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27-09-2003 дата публикации

Линия для изготовления профиля сетчатого

Номер: RU0000032714U1

1. Линия для изготовления профиля сетчатого, содержащая установленные в технологической последовательности разматыватель заготовки, многоклетьевой профилегибочный стан и отрезное устройство, отличающаяся тем, что рабочие клети многоклетьевого профилегибочного стана выполнены с общим приводом и имеют нижние неподвижные корпуса и верхние подвижные корпуса, в которых установлены валы с рабочими инструментами в виде дисков, при этом первая рабочая клеть содержит диски для образования на заготовке продольного центрального желоба, диски второй рабочей клети выполнены режущими и предназначены для образования просечек, диски третьей рабочей клети выполнены в виде цилиндров с образующей в виде прямой линии, диски последующих клетей выполнены зубчатыми и предназначены для вытяжки просечек, а диски рабочих клетей, расположенных за рабочими клетями по вытяжке просечек, предназначены для формирования поперечного сечения сетчатого профиля, при этом отрезное устройство линии выполнено с возможностью работы без остановки перемещения отформованного профиля. 2. Линия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что режущие диски второй клети выполнены с выемками, которые расположены по окружности режущего диска с шагом, равным длине просечек, при этом между дисками расположены разделительные кольца, обеспечивающие расстояние между дисками, равное расстоянию между соседними рядами просечек. 3. Линия по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в случае изготовления профиля для шпаклевочных работ в профилегибочном стане устанавливают дополнительную рабочую клеть с рабочим инструментом в виде цилиндрического диска с образующей в виде прямой линии для приглаживания наружной поверхности профиля. 4. Линия по любому из пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что каждая рабочая клеть по вытяжке просечек содержит две пары зубчатых дисков, симметрично расположенных относительно центральной продольной оси симметрии заготовки, причем в каждой последующей клети размещение пар дисков на валах производят со смещением от края к центру на ...

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041400U1

1. Элемент решетчатого настила для перекрытия навозного канала, выполненный в виде прямоугольной пластины с поперечными щелевыми сквозными отверстиями, расположенными в ряд параллельно короткой стороне пластины, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из термопласткомпозита и снабжен металлической рамкой из стальной полосы прямоугольного сечения, установленной внутри композита, каждая сторона рамки расположена посередине между отверстиями и краем пластины, при этом широкая сторона стальной полосы рамки перпендикулярна плоскости пластины, а щелевые отверстия в пластине выполнены со скосом 3÷5°. 2. Элемент решетчатого настила для перекрытия навозного канала по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из смеси, содержащей, мас.%: Дробленые полиэтиленовые отходы 30-35 Песок строительный мелкий 65-70 3. Элемент решетчатого настила для перекрытия навозного канала по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что металлическая рамка снабжена дополнительными металлическими перемычками, установленными между длинными сторонами рамки параллельно короткой стороне рамки на равном расстоянии от отверстий пластины. 4. Пресс-форма для изготовления элемента решетчатого настила, включающая нижнюю и верхнюю полуформы, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя полуформа снабжена выступами для установки металлической рамки, а верхняя полуформа - упорами, причем упоры установлены с возможностью продольного изгиба металлической рамки на величину не выше величины, превышающей предел упругой деформации рамки. 5. Пресс-форма для изготовления элемента решетчатого настила по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя полуформа снабжена дополнительной съемной пластиной. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 400 (13) U1 (51) МПК A01K B21D B21D B29C B28C 1/015 (2000.01) 47/02 (2000.01) 1/00 (2000.01) 43/36 (2000.01) 9/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004105450/20 , 26.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия ...

27-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000047268U1

Машина для изготовления просечно-вытяжной сетки из листового материала, содержащая станину, привод, эксцентриковый вал, подвижную ножевую балку с просечным ножом, связанную с эксцентриковым валом двумя кинематическими цепями, стол с неподвижным ножом, механизм бесступенчатой подачи листового материала с валками, отличающаяся тем, что, просечной нож выполнен двухсторонним, закреплен непосредственно на ножевой балке с возможностью переустановки, первая основная кинематическая цепь, обеспечивающая ножевой балке с просечным ножом качательное движение, содержит связанный с эксцентриковым валом кривошип, линейно регулируемый ползуном со стопором, и регулирующий основной шатун, шарнирно связанный одним концом с ползуном кривошипа, другим концом - с ползуном со стопором, линейно регулирующим один из концов ножевой балки, вторая дополнительная кинематическая цепь, обеспечивающая ножевой балке с просечным ножом поперечное перемещение, содержит кулачковый механизм, связанный цепной передачей с эксцентриковым валом, толкатель которого перемещается по кулачку, линейно регулируется ползуном со стопором и соединяется с шарниром, закрепленным на станине, регулирующий дополнительный шатун, коромысло, ось качания которого связана через регулирующий ползун со станиной, одним концом линейно регулируемое ползуном со стопором, другим концом шарнирно связанное со вторым концом ножевой балки, регулирующие основной и дополнительный шатуны выполнены в виде рычагов, рычаг регулирующего дополнительного шатуна состоит из двух частей, первая часть которого, одним концом соединена шарнирно с ползуном толкателя, другим концом, неподвижно связана с ползуном первой части шатуна, вторая часть которого, одним концом соединена шарнирно с ползуном коромысла, другим концом линейно регулируется ползуном со стопором, при этом ось качания ножевой балки в крайних положениях находится на прямой, совпадающей с линией выступов просечных ножей в их нижнем положении, а крайние положения коромысла симметричны ...

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067490U1

1. Линия продольной резки ленты, содержащая разматыватель, намоточные барабаны и установленные на раме привода дисковые ножницы, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена вводным многороликовым устройством с четырьмя горизонтальными и двумя вертикальными роликами и отбойником, при этом горизонтальные ролики смонтированы в плоскостях параллельных плоскости осей валов дисковых ножниц попарно на отбойнике и корпусе, а вертикальные ролики установлены на корпусе по обе стороны первой по ходу резки пары горизонтальных роликов, причем первый по ходу резки вертикальный ролик жестко скреплен с корпусом, второй - установлен на поворотном рычаге, смонтированном посредством оси на ползуне, последний соединен с корпусом с возможностью перемещения в направлении осей валов дисковых ножниц и связан с поворотным рычагом с помощью пружины, поворачивающей рычаг по направлению к отбойнику, отбойник смонтирован между валами дисковых ножниц на станине с возможностью регулируемого вертикального и горизонтального перемещений и оборудован средствами перемещений в виде передач винт-гайка, кроме того, установленные между режущими дисками, выполненные в виде пластин съемники, смонтированы на жестко связанных с отбойником пальцах с возможностью свободного осевого перемещения, при этом пальцы расположены по обе стороны от плоскости осей валов дисковых ножниц, а оси пальцев параллельны осям валов, корпус смонтирован в опоре с возможностью вертикального перемещения, опора смонтирована на раме привода ножниц с возможностью перемещения по направлению осей валов ножниц, а горизонтальные ролики смонтированы с возможностью изменения межцентрового расстояния. 2. Линия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отбойник снабжен сменной твердосплавной пластиной. 3. Линия по одному из пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что между разматывателем и дисковыми ножницами установлен стыкосварочный аппарат. 4. Линия по одному из пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что кинематически связанные между собой намоточные барабаны смонтированы по высоте в двух ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000089434U1

1. Заготовка для изготовления сотового заполнителя в виде пакета для последующей диффузионной сварки и получения сотового блока деформированием, состоящего из листовых заготовок с полосовым стоп-покрытием, обозначающим участки, не подлежащие соединению, и технологических прокладок из полосового листового материала шириной участка, подлежащего диффузионной сварке, отличающаяся тем, что полосы стоп-покрытия выполнены шириной, равной величине (0,85-0,99) полупериметра поперечного сечения ячейки сотового заполнителя, и нанесены на листовых заготовках с обеих сторон с шагом, равным ширине участка, подлежащего диффузионной сварке, и со смещением относительно другой стороны на шаг, при этом в пакете смежные заготовки уложены с размещением сторон с идентичным расположением полос стоп-покрытия, обращенных друг к другу, а с каждой полосой стоп-покрытия в контакте с центральной частью установлена технологическая прокладка, выполненная термостойкой, причем внутри пакета уложены прокладки толщиной, в два раза большей толщины прокладок, размещенных на внешней поверхности крайних листовых заготовок пакета. 2. Заготовка по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термостойкие прокладки выполнены из азотированной листовой стали группы нитраллоев или листового борированного титана. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 89 434 (13) U1 (51) МПК B21D 47/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008152630/22, 29.12.2008 Адрес для переписки: 394026, г.Воронеж, Московский пр-кт, 14, ВГТУ, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Воронежский государственный технический университет (RU) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.12.2008 U 1 8 9 4 3 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Заготовка для изготовления сотового заполнителя в виде пакета для последующей диффузионной сварки и получения сотового блока деформированием, состоящего из листовых заготовок с полосовым ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151699U1

Ферменный заполнитель многослойной панели, выполненный в виде объемной структуры из повторяющихся пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек, имеющих общую вершину с каждой из соседней, с ребрами, выполненными из зигзагообразных стержневых элементов, и обшивок, отличающийся тем, что на каждой вершине и основании пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек расположены шипы, а на обшивках в ответной части расположены отверстия под размеры и конфигурацию шипов, причем на одних повторяющихся ребрах стержневых элементов пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек шипы выполнены на вершинах и концах, на других - без шипов, на вершинах и на концах, на третьих шипы выполнены только на концах, а на четвертых шипы выполнены только на вершинах стержней, при этом ребра стержневых элементов расположены и направлены под заданными углами к основанию для обеспечения необходимой жесткости конструкции, а во впадинах зигзагообразных стержневых элементов при вершинах и при основаниях выполнены прорези для соединения с ребрами зигзагообразных стержневых элементов в единую конструкцию ферменного заполнителя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B21D 47/00 (13) 151 699 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014154605/02, 31.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.12.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2015 Бюл. № 10 1 5 1 6 9 9 R U Формула полезной модели Ферменный заполнитель многослойной панели, выполненный в виде объемной структуры из повторяющихся пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек, имеющих общую вершину с каждой из соседней, с ребрами, выполненными из зигзагообразных стержневых элементов, и обшивок, отличающийся тем, что на каждой вершине и основании пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек расположены шипы, а на обшивках в ответной части расположены отверстия под размеры и конфигурацию шипов, причем на одних повторяющихся ребрах стержневых элементов пирамидальных или тетраэдальных ячеек шипы ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000166890U1

Ферменный заполнитель многослойной панели, представляющий собой объемную структуру из композиционного материала в виде прямоугольных пластин с отверстиями под штыри зигзагообразных профилей, с соединяющими их зигзагообразными профилями с пазами и штырями, нормальными к пластинам и образующими в месте отверстий правильные пирамиды, вершины которых направлены в противоположные стороны, отличающийся тем, что объемная структура из композиционного материала, углепластика, выполнена в виде коробчатой конструкции, состоящей из пластин с ромбовидными отверстиями по всей площади и штырями по периметру, а также с отверстиями под штыри зигзагообразных профилей, при этом штыри зигзагообразных профилей выполнены укороченными и расположены с возможностью установки в отверстие пластин двух укороченных штырей профиля, двух зеркальных к пластине зигзагообразных профилей, вертикальных относительно пластины и перпендикулярных друг к другу, по обе стороны от пластины, при этом сверху и снизу многослойной панели расположены глухие пластины с отверстиями под штыри профилей, которые соединены по бокам шпангоутами, а спереди и сзади кронштейнами посредством штырей по периметру пластин и отверстий под эти штыри на шпангоутах и кронштейнах. И 1 166890 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 166 890°” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 12.01.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 07.10.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 07.10.2020 Бюл. №28 Стр.: 1 па 063991 ЕП

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Light guide plate stamp and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120006090A1

A stamp includes a metal supporting layer, a pattern forming layer and an adhesive layer. The metal supporting layer has a first thermal conductivity. The pattern forming layer is disposed on the metal supporting layer and has a surface with a molding pattern formed thereon. The adhesive layer is disposed between the metal supporting layer and the pattern forming layer to couple the pattern forming layer to the metal supporting layer, and has a second thermal conductivity lower than the first thermal conductivity. Thus, strength of the stamp may be improved, and deformation of the stamp during the process of manufacturing a light guide plate may be reduced or prevented.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Hollow member

Номер: US20120013148A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd

A lightweight hollow member having excellent stiffness and impact properties and which is suitable for automotive parts due to having a high strength such as at least 780 MPa and a complicated shape is provided. A hollow member 11 has a hollow steel body 14 . The body 14 is constituted by a single member at least in the lengthwise direction. The body 14 has a flat cross section having at least a portion with a maximum outer dimension L 1 and a portion with an outer dimension L 2 shorter than the maximum outer dimension L 1 . The body 14 has a twisted portion in a portion of its length. The angle of intersection between an imaginary plane 15 a including the portion having the maximum outer dimension L 1 in a first portion 15 present on one side of the body 14 in the lengthwise direction with the twisted portion 17 as a border and an imaginary plane 16 a including the portion with the maximum outer dimension L 1 in a second portion 16 present on the other side in the lengthwise direction of the body 14 with the twisted portion 17 as a border is at least 4 degrees. The twisted portion 17 has a tensile strength of at least 780 MPa.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Teardrop lattice structure for high specific strength materials

Номер: US20120208041A1
Автор: Jay Clarke Hanan
Принадлежит: Oklahoma State University

A continuous segment of metallic glass material having a thickness substantially less than a width is disclosed. The continuous strip is bent into a repeating pattern of a teardrop shape providing an outer radius and an inner point defined by two adjacent radii.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Thick curved honeycomb core with minimal forming

Номер: US20130052396A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A ribbon for manufacturing a honeycomb structure, a honeycomb structure and a method of manufacturing a curved honeycomb structure having a plurality of honeycomb cells, a curved geometry and an inner and outer surface with minimal forming. The ribbon comprises a continuous series of foldable sections arranged in sequence along the length of the ribbon, and top and bottom edges curved along the length of the ribbon when the ribbon is in a flat, unfolded state. Each section may have a top edge and a bottom edge, at least one top edge or bottom edge of at least one section in said continuous series of foldable sections being curved to conform to said curved geometry of said honeycomb structure.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248092A1

A method for the joining of hollow profiles made from high-strength steel, in particular to form a motor vehicle frame, the hollow profiles being connected to one another, nonpositively and positively against being pulled out, by pinching (crimping) in a connection zone, one end of at least one of the hollow profiles having for pinching a connection zone which is soft at least during forming. This soft connection zone may be hardened during pinching if at least one of the profiles to be joined is made from hardenable steel and is brought to austenizing temperature before pinching. 1. A method for the joining of hollow profiles made from high-strength steel , in particular to form a motor vehicle frame , the hollow profiles being connected to one another , positively against being pulled out , by pinching (crimping) in a connection zone ,wherein one end of at least one of the hollow profiles has a soft connection zone for pinching.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the at least one soft connection zone is hardened after joining.3. The method as claimed in or claim 1 ,wherein a first hollow profile end is pushed positively onto a second hollow profile end, the first hollow profile end having the soft connection zone.4. The method as claimed in or claim 1 ,wherein a first hollow profile end is pushed positively onto a second hollow profile end, the two hollow profile ends having in each case a soft connection zone.5. The method as claimed in or claim 1 ,wherein a first hollow profile end and a second hollow profile end are positively pushed onto a connection adapter or pushed into a connection adapter, and pinching is carried out in the region of the connection adapter, the adapter being composed of soft “normal” steel and the hollow profile ends having in each case a soft connection zone.6. The method as claimed in or claim 1 ,wherein a first hollow profile end and a second hollow profile end are positively pushed onto a connection adapter or pushed into a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263636A1

Methods and apparatus for controlling flare in roll-forming processes are disclosed. An example method involves predefining a plurality of position values to adjust a tilt angle of a flange roller and adjusting the tilt angle of the flange roller based on one of the pre-defined position values to change an amount of flare in a zone of a component. The one of the pre-defined position values is associated with the zone of the component. 1. A method for controlling flare in formed components , comprising:predefining a plurality of position values to adjust a tilt angle of a flange roller; andadjusting the tilt angle of the flange roller based on one of the pre-defined position values to change an amount of flare in a first zone of a component, the one of the pre-defined position values to correct a first underforming characteristic or a first overforming characteristic of the first zone of the component that is different from a second underforming characteristic or a second overforming characteristic of a second zone of the component located along the same length of the component as the first zone.2. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein predefining the plurality of position values comprises storing the position values in a database.3. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein predefining the plurality of position values comprises adjusting a manual adjuster to pre-set the tilt angle of the flange roller.4. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the second underforming characteristic or the second overforming characteristic is indicative of at least one of zero flare or an acceptable amount of flare not needing correction in the second zone of the component.5. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first zone of the component is a leading zone of the component and the second zone of the component is a trailing zone of the component. This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/551,255, filed on Aug. 31, 2009, which is a continuation-in-part ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276309A1

A method for reinforcing, baffling or sealing a vehicle structure, comprising the steps of providing one or more materials having a horizontal axis, at least one terminating edge, and an initial length, forming openings in the one or more materials, and applying the one or more materials to location requiring reinforcement, baffling, sealing or any combination thereof. 1. A reinforcing , baffling , or sealing device for vehicle cavity comprising:an insert formed from one or more expandable materials prior to expansion wherein the insert has a horizontal axis, at least one terminating edge, and an initial length;a plurality of openings formed in the insert so that the insert can be stretched to a placement length that is at least 1.3 times the initial length.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the expandable material is formed of a heat activated material having foamable characteristics.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the openings are formed in repetitive patterns along the insert.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the forming of the openings removes no material so that waste is minimized.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the openings are formed in an alternating manner claim 1 , so that the one or more materials forming the insert containing the openings remain connected.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the insert includes openings formed perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the one or more materials.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein a plurality of the openings sever the one or more materials at the horizontal axis so that the one or more materials remain connected at only the at least one terminating edge.10. The device of claim 8 , wherein a plurality of the openings sever the insert at the at least one terminating edge so that the insert remains connected only along the horizontal axis.11. The device of claim 9 , wherein a plurality of the openings sever the insert at the at least one terminating edge so that the insert remains ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283592A1
Автор: Maisch Christof

An apparatus is described which is formed for expanding elongated, ribbon-shaped metal elements moving in the longitudinal direction and suitable for forming open section elements such as upright sections or plaster sections or closed section elements such as passages or pipes, the apparatus includes a feed station, a cutting station, a positioning station and a connection station, with the feed station being formed for the at least substantial continuous feed of at least one metal element to the cutting station. The cutting station is formed for producing at least one continuous meandering incision which extends in the longitudinal direction of the at least one metal element and by which at least two longitudinal portions of the at least one metal element having meandering longitudinal edges are produced. The positioning station includes at least one in particular rotating or circulating positioning device having a plurality of positioning elements, with the positioning elements being formed for engaging into openings formed in the at least one metal element and for positioning portions of the meandering longitudinal edges in defined positions with respect to one another. The connection station is formed for connecting the mutually positioned portions of the meandering longitudinal edges. A method is furthermore described for expanding corresponding metal elements. 128.-. (canceled)29541. An apparatus designed for expanding elongated , ribbon-shaped metal elements () moving in the longitudinal direction and suitable for forming open section elements (){'b': 52', '59', '67', '72, 'having a feed station (), a cutting station (), a positioning station () and a connection station (), wherein'}{'b': 52', '54', '59, 'the feed station () is formed for the at least substantially continuous feed of at least one metal element () to the cutting station ();'}{'b': 59', '9', '54', '10', '11', '54', '12', '13, 'the cutting station () is formed for producing at least one ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Raised and recessed sheet material, and vehicle panel and laminated structure using the same

Номер: US20130288069A1
Автор: Masaya Takahashi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Light Metal Industries Ltd

Providing a raised and recessed sheet material having extremely high stiffness, and useful vehicle panel and laminated structure using the same. The surface of the sheet is formed by a plurality of imaginary squares arranged in two mutually perpendicular directions, and has a raised and recessed pattern. A basic configuration A, where first regions M and a Z-shaped second region N are formed in the imaginary square, and basic configurations B to D derived from the basic configuration A are butted together at their peripheral edges such that first regions M having those peripheral edges are butted together and the second regions N having those peripheral edges are butted together. The raised and recessed pattern is formed by upwardly raising the first regions M and downwardly recessing the second regions N, or upwardly raising or downwardly recessing either one or both of the first and second regions M and N.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316187A1

A method for the roll-forming of profiles or structural parts from semifinished sheet-like products, in particular from metallic materials, in particular from steel sheet or aluminum. For this, the semifinished sheet-like product is adjusted in its temperature, the adjustment of the temperature taking place locally, in particular in forming regions of the semifinished product that are intended to undergo a forming operation. Furthermore, a component is preferably produced by using this method, in particular a structural part for a seat structure of a motor vehicle, in particular a vehicle seat rail that can be adjusted forwards and backwards to adjust the seat, and to a roll-forming device for carrying out the method. 1. A method for the roll-forming of profiles or structural parts from semifinished sheet-like products , the method comprising:temperature adjusting the semifinished sheet-like product for the roll-forming process, wherein temperature adjustment takes place locally forming regions of the semifinished product that are intended to undergo a forming operation.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein temperature adjustment takes place prior to or during forming of the semifinished product.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming regions are temperature-adjusted one after the other in the forming sequence of the roll-forming process.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein strip-shaped forming regions of the semifinished product are heated claim 1 , which forming regions are aligned in the direction of roll-forming.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein heating takes place inductively.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein heating takes place by means of laser radiation.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein after the forming process the semifinished product is hardened.8. A component comprising:sheet-like sections, which arc angled relative to each other, that are interconnected by way of at least one forming ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method Of Producing Tailored Tubes

Номер: US20140068945A1
Автор: DiCesare Giovanni
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc.

A method of manufacturing a hollow structural frame rail includes rotating a tube relative to a tool to reduce an outside diameter of the tube at predetermined positions along the length of the tube. An elastomeric insert is positioned within the tube. The tube is bent at a location containing the insert. The bent tube is hydroformed to define a finished shape of the frame rail. 1. A method of manufacturing a hollow structural frame rail , comprising:rotating a tube relative to a tool to reduce an outside diameter of the tube at predetermined positions along the length of the tube;positioning an elastomeric insert within the tube;bending the tube at a location containing the insert; andhydroforming the bent tube to define a finished shape of the frame rail.2. The method of further including piercing apertures through the tube while the tube is positioned within a hydroforming die used to perform the hydroforming.3. The method of further including clamping the tube to restrict movement of a portion of the tube during bending.4. The method of further including applying a force to a first end of the tube to rotate the first end of the tube relative to the clamp.5. The method of further including engaging an outer surface of the tube with a cam surface to define a shape of the outer surface during bending.6. The method of wherein the cam surface is formed on a rotatable die in receipt of the first end of the tube.7. The method of further including applying a force to another portion of the tube spaced apart from the first end to rotate the another portion relative to the clamp.8. The method of wherein the bending and hydroforming are performed in a common tool.9. The method of further including hydropiercing the tube within the common tool.10. The method of further including rotating a second tube relative to a tool to reduce an outside diameter of the tube at predetermined positions along the length of the tube and fixing an end of the tube to an end of the second tube ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000137A1

In one aspect, an apparatus for manufacturing a framing member can include a translation path for transporting a metal sheet. The translation path can include a translation axis, a first set of rollers, which can include a plurality of first bottom rollers and a plurality of first top rollers, the first set of rollers can have a first centerline, and a second set of rollers, which can include a plurality of second bottom rollers and a plurality of second top rollers, the second set of rollers can have a second centerline, line, where the first centerline and the second centerline can extend away from the translation axis at an angle in the direction of translation. 1. A method of manufacturing a framing member comprising:creating a plurality of slits in two pre-web regions of a metal sheet, wherein the metal sheet includes the two pre-web regions, and two leg regions, each being adjacent to the two pre-web regions;expanding the plurality of slits in at least one of the pre-web regions of the framing member to form a web region, the at least one web region including a web element and at least one web void; andforming a tubular framing member from the metal sheet, wherein the framing member consists only of the metal sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising expanding the plurality of slits in a second of the pre-web regions of the framing member to form a second web region claim 1 , the second web region including a web element and at least one web void.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the two expanding steps occur substantially simultaneously.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the two expanding steps occur sequentially.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reinforcing the pre-web region.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the metal sheet.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the heat is applied locally to the metal sheet.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising translating the sheet along a first axis and expanding the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001367A1

A furnace assembly for hot-stamping vehicle components includes a support structure, a movable visor, a heat element, and a set of blocks. The support structure defines a cavity and an opening sized to receive a blank. The movable visor is mounted to the support structure and defines a first zone partially open to the cavity via the opening. The heat element is disposed within the cavity. Each of the blocks of the set of blocks is disposed on one side of the heat element to define a second zone and aligned with the opening to receive a vehicle component blank upon the blocks. The set of blocks and visor are arranged with one another such that portions of the blank are heated at different temperatures in the first zone and the second zone. 1. A furnace assembly for hot-stamping vehicle components comprising:a support structure defining a cavity and an opening sized to receive a blank;a movable visor mounted to the support structure and defining a first zone partially open to the cavity via the opening;a heat element disposed within the cavity; anda set of blocks, each disposed on one side of the heat element to define a second zone and aligned with the opening to receive a vehicle component blank upon the blocks,wherein the set of blocks and visor are arranged with one another such that portions of the blank are heated at different temperatures in the first zone and the second zone.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat element is arranged adjacent the first zone such that a portion of the vehicle component blank disposed therein is heated at a temperature below a phase transformation temperature of the vehicle component blank.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat element is arranged within the second zone such that a portion of the vehicle component blank disposed therein is heated at a temperature above a phase transformation temperature of the vehicle component blank.4. The assembly of further comprising one or more rollers extending between the set ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Seat slider device and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20200001745A1
Автор: Norio Shimizu
Принадлежит: Toyota Body Seiko Co Ltd

A seat slider device may include a lower rail attachable to a body of a vehicle; and an upper rail attachable to a lower portion of a seat and slidably engaging with the lower rail. The upper rail may include a lock pin movable along a short direction of the upper rail. The lower rail may include a plurality of first holes and a second hole. The first holes may be arranged along a longitudinal direction of the lower rail and configured to engage with the lock pin, and the second hole may be arranged with the first holes along the longitudinal direction of the lower rail. The second hole may be positioned at a position where the lock pin is incapable of engaging with the second hole or the second hole may have a size with which the lock pin is incapable of engaging.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008931A1

An electro-catalytic honeycomb for exhaust emissions control and manufacturing method thereof firstly provides a honeycomb structural body comprising a backbone, a solid-oxide layer, a cathode layer and an inner annular layer. The backbone is provided with an anode and gas channels. The anode is provided with an outer surface and an inner surface inside the gas channels. The solid-oxide layer is formed on the inner surface. The cathode layer is formed on the solid-oxide layer. The inner annular layer is allowed for encapsulating an annular end edge of the outer surface. Subsequently, a sealing body is provided over the inner annular layer. Then, the anode is reduced to a reducing environment. Finally, an encapsulation is provided over the honeycomb structural body to seal the outer surface and a sealing membrane of the sealing body is removed for passing a lean-burn exhaust through the gas channels. 1. A manufacturing method of an electro-catalytic honeycomb for exhaust emissions control , comprising the steps of:step 1: providing a honeycomb structural body, the honeycomb structural body including a backbone, a solid-oxide layer, a cathode layer and an inner annular layer, the backbone having an anode and a plurality of gas channels running through the anode, the anode being made of a first porous material, as well as the anode having an outer surface and an inner surface situated inside the gas channels, the solid-oxide layer being formed of a first dense structure and formed on the inner surface, as well as having a tube wall facing the gas channels, the cathode layer being made of a second porous material and adhered to the tube wall, the inner annular layer being formed of a second dense structure and encapsulating an annular end edge of the outer surface;step 2: covering the inner annular layer by a sealing body in such a way that the gas channels of the honeycomb structural body are formed as an enclosed chamber, the sealing body including a hollow outer ring ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009208A1

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a composite building element that includes a casing material, a bulk material, and a locking element, the method including the steps of: (a) continuously feeding a first sheet of casing material into a filling station; (b) securing the bulk material to the first sheet of casing material; (c) continuously feeding the bulk material and the first sheet of casing material out of the filling station; the method characterised by the step of: (d) securing the locking element to the first sheet of casing material prior to securing the bulk material to the first sheet of casing material. 127.-. (canceled)28. A method of manufacturing a composite building element , wherein the method uses a filling station configured to secure a bulk material to a first sheet of casing material ,a feed station configured to feed the first sheet of casing material into the filling station, an insert station that is configured to secure a locking element to the first sheet of casing material before the bulk material is secured to the first sheet of casing material, wherein the system is configured to feed the first sheet of casing material from the insert station into the filling station,the method comprising the steps of:(a) using the feed station to continuously feed the first sheet of casing material into the filling station;(b) using the filling station to secure the bulk material to the first sheet of casing material;(c) using the insert station to secure the locking element to the first sheet of casing material prior to the filling station securing the bulk material to the first sheet of casing material.29. The method of claim 28 , including a step of feeding a second sheet of the casing material into the filling station so that there is a gap between the first and second sheets of the casing material.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the step of securing the bulk material to the sheet material involves injecting an insulation material ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009654A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a panel-like formed product having an excellent collision property. The panel-like formed product () includes a polygonal top board (), two or more vertical walls (), and a flange (). The vertical walls () extend from two or more sides of the top board (), and include at least two adjacent vertical walls () extending from at least two adjacent sides of the top board (). The flange () connects to lower ends of the vertical walls () and spreads in directions in which the top board () spreads. The top board () includes a frame portion () including the two or more sides of the top board from which the vertical walls extend, and a concave portion () which is located at an inner side of the frame portion () and recedes from the frame portion (). The two or more adjacent vertical walls () include a first vertical wall section (A), a stair (), and a second vertical wall section (B). The stair () connects to a lower end of the first vertical wall section (A) and spreads in the directions in which the top board spreads. The second vertical wall section (B) connects to an outer edge of the stair () and extends in a direction in which the first vertical wall section (A) extends. The flange () connects to a lower end of the second vertical wall section (B). 1. A panel-like formed product made of a metal plate , the panel-like formed product comprising: two or more vertical walls extending from two or more sides of the top board among all sides of the top board defining an outer edge of the top board, the vertical walls including at least two adjacent vertical walls extending from at least two adjacent sides of the top board; and', 'a flange connecting to lower ends of the vertical walls and spreading in directions in which the top board spreads;', 'wherein:, 'a polygonal top board,'} a frame portion including the two or more sides of the top board from which the vertical walls extend; and', 'a concave portion which is located at ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009639A1
Автор: Watanabe Shin

A method for manufacturing a grid-stiffened structure 4 includes: regularly arranging triangular or quadrangular cells on one surface of a sheet member and setting a lattice-like pattern which is provided with rib configuring regions, each of the rib configuring regions being provided between the cells; providing through-holes in positions in the sheet member, where the rib configuring regions intersect, so as to separate the rib configuring regions; forming ribs which protrude from the one surface of the sheet member by folding the rib configuring regions of the sheet member; and mutually connecting ends of the rib in a position of each of the through-holes. 1. A method for manufacturing a grid-stiffened structure having triangular or quadrangular lattice-like ribs provided integrally with one surface of an outer panel , the method comprising:regularly arranging triangular or quadrangular cells on one surface of a sheet member constituting the outer panel, and setting a lattice-like pattern provided with rib configuring regions for configuring the ribs, each of the rib configuring regions being configured between the cells;providing, in positions where the rib configuring regions of the sheet member intersect, through-holes so as to separate the rib configuring regions;forming the ribs protruding from the one surface of the sheet member by folding the rib configuring regions of the sheet member; andmutually connecting ends of the rib in a position of each of the through-holes.2. The method for manufacturing the grid-stiffened structure of claim 1 , further comprisingconnecting the ends of the ribs to each other with a connecting part attached, between the ends of the ribs adjacent to each other, in the position of each of the through-holes.3. The method for manufacturing the grid-stiffened structure of claim 1 , further comprisingconnecting the ends of the ribs to each other with an adhesive filled in a space between the ends of the ribs adjacent to each other in ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021870A1

A bulkhead, which is a press-formed product, includes a top plate part, side flange parts and corner flange parts. The side flange parts each extend from respective sides of the top plate part. The corner flange parts each extend from respective corner parts of the top plate part. The corner flange part connects the side flange parts to each other. In the corner flange part, a part having a minimum value of plate thickness is present in a central portion in a circumferential direction, and parts having a maximum value of the plate thickness are present on both sides thereof. A ratio of the maximum value and the minimum value is in a range of more than 1.0 to 1.6 or less. 1. A press-formed product formed from a steel plate ,the press-formed product, comprising:a top plate part; andflange parts each extending from some or all of sides constituting an outline of the top plate part,wherein a corner flange part extends from a corner part connecting, among the sides of the top plate part, at least a pair of the sides which are adjacent to each other and from which the flange parts extend,the flange parts each extending from the pair of the sides are connected to each other via the corner flange part, andin the corner flange part,a part having a minimum value of plate thickness is present in a central portion in a direction along a circumferential direction of the corner part of the top plate part,parts having a maximum value of the plate thickness are present on both sides of the central portion, anda ratio of the maximum value and the minimum value is in a range of more than 1.0 to 1.6 or less.2. The press-formed product according to claim 1 ,wherein a radius of curvature of the corner flange part is 30 mm or less.3. The press-formed product according to claim 1 ,wherein a width of at least a part of the flange parts is 10 mm or more.4. The press-formed product according to claim 1 ,wherein tensile strength of the press-formed product is 440 MPa or more.5. An automobile ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030088A1

A construction and methods of assembly and construction of boards, e.g. floor boards, are described. The boards have a peripheral connection arrangement for interconnecting of one board to another, a core layer e.g. made from a wood or fibre based material and a top layer applied to the core layer which may be decorative and may include or provide a wear layer. A further bottom layer may be applied to the underside of the core layer and is designed to be in contact with the floor or an underlay can be applied when in use. The connection arrangement includes interconnecting hooking tongues and corresponding catches which co-operate to produce both vertical and horizontal locking. 128-. (canceled)29. A polygonal board having a core layer with an underside a topside and edges and edge faces , the core layer having a plurality of staggered hooking tongues extending outwardly from the edges of the core layer; the core layer of one board having at least two recesses formed in its underside on two sides for engaging with hooking tongues of another board , the hooking tongues and the at least two recesses of each board being arranged to allow sliding mating of the tongues of a first board with the recesses of a second adjacent board and with the recesses of a third adjacent board thereby forming an abutment surface in the joint between the first board and the second board and between the first and third boards , the at least two recesses being made by machining and the staggered hooking tongues are isolated from each other by machining , the tongues and recesses of adjacent boards co-operating to provide both vertical and horizontal locking engagement of the two boards.30. The board of further comprising means to strengthen the root of the hooking tongues.31. The board of claim 29 , wherein the hooking tongues are formed integrally with the core layer.32. The board of claim 29 , wherein the abutment surface has a sloping section that extends over a distance of at least 10% ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030586A1

Provided is a method of manufacturing a vehicle skeleton member, the skeleton member including one or more groove-shaped portions extending in a predetermined direction, the method including an extrusion step and a press-working step. In the extrusion step, a sheet-shaped member including one or more first sheet-shaped portions each having a band-like shape, which extend in the predetermined direction, and second sheet-shaped portions each having a band-like shape, which extend in the predetermined direction along end portions of the first sheet-shaped portion in a width direction of the first sheet-shaped member and each have a sheet thickness smaller than a sheet thickness of the first sheet-shaped portion, is manufactured by using an extrusion molding method. In the press-working step, the sheet-shaped member is pressed so that at least part of a bottom wall portion of the groove-shaped portion is formed of the first sheet-shaped portion and side wall portions of the groove-shaped portion are formed of the second sheet-shaped portions, respectively. 1. A method of manufacturing a vehicle skeleton member , the skeleton member including one or more groove-shaped portions extending in a predetermined direction , an extrusion step of manufacturing, by using an extrusion molding method, a sheet-shaped member including one or more first sheet-shaped portions each having a band-like shape and extending in the predetermined direction, and second sheet-shaped portions each having a band-like shape and extending in the predetermined direction along end portions of the first sheet-shaped portion in a width direction of the sheet-shaped member, and each having a sheet thickness smaller than a sheet thickness of the first sheet-shaped portion; and', 'a press-working step of pressing the sheet-shaped member by using a die quenching method so that at least part of a bottom wall portion of the groove-shaped portion is formed of the first sheet-shaped portion, and side wall ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036256A1

A structural component is provided comprising a base member comprising at least two sidewalls and a space therebetween, the base member having a predetermined curvilinear configuration formed using hot stretch forming. The structural component comprises at least one reinforcing member linear friction welded to the at least two sidewalls so that the reinforcing member is positioned at least partially within the space between the at least two sidewalls. 1. A method for manufacturing a structural component , the method comprising:forming a base member such that the base member comprises at least two sidewalls and a space therebetween;hot stretch forming the base member so that the base member has a predetermined curvilinear configuration;linear friction welding at least one reinforcing member to the at least two sidewalls so that the reinforcing member is positioned at least partially within the space between the at least two sidewalls; andwherein the structural component has substantially no residual stress following the hot stretch forming and linear friction welding.2. A method according to wherein at least one of the base member and reinforcing member is formed of titanium or a titanium alloy.3. A method according to wherein at least one of the base member and reinforcing member is formed of aluminum or an aluminum alloy.4. A method according to wherein the base member and reinforcing member are formed of the same material.5. A method according to wherein the base member and reinforcing member are formed of different materials.6. A method for manufacturing a structural component claim 1 , the method comprising:positioning a profile comprising at least two sidewalls and a space therebetween in a heat-insulating enclosure in which a die is disposed such that the profile is in forming proximity to the die;resistance heating the profile to a working temperature by passing electrical current through the profile;moving the profile and the die relative to each other while ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040631A1
Автор: STOCKFELT Michail

A sandwich construction element () is disclosed. The sandwich construction element comprises a first element () with a face, extending in a longitudinal direction with a thickness and a height being smaller than the longitudinal length, and a second element () with a face, extending in the same longitudinal direction as the first element with a thickness and a height being smaller than the longitudinal length, wherein the second element is facing the flat face of the first element (). The sandwich construction element further comprises an open core structure () arranged between, and operatively connected to the first element () and the second element (), wherein the open core structure comprises a plurality of close packed tetraeder structures (). 1. A sandwich construction element , comprising:a first element with a face, extending in a longitudinal direction with a thickness and a height being smaller than the longitudinal length;a second element with a face, extending in the same longitudinal direction as the first element with a thickness and a height being smaller than the longitudinal length, wherein the second element is facing the face of the first element; andan open core structure arranged between, and operatively connected to the first element and the second element, wherein the open core structure comprises a plurality of close packed tetraeder structures, wherein the tetrahedrons are asymmetric and are arranged to form one or more unit cells defining a box shaped volume, the box shaped volume having perpendicular sides.2. The sandwich construction element according to claim 1 , wherein the open core structure comprises at least two flat elements arranged between the first element and the second element claim 1 , wherein the at least two flat elements are arranged between the faces of the first element and the second element claim 1 , and facing each other with a first distance between the two elements.3. The sandwich construction element according to ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046328A1

The present invention relates to a structural component in particular for a motor vehicle body, comprising a cold-formed first formed part and a warm-formed and hardened second formed part with a variable thickness along a longitudinal extension L of the second formed part wherein the second formed part has a connection portion for being connected to the first formed part wherein the connection portion is distanced from an outer edge of the first formed part such, that the structural component has a one-layered flange portion of the first formed part between the connection portion and the outer edge and wherein the first formed part and the second formed part are connected to each other by means of a high energy beam welding seam along a connection edge of the connection portion Furthermore, the present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a structural component 117-. (canceled)18. A structural component , comprising:a cold-formed first formed part; anda warm-formed, and hardened, second formed part with a variable thickness along a longitudinal extension of the second formed part;wherein the second formed part has a connection portion connected to the first formed part, wherein the connection portion is distanced from an outer edge of the first formed such that the structural component has a one-layered flange portion of the first formed part between the connection portion and the outer edge, and wherein the first formed part and the second formed part are connected to each other by a high energy beam welding seam along a connection edge of the connection portion.19. The structural component according of claim 18 , wherein the flange portion has a transversal extension of more than 20 millimeters along at least 50% of a longitudinal extension of the first formed part.20. The structural component according of claim 18 , wherein the flange portion extends along at least 50% of the longitudinal extension of the first formed part.21. The structural component ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043748A1

A windscreen wiper device is provided. The windscreen wiper device includes an elongated wiper strip of a flexible material for sealing against the windshield and at least one elongated groove. At least one flexible and elongated carrier element is disposed in the at least one groove of the wiper strip for biasing the wiper strip into a predetermined configuration when in a relaxed state. The at least one carrier element presents at least one upwardly facing curve and at least one downwardly facing curve when in a relaxed state. 1. A method of making a windscreen wiper device comprising the steps of:preparing at least one flexible and elongated carrier element;plastically deforming the at least one carrier element to give it at least one upwardly facing curve when in a relaxed state; andplastically deforming the at least one carrier element to give it at least one downwardly facing curve when in a relaxed state.2. The method as set forth in wherein the steps of plastically deforming the at least one carrier element is with a roller assembly.3. The method as set forth in further including the step of engaging the at least one carrier element with a wiper strip to bias the wiper strip into a configuration having at least one upwardly facing curve and at least one downwardly facing curve. This divisional application claims the benefit of U.S. utility application Ser. No. 13/713,173, filed Dec. 13, 2012, which claims priority to U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 61/570,563, filed Dec. 14, 2011, the entire contents of both which are hereby incorporated by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention is related generally to windscreen wiper devices and more particularly to carrier elements for windscreen wiper devices.2. Related ArtThe majority of automotive windscreen wiper devices, or wiper blades, can be categorized as either conventional-style wiper blades (hereinafter referred to as “conventional blades”) or beam-style wiper blades (hereinafter ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043811A1

A vehicle body component is provided. The vehicle body component includes an extruded elongate member that has a longitudinally extending cross section. The elongate member includes a first section that extends along a first axis, a second section that extends from the first section along a second axis, and a third section that extends from the second section along a third axis, wherein the first axis and the third axis are non-coplanar with respect to each other. 1. A method comprising:extruding an elongate member having a longitudinally extending cross section; andbending the elongate member with a multi-axis bending machine about a first axis and sequentially about a second axis non-parallel to the first axis to form a vehicle body component.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising bending the elongate member with the multi-axis bending machine about a third axis non-parallel to the first axis or second axis to form the vehicle body component.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming one or more apertures in the elongate member.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the forming step includes drilling into the vehicle body component to form the one or more apertures.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the forming step is performed before the bending step.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member includes at least one flange extending laterally from the longitudinally extending cross section.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the flange extends longitudinally along a portion of the length of the elongate member.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinally extending cross section is a closed cross section.9. A vehicle body component comprising:an extruded elongate member having a longitudinally extending cross section, a first section extending along a first axis, a second section extending from the first section and along a second axis, a third section extending from the second section and along a third axis, the first axis and the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047037A1

A metal extrusion and nodes based structure is provided. The structure comprises one or more arc members connected by one or more node members, wherein the arc comprises (i) a wing feature which is configured to mate with one or more non-structural components, (ii) an internal passage feature which is configured to be inserted into a connecting feature of the corresponding node member, and (iii) one or more keying features formed from a mating interface with the corresponding node member. 1. A method of manufacturing a structure , the method comprising:accepting a metal extrusion, the metal extrusion including a first structure and a second structure, the metal extrusion having a length, wherein the first structure includes an elongated cavity along the length of the metal extrusion, and the second structure includes an elongated surface along the length of the metal extrusion, the elongated surface being arranged away from the first structure and overlapping at least a portion of the first structure, the first and second structures being connected along the length of the metal extrusion;deforming the first structure in a first direction; anddeforming the second structure in a second direction different than the first direction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second structures are deformed such that a shape of a first cross-section of the metal extrusion at a first location along a length of the metal extrusion is different than a shape of a second cross-section of the metal extrusion at a second location along the length of the metal extrusion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first direction is a direction that is transverse to the length of the metal extrusion claim 1 , and the second direction is a direction of rotation around a direction parallel to a length of the elongated cavity.4. A die for deforming a metal extrusion claim 1 , the die comprising:a first die component that deforms a first portion of the metal extrusion in a first ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Roll-molding device

Номер: US20180056358A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

For a tapered material having a plate thickness changing in a longitudinal direction to be roll-molded with stability by means of a simple and inexpensive configuration, a roll-molding device includes two parallel roller shafts, fixed rollers concentrically disposed with respect to one of the roller shafts, floating rollers disposed to be capable of being eccentric with clearances with respect to the other one of the roller shafts, facing the fixed rollers, and molding a belt-shaped metallic material pinched between the fixed rollers and themselves, a pressing roller abutting against an outer circumferential portion on the side opposite to points of contact of the floating rollers with the fixed rollers, and actuators pressing the floating rollers toward the fixed rollers via the pressing roller.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for Producing Surrounding Connection of Heat-insulating Protecting Component

Номер: US20150068021A1
Автор: Cui Xuejun

An assembly of dies for producing W-shaped flanges of a heat-insulating protective component and a method of producing the same by using the assembly of dies. The assembly of dies comprises a terrace-forming die and a bending die. The method comprises only two procedures, namely, stamping a composite base plate into a terraced composite base plate by using a terrace-forming die, and bending and compressing the two terraced sides of the terraced composite base plate by using a bending die so that each of the two terraced sides forms a W-shaped flange. 110111512131416171820212522232426272811211525. An assembly of dies for producing W-shaped flanges of a heat-insulating protective component comprising a terrace-forming die and a bending die , wherein the terrace-forming die comprises an upper mould (D) , an upper mould left cutting edge (D) , an upper mould right cutting edge (D) , first to sixth upper mould inner terrace sides (D , D , D , D , D and D) , a lower mould (D) , a lower mould left cutting edge (D) , a lower mould right cutting edge (D) and first to sixth lower mould inner terrace sides (D , D , D , D , D and D); when the terrace-forming die reaches a closed position , gaps exist between the upper mould left cutting edge (D) and the lower mould left cutting edge (D) and between the lower mould right cutting edge (D) and the lower mould right cutting edge (D) respectively; also when the terrace-forming die reaches a closed position , a space formed between the first to sixth upper mould inner terrace sides and the corresponding first to sixth lower mould inner terrace sides is wider than thickness of materials being fed;{'b': 30', '40', '30', '32', '34', '35', '30', '31', '33', '32', '34, 'the bending die comprises a bending die upper mould (D) and a bending die lower mould (D), wherein the bending die upper mould (D) comprises a left side surface (D) and a right side surface (D) both perpendicular to a bottom surface (D) of the bending die upper mould (D), ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065214A1
Автор: Cagle Allen

A motorcycle frame rack enables a motorcycle frame to be repaired without removing many components from the motorcycle. A motorcycle is positioned on the motorcycle frame rack, secured in place and then the frame is adjusted using chains coupled to towers. A self-centering laser measuring system is able to be used to analyze and measure damage to the motorcycle frame. A dolly device is able to be used to support and transport a motorcycle, including a motorcycle without wheels. 1. A device for receiving a motorcycle comprising:a. a base;b. a top frame and a brace coupled to the base configured for receiving a motorcycle;c. one or more top bars coupled to the base with one or more securing mechanisms; andd. a set of wheels coupled to the base, wherein at least a subset of wheels of the set of wheels is removed when the one or more securing mechanisms are removed.2. The device of wherein the base comprises parallel structures with a gap between the parallel structures.3. The device of wherein the one or more top bars are removable when the one or more securing mechanisms are removed.4. The device of wherein the one or more securing mechanisms are configured to be removed quickly and without a tool.5. The device of wherein the one or more securing mechanisms are directly coupled with the subset of wheels.6. A method comprising:a. removing a securing mechanism, a top bar and wheels of a dolly device;b. positioning the dolly device under a motorcycle;c. attaching the top bar and the wheels of the dolly device with the securing mechanism; andd. lowering the motorcycle on the dolly device.7. The method of wherein lowering the motorcycle on the dolly device includes lower a lift or a jack.8. The method of wherein only a subset of wheels less than all of the wheels is removed.9. The method of wherein the top bar is removable when the securing mechanism is removed.10. The method of wherein the securing mechanism is configured to be removed quickly and without a tool.11. The ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Manufacturing method for bumper beam of vehicle

Номер: US20170066037A1

A manufacturing method for a bumper beam of a vehicle may include pipe making, producing a circular pipe by pipe molding a steel plate having a predetermined thickness between first and second molding rolls, heating the circular pipe to a set temperature in a heating furnace, pressurizing and molding the circular pipe heated in the heating furnace and having flexibility, while inserting the circular pipe between an upper mold and a lower mold to form a molding beam, and thereafter, rapidly cooling the molding beam to form the molding beam into a high-strength molding beam, and curvature-molding the high-strength molding beam at a predetermined curvature through a curvature molding machine.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Method Of Hot-Shaping And Hardening An Object From A Metal Sheet, And A B-Pillar For A Vehicle

Номер: US20170066481A1
Автор: BODIN Hans
Принадлежит: Gestamp Hardtech AB

A B-pillar for a vehicle is made by the press hardening method. The blank is made by placing two blank elements () with an overlap () and welding the elements together before the shaping process. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6212023. A B-pillar for a vehicle , said B-pillar comprising a lower portion formed by a first blank element () , an upper portion formed by a second blank element () , and an intermediate region () , at which the first and second blank elements are welded together and are thereafter shaped together , said intermediate region formed by overlapping portions of said first and second blank elements , said intermediate region having a strength greater than that of either said lower or upper portions.7. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the strength of said lower portion is less than the strength of said upper portion.8. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said B-pillar has at least three areas claim 6 , each of said areas having different strengths.9. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the strength of the upper portion is greater than the strength of the lower portion.10. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said first and second blank elements have different thicknesses such that said upper and lower portions are of different thickness.11. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said first and second blank elements have different widths such that said upper and lower portions are of different width.12. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said first and second blank elements are formed from steel having different grades of strength such that said upper and lower portions are formed from steel having a different grade of strength.13. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said upper and lower portions and said intermediate region each have different strengths from each other.14. The B-pillar as claimed in claim 6 , wherein said overlapping portions of first ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073791A1
Автор: Banik Janko, Sikora Sascha

The invention relates to a method for hot forming semi-finished products of steel, in which the semi-finished product is heated to the forming temperature, is conveyed to the forming tool, and in the forming tool is hot formed, hardened or press hardened. The object of proposing a method for hot-forming semi-finished products of steel, in which also extremely thin-walled blanks may be conveyed at the forming temperature without issues and be fed to the forming tool properly and without limiting the degree of forming of the semi-finished product, is achieved in that prior to hot forming, hardening or press hardening, at least one structure which increases rigidity at least is incorporated in the semi-finished product, and the structure which increases rigidity of the semi-finished product is at least partially or completely disposed in the trimming region of the semi-finished product. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for hot forming a semi-finished product of steel , the method comprising:heating the semi-finished product to a forming temperature;conveying the semi-finished product to a forming tool;forming at least one structure in the semi-finished product that increases rigidity of the semi-finished product, the at least one structure being formed at least partially in a trimming region of the semi-finished product; andhot forming, hardening, or press hardening the semi-finished product in the forming tool after the at least one structure has been formed in the semi-finished product.12. The method of wherein the semi-finished product has a maximum wall thickness of 1.2 mm.13. The method of wherein the at least one structure comprises at least one of a depression or a pleat.14. The method of wherein the at least one structure comprises at least one chamfer of an edge of the semi-finished product.15. The method of wherein the at least one structure comprises at least one cutting burr on a cutting edge of the semi-finished product.16. The method of wherein the at least ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078320A1
Автор: Brekke Steven

A hanger for connecting a structural member to a structural support including a base sized and shaped for receiving the structural member thereon. First and second side panels extend upward from the base. First and second back panels each extend from a respective one of the side panels. First and second top flanges each extend from a respective one of the back panels. An opening in one of said first and second side panels and said first and second back panels is configured to receive a fastener to attach the hanger to one of the structural member and the structural support. A slot is adjacent the opening. An area between the opening and the slot defines a yieldable portion selected to deform at a load that is less than the shear load capacity of the fastener when received through the opening for connecting the hanger to one of the structural member and the structural support. 118-. (canceled)19. An anti-shearing construction connector for connecting a first structural member to a second structural member using one or more fasteners so as to inhibit shearing off said one or more fasteners by the construction connector , the construction connector comprising:a first connection portion configured to attach to the first structural member; anda second connection portion connected to the first connection portion and configured to be attached to the second structural member using said one or more fasteners for transferring loads between the first and second structural members when the construction connector connects the first and second structural members, the second connection portion including one or more yieldable portions, each yieldable portion partially defining an aperture in the second connection portion, the aperture configured to receive one of said one or more fasteners to attach the second connection portion to the second structural member, each yieldable portion being configured to change a dimension of the aperture by deforming at a load that is less than a ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086804A1

A honeycomb body includes wound and/or stacked layers having a geometric center axis, a cavity rotationally symmetrically around the center axis and an outer lateral surface. Each layer extends approximately concentrically around the axis. At least one of the layers is at least partially structured forming channels through which a fluid can flow. The channels extend from the cavity outward to the outer lateral surface at a non-right cone angle to the axis. The channels have a cross-section changing along the channels from inside to outside. At least one structured layer and at least one intermediate layer are alternatingly disposed and helically layered. The structure height of the structured sheet-metal layer forming the channels is substantially constant and channel cross-sectional areas increase from inside to outside. The intermediate layer can be made of simple wires or of specially cut or folded smooth sheet-metal layers. 1. A honeycomb body , comprising:an inside, an outside and a geometric central axis;wound or stacked layers each running concentrically around said central axis and defining an outer lateral surface and a cavity disposed rotationally symmetrically around said central axis;at least one of said layers being at least partially structured to form a multiplicity of channels through which a fluid can flow;said channels running outwardly from said cavity to said outer lateral surface at a non-perpendicular cone angle relative to said central axis;said channels having a channel cross section varying over a course of said channels from said inside to said outside;at least one intermediate layer being disposed in alternation with said at least one structured layer; andsaid at least one intermediate layer and said at least one structured layer being layered on top of one other in a helical manner.2. The honeycomb body according to claim 1 , wherein at least said cavity or said lateral surface is cylindrical.3. The honeycomb body according to claim 1 , ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097114A1

The present invention relates to a method for forming a reinforcement structure, and the reinforcement structure. The method for forming a reinforcement structure according to the present invention may include: a first forming step of bending an edge of a steel plate in a first direction to form a side flange, which forms a flange angle with the bottom surface of the steel plate; a second forming step of bending the steel plate in a second direction to form a pair of side wall flanges, and bending at least a portion of the side flange in a direction opposite the first direction; and a third forming step of bending the side flange in the first direction. 1. A method of forming a reinforcing structure , comprising:a first forming operation of forming a side flange to form a flange angle with a bottom surface of a steel plate by folding up an edge of the steel plate in a first direction;a second forming operation of forming a pair of side wall flanges by folding the steel plate in a second direction, and simultaneously, bending at least a portion of the side flange in a direction opposite to the first direction; anda third forming operation of folding up the side flange in the first direction.2. The method of forming a reinforcing structure of claim 1 , wherein in the first forming operation claim 1 , the steel plate is folded up such that the side flange formed on one side of the steel plate is bent claim 1 , and the side flange is bent by folding up an edge of the steel plate such that the bottom surface of the steel plate and the side flange form different angles.3. The method of forming a reinforcing structure of claim 2 , wherein in the second forming operation claim 2 , the pair of side wall flanges facing each other is formed claim 2 , by folding the bottom surface of the steel plate in the second direction to form a pair of corners.4. The method of forming a reinforcing structure of claim 3 , wherein in the second forming operation claim 3 , an upper flange ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Security Panels for Covering Window and Door Openings in Buildings

Номер: US20170081909A1
Автор: Ahmad Mousa, Brehob Diana
Принадлежит: Shield Ups, LLC

A security panel apparatus and a method for covering window and door openings in buildings using the security panel apparatus are disclosed. In one embodiment, the security panel has a main panel, a plurality of sides, and flanges. The flanges have apertures for securing the security panel to the outer surface of the building. Because in practice a service provider is likely to carry multiple panels to a building that needs securing, there is a desire to stow the panels with an efficient use of space in mind both in the warehouse and in the service vehicle. For this reason, the sides form an angle with the main panel that is greater than 90 degrees to facilitate nesting multiple panels. 1. A security panel for covering an opening in a building , comprising:a central panel section;a plurality of sides extending away from the central panel section toward the opening in the building when the security panel is in an installation position; anda plurality of flanges each extending away from one of the sides in a direction generally parallel wherein the flanges are coplanar and the sides form an angle with respect to the flanges that is greater than 90 degrees to thereby allow nesting of multiple security panels.2. The security panel of claim 1 , further comprising: a plurality of apertures formed in at least two of the flanges to allow the security panel to be secured to the building over the opening.3. The security panel of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the plurality of apertures are configured to allow the security panel to be hung in the installation position from a plurality of locating security head fasteners installed proximate to one or more edges of the opening in the building.4. The security panel of wherein the main panel has at least two stiffening bends formed therein that intersect.5. The security panel of wherein the main panel has at least two stiffening bends formed therein; and the two stiffening bends form a peak that points inwardly toward the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Fastenable Member for Sealing, Baffling or Reinforcing and Method of Forming Same

Номер: US20140165405A1

There is disclosed a member for sealing, baffling and/or reinforcing components of an automotive vehicle. The assembly generally includes a carrier, an expandable material and at least one fastener. 1. A method of forming members for providing sealing , baffling or reinforcement to one or more structures , the method comprising;providing a carrier material, the carrier material forming an elongated planar rectangular carrier having substantially uniform thickness;co-extruding an expandable material upon the carrier material in a continuous manner so that the expandable material substantially surrounds the entirety of the carrier material;providing a fastener connected to one end of the carrier.24-. (canceled)5. A method as in wherein he fastener is a mechanical fastener that is separately attached to the carrier.6. A method as in wherein the fastener is integrally formed of single material with the carrier.7. A method as in wherein the carrier material is extruded simultaneously with the expandable material claim 1 , the carrier material is extruded prior to the coextrusion of the expandable material upon the carrier or the carrier material is coextruded with the expandable material and the resulting coextrusion is further extruded to form the profile configuration.8. A method as in wherein the expandable material is adapted for forming a sealing material claim 1 , an acoustical material claim 1 , an adhesive claim 1 , a structural foam claim 1 , or a combination of at least two of the foregoing.9. A method as in wherein the carrier further includes a layer of a material over at least a portion of its surface that is applied thereto by coextrusion claim 1 , lamination claim 1 , adhesion claim 1 , vapor deposition claim 1 , plasma deposition claim 1 , spray coating claim 1 , brushing claim 1 , swabbing claim 1 , dipping claim 1 , plating or combinations thereof.10. A method as in wherein the expandable material is a material that is thermally deformable at the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170086449A1

An agricultural sprayer boom comprises vertically spaced upper and lower beams extending along the boom and connected by a plurality of brace members 1. An agricultural sprayer boom comprising vertically spaced upper and lower beams extending along the boom connected by a plurality of brace members formed from a unitary bent tubular member that is secured to the upper and lower beams , and gripped by , a plurality of clamps.2. The boom according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the upper and lower beams present a linear protuberance extending along the boom axis claim 1 , and wherein each of said clamps comprises a pair of parallel clamping sleeves which grip the protuberance and the tubular member respectively.3. The boom according to claim 2 , wherein each clamp comprises two halves each having a profile that defines a portion of each of the clamping sleeves claim 2 , wherein the halves of each clamp are secured together by bolts.4. The boom according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the upper and lower beams present a pair of opposing ledges claim 1 , and wherein each clamp comprises a pair of lips and a channel claim 1 , and wherein each lip engages a respective one of the ledges and the tubular member is received in the channel and held against the at least one of the upper and lower beams.5. The boom according to claim 4 , wherein each clamp comprises two halves which are held together by a respective bolt.6. The boom according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one of the upper and lower beams is formed from extrusion and comprises an extruded profile which defines the ledges.7. The boom according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular member is formed from aluminium.8. A method of manufacturing an agricultural sprayer boom comprising the steps of:providing upper and lower beams;bending a unitary tubular member to form a plurality of brace members;securing clamps between the upper beam and the tubular member and between the lower beam and the tubular ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087674A1
Автор: Chou Yi, Wang Haiyan

The present disclosure relates to an automatic forming machine for plant growth supports, comprising a ring rolling system with a ring rolling unit, a mold system with a mold unit, and a welding system, which are all disposed on a machine frame, wherein the ring rolling unit can roll a metal wire and make the metal wire be formed into a ring with an opening in the mold unit; the mold system is for carrying the ring and making two free ends of the ring with an opening aligned or alternately overlap with each other; the welding system welds can weld the opening of the ring carried by the mold unit, causing the ring to become a closed ring. The present disclosure has a high automatic degree and can reduce the production time and labor cost. 121-. (canceled)22. An automatic forming machine for plant growth supports , comprising a ring rolling system , a mold system , and a welding system , which are all disposed on a machine frame , the ring rolling system comprises a ring rolling unit , and the mold system comprises a mold unit , wherein the ring rolling unit is adapted to roll a metal wire and make the metal wire be formed into a ring with an opening in the mold unit; the mold unit is for carrying the ring and making two free ends of the ring with an opening aligned or overlap with each other; the welding system is adapted to weld the opening of the ring carried by the mold unit , causing the ring to become a closed ring.23. The automatic forming machine for plant growth supports according to claim 22 , characterized in that the mold unit comprises a baseplate with an annular first groove for holding the ring claim 22 , and the first groove makes the two free ends of the ring aligned or overlap with each other.24. The automatic forming machine for plant growth supports according to claim 23 , characterized in that the baseplate comprises a first baseplate element and a second baseplate element with a first engaging part between their first ends and a second engaging ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170032A1

The present invention relates to a metal filter for purifying the exhaust gas from a ship, and a preparation method thereof. The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a metal filter for purifying the exhaust gas from a ship, capable of reducing nitrogen oxide by 85% or more at 250-300° C.; and a preparation method thereof. The metal filter for removing nitrogen oxide contained in the exhaust gas from a ship of the present invention comprises an integrated catalyst, wherein a metal substrate comprising irregularities is coated with a low temperature active catalyst in which vanadium (V), tungsten (W) and alumina sol are supported in a Ti-pillared clay (Ti-PILC) powdered support. 1. A metal filter for purifying an exhaust gas from a ship , suitable for use in removing nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas , the metal filter comprising a metal substrate having irregularities and a low-temperature active catalyst applied onto the metal substrate and comprising Ti-PILC (Pillared Clay) as a powder support and vanadium (V) , tungsten (W) and alumina sol supported thereon.2. The metal filter of claim 1 , wherein the low-temperature active catalyst comprises claim 1 , based on 100 parts by weight of Ti-PILC (Pillared Clay) claim 1 , 1˜10 parts by weight of V claim 1 , 1˜5 parts by weight of W claim 1 , and 5˜20 parts by weight of alumina sol.3. The metal filter of claim 1 , wherein the low-temperature active catalyst further comprises claim 1 , based on 100 parts by weight of Ti-PILC claim 1 , 1˜5 parts by weight of cerium (Ce) claim 1 , 5˜20 parts by weight of titanium dioxide (TiO) claim 1 , 1˜6 parts by weight of iron (Fe) claim 1 , and 1˜5 parts by weight of sulfur dioxide (SO).4. A method of manufacturing a metal filter for purifying an exhaust gas from a ship claim 1 , suitable for use in removing nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas claim 1 , comprising:forming irregularities on a metal substrate; andimmersing the metal substrate having irregularities in a ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097165A1

A superstructure device () for a set of points having a switch support which is composed of a block of high-strength steel and which has stock and short point rails which delimit said switch support and are formed integrally from the block, wherein the block is connected to a lower part composed of a material other than the high-strength steel, such as mild steel, and is in particular connected in a materially joined fashion, wherein the block extends essentially over the entire length of a switch rail device as the superstructure device on both sides beyond the switch support, and the lower part is a means of supporting the block in the form of at least two supports which are spaced apart from one another. 1. A superstructure device as a switching device for a set of points , said superstructure device comprising:a switch support with a slide plate for supporting a tongue blade in a movable manner;a stock rail; anda guide or side rail spaced apart and delimiting said slide plate;wherein the switch support, the stock rail, and the guide or side rail are parts of a block made from high-tensile steel;wherein the block is connected with a metallurgical bond, to a lower part of the same material, or of a material different than a high-tensile steel;wherein the block extends along the length of the switch support and at least beyond one side of the switch support;wherein the lower part is an elevated support of the block in the form of at least two spaced apart supports.2. The superstructure device of claim 1 , wherein the block extends on both sides beyond the switch support along the entire length of the superstructure device.3. The superstructure device of claim 1 , wherein the block starts at an entrance of the superstructure device.4. The superstructure device of claim 1 , wherein the set of points has an exit side claim 1 , and the block claim 1 , within the superstructure device claim 1 , is connected with a metallurgical bond on the exit side claim 1 , on the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143671A1

This press forming method includes a first drawing step for forming a first drawn step portion, a second drawing step for forming a second drawn step portion, and a finishing step for completing a stepped portion. In the first drawing step, a first outside curved portion is formed to the outside of a second outside curved portion with respect to an extension region of a character line, and a first parallel portion is formed to the same depth as the drawn depth of a second parallel portion. In the second drawing step, a second inside curved portion having a greater curvature than a first inside curved portion is formed. 1. A press forming method for forming a stepped portion on an end part of a main body portion including a character line , the press forming method comprising:a first drawing step of forming, by a drawing process, a first drawn stepped portion from a workpiece including the character line, the first drawn stepped portion including a first inclined portion connected to the main body portion via a first outside curved portion, and a first parallel portion connected to the first inclined portion via a first inside curved portion and extending in parallel with the main body portion;after the first drawing step, a second drawing step of forming, by a drawing process, a second drawn stepped portion from the first drawn stepped portion, the second drawn stepped portion including a second inclined portion connected to the main body portion via a second outside curved portion, and a second parallel portion connected to the second inclined portion via a second inside curved portion and extending in parallel with the main body portion; andafter the second drawing step, a finishing step of finishing the stepped portion, whereinin the first drawing step, in an extended region positioned on an extension line of the character line, the first outside curved portion is formed on a more outer side than the second outside curved portion, and the first parallel portion ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091747A1

In a method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member, a continuous steel sheet is fed to a manufacturing device and bent and roll-formed into a predetermined cross-sectional shape, a discontinuous aluminum core is locally inserted at an arbitrary stage of the roll forming, and the steel sheet is bent such that the core and the steel sheet are integrated, to obtain a composite cross-section member. 1. A method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member , the method comprising:feeding a continuous metal strip to a roll former for bending and roll forming the metal strip into a predetermined cross-sectional shape;locally inserting a discontinuous light-metal core at an arbitrary stage of the roll forming; andbending the metal strip so as to integrate the core and the metal strip and obtaining a composite cross-section member.2. The method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member according to claim 1 , whereinthe roll former includes an upper roll and a lower roll that has a complementary shape with the upper roll, anda distance between the upper roll and the lower roll in a process after the insertion of the core matches a total of a thickness of the core and a thickness of the metal strip.3. The method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member according to claim 1 , further comprising disposing an insulator on at least a part of a contact portion between the metal strip and the core.4. The method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member according to claim 3 , wherein the roll former is provided with an escape portion corresponding to a portion where the insulator is disposed.5. The method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member according to claim 1 , further comprising:cutting the composite cross-section member into a predetermined length; andbending the composite cross-section member with respect to a direction in which the metal strip is fed.6. The method for manufacturing a composite cross-section member ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Method for Joining Sections of at Least Two Components

Номер: US20170100767A1

A method for joining sections of at least two components, particularly vehicle components, includes mutually connecting the joining sections exclusively by the use of a fibrous duroplastic molding compound. 1. A method for joining sections of at least two components , particularly vehicle components , the method comprising:mutually connecting the joining sections exclusively by the use of a fibrous duroplastic molding compound.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one cavity is formed on at least one joining section before the joining of the joining sections.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the cavity is constructed as a through hole or blind hole.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein at least one undercut extending transversely with respect to the cavity is formed at the cavity.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the joining sections to be mutually joined are arranged with respect to one another such that the joining sections are in physical contact with one another.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the joining sections to be mutually joined are arranged with respect to one another such that the joining sections are arranged at a predefined distance from one another.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the joining sections to be mutually connected are arranged such with respect to one another that a joining section is at least partially surrounded by the joining section to be joined with it.8. The method according to claim 7 , further comprising the acts of:placing the joining sections to be mutually connected in a pressing tool;placing a fibrous duroplastic molding compound in the pressing tool in the area of the connection to be established between the joining sections;closing the pressing tool; andhardening of the fibrous duroplastic molding compound.9. The method according to claim 7 , further comprising the acts of:placing a fibrous duroplastic molding compound in a pressing tool in the area of the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107181A1

A node structure for connecting a member of a lattice frame to one or more other members of the frame comprises a hollow brace having opposed walls that converge outwardly at an acute angle in cross-section toward a central plane to connect at an outer edge. At least one root portion has a central longitudinal axis extending outwardly in the central plane of the brace for alignment with a member of the frame. The root portion has an inner end cut away at opposite sides around the central plane to leave a joining surface that intersects the converging walls of the brace while embracing an outer region of the brace extending inwardly from the outer edge. 1. A node structure for connecting a member of a lattice frame to one or more other members of the frame , the node structure comprising:a hollow brace having opposed walls that converge outwardly at an acute angle in cross-section toward a central plane to connect at an outer edge; andat least one root portion being a root end of a member of the frame or being for attachment to a member of the frame, which root portion has a central longitudinal axis extending outwardly in the central plane of the brace, wherein the root portion has an inner end cut away at opposite sides around the central plane to leave a joining surface that intersects the converging walls of the brace while embracing an outer region of the brace extending inwardly from the outer edge.2. The node structure of claim 1 , wherein an intersecting edge of the joining surface is concave-curved when viewed on an axis parallel to the central plane where opposite sides of the root portion are cut away claim 1 , and convex-curved when viewed on an axis orthogonal to the central plane.3. The node structure of claim 1 , wherein the brace supports first and second root portions with respective outwardly-extending central longitudinal axes diverging outwardly in the central plane of the brace for4. A node structure for connecting a member of a lattice frame to ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100084A1

This door inner panel is a door inner panel formed of a metal sheet and includes a first panel portion having a first top sheet portion and a first standing wall portion connected to the first top sheet portion, a second panel portion having a second top sheet portion disposed with a gap with the first top sheet portion of the first panel portion and a second standing wall portion connected to the second top sheet portion, a flange portion connected to the first standing wall portion and the second standing wall portion, and a flat sheet portion disposed between the first panel portion and the second panel portion, the first standing wall portion and the second standing wall portion respectively have a level difference portion, and both ends of the flat sheet portion are integrated with the flange portion or the level difference portions. 1. A door inner panel formed of a metal sheet , the door inner panel comprising:a first panel portion having a first top sheet portion and a first standing wall portion connected to the first top sheet portion;a second panel portion having a second top sheet portion disposed with a gap with the first top sheet portion of the first panel portion and a second standing wall portion connected to the second top sheet portion;a flange portion connected to the first standing wall portion and the second standing wall portion; anda flat sheet portion disposed between the first panel portion and the second panel portion,wherein the first standing wall portion and the second standing wall portion respectively have a level difference portion, andboth ends of the flat sheet portion are integrated with the flange portion or the level difference portions.2. The door inner panel according to claim 1 ,wherein an opening portion is formed in at least one of the first top sheet portion and the second top sheet portion.3. The door inner panel according to claim 1 ,wherein the flat sheet portion has a wall portion connected to the first standing wall ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170106429A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Iron Works Co., Ltd.

A method for manufacturing a vehicle structure member by using a hollow extruded material that has a pair of side plates and a plurality of connecting plates connecting the side plates together and that has a quadrilateral closed section and a longitudinal shape, such that a width dimension of the vehicle structure member, which is a distance between the side plates, varies in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle structure member, the method including: an extrusion molding step of producing the hollow extruded material with the connecting plates each having a bent shape by extrusion molding; and a widening step of increasing the width dimension by increasing the distance between the side plates partially in the longitudinal direction so as to flatten the connecting plates having the bent shape. 1. A method for manufacturing a vehicle structure member by using a hollow extruded material that has a pair of side plates and a plurality of connecting plates connecting the side plates together and that has a quadrilateral closed section and a longitudinal shape , such that a width dimension of the vehicle structure member , which is a distance between the side plates , varies in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle structure member , the method comprising:an extrusion molding step of producing the hollow extruded material with the connecting plates each having a bent shape by extrusion molding; anda widening step of increasing the width dimension by increasing the distance between the side plates partially in the longitudinal direction so as to flatten the connecting plates having the bent shape.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinin the widening step, a through hole is formed in one of the side plates, a punch is inserted through the through hole, and with the one side plate being held, the punch is moved to contact the other side plate to move the side plates away from each other, so that the width dimension is increased.3. The method according to claim 1 ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101511A1

A multi-axis roll-forming method includes simultaneously (a) spinning, about a rotation axis, a spin platter having placed thereon a ring encircling the rotation axis, (b) pressing at least one first roller against outward-facing surface of a first portion of the ring to press the first portion against an outward-facing surface of the spin platter, and (c) forcing a second roller against an outward-facing surface of a second portion of the ring to bend toward the rotation axis the second portion, so as to form a lip extending toward the rotation axis, wherein the step of forcing includes (i) pivoting the second roller against the second portion, and (ii) translating the second roller along the second portion toward the rotation axis. 1. A multi-axis roll-forming method , comprising simultaneously performing steps of:spinning, about a rotation axis, a spin platter having placed thereon a ring encircling the rotation axis;pressing at least one first roller against outward-facing surface of a first portion of the ring to press the first portion against an outward-facing surface of the spin platter; and (i) pivoting the second roller against the second portion, and', '(ii) translating the second roller along the second portion toward the rotation axis., 'forcing a second roller against an outward-facing surface of a second portion of the ring to bend toward the rotation axis the second portion, so as to form a lip extending toward the rotation axis, said forcing including'}2. The multi-axis roll-forming method of claim 1 , the first portion being associated with a first segment of the rotation axis claim 1 , and the second portion being associated with a second segment of the rotation axis.3. The multi-axis roll-forming method of claim 1 , the step of forcing comprising cooperatively performing the steps of pivoting and translating to ensure mono-directional curvature of edge between the first portion and the lip.4. The multi-axis roll-forming method of claim 1 , the ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150115564A1

A tubular twist beam comprises a tubular body including a U-shaped groove , tubular end sections , and transition sections therebetween. The width w of the U-shaped groove decreases continuously from each transition section to a center point C of the tubular body and is narrowest at the center point C to shift stress from the transition sections to an area around the center point C. The tubular body also includes depressions along side walls of each transition section to direct stress to the underside of the U-shaped groove and further balance the stress levels along the length of the tubular body . Thus, the tubular body can be formed with a reduced thickness t and thus a reduced weight without sacrificing performance. 1. A tubular twist beam , comprising:a tubular body extending longitudinally along a center axis between opposite end sections, said tubular body including a center point disposed equally between said opposite end sections, and said end sections presenting a cylindrical opening surrounding said center axis;said tubular body including an upper wall and side walls disposed on opposite sides of said upper wall, said upper wall extending from each of said end sections inwardly toward said center point and downwardly toward said center axis to present transition sections, and each of said side walls including a depression along each of said transition sections;said upper wall of said tubular body presenting a U-shaped groove between said side walls and extending longitudinally along said center axis between said transition sections; andsaid side walls of said tubular body presenting a width extending therebetween, and said width decreasing continuously along said center axis from each of said transition sections along said U-shaped groove to said center point.2. The tubular twist beam of claim 1 , wherein said U-shaped groove presents a depth claim 1 , and said depth is greatest at said center point.3. The tubular twist beam of claim 2 , wherein said ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114374A1
Автор: Huff Garret Sankey

A system for assembling vehicle components includes a die assembly securing first and second vehicle components having first and second apertures, respectively. The die assembly positions the first and second vehicle components with the first and second apertures overlapping, and at least one of the first and second vehicle components including a polymeric material. The system further includes a joining component extending through the first and second apertures. The die assembly supports the joining component, and the joining component including a support shank and a moldable body at least partially encasing the support shank. The system also includes a punch member selectively engaging and deforming the moldable body of the joining component. The die assembly guides the moldable body into engagement with the first and second vehicle components, and the die assembly locates the support shank within at least one of the first and second apertures. 1. A system for assembling vehicle components , the system comprising:a die assembly securing first and second vehicle components having first and second apertures, respectively, the die assembly positioning the first and second vehicle components with the first and second apertures overlapping, at least one of the first and second vehicle components including a polymeric material;a joining component extending through the first and second apertures, the die assembly supporting the joining component, the joining component including a support shank and a moldable body at least partially encasing the support shank; anda punch member selectively engaging and deforming the moldable body of the joining component, the die assembly guiding the moldable body into engagement with the first and second vehicle components, the die assembly locating the support shank within at least one of the first and second apertures.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature control mechanism thermally coupled to the die assembly and ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Bifurcation honeycomb sandwich structure with optimized doubler

Номер: US20160122031A1
Принадлежит: Spirit AeroSystems Inc

A method of shaping a metallic honeycomb panel using a continuous drive sheet. The metallic honeycomb panel may have a perforated upper sheet, a non-perforated lower sheet, and a metal honeycomb core fixed between the upper and lower sheets. The method may include the steps of designing and manufacturing the drive sheet using finite element analysis (FEA) and criteria regarding shaping of the metallic honeycomb panel, then welding the drive sheet to the lower face of the lower sheet. The drive sheet may cover all of the lower face of the lower sheet and may have varying thicknesses determined based on the criteria and the FEA. The method may also include the steps of heating the drive sheet and metallic honeycomb panel to a creep forming or hot-stretch forming temperature and urging the metallic honeycomb panel and drive sheet into a male or female die mold to be shaped.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122292A1
Автор: Michel Bo

The application relates to wind turbine tower section production methods and in particular to methods of manufacturing a plurality of elongate tower segments for forming a wind turbine tower section, the tower section constructed from a plurality of elongate tower segments connected along their respective longitudinal edges. The tower section is formed from a plurality of cans connected end to end and is divided into elongate segments by cutting along two or more cut lines extending along the length of the tower. A method of providing a horizontal flange at the end of a wind turbine tower is also discussed, as is a vertical flange preassembly including a pair of vertical flanges for connecting the longitudinal edges of adjacent first and second tower segments. 1. A method of manufacturing a plurality of elongate tower segments for forming a wind turbine tower section , the tower section constructed by connecting the plurality of tower segments along their respective longitudinal edges , the method comprising the steps of:forming each of a plurality of cans by rolling a metal sheet into a tube having a longitudinal seam formed by welding first and second opposed edges of the rolled sheet, wherein at least some of the welded seams comprise tack welds;forming the tower section by connecting the plurality of cans end to end; andcutting along two or more cut lines extending along the length of the tower section to divide the tower section into a plurality of elongate tower segments, wherein the step of cutting along two or more cut lines comprises cutting along the longitudinal seams through the tack welds.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of cutting along two or more cut lines comprises cutting along the longitudinal seam of each of the plurality of cans.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tower section comprises two or more longitudinal section cut indication lines indicating where the two or more cut lines are to be made during the step of cutting.4. The ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Methods for producing a three-dimensional vehicle door frame inner reinforcement element, for producing a vehicle door frame and for producing a vehicle reinforcement structure

Номер: US20210155306A1

A method is for producing a three-dimensional vehicle door frame inner reinforcement element () including an inner center pillar part (), an inner front pillar part () and an inner side rail part () joining the inner center pillar part () and the inner front pillar part (). The method includes providing an inner center pillar blank, an inner front pillar blank and an inner side rail blank, said inner blanks being substantially planar, assembling the inner center pillar blank and the inner front pillar blank to the inner side rail blank in order to form a substantially planar door frame inner reinforcement blank, and hot stamping the door frame inner reinforcement blank to shape the three-dimensional door frame inner reinforcement element (). 1. A method for producing a vehicle door frame including at least a front pillar , a center pillar and a side rail , formed by the assembly of a three-dimensional vehicle door frame outer reinforcement element and of a three-dimensional vehicle door frame inner reinforcement element , the method comprising:producing a three-dimensional vehicle door frame outer reinforcement element;producing a three-dimensional vehicle door frame inner reinforcement element, the door frame inner reinforcement element including at least an inner center pillar part, an inner front pillar part and an inner side rail part, the inner side rail part joining the inner center pillar part and the inner front pillar part, andassembling the door frame outer reinforcement element and the door frame inner reinforcement element to form the vehicle door frame, providing inner blanks, one of said inner blanks being an inner center pillar blank, another one of said inner blanks being an inner front pillar blank and a third one of said inner blanks being an inner side rail blank, the inner blanks being planar;', 'assembling the inner center pillar blank and the inner front pillar blank to the inner side rail blank in order to form a planar door frame inner ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133780A1

A roller hemming apparatus includes a receiving body including a receiving member coming into contact with an edge of a panel workpiece, a roller body including a roller member bending a panel flange at the edge of the workpiece toward the receiving member, and a movement unit moving the roller body along the edge and tilts up or down the roller body toward the flange. The roller member hems the flange through the tilting-up operation of the roller body. One of the receiving and roller bodies includes a guide recess and the other includes a convex curved surface coming into sliding contact with the recess. The recess and the surface have a same curvature. The roller body is tilted up to bend the flange or tilted down to move away from the flange around a center of curvature common to the surface and the recess that come into sliding contact. 1. A roller hemming apparatus comprising:a receiving body comprising a receiving member that is configured to come into contact with an edge of a panel workpiece;a roller body comprising a roller member that is configured to bend a panel flange formed at the edge of the panel workpiece toward the receiving member; anda movement unit that is configured to move the roller body along the edge of the panel workpiece and to tilt up or down the roller body toward the panel flange,wherein the roller member is configured to hem the panel flange through the tilting-up operation of the roller body;wherein either one of the receiving body and the roller body comprises a guide recess and the other comprises a convex curved surface that is configured to come into sliding contact with the guide recess;wherein the guide recess and the convex curved surface have a same curvature; andwherein the roller body is configured to be tilted up so as to bend the panel flange or tilted down so as to move away from the panel flange around a center of curvature common to the convex curved surface and the guide recess that are configured to be in sliding ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135296A1
Автор: Brekke Steven

A hanger for connecting a structural member to a structural support including a base sized and shaped for receiving the structural member thereon. First and second side panels extend upward from the base. First and second back panels each extend from a respective one of the side panels. First and second top flanges each extend from a respective one of the back panels. An opening in one of said first and second side panels and said first and second back panels is configured to receive a fastener to attach the hanger to one of the structural member and the structural support. A slot is adjacent the opening. An area between the opening and the slot defines a yieldable portion selected to deform at a load that is less than the shear load capacity of the fastener when received through the opening for connecting the hanger to one of the structural member and the structural support. 1. A hanger for connecting a structural member to a structural support using one or more fasteners , the hanger comprising:a base sized and shaped for receiving the structural member thereon;first and second side panels extending upward from the base;first and second back panels, each of the back panels extending from a respective one of the side panels;an aperture in one of said first and second side panels and said first and second back panels configured to receive one of the fasteners to attach the hanger to one of the structural member and the structural support; anda slot having a height in a vertical direction and a width in a horizontal direction, the slot being spaced from the aperture by a distance less than a diameter of the aperture in the vertical direction, the height of the slot being less than the diameter of the aperture such that the fasteners are inhibited from being received in the slot, the width of the slot being greater than the diameter of the aperture, the slot and the aperture being shaped and arranged relative to each other to define a yieldable portion of said one of ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Performing And Communicating Sheet Metal Simulations Employing A Combination Of Factors

Номер: US20170140080A1

Sheet metal is provided as a template to create a finished product. After various metal transformation techniques are performed on the sheet metal, the sheet metal may be converted to the finished product. The sheet metal manipulation may encompass different techniques, such as thinning, bending, cutting, and the like. The manipulated sheet metal may be sourced for various products, such as a body of a vehicle. The aspects disclosed herein combine various tests employed to detect the integrity of the sheet metal transformation into a singular output. 1. A system for simulating a sheet metal transformation , comprising:a data store comprising a computer readable medium storing a program of instructions for the simulation;a processor that executes the program of instructions;a materials interface module to receive a plurality of data associated with materials employed with a sheet metal simulated via the sheet metal transformation to produce a transformed sheet metal;a formula interfacer to interface with an application associated with the sheet metal transformation to receive a plurality of formulas associated with the sheet metal transformation, the formula interfacer being configured to combine more than one sheet metal transformation test; anda formability interfacer to receive a parameter associated with a threshold of thinning and cracking associated with the transformed sheet metal,wherein the system is configured to generate per predefined demarcated zones of the sheet metal data corresponding to transformed sheet metal response for each of the demarcated zones.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a formability display driver to communicate to a digital display the data claim 1 , the data being defined as a type of failure associated with each of the demarcated zones.3. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a formability display driver to communicate to a digital display the data claim 1 , the data being defined as an ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132248A1
Автор: Lazzaro Anthony A.

Cross beam flexure pivot assembly includes a first housing member having a first arcuate member a second housing member having a second arcuate member wherein the first arcuate member extends into the second housing member and the second arcuate member extends into the first housing member. First, second and, third beams extend in first direction and fourth and fifth beams extend in a second direction all secured to first and second arcuate members. A first axis, second axis and radial axis of the first and second housing members form a common point of intersection. Total of cross section areas of beams extending in first direction and of beams extending in second direction are equal providing equal linear stiffness in both directions. Total moment stiffness about first axis equals total moment stiffness about the second axis. 1. A cross beam flexure pivot assembly , comprising:a first housing member which extends about a radial axis of the cross beam flexure pivot assembly; the first housing member comprises a first arcuate member which extends along a first interior surface of the first housing member;', 'the first arcuate member extends from the first housing member to within the second housing member spaced apart from and along a second interior surface of the second housing member;', 'the second housing member comprises a second arcuate member which extends along the second interior surface of the second housing member; and', 'the second arcuate member extends from the second housing member to within the first housing member spaced apart from and along the first interior surface of the first housing member;, 'a second housing member which extends about the radial axis with the second housing member positioned adjacent to and spaced apart along the radial axis from the first housing member; whereina first beam extends in a first direction with a first end of the first beam connected to the first arcuate member and a second end connected to the second arcuate ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a metal framing member

Номер: US20170144210A1
Автор: Jeffrey A. Anderson
Принадлежит: Individual

A framing member incorporates a series of web slots along a portion of the member that are expanded through the process of manufacture. The expansion of the web slots creates voids and metal web elements in the webbed portion of the member, which can be a stud. The voids created during the expansion process can become the voids for running wiring, plumbing and heating ducts. The web elements can be designed to minimize thermal transmission from the exterior to the interior of a wall including the member, as well as provide adequate structure properties required from the structural member. The expanded slots allow the part to enlarge without increasing the amount of raw material and therefore substantially reducing the cost to manufacture.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Method of Making Metal Simulated Log Siding Panel with Hew Lines

Номер: US20160151821A1
Автор: Baum, JR. Ted

An elongated metal simulated log siding panel has a curved portion that simulates the curvature of a natural construction log. A plurality of longitudinally extending and randomly transversely spaced permanent bends in the curved portion simulate hew lines of a natural construction log, thereby creating a more natural appearance. Rotating disks compress the metal into an elastomeric roller to create the hew line-simulating bends. 1. A method of forming an elongated metal simulated log siding panel which includes an intermediate portion that simulates a natural construction log which has hew lines , comprising:forming a plurality of longitudinally extending and transversely spaced permanent bends in the metal of the intermediate portion to simulate the hew lines of the natural construction log.2. A method as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:varying the transverse position of the hew line-simulating bends relative to margins of the intermediate portion along the length of the panel.3. A method as defined in claim 2 , further comprising:varying the transverse position of the hew line-simulating bends relative to one another along the length of the intermediate portion of the panel.4. A method as defined in claim 3 , further comprising:extending the hew line-simulating bends substantially continuously along the length of the intermediate portion of the panel.5. A method as defined in claim 3 , further comprising:creating curvature of the intermediate portion by the hew line-simulating bends.6. A method as defined in claim 3 , further comprising:forming offset wall portions on opposite margins of the intermediate portion to project the intermediate portion forward and provide visual relief of the intermediate portion.7. A method as defined in claim 3 , further comprising:forming an edge portion which extends from the intermediate portion a sufficient distance to establish an area upon which simulated chinking can be added to the simulated log siding panel.8. A ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151597A1

A blank for forming a pressed article, the blank including a flat pattern edge configuring an edge on one length direction side of the blank, and an excess portion formed at the flat pattern edge. An edge of the excess portion includes a first convex portion that protrudes toward the one length direction side of the blank with respect to the flat pattern edge, a first concave portion that is adjacent to the first convex portion at a width direction outer side of the blank, that is formed in a concave shape, and that connects the flat pattern edge and the first convex portion together, and a second concave portion that is adjacent to the first convex portion at a width direction inner side of the blank, that is formed in a concave shape, and that connects the flat pattern edge and the first convex portion together. 1. A blank for forming a pressed article that includes:a top plate formed in an elongated shape with a length direction along a first direction and including a pair of outer edges extending along the length direction in plan view, the top plate being laid out with at least one of the outer edges curving so as to extend out toward a width direction outer side at an end portion on one length direction side of the top plate so that the one outer edge is separated toward another length direction side from an edge on the one length direction side,a pair of vertical walls extending out from the pair of outer edges toward a lower side, anda pair of flanges, each extending out from a lower end portion of one of the vertical walls toward an opposite side from the top plate in plan view, a flat pattern edge configuring an edge on the one length direction side of the blank; and', 'an excess portion formed at the flat pattern edge, wherein an edge of the excess portion includes:', 'a first convex portion that protrudes toward the one length direction side of the blank with respect to the flat pattern edge,', 'a first concave portion that is adjacent to the first ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170151603A9

A frame component of a vehicle, such as a header beam that couples between the A-pillars of a vehicle frame, includes an extruded hollow member having top and bottom exterior walls and side walls that together enclose an elongated internal volume of the hollow member. A pair of interior walls extends along the internal volume separating outer load sections adjacent to the side walls from a central attachment section. The outer load sections are void of apertures for supporting continuous load paths. A formation on the bottom exterior wall protrudes into the internal volume in the central attachment section. The formation includes an inset surface angled, located, and otherwise configured for attaching a subassembly to the frame component. 1. A method for forming a vehicle header beam , comprising:providing an extruded hollow member having exterior walls enclosing an elongated internal volume and a pair of interior walls extending along the elongated internal volume;bending the extruded hollow member to form a curvature; andforming a formation in a bottom exterior wall that protrudes into the elongated internal volume between the pair of interior walls for attaching a subassembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the formation is formed at a select location along a length of the extruded hollow member and includes an inset surface formed at a select angle claim 1 , such that the formation is configured for attaching the subassembly to the inset surface.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming an aperture through the bottom exterior wall within an inset surface of the formation for receiving a fastener to secure a subassembly to the extruded hollow member.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming the formation step includes deforming a bottom surface of the bottom exterior wall into the elongated internal volume with a first tool and supporting an upper surface of the bottom exterior wall with a second tool to regulate deformation caused by the ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Guide Rail for Elevator

Номер: US20140238783A1

A method of making a guide rail for an elevator system method comprising the steps of: providing a guide rail; applying a protective layer to the guide rail for corrosion protection; and removing at least a portion of the protective layer. A sheet metal guide rail for an elevator system comprises a base portion; and a blade portion extending from the base portion. The blade portion includes: a first section for engaging a guiding device and/or a safety of the elevator system; and a second section for engaging a guiding device and/or a safety of the elevator system. The second section contacts the first section. The sheet metal guide rail could be made using the aforementioned method. 1. A method of making a guide rail for an elevator system , comprising the steps of:providing a sheet metal guide rail;applying a protective layer to the guide rail for corrosion protection; andremoving at least a portion of the protective layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the guide rail providing step includes the steps of:providing a sheet of metal; andforming the sheet into the guide rail.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the applying step occurs before the forming step.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the forming step includes creating at least one bend in the sheet claim 2 , and further comprising the step of applying sealant to the bend.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removing step comprises peeling at least a portion of the protective layer from the guide rail.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the removing step does not use a solvent.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the applying step comprises applying a first protective layer and a second protective layer claim 1 , and the removing step removes at least a portion of the first protective layer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the protective layer is a plastic sheet.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the plastic sheet includes an adhesive backing.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the protective layer is a ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Bumper beams, rocker panels and methods

Номер: US20170158151A1
Автор: Richard Palisse
Принадлежит: Autotech Engineering SL

The present disclosure relates to bumper beams having a closed cross-section, the closed cross-section being formed by one or more metal plates. The metal plates include a plurality of holes and a plurality of projections, wherein the projections engage with corresponding holes to retain the closed cross-section. The present disclosure further relates to rocker panels having a closed cross-section, the closed cross-section being formed by one or more metal plates, and the metal plates including a plurality of holes and a plurality of projections, wherein the projections engage with corresponding holes to retain the closed cross-section. The present disclosure further relates to methods of manufacturing such bumper reinforcing members and rocker panels.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162205A1

An apparatus for manufacturing a bracket-integrated double-layer door impact beam is provided. The apparatus includes a lower mold having a lower cavity formed with a base material molded to have a “U”-shaped cross section and a predetermined length. The base material is seated on the lower cavity. A lower electrode terminal is disposed in the lower mold to contact the base material. An upper mold has an upper cavity therein and is coupled with the lower mold to pressurize both end portions of the “U”-shaped cross section of the base material inward to form the base material with an “O”-shaped cross section. An upper electrode terminal is disposed in the upper mold to contact the base material. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a bracket-integrated double-layer door impact beam , comprising:a lower mold having a lower cavity formed with a base material molded to have a “U”-shaped cross section and a predetermined length, wherein the base material is seated on an inner surface of the lower cavity;a lower electrode terminal disposed in the lower mold to contact the base material;an upper mold having an upper cavity formed therein and coupled with the lower mold to pressurize both end portions of the “U”-shaped cross section of the base material inward to form the base material to have an “O”-shaped cross section; andan upper electrode terminal disposed in the upper mold to contact the base material,wherein the apparatus further includes a power supply device configured to be electrically connected to each of the upper electrode terminal and the lower electrode terminal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein one surface of the lower electrode terminal is exposed to an inner side of the lower cavity to contact the base material.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the upper electrode terminal contacts the base material at the same time that the “O”-shaped cross section of the base material is formed.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the upper electrode terminal is ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162451A1
Автор: Kim Sung Won, OH Heedae

An integrated hot stamping structure formed by integrally coupling a plurality of blanks and hot stamping-molding the integrated blanks, may include a reinforcing member disposed in a hot stamping area of a predetermined strength reinforcing portion configured for absorbing a shock and reinforcing local rigidity of the strength reinforcing portion. 1. An integrated hot stamping structure formed by integrally coupling a plurality of blanks and hot stamping-molding the integrated blanks , comprising:a reinforcing member disposed in a hot stamping area of a predetermined strength reinforcing portion configured for absorbing a shock and reinforcing local rigidity of the strength reinforcing portion.2. The integrated hot stamping structure of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing member is configured to be inserted into a predetermined vertical portion on at least one side of the strength reinforcing portion having a first side and a second side claim 1 , and supports an external plane and an internal plane of the side and is welded to the external plane.3. The integrated hot stamping structure of claim 2 , wherein the reinforcing member is fitted and disposed in a slit which is formed to elongate on the side of the strength reinforcing portion in a vertical direction thereof.4. The integrated hot stamping structure of claim 3 , wherein the reinforcing member includes the first and second flange parts which extend to first and second peripheries of the slit claim 3 , and support the external plane of the side and is welded to the external plane claim 3 , and an overlap part which is integrally connected to the first and second flange parts and supports the internal plane of the side through the slit.5. The integrated hot stamping structure of claim 4 , wherein the overlap part is provided as at least two-fold overlap layers.6. The integrated hot stamping structure of claim 5 , wherein the reinforcing member includes a main reinforcing element of four folds or more claim 5 , ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166038A1

A method of manufacturing a door for a vehicle includes molding a door inner panel using a polymer composite; molding a door frame assembly using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy, the door frame assembly defining a space to be opened or closed by a door glass; molding a door outer panel using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy; molding an impact beam using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy, the impact beam serving to increase rigidity of a side surface of the door; coupling the molded door frame assembly and the molded impact beam to the door inner panel; and coupling the door inner panel, which is coupled to the door frame assembly and the impact beam, to the door outer panel. 1. A method of manufacturing a door for a vehicle , the method comprising the steps of:molding a door inner panel using a polymer composite;molding a door frame assembly using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy, the door frame assembly defining a space to be opened or closed by a door glass;molding a door outer panel using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy;molding an impact beam using an aluminum alloy or a steel alloy, the impact beam serving to increase rigidity of a side surface of the door;coupling the molded door frame assembly and the molded impact beam to the door inner panel; andcoupling the door inner panel, which is coupled to the door frame assembly and the impact beam, to the door outer panel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer composite includes fiber-reinforced plastics.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the fiber-reinforced plastics are glass fiber-reinforced plastics or carbon fiber-reinforced plastics.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the door inner panel is molded by stacking continuous fiber-reinforced prepreg sheets claim 1 , acquired by reinforcing a resin with continuous glass fibers or carbon fibers claim 1 , one above another claim 1 , and then performing hot press-molding thereon.5. The method according to claim 4 , ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160515A1

A metal extrusion and nodes based structure is provided. The structure comprises one or more arc members connected by one or more node members, wherein the arc comprises (i) a wing feature which is configured to mate with one or more non-structural components, (ii) an internal passage feature which is configured to be inserted into a connecting feature of the corresponding node member, and (iii) one or more keying features formed from a mating interface with the corresponding node member. 1. A structure comprising:a metal extrusion including a first structure and a second structure, the metal extrusion having a length, whereinthe first structure includes an elongated cavity along the length of the metal extrusion, andthe second structure includes an elongated surface along the length of the metal extrusion, the elongated surface being arranged away from the first structure and overlapping at least a portion of the first structure, the first and second structures being connected along the length of the metal extrusion.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the elongated cavity includes a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge claim 1 , the first and second longitudinal edges defining an opening in a wall of the elongated cavity claim 1 , the opening running along a length of the elongated cavity claim 1 , the metal extrusion further includinga support structure that connects the first and second longitudinal edges to the second structure.3. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the elongated cavity includes a cylindrical tube.4. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the second structure is a plate claim 2 , and the plate is directly connected to the support structure.5. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the support structure is configured to deform in response to a bending of at least the first structure or the second structure claim 2 , such that the deformation of the support structure relieves a mechanical stress within the extruded structure that ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160624A1
Автор: Chang Chung-Ho

A method for manufacturing an angle-type air tool housing is provided. The angle-type air tool housing includes a hollow tube having a first end and a second end that are open and are mutually in communication, and an overall housing formed by injection molding and enveloping the hollow tube, and having an accommodating chamber adjacent to the first end, an air channel adjacent to the second end and in communication with the accommodating chamber through the hollow tube, and a pair of recesses exposing a part of the hollow tube. Accordingly, the angle-type air tool housing that is a formed integral with the hollow tube is formed so as to achieve effects of reduced costs and weight. 1. A method for manufacturing an angle-type air tool housing , comprising:step (1): providing a hollow tube having a first end and a second end that are open and are mutually in communication;step (2): sealing the first end and the second end of the hollow tube, and placing the hollow tube into a mold having a formation space, the mold comprising therein a pair of clamping portions for clamping the hollow tube such that the hollow tube is positioned in the mold by using the pair of clamping portions;step (3): injecting a plastic material into the formation space of the mold to have the plastic material fill the formation space and envelop the hollow tube, and curing the plastic material to have the plastic material form an overall housing in the mold according to the shape of the formation space; andstep (4): removing the overall housing from the mold, wherein the overall housing has an accommodating chamber and an air channel mutually spaced, the accommodating chamber is adjacent to the first end of the hollow tube, and the air channel is adjacent to the second end of the hollow tube; and unsealing the first end and the second end such that the accommodating chamber and the air channel are in communication through the hollow tube, wherein the overall housing is provided with a pair of ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250691A1
Принадлежит: NEAPO OY

The object of the invention is a method for manufacturing cellular board, a cellular board, a method for producing cellular board element of steel plate strip, and a production line. A cellular board according to the invention comprises a number of originally separate profiles of plate-like material, which have been fastened to each other. A single profile is intended to form in a finished cellular board

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169729A1

An apparatus and a method for correcting a vehicle member, by which twisting or deflection of a vehicle member including a side member of the vehicle, may be corrected, may be disclosed, wherein the apparatus for correcting a vehicle member includes a base extending in a lengthwise direction thereof, and a plurality of correction units disposed on the base to be movable. 1. An apparatus for correcting a vehicle member , the apparatus comprising:a base extending in a lengthwise direction thereof; anda plurality of correction units disposed on the base to be movable.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the correction units includes:a correction body disposed in the base; anda clamp device disposed below the correction body.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the clamp device includes:a clamp body;two clamp arms pivotally disposed in the clamp body; andtwo clamp cylinders configured to individually drive the two clamp arms.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the clamp body is connected to lower portions of the correction body claim 3 , and one of the two clamp arms is disposed in the clamp body to be movable.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein connection members are disposed in rods of the clamp cylinders claim 3 , sliders are pivotally disposed in the connection members through pivot shafts claim 3 , and the sliders are disposed to be movable along the clamp arms.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each of the sliders has a guide boss claim 5 , and a corresponding clamp arm has a guide groove by which the guide boss is guided.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , further comprising:slider guides configured to guide movements of the sliders.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein each of the slider has a guide surface and a corresponding slider guide has a guide surface configured to guide the guide surface of the slider claim 7 , andwherein the guide surface of the slider guide includes a first guide surface configured to guide an upward movement of the slider ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170156A1

A door impact beam that is disposed across a door frame of a vehicle and a method of manufacturing the door impact beam may include a body formed in a pipe shape and concaved on a side facing an external side of the vehicle; and coupling portions integrally extending from first and second end portions of the body to be coupled to the door frame through spot welding. 1. A door impact beam that is disposed across a door frame of a vehicle , the door impact beam comprising:a body formed in a pipe shape and concaved on a side facing an external side of the vehicle; andcoupling portions integrally extending from first and second end portions of the body to be coupled to the door frame through spot welding.2. The door impact beam of claim 1 , wherein the body has a cross-section divided into a flat portion facing an internal of the vehicle claim 1 , a pair of curved portions respectively extending toward the external side of the vehicle from first and second end portions of the flat section claim 1 , and a sealer-fixing portion facing the external side of the vehicle claim 1 , connecting end portions of the curved sections claim 1 , and concaved toward the internal of the vehicle.3. The door impact beam of claim 2 , wherein the sealer-fixing portion is configured to prevent separation of a sealer that is disposed between a door external panel of the vehicle and the body by providing a predetermined area in which the sealer is configured to be inserted.4. The door impact beam of claim 1 , wherein the coupling portions are formed in a flat plate shape having a width larger than half of a circumference of the body by pressing the pipe shape of the body claim 1 , and are spot-welded to the door frame at predetermined positions.5. The door impact beam of claim 4 , wherein the coupling portions have a width that is 0.6 to 0.8 times the circumference of the body.6. The door impact beam of claim 4 , wherein the coupling portions include a first coupling portion formed at a first ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171634A1

Embodiments include structural metal stud framing members with an improved web design. The structural metal stud framing member with the improved web design are referred to as an amplified metal stud member. Embodiments include a bracing structure and a stiffening structure to collectively increase the axial and lateral load capacity of the stud. In other words, embodiments increase the internal strength to weight ratio for both the overall axial and lateral load. 1. An amplified metal stud member comprising:a member length extending an axial direction from a first axial end to a second axial end,a first flange and a second flange extending the member length were the first flange and the second flange are separated by a web portion and positioned on opposing sides of a member depth, the member depth perpendicular to the member length;the first flange and the second flange extending a member width where the member width is perpendicular to the member length and perpendicular to the member depth;the web portion includes at least a first bracing structure, a second bracing structure, and a third bracing structure and at least a first stiffening structure, a second stiffening structure, a third stiffening structure, and a fourth stiffening structure;the first, second, and third bracing structures each have a linear surface parallel to the member depth and the first, second, third, and fourth stiffening structures each have a linear surface oblique to the member depth and the member width;and the first and fourth stiffing structures extend a greater distance of the member width than the second and third stiffening structures.2. The amplified metal stud member of where the first flange claim 1 , the second flange claim 1 , and the web portion are a single metal plate.3. The amplified metal stud member of where the first and second stiffening structures are separated by the first bracing structure claim 1 , the second and third stiffening structures are separated by the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168812A1

In a side vehicle body structure for a vehicle, a reinforcing panel includes: a main reinforcing portion disposed so as to extend in a longitudinal direction of a side face portion along a first straight portion, a second straight portion, and a portion of a body panel which connects the first straight portion and the second straight portion; a first upper-end reinforcing portion disposed so as to extend upward toward the front of a vehicle body from an upper edge of the main reinforcing portion along a first curved portion; and a second upper-end reinforcing portion disposed so as to extend upward toward the rear of the vehicle body from the upper edge of the main reinforcing portion along a second curved portion. 1. A side vehicle body structure for a vehicle which includes a roof side rail disposed on a side of a vehicle body so as to extend in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle body , and a pillar disposed so as to extend downward in a vertical direction of the vehicle body from the roof side rail and forming a closed section that is continuous in the vertical direction of the vehicle body , whereinthe pillar includes a pillar member that has a body panel forming at least a part of the closed section and joined at its upper end to the roof side rail and a reinforcing panel placed on and joined to a part of the body panel,the body panel includes a side face portion extending in the vertical direction of the vehicle body so as to form an outer side face of the closed section in a lateral direction of the vehicle body and coupled at its upper end to the roof side rail, a first ridge portion extending in the vertical direction of the vehicle body along a front edge of the side face portion, and a second ridge portion extending in the vertical direction of the vehicle body along a rear edge of the side face portion,the first ridge portion includes a first straight portion extending straight in a longitudinal direction of the side face portion and a first curved ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168822A1
Автор: SAITO Masahiro

A structural member of an integral shaped article using steel sheet having a tensile strength of 590 MPa or more improved in formability, produced using a die or blank holder provided with a space at least at part of a position contacting a blank at the time of pressing it. The structural member comprises a top sheet part including at least one recessed part at an outside edge part in a plan view, a first vertical wall part extending bent from a part or all of an outside edge part including the recessed part in the top sheet part, a first flange part extending bent from an edge of the first vertical wall part at an opposite side to the top sheet part, and a second vertical wall part extending bent from an edge of the top sheet part different from the outside edge part including the recessed part, and at least one projecting part on the top sheet part, the first vertical wall part, or the first flange part. 1. A structural member of an integral shaped article using a steel sheet having a tensile strength of 590 MPa or more , the structural member comprising:a top sheet part including at least one recessed part at an outside edge part in a plan view;a first vertical wall part extending bent from a part or all of the outside edge part including the recessed part in the top sheet part;a first flange part extending bent from an edge of the first vertical wall part at an opposite side to the top sheet part;a second vertical wall part extending bent from an edge of the top sheet part different from the outside edge part including the recessed part; andat least one projecting part on the top sheet part, the first vertical wall part, or the first flange part.2. The structural member according to wherein the structural member is an integral shaped article using a steel sheet having a tensile strength of 980 MPa or more.3. The structural member according to wherein a sheet thickness of the structural member is 0.6 to 1.8 mm.4. The structural member according to wherein a ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178265A1
Автор: SPORTELLI Pietro

A hot stamping system of automotive parts to enable the production of the body in white and moving parts, which form the body of a car in a single production plant () from blanks. Said system consists of two by two operating groups ( and ) of equipment, namely: a group for the fixed parts and a group for the moving parts, each composed of production units (), which are fed () with blanks, previously individually cut into the required dimensions () and inspected (), for entry into the stamping tool (matrix) in accordance with the shape and dimensions of the part to be made in the respective unit, distributed () both to the group of fixed parts and to the group () of moving parts. Each of the production units comprises: a blank feed rack (), two to three handling robots ( and ), a Joule heating device (), A press () with the tool (matrix) relative to the workpiece to be stamped, and a storage rack (). 1123232345564723) A hot stamping system for production of a parts assembly , characterized in that it allows the hot forming of the set of fixed and movable parts (“body in white” , “body car” or “closures” , which form the automobile body , in a single industrial plant (); said system consisting of two groups ( and ) of operating equipment , one group () for the fixed parts and another group () for the moving parts; said groups ( and ) each composed by production units () (as many as necessary for production of the assembly) which are supplied () with blanks , previously cut individually into the required dimensions (); after being inspected () , rendered in conditions of entry into the stamping tool (matrix) in accordance with the shape and dimensions of the part to be made in the respective production unit () , distributed () both to the group () of fixed parts and to the group () of moving parts.2234) The hot stamping system for production of a parts assembly according to claim 1 , characterized in that in the groups ( and ) the production units () are each assigned ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176211A1

A drawn body for a vehicle structural member has a tensile strength of 980 MPa or more, radii of curvature of two first convex ridge portions, a second convex ridge portion, and a concave ridge portion are each 30 mm or less, a corner radius of a corner wall is 30 mm or less, and a forming depth which is a separation distance between a top sheet portion and an outwardly-extending flange is 40 mm or more. 1. A drawn body for a vehicle structural member , the drawn body having a tensile strength of 980 MPa or more , the drawn body comprising:a top sheet portion extending in a first direction;two first convex ridge portions adjacent to both sides of the top sheet portion in a second direction which is perpendicular to the first direction and along the top sheet portion;a second convex ridge portion which is adjacent to an endmost portion of the top sheet portion in the first direction and is connected to the two first convex ridge portions;two side walls adjacent to the two first convex ridge portions;an end wall adjacent to the second convex ridge portion;two corner walls which are adjacent to the two side walls and the end wall and have a curved shape as viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first direction and the second direction;a concave ridge portion adjacent to the two side walls, the end wall, and the two corner walls; andan outwardly-extending flange adjacent to the concave ridge portion,wherein a radius of curvature of a cross section perpendicular to an extension direction of each of the two first convex ridge portions, the second convex ridge portion, and the concave ridge portion is 30 mm or less,a corner radius which is a radius of curvature of the corner wall viewed in the direction perpendicular to the first direction and the second direction at a position spaced by 1.0 mm from a boundary between the outwardly-extending flange and the concave ridge portion along the corner wall is 30 mm or less, anda forming depth which is a separation distance ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Honeycomb Body For Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment

Номер: US20190178138A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A honeycomb body for exhaust-gas aftertreatment and a method for producing the honeycomb body for exhaust-gas aftertreatment, the honeycomb body having a housing and a honeycomb structure with a multiplicity of channels. The honeycomb structure is formed with a partially structured layer and a smooth layer the smooth layer provides that, in at least one axial portion of the honeycomb structure, a first cell density in an inner radial zone is increased in relation to a second cell density in an outer radial zone. 110.-. (canceled)11. A honeycomb body for exhaust-gas aftertreatment , comprising:a housing; and radial zones of a cross section of the honeycomb structure;', 'at least one smooth layer; and', 'at least one at least partially structured layer;', 'a first cell density in an inner radial zone; and', 'a second cell density in an outer radial zone;', 'wherein the at least one smooth layer is configured such that, in at least one axial portion of the honeycomb structure, the first cell density is increased in relation to the second cell density., 'a honeycomb structure with a multiplicity of channels, comprising12. The honeycomb body as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the at least one smooth layer is provided only in the inner radial zone.13. The honeycomb body as claimed in claim 11 , wherein a respective smooth layer length of the at least one smooth layer is shorter in the outer radial zone than in the inner radial zone.14. The honeycomb body as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the respective smooth layer length decreases in a radially outward direction.15. The honeycomb body as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the at least one smooth layer has at least one recess in the outer radial zone claim 11 , and wherein a recess length of the at least one recess increases in a radially outward direction.16. The honeycomb body as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the at least one smooth layer has a multiplicity of holes in the outer radial zone claim 11 , and wherein at least one ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170189953A1

A method includes extruding an elongate member that has a longitudinally extending cross section, bending the elongate member about a first axis and subsequently about a second axis, non-parallel to the first axis, to form a vehicle body component. 1. A method comprising:extruding an elongate member having a longitudinally extending cross section; andbending the elongate member about a first axis and sequentially about a second axis non-parallel to the first axis to form a vehicle body component.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising bending the elongate member about a third axis non-parallel to the first axis or second axis to form the vehicle body component.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming one or more apertures in the elongate member.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the forming step includes drilling into the vehicle body component to form the one or more apertures.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the forming step is performed before the bending step.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member includes at least one flange extending laterally from the longitudinally extending cross section.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the flange extends longitudinally along a portion of the length of the elongate member.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinally extending cross section is a closed cross section.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle body component is a roof rail claim 1 , A-pillar claim 1 , and hinge pillar combination.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle body component is a shotgun member.11. A method comprising:extruding an elongate member having first and second ends;bending the elongate member about a first axis at a first location between the first and second ends; andbending the elongate member about a second axis, non-parallel to the first axis, at a second location between the first and second ends to form a vehicle body component having first, second, and third sections.12. The ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185294A1
Автор: SBRANA Fabio

A method of manufacturing a platform lift rail having a curved direction of travel. The platform lift includes a rail and a drive unit configured to drive along the rail. The rail includes a tubular section for supporting the drive unit and a rack section adapted for positively engaging with driving means of the drive unit. The method includes providing a metal sheet, plastic forming, in a first forming step, the metal sheet into a tubular profile, closing the tubular profile and forming a projecting flange by connecting opposite faces of the metal sheet, permanently fixing the flange by joining the opposite faces in the area of the projecting flange, creating positive engagement means into the projecting flange, and plastic forming, in a second forming step, the metal sheet to provide the rail with a curved direction of travel. 17.-. (canceled)8. A method of manufacturing a platform lift rail having a curved direction of travel , the platform lift comprising a rail and a drive unit configured to drive along the rail , the rail comprising a tubular section for supporting the drive unit , and a rack section adapted for positively engaging with driving means of the drive unit , the method comprising:providing a metal sheet,plastic forming, in a first forming step, the metal sheet into a tubular profile;closing the tubular profile and forming a projecting flange by connecting opposite faces of the metal sheet;permanently fixing the flange by joining the opposite faces in the area of the projecting flange;creating positive engagement means into the projecting flange; andplastic forming, in a second forming step, the metal sheet to provide the rail with a curved direction of travel.9. The method of claim 8 , comprising:maintaining the cross section of the tubular profile during the second forming step.10. The method of claim 8 , comprising:inserting an enforcement bracket into the flange between the opposite faces to be connected.11. The method of claim 8 , wherein ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140290324A1

Methods and apparatus for controlling a hem profile in roll-forming processes are described. An example roll-forming apparatus includes a first plurality of work rolls to form a first hem on a material and a second plurality of work rolls. One of the second plurality of work rolls is adjustable relative to an opposing work roll and to the first plurality of work rolls to adjustably control a profile of the first hem. 1. A roll-forming apparatus , comprising:a base;first work rolls rotatably coupled to the base, the first work rolls to form a first hem on a material;second work rolls to control a profile of the first hem, one of the second work rolls is rotatably coupled to a block movably coupled to the base; andan actuator to move the block relative to the base and to move the one of the second work rolls relative to an opposing one of the second work rolls to enable the profile of the first hem to be continuously adjusted.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuator is rotatable to move the block relative to the base.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises a mechanical actuator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises a tension bolt.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuator extends through the block and threadably engages the base.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the block is pivotably coupled to the base.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises a spring to springably bias the block relative to the base.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first work rolls are to form an open hem.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second work rolls are to form a closed hem.10. The apparatus as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:third work rolls to form a second hem on the material opposite the first hem;fourth work rolls to control a profile of the second hem, one of the fourth work rolls is rotatably coupled to a second block movably coupled to the base; anda second actuator to move ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Material Forming Machine Incorporating Quick Changeover Assembly

Номер: US20140290326A1

A mechanism for use in adjusting the position of components in a machine including an elongate shaft assembly, at least one projection shaft extending in a direction transverse to said elongate shaft assembly, and a support frame. The elongate shaft assembly includes at least one primary shaft segment, and at least one secondary shaft segment removably coupled to the primary shaft segment, the secondary shaft segment includes a first gear. The projection shaft extends in a direction transverse to the elongate shaft assembly and includes a second gear element disposed on its proximal end portion. The second gear element is coupled to the first gear element whereby rotation of the elongate shaft assembly translates into rotation of the projection shaft. The projection shaft is capable of being coupled to the components such that rotation of the projection shaft operates to adjust the position of the components. 123-. (canceled)24. A method of replacing a portion of a mechanism for use in adjusting the position of components in a machine , wherein the mechanism includes an elongate shaft assembly that includes at least one primary shaft segment , and at least one secondary shaft segment removably coupled to the primary shaft segment , the secondary shaft segment including a first gear element disposed thereon; at least one projection shaft extending in a direction transverse to the elongate shaft assembly and including a second gear element disposed on a proximal end portion thereof , the second gear element being coupled to the first gear element; and a support frame accommodating the secondary shaft segment and the proximal end portion , the method comprising:decoupling the secondary shaft segment from the primary shaft segment; andremoving the first gear element from the secondary shaft segment without disturbing the primary shaft segment or projection shaft.25. The method according to wherein the first gear element is removed without disturbing the frame claim 24 , ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180201169A1

Provided is a vehicle seat frame configured so that the weight of the frame can be reduced while the strength of a portion of the frame can be ensured. A vehicle seat frame F includes a frame member molded from a high tensile strength steel plate. A metal structure of a portion of the frame member is a structure formed according to one or more conditions upon a thermal treatment performed on the frame member, and the strength of the portion is different from those of other portions of the frame member. For example, the portion of the frame member includes a high strength portion with a higher strength than those of the other portions. Moreover, the portion of the frame member includes, for example, a low strength portion with a lower strength than those of the other portions. 1. A vehicle seat frame comprising:a frame member molded from a high tensile strength steel plate,wherein a metal structure of a portion of the frame member is a structure formed according to one or more conditions upon a thermal treatment performed on the frame member, and a strength of the portion is different from those of other portions of the frame member.2. The vehicle seat frame of claim 1 , whereinthe portion includes a high strength portion with a higher strength than those of the other portions.3. The vehicle seat frame of claim 2 , wherein the one or more conditions include a predetermined temperature and a predetermined cooling rate claim 2 , andthe high strength portion is a portion heated to a temperature equal to or higher than the predetermined temperature and then cooled at a cooling rate equal to or higher than the predetermined cooling rate to form the metal structure.4. The vehicle seat frame of claim 2 , whereinthe metal structure of the high strength portion is martensite.5. The vehicle seat frame of claim 2 , whereinthe high strength portion is provided at at least one of i) a periphery of a welding portion between an upper frame and a side frame of a seat back frame, or ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237845A1
Автор: Heeringa Tjepke

One embodiment includes a structural panel for an aerospace vehicle, including a single sheet of material, the material having a first raised pattern on a first side, and a second raised pattern on a reverse side, wherein a repeating portion of the first raised pattern is substantially identical in size and shape to a repeating portion of the second raised pattern, and is rotated at an angle θ to the first raised pattern. 1. A structural panel for an aerospace vehicle , comprising:a single sheet of material, the material comprising a first raised pattern on a first side, and a second raised pattern on a reverse side, wherein a repeating portion of the first raised pattern is substantially identical in size and shape to a repeating portion of the second raised pattern, and is rotated at an angle θ to the first raised pattern.2. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the aerospace vehicle is a rotary aircraft.312. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the structural panel comprises a center plane between the first side and second side claim 1 , and wherein the first raised pattern projects a substantially uniform depth d_ from the center plane claim 1 , and the second raised pattern projects a substantially uniform depth d_ from the center plane in a reverse direction.412. The structural panel of claim 3 , wherein d_=d_ to within a manufacturing tolerance.5. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the repeating portion of the first raised pattern is substantially rectangular.6. The structural panel of claim 1 , wherein the repeating portion of the second raised pattern is square to within a manufacturing tolerance.7. The structural panel of claim 6 , wherein θ≈45°.8. The structural panel of claim 6 , wherein the rotated squares of the second raised pattern are oriented to substantially diagonally double bisect the squares of the first raised pattern.9. The structural panel of claim 6 , wherein the rotated squares of the second raised pattern are oriented to ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221067A1

A tubular back beam assembly may include a plurality of main members, each of which is formed by cold rolling and hot stamping and the plurality of main members may be coupled to form a vertically stacked structure with flat portions coupled in a surface contact fashion, or the tubular back beam assembly may include a main member and at least one support member that are directly coupled to form a vertically stacked structure. 18-. (canceled)9. A method of manufacturing a tubular back beam assembly for a vehicle , the method comprising:cold rolling and hot stamping a tubular carbonous material to form at least two main back beams, each including at least one flat portion extended in a longitudinal direction; andcoupling the at least two main back beams to form a vertically stacked structure with the flat portions of adjacent main back beams coupled in a surface contact fashion.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein one or each of the at least two main back beams is formed to have substantially a quadrangular cross section to secure rigidity.11. The method of claim 9 , wherein the flat portions of the adjacent tubular back beams are coupled in the surface contact fashion by arc welding.12. A method of manufacturing a tubular back beam assembly for a vehicle claim 9 , the method comprising:cold rolling and hot stamping a carbonous material to form at least one support back beam having a C-shaped cross section with an opening extended in a longitudinal direction;cold rolling and hot stamping a tubular carbonous material to form at least one main back beam having substantially a quadrangular cross section; andcoupling the at least one support back beam and the at least one main back beam to form a vertically stacked structure.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the coupling of the support back beam and the main back beam includes:inserting one portion of the main back beam into the opening of the support back beam, andcoupling both ends of the support back beam and an ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180214927A1
Принадлежит: Ford Motor Company

A process includes producing a group of automotive components by forming components having various global geometries via a common tooling configured to bend a blank sheet of metal to create a variable cross section profile, forming an addendum as an integral portion of each formed component, and altering the global geometries in a series of incremental deformations to create local geometries while each component is affixed to a deforming machine via the addendum. 1. A process comprising:producing a group of automotive components by forming components having various global geometries via a common tooling configured to bend a blank sheet of metal to create a variable cross section profile;forming an addendum as an integral portion of each formed component; andaltering the global geometries in a series of incremental deformations to create local geometries while each component is affixed to a deforming machine via the addendum.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the group of automotive components comprises one component type designated for different vehicle types.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the one component type comprises an underbody member claim 2 , a roof cross member claim 2 , a rail claim 2 , or a rocket member.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the group of automotive components comprises different component types designated for one vehicle type.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the component has a longitudinal profile.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the variable cross section profile comprises a variable height cross section.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the addendum extends beyond the global geometry of the component.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the addendum has a shape universal for each component of the group of the components.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the addendum is removed after formation of the local geometries.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the global geometries and the local geometries are created separately ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200206802A1
Автор: Yamashita Hiroshi

A method for producing H-shaped steel, the method includes: a rough rolling step; an intermediate rolling step; and a finish rolling step, wherein: a rolling mill that performs the rough rolling step is engraved with a plurality of calibers configured to shape a material to be rolled; the plurality of calibers include: one or a plurality of split calibers formed with projections configured to create splits vertically with respect to a width direction of the material to be rolled to form divided parts at end parts of the material to be rolled; and a plurality of bending calibers formed with projections configured to come into contact with the splits and sequentially bend the divided parts formed by the split caliber; and the projections formed in a final split caliber of the split calibers are each composed a tip part in a tapered shape having a predetermined tip angle, and a base part located at a base of the tip part and having a tapered shape with a gentle inclination as compared with the tip part. 1. A method for producing H-shaped steel , the method comprising:a rough rolling step;an intermediate rolling step; anda finish rolling step, wherein:a rolling mill which performs the rough rolling step is engraved with a plurality of calibers configured to shape a material to be rolled; one or a plurality of split calibers formed with projections configured to create splits vertically with respect to a width direction of the material to be rolled to form divided parts at end parts of the material to be rolled; and', 'a plurality of bending calibers formed with projections configured to come into contact with the splits and sequentially bend the divided parts formed by the split caliber; and, 'the plurality of calibers comprisethe projections formed in a final split caliber of the split calibers are each composed a tip part in a tapered shape having a predetermined tip angle, and a base part located at a base of the tip part and having a tapered shape with a gentle ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Method For Producing A Honeycomb Body

Номер: US20190211730A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for producing a honeycomb body having a housing and a honeycomb structure with a multiplicity of channels includes: providing a smooth metal sheet, forming a structure into regions of the smooth metal sheet, the structure in one longitudinal portion is formed differently than a structure in a second longitudinal portion of the metal sheet, forming the honeycomb structure by arranging and winding the structured metal sheet, such that a first cell density in an inner radial zone is increased in relation to a second cell density in an outer radial zone, inserting the honeycomb structure into the housing and, connecting the honeycomb structure to the housing. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for producing a honeycomb body for exhaust-gas aftertreatment , comprising:providing at least one smooth metal sheet;forming structures into at least partial regions of the at least one smooth metal sheet, wherein a first structure in at least one first longitudinal portion of the metal sheet is formed differently than a second structure in at least one second longitudinal portion of the metal sheet;forming a honeycomb structure with a multiplicity of channels by arranging and winding the at least one partially structured metal sheet, wherein the metal sheet is arranged and wound such that a cross section of the honeycomb structure has a first cell density in an inner radial zone that is increased in relation to a second cell density in an outer radial zone;inserting the honeycomb structure into a housing; andconnecting the honeycomb structure to the housing.12. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the forming of the structures comprises:forming a primary structure in the at least one first longitudinal portion and in the at least one second longitudinal portion of the metal sheet; andforming a secondary structure in the at least one first longitudinal portion of the metal sheet.13. The method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the forming of the structures comprises: ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223494A1
Автор: Stark N. Daniel W.

Disclosed herein is a foundation pile. The foundation pile comprises a first flange. The foundation pile also comprises a second flange spaced apart from the first flange. The foundation pile further comprises a web extending between the first flange and the second flange, wherein the first flange, the second flange, and the web are formed from a single sheet and each comprises at least two layers of the sheet. The foundation pile additionally comprises a rib formed in at least one of the first flange, the second flange, and the web, wherein the rib comprises a bent portion of at least one of the at least two layers of the sheet. 1. A foundation pile , comprising:a first flange;a second flange spaced apart from the first flange;a web extending between the first flange and the second flange, wherein the first flange, the second flange, and the web are formed from a single sheet and each comprises at least two layers of the sheet; anda rib formed in at least one of the first flange, the second flange, and the web, wherein the rib comprises a bent portion of at least one of the at least two layers of the sheet.2. The foundation pile according to claim 1 , wherein:the foundation pile has a first length;the rib has a second length; andthe second length is less than the first length.3. The foundation pile according to claim 1 , wherein:the foundation pile has a first length;the rib has a second length; andthe second length is equal to the first length.4. The foundation pile according to claim 1 , wherein:the rib comprises opposing ends; andeach of the opposing ends is tapered.5. The foundation pile according to claim 1 , wherein the rib comprises bent portions of two layers of the at least two layers of the sheet.6. The foundation pile according to claim 5 , wherein the bent portions of the rib abut each other.7. The foundation pile according to claim 1 , wherein the bent portion of the rib is bent claim 1 , relative to an adjacent layer of the at least two layers claim 1 ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261198A1

This disclosure relates to a motor vehicle, and in particular a vehicle body structure for a motor vehicle, with an extended roof reinforcement structure. An example vehicle includes an A-pillar, a roof side rail, a dash panel, and a reinforcement structure extending at least partially through the roof side rail and the A-pillar to a front end forward of the dash panel. 1. A motor vehicle , comprising:an A-pillar;a roof side rail;a dash panel; anda reinforcement structure extending at least partially through the roof side rail and the A-pillar to a front end forward of the dash panel, wherein the reinforcement structure includes a first section extending from a rear end along a first axis to a curved section, and a second section extending from the curved section to the front end along a second axis inclined relative to the first axis.2. (canceled)3. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least a segment of the second section is straight.4. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the front end is vertically below a top of a hinge pillar.5. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 4 , wherein the front end is vertically below the top of the hinge pillar by about 95 mm.6. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure is a tube.7. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 6 , wherein the reinforcement structure is made using a roll-forming process.8. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 7 , wherein the reinforcement structure is made of a steel material.9. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 8 , wherein the reinforcement structure is made of a martensitic steel.10. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first section is within the roof side rail.11. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 10 , wherein the second section is partially within the A-pillar.12. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 11 , wherein the reinforcement structure is fastened to a side apron of the motor vehicle adjacent the front end. ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160243603A1

A method of producing a polygonal closed cross-section structural component includes press-forming a metal sheet into a gutter-shaped pre-processed part with a curved form along its longitudinal direction having plural ridge lines corresponding to corner portions of the polygonal closed cross-section in a cross-sectional form developed by cutting the component at a position corresponding to the ridge line located at the innermost side in the radial direction to provide a flange portion extending along the ridge line at the resulting respective ends, and press-forming the pre-processed part to deform inwardly in the cross-sectional direction at a position of one or more of the plural ridge lines to butt the ridge lines located at the innermost side and the flange portions to each other. 13-. (canceled)4. A method of producing a polygonal closed cross-section structural component with a curved form along its longitudinal direction having plural ridge lines corresponding to corner portions of the polygonal closed cross-section and two flange portions extending in parallel to a flat face including a ridge line located at an innermost side in a radial direction of the curved form of the component along the longitudinal direction among the above ridge lines from a metal plate , comprising:press-forming the metal sheet into a gutter-shaped pre-processed part with a curved form along its longitudinal direction having plural ridge lines corresponding to the corner portions of the polygonal closed cross-section of the component in a cross-sectional form developed by cutting the component at a position corresponding to the ridge line located at the innermost side in the radial direction to provide a flange portion extending along the ridge line at the resulting respective ends, wherein each of the ridge lines corresponding to the corner portions has a radius of curvature equal to or smaller than a radius of curvature of the corresponding ridge line of the component to have a ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160243604A1

A method of sheet forming manufactures a sheet-formed part that is formed in an L-shape as viewed in a plan view and includes a top portion, side wall portions formed on the respective both sides of the top portion, and flange portions contiguously formed with the respective side wall portions, by sheet-forming a metal sheet with the a sheet forming tool. The method includes: a first sheet forming process in which the metal sheet is arranged on a first sheet forming tool including a first punch, a first die, a first blank holder, and a pad; and a second sheet forming process in which the first sheet-formed part formed is sheet-formed into a second sheet-formed part having a top portion and a side wall portion whose shapes are identical with those of the sheet-formed part, with a second sheet forming tool having a second punch and a second die. 1. A method of sheet forming for manufacturing a sheet-formed part that is formed in an L-shape as viewed in a plan view and includes a top portion , side wall portions formed on the respective both sides of the top portion , and flange portions contiguously formed with the respective side wall portions , by sheet-forming a metal sheet with a sheet forming tool , the method comprising:a first sheet forming process in which the metal sheet is arranged on a first sheet forming tool including a first punch, a first die, a first blank holder, and a pad so that a part corresponding to an end portion of a short side of the L-shape in the metal sheet does not overlap with the first die and the first blank holder, a part of the top portion is held by the pad, and the metal sheet is sheet-formed into a first sheet-formed part having an intermediate shape; anda second sheet forming process in which the first sheet-formed part formed in the first sheet forming process is sheet-formed into a second sheet-formed part having a top portion and a side wall portion whose shapes are identical with those of the sheet-formed part, with a second ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Range Hood System and Method for Moving Air

Номер: US20140331988A1

A method of moving air comprises providing a recreational vehicle having a range for cooking, and providing a range hood and attaching the range hood to the recreational vehicle above the range, the range hood comprising a body, an outlet for exhausting air, a motor capable of a plurality of speeds, a fan connected to the motor, and a fan switch connected to the motor to control a speed of the motor. 1. A method of moving air , comprising:providing a recreational vehicle having a range for cooking; and a body;', 'an outlet for exhausting air;', 'a motor capable of a plurality of speeds;', 'a fan connected to the motor; and', 'a fan switch connected to the motor to control a speed of the motor., 'providing a range hood and attaching the range hood to the recreational vehicle above the range, the range hood comprising2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:switching the motor to a low speed of the plurality of speeds; andcooking on the range,wherein the range hood is configured to move air from above the range to outside the recreational vehicle via the outlet.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising:switching the motor to a high speed of the plurality of speeds; andopening a window of the recreational vehicle,wherein the range hood is configured to move air from the window to outside the recreational vehicle via the outlet to thereby substantially equalize temperatures inside and outside the recreational vehicle.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:switching the motor to a high speed of the plurality of speeds; andopening a window of the recreational vehicle,wherein the range hood is configured to move air from the window to outside the recreational vehicle via the outlet to thereby substantially equalize temperatures inside and outside the recreational vehicle.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the motor comprises a direct current motor operable at approximately 12 volts.6. The method as claimed in ...
