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10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2232075C2

Изобретение относится к шинной промышленности, в частности к способам изготовления каркаса для пневматических шин. В способе изготовления каркаса изготавливают один слой каркаса путем нанесения удлиненных отрезков, распределяемых по окружности на тороидальной опоре. Каждый из удлиненных отрезков простирается в виде U-образной конфигурации по контуру поперечного сечения тороидальной опоры для образования двух боковых участков, взаимно разнесенных на расстояние друг от друга в осевом направлении, и одного коронного участка. Коронный участок простирается по наружному в радиальном направлении местоположению между боковыми участками. Затем прикладывают кольцеобразные укрепляющие конструкции к области, расположенной близко к внутренним периферическим краям по меньшей мере одного слоя каркаса. Каждый из отрезков укладывают по существу в плоскости, которая параллельно смещена относительно меридиональной плоскости тороидальной опоры. Изобретение предусматривает конструкцию каркаса для шин транспортных ...

27-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2214924C2

Изобретение относится к области автомобильного транспорта. Подушечный слой между каркасом пневматической шины и наиболее близким к нему в радиальном направлении слоем верхней части шины образован единственным слоем связующей резиновой смеси. В результате повышается экономичность изготовления шины, а также улучшаются качество шины и ее эксплуатационные характеристики. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2129963C1

Покрышка предназначена для использования в авиационных шинах. Каркас покрышки выполнен из слоев обрезиненного анидного корда. Нити корда после вулканизации покрышки имеют удлинения при разрывной нагрузке в пределах 25± 1%. В результате сохраняется стабильность покрышки с сохранением высоких значений усталостных свойств. 1 ил., 3 табл.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU50470U1

Использование: на вездеходах или снегоболотоходах, а именно в пневматических шинах колес указанных выше машин. Сущность полезной модели: Покрышка пневматической шины для снегоболотохода, состоящая из протектора с грунтозацепами и каркаса, выполненного из обрезиненного корда, слоя которого завернуты на бортовые кольца. Количество слоев корда в каркасе покрышки от 1 до 4. Величина угла закроя нитей корда в каждом слое каркаса от 0° до 4° и/или от 15° до 44°. По внутренней поверхности каркаса имеются углубления, повторяющие конфигурацию и расположение элементов рисунка протектора. Толщина покрышки по протектору заявляемого технического решения не постоянна и меньше величины грунтозацепа на величину от 2 до 25 мм. Высота грунтозацепов покрышки составляет от 5 до 70 мм. Центральная часть беговой дорожки шины относительно оси вращения не является цилиндрической или приближенной к ней. Ширина профиля заявляемой шины для снегоболотохода равна или меньше высоты; ...

23-09-2024 дата публикации

Пневматическая шина диагональной конструкции для двухколесного транспортного средства

Номер: RU2827256C1

Изобретение относится к пневматическим шинам для двухколесного транспортного средства. Пневматическая шина для двухколесного транспортного средства с диагональной конструкцией состоит из протектора, бортовых колец и обрезиненного каркасного полотна, выполненного из одного слоя обрезиненного текстильного корда с применением каркасных резин, обеспечивающих прочность связи кордной нити с каркасной резиной. Достигается снижение гистерезисных потерь в каркасной части пневматических шин, увеличение упругости каркасного полотна и окружной жесткости шины, влияющих на улучшение сопротивления шин боковому уводу и увеличение общей работоспособности. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

07-10-2024 дата публикации

Пневматическая шина для двухколесного транспортного средства с номинальной шириной профиля 57 мм

Номер: RU2828118C1

Изобретение относится к пневматическим шинам для двухколесного транспортного средства. Пневматическая шина для двухколесного транспортного средства с номинальной шириной профиля 57 мм с диагональной конструкцией состоит из протектора, бортовых колец и обрезиненного каркасного полотна. Бортовые кольца получены путем однопроволочной навивки отдельных бронзированных проволок с бронзовым покрытием. Обрезиненное каркасное полотно выполнено из одного слоя обрезиненного капронового текстильного корда с применением каркасных резин, обеспечивающих прочность связи кордной нити с каркасной резиной. Достигается снижение гистерезисных потерь в каркасной части пневматических шин, увеличение упругости каркасного полотна и окружной жесткости шины, влияющих на улучшение сопротивления шин боковому уводу и увеличение общей работоспособности. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 3 табл.

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2247034C1

Шина имеет усиливающие конструкции в бортах, ограничивающие опорные поверхности для соответствующего обода, имеющие профиль, сходящийся к оси вращения шины от экваториальной плоскости шины. Каждый каркасный слой выполняют последовательным наложением полосковых секций, распределяемых по кругу на тороидальной основе. Упруго-опорные усилительные ленточки установлены между боковыми частями внутренних в осевом направлении секций, промежуточных в осевом направлении секций. В результате увеличивается надежность шины и улучшается комфортабельность езды. 3 н. и 50 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

16-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788045C1
Принадлежит: ГОЛЬДХОФЕР АГ (DE)

Транспортное средство (200) содержит по меньшей мере один осевой узел (204), один или каждый из которых имеет по меньшей мере одно колесо (206), каждое из которых имеет по меньшей мере одну шину, являющуюся бескамерной радиальной шиной (100), несущая способность которой на миллиметр ширины профиля (SW) при скорости 60 км/ч составляет по меньшей мере 11 кг, когда она используется в качестве одиночной шины. Шина (100) имеет наружный диаметр (OD) менее 755 мм и приспособлена для накачки на внутреннее давление по меньшей мере 10 бар. Технический результат – повышение надежности и долговечности шины. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил., 4 табл.

30-09-2024 дата публикации

Пневматическая шина для двухколесного транспортного средства с номинальной шириной профиля 47 мм

Номер: RU2827627C1

Изобретение относится к пневматическим шинам для двухколесного транспортного средства. Пневматическая шина для двухколесного транспортного средства с номинальной шириной профиля 47 мм с диагональной конструкцией состоит из протектора, бортовых колец и обрезиненного каркасного полотна, выполненного из одного слоя обрезиненного текстильного корда. Бортовые кольца получены путем однопроволочной навивки отдельных бронзированных проволок. Бортовое кольцо выполнено из проволок высокой прочности одинакового диаметра с бронзовым покрытием. Обрезиненное каркасное полотно выполнено из одного слоя обрезиненного анидного текстильного корда с применением каркасных резин. Достигается снижение гистерезисных потерь в каркасной части пневматических шин, увеличение упругости каркасного полотна и окружной жесткости шины, влияющих на улучшение сопротивления шин боковому уводу, и увеличение общей работоспособности. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 3 табл.

27-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2097208C1

Использование: в шинной промышленности для автотранспорта. Сущность изобретения: резинокордная оболочка имеет каркас, преимущественно диагональной конструкции, и усилительный пояс из резинокордных слоев с меридиональным направлением нитей корда. Усилительный пояс выполнен из корда с модулем на растяжение не менее 105 MH/м2, а его слои расположены между и/или над одним или несколькими последними слоями каркаса либо брекера, и отделены от последних резиновыми прослойками или эквивалентной им по резиносодержанию, увеличенной по калибру обрезинкой нитей корда. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

16-02-2021 дата публикации

Сетчатая ткань для армирования экранирующего слоя радиальных шин

Номер: RU2743290C1

Изобретение относится к сетчатой ткани, которая предназначена для использования в конструкциях современных радиальных шин для армирования экранирующего слоя брекера. Сетчатая ткань, включающая уток и основные нити, имеет соотношение линейной плотности текса утка к линейной плотности основных нитей в пределах от 1:2 до 1:20. Изобретение позволяет снизить уровень перемещений и сдвиговых деформаций шины в области экранирующего и подканавочного слоев радиальных шин, снизить деформации протектора шины в совокупности с деформациями от контакта с дорогой, а также повысить долговечность шины. 15 ил.

27-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114007C1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам, в частности к конструкциям пневматических радиальных шин. Слои корда расположены в шине таким образом, что толщина резиновой прослойки, расположенной между нитями корда каркаса и внутренней поверхностью шины, составляет 3,0-4,0 диаметра нити корда каркаса, а толщина резиновой прослойки, расположенной между слоями каркаса и брекера, составляет 0,9-1,5 диаметра нити корда каркаса. При наличии в каркасе более одного слоя корда толщина резиновой прослойки между нитями корда в смежных слоях каркаса находится в пределах 1,1-1,2 диаметра нитей корда каркаса. Шина улучшает управляемость транспортного средства и повышает износостойкость. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 3 табл.

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2442037C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к упругим оболочкам высокоэластичных муфт. Упругая оболочка для высокоэластичной муфты выполнена в виде торообразной оболочки из резины, армированной кордным каркасом с перекрещивающимися слоями нитей корда, завернутого на бортовые кольца. Упругая оболочка снабжена силовым поясом, охватывающим упругую оболочку по внешней окружности кордного каркаса и имеет бортовые зоны для крепления к полумуфтам. Причем упомянутая оболочка содержит герметизирующий защитный слой резины по внутреннему периметру упругой оболочки. Конфигурация упругой оболочки задана внешним диаметром упругой оболочки. Решение направлено на улучшение массо-габаритных характеристик оболочки и увеличение срока ее эксплуатации. 1 ил.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010117642A

... 1. Шина (1), содержащая герметичную резиновую оболочку (2) и усилительную конструкцию (3, 4), образованную в основном множеством расположенных в несколько слоев (3, 4) волокон (30, 40), каждое из которых в отдельности утоплено в резине, отличающаяся тем, что данная усилительная конструкция (3, 4) образована слоем каркаса (3), брекерным слоем (4) и соединительными средствами (21), причем каждое волокно (30) слоя каркаса (3) образует со срединной плоскостью (Р), перпендикулярной оси шины, первый угол (А1), составляющий от 75° до 90°, причем каждое волокно (40) брекерного слоя (4) образует со срединной плоскостью (Р) шины второй угол (А2), составляющий от 0° до 15°, причем соединительные средства (21) связывают между собой волокна слоя каркаса (3) и брекерного слоя (4), причем, по меньшей мере, некоторые из волокон (30, 40) усилительной конструкции (3, 4) имеют каждое полностью соединенное приплюснутой формы поперечное сечение и имеет расположенные под прямым углом друг к другу первый и второй ...

10-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95101239A1

Каркас покрышки состоит из одного каркасного волокна, выходящего и возвращающегося в закраину с другой стороны. В закраине указанные ходы и возвраты образуют два ряда по окружности, разделенных слоем 8 каучука. Анкерное крепление каркаса в закраине 2 осуществляется при расположении с каждой стороны закраины (в аксиальном направлении) по крайней мере одного пучка волокон 61 и 62, ориентированных по окружности. Каждый пучок примыкает к одному из указанных рядов. Разделяют слоем 5 из смеси каучука, имеющей твердость по Шору А выше 70.

10-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95101237A1

Каркас покрышки состоит из одного волокна 3, идущего вверх-вниз от одной закраины к другой. В скате ходы вверх-вниз образуют один круговой ряд 33. В закраине указанные ходы вверх-вниз образуют два круговых ряда 31 и 32, разделенных совокупностью волокон, ориентированных по окружности 61, между ними и указанными рядами 31 и 32 расположен слой 5 каучука, имеющего твердость по Шору А выше 70.

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Пневматическая шина

Номер: RU2003489C1

Изобретение касается автомобильных шин. в частности конструкций каркаса грузовых радиальных шин Пневматическая шина состоит из протектора 1. брекера 2. каркаса 3, боковин 4 и бортовых колец 5. Слои каркаса выполнены из одинакового по структуре корда, разрывная прочность нити которого при статическом нагружении составляет 33 - 36 кгс/нить. Величина суммарной плотности нитей корда в плечевой зоне составляет 107 - 117 величины отношения рабочего давления в шине к разрывной прочности нити корда каркаса 1 ил.

05-08-1999 дата публикации

Vehicle tire production with greater control over tire properties

Номер: DE0019804069A1

In a two part process the first part (A) involves building a first set of tire components (1) to produce two carcass halves including an inner liner (4), a carcass layer (2), bead wires (5), bead reinforcement and bead filler strips (6) and partially vulcanizing and shaping in a mold. In the second process part (B) the breaker layers (11a,11b) and tread strip (12) are combined with the two carcass halves and molded and vulcanized with the latter to form a complete tire. An Independent claim is included for a tire produced by the above process. Preferred Features: Parts of the sidewalls and inner liner (4) may be vulcanized in the first stage (A) and the remaining parts added in the second stage (B). Alternatively all inner liner and sidewall parts are vulcanized in the first stage and the inner liners of each half overlap when the tire is completed in stage B. A gap between the two carcass layer halves (2) is filled by a material strip (14). In stage A the radially outer carcass layer is ...

13-11-1924 дата публикации

Verstaerkung der mit Stahldraht versehenen Laufmantelwuelste

Номер: DE0000405897C

10-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003322266A1

19-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003578155D1

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017002439B4

Bereitgestellt wird ein Luftreifen, der im Gewicht reduziert ist und in der Lage ist, die für jeden von einem Laufflächenbereich und Seitenbereichen gewünschte Steifigkeit sicherzustellen, indem eine gekrümmte Karkassenstruktur verwendet wird, bei der sich ein Winkel eines Karkassencordfadens im Laufflächenbereich und in den Seitenbereichen kontinuierlich verändert. Die beiden Abschlüsse (40A und 40B) einer Karkassenschicht (4) überlappen sich im Laufflächenbereich (Rt). Die Karkassenschicht (4) hat eine Dreifachschichtstruktur, die eine in Reifenradialrichtung im Laufflächenbereich am weitesten innen liegende Innenschicht (4A), eine in Reifenradialrichtung im Laufflächenbereich (Rt) am weitesten außen liegende Außenschicht (4B) und eine im Laufflächenbereich (Rt) zwischen der Innenschicht (4A) und der Außenschicht (4B) liegende Zwischenschicht (4C) umfasst. Ein Cordfadenwinkel (θ1) in der Karkassenschicht (4) in einem mittleren Laufflächenbereich (Rc) bezogen auf eine Reifenumfangsrichtung ...

20-05-1955 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000927971C

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017218550A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Fahrzeugluftreifen mit einer Radialkarkasse (2) und zwei Wulstbereichen (1), welche je einen Wulstkern (3) und einen dem Wulstkern (3) aufsitzenden Wulstkernreiter (4) aufweisen, wobei die Karkasse (2) von axial innen nach axial außen um die Wulstkerne (3) geführt ist und in einem Karkasshochschlag (2a) endet und wobei wenigstens je ein Flipper als Wulstverstärker (6) in den beiden Wulstbereichen (1) des Fahrzeugluftreifens angeordnet ist und wobei der Flipper Festigkeitsträger aufweist, welche aus mindestens einem textilen Garn bestehen.Die Erfindung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, alle textilen Garne des Festigkeitsträgers aus dem gleichen Material bestehen und dass jedes Garn eine Feinheit < 700 dtex aufweist.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020124256B4
Автор: Sakata
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire Corporation

Luftreifen (1), umfassend: einen Laufstreifenbereich (2); ein Paar Seitenwandbereiche (3), die sich jeweils zu einer Innenseite in einer Reifenradialrichtung (TR) von beiden Enden des Laufstreifenbereichs (2) erstrecken; ein Paar Wulstkerne (5), jeweils angeordnet an Endbereichen des Paars von Seitenwandbereichen (3) auf der Innenseite in der Reifenradialrichtung (TR); ein inneres Element (8; 11), enthaltend einen Mittelbereich (11a), befindlich auf der Innenseite in der Reifenradialrichtung (TR) des Laufstreifenbereichs (2), und ein Paar von Seitenbereichen (11b), die sich jeweils von beiden Enden des Mittelbereichs (11a) zur Innenseite in der Reifenradialrichtung (TR) erstrecken und zwischen dem Paar von Wulstkernen (5) durchgehend sind; eine nicht durchgehende Lage (12), angeordnet auf einer Außenseite in der Reifenradialrichtung (TR) bezüglich des inneren Elements (8; 11) und enthaltend ein Paar von Lagenstücken (13), von denen jedes einen inneren Endbereich (13a), der sich im Laufstreifenbereich ...

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Pneumatic motor vehicle tire with self-supporting inserts for driving when punctured has carcass whose extension reduces with increased carcass load

Номер: DE102005052147A1

The tire has an insert(9) in each sidewall area for supporting a punctured tire with little or no internal pressure. The tire carcass(4) is made from a material with a progressive load and extension behaviour which reduces carcass extension as the tensile load on the carcass increases. Inserts(9) may be located inside or outside the carcass layer(4) and extends over a large proportion of the sidewall(8) length. An insert starts to the side of a bead wire(6) and runs to the edge of the tire breaker layer(2). Reinforcing cords in the carcass can comprise mono- or multifilaments. At least one of the filaments can be of a memory retention alloy and at least one other of a different metal or textile. Cord with round cross-section have a diameter of 0.1-2mm, preferably 0.6-1mm and may have a high degree of twist. Cord filaments may have different chemical compositions.

04-02-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002305004C3

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010352339B4

Fahrzeugreifen mit wählbaren mechanischen Eigenschaften, wobei der Fahrzeugreifen mit einem oder mehreren Aktuatoren zur Änderung der physikalischen Eigenschaften des Fahrzeugreifens versehen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Aktuatoren Nanostrukturteilchen aufweisen.

01-07-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001729609A1

06-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001372638A

... 1372638 Pneumatic tyres MICHELIN & CIE COMPAGNIE GENERALE des ETABS MICHELIN 17 May 1972 [18 May 1971] 23271/72 Heading B7 A tyre comprising two plies 11, 12 of cords arranged in radial or substantially radial planes, includes a crown reinforcement 5a stiffer at its edge regions than at its central region, and a respective insert 13, 14 in each side wall. The inserts are formed of an elastomer having a modulus of elasticity at 100% elongation greater than 200 g/mm2. The radial height h of the inserts is such that 2/3H#h#¢H, and the maximum thickness of the inserts is from 2%-5% of H, H being the radial height of the tyre measured between the bead seats and the radially outermost part of the tread. The crown reinforcement 5a is constituted by a ply of cords 6 whose edges 7 and 8 have been folded over so as to enclose the edges of ply of cords 9. Ply 6 is comprised by resilient metal cords making an angle of 22 degrees with one side of the mid circumferential plane, and ply 9 is ...

21-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001310624A

... 1310624 Pneumatic tyres FIVEREL SOC CIVILE D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES 23 Dec 1970 [9 June 1970] 61228/70 Heading B7C [Also in Division D1] A tyre has a carcass including cords each comprising a plurality of glass filaments each of which are enclosed in a sheath of elastomeric material, and having a corrected primary coefficient of twist greater than 90, and a corrected secondary coefficient of twist greater than 130, and an elongation to rupture of less than 3À5%. The tyre may have either a radial ply carcass (5, Fig. 1, not shown), or a discontinuous carcass 5a, 5b having the cords symmetrically interrupted about the median plane of the tyre. In the latter embodiment the tyre may include a substructure comprising a reinforcing ply radially inward of the interruption, and/or a bracing layer beneath the tyre tread. The substructure may consist of a reinforcing ply of rayon and nylon cords, and bracing layer may consist of one or more plies of rayon, nylon or steel cords. For glass filament ...

06-09-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001287634A

... 1287634 Pneumatic tyres MICHELIN & CIE (COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABS MICHELIN) 24 Oct 1969 [25 Oct 1968] 52309/69 Heading B7C In a radial carcass pneumatic tyre which has substantially the same axial width at the tread as at the level of the bead bases, each sidewall 2, when the tyre is inflated but unloaded, has in radial cross-section a profile comprising a substantially straight portion 16 extending radially inwards and axially outwards from the tread to a point 18 followed by a portion 19 extending to the bead 11 the curvature of which is substantially in the form of an arc of a circle. The zone where the two sidewall portions meet can be determined by a ring of metal, one or more cord plies, or of hard rubber (Shore A hardness at least 75 degrees). The rings may serve for anchoring of sidewall reinforcing plies extending over the portion 16.

28-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001444157A

... 1444157 Pneumatic tyres INDUSTRIE PIRELLI SpA 17 Oct 1973 [23 Oct 1972] 48340/73 Addition to 1396428 Heading B7C In an improvement in or modification of the run-flat pneumatic tyre described in Specification 1,396,428, the tyre is produced by a method comprising forming and vulcanizing the tread portion 1 separately from the sidewalls 3, 4 and subsequently assembling the tread portion and the sidewalls. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the tread portion is provided with a reinforcing structure 2 and detachably engages the sidewalls at cooperating profiles 9. The sidewalls of the tyre of Fig. 2 are interconnected by a rubber layer 15 lying radially inwardly of the tread portion 1. In Fig. 5, the sidewall 3 has a projection 25 which locates in a recess of the tread portion. An element 29 located in a recess 28 assists securement of the sidewall 3 to the tread portion 1. The element 29 may take the form of a rubber or plastics ring, or a metallic helical member. In an alternative form the element ...

06-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001269937A

... 1,269,937. Extruding; making wires and wire ropes. DUNLOP HOLDINGS Ltd. 13 May, 1969 [29 May, 1968], No. 25601/68. Headings B3A and B3P. [Also in Division D1] A multi-strand wire is produced either by hydrostatically extruding a wire billet 4 through a multi-orifice die 2 or by simultaneously hydrostatically extruding wires 12 through a multiorifice die 9 and feeding the extruded wires in a bundle from the die. The extrusion die 2 is attached to the extrusion chamber 1 by an annular cap 2a. The hydrostatic fluid is a mixture of glycerine and glycol in the ratio 3 : 1 by volume. The wire billet 4 or the wires 12 are fed from a spool in the extrusion chamber and are of carbon steel. The extruded wires may be pulled to assist passage through the die. The wires may be twisted to form yarns and at least two yarns may be twisted together to form a cord.

12-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008821149D0

25-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002075927B

19-05-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to radial-cord pneumatic tyre casings

Номер: GB0000992341A

... 992,341. Pneumatic tyres. PNEUMATIQUES CAOUTCHOUC MANUFACTURE ET PLASTIQUES KLEBER COLOMBES. March 14, 1962 [March 15, 1961], No. 9798/62. Heading B7C. A pneumatic tyre has a carcase of two layers or two sets of layers A, B of parallel radial cords, the cords of the inner layer or set A being more extensible than the cords of the outer layer or set B at least in the lower sidewall region adjacent the bead cores 2 to provide better flexibility in that region. As shown, the inner layer A is turned outwardly around the bead core 2, and the outer layer B is turned inwardly therearound. The greater extensibility of the cords of the inner layer A may be achieved by forming corrugated pleats therein, as shown, adjacent the bead core 2, the cords of both layers being of metal, or natural or synthetic textile material. Alternatively the cords of the inner layer may be of a more extensible material, such as nylon, compared with the cords of the outer layer which may be of rayon.

06-01-1965 дата публикации

Liner for radial-ply tires

Номер: GB0000979907A

... 979,907. Tyres. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Nov. 29, 1962 [Jan. 29, 1962], No. 45131/62. Heading B7C. A tyre comprises radial cords 3 and a liner 7 which is made of rubber incorporating short lengths of filamentary material. The filaments may be brass-plated steel wire, cotton, nylon, rayon, flock &c., and if preferentially orientated in the rubber then should lie substantially circumferentially of the tyre. The liner may incorporate 1 to 5% filaments, by volume, but need not have any under the breaker or near the beads. Filaments may be 0.004 to 0.020 inch gauge and 0.5 inch long.

27-04-1966 дата публикации

Tubeless tire

Номер: GB0001027329A

... 1,027,329. Pneumatic tyres. GOOI)YEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Nov. 19, 1964 [Dec. 16, 1963], No. 47124/64. Heading B7C. A tubeless tyre inbludes a carcass 30 and an elastomeric liner extending from one bead toe to the other and reinforced with discrete, discontinuous lengths of filamentary material between “ and 1“ inches long each entirely surrounded by the liner elastomer. The filamentary material may be orientated in any desired direction. The tyre may include bias-cut carcass plies and bias-cut liner plies (Fig. 4, not shown). A reinforced liner 31 may be covered interiorly with an elastomeric liner 33 containing no reinforcement. The reinforced liner may be extended around the beads to serve also as a chafer strip. The filamentary material may be rayon, nylon, wire or glass. The liner may incorporate between 1 and 10% filaments by weight and may be between 0À060 and 0.120.inch thick.

23-06-1965 дата публикации

Tyre casing

Номер: GB0000995645A

... 995,645. Pneumatic tyres. PNEUMATIQUES CAOUTCHOUC MANUFACTURE ET PLASTIQUES KLEBER COLOMBES. Feb. 9, 1962, No. 5111/62. Heading B7C. In a tyre having a carcase of layers 1, 2 of radial-cord plies anchored to a bead core 3, additional reinforcing chafer strips 5 of parallel cords are disposed in the bead region externally of the carcass layer 2 to extend radially outwardly from the bead heel 6, the strips 5 being separated from one another by strips 11 of hard rubber of a minimum Shore A hardness of 70 and the radially outer edges of the strips 5 being staggered radially inwardly from the axially innermost strip 5. Where the outer carcase layer 2 comprises a plurality of plies, strips 11 of hard rubber may be inserted between these plies in the bead region for additional reinforcement. The bead structure is completed by a flipper strip 9, a filler strip 10 and a chafer layer 8, the strip 10 and layer 8 being of the same rubber composition as the strips 11.

12-01-1966 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: GB0001016536A

... 1,016,536. Pneumatic tyres. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Sept. 24, 1964 [Oct. 9, 1963], No. 39049/64. Heading B7C. To provide both good tread wear and good sidewall durability, in a pneumatic tyre having parallel cord carcass plies 12 extending from bead to bead the ratio in radial cross-section contacting the tyre axis of sectional height SH to maximum sectional width SD of the inflated carcass is between 0.6 and 0.85, the cord angle of the plies 12 and of breaker plies 15 being between 32 degrees and 45 degrees, and 20 degrees and 27 degrees respectively to the midplane and the carcass when inflated has a greater sectional height and lesser maximum sectional width than when uninflated. The tyre is cured in a mould and the ratio SH to SD of the carcass when in the mould is up to 25% less than when it is inflated, the sectional height being 3 to 15% greater when the tyre is inflated than when it is in the mould. The cords of the plies 12 are of a synthetic textile e.g. rayon, nylon, and those ...

19-11-1980 дата публикации

Metal disk wheel with resilient tread and bearing support

Номер: GB0002046678A
Автор: Black, John William

A wheel construction comprises a bearing means 26 defining an axis of rotation, housed in an elastomeric sleeve 27 having an elastic compressibility characteristic. A pair of identically shaped metallic stampings 11, 12, each having a central cylindrical shell part axially aligned with the other, is provided for housing the bearing means and elastomeric sleeve therein. Each of the stampings has a surface portion 21, 21A intermediate the central cylindrical shell part and the outer periphery thereof, which are coextensive with a central plane through the wheel construction perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The axially aligned cylindrical shell parts engage at least a portion of the elastomeric sleeve of the bearing structure. An annulus 29 of moldable synthetic resin material is fixedly secured to the peripheral surface of the pair of metallic stampings to hold the cylindrical shell parts and the surface portions in axial alignment. The annulus has an elastically flexible characteristic ...

08-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002046678B

23-10-1930 дата публикации

Pneumatic cushion wheel and method of making same

Номер: GB0000336715A

... 336,715. Musselman, A. J. Aug. 17, 1929. Jackets and covers; tyre attachments to rims.-A " balloon-tyre " of relatively large tread diameter, and adapted to be fitted to a hub member is formed from one or more plies of fabric which are shaped from an original diameter shown in broken ing the edge portions on a cylindrical support, which may be the hub member. In the form shown in Fig. 3, the edges of the tyre casing 21, having the original diameter shown in broken lines, are contracted to fit the hub 27 by means of strings &c. 23 about which the edges are looped. The tyre is secured between fixed and removable hub flanges 28, 29. The tread portion having inextensible edge reinforcements 64<1> may be separately formed and vulcanized to the shaped casing. In the modification shown in Fig. 4, the edges are fitted with multiple retaining devices 23 and clamped between flanged rings 44, 45, the latter being spaced by rubber &c. rings 47.

03-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001332147A

... 1332147 Radial cord tyres MICHELIN & CIE (COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABS MICHELIN) 23 Dec 1970 [23 Dec 1969] 61203/70 Heading B7C A radial ply carcass pneumatic tyre comprises at least one ply of cords 14 which, between the tread and mid-height of the side walls, are surrounded by an elastomer 33 of different mechanical quality from that of elastomer 32 projecting between the so-surrounded cords 14, and, between the tread and the mid-height of the side walls, are both surrounded and separated by an elastomer 33 of the same mechanical quality. The cords are surrounded by an elastomer of high modulus of elasticity and are separated by an elastomer of relatively low modulus of elasticity in the region between the tread and the mid-height of the side wall, and an elastomer of relatively low modulus of elasticity surrounds and separates the cords between the tread and the mid-height of the side wall. Cords of adjacent plies are calendered in elastomers of different moduli of elasticity, and are ...

22-11-1967 дата публикации

Pneumatic tyre for vehicles

Номер: GB0001091800A

... 1,091,800. Pneumatic tyres. CONTINENTAL GUMMI-WERKE A.G. Dec. 22, 1964 [Feb. 25, 1964], No. 52160/64. Heading B7C. A pneumatic tyre comprises (a) a carcass ply or plies 1 of parallel cords 3 extending continuously from bead to bead and having a cord angle to the circumferential of substantially 90 degrees in the sidewall regions b changing gradually to a valve between 5 and 25 degrees in the tread region c, the spacing of the cords in the regions b being greater than that in the region c and (b) a tread reinforcing ply or plies 2 of shorter parallel cords 31 extending substantially over the width of the tread region c only and crossing the cords 3 at an equal and opposite angle, all the carcass cords lying in the tread region in one direction only. The cords 3 are turned over bead wires 4 and preferably have in the bead regions a a cord angle between 50 and 65 degrees. The radius of curvature in the transition regions 9 is between 20 and 60 times the cord diameter.

04-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001583977A

10-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001590785A

10-04-1980 дата публикации

Tubeless pneumatic tire

Номер: GB0002030525A

A tubeless pneumatic tire comprises an inner rubberized carcass ply (1) which is composed of cords impregnated with a material which fills the gaps between filaments or strands of the cords so as to prevent passage of air along the cords via the gaps. The preferred material is resorcin-formalin- latex resin, and the cords are firstly dipped into the material under a given tension and dried, secondly pressed between rollers, and thirdly dipped into the material. The ply 1 is stated to be capable of efficiently eliminating air leak failure without increasing the thickness of an inner liner (5) and without inducing air trap failure during the manufacture of the tire. ...

25-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001570136A

08-07-1981 дата публикации

"Radial tire for heavy vehicles"

Номер: GB0002066173A

A combination radial tire for heavy load vehicles comprising a thread portion consisting of a combination of a belt composed of at least two metal cord layers and a carcass composed of at least two organic textile cord plies. In the lower half region of the carcass located at a bead portion, at least one additional reinforcing layer is interposed between the carcass plies and/or another additional reinforcing layer is interposed between the carcass ply and rubber stocks sandwiched between the carcass ply and its turn-up portion, these additional reinforcing layers being extended in parallel with the carcass ply cords and including organic textile cords.

29-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001477858A

... 1477858 Pneumatic tyres INDUSTRIE PIRELLI SpA 6 July 1974 [12 June 1973] 25164/74 Addition to 1430405 Heading B7C A pneumatic tyre including a carcass ply 1 of radial or substantially radially disposed cords, e.g. of nylon, is reinforced in at least one lower sidewall region and the associated bead by a first annular strip 10 of metal cords 12 arranged axially outwardly of the carcass ply and its turn-up, the radial height h of the first strip being between 25% and 45% of the section height H of the tyre. In the lower sidewall region the first strip lies substantially in the flexional neutral axis of the sidewall. The metal cords of the first strip intersect the circumferential line X1X1 defining the radially outer edge of a second annular strip 13 of cords 14 at an angle between 5‹ and 15‹. The second strip is situated axially outwardly of the first strip and its cords 14 intersect said circumferential line at an angle between 45‹ and 90‹ in an opposite sense with respect ...

31-12-1983 дата публикации

Braces for tires manufactured by moulding.

Номер: OA0000006844A

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408526T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361206T

11-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357884B

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387323T

15-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA298674A

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA405977A

15-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA471177A

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA173085A

15-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA142974A

15-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278175A

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001112472A

15-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000913277A

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173085A

27-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000379346B

15-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000024864T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009074T

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043538T

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353283T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258855T

10-05-1973 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: AT0000307251B

10-02-1975 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire for vehicle wheels

Номер: AT0000320453B

10-12-1973 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: AT0000311817B

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000319580T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000333384T

10-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342440B

26-09-1966 дата публикации

From chaining and Schußfäden existing Cordgewebe

Номер: AT0000249520B

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000279327T

25-09-1970 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: AT0000284646B

25-11-1966 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire cover with radial carcass and strengthened bulges

Номер: AT0000250813B

25-10-1968 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: AT0000265883B

08-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002221920A1
Автор: CARETTA, Renato

19-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007830475A

14-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008002875A

18-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003241074A1

01-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000521487B2

25-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003534978A

28-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003173077A

17-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004921779A

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292027A1

The invention relates to a tire having a radial carcass reinforcement, consisting of at least one layer of reinforcing elements anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire, said carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one layer of reinforcing elements or stiffener, the radially outer end of which is radially on the outside of the end of the upturn. According to the invention, the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers, having, in what is called the permeability test, a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min and the distance between the radially outer end of the stiffener and the end of the carcass reinforcement upturn is less than 5 mm. 114-. (canceled)15. Tire having a radial carcass reinforcement , consisting of at least one layer of reinforcing elements , said tire comprising a crown reinforcement , which is itself covered radially with a tread , said tread being joined to two beads via two sidewalls , at least one layer of reinforcing elements of the carcass reinforcement being anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire , said carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one layer of reinforcing elements or stiffener , the radially outer end of which is radially on the outside of the end of the upturn , wherein the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers , having , in what is called the permeability test , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min and wherein the distance between the radially outer end of the stiffener and the end of the carcass reinforcement upturn is less than 5 mm.16. Tire according to claim 15 , wherein the non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers having claim 15 , in what is called the permeability test claim 15 , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min are cords having at least two layers and wherein at least one inner layer is sheathed with a layer consisting of a polymer ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292028A1

The invention relates to a tire having a radial carcass reinforcement, consisting of at least one layer of reinforcing elements anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire, said carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one layer of reinforcing elements or stiffener. According to the invention, the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers, having, in what is called the permeability test, a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min and the thickness of the polymer blends separating the stiffener from the end of the carcass reinforcement upturn is strictly less than 3.5 mm. 1. A tire having a radial carcass reinforcement , having at least one layer of reinforcing elements , said tire comprising a crown reinforcement , which is itself covered radially with a tread , said tread being joined to two beads via two sidewalls , at least one layer of reinforcing elements of the radial carcass reinforcement being anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire , said radial carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one stiffener comprising a layer of reinforcing elements , wherein the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers , having , in what is called the permeability test , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min and in the thickness of polymer blends separating the stiffener from the end of the radial carcass reinforcement upturn is strictly less than 3.5 mm.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers have claim 1 , in what is called the permeability test claim 1 , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min are cords having at least two layers and wherein at least one inner layer is sheathed with a layer consisting of a polymer composition.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein said non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers of at least one stiffener have claim 1 , in ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Tire, the carcass reinforcement of which is reinforced with a layer of reinforcing elements in the bead region

Номер: US20130340913A1

The invention relates to a tire having a radial carcass reinforcement, consisting of at least one layer of reinforcing elements anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire, said carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one layer of reinforcing elements or stiffener, the radially outer end of which is radially on the outside of the end of the upturn. According to the invention, the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers, having, in what is called the permeability test, a flow rate of less than 5 cm3/min and the modulus of elasticity of the layer of polymer blend in contact with the carcass reinforcement upturn and separating the stiffener from the end of the carcass reinforcement upturn is greater than 4 MPa.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008003A1

The invention relates to a tire having a radial carcass reinforcement, consisting of at least one layer of reinforcing elements anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire, said carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one layer of reinforcing elements or stiffener, the radially outer end of which is radially on the outside of the end of the upturn. 1. A tire having a radial carcass reinforcement , having at least one layer of reinforcing elements , said tire comprising a crown reinforcement , which is itself covered radially with a tread , said tread being joined to two beads via two sidewalls , at least one layer of reinforcing elements of the radial carcass reinforcement being anchored in each of the beads by an upturn around a bead wire , said radial carcass reinforcement upturn being reinforced by at least one stiffener comprising a layer of reinforcing , at least the end of the radial carcass reinforcement upturn being separated from the stiffener by a calendering layer of polymer blend , wherein the reinforcing elements of at least one stiffener are non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers , having , in what is called the permeability test , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min wherein the radially inner end of said stiffener is radially on the inside of the point of the bead wire which is radially closest to the axis of rotation and wherein the modulus of elasticity of the polymer blends-blend of the calendering laver of the carcass reinforcement is less than or equal to 8 MPa.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers having claim 1 , in what is called the permeability test claim 1 , a flow rate of less than 5 cm/min are cords having at least two layers and wherein at least one inner layer is sheathed with a layer consisting of a polymer composition.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein said non-wrapped metal cords with saturated layers of at least one stiffener have ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034207A1
Автор: Takahashi Fumio

The present invention aims to provide a pneumatic tire with sufficiently reduced rolling resistance. The pneumatic tire according to the present invention including a carcass having a carcass main portion extending from a tread portion via a sidewall portion to a bead portion in a toroidal shape and locked on a bead core embedded in the bead portion, and a belt disposed on a crown portion outer peripheral side of the carcass, characterized in that, when mounted on an applicable rim and put under a predetermined internal pressure no-load condition, a minimum value R1 of a curvature radius of a tire width direction cross-section in a tire radial direction outer portion of the carcass main portion positioned on an tire radial direction outer side than a position where a distance measured from a tire radial direction inner end of the carcass outwardly in the tire radial direction becomes ½ of a carcass cross-sectional height is 0.6 times or less of a minimum value R2 of the curvature radius of the tire width direction cross-section of a portion that, in the tire radial direction inner portion of the carcass main portion positioned on the tire radial direction inner side than the tire radial direction outer portion, bulges out in the tire width direction. 1. A pneumatic tire including a carcass having a carcass main portion extending in a toroidal shape from a tread portion via a pair of sidewall portions to a pair of bead portions and locked on bead cores embedded in the bead portions , and a belt composed of at least one belt layer disposed on an outer peripheral side of a crown portion of the carcass , whereinin a state where the tire is mounted on an applicable rim and put under a predetermined internal pressure no-load condition,a minimum value R1 of a curvature radius of a tire width direction cross-section of a tire radial direction outer portion of the carcass main portion positioned on a tire radial direction outer side than a position where a distance measured ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001602A1

An object of the present invention is to achieve a reduction in weight while securing strength to counter internal pressure in a tire employing a resin material in a tire frame member. 1. A tire , comprising:a tire frame member formed from a resin material, and provided with side sections positioned at each tire width direction side, and a crown section that is connected to tire radial direction outer side end portions of the side sections and that extends toward a tire width direction inner side;a reinforcement layer that is provided at an outer peripheral side of the crown section, and that includes a cord wound in a spiral along a tire circumferential direction; anda thinned portion that is provided at a tire width direction central portion of the crown section, within the width of the reinforcement layer and over a narrower range than the width of the crown section.2. The tire of claim 1 , wherein a boundary in the crown section between the thinned portion and a general portion other than the thinned portion has a stepped profile.3. The tire of claim 2 , wherein the boundary is provided at at least one of an inner face side or the outer face side of the crown section.4. The tire of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the thinned portion gradually decreases toward a tire equatorial plane.5. The tire of claim 1 , wherein a range of the thinned portion from the tire equatorial plane to a tire width direction outer side is ⅓ of the total width of the reinforcement layer claim 1 , or less.6. The tire of claim 2 , wherein a range of the thinned portion from the tire equatorial plane to a tire width direction outer side is ⅓ of the total width of the reinforcement layer claim 2 , or less.7. The tire of claim 3 , wherein a range of the thinned portion from the tire equatorial plane to a tire width direction outer side is ⅓ of the total width of the reinforcement layer claim 3 , or less.8. The tire of claim 4 , wherein a range of the thinned portion from the tire equatorial ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001619A1

This invention relates to a vehicular tire having a rubber tread interlocked with a polyurethane carcass. 1. A tire comprised of a circumferential rubber tread interlocked with a polyurethane carcass.2. The tire of comprised of an annular cured rubber tread and a toroidal polyurethane carcass supporting and interlocked with the cured rubber tread claim 1 , where the cured rubber tread is configured with open cavities in its radially inner surface and wherein portions of said toroidal polyurethane carcass protrude into and occupy said open cavities of said rubber tread to thereby mechanically and/or mechano-chemically interlock said polyurethane carcass to said rubber tread.3. The tire of the surfaces of said open cavities of said cured rubber tread contain at least one of primer and adhesive coating.4. The tire of wherein the surfaces of the said open cavities of said cured rubber tread contains a polyurethane-to-elastomer bonding adhesive coating.5. The tire of wherein the surfaces of the said open cavities of said cured rubber tread contains a polyurethane-to-elastomer bonding adhesive over a primer coating.6. The tire of wherein the open cavities in the surface of the cured rubber tread is composed of various configurations comprised of at least one of trapezoidal claim 1 , prismatic claim 1 , truncated prismatic claim 1 , cubical claim 1 , polygonal claim 1 , semi-hemispherical rectangular configurations claim 1 , grooves comprised of at least one of directionally oriented and randomly positioned grooves.7. The tire of wherein the polyurethane carcass contains an internal load bearing support.8. The tire of wherein the polyurethane carcass contains an internal load bearing support comprised of interwoven wire spring structure.9. The tire of wherein at least one of the polyurethane carcass and cured rubber tread contains an internal load bearing support comprised of a circumferential belt.10. The tire of wherein the circumferential belt contained in the cured ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20140110035A1
Автор: Takuya Yoshimi
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

Provided is a pneumatic tire in which basic performances needed for a side portion can be satisfied without compromising a light weight effect due to decrease in the gauge of the side portion. Provided is a pneumatic tire which is composed of a pair of bead portions 11 , a pair of side wall portions 12 extending from the pair of bead portions, and a tread portion 13 bridging both side wall portions and which comprises one or more carcasses 2 extending toroidally between the pair of bead portions. The carcass 2 is constituted of a treat which is an organic fiber cord coated with rubber; the occupancy rate of the organic fiber cord in the treat is 70% or higher; and the ratio of the cord diameter φ (mm) of the organic fiber cord as a dip treated cord to the minimum value D (mm) of the gauge in the thickness direction of the tire at an external region of the side wall portion in the tire radial direction from the maximum width portion of a tire when the tire is mounted to a rim satisfies the relationship represented by the expression below: 0.25<φ/ D <0.50.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059629A1

A method of making a tire carcass is described. The method includes providing a first and second bead; aligning the first and second bead in parallel relationship to each other, and aligning the centers of each bead on a central axis; winding a strip of ply about the first and second bead so that the strip of ply extends between the beads in parallel relationship to the central axis forming a first stage tire carcass having two layers of ply. The method results in a tire having a carcass formed of a dual wrapped ply that is continuous in nature. 1. A method of making a tire carcass comprising the following steps:a. providing a first and second bead;b. aligning the first and second bead in parallel relationship to each other, and aligning the centers of each bead on a central axis;c. winding a strip of ply about the first and second bead so that the strip of ply extends between the beads in parallel relationship to the central axis forming a first stage tire carcass having two layers of ply.2. The method of further comprising the step of shaping the first stage tire carcass into a toroid.3. The method of wherein the bead includes an apex.4. The method of further comprising the step of rotationally indexing the first and second bead while winding the strip of ply.5. A method of making a tire carcass comprising the following steps:a) providing a rotatable member mounted to a support frame, wherein the rotatable member further comprises a spool of ply strip;b) providing a first and second bead located adjacent the rotatable member wherein the first and second beads are placed in parallel relationship and axial alignment with respect to each other;c) rotating the rotatable member through and around the first and second bead while winding the strip of ply around and through the opposed beads.6. The method of further comprising the step of rotationally indexing the first and second bead.7. The method of wherein the rotatable member is c shaped.8. A method of making a tire ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080775A1

An assembly () for tire comprises: a first structure () formed by first cord elements (), a second structure () formed by second cord elements (), a bearing structure () comprising bearing cord elements () linking the first cord elements () to the first structure () and the second cord elements () of the second structure (), and at least one cord securing element () fixed to the first cord elements () and to the second cord elements (), said securing element () exhibiting an elongation at rupture at least equal to a minimum elongation greater than or equal to the ratio (A) between a conformation height (h) of the assembly () and the sum of a thickness (e) of the first structure (), of a thickness (e) of the second structure () and of a lock length (E). 114.-. (canceled)16. The assembly of claim 15 , wherein the at least one cord securing element has two opposing free ends and is anchored to the first cord elements and to the second cord elements at the free ends and is locked in the first structure and in the second structure between the free ends.17. The assembly of claim 15 , wherein the at least one cord securing element has two opposite free ends and is anchored to the first cord elements and to the second cord elements at the free ends and at several points between the free ends claim 15 , and{'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': ['A', '≥h', 'e', '+e'], 'sub': ['min', '1', '2'], '#text': '/().'}, '#text': 'wherein the minimum elongation is greater than or equal to a ratio between the conformation height of the assembly and the sum of the thickness of the first structure and of the thickness of the second structure:'}21. The manufacturing method of claim 20 , wherein the at least one cord securing element has two opposite free ends claim 20 , the fixing step comprising anchoring the at least one cord securing element to the first cord elements and to the second cord elements at the free ends and locking the at least one cord securing element in the first structure ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20200070579A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

The present invention is directed to a pneumatic tire comprising a textile cord reinforced rubber component, the rubber component comprising a textile cord contacting a rubber composition, the rubber composition comprising: from 20 to 45 phr of a solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber having a bound styrene content ranging from 5 to 25 percent by weight, a vinyl-1,2 content ranging from 5 to 40 weight percent based on the butadiene content, and a Tg ranging from −85 to −50° C.; from 55 to 80 phr of a polyisoprene rubber selected from the group consisting of natural rubber and synthetic polyisoprene rubber; from 20 to 60 phr of a filler selected from carbon black, silica, and prehydrophobated silica; from 1 to 10 phr of a resin selected from the group consisting of carbamic resins, alkyl phenol formaldehyde resins, and phenol formaldehyde resins; and from 0.5 to 5 phr of a methylene donor.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20210101419A1
Автор: Masayuki Arima
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A pneumatic tire includes a carcass whose cords are coated with coating rubber, at least one of a bead core and a bead filler whose outer surface which faces the carcass is formed from a resin that is harder than the coating rubber, and a buffer layer that is disposed between the coating rubber and the resin, and that reduces shear stress generated in the coating rubber.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Tyre for a motor vehicle and method for controlling a motor vehicle during a manoeuvre to change direction and/or speed

Номер: US20160107486A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A method for controlling a motor vehicle including equipping the motor vehicle with front and rear tires having a transverse curvature ratio of at least 0.2 and a total height to chord ratio of at least 0.5, where at least one of the tires has an inflation pressure of between 50% and 90% of a low load reference value for normal driving and has a tread and a radial carcass with textile cords, which give the whole of the carcass a controlled elastic response allowing the motor vehicle to be controlled when there are sudden changes in speed and/or direction.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114541A1

A tire with a radial carcass reinforcement, wherein the reinforcing elements of at least one layer of the carcass reinforcement are non-wrapped three-layered metal cords with an unsaturated external layer which in what is referred to as the permeability test return a mean flow rate less than 4 cm/min and at least 2 points of zero flow rate over a length of 2 cm. 2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of an axial width L of the tread to a maximum axial width S of the tire is greater than 0.85.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the non-wrapped multilayer metal cord of the invention is a layered cord of a construction denoted [1+M+N].4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein an aspect ratio H/S is greater than 0.55 claim 1 , wherein H is the height of the tire on the rim claim 1 , and S is the maximum axial width of the tire.5. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the crown reinforcement is formed of at least two working crown layers of inextensible reinforcing elements claim 1 , crossed from one layer to the other claim 1 , forming claim 1 , with the circumferential direction claim 1 , angles of between 10° and 45°.6. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the crown reinforcement further comprises at least one layer of circumferential reinforcing elements.7. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the crown reinforcement is supplemented radially on the outside by at least one additional ply claim 1 , referred to as a protective ply claim 1 , of reinforcing elements claim 1 , called elastic claim 1 , oriented with respect to the circumferential direction at an angle of between 10° and 45° and in the same direction as the angle formed by the inextensible elements of a working ply radially adjacent to it.8. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the crown reinforcement further includes a triangulation layer formed from metal reinforcing elements forming angles of more than 60° with the circumferential direction. This application is a 371 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114701A1

A tire includes a tread, a sidewall extending from one edge of the tread approximately in a radially inward direction to a bead structure, and a carcass extending along an axially inner side of the sidewall to the bead structure. The carcass includes a first ply and a second ply extending radially inward from the sidewall to a terminal end directly adjacent the bead structure. The bead structure includes a circumferentially extending bead core axially inward of the sidewall, a chafer extending radially inward toward the bead core, an apex abutting the bead core, and an inner stiffener member disposed between the first ply and the apex, the inner stiffener member extending radially outward from a location proximate the bead core to a location radially outward from the apex. 1. A tire comprising:a tread;a sidewall extending from one edge of the tread approximately in a radially inward direction to a bead structure; anda carcass extending along an axially inner side of the sidewall to the bead structure, the carcass includes a first ply and a second ply extending radially inward from the sidewall to a terminal end directly adjacent the bead structure, the bead structure includes a circumferentially extending bead core axially inward of the sidewall, a chafer extending radially inward toward the bead core, an apex abutting the bead core, and an inner stiffener member disposed between the first ply and the apex, the inner stiffener member extending radially outward from a location proximate the bead core to a location radially outward from the apex.2. The tire as set forth in wherein the bead structure further includes a second chafer proximate the bead core.3. The tire as set forth in wherein the apex is positioned on a radially inner side of the sidewall.4. The tire as set forth in wherein the apex is positioned on an axially outer side of the bead core.5. The tire as set forth in wherein the bead structure further includes a second chafer abutting a rim on which the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281269A1
Автор: Suita Harunobu
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire Corporation

A tire that includes a plurality of annular tire constituent members respectively having joint parts formed by joining one end and another end of each member, and an electronic component. The plurality of annular tire constituent members respectively having joint parts include an inner liner that covers a tire inner cavity surface, and at least two tire constituent members different from the inner liner. The electronic component is disposed within a range of less than 90° around a tire rotation axis, relative to the positions of the joint parts of the inner liner. 123-. (canceled)24. A tire comprising:a plurality of annular tire constituent members respectively having a joint part formed by one end side and another end side of a member being joined; andan electronic component,wherein the plurality of annular tire constituent members respectively having the joint part includes an inner liner covering a tire inner cavity surface, and at least two tire constituent members different from the inner liner, andwherein the electronic component is disposed within a range less than 90 degrees around a tire rotational axis, with a position of the joint part of the inner liner as a reference.25. The tire according to claim 24 , wherein the electronic component is disposed within a range of 80 degrees or less around a tire rotational axis claim 24 , with a position of the joint part of the inner liner as a reference.26. The tire according to claim 25 , wherein the electronic component is disposed within a range of 60 degrees or less around a tire rotational axis claim 25 , with a position of the joint part of the inner liner as a reference.27. The tire according to claim 26 , wherein the electronic component is disposed within a range of 45 degrees or less around a tire rotational axis claim 26 , with a position of the joint part of the inner liner as a reference.28. The tire according to claim 24 , wherein the electronic component is disposed at a position distanced by at least ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160144670A1

A tire includes: bead cores; a carcass; a bead filler that extends along an outer face of the carcass from the bead core toward a tire radial direction outer side; and side reinforcing rubber that is provided at a tire side portion that extends in the tire radial direction along an inner face of the carcass, that decreases in thickness on progression toward the bead core side and toward a tread portion side, that has an end portion at the bead core side that overlaps with bead filler with the carcass sandwiched therebetween, and that has an elongation at break of 130% or above, wherein a thickness of the side reinforcing rubber at a midpoint between an end portion at the tire radial direction outer side of the bead filler running along the carcass, and the end portion is 40% to 80% of a maximum thickness. 1. A run-flat tire comprising:a pair of bead cores;a carcass that straddles between the pair of bead cores and that has end portion sides anchored to the bead cores;a bead filler that extends along an outer face of the carcass from the bead core toward a tire radial direction outer side; andside reinforcing rubber that is provided at a tire side portion, that extends in the tire radial direction along an inner face of the carcass, that decreases in thickness on progression toward a bead core side and toward a tread portion side, that has an end portion at the bead core side that overlaps with the bead filler with the carcass sandwiched between the end portion and the bead filler, and that has an elongation at break of 130% or above, whereina thickness of the side reinforcing rubber at a midpoint between an end portion at the tire radial direction outer side of the bead filler running along the carcass, and the end portion at the bead core side of the side reinforcing rubber, is 40% to 80% of a maximum thickness of the side reinforcing rubber.2. The run-flat tire of claim 1 , wherein the elongation at break of the side reinforcing rubber is 190% or below.3. The run- ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144487A1

A tire carcass () comprises two sidewalls () and a crown () suitable for receiving, radially externally, a tread (), the internal surface of the sidewalls and of the crown forming an internal wall (), also comprising a circumferential tread support surface () provided with a layer of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), the support surface () extending from one bead () to the other while passing through the sidewalls () and the crown (). 121.-. (canceled)22. A tire carcass comprising two sidewalls and a crown suitable for receiving , radially externally , a tread , the internal surface of the sidewalls and of the crown forming an internal wall ,wherein the carcass further comprises a circumferential tread support surface which extends from one bead to another bead while passing through the sidewalls and the crown, andwherein the tread support surface is covered with a layer of thermoplastic elastomer.23. The tire carcass according to claim 22 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer is crosslinked with an adjacent layer of crown rubber mixture.24. The tire carcass according to claim 22 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer is located radially externally with respect to the carcass.25. The tire carcass according to claim 22 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer is covered with a removable protective membrane.26. The tire carcass according to claim 22 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer consists of styrene/butadiene/styrene or styrene/butadiene/styrene/poly(para-phenylene ether).27. The tire carcass according to further comprising a carcass reinforcing structure.28. The tire carcass according to claim 22 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer comprises a thickness of between 10 μm and 1 mm.29. The tire carcass according to claim 28 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer comprises a thickness of between 10 μm and 200 μm.30. The tire carcass according to claim 29 , wherein the layer of thermoplastic elastomer comprises a ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Tire having an offset body ply construction

Номер: US20140230987A1

Various embodiments of a tire having an offset body ply construction are disclosed.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic Tire, And Method of Manufacturing Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20160159167A1

A pneumatic tire () is provided with a cylindrical annular structure () that is disposed around the rotational axis and that has an outer surface and an inner surface, a carcass portion () at least a part of which is disposed on an outer side of the annular structure in a direction parallel to the rotational axis, the carcass portion () having a cord covered by rubber, a rubber layer () at least a part of which is disposed so as to face the outer surface of the annular structure, the rubber layer () including a tread portion, and a fiber () disposed between the annular structure and the rubber layer so as to suppress generation of a gas space between the annular structure and the rubber layer. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a cylindrical annular structure that is disposed around a rotational axis and that has an outer surface and an inner surface;a carcass portion at least a part of which is disposed on an outer side of the annular structure in a direction parallel to the rotational axis, the carcass portion having a cord covered by rubber;a rubber layer at least a part of which is disposed so as to face the outer surface of the annular structure, the rubber layer including a tread portion; anda fiber disposed between the annular structure and the rubber layer so as to suppress generation of a gas space between the annular structure and the rubber layer.2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the fibers are disposed between the annular structure and the rubber layer.3. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the carcass portion is disposed so as to face the inner surface of the annular structure claim 1 , andthe fiber is disposed between the annular structure and the carcass portion so as to suppress generation of a gas space between the annular structure and the carcass portion.4. A pneumatic tire claim 1 , comprising:a cylindrical annular structure that is disposed around a rotational axis and that has an ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210187888A1

The invention includes methods for forming a retreaded tire and treads there for. Particular embodiments of such methods include providing a tire carcass configured to receive a tire tread along an annular tread-receiving area and a pre-formed tread comprising a tread body and a submerged void arranged along a bottom side of the tread and extending into the tread thickness to a top end located below the top side of the tread, the submerged void having a length and an opening arranged along the bottom side when the tread is in an uninstalled configuration, where the opening of the submerged void extends in a direction of the submerged groove length along an alternating, non-linear path. Further steps include assembling a retreaded tire by arranging the tire tread atop a bonding layer arranged between the tire tread and the tire carcass and comprising uncured bonding material. 1. A method of forming a retreaded tire comprising the steps of:providing a tire carcass configured to receive a tire tread along an annular tread-receiving area, the annular tread-receiving area arranged along a radially outer side of the tire carcass and having a width extending laterally across a width of the tire carcass and a length extending annularly around the tire carcass; a tread body having a length, a width, and a thickness, the thickness being bounded by a top side and a bottom side; and,', 'a submerged void arranged along the bottom side and extending into the tread thickness to a top end located below the top side of the tread, the submerged void having a length extending in a direction of the tread width and an opening arranged along the bottom side when the tread is in an uninstalled configuration, where the opening of the submerged void extends in a direction of the submerged void length along an alternating, non-linear path; and,, 'providing a pre-formed tire tread comprisingassembling a retreaded tire by arranging the tire tread atop a bonding layer in an installed ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167435A1

This invention provides a pneumatic tire having its weight reduced without degrading the durability of bead portions. 2. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile strength T of the steel filament is 3200 MPa (exclusive) to 3800 MPa (exclusive).3. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the number of hits E of the steel cord is 14 hits/25 mm (exclusive) to 30 hits/25 mm (exclusive).4. The pneumatic tire according to claim 2 , wherein the number of hits E of the steel cord is 14 hits/25 mm (exclusive) to 30 hits/25 mm (exclusive).5. The pneumatic tire according to claim 1 , wherein the steel cord comprises a two-layer twisted cord formed by twisting together steel filaments having a wire diameter of 0.15 to 0.20 mm and a tensile strength T of 3140 to 3630 MPa in one of a 3+8 structure and a 3+9 structure comprising a core and a sheath claim 1 , and a wrap filament which is looped around the sheath and constrains the sheath is excluded from the steel cord. The present invention relates to a pneumatic tire (to be also simply referred to as a “tire” hereinafter) and, more particularly, to a heavy-duty pneumatic tire used for heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks and buses, especially to a refinement to its carcass ply cords.In recent years, to reduce the environmental load, it has become an important issue to reduce the weight and the amount of material used, for a tire as well. To tackle this issue, when the amount of material used for a carcass ply serving as a framework member of a tire is assumed to be reduced, it is necessary to maintain a given tire strength in the carcass ply and, in turn, to increase the tensile strength of carcass ply cords, i.e., their tensile fracture strength per unit cross-sectional area.Conventionally, a so-called multilayer twisted steel cord formed by twisting steel filaments together in two or three layers is commonly employed for the carcass ply of a pneumatic tire used for heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160888A1
Автор: Sakata Hirokazu
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A pneumatic tire includes: paired bead portions respectively including annular bead cores and bead fillers disposed on an outer side in a tire radial direction of the bead cores; sidewall portions respectively extending outward in the tire radial direction from the bead portions; a tread portion connected to cuter ends in the tire radial direction of the sidewali portions to form a tread; and a carcass layer suspended between the bead portions. The carcass layer has a first ply that continuously extends between the bead portions and that has opposite end portions respectively and a second ply that continuously extends on the outer side in the tire radial direction of the first ply, wherein the first ply has higher tensile strength than that of the second ply, and the end portion is positioned on the outer side in the tire radial direction of the end. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:paired bead portions respectively including annular bead cores and bead fillers disposed on an outer side in a tire radial direction of the bead cores;sidewall portions respectively extending outward in the tire radial direction from the bead portions;a tread portion connected to outer ends in the tire radial direction of the sidewall portions to form a tread; anda carcass layer suspended between the bead portions,whereinthe carcass layer has a first ply that continuously extends between the bead portions and that has opposite end portions respectively rolled up around the bead cores from inner sides in a tire width direction toward outer sides in the tire width direction and a second ply that continuously extends on the outer side in the tire radial direction of the first ply between the bead portions and that has opposite end portions respectively rolled up around the bead cores from the inner sides in the tire width direction toward the outer sides in the tire width direction,the first ply has higher tensile strength than the tensile strength of the second ply, andthe end portion ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160889A1
Автор: Sakata Hirokazu
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A pneumatic tire includes: paired bead portions respectively including annular bead cores and bead fillers disposed on an outer side in a tire radial direction of the bead cores; sidewall portions respectively extending outward in the tire radial direction from the bead portions; a tread portion connected to outer ends in the tire radial direction of the sidewall portions to form a tread; a carcass layer suspended between the bead portions; and a belt layer provided on an outer side in the tire radial direction of the carcass layer in the tread portion. The carcass layer has a first ply that continuously extends between the bead portions and that has opposite end portions and a second ply that extends from a position in contact with an inner peripheral face of an end portion, wherein the second ply has higher tensile strength than the tensile strength of the first ply. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:paired bead portions respectively including annular bead cores and bead fillers disposed on an outer side in a tire radial direction of the bead cores;sidewall portions respectively extending outward in the tire radial direction from the bead portions;a tread portion connected to outer ends in the tire radial direction of the sidewall portions to form a tread;a carcass layer suspended between the bead portions; anda belt layer provided on an outer side in the tire radial direction of the carcass layer in the tread portion,whereinthe carcass layer has a first ply that continuously extends between the bead portions and that has opposite end portions respectively rolled up around the bead cores from inner sides in a tire width direction toward outer sides in the tire width direction and a second ply that extends from a position in contact with an inner peripheral face of an end portion disposed on an outside in mounting to a vehicle out of opposite end portions of the belt layer toward the bead core via an inner side in the tire width direction of the bead filler and that ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150174965A1

A heavy duty tire has a carcass extending from a tread portion to a bead core in a bead portion through a sidewall portion, and a belt layer disposed on the outside of the carcass in the tire radial direction and on the inside of the tread portion. In a state in which a distance between a pair of bead heels is kept at 110% of a wheel rim width of a standard wheel rim and no inner pressure is applied, the contour shape of the tread portion is formed by a 1st circular arc having a center on the tire equatorial plane, and a pair of 2nd circular arcs, disposed on both outsides of the 1st circular arc in the tire axial direction. The radius of the 2nd circular arc is more than the radius R1 of the 1st circular arc. One 2nd circular arc has the center on the other 2nd circular arc side of the tire equator in the tire axial direction, and the other 2nd circular arc has the center on the one 2nd circular arc side of the tire equator in the tire axial direction. 2. The heavy duty tire according to claim 1 , whereinthe ratio R2/R1 of the radius R2 of the 2nd circular arc and the radius R1 of the 1st circular arc is 1.20 to 2.20.3. The heavy duty tire according to claim 1 , whereinin a normal state in which the tire is mounted on the standard wheel rim and applied by a standard inner pressure,a contour shape of the tread portion in a tire meridian section is formed by a 3rd circular arc having a center on the tire equatorial plane and on the inside of the tread portion in the tire radial direction, anda 4th circular arc disposed on the outside of the 3rd circular arc in the tire axial direction and having a center on the inside of the tread portion in the tire radial direction, andthe ratio R4/R3 of the radius R4 of the 4th circular arc and the radius R3 of the 3rd circular arc is 1.05 to 1.25.4. The heavy duty tire according to claim 1 , whereinthe tread portion is partitioned by a plurality of main grooves extending in the tire circumferential direction into a plurality of ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176239A1
Автор: Shima Ichiro
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

In a pneumatic tire, side wall rubbers have protruding portions which protrude toward outward sides in the tire width direction, a dimension in the tire diametrical direction of the protruding portion is equal to or less than a dimension in the tire diametrical direction of the cushion rubber, the protruding portions are arranged so as to overlap with the cushion rubbers in the tire width direction at least partly, and outer ends in the tire diametrical direction of the protruding portions are arranged at the same positions as outer ends in the tire diametrical direction of the cushion rubbers or closer to inner sides in the tire diametrical direction than the outer ends in the tire diametrical direction of the cushion rubbers. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a carcass layer which is arranged along a tire inner periphery;a belt layer which is arranged in an outer side in a tire diametrical direction of the carcass layer;a tread rubber which has a cap rubber constructing a tread surface and is arranged in an outer side in the tire diametrical direction of the belt layer;side wall rubbers whose end portions in outward sides in the tire diametrical direction are connected to end portions in outward sides in a tire width direction of the tread rubber; andcushion rubbers which are arranged between end portions in outward sides in the tire width direction of the belt layer and the carcass layer, and have a smaller modulus than a modulus of the cap rubber,wherein the side wall rubber has protruding portion which protrudes toward outward side in the tire width direction,a dimension in the tire diametrical direction of the protruding portion is equal to or less than a dimension in the tire diametrical direction of the cushion rubber,the protruding portion is arranged so as to overlap with the cushion rubber in the tire width direction at least partly, andouter end in the tire diametrical direction of the protruding portion is arranged at the same position as outer end in the ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150183271A1
Автор: KAWAGOE Kenji

The invention provides a base tire manufacturing method and a base tire having a proper thickness for the rubber layer by setting the thickness of the rubber layer in such a manner as to optimize the buffing allowance for the cure-molded base tire without placing limits on the shape of the post-buffing base tire. The base tire thus manufactured has a belt layer, an outermost rubber layer of a predetermined width disposed over the belt layer for application of a tread therto, and edge rubber members at both axial ends of the outermost rubber layer. For this base tire, the loss tangent of the outermost rubber layer is set lower than the loss tangent of the edge rubber members, the pre-buffing thickness A1 at the equator of the outermost rubber layer is set at “post-buffing thickness A2×150%” or less, and the post-buffing thickness A2 is set in a range of 1 mm to 3.5 mm. 1. A method for manufacturing a base tire having a belt layer , an outermost rubber layer of a predetermined width disposed over the belt layer for application of a tread thereto , and edge rubber members located at both axial ends of the outermost rubber layer , the method comprising:buffing the base tire by setting the loss tangent of the outermost rubber layer lower than the loss tangent of the edge rubber members, setting the pre-buffing thickness A1 at the equator of the outermost rubber layer at “post-buffing thickness A2×150%” or less, and setting the post-buffing thickness A2 in a range of 1 mm to 3.5 mm.2. A base tire comprising:a belt layer;an outermost rubber layer of a predetermined width disposed over the belt layer for application of a tread thereto; andedge rubber members located at both axial ends of the outermost rubber layer, wherein the loss tangent of the outermost rubber layer is set lower than the loss tangent of the edge rubber members, the pre-buffing thickness A1 at the equator of the outermost rubber layer is set at “post-buffing thickness A2×150%” or less, and the post- ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200142A1

[Object] A pneumatic tire that allows achievement of reduction of rolling resistance without taking influence on a mass into consideration, is provided. 1. A method for determining a carcass profile of a tire that includes a carcass , a belt layered over the carcass , and beads , the method comprising the steps of:forming a representative carcass profile for a tire having a representative tire width, among tires for one aspect ratio, by applying a natural equilibrium shape theory, the representative carcass profile being a carcass profile having a natural equilibrium shape; andcalculating a carcass profile based on the natural equilibrium shape theory, by using positions of four specific points of a point A, a point B, a point C, and a point D of a tire which has the same aspect ratio as the tire having the representative tire width and which has another tire width, the point A, the point B, the point C, and the point D corresponding to four specific points on the carcass profile, having the natural equilibrium shape, of the tire having the representative tire width, wherein {'br': None, 'i': Tb=τo−a', 'ZA−Z', 'ZA−ZB, '()/(),'}, 'in the carcass profile calculating step, the following mathematical expression for calculating a tire internal pressure share ratio Tb of the belt at any of positions Z on the carcass in a range in which the carcass and the belt are layered, is used'}ZA corresponds to a coordinate position of the point A in a Z-axis direction,ZB corresponds to a coordinate position of the point B in the Z-axis direction,on a cross-section perpendicular to a circumferential direction of the tire, the point A is a point of intersection of the carcass and a tire equator plane in a coordinate system in which: an originating point is a point of intersection of the tire equator plane and a tire rotation axis; a Y-axis represents a tire rotation axis direction; and a Z-axis represents a tire radial direction,the point B is a separation start point, in the ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160200150A1
Автор: MORI Kazuma, YAMAMOTO Aiko

A normal rim includes a flange . The flange forms an outer circumferential bent surface that is bent with a radius Rr of curvature. A first reference line L represents a straight line that extends through a center point Pr of the radius Rr, and that is tilted by an angle of 45°. In a state where the tire is inflated to a normal internal pressure and is under 120% of a normal load, Te represents a thickness from an inner cavity surface to an outer surface of the clinch, Tf represents a thickness of a filler, Tc represents a thickness of the clinch, Ta represents a thickness obtained by the thickness Tf and the thickness Tc being added, and the thicknesses are measured along the first reference line L, and a ratio (Ta/Te) of the thickness Ta to the thickness Te is greater than 0.4. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a tread;a pair of sidewalls;a pair of clinches;a pair of beads;a carcass; anda pair of fillers, whereineach sidewall extends almost inward from an end of the tread in a radial direction,each clinch is disposed inward of a corresponding one of the sidewalls in the radial direction,each bead is disposed inward of a corresponding one of the clinches in an axial direction,each bead includes a core, and an apex that extends outward from the core in the radial direction,the carcass extends along inner sides of the tread and the sidewalls, and is extended on and between one of the beads and the other of the beads,the carcass includes a carcass ply,the carcass ply is turned up around the core from an inner side toward an outer side in the axial direction, and the carcass ply includes: a main portion disposed inward of the beads in the axial direction; and turned-up portions disposed outward of the beads in the axial direction,each filler is disposed between a corresponding one of the clinches and a corresponding one of the turned-up portions in the axial direction,a normal rim to which the tire is mounted, includes a flange,the flange forms an outer circumferential ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Bias-Or Radial-Carcass Tire

Номер: US20160207361A1

Exterior surface of tire sidewalls have protuberances alternating with voids. The protuberances are arranged between points A, B and C, D. Point A is at the intersection of the radially exterior surface of the tire tread and of the sidewall. Radial axis ZZ′ is distant from equatorial plane AA′ by length Lof between ½ (L−20 mm) and ½ (L−80 mm), L being the external section width. Point B is at a radius greater than or equal to [R+0.1 (R−R)] and less than R, Rbeing the radius at the external section width and Rbeing the radius at the point A. Point C is at a radius less than or equal to [R−0.1(R−R)], Rbeing the radius of the top of the rim flange. Point D is at a radius in the range R Подробнее

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150251501A1
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A tire for vehicle wheels, includes a carcass structure including at least one carcass layer having opposed side edges associated with relative annular reinforcing structures, a belt structure applied in a radially outer position with respect to the carcass structure, a tread band applied in a radially outer position with respect to the belt structure; a pair of sidewalls laterally applied onto opposite sides with respect to the carcass structure; and at least one antiabrasive strip of elastomeric material applied in an outer position relative to each of the annular reinforcing structures; in which the at least one antiabrasive strip includes a crosslinked elastomeric material obtained by crosslinking of a crosslinkable elastomeric composition including magnesium and/or aluminium silicate inorganic fibres having nanometric dimensions, in which the crosslinked elastomeric material has a dynamic modulus value E′, at 70° C. and at a frequency of 10 Hz, greater than 8 MPa. 120-. (canceled)22. The tire for vehicle wheels according to claim 21 , wherein said crosslinkable elastomeric composition comprises (a) a diene elastomeric polymer.23. The tire for vehicle wheels according to claim 21 , wherein said crosslinkable elastomeric composition comprises (b) magnesium and/or aluminium silicate inorganic fibres having a diameter of less than 500 nm.24. The tire for vehicle wheels according to claim 21 , wherein said crosslinkable elastomeric composition comprises (b) magnesium and/or aluminium silicate inorganic fibres having a diameter of less than 100 nm.25. The tire for vehicle wheels according to claim 24 , wherein said crosslinkable elastomeric composition comprises (b) magnesium and/or aluminium silicate inorganic fibres having a diameter of about 5 to about 50 nm.26. The tire for vehicle wheels according to claim 21 , wherein said crosslinkable elastomeric composition comprises (b) magnesium and/or aluminium silicate inorganic fibres having a length less than or equal ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180250987A1

The tire has a radial carcass reinforcement which includes at least one layer of metal reinforcing elements and a crown reinforcement, which is capped radially with a tread. The metal reinforcing elements of at least one layer of the carcass reinforcement are cords with several steel threads that have a weight content of carbon C such that 0.01%≤C<0.4%. The cords exhibit, in the “permeability” test, a flow rate of less than or equal to 20 cm/min. The thickness of the rubber compound between the inner surface of the tire cavity and the point of a metal reinforcing element of the carcass reinforcement that is closest to the inner surface of the cavity is less than 3.2 mm, and the steel threads have a maximum tensile strength R, expressed in MPa, such that R≥175+930.0-600.ln(d) and R≥1500 MPa. 1. A tire having a radial carcass reinforcement , consisting of at least one layer of metal reinforcing elements , said tire comprising a crown reinforcement , itself capped radially with a tread , said tread being joined to two beads via two sidewalls , wherein the metal reinforcing elements of at least one layer of the carcass reinforcement are cords consisting of several steel threads having a weight content of carbon C such that 0.01%≤C <0.4% , wherein said cords of at least one layer of the carcass reinforcement exhibit , in the “permeability” test , a flow rate of less than or equal to 20 cm/min , wherein the thickness of the rubber compound between the inner surface of the tire cavity and the point of a metal reinforcing element of the carcass reinforcement that is closest to said inner surface of the cavity is less than or equal to 3.2 mm and wherein said steel threads have a maximum tensile strength R , expressed in MPa , such that R≥175+930.C−600.ln(d) and R≥1500 MPa , d being the diameter of said steel threads.2. The tire according to claim 1 , the rubber compound between the tire cavity and the reinforcing elements of the radially innermost carcass reinforcement layer ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160263945A1
Автор: DEAN David

A tire tread comprises transverse incisions () and circumferential incisions () opening onto the tread surface, each incision having a mean radial depth E. The circumferential incisions have at the tread shoulder a mean circumferential radius of curvature R, a linear void ratio T, and an axial width L, and are spaced by length P from radial axis ZZ′ passing through the tire centre. The transverse incisions have at the tire shoulder a mean transverse radius of curvature R, a linear void ratio T, and an axial width L. The linear void ratio Tis greater than or equal to 0.8E/Rand less than or equal to 1.2E/R, the linear void ratio Tis greater than or equal to 0.8E/Rand less than or equal to 1.2E/R, T>T, and Lis greater than or equal to 0.2 mm and less than or equal to 1.5 mm. 1. A tire having an external perimeter , a tread arranged radially on the outside of a reinforcing belt of the tire , itself on the outside of a carcass reinforcement , said tread having an axial half-width L , a mean radial depth E , comprising a central median zone and two axially end zones , called shoulders of width L/2 , and comprising a tread surface intended to come into contact with the ground , said tread comprising a plurality of transverse incisions and of circumferential incisions opening onto the surface of the tread , each circumferential and transverse incision having a mean radial depth E; [{'sub': 'c', 'a mean circumferential radius of curvature of the shoulder R,'}, {'sub': 'c', 'a linear void ratio T, and'}, {'sub': 'c', 'an axial width L, the said circumferential incisions being spaced by a length P from a radial axis ZZ′ passing through the centre of the tire; and'}], 'at least one circumferential incision having at the shoulder [{'sub': 't', 'a mean transverse radius of curvature of the shoulder R,'}, {'sub': 't', 'a linear void ratio T, and'}, {'sub': 't', 'an axial width L,'}], 'transverse incisions having at the shoulder{'sub': 'c', 'wherein the linear void ratio Tis ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20210323359A1
Автор: Koji Matsuura
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

A pneumatic tire comprises a carcass, a bead apex rubber, and a bead reinforcing cord layer. The bead apex rubber has a radially outer edge positioned at a radial height of 15% to 25% of the tire section height. The bead reinforcing cord layer comprises an axially inner first part disposed on the axially outside of a carcass ply main portion, and an axially outer second part disposed on the axially inside of a carcass ply turned-up portion. The radially outer edge of the axially outer second part is radially outwardly spaced apart from the radially outer edge of the carcass ply turned-up portion by at least 5 mm.

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160272005A1
Автор: SAITO Takahiro

Pneumatic tire wherein a rubber layer (A) is disposed as an inner liner at an innermost layer side of the tire, and a rubber layer (B) disposed between the above inner liner and a carcass ply layer and adjacent to the above inner liner comprises a rubber composition containing a natural rubber alone or a natural rubber and a synthetic diene rubber as a rubber component, wherein rubber layer (A) contains a butyl rubber alone or a blend rubber of a diene rubber and a specific amount of a butyl rubber as a rubber component; rubber layer (B) contains a bismaleimide compound as a cross-linking agent, sulfur and a vulcanization accelerator; a blend amount of the sulfur and a blend amount of the vulcanization accelerator are modified to specific ranges; and an elongation at break after subjected to air heat aging at 100° C. for 250 hours is 150% or more. 1. A pneumatic tire in which a rubber layer (A) having an excellent air impermeability is disposed as an inner liner at an innermost layer side of the tire and in which a rubber layer (B) disposed between the inner liner and a carcass ply layer and adjacent to the inner liner comprises a rubber composition containing a natural rubber alone or a natural rubber and a synthetic diene rubber as a rubber component , wherein the rubber layer (A) contains:a butyl rubber alone or a blend rubber of a diene rubber and a butyl rubber as a rubber component, and 30 parts by mass or more of the butyl rubber is contained based on 100 parts by mass of the rubber component; the rubber layer (B) is composed of a rubber composition 0.5 to 2.3 parts by mass of sulfur when less than 1.0 part by mass of a bismaleimide compound as a cross-linking agent is contained based on 100 parts by mass of the rubber component or 0.4 to 2.3 parts by mass of the sulfur when 1.0 part by mass or more of the bismaleimide compound as a cross-linking agent is contained based on 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, and 0.5 to 3.0 parts by mass of a ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160272012A1

The present invention includes a tire tread for a tire having laterally and circumferentially extending grooves that define tread blocks. The tread includes one or more split bridges extending within one groove of said grooves and extending from one of a pair of opposing sides. Each of the one or more split bridges has a length spanning the groove width except for a narrow gap, the length being formed by one or more projections extending from one of the opposing sides and towards the other of the opposing sides. One projection of the one or more projections extends from one side of the opposing sides of the one groove, where each of the one or more split bridges is spaced a predetermined distance from a bottom surface of the groove to provide a void between the split bridge and the bottom surface. 1. A tread for a tire having laterally and circumferentially extending grooves that define tread blocks , the tread comprising:one or more split bridges extending within one groove of said grooves and extending from one of a pair of opposing sides defining a groove width of the one groove, each of the one or more split bridges having a length spanning the groove width except for a narrow gap arranged between the opposing sides defining the groove width, the length being formed by one or more projections extending from one of the opposing sides of the one groove and towards the other of the opposing sides, where one projection of the one or more projections extends from one side of the opposing sides of the one groove, where each of the one or more split bridges is spaced a predetermined distance from a bottom surface of the groove to provide a void between the split bridge and the bottom surface.2. The tread of claim 1 , where the one projection has a length extending more than 50% of the split bridge length claim 1 , such that the narrow gap is spaced apart from a midpoint of the split bridge length.3. The tread of claim 1 , where each of the one or more split bridges is ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20150290890A1
Автор: Hara Yuichi, Seto Hideki

A pneumatic tire is formed by winding a sheet member (A) and a sheet member (B) onto a molding drum and molding a cylindrical body. A laminate body (M) in which the sheet member (B) is layered in advance on the outer periphery of the sheet member (A) is wound onto a molding drum (), the tack value of a material (a) constituting the sheet member (A) being smaller than the tack value of a material (b) constituting the sheet member (B), the length of the sheet member (A) being configured so that a starting end (As) of winding on the molding drum () and an ending end (Ae) of winding do not overlap, and the length of the sheet member (B) being configured so that the ending end (Be) of winding extends longer in the circumferential direction than the ending end (Ae) of winding of the sheet member (A). 1. A method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire having a step for winding a sheet member (A) and a sheet member (B) onto a molding drum and molding a cylindrical body , the method comprising the steps of:combining the sheet member (A) with the sheet member (B) so that a tack value of a material (a) constituting the sheet member (A) is smaller than a tack value of a material (b) constituting the sheet member (B);winding, on the molding drum, a laminate body obtained by layering in advance the sheet member (B) on an outer periphery of the sheet member (A);configuring a length of the sheet member (A) so that a starting end of winding of the sheet member (A) does not overlap with an ending end of winding of the sheet member (A) on the molding drum; andconfiguring a length of the sheet member (B) so that at least an ending end of winding of the sheet member (B) extends longer in a circumferential direction than the ending end of winding of the sheet member (A),wherein the ending end of winding of the sheet member (B) is overlapped with and joined on an outer diameter side of a starting end of winding of the sheet member (B).2. The method for manufacturing a pneumatic tire according ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150290976A1

The device for producing a tire component by winding, comprises: 1. A device for producing a tire component by winding , comprising:a helicoidal external wall, andmeans for adjusting a diameter of the wall.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the wall forms a spring.3. The device according to claim 1 , arranged in such a way that claim 1 , in the configuration of the adjusting means that give the wall its smallest diameter claim 1 , the wall has a minimum external diameter on the device that is greater than an external diameter that it has at rest off the device.4. The device according to claim 1 , in which the wall is made of aluminium.5. The device according to claim 1 , which further comprises a support claim 1 , the wall having a first end immobilized against translational movement with respect to the support and a second end which is free to move translationally with respect to the support.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the first end is articulated to the support.7. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the support comprises a peg able to press against various zones of a turn of the wall contiguous with the first end claim 5 , according to a configuration adopted by the wall.8. The device according to claim 6 , wherein the support comprises spacer pieces bearing the wall and mounted with the ability to move with respect to an axis of the device in a direction radial to the axis.9. The device according to claim 8 , which further comprises link rods bearing each spacer piece.10. The device according to claim 8 , arranged in such a way that the wall immobilizes the spacer pieces by friction against their moving away from the axis.11. The device according to which comprises at least one member able to separate the wall and the support under the effect of vibrations produced by the member.12. The device according to claim 1 , which further comprises at least one clamp able to maintain turns of the wall in mutual contact in an axial ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации

Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20140373995A1

A tire comprising a tread portion, a bead portion including a bead core, and a body ply including a turn-up portion positioned on an exterior of the tire, the turn-up portion of the body ply extending between said bead core and said tread and across a side portion of the tire. 129-. (canceled)30. A tire comprising:a tread portion, a bead portion including a bead core, and a body ply including a turn-up portion positioned on an exterior of the tire, the turn-up portion of the body ply extending between said bead core and said tread and across a side portion of the tire.31. The tire of claim 30 , where the tire is devoid of a separate sidewall component.32. The tire of claim 30 , where said body ply includes a first surface that forms the outermost exposed surface of the side portion of the tire claim 30 , a second surface opposite said first surface claim 30 , and a plurality of radially extending reinforcing cords positioned within said body ply between said first and second surfaces claim 30 , where said reinforcing cords are positioned offset from a center of said body ply claim 30 , the cords being closer to said second surface of said body ply than said first surface of said body ply.33. The tire of claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords are spaced from a center of said body ply by between 0.02 and 0.08 inches claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords have a diameter of between approximately 0.20 and 2.00 mm claim 32 , where said reinforcing cords are spaced from adjacent body cords by a distance of between 0.10 and 4.00 mm claim 32 , and where said body ply having a thickness of greater than about 0.060 inches.34. The tire of claim 30 , further comprising an inner liner positioned on an interior of the tire claim 30 , and a belt package extending around said body ply in the direction of travel of the tire.35. The tire of claim 30 , where said body ply includes a rubber component that is the vulcanized product of natural rubber and a polydiene claim 30 , where ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336344A1

A method for controlling the discharge of fluids during a process for vulcanization and moulding of a green tire includes the steps of: building at least one portion of a radially internal surface of a green tire by winding of a continuous elongated element of elastomeric material into a plurality of coils confining circumferential grooves along the rolling direction of the tire; disposing the circumferential grooves into fluid communication with discharge channels present in the radially external surface of a pressing bladder disposed in a radially internal cavity bounded by the green tire. 148-. (canceled)49. A cured and moulded tyre , comprising:i) a radially internal surface that, on at least one portion thereof, has circumferential alignment lines in a rolling direction of the cured and moulded tyre and at least one continuous elongated element of elastomeric material wound up into a plurality of coils during budding of the tyre.50. The cured and moulded tyre as claimed in claim 49 , comprising:ii) a carcass structure comprising at least one carcass ply, comprising ends which are turned up around two respective annular anchoring structures that are mutually spaced apart along an axial direction of the cured and moulded tyre.51. The cured and moulded tyre as claimed in claim 49 , wherein said radially internal surface has a plurality of ridges disposed in a reticular structure defining a plurality of cells.52. The cured and moulded tyre as claimed in claim 51 , wherein said radially internal surface has a plurality of ribs claim 51 , each of said ribs extending from a radially internal portion to an axially centered portion of said radially internal surface.53. The cured and moulded tyre as claimed in claim 52 , wherein at least some of said ridges are in contact with at least some of said ribs.54. The cured and moulded tyre as claimed in claim 62 , wherein at least some of said ridges intersect at least some of said ribs.55. The cured and moulded tyre as ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319112A1
Автор: Nagai Kunihiko
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing a pneumatic tire including forming a green case by cylindrically winding a tire component member which includes at least one layer of a carcass ply. The green tire is shaped by expanding the green case into a toroidal shape with the supply of a fluid into the green case so that the green case adheres to a tread ring arranged radially outside the green case. The green tire is subjected to vulcanization molding within a mold die. During the shaping of the green tire, the fluid is supplied in accordance with a pressure profile which changes in a stepwise manner. The pressure profile is set such that a former stage pressure which allows the green case to expand to 35% to 40% of a full expansion amount is set lower than a final stage pressure in a final stage. 1forming a green case by cylindrically winding a tire component member which includes at least one layer of a carcass ply;shaping a green tire by expanding the green case into a toroidal shape with the supply of a fluid into the green case so that the green case adheres to a tread ring arranged radially outside the green case; andsubjecting the green tire to vulcanization molding within a mold die, whereinduring the shaping of the green tire, the fluid is supplied in accordance with a pressure profile which changes in a stepwise manner, andthe pressure profile is set such that a former stage pressure which allows the green case to expand until an expansion amount of the green case becomes 35% to 40% of a full expansion amount of the green case which allows the green case to expand to an inner diameter of the tread ring from a non-expanded state is set lower than a final stage pressure in a final stage,wherein the pressure profile is set such that an initial pressure which allows the green case to expand until the expansion amount of the green case becomes 8% to 10% of the full expansion amount is equal to the former stage pressure.. A method of manufacturing a pneumatic tire including: ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200398616A1
Автор: Ohta Kazuki
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire Corporation

A tire includes tire frame members including bead cores, a bead filler, an inner liner, side-wall rubber and cushion rubber; and an electronic unit provided at an interface of tire frame members, the tire further including: a carcass ply which extends from one bead core to another bead core and includes a rubber-coated reinforcement cord, a belt disposed on the outer side in the tire-radial direction of the carcass ply, in which the cushion rubber is disposed at an end of the carcass ply or at an end of the belt, in which the side-wall rubber is disposed on an outer side in a tire-width direction of the cushion rubber, and in which the electronic unit is disposed between the cushion rubber, and the bead filler or the side-wall rubber. 1. A tire comprising: tire frame members including bead cores , a bead filler , an inner liner , side-wall rubber and cushion rubber; and an electronic unit provided at an interface of tire frame members , the tire further comprising:a carcass ply which extends from one bead core to another bead core and includes a rubber-coated reinforcement cord,a belt disposed on the outer side in the tire-radial direction of the carcass ply,the cushion rubber is disposed at an end of the carcass ply or at an end of the belt,the side-wall rubber is disposed on an outer side in a tire-width direction of the cushion rubber, andthe electronic unit is disposed between the cushion rubber and the bead filler or the side-wall rubber.2. The tire according to claim 1 , further comprising an annular-shaped sheet extending in a tire-circumferential direction so as to make contact with a folding end of the carcass ply claim 1 ,wherein the cushion rubber is disposed on an outer side in the tire-radial direction of the folding end of the carcass ply, andthe electronic unit is disposed on an outer side in the tire-radial direction of the annular-shaped sheet, between the bead filler and the cushion rubber.3. The tire according to claim 2 , wherein the cushion ...

25-11-2003 дата публикации

Method and tire adapted for post cure tire uniformity correction

Номер: US6651716B1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

The present invention relates to a tire construction and method of correcting one or more tire uniformity characteristics. A tire has two beads and a carcass reinforcement ply having reinforcement cords. The method is characterized by the steps of A) forming a portion of the tire with a material (typically a thermoplastic), that can be rendered plastic (such as by heating) and rendered non-plastic (such as by cooling), which, in turn, respectively, permits and restricts reorientation of the reinforcement cords; B) rendering the material plastic, after the tire has been vulcanized, to permit one or more of the reinforcement cords to be reoriented; C) reorienting one or more reinforcement cords with respect to other rein-forcement cords or tire components; and D) rendering the material non-plastic, to restrict further reorientation of adjacent reinforcement cords. Reorientation of the cords can be achieved without stretching them beyond their elastic limit.

23-09-2004 дата публикации

Agricultural or industrial tire with reinforced rubber composition

Номер: US20040182486A1

The present invention is directed a pneumatic agricultural or industrial tire comprising a casing and a rubber tread disposed radially outwardly of the casing, the tread having an inner tread and a plurality of tread lugs projecting radially from the inner tread, said casing having at least one component, said component comprising textile cord and a rubber composition in contact with the textile cord, the rubber composition comprising 100 parts by weight of at least one diene based elastomer, including from about 75 to about 15 parts by weight of polybutadiene and about 25 to about 85 parts by weight of at least one additional diene based elastomer selected from the group consisting of styrene-butadiene rubber, synthetic polyisoprene and natural polyisoprene; about 0.1 to about 8 parts by weight of at least one accelerator selected from benzothiazoles and dithiophosphates and exclusive of sulfenamides; about 1 to about 15 parts by weight of at least one resin selected from phenol-formaldehyde resins, aliphatic cyclic hydrocarbon resins, and aromatic hydrocarbon resin; about 10 to about 150 parts by weight of a filler selected from the group consisting of carbon black, silica, and starch/plasticizer composite filler; and about 0.3 to about 3 parts by weight of sulfur; wherein each lug has a width in a range of from 2 cm to 10 cm and length in a range of from 2 cm to 60 cm, and a height in a range of from 2 cm to 10 cm, and wherein the tread has a net-to-gross ratio in a range of from about 15 to about 40 percent as measured around the entire 360° circumference of a normally inflated and normally loaded tire contacting a flat hard surface.

21-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CN1670064A
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co


27-01-2004 дата публикации

Tire for vehicle wheels

Номер: RU2222437C2

FIELD: tire industry. SUBSTANCE: structure of tire carcass contains one or more carcass layers, each formed by like strips containing longitudinal elements similar to threads and included into layer of elastomer material. Strip-like elements have parts of crown zone located over circumference in strip-to-strip position, and side parts laid in radial direction on tire side strips. Each side part of each layer of carcass is at least partially overlapped by one of side parts of adjacent strip. Ring-shaped structures coupled with carcass layers contain pair of non-stretchable inserts in form of ring-shaped layers connected to first and second layers of carcass, respectively, and axially separated by elastomer filler. Structure of belt, tread tape and side strips are connected with carcass structure. EFFECT: increased strength of tires. 26 cl, 13 dwg Д$5УСсСсСсС ПЧ сэ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВУ” 2 222 437 ^^ С2 5 МК’ В 60 С 9/02, 15/00, 15/05 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 981240731, 29.12.1998 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 29.12.1998 (30) Приоритет: 30.12.1997 ЕР 97830733.8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 21.09.2000 (46) Дата публикации: 27.01.2004 (56) Ссылки: 4$ 5453140 А, 26.09.1995. ЕР 0664231 А, 26.07.1995. Ц$ 4248287 А, 03.02.1981. 0664232 А, 26.07.1995. $Ц 1652105 АЛ, 30.05.1991. (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Е.И.Емельянову (72) Изобретатель: КАРЕТТА Ренато (1Т), МАРКИНИ Маурицио (1Т) (73) Патентообладатель: ПИРЕЛЛИ ПНЕУМАТИЧИ С.П.А. (1Т) (74) Патентный поверенный: Емельянов Евгений Иванович ЕР (54) ШИНА ДЛЯ КОЛЕС ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Структура каркаса шины содержит один или более слоев каркаса, каждый из которых образован из подобных полоскам отрезков, содержащих продольные подобные нитям элементы, включенные в слой эластомерного материала. Подобные полоскам элементы имеют ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Пневматическая шина, в которой используется усилительная конструкция с волокнами, имеющими приплюснутое сечение

Номер: RU2470796C2

Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Шина содержит герметичную резиновую оболочку (2) и усилительную конструкцию, образуемую в основном множеством волокон (30, 40), утопленных в резине и уложенных слоями. Данная усилительная конструкция содержит, по меньшей мере, слой каркаса (3) и брекерный слой (4). Волокна (30) и (40) этих слоев (3, 4) соединены друг с другом и ориентированы относительно срединной плоскости (Р) шины под соответствующими углами порядка 90° и 0°. Каждое из этих волокон (30, 40) имеет поперечное сечение плоской формы. Технический результат - упрощение изготовления шины при высоких эксплуатационных характеристиках. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 470 796 (13) C2 (51) МПК B60C B60C 9/22 9/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010117642/11, 24.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.07.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН РЕШЕРШ Э ТЕКНИК С.А. (CH) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.11.2011 Бюл. № 31 2 4 7 0 7 9 6 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2012 Бюл. № 36 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6318432 В1, 20.11.2001. WO 2004/085173 А, 07.10.2004. JP 07172106 А, 11.07.1995. ЕР 1167081 А, 02.01.2002. 2 4 7 0 7 9 6 R U (86) Заявка PCT: FR 2008/001105 (24.07.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 05.05.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/044014 (09.04.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ШИНА, В КОТОРОЙ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ УСИЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ С ВОЛОКНАМИ, ИМЕЮЩИМИ ПРИПЛЮСНУТОЕ СЕЧЕНИЕ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Шина содержит герметичную резиновую оболочку (2) и усилительную конструкцию, образуемую в основном множеством волокон (30, 40), утопленных в резине и ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации

Шина, арматура каркаса которой усилена слоем усиливающих элементов в зоне закраины

Номер: RU2013133692A

1. Шина с радиальной арматурой каркаса, состоящей из, по меньшей мере, одного слоя усиливающих элементов, причем указанная шина содержит арматуру короны, которая сама покрыта радиально протектором, причем указанный протектор соединен с двумя закраинами посредством двух боковых поверхностей, причем, по меньшей мере, один слой усиливающих элементов арматуры каркаса закреплен в каждой из закраин путем заворота вокруг бортового кольца, причем указанный заворот арматуры каркаса усилен, по меньшей мере, одним слоем усиливающих элементов или ребром жесткости, причем, по меньшей мере, один конец заворота арматуры каркаса отделен от ребра жесткости, по меньшей мере, одним слоем полимерной смеси, отличающаяся тем, что усиливающие элементы, по меньшей мере, одного ребра жесткости представляют собой неоплетенные металлические корды с насыщенными слоями, имеющие в испытании на проницаемость скорость пропускания ниже 5 см/мин, причем модуль упругости слоя полимерной смеси, находящейся в контакте с заворотом арматуры каркаса и отделяющей ребро жесткости от конца заворота арматуры каркаса, больше 4 МПа.2. Шина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что неоплетенные металлические корды с насыщенными слоями, имеющие в испытании на проницаемость скорость пропускания ниже 5 см/мин, представляют собой корды с, по меньшей мере, двумя слоями, причем, по меньшей мере, один внутренний слой окружен оболочкой, состоящей из полимерной композиции, такой как сшиваемая или сшитая каучуковая композиция, предпочтительно на основе, по меньшей мере, одного диенового эластомера.3. Шина по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что указанные неоплетенные металлические к� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60C 15/06 (13) 2013 133 692 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013133692/11, 20.12.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН РЕШЕРШ Э ТЕКНИК С.А. (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 21.12.2010 ...

20-07-2005 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: CN1642758A
Автор: 山本惠美子
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd


20-02-2004 дата публикации

Vehicle tire (versions)

Номер: RU2223868C2

FIELD: tire industry. SUBSTANCE: at least one layer of carcass is made by application of strip-like member onto toroidal support. Strip-like member has longitudinal thread-like elements included into layer of elastomer material. Strip-like member is applied in alternating sections, each including two radially arranged side sections and top section radially arranged from outer side. Side sections of each applied section are overlapped, at least partially by side sections beloning to adjacent applied section. Ring-shaped structures are coupled with carcass layer. Said ring-shaped structures include ring insert nonstretchable in circumference and arranged axially from outer side relative to anchor element. Belt-like structure, tape of tread and side walls are united with carcass thus forming tire which is then subjected to curing. EFFECT: increased strength of tires. 32 cl, 19 dwg 8 Эссе пы сэ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ — АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (13) ВЦ ”2 223 868 “” С2 МК’ В 60 С 9/02, В 290 30/10, В 60 С 13/00, 9/20 К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ (21), (22) Заявка: 98121816/11 , 27.11.1998 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 27.11.1998 (30) Приоритет: 28.11.1997 ЕР — 97830632.2 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.09.2000 (46) Дата публикации: 20.02.2004 (56) Ссылки: Ч$ 5453148 А, 26.09.1995. ЕР 0664231 А, 26.07.1995. ЕР 0664232 А, 26.07.1995. ОЕ 4203568 А, 27.08.1992. $0 1652105 АЛ, 30.05.1991. (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Е.И.Емельянову (72) Изобретатель: САРЕТТА Ренато (ПТ), МАРИАНИ Фьоренцо (1Т) (73) Патентообладатель: ПИРЕЛЛИ ПНЕУМАТИЧИ С.П.А. (Т) (74) Патентный поверенный: Емельянов Евгений Иванович С 2 (54) ШИНА ДЛЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Сущность изобретения: по меньшей мере один слой каркаса выполнен с помощью нанесения элемента в виде полосы, включающего продольные —нитеобразные элементы, входящие в слой эластомерного материала ...

08-12-2010 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: CN101186170B
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co


09-07-2007 дата публикации

Tires for Vehicle Wheels

Номер: KR100691653B1

탄성재료 층(13b)에 포함된 종방향의 실모양 부재(13a)를 구비하는 스트립모양 부재(13)를 토로이달 서포트(11)상에 부착함으로써 적어도 하나의 카커스 플라이(3)가 형성된다. 스트립모양 부재(13)는 두 개의 방사상으로 연장된 측부(23a, 24a, 23c, 24c) 및 외부 위치에서 방사상으로 연장된 왕관부(23b, 24b)를 구비하는 교대 부착 부분(23, 24)에서 부착된다. 상기 각 부착 부분(23, 24)의 측부는 인접한 부착 부분에 속한 측부와 적어도 일부 겹치게 된다. 앵커 부재(31)의 외부에 축방향으로 원주방향으로 연장불가능한 환상 인서트(a circumferentially inextensible annular insert)(32)를 구비하는 환상 구조(4)는 카커스 플라이(3)와 결합된다. 벨트 구조(5), 트레드 밴드(8) 및 측벽(9)은 그와같이 형성된 카커스 구조(2)와 합해져서 가황 단계를 거치게 되는 타이어(1)를 정의한다. At least one carcass ply 3 is formed by attaching a strip-shaped member 13 having a longitudinally threaded member 13a included in the elastic material layer 13b onto the toroidal support 11. . The strip-shaped member 13 has an alternating attachment portion 23, 24 having two radially extending sides 23a, 24a, 23c, 24c and a crown 23b, 24b extending radially in an external position. Attached. The sides of each of the attachment portions 23, 24 overlap at least partially with the sides belonging to the adjacent attachment portions. An annular structure 4 having a circumferentially inextensible annular insert 32 axially circumferentially external to the anchor member 31 is engaged with the carcass ply 3. The belt structure 5, the tread band 8 and the side wall 9 define a tire 1 which is combined with the carcass structure 2 thus formed and subjected to a vulcanization step.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Tire with toroidal element

Номер: RU2626417C1

FIELD: automotive industry. SUBSTANCE: tire comprises a tread formed in the block of the tire tread and sidewall areas extending from the tread block to the bead areas. Additionally the tire comprises a toroidal element extending through the tire tread block and additionally extending along at least a part of each tire sidewall area. The toroidal element has a central area disposed between the inner and outer areas. The central area is more elastic than the inner or outer areas. EFFECT: increase the tire strength. 15 cl, 9 dwg 2626417 С 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) Хх зах з < (3) << << хз (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ВбОС 9/02 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016112356, 16.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.09.2014 Дата регистрации: 27.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.09.2013 9$ 61/881,474 (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2017 Бюл. № 21 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 01.04.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: 05 2014/055757 (16.09.2014) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2015/047780 (02.04.2015) Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский б-р, 11, этаж 3, "Гоулингз Интернэшнл Инк.", Гизатуллина Евгения Михайловна (72) Автор(ы): АСПЕР Роберт В. (05) (73) Патентообладатель(и): БРИДЖСТОУН АМЕРИКАС ТАЙР ОПЕРЕЙШЕНС, ЭлЭлСи (0$) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 03 4263955 А, 28.04.1981. 05 20070267116 А1Т, 22.11.2007. 05 20100024960 А1, 04.02.2010. 05$ 20070251627 АТ, 01.11.2007. (54) ШИНА С ТОРОИДАЛЬНЫМ ЭЛЕМЕНТОМ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Шина включает в себя протектор, образованный в блоке протектора шины и областях боковин, проходящих от блока протектора к бортовым зонам. Шина дополнительно включает в себя тороидальный элемент, проходящий через блок протектора шины и дополнительно проходящий вдоль по Стр.: 1 меньшей мере участка каждой области боковины шины. Тороидальный элемент ...

25-04-2007 дата публикации

Tires for Vehicle Wheels

Номер: KR100598816B1

타이어의 카커스 구조(2)는 탄성 재료(17)의 층에 포함된 종방향의 실모양 부재(14)를 구비하는 스트립모양 길이부(13, 33)로 형성된 하나 이상의 카커스 플라이(3, 31)를 구비한다. 스트립모양 부재(13, 33)는 원주방향으로 서로 나란히 배치된 각각의 왕관부(25) 및 타이어 측벽에서 방사상으로 연장되는 측부(24)를 가진다. 각각의 카커스 플라이(3, 31)의 측부는 각각 인접한 부착 길이부에 속하는 측부중 적어도 하나로 적어도 부분적으로 겹친다. 한 쌍의 연장불가능한 인서트(27, 28)을 포함하는 환상 구조(4)는 각각 제1 및 제2 카커스 플라이(3, 31)에 고정되고 탄성 충진체(29)에 의해 축방향으로 분리된 고리 모양으로 카커스 플라이와 결합된다. 벨트 구조(5), 트레드 밴드(8) 그리고 측벽(9)은 카커스 구조(2)와 결합되어 타이어(1)를 정의한다. The carcass structure 2 of the tire is formed of one or more carcass plies 3 formed of strip-shaped lengths 13, 33 having longitudinally threaded members 14 included in the layer of elastic material 17. 31). The strip-shaped members 13, 33 have respective crowns 25 arranged side by side in the circumferential direction and sides 24 extending radially at the tire sidewalls. The sides of each carcass ply 3, 31 at least partially overlap at least one of the sides belonging to adjacent attachment lengths, respectively. The annular structure 4 comprising a pair of non-extendable inserts 27, 28 is fixed to the first and second carcass plies 3, 31 and axially separated by an elastic filler 29, respectively. Ring-shaped and combined with the carcass fly. The belt structure 5, the tread band 8 and the side wall 9 are combined with the carcass structure 2 to define the tire 1.

11-05-2016 дата публикации

Cap ply reinforcement strip in pneumatic tire

Номер: CN105579248A


27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013133828A

1. Шина, имеющая радиальное усиление каркаса, состоящее из по меньшей мере одного слоя усиливающих элементов, при этом шина содержит коронное усиление, которое само покрыто в радиальном направлении протектором, который соединен посредством двух боковин с двумя бортами, причем по меньшей мере один слой усиливающих элементов усиления каркаса закреплен в каждом из бортов путем загиба кверху вокруг бортовой проволоки, при этом упомянутый загиб кверху усиления каркаса усилен при помощи по меньшей мере одного слоя усиливающих элементов, или усилителя, внешний в радиальном направлении конец которого находится радиально снаружи конца загиба кверху, отличающаяся тем, что усиливающими элементами по меньшей мере одного усилителя является не обернутый металлокорд с насыщенными слоями, имеющий в так называемом испытании на проницаемость расход менее 5 см/мин, причем расстояние между внешним в радиальном направлении концом усилителя и концом загиба кверху усиления каркаса составляет менее 5 мм.2. Шина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что не обернутым металлокордом с насыщенными слоями, имеющими в так называемом испытании на проницаемость расход менее 5 см/мин, является корд, имеющий по меньшей мере два слоя, при этом по меньшей мере один внутренний слой покрыт слоем, состоящим из полимерного состава, такого как сшиваемый или сшитый резиновый состав, предпочтительно на основе по меньшей мере одного диенового эластомера.3. Шина по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что не обернутый металлокорд с насыщенными слоями по меньшей мере одного усилителя имеет в так называемом испытании на проницаемость расход менее 2 см/мин.4. Шина по п.1, отличаю� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60C 15/06 (13) 2013 133 828 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013133828/11, 20.12.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН РЕШЕРШ Э ТЕКНИК С.А. (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 21.12.2010 ...

27-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015133296A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2015 133 296 A (51) МПК B60C 5/08 (2006.01) B60C 9/22 (2006.01) B60C 9/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015133296, 28.01.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): БРИДЖСТОУН ЭМЕРИКАС ТАЙР ОПЕРЕЙШНС, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 21.02.2013 US 13/773,193 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 21.09.2015 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2014/130215 (28.08.2014) A Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский б-р, 11, этаж 3, "Гоулингз Интернэшнл Инк.", Гизатуллина Евгения Михайловна R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Пневматическая шина, содержащая: область протектора, содержащую брекер, имеющий первый край брекера и второй край брекера; первый борт шины, ориентированный по первой боковине шины; первую боковую стенку, ориентированную по первой боковине шины; второй борт шины, ориентированный по второй боковине шины; вторую боковую стенку, ориентированную по второй боковине шины; первый смещенный слой корпуса, проходящий по первому борту шины, вдоль первой боковой стенки, и прерывающийся в точке внутри области протектора; и второй смещенный слой корпуса, проходящий по второму борту шины, вдоль второй боковой стенки, и прерывающийся в точке внутри области протектора; причем первый смещенный слой корпуса прерывается в первой точке прерывания, причем первая точка прерывания смещена от второго края брекера на расстояние D1 и причем расстояние D1 составляет до приблизительно 127 мм, причем второй смещенный слой корпуса прерывается во второй точке прерывания, причем вторая точка прерывания смещена от первого края брекера на расстояние D2, и причем расстояние D2 составляет до приблизительно 127 мм. Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 5 1 3 3 2 9 6 (54) ШИНА, ИМЕЮЩАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЮ СО СМЕЩЕННЫМ СЛОЕМ КОРПУСА 2 0 1 5 1 3 3 2 9 6 US 2014/013291 (28.01.2014) R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.03.2017 Бюл. № 09 (72) Автор(ы): САБИСТИНА Джон ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014129761A

1. Шина с радиальной каркасной арматурой, состоящей, по меньшей мере, из одного слоя металлических усилительных элементов, расположенных между двумя каландровыми слоями эластомерной смеси, при этом упомянутая шина содержит арматуру гребня, над которой в радиальном направлении находится протектор, при этом упомянутый протектор соединен с двумя бортами через две боковины, отличающаяся тем, что металлические усилительные элементы, по меньшей мере, одного слоя каркасной арматуры являются кордами, показывающими при так называемом тесте на проницаемость расход менее 20 см/мин, при этом, по меньшей мере, один слой каркасной арматуры содержит, по меньшей мере, на одной стороне текстильные нити, при этом, по меньшей мере, слой эластомерной смеси, радиально наружный по отношению к бортовому кольцу и входящий с ним в контакт, представляет собой эластомерную смесь на основе натурального каучука или синтетического полиизопрена с преобладанием связей цис-1,4 и, возможно, по меньшей мере, одного другого диенового эластомера, при этом в случае купажа натуральный каучук или синтетический полиизопрен присутствуют в преобладающем количестве по сравнению с количеством другого или других используемых диеновых эластомеров, и усиливающий наполнитель, представляющий собой(i) либо белый наполнитель типа кремнезема и/или глинозема, содержащий поверхностные функциональные группы SiOH и/или AlOH, выбираемый из группы, в которую входят осажденные или пирогенные кремнеземы, глиноземы или алюмосиликаты или сажи, модифицированные в ходе или после синтеза таким образом, чтобы покрывать, по меньшей мере, частично их поверхность группами SiOH и/или AlOH, с удельной поверхностью о РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2014 129 761 (13) A (51) МПК C08K 3/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014129761, 18.12.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН РЕШЕРШ Э ТЕКНИК С.А. (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

24-11-1999 дата публикации

Tire for heavy load

Номер: JPH11321216A
Автор: Ikuji Ikeda, 育嗣 池田
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

(57)【要約】 【課題】 生産性を従来と略同レベルに保ちながら、高 速耐久性などを損ねることなく軽量化及びコストダウン を図りうる。 【解決手段】 カーカスプライ6は、タイヤ赤道COか ら隔たる始点位置P1、P2からサイドウォール部3を へてビードコア5に至る第1のプライ片6Aと、前記始 点位置P1、P2間の領域Yを跨りかつ前記第1のプラ イ片6Aと重なる重なり部Gを形成する第2のプライ片 6Bとからなる。第1のプライ片6Aはラジアル配列の スチールコード10により形成し、かつ前記第2のプラ イ片6Bはテキスタイルコード12により形成する。

13-04-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic tyre

Номер: CN105492222A
Автор: 大贯厚, 桥本雅之
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

本发明提供一种充气轮胎,其重量更轻而不损失胎圈部中的耐久性。充气轮胎的骨架是至少一个其中钢丝帘线被橡胶覆盖的胎体帘布层。钢丝帘线的帘线直径表示为d(mm)和构成钢丝帘线的钢单丝的拉伸强度表示为T(MPa),满足下式示出的关系:a 1 T-b 1 >d>a 2 T+b 2 (式中,a 1 是3.65×10 -4 mm/MPa,b 1 是0.42mm,a 2 是-8.00×10 -5 mm/MPa,和b 2 是0.78mm),钢单丝的拉伸强度T是大于3000MPa且小于4000MPa,和胎体帘布层中的钢丝帘线的胎圈芯下的埋入根数E是大于12根/25mm且小于38根/25mm。

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Tire with improved bead

Номер: RU2606783C2

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to automotive industry, in particular, to passenger cars tires. Tire comprises two beads (20), each of which contains, at least, one circular reinforcing structural element (70), and carcass stiffener (60) fixed in two beads by wrapping, in which every bead comprises filler (110) formed from rubber mixture. Filler passes in radial direction on distance DBE determined in radial direction from bead radial circular reinforcing structural element innermost point. DBE distance in radial direction is smaller than or equals to 10% of tire profile height H in radial direction. At least, one tire bead additionally comprises stiffener (140), formed from plurality of metallic reinforcement elements (145, 146, 147), oriented at angle, which is less than or equal to 10 degrees relative to direction along circumference. EFFECT: technical result is reduced rolling resistance in combination with good durability. 13 cl, 11 dwg, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 606 783 C2 (51) МПК B60C 9/28 (2006.01) B60C 15/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2014139002, 21.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.02.2013 (72) Автор(ы): БУРЖУА Фредерик (FR) Дата регистрации: 20.12.2016 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН РЕШЕРШ Э ТЕКНИК С.А. (CH) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2011067211 A2, 09.06.2011. US 28.02.2012 FR 1251787 2005087281 A1, 28.04.2005. WO 03103990 A1, 18.12.2003. (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2017 Бюл. № 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.09.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2013/053405 (21.02.2013) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 0 6 7 8 3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.04.2016 Бюл. № 11 2 6 0 6 7 8 3 R U Адрес для переписки: 191002, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 5 ...

07-08-2020 дата публикации

Cord hybrid fabric for multilayer tire carcass

Номер: RU2729526C1

FIELD: automotive industry.SUBSTANCE: cord hybrid fabric for multilayer tire carcass relates to automotive industry, namely, to rubberized textile cord for pneumatic multilayer tires of radial and diagonal design. Impregnated and thermally treated cord fabric of polymer is made of threads twisted from fibers of polymer polyamide 6 and polymer polyamide 66, with caliber 2,800–3,100 dtex, wherein fibers of cord hybrid fabric of two types of fabric polymer is characterized by the following parameters in an impregnated and thermally treated condition: torsion number 160–240 rpm; minimum breaking load 450–550 N; intermediate elongation 3.0–3.5±0.5 % at 45 N.EFFECT: high strength of cord tire fabric with reduced number of layers in multilayer tires.3 cl, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 729 526 C1 (51) МПК B60C 9/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60C 9/02 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020108548, 27.02.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 07.08.2020 Бюл. № 22 2 7 2 9 5 2 6 R U (54) Кордная гибридная ткань для каркаса многослойных шин (57) Реферат: Кордная гибридная ткань для каркаса ткани характеризуется следующими параметрами многослойных шин относится к автомобильной в пропитанном и термообработанном состоянии: промышленности, а именно к конструкции • число кручений 160-240 оборотов на метр; обрезиненного текстильного корда для каркаса • минимальная разрывная нагрузка 450-550 пневматических многослойных шин радиальной Н; и диагональной конструкции. Пропитанная и • промежуточное удлинение 3,0-3,5±0,5% при термообработанная кордная ткань из полимера 45 Н. производится из нитей, крученных из волокон Технический результат – повышение полимера полиамид 6 и полимера полиамид 66, прочности кордной шинной ткани при снижении с калибром 2800-3100 дтекс, при этом нити числа слоев в ...

07-06-2021 дата публикации

Breaker construction for tire

Номер: RU2749204C1

Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Шина включает в себя каркасный слой, протектор, расположенный радиально снаружи от коронной области каркасного слоя, и брекерную конструкцию, имеющую общую осевую ширину, по существу равную ширине протектора, вставленную между протектором и коронной областью по окружности относительно каркасного слоя. Брекерная конструкция включает в себя первый брекерный слой и второй брекерный слой, радиально смежный с первым брекерным слоем. Первый брекерный слой включает первый армированный композит с первыми армирующими кордами, встроенными в первую резиновую матрицу. Первые армирующие корды имеют конструкцию 1100/4 дтекс со скручиванием между 150 TPM и 250 TPM и натяжением при пропитке между 100 мН/текс и 200 мН/текс. Технический результат – улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик шины. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 749 204 C1 (51) МПК B60C 9/20 (2006.01) B60C 9/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60C 9/20 (2021.02); B60C 9/22 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020140822, 11.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 07.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 07.06.2021 Бюл. № 16 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ДЗЕ ГУДЙЕАР ТАЙР ЭНД РАББЕР КОМПАНИ (US), ТЕЙДЖИН АРАМИД Б.В. (NL) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2018105717 A1, 14.16.2018. JP S6171204 A, 13.09.1984. JP S 63159543 A, 17.12.1986. 2 7 4 9 2 0 4 R U (54) БРЕКЕРНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ ДЛЯ ШИНЫ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Шина включает в себя каркасный слой, протектор, расположенный радиально снаружи от коронной области каркасного слоя, и брекерную конструкцию, имеющую общую осевую ширину, по существу равную ширине протектора, вставленную между протектором и коронной областью ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014139002A

1. Узел, содержащий шину (10) и монтажный обод (5), при этом шина имеет ось (3) вращения и содержит:два борта (20), предназначенные для входа в контакт с монтажным ободом, при этом каждый борт содержит, по меньшей мере, один кольцевой усилительный конструктивный элемент (70), каждый из которых имеет самую внутреннюю в аксиальном направлении точку, причем два кольцевых усилительных конструктивных элемента (70) определяют среднюю плоскость (130) шины, перпендикулярную оси (3) вращения шины и расположенную на одинаковых расстояниях от кольцевых усилительных конструктивных элементов каждого борта;две боковины (30), проходящие от бортов в радиальном направлении наружу и соединяющиеся в коронной зоне (25), содержащей усилитель коронной зоны, содержащий два слоя (80, 90), каждый из которых содержит усилительные элементы и которые находятся в контакте друг с другом на, по меньшей мере, части ширины коронной зоны между двумя концами (85) зоны контакта, причем эта часть проходит с каждой стороны средней плоскости (130) шины, при этом поверх усилителя коронной зоны расположен протектор (40);по меньшей мере, один каркасный усилитель (60), проходящий от бортов через боковины до коронной зоны, содержащий множество каркасных усилительных элементов (61) и закрепленный в двух бортах посредством заворота вокруг кольцевого усилительного конструктивного элемента таким образом, чтобы обеспечить образование в каждом борту основного участка (62) и заворота (63), причем каждый заворот проходит в радиальном направлении наружу до конца (64), расположенного на определяемом в радиальном направлении расстоянии DRE от самой внутренней в радиальном направлении точки (71) кольцевого усилительного конструктивного элемента бор РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60C 9/28 (13) 2014 139 002 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014139002, 21.02.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): КОМПАНИ ЖЕНЕРАЛЬ ДЕЗ ЭТАБЛИССМАН МИШЛЕН (FR), МИШЛЕН ...

05-01-2022 дата публикации

Pneumatic tires

Номер: JP6989223B2
Автор: 正之 有馬
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

22-04-2015 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: CN102795058B
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd


30-05-2011 дата публикации

Tire With Preventing A Separation

Номер: KR101037388B1
Автор: 이덕주
Принадлежит: 금호타이어 주식회사

본 발명은 세퍼레이션을 방지하는 공기입 타이어에 관한 것으로서, 트레드부와 사이드월부 및 비드부로 구성되고, 상기 트레드부의 내측에 형성되는 벨트층과, 상기 벨트층의 내측에 사이드월부 및 비드부를 따라 연장되어 형성되는 카카스와, 상기 벨트층의 양단을 고정하는 캡플라이를 포함하는 타이어에 있어서, 상기 카카스는 상기 벨트층의 내측에 형성되는 제 1 카카스와 상기 제 1 카카스의 내측에 형성되는 제 2 카카스로 구성되고, 상기 제 1 카카스의 양단부는 상기 비드부를 거쳐 턴업하여 상기 벨트층과 상기 카카스층의 사이에 삽입되어 형성되고, 상기 제 2 카카스의 양단부는 상기 비드부를 거쳐 턴업하여 상기 벨트층과 기설정된 간격을 두고 이격되어 형성되어 자동차의 주행에 의해 타이어의 굴신이 발생하는 경우 사이드월부의 강성을 보강할 수 있는 효과를 가지고, 사이드월부의 강성이 보강되어 고속 주행 성능을 보장할 수 있는 효과를 가지며, 카카스의 양단부의 들뜸 현상에 의한 타이어 세퍼레이션을 방지할 수 있도록 하는 효과를 갖는다. The present invention relates to a pneumatic tire for preventing separation, comprising a tread portion, a side wall portion and a bead portion, a belt layer formed inside the tread portion, and extends along the side wall portion and the bead portion inside the belt layer. A tire comprising a carcass formed and a cap ply fixed to both ends of the belt layer, wherein the carcass is a first carcass formed inside the belt layer and a second carcass formed inside the first carcass. It is composed of a carcass, both ends of the first carcass is turned up through the bead portion is inserted between the belt layer and the carcass layer is formed, and both ends of the second carcass is turned up through the bead portion It is formed spaced apart from the belt layer at a predetermined interval and the rigidity of the side wall portion when the tire flexion occurs by driving of the vehicle Has a strong effect that may sidewall is reinforced in rigidity has a negative effect to ensure the high-speed running performance, it has the effect that in order to prevent the tire separation phenomenon due to the excitation of the opposite ends of the carcass. 카카스, 세퍼레이션, 들뜸, 타이어 Carcass, separation, lifting, tire

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Casing reinforcement cable with low air permeability and tire having fine fiber wire combined with the casing reinforcement

Номер: JP2015507570A


04-09-2013 дата публикации

Tyre using a reinforcing structure with fibres of flattened cross section

Номер: CN101815623B
Автор: M·迪尔


15-02-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire for preventing separation

Номер: KR101589064B1
Автор: 김재현, 김학민
Принадлежит: 넥센타이어 주식회사

카카스 양단부의 세퍼레이션을 방지하여, 타이어의 전체적인 내구성을 향상시키고, 차량의 고속 주행 성능을 보장하는 공기입 타이어에 관한 기술이 개시된다. 이를 위해, 세퍼레이션 방지를 위한 공기입 타이어는, 트레드부, 상기 트레드부의 단부에서 연장되어 형성되는 사이드월부, 및 상기 사이드월부의 단부에 형성되는 비드부를 포함하는 공기입 타이어에 있어서, 상기 트레드부의 내측에 형성되는 벨트층; 상기 벨트층의 내측으로, 상기 트레드부, 상기 사이드월부 및 상기 비드부를 따라 연장되어 형성되는 카카스; 및 상기 벨트층의 단부를 고정하는 캡플라이를 포함하며, 상기 카카스의 단부는 상기 비드부를 거쳐 턴업하여 상기 카카스와 상기 캡플라이 사이로 연장되며, 상기 캡플라이는 상기 벨트층의 상측에 적층되어 상기 벨트층의 단부의 외측을 고정하는 제1 단부와 상기 턴업된 카카스의 단부 상측에 적층되어 상기 턴업된 카카스의 외측을 고정하는 제2 단부를 구비하여, 상기 벨트층과 상기 턴업된 카카스를 동시에 고정하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

05-04-1988 дата публикации

Pneumatic radial passenger-car tire

Номер: US4735249A
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A pneumatic radial passenger-car tire comprising a carbon fiber cord layer disposed between a carcass layer on the side of an inner liner and a bead filler all along the circumference of the tire, and having a height thereof between a bead heel and the top end thereof equal to or larger than the height of the bead filler between the bead heel and the top end thereof.

13-12-1994 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire including a carcass ply composed of a plurality of ply strips

Номер: US5372172A
Автор: Tsutomu Iseki
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

A pneumatic tire has a carcass composed of at least one carcass ply extending from a tread part through sidewall parts and turned up around a bead core in each of two bead parts. The carcass ply comprises a plurality of ply strips which are continuously arranged in the tire circumferential direction with overlapping portions, wherein one end in the tire circumferential direction of one ply strip overlaps to an outer surface of an adjacent ply strip adjacently arranged on one end side, and the other end in the tire circumferential direction of the one ply strip overlaps to an inner surface of an adjacent ply strip adjacently arranged on other end side.

31-07-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: CN110023101B
Автор: 竹中雄一
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd


10-01-2020 дата публикации

Curve high-stretch belt ply structure

Номер: CN110667315A
Автор: 杨其振


02-04-2015 дата публикации

Tire with toroidal element

Номер: WO2015047780A1
Автор: Robert W. Asper

A tire includes a tread formed in a crown region of the tire and sidewall regions extending from the crown region to bead areas. The tire further includes a toroidal element extending across a crown region of the tire, and further extending along at least a portion of each sidewall region of the tire. The toroidal element has a central region located between inner and outer regions. The central region is more elastic than the inner and outer regions.

06-05-2010 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20100108229A1
Автор: Hiroshi Hata
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A pneumatic tire is provided which includes: a carcass that is formed from at least one layer including a plurality of organic fibrous cords or metallic cords and that has a segmented portion segmented at a tread portion; a belt layer; and a carcass segmented portion reinforcing layer that covers the segmented portion, wherein the carcass segmented portion reinforcing layer is formed from a thermoplastic resin or from a thermoplastic elastomer in which a thermoplastic resin component and an elastomer component are blended.

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3088238B3

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication d'un pneumatique au moyen d'un assemblage comprenant : - une première structure de premiers éléments filaires, - une deuxième structure de deuxièmes éléments filaires, - une structure porteuse comprenant des éléments filaires porteurs reliant la première structure (10) de premiers éléments filaires et la deuxième structure (12) de deuxièmes éléments filaires (68, 70) entre elles. On enroule, autour d'un support d'assemblage (80), l'assemblage selon la direction circonférentielle (XX') du support d'assemblage (80). Au plus tard lors de l'étape d'enroulage, la première structure présente une discontinuité transversale (100). Postérieurement à l'étape d'enroulage, on écarte radialement par rapport à l'axe de révolution (YY') du support d'assemblage (80), la première structure (10) de façon à ce que l'on allonge, selon la direction circonférentielle (XX') du support d'assemblage (80), la première structure. The subject of the invention is a method of manufacturing a tire by means of an assembly comprising: - a first structure of first wire elements, - a second structure of second wire elements, - a supporting structure comprising supporting wire elements connecting the first structure (10) of first wire elements and the second structure (12) of second wire elements (68, 70) between them. The assembly is wound around an assembly support (80) in the circumferential direction (XX ') of the assembly support (80). At the latest during the winding step, the first structure has a transverse discontinuity (100). After the winding step, the first structure (10) is moved radially with respect to the axis of revolution (YY ') of the assembly support (80), so that it is lengthened, according to the circumferential direction (XX ') of the assembly support (80), the first structure.

20-06-1998 дата публикации

Rubber tire components with reduced spider flow

Номер: CA2209418A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

Disclosed is the use of a brominated polymer derived from isobutylene and p-methylstyrene monomers to decrease the spider flow of various rubber components used in the carcass of an uncured pneumatic tire. The amount of the brominated polymer utilized is in a range of about 3 to about 15 phr. The various components include the ply coat, wire coat, tread cushion, belt-edge gumstrip, apex, chipper, and barrier.

14-09-2009 дата публикации

Pneumatic vehicle tire

Номер: KR100916756B1
Автор: 이수기
Принадлежит: 한국타이어 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 타이어에 있어서 카카스의 개량에 관한 것으로, 트레드와 사이드월 및 비드부로 구성되며, 트레드와 사이드월의 내측에 카카스가 설치된 것에 있어서, 상기 카카스는 내측 비드부의 비드와이어 및 비드필러와 외측 비드부의 비드와이어 및 비드필러를 양 축으로하여 카카스 리본으로 감아서 형성시키어, 카카스단부 이음매를 없게 하고, 비드부에서의 카카스-턴업(carcass turn-up)을 없게 함으로써, 유니포미티(uniformity)를 향상시키고, 이음매 또는 턴업 끝단부에서 발생하는 크랙, 박리현상을 억제하여 타이어의 내구성을 향상시키는 효과가 있는 것임. The present invention relates to the improvement of the carcass in a vehicle tire, and comprises a tread, a sidewall and a bead portion, wherein the carcass is provided inside the tread and the sidewall, and the carcass is a bead wire and a bead filler in the inner bead portion. By forming a bead wire and a bead filler on both the outer and outer bead portions and winding them with a carcass ribbon, there is no carcass end seam and no carcass turn-up at the bead portion. It has the effect of improving tire durability by improving uniformity and suppressing cracks and peeling occurring at the joint or turn-up end.

01-03-1919 дата публикации

Improvements made to pneumatic tire casings

Номер: FR489657A
Принадлежит: Individual

15-10-1971 дата публикации

Patent FR2075851A1

Номер: FR2075851A1
Автор: [UNK]

23-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3088237B3

Le procédé de fabrication d'un pneumatique comprend une étape d'assemblage d'une ébauche crue du pneumatique durant laquelle on enroule un assemblage comprenant une structure porteuse (30) comprenant des éléments filaires porteurs textiles (32) reliant un première structure de premiers éléments filaires et une deuxième structure de deuxièmes éléments filaires entre elles. Le procédé comprend également une étape de moulage de l'ébauche crue assemblée du pneumatique et une étape de chauffage de l'ébauche crue moulée du pneumatique. Durant l'étape de chauffage de l'ébauche crue moulée du pneumatique, la tension dans chaque portion filaire porteuse textile (74) de chaque des éléments filaires porteurs textiles (32) est nulle.

27-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: KR102425078B1
Автор: 지용휘
Принадлежит: 넥센타이어 주식회사

본 발명은 타이어를 개시한다. 본 발명은 트레드부와, 상기 트레드부의 단부에서 연장되어 형성되는 사이드월부와, 상기 사이드월부의 단부에 배치되며, 비드 코어와 비드 필러를 가지는 비드부와, 상기 트레드부의 내측에 상기 타이어의 폭 방향으로 연장되는 벨트층, 및 상기 벨트층의 내측으로 상기 트레드부, 상기 사이드월부 및 상기 비드부를 따라 연장되며, 상기 비드 코어에서 턴업되고, 상기 비드 필러의 피크단에서 터닝되는 카카스를 포함한다. The present invention discloses a tire. The present invention provides a tread portion, a sidewall portion extending from an end of the tread portion, a bead portion disposed at an end of the sidewall portion and having a bead core and a bead filler, and a width direction of the tire inside the tread portion and a carcass extending along the tread portion, the sidewall portion and the bead portion to the inside of the belt layer, and turning up at the bead core, and turning at the peak end of the bead pillar.

10-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR3040656A1

L'invention concerne un pneumatique à armature de carcasse radiale, constituée d'au moins une couche d'éléments de renforcement métalliques, ledit pneumatique comprenant une armature de sommet, elle-même coiffée radialement d'une bande de roulement, ladite bande de roulement étant réunie à deux bourrelets par l'intermédiaire de deux flancs. Selon l'invention, les éléments de renforcement métalliques d'au moins une couche de l'armature de carcasse sont des câbles constitués de plusieurs fils d'acier présentant un taux de carbone en masse C tel que 0.01 % ≤ C < 0.4 %, lesdits câbles présentant au test dit de perméabilité un débit inférieur ou égal à 20 cm3/mn et l'épaisseur de mélange caoutchouteux entre la surface intérieure de la cavité du pneumatique et le point d'un élément de renforcement métallique de l'armature de carcasse le plus proche de la dite surface intérieure de la cavité est inférieure à 3.2 mm. The invention relates to a tire with a radial carcass reinforcement, consisting of at least one layer of metal reinforcing elements, said tire comprising a crown reinforcement, itself capped radially with a tread, said tread being joined to two beads by means of two flanks. According to the invention, the metal reinforcing elements of at least one layer of the carcass reinforcement are cables consisting of several steel wires having a carbon content in mass C such that 0.01% ≤ C <0.4%, said cables having a permeability test having a flow rate of less than or equal to 20 cm3 / min and the thickness of rubber mixture between the inner surface of the tire cavity and the point of a metal reinforcement element of the carcass reinforcement the closest to said inner surface of the cavity is less than 3.2 mm.

13-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR2833277A1
Автор: [UNK]

The invention concerns a metal cord for use in a tyre carcass reinforcement, such as a heavy vehicle tyre, a composite fabric for use as layer of such a carcass reinforcement, a carcass reinforcement comprising said fabric and a tyre incorporating said carcass reinforcement. The inventive metal cord comprises a textile band, and is characterized that the band consists of a polyester or thermotropic aromatic polyester-amide. The inventive composite fabric is characterized in that it comprises a rubber composition which is reinforced by said cords. The inventive tyre is characterized in that its carcass reinforcement comprises said composite fabric.

24-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: FR3120815B1

Le pneumatique (10) comprend une structure de rigidification (50) comprenant un élément de rigidification (52, 53) ancré dans ou autour de structures de renfort radialement intérieures (60A) et d’une structure de renfort radialement extérieure (70A, 70B). Chaque élément de rigidification (52, 53) s’étendant depuis une des structures de renfort radialement intérieure (60A) comprend une portion (523) s’étendant dans la cavité torique (35) entre des premiers points d’ancrage. Chaque élément de rigidification (52, 53) s’étendant depuis l’autre des structures de renfort radialement intérieure (60B) comprend une portion (524) s’étendant dans la cavité torique (35) entre des deuxièmes points d’ancrage. Les portions (523) ne se croisent pas dans la cavité torique (35). Les premiers points d’ancrage sont agencés axialement de l’autre côté du même côté du plan médian (M) du pneumatique (10) que les deuxièmes points d’ancrage. Figure pour l’abrégé : Fig 1 The tire (10) includes a stiffening structure (50) comprising a stiffening element (52, 53) anchored in or around radially inner reinforcement structures (60A) and a radially outer reinforcement structure (70A, 70B) . Each stiffening element (52, 53) extending from one of the radially inner reinforcement structures (60A) comprises a portion (523) extending into the toric cavity (35) between first anchor points. Each stiffening element (52, 53) extending from the other of the radially inner reinforcing structures (60B) includes a portion (524) extending into the toric cavity (35) between second anchor points. The portions (523) do not intersect in the toric cavity (35). The first anchor points are arranged axially on the other side of the same side of the median plane (M) of the tire (10) as the second anchor points. Figure for abstract: Fig 1

22-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR3013261A1
Автор: David Dean

L'invention concerne une bande de roulement d'un pneumatique, ledit pneumatique ayant un périmètre extérieur, ladite bande de roulement étant disposée radialement à l'extérieur d'une ceinture de renforcement du pneumatique, elle-même à l'extérieur d'une armature de carcasse du pneumatique, ladite bande de roulement ayant une demi-largeur axiale L, une épaisseur maximale radiale Ei comprenant deux zones extrêmes axialement, et comportant une surface de roulement destinée à venir en contact avec un sol, ladite bande de roulement comportant une pluralité d'incisions transversales et d'incisions circonférentielles débouchant sur la surface de la bande de roulement, lesdites incisions circonférentielles ayant chacune une profondeur radiale maximale Ei, un rayon de courbure circonférentielle Rci et un taux d'entaillement volumique (Ei/Rti) lesdites incisions circonférentielles étant espacées d'un axe radial ZZ' passant par le centre du pneumatique d'une longueur P fonction de la demi-largeur axiale L, lesdites incisions transversales ayant chacune une profondeur radiale maximale Ei, un rayon de courbure transversale Rti et un taux d'entaillement volumique (Ei/Rci). L'invention se caractérise en ce que le taux d'entaillement volumique (Ei/Rti) des incisions circonférentielles est supérieure ou égale au taux d'entaillement volumique (Ei/Rci) des incisions transversales à au moins une extrémité axiale de la bande de roulement, et en ce que la longueur P est définie par la formule (tL) avec t supérieure ou égale à 0.5 et inférieure ou égale à 1. The invention relates to a tread of a tire, said tire having an outer perimeter, said tread being arranged radially on the outside of a tire reinforcing belt, itself outside a tire. carcass reinforcement of the tire, said tread having an axial half-width L, a radial maximum thickness Ei comprising two end zones axially, and having a tread surface intended to come into ...

08-07-1966 дата публикации

Tires and their manufacturing process

Номер: FR1444983A
Принадлежит: National Standard Co

18-12-1914 дата публикации

Improvements to pneumatic tire casings

Номер: FR472846A
Автор: James Dinsmore Tew
Принадлежит: Individual

07-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR3034351A1

Nappe carcasse non conformée (1) pour pneumatique comprenant un arrangement (2) de renfort comprenant une pluralité de bandelettes (3) sensiblement planes et de largeur moyenne « L » disposées axialement en au moins deux rangées superposées, chaque rangée comportant une pluralité de bandelettes (3) agencées avec un pas compris entre L et 2L, les rangées étant séparées entre elles par une couche de composition élastomère (4) et décalées avec un déphasage compris entre 0,2 fois ledit pas et 0,5 fois ledit pas. An unconformed carcass ply (1) for a tire comprising a reinforcing arrangement (2) comprising a plurality of substantially flat and average width "L" strips (3) arranged axially in at least two superposed rows, each row comprising a plurality of strips (3) arranged with a pitch between L and 2L, the rows being separated from each other by a layer of elastomer composition (4) and offset with a phase shift between 0.2 times said step and 0.5 times said pitch.

22-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: FR3102082B1

L’invention concerne un assemblage comprenant un premier et un deuxième tissu, reliés par une structure porteuse, le premier tissu comprenant des éléments filaires de chaine comprenant des premier et deuxième organes filaires, le deuxième organe filaire étant à base d’un matériau fusible. The invention relates to an assembly comprising a first and a second fabric, connected by a supporting structure, the first fabric comprising chain wire elements comprising first and second wire members, the second wire member being based on a fusible material.

21-11-1934 дата публикации

Tire improvements

Номер: FR773599A
Автор: Yves De Molon

23-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: FR3120815A1

Le pneumatique (10) comprend une structure de rigidification (50) comprenant un élément de rigidification (52, 53) ancré dans ou autour de structures de renfort radialement intérieures (60A) et d’une structure de renfort radialement extérieure (70A, 70B). Chaque élément de rigidification (52, 53) s’étendant depuis une des structures de renfort radialement intérieure (60A) comprend une portion (523) s’étendant dans la cavité torique (35) entre des premiers points d’ancrage. Chaque élément de rigidification (52, 53) s’étendant depuis l’autre des structures de renfort radialement intérieure (60B) comprend une portion (524) s’étendant dans la cavité torique (35) entre des deuxièmes points d’ancrage. Les portions (523) ne se croisent pas dans la cavité torique (35). Les premiers points d’ancrage sont agencés axialement de l’autre côté du même côté du plan médian (M) du pneumatique (10) que les deuxièmes points d’ancrage. Figure pour l’abrégé : Fig 1 The tire (10) includes a stiffening structure (50) comprising a stiffening element (52, 53) anchored in or around radially inner reinforcement structures (60A) and a radially outer reinforcement structure (70A, 70B) . Each stiffening element (52, 53) extending from one of the radially inner reinforcing structures (60A) comprises a portion (523) extending into the toric cavity (35) between first anchor points. Each stiffening element (52, 53) extending from the other of the radially inner reinforcing structures (60B) includes a portion (524) extending into the toric cavity (35) between second anchor points. The portions (523) do not intersect in the toric cavity (35). The first anchor points are arranged axially on the other side of the same side of the median plane (M) of the tire (10) as the second anchor points. Figure for abstract: Fig 1

09-06-1961 дата публикации

Improvements to tire casings

Номер: FR1263374A

27-02-1908 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: FR383223A
Принадлежит: Benjamin Vladimirowitsch Wittenberg

27-04-1962 дата публикации


Номер: FR1291931A
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co
