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04-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2799197C2

Изобретение относится к обработке стержней. Станок содержит по меньшей мере два опорных ползуна, по меньшей мере один из которых выполнен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения к другому или от другого вдоль оси перемещения. Каждый из ползунов снабжен рабочей плитой, на которой установлено по меньшей мере одно изгибающее устройство, предназначенное для изгибания по меньшей мере продольной части упомянутого стержня, и по меньшей мере первое загибающее устройство, снабженное первым противодействующим элементом, имеющим первый радиус загиба, и первым загибающим элементом. По меньшей мере один из упомянутых ползунов содержит на упомянутой рабочей плите по меньшей мере второе загибающее устройство, снабженное вторым противодействующим элементом и вторым загибающим элементом. Второй противодействующий элемент имеет радиус загиба, отличный от радиуса загиба первого противодействующего элемента. В результате обеспечивается возможность выполнения операций гибки, отличающихся различными ...

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Способ изготовления биметаллической проволоки из разнородных металлов холодным волочением

Номер: RU2628232C2

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the treatment of metals by pressure, in particular to the production of composite materials, and can be used to manufacture bimetallic wire of dissimilar metals. The zone, which consists of interconnected metals of the core and shell and carbon nanotubes, previously applied to at least one of the contact surfaces of the metals to be joined. Carbon nanotubes are applied during the preparation stage of the core contact surfaces and shell to the joint. Then, cold drawing is carried out to form a transition zone of the metals of the core, the shell and the mentioned nanotubes. EFFECT: increase uniformity of shell thickness over the length and cross-section. 2 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 628 232 C2 (51) МПК B21F 1/00 (2006.01) B82B 1/00 (2006.01) B23K 20/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016103755, 04.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Андреев Андрей Витальевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Андреев Андрей Витальевич (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 933154 A1, 07.06.1982. RU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.02.2016 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.08.2017 Бюл. № 22 2387035 C1, 20.04.2010. RU 86345 U1, 27.08.2009. RU 2179348 C2, 10.02.2002. JP 2006265667 A, 05.10.2006. 2 6 2 8 2 3 2 R U (54) Способ изготовления биметаллической проволоки из разнородных металлов холодным волочением (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к обработке металлов поверхностей соединяемых металлов. Углеродные давлением, в частности к производству нанотрубки наносят на стадии подготовки композиционных материалов, и может быть контактных поверхностей сердечника и оболочки использовано для изготовления биметаллической к соединению. Далее осуществляют холодное проволоки из разнородных металлов. зоной, волочение с образованием переходной зоны ...

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2207928C2

Изобретение относится к обработке металлов давлением и может быть использовано для гибки в двух плоскостях стержневых заготовок, например при изготовлении штанг стабилизаторов автомобиля. Устройство содержит узлы гибки заготовки в первой плоскости, выполненные в виде шаблонов и гибочных инструментов, смонтированных на приводных суппортах, установленных на станине с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси заготовки. Устройство снабжено прессом для гибки заготовки во второй плоскости, расположенной под углом к первой плоскости. Пресс оснащен штампом, матрица которого выполнена составной из среднего, неподвижного, и крайних, подвижных, элементов. Последние закреплены на суппортах с опорой на станину пресса. Шаблоны служат также для прижима концов заготовки к подвижным элементам матрицы. Пресс установлен с возможностью поворота вокруг оси заготовки. В результате обеспечивается возможность гибки средней части заготовки без утонения изгибаемых участков и изменения угла между плоскостями гибки. 1 з.п.ф-лы ...

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU113199U1

Волокно для армирования композиционных смесей, выполненное в виде криволинейного отрезка проволоки с произвольным поперечным сечением, отличающееся тем, что кривизна волокна выполнена объемной, винтообразной с геометрическими параметрами, определяемыми соотношениями: ! D/d=2…10, ! t/d=5…10, ! где D - наружный диаметр винтообразного волокна, мм; ! d - усредненный диаметр проволоки, мм; ! t - шаг между витками волокна, мм, ! а размер d выбирается в пределах: ! d=0,001-1,0 мм.

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU106571U1

Приспособление для гибки проволочного электроконтакта из заготовки, характеризующееся тем, что оно содержит корпус с горизонтальной и вертикальной ограничительными плоскостями, прямоугольную гибочную оправку с тремя вертикальными ограничительными плоскостями, подвижный двухпозиционный шибер с горизонтальной и вертикальной ограничительными плоскостями, при этом ограничительные плоскости корпуса, оправки и шибера расположены между собой из расчета плотного размещения между ними проволоки заготовки на соответствующих участках переходов изготовления, обеспечивающего отсутствие недопустимых искажений формы и расположения формируемых участков.

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2365457C1

Изобретение относится к производству изделий гибкой и может быть использовано в автотранспортной, мебельной и других отраслях промышленности. Устройство содержит механизм зажима, установленные на основании направляющие штанги, смонтированные на них гибочные модули, имеющие закрепленные в корпусе гибочный ролик, опорный валик или ролик и вал с ведомой шестерней. В корпусе каждого гибочного модуля смонтирован поворотный пневмопривод, на валу которого закреплены кулачки, взаимодействующие с датчиками управления работой устройства. Устройство также снабжено приводной шестерней, зацепляющейся с упомянутой ведомой шестерней, регулятором углового поворота гибочного ролика и механизмами ориентации заготовок, смонтированными по обе стороны гибочных модулей. Расширяются технологические возможности, упрощается наладка и эксплуатация. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

09-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2028202C1

Использование: в станках для правки и резки проволоки. Изобретение повышает надежность работы отрезного устройства автомата для правки резки проволоки. Сущность: отрезное устройство включает редуктор 1 с зубчатой передачей, кулачки 5 и 9 управления автоматом, толкатель 16 включения муфты с приводом от электромагнита 17, который через систему управления соединен с конечным выключателем 18. Толкатель выполнен с подвижно закрепленным на его конце Г-образным элементом 19 со скошенной поверхностью, который связан со штоком электромагнита. Конечный выключатель 18 установлен с возможностью взаимодействия с дополнительным кулачком 24, установленным на первом валу 4 зубчатой передачи. 13 ил.

27-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429931C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в автотранспортной промышленности при изготовлении гибкой из проволоки деталей широкой номенклатуры. Полуавтомат содержит основание, на котором смонтированы два оппозитно расположенных гибочных модуля, включающих пневмоповоротник и полые валы с закрепленными на них ведомыми шестернями, зацепляющимися с ведущими шестернями приводных валов пневмоповоротников, и толкатели, установленные в полых валах и связанные с пневмоцилиндрами их возвратно-поступательного перемещения, механизмы загибки и механизм прижима заготовки. Полуавтомат снабжен составным шаблоном, профиль которого адекватен профилю изделия, центральная часть смонтирована на одном из гибочных модулей с возможностью вертикальной и горизонтальной регулировок, а боковые части закреплены на концах толкателей, противоположных упомянутым пневмоцилиндрам, при этом один из гибочных модулей установлен с возможностью регулировочного перемещения для изменения межцентрового расстояния ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Биметаллическая проволока

Номер: RU2016103755A

А 2016103755 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ааа даа ее а $ < ох (50) МПК В21Е 1/00 (2006.01) В82В 1/00 (2006.01) В23К 2004 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016103755, 04.02.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): Андреев Андрей Витальевич (КП) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): А Андрей В КО (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.08.2017 Бюл. № 22 ндреев Андрей Витальевич (КО) Адрес для переписки: 454071, г. Челябинск, ул. Комарова, 125, кв. 132, Карпенко Т.Н. (54) Биметаллическая проволока (57) Формула изобретения 1. Биметаллическая проволока, содержащая сердечник и оболочку, разделенные переходной зоной, отличающаяся тем, что переходная зона состоит из соединенных между собой металлов сердечника и оболочки и углеродных нанотрубок, которые предварительно нанесены, по крайней мере, на одну из контактных поверхностей соединяемых металлов. 2. Проволока по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что углеродные нанотрубки нанесены на стадии подготовки контактных поверхностей сердечника и оболочки к соединению. 3. Проволока по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве углеродных нанотрубок использованы углеродные нанотрубки серии «Таунит». Стр.: 1 па 9ч91$01910Сс У

27-07-2003 дата публикации

Устройство для пространственной гибки стержневых заготовок

Номер: RU2001122350A

... 1. Устройство для пространственной гибки стержневых заготовок, содержащее установленные на станине узлы гибки в первой плоскости, выполненные в виде шаблонов и гибочных инструментов, и узел гибки во второй плоскости, отличающееся тем, что узел гибки во второй плоскости выполнен в виде пресса, снабженного штампом, матрица которого выполнена составной с двумя подвижными частями, а узлы гибки в первой плоскости смонтированы на приводных суппортах, установленных на станине с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси заготовки и снабженных средствами прижима заготовки к подвижным частям матрицы, которые закреплены на упомянутых суппортах с опорой на станину пресса. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пресс установлен с возможностью поворота вокруг оси заготовки.

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013101391A

... 1. Способ изготовления упругопористого нетканого проволочного материала, включающий формирование заготовки из проволок спиралей на цилиндрической оправе из трех слоев спирали, снятие заготовки с оправки, сплющивание, сворачивание в рулон и последующее прессование вдоль осей спиралей второго слоя, отличающийся тем, что перед свивкой два или несколько отрезков проволочек подвергают дополнительной свивке в проволочные пучки, из которых свивают спирали первого и третьего слоя.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что спирали второго слоя имеют размеры отличные от спиралей первого и третьего слоев и изготовлены путем двойной свивки или путем укладки одна в другую коаксиально расположенных спиралей различного диаметра.3. Способ по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что проволочные пучки свиты из проволочек разных диаметров.4. Способ по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что проволочные пучки свиты из проволочек с разным антифрикционным покрытием.

30-11-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для гибки петель из проволоки

Номер: SU1694290A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для обработки металлов давлением, в частности к оборудованию для производства изделий из проволоки, и позволяет расширить технологические возможности путем обеспечения гибки петли с двумя кольцами на концах. Во время движения от силового цилиндра 6 роликов 19, между ребордами которых уложена заготовка, в сторону формующей скобы 20 осуществляется формирование конфигурации петли 7, при которой вершина петли формируется механизмом формовки вершины петли, а ее концы изгибаются механизмом формообразования петли, приводом которого является подпружиненная двусторонняя рейка 10, взаимодействующая через упор 11 с кареткой 8. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

01-01-1961 дата публикации


Номер: SU142622A1

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Гибочный автомат

Номер: SU142288A1
Автор: Галузо Е.П.

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Гибочная машина полуавтоматического действия

Номер: SU136699A1

07-09-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для формирования головки на стержне

Номер: SU1675011A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению , в частности к устройствам для формирования головки на стержне (шляпок гвоздей), и может быть использовано в различных областях техники, в том числе и в легкой промышленности. Цель - повышение производительности устройства при улучшении производственных условий за счет снижения уровня шума. Кольцевой роторный инструмент 9 транспортирует стержни в секторы 32 и 33 технологической обработки последнего для формирования выступающей части стержня матриц 8 заготовительными и отделочными пуансонами колец 10 и 11 механизмов возвратно-поступательного движения , 1 з, п, ф-лы, 7 ил ...

03-02-1966 дата публикации

Способ образования проволочной кольцевой скрепки

Номер: SU178783A1
Автор: Козлов Н.К.

07-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: SU343741A1

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Станок для изготовления гнутых изделий из проволоки

Номер: SU138468A1

15-09-1975 дата публикации

Автомат для изготовления изделий из проволоки

Номер: SU484035A1

15-05-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для гибки и сварки рамок

Номер: SU1395409A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для гибки и сварки рамок позволяет повысить качество изготавливаемых ра.мок. Устройство дополнительно снабжено обкатными роликами 5, которые вместе с гибочными рычагами 6 и конирными рычагами 7 закреплены на общей оси. В наза.х 9, вьпюлненны.х в траверсе 2. установлены и1тифты 8, которые жестко соединены с осью обкатных роликов 5. Формующие уноры 10 и 11 расположены на траверсе 2, 4 ил. сл со со СП 4 О СО ...

10-10-1960 дата публикации

Штамп с шарнирным пуансоном

Номер: SU133851A1

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1787630C

30-12-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для деформирования выводов цилиндрических транзисторов

Номер: SU1784383A1

Использование: при изготовлении полупроводниковых приборов. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит приемник, представляющий из себя втулку с радиальными пазами, где размещаются выводы транзистора. Каждый из выводов зажимается раздельно благодаря пружинам и кольцу через секторы, которые являются и наружными рабочими инструментам. После зажима выводов транзистора в приемнике он вместе с секторами опускается на внутренний рабочий инструмент-оправку, на которой и происходит деформирование. 5 ил ...

23-04-1984 дата публикации

Автоматическая линия для изготовления изделий замкнутой формы из проволоки

Номер: SU1087234A1

... 1. АВТОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ЛИНИЯ ДЛЯ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ИЗДЕЛИЙ ЗАМКНУТОЙ ФОРМЫ ИЗ ПРОВОЛОКИ,, содержащая размещенные в технологической последовательности механизмы подачи и рихтовки проволоки, механизм рубки проволоки на мерные заготовки,, приводной меха-, низм гибки для формирования профиля изделия и сварочную машину со средством зажима концов заготовки, о тличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения производительности, она снабжена смонтированным на средстве для зажима концов заготовки приспособлением для снятия грата в горячем состоянии, выполненным в виде ножей с приводом их возвратно-поступательного перемещения посредством силового цилиндра, механизмом дополнительной гибки со средством контроля сварного шва, размещенным за приводным механизмом гибки, устройствами для шлифовки и полировки сварного шва, каясдое из которых выполнено в виде, установленных в направляющих кареток с абразивными кругаьми и имеющего скобу-поводок механизма для поворота заготовки относительно оси сварного шва, и средством для ...

23-07-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для формовки выводов микросхем

Номер: SU1103928A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ФОРМОВКИ ВЫВОДОВ МИКРОСХЕМ, содержащее матрицу гибочные пуансоны, подпружиненный прижимной пуансон и отрезные ножи с режущей кромкой на их внутренних плоскостях, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения качества формовки выводов микросхем, оно имеет закрепленную центральной частью на прижимном пуашсоне пластинчатую пружину и размещенные на отрезных ножах упоЕмл, при гибочные пуансоны расположены симметрично по концам пластинчатой пружины с возможностью последовательного взаимодействия в процессе формовки с упорами отрезных ножей, а затем - с их внутренними плоскостями.

31-08-1936 дата публикации

Станок для изготовления шплинтов

Номер: SU48080A1

03-12-1992 дата публикации

Bending reinforcing steel into stirrups - using wire straightening unit with one group of driven rollers one group of movable rollers

Номер: DE0004117955A1

The device bends lengths of reinforcing steel wire, drawn from a coil, into stirrups. It has a wire transporter, with a straightening unit(18,23) of several rollers(19,20). There are a wire advance unit with drive, a cutter device(26), and a bending station with tools(27,31,44). The rollers of the straightening unit are located in groups, and the wire passes between the groups. The rollers(20) of one group only are driven. The other rollers(18) are freely moveable about an axis, which is at right angles to their rotary axis. These rollers are carried on a bearing support(21), which is moveably fastened on the machine frame(17). The coil is located on a carrier(7), which is turnable about a horizontal axis. USE/ADVANTAGE - Bending lengths of steel wire into reinforcing stirrups with reduced construction resulting in improved working method.

14-05-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002931195B2
Принадлежит: WUENSCH, ADOLF, 8962 PFRONTEN, DE

07-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003236663A1

28-11-1996 дата публикации

Mfr. of stabilisers for motor vehicles

Номер: DE0019549218C1

The process mfrs. stabilisers for motor vehicles from bar material. The material is heated, at least one end section is bent, and is then stamped and perforated. The material is then bent to finish. In the second stage, at least the end sections located in the same plane are bent simultaneously. During stamping, the bent end section is maintained in the same position as occupied during the bending process.

24-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002926905A1

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060125177T2
Автор: LAM LY, LAM, LY

25-04-1985 дата публикации

Method/machine and/or apparatus for producing stirrups from bars, wire, round bars or similar strip-like material

Номер: DE0003436285A1

Automatic machine for the production of stirrups or a bending machine (A) which processes the workpiece (s) coming from a reel (B) and turns them into stirrups (s), a feed apparatus with movable tongs for alternate movement (b', b'') being provided for the stepwise feeding of the workpiece, the release of the tongs in each case being effected by preprogramming when the stirrup (s) has been produced to ensure that the accumulated twisting forces on the workpiece are relieved and, in order, at the same time, to ensure better clamping of the workpiece or workpieces to be processed (f), a clamping jaw (4) has a cavity (4') while the mating clamping jaw (5) is provided with projecting gripping tools at the ends (8). …… ...

16-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008327306D0

29-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008623305D0

14-05-1915 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Spoke Bending Machines.

Номер: GB0191409198A

... 9198. Johnston, J. April 14. Angular machines for bending sector-shaped spokes and having strippers operated by a lever participating in the vertical movements of the bending-ram and movable angularly thereto for stripping purposes, the outer end of the lever is arrested, during the downward motion of the ram, bv a latch so as to effect the stripping, the latch being tripped after stripping so as to permit retraction of the strippers, and being restored to its initial position in the return motion of the ram bv the engagement of the stripping-lever with a projection on the latch. A pair of stripper bars 4, which are mounted in the bending-ram 2, are operated by a lever 1 pivoted at 3 to the ram. During the downward motion of the ram, the outer end of the lever engages a latch 4 pivoted at 5 to the framing, the latch being retained in position by a detent 6. After stripping is effected, a striker 8 on the ram engages a trip 7 so as to release the latch, which is tilted over by the lever ...

03-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008626229D0

28-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009002295D0

14-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001542208A

23-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001546596A

10-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368724B

26-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367665B

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477864T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000467916T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA319082A

15-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA138179A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536225T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536226T

25-06-1985 дата публикации

Номер: AT0000378135A

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000071888A

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000607780A

12-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: AT0000378489A

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510873A

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000139154T

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043262T

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087121T

15-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000023681T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090238T

15-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000282076A

15-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000116879T

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000119088T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000108353T

15-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000168050T

15-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007001T

10-09-1973 дата публикации

General-purpose role bending apparatus

Номер: AT0000309954B

12-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335827B

25-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344476B

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342521T

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000234694T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154264T

25-09-1968 дата публикации

Carriage drive for a wire or a volume bending machine

Номер: AT0000264991B

15-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000201620T

15-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189783T

15-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000201836T

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098134A1
Автор: HINO Fumie, Ito Naoki
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

To provide a method for shaping an electric wire end and a mold for shaping electric wire end, capable of shaping a distal end with a rectangular shape in sectional view by smoothly pressing conductors of plural electric wires without causing a reduction in strength. 1. A method for shaping an electric wire end in which conductors of electric wires stacked mutually are compressed from a stack direction such that a distal end with a rectangular shape in sectional view is shaped , the method comprising:compressing the conductors of the electric wires stacked from the stack direction by a pair of molds provided with shaping grooves having corner portions for shaping angular portions of the distal end;wherein the angular portions of the distal end with the rectangular shape in the sectional view is shaped by the corner portions of the molds and corner portions to be formed at a boundary between the molds.2. A mold for shaping an electric wire end in which conductors of electric wires stacked mutually are compressed from the stack direction and a distal end with a rectangular shape in sectional view is shaped , the mold comprising:a pair of molds provided with shaping grooves having corner portions for shaping angular portions of the distal end; wherein corner portions are formed by edges of the shaping grooves by mutually butting the respective molds such that the shaping grooves are aligned. The present invention relates to a method for shaping an electric wire end and a mold for shaping electric wire end, in which conductors of plural electric wires are shaped into a distal end with a rectangular cross section.For example, in an ultrasonic bonding method for bonding a conductor of an electric wire to a terminal by ultrasonic vibration while applying pressure by a pressurization and vibration horn, the conductor of the electric wire is shaped into a rectangular shape in sectional view (for example, see PTL 1 to 5).In the case of shaping a conductor of an electric wire ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108976A1
Принадлежит: Align Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices utilizing a dental appliance for dental retainer wire attachment are disclosed. One such wire attachment appliance includes a shell having one or more cavities formed therein and shaped to receive one or more teeth, at least two wire attachment members provided on the shell, and at least one attachment material reservoir provided on the shell, wherein the attachment material is provided to attach a wire to a tooth adjacent to a particular reservoir of the at least one attachment material reservoir. 120-. (canceled)21. A wire attachment appliance , comprising:a shell formed of a particular material having a plurality of cavities formed therein;at least two wire attachment members located within at least two of the plurality of cavities;at least one attachment material reservoir formed with the shell and located on an interior surface of at least one other of the plurality of cavities, the reservoir positioned to receive attachment material to attach a wire to a tooth adjacent to the at least one attachment material reservoir; andthe wire, having portions positioned in the at least two wire attachment members and having other portions positioned within the at least one attachment material reservoir.22. The appliance of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the plurality of cavities is formed including at least one side surface and wherein the at least one side surface includes a portion that is shaped to abut an exterior surface of a tooth.23. The appliance of claim 21 , wherein wire is a metallic wire.24. The appliance of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the at least one attachment material reservoir includes an aperture for the placement of a material dispenser therein.25. The appliance of claim 24 , wherein the aperture is sized for the placement of a material dispenser needle tip therein.26. The appliance of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the at least one attachment material reservoir includes an aperture for the venting of air therethrough. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145812A1
Автор: KAWAGUCHI Yoshiharu

A three-dimensional guide for a wire for forming a pedicle screw insertion hole is produced based on a CT image of a spine, and includes a contact surface section that comes in surface contact with a morphological surface of a bone at an insertion site, and a guide block section that is provided upright from the contact surface section. The guide block section has a guide hole that restricts the insertion direction of the wire. The guide hole has an inner diameter slightly larger than the outer diameter of the wire. The guide hole has a length of 15 to 30 mm to restrict the insertion position and the insertion direction of the wire. 1. A three-dimensional guide for a wire for forming a pedicle screw insertion hole that is produced based on a CT image of a spine , the three-dimensional guide comprising:a contact surface section that comes in surface contact with a morphological surface of a bone at an insertion site; anda guide block section that is provided upright from the contact surface section,the guide block section having a guide hole for the wire, andthe guide hole having an inner diameter slightly larger than an outer diameter of the wire, and having a length of 15 to 30 mm to restrict an insertion position and an insertion direction of the wire.2. The three-dimensional guide as defined in claim 1 ,the contact surface section including a morphological surface section that is formed by a gradual irregular curved surface that corresponds to the morphological surface of the bone at the insertion site, and a process contact section that is formed by a steep slope and comes in contact with a process of a vertebral arch.3. A method of producing a three-dimensional guide for a wire for forming a pedicle screw insertion hole claim 1 , the method comprising:extracting a pedicle screw insertion site based on a CT image of a spine;producing a mold based on the extracted pedicle screw insertion site; andmolding the three-dimensional guide in the mold, the three- ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Medical Suture Needle

Номер: US20130172930A1
Принадлежит: Individual

When a biotissue is sutured using a curved medical suture needle, the penetration resistance becomes uniform. In a bending method, a straight needle-shaped material which has a thickness decreased from a body portion to a needle point is inserted between a roller having a processing surface and a belt wound around the roller via a separating member, and then the roller is rotated and the belt is winded, thereby pressing and curving the straight needle-shaped material onto the processing surface. In a suture needle, a portion of a tip side including the needle point is formed as a non-restricted portion which is not restricted by the processing surface of the roller, and a portion except for the non-restricted portion is formed as a curved portion which is bent along the processing surface of the roller.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186508A1

Systems and methods for producing metallic frames from wire or strip or other material of prismatic cross section, which material may subjected to plastic bending, and the ends of which are joined together. The production process for metallic frames occurs in three phases, in three separate positions, which may function independently of one another. In the first position the wire or strip () may be pulled from a spool, be straightened (), then measured () in length and cut. At the second position the beginning and end of wire material () are there transferred, and there the ends are joined. In the third phase the frame is transferred, with its ends joined, and the measurements and bendings of the sides are made, so as to produce a desired product configuration at the third position. 137-. (canceled)38. A system for the production of frames from material , comprising:a feeding station configured to introduce material sections;a joining station configured to join together the ends of material sections introduced into the machine to produce frame loops;a bending station configured to controllably bend frame angles in frame loops produced by said joining station;said joining station being disposed at a first axially spaced offset location, said first axially spaced offset location being spaced from a location of said feeding station, in the direction of an axis passing through said feeding, joining, and bending stations;a material guide extending between said feeding station and said joining station, said material guide having a channel;a clamping mechanism configured to retain a first unjoined end of a material section passed through said material guide;at least one release mechanism configured to controllably release aerial from said material guide;transfer mechanisms configured to transfer a second unjoined end of a material section from said feeding station to said joining station and, to transfer a frame loop from said joining station to said bending station, said ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240078A1

The present invention relates to wire bending system for a hand tool for forming a controlled bend in a wire. The tool has a wire bending system engaged with a hand tool. The wire bending or shaping system may be open or enclosed, and optionally permits bending in a direction that is perpendicular or coaxial to an axis of a hand tool. The wire bending system may be at either side of the hand tool. A pin may be used to additionally aid bending. The hand tool is provided with a plurality of first and second operably engaged housings for securing a number of tool bits members. 1. A wire shaping system for a hand tool , comprising;a wire shaping member operably secured to said hand tool;said wire shaping member including at least one bending profile on an outer portion thereof for user access;said bending profile being at least one of a closed bending profile and an open bending profile;a handle defining a hand tool axis;first tool bit members, each first member being formed with oppositely disposed tool bit ends;second tool bit members, each second member being formed with oppositely disposed tool bit ends; anda shank, said shank having a proximate end and a distal end, said shank comprising means for removably, non-rotatably, holding said shank proximate end in said handle, said shank comprises a unitary one-piece first housing having oppositely disposed open ends and two unitary one-piece second housings having oppositely disposed open ends, each of said second housings being slidably non-rotatably received in the respective opposite ends of the first housing, said first tool bit member being slidably disposed in one second housing end, and said second tool bit member being slidably disposed in said other second housing end, whereby each tool bit is alternatively operably disposed in the distal end of the shank.2. The wire shaping system for a hand tool claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein:each end of each first member is formed with a rethread bit, and each end ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000335A1

In a bending head for bending rod-shaped and tubular workpieces, with a retainer that can be rotated about a rotational axis and that carries a bending mandrel at one axial end, and with at least two further tools, which each comprise a retaining body with, at its axial end facing the bending mandrel, a bending pin and which can each be rotated—in each case independently of the other tools—the retaining bodies of the tools are arranged concentrically to the retainer of the bending mandrel and pivotable about its rotational axis. 118-. (canceled)19. A bending head for bending rod-shaped and tubular workpieces , the bending head comprising:a retainer with a bending mandrel at an axial end of the retainer, the retainer rotatable about a rotational axis, the bending mandrel an axially extending bending pin; anda plurality of further tools, each of which comprises a retaining body with an axial end positioned at the bending mandrel axial end and a bending pin, and each of the plurality of further tools rotatable about the rotational axis, and each of the plurality of further tools can be independently rotated with respect to the retainer with the bending mandrel and with respect to each of the other plurality of tools.20. The bending head according to claim 19 , wherein each of the retaining bodies of the plurality of further tools are formed as hollow shafts running concentrically in one another and wherein the retainer with the bending mandrel is radially innermost.21. The bending head according to wherein at least one of the bending mandrel and the plurality of tools can be axially moved between an active operating position claim 19 , in which the at least one acts on the workpiece to be bent during the bending process claim 19 , and an inactive rest position parallel to the rotational axis of the bending mandrel.22. The bending head according to claim 21 , wherein all of the retaining bodies of each tool is attached to a device claim 21 , by means of which each of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Device for producing reinforcement cages

Номер: US20190001395A1
Автор: Hartenbauer Lothar
Принадлежит: Apilion Machines + Services GmbH

The present invention relates to a device for producing reinforcement cages having multiple longitudinal rods around which a wire, being welded to the longitudinal rods, runs, in particular for concrete tubes, wherein the device comprises a longitudinal rod guidance arrangement having multiple guidance elements and multiple radial guidances. To enable varying the shape of the cross-section of the reinforcement cage, the radial guides each comprise a spindle arrangement having at least one spindle, and at least two guidance element drives are provided which are configured to move one of the guidance elements each independently along the associated radial guidance. 1. A device for producing reinforcement cages comprising multiple longitudinal rods around which a wire , being welded to the longitudinal rods , runs , the device including a longitudinal rod guidance arrangement having multiple guidance elements and multiple radial guidances , each of said multiple radial guidances guiding one of said multiple guidance elements , each of said multiple radial guidances including a spindle arrangement having at least one spindle , further including at least two guidance element drives , each of said at least two guidance element drives being configured to move one of said multiple guidance elements independently along the associated one of said multiple radial guidances , wherein said guidance element drives are implemented as spindle drives , and wherein each spindle drive is an electrical spindle drive , and a current supply for each spindle drive comprises one or more slip rings.2. The device of wherein each of said spindle drives is provided at an outer end of an associated one of said spindles.3. The device of wherein each said spindle passes through a spindle nut which is mounted rotationally fixed to an associated one of said guidance elements.4. The device of wherein each said spindle nut is connected to an associated one of said guidance elements via a rotational ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039071A1
Автор: Kim Kyoung jo

The present invention provides an apparatus for forming a shot that can prevent a loss of shot in the process of forming and sorting the shot balls and can collect dust in a cyclone type that can strongly suppress generation of dust. 1. An apparatus for forming a shot ball that includes:a tank for receiving cut-off pieces finely cut from a steel wire and dropping the cut-off pieces through a conveying channel formed at a side;a forming chamber disposed under the tank, communicating with the conveying channel, and including a projection side disposed on a first side therein and an impeller rounding cut-off pieces by projecting the cut-off pieces dropping through the conveying channel to the projection side using high-speed airflow;a conveyer having a first side disposed at a lower portion of the forming chamber and a second side communicating with an upper portion of the tank to convey cut-off pieces, which drop after hitting against the projection side, to the tank; anda dust collector communicating with the forming chamber and collecting dust by absorbing dust and fragments produced in the forming chamber,the apparatus comprising a vibrator that is composed of:a supply channel formed at a second side of the tank and carrying cut-off pieces that are finished being machined;a cylindrical body communicating with the supply channel at an upper portion and receiving cut-off pieces that drop;a plurality of insertion spaces formed with regular intervals in a depth direction of the body;sorting units separably inserted in the insertion spaces, respectively, and sorting cut-off pieces in accordance with diameters thereof;discharge ports formed between the insertion spaces to discharge the sorted cut-off pieces; anda vibrating unit disposed at a side of the body and vibrating the sorting units.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the projection side is made of chrome steel and composed of a plurality of unit members spaced in a depth direction of the first side in the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040634A1
Автор: Costet Julien
Принадлежит: NUMALLIANCE

The machine for cambering, shaping, bending or curving a bar along a bending axis includes an arm, a bending shank supported by the arm, a bending head including a bending lug that is rotatable relative to the bending axis, and a feeding station for moving the bar along an axis of travel and across the bending shank. The bending head also includes: a first connecting rod supporting the bending lug and having a head, a second connecting rod having a head, the heads being coupled so as to rotate relative to a hinge axis perpendicular to the axis of travel, a first driver for translating a leg of the first connecting rod along an axis parallel to the axis of travel, and a second driver for translating a leg the second connecting rod along an axis parallel to the axis of travel. 2. Machine according to claim 1 , wherein the arm is rotationally mounted along the axis of travel relative to a frame of the machine.3. Machine according to claim 1 , wherein the bending head also comprises a cambering roller rotationally mounted relative to an axis of the roller parallel to the bending axis.4. Machine according to claim 1 , wherein the bending lug is freely rotating about an axis of the bending lug parallel to the bending axis.5. Machine according to claim 1 , wherein the bending head also comprises a tool detachably mounted on the bending head claim 1 , the tool comprising a supporting part on which the bending lug is mounted claim 1 , the bending head comprising a means for driving in rotation the supporting part of the tool according to the bending axis.6. Machine according to claim 5 , wherein the bending head also comprises a cambering roller rotationally mounted relative to an axis of the roller parallel to the bending axis claim 5 , and wherein the cambering roller is mounted on the supporting part of the tool.7. Machine according to claim 5 , wherein the tool comprises a fastening pin extending from a first face of the supporting part of the tool claim 5 , the bending ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Roller Clamp for Wire Processing

Номер: US20150040637A1
Автор: Suto Tony

A roller clamping apparatus is provided that includes a first jaw and a second jaw configured to move relative to each other between an open position and a closed position. The jaws include at least one drive roller supported by the first jaw and configured to rotate a round wire having a longitudinal axis. The apparatus further includes at least one support element supported by the second jaw. When the jaws are in a closed position, the drive roller and the support rollers tangentially contact an outside surface of the wire. The support element is positioned to make contact with the wire across the longitudinal axis of the wire when the wire is secured within the clamping apparatus. Mechanisms and methods that use the roller clamping apparatus are also disclosed. 1. A clamping apparatus comprising:a first jaw and a second jaw configured to move relative to each other between an open position and a closed position,at least one drive roller supported by the first jaw and configured to rotate a round wire having a longitudinal axis through tangential contact of the drive roller on an outside surface of the wire when the first jaw is in the closed position relative to the second jaw,at least one support element configured to make tangential contact with the outside surface of the wire when the first jaw and the second jaw are in the closed position, the support element positioned to make contact with the wire across the longitudinal axis of the wire when the wire is present within the clamping apparatus and the first jaw is in the closed position relative to the second jaw.2. The clamping apparatus of claim 1 , the at least one support element further comprising two or more support rollers wherein at least one of the support rollers is supported by the second jaw claim 1 , the support rollers positioned within the apparatus such that they are configured to clamp the round wire through tangential contact with the outside surface of the wire when the first jaw is in the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Devices, Systems and Methods for Automated Wire Bending

Номер: US20140130567A1

Devices, systems and methods are disclosed which relate to a wire bending apparatus capable of both on and off-plane nose and mandrel bends. Exemplary embodiments of the present invention incorporate a center turret cluster with a plurality of radii possible, a nose-bending mandrel, and a mandrel-bending mandrel. This apparatus forms a bending head that is attached to a CNC wire bending machine. This combination allows increased flexibility in forming complex wire forms and cuts down secondary operations, such as operations from robot arms, sometimes associated with CNC wire bending. In addition, the turret cluster position in the center allows for bending support with mandrel bends or nose bending on the back side of the bending head, usually 180 degrees away from the normal bending area. This allows the manufacturing of double end-loop forms without the addition of external clamps or robotic manipulation. 1. A bending head for a wire bending device comprising:a bending surface;a turret cluster coupled to the bending surface;a mandrel-bending mandrel coupled to the bending surface; anda nose-bending mandrel coupled to the bending surface;wherein the wire bending device is capable of creating an off-plane bend.2. The bending head in claim 1 , further comprising a wire feeder coupled to the bending head.3. The bending head in claim 1 , wherein the mandrels rotate and revolve around the turret cluster.4. The bending head in claim 1 , wherein the nose-bending mandrel comprises an interchangeable nose-bending tool.5. The bending head in claim 1 , wherein the mandrel-bending mandrel comprises an interchangeable mandrel-bending tool.6. The bending head in claim 1 , further comprising a pneumatic cylinder coupled to each mandrel.7. The bending head in claim 6 , further comprising a rotary union which distributes pneumatic pressure to each pneumatic cylinder; and wherein the rotary union comprises a hollow throughbore.8. The device in claim 1 , further comprising a CNC ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074918A1
Автор: Latoria Joseph S.

A powered bending tool comprises a portable drive housing including a handle and having a powered drive gear. A bracket is secured to the housing defining a pivot connection spaced from the drive gear. A driven gear is pivotally connected to the bracket at the pivot connection and operatively engages the drive gear. A center guide is connected to the bracket at the pivot connection. A support is operatively connected to the bracket at one side of and spaced from the pivot connection. An arm has a near end pivotally connected to the bracket at the pivot connection and a distal end having an arm guide at another side of the pivot connection relative to the guide. The arm is selectively engeagable by the driven gear to be rotated therewith. In use, a rod is positioned below the center guide and above the arm guide and a support, and the drive gear drives the driven gear to pivot the arm so that the arm guide deforms the rod as it engages the center guide at a bend point. 1. A powered bending tool , comprising:a portable drive housing including a handle and having a powered drive gear;a bracket assembly secured to the housing and defining a pivot connection spaced from the drive gear;a driven gear pivotally connected to the bracket assembly at the pivot connection and operatively engaging the drive gear;a center guide connected to the bracket assembly at the pivot connection;a support guide operatively connected to the bracket assembly at one side of and spaced from the pivot connection;an arm having a near end pivotally connected to the bracket assembly at the pivot connection and a distal end having an arm guide at another side of the pivot connection relative to the support guide, the arm selectively engageable by the driven gear to be rotated therewith, wherein, in use, a rod is positioned below the center guide and above the arm guide and the support guide, and the drive gear drives the driven gear to pivot the arm so that the arm guide deforms the rod as it ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for bending rebar

Номер: US20170080470A1
Автор: Craig Geoffrey Beal
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for bending elongated members having different horizontal cross-sectional radiuses (e.g., different sizes of rebar) includes an extension portion, a first vise, and a second vise. The extension portion has a proximal region, a distal region, and a first aperture through the proximal region. The first vise has an aperture through the first vise. The second vise has a recessed region. The first aperture is sized to allow the extension portion to mount onto a vehicle hitch. The first vise and the second vise are located distally from the distal region of the extension portion. The aperture of the first vise is sized to accommodate an first elongated member having a horizontal cross-sectional radius (e.g., a first size of rebar). The recessed region of the second vise is sized to accommodate an second elongated member having a horizontal cross-sectional radius (e.g., a second size of rebar different from the first size of rebar). Accordingly, the horizontal cross-sectional radius of the first elongated member is different than the horizontal cross-sectional radius of the second elongated member.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Wire Bending Jig

Номер: US20150107716A1
Автор: Wyatt White
Принадлежит: Individual

A wire bending jig is disclosed. The jig includes having an upper surface and a lower surface. The upper surface has at least one raised portion. The raised portion has a periphery, at least part of which is a form for bending wire. One or more pegs are permanently attached to the base and project upwardly from the upper surface and extend above the raised portion of the base. At least one or more of the plurality of pegs constitute a form for bending wire.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107217A1
Автор: Del Fabro Giorgio

Machine for bending metal products comprising a drawing unit configured to feed at least one metal product along an axis of feed and toward a bending unit and a shearing unit configured to shear the metal product. The bending unit is mounted on a translating platform able to be translated in a direction of translation transverse to the axis of feed, and at least one part of the shearing unit is mounted on the translating platform. 1. A machine for bending metal products comprising a drawing unit configured to feed at least one metal product along an axis of feed and toward a bending unit and a shearing unit configured to shear said metal product , said bending unit being mounted on a translating platform able to be translated in a direction of translation transverse to said axis of feed , wherein at least one part of said shearing unit is mounted on said translating platform.2. The machine as in claim 1 , wherein said at least one part of said shearing unit is adjacent to said bending unit in said direction of translation.3. The machine as in claim 1 , wherein said shearing unit comprises a fixed shearing part mounted on a component fixed with respect to said translating platform and a mobile shearing part mounted on the translating platform.4. The machine as in claim 3 , wherein said fixed component extends toward said translating platform claim 3 , at least partly overlapping it.5. The machine as in claim 3 , wherein said fixed shearing part comprises two shearing blades each of which is disposed on one side and the other with respect to said axis of feed claim 3 , and suitable to cooperate claim 3 , during use claim 3 , with respective shearing blades of said mobile shearing part.6. The machine as in claim 1 , wherein said bending unit comprises at least a contrast pin claim 1 , and a bending pin configured to bend said metal product around said contrast pin claim 1 , wherein said at least one contrast pin has a sectioned cylindrical configuration so as to define ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Device and Method for Crimping an Implant

Номер: US20140190587A1
Автор: Amir Fargahi
Принадлежит: BIOTRONIK AG

A device ( 10, 10′ ) and method for crimping an implant ( 20 ), which can assume either a compressed state or an expanded state, at least over a portion of the length thereof. An crimping device is attained according to the invention in that a hollow-cylindrical and/or hollow-conical, preferably braided wire netting is provided, in the inner volume ( 14, 14′ ) of which the implant ( 20 ) in the expanded state can be placed, at least via a section thereof, wherein, upon application of a tensile force on at least one end in the longitudinal direction, and/or upon application of a compressive force in the radial direction, the wire netting simultaneous undergoes extension and a reduction of the inner diameter (d, d′) such that the implant ( 20 ) can be transformed, at least along a section thereof, from the expanded state into the compressed state.

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Bending Machine and Corresponding Method

Номер: US20170113258A1
Автор: Del Fabro Giorgio

Perfected curving machine comprising a support bench configured to simultaneously support one or more bars, wherein said support bench has an oblong development in relation to the length of the bars, and comprises at least one bending unit controllably mobile along the support bench in order to bend said bars, and clamping means configured to constrain the position of the bars on the support bench. 1. A perfected curving machine comprising a support bench configured to simultaneously support one or more bars , wherein said support bench has an oblong development in relation to the length of the bars , and wherein said curving machine comprises at least one bending unit controllably mobile along said support bench in order to bend said bars , and clamping means configured to constrain the position of said bars on said support bench.2. The curving machine as in claim 1 , wherein said clamping means are a bending unit.3. The curving machine as in claim 1 , wherein the clamping means comprise an adjustable vise to clamp the bars and associated to said support bench.4. The curving machine as in claim 3 , wherein the clamping means are vertically fixed with respect to said support bench.5. The curving machine as in claim 3 , wherein the clamping means can be retractably moved with respect to said support bench.6. The curving machine as in claim 2 , wherein the bending units alternate in the clamping function.7. The curving machine as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one bending unit move in an independent manner along said support bench.8. The curving machine as in claim 1 , wherein the at least one bending unit has two contrast rolls with adjustable interaxes and between which the bar passes.9. The curving machine as in claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , in cooperation with the contrast rolls claim 8 , the at least one bending unit comprises a curving roll claim 8 , whose position is adjustable with respect to the bars and to said contrast rolls.10. The curving machine as in ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Cut-off end surface improvement

Номер: US20140196518A1
Автор: Jeffrey W. Carper

A method of improving the surface finish of a sheared end face of a cylindrical blank in a progressive forming machine comprising deforming the end face out of its original as sheared transverse plane into a first shape concentric with the axis of the blank that slightly departs from the original plane a distance that increases with proximity to the axis of the blank, thereafter deforming the end face from the first shape into a second shape in a direction opposite a direction the first shape was displaced from the original shear plane, the second shape slightly departing from a transverse plane a distance that increases with proximity to the axis of the blank.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Basket Hanger

Номер: US20140208568A1
Автор: JOHNSON Brad

A basket hanger a method of forming a hook for the basket hanger and a method of attaching the basket hanger to a basket. The basket hanger having a hook with a plurality of steel wires strands attached at a proximal end to the hook, the steel wire strands having a substantially straight downwardly extending portion terminated at a distal end in a clip with an upwardly extending leg, the upwardly extending leg canted to one side and having a dogleg. The steel wire strands may be spring steel. 1. A basket hanger , comprising:a hook;a plurality of steel wire strands attached at a proximal end to the hook, each of the strands having a substantially straight downwardly extending portion terminating at a distal end in a clip, the clip comprising an approximate 180 degree upward bend forming an upwardly extending leg, an end portion of the upwardly extending leg bent outwardly at an angle θ forming a short dogleg, the upwardly extending leg canted at an angle α to one side of the substantially straight downwardly extending portionwherein the angle θ is about 5 degrees to 90 degrees and wherein the angle α is about 1 degree to about 90 degrees.2. The basket hanger of wherein the dogleg is offset further to the canted side from the substantially straight downwardly extending portion at an angle β wherein the angle β is about 5 degrees to 90 degrees.3. The basket hanger of wherein the angle α is less than the value of angle β.4. The basket hanger of wherein the plurality of steel wire strands are spring steel.5. The basket hanger of wherein the angle θ is approximately forty degrees claim 2 , wherein the angle α is approximately ten degrees claim 2 , wherein the angle β is approximately forty degrees and wherein the approximate 180 degree bend has a radius of approximately 3/16 inches.6. The basket hanger of wherein the plurality of steel wire strands are spring steel.7. The basket hanger of wherein the plurality of steel wire strands are spring steel.8. The basket hanger of ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Wire Bending Jig

Номер: US20160136719A1
Автор: White Wyatt

A three-dimensional wire bending jig is disclosed. The jig includes a tubular body having an outer diameter and an inner diameter. The body has a plurality of through-openings formed therein. The plurality of through-openings form a repeating pattern around the body. A kit including the jig, a plurality of pins, and a retaining member is also provided. 1. A three-dimensional wire bending jig comprising a tubular body having an outer diameter and an inner diameter , the body having a plurality of through-openings formed therein , wherein the plurality of through-openings form a repeating pattern around the body.2. The three dimensional wire bending jig according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of through-openings has a first diameter proximate to the outer diameter and a second diameter proximate to the inner diameter.3. The three dimensional wire bending jig according to claim 2 , wherein the first diameter is larger than the second diameter.4. The three dimensional wire bending jig according to claim 2 , wherein the first diameter is the same size as the second diameter.5. The three dimensional wire bending jig according to claim 2 , wherein the first diameter is smaller than the second diameter.6. A kit comprising:a three-dimensional wire bending jig comprising a tubular body having an outer diameter and an inner diameter, the body having a plurality of through-openings formed therein, wherein the plurality of through-openings form a repeating pattern around the body; anda plurality of pins, each of the plurality of pins releasably insertable into one of the plurality of through-openings.7. The kit according to claim 6 , further comprising a plurality of retaining elements claim 6 , each of the plurality of retaining elements being releasably attachable to each of the plurality of pins to releasably retain each of the plurality of pins in one of the plurality of through-openings.8. The kit according to claim 6 , further comprising a sleeve having an ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178451A1

A wiring machine includes a lever group and magnets. The lever group includes a plurality of lever arms which are spaced apart and a plurality of rotary shafts on each of which one lever arm is mounted correspondingly so as to facilitate the rotate rocking motion of the lever arms. One end of each lever arm is provided with a wire gripper and the other end is provided with an attraction head. The magnets are arranged in association with the plurality of attraction heads. 1. A wiring machine comprising a lever group and magnets , wherein the lever group comprises:{'b': 1', '1', '2', '4', '4, 'a plurality of lever arms () which are spaced apart, wherein one end of each lever arm () is provided with a wire gripper () and the other end is provided with an attraction head (), and wherein the magnets are arranged in association with the plurality of attraction heads (); and'}{'b': 3', '1', '1, 'a plurality of rotary shafts () on each of which one lever arm () is mounted correspondingly, so as to facilitate the rocking motion of the lever arms ().'}224. The wiring machine according to claim 1 , wherein the lever group comprises a first lever group and a second lever group which are spaced apart in a first direction claim 1 , wherein the wire grippers () of the first lever group and the second lever group are arranged to face toward each other in the first direction claim 1 , and the attraction heads () are arranged to face away from each other in the first direction claim 1 , wherein a plurality of magnets is provided and the plurality of magnets are respectively positioned on the outer sides of the first lever group and the second lever group claim 1 , and wherein the first direction claim 1 , a second direction and a third direction are perpendicular to each other.311. The wiring machine according to claim 2 , wherein the lever arms () of the first lever group and the lever arms () of the second lever group are arranged in a staggered manner in the second direction.4. ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197238A1
Автор: Lauer Manuel David
Принадлежит: Lauer Industries, LLC

A ratcheting hand tool (or “Hickey bar”) for bending rebar comprising a handle attached to ratchet mechanism attached to a Hickey bar tool head. The tool head may comprise members extending upward from the base, said members defining one or more channels for receiving rebar. The tool head may be adapted for coupling with standard size ratchet drives. The tool head may be adapted for releasable attachment to standard ratchet drives similarly to typical sockets in a socket wrench set. The tool head may be manufactured from a single piece and may comprise channels machined into the piece, said channels for receiving the rebar. 1. A hand tool for bending rebar , comprising:a ratchet mechanism;a handle extending from the ratchet mechanism; and 'said tool head comprising at least one engagement surface for engaging rebar, said at least one surface forming a space for receiving the rebar.', 'a hickey tool head connected to the ratchet mechanism;'}2. The hand tool of wherein the angular position of the handle relative to the tool head is rotatable about the axis of rotation of the ratchet without disengaging the handle from the tool head.3. The hand tool of wherein the angular position is rotatable 360 degrees about said axis of rotation.4. The hand tool of wherein the axis of rotation of the ratchet mechanism intersects the space for receiving rebar.5. The hand tool of wherein said space comprises a channel oriented transversely to the axis of rotation of the ratchet.6. The hand tool of wherein said channel intersects the axis of rotation of the ratchet.7. The hand tool of wherein said channel is open to the top so that it may receive sideways insertion of rebar.8. The hand tool of wherein said channel is closed to the top.9. The hand tool of wherein the connection between the ratchet mechanism and tool head is a releasable connection.10. The hand tool of wherein the mode of rotation of the ratchet mechanism drive is adjustable over a selection of modes comprising:locked ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198504A1

A bracket assembly, such as a child safety seat bracket assembly, for use in a vehicle and an associated method of manufacture. The bracket assembly includes a wire loop structure that has end portions that are stamped to locally widen the wire loop structure a predetermined distance from ends thereof. These end portions are pressed through cylindrical bores of a bracket structure that is configured to be secured to a seat, interior structure, and/or body of the vehicle, for example. The ends of the wire loop structure are deformed to form retention caps that prevent the end portions of the wire loop structure from backing out of the cylindrical bores of the bracket structure. A child safety seat is selectively secured to one more such wire loop structures, bracket structures, and bracket assemblies to selectively secure the child safety seat to the seat, interior structure, and/or body of the vehicle. 1. A bracket assembly , comprising:a bracket structure defining one or more bores; andan elongate structure having one or more end portions corresponding to the one or more bores of the bracket structure and disposed through the one or more bores, each of the one or more end portions comprising a first widened portion disposed at a first end thereof adjacent to a first end of the associated bore and a second widened portion disposed at a second end thereof adjacent to a second end of the associated bore, wherein the first widened portion is press fit into the first end of the associated bore.2. The bracket assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bracket structure defines a pair of bores.3. The bracket assembly of claim 2 , wherein the elongate structure comprises a loop structure and the one or more end portions comprise a pair of end portions corresponding to the pair of bores.4. The bracket assembly of claim 3 , wherein the end portions of the loop structure are disposed substantially perpendicular to a body portion of the loop structure.5. The bracket assembly of claim 1 ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Combined Machine for Working Wire Rod and Corresponding Working Method

Номер: US20180221930A1
Автор: Del Fabro Giorgio

A combined machine for working a wire rod in order to obtain metal products with at least a curved shape is disclosed that comprises a support bench configured to support and guide, along an axis of movement, a mobile slider comprising a work plane on which a curving unit is operative. The combined machine has vise means in the support bench. The slider also comprises, on the work plane, a bending unit associated with the curving unit and the vise means are positionable in a direction orthogonal to the axis of movement. 1. A combined machine for working a wire rod of any type or shape in long bars , in order to obtain metal products with at least a curved shape , comprising a support bench configured to support and guide , along an axis of movement , at least one mobile slider , comprising a work plane on which at least one curving unit is operative , said combined machine having vise means in the support bench , wherein said at least one slider also comprises , on the work plane , a bending unit associated with the at least one curving unit , and said vise means is positionable in a direction orthogonal to the axis of movement.2. The combined machine as in claim 1 , wherein said at least one slider comprises claim 1 , coordinated with the work plane claim 1 , respective vise means positionable orthogonally to the axis of movement.3. The combined machine as in claim 1 , further comprising two of said sliders claim 1 , a vise means being present on each slider and located in a position connected to the vise means present on the support bench claim 1 , said vise means on said sliders being positionable orthogonally to the axis of movement.4. The combined machine as in claim 1 , wherein at least a part of said curving units and/or bending units is positionable retractable with respect to said work plane of the respective slider.5. The combined machine as in claim 1 , wherein said sliders are mobile along an axis of movement in an independent and controlled manner.6. ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318207A1
Автор: Yang Guang

A cable folding device includes a base, a push element slidably connected to the base, and an elastic element connected between the base and the push element. One end of the base is curved to form two parallel position pins used to engage a cable. The push element includes a push sheet set on one end. The push sheet is aligned with a space between the two position pins. The push sheet is pushed by an external force to move towards the cable until the push sheet folds the cable between the two position pins. The elastic element is recoiled to drive the push sheet to return to an original position. 1. A cable folding device comprising:a base, wherein one end of the base is curved forming two parallel position pins which is used to engage a cable;a push element slidably connected to the base, and comprising a push sheet set on one end thereof, wherein the push sheet is aligned with a space between the two position pins; and 'wherein the push sheet is pushed by an external force to move towards the cable until the cable between the two position pins is folded by the push sheet, the elastic element is recoiled to drive the push sheet to return to an original position.', 'an elastic element connected between the base and the push sheet;'}2. The cable folding device as described in claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a fixing pole and a plurality of fixing blocks spaced at intervals on the fixing pole claim 1 , each of fixing block defines a perforation aligned with the space between the two position pins along a lengthwise direction of the fixing pole claim 1 , the push element passes through the perforation to slidably connect to the base.3. The cable folding device as described in claim 2 , further comprising a trigger element rotatably connected to the base claim 2 , wherein the trigger element comprises a trigger portion aligned with the push element and a pull portion fixed to the trigger portion.4. The cable folding device as described in claim 3 , wherein the base ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Dropped ceiling hanger wire bending device

Номер: US20210252583A1
Автор: Franky CHAMPAGNE
Принадлежит: Gestion TFC Inc

A wire bending device is adapted for bending hanger wires hanging from a ceiling in preparation of the installation of rails of a suspended ceiling. The bending device comprises a pole having a top extremity, a head module mounted to the pole, and a pair of handles distant from the head module for holding and activating the head module. The head module comprises a casing, a motor enclosed in the casing, a channel housed by the casing for receiving the hanger wire; and a push member driven by the motor travelling between an hanger wire insert position and a wire bend position, wherein the push member is adapted to push against the hanger wire and bend the hanger wire during its travel. Thereby, one may operate the bending device from the ground and bend hanger wires for installation of suspended ceiling rails.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190240713A1
Автор: Del Fabro Giorgio

Machine for bending metal products (B) comprising a drawing unit () configured to feed at least one metal product (B) along an axis of feed (D) and toward a bending unit () and a shearing unit () configured to shear the metal product (B). The bending unit () is mounted on a translating platform () able to be translated in a direction of translation (T) transverse to the axis of feed (D), and at least one part of the shearing unit () is mounted on the translating platform. 113-. (canceled)14. A machine for bending metal products , the machine comprising:a bending unit;a drawing unit configured to feed at least one metal product along an axis of feed and toward said bending unit; anda shearing unit configured to shear said at least one metal product,said bending unit being mounted on a translating platform able to be translated in a direction of translation transverse to said axis of feed, a rotating mandrel, wherein said rotating mandrel is disc shaped,', 'a bending pin disposed on a periphery of said rotating mandrel, and', 'a contrast pin disposed at a center of rotation of said rotating mandrel,', 'when in operation, a rotation of said rotating mandrel rotates the bending pin to bend the at least one metal product around said contrast pin, and when the rotating mandrel rotates to bend the bars around the contrasting pin the shearing unit is kept in its inactive position,, 'said bending unit compriseswherein at least one part of said shearing unit is mounted on said translating platform.15. The machine as in claim 14 , wherein said at least one part of said shearing unit is adjacent to said bending unit in said direction of translation.16. The machine as in claim 14 , wherein said shearing unit comprises a fixed shearing part mounted on a component fixed with respect to said translating platform and a mobile shearing part mounted on the translating platform.17. The machine as in claim 16 , wherein said fixed component extends toward said translating platform claim ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160271672A1
Автор: Del Fabro Giorgio

Apparatus for bending at least an oblong metal product comprising a feed channel to feed the metal product, and a bending unit positioned downstream of the feed channel and provided with at least a first contrast member and a first bending member configured to bend the metal product, on a first bending plane, around the first contrast member. The apparatus comprises a second contrast member provided in proximity to an exit end of the metal product from the feed channel and a second bending member mounted on the bending unit or in direct proximity to the bending unit, and selectively movable in a direction transverse to the first bending plane in order to bend the metal product around the second contrast member and on a second bending plane transverse to the first bending plane. 1. Apparatus for bending at least an oblong metal product , comprising a feed channel to feed said metal product and a bending unit positioned downstream of the feed channel and provided with at least a first contrast member and a first bending member configured to bend the metal product , on a first bending plane , around said first contrast member , wherein the apparatus comprises a second contrast member provided in proximity to an exit end of said metal product from said feed channel and a second bending member mounted on said bending unit or in direct proximity to said bending unit , and selectively movable in a direction transverse to the first bending plane in order to bend said metal product around said second contrast member and on a second bending plane transverse to said first bending plane.2. Apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said second contrast member comprises a conveyor channel disposed aligned with said feed channel and configured to guide the movement of said metal product toward said bending unit.3. Apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein between said feed channel and said bending unit a shearing unit is interposed claim 1 , configured to shear said metal product claim 1 , and in ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Precision Configuration Of A Component

Номер: US20140360999A1
Принадлежит: Hankookin Inc

A precision configuration system includes a plier device having clasp members, a heat transfer clamp member, a bending force transducer, and a temperature controller. One clasp member has a single jaw tooth that contacts and heats a component, for example, a wire positioned by a component holder and accommodated within a receptacle defined between double jaw teeth of the other clasp member. The heat transfer clamp member includes a heating coil that generates and transfers heat to the single jaw tooth. The bending force transducer controls magnitude and direction of bending forces applied by the plier device to precision bend and reshape the component at one or more bending points on the component based on force commands received from a component configuration computer system. The temperature controller controls the generation and transfer of heat to the single jaw tooth to facilitate temperature controlled, precision bending and reshaping of the component.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180267509A1
Автор: Grapsas Constantine

A system and a method is provided in which a CAD system receives a solid model and receives user input to select points on the surface of the solid model, to create a wire part program file based on the selected points, and to transmit the wire part program file to a bending machine. The wire part program files is configured such that the bending machine will manufacture a wire based on the wire part program file. 1. A method for generating a wire part program file to be used by a wire bending machine to generate a wire , the method comprising:receiving a solid model file at a computing device;displaying a representation of the solid model file using the computing device;receiving user input at the computing device, the user input identifying at least three selected points on a surface of the solid model file;calculating a point in space for each of the at least three selected points on the surface of the solid model file using the computing device, each point in space located at a predetermined distance normal to the surface of the solid model at the respective selected point;displaying a representation of a wire using the computing device, wherein the wire passes through the point in space for each of the at least three selected points, alongside the representation of the solid model file; andgenerating, based on the user input, a wire part program file using the computing device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:exporting the wire part program file from the computing device to the wire bending machine; andforming a wire using the wire bending machine based on the wire shape file.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:automatically identifying collisions between the representation of the wire and the representation of the solid model file using the computing device.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wire is an orthodontic arch wire.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the solid model file is a digital representation of a patient's teeth.6. The ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Wire Bender

Номер: US20170274442A1

A wire bending device that includes a housing have a top plate, wherein the top plate includes a curved slot, a first pair of opposing wheels positioned over the top plate for feeding wire, and a bend head. The bend head includes an aperture configured to pass the wire fed from the first pair of opposing wheels, and first and second bend surfaces positioned adjacent to the curved slot and the aperture. A cam member that includes sloping cam surfaces, and a rotating pulley, both positioned under the top plate and configured to cause a first pin to rise up and travel along the curved slot for engaging with and bending wire against the first bend surface, and to cause a second pin to rise up and travel along the curved slot for engaging with and bending wire against the second bend surface. 1. A device for bending wire , comprising:a housing have a top plate, wherein the top plate includes a curved slot;a first pair of opposing wheels positioned over the top plate for feeding wire; an aperture configured to pass the wire fed from the first pair of opposing wheels, and', 'first and second bend surfaces positioned adjacent to the curved slot and the aperture;, 'a bend head that includes a first vertically sloping cam surface, and', 'a second vertically sloping cam surface;, 'a cam member disposed below the top plate, wherein the cam member includesa rotatable pulley disposed between the cam member and the top plate, and comprising first and second holes;a first pin having a first end slidably engaged with the first cam surface, a middle portion extending through the first hole, and a second end;a second pin having a first end slidably engaged with the second cam surface, a middle portion extending through the second hole, and a second end;a motor for rotating the pulley in opposing first and second rotational directions;wherein the pulley rotating in the first rotational direction causes the first pin first end to slide along the first cam surface so that the first pin ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170290615A1

An instrument for bending a surgical rod includes first and second arm assemblies. The first arm assembly includes first and second arms having respective first and second receiving portions configured to receive the surgical rod therein. The second arm assembly includes third and fourth arms having respective third and fourth receiving portions configured to receive the surgical rod therein. The instrument is reconfigurable from an initial configuration in which the first and third receiving portions of the respective first and third arms engage the surgical rod such that transitioning the first and third arms towards each other bends the surgical rod in a first orientation and transitioning the first and third arms away from each other bends the surgical rod in a second orientation opposite to the first orientation. 1. An instrument for bending a surgical rod comprising:a first arm assembly including first and second arms, the first and second arms including respective first and second receiving portions configured to receive the surgical rod therein; anda second arm assembly including third and fourth arms, the third and fourth arms including respective third and fourth receiving portions configured to receive the surgical rod therein, wherein the instrument is reconfigurable from an initial configuration in which the first and third receiving portions of the respective first and third arms engage the surgical rod such that spreading of the first and third receiving portions in a first direction bends the surgical rod in a first orientation and spreading of the first and third receiving portions in a second direction bends the surgical rod in a second orientation opposite to the first orientation.2. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the first and third receiving portions of the respective first and third arms of the first and second arm assemblies each define a notch configured to receive the surgical rod therein.3. The instrument according to claim 1 ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Wire Bending Machine

Номер: US20170312808A1
Принадлежит: Automated Industrial Machinery Inc

A simplified wire bending machine is provided comprising a bending head with an integrated wire cutoff mechanism. The bending head comprises an inner portion, wherein the inner portion includes a wire bending channel; and an outer portion, wherein the outer portion includes a cutting edge and one or more bending pins. The outer portion is rotatable about the inner portion such that a bending pin is capable of bending a wire around the inner portion. Further, the outer portion is movable from a first position to a second position in which the cutting edge is configured to engage and shear a wire.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200323663A1

The present invention relates to a stent that uses a shape memory alloy wire, the stent being an expansion device installed on a part of a body lumen, which is constricted, or which has been constricted, so as to widen the passage of the lumen in response to the lesion part. The purpose of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacturing a stent using a shape memory alloy wire such that the stent maintains a high degree of conformability in a bent portion of a body lumen in which the same is inserted while substantially improving rigidness and durability against continuously applied fatigue, a stent manufactured thereby, and a jig for manufacturing the same. 1. A jig for manufacturing a stent using a shape memory alloy wire , the jig comprising:{'b': '102', 'a body () formed in a vertically long cylindrical shape with a circumference forming a hollow part of a stent to be manufactured; and'}{'b': '103', 'detachable pins () interconnecting the wire by being inserted at multiple split positions around the body in X and Y-axis directions,'}{'b': 1', '3', '5', '7', '9', '11', '13', '102', '2', '4', '6', '8', '10', '12', '14', '1', '1', '14, 'wherein the equator lines (A, A, A, A, A, A, and A) are divided by being spaced by a horizontal diagonal distance (Ph) of a cell forming a rhombic geometry in the X-axis direction from an arbitrary selected origin on the circumferential surface of the body (), and the equator lines (A, A, A, A, A, A, and A) are divided by being spaced by the horizontal diagonal distance (Ph) at locations apart by a length (Ph) bisecting the equator line, thereby forming the equator lines (A to A),'}{'b': 3', '5', '7', '9', '11', '13', '1', '1', '1', '2', '4', '6', '8', '10', '12', '14', '1', '3', '5', '7', '9', '11', '13', '2', '1', '1', '14, 'in a longitudinal direction of the jig, the dividing lines (B, B, B, B, B, and B) are divided by being spaced by a length (Pv) bisecting the dividing line B, which is the reference in the Y-axis ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Wire bend fixture

Номер: US20150367401A1
Автор: Lou Guzzo

A wire bending apparatus and a method for bending a wire and creating a loop in the wire is provided. The wire bending apparatus includes an anvil block that is connectable to a wire bending portion and connectable to a loop bending portion, such that the wire bending portion and the loop bending portion are rotatable. The anvil block includes a gap for holding a wire and the wire bending portion includes a groove for positioning the wire to be parallel to the direction of the wire when the wire bending portion is connected to the anvil block and rotated to form the bend in the wire. The loop bending portion includes a channel for engaging the wire when the loop bending portion is connected to the anvil block and rotated to form a loop in the wire.

07-05-1985 дата публикации

Welded wire fabric bending apparatus and method

Номер: US4515004A
Автор: Howard W. Jaenson
Принадлежит: JENGLO ENGR Inc

An apparatus is provided for bending a welded wire fabric into a desired shape for use in reinforcing concrete. The apparatus includes an elongated frame and a plurality of anvils mounted on the frame around which the wires of the fabric are to be bent. The frame is divided into right-hand and left-hand sides along its length by a vertical plane passing the anvil axes. A first forming bar is on the right-hand side of the plane along the length of the frame. The first forming bar is mounted to pivot with respect to the anvils about a point on the left-hand side of the plane. A second forming bar is on the left-hand side of the plane along the length of the frame. The second forming bar is mounted to pivot with respect to the anvils about a point on the right-hand side of the plane. Means are provided for pivoting each forming bar to bring it into contact with the wires to be bent and for bending the wires around the anvils.

11-05-1990 дата публикации

Method and machine for bending by preference bar material

Номер: GR890300160T1
Автор: Helmut Zahlaus
Принадлежит: Ebert Frank, Helmut Zahlaus

17-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems, devices and methods for multi-dimensional bending of an elongate member

Номер: US8607603B2
Автор: Hai H Trieu, Jeff R Justis

Systems, devices and methods are provided for bending an elongate member used in association with a medical procedure. In one form, a device for bending an elongate member includes a support platform and a plurality of engaging members positioned on the support platform. Each of the plurality of engaging members includes at least one engaging portion configured for positioning in contact with the elongate member. Each of the plurality of engaging members is movable in at least three directions relative to the support platform to form one or more bends in the elongate member. In one aspect, the elongate member is formed of a heat deformable material and the device includes a heating member configured to apply heat to one or more portions of the elongate member to facilitate bending. However, other embodiments, forms and applications are also envisioned.

02-03-1988 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for bending metallic wires

Номер: EP0258109A1
Автор: Yves Latour
Принадлежит: Latour & Fils

The invention relates to a method and an apparatus for bending wires in three dimensions. The apparatus essentially consists of a fixed bending head (12) equipped with a magazine for tools (9) and a feed and straightening assembly (1, 2, 3) which is rotationally and translationally movable. Application: automatic bending of wires. <IMAGE>

20-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN110586800A
Автор: 卢亚丹
Принадлежит: Individual


20-11-2017 дата публикации

자동차시트용 스프링의 제조장치

Номер: KR101789532B1
Автор: 정선영
Принадлежит: 정선영

본 발명은, 전체 제조공정들의 자동화를 구현하여 생산성향상을 통한 경제적인 이익을 구현할 수 있도록; 와이어(4)를 직선적으로 절곡하여 1차성형체를 형성하는 직선절곡성형수단(2)과, 상기 직선절곡성형수단(2)을 통해 성형된 상기 1차성형체에서 탄성부(102)를 프레스압착하여 '호' 형상으로 성형하도록 된 호압착성형수단(3)을 포함하여 이루어진 자동차시트용 스프링의 제조장치를 제공한다.

15-04-1975 дата публикации

Bending machine

Номер: SU467513A3
Принадлежит: [UNK]

10-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN114453524A
Принадлежит: CH Lighting Technology Co Ltd


01-11-2022 дата публикации

Automatic production line for special-shaped fixing parts

Номер: CN112589001B
Автор: 吴平忠, 容文忠, 月德


12-03-2019 дата публикации

A kind of bar bending shaping dies

Номер: CN109454177A
Автор: 赵伟
Принадлежит: China MCC5 Group Corp Ltd


04-02-2020 дата публикации

Stamping die for processing center distance offset of inner pin of terminal

Номер: CN109158486B
Автор: 倪力, 倪昊, 林颖辉, 邵锋
Принадлежит: Wenzhou Yihua Connector Co Ltd


01-12-2017 дата публикации

A kind of 3D turns round circle machine

Номер: CN107413989A
Автор: 黄芳


25-10-2022 дата публикации

Intelligent angle measuring device and method for steel bars

Номер: CN114993235B
Автор: 庞松梅, 李志鹏, 赵斌英


15-10-2019 дата публикации

The curved frame butt welding all-in-one machine of automatic alignment

Номер: CN110328303A
Автор: 陈良旺


14-11-2019 дата публикации

Cotter bending device

Номер: RU2018117730A
Принадлежит: Ман Трак Энд Бас Аг

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 117 730 A (51) МПК B21D 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117730, 14.05.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): МАН Трак энд Бас АГ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): Йоханн ОБЕССЕР (DE) 16.05.2017 DE 10 2017 004 648.4 Адрес для переписки: 129110, Москва, а/я 165, Зуйкову С.А. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 1 7 7 3 0 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Устройство (18) сгибания шплинта (4), используемого для фиксации положения детали (2), в частности, для предотвращения вращения гайки, предпочтительно корончатой гайки, включающее: корпус (22); держатель (20) для удержания шплинта (4) при сгибании, причем держатель (20) крепится к корпусу (22) с возможностью вращения; и сгибающий элемент (26), установленный на корпусе (22) инструмента так, что один конец удерживаемого в держателе (20) шплинта (4) изогнут путем относительного вращения между держателем (20) и корпусом (22) на сгибающем элементе (26), в частности, по форме детали (2). 2. Устройство (18) по п. 1, в котором: первый конец шплинта (4) согнут на сгибающем элементе (26) путем относительного вращения между корпусом (22) и держателем (20) в одном направлении; и второй конец шплинта (4) согнут на сгибающем элементе (26) путем относительного вращения между корпусом (22) и держателем (20) в направлении, противоположном первому. 3. Устройство (18) по п. 1 или 2, в котором: держатель (20) удерживает шплинт (4) за головку (12) шплинта (4); и/или держатель (20) имеет фиксатор (32) для удержания головки (12) шплинта (4), причем фиксатор (32) выполнен, в частности, в виде штифта или выступа. 4. Устройство (18) по любому из предыдущих пунктов, в котором держатель (20) зафиксирован на детали (2) без возможности поворота на время относительного вращения между держателем (20) и корпусом (22). 5. Устройство (18) по любому из предыдущих пунктов, в котором: держатель (20) имеет такую форму, которая ...

15-07-1994 дата публикации

Reinforcing bar bending method for concrete deck board and its device

Номер: KR940013648A

본 발명은 콘크리트구조물의 데크판에 배치되는 철근을 가벼운 조작력으로 용이하고 정확하게 굴곡성형하며, 그 굴곡성형상태를 변경 및 조절할 수 있게 하는 방법 및 장치를 제공하며, 적절히 교정처리된 철근을 고정척대와 가동척대로 길게 붙잡아 두고, 철근의 축선방향으로 교차하는 방향으로 작동하는 눌러서 굽히는 수단을 상기 길게 붙잡아 둔 철근의 중간부에 작용시켜 철근의 각 척대에 의해 붙잡아 둔 부분의 사이를 굴곡가공할 수 있게 한다.

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Automatic hoop bending machine for steel bars

Номер: CN106040909A
Автор: 陈振东


16-08-2022 дата публикации

Pin bending device

Номер: CN114904984A
Автор: 尹恒, 谢伟枫
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Sofarsolar Co Ltd


13-03-2018 дата публикации

A kind of cutter device for being easy to pin to bend

Номер: CN107790587A
Автор: 张�杰
Принадлежит: Xuyi Pengcheng Copper Co Ltd


16-03-2018 дата публикации

Automatic hoop bending device for steel bars

Номер: CN107803441A


18-12-2018 дата публикации

A kind of building implement

Номер: CN109013974A
Автор: 刘磊
Принадлежит: Foshan Zhehan Technology Co ltd


13-01-2023 дата публикации

Steel reinforcement cage owner muscle preflex device

Номер: CN115592042A


20-08-1895 дата публикации

Manufacture of tapered wroug ht-metal tubing

Номер: US545022A

30-10-2020 дата публикации

Send muscle actuating mechanism and send muscle device

Номер: CN111842730A
Принадлежит: Guangdong Bozhilin Robot Co Ltd


31-08-2006 дата публикации

Illuminating unit and projection type image display apparatus employing the same

Номер: KR100619070B1
Автор: 이계훈, 이영철, 이원용
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

발광소자와 콜리메이터가 설치되는 고정부재의 구조가 개선된 조명유닛 및 이를 채용한 화상투사장치가 개시되어 있다. 개시된 조명유닛은 소정 파장의 광을 방출하는 복수의 발광소자와; 광을 반사시켜 일 방향으로 향하도록 하는 것으로서 포물반사면과, 포물반사면의 초점위치에 발광소자가 놓일 수 있도록 한 탑재부와, 포물반사면과 대면되는 광출사면과, 포물반사면에서 반사된 광이 광출사면을 통해 나가도록 하는 라이트 가이드부를 구비한 복수의 콜리메이터;와 2 층 이상의 계단구조로 되어 각 층의 상면에 발광소자 및 콜리메이터가 설치되는 하나 또는 복수의 고정부재;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명의 조명유닛은 고정부재의 구조를 개선하여 복수의 발광소자와 콜리메이터를 작은 공간에 효과적으로 배열하고, 복수의 발광소자에 의한 열집중을 완화하며, 보다 효과적인 열방출을 한다.

26-02-2019 дата публикации

A kind of angle-bender of construction

Номер: CN107755586B
Автор: 闫兵
Принадлежит: Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College


25-01-2017 дата публикации

Multi-directional adjustable wire bender for power cable

Номер: CN106345937A
Автор: 刘秀泉, 周庆


06-10-2021 дата публикации

Patent RU2018117730A3

Номер: RU2018117730A3

ВУ“? 2018117730” АЗ Дата публикации: 06.10.2021 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение ж 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2018117730/05(027668) 14.05.2018 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 10 2017 004 648.4 16.05.2017 РЕ Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) Устройство сгибания шплинта Заявитель: МАН Трак энд Бас АГ, ОЕ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) В25В 27/08 (2006.01) В25В 27/20 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) В21 1100 В25В 27/00, 27/08, 27/20 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): ]-Р1а Рае Раеагсь, КОРТО, ОЗРТО 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* относящихся к предмету поиска пункту формулы № 1 2 3 У 0$ 1649513 АТ (РАМРЕМЕАЦО), 15.11.1917, с.1 ...

05-02-1978 дата публикации

Device for bending metal wire and rods

Номер: SU592337A3
Принадлежит: Remidzhio Del Fabro

25-06-2008 дата публикации

A heat mold device and a method of making a guide wire by using the same heat mold

Номер: CN100396397C
Автор: 加藤富久
Принадлежит: Asahi Intecc Co Ltd


09-03-2018 дата публикации

A kind of multi-direction adjustable Wire bender of power cable

Номер: CN106345937B
Автор: 刘秀泉, 周庆


20-11-2020 дата публикации

Copper line processing equipment of bending

Номер: CN111957853A
Автор: 李振华, 罗军, 赵兵


10-08-2011 дата публикации

Method and device for producing a bent component

Номер: EP2353748A1
Принадлежит: WAFIOS AG

The method involves moving a section of an elongate work piece (120) e.g. wire and tube, by supply positions into an initial position in an engaging region of a bending head (130) by coordinated controlling of movements of machine axles of a bending machine in a bending process. The section of the work piece is deformed by bending using the bending head in a bending operation. A compensation movement avoiding vibration generation and/or removing vibration energy from a vibrating end section of a bent component is generated during a vibration-relevant movement in a compensation time interval. The bending machine is formed as a computer numerical control (CNC) bending machine and a single-head bending machine. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a device for manufacturing a bent component (2) a computer program product comprising instructions to perform a method for manufacturing a bent component.

06-09-2019 дата публикации

Circular ring shape formed reinforcing steel bars tool

Номер: CN110202074A
Принадлежит: China Second Metallurgy Group Co Ltd


25-01-2017 дата публикации

Automatic bend-forming device and method of automobile sun-shading plate steel wire framework

Номер: CN106345935A
Принадлежит: Ningbo Sunlight Motor Parts Co Ltd


10-06-2022 дата публикации

rebar bending machine

Номер: KR102407347B1
Автор: 젠동 첸

본 발명은 철근 원곡 벤딩기을 개시하였으며, 철근 가공 설비 기술분야에 속한다. 상기 철근 원곡 벤딩기는 프레임; 프레임 상에 배치되어 상기 철근을 원곡하는 원곡부; 프레임 상에 배치되어 상기 철근을 후킹하며, 상기 원곡부의 재료 진입측 또는 재료 배출측에 위치하거나 또는 상기 원곡부의 재료 진입측과 재료 배출측에 모두 배치되는 벤딩부; 프레임 상에 배치되며, 연장 방향이 재료 진입 방향에 수직되고 상기 벤딩부가 슬라이딩 연결되는 슬라이딩 레일을 포함한다. 본 발명은 원곡부와 벤딩부가 프레임 상에 동시에 배치되어 작업 전환없이 철근의 원곡 및 벤딩을 완료할 수 있으므로 자동화 정도가 높고 작업자의 노동 강도를 감소시키며 생산 효율을 향상시킨다. The present invention discloses a rebar curved bending machine, and belongs to the field of rebar processing equipment. The reinforcing bar bending machine frame; a curved portion disposed on the frame to curve the reinforcing bar; a bending unit disposed on the frame and hooking the reinforcing bar, located on the material entry side or the material discharge side of the curved portion, or disposed on both the material entry side and the material discharge side of the curved portion; and a sliding rail disposed on the frame, the extension direction being perpendicular to the material entry direction, and the bending part slidingly connected. The present invention has a high degree of automation, reduces the labor intensity of workers, and improves production efficiency because the curved part and the bending part are disposed on the frame at the same time to complete the bending and bending of the reinforcing bar without switching work.

22-06-2018 дата публикации

Full-automatic bending butt welding machine and its processing method

Номер: CN108188307A
Автор: 左国正


15-03-2022 дата публикации

Cotter pin bending device

Номер: RU2766629C2
Принадлежит: Ман Трак Энд Бас Аг

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to device (18) for bending of cotter pin (4) used for fixation of part (2) position, in particular, for prevention of castellated nut rotation. Device consists of housing (22) and holder (20) for holding cotter pin (4) during bending. Holder (20) is attached to housing (22) and can rotate. Device (18) comprises bending element (26), which is installed on housing (22) so that one end of retained in holder (20) cotter pin (4) is bent by relative rotation between holder (20) and housing (22) on bending element (26), in particular, according to the shape of part (2).EFFECT: higher reliability of bending of cotter pin ends.10 cl, 7 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 766 629 C2 (51) МПК B25B 27/08 (2006.01) B25B 27/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B25B 27/08 (2021.08); B25B 27/20 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117730, 14.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): МАН Трак энд Бас АГ (DE) Дата регистрации: 15.03.2022 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 16.05.2017 DE 10 2017 004 648.4 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 14.11.2019 Бюл. № 32 (45) Опубликовано: 15.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 7 6 6 6 2 9 R U (54) Устройство сгибания шплинта (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройству (18) сгибания шплинта (4), используемого для фиксации положения детали (2), в частности для предотвращения вращения корончатой гайки. Устройство состоит из корпуса (22) и держателя (20) для удержания шплинта (4) при сгибании. Держатель (20) крепится к корпусу (22) и может вращаться. Устройство (18) содержит сгибающий Стр.: 1 элемент (26), который установлен на корпусе (22) так, что один конец удерживаемого в держателе (20) шплинта (4) изогнут путем относительного вращения между держателем (20) и корпусом (22) на сгибающем элементе (26), в частности, по форме детали (2). Достигается повышение надежности загибания концов ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации

Shaping device and method for wire

Номер: CN105251910A
Автор: 张洪雨, 王中建, 陈猛


17-10-2017 дата публикации

A kind of electronic component pin bending cutter device

Номер: CN107252856A
Автор: 张贝希
Принадлежит: Zhenjiang Juneng Electric Co ltd


30-11-1978 дата публикации

Machine for bending rod blanks

Номер: SU635857A3
Принадлежит: Fabro Marcello Del

25-10-2019 дата публикации

A kind of automatic production line of plastics barrel assembly metal lifting handle

Номер: CN110370668A


02-07-2019 дата публикации

Automatic shearing foot bending equipment

Номер: CN109954823A
Автор: 邓权
Принадлежит: Suzhou Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd


26-02-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for forming a desired bend angle in an orthodontic appliance

Номер: US10217237B1
Принадлежит: 3d Med AG

A method for forming a desired bend angle in an orthodontic appliance comprising: obtaining desired bend angle; determining initial bend angle to be applied in gripped state; causing forming of a bend with initial bend angle; monitoring bending; in response to initial bend angle in the appliance in the gripped state being reached, causing the release of at least a portion of the appliance so that appliance is in the free state, measuring resultant angle of the bend in free state; selectively executing: in response to resultant angle being within a predefined tolerance of the desired bend angle, determining that desired bend angle has been reached; and in response to the resultant angle being outside the predefined tolerance level of the desired bend angle, iteratively applying an adjusted bend angle to the appliance in the gripped state until the desired bend angle is achieved as determined in the free state.

10-01-2023 дата публикации

Pin bending device

Номер: CN114904984B
Автор: 尹恒, 谢伟枫
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Sofarsolar Co Ltd


23-04-2013 дата публикации

Split pin banding tool

Номер: KR101257027B1
Автор: 허우영
Принадлежит: (주)우신시스템

PURPOSE: A bending tool for a split pin is provided to firstly bend the split end portions of a split pin and to finish-bend the end portions using a combination of a pre-punch and a bending punch at the arm of a plier in case of fastening the pin, thereby simply fastening the pin. CONSTITUTION: A bending tool for a split pin includes a plier(12), a bending punch(15), and a lower holder(16). A groove portion(17) is formed on the pressurizing surface(14) of the bending punch, and a latching protrusion(26) is formed on the inner periphery of the groove portion forming a boundary with the pressurizing surface. The pre-punch of the bending punch comprises a body part and a wedge part integrated with each other. The rear end of the body part is elastically supported by a spring(18) inside the groove portion, and the pre-punch is capable of sliding. The wedge part forms a stepped portion with the body part, and one surface of the body part is latched on the latching protrusion so that the pre-punch cannot be separated from the groove portion. The wedge part enters between the split end portions of the pin in order to spread the end portions outside.

23-12-1992 дата публикации

Apparatus for bending wire or the like

Номер: EP0519865A1

Arranged parallel to the feed axis (34) of the wire (4) is a bending table (7) which can be rotated about the feed axis (34). The bending table carries a turret head (8) which can be rotated about an axis (35) perpendicular to the feed axis (34). Individual bending tools (9) are mounted in rotatably driveable fashion in the turret head. Each bending tool can be raised into the bending plane with the aid of a pneumatic lifting device. In this way, it is possible within one working operation to make sequential use of different bending tools on one piece to be bent. <IMAGE>

08-01-2019 дата публикации

A kind of electronic component pin bending cutter device

Номер: CN109158506A
Автор: 陈鸿


04-05-2021 дата публикации

Winding machine for bonding gold wire and using method thereof

Номер: CN110092238B
Автор: 黄景新


02-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of bending forming mechanism and bending and molding method

Номер: CN108723243A
Автор: 胡雨伸


22-03-2022 дата публикации

A iron wire system of bending for supporter production

Номер: CN114210876A
Автор: 刘新喜, 焦伟平
Принадлежит: Dongguan Xinfeng Home Industry Co ltd


19-10-2021 дата публикации

Capacitor feeder

Номер: CN113511507A


30-11-2002 дата публикации

Pipe and wire shape material bending device

Номер: KR100320012B1
Принадлежит: 비엘엠 에스.피.에이.

본 발명은 파이프 및 와이어형상의 재료를 굽히는 장치에 관한 것으로, 베드(2)상에, 굽힘 헤드(20) 및 굽힘 헤드(20)에 대향하는 가공편의 단부를 잡기위한 그리퍼(10)가 구비된 캐리지를 지지하는 플레이트(5)를 포함하고, 상기 플레이트(5)의 바닥면(7)에서 연장된 축(6)을 구비하고, 상기 축(6)은 회전가능하게 베드(2)내에 수용되고 제어가능 구동수단에 작용가능하게 연결되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a device for bending pipe and wire-shaped materials, comprising a bend head (20) and a gripper (10) for holding an end of a workpiece facing the bend head (20). A plate (5) supporting the carriage, the shaft (6) extending from the bottom surface (7) of the plate (5), the shaft (6) being rotatably received in the bed (2) and And operatively connected to the controllable drive means.

15-02-2022 дата публикации

Processing device for automatic processing of electronic components

Номер: CN114042828A
Принадлежит: Jiangxi Zhaolong Technology Co ltd


21-09-2016 дата публикации

Capacitance bent foot forming machine

Номер: CN105945175A
Автор: 杨劲涛, 钟善军
Принадлежит: Zhuhai Saike Automation Co Ltd


24-03-2023 дата публикации

Construction method of thin-wall concrete hollow floor

Номер: CN113802745B


19-02-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing fish-hooks

Номер: KR100316970B1
Автор: 황성만
Принадлежит: 주식회사 유벨라, 황성만

PURPOSE: A method and an apparatus for manufacturing fish-hooks are provided to improve workability and productivity by promptly producing spring parts in each continuous manufacturing process and prevent cutting or deformation of the hooks, thereby effectively catch fishes by impressing elasticity and tensile strength to the hooks. CONSTITUTION: The apparatus for manufacturing fish-hooks is characterized in that a transfer inclined surface is formed between a supply part and a transfer rod so that a plural stopper elements alternately operated by cylinder are vertically installed on the upper surface of the transfer inclined surface, a plurality of gripping cylinders(43,43a,43b,43c) at which a plural gripping elements(41,42) are grippingly and separately installed are installed at the lower part of a fixed plate(46) fixed to a rod(45a) of an up and down operating cylinder(45) installed at the middle part in front of an operation bracket(44) in the upper side of the transfer rod with the gripping cylinders(43,43a,43b,43c) being spaced apart from each other in an equal distance, the operation bracket(44) is installed in front of a fixed bracket(47) installed at the upper side in rear of the main body in such a way that the operation bracket(44) is moved side to side so that the operation bracket(44) is operated by a horizontal transfer cylinder(48) installed at one side of the fixed bracket(47), and first forming bending part, second forming bending part, spring forming part and finishing forging part are installed from one side in front and rear sides of the lower part of the transfer rod so that they are reciprocally combination constructed to form spring parts on leg parts as semi-finished fish-hooks which are continuously supplied one by one from a supply part at one side of the main body are sequentially passing through the first forming bending part, second forming bending part, spring forming part and finishing forging part.
