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10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2318581C2
Принадлежит: УДЕ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу уменьшения содержания оксидов азота в газах, в частности в технологических и отходящих газах, а также к применяемому для этого устройству. Способ включает пропускание N2O- и NOx-содержащего газа через ряд двух слоев катализатора, содержащих один тип или несколько типов нагруженных железом цеолитов, добавление восстановителя для NOx между этими слоями катализатора, поддержание температуры менее чем 500°С в первом слое катализатора и во втором слое катализатора, поддержание газового давления, по меньшей мере, 2 бар в обоих слоях катализаторов, выбор такой объемной скорости в первом и втором слоях катализатора, что в первом слое катализатора происходит разложение N2O, до содержания не более чем 90% в расчете на содержание N2O на входе первого слоя катализатора и устанавливается содержание N2O более чем 200 частей на млн. и что во втором слое катализатора происходит дальнейшее разложение содержащегося в газе N2O, по меньшей мере, на 30% в расчете на содержание ...

30-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2798995C2

Изобретения относятся к молекулярным ситам, их получению и использованию. Описано модифицированное молекулярное сито типа Y для каталитического крекинга углеводородного исходного материала, имеющее содержание редкоземельных элементов от приблизительно 4% до приблизительно 11% по массе в пересчете на оксид редкоземельного элемента, содержание натрия не более чем приблизительно 0,7% по массе в пересчете на оксид натрия, содержание цинка от приблизительно 0,5% до приблизительно 5% по массе в пересчете на оксид цинка и содержание фосфора от приблизительно 0,05% до приблизительно 10% по массе в пересчете на пентоксид фосфора по отношению к массе модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y в пересчете на сухое вещество; соотношение диоксида кремния и оксида алюминия в каркасе от приблизительно 7 до приблизительно 14 в пересчете на молярное соотношение SiO2/Al2O3, процентное соотношение содержания некаркасного алюминия и полного содержания алюминия не более чем приблизительно 20% и процентное ...

07-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2801280C2

Изобретения относятся к области каталитического крекинга. Описан способ каталитического крекинга для получения легких олефинов, включающий стадию введения исходного материала для крекинга в контакт с катализатором каталитического крекинга в присутствии радикального инициатора для осуществления реакции в условиях каталитического крекинга для получения содержащего легкие олефины продукта, причем радикальный инициатор содержит дендритный полимер и/или гиперразветвленный полимер, и катализатор каталитического крекинга содержит кислотный цеолитный катализатор, а исходный материал для крекинга выбран из группы, которую составляют углеводороды, содержащие 4 до 14 атомов углерода, лигроин, легкий рецикловый газойль, вакуумный газойль, остаток вакуумной дистилляции нефти и любое их сочетание. Описана каталитическая система для получения легких олефинов путем реакций каталитического крекинга, содержащая радикальный инициатор и катализатор каталитического крекинга, причем радикальный инициатор содержит ...

20-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803816C2

Изобретение относится к катализатору каталитического крекинга, содержащему цеолит Y с редкоземельными элементами. Предложены содержащий редкоземельные элементы цеолит Y, обладающий двумя мезопористыми распределениями пор по размерам в диапазонах 2-3 нм и 3-4 нм с объёмом мезопор в диапазоне от 0,03 см3/г до 0,057 см3/г, а также имеющим соотношение интенсивности I1 пика при 2θ = 11,8±0,1° и интенсивности I2 пика при 2θ = 12,3±0,1° на рентгеновской дифрактограмме по меньшей мере 4,0, способ изготовления содержащего редкоземельные элементы цеолита Y, который заключается в гидротермальном прокаливания содержащего редкоземельные элементы цеолита NaY в атмосферных условиях, с последующим добавлением из внешнего источника содержащего кислое вещество или щелочное вещество водного раствора, также возможно введение содержащего редкоземельные элементы цеолита NaY в контакт с кислым веществом или щелочным веществом для получения содержащего кислое вещество или щелочное вещество и редкоземельные элементы ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2538974C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к алкилированию арильных соединений олефинами. Способ регулировки содержания 2-фенильного изомера в линейном алкилбензоле, получаемом путем алкилирования бензола олефином, включает реакцию олефина с бензолом в технологическом потоке, содержащем воду, в присутствии катализатора, а также контроль концентрации воды в сырье в диапазоне от совершенно сухого до 100 м.д. воды. Указанный катализатор в качестве первого компонента содержит цеолит, выбранный из группы, состоящей из фожазитов, содержащих редкоземельные элементы, и их смесей, и в качестве второго компонента - цеолит, выбранный из группы, состоящей из UZM-8, цеолит MWW, цеолит ВЕА, цеолит OFF, цеолит MOR, цеолит LTL, цеолит MTW, BPH/UZM-4 и их смеси. В соответствии с изобретением можно получать линейный алкилбензол, имеющий заданное содержание 2-фенильного изомера. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 пр.

20-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2223820C2

Изобретение относится к области нефтепереработки. Описаны способ получения каталитической композиции и каталитическая композиция, которая включает в качестве первого крекингового ингредиента - бета - цеолит, а второй крекинговый ингредиент, выбран из (i) кристаллических молекулярных сит, обладающих порами с диаметром больше чем 0,6 нм, (ii) белых глин, и (iii) аморфных крекинговых ингредиентов. Способ включает следующие стадии: (а) получение смеси, включающей первый крекинговый ингредиент и желатиновое вещество, и гомогенное смешивание, (b) размалывание со вторым крекинговым ингредиентом, и (iii) экструдирование смеси, полученной на стадии (b), в каталитические экструдаты, и прокаливание полученных экструдатов. Технический результат: получен катализатор, обладающий высокой активностью и селективностью процесса гидрокрекинга. 3 с. и 7 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

22-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755891C2

Раскрыты катализатор каталитического крекинга и его получение. Катализатор содержит от 20% до 40% по массе, в пересчете на сухое вещество, модифицированного редкоземельными элементами молекулярного сита типа Y, от 2% до 20% по массе, в пересчете на сухое вещество, содержащего добавку оксида алюминия и от 30% до 50% по массе, в пересчете на сухое вещество, глины; причем содержащий добавку оксид алюминия содержит, в пересчете на сухое вещество и в пересчете на массу содержащего добавку оксида алюминия, от 60% до 95% по массе оксида алюминия и от 5% до 40% по массе добавки, которая представляет собой одно или несколько соединений, выбранных из группы, которую составляют соединения, содержащие щелочноземельный металл и/или фосфор. Модифицированное редкоземельными элементами молекулярное сито типа Y имеет содержание оксидов редкоземельных элементов, составляющее от 4% до 12% по массе, содержание фосфора, составляющее от 0% до 10% по массе в пересчете на Р2О5, содержание оксида натрия, составляющее ...

25-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667908C2

Каталитическая микросфера каталитического крекинга со взвешенным катализатором, содержащая цеолит, где указанная микросфера сформирована из пульпы, содержащей: i) каолин, который прокаливали вне его экзотермического перехода; и или ii) кристаллы цеолита, или iii) гидратированный каолин и/или метакаолин, пульпа была смешана с 0.005-0.5 мас.% катионоактивного полиэлектролита относительно массы i) + ii) или i) + iii) перед или во время формирования указанной микросферы. Также представлен способ получения каталитической микросферы. Технический результат - обеспечить катализаторы каталитического крекинга со взвешенным слоем, имеющим улучшенную устойчивость к изнашиванию. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 8 табл., 4 ил., 2 пр.

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505357C2

Изобретение относится к технологии производства катализаторов и может быть использовано для процесса алкилирования изопарафиновых углеводородов олефинами в нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической отраслях промышленности. Предложен способ получения катализатора алкилирования изобутана олефинами на основе цеолита типа NaNHY при остаточном содержании оксида натрия не более 0,8% масс., в котором цеолит при перемешивании пропитывают водным раствором нитрата лантана, взятого в количестве, обеспечивающем содержание лантана в конечном катализаторе 0,5%-6,0% масс. - получают суспензию; порошок гидроксида алюминия бемитной структуры пептизируют раствором кислоты до pH 1-3 и получают другую суспензию. Затем обе суспензии перемешивают, упаривают до состояния формуемости и формуют в гранулы. После чего полученные гранулы провяливают при комнатной температуре, сушат при 50-120°C не менее 5 часов и прокаливают при 150-500°C не менее 4 часов. В частном случае после прокалки на катализатор наносят хлорид ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2366505C2

Изобретение относится к носителю катализатора для гидрокрекинга, к способу его получения, а также к каталитической композиции для гидрокрекинга, способу ее получения и применению этой композиции в способе гидрокрекинга. Описан формованный носитель катализатора для гидрокрекинга, который содержит, по меньшей мере, цеолит Y и неорганический тугоплавкий оксид, имеющий мономодальное распределение объема пор (по ртути), в котором, по меньшей мере, 50% от общего объема пор представляют поры, имеющие диаметр в диапазоне от 4 до 50 нм, и в котором объем пор в указанных порах составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,4 мл/г. Описан способ получения носителя и носитель, полученный этим способом, включающим формование смеси, содержащей, по меньшей мере, цеолит Y и тугоплавкий оксид, в котором смесь имеет потери при прокаливании (ППП) в диапазоне от 55 до 75%. Описана каталитическая композиция для гидрокрекинга, которая включает в себя указанный носитель, по меньшей мере, один компонент гидрирующего металла, ...

21-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780317C2

Изобретение относится к цеолитному катализатору флюид-каталитического крекинга, который пассивирует никель и ванадий в ходе каталитического крекинга. Цеолитный катализатор содержит: Y-фажазит, кристаллизованный in-situ из метакаолин-содержащей кальцинированной микросферы; Y-фажазит подвергнут ионному обмену с одним или более катионами аммония или редкоземельных элементов, и содержащий оксид алюминия матрикс, полученный посредством кальцинирования диспергируемого кристаллического боемита и каолина, содержащихся в метакаолин-содержащей кальцинированной микросфере, где кальцинирование содержащего оксид алюминия матрикса осуществляется при температуре, подходящей для конверсии диспергируемого кристаллического боемита в гамма-оксид алюминия, где метакаолин-содержащая кальцинированная микросфера содержит до 50 мас.% метакаолина, и где диспергируемый кристаллический боемит содержит кристаллические агломераты, имеющие средний размер частиц от 50 до 300 нм и образованные из отдельных кристаллитов ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2528825C2

Изобретение относится к вариантам способа получения алкилированного ароматического соединения. Один из вариантов включает следующие стадии: (а) подача потока сырья в зону дегидратации, указанный поток сырья включает способное к алкилированию ароматическое соединение, воду и примеси, причем указанные примеси включают соединение, содержащее по меньшей мере один из следующих элементов: азот, галогены, кислород, сера, мышьяк, селен, теллур, фосфор, а также металлы групп с 1 по 12; (б) удаление по меньшей мере части указанной воды из указанного потока сырья в указанной зоне дегидратации, которая эксплуатируется при подходящих условиях дегидратации с получением дегидратированного потока, включающего указанное способное к алкилированию ароматическое соединение, любые остатки воды и указанные примеси; (в) контактирование по меньшей мере части указанного дегидратированного потока и первого потока алкилирующего агента с первым катализатором алкилирования, имеющим первую емкость по яду, причем указанный ...

10-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2229933C1

Способ получения шарикового катализатора крекинга нефтяного сырья, включающий смешение водных растворов сульфата алюминия, силиката натрия и суспензии цеолита NaY с модулем 4,5-9,5 в смесителе с образованием алюмосиликатного цеолитсодержащего гидрозоля, который далее коагулирует в гидрогель шариковой формы в слое минерального масла; синерезис в растворе сульфата натрия; активацию раствором нитрата или сульфата аммония, активацию раствором нитратов редкоземельных элементов; промывку, сушку и прокаливание в токе паровоздушной смеси. При этом катализатор формуют в минеральное масло с плотностью 900-910 кг/м3и вязкостью 25-50 мм2/с при 50°С со сдвигом в большую сторону максимума распределения гранул катализатора по размерам, после промывки перед сушкой предварительно пропаривают острым паром, а прокалку ведут в течение 68-75 ч в паровоздушной смеси с содержанием водяного пара 18-30% объемных. Получают катализатор высокой каталитической активности, пониженной усадкой, малым растрескиванием и ...

27-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2100073C1

Изобретение относится к производству катализаторов, в частности алюмосиликатных катализаторов, и может быть использовано при изготовлении катализаторов с заданными активностью и селективностью. Технический результат заключается в повышении активности и селективности катализатора по выходному продукту с учетом компромиссных требований к характеристикам катализатора, определяемым его макроструктурой. В способе, основанном на приготовлении исходной смеси, формовании ее в гранулы, сушке гранул и прокаливании по ступенчатому режиму с изотермической выдержкой при каждой температуре, согласно изобретению, ступенчатый режим прокаливания включает по меньшей мере два цикла прокаливания с повышением температуры и заключительный цикл прокаливания при понижении температуры, при этом в первом цикле прокаливания повышают температуру от комнатной до температуры начала усадочных процессов в прокаливаемом материале с последующей изотермической выдержкой при достигнутой температуре, в последнем цикле прокаливания ...

06-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789593C1

Изобретение относится к области нефтепереработки, а именно к разработке катализатора и способа изодепарафинизации дизельных дистиллятов с его использованием для получения дизельных топлив арктических сортов. Катализатор содержит двойную смесь высококремнеземных цеолитов (среднепористого цеолита ZSM-5 со структурой пентасил и широкопористого цеолита фожазита - ультрастабильного USY), гидрирующий переходный металл - в виде оксида никеля, промотор - оксида бора и связующее вещество - оксид алюминия при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: cмесь цеолитов 50,0-70,0; гидрирующий металл 5,0-10,0; промотор 1,0- 4,0; связующее вещество до 100,0. Смесь цеолитов включает: ZSM-5 с модулем 150-200 в водородной форме и ультрастабильный USY - цеолит LaHY с модулем 8-11 (содержание La2O3 5-6 мас.%) при массовом соотношении ZSM-5 : LaHY, равном (3-9) : 1. Также раскрывается способ изодепарафинизации нефтяного сырья с использованием вышеупомянутого катализатора, отличающийся тем, что процесс изодепарафинизации ...

24-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788751C1

Группа изобретений относится к области катализаторов, а именно к каталитической композиции FCC, предназначенной для преобразования малоценных продуктов из углеводородного сырья в ценные продукты в области нефтепереработки и нефтехимии. Описаны: каталитическая композиция FCC, состоящая из гомогенизированных частиц, включающая цеолит типа Y количеством от 25 до 45 мас.%; оксид кремния количеством от 20 до 40 масс.%; оксид алюминия количеством от 5 до 25 мас.%; по меньшей мере одна глина количеством от 5 до 35 мас.%; и по меньшей мере один редкоземельный оксид количеством от 0,5 до мас.%; при этом массовый процент каждого компонента указан по отношению к общей массе каталитической композиции FCC; при этом соотношение оксида кремния к оксиду алюминия (SAR) в цеолите типа Y находится в диапазоне от 8:1 до 15:1; и при этом средний размер частиц каталитической композиции FCC находится в диапазоне 45-120 мкм, способ получения каталитической композиции FCC и способ каталитического крекинга. Осуществление ...

20-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2056398C1

Сущность изобретения: получение 2,6-дициклогексилнафталина (2,6-ДУГН) алкилированием нафталина. Алкилирующий агент: циклогексен. Cl- или В-циклогексан, циклогексанол. Условия: максимальная температура алкилирования 140 - 220oС, максимальное давление 5 - 30 атм. Катализатор: цеолит типа фожазита, имеющий открытые поры выше 6,7 массовое отношение SiO2/Al2O3 выше 2,5 и остаточное содержание ионов щелочных металлов менее 3 мас.%, преимущественно в виде суспензии в реакционной среде. Реакционная среда содержит растворитель нафталина, алкилирующий агент и алкилированные нафталины. Из полученного алкилата 2,6-ДУГН выделяют кристаллизацией, преимущественно частичным испарением растворителя. Оставшуюся некристаллизированную часть подвергают дезалкилированию при максимальной температуре 260 - 350oС и максимальном давлении 10 - 60 атм в присутствии катализатора вышеуказанного типа. Регенирированный нафталин возвращают на алкилирование. 8 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

20-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2066675C1

Изобретение относится к способам получения синтетических кристаллических алюмосиликатов (цеолитов), применяемых в качестве адсорбентов, катализаторов и компонентов моющих составов. Сущность изобретения: смешивают в водно-щелочной среде SiO2 и Al2O3 или их гидраты, или силикаты щелочных металлов и алюминаты щелочных металлов, минерализаторы и при необходимости затравку при следующих мольных отношенияx: SiO2 /Al2O3 = 15-40, ОН-/SiO2 = 0,1-0,2, Н2О/SiO2 = 20-60. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 3 ил.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2579512C1

Изобретение относится к области получения катализаторов алкилирования изобутана изобутеном. Описывается способ приготовления катализатора на основе цеолита типа NaNHY с остаточным содержанием оксида натрия не более 0,8 мас.%, включающий пропитку при перемешивании кристаллов цеолита с водным раствором нитрата лантана в количестве, обеспечивающем содержание лантана в цеолите 3,0 мас.%, смешение образовавшейся суспензии со второй суспензией, полученной пептизацией водным раствором азотной кислоты до рН 1-3 порошка гидроксида алюминия, гранулирование формовочной массы, провяливание при комнатной температуре 18-24 ч, сушку с подъемом температуры 2 градуса в минуту и выдержкой при 110±10°С не менее 5 ч и прокаливание с подъемом температуры 10 градусов в минуту и выдержкой при 280±10°С не менее 4 ч и при 510±10°С не менее 4 ч; порошки цеолита и гидроксида алюминия псевдобемитной модификации имеют размер частиц менее 40 мкм, а в формовочную массу дополнительно вводят при перемешивании порошок сульфатированного ...

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144525C1

Использование: нефтехимия. Сущность: углеводородное нефтяное сырье контактируют катализатором, содержащим цеолит с высоким содержанием двуокиси кремния, содержащим фосфор и редкоземельный элемент и имеющим структуру катализатора пентасил, в реакторе с подвижным катализатором и подвергают каталитическому превращению при температуре от 480 до 680°С и давлении от 1,2 • 105 до 4,0 • 105 Па при времени контакта от 0,1 до 6 с, весовом отношении катализатора к сырью от 4 : 1 до 20 : 1 и весовом отношении пара к сырью от 0,01 : 1 до 0,5 : 1. Технический результат - получение легких олефинов, предпочтительно этилена, пропилена, изобутилена и изоамилена с образованием в качестве побочного продукта высокооктанового бензина. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2473385C1

Изобретение относится к области нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности, а именно к катализатору крекинга нефтяных фракций и способу его приготовления. Описан микросферический катализатор для крекинга нефтяных фракций, который содержит ультрастабильный цеолит Y в катион-декатионированной форме с решеточным модулем 5,2-6,0, содержащий 1,0-1,5 мас.% оксида натрия, 10-14 мас.% оксидов редкоземельных элементов, и/или ультрастабильный цеолит с решеточным модулем 6,0-10,0, содержащий 0,5-1,0 мас.% оксида натрия, 7-10 мас.% оксидов редкоземельных элементов и матрицу, в качестве компонентов которой используют аморфный алюмосиликат, гидроксид алюминия и бентонитовую глину, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: цеолит Y или смесь цеолитов Y 15-30, аморфный алюмосиликат 20-45, гидроксид алюминия 10-40, бентонитовая глина 10-40. Способ приготовления описанного выше катализатора включает проведение ионных обменов на катионы редкоземельных элементов и аммония на цеолите NaY, ультрастабилизацию цеолита ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696280C1

Описаны композиции крекинга с флюидизированным катализатором (ФКК), способы производства и их применение. Каталитическая композиция крекинга с флюидизированным катализатором (ФКК) для крекинга углеводородов включает нецеолитный матричный компонент, оксид бора, пропитывающий матрицу, и крекирующие частицы, где нецеолитный матричный компонент включает алюмосиликат и крекирующие частицы включают цеолит и нецеолитный компонент. Каталитическая композиция ФКК способствует уменьшению выработки кокса и водорода во время крекинга металлсодержащего сырья ФКК, по сравнению с каталитической композицией ФКК без оксида бора, пропитывающего нецеолитную матрицу и крекирующие частицы, которые включают цеолит и нецеолитный компонент. Оксид бора пассивирует сырье ФКК, имеющее высокое содержание металлов во время ФКК. Каталитические композиции ФКК могут быть применены для крегинга углеводородного сырья, особенно сырья остатков вакуумной перегонки, содержащего высокие уровни V и Ni, что приводит к меньшим выходам ...

01-03-2021 дата публикации

Модифицированное молекулярное сито типа Y и способ его получения, катализатор гидрокрекинга и способ его получения и способ гидрокрекинга нефтяного масла

Номер: RU2744001C1

Изобретение относится к области техники гидрокрекинга, и в нем описывают модифицированное молекулярное сито типа Y и способ его получения, катализатор гидрокрекинга и способ его получения и способ гидрокрекинга нефтяного масла. Модифицированное молекулярное сито типа Y содержит 0,5-2 мас.% Na2O по отношению к общему количеству модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y, причем отношение общего количества кислоты модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y, измеренного с помощью пиридина и инфракрасной спектрометрии, и общего количества кислоты модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y, измеренного с помощью н-бутилпиридина и инфракрасной спектрометрии, составляет 1-1,2, при этом общее количество кислоты модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y, измеренное с помощью пиридина и инфракрасной спектрометрии, составляет 0,1-1,2 ммоль/г. Способ получения модифицированного молекулярного сита типа Y содержит следующие стадии: (1) предварительная обработка молекулярного сита NaY с получением ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015113601A

... 1. Катализатор каталитического крекинга, где указанный катализатор каталитического крекинга имеет активный компонент крекинга, необязательный мезопористый алюмосиликатный материал, глину и связующее, где указанный активный компонент крекинга содержит, состоит по существу из или состоит из РЗЭ-содержащего Y-цеолита, необязательного другого Y-цеолита и необязательного МФИ-структурированного цеолита, причем указанный РЗЭ-содержащий Y-цеолит имеет содержание редкоземельного элемента, в расчете на оксид резкоземельного элемента, 10-25% мас., например, 11-23% мас., размер ячейки 2,440-2,472 нм, например, 2,450-2,470 нм, кристалличность 35-65%, например, 40-60%, атомное соотношение Si/Al в каркасе 2,5-5,0 и произведение отношения интенсивности Iпика при 2θ=1,8±0,1° к интенсивности Iпика при 2θ=12,3±0,1° (Ι/Ι) на рентгенограмме цеолита и массового процентного содержания редкоземельного элемента, в расчете на оксид резкоземельного элемента, в цеолите больше 48, например, больше 55.2. Катализатор ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005117349A

... 1. Каталитическая композиция, включающая цеолит и неорганическое связующее вещество, где цеолит имеет кристаллическую структуру с отверстиями, образованными 12 тетраэдрами, а связующим веществом является γ-оксид алюминия, при этом указанная композиция отличается объемом пор, получаемым при суммировании присутствующих в указанной каталитической композиции мезопористой и макропористой составляющих, превышающим или равным 0,7 см3/г, причем по меньшей мере 30% указанного объема состоит из пор, диаметр которых более 100 нм. 2. Каталитическая композиция по п.1, прочность на раздавливание которой больше или равна 1,7 кг/мм. 3. Каталитическая композиция по п.1, кажущаяся плотность которой не превышает 0,5 г/ см3. 4. Каталитическая композиция по п.1 в виде частиц, имеющих диаметр не менее 1,8 мм. 5. Каталитическая композиция по п.4 в виде частиц, имеющих диаметр не менее 2,0 мм. 6. Каталитическая композиция по п.1 в виде цилиндрических гранул. 7. Каталитическая композиция по п.1, в которой цеолит ...

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654055C1

Изобретение относится к области органической химии, в частности к способу получения метилового эфира пальмитиновой кислоты (метилпальмитата), который широко используется в косметической, пищевой, фармацевтической и топливной промышленности, является эмульгатором и стабилизатором эмульсий, обладает смягчающими и пластифицирующими свойствами, применяется в кремах, масках, эмульсиях разного назначения, используется в составе пищевых продуктов в качестве ароматизирующего вещества, служит прекурсором в синтезе витамина А и гексадеканола и т.д. Сущность способа заключается во взаимодействии пальмитиновой кислоты с диметилкарбонатом под действием 5-10 масс. % цеолитного катализатора NaY-MMM, активированного триэтиламином (ТЭА) (NaY-МММ:ТЭА=50:1) при 150°С в течение 3-5 часов при мольном соотношении [пальмитиновая кислота] : [диметилкарбонат] = 100:300÷500 без использования растворителя. В оптимальных условиях при полной конверсии пальмитиновой кислоты выход метилпальмитата составляет 96%. 3 табл ...

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU96106501A

... 1. Способ управления активностью и селективностью катализатора крекинга, включающий подготовку исходной смеси, формование полученной исходной смеси в гранулы, сушку гранул и прокаливание по ступенчатому режиму с изотермической выдержкой между циклами прокаливания, отличающийся тем, что ступенчатый режим прокаливания включает по меньшей мере два цикла прокаливания с повышением температуры и заключительный режим прокаливания при понижении температуры, при этом в первом цикле прокаливания повышают температуру от комнатной температуры до температуры начала усадочных процессов в прокаливаемом материале с последующей изотермической выдержкой при достигнутой температуре, в последнем цикле прокаливания с повышением температуры температуру повышают от значения для изотермической выдержки на предыдущем цикле до максимальной температуры прокаливания, меньшей температуры разрушения активного компонента катализатора, со скоростью, ограниченной допустимыми внутренними напряжениями, развиваемыми вследствие ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Способ получени шарикового катализатора крекинга

Номер: RU2002108679A

... 1. Способ производства шарикового катализатора крекинга, состоящий в смешении цеолита в обмененной катионной форме с каолиновой или галлоузитовой глиной и связующим, формовании, провяливании, сушке и прокалке катализатора, отличающийся тем, что порошкообразные цеолит и глину предварительно сушат и размалывают, смешивают с 70-80% общего количества связующего и формуют гранулы путем таблетирования, после чего вводят остальное количество связующего и окатывают на тарельчатом грануляторе с одновременным опудриванием шариков сухой смесью цеолита и глины. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что связующее получают путем обработки азотной кислотой гидроксида алюминия псевдобемитной структуры до рН не менее 3,5. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что массовое соотношение цеолит: глина: связующее (в расчете на Al2O3)=(7-20):(70-83):(8-12). 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что цеолит сушат до влагосодержания по ППП при 800°С не более 10 мас.%, после чего размалывают до размеров частиц менее 4 ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148365A

... 1. Способ получения модифицированного цеолита Y, заключающийся в том, что цеолит Y, имеющий молярное отношение диоксид кремния/оксид алюминия, по меньшей мере, 10, подвергают прокаливанию при температуре от 700 до 1000°C, при этом: (i) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет самое большее 6 кПа (0,06 бар) при температуре от 700 до 800°C; (ii) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет самое большее 8 кПа (0,08 бар) при температуре от 800 до 850°C; (iii) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 3 кПа (0,03 бар) при температуре от 850 до 900°C; и (iv) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 5 кПа (0,05 бар) при температуре от 900 до 950°C; и (v) парциальное давление водяного пара составляет, по меньшей мере, 7 кПа (0,07 бар) при температуре от 950 до 1000°C.2. Способ по п.1, в котором цеолит Y имеет молярное отношение диокид кремния/оксид алюминия более 10.3. Способ по п.2, в котором прокаливание цеолита Y осуществляют в течение времени ...

20-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002126927A

... 1. Способ удаления высших углеводородов, содержащихся в природном газе, содержащем также сернистые соединения, одновременной конверсией углеводородов в ароматические соединения и метан в присутствии катализатора, включающего кристаллический алюмосиликат, имеющий в безводном состоянии формулу, выраженную в мольных отношениях, следующего вида: xQ:0,01-0,1M2/nO:0-0,08Z2O3:SiO2:0,0001-0,5Me, где Q является органическим соединением азота; Z представляет собой алюминий, бор, галлий или их смесь; х лежит между 0 и 0,5; М представляет собой, по меньшей мере, один катион металла с валентностью n или протон; и Me является, по меньшей мере, одним из металлов, которые образуют не растворимый в воде сульфид при контакте с соединением серы, которое присутствует в природном газе и/или в исходной смеси для получения катализатора. 2. Способ по п.1, где Me представляет собой Zn и/или Cu. 3. Способ по п.1, где кристаллический алюмосиликат является цеолитом H-ZSM-5. 4. Способ по п.1, где содержание сернистых ...

20-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012128875A

... 1. Способ получения моноалкилированного ароматического соединения, в котором:ароматическое сырье и олефиновое соединение пропускают в реактор алкилирования, при этом реактор алкилирования включает в себя катализатор, содержащий цеолит с мольным отношением диоксида кремния к оксиду алюминия меньше 8, и редкоземельный элемент, внедренный в цеолитную решетку, причем редкоземельный элемент находится в количестве более 16,5% масс. в расчете на цеолит, а остальное составляют катионы щелочных, щелочноземельных элементов, соединений азота или их смеси, формируя таким образом выходящий поток;выходящий поток направляют на операцию разделения, формируя таким образом поток ароматических соединений, поток продуктов, содержащий моноалкилированное ароматическое соединение, и поток непродуктивных алкилированных ароматических соединений.2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий добавление воды в реактор алкилирования, при этом воду добавляют в количестве, необходимом для поддержания концентрации воды ниже ...

20-09-1995 дата публикации

Способ приготовления шарикового катализатора для облагораживания сернистых бензинов

Номер: SU1786718A1

Изобретение относится .к области производства цеолитсодержащих катализаторов для облагораживания бензинов термических процессов в нефтеперерабатывающей, битуминозной и нефтехимической отраслях промышленности Сущность изобретения: суспензию смешивают с цеолитом типа Y с концентрацией 65-100 г/л и гелеобразующими растворами - силикатом натрия и сульфатом алюминия в который вводят соль цинка в.количестве 0,8 - 1,5 мас.% в пересчете на оксид цинка в катализаторе, формуют шарики в среде минерального масла, осуществляют ионный обмен смесью растворов нитратов аммония и редкоземельных элементов в отношении 2,6 : 8,3 в расчете на сухое вещество, сушат и прокаливают. 1 табл.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005115099A

... 1. Катализатор, содержащий гидрид металла типа внедрения, имеющий реакционную поверхность и одноатомный водород на реакционной поверхности. 2. Катализатор по п.1, кроме того, содержащий носитель в контакте с гидридом металла типа внедрения. 3. Катализатор по п.2, в котором носитель содержит, по меньшей мере, один из неорганических оксидов, углерод и их комбинации. 4. Катализатор по п.2, кроме того, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один из Pt, Pd и их комбинации. 5. Катализатор по п.2, в котором гидрид металла содержит частицы, имеющие диаметр от примерно 0,01 до примерно 1000 мкм. 6. Катализатор по п.1, в котором реакционная поверхность по существу не содержит оксидного слоя. 7. Катализатор по п.1, в котором гидрид металла типа внедрения находится в форме частицы, имеющей диаметр, и в котором реакционная поверхность имеет оксидный слой, имеющий толщину, равную или меньшую, чем половина диаметра частицы iMeH. 8. Катализатор по п.7, в котором толщина оксидного слоя равна или меньше, чем четверть ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006134729A

... 1. Формованный носитель катализатора, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один неорганический тугоплавкий оксид, причем носитель имеет мономодальное распределение размера пор, в котором, по меньшей мере, 50% от общего объема пор представляют поры, имеющие диаметр в диапазоне от 4 до 50 нм, и в котором объем пор в указанных порах составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,4 мл/г, где все измерения выполнены методом ртутной порозиметрии.2. Носитель катализатора по п.1, в котором объем пор в порах с диаметром от 4 до 50 нм, составляет, по меньшей мере, 0,5 мл/г, предпочтительно в диапазоне от 0,5 до 0,8 мл/г.3. Носитель катализатора по п.1 или 2, в котором, по меньшей мере 60%, предпочтительно в диапазоне от 60 до 90% от общего объема пор представляют поры, имеющие диаметр в диапазоне от 4 до 50 нм.4. Носитель катализатора по любому из пп.1 и 2, который содержит аморфный материал из алюмосиликатов или кристаллический алюмосиликатный фожазитный материал.5. Носитель катализатора по любому из пп.1 и 2, который ...

20-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027566A1

Описан способ повторного использования или рециклирования ПКК равновесных катализаторов. Процесс включает обработку цеолитосодержащего равновесного катализатора прозрачными затравками, источником оксида натрия, источником окиси кремния и водой при повышенных температурах для того, чтобы разрушить цеолит У, первоначально присутствующий в равновесном катализаторе и вновь вырастить цеолит У в порах матрицы до уровня, не превышающего 70 мас.%.

07-07-1990 дата публикации

Способ приготовления шарикового цеолитсодержащего катализатора для алкилирования бензола этиленом

Номер: SU1576194A1

Изобретение касается каталитической химии, в частности приготовления шарикового цеолитсодержащего катализатора для алкилирования бензола этиленом, может быть использовано в нефтехимии. Цель - повышение стабильности, прочности, активности и селективности катализатора. Для этого проводят пептизацию влажного AL(OH) 3 с помощью хлорной кислоты с последующим введением в него цеолита. В этом случае образуется стабильный псевдозоль. Далее ведут гомогенизацию последнего, углеводородно-аммиачную формовку, сушку и прокаливание сферических гранул. Эти условия позволяют получать катализатор, который в процессе алкилирования бензола этиленом в сравнении с известным более стабилен за счет повышения стабильности псевдозоля, что позволяет в 2,5-10 раз увеличить продолжительность формовки катализатора. Кроме того, активность и селективность катализатора возрастают до 10 отн.% и до 40%, стабильность - до 30 отн.% при повышении механической прочности гранул в 1,2-1,75 раза. 4 табл.

23-05-1987 дата публикации

Способ получения ультрастабильного цеолита типа @

Номер: SU1313340A3
Принадлежит: ДЕГУССА АГ (ФИРМА)

Изобретение относится к способам получения ультрастабильного цеолита типа Y и позволяет упростить процесс-и получить цеолит с содержанием 4,1-18,0 мас.% при молярном соотношении , 7,0-39,0 и константах ячейки 24,22-24,42 А. Процесс осуществляют следующим образом: через активированный при 380 С цеолит NaY с SiOj /AljO, 5,0, содержанием , 22 мас.% и а, 24,64 А пропускают сухой поток азота, насыщенный SiCl, при 200-450 С в течение 3 ч. Затем цеолит прокаливают при 560 С, промьгоают и высушивают. 4 табл. § со со со 4 сн ...

28-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002261248A1

18-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003878104D1

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Reduzieren von NOx in Dieselmotorenabgas

Номер: DE112004002324B4

Verfahren zum Reduzieren von Stickstoffoxiden einschließlich NO in einem ebenfalls Sauerstoff, Kohlenmonoxid und Kohlenwasserstoffe enthaltenden Abgasstrom bei einer Temperatur oberhalb von 150°C, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: Durchströmen von Luft durch einen nicht thermischen Plasmareaktor, um ein Ozon enthaltendes Plasma zu erzeugen, sowie Zuführen des Plasmas zu dem Abgasstrom für die Oxidation von NO zu NO2, Zuführen von Ethanol zu dem Abgasstrom getrennt von der Zuführung des Plasmas für die Reduktion der Stickstoffoxide und daran anschließend Kontaktieren des Abgasstroms mit einem Zweibettreduktionskatalysator enthaltend in dem ersten Bett NaY Zeolith und/oder BaY Zeolith und in dem zweiten Bett CuY Zeolith, um die Stickstoffoxide zu N2 zu reduzieren.

03-09-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines katalytisch aktiven Alumosilikats

Номер: DE0001943616A1

21-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003004060A1

02-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000301735A7

02-01-1975 дата публикации

Zeolites of A and X types - produced by mixing preheated solns. of sodium metasilicate and sodium aluminate

Номер: DE0002329481A1

Title solns. are prepd. in a simple and inexpensive manner by fractionating dissolution of perlite with NaOH solns. (100-200g/l). They are preheated to 92-95 degrees C, and mixed together for e.g. 30 mins. The precipitated zeolite is sepd. and dried at 110 degrees C. Zeolites so produced have good absorption properties. They can be used as carriers for petroleum-cracking catalysts, for sepn. of gaseous and liquid mixts. for thorough drying of gases etc. The process is much accelerated compared with conventional processes.

26-06-2003 дата публикации

Barium-exchanged zeolite L catalyst contg. platinum

Номер: DE0003348504C2

Compsns. useful as catalysts comprise: (a) a zeolite of type L; (b) a metal of Group VIII, pref. Pt; and (c) Ca, Sr or esp. Ba, pref. introduced into the zeolite by ion-exchange. Pref. the majority of the zeolite crystals are larger than 50 nm. A pref. compsn. (I) comprises zeolite L with 1-20 wt.% Ba and 0.1-1.5 wt.% Pt. Pref. at least 80% of the zeolite particles are larger than 100 nm. (I) can be used for reforming, e.g. of straight-run naphtha, in presence of H2: pref. conditions are 430-550 deg , a pressure of 3.5-21 atmospheres, a ratio of H2/hydrocarbon of 2:1 to 6:1, and LHSV 0.1-10. The catalyst is deactivated by S. which must be removed from the feestock, e.g. by hydrofining. The compsns. are useful for reforming, dehydrocyclisation (esp. of C6-C8 paraffins) to aromatics, dealkylation of toluene to benzene, and dehydroisomerisation of alkylcyclopentanes to aromatics. Prod. yields are high: e.g. selectivity of conversion of n-hexane to benzene can be 90%. Catalyst life is adequate ...

16-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001467149B2

06-10-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001248435A

... 1,248,435. Hydrocracking catalysts. TEXACO DEVELOPMENT CORP. 22 Oct., 1968 [27 Oct., 1967], No. 49950/68. Heading B1E. [Also in Division C5] A hydrocracking catalyst comprises (1) a hydrogenating component which comprises at least one metal selected from Group VI and Group VIII and (2) a cracking component which consists essentially of a mixture of (a) amorphous inorganic oxide material selected from silica, alumina, zirconia, magnesia and mixtures thereof and (b) crystalline zeolite having an alkali metal content (calculated as the oxide) of not greater than 1.0 weight per cent, the zeolite constituting from 5 to 55 weight per cent of the cracking component and the rare earth metal content of the cracking component being less than 0.1 weight per cent. The metal selected from Group VI and Group VIII may be chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, cobalt, nickel or a metal of the palladium and platinum triads, for example palladium, and may be in the form of elemental metal, oxide, sulphide or a ...

10-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001359213A

... 1359213 Hydrocarbon conversion catalysts W R GRACE & CO 26 May 1971 [21 Oct 1970] 17281/71 Heading B1E A composition suitable for use as catalyst in hydrocarbon conversion reactions, for example hydrocarbon cracking, is prepared by a method wherein "Bentolite L" (a low-swelling montmorillonite clay containing about 0.2 weight per cent Na 2 O) is incorporated into an inorganic oxide matrix during preparation thereof, the matrix being selected from alumina, silica, silica-alumina, silica-zirconia, silica-magnesia, silica-alumina-zirconia and silica-alumina-magnesia. Zeolite and/or diluent clay other than "Bentolite L", for example kaolin, also may be incorporated into the matrix during preparation thereof. Specified zeolites are naturallyoccuring chabazite, erionite, fanjasite, mordenite and sodalite and synthetic zeolites X, Y, A and L; the zeolite preferably is an "ultrastable" zeolite, for example zeolite Z-14 US, or a rare earth metal-exchanged zeolite. A zeolitecontaining composition ...

20-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008708961D0

11-11-1998 дата публикации

Process for the production of flyash based zeolite y (faz-y)

Номер: GB0009820110D0

18-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001212563A

... 1,212,563. Cracking catalysts. MOBIL OIL CORP. 26 April, 1968 [28 April, 1967], No. 19959/68. Heading B1E. [Also in Division C5] A method of preparing a composite fluid catalyst comprises forming a SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 gel matrix having a pore volume of 0.5 to 1.2 cc/gm and an average pore diameter of 40 to 250Š by precipitating the Al 2 O 3 or SiO 2 gel, dispersing particulate crystalline aluminosilicate zeolite of 2 to 20 micron size and a sodium content of less than 4% in the matrix to form a composite such that the zeolite forms 1-80% of the whole and drying the composite in the form of small particles of a size suitable for use in fluid catalytic cracking, the method being further characterised by admixing with the matrix, prior to dispersal therein of zeolite, a source of zirconia in such amount that there is deposited in the matrix 0.1 to 10% ZrO 2 . Additionally the catalyst may contain rare earth metal cations, Ca++, Mg++ or Mu++.

06-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001218080A

... 1,218,080. Hydrocarbon conversion catalysts. MOBIL OIL CORP. 29 March, 1968 [31 March, 1967; 26 Dec., 1967], No. 15235/68. Heading D1E. A matrix for the incorporation of an active catalytic component comprises 20-95 % of SiO 2 gel or SiO 2 -ZrO 2 gel and from 5-80% of a "weighting agent", the gel being characterised by a pore volume of at least 0.6 cc./gm. and an alpha () value of less than 0.1 "Weighting agent" is defined as a particulate material denser than SiO 2 or SiO 2 -ZrO 2 gel and non reactive therewith at the temperatures contemplated for preparation and use in hydrocarbon conversion processes. Alpha () is a measure of catalyst activity as set forth in 'Journal of Catalysis', Vol. 4, No. 4 (August 1965) at pp. 525-529. Specified weighting agents are clay, -Al 2 O 3 , zircon, mullite, Al 2 O 3 .H 2 O, Al 2 O 3 .3H 2 O, halloysite, sand, TiO 2 , Si, Al, and Ti. The matrix may support Mo, Co, Cr, W, Fe, Ni, the Pt group metals or oxides and sulphides thereof. Rare earth loaded zeolites ...

06-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001346022A

... 1346022 Isomerisatioa catalysts AKZONA Inc 16 Feb 1972 [1 March 1971] 7099/72 Heading B1E [Also in Division C5] A catalyst for isomerization of 1-olefins comprises calcium-metal-alumino silicate coated with a monoatomic layer of sodium, and is prepared by stirring and heating the molecular sieve under nitrogen to 200‹C, adding sodium: metal and allowing the mixture to cool under continuous vigorous stirring.

13-12-1967 дата публикации

Physically stable alumino-silicate zeolite catalysts

Номер: GB0001094994A

An aluminosilicate zeolite is stabilized by calcining at 350-1200 DEG F. in air or an inert gas, e.g. H2 or He, containing >10-50% water. The zeolite may be natural, e.g. fanjasite or mordenite, or synthetic, of formula 0.7-1.1 M2/nO.Al2O3.2.2-14 SiO2, where M is alkali metal; NH4, CO, Ni, Zn, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, or Ba (obtained by ion-exchange of the Na form); or H (obtained by calcining the NH4 form). It may, after the calcination, be impregnated with a Pt group metal, e.g. Pd; Co, Fe, Ni, Cu, Ag, Au, Mo, W, V, Zr, Ca, Mg, Hg, Pb or a rare earth metal, or compound thereof. The preparation of 13<\>rA fanjasite from NaOG, Na aluminate, and SiO2 sol is described (Example 1) which was exchanged with a solution of NH4Cl and NH4(OH) (Example 2), dried, and calcined for 16 hours at 650 DEG F. and 2 hours at 950 DEG F. in air containing 16% water (Example 4).

07-06-1967 дата публикации

Fluidisable catalysts and method for their preparation

Номер: GB0001070930A

A catalyst suitable for reaction in a fluidized bed comprises spray formed microspheres containing a crystalline aluminosilicate with a pore size in the range 6-13 <\>rA of which 75% of the cations of the aluminosilicate are other than alkali metal cations. The activity of the aluminosilicate may be modified by suspending or distributing the aluminosilicate in a porous matrix of relatively inactive material within the microspheres, and/or the catalyst particles may be mixed with further particles of, e.g., sand, silica, metal oxides and clays, or the aluminosilicate may be steam-treated or calcined (500-1000 DEG C.), or the catalyst particles may be treated with calcium acetate acetic acid solution or calcium hydroxide. The porous matrix may comprise gels or co-gels of silica, zirconia, alumina, magnesia, clays and refractory materials. The catalyst particles may also comprise fines of weight mean particle diameter < 40 m of silica-alumina, clay or metal salt. The aluminosilicate may be ...

29-12-2010 дата публикации

Method for increasing the selectivity of a catalytic cracking catalyst

Номер: GB0002471400A

A method for increasing the selectivity of a catalytic cracking catalyst comprises feeding a fresh catalyst into a fluidized bed with a superficial linear velocity of 0.1-0.6 m/s, contacting with steam, aging at a temperature of between 400-850°C for between 1-720 hours. The steam may include an additional aging medium win the ratio of 0.2:0.9 by weight. The method may include a hot regenerated catalyst in a regenerator into the fluidized and heat exchanging the fresh catalyst and hot regenerated catalyst in the fluidized bed. The catalyst comprises 1-50wt% of a zeolite, 5-00wt% of an inorganic oxide and 0-70wt% of an optional clay. The zeolite is selected from medium and large pore zeolites.

12-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002120571B
Принадлежит: GRACE W R & CO, W R * GRACE AND CO

28-09-1983 дата публикации

Zeolite catalyst

Номер: GB0002116450A

A zeolite catalyst useful for dehydrocyclizing acyclic hydrocarbons contains a type L zeolite, a Group VIII metal, preferably platinum, and an alkaline earth metal, preferably barium. The catalyst preferably contains from 0.1% to 1.5% by weight platinum and from 1% to 20% by weight barium.

29-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001297927A

10-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008514209D0

30-10-1968 дата публикации

Process for hydrocarbon-cracking and for preparing a hydrocarbon-cracking catalyst

Номер: GB0001131764A

... 1,131,764. Cracking catalyst. W. R. GRACE & CO. 25 May, 1966 [26 May, 1965], No. 23463/66. Divided out of 1,103,405. Heading B1E [Also in Division C5] A process for preparing a silica-alumina and zeolite cracking catalyst comprises (I) gelling an alkali metal silicate solution having a silica-alkali metal oxide weight ratio of 3:1 to 4:1 with CO 2 , (II) adding a solution of an aluminium salt in a quantity sufficient to provide at least 13% active alumina in the final catalyst and precipitating alumina therefrom into the gelled silicate to provide a silica-alumina composite, (III) filtering the composite (IV) adding to the composite a quantity of the ultra-stable synthetic zeolite defined in claim 1 of Specification 1,103,485 (i.e. Z14US), (V) spray drying, washing, and redrying the final product. The zeolite Z14US may have a silica-alumina mole ratio of 3.5:1 to 7:1, and may be added in sufficient quantity to provide 5 to 25% by weight of the total catalyst composition. Step (V) may include ...

20-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008708962D0

01-01-1969 дата публикации

Mercury catalysts

Номер: GB0001138669A

... 1,138,669. Addition process. MARATHON OIL CO. 27 April, 1967 [8 June, 1966], No. 19517/67. Heading C2C. A process for the addition to an unsaturated compound of HX, where X is halogen hydroxyl or acetate comprises contacting the reactants in the presence of the mercury form of a zeolite as a catalyst. An acid may also be present. The preparation of vinyl chloride, vinyl bromide, vinyl acetate and acetaldehyde from acetylene is described, in which case a mixture of acetylene with ethylene and methane may be used. Ethyl chloride may be produced as a minor by-product in the hydrochlorination reaction.

27-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008814601D0

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Process for making improved zeolite catalysts from peptized aluminas

Номер: US20130005565A1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

This invention relates to a process of preparing a catalyst from zeolite and peptized alumina. The invention comprises adding a yttrium compound to the zeolite, either prior to, during, or after its combination with the peptized alumina. The yttrium compound can be added to the zeolite via exchange of yttrium onto the zeolite prior to addition of peptized alumina, or the yttrium can be added as a soluble salt during the combination of the zeolite and peptized alumina. In either embodiment, the zeolite catalyst is then formed from the zeolite, yttrium and peptized alumina, optionally containing other inorganic oxide. This invention is suitable for preparing fluid cracking catalysts.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092600A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Company

A process of producing a light oil stream from slurry oils. The process begins by obtaining slurry oil from a fluid catalytic cracking unit. The slurry oil is then flowed over a fixed bed catalyst, consisting essentially of a non-metal catalyst, to produce a processed slurry oil. The processed slurry oil is then separated by boiling point to separate out the light oil stream. 1. A process comprising of:a) obtaining slurry oil from a fluid catalytic cracking unit;b) flowing the slurry oil over a fixed bed catalyst, consisting essentially of a non-metal catalyst, to produce a processed slurry oil; andc) separating the processed slurry oil by boiling point to separate out a light cycle oil stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry oil is flowed over the fixed bed catalyst at a temperature from 670° F. to 770° F.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry oil is flowed over the fixed bed catalyst at pressures less than 550 psig.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry oil has a boiling range from 375° F. to 1200° F.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the light cycle oil stream has a boiling range less than 650° F.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the light cycle oil stream has a boiling range from 250° F. to 650° F.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is a zeolite catalyst.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the zeolite catalyst has a structure selected from the group consisting of: mordenite framework inverted claim 7 , faujasite claim 7 , mordenite claim 7 , beta and combinations thereof.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is a ZSM-5 catalyst.10. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of regenerating the catalyst for reuse claim 1 , repeating steps a through c claim 1 , and reusing the catalyst in step b.11. A process comprising of:a) obtaining slurry oil from a fluid catalytic cracking unit;b) flowing the slurry oil over a fixed bed catalyst at a temperature from 670° F. to 770° F. and at pressures less ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115162A1
Автор: WU Jason

This invention relates to the composition and synthesis of an Extra Mesoporous Y (or “EMY”) zeolite and its use in the catalytic conversion of organic compounds. In particular, this invention relates to a Y-type framework zeolite possessing a high large mesopore pore volume to small mesopore pore volume ratio. The novel zeolite obtained provides beneficial structural features for use in petroleum refining and petrochemical processes. 1. A Y zeolite comprising a Large Mesopore Volume of at least about 0.03 cm/g and a Small Mesopore Peak of less than about 0.15 cm/g.2. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the unit cell size of the zeolite is from about 24.37 Angstroms to about 24.47 Angstroms.3. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a Large-to-Small Pore Volume Ratio of at least about 4.0.4. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the precursor of the zeolite is subjected to a high temperature steam calcination step at a temperature from about 1200° F. to about 1500° F. wherein the temperature of the zeolite precursor is within 50° F. of the high temperature steam calcination temperature in less than 5 minutes.5. The zeolite of claim 4 , wherein the NaO content of the precursor of the zeolite prior to the high temperature steam calcination step is from about 2 to about 5 wt % of the total precursor weight on a dry basis.6. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the Small Mesopore Volume Peak of the zeolite is less than about 0.13 cm/g.7. The zeolite of claim 6 , wherein the Large Mesopore Volume of the zeolite is at least about 0.05 cm/g.8. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the Large Mesopore Volume of the zeolite and the Small Mesopore Peak of the zeolite are measured in the as-fabricated zeolite.9. The zeolite of claim 7 , wherein the Large Mesopore Volume of the zeolite and the Small Mesopore Peak of the zeolite are measured in the as-fabricated zeolite.10. The zeolite of claim 3 , wherein Large-to-Small Pore Volume Ratio of the zeolite is a least about 5.0.11. The ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for Ion Exchange on Zeolites

Номер: US20130129612A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Aspects of the present invention relate to an improved process for exchanging alkali metal or alkaline earth metal ions in zeolites for ammonium ions. For this exchange, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts, for example ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or ammonium chloride, are currently being used. The resulting “ammonium zeolites” are calcined to convert them, with release of ammonia, to the H form of the zeolites suitable as a catalyst. Certain methods provided herein use ammonium carbonate instead of the ammonium compounds mentioned. As excess ammonium carbonate, in contrast to the nitrates, sulfates or chlorides, can be recycled in the form of carbon dioxide and ammonia, the amount of salt which has to be discharged is lowered significantly.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168290A1

A composition of a value added RFCC catalyst and a process of preparation of a composition for a dual function additive catalyst from a spent catalyst are disclosed. The value added spent FCC catalyst offers improved performance, options such as either employing as an additive for passivation of both vanadium and nickel and enhancing catalytic activity, for initial start-up or make-up for attrition losses. The value addition process does not harm any of physical properties of starting material with respect to ABD, attrition index, surface area and particle size distribution. Value added catalyst can be used in a range from 1-99 wt % in fluid catalytic cracking process in which, feeds may have higher metals and carbon. 1. A value added spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst composition comprising spent FCC catalyst introduced thereto a substance (activity enhancer) selected from either a rare earth component or an aluminium component or a mixture/combination of the two.2. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substance is a rare earth compound.3. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substance is an aluminium compound.4. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substance is a mixture/combination of both rare earth compound and an aluminium compound.5. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rare earth compound is selected from one or more of rare earth compounds.6. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rare earth compound is selected as a Lanthanum compound.7. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rare earth compound is selected from the sources of rare earth oxides claim 1 , -hydroxides claim 1 , -chlorides claim 1 , -nitrates claim 1 , -sulphates claim 1 , -oxalates claim 1 , -carbonates claim 1 , -acetates claim 1 , -formates and -hydrates but free from soda.8. A composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the aluminium compound is selected from the sources of aluminium oxide claim 1 , - ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171058A1

The present invention relates to a process for modifying the physical and chemical properties of Faujasite Y-type zeolites (FAU), mainly used as a base material of catalyst used in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) process, for the interest of the oil refining industry, in which the conversion of oil heavy fractions into lighter fractions, with a higher commercial value, is carried out. 1. A process for modifying the physical and chemical properties of Faujasite Y-type zeolites , comprising:a) contacting a Faujasite Y-type zeolite pure, with a short-chain polyol, in a concentration ranging from 0.01 to 1 g of solid per milliliter of polyol, at a temperature ranging from 100 to 260° C., for a time from 0.5 to 8 hours, to form a gel;b) adding to the gel obtained in a) an ammonia salt and/or a mixture of ammonia salts, which can be added in powder form and/or dissolved in an aqueous and/or an alcoholic solution, stirring the mixture for 15 to 60 min, subjecting the mixture to hydrothermal treatment at 95-250° C., for from 5 to 40 hours, cooling the mixture to 15 to 25° C.; and;c) recovering the product obtained in b) by means of filtration and/or centrifugation techniques, washing with bidistilled water and drying at 80-120° C., then submitting the solid to a thermal treatment at 350 to 550° C., for 2 to 8 hours, at a heating rate from 1 to 3° C./min, to obtain a modified Faujasite Y-type zeolite, wherein its sodium content is reduced to 75% with respect to the pristine zeolite, and a mesoporous material with an average pore size ranging from 2 to 100 nm.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the Faujasite Y-type zeolite is pure or mixed with other materials.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the short-chain polyol used in stage a) is glycerol.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the temperature used in stage a) ranges from 180 to 200° C. claim 1 , for from 1.5 to 2 hours.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ammonium salt used in stage b) is a nitrate claim 1 , ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184506A1

Disclosed is a method for producing aromatic hydrocarbons including a cracking reforming reaction step of bringing a feedstock having a 10 vol % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 vol % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower, into contact with a catalyst for monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon production containing a crystalline aluminosilicate to cause the feedstock to react with the catalyst, and thereby obtaining a product including monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon numbers and a heavy oil fraction having 9 or more carbon numbers; a step of separating the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the heavy oil fraction from the product obtained from the cracking reforming reaction step; a step of purifying the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons separated in the separating step, and collecting the hydrocarbons; and a step of separating naphthalene compounds from the heavy oil fraction separated in the separating step, and collecting the naphthalene compounds. 1. A method for producing aromatic hydrocarbons , the method comprising the steps of:bringing a feedstock having a 10 vol % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 vol % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower, into contact with a catalyst for monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon production containing a crystalline aluminosilicate to cause the feedstock to react with the catalyst, and thereby obtaining a product including monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon numbers and a heavy oil fraction having 9 or more carbon numbers;separating respectively the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon numbers and the heavy oil fraction having 9 or more carbon numbers from the product obtained from the cracking reforming reaction step;purifying the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon numbers thus separated in the separation step, and collecting the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon numbers; andseparating ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

FCC Catalyst, Its Preparation And Use

Номер: US20130203586A1
Принадлежит: Albemarle Netherlands B.V.

Process for the preparation of a catalyst comprising the steps of (a) preparing a slurry comprising clay, zeolite, a sodium-free silica source, quasi-crystalline boehmite, and micro-crystalline boehmite, provided that the slurry does not comprise peptised quasi-crystalline boehmite, (b) adding a monovalent acid to the slurry, (c) adjusting the pH of the slurry to a value above 3, and (d) shaping the slurry to form particles. This process results in attrition resistant catalysts with a good accessibility. 1. A process for the preparation of a catalyst comprising the steps of:a) preparing a slurry comprising clay, zeolite, polysilicic acid, quasi-crystalline boehmite, and micro-crystalline boehmite, provided that the slurry does not comprise peptised quasi-crystalline boehmite,b) adding a monovalent acid to the slurry,c) adjusting the pH of the slurry to a value above 3, andd) shaping the slurry to form particles.2. A catalyst composition comprising micro-crystalline boehmite , quasi-crystalline boehmite , zeolite , clay and silica. The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a catalyst, catalysts obtainable by this process, and their use in, e.g., fluid catalytic cracking (FCC).A common challenge in the design and production of heterogeneous catalysts is to find a good compromise between the effectiveness and/or accessibility of the active sites and the effectiveness of the immobilising matrix in giving the catalyst particles sufficient physical strength, i.e. attrition resistance.The preparation of attrition resistant catalysts is disclosed in several prior art documents. U.S. Pat. No. 4,086,187 discloses a process for the preparation of an attrition resistant catalyst by spray-drying an aqueous slurry prepared by mixing (i) a faujasite zeolite with a sodium content of less than 5 wt % with (ii) kaolin, (iii) peptised pseudoboehmite, and (iv) ammonium polysilicate.The attrition resistant catalysts according to U.S. Pat. No. 4,206,085 are ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Binderless Molecular Sieve Catalyst and a Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20130225397A1

The present invention relate to a binderless molecular sieve catalyst and a process for preparing the same, which are mainly useful for solving the problems of the current catalysts, such as lower activity, less pore volume and worse diffusivity. The present invention relates to a novel binderless molecular sieve catalyst, comprising, based on the weight of the catalyst, 90-100 wt. % of a molecular sieve, 0-10 wt. % of a binder, and 0-10 wt. % of an anti-wear agent, wherein said catalyst has a pore volume of 0.1-0.5 ml/g, an average pore diameter of 50-100 nm, and a porosity of 20-40%; the anti-wear agent is selected from the rod or needle-like inorganic materials having a length/diameter ratio of 2-20. Said catalyst has the advantages of higher activity, greater pore volume, larger average pore diameter and porosity, and better diffusivity, and well solves said problems and can be used for the industrial preparation of binderless molecular sieve catalysts. 1. A binderless molecular sieve catalyst , comprising , based on the weight of the catalyst , 90-100 wt. % of a molecular sieve , 0-10 wt. % of a binder , and 0-10 wt. % of an anti-wear agent , wherein said catalyst has a pore volume of 0.10-0.52 ml/g , an average pore diameter of 50-100 nm , and a porosity of 20-40%; the anti-wear agent is selected from the rod or needle-like inorganic materials having a length/diameter ratio of 2-20.2. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the catalyst has a pore volume of 0.15-0.3 ml/g claim 1 , an average pore diameter of 50-70 mm claim 1 , and a porosity of 20-30%.3. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the catalyst has a pore volume of 0.31-0.5 ml/g claim 1 , an average pore diameter of 71-100 nm claim 1 , and a porosity of 31-40%.4. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the molecular sieve in the binderless molecular sieve catalyst ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252802A1

A zeolite-containing fixed bed catalyst is formed by pre-shaping a mixture of a reactive aluminum-containing component and a matrix component into pre-shaped particles, and contacting the pre-shaped particles with a reactive liquid containing a silicate for a sufficient time and temperature to form an in-situ zeolite within the pre-shaped particles. The contacting of the pre-shaped particles and the liquid is achieved such that there is relative movement between the pre-shaped particles and the liquid. 1. A process for preparing a zeolite-containing fixed bed catalyst comprising: shaping a mixture of a reactive aluminum-containing component , and one or more matrix-forming components into pre-shaped particles having a size suitable for fixed bed catalysis , contacting said pre-shaped particles with a liquid containing a reactive silicate component for a time and a temperature sufficient to form zeolite crystals on said pre-shaped particles , said contacting providing a relative velocity between said pre-shaped particles and said liquid.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said reactive aluminum-containing component is metakaolin.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein said pre-shaped particles comprise hydrous kaolin claim 2 , and said pre-shaped particles are calcined so as to convert said hydrous kaolin to metakaolin.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said matrix component comprises kaolin calcined through its exotherm to spinel and/or mullite and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , alumina.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is contacted with said pre-shaped particles by circulating said liquid through a stationary bed of said pre-shaped particles.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is contacted with said pre-shaped particles by forming a mixture of said pre-shaped particles in said liquid claim 1 , and providing movement to said mixture.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is contacted with said pre-shaped particles by providing said ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267405A1

Compositions and methods for preparing mesoporous materials from low Si/Al ratio zeolites. Such compositions can be prepared by acid wash and/or isomorphic substitution pretreatment of low Si/Al ratio zeolites prior to introduction of mesoporosity. 1. A method of forming a material comprising at least one mesoporous zeolite , said method comprising the steps of:(a) acid washing a non-mesoporous initial zeolite with an acidic medium thereby forming an acid-washed zeolite, wherein said initial zeolite has a total silicon-to-aluminum (Si/Al) ratio of less than 30, wherein said acid washing of step (a) removes aluminum atoms from said initial zeolite such that said acid-washed zeolite has a higher Si/Al ratio than said initial zeolite; and(b) subsequent to step (a), contacting said acid-washed zeolite with a mesopore-forming medium different than said acidic medium thereby forming at least one mesopore within said acid-washed zeolite and providing said mesoporous zeolite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said initial zeolite has a Si/Al of less than 10.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acidic medium does not comprise hydrofluoric acid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acidic medium comprises at least one acid selected from the group consisting of chlorhidric acid claim 1 , sulphuric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , sulfonic acid claim 1 , oxalic acid claim 1 , ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acid-washed zeolite has at least 1 percent fewer Si—O—Al bonds than said initial zeolite.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acid-washed zeolite has a greater number of Si—OH and/or Al—OH terminal groups than said initial zeolite.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the total pore volume of said mesoporous zeolite is greater that the total pore volume of said acid-washed zeolite.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said mesoporous zeolite has ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274534A1
Автор: Gill Christopher S.
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Company

Methods relate to disproportionation of hydrocarbons utilizing a zeolite catalyst. The methods include reacting pentanes in contact with ultrastable zeolite Y having a silica to alumina ratio of less than 80 to disproportionate the pentanes into butanes and hexanes. The ultrastable zeolite Y is defined by having a sodium oxide content of less than 1% by weight. 1. A method , comprising:reacting pentanes in contact with ultrastable zeolite Y having a silica to alumina ratio of less than 80 to disproportionate the pentanes into butanes and hexanes, wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y is defined by having a sodium oxide content of less than 1% by weight.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y is in proton form containing hydrogen counter ions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y has a silica to alumina ratio of less than 10.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y has a silica to alumina ratio of 5.2.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y is rare earth element exchanged.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ultrastable zeolite Y is lanthanum exchanged.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting is at a temperature between 100° C. and 400° C. and at a pressure between 1 claim 1 ,500 kilopascals and 4 claim 1 ,250 kilopascals.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting is at 250° C. and at 2859 kilopascals.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting has a selectivity that is defined as mass of the butanes and the hexanes divided by total non-pentane product mass and is at least 89%.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting converts at least 20% of the pentanes.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein a mol ratio of the butanes to the hexanes produced by the reacting is less than 1.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein over 90% of the butanes produced by the reacting are isobutane.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting converts at least 20% of the pentanes claim 1 , ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281756A1

In the production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, oil feedstock having a 10 volume % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower is brought into contact with a catalyst for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that includes a mixture containing a first catalyst which contains crystalline aluminosilicate containing gallium and/or zinc and phosphorus and a second catalyst which contains crystalline aluminosilicate containing phosphorus. 1. A production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon number , comprising a step of bringing oil feedstock having a 10 volume % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower into contact with a catalyst for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that includes a mixture containing a first catalyst which contains crystalline aluminosilicate containing gallium and/or zinc and phosphorus and a second catalyst which contains crystalline aluminosilicate containing phosphorus.2. The production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon number according to claim 1 , wherein in the first catalyst claim 1 , the content of gallium and/or zinc contained in the crystalline aluminosilicate is 0.05 to 2.0 mass % based on the crystalline aluminosilicate.3. The production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon number according to claim 1 , wherein in the catalyst for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons claim 1 , the content of gallium and/or zinc is 0.02 to 1.0 mass % based on the weight of the catalyst.4. The production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon number according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline aluminosilicate is medium pore size zeolite.5. The production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having 6 to 8 carbon number according to claim 1 , wherein the crystalline ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299389A1

One aspect of the present invention relates to mesostructured zeolites. The invention also relates to a method of preparing mesostructured zeolites, as well as using them as cracking catalysts for organic compounds and degradation catalysts for polymers. 1. A composition comprising:a catalyst; anda crystalline inorganic material having long-range crystallinity defining a plurality of mesopores, wherein a cross-sectional area of each of the plurality of mesopores is substantially the same, and wherein a weight fraction of the crystalline inorganic material plus the catalyst is from about 0.05 to about 100 weight percent of the crystalline inorganic material.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises a biological catalyst claim 1 , an enzyme claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight fraction of the crystalline inorganic material plus the catalyst is from about 1 to about 10 weight percent of the crystalline inorganic material.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the weight fraction of the crystalline inorganic material plus the catalyst is from about 2 to about 3 weight percent of the crystalline inorganic material.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a chemical composition framework of the crystalline inorganic material is substantially the same as a chemical composition framework of the inorganic material before the plurality of mesopores are defined within the inorganic material.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a connectivity of the crystalline inorganic material is substantially the same as a connectivity of the inorganic material before the plurality of mesopores are defined within the inorganic material.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the crystalline inorganic material has an improved intracrystalline diffusion compared to the intracrystalline diffusion of the inorganic material before the plurality of mesopores are defined within the inorganic material.8. The composition of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316895A1
Автор: Negiz Antoine, Wang Hui
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Catalysts are disclosed comprising fibrous substrates having silica-containing fibers with diameters generally from about 1 to about 50 microns, which act effectively as “micro cylinders.” Such catalysts can dramatically improve physical surface area, for example per unit length of a reactor or reaction zone. At least a portion of the silica, originally present in the silica-containing fibers of a fibrous material used to form the fibrous substrate, is converted to a zeolite (e.g., having a SiO/AlOratio of at least about 150) that remains deposited on these fibers. The fibrous substrates possess important properties, for example in terms of acidity, which are useful in hydroprocessing (e.g., hydrotreating or hydrocracking) applications. 1. A catalyst comprising a fibrous substrate having silica-containing fibers and a zeolite , wherein the zeolite is present in the fibrous substrate in an amount of at least 20% by weight.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is present in the fibrous substrate in an amount of at least 30% by weight.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a silica to alumina framework molar ratio of at least about 20.4. The catalyst of claim 3 , wherein the zeolite has an MFI structure type.5. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a Y claim 1 , beta claim 1 , or mordenite structure type.6. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has framework silica derived from the silica-containing fibers.7. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite has framework silica derived from the silica-containing fibers and an additional silica source.8. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has framework silica and alumina derived from the silica-containing fibers.9. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the silica-containing fibers are woven.10. The catalyst of claim 9 , wherein the fibrous substrate is in the form of a woven textile.11. A method of making a catalyst comprising contacting a fibrous material having silica- ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Catalyst for Enhanced Propylene in Fluidized Catalytic Cracking

Номер: US20130317271A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A fluid catalytic cracking catalyst for increased production of propylene and gasoline from heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, the catalyst comprising between 10 and 20% by weight of an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite, between 10 and 20% by weight of a phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5, between 20 and 30% by weight of a pseudoboehmite alumina, and between 30 and 40% by weight kaolin. 1. An FCC catalyst for increased production of propylene and gasoline from heavy hydrocarbon feedstock , the catalyst comprising:between 10 and 20% by weight of an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite;between 10 and 20% by weight of a phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5;between 20 and 30% by weight of a pseudoboehmite alumina; andbetween 30 and 40% by weight kaolin.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5 has a crystal size of less than 3 micron.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5 has a silica to alumina ratio in the range of between 1:2 and 1:4.4. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5 includes between 5 and 10% by weight phosphorous.5. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the pseudoboehmite alumina is peptized.6. An FCC catalyst for enhanced production of light olefins from heavy hydrocarbon feedstock claim 1 , the catalyst comprising:between 10 and 20% by weight of an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite;between 10 and 20% by weight of a pentasil zeolite;between 20 and 30% by weight of a binder material; andbetween 30 and 40% by weight clay filler material.7. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein the pentasil zeolite is phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5.8. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein the binder material is a pseudoboehmite alumina.9. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein the clay filler material is kaolin.10. A process for the fluid catalytic cracking of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock claim 6 , the process comprising the steps of:supplying a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock to the reaction zone ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021097A1
Принадлежит: W. R. GRACE & CO.-CONN.

A rare earth free particulate catalytic cracking catalyst which comprises a zeolite having catalytic cracking ability under catalytic cracking conditions, an acidified silica sol binder, magnesium salt, clay and a matrix material. The catalytic cracking catalyst has a high matrix surface area and is useful in a catalytic cracking process, in particularly, a fluid catalytic cracking process, to provide increased catalytic activity and improved hydrogen and coke selectivity without the need to incorporate rare earth metals. 1. A fluid catalytic cracking catalyst having increased activity and improved selectivity for cracking of a hydrocarbon feedstock to lower molecular weight products , the catalyst comprising a particulate composition comprising a zeolite having catalytic cracking activity under fluid catalytic cracking conditions , a magnesium salt , clay , an acidified silica sol binder and a matrix material , wherein the composition has a matrix surface area of greater than 60 m/g.2. The catalyst of wherein the zeolite is a faujasite zeolite.3. The catalyst of wherein the faujasite zeolite is a Y-type zeolite.4. The catalyst of wherein the matrix surface area is greater than 80 m/g.5. The catalyst of wherein the amount of zeolite present in the catalyst ranges from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt % of the total catalyst composition.6. The catalyst of wherein the amount of zeolite present in the catalyst ranges from about 12 wt % to about 40 wt % of the total catalyst composition.7. The catalyst of wherein the amount of binder present in the catalyst ranges from about 5 wt % to about 30 wt % of the catalyst composition.8. The catalyst of wherein clay is present in the composition in an amount ranging from about 5 wt % to about 65 wt % of the total catalyst composition.9. The catalyst of wherein the matrix material is selected from the group consisting of alumina claim 1 , silica-alumina claim 1 , zirconia claim 1 , titania claim 1 , and combinations thereof.10. The ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021098A1
Принадлежит: W. R. GRACE & CO.-CONN.

Particulate catalytic cracking catalysts which comprise a zeolite having catalytic cracking ability under catalytic cracking conditions, added silica, a magnesium salt, an alumina containing binder, clay and optionally, a matrix material. The catalytic cracking catalyst has a high matrix surface area and is useful in a catalytic cracking process, in particularly, a fluid catalytic cracking process, to provide increased catalytic activity and improved coke and hydrogen selectivity without the need to incorporate rare earth metals. 1. A high matrix surface area fluid catalytic cracking catalyst having increased activity and improved selectivity for cracking a hydrocarbon feedstock to lower molecular weight products , the catalyst comprising a particulate composition comprising a zeolite having catalytic cracking activity under catalytic cracking conditions , an added silica component , a magnesium salt , clay , an alumina containing binder and optionally at least one matrix material , wherein the composition has a matrix surface area of greater than 60 m/g.2. The catalyst of wherein the zeolite is a faujasite zeolite.3. The catalyst of wherein the faujasite zeolite is a Y-type zeolite.4. The catalyst of wherein the added silica component is a silica component selected from the group consisting of precipitated silica claim 1 , silica gel claim 1 , colloidal silica claim 1 , silica alumina containing greater than 60 wt % silica claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The catalyst of wherein the added silica component is precipitated silica.6. The catalyst of wherein the added silica component is colloidal silica.7. The catalyst of wherein the added silica component is present in an amount sufficient to provide at least about 5 wt % silica in the total catalyst composition.8. The catalyst of wherein the matrix surface area is greater than 80 m/g.9. The catalyst of wherein the amount of zeolite present in the catalyst ranges from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt % of the total ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Catalytic cracking catalyst having a rare earth-containing y zeolite and a preparation process thereof

Номер: US20140080697A1

The present invention relates to a catalytic cracking catalyst and a preparation process thereof, the catalytic cracking catalyst has a cracking active component, an optional mesoporous aluminosilicate material, a clay and a binder, wherein said cracking active component comprises, substantially consists of or consists of: a rare earth-containing Y zeolite, an optional other Y zeolite, and an optional MFI-structured zeolite, said rare earth-containing Y zeolite has a rare earth content as rare earth oxide of 10-25 wt %, e.g. 11-23 wt %; a unit cell size of 2.440-2.472 nm, e.g. 2.450-2.470 nm; a crystallinity of 35-65%, e.g. 40-60%; a Si/Al atom ratio in the skeleton of 2.5-5.0; and a product of the ratio of the strength I 1 of the peak at 2θ=11.8±0.1° to the strength I 2 of the peak at 2θ=12.3±0.1° in the X-ray diffraction spectrogram of the zeolite and the weight percent of rare earth as rare earth oxide in the zeolite of higher than 48, e.g. higher than 55.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001179A1

A zeolite-containing fixed bed catalyst is formed by pre-shaping a mixture of a reactive aluminum-containing component and a matrix component into pre-shaped particles, and contacting the pre-shaped particles with a reactive liquid containing a silicate for a sufficient time and temperature to form an in-situ zeolite within the pre-shaped particles. The contacting of the pre-shaped particles and the liquid is achieved such that there is relative movement between the pre-shaped particles and the liquid. 1. A fixed bed catalyst comprising:a pre-shaped particle having been formed from a mixture of a reactive aluminum-containing component and one or more matrix-forming components, wherein the pre-shaped particle is shaped in a form of an extrudate, pellet, or sphere; andzeolite Y crystallized on the pre-shaped particle, the zeolite Y having been crystallized by contacting the pre-shaped particle with a liquid containing a reactive silicate component for a time and at a temperature sufficient to crystalize the zeolite Y.2. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the reactive aluminum-containing component comprises metakaolin.3. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 2 , wherein the pre-shaped particle comprises hydrous kaolin claim 2 , and wherein the pre-shaped particle is calcined to convert the hydrous kaolin to metakaolin.4. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the one or more matrix-forming components comprise at least one of kaolin calcined through exotherm of the kaolin to spinel claim 1 , mullite claim 1 , or alumina.5. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is contacted with the pre-shaped particle by circulating the liquid through a stationary bed containing the pre-shaped particle.6. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is contacted with the pre-shaped particle by forming a second mixture of the pre-shaped particle in the liquid claim 1 , and providing movement to the second mixture.7. The fixed bed catalyst of claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008796A1
Автор: SAKA Yuji
Принадлежит: COSMO OIL CO., LTD.

A method for producing a catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil easily produces a catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil that exhibits high cracking activity with respect to a heavy hydrocarbon oil, and can produce a gasoline fraction having a high octane number in high yield. The method includes preparing an aqueous slurry that includes 20 to 50 mass % of a zeolite having a sodalite cage structure, 10 to 30 mass % (on a SiObasis) of a silica sol, 0.1 to 21 mass % (on an AlO.PObasis) of mono aluminum phosphate, and 5 to 65 mass % of a clay mineral on a solid basis, aging the aqueous slurry for 5 to 200 minutes, and spray-drying the aqueous slurry. 1. A method for producing a catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil comprising preparing an aqueous slurry that comprises 20 to 50 mass % of a zeolite having a sodalite cage structure, 10 to 30 mass % (on a SiObasis) of a silica sol, 0.1 to 21 mass % (on an AlO.3PObasis) of mono aluminum phosphate, and 5 to 65 mass % of a clay mineral on a solid basis, aging the aqueous slurry for 5 to 200 minutes, and spray-drying the aqueous slurry. The present invention relates to a method for producing a catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil.In recent years, it has been considered to be important to elevate awareness of global environmental issues, and take measures against global warming, and it has been desired to clean automotive exhaust gas due to its effects on the environment. It is known that the capability to clean automotive exhaust gas is affected by the exhaust gas purification performance of automobiles and the composition of gasoline. In particular, the petroleum refining industry is required to provide high-quality gasoline.Gasoline is produced by blending a plurality of gasoline blend stocks obtained by a crude oil refining process. In particular, a gasoline fraction obtained by subjecting a heavy hydrocarbon oil to a fluid catalytic cracking reaction (hereinafter ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for the synthesis of porous inorganic material, catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons and preparation of catalyst thereof

Номер: US20160008797A1

A method for synthesis of porous inorganic materials, preparation of a catalyst and catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons thereof includes processes for synthesis of porous inorganic materials and preparation of the catalytic cracking catalyst and catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons. The synthesis process is advantaged in low cost in raw materials; the porous inorganic material has various pore structures; and transitional metal used overcomes the defects of the catalytic properties. The porous inorganic material serving as the main active ingredient and containing crystalline aluminum silicate zeolite structures provides surface acidity required by the catalytic reaction. The surface acidity is flexibly adjusted. The hierarchical pore profile improves the accessibility of the active center of the zeolite structure and favors the reaction efficiency and benefits of the petroleum hydrocarbon cracking, and reduces the negative effects caused by diffusion limit. The catalyst containing the porous inorganic material has low manufacturing cost and better properties.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015615A1

The present invention provides a molded catalyst for use in the manufacture of methyl methacrylate, for manufacturing methyl methacrylate from a starting material of methyl α-hydroxyisobutyrate by a vapor phase contact reaction, wherein the molded catalyst for use in the manufacture of methyl methacrylate is characterized in that the molded catalyst includes a synthetic faujasite type zeolite, a lamellar aluminum silicate compound, and a synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound, the weight ratio of the lamellar aluminum silicate compound and the synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound being 1:5 to 6:1. 1. A molded catalyst for use in the production of methyl methacrylate , for producing methyl methacrylate from methyl α-hydroxyisobutyrate as a raw material by means of a vapor phase contact reaction , wherein the molded catalyst comprises a synthetic faujasite-type zeolite , a lamellar aluminum silicate compound and a synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound , a weight ratio between the lamellar aluminum silicate compound and the synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound being 1:5 to 6:1.2. The molded catalyst for use in the production of methyl methacrylate according to claim 1 , wherein an aqueous dispersion containing 2% by weight of a component of the molded catalyst has a pH value of 10.2 to 10.8.3. The molded catalyst for use in the production of methyl methacrylate according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of free sodium in the molded catalyst is 0.03 milliequivalent/g or less.4. The molded catalyst for use in the production of methyl methacrylate according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the total amount of the lamellar aluminum silicate compound and the synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound to the total amount of the synthetic faujasite-type zeolite claim 1 , the lamellar aluminum silicate compound and the synthetic lamellar magnesium silicate compound is 3 to 30% by weight.5. The molded catalyst for use in the production of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Structurally enhanced cracking catalysts

Номер: US20160030930A1
Принадлежит: BASF Corp

A cracking catalyst contains a substantially inert core and an active shell, the active shell containing a zeolite catalyst and a matrix. Methods of making and using the cracking catalyst are also described.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Middle distillate hydrocracking catalyst

Номер: US20170029718A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

The present invention is directed to an improved hydrocracking catalyst containing an amorphous silica-alumina (ASA) base and alumina support. The ASA base is characterized as having a high nanopore volume and low particle density. The alumina support is characterized as having a high nanopore volume. Hydrocracking catalysts employing the combination high nanopore volume ASA base and alumina support exhibit improved hydrogen efficiency, and greater product yield and quality, as compared to hydrocracking catalysts containing conventional ASA base and alumina components.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030518A1

The disclosure is related to various modified EMM-23 materials, processes, and uses of the same. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixing is carried out in a solvent.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the solvent comprises a polar solvent.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the solvent comprises methanol claim 3 , ethanol claim 3 , acetonitrile claim 3 , dimethylformamide claim 3 , dimethyl sulfoxide claim 3 , water claim 3 , or a mixture thereof.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ammonium salt or acid comprises a ZOor ZOion claim 1 , wherein Z is phosphorus claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ammonium salt comprises NHCl claim 1 , NHF claim 1 , (NH)HPO claim 1 , (NH)SO claim 1 , NH(VO) claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acid comprises HCl claim 1 , HNO claim 1 , HPO claim 1 , HI claim 1 , HSO claim 1 , HSO claim 1 , HBr claim 1 , HNO claim 1 , carboxylic acids claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.8. The process of further comprises filtering the mixture of the composition of Formula IB and the acid and/or ammonium salt to remove a composition comprising excess acid claim 1 , ammonium salt claim 1 , solvent claim 1 , or a mixture thereof to obtain a filtered solid comprising Formula IB.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the filtered composition is washed with a wash solvent.10. The process of further comprises heating the filtered composition of Formula IB at a temperature from 100° C. to 650° C. from 1 hour to 14 days or until the composition of Formula IA is formed.11. The process of further comprising treating the filtered composition of Formula IB with ozone to remove the organic structure directing agent until the composition of Formula IA is formed.12. The process of claim 11 , wherein the filtered composition of Formula IB has been mixed with ammonium salt or acid comprising a ZOor ZOion claim 11 , wherein Z is phosphorus claim 11 , vanadium claim 11 , or a ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116923A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst for Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) which contains a combination of a FCC catalyst component and an additive component with certain physical properties attributed therein. The present invention is also directed to provide methods for the preparation of the catalyst for FCC. The admixture of the FCC catalyst component and additive component is used in cracking of hydrocarbon feedstock containing hydrocarbons of higher molecular weight and higher boiling point and/or olefin gasoline naphtha feedstock for producing lower yield of fuel gas with out affecting the conversion and yield of general cracking products such as gasoline, propylene and Colefins. 1. A process for cracking of higher boiling petroleum feedstock to obtain lower dry gas without affecting the yield of LPG , light olefins and gasoline products; said process comprising the steps of:contacting said feedstock under reaction conditions suitable for fluid catalytic cracking with a catalyst comprising:(a) a FCC catalyst component comprising:at least one zeolite in an amount ranging between 5 and 95 wt %;at least one clay in an amount ranging between 5 and 40 wt %;at least one binder in an amount ranging between 5 and 40 wt %;at least one alkaline earth metal in an amount ranging between 0.01 and 2.0 wt %; andat least one rare earth metal in an amount ranging between 0.01 and 2.0 wt %; and(b) an additive component comprising:at least one zeolite in an amount ranging between 5 and 95 wt %;at least one clay in an amount ranging between 5 and 40 wt %;at least one binder in an amount ranging between 5 and 40 wt %;at least one alkaline earth metal in an amount ranging between 0.01 and 2.0 wt %; andat least one phosphorous containing compound in an amount ranging between 0.2 and 55 wt %,all proportion being with respect to the weight of the respective components.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is adapted to reduce lower dry gas production in the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Catalysts, systems, and processes for regulating a contacting state in producing light olefins from paraffins

Номер: US20210031176A1
Принадлежит: Smh Co Ltd

The present invention relates to catalysts, catalyst systems, and processes for the production of valuable light olefins, such as ethylene, from paraffinic hydrocarbons, such as propane, through dehydrogenation and metathesis. The contacting state between dehydrogenation and metathesis catalysts can advantageously be manipulated using an inert or relatively inert coating or outer shell that provides a degree of physical separation between catalytically active centers or inner cores. This has been discovered to significantly increase olefin selectivity (i.e., reduce undesired hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis side reactions) without an appreciable paraffin conversion deficit, such that the overall yield of desired olefinic hydrocarbons such as ethylene is thereby significantly increased.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040326A1

Systems and methods are provided for block processing of a feedstock to produce multiple viscosity grades of lubricant base stocks with substantially different viscosity index values. The systems and methods can involve the use of a sweet stage hydrocracking catalyst that can maintain good aromatic saturation activity under conditions that produce substantially different levels of viscosity index uplift. Optionally, the reactor including the sweet stage hydrocracking catalyst can include additional aromatic saturation catalyst. The systems and methods can further involve using a combination of aromatic saturation catalyst and dewaxing catalyst in a second sweet stage reactor, so that additional aromatic saturation activity is available for saturation of aromatics for products that undergo lower amounts of conversion in the sweet hydrocracking stage. The systems and methods can also allow for increased control over the relative temperatures of reactors within a reaction system. 1. A method for producing lubricant boiling range product using blocked operation , comprising:fractionating a hydroprocessed feedstock to form at least a first lubricant boiling range fraction comprising a 343° C.+ portion and a second lubricant boiling range fraction having a T10 distillation point of at least 343° C. and a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 6.0 cSt or more, the 343° C.+ portion of the first lubricant boiling range fraction having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 1.5 cSt to 6.0 cSt;hydrocracking at least a portion of the first lubricant boiling range fraction in the presence of hydrocracking catalyst under first hydrocracking conditions comprising a first hydrocracking inlet temperature and a first hydrocracking outlet temperature in a first reactor to form a first hydrocracked effluent, the first hydrocracking conditions comprising 10 wt % to 80 wt % conversion relative to 370° C. of the at least a portion of the first lubricant boiling range fraction;dewaxing at least a ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046463A1

The present application relates to a method for synthesizing nanozeolite Y crystals, nanozeolite Y crystals obtainable by said method, and the use of the synthesized nanozeolite Y crystals in cracking hydrocarbons, as molecular sieves or as ion-exchangers. 1. A method for synthesizing nanozeolite Y crystals comprising the following steps:a) Preparing a first aqueous solution comprising a silicate source and quinuclidine;b) Preparing a second aqueous solution comprising an aluminate source and an alkali hydroxide;c) Combining the first and the second aqueous solution to obtain an aqueous reaction mixture;d) Incubating the aqueous reaction mixture to obtain nanozeolite Y crystals;e) Washing the obtained nanozeolite Y crystals with an aqueous washing buffer;f) Drying the washed nanozeolite Y crystals to remove residual crystalline water; andg) Calcining the washed nanozeolite Y crystals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkali hydroxide is sodium hydroxide andwherein the method comprises the additional steps:h) Mixing the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals with a third aqueous solution comprising ammonium ions to exchange the sodium ions of the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals against ammonium ions;i) Washing the ammonium containing nanozeolite Y crystals with an aqueous washing buffer;j) Drying the washed nanozeolite Y crystals to remove residual crystalline water; andk) Calcining the washed nanozeolite Y crystals.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein steps h) to k) are repeated to reduce the amount of Na ions in the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals to{'sup': '+', 'a) less than 5% Na ions,'}{'sup': '+', 'b) less than 3% Na ions, or'}{'sup': '+', 'c) less than 1% Na ions.'}4. The method according to claim 1 , a) between 0.0125 and 0.24 mol %,', 'b) between 0.05 and 0.18 mol %, or', 'c) between 0.09 and 0.11 mol %., 'wherein in the aqueous reaction mixture quinuclidine is contained in a fraction of'}5. The method according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '4', 'sup': '4−', 'claim-text ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Middle distillate hydrocracking catalyst containing zeolite usy, and zeolite beta with low acidity and large domain size

Номер: US20170043329A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A hydrocracking catalyst is provided comprising: a zeolite beta having an OD acidity of 20 to 50 μmol/g and an average crystal size from 300 to 800 nanometers; a zeolite USY; wherein a wt % of the zeolite beta is less than the wt % of the zeolite USY; a support comprising an amorphous silica aluminate and a second support material; and at least one metal selected from the group consisting of elements from Group 6 and Groups 8 through 10 of the Periodic Table. A process for hydrocracking a hydrocarbonaceous feedstock is provided, comprising: contacting the hydrocarbonaceous feedstock with the hydrocracking catalyst under hydrocracking conditions to produce a hydrocracked effluent that comprises middle distillates. A method for making the hydrocracking catalyst is also provided.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Nitrogen Containing Catalyst for Coupling Reactions

Номер: US20140128247A1
Автор: Chinta Sivadinarayana

A process for making styrene including providing a Csource to a reactor containing a catalyst and reacting toluene with the Csource in the presence of the catalyst to form a product stream comprising ethylbenzene and styrene. The Csource can be selected from the group of methanol, formaldehyde, formalin, trioxane, methylformcel, paraformaldehyde, methylal, dimethyl ether, and combinations thereof, and wherein the catalyst contains a nitrogen-substituted zeolite. 1. A method of preparing a catalyst , comprising:providing a substrate;providing a first solution comprising a nitrogen containing material;contacting the substrate with the first solution; andobtaining a catalyst comprising nitrogen.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contacting of the substrate with the nitrogen containing material subjects the substrate to the substitution of oxygen with nitrogen.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a zeolite.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a zeolite selected from the group consisting of faujasites.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen containing material is selected from the group consisting of ammonia claim 1 , an alkyl amine claim 1 , and any combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen containing material is selected from the group consisting of ammonia claim 1 , methyl amine claim 1 , ethyl amine claim 1 , and any combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising contacting the catalyst comprising nitrogen with a second solution comprising a promoter to obtain a promoted catalyst comprising nitrogen.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the promoter is selected from the group consisting of Co claim 7 , Mn claim 7 , Ti claim 7 , Zr claim 7 , V claim 7 , Nb claim 7 , K claim 7 , Cs claim 7 , Ga claim 7 , B claim 7 , P claim 7 , Rb claim 7 , Ag claim 7 , Na claim 7 , Cu claim 7 , Mg claim 7 , Fe claim 7 , Mo claim 7 , Ce claim 7 , and any combinations thereof.9. The method of claim 7 , ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073359A1
Принадлежит: Zeopore Technologies NV

The invention is broadly drawn to a process to introduce mesoporosity in faujasite zeolites with Si/Al<5 and unit cell sizes below 24.58 Angstrom by an inventive sequence of acid and base treatments, yielding superior physico-chemical and catalytic properties compared to the materials prepared according to the teachings known in the state of the art. Part of the invention relates to the acid step which is executed in the presence of a salt of which the anion is able to form multi-ligand complexes with aluminum, and of which a specific amount of cations are protonic (ca. 90% to 20% of the total cations with −3 Подробнее

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060542A1

The startup of a fluidized bed process unit uses an air heater to raise the temperature of the unit to the level necessary for operation of the unit to be self-sustaining in its normal operating regime without the use of torch oil. This startup sequence is particularly useful for fluidized bed units which utilize a circulating catalyst with particular emphasis on endothermic conversion units such as FCC and Resid Catalytic Cracking (RCC), but also on other catalytic units with circulating catalyst inventories such as various exothermic conversion, e.g. methanol conversion, processes. Elimination of the torch oil injection enables catalyst selectivity/activity to be retained during startup and at any other time that the heat requirement of the unit cannot be met by the internal functioning of the process, e.g. by coke generation during the reaction and combustion during regeneration of the catalysts or during the reaction itself. 1. A fluidized bed hydrocarbon conversion process in which a feed stream is converted in a fluidized bed process unit at an elevated temperature , comprising the step of starting up the unit by heating the unit to a self-sustaining reaction temperature with heated air from a heater.2. A process according to in which the unit is heated to a self-sustaining reaction temperature exclusively with heated air from an air heater.3. A process according to in which the unit is heated to a self-sustaining reaction temperature without burning hydrocarbon oil in the unit.4. A process according to in which the conversion process is an endothermic conversion process.5. A process according to in which the endothermic conversion process comprises Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) of a heavy hydrocarbon feed.6. A process according to in which the conversion process is an exothermic conversion process.7. A process according to in which the conversion process comprises methanol conversion to aromatics or olefins.8. A fluidized bed catalytic cracking process in ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055479A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing monoaromatic hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon feed comprising polyaromatics, the process comprising contacting the feed at process conditions with a catalyst comprising a mixture of zeolite Y and a hydrogenation catalyst comprising one or more hydrogenation metals on a solid catalyst support. 1. A process for producing monoaromatic hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon feed comprising polyaromatics , the process comprising:{'sup': '−1', 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '3, 'contacting the feed at process conditions comprising a temperature of 350-550° C., a pressure of 2000-7000 kPa, a WHSV of 0.1-10 hand a H/HC molar ratio of 3-12, with a catalyst comprising a mixture of zeolite Y having a SiO/AlOratio of 10-80 and a hydrogenation catalyst comprising a hydrogenation metal on a solid catalyst support, wherein said hydrogenation catalyst is selected from the group consisting ofa catalyst comprising: 1-30 wt-% of Mo and/or W, based on the total weight of the hydrogenation catalyst and, 0.1-10 wt-% of Co and/or Ni, based on the total weight of the hydrogenation catalyst; anda catalyst comprising 0.05-2 wt-% of an element selected from Groups 8-10 of the Periodic Table of Elements, based on the total weight of the hydrogenation catalyst.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the process conditions comprise a temperature of 400-475° C.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the zeolite Y has a SiO/AlOratio of 10-40 claim 1 , and the process conditions comprise a pressure of 2000-7000 kPa.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the zeolite Y has a SiO/AlOratio of 40-80 claim 1 , the hydrogenation catalyst comprises 0.05-2 wt-% based on the total weight of the hydrogenation catalyst of one or more elements selected from Groups 8-10 of the Periodic Table of Elements and the process conditions comprise a pressure of 4000-7000 kPa.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenation catalyst comprises 3-20 wt ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055025A1

The instant disclosure provides a composition for fluid catalytic cracking of petroleum based feedstock into useful short chain olefins. The composition comprising: 76-86% of a non-zeolitic material; and 2-30% of at least one zeolite material, the percentage being based on weight of the catalyst composition, wherein one of the zeolites has been modified with 0.1-2.5 wt % metal. The said catalyst was found to be selective in enhancing the usable propylene gas content, while reducing the undesirable dry gas content of the cracked olefinic products. The present disclosure also provides a process for the preparation of the composition. The present disclosure also provides an apparatus () and process () for fluid catalytic cracking to obtain light olefins. The apparatus comprises a second riser () that includes a lower dense riser () and upper dilute riser (). Further, the lower dense riser () has a diameter that is 1.1 to 2 times that of the upper dilute riser (). 1. A catalyst composition comprising:a) a non-zeolitic material having a weight percentage in the range of 76-86% with respect to the catalyst composition;b) a zeolite-1 having a weight percentage in the range of 3-18% with respect to the catalyst composition; andc) a zeolite-2 having a weight percentage in the range of 2-12% with respect to the catalyst composition,wherein the zeolite-2 is modified with at least one metal having a weight percentage in the range of 0.1-2.5% with respect to the zeolite-2.2. The catalyst composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the zeolite-1 is selected from the group consisting of ultra-stable Y (USY) claim 1 , rare earth exchanged ultra-stable Y (REUSY) claim 1 , beta claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The catalyst composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the zeolite-2 is selected from the group consisting of ZSM-5 claim 1 , ZSM-11 claim 1 , ZSM-22 claim 1 , SAPO-11 claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The catalyst composition as claimed claim 1 , wherein the zeolite ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062641A1

The present invention deals with a process for catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons comprising vacuum gas oil, hydrotreated vacuum gas oil, unconventional light crude oil, preferably unconventional light crude oil type shale/tight oil and its blends with conventional vacuum gas oil, in order to generate products of major commercial value in the field of fuels, getting improved gasoline and coke yield, as well as the procedure for the preparation of a catalyst with essential physical properties of density and particle size to uphold it in a fluidized bed under the operation conditions in the catalyst evaluation unit at micro level, wherein the catalyst particles achieve a catalytic performance similar to fluidized microspheres in a reactor, without appreciable generation of fine particles. 1. A fluid catalytic cracking process , comprising:placing hydrocarbon feedstocks into contact with a heterogeneous solid acid catalyst,wherein the hydrocarbon feedstocks consist of vacuum gas oil (VGO), conventional vacuum gas oil, hydrotreated vacuum gas oil, unconventional light crude oil, and preferably unconventional light crude oil type shale/tight oil and its blends with conventional vacuum gas oil, in a percentage range of from 0 to 100% by volume of unconventional light crude oil,wherein the hydrocarbon feedstocks are placed in contact with the heterogeneous solid acid catalyst based on a formulation with at least one active zeolite and a coke selective active matrix.2. The process of wherein the oil fraction consists of conventional vacuum gas oil (VGO) claim 1 , and the unconventional paraffinic crude oil selected is a light crude shale/tight oil.3. The process of wherein the feedstock claim 1 , consisting of vacuum gas oil (VGO) that comes from conventional crude oil claim 1 , also of unconventional light crude oil type shale/tight oil claim 1 , or blends thereof claim 1 , is contacted with a catalyst at a temperature within a range of 490° C. to 520° C. claim 1 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065110A1

The present invention relates to an anti-coking catalyst having a physical property of reducing coke formation, which comprises a solid acid catalyst containing gadolinium (Gd) on the surface, a preparation method thereof, and a use thereof. The preparation method includes a first step of determining the amount of gadolinium (Gd) or a Gd-providing precursor to be used relative to the total weight of the solid acid catalyst, which reduces the coking of a specific solid acid catalyst below a specific level under a specific reaction condition; and a second step of preparing a Gd-containing solid acid catalyst using the amount determined in the first step. 1. A method of preparing an anti-coking solid acid catalyst having a physical property of reducing coke formation , comprising:a first step of determining the amount of gadolinium (Gd) or Gd-providing precursor to be used relative to the total weight of the solid acid catalyst, which reduces the coking of a specific solid acid catalyst below a specific level under a specific reaction condition in which the catalyst is intended to be used; anda second step of preparing a Gd-containing solid acid catalyst using the amount determined in the first step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the Gd-containing solid acid catalyst prepared in the second step has an increased number of a base site of the solid acid catalyst by the presence of gadolinium.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the Gd-containing solid acid catalyst prepared in the second step has a film containing Gd metal or gadolinium oxide formed on the surface of the solid acid catalyst with a nano-size thickness.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of gadolinium to be used relative to the total weight of the solid acid catalyst is determined from the temperature-programmed desorption curve of carbon dioxide claim 1 , base strength claim 1 , or base site density per gadolinium content.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074846A1

Process for preparing a hydrocracking catalyst carrier which process comprises subjecting a carrier comprising an amorphous binder and zeolite Y having a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 10 to calcination at a temperature of from 700 to 900° C., hydrocracking catalyst carrier comprising amorphous binder and zeolite Y having a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 10, the infrared spectrum of which catalyst has a peak at 3690 cm, substantially reduced peaks at 3630 cmand 3565 cmand no peak at 3600 cm, hydrocracking catalyst carrier comprising an amorphous binder and zeolite Y having a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 10, which catalyst has an acidity as measured by exchange with perdeuterated benzene of at most 20 micromole/gram, hydrocracking catalyst derived from such carrier and hydrocracking process with the help of such catalyst. 1. A hydrocracking catalyst carrier obtainable by a preparation process comprising: calcining zeolite Y , having a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 10 , in the absence of added steam at a temperature in the range of from 700° C. to 1000° C. followed by mixing the obtained zeolite Y with an amorphous binder , comprising silica-alumina containing silica in an amount in the range of from 25 to 95% by weight as calculated on the carrier alone , and an acidic aqueous solution in amount so as to provide a mixture having a pH in the range of from 4.4 to 5.7 and an LOI in the range of from 50 to 65% such that said hydrocracking catalyst carrier has a monomodal pore size distribution , wherein at least 50% of the total pore volume is present in pores having a diameter in the range of from 4 to 50 nm; extruding said mixture to give an extrudate; and calcining said extrudate at a temperature of from 700 to 1000° C.2. A hydrocracking catalyst carrier which comprises amorphous binder and zeolite Y having a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 10 , the infrared spectrum of which carrier has a peak at 3690 cm , ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074847A1

The inventions described herein relate to catalysts comprising a zeolite comprising at least one metal or ion thereof, wherein the at least one metal or ion thereof comprises barium, strontium, titanium, tungsten, or a mixture thereof, and wherein the zeolite does not comprise molybdenum, or phosphorus, and methods related thereto. 1. A catalyst comprisinga HZSM-5 type zeolite comprising at least one metal or ion thereof,wherein the at least one metal or ion thereof comprises titanium, andwherein the zeolite does not comprise molybdenum or phosphorus.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or ion thereof further comprises barium.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or ion thereof further comprises strontium.4. (canceled)5. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or ion thereof further comprises tungsten.6. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite catalyst comprises from 0.5 to 20 percent by weight of the at least one metal or ion thereof.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a Si/Alratio from 25 to 300.10. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a Si/Alratio of 27.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the metal originates from treating the zeolite with a metal precursor comprising titanium tetrachloride.14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. The method of claim 20 , wherein the zeolite comprises Bronsted acid sites.26. (canceled)27. The method of claim 20 , wherein the zeolite catalyst has a Si/Alratio of 27.28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. The method of claim 20 , wherein the naphtha feed stream comprises an alkane claim 20 , an iso-alkane claim 20 , naphthalene claim 20 , and an aromatic claim 20 , and has a boiling range from 35° C. to 100° C.3130. The method of any one of claim 20 , wherein the steam to naphtha mass ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071623A1

The present disclosure relates to an FCC catalyst additive for cracking of petroleum feedstock and a process for its preparation. The FCC catalyst additive of the present disclosure comprises at least one zeolite, at least one clay, at least one binder, phosphorous in the form of PO, and at least one Group IVB metal compound. The FCC catalyst additive of the present disclosure is hydrothermally stable and has improved matrix surface area even after various hydrothermal treatments. The FCC catalyst additive of the present disclosure can be used in combination with the conventional FCC catalyst for catalytic cracking to selectively enhance the propylene and LPG yields. 1. An FCC catalyst additive comprisingi. at least one zeolite in an amount in the range of 30 to 50 wt %;ii. at least one clay in an amount in the range of 5 to 40 wt %;iii. at least one binder in an amount in the range of 5 to 20 wt %;{'sub': 2', '5, 'iv. POin an amount in the range of 5 to 10 wt %; and'}v. at least one Group IVB metal compound in an amount in the range of 0.1 to 10 wt %.2. The FCC catalyst additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said zeolite is at least one selected from the group consisting of ZSM-5 claim 1 , ZSM-11 claim 1 , and ZSM-22 zeolite.3. The FCC catalyst additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said zeolite is ZSM-5 in an amount in the range of 40 to 50 wt %.4. The FCC catalyst additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said clay is at least one selected from the group consisting of kaolin clay claim 1 , halloysite claim 1 , bentonite and mixtures thereof.5. The FCC catalyst additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said binder is at least one selected from the group consisting of colloidal silica claim 1 , colloidal alumina claim 1 , pseduoboehmite alumina claim 1 , bayrite alumina claim 1 , gamma alumina and mixtures thereof.6. The FCC catalyst additive as claimed in claim 1 , whereinsaid clay is kaolin clay in an amount in the range of 10 to 20 wt %; andsaid binder is ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077985A1

A method including subjecting an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite having a low silica-to-alumina molar ratio (SAR), such as in a range of 3 to 6, to acid treatment and heteroatom incorporation contemporaneously to give a framework-modified ultra-stable Y-type zeolite. 1. A method of producing a hydrocracking catalyst for hydrocarbon oil , comprising:{'sub': '4', 'exchanging at least 80% of sodium (Na) ions in a Y-type zeolite with ammonium (NH) ions to convert the Y-type zeolite to an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite comprising a silica-to-alumina molar ratio (SAR) in a range of 3 to 6; and'}subjecting the ultra-stable Y-type zeolite to acid treatment and heteroatom incorporation contemporaneously to give a framework-modified ultra-stable Y-type zeolite comprising an SAR of at least 20, wherein heteroatoms incorporated into a framework of the ultra-stable Y-type zeolite in the heteroatom incorporation comprise titanium atoms and further comprise zirconium atoms or hafnium atoms, or both.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein exchanging at least 80% of Na ions in the Y-type zeolite with NHions comprises ion exchange and calcination claim 1 , and wherein the framework-modified ultra-stable Y-type zeolite is a framework-substituted ultra-stable Y-type zeolite in which aluminum atoms in a framework of the ultra-stable Y-type zeolite are replaced with the heteroatoms.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acid treatment and the heteroatom incorporation comprise preparing a suspension of the ultra-stable Y-type zeolite in water claim 1 , adding acid to the suspension claim 1 , and adding a solution comprising the heteroatoms to the suspension claim 1 , and wherein the framework-modified ultra-stable Y-type zeolite comprising an SAR of at least 30.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the acid comprises sulfuric acid claim 3 , nitric acid claim 3 , hydrochloric acid claim 3 , or carboxylic acids claim 3 , or any combinations thereof claim 3 , and wherein the solution comprises an aqueous ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090634A1

Disclosed are processes for producing a transportation fuel from a high quality oil sands-derived crude oil. The oil sands-derived crude oil is provided as a feed source for a catalytic conversion reaction, which produces the product useful as the transportation fuel. The oil sands-derived crude oil has an ASTM D7169 5% distillation point of from 400° F. to 700° F. Transportation fuel is produced from the provided oil sands-derived crude oil by treating the oil sands-derived crude oil through at least one catalytic cracking process and mild hydrotreating process. 1. A process for producing a naphtha stream from oil sands-derived crude oil , comprising:providing the oil sands-derived crude oil, wherein the oil sands-derived crude oil is a hydrocarbon solvent extracted crude oil having an ASTM D7169 5% distillation point of from 400° F. to 700° F., an asphaltenes content of not greater than 10 wt %, a Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR) of not greater than 15 wt % and sulfur content of not greater than 4 wt %, andcatalytically cracking the oil sands-derived crude oil to produce catalytically cracked product streams, wherein the catalytically cracked product streams comprise the naphtha stream, and the naphtha stream is ≧45 wt % of the total amount of cracked product streams produced.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the catalytically cracked product streams comprise a heavy cycle oil stream that is ≦25 wt % of the total amount of cracked products produced.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein catalytically cracked product streams comprise the naphtha stream and a heavy cycle oil stream at a weight ratio of the naphtha stream to the heavy cycle oil stream of ≧2:1.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the oil sands-derived crude oil is hydrotreated prior to the catalytic cracking step by contacting the oil sands-derived crude oil with a catalyst comprised of at least one Group VIB metal and at least one non-noble Group VIII metal.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the oil ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090538A1

Methods and apparatuses are provided for cracking a hydrocarbon. The method includes contacting a first hydrocarbon stream with a cracking catalyst in a riser. The cracking catalyst is regenerated in a regenerator to produce a flue gas stream having a particulate concentration, where the flue gas stream is vented. A second stream is contacted with the cracking catalyst in the riser while the first hydrocarbon stream is contacted with the catalyst, where the second stream includes a natural oil. The particulate concentration is a second particulate concentration while the second stream contacts the cracking catalyst, and a first particulate concentration prior to the second stream contacting the cracking catalyst. The first particulate concentration is greater than the second particulate concentration. 1. A method of fluid catalytic cracking , the method comprising the steps of:contacting a first hydrocarbon stream with a cracking catalyst in a riser;regenerating the cracking catalyst in a regenerator to produce a flue gas stream;venting the flue gas stream, wherein the flue gas stream comprises particulates at a particulate concentration;contacting a second stream with the cracking catalyst in the riser while contacting the first hydrocarbon stream with the cracking catalyst, wherein the second stream comprises a natural oil, and wherein the particulate concentration is a second particulate concentration while the second stream contacts the cracking catalyst, the particulate concentration is a first particulate concentration prior to the second stream contacting the cracking catalyst, and the second particulate concentration is less than the first particulate concentration.2. The method of where contacting the second stream with the cracking catalyst comprises contacting the second stream with the cracking catalyst wherein the second stream comprises about 50 to about 100 percent natural oil.3. The method of wherein contacting the second stream with the cracking ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101961A1

This application discloses a mesoporous catalyst formed by combining a matrix precursor treated with a polyphosphate, and a metallic oxide treated with a cationic electrolyte. The combined treatment with the polyphosphate and cationic polyelectrolyte yields unexpected improvements in attrition resistance, while maintaining high overall pore volume, even as the ratio of meso pore volume to macro pore volume of the formed FCC catalyst increases. 1. A mesoporous catalyst comprising: 1) a first metal oxide modified by a phosphorus structuring agent through heating; 2) a second metal oxide that is treated by a cationic polyelectrolyte; and 3) an active zeolite cracking component , wherein said first and said second metal oxide can be the same or different and said catalyst is in the form of particles having an average particle size of from 20 to 200 microns.2. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said polyelectrolyte is added to a slurry containing both the first and second metal oxides.3. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said first or second metal oxide is selected from the group consisting of spinel claim 1 , mullite claim 1 , calcined kaolin claim 1 , metakaolin claim 1 , hydrous kaolin claim 1 , alumina and mixtures thereof.4. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said first metal oxide is present in the amount of 30 wt. % to 70 wt. % of said catalyst.5. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 4 , wherein said first metal oxide is present in the amount of 40 wt. % to 52 wt. % of said catalyst.6. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said second metal oxide is present in the amount of 30 wt. % to 70 wt. % of said catalyst.7. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 6 , wherein said second metal oxide is present in the amount of 48 wt. % to 60 wt. % of said catalyst.8. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said phosphorus structuring agent is a polyphosphate.9. The mesoporous catalyst of claim 8 , wherein said polyphosphate is a fertilizer ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099746A1

This application discloses a mesoporous catalyst formed by combining a matrix precursor treated with a polyphosphate, and a metallic oxide treated with a cationic electrolyte. The combined treatment with the polyphosphate and cationic polyelectrolyte yields unexpected improvements in attrition resistance, while maintaining high overall pore volume, even as the ratio of meso pore volume to macro pore volume of the formed FCC catalyst increases. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for producing mesoporous catalyst particles , the method comprising:heating an ammonium polyphosphate-modified kaolin beyond the characteristic exotherm to obtain calcined kaolin;preparing an aqueous slurry comprising the calcined kaolin and a cationic polyamine-modified kaolin, wherein a polyamine content of the slurry is from 0.005 wt. % to 0.250 wt. % based on a total weight of kaolin solids present;spray drying the aqueous slurry to obtain particles;calcining the particles; andcontacting the particles after the calcining with a silicate solution in the presence of a zeolite crystallization initiator to induce zeolite crystallization and produce the mesoporous catalyst particles,wherein the mesoporous catalyst particles have an average particle size of from 20 to 200 microns, wherein the mesoporous catalyst particles exhibit a meso/macro ratio defined as the cumulative pore volume for pores having a radius of 30 Å to 100 Å divided by the cumulative pore volume for pores having a radius of 100 Å to 10000 Å, pore volume measured by mercury porosimetry, wherein the meso/macro ratio is from 0.65 to 1.2.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the mesoporous catalyst particles are characterized by an air jet attrition rate of from 0.5 to less than 2.5.26. The method of claim 24 , wherein the air jet attrition rate is from at least 0.5 to less than 1.5.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein the slurry comprises from 30 wt. % to 70 wt. % of the calcined kaolin and from 30 wt. % to 70 wt. % of the polyamine- ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150111721A1

The present invention relates to a metal modified Y zeolite, its preparation and use. Said zeolite contains 1-15 wt % of IVB group metal as oxide and is characterized in that the ratio of the zeolite surface's IVB group metal content to the zeolite interior's IVB group metal content is not higher than 0.2; and/or the ratio of the distorted tetrahedral-coordinated framework aluminum to the tetrahedral-coordinated framework aluminum in the zeolite lattice structure is (0.1-0.8):1.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150111722A1

The present invention relates to a metal modified Y zeolite, its preparation and use. Said zeolite contains 1-15 wt % of IVB group metal as oxide and is characterized in that the ratio of the zeolite surface's IVB group metal content to the zeolite interior's IVB group metal content is not higher than 0.2; and/or the ratio of the distorted tetrahedral-coordinated framework aluminum to the tetrahedral-coordinated framework aluminum in the zeolite lattice structure is (0.1-0.8):1.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101448A1
Автор: Kharas Karl C.

A microspherical fluid catalytic cracking catalyst includes zeolite, and alkali metal ion or alkaline earth metal ion. 1. A method of making a microspherical fluid catalytic cracking catalyst , the method comprising:mixing microspheres with a barium solution to form a barium-microsphere mixture; andcalcining the barium-microsphere mixture to form a first calcined material;wherein:prior to the mixing with the barium solution, the microspheres comprise Y-zeolite crystallized as a layer on the surface of a porous alumina-containing matrix; andthe mixing with the barium solution is conducted at acidic pH conditions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixing with the barium solution is conducted at pH=3.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixing with the barium solution is conducted at a temperature above room temperature.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein calcining the barium-microsphere mixture is conducted for at least about 15 minutes.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein calcining the barium-microsphere mixture is conducted at a temperature of from about 500° C. to about 700° C.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the microspheres with an ammonium solution prior to the mixing with the barium solution claim 1 , wherein the microspheres comprise Y-zeolite in the sodium form prior to the mixing with the ammonium solution.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the mixing with the ammonium solution is conducted at acidic pH conditions.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the mixing with the ammonium solution is conducted at pH=3.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the mixing with the ammonium solution is conducted at a temperature above room temperature.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the first calcined material with another ammonium solution to form an ammoniated material.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixing with another ammonium solution is conducted at acidic pH conditions.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixing ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150126791A1

A process for the preparation of a naphtha-selective hydrocracking catalyst comprising of from 3 to 4.8% wt of molybdenum, calculated as metal, and of from 1.5 to 3% wt of nickel, calculated as metal, which comprises loading a refractory oxide support comprising an alumina binder component and a zeolite Y component in a content of from 65 to 75 wt % based on the total weight of the catalyst, with nickel and molybdenum in the presence of citric acid, wherein the zeolite Y component has a unit cell size in the range of from 24.42 to 24.52 Å, a SAR in the range of from 8 to 15, and a surface area of from 850 to 1020 m/g. 1. A process for the preparation of a naphtha-selective hydrocracking catalyst comprising of from 3 to 4.8% wt of molybdenum , calculated as metal , and of from 1.5 to 3% wt of nickel , calculated as metal , which comprises loading a refractory oxide support comprising an alumina binder component and a zeolite Y component in a content of from 65 to 75 wt % based on the total weight of the catalyst , with nickel and molybdenum in the presence of a solution comprising citric acid , wherein the zeolite Y component has a unit cell size in the range of from 24.42 to 24.52 Å , a SAR in the range of from 10 to 15 , and a surface area of from 910 to 1020 m2/g.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein nickel and molybdenum are co-mulled with the refractory oxide support components and extruded to form an extrudate.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein nickel and molybdenum are loaded on a pre-formed refractory oxide support in a pore volume impregnation process.4. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the extrudate or the loaded refractory oxide support is calcined at a temperature in the range of from 450° C. to 850° C. to form a catalyst.5. A process according to claim 1 , which process further comprises a sulfidation step.6. A process for hydrocracking a hydrocarbonaceous feedstock claim 1 , which process comprises contacting thefeedstock at ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266229A1

A method for making a metal carbide based catalyst for crude oil cracking includes mixing a clay with a phosphorous based stabilizer material to obtain a liquid slurry; adding an aluminosilicate zeolite and an ultrastable Y zeolite to the liquid slurry; adding AlCl(OH)to the liquid slurry; adding metal carbide particles, having a given diameter, to the liquid slurry to obtain a mixture; and spray drying the mixture to obtain the metal carbide based catalyst. The metal carbide particles are coated with the aluminosilicate zeolite and the ultrastable Y zeolite. 1. A method for making a metal carbide based catalyst for crude oil cracking , the method comprising:mixing a clay with a phosphorous based stabilizer material to obtain a liquid slurry;adding an aluminosilicate zeolite and an ultrastable Y zeolite to the liquid slurry;{'sub': 2', '5, 'adding AlCl(OH)to the liquid slurry;'}adding metal carbide particles, having a given diameter, to the liquid slurry to obtain a mixture; andspray drying the mixture to obtain the metal carbide based catalyst,wherein the metal carbide particles are coated with the aluminosilicate zeolite and the ultrastable Y zeolite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal carbide is SiC.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal carbide is TiC.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal carbide is WC.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:adding zirconium oxide beads to the liquid slurry; andball milling the liquid slurry with the zirconium oxide beads.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:separating the zirconium oxide beads from the mixture before the step of spray drying.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steps are performed one after another.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aluminosilicate zeolite is Zeolite Socony Mobil-5 catalyst.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the given diameter of the metal carbide particles is between 1 and 1000 nm.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the clay is Kaolin and the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129413A1

Methods and FCC apparatuses are provided for cracking hydrocarbons. An FCC apparatus includes a riser with a riser outlet positioned within a reactor catalyst collection area. A stripper is coupled to the reactor catalyst collection area, where the riser extends through the stripper, and where the stripper includes a stripper exterior wall. A sleeve is positioned within the stripper between the riser and the stripper exterior wall. 1. A fluid catalytic cracking apparatus comprising:a riser comprising a riser outlet;a reactor catalyst collection area, wherein the riser outlet is positioned within the reactor catalyst collection area;a stripper coupled to the reactor catalyst collection area, wherein the riser extends through the stripper, and wherein the stripper comprises a stripper exterior wall; anda sleeve positioned within the stripper between the riser and the stripper exterior wall.2. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a refractory material positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.3. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a ceramic fiber blanket positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.4. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a purge inlet positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.5. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a steam supply fluidly coupled to the purge inlet.6. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a barrier wall affixed to the stripper exterior wall such that the barrier wall and the sleeve define a sleeve bottom gap; anda purge outlet defined in the barrier wall.7. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of further comprising:a purge outlet positioned between the sleeve and the stripper exterior wall.8. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of wherein the sleeve is affixed to the reactor catalyst collection area.9. The fluid catalytic cracking apparatus of wherein the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130140A1

Present invention relates to a novel process for upgrading a residual hydrocarbon oil feedstock having a significant amount of Conradson Carbon Residue (concarbon), metals, especially vanadium and nickel, asphaltenes, sulfur impurities and nitrogen to a lighter more valuable hydrocarbon products by reducing or minimizing coke formation and by injecting fine droplets of oil soluble organo-metallic compounds at multiple elevations of the riser with varying dosing rates. 1. A process of upgrading a residual hydrocarbon oil feedstock by reducing impurities using upgrading material , the process comprising:a) cracking the residual hydrocarbon oil feedstock along the length of a vertical transport Riser with an upgrading material, optionally adding ammonia or a basic nitrogen containing compound at the bottom of the vertical transport Riser;b) injecting oil soluble organo-metallic additives in the form of fine droplets at multiple locations in varying doses along the length of the Riser during the cracking of step (a);c) separating the cracked products and spent upgrading material in a Stripper and partially regenerating coke of the spent upgrading material so obtained in a Reformer;d) burning partially rejuvenated upgrading material from the Reformer in a Combustor; ande) circulating regenerated upgrading material from the Combustor to the Riser.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the residual hydrocarbon oil feedstock is selected from the group comprising of vacuum residue claim 1 , vacuum slop claim 1 , bitumen claim 1 , asphalt claim 1 , visbreaker tar claim 1 , heavy crude oil and mixture thereof having a significant amount of Conradson Carbon Residue claim 1 , metals claim 1 , asphaltenes claim 1 , sulphur impurities and nitrogen.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the upgrading material of step (a) is a porous fluidizable micro spherical solid particles belonging to Geldart Group A classification.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140213432A1
Принадлежит: Rive Technology, Inc.

Methods for enhancing the mesoporosity of a zeolite-containing material. Such methods may comprise contacting a composite shaped article containing at least one zeolite and at least one non-zeolitic material with at least one pH controlling agent and at least one surfactant. Such methods may be performed under conditions sufficient to increase the pore volume of at least one 10 angstrom subset of mesoporosity. 1. A method of preparing a shaped zeolitic material with enhanced mesoporosity , said method comprising:(a) synthesizing a composite shaped article comprising at least one zeolite and at least one non-zeolitic material; and(b) contacting said composite shaped article with at least one pH controlling agent and at least one surfactant under conditions sufficient to increase the pore volume of at least one 10 angstrom subset of mesoporosity in said composite shaped article, thereby forming said shaped zeolitic material with enhanced mesoporosity, wherein said pH controlling agent comprises an acid or a base,wherein said contacting of step (b) causes a net mesopore increase in said zeolite of said composite shaped article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said contacting of step (b) causes a net increase of at least 10 percent in the overall mesoporosity of said composite shaped article claim 1 , wherein said shaped zeolitic material has a total volume of mesopores in the range of from about 0.05 to about 0.9 cc/g.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said increase in pore volume of said 10 angstrom subset constitutes an increase of at least 0.01 cc/g in said 10 angstrom subset.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said increase in pore volume of said 10 angstrom subset constitutes an increase of at least 10 percent of the pore volume of said 10 angstrom subset.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said 10 angstrom subset is contained within a range of 20 to 250 angstroms.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (a) includes the substeps of:(i) combining said at least one ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Na-Y Molecular Sieve, H-Y Molecular Sieve, and Preparation Methods Thereof, Hydrocracking Catalyst, and Hydrocracking Method

Номер: US20160151771A1

Provided is a Na—Y molecular sieve and a method for preparing the Na—Y molecular sieve, an H—Y molecular sieve and a method for preparing the H—Y molecular sieve, a hydrocracking catalyst, and a hydrocracking method. The average grain diameter of the Na—Y molecular sieve is 2-5 μm, and the sum of pore volumes of pores in 1-10 nm diameter accounts for 70-90% of the total pore volume of the Na—Y molecular sieve. The H—Y molecular sieve obtained from the large-grain Na—Y molecular sieve can be used as an acidic component in the hydrocracking catalyst. When the hydrocracking catalyst containing the H—Y molecular sieve is applied in the hydrocracking reaction of heavy oils that contain macromolecules, it can provide better cracking activity and product selectivity in the hydrocracking reaction.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152900A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a method for the fluid catalytic cracking of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock. According to at least one embodiment, the method includes supplying the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock to a reaction zone having a catalyst, such that both the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock and the catalyst are in contact in a down-flow mode, wherein said contact between the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock and the catalyst takes place in a fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus having a separation zone, a stripping zone, and a regeneration zone. The method further includes maintaining the reaction zone at a temperature of between 500 and 600° C., such that the hydrocarbon feedstock converts into a cracked hydrocarbon effluent comprising light olefins, gasoline, and diesel. The catalyst includes between 10 and 20% by weight of a phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5, between 10 and 20% by weight of an ultra-stable Y-type zeolite, between 20 and 30% by weight of a pseudoboehmite alumina, and between 20 and 40% by weight of kaolin. The phosphorous modified sub-micron ZSM-5 has an average crystal size between 50 and 400 nm, inclusive, and a silica to alumina ratio of 1:2 to 1:4, inclusive. 1. A method for the fluid catalytic cracking of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising:supplying the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock to a reaction zone comprising a catalyst, such that both the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock and the catalyst are in contact in a down-flow mode, wherein said contact between the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock and the catalyst takes place in a fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus comprising a separation zone, a stripping zone, and a regeneration zone; andmaintaining the reaction zone at a temperature of between 500 and 600° C., such that the hydrocarbon feedstock converts into a cracked hydrocarbon effluent comprising light olefins, gasoline, and diesel,wherein the catalyst comprises between 10 and 20% by weight of a phosphorous modified sub- ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Modified Y-type molecular sieve, catalytic cracking catalyst comprising the same, their preparation and application thereof

Номер: US20210178370A1

A modified Y-type molecular sieve has a rare earth content of about 4% to about 11% by weight on the basis of the oxide, a phosphorus content of about 0.05% to about 10% by weight on the basis of PO, a sodium content of no more than about 0.5% by weight on the basis of sodium oxide, and an active element content of about 0.1% to about 5% by weight on the basis of the oxide, with the active element being gallium and/or boron. The modified Y-type molecular sieve has a total pore volume of about 0.36 mL/g to about 0.48 mL/g, a percentage of the pore volume of secondary pores having a pore size of 2-100 nm of about 20% to about 40%; a lattice constant of about 2.440 nm to about 2.455 nm, and a lattice collapse temperature of not lower than about 1060° C. 1. A modified Y-type molecular sieve , having a rare earth content of about 4% to about 11% by weight on the basis of the oxide , a phosphorus content of about 0.05% to about 10% by weight on the basis of PO , a sodium content of no more than about 0.5% by weight on the basis of sodium oxide , and an active element content of about 0.1% to about 5% by weight on the basis of the oxide , with the active element being gallium and/or boron , based on the weight of the modified Y-type molecular sieve on a dry basis;wherein the modified Y-type molecular sieve has a total pore volume of about 0.36 mL/g to about 0.48 mL/g, a percentage of the pore volume of secondary pores having a pore size of 2-100 nm to the total pore volume of about 20% to about 40%;a lattice constant of about 2.440 nm to about 2.455 nm, a lattice collapse temperature of not lower than about 1060° C., a percentage of non-framework aluminum content to the total aluminum content of no more than about 10%, and a ratio of B acid to L acid in the strong acid content of the modified Y-type molecular sieve of no less than about 3.5.2. The modified Y-type molecular sieve according to claim 1 , wherein the modified Y-type molecular sieve has one or more of the ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Supported Nano Sized Zeolite Catalyst for Alkylation Reactions

Номер: US20160158737A1

A catalyst containing nanosize zeolite particles supported on a support material for alkylation reactions, such as the alkylation of benzene to form ethylbenzene, and processes using such a catalyst is disclosed. 126-. (canceled)27. A method for making a catalyst comprising:dispersing nanosize zeolite particles in a diluent;adding a support material to the diluent;adding a nanocarrier to the diluent; andmixing the diluent containing the nanosize zeolite particles, the support material, and the nanocarrier, wherein the nanocarrier transports the nanosize zeolite particles into pores of the support material.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the nanocarrier comprises aluminum.29. The method of claim 27 , wherein the nanocarrier comprises boehmite alumina.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the boehmite alumina is a nano-sized crystallite having particle sizes of from 10 to 15 nm.31. The method of claim 27 , wherein the nanosize zeolite particles claim 27 , the support material claim 27 , or combinations thereof are contacted with the nanocarrier prior to contact with a promoter.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein the promoter is selected from the group consisting of Co claim 31 , Mn claim 31 , Ti claim 31 , Zr claim 31 , Nb claim 31 , K claim 31 , Cs claim 31 , Ga claim 31 , P claim 31 , B claim 31 , Rb claim 31 , Ge claim 31 , Cu claim 31 , Mg claim 31 , Ce claim 31 , Li claim 31 , Ag claim 31 , Na claim 31 , and combinations thereof.33. The method of claim 27 , wherein the dispersing comprises sonication.34. The method of claim 27 , wherein the diluent is methanol or toluene.35. The method of claim 27 , wherein the catalyst comprises less than 15 weight percent sodium based on a total weight of the catalyst.36. The method of claim 27 , wherein the catalyst comprises less than 25 weight percent aluminum based on a total weight of the catalyst.37. The method of claim 27 , wherein the catalyst comprises less than 30 weight percent silicon based on a total weight of ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180158558A1

Provided are an adsorbent capable of removing radioactive water liquid including iodine compounds and/or antimony by means of a water passing treatment, and a method and an apparatus for treating radioactive waste liquid by using the adsorbent. The adsorbent includes a polymer resin and 10 parts by weight or more of a hydrous hydroxide of a rare earth element based on 100 parts by weight of the polymer resin, in which the hydrous hydroxide of the rare earth element has a water content of 1 part by weight to 30 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of a dry product thereof, and adsorbs iodine compounds and/or antimony. 1. An adsorbent comprising:a polymer resin; and10 parts by weight or more of a hydrous hydroxide of a rare earth element based on 100 parts by weight of the polymer resin,wherein the hydrous hydroxide of the rare earth element has a water content of 1 part by weight to 30 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of a dry product thereof and adsorbs iodine compounds and/or antimony.2. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent has an average particle diameter of 0.2 mm to 5.0 mm.3. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein the hydrous hydroxide of the rare earth element is an aggregate whose secondary particles have an average particle diameter of 0.2 μm to 25 μm.4. The adsorbent of claim 1 , wherein the polymer resin is a fluorine-based resin or a polyvinyl-based resin claim 1 , andthe rare earth element constituting the hydrous hydroxide of the rare earth element is selected from scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), a lanthanoid element, lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), lutetium (Lu), and a combination thereof.5. The adsorbent of claim 4 , wherein the hydrous hydroxide of the rare earth element is cerium hydroxide (IV) n-hydrate (Ce(OH)4.nH2O).6. The adsorbent of claim 1 ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220306481A1

Disclosed in the present application is a high-silica Y molecular sieve having FAU topology. The anhydrous chemical constitution of the molecular sieve is as shown in formula I: kM.mR1.nR2.(SiAl)OFormula I; wherein, M is at least one of alkali metal elements; R1 and R2 represent organic templating agent agents; k represents the numbers of moles of the alkali metal element corresponding to per mole of (SiAl)O, k=0˜0.20; m and n represent the numbers of moles of templating agents R1 and R2 corresponding to per mole of (SiAl)O, m=0˜0.20, n=0.01˜0.20; x, y respectively represents the mole fraction of Si and Al, 2x/y=7-40, and x+y=1; R1, R2 are independently selected from one of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives, and quaternary ammonium compounds. Also disclosed in the present application is a synthesis method for the high-silica Y molecular sieve having FAU topology. 145-. (canceled)47. The high-silica Y molecular sieve having FAU topology according to claim 46 , wherein M is at least one of Na claim 46 , K claim 46 , and Cs claim 46 , and 2x/y=7˜30;preferably, M is at least one of Na, K, and Cs, and 2x/y=8˜30;preferably, k=0.01˜0.15; m=0.01˜0.1; n=0.02˜0.15;more preferably, k=0.02˜0.13; m=0.01˜0.04; n=0.03˜0.08.48. The high-silica Y molecular sieve having FAU topology according to claim 46 , wherein Rand Rare independently at least one of quaternary ammonium compounds;{'sup': 1', '2, 'preferably, Rand Rare independently at least one of tetramethylammonium hydroxide, tetraethylammonium hydroxide, tetrapropylammonium hydroxide, tetrabutylammonium hydroxide, tetrapentylammonium hydroxide, tetrahexylammonium hydroxide, tetrapropylammonium bromide, tetrabutylammonium chloride, tetrapentylammonium bromide, tripropyl-isobutylammonium bromide, tributyl-cyclohexylammonium hydroxide, dibutyl-dihexyl ammonium hydroxide, choline, triethyl-hydroxyethyl ammonium hydroxide, tripropyl-hydroxyethyl ammonium hydroxide, tributyl-hydroxyethyl ammonium ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for Improving Oil Quality and Increasing Yield of Low-carbon Olefins by Utilizing Bio-Oil Catalytic Cracking

Номер: US20220306942A1

The Invention discloses a method for improving the quality of oil products and increasing the yield of low-carbon olefins by catalytic cracking of bio-oil, which takes bio-oil or mixed oil of bio-oil and hydrocarbon oil as raw oil for catalytic cracking reaction. With this method, the octane number of the gasoline in product is obviously increased, simultaneously, the content of propylene and other low-carbon olefins in product is also improved. 1. A method for catalytic cracking of bio-oil , wherein the bio-oil or mixed oil of bio-oil and hydrocarbon oil is used as raw oil for catalytic cracking reaction; the bio-oil has hydrogen/carbon molar ratio 1.75-3:1 and carbon/oxygen molar ratio 8-12:1.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bio-oil has hydrogen/carbon molar ratio 1.75-1.95:1 and carbon/oxygen molar ratio 8-9.5:1.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the biological oil includes palm oil claim 1 , peanut oil claim 1 , soybean oil and/or sewer oil; the hydrocarbon oil includes straight distillate oil claim 1 , atmospheric residual oil and/or vacuum residual oil.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the hydrocarbon oil is coker gas oil claim 3 , deasphalted oil claim 3 , foot oil from raw paraffin and/or extract oil.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalytic cracking is comprised three parts of: reaction-regeneration system claim 1 , fractionation system and absorption-stabilization system.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalytic cracking reaction is as follows: biological oil or mixed oil of biological oil and hydrocarbon oil is used as raw oil and undergoes catalytic cracking or cracking reaction in device claim 1 , cracked product is obtained under the action of catalyst claim 1 , the cracked product and catalyst are separated by cyclone claim 1 , and then the products are further separated by fractionation system and absorption-stabilization system.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Magnesium modified ultra-stable rare earth y-type molecular sieve and preparation method therefor

Номер: US20150175432A1
Принадлежит: Petrochina Co Ltd

The present invention provides a magnesium-modified ultra-stable rare earth type Y molecular sieve and the preparation method thereof, which method is carried out by subjecting a NaY molecular sieve as the raw material to a rare earth exchange and a dispersing pre-exchange, then to an ultra-stabilization calcination treatment, and finally to a magnesium modification. The molecular sieve comprises 0.2 to 5% by weight of magnesium oxide, 1 to 20% by weight of rare earth oxide, and not more than 1.2% by weight of sodium oxide, and has a crystallinity of 46 to 63%, and a lattice parameter of 2.454 nm to 2.471 nm. In contrast to the prior art, in the molecular sieve prepared by this method, rare earth ions are located in sodalite cages, which is demonstrated by the fact that no rare earth ion is lost during the reverse exchange process. Moreover, the molecular sieve prepared by such a method has a molecular particle size D(v,0.5) of not more than 3.0 μm and a D(v,0.9) of not more than 20 μm. Such a molecular sieve has both high stability and high selectivity for the target product, while cracking catalysts using the molecular sieve as an active component is characterized by a high heavy-oil-conversion capacity and a high yield of valuable target products.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157434A1
Автор: KHARAS Karl

A microspherical fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst includes a zeolite and alumina comprising a strong Lewis site density of less than 70 μιηol/g. 1. A micro spherical fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst comprising a zeolite and an alumina comprising a strong Lewis site density of less than about 70 μmol/g.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the strong Lewis site density is less than about 40 μmol/g.3. (canceled)4. The catalyst of claim 1 , comprising about 10 wt % to about 60 wt % of the alumina derived from flash calcined gibbsite.5. (canceled)6. The catalyst of claim 4 , wherein the flash calcined gibbsite is hydrated flash calcined gibbsite.710-. (canceled)11. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the alumina is formed from boehmite claim 1 , bayerite claim 1 , or mixture thereof claim 1 , and the boehmite claim 1 , bayerite claim 1 , or mixture thereof is derived from hydrated flash calcined gibbsite doped with salts of lanthanum claim 1 , strontium claim 1 , or bismuth.12. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the alumina further comprises a rare earth element claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , an alkaline earth element claim 1 , or a mixture of any two or more thereof.1318-. (canceled)19. The catalyst of claim 12 , wherein the alumina comprises the rare earth or alkaline earth element in an amount of about 0.1 wt % to about 12 wt %.2021-. (canceled)22. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is selected from the group consisting of zeolite X claim 1 , Y-zeolite claim 1 , ZSM-5 claim 1 , beta zeolite claim 1 , ZSM-11 claim 1 , ZSM-14 claim 1 , ZSM-17 claim 1 , ZSM-18 claim 1 , ZSM-20 claim 1 , ZSM-31 claim 1 , ZSM-34 claim 1 , ZSM-41 claim 1 , ZSM-46 claim 1 , mordenite claim 1 , chabazite claim 1 , and mixtures of two or more thereof.23. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst has a phase composition comprising at least 60 wt % zeolite.2426-. (canceled)27. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the phase composition further comprises at least about 30 wt % ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Rare Earth-Containing Attrition Resistant Vanadium Trap For Catalytic Cracking Catalyst

Номер: US20150175901A1

The present invention provides a metal passivator/trap comprising a rare earth oxide dispersed on a matrix containing a calcined hydrous kaolin. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A method of passivating and/or trapping at least one metal contaminant from a hydrocarbon oil feed in an FCC unit bed comprising contacting said hydrocarbon oil feed containing said at least one metal contaminant with a catalyst mixture comprising: 1) an FCC catalyst , and 2) a metal trap comprising a discrete particle comprising a matrix containing a calcined hydrous kaolin and dispersed therein a rare earth oxide.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein said rare earth oxide is lanthanum oxide.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein said lanthanum oxide comprises at least 5 wt. % of said trap.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein said lanthanum oxide comprise at least 15 wt. % of said trap.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein said matrix has a mullite content of at least about 15 wt. %.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein said matrix has a mullite content of at least about 35 wt. %.17. The method of claim 11 , wherein said matrix comprises 40-60 wt. % SiO2 and 60-40% Al2O3.18. The method of claim 11 , wherein said at least one metal contaminant is selected from nickel claim 11 , vanadium or mixtures thereof.19. The method of claim 11 , wherein said discrete particle has a size range of 40-150 microns.20. The method of claim 15 , wherein said matrix is formed by calcining hydrous kaolin at a temperature of at least 1050° C. The present invention provides a metal passivator/trap and methods to mitigate the deleterious effect of metals on catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon feedstocks.Catalytic cracking is a petroleum refining process that is applied commercially on a very large scale. About 50% of the refinery gasoline blending pool in the United States is produced by this process, with almost all ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Na-Y Molecular Sieve, H-Y Molecular Sieve, and Preparation Methods Thereof, Hydrocracking Catalyst, and Hydrocracking Method

Номер: US20190168193A1

Provided is a Na—Y molecular sieve and a method for preparing the Na—Y molecular sieve, an H—Y molecular sieve and a method for preparing the H—Y molecular sieve, a hydrocracking catalyst, and a hydrocracking method. The average grain diameter of the Na—Y molecular sieve is 2-5 μm, and the sum of pore volumes of pores in 1-10 nm diameter accounts for 70-90% of the total pore volume of the Na—Y molecular sieve. The H—Y molecular sieve obtained from the large-grain Na—Y molecular sieve can be used as an acidic component in the hydrocracking catalyst. When the hydrocracking catalyst containing the H—Y molecular sieve is applied in the hydrocracking reaction of heavy oils that contain macromolecules, it can provide better cracking activity and product selectivity in the hydrocracking reaction. 1. A hydrocracking catalyst , wherein the support in the catalyst contains an H—Y molecular sieve , wherein the crystal cell parameter of the H—Y molecular sieve is 2.425-2.450 nm; the mole ratio of SiO/AlOin the H—Y molecular sieve is 10-120:1; the sum of pore volumes of pores in 2-7 nm diameter in the H—Y molecular sieve is 60-95% of the total pore volume; the specific surface area of the H—Y molecular sieve is 750-980 m/g; and , the total acid amount measured by near infrared spectroscopy in the H—Y molecular sieve is 0.1-1.0 mmol/g.2. The hydrocracking catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the crystal cell parameter of the H—Y molecular sieve is 2.436-2.450 nm; the mole ratio of SiO/AlOin the H—Y molecular sieve is 10-50:1; the sum of pore volumes of pores in 2-6 nm diameter in the H—Y molecular sieve is 60-90% of the total pore volume; the specific surface area of the H—Y molecular sieve is 750-950 m/g; and claim 1 , the total acid amount measured by near infrared spectroscopy in the H—Y molecular sieve is 0.5-1.0 mmol/g.3. The hydrocracking catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the crystal cell parameter of the H—Y molecular sieve is 2.425-2.435 nm; the mole ratio of SiO ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150182953A1
Принадлежит: Rive Technology, Inc.

Methods for introducing mesoporosity into zeolite materials that employ an acid pretreatment step are provided. By utilizing a non-acidic chelating agent during the acid treatment step, the zeolite material can be pretreated with a strong acid, often in higher concentrations or over shorter contact times, than had previously been contemplated. The resulting acid-treated mesoporous materials retain desirable properties, including Si/Al, UCS, and total mesopore and micropore volume. The ability to use a stronger acid without damaging the zeolite material results in a less expensive process capable of producing mesoporous zeolite materials suitable for a wide range of uses. 1. A method for making a mesoporous zeolite material , said method comprising:(a) providing an initial zeolite material;(b) contacting said initial zeolite material with at least one acid and at least one non-acidic chelating agent in an acid-containing mixture to thereby provide an acid-treated zeolite material; and(c) contacting at least a portion of said acid-treated zeolite material with a basic medium under conditions sufficient to increase the mesoporosity of said acid-treated zeolite material to thereby provide a mesoporous zeolite material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acid is an inorganic acid.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acid is selected from the group consisting of hydrochloric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , sulfuric acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , boric acid claim 1 , perchloric acid claim 1 , hydrofluoric acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said contacting of step (b) includes contacting said initial zeolite material with two or more acids.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acid is present in said acid-containing mixture in an amount in the range of from about 1.5 to about 10 milliequivalents of acid per gram (meq/g) of said initial zeolite.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said chelating agent is present ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169205A1

Provided is a solid acid catalyst which enables the production of isomannide and/or 2,5-sorbitan from mannitol with high yield and high safety at low cost. The mannitol may be derived from a cellulose and/or a hemicellulose. The solid acid catalyst for dehydration contains an acid type β-zeolite and/or a Y type zeolite. 1. A solid , dehydration catalyst for producing 2 ,5-sorbitan and/or isomannide from mannitol comprising an H-type β zeolite and/or a Y-type zeolite.2. The solid claim 1 , dehydration catalyst according to consisting essentially of the H-type β-zeolite.3. The solid claim 1 , dehydration catalyst according to consisting essentially of the Y-type zeolite.4. The solid claim 1 , dehydration catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the H-type β-zeolite and/or Y-type zeolite has a Si/Al atomic composition ratio of 10 to 300.5. The solid claim 4 , dehydration catalyst according to claim 4 , wherein the Si/Al atomic composition ratio of the H-type β-zeolite and/or Y-type zeolite is 25 to 150.6. The solid claim 5 , dehydration catalyst according to claim 5 , wherein the Si/Al atomic composition ratio of the H-type β-zeolite and/or Y-type zeolite is 40 to 100.7. A process for producing 2 claim 5 ,5-sorbitan and/or isomannide from mannitol claim 5 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, '(a) adding the solid, dehydration catalyst according to to mannitol to obtain a reaction mixture, and'}(b) heating the reaction mixture obtained in step (a) to a temperature of 110° C. to 170° C. at ambient pressure or under reduced pressure.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the amount of the solid claim 7 , dehydration catalyst is 5 to 50% by weight claim 7 , based on 100% by weight of the mannitol.9. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the solid claim 7 , dehydration catalyst consists essentially of the H-type β zeolite claim 7 , and wherein the process further comprises producing isomannide.10. The process according to ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184083A1

The present invention relates to a method in the absence of hydrogen for the catalytic cracking of organic compounds using a zeolitic material, modified Y zeolite. In said cracking method, the modified zeolitic material can be the sole zeolitic component or can be combined with at least one second zeolitic component. The catalytic cracking method of the invention comprises at least the following steps: a) introducing at least one first zeolitic material, modified zeolite, into a reactor; b) supplying the reactor with at least one organic compound; c) leaving the modified zeolite and the organic compound in contact with another for the time necessary for the reaction to occur. 2. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to claim 1 , characterized in that the preparation of the modified Y zeolite further comprises claim 1 , at least claim 1 , an ion exchange process.3. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to and claim 1 , characterized in that the precursor of the modified zeolite is selected from Y zeolite claim 1 , stabilized Y zeolite claim 1 , ultra-stabilized Y zeolite and combinations thereof.4. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to and claim 1 , characterized in that the precursor of the modified zeolite has a silica/alumina molar relation comprised between 3:1 and 100:1.5. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to claim 4 , characterized in that the precursor of the modified zeolite has a silica/alumina molar relation comprised between 4:1 and 75:1.6. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to to claim 4 , characterized in that said process comprises at least a second zeolitic material.7. Catalytic cracking process of organic compounds according to claim 6 , characterized in that said second zeolitic material is selected from zeolites with structures containing pores delimited by rings selected from among 14 claim 6 , 12 and 10 membered rings and combinations ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179450A1

The process for producing light olefins comprises the steps of contacting a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons having at least 10 wt % paraffins and at least 15 wt % alkylaromatics with an acidic catalyst to form a cracked product comprising light olefins and aromatics. The catalyst comprises about 30 to about 80 wt-% of a crystalline zeolite and a low-acidic binder and may be regenerated. 1. A process for producing ethylene , propylene and aromatics comprising passing a feed stream comprising olefins , paraffins and alkylaromatics in the range of Cto Cinto a reaction zone and contacting said feed stream with a catalyst to crack olefins and paraffins and dealkylate alkylaromatics to form a cracked product comprising olefins and aromatics , wherein said catalyst comprises about 30 to about 80% by weight acidic zeolite with a maximum pore diameter of greater than 5 Angstroms and about 20 to about 70% by weight of a low-acidic binder selected from the group consisting of aluminum phosphate , silicon oxide and zirconium oxide.2. The process of wherein said binder comprises AlPO.3. The process of wherein said acidic zeolite has a molar Si/Alratio between about 200 and about 1200.4. The process of wherein said binder comprises a molar ratio of Al:P of about 0.85 to about 2.0.5. The process of wherein said catalyst comprises about 40 to 70% by weight acidic zeolite and about 30 to about 60% by weight low-acidic binder.6. The process of wherein said catalyst particles are spherical.7. The process of wherein said zeolite is a silicalite.8. The process of wherein said reaction zone is in a moving-bed reactor.9. The process of wherein a portion of said catalyst is periodically removed to a regeneration section claim 8 , said catalyst is then treated to remove catalyst contaminants and then said treated catalyst is returned to said reaction zone.10. The process of wherein the treating of catalyst comprises contacting it with a gas comprising about 0.1 to about 21 wt % ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

NaY molecular sieve with an aluminum-rich surface and a process of preparing same

Номер: US20210214236A1

A NaY molecular sieve with an aluminum-rich surface is prepared using a process that includes the steps of: a. mixing a directing agent and a first silicon source to obtain a first mixture, wherein the directing agent has a molar composition of NaO: AlO: SiO: HO=(6-25): 1: (6-25): (200-400); b. mixing the first mixture obtained in the step a with a second silicon source, an aluminum source and water to obtain a second mixture; c. carrying out hydrothermal crystallization on the second mixture obtained in the step b, and collecting a solid product. Calculated as SiO, the weight ratio of the first silicon source to the second silicon source is 1: (0.01-12). The NaY molecular sieve has larger aluminum distribution gradient from the surface to the center of the particle than the conventional molecular sieve. 1. A NaY molecular sieve with an aluminum-enriched surface , characterized in that the Al distribution index , D , of the molecular sieve satisfies: 1.01≤D≤preferably 1.1≤D≤6 , more preferably 1.2 or 1.3≤D≤4 , {'br': None, 'D=Al (S)/Al (C),'}, 'wherein'}Al (S) denotes the aluminum content on surface and in the region 2 to 6 nm below the surface of the molecular sieve, as measured by the XPS method, andAl (C) denotes the aluminum content of the entire molecular sieve, as measured by the XRF method.2. The NaY molecular sieve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the molecular sieve with an aluminum-rich surface has a molar ratio of SiO/AlOon surface of 1 to 10 claim 1 , preferably 2 to 8 claim 1 , and more preferably 2.5 to 5 claim 1 , and a molar ratio of SiO/AlOin bulk phase of 2 to 20 claim 1 , preferably 4 to 15 claim 1 , and more preferably 6 to 10.3. The NaY molecular sieve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the NaY molecular sieve with an aluminum-rich surface has an Al content claim 1 , calculated as AlO claim 1 , of 18-26 wt % claim 1 , preferably 21-25 wt %.4. The NaY molecular sieve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the NaY ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197695A1

The present invention describes a process for the production of gasoline using a catalytic cracking unit, processing conventional heavy cuts in a wide Conradson carbon range from 0.1 to 0.8, said process comprising a preheating of the combustion air downstream of the air compressor by heat exchange with the combustion fumes originating from the regeneration section, said fumes being collected between the waste heat boiler and the economizer. 1. Process for the catalytic cracking of heavy hydrocarbon cuts of the VGO type or atmospheric residue , using a fluidized bed catalytic cracking unit comprising a reaction section with an upward flow or with a downward flow , and a catalyst regeneration section which consists of combustion of the coke deposited on the catalyst in the reaction section by means of combustion air , said process also having an exchanger making possible to generate HP steam from the calories carried by the catalyst undergoing regeneration , said exchanger referred to as a “cat cooler” , the process being characterized in that said combustion air is preheated to a temperature comprised between 200 and 350° C. and preferentially between 250° C. and 300° C. by means of a heat exchange using the regeneration fumes collected downstream of the waste heat boiler and upstream of the economizer , combustion fumes available at this location at a temperature comprised between 300° C. and 650° C. , the excess calories supplied by the combustion air being converted to high-pressure steam (i.e. comprised between 45 and 100 bar , and preferentially comprised between 50 and 70 bar) at the level of the external exchanger on hot catalyst collected at the regenerator called a “cat cooler”.2. Process for the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon cuts according to claim 1 , in which the catalytic cracking unit operates with an upward flow with the following operating conditions:Temperature at the riser outlet comprised between 520° C. and 600° C.,C/O ratio comprised between ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184374A1

The present invention relates to a support structure of a solid catalyst for preparing a linear alkyl aromatic compound, particularly linear alkylbenzene (LAB), and to a method of preparing an alkyl aromatic compound by alkylating an aromatic compound with an olefin using a solid alkylation catalyst, and of regenerating the deactivated solid alkylation catalyst. The present invention provides an integrated method of preparing an alkyl aromatic compound by alkylating an aromatic compound with an olefin using a filter structure as a solid catalyst carrier for alkylating an aromatic compound with an olefin, and of regenerating the deactivated solid alkylation catalyst, thereby realizing simpler and less expensive processing than conventional processes. 1. A solid catalyst structure for preparing an alkyl aromatic compound , wherein a solid catalyst structure for preparing an alkyl aromatic compound is configured such that pluralities of fluid paths are separated and defined by porous partitions , an inlet side and an outlet side at both ends thereof are sealed in a staggered way with a sealant , an inner surface of each of the partitions communicating with the inlet side is coated with an adsorbent to remove impurities , and an inner surface of each of the partitions communicating with the outlet side is coated with a solid alkylation catalyst to catalyze alkylation of an aromatic compound with an olefin.2. A solid catalyst structure for preparing an alkyl aromatic compound , wherein the solid catalyst structure for preparing an alkyl aromatic compound is configured such that first and second open-type blocks are continuously provided , pluralities of fluid paths of the open-type blocks are separated and defined by porous partitions , an inlet side and an outlet side at both ends thereof are open , an inner surface of each of the partitions of the first open-type block is coated with an adsorbent to remove impurities , and an inner surface of each of the partitions of ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202602A1
Принадлежит: W. R. GRACE & CO.-CONN.

A rare earth free, ultra low soda, particulate fluid catalytic cracking catalyst which comprises a reduced soda zeolite having fluid catalytic cracking ability under fluid catalytic cracking conditions, a magnesium salt, an inorganic binder, clay and optionally, a matrix material. The catalytic cracking catalyst is useful in a fluid catalytic cracking process to provide increased catalytic activity, and improved coke and hydrogen selectivity without the need to incorporate rare earth metals. 1. An ultra low soda fluid catalytic cracking catalyst having increased activity and improved selectivity for cracking a hydrocarbon feedstock to lower molecular weight products , the catalyst comprising a particulate composition comprising a zeolite having catalytic cracking activity under fluid catalytic cracking conditions , a magnesium salt , clay , an inorganic binder and optionally at least one matrix material , wherein the catalyst has a NaO content of less than 0.7 wt % NaO , on a zeolite basis , based on the total weight of the catalyst composition.2. The catalyst of wherein the zeolite is a faujasite zeolite.3. The catalyst of wherein the NaO content is less than 0.5 wt % NaO claim 1 , on a zeolite basis claim 1 , based on the total weight of the catalyst.4. The catalyst of wherein the amount of zeolite present in the catalyst ranges from about 10 wt % to about 75 wt % of the total catalyst composition.5. The catalyst of wherein the amount of zeolite present in the catalyst ranges from about 12 wt % to about 55 wt % of the total catalyst composition.6. The catalyst of wherein the binder is selected from the group consisting of silica claim 1 , alumina sol claim 1 , peptized alumina claim 1 , silica alumina and combinations thereof.7. The catalyst of wherein the binder is alumina sol.8. The catalyst of wherein the binder is an acid or base peptized alumina.9. The catalyst of wherein the binder comprises aluminum chlorohydrol.10. The catalyst of wherein the amount of ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202605A1

A catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking of the invention contains: a catalyst (a) containing faujasite-type zeolite (A) having a unit cell size in a range of 2.435 nm to 2.455 nm, a matrix component, and rare earths; and a catalyst (b) containing faujasite-type zeolite (B) having a unit cell size in a range of 2.445 nm to 2.462 nm, a matrix component, phosphorus, and magnesium. 1. A catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking , comprising:a catalyst (a) comprising faujasite-type zeolite (A) having a unit cell size in a range of 2.435 nm to 2.455 nm, a matrix component, and rare earths; anda catalyst (b) comprising faujasite-type zeolite (B) having a unit cell size in a range of 2.445 nm to 2.462 nm, a matrix component, phosphorous, and magnesium.2. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to claim 1 , whereina mixing mass ratio ((a)/(b)) of the catalyst (a) to the catalyst (b) is in a range of 10/90 to 90/10.3. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 'ZA', 'a content (C) of the faujasite-type zeolite (A) in the catalyst (a) is in a range of 10 mass % to 50 mass % in terms of a dry solid based on the catalyst (a).'}4. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': REA', '2', '3, 'a content (C) of the rare earths in the catalyst (a) is in a range of 0.5 mass % to 5 mass % in terms of REObased on the catalyst (a).'}5. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 'ZB', 'a content (C) of the faujasite-type zeolite (B) in the catalyst (b) is in a range of 10 mass % to 50 mass % in terms of a dry solid based on the catalyst (b).'}6. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': P', '2', '5, 'a content (C) of the phosphorous in the catalyst (b) is in a range of 0.1 mass % to 10 mass % in terms of PObased on the catalyst (b).'}7. The catalyst for hydrocarbon catalytic cracking according to ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150209771A1
Принадлежит: COSMO OIL CO., LTD.

A catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil can produce a gasoline fraction having a high octane number in high yield while suppressing an increase in yield of a heavy distillate, and produce LPG having a high propylene content in high yield. The catalyst includes a specific amount of a granulated catalyst A that includes a zeolite having a sodalite cage structure, silicon derived from a silica sol, phosphorus and aluminum derived from mono aluminum phosphate, a clay mineral, and a rare-earth metal, and a specific amount of a granulated catalyst B that includes a pentasil-type zeolite, the ratio of the mass of phosphorus and aluminum derived from mono aluminum phosphate included in the granulated catalyst A to the mass of the pentasil-type zeolite included in the granulated catalyst B being 0.015 to 3000. 1. A catalyst for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon oil , the catalyst comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '5, 'a granulated catalyst A that comprises 20 to 50 mass % of a zeolite having a sodalite cage structure, 10 to 30 mass % (on a SiObasis) of silicon derived from a silica sol, 0.1 to 21 mass % (on an AlO.3PObasis) of phosphorus and aluminum derived from mono aluminum phosphate, 5 to 65 mass % of a clay mineral, and 0 to 10 mass % (on an oxide basis) of a rare-earth metal; and'}a granulated catalyst B that comprises 1 to 70 mass % of a pentasil-type zeolite,the content of the granulated catalyst A and the content of the granulated catalyst B in the catalyst being 90 to 99.9 mass % and 0.1 to 10 mass %, respectively, and{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '5', '2', '3', '2', '5, 'the mass ratio (mass (on an AlO.3PObasis) of phosphorus and aluminum derived from mono aluminum phosphate included in granulated catalyst A/mass of pentasil-type zeolite included in granulated catalyst B) of the mass (on an AlO.3PObasis) of phosphorus and aluminum derived from mono aluminum phosphate included in the granulated catalyst A to the mass of the pentasil-type zeolite ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207786A1

Compositions and methods for preparing mesoporous materials from low Si/Al ratio zeolites. Such compositions can be prepared by acid wash and/or isomorphic substitution pretreatment of low Si/Al ratio zeolites prior to introduction of mesoporosity. 1. A method of forming a material comprising at least one mesoporous zeolite , said method comprising the steps of:(a) acid washing a non-mesoporous initial zeolite with an acidic medium thereby forming an acid-washed zeolite, wherein said initial zeolite has a total silicon-to-aluminum (Si/Al) ratio of less than 30, wherein said acid washing of step (a) removes aluminum atoms from said initial zeolite such that said acid-washed zeolite has a higher Si/Al ratio than said initial zeolite;(b) recovering said acid-washed zeolite from said acidic medium thereby forming a recovered zeolite; and(c) contacting said recovered zeolite with a mesopore-forming medium thereby forming at least one mesopore within said recovered zeolite and providing said mesoporous zeolite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said recovering of step (b) involves washing claim 1 , filtering claim 1 , drying claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said initial zeolite has a Si/Al of less than 10.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acidic medium does not comprise hydrofluoric acid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said acidic medium comprises at least one acid selected from the group consisting of chlorhidric acid claim 1 , sulphuric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , sulfonic acid claim 1 , oxalic acid claim 1 , ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said initial zeolite has a total 20 to 80 Å diameter mesopore volume of less than 0.05 cc/g claim 1 , wherein said mesoporous zeolite has a total 20 to 80 Å diameter mesopore volume of at least 0.1 cc/g.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said initial zeolite ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217266A1
Автор: Sherwood Steve

Disclosed in the application include systems and processes for producing a liquid transportation fuel product using a carbon-containing feedstock. 1. A system for converting a carbon-containing feedstock into a liquid transportation fuel product , the system comprising{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'an air-blown producer gas reactor operable to convert the carbon-containing feedstock into a producer gas comprising H, CO, CO, and N, with substoichiometeric amounts of Hand CO (less than 2:1 molar ratio of Hto CO);'} wherein the F-T reactor is fluidly coupled to a source of feed gas and operable to convert at least a portion of the feed gas into a FTS product, wherein the FTS product comprises the liquid transportation fuel product and a first residue, and', 'wherein the cracker is fluidly coupled to the F-T reactor and operable to catalytically crack at least a portion of the first residue to produce an additional amount of the liquid transportation fuel product and a second residue; and, 'a processing unit, wherein the processing unit comprises a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) reactor, and a cracker,'}a product upgrading unit, wherein the product upgrading unit is operable to produce an additional amount of the liquid transportation fuel product from a product gas.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-containing feedstock comprises at least one feedstock selected from the group consisting of a ligno-cellulosic biomass solid claim 1 , a biomass derived oil claim 1 , a biomass derived gas claim 1 , and a fossil-fuel derived carbonaceous feedstock.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the F-T reactor is fluidly coupled to the air-blown producer gas reactor claim 1 , wherein the feed gas to the F-T reactor comprises the producer gas.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the product gas comprises at least a portion of the first residue or at least a portion of the second residue.5. The system of comprising a hard-wax trap claim 1 , wherein the hard-wax trap is fluidly coupled to ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200197889A1

The present specification discloses a membrane reactor comprising a reaction region; a permeate region; and a composite membrane disposed at a boundary of the reaction region and the permeate region, wherein the reaction region comprises a bed filled with a catalyst for dehydrogenation reaction, wherein the composite membrane comprises a support layer including a metal with a body-centered-cubic (BCC) crystal structure, and a catalyst layer including a palladium (Pd) or a palladium alloy formed onto the support layer, wherein ammonia (NH) is supplied to the reaction region, the ammonia is converted into hydrogen (H) by the dehydrogenation reaction in the presence of the catalyst for dehydrogenation reaction, and the hydrogen permeates the composite membrane and is emitted from the membrane reactor through the permeate region. 1. A membrane reactor comprising a reaction region; a permeate region; and a composite membrane disposed at a boundary of the reaction region and the permeate region ,wherein the reaction region comprises a bed filled with a catalyst for dehydrogenation reaction,wherein the composite membrane comprises a support layer including a metal with a body-centered-cubic (BCC) crystal structure, and a catalyst layer including a palladium (Pd) or a palladium alloy formed onto the support layer,{'sub': 3', '2, 'wherein ammonia (NH) is supplied to the reaction region, the ammonia is converted into hydrogen (H) by the dehydrogenation reaction in the presence of the catalyst for dehydrogenation reaction, and the hydrogen permeates the composite membrane and is emitted from the membrane reactor through the permeate region.'}2. The membrane reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the support layer is in contact with the reaction region claim 1 , and the surface of the catalyst layer is in contact with the permeate region.3. The membrane reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the metal with the body-centered-cubic (BCC) crystal structure includes ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Modified Y-type molecular sieve, catalytic cracking catalyst comprising the same, its preparation and application thereof

Номер: US20210252490A1

A modified Y-type molecular sieve has a modifying metal content of about 0.5-6.3 wt % calculated on the basis of an oxide of the modifying metal and a sodium content of no more than about 0.5 wt % calculated on the basis of sodium oxide. The modifying metal is magnesium and/or calcium. The modified Y-type molecular sieve has a proportion of non-framework aluminum content to the total aluminum content of no more than about 20%, a total pore volume of about 0.33-0.39 ml/g, a proportion of the pore volume of secondary pores having a pore size of 2-100 nm to the total pore volume of about 10-25%, a lattice constant of about 2.440-2.455 nm, a lattice collapse temperature of not lower than about 1040° C., and a ratio of B acid to L acid in the total acid content of no less than about 2.30.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218157A1

Alkylated aromatic products are produced in a process comprising the steps of pyrolysing a pyrolysable raw material in a pyrolysis process to obtain a pyrolysis product stream containing a phenolic product and aromatics products; separating the pyrolysis product stream into a first product stream containing phenolic products and a second product stream containing aromatics products; subjecting the first product stream to a hydrogenation reaction to hydrogenate the phenolic product to obtain an aliphatic alcohol; then reacting the aliphatic alcohol with the aromatics products in the presence of a transalkylation catalyst comprising a solid acid catalyst to form an alkylated aromatic product. The alkylated aromatic product may be subjected to further treatment such as hydroprocessing. The alkylated aromatics product may be used in the production of fuels from biomass. 1. A process for the production of an alkylated aromatic product comprising the steps of:a. pyrolysing a pyrolysable raw material in a pyrolysis process to obtain a pyrolysis product stream containing a phenolic product and aromatics products;b. separating from said pyrolysis product stream a first product stream containing said phenolic product and a second product stream containing said aromatics products;c. subjecting said first product stream to a hydrogenation reaction to hydrogenate said phenolic product to obtain an aliphatic alcohol;d. reacting said aliphatic alcohol with said aromatics products in the presence of a transalkylation catalyst comprising a solid acid catalyst to form an alkylated aromatic product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis process is a catalytic pyrolysis process.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein said catalytic pyrolysis process is carried out in the presence of a catalyst comprising ZSM-5 or ZSM-11.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separation of the pyrolysis product stream comprises a distillation step.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the phenolic ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224102A1

A zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst is provided that passivates nickel and vanadium during catalytic cracking. The zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst includes Y-faujasite crystallized in-situ from a metakaolin-containing calcined microsphere. The zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst further includes an alumina-containing matrix obtained by calcination of a dispersible crystalline boehmite and a kaolin contained in the metakaolin-containing calcined microsphere, where the dispersible crystalline boehmite has a crystallite size of less than 500 Å. Also provided are a method of reducing contaminant coke and hydrogen yields and a method of catalytic cracking of heavy hydrocarbon feed stocks. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method of reducing contaminant coke and hydrogen yields , the method comprising passivating , during catalytic cracking , nickel and vanadium with a zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst comprising dispersible crystalline boehmite , wherein the dispersible crystalline boehmite has a crystallite size of less than 500 Å.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst comprises: Y-faujasite crystallized in-situ from a metakaolin-containing calcined microsphere; and an alumina-containing matrix obtained by calcination of the dispersible crystalline boehmite and a kaolin contained in the metakaolin-containing calcined microsphere.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the hydrogen yield is less than 0.85 weight % during the catalytic cracking.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein the hydrogen yield is less than 0.80 weight % during the catalytic cracking.17. A method of catalytic cracking of heavy hydrocarbon feed stocks claim 13 , the method comprising passivating claim 13 , during the catalytic cracking claim 13 , nickel and vanadium with a zeolite fluid catalytic cracking catalyst comprising dispersible crystalline boehmite claim 13 , wherein the dispersible crystalline boehmite has a crystallite size of ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237702A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A hydrocarbon feed stream may be cracked by a method including contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream with a cracking catalyst in a reactor unit. The hydrocarbon feed stream has an API gravity of at least 40 degrees. The cracking catalyst may include one or more binder materials, one or more matrix materials, *BEA framework type zeolite, FAU framework type zeolite, and MFI framework type zeolite. 1. A method for cracking a hydrocarbon feed stream , the method comprising: one or more binder materials in an amount of from 5 wt. % to 30 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst;', 'one or more matrix materials in an amount of from 30 wt. % to 60 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst;', '*BEA framework type zeolite in an amount of from 5 wt. % to 45 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst;', 'FAU framework type zeolite in an amount of from 5 wt. % to 45 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst; and', 'MFI framework type zeolite in an amount of from 5 wt. % to 45 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst., 'contacting the hydrocarbon feed stream with a cracking catalyst in a reactor unit, where the hydrocarbon feed stream has an API gravity of at least 40 degrees, and where the cracking catalyst comprises2. The method of claim 1 , where the hydrocarbon feed stream has an API gravity of from 45 degrees to 60 degrees.3. The method of claim 1 , where the amount of the FAU framework type zeolite is from 10 wt. % to 20 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst.4. The method of claim 1 , where the amount of the MFI framework type zeolite is from 10 wt. % to 20 wt. % of the total cracking catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , where one or more of the MFI framework type zeolite claim 1 , *BEA framework type zeolite claim 1 , and FAU framework type zeolite comprise phosphorous pentoxide.6. The method of claim 1 , where at least one of the one or more binder materials is pseudoboehmite.7. The method of claim 1 , where the amount of the one or more binder materials is from 10 wt. % to 20 wt. % of the total ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259610A1

A method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon of the present invention includes a cracking and reforming reaction step of obtaining a product containing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having 6 to 8 carbon atoms by bringing a feedstock oil having a 10 volume % distillate temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillate temperature of 390° C. or lower and a saturated hydrocarbon having 1 to 3 carbon atoms into contact with a catalyst for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing crystalline aluminosilicate, which is loaded into a fixed-bed reactor, and reacting the feedstock oil and the saturated hydrocarbon. 1. A method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon , comprising:a cracking and reforming reaction step of obtaining a product containing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having 6 to 8 carbon atoms by bringing a feedstock oil having a 10 volume % distillate temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillate temperature of 390° C. or lower and a saturated hydrocarbon having 1 to 3 carbon atoms into contact with a catalyst for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing crystalline aluminosilicate, which is loaded into a fixed-bed reactor, and reacting the feedstock oil and the saturated hydrocarbon.2. The method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the saturated hydrocarbon having 1 to 3 carbon atoms is methane.3. The method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock oil is a thermally-cracked heavy oil obtained from an apparatus for producing ethylene and a partially-hydrogenated substance of the thermally-cracked heavy oil.4. The method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon according to claim 1 , wherein the feedstock oil is a cracked light oil or a partially-hydrogenated substance of the cracked light oil.5. The method for producing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon according to claim 1 , ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239784A1

Systems and methods are provided for selective oxidation of CO and/or C hydrocarbonaceous compounds in a reaction environment including hydrocarbons and/or hydrocarbonaceous components. The selective oxidation can be performed by exposing the CO and/or C hydrocarbonaceous compounds to a catalytic metal that is encapsulated in a small pore zeolite. The small pore zeolite containing the encapsulated metal can have a sufficiently small pore size to reduce or minimize the types of hydrocarbons or hydrocarbonaceous compounds that can interact with the encapsulated metal. 1. A method for selective oxidation of CO and C hydrocarbonaceous compounds , comprising:{'sub': 3−', '3−, 'exposing a feed comprising a) CO, C hydrocarbonaceous compounds, or a combination thereof, and b) at least one additional hydrocarbon, hydrocarbonaceous compound, or combination thereof, to an oxidizing environment in the presence of a small pore zeolite-encapsulated metal catalyst comprising 0.01 wt % to 10 wt % of Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt, Ni, Au, Ag, or combination thereof as a catalytic metal, to oxidize at least a portion of the CO, C hydrocarbons, or a combination thereof, at least 20 wt % of the catalytic metal being encapsulated in the zeolite.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the feed comprises exposing the feed to a catalyst mixture comprising 0.001 wt % to 10 wt % of the small pore zeolite-encapsulated metal catalyst claim 1 , relative to a weight of the catalyst mixture.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the C hydrocarbonaceous compounds comprise C hydrocarbons.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed comprises CO claim 1 , C-hydrocarbonaceous compounds claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed comprises CO claim 1 , C-hydrocarbons claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the small pore zeolite-encapsulated metal catalyst comprises a synthetic small pore zeolite.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein at least 80 ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Transalkylation Processes and Catalyst Compositions Used Therein

Номер: US20180251413A1

Disclosed are selectivated transalkylation catalyst compositions and methods of making the same. The selectivated transalkylation catalyst compositions have a zeolite framework structure of MWW, FAU, BEA*, or MOR, or mixtures thereof, and are selectivated with a selectivating solution. The selectivating solution includes a dissolved ion of at least one element in Group 1, Group 2, Group 15, Group 16, or Group 17 of the Periodic Table. Also disclosed are processes of producing ethylbenzene and cumene using the selectivated transalkylation catalyst compositions. 1. A process for producing ethylbenzene comprising the steps of:(a) providing a selectivated transalkylation catalyst composition;(b) providing a stream comprising poly-alkylated benzene and a stream comprising benzene, wherein said poly-alkylated benzene stream comprises di-ethylbenzene; and(c) contacting said poly-alkylated benzene stream with said benzene stream in the presence of a selectivated transalkylation catalyst composition under at least partially liquid phase transalkylation conditions to produce a transalkylation effluent stream comprising said ethylbenzene,wherein said selectivated transalkylation catalyst composition is made by the method comprising the step:(i) contacting an untreated transalkylation catalyst composition with a selectivating solution to form said selectivated transalkylation catalyst, said transalkylation catalyst composition comprising a zeolite in acid form and having a framework structure selected from the group consisting of FAU, BEA*, MOR, MWW and mixtures thereof, said selectivating solution comprises water and a cation or an anion of an element in Group 1, Group 2, Group 15, Group 16, or Group 17 of the Periodic Table, wherein said selectivated transalkylation catalyst composition has a higher selectivity to ethylbenzene than the selectivity of said transalkylation catalyst composition that has not been contacted with said selectivating solution when the catalysts are ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248661A1

A process for preparing a nanometric zeolite Y of FAU structural type with a crystal size of less than 100 nm and an A/B ratio of greater than 2, by mixing, in aqueous medium, of at least one source AOof at least one tetravalent element A chosen from silicon, germanium and titanium, of at least one source BOof at least one trivalent element B chosen from aluminum, boron, iron, indium and gallium, of at least one source Cof an alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal C chosen from lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, where source Calso includes at least one source of hydroxide ions, to obtain a gel, maturation and hydrothermal treatment of the gel. 1. A process for preparing a nanometric zeolite Y of FAU structural type with a crystal size of less than 100 nm and an A/B ratio of greater than 2 , said process comprising at least the following steps:{'sub': 2', 'b', '2/m', '2/m, 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'i': v', ':w', ':x', 'y, 'sub': 2', 'b', '2/m', '2, 'AOBOCO:HO'}, 'v being between 1 and 40,', 'w being between 0.1 and 5,', 'x being between 1 and 40,', 'y being between 30 and 1000,', 'b being between 1 and 3, b being an integer or rational number,', 'm being equal to 1 or 2,, 'i) mixing, in aqueous medium, at least one source AOof at least one tetravalent element A chosen from silicon, germanium and titanium, alone or as a mixture, at least one source BOof at least one trivalent element B chosen from aluminum, boron, iron, indium and gallium, alone or as a mixture, at least one source CO of an alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal C chosen from lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, alone or as a mixture, said source CO of alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal C also including at least one source of hydroxide ions, to obtain a gel, the reaction mixture having the following molar compositionii) maturing the gel obtained on conclusion of step (i) at a temperature of between −15° C. and 60° C., with or without stirring, for a time of between 10 ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150275102A1

A method for producing an olefin and a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon of the present invention includes a cracking and reforming reaction step of obtaining a product containing an olefin and a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon by bringing a feedstock oil which is a thermally-cracked heavy oil obtained from an apparatus for producing ethylene which includes a cracking furnace and a product collection device that separates and collects an olefin and an aromatic hydrocarbon from a cracked product produced in the cracking furnace and which has a 90 volume % distillate temperature, as a distillation characteristic, of 390° C. or lower into contact with a catalyst and reacting the feedstock oil; and a product collection step of collecting the olefin and the monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon respectively by treating the product obtained in the cracking and reforming reaction step using the product collection device in the apparatus for producing ethylene. 1. A method for producing an olefin and a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon , comprising:a cracking and reforming reaction step of obtaining a product containing an olefin having 2 to 4 carbon atoms and a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having 6 to 8 carbon atoms by bringing a feedstock oil which is a thermally-cracked heavy oil obtained from an apparatus for producing ethylene which includes a cracking furnace and a product collection device that separates and collects hydrogen, ethylene, propylene, a C4 fraction, and a fraction containing a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having 6 to 8 carbon atoms respectively from a cracked product produced in the cracking furnace and which has a 90 volume % distillate temperature, as a distillation characteristic, of 390° C. or lower into contact with a catalyst for producing an olefin and a monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing crystalline aluminosilicate and reacting the feedstock oil; anda product collection step of collecting the olefin having 2 to 4 carbon atoms and the ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140357909A1

The invention relates to a process for preparing a hydroconversation catalyst consisting of a modified zeolite Y, comprising the steps of a treatment of a modified zeolite Y by suspension thereof in a basic pH solution, stopping the previous treatment by neutralization of the modified zeolite Y containing solution with an acid-containing solution; filtering and washing the recovered modified zeolite Y solid, drying and optionally calcining the modified zeolite Y solid, placing the modified zeolite Y solid of step d) in contact, with stirring, in an ion exchange solution and optional steaming and/or calcining the modified zeolite Y type compound for obtaining the catalyst containing a modified zeolite Y. 1. A process for preparing a hydroconversion catalyst consisting of a modified zeolite Y , comprising the steps of:a) treatment of a zeolite Y by suspension thereof in a basic pH solutionb) stopping the treatment of step a) by neutralization of the zeolite Y containing solution with an acid-containing solution;c) filtering and washing the recovered modified zeolite Y solid,d) drying and optionally calcining the modified zeolite Y solid,e) placing the modified zeolite Y solid of step d) in contact, with stirring, in an ion exchange solution,f) optional steaming and/or calcining the modified zeolite Y type compound of step e) for obtaining the catalyst essentially consisting of a modified zeolite Y.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the base concentration of the solution of step a) may range from 0.001 to 2 M claim 1 , preferably from 0.005 to 1 claim 1 , more preferably from 0.01 to 0.5 claim 1 , or may even be about 0.05 M.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step a) claim 1 , the basic pH solution/zeolite Y weight ratio is in the range of 20 to 100 claim 1 , preferably of 30 to 80 claim 1 , more preferably of 40 to 60 claim 1 , or is 50.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the step b) is performed by contacting with any type ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355050A1
Принадлежит: GASOLFIN B.V.

The invention is directed to a process to prepare propylene from a mixture of hydrocarbons having an olefin content of between 5 and 50 wt. % and boiling for more than 90 vol. % between 35 and 280° C. or from a hydrocarbon feed comprising paraffins, naphthenics, aromatics and optionally up to 10 wt. % of olefins, by first contacting the feed with a low acidic density cracking catalyst in a fixed bed reactor, separating propylene and subsequently contacting the residue with a high acidic density cracking catalyst in a fixed bed reactor at a more elevated temperature, separating propylene and recycling the residue to first and second cracking reactors. Aromatics may be added to first and second cracking step to improve cycle length. 1. A process to prepare propylene from a mixture of hydrocarbons having an olefin content of between 5 and 50 wt. % and boiling for more than 90 vol. % between 35 and 280° C. or from a hydrocarbon feed comprising paraffins , naphthenics , aromatics and optionally up to 10 wt. % of olefins , wherein the process comprises the following steps:{'sup': '−1', '(a) feeding the mixture of hydrocarbons optionally in admixture with a recycle stream and having a temperature between 450 and 750° C. to a fixed bed reactor where the feed is contacted with a low acidic density cracking catalyst at a hydrocarbon partial pressure of below 3 bar and at a weight hourly space velocity of between 0.5 and 100 h,'}(b) isolating propylene and optionally other low boiling compounds from the effluent of step (a) wherein a first high boiling fractions remains,{'sup': '−1', '(c) feeding all or part of the first high boiling fraction optionally in admixture with a recycle stream and having a temperature between 400 and 750° C. to a fixed bed reactor where the first high boiling fraction is contacted with a high acidic density cracking catalyst at a hydrocarbon partial pressure of below 3 bar and at a weight hourly space velocity of between 0.5 and 100 hand wherein the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272323A1

A catalytic composition is built up from a ceramic material including a catalytic material and a first inorganic binder and a second inorganic binder and a catalytic structure made thereof. Preferably, the structure is made by a colloidal ceramic shaping technique. The structure is usable for catalytic or ion exchange applications as well. It is demonstrated that the catalytic structures have excellent mechanical, physicochemical and catalytic properties. 1. A method of building a bulk catalytic structure , comprising:shaping a composition comprising a ceramic material to obtain a green structure, wherein said ceramic material comprises a catalytic material and a first and a second inorganic binder, the shaping comprising preparing a suspension, slurry or paste of the composition and shaping the suspension, slurry or paste to obtain the green structure, the shaping comprising extruding the suspension, slurry or paste as fibers by three-dimensional fiber deposition, wherein the fibers form a layered network;the catalytic material comprising zeolites;the total amount of the first and second inorganic binder in the ceramic material comprising between 10 wt % and 50 wt % by total solid weight of the formed catalytic structure;wherein the first inorganic binder is bentonite and the second inorganic binder is colloidal silica, or the first inorganic binder is colloidal silica and the second inorganic binder is aluminiumphosphate;drying and calcining the green structure to obtain the bulk catalytic structure, wherein the structure is monolithic and comprises first channels having a length extending in a flow direction and second channels having a length extending in a radial direction, the radial direction being orthogonal to the flow direction, wherein the first channels and the second channels are fluidly connected.23.-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fibers are spaced apart to define the first channels and/or the second channels between the fibers.5. ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Method for directly preparing glycol dimethyl ether and co-producing ethylene glycol from ethylene glycol monomethyl ether

Номер: US20180273455A1

The present invention provides a method for directly preparing glycol dimethyl ether and co-producing ethylene glycol from ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. More specifically, the method comprises passing a feedstock containing a raw material of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether and a carrier gas through a reactor loaded with a solid acid catalyst to produce glycol dimethyl ether and ethylene glycol, at a reaction temperature range from 40° C. to 150° C. and a reaction pressure range from 0.1 MPa to 15.0 MPa; wherein a carrier gas is an optional inactive gas; and the feedstock contains water whose volume concentration in the feedstock is in a range from 0% to 95%; and the weight hourly space velocity of the raw material of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether is in a range from 0.05 h−1 to 5.0 h−1; and the volume concentration of the raw material of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether in the feedstock is in a range from 1% to 100%; and the volume concentration of the carrier gas in the feedstock is in a range from 0% to 99%. In the method of the present invention, using a solid acid as a catalyst and ethylene glycol monomethyl ether as a raw material, under a low temperature condition, glycol dimethyl ether and ethylene glycol are prepared directly with high selectivity; moreover, there is substantially or completely no production of by-product 1,4-dioxane that causes pollution to the environment and is harmful to the human body or animal bodies.

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140371053A1

FCC catalysts having improved attrition resistance are provided by mixing a cationic polyelectrolyte with either zeolite crystals or a zeolite-forming nutrient and/or a matrix material, prior to or during formation of a catalyst microsphere. 1. An FCC zeolite-containing catalyst microsphere comprising zeolite , said microsphere formed from at least one of a zeolite-forming nutrient or zeolite crystals and a matrix , at least one of said zeolite crystals , said zeolite-forming nutrient or said matrix being mixed with 0.005 to 0.5 wt. % of a cationic polyelectrolyte relative to the weight of said zeolite crystals or zeolite-forming nutrient and said matrix , prior to or during formation of said microsphere.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said microsphere is 20-200 microns.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said microsphere is formed from said zeolite-forming nutrient and said matrix claim 1 , and said zeolite is formed in situ.4. The catalyst of claim 3 , wherein said zeolite-forming nutrient is metakaolin.5. The catalyst of claim 4 , wherein said matrix is formed from kaolin that has been calcined through its exotherm.6. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said cationic polyelectrolyte is a polyamine.7. The catalyst of claim 4 , wherein said cationic polyelectrolyte is polyamine.8. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein said polyamine is mixed with said zeolite-forming nutrient and said matrix.9. The catalyst of claim 6 , wherein said polyamine is mixed with said zeolite-forming nutrient and said matrix in an amount of from about 0.025 to 0.1 wt. % claim 6 , relative to the weight of said zeolite-forming nutrient and said matrix.10. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said microsphere is formed from zeolite crystals and said matrix.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein said polyamine has a molecular weight of between 10 claim 6 ,000 and 1 claim 6 ,000 claim 6 ,000.12. A method of making an FCC catalyst microsphere comprising forming a slurry of either zeolite crystals or ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288107A1

Catalysts and articles useful for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and other exhaust gas treatments are disclosed. The catalysts comprise an octahedral molecular sieve (OMS) comprising manganese oxide and an aluminosilicate and/or silicoaluminophosphate large-pore or medium-pore molecular sieve. 1. A catalyst useful for selective catalytic reduction , comprising:(a) 1 to 99 wt. % of an octahedral molecular sieve (OMS) comprising manganese oxide; and(b) 1 to 99 wt. % of a medium-pore and/or large-pore molecular sieve(s).2. The catalyst of wherein the molecular sieve further comprises iron or copper.3. The catalyst of comprising 0.1 to 10 wt. % of iron or copper on the molecular sieve.4. The catalyst of comprising 10 to 90 wt. % of the OMS and 90 to 10 wt. % of the molecular sieve.5. The catalyst of wherein the octahedral molecular sieve is OMS-2.6. A composite catalyst of wherein the OMS is formed in the presence of the molecular sieve.7. The catalyst of comprising a physical mixture of the OMS and the molecular sieve.8. The catalyst of wherein the OMS is deposited on the molecular sieve.9. The catalyst of wherein the OMS is doped with a metal selected from the group consisting of Ca claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , W claim 1 , and Pr.10. The catalyst of wherein the molecular sieve has a framework selected from the group consisting of Beta claim 1 , ultra-stable Y claim 1 , FER claim 1 , and MFI.11. A process which comprises selectively reducing a gaseous mixture comprising nitrogen oxides in the presence of a reductant and the catalyst of .12. The process of wherein the reductant is selected from the group consisting of ammonia and C-Chydrocarbons.13. The process of wherein the reductant is ammonia.14. The process of wherein the catalyst comprises OMS-2 and a β-zeolite claim 11 , FER-zeolite claim 11 , Y-zeolite claim 11 , FAU-zeolite claim 11 , ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150298096A1

The present invention relates to compact zeolite preforms, which are characterized in that they have as high a zeolite content as possible determined by means of suitable adsorption methods. A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method for producing compact zeolite preforms, said method being characterized in that: a) a mouldable mixture, comprising zeolite, one or more zeolite precursor components, water (if necessary) and one or more organic additives (if necessary) is processed into preforms; b) the preforms obtained in this way are subjected to thermal treatment; and c) the thermally treated preforms are watered, aged and brought into contact with a further component from which, in combination with the zeolite precursor components, zeolite can be produced and exposed to conditions under which zeolite forms from the further component and the zeolite precursor components. Preforms which can be produced according to this method can advantageously be used for adsorption processes or thermal-chemical applications, for example in energy storage, or as a catalyst, or a component in a catalyst or as a supporting material for zeolite membranes. 1. A Compact zeolite preform , characterized in that the preform has a zeolite content of at least 90 percent.2. The Compact zeolite preform in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the preform is based on one of zeolite Y zeolite X claim 1 , and zeolite A.3. The Compact zeolite preform in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the preform is in the form of one of a plate claim 1 , a tube claim 1 , a solid cylinder claim 1 , and a honeycomb structure.4. A method for producing a compact zeolite preform claim 1 , the method comprising:a) processing a mouldable mixture, comprising zeolite, and a zeolite precursor component, into the preform,b) thermally treating the preform; andc) aging and bringing the preform into contact with a further component from which, in combination with the zeolite ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Method of producing fcc catalysts with reduced attrition rates

Номер: US20160303547A1
Принадлежит: BASF Corp

FCC catalysts having improved attrition resistance are provided by mixing a cationic polyelectrolyte with either zeolite crystals or a zeolite-forming nutrient and/or a matrix material, prior to or during formation of a catalyst microsphere.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304354A1

A method for preparing a NaY molecular sieve having a high silica-to-alumina ratio, wherein deionized water, a silicon source, an aluminum source, an alkali source, and ILs as a template agent are mixed to obtain an initial gel mixture; the initial gel mixture is maintained at a proper temperature and aged, then fed into a high pressure synthesis kettle for crystallization; the solid product is separated and dried, to obtain the NaY molecular sieve having a high silica-to-alumina ratio, wherein the ILs is a short-chain alkylimidazolium ionic liquid, the template agent is less volatile, and the resultant high-silicon Y molecular sieve has a high crystallinity and a silica-to-alumina ratio of 6 or more. 1. A method for preparing a NaY molecular sieve having a high silica-to-alumina ratio , wherein the method comprises the steps of:a) mixing deionized water, a silicon source, an aluminum source, an alkali source, and ILs as a template agent to obtain an initial gel mixture;b) maintaining the initial gel mixture obtained in step a) at a temperature of no more than 50° C., and stirring and aging for 1-100 hours to obtain a homogeneous gel mixture;c) feeding the homogeneous gel mixture obtained in step b) into a high pressure synthesis kettle, closing the kettle, increasing the temperature to 70-130° C., and allowing crystallization to be conducted under an autogenic pressure for 3-30 days; andd) after the crystallization is complete, separating the solid product, washing with deionized water to neutral and drying, to obtain the NaY molecular sieve having a high silica-to-alumina ratio,wherein the obtained NaY molecular sieve has a silica-to-alumina ratio of 6 or more, and the ILs is a short-chain alkylimidazolium ionic liquid, wherein the short-chain alkylimidazolium ionic liquid is any one of or a mixture of two or more of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Process to Improve Formulations of Hydrocarbon Conversion Catalysts Through Removal and Modification of Detrimental Particles and Reuse of Modified Fractions

Номер: US20160319204A1

An improved hydrocarbon conversion catalyst is obtained through removal and modification by various means, of detrimental large and/or small particle fractions. Such modified fractions may be reused in the same or similar processes. The improved catalyst is advantageous to a wide range of hydrocarbon conversion processes.

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322352A1

A catalyst is provided for production of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having a carbon number of 6 to 8 from feedstock in which a 10 vol % distillation temperature is 140° C. or higher and a 90 vol % distillation temperature is 380° C. or lower. The catalyst contains crystalline aluminosilicate including large-pore zeolite having a 12-membered ring structure, and intermediate-pore zeolite having a 10-membered ring structure. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons having a carbon number of 6 to 8 , the method comprising bringing feedstock in which a 10 vol % distillation temperature is 140° C. or higher and a 90 vol % distillation temperature is 380° C. or lower into contact with a catalyst comprising a large-pore zeolite having a 12-membered ring structure and an intermediate pore zeolite having a 10-membered ring structure.11. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein the feedstock comprises light cycle oil produced by a fluidized catalytic cracking unit.12. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein the feedstock is brought into contact with the catalyst in a fluidized bed reaction unit.13. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein a mass ratio of the large-pore zeolite to the intermediate-pore zeolite in the catalyst is 2/98 to 50/50.14. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein the large-pore zeolite is selected from a BEA type claim 10 , an FAU type claim 10 , and an MOR type zeolite.15. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein the large-pore zeolite is a BEA-type zeolite.16. The method for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according to claim 10 , wherein the intermediate-pore zeolite is an MFI-type zeolite.17. The method of producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons according ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190300804A1
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Company

The present disclosure relates generally to processes and systems for producing liquid transportation fuels by converting a feed stream that comprises both isopentane and n-pentane, and optionally, some C6+ hydrocarbons. Isopentane and smaller hydrocarbons are separated to form a first fraction while n-pentane and larger components of the feed stock form a second fraction. Each fraction is then catalytically-activated in a separate reaction zone with a separate catalyst, where the conditions maintained in each zone maximize the conversion of each fraction to olefins and aromatics, while minimizing the production of C1-C4 light paraffins. In certain embodiments, the first fraction is activated at a lower temperature than the second fraction. Certain embodiments additionally comprise mixing at least a portion of the two effluents and contacting with an alkylation catalyst to provide enhanced yields of mono-alkylated aromatics that are suitable for use as a blend component of liquid transportation fuels or other value-added chemical products. 1. A method for converting a feedstock comprising pentanes to produce a liquid transportation fuel , comprising:a. providing a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising at least 50 wt. % pentanes, including both n-pentane and isopentane, wherein the hydrocarbon feed stream further comprises less than 10 wt. % of hydrocarbons containing four or fewer carbons; i. a first fraction comprising at least 80% of the isopentane present in the feed stream, and at least 90% of hydrocarbons present in the feed stream that are characterized by a vapor pressure equal to or greater than the vapor pressure of isopentane;', 'ii. a second fraction that comprises at least 80% of the n-pentane present in the feed stream and at least 90% of any hydrocarbons containing six or more carbons that were in the feed stream;, "b. at least partially separating various constituents in the hydrocarbon feed stream according to each constituent's characteristic vapor ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160325271A1

The present invention relates to a method for the preparation of faujasite nanocrystals, to faujasite nanocrystals, to a method for the preparation of a stable colloidal suspension of faujasite nanocrystals, to a stable colloidal suspension of faujasite nanocrystals, and to the use of said faujasite nanocrystals and said stable colloidal suspension of faujasite nanocrystals in various applications. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the source of aluminum is aluminum powder.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the source of silicon is colloidal silica.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the source of alkali metal M1 is selected from a source of Na claim 1 , a source of K and a source of Li.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step 2) claim 1 , the clear aqueous aluminate suspension A is added drop wise to the clear aqueous silicate suspension B claim 1 , said clear aqueous silicate suspension B being kept at a temperature going from 0° to 5° C.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step 2) claim 1 , the clear aqueous aluminate suspension A and the clear aqueous silicate suspension B are mixed under vigorous mechanical stirring or sonication.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of step 3) is maintained for at least 12 hours.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step 5) is performed by filtration claim 1 , centrifugation or dialysis.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein it further comprises the following step:6) drying the single nanocrystals of synthetic faujasite material obtained in step 5).10. A synthetic faujasite material comprising:monodisperse nanoparticles composed of single nanocrystals, said nanoparticles having a size going from 5 to 400 nm, a silicon to aluminum molar ratio Si/Al going from 1 to 2.5, and a silicon to alkali metal M1 molar ratio Si/M1 going from 1.1 to 1.5.11. The synthetic faujasite material according to claim 10 , wherein it has a total pore volume ...
