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27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2415010C2

Изобретение относится к формованным изделиям на основе термопластичных смол, армированных волокном длинной резки, которые используются для различных изделий, таких как волокна, нетканые и тканые материалы, маты, ламинаты и т.д. Формование изделий включает нанесение компаунда на стеклосодержащую подложку и удаление, по меньшей мере, части воды. Компаунд включает водную дисперсию, содержащую (a) неполярную термопластичную смолу, например полиолефин, имеющий температуру деформации ниже 110°С, (b) полярный стабилизатор дисперсии и (c) воду. Причем компаунд придает модифицированное свойство подложке и подложка является формуемой. Изделие представляет собой, по меньшей мере, на 92 мас.% стекло по отношению к общей массе подложки, смолы и стабилизатора дисперсии. Изобретение относится также к покрытому волокну на основе стекла, включающему компаунд в контакте с частью волокна. Причем волокно имеет диаметр 5-35 мкм и толщина слоя покрытия компаунда составляет от 0,1 до 10 мкм. Также рассматривается ...

20-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164318C2

Изобретение относится к трубе, изготавливаемой из нескольких различных пластмассовых материалов в устройстве для экструдирования, в котором создаются высокие давления и большие механические напряжения в участке насадки, то есть на участке экструдирования. Труба выполнена из нескольких различных материалов и содержит внутренний слой из пластмассы, внутренний электродный слой, изолирующий слой и внешний электродный слой. Внутренний электродный слой расположен снаружи внутреннего слоя из пластмассы. Изолирующий слой расположен на внешней стороне внутреннего электродного слоя. Внешний электродный слой размещен на внешней стороне изолирующего слоя. Внутренний слой из пластмассы выполнен методом непрерывного экструдирования. Изолирующий слой выполнен из вспененной пластмассы. Изобретение позволяет своевременно обнаружить повреждения и утечки в районах магистральных труб и облегчить их местонахождение. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU149054U1

Устройство для пропитки непрерывного волокна связующим, содержащее экструдер, насадку и фильеру, насадка выполнена с цилиндрической боковой стенкой и дном, в цилиндрической боковой стенке насадки выполнены два сквозных отверстия - сквозное отверстие для прохождения непрерывного волокна и сквозное отверстие для размещения в нем фильеры, указанные отверстия расположены на одной оси, проходящей через ось симметрии насадки и перпендикулярно этой оси, при этом насадка установлена на выходном отверстии экструдера, а фильера установлена в соответствующем сквозном отверстии насадки.

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2364505C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для пропитки длинномерного ленточного материала, преимущественно тканого, термопластичным связующим в расплавленном состоянии. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является обеспечение надежного склеивания витков препрега, наматываемого на приемный барабан, и образования тем самым трубчатого изделия в едином процессе с пропиткой ленточного материала. Технический результат достигается в устройстве для пропитки ленточного материала. Устройство содержит отпускной механизм ленточного материала, средство подачи связующего, предварительный подогреватель и средство пропитки. Средство пропитки включает верхнюю и нижнюю горизонтально расположенные обогреваемые пластины с волнообразными выступами и соответствующими им впадинами на обращенных друг к другу поверхностях. Устройство для пропитки также содержит механизм протяжки и отбора материала, включающий установленную на приводном валу оправку. При этом в выступах верхней пластины выполнены сквозные ...

20-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2157939C1

Изобретение относится к области производства труб. Соэкструдированная многослойная пластмассовая труба содержит одну или более внутренних труб, окруженных средним слоем из более мягкого материала, чем внутренняя труба, и наружную трубу, заключающую в себя средний слой, окружающий одну или более внутренних труб. Внутренняя труба имеет кольцевую жесткость выше, чем кольцевая жесткость среднего слоя, а сжатие стенки среднего слоя составляет по меньшей мере 1,5% от внутреннего диаметра трубы. Сжатый газ вводят в полимерный материал в зоне пластицирования шнека для среднего слоя в точке, где полимерный материал является, по существу, уже расплавленным, а газ смешивают с полимерным материалом и экструдируют в полость, образованную внутренней трубой (трубами) и наружной трубой. Калибровочное устройство, которое калибрует наружную и внутреннюю поверхности многослойной трубы одновременно, монтируется так близко к соплу формующего инструмента, что часть вспенивания обеспечивается в калибровочном ...

27-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009118932A

... 1. Способ формования изделия, включающий ! нанесение компаунда на стеклосодержащую подложку, причем компаунд включает ! водную дисперсию, содержащую ! (а) термопластичную смолу; ! (b) стабилизатор дисперсии; ! (с) воду; !удаление, по меньшей мере, части воды. ! 2. Способ по п.1, включающий удаление, по меньшей мере, 50% воды. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором изделие представляет собой, по меньшей мере, на 92 мас.% стекло по отношению к общей массе подложки, термопластичной смолы и стабилизатора дисперсии. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором изделие представляет собой, по меньшей мере, на 94 мас.% стекло по отношению к общей массе подложки, термопластичной смолы и стабилизатора дисперсии. ! 5. Дисперсия по п.1, в которой термопластичная смола является неполярной, а стабилизатор дисперсии является полярным. ! 6. Способ по п.5, в котором термопластичная смола и стабилизатор дисперсии образуют две различные фазы. ! 7. Способ по п.1, в котором удаление, по меньшей мере, части воды дает в результате покрытие ...

07-11-1988 дата публикации

Барабанный накопитель

Номер: SU1435464A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для сушки длинномерного пропитанного связующим волокнистого материала типа ленты. Целью изобретения является повышение удельной емкости и снижение энергозатрат . Для этого барабанный накопитель, включаюш.ий смонтированные на центральном валу 3 торцовые стенки 4 и 13, по периметру которых расположены непрерывные транспортеры 10, снабжен дополнительным барабанным накопителем, установленным внутри внешнего соосно ему, и стационарно закрепленными в зонах изменения направления транспортирования материала обводными роликами 29. 2 ил.

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1838266C

15-05-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для отжима пропитанного связующим длинномерного волокнистого материала

Номер: SU1479286A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для отжима длинномерного волокнистого материала при его намотке "мокрым" способом. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей и повышение надежности устройства. Для этого устройство снабжено упругими скобами 10, установленными между отжимными элементами в виде эластичной ленты 4 и жесткого элемента из ряда установленных с зазором пластин с наклонными в сторону эластичной ленты 4 боковыми сторонами, что позволяет заправлять наматываемый материал во время намотки. 2 ил.

07-05-1983 дата публикации

Способ двустороннего обрезинивания корда

Номер: SU1016199A1

СПОСОБ ДВУСТОРОННЕГО ОБРЕЗИНИВАНИЯ КОРДА, при котором последний пропускают между валками кгшандра с последующей его обкладкой слоями резиновой смеси и опрессовкой, причем перед входом в зазор между валками каландра в зоне контакта с одним из слоев резиновой смеси корд подвергают дополнительному силовому воздействию в перпендикулярном ему направлении,отличаюцийс я тем, что, с целью повьшения качества обрезиненного корда, дополнительное силовое, воздействие на корд осуществляют с использованием энергии ультразвуковых колебаний. ;о :о ...

29-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002320642A1

22-09-1960 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Treibriemen oder Foerderbaendern

Номер: DE0001089595B

19-11-1970 дата публикации

Hammerstiel mit in seiner Laengsrichtung gespannten Glasfasern,und Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0001952640A1

07-03-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001779841B2

23-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002329810B2

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen eines Rovingbands und/oder zum Herstellen eines faserverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffes

Номер: DE202016001601U1

Vorrichtung (10) zum Herstellen eines Rovingbands, insbesondere eines beschichteten Rovingbands, und/oder zum Herstellen eines faserverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffes, insbesondere eines Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunds, aufweisend – eine Zuführeinheit (20) zum Zuführen eines Rovings (24), – eine Spreizeinheit (60) zum Aufspreizen eines Rovings (24) und – eine Weiterverarbeitungseinheit (90) für einen gespreizten Roving (24), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass einige oder alle der Einheiten entfernbar und/oder auswechselbar ausgebildet sind.

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Spreitzen eines Faserbündels, insbesondere eines Carbon-Faserbündels

Номер: DE102016208620A1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zum Spreizen zumindest eines Faserbündels 2, insbesondere eines Carbon-Faserbündels, beschrieben, welche ein Spreizmodul 1 aufweist, welches einen Streichbalken 3 aufweist, welcher bzgl. seiner Längsachse 4 quer zur Zuführrichtung des zu spreizenden Faserbündels 2 angeordnet ist und auf welchen mittels eines Aktuators 5 eine Schwingung aufbringbar ist. Das zumindest eine Faserbündel 2 wird in einem definierten Umschlingungswinkel über eine auf dem Streichbalken 3 ausgebildete Wirkfläche geführt. Der Streichbalken 3 weist eine Einspannung 6 auf, welche versetzt zur Längsachse 4 des Streichbalkens 3 angeordnet ist und zusammen mit einem zwischen der Einspannung 6 und dem Streichbalken 3 angeordneten zweigeteilten elastischen Element 8 ein Schwingsystem 7 bildet. Das Schwingsystem 7 ist so ausgebildet, dass die dem Streichbalken 3 aufgeprägte Schwingung mit ihrer Amplitude im Wesentlichen nur in eine definierte Richtung vorzugsweise im Wesentlichen senkrecht auf die ...

08-08-2002 дата публикации

Langfaserverstärkte, thermoplastische Formmasse

Номер: DE0069802759T2

16-03-1972 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zum Impraegnieren von Gewebe

Номер: DE0001704484A1

24-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001934349B2

23-09-1971 дата публикации

Regulating impregnation rate of filament winding

Номер: DE0002012107A1

Winding filament for pipes or containers is impregnated with adhesive resin by a roller running partly immersed in a tank of resin. The rate of application of the adhesive is varied by changing the ratio of roller speed to winding speed, pref. by controlling the roller speed independently.

24-04-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002231101B2

03-04-2002 дата публикации

Moulding materials

Номер: GB0000203823D0

21-01-1970 дата публикации

Cloth Impregnating Method and Machine.

Номер: GB0001178388A

... 1,178,388. Impregnation, fabric with resin. BRISTOL AEROPLANE PLASTICS Ltd. 19 July, 1967 [20 July, 1966], No. 32629/66. Heading D1L. Fabric 6 is impregnated by resins in tray 17 by passage over a series of rollers 1 (partially immersed in the resin) and under pressure rollers 11, the latter determining the amount of resin left in the web. A further quantity of resin overflows 21 and forms an additional coating on the web. The web is fed from a heated roll 2. A doctor blade, not shown, may be used to control the amount of resin impregnated. The rollers 1 are made so that they can be removed to alter the impregnating effect.

30-07-1981 дата публикации

Fibre Reinforced Materials and Methods o Making and Using Them

Номер: GB0002067612A
Автор: Smith, Henry Roy

Specification describes material for use in forming fibre reinforced structures comprising longitudinally extending fibre reinforcing material having a thermoplastics resin intimately associated therewith along the length thereof. The thermo-plastics resin may be formed as a coating along the length of the fibre and/or as part of a composite fibre. The coating may be applied to the fibre by passing the fibre through an extrusion press or bath of molten thermo-plastics material. The material so formed may be used to form fabric by weaving, knitting or the like or may be used directly subsequent to being chopped into short lengths. Layers of the fabric may be laminated by stitching with lengths of thermoplastics coated fibre. Various structures for use in the aircraft industry, and the methods of making those structures from the material, e.g. by moulding, are described. ...

17-03-1965 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the impregnation of rovings with liquids

Номер: GB0000986664A

... 986,664. Impregnating roving; treating fibres. B. HONNINGSTAD, and G. SKANSEN. March 29, 1961 [March 31, 1960], No. 11603/61. Headings D1F, D1L and D1R. [Also in Division B5] A method of impregnating a roving 8, e.g. of glass fibres, with a liquid containing a permanent impregnant, e.g. a solution of a polyester or of an epoxy resin, comprises passing the roving 8 longitudinally via inlet orifice 20 and outlet orifice 21 through a chamber 6 to which the liquid is fed at high pressure, so that the liquid establishes a front 16 in the roving by which all air is forced out of the roving. The emergent roving 9 comprises a continuous solid structure of fibres and impregnant. An empirical formula based on the speed of the roving and the dimensions of the chamber 6 and of the roving enable the minimum pressure to be calculated. A pressure of several hundred atmospheres is mentioned. The relative dimensions of the orifices 20, 21 may be chosen to control the resistance to movement of the roving ...

01-07-1964 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for producing fibrous mats

Номер: GB0000962817A

... 962,817. Fibrous fabrics; lap forming. FERRO CORPORATION. Oct. 24, 1960 [June 13, 1960], No. 36396/60. Headings D1N and D1R. A method of forming fibrous mats consists in entraining dissimilar fibrous materials separately in a plurality of air streams down hollow shoots and depositing the fibrous material successively on to a movable support or conveyer, whereby a mat of superposed layers of dissimilar fibrous material is formed with the fibres of adjacent layers interlacing at random directions to form an interfacially interlaced stratified mat. Preferably the support or conveyer is in continuous motion during the deposition of the fibrous material and the hollow shoots oscillated transversely to the movement of the conveyer. Air streams containing entrained resin binder may be directed concurrently with the air streams entraining the fibrous material. The fibrous material from different shoots may differ in chemical composition or in physical texture and the rate of discharge from each ...

05-12-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tapes

Номер: GB0000912243A

... 912,243. Making composite tape; Jointing. ADVANCE HOUSE Inc. Dec. 30, 1958 [Jan. 31, 1958], No. 42077/58. Classes 83 (2) and 83 (4). A tape comprises a plurality of metal wires 10 bonded together in parallel relationship in a plane, each of said wires having at least one flat surface 11. The wires 10, which may also have an arcuate surface 12 are bonded together by spaced welds 14 or by enclosing them in spaced flexible strips 16 or by embedding the wires in a plastic mass (Fig. 9), e.g. cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, ethyl cellulose or a natural or synthetic resin such as polyvinyl chloride or a matrix of metal 17, e.g. lead, tin, zinc or solder (Fig. 10). The flat surface of the wire is provided with a multiplicity of grooves or striations. In another embodiment the wires are bonded by means of an adhesive to a strip 20 of paper, plastic film, cellophane or fabric. The latter strip may have a layer of pressure-sensitive adhesive 21 on its outer surface. In a further embodiment ...

15-11-1967 дата публикации

Method of interbonding glass fibres in a mat

Номер: GB0001091232A

... 1,091,232. Non-woven fabrics. OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLAS CORPORATION. Oct. 23, 1964 [Nov. 22, 1963], No. 43351/64. Heading D1R. Glass fibres are interbonded in a mat by impregnating the mat with an aqueous dispersion of synthetic-resin particles of size between 50 and 5 microns, and heating the mat to drive off water and cause the synthetic-resin particles to stick to the fibres and bind them together. As shown, glass is melted in a tank 10 and drawn into small streams 12 which are attenuated and solidified. They then pass over an applicator 13 for lubricant such as a water solution of distearate condensate of tetraethylenepentamine pelargonate, or even plain water. They then pass over a gathering shoe 14 and between puller wheels 15, and are projected on to a deflector trough 16. This is pivoted and oscillates to deflect the fibres on to but across the full width of the conveyer 18 where they form the mat 19. Alternatively the mat can be made of chopped strands or by steam blowing. The mat ...

07-11-1956 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing a sheet material surfaced with thermoset synthetic resin

Номер: GB0000760931A

... 760,931. Laminated and coated paper, fabrics, etc; coating webs. MARIAN, J. Sept. 14, 1953 [Sept. 12, 1952; Sept. 12, 1952], No. 25317/53. Classes 96 and 140. Sheet material having a hard, resistant surface is made by coating one face of absorptive sheet material such as paper or fabric with a thermo-setting resin in liquid state which penetrates only partly through the sheet, drying, with the aid of heat, subjecting the still hot or reheated material to heat and pressure to cure the resin, and immediately winding the material into a roll with the impregnated surface facing outwardly. Alternatively, an impregnated strip and an mitreated strip of absorptive material may be brought together and subjected jointly to the drying and curing steps whereby they are united together, and the resulting laminated strip is wound into a roll with the resin-treated surface on the outside. An adhesive-coated metal strip may be interposed between the impregnated and unimpregnated strips. The surface of ...

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448938T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504413T

15-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA512872A

15-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: ATA210194A

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522574A4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Faserkunststoffverbunds mit gesicherter Faserausrichtung, wobei Endlosfasern oder Langfasern ausgerichtet und mit einer Matrix ummantelt werden , gekennzeichnet durch die Schritte (a) Bereitstellen eines Formwerkzeugs, umfassend mindestens einen Strömungskanal, (b) Einleiten der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern in den mindestens einen Strömungskanal, (c) Positionieren und Ausrichten der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern im mindestens einen Strömungskanal durch ein Druckgefälle im Strömungskanal, (d) Ummantelung der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern mit einer Matrix.

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522574B1

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Faserkunststoffverbunds mit gesicherter Faserausrichtung, wobei Endlosfasern oder Langfasern ausgerichtet und mit einer Matrix ummantelt werden , gekennzeichnet durch die Schritte (a) Bereitstellen eines Formwerkzeugs, umfassend mindestens einen Strömungskanal, (b) Einleiten der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern in den mindestens einen Strömungskanal, (c) Positionieren und Ausrichten der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern im mindestens einen Strömungskanal durch ein Druckgefälle im Strömungskanal, (d) Ummantelung der Endlosfasern oder Langfasern mit einer Matrix.

15-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000256593A

10-05-1973 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of a molded article

Номер: AT0000307030B

26-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395978B

Process for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic webs by joint pressing of unidirectional continuous filaments made of glass, carbon, aramid, ceramic or metal or textile filaments or mixtures thereof, unidirectional continuous filaments made from a thermoplastic, a melt or a film of the thermoplastic, and additional reinforcing fibres. The webs produced in accordance with the process can be hot-pressed to form mouldings.

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000151398A

15-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000172140T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000115466T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000115467T

15-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000035394T

15-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000039079T

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016260T

15-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004823T

25-09-1972 дата публикации

Procedures for drawing and/or deep-drawing one with polycondensation synthetic resins impregnated color carrier sheet

Номер: AT0000301862B

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000170795T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000220984T

15-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000211537T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000191391T

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000189723T

15-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000202965T

10-07-1970 дата публикации

Procedures for drawing and/or deep-drawing one with Polykondesationskunstharzen impregnated color carrier sheet

Номер: AT0000282929B

07-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000597789B2

29-09-2011 дата публикации

Aqueous dispersions disposed on glass-based fibers and glass-containing substrates

Номер: AU2007309278B2

An article including at least one layer of a compound disposed on at least a portion of a glass-containing substrate, wherein the compound includes a polyolefin having a deformation temperature of less than 110°C and a dispersion stabilizing agent, wherein the compound imparts a modified property to the substrate, and wherein the substrate is formable. Other embodiments include a compound in contact with a portion of a glass-containing substrate, such as glass-containing or glass-based articles and fibers, wherein the compound at the time of contacting included an aqueous dispersion having (a) a polyolefin having a deformation temperature of less than 110°C, (b) a dispersion stabilizing agent; and (c) water, wherein the compound imparts a modified property to the substrate, and wherein the substrate is formable.

09-02-1996 дата публикации

Scrapable selective manual connection apparatus

Номер: AU0002930195A

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for the Automated Delivery and Layup of Resin Infused Fibers

Номер: US20120073730A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An automated in-line feed-through system integrating the delivery, application and infusion of a resin to one or more fiber tows and layup of the one or more infused fiber tows to form a composite structure. The system includes an automated resin delivery, deposition and infusion system configured to deposit the resin on one or more fiber tows and form the infused fiber tows. The system integrates an automated layup system including a compaction roller, a guide roller coupled to an extending cylinder, and an auxiliary roller configured to adhere the one or more infused fiber tows to a substrate. The system further includes a controller configured to control system parameters, including the control of tension of the one or more infused fiber tows within the automated layup system. Other aspects of the automated in-line manufacturing system are also provided.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for connecting reinforcing fiber bundles, method for producing long fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin pellet, and wound body

Номер: US20120148838A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

A method for connecting a tail end portion of a reinforcing fiber bundle of a preceding wound body to a front end portion of a reinforcing fiber bundle unwound from a new wound body by blowing pressurized air to both of the ends to unravel and entwine both of the reinforcing fiber bundles, wherein the method includes a preparation step for adjusting the amount of a sizing agent contained in the front end of the reinforcing fiber bundle unwound from the new wound body and the tail end of the preceding wound body to not less than 0 wt % and not more than 4 wt %, and the reinforcing fiber bundles are connected after the preparation step. It is thus possible for the reinforcing fiber bundle at the time of producing a long fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin pellet that is a material for the pellet to have a required connection strength, and to avoid the occurrence of interruption due to breakage, and accordingly allowing improvement in the production efficiency of the long fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin pellet, etc.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Continuous Powder Coating Method for Profiles Having Little or No Conductivity

Номер: US20120237690A1
Автор: Kevin Stay
Принадлежит: MCP IP LLC

A process for applying an electrostatic coating to a profile in-line, the method including the steps of forming a profile, applying a primer composition to the profile, the primer composition including at least one halogen, halogen salt, halogen complex or mixture thereof and at least one carrier and electrostatically applying a coating composition while the primer composition is wet.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Resin coated radius fillers and method of making the same

Номер: US20120308817A1

A deformable, coated radius filler composed of a continuous or elongated fibrous structure and a tacky, resin surface coating formed by pulling a dry, continuous or elongated fibrous structure through a heated resin bath. The coated radius filler has an inner portion that is substantially free of resin and the resin surface coating has a substantially uniform thickness.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced hollow profiles

Номер: US20130136877A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A hollow lineal profile ( 16 ) formed from a continuous fiber reinforced ribbon (“CFRT”) that contains a plurality of continuous fibers embedded within a first thermoplastic polymer matrix ( 6 ). To enhance the tensile strength of the profile, the continuous fibers are aligned within the ribbon in a substantially longitudinal direction (e.g., the direction of pultrusion). In addition to continuous fibers, the hollow profile of the present invention also contains a plurality of long fibers that may be optionally embedded within a second thermoplastic matrix to form a long fiber reinforced thermoplastic (“LFRT”) ( 4 ). The long fibers may be incorporated into the continuous fiber ribbon or formed as a separate layer of the profile. Regardless, at least a portion of the long fibers are oriented at an angle (e.g., 90°) to the longitudinal direction to provide increased transverse strength to the profile.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001516A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

Very good impregnation quality is achieved by a process for production of a fiber-composite material, with introducing a fiber layer by a spreader device and thus spreading to a width greater than that of the final product, at least by a factor of 1.2, where the extent of spreading of the fiber layer is such that its average thickness is 1 to 50 times the filament diameter; applying a melt by at least one applicator nozzle to the spread material; by virtue of cross-section-narrowing, the mould brings the width of the wetted fiber layer at least to the cross section with which the product leaves the take-off die; a radius then deflects the wetted fibers by an angle of 5 to 60°; a relaxation zone renders the fiber distribution more uniform to give a uniform height; achieving the first shaping by a take-off die at the end of the mould. 1. A process for the production of a fiber-composite material , comprising:a) introducing a fiber layer by way of a spreader device and thus spreading said fiber layer to a width greater than that of the final product, at least by a factor of 1.2, where the extent of spreading of the fiber layer is such that its average thickness corresponds to 1 to 50 times the filament diameter;b) applying a melt by at least one applicator nozzle to the spread material;c) by virtue of cross-section-narrowing, the mould brings the width of the wetted fiber layer at least to the cross section with which the product leaves the take-off die;d) a radius then deflects the wetted fibers by an angle of 5 to 60°;e) a relaxation zone renders the fiber distribution more uniform to give a uniform height;f) achieving a first shaping by a take-off die at the end of the mould.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein in the step c) the width of the wetted fiber layer is reduced to a cross section that is smaller than the cross section with which the product leaves the take-off die claim 1 , and additionally either prior to or after the step d) the width of the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001587A1

Continuous fiber tow structures are used to form lattice reinforcing bodies to be embedded in a molded polymer matrix. The lattice structures are formed and shaped to reinforce a portion of a predetermined three-dimensional article. Optionally, some or all of the tow members of the structure may be formed with internal vascular passages for passage of a heat transfer fluid through the structure in the function of the molded polymer article. A liquid polymer is molded around the lattice structure, fully embedding the structure. The liquid polymer which may contain short-reinforcing fibers, is then solidified to form the composite reinforced polymer article. And connections may be made to the composite article for the flow of the fluid through vascular passages in the lattice structure within the article. 1. A molded reinforced polymeric article comprising a thermoplastic or thermoset polymer matrix in which a portion of the polymer matrix is reinforced by a lattice structure of continuous tow material , the lattice structure being embedded in the polymer matrix , the lattice structure occupying less than twenty percent of the total volume of the molded reinforced article.2. A molded reinforced polymeric article as stated in in which the lattice structure is formed of at least one of (i) joined members of individual strips of continuous tow material claim 1 , (ii) wound sections of continuous tow material claim 1 , and (iii) braided strips of continuous tow material.3. A molded reinforced polymeric article as stated in in which at least a portion of the lattice structure of continuous tow material contains a vascular passage which is exposed at an external surface or surfaces of the polymer matrix of the molded reinforced article to permit the flow of a fluid into the vascular passage claim 1 , through the vascular passage claim 1 , and out of the vascular passage.4. A molded reinforced polymeric article as stated in in which the continuous tow material is formed of ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016807A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

Manufacture of a pre-impregnated fibrous material which contains continuous fibers and a thermoplastic matrix, the material being made as a plurality of unidirectional parallel ribbons or sheets, and the method involving a step of pre-impregnating, in dry conditions, N parallel strands divided into X groups of Ni strands, by the thermoplastic matrix in powder form in a tank, ΣNi=N et X 3, one thereof from each series being immersed in the powder, each group of strands running on the same number Y of tensioning parts, and the parallel strands being separated by a spacing at least equal to the width of each strand. 1. A method for manufacturing a pre-impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material made of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein said pre-impregnated fibrous material is made as a plurality of unidirectional parallel ribbons or sheets and in that said method comprises a homogeneous pre-impregnation step of said fibrous material in the form of N parallel strands by said at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix in the form of a powder in a tank , said pre-impregnation step being carried out in a dry manner in said tank , the polymers and copolymers from the family of aliphatic, cycloaliphatic or semi-aromatic polyamides (PA) (also called polyphthalamides (PPA)),', 'polyureas,', 'polymers and copolymers from the family of acrylics,', 'polymers and copolymers from the poly aryl ether ketone (PAEK) family like poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK), or poly(aryl ether ketone ketones) (PAEKK) like poly(ether ketone ketone) (PEKK) or derivatives thereof,', 'aromatic polyether-imides (PEI),', 'polyarylsulfides,', 'polyolefins,', 'polylactic acid (PLA),', 'polyvinyl alcohol (PVA),', 'fluorinated polymers,, 'said N parallel strands being divided into X groups consisting of Ni parallel strands in the direction of travel of the strands, ΣNi=N and X≤N, X ranging from 2 to 200, each group of parallel strands running separately by ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011706A1

Various methods and systems of making inorganic fiber/flake reinforced composites having a thermoplastic matrix are disclosed. The methods use systems similar to those used to make inorganic fiber/flake reinforced products having a thermoset matrix, but the systems and methods are modified to use thermoplastic precursor monomer(s) followed by in situ polymerization of the monomer(s) during and/or following forming of the desired shape of the products. These methods permit the manufacture of superior inorganic fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites in large and very large shapes heretofore not possible, or practical. 1. A method of making a reinforced thermoplastic composite product comprising;a) preparing a mixture containing one or more thermoplastic precursor monomers and one or more catalyst compounds, and/or optionally one or more activator compounds that will react with the monomer(s)/catalyst(s) mixture to cause polymerization, when brought into contact with an inorganic reinforcing material, the reinforcing material optionally having one or more activator compounds on the surfaces of the reinforcement material, the activator being a material that will react with the monomer mixture to cause polymerization of the monomer in the temperature range of about 140 to about 200 degrees C. to produce a thermoplastic matrix,b) heating the reinforcing material to a temperature of at least about 130 degrees C., and/orc) heating the mixture comprising the monomer(s) and the activator compound(s) to a temperature of at least about 100 degrees C., and/ord) optionally, heating a mold element to a temperature in the range of about 130 to about 200 degrees C.e) coating surfaces of the reinforcement of step (a) with the mixture of step (a) prior to contacting the optionally heated mold element followed by bringing the coated reinforcement into contact with the heated mold element, or alternatively coating the reinforcement with the mixture of step (a) while the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017313A1

A pelletizing process and pelletized product is provided using non-food or limited-feed agricultural residue, such as corn stover and soybean stubble, and for various uses, including energy production, such as ethanol or electricity generation, fuel and feed. The agricultural plant material is harvested and baled. The bales are transported to the processing site for storage or immediate processing. The bale strings are first removed, and then the broken bales are shredded. The shredded plant material is then ground to a small size. The ground material is then pelletized without the use of binding additives, to produce densified pellets of the agricultural plant material. The pellets are cooled and then stored or transported to an end user. Chemical agents may be added to depolymerize lignin in the residue material. Nutritional supplements may be added to the material before pelletizing. 1. A process for utilizing agricultural crop residue material comprising:harvesting from a field agricultural crop residue material selected from a group consisting of corn stover and soybean stubble; thenmachining the harvesting material into reduced size particles; and thenpelletizing the particles into pellets consisting essentially of the material without the use of binding additives.2. The process of further comprising restricting moisture of the material to less than 15%.3. The process of wherein the machining step includes grinding in a hammer mill.4. The process of further comprising wetting the particles before pelletizing to control die temperature.5. The process of further comprising cooling and drying the pellets using ambient air.6. The process of wherein the pellets are formed by extruding the particles through a die.7. The process of wherein the material is machined to a density of 6-8 pounds per cubic foot.8. The process of wherein the particles are fed into a straight claim 1 , non-restricted die for pelletizing.9. The process of wherein the particles are fed by a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016793A1

The present disclosure relates to a wetting die having a wetting slot for producing a fiber band wetted with thermoplastic. The wetting die comprises two wetting pockets, wherein the wetting die has a respective wetting pocket at each of two horizontally lateral ends of an opening of the wetting slot. The present disclosure also relates to a process for producing a fiber band wetted with thermoplastic and to a process for producing a fiber band impregnated with thermoplastic. The present disclosure further relates to a fiber band impregnated with thermoplastic, a multilayer composite, exterior and interior trim of automobiles, and housing material. 1. A wetting die having a wetting slot for producing a fiber band wetted with thermoplastic , wherein the wetting die comprises two wetting pockets and wherein the wetting die has a respective wetting pocket at each of two horizontally lateral ends of an opening of the wetting slot.2. The wetting die as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in plan view the wetting pockets are semi-circular claim 1 , semi-oval claim 1 , or in a shape of a circle fraction having an angle A of 120° to 135° with an adjacent triangle tapering to a point in an advancement direction.3. The wetting die as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a radius R of a wetting pocket is from 0.5 mm to 2 mm.4. The wetting die as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wetting die is manufactured from a tempered tool steel.5. The wetting die as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wetting die is constructed from two or more parts movable with respect to one another.6. A process for producing a fiber band wetted with thermoplastic claim 1 , comprising employing an apparatus as claimed in .7. A process for producing a fiber band impregnated with thermoplastic claim 6 , comprising the process of and claim 6 , in a further step claim 6 , performing an impregnation by application of pressure or by application of pressure-shear vibration.8. A fiber band impregnated with thermoplastic claim 6 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021983A1

The present invention defines a pultrusion apparatus. The apparatus comprises a portion for receiving fibres, a portion for injecting resin into the fibres, a portion for impregnating the resin injected fibres, and a portion for shaping the impregnated fibres, wherein the fibres, following their passage through the receiving portion, converge in the resin injection portion to receive the resin and the resin flows outwards following injection as the fibres progress from the injection portion through the impregnation portion. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the resin injection portion comprises a resin injection device claim 1 , wherein the fibres converge in an injection zone adjacent the injection device.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the injection portion and the impregnation portion are integrated to form a chamber.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the impregnation portion reduces in cross-sectional area along its length extending to the shaping portion.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein at least two opposing walls of the impregnation portion converge in a generally continuous curve along its length.6. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein at least two opposing walls of the impregnation portion converge in a series of two or more linear segments of different angles with respect to the axis of the impregnation portion along its length.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein at least two opposing walls of the impregnation portion each include a wall section that is substantially perpendicular to the axis of the impregnation portion.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the substantially perpendicular wall sections are located substantially at the end of the impregnation portion and adjacent to the shaping portion.11. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the substantially perpendicular wall sections are located partially along the length of the impregnation portion.12. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022006A1
Автор: Tyler Kenneth Lyle
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A head is disclosed for use with a manufacturing system. The head may have a housing configured to discharge a tubular structure reinforced with at least one continuous fiber and having a three-dimensional trajectory, and a cure enhancer operatively connected to the housing and configured to cure a liquid matrix in the tubular structure during discharge. The head may also have a nozzle configured to discharge a fill material into the tubular structure, and a wand extending from the housing to the nozzle. 1. A method of continuously manufacturing a composite structure , comprising:continuously coating fibers with a matrix;diverting the fibers radially outward away from a non-fiber axis to form a tubular structure;creating a three-dimensional trajectory within the tubular structure;curing the tubular structure from inside of the tubular structure; anddischarging a fill material into the tubular structure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein curing the tubular structure includes curing the tubular structure at a location upstream of where the fill material is discharged into the tubular structure.3. The method of claim 2 , further including curing the fill material.4. The method of claim 1 , further including externally shielding the tubular structure from an environment.5. The method of claim 4 , further including internally shielding the tubular structure from the environment.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the fill material into the tubular structure includes directing the fill material from a center of the tubular structure radially outward onto an inner wall of the tubular structure to form an annular layer inside the tubular structure.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the fill material into the tubular structure includes directing the fill material from a center of the tubular structure radially outward onto an inner wall of the tubular structure to form a plurality of axially oriented ridges inside the tubular structure.8. The method of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022897A1
Автор: Johnston, VII Christopher

A method of forming a fiber-reinforced molding compound. The method includes pre-impregnating reinforcing fibers with a polymeric material to form one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes. The method further includes storing the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes in bulk, and introducing the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes into an extruder. The method further includes forming a molding compound from the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes, dispensing the molding compound from the extruder, and using the molding compound to produce a part. 1. A method comprising:pre-impregnating reinforcing fibers comprising reinforcing filaments with a polymeric material to form one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes including a polymer matrix material formed from the polymeric material;storing the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes in bulk;introducing the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes into an extruder;cutting the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes in a cutting zone within a screw portion of the extruder;forming a molding compound from the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes;dispensing the molding compound from the extruder; andusing the molding compound to produce a part.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fibers include glass fiber claim 1 , synthetic fiber claim 1 , natural fiber or a combination thereof.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fibers include fibers of at least two different lengths.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing fibers are of continuous or discontinuous lengths.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the one or more pre-impregnated continuous tapes at or above the melting temperature of the polymeric material before the introducing step to minimize a solid-melt interface where unmelted polymeric material damages the reinforcing fiber during contact within a melt stream of the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023595A1

An apparatus for applying a liquid matrix to a fiber tow includes a belt press arranged to receive the fiber tow and compress it between two moving belts and a matrix application roller arranged to receive liquid matrix and transfer it to the fiber. The apparatus also includes a second matrix application component arranged adjacent to the matrix application roller so as to form a first gap between the component and the matrix application roller. The matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to the belt press so as to form a second gap between the matrix application roller and a belt of the belt press; and wherein the second gap is larger than the first gap. 1. An apparatus for applying a liquid matrix to a fiber tow , comprising:a belt press arranged to receive the fiber tow and compress it between two moving belts;a matrix application roller arranged to receive liquid matrix and transfer it to the fiber tow; anda second matrix application component arranged adjacent to the matrix application roller so as to form a first gap between the component and the matrix application roller;wherein the matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to the belt press so as to form a second gap between the matrix application roller and a belt of the belt press; andwherein the second gap is larger than the first gap.2. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the speed of the belt press and the speed of the matrix application roller are independently controlled.3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix application roller is controlled such that its surface speed is different to the speed of the adjacent belt.4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second matrix application component is a roller.5. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second matrix application component is a blade.6. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to a roller of the belt press.7. An apparatus as ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029279A1
Автор: Tyler Kenneth Lyle
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A head is disclosed for use with a manufacturing system. The head may have a housing that discharges a tubular structure, and a cure enhancer connected to the housing and selectively activated to cure the tubular structure during discharge from the housing. The head may also have a nozzle that discharges a fill material into the cured tubular structure. 1. A head for a manufacturing system , comprising:a housing that discharges a tubular structure;a cure enhancer connected to the housing and selectively activated to cure the tubular structure during discharge from the housing; anda nozzle that discharges a fill material into the cured tubular structure.2. The head of claim 1 , wherein:the tubular structure includes matrix-wetted continuous fibers; andthe cure enhancer is configured to cure the matrix.3. The head of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle discharges the fill material as the cured tubular structure passes over the nozzle.4. The head off claim 1 , further including a fill material supply wand extending from the housing to the nozzle.5. The head of claim 1 , wherein the cure enhancer is located inside of the tubular structure during discharge of the tubular structure.6. The head of claim 5 , wherein the cure enhancer is located inside of the housing and upstream of the nozzle relative to a discharge direction of the tubular structure.7. The head of claim 3 , further including a second cure enhancer that is selectively activated to cure the fill material.8. The head of claim 7 , wherein the second cure enhancer is located at an end of the nozzle opposite the housing.9. The head of claim 1 , further including a diverter that diverts the tubular structure radially outward around the nozzle.10. The head of claim 9 , wherein the diverter is located at least partially inside the housing.11. The head of claim 9 , wherein the cure enhancer is located at least partially inside the diverter.12. The head of claim 1 , further including a drive that rotates the nozzle during ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048219A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

Method for manufacturing a continuous fiber material and a thermoplastic polymer matrix, the material being made from a unidirectional tape, the method comprising a step of pre-impregnating a roving of the material with the matrix and a step of melting the matrix, the melting step being carried out by means of a heat-conducting tension device and a heating system, the tension device being thermostatically controlled at a temperature, for a semi-crystalline thermoplastic polymer, from Tc−30° C. to Tf+50° C., and, for an amorphous polymer, from Tg+50° C. to Tg+250° C., the roving running over the surface of the tension device in the heating system, and the porosity rate in the material being less than 10%. 1. A method for manufacturing an impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material made of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein said impregnated fibrous material is produced as a single unidirectional ribbon or a plurality of unidirectional parallel ribbons and wherein said method comprises a step of pre-impregnating said fibrous material in the form of a roving or several parallel rovings with said thermoplastic polymer and at least one step of heating the thermoplastic polymer matrix making it possible to melt , or maintain in the molten state , said thermoplastic polymer after pre-impregnation ,the at least one heating step being carried out by means of at least one heat-conducting supporting part (E) and at least one heating system, with the exception of a heating calender,said at least one supporting part (E) being temperature-controlled at a temperature, for a thermoplastic semi-crystalline polymer, of Tc−30° C. to Tm+50° C. of said polymer, and for an amorphous polymer, of Tg+50° C. to Tg+250° C. of said polymer,said roving or rovings being in contact with all or part of the surface of said at least one supporting part (E) and partially or wholly passing over the surface of the at least one supporting part (E) ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030759A1

Disclosed are a prepreg manufacturing device and a prepreg manufacturing method using the same. A prepreg manufacturing device according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a first resin inflow part which is formed inside an upper mold, receives a resin supplied from an extruder, and discharges the resin to a reinforced fiber flowing to a lower part in the upper mold; and a second resin inflow part which is formed inside a lower mold, receives the resin supplied from the extruder, and discharges the resin to the reinforced fiber flowing to an upper part of the lower mold. 1. A prepreg manufacturing device comprising:a first resin inflow part which is formed inside an upper mold, receives a resin supplied from an extruder, and discharges the resin to a reinforced fiber flowing to a lower part in the upper mold; anda second resin inflow part which is formed inside a lower mold, receives the resin supplied from the extruder, and discharges the resin to the reinforced fiber flowing to an upper part of the lower mold.2. The prepreg manufacturing device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first resin inflow part and the second resin inflow part has a shape whose cross-section size at an outlet side where the resin is discharged is expanded compared to the cross-section size at an inlet side to which the resin is supplied from the extruder.3. The prepreg manufacturing device of claim 2 , wherein each of the first resin inflow part and the second resin inflow part has a triangular cross-section shape.4. The prepreg manufacturing device of claim 1 , wherein the first resin inflow part and the second resin inflow part have symmetrical shapes which face each other.5. The prepreg manufacturing device of claim 1 , wherein the first resin inflow part and the second resin inflow part are connected with each other at the same time through a resin supply line which is branched off from the extruder.6. The prepreg manufacturing device of claim 1 , comprising temperature ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031021A1

Method for producing a fiber tape including spreading a strand of fibers into a spreaded fiber layer, immersing the spreaded fiber layer in a solution, and forming a fiber tape from the spreaded fiber layer by applying heat and/or pressure to the spreaded fiber layer. 1. A method for producing a fiber tape , the method comprising:spreading a strand of fibers into a spreaded fiber layer;passing the spreaded fiber layer through a bath of a solution to immerse the spreaded fiber layer in the solution, the solution comprising:a polycarbonate material dissolved in a solvent; anda flame retardant;wherein the solution comprises between approximately 5% and approximately 30% of the polycarbonate material by weight; andwherein the solution comprises between approximately 1% and approximately 5% of the flame retardant by weight; andforming a fiber tape from the spreaded fiber layer by applying heat and/or pressure to the spreaded fiber layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant comprises a phosphate structure claim 1 , resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate) claim 1 , a sulfonated salt claim 1 , halogen claim 1 , phosphorous claim 1 , talc claim 1 , silica claim 1 , a hydrated oxide claim 1 , a brominated polymer claim 1 , a chlorinated polymer claim 1 , a phosphorated polymer claim 1 , a nanoclay claim 1 , an organoclay claim 1 , a polyphosphonate claim 1 , a poly[phosphonate-co-carbonate] claim 1 , a polytetrafluorethylene and styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 1 , a polytetrafluoroethylene and methyl methacrylate copolymer claim 1 , and/or a polysiloxane copolymer.3. A method for producing a fiber tape claim 1 , the method comprising:spreading a strand of fibers into a spreaded fiber layer;immersing the spreaded fiber layer in a solution comprising a polymeric material dissolved in a solvent; andforming a fiber tape from the spreaded fiber layer by applying heat and/or pressure to the spreaded fiber layer;wherein the fiber tape does not comprise a flame ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043602A1

To provide a polyarylene sulfide (PAS) resin composition and a PAS resin molded article that are excellent in mechanical strengths such as impact resistance while maintaining excellent heat resistance of the PAS resin, and methods for producing the PAS resin composition and the PAS resin molded article. Specifically, provided are a method for producing a long fiber-reinforced PAS resin molded article, the method including obtaining a long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition containing a PAS resin and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm, subsequently subjecting the resin composition and a PAS resin to dry blending, and subsequently subjecting the dry-blended substance to melting and subsequently to melt-molding; the long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition; and a method for producing the long fiber-reinforced PAS resin composition. 1. A method for producing a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin molded article , the method being a method for producing a blow-molded hollow article containing a polyarylene sulfide resin and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm ,the method comprising subjecting a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin composition containing a polyarylene sulfide resin (a1) and a fiber reinforcing material having a fiber length of more than 5 mm and a polyarylene sulfide resin (a2) to dry blending, subsequently to heating at a temperature not lower than a melting point of the polyarylene sulfide resins to melt the polyarylene sulfide resins, and subsequently to molding.2. The method for producing a long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin molded article according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of the long fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide resin composition is 98 to 2 parts by mass and a proportion of the polyarylene sulfide resin (a2) is 2 to 98 parts by mass claim 1 , with respect to the total 100 parts by mass of the long fiber-reinforced polyarylene ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063137A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

Method for manufacturing a material including a fibrous material with continuous fibres and a thermoplastic polymer matrix, the material being produced as a unidirectional band, the method including a step of pre-impregnation of a strand of the fibrous material by the matrix in powdered form, the pre-impregnation step being carried out in a fluidised bed including a grooved roller component, the strand being in contact with the surface of the roller component and including up to 0.1% by weight of sizing, the matrix rate being controlled by controlling the dwell time in the powder and by constantly controlling the tension of the strand when it is introduced into the fluidised bed.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047430A1
Автор: Konami Yukichi

Provided are a fiber-reinforced resin molding material with which a lightweight and high-strength fiber-reinforced resin molded article can be easily obtained and a method for manufacturing the fiber-reinforced resin molding material. A fiber-reinforced resin molding material in which a reinforcement fiber sheet whose basis weight is 200 g/mor greater and 3,000 g/mor less is impregnated with a resin composition such that a content of the resin composition is 25 volume % or greater and 55 volume % or less, in which in a case where a total amount of the resin composition contained in the fiber-reinforced resin molding material is 100 mass %, a thickness from a first surface in a thickness direction of the fiber-reinforced resin molding material to a position occupied by 10 mass % of the resin composition is represented by d1 (μm), and a thickness from a second surface opposite to the first surface to a position occupied by 10 mass % of the resin composition is represented by d2 (μm), an absolute value (|d1−d2|) of a difference between d1 and d2 is 50 μm or less. A method for manufacturing a fiber-reinforced resin molding material, including: impregnating a reinforcement fiber sheet formed of at least one selected from the group consisting of a unidirectional sheet in which a plurality of continuous fibers are arranged in parallel in one direction, a woven fabric in which continuous fibers are woven, and a non-crimp fabric containing continuous fibers with a resin composition having an initial viscosity of 1 Pa·s or less and having a viscosity of 5,000 Pa·s or greater and 150,000 Pa·s or less after leaving for 7 days at 25° C. 1. A fiber-reinforced resin molding material comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'a reinforcement fiber sheet whose basis weight is 200 g/mor greater and 3,000 g/mor less; and'}a resin composition which is impregnated into the reinforcement fiber sheet such that a content of the resin composition is 25 volume % or greater and 55 volume % or less,wherein ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072813A1

According to one implementation, a prepreg lamination apparatus includes first and second rollers, a table, and a feed structure. The first roller sends out a first prepreg tape which is a part of material of an FRP. The second roller sends out a second prepreg tape which is another part of the material of the FRP. The table is for laminating the first and second prepreg tapes directly or indirectly. The feed structure is adapted to feed out the first and second prepreg tapes in a feeding direction by moving the first and second rollers relatively to the table while performing at least one of movement of the first roller relatively to the second roller, and rotation of at least one of the first and second rollers relatively to the table around an axis which is not parallel to each of rotation axes of the first and second rollers. 1. A prepreg lamination apparatus comprising:at least one first roller for sending out a first prepreg tape which is a part of material of a fiber reinforced plastic;at least one second roller for sending out a second prepreg tape which is another part of the material of the fiber reinforced plastic;a table for laminating the first prepreg tape and the second prepreg tape directly or indirectly; anda feeder adapted to feed out the first prepreg tape and the second prepreg tape in a feeding direction by moving the at least one first roller and the at least one second roller relatively to the table while performing one or both of movement of the at least one first roller relatively to the at least one second roller, and rotation of one or both of the at least one first roller and the at least one second roller relatively to the table around an axis which is not parallel to each of a first rotation axis of the at least one first roller and a second rotation axis of the at least one second roller.2. The prepreg lamination apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first rotation axis of the at least one first roller is parallel to the second ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054661A1

A prepreg preparation device and a prepreg preparation method using the same are disclosed. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the prepreg preparation device comprises: a flow path-type impregnation part for impregnating, with a resin, a reinforced fiber transferred along a flow path; and a box-type impregnation part for impregnating, with the resin, the reinforced fiber transferred through a box-type space by passing through the flow path-type impregnation part. 1. A prepreg preparation device comprising:a flow path-type impregnation part which impregnates, with a resin, a reinforced fiber transferred along a flow path; anda box-type impregnation part which impregnates, with the resin, the reinforced fiber which passes through the flow path-type impregnation part and is transferred through a box-type space.2. The prepreg preparation device of claim 1 , wherein the flow path-type impregnation part and the box-type impregnation part are formed as an integral part within a single mold.3. The prepreg preparation device of claim 1 , wherein the flow path is formed in a triangular wave shape along a length directional cross-section of the flow path-type impregnation part.4. The prepreg preparation device of claim 1 , wherein the flow path has a flow cross-sectional area of a constant size along an overall length of the flow path.5. The prepreg preparation device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the box-type space claim 1 , there are provided a plurality of pin members for transferring the reinforced fiber which has passed through the flow path-type impregnation part.6. The prepreg preparation device of claim 5 , wherein the pin members rotate while alternately touching an upper surface and a lower surface of the reinforced fiber.7. The prepreg preparation device of claim 5 , wherein the pin members are positioned at the same height claim 5 , such that the pin members are formed to be apart from each other by a set distance.8. A prepreg preparation ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Two layer coating for fiberglass transmission and distribution components

Номер: US20140141242A1
Принадлежит: Electric Power Research Institute Inc

A composite component having a two layer protective coating is disclosed. The composite component is adapted for use in the power transmission industry and includes a fiberglass inner core, a pliable first coating layer applied to the fiberglass core, and a hard second coating layer applied to the first coating layer.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069380A1

A device for mixing a bone material with a liquid is provided. The device comprises a chamber having a proximal end and a distal end, and the bone material disposed within the chamber, the bone material comprising a DBM pellet of milled and lyophilized demineralized bone fibers; and a plunger having at least a portion slidably disposed within the proximal end of the chamber and configured to dispense the bone material mixed with liquid from the distal end of the chamber, when the plunger is in an extended position. 1. A method of preparing a demineralized bone matrix pellet , the method comprising providing a plurality of long bone fibers having a diameter from about 0.5 mm to about 8.0 mm; mixing the plurality of long bone fibers with a plurality of short bone fibers having a diameter from about 0.5 mm to about 0.05 mm to form a mixture of long bone fibers and short bone fibers; demineralizing the mixture of long bone fibers and short bone fibers to form a demineralized bone matrix slurry; and drying the demineralized bone matrix slurry to form a demineralized bone matrix pellet.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the demineralized bone matrix slurry is added to a mold and dried in the mold.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the demineralized bone matrix slurry is compacted into a mold using a pressure from about 4 to about 65 Newtons.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the slurry is added to a mold to form the demineralized bone matrix pellet and the pellet is removed from the mold and lyophilized.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising rehydrating the lyophilized demineralized bone matrix pellet with physiologically acceptable liquid to form an injectable demineralized bone matrix.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the liquid comprises bone marrow aspirate claim 5 , saline claim 5 , sterile water claim 5 , blood for injection claim 5 , phosphate buffered saline claim 5 , dextrose claim 5 , Ringer's lactated solution claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069936A1

Described herein is a device for impregnating individual fibers, individual threads, or individual rovings with a matrix material, including a porous material that is soaked with the matrix material, and a metering installation for metering matrix material into the porous material, where an installation by way of which the individual fiber to be impregnated, the individual thread to be impregnated, or the individual roving to be impregnated can be pressed against an end face of the porous material is included, or where the porous material is received in a sleeve and the individual fiber, the individual thread, or the individual roving can be guided through the porous material in the sleeve. 15335733215321. A device for impregnating individual fibers () , individual threads , or individual rovings with a matrix material , comprising a porous material () that is soaked with the matrix material , and a metering installation for metering matrix material into the porous material () , wherein an installation by way of which the individual fiber () to be impregnated , the individual thread to be impregnated , or the individual roving to be impregnated can be pressed against an end face () of the porous material () is comprised , or wherein the porous material () is received in a sleeve () and the individual fiber () , the individual thread , or the individual roving can be guided through the porous material () in the sleeve () , the porous material being an open-cell foam having a cell size of a mean diameter in the range from 70 to 250 μm.23. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous material () is inert in relation to the matrix material.33. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous material () is an open-cell foam which is composed substantially of cell webs.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the porous material is produced from a material selected from the group consisting of polyolefin claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , and melamine ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072596A1

The present invention provides a fiber-reinforced resin composition, which provides a molded article having a good mechanical strength. The fiber-reinforced resin composition contains a resin-adhered long fiber bundle including (A) a thermoplastic resin and (B) a rayon fiber, wherein the rayon fiber of the component (B) satisfies the following requirements (b1), (b2) and (b3), and the resin-adhered long fiber bundle is obtained by adhering and integrating the thermoplastic resin of the component (A) in a molten state to and with a strand of longitudinally-arranged rayon fibers of the component (B), and cutting the strand into a length of 3 to 30 mm, 1. A fiber-reinforced resin composition comprising a resin-adhered long fiber bundle including (A) a thermoplastic resin and (B) a rayon fiber , wherein:the rayon fiber of the component (B) satisfies the following requirements (b1) and (b2), andthe resin-adhered long fiber bundle is obtained by adhering and integrating the thermoplastic resin of the component (A) in a molten state to and with a strand of longitudinally-arranged rayon fibers of the component (B), and cutting the strand into a length of 3 to 30 mm,(b1) a fiber diameter of 5 to 30 μm; and(b2) a tensile elongation of 10% or more.2. A fiber-reinforced resin composition comprising a resin-adhered long fiber bundle including (A) a thermoplastic resin and (B) a rayon fiber , wherein:the rayon fiber of the component (B) satisfies the following requirements (b1) and (b3), andthe resin-adhered long fiber bundle is obtained by adhering and integrating the thermoplastic resin of the component (A) in a molten state to and with a strand of longitudinally-arranged rayon fibers of the component (B), and cutting the strand into a length of 3 to 30 mm,(b1) a fiber diameter of 5 to 30 μm; and(b3) a flat shape with a ratio between a major axis length and a minor axis length (major axis length/minor axis length) in a width-directional cross section of 1.1 or more.3. A fiber- ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073480A1
Принадлежит: ar

The use of an aqueous polymer dispersion including at least one amorphous polymer having a Tg varying between 55° C. and 175° C. or a semi-crystalline polymer having a melting point varying between 70° C. and less than 220° C., the weight concentration of the polymer in the dispersion varying between 5 and 50%, with the polymer particles having an average size of less than 10000 nm, as a binder for impregnating strands or strips of natural fibres, in particular flax fibres, with said polymer being incorporated in the core of the fibre bundle forming the strand or strip and thereby binding the fibres together. 1. The use of an aqueous polymer dispersion comprising at least one amorphous or semi-crystalline polymer , as binder for impregnating rovings or ribbons of natural fibers , wherein said polymer:is incorporated into the core of the bundle of fibers making up said roving or sad ribbon and thus binding said fibers to one another,if it is amorphous, has a Tg ranging from 50° C. to 175° C.,is present in said dispersion in a content by weight ranging from 5% to 50% with particles in dispersion having a number-average size of less than 10000 nm, andis chosen from copolyamides, polyesters, polyurethanes, poly(meth)acrylates including copolymers, polyolefins or fluorinated polymers including fluorinated copolymers.2. The use as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer is chosen from a poly(meth)acrylate (including copolymers) functionalized with acid functions or a fluorinated polymer (including copolymers) grafted with reactive functions and that said aqueous dispersion is an aqueous dispersion obtained by emulsion polymerization in the presence of a surfactant and wherein said reactive functions can react with said natural fibers and more particularly with flax fibers.3. The use as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer is a polyurethane formed from an ionic polyisocyanate prepolymer dispersed in water with chain extension in an aqueous medium.4. The use as ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073484A1

A method for impregnating strands or strips of natural fibres, using the following successive steps: i) the impregnation of the strands or strips by immersion in a bath containing a fine aqueous polymer dispersion; followed by ii) the drying of the strands or strips using a heating system, with the progressive elimination of the water and the gradual melting of the polymer, and the coating of the strands or strips and the molten polymer incorporated into the core of the strands or strips as a binder between the fibres; iii) optionally, the forming of the treated strands or strips into their final shape; and iv) the cooling of the treated strands or strips. The aqueous polymer dispersion comprises at least one semi-crystalline or amorphous polymer and, in the case of an amorphous polymer, has a Tg varying between 50° C. and 175° C. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer is chosen from: (co)polyamides claim 1 , (co)polyesters claim 1 , polyurethanes claim 1 , poly(meth)acrylates claim 1 , fluorinated polymers or polyolefins.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said polymer is chosen from a poly(meth)acrylate (including copolymers) functionalized with acid functions or a fluorinated polymer (including copolymers) grafted with reactive functions and that said aqueous dispersion is an aqueous dispersion obtained by emulsion polymerization in the presence of a surfactant and wherein said reactive functions can react with said natural fibers and more particularly with flax fibers.4. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said polymer is a polyurethane formed from a polyisocyanate prepolymer comprising an ionic group claim 2 , dispersed in water with chain extension in an aqueous medium.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said polymer is dispersible (or dispersed) in powder form in an aqueous medium without surfactant.6. The process as claimed in claim 5 , wherein said polymer is a copolyamide.7. The process as claimed in claim ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086403A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A web of impregnated fibrous material(s) including N individual tapes of fibrous material(s) stacked and/or joined in relation to one another, in which said N tapes adhere to each other and can overlap at least partially. The tapes of fibrous material(s) include continuous fibers impregnated with at least one thermoplastic polymer, and optionally a chain extender. The web has a surface, in cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the fibers, S, that is substantially equal to the sum of the surface, in cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the fibers, of each initial individual tape, denoted S, Sbeing equal to N×I×Ep, wherein l represents the average width of a tape and Ep represents the average thickness of a tape, N being between 2 and 2000, and the average thickness of each individual tape being less than or equal to 150 μm. 1. A web of impregnated fibrous material(s) comprising N individual tapes of fibrous material(s) stacked and/or joined in relation to one another , said N individual tapes adhering to each other and being capable of overlapping at least partially , said individual tapes of fibrous material(s) comprising continuous fibers impregnated with at least one thermoplastic polymer , and optionally a chain extender , wherein said web has a surface , in cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the fibers , S , that is substantially equal to the sum of the surface , in cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the fibers , of each initial individual tape , denoted S; Sbeing equal to N×I×Ep , wherein l represents the average width of a tape and Ep represents the average thickness of a tape , N being between 2 and 2 ,000 , and the average thickness of each individual tape being less than or equal to 150 μm.2. The web of impregnated fibrous material(s) according to claim 1 , wherein said web comprises Nl tapes in its width and Nep tapes in its thickness claim 1 , N=ΣΣNeach individual tape comprising a number of carbon fibers selected from m×12K ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Device for impregnating fibers with a defined fiber volume fraction

Номер: US20210086405A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for impregnating fibers (1) with a matrix material, including a unit for soaking the fibers with the matrix material. A unit for setting the fiber content by volume (100) includes at least one opening (107) through which the soaked fibers (1) are guided. Each opening (107) includes a minimum opening cross section (111) dimensioned such that matrix material is removed such that the desired fiber content by volume is achieved. The disclosure furthermore relates to a method for impregnating fibers in the apparatus.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086528A1

Unidirectional fiber tapes include a matrix material including a thermoplastic material and a plurality of fibers dispersed within the matrix material, wherein the tape has a thickness that is between 0.07 mm and 0.30 mm. The tapes have a mean relative fiber area coverage of from 65 to 90 and a coefficient of variance of from 3 to 20. In the tapes, the fibers comprise carbon fibers, and the tape has a fiber volume fraction that is greater than 50%. 1. A method for producing a unidirectional fiber tape , the method comprising:spreading a first set of one or more fiber bundles into a first spreaded fiber layer;spreading a second set of one or more fiber bundles into a second spreaded fiber layer having at least 10% more fibers than the first spreaded fiber layer; moving the second spreaded fiber layer underneath and relative to an outlet of a die of an extruder; and', 'extruding matrix material through the outlet; and, 'introducing matrix material into the second spreaded fiber layer at least byproducing the tape at least by pressing the first and second spreaded fiber layers together.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second set of one or more fiber bundles includes at least one more fiber bundle than the first set of one or more fiber bundles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein introducing matrix material into the second spreaded fiber layer is performed such that:the second spreaded fiber layer is moved in a first direction underneath and relative to the outlet of the die; andmatrix material is extruded through the outlet in an extrusion direction that is perpendicular to or has a component that is counter to the first direction.4. A method for producing a unidirectional fiber tape claim 1 , the method comprising:spreading a first set of one or more fiber bundles into a first spreaded fiber layer;spreading a second set of one or more fiber bundles into a second spreaded fiber layer; moving the second spreaded fiber layer in a first direction underneath and ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Die and Method for Impregnating Fiber Rovings

Номер: US20160096286A1

A die and method for impregnating at least one fiber roving with a polymer resin are disclosed. In one embodiment, the die includes an impregnation section including an impregnation zone configured to impregnate the roving with the resin, the impregnation zone including a plurality of contact surfaces. The die further includes a perturbation positioned on at least one of the plurality of contact surfaces, the perturbation configured to interact with the roving. In one embodiment, the method includes coating a fiber roving with a polymer resin. The method further includes traversing the coated roving through an impregnation zone to impregnate the roving with the resin. The impregnation zone includes a plurality of contact surfaces. The method further includes interacting the coated roving with a perturbation positioned on at least one of the plurality of contact surfaces. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for impregnating at least one fiber roving with a polymer resin , the method comprising:coating a fiber roving with a polymer resin;traversing the coated roving through an impregnation zone to impregnate the roving with the resin, the impregnation zone comprising a plurality of contact surfaces; and,interacting the coated roving with a perturbation positioned on at least one of the plurality of contact surfaces.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein interacting the coated roving with a perturbation comprises traversing the coated roving over a protrusion claim 18 , the protrusion extending from one of the plurality of contact surfaces and configured to disturb a run direction of the roving.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein interacting the coated roving with a perturbation comprises traversing the coated roving through a depression claim 18 , the depression defined in one of the plurality of contact surfaces and configured to disturb a run direction of the roving.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein interacting the coated roving with a perturbation comprises traversing ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176647A1

A fiber-reinforced resin molding material molded product includes a fiber-reinforced resin molding material prepared by impregnating chopped fiber bundles obtained by cutting a reinforcing fiber bundle with a matrix resin, wherein in a region excluding 30 mm from an edge of the molded product, when an arbitrary rectangular region having an area of 40 mmor more and defined by a thickness of the molded product and a width in a direction perpendicular to a thickness direction of the molded product is set in a cross section in an arbitrary thickness direction of the molded product, with respect to a bundle thickness of the chopped fiber bundles present in the set rectangular region. 111-. (canceled)12. A fiber-reinforced resin molding material molded product which is a molded product [D] comprising a fiber-reinforced resin molding material [C] prepared by impregnating chopped fiber bundles [A] obtained by cutting a reinforcing fiber bundle with a matrix resin [B] , wherein in a region excluding 30 mm from an edge of the molded product [D] , when an arbitrary rectangular region having an area of 40 mmor more and defined by a thickness of the molded product and a width in a direction perpendicular to a thickness direction of the molded product is set in a cross section in an arbitrary thickness direction of the molded product [D] , with respect to a bundle thickness [E] of the chopped fiber bundles [A] present in the set rectangular region , requirements [1]-[3] are satisfied:[1] when a frequency distribution in which values of the bundle thickness [E] are distributed in sections set from 0 μm at intervals of every 10 μm is created, the most frequent value of the bundle thickness [E] in a section representing the highest value is 30-100 μm;[2] a ratio of the chopped fiber bundles [A] having a bundle thickness [E] of 200 μm or more is 5% or less; and[3] a CV value of the bundle thickness [E] is in a range of 10-60%.13. The molded product according to claim 12 , wherein the ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Die, die assembly, equipment and method for forming rods of fibrous material

Номер: US20200108570A1

A die or die assembly for forming a bundle of fibres into a rod or tube comprises a body () defining a passage ) for conducting the bundle fibres through the die from an inlet to an outlet, a constriction () in the passage having an entrance shaped to form the fibres of the bundle into a desired configuration as the bundle passes through the die, and one or more conduits () through which a treatment fluid e.g. steam, for curing the bundle of fibres may be introduced into the passage, and wherein at last one conduit is arranged to discharge fluid in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the constriction to facilitate passage of the fibres through the die and reduce the risk of blockage. 1. A die assembly for forming a bundle of fibers into a rod , the die assembly comprising:a die having a body defining a passage for conducting the bundle of fibers through the die from an inlet to an outlet, a constriction in the passage having an entrance at or downstream of the inlet shaped to form the fibers of the bundle into a desired configuration as the bundle passes through the die, and at least one conduit in the body arranged to discharge a heated treatment fluid in an immediate vicinity of the entrance to the constriction and in a direction that is not opposed to a direction of movement of the bundle of fibers through the die;a housing defining a chamber into which the heated treatment fluid is introduced, the chamber being configured so that heat from the heated treatment fluid is conducted from the chamber to the passage through the body of the die;wherein the at least one conduit in the body communicates between the chamber and the passage for the introduction of said heated treatment fluid from the chamber into said passage,the arrangement being such that the heat from the treatment fluid introduced into the passage, and the heat from the treatment fluid in the chamber and conducted through the body of the die, cures the bundle of fibers introduced into the passage ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing fluoropolymer composites

Номер: US20160122241A1
Принадлежит: Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy SpA

The present invention pertains to a process for manufacturing a fluoropolymer composite, said process comprising the following sequential steps: (i) providing an aqueous latex comprising from 10% to 40% by weight, preferably from 15% to 35% by weight of at least one fluoropolymer comprising recurring units derived from vinylidene fluoride (VDF) [polymer (VDF)]; (ii) up-concentrating the aqueous latex provided in step (i) thereby providing an up-concentrated aqueous latex comprising from 45% to 60% by weight, preferably from 45% to 55% by weight of at least one polymer (VDF); (iii) contacting one continuous fibre or a bunch of continuous fibres with the up-concentrated aqueous latex provided in step (ii); (iv) squeezing the impregnated fibrous material provided in step (iii); (v) drying the squeezed fibrous material provided in step (iv), typically at a temperature comprised between 100° C. and 120° C.; (vi) baking the dried fibrous material provided in step (v) at a temperature comprised between 190° C. and 240° C.; (vii) cooling the coated fibrous material provided in step (vi), preferably to a temperature of about 20° C.; (viii) optionally, contacting the coated fibrous material provided in step (vii) with the up-concentrated aqueous latex provided in step (ii) and submitting the impregnated fibrous material so provided to sequential steps (iv) to (vii); and (ix) optionally, repeating step (viii) one or more times. The present invention also pertains to the fluoropolymer composite thereby provided and to uses of said fluoropolymer composite in various applications.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120544A1

According to one embodiment, a system for manufacturing a fully impregnated thermoplastic prepreg includes a mechanism for moving a fabric or mat and a drying mechanism that removes residual moisture from at least one surface of the fabric or mat. The system also includes a resin application mechanism that applies a reactive resin to the fabric or mat and a press mechanism that presses the coated fabric or mat to ensure that the resin fully saturates the fabric or mat. The system further includes a curing oven through which the coated fabric or mat is moved to polymerize the resin and thereby form a thermoplastic polymer so that upon exiting the oven, the fabric or mat is fully impregnated with the thermoplastic polymer. During at least a portion of the process, humidity in the vicinity of the coated fabric or mat is maintained at substantially zero. 1. A method of forming a fully impregnated thermoplastic prepreg product comprising:moving a fabric or mat from a starting point to an ending point, wherein the fabric or mat is subjected to a plurality of processes and wherein the fabric or mat is in substantially constant movement between the starting point and ending point;drying the fabric or mat to remove residual moisture from one or more surfaces of the fabric or mat;mixing a monomer or oligomer with a catalyst and an activator to form a reactive resin mixture, the catalyst and activator facilitating in polymerizing the monomer or oligomer to form a thermoplastic polymer;applying the reactive resin mixture to the fabric or mat, the reactive resin mixture having a viscosity of 10 centipoises or less;passing the reactive resin mixture coated fabric or mat through a calendar or press to press the reactive resin mixture entirely through the fabric or mat such that the reactive resin mixture fully saturates the fabric or mat; andpassing the reactive resin mixture coated fabric or mat through a curing oven to polymerize the reactive resin mixture and thereby form the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267542A1

A fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material includes a continuous reinforcing fiber, or a reinforcing fiber base material with discontinuous reinforcing fibers dispersed therein; and a polyarylene sulfide copolymer impregnated into the continuous reinforcing fiber or the reinforcing fiber base material; in which the glass transition temperature of the polyarylene sulfide copolymer is 95° C. to 190° C. The fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material has high workability during molding of molded articles from the composite base material and increased rigidity at high temperature, while having chemical resistance of polyarylene sulfide. 19-. (canceled)10. A fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material , comprising:a continuous reinforcing fiber, or a reinforcing fiber base material with discontinuous reinforcing fibers dispersed therein; anda polyarylene sulfide copolymer impregnated into the continuous reinforcing fiber or the reinforcing fiber base material;wherein the glass transition temperature of the polyarylene sulfide copolymer is 95° C. to 190° C.11. The fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material according to claim 10 , wherein the polyarylene sulfide copolymer has a melting point of 300° C. or lower claim 10 , or has no melting point.12. The fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material according to claim 10 , wherein the polyarylene sulfide copolymer comprises arylene sulfide units having a number average molecular weight (Mn) of 1 claim 10 ,000 to 10 claim 10 ,000; andan amount of the arylene sulfide unit contained in the polyarylene sulfide copolymer is 50% by weight or more.14. The fiber-reinforced polyarylene sulfide copolymer composite base material according to claim 10 , wherein the polyarylene sulfide copolymer has at least one linking group selected from the group consisting of sulfonyl claim 10 , sulfinyl claim 10 , ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267544A1

Disclosed is a method for producing a prepreg, the prepreg having: a reinforcing fiber layer including reinforcing fibers and a resin composition containing component (A), component (B), and component (C), the reinforcing fibers being impregnated with the resin composition in between the fibers; and a surface fiber layer provided on the surface of the reinforcing fiber layer and including a fabric including polyamide fibers and a resin composition containing component (A), component (B), and component (C), the polyamide fibers being impregnated with the resin composition in between the fibers. The method for producing a prepreg includes a disposition step of disposing the fabric on the surface of a reinforcing fiber base material and an impregnation step of supplying a resin composition to the reinforcing fiber base material and impregnating the reinforcing fibers with the resin composition in between the fibers. 1. A method for producing a prepreg , the prepreg having:a reinforcing fiber layer including reinforcing fibers and a resin composition containing: (A) a benzoxazine resin, (B) an epoxy resin, and (C) a curing agent having two or more phenolic hydroxyl groups in the molecule, the reinforcing fibers being impregnated with the resin composition in between the fibers; anda surface fiber layer provided on at least one surface of the reinforcing fiber layer and including a fabric including polyamide fibers and a resin composition containing the component (A), the component (B), and the component (C), the polyamide fibers being impregnated with the resin composition in between the fibers,the method comprising:disposing the fabric on at least one surface of a reinforcing fiber base material including the reinforcing fibers; andbefore or after or simultaneously with the disposing the fabric on the reinforcing fiber base material, supplying a resin composition containing the component (A), the component (B), and the component (C) to the reinforcing fiber base ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267545A1

To provide a method for manufacturing a novel molded article using a commingled yarn and a composite material using a commingled yarn. The method for manufacturing a molded article, includes disposing a commingled yarn containing a continuous reinforcing fiber and a continuous thermoplastic resin fiber on a part of a surface of a prepreg, the prepreg containing continuous reinforcing fibers paralleling at least unidirectionally, and a thermosetting resin impregnated between the continuous reinforcing fibers, and heat-processing the prepreg with the commingled yarn. 1. A method for manufacturing a molded article , comprising:disposing a commingled yarn containing a continuous reinforcing fiber and a continuous thermoplastic resin fiber on a part of a surface of a prepreg, the prepreg containing continuous reinforcing fibers paralleling at least unidirectionally and a thermosetting resin impregnated between the continuous reinforcing fibers; andheat-processing the prepreg with the commingled yarn.2. The method for manufacturing a molded article according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after disposing the commingled yarn claim 1 , fixing the commingled yarn on the surface of the prepreg by using a thread-like material claim 1 , and subsequently carrying out the heat-processing.3. The method for manufacturing a molded article according to claim 1 , wherein a melting point of a thermoplastic resin fiber constituting the continuous thermoplastic resin fiber is higher than a curing temperature of the thermosetting resin claim 1 , the melting point being a peak top temperature of an endothermic peak observed by differential scanning calorimetry during melting of a 1 mg sample of the thermoplastic resin fiber by heating the sample from room temperature to 300° C. at a heating rate of 10° C./min under a stream of nitrogen gas flowing at 30 mL/min.4. The method for manufacturing a molded article according to claim 1 , wherein a glass transition temperature of a ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134854A1
Автор: Kuroda Shinichi

According to a manufacturing method and device for manufacturing a composite material having reinforced base materials with a resin impregnated in the reinforced base materials. An unactivated powdered adhesive is applied to at least one surface of a plurality of carbon fiber sheets. The carbon fiber sheets are laminated to form a laminate. At least a portion of the unactivated powdered adhesive that is applied between layers of the laminate is removed using an airflow that flows from one exterior surface of the laminate to an opposite exterior surface of the laminate to form a preform having a first region in which the activated adhesive is impregnated in the laminate, and a second region in which a content density of the activated adhesive is less than that in the first region. 1. A manufacturing method for manufacturing a composite material having a reinforced base material and a resin impregnated in the reinforced base material , the manufacturing method comprising:applying an unactivated powdered adhesive to at least one surface of a plurality of reinforced base material sheets;laminating the reinforced base material sheets to form a laminate;removing a portion of the unactivated powdered adhesive that is applied between layers of the laminate using an airflow that flows with respect to the laminate in a lamination direction of the reinforced base material from one outer surface of the laminate to an oppositely facing outer surface of the laminate to form a first portion in which the unactivated powdered adhesive is applied between the layers of the laminate, and a second portion in which an applied density of the unactivated powdered adhesive is less than that in the first portion;activating the unactivated powdered adhesive into an activated adhesive; andforming a preform having a first region in which the activated adhesive is impregnated in the laminate and a second region in which a content density of the activated adhesive is less than that in the first ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134855A1

A device for preparation of a composite for on-site pipeline reinforcement includes: a temperature control stirring unit, an infiltration unit, and a vacuum unit, which are communicated in sequence, the infiltration unit includes a spindle, reinforced fiber cloth, a flow-guiding net, and a vacuum bag film sleeved outside the spindle, the reinforced fiber cloth and the flow-guiding net, the spindle is stopped by two baffles, an adhesive feeding joint and an adhesive discharging joint are disposed at two ends of the spindle, respectively, each of the adhesive feeding joint and the adhesive discharging joint includes an inner joint and an outer joint, an outer wall of the inner joint and an outer side of the baffle are covered by a flow-leading net, and the flow-guiding net covered on the outer side of the baffle extends from an edge of the baffle into the adhesive storing compartment of the baffle. 1. A device for preparation of a composite for on-site pipeline reinforcement , comprising: a temperature control stirring unit , an infiltration unit , and a vacuum unit , wherein the temperature control stirring unit , the infiltration unit and the vacuum unit are communicated in sequence , wherein the infiltration unit comprises a spindle , reinforced fiber cloth , a flow-guiding net , and a vacuum bag film sleeved outside the spindle , the reinforced fiber cloth and the flow-guiding net , the spindle is stopped by two baffles , the reinforced fiber cloth and the flow-guiding net are arranged between the two baffles , the baffle is recessed at an inner side thereof to form an adhesive storing compartment , the adhesive storing compartment defines a plurality of through-holes for feeding or discharging an adhesive , an adhesive feeding joint and an adhesive discharging joint are disposed at two ends of the spindle , respectively , each of the adhesive feeding joint and the adhesive discharging joint comprises an inner joint and an outer joint , and the inner joint is ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130234A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

The invention relates to a process for manufacturing an impregnated fibrous material comprising continuous fibers and a thermoplastic matrix, said fibrous material is made from at least one unidirectional tape and said process comprises a step of pre-impregnating said fibrous material that is in the form of at least one roving with said matrix and a step of heating the matrix after pre-impregnation, said heating step being carried out by means of a non-heated and non-heat-conducting tension device and a heating system, with the exception of a heated calendar, said roving being in contact with the surface of said tension device and running over the surface of said tension device level with the heating system. 1. A method of manufacturing an impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material made of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein said impregnated fibrous matrix is produced as a single unidirectional ribbon or a plurality of unidirectional parallel ribbons and wherein said method comprises a step of pre-impregnating said fibrous material while it is in the form of a roving or several parallel rovings with the thermoplastic material and at least one step of heating the thermoplastic matrix for melting , or maintaining in the molten state , the thermoplastic polymer after pre-impregnation ,said at least one heating step being done using at least one non-heating and non-heat-conducting supporting part and at least one heating system, with the exception of a heating calendar, said roving(s) being in contact with part or all of the surface of said at least one supporting part and scrolling partially or wholly on the surface of said at least one supporting part at the heating system.excluding any electrostatic method with deliberate charge,and the porosity level in said pre-impregnated fibrous material being less than 10%.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said pre-impregnated fibrous material is not flexible.3. ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131325A1

A tape-shaped prepreg includes unidirectionally-oriented reinforcing fibers, and a thermoplastic resin, which prepreg has a good and uniform tape thickness and tensile strength, and which allows for producing a final product at a low cost. The tape-shaped prepreg includes unidirectionally-oriented reinforcing fibers and a thermoplastic resin composition, and has an average thickness of 0.2 mm or more and 1.5 mm or less, a void content of 5% by volume or less, and a degree of dispersity of reinforcing fibers of 0.5 or less. 110.-. (canceled)11. A tape-shaped prepreg comprising unidirectionally-oriented reinforcing fibers , and a thermoplastic resin composition , an average thickness of 0.2 mm or more and 1.5 mm or less;', 'a void content of 5% by volume or less; and', 'a degree of dispersity of reinforcing fibers of 0.5 or less., 'wherein said tape-shaped prepreg has12. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , having a fiber volume content of 30 to 70% by volume.13. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , having a tensile strength as measured in accordance with ASTM D3039/D3039-07 of 1 claim 11 ,500 to 3 claim 11 ,500 MPa.14. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , wherein the coefficient of variation (%) of a thickness of said tape-shaped prepreg is 2.0% or less.15. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , wherein the coefficient of variation (%) of said degree of dispersity of reinforcing fibers in a length direction of said tape-shaped prepreg is 5.0% or less.16. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , wherein said thermoplastic resin has a melt viscosity of 200 Pa's or less claim 11 , at a temperature 50° C. or more higher than the melting point of said thermoplastic resin.17. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , wherein said reinforcing fibers are carbon fibers.18. The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 11 , wherein said thermoplastic resin composition is a polyamide resin composition.19. A molded article ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139586A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

An impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material made of continuous fiber and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix, wherein the at least one thermoplastic polymer is an non-reactive amorphous polymer, the glass transition temperature of which is such that Tg≥80° C., or a non-reactive semi-crystalline polymer, the melting temperature of which is Tf≥150° C., the fiber volume ratio is constant in at least 70% of the volume of the tape or ribbon, the fiber ratio in the pre-impregnated fibrous material ranging from 45 to 65% by volume, the porosity rate in the pre-impregnated fibrous material being less than 10%. 120.-. (canceled)21. An impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein at least one thermoplastic polymer is a non-reactive amorphous polymer whose glass transition temperature is such that Tg≥80° C. , or a non-reactive semi-crystalline polymer whose melting temperature is Tf≥150° C. , where Tg and Tf are determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) according to standard 11357-2:2013 and 11357-3:2013 respectively , the fiber content by volume is constant in at least 70% of the volume of the web or ribbon , the fiber content in said prepreg fiber material being between 45 and 65% by volume on both sides of said fiber material , the porosity rate in said prepreg fiber material being less than 10% ,said impregnated fibrous material being free of non-reactive liquid crystal polymers (LCP),wherein the number average molecular weight (Mn) changes by less than 50% during its implementation,said impregnated fibrous material being monolayer, the impregnation being carried out with at least one expansion.22. The impregnated fibrous material according to claim 21 , wherein said material is not flexible.23. The impregnated fibrous material according to claim 21 , wherein the number of fibers in said fibrous material for carbon fibers is greater than or equal ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Strands powdered by electrostatic method

Номер: US20200139587A1
Принадлежит: Porcher Industries SA

The invention relates to a method and facility for manufacturing a tape of reinforcement filaments impregnated by a polymer matrix, as well as a tape produced thereby, said tape having a constant width across the entire length thereof, wherein the filaments extend in a direction parallel to the length of the tape, from a strand of filaments coming from a feeding reel. The method including steps and units that make it possible to manage the unwinding tension of the strand, to guide the strand on the axis of the machine, to manage the width of the strand, to deposit the polymer on the strand by electrostatic powdering, with a polymer weight ratio of around 20% to around 75% to melt the polymer, to calibrate the width and thickness of the tape and to collect the tape on the storage reel.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Machine and method for producing strips from fiber-reinforced plastic composite materials

Номер: US20220297397A1
Автор: Markus Brzeski
Принадлежит: Individual

A machine and a method produce strips from a fiber-reinforced plastics composite material. The machine includes a housing through which fibers pass and in which profiled bars are fixedly or rotatably mounted, which are oriented perpendicularly to the passing direction of the fibers and by which forces can be applied alternately to the top and bottom of the fibers and to their coating with a plastics material in order to impregnate the fibers and to consolidate the plastics material between the fibers. The ratio of the average total contact length of all the profiled bars used in the impregnation in millimeters to the number of profiled bars is between 2:1 and 1:400, preferably between 1 and 1:200 and particularly preferably between 1:10 and 1:100.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162073A1

An aspect of the present invention is a tape-shaped prepreg which includes a plurality of unidirectionally oriented fibers and a binder infiltrated into these fibers. The tape-shaped prepreg is characterized by having an average thickness of 50 μm to 150 μm and a content percentage of these fibers of 30 vol % to 60 vol %. The prepreg is further characterized in that: a fractal dimension D of a coefficient of variation Cv(n) is 0.4 to 1.5; and a degree of orientation P, expressed by the following equation, is 0.8 or greater and less than 1.0: Degree of orientation P=1−((minor-axis length of approximate ellipse)/(major-axis length thereof)). 1: A tape-shaped prepreg , comprising:a plurality of unidirectionally oriented fibers anda binder infiltrated into these fibers, the tape-shaped prepreg has an average thickness of 50 μm to 150 μm;', 'a content percentage of the plurality of fibers in the tape-shaped prepreg is 30 vol % to 60 vol %;', 'a fractal dimension D of a coefficient of variation Cv(n), which is determined from an areal proportion a of fibers in each of regions obtained by equally dividing a cross-sectional image perpendicular to an orientation direction of the plurality of fibers into n sections, where n is an integer of 2 or larger, along each of lengthwise and crosswise directions, is 0.4 to 1.5; and', {'br': None, 'i': 'P=', 'Degree of orientation 1−((minor-axis length of approximate ellipse)/(major-axis length thereof))\u2003\u2003equation (1), and'}, 'a degree of orientation P, which is expressed by equation (1)], 'wherein'}determined from an approximate ellipse of a power-spectrum image obtained by Fourier transform of a cross-sectional image parallel to the orientation direction of the plurality of fibers, is 0.8 or greater and less than 1.0.2: The tape-shaped prepreg according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers contains a glass fiber claim 1 , a carbon fiber claim 1 , an organic fiber claim 1 , a metal fiber claim 1 , or a combination ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Method of producing a fibrous material pre-impregnated with thermoplastic polymer in a fluid bed

Номер: US20170165875A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

A method of producing a pre-impregnated fibrous material including a fibrous material of continuous fibres and a thermoplastic polymer matrix, wherein the pre-impregnated fibrous material is produced in a single unidirectional strip or in a plurality of parallel unidirectional strips, the method including the following steps: (i) impregnating the fibrous material in the form of a strand or a plurality of parallel strands with the thermoplastic polymer in the form of a powder in a fluid bed; and (ii) shaping the strand or parallel strands of the fibrous material impregnated as in step (i) by calendering by at least one heating calender in the form of a single unidirectional strip or of a plurality of parallel unidirectional strips, the heating calender, in the latter case, including a plurality of calendering grooves, and the pressure and/or a spacing between the rollers of the calender being regulated by an auxiliary system.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Tape laying and cutting system for fiber reinforced plastic manufacturing

Номер: US20190160761A1
Принадлежит: Addcomposites Oy

This patent application focuses on the cutting, laying and impregnating the fiber tape using a tape laying and cutting head. The head contains a stationary or moving laser system with an in-situ mixing of resin and hardener, rollers (1,2) and a spreader (6) for pressing. The head enables manufacturing of small fiber reinforced parts avoiding the problems in manufacturing them.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Interlayer-toughened filament-wound composite structure

Номер: US20180169930A1
Автор: Thomas Tsotsis
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Disclosed herein is a method for filament winding. The method includes bonding a veil material to the unidirectional fabric to veil-stabilize the unidirectional fabric. The method also includes slitting the veil-stabilized unidirectional fabric to separate a veil-stabilized fabric portion. The method also includes directing the veil-stabilized fabric portion to an application head. The method also includes winding the veil-stabilized fabric portion on a winding mandrel.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213690A1

A method produces thermoplastic resin-impregnated sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle obtained by impregnating reinforcing fibers made from continuous fibers with a thermoplastic resin, said method including: an application step in which a sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle obtained by arranging reinforcing fibers made from continuous fibers in one direction is passed through an application section which retains thermoplastic resin, and the thermoplastic resin is applied to the sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle to constitute a thermoplastic resin-impregnated sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle; a further impregnation step in which the applied thermoplastic resin is further impregnated into the inside of the thermoplastic resin-impregnated sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle; and a shaping step in which the thermoplastic resin-impregnated sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle is shaped and solidified by cooling. 118-. (canceled)19. A method of producing a thermoplastic resin-impregnated sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle , wherein reinforcing fibers made of a continuous fiber are impregnated with a thermoplastic resin , comprising:an application step of applying the thermoplastic resin to a sheet-shaped reinforcing fiber bundle consisting of unidirectionally disposed reinforcing fibers made of the continuous fiber and passing through an application section retaining the thermoplastic resin to make a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin;a further impregnating step of further impregnating the applied thermoplastic resin into the fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin; anda shaping step of shaping the fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin to be solidified by cooling, whereinthe thermoplastic resin is applied to the fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin passing vertically downward through the application section in the application step, andthe thermoplastic resin is heated to a temperature of a melting point+30° C. or more to have a viscosity of 5 to 200 Pa·s ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184606A1
Принадлежит: KINGFA SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD.

The present invention discloses a melt impregnation device and a melt impregnation method. Through an impregnation chamber with a corrugated shape, when a resin melt-distributing runner is connected with a peak position of the impregnation chamber, a chamber vertical height of the peak position of the impregnation chamber is larger than a chamber vertical height of a trough position of the impregnation chamber, and when the resin melt-distributing runner is connected with the trough position of the impregnation chamber, the chamber vertical height of the trough position of the impregnation chamber is larger than the chamber vertical height of the peak position of the impregnation chamber. The present invention can balance an impregnating effect of a continuous fiber band, can carry a broken fiber hairiness which is generated during the impregnation out of an impregnation area, avoids a broken yarn, and enhances a production stability and a production efficiency. 1. A melt impregnation device , including a fiber pre-dispersion area for heating and dispersing a continuous fiber band , and a melt impregnation area for impregnating the continuous fiber band , wherein the melt impregnation area comprises a resin melt-distributing runner and an impregnation runner; the impregnation runner comprises an upper die and a lower die , both a lower surface of the upper die and an upper surface of the lower die have a corrugated shape , and both have at least one peak and at least one trough , the peak and the trough on the lower surface of the upper die correspond to the trough and the peak on the upper surface of the lower die respectively , an impregnation chamber with a corrugated shape for impregnating the continuous fiber band is formed between the lower surface of the upper die and the upper surface of the lower die , the resin melt-distributing runner is connected with a peak of the impregnation chamber or a trough of the impregnation chamber by a piping , when the resin ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180242A1
Автор: Jansen Klaus

Plastic profiles are produced by a pultrusion method. For this, a mold is moved periodically relative to the stationary plastic profile and said profile is held by a holding means and transported away. In particular, the starting and the stopping of the method are problematical, since a tensile stress must be applied, by which both “slack” fibers and “rigid” profiles can be drawn through the mold. The invention creates a method and a device for simple and reliable manufacture of plastic profiles. For this, it is provided that at least one cross section of a receiving space of the at least one holding means is changed along a longitudinal axis of the holding means in order to grasp a reinforcement and/or the plastic profile. 1202123262421202621242426203426262120. A method for producing a preferably curved plastic profile () , wherein a continuous reinforcement () made of strands () , textiles and/or the like is pulled by at least one holding means () through a mold () , for which the reinforcement () and/or the plastic profile () is grasped at least temporarily by the at least one holding means () , and the reinforcement () is embedded in a matrix in the mold () and wherein the mold () and the at least one holding means () on the plastic profile () are moved periodically relative to each other , wherein at least one cross section of a receiving space () of the at least one holding means () is changed along a longitudinal axis of the holding means () in order to grasp the reinforcement () and/or the plastic profile ().2212034262134. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for the grasping of the reinforcement () and/or the plastic profile () claim 1 , cross sections of the receiving space () are changed along a longitudinal axis of the at least one holding means () at several positions claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement () to be grasped is deflected by the cross section changes of the receiving space () from a straight trend preferably to a meandering ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Fiber width adjustment device, fiber width adjustment method and composite material molding method

Номер: US20200190700A1
Принадлежит: Fukui Prefecture, Subaru Corp

According to one implementation, a fiber width adjustment device includes: a feeder and an adjuster. The feeder feeds a tape material in a length direction of the tape material. The tape material consists of fibers for a fiber reinforced resin after or before the fibers are impregnated with a resin. The adjuster has a path for the tape material. The path is formed by at least a bottom and a pair of wall surfaces. The interval of the wall surfaces decreased gradually. The width of the tape material which passed the path is changed by adjusting a part of the path. The tape material passes through the part of the path while contacting with the bottom and the wall surfaces.

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225517A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a carbon fiber bundle for resin reinforcement purposes, which is produced using a sizing agent that can exert satisfactory interface adhesiveness to both of a carbon fiber bundle and a thermoplastic resin in the production of a carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin, and which has satisfactory emulsion stability. One embodiment of the present invention is a carbon fiber bundle for resin reinforcement purposes, which comprises a carbon fiber bundle and a polymer adhered onto the carbon fiber bundle, wherein the polymer is produced by binding an acid-modified polyolefin having a polyolefin structure and an acidic group in the molecular structure thereof to a hydrophilic polymer having a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 450 or more, and wherein the ratio of the mass of the polyolefin structure to the mass of the acidic group in the acid-modified polyolefin is 100:0.1 to 100:10, the ratio of the mass of the acid-modified polyolefin to the mass of the hydrophilic polymer is 100:1 to 100:100, and the content of the polymer in the carbon fiber bundle for resin reinforcement purposes is 0.1 to 8.0 mass % inclusive. 1. A carbon fiber bundle for resin reinforcement purposes , comprising a carbon fiber bundle adhered with a polymer (AB) , the polymer (AB) being formed by bonding an acid-modified polyolefin (A) having a polyolefin structure (a1) and an acidic group (a2) in the molecular structure , to a hydrophilic polymer (B) having a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 450 or more ,wherein the mass ratio between the polyolefin structure (a1) and the acidic group (a2), (a1):(a2), in the acid-modified polyolefin (A) is 100:0.1 to 100:10; the mass ratio between the acid-modified polyolefin (A) and the hydrophilic polymer (B), (A):(B), is 100:1 to 100:100; and the content of the polymer (AB) in the carbon fiber bundle for resin reinforcement purposes is from 0.1% by mass to 8.0% by mass.2. The carbon fiber bundle ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210307A1

A deformable, coated radius filler composed of a continuous or elongated fibrous structure and a tacky, resin surface coating formed by pulling a dry, continuous or elongated fibrous structure through a heated resin bath. The coated radius filler has an inner portion that is substantially free of resin and the resin surface coating has a substantially uniform thickness. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of forming a resin coated radius filler comprising:supplying a continuous fibrous braid to be coated;providing a heated resin formulation in a container, said container having a bottom wall and a deformable grommet positioned through said bottom wall, said grommet being provided with a through hole that is sized to enable the fibrous braid to pass through and at the same time to control the amount of resin deposited onto the outer surface of the fibrous braid; andpulling the continuous fibrous braid through the resin formulation and out through the grommet, whereby an amount of resin is deposited onto the outer surface of the filler but the core of the fibrous braid remains free of resin,wherein the fibrous braided is comprised of a plurality of fiber strands intertwined in a braid patternwherein the fibrous braid's contact time with the resin formulation is controlled by controlling the line speed and the resin level of the resin formulation in the container, andwherein the viscosity of the resin formulation is controlled to enable the formation of a resin coating with substantially uniform thickness.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the continuous fibrous braid comprises a biaxial or triaxial outer shell and a hollow core.15. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the resin bath comprises one or more epoxy resins and a viscosity modifier to modify the out-time tack characteristic of the coated radius filler by preventing the migration of the resin to the inner portion of the fibrous structure claim 13 , and said viscosity modifier is present in an ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245455A1

Improved composite fibers, and structural materials mixed with the improved composite fibers, are produced by an improved process that vertically texturizes and impregnates resin into the fibers without introducing any substantial amount of microbubbles in the resin. By using vertical impregnation and twisting of fiber strands with specific viscosity control, stronger composite fibers, in which substantially no microbubbles are trapped, are produced with improved tensile strength and lower variance in tensile strength, for use in strengthening structural concrete and other structural materials. 1. A method of producing a composite fiber , the method comprising:feeding a first core fiber vertically downwards through a first texturizer to form a first texturized fiber;feeding a second core fiber vertically downwards through a second texturizer to form a second texturized fiber;feeding the first texturized fiber and the second texturized fiber vertically downwards into a top end of a resin impregnator;rotating the first texturizer and the second texturizer about each other at a specified angular velocity while a resin is injected into the resin impregnator at a viscosity less than or equal to a maximum viscosity, the rotating being effective to twist the first texturized fiber and the second texturized fiber about each other with a specified winding pitch to form an impregnated fiber, wherein a surface of the resin in the resin impregnator is maintained above a point of twisting together of the impregnated fiber, and wherein microbubbles present in the resin are enabled to evacuate upwards via the surface of the resin;pulling the impregnated fiber downwards from a bottom end of the resin impregnator; andcuring the resin in the impregnated fiber to form the composite fiber comprising the cured resin.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the maximum viscosity is 5 mPa*s.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the specified angular velocity is effective to produce the specified ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252744A1
Автор: FUJIKI Koei

A resin supply unit of a manufacturing apparatus supplies a resin to a roller surface of an impregnated roller which is capable of rotating at a constant speed. A transport mechanism brings the fiber bundle into contact with the resin on the roller surface and thereby forms a tow prepreg while the fiber bundle is being transported. A fineness acquisition unit acquires as a fineness acquisition value a fineness, which is defined by a mass per unit length of the fiber bundle during conveyance thereof before being brought into contact with the resin. A resin supply amount control unit controls the resin supply amount based on the fineness acquisition value, in a manner so that a resin content of the tow prepreg becomes a target resin content. 1. A tow prepreg manufacturing apparatus configured to manufacture a tow prepreg by impregnating with a resin a fiber bundle in which a plurality of fibers are bundled together , comprising:an impregnated roller capable of rotating at a constant speed;a resin supply unit configured to supply the resin to a roller surface of the impregnated roller;a transport mechanism configured to bring the fiber bundle into contact with the resin on the roller surface and thereby form the tow prepreg while the fiber bundle is being transported; andone or more processors,wherein the one or more processors:acquire as a fineness acquisition value a fineness, which is defined by a mass per unit length of the fiber bundle prior to being brought into contact with the resin during conveyance thereof by the transport mechanism; andcontrol a resin supply amount of the resin supplied to the roller surface by the resin supply unit, andwherein the one or more processors control the resin supply amount based on the fineness acquisition value, in a manner so that a resin content of the tow prepreg becomes a target resin content.2. The tow prepreg manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors include resin supply amount ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232691A1

A thermoset composite () and method for producing the same is provided. The method includes: providing at least one surface veil layer () that includes a fibrous layer saturated with a water based binder, and one or more composite constituent layers (); applying an amount of thermoset resin to the composite constituent layers; arranging the surface veil layer and the composite constituent layers in a stack; and producing the thermoset composite by pulling the composite constituent layers and the surface veil layer through a forming die. 1. A method for producing a thermoset composite , comprising:providing at least one surface veil layer that includes a fibrous layer saturated with a water based binder;providing one or more composite constituent layers;applying an amount of thermoset resin to at least one of the one or more composite constituent layers;arranging the at least one surface veil layer and the one or more composite constituent layers in a stack, which stack is configured such that the at least one surface veil layer is disposed outside of an exterior surface of the one or more composite constituent layers; andproducing the thermoset composite by pulling the one or more composite constituent layers and the at least surface veil layer through a forming die, which die is configured to cause the thermoset resin to migrate within the stack, including into and through the at least one surface veil layer, and which forming die includes a thermal source adequate to at least partially cure the resin disposed within the stack.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water based binder includes at least one of an acrylic latex claim 1 , a vinyl acrylic claim 1 , vinyl acetate ethylene claim 1 , or polyvinyl acetate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fibrous layer is a non-woven.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fibrous layer is a spunlaced non-woven.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the spunlaced non-woven has a weight in the range of about seventeen to ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing a fibrous material pre-impregnated with thermoplastic polymer in powder form

Номер: US20200223101A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The invention relates to a process for manufacturing a pre-impregnated fibrous material comprising a continuous fibre fibrous material and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix, characterized in that said pre-impregnated fibrous material is made of a single unidirectional ribbon or a plurality of parallel ribbons unidirectional and in that said method comprises an impregnation step, in particular at the core, of said fibrous material being in the form of a roving or of several parallel rovings by said thermoplastic polymer being in powder form, said step of impregnation being carried out with said at least one thermoplastic polymer and said fibrous material the D90/D10 ratio of which by volume of the thermoplastic polymer particles ranges from 1.5 to 50, in particular from 2 to 10 and the ratio of the average diameter by volume (D50) thermoplastic polymer particles on the average diameter of the unit fibres of said fibrous material ranges from 3 to 40, except for an impregnation process in aqueous suspension of a fibrous material made of carbon fibres by a thermoplastic polymer, said D50/mean unit fibre diameter ratio being comprised from 3 to 8, and excluding any electrostatic process in voluntary charge.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223102A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A method of manufacturing an impregnated fibrous material including a fibrous material made of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix, the method including pre-impregnating the fibrous material while it is in the form of a roving or several parallel rovings with the thermoplastic material and heating the thermoplastic matrix for melting, or maintaining in the molten state, the thermoplastic polymer after pre-impregnation, the at least one heating step being carried out by means of at least one heat-conducting spreading part (E) and at least one heating system, with the exception of a heated calendar, the roving or the rovings being in contact with part or all of the surface of the at least one spreading part (E) and partially or wholly passing over the surface of the at least one spreading part (E) at the level of the heating system. 1. A method of manufacturing an impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material made of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein said impregnated fibrous matrix is produced as a single unidirectional ribbon or a plurality of unidirectional parallel ribbons and wherein said method comprises a step of pre-impregnating said fibrous material while it is in the form of a roving or several parallel rovings with the thermoplastic material and at least one step of heating the thermoplastic matrix for melting , or maintaining in the molten state , the thermoplastic polymer after pre-impregnation ,the at least one heating step being carried out by means of at least one heat-conducting supporting part (E) and at least one heating system, with the exception of a heated calendar,the roving or rovings being in contact with the part or all of the surface of the at least one supporting part (E) and partially or wholly passing over the surface of the at least one supporting part (E) at the level of the heating system,excluding any electrostatic method with deliberate charge,and the ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246463A1

The present invention is directed to a method of manufacturing a fibre-reinforced polymer composition comprising the steps of providing at least one multifilament strand comprising a plurality of continuous fibre filaments (), applying an impregnating agent () to said strand to form an impregnated continuous multifilament strand, and embedding the impregnated continuous multifilament strand in a thermoplastic polymer material () for providing said fibre reinforced polymer composition, wherein said impregnating agent has a low viscosity at application temperature and is applied by jetting said impregnating agent onto the at least one continuous multifilament strand. The invention is further directed to a device () for use in such a method. 2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two jetting channels are claim 1 , and/or the jetting slit is claim 1 , arranged concentrically around the at least one strand claim 1 , said jetting channels or said jetting slit extending in a radial direction relative to said at least one strand.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the jetting channels and/or the jetting slit extend transverse to or under an angle with an axial direction of the at least one strand.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the jetting channels and/or the jetting slit extend under an angle of from 45° to 135° relative to the at least one strand so as to jet the impregnating agent in at least one of a downstream direction or upstream direction.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the jetting channels each comprise an outflow orifice and/or wherein the jetting slit comprises an outflow opening for directing the impregnating agent to the at least one strand claim 1 , wherein a pressure pat the outflow orifice or outflow opening is smaller than a pressure pat which said impregnating agent is pressurized claim 1 , and wherein the pressure difference p−pis smaller than 40 bar claim 1 , preferably smaller than 30 bar claim 1 , more ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Composite Fibers and Method of Producing Fibers

Номер: US20190232579A1

Composite fibers created by a process including vertically texturizing and impregnating resin into the fibers at controlled viscosity results in stronger fibers in which virtually no microbubbles are trapped resulting in improved tensile strength for use in reinforcing concrete and other materials. 1. Composite fibers made by a method of producing composite fibers , said method comprising:feeding a plurality of fiber strands vertically down through a texturizer to obtain texturized fibers, wherein the texturized fibers are unstrained;vertically feeding the texturized fibers down through an injection device;injecting resin into the injection device at a viscosity of 5 mPa*S or less;rotating the plurality of fibers in the injection device, effective to twist the fibers into a bundle, wherein the twisting point is below the level of resin in the injection device, and wherein at least a portion of trapped gases rise to the surface of the resin;squeezing the bundle with squeezing rollers inside the injection device, wherein the trapped gases to rise to the surface of the resin;removing the bundle from the bottom of the device by pulling the bundle;pulling the bundle into a first curing station; (i) pull the bundle from the first curing station,', '(ii) impart a shape to the bundle and', '(iii) push the bundle without tension out of the shaping grips; and, 'pulling the bundle through shaping grips in which the shaping grips are adapted topushing the bundle from the shaping grips through a second curing station without tensioning the bundle.2. The composite fibers of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the step of pushing the bundle from the second curing station to a cutter and cutting the bundle into fragments of a specified length.3. The composite fibers of claim 2 , wherein the fragments are cut to a length for use in at least one of: reinforcing concretes claim 2 , mortars claim 2 , soil stabilizing polymers claim 2 , geo-polymers claim 2 , or asphalts.4. ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210276225A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

An impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix, wherein at least one thermoplastic polymer is a non-reactive amorphous polymer whose glass transition temperature is such that Tp≥80° C., or a non-reactive semi-crystalline polymer whose melting temperature is Tf≥150° C., where Tg and Tf are determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) according to standard 11357-2:2013 and 11357-3:2013 respectively, a fiber content by volume is constant in at least 70% of the volume of the impregnated fibrous material, the fiber content in said impregnated fibrous material being between 45 and 65% by volume on both sides of said fibrous material, a porosity rate in said impregnated fibrous material being less than 10%. 1. An impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material of continuous fibers and at least one thermoplastic polymer matrix ,wherein at least one thermoplastic polymer is a non-reactive amorphous polymer whose glass transition temperature is such that Tp≥80° C., or a non-reactive semi-crystalline polymer whose melting temperature is Tf≥150° C., where Tg and Tf are determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) according to standard 11357-2:2013 and 11357-3:2013 respectively, a fiber content by volume is constant in at least 70% of the volume of the impregnated fibrous material, the fiber content in said impregnated fibrous material being between 45 and 65% by volume on both sides of said fibrous material, a porosity rate in said impregnated fibrous material being less than 10%,said impregnated fibrous material being free of non-reactive liquid crystal polymers (LCP),wherein a number average molecular weight (Mn) changes by less than 50% during its implementation,wherein impregnation is carried out with at least one expansion.2. The impregnated fibrous material according to claim 1 , wherein at least one thermoplastic polymer is selected from: polyaryl ether ketones ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180243999A1

Provided are a device and a method capable of suitable cooling of a fiber bundle without hindering nozzle maintenance work or preparation work before the start of manufacturing. The provided device includes a nozzle which allows the fiber bundle impregnated with thermoplastic resin to pass therethrough while forming the fiber bundle into a tape shape, a cooling roller for cooling the fiber bundle, and a supporting device. The supporting device supports the cooling roller rotatably so as to allow the cooling roller to be moved between a cooling position at which an outer periphery surface of the cooling roller makes contact with the fiber bundle having passed through the nozzle and a retraction position away from the nozzle beyond the cooling portion. 1. A device for manufacturing , a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin tape , the device comprising:a resin impregnation device, which comprises a container which comprises a melted thermoplastic resin and passes a fiber bundle through the thermoplastic resin in the container to impregnate the fiber bundle with the thermoplastic resin;a nozzle which is provided in an outlet portion of the container of the resin impregnation device and allows the fiber bundle impregnated with the thermoplastic resin to pass through the nozzle, while forming the fiber bundle into a tape shape;a cooling roller which has an outer periphery surface capable of contact with the fiber bundle having passed through the nozzle, the cooling roller being capable of rotating around a roller center axis so as to allow the fiber bundle to move to a downstream side while the outer periphery surface makes contact with the fiber bundle and cooling the fiber bundle through the contact between the outer periphery surface and the fiber bundle; anda supporting device which supports the cooling roller rotatably so as to allow the cooling roller to move between a cooling position at which the outer periphery surface of the cooling roller is capable of contact ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170246766A1

A continuous device () is provided for impregnating, in a single step, strands or ribbons of natural fibers () with a specific aqueous polymer dispersion to consolidate the fibers at the core of the fiber bundle and to improve their mechanical strength without any need for twisting. The device includes a stretching component () for elongating by the strand or the ribbon of natural fibers by stretching to give them a required yarn count, an impregnating component () for impregnating the fibers with the aqueous dispersion, a shaper for shaping/calibrating the wrung fibers, a dryer () for drying the shaped/calibrated fibers, and a conditioner () for conditioning the dried fibers to transform them into yarn or ribbon. 11100. A continuous device () for impregnating , in a single step , strands or ribbons of natural fibers () , in particular of linen , with a specific aqueous polymer dispersion in order to consolidate the fibers at the core of the fiber bundle and to improve their mechanical strength without any need for twisting , comprising the following means:{'b': '10', 'means () for elongating by the strand or the ribbon of natural fibers by stretching in order to give them the required yarn count,'}{'b': '20', 'means () for impregnating the fibers with the aqueous dispersion in order to ensure the complete impregnation of the filaments with same,'}{'b': '30', 'means () for shaping/calibrating the wrung fibers,'}{'b': '40', 'means () for drying the shaped/calibrated fibers, and'}{'b': '50', 'means () for conditioning the dried fibers to transform the dried fibers into yarn or ribbon,'}said aqueous polymer dispersion including at least one amorphous polymer with a Tg between approximately 50° C. and 175° C., or a semi-crystalline polymer with a melting temperature between approximately 70° C. and 220° C., said dispersion including a content by weight of said polymer between approximately 5% and 50% with dispersed particles having a number average size of less than 10, ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Infusion Terminal Block

Номер: US20190240933A1
Автор: Dailey, JR. Jon Charles

An infusion terminal block that secures to a vacuum bag and receives a resin hose includes a prismatic body, a tube opening, and a plurality of channels. The tube opening that receives the resin hose concentrically traverses through the prismatic body from a bottom surface of the prismatic body. A stopper is laterally connected within the tube opening to stop the resin hose from touching a laminated surface. The plurality of channels traverses into the prismatic body from the bottom surface and in fluid communication with the tube opening. Resultantly, resin that is discharged through the resin hose travel through the tube opening and radially discharged into fibers thus forming the laminated surface. The infusion terminal block can optionally include a clip to secure the prismatic body to the laminate and other ancillary products. 1. An infusion terminal block comprises:a prismatic body;a tube opening;a plurality of channels;the prismatic body comprises a bottom surface;the tube opening concentrically traversing through the prismatic body from the bottom surface;the tube opening being positioned normal to the bottom surface;the plurality of channels traversing into the prismatic body from the bottom surface; andthe plurality of channels being in fluid communication with the tube opening.2. The infusion terminal block as claimed in comprises:the prismatic body further comprises a top surface;the top surface and the bottom surface being positioned opposite of each other about the prismatic body;the top surface and the bottom surface being laterally positioned of each other about the prismatic body;3. The infusion terminal block as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the top surface is a flat surface.4. The infusion terminal block as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the tube opening is perpendicularly positioned to the top surface and the bottom surface.5. The infusion terminal block as claimed in comprises:a stopper;the stopper being laterally connected within the tube opening; ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Device and Method for Impregnating Fiber Bundles with a Polymer Melt

Номер: US20200238573A1

The invention relates to a device for impregnating fiber bundles with a polymer melt, in which device fiber bundles, which are inserted in parallel with one another into a slot-like infeed of an impregnation unit (), are guided through between two guide plates (), which have undulating surfaces and are arranged so as to be complementary to one another at a defined spacing, and are discharged from the impregnation unit () via an outlet (), the fiber bundles being saturated with the polymer melt while passing through the impregnation unit (), which polymer melt following the slot-like infeed is introduced between the guide plates () into the passage (). According to the invention, the impregnation unit () comprises at least two passages () for a defined number of fiber bundles in each case, the passages () each comprising an inlet () for polymer melt. 132322741617222342832427161729411122728322926. Device for impregnating strand-like fiber bundles () with a polymer melt , in which device a plurality of fiber bundles () , which are inserted in parallel with one another into a slot-like infeed () of an impregnation unit () , are guided through between two guide plates ( , ) , which have undulating surfaces ( , ) , and are arranged so as to be complementary to one another at a defined spacing , and are discharged from the impregnation unit () via their outlet () , the fiber bundles () being saturated with the polymer melt while passing through the impregnation unit () , which polymer melt following the slot-like infeed () is introduced between the guide plates ( , ) into the passage () , characterized in that the impregnation unit () is formed from at least two sub-units ( , ) arranged in parallel which are coupled laterally to each other , and in each case contain a slot-like infeed () and an outlet () for a defined number of fiber bundles () in each case , the passages () each comprising an inlet () for polymer melt.2. (canceled)3273516171617. Device according to claim ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200238640A1

A thermoset composite and method for producing the same is provided. The method includes: providing at least one surface veil layer that includes a fibrous layer saturated with a water based binder, and one or more composite constituent layers; applying an amount of thermoset resin to the composite constituent layers; arranging the surface veil layer and the composite constituent layers in a stack; and producing the thermoset composite by pulling the composite constituent layers and the surface veil layer through a forming die. 1. A method for producing a thermoset composite , comprising:providing at least one surface veil layer that includes a fibrous layer saturated with a water based binder;providing one or more composite constituent layers;applying an amount of thermoset resin to at least one of the one or more composite constituent layers;arranging the at least one surface veil layer and the one or more composite constituent layers in a stack, which stack is configured such that the at least one surface veil layer is disposed outside of the one or more composite constituent layers; andproducing the thermoset composite by pulling the one or more composite constituent layers and the at least one surface veil layer through a forming die, which die is configured to cause the thermoset resin to migrate within the stack, including into and through the at least one surface veil layer, and which forming die includes a thermal source adequate to at least partially cure the resin disposed within the stack.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water based binder includes at least one of an acrylic latex claim 1 , a vinyl acrylic claim 1 , vinyl acetate ethylene claim 1 , or polyvinyl acetate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fibrous layer is a non-woven.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fibrous layer is a spunlaced non-woven.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the spunlaced non-woven has a weight in the range of about seventeen to thirty-five grams per square ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257265A1

Provided is a fiber-reinforced resin material molding in which fluctuations of the dispersion state of the fiber bundle in the molding is small, the generation of a resin pool is suppressed, and fluctuations in physical properties such as tensile strength and modulus of elasticity are suppressed; a method for manufacturing the same; and a method for manufacturing a fiber-reinforced resin material. Provided is a fiber-reinforced resin material molding comprising: a fiber bundle prepared by bundling a plurality of reinforcing fibers; and a matrix resin, wherein a coefficient of variation in fiber content of the reinforcing fibers per unit zone of 0.1 mm square on a cut face along a thickness direction is 40% or less. 1. A fiber-reinforced resin material molding comprising:a fiber bundle prepared by bundling a plurality of reinforcing fibers; anda matrix resin, whereina coefficient of variation in fiber content of the reinforcing fibers per unit zone of 0.1 mm square on a cut face along a thickness direction of the fiber-reinforced resin material molding is 40% or less.2. The fiber-reinforced resin material molding according to claim 1 , wherein an average fiber length of the reinforcing fibers is from 5 to 100 mm.3. The fiber-reinforced resin material molding according to claim 1 , wherein a direction of a fiber axis of the fiber bundle on a cut face along a plane direction is substantially randomly distributed.4. The fiber-reinforced resin material molding according to claim 1 , wherein the coefficient of variation is 10% or more.5. The fiber-reinforced resin material molding according to claim 1 , wherein an average value of fiber contents of the reinforcing fibers per unit zone of 0.1 mm square on a cut face along a thickness direction of the fiber-reinforced resin material molding is from 50% to 60%.6. The fiber-reinforced resin material molding according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of respective flexural moduluses of elasticity along respective directions of two ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257277A1

A molded article is made of a resin material containing cellulose fibers . The molded article has a surface portion that is in a range satisfying T≤0.1×T where T is the thickness of the molded article and Tis a distance from the surface of the molded article , and the molded article satisfies D≥1.1×D where D is an average cellulose concentration of the overall molded article and Dis an average cellulose concentration of the surface portion . Thus, the molded article suppresses an increase in bending modulus while considerably improving a tensile modulus. 1. A molded article made of a resin material containing cellulose fibers ,{'sub': 'F', 'wherein the molded article has a surface portion that is in a range satisfying T≤0.1×T,'}where T is a thickness of the molded article, and{'sub': 'F', 'Tis a distance from a surface of the molded article, and'}{'sub': 'F', 'the molded article satisfies D≥1.1×D,'}where D is an average cellulose concentration of the overall molded article, and{'sub': 'F', 'Dis an average cellulose concentration of the surface portion.'}2. The molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the molded article is shaped like a cylinder that is annularly closed in cross section claim 1 ,{'sub': 'Fout', 'the molded article has an outer surface portion that is in a range satisfying T≤0.1×T,'}{'sub': 'Fout', 'where Tis a distance from an outer surface of the molded article,'}{'sub': 'Fin', 'the molded article has an inner surface portion that is in a range satisfying T≤0.1×T,'}{'sub': 'Fin', 'where Tis a distance from an inner surface of the molded article, and'}{'sub': Fout', 'Fin, 'the molded article satisfies D>D≥1.1×D,'}{'sub': 'Fout', 'where Dis an average cellulose concentration of the outer surface portion, and'}{'sub': 'Fin', 'Dis an average cellulose concentration of the inner surface portion.'}3. The molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the molded article has a weld line that serves as a junction point of a resin flow during injection ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180264685A1
Автор: KAJIYAMA Tsutomu

In a method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material, the fiber-reinforced composite material is formed by impregnating a reinforcing fiber sheet with a resin and curing the resin. The method includes: storing the reinforcing fiber sheet in a cavity of a forming mold; and impregnating the reinforcing fiber sheet with the resin by injecting the resin into the cavity of the forming mold, and curing the resin. In the impregnating and curing, the resin containing a magnetic powder is injected into the cavity, and a magnetic field is generated in the cavity to cause the resin containing the magnetic powder to flow. 1. A method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material , in which the fiber-reinforced composite material is formed by impregnating a reinforcing fiber sheet with a resin and curing the resin , the method comprising:storing the reinforcing fiber sheet in a cavity of a forming mold; andimpregnating the reinforcing fiber sheet with the resin by injecting the resin into the cavity of the forming mold, and curing the resin,wherein, in the impregnating and curing, the resin containing a magnetic powder is injected into the cavity, and a magnetic field is generated in the cavity to cause the resin containing the magnetic powder to flow.2. The method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field is generated such that the resin containing the magnetic powder flows toward a bent part of the reinforcing fiber sheet.3. The method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field is generated by electromagnets provided in the forming mold.4. The method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material according to claim 2 , wherein the magnetic field is generated by electromagnets provided in the forming mold.5. The method for producing a fiber-reinforced composite material according to claim 1 , whereinthe forming mold has a first injection ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Process for producing a glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic polymer composition

Номер: US20160279831A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

The present application relates to process for producing a glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic polymer composition, which comprises the sequential steps of: a) unwinding from a package of at least one continuous glass multifilament strand, b) applying a sheath of thermoplastic polymer around the at least one continuous glass multifilament strand to form a sheathed continuous multifilament strand; The unwound, the at least one continuous glass multifilament strand is transported through the inside of at least one protective tube over a certain distance between the location of unwinding from a package of said at least one continuous glass multifilament strand, i.e. step a), and the location of applying said sheath of thermoplastic polymer around said at least one continuous glass multifilament strand, i.e. step b).

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170274560A1

A process is capable of producing a high-quality fiber-reinforced plastic with good yield in a short molding cycle time despite being atmospheric pressure molding. The process characterized uses local contact heating to give different temperature conditions to produce a fiber-reinforced plastic by atmospheric pressure molding from a fiber-reinforced material which contains a reinforcing fiber impregnated with a thermosetting resin composition. 113.-. (canceled)14. A process of producing a fiber-reinforced plastic comprising:placing a fiber-reinforced material containing a reinforcing fiber impregnated with a thermosetting resin composition between a single-sided mold and a bagging film to form a closed space created by the single-sided mold and the bagging film;sucking the closed space with a vacuum pump to pressurize the fiber-reinforced material by utilizing a pressure difference from an atmospheric pressure;locally heating the fiber-reinforced material by using a contact heat source under a temperature condition different from an atmosphere temperature in a state where the fiber-reinforced material is pressurized; andcuring the fiber-reinforced material to mold the fiber-reinforced plastic.15. The process according to claim 14 , wherein the temperature condition given by the contact heat source is continuously changed.16. The process according to claim 14 , wherein at least a part of the fiber-reinforced material is contacted with an atmospheric-pressure and ambient-temperature atmosphere through the bagging film claim 14 , and the atmospheric-pressure and ambient-temperature atmosphere is used as a cooling source.17. The process according to claim 14 , further comprising:performing heating by contacting the contact heat source with a part of a surface of the fiber-reinforced material that does not face the single-sided mold or with a part of the bagging film; orperforming cooling by contacting a contact cooling source with a part of a surface of the fiber- ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272566A1

A closed impregnation device () for impregnating a fiber reinforcement material with a thermosetting resin composition including a housing, an entry means adapted for feeding a dry fiber reinforcement material into the housing, a means for feeding a dry fiber reinforcement material through, and into, the housing, a passageway from the entry means into the housing, an injection means disposed in the housing adapted for injecting a thermosetting resin composition into the housing and contacting and wetting the dry fiber reinforcement material, a means for feeding a thermosetting resin composition through, and into, the housing via the injection means, an exit means adapted for discharging a wetted fiber reinforcement material from the housing, and a passageway from the inside of the housing to the outside of the housing adapted for allowing the wetted fiber to exit the housing. 1. A closed impregnation/injection device for impregnating a fiber reinforcement material with a thermosetting resin composition comprising:(a) a housing;(b) an entry means disposed in the housing adapted for feeding a dry fiber reinforcement material into the housing;(c) a means for feeding a dry fiber reinforcement material through, and into, the housing of via the entry means;(d) a passageway from the entry means into the housing adapted for allowing the dry fiber reinforcement material to enter into the housing;(e) an injection means disposed in the housing adapted for injecting a thermosetting resin composition into the housing, and for contacting and wetting the dry fiber reinforcement material with the thermosetting resin composition;(f) a means for feeding a thermosetting resin composition through, and into, the housing via the injection means;(g) an exit means disposed in the housing adapted for discharging a wetted fiber reinforcement material from the housing wetted with the thermosetting resin composition; and(h) a passageway from the inside of the housing to the outside of the ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263017A1

The present invention relates to a new composite comprising glass or carbon fibers and polymer-based fibers as well as to a process for the preparation of the composite and molded articles made from said composite. 1: Composite comprising:{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': i) a heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) comprising a semicrystalline polypropylene (PP) as a matrix in which an elastomeric propylene copolymer (EC) is dispersed; or', 'ii) a propylene homopolymer (hPP); and, 'a) 50 to 91.0 wt %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a polypropylene base material having a melt flow rate MFR(230° C., 2.16 kg) measured according to ISO 1133 in the range of from 3.0 to 140.0 g/10 min, wherein the polypropylene base material is'} c) 2.5 to 20 wt %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a polymer-based fiber (PF) having a melting temperature of ≥210° C.; and', 'd) 0.1 to 7.0 wt %, based on the total weight of the composite, of an adhesion promoter (AP), where the adhesion promoter is a maleic anhydride functionalized polypropylene,, 'b) 8.6 to 45.0 wt %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a glass fiber (GF) or carbon fiber (CF); and'}wherein the weight ratio of the glass fiber (GF) or carbon fiber (CF) to the polymer-based fiber (PF) [(GF) or (CF)/(PF)] is at least 2:1.2: Composite according to claim 1 , wherein the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) has{'sub': '2', 'a) a melt flow rate MFR(230° C., 2.16 kg) in the range of from 5.0 to 120.0 g/10 min, and/or'}b) a xylene cold soluble (XCS) fraction (25° C.) of from 15.0 to 50.0 wt %, based on the total weight of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO), and/orc) a comonomer content of ≤30.0 mol %, based on the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO).3: Composite according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous fraction (AM) of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) hasa) a comonomer content in the range of 30.0 to 60.0 mol %, based on the amorphous fraction (AM) of the heterophasic ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Carbon Fiber Reinforcements for Sheet Molding Composites

Номер: US20160288371A1

A method of processing a carbon fiber tow includes the steps of providing a carbon fiber tow made of a plurality of carbon filaments, depositing a sizing composition at spaced-apart sizing sites along a length of the tow, leaving unsized interstitial regions of the tow, and cross-cutting the tow into a plurality of segments. Each segment includes at least a portion of one of the sizing sites and at least a portion of at least one of the unsized regions of the tow, the unsized region including and end portion of the segment. 1. A method of processing a carbon fiber tow comprising the steps of:a. providing a carbon fiber tow comprising a plurality of carbon filaments;b. depositing a sizing composition at spaced-apart sizing sites along a length of said tow, leaving unsized interstitial regions of said tow; andc. cross-cutting said tow into a plurality of segments, each of said segments defining an end portion, each of said segments comprising at least a portion of one of said sizing sites and at least a portion of at least one of said unsized regions of said tow, said unsized region including said end portion.2. A method of processing a carbon fiber tow in accordance with further comprising the additional step between step b and step c of surface-activating said unsized regions of said tow with oxygen-associated groups so that surfaces of said filaments become polar and repel each other after the cross-cutting step.3. A method of processing a carbon fiber tow in accordance with wherein each of said segments defines two end portions claim 1 , and wherein each of said segments comprises one of said sizing sites and a portion of two of said unsized regions of said tow claim 1 , said unsized region portions respectively including said two end portions.4. A method of processing a carbon fiber tow in accordance with further comprising the additional claim 1 , subsequent step of dispersing said plurality of said segments in a resin matrix so that said resin matrix penetrates ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170291328A1

A method of selecting a braid configuration for a braided liner. The method includes calculating a size ratio based on the smallest first diameter and the largest second diameter of the liner and selecting a braid material having a tensile strength. The method further includes calculating a strength ratio based on the tensile strength of the braid material and a selected target strength threshold for the braided liner and determining an optimal braid angle for the smallest first diameter portions of the liner based on the calculated size ratio. 1. A method of making a tank for storing compressed fluid , the method comprising:generating a plurality of resinated braid layers on an elongated liner, the liner comprising a hollow body defining a plurality of successively alternating connector portions and tubing portions along a length of the liner, with the connector portions having a smallest first diameter than a largest second diameter of the tubing portions and with adjacent connector portions and tubing portions coupled by respective taper portions, a plurality of the connector portions comprising a flexible corrugated portion, the liner configured to be folded such that the tubing portions are disposed parallel and adjacent to each other with the connector portions forming a bend, the generating a plurality of resinated braid layers on the liner including:calculating a size ratio based on the smallest first diameter and the largest second diameter of the liner;selecting a braid material, the braid material having a tensile strength;calculating a strength ratio based on the tensile strength of the braid material and a selected target strength threshold for the tank;determining an optimal braid angle for the smallest first diameter portions of the liner based on the calculated size ratio;calculating a braid jamming value defining a ratio of a minimum aspect ratio on the bend without braid jamming and a maximum aspect ratio on the bend without braid jamming, the ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277461A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The invention enhances the production efficiency in the production of prepreg by allowing the arrangement property and rectilinearity of reinforcing fibers to be well maintained, allowing the basis weight uniformity of an applied resin to be good, and further allowing a high line speed and suppression of contamination in the process to be achieved. The invention provides a method of producing a prepreg, which includes: discharging a molten resin from a discharge portion; introducing the discharged resin by an air flow; and capturing the discharged resin on a reinforcing fiber sheet conveyed continuously, wherein a key point is that the discharged resin is captured in a region in which the reinforcing fiber sheet is conveyed substantially in planar form. 1. A method of producing a prepreg , comprising: discharging a molten resin from a discharge portion; introducing the discharged resin by an air flow; and capturing said discharged resin on a reinforcing fiber sheet conveyed continuously , wherein said discharged resin is captured in a region in which said reinforcing fiber sheet is conveyed substantially in planar form.2. The method of producing a prepreg according to claim 1 , wherein said discharged resin is formed into a fibrous form and then captured on said reinforcing fiber sheet.3. The method of producing a prepreg according to claim 1 , wherein a coating height H from said reinforcing fiber sheet to said discharge portion is 1 to 100 mm.4. The method of producing a prepreg according to claim 1 , wherein said discharged resin is captured on both faces of said reinforcing fiber sheet claim 1 , using at least two heads for discharging the resin.5. The method of producing a prepreg according to claim 1 , wherein two or more kinds of resins are discharged.6. The method of producing a prepreg according to claim 4 , wherein said resin captured on one face of said reinforcing fiber sheet is a different kind of resin from said resin captured on the other face.7. The ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284742A1
Принадлежит: TSM smart materials Co., Ltd

The invention provides a method for fabricating a spacer fabric composite, coating machine and composite fabricated by method thereof. The method comprises providing a resin composition, coating step and a hole opening step. 1. A method for fabricating a spacer fabric composite , using a mesh spacer fabric as a substrate to form a resin layer on the substrate to fabricate a spacer fabric composite , the method including the following steps:providing a resin composition wherein the resin composition includes at least one polymer, random copolymer or block copolymer selected from the group consisting of the following or combination thereof: polyester, polyurethane, polyamide, and polyol;a coating step to use the resin composition to form a coating film on one side or two sides of the substrate by a coating machine to obtain a coated substrate; anda hole opening step to use a hole opening device to break menisci of the film between meshes of the mesh spacer fabric of the coated substrate to obtain a spacer fabric composite;{'sup': 3', '8, "wherein the mesh spacer fabric comprises a first outer layer, an intermediate spacing layer and a second outer layer, the meshes of the mesh spacer fabric after coating the resin layer have a dimension shrinkage rate being less than 50%; the spacer fabric composite has air permeability being more than 100 cfm (ft/min) according to ASTM D737 standard; and the resin composition has Young's modulus being more than 10Pa at temperature below the phase transition temperature."}2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising: a maturing step to store the spacer fabric composite after the hole opening step in an environment at temperature the resin composition has flowability for a predetermined period of time.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising: a pretreatment step to process the substrate before the coating step by passing the substrate through a pretreatment device to activate surfaces of the substrate to ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150306790A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Industries AG

A process for the production of storage-stable epoxy prepregs is provided. In addition, composites produced from the prepregs based on epoxides and acids having groups reactive to free-radical polymerisation is provided. 1. A process for the production of a composite , comprising: A) at least one reactive resin component which has at least one acid group, and', 'B) at least one epoxy-based reactive resin component, wherein one or both of components A) and B) comprises a group capable of free-radical polymerisation;, 'I) preparing a reactive composition comprisingII) directly impregnating a fibrous substrate with the reactive composition prepared in I);III) polymerizing the components capable of free-radical polymerisation in the impregnated substrate thermally or with electromagnetic radiation, activatable free-radical initiators, electromagnetic radiation, electron beams, or a plasma, to obtain a prepreg;IV) shaping at least one prepreg to obtain a moulding; andV) hardening of the epoxy components in the moulding to obtain the composite.2. The process for the production of a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the reactive composition further comprises at least one component selected from the group consisting of:C) at least one initiator selected from at least one thermal free-radical initiator and/or one photoinitiator,D) other acids or epoxides without groups reactive in free-radical polymerisation,E) other components reactive in free-radical polymerisation without acid groups or epoxy groups, andF) other auxiliaries and additives.3. The process for the production of a composite according to claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of acid component A) to epoxy component B) is from 90:10 to 10:90.4. The process for the production of a composite according to claim 1 , wherein for each acid group of component A) there are from 0.3 to 3.0 epoxy groups of component B).5. The process for the production of a composite according to claim 1 , wherein the fibrous substrate ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170297251A1
Автор: Tyler Kenneth Lyle
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A head is disclosed for use with a manufacturing system. The head may have a housing configured to discharge a tubular structure reinforced with at least one continuous fiber and having a three-dimensional trajectory, and a cure enhancer operatively connected to the housing and configured to cure a liquid matrix in the tubular structure during discharge. The head may also have a nozzle configured to discharge a fill material into the tubular structure, and a wand extending from the housing to the nozzle. 1. A head for a manufacturing system , comprising:a housing configured to discharge a tubular structure from a liquid matrix reinforced with at least one continuous fiber and having a three-dimensional trajectory;a cure enhancer operatively connected to the housing and configured to cure the liquid matrix in the tubular structure during discharge;a nozzle configured to discharge a fill material into the tubular structure; anda wand extending from the housing to the nozzle.2. The head of claim 1 , wherein the cure enhancer is located to cure the liquid matrix from inside of the tubular structure.3. The head of claim 2 , wherein the cure enhancer is located inside of the housing and upstream of the nozzle relative to a discharge direction of the tubular structure.4. The head of claim 3 , further including at least a second cure enhancer located at an end of the nozzle opposite the wand and configured to cure the fill material.5. The head of claim 1 , further including a diverter located at least partially inside the housing and configured to divert the tubular structure radially outward claim 1 , wherein the cure enhancer is located at least partially inside the diverter.6. The head of claim 1 , further including an external shield extending over the nozzle at a location outside of the tubular structure.7. The head of claim 6 , further including an internal shield extending over the wand and inside of the tubular structure.8. The head of claim 6 , wherein the external ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200282673A1

Provided are a method and a device for producing a pultruded material that improve the homogeneity of a thermosetting resin. The device for producing a pultruded material comprises a first opening section, a second opening section, a closing section, a tension-applying section, an impregnating section, and a mold. The first opening section and the second opening section open a bundle of reinforcing fibers and thereby obtain a bundle of reinforcing fibers. The closing section closes the bundle of opened reinforcing fibers and thereby obtains a bundle of reinforcing fibers. The tension-applying section applies tension along the direction in which the reinforcing fibers extend to the bundle of reinforcing fibers that pass through the closing section. The impregnating section impregnates the bundle of reinforcing fibers with a thermosetting resin. The mold pultrudes the bundle of reinforcing fibers that have been impregnated with the thermosetting resin. 1. A method for producing a pultruded material obtained by impregnating a thermosetting resin into reinforced fibers , the method comprising:an opening step of opening a bundle of the reinforced fibers;a closing step of closing the bundle of the reinforced fibers opened in the opening step by gradually narrowing at least any one of a width-direction length and a thickness-direction length as the bundle of the reinforced fibers advances under application of tension along a direction in which the reinforced fibers extend;an impregnating step of impregnating the thermosetting resin into the bundle of the reinforced fibers closed in the closing step; anda pultruding step of forming a pultruded material by pultruding the bundle of the reinforced fibers impregnated with the thermosetting resin in the impregnating step along the direction in which the reinforced fibers extend.2. The method for producing a pultruded material according to claim 1 ,wherein the opening step includesa first opening step of opening the bundle of the ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180297239A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

By use of a process for the production of a fibre-composite material comprising the following steps: 1. A process for producing a fiber-composite material from unidirectional fibers and a matrix in an apparatus , the process comprising:a) conducting a fiber bundle radially over at least one deflection bar having radially circumferential rounded elevations, thereby deflecting and expanding the fiber bundle;b) subsequently drawing the expanded fiber bundle into an impregnation chamber;c) applying a melt to the expanded fiber bundle; andd) drawing the fiber bundle impregnated with the melt through a take-off die at the end of the apparatus.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the matrix of the fiber-composite material is a thermoplastic moulding composition claim 1 , a thermoset claim 1 , a thermoplastic-thermoset hybrid system claim 1 , a thermoplastic elastomer or a crosslinked elastomer.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein in the step a) the fiber bundle is spread to an extent such that its average thickness is from 1 to 50 times the filament diameter.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the fiber-composite material is calendered after leaving the take-off die.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the fiber-composite is chopped to give elongate long-fiber-reinforced pellets of 4 to 60 mm in length.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the fiber-composite material is a thin sheet or other sheet claim 1 , a tape claim 1 , a round profile claim 1 , a rectangular profile or a complex profile.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein:in step a) the fiber bundle is expanded to a width greater than the width of the end product at least by a factor of 1.2;in step c) the melt is applied by means of at least one applicator die;in a step c′) a wetted fiber bundle is brought towards a later product cross section by virtue of a cross-sectional narrowing;in a step c″) a radius deflects wetted fibers by an angle of 5° to 60°; andin a step c′″) the fiber distribution is uniformized to a ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304561A1

An apparatus for preparation of a continuous composite element formed of reinforcement fibers impregnated with a resin that includes photo-initiators for curing. Reinforcement fibers are pulled through a vacuum chamber () and then a vertical impregnation chamber () where impregnation with the resin occurs. The elongate composite is then deposited onto a rotating wheel of conformation (). During rotation, a radiation source () such as e.g., LEDs (light emitting diodes) are used to activate the photo-initiators and provide at least partial curing of the resin. From the wheel of conformation, the continuous composite element is passed along a vertical course () where additional radiation sources () activate the photo-initiators and provided additional curing. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a continuous , elongate composite that includes reinforcement fibers impregnated within a cured resin , the apparatus comprising:a vacuum chamber having an inlet end and an outlet end, the vacuum chamber configured to apply a vacuum to the elongate composite;a first channel having an inlet and having an outlet in communication with the vacuum chamber, the first channel positioned at the inlet end of the vacuum chamber and configured to supply elongate composite to the vacuum chamber;an impregnation chamber defining a longitudinal axis extending between an impregnation chamber inlet and an impregnation chamber outlet, the longitudinal axis oriented along a vertical direction, the impregnation chamber configured to impregnate the elongate composite with a resin and maintain in the impregnation chamber a tension in the fibers of the elongate composite in a range of 0.2 daN to 0.3 daN;a second channel having an inlet in communication with the vacuum chamber and an outlet in communication with the impregnation chamber;at least one die receiving configured for shaping the elongate composite and positioned downstream of the impregnation chamber; a wheel onto which impregnated, elongate ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312941A1
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A topping sheet forming method includes: feeding a textile original fabric, obtained by weaving longitudinally aligned tire cords into a cord fabric by use of weft yams; cutting off the weft yarns at a predetermined widthwise position to divide the textile original fabric into a plurality of narrow textile original fabrics; and topping at least one surface of the narrow textile original fabric with unvulcanized rubber. 1. A topping sheet forming method , comprising:feeding a textile original fabric, obtained by weaving longitudinally aligned tire cords into a cord fabric by use of weft yarns;cutting off the weft yarns at a predetermined widthwise position to divide the textile original fabric into a plurality of narrow textile original fabrics; andtopping at least one surface of the narrow textile original fabric with unvulcanized rubber.2. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 1 ,wherein the feeding a textile original fabric comprising:detecting widthwise displacement of the textile original fabric being fed, andmoving the textile original fabric widthwise so as to eliminate the detected displacement.3. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 1 ,wherein the feeding a textile original fabric is to unwind the textile origin al fabric from an original fabric roll wound cylindrically, andwherein the cutting off the textile original fabric is to cut off by means of a wire that are wound on the original fabric roll at a predetermined winding angle.4. A topping sheet forming apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a let-off part that feeds a narrow textile original fabric, obtained by dividing widthwise a woven textile original fabric provided with longitudinally aligned tire cords and weft yarns; anda calender part that tops at least one surface of the narrow textile original fabric, having been fed by the let-off part, with unvulcanized rubber to form a narrow topping sheet. This application claims priority of Japanese Patent Application No. 2016-88978 ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170312942A1
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A topping sheet forming method includes: a feeding and division step of feeding a textile original fabric, obtained by weaving longitudinally aligned tire cords into a cord fabric by use of weft yarns, and cutting off the weft yarns in predetermined widthwise positions to divide the textile original fabric into a plurality of narrow textile original fabrics; and a topping step of topping at least one surface of each of the narrow textile original fabrics with unvulcanized rubber. 1. A topping sheet forming method comprising:a feeding and division step of feeding a textile original fabric, obtained by weaving longitudinally aligned tire cords into a cord fabric by use of weft yarns, and cutting off the weft yarns in predetermined widthwise positions to divide the textile original fabric into a plurality of narrow textile original fabrics; anda topping step of topping at least one surface of each of the narrow textile original fabrics with unvulcanized rubber.2. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the textile original fabric is fed and cut off on each line at a time from a widthwise end of the original fabric roll.3. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 1 , wherein in the feeding and division step claim 1 , the textile original fabric is fed from a cylindrically wound original fabric roll claim 1 , and the textile original fabric is divided by a wire wound on the original fabric roll in a predetermined winding angle range.4. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 3 , wherein a winding angle of the wire is changed in accordance with an outer diameter dimension of the original fabric roll.5. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 4 , wherein both ends of the wire are lifted or lowered to change the winding angle.6. The topping sheet forming method according to claim 4 , wherein the textile original fabric is cut off based on tensile force that is generated by a weight attached to one end of the wire.7. ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Methods and equipment for forming tubes of fibrous material

Номер: US20200316880A1

Equipment for forming a tubular rod from a bundle of fibrous material comprising a mandrel constructed to form a space within the bundle of fibres; the mandrel includes a passage for delivering a treatment fluid to facilitate the formation of the fibres into a tubular structure as the fibre bundle as the bundle passes over the mandrel. 1. Equipment for forming a tubular rod from a bundle of fibrous material comprisinga mandrel constructed to form a space within the bundle of fibers as the bundle of fibers advances over the mandrel,wherein the mandrel comprises a passage for delivering a treatment fluid to the bundle of fibrous material on the mandrel in a direction that is not opposed to a direction of movement of the bundle over the mandrel.2. Equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the passage is arranged to direct the fluid into the passage in a direction no greater than 90° to the direction of movement of the bundle over the mandrel.3. Equipment according to claim 2 , wherein the passage is arranged to direct the fluid into the passage in a direction of from 20 to 70° to the direction of movement of the bundle over the mandrel.4. Equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the passage in the mandrel connects an inlet for introduction of the treatment fluid into the passage with an outlet on a surface of the mandrel.5. Equipment according to claim 4 , wherein the passage is configured to deliver treatment fluid to one or more selected points on the surface of the mandrel.6. Equipment according to claim 1 , where-in the mandrel has an upstream end section and a downstream end section of smaller cross-sectional area than the upstream end section claim 1 , and the passage is constructed and arranged to deliver a treatment fluid to the fiber bundle between the upstream and downstream ends.7. Equipment according to claim 6 , wherein a junction between the upstream and downstream end sections is formed by an intermediate region of the mandrel that tapers towards the ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170334094A1

The invention relates to a method and facility for manufacturing a tape of reinforcement filaments impregnated by a polymer matrix, said tape having a constant width across the entire length thereof, wherein the filaments extend in a direction parallel to the length of the tape, from a strand of filaments coming from a feeding reel, the method including steps and units that make it possible to manage the unwinding tension of the strand, to guide the strand on the axis of the machine, to manage the width of the strand, to deposit the polymer on the strand by electrostatic powdering, with a polymer weight ratio of around 20% to around 75% to melt the polymer, to calibrate the width and thickness of the tape and to collect the tape on the storage reel. 1. A method for manufacturing a tape from reinforcement filaments impregnated with a thermoplastic or thermosetting polymer matrix , a tape which has a constant width over the whole of its length , wherein the filaments extend along a direction parallel to the length of the tape , from a strand of filaments stemming from a supply coil , the method comprising the following steps , from a coil for supplying strand up to a coil for storing the impregnated and consolidated tape:a) managing the tension between the supply coil and the storage coil,b) guiding the strand so as to obtain a strand moving in translation over a line coinciding with a longitudinal axis, a so called machine axis, extending as far as the proximity of the storage coil,c) optionally transverse spreading of the strand to a predetermined width greater than the rated width of the tape,d) managing the width of the strand,e) optionally pulling the strand, preferably by pinching or with a foulard,f) grounding the strand,g) deposition of the polymer as a powder on the strand, by electrostatic powder coating, with a mass polymer level of about 20% to about 75%, obtaining an impregnated tape,h) melting or softening the polymer,i) calibration in width and in ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322008A1

A reinforced pultruded profile having a top edge, a bottom edge spaced along a vertical axis extending between the top edge and the bottom edge, a transverse axis oriented perpendicular to the vertical axis, and a machine axis oriented along a length of the profile. The pultruded profile includes a first reinforcing layer spaced along the vertical axis and oriented along the transverse axis, a second reinforcing layer spaced along the vertical axis and oriented along the transverse axis, and a first structural layer located between the first reinforcing layer and the second reinforcing layer, the first structural layer having a modulus of elasticity of at least 175 GPa. 1. A reinforced pultruded profile having a top edge , a bottom edge spaced along a vertical axis extending between the top edge and the bottom edge , a transverse axis oriented perpendicular to the vertical axis , and a machine axis oriented along a length of the profile , the pultruded profile comprising:a first reinforcing layer spaced along the vertical axis and oriented along the transverse axis, the first reinforcing layer including a plurality of longitudinal rovings, a reinforcing structure comprising a reinforcing mat, and a resin matrix surrounding the longitudinal rovings and reinforcing structure;a second reinforcing layer spaced along the vertical axis and oriented along the transverse axis, the second reinforcing layer including a plurality of longitudinal rovings, a reinforcing structure comprising a reinforcing mat, and a resin matrix surrounding the longitudinal rovings and reinforcing structure; anda first structural layer located between the first reinforcing layer and the second reinforcing layer, the first structural layer having a modulus of elasticity of at least 175 GPa.2. The pultruded profile of claim 1 , the first structural layer having at least one aperture extending vertically through the first structural layer.3. The pultruded profile of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Methods for treatment and manufacture of pellets

Номер: US20160346957A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Method for treatment of pellets ( 1 ) comprising a thermoplastic polymer sheath ( 2 ) surrounding glass filaments ( 3 ), which glass filaments are covered at least in part with an impregnating agent and extend in a longitudinal direction of the pellets, the method comprising maintaining the pellets for a period of time at an elevated temperature. The method results in an improved impregnation of glass filaments in the pellets resulting in (a) lower amounts of glass separating from the pellets when such are subjected to repetitive mechanical loads and (b) less agglomerations of glass filaments in moulded products manufactured from the pellets.

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160347009A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A method of manufacturing a pre-impregnated fibrous material produced as a plurality of unidirectional parallel tapes, said method including the following steps: i) impregnation of the fibrous material while it is in the form of several parallel rovings, said impregnation step including: ia) immersion in a bath containing an aqueous dispersion of thermoplastic polymer, said immersion being followed by ib) drying, then ii) shaping by calendering, using at least one heated calender, into the form of a plurality of unidirectional parallel tapes using said calender including a plurality of calendering grooves according to the number of said tapes and with a pressure and/or separation between the rolls of said calender regulated by a control system. 1. A method of producing a pre-impregnated fibrous material comprising a fibrous material of continuous fibres and a thermoplastic polymer matrix , wherein said pre-impregnated fibrous material is produced in a plurality of parallel unidirectional ribbons , wherein said method comprises the following steps: ia) immersion of said fibrous material in a bath containing an aqueous dispersion of said thermoplastic polymer, said immersion being followed by:', 'ib) drying of said fibrous material, then, 'i) an impregnation step of said fibrous material in the form of several parallel rovings, said impregnation step comprising{'b': 51', '52', '53, 'ii) a forming step of said parallel rovings of said fibrous material impregnated at step i), via calendering by means of at least one heating calender (, , ), into the form of a plurality of parallel unidirectional ribbons, said heating calender comprising a plurality of calendering grooves, the pressure and/or spacing between the rollers of said calender being regulated by a servo system.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises a step iii) of spooling said ribbons on several spools claim 1 , the number of spools being identical to the number of ribbons ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341268A1

Disclosed herein is a process for producing a long glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic polymer composition, comprising the sequential steps of a) unwinding continuous glass multifilament strand containing at most 2% by mass of a sizing composition; b) applying from 0.5 to 20% by mass of an impregnating agent to form an impregnated continuous multifilament strand; and c) applying a sheath of thermoplastic polymer around the impregnated continuous multifilament strand to form a sheathed continuous multifilament strand, wherein the impregnating agent is non-volatile, has a melting point of at least 20° C. below the melting point of the thermoplastic matrix, has a viscosity of from 2.5 to 100 cS at application temperature, and is compatible with the thermoplastic polymer to be reinforced. This process allows trouble-free handling and unwinding of packages, and results in long glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic products that can be made into articles having good mechanical properties and high quality surface appearance. 1. A process for producing a long glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic polymer composition , which comprises the sequential steps of:a) unwinding from a package of a continuous glass multifilament strand containing at most 2% by mass of an aminosilane compound that had been applied to the continuous glass multifilament strand as an aqueous dispersion;b) applying from 0.5 to 20% by mass of a molten impregnating agent comprising a highly branched poly(alpha-olefin) to said continuous glass multifilament strand to form an impregnated continuous glass multifilament strand; andc) applying a sheath of thermoplastic polymer around the impregnated continuous glass multifilament strand at a line speed of at least 250 m/min to form a sheathed continuous glass multifilament strand, wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polypropylene;wherein the impregnating agent is non-volatile, has a melting point of at least 20° C. below a melting point of the ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341274A1

A device for coating a thread with a coating material includes a housing, a die body, and a supply line for the coating material. The housing includes a support and a cover mounted on the support, delimiting a chamber. The die body is installed in the chamber, between the support and the cover. The die body includes a lower part and an upper part, with a calibrated die channel being located between the lower and upper parts. Between the support and the cover are an inlet through passage and an outlet through passage. The inlet and outlet passages and the die channel are aligned, so that a thread is able to be passed longitudinally therethrough. The supply line for the coating material includes a lower outlet end located close to the thread, between the inlet or upstream through passage and the die channel. 113-: (canceled)14: A device for coating a thread with a coating material , the device comprising:a housing that includes a support and a cover mounted on the support, delimiting a chamber; wherein between the support and the cover are an inlet through passage and an outlet through passage,', 'wherein the chamber is located between the inlet through passage and the outlet through passage,', 'wherein the die body includes a lower part and an upper part that bear against one another, with a calibrated die channel being located between the lower part and the upper part,', 'wherein the inlet through passage, the outlet through passage, and the die channel are aligned so that a thread in a taut state is able to be passed longitudinally therethrough, and', 'wherein the die body delimits a deposition space located between the inlet through passage and the die channel, the deposition space being able to be passed through by the thread; and, 'a die body installed in the chamber, between the support and the cover,'} 'wherein the support includes a lower outlet orifice from the chamber for discharging excess coating material from the deposition space and from the die channel ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for manufacturing tow prepreg

Номер: US20190337011A1
Принадлежит: Mizuno Corp, Mizuno Technics Corp

A tow prepreg manufacturing apparatus applies resin to an original tow of reinforcing fibers. The tow prepreg manufacturing apparatus includes an oiling roller, a scraper, a resin reservoir, a tube pump, and a controller. The oiling roller is supplied with resin while rotating at a predetermined rotation speed. The scraper adjusts the shape of the resin supplied onto the oiling roller. The resin reservoir supplies resin to the oiling roller. The tube pump discharges resin to the resin reservoir. The controller controls the tube pump so that the amount of resin held in the resin reservoir remains constant and controls the rotation speed of the oiling roller so that a resin content of a wound tow prepreg becomes equal to a target resin content.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338112A1

The present invention relates to a new composite comprising glass or carbon fibers and polymer-based fibers as well as to a process for the preparation of the composite and molded articles made from said composite. 1. A composite comprising:{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': i) a heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) comprising a polypropylene (PP) as a matrix in which an elastomeric propylene copolymer (EC) is dispersed; or', 'ii) a propylene homopolymer (hPP); and, 'a) 25 to 92.5 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a polypropylene base material having a melt flow rate MFR(230° C., 2.16 kg) measured according to ISO 1133 in the range of from 3.0 to 140.0 g/10 min, wherein the polypropylene base material is'}b) 5 to 50 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a glass fiber (GF) or carbon fiber (CF); andc) 2.5 to 25 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composite, of a polymer-based fiber (PF) having a melting temperature of ≥210° C.,wherein the weight ratio of the glass fiber (GF) or carbon fiber (CF) to the polymer-based fiber (PF) [(GF) or (CF)/(PF)] is at least 2:12. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) has:{'sub': '2', 'a) a melt flow rate MFR(230° C., 2.16 kg) in the range of from 5.0 to 120.0 g/10 min, and/or'}b) a xylene cold soluble (XCS) fraction (25° C.) of from 15.0 to 50.0 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO), and/orc) a comonomer content of 30.0 mol.-%, based on the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO).3. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the amorphous fraction (AM) of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO) has:a) a comonomer content in the range of 30.0 to 60.0 mol. %, based on the amorphous fraction (AM) of the heterophasic propylene copolymer (HECO), and/orb) an intrinsic viscosity (IV) in the range of 1.8 to 4.0 dl/g.4. The composite according to claim 1 , wherein the propylene homopolymer (hPP) has:{'sub': '2 ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160361839A1

A tool for impregnating a reinforcing fiber material with plastic comprising a support element supporting face facing and spaced from a cover element covering face. A receiving space, between the supporting and covering faces, is connected to an injection channel for supplying the plastic into the space and comprises an inlet opening for continuously feeding the fiber material into the space, as well as an outlet opening for continuously removing plastic impregnated fiber material. The distance between the supporting and covering faces is constant, perpendicular to a feed direction of the fiber material and parallel to a plane defined by at least one of the supporting and covering faces. The support and cover elements are movable relative to one another such that the distance between the supporting and covering faces in the feed direction is adaptable to a varying thickness of the fiber material fed through the receiving space. 1. An impregnating tool for impregnating a reinforcing fiber material with a plastics material , comprising:a support element, comprising a supporting face,a cover element, comprising a covering face that faces the supporting face of the support element and is disposed at a distance from the supporting face of the support element, anda receiving space, delimited by the supporting face of the support element and the covering face of the cover element, being connected to an injection channel for supplying the plastics material into the receiving space and comprising an inlet opening for supplying the reinforcing fiber material into the receiving space in a continuous process as well as an outlet opening for removing reinforcing fiber material impregnated with the plastics material from the receiving space in a continuous process,wherein a distance between the supporting face of the support element and the covering face of the cover element is constant in a direction perpendicular to a feed direction of the reinforcing fiber material through the ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Shaping tool, shaping apparatus and method of forming a semi-finished product containing reinforcing fibers

Номер: US20160368230A1

A shaping tool for forming a semi-finished product which contains reinforcing fibers and is fed to the shaping tool in a continuous process comprises a first shaping-tool element and a second shaping-tool element which is located opposite the first shaping-tool element. The shaping-tool elements have shaping faces which face towards the semi-finished product, at least in certain operating phases of the shaping tool, and which are curved and/or inclined, at least in certain sections, in a direction of conveyance of the semi-finished product through the shaping tool, and/or curved and/or inclined, at least in certain sections, in a direction perpendicular to the direction of conveyance of the semi-finished product. 1. A shaping tool for forming a semi-finished product which contains reinforcing fibers and is fed to said shaping tool in a continuous process , the shaping tool comprising:a first shaping-tool element and a direction of conveyance of said semi-finished product through the shaping tool, and', 'a direction perpendicular to said direction of conveyance of said semi-finished product., 'the shaping-tool elements having shaping faces which face towards the semi-finished product, at least in certain operating phases of the shaping tool, and which are at least one of curved and inclined, at least in certain sections, in at least one of'}, 'a second shaping-tool element which is located opposite said first shaping-tool element,'}2. The shaping tool according to claim 1 , wherein the shaping face of at least one of the shaping-tool elements comprises an elastically deformable material.3. The shaping tool according to claim 2 , wherein the shaping face of one of the shaping-tool elements comprises a rigid material.4. The shaping tool according to claim 3 ,wherein the shaping face of the shaping tool-element, which comprises a rigid material, has a plurality of sections which differ with regard to at least one of a curvature and inclination in at least one of the ...
