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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 1247. Отображено 195.
20-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2192981C2

Изобретение относится к корпусам устройств для определения греющихся подшипников. Корпус состоит из нижней части и крышки. Крышка выполнена как каминная насадка со сходящимися к верхнему краю боковыми поверхностями. На внутренних сторонах ее имеется электрическое нагревательное устройство. На своем верхнем краю и вблизи него крышка имеет прорези для геометрии зондирования инфракрасного детектора. Нижняя часть корпуса может иметь еще одно электрическое нагревательное устройство и снабжена отверстиями для стока талой воды. Прорези крышки могут быть оборудованы запирающимися заслонками. Корпус установлен на участке пути так, что верхний край крышки расположен на расстоянии от верхнего края шпал, соответствующем минимально допустимому свободному пространству или световому пространству между плоскостью верхнего края рельсов и сканирующего устройства для определения местоположения греющихся подшипников или жесткого торможения. Технический результат - возможность использования устройства, установленного ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561180C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для оценки температуры (T) подшипника (1) колесной пары железнодорожной подвижной единицы с помощью вычислительной модели (Testimator). Вычислительная модель (Testimator) выполнена так, что в зависимости от скорости (v) движения и температуры (T) окружающей среды возле железнодорожной подвижной единицы в качестве входных параметров вычислительной модели (Testimator) можно оценивать температуру (T) соответствующего подшипника (1) колесной пары. При этом дополнительно измеряется температура отличного от подшипника (1) колесной пары конструктивного элемента (6) колесной пары, находящегося непосредственно или косвенно в теплообменной связи с подшипником (1) колесной пары, во время эксплуатации в качестве измеряемой температуры (T) оценивается температура отличного от подшипника (1) колесной пары конструктивного элемента (6) с помощью вычислительной модели (Testimator) в качестве оценочной температуры (T). Для повышения точности вычислительной модели ...

11-10-2022 дата публикации

Способ акустического контроля состояния буксовых узлов движущегося поезда

Номер: RU2781416C1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожному транспорту, а именно к постовым системам контроля технического состояния буксовых узлов движущегося поезда. В способе акустического контроля состояния буксовых узлов колесных пар движущегося поезда при прохождении поезда на измерительном участке протяженностью не менее 2,5 оборота колеса идентифицируют каждый буксовый узел каждой колесной пары и измеряют акустические шумы, сгенерированные каждым буксовым узлом, с помощью приемников акустического сигнала, каждый из которых преобразует акустический сигнал в электрический, который предварительно обрабатывают путем соответствующего усиления и фильтрации, преобразуют из аналоговой формы в цифровую и компенсируют искажения, вносимые электроакустическим трактом. Используя критерий максимума безразмерного дискриминанта, определяют оптимальный диапазон частот сигнала, в котором выделяют спектр огибающей сигнала. Для каждого буксового узла колесной пары вычисляют совокупность диагностических признаков непосредственно ...

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2381935C1

Изобретение относится к области автоматизации контроля состояния узлов подвижного состава железнодорожного транспорта. Устройство для мониторинга состояния букс колесных пар вагонов движущегося поезда содержит датчики, микропроцессор, активный приемопередатчик информации по радиоканалу и генератор электрического напряжения питания в составе подвижных магнитных элементов и неподвижных витков электрических проводников, размещенных под крышкой буксы. Дополнительно введены термостойкая кольцевая прокладка, электрически изолирующая крышку от буксы, многослойное коммутационное основание, неподвижно размещенное с внутренней стороны крышки, на котором установлены микропроцессор и электрорадиоэлементы приемопередатчика, и дисковый магнитопровод диаметром, равным диаметру торцевой поверхности оси колесной пары, установленный на многослойном коммутационном основании со стороны крышки буксы соосно с осью вращения колес. При этом четное число магнитов установлено на диске радиально и равномерно по линии ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU95301U1

Моделирующий стенд дефектов буксовых узлов, содержащий колесную пару с заданным дефектом или неисправностью или повреждением буксового узла, установленную на прокруточном станке, блок управления, один из входов которого подключен к управляющему входу прокруточного станка, размещенный в боксе приемник акустических сигналов, чувствительный элемент которого установлен на высоте расположения буксового узла колесной пары, одна из сторон бокса, обращенная к колесной паре, снабжена шторкой, механизм открывания/закрывания которой расположен в самом боксе и подключен управляющим входом к соответствующему выходу блока управления приводом механизма открывания/закрывания шторки, последовательно соединенные суммирующий усилитель, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок коррекции и процессор, выходы которого подключены к входам блока отображения, печатающего устройства и блока управления приводом, а также источник сигналов, имитирующих шумы, создаваемые движущимся поездом, выходом подключенный к одному ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU53254U1

Полезная модель относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, а именно к средствам контроля и учета работы ответственных деталей подвижного состава в частности к средствам для контроля состояния букс железнодорожных пассажирских вагонов, грузовых вагонов и любых других средств, применяемых на железнодорожном транспорте. Технический результат заявленной полезной модели предусматривает повышение надежности эксплуатации букс путем фиксирования и передачи текущего значения их нагрева, прогнозирования работоспособности букс и предотвращения аварийной ситуации. Устройство для дистанционного контроля температурного состояния букс подвижного состава включает корпус 1 и расположенные в нем датчик температуры 2, электронную метку 3, выполненную с возможностью передачи информации на приемники электромагнитного излучения 4, распложенные вдоль следования подвижного состава, при этом электронная метка 3 включает кодер 5, соединенный через модулятор 6 с приемопередающей антенной 7. Датчик температуры ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384444C1

Изобретение относится к области автоматизации контроля состояния узлов подвижного состава железнодорожного транспорта. Устройство для мониторинга состояния букс колесных пар вагонов движущегося поезда содержит датчики, микропроцессор, активный приемопередатчик, генератор электрического напряжения питания, в составе магнитного элемента, листового подвижного магнитопровода, витков электрических проводников, диодных выпрямителей и аккумуляторов. Дополнительно введены термостойкая кольцевая прокладка, электрически изолирующая крышку от буксы, многослойное коммутационное основание, защитная крышка элементов, размещенных на поверхности коммутационного основания, и листовой неподвижный магнитопровод. Многослойное коммутационное основание, в котором выполнены центральное и равномерно расположенные по окружности вокруг него периферийные отверстия, неподвижно размещено на внутренней стороне крышки. На многослойном коммутационном основании установлены микропроцессор, диодные выпрямители, аккумуляторы ...

16-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU8666U1

... 1. Сигнализатор нагрева, содержащий закрепленный на корпусе подшипникового узла корпус, на наружной торцевой поверхности которого выполнено осевое отверстие для выдвижного стержня, и термочувствительный плавкий элемент, отличающийся тем, что отверстие в корпусе выполнено сквозным, размещенный в нем упомянутый стержень подпружинен и снабжен фиксатором на конце.2. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус сигнализатора закреплен на корпусе подшипникового узла посредством резьбового соединения.3. Сигнализатор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный плавкий элемент размещен в проточке, образованной на стержне, и в радиальном отверстии, выполненном в прилегающей стенке корпусе, при этом отверстие имеет диаметр не менее ширины проточки, а на наружном торце корпуса выполнена метка, указывающая на расположение упомянутого радиального отверстия.4. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный плавкий элемент размещен на внутреннем торце корпуса сигнализатора.5 ...

11-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU193075U1

Полезная модель относится к рельсовому транспортному средству для высокоскоростного сообщения, содержащему ходовую часть с рамой (1), на которой установлена пара цельнокатаных колес (3), и тормозное устройство для затормаживания ходовой части. Тормозное устройство выполнено в виде колодочного тормоза, выполненного с возможностью взаимодействия, по меньшей мере, с одним цельнокатаным колесом (3), рядом с которым расположено бесконтактное устройство измерения температуры, выполненное с возможностью контроля температуры цельнокатаного колеса (3) в той его зоне, которая представляет ввод энергии в колесо через колодочный тормоз, при этом ходовая часть находится в сигнальной связи с устройством (8) обработки, которое выполнено с возможностью обработки идущих от предусмотренных бесконтактных устройств измерения температуры сигналов измеренных значений и определения по ним для цельнокатаного колеса (3) значения ввода энергии на основе процесса торможения, при этом для каждого цельнокатаного колеса ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2337030C1

Изобретение относится к области измерительной техники и может быть использовано для автоматизированного контроля технического состояния букс подвижного состава железнодорожного транспорта. Способ осуществляют с помощью активных приемопередатчиков, установленных на внешней стороне крышки буксы. Источником питания приемопередатчика служит закрепленный на торце оси колесной пары диск с магнитами, расположенный напротив обмотки проводов, выполненной в виде лепестков на внутренней стороне крышки буксы. Приемопередатчики считывают и передают информацию о состоянии букс на индикаторное устройство машинисту локомотива по радиоканалу беспроводной связи на протяжении всего времени движения поезда с заданным интервалом времени. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности контроля технического состояния букс движущегося поезда. 3 ил.

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2421358C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для формирования базы данных характерных признаков, свойственных определенным развивающимся дефектам, неисправностям и повреждениям буксового узла колесной пары. Моделирующий стенд содержит колесную пару с заданным дефектом или неисправностью или повреждением буксового узла, установленную на прокруточном станке, блок управления, одним из выходов подключенный к входу задания рабочих режимов прокруточного станка, приемник акустических сигналов, размещенный в боксе. Чувствительный элемент приемника установлен на высоте расположения буксового узла колесной пары. Одна из сторон бокса, обращенная к колесной паре, снабжена шторкой, механизм открывания которой расположен в самом боксе и подключен управляющим входом к соответствующему выходу блока управления. Стенд содержит последовательно соединенные усилитель акустического сигнала, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок коррекции, амплитудный детектор, преобразователь спектра и блок усреднения, а также блок ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2477237C1

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, а конкретнее к устройствам для обнаружения и индикации перегрева осевых подшипников. Устройство контроля температуры нагрева подшипников осей вагона содержит датчики температуры нагрева, размещенные в корпусах, установленных в отверстиях букс вагона, блок сравнения, вход которого соединен с источником опорного напряжения, а его выход соединен с первым входом блока световой индикации, блок звуковой индикации и источник питания устройства, подключенный к бортовой электросети вагона, блок памяти, фильтр нижних частот, логический блок формирования сигналов управления звуковой сигнализацией, блок фиксации короткого замыкания датчика на корпус и блок синхронизации. При этом дополнительно введены входной контур, преобразователь амплитуды импульсов, масштабный импульсный усилитель, линия задержки, блок контроля скорости изменения температуры и блок индикации. Датчик температуры выполнен в виде ферритового магнитопровода с обмоткой возбуждения ...

10-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96109290A

Устройство для обнаружения перегрева букс подвижного состава состоит из датчиков превышения допустимой температуры и блока сигнализации, установленные на каждой крышке буксы, отличающееся тем, что на крышке буксы выполнен блок сигнализации, в котором нанесено светящееся пятно, закреплены одним концом полоски ткани и установлена сжатая крышкой блока сигнализации пружина, причем крышка блока сигнализации закреплена, шплинтами-датчиками температуры, которые выполнены из легкоплавкого материала.

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95105919A1
Автор: Савиных Г.С.

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, а именно к устройствам контроля состояния букс пассажирских железнодорожных вагонов. Цель изобретения - повышение безопасности движения пассажирских железнодорожных вагонов за счет увеличения информативности устройства путем конкретизации местоположения неисправной буксы. Устройство состоит из сигнальной части, содержащей звонок, сигнальную лампу и ряд коммутирующих элементов, и контрольной части, включающей в себя контрольное реле, переключатель, амперметр, группу коммутирующих элементов и потенциометр, а также две цепочки, состоящие из четырех соединенных последовательно плавких датчиков, параллельно каждому из которых подключен контрольный резистор.

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008136260A

... 1. Акустический детектор дефектов подшипников в буксах движущихся железнодорожных вагонов, содержащий рупоры с микрофонами, датчики присутствия колеса, процессор акустического сигнала, отличающийся тем, что рупоры выполнены параболической формы, а микрофоны помещены в фокусы параболической части рупоров. ! 2. Акустический детектор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество рупоров с микрофонами, устанавливаемых против каждого рельса, выбрано числом не менее чем путь перемещения буксы за один оборот колеса, поделенный на сумму диаметров буксы и устья рупора. ! 3. Акустический детектор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что устье каждого рупора переходит в цилиндр, диаметр которого равен диаметру устья. ! 4. Акустический детектор по п.3, отличающийся тем, что процессор акустического сигнала содержит преобразователь аналог-код и компьютер.

10-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94038395A1

Изобретение относится к средствам контроля состояния рельсового подвижного состава и предназначено для оценки угла набегания колеса грузовых вагонов на рельс в условиях эксплуатации. Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей. Изобретение содержит рельсовый путь, колесную пару вагона, светоизлучатели светоприемники, блок обработки и регистратор. Новизна изобретения характеризуется тем,что светоприемники выполнены в виде линеек из расположенных с фиксированным шагом фотоэлементов, а блок обработки - в виде счетчика максимальной разности затемненных или засвеченных фотоэлементов правой и левой светоприемных линеек.

07-08-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для сигнализации о нагреве роликовых букс

Номер: SU1171387A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДОЯ СИГНАЛИЗАЦ О НАГРЕВЕ РОЛИКОВЫХ БУКС, содержащ контрольное реле, последовательно единенные термодатчики с легкоплав кими вставками и сигнальный блок. подключенный через контакт реле к источнику постоянного тока, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, оно снабжено генератором звуковой частоты, разделительными конденсаторами, которые установлены параллельно легкоплавким вставкам термодатчиков, которые снабжены электродами, включенными параллельно легкоплавким вставкам, причем между выходом генератора и контрольным реле параллельно разделительным конденсаторам подключен дополнительный конденсатор.

07-04-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля нагрева букс

Номер: SU1301740A1

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, а именно к устройствам контроля нагрева букс. Цель изобретения - повышение точности. Устройство содержит плавкие термоконтакты 1, установленные в буксе, зашунтированные резистором 6 и соединенные последовательно с сигнальным реле 2, параллельно которому через размыкающий контакт 2.1 этого реле подсоединена низкоомная обмотка дополнительного сигнального реле 3, через замыкающий контакт 3.1 которого подключен к источнику питания сигнальный звонок 5, а через второй размыкающий контакт 2.2 первого реле подключена к источнику питания сигнальная лампа 4. 1 ил. i Я I (Л 4; ...

08-09-1993 дата публикации

Detecting overheated bearings in railway vehicles

Номер: GB0002264759A

For the detection of overheated wheel bearings, a railway vehicle comprises an air-filled conduit system 12 in communication with the vehicle air-brake system 10, 11. The conduit system 12 includes, adjacent each wheel bearing, a detection device 14 having an outlet passage (18, Fig. 2) containing a body (19) of fusible alloy which is adapted to melt upon exceeding a predetermined temperature. Should any wheel bearing overheat, the fusible alloy melts, placing the conduit system 12 in communication with atmosphere. This, in turn, causes a main exhaust valve 27 in the vehicle air-brake system to open, thereby activating a warning and/or fail-safe device associated with the brake system. A test cock 26 and an isolation cock 28 are provided. ...

07-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002233761B

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322413T

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000147695A

24-03-2005 дата публикации

Wheel end assembly high-temperature warning system

Номер: AU2004273472A1

14-03-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000895196A

22-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1126378A

C A N A D A Title: IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO HOT-BOX SIGNALLING DEVICES Hot-box signalling devices are disclosed for indicating the presence of overheated bearings in vehicles such as rail cars. The device includes means defining a closed compartment containing a fluid and pressure-sensitive means communicating with said compartment. The compartment is arranged in thermal communication with a bearing of the vehicle so that increases in the temperature of the bearing cause increases in the pressure exerted by the fluid. The pressure-sensitive means is adapted to produce a signal when the pressure exerted by the fluid exceeds a predetermined threshold representing an over-temperature condition in the bearing. Preferably, the pressure-sensitive means takes the form of a plug normally closing an opening in the compartment, and a marker material, the plug and marker material being expelled when the pressure in the compartment reaches said predetermined threshold. In one aspect of the invention ...

18-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002444605A1

An apparatus for detecting a temperature of a railroad train wheel 202 or bearing 208 comprises a lens 602 positioned in close proximity to a railroad track 106 such that infrared radiation radiating 618 from the wheel 202 or hearing 208 of a train traversing the track 106 is collected by the lens 602 and directed toward a focal point 606 of the lens 602. The collected radiation 604 is indicative of the temperature of the wheel 202 or bearing 208. A fiber optic cable 510 has a first end 610 associated with the lens 602 for receiving the collected radiation 604 and a second end 614. The focal point 606 of the lens 602 is at the first end 610 of the fiber optic cable 510. The fiber optic cable 510 transmits the received radiation from the first end 610 to the second end 614. A detector 708 is positioned at a remote distance 512 from the railroad track 106 and is associated with the second end 614 of the fiber optic cable 510 for detecting the transmitted radiation. The detected infrared radiation ...

17-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002213820A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A thermal warning device (10) attaches to a wheel assembly of a railway car to detect high temperatures that may lead to bearing failure. In device (10), a temperature sensor (16) monitors the temperature of the wheel assembly and an electronic circuit (42) coupled to the temperature sensor (16) determines potential bearing failure based on the detected temperatures. Temperature sensor (16) adjustably extends into the wheel assembly to obtain accurate temperature readings. Electronic circuit (42) is situated away from the outer surface of the wheel assembly so as not to be subjected to heat from the wheel assembly and to freely dissipate heat produced by its own components. Upon determination of a warning condition, electronic circuit (42) transmits a warning signal to a wayside station or train crew. Optionally, the electronic circuit may include a wireless transmitter communicating with an in-cab receiver.

05-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002260906A1

An apparatus detects whether a bearing has exceeded a critical temperature. The bearing is of the type that is packed within a housing of a bearing assembly. The apparatus includes a detector body, a plug material, a pneumatic conduit and a mechanism capable of warning of either a change in pressure or a characteristic increase in the flow of gas or both. Designed to be incorporated within the housing, the detector body defines through itself a passage. Composed of a material that melts when exposed to a temperature that exceeds the critical temperature, the plug material is used to fill and seal a first end of the passage. Connected to a leading end of the pneumatic conduit is a source of pressurized gas. Connected to a terminal end of the pneumatic conduit is a second end of the passage. From its second end via the pneumatic conduit, the passage receives, and is pressurized by, the gas from the source of pressurized gas. Should the plug material melt, the mechanism will warn of the resulting ...

16-05-1921 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Anzeigen des Heisslaufens von rotierenden Maschinenteilen.

Номер: CH0000089348A
Принадлежит: FRITZ KUERBS

31-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000602397A5

15-02-2010 дата публикации

Method for hot box positioning at pivoted bogies of rail vehicle, involves conducting heat of pivoted bogie axle or wheel set axle by heat conducting material protruding from axle outwards to inwards into visibility zone of location

Номер: CH0000699282A2

The method involves conducting heat of the pivoted bogie axle or wheel set axle (2) by a heat conducting material protruding from the axle outwards to inwards into the visibility zone (5) of a location. The heat conduction takes place by a unit made of pin type heat conducting material and molded as a hollow shaft. An independent claim is included for a device for hot box positioning at pivoted bogies of rail vehicles positioned in interior.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000131205U

30-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000016570B1

Изобретение применимо для автоматизированного состояния колесной пары. Технический результат: обеспечение передачи информации в реальном времени. Сущность изобретения: система включает тела вращения, подпружиненные и прижатые к ободкам колес, приводимые во вращение от движения колес; датчики линейных перемещений, соединённые с телами вращения через штоки, передающие перемещения тел вращения на подпружиненный поршень, расположенный в цилиндре, размещённый на опоре, осевой вал тела вращения, передающий вращение генератору тока, на валах которого установлен датчик угловой скорости, передающий контроллеру сигнал, пропорциональный мгновенной скорости вращения колеса, температурные датчики, установленные на буксах колес, датчик линейного ускорения и аккумуляторы, генераторы тока, соединённые с осевыми валами тел вращения через гибкую связь, датчики угловой скорости, установленные на валах генераторов тока и соединённые с осевыми валами тел вращения через гибкую связь, выполненную с возможностью ...

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Device for error monitoring of chassis components of rail vehicles

Номер: CN0101678849B

The invention relates to a device (2) for the error monitoring of chassis components of rail vehicles, comprising at least one vibration sensor (28, 28', 28''). According to one embodiment of the invention, at least one vibration sensor (28, 28') is arranged on a bogie frame (4) or on a wheel set bearing (14 to 20) of an axis (22, 24) of a bogie (1) of the rail vehicle such that the detection direction (30, 30') thereof has a component in the moving direction (x-direction) or a component perpendicular to the moving direction (y-direction) and at the same time a component parallel to the vertical axis (z-direction) of the rail vehicle.

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Axle temperature detecting snow-proof and safety probe box for railway vehicle

Номер: CN0002552786Y

26-06-2013 дата публикации

Wireless temperature monitoring device for railway carriage

Номер: CN203020331U

04-12-2018 дата публикации

Based on surface acoustic wave technology train axle state monitoring device

Номер: CN0106394601B

29-07-2015 дата публикации

A vehicle running gear fault diagnosis method, device and system

Номер: CN102874276B

14-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003046589A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

L'invention concerne un dispositif de capteur de contrôle d'état de chemin de fer (10) configuré pour être fixé à un roulement de chemin de fer d'un véhicule de chemin de fer comportant au moins un capteur de vibration ; un moyen de détection d'un mouvement du véhicule de chemin de fer ; une unité de commande pour traiter au moins les signaux obtenus par le capteur de vibration pour déterminer un paramètre d'état de fonctionnement indiquant l'état de fonctionnement du roulement, dans lequel l'unité de commande est configurée pour déclencher des mesures en fonction d'au moins un état prédéterminé ; et un dispositif de communication sans fil pour communiquer le paramètre d'état de fonctionnement à un serveur de contrôle et de commande (40). Il est proposé de configurer l'unité de commande pour l'exploiter dans un mode de veille d'économie d'énergie et dans au moins un mode activé, dans lequel l'unité de commande est configurée pour passer du mode de veille au mode activé à la détection qu'un ensemble de conditions prédéterminées est satisfait, dans lequel ledit ensemble de conditions prédéterminées comporte la condition que le moyen de détection de mouvement détecte que le véhicule de chemin de fer est en mouvement. The invention relates to a railway state control sensor device (10) configured to be attached to a railway rolling stock of a railway vehicle having at least one vibration sensor; means for detecting a movement of the railway vehicle; a control unit for processing at least the signals obtained by the vibration sensor to determine an operating state parameter indicative of the operating state of the bearing, wherein the control unit is configured to initiate measurements as a function of at least one predetermined state; and a wireless communication device for communicating the operating state parameter to a control and control server (40). It is proposed to configure the control unit to operate in ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130061146A

12-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100016414A

The invention relates to a device (2) for the error monitoring of chassis components of rail vehicles, comprising at least one vibration sensor (28, 28', 28'). According to one embodiment of the invention, at least one vibration sensor (28, 28') is arranged on a bogie frame (4) or on a wheel set bearing (14 to 20) of an axis (22, 24) of a bogie (1) of the rail vehicle such that the detection direction (30, 30') thereof has a component in the moving direction (x-direction) or a component perpendicular to the moving direction (y-direction) and at the same time a component parallel to the vertical axis (z-direction) of the rail vehicle. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

08-09-2004 дата публикации

Dispositivo e método para a detecção remota da temperatura em rodas e mancais ferroviários

Номер: BR0303876A

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016175182A8
Автор: CAO, Yi

Provided is an axle bearing use status management system that is particularly useful in a railroad vehicle having no current collector or travel drive source, and with which, with a simple configuration, it is possible to manage the axle bearing use status. Mounted on a railroad vehicle (2) are a GPS receiver (12) and a communication device (14) for wirelessly transmitting the position information received by the receiver. A use status management device (18) is provided on the outside, and the use status management device (18) is provided with a travel distance calculation means (21) for calculating the distance traveled by the railroad vehicle (2) on the basis of data transmitted from the communication device (14) of the railroad vehicle (2). The railroad vehicle (2) is also provided with temperature sensors (13) for measuring the temperature of axle bearings (3), and the measured temperature is transmitted to the usage status management device (18) by the communication device (14).

17-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011029858A1

The invention relates to a method for predicting the temperature (Tin,p) of a wheel bearing (1) of a wheel of a vehicle for a future moment (t+Δtp) in relation to a present moment (t) or for a future time interval (t, t+Δtp) in relation to a present moment (t), on the basis of a course of the temperature (Tin) of the wheel bearing (1) in a past time interval (t-Δtb, t) in relation to the present moment (t), the predicted temperature (Tin,p) of the wheel bearing (1) being determined from the sum of the temperature (Tin) of the wheel bearing (1) at the present moment (t) and a corrective value (ΔTP) which is determined according to a change in at least one driving condition such as the speed (Δvtrain) and a change in the temperature (ΔTb) of the wheel bearing (1) within the past time interval (t-Δtb, t).

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005105536A1

A train integrity network system comprises bogie units which monitor critical parameters relating to the condition of bogie components and the rail track they are travelling on, an onboard server which controls the bogie units and a wireless network which enables communication between the server and the bogie units. Each bogie unit is powered by an electrical generator which utilises the rotation of the bogie wheels and has a processor which compares the critical parameters against defined standards in order to issue alerts to the train driver. The wireless network utilises master/slave base band role switching, has store-and-forward nodes which convey quasi real time data to the server and utilises frequency hopping modes.

18-07-2017 дата публикации

Railcar bearing and wheel monitoring system

Номер: US0009707982B1

A system which eliminates the need for wayside monitoring of railcar wheel bearings and wheels includes a temperature sensor located on the railcar in close proximity to the bogie; a measuring laser located on the railcar in close proximity to the bogie and arranged to monitor breakage; a power source for the temperature sensor and the measuring laser; and a wireless transmitter to transmit the data collected by the temperature sensor and the measuring laser.

14-06-1977 дата публикации

Thermal sensor and current generator

Номер: US0004029859A

In a system to prevent train derailment due to axle failure resulting from journal bearing overheating, a thermal sensor continuously monitors the temperature of the bearing and activates the brake system when the temperature exceeds a predetermined level. A thermally-responsive element located in the journal bearing housing physically deforms to activate a power source. The resulting signal initiates an electro-explosive brake line venting mechanism, which punctures and vents brake line to stop the train. Several configurations of the thermal sensor and the power source are possible.

29-05-2012 дата публикации

Wheel end assembly high-temperature warning system

Номер: US0008186403B2

The present invention is directed to a wheel end assembly having a high temperature warning system for giving a warning in the event that the temperature in the assembly reaches a predetermined value such as caused by hub bearing failure or a brake related failure. In one embodiment the system may be a stand-alone system for installation on any vehicle such as a trailer. In another embodiment the system may be combined with an automatic tire inflation system.

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2307040C2

Изобретение относится к средствам контроля технического состояния подвижного состава. На подвижных единицах размещены электронные кодовые датчики подвижных единиц и буксовых узлов с идентификационными номерами. На локомотиве размещены система автоведения состава, включающая в себя ЭВМ с визуализатором обстановки, устройство экстренного торможения и радиомодемы. Около путей размещены пункты считывания информации с кодовых датчиков подвижных единиц и буксовых узлов. Пункты считывания включают в себя датчики счета осей и постовое оборудование со считывателем и антенной и соединены через линию связи с ЭВМ оператора системы автоматической идентификации и формирования модели состава. Последняя соединена через линию связи с ЭВМ диспетчера станции. На локомотиве установлено приемопередающее устройство. Кодовые датчики буксовых узлов выполнены с возможностью изменения выходного кода. Каждый буксовый узел снабжен приемопередающим устройством и датчиками физических характеристик подвижной единицы, ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580587C1

Изобретение относится к области диагностики, а именно к способам оценки технического состояния однотипных механизмов машин, и может быть использовано, например, для оценки технического состояния узлов ходовой части транспортного средства. Способ диагностики технического состояния группы однотипных механизмов машин заключается в измерении текущих значений параметров, например температуры нагрева и вибрации каждого из контролируемой группы однотипных механизмов, работающих при одинаковых внешних условиях, оценке пределов разброса текущих значений параметров и сравнении их с пороговыми значениями, по превышению которых судят о наличии дефекта у отдельных механизмов в группе. Согласно способу назначают и вводят в качестве базового показателя в каждом цикле измерений медиану измеренных значений каждого измеряемого параметра, определяют размах верхних и нижних отклонений значений параметра от базового показателя, находят отношение размаха верхних отклонений параметра к размаху нижних отклонений ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2350502C1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожному транспорту, в частности к устройствам для настройки напольных средств бесконтактной тепловой диагностики ходовых частей подвижного состава по их инфракрасному (ИК) излучению. Устройство для настройки средств теплового контроля (СТК) ходовых частей подвижного состава включает несущий каркас с внешним кожухом, источник ИК-излучения - имитатор греющейся буксы, модулятор, электропривод для вращения модулятора, органы управления и разъем для подключения устройства к настраиваемым СТК. Устройство снабжено вентилятором для обдува модулятора наружным воздухом, датчиком температуры модулятора, датчиком положения модулятора, тепловым экраном и шторкой, выполненными из материалов с различной теплопроводностью в виде дисков с различным количеством отверстий и размещенными между модулятором и излучателем со свободной посадкой на валу электродвигателя, а также платой с микропроцессорным контроллером, органами управления и дисплеем для индикации температур и режимов ...

10-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82662U1

Устройство для контроля температуры, содержащее подключенные к источнику питания датчики температуры и реле, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит n каналов, где n≥1, каждый канал включает датчик в виде электрического программируемого термометра, управляющий транзистор, реле и резистор, при этом резистор включен параллельно электрическому термометру, подключенному к затвору управляющего транзистора, сток которого соединен с катушкой реле.

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU158669U1

... 1. Стенд серий СВ-01 вибродиагностики подшипников буксовых узлов колесных пар вагонов подвижного состава, содержащий раму с опорными стойками, устройство подъема и вывешивания колесной пары, механизм разгона колесной пары с двигателями, на валах которых закреплены ролики, подводимые к колесной паре пневмоцилиндрами, механизм осевого нагружения, создающий усилие на буксовые подшипники колесных пар и вибродатчики для выявления дефектов подшипников буксовых узлов колесных пар, соединенные с измерительной системой, отличающийся тем, что стенд содержит устройство для фиксации редуктора колесной пары вагона подвижного состава.2. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит дополнительные вибродатчики, размещаемые на корпусе редуктора, для выявления дефектов подшипников и зубчатой передачи редуктора колесной пары вагона подвижного состава.3. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство для фиксации редуктора колесной пары вагона подвижного состава выполнено в виде опоры, содержащей полку, в ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU109718U1

Система контроля параметров механического и электрического оборудования железнодорожного вагона, включающая радиодатчики температуры букс, соединенные по радиоканалу через приемопередатчик с центральным контроллером, датчик тока для аккумуляторной батареи и датчик тока для подвагонного генератора с клеммами выводов, блок питания, первый входной зажим которого подключен к плюсовой клемме сети питания, второй входной зажим - к минусовой клемме сети питания, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введены блок сопряжения и блок контроля остаточной емкости аккумуляторной батареи, радиодатчики температуры окружающей среды, температуры подшипников подвагонного генератора, температуры и уровня масла редуктора привода, при этом первый, второй, третий, четвертый и пятый измерительные входы центрального контроллера через блок сопряжения соединены с плюсовой и минусовой клеммами сети питания, плюсовой и минусовой клеммами сети вагона, клеммами первого и второго выводов датчика тока подвагонного генератора, клеммами ...

27-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95100127A

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожного транспорта, в частности к сигнальным устройствам на поездах, и позволяет расширить функциональные возможности устройства, снизить трудоемкость определения местонахождения перегретого подшипника на оси вагона и неисправного датчика, повысить надежность в работе устройства и долговечностъ его эксплуатации. Для этого датчики 1 температуры выполнены в виде обратных p-n-переходов полупроводниковых элементов и подключены и блоку 10 короткого замыкания на корпус и параллельно к блоку сравнения 2, к которому также подключен источник 3 опорного напряжения, сформированного блоком синхронизации 6. Блок синхронизации 6 соединен с датчиками 1 и блоком памяти 4, связанным с блоком сравнения 2. Выход блока памяти 4 с одной стороны напрямую связан с блоком логики 7, а с другой стороны - с ним же через фильтр нижних частот 8. Выходы блоков сравнения 2, короткого замыкания на корпус 10 и памяти 4 соединены с блоком световой индикации 5, а выход блока логики ...

10-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95105450A1
Автор: Карл Хан[DE]

Изобретение касается способа регулирования приводного и/или тормозного усилия тяговых двигателей единицы самодвижущегося подвижного состава при предельной величине силы сцепления колес с рельсами, при котором переход в нестабильную зону буксования определяют с помощью более сильного ускорения вращения колес, а возврат в стабильную зону буксования осуществляют снижением величины приводного или соответственно тормозного усилия, вслед за этим вновь повторяют снижение величины приводного или соответственно тормозного усилия. Для устройства, работающего с интегратором 13 в качестве бегунковой псевдооси, с помощью скорости вращения ведущей оси образуют разность скоростей вращения, рассматриваемую как мера проскальзывания колеса. С помощью дифференцирующего устройства 22 и первой производной по времени разности скорости вращения определяют переход в нестабильную зону буксования, причем при срабатывании предельной ступени 43 к интегратору 13 подводят дополнительную входную величину, которая противодействует ...

07-10-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для сигнализации о нагреве букс

Номер: SU1342795A1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожной поездной сигнализации, а именно к системам контроля Eiarpeea букс. Цель изобретения - повышение V надежности. При разрыве цепи термодатчиков 1, 2 ток в обмотке контрольного реле 3 прекращается и его контакты 3.1 в цепи сигнализации замыкаются . Если нажать кнопку переключателя направления тока, то его контакты 15, 16, 17, 18 переключаются. В случае обрыва шланга, соединяющего термодатчики тока в цепи нет, а в случае расплавления легкоплавкого сплава в термодатчике ток проходит через диоды 13 или 14, т.е. звуковой и световой сигналы сохраняются. 1 ил. Ю х СП ...

23-05-1988 дата публикации

Способ контроля аварийного состояния буксового узла подвижного состава

Номер: SU1397344A1

Изобретение относится к железнодорожной автоматике, а именно к определению состояния буксовых узлов подвижного состава. Цель изобретения - повышение точности. Способ заключается в определении температуры нагрева буксового узла, формировании сигнала, пропорционального температуре нагрева , сравнении его с сигналом, пропорциональным пороговому значению температуры , и формировании сигнала, пропорционального .рассогласованию температур , определении давления среды внутри буксового узла, формировании сигнала, пропорционального этому давлению , сравнении последнего с сигналом , пропорциональным пороговому значению давления, и формировании сигнала , пропорционального рассогласованию давлений и этого сигнала с сигналом, пропорциональным по совпадению моментов появления сигналов рассогласования температур и давления, определяют аварийное состояние буксового узла . 1 ил. (Л с ...

07-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1792855C

28-11-2002 дата публикации

Unfall-/Brandschutz bei Fahrzeugen

Номер: DE0010122183A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren für die Vermeidung von Unfällen durch Straßen-, Schienen- und Luftfahrzeugen. DOLLAR A Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, den eingangs geschilderten Unfällen in verbesserter Weise vorzubeugen. DOLLAR A Zur Lösung der Aufgabe der Erfindung wird eine Vorrichtung für die technische Überprüfung von Fahrzeugen bereitgestellt, die zwei zu beiden Seiten einer Fahrbahn oder spiegelsymmetrisch an einem Fahrzeug angebrachte Detektoren aufweist. Die Detektoren sind so positioniert, dass physikalische Eigenschaften bei zwei symmetrisch am Fahrzeug angebrachten Einrichtungen gemessen werden können. Solche Einrichtungen sind beispielsweise Reifen sowie Radlager an einem Auto. Eine physikalische Eigenschaft im Sinne der Erfindung ist beispielsweise die Geräuschentwicklung oder die auftretende Temperatur beim Reifen oder dem Radlager. DOLLAR A Die Vorrichtung umfasst eine Auswerteeinheit, mit der eine Differenz zwischen zwei zeitgleich durch ...

14-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001393697A

... 1393697 Indicating conditions of railway track FRANZ PLASSER BAHNBAUMASCHINEN-INDUSTRIE GmbH 28 July 1972 [4 Oct 1971] 35380/72 Heading B7N [Also in Division G1] A mobile machine for determining the gauge of a railway track having two rails comprises two wheels 18 of which the treads 181 are subject to vertically directed components of the forces acting on the wheel while the flanges 1811 are subject to the horizontally directed components, the wheels being rotatably mounted on pivotal arms 19a, 19b respectively connected by a joint 20 arranged above the centre-line of the track and of which the pivotal axis runs parallel to the longitudinal direction of the track, a measuring device in the form of a flexural bar 22, e.g. a leaf spring is connected rigidly to pivotal arm 19a and pivotally to arm 19b, the bar having foil resistance strain gauges cemented thereto. The wheels are pressed on to the rails by hydraulic cylinders 8 connected to the machine chassis 3 and are kept ...

04-03-1946 дата публикации

Signal device for railway cars

Номер: GB0000575748A

... 575,748. Signalling on trains. ZACHRISSON, O. April 4, 1944, No. 6275. Drawings to Specification. [Class 105] To notify the driver of the derailment of a coach an electric line wire extending along the train is connected to contact arms on the coaches normally disposed some little distance from the rails but contacting therewith or with the earth when the coach is derailed thereby to operate a signal in the cab. The contact arms are preferably spring arms mounted in an insulated manner on the axlebox and may have an associated fusible-plug connection whereby a hot axle-box is signalled when the melted metal completes a connection to the framework of the coach. The signalling current may operate a release magnet for a spring lever which opens the brake piping when this piping extends over a vehicle without brakes, Fig. 8 (not shown), but when the derailed vehicle is one fitted with brakes the release magnet frees a spring lever which moves a mechanism to prevent the brakes on this vehicle ...

25-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407981B

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000417772T

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA17502000A

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000547698T

15-01-2010 дата публикации

Measuring section AT a RAIL

Номер: AT0000453854T

25-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323785B

24-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002538287A1

The present invention is directed to a wheel end assembly having a high temperature warning system (10) for giving a warning in the event that the temperature in the assembly reaches a predetermined value such as caused by hub bearing failure or a brake related failure. In one embodiment, the system may be a stand-alone system for installation on any vehicle such as a trailer. In another embodiment, the system may be combined with automatic tire inflation system (100).

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364786C
Принадлежит: SKF INDUSTRIE S.P.A.

A railway axle hub unit of the type comprising an axle box housing (1) for supporting a bearing, is provided with a sensor body (3, 9) containing sensors (4, 5) for detecting vibration in the vertical direction and the horizontal axial direction. The sensor body is mounted onto a stationary support element (2, 1, 15) rigidly secured to the bearing, preferably an annular sealing insert. The sensors perform monitoring of the operation condition of the hub unit by generating and transmitting signals indicative of the detected level of vibration to an electronic processing unit mounted on board of the railway vehicle or the train. The processing unit is capable of signalling in real time an impending failure and/or a damaged condition associated with the monitored hub unit.

18-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002042628A1

LIMIT SENSING INDICATOR A limit sensing device (14) for permanently indicating when a predetermined temperature limit has been reached in a fluid conduit, includes a housing (20) mounted on the conduit in heat transmitting relation with the fluid and an indicator (30) movable in the housing (20) between a retracted position and an activated, non-resettable, extended position to provide a visual indication that the predetermined temperature limit has been reached. The indicator (30) is biased outwardly towards the activated position and a retainer in the form of an annulus formed of fusible material (40) normally secures the indicator in the retracted position within the housing against the forge of a biasing spring (42) until the predetermined temperature has been reached causing the retainer to melt or fuse and thereby release the indicator to move outwardly to the extended position providing a visual indication signaling that an overtemperature condition has been reached in the fluid ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000063516U

Система контроля нагрева букс тележек пассажирского вагона включает расположенные на буксовых узлах тележек датчики температур, электронное устройство для обработки выходных сигналов датчиков температур и средства оповещения и сигнализации. Датчики температур подключены к микропроцессорному блоку обработки сигналов, подключенному к бортовому регистратору, оборудованному дисплеем для отображения выходных сигналов интегральных датчиков температур.

26-02-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000123219U

27-07-2011 дата публикации

Temperature-measuring error correction method, equipment and system

Номер: CN0102133899A

The invention discloses a temperature-measuring error correction method, equipment and a system, relating to the technical field of infrared journal temperature detection. In the invention, temperature-measuring errors can be fast corrected in time, the temperature-measuring accuracy of a probe is corrected accurately, the accuracy rate of detected data is improved, the performance of an infraredjournal temperature detection system is improved and the safety of railway transportation is guaranteed. The temperature-measuring error correction method provided by the embodiment of the invention comprises the steps of: acquiring temperature-measuring data of a temperature-measuring object sent by a detection station; determining the type of a temperature-measuring mode corresponding to the temperature-measuring data; according to the type of the temperature-measuring mode and the temperature-measuring data, calculating to obtain correction data of the temperature-measuring data; utilizingthe ...

06-03-2002 дата публикации

Bearing with sensor module

Номер: CN0001080396C
Принадлежит: Timken Co

一种使轴(4)在轴座(2)内以最小摩擦旋转的减摩轴承(A)包括一个安装于轴座内开口( 12)内通常为简状的外滚圈(46),一个套在轴上的内滚圈(48),和在内、外滚圈的滚道之间成行布置的滚动元件。外滚圈有一个筒形外表面(56),而容纳轴承的开口带有一个平壁(14、16)。一个稳定楔块(C)可以背靠外滚圈的筒形表面连接到外滚圈上,并且楔块沿轴承座开口的平表面安装以防止外滚圈在轴承座开口内转动。一个传感器组件(B)位于轴承环境中,且带有产生反映轴承工作状况的信号的多个传感器。这些被监测的状况有速度、温度的振动。

26-08-2015 дата публикации

EMUs are with fusing relay

Номер: CN204586919U

22-05-1996 дата публикации

Floor drain

Номер: CN0002227692Y

07-08-1926 дата публикации

Device warning signal of the heating or the overheating of mechanical devices, furnaces, or similar apparatuses

Номер: FR0000609067A
Автор: Gustaf Martin Trobeck

31-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003049553B1

03-09-1993 дата публикации

System of detection of stages overheated in a railway vehicle

Номер: FR0002687973A1

La présente invention concerne un système destiné à être utilisé pour la détection de paliers surchauffés dans un véhicule ferroviaire, comprenant un système de conduits remplis d'air (10, 22, 24, 25, 29). Ce système est caractérisé en ce que le système de conduits comporte au moins une soupape de sortie normalement fermée et une unité de détection (14) qui, en cours d'utilisation, est disposée en liaison thermique avec un palier de roue du véhicule, l'unité de détection (14) contenant un corps en matière fusible adapté de manière à fondre lors du dépassement d'une température prédéterminée, la fusion du corps en matière fusible étant adaptée de manière à ouvrir la soupape de sortie normalement fermée et à placer ainsi le système de freinage pneumatique (11) du véhicule en communication avec l'échappement.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Приспособление для идентификации кассетных подшипников в корпусе буксы

Номер: RU0000205038U1

Полезная модель относится к области железнодорожного транспорта и применяется для идентификации подшипников кассетного типа в корпусах букс железнодорожных транспортных средств.Поставленная задача решена тем, что предлагаемая полезная модель позволяет задать определенный порог уровня срабатывания тревожной сигнализации средств теплового контроля, что исключает возможность ложного срабатывания и, следовательно, уменьшить количество необоснованных задержек поездов с рабочим нагревом кассетных подшипников или пропуски аварийных букс с роликовыми подшипниками.В состав устройства входит тонкая стальная пластина, в виде согнутого листа с возможностью установки с двухсторонним закреплением на корпусе буксового узла и закреплением с обеих сторон боковой рамой.Таким образом, предлагаемая полезная модель обеспечит своевременное идентифицирование подшипников кассетного типа средствами диагностики в эксплуатации, что позволит автоматически устанавливать для вагонов с кассетными подшипниками более высокие уровни тревожной сигнализации, таким образом, исключая необоснованные задержки поездов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 038 U1 (51) МПК F16S 1/00 (2006.01) B61F 15/20 (2006.01) B61K 9/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16S 1/00 (2021.01); B61F 15/20 (2021.01); B61K 9/04 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137221, 12.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 24.06.2021 Бюл. № 18 2 0 5 0 3 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2705735 C1, 11.11.2019. RU 2453459 C2, 20.06.2012. SU 384716 A1, 29.05.1973. CN 104709311 A, 17.06.2015. US 10539179 B2, 21.01.2020. AU 2008352344 A1, 11.09.2009. (54) Приспособление для идентификации кассетных подшипников в корпусе буксы (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области В состав устройства входит тонкая стальная железнодорожного транспорта и применяется пластина, в ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Train and Rail Yard Management System

Номер: US20170021847A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A rail yard management system and method that takes advantage of infrastructure installed in rail yards and on train consists to allow the management of the assembly, disassembly and validation of train consists in the rail yard. A train management system and method is also provided. 1. A rail yard management system for managing railcars having a railcar-based mesh network overlaid thereon , and train consists having a train-based mesh network overlaid thereon comprising:a rail yard-based mesh network having one or more powered wireless gateways deployed in said rail yard as nodes; and (a) logically assembling train consists;', '(b) validating assembled train consists; and', '(c) logically disassembling train consists., 'said system configured for performing the functions of2. The rail yard management system of wherein said system performs the further function of validating disassembled train consists.3. The rail yard management system ofwherein said railcar-based mesh network comprises a communication management unit mounted on a railcar; andwherein said train-based mesh network comprises a powered wireless gateway and said one or more of said communication management units in a mesh network configuration; andwherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit, each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.4. (canceled)5. The rail yard management system of wherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit claim 3 , each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.6. The rail yard management system of wherein said function of logically assembling ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023868A1
Автор: FALTA Michal

A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor, a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device, a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code. A device has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it. The ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle. The mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned, at least one coil (), preferably four coils () being positioned along its perimeter. The device () for communication of measured quantities is a wireless transmitter with a GSM interface or radio-frequency interface configured for communication of measured values together with the identification code () of the axle to an external processing unit. 112534. A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor , a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device , a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code , characterized in that it has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it.2444a,b. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle.355555abcc. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned claim 1 , at least one coil () claim 1 , preferably four coils () ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032840A1
Автор: James Denman H.

An assembly is provided that includes a shaft, a bearing, a stator seal element, a rotor seal element and a shield. The shaft extends along an axis. The bearing supports the shaft and receives lubrication fluid. The stator seal element circumscribes the shaft. The rotor seal element is mounted on the shaft axially between the bearing and the stator seal element. The rotor seal element forms a seal with the stator seal element. The shield substantially prevents the lubrication fluid from traveling axially away from the bearing onto the rotor seal element. 1. A turbine engine assembly , comprising:a turbine engine shaft extending along an axis;a bearing including an inner race and an outer race, wherein the inner race is mounted on the shaft and is separated from the outer race by a gap;a rotor seal element mounted on the shaft; anda shield substantially blocking an axial line of sight between the gap and the rotor seal element.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotor seal element includes a seal surface that faces away from the bearing.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shield comprises an annular rotor shield that is mounted on the shaft axially between the inner race and the rotor seal element.4. The assembly of claim 3 , whereinthe inner race extends radially outward to an outer surface with a first radius;the outer race extends radially inward to an inner surface with a second radius; andthe shield extends radially outward to an outer surface with a third radius that is greater than the first radius and less than the second radius.5. The assembly of claim 3 , whereinthe outer race extends radially inward to an inner surface with a first radius; andthe shield extends radially outward to an outer surface with a second radius that is one of substantially equal to and greater than the first radius.6. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the shield includes a sleeve and an annular flange claim 3 , the sleeve is mounted on the shaft claim 3 , and the flange ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032709A1

Products and methods are provided for controlling thermal expansion. In various exemplary embodiments, a structure includes a body constructed of a material exhibiting a first coefficient of linear thermal expansion. A component is disposed inside the body and exhibits a second coefficient of linear thermal expansion that is lower than the first coefficient of linear thermal expansion. A layer is wrapped around the body and constrains thermal expansion of the body. The layer includes a composite containing fibers that are aligned with one another to constrain expansion in a desired direction or in multiple directions. The layer is independently useful to provide a retention function for the body. 1. A structure comprising:a body comprised of a material exhibiting a first coefficient of linear thermal expansion;a component disposed inside the body and exhibiting a second coefficient of linear thermal expansion that is lower than the first coefficient of linear thermal expansion; anda layer wrapped around the body the layer configured to constrain thermal expansion of the body and configured to maintain contact between the body and the component, the layer comprising a composite containing fibers that are aligned with one another.2. The structure of wherein the body is cylindrical and has a circumference around the body defining a circumferential direction wherein the fibers are aligned in the circumferential direction.3. The structure of wherein the body is formed of an aluminum alloy and the component is formed of steel and wherein the layer constrains thermal expansion of the body toward the second coefficient of linear thermal expansion.4. The structure of wherein a number of grooves are formed in the body and the layer is formed on the body including in the grooves.5. The structure of wherein the grooves are dovetail shaped and extend from an outer circumference of the body into the body to a bottom claim 4 , wherein the grooves have a first width at the outer ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040713A1
Принадлежит: MTU Aero Engines AG

A roller bearing, particularly a needle bearing, for arranging on a pivot pin of a variable guide vane of a turbomachine, is disclosed. The roller bearing includes at least one radially elastic needle which has two opposing end regions and at least one roller region arranged between the end regions and constructed in a cross-sectionally thickened manner. The end regions roll off at associated raceways of a bearing housing of the roller bearing and the roller region is arranged in the region of an associated groove of the bearing housing. A variable guide vane with at least one such roller bearing, a housing of a turbomachine with such a guide vane, as well as a turbomachine, is also disclosed. 1. A roller bearing for arranging on a pivot pin of a variable guide vane of a turbomachine , comprising:a radially elastic needle which has two opposing end regions and a roller region arranged between the two end regions, wherein the roller region has an average cross-sectional thickness that is greater than an average cross-sectional thickness of the needle; anda bearing housing;wherein the two end regions roll off at respective raceways of the bearing housing and wherein the roller region is disposed in a region of a groove of the bearing housing.2. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region does not contact the bearing housing when the needle is in a no-load state.3. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region is disposed in a center of the needle.4. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein an axial length of the roller region is between 5% and 50% of a total length of the needle and/or the average cross-sectional thickness of the roller region is between 105% and 180% of the average cross-sectional thickness of the needle.5. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region has an essentially cylindrical or spherical shape.6. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the needle has a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038413A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

This abnormality diagnosis system is provided with: a bearing comprising a plurality of constituent members; a sensor that is installed on a constituent member and detects signals from the surroundings; and an abnormality diagnosis device that diagnoses, on the basis of signals output from the sensor, abnormalities in the rolling bearing or in a device located at the periphery of the rolling bearing. 1. An abnormality diagnosis system comprising:a bearing that has a plurality of components;one sensor that is provided at the component and that is configured to detect surrounding signals; andan abnormality diagnosis device that is configured to diagnose abnormality of the bearing and abnormality of a device disposed around the bearing, based on signals output from the sensor.2. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the abnormality diagnosis device determines that the bearing or the device is abnormal claim 1 , when an output value of the sensor increases or exceeds a predetermined threshold value.3. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided in the vicinity of an axial end portion of a bearing ring of the bearing.4. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided in the vicinity of a raceway surface of a bearing ring of the bearing.5. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a temperature sensor.6. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a vibration sensor.7. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a load sensor.8. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided at a fixed ring of the bearing.9. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided at a rotary ring of the bearing. The present invention relates to an abnormality diagnosis system.A machine facility such as a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047598A1

A bearing monitoring device of a railcar configured to monitor a bearing of a bogie supporting a carbody includes: a receiving unit configured to receive a data piece of a bearing temperature and at least one of a data piece of a load and a rotating speed of the bearing; and a diagnostic unit configured to, when a monitoring value exceeds a variable threshold, determine that an abnormality of the bearing has occurred, the monitoring value being at least one of a temperature value and a temperature increase rate, the at least one of the temperature value and the temperature increase rate being obtained from the data piece of the temperature of the bearing received by the receiving unit, wherein when at least one of a value of the data piece of the load and of the rotating speed decreases, the diagnostic unit lowers the variable threshold. 1. A bearing monitoring device of a railcar , the bearing monitoring device being configured to monitor a bearing of a bogie supporting a carbody ,the bearing monitoring device comprising:a receiving unit configured to receive a data piece of a temperature of the bearing and at least one of a data piece of a load of the bearing and a data piece of a rotating speed of the bearing; anda diagnostic unit configured to, when a monitoring value exceeds a variable threshold, determine that an abnormality of the bearing has occurred, the monitoring value being at least one of a temperature value and a temperature increase rate, the at least one of the temperature value and the temperature increase rate being obtained from the data piece of the temperature of the bearing received by the receiving unit, whereinwhen at least one of a value of the data piece of the load and a value of the data piece of the rotating speed decreases, the diagnostic unit lowers the variable threshold.2. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 1 , wherein:the variable threshold includes a first variable threshold and a second variable threshold; andwhen at ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050651A1

A system for monitoring operation of a railcar having one or more sensing units, mounted on the railcar, for monitoring operating parameters and or conditions of the railcar, and a communication management unit, in wireless communication with the sensing units, wherein the system can make a determination of an alarm condition based on data collected the sensing units. A temperature sensor device for use in such a system is also provided. 136-. (canceled)37. A method of monitoring operational characteristics of a railcar comprising the steps of:a. receiving data or processed information regarding said operational characteristic from one or more sensing units on said railcar, said sensing units monitoring an operational characteristic of said railcar;b. applying a heuristic to said received data to determine deviations from nominal operating conditions;c. assigning a severity level to said deviations from nominal operating conditions; andd. determining an alarm condition based on said assigned severity level.38. The method of further comprising the initial step of establishing wireless communication with said one or more remote sensing units.39. The method of wherein said one or more remote sensing units form a mesh network.40. The method of wherein steps a-d are executed by a processing unit located on said railcar.41. The method of wherein said processing unit located on said railcar is a part of said mesh network.42. The method of further comprising the step of transmitting said alarm condition to a location remote from said railcar.43. The method of further comprising the step of transmitting said data received from said one or more sensing units to a location remote from said railcar.44. The method of further comprising the steps of:a. receiving data from a plurality of railcars;b. applying a heuristic to said received data to determine deviations from nominal operating conditions;c. assigning a severity level to said deviations from nominal operating conditions; ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049594A1

A temperature abnormality detection system includes: measurement devices; and a processor to determine temperature abnormality using a first temperature T a second temperature T and a third temperature T The processor determines occurrence of temperature abnormality when any one of following conditions is satisfied: 1. A temperature abnormality detection system comprising:measurement devices each configured to measure, at a corresponding one of points on a ground through which a railroad vehicle runs sequentially, a temperature of an underfloor device of the railroad vehicle that passes the corresponding point; and{'b': 1', '2', '1', '3', '2, 'a processor configured to perform determination of temperature abnormality based on a first temperature T, a second temperature T at a point which the railroad vehicle passes after a measurement point of the first temperature T, and a third temperature T at a point which the railroad vehicle passes after a measurement point of the second temperature T, among the temperatures measured by the measurement devices,'}{'b': 0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'wherein the processor uses threshold values A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, and A, which are specified previously, and determines whether or not a temperature abnormality occurred when any one of following Conditions (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) is satisfied{'b': 1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0, '(A) (T>A) or (T>A) or (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '2', '1', '2', '2', '3', '3, '(B) (T>A) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T<0)) and (T>A) and (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '3', '3, '(C) (T>A) and (T−T>A) and (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '3', '2', '5', '3', '1', '6, '(D) (T>A) and (T−T>A) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T>A)); and'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '0', '3', '2', '7', '3', '1', '8', '1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0, '(E) (T>A) and (T−T<) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T>A)), where A Подробнее

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051790A1

A bearing device has rolling bearings each having an inner ring mounted on a main shaft and an outer ring; an inner ring spacer interposed between the inner rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and mounted on the main shaft; an outer ring spacer interposed between the outer rings of the neighboring rolling bearings; and a cooling structure. The cooling structure includes a nozzle provided in the outer ring spacer to supply a cooling fluid to the rolling bearings by blowing the cooling fluid to an outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer. The nozzle has a discharge port side that is inclined forwardly with respect to a direction of rotation of the main shaft. The outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer is shaped to guide the cooling fluid, discharged from the nozzle, towards the neighboring rolling bearings on both sides. 1. A bearing device having a plurality of axially juxtaposed rolling bearings , each of the rolling bearings having an inner ring mounted on a main shaft and an outer ring accommodated in a housing; an inner ring spacer interposed between the inner rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and mounted on the main shaft; an outer ring spacer interposed between the outer rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and accommodated in the housing; and a cooling structure , the cooling structure comprising:a nozzle provided in the outer ring spacer and configured to supply a cooling fluid to the rolling bearings by blowing the cooling fluid to an outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer, the cooling fluid including at least one of air and oil,wherein the nozzle has a discharge port side that is inclined forwardly with respect to a direction of rotation of the main shaft, andthe outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer is shaped to guide the cooling fluid, discharged from the nozzle, towards the neighboring rolling bearings on both sides.2. The bearing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the discharge port of ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Railroad vehicle bearing malfunction sensing system

Номер: US20150057956A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A railroad vehicle bearing malfunction sensing system which is able to accurately determine a malfunction of an axle bearing in each vehicle of a train. The system includes: a plurality of data loggers mounted on a plurality of axle bearings, respectively, in at least one vehicle of a single-line train, each logger including: a detection/recording to detect vibration of the bearing and record detected vibration detection data; and a wireless communication to receive a recording start command for starting recording of the vibration detection data by the detection/recording; and a simultaneous recording start command to simultaneously and wirelessly transmit recording start commands to the loggers respectively corresponding to the bearings.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058504A1
Автор: Campbell Andrew

A sensor unit for a bearing includes a main body, a sensor holder and a mounting bracket. The sensor holder has a measurement surface in a first plane on which at least one sensor is provided for measuring an operating parameter of the bearing. Each mounting bracket has an attachment portion having an attachment surface. The sensor unit is configured to contact the bearing ring that forms part of an assembly in which the bearing is mounted. The sensor holder has one or more extendable legs that are extendable in a longitudinal direction perpendicular to the first plane, such that the measurement surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body. 1. A sensor unit for a bearing , comprisinga main body,a sensor holder, andone or more mounting brackets, whereinthe sensor holder has a measurement surface in a first plane and includes at least one sensor for measuring an operating parameter of the bearing when the measurement surface is in contact with a component of the bearing, wherein each mounting bracket provides an attachment portion having an attachment surface, wherein the sensor unit, is configured to be in contact with a component of the bearing or a component of a bearing assembly that includes the bearing,the sensor holder includes one or more extendable legs, which are extendable in a longitudinal direction perpendicular to the first plane, such that the measurement surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body; andthe one or more mounting brackets are linearly movable and pivotably relative to the main body, such that:the sensor unit has a first attachment position, in which the measurement surface and the attachment surface lie on parallel planes and the attachment surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body; and has a second attachment position in which the measurement surface and attachment surface lie in perpendicular planes and the attachment surface is adjustable in a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063794A1

A method for fixing a fiber having a fiber Bragg grating sensor segment onto a component configured to undergo changes in strain and/or temperature. The method providing the steps of stretching at least a section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment by a defined and calibrated preload into a preloaded condition, fixing the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment being in the preloaded condition on a carrier element, and fixing the carrier element onto the component, as well as a bearing device with such a fiber. 1. A method for fixing a fiber having a fiber Bragg grating sensor segment onto a component configured to undergo changes in strain and/or temperature , comprising the steps:{'b': '2', 'i) stretching at least a section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment () by a defined and calibrated preload into a preloaded condition,'}ii) fixing the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment being in the preloaded condition on a carrier element,iii) fixing the carrier element onto the component.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is a bearing ring.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step ii) the fixing of the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment on the carrier element is carried out by gluing and/or mechanical interlocking and/or fitting and/or wherein in step iii) the fixing of the carrier element onto the component is carried out by gluing or welding.4. A bearing device comprisinga bearing ring,a fiber having at least one fiber Bragg grating sensor segment,a carrier element, whereinat least a section of the fiber including the at least one fiber Bragg grating sensor segment is fixed in a defined and preloaded condition on the carrier element and the carrier element is fixed onto the bearing ring.5. The bearing device according to claim 4 , wherein the bearing ring provides a groove and the carrier ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071105A1

Provided is a bearing monitoring device of a railcar, the railcar being constituted by coupling a plurality of cars including carbodies and bogies, the bearing monitoring device including: bearing temperature sensors provided at the respective bogies and configured to directly or indirectly detect temperatures of bearings of the bogies; at least one state sensor provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to be used for calculating loads or rotating speeds of the bearings; and a storage unit provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to store data pieces of signals detected by the bearing temperature sensors and the state sensor. 1. A bearing monitoring device of a railcar , the railcar being constituted by coupling a plurality of cars including carbodies and bogies ,the bearing monitoring device comprising:bearing temperature sensors provided at the respective bogies and configured to directly or indirectly detect temperatures of bearings of the bogies;at least one state sensor provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to be used for calculating loads or rotating speeds of the bearings; anda storage unit provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to store data pieces of signals detected by the bearing temperature sensors and the state sensor.2. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 1 , further comprising a diagnostic unit configured to diagnose states of the bearings based on the data pieces stored in the storage unit.3. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 2 , wherein the diagnostic unit diagnoses the states of all the bearings of the bogies.4. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 2 , wherein:the at least one state sensor includes an air spring pressure sensor configured to detect an internal pressure value of an air spring interposed between the carbody and the bogie; andthe ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076586A1
Автор: Campbell Andrew

A bearing device including a clamping ring for retaining and preloading a bearing in a housing, and a sensor unit for detecting at least one state variable of the bearing. The sensor unit is embedded in a recess of the clamping ring. 1. A bearing device including:a clamping ring adapted to retain and preload a bearing in a housing,wherein the clamping ring includes a contact surface which is adapted to come in contact with an axial end face of an outer ring of the roller bearing and a sensor unit including at least one of: a temperature sensor, an acoustic emission sensor, and a vibration sensor for detecting at least one state variable of the bearing,wherein the sensor unit includes at least one metallic contact plate for establishing a good mechanical and thermal contact between the at least one sensor and the bearing, wherein the sensor unit is embedded in a recess of the clamping ring, the recess is open towards the bearing ring to be retained, wherein the sensor unit is fitted axially into the recess such that the least one contact plate of the sensor unit is flush with the contact surface of the clamping ring and is in direct contact with the axial end face of the outer ring of the bearing.2. The bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing is formed as a large size roller bearing,', 'wherein the clamping ring is configured to abut with an axial end face of an outer ring of the bearing., 'further comprising the bearing,'}3. The bearing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the outer diameter of the bearing ring retained by the clamping ring amounts to at least 300 mm.4. The bearing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the bearing is formed as a double-row taper roller bearing in an O-configuration.5. The bearing device according to claim 1 ,the sensor unit is further equipped with a wireless transmitter for transmitting signals obtained by the sensor unit.6. (canceled)7. The bearing device according to claim 1 ,wherein a bottom face of the sensor ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

System and Method of Acquiring and Evaluating a Measurand

Номер: US20160076948A1
Автор: Hößle Florian

The present invention relates to a system and a method for acquiring and evaluating a measurand, in particular a temperature, of at least one component of a vehicle, in particular a wheel bearing, comprising at least one sensor for acquiring a measurand, in particular a temperature of at least one component, in particular of a wheel bearing of the vehicle, and for outputting an output parameter, and least one evaluation device for evaluating the output parameter, and for generating a warning signal in dependence on the evaluation of the output parameter on the basis of at least one defined warning criterion. 1. A system for acquiring and evaluating a temperature of a wheel bearing , comprising:at least one sensor for acquiring a temperature of a wheel bearing of the vehicle, and for outputting an output parameter; andleast one evaluation device for evaluating the output parameter, and for generating a warning signal in dependence on the evaluation of the output parameter on the basis of at least one defined warning criterion.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the evaluation device is configured to make a comparison between at least one value of the output parameter and a comparative value.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the evaluation device is adapted to generate the warning signal when at least one of the acquired temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature limit claim 2 , the acquired temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature limit several times or over a predetermined minimum period of time claim 2 , a particular temperature course is recognized claim 2 , and a predetermined deviation from a calculated measurand temperature course is exceeded.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system contains at least one of an optical warning device and an acoustic warning device adapted to output a warning based on a warning signal generated by the evaluation device.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein at least one transmission device for transmitting data ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086899A1
Автор: Pinkerton Alexander

A method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a train in motion. The sensor secured to a wheel axle-box of a rail carriage of a train to detect an over temperature alarm to enable a driver to stop the train. If the alarm condition is confirmed as belonging to the train, a Monitor/Relay immediately notes that there is a problem and warns an operator. 1. A method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a train in motion , the wireless sensor secured to a wheel axle-box of a rail carriage of a train to detect an over temperature alarm in order to enable a driver to slow or stop the train , the method comprising:fixing the current location of the wireless sensor using with a GPS,publishing the GPS fixed current location of the wireless sensor with relevant details of the over temperature alarm over a cellular wireless transmitter to a “Publish and Subscribe” Message Broker,pushing the relevant details of the over temperature alarm message to a Server where the alarm is then validated,{'b': '4', 'transcribing the GPS location into a new “location bin topic” for the Message Broker (), wherein the details of the alarm are then published to this topic (grid),'}fixing a geographic location of a monitor/relay that is mounted in a driver's cab at a front end of the engine with the GPS,using the geographic location of the monitor/relay to subscribe to the same location bin topic that the server just published the details of the new alarm to,pushing the wheel alarm notification to the monitor/relay system with the message broker, andcarrying out validation checks with the monitor/relay system to determine whether the alarm as received, is associated with one of the current train's coaches, whereinif the alarm condition is confirmed as belonging to the current train, the Monitor/Relay immediately notes that there is a problem.2. The method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096044A1

A rolling-element bearing unit for use in a motor vehicle wheel or in a motorbike rocker arm includes outer and inner raceway elements and a set of rolling elements between the inner and outer raceway elements such that the inner and outer raceway elements are pivotable or rotatable relative to each other and also a lubricant reservoir body in the bearing interior for storing and dispensing a lubricant, the body including bridge elements extending between adjacent pairs of the rolling elements and a side ring connecting the bridge elements. 1. A rolling-element bearing unit for use in a motor vehicle wheel or in a motorbike rocker arm , the rolling-element bearing unit comprising:an outer raceway element,an inner raceway element,a set of rolling elements disposed between the inner and outer raceway elements such that the inner and outer raceway elements are pivotable or rotatable relative to each other, anda lubricant reservoir body configured to store and dispense a lubricant, the body including bridge elements extending between adjacent pairs of the rolling elements and a side ring connecting the bridge elements.2. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant reservoir body is configured as a bearing cage.3. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant reservoir body has a given clearance from the rolling elements and raceway elements and substantially fills intermediate spaces between the rolling elements.4. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the rolling-element bearing assembly includes a rolling-element bearing cage formed of a different material than the lubricant reservoir body, andwherein the lubricant reservoir body at least partially encloses the rolling-element bearing cage.5. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein lubricant reservoir body is configured to function as a bearing cage.6. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106293A1
Автор: Dittmar Rico, Wendt Volker

A temperature compensation ring configured to compensate for a temperature-dependent distance change between two components includes a base body made from an elastic material, and at least a section of at least one surface of the base body is configured to reduce a friction in the axial direction between the temperature compensation ring and an abutment surface, by, for example, being coated with a friction reducing coating and/or by including one or more grooves for receiving a lubricant. 1. A temperature compensation ring configured to compensate for a temperature-dependent distance change between two components , comprising:a base body made from an elastic material;wherein at least a section of at least one surface of the base body is configured to reduce a friction in an axial direction between the temperature compensation ring and an abutment surface on which the temperature compensation ring is mountable.2. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 1 , wherein the section of the at least one surface of the base body includes a coating having a lower coefficient of friction with the abutment surface than a material of the base body with the abutment surface.3. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 2 , wherein the coating is disposed at least in a region at which a gap arises in an assembled state between a bearing ring and a housing at which the bearing ring is disposed.4. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 3 , wherein the coating is disposed on a surface facing in a radial direction.5. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 4 , wherein the coating is disposed inside a section in the axial direction that extends away in the axial direction from an end surface of the temperature compensation ring less than 30% of a total extension of the temperature compensation ring and/or wherein at least two coating sections are disposed spaced from one another in the axial direction.6. The temperature compensation ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Temperature Detection Systems and Methods for Railway Applications

Номер: US20170115166A1
Принадлежит: Progress Rail Services Corporation

A temperature detection system for railway applications is provided. The system may include at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a rail or a railcar, and a controller in communication with the at least one IR sensing element. The controller may be configured to receive the IR signals from the at least one IR sensing element, extract IR data corresponding to at least one of a rail and an undercarriage of the railcar from the IR signals, and generate a characteristic thermal profile of at least one of an ambient temperature and a rail temperature based on the IR data. 1. A system for detecting temperature , comprising:at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a rail; anda controller in communication with the at least one IR sensing element, the controller being configured to receive the IR signals from the at least one IR sensing element, extract IR data corresponding to the rail from the IR signals, and generate a characteristic thermal profile of a rail temperature based on the IR data.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one IR sensing element is disposed along a sleeper and configured to detect IR signals emitted from one or more of rails claim 1 , wheels claim 1 , bearings claim 1 , axles claim 1 , and the undercarriage of the railcar.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the IR data is provided in the form of a thermal image including lines of scanned data claim 1 , and the controller is configured to identify the rail and the rail temperature based on relationships between predefined line locations and temperatures associated with the line locations.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to retrievably store the characteristic thermal profile in one of a memory and a database for reference.5. A system for detecting temperature claim 1 , comprising:at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266883A1
Автор: Tripathy Janmejay

A monitoring system is provided that may include a sensor configured to detect at least one characteristic related to at least one axle of a first vehicle. The monitoring system may also include a controller having one or more processors in communication with the sensor. The one or more processors may be configured to restrict movement of the first vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle, and vary movement of a second vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle. 1. A monitoring system comprising:a sensor configured to detect at least one characteristic related to at least one axle of a first vehicle; restrict movement of the first vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle; and', 'vary movement of a second vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle., 'a controller having one or more processors in communication with the sensor and configured to2. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is at least one of an infrared sensor claim 1 , hot box detector claim 1 , temperature sensor claim 1 , vibration sensor claim 1 , or motion sensor.3. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one characteristic related to the at least one axle is a temperature of a bearing of the axle.4. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an off-board sensor adjacent a route traversed by the vehicle.5. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is an off-board controller.6. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is and on-board controller.7. The monitoring system of claim 6 , wherein the on-board controller is also configured to:communicate at least one remedial action to an operator of the first vehicle based on the at least one characteristic related to the at ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Bearing assembly with integrated generator

Номер: US20160126806A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A bearing assembly comprising a generator for harvesting electrical energy from rotational kinetic energy. The electromagnetic induction generator includes a magnetic rotor (including a plurality of magnets arranged with alternating polarities along a rotor periphery) and a stator having a coil. The generator is mounted to a first part of the assembly, which is rotatable about the bearing axis of rotation. The magnetic rotor is rotationally supported relative to the stator and is rotatable about an axis of rotation, which is different from the bearing axis of rotation. The assembly further comprises a target surface made of an electrically conductive material provided on a second part of the bearing assembly. During operation, relative rotation takes place between the first and second parts. The rotor is arranged whereby magnetic field lines from the plurality of magnets intersect the target surface during at least part of one revolution about the bearing axis.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Condition monitoring system and method for monitoring a condition of a bearing unit for a vehicle

Номер: US20160152250A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A condition monitoring system (CMS) for vehicle bearing units, including at least one condition monitoring unit (CMU) for measuring at least one operating parameter of one bearing unit and a control unit for receiving and processing signals from the CMU. The control unit is configured to activate/deactivate the CMU(s) upon reaching at least one predetermined waypoint stored in a waypoint memory of the control unit. The CMS can be equipped with a waypoint setting unit for setting the at least one waypoint at which the CMU(s) shall be activated/deactivated and to store the waypoint in the waypoint memory. The waypoint setting unit processes route data includes data on at least a curviness of at least one route intended for vehicle travel. The processing includes extracting at least one route section within the curviness of the route within a predetermined range and setting the waypoint(s) within the extracted route section.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153498A1
Автор: Simonin Anthony

A rolling bearing assembly comprises a bearing including a rotating ring and a stationary ring, a sleeve in which the stationary ring of the bearing is mounted, a housing in which the sleeve is mounted, a shaft with which the rotating ring of the bearing is coupled in rotation with respect to the housing and a sensor unit including an impulse ring coupled in rotation to the rotating ring and a sensing unit comprising at least one sensing element mounted in a sensor body. The sleeve, on the one hand, supports both the stationary ring of the bearing and the sensor body and, on the other hand, compensates thermal dilatations between the housing and the stationary ring. 1. A rolling bearing assembly , comprising:a bearing including a rotating ring and a stationary ring;a sleeve in which the stationary ring of the bearing is mounted;a housing in which the sleeve is mounted;a shaft with which the rotating ring of the bearing is coupled in rotation with respect to the housing; anda sensor unit including an impulse ring coupled in rotation to the rotating ring and a sensing unit comprising at least one sensing element mounted in a sensor body,wherein the sleeve supports both the stationary ring of the bearing and the sensor body, andwherein the sleeve compensates thermal dilatations between the housing and the stationary ring.2. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor body is mounted axially between the bearing and a radially extending portion of the sleeve.3. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , the sensor body further comprising a peripheral groove claim 1 , in which claim 1 , an inwardly extending radial portion of the sleeve is received.4. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a pre-stressing element for pre-stressing the stationary ring claim 1 , adapted to exert a pre-stressing force between the housing and the stationary ring.5. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 4 , wherein ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164685A1
Автор: Oh James Sangyoung
Принадлежит: ICSN, Inc.

A wheel end temperature monitoring system, includes: a wheel end temperature sensor configured to detect the temperature of a hub bearing of a wheel of a trailer; and a main unit configured to receive a signal of the wheel end temperature sensor and transmit the received signal to the outside. 1. A wheel end temperature monitoring system , comprising:a wheel end temperature sensor configured to detect the temperature of a hub bearing of a wheel of a trailer; anda main unit configured to receive a signal of the wheel end temperature sensor and transmit the received signal to the outside,wherein the wheel end temperature sensor includes:an insertion part mounted to pass through a hub cap, extending to an oil filling space between the hub cap and a housing in a state in which the insertion part is mounted on the hub cap, and having a board accommodating space in an interior thereof;a thermal conduction cap provided at an end of the insertion part, formed of a metallic material, and contacting an outside and an inside of the board accommodating space;a cap part coupled to an upper side of the insertion part and configured to close a board accommodating space; anda sensor board accommodated in the board accommodating space of the insertion part, configured to measure temperature through heat conducted through the thermal conduction cap, and configured to transmit the measured temperature to the outside.2. The wheel end temperature monitoring system of claim 1 , further comprising:a relay antenna configured to relay the signal of the temperature sensor to the main unit.3. The wheel end temperature monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the main unit transmits the received signal of the wheel end temperature sensor to at least any one of a vehicle gauge plate claim 1 , a registered signal reception device claim 1 , a registered mobile phone claim 1 , or an external control room.4. (canceled)5. A hub bearing assembly comprising:a hub bearing disposed to be concentric with a ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170176287A1

Provided is a railway vehicle bearing abnormality sensing system that can accurately perform abnormality determination for railway vehicle bearings. The system () senses an abnormality in a plurality of rolling bearings () housed in an axle box () provided to a bogie (). The system () includes: vibration detection devices () each detecting vibration of a rolling bearing; an analysis device () determining an abnormality in the bearings () on the basis of detection data detected by the device (); and reception response detection start module () receiving a detection start signal and cause the device () to detect vibration of the rolling bearing. The system () further includes a measurement start command transmitting device (), installed apart from a railway vehicle, transmitting the detection start signal to the module (). 1. A railway vehicle bearing abnormality sensing system for sensing an abnormality in a plurality of rolling bearings housed in at least one axle box when the railway vehicle runs on travelling rails , the railway vehicle including at least one bogie , the at least one bogie including the at least one axle box , one or more of the plurality of rolling bearings being associated with one of the at least one axle box , the railway vehicle bearing abnormality sensing system comprising:a plurality of vibration detection devices each configured to detect vibration of an associated one of the plurality of rolling bearings;an analysis device configured to determine an abnormality in the rolling bearings on the basis of pieces of detection data, each piece indicating the vibration of the rolling bearing detected by the associated vibration detection device;a plurality of reception response detection start modules connected to the vibration detection devices, respectively, each reception response detection start module causing the connected vibration detection device to detect vibration of the associated rolling bearing when receiving a detection start signal ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Rolling bearing arrangement for a transmission

Номер: US20200166076A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A rolling bearing arrangement (1) for a transmission (2) of a wind turbine, including a rolling bearing (3) with an outer ring (4), an inner ring (5) and a plurality of rolling bodies (6) rolling between the outer ring (4) and the inner ring (5), the outer ring (4) and/or the inner ring (5) including at least one sensor element (9) for detecting and monitoring a state variable, the at least one sensor element (6) having a load measuring bolt (7) with at least one strain gauge (8) and being directly positioned in a force flow path of the state variable, the state variable being at least a bearing preload of the rolling bearing (3).

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211572A1

A control method configured to control the preload of a bearing includes estimating the preload on the bearing; comparing the estimated preload with a predetermined acceptance range; and correcting the preload on the bearing when the preload is outside the acceptance range. 125-. (canceled)26. A method of controlling a preload of a wind turbine bearing , said method comprising:detecting a temperature of an outer ring of the wind turbine bearing;detecting a temperature of an inner ring of the wind turbine bearing;calculating a temperature difference between the detected temperature of the outer ring of the wind turbine bearing and the detected temperature of the inner ring of the wind turbine bearing;estimating the preload on the wind turbine bearing as a function of the detected temperature of the outer ring of the wind turbine bearing and the detected temperature of the inner ring of the wind turbine bearing;comparing the estimated preload with a predetermined acceptance range; andcorrecting the preload on the wind turbine bearing when the preload is outside the predetermined acceptance range by controlling the temperature of the outer ring of the wind turbine bearing and the temperature of the inner ring of the wind turbine bearing as a function of the calculated temperature difference between the detected temperature of the outer ring of the wind turbine bearing and the detected temperature of the inner ring of the wind turbine bearing to keep the preload on the wind turbine bearing within the predetermined acceptance range.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein estimating the preload includes calculating the preload based on at least one of: a structural characteristic of the wind turbine bearing claim 26 , a dimensional characteristic of the wind turbine bearing claim 26 , and an assembly characteristic of the wind turbine bearing.28. The method of claim 26 , wherein correcting the preload on the wind turbine bearing includes heating the outer ring of the wind ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Bearing apparatus and method for feeding lubricant to bearing

Номер: US20170219011A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A bearing apparatus includes a lubrication unit and a sensor to sense the temperature of the lubricant in the lubrication unit. The lubrication unit has a pump having a storage portion in which the lubricant is stored and a piezoelectric body that is deformed by an applied voltage, the pump enabling the lubricant in the storage portion to be discharged into the annular space by reducing the volume of the storage portion in conjunction with the deformation of the piezoelectric body, the pump also enabling the lubricant to be sucked into the storage portion to refill the storage portion with the lubricant by increasing the volume of the storage portion, and a control unit that performs control by outputting a control signal allowing the speed of change in the volume of the storage portion to depend on the temperature of the lubricant.

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210255045A1

A temperature measurement device includes: a temperature sensor designed to measure a temperature, a thermo-generator forming, with the temperature sensor, what is known as a measurement surface, the thermo-generator being configured to convert thermal energy of the measurement surface into electrical energy, and the sensor being designed to measure a temperature of a sample in contact with the measurement surface, and an electronic board designed to receive the electrical energy converted by the thermo-generator and supply the temperature sensor, the device including the electronic board is positioned a non-zero distance away from the measurement surface in a direction perpendicular to the measurement surface. 1. A temperature measurement device comprising:a temperature sensor arranged to measure a temperature;a thermo-generator forming, with said temperature sensor, a surface so-called measurement surface, said thermo-generator being configured to convert thermal energy of said measurement surface into electrical energy and said sensor being arranged to measure a temperature of a sample in contact with the measurement surface;an electronic board arranged to receive the electrical energy converted by the thermo-generator and power said temperature sensor with at least some of this electrical energy; andthe electronic board is arranged at a non-zero distance from said measurement surface in a direction (A) perpendicular to said measurement surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the temperature sensor and/or the thermo-generator are located between the measurement surface and the electronic board.3. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the electronic board comprises at least one voltage converter connecting the thermo-generator to the temperature sensor.4. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the electronic board comprises a microcontroller arranged to control:at least one means for storing the ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150247529A1

A bearing, supporting a movable component in relation to a stationary component, and a detection device are included in a bearing arrangement. The bearing arrangement also includes at least two temperature sensors for respective detection of temperature. The detection device detects a load zone of the bearing, formed by an area of the bearing in which, during a movement of the movable component, a higher mechanical loading occurs in the bearing compared to an adjacent area. The detection device determines the load zone of the bearing by using the detected temperatures. 18-. (canceled)911-. (canceled)12. A bearing arrangement providing support for a movable component in relation to a stationary component , comprising:a bearing providing support for the movable component;at least two light emitting diodes providing temperature sensors respectively sensing temperatures and a visual display of a load zone formed by a region of the bearing in which, during movement of the movable component, higher mechanical loading occurs in the bearing compared to an adjacent region; anda sensing device determining the load zone of the bearing based on the temperatures detected by said at least two light emitting diodes.13. The bearing arrangement as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the at least light emitting diodes are arranged on an outer surface of the stationary component.14. The bearing arrangement as claimed in further comprising at least one vibration sensor sensing vibration of the bearing.15. The bearing arrangement as claimed in claim 14 ,wherein the at least one vibration sensor outputs plausibility sensor signals, andwherein the sensing device at least one of weights and checks the plausibility sensor signals of the at least one vibration sensor as a function of the temperatures detected by the at least two light emitting diodes.16. The bearing arrangement as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the display device includes a control unit to supply the light emitting diodes uniformly ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160252132A1
Автор: Carrerot Herve

A device for injecting a fluid into a mechanical system that may undergo heating, comprising at least one body containing a thermally triggered charge generating combustion gas, ignition of the charge being able to be triggered under the action of an ignition command and/or under the effect of a heat contribution, from a heating area of the body toward the charge, a reservoir containing the fluid, means for fastening the device to the mechanical system, the fastening means adapted to put the reservoir in fluid communication with the mechanical system, and means for delivering pressurized fluid outside the reservoir through the action, directly or through intermediate means, of the combustion gases. Within the device, the fastening means comprise at least one injection sleeve provided with an outer thread coated with an anti-loosening adhesive film. The invention also relates to a mechanical system equipped with at least one such device. 1. A device for injecting a fluid into a mechanical system that may undergo heating , the device comprising:a body containing a thermally triggered charge generating combustion gas, ignition of the charge being able to be triggered under the action of an ignition command and/or under the effect of a heat contribution, from a heating area of the body toward the charge,a reservoir containing the fluid,a fastener fastening the device to the mechanical system, the fastener adapted to put the reservoir in fluid communication with the mechanical system, anda delivery device delivering pressurized fluid outside the reservoir using combustion gases, and wherein the fastener comprise at least one injection sleeve provided with an outer thread coated with an adhesive anti-loosening coating,', {'sub': '0.2', 'wherein the injection sleeve is formed from a material having a 0.2% deformation yield strength Recomprised between 500 and 700 MPa, and a tensile strength Rmax comprised between 700 and 900 MPa,'}, 'wherein the delivery device delivering ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170248165A1
Автор: Howard Darren

A bearing assembly is provided with an improved mounting for a temperature sensor for monitoring a temperature of a race of the bearing. The assembly includes a temperature sensor assembly mounted to the race of the bearing and a thermal insulator arranged to thermally insulate the sensor from heat exchange with the surrounding environment and/or neighbouring components to which the bearing or assembly is mounted, in order to improve accuracy, reliability and speed of response of the temperature sensor readings. 1. A bearing assembly comprising:a bearing, having a first race and a second race;a temperature sensor assembly, comprising a temperature sensor, mounted to one of the first race and the second race;a first thermal insulator arranged to thermally insulate the temperature sensor from its surroundings; anda housing for the temperature sensor;wherein the temperature sensor and the first thermal insulator are located between the housing and the race of the bearing.2. The bearing assembly according to claim 1 , the temperature sensor assembly further comprising a thermal conductor element disposed between the temperature sensor and the race to which the sensor assembly is mounted.3. The bearing assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first thermal insulator is arranged to insulate the sensor and the thermal conductor element from their surroundings.4. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bearing is mounted to a structure claim 1 , the first thermal insulator being disposed between the sensor and the structure.5. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor claim 1 , the first thermal insulator and a thermal conductor element are all located between the housing and the race of the bearing.6. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first thermal insulator is disposed between the housing and the temperature sensor.7. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor is disposed between the first thermal insulator and the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

System, Method and Apparatus for Monitoring the Health of Railcar Wheelsets

Номер: US20190250069A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A system and method for monitoring the operating condition of a wheelset on a railcar comprising a sealed unit mounted on or near a wheelset of the railcar for collecting data from the wheelset and performing AI analyses on the collected data to determine the operational condition and predict failure modes for the wheelset. Results are communicated off-railcar wirelessly via one or more of several different methods. 1. A system for determining the operating condition of a wheelset of a railcar comprising:one or more sensors for gathering data from the wheelset;a processor; and receiving and storing the data; and', 'analyzing the data to determine the operating condition of the wheelset., 'memory, coupled to the processor and storing software that, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to perform the functions of2. The system of wherein the memory stores one or more machine learning models trained to identify one or more operational statuses of the wheelset; and further wherein the analyzing function comprises applying the one or more models to the received wheelset data.3. The system of wherein the data includes vibration data claim 2 , wherein the software causes the processor to perform the further function of collecting and storing the vibration data.4. The system of wherein the vibration data is received from an accelerometer.5. The system of wherein the vibration data is received from an acoustic microphone.6. The system of wherein the vibration data is used by the one or more machine learning models to identify the current operational status of the wheelset.7. The system of wherein the vibration data is used by the one or more machine learning models to predict failure modes in the wheelset.8. The system of wherein the one or more machine learning models can isolate the predicted failure modes to a bearing portion of the wheelset or a wheel portion of the wheelset.9. The system of wherein the software causes the processor to perform the further ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Wheel Bearing Assembly Having a Temperature-Measuring Device

Номер: US20160273581A1

A wheel bearing assembly includes a wheel hub which is mounted on an axle element by at least one wheel bearing, and a temperature-measuring device, visible from outside the wheel bearing assembly, configured to measure and display the exceeding of a limit temperature in the wheel bearing, wherein the temperature-measuring device comprises at least two separate temperature-measuring elements, each of which is connected to the wheel bearing in a heat-conducting manner along a heat-conducting path and undergoes a visually identifiable change at a predetermined trigger temperature. The at least two temperature-measuring elements are disposed in such a way that, when the wheel bearing heats up, the elements heat up at different rates, and/or the temperature-measuring elements have different trigger temperatures. 115.-. (canceled)16. A wheel bearing assembly , comprising:a wheel hub mounted on an axle element by at least one wheel bearing; anda temperature-measuring device visible from outside the wheel bearing, and configured to measure and display the exceeding of a limit temperature in the wheel bearing;wherein the temperature-measuring device comprises at least two separate temperature-measuring elements, each of which is connected to the wheel bearing in a heat-conducting manner via a heat-conducting path and is configured to undergo a visually identifiable change at a predetermined trigger temperature; andwherein the at least two temperature-measuring elements at least one of have different trigger temperatures, and disposed such that the at least two temperature-measuring elements heat up at different rate as the wheel bearing heats up.171. The wheel bearing assembly as claimed in claim , wherein the temperature-measuring elements are configured to irreversibly change color when the trigger temperature is reached.18. The wheel bearing assembly as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the heat-conducting paths have different lengths claim 17 , and wherein one of the ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210380149A1

The present invention refers to a system for monitoring a railroad axle and its peripherals comprising a steel axle (), and at least one monitoring device () coupled to the axle and its elements (), wherein the at least one monitoring device () performs measurements of data indicative of monitored conditions of the axle () and its peripherals, and transmits the measurements to at least one remote point. 1. Monitoring system of a railroad axle , characterized by comprising:a steel axle, and at least one monitoring device coupled to the axle,wherein at least one monitoring device performs measurements of data indicative of monitored conditions of the axle and its peripherals, and transmits the measurements to at least one remote point.2. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one monitoring device comprises at least one sensor claim 1 , one microcontroller claim 1 , one data transmitter claim 1 , one power source and one storage unit.3. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the monitored conditions comprise at least one of a bearing temperature claim 1 , vibration associated to jolts claim 1 , strains claim 1 , number of cycles claim 1 , speed claim 1 , position and discontinuities.4. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the measured data are transmitted by means of at least one of a mobile network claim 1 , a wireless network claim 1 , Bluetooth and radiofrequency.5. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the measurements are performed at preset measurement time intervals.6. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the measurements are performed in real time.7. The monitoring system according to claim 2 , wherein the power source of the monitoring device is one of a battery or an autonomous alternative source.8. The monitoring system according to claim 2 , wherein the device comprises at least one of a temperature sensor claim 2 , accelerometer and gyroscope.9. The monitoring system ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180281828A1

A temperature sensor unit-equipped axle box device of a railcar bogie includes: an axle box accommodating a bearing supporting an axle; a temperature sensor unit attached to the axle box and configured to detect a temperature of an outer ring of the bearing; and an elastic body configured to bias the temperature sensor unit in such a direction that the temperature sensor unit is pressed against the outer ring. The elastic body is elastically deformable so as to follow displacement of the temperature sensor unit around a rotation axis of the bearing. 1. A temperature sensor unit-equipped axle box device of a railcar bogie ,the temperature sensor unit-equipped axle box device comprising:an axle box accommodating a bearing supporting an axle;a temperature sensor unit attached to the axle box and configured to detect a temperature of an outer ring of the bearing; andan elastic body configured to bias the temperature sensor unit in such a direction that the temperature sensor unit is pressed against the outer ring,the elastic body being elastically deformable so as to follow displacement of the temperature sensor unit around a rotation axis of the bearing.2. The temperature sensor unit-equipped axle box device according to claim 1 , wherein: a first axle box element covering a first region of an outer peripheral surface of the outer ring and', 'a second axle box element covering a second region of the outer peripheral surface of the outer ring;, 'the axle box includes'} a coupling portion coupled to a bogie frame and', 'a spring receiving portion supporting a spring interposed between the spring receiving portion and the bogie frame;, 'the first axle box element includes'}the second axle box element is detachably attached to the first axle box element; andthe temperature sensor unit is attached to the second axle box element.3. The temperature sensor unit-equipped axle box device according to claim 1 , wherein:the axle box is divided into an upper axle box element ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290670A1

A wireless communication function-equipped temperature sensor unit includes: a temperature sensor; a wireless communication board including a conversion substrate including a conversion circuit configured to convert an analog temperature signal into a digital temperature signal, the analog temperature signal being output from the temperature sensor, and a wireless communication module mounted on the conversion substrate and configured to transmit the digital temperature signal as a wireless signal. 1. A wireless communication function-equipped temperature sensor unit attached to a box accommodating a rotating body of a railcar bogie ,the wireless communication function-equipped temperature sensor unit comprising:a temperature sensor; a conversion substrate including a conversion circuit configured to convert an analog temperature signal into a digital temperature signal, the analog temperature signal being output from the temperature sensor, and', 'a wireless communication module mounted on the conversion substrate and configured to transmit the digital temperature signal as a wireless signal,', 'the wireless communication board being arranged away from the temperature sensor and located at a side of the temperature sensor, the side being opposite to a side where the rotating body is arranged;, 'a wireless communication board including'}a battery arranged between the temperature sensor and the wireless communication board and configured to supply electric power to the wireless communication board; anda housing accommodating the temperature sensor, the wireless communication board, and the battery and attached to the box,the wireless communication board being arranged along a tangential direction of the rotating body,the temperature sensor, the battery, and the wireless communication board being arranged so as to overlap one another when viewed from a normal direction of the wireless communication board.2. The wireless communication function-equipped temperature ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160325767A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A system for monitoring railcar and tram consist operational parameters and detecting anomalies in the operation and condition thereof using sensors to feed data to a distributive complex event processing engine. 1. A system for detecting operational anomalies on a train consist or railcar comprising:(a) one or more communication management units mounted on one or more railcars; and(b) one or more sensors located on said one or more railcars for sensing an operational parameter of said one or more railcars, said sensors being in communication with said one or more communication management units; (i) collecting data regarding said one or more railcar operational parameters;', '(ii) analyzing said collected data for trends or events indicative of an anomalous operational condition; and', '(iii) communicating a message to a remote receiver when said trend or event is detected., 'wherein said communication management units perform the functions of2. The system of further comprising one or more wireless sensor nodes in communication with one of said communication management units claim 1 , said one or more sensors forming part of said one or more wireless sensor nodes;wherein each of said wireless sensor nodes performs the functions of:collecting data from one or more sensors;comparing said data against one or more rules; andsending a message to said communication management unit when at least one of said rules is satisfied; andwherein said communication management unit and said wireless sensor nodes form a railcar-based wireless mesh network, said railcar-based mesh network being controlled by said communication management unit.3. (canceled)4. The system of wherein each of said wireless sensor nodes performs the functions of:a) collecting data from one or more sensors; andb) periodically sending said collected data to said communication management unit.5. The system of wherein said one or more rules are numerical thresholds which claim 2 , when exceeded by said ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329804A1

A self-supplied device for a logistic/diagnostic monitoring for cargo type railway vehicles, adapted to be applied to an axle of a vehicle, rotating during the vehicle travel; the device comprises an autonomous electric generator to generate electric power from the rotation of the axle composed of a Winding fixed With respect to the rotation of the axle and composed of a turn of electrically conducting material, and a rotary magnet fastened to the axle to be rotated by the axle the Winding generating an electric voltage When it is placed at the interface With the rotary magnet.

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160362120A1

A bogie for a high-speed railway vehicle includes a wheel set, an axle box, a primary spring suspension device, a frame, a secondary spring suspension device and a foundation braking device. A wheel of the wheel set has an LMA wheel tread. The foundation braking device is mounted by a three-point hitch structure. The axle box is a structure which is separatable in a vertical direction, and an off-line safety protecting device is mounted at a lower portion of the axle box. A traction rod of the secondary spring suspension device is a single traction rod. A center pin is provided with an integral hoisting device. Two anti-yaw dampers, as a group, are arranged at either side of the secondary spring suspension device, and the two anti-yaw dampers have the same damping coefficient. 1. A bogie for a high-speed railway vehicle , comprising a wheel set , an axle box , a primary spring suspension device , a frame , a secondary spring suspension device , and a foundation braking device ,wherein a wheel of the wheel set has an LMA wheel tread,the foundation braking device is mounted by a three-point hitch structure,a brake hitching seat of the foundation braking device and a tread cleaning device mount are integrated on the frame into an integral structure,the axle box is a structure which is separatable in a vertical direction, and a fusible temperature sensor and a real time temperature sensor are mounted at an upper portion of the axle box for monitoring the temperature in the axle box together,an off-line safety protecting device is mounted at a lower portion of the axle box,a traction rod of the secondary spring suspension device is a single traction rod, and a center pin is provided and an integral hoisting device is mounted on the center pin, andtwo anti-yaw dampers, as a group, are arranged at either side of the secondary spring suspension device, and the two anti-yaw dampers have the same damping coefficient.2. The bogie for the high-speed railway vehicle according to ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150377295A1
Автор: Baubet Yannick

A machine arrangement comprising a crankshaft which is supported by at least one roller bearing including bearing rings and roller elements between the bearing rings, wherein the roller bearing is connected with a device for delivering of a lubricant to the area of rolling contact between the bearing rings and the roller elements. To improve the supply of lubricant to the roller bearing and to supply the right amount of lubricant in dependence of the temperature of the roller bearing, the device for delivering of the lubricant comprises a lubricant reservoir and a flow path from the lubricant reservoir to the area of rolling contact, wherein a valve element is arranged in the flow path for controlling at least one of a flow of lubricant and a pressure of lubricant in dependence of the temperature of at least one of the roller bearing and the valve element. 1. A machine arrangement comprising a crankshaft which is supported by at least one roller bearing with bearing rings and roller elements between the bearing rings ,wherein the roller bearing is connected with a device for delivering a lubricant to an area of rolling contact between the bearing rings and the roller elements,a lubricant reservoir integral with the device for delivering of the lubricant;a flow path from the lubricant reservoir to the area of rolling contact integral with the device for delivering of the lubricant, anda valve element arranged in the flow path,wherein the valve element is adapted for controlling at least one of a flow of lubricant and a pressure of lubricant in dependence of a temperature of at least one of the roller bearing and the valve element.2. The machine arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the valve element is designed to increase at least one of the flow of the lubricant and the pressure of the lubricant with rising temperature of at least one of the roller bearing and the valve element.3. The machine arrangement according to claim 1 , the valve element further ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Anti-Friction Insulated Bearing Sleeve Construction and Modularity

Номер: US20200408252A1
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

An anti-friction insulated bearing system, including a bracket disposed about a motor driveshaft and a bearing disposed within the bracket configured to support the driveshaft for rotation. The system also includes an outer bearing cap disposed proximal a drive end of the bracket and an inner bearing cap. The system further includes an insulation sleeve disposed within the bracket proximal the bearing. The outer bearing cap, the inner bearing cap and the insulation sleeve are configured as modular components of the system. The modular insulation sleeve allows the use of standard anti-friction rolling element bearings. The modular components have common inner and outer bearing caps that can be used across a multitude of configurations with a minimal number of parts. 1. An anti-friction insulated bearing system , comprising:a bracket disposed about a motor driveshaft;a bearing disposed within the bracket configured to support the driveshaft for rotation;an outer bearing cap disposed proximal a drive end of the bracket;an inner bearing cap; andan insulation sleeve disposed within the bracket proximal the bearing,wherein the outer bearing cap, the inner bearing cap and the insulation sleeve are configured as modular components of the system.2. The anti-friction insulated bearing system of claim 1 , wherein the inner bearing cap is non-insulated.3. The anti-friction insulated bearing system of claim 1 , further comprising an insulated shim disposed between the outer bearing cap and the bracket.4. The anti-friction insulated bearing system of claim 1 , wherein the insulation sleeve is press fit into the bracket.5. The anti-friction insulated bearing system of claim 1 , wherein the bracket includes a bracket bore disposed along a central axis.6. The anti-friction insulated bearing system of claim 1 , further comprising a seal disposed in the outer bearing cap claim 1 , wherein the seal is configured to encircle the motor driveshaft.7. The anti-friction insulated bearing ...

11-04-2007 дата публикации

Temperature monitoring device for axle bearings

Номер: EP1772342A2
Автор: Bernd Neuroth
Принадлежит: Bernd Neuroth

Device for monitoring the temperature of a wheel-set bearing of a train passing a measurement point comprises an infrared receiver unit and an evaluation unit contained within a housing beneath the level of a track section. The housing in inserted within a sleeper and supported on at least two shock-absorbing members. The housing (8) also contains an acceleration sensor (11) that is connected to the evaluation unit.

14-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE4124838A1
Принадлежит: INA Waelzlager Schaeffler oHG

A roller bearing race (1) for a machine component (4) which can both run freely on a shaft (3) and can be coupled thereto has pocketed rollers (2) and a slot (7) permitting its radial extension at a peripheral position. The race (1) consists of two interconnected material layers (5, 6) acting as a bimetal strip with different coefficients of expansion. This arrangement makes it possible for the race to expand radially on a rise in temperature and thus transfer a force with a peripheral component to the rollers (2) so that the bearing rollers (2) perform a slight rotation about the shaft (3) even if the shaft (3) and the pinion (4) are coupled. This prevents damage to the races by the rollers (2) at high radial forces.

14-07-1992 дата публикации

Railway wheel sensors

Номер: US5129606A
Принадлежит: JDR Systems Corp

The invention concerns a system for sensing train wheels which employs a slotted detector bar. Optical resistive and piezoresistive strain gauges may be coupled to the detector bar as well as enhanced mechanical and electrical components. Optional equipment including an optical sensor, and pulse and frequency modulators improve noise immunity and reduce power consumption.

05-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109313071A
Автор: 伊藤浩义
Принадлежит: NTN Corp


24-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN104648433B
Принадлежит: CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co Ltd


10-10-2013 дата публикации

Device to control faults of railway car running gear elements

Номер: RU2494902C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to railway transport. Proposed device (2) comprises at least one vibration pickup (28, 28', 28 " ). In compliance with this invention, at least said one vibration pickup (28, 28') is fitted at bogie frame (4) or at bearing (14-20) of mounted axle (22, 24) of running gear bogie (1). Note here that detection direction (30, 30') comprises component in direction of motion (direction x) or component perpendicular to motion direction (direction y) and, at a time, component parallel with vertical axis (direction z) of running gear unit. EFFECT: efficient control at simplified equipment. 8 cl, 7 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 494 902 (13) C2 (51) МПК B61K 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009147442/11, 16.05.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.05.2008 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6672681 B1, 06.01.2004. DE 19953677 C1, 21.06.2001. WO 2005/105536 A1, 10.11.2005. RU 2284021 C2, 20.09.2006. RU 2225601 C2, 10.03.2004. 2 4 9 4 9 0 2 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2008/003953 (16.05.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 22.12.2009 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2008/141774 (27.11.2008) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" (54) УСТРОЙСТВО КОНТРОЛЯ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЙ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ХОДОВОЙ ЧАСТИ ЕДИНИЦ ПОДВИЖНОГО СОСТАВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройству (2) контроля повреждений элементов ходовой части единиц подвижного состава, содержащему, по меньшей мере, один вибродатчик (28, 28', 28''). Согласно варианту выполнения изобретения предусмотрено, что, по меньшей мере, один вибродатчик (28, 28') установлен на раме (4) ходовой тележки или на подшипнике (14-20) колесной пары оси (22, 24) ходовой тележки (1) единицы подвижного состава, при этом его направление (30, 30') детектирования содержит составляющую в ...

03-07-2020 дата публикации

Track condition monitoring sensor apparatus and method of detecting condition of track bearing

Номер: CN107031681B
Принадлежит: SKF AB


24-03-2020 дата публикации

Method for linking alarm data of physically separated wireless sensors to a running train

Номер: CN110901692A
Принадлежит: SKF AB


02-12-1986 дата публикации

Self-compensating anti-friction bearing clearance device

Номер: US4626111A
Принадлежит: Farrel Corp

A device for automatically adjusting the clearances in a roller bearing due to thermal expansion, constituting a tapered roller bearing having a dual track oppositely tapered inner race and a pair of single track tapered outer races, each outer race being in communication with a pair of coaxial, hydraulically loaded annular pistons, each of which translates in annular piston cylinders, supplied with hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic pressure of the fluid is maintained through an accumulator at a preselectable constant pressure to permit the outer races to translate axially, against the annular piston, as the inner race expands radially due to thermal expansion. Upon thermal contraction, the pressure forces the annular pistons axially toward the outer races, which, due to the taper of the races and the bearing elements, reduces the clearance created due to the thermal contraction.

29-07-1999 дата публикации

Spindle unit for a machine tool

Номер: DE4333196C2
Принадлежит: NTN Corp, NTN Toyo Bearing Co Ltd

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Hot type needle bearing

Номер: CN106151254A
Автор: 谢如玉


16-12-2004 дата публикации

Rolling bearings with polymer electronics

Номер: DE10323889A1
Принадлежит: EHRFELD MIKROTECHNIK AG, FAG Kugelfischer AG

Die Erfindung betrifft Wälzlager mit Sensoren zur Erfassung von auf das Lager wirkenden physikalischen Größen sowie mit Leiterbahnen und elektronischen Komponenten zur Auswertung und/oder Übertragung der Sensorausgangssignale oder daraus abgeleiteter Kennwerte an außerhalb des Lagers befindliche elektrische oder elektronische Geräte. Dazu sind die Sensoren, Leiterbahnen und elektronischen Komponenten ein Messdatenerfassungs- und/oder Messdatenverarbeitungssystem bildend auf wenigstens einem Lagerbauteil angeordnet. DOLLAR A Zur Reduzierung der Herstellkosten sowie zur Verringerung der Herstellkosten sowie zur Verbesserung der Fertigungs- und Messqualität eines solchen Messlagers ist vorgesehen, dass die Sensoren, Leiterbahnen und/oder elektronischen Komponenten aus wenigstens einem elektrisch leitenden oder halbleitenden organischen Material gebildet sind. The invention relates to rolling bearings with sensors for detecting physical quantities acting on the bearing and with conductor tracks and electronic components for evaluating and / or transmitting the sensor output signals or characteristic values derived therefrom to electrical or electronic devices located outside the bearing. For this purpose, the sensors, conductor tracks and electronic components are arranged to form a measurement data acquisition and / or measurement data processing system on at least one bearing component. DOLLAR A To reduce the manufacturing costs and to reduce the manufacturing costs and to improve the manufacturing and measuring quality of such a measuring bearing, it is provided that the sensors, conductor tracks and / or electronic components are formed from at least one electrically conductive or semiconducting organic material.

18-03-2003 дата публикации

Bearing with wireless self-powered sensor unit

Номер: US6535135B1
Принадлежит: Timken Co

A tapered roller bearing having its rollers arranged in two rows within an outer race and around an inner race contains a sensing device that radiates signals which reflect conditions within the bearing. In one embodiment, the outer race is unitary and the sensing device is wireless and self-powered and includes a mounting ring that is fitted to the outer race between the raceways along which the rollers roll. The ring has embedded within it several sensors for monitoring bearing conditions such as temperature and vibrations. The ring also contains a radio transmitter, a microprocessor to which the sensors are connected, and a power supply for producing the electrical energy required to operate the processor and the transmitter. The electric power is generated by means of electromechanical energy conversion using permanent magnets, armature winding and a target wheel that is captured between and rotates with the two cones. The transmitter converts conditions registered by the sensors and processed by the processor into radio signals which are received externally from the bearing. In another embodiment the unitary outer race has a groove which opens inwardly between the two rows of rollers, and the sensors, radio transmitter, processor, and power supply are located within the groove. In other embodiments the inner race is unitary and the sensors, radio transmitter, processor and power supply are carried by the inner race.

07-08-2009 дата публикации

System and method for detecting the temperature of the subassembly of train using heat image camera

Номер: KR100911617B1
Автор: 김광수, 이규범
Принадлежит: 한국철도공사

본 발명은 열화상 카메라를 이용한 열차 하부 기기의 온도 감지 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 특히 열차 운행 중에 열차 하부 기기의 온도를 열화상 카메라를 이용하여 비접촉식으로 감지하는 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a temperature sensing system and method for a train undercarriage using a thermal imaging camera, and more particularly to a system and method for non-contact sensing of the temperature of a train undercarriage using a thermal imaging camera during train operation. 본 발명의 열화상 카메라를 이용한 열차 하부 기기의 온도 감지 시스템은, 레일 위를 통과하는 열차 하부 기기의 온도를 비접촉식으로 감지하는 열화상 카메라; 상기 레일의 내측에 설치되어 열차의 차륜이 통과하는 순간을 비접촉식으로 감지하는 차륜 감지기; 및 상기 열화상 카메라와 차륜 감지기로부터 각각 열차 하부 기기의 온도 데이터와 열차가 통과하는 시기에 관한 데이터를 수신하여 열차 하부 기기의 부위 마다의 온도를 기초로 하여 열차 하부 기기의 이상 유무를 판정하는 데이터 처리수단;을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The temperature sensing system of the train lower equipment using the thermal imaging camera of the present invention, the thermal imaging camera for non-contact sensing the temperature of the train lower equipment passing on the rail; A wheel detector installed inside the rail to non-contactly sense a moment when a wheel of the train passes; And data for determining the abnormality of the train undercarriage device based on the temperature of each part of the train undercarriage device by receiving temperature data of the train undercarriage device and data on when the train passes from the thermal imaging camera and the wheel detector, respectively. Processing means; characterized in that it comprises a. 열차, 온도, 열화상 카메라, 차륜, 차축 Axle, Train, Temperature, Thermal Camera, Wheel

20-12-2015 дата публикации

Protection device of journal roller bearing

Номер: RU2570979C2

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the journal roller bearing intended for use in any rotating machine requiring directing of rotation of the rotating parts using the journal roller bearing. In particular the invention is used in the journal roller bearings of the motors. For example, traction motors of the controlled vehicle, such as railroad transport. The protection device, in particular thermal protection and/or protection against surface-leak currents of the journal roller bearing (P) installed on the motor shaft (A), contains a ring (B) located between the shaft and the journal roller bearing, and isolated from the shaft by means of the dielectric coating (19). The dielectric coating (19) is applied at least on the surface (20, 21) of the ring (B) intended for contact with shaft (A). EFFECT: assurance of prevention or deaccelerated premature wear and tear of the journal roller bearing, in particular linked with action of the surface-leak currents. 15 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 570 979 C2 (51) МПК F16C 19/00 (2006.01) F16C 35/06 (2006.01) H02K 5/173 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011139896/11, 30.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.09.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ЛЭТЕМ Клод (FR), ТРИПО Жерар (FR) 01.10.2010 FR FR1057988 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2013 Бюл. № 10 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): АЛЬСТОМ ТРАНСПОРТ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИС (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2015 Бюл. № 35 2 5 7 0 9 7 9 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ЗАЩИТЫ ОПОРНОГО ПОДШИПНИКА КАЧЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к опорному установленного на валу (A) электрического подшипнику качения, предназначенному для двигателя, содержит кольцо (В), расположенное использования в любой вращающейся машине, между валом и опорным подшипником качения требующей направления во вращении и изолированное от вала посредством ...

08-06-2016 дата публикации

Condition monitoring unit, system and method for monitoring condition of bearing unit for vehicle

Номер: CN105651498A
Принадлежит: SKF AB


10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010140589A
Принадлежит: Аб Скф, Аб Скф (Se)

1. Устройство для крепления к вращающейся части железнодорожного вагона, включающее в себя электронный блок, который приспособлен во время движения железнодорожного вагона обнаруживать и оценивать параметры, относящиеся к работе железнодорожного вагона и/или к состоянию возникающего повреждения подшипников колеса в железнодорожном вагоне, при этом электронный блок оборудован преобразователем, пригодным получать сигналы, относящиеся к ! - вращению в качестве параметров, относящихся к работе железнодорожного вагона и/или ! - вибрации в качестве параметров, относящихся к состоянию возникающего повреждения подшипников колеса в железнодорожном вагоне, ! при этом устройство (12) выполнено с возможностью подавать сигналы, отображающие обнаруженные и оцененные параметры. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором вращающаяся часть является торцевой крышкой оси колесной пары. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором вращающаяся часть прикреплена к оси колесной пары между железнодорожными колесами. ! 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, в котором электронный блок оборудован преобразователями, пригодными получать сигналы, относящиеся к температуре. ! 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, в котором электронный блок снабжен средством анализа для оценки по меньшей мере одного из параметров: скорости, полной протяженности пробега, вибрации, относящейся к работе подшипников, вибрации, относящейся к состоянию колеса, рабочей температуре подшипников и конструкционным вибрациям. ! 6. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, в котором устройство включает в себя по меньшей мере одну батарею, по меньшей мере один силовой генератор и/или устройство преобразования э РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2010 140 589 (13) A (51) МПК G01M 17/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010140589/11, 05.03.2008 (71) Заявитель(и): АБ СКФ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.03.2008 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/109200 (11.09.2009) R U (54) ...

13-03-2019 дата публикации

Temperature sensor unit with radio communication function for railcar bogie

Номер: JP6484156B2
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

02-09-2022 дата публикации

A rolling bearings with the insulator

Номер: KR20220122005A
Автор: 김강석, 이경구
Принадлежит: 셰플러코리아 유한책임회사

본 발명은 내경면에 외륜궤도(111)가 형성된 외륜(110)과, 외경면에 내륜궤도(131)가 형성된 내륜(130)과, 상기 내륜궤도(131)와 외륜궤도(111) 사이에 구비되며 원주 방향을 따라 정렬된 복수의 전동체(150)와, 상기 내륜(130)에 결합되며 절연재로 이루어진 절연체(190)를 포함하며; 상기 내륜(130)의 내륜내경면(135)과 내륜폭면(133) 사이에 형성되는 내륜모따기영역(137)에 원주 방향을 따라 하나 이상의 내륜오목부(139)가 형성되며; 상기 절연체(190)는 내륜내경면(135)과, 모따기 영역(137)을 지나 적어도 내륜폭면(139)의 일부를 덮어 구비되는 것을 특징으로 하는 절연체를 가지는 구름 베어링(100)에 관한 것이다.

24-06-2009 дата публикации

System and method for detecting the temperature of the subassembly of train using heat image camera

Номер: KR20090066833A
Автор: 김광수, 이규범
Принадлежит: 한국철도공사

본 발명은 열화상 카메라를 이용한 열차 하부 기기의 온도 감지 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 특히 열차 운행 중에 열차 하부 기기의 온도를 열화상 카메라를 이용하여 비접촉식으로 감지하는 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 열화상 카메라를 이용한 열차 하부 기기의 온도 감지 시스템은, 레일 위를 통과하는 열차 하부 기기의 온도를 비접촉식으로 감지하는 열화상 카메라; 상기 레일의 내측에 설치되어 열차의 차륜이 통과하는 순간을 비접촉식으로 감지하는 차륜 감지기; 및 상기 열화상 카메라와 차륜 감지기로부터 각각 열차 하부 기기의 온도 데이터와 열차가 통과하는 시기에 관한 데이터를 수신하여 열차 하부 기기의 부위 마다의 온도를 기초로 하여 열차 하부 기기의 이상 유무를 판정하는 데이터 처리수단;을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 열차, 온도, 열화상 카메라, 차륜, 차축

19-03-2007 дата публикации

Plasma display apparatus

Номер: KR100696484B1
Автор: 김기정, 배성원
Принадлежит: 삼성에스디아이 주식회사

본 발명은 신호전달수단에 구비된 전자소자로부터 발생된 열이 보다 효과적으로 방출될 수 있는 구조를 가지는 플라즈마 디스플레이 장치를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 이 목적을 달성하기 위하여, 본 발명은 가스 방전을 이용하여 화상을 표시하는 플라즈마 디스플레이 패널과, 상기 플라즈마 디스플레이 패널을 지지하는 섀시와, 상기 섀시의 일 측에 배치되며, 상기 플라즈마 디스플레이 패널을 구동시키는 전기적 신호를 발생하는 회로부와, 상기 회로부로부터 상기 플라즈마 디스플레이 패널로 전기적 신호를 전달하고, 적어도 하나의 전자소자가 각각 구비되며, 상호 소정의 간격으로 이격된 다수의 신호전달수단들과, 상기 전자소자에서 발생된 열을 흡수하도록 배치된 열전모듈(thermoelectric module)을 구비하는 플라즈마 디스플레이 장치를 제공한다.

29-05-1996 дата публикации

Bearing support device for rotating machine

Номер: JP2501807B2
Автор: 宗一 向坂
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Device for attaching to rotating element of car axle

Номер: RU2472130C2
Принадлежит: Аб Скф

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: device for attaching to rotating element (4) of car axle (1) includes electronic unit equipped with converters capable to receive and send signals concerning vibration and rotation. Rotating element is end cover (4) of wheel pair axle of railway car. Electronic unit is located outside of end cover (4) or in cavity at the side of end cover (4) facing the end of axle (1). EFFECT: detection and evaluation of parameters concerning vibration or rotation of railway car. 14 cl, 7 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 472 130 (13) C2 (51) МПК G01M 17/08 (2006.01) B61K 9/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010140589/11, 05.03.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.03.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АБ СКФ (SE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2012 Бюл. № 10 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.03.2008 (72) Автор(ы): ГРАФ Йенс (DE), МОРЕТТИ Роберто (IT), СЕМА Сильвано (IT), ДЕФОССЕЗ Марк (NL) (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2013 Бюл. № 1 2 4 7 2 1 3 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 10307950 A1, 09.09.2004. US 3718040 A, 27.02.1973. DE 102006035703 A1, 07.02.2008. CN 2919726 Y, 04.07.2007. US 5633628 A, 27.05.1997. RU 2253088 C1, 27.05.2005. 2 4 7 2 1 3 0 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2008/001747 (05.03.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 05.10.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/109200 (11.09.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ К ВРАЩАЮЩЕЙСЯ ЧАСТИ ВАГОННОЙ ОСИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области вспомогательного оборудования для железнодорожных систем и предназначено для определения пробега вагона, обнаружения и оценки вибраций подшипников колеса железнодорожного вагона, вибраций колеса железнодорожного вагона, оценки температуры подшипников колеса ...

10-09-2019 дата публикации

Logistics/diagnostic monitoring self-power supply device for rolling stock

Номер: CN110225856A


28-10-2022 дата публикации

Low-noise retainer with thermal-force double negative superstructure

Номер: CN113738764B
Принадлежит: Xian Jiaotong University


27-01-2022 дата публикации

Wheel-head monitoring unit and method for detecting a malfunction of a wheel head

Номер: WO2022017736A1
Автор: Bernd Brunsch

The invention relates to a wheel-head monitoring unit (1), comprising a first sensor unit (10), a second sensor unit (30) and an evaluation unit (50); wherein the first sensor unit (10) captures and/or is designed to capture at least one first measurement value (M1) of a first wheel head (2); wherein the second sensor unit (30) captures and/or is designed to capture a second measurement value (M2) of a second wheel head (4); wherein the evaluation unit (50) is designed to compare the first measurement value (M1) with the second measurement value (M2) and/or to compare the first measurement value (M1) with a predicted first measurement value and/or to compare their derivatives or integrals with respect to time; and wherein the evaluation unit (50) is designed in particular to output and/or store a signal if the difference (Diff) of the first measurement value (M1) from the second measurement value (M2) and/or of the first measurement value (M1) from the predicted first measurement value exceeds a threshold value.

03-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR2953264A1
Принадлежит: Astrium SAS

Le palier à roulements, du type comportant un arbre central et un moyeu (10) mobiles en rotation l'un par rapport à l'autre, le palier comportant au moins deux roulements (12, 13), disposés entre l'arbre central (11) et le moyeu (10) selon deux positions espacées dans la direction axiale Z, ces roulements étant dotés de bagues, intérieure (14, 16) et extérieure (15, 17) et de billes (18, 19), les roulements étant montés dos à dos ou face à face, une précharge rigide étant appliquée sur ces roulements selon la direction axiale Z, des entretoises, interne (22) et externe (23) étant disposées entre ces roulements (12, 13), les entretoises, interne (22) et externe (23), présentent des longueurs ajustées afin de limiter à moins de 30% les variations de la précharge rigide dues aux gradients thermiques d'un point à l'autre du palier, en particulier les gradients thermiques dans le sens radial. The rolling bearing, of the type comprising a central shaft and a hub (10) movable in rotation with respect to one another, the bearing comprising at least two bearings (12, 13), arranged between the central shaft ( 11) and the hub (10) in two positions spaced in the axial direction Z, these bearings being provided with rings, internal (14, 16) and outer (15, 17) and balls (18, 19), the bearings being mounted back to back or face to face, a rigid preload being applied to these bearings in the axial direction Z, spacers, internal (22) and external (23) being disposed between these bearings (12, 13), the spacers, internal (22) and outer (23), have lengths adjusted to limit to less than 30% the variations of the rigid preload due to thermal gradients from one point to another of the bearing, in particular the thermal gradients in the direction radial.

26-06-2009 дата публикации

Fixed ring e.g. outer ring, flaking detecting and quantifying method for e.g. rail bearing, involves diagnosing formation of flaking of track in loading area when temperature distribution variations are matched to predefined criterion

Номер: FR2925676A1
Принадлежит: Societe Nouvelle de Roulements SNR SA

L'invention concerne un procédé de détection et de quantification d'un écaillage d'une bague fixe de roulement d'essieu pourvue d'un chemin de roulement présentant une zone de charge (1), la zone de charge (1) correspondant à un secteur angulaire du chemin de roulement soumis à une charge au moins radiale permanente, le procédé comprenant des étapes consistant à effectuer des mesures de la distribution spatiale de la température de la zone de charge au moyen de capteurs de température (30) répartis spatialement au niveau de la zone de charge, ainsi que sa variation de la distribution spatiale, et à diagnostiquer la formation d'un écaillage lorsque les variations temporelles de la distribution spatiale de la température correspondent à un critère prédéfini. L'invention concerne également un dispositif de mesure de température pour la mise en oeuvre de ce procédé ainsi que l'assemblage pour roulement d'essieu équipé d'un tel dispositif.

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Bogie of high-speed railway vehicle

Номер: CN104627196A


20-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3085933A1
Автор: Alexander Pinkerton
Принадлежит: SKF AB

L'invention concerne un procédé de liaison de données d'alerte provenant de capteurs sans fil physiquement séparés à un train en mouvement. Le capteur étant fixé à une boîte d'essieu de roue d'un wagon d'un train pour détecter une alerte de sur-température pour permettre à un conducteur d'arrêter le train. Si l'état d'alerte est confirmé comme étant lié au train, un dispositif de surveillance/relais note immédiatement qu'il y a un problème et avertit un opérateur. Figure 1 A method of linking alert data from physically separated wireless sensors to a moving train. The sensor being attached to a wheel axle box of a wagon of a train to detect an overtemperature alert to allow a driver to stop the train. If the alert condition is confirmed to be train-related, a monitor/relay device immediately notes that there is a problem and notifies an operator. Figure 1

06-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR2965597A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de protection thermique et vis-à-vis des courants électriques de fuite, d'un palier à roulement (P) destiné à être monté sur un arbre (A) d'un moteur électrique. Ledit dispositif de protection comprend une bague (B) qui est interposée entre l'arbre et le palier à roulement et qui est isolée de l'arbre. The invention relates to a thermal protection device and to electrical leakage currents, a rolling bearing (P) intended to be mounted on a shaft (A) of an electric motor. Said protection device comprises a ring (B) which is interposed between the shaft and the rolling bearing and which is isolated from the shaft.

03-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: FR3085933B1
Автор: Alexander Pinkerton
Принадлежит: SKF AB

L'invention concerne un procédé de liaison de données d'alerte provenant de capteurs sans fil physiquement séparés à un train en mouvement. Le capteur étant fixé à une boîte d'essieu de roue d'un wagon d'un train pour détecter une alerte de sur-température pour permettre à un conducteur d'arrêter le train. Si l'état d'alerte est confirmé comme étant lié au train, un dispositif de surveillance/relais note immédiatement qu'il y a un problème et avertit un opérateur. Figure 1

18-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR2965597B1

14-12-2001 дата публикации

Axle box for railway vehicle has housing receiving rotational guide for axle end with integral support base of triangular cross section

Номер: FR2810007A1
Принадлежит: Arbel Fauvet Rail SA

The axle box has a housing (2) receiving a rotational guide for the axle end. A support base (3) extends at either side of the housing to form two tongues (4) to engage the suspension springs. The support base can be formed integrally with a right angle triangle section. The support end faces can be smooth. The lower face of the support can be flat and angled at approximately twenty three degrees. The support base can have a pentangle section inscribed in a right angle triangle.

09-08-1963 дата публикации

Overheating warning device

Номер: FR1334400A

26-02-2021 дата публикации

Method of monitoring at least one bearing of a rotating electrical machine of an aircraft

Номер: FR3100064A1

Une méthode de surveillance d’au moins un premier roulement d’une machine électrique tournante d’un aéronef, la méthode comprenant une première phase de détermination (ETA) d’un dysfonctionnement (DYSX) comprenant : une étape de détermination d’un indicateur statistique d’endommagement à partir d’une mesure de température du premier roulement et d’une mesure de température de référence de la machine électrique tournante ; une étape de détermination d’un estimateur d’écart-type d’une distribution des valeurs de l’indicateur statistique d’endommagement déterminées entre un premier instant t et un deuxième instant t+τ, τ étant compris entre 50s et 500s, une étape de comparaison de l’estimateur d’écart-type à un seuil d’écart-type prédéterminé de manière à déterminer un dysfonctionnement (DYSX) en cas de dépassement du seuil d’écart-type prédéterminé. Figure de l’abrégé : Figure 2 A method for monitoring at least a first bearing of a rotating electrical machine of an aircraft, the method comprising a first phase of determining (ETA) of a malfunction (DYSX) comprising: a step of determining an indicator damage statistics from a temperature measurement of the first bearing and a reference temperature measurement of the rotating electrical machine; a step of determining a standard deviation estimator of a distribution of the values of the statistical damage indicator determined between a first time t and a second time t + τ, τ being between 50s and 500s, a step of comparing the standard deviation estimator with a predetermined standard deviation threshold so as to determine a malfunction (DYSX) in the event of the predetermined standard deviation threshold being exceeded. Abstract figure: Figure 2

29-01-1995 дата публикации

Hot bearing simulator

Номер: CA2127837A1
Принадлежит: MEG TRANS CORP

HOT BEARING SIMULATOR ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE Heaters are used to simulate wheel bearings at specified temperatures. Two heaters are mounted on each side of a railroad test car. The heaters are mounted on the sprung carriage of the car to reduce vibration of the hardware and avoid interfering with wheel trucks on the car. Ambient temperature sensors are similarly mounted. Wire brushes are mounted below the heaters and sensors to activate magnetic wheel flange sensors. The heaters are controlled by a system which is integrated with a hot wheel simulator system.

01-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE69109304D1
Автор: Allan Richmond
Принадлежит: Huwood Ltd

21-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for detecting operational anomalies in train consists and railcars

Номер: RU2677840C2

FIELD: machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to railway equipment for detecting operational anomalies of wagons of a train consist. In the method, the system contains communication management units installed on railcars; sensors installed on the specified railcars, wherein the sensors are made with the possibility of measuring the operational parameters of the cars, with the ability to exchange data with the specified communication management units, the sensors contain one or more sensors made with the possibility of measuring the accelerations of a railcar; and filters with the ability to filter a part of the accelerations. Moreover, these communication management units perform the following functions: collecting data related to one or several operational parameters of a railcar; analyzing the data collected to identify trends or events indicating an abnormal operating condition; and communicating the message to the remote receiver when a specified trend or event is detected.EFFECT: improved monitoring reliability and traffic safety is achieved.36 cl, 14 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 677 840 C2 (51) МПК B61L 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B61L 15/0027 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016127632, 24.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.01.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АМСТЕД РЭЙЛ КОМПАНИ, ИНК. (US) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 7,688,218 B2, 30.03.2010. US 24.12.2013 US 61/920,700 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 30.01.2018 Бюл. № 4 (45) Опубликовано: 21.01.2019 Бюл. № 3 2009/0173840 A1, 09.07.2009. US 2007/0219681 A1, 20.09.2007. US 2004/0227036 A1, 18.11.2004. US 2007/0241610 A1, 18.10.2007. US 2012/ 0046811 A1, 23.02.2012. (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 25.07.2016 US 2014/072380 (24.12.2014) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2015/100425 (02.07. ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for predicting the temperature of a wheel bearing of a wheel of a vehicle

Номер: US8942903B2

A method for predicting the temperature (T in,p ) of a wheel bearing of a vehicle wheel for a future moment (t+Δt p ) in relation to a present moment (t) or for a future time interval (t, t+Δt p ) in relation to a present moment (t), on the basis of a course of the temperature (T in ) of the wheel bearing in a past time interval (t−Δt b , t) in relation to the present moment (t), the predicted temperature (T in,p ) of the wheel bearing being determined from the sum of the temperature (T in ) of the wheel bearing at the present moment (t) and a corrective value (ΔT P ) which is determined according to a change in at least one driving condition, such as the speed (Δv train ), and a change in the temperature (ΔT b ) of the wheel bearing within the past time interval (t−Δt b , t).

08-08-2017 дата публикации

Bearing arrangement and the supply method that lubricating oil is supplied to bearing

Номер: CN107023564A
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp


01-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ES2086821T3
Принадлежит: SKF Industrie SpA


12-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE2228996A1

30-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB9027013D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Huwood Ltd

20-03-2018 дата публикации

Covering device for an axle bush comprising an electric generator

Номер: IT201600094177A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Ecm S P A

27-03-2018 дата публикации

The temperature sensor unit with radio communication function of railcar bogie

Номер: CN107851371A
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK


22-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: ES2335144T3
Автор: Peter Groll
Принадлежит: Schenck Process GmbH

Módulo para una sección de medición en un carril, con varios registradores de fuerza distanciados en la dirección longitudinal de los carriles, sobre los que está apoyado el carril y que registran las fuerzas que actúan sobre el carril y/o propiedades de los vehículos que circular sobre el carril, caracterizado por un módulo (10) prefabricado, que presenta un elemento de soporte (12) recortado a la longitud de la sección de medición actual y el tipo y número de dispositivos de diagnosis (33, 34, 40, 42) y de registradores de fuerza (5) que son necesarios para la sección de medición, en el que los dispositivos de diagnosis (33, 34; 40, 42) y los registradores de fuerza (5) están fijados sobre el elemento de soporte (12), y en el que el elemento de soporte (12) se extiende a lo largo de la sección de medición y se puede amarrar en el suelo. Module for a measurement section in a lane, with several force recorders distanced in the longitudinal direction of the rails, on which the lane is supported and which record the forces acting on the lane and / or properties of the vehicles to circulate on the rail, characterized by a prefabricated module (10), which has a support element (12) cut to the length of the current measurement section and the type and number of diagnostic devices (33, 34, 40, 42) and of force recorders (5) that are necessary for the measurement section, in which the diagnostic devices (33, 34; 40, 42) and the force recorders (5) are fixed on the support element (12 ), and in which the support element (12) extends along the measuring section and can be moored in the ground.

10-10-2002 дата публикации

A railway axle hub unit

Номер: AU753260B2
Принадлежит: SKF Industrie SpA

07-04-2020 дата публикации

Electrical generator and a bearing assembly for an electrical generator

Номер: US10615661B2
Принадлежит: Safran Electrical and Power SAS

A bearing assembly for an electrical generator includes a frame, a bearing liner, a bearing and a non-metallic ring. The frame is configured to connect with a housing of the electrical generator. The bearing liner is connected with the frame. The bearing is received in the bearing liner. The non-metallic ring is interposed between the bearing liner and the bearing.
