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27-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2342670C2

Группа изобретений относится к измерению скорости осаждения частиц в биологических жидкостях, в особенности к измерению скорости осаждения эритроцитов. Устройство для измерения скорости осаждения в биологических жидкостях и, в частности, скорости осаждения эритроцитов в пробах крови, содержит держатели для пробирок, содержащих пробы биологических жидкостей; встряхивающие устройства для встряхивания пробирок; по меньшей мере, один детектор для измерения уровней внутри пробирок, причем держатели образованы в непрерывном гибком элементе, задающем замкнутый путь, вдоль которого расположены встряхивающие устройства и, по меньшей мере, один детектор. Представлен также способ измерения скорости осаждения в биологических жидкостях. Достигается повышение надежности и упрощение анализа. 2 н. и 43 з.п. ф-лы, 28 ил.

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU160450U1

... 1. Виброгасящее многоместное двухстороннее устройство для установки измерительных трубок, состоящее из штатива с градуированной шкалой и с держателем пробирок, отличающееся тем, что штатив состоит из вертикально установленной градуированной пластины, установленной на плоском горизонтальном основании, с многоместным держателем измерительных трубок, установленным в верхней части пластины, и с многоместным держателем пробирок, установленным в нижней части пластины, при этом многоместный держатель измерительных трубок имеет вид монолитной пластины, на которой по двум сторонам расположены держатели измерительных трубок, выполненные в виде двух вырезанных непосредственно в пластине полуотверстий разного диаметра, с обеспечением двойного пружинящего крепления измерительной трубки, находящейся в пробирке, многоместный держатель пробирок представляет собой монолитную пластину, жестко прикрепленную к вертикальной градуированной пластине, на которой расположены держатели пробирок в виде полуотверстий ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU103495U1

... 1. Штатив для пробирок, содержащий каркас с верхней полкой, в которой выполнены ряды отверстий - гнезд под пробирки, отличающийся тем, что отверстия - гнезда под пробирки на верхней полке имеют разный диаметр. ! 2. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый ряд содержит чередующиеся отверстия разного диаметра. ! 3. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ряды отверстий одного диаметра размещены в виде группы отдельно от группы рядов отверстий другого диаметра. ! 4. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нижней полке выполнены отверстия, диаметр которых отличается от диаметра отверстий, выполненных в верхней полке.

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU103493U1

... 1. Штатив для пробирок, содержащий каркас с верхней полкой, в которой выполнены комбинированные фигурные отверстия, образованные сопряжением основного отверстия большего диаметра, с дополнительными отверстиями меньшего диаметра, отличающийся тем, что каждое основное отверстие большего диаметра сопряжено с несколькими дополнительными отверстиями разного диаметра. ! 2. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждое основное отверстие большего диаметра сопряжено с несколькими дополнительными отверстиями разного диаметра при следующем соотношении геометрических параметров: ! , ! где R - радиус основного отверстия большего диаметра; ! ri - радиус дополнительного i-го отверстия меньшего диаметра; ! Сi - расстояние между центрами отверстия большего диаметра и соответствующего i-го отверстия меньшего диаметра. ! 3. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нижней полке выполнены отверстия, диаметр которых отличается от диаметра отверстий, выполненных в верхней полке.

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU103494U1

... 1. Штатив для пробирок, содержащий коробчатый каркас с верхней полкой, в которой выполнены отверстия - гнезда под пробирки, отличающийся тем, что часть или все отверстия в верхней полке выполнены комбинированными с фигурными вырезами, образованными сопряжением основного отверстия - гнезда под пробирки большего диаметра с, по крайней мере, одним дополнительным отверстием меньшего диаметра при следующем соотношении геометрических параметров: ! , ! где R - радиус основного отверстия большего диаметра; ! r - радиус дополнительного отверстия меньшего диаметра; ! С - расстояние между центрами отверстий большего и меньшего диаметров. ! 2. Штатив для пробирок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в нижней полке выполнены отверстия, диаметр которых отличается от диаметра отверстий, выполненных в верхней полке.

10-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006105206A

... 1. Устройство контроля качества для анализатора крови, работающего с цельной кровью, отличающееся тем, что содержит средства консервации путем охлаждения контрольных образцов крови, средства доведения контрольных образцов крови до температуры, предписанной изготовителем этих контрольных образцов крови, средства перемешивания, предназначенные для перевода клеток во взвешенное состояние, и средства отбора подготовленной таким образом крови, что позволяет интегрировать данное устройство в анализатор крови. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средства консервации контрольных образцов крови содержат определенное количество пробирок, закрытых пробками и размещенных в ряд на кронштейне, находящемся в контакте с блоком охлаждения, обеспечивающим возможность регулирования температуры и поддержания оптимальной температуры, необходимой для консервации контрольных образцов крови. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что блок охлаждения представляет собой блок охлаждения с применением эффекта ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014135592A

... 1. Система обработки образцов для обработки образцов, содержащихся в пробирках (4), причем каждая пробирка (4) имеет полое тело (41), закрытый низ (42) и открытый верх (43) для доступа к образцу, содержащемуся в пробирке (4), причем система включает в себя микропланшет (1), содержащийпо меньшей мере одну отдельную решетчатую вставку (2), имеющую множество ячеек (21), причем каждая ячейка (21) содержит одну или более боковых стенок (22), ограничивающих по сторонам сквозное отверстие (201), причем сквозное отверстие (201) имеет верхнее отверстие (202) и нижнее отверстие (203) и проходит между верхним отверстием (202) и нижним отверстием (203), ирамку (3), к которой прикрепляется по меньшей мере одна решетчатая вставка (2), образуя микропланшет (1), причем рамка (3) ограничивает по сторонам сквозное отверстие (35), имеющее размеры, обеспечивающие доступ сверху и снизу в каждую ячейку (21) прикрепленной по меньшей мере одной решетчатой вставки (2) и позволяющие перемещать такую пробирку (4) ...

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006118340A

... 1. Устройство для измерения скорости осаждения в биологических жидкостях и, в частности, скорости осаждения эритроцитов в пробах крови, содержащее держатели для пробирок, содержащих пробы биологических жидкостей, встряхивающие устройства для встряхивания пробирок, по меньшей мере, один детектор для измерения уровней внутри пробирок, отличающееся тем, что держатели образованы в непрерывном гибком элементе, задающем замкнутый путь, вдоль которого расположены встряхивающие устройства и, по меньшей мере, один детектор. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что встряхивающие устройства расположены и выполнены для вызывания колебаний держателей. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что вдоль замкнутого пути расположены по меньшей мере, одна зона встряхивания, в которой предусмотрены встряхивающие устройства, по меньшей мере, одна зона осаждения и, по меньшей мере, одна зона считывания, в которой установлен детектор. 4. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что вдоль замкнутого пути расположены ...

30-06-1934 дата публикации


Номер: SU37349A1
Автор: Попов С.А.

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Устройство для опрокидывания пробирок

Номер: SU121906A1

15-07-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для иммунологического анализа

Номер: SU1828546A3
Принадлежит: ЛАБСИСТЕМЗ ОЙ

Использование: лабораторная техника, устройства для иммунологического анализа. Сущность изобретения: планшет содержит по крайней мере один ряд кювет, выполненных за одно целое с корпусом планшета, имеющим соединительные перемычки между кюветами, ослабленного сечения и поддон с гнездами под каждую кювету с удерживающими элементами, выполненными в виде расположенных с четырех сторон и соединенных друг с другом боковых стенок , часть из которых образована консоль- но закрепленными пластинами. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

08-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029800790U1

09-01-2003 дата публикации

Bottle holder used for laboratory bottles comprises angular plates fixed to base plate and arranged at distance from each other

Номер: DE0020216693U1

A bottle holder comprises angular plates (2) fixed to a base plate (1) and arranged at a distance from each other. Preferred Features: The plates can be fitted to the size of the bottle (3). The plates are screwed, welded, riveted, or inserted into the base plate. The base plate is angled. The holder is made from high grade steel.

04-10-1956 дата публикации

Anordnung an Saugvorrichtungen zum Ansaugen einer Fluessigkeit in Pipetten u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000950035C

18-10-2007 дата публикации

Ständersystem mit Adapter

Номер: DE602004008759D1

03-12-1998 дата публикации

Laboratory equipment sliding lid and storage box

Номер: DE0019824117A1

The sliding lid (1) has guides (4) co-operating with guides (4') on the box (2). The sliding lid has at least one closeable opening (7) which can be opened so that at least one row of laboratory equipment (3) such as samples-containers, reaction vessels or pipettes is at least partly exposed in the direction (8) in which the lid slides. Further guides (5) for sliding the lid transversely (6) has a one-piece closure element (9) in the form of a plate (10) closing or exposing the at least one opening. At least one of the guides acts as a hinge.

05-12-1968 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001498857A1

20-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007133141U
Принадлежит: HRBAS M

22-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002245413A1

02-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002047691B2

20-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001374732A

... 1374732 Test-tube rack BAXTER LABORATORIES Inc 26 March 1973 [24 March 1972] 14408/73 Heading B1X A test-tube rack has a one-piece elongate body shaped to provide an inverted V-section portion defining a pair of legs and a support portion integral with the bottom of one of the legs and extending alongside said leg, the support portion being shaped to define a pair of shelves 'both spaced above the bottoms of the legs and spaced one above the other by an intervening portion, the upper shelf having a plurality of openings spaced longitudinally of the shelf and the intervening portion also having a plurality of openings in register with respective openings of the upper shelf. As shown a sheet of metal or thermoplastic material has seven parallel bends so as to have two legs 14, 15; feet 16, 19; shelves 23 (not shown) and 27; and intervening portion 25. How the holes 28 in shelf 27 and slots 30 in portion 25 are arranged to hold test tubes 29 which rest upon the lower shelf is shown. The rack ...

13-09-1967 дата публикации

Analysis machine

Номер: GB0001082909A

... 1,082,909. Endless conveyers. AUTOKEMI A.B. Dec. 14, 1965 [Dec. 30, 1964], No. 53043/65. Heading B8A. [Also in Division B1] Test tubes or similar containers are transported through an analysis machine by a series of endless conveyers A, B, C each comprising a pair of spaced chains 10, 12 which support by means of spaced elongate pivot pins (20), racks 14 containing the test tubes (16). The contents of the test tubes are provided from similar tubes and racks 85 supplied along an endless band conveyer 54 at one end of which the racks are transferred by a mechanism 59 to a further endless band conveyer 56 running at right angles thereto and which in step-wise motion passes the conveyers A, B, C to permit the material to be analysed to be transferred by means not shown between the test tubes. The empty test tubes are removed along an endless band conveyer 66. The filled test tubes are lowered to a horizontal heating or cooling station 26 wherein the pivot pins 20 are engaged between guiding ...

08-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001256182A

... 1,256,182. Sample identification apparatus: BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS Ltd. 21 May, 1970 [21 May, 1969], No. 25803/69. Heading B1X. Identification of test samples is achieved by sample container racks 11 being releasably engaged upon a tray, e.g. by means of pegs 14, 15, 35 and sockets, arranged so that each rack has only one possible position. The dispenser tray of Fig. 3 holds one of the sample container racks 11 in position 20 and aliquot on test racks 21-30, each aliquot rack being a different colour and each tube in a given aliquot rack being used for the same test. The racks can include visual checking means in the form of a stripe such that when in their correct orientation in Fig. 3 the stripe runs diagonally.

07-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002137526B

01-07-1964 дата публикации

Pipette assembly

Номер: GB0000962356A

... 962,356. Pipette assemblies. H. W. GERARDE. Feb. 16, 1962, No. 6103/62. Heading SIX. A pipette assembly for preparing blood count solutions comprises a capillary tube 15 held in a tubular mounting 16 and a reservoir 17 having an opening and a flexible and resilient part, the reservoir containing a volume of diluent 24, and the mounting being arranged to fit in and seal the reservoir with the tube extending into the reservoir, whereby in operation the capillary tube is filled with blood by capillary action, the flexible and resilient part of the reservoir is squeezed and the tube is inserted into the reservoir so that the mounting closes the opening and the blood is sucked into the diluent. In a preferred embodiment the other end of the mounting tube is then connected to the reservoir to discharge the sample through the capillary tube. As shown in Fig. 2, to which the above numerals refer, the reservoir may be sealed by plug 26 with enlarged head portion 25 displaceable into the reservoir ...

02-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002064998B

16-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001317350A

... 1317350 Compartment tray; unloading and loading compartmented trays PACKARD INSTRUMENT CO Inc 19 April 1971 [10 April 1970] 26415/71 Headings B8C and B8P A tray 10 for sample vials 11 has compartments 20 defined by a plurality of intersecting partition members 16, 17 and openings 28 in its bottom wall 14, one opening arranged centrally of each compartment. The intersecting partition members 16, 17 which are slotted together and are glued to one another and to the tray bottom 14 and side walls 12, 13. All the side walls 12, 13 or only the opposed walls 12 of the tray may diverge outwardly and upwardly. The bottom 14 and side walls 12 ,13 of the tray are formed from a unitary blank (Fig. 4) having openings in the bottom forming panel in regular columns and rows. The upper edges of the partition members 16, 17 have a notched configuration 19, which causes vials 11a that are misaligned with their associated compartments during loading of the tray to be carried towards the centre of their compartments ...

08-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001566734A

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365909T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369553T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372168T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296027T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000446142T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000447183T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460987T

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: ATA235490A

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000235490A

15-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000131387T

15-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000035048T

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187357T

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000156388T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000306324T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154436T

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000235316T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000244606T

15-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000212723T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274375T

15-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000269546T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000195269T

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Rapid thermal cycling for sample analyses and processing

Номер: AU2017277334A1
Принадлежит: WADESON

Apparatus and method for thermal processing of nucleic acid in a thermal profile is provided. The apparatus employs a reactor holder for holding reactor(s) each accommodating reaction material containing the nucleic acid. The apparatus comprises a first bath; and a second bath, bath mediums in the baths being respectively maintainable at two different temperatures T ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

History logging for samples of biological material

Номер: AU2017289924A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method of reducing quality problems associated with patient sample collection and delivery is provided. It is possible that the method can provide a chain of custody process to better track a sample from the initial point of sample collection to the final point of sample testing. Such a method can also include providing an alert to indicate a potential problem with the quality of the diagnostic test result when a measured parameter exceeds a threshold.

06-05-2021 дата публикации

Sample acquiring device holder for a housing of an analysis apparatus

Номер: AU2018363712B2

The invention relates to a sample acquiring device holder (3) for a housing (2) of an analysis apparatus (1). The sample acquiring device holder (3) may comprise an activating element (5) and a reception recess (11) for receiving a sample acquiring device (4). A first portion (10) of the activating element (5) may protrude into the reception recess (11), if the activating element (5) is in a non-activating position. The activating element (5) may be adapted to be moved into an activating position by the sample acquiring device (4), if the sample acquiring device (4) is inserted into an intended measurement position within the reception recess (11). The activating element (5) may be adapted to activate a measurement triggering element (15), if the activating element (5) is in its activating position, such that the measurement triggering element (15) activates a measurement of the analysis apparatus (1).

28-11-1972 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000430495B2

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Height-adjustable test tube rack

Номер: AU2020102060A4
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A b s t r a c t A height-adjustable test tube rack comprises a base and multiple test tube rack bodies for storing test tubes, wherein multiple sets of mounting bases are arranged on the base, and each set of mounting bases includes two hollow mounting pillars which are arranged opposite to each other; each test tube rack body comprises two 5 adjustment rods arranged opposite to each other and a storage plate, the upper ends of the two adjustment rods are connected to the storage plates, and the lower ends of the adjustment rods are located in the mounting pillars; a plurality of test tube holes for storing the test tubes are formed in the storage plate, and locking pieces for locking the test tubes are mounted in the test tube holes; and step pillars are o arranged at the upper end of each test tube rack body, step grooves matched with the step pillars are arranged at lower end of the base, and two test tube racks can be vertically connected by means of the step pillars and the step grooves ...

16-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0009036682A

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of collecting and resuspending magnetic particles

Номер: AU2012202906B2

C:WRPObl\DCC\TZSW32244_ DOC-5114/20l2 A method for collecting and resuspending magnetic particles comprising: a) providing a vessel comprising: i) a vertical axis; ii) an open top substantially perpendicular to said 5 vertical axis; iii) a closed bottom, iv) at least four sides, each of the four sides extending from the open top to the closed bottom, at least two of the at least four sides are flat and opposite to each other, at least two of the at least four sides are wider at the top than at the bottom of the vessel, and at least two of the at least four sides further comprise a projection positioned on an exterior surface of the vessel adjacent said open top, said projection 10 comprising a planar surface substantial parallel to the vertical axis of the vessel, v) a planar area particle engagement side, and vi) magnetic particles suspended in a first fluid held in said vessel; b) introducing the vessel into a holder comprising a magnet; c)moving said vessel planar area particle engagement ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Sample tube racks having retention bars

Номер: AU2011296120B2

Sample tube racks (100) having retention bars (102) to retain sample tubes (120) in the racks during processing of the contents of the sample tubes (120) are described. An example rack (100) for holding sample tubes (120) includes a sample tube carrier (104) having an elongated body and walls (116) defining apertures (118). Each of the apertures (118) is configured to receive a respective one of the sample tubes (120). The walls (116) define elongated openings (124), each of which corresponds to a respective one of the sample tubes (120) and extends along at least a portion of a length of the respective sample tube (120), and the elongated openings (124) enable viewing of information on the outer surfaces of the sample tubes (120). The example rack (100) also includes an elongated retention bar (102) to be pivotally coupled to one end of the sample tube carrier (104). The retention bar (102) has openings (126), each of which is positioned over a respective one of the apertures (118), and ...

03-10-1996 дата публикации

Automatic analytical apparatus

Номер: AU0006068096A

12-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003239427A1

21-07-2016 дата публикации

System for PCR sample preparation and for PCR set-up

Номер: AU2016204481A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

SYSTEM FOR PCR SAMPLE PREPARATION AND FOR PCR SET-UP There is disclosed a system (100) for PCR sample preparation and for PCR set-up, the system comprising a loading device (101) for receiving sample tubes (102) for setting up a PCR, wherein the loading device comprises a first receiving section (200), wherein the first receiving section comprises at least a first receiving and a second receiving opening, wherein the first receiving opening (201) and the second receiving opening (202) are adapted to respectively receive a sample tube, the system further comprising a tube holding device (103) for being attached to the loading device, wherein the tube holding device comprises at least a first receiving opening (105), and wherein the tube holding device is attachable (203) to the loading device such that the receiving opening (105) of the tube holding device is aligned with at least one of the first receiving opening (201) and the second receiving opening (202) of the loading device and simultaneously ...

29-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000493502B1

26-08-2021 дата публикации

PCR Sample Adding Device

Номер: AU2021104177A4

The invention belongs to the technical field of biological experiments, in particular to a PCR sample adding device, which comprises a base. A cylinder is vertically arranged on the base, and a plurality of groups of supporting components are movably arranged on the cylinder. Each group of supporting components comprises two fixed blocks, a supporting plate and an ice box. The supporting plate is arranged above the ice box, and a plurality of holes for holding PCR tubes or reagent tubes are formed on the plate surface. The two fixed blocks are respectively arranged on the rear side of the supporting plate and the rear side of the ice box. The fixed blocks are sleeved on the cylinder. The supporting plate and the fixed block, as well as the ice box and the fixed block, are rotatably connected through rotating shafts arranged in the front back direction. Each fixed block is provided with fastening bolts A for positioning the supporting plate or the ice box and fastening bolts B for positioning ...

26-08-1999 дата публикации

Method for marking of a vessel and a handling device for applying of the method

Номер: AU0000709388B2

10-02-1998 дата публикации

Chemical sample treatment cassette and methods

Номер: AU0003653297A

07-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000960612A1

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002490806A1

An apparatus is disclosed for use in solid-phase chemical synthesis procedures. The apparatus allows the separation of a cleaved product from the solid-phase used to make the product, and subsequent removal of the solid- phase from the apparatus. The apparatus allows the cleaved product to be concentrated within the apparatus without transfer to another device.

26-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001169769A1

16-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002532920C
Принадлежит: HORIBA ABX SA

... ²²²Pour effectuer le contrôle de qualité qui permet de vérifier le bon ²fonctionnement d'un analyseur sanguin (9), le dispositif comprend des moyens ²de conservation (1, 5) par refroidissement des sangs de contrôle, des moyens ²de remise en température des sangs de contrôle à la température prescrite par ²le fabricant des sangs de contrôle, des moyens d'agitation (1, 12, 13, 14, 16, ²17) pour la remise en suspension des cellules et des moyens de prélèvement(7) ²du sang ainsi préparé. Application aux analyseurs sanguins.² ...

18-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002761309C

A structure (10) for holding sample-containing receptacles includes a cover (40) with holes formed therein through which the receptacles can be accessed with a substance transfer mechanism, such as a robotic pipettor. When the transfer mechanism is inserted into and then withdrawn from a receptacle, a string of viscous material may be suspended from the mechanism. A viscous string removal element (44) adjacent each opening (42) engages the string of viscous material and dislodges the string from the mechanism when the mechanism moves in a prescribed path with respect to the removal element. A sample rack configured to hold receptacles and to be inserted into the structure below the cover includes a sample rack having receptacle-receiving pockets, each with a resilient element and a positioning feature for holding receptacles of varying sizes in a predetermined position within the receptacle receiving pocket, and a cover including features for preventing a receptacle from being pulled out ...

26-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1169769A

This invention relates to synergistic insecticidal compositions comprising (1) an effective amount of a substituted benzoyl urea compound in admixture with (2) an effective amount of a phosphorous-containing compound. This invention is also directed to insecticidal compositions comprising an acceptable carrier and as the active toxicant an effective amount of a synergistic insecticidal composition of this invention as well as to a method of controlling insects by subjecting them to an effective amount of a synergistic insecticidal composition of this invention.

08-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1207164A

... of the disclosure In this sample collector, one of the recesses (4,6) in each row (5) of the cassette (1) has a (geometric) shape which differs from the others, and is located asymmetrically in the row (5). One sample vessel (2) of the sample vessels (2) which are linked together in strips (3) is asymmetrically located in the same manner and has a base (8) which corresponds geometrically to the shape of the recess (6) which is asymmetrically located and differs from the others.

02-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001323863C

CONTAINMENT DEVICE FOR BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS A containment device for sealing and protecting containers of biological materials. The device comprises a resilient cushion of aqueous fluid sorbent material having a plurality of openings. Each opening is adapted for receiving a respective container of biological material, and the openings are arranged such that each opening is surrounded by sufficient sorbent material to sorb leakage of biological material from its respective container if the container and/or if any additional containers break. The device also includes a case of aqueous fluid resistant material for receiving and enveloping the fluid sorbent material. The case includes two generally stiff-flexible portions having parts adapted for complementary interengagement and adapted to receive tape for sealing the portions together to form an air and fluid tight package.

09-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000945260A1

22-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001036795A1

13-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002430758A1

A biological sample storage rack comprises a housing, a plurality of tubes containing the biological sample are located at the housing, the tubes having a main body being cylindrical in shape. The housing is arranged to store the samples in a manner such that the samples are continuously mixed. The housing provides movement to the tubes for mixing. The housing may rotate about an axis such that the tubes are moved about the axis or the housing may tilt the tubes such that the sample mixes the samples end to end.

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003021568A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif (1) de segmentation d'échantillons d'ADN (A) mis en solution dans un contenant (C), le dispositif (1) comportant : -une cuve (2) destinée à recevoir un liquide (L), la cuve (2) étant équipée d'un moyen de génération d'ondes ultrasonores (3) pour propager des ondes ultrasonores dans le liquide (L); et -un premier élément support (4) reposant sur la cuve (2), le dispositif (1) étant caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte en outre un deuxième élément support (5) comportant un orifice (50) traversant destiné à recevoir le contenant (C), le deuxième élément support (5) étant suspendu par au moins un élément de suspension (6) formant au moins une liaison rotule de sorte à permettre l'immersion d'une portion inférieure du contenant (C) dans le liquide (L).

28-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000976929A1

24-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002655435A1

A carrier for slide processing comprises a plurality of first locations, each configured to hold a vial containing a biological sample, and a corresp onding plurality of second locations, each configured to hold a slide. ...

14-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002129368A1

... 2129368 9320443 PCTABS00027 A method for verifying that an assay methodology is properly performed that assay reagents employed possess the necessary potency for accurately performing such assay methodology, and whether or not test samples or assay reagents have been tampered with or are adulterated, is described. The method is performed by employing an assay verification sample, comprising a positive analyte component and the test sample under analysis, wherein the assay verification sample is analyzed employing the same assay reagents and essentially the same assay methodology employed to analyze the test sample. The method is particularly useful for performing heterogeneous immunoassays on an automated continuous and random access analytical system.

30-12-1994 дата публикации

Dual Pocket Package

Номер: CA0002124701A1

18-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002131843A1

An analytical device comprising a device for separating magnetic microparticles from a suspension, the separating device containing two permanent magnets (41 and 42) between which the reaction vessel (8) containing the suspension is disposed. For the purpose of more rapid, complete separation of the magnetic microparticles (27), the magnets (41 and 42) are diametrically opposite one another relative to the reaction vessel (8), and the polar axes (47) of the magnets (41 and 42) and the longitudinal axis (48) of the reaction vessel(8) include an acute angle (.alpha.). Fig. 1 ...

20-11-2017 дата публикации

Штатив-кюветное отделение для пробирок, кювет и стаканов произвольной формы

Номер: RU0000175089U1

Полезная модель относится к механическим учебным устройствам по оптике (оборудование общего назначения для химических или физических лабораторий) и может быть использована для закрепления и точного и удобного позиционирования кювет, пробирок и стаканов относительно оптической скамьи монохроматора МДР-41 и подобных ему. Устройство также может быть использовано при проведении опытов и лабораторных работ по оптике (спектроскопии).Задача полезной модели заключается в выполнении штативом функций кюветного отделения для монохроматора - закрепления, точного и удобного позиционирования кювет, пробирок и стаканов произвольной формы относительно оптической скамьи монохроматора МДР-41 и подобных ему, а также их быстрой и удобной смены без демонтажа в зажиме штатива.Штатив-кюветное отделение для пробирок, кювет и стаканов, состоящее из металлического стержня и трехногого основания, притом что для закрепления пробирок, стаканов и кювет используют металлический диск с выполненными на нем центрально симметричными отверстиями под пробирки и равноудаленными друг от друга на расстояние, меньшее, чем диаметр стаканов, радиальными ограничительными загибами для расположения на нем кювет и стаканов, ограничительных шайб, фиксирующихся к стержню с при помощи винтов.Таким образом, можно легко и точно устанавливать и заменять стаканы или кюветы, обходясь без зажимов, просто меняя один стакан на другой. Точность положения стакана достигается путем упора его к ограничительным загибам. При необходимости можно дополнительно фиксировать диск (2), ввинчивая винт, аналогичный винту (5) в отверстие (6). Ц 1 175089 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК ВОГ. 906 (2006.01) < < < 3х < 5“. 1 < © $ <“ 5 (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017110584, 29.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2017 Дата регистрации: 20.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.03.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11. ...

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Tray for positioning elongated objects, in particular syringe bodies or syringes

Номер: US20120103861A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

Each of said elongated objects comprises a body and a flange. The tray includes a plate with openings and bearing surfaces. According to the invention: the tray includes at least one first bearing surface near a first opening, located at a first distance from the plate of the tray, and at least one second bearing surface near a second opening adjacent said first opening located at a second distance from the plate of the tray, said second distance being different from said first distance; said first and second openings are located at a distance one with respect to the other such that the flange of the object engaged in one of these openings is able to partially overlap the flange of the object engaged in the other of these openings without contact with this flange.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Liquid analysis system

Номер: US20120244628A1
Принадлежит: HACH LANGE GMBH

A liquid analysis system for a photometric determination of an analyte in a liquid sample includes an analyzer comprising a photometer, an RFID parameter reading device and an identifier reading device, and a cuvette package comprising an RFID parameter transponder and a plurality of test cuvettes of one batch. Each test cuvette comprises a reagent. Batch identification and batch-specific reagent data are stored in the RFID parameter transponder. Each test cuvette comprises a batch-specific identifier including a batch identification. The batch identification is configured to be read by the identifier reading device.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

RFID - Specimen Transport Puck Process Features and Porcess Method to Efficiently Wand, Rack, Transport, Track Specimens in the Laboratory

Номер: US20130027185A1
Автор: Lear Sirous Lavi
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention is for the process method of an RFID Specimen Transport puck that can be used in the process of performing overall efficient wanding, racking, transporting and tracking of specimens throughout the entire lab. This puck design process can be used on a conveyor system, contains an RFID chip, can be used to wand specimens for tracking, can be used to rack specimens, can be used to transport specimens to laboratory areas and instruments, can be used to track specimen, is made of plastics, is small, has the ability to hold various tubes sizes, that has few pieces to assemble, that is low in cost, can be held in a rack carrying tray. By having all these process features in the one puck design, this ‘puck’ can be used in high volume and perform the overall wanding, racking, transporting, and tracking of specimens though out the entire laboratory.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

System for the analysis of samples

Номер: US20130119596A1
Автор: Lorenzo Balli
Принадлежит: AXA DIAGNOSTICS Srl

The invention relates to a system for the analysis of samples of the type comprising a work surface ( 10 ) on which are arranged a number of racks ( 4 ) to support tubes or containers, characterized in that the work surface ( 10 ) is realized by means of a plurality of parallel guides ( 11 ) having a cross section which is complementary matchable with a corresponding seat ( 44 ) of said rack ( 4 ), said seat ( 44 ) of said racks ( 4 ) having a width which is multiple of the value of the section of said guide ( 11 ) and having opposing portions ( 410 ) which are corresponding to the profile of the guides ( 11 ).

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240468A1
Принадлежит: DYNACON INC.

A universal container carrier includes a base plate, and a pair of support frames coupled to the base plate. At least one of the support frames is configured to move relative to the other support frame. Each support frame comprises at least one container support configured to engage a portion of the side wall of a container disposed between the support frames The container carrier also includes a resilient biasing mechanism that is coupled to the base plate and the at least one support frame, and is configured to urge the at least one support frame towards the other support frame. 1. A universal container carrier comprising:a base plate;a pair of support frames coupled to the base plate, at least one of the support frames being configured to move relative to the other support frame, each said support frame comprising at least one container support configured to engage a portion of the side wall of a container disposed between the support frames; andresilient biasing mechanism coupled to the base plate and the at least one support frame and configured to urge the at least one support frame towards the other support frame.2. The container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the support frames each have an elongate axis claim 1 , at least one of the container supports comprises a rotatable support claim 1 , the rotatable support being configured for rotation about the elongate axis.3. The container carrier according to claim 2 , wherein the rotatable support comprises an elongate shaft claim 2 , and a pair of conically-shaped roller members rotatable disposed on the elongate shaft.4. The container carrier according to claim 3 , wherein each conical roller member has a base portion and an apex portion claim 3 , and the apex portions of the conical roller members are disposed proximate each other.5. The container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the support frames are coupled to the base plate through a pivoting linkage that is pivotally coupled to a centre ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312372A1

The present invention relates to a vessel for containing and storing a sample and subsequent easy access to individual specimens of the sample, in particular specimens of biological samples. One embodiment discloses a breakable multi-specimen storage vessel comprising a container comprising a lower end and an upper end, at least one end having an open end, the length of said container being continuously formed and provided with break portions at predetermined positions alongside thereof where said container is adapted to be broken into a plurality of specimens, each specimen having a first end provided with at least a part of a first fastening mechanism and a second end provided with at least a part of a second fastening mechanism, wherein the configuration of the first fastening mechanism is different from the configuration of the second fastening mechanism. The breakable storage vessel according to the present invention may be applied within cryogenic storage applications. 1. A breakable multi-specimen storage vessel comprising a container comprising a lower end and an upper end , at least one end having an open end , the length of said container being continuously formed and provided with break portions at predetermined positions alongside thereof where said container is adapted to be broken into a plurality of specimens , each specimen having a first end provided with at least a part of a first fastening mechanism and a second end provided with at least a part of a second fastening mechanism , wherein the configuration of the first fastening mechanism is different from the configuration of the second fastening mechanism.2. The storage vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the container has a circular or elliptical cross section.3. The storage vessel according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the first or the second fastening mechanism is a locking mechanism.4. The storage vessel according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323855A1
Принадлежит: AQSENS OY

A device is provided for holding a sample for optical examination. The device comprises a body that defines a plurality of spots or wells. One or more non-specific interacting surfaces in the spots or wells are capable of non-specific binding of a said sample, a luminophore label, or their combination. A light conducting layer comprises material that is essentially non-transparent to optical excitation radiation and essentially transparent to optical luminescent radiation. A light input window couples luminescent light into said light conducting layer, and a light output window couples light out from said light conducting layer. 1. A device for holding a sample for optical examination , the device comprising:a body that defines a plurality of spots or wells,within one or more of said spots or wells, one or more non-specific interacting surfaces capable of non-specific binding of at least one of: said sample, a luminophore label, a combination of said sample and said luminophore label,a light conducting layer comprising material that is essentially non-transparent to optical radiation at a first wavelength that is capable of luminophore excitation, and essentially transparent to optical radiation at a second wavelength, anda light input window for coupling into said light conducting layer optical radiation at said second wavelength originating from said spots or wells, and a light output window for coupling out optical radiation from said light conducting layer.2. The device according to claim 1 , comprising a structural layer that at least partly delimits the volume of said spots or wells and is essentially transparent to optical radiation at said first wavelength.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein said structural layer is the same as said body claim 2 , so that said structural layer defines said spots or wells.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said light conducting layer is the same as said body claim 1 , so that said light conducting layer ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330254A1

A tube rack generally includes two or more rows of wells and at least one coupling member for coupling a pair of rows. The rows extend substantially parallel to one another. Each coupling member is configured to adjust a distance between the pair of rows as the rows of wells are separated or pushed together, thereby enabling the tube rack to expand and contract. 1. A tube rack comprising:two or more rows of wells, the rows extending substantially parallel to one another; andat least one coupling member for coupling a pair of rows, wherein each coupling member is configured to adjust a distance between the pair of rows as the rows of wells are separated or pushed together, thereby enabling the tube rack to expand and contract.2. The tube rack of claim 1 , wherein each row has an end portion and a projection from the end portion claim 1 , wherein the coupling member includes a sliding cap having a projection-receiving channel therein claim 1 , wherein a projection from each of two of the rows of wells is receivable into a respective projection-receiving channel of the sliding cap claim 1 , wherein the projections slide within the channel when received therein as the rows of wells are separated or pushed together claim 1 , and wherein the projection-receiving channel of the sliding cap is configured to accommodate sliding of the projections when the projections are positioned within the projection-receiving channel.3. The tube rack of claim 2 , wherein the rows each define a bottom claim 2 , and wherein the two or more rows each include a projection extending at substantially the same height relative to the bottom.4. The tube rack of claim 3 , wherein the projections of adjacent rows extend at substantially the same height relative to the bottom.5. The tube rack of claim 3 , wherein at least three rows extend substantially parallel to one another claim 3 , and wherein the projections of adjacent rows are staggered in height relative to the bottom.6. The tube rack of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Reaction Device

Номер: US20130341322A1

A reaction device including a microwave oscillation means for generating microwaves; holding containers for individually holding multiple samples collected from collection targets (e.g., human targets, etc.); a microwave irradiation container on which each of the holding containers can be individually loaded; a temperature sensor for detecting the temperature of a sample held in a holding container or of the interior of the microwave irradiation container; and a microwave control means for varying the microwaves generated by the microwave oscillation means on the basis of the temperature detected by the temperature sensor. The microwave irradiation container includes: a microwave introduction port for introducing the microwaves generated by the microwave oscillation means into the microwave irradiation container; and ring-shaped patterns for irradiating each of the holding containers with the microwaves introduced from the microwave introduction port.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Carrier plate and transporting and/or storing device for pharmaceutical containers

Номер: US20140014654A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT Schweiz AG

A carrier plate for pharmaceutical containers, in particular syringes bottles, or ampoules, includes a receiving region that has a plurality of through-openings for receiving the pharmaceutical containers. The receiving region includes a handling region that defines a base plane for handling the carrier plate, in particular for engaging on the carrier plate and/or for supporting same, having a top face that functions as a pressure side under a load and a lower face that functions as a tension side. Means for increasing the rigidity of the carrier plate is also provided that includes at least one box profiled region between at least two through-openings on the upper face of the carrier plate.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037517A1
Автор: TAKAI Kei

A tube sorter comprising: a rack stocker configured to have stocked therein a sample rack capable of holding one or more sample tubes; a transporting section configured to transport a sample rack; a tube conveyor configured to perform an unloading operation of unloading a sample tube from a sample rack that was transported by the transporting section and a loading operation of loading the sample tube onto a sample rack supplied from or stocked in the rack stocker; and a rack conveyor configured to convey an empty sample rack or a sample rack to be emptied to the rack stocker, is disclosed. 1. A tube sorter comprising:a rack stocker configured to stock therein a sample rack capable of holding one or more sample tubes;a transporting section configured to transport a sample rack;a tube conveyor configured to perform an unloading operation of unloading a sample tube from the sample rack that was transported by the transporting section and a loading operation of loading the sample tube onto a sample rack supplied from or stocked in the rack stocker; anda rack conveyor configured to convey an empty sample rack or a sample rack to be emptied, that was transported by the transporting section, to the rack stocker.2. The tube sorter according to claim 1 , whereinthe transporting section includes a transport path for transporting a sample rack,the tube conveyor unloads a sample tube from a sample rack on the transport path, andwhen all of sample tubes on a sample rack are unloaded by the tube conveyor, the rack conveyor conveys the sample rack from the transport path to the rack stocker.3. The tube sorter according to claim 1 , whereinthe transporting section includes a transport path for transporting a sample rack,the rack conveyor conveys a sample rack from the transport path to the rack stocker, andthe tube conveyor unloads a sample tube from the sample rack on the rack stocker.4. The tube sorter according to claim 2 , whereinthe rack conveyor conveys an empty sample rack ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Cuvette Module Having an Electrically Conductive Cuvette Carrier

Номер: US20140090465A1
Автор: Behnk Holger

A cuvette module comprises a cuvette carrier and a cuvette held by the cuvette carrier. An intermediate chamber is formed in the cuvette carrier. The cuvette carrier comprises an electrically conductive plastic material. The cuvette has a different material than the cuvette carrier and the wettability of the cuvette carrier is greater than the wettability of the cuvette. A method transfers a predetermined amount of liquid from a transport container to a cuvette, employs a cuvette module. The method makes it easier to check whether the intermediate chamber still contains a sufficient amount of liquid. 1. A cuvette module , comprising a cuvette carrier and a cuvette held by the cuvette carrier , with an intermediate chamber formed in the cuvette carrier , characterized in that the cuvette carrier is made of an electrically conductive plastics material , in that the cuvette is made of a different material than the cuvette carrier , and in that the cuvette carrier and the cuvette each have a wettability and the wettability of the cuvette carrier is greater than the wettability of the cuvette.2. The cuvette module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the electrically conductive plastics material has a resistivity and the resistivity of the electrically conductive plastics material at room temperature is less than 10Ω cm.3. The cuvette module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the cuvette carrier comprises two intermediate chambers lying next to each other claim 1 , and in that the cuvette carrier has a surface resistance and the surface resistance of the cuvette carrier claim 1 , measured by two electrodes inserted into the intermediate chambers claim 1 , is between 1 kΩ and 50 kΩ.4. The cuvette module as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the electrically conductive plastic material is formed from a plastics starting material and has increased wettability by comparison with the plastics starting material.5. The cuvette module as claimed in ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Container holder and container carrier

Номер: US20140093438A1

Container holder suitable for receiving and holding a container, said container holder comprising a base frame for receiving said container, and at least one supporting member; characterized in that said at least one supporting member is pivotally mounted on the base frame such as to pivot between first position in the absence of container and a second position when the container is received in the base frame; the container holder further comprises a displaceable element movably mounted in the base frame such as to move along a predetermined distance that is proportional to the pivotal angle of said at least one supporting member; and in that a displacement sensor responsive to the predetermined distance of the displaceable element such as to detect at least determine its diameter when received in the container holder. 1. Container holder suitable for receiving and holding a container , said container having a diameter , said container holder comprising:a base frame for receiving said container having a diameter; andat least one supporting member;said at least one supporting member being pivotally mounted on the base frame such as to pivot between first position in the absence of container and a second position when the container is received in the base frame;the container holder further comprising a displaceable element movably mounted in the base frame and connected to a lower end of the supporting member by a force transmitting connection such as to move along a predetermined distance that is proportional to the pivotal angle of said at least one supporting member; anda displacement sensor responsive to the predetermined distance of the displaceable element such as to determine at least the diameter of the container when received in the container holder.2. Container holder according to claim 1 , wherein said force transmitting connection is a flange at said element connected to the lower end of the supporting member.3. Container holder according to claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for binding active agents to activated autologous blood nosodes and device for performing said method

Номер: US20190000972A1
Автор: Claudia Bettina Klein
Принадлежит: Yeno Awareness Bv

A method for binding an active substance or an active agent to an activated autologous blood nosode comprises a) dissolving blood of a patient in an aqueous or aqueous/ethanol medium or triturating blood of a patient with an excipient approved for globules according to HAB [Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia] in order to obtain a first mixture; b) activating the first mixture by exposure of the first mixture to magnetic pulses having frequencies of the magnet field periods within a range from approximately 0.01 to approximately 20,0000 Hz and maximum field strengths of 50 μT; c) adding an active substance and/or active agent or one or more active substances and/or active agents to the activated first mixture in order to obtain a second mixture; d) succussing the second mixture by mechanical action, wherein steps c) and d) are conducted under the continuous action of the magnetic pulses, and wherein steps c) and d) can be repeated once or several times; and e) activating the succussed second mixture by further continuous exposure to the magnetic pulses and by irradiation with visible light of changing colors produced by LEDs into the succussed second mixture, whereby an increase of the binding capacity of the HSA [human serum albumin] in the blood to the active substance(s) and/or to at least some of the active agent or active agents is achieved. A device for performing the method is also described.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Tube for Chemical, Biological or Biotechnology Matter, Tube Arrangement, Carrier for Use in a Tube Arrangement, Use of a Tube, And Method for Forming a Tube

Номер: US20160001288A1
Автор: LAZEVSKI Sasa, Voit Thomas
Принадлежит: QIAGEN GmbH

A tube for chemical, biological or biotechnological matter is provided, wherein the tube has a positioning element, the positioning element shaped for engagement in a corresponding structure provided in a carrier. 1. Tube arrangement with a tube for chemical , biological or biotechnological matter and a carrier , wherein the carrier is adapted such that said carrier is formed as an adapter which can be positioned in a device of a thermal cycler and the tube has a positioning element , the positioning element shaped for engagement in a corresponding structure provided in the carrier.2. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the device of the thermal cycler is a rotor.3. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is formed as a strip or a closed ring.4. Tube arrangement according claim 1 , wherein the positioning element is formed as an integral part of the tube.5. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element is formed as an integral part of a cap.6. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element is provided separately.7. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element and/or the carrier allows for pivoting of the tube.8. Tube arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning element comprises a projection extending parallel to the longitudinal direction of the tube body.9. Method for performing an in vitro amplification measurement claim 1 , comprising using the tube arrangement according to and positioning the tube arrangement in a device of a thermal cycler. The invention pertains to a tube used in the field of chemical, biological and biotechnological processes. Especially, the invention relates to a tube which can contain fluid for in vitro amplification reaction, PCR and/or genotyping.In vitro amplification procedures can be carried out in a small reaction tube which can be positioned within a thermal cycler or another laboratory device. The thermal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001289A1
Автор: KLAASSEN Dave Willem

A sampling kit includes firstly a sample tube, which includes a container part for holding a sample and a cap for sealing the container, and secondly a plastic foil instruction sheet. The sheet provides information related to a sample taking process using of the sample tube, which information is printed thereon or is provided in the form of one or more documents held in one or more pockets thereof. The sheet is provided with a support body for holding the sample tube, or at least a container part of the sample tube, during the sampling taking process, the support body and the bottom end of the sample tube being shaped such that they cooperate, to support the sample tube in an upright position. 125-. (canceled)26. A sample taking kit , the sample taking kit comprising:a sample tube, the sample tube comprising a container part for holding a sample and a cap for sealing the container; anda plastic foil instruction sheet, the instruction sheet providing information related to a sample taking process that involves use of the sample tube, the information being provided in the form of one or more documents held in one or more pockets of the instruction sheet and/or being printed on the instruction sheet,wherein the instruction sheet is provided with an injection molded support body adapted to engage the bottom end of the sample tube for supporting the sample tube in an upright position.27. The sample taking kit according to claim 26 , wherein the support body has a bottom surface claim 26 , for placement on a support surface claim 26 , and wherein the support body is fixed in or onto the sheet such that the bottom surface of the support body extends in a direction parallel to the sheet.28. The sample taking kit according to claim 27 , wherein the bottom surface has an outer contour having a diameter claim 27 , and wherein the diameter is at least one and a half times the cross section of the sample tube to be held by the support body.29. The sample taking kit according to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001198A1

Tools and methods are provided for removing a plurality of tubes from a rack of tubes. Tube rack tools include a base and/or top piece for receiving the rack of tubes. The base has a support surface for engaging the closed bottom of the plurality of tubes. The support surface can be curved such that the rack of tubes can be rocked about the curves support surface to dislodge the plurality of tubes from the rack. The top piece can be configured to engage the rack such that pressure on the top piece in the direction of the support surface applies a pressure on the rack without applying the pressure to the tubes. The tubes are dislodged from the rack by application of the pressure. Elements of the tube rack tool are also configured for securing the tubes within the rack or caps to the tubes. 1. A tube rack tool , comprising:a base having a receiving area sized for receiving a rack of tubes, the rack of tubes comprising a microtiter plate having a plurality of wells and a plurality of tubes disposed in the wells, the base having a surface for engaging the plurality of tubes disposed in the wells of the microtiter plate such that applying pressure to the microtiter plate in the direction of the surface dislodges the plurality of tubes from the microtiter plate.2. The tube rack tool of claim 1 , wherein the microtiter plate comprises at least 96-wells.3. The tube rack tool of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of wells are disposed in rows claim 1 , the surface being sized to engage all of the tubes disposed in at least one row.4. The tube rack tool of claim 1 , wherein the surface is curved such that a rocking motion of the microtiter plate when the pressure is applied to the microtiter plate dislodges substantially all of the tubes from the microtiter plate.5. The tube rack tool of claim 1 , further comprising a top piece configured for retaining the rack of tubes in engagement with the surface while providing pressure on the microtiter plate.6. The tube rack tool of claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002108A1

A sample measurement system includes: a measurement unit that measures a sample stored in a sample container; a transport unit that transports a rack capable of holding sample containers via the measurement unit; a first transport-in/transport-out unit and a second transport-in/transport-out unit in each of which racks can be set alongside in a first direction, and that send the set racks to be transported to the measurement unit and receive the racks transported from the measurement unit; and a controller that controls the first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit so that the racks are sequentially sent from the first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit. The first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit are disposed alongside in a second direction crossing the first direction, and each send the racks from one side in the first direction, and receive the racks from the other side. 1. A sample measurement system comprising:a measurement unit that measures a sample stored in a sample container;a transport unit that transports a rack capable of holding sample containers via the measurement unit;a first transport-in/transport-out unit and a second transport-in/transport-out unit in each of which racks can be set alongside in a first direction, and that send the set racks to be transported to the measurement unit by the transport unit and receive the racks transported from the measurement unit by the transport unit; anda controller that controls the first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit so that the racks are sequentially sent from the first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit,wherein the first transport-in/transport-out unit and the second transport-in/transport-out unit are disposed alongside in a second direction crossing the first direction, and each send ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002704A1

Receptacles containing a reaction mixture are transported to receptacle wells of a thermally conductive receptacle holder, and the temperature of the holder is cycled with a thermoelectric device situated between a support and a first side of the holder while a first force is applied onto a second side of the holder. Optical communication between each well and an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector is established to determine whether an emission signal is emitted from any of the receptacles during temperature cycling as an indication of the presence of a target nucleic acid. The thermoelectric device may be situated between an upright portion of the support and the first side of the holder. A second force may be applied onto a top end of each receptacle in the holder by a cover moveable with respect to the receptacles between an open position and a closed position. 1. A method for performing a nucleic acid amplification reaction , the method comprising the automated steps of:(a) transporting multiple receptacles to each of a plurality of corresponding receptacle wells of a thermally conductive receptacle holder, each of the receptacles containing a reaction mixture, wherein the receptacle wells are aligned in a single row;(b) cycling the temperature of the receptacle holder with a thermoelectric device situated between a support and a first side of the receptacle holder;(c) exerting a first force onto a second side of the receptacle holder during the cycling step, the first and second sides being on opposite sides of the receptacle holder;(d) establishing optical communication between each of the receptacle wells and an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector during step (b); and(e) determining whether an emission signal is emitted from any of the receptacles during step (d) as an indication of the presence of a target nucleic acid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the receptacles is closed with a cap prior to step (a) ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002705A1

An apparatus for performing nucleic acid amplification reactions includes a thermally-conductive receptacle holder with multiple receptacle wells. Each well has a through-hole extending from an inner surface of the well to an outer surface of the holder. A cover is rotatable between an open position and a closed position relative to the holder and is configured to exert a force onto any receptacles in the wells when the cover is in the closed position. The apparatus includes multiple optical fibers, and each of the optical fibers provides optical communication between one of the wells and an excitation signal source and/or an emission signal detector. A thermal element is positioned between a thermally-conductive support and the receptacle holder. 1. An apparatus for performing nucleic acid amplification reactions , the apparatus comprising:a thermally-conductive receptacle holder comprising a plurality of receptacle wells, each of the receptacle wells being configured to receive a receptacle, and each of the receptacle wells having a through-hole extending from an inner surface of the receptacle well to an outer surface of the receptacle holder;a cover rotatable between an open position and a closed position relative to the receptacle holder, wherein the cover does not obstruct access to the receptacle wells when the cover is in the open position, wherein the cover blocks access to the receptacle wells when the cover is in the closed position, and wherein the cover is configured to exert a force onto each of any receptacles in the receptacle wells when the cover is in the closed position; anda plurality of optical fibers, each of the optical fibers providing optical communication between one of the receptacle wells and at least one of an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector, wherein a first end of each of the optical fibers is disposed outside, within, or extends through the through-hole of a corresponding one of the receptacle wells, and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008543A1
Принадлежит: Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech LTD

Systems and methods for handling a variety of sample and preparatory fluids in a rack specifically configured for compatibility with predetermined liquid handlers such as automated pipettors or multi-channel manual pipettors and set up for magnetic based sample preparation. The rack can hold all of the necessary sample and reagent vials, and present them to the pipettor in some embodiments in a way that allows for parallel operation. The rack includes slidable magnets that in some embodiments are actuatable directly by the pipettor, eliminating a layer of complexity. Combined with a suitable pipettor the magnet enabled rack supports a multistep magnetic based sample preparation capability in a high throughput manner at one station that enhances sample purity throughout magnetic separation processes. 1. A rack for magnetic bead-based sample preparation comprising:a mounting surface for vials and pipettes wherein the rack is configured to hold pipette tips and a combination of sample and supply vials at a plurality of defined positions compatible with at least one pipettor,at least one slidable magnet disposed for contact or near contact with a side wall of a vial, the magnet comprising at least one of a motor actuator, manual actuation, or nests mate-able with the pipettor heads wherein the pipettor actuates the magnets, configured to be slid adjacent to and away from at least one vial.2. The rack of further comprising a pipette disposal position(s) accessible by the pipettor for changing out of pipettes between fill claim 1 , empty claim 1 , washing claim 1 , mixing claim 1 , and magnet movement operations.3. The rack in further comprising an empty compartment where standard pipet tip refill/reload wafers easily snap into the rack for multiplexed sterile refilling of pipet tips.4. The rack of further comprising an empty compartment where pre-filled/sealed reagent vial wafers easily snap into the rack for sterile refilling of reagents.5. The rack of wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Instrument for analytical sample preparation

Номер: US20190011338A1
Принадлежит: CEM Corp

An instrument for extraction based molecular sample preparation and related processes is disclosed. The instrument includes a thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber and a thermally conductive sample cup positioned in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber for heating liquids and solids together in the thermally conductive sample cup. A liquid delivery inlet fixture in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber delivers liquids (solvent) from a supply to the thermally conductive sample cup in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber, and a chiller in liquid communication with the thermally conductive sample cup in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber receives heated liquids from the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber when the chamber is opened to atmospheric pressure.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Instrument for Analytical Sample Preparation

Номер: US20190011340A1

An instrument for extraction based molecular sample preparation and related processes is disclosed. The instrument includes a thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber and a thermally conductive sample cup positioned in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber for heating liquids and solids together in the thermally conductive sample cup. A liquid delivery inlet fixture in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber delivers liquids (solvent) from a supply to the thermally conductive sample cup in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber, and a chiller in liquid communication with the thermally conductive sample cup in the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber receives heated liquids from the thermally conductive pressure resistant heating chamber when the chamber is opened to atmospheric pressure. 1. A combination for solvent extraction comprising:a heated, pressure-sealed reaction chamber;a heat conductive sample cup in said reaction chamber, said reaction vessel including one open filtered end and a mouth opposite said open filtered end;an extraction sample in said sample cup; anda liquid extraction solvent inside said sample cup and outside said sample cup between the exterior of said sample cup and the interior of said reaction chamber.2. A combination according to wherein said reaction chamber is formed of a thermally conductive material.3. A combination according to wherein said opened filtered end is a foraminous floor and a filter media on foraminous floor.4. A combination according to wherein said filter media is selected from the group consisting of filter paper claim 3 , glass fibers claim 3 , quartz fibers claim 3 , nonwoven polymers and combinations thereof.5. A combination according to wherein said extraction sample is selected from the group consisting of soil claim 1 , plastics claim 1 , prepared foods claim 1 , food packaging claim 1 , agricultural products claim ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011039A1

A sample measurement system according to an embodiment may include: sample measurement units that receive supply of containers and perform measurement on samples; a rack setting unit in which a rack storing the containers to be supplied to at least one of the sample measurement units is set; a first transport path that transports the containers from the rack setting unit to at least one of the sample measurement units; a second transport path that is provided at a position different from the first transport path in a height direction and that transports the containers from at least one of the sample measurement units to the rack setting unit; and a transfer path that transfers the containers between the first transport path and the second transport path. 1. A method of transporting a rack storing containers , the method comprising:transporting the rack from a rack setting unit in which the rack is set, in a first direction by using a first transport path;supplying the containers, stored in the rack transported by the first transport path, to a sample measurement unit;transferring the rack from which the containers have been supplied to the sample measurement unit, to a second transport path provided at a position different from the first transport path in a height direction; andtransporting the rack, transferred to the second transport path, in a second direction different from the first direction by using the second transport path.2. The method of transporting a rack according to claim 1 , wherein transferring the rack from which the containers are supplied to the sample measurement unit to the second transport path is performed by a lifting-lowering mechanism that transports the rack in the height direction.3. The method of transporting a rack according to claim 1 , wherein transporting the rack by using the second transport path is performed below transporting the rack by using the first transport path.4. The method of transporting a rack according to claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Biological analysis system with treatment of specific holders

Номер: US20200011888A1
Принадлежит: Horiba ABX SAS

A biological analysis system comprising at least one inlet and one outlet, at least two biological analysis devices connected to one another by a conveyor defining a closed circuit, each biological analysis device comprising a region for the exchange of tube holding racks with the conveyor. The conveyor and the at least one inlet of the biological analysis system comprise a reader of an identifier of a tube holding rack which reader is designed to communicate an identifier it has read to a controller of the biological analysis system, which controller is designed to apply a specific treatment to a tube holding rack identified by the reader of the conveyor and the identifier of which has not previously been read by the reader of the at least one inlet of the biological analysis system.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Sample Handling System

Номер: US20150017078A1
Принадлежит: F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG

Sample handling system for handling samples contained in tubes (), each tube () having a hollow body, a closed bottom and an open top for accessing the sample contained in the tube (). The system comprises a micro-plate () comprising at least one grid insert () having a plurality of compartments. Each compartment comprises one or more side walls laterally confining a through-hole for receiving a said tube (). The through-hole has a top opening and a bottom opening and extends between the top opening and the bottom opening. A frame () to which the at least one separate grid insert () is to be attached to form the micro-plate (). The frame () laterally confines a through-opening which is dimensioned to allow for accessing each compartment () of the attached at least one grid insert () from above and from below. This allows for moving such tube () into and out of each compartment () through each of the top opening () and the bottom opening () of the through-hole (). 1. A sample handling system for handling samples contained in tubes , each tube having a hollow body , a closed bottom and an open top for accessing the sample contained in the tube , the system including a micro-plate comprisingat least one separate grid insert having a plurality of compartments, each compartment comprising one or more side walls laterally confining a through-hole, wherein the through-hole has a top opening and a bottom opening and extends between the top opening and the bottom opening, anda frame to which the at least one separate grid insert is to be attached to form the micro-plate, the frame laterally confining a through-opening which is dimensioned to allow for accessing each compartment of the attached at least one grid insert from above and from below, and to allow for moving such tube into and out of each compartment through each of the top opening and the bottom opening of the through-hole.2. A sample handling system according to claim 1 , wherein the frame or the separate grid ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015451A1
Принадлежит: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation

An apparatus for limiting pipette head travel with respect to a ground surface, and for limiting insertion of a pipette into a tube, has a top surface including at least one aperture. Each aperture selectively and concurrently accepts a corresponding pipette head of a pipette device therethrough. A bottom surface extends substantially parallel to the top surface and selectively contacts the ground surface. A plurality of side surfaces extends transversely between the top and bottom surfaces. The side surfaces each have a predetermined height correlated with a desired minimum approach distance of each pipette head toward the ground surface. The top, bottom, and side surfaces collectively enclose and define a spacer volume, at least partially through which each pipette corresponding to a pipette head extends. Methods of limiting pipette head travel with respect to a ground surface, and of limiting insertion of a pipette into a tube, are also provided. 1. An apparatus for limiting pipette head travel with respect to a ground surface , the apparatus comprising:a top surface including at least one aperture, each aperture selectively and concurrently accepting a corresponding pipette head of a pipette device therethrough;a bottom surface, extending substantially parallel to the top surface and selectively contacting the ground surface; anda plurality of side surfaces extending transversely between the top and bottom surfaces, the side surfaces each having a predetermined height correlated with a desired minimum approach distance of each pipette head toward the ground surface;the top, bottom, and side surfaces collectively enclosing and defining a spacer volume, at least partially through which each pipette corresponding to a pipette head extends.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one aperture is sized for a frictional fit with a corresponding pipette head.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one aperture is sized to surround a corresponding pipette ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018252A1
Принадлежит: Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.

The invention provides methods relating methods for environmentally sealing, protecting, and providing analysis chips for processing and analysis. The analysis chips are bonded directly or indirectly to chip carriers which are held within the chambers of an environmental packaging strip. The chambers are sealed with a sealing film such that the chip carriers are extracted using a piercing tool and an extraction tool. 1. A method of providing an analysis chip comprising:a) providing a strip having a plurality of sealed chambers, each chamber having a bottom, a top, and sidewalls, the top of each chamber sealed with a sealing film; wherein a chip carrier comprising an analysis chip is disposed within each chamber;b) piercing the sealing layer of at least one of the chambers with a piercing tool; andc) extracting the chip carrier from the chamber with an extraction tool.2. The method of further comprising transporting the extracted chip carrier to a holder which holds the chip as reagents are added to the chip.3. The method of wherein the piercing tool comprises one or more ridges claim 1 , each ridge configured to make a cut in the sealing film.4. The method of wherein the tool has four ridges.5. The method of wherein the piercing tool extends through the sealing film and pushes down the film to create an opening through which the chip carrier is extracted.6. The method of wherein the piercing tool has four ridges such that when the piercing tool extends through the film claim 5 , four cuts are made to produce four flaps which are pushed down into the chamber.7. The method of wherein the top of each chamber is sealed with a sealing film claim 1 , and the chip carriers are disposed in the bottom portion of each chamber whereby the extraction tool extends through the top of the chamber.8. The method of wherein the chip carriers are disposed such that the top of each chip carrier is below the level of the sealing film by a distance that is at least one half of a cross- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017576A1

An apparatus for performing nucleic acid amplification reactions includes a thermally-conductive receptacle holder with front and back surfaces. The front surface includes a row of receptacle wells, and an outer surface of each well has a frustoconical shape, an inner surface of each well receives a receptacle, and each well has a through-hole extending between the inner and outer surfaces thereof. One or more thermal elements in contact with the back surface of the holder alter a temperature(s) of the holder. The apparatus includes multiple optical fibers, and each optical fiber provides optical communication between one of the wells and an excitation signal source and/or an emission signal detector. A first end of each optical fiber is disposed outside, within, or extends through the through-hole of a corresponding well, and a second end of each optical fiber is in optical communication with the excitation signal source and/or the emission signal detector. 1. An apparatus for performing nucleic acid amplification reactions , comprising:a thermally-conductive receptacle holder having a front surface and a back surface, the front surface comprising a row of receptacle wells, wherein an outer surface of each of the receptacle wells has a frustoconical shape, wherein an inner surface of each of the receptacle wells is defined to receive a receptacle, and wherein each of the receptacle wells has a through-hole extending between the inner and outer surfaces thereof;one or more thermal elements for altering a temperature(s) of the receptacle holder, the one or more thermal element being in contact with the back surface of the receptacle holder; anda plurality of optical fibers, each of the optical fibers providing optical communication between one of the receptacle wells and at least one of an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector, wherein a first end of each of the optical fibers is disposed outside, within, or extends through the through-hole of a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020425A1

Bodily fluid sample transport systems, devices, and method are provided. In at least one embodiment described herein, methods are provided for the physical transport of small volumes of bodily fluid in liquid form from one location to another location. By way of nonlimiting example, the samples are collected in liquid form at a collection site, transported in liquid form, and arrive at an analysis site in liquid form. In many embodiments, the liquid form during transport is not held in a porous matrix, wicking material, webbing, or similar material that prevents sample for being extracted in liquid form at the destination site. In one embodiment, small volume of sample in each sample vessel is in the range of about 1 ml to about 1 microliter. 169-. (canceled)70. A method comprising:collecting a bodily fluid sample on a surface of a subject, wherein the collected sample is stored in one or more sample vessels;providing a transport container to house at least two or more sample vessels, wherein the vessels are arranged in a two-dimensional array configuration in the transport container;arranging to have the sample vessels shipped in the transport container from a first location to a second location,wherein each of the sample vessels arrives at the second location holding a majority of its bodily fluid sample in a non-wicked, non-matrixed form that is removable from the sample vessels in liquid form and wherein the amount of sample in each of the sample vessels does not exceed about 2 ml; andscanning information storage units on substantially all of the sample vessels, wherein the scanning occurs while the sample vessels remain in the two-dimensional array configuration at the second location.71. The method of wherein collecting comprises making at least one puncture on the subject to release the bodily fluid claim 70 , wherein the puncture is not a venipuncture.72. The method of wherein collecting comprises using at least one lancet to make at least one puncture on ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Turn-Secure Rack

Номер: US20180021784A1

The present invention concerns a SBS-standard test tube rack which is suitable for use in automated capping and de-capping of flat bottomed test tubes, in particular of flat bottomed glass vials, both for individual test tube capping and de-capping as well as simultaneous capping and de-capping of all test tubes in the aforementioned SBS-standard test tube rack. 1. A SBS-standard test tube rack for receiving a SBS-standard test tube rack compliant screw-capped test tube of length (l) and diameter (d) , said rack comprising:a top tier, support structure and a bottom tier, said support structure located between said top tier and said bottom tier, said top tier and bottom tier being, when assembled to form said rack-, spaced apart a distance smaller than said length (l) by said support structure;said top tier comprising a plurality of apertures of aperture diameter (da) larger than said diameter (d), said apertures arranged to form a 2-dimensional array of apertures in said top tier;said bottom tier comprising a friction tier and a support tier;said friction tier facing said top tier when said rack is assembled;said friction tier comprising a high friction material;wherein, when said rack is assembled, there is formed an array of rack wells, each rack well comprising an aperture, a well bottom of well bottom diameter (dw) larger than said diameter (d), located opposite said aperture, and optionally a well enclosure connecting said well bottom to said aperture either in a straight manner or conically tapering towards said well bottom, such that said aperture diameter (da) may be either slightly larger or of the same diameter as said well bottom diameter (dw); andwherein when said rack is assembled, said well bottom is formed from said high friction material comprised in said friction tier.2. A SBS-standard test tube rack of wherein two or more of said top tier claim 1 , said support structure claim 1 , and support tier can be of unitary construction.3. A SBS-standard ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Sample Supply System and Methods of Supplying Samples

Номер: US20220043015A1

Disclosed are high-throughput vessel supply systems and methods of supplying sample vessels, such as samples stored in test tubes. A system for supplying a plurality of individual vessels that each contains a sample is disclosed. 1. A system for supplying a plurality of vessels , comprising: (i) a feed bin comprising a bottom surface, a substantially open top, a front side, a back side, an A-side, and a B-side, and configured to feed each of the plurality of vessels from an entry position at the top of the feed bin to at least one edge position of the bottom surface wherein the feed;', '(ii) at least one transporter positioned on at least one of the A-side or the B-side of the feed bin and configured to receive each of the plurality of vessels from the at least one edge position and transport each of the vessels to at least one transfer point; and', '(iii) at least one transfer belt positioned at the exit of the at least one transporter and at or near the top of the feed bin, and configured to receive each of the plurality of vessels from at least one transfer point and individually transfer individual vessels from the at least one transfer point to a bin exit position within the system., 'a feeding unit configured to supply a plurality of vessels to at least one exit position, wherein each of the plurality of vessels is configured to hold a sample, and wherein the feeding unit comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of vessels comprise a biological sample tube that is cylindrical in shape and comprises a cap.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of vessels ranges from 75 to about 125 mm in length and about 8 to about 16 mm in diameter.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein an operating path of the at least one transfer belt is substantially perpendicular to a direction of advancement of the at least one transporter.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the feed bin further comprises an interior slope at a convergence of the A-side and ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025335A1

The sample analyzer includes: a reagent arranging section for arranging a plurality of reagents; an analyzing section for analyzing a measurement sample prepared by mixing a sample and the reagent arranged on the reagent arranging section; a display device; an input device; and a display control section for displaying a reagent arrangement displaying region for displaying a plurality of reagent marks inscribed with a reagent name respectively on the display device, wherein the each reagent mark is displayed in a manner selectable by the input device, wherein arrangement of the each reagent mark on the reagent arrangement displaying region corresponds to arrangement of the each reagent on the reagent arranging section, wherein the display control section displays detailed information related to the reagent corresponding to the reagent mark selected by the input device on the display device. 1. A method for a sample analyzer comprising:displaying a reagent arrangement displaying region and a reagent detailed information displaying region, wherein, on the reagent arrangement displaying region, a plurality of display areas corresponding to a plurality of holding regions for holding reagent containers of the analyzer are displayed; anddisplaying, on the reagent detailed information displaying region, detailed information related to a reagent contained in a reagent container held by a holding region corresponding to a display area selected by using a touch panel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reagent name is displayed on the display area.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the selected display area is distinguishable from display areas other than the selected display area.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detailed information comprises a reagent name claim 1 , usage order claim 1 , and remaining amount.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detailed information comprises necessity of stirring.6. The method according to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190026516A1
Автор: OPALSKY David

A method of reading machine-readable marks on a movable support and object of a sample instrument. The method includes capturing a first image of the moveable support as the moveable support moves from a first position to a second position using an image capture device; determining whether a first fiducial machine-readable mark on the moveable support is in the first image; determining, when the first fiducial machine-readable mark is in the first image, whether a first machine-readable mark on a first object coupled to the moveable support is in the first image at a predetermined position relative to the first fiducial machine-readable mark; and associating information decoded from the first machine-readable mark on the first object with a first location on the moveable support associated with the first fiducial machine-readable mark. 1. A method of reading machine-readable marks on a moveable support and objects of a sample instrument , the method comprising the steps of:(a) capturing a first image of the moveable support as the moveable support moves from a first position to a second position using an image capture device;(b) determining whether a first fiducial machine-readable mark on the moveable support is in the first image;(c) determining, when the first fiducial machine-readable mark is in the first image, whether a first machine-readable mark on a first object coupled to the moveable support is in the first image at a predetermined position relative to the first fiducial machine-readable mark; and(d) associating information decoded from the first machine-readable mark on the first object with a first location on the moveable support associated with the first fiducial machine-readable mark.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:(e) capturing a second image of the moveable support as the moveable support moves from the first position to the second position using the image capture device;(f) determining whether a second fiducial machine- ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Tube strip handling and heating apparatus

Номер: US20140112829A1
Принадлежит: Qiagen Gaithersburg LLC

A tube strip handling and heating frame having a rectangular outer frame having two spaced longitudinal walls extending in a longitudinal direction, and two spaced lateral walls extending in a lateral direction and extending between respective ends of the longitudinal walls. The outer frame forms an enclosure having an open upper side and an open lower side. The frame also has a number of tube strip wells located inside the outer frame, each tube strip well has a slot elongated in the lateral direction, and each slot is configured to receive a respective tube strip through the open upper side and support the respective tube strip in a vertical direction. The tube strip wells are arranged in a series along the longitudinal direction.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028988A1
Автор: II Robert Paul, Luoma

Method and apparatus to agitate a liquid are disclosed herein. An example apparatus includes a carrier having a base that includes a ridge extending from the base and a collar extending from the base. The example apparatus also includes a container supported on the base, the container movable between (A) a locked positon in which the ridge fixedly engages the container to non-rotatably couple the container to the base and (B) an unlocked position in which the container is disengaged from the ridge and the container is rotatable about the collar. 1. A method comprising:lifting a container, coupled at a top and a bottom of the container to a carrier, from a first position in which the container is rotatably coupled to the carrier and a second position in which the container is non-rotatably coupled to the carrier; androtating the container, when the container is the second position, about an axis of rotation to mix contents of the container.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the container is a first container claim 1 , further including non-rotatably supporting a second container on the carrier while rotating the first container.3. The method of claim 1 , further including lowering the container to the first position to non-rotatably couple the container to the carrier.4. The method of claim 1 , further including removing a cap from the container to enable the container to move from the first position to the second position.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the axis of rotation is a first axis of rotation claim 1 , further including rotating the carrier on a carousel about a second axis of rotation while the container is rotating about the first axis of rotation.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein lifting the container includes engaging a shaft with the bottom of the container.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein a base of the carrier includes an opening claim 6 , and wherein lifting the container includes inserting the shaft through the opening to engage the bottom of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029039A1

A bottle compartment () for an analyzer instrument, which bottle compartment comprises a frame () with a location () for a bottle () of liquid, and a tube () for aspiration of liquid from a bottle at the location for a bottle by the analyzer instrument, wherein the bottle compartment () comprises a handle mechanism () connected turnably to the frame (), which handle mechanism in an open position allows access to the location () for insertion and removal of a bottle () and in a closed position prevents access to the location, and that the tube () for aspiration of liquid is connected to the handle mechanism so that when the handle mechanism is turned to the open position the end of the tube is simultaneously moved from the bottle at the location and when the handle mechanism is turned to the closed position the end of the tube is simultaneously moved inside the bottle at the location. 1. A bottle compartment for an analyzer instrument , which bottle compartment comprises a frame with a location for a bottle of liquid , and a tube for aspiration of liquid from a bottle at the location for a bottle by the analyzer instrument , characterized in that the bottle compartment comprises a handle mechanism connected turnably to the frame , which handle mechanism in an open position allows access to the location for insertion and removal of a bottle and in a closed position prevents access to the location , and that the tube for aspiration of liquid is connected to the handle mechanism so that when the handle mechanism is turned to the open position the end of the tube is simultaneously moved from the bottle at the location and when the handle mechanism is turned to the closed position the end of the tube is simultaneously moved inside the bottle at the location.2. A bottle compartment according to claim 1 , wherein the tube for aspiration of liquid passes through and is connected to a cap claim 1 , which cap in the closed position of the handle mechanism is located on top of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030939A1
Автор: Pedrazzini Gianandrea

Described is a carrier device for a single container of biological products or single test tube, comprising a base with a cavity, and a closing element. Said base has a central pin with a cavity in which an RFID transponder is accommodated, is rotationally coupled to a toothed rotor, and further comprises four coupling holes, obtained in four cylinders projecting upward and having vertical axis, in which pins of four vertical gripping lingers are inserted. 1said base including a central pin with a cavity in which an RFID transponder is accommodated, being rotationally coupled to a toothed rotor, and further comprising four coupling holes, obtained in four cylinders projecting upward and having vertical axis, in which pins of four vertical gripping fingers are inserted,each of said vertical gripping fingers having, in turn, a gear which engages a ring gear of the toothed rotor, as well as pins which engage coupling holes of the closing element,whereinsaid toothed rotor further comprises a hollow cylinder which supports said ring gear at the bottom and is adapted to rotationally engage on the central pin of the base,said hollow cylinder having a diameter which is smaller than the diameter of the ring gear which therefore projects radially outward with respect to said hollow cylinder,a spiral spring wounding around the hollow cylinder and fixing to the toothed rotor by means of a first end which is inserted from the bottom into a hole of the ring gear, a second hook-shaped end of the spiral spring coupling to one of the cylinders of the base,the spiral spring having a radial size which is smaller than the diameter of the ring gear also after assembly with the toothed rotor.. A carrier device for a single container of biological products or single test tube, comprising a base with a cavity, and a closing element, The present invention relates to a modified device for transporting a container of biological products in a laboratory automation system.Within the scope of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031421A1

An apparatus having a cryogenic storage box able to withstand temperatures down to at least negative (−)180 degrees Celsius. The cryogenic storage box includes a lid member coupled to a base member via a hinge. The lid member includes slots and magnets held therein via pressure. The base member also includes slots having magnets held therein via pressure, as well as vial supports configured to support vials in an upright position. When the lid member is in a closed position, each lid magnetic aligns with a base magnet along a respective vertical axis to magnetically couple the lid member to the base member. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second lid magnets and the first and second base magnets are positioned on an inner portion of the cryogenic storage box.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first lid magnet and the second lid magnet are positioned at a first corner of the box and the second lid magnet and the second base magnet are positioned at a second corner of the cryogenic storage box claim 2 , each of the corners spaced away from the hinge.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the base member comprises:an upper unit having the plurality of vial supports, wherein the upper unit includes the first and second base magnets; anda lower unit coupled to the upper unit.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the lid member and the base member each have a plurality of vent openings configured to allow the passage of air through the cryogenic storage box when in a closed configuration.6. The apparatus of further comprising a plurality of offsets that protrude from a bottom surface of the base member.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of offsets are configured to set into a plurality of vent openings of a second cryogenic storage box when placed on the second cryogenic storage box.8. A cryogenic storage box configured to store vials in low temperatures claim 6 , the cryogenic storage box comprises:a lid member;a base member ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032580A1

A cell culture container is provided which is filled with a cell culture substrate () including a gel layer formed of a gel () capable of being denatured by heating and a gold nanoparticle layer () formed on one surface of the gel layer, in which a cell is cultured on a side of the one surface or a side of the other surface in the cell culture substrate. A method for manufacturing a cell culture container, including: a step of filling the cell culture container with a gel capable of being denatured by heating; and a step of forming a gold nanoparticle layer on one surface of the gel. A method for acquiring a cell, including: a step of selecting a cell to be acquired from cells placed in the cell culture container; a step of irradiating a cell culture substrate in the vicinity of the selected cell with light; and a step of recovering the selected cell. 1. A cell culture container filled with a cell culture substrate including a gel layer formed of a gel capable of being denatured by heating and a gold nanoparticle layer formed on one surface of the gel layer ,wherein a cell is cultured on a side of the one surface or a side of the other surface in the cell culture substrate.2. The cell culture container according to claim 1 ,wherein the cell culture container is a cell culture container having a plurality of wells, andeach of the wells is filled with the cell culture substrate.3. The cell culture container according to claim 2 ,wherein the well has a bottom.4. The cell culture container according to claim 2 ,wherein the well has a through-hole at the bottom.5. The cell culture container according to claim 4 ,wherein the diameter of the through-hole is equal to or smaller than the diameter of the well.6. The cell culture container according to claim 2 ,wherein the well has a diameter such that about one cell is placed per well.7. The cell culture container according to claim 2 ,wherein the wells are arranged in an array.8. The cell culture container according to claim ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032681A1

Multiple receptacles containing a reaction mixture are transported to corresponding receptacle wells of a thermally-conductive receptacle holder in thermal communication with a support that is in thermal communication with a heat sink. The heat sink is pre-heated to a temperature above ambient temperature, and the temperature of the receptacle holder is cycled. Optical communication is established between each of the receptacle wells and an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector during cycling, and whether an emission signal is emitted from any of the receptacles is determined as an indication of the presence of a target nucleic acid. 1. A method for determining the presence of a target nucleic acid in a sample , the method comprising the automated steps of:(a) transporting multiple receptacles to each of a plurality of corresponding receptacle wells of a thermally-conductive receptacle holder, each of the receptacles containing a reaction mixture, wherein the receptacle holder is in thermal communication with a support, and wherein the support is in thermal communication with a heat sink;(b) pre-heating the heat sink to a temperature above ambient temperature;(c) after step (b), cycling the temperature of the receptacle holder;(d) establishing optical communication between each of the receptacle wells and an excitation signal source and an emission signal detector during step (c); and(e) determining whether an emission signal is emitted from any of the receptacles during step (d) as an indication of the presence of a target nucleic acid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the support is disposed on the heat sink.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a base of the support is disposed on the heat sink.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the receptacle holder is affixed to the support.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the receptacle holder is affixed to an upright portion of the support claim 4 , and wherein a thermal element is situated between the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033634A1

The present invention concerns the technical field of volumetric measurement and volumetric instruments and provides novel devices and methods for the determination of the volume of a fluid. 230321011. The volumetric device of claim 1 , wherein the quantizing device () is a capillary valve () normally closed and drivable to open by individual pressure pulses applicable to the fluid () claim 1 , thereby releasing each one droplet () of uniform partial volume upon one or more pressure pulse applied.3. The volumetric device of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 26', '20', '10, 'a holder () for receiving the vessel () containing the fluid ().'}45-. (canceled)640. The volumetric device of claim 1 , wherein the droplet detector () is selected from the group consisting of: light detectors claim 1 , photoelectric barriers claim 1 , capacitive sensors and piezoelectric sensors and combinations of any two or three thereof.7. The volumetric device of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 70', '11', '30', '70, 'a receiver vessel () for receiving the plurality of droplets () released from the from the quantizing device (), the receiver vessel () optionally being detachable from the volumetric device.'}8. The volumetric device of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 80', '10', '11', '11, 'a microcontroller (), programmed to calculate the total volume of the fluid () from the total number of droplets () of partial volume of said fluid, given the predetermined partial volume of each droplet ().'}920322220. The volumetric device of claim 1 , wherein the vessel () is in the form of a disposable container claim 1 , selected from the group comprising reaction tubes claim 1 , vials claim 1 , cups and multiwell-plates claim 1 , and which comprises a capillary valve () that is integrated into the bottom tip () of the vessel ().1010. A method of volumetric measurement of the total volume of a fluid () claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'b': 10', '20, 'a) receiving the fluid () to be metered in ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036734A1

A method and apparatus for opening a reaction vessel having a body forming a volume for liquid, and a lid. In the method at least one reaction vessel is placed on a transport vehicle and the reaction vessel is positioned on the vehicle so that the vessel's rotation about its own axis is prevented. Then, the at least one reaction vessel is transferred on the vehicle and a guide rod, attached to the lid that is attached by a hinge to the reaction vessel, is pushed by the movement of the vehicle against a guide surface that forces the lid to turn on the hinge so that the lid is at least partially opened. 1. A reaction vessel that can be opened and closed , the reaction vessel comprising:a body forming a volume for liquid and an opening,a lid for closing the opening,a guide rail for positioning the reaction vessel on a seat so that the reaction vessel's rotation about its own axis is prevented,a hinge for attaching the lid to the reaction vessel, anda guide rod attached to the lid and extending therefrom.2. The reaction vessel according to claim 1 , wherein a force can be applied to push said guide rod so that the guide rod and the lid turn on the hinge to open said lid.3. The reaction vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the guide rod extends outwards from the outer surface of said lid so that the guide rod remains horizontally within the edge of the lid when the lid is in a closed position.4. The reaction vessel according to claim 3 , wherein the guide rod is mounted on the lid between the center point of said lid and said hinge.5. The reaction vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the body claim 1 , the lid and the hinge are made of a single piece of material.6. The reaction vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel further comprises a gripping collar and a stopping collar claim 1 , wherein the stopping collar is under the gripping collar claim 1 , and wherein the stopping collar has at least one modified surface part for preventing vessel rotation in a robot ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036735A1

A sample vessel rack (), which comprises a frame () with a plurality of openings () in the upper surface of the frame for sample vessels (), and a locking plate member () movable in a plane parallel to the upper surface of the frame () of the rack from a releasing position to a locking position and back, wherein the removal of the sample vessels () from the rack is prevented when the locking plate member is in the locking position, the openings () of the upper surface of the frame () comprises slots () formed on their side, and in the locking position a part of the locking plate member () sets itself in the area of the slots. The invention also relates to such a method and a sample vessel rack system. 1. A sample vessel rack , which comprises a frame with a plurality of openings in the upper surface of the frame for sample vessels , and a locking plate member movable in a plane parallel to the upper surface of the frame of the rack from a releasing position to a locking position and back , wherein the removal of the sample vessels from the rack is prevented when the locking plate member is in the locking position , characterized in that the openings of the upper surface of the frame comprises slots formed on their side , and in the locking position a part of the locking plate member sets itself in the area of the slots.2. A sample vessel rack according to claim 1 , wherein the locking plate member comprises a plurality of openings corresponding to the openings in the upper surface of the frame of the sample vessel rack.3. A sample vessel rack according to claim 2 , wherein the frame of the sample vessel rack comprises a second surface below the upper surface claim 2 , the second surface being parallel with the upper surface and having a plurality of openings for sample vessels claim 2 , and the locking plate member is located between the said upper and second surfaces.4. A sample vessel rack according to claim 1 , wherein the frame of the rack comprises side ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180046883A1

Embodiments are directed to classifying barcode tag conditions on sample tubes from top view images to streamline sample tube handling in advanced clinical laboratory automation systems. The classification of barcode tag conditions leads to the automatic detection of problematic barcode tags, allowing for a user to take necessary steps to fix the problematic barcode tags. A vision system is utilized to perform the automatic classification of barcode tag conditions on sample tubes from top view images. The classification of barcode tag conditions on sample tubes from top view images is based on the following factors: (1) a region-of-interest (ROI) extraction and rectification method based on sample tube detection; (2) a barcode tag condition classification method based on holistic features uniformly sampled from the rectified ROI; and (3) a problematic barcode tag area localization method based on pixel-based feature extraction. 1. A method of classifying barcode tag conditions on sample tubes held in a tube tray , the method comprising:acquiring, by an image capture system comprised of at least one camera, top view image sequences of the tube tray; and rectifying a region of interest (ROI) from each input image of the top view image sequences;', 'extracting features from the rectified ROI; and', 'inputting the extracted features from the rectified ROI into a classifier to determine the barcode tag condition, the barcode tag condition based upon a barcode tag condition category stored in the classifier., 'analyzing, by one or more processors in communication with the image capture system, the top view image sequences, the analyzing comprising, for each sample tube2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing by the one or more processors further comprises:if the determined barcode tag condition comprises a problematic identification, localizing a problematic area and issuing a warning via an output device in communication with the one or more processors.3. The ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053066A1

The present invention describes a secondary tube tray for use in an automated processing system, the tray comprising a base module and a secondary tube insert. Furthermore, the present invention describes a secondary tube handling module of an automated processing system for automatically processing biological sample, and a method of handling secondary tubes for use in automatically processing biological sample in an automated processing system. 111111002002002200200100. A secondary tube tray (′; ″) for an automated processing system , the secondary tube tray (′; ″) comprising a base module () and a secondary tube insert (′; ″) adapted for holding a plurality of secondary tubes () in parallel , the secondary tube insert (′; ″) being inserted into said base module () , wherein{'b': 100', '101', '1011', '2, 'the base module () comprises a substantially closed bottom side () with at least one discharge opening () for discharging secondary tubes (),'}{'b': 200', '200', '203', '203', '201', '201, 'the secondary tube insert (′; ″) is a hollow body with at least one insert opening (′; ″) in its bottom side (′; ″);'}{'b': 200', '200', '300', '300', '200', '200', '1011', '101', '100, 'the secondary tube insert (′; ″) comprises a blocking mechanism in the form of a blocking bar (′; ″) movably arranged on an inside of the secondary tube insert (′; ″), said blocking mechanism blocking the discharge opening () in the bottom side () of the base module () when not operated, wherein the blocking mechanism is adapted to be openable from outside of the base module.'}211203203201201200. The secondary tube tray (′; ″) according to claim 1 , wherein the insert opening (′; ″) in the bottom side (′; ″) of the secondary tube insert (′;{'b': 200', '4221', '101', '100', '101', '100', '1012', '4221', '201', '201', '200', '200, '″) is adapted for passage of a blocking mechanism actuating member () from outside of the base module through the bottom side () of the base module () to the blocking ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Isolation of High Molecular Weight DNA Using Beads

Номер: US20210054363A1
Принадлежит: New England Biolabs Inc

Provided herein is a method for isolating high molecular weight (HMW) DNA using beads that are at least 200 μm in diameter that utilizes a device for retaining the beads and where the purified DNA eluant exits the device without shearing the HMW DNA. In some embodiments, the method comprises precipitating the DNA onto the beads, washing the beads in the device, and then eluting the DNA from the beads therein while substantially avoiding shear. Compositions and kits for practicing the method are also provided.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071846A1
Автор: Kawamura Hideaki

The object of the present invention is to provide a container holding member that is capable of simply, surely, and stably holding a plurality of medical containers, and that is usable efficiently for medical containers. The present invention is a container holding member capable of holding a plurality of bottomed tubular medical containers. The container holding member is provided with a flat plate-like substrate section having a plurality of through holes penetrating one surface and the other surface and a plurality of tubular housing sections each having an upper side opening end on a side of the one surface of the substrate section and a lower side opening end on a side of the other surface and each protruding upward or downward from a hole edge of each of the through holes. The tubular housing sections are each configured to be capable of holding each of the medical containers in a state where an outer bottom surface of each of the medical containers protrudes downward from the lower side opening end when the medical containers are housed in the tubular housing sections. 1. A container holding member capable of holding a plurality of bottomed tubular medical containers , whereinthe container holding member comprises:a flat plate-like substrate section having a plurality of through holes each penetrating one surface and the other surface; anda plurality of tubular housing sections each having an upper side opening end on a side of the one surface of the substrate section and a lower side opening end on a side of the other surface and each protruding upward or downward from a hole edge of each of the through holes, andthe tubular housing sections are each configured to be capable of holding each of the medical containers in a state where an outer bottom surface of each of the medical containers protrudes downward from the lower side opening end when the medical containers are housed in the tubular housing sections.212-. (canceled) The present invention relates to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Specimen collection kit

Номер: US20170055959A1
Принадлежит: Cahill Swift LLC

A method and system for collection of a specimen includes a specimen collection kit. The specimen collection kit includes a collection container adapted to receive the specimen, and a specimen bottle adapted to receive the specimen from the collection container. The kit has a specimen bottle holder having a planar plate with a bottle-receiving opening to receive the specimen bottle. The specimen bottle holder has a curvature such that a pair of edges of the planar plate are adapted to engage a surface therein spacing the bottle-receiving opening from the surface.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Assembly, instrument for performing a temperature-dependent reaction and method for performing a temperature-dependent reaction in an assembly

Номер: US20180056297A1
Принадлежит: Roche Molecular System, Inc.

An assembly () comprising a sample block (), a heat sink () and at least one electrodeposited thermoelectric element () is disclosed. Further, an instrument and a method for performing a temperature-dependent reaction are disclosed. 1. An assembly comprising a sample block , a heat sink and at least one electrodeposited thermoelectric element , wherein the sample block comprises one or more recesses each configured to receive a sample vessel , wherein the shape of said at least one electrodeposited thermoelectric element is adapted to the shape of said one or more recesses.2. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the electrodeposited thermoelectric element is disposed between the sample block and the heat sink.3. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the electrodeposited thermoelectric element contacts one or more of the sample block and the heat sink.4. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sample block is fixed to the electrodeposited thermoelectric element and the heat sink.5. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sample block is fixed to the electrodeposited thermoelectric element and the heat sink by one or more of the following: a positive fit connection claim 1 , a non-positive fit connection claim 1 , and an adhesive bond connection.6. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sample block comprises at least one fixture hole claim 1 , wherein the electrodeposited thermoelectric element comprises at least one first fixture hole and the heat sink comprises at least one additional fixture hole claim 1 , wherein at least one threaded bolt engages the at least one first fixture hole of the sample block claim 1 , the at least one first fixture hole of the electrodeposited thermoelectric element and the at least one additional fixture hole of the heat sink.7. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sample block comprises at least one recess configured to receive a sample vessel claim 1 , wherein said recess comprises a bottom ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056301A1
Автор: Malinowski Michal

A test tube carrier for transporting test tubes in a laboratory automation system is presented. The test tube carrier comprises a base body and at least three centering fingers attached to the base body. The centering fingers are distributed about a central axis (A). Each centering finger comprises an elongate, bent resilient element and a strut having a higher stiffness than the resilient element. The struts extend in parallel to the central axis (A). A first end of the associated resilient element is fixedly attached to the strut at an upper position and a second end of the resilient element contacts the strut at a lower position between the base body and the upper position. A laboratory distribution system having a number of test tube carriers, and a laboratory automation system comprising a laboratory distribution system are also presented. 1. A test tube carrier for transporting test tubes in a laboratory automation system , the test tube carrier comprising:a base body; andat least three centering fingers attached to the base body, wherein the centering fingers are distributed about a central axis (A), wherein each centering finger comprises an elongate, bent resilient element and a strut having a higher stiffness than the resilient element, wherein the strut extends in parallel to the central axis (A), wherein a first end of the associated resilient element is fixedly attached to the strut at an upper position, wherein a second end of the resilient element contacts the strut at a lower position between the base body and the upper position when a test tube is inserted between the centering fingers and in the absence of a test tube, and wherein a contact portion of the resilient element between the first end and the second end protrudes towards the central axis (A).2. The test tube carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient elements are adapted for a resilient deformation displacing the contact portion in parallel towards or away from an associated ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Integrated apparatus for performing nucleic acid extraction and diagnostic testing on multiple biological samples

Номер: US20190054471A1
Принадлежит: HandyLab Inc

The technology described herein generally relates to systems for extracting polynucleotides from multiple samples, particularly from biological samples, and additionally to systems that subsequently amplify and detect the extracted polynucleotides. The technology more particularly relates to microfluidic systems that carry out PCR on multiple samples of nucleotides of interest within microfluidic channels, and detect those nucleotides.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054472A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT Schweiz AG

A transport structure for accommodating a plurality of vials for pharmaceutical, medical or cosmetic use under non-sterile conditions is formed by an accommodation member and by a bearing member releasably connected thereto. The accommodation member comprises a plurality of frustro-conical receptacles in a regular arrangement so that the vials can be accommodated upright and while preventing a direct contact between adjacent vials in the receptacles of the accommodation member. The transport structure comprises latching structures for releasable latching of the accommodation member with the bearing member. According to the disclosure, the receptacles are matched to the height of the vials in such a manner that the vials can be completely accommodated therein, wherein the bearing member is formed by a base plate having a flat supporting surface facing the receptacles, so that the vials can be freely displaced on the supporting surface of the base plate after releasing the latching and can be pushed from the bearing member by displacement of the accommodation member relative to the bearing member. The accommodation member and/or the bearing member can be formed in one piece by thermoforming a plastic material, in particular by deep-drawing a thin film or a thin film plate. 1. A transport structure for accommodating a plurality of vials for pharmaceutical , medical or cosmetic use , wherein the transport structure is formed by an accommodation member and by a bearing member releasably connected thereto , and wherein:the accommodation member comprises a plurality of frustro-conical receptacles in a regular arrangement so that the upper ends of the vials are directed towards the bottoms of the receptacles and can be accommodated in the receptacles of the accommodation member while preventing a direct contact between adjacent vials;the bearing member covers the bottoms of the vials when the vials are accommodated in the accommodation member ;the receptacles are matched ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056848A1
Автор: II Robert Paul, Luoma

Method and apparatus to agitate a liquid are disclosed herein. An example apparatus includes a carrier having a base that includes a ridge extending from the base and a collar extending from the base. The example apparatus also includes a container supported on the base, the container movable between (A) a locked positon in which the ridge fixedly engages the container to non-rotatably couple the container to the base and (B) an unlocked position in which the container is disengaged from the ridge and the container is rotatable about the collar. 1. An apparatus comprising: a ridge extending from the base; and', 'a collar extending from the base; and, 'a carrier having a base, the base includinga container supported on the base, the container movable between (A) a locked positon in which the ridge fixedly engages the container to non-rotatably couple the container to the base and (B) an unlocked position in which the container is disengaged from the ridge and the container is rotatable about the collar.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ridge extends from the base a first distance and the collar extends from the base a second distance greater than the first distance.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the unlocked position claim 2 , the container is raised a third distance away from the base claim 2 , the third distance being between the first distance and the second distance.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container includes a rim extending from a bottom of the container claim 1 , and wherein the ridge is to engage the rim when the container is in the locked position.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container includes a connector extending from a bottom of the container claim 1 , the connector disposed within the collar in the locked position and the unlocked position.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the connector is a first connector claim 5 , and wherein the base of the carrier includes an opening extending through the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Field pathogen identification

Номер: US20170056879A1
Принадлежит: BG Research Ltd

A process for the identification of genetic material in a biological liquid sample and including the steps of injecting into a reaction vessel containing freeze dried PCR reagents and labelled primers sufficient pure water to liquify the reagents and primers; injecting the biological liquid sample into the reaction vessel; subjecting the reaction vessel contents to a cell disruption process, in the said reaction vessel; conducting pathogen specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on the contents of the reaction vessel; and monitoring the PCR and determining therefrom the presence of a specific genetic material. A device for performing the process comprises a heat reduction module (HRM); a peltier cell (TEC) the base plate whereof is contiguous with the HRM; a reaction vessel receiving heat transfer sleeve contiguous with a working face of the TEC; retention means for holding a reaction vessel in the sleeve; and means for driving the TEC.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060568A1
Автор: Inoue Takashi

A vial holder includes a thermally conductive holder positioned at a lower part and a non-thermally conductive holder positioned at an upper part. The thermally conductive holder is made of thermally conductive material and supports at least bottom surfaces of the vials accommodated in the accommodation holes. The non-thermally conductive holder is made of non-thermally conductive material, is arranged so as to cover an upper surface of the thermally conductive holder while being in contact with the upper surface, and includes a plurality of through holes constituting at least a part of the accommodation holes. 1. A vial holder for cooling temperature regulation ,wherein the vial holder has a plurality of accommodation holes having openings at their tops respectively so that vials containing a liquid are inserted into the accommodation holes respectively from their bottoms via the openings, and mounted on a heat transfer surface of a sample temperature regulation device,the vial holder comprising:a thermally conductive holder constituting a lower part of the vial holder and made of thermally conductive material, and being for causing heat exchange between bottom surfaces of the vials accommodated in the accommodation holes and the heat transfer surface by supporting at least the bottom surfaces; anda non-thermally conductive holder constituting an upper part of the vial holder and made of non-thermally conductive material and being arranged so as to cover an upper surface of the thermally conductive holder while being in contact with the upper surface, and the non-thermally conductive holder including a plurality of through holes constituting at least a part of the accommodation holes respectively.2. The vial holder according to claim 1 , wherein a side surface of the thermally conductive holder is covered with a heat insulation sheet.3. A sample temperature regulation device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a heat transfer ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Receptacle transport carriers

Номер: US20210061584A1
Автор: Rolf Silbert
Принадлежит: Gen Probe Inc

A sample receptacle transporting carrier includes a base defining a recess for receiving a bottom end of the sample receptacle. The carrier also includes a plurality of resilient wire fingers affixed to and extending upward from the annular support. The fingers are configured to retain the bottom end of the sample receptacle within the recess of the base and to maintain the sample receptacle in an upright orientation. Each of the wire fingers includes a first segment adjacent to the base, a linear second segment joined to the first segment by a first angled portion, and a linear third segment joined to the second linear segment by a second angled portion. The third segment of each finger is configured to contact the bottom end of the receptacle as the receptacle is inserted into the carrier. The third segment and the vertical axis of the carrier form an angle between about 40° and about 50°.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Pooling by Allele Partition Designs For Identifying Anti-HLA and Other AlloAntibodies and Selecting Cell and Graft Donors

Номер: US20190056409A1
Автор: Seul Michael

The invention relates to forming locus-specific (or gene-specific) pools of cells from various potential donors, where the cells that express or display HLA molecules, or other polymorphic cell surface markers, and identifying the pattern of responses across these pools, notably aggregation of cells, or their acquisition of fluorescence when exposed to a labeled secondary antibody, when exposed to sera from a potential recipient. Pools of cells from different potential donors are designed and constructed in accordance with allele partitions that are identified by amino acid sequence tags, preferably defined in terms of single or combinations of variable amino acid positions encoded by the constituent alleles in the partition. 1. A device for identifying suitable donors of blood , blood products , cells or organs , comprising: a multiplicity of pools of cells , wherein different cells for each pool are selected to represent a designated group of alleles at a genetic locus encoding an antigen of interest , such that all alleles in the group encode the same amino acids at one or more designated variable positions of the amino acid sequence of the antigen.2. The device of further including in the series of wells claim 1 , serum from a potential recipient claim 1 , or samples derived from said serum.3. The device of wherein the pools of cells are HLA class I or HLA class II expressing cells.4. The device of wherein the pools of cells are RHCE or RHD expressing cells.5. The device of further including a labeled secondary antibody directed to the Fc portion of an IgG class antibody.6. The device of where the number of designated variable positions is three or less claim 5 , where the combination of variable positions for different antigens of interest encodes the antigens of interest.7. A method identifying cognate antigenic determinants of antibodies in serum from an individual claim 5 , to be used in identifying donors of blood claim 5 , blood products claim 5 , cells or ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus for applying thermal energy to a receptacle and detecting an emission signal from the receptacle

Номер: US20210062245A1
Принадлежит: Gen Probe Inc

An apparatus for performing nucleic acid amplification reactions includes a thermally-conductive receptacle holder that includes multiple receptacle wells. Each well can receive a receptacle and has a through-hole extending from an inner surface of the well to an outer surface of the holder. The apparatus includes multiple optical fibers, and each optical fiber has a first end in optical communication with an associated well and a second end in optical communication with an excitation signal source and/or an emission signal detector. The first end of each optical fiber is moveable with respect to the through-hole. A cover is movable between an open position and a closed position relative to the receptacle holder, and the first end of each optical fiber moves with respect to the through-hole of the associated well as the cover moves to the open or closed position or when the cover moves into or out of contact with any receptacles within the wells.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063421A1

The sample analyzer includes: a reagent arranging section for arranging a plurality of reagents; an analyzing section for analyzing a measurement sample prepared by mixing a sample and the reagent arranged on the reagent arranging section; a display device; an input device; and a display control section for displaying a reagent arrangement displaying region for displaying a plurality of reagent marks inscribed with a reagent name respectively on the display device, wherein the each reagent mark is displayed in a manner selectable by the input device, wherein arrangement of the each reagent mark on the reagent arrangement displaying region corresponds to arrangement of the each reagent on the reagent arranging section, wherein the display control section displays detailed information related to the reagent corresponding to the reagent mark selected by the input device on the display device. 1. A method for a sample analyzer comprising:displaying a reagent arrangement displaying region and a reagent detailed information displaying region, wherein, on the reagent arrangement displaying region, a plurality of display areas corresponding to a plurality of holding regions for holding reagent containers of the analyzer are displayed; anddisplaying, on the reagent detailed information displaying region, detailed information related to a reagent contained in a reagent container held by a holding region corresponding to a display area selected by using a touch panel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reagent name is displayed on the display area.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the selected display area is distinguishable from display areas other than the selected display area.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detailed information comprises a reagent name claim 1 , usage order claim 1 , and remaining amount.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detailed information comprises necessity of stirring.6. The method according to ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140140804A1
Принадлежит: QIAGEN GmbH

Magnetic rack system comprising a holder having trough-holes for receiving tubes, a base having a plurality of receptacles with at least one magnet, wherein trough-holes in the holder are arranged relative to the base such that each tube can be positioned in a respective receptacle in a pre-determined position relative to the magnet, and an adapter, wherein the adapter is designed to allow transmission of motion to the tubes () positioned in the holder (). 1. A magnetic rack system comprising:a. a holder having trough-holes for receiving tubes andb. a base having a plurality of receptacles with at least one magnet, wherein the trough-holes of the holder are arranged relative to the base such that each tube can be positioned in a respective receptacle in a pre-determined position relative to the magnet, andc. an adapter, wherein the adapter is designed to allow transmission of motion to the tubes positioned in the holder.2. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the through-holes in the holder are arranged in lines and columns claim 1 , the lines having a spacing of approximately 0.9 to 3.6 cm claim 1 , and the columns having a spacing of approximately 0.9 to 3.6 cm claim 1 , wherein positions of the receptacles in the base are arranged corresponding to a position of the through-holes in the holder.3. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the holder comprises a foamed polymer.4. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the adapter comprises a foamed polymer.5. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a solid polymer and/or aluminium housing.6. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the adapter is in a geometry thereof claim 1 , adapted for a transmission of motion to the tubes positioned in the holder.7. The magnetic rack system according to claim 1 , wherein the adapter is formed as a plate comprising receptacles for receiving the tubes positioned in the holder.8. A ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060909A1

The disclosed devices, systems and methods related to the use of a test tube rack to assist with withdrawal of a needle from a container. The rack has a plurality of notches on a top shelf and corresponding openings on a second shelf that allow for the movement of a container stored therein between positions so as to prevent needle sticks and allow for one-handed operation. 1. A test tube rack system for preventing needle sticks , comprising a frame comprising:a) a first shelf comprising a plurality of notches defined therein;b) a second shelf comprising a plurality of openings defined therein and disposed below the plurality of notches; andc) a third shelf disposed below the plurality of openings and plurality of notches,wherein the plurality of notches and plurality of openings are constructed and arranged so as to define angled and substantially vertical axes and permit the movement of a container from a first, angled position to a second, substantially vertical position.2. The test tube rack system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of notches is sized to accommodate the passage of a needle but not a container.3. The test tube rack system of claim 1 , wherein one or more supports maintains spacing between the one or more shelves4. The test tube rack system of claim 1 , wherein the frame is constructed and arranged to hold one or more containers in place while a needle is withdrawn from the container.5. The test tube rack system of claim 1 , wherein the system is constructed and arranged for the deposit or withdraw of a sample into the container at the first position or second position.6. The test tube rack system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of openings each comprise proximal and distal ends.7. The test tube rack system of claim 6 , wherein the rack system is constructed and arranged such that the container will be adjacent to one proximal end in the angled position and be adjacent to one distal end in the vertical position.8. The test tube rack ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062823A1

A portable testing device includes a hosing with an integrated touchscreen display and a receptacle in which a sample holder containing a biological sample and reagent mixture can be placed. The portable testing device further includes an optical assembly positioned in the housing, an electronic assembly that is configured to receive data from the optical assembly and transmit it for display upon the touchscreen display, and a power supply in the housing to power the portable testing device. The optical assembly includes an excitation filter that extends across the entire optical assembly and an emission filter that extends across the entire optical assembly. 1. (canceled)2. A portable testing device comprising:a case comprising a receptacle configured to receive a sample holder containing a biological sample and reagent mixture;an optical assembly positioned in the case, wherein the optical assembly is configured to amplify and detect a signal from the biological sample and reagent mixture in the sample holder, and wherein the optical assembly comprises: a plurality of cavities that are shaped to receive the sample holder;', a first excitation filter;', 'a first emission filter;', 'a first plurality of light-emitting diodes positioned on a side of the first excitation filter opposite the plurality of cavities; and', 'a first plurality of photodetectors positioned on a side of the first emission filter opposite the plurality of cavities; and, 'a first housing portion positioned on a first side of the sample block, wherein the first housing portion comprises, a second excitation filter;', 'a second emission filter;', 'a second plurality of light-emitting diodes positioned on a side of the second excitation filter opposite the plurality of cavities; and', 'a second plurality of photodetectors positioned on a side of the second emission filter opposite the plurality of cavities; and, 'a second housing portion positioned on a second side of the sample block, opposite ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Automatic analysing system for in vitro diagnostics

Номер: US20190064194A1
Автор: Bertrand PARAGEAUD
Принадлежит: Arteion

The automatic analysis system comprise a storage device configured to store a plurality of reaction cuvettes intended to contain biological liquids samples to analyze; at least one samples processing station, comprising at least one receiving cavity which is downwardly open and configured to receive and house at least partially one reaction cuvette; and a displacement device configured to displace a reaction cuvette, the displacement device being further configured to unload a reaction cuvette out of the storage device and to load and unload a reaction cuvette into and out of the at least one receiving cavity of the at least one samples processing station via the respective introduction opening.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069912A1

A method for determining a position of a rack on a rack placement unit of a laboratory handling system is presented. The rack is configured to carry a number of laboratory sample containers. The method comprises measuring a height profile of the rack, determining at least one corner region of the rack based on the measured height profile of the rack, and determining the position of the rack based on the determined at least one corner region of the rack. 1. A method for determining a position of a rack on a rack placement unit of a laboratory handling system , wherein the rack is configured to carry a number of laboratory sample containers , the method comprising:a) measuring a height profile of the rack;b) determining at least one corner region of the rack based on the measured height profile of the rack; andc) determining the position of the rack based on the determined at least one corner region of the rack.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a) comprises measuring a number of vertical distances between a distance sensing unit and the rack and/or rack placement unit and/or a number of laboratory sample containers claim 1 , which is inserted in the rack claim 1 , in x-direction and y-direction.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one corner region of the rack is determined based on the measured number of vertical distances between the distance sensing unit and the rack and/or rack placement unit and/or the number of laboratory sample containers claim 2 , which is inserted in the rack claim 2 , in x-direction and y-direction.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the distance sensing unit is assigned to a handling unit claim 2 , wherein the handling unit is configured to insert laboratory sample containers in the rack or remove laboratory sample containers from the rack based on the determined position of the rack.5. The method according to any of the claim 4 , wherein the distance sensing unit is attached between two gripping ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064362A1

An embodiment of the disclosure is a rack adapted to engage a rack handler. The rack includes a rack body. The rack body has a bottom, a top opposite the bottom, and a receptacle that extends from the top toward the bottom. The receptacle is sized to receive the sample collection unit. The rack body has a first interior surface that extends from the bottom toward the top, and a second interior surface that extends from the bottom toward the top. The second interior surface is opposite to the first interior surface so as to at least partially define a slot along the bottom. The rack body also includes an interference groove in the slot along at least one of the first interior surface and the second interior surface. The slot and the interference groove are sized to engage a portion of the rack handler. 1. A rack adapted to engage a rack handler and to carry a sample collection unit , the rack comprising: a bottom;', 'a top opposite the bottom along a vertical direction;', 'a receptacle that extends from the top toward the bottom along the vertical direction, the receptacle sized to receive the sample collection unit;', 'a first interior surface that extends from the bottom toward the top along the vertical direction;', 'a second interior surface that extends from the bottom toward the top along the vertical direction, the second interior surface being opposite to the first interior surface so as to at least partially define a slot along the bottom; and', 'an interference groove in the slot along at least one of the first interior surface and the second interior surface,', 'wherein the slot and the interference groove are sized to engage a portion of the rack handler., 'a rack body having2. The rack of claim 1 , wherein the first interior surface has a first portion and a second portion that is angularly offset with respect to the first portion so as to define the interference groove that engages a portion of a rack handler.3. The rack of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Storage system for biological samples in freezing tanks in a liquid/gas nitrogen environment

Номер: US20220088592A1
Автор: Sela Roee

The storage system is intended to provide users a device, that may securely hold biological samples within a cell in a space saving storage assembly. It is further an aim of the storage system to enable easy retrieval of the biological samples through a simple two-step retrieval action of the cell. Furthermore, the system includes a compact storage assembly that comprises multiple cells and canisters stacked together having efficient structural components that are suited for a typical freezer tank for biological samples. Additionally, the storage system comprises a simple elevator system that enables easy and fast retrieval of a single canister and cell from a large group of canisters. 1. A storage system for storing biological samples in freezer tanks , the system comprising:a plurality of cells;a plurality of canisters;a storage assembly;a locking system;each of the plurality of cells comprising a receptacle and an inner compartment;the inner compartment traversing into the receptacle;the inner compartment traversing from a first end of the receptacle towards a second end of the receptacle, wherein the first end is positioned opposite to the second end across the receptacle;each of the plurality of cells and each of the plurality of canisters being polygonal;a first set of cells being longitudinally mounted within a corresponding canister, wherein the first set of cells are from the plurality of cells, and the corresponding canister is from the plurality of canisters;the locking system being integrated between each of the plurality of cells and the corresponding canister;the plurality of canisters being compactly arranged to form the storage assembly, such that the plurality of canisters are pressed against each other.2. The storage system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of canisters comprising:a sleeve;an inner cavity;a plurality of mounting bases;a pole;the inner cavity traversing into the sleeve;the sleeve partially and perimetrically encompassing ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Test tube gripper, test tube labeling unit, and test tube preparing apparatus including the same

Номер: US20160075462A1
Принадлежит: ENERGIUM Ltd

The present invention relates to a test tube preparation device which is compact, light and more mobile and improve the spatial layout of an installing unit, a transfer unit and a label attaching unit and the constitution of the units. According to an aspect, the invention may comprise a frame in which right and left installing units where a plurality of test tubes are vertically installed are provided on the upper part and at least one guide hole which allows the test tube to move by passing through the hole; a gripper transfer unit transfers the test tubes installed in the right and left installing units to the guide hole; a gripper pinches or separates the test tubes; and a labelling unit attaches a label to the waist of the test tube transferred through the guide hole.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070573A1

The present technology provides a technology that liquid in round-bottom vessels is efficiently agitated. There is provided a vessel rack at least including a holder having a plurality of through-holes into which round-bottom vessels each having a closed-bottom tube shape are inserted, and a support having a plurality of supporting holes that are arranged facing to the through-holes and support bottoms of the round-bottom vessels, the bottoms of the supporting holes each having a bulge such that liquid in the round-bottom vessels forms a vortex at a time of agitation of the liquid. Also, there is provided an agitator of agitating liquid in round-bottom vessels at least including the vessel rack, a mounting unit that mounts the vessel rack, and a rocking unit that rocks the mounting unit, and the like. 1. A vessel rack , at least comprising:a holder having a plurality of through-holes into which round-bottom vessels each having a closed-bottom tube shape are inserted; anda support having a plurality of supporting holes that are arranged facing to the through-holes and support bottoms of the round-bottom vessels,the bottoms of the supporting holes each having a bulge such that liquid in the round-bottom vessels forms a vortex at a time of agitation of the liquid.2. The vessel rack according to claim 1 , whereina diameter of each of the through-holes is greater than a diameter of each of the supporting holes.3. The vessel rack according to claim 1 , whereinthe bottoms of the supporting holes each has any of a cone shape, a substantially semispherical shape, and a cylindrical shape.4. The vessel rack according to claim 1 , whereina height of the bulge is 0.02 mm or less.5. The vessel rack according to claim 1 , whereinthe holder and/or the support is formed of resin.6. The vessel rack according to claim 5 , whereinthe resin is polyacetal resin or polyphenylene sulfide resin.7. The vessel rack according to claim 1 , whereinat least one supporting hole of the supporting ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072481A1

Described herein is a receptacle for holding a sample under spectrophotometer analysis comprising: a body, first and second opposing windows separated by a gap to provide a volume for a sample, wherein at least the first opposing window is supported by a first compliant member, and wherein under a force, the first compliant member allows positioning of the first opposing window relative to a first datum to set a desired: a) gap between the first and second opposing windows, and/or b) relative orientation of the first and second opposing windows. 1. A receptacle for holding a sample under spectrophotometer analysis comprising:a bodyfirst and second opposing windows separated by a gap to provide a volume for a sample, wherein at least the first opposing window is supported by a first compliant member, andwherein under a force, the first compliant member allows positioning of the first opposing window relative to a first datum to set a desired: a) gap between the first and second opposing windows, and/or b) relative orientation of the first and second opposing windows.2. A receptacle according to wherein the second opposing window is supported by the first or a second compliant member claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second compliant member allows positioning of the second opposing window under force at the first datum and/or a second datum to set the desired a) gap between the first and second opposing windows claim 1 , and/or b) relative orientation of the first and second opposing windows.3. A receptacle for holding a sample under spectrophotometer analysis comprising:a bodyfirst and second opposing windows separated by a gap to provide a volume for a sample, wherein said first and second opposing windows are supported by said body, andwherein under a force, the body allows positioning of the windows relative to a datum set to set a desired: a) gap between the first and second opposing windows, and/or b) relative orientation of the first and second opposing ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076845A1
Автор: Durco Rudolf, Huber Tobias

A sample container carrier, a laboratory sample distribution system comprising such a sample container carrier and a laboratory automation system comprising such a laboratory sample distribution system are presented. 1. A sample container carrier for holding a laboratory sample container and for transporting the held laboratory sample container in a laboratory sample distribution system , the sample container carrier comprising:a first holding element;a second holding element, wherein the first holding element and the second holding element are translationally displaceable towards and/or away from each other for holding the laboratory sample container; anda coupler, wherein the coupler is connected to the first holding element and to the second holding element such that the coupler couples translational displacements of the first holding element and the second holding element with each other.2. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the coupler is rotationally and/or translationally moveable such that the coupler couples by its rotational and/or translational movement the translational displacements of the first holding element and the second holding element with each other.3. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , further comprises claim 1 , at least one slanted surface coupling claim 1 , wherein the coupler is connected to the first holding element and/or to the second holding element by the at least one slanted surface coupling.4. The sample container carrier according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one slanted surface coupling comprises a protrusion and a protrusion guidance translationally moveable to each other claim 3 , wherein the protrusion guidance comprises at least one slanted surface claim 3 , and wherein the protrusion is configured to cooperate together with the slanted surface for the translational movement.5. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the coupler comprises a ring-segment-shape.6. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076846A1

A sample container carrier, a laboratory sample distribution system comprising such a sample container carrier and a laboratory automation system comprising such a laboratory sample distribution system are presented. 1. A sample container carrier for holding a laboratory sample container and for transporting the held laboratory sample container in a laboratory sample distribution system , the sample container carrier comprising:a first holding element;a second holding element, wherein the first holding element and the second holding element are translationally displaceable towards and/or away from each other for holding the laboratory sample container; anda coupler comprising a lever, wherein the coupler is connected to the first holding element and to the second holding element by the lever such that the coupler couples translational displacements of the first holding element and the second holding element with each other.2. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the coupler is rotationally moveable such that the coupler couples by its rotational movement the translational displacements of the first holding element and the second holding element with each other.3. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the first holding element and/or the second holding element comprises a plurality of jaws for holding the laboratory sample container.4. The sample container carrier according to claim 3 , wherein the jaws are distributed around a central axis (CA) in an equidistant and/or equiangular manner.5. The sample container carrier according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the plurality of jaws comprises a corrugation for holding the laboratory sample container.6. The sample container carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the first holding element and/or the second holding element comprise/s an insertion support claim 1 , wherein the insertion support is configured to cooperate together with the laboratory sample container to be ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082440A1
Автор: MALIN Cosmas G.
Принадлежит: LICONIC AG

The storage device is adapted to store a plurality of objects, such as sample tube holders, at low temperatures, e.g. at −80° C. It comprises a storage chamber with a plurality of storage cassettes arranged in its bottom section. A cassette lift in its top section can be used to lift individual storage cassettes up and to move them to an access opening, where the contents of the storage cassette can be accessed. 1. A low-temperature storage device for storing a plurality of objects , said device comprising ,a storage chamber having a bottom section and a top section,a refrigerator device adapted and structured to cool said storage chamber to a storage temperature below 0° C., in particular below −20° C.,vertical, insulating walls enclosing said storage chamber,a transfer location arranged outside said storage chamber,an access opening arranged in at least one said insulating walls between said storage chamber and said transfer location,a cassette store arranged in said bottom section of said storage chamber and forming a plurality of cassette locations,a plurality of storage cassettes arranged beside each other in said cassette locations, wherein each storage cassette comprises a plurality of storage locations arranged vertically above each other, wherein each storage location is structured and adapted to receive at least one of said objects,a cassette handler located in said storage chamber comprisinga) a cassette lift adapted and structured to move an individual storage cassette between its cassette location and said top section andb) a cassette holder adapted and structured to hold a storage cassette raised by the cassette lift in a raised position in said top section,c) a transport mechanism structured and adapted to horizontally displace said cassette holder, with a raised storage cassette, between a position where said raised storage cassette is vertically above its cassette location to an access position where said raised storage cassette is adjacent to said ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078138A1

An integrated sample purification system includes a housing, a sample container rack, a filter holder, and a cylindrical magnet. The sample container rack and the filter device holder are disposed in the housing. The sample container rack is configured to hold one or more sample containers, the filter device holder is configured to hold one or more filter devices. The cylindrical magnet is adjacent to and external to the sample container rack, and is rotated about a central, longitudinal axis of the magnet by an electric motor disposed in the housing to lyse cells, Molecules of interest in the lysed cells are purified using filters that bind specifically to the molecules of interest. The system is readily amenable to automation and rapid purification and. analysis of molecules of interest, such as nucleic acids and proteins. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for purifying a molecule of interest from a sample with a sample purification system , comprising:placing a sample tribe containing a liquid sample suspension, a magnetic stirrer and cell lysis beads on the sample rack;homogenizing the sample suspension by rotating the cylindrical magnet at a speed sufficient to lyse cells in the sample suspension in the presence of the magnetic stirrer and cell lysis beads;flowing the homogenized sample suspension through a filter device comprising a filter matrix under conditions that the molecule of interest binds to the filter matrix, wherein the filter device is mounted on the filter device holder;washing the filter matrix; andeluting the bound molecule of interest from the filter matrix,wherein the sample purification system comprises:an electric motor;a sample container rack, wherein the sample container rack is configured to hold one or more sample containers;a filter device holder disposed in the housing, wherein the filter device holder is configured to hold one or more filter devices comprising filters for binding molecules of interest; anda magnet adjacent to the side and ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080430A1
Автор: FU Aihua

A magnetic rack includes a bottom plate; a top plate mounted onto the bottom plate, the top plate having therein a first plurality of tube holes for retaining one or more tubes, each tube hole having an opening and a supporting wall extending from the opening between the top plate and the bottom plate; and a second plurality of magnetic assemblies distributed between at least a portion of the first plurality of tube holes, each magnetic assembly being configured to produce a magnetic field in one or more tube holes adjacent thereto. 1. A magnetic rack , comprising:a bottom plate;a top plate mounted onto the bottom plate, the top plate having therein a first plurality of tube holes for retaining one or more tubes, each tube hole having an opening and a supporting wall extending from the opening between to the top plate and the bottom plate; anda second plurality of magnetic assemblies distributed between at least a portion of the first plurality of tube holes, each magnetic assembly being configured to produce a magnetic field in one or more tube holes adjacent to the magnetic assembly;wherein each tube hole partially overlaps with a magnetic assembly adjacent to the tube hole such that a portion of the adjacent magnetic assembly protrudes into the tube hole through the supporting wall of the tube hole.2. (canceled)3. The magnetic rack of claim 1 , wherein each magnetic assembly comprises a cylindrical magnet.4. The magnetic rack of claim 1 , wherein both the first plurality of tube holes and the second plurality of magnetic assemblies are arranged in rectangular arrays claim 1 , and each magnetic assembly is positioned at a center of a group of four tube holes of the first plurality of tube holes claim 1 , and wherein the group of four tube holes are adjacent to the magnetic assembly.5. The magnetic rack of claim 4 , wherein each tube hole is adjacent to a magnetic assembly.6. The magnetic rack of claim 1 , wherein the second plurality of magnetic assemblies are ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080431A1

The invention relates to a device () for receiving and storing containers (), in particular test tubes. The device has at least one support bar () with recesses (), a front face () and a standing strip () arranged opposite the front face (). Once recess () in the support bar () is assigned to each container (), said support bar being used as the first support. The standing strip () receives the base of the container () and axially secures the container (). The invention is characterized in that a folding mechanism () is provided for at least two folding positions, which mechanism orients the device lying on a standing surface () into a first folding position at a first angle (α) to the standing surface () and a second folding position at a second angle (β) to the standing surface (). 114-. (canceled)151012. A device () for receiving and storing containers () having a housing , comprising:each of said storing containers includes a base:{'b': '14', 'a standing surface ();'}{'b': '22', 'a first support bar ();'}{'b': 22', '26, 'said first support bar () includes recesses ();'}{'b': 12', '26, 'each storing container () resides in one of said recesses ();'}{'b': 22', '12, 'said first support bar () supports said storing containers ();'}{'b': '16', 'a front face ();'}{'b': 20', '16', '12', '12, 'a standing strip () arranged opposite said front face () for receiving bases of said storing containers () and for axially securing said storing containers ();'}{'b': '40', 'a folding mechanism ();'}said folding mechanism includes at least two folding positions;said folding mechanism connected to said housing;{'b': '14', 'said folding mechanism has a first folding position orienting said storing containers at a first angle (α) with respect to said standing surface (); and,'}{'b': '14', 'said folding mechanism has a second folding position orienting said storing containers at a second angle (β) with respect to said standing surface ().'}16. The device as claimed in claim 15 , ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083781A1

An integrated sample purification system includes a housing, a sample container rack, a filter holder, and a cylindrical magnet. The sample container rack and the filter device holder are disposed in the housing. The sample container rack is configured to hold one or more sample containers, the filter device holder is configured to hold one or more filter devices. The cylindrical magnet is adjacent to and external to the sample container rack, and is rotated about a central, longitudinal axis of the magnet by an electric motor disposed in the housing to lyse cells. Molecules of interest in the lysed cells are purified using filters that bind specifically to the molecules of interest. The system is readily amenable to automation and rapid purification and analysis of molecules of interest, such as nucleic acids and proteins. 1. A sample purification system , comprising:a housing;a sample container rack disposed in the housing, wherein the sample container rack is configured to hold one or more sample containers;a filter device holder disposed in the housing, wherein the filter holder is configured to hold one or more filter devices comprising filters for binding molecules of interest; anda cylindrical magnet adjacent to and external to the sample container rack, the magnet rotates about a central, longitudinal axis of the magnet by an electric motor disposed in the housing.2. The sample purification system of claim 1 , further comprising a sample container disposed in the sample rack claim 1 , wherein the sample container comprises a sample suspension claim 1 , a magnetic stirrer and a plurality of beads.3. The sample purification system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more reagent racks disposed in the housing claim 1 , the reagent racks comprising a plurality of reagents stored in separate claim 1 , sealed containers within each rack.4. The sample purification system of claim 1 , further comprising an automated pipetting system.5. The sample purification ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Bio sample pre-treatment device

Номер: US20190078981A1
Принадлежит: SK TELECOM CO LTD

A bio-sample pretreatment device according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of magnetism appliers disposed to be provided outside a prepared vessel and applying magnetism to the vessel, wherein magnetic poles of the magnetism appliers change.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

A container and cooler arrangement

Номер: US20210086186A1

A laboratory fluid receptacle cooler arrangement () for sustaining a desired temperature range, comprising a housing (), a lid () covering an open top side of said housing (), and an aperture closing element (), wherein: the aperture closing element () at least partly covers said lid () and has a number of apertures (). The lid also () comprises a number of apertures (). The aperture closing element () is movable relative to the lid between open and closed positions, the aperture closing element and the lid having matching aperture configuration, thereby providing throughholes when the aperture closing element and the lid are in open configuration. Also, a cooler closure arrangement () with an aperture closing element () on top of a lid () where the aperture closing element () and the lid () are parallel and substantially plane rectangles in slideable engagement with each other. 11016321611. A laboratory fluid receptacle cooler arrangement () for improved microclimate control therein , comprising a housing () , a lid () covering an open top side of said housing () , and an aperture closing element () , wherein:{'b': 11', '32, 'said aperture closing element () at least partly covers said lid (),'}{'b': 11', '14, 'said aperture closing element () has a number of apertures (),'}{'b': 32', '44, 'said lid () has a number of apertures (),'}{'b': '11', 'said aperture closing element () is movable relative to the lid between an open and a closed position, and'}{'b': 11', '10, 'the aperture closing element and the lid has matching aperture configuration, thereby providing through holes when the aperture closing element and the lid are in an open configuration, whereby the aperture closing element () facilitates sustaining a desired temperature range within said laboratory fluid receptacle cooler arrangement ().'}21011144432. A laboratory fluid receptacle cooler arrangement () according to claim 1 , wherein said aperture closing element () has the same number of apertures () ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165645A1
Автор: Schryver Brian
Принадлежит: BIOCISION, LLC

A portable heat transfer device for transferring thermal energy to and/or from laboratory tubes, clinical vials, specimen vials, laboratory vials, serum vials, drug vials and laboratory containers is provided. The heat transfer device comprises an insulated, thermally conductive heat conduit system and base for the purpose of exchanging heat between the laboratory container and a thermoregulatory device. 1. A device for transferring thermal energy from sample vessels to a thermoregulator , said device comprising (i. a thermo-conductive core comprising (a. thermo-conductive columns positioned to surround , partially or completely , side surfaces of sample vessels; and (b. a base plate composed of a thermo-conductive material , to which said columns are attached to an upper surface thereof; and (ii. an insulating material that reduces thermal energy exchange with the environment that encloses the exterior side and upper surfaces of the core.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thermoconductive material is a metal or metal alloy.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the thermoconductive material is aluminum claim 2 , an aluminum alloy claim 2 , copper claim 2 , copper alloy claim 2 , stainless steel claim 2 , titanium claim 2 , zinc claim 2 , or zinc alloy.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the insulating material is reversibly attached to the thermo-conductive core by magnets claim 1 , spring clips claim 1 , snap connectors claim 1 , fiber and hook claim 1 , interference friction fit claim 1 , interlocking features claim 1 , or screws.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thermoconductive material surrounding the sample vessel comprises a tube segment.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the tube segment is bonded to the base by an interference friction fit claim 5 , fusion weld claim 5 , braze joint claim 5 , solder joint claim 5 , screw thread claim 5 , snap ring claim 5 , or adhesive bond.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thermoconductive material surrounding ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088538A1
Автор: DU Xiansuan, Hu Lijian

A test tube rack of an analyzer pipeline includes multiple test tube holders for holding test tubes. The test tube rack of an analyzer pipeline comprises a light blocker configured at a side wall of the test tube rack and across multiple test tube holders. A second feature area is on the light blocker between two adjacent test tube holders, a first feature area is between two adjacent second feature areas and a step gap with a predetermined depth is between the first feature area and a second feature area. 1. A shift detection method implemented by using a test tube rack , wherein a light blocker arranged on a surface of the test tube rack , the light blocker comprises a first feature area and a second feature area for blocking the test tubes , the second feature area having a depth different from the first feature area in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the test tube rack , the shift detection method comprising:acquiring a reflected signal from the first feature area and the second feature area of the light blocker to output a detection signal during a shifting process of the test tube rack, a single test tube is shifted during the shifting process of the test tube rack, and acquiring a stop voltage from the detection signal when the single shifting process stops and a limit voltage during the shifting process; and the limit voltage is the maximum absolute value of voltage from the beginning to the end of the shift of the test tube rack; anddetermining whether a ratio of the limit voltage and the stop voltage satisfies a first condition, if the first condition is satisfied, the shifting process of the test tube rack is determined as correct, otherwise, the shifting process of the test tube rack is determined as false.2. The shift detection method of claim 1 , further comprising:after acquiring the detection signal during the shifting process of the test tube rack, acquiring an initial voltage from the detection signal during the shifting process of the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Using RFID in Biological Field

Номер: US20140167924A1

Biological reagent carrier devices and methods are disclosed, which employ RFID techniques to associate information with biological reagents.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180088092A1
Автор: KNIGHT Jeremy, Knight Tom
Принадлежит: EnDet Limited

A sorbent tube holder () for securing a sorbent tube () in position in a fluid-flow system, the sorbent tube holder () comprising: an mounting element () having first and second opposed ends () which define a tube mounting axis (A-A); at least one fastener () in communication with the mounting element () for providing a releasable tube retaining force; at least one sorbent tube () engaged with the mounting element (); and a holder frame () to which the mounting element () is attached to prevent or limit movement of the mounting element () perpendicular to the tube mounting axis. A method of preventing or limiting unintentional damage to a sorbent tube, and a portable tube holder are also provided. 1. A sorbent tube holder for securing a sorbent tube in position in a fluid-flow system , the sorbent tube holder comprising:a mounting element having first and second opposed ends which define a tube mounting axis;at least one fastener in communication with the mounting element which provides a releasable tube retaining force;at least one sorbent tube engaged with the mounting element; anda holder frame to which the mounting element is attached to prevent or limit movement of the mounting element perpendicular to the tube mounting axis.2. The sorbent tube holder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mounting element is or includes a mounting sleeve positioned on the tube mounting axis claim 1 , the mounting element being receivable about an engaged sorbent tube.3. The sorbent tube holder as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the mounting sleeve comprises first and second mounting sleeve portions.4. The sorbent tube holder as claimed in claim 3 , wherein at least one fastener is provided in communication with each of the first and second mounting sleeve portions.5. The sorbent tube holder as claimed in wherein the or each fastener is a clamping element.6. The sorbent tube holder as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the tube retaining force is a clamping force acting perpendicular to ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Systems, devices, and methods for bodily fluid sample transport

Номер: US20140171829A1
Принадлежит: Theranos Inc

Bodily fluid sample transport systems, devices, and method are provided. In at least one embodiment described herein, methods are provided for the physical transport of small volumes of bodily fluid in liquid form from one location to another location. By way of nonlimiting example, the samples are collected in liquid form at a collection site, transported in liquid form, and arrive at an analysis site in liquid form. In many embodiments, the liquid form during transport is not held in a porous matrix, wicking material, webbing, or similar material that prevents sample for being extracted in liquid form at the destination site. In one embodiment, small volume of sample in each sample vessel is in the range of about 1 ml to about 1 microliter.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096179A1

Sample tube racks having retention bars to retain sample tubes in the racks during processing of the contents of the sample tubes are described. An example rack for holding sample tubes includes a tube holder to hold the sample tubes in a substantially vertical orientation. A retention cover pivotally engages the tube holder at a first end and locks against the tube holder at a second end. The second end of the retention cover pivots relative to the tube holder about an axis that is non-parallel relative to a longitudinal axis of the retention cover while the first end of the retention cover is pivotally captured by the tube holder. 14.-. (canceled)5. A rack for holding sample tubes , comprising:a tube holder to hold the sample tubes in a substantially vertical orientation; anda retention cover to pivotally engage the tube holder at a first end and to lock against the tube holder at a second end opposite the first end, the second end of the retention cover to pivot relative to the tube holder about an axis that is non-parallel relative to a longitudinal axis of the retention cover while the first end of the retention cover is pivotally captured by the tube holder.6. The rack of claim 5 , wherein the retention cover has a first end and a second end opposite the first end claim 5 , wherein the first end of the retention cover includes a leg depending from an upper surface of the retention cover and the second end of the retention cover includes a latch.7. The rack of claim 6 , wherein the tube holder has a first end and a second end opposite the first end claim 6 , the first end of the tube holder including a projection and the second end of the tube holder including a recess claim 6 , wherein the leg of the retention cover includes an opening to receive the projection of the tube holder to pivotally capture the retention cover to the tube holder.8. The rack of claim 7 , wherein the recess of the tube holder is to receive the latch of the retention cover when the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094032A1

Provided are a method of analyzing biological samples, an analytical chip and an analytical system comprising same, the method comprising the steps of: introducing structures for assisting the formation of bioreactors on a substrate; providing a plurality of bioreactors on the substrate by means of forming the bioreactors, which are holding biological samples, on the peripheral parts of the respective structures so as to come in contact with the structures in at least one region; and checking a change in the biological samples present in the bioreactors. 1. A method of analyzing biological samples , comprising the steps of:introducing structures for assisting the formation of bioreactors on a substrate;providing a plurality of bioreactors on the substrate by forming the bioreactors holding the biological samples on the peripheral parts of each of the structures so as to contact each other in at least one region with the structures; andchecking a change in the biological samples present in the bioreactors.2. The method of analyzing biological samples according to claim 1 , wherein the bioreactors are formed from bioreactor-constituting materials including a liquid material or a gel.3. The method of analyzing biological samples according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid material or the gel comprises any one or more selected from the group consisting of a culture medium claim 2 , a reaction buffer claim 2 , and a solidifying agent.4. The method of analyzing biological samples according to claim 3 , wherein the bioreactors including the solidifying agent is capable of adding or changing the bioreactor-constituting materials without losing or damaging the biological samples in the bioreactors.5. The method of analyzing biological samples according to claim 2 , wherein the formation of the bioreactors uses self-assembly by the interaction between the structures and the bioreactor-constituting materials.6. The method of analyzing biological samples according to claim 2 , ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094037A1
Принадлежит: SUGENTECH, INC.

A specimen tube holder includes a probe-type capacitance liquid level detection sensor having increased sensitivity and thus enables more precise liquid level recognition. A specimen tube holder includes: a central holder; and a lateral holder which is made of a conductive material, is spaced apart from a side surface of the central holder so as to have a receiving space formed between the central holder and the lateral holder to allow a specimen tube to be inserted into the receiving space, and has an inner surface formed to be vertically in contact with at least a part of the outer circumferential surface of the specimen tube received in the receiving space. 1. A specimen tube holder comprising:a central holder; anda side holder made of a conductive material, disposed to be spaced apart from a side surface of the central holder to form an accommodation space into which a specimen tube is inserted between the central holder and the side holder, and formed so that an inner side surface is longly in contact with at least a portion of an outer circumferential surface of the specimen tube accommodated in the accommodation space in a vertical direction.2. The specimen tube holder of claim 1 , wherein a groove having a shape corresponding to a shape of the outer circumferential surface of the specimen tube is formed on a surface of the side holder facing the specimen tube.3. The specimen tube holder of claim 2 , wherein a tension spring is provided for elastically pressing the specimen tube accommodated in the accommodation space toward the side holder.4. The specimen tube holder of claim 3 , wherein the side holder is installed on one surface of the central holder and the other surface opposite thereto to be spaced apart from each other claim 3 , andthe tension spring is installed on both side surfaces of the central holder.5. The specimen tube holder of claim 1 , wherein a long opening is formed in a side surface of the side holder in the vertical direction.6. A ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143602A1

The present disclosure describes multi-well plates comprising a frame made of a first material having an array of a plurality of holes arranged in a columnar pattern on the top surface and an array of segmented breaking features arranged in a linear columnar pattern which alternates with the columnar pattern of the plurality of holes, and a plurality of tubes/wells made of a second material placed into the plurality of holes, wherein the multi-well plate is manually divisible along the segmented breaking features into one or more columns of multi-well/tube strips. Manually dividing multi-well plate of the disclosure produces multi-well strips or segments that have smooth edges, thereby reducing injuries and glove tear incidences. 2. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein the multi-well plate is manually divisible along the center of the segmented breaking features into a plurality of single columns of multi-well strips.3. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein manually dividing the multi-well plate results in one or more columns of multi-well strips that have reduced sharp edges.4. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein manually dividing the multi-well plate generates one or more columns of multi-well strips that have no sharp edges.5. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein the segmented breaking feature comprises an array of petal shaped cuts that extend from the top surface of the frame through a bottom surface of the frame and a series of undercuts on a bottom surface of the frame portion claim 1 , arranged such that the undercuts alternate with the petal shaped cuts.6. The multi-well plate of claim 5 , wherein the undercuts are V-Shaped undercuts.7. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein a chimney located on the frame interlocks with a lug located on a side of the well.8. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein the first material comprises polycarbonate and the second material comprises polypropylene.9. The multi-well plate of claim 1 , wherein ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095237A1
Принадлежит: Eppendorf AG

A device for storing, incubating or manipulating biological samples, in particular incubating device or shaking device, comprising a sample chamber, an irradiation chamber, and a holder with a UV light source, wherein a sidewall of the irradiation chamber comprises a first mounting member and wherein the holder comprises a second mounting member configured to interact with the first mounting member for pre-mounting the holder to the sidewall. 1. A device for storing , incubating or manipulating biological samples , in particular incubating device or shaking device , comprising a sample chamber , an irradiation chamber , and a holder with a UV light source , wherein a sidewall of the irradiation chamber comprises a first mounting member and wherein the holder comprises a second mounting member configured to interact with the first mounting member for pre-mounting the holder to the sidewall.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first mounting member and the second mounting member are configured for final mounting claim 1 , in particular for fixing and immobilizing claim 1 , the holder to the sidewall.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the holder is mountable and/or mounted to an outer face of the sidewall of the irradiation chamber.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the holder is a box.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the holder is thermally insulated.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first mounting member is a stud claim 1 , in particular a pin claim 1 , a peg or a standoff claim 1 , and wherein the second mounting member is an aperture for receiving the stud.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the stud comprises a protrusion claim 6 , preferably a head claim 6 , configured to engage behind at least a section of a boundary of the aperture.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein the aperture is a countersunk aperture.9. The device of claim 7 , wherein the section of the boundary of the aperture comprises an inclined plane configured such that a relative movement of ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101911A1
Автор: Friedman Glenn

An articulated sample rack apparatus is disclosed. In one aspect, the articulated sample rack apparatus has a plurality of coupled rack components wherein at least some of the rack components have a receptacle having a bottom to receive a sample container, the rack having free ends and at least one hinge allowing articulation between at least some of the rack components. Conveyor systems and methods to convey sample racks are provided, as are other aspects. 1. An articulated sample container rack apparatus , comprising:a plurality of coupled rack components, at least some of the coupled rack components having a receptacle configured and adapted to receive a sample container, the receptacle including a bottom, the plurality of coupled rack components having first and second free ends, and at least one hinge allowing relative rotation between at least some of the rack components.2. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a number of rack components between the first and second free ends in the sample rack apparatus is 15 or less.3. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a number of rack components between the first and second free ends in the sample rack apparatus is between 3 and about 10.4. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a number of rack components in the sample rack apparatus is between 3 and 7.5. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the rack components are individually rotatable by 360 degrees or more.6. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least one hinge is offset from a location of the receptacles.7. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one hinge is substantially aligned with a location of a receptacle.8. The rack apparatus of claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of links coupled to each of the rack components.9. The rack apparatus of claim 8 , comprising:end links and spacers coupled to each end rack component of the rack components.10. The rack apparatus of claim 8 , comprising:retainers coupled to ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178269A1
Автор: Zilberberg Amir
Принадлежит: Yuki Tradomg Co. Ltd.

An apparatus consisting: a) a flat, flexible test tube holder ring and b) a mechanism to manipulate the angular orientation of the flat flexible test tube holder ring. The test tube holder ring includes: (1) an outer circumference, (2) an inner circumference, and (3) apertures to hold test tubes, wherein alternate apertures have circumferential walls to enable positioning the test tubes higher compared to their adjacent test tubes. The mechanism includes means to engage and to orient the angle of the test tube holder ring. When the angle of the means to engage the test tube holder ring is at one angle, the test tube holder ring is flat and planar, and when the angle of the means to engage the test tube holder is at a different angle the test tube holder ring has a conical shape. 1. An apparatus for manipulating test tubes , the apparatus comprising: 1. an outer circumference,', '2. an inner circumference, and', '3. apertures to hold the test tubes, wherein alternate apertures have circumferential walls to enable positioning the test tubes higher compared to their adjacent test tubes; and, the apparatus comprising:, 'a) a flat, flexible test tube holder ring comprising;'}b) a mechanism to manipulate the angular orientation of the flat flexible test tube holder ring, said mechanism comprising, means to engage and to orient the angle of the test tube holder ring, so that when the angle of the means to engage the test tube holder ring is at one angle, the test tube holder ring is flat and planar, and when the angle of the means to engage the test tube holder is at a different angle the test tube holder ring has a conical shape.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apertures in the flexible test tube holder ring are labeled.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apertures in the flexible test tube holder ring are round.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the means to engage the flexible test tube holder ring are equidistantly spaced ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146545A1

An automated analyzer that receives samples prepared for analysis in an automated pre-analytical module and a method of operation of such automated analyzer. The automated analyzer includes a shuttle transfer station that receives a shuttle carrier from the automated pre-analytical system. The shuttle transfer station has a clamping assembly for the shuttle. The clamping assembly has jaws that advance engagement members into contact with a bottom portion of sample containers disposed in the shuttle. The clamping assembly secures the sample containers in the shuttle when sample is aspirated from the sample containers. The automated analyzer also has a multichannel puncture tool that is adapted to be carried by a robotic gripper mechanism. The multichannel puncture tool has multiple puncture members that each defines a channel Each channel is in communication with a different trough in the consumable. A pipette can pass through the channel in the puncture tool. 116-. (canceled)17. An extraction container holder assembly comprising:a bottom tray comprising an array of openings;a top tray comprising an array of openings; wherein, when the bottom tray and the top tray are assembled together, the bottom openings align with the top openings;an array of extraction tubes joined together as a strip, wherein, when the strip of extraction tubes is assembled with the bottom tray, the extraction tubes fit through the openings in the bottom tray and the strip prevents the tubes from passing through the openings so that the strip rests on the top of the bottom tray.18. The extraction container holder assembly of further comprising layer disposed over the strip and the array of extraction tubes supported by the strip claim 17 , wherein the layer formed over the extraction tubes is a seal and wherein the seal is a pierceable seal.19. The extraction container holder assembly of wherein the bottom tray further comprises upward facing sidewalls and wherein claim 17 , when the top tray ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094253A1

The technology described herein generally relates to systems for extracting polynucleotides from multiple samples, particularly from biological samples, and additionally to systems that subsequently amplify and detect the extracted polynucleotides. The technology more particularly relates to microfluidic systems that carry out PCR on multiple samples of nucleotides of interest within microfluidic channels, and detect those nucleotides. 1. (canceled)2. A system for analyzing a plurality of nucleic acid-containing samples , the system comprising:a first module configured to extract nucleic acids from the plurality of nucleic acid-containing samples, a bay configured to removably receive a housing comprising a plurality of process chambers that are maintained at a same height relative to one another as the housing is received in and removed from the bay, the plurality of process chambers aligned along a first axis when the housing is received in the bay, the bay comprising one or more complementary registration members configured to receive the housing in a single orientation when the housing is received in the bay,', 'the first module further comprising a magnetic separator positioned to apply a magnetic force to a first side of the plurality of process chambers when the housing is received in the bay, the magnetic separator comprising one or more magnets aligned along a second axis parallel to the first axis when the housing is received in the bay, the one or more complementary registration members further configured to align the plurality of process chambers with the magnetic separator when the housing is received in the bay, and', 'the first module further comprising a heating assembly positioned adjacent to a second side of the plurality of process chambers opposite the first side when the housing is received in the bay, the heater assembly comprising one or more heaters aligned along a third axis parallel to the first axis when the housing is received in the bay, ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Integrated apparatus for performing nucleic acid extraction and diagnostic testing on multiple biological samples

Номер: US20200094254A1
Принадлежит: HandyLab Inc

The technology described herein generally relates to systems for extracting polynucleotides from multiple samples, particularly from biological samples, and additionally to systems that subsequently amplify and detect the extracted polynucleotides. The technology more particularly relates to microfluidic systems that carry out PCR on multiple samples of nucleotides of interest within microfluidic channels, and detect those nucleotides.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Sample tube and method

Номер: US20180100868A1
Принадлежит: Brooks Automation Inc

A sample tube includes a barcode split into components at the bottom of the sample tube. Each barcode component stores less than the full data output from the barcode, but the components combine to full data output. Redundant diagonal components provide for error checking. A center region between the barcode components supports an electrical circuit or an optical or acoustic window. The sample tube may have a sidewall with a substantially cylindrical open end and non-cylindrical end closed with a bottom, the non-cylindrical end orienting the sample tube in a rack. Additional non-cylindrical surfaces are provided to orient the sample tube relative to complementary surfaces at a gripper. The sample tube of a particular application is positioned in an acoustic dispensing system where acoustic waves are transmitted through a center window for surveying and dispensing.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150108076A1
Автор: BRANCH Jason, SAFAVI Ali

A test tube rack insert device includes a base configured to be inserted into a test tube receiving chamber in a test tube rack. A semi-cylindrical test tube support member is coupled to the base at an edge of the base. The test tube support member extends perpendicularly from the base. The test tube support member is coupled to the base such that an angle between the base and the test tube support member is decreased by an exertion of force on an outer surface of the test tube support member to securely engage a test tube inserted into the test tube receiving chamber. A test tube rack configured to house test tubes of varying size using the test tube insert device and a method of housing test tubes of varying size using the test tube insert devices are also disclosed. 1. A test tube rack insert device comprising:a base configured to be inserted into a test tube receiving chamber in a test tube rack;a semi-cylindrical test tube support member coupled to the base at an edge of said base, the test tube support member extending perpendicularly from said base, wherein said test tube support member is coupled to said base such that an angle between the base and the test tube support member is decreased by an exertion of force on an outer surface of the test tube support member to securely engage a test tube inserted into the test tube receiving chamber.2. The test tube rack insert device of claim 1 , wherein the test tube support member is constructed of a rigid plastic material.3. The test tube rack insert device of further comprising:a flexible member extending from the outer surface of the test tube support member and configured to contact an inner surface of the test tube receiving chamber, wherein said flexible member provides the exertion of force on the outer surface of the test tube support member to securely engage a test tube inserted into the test tube receiving chamber.4. The test tube rack insert device of claim 3 , wherein the flexible member is at least ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Sample Rack Loading System and Loading Method, and Chemiluminescence Detector

Номер: US20190101557A1

The present disclosure relates to a sample rack loading system and loading method, and a chemiluminescence detector. The loading system includes: a sample rack storage device, provided with multiple sample holders for storing sample racks; a sample rack transmission device, comprising a rail component and a sample rack block piece mechanism; and a sample rack transfer device, transfers the sample racks between the sample rack storage device and the sample rack transmission device; the sample rack block piece mechanism is configured to block or unblock transmission passages of the rail component; and a guide block is arranged on the sample rack transfer device. When transfer rails of the sample rack transfer device are in abutment with the transmission passages, the guide block drives the sample rack block piece mechanism to unblock the transmission passages.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150111287A1

An optical assembly for a portable device for detecting molecule(s) within reaction vessels comprises a collimator , a beam splitter arrangement and a plurality of guide arrangements . The collimator collimates an excitation beam from an excitation source . The beam splitter arrangement splits the excitation beam from the collimator into a plurality of split excitation beams. Each beam splitter splits an incoming beam into two beams. In the case where the beam splitter arrangement comprises more than one beam splitter, the beam splitters are arranged in tiers such that a first tier comprises one beam splitter for receiving the excitation beam from the collimator, and each of the other tiers comprises one or more beam splitters. Each beam splitter in at least one of the other tiers receives a split excitation beam from a previous tier. Each guide arrangement guides a respective one of the plurality of split excitation beams along an excitation path A from the beam splitter arrangement into a reaction vessel containing a sample to stimulate an emission of a reaction light from the sample. Each guide arrangement further guides reaction light from the sample along a detection path B towards a detector arrangement 1110-. (canceled)111. A portable hand held device for detecting molecule(s) within reaction vessels , the device comprising an optical assembly comprising:a collimator for collimating an excitation beam from an excitation source;a beam splitter arrangement having a plurality of beam splitters, the beam splitter arrangement being configured to split the excitation beam from the collimator into a plurality of split excitation beams, each beam splitter configured to split an incoming beam into two beams, wherein the beam splitters are arranged in tiers such that a first tier comprises one beam splitter for receiving the excitation beam from the collimator, and each of the other tiers comprises one or more beam splitters, each beam splitter in at least one of the ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106705A1
Принадлежит: Diagenode S.A.

Assembly kit, comprising a sonication device () and a support () for sample tubes (). The device comprises a tank () and an ultrasound wave generator () coupled to the tank and designed to generate ultrasound waves having a frequency of between 20 kHz and 80 kHz. The tank comprises an indicator () of a level () of liquid. The support for sample tubes comprises a means () for the support of several sample tubes of a size of 0.2 ml, a rod () secured to the support means, and a means () for suspending the rod in the tank. The rod has a length such that, in the assembly position, the sample tubes () are positioned with their lower end between 8 mm and 12 mm below the indicator () of the level of liquid. 1. An assembly kit , comprising a sonication device and a support for sample tubes ,wherein the sonication device comprises a tank and at least one ultrasound wave generator coupled to an outer face of the tank, the ultrasound wave generator being designed to generate ultrasound waves having a frequency of between 20 kHz and 80 kHz, and the tank comprising an indicator of the level of liquid in the tank, a means for supporting several sample tubes of a size of 0.2 ml,', 'a rod having a lower end and an upper end, the rod being secured to the support means at the lower end,', 'a means for suspending the rod in the tank,, 'wherein the support for sample tubes compriseswherein the rod has a length such that, in the assembly position, the sample tubes introduced into the support means are positioned with their lower end between 8 mm and 12 mm below the indicator of the level of liquid.2. The kit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising said sample tubes of a size of 0.2 ml.3. The kit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rod has a length such that claim 1 , in the assembly position claim 1 , the sample tubes introduced into the support means are positioned with their lower end in a range between 9 mm and 11.5 mm below the indicator of the level of liquid.4. The kit as claimed in ...
