a container reactant to increased temperature by disintegrating and dropping the fire suppressant material to create an oxygen barrier and retard the spread of a fire. 1. A fire suppressant system for retarding the spread of a fire of a stored flammable liquid in the annular space between a floating roof and the wall of a storage tank comprising:a floating roof set off from the wall of the storage tank by a self-centering seal extending over the surface of the flammable liquid in the annular space between the floating roof and said wall of the storage tank, said floating roof having a rim circumscribing the floating roof;a plurality of containers mounted within the annular space at predetermined locations along the rim of the floating roof above the flammable liquid for holding a plurality of small fire suppressant bodies, said container responsive to a significant increase in temperature caused by combustion of the flammable liquid by rupturing or disintegrating releasing the plurality of small fire suppressant bodies to the liquid surface below;said small fire suppressant bodies dropping to the flammable liquid surface create an oxygen barrier over the flammable liquid along said liquid surface for suppressing any fire within the annular space.2. The fire suppressant system of wherein said plurality of containers are mounted along the rim of the floating roof between the surface of the flammable liquid and the top of the floating roof.3. The fire suppressant system of wherein the shape of said small fire suppressant bodies is selected from the group consisting of any possible solid geometric shape capable of being retained in maximum number within each of said plurality of containers.4. The fire suppressant system of wherein the material for said small fire suppressant bodies are selected ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118941A1
Принадлежит: TELLABS OY

A device provided with fire protection includes a casing (), electrical components () inside the casing, and a fan element (). The casing includes a first wall having ventilation apertures and the fan element is configured to produce ventilation flow through the ventilation apertures so as to cool the electrical components. The device further includes a fire protection element () including thermally expanding material () configured to suppress the ventilation flow via the ventilation apertures in response to a situation in which the thermally expanding material is exposed to heat and gets expanded. The fire protection element is outside the casing, the fan element is mechanically supported to the casing, and the fire protection element is removable and re-installable without detaching the mechanical support between the casing and the fan element. Therefore, the fire protection element can be a post-installable element. 2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one fan element is inside the casing and the fire protection element is outside the casing and attached to the first wall of the casing.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one fan element is outside the casing claim 1 , the at least one fan element is attached to the first wall of the casing claim 1 , and the fire protection element is attached to the at least one fan element so that the at least one fan element is between the first wall of the casing and the fire protection element.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one fan element is outside the casing claim 1 , the at least one fan element is attached to a second wall of the casing claim 1 , and the fire protection element is outside the casing and attached to the first wall of the casing claim 1 , the second wall of the casing having one or more ventilation apertures.5. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the casing comprises an aperture enabling the fire protection element to be pushed into the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036048A1

A fire-extinguishing or fire-protection device formed from a pressure vessel filled with a pressurized extinguishing medium. The device has an exit opening closed by a closure element which can be perforated by a perforation element. The pressurized extinguishing medium is held back in the pressure vessel from a passively thermally controlled trigger valve attached directly to the exit opening. The valve has a perforation element and a thermal triggering element. The perforation element is prestressed in a triggering position and is retained by the thermal triggering element in a standby position. When the triggering element is triggered as a result of a predetermined temperature being reached, the perforation element is released moving the triggering element to the triggering position in which it perforates the closure element. A thermal trigger valve suitable for use in the fire-extinguishing or fire-protection device is disclosed. 1. A fire extinguishing or fire protection device , formed froma pressure container filled with a pressurized extinguishing medium and having an exit opening that is sealed with a closure element perforable by means of a perforation element; wherein the pressurized extinguishing medium is retained in the pressure container; anda passively thermally controlled trigger valve seated directly on the exit opening and having a perforation element and a thermal triggering element;wherein the perforation element is pretensioned in the direction of a triggering position and held by the thermal triggering element in a standby position that is different from the triggering position and wherein when triggered by a predetermined triggering temperature being reached, the thermal triggering element releases the perforation element; wherein the perforation element driven by the pretensioning to which it is subjected in the standby position moves into the triggering position and perforates the closure element.2. The fire extinguishing or fire protection ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Battery module and battery pack with improved safety

Номер: US20200038698A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A battery module including a cell stack formed by stacking a plurality of battery cells; a module frame coupled to one side or both sides of the cell stack; and a fire extinguishing unit accommodated in the module frame to eject a fire extinguishing agent at a reference temperature or above.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Fire Suppression System for Tanks

Номер: US20210046344A1
Автор: Kaiser Bruce

Fire suppression system to extinguish fires present within tanks. The system includes a cylindrical suppression unit that contains a cylindrical aerosol generator. The suppression unit prevents the aerosol generator from sliding into the tank and allows a user to removably attach the system to and from the tank. The aerosol generator uses a potassium aerosol to extinguish the fire and may be engaged via a bulb-thermal actuator or heating of the bulk material that composes the aerosol. 1. A fire suppression generator for a suppression unit , comprising:an aerosol generator to be inserted within the suppression unit, said aerosol generator comprising a stopper and a bracket operatively connected to said stopper.2. The generator of wherein the bracket is composed of copper.3. The generator of wherein the bracket includes legs that extend the length of the aerosol generator.4. A fire suppression unit claim 1 , comprising:an aerosol generator to be inserted within a suppression unit, said aerosol generator comprising a connection location; andsaid suppression unit comprising distal and proximal ends, said distal end connected to a cap and said proximal end connected to a base.5. The unit of wherein the connection location attaches a stopper.6. The unit of wherein the connection location attaches to a bulb-thermal actuator.7. The unit of wherein the generator includes a bracket operatively connected to the connection location.8. The unit of wherein the base includes a threaded end.9. The unit of wherein the base is cylindrical.10. The unit of wherein the suppression unit includes heating rails.11. A fire suppression system for a tank claim 4 , comprising in combination:an aerosol generator to be inserted within a suppression unit, said aerosol generator comprising a connection location;said suppression unit comprising distal and proximal ends, said distal end connected to a cap and said proximal end connected to one end of a base; andsaid base further connected to a tank. ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Cellular telephone support bed for recharge

Номер: US20180043195A1

Disclosed is a cellular telephone recharging device which operates as a support bed for a cellular telephone during the recharging stage. The device includes a first pocket for retaining a fire extinguishing packet of super absorbent polymer capable of extinguishing a lithium battery fire. A second pocket is formed within the device for positioning of the cellular telephone over the fire extinguishing packet. Use of the device reduces or eliminates thermal meltdowns by positioning the fire suppressant directly adjacent to the most likely area for the thermal meltdown. 1. A cellular phone recharging support platform bed comprising:a base formed from a rectangular shaped material having an upper surface and a lower surface;a first continuous side wall formed along an upper edge of said base forming a first pocket;a fire suppressant packet positionable within said first pocket;a lid securable to said first continuous side wall, securing said packet in said first pocket;a second continuous side wall formed along an upper edge of said first continuous side wall forming a second pocket, said second pocket constructed and arranged to receive a cellular phone;wherein a cellular phone positioned within said second pocket is protected from overheating by said fire suppressant packet.2. The cellular phone recharging device according to wherein said base is constructed from a heat resistant material selected from the group of plastic or rubber.33. The cellular phone recharging device according to wherein said fire suppressant packet contains about ounces of liquid fire extinguishing material.4. The cellular phone recharging device according to wherein said fire extinguishing material is marketed under the trademark FIREICE® .5. The cellular phone recharging device according to wherein said lid has at least one aperture.6. The cellular phone recharging device according to wherein said second continuous side wall includes a groove for receipt of an outer edge of said lid claim 1 ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046822A1

An automatic fire extinguisher that is installed onto a lithium battery for automobiles, that is capable of extinguishing a fire in the event of overheating or inflammation of the battery and can even be used in confined locations. The automatic fire extinguisher comprises a bag, in which a film () made of a polyethylene, spread over the top and under the bottom of an 8 mm-thick rectangular frame () made of a polyethylene resin and projecting parts () arranged at regular intervals within the frame (), cover the frame () and the projecting parts () to form the bag, with the films having many recesses () that rupture upon contact with flame in the event of a fire formed thereon at regular intervals. A fire extinguishing liquid with high electric insulation and nitrogen gas of 1.2 MPa are sealed in the bag. 1. An automatic fire extinguisher , comprising:frame;a plurality of projecting parts or partition walls arranged within the frame and having the same height as the frame;a bag formed of a film made of a synthetic resin spread over the top and under the bottom of the frame and the projecting parts or partition walls, the top and bottom films being connected to the projecting parts or partition walls in the vertical direction at regular intervals, while the overlapping portions of the top and bottom films protruding outward from the frame are welded or bonded for sealing; anda fire extinguishing agent filled into the space surrounding the projecting parts or spaces divided by the partition walls in the bag,wherein at least some or a majority of the partition walls have an opening such that the spaces divided by the partition walls are in communication with other adjacent spaces via the opening.2. The automatic fire extinguisher according to claim 1 , wherein the fire extinguishing agent is liquid at normal temperature and vaporizes upon heating.3. The automatic fire extinguisher according to claim 1 , wherein the film of at least one surface of the top and bottom ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Automatic fire extinguishing system for small spaces using fire extinguishing agents

Номер: US20200047015A1
Автор: Baek Chang Sun

The present invention relates to an automatic fire extinguishing system for small spaces using fire extinguishing agents comprising the automatic fire extinguishing system to be installed in a small space, wherein the moving member is moved by an elastic body installed in the housing when the glass bulb installed in the housing is broken by heat from a fire; the fire extinguishing agents breaks the membrane of the tank storing the pressurized fire extinguishing agents with the striking member connected with the moving member; the striking member connected with the moving member breaks the membrane of the tank which stores pressurized fire extinguishing agents; and the pressurized fire extinguishing agents are spread to the small space, which leads to suppressing the fire at an early stage. When a fire breaks out in a small space susceptible for a fire such as distribution boxes, substation boxes, refrigerators, server racks, etc., the glass bulb installed inside the housing will be broken by heat; the moving member is moved by the elastic force of the elastic body; the striking member breaks the membrane blocking the opening of the tank; and the fire extinguishing agents pressurized in the tank are dispersed, which makes it easier to suppress a fire at an early stage. 12030101011009020. An automatic fire extinguishing system for small spaces using fire extinguishing agents , wherein a moving member () is moved by the elastic body () installed in the housing () when the glass bulb installed in the housing is broken by heat of a fire; the pressurized fire extinguishing agents breaks the membrane () of the tank () , caused by the striking member () combined with the moving member (); a fire can be suppressed at an early stage as pressurized fire extinguishing agents are spread into the small space.2. An automatic fire extinguishing system for small spaces using fire extinguishing agents as set forth in further comprising:{'b': 10', '11', '2', '60, 'a housing () having ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050230A1
Автор: TOLAND Marc

An electrical outlet has an integrated environment detector such as a fire detector. The electrical outlet has an electrical outlet receptacle with one or more electrical sockets. The electrical outlet receptacle is adapted to be disposed in an electrical outlet box. Advantageously, carbon monoxide sensor along with at least one additional sensor such as heat, particle and smoke are disposed within or integral with the electrical receptacle. A wireless transmitter is operatively associated with the carbon monoxide sensor and the at least one additional sensor for identifying an environmental event such as a fire event. 1. An electrical wall outlet with integrated fire detector , said wall outlet comprising:an electrical outlet receptacle having one or more electrical sockets, the electrical outlet receptacle adapted to be disposed in an electrical outlet box;a carbon monoxide sensor disposed within or integral with the electrical receptacle;at least one additional sensor selected from the group consisting of heat, particle, and smoke disposed within the electrical receptacle; anda wireless transmitter operatively associated with the carbon monoxide sensor and the at least one additional sensor.2. The electrical wall outlet of further comprising electrical terminals for connecting the electrical outlet to electrical wiring of a building for providing power to the one or more electrical sockets.3. The electrical wall outlet of wherein the carbon monoxide sensor is powered directly from electricity provided through the electrical terminals.4. The electrical wall outlet of claim 1 , further comprising a computer network connection associated with the carbon monoxide sensor.5. The electrical wall outlet of claim 1 , further comprising a computer processor operatively associated with the carbon monoxide sensor and the at least one other sensor claim 1 , to identify presence of a fire.6. A system for detecting fire claim 1 , said system comprising:an electrical outlet ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072353A1

Multi-shot fire metering assemblies and a method for releasing fire extinguishing fluid from a multi-shot fire metering assembly. A multi-shot fire metering assembly may include a first fluid container. The first fluid container may include a first payload area for storing a fire extinguishing fluid. The multi-shot fire metering assembly may include a second fluid container. The second fluid container may be positioned within the first payload area. The second fluid container may include a second payload area for storing the fire extinguishing fluid. The multi-shot fire metering assembly may include a first discharge outlet for directing the fire extinguishing fluid when released. 1. A multi-shot fire metering assembly , comprising:a first fluid container having a first payload area for storing a fire extinguishing fluid;a second fluid container positioned within the first payload area and having a second payload area for storing the fire extinguishing fluid; anda first discharge outlet for directing the fire extinguishing fluid when released.2. The multi-shot fire metering assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second discharge outlet in fluid communication with the second fluid container and configured to direct the fire extinguishing fluid when released claim 1 , wherein the first discharge outlet is in fluid communication with the first fluid container.3. The multi-shot fire metering assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a first container cartridge configured to be electrically activated to shatter a first sealing disc to release the fire extinguishing fluid in the first payload area through the first discharge outlet claim 2 , wherein the first container cartridge is a pyrotechnic device.4. The multi-shot fire metering assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a second container cartridge configured to be electrically activated to shatter a second sealing disc to release the fire extinguishing fluid in the second payload area through the second discharge ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Fire Suppressant Panel

Номер: US20160059056A1
Принадлежит: Firetrace USA LLC

A fire suppressant panel according to various aspects of the present technology is configured to deliver a fire suppressant material in response to a detected fire condition in a transportable container. In one embodiment, the fire suppressant panel comprises a housing having a heat sensitive detection tube disposed on one side of the housing. The heat sensitive detection tube is adapted to release a fire suppressant material in response to being exposed to a fire condition.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060445A1

A pressure release device for a protective housing for flameproof enclosure of electrical operating means. The device includes an accommodating body () having a passage (), and a porous body () arranged in the passage (). The porous body () is elastically deformed by means of an interference fit in the passage (), and thus, reliably supported therein free of flame or spark exiting gaps. 11210. A pressure release device () for a protective housing () for flameproof enclosure of operating means which can form ignition sources , comprising:{'b': 18', '22', '34', '18, 'an accommodating body () having a passage () with a ring shaped mating surface () extending through the accommodating body (),'}{'b': 24', '22, 'a porous body () arranged in the passage (), and'}{'b': 24', '34', '24', '22, 'said porous body () being secured against said mating surface () with an interference fit of the porous body () with the passage ().'}212181410. The pressure release device () of in which said accommodating body () is a wall () of a protective housing ().31234. The pressure release device () of in which said mating surface () is an even surface.41234. The pressure release device () of in which said mating surface () is conical.51224. The pressure release device () of in which said porous body () is a composite made of randomly oriented fibers.612. The pressure release device () of in which fibers of said composite part have a diameter of at least 70 micrometers and maximally 130 micrometers.71224. The pressure release device () of in which said porous body () has a porosity (P) of at least 60 percent to maximally 80 percent.81224. The pressure release device () of in which said porous body () has pores of a diameter of at least 80 micrometers to maximally 250 micrometers.91224. The pressure release device () of in which said porous body () is made of sintered powder material.101224. The pressure release device () of in which said porous body () has a porosity (P) of at least 45 percent ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060369A1
Автор: KIM Byung Yul

A capsule-type fire extinguisher for preventing a battery explosion, and a battery including the capsule-type fire extinguisher are disclosed. The capsule-type fire extinguisher includes an extinguishing capsule including an extinguishing material configured to extinguish a fire by being externally discharged as being expanded and exploded by external heat in an inside thereof, a fixing member configured to fix the extinguishing capsule to the battery, and a forced exhaust provided on one side of the extinguishing capsule and configured to destroy at least one of the extinguishing capsule or the battery. 1. A capsule-type fire extinguisher for preventing an explosion of a battery , comprising:an extinguishing capsule comprising an extinguishing material configured to extinguish a fire by being externally discharged as being expanded and exploded by external heat in an inside thereof;a fixing member configured to fix the extinguishing capsule to the battery; anda forced exhaust provided on one side of the extinguishing capsule and configured to destroy at least one of the extinguishing capsule or the battery.2. The capsule-type fire extinguisher of claim 1 , wherein the forced exhaust is formed with at least one material of a bimetallic metal claim 1 , a shape-memory alloy claim 1 , or a plastic material of which a shape is deformed by an electrical signal or heat.3. The capsule-type fire extinguisher of claim 2 , wherein the forced exhaust comprises:a support frame formed with at least one material of a bimetallic metal, a shape-memory alloy, or a plastic material of which a shape is deformed by an electrical signal or heat; and 'wherein, as a shape of the support frame is deformed by an electrical signal or heat, the support frame is configured to press toward at least one side of the extinguishing capsule or the battery.', 'a protrusion formed by protruding from at least one side of the support frame,'}4. The capsule-type fire extinguisher of claim 3 , wherein the ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Clothes Dryer Fire Extinguisher System

Номер: US20140138106A1
Автор: Dolton Edward

A fire extinguisher system comprising a conduit and at least one storage, with at least one valve connected to the at least one storage responsive to a heat event within the conduit. 1. A fire extinguisher system comprising:a conduit;at least one storage for storing fire suppression material; andat least one valve connected to the at least one storage that is responsive to a heat event within the conduit for delivering fire suppression material from the at least one storage.2. The fire extinguisher system of wherein a periphery of the conduit has a first end in connection with an exhaust port of an appliance.3. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the conduit is a segment of an exhaust system.4. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the conduit is between the exhaust port and an exhaust tube.5. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the at least one storage contains chemical foam or water.6. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the heat event within the conduit is detected by a sensor.7. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the at least one valve is fluid based.8. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the valve comprises:at least one sealed receptacle containing a fluid; anda plug sealing the at least one storage;wherein the fluid expands in a heat event to break the receptacle.9. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the at least one storage is located inside a periphery of the conduit.10. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the periphery contains at least one mount claim 1 , sleeve claim 1 , clip claim 1 , or fixture for mating with a clip for at least one storage.11. The fire extinguisher system of wherein a part of the at least one storage is located outside of a periphery of the conduit.12. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the storage is slidably removable from the periphery.13. The fire extinguisher system of wherein the periphery contains at least one mount claim 1 , sleeve claim 1 , clip claim 1 , or fixture for mating with a clip ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062130A1

Battery enclosure arrangements for a vehicular battery system. The arrangements, capable of impact resistance include plurality of battery cells and a plurality of kinetic energy absorbing elements. The arrangements further include a frame configured to encase the plurality of the kinetic energy absorbing elements and the battery cells. In some arrangements the frame and/or the kinetic energy absorbing elements can be made of topologically interlocked materials. 1. A high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system for a vehicular battery system comprising:a plurality of high-shear enclosure arrangement modules, each high-shear enclosure arrangement module comprising a high-shear shell encasing at least one rigid protective shell, wherein the at least one rigid protective shell includes a plurality of electrically insulated cases, each electrically insulated case includes a battery cell.2. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim 6 , further comprising at least one rupture module disposed amongst the plurality of high-shear enclosure arrangement modules.37. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , wherein the rupture module contains a fluid.48. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , wherein the fluid is a fire extinguishing fluid configured to be expelled out onto neighboring high-shear battery arrangement enclosure modules in response to a pre-determined impact force.59. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , the fire extinguishing fluid is a fluid containing sodium chloride (NaCl) dry powder.69. The high-shear battery enclosure arrangement system of claim claim 6 , the fire extinguishing fluid is a fluid containing copper (Cu) dry powder. The present U.S. patent application is a divisional application of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/551,670 filed Nov. 24, 2014, which claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069536A1

An energy storage module includes: a plurality of battery cells arranged in a length direction, each of the battery cells including a vent; a plurality of insulation spacers, at least one of the insulation spacers being located between long side surfaces of an adjacent pair of the battery cells; a cover member; a top plate coupled to a top portion of the cover member and including ducts respectively corresponding to the vents of the battery cells and including opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers; a top cover coupled to a top portion of the top plate and including discharge holes located in an exhaust area and respectively corresponding to the ducts; and an extinguisher sheet located between the top cover and the top plate, configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a certain temperature and including opening holes located to correspond to the ducts. 1. An energy storage module comprising:a plurality of battery cells arranged in a length direction such that long side surfaces of adjacent ones of the battery cells face one another, each of the battery cells comprising a vent;a plurality of insulation spacers, at least one of the insulation spacers being located between the long side surfaces of an adjacent pair of the battery cells;a cover member comprising an internal receiving space configured to accommodate the battery cells and the insulation spacers;a top plate coupled to a top portion of the cover member and comprising ducts respectively corresponding to the vents of the battery cells and comprising opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers;a top cover coupled to a top portion of the top plate and comprising discharge holes located in an exhaust area and respectively corresponding to the ducts; andan extinguisher sheet located between the top cover and the top plate, configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a certain temperature, and comprising ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069537A1

An energy storage module includes: a plurality of battery cells arranged in a length direction; a plurality of insulation spacers; a cover member including an internal receiving space; a top plate coupled to a top of the cover member, the top plate including ducts respectively corresponding to vents of the battery cells and having opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers; a top cover coupled to a top of the top plate and having discharge holes respectively corresponding to the ducts; and an extinguisher sheet between the top cover and the top plate, the extinguisher sheet being configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a reference temperature, the top cover including protrusion parts on a bottom surface thereof, the protrusion parts covering an exhaust region and being coupled to an exterior of each of the ducts. 1. An energy storage module comprising:a plurality of battery cells arranged in a length direction such that long side surfaces of adjacent battery cells of the battery cells face one another;a plurality of insulation spacers, at least one of the insulation spacers being between the long side surfaces of each adjacent pair of the battery cells;a cover member comprising an internal receiving space configured to accommodate the battery cells and the insulation spacers;a top plate coupled to a top of the cover member, the top plate comprising ducts respectively corresponding to vents of the battery cells and having opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers;a top cover coupled to a top of the top plate and having discharge holes respectively corresponding to the ducts; andan extinguisher sheet between the top cover and the top plate, the extinguisher sheet being configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a reference temperature,wherein the top cover comprises protrusion parts on a bottom surface thereof, the protrusion parts covering an exhaust region ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Automated Fire Extinguishing Assembly

Номер: US20180071559A1
Автор: Joseph Pirrone
Принадлежит: Individual

An automated fire extinguishing assembly for fire protection while using cooking appliances includes a fire extinguisher and a stand. The fire extinguisher is automatic. The stand is configured to couple to the fire extinguisher. The stand is positioned to couple to the fire extinguisher such that the fire extinguisher is positionable above a cooking appliance, such as a crockpot. The fire extinguisher is configured to detect a fire, self-actuate and deliver a fire suppressing agent in the event of a fire.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210074982A1

An energy storage module includes a plurality of battery cells, each including a vent; a plurality of insulation spacers, at least one of the insulation spacers being located between long side surfaces of each adjacent pair of the battery cells; a cover member including an internal receiving space; a top plate coupled to a top portion of the cover member and including ducts respectively corresponding to the vents of the battery cells, and opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers; a top cover coupled to a top portion of the top plate and including discharge holes respectively corresponding to the ducts; and an extinguisher sheet located between the top cover and the top plate, configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a reference temperature, and including opening holes positioned to correspond to the ducts. 1. An energy storage module comprising:a plurality of battery cells arranged in a length direction such that long side surfaces of adjacent ones of the battery cells face one another, each of the battery cells comprising a vent;a plurality of insulation spacers, at least one of the insulation spacers being located between the long side surfaces of each adjacent pair of the battery cells;a cover member comprising an internal receiving space configured to accommodate the battery cells and the insulation spacers;a top plate coupled to a top portion of the cover member and comprising ducts respectively corresponding to the vents of the battery cells, and opening holes respectively corresponding to the insulation spacers;a top cover coupled to a top portion of the top plate and comprising discharge holes respectively corresponding to the ducts; andan extinguisher sheet located between the top cover and the top plate, configured to emit a fire extinguishing agent at a temperature exceeding a reference temperature, and comprising opening holes positioned to correspond to the ducts, wherein the insulation spacers ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077842A1
Автор: Skoskiewicz Andrzej

A battery rack for an energy storage system uses a manifold pipe and fluid discharge terminals to deliver water into the battery rack. The manifold pipe directs water flowing from a water source to fluid discharge terminals, which are heat-activated. Fluid discharge terminals may be coupled to branch pipes, which are in turn coupled to the manifold pipe. A heat-activated fluid discharge terminal discharges the water flowing from the manifold pipe to or within a battery module when activated at a threshold temperature range. 1. A system , comprising:a housing configured to mount one or more battery modules in an interior of the housing;a manifold pipe; anda fluid discharge terminal coupled to the manifold pipe, wherein the fluid discharge terminal is configured to receive fluid flowing from the manifold pipe and discharge fluid to a first mounting location in the interior of the housing.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manifold pipe comprises a terminal end located in the interior of the housing.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manifold pipe comprises an open end located in the exterior the housing.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the manifold pipe is configured to couple to a fluid source via the open end and to receive fluid from the fluid source via the open end.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a branch pipe that is coupled to the manifold pipe and is configured to receive fluid flowing from the manifold pipe.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the fluid discharge terminal is coupled to the manifold pipe via the branch pipe claim 5 , and the branch pipe is configured to direct water received from the manifold pipe to the fluid discharge terminal.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid discharge terminal is configured to activate at a threshold temperature to discharge fluid.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the manifold pipe comprises one or more openings distinct from the open end claim 1 , and wherein the fluid discharge terminal ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200076009A1

Lithium ion batteries with improved fire resistance properties are described. The lithium ion battery includes a first electrode including a lithium compound and a second electrode. A separator is positioned between the first electrode and the second electrode and an electrolyte is provided. wherein the separator comprises at least a layer of polymeric nanofibers positioned on one side of a separator core and a fire-retardant polymer coating formed opposite to the nanofiber layer which is simultaneously deposited during electrospinning process. The polymeric nanofibers have a diameter less than approximately 1 micron. The polymeric nanofibers have a fire-retardant material entrapped within the nanofibers. The fire-retardant material has a lower melting point than the polymeric nanofibers. The separator/nanofibers/fire-retardant material are configured such that a fire-initiating event releases the entrapped fire-retardant material from the nanofibers which extinguishes the fire-initiating event. 1. A lithium ion battery capable of withstanding nail penetration comprising:a first electrode including a lithium compound;a second electrode;a separator positioned between the first electrode and the second electrode;an electrolyte;wherein the separator comprises at least a layer of electrospun polymeric nanofibers positioned on one side of a separator core, the separator core being selected from a polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyethylene terephthalate separator core, a polymer coating being positioned on another side of the separator core, the polymer coating being deposited during an electrospinning process that deposits the polymeric nanofibers, each nanofiber of the polymeric nanofibers positioned on the separator core having a diameter less than approximately 1 micron, the polymeric nanofibers and the polymer coating including a fire-retardant material, the fire-retardant material having a lower melting point than the polymeric nanofibers, the separator configured ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Rack-Mounted Fire Suppression System

Номер: US20170087394A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies, Inc.

A data center includes a plurality of racks on a floor and one or more fire suppression systems coupled to at least some of the racks. The fire suppression systems include reservoirs mounted on the racks, a fire suppression material in the reservoir, and one or more material dispensing devices coupled to the reservoir. The material dispensing devices may dispense fire suppression material onto or into the racks in response to a fire condition. 1. A data center , comprising:a floor;a plurality of racks on the floor; and one or more reservoirs mounted on the rack;', 'a fire suppression material in the reservoir; and', 'one or more material dispensing devices coupled to at least one of the reservoirs,', 'wherein at least one of the material dispensing devices is configured to dispense at least a portion of the fire suppression material onto or into the rack in response to a fire condition., 'one or more fire suppression devices coupled to each of at least one of the one or more racks, wherein at least one of the fire suppression devices comprises2. The data center of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the fire suppression devices is configured to mount on top of a rack.3. The data center of claim 1 ,wherein the one or more fire suppression devices comprise two or more fire suppression devices,wherein each of at least two of the fire suppression devices is coupled to the top of a different one of the rack.4. The data center of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the fire suppression devices is configured to protect at least two of the rack on the floor.5. The data center of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the fire suppression devices is configurable to dispense fire suppression material onto a rack other than the rack the fire suppression device is mounted on.6. The data center of claim 3 , wherein the at least two fire suppression devices are structurally cross-coupled to one another.7. The data center of claim 3 , further comprising a cable tray coupled across the at ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134153A1
Автор: Vincent Rèmi

A system for extinguishing a fire and/or preventing a fire from starting or restarting in an electric vehicle, associated method of operation including a prior step of lifting the vehicle off the ground. In particular, the system for extinguishing the fire and/or preventing the fire from starting or restarting in the electric vehicle, which incudes, a module or a battery pack comprising a plurality of electrochemical batteries, in particular metal-ion batteries, includes a self-supporting inflatable structure, the shape and dimensions of which when deployed are adapted to create a peripheral barrier, which is closed upon itself, around the electric vehicle; and a liquid supply device for filling, at least partially, the volume delimited inside the peripheral barrier, so as to immerse at least the module or battery pack in the liquid.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134154A1

A system for extinguishing a fire and/or preventing a fire from starting or restarting in an electric vehicle having a module or a battery pack with a plurality of electrochemical batteries, in particular metal-ion batteries, includes a self-supporting inflatable structure, the shape and dimensions of which when deployed are configured to lift the electric vehicle off the ground, create a liner between the ground and the electric vehicle, and create a peripheral barrier in continuity with the liner, which is closed upon itself, around the electric vehicle. The system also includes a liquid supply device for filling, at least partially, the sealed volume delimited inside the peripheral barrier and by the liner, so as to immerse at least the module or battery pack in the liquid.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101305A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

An anti-fire protection device for a starter-controller device of an electrical installation is able to be connected to an electrical power conductor and includes thermal monitoring of the electrical power conductor to detect a temperature rise of greater than a predetermined threshold. This anti-fire protection device can be fixed mechanically to the starter-controller device via at least one mechanical linking member. The thermal monitoring includes at least one temperature sensor and a cartridge including a fire extinguishing agent and at least one injection element, situated on the same face of the protection device as the temperature sensor, the cartridge being situated inside the protection device and connected to the temperature sensor, the injection element being able to inject the fire extinguishing agent towards the electrical power conductors subsequent to a detection, by the temperature sensor, of a temperature of greater than the predetermined threshold.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149449A1

A battery fire detection device according to an embodiment includes: a first sensor configured to detect whether a gas vent of a battery cell is opened; a second sensor configured to detect a temperature of the battery cell; and a controller configured to determine whether there is a risk of fire or whether a fire occurs in the battery cell based on detection results of the first sensor and the second sensor. 1. A battery fire detection device comprising:a first sensor configured to detect whether a gas vent of a battery cell is opened;a second sensor configured to detect a temperature of the battery cell; anda controller configured to determine whether there is a risk of fire or whether a fire occurs in the battery cell based on detection results of the first sensor and the second sensor.2. The battery fire detection device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the gas vent of the battery cell is opened claim 1 , the controller determines a temperature and a temperature change of the battery cell after the gas vent is opened claim 1 , and determines whether there is a risk of fire or whether a fire occurs in the battery cell based on the temperature and the temperature change of the battery cell after the gas vent is opened.3. The battery fire detection device according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the temperature of the battery cell is decreased by a second temperature or higher from a first temperature or higher for a first period of time after the gas vent is opened claim 2 , the controller determines that the battery cell is at risk of fire or in which a fire has occurred therein.4. The battery fire detection device according to claim 3 , wherein the first temperature is 100° C. claim 3 , the first period of time is 5 seconds claim 3 , and the second temperature is 5° C.5. The battery fire detection device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , if the gas vent of the battery cell is not opened claim 1 , the controller determines the temperature ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101033A1
Автор: Hagge Harlan

Disclosed is a fire suppressant system for a cargo container, the system having: a pressure vessel disposed within the cargo container, an exterior surface of the pressure vessel defining a fire suppressant-opening; a seal member that covers the fire suppressant-opening; and a connection feature connects the seal member to the pressure vessel, wherein the connection feature that releases the seal member when exposed to a predetermined minimum temperature. 1. A fire suppressant system for a cargo container , the system comprising:a pressure vessel disposed within the cargo container, an wall of the pressure vessel defining a fire suppressant-opening;a seal member that covers the fire suppressant-opening; anda connection feature connects the seal member to the pressure vessel, wherein the connection feature that releases the seal member when exposed to a predetermined minimum temperature.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the connection feature is an eutectic solder.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined minimum temperature is 300 degrees Fahrenheit.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pressure vessel is filled with a fire suppressant.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the fire suppressant is compressed and is one of Halon claim 4 , Novec 1230 claim 4 , CF3I claim 4 , 2-BTP claim 4 , HFC-227ea claim 4 , HFC-125 claim 4 , and HFC-236fa.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppressant-opening on the exterior surface of the pressure vessel has a first shape that is curved.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the seal member has a perimeter with a second shape that matches the first shape of the fire suppressant-opening.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the fire suppressant-opening on the exterior surface is circular.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the exterior surface of the pressure vessel has a third shape that is spherical.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein a first diameter of the fire suppressant-opening is greater than twenty-five percent ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168602A1
Автор: Lee Hak Myeon

A small space fire extinguisher includes: a tube open from one side thereof to the other side thereof and made of a synthetic resin so that a portion thereof bursts by the heat generated when a fire breaks out to allow a fire extinguishing agent accommodated therein to spout; cylindrical blocking members coupled to both sides of the tube to prevent the fire extinguishing agent accommodated in the tube from leaking to the outside; coupling members located on the outer peripheral surface of the tube, in the state where packing members are fitted to installation grooves of blocking member bodies, and then compressed thereagainst by means of a compression device; and blocking members fitted to both side ends of the tube to prevent the coupling members compressedly fixed to the outer peripheral surface of the tube to which the blocking members with the packing members are fitted. 1. A small space fire extinguisher comprising:{'b': '110', 'a tube () open from one side thereof to the other side thereof and made of a synthetic resin so that a portion thereof bursts by the heat generated when a fire breaks out to allow a fire extinguishing agent accommodated therein to spout;'}{'b': 120', '110', '110, 'cylindrical blocking members () coupled to both sides of the tube () to prevent the fire extinguishing agent accommodated in the tube () from leaking to the outside;'}{'b': 140', '110', '130', '123', '121, 'coupling members () located on the outer peripheral surface of the tube (), in the state where packing members () are fitted to installation grooves () of blocking member bodies (), and then compressed thereagainst by means of a compression device; and'}{'b': 150', '110', '120', '130', '110', '140', '110, 'blocking members () fitted to both side ends of the tube () in a state where the blocking members to which the packing members are fitted are disposed inside the tube , to prevent the coupling members () compressedly fixed to the outer peripheral surface of the tube () ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101335A1

A system and method for battery fire extinguishing through flooding the battery are disclosed. The method mainly comprises the steps of: providing a battery box for a battery and a water solution container, the water solution container is injected into a water solution; detecting a fire state of the battery; and flooding the water solution into the battery box to extinguishing the fire when the battery is on fire. 1. A system for battery fire extinguishing through flooding the battery , comprising:at least one water solution container, used for accommodating a water solution;at least one battery box, each of the battery boxes having a battery space for accommodating at least one battery;a water distribution pipe, connected to the water solution container and the at least one battery box, and arranged at least one water outlet in the body of each of the battery box; andat least one water outlet control gate, one water outlet control gate provided at the water outlet, wherein the water is discharged from the water outlet when the battery is burned burning or on fire, so that the water solution floods the battery in the battery box to extinguish the fire.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the water solution is selected from the group consisting of tap water claim 1 , sodium chloride (NaCl) solution claim 1 , sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution claim 1 , and sodium sulfate (NaSO) solution.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the weight percentage of electrolyte of the sodium chloride (NaCl) solution claim 2 , the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution claim 2 , and the sodium sulfate (NaSO) solution ranges from 0.2% to 26%.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the water outlet control gate is a sealed automatic-sprinkler claim 1 , and the heat sensitive automatic sprinkling temperature of the sealed automatic-sprinkler is between 60° C. and 150° C.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the water outlet control gate is an unsealed sprinkler claim 1 ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113081A1

A fire protection device for small electrical devices provided with a housing. The fire protection device includes a bursting capsule featuring a hollow space that is completely enclosed and delimited by a vessel wall, wherein a liquid is disposed in the hollow space. The liquid breaks the vessel wall at a predetermined trigger temperature due to thermal expansion thereby causing the bursting capsule to rupture. When the vessel wall ruptures and releases the liquid it has a fire preventing effect and/or a fire extinguishing effect. 1. A fire protection device for a small electrical device , where the small electrical device includes a housing and electrical components arranged within an interior of the housing; wherein the fire protection device comprises: a) breaks the vessel wall of the bursting capsule at a predetermined trigger temperature due to thermal expansion thereby causing the bursting capsule to rupture; wherein the liquid within the bursting capsule is released into the interior of the housing; and', 'b) has a fire preventing effect and/or an extinguishing effect; and, 'a bursting capsule located within the interior of the housing; said bursting capsule featuring a hollow space that is completely enclosed and delimited by a vessel wall, wherein a liquid is disposed in the hollow space, and wherein the liquid is a halon; and wherein the liquidwherein the fire protection device further includes an electrical conductor routed between two contact points formed on the bursting capsule, which electrical conductor is connected between a voltage supply and the electrical components within the housing and the conductor conducts current to the electrical components; and wherein the electrical conductor is formed in such a way that the electrical conductor is automatically and inadvertently destroyed when the bursting capsule ruptures, thereby cutting power to the electrical components of the small electrical device located within the housing.2. The fire ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140196917A1
Принадлежит: EXXFIRE B.V.

The invention is directed to a system comprising (i) an electrical device connected to a source of electrical power; (ii) a container comprising a solid propellant gas generator, an igniter and a filter positioned between the solid propellant gas generator and an outflow opening for a gas, which outflow opening is fluidly connected to the electrical device; (iii) means to detect the temperature in the electrical device; and (iv) a control system having a control logic which, when a temperature is measured by means (iii) above a threshold value, will cut off the source of electrical power and which will actuate the igniter. The invention is also directed to a method to avoid a fire as a result of overheating, preferably performed in the above system. 1. System A system comprising:(i) an electrical device optionally connected to a source of electrical power;(ii) a container comprising a solid propellant gas generator, an igniter and a filter positioned between the solid propellant gas generator and an outflow opening for a gas, which outflow opening is fluidly connected to the electrical device;(iii) means to detect the temperature in the electrical device; and(iv) a control system having a control logic which, when a temperature is measured by means (iii) above a threshold value, optionally cuts off the source of electrical power, provided that the electrical device is connected to a source of electrical power, and which will actuate the igniter.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical device is positioned in a container claim 1 , andwherein the container is connected to one container comprising the solid propellant gas generator, andwherein more than one of such containers are placed in a rack.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical device is a server or a disk storage system.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the solid propellant gas generator comprises a composition comprising sodium azide.5. The system according to ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Fire Extinguishing System

Номер: US20160121148A1

An automatic fire extinguishing system is provided. The fire extinguishing system includes a housing having a detection assembly and a dispensing assembly. The detection assembly includes one or more sensors, such as infrared sensors configured to detect a fire. The fire extinguishing system emits an audible alarm through a speaker system upon detection of a fire. Further, the dispensing assembly is configured to eject a plurality of fire extinguishing balls towards a fire via compressed air. The dispensing assembly includes a reservoir configured to support the plurality of fire extinguishing balls, an air tank filled with compressed air, a valve electrically connected to a microprocessor, and a barrel. The air tank is in fluid communication with the barrel via the valve, whereby compressed air is released from the air tank to propel a fire extinguishing ball through the barrel to be ejected towards a fire. 1) A fire extinguishing system , comprising:a housing supporting a detection assembly and a dispensing assembly;said detection assembly comprising at least one sensor configured to detect a fire, a microprocessor, and a speaker system adapted to emit an audible alarm;said microprocessor is electrically connected to said dispensing assembly;said dispensing assembly configured to eject a plurality of fire extinguishing balls towards said fire.2) The fire extinguishing system of claim 1 , wherein:said dispensing assembly comprising a reservoir, an air tank filled with compressed air, a valve, and a barrel.3) The fire extinguishing system of claim 2 , wherein:said reservoir configured to support said plurality of fire extinguishing balls and successively load said plurality of fire extinguishing balls within said barrel one at a time.4) The fire extinguishing system of claim 2 , wherein said at least one sensor is configured to detect smoke and transmit a signal to said microprocessor.5) The fire extinguishing system of claim 2 , wherein:said microprocessor ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for fire suppression system for transportable container

Номер: US20170120089A1
Принадлежит: Firetrace USA LLC

A fire suppression system according to various aspects of the present technology is configured to deliver a fire suppressant material in response to a detected fire condition in a transportable container. In one embodiment, the fire suppression system comprises a detection system adapted to generate a detection signal when exposed to a fire condition that triggers a deployment valve to release a fire suppressant material into the transportable container. The fire suppression system is also be configured to be selectively disarmed to prevent actuation of the deployment valve in the event of an inadvertent signal generated by the detection system.

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Method and Device for Suppressing Electrical Fires in Underground Conduit

Номер: US20140202720A1
Автор: Cordani Peter
Принадлежит: GelTech Solutions, Inc.

A method and device for suppressing an electrical fire within an electrical wire carrying conduit. The device is a flexible receptacle containing an admixture of super absorbent polymer and water having substantially superior fire suppression and extinguishing properties that does not provide an electrically conductive environment. The receptacle is drawn though a conduit either before or after wires have been placed in the conduit, and the filled with the admixture. A sleeve may be placed over the receptacle to prevent breaching of the receptacle during installation. Once the receptacle and admixture is positioned within the conduit, should arcing or a buildup of heat occur, the receptacle will rupture and the admixture will cover the specific area. These particular properties and ratios of the admixture will enable electrical fires to be extinguished more rapidly and not flare back up. The admixture further encapsulates noxious and toxic gases associated with electrical fires. 1. A device for suppressing an electrical fire within an electrical conduit comprising:a receptacle constructed from a flexible material constructed and arranged to have a first end drawn through a length of electrical conduit and a second end juxtapositioned to an entry end of said electrical conduit;a hydrated super absorbent polymer positioned within said receptacle;a first clamp for sealing said first end and a second clamp for sealing said second end of said receptacle with said hydrated super absorbent polymer in said receptacle;wherein said receptacle is ruptured when subjected to heat indicative of a fire whereby said hydrated super absorbent polymer is released for suppression of the fire.2. The device for suppressing an electrical fire according to wherein said super absorbent polymer is potassium based and hydrated at a level to make the admixture non-conductive.3. The device for suppressing an electrical fire according to wherein a ratio of 100 grams of said super absorbent ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170125759A1

Processes for preventing or containing a thermal runaway event in a battery cell are provided that include localizing an effective amount of a thermally decomposable flame retardant to a target site on a cell or battery, where the flame retardant is localized so as not to coat the entire cell or large portions of the cell. It was discovered that targeted localization of flame retardant material(s) improves cell safety by preventing thermal runaway under adverse operating conditions. 1. A process for preventing or containing a thermal runaway event in a battery cell comprising:providing a secondary battery cell comprising a target site comprising a pressure relief feature; andlocalizing an effective amount of a thermally decomposable flame retardant to said target site, said localizing exclusive of non-target site regions surrounding said target site or within said cell.2. The process of wherein said pressure relief feature comprises a vent plug.3. The process of or wherein said target site is proximate to or surrounding an ignition source.4. The process of or wherein said target site is intermediate to one or more tabs and one or more electrodes.5. The process of or wherein said flame retardant is present at 6 percent to 50 percent by weight relative to said cell.6. The process of or wherein said target site experiences a temperature of 100° C. or greater upon overcharge of greater than 200% the state of charge (SOC).7. The process of any one of or wherein said cell is a prismatic cell claim 1 , button cell claim 1 , pouch cell claim 1 , or a cylindrical cell.8. The process of any one of or wherein said thermally decomposable flame retardant is capable of decomposing to form a gaseous halogen-bearing species upon reaching a temperature of 200° C. or greater.9. The process of any one of or wherein said flame retardant is a heat conductor.10. A process for measuring thermal runaway in a secondary cell comprising:localizing a thermally decomposable flame retardant to a ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Fire and smoke containment and extinguishing apparatus

Номер: US20140209331A1
Автор: Brian D. Burkett
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for fire and smoke containment and extinguishing are described. Systems may include a fire and smoke containment and extinguishing apparatus including an open recess with one or more walls. The open recess may substantially prevent passage of fire, smoke and fumes. The apparatus may also include one or more seals for closing the open recess, and a fire extinguishing system. Methods for fire and smoke containment and extinguishment may include providing a fire and smoke containment and extinguishing system; inserting an item into the recess of the apparatus; closing the recess; and deploying the fire extinguishing system.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Wild Fire Fighting Products and Associated Methods

Номер: US20200129799A1
Автор: Georgios Kontos
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to fire suppressant systems and methods for suppressing or extinguishing fires. These fires may be wild fires. It also relates to new methodologies that employ a fire suppression technique that allows for one to target particular areas of a fire. The methods and systems for effectively at least partially suppressing and/or extinguishing fires include the use of a container that will disappear/disintegrate when exposed to the fire allowing fire retardant materials contained in the container to be exposed to thereby suppressing or extinguishing the fire.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170210A1

An explosion-proof housing having external walls, which enclose a housing interior so as to be proof against ignition penetration relative to an atmosphere at risk of explosion. At least one insert is arranged in at least one outer wall. The insert facilitates a gas flow between the housing interior and an environment around the housing. The at least one insert is configured in such a way that a gas flow having a sufficient mass flow or volumetric flow rate is permitted, but a flow connection which is proof against ignition penetration is produced. Attached to the outer wall having the at least one insert is a guiding means which together with the relevant outer wall delimits a flow channel. The flow channel defines a main flow direction of a main gas flow through the flow channel substantially parallel to the directly adjoining outer wall. In this way, the gas exchange between the environment and the housing interior can be improved and facilities arranged in the housing interior can be cooled. 1. An explosion-proof housing , comprising:a plurality of outer walls that enclose a housing interior and separate it in an explosion-proof manner from an explosive atmosphere in an environment;at least one gas-permeable flameproof insert provided in at least one of the plurality of outer walls, the at least one gas-permeable flameproof insert having an inner side facing the housing interior and an outer side facing the environment;at least one guide device defining a flow channel adjacent to either the inner side or the outer side of the at least one gas-permeable flameproof insert in which gas flows through the at least one gas-permeable flameproof insert; andwherein the at least one guide device is configured to form a main gas flow having a main gas flow direction along the outer side or the inner side of the at least one gas-permeable flameproof insert in the flow channel.2. The explosion-proof housing according to claim 1 , wherein the guide device is arranged outside ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150151148A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The invention relates to a fire protection device () for a starter-controller device () of an electrical installation, the starter-controller device () comprising at least one connection terminal, each connection terminal being adapted to be connected to an electrical conductor, the protection device () comprising thermal monitoring means for the or each electrical conductor adapted to detect a temperature increase, at each connection terminal, above a predetermined threshold. This protection device is suitable for being mechanically fastened to the starter-controller device () via at least one mechanical connection member (). The thermal monitoring means comprise at least one temperature sensor () able to sense a temperature in a first hollow housing () of the starter-controller device () situated near a connection terminal of a conductor. This protection device further includes an injection device (), electrically connected to said at least one temperature sensor (), adapted to inject a fire extinguishing agent toward the first hollow housing(s) () once the temperature sensor () has detected a temperature above the predetermined threshold. 1. A fire protection device for a starter-controller device of an electrical installation , the starter-controller device comprising at least one connection terminal , each connection terminal being adapted to be connected to an electrical conductor , the protection device comprising thermal monitoring means for the or each electrical conductor able to detect a temperature increase , at each connection terminal , above a predetermined threshold ,wherein the fire protection device is adapted to be mechanically fastened to the starter-controller device via at least one mechanical connection member,and wherein the thermal monitoring means comprise at least one temperature sensor able to sense a temperature in a first hollow housing of the starter-controller device situated near a connection terminal of a conductor, the fire ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144005A1

A fire protection device for small electrical devices provided with a housing. The fire protection device includes a bursting capsule featuring a hollow space that is completely enclosed and delimited by a vessel wall, wherein a liquid is disposed in the hollow space. The liquid breaks the vessel wall at a predetermined trigger temperature due to thermal expansion thereby causing the bursting capsule to rupture. When the vessel wall ruptures and releases the liquid it has a fire preventing effect and/or a fire extinguishing effect. 1. A small electrical appliance comprising:a housing in which electrical components are disposed; anda fire protection device disposed in the housing, wherein the fire protection device comprises a bursting capsule featuring a hollow space that is completely enclosed and delimited by a vessel wall, and wherein a liquid is disposed in the hollow space, whicha) breaks the vessel wall at a predetermined trigger temperature due to thermal expansion thereby causing the bursting capsule to rupture; andb) has a fire preventing effect and/or an extinguishing effect.2. The small electrical appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the fire protection device further comprises:an electrical conductor routed between two contact points formed on the bursting capsule; wherein the electrical conductor is formed in such a way that the electrical conductor is destroyed when the bursting capsule ruptures; andan electrical supply line for the small electrical device is connected with the contact points on the bursting capsule and is routed through the electrical conductor between these contact points.3. The small electrical appliance according to claim 2 , wherein the electrical conductor is formed in such a way that the electrical conductor is automatically and inadvertently destroyed when the bursting capsule ruptures claim 2 , thereby cutting power to the electrical components located within the housing.4. The small electrical appliance according to claim ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139178A1

An apparatus includes a rack including a plurality of vertically-stacked battery shelves and a vertically extending pipe disposed adjacent the rack. The apparatus further includes a plurality of ports fluidically coupled to the pipe and spaced apart along a length of the pipe, respective ones of the ports configured to direct an extinguishing agent from the pipe towards respective ones of the shelves. 1. An apparatus comprising:a pipe configured to extend adjacent at least one rack having a plurality of vertically stacked battery shelves; andat least one plurality of ports fluidically coupled to the pipe, respective ones of the ports configured to direct an extinguishing agent from the pipe towards respective ones of the shelves.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ports comprise respective nozzles longitudinally spaced along the pipe.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pipe is disposed adjacent a side or a corner of the at least one rack.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ports are selectively controllable.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the ports are heat-activated.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ports comprise respective replaceable nozzles.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising respective stubs extending from the pipe toward respective ones of the shelves and wherein the ports are disposed proximate ends of the respective stubs.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising respective sprinkler heads at ends of respective ones of the stubs claim 7 , each of the sprinkler heads comprising:a nozzle proximate an end of the stub;a member configured to obstruct the nozzle in a first position and to expose the nozzle in a second position; andan actuator configured to move the member from the first position to the second position responsive to heat.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the member comprises a pivoting arm claim 8 , wherein the actuator comprises a heat-sensitive member that holds the pivoting arm such that ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238705A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies, Inc.

A system includes a raised floor, a sub-floor space below the raised floor, electrical components in the sub-floor space, and a fire suppression device coupled to the raised floor. The fire suppression device dispenses fire suppression material the electrical components in the sub-floor space. 1. A data center , comprising:a raised floor comprising one or more frame members and a plurality of tiles coupled to the one or more frame members;one or more rack computing systems coupled to at least one of the one or more the tiles;a sub-floor space below the raised floor;one or more data center infrastructure components in the sub-floor space configured to supply electrical power or cooling air to computing devices in at least one of the one or more rack computing systems; andone or more fire suppression devices mounted to at least one of the one or more tiles, wherein at least one of the one or more fire suppression devices is configured to dispense fire suppression material to at least one of the data center infrastructure components.2. The data center of claim 1 , wherein at least one the rack computing systems and at least one of the fire suppression devices are commonly coupled to the same one of the tiles.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fire suppression devices is configured to reduce displacement of at least one of the rack computing systems under seismic loads transmitted to the at least one rack computing system.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an air blocking device coupled to at least one of the tiles claim 1 , wherein the air blocking device is configured inhibit air from flowing under a cabinet of at least one of the one or more rack computing systems.5. A system claim 1 , comprising:a raised floor;a sub-floor space below the raised floor;one or more electrical components in the sub-floor space; andone or more fire suppression devices coupled to the raised floor, wherein at least one of the one or more fire ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Hazardous products containment system and method

Номер: US20200147426A1
Принадлежит: eCell Secure LLC

A containment system for a hazardous product includes a housing unit for storing the hazardous product. The housing unit includes sensors disposed throughout for detecting a thermal event. The system further includes an active fire suppression system configured to suppress the thermal event based on thermal event information received from the sensors. The system also includes a controller for processing signals from the sensors and activating the active fire suppression system, such as providing fire suppressants locally and/or globally or active venting. The system further includes a passive fire suppression system configured to suppress the thermal event using passive suppression without requiring activation from the controller, such as by coating surfaces of the system or using temperature sensitive venting or suppressant provision. The system may further include a training system to mimic the thermal event.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147427A1

A system for storing a hazardous product including a housing unit having an interior volume and a door coupled to the housing unit configured to provide access to the interior volume. The system includes an electrical connection configured to transmit electricity into or out of the interior volume. The system further includes a ventilation system for directing gasses and heat produced during a thermal event out of the interior volume. 1. A system for storing a hazardous product , comprising:a housing unit having an interior volume;one or more doors coupled to the housing unit for providing access to the interior volume;an electrical connection configured to transmit electricity into or out of the interior volume; anda ventilation system for directing gasses and heat produced during a thermal event out of the interior volume.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor for detecting the thermal event; anda device configured to seal the one or more doors in response to the sensor detecting the thermal event.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor for detecting the thermal event; andan alarm system operatively coupled to the sensor and configured to provide an alarm in response to the sensor detecting the thermal event.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor for detecting the thermal event; anda communication system in operatively coupled to the sensor and configured to transmit a signal in response to the sensor detecting the thermal event.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an electrical connection control device for enabling or disabling the electrical connection;a memory device for storing instructions and information;a sensor, an alarm system, a communication system having a GPS, and a fire suppression device operatively connected to the housing unit; and receive thermal event information from the sensor;', 'store the thermal event information in the memory device;', 'determine the thermal event based on the ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200153211A1
Автор: HORN Olaf

The present invention concerns a transit for cables, a cable bundle () or a bus bar (). The transit comprises a sleeve () having a through opening () for receiving the cables or the bus bar (). The sleeve () is to be received in a through opening () of a partition (). A glass fiber tissue hose () is placed going through the opening of the sleeve (). The ends of the tissue hose () is wrapped back and placed on the outside of the sleeve (). One or more intumescent strips () are placed between the inside of the sleeve () and the tissue hose (). A fire retarding agent () is placed around and between the cables or around the bus bar (). 1. A transit for cables , a cable bundle or a bus bar , comprising a sleeve having a through opening for receiving the cables or the bus bar , which sleeve is to be received in a through opening of a partition , wherein a glass fiber tissue hose is placed going through the opening of the sleeve , that the ends of the tissue hose is wrapped back and placed on the outside of the sleeve , that one or more intumescent strips are placed between the inside of the sleeve and the tissue hose and that a fire retarding agent is placed around and between the cables or around the bus bar.2. The transit of claim 1 , wherein a flange is welded circumferentially on the outside of the sleeve.3. The transit of claim 2 , wherein the flange of the sleeve is configured to be welded to the partition.4. The transit of claim 1 , wherein one intumescent strip is placed between the inside of the sleeve and the tissue hose at each of opposite ends of the through opening of the sleeve.5. The transit of claim 1 , wherein the wrapped back ends of the tissue hose are fastened on the outside of the sleeve by means of metal straps.6. The transit of claim 1 , wherein the tissue hose projects beyond the sleeve at opposite sides and wherein said projecting parts of the tissue hose are fastened to the outside of the cable claim 1 , cable bundle or bus bar by means of metal ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165513A1
Автор: LI Shufu

The present invention provides a thermal management and automatic fire-extinguishing system of a vehicle battery, used for managing the vehicle battery in a hybrid vehicle or an electric vehicle, including: fire-extinguishing packages which are adjacent to or in contact with the vehicle battery, wherein the fire-extinguishing package is filled with a fire-extinguishing agent; and the fire-extinguishing package is configured to be opened when the temperature of the vehicle battery is higher than a preset temperature, so that the fire-extinguishing agent can be released and then filled into a space where the vehicle battery is located, thereby achieving the effects of automatic combustion prevention and fire extinguishing of the vehicle battery, effectively protecting the vehicle battery and the whole vehicle, reserving more escape time for passengers and improving the safety of the vehicle. On the whole, the thermal management and automatic fire-extinguishing system of the vehicle battery of the present invention is simple and reliable in structure, low in cost and strong in universality, and can be directly mounted on the vehicle without reforming the existing vehicle battery cooling system. 2. (canceled)3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the material of at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is plastic or resin claim 1 , and when the temperature of the vehicle battery is higher than the preset temperature claim 1 , the at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is heated by the vehicle battery into a fluid state claim 1 , so that the fire-extinguishing agent can be released and then filled into the space where the vehicle battery is located.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the melting point of the material of the at least a part of the upper fire-extinguishing package is selected within a range of 85-95° C. claim 3 , and the melting point of the material of the lower fire-extinguishing package is higher than the melting point of the ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Composite Construction Panels and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20190161967A1

In one aspect, composite construction materials are described herein. In some embodiments, a composite construction panel comprises a substrate layer, a cover layer separated from the substrate layer by one or more spacers, and at least one mat disposed between the substrate layer and the cover layer, wherein the mat comprises at least one phase change material disposed in at least one phase change region. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of making a composite construction panel , the method comprising:adhering a first mat to a top surface of a substrate layer, the first mat comprising at least one first phase change material disposed in at least one first phase change region;adhering one or more first spacers to the top surface of the substrate layer; andadhering a cover to the one or more first spacers.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein:the cover is separated from the substrate layer by the one or more first spacers; andthe one or more first spacers define one or more first vent spaces, cross vent channels, or both.23. The method of further comprising:disposing a second mat between the first mat and the cover, the second mat comprising at least one second phase change material disposed in at least one second phase change region; anddisposing one or more second spacers between the second mat and the cover.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein:the first mat and the second mat are vertically separated from one another in a stacked configuration by the one or more second spacers; andthe one or more second spacers define one or more second vent spaces, cross vent channels, or both.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the first and second phase change materials are differing phase change materials.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the first phase change material has a transition temperature below 30° C. and the second phase change material has a transition temperature above 30° C.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein one or both of the substrate layer and the cover is ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168037A1

A system for explosively applying a fire-fighting foam is provided. The system includes a thermoelectric generator that is attached to a battery heat source. A temperature differential across the thermoelectric generator generates an electrical current having a temperature-dependent voltage. A detonator circuit is electrically connected to the thermoelectric generator. The detonator circuit measures the voltage of the electrical current. An explosive foam applicator is communicatively connected to the detonator circuit and includes a trigger mechanism that detonates a propelling charge in response to receiving a signal from the detonator circuit when the detonator circuit determines that the electrical current corresponds to temperature that is greater than or equal to a threshold temperature. The explosive foam applicator is oriented such that detonating the propelling the charge causes the explosive foam applicator to apply a foam to the battery heat source. 1. A system for explosively applying a fire-fighting foam , the system comprising:a thermoelectric generator having a first surface and a second surface, wherein a temperature differential between the first surface and the second surface causes the thermoelectric generator to generate an electrical current having a temperature-dependent voltage;a detonator circuit that is electrically connected to the thermoelectric generator, wherein the detonator circuit measures a voltage of the electrical current generated by the thermoelectric generator; andan explosive foam applicator that is communicatively connected to the detonator circuit, wherein the detonator circuit includes a trigger mechanism that detonates a propelling charge in response to a signal received from the detonator circuit in response to the detonator circuit determining that the voltage of the electrical current generated by the thermoelectric generator corresponds to a temperature that is greater than or equal to a threshold temperature.2. The ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168038A1

An apparatus for automatically generating a fire-fighting foam at elevated temperatures is provided. The apparatus includes a container sized to hold at least one battery. Water is stored within the container. One or more cartridges made, at least in part, of a temperature-dependent breakdown material are stored within the container. The one or more cartridges contain a foaming agent. Heat generated by a failing battery causes the temperature-dependent breakdown material to fail such that the foaming agent is released from at least one cartridge to mix with the water stored within the container. 1. An apparatus for automatically generating a fire-fighting foam at elevated temperatures , the apparatus comprising:a container sized to hold at least one battery;water stored within the container; andone or more cartridges stored within the container, the one or more cartridges made, at least in part, of a temperature-dependent breakdown material and containing a foaming agent, wherein heat generated by a failing battery is sufficient to cause the temperature-dependent breakdown material to fail such that the foaming agent is released from at least one cartridge to mix with the water stored within the container.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a pressurized inert gas stored within the one or more cartridges.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , the container further comprising:a bottom compartment that is sized to hold the at least one battery; anda top compartment that is attached to the bottom compartment so as to permit insertion and removal of the at least one battery from the bottom compartment, the top compartment storing the water behind one or more members that seal the top compartment such that, when the container is sealed, the heat generated by the failing battery is sufficient to result in the release of the water into the bottom compartment of the container.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the bottom compartment stores the one or more cartridges; ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Automatic Chimney Fire Suppression System

Номер: US20180178048A1
Автор: Jim Polasek
Принадлежит: Individual

A fire suspension to suppress a chimney fire may include a chimney connecting device to connect to a chimney and a rain dome to define an internal cavity. The internal cavity may include fire suppressing material. The rain dome may include a horizontal delivery door which is destructively opened in response to a chimney fire.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213316A1
Автор: Choi Sua

A fire extinguishing system with an immediate fire extinguisher includes a wide area fire extinguishing system configured to have a main control system, a fire detecting unit connected to the main control system, a communication unit, and a wide-fire extinguishing unit that extinguishes a wide-spread fire in response to an instruction from the main control system, and a spot-fire extinguishing system configured to have an RF communication module as a third communication module for communicating with the main control system, a temperature sensor, and the immediate fire extinguisher that performs immediate extinguishing of a fire. 1. A fire extinguishing system comprising:a wide area fire extinguishing system configured to have a main control system, a fire detecting unit connected to the main control system, a communication unit, and a wide-fire extinguishing unit that extinguishes a wide-spread fire in response to an instruction from the main control system; anda spot-fire extinguishing system configured to have a radio frequency (RF) communication module as a third communication module for communicating with the main control system, a temperature sensor, and an immediate fire extinguisher that performs immediate extinguishing of a fire.2. The fire extinguishing system of claim 1 , wherein the wide-fire extinguishing unit is a sprinkler.3. The fire extinguishing system of claim 1 , wherein the main control system has a central processing unit that manages the entire fire extinguishing system claim 1 , a telephone communication and internet communication module as a first communication module for communicating with the outside claim 1 , and an RF module as a second communication module for communicating with the third communication module of the spot-fire extinguishing system.4. The fire extinguishing system of claim 3 , wherein the wide-fire extinguishing unit has a gas fire extinguisher; andthe fire detecting unit has a temperature sensor and a smoke sensor.5. The ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160193489A1

The present invention provides a compact automatic fire extinguishing equipment that can be installed near an object of fire extinguishing for which there is limited space therearound for a long term in a state of maintenance-free and that can extinguish a fire immediately on the occasion of a fire. 1. An automatic fire extinguishing equipment characterized in that: the fire extinguishing agent and the sealed container filled with the said fire extinguishing agent; the said fire extinguishing agent is made of a compound having fire extinguishing effect at less than at least 75 degrees Celsius of boiling point and being liquid at at least 25 degrees Celsius (room temperature); the said container is laminated with the gas barrier layer and the thermoplastic resin layer.2. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized by the said gas barrier layer being put in between the said thermoplastic resin layers.3. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said gas barrier layer and the thermoplastic resin layer are laminated through the adhesive layer.4. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said gas barrier layer is consisting of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer resin (ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer: EVOH).5. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the thickness of the said gas barrier layer is 0.01 mm-1 mm.6. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said thermoplastic resin layer consisting of polyethylene resin claim 1 , polypropylene resin or other polyolefin resin.7. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the said polyethylene resin's density is 930 kg/m3-960 kg/m3.8. The automatic fire extinguishing equipment described in characterized in that the vapor pressure of the said fire extinguishing agent is more than 0.6 Mpa in 150 degrees Celsius.9. ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220682A1
Автор: Malovec Roman

Automatic self-extinguishing fire device includes a hose (), whereby at the ends of the hose () an ending () closed with a screw () is firmly pressed and the ends are equipped by heat shrinking PVC protector. The hose () is at least partially transparent so that the inner content of the hose () can be seen. The extinguishing substance () is colored or it has a space with a gas bubble on its inside and in the bubble it has a floating body, which position in the hose () can be observed from the outside. One end of the hose () is equipped by pressure valve to fill the hose with extinguishing substance (). The hose () is disrupted by the influence of fire in the most exposed place, a rupture appears which widens into an opening through which the extinguishing substance () swiftly leaks into the outside environment, which extinguishes the fire. High reliability and the simplicity of installation are advantages of the device. Device needs no control system or electric power supply for detection of fire. 22. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the extinguishing substance () is colored.321. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 2 , wherein the hose has a control surface with a color corresponding to the color of the extinguishing substance () claim 2 , as perceived from an outside claim 2 , on an outer surface of the hose ().4211. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the extinguishing substance () is a liquid; inside the hose () there is a space with a gas bubble and also a floating body which is adjusted for a movement inside the hose ().51. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein the hose () is made from a polyamide.6. (canceled)71. The automatic self-extinguishing fire device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the ending of the hose () has a heat-shrinking PVC protector.8. (canceled)912. The automatic self-extinguishing ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197100A1
Принадлежит: WilliamsRDM, Inc.

An automatic stovetop fire suppressor using a compressed spring to lower a bottom lid upon thermal glass bulb fracture is provided herein. A plastic lid seals on the bottom of a can and forms a closed container. The closed container is filled with a fire suppressing agent. A compressed spring extends when a thermal glass bulb fractures. The extending spring lowers the bottom lid to open the closed container. Fire suppressing agent flows out of the radial opening, suppressing a stovetop fire with minimal or no splashing of cooking oil. A center post is secured to a top wall of the container. A ledge, or bottom support, secured to the container catches the bottom lid to limit the radial opening height. A gradual release of a fire suppressing agent in a desired distribution pattern and method of gradual and spatial agent release can be provided with a cone-shaped bottom lid. 1. An automatic stovetop fire suppressor , the device comprising:a thermo-molded plastic can comprising a top wall and a cylindrical sidewall;a plastic cone shaped bottom lid secured to a bottom of the can and forming a closed container;a fire suppressing agent housed in the closed container; anda thermal glass bulb affixed to the closed container.2. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a cylindrical center post centered across the top wall and affixed to the top wall.3. (canceled)4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein:the cone shaped bottom lid is made of thermo-molded plastic.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a center guide secured to the cone shaped lid.6. The device according to claim 4 , wherein:a center guide integral to the cone shaped lid.7. (canceled)8. The device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a helical compression spring surrounding the center post and positioned above a center guide.9. The device according to claim 8 , further comprising:the center guide secured to the cone shaped bottom lid.10. The device according to claim 9 , ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203135A1
Автор: Cordani Peter

A packet containing an admixture for use in suppressing a cellular telephone battery fire. The packet contains an admixture of a hydrated super absorbent polymer having substantially superior fire suppression and extinguishing properties. When used with lithium batteries, once a battery is arcing or an excess buildup of heat occurs, the packet will rupture and the admixture will cover the specific area. These particular properties and ratios of the admixture will enable a fire to be extinguished. 1. A fire extinguishing packet for use with a cellular telephone containing a lithium battery comprising:a packet constructed from a flexible sheet of material having a first side wall defined by first and second end edges and first and second longitudinal side edges, and a second side wall having a mirror image of said first side wall and secured to said first side wall, forming a space therebetween, said packet constructed and arranged to fit between a cellular telephone and a cellular telephone protective casing;an admixture of hydrated super absorbent polymer capable of treating a lithium battery fire contained in said space;wherein a lithium battery breach will create excessive heat capable of melting a portion of said packet and releasing said admixture, said admixture dissipating lithium battery excess heat and associated fire.2. The fire extinguishing packet according to wherein said flexible sheet of material is polypropylene.3. The fire extinguishing packet according to wherein said flexible sheet of material is selected from the group consisting of: low density polypropylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , polyisoprene claim 1 , elastomers claim 1 , rubber-like resilient materials claim 1 , silicone rubber claim 1 , nitrile rubber claim 1 , butyl rubber or combinations thereof.4. The fire extinguishing packet according to wherein said admixture is potassium based.5. The fire extinguishing packet ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140299337A1
Автор: Cordani Peter

A unique method for suppressing the spread of and extinguishing underground electrical fires in confined areas such as tunnels and conduits. A super absorbent polymer is mixed with water to form a hydrated super absorbent polymer and this admixture is applied to an electrical fire. The admixture has superior fire suppression and extinguishing properties than the fire suppression and extinguishing properties of plain water. The admixture has the ability to cling to the object(s) to which it has been applied and both cool down the object(s) and block the fire from reaching the object(s). The super absorbent polymer and water admixture also encapsulates the noxious and toxic gases produced by electrical fires and prevents the release of these toxic gases into the atmosphere. Finally, the super absorbent polymer and water mixture retains the ash, particulates, and other byproducts of the electrical fire to enable a thorough cleanup. 1. A method of extinguishing and suppressing the spread of an electrical fire comprising:adding a predetermined amount of solid super absorbent polymer to a predetermined amount of water to obtain an admixture;applying said admixture to an electrical fire in an amount sufficient to extinguish said electrical fire and suppress the spread of said electrical fire;said admixture entrapping particulates from said electrical fire and noxious gases; andremoving a combination of said admixture and particulates and noxious gases entrained in said admixture from said electrical fire;whereby cleanup after said electrical fire is facilitated by applying said admixture to an electrical fire.2. The method of extinguishing and suppressing the spread of an electrical fire of wherein said predetermined amount of solid super absorbent polymer is added to said predetermined amount of water in a batch process.3. The method of extinguishing and suppressing the spread of an electrical fire of wherein said predetermined amount of solid super absorbent polymer is ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Charging station fire suppression receptacle

Номер: US20170209723A1
Автор: Cordani Peter

A receptacle for use with lithium ion charging stations. The receptacle contains an admixture for use in suppressing a cellular telephone battery fire. The admixture is a hydrated super absorbent polymer having substantially superior fire suppression properties. When used with lithium ion batteries, once a battery is arcing or an excess buildup of heat occurs, the walls of the receptacle will rupture and the admixture will cover the specific area causing a thermal event. These particular properties and ratios of the admixture will enable a fire to be extinguished. The receptacle may include heat or pressure sensors. 1. A fire suppression receptacle for use with lithium ion battery charging stations comprising:a housing having a front wall, a back wall, opposing side walls, a bottom wall, and a lid pivotally attached to the back wall forming a receptacle when the lid is placed in a closed position;a fire suppressant packet secured to each said wall forming the receptacle, said fire suppressant packet formed from a sheet of material having a first side wall defined by first and second end edges and first and second longitudinal side edges, and a second side wall having a mirror image of said first side wall and secured to said first side wall, forming a space therebetween;an admixture of hydrated super absorbent polymer capable of treating a lithium ion battery fire contained in said space of each said packet;wherein if a lithium ion battery placed within the receptacle has a thermal event, the excessive heat will melt a portion of said packet and release said admixture for dissipating excess heat and suppressing a battery fire.2. The fire suppression receptacle according to wherein said flexible sheet of material is polypropylene.3. The fire suppression receptacle according to wherein said flexible sheet of material is selected from the group consisting of: low density polypropylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Method and Device for Suppressing Electrical Fires in Underground Conduit

Номер: US20140305666A1
Автор: Cordani Peter

A method and device for suppressing an electrical fire within an electrical wire carrying conduit. The device is a flexible receptacle containing an admixture of super absorbent polymer and water having substantially superior fire suppression and extinguishing properties that does not provide an electrically conductive environment. The receptacle is drawn though a conduit either before or after wires have been placed in the conduit, and the filled with the admixture. A sleeve may be placed over the receptacle to prevent breaching of the receptacle during installation. Once the receptacle and admixture is positioned within the conduit, should arcing or a buildup of heat occur, the receptacle will rupture and the admixture will cover the specific area. These particular properties and ratios of the admixture will enable electrical fires to be extinguished more rapidly and not flare back up. The admixture further encapsulates noxious and toxic gases associated with electrical fires. 1. A device for suppressing an electrical fire within an electrical conduit comprising:a receptacle constructed from a flexible material constructed and arranged to have a first end drawn through a length of electrical conduit and a second end juxtapositioned to an entry end of said electrical conduit;a fire suppressant or compositions thereof, positioned within said receptacle;a first clamp for sealing said first end and a second clamp for sealing said second end of said receptacle with said fire suppressant or compositions thereof, in said receptacle;wherein said receptacle is ruptured when subjected to heat indicative of a fire whereby said hydrated fire suppressant or compositions thereof, is released for suppression of the fire.2. The device for suppressing an electrical fire according to claim 1 , further comprising a sleeve positioned around said receptacle.3. The device for suppressing an electrical fire according to claim 1 , wherein said receptacle is constructed from a flexible ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200212396A1

The present disclosure discloses a battery module and a battery pack. The battery module comprises a plurality of battery cells and a fireproof member, wherein each of the plurality of battery cells is provided with a vent, and the vent faces the fireproof member; wherein the fireproof member includes a fireproof member body and a first extension connected to an upper end of the fireproof member; and/or a second extension connected to a lower end of the fireproof member. When thermal runaway occurs to the battery cells, flames and high temperature particles ejected out of the vent are blocked by the fireproof member body and the first extension and/or the second extension, thus preventing the ejected flames and high temperature particles from burning neighboring battery cells, and preventing the battery cells that has undergone thermal runaway from inducing thermal runaway of the neighboring battery cells opposite to the vents. 1. A battery module , comprising:a plurality of battery cells, wherein each of the plurality of battery cells is provided with a vent; anda fireproof member, wherein the vent of each of the plurality of battery cells faces the fireproof member;wherein the fireproof member comprises a fireproof member body and a first extension connected to one end of the fireproof member, and the first extension extends in a direction towards the battery cells; and/orthe fireproof member comprises a fireproof member body and a second extension connected to the other end of the fireproof member, and the second extension extends in a direction towards the battery cells.2. The battery module according to claim 1 , wherein the fireproof member comprises the fireproof member body claim 1 , the first extension and the second extension.3. The battery module according to claim 2 , wherein the first extension and the second extension are located respectively at two sides of the plurality of battery cells.4. The battery module according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150238790A1
Принадлежит: WilliamsRDM, Inc.

An automatic stovetop fire suppressor using a compressed spring to lower a bottom lid upon thermal glass bulb fracture is provided herein. A plastic lid seals on the bottom of a can and forms a closed container. The closed container is filled with a fire suppressing agent. A compressed spring extends when a thermal glass bulb fractures. The extending spring lowers the bottom lid to open the closed container. Fire suppressing agent flows out of the radial opening, suppressing a stovetop fire with minimal or no splashing of cooking oil. A center post is secured to a top wall of the container. A ledge, or bottom support, secured to the container catches the bottom lid to limit the radial opening height. A gradual release of a fire suppressing agent in a desired distribution pattern and method of gradual and spatial agent release can be provided with a cone-shaped bottom lid. 1. An automatic stovetop fire suppressor , the device comprising:a thermo-molded plastic can comprising a top wall and a cylindrical sidewall;a plastic cone shaped bottom lid secured to a bottom of the can and forming a closed container;a fire suppressing agent housed in the closed container; anda thermal glass bulb affixed to the closed container.2. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a cylindrical center post centered across the top wall and affixed to the top wall.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein:the cylindrical center post is integral to a top wall.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein:the cone shaped bottom lid is made of thermo-molded plastic.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a center guide secured to the cone shaped lid.6. The device according to claim 4 , wherein:a center guide integral to the cone shaped lid.7. The device according to claim 5 , further comprisinga center guide is integral to the bottom lid, is centered in the bottom lid, and extends from a top and a center of the bottom lid.8. The device according to claim 2 , ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Integral temperature responsive fire suppressant modular interior system

Номер: US20170234003A1
Автор: Bemis Ian Gill

A construction material consisting of a deployment system for a tire retardant substance, suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. This invention is designed to deploy a fire retardant substance in in response to the detection of an uncontrolled fire, thus minimizing or reducing risk of death, serious injury or property damage associated with uncontrolled fires when present in a habitable structure. The invention consists of a construction material which incorporates hinged or folding door(s) or flap(s) which contain a fire retardant substance within the construction material. When an uncontrolled fire is detected, the door(s) or flap(s) open and thus deploy the fire retardant substance onto the area affected by the uncontrolled fire. 1) A Construction material , as described within this document , consisting of a fire retardant core (which may consist of powder , foam or any other suitable material) embedded within a meltable casing.2) A fire retardant core suitable for use in such a construction material as described in claim 1 , which is consistent with the descriptions of such within this document.3) A meltable casing suitable for use in such a construction material as described in claim 1 , which is consistent with the descriptions of such within this document.4) The use of a fire retardant powder or foam as a component of a construction material in a manner consistent with the description included within this document.54) The use of a fire retardant material as described in claim () where the fire retardant foam or powder is an expanding firefighting foam.6) A construction material which incorporates a meltable casing in a manner consistent with the description included within this document.7) A construction material as described in claim 6 , where the meltable casing consists of a composition of Chlorinated Paraffin.8) A construction material which incorporates a lattice framework claim 6 , which divides the construction material or certain ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Composite Construction Panels and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20210262228A1

In one aspect, composite construction materials are described herein. In some embodiments, a composite construction panel comprises a substrate layer, a cover layer separated from the substrate layer by one or more spacers, and at least one mat disposed between the substrate layer and the cover layer, wherein the mat comprises at least one phase change material disposed in at least one phase change region.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Battery Cell With Improved Safety

Номер: US20200227690A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed is a battery cell, which includes: an electrode assembly; an electrode lead connected to the electrode assembly; a pouch case surrounding the electrode assembly and sealed in a state in which the electrode lead extends through the pouch case and is exposed at an outside surface of the pouch case; and a fire extinguishing unit disposed in the pouch case and configured to eject a fire extinguishing powder when a temperature of the first extinguishing unit is equal to or greater than a predetermined limit temperature. 1. A battery cell , comprising:an electrode assembly;an electrode lead connected to the electrode assembly;a pouch case surrounding the electrode assembly and sealed in a state in which the electrode lead extends through the pouch case and is exposed at an outside surface of the pouch case; anda fire extinguishing unit disposed in the pouch case and configured to eject a fire extinguishing agent when a temperature of the fire extinguishing unit is equal to or greater than a predetermined limit temperature.2. The battery cell according to claim 1 ,wherein the electrode lead is bonded to an electrode tab connected to the electrode assembly and the electrode lead.3. The battery cell according to claim 1 ,wherein the fire extinguishing unit includes:a the fire extinguishing agent; andn accommodation container surrounding the fire extinguishing agent and made of a synthetic resin that is configured to be melted when the temperature of the fire extinguishing unit is equal to or greater than the predetermined limit temperature to open the powder container.4. The battery cell according to claim 2 ,wherein the fire extinguishing unit is disposed in a region containing a bonding portion at which the electrode tab and the electrode lead are bonded to one another.5. The battery cell according to claim 4 ,wherein the fire extinguishing unit is attached to the bonding portion by a thermally conductive adhesive.6. The battery cell according to claim 4 ,wherein ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Stove top fire extinguishing device

Номер: US20190255371A1
Принадлежит: Suppressor LLC

An apparatus is disclosed for extinguishing a stovetop fire over a stovetop having a first burner, the apparatus including a container detachably mountable to a microwave positioned above the stove top. A supply of fire suppressant material is retained within the container. A heat responsive actuator is disposed on the container. When the container is mounted to the microwave over the first burner, and the fire actuates the heat responsive actuator, at least a portion of the supply of fire suppressant material falls from the container toward the first burner.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160279452A1

A fire suppression system may comprise a shape memory actuation system. The shape memory actuation system may be configured as a retainer that retains a plug and/or a disk. The shape memory actuation system may be a shape memory plug that is configured to discharge from a vessel exhaust port. The shape memory actuation system may be deployable in response to an electrical stimulus (e.g., resistive heating causing the shape memory alloy to have a temperature exceeding a transition temperature). 1. A fire suppression pressure vessel , comprising:a vessel configured to hold pressurized fire suppression agent;a disk configured to hermetically seal an exhaust port of the vessel; anda shape memory plug installable at the exhaust port, wherein the shape memory plug is configured to support the disk.2. The fire suppression pressure vessel of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory plug is configured to contract and discharge from the exhaust port in response to activation of a fire suppression system.3. The fire suppression pressure vessel of claim 1 , wherein the disk comprises a design rupture pattern.4. The fire suppression pressure vessel of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory plug is configured to be installed within the exhaust port.5. The fire suppression pressure vessel of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory plug is configured to contract in response to at least one of an electrical stimulus and a temperature condition.6. The fire suppression pressure vessel of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory plug is configured to change shape in response to at least one of an electrical stimulus and a temperature condition. This application is a division of application serial number U.S. Ser. No. 14/261,312 filed Apr. 24, 2014 for FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ACTUATION APPARATUS AND SYSTEM.The present disclosure relates to fire suppression systems, and more specifically, to an actuation system for a fire suppression system that makes use of shape memory alloys.Fire suppression systems have ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387031A1
Автор: YANG Huitae

An apparatus of supplying a fire extinguishing agent to a high voltage battery pack of a vehicle when a fire occurs in a battery case installing a high voltage battery pack includes a fire detection device that is configured to detect an occurrence of the fire in the battery pack, an inflow plug which is formed at the battery case and is configured to allow the fire extinguishing agent to flow into the battery case when open, a fire extinguishing agent supply pipe connected to the inflow plug and guiding the fire extinguishing agent to the inflow plug, and an inflow plug opening device that is configured to open the inflow plug when the fire is detected in the fire detection device. 1. An apparatus of supplying a fire extinguishing agent to a battery pack of a vehicle when a fire occurs in a battery case in which the battery pack is mounted , the apparatus comprising:a fire detection device that is configured to detect an occurrence of the fire in the battery pack;an inflow plug which is formed at the battery case and is configured to allow the fire extinguishing agent to flow into the battery case when the inflow plug is opened;a fire extinguishing agent supply pipe connected to the battery case and guiding the fire extinguishing agent to the inflow plug; andan inflow plug opening device that is configured to open the inflow plug when the fire is detected in the fire detection device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the fire detection device is configured to heat a pressure transfer gas by a heated gas which is discharged from the battery case when the fire occurs in the battery pack; andwherein the inflow plug opening device is configured to open the inflow plug by use of a pressure of the pressure transfer gas supplied from the fire detection device.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fire detection device includes:a gas discharge plug which is opened by a pressure of a heated gas generated in the battery pack to discharge the heated gas from the ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170288184A1

Embodiments of the disclosure provide an adaptable energy storage container that is interoperable with a plurality of battery types. For example, the disclosure provides an adaptable energy storage container design and method of use that is readily interoperable, e.g. physically and electrically, with a variety of battery types. The container and other components can be assembled into an energy storage platform. For example, the container can substantially enclose a plurality of battery strings within the platform. A central, internal gangway can provide fast access to battery modules and other components within the container. The strings of batteries, each comprising a plurality of battery modules, can be disposed within the container, substantially parallel to each other, and on either side of the central, internal gangway. The battery strings and battery modules therein can be accessed by the gangway through a door at an end of the container. 1. A container for an energy storage platform , the container comprising:a bottom portion forming a deck of the container;a top portion disposed above the bottom portion and forming a roof of the container;four sides extending from the bottom portion of the container to the top portion of the container, wherein the bottom portion, the four sides, and the top portion form a substantially rectangular box substantially enclosing an interior portion of the container with two parallel sides of the four sides forming a length side of the rectangular box, and another two parallel sides of the four sides forming a width side of the rectangular box, and wherein the length side of the rectangular box is longer than the width side;a central, internal gangway on the deck of the container and extending a length of the container substantially parallel to the two parallel sides forming the length side of the rectangular box; anda plurality of equipment racks disposed within the interior portion of the container, the equipment racks ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Purge and Pressurization System with Feedback Control

Номер: US20150314152A1

An air purge and pressurization system that utilizes a variable speed fan and a feedback loop to optimize system operation is described herein. In one embodiment, such a system can include an enclosed container located in an area classified as hazardous, a controller rated for operation within the hazardous area, and a pressure sensor located within the container and coupled to the controller. The system can also include a variable-speed fan located outside the hazardous area and coupled to the controller. The controller can be configured to monitor air pressure within the container and variably control a speed of the fan to maintain the detected pressure above a minimum value. Accordingly, a required pressure can be maintained while minimizing a volume of air forced into the container. 1. An air purge and pressurization system , comprising:an enclosed container located in an area classified as hazardous;a controller rated for operation within the hazardous area;a pressure sensor located within the container and coupled to the controller;a variable-speed fan located outside the hazardous area and coupled to the controller, the fan being configured to force air from outside the hazardous area into the container;wherein the controller is configured to monitor an air pressure detected by the pressure sensor and variably control a speed of the fan to maintain the detected pressure above a minimum pressure.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one electrically powered component disposed within the container claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to selectively power the at least one electrically powered component if the detected pressure is above the minimum pressure.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one electrically powered component is not rated for operation in the hazardous area.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured to wait for a predetermined number of complete air exchanges to take ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312562A1

A fire suppression system includes a transport refrigeration unit configured to cool a transport container. Also included is a tubular container having a fire suppressant stored therein, the tubular container disposed within the transport refrigeration unit. Further included is a predetermined fracture location of the tubular container, wherein the predetermined fracture location is configured to rupture upon reaching a critical temperature to expel the fire suppressant. 1. A fire suppression system comprising:a transport refrigeration unit configured to cool a transport container;a tubular container having a fire suppressant stored therein, the tubular container disposed within the transport refrigeration unit; anda predetermined fracture location of the tubular container, wherein the predetermined fracture location is configured to rupture upon reaching a critical temperature to expel the fire suppressant.2. The fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the tubular container comprises a plastic material.3. The fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined fracture location comprises an elongated fracture line extending along a longitudinal direction of the tubular container.4. The fire suppression system of claim 3 , wherein the elongated fracture line extends along a majority of the tubular container along the longitudinal direction.5. The fire suppression system of claim 1 , wherein the tubular container comprises a plurality of predetermined fracture locations configured to rupture upon reaching the critical temperature to expel the fire suppressant.6. The fire suppression system of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of predetermined fracture locations are each located adjacent components of an engine compartment of the transport refrigeration unit susceptible to a thermal event.7. The fire suppression system of claim 6 , wherein the thermal event comprises at least one of an electrical fire claim 6 , a grease fire claim 6 , flammable metal ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190308043A1

A fire suppression agent suitable for suppressing a lithium battery fire includes a bicarbonate powder and exfoliated vermiculite particles blended with the bicarbonate powder. 1. A fire suppression agent suitable for suppressing a lithium battery fire , the fire suppression agent comprising:a bicarbonate powder; andexfoliated vermiculite particles blended with the bicarbonate powder.2. The fire suppression agent of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the vermiculite particles ranges from 5% to 40% by weight.3. The fire suppression agent of claim 1 , wherein a D90 diameter of the vermiculite particles is less than 70 microns.4. The fire suppression agent of claim 1 , wherein a D50 diameter of the vermiculite particles is less than 35 microns.5. The fire suppression agent of claim 1 , wherein the bicarbonate powder comprises a compound selected from the group consisting of sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , potassium bicarbonate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The fire suppression agent of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppression agent is further capable of suppressing a fire comprising at least one of:a combustible nonmetal solid;a combustible fluid; andan electrical component.7. A fire suppression system comprising:a vessel; and a bicarbonate powder; and', 'exfoliated vermiculite particles;', 'wherein the fire suppression agent is capable of suppressing a lithium battery fire., 'a fire suppression agent contained within the vessel, the fire suppression agent comprising8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the fire suppression agent is further capable of suppressing a fire comprising at least one of:a combustible nonmetal solid;a combustible fluid; andan electrical component.9. The system of and further comprising: a nozzle for selectively discharging the fire suppression agent.10. The system of and further comprising: a sensor configured to detect a fire.11. The system of claim 10 , wherein the sensor is one of a smoke detector claim 10 , thermal sensor claim 10 , ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200306572A1
Автор: Herrmann Mirko

Power sources, such as batteries, for transportation vehicles can provide at least partial electric drive power. The power sources can include an activation layer arranged between collectors adapted for opposite charging. The activation layer can include fire suppression system disposed therein for releasing fire suppression agent in response to high and/or excessive temperature. 1. A transportation vehicle for at least partial electric drive operation on roadways , the transportation vehicle comprising:a vehicle base including a chassis,a drive train coupled with the chassis to drive the chassis along roadways, anda power storage device connected with the drive train to provide motive power, the power storage device including a pair of collectors configured for opposite electrical charge from each other, an activation layer comprising electrolyte disposed between the collectors, and a fire suppression means for releasing fire suppression agent responsive to high temperature, wherein the fire suppression means is disposed within the activation layer.2. The transportation vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppression means is adapted to release fire suppression agent responsive to high temperature as a local temperature exceeding a predetermined threshold.3. The transportation vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined threshold includes a predetermined temperature.4. The transportation vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined threshold includes a predetermined duration of the predetermined temperature.5. The transportation vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppression means includes at least one container for housing fire suppression agent.6. The transportation vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the at least one container includes a barrier defining a receptacle for housing the fire suppression agent.7. The transportation vehicle of claim 6 , wherein the barrier includes a thermoplastic.8. The transportation vehicle of claim 7 , wherein the thermoplastic ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190314658A1
Принадлежит: CellBlock FCS, LLC

The invention is a device for extinguishing a fire, the device comprises a pad adapted to be configured in various shapes and sizes and having a body or core filled with free-flowing expanded glass granulate having fire extinguishing properties, the body or core is compartmentalized to separately contain the free flowing granulate within defined regions, the body or core is formed from a sacrificial material that disintegrates upon exposure to heat whereby the free-flowing expanded glass granulate contained in the body or core is released onto the fire or source of heat to extinguish it. In one embodiment the device includes a fire resistant cover member. In another embodiment one side or face of the device is provided with a fire resistant layer or barrier so that only the opposite side or face of the device will disintegrate. 1. A device for extinguishing a fire , the device comprises a body having a first end and a second end opposite the first end , a first face and a second face opposite the first face , each of the first and second faces extend from the body first end to the body second end , the body is filled with a free-flowing expanded glass granulate having fire extinguishing properties , the interior of the body having at least two compartments to separately contain the free flowing granulate within defined regions thereof , the body is formed from a material that is adapted to disintegrate upon exposure to heat so that when the device is exposed to a fire , the free-flowing expanded glass granulate is released onto the fire from defined regions of the body.2. The device as in and wherein the at least two compartments are tubular shaped and extend from the first end to the second end.3. The device as in and further comprising additional compartments.4. The device as in and further comprising a fire resistant cover member surrounding the body but exposing one of the first and second faces.5. The device as in and wherein the body is formed from a flammable ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Pressure Release Device

Номер: US20190321667A1

The invention relates to a pressure relief device () for a housing () which is protected against explosions, in particular is compression-proof and has a wall connecting piece () which can be at least partially inserted into a housing opening () of a housing wall () by its insertion connecting piece section (), which can be in particular detachably fixed from an inner side of the housing and rests from the outside on an opening edge () of the housing opening () in its inserted and fixed position with a radially outwardly projecting support flange (), wherein the insertion connecting piece section () furthermore comprises a projecting connecting piece section () which is opposite the insertion connecting piece section relative to the support flange () and comprises a longitudinal conduit () running through the wall connecting piece () into which conduit a flame-blocking body () is replaceably inserted, wherein a pressure nut () which loads the flame blocking body () with pressure in its insertion position and with a pressure edge () projecting radially inward at least in sections can be screwed onto a free end section () of the projecting connecting piece section (), and wherein the pressure edge () contacts an outer viewing side of the flame blocking body (). 1. A pressure relief device for a housing comprising:a wall connecting piece including an insertion connecting piece configured to be at least partially inserted into a housing opening of a housing wall of the housing and configured to be detachably fixed to the housing, the wall connecting piece including a support flange projecting radially outward from the insertion connecting piece and configured to rest on the outside of an opening edge of the housing opening when the insertion connecting piece is inserted and fixed to the housing, the wall connecting piece including a projecting connecting piece section opposite the insertion connecting piece section relative to the support flange, the projecting ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Ignition Suppression Circuiting Technology

Номер: US20170345527A1
Автор: Royston Clifton

A cable system is provided which is configured with both electric wires and a fluid conduit running through the axial passage of a surround sheath of the cable. The system allows for communication of electricity over the wires for electrical circuits and concurrent communication of a fire ignition suppressant fluid or gas through the fluid conduit, to all points in an electric circuit using the cable. Suppressant chambers may be located in junction boxes in such circuits to locally extinguish electrical fires. 120-. (canceled)21. A cable system comprising:a cable, said cable having a sheath with an axial pathway running a length of said cable between a first end of said cable and a second end of said cable;said cable having one or a plurality of electrically conductive wires running through said axial pathway of said sheath for said length of said cable;said cable having a fluid conduit engaged with or within said sheath and running said length of said cable, said fluid conduit having a sidewall surrounding an axial passage thereof; andwherein said length of said cable is engageable to communicate electricity through said conductive wires between said first end and said second end of said cable and to concurrently communicate a fire suppressant within said fluid conduit, between said first end of said cable and said second end of said cable.22. The cable system of additionally comprising:said electrically conductive wires having an insulation coating circumferentially engaged thereon, said insulation having a first melting temperature; andsaid sidewall of said fluid conduit being formed of material having a second melting temperature, said first melting temperature exceeding said second melting temperature, whereby said sidewall of said fluid conduit only melts at a location along said length of said cable where a temperature of said conductive wires at said location, exceeds said second melting temperature.23. The cable system of claim 21 , additionally comprising: ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190334143A1
Автор: SUGENO Toraji

A lid for a cell tray is provided, The lid includes a cover configured to cover a battery accommodated in the cell tray, and a fire extinguishing liquid. The cover has plate-shaped cover plates with a gap, and the fire extinguishing liquid is configured to be sealed in a package disposed in the gap. The cover plates are configured to have a plurality of opening holes.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190334146A1
Принадлежит: BYD Company Limited

A protection device includes a casing assembly, a sealing film, and a temperature-sensitive actuating piece. A receiving chamber for receiving an inert gas is defined in the casing assembly. One end of the receiving chamber is provided with an opening. The sealing film is disposed at the opening to seal the receiving chamber. The actuating piece is disposed in the receiving chamber, and the actuating piece is provided with a piercing protrusion. When the actuating piece is deformed, the piercing protrusion pierces the sealing film.

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Fire suppression for an electric transformer box

Номер: US20180345060A1
Автор: Peter Cordani
Принадлежит: GelTech Solutions Inc

A device for suppressing or extinguishing electrical fires in an electrical box, in particular an open top electrical box isolating a transformer. The device is based upon a bulk package receptacle placed within the electrical box having a liner filled with a fire suppressant material capable of suffocating or eliminating a fire. Should a fire occur the bulk package receptacle bursts at the point of combustion and the fire suppression properties of the fire suppressant would immediately be dispensed over the electrical material and extinguish any associated fire. In the preferred embodiment the bag consumes about 90% of the airspace and contained sufficient fluid volume to contain within the container. The admixture further encapsulates noxious and toxic gases associated with electrical fires.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170359917A1
Принадлежит: DELL PRODUCTS L.P.

A data center may be organized into modules, wherein the modules are purchased pre-configured to provide certain functionality of an information handling system. The modules may include utility modules, information technology (IT) modules, and air handling unit (AHU) modules. The utility module may provide infrastructure for other modules, such as electrical power service infrastructure. Electrical power may be provided by the utility module to other modules through two or more redundant busses connected to different electrical sources. The utility module may also include a control system that allows the utility services to be reconfigured to allow installation of new modules without interrupting service to existing modules. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a first connection configured to couple the first module to a second module comprising information handling systems;', 'a second connection configured to couple the first module to a third module comprising additional information handling systems;', 'utility infrastructure configured to provide utilities to the second module and the third module through the first connection and the second connection, and wherein the utility infrastructure is configured to be reconfigurable such that the third module may be connected without interrupting operation of the second module;', 'access to equipment located in the second module; and', 'a controlled space for staging new equipment for installation in the second module., 'a first prefabricated infrastructure module (PIM) of a modular data center, the first module being configured to provide at least one function to other modules of the modular data center, comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , in which the utility infrastructure comprises electrical power service infrastructure.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , in which the electrical power service infrastructure comprises:a first input node for a first electrical source;a second input node for a second electrical source;a first ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170368394A1

The invention generally encompasses fire suppressant compositions and methods. In certain embodiments, the composition is configured to the heating device, for example, a stove or microwave. In certain embodiments, the invention includes holes to allow heat to enter into a compartment/shell and impinge upon a pressurized pouch containing a suppressant agent. In other embodiments, when a fire occurs it causes an exterior layer or relief valve to rupture the suppressant agent discharging towards the heat source and extinguishing the fire. In another application this complication is connected to an electrical or gas system and cuts the supply when the exterior layer of the device ruptures and releases a suppressant. 1. A fire suppressant composition comprising:a. a pouch or bladder including one or more apertures;b. a rupture opening on the pouch or bladder; andc. a fire suppressant included within the pouch or bladder.2. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the pouch or bladder is pressurized.3. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the pouch or bladder is a metal compartment.4. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal compartment is contoured to the shape of an electrical or heating appliance.5. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal compartment is spherical or curved.6. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppressant composition is included with a heating system.7. The fire suppressant composition of claim 1 , wherein the fire suppressant composition is connected to an electrical or gas system.8. A method for suppressing or eliminating a fire comprising: 1. a rupture opening on the pouch or bladder; and', '2. a fire suppressant included within the pouch or bladder, 'a. attaching a pressurized pouch or bladder including one or more apertures to a device, wherein the pouch or bladder includesb. contacting the pouch or bladder with a heat source;c. heating the ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Fire Proof Enclosure For Charging Electronic Devices

Номер: US20180375079A1
Автор: Robison Kenneth

The claimed invention provides a solution for containing a fire in an enclosed fire proof or fire-resistant space in the event that a battery of an electronic device combusts or explodes causing a fire. By containing the fire, the claimed invention prevents damage to property and potential injury to persons. 1. A fireproof enclosure for charging an electronic device comprising:fire proof tiles, the fire proof tiles configured to have an open position for a user to place the electronic device to be charged and the fire proof tiles configured to have a closed position forming an enclosed cuboidal structure forming an interior fireproof enclosure; and further comprising an opening in one of the fireproof tiles; said opening configured to be fireproof via a securing system.2. The enclosure of further comprising a power provider inside the enclosed cuboidal structure claim 1 , the power provider capable of connecting to an external power source via a wire extending through the opening of one of the fireproof tiles claim 1 , and the power provider being capable of connecting to and charging an electronic device.3. The enclosure of whereby the enclosed cuboidal structure forms the interior of drawer configured for a piece of furniture.4. The enclosure of whereby the enclosed cuboidal structure forms the interior of a stand-alone box.5. The enclosure of whereby the fire proof tiles are resistant to temperatures up of at least 1000 degrees Celsius.6. The enclosure of whereby the fire proof tiles are comprised of ceramic.7. The enclosure of whereby the power provider is a smart charger.8. The enclosure of whereby the power provider is a power bank.9. The enclosure of wherein the power provider is a wireless charger.10. A fireproof enclosure for charging an electronic device comprising:fire proof tiles, the fire proof tiles configured to have an open position for a user to place the electronic device to be charged and the fire proof tiles configured to have a closed position ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Locomotive-mounted Power Battery Pack Fire Safety Control System and Method

Номер: US20200368565A1

A locomotive-mounted power battery pack fire safety control system includes a power battery pack, a power battery management system main controller, a rolling stock microcomputer system and a rolling stock display screen. The power battery pack is an enclosed installation isolated from external air. An inert gas injection pipe, a smoke detector and a temperature detector are arranged at the top end inside the power battery pack. An inert gas storage device is arranged outside the power battery pack. The inert gas storage device is connected with the inert gas injection pipe. A pressure detector and an inert gas injection control switch are arranged in turn on a pipeline through which the inert gas storage device discharges an inert gas to the power battery pack. The pressure detector and the inert gas injection control switch are connected with the rolling stock microcomputer system. 1. A locomotive-mounted power battery pack fire safety control system , comprising a power battery pack , a power battery control system main controller , a rolling stock microcomputer system and a rolling stock display screen connected in turn respectively , and characterized in that:the power battery pack is a closed installation isolated from external air, an inert gas injection pipe, a smoke detector and a temperature detector are arranged at the top end inside the power battery pack, and the smoke detector and the temperature detector are connected with the rolling stock microcomputer system;an inert gas storage device is arranged outside the power battery pack, the inert gas storage device is connected with the inert gas injection pipe, and an inert gas is stored in the inert gas storage device; anda pressure detector and an inert gas injection control switch are arranged in turn on a pipeline through which the inert gas storage device discharges an inert gas to the power battery pack, and the pressure detector and the inert gas injection control switch are connected with the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200403192A1

A flame-retardant unit of the present invention includes a sticky coating and an outer layer. The sticky coating is made by a calendering process and made up of a mixture of a gel, a macromolecule material, a first additive and a second additive. The gel is made of silicon as a pure mixture without including any bridging agent. The macromolecule material, the first additive and the second additive are respectively disposed in the gel. The outer layer is disposed on a side of the sticky coating to provide a side of the flame-retardant unit with viscosity. The flame-retardant unit is made by means of the calendering process. The macromolecule material, the first additive and the second additive can be distributed homogeneously in the sticky coating, which provides the flame-retardant unit with stability and favourable effect on avoiding flame propagation and explosion, as well as on uniform heat transfer and dissipation. 1. A flame-retardant unit , including a sticky coating and an outer layer , the sticky coating made by means of a calendering process and made up of a mixture of a gel , a macromolecule material , a first additive and a second additive , wherein the gel is a soft material and is made of silicon that is present in a form of gummy material , the silicon remains a pure mixture without including any bridging agent , the macromolecule material , the first additive and the second additive are respectively disposed in the gel , the outer layer is disposed on a side of the sticky coating to provide a side of the flame-retardant unit with viscosity , and the other side of the flame-retardant unit has no viscosity.2. The flame-retardant unit of claim 1 , wherein the gel is made of silicon that is present with an amount of 30-50 wt %.3. The flame-retardant unit of claim 1 , wherein the macromolecule material is a composite material composed of nano silica (SiO) and nano clay.4. The flame-retardant unit of claim 3 , wherein the composite material composed of the ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220401768A1

An apparatus is disclosed for extinguishing a stovetop fire over a stovetop having a first burner, the apparatus including a container detachably mountable to a microwave positioned above the stove top. A supply of fire suppressant material is retained within the container. A heat responsive actuator is disposed on the container. When the container is mounted to the microwave over the first burner, and the fire actuates the heat responsive actuator, at least a portion of the supply of fire suppressant material falls from the container toward the first burner. 1. An apparatus for extinguishing a fire on a stovetop having a first burner , a second burner , and a microwave positioned above the stovetop , the apparatus comprising:a container including at least one magnet, the container detachably mountable to the microwave via the at least one magnet, the container having a closure movable between an open position and a closed position, the closure retained in a closed position;a projection member positioned within the container, the projection member retained in a retracted position within the container while the closure is in the closed position;a supply of fire suppressant material retained within the container while the closure is in the closed position; anda heat responsive actuator disposed on the container;wherein when the container is mounted to the microwave over the first burner, and the fire on the second burner of the stovetop actuates the heat responsive actuator, the closure moves to the open position, the projection member moves to an extended position and forces at least a portion of the supply of fire suppressant material toward the second burner.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises a frame claim 1 , the closure movable between the open position and the closed position with respect to the frame.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the one or more magnets are positioned on the frame.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Auto fire extinguishing unit for incoming and distributing board

Номер: KR101555620B1
Автор: 고행현
Принадлежит: 주식회사 신화에프이원

The present invention provides an auto fire extinguishing unit for incoming and distributing boards. The auto fire extinguishing unit for incoming and distributing boards includes: a case part (100) for arranging electronic components (10) in the inside; a door part (200) which opens/closes the case part (100); a cooling part (300) which circulates cooling water at a constant cooling temperature in the door part (200) and the case part (100); a cooling wind supplying part (400) which measures the temperature of the electronic components (10) arranged in the case part (100), supplies cooling wind to each of the electronic components (10), and lowers the overheated temperature of the electronic components (10) to a predetermined temperature; and a fire extinguishing part (500) detecting smoke generated from the inside of the case part (100) due to fire, and supplying a fire extinguishing agent to the inside of the case part (100) for extinguishing the fire.

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Electric Power Substation Equipment

Номер: KR102174980B1
Автор: 허민욱
Принадлежит: 주식회사 동경기술단

The present invention relates to a substation facility of 154kv or higher to easily protect a power system, which includes: a plurality of shock relief devices; a main body; a security camera mechanism; an ultrasonic sensor; a lighting lamps; a fire extinguishing device through which the extinguishing agent is released to the outside; a protective distributor installed in a receiving space of the main body; bar-shaped first and second guides positioned above the protective distributor; a first buffer support member made of an elastic material, having an upper surface inclined upward to the right, and inserted into a lower side of the first guide; a first buffer stopper member made of an elastic material and inserted into the first guide so as to be spaced upward from the first buffer support member; a second buffer support member made of an elastic material and inserted under the second guide; a second buffer stopper member made of an elastic material and inserted into the second guide so as to be spaced upward from the second buffer support member; and so on.

22-04-2020 дата публикации

An Accidental Fire Base of Fire Diffusion Blocking Equipment

Номер: KR102103513B1
Автор: 백창용, 허인식
Принадлежит: (주)한빛기술단

The present invention relates to a firefighting device for preventing fire spreading with improved safety, which can check the state of a fire outbreak point while rapidly suppressing the fire outbreak point. The firefighting device for preventing fire spreading with improved safety includes: a fire sensing unit (10); a fire extinguisher (20) accommodating a liquid fire extinguishing medium reducing surrounding temperature and the concentration of surrounding oxygen by being evaporated when being discharged to the outside; a fire extinguisher operation state sensing unit (30) measuring sudden temperature drop around the fire extinguisher (20) and sensing whether the fire extinguisher operates; an output unit (40) displaying whether the fire breaks out and whether the fire extinguishing medium is discharged; and a control unit (50) displaying the outbreak of the fire by the output unit (40) by receiving an output signal from the fire sensing unit (10), and displaying the discharge of the fire extinguishing medium by the output unit (40) by receiving the output signal from the fire extinguisher operation state sensing unit (30).

27-01-2014 дата публикации

Fire extinguishing device for fire fighting

Номер: KR101355831B1
Автор: 안상수
Принадлежит: (주)포트텍

소방용 소화장치가 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 소방용 소화장치는 화재 발생 가능 영역에 위치되어 주변의 온도 변화에 반응하는 감열체; 상기 감열체를 지지하는 지지플러그; 저장용기에 저장된 소화 약제가 배출되도록 형성된 방출구와 감열체 사이에 이동 가능하게 설치되어 상기 저장용기의 압력에 의해 상기 방출구를 클로즈 상태로 유지가능하게 하는 유동체; 상기 유동체를 탄지하는 탄성체; 및 상기 저장용기에 저장된 소화 약제를 방출구로 공급하고, 상기 방출구와 동일 내경으로 이루어져 상기 방출구와 연통된 유입구와, 상기 유동체와 감열체 사이에 개구되고 상기 방출구의 직경보다는 상대적으로 작은 직경으로 개구되어 상기 저장용기에 저장된 저장 압력을 상기 지지플러그에 전달하는 통공이 형성된 밸브체를 포함한다. A fire extinguishing device is disclosed. Fire fighting fire extinguishing device according to an embodiment of the present invention is located in the fire-prone region is a heat-sensitive member that responds to changes in ambient temperature; A support plug for supporting the thermal element; A fluid that is movably installed between the discharge port and the heat sensing member configured to discharge the extinguishing agent stored in the storage container, and maintains the discharge port in a closed state by the pressure of the storage container; An elastic body holding the fluid; And supplying the extinguishing agent stored in the reservoir to an outlet, the inlet communicating with the outlet having the same inner diameter as the outlet, opening between the fluid and the heat sensitive body, and having a diameter smaller than that of the outlet. And a valve body having a through hole for transmitting the storage pressure stored in the storage container to the support plug.

08-09-2015 дата публикации

Structure for preventing flame diffusion in electric power line under ground

Номер: KR101551626B1
Автор: 고행현
Принадлежит: 주식회사 신화에프이원

The present invention provides a structure for preventing flame diffusion in an underground electric power ditch. The structure for preventing flame diffusion in the underground electric power ditch includes: an electric power ditch structure (100) which forms a ceiling part (110) and a bottom part (120), and forms an inner space by comprising a wall (130) surrounding the bottom part (120); a blocking wall structure (200) which is installed on the ceiling part (110) as being able to be elevated, and has a smoke detection sensor (210) installed to detect smoke due to a fire occurred in the inner space, and has a through-hole (220) penetrating up and down; a blower fan part (300) which is installed at both side of the blocking wall structure (200), and is driven by an external driving signal; an exhaust part (400) which has an exhaust (410) connecting the inner space and the wall (130), and an opening/closing door (420) opening and closing the exhaust (410); and a smoke exhaust unit (500) which lifts up the blocking wall structure (200) to an established position in order for the blower fan part (300) to be located in the exhaust part (400), and makes the smoke be discharged to the outside forcibly through the through hole (220) and the exhaust part (400) by driving the blower fan part (300) forcibly, if smoke is detected by the smoke detection sensor (210).

25-02-2014 дата публикации

Fire-extinguishing ceiling plate

Номер: KR101366592B1
Автор: 황대진
Принадлежит: 주식회사 선진디자인테크

Disclosed is a unit ceiling plate having fire-extinguishing properties. A fire-extinguishing substance is filled inside a unit case made of transparent or opaque, and fire retardant or nonflammable material. On a part of a lower part of the unit case, a flammable cap, partially or entirely comprised of a flammable substance, is mounted to prevent the fire-extinguishing substance from breaking away. Provided, according to the present invention, is an effect of extinguishing fire by rapidly and extensively diffusing the fire-extinguishing substance through an extensive space, without spoiling an interior beauty when a fire breaks out.

06-01-2016 дата публикации

Install in ceiling type extinguisher with multiple spout nozzle

Номер: KR20160000059U
Автор: 강승완
Принадлежит: 강승완

본 발명은 학교와 빌딩등의 건물과 버스와 전철등의 차량의 내부 천장(1)에 설치되는 천장 설치형 다중 분사 소화기로서, 화재가 발생하면 이를 자동·감지하여 천장(1)에 설치된 중앙분사기(4)와 위성분사노즐(5)로부터 동시에 소화제(3)가 자동 분사되어 화재를 효과적으로 진화할 수 있도록 구성된 천장 설치형 다중 분사 소화기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 저장탱크(2)와 연결된 중앙분사기(4)의 몸체(8) 하부에는 상부프레임(9)과 하부프레임(10)이 걸림턱(13)에 의해 결합되고, 온도감지액(14)이 충진된 캡슐(11)의 하부는 하부프레임(10)의 지지볼트(12)에 의해 지지되고, 캡슐(11)의 상부는 마개(15)를 지지하여 마개(15)가 노즐분사구(24)를 막도록 구성되며, 중앙분사기(4)의 몸체(8) 내부에는 상·하방향으로 이동하여 연결관(7)을 개·폐하는 밸브노즐(23)이 구성되고, 몸체(8)에는 방사상으로 위성분사노즐(5)이 형성된 연결관(7)이 연결되어 화재가 발생하면 캡슐(11)이 파괴되어 몸체(8)내부의 밸브노즐(23)이 하강하여 중앙분사기(4)와 위성분사노즐(5)에서 소화제(3)를 분사하여 화재를 진압하도록 구성된다.
