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20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU84786U1

Отопительное устройство утилизационного типа для салона транспортного средства, использующее в качестве источника тепловой энергии утилизируемое тепло выхлопных газов двигателя автомобиля, состоящее из газового теплообменника, вентилятора в салоне и соединительных трубопроводов, отличающееся тем, что для нагрева воздуха используется газовый теплообменник без промежуточного теплоносителя, установленный на выхлопной трубе двигателя автомобиля и состоящий из центральной трубы и коробчатого воздухопровода, навитого на трубу по винтовой линии с зазором между соседними витками и присоединенного к воздухопроводам и вентилятору.

27-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2151701C1

Изобретение относится к теплообменным аппаратам и может быть, в частности, использовано в качестве рекуператора системы утилизации тепла выхлопных газов двигателя транспортного средства для отопления его салона. Газожидкостной теплообменник системы отопления содержит теплообменную матрицу в полости, окружающей трубу с окнами пропуска газа в полость матрицы, и расположенную в упомянутой трубе перепускную заслонку, причем заслонка выполнена в виде двух створок, установленных с возможностью перекрывания окон и смыкания друг с другом путем поворота вокруг оси, нормальной к оси трубы. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности работы системы отопления с газожидкостным теплообменником. 1 с.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

15-01-1987 дата публикации

Отопитель кузова транспортного средства

Номер: SU1283121A1

Отопитель транспортного средства относится к транспортному машиностроению . Цель изобретения - стабилизация характеристик и повышение эффективности работы при изменении режима работы двигателя или кратковременных его остановках. Отопитель транспортного средства, включающий теплообменник, включенный параллельно в систему выпуска отработанных газов через тройники с впускным и выпускным патрубками, трубопроводы, радиатор, расширительный бачок, снабжен теплообменником с теплоаккумулирующим вешеством, трубопроводом с воздухозаборником, имеюшим, например , створчатые жалюзи и установленным за глушителем тройником с эжекторным соплом . 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. ts5 00 со ...

07-09-1992 дата публикации

Отопитель-воздухоохладитель для кабины транспортного средства

Номер: SU1759664A1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению и позволяет увеличить производительность и расширить функциональные возможности огопителя-воздухоохладителя В корпусе 1 выполнены перегородки 2 и 3 делящие его на внешнюю полость 4 с входной 5 и выходной 6 частью для воздуха и внутреннюю полость 7 с выходной 8 и входной 9 частью для выхлопных газов В перегородках горизонтально установлены тепловые трубы 12 с ребрами 13 В поддоне корпуса установлены две секции для воды, а ребра в полости 7 покрыты капиллярно-пористым материалом 14 контактирующим с водой В перегородке 2 выполнено окно с заслонкой 15 а перед входной частью 9 установлен крзн 16 В холодный пеоиод кран 16 открыт, заслонка 15 закрыта и устройство работает как отопитель В тепль й период кран 16 закрыт заслонка 15 открыта и устройство работает кяк воздухоохладитель 2 з п ф лы 4 ил (Л ...

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: SU1801794A1

Изобретение относится к кондиционированию и может .быть использовано в кабинах транспортных средств, оборудованных двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Цель изобретения - улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик отопителя-воздухоохла- дителя. Отопитель-воздухоохладитель содержит корпус 1, основную перегородку 2, дополнительную перегородку 17, установленную между стенкой корпуса 1 и основной перегородкой 2. В теплый период устройство работает как воздухоохладитель, а в холодный - как отопитель. 3 ил.

07-06-1991 дата публикации

Отопитель транспортного средства

Номер: SU1654031A1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению и может быть использовано а устройствах для обогрева кабин и кузовов транспортных средств утилизированной теплотой выхлопных газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности при переменных режимах работы двигателя. Для этого во впускном коллекторе теплообменника, выполненного в виде трубок газохода, уложенных в теплоаккумулирующую массу в ряд последова ельно друг за другом вдоль продольной оси теплообменника, на телескопической оси размещена подвижная заслонка с пружиной. При переменных режимах работы двигателя заслонка перемещается и поочередно открывает или закрывает трубки газохода, изменяя тем самым площадь их поперечного сечения для прохода отработавших газов в соответствии с их объемным расходом Это обусловливает постоянно высокую скорость движения отработавших газов в трубках независимо от режима работы двигателя и повышает тепловую эффективность теплообменника. 1 з п.ф-лы, 4 ил. ч Ј ...

20-05-1931 дата публикации

Improved means for heating the interior of motor vehicles

Номер: GB0000349595A

... 349,595. Heating vehicles. HILES J. E., Offa Street, St. Peter's Square, Hereford. Feb. 20, 1930, Nos. 5619 and 34710. [Classes 64 (i), 64 (ii), and 123 (ii).] A motor vehicle is heated by hot water or steam circulated from a water heater through which the exhaust gases pass, and which is secured against the cylinder block of the engine. A water chamber 3, Fig. 2, is provided with upper and lower compartments 4, 5, connected by tubes 6. A damper 14 in the compartment 5 is adapted, in the position shown, to divert exhaust gases from the cylinder block 1 upward through the tubes 6 and thence into the exhaust conduit 13a. When the damper 14 is raised to the dotted position, the water heater is cut out and the exhaust gases are discharged direct. The damper 14 may be in any intermediate position. The water chamber may be filled to the top of the tubes 6, and the steam generated passes through an external tube 7 to a superposed chamber 2, and thence through pipe 8 to a suitable radiator. Water ...

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001520030A

... 1520030 Aerials BSH ELECTRONICS (MANCHESTER) Ltd 7 June 1976 [21 Nov 1975] 47902/75 Heading H4A A circuit for enabling the element of an electrically heated vehicle window to be used as an aerial includes two coupled coils 9 in series with respective wires connecting the element 5 to the vehicle battery so as to block the passage to the battery of radio signals in phase at the terminals 3 by providing a high-impedance path. A signal output 6 is taken from one of the connections of the element and an equalizing capacitor (not shown) may be connected across the terminals. An interference suppressor comprising a choke 7 and filter capacitors 8 is provided in the current path to the battery. Coils 9 may be provided by a bifilar winding. In a modification (Fig. 2, not shown) three LC circuits (10), (11), (12) tuned to F.M., medium wave and long wave frequencies can be provided across the signal output and are said to provide a desired aerial loading.

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503685A2

15-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000203956T

09-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1275081A

INDEPENDENT EXHAUST GAS HEAT SYSTEM An independent heat system for heating a motor vehicle passenger compartment comprises a surge tank feeding the heat transfer medium to a pump which circulates fluid through the cab heater core, heat exchanger and a waste heater core, if necessary. The heat exchanger is connected to an engine exhaust system for heating the circulating medium by the engine exhaust gasses. The heat system can be adapted for heating of a vehicle passenger compartment in any vehicle having no engine water cooling system.

27-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1051402A

A heating device for motor vehicles in which combustion gas transfers thermal energy to a medium via a space having therein radiation screens and hydrogen of a controllable pressure by controlling the temperature of a reversible hydrogen getter.

02-08-1920 дата публикации

Heizvorrichtung an Kraftfahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor.

Номер: CH0000086124A
Принадлежит: KARL KUTTRUFF

15-01-1938 дата публикации

Dampfheizanlage für Kleinbetrieb.

Номер: CH0000195014A

24-10-2007 дата публикации

Energy-saving superconducting heating device for motor vehicle

Номер: CN0200964044Y

07-04-1926 дата публикации

Apparatus for the heating of the motor vehicles

Номер: FR0000603035A

30-05-1908 дата публикации

Heating device intended in particular for the mechanical cars

Номер: FR0000385950A

29-12-1972 дата публикации

Means for heating, in particular of motor vehicles

Номер: FR0002137389A1

03-12-2004 дата публикации

Heat transfer device for use in motor vehicles power unit, has set of primary units and set of secondary units, where secondary units are integrated or replaced by one of existing components of power unit of vehicle

Номер: FR0002855562A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'apport calorifique 8 constitué par un ensemble d'éléments primaires 8a et par un ensemble d'éléments secondaires, ledit dispositif étant monté dans l'environnement d'un groupe motopropulseur 2 d'un véhicule automobile comprenant des composants tels que conduite d'admission d'air 4, pompe à carburant 100, module électronique 101, conduit d'échappement 5, circulateur de liquide de refroidissement 102 et au moins un échangeur gaz-liquide (14, 30, 19, 20, 41), caractérisé en ce que les éléments secondaires sont dissociés du dispositif d'apport calorifique. Avantageusement, l'un au moins des éléments secondaires est remplacé par ou intégré dans au moins un des composants du groupe motopropulseur 2. Application aux véhicules automobiles.

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021217069A1

An electric drivetrain for installation in a vehicle chassis. The vehicle, including components and subsystems, may be powered electrically from the batteries, allowing the engine and generator to be easily replaced or customized for an industry, geographic region, fuel type, or a set of emission requirements. A thermal management system may determine a battery temperature for the set of batteries and cause one or more of a coolant system (120,140), a refrigerant system (130), an exhaust gas system or an ambient air heat exchanger to add heat to the set of batteries or transfer heat away from the set of batteries.

20-02-1979 дата публикации

Heating device

Номер: US0004140173A1
Принадлежит: Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft

A heating installation, especially for heating a passenger space in a motor vehicle, with at least one heat-exchanger that is adapted to be connected as a heat-absorbing heat-exchanger to a heat source, preferably to the exhaust gas pipe, and can be provided as a heat-emitting heat-exchanger at any desired place in the passenger space; the heat-exchanger is thereby accommodated in a housing and a medium is provided inside of this housing for the heat transfer which has a high heat-storage capacity and continues to transfer heat to the heat-conducting medium over long periods of time even after termination of the heat supply from the heat source or in case the heat source supplies relatively small quantities of heat.

21-08-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle waste energy harvesting system

Номер: US0010052932B2

An adsorption based system is provided for the selective cooling and heating of a vehicle compartment using by-product water collected from a power generating unit of a vehicle. The system may include a fuel cell stack and an exhaust conduit configured to transfer an exhaust stream from the fuel cell stack. A water reservoir stores by-product water collected from the exhaust stream. The system may include a coolant loop configured to circulate a coolant fluid. A detachable adsorption subsystem is in thermal communication with the coolant loop and the exhaust conduit, and may include an evaporator and an adsorbent bed. The adsorption subsystem is configured to: vaporize water from the water reservoir using the evaporator; adsorb the vaporized water, thereby cooling a portion of the coolant fluid; regenerate the adsorbent bed using heat from the exhaust stream to release water vapor; and direct the water vapor into the exhaust conduit.

20-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EP3163046B1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha

06-08-1986 дата публикации

System for heating interior spaces of engine-driven vehicles

Номер: EP0000189624A2

A heat pipe (2) provided with a vaporizable working fluid is utilized to transfer heat from exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust pipe (1) of an engine (E) driving a vehicle to air flowing through an air duct (4) to an interior space (S) to be heated in the vehicle. The heat pipe (2) has a loop return pipe (9) for returning condensed fluid to a heat absorption part (2a) of the pipe and a control valve (10) in the return pipe for controlling the flow of returning fluid, the control valve (10) being controllable manually or automatically by a temperature control system including a sensor (18) in the air duct (4), a control circuit (17), and a solenoid valve actuator (14).

20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2187435C1

Изобретение относится к системам отопления транспортных средств и может быть, в частности, использовано в качестве утилизатора тепла выхлопных газов двигателя транспортного средства для отопления его салона. Система отопления транспортного средства работает на промежуточном теплоносителе и содержит расширительный бачок, насос прокачки промежуточного теплоносителя, газожидкостный теплообменник, отопитель с вентилятором в салоне транспортного средства и соединительные трубопроводы. Сущность изобретения в том, что снаружи транспортного установлен воздушно-жидкостный охладитель промежуточного теплоносителя, выполненный в виде оребренной трубки, и подключен параллельно отопителю салона, а в одном из двух стыков параллельного соединения расположен крановый распределитель. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности работы системы отопления транспортного средства. 1 ил.

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688563C1

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to self-propelled machines. Electromechanical transmission of self-propelled machine with internal combustion engine includes traction generator connected to engine, traction motor, power electronic converter, as well as braking resistor converting electric power in power busbars into thermal energy under control of braking resistor controller. Braking resistor is cooled by transfer of heat energy from it to component part of self-propelled machine, and / or non-conductive working fluid of self-propelled machine, and / or system of microclimate maintenance in cabin. EFFECT: reduced length of self-propelled machine, reduced size of transmission and simplified assembly. 9 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 688 563 C1 (51) МПК B62D 63/02 (2006.01) B60K 6/20 (2007.10) B60K 6/26 (2007.10) B60K 17/12 (2006.01) B60H 1/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 63/02 (2019.02); B60K 6/20 (2019.02); B60K 6/26 (2019.02); B60K 17/12 (2019.02); B60H 1/20 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018135348, 05.10.2018 05.10.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коровин Владимир Андреевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.05.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.10.2018 2621410 C1, 05.06.2017. US 8054016 B2, 08.11.2011. WO 2016191733 A1, 01.12.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 21.05.2019 Бюл. № 15 2 6 8 8 5 6 3 R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКАЯ ТРАНСМИССИЯ САМОХОДНОЙ МАШИНЫ С ДВИГАТЕЛЕМ ВНУТРЕННЕГО СГОРАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к самоходным контроллера тормозного резистора. Тормозной машинам. Электромеханическая трансмиссия резистор охлаждается путем передачи тепловой самоходной машины с двигателем внутреннего энергии от него к составной части самоходной сгорания содержит тяговый генератор, машины, и/или неэлектропроводной рабочей соединенный с двигателем, тяговый жидкости самоходной машины, и/или системе электродвигатель, силовой электронный поддержания ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU154861U1

... 1. Система терморегулирования для транспортного средства, содержащая:адсорбционное устройство аккумулирования тепла, содержащее первый контейнер, содержащий адсорбент, присоединенный через первый клапан ко второму контейнеру, содержащему адсорбат;первый теплообменник, присоединенный к первому контейнеру и дополнительно присоединенный к первому охлаждающему контуру, содержащему первый хладагент;второй теплообменник, присоединенный к первому охлаждающему контуру и дополнительно присоединенный ко второму охлаждающему контуру, содержащему второй хладагент; ипервый целевой объект обогрева, присоединенный ко второму охлаждающему контуру.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая:третий теплообменник, присоединенный к первому контейнеру и дополнительно присоединенный к третьему охлаждающему контуру, содержащему третий хладагент; ичетвертый теплообменник, присоединенный к третьему охлаждающему контуру и дополнительно присоединенный к источнику потерянного тепла.3. Система по п. 2, в которой трубопровод ...

23-06-1991 дата публикации

Отопительная система транспортного средства

Номер: SU1657416A1

Изобретение относится к отопителч;ыь. системам транспортных средств с испо/ ь- зованием отходящего тепла двигзтелей внутреннего1 сгорания м промежуточною тетоносителя. Целью изобретения является упрощение конструкции и повышение эф- фективности системы Отопительная система содержит кипятильник 1, установленный на выхлопном коллекторе 5, жидкий теплоноситель и конденсатор, состоящий из коллекторных труб, между которыми установлены разводящие трубы. Конденсатор соединен трубопроводом 2 с кипя гильником 1 и выполнен с возможностью поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси и фиксирования его положения При этом теп- поноситель составлен из жидкостей, имеющих различные температурь кипения 3 ил ...

04-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008007726A1

Bei einem Abgaswärme-Rückgewinnungssystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine umfasst ein Wärmerohr (20) einen Verdampferteil (21), in welchem ein Arbeitsfluid erwärmt und durch Wärmeaustausch mit dem Abgas aus der Brennkraftmaschine verdampft wird, eine Vielzahl kondensierender Teile (31, 32), in denen das Arbeitsfluid aus dem Verdampferteil durch Wärmeaustausch mit jeweiligen zu erwärmenden Gegenständen gekühlt und kondensiert wird, und ein verbindendes Rohrleitungssystem (25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35), über welches die kondensierenden Teile mit dem Verdampferteil parallel zum Verdampferteil verbunden sind, so dass ein geschlossener Kreis gebildet wird. Weiterhin ist ein Schaltteil (28) so positioniert, dass er eine Strömung des Arbeitsfluids vom Verdampferteil auf irgend einen aus den kondensierenden Teilen schaltet.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Einrichtung und Verfahren zur Klimatisierung eines Innenraumes

Номер: DE102012001918A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Einrichtung 10 zur Klimatisierung eines Innenraumes eines Fahrzeuges, einer Maschine, eines Gebäudes od. dgl., insbesondere eines Führerhauses eines Lastkraftwagen, wobei z. B. das Fahrzeug einen Adsorber- oder Absorber-Wärmepumpenkreislauf 11 mit wenigstens einem Verdampfer 12, Energiespeicher 13 und Kondensator 14 aufweist, wobei die dem Innenraum z. B. des Fahrzeuges zuzuführende Luft am Verdampfer 12 abkühlbar ist und der Kondensator 14 eine Abwärme aufweist, wobei der Energiespeicher 13 mit Zeolith-Granulat gefüllt ausgebildet ist. Es ist dabei erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass die Abgaswärmeübertragung der Antriebs- oder sonstigen Verbrennungsmaschine über wenigstens einen Wärmeübertrager 15 zur Einbringung von Wärme in den mit Zeolith-Granulat gefüllten Energiespeicher 13 ausgebildet ist. Die Erfindung bezieht sich außerdem auf ein Verfahren zur Klimatisierung eines solchen Innenraumes eines Fahrzeuges, einer Maschine, eines Gebäudes od. dgl., insbesondere ...

26-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002650044A1

15-04-1999 дата публикации

Air conditioner for motor vehicle interior

Номер: DE0019813674C1

The air conditioner has a compressor (2), the heat from which passes to an inner heat exchanger (6), an expander (8) and a radiator (10) and the exhaust gas heat exchanger (13). The coolant in the expander is expanded at a temperature below a suction temperature of the coolant in the compressor. It is contacted in the radiator with heated air, heated in the exchanger (13) and compressed in the compressor.

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit einem Verbrennungsmotor und einem Abwärmesammelgehäuse

Номер: DE102014209275A1

Fahrzeug mit einem Verbrennungsmotor mit einem Verbrennungsmotor und einem Abgaskrümmer, über den heißes, vom Verbrennungsmotor kommendes Abgas in einen motorseitigen Abschnitt, einer Abgasanlage eingeleitet wird, wobei der Abgaskrümmer und/oder der motorseitige Abschnitt der Abgasanlage zumindest zu einem Teil von einem Abwärmesammelgehäuse umgeben ist, wobei in dem Abwärmesammelgehäuse enthaltene Luft durch Abwärme des Abgaskrümmers und/oder des motorseitigen Abschnitts des Abgasanlage erhitzt wird.

01-09-1932 дата публикации

Improved means for heating the interior of motor vehicles, aeroplanes and motor-boats

Номер: GB0000379488A

... 379,488. Heating apparatus associated with motor systems. HILES, J. E., Offa Street, St. Peter's Square, Hereford. July 31, 1931, No. 21832. [Class 79 (iii).] In a system for heating the interior of a motor vehicle, aeroplane or boat by means of a steam generator heated by the engine, the condensate from the radiators is withdrawn by suction and returned to the steam generator. A steam generator 1 is mounted on the exhaust manifold 2 of the engine, and steam is conducted by a pipe 4 to a heater below a seat 5. Condensate is withdrawn to a vacuum chamber 7 which is connected by a pipe 9 to the induction pipe of the engine, and is returned to the steam generator by a pipe 8. A float-operated valve may be provided in the chamber 7 to close the pipe 9 at a predetermined level, and a floatoperated air vent may also be provided. A check valve 10 may be provided to prevent a reverse flow from the boiler. The temperature may be regulated by a hand valve 11 which prevents return of water to the ...

22-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008830339D0

25-06-1968 дата публикации

Evaporation heating

Номер: AT0000262812B

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396074T

10-05-1973 дата публикации

Window ventilation, in particular for vehicles, e.g. motor vehicles

Номер: AT0000307246B

12-03-1997 дата публикации

Heat accumulator for a motor vehicle

Номер: AU0006698696A

26-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002592073C

A heating system for use on an exhaust system having an exhaust gas passageway, the engine having a cooling system to circulate a cooling fluid to and from the engine, includes a fuel-dosing member for dosing fuel to the exhaust system to trigger a regeneration event. A particulate filter is located on the exhaust gas passageway downstream of the engine, and an oxidation catalyst member is located upstream from the particulate filter. The oxidation catalyst member oxidizes the fuel dosed to increase the temperature of the exhaust gases. The increased temperature causes a regeneration event at the particulate filter, which further increases the temperature of the exhaust gases. A heat exchanger is located downstream of the particulate filter for capturing heat from the exhaust gases. The heat exchanger has an inlet conduit and an outlet conduit for circulating the cooling fluid from the heat exchanger to the engine cooling system.

01-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001233448A1

19-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001169398A1

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000069557A

Абсорбційна бромистолітієва теплонасосна установка містить в одному вакуумованому корпусі випарник для відбору теплоти, абсорбер для поглинання парів холодоагенту зрошувальним розчином бромистого літію з відведенням теплоти абсорбції циркулюючим технологічним теплоносієм, генератор для випарювання розчину бромистого літію з підведенням теплоти, та конденсатор для конденсації парів холодоагенту з відведенням теплоти конденсації технологічним теплоносієм. Установка додатково оснащена електричним теплоакумулятором з блоком термосифонів, конденсаційні частини яких мають розвинену поверхню і герметично введені у зрошувальний відсік генератора. Випарювальні частини через конденсатозбірник з регулятором введені в теплоізольоване ядро електричного теплоакумулятора, електронагрівачі якого ввімкнуті через автоматичний перемикач в мережу нестабілізованої енергії від вітроенергетичної установки і в промислову електромережу через двотарифний лічильник електричної енергії.

01-09-2017 дата публикации

In-vehicle heating supply method

Номер: CN0107116993A

27-08-2014 дата публикации

Automobile exhaust heating device

Номер: CN104002639A

The invention discloses an automobile exhaust heating device. The automobile exhaust heating device comprises an engine exhaust pipe, a silencer and a heat exchanger, the heat exchanger comprises a porous hollow sealed middle part and two loudspeaker-shaped connecting parts, holes of the middle part are an inner exhaust pipe communicated with the engine exhaust pipe and the silencer, the heat exchanger is filled with cooling liquid, the cooling liquid passes a water pump and a valve in sequence from the water outlet of the heat exchanger to enter an engine oil sump heater and a radiator, and then the cooling liquid flows back to the heat exchanger through the water return hole of the heat exchanger to form a circulating loop. According to the automobile exhaust heating device, the cooling liquid is heated through the high-temperature engine exhaust through the heat exchanger, the cooling liquid is circulated through the water pump, and the heat is supplied to the automobile cab and the ...

26-06-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002019101A7

08-01-1908 дата публикации

Foot-warmer for motor vehicles

Номер: FR0000008071E

25-04-1933 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000744666A

04-03-1933 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000742370A

30-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002481201A


15-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002926600B1

10-04-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002013887A1

26-06-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002019101A1

19-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003006992A1

La présente invention concerne un système de chauffage (50) d'un habitacle (2) d'un aéronef (1) comportant un échangeur thermique annulaire (10) positionné autour d'une conduite (21) d'échappement d'un turbomoteur (20) et dans lequel circule un fluide caloporteur (14) et de l'air ambiant (25). Ledit échangeur (10) comporte une enveloppe arrière située à une sortie dudit échangeur (10) et orientant l'air ambiant (25) sortant dudit échangeur (10) vers lesdits gaz d'échappement (15) sortant par ladite conduite (21) d'échappement. Lesdits gaz d'échappement (15) génèrent alors une circulation de l'air ambiant (25) dans ledit échangeur (10) par « effet Coanda ». Ledit air ambiant (25) circulant dans ledit échangeur (10) est ainsi chauffé par convection de ladite conduite (21) et ledit fluide caloporteur (14) est réchauffé d'une part par rayonnement de ladite conduite (21) et d'autre part par convection entre ledit fluide caloporteur (14) et ledit air ambiant (25).

04-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002290323A1

07-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100935543B1

11-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI7607754A

19-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: WO1982002740A1

To increase the flow density in heat exchangers (70) traversed at a high speed by at least one gaz and applied preferably to motor vehicles, the acceleration energy of the gaz is provided by the exhaust gaz of the engine. Such method allows the use of a radiator for heating (70) the vehicle or cooling (156) the engine to accumulate and increase the energy provided by the exhaust gaz. When the engine is not working hard and requires only little cooling, the residual energy of the exhaust gaz may be used to increase the flow density in the exchanger (70) and heat the vehicle; when the engine is working very hard and the heating demand is low, the flow density in the exchanger may be increased for the cooling of the engine. Preferably, the heat exchanger device is provided with an accumulator engageable in the circuit (14) of the exhaust gaz for the heating of the vehicle.

18-01-2011 дата публикации

Climate control method for hybrid vehicles using thermoelectric devices

Номер: US0007870892B2
Принадлежит: BSST LLC

The present invention provides a system for controlling the climate of a hybrid vehicle. The system includes a thermoelectric module, a heat exchanger, a pump, and a valve. The thermoelectric module includes thermoelectric elements powered by electric energy. The thermoelectric elements emit or absorb heat energy based on the polarity of the electrical energy provided. A tube containing coolant runs proximate the thermoelectric elements. To aid in the transfer of heat energy, a blower is provided to generate an air flow across the thermoelectric elements and the tube. The coolant is provided from the thermoelectric module to a heat exchanger that heats or cools the air flow provided to the cabin of the vehicle. The pump and valve are in fluid communication with the heat exchanger and thermoelectric module. The pump pressurizes the coolant flow through the tube and coolant lines. In a cooling mode, the valve is configured to selectively bypass the engine coolant system of the vehicle.

21-01-1936 дата публикации

Номер: US0002028260A1

25-02-1992 дата публикации

Heat storage means

Номер: US0005090474A

A heat storage means, and more particularly to a latent heat storage means for motor vehicle heating systems supplied by engine waste heat, comprises an inner container (10) with a storage core within it, an outer container (12) surrounding the inner container with a clearance with the formation of a preferably evacuated insulating space (14) and two ducts (16 and 18) extending through the insulating space (14), of which one duct serves as a supply duct and of which the other serves as a return duct for a heat vehicle fluid and both are arranged adjacent to the insulating space (14) in such a manner that they have a straight section (16b and 18b) which is as long as possible. The cross section of such duct sections has such a dense arrangement of permanently fitted elements running in the direction of flow that the periphery contacted by the fluid is, in comparison with the flow cross section, so large that convection is substantially prevented.

19-02-1991 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003006489Y2

25-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: JP2008223488A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a cooling system for a hybrid vehicle capable of suppressing deterioration of fuel economy. SOLUTION: The cooling system for the hybrid vehicle is provided with a first exhaust heat recovery unit; and a first cooling water passage. The first exhaust heat recovery unit is arranged on an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine. The first cooling water passage is a cooling water passage for circulating cooling water between the internal combustion engine and the first exhaust heat recovery unit. Further, the cooling system for the hybrid vehicle is provided with a second cooling water passage provided independently of the first cooling water passage. The second cooling water passage is a cooling water passage for circulating cooling water between the first exhaust heat recovery unit and a heater core. Thereby, since the time when the temperature of cooling water of the first cooling water passage becomes a predetermined temperature or lower can be ...

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: JP2008174085A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To effectively heat a seat without consuming electric power. SOLUTION: In the seat heat storage device 10, a heat storage material 46 is buried in a seat cushion 40 of a seat 20. Under the seat, a casing 16 storing a battery 12 is attached, and a ventilating duct 48 is raised from the casing toward the heat storage material. The battery is cooled by outside air sent into the casing as cooling air when a ventilating fan 32 is driven. By blowing out the cooling air from the ventilating duct to the heat storage material, the heat material absorbs heat and stores that, and a surface of the seat cushion is heated by the stored heat. Therefore, the seat can be heated without consuming electric power, and a heating state can be kept. COPYRIGHT: (C)2008,JPO&INPIT ...

10-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: JP0003135820A

PURPOSE: To control thermal fluctuation of blowing air and the pressure in a heater respectively by switching an exhaust gas flowing passage switching door to multiple exhaust gas flowing passages in parallel to each other in response to the condition whether the detected temperature of operating fluid steam is higher or lower than the target temperature. CONSTITUTION: The operating speed of an air blower is detected by a sensor 23, and also temperature of operating fluid steam fed to a capacitor is detected by a sensor 23. The target steam temperature for obtaining the predetermined blowing air temperature is computed by a means 24 on the basis of the detected operating speed. Furthermore, the computed target steam temperature and the detected operating fluid steam temperature are compared with each other by a means 25. An exhaust gas flowing passage switching door 7 and the partitioning valve 12 of a return pipe from the capacitor to a heating unit are respectively controlled by a control ...

15-11-1991 дата публикации

Система отопления транспортного средства

Номер: SU1691151A1

Изобретение относится к отопительной технике транспортных средств, например автобусов, автопогрузчиков Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности системы отопления транспортного средства Система отопления транспортного средства содержит основной контур 1, включающий в себя двигатель 2 внутреннего сг орания, трубопроводы 3 и 4, отопитель 5 кабины и дополнительный контур 6, ответвляющийся от основного и проходящий через установленный на выхлопной трубе 7 теплообменник 8, и напольный отопитель 9 В месте ответвления дополнительного контура от основного по ходу теплоносителя установлен трехходовой электромагнитный клапан 10, связанный электрически через электронный блок 11с напольным отопи- телем 9. В низших точках основного и дополнительного контуров установлены краны 12 для слива теплоносителя 1 ил СО с ...

30-06-1985 дата публикации

Отопитель кузова транспортного средства

Номер: SU1164082A1

ОТОПИТЕЛЬ КУЗОВА ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА, содержащий теплообменник , имеющий две цилиндрические концентрично установленные обечайки, по/7 ...

25-10-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для вентиляции кабины самоходной машины

Номер: SU447306A1

08-09-1927 дата публикации

Aufhaengevorrichtung fuer Elektromotore, insbesondere fuer Sprechmaschinen

Номер: DE0000449193C

03-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001780567A1

22-02-1968 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001979501U

08-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002227829A

The invention relates to an appliance for heating motor vehicles, mainly buses driven with internal combustion engine, provided with heat accumulator in heat transfer connection with the exhaust pipe of the engine, and in given case with the space to be heated. The essential feature of the invention is that the heat accumulator (5) is directly connected with the extended coolant circuit of the engine (M)-and in case of additional heat extracting medium through the installation of heat exchanger (3), furthermore circulating pump (24) operated independently from the engine (M) is built into the extended coolant circuit.

15-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000048805T

26-06-1972 дата публикации

Heat exchanger, preferably for motor vehicle heaters

Номер: AT0000299724B

30-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000503236B2

29-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001245609A1

19-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002592073A1

A heating system for use on an exhaust system having an exhaust gas passageway, the engine having a cooling system to circulate a cooling fluid to and from the engine, includes a fuel-dosing member for dosing fuel to the exhaust system to trigger a regeneration event. A particulate filter is located on the exhaust gas passageway downstream of the engine, and an oxidation catalyst member is located upstream from the particulate filter. The oxidation catalyst member oxidizes the fuel dosed to increase the temperature of the exhaust gases. The increased temperature causes a regeneration event at the particulate filter, which further increases the temperature of the exhaust gases. A heat exchanger is located downstream of the particulate filter for capturing heat from the exhaust gases. The heat exchanger has an inlet conduit and an outlet conduit for circulating the cooling fluid from the heat exchanger to the engine cooling system.

09-03-2018 дата публикации

New energy automobile radiator convenient to installation

Номер: CN0207077973U

27-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003006244B1

25-05-1973 дата публикации

Means for heating, in particular of motor vehicles

Номер: FR0002137389B1

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002913057B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

06-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002806038B1

25-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002290323B1

24-07-2009 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine e.g. stratify direct injection type engine, for motor vehicle, has exhaust gas recycling circuit emerging in exhaust circuit downstream of thermal contact between evaporator and exhaust circuit

Номер: FR0002926600A1

L'invention concerne un moteur à combustion interne (1), comprenant : -un circuit d'admission (3) d'air comburant ; -un circuit d'échappement (6) ; -un compresseur (4) présentant un arbre d'entrée (41), apte à accroître la pression d'air dans le circuit d'admission lorsque son arbre d'entrée est entrainé en rotation ; -un circuit à cycle de Rankine (7) muni d'un évaporateur (71) en contact thermique avec le circuit d'échappement et muni d'un organe de détente (72) entrainé par du gaz issu de l'évaporateur, -un circuit de recyclage de gaz d'échappement (8) raccordant le circuit d'échappement (6) au circuit d'admission (3), le circuit de recyclage de gaz d'échappement débouchant dans le circuit d'échappement en aval du contact thermique entre l'évaporateur et le circuit d'échappement.

20-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002534533A


11-03-1966 дата публикации

Device of heating for vehicle and motor vehicle with internal combustion provided with this device

Номер: FR0001431243A

29-12-1972 дата публикации

Means for heating, in particular of motor vehicles

Номер: FR0002137389A5

21-11-1969 дата публикации

car heating device

Номер: FR0002004459A5

10-06-2014 дата публикации

Система выпуска для двигателя, система подогрева двигателя и теплопередающая система для двигателя

Номер: RU0000141428U1

1. Система выпуска для двигателя, содержащая:каталитический нейтрализатор отработавших газов;систему подогрева, содержащую радиатор отопителя, в сообщении по текучей среде с пассажирским салоном;теплопередающую систему, содержащую:теплосборник ниже по потоку от каталитического нейтрализатора отработавших газов;термосифонный испаритель, включающий в себя множество тепловых трубок, присоединенных к теплосборнику;первую трубку, присоединяющую термосифонный испаритель к радиатору отопителя системы подогрева; ивторую трубку, присоединяющую радиатор отопителя к термосифонному испарителю.2. Система по п.1, в которой радиатор отопителя включает в себя подвергающийся фазовым превращениям материал для аккумулирования тепла на по меньшей мере 10 ч, при этом радиатор отопителя дополнительно присоединен к системе охлаждения двигателя.3. Система по п.1, в которой термосифонный испаритель расположен вертикально над теплосборником, а множество тепловых трубок ориентированы приблизительно перпендикулярно верхней поверхности теплосборника.4. Система по п.1, в которой теплосборник присоединен к выпускному каналу, при этом теплосборник имеет большую площадь поперечного сечения, чем выпускной канал.5. Система по п.1, в которой каталитический нейтрализатор отработавших газов является конечным устройством снижения токсичности отработавших газов.6. Система по п.1, в которой радиатор отопителя присоединен в системе отопления салона.7. Система по п.1, в которой система подогрева дополнительно содержит вентилятор.8. Система по п.1, в которой каждая тепловая трубка включает в себя гибкое соединение с термосифонным испарителем. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 141 428 U1 (51) МПК F01N 5/02 (2006.01) F01N 3/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013104329/06, 01.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.02.2013 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (73) ...

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Combustion engine exhaust system with device for heat recovery, and method for operating such an exhaust system

Номер: US20130047591A1

Exhaust systems of a combustion engine of a motor vehicle, motor vehicles with exhaust systems, and methods for operating an exhaust system of a combustion engine in a motor vehicle are provided. An exhaust system includes an exhaust line comprising a heat exchanger branch and a bypass branch. The exhaust line has an adjustable control element by which combustion gas flowing through the exhaust line is fed to the heat exchanger branch and/or the bypass branch. A heat exchanger is connected to the heat exchanger branch and to a cooling circuit and an adjusting mechanism has an actuator for adjustment of the adjusting mechanism. The adjusting member of the adjusting mechanism is configured such that the actuator is spaced from the exhaust line.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139492A1
Автор: Wickham Mark

A heat exchange unit () arranged to be used to recover energy from exhaust gas, the heat exchange unit () comprising a gas inlet duct () to which a heat exchange duct () is connected, wherein a heat exchange array () of a heat exchange system is situated within the heat exchange duct () surrounding a maintenance duct and wherein the maintenance duct () is arranged to allow access for inspection and/or maintenance of at least part of the heat exchange system. 121-. (canceled)22. A heat exchange unit arranged to recover energy from exhaust gas , the heat exchange unit comprising an inlet duct to which a heat exchange duct is connected , wherein a heat exchange array is situated within the heat exchange duct and wherein the inlet duct and heat exchange duct have substantially perpendicular longitudinal axes so as in use gas is delivered to the heat exchange duct in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the heat exchange duct , wherein the inlet duct is arranged to introduce gas tangentially to the interior of the heat exchange duct.23. A heat exchange unit according to claim 22 , wherein the heat exchange array is supplemented by at least one additional heat exchange array claim 22 , both situated within the heat exchange duct and wherein between at least two of the heat exchange arrays is a heating mechanism arranged to heat exhaust gas travelling through the heat exchange duct.24. A heat exchange unit according to wherein the two heat exchange arrays having the heating mechanism therebetween and the heating mechanism are arranged such that exhaust gas travelling through the heat exchange unit falls to a temperature of typically between 250 and 350° C. before reaching the heating mechanism.25. A heat exchange unit according to wherein the heating mechanism is arranged to raise the temperature of the exhaust gas travelling through the heat exchange unit to typically between 700 and 800° C.26. A heat exchange unit according to wherein the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283790A1

The invention relates to a device and a method for the recovery of waste heat from an internal combustion engine (), according to which a feed pump (), a heat exchanger (), an expansion engine () and a capacitor () are arranged in a circuit () containing a circulating working medium. A bypass connection () is mounted in parallel to the expansion engine (), in the circuit (), the expansion engine () being coupled to the circuit (), or decoupled therefrom, according to an operating situation of the internal combustion engine (). 124681012414102104. A device for utilizing the waste heat of an internal combustion engine () , having a line circuit () in which are arranged a feed pump () , at least one heat exchanger () , an expansion machine () , and a condenser () , wherein a working medium circulates in the line circuit () , characterized in that a bypass connection () is connected in parallel with the expansion machine () , in such a way that , as a function of an operating situation of the internal combustion engine () , the expansion machine () is coupled into or decoupled from the line circuit () for waste-heat utilization.2163214. The device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that at least one of a bypass pressure regulating valve () and a pressure limiting valve () is arranged in the bypass connection ().32468. The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one of a pressure regulating valve and a pressure relief valve for adjusting the pressure in a line () between the feed pump () and heat exchanger ().412202. The device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the condenser () is connected to a cooling circuit () of the internal combustion engine ().514333310. The device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that at least one line of the bypass connection () runs through a housing () or in the vicinity of the housing () of the expansion machine ().62101416. A method for utilizing the waste heat of an internal combustion engine () ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298538A1
Автор: Mogi Satoshi

To effectively utilize exhaust heat of an engine mounted on a vehicle. An exhaust heat utilization system includes a working fluid heating tank () mounted on a truck () driven by an engine () and configured to heat a working fluid () stored therein with exhaust heat of the engine () and a heater () configured to heat a greenhouse () with the working fluid () heated by the working fluid heating tank (). Exhaust heat recovered from the truck () is utilized for the heating of the greenhouse (). 1. An exhaust heat utilization system comprising:a working fluid heating tank mounted on a vehicle driven by an engine and configured to heat a working fluid stored therein with exhaust heat of the engine; andexhaust heat utilizing means for utilizing the exhaust heat recovered by supplying the working fluid heated by the working fluid heating tank,the exhaust heat utilization system including:a heat insulation tank connected to a working fluid inlet of the exhaust heat utilizing means and configured to store the working fluid heated by the working fluid heating tank and have a capacity larger than a capacity of the working fluid heating tank; anda working fluid recovery tank connected to a working fluid outlet of the exhaust heat utilizing means and configured to store the working fluid having a temperature lower than a temperature at the working fluid inlet and have a capacity larger than the capacity of the working fluid heating tank, whereinthe exhaust heat utilization system transfers the heated working fluid in the working fluid heating tank to the heat insulation tank and fills the emptied working fluid heating tank with the low-temperature working fluid stored in the working fluid recovery tank.2. The exhaust heat utilization system according to claim 1 , wherein the working fluid heating tank is detachably mounted on the vehicle. This application is a U.S. National Stage of International Application No. PCT/JP2011/067653, filed Aug. 2, 2011, which claims the benefit of ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Construction vehicle with waste heat recovery

Номер: US20140033704A1
Автор: Marco Reuter, Robert Laux
Принадлежит: Bomag GmbH and Co oHG

The present invention relates to a construction vehicle comprising a main drive for driving work equipment of the construction vehicle, which main drive comprises at least one internal combustion engine, wherein the construction vehicle comprises an energy converter, which is adapted to convert off gas heat energy from the internal combustion engine to mechanical kinetic energy.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047853A1

A vehicle climate control system includes a thermal-adsorption heat pump driven by engine exhaust heat, the heat pump including two adsorbers asynchronously switching between adsorbing and desorbing modes, each adsorber coupled with a corresponding antifreeze tank via a plurality of refrigerant-containing wick chambers. Cold heat transfer fluid (HTF) flows through the adsorber during the adsorbing mode which causes evaporation of refrigerant from the wick chambers, thereby cooling antifreeze, whereas hot HTF flows through the adsorber during the desorbing mode which causes condensation of refrigerant at the wick chambers, thereby heating antifreeze. In this way, the thermal-adsorption heat pump may condition cabin air independent of engine coolant and without exerting a load on the engine. 1. A method for vehicle cabin climate control system , comprising:during engine operation, asynchronously switching first and second adsorbers of a thermal-adsorption heat pump between adsorbing and desorbing modes, the adsorbing adsorber cooling antifreeze via wick chambers and the desorbing adsorber heating antifreeze via wick chambers; andconditioning cabin air via the heated antifreeze or the cooled antifreeze depending on an operating mode of the climate control system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbing adsorber cooling antifreeze via wick chambers comprises evaporation of refrigerant from wick chambers thermally coupling an antifreeze tank with an enclosure of the adsorbing adsorber claim 1 , and wherein the desorbing adsorber heating antifreeze via wick chambers comprises condensation of refrigerant at wick chambers thermally coupling an antifreeze tank with an enclosure of the desorbing adsorber.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein conditioning cabin air during a summer mode comprises exchanging heat between antifreeze from the antifreeze tank of the adsorbing adsorber and cabin air claim 2 , and wherein conditioning cabin air during a mild or severe winter ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat recovery device and exhaust line fitted with such device

Номер: US20180003097A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Systemes dEchappement SAS

A heat recovery device comprises a valve body inwardly defining a direct flow path for exhaust gases from an inlet to an outlet, a heat exchanger comprising a flow passage for the exhaust gases emerging in an inlet zone of the valve body, and a gate positioned in the valve body. The heat recovery device comprises a guide wall positioned in the direct flow path at the inlet zone, arranged to guide the exhaust gases from the inlet toward the cutoff section away from the inlet zone when the gate frees the direct flow path, and delimiting at least one orifice to allow the exhaust gases to go to the inlet zone when the gate closes off the direct flow path.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Flameless Fluid Heater

Номер: US20210003059A1

Heat from a rotating prime mover(s) driving a fluid shear pump, heat from the prime mover and any exhaust heat generated by the prime mover is collected. The heat energy collected from all of these sources is transmitted through heat exchangers to a fluid where heat energy is desired. This fluid heating process is performed in the absence of an open flame. 1. A flameless fluid heater system for heating fluids , said flameless fluid heater system comprising:a prime mover, said prime mover comprising engine coolant, intercooler, and engine exhaust;a closed heater fluid loop, said closed heater fluid loop comprising a heater fluid pump and a dynamic heater for heating heater fluid, said dynamic heater driven by the prime mover;a main pump for transfer of water;a first heat exchanger transferring heat from the heater fluid to the water;a second heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine coolant to the water;a third heat exchanger transferring heat from the intercooler to the water; anda fourth heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine exhaust to the water,wherein the heater fluid is at least one of oil and glycol.2. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the water from an outlet of the main pump is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to an inlet of the main pump.3. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 2 , wherein the heater fluid heated in the dynamic heater is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to the heater fluid pump.4. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 3 , wherein the heater fluid is transferred from the heater fluid pump to the dynamic heater.5. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the water is transferred from an outlet of the main pump to the third heat exchanger claim 1 , then to the second heat exchanger claim 1 , then to the fourth heat and retuned to an inlet of the main pump.6. The flameless fluid heater system according to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010715A1
Автор: Yang Young Dug

An exhaust heat recovery apparatus includes: a housing having a first exhaust passage and a second exhaust passage, an exhaust inlet fitting, and an exhaust outlet fitting; a heat exchanger disposed in the first exhaust passage; and a switching valve having a slide gate which is movable in a longitudinal direction of the housing so as to allow a flow of exhaust gases to be switched between the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage, wherein the first exhaust passage is parallel to the second exhaust passage, and the slide gate is movable between the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage. 1. An exhaust heat recovery apparatus , comprising:a housing having a first exhaust passage and a second exhaust passage, an exhaust inlet fitting, and an exhaust outlet fitting;a heat exchanger disposed in the first exhaust passage; anda switching valve having a slide gate which is movable in a longitudinal direction of the housing so as to allow a flow of exhaust gases to be switched between the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage,wherein the first exhaust passage is parallel to the second exhaust passage, andwherein the slide gate is movable between the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage.2. The exhaust heat recovery apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the slide gate is disposed to divide the first exhaust passage and the second exhaust passage within the housing.3. The exhaust heat recovery apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first exhaust passage has a first inlet communicating with the exhaust inlet fitting claim 1 , and a first outlet communicating with the exhaust outlet fitting claim 1 , andthe second exhaust passage has a second inlet communicating with the exhaust inlet fitting and a second outlet communicating with the exhaust outlet fitting.4. The exhaust heat recovery apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the first inlet directly communicates with the exhaust inlet fitting claim 3 ,the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for storing thermal energy as auxiliary power in a vehicle

Номер: US20170008374A1
Принадлежит: ENERMOTION Inc

There is provided a controller for a heat capture and storage system configured to capture and store energy from heat expelled in engine exhaust. The controller includes a plurality of inputs, a plurality of outputs, and at least one processor coupled to a memory for storing within the memory instructions executable by the at least one processor. The controller is configured by execution of the instructions stored in the memory to: receive signals at one or more of the plurality of inputs, the signals representing at least one operating parameter of the heat capture and storage system; and based on at least one operating parameter, generate signals at one or more of the plurality of outputs for controlling at least one component of the heat capture and storage system to capture and store the energy from the heat expelled in the engine exhaust.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010531A1

The present invention relates to a heat recovery device particularly suitable for internal combustion engines, and more particularly suitable for engines incorporating a WHRS (waste heat recovery system). The device of the invention relates to the occasional recovery of heat from the exhaust gases where the invention carries out this function such that the main conduit where the exhaust gases circulate is not affected by a noticeable increase in heat loss due to the incorporation of said device. It provides a heat exchanger () and a bypass flap valve () upstream for selectively diverting the exhaust gases to the main exhaust conduit () or to the heat exchanger (). 23838381. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the flap (.) has a clearance with movement according to the direction defined by the axis of rotation Y-Y′ of the flap (.) to allow the suitable seating of said flap (.) inside the exhaust conduit ().3383939. The device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the flap (.) is integral with a shaft (.) pivoting about the axis of rotation Y-Y′ and it is this shaft (.) that is provided with the clearance.5393164714738. The device according to or claim 2 , characterized in that the shaft (.) has a lever (.) on which the arm (..) of an actuator (.) acts for the operation of the flap (.).6383831. The device according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterized in that the end of the flap (.) has a support rib (..) to favor a point support with the inside of the exhaust conduit () preventing becoming locked in place.7. The device according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterized in that the section S of the conduit is circular.838382. The device according to claim 7 , characterized in that the flap (.) has a configuration of the support sector (..) located at the end opposite the end where it pivots about the axis Y-Y′ according to an elliptical contour.9383841. The device according to claim 8 , characterized in that ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Cup Holder Integrated With Heating System In A Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20140103129A1

A cup holder/heater plate integrated with heating system in a motor vehicle using exhaust gas heat for heating food/drink items. The heating system has a cup holder/heater plate provided in the console of the vehicle with a heater coil tube at bottom of said cup holder/heater plate. A fluid reservoir having inlet connected to the one end of the heater coil to receive cold fluid and outlet of the reservoir connected to the first inlet of a circulating pump for pumping cold fluid through a first outlet of the said pump to one end of the heating coil tube/heat exchanger around the exhaust manifold with other end of the said heating coil/heater plate coil connected to the second inlet of the pump for circulation of heated fluid through the second outlet of the pump to the the heater coil tube. The pump having a controller for controlling the circulation of the fluid. 1. A cup holder/heater plate integrated with a heating system in a motor vehicle using exhaust gas heat for heating food/drink items , comprising:a cup holder/heater plate provided in a console of the vehicle with a heater coil at a bottom of said cup holder/heater plate;a fluid reservoir having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet connected to one end of the heater coil to receive cold fluid, and the outlet connected to a first inlet of a circulating pump for pumping cold fluid through a first outlet of the circulating pump to one end of a heating coil tube/heat exchanger positioned at an exhaust manifold with another end of the heating coil tube heat exchanger connected to a second inlet of the circulating pump for circulation of heated fluid through the second outlet of the pump to the heater coil; the pump having controlling means for pumping such that fluid pumped from the reservoir to the cup holder/heater plate for heating the cup holder/heater plate, and after heating the cup holder/heater plate, heated fluid is pumped back to the reservoir.2. The heating system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027683A1

A heat exchange device includes a thermoactuator usable over a long period of time is disclosed. The thermoactuator includes a case. In the case, there is formed a stopper providing an advancement limit of a rod to limit an opening degree of a valve of the thermoactuator. 1. A heat exchange device comprising:a branching portion for introducing an exhaust gas thereinto and dividing the introduced exhaust gas to flow to two fluid passageways;a first fluid passageway extending from the branching portion;a second fluid passageway extending from the branching portion along the first fluid passageway;a heat exchanger attached to the second fluid passageway for recovery of energy from heat of the exhaust gas;a thermoactuator comprising a tubular case, a temperature sensitive portion attached to one end of the case for sensing a temperature of a medium, a piston received in a sleeve in the temperature sensitive portion for advancing by the temperature sensed by the temperature sensitive portion, a rod disposed on a distal end of the piston for advancing by the advancement of the piston, and a return spring accommodated in the case and urging the rod in a direction to retreat the rod;a valve actuated by the thermoactuator for opening and closing the first fluid passageway or the second fluid passageway; anda stopper formed in the case and providing an advancement limit of the rod to limit an opening degree of the valve.2. A heat exchange device comprising:a branching portion for introducing an exhaust gas thereinto and dividing the introduced exhaust gas to flow to two fluid passageways;a first fluid passageway extending from the branching portion;a second fluid passageway extending from the branching portion along the first fluid passageway;a heat exchanger attached to the second fluid passageway for recovery of energy from heat of the exhaust gas;a thermoactuator comprising a tubular case, a temperature sensitive portion attached to one end of the case for sensing a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Thermal management device for vehicle

Номер: US20190030991A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A thermal management device includes a waste-heat supply device that supplies waste heat to a heat medium flowing through a second heat medium path portion, a heater core that exchanges heat between air and the heat medium, a switching valve that switches between a state in which the heat medium circulates between the heater core and a first heat medium path portion and a state in which the heat medium circulates between the heater core and the second heat medium path portion, an adjustment portion that adjusts a temperature of the heat medium in the first heat medium path portion, and a controller. The controller controls the adjustment portion such that the temperature of the heat medium in the first heat medium path portion is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature when the switching valve circulates the heat medium between the heater core and the second heat medium path portion.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle Having an Internal Combustion Engine and a Waste-Heat Collecting Housing

Номер: US20170036510A1

A waste-heat collection system for a vehicle is provided. The vehicle includes an internal combustion engine and an exhaust manifold via which exhaust manifold hot exhaust gas coming from the internal combustion engine is introduced into an engine-side segment of an exhaust system. The exhaust manifold and/or the engine-side segment of the exhaust system, an exhaust gas turbocharger and/or a catalytic converter are at least partially surrounded by a waste-heat collecting housing. Air contained in the waste-heat collecting housing is heated by waste heat of these components and the heated air is used to charge a latent heat accumulator. 1. A vehicle , comprising:an internal combustion engine;an exhaust manifold configured to conduct exhaust gas from the internal combustion engine into an engine-side portion of an exhaust system; anda waste-heat collecting housing, 'the waste-heat collecting housing is arranged to at least partially surround at least one of the exhaust manifold and the engine-side portion of the exhaust system, such that air in the waste-heat collecting housing is heatable by waste heat from the at least one of the exhaust manifold and the engine-side portion of the exhaust system.', 'wherein'}2. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe waste-heat collecting housing is at least partially composed of a metal sheet.3. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , whereinat least one catalytic converter of the exhaust system is arranged at least partially within the exhaust gas collecting housing.4. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , whereinat least one turbine-side region of an exhaust gas turbocharger is arranged within the waste-heat collecting housing.5. The vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe waste-heat collecting housing has an air inlet configured to receive the air to be heated by the waste heat into the waste-heat collecting housing.6. The vehicle as claimed in claim 5 , whereinthe waste-heat collecting housing has a first air outlet through ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038257A1

Methods and systems are provided for operating an engine exhaust aftertreatment system to increase the efficiency of an exhaust underbody catalyst and reduce engine emissions. In one example, a bypass passage may be coupled to a main exhaust passage and during conditions which may adversely affect functionality of the underbody catalyst, exhaust may be opportunistically routed via the bypass passage avoiding the underbody catalyst. Exhaust heat may be recovered via a heat exchanger coupled to the bypass passage, and the heat may be used for engine heating, and passenger cabin heating. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:during engine non-fueling conditions, flowing exhaust through a bypass passage while bypassing an exhaust underbody catalyst positioned in a main exhaust main passage, via a valve positioned downstream of the catalyst; andduring engine fueling conditions, selectively flowing exhaust through the bypass passage based on each of a temperature and water content of the exhaust.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , estimating the water content of the exhaust based on each of an ambient humidity claim 1 , an exhaust air-fuel ratio claim 1 , and an EGR level of the engine.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , predicting a risk of condensation at the underbody catalyst based on each of the estimated water content of the exhaust and a brick temperature of the underbody catalyst claim 2 , the risk increased the estimated water content increases or as the brick temperature decreases.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the selectively flowing includes:responsive to exhaust temperature being lower than a lower threshold or higher than a higher threshold, flowing the exhaust through the bypass passage for a duration until the water content of the exhaust has been lowered below a threshold content or the brick temperature of the catalyst has been raised above a threshold temperature.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039437A1

Methods and systems are provided for on-board diagnostics of components of an exhaust gas heat recovery (EGHR) system including engine coolant temperature sensors coupled to the system. Degradation of one or more of a first coolant temperature sensor coupled upstream of a heat exchanger of the EGHR system and a second coolant temperature sensor coupled downstream of the heat exchanger may be indicated based on a difference between a modeled coolant temperature and a measured coolant temperature, the modeled coolant temperature based on one or more of heat transfer between a heater core and vehicle cabin, and heat transfer between exhaust flowing via the heat exchanger and coolant flowing through the heat exchanger. 1. A method , comprising:during exhaust flow from a vehicle engine across a heat exchanger having a coolant flowing therethrough,in response to a higher than threshold difference between a measured coolant temperature and a modeled coolant temperature which is based on heat transfer between a heat loss source and a vehicle cabin, indicating degradation of a first and/or a second coolant temperature sensor respectively coupled upstream and downstream of the heat exchanger.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat loss source includes a heater core and a plurality of coolant lines of an on-board heating claim 1 , ventilation claim 1 , and air conditioning (HVAC) system.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the measured coolant temperature includes a first measured coolant temperature upstream of the heat exchanger based on an input from the first coolant temperature sensor coupled to a coolant line entering the heat exchanger claim 1 , the modeled coolant temperature includes a first modeled coolant temperature upstream of the heat exchanger claim 1 , and indicating degradation of the first coolant temperature sensor coupled upstream of the heat exchanger is based on a higher than threshold difference between the first measured coolant temperature upstream ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058635A1

A vehicle emissions system is provided that includes a tail pipe configured to emit a first emission, a heat shield positioned proximate the tail pipe having a shield substrate. A semiconductor layer is positioned on the shield substrate and configured to convert the first emission into a second emission. An overmold is positioned over the semiconductor layer. 1. A vehicle emissions system , comprising:a tail pipe configured to emit a first emission;a heat shield positioned proximate the tail pipe and having a shield substrate;a semiconductor layer positioned on the shield substrate and configured to convert the first emission into a second emission; andan overmold positioned over the semiconductor layer.2. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor layer comprises a plurality of quantum dots.3. The vehicle emissions system of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of quantum dots are suspended in polymethylmethacrylate.4. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the overmold is at least partially transparent.5. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the second emission is emitted toward the tail pipe.6. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the first emission has a wavelength greater than about 800 nm and the second emission has a wavelength of less than about 800 nm.7. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor layer is positioned between the heat shield and the tail pipe.8. The vehicle emissions system of claim 1 , wherein the overmold defines optics configured to shape the second emission.9. A vehicle claim 1 , comprising:an emissions component configured to emit a first emission having a wavelength greater than about 800 nm;a heat shield positioned proximate the emissions component; anda light source positioned on the heat shield configured to absorb the first emission and emit a second emission.10. The vehicle of claim 9 , wherein the first emission has a longer wavelength than the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058769A1

Methods and system for operating a thermal storage device of a vehicle system are provided. In one example, a method comprises determining a state of charge of the thermal battery based on an accurate estimation of a melting temperature of one or more phase change materials (PCMs) at a specific aggregate pressure inside the thermal storage device. Variation in melting temperature of the PCM may be minimized by reducing pressure variation inside the thermal storage device by regulating a position of one or more pressure relief valves of the thermal storage device. 1. A method , comprising:estimating an aggregate pressure of a battery coupled to an engine coolant system as function of each of an ambient pressure and a pressure of coolant circulating through the battery; anddetermining a state of charge of the battery based on a melting temperature and one or more chemical properties of two or more phase change materials included within the battery, the melting temperature inferred based on the estimated aggregate pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the state of charge is further determined based on a measured temperature of the battery claim 1 , the temperature of the battery estimated based on output from a temperature sensor coupled to a coolant outlet of the battery claim 1 , the temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature of coolant exiting the battery.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in response to the aggregate pressure being higher than a threshold claim 1 , opening a vent valve of the battery claim 1 , wherein the two or more phase change materials are sealed in a chamber inside the battery claim 1 , and wherein the vent valve is coupled to the chamber.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the vent valve fluidically couples the chamber to atmosphere and wherein opening the vent valve includes venting the battery to atmosphere until the aggregate pressure is below the threshold.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the vent ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058745A1
Автор: Seo Jung Min

A recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system includes an input unit connected to an expander of the waste heat recovery system and rotatable by recovered energy of the expander, and one or more output units for receiving a torque of the input unit and outputting the torque to at least one of a power generator, an engine of a vehicle, and a power take-off (PTO) for a vehicle. 1. A recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system , comprising:an input unit connected to an expander of the waste heat recovery system and rotatable by recovered energy of the expander; andone or more output units for receiving a torque of the input unit and outputting the torque to at least one of a power generator, an engine of a vehicle, and a power take-off (PTO) for a vehicle.2. The recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system according to claim 1 , wherein the input unit has a shaft and an input gear provided on an outer peripheral surface of the shaft claim 1 , andan output shaft of the expander is coupled to the shaft.3. The recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system according to claim 2 , wherein the output units include a first output unit connected to the power generator and a second output unit connected to the engine of a vehicle or the PTO for a vehicle.4. The recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system according to claim 3 , wherein the first output unit has a shaft and a first output gear provided on an outer peripheral surface of the shaft claim 3 , andan output shaft of the power generator is coupled to the shaft.5. The recovered energy transfer apparatus of a waste heat recovery system according to claim 4 , wherein the second output unit has a shaft and a second output gear provided on an outer peripheral surface of the shaft claim 4 , andany one of the engine of a vehicle and the PTO for a vehicle is connected to the shaft.6. The recovered energy transfer ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Oil property management system and method for internal combustion engine fuel economy and minimum wear rates

Номер: US20150075481A1

A system and method for managing the characteristics of engine oil in a lubrication system for an internal combustion engine is disclosed. Generally speaking, the method includes the steps of determining a target viscosity for the engine oil based on engine speed and engine load, determining a working viscosity which may be directly measured or determined based on engine oil temperature and engine oil type, comparing the target viscosity to the working viscosity, deriving a target engine oil temperature, and directing engine oil to one of an oil cooler, an oil heater, or neither when and until the target engine oil temperature is achieved. The oil viscosity management system includes an engine lubrication system having a volume of engine oil, a cooler coupled to the lubrication system, a heating mechanism also coupled to the lubrication system, a valving system for directing flow of the oil and coupled to each of the lubrication system, the cooler and the heating mechanism, a signal generator for generating a signal based on operational parameters of the engine, and an estimator for controlling the valving system in response to the signal.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076426A1

A heat transfer apparatus includes: an evaporating portion that evaporates a working medium by heat of an exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine; a condensing portion that condenses the working medium having been evaporated; a circulation path portion that causes the working medium to circulate between the evaporating portion and the condensing portion; a heat storage member that is provided within the evaporating portion; and a supplying and collecting portion that supplies the working medium to the evaporating portion when the internal combustion engine starts, and that collects the working medium having been condensed when the internal combustion engine stops such that the working medium having been condensed does not contact with the heat storage member. 1. A heat transfer apparatus comprising:an evaporating portion that evaporates a working medium by heat of an exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine;a condensing portion that condenses the working medium having been evaporated;a circulation path portion that causes the working medium to circulate between the evaporating portion and the condensing portion;a heat storage member that is provided within the evaporating portion; anda supplying and collecting portion that supplies the working medium to the evaporating portion when the internal combustion engine starts, and that collects the working medium having been condensed when the internal combustion engine stops such that the working medium having been condensed does not contact with the heat storage member,wherein an inside of the evaporating portion is brought into a vacuum state, when the internal combustion engine stops and the working medium is collected by the supplying and collecting portion,the evaporating portion is provided at its inside with a flow pipe in which the exhaust gas flows from the internal combustion engine, andthe heat storage member is arranged within the evaporating portion not to be in contact with the flow pipe.2. The ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099012A1

A system and method for treating exhaust gas includes an exhaust gas discharge structure, a catalytic exhaust gas treatment device positioned at least partially within the exhaust gas discharge structure, a pump, and at least two heat exchangers. The catalytic exhaust gas treatment device is positioned at least partially within the exhaust gas discharge structure. A first heat exchanger is positioned at least partially within the exhaust gas discharge section and upstream of the catalytic exhaust gas treatment device to remove heat from an exhaust gas by transferring heat to a working fluid. A second heat exchanger removes heat from the working fluid gained at the first heat exchanger. The pump drives the working fluid between the first and second heat exchanger. 1. A system for treating exhaust gas comprising:an exhaust gas discharge structure adapted and configured to receive exhaust gas from a source and pass the exhaust gas through the exhaust gas discharge structure;a catalytic exhaust gas treatment device positioned at least partially within the exhaust gas discharge structure, the catalytic exhaust gas treatment device adapted and configured to treat at least one component of the exhaust gas through a catalytic reaction between a catalyst contained within the catalytic exhaust gas treatment device and the at least one component of the exhaust gas;a first heat exchanger positioned at least partially within the exhaust gas discharge section and upstream of the catalytic exhaust gas treatment device, the first heat exchanger adapted and configured to remove heat from an exhaust gas passing through the exhaust gas discharge structure by transferring heat to a working fluid passing through and within the first heat exchanger, the working fluid passing through a cooling loop to continuously provide cooling to the exhaust gas during operation of the system for treating exhaust gas, the first heat exchanger being a part of the cooling loop;a second heat exchanger ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150089943A1

Systems and methods for operating an engine that includes an exhaust gas heat recovery system are described. The system may selectively or contemporaneously supply energy from engine exhaust gas to generate electricity or warm the engine. In one example, exhaust gas energy raises a temperature of a heat transfer medium and the heat transfer medium is routed to an engine coolant heat exchanger or an expander via a bypass valve. 1. An engine system , comprising:an engine including an evaporator position along an exhaust system;an expander in fluidic communication with the evaporator;a condenser in fluidic communication with the evaporator;an engine coolant heat exchanger in thermal communication with the condenser, the engine coolant heat exchanger including an output that is in fluidic communication with an input of the evaporator.2. The engine system of claim 1 , further comprising a bypass valve including a first outlet that is in direct fluidic communication with the expander and a second outlet that is in direct fluidic communication with a pump or the engine coolant heat exchanger.3. The engine system of claim 2 , where an inlet of the bypass valve is in direct fluidic communication with an outlet of the expander.4. The engine system of claim 2 , further comprising a controller claim 2 , the controller including instructions stored in non-transitory memory for operating the bypass valve.5. The engine system of claim 4 , where the instructions adjust an operating state of the bypass valve in response to an engine operating condition.6. The engine system of claim 5 , where the operating state of the engine is based on whether or not the engine is rotating and combusting air and fuel.7. The engine system of claim 5 , where the operating state of the engine is based on engine coolant temperature.8. A method for operating an engine claim 5 , comprising:operating an engine;extracting engine exhaust gas heat via an evaporator and converting the engine exhaust gas heat ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101038A1
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

The present invention relates a control system and a method for controlling exhaust flow in an exhaust line of a combustion engine comprising at least one exhaust treatment component and an evaporator of a waste heat recovery system. The control system comprises a valve arrangement in the exhaust line control unit, a temperature sensor to sense a temperature of the exhaust treatment component and a control unit configured to position the valve arrangement in a first position, when the exhaust treatment component has a lower temperature than a specific temperature of exhaust gases directed flow through to the exhaust treatment component before being directed to flow through the evaporator, and in a second position, when the exhaust treatment component has a higher temperature than said specific temperature of exhaust gases that are directed to flow through the evaporator before being directed to flow through the exhaust treatment component. 1. A control system for controlling exhaust flow in an exhaust line of a combustion engine , wherein the exhaust line comprises at least one exhaust treatment component and an evaporator of a waste heat recovery system , and wherein the control system comprises:a valve arrangement in the exhaust line;a temperature sensor configured to sense a temperature related to a temperature of the exhaust treatment component; anda control unit configured to position the valve arrangement in a first position, when the exhaust treatment component has a lower temperature than a specific temperature of exhaust gases that are directed to flow through the exhaust treatment component before being directed to flow through the evaporator, and to position the valve arrangement in a second position, when the exhaust treatment component has a higher temperature than a specific temperature of the exhaust gases that are directed to flow through the evaporator before being directed to flow through the exhaust treatment component,wherein the valve ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121847A1

Embodiments for heating a vehicle cabin are disclosed. In one example, a method for heating a vehicle cabin comprises closing an exhaust throttle while diverting at least a portion of throttled exhaust gas through an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler coupled upstream of the throttle, and transferring heat from the EGR cooler to a heater core configured to provide heat to the vehicle cabin. In this way, exhaust heat may be directly routed to the cabin heating system. 1. A method for heating a vehicle cabin comprising:closing an exhaust throttle while diverting at least a portion of throttled exhaust gas through an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler coupled upstream of the throttle; andtransferring heat from the EGR cooler to a heater core to provide heat to the vehicle cabin.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein transferring heat from the EGR cooler to the heater core comprises operating a heater core circulation pump to pump the coolant from the EGR cooler through the heater core.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting a flow rate of the heater core circulation pump based on an inlet temperature of the heater core.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising routing the coolant from the heater core to the engine before returning the coolant to the EGR cooler.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein diverting the portion of the throttled exhaust gas through the EGR cooler includes diverting a portion of the throttled exhaust gas through the EGR cooler located inside an EGR passage while maintaining an EGR valve in the EGR passage at a more closed position claim 1 , the EGR passage fluidly coupling an engine exhaust from upstream of the exhaust throttle to an engine intake claim 1 , upstream of an intake compressor.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the EGR passage is a low pressure EGR passage.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the diverting further includes routing the portion of throttled exhaust gas from an outlet of the EGR cooler to the engine ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121848A1

Embodiments for heating a vehicle cabin are disclosed. In one example, a method for an engine comprises pumping coolant from a coolant reservoir to an exhaust component and then to a heater core, the coolant heated by the exhaust component, and during engine warm-up conditions, adjusting a flow rate of coolant into a heater core to maximize heat transfer to a vehicle cabin. 1. A method for an engine , comprising:pumping coolant from a coolant reservoir to an exhaust component and then to a heater core, the coolant heated by the exhaust component; andduring engine warm-up conditions, adjusting a flow rate of coolant into the heater core based on a temperature drop across the heater core and a commanded flow rate of coolant into the heater core to maximize heat transfer to a vehicle cabin.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the flow rate of coolant into the heater core to maximize heat transfer to the vehicle cabin comprises flowing the coolant at less-than-maximum flow rate even if a heat demand of the vehicle cabin is at a maximum heat demand.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the flow rate of coolant into the heater core comprises adjusting the flow rate to a desired flow rate of coolant associated with a given operating condition determined based on a relationship between the temperature drop across the heater core and the commanded flow rate of coolant into the heater core.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the desired flow rate provides maximum heat transfer to the vehicle cabin for the given operating condition.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust component is an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler claim 1 , wherein the reservoir is the engine claim 1 , and further comprising routing the coolant into the heater core from the EGR cooler via a circulation pump claim 1 , the coolant from the heater core routed through the engine before returning to the EGR cooler.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein adjusting the flow ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Heat exchanger

Номер: US20200108691A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

Heat exchanger exchanging heat between coolant and refrigerant of different kinds in one device and providing an effective heat exchange ratio between the coolant and the refrigerant. The heat exchanger includes a refrigerant flow path having a refrigerant inlet and a refrigerant outlet, and a coolant flow path through which coolant flows to exchange heat with the refrigerant. The coolant flow path includes a first coolant flow path where first coolant flows, and a second coolant flow path where second coolant with a different kind flows. The heat exchanger is partitioned into a first heat exchange section, in which the first coolant exchanges heat with the refrigerant and a second heat exchange section, in which the second coolant exchanges heat with the refrigerant, so that the heat exchange in the first heat exchange section and the heat exchange in the second heat exchange are carried out independently.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123206A1
Автор: HOPPLE David E.

A system for reclamation of waste heat from a heat load is disclosed and described. The system comprises a heat exchanger coupled to a heat load for capturing waste heat from the heat load; and a heat sink coupled to the heat exchanger to disperse the waste heat. The system further comprises a device coupled to the heat sink for utilizing energy from the waste heat dispersed by the heat sink. A method for reclamation of waste heat from a heat load and utilization of the waste heat are also disclosed and described. 1. A system for reclamation of waste heat from a heat load , the system comprising:a heat exchanger coupled to a heat load for capturing waste heat from the heat load; anda heat sink coupled to the heat exchanger to disperse the captured waste heat for further use.2. The system of further comprising:a first loop coupled to the heat load and the heat exchanger to capture the waste heat from the heat load and transport the waste heat to the heat exchanger; anda second loop coupled to the heat exchanger and the heat sink to transport the waste heat from the heat exchanger to the heat sink.3. The system of wherein the first loop contains a fluid for absorbing the waste heat from the heat load and transporting the waste heat to the heat exchanger claim 2 , andwherein the heat exchanger removes the waste heat from the fluid and cools the fluid in the first loop and cooled fluid is sent to the heat load via the first loop.4. The system of wherein the second loop contains a fluid for removing the waste heat from the heat exchanger and transporting the waste heat to the heat sink claim 2 , andwherein the heat sink removes the waste heat from the fluid and cools the fluid in the second loop and cooled fluid is sent to the heat exchanger via the second loop.5. The system of wherein a loop containing fluid is operably connected to the heat sink claim 1 , andwherein the fluid is heated when contacted by the waste heat in the heat sink and the heated fluid is ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120725A1

An absorption cycle based system is disclosed for using waste heat from a vehicle and providing selective heating, cooling, and dehumidifying to a vehicle compartment. The system includes a waste heat loop in thermal communication with a power generating unit of the vehicle, and a vapor absorption subsystem. The vapor absorption subsystem may include a thermal compressor in thermal communication with the waste heat loop, a radiator unit, a condensing unit for heating the vehicle compartment, an evaporating unit for selectively cooling and dehumidifying the vehicle compartment, and a plurality of valves configured to selectively direct refrigerant through the vapor absorption subsystem. The vehicle compartment may include at least one of a passenger cabin, an electronics housing, a battery pack, an engine compartment, and a refrigeration compartment. 1. An absorption cycle based system for using waste heat from a vehicle and providing selective heating , cooling , and dehumidifying to a vehicle compartment , the system comprising:a waste heat loop in thermal communication with a power generating unit of the vehicle; a thermal compressor in thermal communication with the waste heat loop;', 'a radiator unit;', 'a condensing unit for heating the vehicle compartment;', 'an evaporating unit for selectively cooling and dehumidifying the vehicle compartment; and', 'a plurality of valves configured to selectively direct refrigerant through the vapor absorption subsystem., 'a vapor absorption subsystem comprising2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of valves comprises:a first valve configured to selectively direct refrigerant from the thermal compressor to the radiator unit and the condensing unit; anda second valve configured to selectively direct refrigerant from the condensing unit to one or both of the evaporating unit and the thermal compressor.3. The system according to claim 2 , further comprising a throttling valve disposed between the condensing ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128557A1
Автор: DEL CAMPO Osvaldo
Принадлежит: GNC GALILEO S.A.

A microscale energy cogeneration system includes at least a micro/nano-turbine set for converting fuel into mechanical energy, and a generator for converting mechanical energy produced by said micro/nano-turbine into electrical energy in the range of 1 to 5 kWh. The system further includes an exhaust passage downstream from said micro/nano-turbine delivering high temperature exhaust air from said micro/nano-turbine. At least one heat exchanger receives high temperature exhaust air from said exhaust passage for heat transfer. Said heat exchanger may be used to heat water and/or air of a house. A water heating system may be coupled to the heat exchanger for convening tap water into hot water and/or cool heating air into hot air. The portable micro/nano-turbine set may be scaled up by interconnecting several units at the same time and/or interconnecting different units of different users for balancing out the energy demand of those users. 1. A microscale distributed energy cogeneration system comprising at least a portable energy cogeneration unit including at least a micro/nano-turbine set and a micro electric generator set , an exhaust passage downstream from said micro/nano-turbine delivering high temperature exhaust air from said micro/nano-turbine , and at least one heat exchanger receiving high temperature exhaust air from said exhaust passage for heat transfer.2. A microscale distributed energy cogeneration system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger heats water and/or air of a house.3. A microscale distributed energy cogeneration system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein several portable energy cogeneration units are interconnected as a set and/or different individual units of different users are interconnected balancing out the energy demand of those users.4. A microscale distributed energy cogeneration system in accordance with claim 3 , a portable and modular unit is created by interconnecting individual units capable of producing ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114729A1

A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system of a vehicle includes: an indoor air conditioning circuit which produces to supply cooling air to a vehicle interior by heat-exchanging inflow air through an indoor air inlet or an outdoor air inlet with an evaporator, and which produces to supply warm air to the vehicle interior or to discharge to the outside of the vehicle interior by heat-exchanging inflow air with a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is connected with an engine cooling circuit so that engine coolant is used as a heat source of the heat exchanger, thereby improving the cooling performance of the ERG cooler. 1. A heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) system of a vehicle , comprising:an indoor air conditioning circuit configured to supply cooling air to a vehicle interior by heat-exchanging inflow air through an indoor air inlet or an outdoor air inlet with an evaporator, and supply warm air to the vehicle interior or discharge warm air to outside the vehicle interior by heat-exchanging inflow air with a heat exchanger; andwherein the heat exchanger is connected with an engine cooling circuit so that engine coolant is used as a heat source of the heat exchanger.2. The HVAC system of claim 1 , further comprising:a case having a first and a second discharge ports, including the evaporator and the heat exchanger, respectively; anda first door, which selectively opens or closes the indoor air inlet and the outdoor air inlet, rotatably disposed inside the case.3. The HVAC system of claim 2 , further comprising:a second door, which controls a flow rate of inflow air flowing to the heat exchanger and the evaporator, rotatably disposed inside the case.4. The HVAC system of claim 3 , wherein the case includes:a third discharge port communicating with the outside of the vehicle interior a fourth discharge port communicating with the inside of the vehicle interior, so that the warm air heated through the heat exchanger is selectively ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131009A1
Автор: Etchason Edmond M.

A powertrain waste heat recovery system includes a first powertrain component and a second powertrain component. The powertrain waste heat recovery system also includes a heat recovery circuit circulating a heat recovery fluid through a heat recovery heat exchanger. The heat recovery heat exchanger transfers heat from the first powertrain component to the heat recovery fluid during a powertrain propulsion mode and transfers heat from the second powertrain component to the heat recovery fluid during a powertrain retarding mode. The powertrain waste heat recovery system also includes a conversion device for converting thermal energy from the heat recovery fluid to an energy form other than thermal energy. 1. A powertrain waste heat recovery system , comprising:a first powertrain component;a second powertrain component;a heat recovery circuit circulating a heat recovery fluid through a heat recovery heat exchanger,the heat recovery heat exchanger transferring heat from the first powertrain component to the heat recovery fluid during a powertrain propulsion mode and transferring heat from the second powertrain component to the heat recovery fluid during a powertrain retarding mode; anda conversion device for converting thermal energy from the heat recovery fluid to an energy form other than thermal energy.2. The powertrain waste heat recovery system of claim 1 , further including a working fluid circuit circulating a working fluid claim 1 , which is fluidly isolated from the heat recovery fluid claim 1 , through the first powertrain component claim 1 , the second powertrain component claim 1 , and the heat recovery heat exchanger.3. The powertrain waste heat recovery system of claim 2 , wherein the working fluid is circulated from the first powertrain component along the working fluid circuit and through the heat recovery heat exchanger during the powertrain propulsion mode claim 2 , andthe working fluid is circulated from the second powertrain component along the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135740A1

There is provided a controller for a heat capture and storage system configured to capture and store energy from heat expelled in engine exhaust. The controller includes a plurality of inputs, a plurality of outputs, and at least one processor coupled to a memory for storing within the memory instructions executable by the at least one processor. The controller is configured by execution of the instructions stored in the memory to: receive signals at one or more of the plurality of inputs, the signals representing at least one operating parameter of the heat capture and storage system; and based on at least one operating parameter, generate signals at one or more of the plurality of outputs for controlling at least one component of the heat capture and storage system to capture and store the energy from the heat expelled in the engine exhaust. 1. A controller for a heat capture and storage system configured to capture and store energy from heat expelled in engine exhaust , the controller comprising a plurality of inputs , a plurality of outputs , and at least one processor coupled to a memory for storing within the memory instructions executable by the at least one processor , the controller configured by execution of the instructions stored in the memory to:receive signals at one or more of the plurality of inputs, the signals representing at least one operating parameter of the heat capture and storage system; andbased on at least one operating parameter, generate signals at one or more of the plurality of outputs for controlling at least one component of the heat capture and storage system to capture and store the energy from the heat expelled in the engine exhaust.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is coupled claim 1 , by way of at least one of the signals at one or more of the plurality of outputs claim 1 , to an operating mode control valve included in the heat capture and storage system claim 1 , and the controller is configured to switch ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130634A1
Автор: Li Jian

A heat recovery device comprises a coolant path segment and a thermal expansion bracket. The thermal expansion bracket has two end portions supported by the coolant path segment and a middle portion supported by an exhaust gas path segment that is spaced a distance away from the coolant path segment. The thermal expansion bracket is configured to deform in response to an increase in temperature to increase the distance and decrease heat transfer between the segments. 1. A heat recovery device comprising:a coolant path segment; and having two end portions supported by the coolant path segment and a middle portion supported by an exhaust gas path segment that is spaced a distance away from the coolant path segment, and', 'configured to deform in response to an increase in temperature to increase the distance and decrease heat transfer between the segments., 'a thermal expansion bracket'}2. The heat recovery device of claim 1 , wherein the thermal expansion bracket is configured to be parallel to the coolant path segment in response to the temperature being less than a threshold.3. The heat recovery device of claim 1 , wherein the thermal expansion bracket includes a bimetallic strip having layers with different thermal expansion coefficients.4. The heat recovery device of claim 3 , wherein a first of the layers is positioned closest to the exhaust gas path segment and has a thermal expansion coefficient greater than a thermal expansion coefficient of a second of the layers.5. The heat recovery device of claim 4 , wherein the first of the layers is copper and the second of the layers is steel.6. A heat recovery assembly comprising:an exhaust gas path segment;a coolant path segment; anda thermal expansion bracket supported by the exhaust gas path segment and the coolant path segment such that a distance is defined between the segments, and having a bimetallic strip including layers with different thermal expansion coefficients,wherein the bracket is configured to deform ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216030A1

An exhaust system for treating exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine is disclosed. The system comprises a three-way catalyst (TWC), a fuel reformer catalyst located downstream of the TWC, and a fuel supply means located upstream of the fuel reformer catalyst. The exhaust gas is split into two portions. The first portion of the exhaust gas bypasses the TWC and contacts the fuel reformer catalyst in the presence of fuel added from the fuel supply means, and is then recycled back to the engine intake. The second portion of the exhaust gas is contacted with the TWC and is then utilized to heat the fuel reformer catalyst before being expelled to atmosphere. The exhaust system allows for maximum heat exchange from the exhaust gas. 1. An exhaust system for treating an exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine , comprising:(a) a three-way catalyst (TWC);(b) a fuel reformer catalyst located downstream of the TWC; and(c) a fuel supply means located upstream of the fuel reformer catalyst,wherein a first portion of the exhaust gas bypasses the TWC and contacts the fuel reformer catalyst in the presence of fuel added from the fuel supply means to produce a reformate gas stream, and a second portion of the exhaust gas is contacted with the TWC and is utilized to heat the fuel reformer catalyst before being expelled to atmosphere; andwherein the reformate gas stream is recycled back to an intake of the engine.2. The exhaust system of wherein first portion of the exhaust gas is routed around the TWC prior to contacting the fuel reformer catalyst.3. The exhaust system of wherein first portion of the exhaust gas is routed through the TWC prior to contacting the fuel reformer catalyst.4. The exhaust system of wherein the fuel reformer catalyst comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of platinum claim 1 , palladium rhodium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.5. The exhaust system of wherein the three-way catalyst comprises one or more platinum ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle Air Conditioner

Номер: US20180141411A1

There is disclosed a vehicle air conditioner which is capable of achieving protection of an air flow passage without hindrance, even when a temperature sensor which detects a temperature of an electric heater fails. When a detected value of an electric heater temperature sensor detecting the highest temperature among a plurality of electric heater temperature sensors to is in excess of a predetermined threshold value, a controller executes a protecting operation of limiting energization to the electric heater or stopping the energization. The controller calculates an estimated value Thtrest of the temperature which is calculated back from a consumed power of the electric heater, and when one of the electric heater temperature sensors fails, the controller executes the protecting operation on the basis of the highest value among the detected values of the temperature sensors other than the electric heater temperature sensor and the estimated value. 1. A vehicle air conditioner which heats , by an electric heater , air to be supplied to a vehicle interior ,the vehicle air conditioner comprising:an air flow passage through which the air to be supplied to the vehicle interior flows;the electric heater disposed in the air flow passage to heat the air to be supplied to the vehicle interior;control means for controlling energization of the electric heater; anda plurality of temperature sensors which detect a temperature of the electric heater,wherein when a detected value of the temperature sensor detecting the highest temperature among the plurality of temperature sensors is in excess of a predetermined threshold value, the control means executes a protecting operation of limiting the energization to the electric heater or stopping the energization, andcalculates an estimated value of the temperature of the electric heater which is calculated back from a consumed power of the electric heater, andwhen one of the temperature sensors fails, the control means executes the ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159534A1
Автор: Godley Stuart

A filter assembly includes an adhesive layer disposed, coated or otherwise mounted on interior surfaces of a pressurized heat engine, and located in a gas flow path through the engine. 1. A filter assembly for a pressurized heat engine comprising:an adhesive layer disposed, coated or otherwise mounted on interior surfaces of a pressurized heat engine, and located in a gas flow path through said engine.2. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer comprises an adhesive coating.3. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer comprises adhesive tape.4. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer comprises an adhesive thin structure.5. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer is capable of withstanding elevated pressures up to at least 50 atmospheres in an inert gas environment.6. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer is capable of withstanding high temperatures at least up to 85° C.7. The filter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer retains its adhesiveness for a life of said engine.8. A method for removing undesirable particles from a gaseous interior space of a pressurized heat engine comprising:having an adhesive layer disposed, coated or otherwise mounted on interior surfaces of a pressurized heat engine, and located in a gas flow path through said engine; andoperating said engine such that a gas stream that includes undesirable particles flows through said gas flow path, wherein said undesirable particles contact said adhesive layer and remain embedded in said adhesive layer.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said adhesive layer is capable of withstanding elevated pressures up to at least 50 atmospheres in an inert gas environment.10. The method according to claim 8 , wherein said adhesive layer is capable of withstanding high temperatures at least up to 85° C.11. The method according to ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159535A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc.

An engine including a WHR system includes a clutch positioned to engage or disengage a WHR feedpump that moves working fluid through a WHR circuit. The clutch engages or disengages the feedpump under certain operating conditions of the engine and/or the WHR system, and/or at the request of an operator of the engine. Conditions may include cool or cold components, and insufficient working fluid. The operator may also request the clutch be disengaged, such as might be advantageous if the operator detects an operational problem with the WHR system or determines there is an advantage to operating the engine without the WHR system. 1. An internal combustion engine , comprising:a shaft rotatably driven by the engine;a waste heat recovery system, including a working fluid circuit, a fluid management system positioned along the working fluid circuit and containing a working fluid, a heat exchange system positioned along the working fluid circuit, a feedpump positioned along the working fluid circuit and operably driven by the shaft to move the working fluid through the working fluid circuit, and an energy conversion system positioned along the working fluid circuit downstream from the heat exchange system and upstream from the fluid management system;a clutch operable in an engaged position to drivingly connect the shaft to the feedpump and a disengaged position to disconnect the shaft from the feedpump; anda controller operable to receive a waste heat recovery command signal, and to generate and transmit a clutch control signal to the clutch to move the clutch between the engaged position and the disengaged position, based on the waste heat recovery command signal.2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein the waste heat recovery command signal is a waste heat recovery off signal.3. The internal combustion engine of claim 2 , wherein the waste heat recovery off signal is one of a waste heat recovery system off signal claim 2 , a vehicle off signal claim 2 , and ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169075A1

A combination exhaust gas heat exchanger and noise reduction unit is disclosed, whereby a heat exchanger and a noise reduction member are arranged side-by-side and integrated as a unit. A heat exchanger outlet opens directly into a chamber of the noise reduction member. In one arrangement, a bypass valve serves to selectively direct exhaust gas into either the heat exchanger or the noise reduction member, depending on an operating condition of an associated engine. 1. An exhaust gas heat exchanger , comprising:a noise reduction member arranged side-by-side and integrated with the heat exchanger as a single unit, wherein a heat exchanger outlet opens directly into a chamber of the noise reduction member.2. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 1 , further comprising a wall member positioned between the chamber of the noise reduction member and a heat exchanger chamber to separate the heat exchanger and the noise reduction member within the unit.3. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 1 , further comprising an inlet member that extends from a first end of the noise reduction member and an outlet that extends from a second end of the noise reduction member claim 1 , wherein a first end of the inlet member is fluidly connected to an engine such that exhaust gas is configured to flow into the inlet member.4. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 3 , wherein the inlet member is fluidly connected to a primary inlet path member claim 3 , and wherein the primary inlet path member is fluidly connected to a heat exchanger chamber.5. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 4 , wherein the primary inlet path member includes a first end that intersects and opens into the inlet member.6. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 4 , wherein the primary inlet path member is configured with a right angle.7. The exhaust gas heat exchanger of claim 4 , further comprising a bypass valve arranged adjacent to the first end of the primary inlet path member claim 4 , wherein the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust Heat Recovery Device Having an Improved Tightness

Номер: US20180163602A1

A heat recovery device extends between an inlet and an outlet for exhaust gas, and includes a valve delimiting a direct passage for gas between the inlet and the outlet. The valve comprises a valve body housing a gate movable between a closing off position and a released position. A heat exchanger has an exchanger inlet upstream of the gate and an exchanger outlet downstream of the gate. The valve comprises a tube partially extending inside the valve body up to a mouth edge at a distal end, with the mouth edge extending in a plane. The gate has a plane contact surface configured to come in a direct contact with the mouth edge when the gate is in the closing off position. 1. A recovery device to recover exhaust heat , the recovery device extending between an exhaust gas inlet and a gas outlet , and including:a valve defining a direct gas passage between the exhaust gas inlet and the gas outlet, the valve comprising a valve body including the gas outlet and housing a gate movable around a pivot link between a closing off position and a released position of the direct gas passage; anda heat exchanger comprising an exchanger inlet communicating with the valve upstream from the gate, and an exchanger outlet communicating with the valve downstream from the gate, wherein:the valve includes a tube comprising the exhaust gas inlet, the tube extending partially inside the valve body up to a distal end mouth edge of the tube, the mouth edge extending in a plane, andthe gate has a planar contact surface intended to come into direct contact with the mouth edge of the tube when the gate is in the closing off position.2. The recovery device according to claim 1 , including an intermediate pipe extending between the tube and the heat exchanger.3. The recovery device according to claim 2 , wherein the intermediate pipe has an inlet claim 2 , the recovery device including claim 2 , at the inlet of the intermediate pipe claim 2 , an upstream deflector able to guide the gas coming from ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251579A1
Автор: SLOSS Clayton A.

An exhaust gas heat recovery system may include a housing, a valve member, and a heat exchanger. The housing may include an inlet, an outlet, a first exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and outlet, and a second exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and outlet. The valve member may be disposed within the housing and may be movable between first and second positions. In the first position, the valve member may allow fluid flow through the first exhaust gas pathway and substantially prevent fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway. In the second position, the valve member may allow fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway. The heat exchanger may be in communication with the second exhaust gas pathway and may include a conduit containing a fluid in thermal communication with exhaust gas when the valve member is in the second position.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162092A1

A regeneration control device controlling a temperature increase unit of an exhaust gas treatment device including a DOC disposed in an exhaust passage of a diesel engine to regenerate the exhaust gas treatment device includes: a DOC temperature-increase-necessary-state detection part detecting a temperature increase necessary state including at least one of a blockage state, detected on the basis of comparison between a blockage parameter related to blockage of the DOC and a predetermined blockage threshold, of the DOC or a blockage risk state, detected when the diesel engine is in an operating state that is likely to cause blockage of the DOC, of the DOC; and a DOC temperature increase execution part executing a DOC temperature increase control including: a first temperature increase process to control the temperature increase unit, if the temperature increase necessary state of the DOC is detected, so as to increase the temperature of the DOC to a first temperature at which the DOC activates; and a second temperature increase process to control the temperature increase unit after completion of the first temperature increase process so as to increase the temperature of the DOC to a second temperature higher than the first temperature. 1. A regeneration control device controlling a temperature increase unit of an exhaust gas treatment device including a DOC disposed in an exhaust passage of a diesel engine to regenerate the exhaust gas treatment device , the regeneration control device comprising:a DOC temperature-increase-necessary-state detection part configured to detect a temperature increase necessary state including at least one of a blockage state of the DOC or a blockage risk state of the DOC, the blockage state being detected on the basis of comparison between a blockage parameter related to blockage of the DOC and a predetermined blockage threshold, the blockage risk state being detected when the diesel engine is in an operating state that is likely to ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176465A1

A system of recycling exhaust heat from an internal combustion engine may include a working fluid circulating line configured to rotate a turbine with a working fluid vaporized by heat received from an EGR line of the internal combustion engine, an EGR side heat exchanging unit configured to perform a heat exchange between an EGR gas and the working fluid to thereby cool the EGR gas and transfer heat from the EGR gas to the working fluid, and a gas-liquid separator configured to be formed between the EGR side heat exchanging unit and the turbine to thereby supply only a gas component of the working fluid to the turbine. 1. A system of recycling exhaust heat from an internal combustion engine , the system comprising:a working fluid circulating line configured to rotate a turbine with a working fluid vaporized by heat received from an EGR line of the internal combustion engine;an EGR side heat exchanging unit configured to perform a heat exchange between an EGR gas and the working fluid to thereby cool the EGR gas and transfer heat from the EGR gas to the working fluid; anda gas-liquid separator configured to be formed between the EGR side heat exchanging unit and the turbine to thereby supply only a gas component of the working fluid to the turbine.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the gas-liquid separator includes:a liquid receiving chamber capable of receiving the working fluid in a liquid state therein; anda communicating pipe fluidically-communicating a turbine introducing pipe, which is a conduit connecting the turbine to the EGR side heat exchanging unit, and the liquid receiving chamber with each other.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the communicating pipe includes a first communicating pipe disposed to be adjacent to the EGR side heat exchanging unit and a second communicating pipe disposed to be adjacent to the turbine.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein a diameter of a portion connected to the first communicating pipe of the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260188A1
Автор: Seok Sun Yul

Provided is a combined multi-purpose pollution-free vehicle and snowplow which comprises a hot water utilization and circulation pipe OSWL branching and circulating coolant heated by a vehicle engine from an induction connecting apparatus; a heater HTR secondarily heating air primarily heated by the hot water utilization and circulation pipe OSWL; a propeller OPE sending secondarily heated air to a distribution duct PEORUM; and a distribution duct PEORUM comprising a branching pipe so as to discharge secondarily heated air out of emission pipes PED disposed at the front, rear, left and right sides of the vehicle. 1. A combined multi-purpose pollution-free car and snowplow comprising;a hot water utilization and circulation pipe OSWL branching and circulating coolant heated by a vehicle engine from an induction connecting apparatus;a heater HTR secondarily heating air primarily heated by the hot water utilization and circulation pipe OSWL;a propeller OPE sending secondarily heated air to a distribution duct PEORUM; anda distribution duct PEORUM comprising a branching pipe so as to discharge secondarily heated air out of emission pipes PED disposed at the front, rear, left and right sides of the vehicle.2. The combined multi-purpose pollution-free car and snowplow of claim 1 , wherein hot air passing through a cooling fan LGH is primarily heated by the hot water utilization and circulation pipe OSWL and guided by a hot air guide OPG to the heater HTR.3. The combined multi-purpose pollution-free car and snowplow of claim 1 , wherein the secondarily heated air passing through the propeller OPE is transported to the distribution duct PEORUM through a hot air energy guide OPEG.41. The combined multi-purpose pollution-free car and snowplow of claim 3 , comprising a dipper-type distribution inlet PE additionally disposed at a connecting part of the distribution duct PEORUM with the emission pipes PED branching to the front claim 3 , rear claim 3 , left and right sides of the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260218A1
Принадлежит: Dejatech GES B.V.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system, comprising an engine or turbine, a generator and a heat exchanger, wherein the heat exchanger has at least one flue duct in fluid communication with an exhaust of the engine or turbine and at least one fluid duct, the heat exchanger arranged for exchange of heat between flue gasses flowing through the at least one flue duct and a fluid flowing through said at least one fluid duct, wherein the at least one flue duct is formed by at least extrusion. 1. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system , comprising an engine or turbine , a generator and a heat exchanger , wherein the heat exchanger has at least one flue duct in fluid communication with an exhaust of the engine or turbine and at least one fluid duct , the heat exchanger arranged for exchange of heat between flue gasses flowing through the at least one flue duct and a fluid flowing through said at least one fluid duct , wherein the at least one flue duct is formed by at least extrusion.2. CHP system according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is made using extrusion technology and wherein at least the flue duct or ducts and the water duct or ducts are made in light metal claim 1 , especially aluminium or an aluminium blend.3. CHP system according to claim 1 , wherein the flue duct is defined by flue duct defining walls which have a surface roughness of less than about 25 Ra claim 1 , preferably less than 12.5 Ra claim 1 , more preferably less than 6 Ra claim 1 , even more preferably less than 2 Ra.4. CHP system according to claim 3 , wherein the roughness is less than 1 Ra claim 3 , preferably about 0.8 Ra or less.5. CHP system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one flue duct has flue duct defining walls which are claim 1 , seen in a flow direction of the duct claim 1 , free of obstructions such as heat exchanging surface increasing elements.6. CHP system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one flue duct comprises a series of parallel duct sections claim 1 ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261720A1
Принадлежит: ConleyMax Inc.

Heat from a rotating prime mover(s) driving a fluid shear pump, heat from the prime mover and any exhaust heat generated by the prime mover is collected. The heat energy collected from all of these sources is transmitted through heat exchangers to a fluid where heat energy is desired. This fluid heating process is performed in the absence of an open flame. 1. A flameless fluid heater system for heating fluids , said flameless fluid heater comprisinga prime mover, said prime mover including engine coolant, intercooler, and engine exhaust,a closed heater fluid system, said closed heater fluid system including a heater fluid pump and a dynamic heater for heating heater fluid, said dynamic heater being driven by the prime mover,a main pump for transfer of water,a first heat exchanger transferring heat from the heater fluid to the water,a second heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine coolant to the water,a third heat exchanger transferring heat from the intercooler to the water, anda fourth heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine exhaust to the water.2. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 1 , wherein water from an outlet of the main pump is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to an inlet of the main pump.3. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 2 , wherein heater fluid heated in the dynamic heater is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to the heater fluid pump.4. The flameless fluid heater according to claim 3 , wherein heater fluid is transferred from the heater fluid pump to the dynamic heater.5. The flameless fluid heater according to claim 1 , wherein water is transferred from an outlet of the main pump to the third heat exchanger claim 1 , to the second heat exchanger claim 1 , to the fourth heat exchanger and returned to an inlet of the main pump.6. The flameless fluid heater according to claim 5 , wherein water from the outlet of the main pump is also transferred to the first heat ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140262145A1

A system for the recovery of heat from gases. A heat recovery system uses a wetted heat transfer surface to recover heat from a bulk gas, such as a flue gas. The system utilizes wetted heat transfer tubes which are sprayed in a manner to minimize the film thickness of the wetting on the heat transfer tubes. To improve efficiency, the contact liquid used to wet the heat transfer tubes is maintained at a temperature between the temperature of the exiting cooled gas and the temperature of the inlet (cool) process fluid to be heated. Such heat recovery system design criteria enhance performance, and thus enable more efficient heat recovery to be practiced, particularly in systems where combustion gases are encountered. 1. A method for recovery of heat from a gas stream , comprising:adiabatically cooling and humidifying an incoming gas stream;providing a heat exchanger having an interior fluid passageway and an outer surface, and wetting the outer surface with contact liquid via spray nozzles to establish a thin film on the outer surface;providing a process liquid at a first temperature, and passing the process liquid through said heat exchanger to heat the process liquid while passing the incoming gas stream past the outer surface of the heat exchanger and counter-currently to the process liquid, to cool the incoming gas stream and forming at least some condensate at said thin film, and to produce a cool gas stream at a second temperature;flowing said contact liquid and associated condensate counter-current to said incoming hot bulk gas, and collecting said contact liquid and condensate in a reservoir; andrecirculating at least some of the contact liquid from said reservoir to said spray nozzles, while cooling said contact liquid between said reservoir and said spray nozzles to a temperature between said first temperature of said process liquid and said second temperature of said cool gas stream.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein adiabatically cooling the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

An Improved Cooling System For A Vehicle Cab

Номер: US20190168577A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company LTD

A cooling system for a vehicle cab where the vehicle has an internal combustion engine is provided. The system comprises a cooling chamber having an ambient air intake, and first and second pairs of sorption vessels. Each pair of sorption vessels comprises a first sorption vessel containing a sorption solution which is located in the cooling chamber and is in fluid communication with a second sorption vessel located outside the cooling chamber. The system further comprises first and second cooling circuits, each circuit containing a coolant and being in heat exchange contact with a respective one of the second sorption vessels. A first control valve selectively directs coolant from the first or the second cooling circuit towards the cab. An exhaust passage conveys exhaust gases away from the engine, and the exhaust passage has at least one exhaust aperture in communication with the cooling chamber. A moveable flap is located within the cooling chamber so as to divide the cooling chamber into a first chamber portion containing one of the first sorption vessels, and a second chamber portion containing the other of the first sorption vessels. The moveable flap is moveable between: a first position in which exhaust gas flows from the at least one exhaust aperture through the first chamber portion whilst ambient air flows from the air intake through the second chamber portion, and a second position in which exhaust gas flows from the at least one exhaust aperture through the second chamber portion whilst ambient air flows from the air intake through the first chamber portion. 1. A cooling system for a vehicle cab where the vehicle has an internal combustion engine , the system comprising:a cooling chamber having an ambient air intake;first and second pairs of sorption vessels, each pair of sorption vessels comprising a first sorption vessel containing a sorption solution which is located in the cooling chamber and is in fluid communication with a second sorption vessel ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Exhaust Heat Recovery Device

Номер: US20150184571A1

In an exhaust heat recovery device, exhaust gas flows out from a heat exchange outflow port into a heat exchange passage, the exhaust gas having flowed out into the heat exchange passage flows in a radial direction from an inner side to an outer side of a heat exchanger to reach a second heat exchange passage from a first heat exchange passage, and a heat exchange is performed in the heat exchanger while the exhaust gas flows. 1. An exhaust heat recovery device performing a heat exchange between exhaust gas discharged from an internal combustion engine and a heat exchange medium , comprising:an inner member forming a part of a main passage that connects a receiving inlet receiving the exhaust gas flowing from an upstream side to a main sending outlet sending the received exhaust gas into a downstream side, and forming an upstream side main passage, which is a part of the receiving inlet side of the main passage;an outer member disposed to surround the inner member and forming a heat exchange passage with the inner member;a heat exchanger disposed on the heat exchange passage to surround the inner member and performing the heat exchange between the exhaust gas and the heat exchange medium; anda switching unit switching between a first mode in which the exhaust gas received with the main passage is passed through only the main passage to flow into the main sending outlet, and a second mode in which the exhaust gas received with the main passage flows from the upstream side main passage through the heat exchange passage into a subsending outlet different from the main sending outlet, whereinthe heat exchange passage includes a first heat exchange passage formed between the heat exchanger and the inner member, and a second heat exchange passage formed between the heat exchanger and the outer member,the inner member and the heat exchanger are disposed such that a heat exchange outflow port through which the exhaust gas flows out from the upstream side main passage into ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust Heat Recovery Apparatus

Номер: US20210215083A1
Принадлежит: Marelli Corporation

A housing has a heat exchange flow passage which branches from the main exhaust gas flow passage and converges to the main exhaust gas flow passage through the heat exchanger. The valve has a valve pipe constituting the main exhaust gas flow passage in the exhaust pipe and a valve body which rotates to contact a seat part downstream of the valve pipe in an exhaust gas flow direction such that the exhaust gas flows to the heat exchange flow passage. An out port of the heat exchange flow passage which converges to the main exhaust gas flow passage is disposed upstream of a downstream side distal end of the valve pipe in the exhaust gas flow direction, and the downstream side distal end of the valve pipe in the exhaust gas flow direction is disposed upstream of a downstream side distal end of the heat exchanger in the exhaust gas flow direction. 14.-. (canceled)5. An exhaust heat recovery apparatus comprising:an exhaust pipe forming a main exhaust gas flow passage in which an exhaust gas flows;a housing attached to the exhaust pipe, the housing including a heat exchanger; anda valve disposed in the exhaust pipe, the valve being configured to open and close the main exhaust gas flow passage, whereinthe housing has a heat exchange flow passage which branches from the main exhaust gas flow passage and converges to the main exhaust gas flow passage through the heat exchanger,the valve has a valve pipe constituting the main exhaust gas flow passage in the exhaust pipe and a valve body which rotates to contact a seat part downstream of the valve pipe in an exhaust gas flow direction such that the exhaust gas flows to the heat exchange flow passage, andan out port of the heat exchange flow passage which converges to the main exhaust gas flow passage is disposed upstream of a downstream side distal end of the valve pipe in the exhaust gas flow direction, and the downstream side distal end of the valve pipe in the exhaust gas flow direction is disposed upstream of a downstream ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Component Of An Exhaust Gas System And Method For Exhaust Gas After-Treatment

Номер: US20190186317A1

A component of an exhaust gas system and a method for exhaust gas after-treatment having a housing with an inlet and an outlet for an exhaust gas, an annular heat exchanger through which the exhaust gas can flow from the inlet in an axial direction and along a first flow path. Downstream of the heat exchanger, an annular catalyst body is arranged inside the heat exchanger and through which the exhaust gas can flow in a radial direction, such that, downstream of the catalyst body, the exhaust gas flows through the heat exchanger in the radial direction and along a second flow path. 113.-. (canceled)14. A component of an exhaust gas system of an internal combustion engine , comprising:at least one housing with an inlet for an exhaust gas and an outlet for the exhaust gas;an annular heat exchanger arranged in the housing and through which the exhaust gas can flow from the inlet in an axial direction and along a first flow path; andan annular catalyst body, arranged downstream of the annular heat exchanger and arranged radially inside the annular heat exchanger and through which the exhaust gas can flow at least in a radial direction,wherein downstream of the annular catalyst body, the exhaust gas flows through the annular heat exchanger in the radial direction and along a second flow path.15. The component as claimed in claim 14 , wherein an annular outflow channel surrounds the annular heat exchanger outwardly in the radial direction so that the exhaust gas enters the annular outflow channel downstream of the second flow path and leaves the housing via the outlet.16. The component as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the housing extends in the axial direction between the inlet claim 14 , which is arranged on a first end face of the housing claim 14 , and the outlet claim 14 , which is arranged on a second end face of the housing.17. The component as claimed in claim 14 , further comprising:a deflection zone arranged downstream of the first flow path and configured to ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283506A1

A heat pipe includes a metal cylindrical body including a sealed storage space for storing water, a heat absorbing portion at one end portion of the cylindrical body to absorb heat by means of evaporation of the water, and a heat radiating portion at another end portion of the cylindrical body to radiate heat by means of condensation of steam generated by the evaporation. The cylindrical body includes a base material mainly including a stainless steel, a first metal layer mainly including a nickel and a second metal layer mainly including a copper, the first metal layer being formed on an inner surface of the base material and the second metal layer being formed on an inner surface of the first metal layer. The second metal layer is exposed to the storage space. 1. A heat pipe , comprising:a metal cylindrical body comprising a sealed storage space for storing water;a heat absorbing portion at one end portion of the cylindrical body to absorb heat by means of evaporation of the water; anda heat radiating portion at another end portion of the cylindrical body to radiate heat by means of condensation of steam generated by the evaporation,wherein the cylindrical body comprises a base material mainly comprising a stainless steel, a first metal layer mainly comprising a nickel and a second metal layer mainly comprising a copper, the first metal layer being formed on an inner surface of the base material and the second metal layer being formed on an inner surface of the first metal layer, andwherein the second metal layer is exposed to the storage space.2. The heat pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the second metal layer comprises a metal layer mainly comprising a copper.3. The heat pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the second metal layer comprises a metal layer mainly comprising a copper-nickel alloy.4. The heat pipe according to claim 3 , wherein the second metal layer comprises a metal layer formed by melting nickel and copper sheets together by heat claim 3 , the ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Flameless Heater

Номер: US20160209081A1

A flameless heater includes a diesel engine, a hydraulic or electric load that is powered by the diesel engine thereby generating heat, a heat exchanger that transfers heat to air flowing through the air from the flameless heat source, and possibly other heat exchangers for heating the air flowing therethrough with engine coolant and/or with exhaust gases. The system may be operated to maintain relatively high load on the engine for at least the majority of the time so as to reduce or negate the need for parked regeneration. The system may also control airflow through the system and possibly other system parameters to obtain a given setpoint such as a given discharge air temperature. In one embodiment, airflow through the system is controlled by louvers under the power of an electric motor or other actuator controlled by the system's controller. 1. A flameless heater comprising:a. a diesel engine;b. a flameless heat source that is powered by the engine;c. a plenum having an ambient air inlet and a heated air outlet;d. a heater that receives heat energy from the heat source and that that heats air flowing through the plenum; ande. controls that control the engine, the heat source, and airflow through the plenum so to consistently maintain the engine at a sufficiently high load so as to avoid the need for parked regeneration to avoid soot buildup.2. The flameless heater of claim 1 , wherein the heat source is a hydraulic heat source that includes first and second restrictors through which pressurized hydraulic fluid can be selectively forced to generate heat claim 1 , and wherein the controls include a valve assembly that control fluid flow through first and second restrictors claim 1 , prioritizing flow through only the first restrictor.3. The flameless heater of claim 2 , wherein the valve assembly is switchable between 1) a first setting in which fluid flows through the first restrictor but not the second restrictor claim 2 , 2) a second setting in which hydraulic ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210424A1

A refrigeration system for cooling a refrigeration compartment. The refrigeration system comprises a cooling reservoir for cooling refrigerant in a first loop using energy recovered from an engine exhaust stream and a refrigeration circuit comprising a compressor drivable by an internal combustion motor, the compressor circulating refrigerant in a second loop. The refrigeration system comprises at least one heat exchanger in communication with the first and second loops to receive cooled refrigerant, and at least one blower for forcing air over the at least one heat exchanger. A controller selectively activates the internal combustion motor based on a temperature of the cooling reservoir. 1. A refrigeration system for cooling a refrigeration compartment , comprising:a cooling reservoir for cooling refrigerant in a first loop using energy recovered from an engine exhaust stream;a refrigeration circuit comprising a compressor drivable by an internal combustion motor, the compressor circulating refrigerant in a second loop;at least one heat exchanger in communication with the first and second loops to receive cooled refrigerant;at least one blower for forcing air over the at least one heat exchanger; anda controller for selectively activating the internal combustion motor based on a temperature of the cooling reservoir.2. The refrigeration system of claim 1 , comprising an energy capture system for recovering energy from the engine exhaust stream claim 1 , the energy capture system comprising a generator configured to receive the engine exhaust stream and circulate a solution comprising a solute claim 1 , the solute vaporizable into a gaseous state by heat absorbed from the received engine exhaust stream.3. The refrigeration system of claim 2 , wherein the energy capture system comprises:a condenser fluidly coupled to the generator for receiving solute vaporized from the solution, the condenser configured to condense the vaporized solute into a liquid state; andan ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210260961A1
Автор: Renault Loic

A method of warming a valve assembly includes receiving an exhaust flow through a first heat exchanger first inlet; heating a coolant received through a first heat exchanger second inlet with the exhaust flow; exhausting the exhaust flow through a first heat exchanger first outlet; and discharging heated coolant through a first heat exchanger second outlet towards a second heat exchanger assembly that is coupled to the valve assembly to heat the valve assembly. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a first exhaust muffler arranged to receive a first exhaust flow from a first engine; 'a second exhaust muffler arranged to receive a second exhaust flow from a second engine associated with the TRU; and', 'a transport refrigeration unit (TRU) arranged to condition an interior of a compartment of the vehicle, comprising a first heat exchanger having a first heat exchanger first inlet arranged to receive at least one of the first exhaust flow and the second exhaust flow, a first heat exchanger second inlet arranged to receive a coolant, a first heat exchanger first outlet arranged to release at least one of the first exhaust flow and the second exhaust flow, and a first heat exchanger second outlet, and', 'a valve assembly coupled to a second heat exchanger having a second heat exchanger first inlet arranged to receive the coolant from the first heat exchanger second outlet, a second heat exchanger second inlet arranged to receive gas from a gas tank supported on a vehicle body for storing gas for use in at least one of the first engine and the second engine, a second heat exchanger first outlet fluidly connected to the first heat exchanger second inlet, and a second heat exchanger second outlet arranged to direct gas to the TRU., 'a fluid circuit, comprising2. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising:a fluid pump fluidly connected to a fluid conduit that extends between the first heat exchanger second outlet and the second heat exchanger first inlet.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170241320A1
Автор: SLOSS Clayton A.

An exhaust gas heat recovery system may include a housing, a valve member, and a heat exchanger. The housing may include an inlet, an outlet, a first exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and outlet, and a second exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and outlet. The valve member may be disposed within the housing and may be movable between first and second positions. In the first position, the valve member may allow fluid flow through the first exhaust gas pathway and substantially prevent fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway. In the second position, the valve member may allow fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway. The heat exchanger may be in communication with the second exhaust gas pathway and may include a conduit containing a fluid in thermal communication with exhaust gas when the valve member is in the second position. 1. An exhaust gas heat recovery system comprising:a housing including an inlet, an outlet, a first exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and the outlet, and a second exhaust gas pathway in communication with the inlet and the outlet;a valve member disposed within the housing and movable between a first position allowing fluid flow through the first exhaust gas pathway and substantially preventing fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway and a second position allowing fluid flow through the second exhaust gas pathway; anda heat exchanger in communication with the second exhaust gas pathway and including a conduit having a fluid flowing therein, the fluid being in thermal communication with exhaust gas in the heat exchanger when the valve member is in the second position and substantially thermally isolated from the exhaust gas when the valve member is in the first position, the heat exchanger being substantially fluidly isolated from the first exhaust gas pathway when the valve member is in the first position, and the valve member guides fluid flow in a U-shaped flow ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234276A1
Автор: Tsuji Yoshiki

A heat exchanger disposed in an exhaust heat recovery device exchanges heat between exhaust and cooling fluid. An inner shell of the heat exchanger externally surrounds an exhaust pipe and forms a heat exchange space between the inner shell and the exhaust pipe to accommodate arranged plates. An outer shell of the heat exchanger includes an EGR opening that leads the exhaust to an inlet system of an internal combustion engine. The outer shell forms an external space leading to the EGR opening between the outer shell and the inner shell. The inner shell includes at least one aperture area that communicates the heat exchange space with the external space. 1. An exhaust heat recovery device disposed in an exhaust path from an internal combustion engine , the device comprising:an exhaust pipe configured to carry exhaust downstream; anda heat exchanger configured to exchange heat between the exhaust, carried through the exhaust pipe, and cooling fluid, plates;', 'an inner shell; and', 'an outer shell,', 'wherein each plate is circular in shape,', 'wherein each plate includes a flow path for the cooling fluid inside,', 'wherein the plates externally surround the exhaust pipe and the plates are arranged along an axis that extends linearly,', 'wherein the inner shell externally surrounds the exhaust pipe such that a heat exchange space that accommodates the arranged plates is formed between the inner shell and the exhaust pipe,', 'wherein the outer shell includes an EGR opening coupled to an EGR pipe,', 'wherein the EGR pipe is configured to recirculate the exhaust to an inlet system of the internal combustion engine, and', 'wherein the outer shell externally covers at least a part of the inner shell to form an external space, leading to the EGR opening, between the outer shell and the inner shell,, 'wherein the heat exchanger comprises,'}wherein a direction that points from the EGR opening to the exhaust pipe and is orthogonal to the axis is a reference direction,wherein a ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160250908A1

A vehicle heating device includes: a first heat exchanger which performs first heat exchange between an exhaust gas discharged from an engine and first air introduced from outside or inside of a vehicle interior; and a second heat exchanger which performs second heat exchange between the first air subjected to the first heat exchange with the exhaust gas in the first heat exchanger and second air taken into the second heat exchanger from the outside of the vehicle interior, discharges the first air subjected to the second heat exchange to the outside of the vehicle interior, and supplies the second air subjected to the second heat exchange to the inside of the vehicle interior. 1. A vehicle heating device comprising:a first heat exchanger which performs first heat exchange between an exhaust gas discharged from an engine and first air introduced from inside or outside of a vehicle interior; and wherein the vehicle heating device further comprises:', 'a first air passage through which the first air introduced from the outside or the inside of the vehicle interior is guided to the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger, and', 'the first air passage includes an exhaust port for discharging the first air subjected to the second heat exchange to the outside of the vehicle interior, the exhaust port being disposed below a floor of a vehicle., 'a second heat exchanger which performs second heat exchange between the first air subjected to the first heat exchange with the exhaust gas in the first heat exchanger and second air taken into the second heat exchanger from the outside of the vehicle interior, then discharges the first air subjected to the second heat exchange to the outside of the vehicle interior, and supplies the second air subjected to the second heat exchange to the inside of the vehicle interior,'}2. The vehicle heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the second heat exchanger is a sensible heat exchanger.3. The vehicle heating device ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140338313A1
Принадлежит: Scambia Holdings Cyprus Limited

A unit for recovering thermal energy from exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine including an inlet, an outlet, a heat exchanger arranged downstream of the inlet and upstream of the outlet, and a valve capable of being switched between a recovery position. The exhaust gas flows from the inlet through the heat exchanger to the outlet, and a bypass position, in which the exhaust gas flows from the inlet through a bypass to the outlet. The valve includes separate first and second valve bodies and associated separate first and second valve seats arranged upstream and downstream of the heat exchanger, respectively. The first and second valve bodies are adapted to be switched only simultaneously from the recovery position to the bypass position and vice versa. 2. The unit according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second valve bodies is mechanically connected to a common actuator claim 1 , said common actuator being adapted to switch the first and second valve bodies from the recovery position to the bypass position and vice versa.3. The unit according to claim 2 , wherein the common actuator comprises a position sensor capable of generating an actuator position signal enabling an on-board diagnostics to generate an alarm signal in case of a defect and/or malfunction of the valve.4. The unit according to claim 1 , wherein the first valve body comprises a first valve flap and the second valve body comprises a second valve flap claim 1 , the first valve flap being connected to a first axle and the second valve flap being connected to a second axle so that the first and second valve flaps are capable of being pivotally switched between the recovery position and the bypass position claim 1 , and wherein each of the first and second valve seats comprises a pair of frames which are arranged angularly spaced from one another claim 1 , the frames having a size and shape such that the respective valve flap abuts against one of the frames of the respective pair of ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Flameless Fluid Heater

Номер: US20180245496A1

Heat from a rotating prime mover(s) driving a fluid shear pump, heat from the prime mover and any exhaust heat generated by the prime mover is collected. The heat energy collected from all of these sources is transmitted through heat exchangers to a fluid where heat energy is desired. This fluid heating process is performed in the absence of an open flame. 1. A flameless fluid heater system for heating fluids , said flameless fluid heater system comprising:a prime mover, said prime mover comprising engine coolant, intercooler, and engine exhaust;a closed heater fluid loop, said closed heater fluid loop comprising a heater fluid pump and a dynamic heater for heating heater fluid, said dynamic heater driven by the prime mover;a main pump for transfer of water;a first heat exchanger transferring heat from the heater fluid to the water;a second heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine coolant to the water;a third heat exchanger transferring heat from the intercooler to the water; anda fourth heat exchanger transferring heat from the engine exhaust to the water,wherein the heater fluid is at least one of oil and glycol.2. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the water from an outlet of the main pump is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to an inlet of the main pump.3. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 2 , wherein the heater fluid heated in the dynamic heater is transferred to the first heat exchanger and returned to the heater fluid pump.4. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 3 , wherein the heater fluid is transferred from the heater fluid pump to the dynamic heater.5. The flameless fluid heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the water is transferred from an outlet of the main pump to the third heat exchanger claim 1 , then to the second heat exchanger claim 1 , then to the fourth heat and retuned to an inlet of the main pump.6. The flameless fluid heater system according to ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140352286A1

An exhaust gas heat recovery device of the present invention recovers heat of an exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine. The exhaust gas heat recovery device includes an exhaust pipe that leads the exhaust gas from an upstream side to a downstream side, a cylindrical shell that covers an outside of the exhaust pipe, and an exhaust gas heat recovery section that is interposed between the exhaust pipe and the cylindrical shell and that performs heat exchange between the exhaust gas and a heat exchange medium. The exhaust gas heat recovery section includes a stacked body that is composed by stacking a plurality of jacket each having a heat exchange medium conduit provided thereinside. In the stacked body, the respective heat exchange medium conduits in the plurality of jacket parts are serially connected to each other. 1. An exhaust gas heat recovery device that recovers heat of an exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine , the device comprising:an exhaust pipe that leads the exhaust gas from an upstream side to a downstream side;a cylindrical shell that covers an outside of the exhaust pipe; andan exhaust gas heat recovery section that is interposed between the exhaust pipe and the cylindrical shell and that performs heat exchange between the exhaust gas and a heat exchange medium,wherein the exhaust gas heat recovery section includes a stacked body that is composed by stacking a plurality of jacket parts each having a heat exchange medium conduit provided thereinside, and, in the stacked body, the respective heat exchange medium conduits in the plurality of jacket parts are serially connected to each other,wherein a first clearance, through which the exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe passes, is provided between an outer circumference of the exhaust pipe and the stacked body,wherein a second clearance, through which the exhaust gas having passed through the first clearance passes, is provided between the plurality of jacket parts constituting the stacked ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Cabin heating system with sealed heat transfer loop

Номер: US20190255912A1

A cabin heating system includes a cabin air heat exchanger, an exhaust gas heat exchanger and a heat transfer loop. The heat transfer loop circulates a gaseous heat exchange fluid between the cabin air heat exchanger and the exhaust gas heat exchanger.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190255913A1

A cabin heating system includes an exhaust heat exchanger having a cabin air conduit. That cabin air conduit includes a check valve, a pressure relief valve and a heat exchange section between the check valve and the pressure relief valve. The cabin heating system also includes a control module configured to maintain cabin air in the cabin air conduit at a first pressure Pwhile exhaust gas in an exhaust bypass has a second pressure Pwhere P>P. 1. A cabin heating system , comprising:an exhaust heat exchanger including a cabin air conduit including a check valve, a pressure relief valve and a heat exchange section between said check valve and said pressure relief valve.2. The cabin heating system of claim 1 , wherein said exhaust heat exchanger further includes an exhaust bypass having a first end and a second end connected to an exhaust conduit.3. The cabin heating system of claim 2 , further including a control module configured to maintain cabin air in said cabin air conduit between said check valve and said pressure relief valve at a first pressure Pwhile exhaust gas in said exhaust bypass has a second pressure Pwhere P>P.4. The cabin heating system of claim 3 , wherein said heat exchange section extends through said exhaust bypass.5. The cabin heating system of claim 4 , wherein said control module includes a controller and a pressure monitoring device connected to said cabin air conduit between said check valve and said pressure relief valve downstream of said check valve.6. The cabin heating system of claim 5 , wherein said pressure monitoring device is connected to said cabin air conduit between said heat exchange section and said pressure relief valve.7. The cabin heating system of claim 6 , wherein said control module includes a pump to circulate cabin air through said cabin air conduit.8. The cabin heating system of claim 7 , wherein said pump is upstream from said check valve.9. The cabin heating system of claim 8 , further including a throttle valve in ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273558A1
Автор: Bates Lyle

A vapor transport device can include a tube, a first cap positioned at a first region of the tube, a second cap positioned at a second region of the tube, and a piston positioned between the first cap and the second cap so as to divide the tube into a first chamber of variable size that extends between the first cap and the piston and a second chamber of variable size that extends between the piston and the second cap. The vapor transport device can further include a drive shaft connected to the piston and extending through the second cap, and can also include one or more one-way valves. 1. A vapor transport device comprising:a tube;a first cap positioned at a first region of the tube, a second cap positioned at a second region of the tube, and a piston positioned between the first cap and the second cap so as to divide the tube into a first chamber of variable size that extends between the first cap and the piston and a second chamber of variable size that extends between the piston and the second cap;a drive shaft connected to the piston and extending through the second cap, wherein the drive shaft is configured to translate the piston between the first and second caps; anda one-way valve, wherein at least one of the first cap, the second cap, and the piston comprises the one-way valve, and wherein the one-way valve is oriented so as to either permit vapor to flow from a position outside of the tube into the first chamber, from the first chamber to the second chamber, or from the second chamber to a position outside of the tube.2. The vapor transport device of claim 1 , wherein the first chamber is larger than the second chamber. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/631,654, titled SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY RECOVERY AND RELATED METHODS, filed on Feb. 25, 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/947,040, titled SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY RECOVERY AND RELATED METHODS, filed on Nov. 16, 2010, which claims the benefit ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266296A1

An exhaust heat recovery device includes a first heat exchanger, a second heat exchanger, a gas passage, a liquid passage, and a self-pressure valve. The first heat exchanger performs heat exchange between exhaust gas and a heat medium so as to evaporate the heat medium. The second heat exchanger performs heat exchange between a heated target and the heat medium evaporated in the first heat exchanger, the heated target being defined as at least one of cooling water and oil so as to heat the heated target and to liquefy the heat medium. A loop heat pipe is formed by the first heat exchanger, the second heat exchanger, the gas passage, and the liquid passage. 1. An exhaust heat recovery device comprising:a first heat exchanger that evaporates a heat medium by performing heat exchange between the heat medium and exhaust gas discharged from an internal combustion engine;a second heat exchanger that heats a heated target and liquefies the heat medium by performing heat exchange between the heated target and the heat medium evaporated in the first heat exchanger, the heated target being defined as at least one of cooling water and oil;a gas passage that allows the heat medium evaporated in the first heat exchanger to flow toward the second heat exchanger;a liquid passage that allows the heat medium liquefied in the second heat exchanger to flow toward the first heat exchanger; anda self-pressure valve formed to be opened and closed, wherein an opening degree of the self-pressure valve is changed by pressure of the exhaust gas and a flow amount of the exhaust gas that flows into the first heat exchanger is adjusted in accordance with the opening degree,wherein a loop heat pipe is formed by the first heat exchanger, the second heat exchanger, the gas passage, and the liquid passage.2. The exhaust heat recovery device according to claim 1 ,wherein the second heat exchanger is formed by a three-fluid heat exchanger that performs heat exchange between the heat medium, cooling ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160281566A1
Автор: Deshpande Hemant
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions, Inc.

An aftertreatment system comprises a liquid exhaust reductant tank. A heat exchanger is positioned downstream of the preheater. The heat exchanger heats the liquid exhaust reductant to a second temperature. The second temperature is sufficient to decompose the liquid exhaust reductant and produce ammonia gas. A storage tank is positioned downstream of the heat exchanger and is structured to store the ammonia gas at a predetermined pressure. The aftertreatment system also includes a selective catalytic reduction system positioned downstream of the storage tank. The aftertreatment system can also include a preheater positioned downstream of the liquid exhaust reductant tank and upstream of the heat exchanger. 1. An aftertreatment system , comprising;a liquid exhaust reductant tank;a heat exchanger positioned downstream of the liquid exhaust reductant tank, the heat exchanger heating the liquid exhaust reductant to a temperature sufficient to decompose liquid exhaust reductant therein and produce ammonia gas therefrom;a storage tank positioned downstream of the heat exchanger, the storage tank structured to store the ammonia gas at a predetermined pressure; anda selective catalytic reduction system positioned downstream of the storage tank,wherein the heat exchanger is fluidly coupled to an engine cooling system to receive a portion of a coolant from the engine cooling system, the coolant providing sufficient heat to heat the liquid exhaust reductant to the temperature sufficient to decompose the liquid exhaust reductant and produce the ammonia gas therefrom.2. The aftertreatment system of claim 1 , further comprisinga preheater positioned downstream of the exhaust reductant tank and upstream of the heat exchanger.3. The aftertreatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a feedpump positioned downstream of the exhaust reductant tank and upstream of the heat exchanger.4. The aftertreatment system of claim 2 , further comprising a valve positioned upstream of the heat ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150285123A1
Принадлежит: Norgren Limited

A waste heat recovery system () for an engine (), comprises a fluid supply (); two or more evaporators () adapted to receive waste heat from an engine (); a valve module () including an inlet port () in fluid communication with the fluid supply (), a first outlet port () in fluid communication with a first evaporator () of the two or more evaporators (), and a second outlet port () in fluid communication with a second evaporator () of the two or more evaporators (), the module being adapted to selectively provide a fluid communication path between the fluid supply () and one or more of the two or more evaporators (). A fluid control module () for a waste heat recovery system () with a 10 working fluid is provided. The static seal fluid control module () includes a module body () at least partially enclosing a pump () and at least one valve () wherein no atmospheric dynamic seals retain the working fluid in the static seal fluid control module (). 1100101. A waste heat recovery system () for an engine () , comprising:{'b': '104', 'a fluid supply ();'}{'b': 120', '121', '101, 'two or more evaporators (, ) adapted to receive waste heat from an engine ();'}{'b': 114', '115', '104', '116', '120', '120', '121', '117', '121', '120', '121', '104', '120', '121, 'a valve module () including an inlet port () in fluid communication with the fluid supply (), a first outlet port () in fluid communication with a first evaporator () of the two or more evaporators (, ), and a second outlet port () in fluid communication with a second evaporator () of the two or more evaporators (, ), the module being adapted to selectively provide a fluid communication path between the fluid supply () and one or more of the two or more evaporators (, ).'}2129120121. The waste heat recovery system of and comprising an expander () in fluid communication with an outlet of the two or more evaporators ( claim 1 , ).3134129104. The waste heat recovery system of and comprising a condenser () in fluid ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210387506A1
Автор: MIYOSHI Yuji

An in-vehicle temperature control system includes: a heater core used to heat an inside of a vehicle cabin using heat of a heat medium; a first heating unit that heats the heat medium using exhaust heat of an internal combustion engine; a thermal circuit configured to circulate the heat medium between the heater core and the first heating unit; a distribution state switching mechanism that switches a distribution state of the heat medium between a first distribution state and a second distribution state; and a control device that controls the distribution state switching mechanism, wherein: the thermal circuit includes a bypass flow path disposed in parallel with the heater core. 1. An in-vehicle temperature control system comprising:a heater core used to heat an inside of a vehicle cabin using heat of a heat medium;a first heating unit that heats the heat medium using exhaust heat of an internal combustion engine;a thermal circuit configured to circulate the heat medium between the heater core and the first heating unit;a distribution state switching mechanism that switches a distribution state of the heat medium between a first distribution state and a second distribution state; anda control device that controls the distribution state switching mechanism, wherein:the thermal circuit includes a bypass flow path disposed in parallel with the heater core with respect to the first heating unit;in the first distribution state, the heat medium heated by the first heating unit flows through the heater core without passing through the bypass flow path;in the second distribution state, the heat medium heated by the first heating unit flows through the bypass flow path without passing through the heater core; andthe first heating unit is disposed on a first side of the vehicle cabin in a front-rear direction of a vehicle, and the heater core and the bypass flow path are disposed on a second side that is opposite to the first side of the vehicle cabin in the front-rear ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle Air Conditioning Apparatus

Номер: US20170297415A1

There is provided a vehicle air conditioning apparatus that can prevent the amount of the refrigerant discharged from the compressor from reducing when an outside air temperature is low to achieve a heating performance required for a heating operation, and also can dehumidify the vehicle interior without deteriorating the heating performance during a heating and dehumidifying operation. The vehicle air conditioning apparatus includes: a heat released refrigerant expansion valve that decompresses the refrigerant discharged from the radiator during the heating operation and the first heating and dehumidifying operation; a gas-liquid separator that separates the refrigerant decompressed by the heat released refrigerant expansion valve into a gaseous refrigerant and a liquid refrigerant; and a bypass circuit that allows part of at least the gaseous refrigerant separated in the gas-liquid separator to flow into a section of the compressor through which the refrigerant being decompressed passes. 1. A vehicle air conditioning apparatus comprising:a compressor configured to compress and discharge a refrigerant;a radiator configured to release heat from the refrigerant;a heat exchanger configured to absorb the heat into the refrigerant;an outdoor heat exchanger configured to release the heat from or absorb the heat into the refrigerant;a first expansion valve configured to decompress the refrigerant flowing into the outdoor heat exchanger;a second expansion valve configured to decompress the refrigerant flowing into the heat exchanger;an accumulator configured to separate the refrigerant into a gas and a liquid and to allow the refrigerant to be sucked into the compressor, the accumulator being provided in a refrigerant flow passage to a suction side of the compressor into which the refrigerant is sucked;a heating refrigerant circuit configured to allow the refrigerant discharged from the compressor to flow into the radiator and release heat in the radiator, to allow the ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180298803A1

An exhaust heat recovery unit that includes: a lead-in pipe that leads a heat medium from outside an exhaust pipe, via an inlet portion of an heat exchanger, into the heat exchanger; a lead-out pipe that leads the heat medium out from the heat exchanger, via an outlet portion of the heat exchanger, outside the exhaust pipe; and a pair of seal members that seal a space between the inlet portion and the lead-in pipe and a space between the outlet portion and the lead-out pipe, with at least one of the pair of seal members including an O-ring disposed in a position in which the at least one of the pair of seal members does not contact exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust pipe and in which the at least one of the pair of seal members contacts the heat medium. 1. An exhaust heat recovery unit comprising:a heat exchanger provided inside an exhaust pipe through which exhaust gas flows, the heat exchanger exchanging heat between the exhaust gas and a heat medium;a pair of open portions that include an inlet portion and an outlet portion, the inlet portion being formed in the heat exchanger and being configured to lead the heat medium into the heat exchanger, and the outlet portion being formed in the heat exchanger and being configured to lead the heat medium out from the heat exchanger;a lead-in pipe that is connected to the inlet portion and leads the heat medium from outside the exhaust pipe, via the inlet portion, into the heat exchanger;a lead-out pipe that is connected to the outlet portion and leads the heat medium out from the heat exchanger, via the outlet portion, outside the exhaust pipe; anda pair of seal members that seal a space between the inlet portion and the lead-in pipe and a space between the outlet portion and the lead-out pipe, with at least one of the pair of seal members including an O-ring disposed in a position in which the at least one of the pair of seal members does not contact the exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust pipe and in which the ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312038A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An air conditioner for a vehicle includes a cooling water circuit and a heater. The cooling water circuit allows a cooling water to circulate between an engine and a heater core in a heating operation. The engine is a power source of the vehicle. The heater core is configured to heat air using a heat of the cooling water. The heater is located downstream of the engine and upstream of the heater core in the cooling water circuit and is configured to heat the cooling water. 1. An air conditioner for a vehicle , comprising:a cooling water circuit that is configured to allow a cooling water to circulate therethrough via an engine and a heater core in a heating operation, the engine being a power source for the vehicle, the heater core being configured to heat air using a heat of the cooling water;a heater that is located downstream of the engine and upstream of the heater core in the cooling water circuit and is configured to heat the cooling water; andan output controller, wherein the heater includes an exhaust-heat recovery device that allows the cooling water to flow therethrough while exchanging heat with an exhaust gas from the engine and that is configured to heat the cooling water by using heat of the exhaust gas and a heat source that includes at least one of a heat pump, an electric heater, a combustion heater, or a heat storage device, and the output controller is configured to adjusts an output of the heat source based on an output of the exhaust-heat recovery device.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The air conditioner for a vehicle according to claim 1 , the air conditioner further comprising:an EHR-inlet temperature sensor that is configured to detect a temperature of the cooling water flowing into the exhaust-heat recovery device; andan EHR-outlet temperature sensor that is configured to detect a temperature of the cooling water flowing out of the exhaust-heat recovery device, whereinthe output controller is configured to calculate the output of the exhaust- ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312039A1

An airflow control system includes an air blower and an outlet door. The air blower is disposed on a front side in a vehicle traveling direction with respect to an inside of a cabin and disposed inside an engine compartment that houses a propulsion engine. The outlet door opens and closes an air outlet through which an air flow from an inside of the engine compartment is blown to another area on a rear side in the vehicle traveling direction with respect to the engine compartment. The air blower blows an air flow containing exhaust heat of the propulsion engine to the other area through the air outlet while the air outlet is opened by the outlet door. 1. An airflow control system comprising:an air blower disposed on a front side in a vehicle traveling direction with respect to an inside of a cabin and disposed inside an engine compartment that houses a propulsion engine; andan outlet door that opens and closes an air outlet through which an air flow from an inside of the engine compartment is blown to another area on a rear side in the vehicle traveling direction with respect to the engine compartment,wherein,the air blower blows an air flow containing exhaust heat of the propulsion engine to the other area through the air outlet while the air outlet is opened by the outlet door.2. The airflow control system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an exhaust heat determination section that determines whether air inside the engine compartment contains exhaust heat of the propulsion engine to be used in the other area; andan airflow control section that, when the exhaust heat determination section determines that the air inside the engine compartment contains exhaust heat of the propulsion engine to be used in the other area, controls the outlet door so that the air outlet is opened and controls the air blower so that the air flow containing the exhaust heat is blown to the other area through the air outlet.3. The airflow control system according to claim 2 , ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170320375A1

The present invention relates to an energy recovery system (), which withdraws heat from a feed medium () containing heat energy, and—which has a heat transfer system () for this purpose, in order to transfer heat energy from the feed medium to a useful medium (). According to the invention—the heat transfer system () has a separation system () which spaces apart the two media (); the heat transfer system () has at least one first exchanger zone (), which allows the transfer of heat from the feed medium () to the useful medium () as long as the temperature of the feed medium is higher than that of the useful medium (); and—the heat transfer system () has at least one second exchanger zone (), which allows the transfer of heat from the feed medium (), even when the temperature of the feed medium is lower than that of the useful medium. 1. An energy recovery system comprising:a heat transfer system that transfers heat energy from a feed medium to a useful medium, the energy recovery system tapping heat from the feed medium which contains thermal energy;wherein:the heat transfer system has a separation system which spaces apart the two media;the heat transfer system has at least one first exchanger zone;which first exchanger zone allows the transfer of heat from the feed medium to the useful medium as long as a temperature of the feed medium is higher than that of the useful medium; and in thatthe heat transfer system has at least one second exchanger zone;which second exchanger zone allows transfer of heat from the feed medium to the useful medium, even when the temperature of the feed medium is lower than that of the useful medium.2. The energy recovery system according to ; wherein the first exchanger zone does not have a heat pump claim 1 , and the second exchanger zone is equipped with at least one heat pump.4. The energy recovery system according to ;wherein at least one heat pump has at least one of the following components: a thermoelectric device, a Peltier ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160332506A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A motor vehicle heat transfer system includes a closed circuit for an operating medium, said closed circuit comprising an evaporator and a condenser arranged in the motor vehicle above the evaporator, wherein the operating medium evaporates in the evaporator and flows to the condenser and wherein liquid operating medium, which has condensed in the condenser, is conducted back into the evaporator via a return line based on gravity. 1. A motor vehicle heat transfer system , comprising a closed circuit for an operating medium , said closed circuit comprising an evaporator and a condenser arranged in the motor vehicle above the evaporator , wherein the operating medium evaporates in the evaporator and flows to the condenser and wherein liquid operating medium , which has condensed in the condenser , is conducted back into the evaporator via a return line based on gravity.2. The motor vehicle heat transfer system of claim 1 , further comprising a vapor collecting chamber assigned to the evaporator.3. The motor vehicle heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator comprises at least one evaporator module claim 1 , said at least one evaporator module comprising a housing and a heat exchanger structure arranged in the housing.4. The motor vehicle heat transfer system of claim 3 , wherein the heat exchanger structure is configured porous.5. The motor vehicle heat transfer system of claim 1 , further comprising a compensation container for the operating medium arranged upstream of the evaporator.6. The motor vehicle heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator has a passage for the exhaust gas stream. This application claims the priority of German Patent Application, Serial No. 10 2015 107 427.3, filed May 12, 2015, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 119(a)-(d), the content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety as if fully set forth herein.The present invention relates to a motor vehicle heat transfer system.The following discussion of related ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160334169A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A motor vehicle heat exchanger system includes a closed circuit for a working medium and an evaporator for evaporation of the working medium. The evaporator includes at least two evaporator cassettes having an exhaust gas channel formed between the evaporator cassettes. Each evaporator cassette includes a capillary structure and a liquid side and a vapor side. A medium feed is provided on the liquid side for liquid working medium. Each evaporator cassette includes a vapor collector. 1. A motor vehicle heat transfer system , comprising:a closed circuit for a working medium;an evaporator configured to evaporate the working medium, said evaporator comprising at least two evaporator cassettes forming an exhaust gas channel therebetween, each said evaporator cassette including a capillary structure, a liquid side, and a vapor side;a medium feed disposed in the liquid side for supply of liquid working medium; anda plurality of vapor collectors cooperating with the evaporator cassettes in one-to-one correspondence.2. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 1 , wherein the capillary structure is formed by a porous plate body.3. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 1 , wherein the capillary structure is made of a sintered material.4. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 1 , wherein the capillary structure has formed therein vapor channels.5. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 4 , wherein the vapor channels are provided on the vapor side of the capillary structure.6. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator cassettes include each a distribution space on the liquid side for the working medium.7. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator cassettes include each two shell bodies joined to one another.8. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of claim 7 , wherein at least one of the shell bodies is provided with a bead.9. The motor vehicle heat exchanger system of ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160339764A1

Embodiments for heating a vehicle cabin are disclosed. In one example, a method for heating a vehicle cabin comprises closing an exhaust throttle while diverting at least a portion of throttled exhaust gas through an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler coupled upstream of the throttle, and transferring heat from the EGR cooler to a heater core configured to provide heat to the vehicle cabin. In this way, exhaust heat may be directly routed to the cabin heating system. 1. A method for heating a vehicle cabin comprising:closing an exhaust throttle while diverting at least a portion of throttled exhaust gas through an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler coupled upstream of the throttle, the throttle coupled downstream of an exhaust catalyst;transferring heat from the EGR cooler to a heater core to provide heat to the vehicle cabin;while a temperature of the exhaust catalyst is below a threshold temperature and while the exhaust throttle is closed, retarding spark ignition timing; andwhile diverting exhaust gas through the EGR cooler, generating vacuum by flowing gas through an ejector.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein an amount of spark retard adjusted based on the temperature of the exhaust catalyst while the temperature of the exhaust catalyst is below the threshold temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flow through the ejector is exhaust gas flow.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein transferring heat from the EGR cooler to the heater core comprises operating a heater core circulation pump to pump coolant from the EGR cooler through the heater core claim 1 , and adjusting a flow rate of the heater core circulation pump based on an inlet temperature of the heater core.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising routing the coolant from the heater core to an engine before returning the coolant to the EGR cooler.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ejector is coupled between from an EGR passage downstream of the EGR cooler to the exhaust downstream ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160341095A1

Waste heat utilization arrangement () of an internal combustion engine (), comprising a main circuit () which carries a working medium, wherein a feed pump (), an evaporator (), an expansion machine () and a condenser () are disposed in the main circuit () in the direction of flow of the working medium. The evaporator () is also disposed in an exhaust duct () of the internal combustion engine (). The waste heat utilization arrangement () comprises a secondary line () which can be connected to the main circuit (). A filter element () is disposed in the secondary line (). 115026103421053501220302522030bb. A waste heat utilization arrangement () of an internal combustion engine () , the arrangement comprising a main circuit () carrying a working medium , wherein a feed pump () , an evaporator () , an expansion machine () and a condenser () are disposed in the main circuit () in a direction of flow of the working medium , the evaporator () also being disposed in an exhaust duct () of the internal combustion engine () , wherein the waste heat utilization arrangement () comprises a secondary line ( , , ) connected to the main circuit () , and wherein a filter element () is disposed in the secondary line ( , , ).217202. The waste heat utilization arrangement () according to claim 1 , characterized in that a tank () for the working medium is connected via the secondary line () to the main circuit ().312021722227. The waste heat utilization arrangement () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the secondary line () comprises a parallel circuit including a supply line () from the tank () to the main circuit () and a return line () from the main circuit () to the tank ().41522. The waste heat utilization arrangement () according to claim 3 , characterized in that the filter element () is disposed in the return line ().5124222272. The waste heat utilization arrangement () according to claim 4 , characterized in that a valve arrangement () is disposed in the return line () ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334942A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An exhaust system for a motor vehicle, with an exhaust pipe for discharging exhaust of a device that produces an exhaust. A heat accumulator, which surrounds the exhaust pipe in the peripheral direction with respect to a longitudinal central axis of the exhaust pipe, is present, at least in regions thereof, and, in the radial direction between the exhaust pipe and the heat accumulator over at least a portion of the longitudinal extension the heat accumulator, a cross-section adjusting element for adjusting a passage cross section is arranged between the exhaust pipe and the heat accumulator. The cross-section adjusting element has a first holed pipe, which surrounds the exhaust pipe, and a second holed pipe, which surrounds the first holed pipe. The first holed pipe and the second holed pipe can be shifted in position relative to each other for adjusting the passage cross section. 1. An exhaust system for a motor vehicle , comprising:an exhaust pipe for discharging exhaust of a device that produces an exhaust, wherein that a heat accumulator, which surrounds the exhaust pipe in the peripheral direction with respect to a longitudinal central axis of the exhaust pipe at least in regions thereof, is present and, in the radial direction between the exhaust pipe and the heat accumulator over at least one portion of the longitudinal extension of the heat accumulator, a cross-section adjusting element for adjusting a passage cross section is arranged between the exhaust pipe and the heat accumulator, wherein the cross-section adjusting element has a first holed pipe, which surrounds the exhaust pipe, and a second holed pipe, which surrounds the first holed pipe, wherein the first holed pipe and the second holed pipe can be shifted in position relative to each other for adjusting the passage cross section.2. The exhaust system according to claim 1 , wherein a heat exchanger line is arranged in the heat accumulator.3. The exhaust system according to claim 2 , wherein a heat ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190331018A1

Methods and systems are provided for a tempering circuit. A system comprises where the tempering circuit is fluidly coupled to each of an engine cooling circuit, an EGR cooler, and an EGR valve. The tempering circuit comprising a plurality of control valves for selectively adjusting tempering medium flow to various portions of the tempering circuit.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150360541A1

A vehicle includes a powertrain having an engine and at least one controller. The controller is programed to selectively heat at least one of a plurality of components of the powertrain with a given amount of waste heat based on an expected decrease in friction power associated with an expected increase in temperature from the given amount of waste heat for each of the components. 1. A vehicle comprising:a powertrain including an engine; andat least one controller programed to, in response to a start of the engine, selectively heat at least one of a plurality of components of the powertrain with a given amount of waste heat exhausted by the engine based on an expected decrease in friction power associated with an expected increase in temperature from the given amount of waste heat for each of the components.2. The vehicle of wherein the expected decrease in friction power is based on friction loss verses temperature characteristics of the components and thermal mass of the components.3. The vehicle of further comprising a thermal system configured to supply the waste heat to at least one of the plurality of components.4. The vehicle of wherein the thermal system is a fluid loop.5. The vehicle of wherein the plurality of components includes an engine and a transmission.6. The vehicle of wherein at least one of the components is a fraction battery.7. A method for controlling a selective heating system comprising:selectively heating at least one of a plurality of components of a vehicle with a given amount of heat based on an expected decrease in friction power associated with heating each of the components with the given amount of waste heat.8. The method of further comprising the steps of:sending a signal to a thermal system instructing the thermal system to selectively heat at least one of the plurality of components.9. The method of further comprising the step of:selectively heating at least one of the plurality of components with a given amount of waste heat ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376970A1

There is provided an exhaust heat recovery structure that may suppress boiling of coolant in a heat exchanger. The exhaust heat recovery structure includes a first pipe, a second pipe, a valve and a thermostat. Exhaust gas from an engine flows in the first pipe. The second pipe branches from the first pipe and a heat exchanger that exchanges heat between the coolant and exhaust gas is provided at the second pipe. The valve is provided at the first pipe or the second pipe. The valve adjusts a flow amount of exhaust gas flowing into the second pipe by opening and closing. The thermostat is equipped with a heat-sensing portion that is disposed inside the heat exchanger. When the temperature of the heat-sensing portion is high, the thermostat opens or closes the valve to reduce the flow amount of exhaust gas flowing into the second pipe. 1. An exhaust heat recovery structure comprising:a first pipe through which exhaust gas from an engine flows;a second pipe that branches from the first pipe and at which a heat exchanger is provided, the heat exchanger exchanging heat between a coolant and exhaust gas;a valve provided at one of the first pipe or the second pipe, the valve adjusting a flow amount of exhaust gas flowing into the second pipe by opening and closing; anda thermostat equipped with a heat-sensing portion that is disposed at an interior of the heat exchanger, the thermostat opening or closing the valve and reducing the flow amount of exhaust gas flowing into the second pipe when a temperature of the heat-sensing portion is high.2. The exhaust heat recovery structure according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-sensing portion is disposed at a vehicle upper side of the interior of the heat exchanger.3. The exhaust heat recovery structure according to claim 1 , wherein a circulation pump that circulates the coolant between the engine and the heat exchanger is provided claim 1 , the circulation pump being temporarily stopped at a time of cold starting.4. The exhaust ...

10-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5926315A
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp, Toyo Kogyo Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

17-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS598515A
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp, Toyo Kogyo Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

24-05-2013 дата публикации

Thermoelectric module for a thermoelectric generator of a vehicle with a sealing element

Номер: KR20130054415A

열전기 모듈(1)은 고온 측(18)이나 또는 냉각 측(19)에 각각 할당되는 내측 원주방향 표면(2) 및 외측 원주방향 표면(4)과, 상기 고온 측과 상기 냉각 측 사이에 배치된 중간 공간(17) 및 기하 축선(3)과, 하나 이상의 실링 부재(7)를 구비하고, 상기 실링 부재(7)는 내측 원주방향 표면(2)을 적어도 부분적으로 형성하거나 또는 상기 표면에 배치된 냉각 측(19)이나 또는 고온 측(18)과 전기 절연 층(16)에 의해서만 분리되며, 그리고 냉각 측(19)에 대해 적어도 중간 공간(17)을 시일하고 상기 열전기 모듈(1)에 배치된 적어도 하나의 열전기 부재(6)를 상기 열전기 모듈(1) 외측에 배치된 적어도 하나의 제 2 전기 컨덕터(9)와 연결하는 적어도 하나의 전기 컨덕터(8)를 구비한다.

04-07-2017 дата публикации

For storing system and method for the heat energy as supplementary energy in vehicle

Номер: CN104691279B
Принадлежит: ENERMOTION Inc


20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013137377A

1. Термоэлектрический модуль (1), который простирается в продольном направлении (9), с внешней трубкой (2) и расположенной внутри внешней трубки (2) внутренней трубкой (3), а также расположенным между ними промежуточным пространством (4), причем предусмотрены по меньшей мере одна первая полосовидная структура (5) и одна вторая полосовидная структура (7), первая полосовидная структура (5), начиная от первого соединения (6) на внутренней трубке (3), а вторая полосовидная структура (7), начиная от второго соединения (12) на внешней трубке (2), простираются в соответственно противоположных направлениях (11) по меньшей мере в одном периферическом направлении (8) или в продольном направлении (9) и, по меньшей мере, в периферическом направлении (8) или в продольном направлении (9), по меньшей мере, частично образуют перекрытие (10), причем в области перекрытия (10) расположена по меньшей мере одна пара полупроводниковых элементов (13).2. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1, в котором внешняя трубка (2) и внутренняя трубка (3) расположены относительно друг друга так, что тепловое расширение модуля (1) компенсируется за счет относительного перемещения (21) внешней трубки (2) относительно внутренней трубки (3).3. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором первое соединение (6) и второе соединение (12) расположены наклонно относительно периферического направления (8) или же продольного направления (9) термоэлектрического модуля.4. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором первые соединения (6) на внутренней трубке (3), а вторые соединения (12) на внешней трубке (2) проходят в виде спирали.5. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором, по меньшей мере, РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01L 35/32 (13) 2013 137 377 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013137377/28, 04.01.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): ЭМИТЕК ГЕЗЕЛЬШАФТ ФЮР ЭМИССИОНСТЕХНОЛОГИ МБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

25-11-2009 дата публикации

Exhaust heat exchanger with integrated catalyst

Номер: JP4372294B2
Принадлежит: T.RAD CO., L T D.

29-10-2021 дата публикации

Marine diesel tail gas carbon fixing device

Номер: CN113565601A
Принадлежит: Harbin Engineering University


25-03-1993 дата публикации

Patent DE3803644C2

Номер: DE3803644C2
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Thermoelectric generator module and thermoelectric generator

Номер: RU2528039C2

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to thermoelectric generators. A thermoelectric generator (2) has multiple modules (1), each having a first end (3) and a second end (4) and which consist of an internal pipe (5) and an external pipe (6) and thermoelectric elements (7) in between. The modules (1) at their first end (3) or second end (4) are attached by their internal pipe (5) or external pipe (6) to an electrical conductor (9). The electrical conductor (9) is laminated and has a first end face (14) and a second end face (15), as well as a lateral surface (16). The first end face (14) is connected to the second end face (15) by multiple openings (17). Each opening is designed to attach one corresponding module (1). The electrical conductor (9) has electroconductive contacts (18) for electrical connection with contacts (8) of separate modules (1). EFFECT: providing versatile or universal application in cars, including in existing types and models, providing reliable separation of fluid media and electrical contact. 8 cl, 15 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 528 039 C2 (51) МПК H01L 35/04 (2006.01) H01L 35/28 (2006.01) H01L 35/34 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011125551/28, 04.11.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.11.2009 (72) Автор(ы): Зигрид ЛИМБЕК (DE), Рольф БРЮКК (DE) 24.11.2008 DE 102008058779.6 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.03.2013 Бюл. № 8 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭМИТЕК ГЕЗЕЛЬШАФТ ФЮР ЭМИССИОНСТЕХНОЛОГИ МБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2014 Бюл. № 25 27.07.1965 . US 20050172993 A1, 11.08.2005 . US 4095998, 20.06.1978 . JP 2006294738 A, 26.10.2006. RU 2191447 C2, 20.10.2001 . SU 169620, 17.93.1965 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/007897 (04.11.2009) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.06.2011 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 5 2 8 0 3 9 WO 2010/057578 ...

23-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for recovery of heat engine and heat recovery system for engine (versions)

Номер: RU2623337C2

FIELD: machine engineering. SUBSTANCE: heat recovery method for an engine includes a reduction in the volume of circulating heat transfer fluid. Draining the heat storage device for heating the engine component. As well as the distribution of the circulating heat transfer fluid through the one or more systems of the engine. The options for heat recovery system for the engine are also disclosed. EFFECT: ensuring the availability of accumulated heat from the engine prior work at startup to provide fast warm-up of various components of the engine. 20 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 623 337 C2 (51) МПК F02G 5/02 (2006.01) F01P 11/02 (2006.01) F01P 7/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2013104467, 01.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.02.2013 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 03.02.2012 US 13/365,428 (45) Опубликовано: 23.06.2017 Бюл. № 18 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US2005229873 A1, 20.10.2005. US2010043413 A1, 25.02.2010. RU 2043532 C1, 10.09.1995. 2 6 2 3 3 3 7 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.08.2014 Бюл. № 22 R U 23.06.2017 (72) Автор(ы): ЛЕВИН Майкл (US), ШАИКХ Ф Зафар Зафар (US), ДЕМИТРОФФ Дэнрик Генри (US), МЭШ Дон (US), О'НИЛЛ Джим Патрик (US) 2 6 2 3 3 3 7 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ регенерации тепла для двигателя, включающий: уменьшение объема циркулирующей теплопередающей текучей среды; опорожнение устройства аккумулирования тепла для нагрева компонента двигателя; и распределение циркулирующей теплопередающей текучей среды по одной или более системам двигателя. 2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно включающий подзарядку устройства аккумулирования тепла посредством уменьшения ...

04-06-2007 дата публикации

Thermoelectric generator using for waste heat

Номер: KR20070056373A
Автор: 장달원
Принадлежит: 장달원

본 발명은 항공기 또는 자동차와 같이 동력을 발생시키는 장치의 엔진 및 배기구의 폐열을 회수하여 전기에너지로 변환시키기 위한 구조의 폐열을 이용한 열전발전장치에 관한 것으로, 폐열을 전기에너지로 변환시킬 수 있도록 동력발생장치의 엔진이나 배기구측에는 가열소자를 근접시키고, 공기 공급관측에는 냉각소자를 근접시킨 열전반도체로 이루어지는 열전모듈; 및 상기 열전모듈에서 발생된 전기에너지를 저장하기 위한 축전지로 구성되는 것을 특징을 한다. 열전모듈, 발전, 축전

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115630A

1. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) с внутренней краевой поверхностью (2) и внешней краевой поверхностью (4), которые соответственно соотнесены с горячей стороной (18) и холодной стороной (19), и расположенным между ними промежуточным пространством (17), а также геометрической осью (3) и по меньшей мере одним уплотнительным элементом (7), причем уплотнительный элемент (7), по меньшей мере, частично образует внутреннюю краевую поверхность (2) и только электрическим изоляционным слоем (16) отделен от расположенной там горячей стороны (18) или холодной стороны (19), и уплотняет промежуточное пространство (17), по меньшей мере, относительно холодной стороны (19) и имеет по меньшей мере один электрический проводник (8), который соединяет по меньшей мере один расположенный в термоэлектрическом модуле (1) термоэлектрический элемент (6) по меньшей мере с одним вторым электрическим проводником (9), который расположен вне термоэлектрического модуля (1).2. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1, в котором уплотнительный элемент (7) выполнен неразъемно.3. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором уплотнительный элемент (7) образован из нескольких слоев (10) и выполняет, по меньшей мере, следующие функции:- образование электрического проводника (8) для проведения электрического тока (15) через уплотнительный элемент (7) в направлении оси (3),- изоляционный слой (16) для электрической изоляции в радиальном направлении (11) термоэлектрического модуля (1),- уплотнение промежуточного пространства (17) относительно жидкой и/или газообразной среды (12).4. Термоэлектрический модуль (1) по п.1 или 2, в котором уплотнительный элемент (7) имеет по меньшей мере один электрический РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 115 630 A (51) МПК F01N 5/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013115630/06, 22.08.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ЭМИТЕК ГЕЗЕЛЬШАФТ ФЮР ЭМИССИОНСТЕХНОЛОГИ МБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle temperature control system

Номер: RU2753503C1
Автор: Юдзи МИЁСИ

Система управления температурой в транспортном средстве содержит сердечник нагревателя, используемый для обогрева салона транспортного средства с использованием тепла теплоносителя; первый нагревательный блок, который нагревает теплоноситель с использованием тепла выхлопных газов двигателя внутреннего сгорания; тепловой контур, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения циркуляции теплоносителя между сердечником нагревателя и первым нагревательным блоком; механизм переключения состояний распределения, который переключает состояние распределения теплоносителя между первым состоянием распределения и вторым состоянием распределения; и устройство управления, которое управляет механизмом переключения состояний распределения. Тепловой контур включает в себя обходной канал потока, расположенный параллельно сердечнику нагревателя. Достигается предотвращение снижения теплопроизводительности сердечника нагревателя из-за теплоносителя, который остается в трубопроводе теплоносителя между двигателем внутреннего сгорания и сердечником нагревателя, протекая через сердечник нагревателя. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 753 503 C1 (51) МПК B60H 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60H 1/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021105655, 05.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТОЙОТА ДЗИДОСЯ КАБУСИКИ КАЙСЯ (JP) Дата регистрации: 17.08.2021 10.03.2020 JP 2020-041158 (45) Опубликовано: 17.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 7 5 3 5 0 3 R U (54) СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТЕМПЕРАТУРОЙ В ТРАНСПОРТНОМ СРЕДСТВЕ (57) Реферат: Система управления температурой в первым состоянием распределения и вторым транспортном средстве содержит сердечник состоянием распределения; и устройство нагревателя, используемый для обогрева салона управления, которое управляет механизмом транспортного средства с использованием тепла переключения состояний распределения. теплоносителя; первый ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011109079A

1. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1), имеющее по меньшей мере первую фольгу (2) первой толщины (3), вторую фольгу (4) второй толщины (5), промежуточное пространство (6) между первой фольгой (2) и второй фольгой (4), электроизолирующее покрытие (7) на первой фольге (2) и на второй фольге (7) с их обращенных к промежуточному пространству (6) сторон, множество первых (8) и вторых (9) полупроводниковых частиц, зафиксированных в промежуточном пространстве (6) на электроизолирующем покрытии (7) и электрически соединенных между собой. ! 2. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1, у которого первая фольга (2) представляет собой стальную фольгу с хромом и алюминием в качестве легирующих добавок и с первой толщиной (3) в пределах от 30 до 300 мкм. ! 3. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, у которого первая фольга (2) имеет со своей обращенной от электроизолирующего покрытия (7) наружной стороны (10) слой-носитель (11) катализатора. ! 4. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, у которого множество первых (8) и вторых (9) полупроводниковых частиц электрически соединено между собой припоем (12) на электроизолирующем покрытии (7). ! 5. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, у которого множество первых (8) и вторых (9) полупроводниковых частиц имеет высоту (13) в пределах от 1 до 5 мм. ! 6. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, у которого первая фольга (2) и вторая фольга (4) непосредственно соединены между собой. ! 7. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) по п.1 или 2, у которого промежуточное пространство (6) заполнено заполнителем (14), в который по меньшей мере частично заключены первые (8) и вторые (9) полупроводниковые частицы. ! 8. Термоэлектрическое устройство (1) п РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2011 109 079 (13) A (51) МПК H01L 35/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011109079/28, 11.08.2009 (71) Заявитель(и): ЭМИТЕК ГЕЗЕЛЬШАФТ ФЮР ЭМИССИОНСТЕХНОЛОГИ МБХ (DE) ...

31-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112017000575T5
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

Eine Thermomanagementvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug umfasst: einen ersten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (12a) und einen zweiten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (11a), durch die ein Wärmeträger strömt; eine Abwärmezuführvorrichtung (21), die einem Wärmeträger, der durch den zweiten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (11a) strömt, eine Abwärme zuführt; einen Heizmittelkern (22), der eine Wärme zwischen einer Luft, die in ein Fahrzeuginneres geblasen werden soll und dem Wärmeträger tauscht, um die Luft zu erwärmen; ein Umschaltventil (40), das zwischen einem Zustand, in dem der Wärmeträger zwischen dem Heizmittelkern (22) und dem ersten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (12a) zirkuliert, und einem Zustand umschaltet, in dem der Wärmeträger zwischen dem Heizmittelkern (22) und dem zweiten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (11a) zirkuliert; einen Einstellabschnitt (31), der eine Temperatur des Wärmeträgers in dem ersten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (12a) einstellt; und ein Steuerungsmittel (60). Das Steuerungsmittel steuert einen Betrieb des Einstellabschnitts (31), sodass die Temperatur des Wärmeträgers in dem ersten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (12a) gleich wie oder höher als eine vorbestimmte Temperatur ist, wenn das Umschaltventil (40) den Wärmeträger zwischen dem Heizmittelkern (22) und dem zweiten Wärmeträgerpfadabschnitt (11a) zirkuliert. A thermal management apparatus for a vehicle includes: a first heat carrier path portion (12a) and a second heat carrier path portion (11a) through which a heat carrier flows; a waste heat supply device (21) that supplies a waste heat to a heat carrier flowing through the second heat carrier path section (11a); a heating core (22) that exchanges heat between an air to be blown into a vehicle interior and the heat carrier to heat the air; a switching valve (40) that switches between a state in which the heat carrier circulates between the heating core (22) and the first heat carrier path portion (12a), and a state in which the heat carrier between the heating core (22) and the ...

23-01-2019 дата публикации

Heat pump system for vehicle

Номер: KR101941026B1
Принадлежит: 한온시스템 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 히트 펌프 시스템에 관한 것으로써, 더욱 상세하게는 실내열교환기와 실외열교환기 사이의 냉매순환라인상에 냉매와 차량 전장품 냉각용 냉각수를 열교환시키는 수냉식 열교환기를 설치함과 아울러 차량 전장품 냉각용 냉각수가 순환하는 라디에이터를 상기 실외열교환기의 전방측에 배치함으로써, 실외열교환기의 착상을 지연 또는 방지할 수 있고, 에어컨 모드 및 히트펌프 모드에서 제습 기능을 수행할 수 있으며, 아울러 히트펌프 모드시 냉각수로부터 전달되는 추가적인 폐열로 인해 난방성능이 향상됨은 물론 저온에서도 히트펌프 모드를 작동할 수 있고, 에어컨 모드시에는 냉각수에 의한 추가적인 냉각효과로 냉방성능을 향상할 수 있는 차량용 히트 펌프 시스템에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a heat pump system for a vehicle, and more particularly, to a heat pump system for a vehicle, which comprises a water-cooled heat exchanger for exchanging heat between a refrigerant and a cooling water for cooling an automotive electrical equipment on a refrigerant circulation line between an indoor heat exchanger and an outdoor heat exchanger, By placing the radiator circulating the cooling water on the front side of the outdoor heat exchanger, it is possible to delay or prevent the concealment of the outdoor heat exchanger, to perform the dehumidification function in the air condition mode and the heat pump mode, The present invention relates to a heat pump system for a vehicle capable of operating a heat pump mode even at a low temperature and improving cooling performance by an additional cooling effect by cooling water in an air conditioning mode .
