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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2091207C1
Принадлежит: Комау С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к станкостроению. Промышленный робот предназначен для применения в качестве междупрессового робота, содержит две руки, установленные с возможностью поворота вокруг двух осей, расположенных параллельно и на расстоянии друг от друга, с которыми сочленены два предплечья. Противоположные концы предплечий сочленены друг с другом по общей оси, и одно из этих предплечий связано с запястьем с возможностью его поворота вокруг третьей оси, параллельной первой и второй осям. 3 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

18-01-2023 дата публикации

Устройство для манипулирования паллетами с обрабатываемыми заготовками при их смене на горизонтальном обрабатывающем центре, а также горизонтальный обрабатывающий центр

Номер: RU2788388C1

Группа изобретений относится к области станкостроения и может быть использована для манипулирования паллетами (P1, P2) с обрабатываемыми заготовками при их смене на горизонтальном обрабатывающем центре (H). Устройство (V) содержит два поворотных рычага (4), расположенных параллельно и на расстоянии друг от друга с возможностью поворота вокруг оси (5) посредством приводного механизма (8) поворота, включающего в себя электродвигатель (9) и механизм передачи поворотного движения, размещенные на рычагах (4) держатели (16) паллет, установленные с возможностью вращения вокруг оси (15) параллельно друг другу посредством механизма вращения, включающего в себя электродвигатель (19) и механизм передачи вращательного движения. При этом оно снабжено расположенным между поворотными рычагами (4) параллельно оси поворота (5) валом (12), посредством которого поворотные рычаги (4) жестко соединены между собой, а механизмы передачи поворотного и вращательного движения выполнены в виде комбинированных механизмов ...

30-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656008C1

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности, в частности к установкам для изготовления листового композиционного теплораспределяющего материала на основе природного графита, который может быть использован в энергосберегающих системах для отвода и распределения тепла от трубчатых меандров радиантных потолочных панелей систем отопления и кондиционирования помещений. Установка для изготовления листового композиционного теплораспределяющего материала содержит последовательно расположенные устройство размотки металлического материала, перфорационный пресс с протягивающими роликами, гильотинные ножницы, контейнер для металлических листов, контейнер для графитовых листов, конвейер для подачи заготовок композиционного материала, устройство термообработки, прокатную клеть, узел обрезки кромок, конвейер для перемещения готового листового композиционного теплораспределяющего материала к транспортной таре, а также узел очистки газовоздушной смеси. Над контейнером для металлических листов, контейнером ...

06-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: SU1841306A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно к сложной стендовой оснастке, используемой при обработке деталей больших габаритов, в том числе корпусов коробчатой формы, особенно тонкостенных, и может быть использовано при обработке корпусов военных гусеничных машин. Приспособление-спутник содержит основание с закрепленными на нем стойками с прижимами и стяжками, регулируемые опорные базы для детали и установочные базы приспособления для взаимодействия с установочными базами технологического оборудования. Основание выполнено, по крайней мере, из двух отдельных плит, а закрепленные на них стойки снабжены соединенными между собой и с деталью съемными регулируемыми штангами-распорками. Достигается сокращение веса и габаритов, а также расширение технологических возможностей за счет уменьшения площади закрытой поверхности детали. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-06-1981 дата публикации

Шаговый транспортер для поточныхлиНий

Номер: SU837697A1

07-05-1991 дата публикации

Автоматическая линия для обработки деталей

Номер: SU1646799A1

Изобретение относится к обработке деталей в приспособлениях-спутниках на автоматических линиях. Линия позволяет расширить технологические возможности и повысить надежность работы. Автоматическая линия содержит металлорежущие станки с рабочими столами 3 и транспортный ротор 4, выполненный в виде кольца 5, несуЈ-Ј щего приспособления-спутники 6, По окончании загрузки и закрепления деталей в приспособлениях-спутниках 6 производится разжим приспособлений-спутников на всех позициях линии путем отвода зажимных элементов 14. На всех столах 3 из отверстий 11 приспособлений-спутников 6 выводятся штыри 12 и осуществляется поворот транспортного ротора с кольцом 5 на угол деления. На рабочих позициях производится поворот приспособлений-спутников 6 на требуемый угол. Для этого зубчатые рейки 17 приводят во вращение зубчатые колеса 19 с поворотными осями 16, поворачивая рычаги 15 со штырями 12, введенными в базирующие отверстия 11 приспособлений-спутников 6. Для сохранения жесткости системы СПИД в процессе ...

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для базирования деталей

Номер: SU1366357A1

Изобретение относится к технике автоматического управления положением обрабатываемой детали и может быть использовано в различных отраслях машиностроения для обработки деталей при зажиме юс в приспособлениях типа тисков. Целью изобретения является повьппение точности базирования деталей путем подачи их к базовым элементам по двум противоположным направлениям. Для этого дополнительный механизм перемещения детали 3 к базовым элементам (упору 23) выполнен в виде закрепленного на подъемном столе 5 двуплечего рычага 24, на одном плече которого смонтирован подпружиненный палец, а на втором плече жестко закреплен палец 28, связанный с профильным пазом, выполненным на кронштейне 30, закрепленном на основании 1. Привод основного механизма перемещения детали к базовым элементам (неподвижным губкам тисков 4) выполнен в виде кинематически связанного с приводом подьем- ного стола 5 параллелограммного механизма , на котором закреплен толкатель . Для предварительной ориентации детали 3 на рабочей плоскости ...

07-12-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для фиксации приспособления-спутника

Номер: SU1696263A1

Изобретение относится к станкостроению и может быть использовано при фиксацииприспособления-спутника с закрепленной деталью на рабочей позиции металлорежущего станка или автоматической линии. Цель изобретения - повышение долговечности устройства и упрощение его конструкции . Для этого устройство содержит закрепленные на станине 4 станка и свободно установленные в отверстиях В базовых цилиндрических колонок демпферы. Рабочие элементы демпферов выполнены в виде плунжеров 13, которые взаимодействуют с призмами приспособления-спутника 1 при его сближении с колонками 5. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

15-02-1982 дата публикации

Устройство для шаговой подачи

Номер: SU820072A1

12-11-1963 дата публикации

Барабанный накопитель для валов

Номер: SU158778A1

07-08-1987 дата публикации

Транспортный спутник

Номер: SU1328151A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для транспортировки длинномерных деталей в автоматизированном производстве. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей спутника за счет увеличения числа различных форм, принимаемых гнездами спутника при помощи метода вакуумного формования. Указанная цель достигается выпатнением гнезд на эластичной оболочке 22, заполненной сыпучим материалом 23, и возможностью создания во внутренней полости оболочки 22 разрежения за счет свя зи полости с вакуумным насосом, имеюш,им воздушные 6 и вакуумные 7 камеры, образованные в полостях корпусов 9 стоек и отделенные друг от друга подпружиненным поршнем 10. При этом воздушные камеры 6 связаны с магистралями сжатого воздуха , а вакуумные камеры 7 - с атмосферой и внутренней полостью оболочки 22. 6 ил. А-А & 34 //////////////////////////////////////// 19 27 3S (Л со 1чЭ 00 ел 12 5 ...

23-01-1985 дата публикации

Тяжелый токарный станок с магазином-накопителем для хранения сменяемых на суппорте обрабатывающих узлов

Номер: SU1135591A1

ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ ТОКАРНЫЙ СТАНОК С МАГАЗИНОМ-НАКОПИТЕЛЕМ ДЛЯ ХРАНЕНИЯ СМЕНЯЕМЫХ НА СУППОРТЕ ОБРАБАТЫВАЮЩИХ УЗЛОВ, содержащий магазин-накопитель в виде платформы , и перегружатель, установленный с возможностью перемещения на основании, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повыщения удобства обслуживания, платформа выполнена в виде установленных с возможностью перемещения двух частей, соединенных дополнительно введенной в станок рамой, установленной с занижением относительно частей платформы для размещения перегружателя , причем последний установлен на основании с возможностью перемещения перпендикулярно оси центров станка. (Л со ел ел ;о ...

30-08-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для транспортировки и поворота деталей в автоматической линии

Номер: SU1757850A1

Использование: машиностроение, в частности устройства для транспортировки, кантования и сортировки деталей. Сущность изобретения: деталь с подводящего конвейера поступает в контейнер 7 с его открытой стороны и подается роликами 8, 9 до упора 12, в котором выполнен вырез. В случае, если деталь годная, контейнер 7 поворачивается в вертикальной плоскости и деталь через вырез посредством роликов 8 и 9 подается на отводящий конвейер. В случае , если деталь бракованная, контейнер 7 поворачивается в горизонтальной плоскости , ролики, 8 и 9 начинают вращаться в обратную сторону и подают деталь на конвейер для удаления бракованных деталей. 4 ил. Z5 21 ...

28-02-1993 дата публикации

Транспортно-передающее устройство

Номер: SU1798116A1

Использование: машиностроение, в ча- стности устройства для квантования и передачи деталей с одного конвейера на другой. Сущность изобретения: рама 2 с деталью 20 поворачивается вокруг горизонтальной оси 5 на 90° до совмещения с отводящим участком конвейера: Устройство для фиксации взаимодействует своим толкателем 15 с упором 19 кронштейна 18, за счет чего платформа 6 расфиксируется и под действием силы тяжести отклоняется в вертикальной плоскости до взаимодействия с упором ограничения поворота платформы. Детали скатываются на наклонный отводящий участок конвейера. 7 ил.

07-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: SU1268377A1

Изобретение относится к станкостроению , в частности к транспортным устройствам автоматических линий. Изобретение позволяет упростить конструкцию транспортера за счет исключения механизмов для торможения спутников перед те.хнологическим оборудованием . Штанга 5 выполнена из отде.П)ных участков с различными шагами спирали , при этом в пределах каждого участка шаг спирали выполняется с попеременным возрастанием и убыванием. Находящийся в спиральной канавке штанги 5 ролик через поводок, соединенный со спутником 10, преобразует вращательное движение штанги 5 в поступательное движение спутника 10. За один оборот штанги спутник перемешается на оазные шаги. 4 ил.

23-08-1989 дата публикации

Транспортное устройство

Номер: SU1502254A1

Изобретение относится к транспортирующим устройствам , в частности, к устройству транспортирования деталей в гибкой производственной системе /ГПС/. Целью изобретения является увеличение производительности. Привод через ведущий шкив 3 и гибкий элемент 5 перемещает дополнительную грузонесущую платформу 6 из одного положения в другое. Одновременно тяги 10 и 11 поворачиваются, грузонесущая платформа 7 перемещается и по окончании перемещения занимает место платформы 6, а платформа 6-место платформы 7. 1 ил.

15-06-1974 дата публикации

Шаговый транспортер

Номер: SU432060A1

23-07-1984 дата публикации

Автоматическая линия для обработки замков лопаток

Номер: SU1103993A1

АВТОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ЛИНИЯ ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ ЗАМКОВ ЛОПАТОК, содрежащая установку для расплавления сплава с дозирующими устройствами и механизмами для получения брикета, станки для обработки замков лопаток, транспортную систему с механизмами поштучной вьщачи, связывающую установку для расплавления сплава со станками для обработки замков лопаток, механизм возврата брикетов и механизм выгрузки готовых изделий, размещенный в установке для расплавления сплава, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения условий эксплуатации линии, механизм выгрузки готовых изделий выполнен в виде емкости с отверстиями и отводящим лотком, установленной с возможностью поворота в вертикальной .плоскости и последовательного взаимодействия с механизмом возврата брикетов и дополнительно введенным в устройство гравитационным лотком, закрепленным с наружной стороны установки для расплавления сплава.

07-01-1984 дата публикации

Способ распределения заготовок

Номер: SU1065146A1

СПОСОБ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЗАГОТОВОК шаговым транспортером для параллельного выполнения операций п идентичными единицами технологического оборудования на однопоточных автоматических линиях с боковой зоной прохождения транспортного потока, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности использования линий путем обеспечения уменьшения шага транспортера до величины минимально возможн01о шага расстановки технологического оборудования, каждую последуюшую заготовку устанавливают на транспортер через п-1 его двойных ходов, а любую из п названных единиц оборудования загружают адресованной ей заготовкой через каждые п -упомянутых ходов.

07-09-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для захвата и перемещения столов-спутников

Номер: SU1590335A1

Изобретение относится к станкостроению, в частности к станкам с ЧПУ и автоматической сменой столов-спутников. Целью изобретения является упрощение конструкции. Указанная цель достигается тем, что в ползуне 6 выполнен открытый с одной стороны продольный паз Е, в котором размещается поводок 19 стола-спутника 3. При перемещении ползуна 6 к станку в его корпусе перемещается под действием пружины рейка 14, взаимодействующая своим концом с упором 17 основания. Рейка 14 вращает зубчатое колесо 13, а то в свою очередь перемещает рейку 15, которая запирает паз Е ползуна 6 и за поводок 19 перемещает стол-спутник 3 к станку. 6 ил.

15-01-1974 дата публикации

Штанговый транспортер-накопитель

Номер: SU410915A1

23-08-1981 дата публикации

Металлорежущий станок

Номер: SU858550A3

23-02-1983 дата публикации

Металлорежущий станок

Номер: SU999960A3
Принадлежит: За витель

A mechine tool includes a movable work table assembled of a base part defining first clamping surface and of an exchangeable table part defining a second clamping surface levelled with the first one and being movable in guideways on the base part; a pallet changer having a rotary table provided with guideways aligned with the guideways on the work table unit supports pallets in the form of the exchangeable table part so that a workpiece can be clamped on one pallet while another workpiece on a second pallet is being operated in the machine.

28-05-1998 дата публикации

Loading and machining arrangement for lathe

Номер: DE0019648810A1

The machine tool lathe arrangement has two vertical workpiece spindles (1,2) arranged in tandem. A linearly moving workpiece mounting (9) can be positioned in at least three positions in the direction of the working chamber (7) of the machine tool. The positions correspond to the machining position for the workpiece, together with the position outside the chamber for loading and unloading the mounting. For this operation, the workpiece spindle only performs a vertical movement in the 'Z' axis.

08-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004003024A1

03-01-1991 дата публикации

Window frame mfg line - additional frame tipping operations are avoided by moving the frame to a weld dressing machine in a near vertical on end position

Номер: DE0003920465A1

A process for mfg. frames from plastic or metal profiles involves welding the frames at the corners and dressing the welded corners one after the other in a machine which rotates the corners into a suitable position for dressing. In the described process additional frame tipping steps are avoided by the frame being welded together in the vertical position and then moved to the dressing machine in the on end position. The frame with one corner at the bottom is dressed and then rotated several times to allow the operation to be performed on each corner. USE/ADVANTAGE - For welding and dressing the corners of frames, particularly window frames, produced from extruded profiles. Additional frame tipping steps used in previous equipment are eliminated.

10-01-1991 дата публикации

Travelling pallet system for workpiece changeover - has trolley type pallet with mechanism to withdraw wheels and lower pallet onto locating surfaces

Номер: DE0003921532A1

The workpiece change-over system has a trolley type pallet (26) which runs on rails (23) between the machining station (24) and a work preparation station outsdie the machine. At the preparation station the workpiecees are set up on the pallet surface. The pallet rolls into the machining station up to a stop (29), when the coned wheels (31) are withdrawn by actuation of a lever and cam mechanism (39,41,42). This causes the pallet to drop onto the locating surfaces (46,47) where it is clamped ready for machining. The process is reversed to release the pallet and move it back to the preparation station. Pref. two pallet systems are used side by side. ADVANTAGE - Rapid workpiece change-over and reduced machine down time. Pallet location surfaces protected from wear and damage.

19-09-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0004002405C2

15-11-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003035191C2

12-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003203295A1

22-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001552231C3

04-10-2001 дата публикации

Process for moderating rods removed from a continuously moving material strand at high speed comprises pivoting out the rod from the conveying path of the material strand and moderating

Номер: DE0010109600A1

Process for moderating rods removed from a continuously moving material strand at high speed comprises pivoting out the rod (D) from the conveying path (V) of the material strand (M) and moderating the rod until stationary using a controlled pivoting movement of the rod about a pivoting axis (7). The rod is clamped during the pivoting movement and held in an axis parallel position. The angular speed of the pivoting movement of the removed rod is more than the conveying speed of the material strand directly after removal from the strand. An Independent claim is also included for a device for carrying out the process. Preferred Features: The pivoting movement of the rod is utilized by using the moving impulse of a cutting device (1).

11-08-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8807944U1
Принадлежит: HOMMEL GMBH, 5000 KOELN, DE

12-03-2009 дата публикации

Werkstücküberführungs-Verfahren und Werkstücküberführungs-Einrichtung für Reihen-Pressenstraße

Номер: DE0010259814B9

Werkstücküberführungs-Einrichtung (201, 202, 203, 204, 205) für eine Reihen-Pressenstraße, in welcher eine Mehrzahl von Pressen (2A, 2B, 2C, 2D) entlang einer Werkstücküberführungs-Richtung platziert sind, aufweisend: mindestens einen Hubbalken (13), welcher parallel zur Werkstücküberführungs-Richtung und bezüglich der Werkstücküberführungs-Richtung in der Querrichtung im wesentlichen im Zentrum platziert ist, wobei der Hubbalken (13) außerhalb eines Pressen-Arbeitsbereiches platziert ist, und veranlasst wird, sich auf und ab zu bewegen, einen Schlitten (15), wobei mindestens ein Schlitten (15) an jedem Hubbalken (13) vorgesehen ist, und wobei der Schlitten (15) entlang der Hubbalken-Längsrichtung bewegbar ist, einen Unterschlitten (30), welcher entlang einer Führung (131) vorgesehen ist, welche an jedem Schlitten (15) vorgesehen ist, und wobei der Unterschlitten (30) in der Schlitten-Bewegungsrichtung bewegbar ist, und Werkstück-Haltemittel (18), welche an jedem Unterschlitten (30) vorgesehen ...

21-05-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum pneumatischen Aufspannen von Werkstuecken in UEberfuehrungsmaschinen u.dgl.

Номер: DE0001929873A1

15-12-1983 дата публикации

Workpiece replacement device for machine tools

Номер: DE0003222224A1

The invention relates to a workpiece exchanging or replacement device for machine tools and aims to improve the useful effect of the workpiece exchanging device. The workpieces are positioned and arranged and clamped on or removed from each workpiece clamping pallet at a workpiece replacement station that is provided externally of the machine tool, in order subsequently to be conveyed from a transfer bed to a workpiece clamping pallet exchanging station where they are pushed onto a workpiece table of the machine tool, arranged and positioned and are clamped thereon ready for machining. The workpiece clamping pallet comprises a base plate in which hydraulic cylinders are fully inserted. Each cylinder comprises a vertically movable piston below the head surface of the base plate. The piston may carry a clamping member which is detachably secured thereto in order thereby to transmit a clamping force from the piston to the clamping member. The base plate also comprises an oil circulation system ...

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Lagerichtige Ein-Nippel-Einspannung

Номер: DE0059807690D1

27-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003307963C2

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Positioning device for measuring-carriage in processing station e.g. screw-tightening station for car body manufacture, is formed as indexing device with pins corresponding to receptacles on measuring carriage and floor

Номер: DE0020312581U1

The positioning device is formed as an indexing device comprising multiple index pins (9) and corresponding index receptacles (13), alternately arranged on the measuring carriage (2) and on the floor (5) of the station. The positioning device preferably comprises three index pins and index receptacles distributed in a triangle. The index receptacles may be embedded in the floor of the station. An independent claim is included for a processing station, particularly a screw-tightening station with robots having screw tightening tools.

18-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029504923U1

30-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002441462C3

10-06-2020 дата публикации

Bearbeitungsanlage für Baueinheiten sowie Verwendung einer Bearbeitungsanlage

Номер: DE102014110521B4
Принадлежит: THYSSENKRUPP AG, thyssenkrupp AG

Bearbeitungsanlage (1) für Baueinheiten, welche- eine Bearbeitungsstation (3), in welche eine zu bearbeitende Baueinheit entlang einer Förderrichtung (100) einbringbar ist,- eine erste Transporteinheit (20) zur Aufnahme eines Bearbeitungsrahmens (10) und- eine zweite Transporteinheit (30) zur Aufnahme eines Bearbeitungsrahmens (10) aufweist,- wobei die erste Transporteinheit (20) entlang einer zur Förderrichtung (100) senkrechten Querrichtung (101) zwischen einer Gebrauchsposition, in welcher der aufgenommene Bearbeitungsrahmen (10) in Eingriff mit der in die Bearbeitungsstation (3) eingebrachten Baueinheit steht, und einer Übergabeposition, in welcher sich der aufgenommene Bearbeitungsrahmen (10) außer Eingriff mit der Baueinheit befindet, verfahrbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass- die erste Transporteinheit (20) wenigstens zwei Schienenabschnitte (23) zur Aufnahme des Bearbeitungsrahmens (10) umfasst,- wobei die erste Transporteinheit (20) zwei erste Antriebseinheiten (21) aufweist ...

25-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003510772A1

01-03-2001 дата публикации

Lift/conveyor system consists of vertical lifts linked to reversible conveyor and connected to drive by drive shaft, each lift being connected to shaft by chain or cable

Номер: DE0019935033A1

The lift/conveyor system consists of vertical lifts (1) linked to a reversible conveyor. These are connected to a drive (3) by a drive shaft (2). Each lift is connected to the shaft by a chain or cable (4).

06-05-1999 дата публикации

Assembly machine with working station

Номер: DE0019810224C1

Transfer arrangement (4) includes intermittently operating drive (13) with at least one toothed belt (14) having profile adapted to toothed base (15) of workpiece carrier (5) on a feed unit (17). Coupling section (19) has toothed belt (14') which raises to engage first workpiece carrier in holding unit (18). Carrier moves forwards in steps of belt drive (13) to different stations.

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Bearbeitungsvorrichtung sowie Verfahren zur Montage der Bearbeitungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102018208678A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bearbeitungsvorrichtung zum Bearbeiten eines Werkstücks, mit einer durchgängigen Führungsschiene für eine Fördereinrichtung, insbesondere einen Kettenförderer, sowie einem ersten Modul und einem zweites Modul, die mittels der durchgängigen Führungsschiene miteinander verbunden sind, um einen Grundkörper auszubilden.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019214088A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Handhabungsvorrichtung 200 zum Einsatz an einer Werkzeugmaschine 100, umfassend: ein an der Werkzeugmaschine 100 benachbart aufstellbares Trägergestell 210 bzw. einen eine Handhabungseinrichtung 220 tragenden Träger, einen optionalen Palettenspeicher 240 zum Vorhalten von einer oder mehreren Werkstück- bzw. Bauteilpaletten 241 bis 246, die Handhabungseinrichtung 220 zum Handhaben von Werkstück- bzw. Bauteilpaletten, insbesondere zum Aufnehmen bzw. Übergeben einer Werkstück- bzw. Bauteilpalette 247 im Arbeitsraum der Werkzeugmaschine 100 und/oder zum Aufnehmen bzw. Übergeben einer Werkstück-bzw. Bauteilpalette 247 an einem Palettenplatz des optionalen Palettenspeichers 240, und/oder eine Andockeinrichtung 250 zum Andocken eines einen Palettenträger aufweisenden fahrerlosen Transportfahrzeugs 300 an einer Übergabeposition der Andockeinrichtung 250. Vorzugsweise ist die Handhabungseinrichtung 220 dazu eingerichtet, an der Übergabeposition der Andockeinrichtung ...

14-04-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003525656C2

05-03-1987 дата публикации

Installation for manufacturing and packaging cigarettes

Номер: DE0003519580C1

In an installation for manufacturing and packaging cigarettes, a collection area is assigned to each manufacturing unit comprising a cigarette machine and packaging machines, to which area are fed the consumable materials, i.e. lining paper, cigarette paper, packet wrapping paper, frame material, cardboard box blanks, packaging blanks, metallised paper and cellophane and/or polypropylene on pallets, with each article being kept free of the others. From the collection area, the consumable materials are fed by means of a robotic arm guided overhead to the individual machines requesting them, the robotic arm inserting the consumable materials, e.g. bobbins, directly into the machine in question, e.g. a bobbin changer.

14-01-1993 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Transportieren von Werkstücken

Номер: DE0004042350C2
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

27-05-1993 дата публикации

Palettenwechselvorrichtung für eine Werkzeugmaschine

Номер: DE0004236416A1

16-08-2007 дата публикации

Klemmvorrichtung für einen Palettenwechsler

Номер: DE602005001541D1
Принадлежит: FANUC LTD, FANUC LTD.

09-02-2006 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Zuführen und Abführen von Werkstücken zu- bzw. von wenigstens einer Bearbeitungsmaschine

Номер: DE0010336159B4
Принадлежит: ALBECK GMBH

Einrichtung zum Zuführen und Abführen von Werkstücken zu bzw. von wenigstens einer Bearbeitungsmaschine, die einen geschlossenen Arbeitsraum (28) aufweist, in dem ein in zumindest einer Achsrichtung verstellbarer Werkzeugträger (8) mit einer zur Aufnahme eines Werkzeuges (10) eingerichteten Arbeitsspindel (9) und eine Werkstückaufnahme (19, 24) für zu bearbeitende Werkstücke (23) angeordnet sind, mit - zur Aufnahme von Werkstücken eingerichteten, palettenartigen Werkstückträgern (29), die seitlich angeordnete Eingriffselemente (58, 62) für angetriebene Transportmittel aufweisen, - einer den Arbeitsraum (28) durchquerenden Führungseinrichtung (30), auf der Werkstückträger (29) in einer vorbestimmten Tranportrichtung verschiebbar sind und die neben der Werkstückaufnahme durch eine Werkstückablagestation (I) verlaufend angeordnet ist, - einer Transporteinrichtung, die die Transportmittel enthält, welche mit den Eingriffsmitteln wenigstens eines auf der Führungseinrichtung (30) befindlichen ...

07-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002417665A1

15-04-2004 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Positionieren einer Montageplatte

Номер: DE0019513095B4

Vorrichtung zum Positionieren einer Montagepalette (4) in einer Positionierstation (R), wobei der Montagepalette (4) eine Mehrzahl von Positionen (14) zugeordnet ist, welche mit zumindest einem Halteelement (13) in der Positionierstation (R) zusammenwirken dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Montagepalette (4) eine Mehrzahl von Ausnehmungen (14) zugeordnet ist, in die das Halteelement (13) von der Positionierstation (R) aus einfährt, und dass die Montagepalette (4) in der Positionierstation (R) auf verstellbare Führungsrollen (10) aufgleitet.

26-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001906566B2

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Sawing installation has workpiece support and saw and means for separating off sawn section by increasing sawn gap

Номер: DE0010109007A1

The sawing installation which has at least one workpiece support (10) and a saw (5) also has means for separating off the sawn workpiece section. This can be undertaken by vacuum suction means and/or at least a gripper element. A sliding plate moves into the sawn gap to increase the spacing. The sliding plate can be operated mechanically, pneumatically, electrically and/or hydraulically.

27-11-2003 дата публикации

Werkzeugmaschine, insbesondere Fräsbearbeitungszentrum

Номер: DE0010064416C2

12-03-2009 дата публикации

Loading and removal device for machine tools, has front side and loading and unloading position for loading un-machined work-pieces and for removing machined work-pieces

Номер: DE102007042638A1

The loading and removal device has a front side and a loading and unloading position for loading the un-machined work-pieces (34) and for removing the machined work-pieces. A linear feeding device is provided for feeding un-machined work-pieces in a transport direction (33) in the area of front side. A linear removal device is provided for removal of machined work-pieces in the transport direction.

08-08-1963 дата публикации

Apparatus for fabricating metal structures

Номер: GB0000933352A

... 933,352. Making vehicle sub-assemblies; welding by pressure. BRITISH FEDERAL WELDER & MACHINE CO. Ltd., and T. F. TRIBE. Sept. 25, 1961 [Oct. 4, 1960], No. 34006/60. Classes 83 (2) and 83 (4). [Also in Group XXX] The components of a structure, e.g. a vehicle door or floor assembly, are carried step-by-step by an endless conveyer from a loading station past at least one station at which the components are temporarily united, e.g. tackwelded, to a transfer station at which they are transferred to a reciprocating slide operating in synchronism with the conveyer to advance the components past stations at which they are permanently united, e.g. resistance welded, to an unloading-station. A floor structure, Figs. 1, 2, comprises a panel a with side flanges c and a central raised portion b having a conical locating boss h, and members d, e, f, g to be welded thereto. The conveyer consists of a number of carriages 25, Fig. 4, each having a frame 26 provided with rollers 31, 33 running on rails ...

15-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001296609A

16-11-1988 дата публикации

Exposure method and apparatus

Номер: GB0002204706A

A method and an apparatus for exposing a circuit pattern on a wafer W with a pulsed laser beam. The exposure of one shot (one exposure area) is achieved by a plurality of pulse exposures with the corresponding number of pulses, as the result of which any fluctuations or errors in the outputs of the pulses are substantially compensated so that correct exposure of each shot is assured. The amounts of exposures by the plural pulses for the one shot exposure are integrated and the integrated amount of exposure is compared with a correct or desired amount of exposure. On the basis of the result of comparison, an additional pulse exposure is effected in accordance with the degree of under exposure. ...

01-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002172868A

An apparatus and a method of positioning pallets on roller chains mounted on a free flow conveyor is basically composed of a detector for detecting an oncoming pallet, a stopper for stopping the pallet at an approximately required position, a controller capable of positioning the pallet in the x- and y-directions, and another controller capable of positioning the pallet in the z-direction. With an application of the foregoing method proposed, a device is designed to provide a highly accurate positioning of the pallet with a single device and therefore contributes greatly to an economization of operating costs.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125383A1

An object processing machine for processing a plurality of objects, the machine comprising: a plurality of processing modules, each processing module having a modular structure co-operable with the modular structure of another processing module to form a modular assembly constituting the object processing machine; each processing module being operable to perform a corresponding processing operation on an object and being provided with at least one transfer unit located at a respective port of the processing module; each transfer unit being arranged to transfer an object to or from the corresponding processing module and/or to or from a transfer unit of another processing module of the modular assembly; the transfer units being arranged to co-operate with one another and/or with another processing unit such that objects can be guided from an input of the machine to an output of the machine via a plurality of different transport pathways through the machine, wherein the transport pathway taken by a said object being processed corresponds to the pre-determined processing operations to be performed on the said object. A method of processing a plurality of objects using such a machine is also described. 1. An object processing machine for processing a plurality of objects , the machine comprising:a plurality of processing modules, each processing module having a modular structure co-operable with the modular structure of another processing module of the plurality of processing modules to form a modular assembly constituting the object processing machine;each processing module being operable to perform a corresponding processing operation on an object and being provided with at least one transfer unit located at a respective port of the processing module;each transfer unit being arranged to transfer an object to and/or from the corresponding processing module, and/or to and/or from a transfer unit of another processing module of the modular assembly;the transfer units ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016914A1

A vertical machining center includes a machining table on which a first pallet is placed and which moves in an X axis direction. A spindle head includes a spindle and moves in a Z axis direction. A rotary pallet exchanger exchanges the first pallet with a second pallet in a setup area. In a pallet rotational movement area, the first and second pallets are rotated. An oil pan is below the second pallet in the setup area, accommodates a part of the pallet rotational movement area, and includes a cutout portion. Space exposed to the cutout portion forms a cutout area. A door partitions a machining area from the setup area. An amount of offset in the X axis direction from the axial center of the spindle to the rotational center of the pallet exchanger is equal to or less than a width of the first pallet. 1. A vertical machining center comprising:an X axis direction, a Y axis direction, and a Z axis direction;a machining table on which a first pallet is to be placed, the machining table being configured to move in the X axis direction;a spindle head comprising a spindle on which a tool is to be mounted, the spindle head being configured to move in the Z axis direction relative to the machining table;a splash guard covering a machining area of the vertical machining center;a rotary pallet exchanger configured to exchange the first pallet placed on the machining table with a second pallet placed in a setup area of the pallet exchanger;a pallet rotational movement area in which the first pallet and the second pallet are to be rotated;an oil pan below the second pallet placed in the setup area of the pallet exchanger, the oil pan accommodating at least a part of the pallet rotational movement area located outside the splash guard on a machine front, the oil pan comprising a cutout portion on one end of the oil pan wherein an area of space exposed to the cutout portion forms a cutout area;a partition door configured to open and close to partition the machining area and the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Feed device for crucible

Номер: US20190016541A1

This application discloses a feeding device for a crucible, belonging to the field of display technology. The feeding device includes: a base, a robot arm and a bottle holder. The base is movably connected to one end of the robot arm, the one end of the robot arm can move linearly on the base, a motion trajectory of the robot arm is parallel to a lengthwise direction of the crucible. The bottle holder is disposed at the other end of the robot arm and the bottle holder is rotatable at the other end. This application can protect operator's health, improve production efficiency and reduce production costs.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Gripping and positioning assembly for transporting a clamping device between different positions

Номер: US20210016404A1
Принадлежит: GRESSEL AG

A gripping and positioning assembly for transporting a holding device between different positions includes a coupling arrangement for separably coupling the gripping and positioning assembly to the holding device and holding the holding device securely during transport. The gripping and positioning assembly has an integrated drive for moving the holding device between a hold and a release position to allow the operation of the holding device between a holding and a release position as well as a transporting of the holding device. The coupling arrangement has one or more aligning elements to provide an interlocking connection to the holding device.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Workpiece adapter apparatus, combination of workpiece holding apparatus and workpiece adapter apparatus, and machine tool

Номер: US20170021464A1
Принадлежит: MAG IAS GmbH Eislingen

The invention relates to a workpiece adapter apparatus for a machine tool to which at least one workpiece can be fixed and which can be fixed to a workpiece holding apparatus of the machine tool, comprising a holding body having a first side on which is arranged a first fixing device for the at least one workpiece and having a second side, opposite the first side, on which is arranged a second fixing device for fixing the holding body to the workpiece holding apparatus.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026960A1
Автор: Jones David T.
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An interlocking assembly includes a frame, a first arm coupled to the frame, and a second arm coupled to the frame. The first arm and/or the second arm is moveable between an open position and a closed position, such that the first and second arms overlap to define a first area when the first and second arms are in the closed position. 1. A method of controlling a behavior of a vehicle body , the method comprising:coupling a first securing mechanism to the vehicle body; andpositioning a second securing mechanism at least partially around a portion of the vehicle body.2. A method in accordance with further comprising receiving a signal indicating the vehicle body is in a first position relative to the first securing mechanism claim 1 , wherein the first securing mechanism is coupled to the vehicle body upon receipt of the signal.3. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein positioning a second securing mechanism further comprises moving at least one of a first arm of the second securing mechanism claim 1 , and a second arm of the second securing mechanism towards a closed position claim 1 , such that the first and second arms at least partially overlap to define a first area.4. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein positioning a second securing mechanism further comprises positioning the second securing mechanism claim 1 , such that the second securing mechanism does not contact the vehicle body.5. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein positioning a second securing mechanism further comprises positioning the second securing mechanism claim 1 , such that the second assembly is configured to control a position of the vehicle body when the vehicle body becomes uncoupled from the first securing mechanism.6. An interlocking assembly for use in a vehicle assembly environment claim 1 , the interlocking assembly comprising:a frame;a first arm coupled to the frame; anda second arm coupled to the frame, wherein at least one of the first and second arms is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061084A1

A method and apparatus for changing pallets delivered to a machining center. Different workpieces are connected or attached to different pallets. A first workpiece corresponding to a first pallet is delivered to or near an indexer or indexer assembly and the indexer is moved into an engaged position and performs a work operation on the first workpiece. The indexer is then moved to a disengaged position and the first pallet and the first workpiece are exchanged or switched out with a second pallet having a second workpiece. The indexer is then moved to an engaged position and works the second workpiece and when completed, the indexer moves to the disengaged position and the second workpiece is exchanged or switched out with a third pallet having a third workpiece. The indexer system of this invention can quickly and cost-effectively cycle through different pallets and thus different workpieces. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus for changing pallets delivered to a machining center , the apparatus comprising:a baseplate, a first pallet of the pallets fixed with respect to the baseplate, an indexer movably mounted with respect to the baseplate, a first driver attached with respect to the indexer, a second driver attached with respect to the first pallet, in an engaged position the indexer lockingly engaging the first driver with the second driver, and in a disengaged position the indexer disengaging the first driver from the second driver.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein in the engaged position a lock element engages and locks the first driver to the second driver.18. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein in the disengaged position a lock element disengages and releases the first driver and the second driver.19. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the indexer is operated to work a first workpiece of the workpieces.20. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein in the disengaged position the first pallet and a first workpiece of the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078124A1
Автор: YOSHIDA Makoto
Принадлежит: Okuma Corporation

Provided is an automated pallet changer in machine tool which enable miniaturization and cost reduction. A drive unit in the automatic pallet changer includes a planetary reduction gear. The planetary reduction gear has a first output shaft and a second output shaft in which, by fixing one of the first and second output shaft, the other functions as an output shaft for driving. The first output shaft is used to pivot the pivoting frame, and the second output shaft is used to move the carry-in/out arm back and forth. 1. An automatic pallet changer in machine tool , comprising:a pallet storage section for storing pallets in multiple rows and multiple stages;a carry-in/out arm that supports the pallet and moves in back and forth direction for carrying in/out the pallet to/from the pallet storage section;a horizontal movement frame that moves horizontally for moving the carry-in/out arm to a front of a predetermined row of the pallet storage section;a lifting frame that moves in up and down direction for moving the carry-in/out arm to a front of a predetermined stage of the pallet storage section; anda drive unit for driving the carry-in/out arm, the horizontal movement frame, and the lifting frame,wherein the drive unit includes a planetary reduction gear having a first output shaft and a second output shaft in which, by fixing one of the first and second output shafts, the other functions as the output shaft for driving, each of the first and second output shafts has axis in up and down direction, and one of the first and second output shafts is used to move the horizontal movement frame horizontally and the other is used to move the carry-in/out arm in back and forth direction.2. The automatic pallet changer in machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein a first rotating gear fixed to the first output shaft of the planetary reduction gear is configured to move integrally with the horizontal movement frame and engaged with a fixed gear or a rack fixed to a base frame ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Pallet Changer and Method for Processing a Sheet-Like Material arranged on a Moveable Pallet

Номер: US20180079041A1
Автор: Schmauder Frank

The invention relates to pallet changers and methods for processing sheet-like materials with at least two movably arranged pallets movably positioned in a main frame and having a support surface for receiving a sheet-like material. The pallets are moved in alternation with a drive from the main frame into a material processing machine and back to the main frame. The drive comprises a motor, which drives a drive element, which moves the pallets. A processing device is provided on the main frame to process sheet-like material positioned on the pallets in the main frame. 1. A pallet changer system , the pallet changer system comprising;a main frame;at least two pallets moveably positioned in the main frame, wherein the at least two pallets each comprise a support surface for receiving a sheet-like material;a drive system coupled to the main frame and configured to move the at least two pallets in alternation with one another from the main frame into a material processing machine positioned adjacent to the main frame and back into the main frame, wherein the drive system comprises a motor configured to actuate a drive element for movement of the at least two pallets into the material processing machine and back to the main frame; anda processing device coupled to the main frame, wherein the processing device is configured to process sheet-like material positioned on the support surface of one or more of the at least two pallets that are positioned in the main frame.2. The pallet changer system of claim 1 , wherein the processing device is configured to process the sheet-like material contemporaneously with at least a portion of processing by the material processing machine of a sheet-like material positioned on the support surface of one or more of the at least two pallets that is positioned in the material processing machine by the drive system3. The pallet changer system of claim 1 , wherein the processing device has a processing tool that is moveable at least in ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082559A1

A machine tool comprises a tool spindle which can be positioned in 3 axes and a pivot bridge pivotable about an A axis with a round table for mounting a workpiece pallet supporting a workpiece. Furthermore, in front of the pivot bridge, a mount is provided for a processed workpiece or workpiece to be processed located on a workpiece pallet. Between the mount and the pivot bridge a pallet changer is provided which can only perform a vertical displacement movement and a pivot movement about a vertical axis. Workpiece pallets are picked up and put down only during the vertical displacement movement of the pallet changer, or possibly by pivoting the pivot bridge about the A axis. 19-. (canceled)1018181818. A machine tool for 5-axis processing of workpieces ( , ′ , ″ , ′″) comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'a machine frame () having a horizontal machine bed () and a vertical stand (),'}{'b': 19', '1, 'processing chamber () formed on the machine frame (),'}{'b': 10', '10', '3', '19, 'at least one rotary-driven tool spindle (, ′) which is mounted in the stand () and movable in the processing chamber () in axes that are perpendicular to one another, namely an X axis and a Y axis,'}{'b': 12', '19, 'a pivot bridge () mounted in the processing chamber () which pivot bridge is drivable pivotably about an A axis parallel to the X axis,'}{'b': 15', '15', '12', '17', '17', '17', '17', '15', '15, 'at least one round table (, ′) arranged on the pivot bridge () for releasably mounting a workpiece pallet (, ′, ″, ′″), which round table (, ′) is pivotable about a B axis perpendicular to the A axis,'}{'b': 20', '19, 'a loading and unloading chamber () formed in front of the pro-cessing chamber (), and'}{'b': 24', '20, 'at least one pallet changer () arranged in the loading and unloading chamber (),'}{'b': 24', '41', '29, 'wherein the pallet changer () is displaceable only in vertical direction () and is drivable pivotably about a vertical axis (),'}{'b': 24', '32', '32', '32', '32', '17', ' ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134499A1
Автор: Burri Dieter

A workpiece transport element for placement on a transport belt and for receiving workpieces, including a bearing pin disposed on a holding element for engaging in an opening in the workpieces for support during transport, wherein the holding element includes at least two bearing pins that are movably mounted with respect to the holding element and have different diameters, wherein the bearing pins are selectively movable into a transport position or out of the transport position. The workpiece transport element can also include bearing pins including a tip, wherein, for storing shaft-like parts, a vertical guide rail including a counter-holder that is movable thereon in a longitudinal direction of the guide rail and includes a holding tip is provided.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134500A1
Принадлежит: DMG MORI CO., LTD.

A technique appropriately controls transfer order of a pallet. A pallet transfer system includes a transfer device, a pallet storage, a work station, a machine tool, and a control device. The control device transfers a second pallet from the work station to the pallet storage when the machining of the workpiece attached to a first pallet is completed in a state where the first pallet is in the machine tool and the second pallet is in the work station, and the control device transfers the first pallet from the machine tool to the work station after completion of the transfer of the second pallet from the work station to the pallet storage, or in parallel with the transfer of the second pallet from the work station to the pallet storage.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Automatic Processing Apparatus

Номер: US20220168860A1

The present disclosure provides an automatic processing apparatus including a main body, a receiving portion, a working assembly, a workpiece magazine, a setting mechanism, a passivation bucket assembly, and a rotation driving assembly. The receiving portion is adapted for receiving a plurality of workpieces. The setting mechanism takes the workpieces to the receiving portion from the workpiece magazine. The working assembly is adapted for bringing the workpieces to the passivation bucket assembly for processing. The passivation bucket assembly includes a turning table and a plurality of passivation buckets moving when the turning table rotates. The rotation driving assembly drives one of the passivation buckets to rotate. Thereby, automatic processing can be achieved by the apparatus of the present invention, and the efficiency of processing is improved too. 1. An automatic processing apparatus , including:a main body,a receiving portion, arranged on the main body, including a plurality of receiving areas, the receiving areas being spacedly arranged, each of the receiving areas being adapted for receiving a workpiece;a working assembly, arranged on the main body, including a turning mechanism and a taking mechanism, the turning mechanism driving the taking mechanism to pivot around a first rotation axis between a taking position and a working position, the taking mechanism including a plurality of taking members, the taking members being spacedly arranged, relative positions of the taking members depending on relative positions of the receiving areas so that the taking members are located above the receiving areas for taking the workpieces on the receiving areas simultaneously to further take the workpieces to the working position when the taking mechanism is pivoted to the taking position.2. The automatic processing apparatus of claim 1 , further including a workpiece magazine claim 1 , a receiving mechanism claim 1 , a passivation bucket assembly claim 1 , and a ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118320A1

A pallet changing apparatus adopting a table capable of moving back from and forth for a side of a turning shaft and having an oscillating portion for placing workpieces W, W′ by means of pallets P, P′ so as to oscillate freely by a rising portion at the leading end of the table , wherein the turning shaft covers a turning supporting portion at its lower end side and turns together with a pallet changing arm and moves freely in a vertical direction, and an insertion and removal hole is provided, at the covering region, and allows the rising portion to be inserted into the insertion and removal hole and removed from the insertion and removal hole 1. A pallet changing apparatus comprising:a pallet setup base,a table,at least one pallet changing arm,a turning shaft for supporting the at least pallet changing arm for transferring a pallet between the pallet setup base and the table in such a manner so as to move freely in a vertical direction and also in a state of being stationary in a horizontal direction,wherein the table is configured to move back from and forth to a side of the turning shaft, a rising portion at a leading end of the table on a side of the turning shaft, and', 'an oscillating portion which is supported by an oscillating center axis of the rising portion so as to oscillate freely and also positions a workpiece by a pallet,, 'the table includinga covering portion firmly fixed to the turning shaft at an upper side thereof and which covers a turning supporting portion positioned at a lower end of the turning shaft, and the covering portion including an insertion and removal hole which allows the rising portion to be inserted and removed freely therethrough, andwherein the at least one pallet changing arm includes a pallet supporting portion extending in a horizontal direction for transferring a pallet on opposite sides of the covering portion from side positions of the insertion and removal hole.2. The pallet changing apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118321A1

A pallet changing apparatus which adopts a table that is able to move back and forth in relation to a turning shaft and has a oscillating portion for placing workpieces W, W′ by way of pallets P, P′ so as to oscillate freely by a rising portion at the leading end of the table, and a bridging extending portion which bridges a supporting portion of pallet P or P′ in a pallet changing arm with both sides of the turning shaft forming a shape of covering across the upper side of the rising portion at a stage of the table transferring pallet P. 1. A pallet changing apparatus comprising:a pallet setup base,a table,pallet changing arms,a turning shaft for supporting the pallet changing arms for transferring a pallet between the pallet setup base and the table in such a manner so as to move freely in a vertical direction and also in a state of being stationary in a horizontal direction,wherein the table is configured to move back from and forth to a side of the turning shaft, a rising portion at a leading end of the table on a side of the turning shaft and', 'an oscillating portion which is supported by an oscillating center axis of the rising portion so as to oscillate freely and also positions a workpiece by a pallet,, 'the table includingwherein the turning shaft extends the pallet changing arms on both sides thereof,the pallet changing arms include a bridging extending portion which bridges a pallet supporting portion extending in a horizontal direction for transferring a pallet at opposite sides of the turning shaft, and the bridging extending portion forms a covering across an upper side of the rising portion at a stage of the table transferring a pallet.2. The pallet changing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a turning supporting portion positioned at a lower end side of the turning shaft, anda covering portion firmly fixed to the turning shaft and which covers an upper side of the turning supporting portion, and the covering portion includes an ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Interlinking System for Overhead Transfer Devices

Номер: US20150132084A1

The invention relates to an interlinking system for overhead transfer devices having at least two portals for the transport of workpieces or of workpieces on pallets between machines and/or supply/removal devices and vice versa. Each of the portals is in this respect equipped with at least one loading unit and the two portals are equipped with a transfer module for conveying the workpieces or the workpieces on pallets between a first and a second portal which is in turn equipped with a transport device for the reception of one or more workpieces or workpiece pallets. 1. An interlinking system for overhead transfer devices having at least two portals for the transport of workpieces or workpieces on pallets between machines and/or supply/removal devices and vice versa , having at least one loading unit per portal and having a transfer module for conveying the workpieces and or the workpieces on pallets between a first and a second portal equipped with a transport device for receiving one or more workpieces or workpiece pallets , whereinthe transfer module is provided with at least one loading opening through which one or more loading units can engage downwardly through the transfer module.2. An interlinking system for overhead transfer devices in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a storage device and/or a transfer device to a storage device claim 1 , for workpieces and/or workpieces on pallets is provided beneath the at least one loading opening.3. An interlinking system for overhead transfer devices in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a device for conveying claim 1 , measuring claim 1 , marking claim 1 , cleaning claim 1 , screwing and/or channeling in or out for individual workpieces or workpiece pallets is provided beneath the at least one loading opening.4. An interlinking system for overhead transfer devices in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a device for the gripper change or gripper finger change is provided beneath the at least one loading opening.5. An ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150142156A1

There is provided a flexible manufacturing system that can reliably place a workpiece that isn't defective piece in a state where the workpiece will be machined again. After a pallet is conveyed to a standby position and before machining of the workpiece attached to the pallet is started, controllers determines whether machining of the workpiece with a corresponding machining device is possible. When it is determined that machining is possible, the controller starts machining with the machining device. When it is determined that machining is impossible, the controller make a conveyor convey the pallet from the standby position to a pallet storage room, and stores the machining status information on the conveyed pallet as the machining-waiting state. 1. A flexible manufacturing system comprising:a machining device that has a machining position where a pallet is disposed during machining, and machines a workpiece that has not been machined and that is attached to the pallet disposed at the machining position;a pallet storage room that stores a plurality of the pallets;a pallet changer that is provided integrally with or adjacent to the machining device, has a standby position where the pallet to be moved to the machining position stands by, and exchanges the pallet at the machining position for the pallet at the standby position;a conveyor that is able to convey the pallet between the pallet storage room and the standby position of the pallet changer; anda controller that controls the machining device and the pallet changer, and controls the conveyor based on machining status information associated with each of the pallets stored in the pallet storage room, the machining status information including a machining-waiting state and a machining completion state, whereinafter the pallet is conveyed to the standby position and before machining of the workpiece attached to the pallet is started, the controller determines whether machining of the workpiece with the machining ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160151870A1
Автор: Chappus Corey

A tool support structure includes a base; a tool rail that extends in an axial direction; a first mounting portion that is connected to the base; a second mounting portion that is connected to a first end of the tool rail and releasably connectable to the first mounting portion; a support receiver that is connected to the base, the support receiver has a housing, a clamp member, and a locking member; and a support member that has a first portion and a second portion, wherein the second portion and at least part of the first portion are configured to enter an axial open end of the housing of the support receiver and a clamp member of the support receiver is pivoted into engagement with the support member by a locking member of the support to restrain motion of the support member with respect to the support receiver. 1. A locking support assembly comprising:a support member configured to connect to a tool rail, the support member comprising a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being connectable to the tool rail;a support receiver configured to connect to a base, the support receiver comprising a housing, a clamp member, and a locking member,wherein the first portion of the support member has a first width, the second portion has a second width that is greater than the first width, and the first portion extends transversely away from the second portion;wherein the housing of the support receiver defines an interior space, a slot extending in an axial direction adjacent the interior space, and an axial open end in communication with the interior space and the slot, the slot having a third width adjacent to an exterior surface of the housing, which is greater than the first width for receiving the first portion of the support member therein and which is less than the second width, and the interior space having a fourth width adjacent to the slot, which is greater than the second width for receiving the second portion of the support member therein; ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230230A1

A reconfigurable interface assembly includes, but is not limited to, a first sub-assembly that is adapted for attachment to a work-piece supporter. The first sub-assembly includes a first brake. The reconfigurable interface assembly further includes a second sub-assembly attached to the first sub-assembly. The second sub-assembly is adapted for attachment to a work-piece manipulator. The second sub-assembly includes a second brake. The first sub-assembly is configured to move the second sub-assembly in a first direction with respect to the first sub-assembly and the first brake is configured to inhibit movement of the second sub-assembly in the first direction with respect to the first sub-assembly. The second sub-assembly is configured to move the first sub-assembly in a second direction with respect to the second sub-assembly and the second brake is configured to inhibit movement of the first sub-assembly in the second direction with respect to the first sub-assembly. 1. A reconfigurable interface assembly for use in a manufacturing environment , the reconfigurable interface assembly comprising:a first sub-assembly adapted for attachment to a work-piece supporter, the first sub-assembly including a first brake; anda second sub-assembly attached to the first sub-assembly, the second sub-assembly being adapted for attachment to a work-piece manipulator, the second sub-assembly including a second brake;wherein the first sub-assembly is configured to move the second sub-assembly in a first direction with respect to the first sub-assembly and the first brake is configured to inhibit movement of the second sub-assembly in the first direction with respect to the first sub-assembly, andwherein the second sub-assembly is configured to move the first sub-assembly in a second direction with respect to the second sub-assembly and the second brake is configured to inhibit movement of the first sub-assembly in the second direction with respect to the second sub-assembly.2. The ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140271061A1
Автор: ANDO Shingo, FUKUDA Takuya

A manufacturing system includes a first robot cell apparatus including a first manufacturing robot and a first rack to which the first manufacturing robot is fixed, a second robot cell apparatus including a second manufacturing robot and a second rack to which the second manufacturing robot is fixed, the second robot cell apparatus being disposed adjacent to the first robot cell apparatus, and a transport path setter that sets a transport path of a transport robot that performs at least one of receiving a workpiece from the first robot cell apparatus and supplying a workpiece component to the first robot cell apparatus. A space through which the transport robot is movable is provided under each of the first and second racks, and the transport path setter sets the transport path of the transport robot so that the transport path passes through at least one of the spaces. 1. A manufacturing system comprising:a first robot cell apparatus including a first manufacturing robot and a first rack to which the first manufacturing robot is fixed;a second robot cell apparatus including a second manufacturing robot and a second rack to which the second manufacturing robot is fixed, the second robot cell apparatus being disposed adjacent to the first robot cell apparatus; anda transport path setter that sets a transport path of a transport robot that performs at least one of receiving a workpiece from the first robot cell apparatus and supplying a workpiece component to the first robot cell apparatus,wherein a space through which the transport robot is movable is provided under each of the first and second racks, and the transport path setter sets the transport path of the transport robot so that the transport path passes through at least one of the spaces.2. The manufacturing system according to claim 1 ,wherein the first and second robot cell apparatuses include detectors that detect whether the first and second robot cell apparatuses are disposed adjacent to each other, ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Transport device for transporting a work piece along consecutive processing stations of a production installation, a production installation, a multistage forming press, and a method for manufacturing products from work pieces by means of a production installation

Номер: US20170182611A1

A transport device for transporting a work piece along consecutively arranged processing stations of a production installation or a forming press. The transport device includes a first handling installation which transports the work piece which is assigned to the transport device and/or to a transport device which comprises a first transport rail which is longitudinally vertically and/or transversely displaceable. The first handling installation is arranged at the first transport rail or at one of the processing stations and/or at the production installation or at the forming press. A drive is assigned to the transport device. The drive drives the first transport rail and/or the at least one handling installation. The first handling installation is one-dimensionally or multi-dimensionally displaceable so that a multi-axis transport of the work piece is flexibly realized by the first handling installation alone or through an interaction of the first handling installation with the transport rail. 114-. (canceled)15. A transport device for transporting a work piece along processing stations which are consecutively arranged of a production installation or a forming press , the transport device comprising:a first handling installation which is configured to transport the work piece, the first handling installation being assigned to the transport device and/or to a transport device which comprises a first transport rail which is configured to be at least one of longitudinally displaceable, vertically displaceable, and transversely displaceable,wherein,the first handling installation is arranged at the first transport rail or at one of the processing stations and/or at the production installation or at the forming press,a drive is assigned to the transport device, the drive being configured to drive the first transport rail and/or the at least one handling installation, andthe first handling installation is configured to be one-dimensionally or multi-dimensionally ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198077A1

A first plate-like member on a bottom surface side is disposed in a horizontal direction. A second plate-like member is disposed in a vertical direction. A first position restricting mechanism is engaged with a first end portion including a first side that opposes the first plate-like member in a workpiece in a state where the workpiece stands while a front surface and a rear surface of the plate-like workpiece are along a vertical direction, and restricts the position of the first end portion in a plate thickness direction. A second position restricting mechanism is engaged with a second end portion including a second side that opposes the second plate-like member in the workpiece, and restricts the position of the second end portion in the plate thickness direction. 1. A workpiece storage device comprising:a first plate-like member on a bottom surface side disposed in a horizontal direction;a second plate-like member disposed in a vertical direction;a first position restricting mechanism which is provided integrally with the first plate-like member or separately from the first plate-like member on the first plate-like member, and is engaged with a first end portion comprising a first side that opposes the first plate-like member in the workpiece in a standing state of the workpiece while a front surface and a rear surface of the plate-like workpiece are along the vertical direction, thereby restricting a position of the first end portion in a plate thickness direction; anda second position restricting mechanism which is provided integrally with the second plate-like member or separately from the second plate-like member on the second plate-like member, and is engaged with a second end portion comprising a second side that opposes the second plate-like member in the workpiece, thereby restricting a position of the second end portion in the plate thickness direction,whereinthe first position restricting mechanism is a plurality of comb teeth members each comprising ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190217437A1
Принадлежит: MAKINO J CO., LTD.

A machining system which includes a plurality of machine tools each having an independent operation part and controller, and shared peripheral equipment associated with all of the plurality of machine tools, includes a shared controller for the shared peripheral equipment which is operable by each of the operation parts of the plurality of machine tools, wherein the shared controller includes an authorization part for granting operation authority to one of the operation parts of the plurality of the machine tools. 1. A machining system comprising:a plurality of machine tools each having an independent operation part and controller,shared peripheral equipment associated with all of the plurality of machine tools, anda shared controller for the shared peripheral equipment which is operable by each of the operation parts of the plurality of machine tools, whereinthe shared controller comprises an authorization part for granting operation authority over the shared peripheral equipment to one of the operation parts of the plurality of the machine tools.2. The machining system according to claim 1 , wherein the shared peripheral equipment is a workpiece transportation device for supplying a workpiece to each of the plurality of machine tools and for receiving and discharging a workpiece from each of the plurality of machine tools.3. The machining system according to claim 2 , wherein the workpiece transportation device is a gantry loader comprising a rail arranged in the vicinity of the plurality of machine tools and extending along a predetermined axis claim 2 , a carriage movable along the rail claim 2 , an arm operable relative to the carriage claim 2 , and a hand attached to the tip of the arm for gripping a workpiece.4. The machining system according to claim 3 , further comprising a workpiece setup station claim 3 , a workpiece removal station claim 3 , and a workpiece inspection station spaced apart from each other along the predetermined axis.5. The machining ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160236308A1

There is provided a processing machine line in which it is possible to confirm predetermined information on one machine tool at one time in a plurality of screens, a plurality of machine tools are disposed being lined up, respective control devices of the plurality of machine tools are connected to each other via a line concentrator, display units of the plurality of machine tools are connected to the control devices, and the display unit displays predetermined information on a machine tool on which the display unit is mounted out of the plurality of machine tools, and displays predetermined information on another machine tool. 1: A processing machine line comprising:a plurality of machine tools which are disposed being lined up,wherein respective control devices of the plurality of machine tools are connected to each other via a line concentrator,display units of the plurality of machine tools are connected to the control devices, andthe display unit displays predetermined information on a machine tool on which the display unit is mounted out of the plurality of machine tools, and displays predetermined information on another machine tool.2: The processing machine line according to claim 1 ,wherein the display unit displays a first operation screen for displaying predetermined information on the machine tool on which the display unit is mounted and a second operation screen for displaying predetermined information on another machine tool hierarchically, and displays the first operation screen as an initial screen.3: The processing machine line according to claim 2 ,wherein the second operation screen is positioned in a higher hierarchy than the first operation screen.4: The processing machine line according to claim 2 ,wherein on the second operation screen, other-machine tool selection for selecting the first operation screen of another machine tool in order to display the predetermined information on the other machine tool, and other-machine tool selection ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160256968A1

There is provided a processing machine and a processing machine line for which it is easy for an operator to view a screen display, including an operation panel with a free vertical and horizontal posture of a display in which a longitudinal dimension and a lateral dimension are different, in which a first display aspect which displays one screen that is displayed on the display and a second display aspect which is disposed lined up with two screens are switched. Switch buttons are set in order to perform switching between the first display aspect screen and the second display aspect screen, and the first display aspect screen and the second display aspect screen are mutually switched by operating the switching button, and during the switching, are rotated 90° with respect to the display. 1. A processing machine comprising:an operation panel with a free vertical and horizontal posture of a display in which a longitudinal dimension and a lateral dimension are different,wherein a first display aspect which displays one screen that is displayed on the display and a second display aspect which is disposed lined up with two screens are switched,switch buttons are set in order to perform switching between the first display aspect screen and the second display aspect screen, andthe first display aspect screen and the second display aspect screen are mutually switched by operating the switching button, and during the switching, are rotated 90° with respect to the display.2. The processing machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the operation panel is able to wirelessly communicate with a processing machine body side using a wireless communication device.3. The processing machine according to claim 1 , wherein in a case where the operation panel sets a state in which the display is horizontally longer as a reference posture claim 1 , the first display aspect screen is a horizontally longer screen claim 1 , and the second display aspect screen has two screens lined up in a ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200262016A1
Автор: YOSHIDA Makoto

An automatic pallet changer includes: a pallet housing unit having a plurality of pallet placement portions; and a pallet transfer unit configured to transfer a pallet P that is at a required pallet placement portion and has an un-machined workpiece W attached thereto to a standby station S and configured to transfer a pallet P that is at the standby station S and has a machined workpiece W attached thereto to a required pallet placement portion. The pallet housing unit includes: main housing portions to that have a plurality of rows of pallet placement portions, each having a plurality of stages, and are disposed to face the machine tool body ; and three rows of secondary housing portions that have one stage of pallet placement portions and are disposed above the machine tool body 1that is installed in a vicinity of a machine tool body comprising: a machining station at which a workpiece attached to a pallet is machined; a standby station at which a pallet having a machined or un-machined workpiece attached thereto is caused to be put on standby temporarily; and a pallet delivery device configured to deliver and receive pallets having workpieces attached thereto between the machining station and the standby station, andthat is configured to house a plurality of pallets to which workpieces are to be attached and is configured to carry-in and carry-out required pallets to or from the machine tool body, respectively, whereinthe automatic pallet changer comprises: a pallet housing unit having a plurality of pallet placement portions; and a pallet transfer unit configured to transfer a pallet that is at a required pallet placement portion and that has an un-machined workpiece attached thereto to the standby station and configured to transfer a pallet that is at the standby station and that has a machined workpiece attached thereto to a required pallet placement portion, andthe pallet housing unit comprises: main housing portions that have a plurality of rows of pallet ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290165A1

The disclosure relates to a workpiece handling systems and workpiece storage devices for elongate workpieces of shaft-like form which are at least substantially rotationally symmetrical relative to their longitudinal axis and which have along their longitudinal axis at least one projection extending in the peripheral direction, which projection protrudes radially outwards relative to a workpiece region arranged immediately axially adjacent thereto. The workpiece storage device includes a base plate and a plurality of workpiece holders. The workpiece holders are fastened to the base plate and protrude upwards therefrom, and which define workpiece receiving surfaces. In each case, at least two workpiece holders are associated with a workpiece to be received, wherein the workpiece holders associated with a workpiece to be received are so configured, spaced apart from one another and oriented relative to one another that the longitudinal axis of a workpiece placed thereon from above slopes relative to the horizontal in such a manner that the workpiece moves under the force of gravity, following the slope, until its projection comes into contact with one of the workpiece holders.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299348A1
Автор: Ortt George

A removal tool including a frame having a first side and a second side defining a longitudinal direction therebetween and a first end and a second end defining a transverse direction therebetween, a pivotable separating mechanism and a stopping mechanism is disclosed. The removal tool may be adapted to remove a portion of a pallet. The pivotable separating mechanism may include a first position and a second position. When the pivotable separating mechanism is moved from the first position to the second position the pivotable separating mechanism is adjusted from a first angle relative to the ground to a second angle relative to the ground. The second angle may be greater than the first angle. 1. A removal tool comprising:a frame including a first side and a second side defining a longitudinal direction therebetween and a first end and a second end defining a transverse direction therebetween;a pivotable separating mechanism; anda stopping mechanism; wherein the removal tool is adapted to remove a portion of a pallet.2. The removal tool of claim 1 , further comprising:a pivot shaft of the pivotable separating mechanism; andat least one separating device connected to the pivot shaft.3. The removal tool of claim 2 , further comprising:an inner portion of the pivot shaft between the first side and the second side of the frame;a vertical plane extending through the center of the inner portion;a first separating device; anda second separating device; wherein the first separating device is spaced a first distance from the vertical plane and the second separating device is spaced a second distance from the vertical plane.4. The removal tool of claim 3 , wherein the first distance is approximately equal to the second distance.5. The removal tool of claim 3 , further comprising:a third separating device; wherein the third separating device is spaced a third distance from the vertical plane; wherein the first distance is approximately equal to the second distance; and wherein ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Pallet Changing System for a Machine Tool

Номер: US20180312349A1
Принадлежит: Fidia SpA

The pallet changing system comprises a pallet deposition and pick-up station and a pallet loading and unloading station, horizontally spaced from one another along a first horizontal direction (A-A), as well as a pallet handling unit. The pallet handling unit includes: horizontal guide means extending along the first horizontal direction (A-A) between the pallet deposition and pick-up station and the pallet loading and unloading station; a pair of motorized uprights, which are jointly movable in a controlled manner in the first horizontal direction (A-A) between the pallet deposition and pick-up station and the pallet loading and unloading station, each upright being provided with a respective motorized lifting carriage vertically movable in a controlled manner, each lifting carriage being provided with a pair of gripping devices which are horizontally spaced from one another and selectively or jointly controllable to engage a corresponding end of a pallet (P) so as to allow rotation of the pallet (P) about a first horizontal axis; a pair of motorized auxiliary carriages, which are jointly movable in the first horizontal direction (A-A) between the pallet deposition and pick-up station and the pallet loading and unloading station, and are provided each with a gripping device arranged to engage a corresponding end of the pallet (P) facing the pallet deposition and pick-up station, so as to allow rotation of the pallet (P) about the first horizontal axis; and a motorized transporting carriage which is arranged to transport, in a vertical attitude, the pallet (P) with the workpiece (WP) connected thereto, and is movable between the pallet loading and unloading station and a working area (SW) of the machine tool (MT) in a second horizontal direction (B-B) forming an angle with respect to the first horizontal direction (A-A).

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336229A1

A machine tool includes a main machine, a pallet change unit, a main body cover, a machine entry door, an internal machine cover, and an internal entrance area. The main machine is configured to machine a workpiece. The pallet change unit is adjacent to the main machine. The main body cover is provided on the pallet change unit. The machine entry door is provided in the main body cover. The internal machine cover is connected to the machine entry door. The internal entrance area is defined by the machine entry door and the internal machine cover. The machine entry door and the internal machine cover are constructed to sweep the internal entrance area. 1. A machine tool comprising:a main machine configured to machine a workpiece;a pallet change unit adjacent to the main machine;a main body cover provided on the pallet change unit;a machine entry door provided in the main body cover;an internal machine cover connected to the machine entry door; andan internal entrance area defined by the machine entry door and the internal machine cover, the machine entry door and the internal machine cover being constructed to sweep the internal entrance area.2. The machine tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the pallet change unit comprises restraining means comprising one end mounted on the main body cover and another end mounted on the internal machine cover.3. The machine tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the internal machine cover comprises a first internal machine cover and a second internal machine cover connected to the first internal machine cover,wherein the pallet change unit comprises a work area communicating with the internal entrance area, andwherein the second internal machine cover is disposed to sweep the work area.4. The machine tool according to claim 3 ,wherein the pallet change unit comprises a linear guide disposed in the work area and coupled to the second internal machine cover through a bracket, andwherein the second internal machine cover sweeps the work ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150360337A1

A machine tool includes a clamping mechanism for clamping/unclamping rotation of a rotary table. A load is measured when an unclamping command is output and then the rotary table is rotated after a set time set in the timer passes, and the set time of the timer is changed in response to a magnitude of the measured load. In this way, it is possible to prevent the clamping mechanism from being damaged due to a subsequent command given before unclamping ends, and extend a life span of a component. 1. A machine tool comprising:a rotary table for attaching a workpiece;a motor for driving the rotary table;a clamping mechanism for clamping rotation of the rotary table; anda timer for setting a time taken until a subsequent command is made available after an unclamping command for releasing a clamping operation of the clamping mechanism to a set time,wherein the machine tool includesa load measurement unit for measuring a load of an output shaft of the motor,a reference load storage unit for storing a reference load of the rotary table in advance,a provisional load storage unit for measuring and storing, as a provisional load, a load obtained when an unclamping command of the rotary table is output and the rotary table is rotated after the set time set in the timer passes,a load comparison unit for comparing the provisional load stored in the provisional load storage unit with the reference load stored in the reference load storage unit, anda timer changing unit for changing the set time of the timer when the provisional load exceeds the reference load as a result of comparison of the load comparison unit.2. The machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein the reference load storage unit measures a load obtained during rotation of the rotary table in a period at which an unclamped state is reliably obtained after the unclamping command is output and then a predetermined time passes claim 1 , and stores a maximum value of the measured load.3. The machine tool according to ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190389026A1
Принадлежит: SCHNEIDER GMBH & CO. KG

An installation and a method for processing optical lenses, whereby transport carriers and block pieces are conveyed backward after use in each case to a commissioning device or blocking device, and the lens carriers are fitted by machine with unblocked or blocked lenses in order to make possible an automated and optimized process sequence. 115-. (canceled)16. Installation for processing eyeglass lenses , comprising:a blocking device for blocking a lens that is to be processed on a block piece by means of a block material,multiple processing devices for processing the lenses,a deblocking device for deblocking the processed lenses, anda transport system for conveying the lenses in or on transport carriers, andat least one of the following features:a commissioning device for fitting the transport carriers with lenses that are to be processed and block pieces;a return-conveying device for return-conveying at least one of the deblocked block pieces or the transport carriers to the blocking device or commissioning device;at least one of a first and second circuit for the transport carriers and an additional circuit for the block pieces.17. Installation according to claim 16 , further comprising a device for cleaning the transport carriers.18. Installation according to claim 16 , further comprising a device for optical examination of the transport carriers.19. Installation according to claim 16 , further comprising a device for optical examination of the block pieces.20. Installation according to claim 16 , further comprising a device for storing the block pieces.21. Installation according to claim 16 , further comprising a device for sorting the block pieces according to at least one of size or shape.22. Installation according to claim 16 , wherein the installation claim 16 , the blocking device or the commissioning device has a device for applying a protective layer or protective film on the lenses.23. Installation according to claim 22 , wherein the device for applying ...

09-01-1979 дата публикации

Shuttle system for machine tool

Номер: US4133423A
Автор: Frank Zankl
Принадлежит: Kearney and Trecker Corp

A pair of substantially identical shuttle tables are mounted on the bed of a vertical spindle machine tool on opposite sides of the worktable thereof. A first pallet is mounted on the worktable and a second pallet is mounted on one of the shuttle tables. Both pallets have a tunnel therein that extends all the way through the pallet. A hydraulic ram with an elongated piston rod is mounted on each shuttle table. Each piston rod is long enough to pass completely through the tunnel in an adjacent pallet and to bear against a pallet on the worktable while the base of the piston rod bears against the adjacent pallet. When the piston rod is extended, both pallets are simultaneously pushed in the same direction so that the pallet on the worktable is shifted to the empty shuttle table while the pallet on the other shuttle table is shifted onto the worktable. When the piston rod is subsequently retracted, both pallets remain in their shifted position. When the other piston rod is extended, both pallets are simultaneously pushed back to their original positions.

24-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220371138A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

An in-line manufacturing apparatus includes a carrier that transports a substrate, a plurality of process chambers subjected to a manufacturing process on the substrate transported through the carrier, and a cooling part disposed adjacent to the carrier and movable with the carrier. 1. An in-line manufacturing apparatus comprising:a carrier that transports a substrate;a plurality of process chambers subjected to a manufacturing process on the substrate transported through the carrier; anda cooling part disposed adjacent to the carrier and movable with the carrier.2. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a carrier driving part driving the carrier, andthe carrier driving part includes the cooler driving part.3. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the carrier driving part further includes a cooling power part supplying electrical energy to the cooling part.4. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the cooling part is attached to the carrier.5. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 4 , whereinthe cooling part includes a pipe, andcooling water or a cooling gas is supplied to the pipe.6. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cooling gas is an inert gas.7. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the cooling part is disposed away from the carrier.8. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the cooling part includes a plurality of cooling gas supply parts.9. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the plurality of cooling gas supply parts are disposed at uniform intervals to correspond to the surface of the substrate mounted on the carrier.10. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the plurality of cooling gas supply parts are gas injection holes through which a cooling gas is injected.11. The in-line manufacturing apparatus of claim 10 , wherein the cooling gas is an inert gas.12. The in-line manufacturing ...

14-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6234747A
Принадлежит: Niigata Engineering Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

14-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6029262A
Принадлежит: Aioi Seiki Inc

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

30-01-1989 дата публикации

Processing equipment

Номер: JPS6427835A
Принадлежит: Daifuku Co Ltd

23-04-1988 дата публикации

Metal-cutting machine tool provided with device for automatic change of appliances-carriers

Номер: SU1389985A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я М-5149

Изобретение относитс  к системам автоматизации технологических процессов в машиностроении и может быть использовано в загрузочных устройствах металлорежущих станков. Цель изобретени  - повышение надежности работы механизма перемещени  приспособлений-спутников. При перемещении стола 5 станка в зону магазина 1 зубчатое колесо 6 входит в зацепление с рейкой 3, закрепленной на каждом приспособлении-спутнике. В момент зацеплени  зубчатого колеса 6 с рейкой 3 зубчатое колесо 8 вращаетсз относительно полумуфты 10 против часовой стрелки, а поводок 15, закрепленный на зубчатом колесе 8, свободно перемещаетс  в пазу полумуфты 10. Этим до включени  электродвигател  вращени  полумуфты 10 выбираетс  зазор в зубь х и обеспечиваетс  надежное зубчато- реечное зацепление. 2 ил. The invention relates to automation systems for technological processes in mechanical engineering and can be used in the loading devices of machine tools. The purpose of the invention is to increase the reliability of the mechanism for moving satellite devices. When moving the table 5 of the machine in the area of the store 1, the gear wheel 6 engages with the rail 3 attached to each satellite device. At the moment of engagement of the gear wheel 6 with the rack 3, the gear wheel 8 rotates relative to the coupling half 10 counterclockwise, and the driver 15 attached to the gear wheel 8 moves freely in the groove of the coupling half 10. This chooses a gap into the tooth x and provides a reliable gear-pinion engagement. 2 Il.

06-02-1989 дата публикации

Work replacement equipment

Номер: JPS6434635A
Автор: Matsuo Takatsu
Принадлежит: Tokki Corp

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN109366191B
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: Yueqing Yedao Electromechanical Co ltd


07-04-2010 дата публикации

Loader for hole cutting machine

Номер: KR100951494B1

정보 기록 매체의 디스크 기판 그 외의 기판 가공기에 설치되는 워크 로더에 관한 것이며, 가공 시간이 짧은 기판 가공기에 탑재하기 위한, 단시간에 가공 위치에 기판의 반입 반출을 실시할 수 있는 로더를 얻는다. The present invention relates to a work loader provided in a disk substrate or other substrate processing machine of an information recording medium, and obtains a loader capable of carrying in and out of a substrate at a processing position in a short time for mounting on a substrate processing machine having a short processing time. 연직 방향의 선회축을 중심으로 하는 동일 원주상에 등간격으로 배치된 적어도 3개의 유지대를 구비하고, 상기 선회축 둘레에 한방향으로 간헐회전하는 로터리 테이블과, 가공전 기판을 스토커로부터 대기 위치(4)로 반송하는 제1 핸드와, 가공이 끝난 기판을 청소 위치로부터 스토커로 반송하는 제2 핸드를 구비하고 있다. 상기 대기 위치는, 상기 로터리 테이블의 간헐회전에 의해 유지대의 1개가 가공 위치에 위치했을 때에 그 선회 방향 상류측의 유지대가 위치하는 위치이며, 상기 청소 위치는, 상기 로터리 테이블의 간헐회전에 의해 유지대의 1개가 가공 위치에 위치했을 때에 그 선회 방향 하류측의 유지대가 위치하는 위치이다. A rotary table having at least three holders arranged at equal intervals on the same circumference with respect to the pivot axis in the vertical direction, intermittently rotating in one direction around the pivot axis, and the substrate before processing from the stocker to the standby position (4 And a second hand for conveying the processed substrate from the cleaning position to the stocker. The said standby position is a position where the holding stand of the upstream of the rotation direction is located, when one of the holding stands is located in a processing position by the intermittent rotation of the said rotary table, The said cleaning position is hold | maintained by the intermittent rotation of the said rotary table. When one of the stands is located at the machining position, it is a position where the holding table on the downstream side in the turning direction is located.

16-12-1998 дата публикации

Electronic component mounting equipment

Номер: JP2839364B2
Автор: 渡 秀瀬
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

30-01-1984 дата публикации

Metal-working machine-tool

Номер: SU1069972A1

МЕТАЛЛОРЕЖУЩИЙ СТАНОК с , поворотным столом с направл ющими дл  установки спутника с обрабатываемой деталью и расположенными около стола тумбами с такими же направл ющими, содержащий механизм перемещени  спутника, выполненный в виде ползуна с захватом, о т личающийс  тем, что, с целью упрощени  конструкций и повышени  надежности в работе, каждый спутник -снабжен подпружиненш и двуплечим рычагом-защелкой,установленным с возможностью взаимодействи  с захватом ползуна посредством дополнительно введенных - в станок кулачка , храпового механизма и зубчато-реечной передачи, зaкpeплeнныk на одной оси, при этом рейка выполнена подпружиненной и размещена с возможностью взаимодействи  с ползуном , а кулачок - с подпружиненным двуплечим рычагом-зааделкбй. METAL CUTTING MACHINE with rotary table with guides for installing the satellite with the workpiece and armchairs with the same guides located near the table, containing a satellite movement mechanism, made in the form of a slider with a gripper, which is designed to simplify the structures and increase in reliability in operation, each satellite is equipped with a spring and a two-arm latch lever installed with the ability to interact with the capture of the slide by means of additionally inserted into the cam machine, ratchet mechanism and gear-pinion gear, zakrepplenny k on one axis, while the rail is made spring-loaded and placed with the ability to interact with the slide, and the cam - with a spring-loaded two-arm lever-set.

19-04-2019 дата публикации

Movable contact and dynamic the full-automatic of touching bridge rush the match system that is welded

Номер: CN109648342A
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: 王飞


06-03-1978 дата публикации

Transfer device for universal bailling machine

Номер: JPS5324196A

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Pallet clamping device

Номер: CN103846718B
Автор: 金钟奉
Принадлежит: Doosan Machine Tools Co Ltd


23-11-2010 дата публикации

Auto stacker

Номер: KR100996155B1
Автор: 김길주, 이재하
Принадлежит: (주)삼보모토스

본 발명은 오토 스태커에 관한 것으로, 통해 프레스장비를 통해 형상제작이 완료되고 분리장치를 통해 스크랩과 분리된 클러치플레이트(2)가 오토 스태커를 통해 다수개씩 일렬로 자동 적재됨으로써, 작업자가 연마장치로 클러치플레이트(2)를 공급함에 있어 작업의 편의성 향상과 작업시간의 단축 및 전체적인 생산성의 향상을 도모할 수 있도록 된 것이다. The present invention relates to an auto stacker, through which the shape manufacturing is completed through the press equipment, and the clutch plate (2) separated from the scrap through the separating device is automatically loaded in a row by a plurality of auto stackers, so that the operator uses the polishing device. In supplying the clutch plate 2, it is possible to improve the convenience of work and the reduction of working time and the improvement of the overall productivity. 자동변속기. 클러치플레이트. 오토 스태커 Automatic transmission. Clutch plate. Auto stacker

22-05-2020 дата публикации

Full-automatic punching and welding assembly system of iron shell plug

Номер: CN109551240B
Автор: 不公告发明人
Принадлежит: Yueqing Yedao Electromechanical Co ltd


01-02-1984 дата публикации

Automatic work exchange method

Номер: JPS5919650A
Принадлежит: YAMATO KOKI KK

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Feeding and rotating device for workpieces

Номер: CN106392742A
Автор: 邹斌
Принадлежит: Wuxi Chuangheng Machinery Co Ltd


30-09-2010 дата публикации

Workpiece carrier for conveyor lines

Номер: DE10129474B4
Автор: Ulrich Stabernack

Werkstückträger für Förderstrecken, der aus einer Grundplatte (3) und einer Trägerplatte (11) besteht, zum Anhalten an Anschlägen der Förderstrecke anschlägt und mit einer beim Anschlagen wirksamen Dämpfungsvorrichtung zusammenarbeitet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Trägerplatte (11) auf der Grundplatte (3) schwimmend angeordnet ist und dass Grundplatte (3) und Trägerplatte (11) über die Dämpfungsvorrichtung miteinander in Wirkverbindung stehen. Workpiece carrier for conveyor lines, which consists of a base plate (3) and a support plate (11) abuts stop stops on the conveyor track and cooperates with a damping device effective when striking, characterized in that the carrier plate (11) on the base plate (3) is arranged floating and that base plate (3) and support plate (11) via the damping device are in operative connection with each other.

22-07-1997 дата публикации

Automatic pallet changer in machining center and its replacement method

Номер: KR970033444A
Автор: 안재봉
Принадлежит: 대우중공업 주식회사, 석진철

팰릿교환동작단계를 감축시켜 팰릿교환시간을 단축시키고, 암의 회전시 APC도어의 흔들림이 방지할 수 있도록 하는 머시닝센터의 자동팰릿교환장치 및 그 교환방법을 제공하는 것이다. 본 발명은 팰릿을 교환시키는 그립퍼 암이 유압모터와 연결된 센터샤프트와 전동기어에 의해 2개씩 반대방향으로 90°선회되게 하고, 유압모터의 축에 상기 센터 샤프트를 슬라이딩 키로 연결하여 그립퍼암의 승하강시에도 상기 센터 샤프트가 유압모터의 축으로부터 분리되지 않아 그립퍼 암의 선회시 상기 유압모터가 공회전 되도록 하고, 상기 기어 샤프트의 치폭을 크게하여 그립퍼 암의 상승하강시에도 기어 샤프트가 실런더 랙과의 이물림이 유지되도록 한 것을 특징으로 한다.

15-04-2000 дата публикации

Set-up station device

Номер: KR100254188B1
Автор: 박사용
Принадлежит: 대우중공업주식회사, 추호석

PURPOSE: A set-up station device of a PMG(permanent magnet generator) is provided to release a pallet more stable in the middle of the palette, to maintain a stroke with a hydraulic cylinder as a driving device, and to control or assemble the pallet more easily by simplifying a palette releasing device. CONSTITUTION: A set-up station device in a PMG contains a hydraulic cylinder(51) in the middle of a pallet and expanding and constricting a piston rod(51a) with compressed oil; a release device consisting of a supporting block(52), a release pin(53) and a spring member; and a guide member consisting of an inner guider(55) and an outer guider(56) to guide the released pallet. Since a taper is formed in the end of the release pin, the release pin is pressurized by the pallet and pushed downward by the taper. Then, the pallet is stuck to a hanging sill of the release pin and the piston rod is expanded or constricted to guide the inside of the pallet with an inner guide pin(55b) of an inner guide bracket(55a). The outside of the pallet is guided by an inner guide pin(56b) of an outer guide bracket(56a) to safely draw the pallet.

20-07-1995 дата публикации

Automatic pallet changer (APC) using rotating plate

Номер: KR950017078A
Автор: 안재봉
Принадлежит: 대우중공업 주식회사, 석진철

대기위치와 가공위치 사이에 회전판(34)를 마련하고, 회전판의 회전을 랙(121)및 피니언(40)에 의해 수행하며, 랙(121)의 이동은 대구경 실린더(127) 및 소구경 실린더(130)으로 수행하며, 회전판(34)상에는 팰리트(31) 고정용 핀(63)과 도어 고정용 스토퍼(33)이 마련되어, 회전판(34)가 상승되어 회전시 팰리트(31)과 도어를 동시에 회전시키도록된 팰리트 자동교환장치이다.

16-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ES2083719T3
Автор: Basil Obrist
Принадлежит: Erowa AG


23-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and machine tool for the precision machining of workpieces

Номер: DE102015113609A1
Принадлежит: Heckert GmbH

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Präzisionsbearbeitung von Werkstücken in einer Werkzeugmaschine (1), wobei das Werkstück zuerst im Bereich eines Rüstplattes (9) der Werkzeugmaschine (1) positioniert und anschließend einer Bearbeitungsposition (4) innerhalb eines Arbeitsraumes der Werkzeugmaschine (1) zugeführt wird und dass Werkstück erfindungsgemäß in seiner am Rüstplatz (9) befindlichen Position auf eine vorgegebene Temperatur temperiert wird und nach Erreichen dieser Temperatur in die Bearbeitungsposition (4) verbracht wird. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung eine Werkzeugmaschine zur Präzisionsbearbeitung. The invention relates to a method for precision machining of workpieces in a machine tool (1), wherein the workpiece is first positioned in the region of a Rüstplattes (9) of the machine tool (1) and then a processing position (4) within a working space of the machine tool (1) is supplied and that, according to the invention, the workpiece is tempered to a predetermined temperature in its position at the set-up station (9) and is moved to the processing position (4) after reaching this temperature. Furthermore, the invention relates to a machine tool for precision machining.

20-09-1977 дата публикации

Manufacturing machine

Номер: US4049500A
Автор: Lawrence J. Kamm
Принадлежит: Individual

A manufacturing machine such as an automatic assembly machine is disclosed which includes a work station which can include linear motion devices and rotary motion devices. A conveyor system is disclosed for transporting a workpiece to and from the work station, and a positioning arrangement is disclosed for precisely positioning the workpiece to the work station.

13-07-2006 дата публикации

Guide bar fixing pallet device for loading work piece

Номер: KR100600027B1
Автор: 김정진
Принадлежит: 두산인프라코어 주식회사

공작기계의 갠트리 로더(GANTRY LOADER)에 적용되는 가이드 바 고정용 팰릿장치에 관한 것으로, 갠트리 로더가 가져갈 공작물을 적재하는데 사용되는 팰릿장치로서, 베이스 플레이트와; 상기 베이스 플레이트상에 회전 가능하게 설치된 로테이션 플레이트와; 상기 로테이션 플레이트에 일단이 힌지 연결되어 회동 가능하게 설치된 복수개의 바 클램퍼와; 상기 바 클램퍼의 타단에 나사 결합으로 입설된 복수개의 가이드 바와; 상기 가이드 바가 삽통되는 안내장공을 갖고, 상기 로테이션 플레이트의 상방에 위치하여 상기 베이스 플레이트에 고정된 가이드 플레이트를 구비하며, 상기 바 클램퍼는 상기 가이드 플레이트와 상기 로테이션 플레이트의 사이에서 일정량 이동가능한 해제틈새를 갖고, 상기 가이드 바의 체결력으로 상기 해제틈새를 제로화시켜 상기 바 클램퍼를 상기 가이드 플레이트의 저면에 밀착시켜 고정력을 발생시키는 것을 특징으로 한다. A pallet apparatus for fixing a guide bar applied to a gantry loader of a machine tool, the pallet apparatus being used to load a workpiece to be taken by a gantry loader, comprising: a base plate; A rotation plate rotatably installed on the base plate; A plurality of bar clampers having one end hinged to the rotation plate and rotatably installed; A plurality of guide bars installed in a screw connection to the other end of the bar clamper; The guide bar has a guide hole through which the guide bar is inserted, and has a guide plate positioned above the rotation plate and fixed to the base plate, wherein the bar clamper has a release gap that is movable in a predetermined amount between the guide plate and the rotation plate. And zeroing the release gap by the fastening force of the guide bar, thereby adhering the bar clamper to the bottom surface of the guide plate to generate a fixing force. 갠트리 로더, 팰릿, 공작기계, 공작물, 가공소재 Gantry loader, pallet, machine tool, workpiece, workpiece

16-03-1989 дата публикации

Exchange device for workpiece fixing table in work machine

Номер: JPS6471641A

06-01-1984 дата публикации

Rotary processing table of machine tool

Номер: JPS591129A
Принадлежит: Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co Ltd, Toshiba Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

27-03-2020 дата публикации

Angle steel processing combined production line

Номер: CN110919388A


24-10-1988 дата публикации

Pallet changer

Номер: JPS63256331A
Автор: Noriaki Minami, 憲明 南

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

23-04-1986 дата публикации

Unmanned conveyor truck

Номер: JPS6179544A
Принадлежит: Hitachi Seiki Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Loop type workbench transferring device with loading and unloading stations

Номер: CN108555620B
Автор: 周顺尧


05-11-2018 дата публикации

Workpiece transfer device for horizontal machining center

Номер: KR101901098B1
Автор: 방기석, 방남석
Принадлежит: 방기석, 방남석

The present invention relates to a workpiece transfer device for a horizontal machining center. The device comprises: a workpiece setting unit including a pallet for taking a form of a rectangular plate and put in a horizontal machining center to fix the workpiece to be machined to the front side thereof, a pallet support plate for supporting the pallet movably in the horizontal direction, a transfer chain holder provided at both lateral ends of the pellet and having an engaging groove, and a pallet angle adjusting unit for vertically pivoting the pallet support plate to position the pallet horizontally or vertically with respect to the ground surface; and a workpiece transfer unit including a turntable positioned on a side of the pallet angle adjusting unit, a support wall fixed to an upper portion of the turntable and rotating according to the operation of the turntable, and a pallet transfer unit installed at an upper portion of the support wall to move the pallet to the support wall while the support wall is parallel to the pallet support plate. Accordingly, the workpiece transfer device for a horizontal machining center of the present invention is vertically aligned with the pallet while the workpiece is fixed to the pallet in the horizontal state first and then transferred to the machining position so that the home position precision of the workpiece with respect to the machining center is excellent and accurate transfer can be carried out irrespective of the size of workpiece.

31-05-2017 дата публикации

workpiece supplying apparatus for CNC machine

Номер: KR101741986B1
Принадлежит: (주)미주테크

An automatic work piece supply device for a CNC machine is disclosed. The automatic work piece supply device for a CNC machine comprises a work piece transfer unit and a control unit. The present invention can determine the processing position of a work piece.

17-11-1986 дата публикации

Patent JPS6153182B2

Номер: JPS6153182B2
Принадлежит: Tsugami Corp

04-01-2017 дата публикации

A kind of gantry many pallets exchange system travelling bogie

Номер: CN106271841A


28-08-2018 дата публикации

Vertical machining center with automatic pallet changer

Номер: KR101891576B1
Автор: 김종찬, 남종우
Принадлежит: (주)유지인트

The present invention relates to a vertical machining center having an automatic pallet changer, comprising: a column vertically erected at the top of a bed; a pair of heads installed in the column to move in the Z-axis direction and having vertical spindles; a saddle mounted on an upper portion of the bed so as to be movable in the X-axis direction and the Y-axis direction; a plurality of pallets configured to stand by at a position different from a position where the pallets are raised at the top of the saddle; and a pallet changer interchangeable with the plurality of pallets and openable. Therefore, machining productivity can be increased by using the multi-spindle, and internal inspection and repair of a machine can be easily performed when the pallet changer is opened.

07-01-1985 дата публикации

Furnace roller

Номер: SU1133470A1

1. ПЕЧНОЙ РОЛИК, содержащий охлаждаемый вал, опорные кольца, установленные на валу, и изол цию, размещенную между кольцами, отличающийс  тем, что, с целью повышени  срока службы ролика, кольца шлюлнены с увеличенной к периферии толщиной, при этом отношение ДЛИНЫ посадочной части кольца к длине участка вала ме щу кольцами составл ет 0,1-0,5. 2. Ролик по п. 1, отличающийс  тем, что .внешний диаметр сло  изол ции составл ет 0,45-0,98 внешнего диаметра колец. S ш // шг1,ш« Ш11й®шш1. 1. A HOSE ROLLER containing a cooled shaft, support rings mounted on the shaft, and insulation placed between the rings, characterized in that, in order to increase the service life of the roller, the rings are sent with a thickness increased to the periphery, the ratio of the LENGTH of the seating part the ring to the length of the shaft section between the rings is 0.1-0.5. 2. The roller according to claim 1, characterized in that the outer diameter of the insulation layer is 0.45-0.98 of the outer diameter of the rings. S ш // шг1, ш «Ш11й®шш1.

02-03-2015 дата публикации

Clamping Fixture

Номер: KR20150021433A
Автор: 한스 헤디게르
Принадлежит: 에로바 에이지

클램핑 고정구는 클램핑 베이스 부재(1) 및 이에 고정 클램핑하기 위한 작업편 팰릿(2)을 포함한다. 클램핑 베이스 부재(1)는 각각의 클램핑 디바이스(5) 내에 제 위치에 고정되어 클램핑하기 위하여 클램핑 디바이스(5)의 수와 수적으로 상응하는 다수의 클램핑 스피곳(43)을 특징으로 한다. 작업편 팰릿(2)에 배열된 추가적인 중심조정 부재(38)와 협동하는 제1 중심조정 부재(4)가 클램핑 베이스 부재(1)에 배열되어 작업편 팰릿(2)은 X-방향 및 Y-방향에서 클램핑 베이스 부재에 고정되어 클램핑될 때 제 위치에 배열된다. 각각의 클램핑 디바이스(5)는 클램핑 소켓(6)을 특징으로 하며, 이의 상부 측면은 작업편 팰릿(2)에 대한 Z-장착부를 형성한다. 클램핑 베이스 부재(1)의 Z-장착부는 각각의 클램핑 소켓(6)의 상부를 덮는 복수의 면 부분(11)에 의하여 형성되고, 여기서 각각의 면 부분(11)에는 세정 매체를 위한 적어도 하나의 유출 포트(12)가 구비된다. 각각의 클램핑 소켓(6)에는 클램핑 베이스 부재(1)의 밑면까지 아래로 연장하는 중공형 돌출부(10)가 구비된다.

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Flexible manufacturing system

Номер: CN104648933B
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp


06-09-2021 дата публикации

Vertical and horizontal alignment supporting device

Номер: KR102298508B1
Автор: 고정완, 박수현
Принадлежит: 주식회사 별랑

Disclosed is a vertical and horizontal alignment support device, wherein even when an object to be processed or a surface to be touched, such as the ground or floor, is curved, the center of force is located at the center of a pressing support body by means of a first support guide body and a second support guide body that move orthogonally and horizontally in the 90-degree direction, respectively, when in line contact with an object to be supported. Accordingly, the object to be supported can be firmly supported by a vertical support force of the pressing support body, a force other than the vertical support force can be relieved, and the object to be supported can be firmly supported on a supporting surface that is a curved surface as well as a horizontal surface. The vertical and horizontal alignment support device can be applied to all machines that support the object to be supported, such as a plane cutting machine, a device that takes off and lands in a vertical direction, or a cutting machine that requires rotation. Therefore, the use range of the vertical and horizontal alignment support device can be remarkably improved.

28-03-1977 дата публикации

Device for preventing incorrect feeding of a pallet in a circulating transfer machine

Номер: JPS5239874A
Автор: Korehito Marui
Принадлежит: Nitto Seiko Co Ltd

18-05-2012 дата публикации

Modular transfer system for workpieces

Номер: KR101147890B1

본 발명은 공작물용 모듈형 이송 시스템 (1) 에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 본질은, 공작물 캐리어 (22 내지 27) 가 공작물 캐리어 이송과 같은 CNC (x - y) 축 시스템 및 같은 서보 구동장치 (13 내지 15) 를 가진 제조 모듈 (6 내지 9) 에 위치된다는 것이다. 따라서 각 컨베이어 벨트가 이송용으로 요구되지 않는다. The present invention relates to a modular transport system 1 for a workpiece. The essence of the invention is that the work carriers 22 to 27 are located in the manufacturing module 6 to 9 with a CNC (x-y) axis system, such as the work carrier transport and the servo drive 13 to 15. . Thus, each conveyor belt is not required for conveyance.

17-04-2020 дата публикации

Aluminum alloy profile drilling and cutting processing production line

Номер: CN111015223A


17-04-2017 дата публикации

Auto pallet changer and horizontal machining center having the APC

Номер: KR101727194B1
Автор: 김성열
Принадлежит: 한국항공우주산업 주식회사

본 발명은 대형 팔레트 자동 교환 장치 및 상기 장치를 포함하는 대형 팔레트 자동 교환 고속 수평형 머시닝 센터에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 목적은 팔레트 자동 교환 장치의 이동 방향을 개선하여 기존보다 훨씬 대형의 공작물의 가공이 가능하게 하며, 이에 따라 팔레트의 고속 교환이 가능할뿐더러 정밀한 위치 제어가 가능하게 함으로써, 대형 공작물의 가공 시간을 획기적으로 단축시켜 생산성을 극대화시키는, 대형 팔레트 자동 교환 장치 및 상기 장치를 포함하는 대형 팔레트 자동 교환 고속 수평형 머시닝 센터를 제공함에 있다. The present invention relates to a large pallet automatic exchange apparatus and a large pallet automatic exchange high speed horizontal machining center including the apparatus, and an object of the present invention is to improve the moving direction of the pallet automatic exchange apparatus, A large pallet automatic exchange apparatus that greatly shortens the machining time of a large workpiece and maximizes productivity by making it possible to perform high-speed exchange of pallets and precise position control, and a large-size pallet including the apparatus Automatic exchange high speed horizontal machining center.

13-04-1989 дата публикации

Patent JPH0120020B2

Номер: JPH0120020B2
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for stroke multiplier lifting

Номер: KR100586465B1
Автор: 김석화
Принадлежит: 김석화

본 발명은 리프트장치에 관한 것으로, 제한된 높이에 다단 적재하여 공간을 줄이고 높이를 배가시키는 파장형 스트로크 배가리프트장치에 관한 것이다. LM레일(11)이 상부에 구비되고, 지지대(13)가 결합되는 일측 브라켓(15)에 보조프레임(18)이 설치되고, 일단부에 센서(16)와 스토퍼(17)가 구비되는 메인프레임(10)과; 상기 메인프레임(10)의 LM레일(11)에 하부가 LM가이드(212)로 결합되고, 상부에 서보모터(218)가 탑재되는 베이스(21)와; 상기 베이스(21) 상부에 수직방향으로 LM레일(225)이 구비되는 프레임(224)이 플레이트(221,222)로 결합되고, 상기 상부플레이트(222)에 지지구(226)와 제1롤러(228)가 결합된 브라켓(227)이 구비되는 본체(22)와; 상기 본체(22) 내부에 제2롤러(233)가 결합된 브라켓(232)이 탑재되는 리프트실린더(23)와; 상기 본체(22) LM레일(225)에 LM가이드(242)로 결합되는 고정플레이트(241) 상부에 지지블럭(243)이 구비되고, 일측에 모터(245)를 구비한 테이블(24)과; 상기 테이블(24)의 지지블럭(243)에 일단이 삽착되어 롤러(228,233)를 거쳐 본체(22) 지지구(226)에 타단이 삽착되는 체인(25)과; 상기 테이블(24) 일측에 실린더(261)로 작동되는 푸시플레이트(26)를 구비하는 리프트장치(20)로 구성된다. 따라서, 본 발명은 실린더의 크기와 용량을 반으로 줄이고 파장형 체인 타입으로 제작하여 스트로크(Stroke)를 배로 증가시키는 파장형 스트로크 배가리프트장치를 이용하여 다단 구조를 갖는 컨베이어에 사용할 경우 많은 양의 소재(부품)를 다단으로 적재할 수 있다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a lift apparatus, and more particularly, to a wavelength-type stroke double lift apparatus that multi-stacks a limited height to reduce space and double the height. The main frame is provided with an LM rail 11 on the upper side, an auxiliary frame 18 is installed on one side bracket 15 to which the support 13 is coupled, and a sensor 16 and a stopper 17 at one end thereof. 10; A base 21 having a lower portion coupled to the LM rail 11 of the main frame 10 by an LM guide 212 and having a servo motor 218 mounted thereon; The frame 224 having the LM rail 225 in the vertical direction on the base 21 is coupled to the plates 221 and 222, and the support 226 and the first roller 228 on the upper plate 222. A main body 22 having a bracket 227 coupled thereto; A lift cylinder (23) on which a bracket (232) to which a second roller (233) is coupled is mounted in the main body (22); A table 24 having a support block 243 on an upper portion of a fixed plate 241 coupled to the LM rail 225 of the main body 22 and an LM guide 242, and having a motor 245 on one side ...

04-07-2007 дата публикации

Portal machine tool

Номер: JP3939604B2
Принадлежит: Toshiba Machine Co Ltd

31-01-2006 дата публикации

Robotic loader for surgical stapling cartridge

Номер: US6990796B2
Принадлежит: Schnipke Family LLC

A means and method for inserting drivers into a surgical stapling cartridge, including a pallet that holds the cartridge firmly. The pallet has a central slot and laterally positioned lip members that are biased toward the slot. The cartridge is positioned in the slot and the lip members are released to extend their lips over the lateral flanges on the cartridge, thereby holding the cartridge in position. A finger extends into a recess formed at one end of the cartridge, thereby positively positioning the cartridge in the slot. The cartridge is released for removal by a tongue inserted between the lip members, thereby separating them by displacement.

07-10-1985 дата публикации

Conveying system for circular supply of loads

Номер: SU1183221A1

ТРАНСПОРТНАЯ СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ КОЛЬЦЕВОЙ ПОДАЧИ ГРУЗОВ, преимущественно нагретых слитков, к обжимному стану, содержаща  рельсовый нуть с пр молинейными и криволинейными участками и транспортное средство в виде платформы , шарнирно св занной с двум  одноосными приводными тележками, кажда  из которых имеет удлиненную горизонтальную ось с двум  ходовыми и одним бегунковым колесами, а также четыре направл ющих ролика, установленные на вертикальных ос х, два из которых контактируют с внутренней стороной одного рельса на пр молинейном участке пути, отличающа с  тем, что, с целью расширени  функциональных возможностей системы путем обеспечени  прохождени  транспортным средством разнонаправленных криволинейных участков, два других направл ющих ролика установлены с возможностью контактировани  на пр молинейно.м участке с вторым рельсом, на горизонтальных ос х тележек противоположно первому бегунковому колесу установлено второе, а пр молинейный и наружный криволинейный рельсы состыкованы так, что геометрическое продолжение пр мо-го рельса  вл етс  секцией криволинейного. A TRANSPORT SYSTEM FOR RING FEEDING OF CARGOES, mainly heated ingots, to a squeeze mill, containing a rail pipe with straight and curvilinear sections and a vehicle in the form of a platform that is articulated with two uniaxial driving carriages, each of which has an elongated horizontal axle with two running gears and one runner wheels, as well as four guide rollers mounted on vertical axles, two of which are in contact with the inside of one rail on a straight train the stack of the path, characterized in that, in order to expand the functionality of the system by allowing the vehicle to pass in differently directed curvilinear sections, the other two guide rollers are installed with the possibility of contacting on a straight line.the second rail, on the horizontal axles of the carriages opposite to the first the runner wheel has the second installed, and the straight and outer curved rails are joined so that ...

14-05-1996 дата публикации

Apparatus for processing small parts utilizing a robot and an array of tools mounted on the outer robot arm

Номер: US5515599A
Автор: Norman D. Best
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a method and apparatus for processing a plurality of small work-pieces which each weighs under five pounds using a robot gripping a rotatable pallet for holding an array of small parts. The robot has a removable tooling plate mounted on its head for mounting an array of processing tools operating on the rotatable pallet such as pick-and-place tools, work-piece ejection tools, vertical and horizontal video cameras, reflective photocell sensors, and laser distance ranging sensors. The tools operate under control of the robot and in conjunction with rotation and elevation of the rotatable pallet with respect to the tool array. The tools are mounted by an interchangeable, standard bracket to permit quick installation or removal of the tool mounting plate and addition or placement of individual devices and sensors appropriate to particular robotic tasks.

15-01-1999 дата публикации

Backlash control device of automatic pallet exchange device in gear driving part

Номер: KR0131895Y1
Автор: 박수천
Принадлежит: 정문창, 주식회사기아기공

본 고안은 회전식 자동 팔렛트 교환장치의 기어구동부 백래쉬조정장치에 관한 것으로써, 좀더 구체적으로는 기어구동부의 백래쉬(Backlash) 조정시 턴테이블의 간섭을 받지 않은 상태에서 조절작업이 가능해질 수 있도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a gear driving unit backlash adjustment device of a rotary automatic pallet changer, and more specifically, to adjust the operation without a interference of the turntable when adjusting the backlash of the gear driving unit. 이를 위해, 회전중심(0)이 축(3)의 회전중심(0')과 일정간격(T) 어긋나게 형성된 하부 편심하우징(16)으로 축(3)의 하부를 지지하도록 된 것에 있어서, 회전중심(0)이 축(3)의 회전중심(0')과 일정간격(T) 어긋나게 형성되고 외주면에는 워엄(15a)이 형성된 상부 편심하우징(15)을 하부 편심하우징(16)과 접속되게 연장하여 이들을 상호 체결부재로 체결하고 상기 프레임(14)에는 상부 편심하우징(15)의 외주면에 형성된 워엄(15a)과 맞물려 회전하는 워엄축(18)을 설치하여서 된 것이다. To this end, the rotation center (0) is to support the lower portion of the shaft (3) with the lower eccentric housing (16) formed to be offset by a certain distance (T) from the rotation center (0 ') of the shaft (3), (0) is formed to be offset from the rotation center (0 ') of the shaft (3) by a predetermined interval (T) and the outer circumferential surface of the upper eccentric housing (15) having a worm (15a) is extended to be connected to the lower eccentric housing (16) They are fastened by mutual fastening members, and the frame 14 is provided with a worm shaft 18 which rotates in engagement with a worm 15a formed on the outer circumferential surface of the upper eccentric housing 15.

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Double-station machine tool machining system

Номер: CN108481092B
Автор: 庄美华, 林珑, 顾一雷
Принадлежит: Ningbo Langwo Mining Technology Co ltd


15-04-2000 дата публикации

Machining stop unit with remote adjust panel

Номер: KR100254187B1
Автор: 윤영길
Принадлежит: 대우중공업주식회사, 추호석

PURPOSE: A device and a method for stopping a machine by a remote control board is provided to stop a cycle with a replacing device by adding a controlling function to a manual control board operating the replacing device in a machining center having an automatic tool replacing device and an automatic pallet replacing device. CONSTITUTION: A machining center is composed of an automatic pallet replacing device(2) operated by a manual control board for replacing a pallet(1); an automatic tool replacing device(4) operated by a manual control board(3) for replacing a tool; a main control board(5) indicating works of the machining center; a controller(6) controlling the main control board to perform a controlling function; and a main body(7) driving the main shaft of the machining center according to the indication of the controller and having an input and output board to work with checking the replacement of the tool or the pallet. Cycle stopping buttons(10,11) stopping a cycle temporarily, are added to the manual control board of the automatic tool replacing device and the automatic pallet replacing device. A drop in efficiency caused by the malfunction of a machine, is prevented in advance since the cycle is stopped quickly using switches(8,9) of the nearest manual control board.

10-04-1979 дата публикации

Pallet intermittent transportation device

Номер: JPS5445091A
Автор: Masaki Suzuki
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

29-11-1988 дата публикации

Automatic assembling apparatus

Номер: KR880002553B1

A pair of parallel conveyors (9,10) transfer carriers (1), each of which has four chassis with parts to be assembled on it. A number of assembly stations (11, 12, 13) are prepared alongside of the conveyor. Each station has a movable table (31) on which various assembling operations can be performed with respect to the carriers. A carrier loader (34) associated with each assembly station is movable between the table and the conveyors. The loader has a pair of chucking stations (35,36) in relation to the pair of conveyors, when the loader is at the conveyors for simultaneously feeding and discharging the carriers to and from the conveyors.

12-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE2852005A1
Автор: Ralph Emerson Cross
Принадлежит: Cross Co

12-07-1985 дата публикации

Pallet changer

Номер: JPS60131146A
Принадлежит: Toyoda Koki KK

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

23-12-1987 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing articles

Номер: SU1362395A3
Принадлежит: и (72) Вальтер Штихт (AT)

Изобретение относитс  к стан- .костроению, в частности к процессам обработки и сборки деталей в автоматической линии. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повышение производительнос- ти труда за счет того, что детали принимают из мест хранени  в зоне 7 предварительной подготовки и устанавливают на фиксатор или на изделие монтажного спутника 39. Спутник 10 с детал ми подают параллельно технологической линии монтажного спутника 39 на рабочие позиции, затем детали снимают со спутника 10 деталей на монтажный спутник 39 манипул тором или вручную и собирают на ложементе монтажного спутника в издели . Ложементы монтажного спутника 39 и спутника 10 деталей выполнены съемными и совпадают по форме с деталью. 6 ил. i СО с см Л

07-11-1984 дата публикации

Metal-cutting machine with automatic change of attachment with workpieces

Номер: SU1122470A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я М-5149

МЕТАЛЛОРЕЖУЩИЙ СТАНОК С УСТРОЙСТВОМ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ СМЕНЫ ПРИСПОСОБЛЕНИЙ-СПУТНИКОВ С ИЗДЕЛИЯМИ, содержащий магазин изделий и механизм перемещени  последних на подвижный (-тол станка и обратно в магазин, включающий в себ  зубчатореечную передачу с рейками, закрепленными на каждом из приспособлений-спутников, отличающийс  тем, что, с целью повышени  производительности путем сокращени  времени смены приспособлений-спутников, механизм перемещени  изделий выполнен в виде жестко закрепленного на столе станка .кронщтейна с установленными на нем свободно вращающимис  щестерн ми и ведомой полумуфтой, св занной с одной из щестерен, и рычага с ведущей полумуфтой, шарнирно установленного на станине станка с возможностью периодического зацеплени  ведущей полумуфты с ведомой в моменты перемещени  приспособлени -спутника с изделием на подвижный стол станка и обратно в магазин изделий. The metal DEVICE WITH AUTOMATIC MACHINE DEVICES CHANGE satellites from a product containing products and store the last movement mechanism for the movable (-tol machine and back to the store, the method comprising transmitting from zubchatoreechnuyu rails fixed to each of the devices satellites, characterized in that In order to increase productivity by reducing the time for changing satellite devices, the mechanism for moving products is made in the form of a rigid machine on the table. freely rotating brushes and a driven coupling half connected to one of the gears, and a lever with the driving coupling half, pivotally mounted on the machine base with the possibility of periodically engaging the driving coupling half with the output driven through the device at the moving table of the machine and back to the product store.
