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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 39602. Отображено 200.
20-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2189317C2

Согласно изобретению сетки для армирования грунта имеют большую площадь поверхности и высокий предел прочности при растяжении, а также раскрыт способ и устройство для их изготовления и их использование в качестве дренажных и армирующих сеток и в качестве ограждений. Описывается способ непрерывного производства сеток для армирования грунта, которые имеют большую площадь поверхности и содержат термопластовые прутки, пересекающие друг друга и соединенные вместе сваркой в местах их пересечения друг с другом. В способе используют однослойные, однородные, молекулярно-ориентированные пластмассовые прутки с высоким пределом прочности при растяжении и, применяя вибрационную сварку, одновременно прерывисто сваривают их в множестве мест пересечения, расположенных позади и около друг друга. В этом способе используют новое устройство для вибрационной сварки, содержащее в зависимости от требуемой толщины, по меньшей мере, одно вибрационно-сварочное устройство, которое может быть применено для одновременной ...

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2329187C2

Способ изготовления крышки, предназначенной для закупоривания емкостей, заключается в том, что крышку изготавливают на основе, по меньшей мере, двухслойной комбинации из сплошных в своем строении слоев и снабжают вспомогательным элементом для открывания. Причем обращенный к емкости слой плотно состыкован с ее краем таким образом, что при разделении скомбинированных слоев образуется отверстие для извлечения находящегося в емкости продукта. Причем обращенный к емкости слой предпочтительно состоит из пластмассы, внутренняя прочность на разрыв которой в области отверстия ниже, чем сцепление с остальной областью крышки. При этом комбинацию слоев в области отверстия для извлечения продукта подвергают воздействию повышенного давления, а также повышенной температуры с помощью инструмента для термосварки, в результате чего в этой области повышается сцепление между скомбинированными слоями по сравнению с остальным поперечным сечением крышки. Заявленное изобретение обеспечивает изготовление крышки ...

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689695C2

Группа изобретений относится к вариантам активного буфера для автомобилей. Активный буфер содержит внешнюю отделочную панель со сварной дорожкой. Расширяемый надувной камерный элемент содержит центральную часть, выполненную с возможностью крепления к опорной конструкции транспортного средства, приварной фланец по периферийному краю и гофрированную область между центральной частью и приварным фланцем. Сварная дорожка и приварной фланец соединяются посредством горячей сварки для образования уплотненной камеры. Сварная дорожка содержит множество радиально разнесенных ступенчатых выемок. Каждая выемка содержит верхнюю часть, образующую первый проем с соответствующей первой площадью поперечного сечения, и вторую часть, образующую второй проем с соответствующей второй площадью поперечного сечения, меньшей, чем соответствующая первая площадь. Периметр каждой верхней части плавится посредством горячей сварки, а периметр каждой нижней части не плавится посредством горячей сварки. Обеспечивется надежность ...

20-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2269990C2

Прочное герметичное уплотнение содержит некоторое число перемежающихся ультразвуковых точечных соединений, близко отстоящих друг от друга. По меньшей мере, два слоя материла, например нетканые полотна, ламинированные на влагонепроницаемую пленку, могут удерживаться вместе с помощью этих точечных соединений. Точечные соединения могут образовывать узор так, чтобы материал, который смещается в течение осуществления технологического процесса связывания, блокировал проход любой жидкости между точечными соединениями. 4 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 2 ил.

27-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2301730C2

Устройство может быть использовано для сварки движущегося упаковочного материала, содержащего слой, который может быть нагрет за счет электромагнитной индукции, например металлический, а также термопластичный слой. Устройство содержит генератор переменного тока и обмотку для преобразования переменного тока в магнитное поле, пересекающее упаковочный материал. Ферромагнитные элементы канализируют силовые линии магнитного поля в определенном направлении и расположены так, что силовые линии магнитного поля пересекают упаковочный материал в по меньшей мере, двух отдельных областях вдоль сварочной зоны. Устройство обеспечивает контролируемое направление нагрева точно в сварочную зону без образования деформации упаковочного материала. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2359882C2

Изобретение относится к контрэлементу, предназначенному для приложения давления к первой части упаковочного материала совместно с нагреванием упаковочного материала для того, чтобы запечатать первую часть упаковочного материала со второй частью упаковочного материала. Элемент имеет прилегающую поверхность, приспособленную, по меньшей мере, прилегать к первой части упаковочного материала. Прилегающая поверхность имеет множество углублений, выполненных с возможностью захватывать жидкость или газ вблизи прилегающей поверхности и первой части упаковочного материала. Изобретение также относится к способу изготовления описанного выше контрэлемента. Технический результат направлен на увеличение срока службы резиновой части, образующей контактную поверхность контрзажима. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2759921C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Группа изобретений относится к способу получения термопластичной композиционной преформы, к термопластичной композиционной ленте и к термопластичной композиционной преформе. Способ получения термопластичной композиционной преформы включает сборку пакета из композиционных слоев высокоплавкого термопласта; введение низкоплавкого термопласта между композиционными слоями; и скрепление композиционных слоев высокоплавкого термопласта друг с другом посредством расплавления низкоплавкого термопласта. Сборка пакета включает выкладку полосок высокоплавкого термопластичного композиционного препрега, имеющего на поверхности низкотемпературный термопласт. Введение низкоплавкого термопласта включает нанесение частиц низкоплавкого термопласта на поверхность каждого из слоев. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение физико-механических свойств получаемых изделий. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446948C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления непрерывного профиля методом пултрузии, по меньшей мере, из одной полосы препрега. Способ заключается в том, что, по меньшей мере, одну полосу препрега сначала подвергают предварительному формованию в устройстве предварительного формования, затем циклически пропускают через нагреваемое устройство формования под давлением для формирования окончательной геометрии поперечного сечения. Затем осуществляют окончательное отверждение профиля в устройстве окончательного упрочнения. При этом помещают, по меньшей мере, одну непрерывную вставку, которая имеет поперечное сечение по существу треугольной формы, по меньшей мере, в один участок профиля с радиальным изгибом. Причем вставку выполняют из множества непрерывных волокон, сплетенных друг с другом. Достигаемый при этом технический результат заключается в обеспечении высокой и надежной воспроизводимости требуемых размеров изготавливаемого профиля. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615739C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для сварки рулонов различных материалов. Сварочная машина для соединения по кромке перехлестывающихся рулонов материала содержит шасси, на котором расположены по меньшей мере направляющие ролики, устройство нагрева и по меньшей мере один прижимной ролик. Устройство нагрева имеет расположенный сбоку элемент контактного нагрева, который может быть вставлен между кромками рулонов материала. Шасси приводится в движение посредством электрического механизма, в качестве которого использован бесщеточный двигатель постоянного тока, предпочтительно дисковый роторный, а в качестве понижающей передачи - планетарная передача. Электрический механизм и понижающая передача объединены в барабанный приводной механизм. Шасси имеет боковую ножку, выполненную регулируемой перпендикулярно рабочему направлению относительно продольной ножки. Изобретение направлено на улучшение технических и эксплуатационных характеристик устройства. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141404C1

Рассматривается эластичный фторопластовый слоистый материал, содержащий множество неспеченных ориентированных политетрафторэтиленовых пленок, ламинированных в условиях повышенных температуры и давления. По крайней мере одна из этих пленок имеет направление своей ориентации под углом к направлению ориентации по крайней мере одной другой из пленок. Пленки сохраняют свою ориентацию после ламинирования. Технический результат - повышение предела прочности и химической стойкости. 2 с. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл. 5 ил.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU154650U1

... 1. Плита из термопласта, содержащая пустотелые профили прямоугольного поперечного сечения, соединенные вдоль боковых стенок, отличающаяся тем, что профили соединены посредством экструзионной сварки, причем общая толщина образованной после сварки смежной стенки составляет (3-5) толщины боковой стенки, а шов сварного соединения выполнен из того же материала, что и профили.2. Плита по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что толщина верхней стенки профиля составляет (0,01-0,9) высоты профиля.3. Плита по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что толщина нижней стенки профиля составляет (0,01-0,9) высоты профиля.4. Плита по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что толщина верхней стенки профиля равна толщине нижней стенки и составляет (0,01-0,9) высоты профиля.5. Плита по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что толщина боковой стенки составляет (0,01-2) высоты профиля.6. Плита по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что профиль выполнен однокамерным.7. Плита по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что профиль выполнен многокамерным.8. Плита по ...

20-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2157760C2
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО ИНК. (US)

Изобретение предназначено для изготовления сосудов. Способ изготовления секционного сосуда включает в себя изготовление заготовки, имеющей внутреннюю поверхность, отдельное изготовление внутренней стенки для вставки ее в заготовку, вставку внутренней стенки в заготовку, подготовку отливки и отливку заготовки и внутренней стенки в секционный сосуд и активацию связующего вещества для прикрепления внутренней стенки к внутренней поверхности заготовки во время подготовительного процесса. Внутреннюю поверхность заготовки выполняют с пазами для зацепления с контактными кромками внутренней стенки, которые скручивают для улучшения зацепления с внутренней поверхностью. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение способа изготовления секционных сосудов. 9 з. п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU54332U1

Объектом изобретения является устройство для сваривания полимерных материалов при изготовлении надувных лодок. Полезная модель относится к устройствам, предназначенных для термического сваривания разных материалов, и может быть использована для изготовления изолированных герметичных камер, как для воздуха так и для воды, в частности, для изготовления надувных лодок из ткани, которая имеет ПВХ покрытие. Суть изобретения состоит в потому, что в устройстве, которое содержит сварочный ролик, смонтированный в держателе, нагреватель и электродвигатель, используется барабан закрепленный на шпинделе, соединенный с электродвигателем, который в центре имеет углубления, причем нагреватель представляет собой фен, закрепленный на механизме лентопротяжки, и вместе с роликом смонтирован на базе, а ролик подпружинен относительно нагревателя, база закреплена на петле и имеет стопорный механизм. С помощью устройства достигается высокая производительность и получаются не пропускные, монолитные надувные конструкции ...

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2098328C1

Использование: изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс, а именно к устройствам для сварки изделий из термопластичной пленки. Сущность изобретения: устройство состоит из привода, сварочного механизма, механизма перемещения материала и механизма выдачи готовой продукции. Выполнение сварочного механизма в виде двух барабанов - цилиндрического барабана с расположенными на нем нагревательным элементом и отталкивателем, и прижимного барабана позволяет производить непрерывную сварку изделий больших размеров и сложной конфигурации. Синхронность вращения соответствующих элементов сварочного механизма и механизма перемещения материала позволяет повысить качество сварки изделий. 2 ил.

14-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2791942C1

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления деталей из композиционных материалов, а именно силового элемента - стержня, имеющего на противоположных концах крепежные отверстия. Способ включает намотку пропитанных связующим жгутов из непрерывных армирующих волокон на две кольцевые оправки с помощью раскладчика, движущегося вокруг опорных пальцев по овальной траектории и совершающего возвратно-поступательные движения вдоль осей, формируя замкнутый пояс. Затем сведение двух прямолинейных участков замкнутого пояса в сплошное сечение с формированием стержня, натяжение полученного элемента, полимеризацию, сброс натяжения и съем готового изделия с пальцев. Причем оконцеватели формуют за одно целое с изделием из того же волокнистого материала, что и сам стержень, с помощью намотки на извлекаемые кольцевые оправки поочередно первого, затем второго оконцевателей. После чего наматывается замкнутый пояс вокруг двух оконцевателей, последовательно могут быть намотаны две и более заготовки, после намотки ...

10-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114734C1

Изобретение относится к области сварки и предназначено для соединения полимерных материалов. В способе соединения полимерных материалов соединяемые поверхности зажимают в пресс-форме, материал которой имеет коэффициент термического расширения, по меньшей мере равный коэффициенту термического расширения соединяемых полимерных поверхностей. Пресс-форма имеет зазор, охватывающий место соединения поверхностей, клиновидный выступ по периметру околошовной зоны и канал для впрыскивания расплава полимера. Зафиксированные в пресс-форме кромки, обжатые клиновидным выступом, подвергают нагреву до температуры текучести путем подачи в зазор расплава того же полимера под давлением. Пресс-форма при этом обеспечивает быстрый отвод тепла от околошовной зоны. Описываемый способ устраняет деформацию соединяемых поверхностей. 1 ил.

10-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2101180C1

Использование: изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс, а именно к устройствам для сварки полимерных материалов. Сущность изобретения: в устройстве для сварки полимерных материалов натяжное приспособление выполнено в виде двух C-образных обращенных друг к другу поворотных рычагов. Один конец рычагов шарнирно соединен с осями ведомых роликов транспортирующих лент, связанными с подвижной кареткой. Каретка снабжена в средней части винтовой парой. Механизм разведения нагревателей и охладителей выполнен в виде двух параллельных систем винтовых пар и тяг, соединенных с качающимся T-образным коромыслом. Коромысло снабжено на свободном конце вертикальным нажимным рычагом. Рычаг шарнирно соединен со средней частью горизонтального коромысла. Концы коромысла шарнирно связаны с качающимися рычагами, посаженными средней частью на соответствующие установленные в вертикальных прорезях корпуса оси. Оси закреплены в средних частях нижних нагревателя и охладителя. Нижняя система подпружинена. Транспортирующие ...

20-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2115555C1

Изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс, а более конкретно к устройствам для упаковки изделий в термопластичную полимерную полурукавную пленку. Устройство для изготовления пакетов содержит смонтированные на станине узел размотки рулона с обводным роликом и штангой, накопитель и узел сварки. Узел сварки включает прижимную траверсу, несущую проволочный электронагреватель с осевыми пружинными компенсаторами. Траверса расположена над упругой опорой. Разделитель закреплен параллельно штанге узла размотки. На штанге выполнены перфораторы в виде зубчатых колес, размещенные с накопителем в корпусе. Корпус подвешен на горизонтальной скалке, установленной подвижно в направляющих станины. Прижимная траверса выполнена в виде качающейся, установленной на оси опоры подпружиненной рамки. На рамке закреплен несущий электронагреватель прижим. Прижим, электронагреватель и опора имеют Г-образную форму. Изобретение позволяет расширить технологические возможности устройства, сократить производственные затраты ...

20-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2099189C1

Использование: изготовление конструкционных панелей, которые в дальнейшем могут быть использованы для интерьера гражданских самолетов. Сущность изобретения: сначала соединяют облицовку и сердечник, а затем их совместно подвергают предварительному нагреву. При этом нагрев облицовки осуществляют до температуры 150-400oC в течение 30-240 с при доведении температуры сердечника до 95-335o C. Пресc-форму перед формованием панели разогревают до температуры 75-150oC. Облицовку панели выполняют из термопластичной смолы, армированной волокном. В качестве смолы используют полиэфиркетонкетон, а в качестве армирующих волокон используют углеродные волокна или стекловолокно. Сердечник панели выполняют в виде сотовой структуры из арамидной бумаги. Сердечник панели кроме облицовки может иметь декоративный поверхностный слой из поливинилхфторидной пленки. При этом термопластичную облицовку сердечника предварительно нагревают до температуры 150-400oC, а пленку - до температуры 75-150oC. Нагретые заготовку ...

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2022889C1

Использование: изобретение относится к формовочному устройству для упаковочных машин, предназначенных для образования отдельных упаковочных конвейеров из гибкого трубчатого упаковочного материала. Сущность изобретения: формовочное устройство содержит плиты 11 П-образного поперечного сечения, установленные попарно с возможностью смыкания их опорных поверхностей 19 с образованием прямоугольной камеры, охватывающей участок трубы из упаковочного материала. На опорных поверхностях 19 плит 11 выполнены выступы 20 и углубления 21, которые входят друг в друга и направляют трубу из упаковочного материала в камеру между плитами без защемления. Выступы и углубления взаимодействующих плит соответствуют по форме и их расположению на опорных поверхностях. Выступы могут быть выполнены закругленными. Кроме того, наружная поверхность выступов может быть скошена. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005617C1
Автор: Ремов Л.М.

Использование: изобретение относится к области соединения пластмасс, в частности к способам сварки слоев термопластичной пленки по контуру выполняемого отверстия, и может быть использовано в различных отраслях народного хозяйства при изготовлении укрытий теплиц, пакетов, тентов, чехлов и т. д. Сущность изобретения: в способе соединения слоев термопластичной пленки сжатие слоев пленки осуществляют на расстоянии от контура пуансона, равном по меньшей мере толщине соединяемых слоев пленки. Сжатие слоев пленки осуществляют также под торцевой поверхностью пуансона. 6 ил.

27-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2103469C1

Использование: в легкой промышленности, в частности в производстве оконных штор. Сущность изобретения: оконная штора с регулируемой освещенностью содержит пару параллельных полотен со множеством перемычек, которые скреплены липкими средствами вдоль своих кромок с указанными полотнами и которые в первом, закрытом положении оконной шторы расположены параллельно паре полотен, а во втором, открытом положении расположены перпендикулярно по отношению к полотнам, причем клейким линиям, связывающим перемычки с параллельными полотнами, придается матовый вид посредством нагрева липкого средства и прижатия его к офактуренной или шероховатой охлаждающей поверхности. Изобретение касается также способа изготовления оконной шторы и устройства для его осуществления. 3 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005125414A

... 1. Способ термоформования пластиковых топливных баков из сдвоенных листов, согласно которому первый и второй листы (SA, SB) термоформуемого пластикового материала независимо друг от друга нагревают и перемещают вдоль первой (А) и, соответственно, вдоль второй (В) производственных линий от станции загрузки (11А, 11В) до соответствующей станции термоформования (16А, 16В), включающий следующие этапы: нагревание каждого пластикового листа (SA, SB), пневматический захват нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) за его периферические края и вакуумная поддержка этого листа (SA, SB), по существу, в плоском состоянии при перемещении его по соответствующей производственной линии (А, В), позиционирование каждого нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) поверх соответствующей формующей полуформы (17А, 17В), имеющей формующую полость, обращенную лицевой стороной вверх, при пневматическом удерживании листа (SA, SB) в, по существу, плоском состоянии, опускание нагретого пластикового листа (SA, SB) в соответствующую ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003137234A

... 1. Устройство для работы с движущимся слоистым материалом, в частности, для аппарата для изготовления пакетов, имеющего, по меньшей мере, один рабочий узел и движущиеся детали, предназначенные для перемещения слоистого материала вперед с базовой скоростью, отличающееся тем, что содержит, по меньшей мере, одно вращающееся тело, имеющее ось вращения и скорость вращения, по меньшей мере, одну направляющую деталь, связанную с вращающимся телом в эксцентрическом положении относительно оси вращения, способную двигаться по круговой траектории, имеющей рабочий участок, соединенную с рабочим узлом и имеющую на круговой траектории тангенциальную скорость, рабочая составляющая которой параллельна слоистому материалу, и средство привода, предназначенное для выборочного изменения скорости вращения или базовой скорости таким образом, чтобы рабочая составляющая на рабочем участке и базовая скорость были по существу равны друг другу. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что базовая скорость или скорость ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314923C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства и может быть использовано при прокладке, изготовлении и ремонте трубопроводов, в частности в технологическом оборудовании для расширения функциональных возможностей устройств, которые используют для стыковой сварки пластмассовых труб. Устройство содержит раму, подвижную и неподвижную каретки, на которых закреплены зажимы для труб. Подвижная каретка содержит два выполненных ручными автономных привода. Только один привод включает нагрузочную пружину и оснащен винтом, который обеспечивает ее сжатие. Другой привод включает только рычаг и обеспечивает холостое перемещение подвижной каретки. К гайке винтового привода приварен радиально кронштейн, на котором закреплена ось поворота рычага. С противоположной стороны от первого кронштейна к гайке винтового привода приварен радиально второй кронштейн. Указанный кронштейн имеет два радиальных паза для обеспечения возможности фиксации рычага в двух положениях. Устройство содержит также ходовой винт, на ...

20-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000122448A

... 1. Способ соединения двух труб (18А, 18В) из упрочненного термопластического материала, имеющих одинаковый диаметр, отличающийся тем, что концы (24, 26) двух труб (18А, 18В) вначале сваривают встык вдоль сварного шва (28), проходящего по окружности, и после формирования сварного шва (28) наружную муфту (30) из упрочненного термопластического материала устанавливают поверх большей части длины сварного шва (28), проходящего по окружности, выходя за пределы каждой из сторон сварного шва (28) поверх концевых секций двух труб (18А, 18В), и тем, что наружную муфту (30) нагревают и сжимают в радиальном направлении до тех пор, пока наружная муфта (30) и концевые секции двух труб (18А, 18В) не проникнут взаимно друг в друга. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, к наружной муфте (30) прикладывают радиальное давление до тех пор, пока упрочняющие структуры (14А, 30А), упрочняющие две трубы (18А, 18В), и наружная муфта (30) не войдут в контакт при взаимном проникновении наружной муфты (30) и концевых ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137080A

... 1. Способ производства мешков с элементом горловины путем сваривания трубчатого элемента горловины, содержащего термопластическую смолу, и мешочный элемент, содержащий гибкую пленку, причем способ содержит предварительный нагрев трубчатого элемента горловины при его вращении вокруг его оси цилиндра, вкладывание нагретого элемента горловины в открытую часть мешочного элемента и обжатие, и, таким образом, сваривание элемента горловины с открытой частью мешочного элемента. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором предварительный нагрев осуществляют лучевой энергией. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором в ходе вкладывания нагретого элемента горловины в открытую часть мешочного элемента и обжатия со свариванием уменьшают давление во внутренней полости мешочного элемента путем отсасывания воздуха из мешочного элемента. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором мешок с элементом горловины производят путем перемещения устройства для вращения элемента горловины по схеме предварительного нагрева, когда элемент горловины установлен ...

10-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95111780A1
Автор: Левшин Н.П.

Устройство для сварки полимерных материалов, содержащее корпус, в котором смонтированы установленные напротив друг друга нагреватели и охладители, транспортирующие ленты, охватывающие ведомые и ведущие ролики с натяжным приспособлением, механизм разведения нагревателей и охладителей и привод, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрощения конструкции, повышения эффективности и надежности в работе и эксплуатационной возможности путем обеспечения параллельности и плавности регулировки натяжения лент и зазора между нагревателями и охладителями, натяжное приспособление выполнено в виде двух С-образных обращенных друг к другу поворотных рычагов, одни концы которых шарнирно соединены с осями ведомых роликов транспортирующих лент, связанными с подвижной кареткой, снабженной в средней части винтовой парой, а механизм разведения представляет собой две параллельные продольные системы винтовых пар и тяг, соединенных с качающимся Т-образным коромыслом, снабженным на свободном конце вертикальным нажимным ...

20-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95106903A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки длинномерных полимерных изделий из линолеума. Устройство содержит последовательно расположенные механизм размотки материала, стол для вылеживания материала, механизмы прирезки кромок, сварки и сбора готовой продукции. Последний размещен в боковой зоне от сварочного механизма. Прогретый выровненный линолеум со стола подается на мерную плиту механизма прирезки кромок, где дисковыми ножницами поперечной и продольной резки прирезаются все кромки планируемого ковра. Далее происходит сварка кромок встык источниками инфракрасного излучения, закатывание и укладывание ковров в контейнер готовой продукции.

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009104934A

... 1. Шов, соединяющий вместе, по меньшей мере, первый и второй рулонные материалы (1, 2), по меньшей мере, один из которых содержит термоплавкий материал, при этом первый рулонный материал (1) имеет боковой край (1а), перекрывающийся с боковым краем (2а) второго рулонного материала (2), причем часть (3) с перекрытием образована там, где указанные рулонные материалы перекрываются, при этом указанные рулонные материалы в части (3) с перекрытием скреплены вместе посредством ультразвуковой сварки, термоскрепления, лазерной сварки или тому подобного с рисунком (4) скрепления, простирающимся на, по меньшей мере, участке части (3) с перекрытием для образования указанного шва, причем указанная часть с перекрытием имеет продольное (y) и поперечное (x) направление и два продольных боковых края, образованных указанными перекрывающими боковыми краями (1а, 2а) рулонных материалов, при этом указанный рисунок (4) скрепления содержит основной рисунок (8) скрепления, простирающийся в продольном направлении ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006119436A

... 1. Панельный сборный элемент с рамой, содержащий панель; множество рамных элементов из термопласта, расположенных вдоль края панели; при этом каждый рамный элемент имеет первую и вторую противоположные боковые стенки, между которыми образован паз, причем край панели вставлен в паз каждого рамного элемента; при этом паз каждого рамного элемента имеет расположенные в нем проставочные средства, включающие в себя первую проставку между панелью и первой боковой стенкой, предназначенную для размещения панели на расстоянии от первой боковой стенки, и вторую проставку между панелью и второй боковой стенкой, предназначенную для размещения панели на расстоянии от второй боковой стенки, и при этом перед свариванием вместе концов рамных профилей проставочные средства удерживают рамные элементы на панели. 2. Панельный сборный элемент по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, одна из первой и второй проставок включает в себя выступ, простирающийся от нее и входящий в контакт с соответствующей стороной панели ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010149141A

... 1. Способ изготовления пакета (20) из полимерного материала для хранения биологических образцов, в частности для криоконсервации таких образцов; при этом пакет изготовлен из расположенных напротив друг друга на расстоянии слоев (10', 10'') полимерной пленки, края (21) которых соединены швом по периметру; при этом расположенные напротив друг друга на расстоянии слои полимерной пленки ограничивают объем для хранения образца; и при этом способ включает: ! (a) расположение между двумя совмещенными слоями (10', 10'') пленки из полимерного материала оформляющей вставки (40), форма, ширина и толщина которой соответствует внутренней форме, ширине и толщине изготовляемого пакета, ! (b) формование слоев в виде частично сформованного пакета (22), внутренняя форма, ширина и толщина которого определены оформляющей вставкой (40), при этом частично сформованный пакет изготовлен из расположенных на расстоянии друг от друга слоев, края которых соединены друг с другом по периметру пакета, за исключение краев ...

10-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97103071A

... 1. Устройство для изготовления пакетов из полимерной термопластичной полурукавной пленки, содержащее смонтированные на станине узел размотки рулона с обводным роликом и штангой, накопитель, снабженный разделителем полотен на входе узла сварки, включающего прижимную траверсу, несущую проволочный электронагреватель с осевыми пружинными компенсаторами и расположенную над опорой, отличающееся тем, что разделитель закреплен параллельно штанге узла размотки, на которой выполнены перфораторы в виде зубчатых колес, размещенные с накопителем в корпусе, подвешенном на горизонтальной скалке, установленной подвижно в направляющих станины, а прижим узла сварки имеет Г-образную форму и укреплен в подпружиненной рамке, связанной посредством оси с опорой. 2. (Вариант) Устройство для изготовления пакетов из полимерной термопластичной полурукавной пленки, содержащее смонтированные на станине узел размотки рулона с обводным роликом и штангой, накопитель, снабженный разделителем полотен на входе узла сварки ...

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137465A

... 1. Способ разрезания и герметизации сменной многопросветной трубки, используемой в эндоскопическом устройстве, включающий:а) обеспечение первой поверхности и второй поверхности, расположенной напротив указанной первой поверхности;б) размещение части многопросветной трубки между первой и второй поверхностями;в) подвод тепла и давления по меньшей мере к одной из поверхностей, так чтобы пластически деформировать и разрезать указанную часть многопросветной трубки и герметизировать посредством тепловой сварки ее отрезанные концы.2. Способ разрезания и герметизации по п.1, отличающийся тем, что тепло и давление подводят одновременно.3. Способ разрезания и герметизации по п.2, включающий относительное перемещение первой и второй поверхностей перед подводом тепла и давления с целью создания пространства для размещения указанной части многопросветной трубки между первой и второй поверхностями.4. Способ разрезания и герметизации по п.3, включающий перемещение первой поверхности относительно второй ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004122099A

... 1. Устройство для сварки движущегося упаковочного материала (1), содержащего слой, который может быть нагрет за счет электромагнитной индукции, и термопластичный слой, имеющий сварочную зону (2), которая простирается в направлении движения упаковочного материала, содержащее генератор переменного тока, обмотку (3, 5, 6) для преобразования переменного тока в магнитное поле, ферромагнитный элемент (7, 8, 10-13) для канализирования силовых линий магнитного поля в определенном направлении, причем магнитное поле ориентировано таким образом, чтобы пересекать упаковочный материал (1), для обеспечения нагревания слоя, который может быть нагрет за счет электромагнитной индукции, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит набор ферромагнитных элементов (7, 8, 10-13, 19-21), которые расположены таким образом, что силовые линии магнитного поля пересекают упаковочный материал (1) в по меньшей мере двух отдельных областях (14, 16-18), расположенных вдоль сварочной зоны (2). 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004112769A

... 1. Способ соединения друг с другом первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа и второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа, содержащий следующие стадии: формирование углов на первой кромке первого участка термопластичного листа и на второй кромке второго участка термопластичного листа; формирование первого множества отверстий в первом участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек первой кромки первого участка термопластичного листа; формирование второго множества отверстий во втором участке термопластичного листа, которые проходят поперек второй кромки второго участка термопластичного листа; совмещение первой и второй кромок первого и второго участков термопластичного листа так, что первый и второй участки термопластичного листа содержат находящие друг на друга участки, соединение первого и второго участков термопластичного листа друг с другом. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором стадия соединения содержит стадию сварки первого и второго участков термопластичного ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127938A

... 1. Контейнер для транспортировки и хранения жидкостей с образованной в виде поддона подставкой из металла или электропроводного синтетического материала, установленным на подставке сменным одно- или многослойным внутренним пластиковым резервуаром с постоянным антистатическим наружным слоем, который образован как резервуар в виде прямоугольного параллелепипеда или куба с четырьмя боковыми стенками, нижним и верхним основаниями, верхним запирающимся заливным патрубком и арматурой отбора, а также с окружающим внутренний резервуар наружным корпусом, который состоит из металлических или жестяных прутьев решетки, отличающийся сливным патрубком (11) из электропроводного синтетического материала, соединенным с постоянным антистатическим наружным слоем (21) пластикового внутреннего резервуара (2), для присоединения арматуры (12) отбора. 2. Контейнер для транспортировки и хранения жидкостей согласно ограничительной части п.1, отличающийся арматурой (32) отбора из электропроводного синтетического ...

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137957A

... 1. Способ производства блистерного полотна, включающий следующие этапы: a) экструзию нижней пленки, средней пленки и верхней пленки, начиная с соответствующей гранулы; b) термоформование средней пленки; c) калибрование и частичное охлаждение нижней и верхней пленок; d) нагрев по меньшей мере одной стороны нижней и верхней пленок и соединение двух пленок - нижней и верхней, с термоформованной пленкой. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый из компонентов пленки представляет собой многослойную структуру, состоящую по меньшей мере из трех слоев. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый из компонентов пленки представляет собой многослойную структуру, выполненную методом соэкструзии трех слоев, причем выполненная соэкструзией трехслойная структура содержит внутренний слой из гомополимера пропилена и два наружных слоя из сополимера пропилена. 4. Способ по п.3, отличающийся тем, что выполненная соэкструзией трехслойная структура содержит АВА-структуру, содержащую внутренний слой ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009140394A

... 1. Способ соединения вместе конструктивных частей (1, 2, 3), выполненных из композитного материала и расположенных перпендикулярно друг другу, таких как фланец (2, 3) и стенка (1) профиля, включающий в себя этапы, на которых !размещают конструктивные части (1, 2, 3) в желаемом положении относительно друг друга, образуя соединяющую область (10), в которой одна из конструктивных частей (1) упирается торцом или близко в другую конструктивную часть (2, 3), ! обеспечивают вытекание термопластичного материала в соединяющую область (10), ! сплавляют вместе конструктивные части (1, 2, 3) под действием тепла и давления. ! 2. Способ по п.1, включающий в себя этапы, на которых ! формируют валик (4, 9, 11) из термопластичного материала, ! обеспечивают увеличение ширины валика (4, 9, 11), начиная от переднего края (5), упирающегося на определенном расстоянии в противостоящую конструктивную часть, одной конструктивной части (1) в направлении противолежащей поверхности (6) противостоящей конструктивной ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014149249A

... 1. Способ формования уплотнительного кольца, включающий:формование термопластического стержня из по меньшей мере продольного слоя первого полимера и продольного слоя второго полимера, при этом экструдированный стержень имеет первый и второй концы;нагревание термопластического стержня до первой температуры выше температуры стеклования первого и второго полимеров;гибка термопластического стержня в округлую структуру при поддержании температуры по крайней мере при первой температуре;нагревание первого и второго концов экструдированного стержня до температуры выше температуры плавления первого и второго полимеров; исведение вместе нагретых первого и второго конца экструдированного стержня с получением сварного шва, соединяющего концы вместе, при этом сваренный второй полимер имеет по меньшей мере первое механическое свойство, которое является более желательным, чем первое механическое свойство сваренного первого полимера, так, что первое механическое свойство сварного шва, соединяющего концы ...

07-06-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для стыковой сварки термопластичных полимерных материалов

Номер: SU1654008A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при стыковой сварке термопластичных полимерных материалов. Цель - повышение качества сварного соединения. Для этого устройство для стыковой сворки термопластичны/ полимеочых материалов снабжено датчиков перемещения расплава, выполненным в виде размещенной внутри банда- жензгревателя сферической мембраны из теплостойкого ант1,адгезионного материала и связанного с ней одним концом штока. Шток снабжен концевым выключателем, расположенным на его свободном конце. Бандаженагревате чь выполнен из двух разъемных в горизонтальной п-лоскости ш- стей с зубчатыми участками у торцоз. Д.пина зубчатых участков И0.35 - О, ЮН-. Зубьо расположены под углом 60 - 70° к повеохности бгндаженафеаат лг. и выполнены с прямой заточкой на передней грани. Шаг зубьев не более 0,1. Диаметр сферической мембраны равен (0,25 - 0,3)Н. где Н - ширина тепловыделяющей части бзндахе- нагревателя.2 ил.

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для герметизации конца трубы

Номер: SU1699797A1

Изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс и может быть использовано при герметизации конца трубы из термопластов. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей устройства и упрощение его конструкции. Для этого в устройстве для герметизации конца трубы части зажимного хомута посредством двух диаметрально расположённых на них шарниров закреплены на концах рычагов и шарнирно связаны между собой. Рычаги снабжены установленным на их свободных концах фиксатором. Формующие пластины расположены между зажимным хомутом и фиксатором. Кроме того , для повышения качества соединения формующие пластины выполнены с закругленными краями, обращенными в сторону шарниров. Рабочая поверхность формующих пластин имеет рифления волнообразной формы, при этом выступы на одной пластине расположены напротив пазов на другой пластине. Рычаги снабжены ограничителями сжатия формующих пластин. 2 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил. С/ ...

07-10-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки термопластичных пленок

Номер: SU1682199A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может быть использовано при сварке пленочных материалов. Цель - повышение эксплуатационных возможностей устройства. Для этого в устройстве для сварки термопластичных пленок нагреватель установлен в кольцевом выступе опрес- совочного ролика, Герметичная оболочка выполнена в виде двух камер, расположенных с торцовых сторон выступа ролика. 4 ил.

07-11-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки труб из термопластов

Номер: SU1435482A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс, а именно к устройствам для сварки труб из термопластичных материалов . Цель - улучшение эксплуатационных возможностей устройства и повышение качества сварки. Для этого устройство для сварки труб из термопластов снабжено жестко соединенными с челюстями зажимов криволинейными рычагами с противовесами на верхнем свободном конце, выполненными в вгде обоймы с установленным в ней с возможностью вращения шаром. Механизм сжатия челюстей зажимов выполнен в виде двух связанных гибким соединением траверс, одна из которых шарнирно соединена со штоком гидроцилиндра и установлена в пазах направляющих пластин, жестко за.креп. 1е:4- ных на одной из челюстей. Другая траверса установлена с возможностью взаимодействия с крюком, закрепленным на противоположной челюсти. Полуобоймы ззжимов снабжены фиксаторами, установленными с возможностью взаимодействия с криволинейными рычагами. Кроме того.-устройство сч;;б- жено механизмом осевого перемеиЛния нагревателя ...

07-01-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки труб из термопластов

Номер: SU1364491A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для сварки пластмасс, а и.менно к оборудованию для сварки встык нагретым инструментом труб из термопластов, и может найти применение при монтаже технологически.х трубопроводов преимущественно больших диаметров. Цель изобретения - повышение качества соединения за счет параллельного пере.мещения торцов труб и обеспечения равп номерного усилия сжатия труб по диаметру и расширение технологических возможностей за счет обеспечения сварки труб большого диаметра. Устройство для сварки труб из термопластов содержит неподвижный 2 и подвижный 4 зажимные хомуты, трубчатые направляющие 3, установленные в горизонтальной диаметральной плоскости хомутов 4 в которых расположены приводные винты 9. Приводные винты снабжены огибающей трубу бесконечной цепью 11, установленной на неЛодвижном зажимном хомуте. Каждый приводной винт 9 кинематически связан с толкателем, выполненным в виде двух соос- но расположенных и сопряженных друг с другом с возможностью ограниченного осевого ...

30-08-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для стыковой контактной сварки листовых термопластов

Номер: SU1175729A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СТЖОВОЙ КОНТАКТНОЙ СВАРКИ ЛИСТОВЫХ ТЕРМОПЛАСТОВ , содержащее раздвижной стол с механизмом его перемещения и приводом , смонтированный на держателе нагреватель и механизм подвода и фиксации держателя, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения коэффициента использования сварочного инструмента и улучшения условий зксплуатации, нагреватель снабжен механизмом его ступенчатого смещения и поворота, смонтированным на держателе и кинематически связанI ным с механизмом подвода и фиксации .держателя. (Л ...

26-08-1970 дата публикации

Установка для сварки термопластов

Номер: SU279937A1

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Способ изготовления газонаполненной амортизирующей полимерной пленки

Номер: SU1699798A1

Изобретение относится к изготовлению слоистых полимерных материалов для упаковывания продукции приборостроения. Цель изобретения - расширение области использования изготавливаемой пленки и повышение ее защитной способности. Для этого в качестве газа для капсулирования в ячейки пленки-основы используют летучий ингибитор коррозии с температурой кипения , превышающей температуру сварки. При этом летучий ингибитор коррозии наносят на дублируемую поверхность пленки-основы перед вакуумным формованием на ней ячеек. 1 ил., 2 табл.

07-05-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки и резки термопластичного материала

Номер: SU1154102A1

УСТРОЙСТЮ ДЛЯ СВАРКИ И РЕЗКИ ТЕРМОПЛАСТИЧНОГО МАТЕРИАЛА, содержащее нагревательньй элемент. рабочая часть которого имеет свароч- Hbrti и режущий участки, и токоподводящие контакты, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повьшения. качества сварки путем предотвращения налипания материала, нагревательньй элемент выполнен из алмазного поликристаллического материала в виде диска, на боковой поверхности которого расположены рабочая часть, и резистивный слой, на котором закреплены токоподводящие контакты, причем одна из кромок диска выполнена скругленной. А-А ...

07-11-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки полимерных пленок

Номер: SU1435481A1

Изобретение относится к переработке пластмасс и может быть использовано для изготовления мешков с плоским днищем. Цель - повышение качества сварки. Для этого устройство снабжено горизонтальной плитой с установленными на ее углах в пазах ползунами. Рычажно-шарнирная система выполнена в виде смонтированных на траверсе, закрепленной на, силовом приводе , кулачков и двуплечих рычагов, один конец которых связан с ползунами, а другой - с кулачками. Рукавную заготовку расправляют на плите ползунами. 4 ил.

23-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1830025C

30-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1831459C

23-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1790512C

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки пакетов из термопластичной пленки

Номер: SU1512799A1

Изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс, а именно к устройствам для сварки пакетов из термопластичной пленки. Цель - повышение производительности устройства. Для этого в устройстве для сварки пакетов из термопластичной пленки ротор снабжен закрепленными на его торцах зубчатыми элементами. Механизм перемещения сварочного инструмента выполнен в виде двух пар зацепленных с ними шестерен. Одна из шестерен каждой пары смонтирована на поворотном рычаге, а другая - на неподвижной оси и снабжена жестко связанным с ней кулачком. Кулачок установлен с возможностью взаимодействия с рычагом посредством закрепленного на нем ролика. Сварочный инструмент закреплен на первой шестерне каждой пары и подпружинен относительно ее оси. Рычаги подпружинены в направлении, противоположном направлению вращения ротора. 3 ил.

23-08-1989 дата публикации

Способ изготовления трубчатых изделий из комбинированных пленочных материалов

Номер: SU1502394A1

Изобретение относится к изготовлению методом сварки трубчатых изделий из комбинированных пленок, имеющих свариваемый и несвариваемый слои. Цель - расширение ассортимента изготавливаемых изделий путем обеспечения возможности использования пленок со свариваемым и несвариваемым слоями, повышение прочности изделия и производительности процесса. Для этого в способе изготовления трубчатых изделий из комбинированных пленочных материалов формирование трубчатой заготовки осуществляют из двух полос пленки шириной, равной длине окружности изделия, путем складывания пополам полос и наложения их одна на другую свариваемыми слоями с двойным нахлестом. При этом образуется плоская трубчатая заготовка с внешней и внутренней поверхностями из несвариваемых слоев пленки. Причем в процессе формирования одну из полос складывают пополам свариваемым слоем внутрь, а другую - свариваемым слоем наружу. 6 ил.

23-03-1989 дата публикации

Способ сварки термопластичных пленок и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1466950A1

Изобретение относится к сварке термопластичных материалов, а именно к способу и устройству для сварки термопластич- ны.х пленок, и может быть применено при изготовлении пакетов, обложек. Цель изобретения - повышение предотвраш.ения разрыВОВ пленки при ее перемещении в процессе сварки и повышение производительности. Для этого предварительный нагрев пленок осуществляют до температуры 5-40°С ниже температуры вязкотекучего состояния материала пленки. Устройство для осуществления способа снабжено ротором 7 предварительного соединения пленок с нагревательными элементами 8 и прижимным валиком 9, а приспособление для удаления изделий выполнено в виде ротора. 12 с отверстиями 13 на боковой повер.чности, соединенными с вакуумной системой. Нагревательные элементы 2 сварочного ротора 1 выполнены в виде нихромовой проволоки, закрепленной концами на подпружиненных рычагах 3, установленных на роторе на осях 4 с возможностью поворота относительно них. На торцовой поверхности сварочного ротора 1 закреплен ...

07-01-1993 дата публикации

Способ ультразвуковой сварки термопластичных материалов и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1785913A1

Использование: в сварке пластмасс, в частности при ультразвуковой сварке термопластичных материалов точечными швами для повышения качества сварки. Сущность изобретения: в способе перед подачей ультразвукового импульса в зону сварки измеряют скорость вращения приводного вала и толщину материала в зоне сварки. После этого осуществляют корректировку длительности ультразвукового импульса в зависимости от скорости вращения приводного вала и корректировку мощности ультразвукового импульса в зависимости от толщины материала. Для корректировки длительности ультразвукового, импульса в зависимости от скорости вращения приводного вала весь диапазон скоростей последнего разбивают на поддиапазоны. При переходе через границу каждого из поддиа- пазонов длительность импульса изменяют на 10 мс. Корректировку ультразвукового импульса в зависимости от толщины материала в зоне сварки осуществляют по формуле Араб. АО + КА0, где Араб. - мощность ультразвукового импульса в зоне сварки: А0 - минимальная мощность ...

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Способ непрерывного изготовления гибких рукавов из ленточного полимерного материала и установка для его осуществления

Номер: SU1622150A1

Изобретение относится к изготовлению гибких рукавов из ленточного полимерного материала путем гибки лент вдоль их продольной оси и соединения кромок сваркой. Цель - повышение качества сваренных рукавов. Для этого в процессе формирования рукава, сварки кромок и охлаждения шва свариваемые кромки и противоположную часть рукава, составляющую не более 30% его периметра, перемещают по равным по длине траекториям. Текущее усилие при этом прикладывают к части периметра рукава, составляющей не более трех величин нахлеста. После охлаждения шва до высокоэластичного состояния к нему прикладывают давление на чередующиеся в поперечном направлении участки, величина которого в 3-5 раз превышает давление сварки. В установке для непрерывного изготовления гибких рукавов прижимной ролик механизма перемещения материала снабжен сменным ободом с кольцевыми выступами на рабочей поверхности. Опорные валки снабжены кольцами, общая ширина которых не более ширины кольцевых выступов обода прижимного ролика . Положение ...

23-01-1988 дата публикации

Установка для непрерывной сварки полимерных материалов

Номер: SU1368191A1

Изобретение относится к обору-. -дованию для сварки пластмасс преимущественно для пленок, лент синтетических тканей . Цель изобретения - сокращение времени и материалов для подбора оптимального режима сварки, повышения точности установки режима. Установка содержит механизм перемещения материалов в виде тянущих валов 1 и 2, сварочный узел, охладитель 6, устройство контроля прочности соединения, включающее разделитель сваренных материалов, выполненный в виде роликов 9, 10, между которыми установлена пружина, датчик 12 максимального сжатия пружины и механизм поперечной резки 13 одного из разделенных материалов, и блок 14 управления температурой сварки . При этом механизм перемещения материалов установлен после разделителя и кинематически связан с прижимными валками 4, 5, а датчик 12 максимального сжатия пружины подключен по цепи сигнала управления к устройству поперечной резки 13 и к блоку 14 управления температурой. Сварка в режиме подбора оптимальной i (Л С 00 Од 00 со ...

07-08-1992 дата публикации

Способ сварки термопластичных полимерных материалов и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1752570A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при сварке термопластичных полимерных материалов, в частности для оценки их свариваемости Сущность изобретения1 в способе сварки термопластичных полимерных материалов одновременно с нагревом соединяемых торцов бёуще ствлягют на- блюдение за зоной сварки, размещая соединяемые материалы в фокальной плоскости микроскопа. В устройстве для сварки термопластичных полимерных материалов в разъемном корпусе и нагревательных элементах выполнены соосные отверстия для наблюдения за зоной сварки Зажимные элементы выполнены из прозрачного материала. При этом устройство снабжено микроскопом, установленным над отверстиями корпуса. 2 с ф. ф-лы, 1 ил, сл с ...

30-09-1990 дата публикации

Способ стыковой сварки деталей из термопластов

Номер: SU1595671A1

Изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при сварке деталей из термопластов встык нагретым инструментом. Цель - повышение качества сварного соединения. Для этого в способе стыковой сварки деталей из термопластов надрез на свариваемых торцах деталей выполняют по их средней линии на всю ее длину. Надрез выполняют после нагрева торцов на глубину, равную 0,1 глубины проплавления. 3 ил.

23-05-1990 дата публикации

Установка для изготовления пакетов из термопластичных пленочных материалов

Номер: SU1565715A1

Изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс и может быть использовано при изготовлении пакетов различных размеров. Цель - повышение производительности установки. Для этого установка снабжена установленным за узлом продольной разделительной сварки по ходу движения пленок узлом продольной холодной резки, электронным устройством управления, связанным с узлом поперечной разделительной сварки, и расположенными между узлом продольной холодной резки приводными валками дополнительными подающими валками и дополнительным узлом регулировки натяжения. Узел продольной резки выполнен в виде по меньшей мере одного режущего механизма, установленного на поперечной планке со смещением в поперечном направлении относительно сварочных механизмов узла продольной разделительной сварки. Сварочные механизмы узла продольной разделительной сварки и режущие механизмы узла продольной холодной резки установлены на поперечных планках с возможностью съема. Кроме того, электронное устройство управления включает датчик длины ...

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки труб из термопластов

Номер: SU1535739A1

Изобретение относится к сварке пластмасс и может быть использовано в устройствах для зажима и центровки труб из термопластов при сварке. Цель - повышение надежности устройства в работе и улучшение качества центровки. Для этого в устройстве для сварки труб из термопластов механизм радиального перемещения центрирующих элементов снабжен концентрично установленными на зажимном хомуте двумя разъемными кольцами, на которых смонтированы посредством шарнирного звена центрирующие элементы. Разъемные кольца жестко связаны со штоками гидроцилиндров, установленных параллельно хомуту. 3 ил.

15-02-1991 дата публикации

Способ изготовления, наполнения продуктом и запечатывания пакетов из упаковочного материала на двух поточных линиях и машина для его осуществления

Номер: SU1628849A3
Принадлежит: АБ ТЕТРА ПАК (ФИРМА)

Изобретение относится к способам изготовления, наполнения продуктом и запечатывания пакетов из упаковочного материала на двух поточных линиях и к машинам для осуществления способов. Целью изобретения является снижение энергозатрат, а также повышение надежности в работе. Заготовки для пакетов (упаковочных контейнеров) продвигаются прерывисто во время обработки и наполнения между различными устройствами (станциями), входящими в поточную линию. Когда машина содержит две лоточные линии, каждая из которых включает транспортер, соединяющий все устройства, приводной блок машины нагружается неравномерно. Для предотвращения этого предлагается асинхронно приводить в действие транспортеры обеих поточных линий. В то время, когда один транспортер находится в состоянии покоя, второй транспортер (транспортер второй поточной линии) двигается между устройствами. В результате приводной блок имеет значительно более равномерную кривую изменения крутящего момента, вследствие чего можно предотвратить неравномерную ...

07-04-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки термопластичной пленки

Номер: SU1807943A3

Использование: изобретение относится к области сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при изготовлении папок для бумаг из полиэтилена. Сущность изобретения: в устройстве для сварки термопластичной пленки рамка для загиба пленки выполнена со скосом на.одном конце, расположенным в зоне входа пленки в узел предварительного нагрева. Рамка снабжена упором, установленным на противоположном конце рамки, Узел предварительного нагрева снабжен дополнительным прижимным валиком , установленным перед рамкой по ходу движения пленки. Сварочный узел выполнен в виде двух барабанов. На образующей поверхности барабанов установлены напротив друг друга нагревательные элементы. Нагревательные элементы выполнены кольцевыми. Токоподводы на одномбарабане расположены перпендикулярно к токоподводам на втором барабане. 7 ил.

30-08-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки полимерной пленки

Номер: SU1838129A3

ЕРНОИ ПЛЕНКИ Использование: изобретение относится к of ласти сварки пластмасс и может найти применение при сварке рукавов из рулонного полимерного материала для повышения качества сварки. Сущность изобретения: в устройстве для сварки полимерной пленки сварочные элементы установлены на столе под острым, углом к его рабочей поверхности . Угол обращен вершиной в сторону, про- тивоположную направлению подачи пленки. Рабочая поверхность стола, расположенная за сварочными элементами, выполнена наклонной. Лентопротяжные ролики установлены на наклонном участке стола. Кроме того, диаметр петли сварочных элементов равен 5-6 диаметрам проволоки. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

26-03-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002302477C3

14-03-1991 дата публикации

Thermoforming film container plus tube - by mould tools which grip tube in tapered holes so that when vacuum thermoforming is completed some space allows film to cool round tube

Номер: DE0003929664A1

A flexible thin-walled container with at least one film filling or emptying tube for liq. contents is produced by making the container from two adjacent extruded flat sheets of thermoplastic material, thermoforming them under vacuum, and welding them together when closing the thermoforming mould. Before the mould is closed the tube is positioned between the two flat sheets so that, when the mould is closed, the sheets are not only welded together round their edges but are also welded to the tube; the outer end of the tube remains free so that the thermoplastic material/film round it can be cooled in shape. ADVANTAGE - The filling/emptying tube is virtually positioned and welded at the same time as the two halves of the container and in the split line concerned. The method ensures that the film round the tube cools effectively before the mould is opened again, so that it does not adhere to the tube or to the mould.

16-05-1991 дата публикации

Sealed plastic or composite container

Номер: DE0003943538A1

A container pack, partic. one of plastics or a composite plastics material, has a thinner rim to its opening and a closure part which can be sealed or welded and which can be firmly bonded to the rim by (pref. hot) sealing/welding to make a hermetic seal. The area of the bond between container and seal is at an angle to the axis of the container.

04-12-2017 дата публикации

Нагревательный элемент для сварки швов заготовок термопластичных мешков для пылесосов

Номер: RU0000175395U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, касается нагревательного элемента, который может быть использован в станке-полуавтомате для сварки швов заготовок термопластичных мешков для пылесосов. Нагревательный элемент содержит плиту, выполненную из диэлектрического материала, и нихромовую струну, закрепленную на плите по контуру в виде прямоугольной рамки со скругленными углами. Техническим результатом от использования предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение качества сварных швов заготовок термопластичных мешков для пылесосов, упрощение их изготовления. 2 з.п. ф-лы., 2 фиг. Ц 1 175395 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зе за а (13) (51) МПК В29С 6502 (2006.0Т) В29С 65/18 (2006.0Т) В29С 65/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017124115, 06.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2017 Дата регистрации: 04.12.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.07.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 04.12.2017 Бюл. № 34 Адрес для переписки: 603000, г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Большая Покровская, 56, а/я 36, ООО ППА "Защита Ваших идей", Л.В. Гришиной (72) Автор(ы): Зарецкий Владимир Евгеньевич (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Топ-маркет" (КВП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЗО 1344619 А1, 15.10.1987. КО 2196678 С1, 20.01.2003. 0$ 5509985 А, 23.04.1996. (54) НАГРЕВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЭЛЕМЕНТ ДЛЯ СВАРКИ ШВОВ ЗАГОТОВОК ТЕРМОПЛАСТИЧНЫХ МЕШКОВ ДЛЯ ПЫЛЕСОСОВ (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, касается нагревательного элемента, который может быть использован в станке-полуавтомате для сварки швов заготовок термопластичных мешков для пылесосов. Нагревательный элемент содержит плиту, выполненную из диэлектрического материала, и нихромовую струну, закрепленную на плите по контуру в виде прямоугольной рамки со скругленными углами. Техническим результатом от ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank with improved creep strength

Номер: US20120006476A1
Принадлежит: Inergy Automotive Systems Research SA

A method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank including: a) inserting a plastic parison including two distinct parts into an open two-cavity mold; b) inserting a core, bearing at least part of a reinforcing element configured to create a link between the two parison parts, inside the parison; c) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities, for example by blowing through the core and/or creating suction behind the cavities; d) fixing the part of the reinforcing element to at least one of the parison parts using the core; e) withdrawing the core; f) closing the mold, bringing its two cavities together to grip the two parison parts around their periphery to weld them together; g) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and/or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold cavities; and h) opening the mold and extracting the tank.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Color developing colorless primer

Номер: US20120043020A1
Автор: Robert J. Duff
Принадлежит: Oatey Co

The intense purple dye normally found in purple primers for use in the adhesive bonding of plastics is replaced with a leuco dye capable developing a visually intense color when activated through contact with the particular plastic being bonded or a complementary solvent cement.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Polyvinyl Chloride Formulations

Номер: US20120048417A1

An extrudable polyvinyl chloride composition comprising from 80 to 99.9 percent by weight polyvinyl chloride for use in extruding a first part and a second part, wherein a fusion joint between the first extruded part and the second extruded part is formed by: A) composition at least a portion of a first terminal edge of the first extruded part and a first terminal edge of the second extruded part; B) engaging the melted terminal edges; and C) maintaining pressure between the engaged terminal edges to create a fused joint having a strength that is at least 50% of the tensile strength of the extruded part as measured by ASTM D638-2a. The extruded parts can be pipe sections.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of making a light emitting device having a molded encapsulant

Номер: US20120070921A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Disclosed herein is a method of making a light emitting device having an LED die and a molded encapsulant made by polymerizing at least two polymerizable compositions. The method includes: (a) providing an LED package having an LED die disposed in a reflecting cup, the reflecting cup filled with a first polymerizable composition such that the LED die is encapsulated; (b) providing a mold having a cavity filled with a second polymerizable composition; (c) contacting the first and second polymerizable compositions; (d) polymerizing the first and second polymerizable compositions to form first and second polymerized compositions, respectively, wherein the first and second polymerized compositions are bonded together; and (e) optionally separating the mold from the second polymerized composition. Light emitting devices prepared according to the method are also described.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Multilumen catheter with pressure resistant lumen and method

Номер: US20120123259A1
Автор: M. Samy Ahmed Hamboly
Принадлежит: Hamboly M Samy Ahmed

The assembly comprises two or more catheter tubes fused together to form a fused catheter bundle. Each tube has at least one lumen extending longitudinally through the catheter from its distal end to its proximal end and at least one of said tubes comprises a pressure resistant lumen. The tubes are fused together by use of heat & pressure generated by heat shrinkable tube slides positioned over a segment of the catheter tubes while mandrels are positioned within each tube lumen. After cooling, the heat shrinkable tube may be removed and the mandrels removed such that and the fused catheter bundle is formed. One or more of the tubes may be of a different hardness, material and/or color. A distal end of the fused catheter bundle can be split free floating, stepped or tapered tipped. A non fused portion may form catheter extension legs.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Add-on part for connecting to a component by torsional ultrasonic welding

Номер: US20120155954A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for welding an add-on part to a component, in particular for a motor vehicle, using the in per se known torsional ultrasonic welding method having a sonotrode for transferring the vibrations generating the welding add-on part has a coupling flange for coupling the vibrations of the sonotrode and the add-on part has coupling elements for coupling the vibrations induced by the sonotrode in the welding region facing the weld interface area of the component, and the coupling elements thereby melt during the welding process and thus well the add-on part to the component.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Selective bond reduction in microfluidic devices

Номер: US20120184046A1
Автор: Micah Atkin
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention overcomes the limitations described for the bonding of structured layers by providing a method for selectively reducing the bonding of materials. In its most generic form, the invention uses a bonding technique in combination with a printing method for modifying or covering at least one portion of a surface to either fully or partially prevent localised bonding. The structuring process may act upon the layers either before or after the bonding of the layers. The invention overcomes the limitations described in the application of affinity chromatography by providing a planar substrate with discrete optical detection flow cells that contain porous material and have connecting microchannels for fluid delivery and/or removal, and a method for making the same.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Polyvinyl Chloride Formulations

Номер: US20120199236A1

An extrudable polyvinyl chloride composition comprising from 80 to 99.9 percent by weight polyvinyl chloride for use in extruding a first part and a second part, wherein a fusion joint between the first extruded part and the second extruded part is formed by: A) composition at least a portion of a first terminal edge of the first extruded part and a first terminal edge of the second extruded part; B) engaging the melted terminal edges; and C) maintaining pressure between the engaged terminal edges to create a fused joint having a strength that is at least 50% of the tensile strength of the extruded part as measured by ASTM D638-2a. The extruded parts can be pipe sections.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of Making Chamber with Tensile Member

Номер: US20120216943A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A fluid-filled may include including an outer barrier, a tensile member, and a fluid. The tensile member may be located within barrier and formed from a textile element that includes a pair of spaced layers joined by a plurality of connecting members. A method of manufacturing the chamber may include locating a textile tensile member between two polymer elements. Pressure and heat are applied to the tensile member and the polymer elements in a first area and in a second area. The pressure is greater in the first area than in the second area. In addition, the polymer elements are bonded together around a periphery of the tensile member.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing a connection between composite parts

Номер: US20130052407A1
Принадлежит: Stork Fokker AESP BV

A method for joining together constructional parts which are made of a composite material and extend transversely to one another, such as a flange and a web of a profile, includes the steps of: placing the constructional parts in the desired position with respect to one another so as to form a connecting region in which one of the constructional parts abuts against or in proximity to the other constructional part, causing a thermoplastic material to flow out into the connecting region, fusing together the constructional parts under the influence of heat and pressure.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Golf Ball Compression Molding

Номер: US20130072323A1
Автор: Che-Ching Lin
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of making a golf ball may include forming a spherical inner core layer, forming two hemispherical shells in a compression mold, and assembling the two hemispherical shells as an outer core layer around the inner core layer. In addition, the method may include curing the two hemispherical shells to form a unitary outer core layer by compression molding the shells around the inner core layer at a temperature that causes the inner core layer to melt.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Pick And Bond Method For Attachment Of Adhesive Element To Substrate

Номер: US20130112351A1
Принадлежит: A. RAYMOND ET CIE

A method for the attachment of a formed adhesive element () to a hot bonding part () in a practical and efficient way is disclosed. The formed adhesive element may be attached to the hot bonding part by the end-user prior to attachment of the hot bonding part to the substrate. In order to attach the formed adhesive element () to the bonding part according to the disclosed invention, the bonding part () is heated then is moved in position over the formed adhesive element positioned on a detent of a matrix plate (). Thereafter the hot bonding part is moved into contact with the formed adhesive element or the formed adhesive element is moved against the hot bonding part. The bonding part, now having the formed adhesive element attached, is ready for attachment to the substrate. One or more formed adhesive elements may be attached to the bonding part. Attachment of the formed adhesive elements to the bonding part may be done manually or mechanically. 1. A method for attaching a formed adhesive element to a bonding part comprising the steps of:forming a matrix plate having an upper surface and a plurality of formed adhesive element receiving detents formed on said upper surface of said matrix plate;positioning a formed adhesive element on each of said formed adhesive element receiving detents of said matrix plate;warming a bonding part;positioning said warmed bonding part over said formed adhesive element;manipulating one or the other of said formed adhesive element and said bonding part so that said formed adhesive element is attached to said bonding part by picking and moving the adhesive material onto the bonding part.2. The method for attaching a formed adhesive element to a bonding part of wherein said formed adhesive element includes an embedded spacer element.3. The method for attaching a formed adhesive element to a bonding part of wherein said formed adhesive element is composed of one or more materials selected from the group consisting of a polyurethane or an ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Filling method, manufacturing method of liquid sachet package, and liquid sachet package

Номер: US20130114917A1
Принадлежит: Du Pont Mitsui Polychemicals Co Ltd

The invention is a filling method in which liquid is filled and sealed into a liquid sachet package made of a multilayered laminate having at least three layers in which a base material which forms a surface layer, an intermediate layer, and a sealant layer which forms an internal layer are laminated in the above order, including a process of forming a liquid sachet package, a process of filling liquid, and a process of sealing in the opening of the liquid sachet package, in which the intermediate layer is formed using a composition including an ionomer of an ethylene and unsaturated carboxylic acid copolymer, and a filling temperature range obtained using a specific method becomes equal to or more than 30° C. at both a line speed of 20 m/minute and a line speed of 25 m/minute.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126075A1
Автор: Jiang Wei Yi

Embodiments herein provide a co-molded sole for footwear, such as athletic shoes. Embodiments also provide a mold for manufacturing the co-molded sole. In various embodiments, the co-molded sole may include an outsole and a midsole. The outsole may be composed of an outsole material, and the midsole may be composed of a midsole material. The outsole and midsole may be co-molded together to form a unitary piece by the mold. The mold may include a lower plate, a middle plate, and an upper plate. 1. A method for manufacturing a sole of footwear comprising:placing one or more outsole portions on a patterned portion of a lower plate of a mold, the mold further including a middle plate having an opening corresponding to the patterned portion and a top plate with a protruding portion that extends into the opening when the mold is closed;placing a midsole block in the opening of the middle plate on top of the one or more outsole portions;closing the mold; andapplying heat and/or pressure to the midsole block to shape the midsole block and to bond the midsole block to the one or more outsole portions.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to the placing the midsole block in the opening of the middle plate:applying heat and/or pressure to the one or more outsole portions to shape the one or more outsole portions.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a first set of curing conditions applied to the one or more outsole portions prior to placing the midsole block in the opening of the middle plate differs from a second set of curing conditions applied to the midsole block.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising removing excess outsole material after applying the heat and/or pressure to the one or more outsole portions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more outsole portions include a plurality of separate outsole portions claim 1 , and wherein placing the outsole portions on the patterned portion includes placing the outsole portions in ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Fabricating Thermoplastic Composite Parts

Номер: US20130126076A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A fabrication method of forming thermoplastic composite laminate parts with tailored and varying thickness in a continuous process. Automated equipment or hand lay-up are used to collate parts or components into a multi-layer stack. Each stack contains all plies, including ply build-up areas, tacked in the proper location to maintain orientation and location. Ply consolidation tooling contains all necessary part features and is coordinated to the customized multiple ply stacks to form a single integrated thermoplastic composite laminate potentially having areas of differing thickness from the multiple ply stacks. 1. A method for manufacturing a thermoplastic laminate part , comprising:placing a multiple ply stack of non-uniform thickness between a first tooling channel and a second tooling channel to form an assembly, wherein the multiple ply stack comprises a plurality of plies thermoplastic material;feeding the assembly through a performing structure to form a preformed part assembly;feeding the preformed part assembly through a consolidation structure; andcompressing and heating the preformed part assembly within the consolidation structure to form a consolidated part assembly, wherein compressing and heating the preformed part assembly consolidates the plies.229-. (canceled)30. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multiple ply stack further comprises a tacked first ply and a tacked second ply in the multiple ply stack to form a tacked stack in which the first ply and the second ply are held in fixed relationship to each other.31. The method of claim 1 , wherein feeding the multiple ply stack through a preforming structure comprises deforming the multiple ply stack.32. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic material includes a matrix resin component having a free flowing temperature claim 1 , and the method further comprises:heating the preformed part assembly to at least the free flowing temperature of the matrix resin component of the thermoplastic ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical device and technique for using the same

Номер: US20130126087A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An inflatable balloon cuff may be adapted to seal a patient's trachea when associated with an endotracheal tube. These cuffs may include indicia that facilitate attachment of the cuff relative to the tube to reduce manufacturing variability for such characteristics as rotational and length alignment. Such indicia may include protrusions that are formed in the wall of the cuff collars or may include visual indicators, e.g., colorimetric or shape-wise indicators. Cuffs with improved attachment relative to the tube may have increased sealing performance.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Introduction of nanoparticles

Номер: US20130174977A1
Автор: Wolfgang Danzer
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The invention relates to a method for joining objects made of metal, plastic, hybrid structures or ceramic by means of heat input such as soldering or welding, wherein materials such as particles, in particular nanoparticles, elements, atoms, molecules or ions are introduced into the joint. It is proposed according to the invention that a gas stream brings gaseous compounds to the joint which decompose at elevated temperature and deposit particles as heat is being applied to the joint.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186549A1
Принадлежит: STRATASYS, INC.

An additive manufacturing system comprising a transfer medium configured to receive the layers from a imaging engine, a heater configured to heat the layers on the transfer medium, and a layer transfusion assembly that includes a build platform, and is configured to transfuse the heated layers onto the build platform in a layer-by-layer manner to print a three-dimensional part. 1. An additive manufacturing system for printing a three-dimensional part , the additive manufacturing system comprising:an imaging engine configured to develop an imaged layer of a thermoplastic-based powder;a movable build platform;a transfer medium configured to receive the imaged layer from the imaging engine, and to convey the received imaged layer;a first heater configured to heat the imaged layer on the transfer medium;a transfusion element configured to transfer the heated imaged layer conveyed by the transfer medium onto the movable build platform by pressing the heated imaged layer between the transfer medium and the moveable build platform; anda cooling unit configured to actively cool the transferred layer.2. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the transfusion element is configured to press the heated imaged layer between the transfer medium and the moveable build platform a duration that is at least an average time for polymer molecules of the heated imaged layer to diffuse one molecular radius of gyration.3. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , and further comprising a second heater configured to pre-heat at least a portion of the thermoplastic part being printed on the moveable build platform.4. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , and further comprising a second heater configured to post-heat the transferred layer.5. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the transfusion element comprises a nip roller.6. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , wherein the transfer medium comprises a rotatable belt.7. The additive ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192743A1

The invention relates to a method for fixing a bearing ring () on or in a component () using an adhesive connection. In order to improve the fixing process between the bearing ring and the component, the invention provides the following steps: a) applying the adhesive () to a surface () of the bearing ring () that is provided for adhesive bonding to the component (); b) allowing the adhesive () to pre-cure on the surface (), so that the adhesive () no longer has an adhesive property; c) joining the bearing ring () and the component () in the desired relative position; d) activating the adhesive () so that it produces an adhesive bond between the bearing ring () and the component (). 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for fixing a bearing ring on or in a component , comprising:applying an adhesive to a surface of the bearing ring that is configured for adhesive bonding to the component, wherein at least one annular groove-shaped receiving space is defined in the surface of the bearing ring, the adhesive at least partially fills the at least one annular groove-shaped receiving space and the adhesive contains a chemical foaming agent and/or a physical foaming agent that is activatable to increase the volume of the adhesive,allowing the adhesive to pre-cure on the surface until the adhesive is no longer sticky,joining the bearing ring and the component in a desired relative position, wherein a radial distance between a base of the at least one annular groove-shaped receiving space and the component is larger than a radial distance between the surface and the component, andactivating the adhesive so that the adhesive increases in volume and produces an adhesive bond between the bearing ring and the component.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the adhesive has a pasty consistency.13. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the activation of the adhesive comprises applying heat energy to the adhesive.14. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the adhesive is ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193063A1
Автор: Craig Gilbert, Ng Ying Yuk

The present invention provides a novel nonwoven felt fabric, which is made of at least one low-melting-point short fiber and at least one high-melting-point short fiber of same type or different types, wherein the fabric is stiff enough to be self-sustaining and have the ability of shape maintenance. The felt fabric exhibits excellent pleatability, moldability and compressive strength. The invention also provides a method for producing the felt fabric, and a filter comprising the felt fabric used as the material of a filter medium of the filter, wherein the filter medium requires no support structure to stand alone and persistently retains its shape. 1. A nonwoven felt fabric which is made of at least one low-melting-point short fiber and at least one high-melting-point short fiber of same type or different types , wherein the fabric is stiff enough to be self-sustaining and have the ability of shape maintenance , and the fabric is also mouldable.2. The nonwoven felt fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven felt fabric consists of a single layer of fiber formed by evenly blending the low-melting-point short fiber and the high-melting-point short fiber.3. The nonwoven felt fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven felt fabric comprises alternately at least one layer of the low-melting-point short fiber and at least one layer of the high-melting-point short fiber.4. The nonwoven felt fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the low-melting-point short fiber is heated into a molten state so that the molten low-melting-point short fiber gets tangled up in the high-melting-point short fiber claim 1 , and then cooled down quickly and solidified.5. The nonwoven felt fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the low-melting-point short fiber has a melting point ranging from 115° C. to 130° C. claim 1 , and the high-melting-point short fiber has a melting point ranging from 180° C. to 230° C.6. The nonwoven felt fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199694A1
Принадлежит: Masonite Corporation

A method is provided for making an annealed door skin or composite door assembly. At least the door skin is formed of a composition comprising a thermoset binder and fiberglass. The door skin, alone or in combination with other parts of a door assembly, is subjected to annealing to make the annealed door skin. The process of annealing comprises the step of heating the door skin, alone or in combination with other parts of the door assembly, above the glass transition temperature yet below the thermal degradation temperature of the thermoset binder for a sufficient amount of time to cause release internal stresses in the door skin, then the step of cooling the door skin. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for making a composite door , comprising:annealing a first door skin comprising a thermoset binder and fiberglass in order to make an annealed first door skin;securing the annealed first door skin to a first side of a door frame; andsecuring a second door skin to a second side of the door frame, the second side being opposite to the first side; heating the first door skin above the glass transition temperature yet below the thermal degradation temperature of the thermoset binder for a sufficient amount of time to release internal stresses in the first door skin; and', 'cooling the first door skin., 'said annealing comprising'}1220-. (canceled)21. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein said heating is conducted at or above about 200° F.22. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein the sufficient amount of time is at least 24 hours.23. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein the sufficient amount of time is at least 48 hours.24. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein said cooling comprises cooling the first door skin at a rate of about 50° F. or less per hour.25. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein said cooling comprises cooling the first door skin at a rate of about 25° F. or less per hour.26. The method as defined in claim 11 , wherein said cooling ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199709A1

Provided is a composite material structure forming method capable of improving the shape and dimension accuracy inside a composite material structure. The method includes: winding a prepreg () around an inner jig (); stacking a ply () on the prepreg () wound around the inner jig (); and forming a composite material structure by providing composite outer plates (a, b) on an outer periphery of the inner jig () stacking the ply () and mounting divided outer jigs () thereon. 1. A composite material structure forming method comprising:winding a prepreg around an inner jig;stacking a ply on the prepreg wound around the inner jig; andforming by providing an outer plate made of composite material on an outer periphery of the inner jig stacking the ply and mounting a divided outer jig thereon.2. A composite material structure forming method comprising:winding a prepreg around an inner jig;providing an outer plate made of composite material on an outer periphery of the prepreg wound around the inner jig and stacking a ply on the outer plate; andforming by mounting a divided outer jig on an outer periphery of the inner jig stacking the ply on the outer plate.3. The composite material structure forming method according to claim 1 , wherein the outer plate is an uncured composite.4. The composite material structure forming method according to claim 2 , wherein the outer plate is an uncured composite. The present invention relates to a composite material structure forming method.A structure made of a composite material such as a fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) is widely used as a high-strength lightweight structure, for example, in an aircraft and a windmill. Such a composite material structure is generally formed by heating and pressurizing a prepreg in an autoclave.When a composite material structure is formed by heating and pressurizing a prepreg in an autoclave, a jig is provided on one surface of the composite material structure to be formed, and thus a variation occurs in ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Process of Preparing Composite Structures

Номер: US20130213563A1
Принадлежит: Hercules Incorporated

The present invention relates to a process of making composite structures comprising applying an adhesive composition comprising a protein component, an azetidinium functionalized polymer component and a viscosity modifying component to one or more substrates. 1. A process of preparing a composite structure comprising:applying to one or more substrates an adhesive composition comprising a) a protein component, b) an azetidinium functionalized polymer selected from the group consisting of amine-epichlorohydrin polymer and polyamidoamine-epichlorohydrin polymer, and c) one or more viscosity-modifying components; andheating and pressing two or more of the substrates together to form the composite structure;wherein the composition has a pH of from about 4.5 to less than 7.5; a Brookfield viscosity of between about 1,000 cps and about 200,000 cps; and a solids content of from about 5% to about 75%.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of a lignocellulosic material claim 1 , an inorganic material claim 1 , glass wool claim 1 , glass fiber or a combination of lignocellulosic material and inorganic material; and3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the lignocellulosic material is selected from the group consisting of wood fibers claim 2 , wood flakes claim 2 , wood strands claim 2 , wood chips claim 2 , wood particles claim 2 , pulp wood claim 2 , wood wastes claim 2 , wood bark claim 2 , saw dust claim 2 , paper claim 2 , chips claim 2 , cellulose-containing fibers of annual plants claim 2 , granulated biomasses claim 2 , recycled synthetic rubber claim 2 , recycled natural rubber claim 2 , recycled wood fiber claim 2 , waste fibers claim 2 , the grinding dust of the boards produced claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the composite structure is a particleboard (PB) claim 1 , oriented strand board (OSB) claim 1 , chip board claim 1 , flake board claim 1 , high density fiberboard or medium density fiberboard.5. The process of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220539A1

A film-forming apparatus () and method capable of film lamination with superior evenness and good followability regardless of the size, shape and number of articles being laminated. The film-forming apparatus () provided has a first chamber () that is provided with a heating means () and that is capable of maintaining a vacuum or a pressurized state, a second chamber () that is disposed so as to be able to be joined to, and separated from, the first chamber (), that is provided with a movable supporting table () on which an article () is supported and that is capable of maintaining a vacuum or a pressurized state, a frame-like film holding member () that is disposed between the first chamber () and the second chamber () and that holds a film (), and an auxiliary film pressing tool () having a film pressing part () that inhibits lifting of the film () when the film is laminated on a surface of the article (). 1. A film-forming apparatus that laminates a film on a surface of an article , said apparatus comprising:a first chamber having a heating means and being capable of maintaining a vacuum or a pressurized state;a second chamber that is disposed so as to be able to be joined to, and separated from, the first chamber, that is provided with a movable supporting table on which an article is supported, and that is capable of maintaining a vacuum or a pressurized state;a frame-like film holding member that is disposed between the first chamber and the second chamber and that holds a film; andan auxiliary film pressing tool having a film pressing part that inhibits lifting of the film when the film is laminated on the surface of the article, wherein the film pressing part is disposed in a position corresponding to a gap zone between articles in cases where a plurality of articles is supported on the supporting table in the second chamber, and the auxiliary film pressing tool is disposed in a removable manner.2. The film-forming apparatus described in claim 1 , wherein ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Battery pack case assembly for electric and hybrid vehicles using a plastic composite and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130252059A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, LG HAUSYS LTD

Disclosed is a battery pack case assembly for an electric or hybrid vehicle and a method for manufacturing the same. The battery pack case assembly includes a case body and a cover. The case body receives a battery pack, and the cover is coupled to the case body. The case body is formed of a plastic composite in which a long fiber or a blend of a long fiber and a continuous fiber is used as a reinforcing fiber in a plastic matrix. A separate reinforced member is bonded to both side bracket parts for coupling to a vehicle body, and is formed of a plastic composite in which a long fiber, a continuous, or a blend of a long fiber and a continuous fiber is used as the reinforcing fiber in the plastic matrix.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Steroid eluting collar undermold

Номер: US20130261714A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

Methods of manufacturing implantable medical devices with one or more undermolded features are disclosed. An example method includes injection molding an annular-shaped member onto an inner surface of a sacrificial mold insert, and then undermolding an elongate medical device body directly to the member. The member is directly coupled to the device body without the use of adhesives or bonding agents, thus eliminating the presence of gaps or surface irregularities that can affect device performance.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312899A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

A butting step S of butting end surfaces of multi-core fibers against each other by aligning central axes CA of clads of the multi-core fibers to cause each core of one multi-core fiber and each core of the other multi-core fiber to face each other, and a fusing step S of fusing the multi-core fibers to each other by carrying out discharge by a pair of discharge electrodes and that sandwich a butted position of the multi-core fibers and face each other are provided. The fusing step S causes tips and of the discharge electrodes to perform reciprocating motion such that a straight line SL that connects the tips and of the discharge electrodes moves while describing a surface perpendicular to the central axes CA. 1. A method of connecting a pair of multi-core fibers , the method comprising:a butting step of butting end surfaces of the multi-core fibers against each other by aligning central axes of clads of the multi-core fibers with each other to cause each core of one of the multi-core fibers and each core of the other of the multi-core fibers to face each other; anda fusing step of fusing the multi-core fibers to each other by carrying out discharge by a pair of discharge electrodes sandwiching a butted position of the multi-core fibers and facing each other,wherein, in the fusing step, tips of the discharge electrodes are moved to cause a straight line connecting the tips of the discharge electrodes to move while describing a surface perpendicular to the central axes.2. The method of connecting multi-core fibers according to claim 1 , wherein the tips of the discharge electrodes perform reciprocating motion.3. The method of connecting multi-core fibers according to claim 1 , wherein the surface described by the movement of the straight line covers the end surfaces when the end surfaces of the multi-core fibers are planarly viewed.4. The method of connecting multi-core fibers according to any one of to claim 1 , wherein strength of the discharge varies in accordance ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316143A1

Thermally laminated foam boards, methods for making thermally laminated foam boards, apparatus for making thermally laminated foam boards, smaller foam pieces made from thermally laminated foam boards, methods for making smaller foam pieces from thermally laminated foam boards, parts made from thermally laminated foam boards, methods for making parts from thermally laminated foam boards, and tools for making parts from thermally laminated foam boards are disclosed. The thermally laminated foam boards are made by thermally bonding at least two polystyrene boards together. 1. A method of making a foam product comprising:thermally bonding at least two polystyrene boards together two make a thick laminated board;machining the thick laminated board to remove a portion of the polystyrene and thereby form the foam product;recycling the removed portion.2. The method of wherein the removed portion is recycled to make polystyrene boards.3. The method of wherein the thick laminated board consists of material of the at least two polystyrene boards.4. The method of wherein the removed portion consists of material of the at least two polystyrene boards.5. The method of wherein prior to said thermal bonding of the at least two polystyrene boards together a flatness variation of face surfaces that are bonded together is greater than 0.020 inches.6. The method of wherein the flatness variation is measured across the face surfaces of a two foot by two foot sample of polystyrene boards.7. (canceled)8. The method of further comprising flattening the face surfaces that are to be bonded together to a flatness variation of less than 0.020 inches.9. The method of further comprising flattening face surfaces that are to be bonded together by a factor of at least two.10. The method of wherein said flattening comprises heating and applying pressure to the face surfaces with rollers.11. The method of further comprising heating the face surfaces with heating elements that are positioned between ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Coupling device for tube with annular corruguations

Номер: US20130320671A1
Принадлежит: Crushproof Tubing Co

The disclosure includes the combination of a flexible rubber tube with annular corrugations and a coupling device for connecting the tube to a fitting. The device includes a latch secured to an end of the tube and a catch associated with the fitting. When the latch is engaged with the catch, the device forces the specially shaped flat annular side wall of the forward most corrugation into surface-to-surface contact with an annular end face of the fitting.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor memory device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US20130328182A1
Автор: Jae-hwan Han

Provided is a semiconductor device and method of fabricating the semiconductor memory device. The semiconductor device may be formed by forming a first welding groove along outside edges of one case of a pair of upper and lower cases, forming a first welding protrusion along outside edges of the other case, the first welding protrusion being formed to correspond to the first welding groove and having a volume larger than a volume of the first welding groove. The method may further include inserting the first welding protrusion into the first welding groove to enclose a memory module in an inner accommodating space of the upper and lower cases, melting the first welding protrusion so that a first portion of the first welding protrusion fills the first welding groove and a second portion of the first welding protrusion fills a space between welding portions of the upper case and the lower case, and solidifying the first and second portions of the first welding protrusion.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330553A1

Methods for forming fiber reinforced polymer rod assemblies and fiber reinforced polymer rod assemblies are disclosed. In one embodiment, the method includes heating a portion of a first fiber reinforced polymer rod and heating a portion of a second fiber reinforced polymer rod. The method further includes intertwining the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod to form a rod connecting section. The method further includes aligning the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod along a linear axis. The method further includes cooling the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod. 1. A method for forming a fiber reinforced polymer rod assembly , the method comprising:heating a portion of a first fiber reinforced polymer rod;heating a portion of a second fiber reinforced polymer rod;intertwining the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod to form a rod connecting section;aligning the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod along a linear axis; andcooling the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a tensile force to the first fiber reinforced rod and the second fiber reinforced rod generally along the linear axis.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising intertwining a third rod with the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the second fiber reinforced polymer rod to form the rod connecting section.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the third rod is a third fiber reinforced polymer rod.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the third rod is a fiber string.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein intertwining of the third rod occurs during intertwining of the portions of the first fiber reinforced polymer rod and the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Balloon dilation catheter shaft having end transition

Номер: US20130333836A1
Принадлежит: Bard Peripheral Vascular Inc

A catheter includes a balloon and a shaft having a coaxial portion including an outer tubular member having a bore, a transition neck, an access fitting adjacent the proximate end of the catheter shaft for directing a guidewire into the catheter shaft, an inflation port, a guidewire tubular member disposed coaxially in the outer tubular member, the outer tubular member and guidewire tubular member defining a first, annular inflation/deflation lumen fluid communication with the inflation port, at least one second inflation/deflation lumen separate from and non-coaxial with the guidewire tubular member and having a cross-sectional area less than the cross-sectional area of the first inflation/deflation lumen and opening at a proximate end into the first inflation/deflation lumen and at the distal end of the transition neck.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340917A1
Автор: Carbonell Puig Jordi

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for forming overlaps by welding a main sheet and an additional sheet . The welding takes place by heating the contact area, which is made of a thermoplastic material, to a melting temperature, and it is based on performing differentiated heating on each of the outer surfaces of the sheets 2736. Method for forming an overlap by welding sheets according to claim 1 , characterized in that the additional sheet outer surface () is heated to a temperature that is higher than the main sheet critical temperature and suitable for melting the contact area ( claim 1 ,) in a heating time.327. Method for forming an overlap by welding sheets according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the additional sheet outer surface () is heated to a temperature comprised within the temperature range that is higher than or equal to the minimum melting temperature of material of the contact area and less than the maximum melting temperature of material of the contact area.4336. Method for forming an overlap by welding sheets according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the thermoplastic material of the contact area ( claims 1 ,) is selected from the group consisting of: PVC claims 1 , PU claims 1 , PTFE claims 1 , PE claims 1 , PP claims 1 , PS claims 1 , PMMA claims 1 , PET and PA.5425898. Method for forming an overlap by welding sheets according to one of - claims 1 , characterized in that the main sheet () and the additional sheet () are integrated in a single sheet () and are formed from a hem () that is made in said single sheet ().65. Overlap by welding sheets claims 1 , characterized in that it is obtained by a method as defined in one of -.75. Apparatus for forming an overlap by welding sheets according to a method as it is defined in one of - claims 1 , characterized in that it comprises:{'b': 12', '4, 'main sheet heat transfer means () for heating the main sheet outer surface ();'}{'b': 13', '12', '7, ' ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Sealed fluidic component comprising a composite material of different paek materials

Номер: US20130341260A1
Автор: Bernhard Dehmer

A sealed fluidic component ( 280 ) for use in a fluidic flow path is made by providing a composite material ( 300 ) comprising a first material ( 305 ) and a second material ( 310 ), wherein the first material ( 305 ) and the second material ( 310 ) are different PAEK materials with the first material ( 305 ) having a lower melting point than the second material ( 310 ). The composite material ( 300 ) is heated in order to provide a sealing by the first material ( 305 ).

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015173A1

Conventional ion rechargeable batteries having an electrode layer on an electrolyte layer suffer from an impurity layer formed at the interface, degrading performance. Conventional batteries with no such impurity layer have a problem of weak interface bonding. In the present invention, in a baking process step after an electrode layer is laminated on an electrolyte layer, materials for an electrode layer and an electrolyte layer are selected such that an intermediate layer formed of a reaction product contributing to charging and discharging reactions is formed at the interface of the electrode layer and the electrolyte layer. In addition, a paste that an active material is mixed with a conductive material at a predetermined mixing ratio is used to form a positive electrode layer and a negative electrode layer. Reductions in electrode resistance and interface resistance and improvement of charging and discharging cycle characteristics are made possible. 126-. (canceled)27. A method of manufacture of a lithium ion rechargeable battery characterized by comprising the steps of:alternately laminating a positive electrode layer green sheet and a negative electrode layer green sheet through at least an electrolyte layer green sheet to form a multilayered product; andcollectively baking the multilayered product to form a sintered multilayered product,wherein a starting material for the electrolyte layer contains at least a complex oxide of lithium and a IV group element.28. A method of manufacture of a lithium ion rechargeable battery characterized by comprising the steps of:dispersing at least a solid electrolyte material in a binder and a solvent to form a solid electrolyte layer paste;coating and drying the solid electrolyte layer paste to form a solid electrolyte layer green sheet;mixing an active material with a conductive material, and dispersing the materials in a binder and a solvent to form a positive electrode layer paste and/or a negative electrode layer paste; ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Adhesive sheet material application device and method

Номер: US20140027037A1
Принадлежит: Geek Wraps Inc

According to one aspect of the present invention, an adhesive sheet material application device is disclosed, which includes a roller support bar, a handle, and a roller, where the handle and the roller are connected to the roller support bar, a portion of the handle is parallel to the roller, and the roller is rotatable. In another aspect of the present invention, a second handle is connected to the roller support bar and the second handle has a strap. According to another aspect of the present invention, a method of using the adhesive sheet material application device is disclosed, which includes securing a portion of adhesive sheet material to a surface, applying the adhesive sheet material to the surface with the adhesive sheet material application device, and regressing and eradicating bubbles between the adhesive sheet material and surface.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Highly integrated inner structure of a torsion box of an aircraft lifting surface

Номер: US20140048652A1

The invention provides a method for manufacturing a monolithic torsion box inner structure ( 40 ) of an aircraft lifting surface comprising the following steps: a) providing a set of laminated preforms of a composite material for forming said torsion box inner structure ( 40 ), each laminated preform being configured for constituting a part of one component of the torsion box inner structure ( 40 ); b) arranging said laminated preforms in a curing tooling and subjecting the assembly to an autoclave cycle to co-cure said laminated preforms; c) demoulding the curing tooling in a vertical direction. The invention also provides an aircraft lifting surface wherein: the inner structure ( 40 ) of each torsion box ( 13 ) is manufactured by said method and the upper and lower skins ( 31, 33 ) are attached to the torsion box inner structure ( 40 ) with mechanical attachment means.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Composite tubeshaft to metallic interface

Номер: US20140051524A1
Принадлежит: GKN Driveline North America Inc

A composite tubeshaft comprising a composite substrate defined by a first surface and a second surface; and a metallic substrate having at least two teeth. The teeth of the metallic substrate engage the composite substrate such that at least one tooth is positioned over the first surface and at least one tooth is positioned over the second surface.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of golf ball compression molding

Номер: US20140054819A1
Автор: Che-Ching Lin
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of making a golf ball may include forming a spherical inner core layer, forming two hemispherical shells in a compression mold, and assembling the two hemispherical shells as an outer core layer around the inner core layer. In addition, the method may include curing the two hemispherical shells to form a unitary outer core layer by compression molding the shells around the inner core layer at a temperature that causes the inner core layer to melt.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Gluing unit for applying adhesive to a succession of opening devices for gluing to sealed packages of food products pourable into a tube of pacakging material

Номер: US20140069329A1
Принадлежит: Tetra Laval Holdings and Finance SA

A gluing unit for applying adhesive to a succession of opening devices to be fitted to respective sealed packages of food products pourable into a tube of packaging material, the unit having a conveyor for feeding the opening devices along a path, and an adhesive dispenser located along the path, interacting with each opening device to apply adhesive to a portion of the opening device, and movable in a plane parallel to the path as well as crosswise to the plane.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083595A1
Автор: Leblanc Jeffrey J.

According to one aspect, embodiments of the invention provide a method for manufacturing an inflatable device, the method comprising positioning a layer of mesh fabric material onto a surface of a first layer of thermoplastic material, the mesh fabric material comprising a plurality of openings, positioning a second layer of thermoplastic material over the layer of mesh fabric material to sandwich the portion of mesh fabric material between the first and second layers of thermoplastic material, and adhering the first layer of thermoplastic material to the second layer of thermoplastic material through the plurality of openings in the mesh fabric material. 1. A method for manufacturing an inflatable device , comprising:positioning a layer of mesh fabric material onto a surface of a first layer of thermoplastic material, the mesh fabric material comprising a plurality of openings;positioning a second layer of thermoplastic material over the layer of mesh fabric material to sandwich the mesh fabric material between the first and second layers of thermoplastic material; andadhering the first layer of thermoplastic material to the second layer of thermoplastic material through the plurality of openings in the mesh fabric material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adhering comprises heat welding.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein adhering comprises high frequency welding.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhering creates a first seam at a first location of an inflatable device.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising adhering a third layer of thermoplastic material directly to the first layer of thermoplastic material to form a second seam adjacent to the first seam at the first location.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising forming a third seam at a second location of the inflatable device by adhering the first layer of thermoplastic material to the third layer of thermoplastic material.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the second location is disposed ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Shaft and handle for a catheter with independently-deflectable segments

Номер: US20140088496A1
Автор: Tegg Troy T.

An elongate medical device with independently-deflectable segments and a handle for manually deflecting those segments can include a shaft having a distal segment and proximal segment, at least one proximal segment deflection wire adapted to deflect the proximal segment, at least one distal segment deflection wire adapted to deflect the distal segment independent of the proximal segment, and a handle portion. The handle portion may comprise a first manual actuation mechanism coupled to the at least one distal segment deflection wire and a second manual actuation mechanism coupled to the at least one proximal segment deflection wire. Actuation of the first manual actuation mechanism may impart a tensile force on the distal segment deflection wire to cause the distal segment to deflect, and actuation of the second manual actuation mechanism may impart a tensile force on the proximal segment to cause the proximal segment to deflect. 18-. (canceled)9. A catheter shaft , comprising:a proximal segment having a proximal segment wall and defining a proximal segment lumen;a distal segment;at least one deflection wire lumen extending through said proximal segment wall;at least one proximal segment deflection wire, each of said at least one proximal segment deflection wire extending through a respective one of said at least one deflection wire lumen, said at least one proximal segment deflection wire configured to deflect said proximal segment; andat least one distal segment deflection wire extending through said proximal segment lumen, said at least one distal segment deflection wire configured to deflect said distal segment.10. The catheter shaft of claim 9 , wherein said at least one deflection wire lumen comprises at least one proximal segment deflection wire lumen claim 9 , further wherein said distal segment comprises a distal segment wall claim 9 , further comprising:at least one distal segment deflection wire lumen extending through said distal segment wall;wherein ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097185A1
Автор: SATO Toshiya

In manufacturing an easy-open container (), a flange () of a container body () and a lid () are heat-sealed, where a circular sealing board () having a curved surface on an inner circumferential edge and an inclined surface on an outer circumferential edge side is pressed onto an upper side of the flange () to form a swelling gathered resin part () formed of respective resin components of a surface layer () of the container body (), a subsurface layer () adjacent to the surface layer () and a seal layer () of the lid (), while heat-sealing the surface layer () of the container body () and the seal layer () of the lid (). With the arrangement, the easy-open container () having both a high sealing performance and an easy-open performance can be provided with low cost. 1. An easy-open container , comprising:a container body having an opening and a flange extending from a circumference of the opening; anda lid for covering the opening, a surface layer of the container body exposed on the flange and a seal layer of the lid being circularly heat-sealed to form the easy-open container, whereinthe lid can be opened by a cohesive failure occurring in the surface layer of the container body and/or the seal layer of the lid, anda swelling gathered resin part formed of respective resin components of the surface layer of the container body, a layer adjacent to the surface layer and the seal layer of the lid is formed in a vicinity of an inner circumferential end of a seal part located on the flange.2. A manufacturing device of an easy-open container that includes: a circular sealing board for heat-sealing a surface layer of the container body exposed on the flange and a seal layer of the lid, wherein', 'the circular sealing board is pressed onto the upper side of the flange, the sealing board having a shape in which an inner circumferential edge is rounded to form a curved surface with a curved cross section, while an outer circumferential edge of the circular sealing board is, ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Two-Component, Water-Based Lamination Adhesive and Use of the Same to Bond Substrates and Foams

Номер: US20220002600A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

A water comprising, two component polyurethane dispersion adhesive comprising an anionic polyester polyurethane resin and a solvent-free liquid aliphatic polyisocyanate cross-linker. The dispersion can be reactivated one or more times for edge bonding a flexible sheet material onto a substrate having a main surface, a peripheral surface and an edge connecting the main surface and the peripheral surface.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000987A1

A catheter includes a balloon and a shaft having a coaxial portion including an outer tubular member having a bore, a transition neck, an access fitting adjacent the proximate end of the catheter shaft for directing a guidewire into the catheter shaft, an inflation port, a guidewire tubular member disposed coaxially in the outer tubular member, the outer tubular member and guidewire tubular member defining a first, annular inflation/deflation lumen fluid communication with the inflation port, at least one second inflation/deflation lumen separate from and non-coaxial with the guidewire tubular member and having a cross-sectional area less than the cross-sectional area of the first inflation/deflation lumen and opening at a proximate end into the first inflation/deflation lumen and at the distal end of the transition neck. 1. A method of making a catheter comprising:positioning an inner tubular member in the bore of an outer tubular member, the inner tubular member extending beyond the distal end of the outer tubular member wherein the outer tubular member and inner tubular member are formed from weldable thermoplastic materials and wherein the inner tubular member has a bore defining a guidewire lumen and wherein an annular space between the outside surface of the inner tubular member and the inside surface of the outer tubular member define a first inflation/deflation lumen;inserting a first mandrel into the bore of the inner tubular member adjacent the distal end of the outer tubular member;inserting at least one second mandrel into the annular space between the inner tubular member and the outer tubular member adjacent the distal end of the outer tubular member;heating the outer tubular member and inner tubular member to weld the outer tubular member to the inner tubular member at the distal end of the outer tubular member to form a transition neck, wherein the thermoplastic materials of the outer tubular member and inner tubular member are bonded around the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001813A1

A plug for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor, the plug having at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable, the plug having a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene, the plug further including at least one outer seal which is situated on the plug radially on the outside, the outer seal including at least one perfluoroalkoxy polymer or tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene or polychlorotrifluoroethylene or polyvinylidene fluoride. 114-. (canceled)15. A plug for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor , comprising:at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable;a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene;at least one outer seal situated on the plug radially on the outside, wherein the outer seal includes at least one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, and polyvinylidene fluoride.16. The plug of claim 15 , wherein the main body is integrally joined with the outer seal.17. The plug of claim 15 , wherein the outer seal is situated on the main body in the form of a layer having a layer thickness of 10 μm to 1 mm.18. An exhaust gas sensor claim 15 , comprising: at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable;', 'a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene;', 'at least one outer seal situated on the plug radially on the outside, wherein the outer seal includes at least one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, and polyvinylidene fluoride;, 'a plug for sealing a housing of the exhaust gas sensor, includinga housing; andat least one connecting cable, which is led through the through-channel of the plug, wherein the housing of the exhaust gas sensor is sealed by the plug.19. The exhaust gas sensor of claim 18 , wherein the housing of the exhaust gas sensor is indirectly integrally joined with the plug via the outer seal.20. The exhaust gas ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001563A1

A connection including a first profile having a first end and a first lumen, the first profile including a first polymeric material and a second profile having a second end and a second lumen, the second profile including a second polymeric material, a metal, or combination thereof, wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently welded via an ionized gas treatment. 1. A connection comprising a first profile having a first end and a first lumen , the first profile comprising a first polymeric material and a second profile having a second end and a second lumen , the second profile comprising a second polymeric material , a metal , or combination thereof , wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently welded at an interface via an ionized gas treatment.2. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first polymer material and the second polymeric material are the same polymeric material.3. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material and the second polymeric material are different polymeric materials.4. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic elastomer claim 1 , a thermoset elastomer claim 1 , or combination thereof.5. The connection in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the thermoset elastomer comprises a silicone elastomer claim 4 , a diene elastomer claim 4 , a butyl rubber claim 4 , a natural rubber claim 4 , a polyurethane rubber claim 4 , an ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber claim 4 , an isoprene rubber claim 4 , a nitrile rubber claim 4 , a styrene butadiene rubber claim 4 , a blend claim 4 , or combination thereof.6. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the second polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic elastomer claim 1 , a thermoset elastomer claim 1 , or combination thereof.7. The connection in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the thermoset elastomer comprises a silicone elastomer claim 6 , a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001566A1

A connection includes: a first profile having a first end, the first profile including a first polymeric material comprising a thermoset material; and a second profile having a second end, the second profile including a second polymeric material, a metal, or combination thereof, wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently bonded without a bonding material at an interface of the first end and the second end. 1. A connection comprising:a first profile having a first end, the first profile comprising a first polymeric material comprising a thermoset material; anda second profile having a second end, the second profile comprising a second polymeric material, a metal, or combination thereof, wherein the first end and the second end are coincidently bonded without a bonding material at an interface of the first end and the second end.2. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the interface has a mechanical strength of at least 2% claim 1 , at least 10% claim 1 , or even at least 35% of a bulk material of the first profile and the second profile.3. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic material claim 1 , a thermoset material claim 1 , or combination thereof.4. The connection in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the thermoset material of the first polymeric material comprises a silicone elastomer claim 3 , a diene elastomer claim 3 , a butyl rubber claim 3 , a natural rubber claim 3 , a polyurethane rubber claim 3 , an ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber claim 3 , an isoprene rubber claim 3 , a nitrile rubber claim 3 , a styrene butadiene rubber claim 3 , a blend claim 3 , or combination thereof.5. The connection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the second polymeric material comprises a thermoplastic material claim 1 , a thermoset material claim 1 , or combination thereof.6. The connection in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the thermoset material comprises a silicone ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001347A1

A bond fixture includes a frame that defines a chamber for receiving a component. At least one bladder assembly is mounted to the frame and extends into the chamber to apply a pressure to an adjacent surface of the component. A caul assembly is positionable about the component and receivable within the chamber. The caul assembly heats a localized portion of the component. 1. A method of bonding a sheath splice fairing to a rotor blade comprising:installing the sheath splice fairing about the rotor blade;mounting a bond fixture to the rotor blade about the sheath splice fairing; andapplying localized and constant heat and pressure to the sheath splice fairing via the bond fixture.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising installing a caul assembly about the sheath splice fairing claim 1 , the caul assembly being received within the bond fixture.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein mounting the bond fixture to the rotor blade includes tightening at least one strap about the rotor blade.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein mounting the bond fixture to the rotor blade includes coupling the bond fixture to a trailing edge guard mounted to the rotor blade claim 1 , opposite the bond fixture.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising connecting a power source to the bond fixture to apply heat to the sheath splice fairing.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising connecting an air supply to the bond fixture to apply pressure to the sheath splice fairing.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bond fixture further comprises at least one bladder assembly operable to apply localized and constant pressure to the sheath spice fairing.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the at least one bladder assembly includes a first bladder assembly configured to apply a pressure to a first surface of the component claim 7 , and a second bladder assembly configured to apply a pressure to a second surface of the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001368A1

A joint design to provide an adhesive injection path to connect tubes for a space frame, where a space frame may be a vehicle chassis, is provided. The joint may connect carbon fiber tubes and may be designed with different shapes and configurations. The joint may include acceptor ports that may mate with a tube and simultaneously contact an inner surface and outer surface of the tube for a strong connection. The joint may also include centering features which may create a space between a surface of the tube and a surface of the joint through which adhesive may flow. Adhesive can be injected into a connection space between the joint and the tube through one or more integrated structural features in the joint that can provide a channel for directing adhesive to the connection space. 1. A joint member for forming a connection between two or more tubes , the joint member comprising:two or more acceptor ports, wherein each acceptor port is formed with an inner protrusion that (1) is configured to be fitted inside a corresponding tube of the two or more tubes when the joint is connected to the corresponding tube and (2) includes one or more fluid delivery paths built into a side wall of the inner protrusion; andone or more fluid delivery ports that are in fluid communication with a space between an inner surface of the corresponding tube and an outer surface of the inner protrusion when the joint is connected to the corresponding tube, said fluid communication provided through the one or more fluid delivery paths built into the side wall of the inner protrusion.2. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is an adhesive injection port.3. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is a vacuum port.4. The joint member of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more fluid delivery ports is in fluid communication with a container that holds a volume of adhesive.5. The joint ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001421A1
Автор: DAI Huibin

A chopped strand polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floor sequentially comprises an abrasion-resisting layer, a color film layer, a middle layer, and a base layer. The percentage of PVC in the middle layer is 15%-20% per weight of the middle layer, the percentage of plasticizer in the middle layer is 4%-8% per weight of the middle layer, the percentage of stabilizer in the middle layer is 1%-5% per weight of the middle layer, the percentage of calcium carbonate in the middle layer is 65%-75%, and the percentage of auxiliary materials in the middle layer is 0.5%-3%, and the percentage of chopped strands in the middle layer is 2%-10%. 1. A chopped strand polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floor sequentially comprises an abrasion-resisting layer , a color film layer , a middle layer , and a base layer , wherein the percentage of PVC in the middle layer is 15%-20% per weight of the middle layer , the percentage of plasticizer in the middle layer is 4%-8% per weight of the middle layer , the percentage of stabilizer in the middle layer is 1%-5% per weight of the middle layer , the percentage of calcium carbonate in the middle layer is 65%-75% , and the percentage of auxiliary materials in the middle layer is 0.5%-3% , and the percentage of chopped strands in the middle layer is 2%-10%.2. The chopped strand polyvinyl chloride floor according to claim 1 , wherein the middle layer comprises claim 1 , per weight claim 1 , PVC 15% claim 1 , plasticizer 6% claim 1 , stabilizer 2% claim 1 , calcium carbonate 71% claim 1 , auxiliary materials 1% claim 1 , and chopped strands 5%.3. The chopped strand polyvinyl chloride floor according to claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary materials include chlorinated polyethylene.4. The chopped strand polyvinyl chloride floor according to claim 1 , wherein the middle layer includes a first middle layer and a second middle layer claim 1 , and the first middle layer and the second middle layer are tightly laminated.5. The chopped strand polyvinyl chloride floor ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001574A1

There is described a forming assembly () for forming a plurality of sealed packs () starting from a tube () of packaging material, comprising first conveying means () movable along a first path (Q) comprising: a first operative branch (Q), which has a main elongation direction parallel to an advancing direction (A) of the tube (); and a first return branch (Q) comprising an initial portion () which is arranged immediately downstream of the operative branch (Q) and extends transversally to the advancing direction (A); first conveying means (′) comprise one of a sealing element () or a counter-sealing element (); and a first half-shell (), which is movable along the operative branch (Q) between: a first rest position, in which it is detached from the tube () or the formed pack (); and a first operative position, in which it grips the tube () or the formed pack (); the first half-shell () is arranged in the first operative position along a first portion () of the first operative branch (Q); the first half-shell () is kept in the first operative position along an initial portion (), so as to grip and convey the pack () in a staggered position with respect to the advancing direction (A); and moves, from the first operative position to the rest position at an end () of the initial portion () opposite to the first portion (), so as to discharge the pack () in a staggered position with respect to the advancing direction (A). 1. A forming assembly for forming a plurality of sealed packs starting from a tube of packaging material , comprising:a first conveyor movable along first path;wherein said first path is configured to proceed according to an advancing direction of the first conveyor:a first operative branch, which has a main elongation direction parallel to an advancing direction of said tube; anda first return branch comprising, in turn, an initial portion which is arranged immediately downstream of said operative branch and extends transversally to said advancing ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Bag for Loose Material

Номер: US20210002032A1
Автор: Fürst Herbert

A bag for loose material, wherein the bag is formed from a tubular material, which tubular material is a tubular planar assembly or a flat material connected to form a tube, and has a first and a second open end. Sections of the tubular material of one of the ends are shaped by folding to form a bag bottom. The bag bottom exhibits a first cover sheet and a second cover sheet. The first cover sheet is connected to the bag bottom and extends in a first region of the bag bottom. The second cover sheet is connected to the bag bottom and extends in a second region of the bag bottom. Via the cover sheets, the folded sections of the tubular material are held together in such a way that the bag bottom is sealed. 1. A bag for loose material , wherein the bag is formed from a tubular material , which tubular material is a tubular planar assembly or a flat material connected to form a tube , is formed by a fabric , a nonwoven , a film or paper and has a first open end and a second open end opposite each other , wherein sections of the tubular material of at least one of the open ends are shaped by folding to form a bag bottom , wherein the bag bottom exhibits a first cover sheet , which is designed for reinforcing the bag bottom , wherein the bag bottom has a second cover sheet , wherein the first cover sheet is connected to the bag bottom and extends in a first region of the bag bottom and wherein the second cover sheet is detachably connected to the bag bottom and extends in a second region of the bag bottom , whereby , via the first cover sheet and the second cover sheet , the folded sections of the tubular material are held together in such a way that the bag bottom is sealed.2. A bag according to claim 1 , wherein the sections of the tubular material that are folded to form the bag bottom have at least two lugs which overlap one another at least in sections claim 1 , abut each other and are held in position by the first and the second cover sheets claim 1 , wherein claim ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002062A1

A valve arrangement for dispensing a fluid is proposed. The valve arrangement comprises a valve plate for fixing the valve arrangement to a container, a valve housing and a fixing part for fixing the valve housing to the valve plate. The fixing part is welded with the valve plate. Furthermore, a dispensing apparatus with a container and a valve arrangement as well as a production method are proposed. 140-. (canceled)41. A valve arrangement for dispensing a fluid , the valve arrangement having a valve plate for fixing the valve arrangement to a container , a valve housing and a fixing part for fixing the valve housing to the valve plate ,the fixing part being laser-welded or ultrasonically welded with the valve plate.42. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the fixing part is a component separate from the valve housing.43. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein at least one of the valve plate claim 41 , the fixing part claim 41 , the valve housing claim 41 , a valve element of the valve arrangement or a reset element of the valve arrangement consist of plastic.44. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the valve housing can be pre-assembled with a valve element and a seal in a form-fitting manner to form a valve.45. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the fixing part is axially welded with the valve plate.46. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the fixing part has a first cylindrical or conical portion and a second portion projecting radially therefrom.47. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the fixing part has a welding region with a triangular or rectangular cross-section.48. The valve arrangement according to claim 41 , wherein the valve plate is made of at least one of a dark or laser-absorbing material and the fixing part is made of a transparent material.49. A dispensing apparatus for dispensing a fluid claim 41 , the dispensing apparatus having a container and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002394A1
Автор: Swanick Thomas M.

A method of making expanded fluoropolymer articles thermally bonds portions of expanded fluoropolymers together, without using an adhesive or crushing force, to produce stronger bonds at the joint between the expanded fluoropolymers than the bonds within the constituent expanded fluoropolymers. The method involves placing the portions of expanded fluoropolymers to be thermally bonded together in intimate contact with each other after wet-stretching the expanded fluoropolymers, and removing the wetting agent used to wet-stretch the expanded fluoropolymers, without subsequent expansion or stretching, to yield an expanded fluoropolymer article exhibiting unexpected and superior properties that can be used in a variety of medical and industrial applications. 1. An expanded fluoropolymer thermally bonded to itself without an adhesive.2. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein the expanded fluoropolymer comprises PTFE.3. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein the expanded fluoropolymer is non-porous.4. The fluoropolymer of claim 1 , wherein at least two portions of the fluoropolymer are bonded together without the adhesive to form bonds that have an x-direction tensile strength that is greater than the x-direction tensile strength of the fluoropolymer itself.5. The fluoropolymer of claim 4 , wherein the bonds comprise a combination of bonds.6. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds is selected from the group consisting of covalent bonds claim 5 , van der Walls forces claim 5 , hydrogen bonds claim 5 , ionic bonds claim 5 , electrostatic interactions and changes created in the chain entanglement of the expanded fluoropolymer.7. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises covalent bonds.8. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises van der Walls forces.9. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the combination of bonds comprises hydrogen bonds.10. The fluoropolymer of claim 5 , wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002520A1

Gasket profile made of a materials mixture which includes from 5 to 60% by volume of elastomer, from 8 to 50% by volume of copolymer, from 5 to 70% by volume of filler, from 0 to 40% by volume of plasticizer, from 0.1 to 5% by volume of accelerator/sulfur donor, from 0 to 5% by volume of sulfur, from 0 to 5% by volume of peroxide, and from 0 to 3% by volume of zinc oxide, where the copolymer is a thermoplastic or a thermoplastic elastomer. 112.-. (canceled)13. A gasket profile for window gasket profiles and door gasket profiles , comprising a materials mixture that comprises:from 5 to 60% by volume of EPDM;from 8 to 50% by volume of copolymer;from 5 to 70% by volume of filler;from 0 to 40% by volume of plasticizer;from 0.1 to 5% by volume of accelerator/sulfur donor;from 0 to 5% by volume of sulfur;from 0.05 to 5% by volume of peroxide; andfrom 0.05 to 3% by volume of zinc oxide;where the copolymer is a thermoplastic or a thermoplastic elastomer.14. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 13 , where a ratio of EPDM to copolymer in the materials mixture is 2:1.15. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 14 , where the EPDM is crosslinkable both by sulfur and/or accelerator/sulfur donor and by peroxide.16. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 15 , where the copolymer is not sulfur-crosslinkable.17. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 16 , where the copolymer is crosslinkable by peroxides.18. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 17 , where the copolymer is a propylene-ethylene copolymer claim 17 , an ethylene-butene copolymer claim 17 , an ethylene-octene copolymer or an ethylene-propylene copolymer.19. The gasket profile as claimed in claim 18 , where the proportion of peroxide of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 1% and 95%.20. The gasket profile as claims in claim 19 , wherein the proportion of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 2% and 50%.21. The gasket profile as claims in claim 20 , wherein the proportion of the sulfur/peroxide ratio is between 5% and ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Aircraft Skin Attachment System

Номер: US20150004347A1

A method for forming a structural member and a structural member produced thereby includes positioning a first composite section and a second composite section within a tool. The tool has an inner surface and a wall intersection and is supported by a tool platform. The tool platform and a pressure platform are relatively movable between an open position and a closed position. The tool has a non-planar outer surface against which the member may be pressed. A composite splice member is positioned at least partially overlapping both the first composite section and the second composite section to form a joint in the composite structural member. The composite structural member is pressed against the non-planar outer surface of the tool by applying pressure to the joint from a pressure bladder. Heat is applied to the composite structural member at the joint to cure the composite splice member to the first composite section and the second composite section. 1. A method for producing a composite structural member , comprising:positioning a first composite section and a second composite section within a tool, the tool being supported by a tool platform and having an inner surface and a wall intersection, the tool platform and a pressure platform relatively movable between an open position and a closed position; the tool having a non-planar outer surface against which the composite structural member may be pressed;positioning a composite splice member at least partially overlapping both the first composite section and the second composite section to form a joint in the composite structural member;pressing the composite structural member against the non-planar outer surface of the tool by applying pressure to the joint from a pressure bladder;applying heat to the composite structural member at the joint to cure the composite splice member to the first composite section and the second composite section.2. The method of further comprising:Applying the heat to the composite ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Bonding apparatus and bonding method

Номер: US20210005570A1
Принадлежит: Shinkawa Ltd

[Solution] A bonding device 10 for thermally bonding an electronic component 100 to a substrate 110 or to another electronic component via an adhesive material 112, the bonding device being provided with: a bonding tool 40 comprising a bonding distal-end portion 42 which includes a bonding surface 44 and tapered side surfaces 46 formed in a tapering shape becoming narrower toward the bonding surface 44, the bonding surface 44 having a first suction hole 50 for suction-attaching the electronic component 100 via an individual piece of a porous sheet 130, the tapered side surfaces 46 having second suction holes 52, 54 for suction-attaching the porous sheet 130; and a bonding control unit 30 which controls the first suction hole 50 and the second suction holes 52, 54 independently from each other.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and Tool for Molding a Composite Pressure Vessel Liner to a Boss

Номер: US20220016852A1

A method for molding a composite pressure vessel liner to secure a boss to the liner is described. The method comprises providing a moldable liner having an end section with a neck and a port. A boss is positioned around the neck of the liner and the liner is heated and pressure is applied to mold the liner to form to the shape of the boss. The angle of the molded liner secures the boss in place around the liner and it is able to withstand high pressures. A tool for molding the liner and a method for using the tool is also described. The tool comprises a tool body and a pipe having external threads. The tool body abuts the liner and the boss. Winding the pipe exerts pressure on the liner, which when heated, forces the liner to mold to the shape of the boss. 114-. (canceled)15. A tool for molding and securing a moldable liner to a boss for a composite pressure vessel , the liner having an end section with a liner neck , and the boss having a boss neck , a boss inner surface and a boss end surface , the tool comprising:a pipe having external tapered threads;a tool body surrounding a section of the pipe, the tool body having:a tool body neck in sealing engagement with the section of the pipe, the tool body neck having an outer surface for contacting the liner neck and corresponding to the boss inner surface and the boss end surface; anda tool body flange projecting radially from the tool body neck for contacting the boss and/or a moldable disc that is in contact with the boss; andfastening devices for fastening the tool body to the boss;wherein the pipe can be wound with respect to the tool body for applying pressure to the tool body for molding the liner.16. The tool of wherein the tool body further comprises at least one heater for heating the liner.17. A method for molding a boss into an end of a moldable liner for a composite pressure vessel using the tool of comprising the steps:a) inserting the pipe into a port of the liner such that the tool body neck contacts ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007944A1
Автор: Menno Christopher A.

A portable assembly for securing a plastic fitting to a plastic pipe by employing fusion or thermal sealing is disclosed. The assembly is secured to the outer circumference of a plastic pipe at a desired location. The assembly can be secured at any longitudinal and lateral position along a plastic pipe. A heater heats both the pipe and the fitting to the point where they begin to melt. The heater is then removed and the fitting is pressed onto the surface of the pipe, thus fusing the fitting to the pipe. After cooling, the assembly is removed and the surface of the pipe within the interior of the fitting is drilled or removed. This now enables fluid within the pipe to be sent to the fitting and onto distribution lines which are connected to the fitting. 1. A portable assembly for securing a pipe fitting to a pipe comprising:a main body support structure having an aperture sized and shaped to receive a pipe fitting, said support structure comprising a plurality of securing jaws;a removable heating assembly adapted for concurrent heating of a plurality of surfaces comprising a first securing mechanism for securing to said pipe fitting support plate and a second securing mechanism for securing to said main body support structure;an upper plate positioned above said main body support structure;a pipe fitting support plate positioned in between said upper plate and said main body support structure, anda compression mechanism adapted for applying a force, said compression mechanism comprising a locking mechanism for maintaining a compression force on said pipe fitting support plate in at least a heating position and at least a fusing position2. The portable assembly for securing a pipe fitting to a pipe according to wherein said pipe fitting is a fusible transition saddle.3. The portable assembly for securing a pipe fitting to a pipe according to wherein said compression mechanism further contains a knob coupled to a shaft claim 1 , said shaft having a spring.4. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007221A1

The invention relates to a sealing device for repair of cardiac and vascular defects or tissue opening such as a patent foramen ovale (PFO) or shunt in the heart, the vascular system, etc. and particularly provides an occluder device and trans-catheter occluder delivery system. The sealing device would have improved conformity to heart anatomy and be easily deployed, repositioned, and retrieved at the opening site. 1. A method of delivering a medical device to a delivery site within a patient , the method comprising:releasably coupling a medical device with a deployment handle, the medical device including an expandable frame having a plurality of struts extending from a proximal end to a distal end of the frame;arranging the medical device into an elongated configuration with the deployment handle by actuating a linear actuator within a slot to a proximal stopping position;arranging the medical device into a deployed configuration by actuating the linear actuator within the slot to a distal stopping position subsequent to actuating the linear actuator to the proximal stopping position.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising actuating a release actuator to release the medical device from the deployment handle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein arranging the medical device into the elongated configuration includes withdrawing the medical device within a catheter lumen of the deployment handle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the expandable frame comprises a proximal central frame portion claim 1 , and releasably coupling the medical device to the deployment handle includes coupling the proximal central frame portion to the deployment handle.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising moving the at least one linear actuator laterally from a distal notch of the slot prior to withdrawing the at least one linear actuator proximally within the slot.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the proximal stopping position is indicative of the medical device being ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007222A1
Автор: Van Orden Brad W.

The invention relates to a sealing device for repair of cardiac and vascular defects or tissue opening such as a patent foramen ovale (PFO) or shunt in the heart, the vascular system, etc. and particularly provides an occluder device and trans-catheter occluder delivery system. The sealing device would have improved conformity to heart anatomy and be easily deployed, repositioned, and retrieved at the opening site. 110.-. (canceled)11. A deployment handle system comprising: a housing,', 'a slot having a length and arranged along at least a partial length of the housing, and', 'at least one linear actuator configured to move within the slot along the length thereof to transition the medical device between stages of deployment based on a position of the at least one linear actuator within the slot., 'a medical device configured to releasably couple to a deployment handle for delivery thereof, the deployment handle including12. The system of claim 11 , wherein the medical device comprises an expandable frame having a plurality of struts extending from a proximal end to a distal end of the frame.13. The system of claim 12 , wherein the proximal end of the expandable frame comprises a central frame portion configured to couple the medical device to the deployment handle.14. The system of claim 12 , wherein the expandable frame comprises a shape memory alloy configured to self-expand upon release from the deployment handle.15. The system of claim 11 , wherein the deployment handle further includes a release actuator configured to release the medical device from the deployment handle.16. The system of claim 11 , wherein the stages of deployment include: an elongated configuration of the medical device and a deployed configuration of the medical device.17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the at least one linear actuator is configured to elongate the medical device to the elongated configuration in response to withdrawing the at least one linear actuator proximally within ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007430A1

Medical devices and methods for making, preparing, and using medical devices are disclosed. An example method may include disposing an implantable medical device along an outer surface of a balloon. The implantable medical device may include a polymeric stent having a plurality of openings formed therein. The implantable medical device may be designed to shift between a compressed configuration having a compressed diameter and an expanded configuration having an expanded diameter. The method may also include compressing the implantable medical device to an intermediate diameter between the compressed diameter and the expanded diameter and applying inflation pressure to the balloon so that at least a portion of the balloon extends at least partially into at least one of the plurality of openings in the implantable medical device. 1. A method for preparing a medical device , the method comprising:disposing an implantable medical device along an outer surface of a balloon;wherein the implantable medical device includes a polymeric stent having a plurality of openings formed therein;wherein the implantable medical device is designed to shift between a compressed configuration having a compressed diameter and an expanded configuration having an expanded diameter;compressing the implantable medical device to an intermediate diameter between the compressed diameter and the expanded diameter; andapplying inflation pressure to the balloon so that at least a portion of the balloon extends at least partially into at least one of the plurality of openings in the implantable medical device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising expanding the implantable medical device to a diameter larger than a manufactured diameter of the implantable medical device before compressing the implantable medical device to the intermediate diameter.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying heat to the implantable medical device.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein applying heat to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Molding device of inbuilt component fixing section of fuel tank

Номер: US20170008218A1
Автор: Miki Kimura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A molding device of an inbuilt component fixing section of a fuel tank includes: a projection member that projects out at a placement face onto which a resin sheet that will form a tank configuration member is disposed in a molten state, and that molds a hollow bulge section in the resin sheet; an elastic body that covers the projection member, and that expands and applies pressure to the bulge section from the inside due to a non-compressible fluid being supplied into a sealed space formed between the elastic body and the projection member; a fluid supply device that supplies the fluid into the sealed space in a state in which the bulge section has penetrated through a fixing hole provided in an inbuilt component; and a fixing member that fixes a location of the elastic body corresponding to a leading end portion to the leading end portion.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced thermosetting plastic component with a functional layer for connecting to a thermoplastic component

Номер: US20170008221A1
Принадлежит: KTM Technologies GmbH

A method for joining a thermoset plastic component and a thermoplastic component by bonding includes interconnecting the two components via a functional layer of the thermoset plastic component. The thermoplastic component is directly applied to the functional layer of the thermoset plastic component, such that a diffusion region is formed between the thermoplastic component and the functional layer of the thermoset plastic component.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Methods for lowering melt viscosity and improving heat-sealability of polyester and for manufacturing a heat-sealed container or package

Номер: US20170008226A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to methods for lowering the melt viscosity and thereby improving heat-sealability of a polyester. The invention also relates to a method for manufacturing a heat-sealed container or package from fibrous- based, polyester-coated packaging material, and a method for heat-sealing polyester. The solution according to the invention is subjecting polyester to electron beam (EB) radiation. The lowered melt viscosity allows a lower heat-sealing temperature, and permits sealing of polyester to an uncoated fibrous surface. The preferred polyester for the invention is polylactide, as such or as blended with another polyester.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method of use of polylactide and method of manufacturing a heat-sealed paper or board container or package

Номер: US20170008227A1
Принадлежит: STORA ENSO OYJ

The invention relates to use of polylactide (PLA) as an extruded polymer coating on paper or board intended for the production of containers and packages, which are heated in a stove or microwave oven. According to the invention a polyfunctional cross-linking agent, such as trialkyl isocyanureate (TAIC), is blended with PLA, and the extruded coating layer is subjected to cross-linking electron beam (EB) radiation. PLA may be used as such or blended with another biodegradable polyester such as polybutylene succinate (PBS). EB radiation has been found to improve adhesion of the coating to the paper or board substrate, heat-scalability of the coating, and heat-resistance of the finished containers and packages.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Manufacturing Method of Resin Frame

Номер: US20220024148A1

A resin frame includes frame members combined into a frame shape that includes a corner portion, and a joint portion joining a pair of the frame members which are adjacent to each other at the corner portion. The joint portion includes an entire-surface welded portion, in which end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other over an entire surface in a thickness direction of a plate portion of the frame members, and a partial welded portion, in which the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other on one side of the entire surface in the thickness direction while another side of the entire surface in the thickness direction is not welded. The entire-surface welded portion and the partial welded portion are present at different portions on an outer periphery of the joint portion. 1a step of cutting, in which a pair of frame members among the plurality of the frame members, which are adjacent to each other at the corner portion, are recessed in a stepped shape by cutting another side with respect to one side of a second portion in a thickness direction of a plate portion, the second portion being different from a first portion located in an outer periphery of end surfaces of the pair of the frame members;a step of melting, in which the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are heated, the entire end surfaces are melted as a welding margin in the first portion, and one side of the end surfaces is melted as a welding margin in the second portion;a step of welding, in which the welding margins on the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are abutted and welded against each other, wherein a portion of the welding margin protrudes on an outer peripheral side with respect to a position of the original end surfaces of the frame members in the first portion; anda step of removing, in which a portion of the welding margin that protrudes in the welding process is removed.. A manufacturing method of a resin frame ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009175A1
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing the synthetic resin welded body includes the steps of: preparing an oil passage forming member including a welding portion having a top portion serving as a welding face; preparing a baffle plate having a welded face; disposing the oil passage forming member and the baffle plate so that the welding face comes in contact with the welded face; and radiating laser light to the welding portion to weld the welding face and the welded face. A recess is formed in the baffle plate so that a groove portion is formed along an outer peripheral face of the welding portion when the oil passage forming member and the baffle plate are disposed so that the welding face comes in contact with the welded face. 130-. (canceled)31. A synthetic resin welded body comprising:a first synthetic resin part including a welding portion which is formed in a protruding shape and which has a top portion serving as a welding face;a second synthetic resin part which includes a welded face for coming in contact with the welding portion and which is welded to the first synthetic resin part by welding of the welding portion and the welded face to each other; anda groove portion which is formed along an outer peripheral face of the welding portion.32. The synthetic resin welded body according to claim 31 ,wherein the second synthetic resin part includes a recess which houses the welding portion and which has a bottom portion serving as the welded face, andthe groove portion is formed between an inner wall of the recess and an outer wall of the welding portion.33. The synthetic resin welded body according to claim 31 , whereinthe second synthetic resin part is a baffle plate which is disposed on a cylinder head cover, andthe first synthetic resin part is an oil passage forming member which includes a recessed portion recessed in an opposite direction to a protruding direction of the welding portion and which is fixed to one face of the baffle plate to thereby form an oil passage ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024663A1

A package that is suitable for packaging an article for collecting or administering a pharmaceutical active substance is disclosed. The package includes a first packaging component that includes a product-contacting sealant layer that includes a first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer. The package includes a second packaging component that includes a product-contacting sealant layer that includes a second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer. The ethylene content of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is equal to or less than about 38 percent and the ethylene content of the first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is greater than the ethylene content of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer. 1. A package comprising:a first packaging component comprising a product-contacting sealant layer comprising a first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer; anda second packaging component comprising a product-contacting sealant layer comprising a second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer;wherein the ethylene content of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is equal to or less than 38 percent, and wherein the ethylene content of the first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is greater than the ethylene content of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer.2. A package according to claim 1 , wherein the ethylene content of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is 38 percent.3. A package according to claim 2 , wherein the ethylene content of the first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer is greater than 38 percent.4. A package according to claim 1 , wherein the first packaging component comprises at least 95 wt. percent of the first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer and the second packaging component comprises at least 95 wt. percent of the second ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer.5. A package according to claim 1 , wherein the first packaging component consists essentially of the first ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer and the second packaging component consists essentially of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

System And Method For Simultaneous Welding Of Plastic Bags Using A Carrier Film

Номер: US20200009797A1
Автор: Savitski Alexander

A laser welding system is directed to simultaneously joining respective layers of a first bag and a second bag. The system includes a first film layer adjacent to a second film layer for forming the first bag, and a third film layer adjacent to a fourth film layer for forming the second bag, each layer of the plurality of film layers being made of a thermoplastic material that absorbs laser radiation having a wavelength of about 2 microns. A non-absorbing carrier film layer is positioned between the second film layer and the third film layer, the non-absorbing carrier film layer being made of a material that transmits substantially all energy of the laser radiation. A laser source applies the laser radiation toward portions of the plurality of film layers to be joined, forming the first bag generally simultaneously with the second bag. 1. A laser welding method for simultaneously joining respective film layers of a plurality of bags , the method comprising:positioning a plurality of film layers adjacent to and in an overlapping manner with each other, the plurality of film layers including a first film layer adjacent to a second film layer and a third film layer adjacent to a fourth film layer, each layer of the plurality of film layers being made of a thermoplastic material that absorbs laser radiation having a wavelength of about 2 microns;separating the second film layer and the third film layer with a non-absorbing carrier film layer, the non-absorbing carrier film layer being made of a material that transmits substantially all energy of the laser radiation;directing the laser radiation onto the first film layer and the second film layer to melt irradiated portions of the first film layer and the second film layer to one another forming a first bag;transmitting substantially all the energy of the laser radiation through the non-absorbing carrier film interposed between the second film layer and the third film layer;directing the transmitted energy of the laser ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010456A1

A method is disclosed for producing a tubbing made of concrete for lining a tunnel, particularly a traffic tunnel, wherein the tubbing has a convexly curved outer surface and a concavely curved inner surface opposite the outer surface. The method can include: a) placing a membrane having a dispersion adhesive layer and a thermoplastic sealing layer onto the outer surface and further onto at least one of the sides of the outer side surfaces of the tubbing facing the outer surface, wherein the dispersion adhesive layer faces the tubbing; b) supplying heat, thus partially melting the dispersion adhesive layer; and c) cooling the dispersion adhesive layer, thus forming an adhesive bond between membrane and the tubbing. 1. Method for producing a tubbing made of concrete for lining a tunnel , wherein the tubbing has a convexly curved outer surface and a concavely curved inner surface opposite the outer surface , the method comprising:a) placing a membrane having a dispersion adhesion layer and a thermoplastic sealing layer onto the outer surface and further at least partially onto at least one, of the sides of the outer side surfaces of the tubbing facing the outer surface, wherein the dispersion adhesive layer faces the tubbing;b) supplying heat, to partially melt the dispersion adhesive layer; andc) cooling the dispersion adhesive layer, to form an adhesive bond between membrane and the tubbing.2. Method according to claim 1 , comprising:attaching the membrane to the outer surface in such a manner that the membrane has at least one edge that protrudes over the convex outer surface of the tubbing;subsequently partially melting the dispersion adhesive layer in an area of the protruding edge of the membrane after step c) optionally by supplying heat; andcooling the dispersion adhesive layer to form an adhesive bond between the membrane and the outer side surface of the tubbing or of the membrane of an adjoining tubbing.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the tubbing ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Resin Frame, Fitting and Manufacturing Method of Resin Frame

Номер: US20200009804A1

A resin frame includes frame members combined into a frame shape that includes a corner portion, and a joint portion joining a pair of the frame members which are adjacent to each other at the corner portion. The joint portion includes an entire-surface welded portion, in which end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other over an entire surface in a thickness direction of a plate portion of the frame members, and a partial welded portion, in which the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other on one side of the entire surface in the thickness direction while another side of the entire surface in the thickness direction is not welded. The entire-surface welded portion and the partial welded portion are present at different portions on an outer periphery of the joint portion. 1. A resin frame comprising:frame members combined into a frame shape that includes a corner portion; anda joint portion joining a pair of the frame members which are adjacent to each other at the corner portion, whereineach of the frame members is configured to be provided with a partition member inside the frame shape to partition front and rear portions,the frame member includes a plate portion,end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are abutted at the joint portion to be jointed to each other, an entire-surface welded portion, in which the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other over an entire surface in a thickness direction of the plate portion; and', 'a partial welded portion, in which the end surfaces of the pair of the frame members are welded to each other on one side of the entire surface in the thickness direction of the plate portion while another side of the entire surface in the thickness direction is not welded, and, 'the joint portion includesthe entire-surface welded portion and the partial welded portion are present at different portions on an outer periphery of the joint portion.2. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009949A1
Принадлежит: Magna Exteriors Inc.

A liftgate assembly having finished show surfaces, and process of manufacturing same. The liftgate assembly includes local reinforcements that are overmolded to first reinforcements, and the first reinforcements are infrared welding to a first panel. Second and third reinforcements are also infrared welded to the first panel. To infrared weld the respective reinforcements to the first panel in predetermined locations with respect to the first panel, nesting structures are provided to hold the respective reinforcements and first panel. At least one infrared heating fixture heats various predetermined surfaces on the reinforcements and first panel, and the parts are then pressed together for joining the predetermined surfaces of the respective parts together. The process is repeated, if needed, until all of the reinforcements are infrared welded to the first panel. Outer panels are bonded to the second and third reinforcements. 1. A liftgate assembly for a vehicle , comprising:at least one local reinforcement overmolded to at least one first reinforcement;at least one first panel, said at least one first reinforcement infrared welded to said at least one first panel; andat least one outer panel operably coupled to said at least one first panel, said at least one outer panel including a finished show surface.2. The liftgate assembly of claim 1 , wherein said at least one local reinforcement is at least one pair of local reinforcements claim 1 , and wherein said at least one first reinforcement is at least one pair of reinforcements.3. The liftgate assembly of claim 2 , wherein said at least one pair of reinforcements is infrared welded to said at least one first panel substantially at opposite sides of an opening in said at least one first panel claim 2 , said opening provided for a window glass.4. The liftgate assembly of claim 2 , wherein said at least one pair of reinforcements are infrared welded to said at least one first panel in a D-pillar area of said vehicle ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010862A1

The present invention relates to an encapsulated phase-change material () comprising a phase-change material () contained within a tube (), said tube () being made of plastic and that it has a sealing weld () at least at one of its ends. 1. An encapsulated phase-change material comprising:a phase-change material contained within a tube,wherein said tube is made of plastic, and has a sealing weld at least at one end of the tube.2. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in the claim 1 , wherein the sealing weld is a weld between the tube and a plug.3. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sealing weld is produced by crushing and fusing the wall of said tube.4. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 3 , wherein within the tube claim 3 , a plug is arranged between the sealing weld and the phase-change material.5. The encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the sealing weld has radial beads.6. A thermal battery claim 1 , comprising an encapsulated phase-change material as claimed in .7. A method of producing an encapsulated phase-change material comprising a phase-change material contained within a tube made of plastic claim 1 , said method comprising:at least a step of sealing the walls of the tube at its ends using welding.8. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , further comprising: a step of introducing a plug between the ends of the tube and the phase-change material claim 7 , prior to the step of sealing by welding.9. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the weld is produced by crushing the ends of the tube and heating the walls of said tube so as to weld these together.10. The production method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein radial beads are formed as the walls of the tube are crushed and heated.11. The production method as claimed in claim 7 , the weld is produced by heating the walls of the tube so as to weld these to a plug. The present ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030994A1

Waterproof, breathable garments and methods of making are provided. The garments may include a laminate of a seamless ePTFE membrane and at least one textile. The garment is conformable over a range of sizes, and may be shaped to fit numerous sizes and shapes of forming molds. The ePTFE membrane may shrink to fit, or, alternatively, be stretched to fit, a mold having a desired size to form a garment. Such a conformable ePTFE membrane may allow for forming multiple sizes of garments with various sizes and shapes of molds. In embodiments where the ePTFE membrane is seamless and continuous, the garment eliminates the need for a waterproof seam tape, which is conventionally used to make garments waterproof. 1. A garment comprising: wherein the seamless conformed membrane comprises a first side and a second side; and', 'wherein the seamless conformed membrane comprises a three dimensional configuration of the garment or a portion thereof., 'a seamless conformed membrane comprising polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP);'}2. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising a first textile joined to the first side of the seamless conformed membrane;wherein the seamless conformed membrane and the first textile form a laminate.3. The garment of claim 2 ,wherein a second textile is joined to the seamless conformed membrane on the second side opposing the first textile;wherein the seamless conformed membrane, the first textile, and the second textile form a laminate.4. The garment according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the first textile or the second textile has at least some elastic properties.5. The garment according to claim 3 , wherein the first textile and the second textile are selected from a group consisting of a knitted textile and a woven textile.6. The garment according to claim 3 ,wherein the first textile forms an interior portion of the garment; andwherein the second textile forms an exterior portion of the garment.7. The garment according to claim 6 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014984A1
Автор: SAKAI Syunsuke

In order to prevent degradation of appearance, prevent a decrease in flexibility, and improve non-elasticity in a non-stretchable region in an elastic film stretchable structure, the invention is characterized by having an elastic film stretchable structure (X) formed by stacking an elastic film () between a first sheet layer (A) and a second sheet layer (B), wherein a region having the elastic film stretchable structure (X) includes a non-stretchable region () and a stretchable region () provided at least at one side of the non-stretchable region () in a stretching and contracting direction, the stretchable region () being stretchable in the stretching and contracting direction, the first sheet layer (A) and the second sheet layer (B) are joined via through holes () penetrating the elastic film () at the large number of sheet bond portions () arranged at intervals, and the non-stretchable region () does not have a section in which the elastic film () linearly continues along the stretching and contracting direction, due to presence of the through holes (), even though the elastic film () continues in the stretching and contracting direction. 1. An absorbent article having an absorber that absorbs excrement , the absorbent article comprisingan elastic film stretchable structure in which an elastic film is stacked between a first sheet layer and a second sheet layer, and the first sheet layer and the second sheet layer are joined via through holes penetrating the elastic film at a large number of sheet bond portions arranged at intervals, whereina region having the elastic film stretchable structure includes a stretchable region stretchable in one direction and a non-stretchable region provided at least at one side of the stretchable region in a stretching and contracting direction,the stretchable region has a section in which the elastic film linearly continues along the stretching and contracting direction,the stretchable region is contracted in the stretching and ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015454A1

An apparatus for forming a seal (-) along an edge portion of a flexible package () that is made from a sheet of flexible material () includes an elongated film folding member () and at least one heating and/or sealing member (), the at least one heating and/or sealing member () extending along a first heat/seal axis parallel to a lengthwise axis () of the film folding member (). A first engagement end () of the film folding member is adapted to contact a portion of the sheet of flexible material () during a sealing process and the at least one heating and/or sealing member () is adapted to heat the portion of the sheet of flexible material () during the sealing process such that the contact between the first engagement end () and the portion of the sheet of flexible material creates the seal along the edge portion of the flexible package (). 1. An apparatus for forming a seal along an edge portion of a flexible package that is made from a sheet of flexible material , the apparatus comprising:an elongated film folding member extending along a lengthwise axis from a first end to a second end, wherein the lengthwise axis is adapted to be normal to a transport axis of a forming tube used to form the flexible package, wherein the film folding member extends along a widthwise axis from a first engagement end to a second engagement end, and wherein the widthwise axis is normal to the lengthwise axis;at least one heating and/or sealing member, the at least one heating and/or sealing member extending along a first heat/seal axis from a first end to a second end, the first heat/seal axis being parallel to the lengthwise axis of the film folding member,wherein the first engagement end of the film folding member is adapted to contact a portion of the sheet of flexible material during a sealing process and the at least one heating and/or sealing member is adapted to heat the portion of the sheet of flexible material during the sealing process such that the contact between the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and sealing device for sealing the edges of composite fiber components

Номер: US20160016356A1
Автор: Johannes Born

A method for sealing the edges of composite fiber components includes applying a thermoplastic semifinished product to a cut edge of a composite fiber component and thermoplastically or integrally joining the thermoplastic semifinished product to the cut edge of the composite fiber component by ultrasonic welding.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016378A1

A composite sheet includes a graphite layer, a heat insulation layer including a fiber and a heat insulation material and a fiber layer located between the graphite layer and the heat insulation layer, wherein the fiber layer comprises the fiber. An electronic apparatus includes an electronic component that involves heat generation, a housing and the composite sheet, wherein the composite sheet is placed between the electronic component and the housing.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016041A1

According to one aspect of the present invention, an adhesive sheet material application device is disclosed, which includes a roller support bar, a roller support member, a first and second handle, and a roller. According to another aspect of the present invention, an adhesive sheet material application device is disclosed which includes a roller support member, a roller, and a second handle. 1. A sheet material application device comprising:a roller support bar including a roller support member that extends from the roller support bar;a roller;a first handle parallel to the roller;a second handle extending from the roller support bar; andwherein the roller is coupled to the roller support member.2. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the second handle extends more than eight inches from the roller support bar.3. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the first handle is coupled to the second handle.4. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the second handle extends perpendicularly from the roller support bar.5. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the roller support member extends perpendicularly from the roller support bar; andwherein a portion of the second handle is oblique to an axis formed by the roller support member.6. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the first handle and the second handle are configured to be gripped by separate hands of a user.7. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein a first handle support member is connected to the second handle; andwherein the first handle is coupled to the first handle support member.8. The sheet material application device of claim 1 , wherein the second handle has a first end coupled to the roller support bar and a second end; andwherein the second handle has a second handle pad at the second end.9. The sheet material application device of claim 8 , wherein the first handle has a first ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016090A1

The invention generally relates to intermediate layers (shim-type stacked foils/films) as adjusting elements for mechanical structures. 1. Edge-bonded or laminated shims comprising a plurality of sheets of the same or different kinds , characterized in that the sheets are bonded to one another by welding.2. The shims according to claim 1 , characterized in that several sheets are bonded together on at least one edge on one or several sites by welding.3. The shims according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sheets are bonded together on at least one edge by at least one weld line.4. The shims according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sheets are bonded together on at least one edge by a plurality of weld lines.5. The shims according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sheets are further bonded together with an adhesive on part of the area claim 1 , the full area claim 1 , and/or peripherally.6. The shims according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sheets comprise metal foils claim 1 , polymer sheets claim 1 , fabrics claim 1 , fiber composite materials claim 1 , especially of glass claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , ceramic or aramid fibers claim 1 , or mixtures of the above mentioned materials.7. A process for preparing edge-bonded or laminated shims comprisingproviding a plurality of sheets of the same or different kinds, characterized in that the sheets are bonded to one another by welding;cutting or punching individual sheets out at first in the form of the end product;stacking said individual sheets on one another or in the form of a staircase;fixing the layers; andwelding said sheets together at the front surface or peripheral edge.8. The process according to claim 7 , characterized in that the areas and/or edges are welded together using a radiation source.9. (canceled)10. (canceled) The present invention generally relates to shims (tolerance compensation layer sheets) as adjusting elements for mechanical constructions.In detail, the invention ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making hybrid laminate and molded composite structures

Номер: US20200016796A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods of making a composite structure comprise compression molding a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic component having a web and at least one flange integral with the web; laying up a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap; placing the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap on the flange; and joining the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap with the flange.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017268A1
Автор: CHANG Lu-Wen

A soft package with strengthened hot pressing traces includes a first side wall and a second side wall formed with a folded portion along a folding line and the distal edge of the second side wall is securely adhered to that of the first side wall except of the folding line and the distal edge of the folded portion. A top wall is divided into a first portion and a second portion, wherein a distal edge of the first portion of the top wall is securely adhered to that of the folded portion and a distal edge of the second portion is securely adhered to that of a top portion of the first side wall to form a bag structure. Two strengthened pressing traces are formed on two opposite sides of the top wall. A nozzle is mounted onto the top wall and outwardly extending through the top wall. 1. A soft package with strengthened hot pressing traces , comprising:a first side wall;a second side wall having a shape and an area corresponding to that of the first side wall, wherein the second side wall is formed with a folded portion along a folding line and the distal edge of the second side wall is securely adhered to that of the first side wall except of the folding line and the distal edge of the folded portion;a top wall divided into a first portion and a second portion by the folding line, wherein a distal edge of the first portion of the top wall is securely adhered to that of the folded portion and a distal edge of the second portion is securely adhered to that of a top portion of the first side wall to form a bag structure; andtwo strengthened pressing traces formed on two opposite sides of the top wall and corresponding to two opposite outer sides of the first side wall and the second side wall; anda nozzle mounted onto the top wall and outwardly extending through the top wall, wherein the nozzle communicates with an inner periphery of the bag structure.2. The soft package with strengthened hot pressing traces as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a bottom wall ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017273A1

A tool for fixing a protective textile sleeve about an elongate member contained therein, and method of use thereof is provided. The tool includes a clamp assembly having opposed clamp members. Each of the clamp members has a clamp surface for abutting the textile sleeve. Each of the clamp surfaces includes a plurality of heating members operably connected to a source of power. The heating members within each clamping surface are supported for independent radial movement relative to one another in response to engagement with an outer surface of the textile sleeve to allow the clamp surfaces to automatically conform to the arcuate shape of the sleeve and elongate member being clamped therebetween. 1. A method of fixing a protective textile sleeve about an elongate member , comprising:providing the protective textile sleeve having an inner surface configured to bound an inner cavity;disposing the elongate member within the inner cavity;clamping at least a portion of the protective textile sleeve about the elongate member with opposed clamp members having clamp surfaces that automatically adjust and substantially conform to an arcuate shape and contour of an outer surface of the sleeve; andheating the clamping surfaces and bonding the inner surface to at least another portion of the textile sleeve and/or to the elongate member.2. The method of further including configuring the clamp members having a plurality of different sections spaced from one another along the length of the clamping surfaces to accommodate textile sleeves having different diameters from one another.3. The method of further including configuring a nose portion of the clamp members adjacent a free end of the clamp members to accommodate a sleeve having a first diameter and configuring a main portion of the clamp members adjacent the nose portion to accommodate a sleeve having a second diameter that is larger than the first diameter.4. The method of further including providing a protective cover ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021560A1

The invention relates to a plastic-metal hybrid component and to a corresponding method for producing a plastic-metal hybrid component. The production method has the following steps: (i) providing a fiber composite semifinished product based on polyamide, at least one part of the surface of the semifinished product being made of a polymer composition which contains the following: a) 100 wt. % of a polyamide; and b) 0.5 to 20 wt. % of one or more adhesive additives of the formula (I); (ii) providing a metal main part; (iii) optionally pretreating the surface of the metal main part in order to produce functionalities; (iv) introducing the main metal part and the fiber composite semifinished product into a pressing tool and closing the tool; and (v) bonding the fiber composite semifinished product and the metal main part by means of a compression process under the effect of pressure and temperature. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal body produced in step (ii) is made of galvanized sheet steel.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step (iii) claim 1 , an OH-functionality is created on the surface of the metal body.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step (v) is carried out at a temperature above the melting temperature of the thermoplastic polymer of the fiber-plastic composite.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the temperature in step (v) is in the range from 220° C. to 300° C.6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the temperature is maintained for 0.5 to 10 seconds.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step (v) is carried out under a pressure in the range from 10 to 200 bar claim 1 , especially 25 to 150 bar.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , immediately following step (v) claim 1 , a tool temperature in the range from 70° C. to 130° C. is prescribed for a period of time of 15 to 90 seconds.9. A plastic-metal hybrid component consisting of a metal body and a fiber composite ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Pipe Fusing Indicator Assembly

Номер: US20220040931A1
Автор: Hornbacher Gregory

A pipe fusing indicator assembly includes a clamp that is releasably attachable to a cylinder of a pipe fusing machine. An arm is coupled to and extends away from the clamp. The arm is positionable in a first position having the arm resting against a section of pipe positioned in the pipe fusing machine such that the arm is visible to a user. The arm falls off of the section of pipe into a second position when the section of pipe is pulled through the fusing machine. In this way the arm indicate to the user that the section of pipe has been fully pulled through the pipe fusing machine. A ball is coupled to the arm such that the ball is visible to the user to facilitate the user to identify if the arm is in the first position or the second position. 1. A pipe fusing indicator assembly for indicating to a solo operator when a pipe has been fully pulled through a fusing machine , said assembly comprising:a clamp being releasably attachable to a cylinder of a pipe fusing machine;an arm being coupled to and extending away from said clamp, said arm being positionable in a first position having said arm resting against a section of pipe that is positioned in the pipe fusing machine wherein said arm is configured to be visible to a user, said arm falling off of the section of pipe into a second position when the section of pipe is pulled through the fusing machine wherein said arm is configured to indicate to the user that the section of pipe has been fully pulled through the pipe fusing machine;a light emitter being coupled to said arm wherein said light emitter is configured to emit light outwardly therefrom such that said light emitter is visible to the user in a darkened environment to facilitate the user to identify if said arm is in said first position or said second position; anda ball being coupled to said arm wherein said ball is configured to be visible to the user to facilitate the user to identify if said arm is in said first position or said second position.2. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022825A1

The present disclosure is directed to a root assembly for a rotor blade of a wind turbine and methods of manufacturing same. The root assembly includes a blade root section having an inner sidewall surface and an outer sidewall surface separated by a radial gap, a plurality of root inserts spaced circumferentially within the radial gap, and a plurality of spacers configured between one or more of the root inserts. Further, each of the root inserts includes at least one bushing surrounded by a pre-cured or pre-consolidated composite material. In addition, the spacers are constructed of a pre-cured or pre-consolidated composite material. 1. A root assembly for a rotor blade of a wind turbine , comprising:a blade root section comprising an inner sidewall surface and an outer sidewall surface separated by a radial gap;a plurality of root inserts spaced circumferentially within the radial gap, each of the root inserts comprising at least one bushing surrounded by a pre-consolidated composite material, each of the bushings configured to receive a root bolt, the root bolts configured to secure the root assembly to a hub of the wind turbine; and,a plurality of pultruded spacers configured between one or more of the root inserts, each of the pultruded spacers being constructed of a pre-consolidated composite material.2. The root assembly of claim 1 , further comprising pultruded root inserts claim 1 , wherein the pre-consolidated composite materials of the pultruded root inserts and the pultruded spacers comprise a plurality of fiber materials cured together via a resin claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fiber materials comprise at least one of carbon fibers claim 1 , carbon rovings claim 1 , glass fibers claim 1 , or glass rovings.3. The root assembly of claim 1 , wherein the resin comprises at least one of a thermoplastic material or a thermoset material.4. The root assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spacers further comprises a low-density core material.5. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Polarizing plate and method for manufactureing the same

Номер: US20160025909A1
Автор: Jong hoon YEO
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A polarizing plate includes a polarizer and a protective film formed on at least one surface of the polarizer. A transverse direction (TD) shrinkage stress ratio SR A of the polarizing plate ranges from about 1% to about 10%, as calculated using Equation 1: SR A (%)=( S 1/ S 2)×100   (1) In Equation 1, S1 is the TD shrinkage stress of the protective film, and S2 is the TD shrinkage stress of the polarizer.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Storage Bag

Номер: US20160030283A1

A method of making a storage bag comprising the following steps performed in any order: (a) forming a composite tube having an inner surface comprising a higher melting polymer, an outer surface comprising a lower melting polymer, two ends, and a diameter; (b) flattening the tube in a direction perpendicular to the diameter; (c) forming a joint at one of the ends at a temperature between respective melting points of the higher melting polymer and the lower melting polymer; (d) providing a composite sheet having a first side comprising a higher melting polymer and a second side comprising a lower melting polymer; and (e) disposing the composite sheet over the joint such that the first side comprising a lower melting polymer engages the joint and forming a lap seam over the joint at a temperature between respective melting points of the higher melting polymer and the lower melting polymer, and a storage bag made by such method. 1. A method of making a storage bag comprising the following steps performed in any order:(a) forming a composite tube having an inner surface comprising a higher melting polymer, an outer surface comprising a lower melting polymer, two ends, and a diameter;(b) flattening said tube in a direction perpendicular to said diameter;(c) forming a joint at one of said two ends at a temperature between respective melting points of said higher melting polymer and said lower melting polymer;(d) providing a composite sheet having a joint comprising a higher melting polymer and a second side comprising a lower melting polymer;(e) disposing said composite sheet over said joint such that said first side comprising a lower melting polymer engages said joint and forming a lap seam over said joint at a temperature between respective melting points of said higher melting polymer and said lower melting polymer.2. A method of making a storage bag as defined in wherein said storage bag is a cryopreservation bag.3. A method of making a storage bag as defined in ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028615A1
Автор: Brensinger Cam

A method for manufacturing an air-filled structure allows for ease of manufacturing utilizing plastic/vinyl/TPU laminated/urethane coated type top and bottom exterior layers as well as an internal baffle, all of which can be heat or chemically bonded together. Most if not all of the bonds or welds required to be made can be created at the same time in a high volume manufacturing step by providing one or more internal layer(s) each with a plurality of openings or cutouts which provide an opening or window through which the internal structure/baffle can be attached directly to the top and bottom layers of the air-filled structure. 1. A method of assembling an air-filled structure , said method comprising the acts of:providing a first, generally planar exterior member, said first, generally planar exterior member having a top surface and a bottom surface and a first side and a second side, said first, generally planar exterior member composed of a heat weldable material;providing a second, generally planar exterior member, said second, generally planar exterior member having a top surface and a bottom surface and a first side and a second side, said second, generally planar exterior member composed of a heat weldable material;providing a first, generally planar interior layer, said first, generally planar interior layer disposed proximate said bottom surface of said first, generally planar exterior member, said first, generally planar interior layer including a plurality of openings extending through said first, generally planar interior layer and arranged in a predetermined pattern and position in said first generally planar interior layer;providing a second, generally planar interior layer, said second, generally planar interior layer disposed proximate said top surface of said second, generally planar exterior member, said second, generally planar interior layer including a plurality of openings extending through said second, generally planar interior layer and ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Link between a thin metal liner and a composite wall by thermoplastic particle-filled coating

Номер: US20160031152A1
Принадлежит: Airbus Defence and Space SAS

The invention concerns a method for producing, by welding, a link between an element made from any material, for example metal, and an element made from a thermoplastic-matrix composite material, the second element being produced by depositing a textile yarn pre-impregnated with a thermoplastic material on the surface of the first element. The method mainly includes an operation consisting of producing an interface coating consisting of an epoxy resin filled with a thermoplastic material powder, coating the surface of the element made from any material with same, and leaving the coating to polymerise. It next includes an operation consisting simultaneously of forming the second element and welding same to the coating deposited on the surface of the first element by locally heating the two elements, when depositing the pre-impregnated textile on the first element.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Applicator Mitt Assembly System

Номер: US20180029301A1

An applicator mitt assembly system comprises an applicator mitt tooling including: a tooling body having a mitt-perimeter cutter and weld bead thereon which are shaped to a perimeter of an applicator mitt to be cut; a heating element associated with the tooling body, the heating element being shaped so as to match or substantially match a shape of the weld bead so as to create a perimeter weld for the applicator mitt when engaged with the tooling body; and an ejector platen which is actuatable relative to the tooling body to eject a cut and welded mitt away from the tooling body. The system can further comprise a conveyor device adapted to feed uncut and unwelded mitt material towards the applicator mitt tooling and a tooling actuator adapted to actuate the applicator mitt tooling relative to the conveyor device. 1. An applicator mitt tooling comprising:a tooling body having a mitt-perimeter cutter and weld bead thereon which are shaped to a perimeter of a mitt to be cut and welded, the mitt-perimeter cutter projecting above the weld bead in a direction away from a base of the tooling body;a heating element associated with the tooling body, the heating element being shaped so as to match a shape of the weld bead so as to create a perimeter weld for the mitt when the mitt contacts the weld bead;an ejector platen which is actuatable relative to the tooling body to eject a cut and welded mitt away from the tooling body, the ejector platen being thermally decoupled from the tooling body; anda mitt-opening cutter which is thermally insulated from the heating element.2. An applicator mitt tooling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mitt-opening cutter is offset relative to the mitt-perimeter cutter on the applicator mitt tooling.3. An applicator mitt tooling as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a mitt-opening-cutter web ejector to prevent the cutter from sticking to the applicator mitt and/or web of material to be cut.4. An applicator mitt tooling as claimed in ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028018A1
Принадлежит: NIKKISO CO., LTD.

A pressurizing device includes: a mounting base; an upper mold which pressurizes the target object mounted on the mounting base from above; a heating lower mold which is a lower mold heated in advance by a heater, and which heats the target object under pressure by sandwiching the mounting base with the upper mold; a cooling lower mold which is a lower mold cooled in advance by a cooler, and which cools the target object under pressure by sandwiching the mounting base with the upper mold; and a control device which switches the lower mold that contributes to the pressurization of the target object to the heating lower mold or the cooling lower mold in accordance with the status of progress of the pressurization process for the target object. 1. A pressurizing apparatus , comprising:a mounting base on which a target object is mountable;an upper unit including a base member, which is moveable upward and downward, and an upper mold fixed on the base member and for pressurizing the target object when the target object is mounted on the mounting base from an upper side thereof;a heating lower mold that is a heated lower mold and is configured to heat the target object while pressurizing it in a state where the mounting base is sandwiched between the upper mold and the heating lower mold;a cooling lower mold that is a cooled lower mold and is configured to cool the target object while pressurizing it in a state where the mounting base is sandwiched between the upper mold and the cooling lower mold;a control device configured to control, according to a state of progress in a pressurization processing of the target object, driving of the heating lower mold and the cooling lower mold to switch the one of the heating lower mold and the cooling lower mold contributing to the pressurization of the target object;a side mold disposed around the upper mold and, when closely contacting with the mounting base, configured to form a hermetically closed space around the target object ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047379A1
Автор: WILD Helmut

The invention relates to a method for the manufacture of a breast prosthesis, comprising: providing and superimposing inner and outer plastic foils; welding together the plastic foils to form the circumferential welding seam, thereby leaving a gap to form a filling channel connecting the inner space to an outside; filling the inner space with a fluid curable mass, which is a precursor of the filler material, by injecting the fluid curable mass into the inner space through the filling channel; and curing the fluid curable mass inside the inner space to form the filler material; wherein the filling channel is provided with a check valve to prevent fluid curable mass from entering the filling channel after injection. The invention additionally proposes a breast prosthesis made by such method. 1. A method for the manufacture of a breast prosthesis ,the breast prosthesis comprising:a shell, the shell comprising inner and outer plastic foils that are welded together alonga common circumference to form a circumferential welding seam and define an inner space of the shell, the inner space being filled with a filler material having haptic properties that resemble those of a human breast;the method comprising:providing and superimposing inner and outer plastic foils;welding together the plastic foils to form the circumferential welding seam, thereby leaving a gap to form a filling channel connecting the inner space to an outside;filling the inner space with a fluid curable mass, which is a precursor of the filler material, by injecting the fluid curable mass into the inner space through the filling channel; andcuring the fluid curable mass inside the inner space to form the filler material;wherein the filling channel is provided with a check valve to prevent fluid curable mass from entering the filling channel after injection.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the check valve is a flapper valve.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the check valve is formed from a pair of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Curved display panel, manufacturing method thereof and display device

Номер: US20170031472A1

The invention provides a curved display panel, a manufacturing method thereof, and a display device. The manufacturing method of a curved display panel provided by the present invention comprises steps of: preparing a support plate, which comprises a first base and a metal film deposited on one side of the first base, the thermal expansion coefficient of the first base being different from that of the metal film; bonding a display panel with the support plate; heating the support plate, so that the support plate forces the display panel to bend; and separating the support plate from the display panel, thus forming the curved display panel. The manufacturing method of a curved display panel of the present invention is simple in process and not prone to causing damage to the panel.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030829A1

A surface-modified thermoplastic resin in which sufficient bonding strength is applied to a thermoplastic resin and a method thereof are provided. A bonded structure capable of exhibiting sufficient bonding strength and a method thereof are provided. A thermal transfer surface-modifying sheet that can be preferably used in the method for manufacturing a surface-modified thermoplastic resin is provided. A thermoplastic resin with a thermal transfer surface-modifying sheet including the thermal transfer surface-modifying sheet is provided. The method for manufacturing a surface-modified thermoplastic resin, in which an easy adherence layer is laminated on a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of T° C., the method includes: providing the easy adherence layer on at least a part of a surface of the thermoplastic resin; and performing heat welding at a temperature equal to or higher than (T−50)° C. 1. A method for manufacturing a surface-modified thermoplastic resin , in which an easy adherence layer is laminated on a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of T° C. , the method comprising:providing the easy adherence layer on at least a part of a surface of the thermoplastic resin; andperforming heat welding at a temperature equal to or higher than (T−50)° C.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the heat welding is performed by heating press.3. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 ,wherein a molding process of the thermoplastic resin is performed by the heating press.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the easy adherence layer is provided by placing a side of the easy adherence layer of a thermal transfer surface-modifying sheet that is a laminate comprising a release sheet and the easy adherence layer, on at least a part of the surface of the thermoplastic resin.5. The manufacturing method according to claim 4 ,wherein the release sheet is removed after the heat welding.6. A method for manufacturing a surface- ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Sports Ball with Integral Ball Casing and Bladder Body

Номер: US20150034236A1
Автор: Ou Tsung Ming

A sports ball includes a barebone ball and an outer ball layer. The barebone ball includes an inflatable bladder body and a ball casing. The ball casing, which is formed in an integrated structure, has an outer circumferential surface, an inner circumferential surface to define an interior cavity to fittingly enclose the bladder body therein, and a plurality of pre-formed channels integrally and indently formed on the outer circumferential surface, such that the ball casing and the bladder body enclosed therewithin form a one piece integrated semi-product of the sports ball. The outer ball layer comprising a plurality of outer cover panels overlapping on the outer circumferential surface of the ball casing at a position that edges of each of the outer cover panels are aligned with the corresponding pre-formed channels respectively. 1. A method of manufacturing a sports ball , comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable bladder body and a ball casing having a shape corresponding to said bladder body after being inflated;(b) placing said bladder body and said ball casing in a casing mold at a position that said bladder body is enclosed within said ball casing;(c) vulcanizing said ball casing with heat to integrally bond said ball bladder with said ball casing to form a one piece integrated barebone ball as a semi-product of said sports ball, wherein a plurality of pre-formed channels are integrally and indently formed on an outer circumferential surface of said ball casing; and(d) overlappedly attaching a plurality of outer cover panels on said outer circumferential surface of said ball casing at a position that edges of each of said outer cover panels are aligned with said corresponding pre-formed channels respectively to form an outer ball layer to enclose said ball casing.2. The method claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step (b) further comprises a step of aligning two or more casing panels edge-to-edge to form said ball casing such that said ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031059A1

Disclosed are: an ultrasonic welding member which is independent of a first member and a second member and which is held between a surface to be welded of the first member and a surface to be welded of the second member prior to ultrasonic welding between the surface to be welded of the first member and the surface to be welded of the second member having a shape parallel to or fitted into the surface to be welded of the first member, the ultrasonic welding member characterized by including a thermoplastic resin and satisfying a discontinuous forming requirement, an outside opening requirement, and a bonding place reduction requirement; and an ultrasonic welding method using the ultrasonic welding member. The ultrasonic welding member may include a plurality of streaks at least in a part thereof. The ultrasonic welding member may be a substantially lattice-shaped fabric or textile mesh at least in a part thereof. When the ultrasonic welding member is held between the surface to be welded of the first member and the surface to be welded of the second member, crossing parts of threads of the mesh may form a bonding place between the ultrasonic welding member and the surface to be welded of the first member and a bonding place between the ultrasonic welding member and the surface to be welded of the second member. 1. An ultrasonic welding member which is independent of a first member and a second member and which is held between a surface to be welded of the first member including a thermoplastic resin and a surface to be welded of the second member including a thermoplastic resin and having a shape parallel to or fitted into the surface to be welded of the first member prior to ultrasonic welding between the surface to be welded of the first member and the surface to be welded of the second member ,the ultrasonic welding member including a thermoplastic resin, andthe ultrasonic welding member being configured such that:when the ultrasonic welding member is held ...
