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25-04-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов

Номер: RU0000188873U1

Техническое решение относится к области порошковой металлургии и может быть использовано при производстве изделий из порошковых материалов, в частности топливных таблеток для атомных реакторов, химической и других отраслях промышленности.Указанный технический эффект достигается тем, что в устройстве для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов, включающее импульсный источник энергии, металлическую обойму с керамической матрицей из изолирующего материала, согласно изобретению, керамическая матрица выполнена из сиалона (оксинитрид алюминия-кремния SiAlON).Это обеспечивает получение большего количества образцов из порошков тугоплавких материалов в сиалоновой матрице без ее разрушения, чем в других керамических матрицах. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 873 U1 (51) МПК B22F 3/087 (2006.01) B22F 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B22F 3/087 (2019.02); B22F 2003/033 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018145064, 19.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2018 25.04.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.12.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 25.04.2019 Бюл. № 12 Адрес для переписки: 115409, Москва, Каширское ш., 31, НИЯУ МИФИ ОУИС УНИ, Бейгул Г.В. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 181536 U1, 18.07.2018. RU U 1 1 8 8 8 7 3 R U (54) Устройство для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов (57) Реферат: Техническое решение относится к области металлическую обойму с керамической матрицей порошковой металлургии и может быть из изолирующего материала, согласно использовано при производстве изделий из изобретению, керамическая матрица выполнена порошковых материалов, в частности топливных из сиалона (оксинитрид алюминия-кремния таблеток для атомных реакторов, химической и SiAlON). других отраслях промышленности. Это обеспечивает получение большего Указанный технический эффект достигается количества образцов из порошков ...

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для прессования кольцевых четырехполюсных постоянных магнитов

Номер: RU0000194063U1

Полезная модель относится к области порошковой металлургии и может быть использована для изготовления четырехполюсных редкоземельных постоянных магнитов, в частности из сплавов железо-неодим-бор. Устройство содержит четырехполюсный источник текстурующего магнитного поля, матрицу с рабочей полостью и с пазами, в которых установлены двухполюсные постоянные магниты, и центральный знак, который выполнен в виде четырехполюсного цилиндрического магнита, полюса которого соосны полюсам указанного источника текстурующего магнитного поля и противоположны им по знаку. Повышается срок службы устройства. 1 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 063 U1 (51) МПК B22F 5/10 (2006.01) B22F 3/02 (2006.01) H01F 1/00 (2006.01) B30B 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B22F 5/10 (2019.08); B22F 3/02 (2019.08); H01F 1/00 (2019.08); B30B 15/02 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019131541, 07.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 26.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 26.11.2019 Бюл. № 33 (54) Устройство для прессования кольцевых четырехполюсных постоянных магнитов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области установлены двухполюсные постоянные магниты, порошковой металлургии и может быть и центральный знак, который выполнен в виде использована для изготовления четырехполюсных четырехполюсного цилиндрического магнита, редкоземельных постоянных магнитов, в полюса которого соосны полюсам указанного частности из сплавов железо-неодим-бор. источника текстурующего магнитного поля и Устройство содержит четырехполюсный источник противоположны им по знаку. Повышается срок текстурующего магнитного поля, матрицу с службы устройства. 1 ил., 1 табл. рабочей полостью и с пазами, в которых R U 1 9 4 0 6 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 876299 A1, 30.10.1981. SU 1391807 A1, 30.04.1988. US 6756010 B2, 29.06.2004. US 7524453 B2, 28.04.2009. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 ...

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов

Номер: RU0000196265U1

Полезная модель относится к области порошковой металлургии и может быть использована при производстве изделий из порошковых материалов, в частности топливных таблеток для атомных реакторов, химической и других отраслях промышленности.Устройство для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов содержит импульсный источник энергии, металлическую обойму с керамической матрицей из изолирующего материала, верхний подвижный пуансон с верхней опорой, расположенный под штоком, нижний неподвижный пуансон с нижней опорой, установленный на нижнем основании, пластину с двумя втулками, на которой закреплена обойма с матрицей, причем втулки подпружинены и имеют возможность скользить вертикально вдоль направляющих, установленных на нижнем основании. На одной из направляющих вставлена втулка с закрепленным на ней полым металлическим цилиндром толщиной стенки 5÷8 мм с перевернутым основанием с прорезью в нем и боковой части, через которую может проходить нижний пуансон, который может устанавливаться на нижнее основание. Высота цилиндра h равна 0,91<h<1,51, где 1 - высота матрицы, внешний диаметр цилиндра D равен диаметру основания, а ширина прорези b равна 1,1 d<b<1,5 d, где d - диаметр пуансона. Такая конструкция предложенной установки не требует переносить матрицу с образцом в ручной пресс и в нем выпрессовать готовый образец. Это существенно сокращает время получения готового образца и повышает производительность процесса прессования. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 265 U1 (51) МПК B22F 3/087 (2006.01) B30B 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B22F 3/087 (2020.01); B30B 11/02 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019139976, 06.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.02.2020 Бюл. № 6 1 9 6 2 6 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 188873 U1, 25.04.2019. SU 822991 A1, 23.04.1981. EA ...

03-08-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для электроимпульсного прессования порошковых материалов

Номер: RU0000198931U1

Полезная модель относится к электроимпульсному прессованию порошковых материалов и может быть использована при производстве изделий из порошковых материалов, в частности топливных таблеток для атомных реакторов и химической промышленности. Устройство содержит импульсный источник энергии, металлическую обойму с керамической матрицей из изолирующего материала, верхний подвижный пуансон с верхней опорой, расположенный под штоком, нижний неподвижный пуансон с нижней опорой, установленный на нижнем основании, пластину с двумя втулками, на которой закреплена обойма с матрицей, причем втулки имеют возможность скольжения вертикально вдоль направляющих, установленных на нижней плите. На пластине равноудаленно от ее поперечной оси дополнительно закреплены две направляющих полосы для фиксированной установки обоймы с матрицей в пластину. На нижней плите установлена подставка под нижний пуансон с нижней опорой, высотой равной высоте нижнего основания, а на направляющие для втулок и нижнем пуансоне надеты упругие кольца для фиксации матрицы с нижним пуансоном и опорой на высоте нижнего основания, не препятствующие движению матрицы при уплотнении, при этом длина направляющих полос равна 3D<L<4D, где D - диаметр обоймы с матрицей. Обеспечивается упрощение и сокращение процесса загрузки порошка в матрицу. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 931 U1 (51) МПК B22F 3/087 (2006.01) B22F 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B22F 3/087 (2020.02); B22F 2003/033 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020108233, 25.02.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 03.08.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 03.08.2020 Бюл. № 22 1 9 8 9 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 188873 U1, 25.04.2019. RU 134464 U1, 20.11.2013. RU 195007 U1, 13.01.2020. RU 2705744 C1, 11.11.2019. RU 181536 U1, 18.07.2018. EA 26036 B1, 28.02.2017. (54) Устройство для электроимпульсного ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Bone regeneration materials based on combinations of monetite and other bioactive calcium and silicon compounds

Номер: US20120058152A1
Принадлежит: Azurebio SL

The present invention incorporates new materials for bone regeneration, methods for their manufacture, and application in traumatology surgery, maxillo facial surgery, dental surgery, orthognatic surgery, endodontics, ophthalmology, neurosurgery and/or osteoporotic processes, and other indications where bone regeneration is required. In particular, the present invention incorporates synthetic materials with a 20% to a 95%, preferably between 40% and 90% in mass of monetite [Ca 1-X M X HPO 4 , where 0≦x≦0.05, and where M can be a divalent metallic ion], and which in their final composition incorporate between 5% and 80%, preferably between 0% and 60%, in mass of bioactive calcium compounds chosen from calcium phosphates and between 5% and 80% in total mass of bioactive silicon compounds chosen from calcium silicates and/or bioactive silica glasses and gels.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130052290A1
Автор: Shinichi Hayashi
Принадлежит: Intermetallics Co Ltd

A NdFeB sintered magnet production system including: a first weight unit for measuring the mold weight when the alloy powder is not yet filled; a guide attachment unit to extend the mold cavity with a guide to form a supply cavity with a predetermined volume; a powder supply unit for supplying the alloy powder into the supply cavity so that the alloy powder volume is equal to the supply cavity capacity; a filling unit for pressing the alloy powder contained in the supply cavity into the mold cavity to densify the alloy powder to the filling density; a second weight unit for measuring the mold weight after being filled with the alloy powder; and a controlling unit for computing the alloy powder weight filled into the mold cavity based on the difference between the measurement value from each of the first weight unit and the second weight unit.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Hot isostatic pressing tool and a method of manufacturing an article from powder material by hot isostatic pressing

Номер: US20130115126A1
Автор: Christopher J. Hood
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A hot isostatic pressing tool includes a plurality of canister members and the hot isostatic pressing tool including at least one set of adjacent canister members. The plurality of canister members form a chamber to receive a powder material to be hot isostatically pressed. The at least one set of adjacent canister members have interlocking features forming a U-shaped, or a Z-shaped, leakage flow path between the at least one set of adjacent second canister members. The adjacent canister members are welded together to form a joint and the U-shaped, or Z-shaped, leakage flow path reduces the likelihood of failure of the welded joint during hot isostatic pressing.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129558A1

The invention relates to a tool for compacting the surface of a component () produced by powder metallurgy, comprising a mold () and a stamp (), wherein in the mold () a recess () is provided which extends from a first mold opening () to a second mold opening (), and which has a wall surface () for supporting the component (), and the stamp () has a stamp length () and a stamp surface (), wherein the inner diameter () of the recess () of the mold () becomes smaller from the first mold opening () in the direction of the second mold opening () or an external diameter () of the stamp () becomes greater over the stamp length (), and wherein a compaction element () is arranged on the wall surface () of the mold () or on the stamp surface (). The compaction element () is configured to have a thread-like progression. 121201568102202321125168222023101211717. A tool for compacting the surface of a powder-metallurgically produced component () , comprising a mold () and a stamp () , wherein in the mold () a recess () is arranged which extends from a first mold opening () to a second mold opening () , and which has a wall surface () for supporting the component () , and the stamp () has a stamp length () and a stamp surface () , wherein an inner diameter () of the recess () of the mold () is smaller from the first mold opening () in the direction of the second mold opening () or an external diameter () of the stamp () is greater over the stamp length () , and wherein on the wall surface () of the mold () or on the stamp surface () a compaction element () is arranged , wherein the compaction element () is configured to have a thread-like progression as a forming spiral with an oblique shaping edge for compaction.217. The tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a plurality of thread-like compaction elements () are provided in the form of a multi-pitched thread.317. The tool as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the plurality of compaction elements () of the multi-pitched thread are offset ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145963A1
Принадлежит: ApaTech Limited

A biocompatible material comprising a resorbable polymer matrix and at least one additive, wherein the resorbable polymer matrix comprises: (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide) s, and (ii) at least one poly (alkylene glycol) polymer and/or at least one methoxypoly (alkylene glycol) polymer, and wherein the at least one additive is selected from solid particles, porous particles, hollow particles, polymers, inert fillers, bioactive compounds, colour pigments and combinations of two or more thereof. 1. A biocompatible material comprising a resorbable polymer matrix and at least one additive , (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide) s, and', '(ii) at least one poly (alkylene glycol) polymer and/or at least one methoxypoly (alkylene glycol) polymer,, 'wherein the resorbable polymer matrix comprisesand wherein the at least one additive is selected from solid particles, porous particles, hollow particles, polymers, inert fillers, bioactive compounds, colour pigments and combinations of two or more thereof.2. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide)s has a weight average molecular weight of less than or equal to 40 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.3. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide) s has a weight average molecular weight of at least 2000 g/mol.4. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide) s comprises a poloxamer and/or a poloxamine.5. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the (i) at least one non-random copolymer of poly (alkylene oxide) s comprises one or more of poloxamer 234 claim 1 , poloxamer 235 claim 1 , poloxamer 334 claim 1 , poloxamer 335 and poloxamine 707.6. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the (ii) at least one poly (alkylene glycol) polymer and/or at least one methoxypoly (alkylene glycol) ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148919A1

The present invention provides a rolling bearing which is excellent in strength, rigidity, heat resistance, and dimensional accuracy while being able to hold rolling elements in a stable manner and reduce manufacturing cost without degrading performance as a bearing and a manufacturing method for the rolling bearing. To achieve the object, the present invention adopts a rolling bearing including a cage provided with a plurality of pockets for housing and hold the rolling elements arranged at specific intervals in a circumferential direction in a peripheral wall of a cylindrical member. The cage is formed integrally by metal powder injection molding; and the cage includes a housing space for the rolling elements and a rolling-element fall-out prevention structure is formed by applying compressive working to an outer edge of the housing space in a direction from an outer circumferential surface toward a radial center of the cage. 1. A rolling bearing comprising a cage provided with a plurality of pockets for housing and hold rolling elements arranged at specific intervals in a circumferential direction in a peripheral wall of a cylindrical member , wherein:the cage is formed integrally by metal powder injection molding; andthe cage includes a housing space for the rolling elements and a rolling-element fall-out prevention structure provided in the housing space.2. The rolling bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling-element fall-out prevention structure is formed by applying compressive plastic working to an outer edge of the housing space in a direction from an outer circumferential surface toward a radial center of the cage.3. The rolling bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling-element fall-out prevention structure is formed by applying plastic bending to projections radially protruding from an outer circumferential surface of the cage to outward.4. The rolling bearing according to claim 1 , wherein:the rolling-element fall-out prevention ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

High Density Powdered Material Liner

Номер: US20130224061A1
Автор: WALKER Jerry L.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A method of making an explosive charge liner comprises introducing powdered material into a basin defined by a die block, where a punch is shaped to interact with the basin, excluding the powdered material from a central portion of the basin, pressing the punch into the powdered material in the basin to form the explosive charge liner, and removing the explosive charge liner from the die block. The explosive charge liner comprises an aperture in an apex area of the explosive charge liner corresponding to the central portion when removed from the die block. 1. A method of making an explosive charge liner comprising:introducing powdered material into a basin defined by a die block, wherein a punch is shaped to interact with the basin;excluding the powdered material from a central portion of the basin;pressing the punch into the powdered material in the basin to form the explosive charge liner; andremoving the explosive charge liner from the die block, wherein the explosive charge liner comprises an aperture in an apex area of the explosive charge liner corresponding to the central portion when removed from the die block.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the punch comprises a pin that extends through a hole in the die block and excludes the powdered material from the central portion of the basin.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising rotating the die block claim 1 , and wherein the powdered material is introduced into the basin before starting to rotate the die block.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising stopping rotating the die block after pressing the punch into the powdered material in the basin begins.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising distributing the powdered material inside the basin as the punch is pressed into the powdered material based on rotating the die block.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein pressing the punch into the powdered material continues until at least a 40 claim 1 ,000 pounds per square inch (PSI) of force is applied ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236349A1

The invention provides an industrial method for producing dispersion-strengthened iron-based materials at low cost and in large-scale. The industrial acid pickling waste solution is treated by spray roasting process after yttrium chloride is added. During the spray roasting process, the solution is atomized into fine droplets, the droplets are contacted with gas and dried into powders, which are heated in air to form metal oxides. The mixed powders of the metal oxides are reduced in hydrogen stream to obtain yttria dispersion-strengthened iron powders. High performance dispersion-strengthened iron materials are obtained by densifying the yttria dispersion-strengthened iron powders. The method has simple process and low cost, and is suitable for large-scale production due to the direct use of acid pickling waste solution from steel factory. 1. A method for industrially producing an iron-based dispersion strengthened material at low cost and on a large scale , wherein:step 1, adding yttrium chloride into a hydrochloric acid pickling waste liquor containing iron, so as to obtain a pickling waste liquor containing matrix metal ions, by which, a metal elementary substance is finally generated, and dispersed-phase metal ions, by which, an oxide as a dispersed phase is finally generated, wherein, when raw materials are converted into quality of the oxide as the dispersed phase and the matrix metal, mass fraction of the oxide as the dispersed phase in the total alloy is in the range of 0.1-2%;step 2, making the pickling waste liquor containing matrix metal ions and dispersed-phase metal ions get into a preconcentrator, and concentrating the waste acid;step 3, atomizing and spraying the concentrated waste acid to be tiny droplets by a nozzle on the top of a roasting furnace for roasting, in which, particles of ferric chloride in the concentrated acid is roasted into free hydrogen chloride and iron oxide in a burning gas, and yttrium chloride is roasted into free hydrogen ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251623A1

The present invention refers to a continuous process for in secco nanomaterial synthesis from the emulsification and detonation of an emulsion. The said process combines the simultaneous emulsification and detonation operations of the emulsion, thus assuring a production yield superior to 100 kg/h. When guaranteeing that the sensitization of the emulsion occurs mainly upon its feeding into the reactor, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of any class-1 substances along the entire synthesis process, thus turning it into an intrinsically safe process. Afterwards, dry collection of the nanomaterial avoids the production of liquid effluents, which are very difficult to process. Given that there's neither accumulation nor resort to explosive substances along the respective stages, the process of the present invention becomes a safe way of obtaining nanomaterial, thus allowing it to be implemented in areas wherein processes with hazardous substance aid are not allowed. 1. A continuous process for nanomaterial synthesis from the detonation of at least one emulsion , comprising the following steps:a) preparing a synthesis emulsion, containing nanomaterial precursors, from the emulsification of two immiscible phases—internal and external; andb) simultaneously sensitizing, igniting and detonating the emulsion at pressures from 50,000 to 115,000 bar.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein step b) further comprises a pre-forming stage.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the emulsion comprises ammonium nitrate and precursors such as soluble oxidizers claim 1 , soluble propellants or insoluble precursors in the internal phase; and/or hydrocarbon derivatives or propellant precursors miscible in the external phase claim 1 , or metals claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the precursors may be introduced either in the internal phase or external phase of the emulsion or subsequently in the emulsification step.5. A process according ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251755A1
Принадлежит: Resorba Wundversrgung GmbH & Co. KG

The shaped body is intended for introduction into an alveolar space or into another bone defect location. A composite material with at least a first material component in the form of a collagen material and a second material component in the form of a bone replacement material is provided for the shaped body. The collagen material forms a matrix, in which the bone replacement material is embedded, distributed non-homogeneously, so that a local collagen proportion based on any desired part volume of 30 mmis at least 10% everywhere and a global collagen proportion based on the total volume is in the range between 30% and 95%. The shaped body is compressible. A local bone replacement proportion based, in each case, on a part volume of 30 mmhas its maximum value at an edge face and decreases inwardly proceeding from the edge face, a BRM zone provided with bone replacement material extending into the interior proceeding from the edge face. 135. A shaped body for introduction into an alveolar space or into another bone defect location () , wherein{'b': 1', '7', '10', '12', '14', '15', '16', '18', '19', '23', '26', '34', '39', '44, 'a) a composite material with at least a first material component in the form of a collagen material and a second material component in the form of a bone replacement material is provided for the shaped body (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ),'}{'sup': '3', 'b) the collagen material forms a matrix, in which the bone replacement material is embedded, distributed non-homogeneously, so that a local collagen proportion based on any desired part volume of 30 mmis at least 10% everywhere and a global collagen proportion based on the total volume is in the range between 30% and 95%,'}{'b': 1', '7', '10', '12', '14', '15', '16', '18', '19', '23', '26', '34', '39', '44, 'c) the shaped body (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ) is compressible, and'}{'sup': '3', 'b': 3', '22', '3', '22', '2', '8', '11', '13', '17', '20', '21', '24', '40', '45', '3', '22, 'd) a local ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259732A1
Принадлежит: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing thermally stressed engine components having a geometrically complex structure by metal injection moulding of metal powder mixed with a binder, by which method individual parts of the engine component are produced as separately moulded green compact sections and then as debindered brown compact sections which are joined together to form a two-part or multi-part brown compact and sintered in the assembled state, with the brown compact sections having differing shrinkage properties in the sintering process, depending on the type and size of the metal powder used, with at least one more heavily shrinking first brown compact section being automatically pressed against at least one second brown compact section during sintering of the assembled brown compact. It is provided that connecting elements in the form of positively engaging projections and recesses are provided at the joining surfaces of the brown compact sections to be joined and having differing shrinkage in such a way that during sintering of the assembled brown compact, the brown compact section with projections undergoes a greater shrinkage than the brown compact section with recesses. 1. Method for manufacturing thermally stressed engine components having a geometrically complex structure by metal injection moulding of metal powder mixed with a binder , by which method individual parts of the engine component are produced as separately moulded green compact sections and then as debindered brown compact sections which are joined together to form a two-part or multi-part brown compact and sintered in the assembled state , with the brown compact sections having differing shrinkage properties in the sintering process , depending on the type and size of the metal powder used , with at least one more heavily shrinking first brown compact section being automatically pressed against at least one second brown compact section during sintering of the assembled ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Tissue Scaffolds for Controlled Release of Active Agents

Номер: US20130280318A1
Автор: Erisken Cevat, Lu Helen H.

Tissue scaffolds of polymer microfiber or nanofiber mesh which release an active agent supportive of alignment, proliferation and matrix deposition of selected musculoskeletal cell over time are provided. Methods for production and use of these tissue scaffolds in treatment of musculoskeletal tissue injuries are also provided. 1. A tissue scaffold for treating a musculoskeletal tissue injury , said tissue scaffold comprising a first phase of polymer microfiber or nanofiber mesh and an active agent released over time from said first phase which supports alignment , proliferation and matrix deposition of a selected musculoskeletal cell.2. The tissue scaffold of wherein said active agent is incorporated into the tissue scaffold in an amount effective to increase collagen I production claim 1 , collagen II production claim 1 , mineralization and/or proteoglycan production of the selected musculoskeletal cell.3. The tissue scaffold of wherein said active agent is selected from the group consisting of TGF-β3 claim 1 , gdf-5 claim 1 , BMP1 claim 1 , BMP2 claim 1 , BMP3 claim 1 , BMP4 claim 1 , BMP5 claim 1 , BMP6 claim 1 , BMP7 claim 1 , BMP8 claim 1 , BMP9 claim 1 , BMP10 claim 1 , BMP11 claim 1 , BMP12 claim 1 , BMP13 claim 1 , BMP14 claim 1 , FGF and bFGF or any combination thereof.4. The tissue scaffold of further comprising an albumin.5. The tissue scaffold of seeded with a selected musculoskeletal cell or stem cells which differentiate into the selected musculoskeletal cell.6. The tissue scaffold of further comprising one or more additional phases of polymer microfiber or nanofiber mesh and an active agent released over time from said one or more additional phases which supports alignment claim 1 , proliferation and matrix deposition of a selected musculoskeletal cell.7. The tissue scaffold of wherein said active agent is selected from the group consisting of TGF-β3 claim 6 , gdf-5 claim 6 , BMP1 claim 6 , BMP2 claim 6 , BMP3 claim 6 , BMP4 claim 6 , BMP5 claim 6 , ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309347A1
Автор: Roessler Peter
Принадлежит: PR-TECHNIK GmbH

In a briquetting press, the delivery end of a compressing cylinder is closed by a swivellable cylinder bottom which can be displaced between a working position which is in alignment with the axis of the compressing cylinder and an unblocking position which unblocks the end of the compressing cylinder. 1. A press for briquetting granular material comprising: , having a machine frame;a compressing cylinder which has a separate cylinder bottom;a compressing piston which is displaceable within said compressing cylinder; havinga positioning apparatus by which a relative movement between the compressing cylinder and the cylinder bottom is produced; and,a compressing piston drive which works on the compressing piston,wherein the compressing cylinder is fixedly arranged on the machine frame and at least that an end of the cylinder bottom which is adjacent to the compressing cylinder is movable transversely to an axis of said compressing cylinder.2. The press according to claim 1 , wherein the cylinder bottom is arranged in a swivellable manner on the machine frame.3. The press according to claim 2 , wherein an axis of swivelling of the cylinder bottom intersects the axis of the compressing cylinder.4. The press according to claim 3 , wherein that the cylinder bottom and the compressing cylinder have mutually opposite claim 3 , cooperating end faces which are of complementarily cylindrical construction claim 3 , and axes of said cylindrical end faces coinciding with the axis of swivelling of the cylinder bottom.5. The press according to claim 2 , wherein the cylinder bottom is moved by a driving lever which is connected in a torsion-proof manner to the swivellably mounted end of said cylinder bottom.6. The press according to claim 5 , wherein the driving lever is connected to an output-drive part of a positioning cylinder and has a short working length compared to the cylinder bottom.7. The press according to claim 1 , further comprising:a control system for the compressing ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323107A1

A method and composition of a sintered superhard compact is provided. The sintered superhard compact body may comprise superhard particles and a binder phase. The binder phase may bond the superhard particles together. The binder phase comprises tungsten and cobalt. The ratio of tungsten to cobalt is between 1 and 2 and sum of W and Co in the sintered superhard compact is in a range of from about 2 to about 20 percent by weight. 1. A sintered superhard compact body , comprising:superhard particles; anda binder phase bonding the superhard particles together, wherein the binder phase comprises W and Co, wherein the weight % ratio of W/Co in the sintered superhard compact falls between 1.0 and 2.0, and sum of weight % W and Co in the sintered superhard compact is in a range of from about 2.0 to about 20.2. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , wherein the superhard particles are selected from a group of cubic boron nitride claim 1 , diamond claim 1 , and diamond composite materials.3. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , further comprises stoichiometric carbides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , or sums thereof from aluminum claim 1 , titanium or other metals in transition group IV claim 1 , V claim 1 , and VI in Periodic Table of elements.4. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , further comprises substoichiometric carbides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , or sums thereof from aluminum claim 1 , titanium or other metals in transition group IV claim 1 , V claim 1 , and VI in Periodic Table of elements.5. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of tungsten to cobalt is in a range of from 1.0 to 1.8.6. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of tungsten to cobalt is in a range of from 1.0 to 1.5.7. The sintered superhard compact body of claim 1 , further comprising at least one boron containing tungsten claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , or tungsten-cobalt phases as ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343943A1
Автор: Hanejko Francis G.

Provided are methods of preparing high density compacted components that increase that lubricity of metallurgical powder compositions while reducing the overall organic content of the compacted component. Method of preparing high density compacted components having a high density include the steps of providing a metallurgical powder composition having particles at least partially coated with a metal phosphate layer, and compacting the metallurgical powder composition in the die at a pressure of at least about 5 tsi. The metallurgical powder composition comprises a base-metal powder, optional alloying powders, and a particulate internal lubricant. The metal phosphate at least partially coats the base-metal powder, the optional alloying powder, or both. The metal phosphate coating increases the lubricity of metallurgical powders without the need for large quantities of organic material, e.g., lubricants and binders. 1. A method of preparing a metallurgical powder composition comprising:(a) providing an iron-based metal powder,(b) providing a coating solution comprising a metal phosphate and a protonic acid, and(c) contacting the particles of the iron-based powder with the coating solution so as to at least partially coat the particles with the metal phosphate.2. The method of preparing a metallurgical powder composition of claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing a particulate internal lubricant.3. The method of preparing a metallurgical powder composition of claim 2 , wherein the metallurgical powder composition comprises from about 0.01 to about 2.0 weight percent by weight of a particulate internal lubricant.4. The method of preparing a metallurgical powder composition of further comprising the step of admixing a particulate internal lubricant with the iron-based metal powder prior to being coated with the metal phosphate claim 1 , the particulate internal lubricant thereby also being contacted with the coating solution.5. The method of preparing a ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344185A1

A configuration for molding of a blend of metal powder around a core, which includes a mold delimiting a cavity, and which includes an elastically deformable portion on which the core is pressed, so as to adapt dimensions of the cavity to dimensions of the core. The elastically deformable portion includes an elastically deformable metal blade on one face of which the core is pressed directly. 110-. (canceled)11. A configuration for overmolding by injection of a blend of a metal and/or inorganic powder around a core including an upper horizontal face and a lower horizontal face , comprising:a mold delimiting a cavity in which the core is received, such that an upper face of the core is pressed against a facing upper face of the cavity and a lower face of the core is pressed against a facing lower face of the cavity,and which includes an elastically deformable portion on which at least one of the upper or lower faces of the core is pressed,wherein the elastically deformable portion includes an elastically deformable metal blade on at least one face of which the core is pressed directly.12. A configuration according to claim 11 , wherein the elastically deformable portion includes a plastic plate that is compressed between the metal blade and a rigid portion of the mold.13. A configuration according to claim 11 , wherein the mold includes a hollow recess open towards the cavity claim 11 , which receives the elastically deformable portion such that the metal blade is located at a distance from a bottom of the hollow recess.14. A configuration according to claim 12 , wherein the plastic plate is positioned between the metal blade and the bottom of the hollow recess.15. A configuration according to claim 14 , wherein the metal blade is positioned at an opening of hollow recess.16. A configuration according to claim 11 , wherein the metal blade is made of spring steel.17. A configuration according to claim 12 , wherein the plastic plate is compressed between the metal ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008680A1

A method for producing a sialon phosphor is provided. The method includes mixing a silicon precursor and an aluminum precursor and sintering the mixture to form a first sintered body. The first sintered body and a precursor for an active material are mixed and the mixture is heat-treated to form a second sintered body. That is, the exemplary method for producing a sialon phosphor involves firstly forming the first sintered body serving as a host material to stably ensure a crystal structure, and then mixing the active material and the first sintered body so as to preserve the role of the active material without sacrificing the crystal structure of the first sintered body. 1. A red phosphor comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': z', '2', '4-x', 'y, 'A(Sr,M)(Si,Al)ON:R(0 Подробнее

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020881A1
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmeize GmbH & Co. KG

A composite article () comprises a plurality of inclusions () of a magnetocalorically active material embedded in a matrix () of a magnetocalorically passive material. The inclusions () and the matrix () have a microstructure characteristic of a compacted powder. 135.-. (canceled)36. Heat exchanger comprising at least one composite article comprising a plurality of inclusions of a magnetocalorically active material embedded in a matrix of a magnetocalorically passive material , wherein the inclusions and the matrix have a microstructure characteristic of a compacted powder.37. A method of manufacturing a solid composite article , comprising:providing a first powder comprising a magnetocalorically active material,providing a second powder comprising a magnetocalorically passive material,mixing the first powder and the second powder together to form a powder mixture, andcompacting the powder mixture to form a solid composite article comprising a solid matrix comprising the magnetocalorically passive material and a plurality of solid inclusions comprising a magnetocalorically active material at least partially embedded in the solid matrix.38. Method according to claim 37 , further comprising: adding one or more of a lubricant claim 37 , an organic binder or a dispersant to the powder mixture.39. Method according to claim 37 , wherein the first powder comprises a plurality of particles which are have been coated with a metallic corrosion protection coating before mixing the first powder with the second powder.40. Method according to claim 37 , wherein{'b': '3', 'the first powder comprises a plurality of particles which have been coated with an electrically isolating material before mixing the first powder with the second powder ().'}4137. Method according to claim 37 , wherein the second powder comprises a plurality of particles which have been coated with an electrically isolating material before mixing the second powder with the first powder.42. Method according to ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023547A1

There is provided chips for injection molding wherein the surfaces of chips made of an aluminum-containing magnesium alloy are coated with carbon powder. A molded article produced by injection molding of such chips for injection molding had excellent bending properties and tensile strength, which vary in a small range. Furthermore, a scrap formed during injection-molding of the chips for injection molding has improved recyclability. 1. Chips for injection molding wherein the surfaces of chips made of an aluminum-containing magnesium alloy are coated with carbon powder.2. The chips for injection molding as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a content of said carbon powder is 0.01 to 3% by weight.3. The chips for injection molding as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said carbon powder is carbon black.4. The chips for injection molding as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said carbon black has an average primary particle diameter of from 5 to 100 nm and a DBP absorption of from 40 to 200 mL/100 g.5. A process for manufacturing the chips for injection molding as claimed in claim 1 , comprising mixing chips made of an aluminum-containing magnesium alloy with said carbon powder.6. A process for manufacturing a molded article made of a magnesium alloy claim 1 , comprising charging the chips for injection molding as claimed in in an injection-molding machine and then injection-molding the chips.7. The process for manufacturing a molded article as claimed in claim 6 , wherein in said molded article claim 6 , a complex of aluminum and carbon is dispersed in a magnesium matrix.8. A process for manufacturing an ingot made of a magnesium alloy claim 1 , comprising heat-melting a scrap formed during injection-molding of the chips for injection molding as claimed in in the presence of a flux and then cooling it.9. The process for manufacturing an ingot as claimed in claim 8 , wherein a ratio (C/C) of a carbon content C(% by weight) in said ingot to a carbon content C(% by weight) in said scrap ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001444A1

The disclosure provides a mold for a downhole tool or component thereof. The mold includes a grain material, a sodium silicate and carbon dioxide reaction product, and between 0.1% and 10% graphite by weight, inclusive, graphite. The disclosure further provides a method of forming a mold for a downhole tool or component thereof by filling a mold housing with graphite/sodium silicate/grain material mixture including between 0.1% and 10% graphite by weight, inclusive and shaping the mixture into a pre-mold having the same shape as the mold to be formed, and subjecting the pre-mold to an atmosphere having elevated amounts of carbon dioxide as compared to ambient air for a time sufficient to allow the sodium silicate to react with the carbon dioxide to form sufficient reaction products to bind the other pre-mold components and solidify a mold. 1. A mold for a downhole tool or component thereof , the mold comprising a grain material , a sodium silicate and carbon dioxide reaction product , and between 0.1% and 10% graphite by weight , inclusive.2. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the grain material comprises sand.3. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the mold has a resistivity of between 50 Ohms and 100 claim 1 ,000 Ohms claim 1 , inclusive.4. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the mold comprises between 1% and 10% sodium silicate and carbon dioxide reaction products by weight claim 1 , inclusive.5. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the mold comprises at least 75% grain material by weight.6. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the mold comprises at least one of Kaolin clay claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , glass fiber claim 1 , and any combinations thereof each in an amount of between 0.1% to 5% by weight claim 1 , inclusive.7. The mold of claim 1 , wherein the mold comprises at least two regions having different amounts of graphite.8. A method of forming a mold for a downhole tool or component thereof claim 1 , the method comprising:filling a mold housing with graphite/sodium silicate/grain ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001382A1
Автор: Liu Ze

A method for fabricating metallic micro-nanostructures, the method including: 1) heating a metal and a micro-nanostructure mold to a temperature T, where the metal is a pure metal or an alloy thereof selected from indium (In), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), bismuth (Bi), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd), T is greater than or equal to 0.5 Tand less than T, with T representing an absolute temperature and Trepresenting a melting point temperature of the metal at absolute temperature scale; 2) applying load to press the metal at the temperature T into the mold to obtain a composite structure comprising the mold and the metal; and 3) removing the mold, to obtain the metal with replicated micro-nanostructures. 1. A method for fabricating metallic micro-nanostructures , the method comprising:{'sub': m', 'm', 'm, '1) heating a metal and a micro-nanostructure mold to a temperature T, wherein the metal is a pure metal or an alloy thereof selected from indium (In), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), bismuth (Bi), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd), T is greater than or equal to 0.5 Tand less than T, with T representing an absolute temperature and Trepresenting a melting point temperature of the metal at absolute temperature scale;'}2) applying load to press the metal at the temperature T into the micro-nanostructure mold to obtain a composite structure comprising the micro-nanostructure mold and the metal; and3) removing the micro-nanostructure mold to obtain metallic micro-nanostructures.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a characteristic scale of the micro-nanostructure is between nm and 100 nm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a characteristic scale of the micro-nanostructure is between 100 nm and 50 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the micro-nanostructures mold comprises silicon or an inorganic oxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001358A1
Автор: Marya Manuel

A consolidated material formed by powder metallurgy is provided. The consolidated material includes particles of a first component consolidated with particles of a second component. The first component is a transition metal selected from group 4, group 5, group 6, or group 7 of the periodic table of the elements, or an alloy thereof. The second component is a solid lubricant. Also provided is a method of making the consolidated material and articles made from the consolidated material. 1. A consolidated powder-metallurgy material comprising:a plurality of particles of a first component consolidated with a plurality of particles of a second component;wherein the first component is a transition metal selected from group 4, group 5, group 6, or group 7 of the periodic table of the elements, or an alloy thereof; andwherein the second component is a solid lubricant.2. The consolidated powder-metallurgy material of claim 1 , wherein the consolidated powder-metallurgy material includes at least 50 percent by volume of the first component and at most 50 percent by volume of the second component.3. The consolidated powder-metallurgy material of claim 1 , wherein the particles of the first component include a coating on a surface of the particles claim 1 , the coating at least partially encapsulating the particles.4. The consolidated powder-metallurgy material of claim 1 , wherein the transition metal or alloy of the first component is titanium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , vanadium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , chromium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , zirconium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , niobium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , molybdenum or an alloy thereof claim 1 , hafnium or an alloy thereof claim 1 , tantalum or an alloy thereof claim 1 , tungsten or an alloy thereof claim 1 , or rhenium or an alloy thereof.5. The consolidated powder-metallurgy material of claim 1 , wherein the second component is:a post-transition metal or a metalloid;a metal and a non-metal, wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001409A1

A method for measuring an apparent density of a metal powder includes holding a metal powder in a vessel, applying an alternating magnetic flux to the metal powder using an exciting coil disposed outside the vessel, detecting the alternating magnetic flux passed through the metal powder using a-search coil disposed outside the vessel, and determining an apparent density of the metal powder from an amplitude of the detected alternating magnetic flux using a calibration curve representing a correlation between the apparent density of the metal powder and the amplitude of an alternating magnetic flux prepared in advance. The method enables to measure the apparent density of a metal powder with a high precision in an on-line and non-contact manner without stopping a process of producing a mixed powder or a process of producing a powder compact. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for producing a mixed powder containing a metal powder using a vessel , the method comprising:performing a mixing operation by mixing a metal powder and auxiliary raw materials in a mixer with each other to produce a mixed powder while measuring an apparent density of the mixed powder in the vessel by a method that includes: (i) applying an alternating magnetic flux to the mixed powder using an exciting coil disposed outside the vessel, and (ii) detecting an alternating magnetic flux passed through the mixed powder using a search coil disposed outside the vessel; andending the mixing operation when a predetermined apparent density is achieved,wherein the vessel is disposed outside turns of the exciting coil and turns of the search coil.12. A method for producing a powder compact in a powder compact manufacturing line , the method comprising:filling a die with a mixed powder containing a metal powder supplied from a vessel; andcompacting the mixed powder,wherein an apparent density of the mixed powder held in the vessel of the powder compact manufacturing line is measured by a method that includes (i) ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Binderless Metal Injection Molding Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20150004047A1
Автор: Wilkinson Carey E.

A metal injection molding apparatus includes a metal injection mold die having first and second die halves, a first set of features provided in the first die half, a second set of features provided in the second die half and complementary to the first set of features provided in the first are half and an ultrasonic transducer disposed in contact with the metal injection mold die. A binderless metal injection molding method is also disclosed. 1. A metal injection molding apparatus , comprising:a metal injection mold die having first and second die halves;a first set of features provided in said first die half;a second set of features provided in said second die half and complementary to said first set of features provided in said first die half; andan ultrasonic transducer disposed in contact with said metal injection mold die.2. The metal injection molding apparatus of wherein said first set of features and said second set of features each comprises a plurality of die cavities.3. The metal injection molding apparatus of further comprising a metal powder injecting system disposed in communication with said first set of features and said second set of features.4. The metal injection molding apparatus of wherein said metal powder injecting system comprises an injection conduit disposed in communication with said first set of features and said second set of features.5. The metal injection molding apparatus of further comprising a fill hopper disposed in communication with said injection conduit.6. A metal injection molding apparatus claim 4 , comprising:a metal injection mold die having a first die half and second die half; disposed in removable contact with said first die half;a first set of features provided in said first die half;a second set of features provided in said second die half and complementary to said first set of features provided in said first die half;an ultrasonic transducer disposed in contact with said metal injection mold die; anda metal powder ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008883A1

Electrically driven rapid vaporization of thin metallic foils is used to conduct impulse-based metal working operations such as dynamic compaction of metal powders, collision welding, embossing, shearing, shape calibration, and closed-die forming. A metal body is sheared from a metal sheet using foil actuators operating at input electrical energies from 4 kJ to 10 kJ. During the impulse shearing operation, the sheared plugs were accelerated up to velocities of 1400 m/s within a few millimeters of travel distance. The sheared plugs were used as pistons to compress milled commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) and Ti-6AI-4V alloy (Ti-6-4) powders, both of which had tap densities of approximately 25-28%. After the process, compaction in the range of greater than 90% was observed. When compared to a quasistatic cold compaction process, a significant gain in densification with same pressures was observed. 1. A method for compacting a metal powder , comprising the steps of:generating an accelerated metal body; andcolliding the accelerated metal body into a mass of the metal powder, resulting in compaction of the metal powder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the colliding step occurs at a velocity in the range of 200 to 2000 m/s.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein: positioning a piece of sheet metal between a consumable metal body and a stationary body;', 'rapidly vaporizing the consumable metal body, directing vaporized metal into the piece of sheet metal; and', 'accelerating the piece of sheet metal into collision with the stationary body at a rate sufficient to shear off a portion of the piece of sheet metal., 'the step of generating the accelerated metal body is achieved by the steps of4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the stationary body is a die and the piece of sheet metal is deformed by the collision to shear off the accelerated metal body therefrom.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the consumable metal body comprises a foil of aluminum.6. The method of claim 3 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009331A1
Принадлежит: ETA SA Manufacture Horlogere Suisse

The invention relates to a compacted and densified metal material comprising one or more phases formed of an agglomerate of grains, the cohesion of the material being provided by bridges formed between grains, said material having a relative density higher than or equal to 95% and preferably higher than or equal to 98%. 1: A compacted and densified metallic material comprising one or more phases formed of an agglomerate of grains , wherein cohesion of the material is provided by bridges formed between grains , said material having a relative density greater than or equal to 95% , the external surface of the grains having an irregular random shape comprising hollows and peaks.2: The material according to claim 1 , wherein the phase or phases comprise at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ni claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Co claim 1 , V claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , W claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Au and alloys thereof.3: The material according to claim 1 , wherein the grains have different sizes and wherein the grain size distribution varies from 1 to at least 4.4: The material according to claim 1 , wherein the material comprises at least two phases and wherein a difference in grain size distribution between the at least two phases is at least a factor of 4.5: The material according to claim 1 , comprising three phases claim 1 , a first phase comprising nickel claim 1 , a second phase comprising bronze claim 1 , and a third phase comprising brass.6: The material according to claim 5 , wherein a mass fraction of the first phase is between 3 and 40% claim 5 , a mass fraction of the second phase is between 2 and 20% claim 5 , and a mass fraction of the third phase corresponds to a remaining percentage claim 5 , such that a total mass fraction of the first claim 5 , second and third phases sums to 100%.7: A component comprising a compacted and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009652A1

A method for producing a green compact uses a pressing tool including a die, a first punch to be displaced in an axial direction, a second punch to be displaced in a radial direction through a channel in the die and a receptacle having a filling opening. The method includes locating the second punch before or during filling of a powdery material into the receptacle so as to be outwardly offset in the radial direction relative to an inner peripheral surface, filling the powdery material into the receptacle, and moving at least the first punch and the second punch and compressing the material in the receptacle, with the second punch being moved in the radial direction toward the receptacle only so far that it is disposed flush with a region of the inner peripheral surface. A pressing tool, a green compact and a sintered part are also provided. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for producing a green compact , the method comprising the following steps:providing a pressing tool including at least one die extending along an axial direction between a first end face and a second end face of the at least one die and forming an inner peripheral surface of the at least one die with an opening between the end faces, the inner peripheral surface forming a receptacle for the green compact, at least one first punch being movable along the axial direction from one of the end faces of the die into the receptacle, and at least one second punch being movable along a radial direction through a channel in the die toward the receptacle, the inner peripheral surface having a region disposed along the axial direction between the one end face, from which the first punch is movable, and the opening;a) placing the second punch outwardly offset in the radial direction relative to the inner peripheral surface before or during step b);b) filling a powdery material into the receptacle; andc) moving at least the first punch and the second punch and compressing the material in the receptacle, the second ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011848A1

The method including: applying a graphite-based lubricant to a cavity surface of a die; forming a first graphite-based powder layer by disposing graphite-based powder that does not contain a binder on a cavity surface of a lower punch, forming a magnet powder body by putting magnet powder on the first graphite-based powder layer, and forming a second graphite-based powder layer by disposing graphite-based powder that does not contain a binder on the magnet powder body; and producing a compact by performing press forming using the lower punch and a upper punch while heating the magnet powder body surrounded by the graphite-based lubricant applied to the cavity surface of the die, the first graphite-based powder layer, and the second graphite-based powder layer, and releasing the compact from a forming die. 1. A production method of a compact in which a forming die is constituted by a die , an upper punch and a lower punch , and the upper punch and the lower punch slide inside the die , and the forming die defines a cavity with the die , the upper punch and the lower punch ,the production method comprising:applying a graphite-based lubricant to a cavity surface of the die which faces the cavity;forming a first graphite-based powder layer by disposing graphite-based powder that does not contain a binder on a cavity surface of the lower punch which faces the cavity, forming a magnet powder body by putting magnet powder on the first graphite-based powder layer, and forming a second graphite-based powder layer by disposing graphite-based powder that does not contain a binder on the magnet powder body; andproducing a compact by performing press forming using the lower punch and the upper punch while heating the magnet powder body surrounded by the graphite-based lubricant applied to the cavity surface of the die, the first graphite-based powder layer, and the second graphite-based powder layer, and releasing the compact from the forming die.2. The production method of a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Punch Unit, Powder Press Molding Device, And Method For Manufacturing Compacted Powder Pellet

Номер: US20170015077A1

A punch unit is used in a powder press molding device that includes a die plate including a cavity in which a compacted powder pellet can be formed, the powder press molding device including a ram moving in a direction approaching the die plate and in a direction away from the die plate. The punch unit includes a punch inserted into the cavity of the die plate when the ram approaches the die plate, and a supporting portion supporting the punch reciprocatably, the punch unit being movable along a plane intersecting with the moving direction of the ram in a state where the punch is removed from the cavity. The punch unit is capable of shortening a distance in which the ram moves, and a cycle time can be shortened. 1. A punch unit used in a powder press molding device that includes a die plate including a cavity in which a compacted powder pellet can be formed , the powder press molding device including a ram moving in a direction approaching the die plate and in a direction away from the die plate , the punch unit comprising:a punch inserted into the cavity of the die plate when the ram approaches the die plate; anda supporting portion supporting the punch reciprocatably in a moving direction of the ram, the punch unit being movable along a plane intersecting with the moving direction of the ram in a state where the punch is removed from the cavity.2. The punch unit according to claim 1 , further comprising an urging member urging the punch toward the ram with respect to the supporting portion so that the punch is removed from the cavity.3. A powder press molding device comprising:a die plate including a cavity in which a compacted powder pellet can be formed;a ram capable of moving in a direction approaching the die plate and in a direction away from the die plate;a powder feeder capable of supplying a powder to the cavity in a state where the ram and the die plate are spaced by a predetermined distance; anda punch unit including a punch, and a supporting portion ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Shape-Optimized PM Tool Components Using Connection Technology

Номер: US20180015680A1

The present invention relates to a punch unit of a powder press, wherein the punch unit is assembled from at least two parts, in this case comprising a headpiece as the first part and a widening region, adjoining the headpiece, as the second part, wherein the widening region flares to a diameter of a punch bolder which is directly attachable to an end, located away from the headpiece, of the widening region. Furthermore, punch units of a powder press that slide one inside another, a powder press itself and a method for operating a powder press are proposed. 1. A punch unit of a powder press , the punch unit is comprising at least two parts including a headpiece as the first part and a widening region , adjoining the headpiece , as the second part , wherein the widening region flares to a diameter of a punch holder adapted for direct attachment to an end , located opposite the headpiece , of the widening region.2. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the headpiece and the widening region are produced from different materials with a different tolerance.3. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the headpiece and the widening region are produced from the same material with a different tolerance.4. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the headpiece and the widening region are produced by means of different methods.5. The punch unit as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the widening region is produced by an additive method and the headpiece is produced by a cutting claim 4 , casting and/or a hard-machining method.6. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the headpiece is shorter than the widening section.7. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the punch unit comprises a foot piece which is attached to the widening region.8. The punch unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the headpiece and/or the foot piece is connected detachably or non-detachably to the widening region.9. Punch units of a powder press that slide in one another claim ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015900A1

A method for the manufacture of a hard-metal pressed article comprises providing a multi-part die, involving: feeding at least one frontal mold part that is movable in a first plane; feeding at least one transverse mold part that is movable in a second plane; and locking the at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part to define a cavity for a pressed article. Feed directions of the at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part are inclined to one another. The at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part define surfaces of the pressed article. The resulting cavity comprises at least one opening through which a punch is insertable. The method further comprises feeding a filling shoe above an opening of the cavity and filling the cavity with a hard-metal powder; and compressing the powder with at least one punch that is movable parallel to a main pressing direction. The feeding of the at least one transverse mold part takes place along a feed direction that is parallel to the main pressing direction. 1. A method for the near-net-shape manufacture of hard-metal pressed articles , the method comprising the steps of:providing a multi-part die comprising:feeding at least one frontal mold part that is movable in a first plane,feeding at least one transverse mold part that is movable in a second plane, andlocking the at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part to define a cavity for a pressed article,wherein feed directions of the at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part are inclined to one another,wherein the at least one frontal mold part and the at least one transverse mold part define surfaces of the pressed article, andwherein the resulting cavity comprises at least one opening through which a punch is insertable,feeding a filling shoe above an opening in the cavity and filling the cavity with a hard-metal powder, ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016534A1

The invention relates to a powder press () for producing a pressed article from a material that can be pressed, having a press frame (), an upper and/or lower punch assembly () and a die assembly, which define a molding cavity, into which the material that can be pressed can be introduced, and an electric drive unit () which is operatively connected to the punch assemblies () and/or the die assembly, wherein, in order to mold the pressed article, the punch assemblies () and the die assembly can be moved relative to each other along a pressing axis () and pressed against each other by means of the electric drive unit (). Furthermore, the operative connection between the electric drive unit () and one of the punch assemblies () comprises a toggle lever drive () which moves the punch assembly () into a pressing end position along the pressing axis (). 1. A powder press for producing a pressed article from a material that can be pressed , the powder press comprising:a press frame,an upper and/or lower punch assembly and a die assembly, which define a molding cavity into which the material that can be pressed can be introduced, andan electric drive unit which is operatively connected to the punch assembly(ies) and/or the die assembly,wherein, in order to mold the pressed article, the punch assembly(ies) and the die assembly are adapted to be moved relative to each other along a pressing axis and pressed against each other by means of the electric drive unit,wherein the operative connection between the electric drive unit and one of the punch assembly(ies) comprises a toggle lever drive which moves the one punch assembly into a pressing end position along the pressing axis.2. The powder press according to claim 1 , wherein the toggle lever drive is arranged between the electric drive unit and the one punch assembly claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on a drive train of the electric drive unit claim 1 , a first lever and a second lever are each swivelably hinged to respective ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021422A1

Disclosed is a method for producing a molded blank from metal powder using a gel-casting process, wherein a starting mixture for the gel-based process is made by mixing the metal powder with a liquid and a binder, the starting mixture being thoroughly mixed in a vacuum. 1. A method for producing a molded blank from metal powder using a gel-casting process , wherein a starting mixture for the gel-casting process is made by mixing the metal powder with a liquid and a binder , wherein the starting mixture is thoroughly mixed in a vacuum.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the relationship of the weight percentage of liquid to binder in the starting mixture is between 95 to 5 and 99.9 to 0.1.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the relationship of the weight percentage of liquid and binder to metal powder in the starting mixture is between 5 to 95 and 20 to 80.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder is blended with the liquid to a liquid-binder mixture before this liquid-binder mixture is blended with the metal powder.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein metal powder is used which is based on cobalt claim 1 , chrome claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , wolfram claim 1 , carbide claim 1 , beryllium claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , tin or mixtures thereof.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , preferably distilled claim 1 , water is used as liquid.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder contains cellulose claim 1 , preferably methyl cellulose.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a chemical auxiliary means for the mixing claim 1 , preferably a dispersant claim 1 , is admixed to the starting mixture.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thoroughly mixing in a vacuum is effected in a vacuum chamber claim 1 , wherein a low pressure claim 1 , preferably between 25 and 40 millibar claim 1 , prevails in the vacuum chamber.10. The method ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021425A1

A method for producing a substantially spherical metal powder is described. A particulate source metal includes a primary particulate and has an average starting particle size. The particulate source metal is optionally ball milled and mixed with a binder in a solvent to form a slurry. The slurry is granulated to form substantially spherical granules, wherein each granule comprises an agglomeration of particulate source metal in the binder. The granules are debinded at a debinding temperature to remove the binder from the granules forming debinded granules. The debinded granules are at least partially sintered at a sintering temperature such that particles within each granule fuse together to form partially or fully sintered solid granules. The granules can then be optionally recovered to form a substantially spherical metal powder. 1. A method for producing a substantially spherical metal or metal alloy powder comprising:providing a particulate source metal including a primary particulate and having an average starting particle size;mixing the particulate source metal with a binder and an optional solvent to form a slurry;granulating the slurry to form substantially spherical granules, wherein each granule comprises an agglomeration of particulate source metal;debinding the granules at a debinding temperature to reduce a binder content of the granules forming debinded granules;at least partially sintering the debinded granules at a sintering temperature such that particles within each granule fuse together to form partially or fully sintered granules;recovering the sintered granules to form the substantially spherical metal or metal alloy powder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substantially spherical metal powder has an average final particle size from about 1 to about 1000 micrometers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substantially spherical metal powder is selected from the group consisting of titanium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021856A1

A heterogeneous powder molded body may include respective powder processed parts formed of different powders, the heterogeneous powder molded body being formed by a forming machine including a die, a lower forming module located under the die to form a lower part of a molded body to be manufactured, and an upper forming module located above the die to form an upper part of the molded body to be manufactured, in which when each of the different powders is input onto the die to form the molded body, the die ascends and thus a filling time of each input powder is secured. 1. A heterogeneous powder molded body comprising respective powder processed parts formed of different powders , the heterogeneous powder molded body being formed by a forming machine including a die , a lower forming module located under the die to form a lower part of a molded body to be manufactured , and an upper forming module located above the die to form an upper part of the molded body to be manufactured ,wherein, when each of the different powders is input onto the die to form the molded body, the die ascends and thus a filling time of each input powder is secured.2. The heterogeneous powder molded body according to claim 1 , wherein a filling ratio of the respective powders is adjusted to set strength and hardness of the respective powder processed parts to required degrees.3. The heterogeneous powder molded body according to claim 1 , wherein an ascending speed of the die is adjustable according to a required degree of uniformity of an interface between the respective powder processed parts.4. The heterogeneous powder molded body according to claim 1 , wherein ascending and descending speeds of the lower forming module and the upper forming module are adjustable.5. The heterogeneous powder molded body according to claim 1 , wherein speeds at which powder suppliers of the respective powders are transferred to and separated from the die are adjustable.6. A manufacturing method of a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Powder Press Having a Conical Lower Ram, Method for Operating a Powder Press, Pellet Produced by Way of a Powder Press, Lower Ram of a Powder Press, and Computer Program Product for Moving Lower Rams of a Press

Номер: US20180022050A1
Принадлежит: GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH

A powder press is proposed with a die construction which has a conical lower ram (UE) with lower rams which are nested inside one another, wherein each lower ram has a longitudinal extent, in particular a cylindrical longitudinal extent, which is guided by way of a template (M), wherein a conical widened portion adjoins preferably every longitudinal extent, wherein a respective cone angle of the lower ram preferably increases from the inside to the outside.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040760A1

Sintering apparatus, having an electrically conductive die with a receiving space provided for receiving a sintering material to be sintered, a first adjusting device and a mold punch adjustably moved by the first adjusting device into a pressing position, in which, for the purpose of the mechanical pressurization of the sintering material with a first compressive force, the at mold punch is dipped axially into the receiving space. A resistance heating device is configured to heat the die by applying an electric current to the die. Assigned to the resistance heating device are a second adjusting device and a contact punch be adjustably moved by the second adjusting device into a contact position, in which, for applying an electric current to the die, the contact punch is pressed against an outer surface of the die with a second compressive force. 1. A sintering apparatus for field-assisted sintering , havingat least one electrically conductive die with a receiving space, which is provided for receiving a sintering material to be sintered, in particular in the form of a green compact,a first adjusting device and at least one mold punch, which can be adjustably moved by the first adjusting device along a first adjustment axis relative to the receiving space into a pressing position, in which, for the purpose of the mechanical pressurization of the sintering material with a first compressive force, the at least one mold punch is dipped axially into the receiving spaceand having a resistance heating device which is configured to heat the die by applying an electric current to said die,wherein assigned to the resistance heating device are a second adjusting device and at least one contact punch, which can be adjustably moved by the second adjusting device along a second adjustment axis relative to the die into a contact position, in which, for the purpose of applying an electric current to the die, the at least one contact punch is pressed against an outer surface of the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023167A1

Binder compositions for agglomerating iron ore fines are provided, the compositions comprising: one or more types of modified starch and one or more types of synthetic dry polymers. A process for preparing iron ore pellets with the binder compositions is also provided, the process comprising: (i) adding a binder composition to particulate iron ore to form a mixture; and (ii) forming the mixture into pellets. 1. A binder composition for agglomerating iron ore fines comprising: one or more types of modified starch and one or more types of synthetic dry polymer.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises:(a) about 5 to about 50% by weight one or more types of modified starch; and(b) about 50 to about 95% by weight one or more types of synthetic dry polymer.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises: (a) about 20 to about 50% by weight one or more types of modified starch; and (b) about 50 to about 80% by weight one or more types of synthetic dry polymer.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the modified starch is gelled corn starch.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the binder composition further comprises one or more types of alkaline materials.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic dry polymer is anionic or has a net anionic charge.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic dry polymer is an acrylamide-containing polymer.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic dry polymer is a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the charge of the synthetic dry polymer is from about 5 to about 40 mole % charge.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the charge of the synthetic dry polymer is from about 5 to about 15 mole %.11. The composition of claim 1 , comprising at least 25% modified starch.12. The composition of claim 1 , comprising about 20 to about 50% gelled corn starch and about 50 to about 80% a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Cutter Support Element

Номер: US20150027788A1
Автор: Jason Maw
Принадлежит: Ulterra Drilling Technologies LP

Cutters mounted on bits for advancing boreholes are subject to extreme forces that can separate the cutter from the bit. A cutter backing element with a rearward extending lug and forward face can provide support to the cutter. The backing element is attached to the back face of the cutter and the lug of the backing element is received in a recess of the bit. The backing element can be brazed to the bit and the cutter. The lug is offset from a longitudinal axis of the backing element. Forces applied to the front of the cutter during drilling operations are transferred through the cutter to the backing element and to the bit through the offset lug.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030494A1

Methods and apparatus for producing an object, the method comprising: performing an Additive Manufacturing process to produce an intermediate object from provided metal or alloy, whereby the intermediate object comprises regions having a contaminant concentration level above a threshold level; based upon one or more parameters, determining a temperature and a duration; and performing, on the intermediate object, a contaminant dispersion process by, for a duration that is greater than or equal to the determined duration, heating the intermediate object to a temperature that is greater than or equal to the determined temperature and less than the melting point of the metal or alloy, the contaminant dispersion process being performed so as to disperse, within the intermediate object, a contaminant from regions of high contaminant concentration to regions of low contaminant concentration until the intermediate object comprises no regions having a contaminant concentration level above the threshold level. 1. A method of producing an object , the method comprising:providing some metal or alloy;performing, using an Additive Manufacturing apparatus, in an environment containing an amount of a reactive contaminant, an Additive Manufacturing process to produce an intermediate object from the provided metal or alloy, wherein the Additive Manufacturing processes includes heating the provided metal or alloy thereby causing at least some of the metal or alloy to react with the reactive contaminant in the environment so as to produce contaminated metal or alloy, the intermediate object comprises the contaminated metal or alloy, and the intermediate object comprises one or more regions in which concentration level of the contaminated metal or alloy is above a threshold level;based upon the threshold level and a concentration level of the contaminated metal or alloy within one or more of the regions, determining a temperature and a duration; andsintering the intermediate object for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028470A1

A device for manufacturing a cutting insert green body by compacting a powder includes a first punch, a second punch having a punch edge that has a curvature around the circumference of the punch edge that is at least partially non-perpendicular with a pressing axis of the device, a first die part, and a second die part. When the first and second die parts are joined together when filling the die with powder, one of the first and second die parts is on top of the other and, when the device is in a position ready for filling of powder into the die, the device presents a cavity defined by the lower die part, a punch being introduced into the lower and upper die part. An opening in an upper end surface of the upper die part enables filling of the powder into the cavity. 1. A method of compacting a powder into a cutting insert green body comprising the steps of:providing a compaction device including a first punch; a second punch that presents an abutment surface for abutment with the powder to be compacted, an outer peripheral surface, and a punch edge disposed at an intersection between the abutment surface and the outer peripheral surface, wherein the punch edge presents a predetermined curvature around the circumference of the second punch; a first die part presenting a chamber having an inner peripheral surface which corresponds to a peripheral surface of a cutting insert green body to be compacted in said first die part, a bore for receiving said first punch, said bore extending from an opening in a first end surface of the first die part to said chamber, and an opening region extending with an expanding cross-section from said chamber to an opposite second end surface of the first die part and defining an opening in said opposite second end surface; a second die part presenting a bore for receiving said second punch, said bore extending from an opening in a first end surface of the second die part to a second end surface thereof, thereby defining an opening in ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Equipartition of Nano Particles in a Metallic Matrix to Form a Metal Matrix Composite (MMC)

Номер: US20180029119A1

A metal matrix composite with a uniformly distributed ceramic component is made by mixing nano size ceramic particles with a surfactant and/or dispersing agent in a polar liquid to produce a colloidal solution, blending the ceramic particles with micron or sub-micron size metallic particles, and then compacting the blended ceramic and metallic particles into a solid mass. 1. A method of making a metal matrix composite comprising:mixing ceramic particles with a surfactant in a polar liquid solvent to produce a colloidal solution;blending metallic particles with the ceramic particles in the colloidal solution;removing the solvent;compacting the blended ceramic and metallic particles into a solid mass.2. The method of wherein the ceramic particles are in the range of approximately 5 to 1000 nanometers in diameter.3. The method of wherein the metallic particles are less than approximately 2 microns in size.4. The method of wherein the polar liquid is an alcohol.5. The method of wherein the polar liquid is isopropyl alcohol.6. The method of wherein the surfactant is a phosphonic acid.7. The method of wherein the surfactant is hexylphosphonic acid.8. The method of further comprising adding a soluble polymer dispersing agent to the polar liquid solvent.9. The method of wherein the soluble polymer dispersing agent is poly vinyl pirrolidone.10. The method of wherein the ceramic and metallic particles are blended ultrasonically.11. The method of wherein the ceramic and metallic particles are blended in a dry state.12. The method of wherein the ceramic and metallic particles are blended in a polar liquid.13. The method of wherein the ceramic and metallic particles are blended with a high shear blender.14. The method of wherein the blended ceramic and metallic particles are compacted by cold isostatic pressing and sintering.15. The method of wherein the blended ceramic and metallic particles are compacted by vacuum hot pressing.16. The method of wherein the blended ceramic and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030211A1

A composite microfiber including an electrospun blend of a thermosensitive hydrogel and a biodegradable polymer, a scaffold including a plurality of the composite microfibers, optionally including cells cultured in the scaffold, and methods of making an engineered tissue including seeding cells within a plurality of composite microfibers. 1. A composite microfiber , comprising an electrospun blend of a thermosensitive hydrogel and a biodegradable polymer.2. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the thermosensitive hydrogel is poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PEG-PNIPAAm) and wherein the biodegradable polymer is poly(c-caprolactone) (PCL) claim 1 , wherein the PEG-PNIPAAm and PCL are blended throughout the microfiber.3. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable polymer is natural biodegradable polymer.4. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the microfiber is in the range of 1 to 50 microns.5. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the microfiber is in the range of 9 to 13 microns.6. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the microfiber 11 microns.7. The composite microfiber according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of thermosensitive hydrogel: biodegradable polymer is 65:35.8. A scaffold claim 1 , comprising a plurality of composite microfibers according to .9. The scaffold according to claim 8 , wherein the scaffold has a thickness of about 2.5 mm.10. The scaffold according to claim 8 , wherein the scaffold further comprises cells cultured within the scaffold.11. The scaffold according to claim 8 , wherein the scaffold has a compressive modulus of between 40-80 kPa.12. The scaffold according to claim 11 , wherein the scaffold has a compressive modulus of about 60 kPa.13. The scaffold according to claim 10 , wherein the scaffold and cells form a shape.14. A method of making an engineered tissue claim ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030881A1
Автор: AN Jun-Bum

Provided is a method of manufacturing a magnet capable of using only a single pole, whereby a combination force between a permanent (or referred to as a magnet) and a yoke (or referred to as a shielding metal) can be improved without performing a manual bonding work therebetween and then the efficiency of subsequent processes, such as polishing and plating, after combination and completeness of a product can be improved. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnet capable of using only a single pole , the method comprising:(a) forming a green compact having an oriented powder by magnetically pressing an alloy powder for manufacturing a magnet;(b) placing an iron-related metal powder for manufacturing a shielding metal so that at least one surface of the green compact is exposed and the remaining surfaces of the green compact are surrounded;(c) forming a compression molded body by mechanically pressing a resultant structure of (b); and(d) forming a sintered body by sintering the compression molded body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein (b) comprises:(b-1) placing the green compact in a center of a bottom of a predetermined mold; and(b-2) putting the iron-related metal powder into the predetermined mold in a state of (b-1).3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising (e) performing polishing claim 1 , plating and magnetization on the sintered body.4. A method of manufacturing a magnet capable of using only a single pole claim 1 , the method comprising:(a) putting an iron-related metal powder for manufacturing a shielding metal into a predetermined mold;(b) forming a metal powder green compact having a groove with a predetermined size in a center of one surface thereof by mechanically pressing the iron-related metal powder;(c) forming an incompletely-sintered body having the groove by incompletely sintering the metal powder green compact;(d) forming an alloy powder green compact having an oriented powder to correspond to a shape of the groove by magnetically pressing the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a structural component for a turbomachine

Номер: US20200030882A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd and Co KG

A method for producing engine components with a complex geometric structure particularly for an aircraft engine, includes providing a first component that has a first sintered state with a first degree of compaction; providing at least one second component that has a second sintered state with a second degree of compaction; wherein the second degree of compaction is lower than the first degree of compaction; and wherein the at least one second component has an opening, into which a portion of the first component is introducible; and wherein the opening is dimensioned to close substantially completely during a sintering joining process, to form a force-fitting sintered joint with the first component; introducing the first component into the opening; and carrying out the sintering joining process.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a component using a sinter joining process

Номер: US20200030883A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd and Co KG

The production of engine parts with a complex geometrical structure. More particularly, a method for producing a complex part, comprising making available a first component, having a thermal expansion coefficient of the first component; a first joining surface; and a first bearing surface; making available a second component, having a thermal expansion coefficient of the second component; a second joining surface; a second bearing surface; and making available a jacket element, having a thermal expansion coefficient of the jacket element; and a jacket-element bearing surface; and heating the first component, the second component and the jacket element from a first temperature to a second temperature in order to carry out a joining process on the first component and the second component. Furthermore, a part, in particular for a gas turbine engine for an aircraft, and to a gas turbine engine of this kind.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Powder press and a feed housing having preferably a plurality of stamps which are movable for a transverse press

Номер: US20180036982A1
Автор: Dietmar W Kramer
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a powder press having preferably a plurality of stamps ( 11 ) which are movable for a transverse press in a feed housing ( 10 ), said stamps partially delimiting a hollow chamber of a matrix in the feed housing ( 10 ) and being able to be coupled to a press device ( 40 ) by one connector piece each. An adjustable positioning means, which is formed from a wedge arrangement ( 20 ) having a stop surface ( 22 ) and placed crosswise to the moving direction of the stamp ( 11 ) is allocated to the respective stamp ( 11 ) for determining the pressing position thereof. Said wedge arrangement ( 20 ) comprises at least one wedge ( 21 ), which is adjustable crosswise to the moving direction of the stamp ( 11 ) and has the stop surface ( 22 ), which contacts a stop surface ( 11″ ) at the stamp ( 11 ). Such a wedge arrangement can achieve very accurate pressing positions of the stamp, first of all, and extremely stable positioning of the stamp to be pressed with high pressure, second of all.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036984A1

Method of forming a compact based on the press forming method provides a compact having high density and not having cracking or surface roughness in a product and without compact adhesion to press forming mold wall occurring, including steps: filling raw material powder in a cavity formed by an outer mold and lower punch, or outer mold and lower punch and core rod, pressing and forming raw material powder between an outer punch and lower punch, and extracting the compact obtained out of the outer mold by the lower punch, wherein a lubricating film of a press forming mold lubricant containing oil as main component is formed on at least part of outer mold inner surface, or outer mold inner surface and core rod outer circumferential surface before filling the raw material powder in the cavity, and press forming so that compact density ratio is not less than 93%. 1. A method of forming a compact based on a press forming method , comprising steps of:filling raw material powder in a cavity formed by an outer mold and a lower punch, or formed by an outer mold, a lower punch and a core rod,pressing the raw material between an upper punch and the lower punch so as to form a compact, andpressing the compact out of the outer mold,wherein a lubricating film of a press forming mold lubricant containing an oil as a main component is formed on at least a part of inner surface of the outer mold, or inner surface of the outer mold and outer circumferential surface of the core rod before the raw material powder is filled in the cavity, andthe raw material powder is pressed and formed into the compact so that density ratio of the compact is not less than 93%.2. The method of forming a compact based on a press forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the lower punch consists of multiple lower punches claim 1 , each surface of the multiple lower punches forms part of an outer circumference of the compact claim 1 , and the lubricating film of the press forming mold lubricant having ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Rotary Tablet Press and Method for Pressing Tablets in a Rotary Tablet Press

Номер: US20190039270A1

The invention relates to a rotary tablet press comprising: a rotatingly drivable rotor, having a die plate comprising die holes and assigned to the die holes upper and lower punches, rotating synchronously with the die plate, whose axial movement is controlled by upper and lower control cams, having at least one filling station comprising at least one filling device for filling the die holes with material to be pressed, having at least one compression station disposed downstream of the filling station in the rotational direction of the rotor, comprising at least one pressing device which presses the upper and/or lower punches into the die holes when passing through the compression station in order to press the filled material in the die holes, and having at least one ejector station, disposed downstream of the compression station in the rotational direction of the rotor, comprising an ejector device for ejecting the pressed tablets in the die holes, characterized in that at least one vibration generator is provided in the circumferential direction of the upper and lower punches between the filling station and the ejector station that at least temporarily vibrates the upper and/or lower punches at least at the compression station and/or at the filling station and/or at least at an upper control cam and/or at least at a lower control cam. 1. A rotary tablet press comprising:{'b': 12', '14', '16', '16', '18', '20', '14', '30', '32, 'a rotatingly drivable rotor (), having a die plate () comprising die holes () and assigned to the die holes () upper and lower punches (, ), rotating synchronously with the die plate (), whose axial movement is controlled by upper and lower control cams (, ),'}{'b': 34', '36', '16, 'at least one filling station () comprising at least one filling device () for filling the die holes () with material to be pressed,'}{'b': 42', '44', '34', '12', '46', '48', '50', '52', '18', '20', '16', '42', '44', '16, 'at least one compression station (, ) ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043397A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A device for manufacturing a cutting insert green body by compacting a powder includes a die having an upper die part and a lower die, an upper punch and a lower punch, at least one of which is moveable along a pressing axis in relation to the die. The upper and lower die parts, when joined, define a die cavity that defines the shape of the green body to be formed by the compaction. At least one of the lower and upper die part has a pressing bore extending from the cavity for receiving the lower and upper punch. The upper die part has an upper surface that, at least in one direction, extends rectilinearly, and the upper die part has an upper opening in the upper surface, through which the upper punch is arranged to be forwarded into the cavity. 1. A method of compacting a powder into a cutting insert green body , such that said cutting insert green body obtains a barrel-shape having a parting line on an outer peripheral surface thereof which is at least partially non-perpendicular to a pressing axis along which said compacting is performed , said method comprising the steps of:providing a compaction tool including a die having an upper die part, a lower die part, an upper punch and a lower punch, wherein the upper and lower die parts, when joined together, define a die cavity that is delimited by an inner peripheral surface that defines the shape of the outer peripheral surface of the barrel-shaped green body to be formed by said compaction;providing at least one of the lower die part and the upper die part with a pressing bore extending from said die cavity, for receiving the lower punch or the upper punch in connection with said compacting;providing the lower die part with an upper inner edge that extends along a line defining the parting line of the green body;providing the upper die part with a lower inner edge that extends along a line defining the parting line of the green body;providing the upper die part with an upper surface that, at least in one direction, ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059286A1
Автор: DONG Yongan

A manufacturing method for a bonded magnet, in particular a manufacturing method for an anisotropic bonded magnet. The present invention solves the problem that the existing manufacturing method under the condition of heating magnetic powders performs magnetic field orientation after a binder is melted, resulting in low production efficiency, a complicated mould structure, high process costs, thereby affecting wide use of an anisotropic bonded magnet. A manufacturing method for an anisotropic bonded magnet comprising the following steps: 1) mixing anisotropic magnetic powders and a thermosetting binder; 2) adding the mixture of step 1) to a mould cavity, performing pressure forming under an oriented magnetic field, and performing demagnetization, so as to obtain a green body; and 3) loading the green body of step 2) into a vacuum furnace for thermal curing, so as to obtain an anisotropic bonded magnet. In the present application, forming is performed in a magnetic field at normal temperature or in a cold state, avoiding magnetic powders being bonded to each other, improving the effect of magnetic field orientation, and the mould has a simple structure, is easy to operate, and provides high efficiency, thereby lowering cost. 1. A manufacturing method for an anisotropic bonded magnet , comprising the following steps:1) mixing anisotropic magnetic powder and a thermosetting binder;2) adding the mixture of the step 1) to a mould cavity, performing pressure forming under an orientated magnetic field, and performing demagnetization, so as to obtain a green body; and3) loading the green body of the step 2) into a vacuum furnace for thermal curing, so as to obtain an anisotropic bonded magnet.2. The manufacturing method for an anisotropic bonded magnet according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step 1) claim 1 , the anisotropic magnetic powder is any one of anisotropic neodymium-iron-boron magnetic powder claim 1 , anisotropic samarium-iron-nitrogen magnetic powder ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045136A1

Provided is a sintered gear () as a sintered machine part, which is formed of a sintered compact (M′) and which rotates in conjunction with an input of a load from another member onto a radially outer surface while sliding with respect to a shaft (S) inserted along an inner periphery, in which the sintered compact (M′) includes an inner layer () containing Cu and an outer layer () sintered together with the inner layer () under a state of being held in contact with the inner layer (), in which the outer layer () includes, as main components, Fe, Cu, and Sn as a low-melting-point metal, and a metal structure of the outer layer () includes, as main constituents, Fe structures and Cu—Sn alloy structures, which exist at a grain boundary of the Fe structures and bind the Fe structures to each other. 1. A sintered machine part , which is formed of a sintered compact and which rotates in conjunction with an input of a load from another member onto a radially outer surface while sliding with respect to a shaft inserted along an inner periphery ,wherein the sintered compact comprises an inner layer containing Cu and an outer layer sintered together with the inner layer under a state of being held in contact with the inner layer,wherein the outer layer comprises, as main components, Fe, Cu, and a low-melting-point metal having a melting point lower than a melting point of Cu, and a metal structure of the outer layer comprises, as main constituents, Fe structures and alloy structures of Cu and the low-melting-point metal, which exist at a grain boundary of the Fe structures and bind the Fe structures to each other.2. The sintered machine part according to claim 1 , wherein the low-melting-point metal is at least one kind selected from the group consisting of Sn claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , and P.3. The sintered machine part according to claim 1 , wherein the low-melting-point metal in the outer layer has a concentration of from 0.5 mass % to 2.0 mass %.4. The sintered machine part ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Molding Using Magnetically Activated Static and Dynamic Ferrofluid Configurations

Номер: US20150050179A1
Автор: Hawes Eleanor Augusta

The present invention provides a method to cure material (polymer, metals) into a mold against the shape of a fluid (aka the substrate). The substrate is a ferrofluid, and its shape can be dictated by surrounding magnetic fields. By manipulating the applied magnetic fields, the ferrofluid can be formed into a specific shape; then, the curing material (in fluid or powder form) can be molded against that specific shape. The ferrofluid shape can further be changed during the curing step to impact the final shape. The methods of the present invention permit fast three-dimensional molding in a programmable fashion. 1. A method for creating a dynamic mold comprising:(a) selecting a molding material and a ferrofluid mold material;(b) introducing the mold material into a space within a magnetic system in closer proximity to a first magnet of the magnetic system than a second magnet of the magnetic system, wherein the second magnet is stronger than the first magnet;(c) contacting the molding material with the ferrofluid mold material; and,(d) curing the molding material during step (c), and removing the cured molding material from the ferrofluid mold material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected ferrofluid mold material comprises a ferrofluid claim 1 , a carrier fluid and a surfactant.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a non-magnetic substrate is added to the ferrofluid mold material prior to step (b).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected molding material is a powdered metal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected ferrofluid mold material has a low miscibility with the selected molding material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic system is comprised of permanent magnets and/or electromagnets and metallic elements.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising introducing a metallic element between the second magnet and the first magnet to guide the mold material.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the introduced metallic element is a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050402A1

Provided is a stepped die which includes: an inner ring having a cylindrical shape, and an outer ring having a cylindrical shape which is fitted on an outer periphery of the inner ring by shrinkage fitting, in which a recessed portion for molding which has a stepped portion is formed on an inner side of the inner ring. A shrinkage fitting ratio of the outer ring to the inner ring is set to a value which falls within a range of from 0.12% to 0.25%. 1. A stepped die for powder molding of metal powder comprising:an inner ring made of a sintered hard alloy and having a cylindrical shape, and an outer ring having a cylindrical shape which is fitted on an outer periphery of the inner ring by shrinkage fitting, in which a recessed portion for molding which has a stepped portion is formed on an inner side of the inner ring,wherein a flange portion which is engaged with a die plate is formed on an outer periphery of the outer ring,wherein only the flange portion of the stepped die is supported by the die plate while a lower surface of the stepped die is not supported by other member, andwherein a shrinkage fitting ratio of the outer ring to the inner ring is set to a value which falls within a range of from 0.12% to 0.25%.2. The stepped die according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio between an outer diameter of the inner ring and a diameter of a maximum imaginary circle which is an imaginary circle having a center on a central axis of the inner ring and passes a corner portion of the stepped portion remotest from the center in a radially outward direction is set to 1.4 or more.3. The stepped die according to claim 2 , wherein the ratio is set to 2.0 or less.4. The stepped die according to claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness which is difference between an outer diameter of the inner ring and a diameter of a maximum imaginary circle which is an imaginary circle having a center on a central axis of the inner ring and passes a corner portion of the stepped portion remotest from the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051777A1

The present invention provides a ring gear and a gear reduction device. The ring gear includes a one-piece annular body made from powder metallurgy material, and a first ring gear part and a second ring gear part formed on a surface of the annular body. The first ring gear part and the second ring gear part are arranged along an axial direction of the annular body. The ring gear has a density less than 92% of its theoretical density and a mass of 6.0 to 8.0 grams per cubic millimeter. The present invention further provides a mold for manufacturing the ring gear. The ring gear of the present invention includes two ring gears integrally formed at once, and the two ring gears have improved concentricity. 1. A ring gear comprising:a first ring gear part comprising a first annular body and a plurality of first teeth formed on a surface of the first annular body; anda second ring gear part comprising a second annular body and a plurality of second teeth formed on a surface of the second annular body;wherein the first ring gear part and the second ring gear part are integrally formed from powder metal, the ring gear having a density less than 92% of its theoretical density and a mass of 6.0 to 8.0 grams per cubic millimeter.2. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the ring gear has a mass of 6.2 to 7.2 grams per cubic millimeter.3. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth are helical teeth claim 1 , and the second teeth are straight teeth.4. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth and the second teeth both are helical teeth claim 1 , and helical directions of the first teeth and the second teeth are the same.5. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth and the second teeth both are helical teeth claim 1 , and helical directions of the first teeth and the second teeth are opposite to each other.6. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth has a helical angle between 10˜30 degree.7. The ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the first teeth and ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Press for producing pellets from powdered material

Номер: US20150056315A1

The invention relates to a press for producing pellets from powdered material comprising at least one die with a mould cavity imaging the pellet, at least one upper punch and at least one lower punch that interact with the mould cavity to form the pellet, and at least one electric drive for driving the upper punch, and/or the lower punch, and/or the die along a main press axis, wherein the press also comprises at least one movable element acting on the die and/or the mould cavity of the die, wherein at least one electro-hydrostatic drive is provided to drive the at least one movable element. 1. A press for producing pellets from powdered material comprising at least one die with a mould cavity imaging the pellet , at least one upper punch and at least one lower punch that interact with the mould cavity to form the pellet , and at least one electric drive for driving the upper punch , and/or the lower punch , and/or the die along a main press axis , characterized in that the press also comprises at least one movable element acting on the die and/or the mould cavity of the die , wherein at least one electro-hydrostatic drive is provided to drive the at least one movable element.26466. The press according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one movable element is at least one adjusting element for adjusting the die and/or at least one other punch ( claim 1 , ) acting on the mould cavity of the die.3. The press according to one of claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one movable element is movable by means of the at least one electro-hydrostatic drive along an axis running at an angle to the main press axis claim 1 , preferably a transverse axis running transverse to the main press axis.4. The press according to one of claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one movable element is an additional upper punch and/or an additional lower punch that can be moved by the at least one electro-hydrostatic drive parallel to the main press axis.5. The press ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170054157A1

Methods for fabricating an interconnect for a fuel cell system that include forming a metal powder into a preform structure, positioning the preform structure in a die cavity of a press apparatus, and compressing the preform structure in the press apparatus to form the interconnect. Further embodiments include use of thin inserts in the die cavity to provide reduced permeability and/or including filler material in the die cavity. 1. A method of fabricating an interconnect for a fuel cell system , comprising:forming a metal powder into a preform structure;positioning the preform structure in a die cavity of a press apparatus; andcompressing the preform structure in the press apparatus to form the interconnect.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the metal powder into the preform structure and positioning the preform structure in the die cavity of the press apparatus comprises:providing the metal powder in the die cavity of the press apparatus; andshaping the metal powder with an upper shaping punch to form the metal powder into the preform structure positioned in the die cavity of the press apparatus.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein shaping the metal powder with the upper shaping punch comprises pressing the upper shaping punch into the metal powder.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein shaping the metal powder with the upper shaping punch further comprises at least one of:vibrating at least part of the press apparatus; androtating at least part of the press apparatus.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:removing the upper shaping punch; andcompressing the preform structure with an upper compaction punch in the press apparatus to form the interconnect.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein a shape of the preform is different from a shape of the interconnect.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein at least one channel between ribs in the preform is deeper than at least one channel between ribs in the interconnect.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein at least one ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Sintering apparatus for selective energization

Номер: US20220072608A1

One embodiment of the present invention provides a sintering apparatus for selectively applying electric current, comprising: a mold provided with a space for accommodating a target object; a punch for uniaxially pressing the space of the mold; an electric controller provided at an end of the punch opposite to the pressing direction; an electrode unit in contact with the electric controller; and a heater extending from the electrode unit so as to heat the mold, wherein the mold and the punch are formed with a conductor.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072609A1

The invention relates to a method for powder pressing at least two pressed parts, in particular ceramic powder pressed parts and/or metal powder pressed parts, wherein a first powder () for pressing a first pressed part is filled into a first cavity () of a die () with a first filling level and a second powder () for pressing a second pressed part is filled into a second cavity () of the die () with a second filling level, wherein the first and second filling levels are individually adjusted. Preferably, the first powder is filled via a first filling shoe and the second powder is filled via a second filling shoe, wherein the two filling shoes, at least temporarily, are not moved simultaneously. A powder pressing device is also claimed which is suitable for implementing the aforementioned method. 1. A method for powder pressing at least two pressed parts , wherein the pressed parts are ceramic powder pressed parts and/or metal powder pressed parts , the method comprising:filling a first powder for pressing a first pressed part into a first cavity of a die with a first filling level, andfilling a second powder for pressing a second pressed part into a second cavity of the die with a second filling level,wherein the first and second filling levels are individually adjusted.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:the first powder is filled via a first filling shoe, and the second powder is filled via a second filling shoe.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:during filling into at least one cavity, at least two filling operations are carried out, wherein a first filling operation for filling the second powder into the second cavity takes place before and/or during a filling operation for filling the first powder into the first cavity and a second filling operation for filling the second powder into the second cavity takes place, while no filling operation for filling the first powder into the first cavity takes place after the first filling shoe has already ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059307A1
Автор: ROSINSKI Marcin

The object of the invention is a device intended for powder materials consolidation, provided with an operating chamber, press connected to high-current discharge electrodes top and bottom, with arranged therebetween the sintered powder subjected to the pressure exerted by the press. To the top and bottom electrode there is connected a capacitive circuit with a power supply unit, closed by a high-current switch being a transistor switch. The object of the invention is also a method of powder materials consolidation in the device according to the invention, wherein the powder material is subjected to simultaneous operation of pressure in the range of 1-200 MPa and consolidation by electric current pulses with intensity of 1-80 kA, repeated with frequency from the range of 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz, generated by opening and closing the transistor switch. 17. Device for powder materials consolidation , provided with operating chamber , press connected to the top electrode and the bottom electrode with accommodated in a die therebetween the consolidated powder to which the press exerts pressure , wherein to the top and bottom electrode there is connected a capacitive circuit with a power supply unit closed by a high-current switch , characterized in that the high-current switch is a transistor switch ().27. Device for powder consolidation according to claim 1 , characterized in that the transistor switch () comprises eight transistors connected in parallel.37. Device for powder consolidation according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the transistor switch () is adapted to forming rectangular pulses.47. Device for powder consolidation according to claim 3 , characterized in that the transistor switch () is adapted both to supply energy to the sintered set in form of short pulses with the same high amplitude and to supply the same energy in cyclic oscillatory fading waveform of capacitor battery discharge claim 3 , depending on the control signal waveform.5347606162. Device ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059504A1

Provided is a hot isostatic pressing device (HIP) () that enables prompt cooling in a processing chamber. The HIP device () is provided with the following: gas impermeable casings (); a heating unit (); a high-pressure container (); a heat accumulator () provided below a processing chamber; and a cooling promotion flow path (). The casings () are disposed so as to form the following: a first circulation flow () in which a pressure medium gas passes through an inner flow path () and an outer flow path () and then returns to the inner flow path (); and a second circulation flow () in which the pressure medium gas which has branched off from the first circulation flow () performs heat exchange with an object-of-processing (W) in the processing chamber and then is fed back to the first circulation flow (). In the cooling promotion flow path (), the pressure medium gas that is in the second circulation flow () and that has performed heat exchange with the object-of-processing (W) is guided to the heat accumulator () and cooled by the heat accumulator () before the pressure medium gas merges with the first circulation flow (). 1. A hot isostatic pressing device which includes a processing chamber to perform isostatic pressing processing to a workpiece by using pressure medium gas in the processing chamber , the hot isostatic pressing device comprising:a gas impermeable casing arranged to surround the workpiece;a heating unit provided inside the casing to form the processing chamber around the workpiece;a high-pressure container housing the heating unit and the casing;a heat accumulator provided below the processing chamber, the heat accumulator being thermally exchanged with the pressure medium gas to promote cooling of the pressure medium gas; anda cooling promotion flow path formed in the casing,wherein the casing is arranged to form a first circulation flow in which the pressure medium gas passes upward through an inner flow path in the casing, passes downward through ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140135415A1
Принадлежит: ZIMMER GMBH

The present invention generally provides implantable articles and methods of forming implantable articles from a crosslinked ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (“UHMWPE”) blend stabilized with Vitamin E. The crosslinked UHMWPE blend may be prepared by combining the UHMWPE material and vitamin E prior to irradiating the UHMWPE blend with electron beam radiation at a sufficient radiation dose rate to induce crosslinking. The crosslinked UHMWPE blend may be incorporated into a variety of implants, and in particular, into endoprosthetic joint replacements 1. (canceled)2. A method of forming a crosslinked ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) blend comprising:combining UHMWPE and vitamin E to form an UHMWPE blend;consolidating the UHMWPE blend;preheating the UHMWPE blend; andirradiating the preheated UHMWPE blend to crosslink the UHMWPE blend;wherein the crosslinked UHMWPE has a swell ratio of less than about 4.0.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the crosslinked UHMWPE blend has a swell ratio of less than about 3.5.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein preheating comprises preheating the UHMWPE blend to above about room temperature prior to irradiation.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein preheating comprises preheating the UHMWPE blend to about 120° C. to about 130° C. prior to irradiation.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising annealing the UHMWPE blend after irradiation at a temperature up to about 200° C.7. The method of claim 2 , further comprising annealing the UHMWPE blend after irradiation at a temperature of about 50° C.8. The method of claim 2 , wherein the irradiating comprises electron beam irradiation.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein the irradiating comprises an absorbed dose of at least about 60 kiloGrey.10. The method of claim 2 , wherein the irradiating comprises an absorbed dose of about 25 kilogrey to about 1000 kiloGrey.11. The method of claim 2 , wherein the irradiating comprises a dose rate of at least about 1 MegaGrey per hour. ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064051A1

A manufacturing method of an embossment structure formed in a mold in the present invention is applicable to plastic or metallic in-mold shaping products, such as computers, communication products, consumer electronic products, electrical appliances, parts of machines and instruments or common household products. A base layer provided with embossment structure or tri-dimensional ornament and a separable layer is stably fixed in a shaping mold by making use of absorption mode of the shaping mold. After shaped completely, the base layer on the surface of the in-mold shaping product is torn off to present delicate tri-dimensional embossed streaks on the surface of the in-mold shaping product, which is designed according to personalization or individuation, able to lower cost and increase external beauty of the in-mold shaping product and conform to economic gain. 1. A manufacturing method of an embossment structure formed in a mold comprising following steps:Step one: having a base layer provided with an inner surface and an outer surface, said base layer different from a plastic in-mold shaping product in material, said base layer being a plate with high hardness, able to be engraved and having ductility, said base layer formed with a shape matching the shape of a shaping mold, said base layer having an inner surface engraved with carving streaks, a separable layer provided at said inner surface of said base layer, said separable layer different from said plastic in-mold shaping product in material, said separable layer made of oily material or non-adherent material, said separable layer covered on said carving streaks to prevent said plastic in-mold shaping product from adhering to said carving streaks of said base layer to enable said base layer to be torn off easily;Step two: having one side of said base layer, which is not provided with said separable layer, fixed in an absorption mold at an inner wall of a female mold of said shaping mold, or at an outer wall of ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Assembly having two components connected cohesively together

Номер: US20140138428A1

The invention relates to an assembly ( 1 ) at least comprising a first metal component ( 2 ) having a first surface region ( 5 ) and a second metal component ( 3 ) having a second surface region ( 7 ), wherein the two surface regions ( 5, 7 ) face each other, and the first and the second component ( 2, 3 ) are connected cohesively together at least in a subregion of the two surface regions ( 5, 7 ), and wherein at least one of the two metal components ( 2, 3 ) is a sintered component, wherein that surface region ( 7 ) of the sintered component that has the cohesive connection has a higher density than the adjoining further surface region of the sintered component.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066054A1
Автор: Birky Zachary S.

A system and a method of making an object from powdered metal are provided. The method includes feeding the powdered metal into a first end of a die. The die is rotated to pull a first portion of the powdered metal into a pressing zone. The first portion of the powdered metal is pressed using high pressure. The die is further rotated to release the first portion of the powdered metal from a second end of the die. A second portion of the powdered metal is then pulled into the first end of the die. 1. A method of making an object from powdered metal , the method comprising:feeding the powdered metal into a first end of a die;rotating the die to pull a first portion of the powdered metal into a pressing zone;pressing the first portion of the powdered metal using high pressure;rotating the die further, to release the first portion of the powdered metal from a second end of the die, wherein the die rotates in one direction only; andpulling a second portion of the powdered metal into the first end of the die.2. The method of further comprising claim 1 , rotating the die continuously or semi-continuously.3. The method of further comprising claim 1 , rotating a roller in a direction opposite to the direction of the die claim 1 , wherein the roller is disposed adjacent to the die.4. The method of further comprising:sintering the pressed portion of the powdered metal using high temperature to form a corresponding compact portion;cutting the compact portion to form an individual compacted piece; andshaping the individual compacted piece to form the object.5. The method of further comprising claim 4 , subjecting the individual compacted piece to secondary processing.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the secondary processing is forging claim 5 , machining claim 5 , bending claim 5 , shearing claim 5 , coining claim 5 , milling claim 5 , or any combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feeding is continuous feeding.8. The method of further comprising claim 1 , ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071871A1

A bio-synthetic matrix comprising a hydrogel which is formed by cross-linking a synthetic polymer and a bio-polymer is provided. The matrix is robust, biocompatible and non-cytotoxic and is capable of supporting cell in-growth in vivo. The matrix can be tailored to further comprise one or more bioactive agents. The matrix may also comprise cells encapsulated and dispersed therein, which are capable of proliferating upon deposition of the matrix in vivo. Methods of preparing the bio-synthetic matrix and the use of the matrix in vivo for tissue engineering or drug delivery applications are also provided. 112-. (canceled)13. A bio-synthetic matrix comprising:(a) a synthetic co-polymer comprising one or more N-alkyl or N,N-dialkyl substituted acrylamide co-monomer, one or more hydrophilic co-monomer and one or more acryl- or methacryl- carboxylic acid co-monomer derivatised to contain a pendant cross-linkable moiety, said synthetic co-polymer having a number average molecular mass between about 2,000 and about 1,000,000 Daltons, wherein said synthetic co-polymer is reactive with primary amines via the pendant cross-linkable moiety;(b) a bio-polymer; and(c) an aqueous solvent,wherein said synthetic co-polymer and said bio-polymer are cross-linked through said pendant cross-linkable moiety to form a hydrogel.14. The bio-synthetic matrix according to claim 13 , wherein the amount of synthetic co-polymer is between about 0.1% and about 30% by weight claim 13 , the amount of bio-polymer is between about 0.3% and about 50% by weight and the amount of aqueous solvent is between about 20% and about 99.6% by weight.15. The bio-synthetic matrix according to claim 13 , wherein said bio-polymer is selected from the group of collagens claim 13 , denatured collagens claim 13 , recombinant collagens claim 13 , gelatin claim 13 , fibrin-fibrinogen claim 13 , elastin claim 13 , glycoprotein claim 13 , alginate claim 13 , chitosan claim 13 , hyaluronic acid claim 13 , chondroitin ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069423A1

Provided are a green compact from which a low-loss core can be formed, a method of manufacturing the green compact, and a core for a reactor using the green compact. Parts of outer circumferential surfaces of green compacts and are molded with an inner peripheral surface of a through hole of a die A, and the other parts are molded with an outer circumferential surface of a core rod A that is inserted and disposed in the through hole . A raw-material powder P, which is a coated soft magnetic powder, is fed into compacting spaces and and pressurized by using a lower punch (first punch) and an upper punch (second punch). Then, the green compacts and are removed from the compacting spaces and by moving the die A with respect to the green compacts and without moving the core rod A with respect to the green compacts and . An area that is on the outer circumferential surface of each of the green compacts and and that is molded with the core rod A does not rub against the core rod A, and thus a complete insulating layer is maintained in the area. Therefore, a core using the green compact or can reduce eddy current loss. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of manufacturing a green compact with which a green compact is manufactured by filling a compacting space with a coated soft magnetic powder including an insulating layer and then by pressurizing the coated soft magnetic powder , the method comprising:defining a part of the compacting space by a plurality of die members, the part corresponding to a portion of an outer circumferential surface of the green compact that is to be formed, andremoving a green compact, which has been obtained after pressurizing the coated soft magnetic powder, from the compacting space by moving at least one of the die members with respect to the formed green compact without moving the other die members with respect to the formed green compact.11. The method of manufacturing a green compact according to claim 10 , further comprising:a filling step of ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Powder molding apparatus and manufacture of rare earth sintered magnet using the apparatus

Номер: US20200066440A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

When a powder material ( 5 ) is molded by introducing the material into a cavity ( 11 ) between a lower punch ( 2 ) and a die ( 1 ), compression molding the material between upper and lower punches ( 3 and 2 ) into a compact ( 51 ) of desired shape, and moving up the lower punch ( 2 ) to eject the compact ( 51 ), a lubricant is applied to the interior surface of the die ( 1 ) by fitting a pad ( 24 ) around the lower punch ( 2 ) and impregnating the pad with the lubricant. Since the lubricant is applied on every molding operation, molding operation can be continuously carried out.

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for Producing a Blank, Also a Method for This Purpose and a Blank

Номер: US20170072654A1
Принадлежит: GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH

The present invention relates to an apparatus, preferably a press, comprising a cavity which is to be filled and at least a first material feed, for a first material, and a second material feed, for a second material, wherein the first and the second material feeds are arranged separately from one another, having a feeding apparatus for feeding the first and the second materials into the cavity which is to be filled, wherein the feeding apparatus has a mouth-opening cross section with at least a first region of the mouth-opening cross section for the first material, and with a second, separate region of the mouth-opening cross section for the second material, for filling the cavity preferably in parallel, and at separate locations. A method and also a blank are proposed in addition. 1. A press device having a device for filling of a mold of the press device with at least two different materials , comprisinga cavity to be filled with the at least two materials anda filling unit for discharging the at least two materials for the purpose of introducing these materials into different regions of the cavity,wherein the filling unit has at least two separate chambers or at least two chamber regions of a common chamber for simultaneous feeding of the at least two materials, directly adjoining one another or in separate locations, for introduction thereof into the cavity as at least partly distinguishable layers, andcomprising a relative rotary motion between the filling unit and the cavity, preferably about a common axis, preferably about a common center axis, during a filling operation.2. The press device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that wherein the filling unit and the cavity and/or a base of the cavity are movable in a translational manner relative to one another during the filling operation claim 1 , and are preferably movable away from one another along the center axis.3. The press device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first of the chambers extends at ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079416A1

A tool for a high temperature, high pressure apparatus includes a working layer of a first hard metal composition of material and at least one supporting layer of a second hard metal composition of material attached to the working layer. The first hard metal composition has a mean linear intercept of less than about 0.4 μm of a binder phase. The working layer has a top and bottom surface. At least one supporting layer of a second hard metal composition of material is attached to the working layer. The at least one supporting layer includes an upper portion. An interface region is formed by the bottom surface of the working layer and the upper portion of the at least one supporting layer. The bottom surface and upper portion have a corresponding shape, wherein the bottom surface and upper portion are bonded to form the corresponding shape in the interface region. 1. A tool for a high temperature , high pressure apparatus , the tool comprising:a working layer of a first hard metal composition of material; andat least one supporting layer of a second hard metal composition of material attached to the working layer, wherein the first hard metal composition of the working layer has a mean linear intercept of less than about 0.4 μm of a binder phase.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the first and second hard metal composition of materials each is cemented carbide.3. The tool of claim 2 , wherein the cemented carbide is a tungsten carbide bonded with a cobalt alloy binder.4. The tool of claim 2 , wherein the cemented carbide is from the group of tungsten claim 2 , silicon claim 2 , chromium claim 2 , vanadium claim 2 , tantalum claim 2 , niobium claim 2 , titanium claim 2 , nickel claim 2 , cobalt claim 2 , iron or combinations thereof.5. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the first hard metal composition of material has a plastic deformation resistance to a pressure up to about 11 GPa.6. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the working layer has a top and bottom surface and the at ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Rotor Part of a Rotor for a Camshaft Adjuster and Pressing Tool for the Production Thereof

Номер: US20200072092A1

The invention relates to a first rotor part for a camshaft adjuster, wherein the first rotor part is configured in the form of a disc, and wherein the first rotor part has an encircling shoulder in a circumferential direction, said shoulder extending in a first axial direction beyond the first end side, wherein the first rotor part has at least one inner first opening which is arranged on the first inner casing on that side of the shoulder that is remote from the first end side and which is connected to the first end side via a first fluid duct which extends outwards in the radial direction from the shoulder through the first rotor part; wherein the first rotor part is produced in one part by powder metallurgy with all the inner first openings and first fluid ducts and the shoulder. The invention also relates to a pressing tool for producing a first rotor part. 1. A first rotor part of a rotor for a camshaft adjuster , wherein the first rotor part is configured in the form of a disc and extends along an axial direction between a first end face and a second end face and in a radial direction between a first inner casing and a first outer casing , characterized in that the first rotor part has a shoulder on the first inner casing , which extends inward from the first inner casing in the radial direction and encircles it in a circumferential direction extending in a first axial direction beyond the first end face and forming an outer circumferential surface , wherein the first rotor part has at least one first inner opening , which is arranged on the first inner casing at the side of the shoulder facing away from the first end face and connected by a first fluid duct , extending in the radial direction outwardly from the shoulder through the first rotor part , to the first end face and further the first rotor part is produced as a single piece with the at least one first inner opening , the at least one first fluid duct and the shoulder by powder metallurgy.2. The ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150084232A1

Extrudable hydrogel compositions for printing 3D objects, such as cell growth scaffolds, are provided. Also provided are methods for making the crosslinked hydrogel compositions and the printed objects and methods for culturing cells using the cell growth scaffolds. The hydrogel precursor solutions are aqueous solutions comprising a biocompatible polymer, functionalized polyethylene glycol as a crosslinker and, optionally, cells and/or bioactive factors. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein extruding the hydrogel through the annulus of a channel comprises printing the hydrogel through a printhead nozzle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extruded hydrogel comprises reactive functional groups claim 1 , the method further comprising exposing the extruded hydrogel to conditions that induce the reactive functional groups to term additional crosslinks between the biocompatible polymer chains.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annulus has a diameter of no greater than 500 μm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the annulus has a diameter of no greater than 200 μm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crosslinks are unbranched claim 1 , linear crosslinks.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogel composition has a shear storage modulus in the range from 1 to 150 Pa.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogel composition is free of hyaluronic acid.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bioactive factors are covalently bound to the crosslinks.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming the hydrogel composition by:preparing a hydrogel precursor solution comprising water, the biocompatible polymer, a functionalized polyethylene glycol crosslinker, and the bioactive factor, cells or combination thereof, wherein the biocompatible polymer has functional groups capable of undergoing crosslinking reactions with the functionalized polyethylene glycol crosslinker;inducing the functionalized polyethylene glycol crosslinker to undergo crosslinking reactions ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082156A1

Systems and methods for preparing osteoinductive synthetic bone grafts are provided in which a porous ceramic granule is loaded with an osteoinductive material, and then placed in contact with a biocompatible matrix material. 1. A method of making an osteoinductive scaffold , the method comprising:contacting a calcium ceramic granule with a solution comprising an osteoinductive material, thereby associating the osteoinductive material with an interior surface of the ceramic granule; andplacing the granule within a biocompatible matrix.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of placing the granule within the biocompatible matrix includes contacting the granule with a biocompatible matrix material and reacting the matrix material by at least one of polymerizing the matrix material and cross-linking the matrix material claim 1 , thereby forming the biocompatible matrix.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible matrix is selected from the group consisting of hyaluronic acid (HA) claim 1 , modified HA claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , fibrin claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , agarose claim 1 , a self-assembling peptide claim 1 , whole blood claim 1 , platelet-rich plasma claim 1 , bone marrow aspirate claim 1 , polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 1 , a derivative of PEG claim 1 , poly(lactide-co-glycolide) claim 1 , poly(caprolactone) claim 1 , poly(lactic acid) claim 1 , poly(glycolic acid) claim 1 , a poloxamer claim 1 , and copolymers thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the granule includes a material selected from the group comprising monocalcium phosphate monohydrate claim 1 , dicalcium phosphate claim 1 , dicalcium phosphate dehydrate claim 1 , octocalcium phosphate claim 1 , precipitated hydroxyapatite claim 1 , precipitated amorphous calcium phosphate claim 1 , monocalcium phosphate claim 1 , alpha-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) claim 1 , beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) claim 1 , sintered hydroxyapatite claim 1 , ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210082608A1

A magnetic material of the embodiments is a magnetic material including: a plurality of flaky magnetic metal particles, each flaky magnetic metal particle having a flat surface and amagneticmetalphase containing at least one first element selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co, and Ni, the flaky magnetic metal particles having an average thickness of from 10 nm to 100 μm and having an average value of the ratio of the average length in the flat surface to the thickness of from 5 to 10,000; and an intercalated phase existing between the flaky magnetic metal particles and containing at least one second element selected from the group consisting of oxygen (O), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fluorine (F), in which the magnetic material includes the intercalated phase at a volume ratio of from 4% to 17% and includes voids at a volume ratio of 30% or less, and an average angle of orientation between the flat surface and a plane of the magnetic material is 10° or less. 1. A magnetic material , comprising:a plurality of flaky magnetic metal particles, each flaky magnetic metal particle having a flat surface; and a magnetic metal phase containing at least one first element selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co, and Ni, the flaky magnetic metal particles having an average thickness of from 10 nm to 100 μm and an average value of the ratio of the average length in the flat surface to the thickness of from 5 to 10,000;an intercalated phase existing between the flaky magnetic metal particles and containing at least one second element selected from the group consisting of oxygen (O), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fluorine (F); anda plane,wherein the magnetic material includes the intercalated phase at a volume ratio of from 4% to 17% and includes voids at a volume ratio of 30% or less, and an average angle of orientation between the flat surface and the plane of the magnetic material is 10° or less.2. The magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080492A1
Автор: Yamashita Osamu

Provided is a powder molding apparatus including: a die; an upper punch and a lower punch; a middle platen attached to the upper punch; an upper platen mounted on a press machine and the upper platen being attached to a push rod; a link mechanism connecting the upper platen and the middle platen; a first actuator that fixes the link mechanism and cancels a fixation of the link mechanism; a bolster attached to the lower punch, and a lower platen attached to the die, in which descending of the upper platen and the push rod causes the lower platen and the die to be pushed downward by the push rod, and along with a downward movement of the die, the lower punch makes a upward movement inside the hollow with respect to the die. 1. A powder molding apparatus comprising:a die having a hollow;an upper punch and a lower punch that slide inside the hollow of the die and form a cavity jointly with an inner wall of the hollow;a middle platen attached to the upper punch;an upper platen attached to a push rod;a press machine that pushes down the upper platen;a link mechanism that connects the upper platen and the middle platen;a first actuator that fixes the link mechanism and cancels a fixation of the link mechanism;a bolster attached to the lower punch; anda lower platen attached to the die, the lower platen being biased upward from the bolster via a spring, whereindescending of the upper platen and the push rod causes the lower platen and the die to be pushed downward by the push rod, and along with a downward movement of the die, the lower punch makes a upward movement inside the hollow with respect to the die.2. The powder molding apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe link mechanism includes two links and three joints, the three joints connecting the links, the upper platen and the middle platen, respectively, and connecting the two links.3. The powder molding apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe first actuator includes an air cylinder and a piston, and a distal ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086408A1

A method of manufacturing a component and a method of thermal management are provided. The methods include forming at least one portion of the component, printing a cooling member of the component and attaching the at least one portion to the cooling member of the component. The cooling member includes at least one cooling feature. The at least one cooling feature includes at least one cooling channel adjacent to a surface of the component, wherein printing allows for near-net shape geometry of the cooling member with the at least one cooling channel being located within a range of about 127 (0.005 inches) to about 762 micrometers (0.030 inches) from the surface of the component. The method of thermal management also includes transporting a fluid through at least one fluid pathway defined by the at least one cooling channel within the component to cool the component. 1. A method of manufacturing a component comprising:forming at least one portion of the component;printing a cooling member of the component, the cooling member including at least one cooling feature, the at least one cooling feature including at least one cooling channel adjacent to a surface of the component, wherein printing allows for near-net shape geometry of the cooling member with the at least one cooling channel being located within a range of about 127 (0.005 inches) to about 762 micrometers (0.030 inches) from the surface of the component; andattaching the at least one portion to the cooling member of the component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cooling feature further includes at least one cooling cavity adjacent to the at least one cooling channel.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of printing further includes creating a first opening in the at least one cooling channel claim 2 , the first opening joining the at least one cooling cavity to the at least one cooling channel.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the step of printing further includes creating a second ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140161710A1
Автор: Zousman Boris

Method and system for controlled nanodiamond synthesis based on treating of a specially prepared solid carbon source target including carbon containing material in liquid media by irradiation energy beam focused at a predetermined distance from the target surface and having parameters to produce a light-hydraulic effect impacting the target surface and leading to the forming of diamond nanocrystals. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of controlled synthesis of nanodiamonds comprising steps of;providing a carbon source target including carbon containing material;providing a layer of liquid on the surface of said carbon source target;generating an irradiation energy beam; andfocusing said irradiation energy beam on a selected area located within the layer of liquid at a predetermined distance from the surface of said carbon source target.32. The method of wherein said carbon source target further includes a binder mixed with said carbon containing material.33. The method of wherein said binder includes low melting solid hydrocarbons.34. The method of wherein said low melting solid hydrocarbons includes an organic wax.35. The method of wherein said liquid includes water.36. The method of wherein said water is deionized water.37. The method of wherein said layer of liquid on the surface of the carbon source target is provided by immersing the carbon source target into the liquid.38. The method of wherein said carbon containing material includes at least one of fullerene claim 31 , amorphous carbon claim 31 , graphite and claim 31 , solid hydrocarbons.39. The method of wherein said carbon containing material is in a form of soot.40. The method of wherein said irradiation energy beam is produced by at least one laser.41. The method of wherein said at least one laser being operated at least one wavelength within the range of about 532 to 1320 nm.42. The method of wherein said irradiation energy beam is produced by at least one laser pulse.43. The method of wherein said at least ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Punch Retainer Cover

Номер: US20190084262A1

A punch retainer cover comprises a pliable casing configured as a jacket for a punch retainer having a defined physical envelope. The pliable casing has a substantially planar top side and a skirt extending downward from a perimeter of the top side of the pliable casing. The top side and skirt define an open interior volume shaped to match the defined physical envelope of the punch retainer and sized for stretchably jacketing the punch retainer. Further, the punch retainer cover includes an aperture or slot in the top side that, when the punch retainer cover is mounted on the punch retainer, aligns with a punch receptacle of the punch retainer. The aperture or slot is sized for stretchably surrounding a punch mounted in the punch receptacle and projecting upwardly through the aperture or slot. 1. A punch retainer cover comprising a pliable casing configured as a jacket for a punch retainer having a defined physical envelope , the punch retainer cover comprising:a pliable casing having a substantially planar top side and a skirt extending downward from a perimeter of the top side of the pliable casing;said top side and skirt defining an open interior volume shaped to match the defined physical envelope of the punch retainer and sized for stretchably jacketing the punch retainer; andsaid punch retainer cover including an aperture or slot in the top side that, when the punch retainer cover is mounted on the punch retainer, aligns with a punch receptacle of the punch retainer and sized for stretchably surrounding a punch mounted in the punch receptacle and projecting upwardly through the aperture or slot.2. The punch retainer cover of claim 1 , further comprising one or more tabs extending upward from the top side of the pliable casing claim 1 , to provide one or more respective pinch points to aid removal of the punch retainer cover from the punch retainer.3. The punch retainer cover of claim 2 , wherein the one or more tabs comprise one tab positioned substantially at ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Press for Producing Dimensionally Stable Preforms and Production Process

Номер: US20170087638A1

The invention relates to a press for producing dimensionally stable preforms from material that is substantially in the form of a powder, in particular iron powder and or ceramic powder, with a tool comprising an upper die and a lower die, wherein the upper die and the lower die respectively comprise at least one die, wherein a first die and a second die are arranged together, one sliding in the other, as the upper die or lower die and respectively have a first end and a second end, lying opposite the first end, wherein at least one of the two dies spreads out along one portion to such an extent that the second end thereof has a width that at least approaches an outer diameter of a die holder associated with the second end. This allows presses of a compact form to be made available for producing dimensionally stable preforms of high quality and great complexity. 1. A press for producing dimensionally stable preforms from substantially pulverulent material , in particular iron powder and/or ceramics powder , having a tool having an upper die and a lower die , wherein the upper die and the lower die each comprise at least one die , wherein a first die and a second die are conjointly disposed as the upper die or the lower die so as to slide into one another , each having a first end and a second end lying opposite the first end , wherein at least one of the two dies along a portion conically expands to the extent that the second end thereof has a width which corresponds to an external diameter of a die holder which is assigned to the second end.2. The press as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second end has a width which covers at least an internal diameter of an assigned die holder.3. The press as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first die at the second end thereof is disposed directly on a first die holder claim 1 , and the second die at the second end thereof is disposed directly on a second die holder claim 1 , in each case without the interaction of a pressure ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093589A1

A composite particle comprises a core, a shielding layer deposited on the core, and further comprises an interlayer region formed at an interface of the shielding layer and the core, the interlayer region having a reactivity less than that of the core, and the shielding layer having a reactivity less than that of the interlayer region, a metallic layer not identical to the shielding layer and deposited on the shielding layer, the metallic layer having a reactivity less than that of the core, and optionally, an adhesion metal layer deposited on the metallic layer, wherein the composite particles have a corrosion rate of about 0.1 to about 450 mg/cm/hour using an aqueous 3 wt % KCl solution at 200° F. An article comprises composite particles, wherein has a corrosion rates of about 0.1 to about 450 mg/cm/hour using an aqueous 3 wt % KCl solution at 200° F. 1. A composite particle , comprising:a core,a shielding layer deposited on the core, and further comprising an interlayer region formed at an interface of the shielding layer and the core, the interlayer region having a reactivity less than that of the core, and the shielding layer having a reactivity less than that of the interlayer region,a metallic layer not identical to the shielding layer and deposited on the shielding layer, the metallic layer having a reactivity less than that of the core, andoptionally, an adhesion metal layer deposited on the metallic layer;{'sup': '2', 'wherein the composite particles have a corrosion rate of about 0.1 to about 450 mg/cm/hour using an aqueous 3 wt % KCl solution at 200° F.'}2. The composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises magnesium claim 1 , the shielding layer comprises aluminum and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , oxides of aluminum claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing claim 1 , and the interlayer region comprises an intermetallic compound.3. The composite particle of claim 2 , wherein the intermetallic ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210090767A1

The sheath () is a material, which includes an aluminium (Al) matrix, in which nanometric aluminium oxide particles (AlO) are homogenously dispersed, the content of AlOis 0.25 to 5 vol. % and the balance is Al. It is preferred that AlOoriginates from the surface layer present on Al powder used as feedstock material for consolidation. The superconductor based on magnesium diboride (MgB) core () is fabricated by powder-in-tube or internal magnesium diffusion to boron technology, while the tube is the Al+AlOcomposite, which is a product of powder metallurgy. A loose Al powder is pressed by cold isostatic pressing, and then the powder billet is degassed at elevated temperature and under vacuum, and then is hot extruded into a tube. A thin diffusion barrier () tube filled up with a mixture of Mg and B powders or Mg wire surrounded with B powder is placed into the Al+AlOcomposite tube under inert gas or vacuum. Such composite unit is cold worked into a thin wire and then annealed at 625-655° C. for 8-90 min, what results in a formation superconducting MgBin a wire's core (). 1. A superconductor wire comprising:{'b': '1', 'sub': '2', 'a superconductive core () based on magnesium diboride (MgB);'}{'b': '3', 'an outer sheath () based on aluminium (Al);'}{'sup': '−3', 'the superconductor wire has a density of less than 2.9 g·cm;'}{'b': 1', '3, 'while the superconductor includes at least one core () and a sheath () fully covers outer surface of the wire,'}{'b': 3', '3, 'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 2', '3, 'the AlOcomponent occupies from 0.25 to 5 vol. %,'}, 'the Al matrix occupies from 95 to 99.75 vol. %,', 'and impurities occupy up to 1 vol. %, preferably up to 0.3 vol. %,, 'wherein the outer sheath () is a composite material, which includes a metallic matrix of a pure Al and stabilizing component of aluminium oxide (AlO) in a volume of Al+AlOcomposite sheath (){'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein the AlOcomponent is homogenously dispersed in an entire volume ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091767A1
Принадлежит: Diamet Corporation

A molding die includes a first die having a through-hole; a second die inserted into the through-hole and configured to be movable relative to the first die; and first and second punches configured to be insertable into the through-hole, wherein an undercut molding part is provided on the second die, and a molding target is compression-molded in a cavity surrounded by inner side walls of the through-hole, the second die, the first punch, and the second punch. 1. A molding die comprising:a first die having a through-hole;a second die inserted into the through-hole from a first direction of the through-hole and configured to be movable relative to the first die in an inserting/releasing direction; anda first punch configured to be insertable into the through-hole from the first direction of the through-hole,a second punch configured to be insertable into the through-hole from the second direction of the through-hole opposite to the first direction; anda pressurizing mechanism including a first pressing part that independently moves only the first punch in the inserting/releasing direction, and a second pressing part that independently moves only the second die in the inserting/releasing direction, whereina molding target is compression-molded in a cavity surrounded by inner side walls of the through-hole, the second die, the first punch, and the second punch,an undercut molding part having a corrugation that extends in a direction intersecting the inserting/releasing direction is formed in a side surface of the second die configuring one portion of the cavity, andthe first punch and the second die are simultaneously moved in compressing the molding target.2. The molding die according to claim 1 , wherein the second die is inserted into the through-hole such that a part of the second die comes into contact with the inner side walls of the through-hole.3. The molding die according to claim 1 , further comprising a third die inserted into the through-hole such that a ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095859A1
Автор: NAKATANI Kazumichi

There is provided a method for controlling a powder compacting apparatus including: a die having a hollow; an upper punch and a floating lower punch; a first actuator that pushes down the upper punch; a second actuator that controls a floating load of the floating lower punch; and a stopper that defines a pressurization stop position of the floating lower punch. The powder compacting apparatus is configured such that the first actuator is operated to push down the upper punch to pressurize powder charged into the cavity, and the second actuator is controlled to pressurize the powder such that a load acting on the powder during pressurization becomes a prescribed floating load required to compact the powder. The method includes reducing the floating load in a stepwise manner after completion of the pressurization. 1. A method for controlling a powder compacting apparatus including at least: a die having a hollow; an upper punch and a floating lower punch that slide in the hollow , the upper punch and the floating lower punch defining a cavity along with the die; a first actuator that pushes down the upper punch; a second actuator that controls a floating load of the floating lower punch; and a stopper that defines a pressurization stop position of the floating lower punch , the powder compacting apparatus configured such that the first actuator is operated to push down the upper punch to pressurize powder charged into the cavity , and the second actuator is controlled to pressurize the powder such that a load acting on the powder during pressurization becomes a prescribed floating load required to compact the powder , the method comprisingreducing the floating load in a stepwise manner after completion of the pressurization.2. The method for controlling the powder compacting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of both the first actuator and the second actuator is an electric servomotor.3. A compacting apparatus comprising:an upper punch driven by a first ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095860A1
Автор: NAKATANI Kazumichi

There is provided a method for controlling a powder compacting apparatus including: a die having a hollow; an upper punch; a floating lower punch; a first actuator that pushes down the upper punch; a second actuator that controls a floating load of the floating lower punch; and a stopper that defines a pressurization stop position of the floating lower punch. The powder compacting apparatus is configured such that the first actuator is operated to push down the upper punch to pressurize powder charged into the cavity, and the second actuator is controlled to pressurize the powder such that a load acting on the powder during pressurization becomes a prescribed floating load required to compact the powder. The method includes causing the first actuator to reduce a descending speed of the upper punch when the floating lower punch reaches a position at a prescribed distance from the stopper. 1. A method for controlling a powder compacting apparatus including at least: a die having a hollow; an upper punch and a floating lower punch that slide in the hollow , the upper punch and the floating lower punch defining a cavity along with the die; a first actuator that pushes down the upper punch; a second actuator that controls a floating load of the floating lower punch; and a stopper that defines a pressurization stop position of the floating lower punch , the powder compacting apparatus configured such that the first actuator is operated to push down the upper punch to pressurize powder charged into the cavity , and the second actuator is controlled to pressurize the powder such that a load acting on the powder during pressurization becomes a prescribed floating load required to compact the powder , the method comprisingcausing the first actuator to reduce a descending speed of the upper punch when the floating lower punch reaches a position at a prescribed distance from the stopper.2. The method for controlling the powder compacting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094319A1

Die assemblies for forming a firearm projectile and methods of utilizing the die assemblies are disclosed herein. The die assemblies include a forming die, a first punch, and a second punch. The forming die defines a first side, a second side that is opposed to the first side, and a die cavity that extends between the first side and the second side. The first punch is configured to seal against the forming die from the first side. The second punch is configured to be received within the die cavity from the second side. When the first punch seals against the forming die and the second punch is received within the die cavity, the first punch, the second punch, and the forming die collectively define a forming surface shaped to define an external contour of the firearm projectile. 1. A die assembly for forming a firearm projectile via compression of a metallic powder , the die assembly comprising:a forming die defining a first side, a second side that is opposed to the first side, and a die cavity that extends between the first side and the second side;a first punch configured to seal against the forming die from the first side; anda second punch configured to be received within the die cavity from the second side;wherein, when the first punch seals against the forming die and the second punch is received within the die cavity, the first punch, the second punch, and the forming die collectively define a forming surface shaped to define an external contour of the firearm projectile;wherein the forming die defines a die region of the forming surface;wherein the first punch defines a first region of the forming surface;wherein the second punch defines a second region of the forming surface; andwherein the forming surface is shaped to define a hollow-point, boat-tail firearm projectile.2. The die assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first region of the forming surface that is defined by the first punch at least partially defines an external contour of a hollow-point of the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094508A1
Принадлежит: Quintus Technologies AB

A pressing arrangement () is disclosed. The pressing arrangement () comprises a pressure vessel () and a furnace chamber () arranged within the pressure vessel (). The furnace chamber () is at least partly enclosed by a heat insulated casing () and arranged so that pressure medium can enter and exit the furnace chamber (). The pressing arrangement () comprises a plurality of pressure medium guiding passages () in fluid communication with the furnace chamber () and arranged to form an outer cooling loop within the pressure vessel (). The pressing arrangement () comprises a heat absorbing element () which is arranged within the pressure vessel () and which is configured to absorb heat from pressure medium having exited the furnace chamber (). 112-. (canceled)13. A pressing arrangement comprising:a pressure vessel comprising a pressure cylinder and a first end closure and a second end closure;a furnace chamber arranged within the pressure vessel, the furnace chamber being at least partly enclosed by a heat insulated casing and arranged so that pressure medium can enter and exit the furnace chamber;a plurality of pressure medium guiding passages in fluid communication with the furnace chamber and arranged to form an outer cooling loop within the pressure vessel; anda heat absorbing element arranged within the pressure vessel and configured to absorb heat from the pressure medium;wherein the heat insulated casing comprises a heat insulating portion and a housing at least partly enclosing the heat insulating portion, and wherein a part of the outer cooling loop comprises at least one first pressure medium guiding passage formed between at least portions of the housing and the heat insulating portion, respectively, and arranged to guide the pressure medium after having exited the furnace chamber towards the first end closure to a space between the first end closure and the furnace chamber in which the heat absorbing element is arranged, the heat absorbing element ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100231A1
Автор: SHIN Jong-Won
Принадлежит: UMICORE

A process for the formation of an LiM0(e.g., LiCoO) sputtering target with a bi-modal grain size distribution (as in a hollow cylinder target body) that includes a CIP-based process involving, for example, forming or sourcing an LiMO(e.g., Li—CoO) powder; dispersion and milling (e.g., wet milling); binder introduction; drying (e.g., spray drying) to form a granulate; CIP processing of the granulate into a molded shape; and a heating cycle for debinding and sintering to form a densified sintered shape. The target body produced is suited for inclusion on a sputtering target assembly (as in a rotary sputtering target assembly with a plurality of cylindrical target bodies attached to a backing support). The invention is inclusive of the resultant target bodies formed under the CIP based process as well as an induction heater based process for attachment (e.g., metal solder bonding) of the low conductivity target body(ies) of LiMO(e.g., LiCoO) to a common backing support through use of an added conductive wrap or layer provided to the target body and heated with the induction heater during the attachment process. 1) A lithium-containing transition metal oxide-based cylindrical hollow target body adapted for use in a sputtering target assembly , said cylindrical hollow target body being suitable for bonding on a backing tube so to form said sputtering target assembly , said cylindrical hollow target body having a relative density value≥90.0% , and wherein said lithium-containing transition metal oxide consists of a metal oxide microstructure that contains a bimodal grain size distribution.2) The cylindrical hollow target body according to claim 1 , having a relative density value superior or equal to 91.0% and inferior or equal to 99.8%.3) The cylindrical hollow target body according to claim 1 , having a resistance value≤5 kΩ cm claim 1 , preferably ≤3 kΩ cm claim 1 , more preferably ≤2 kΩ cm.4) The cylindrical hollow target body according to claim 2 , wherein said ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100775A1

Disclosed is a method for obtaining a porous titanium part in a metal material, wherein a starting titanium powder is pure, which has a mean particle size of 200 micrometers, a flow rate of 93 s calculated according to ISO 4490 standard, an apparent density of 1.0 g/cmcalculated according to ISO 3923/1, and the starting titanium powder is mixed at a proportion of 34% of titanium by weight with at least 50% by weight of sodium chloride (NaCl) having a particle size between 300 and 600 micrometers. 1. A method for obtaining a porous titanium part , comprising:{'sup': '3', 'providing a pure starting titanium powder, which has a mean particle size of 200 micrometers, a flow rate of 93 s calculated according to ISO 4490 standard, and an apparent density of 1.0 g/cmcalculated according to ISO 3923/1, and'}mixing said starting titanium powder at a proportion of 34% by weight with at least 50% by weight of sodium chloride (NaCl) having a particle size between 300 and 600 micrometers.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:i) adding a binder at a proportion of at least 15% by weight to the mixture including the starting titanium powder and sodium chloride;ii) compacting the resulting mixture between 200-400 MPa;iii) removing the binder and sodium chloride by a thermal process followed by continuous rinsing the resulting mixture in double-distilled water;{'sup': '−4', 'iv) sintering the resulting mixture at a temperature between 1200° C. and 1400° C. and at a pressure less than 4·10mbar;'}v) machining a surface of a porous titanium part.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the porous titanium part is introduced in a 5 M basic sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution after step v).4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the binder is ethylene glycol.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein step i) is performed in a double cone blender and step iii) is performed by introducing the resulting mixture being wet in a die and subsequently in an uniaxial ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107230A1
Автор: Calves Paul
Принадлежит: ETA SA Manufacture Horlogere Suisse

A method and an assembly for production of a mechanical component by sintering a pulverulent material, the method including: providing a pulverulent metallic material including grains, the pulverulent metallic material having a determined melting temperature; agglomerating a given quantity of the pulverulent metallic material under pressure inside a cavity; providing thermal energy to the given quantity of pulverulent metallic material to bring it to a given temperature below the melting temperature; and shocking the given quantity of agglomerated pulverulent metallic material and brought to the given temperature to bind the grains of the pulverulent metallic material to each other to obtain one solid body. The one solid body is thus maintained under pressure and thermal energy accumulated in the solid body is made to dissipate to obtain the mechanical component. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for production of a mechanical component by sintering a pulverulent material , the method comprising:providing a pulverulent metallic material comprising grains, the pulverulent metallic material having a predetermined melting temperature;agglomerating a given quantity of the pulverulent metallic material under pressure inside a cavity;providing thermal energy to the given quantity of pulverulent metallic material to bring the material to a given temperature lower than the melting temperature;shocking the given quantity of agglomerated pulverulent metallic material brought to the given temperature to bind or weld the grains of the pulverulent metallic material to each other to obtain one solid body;wherein the one solid body is maintained under pressure and thermal energy accumulated in the solid body is made to dissipate to obtain the mechanical component.14. The production method according to claim 13 , wherein the pulverulent metallic material has a low melting point.15. The production method according to claim 13 , wherein the given quantity of the pulverulent metallic ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Method For Producing A Shell-Shaped Component And Production System Suitable For The Use Of Said Method

Номер: US20160107231A1

A method for producing a shell-shaped component and a production system for producing such a component are disclosed. Thee component is produced by a cold gas stream by cold gas spraying. The particles of the cold gas stream are applied to the edge of the component being produced, wherein simultaneously a supporting body is used, which supports the component only at the point of incidence of the cold gas stream. In this way, the form of the component can be shaped by suitably moving the supporting body and the cold spray nozzle, without having to produce a core that fills the entire volume of the shell-shaped component. Thus, the method may be especially economical for small quantities, because the supporting body can be used universally for components of different geometries. 1. A method of forming a shell-shaped component by a cold gas spraying process using a cold gas jet of particles , the shell-shaped component having a wall and a depression open toward an opening , wherein the method comprises:providing a supporting body having a convexly or concavely curved surface formed of a material to which the particles of the cold gas jet do not adhere,bringing the surface of the supporting body into contact with a starting structure that is held by a holding fixture, anddelivering the particles via the cold gas jet to an edge of the component being formed, wherein the cold gas jet defines a cold spraying cone through which the particles are delivered, andduring the delivery of the particles via the cold gas jet, moving the supporting body and the cold gas jet synchronously such that the cold gas jet impinges on the edge of the component at an angle within the cold spraying cone of the cold gas jet, and wherein the supporting body supports the component being formed at a point of impact of the cold gas jet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the component being formed is a bowl-shaped component.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the component being formed is an electrode ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107235A1
Автор: Wilkinson Carey E.
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Systems and methods for forming near net-shape metal parts from binderless metal powder are disclosed. Systems include a mold die that defines a die cavity and may include one or more ultrasonic transducers operatively coupled to the mold die. Systems may be configured to introduce binderless metal powder into a die cavity and/or to compact the binderless metal powder within the die cavity. Methods include introducing binderless metal powder into a die cavity of a mold die and compacting the binderless metal powder within the die cavity to form a green part within the die cavity. The binderless metal powder may include spheroidal metal particles and angular metal particles. The methods may further include separating the green part from the mold die and sintering the green part, after separating, to form a sintered near net-shape metal part. 1. A method for forming a near net-shape metal part , the method comprising:introducing binderless metal powder into a die cavity; andcompacting the binderless metal powder within the die cavity to form a green part within the die cavity;wherein the binderless metal powder includes spheroidal metal particles and angular metal particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spheroidal metal particles consist essentially of at least one of titanium particles and titanium alloy particles claim 1 , and wherein the angular metal particles consist essentially of at least one of titanium particles and titanium alloy particles.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming the binderless metal powder by mixing the angular metal particles with the spheroidal metal particles.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the introducing includes distributing the binderless metal powder within the die cavity with ultrasonic energy.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compacting includes compacting with ultrasonic energy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compacting includes pressing the binderless metal powder with a tool.7. The method of ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110662A1

Permanent magnets are used for several important applications, including de electrical motors, wind turbines, hybrid automobile, and for many other applications. Modern widely used rare-earth based permanent magnet materials, such as Sm—Co and Nd—Fe—B, are generally intermetallic alloys made from rare earth elements and transition metals such as cobalt. However, the high costs of rare earth elements make the widespread use of these permanent magnets commercially unattractive. The present work focuses on producing a new permanent magnet material, with good magnetic properties, which is free from rare-earth elements and thus cost-effective. The present invention provides a process to synthesis boron doped manganese antimonide as an alternative to rare earth based permanent magnet materials. The boron doped manganese antimonide disclosed in this invention is free from rare-earth element with good magnetic properties. The material in the present study has been synthesized employing sequential combination of high energy ball milling, arc melting under argon atmosphere and again high energy ball milling followed by annealing. The annealed boron doped manganese antimonide shows improved magnetic properties as compared to manganese antimonide. 1. Boron doped manganese antimonide as a permanent magnet material comprising 46.5-47 wt. % of Manganese (Mn) , 51.5-52 wt. % of antimony (Sb) and Boron (B) doping in the range 1.0-1.8 wt. %.2. A process for the preparation of Boron doped manganese antimonide comprising the steps of:i. mixing Mn powder, Sb powder and B powder in the ratio ranging between 46.5:51.7:1.8 to 47.0:52.0:1.0 and then milling in high energy planetary ball mill with 2 to 4 wt. % of process control agent in an inert atmosphere of argon gas to obtain homogeneously blended powders of Mn, Sb and B;ii. compacting blended powders of Mn, Sb and B as obtained in step (i) at a pressure of 0.1 to 0.5 MPa to obtain compacted pellets;{'sub': '2', 'iii. arc melteing the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Powder press

Номер: US20150110914A1
Автор: Walter Solty
Принадлежит: SMS MEER GMBH

A powder press in which seals of cylinder/piston units that can hydraulically activate or apply pressure to additional plates with reference to a die plate, the upper yoke and/or the lower yoke are kept free of powder to the greatest possible extent disposes a cylinder of a cylinder/piston unit facing away from a die plate and/or an additional plate, preferably below the additional plate.

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121962A1
Принадлежит: SEMIKRON Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG

A sintering press for producing a sintered connection between a first connection partner and a second connection partner disposed thereabove, having a suction-fixing installation for fixing the first connection partner, having a compression piece which is disposed above the suction-fixing installation. The sintering press for producing the sintered connection is configured for converging the compression piece and the suction-fixing installation relative to one another and for mutually compressing the first connection partner and the second connection partner, wherein the suction-fixing installation on the side thereof that faces the compression piece has first suction openings, wherein the suction-fixing installation, when the first connection partner is disposed above the first suction openings, by generating a negative pressure at the first suction openings, is configured for suctioning the first connection partner and, on account thereof, for fixing the latter in relation to the suction-fixing installation. The invention furthermore relates to a pressure sintering method for producing a sintered connection by the sintering press. 15635103. A sintering press for producing a sintered connection between a first connection partner () and a second connection partner () disposed thereabove , having a suction-fixing installation () for fixing the first connection partner () , having a compression piece () which is disposed above the suction-fixing installation () , wherein:{'b': 1', '5', '6', '10', '3', '10', '3', '5', '6, 'said sintering press () for producing the sintered connection, when the first connection partner () and the second connection partner () are disposed between the compression piece () and the suction-fixing installation (), is configured for converging the compression piece () and the suction-fixing installation () relative to one another and, on account thereof, for mutually compressing the first connection partner () and the second connection ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122129A1
Автор: LEE Jisung

Provided are a method of manufacturing an orifice and an orifice manufactured by the same. An object of the present invention is to provide a method of manufacturing an orifice spraying a very small amount of fluid in ultra-high pressure and very low temperature environments and reducing a volume and a mass, and an orifice manufactured by the same. More specifically, an object of the present invention is directed to providing a method of manufacturing an orifice capable of manufacturing an orifice effectively realizing a desired hydraulic performance by a simple manufacturing method of allowing a channel region having a cross section close to a rectangular shape to be formed by pressing a part of a capillary pipe, and an orifice manufactured by the same. 1. A method of manufacturing an orifice , comprising:a body portion preparing step of preparing a body portion in which a hollow having a circular cross section is formed;{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2:, 'a stress value calculating step of calculating a stress value required for a predetermined desired flow rate value according to the following relationship equation: {dot over (m)}=Cexp(CS) (here {dot over (m)}: Flow rate, S: Stress, C: Positive constant, and CNegative constant) between a flow rate and a stress; and'}a pressed portion manufacturing step of manufacturing a pressed portion in which the hollow becomes a slit by pressing at least a partial region of the body portion with a pressing force corresponding to the stress value calculated in the stress value calculating step.2. The method of manufacturing an orifice of claim 1 , wherein in the stress value calculating step claim 1 , values of Cand Care determined by at least one selected among an outer diameter claim 1 , a thickness of a wall claim 1 , and a material of the body portion.3. The method of manufacturing an orifice of claim 1 , wherein in the pressed portion manufacturing step claim 1 , an area value of the pressed portion is calculated according to the ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170108114A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Sintered Alloy, Ltd.

Provided is a jointed component (A) in which a first member () and a second member () in which a pillar () stands erect on a surface of a base () are fixed to each other, the second member. The jointed component includes the first member and the second member including the base and the pillar disposed on the first surface of the base. The pillar is brought into contact with the first member in an axial direction. The second member includes a positioning surface () that has a height difference from an end surface of the second member in the axial direction and the second member includes a curved surface at a ridge between the positioning surface and a side surface of the pillar. 1. A jointed component in which a first member and a second member in which a pillar stands erect on a surface of a base are fixed to each other , the jointed component comprising:the first member; andthe second member including the pillar disposed on the first surface of the base, the pillar being brought into contact with the first member in an axial direction,wherein the second member includes a positioning surface that has a height difference from an end surface of the second member in the axial direction and the second member includes a curved surface at a ridge between the positioning surface and a side surface of the pillar.2. The jointed component according to claim 1 , wherein the first member and the second member are sintered bodies and solder is disposed between the first member and the pillar.3. A method for manufacturing a jointed component in which a first member and a second member in which a pillar stands erect on a surface of a base are fixed to each other claim 1 , the method comprising:a forming process of forming a positioning surface on an end surface of the second member using a punch that forms an end surface of the base of the second member on which the pillar is disposed, the positioning surface having a height difference from the end surface of the second member in ...
