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27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000012676U1
Автор: Свирков А.Д.

1. Устройство для определения угла поворота управляемых колес транспортного средства, содержащее ведущий элемент, имеющий возможность перемещения от механизма управления поворотом колес и связанный с ведомым элементом, который соединен с указателем поворота, отличающееся тем, что ведущий элемент выполнен в виде ролика, установленного с возможностью вращения на неподвижной оси и взаимодействующего с валом рулевого колеса, указатель поворота колес выполнен в виде установленной на оси с возможностью поворота стрелки, а ведомый элемент выполнен в виде радиусной направляющей, закрепленной на стрелке и имеющей возможность взаимодействия с роликом. 2. Устройство для определения угла поворота управляемых колес транспортного средства, содержащее ведущий элемент, установленный на подвижной части механизма поворота колес, соединенный с ним ведомый элемент, связанный с указателем поворота колес транспортного средства, отличающееся тем, что ведущий элемент закреплен на рулевой тяге, а ведомый выполнен в виде рычага, соединенного с ведущим элементом и кинематически связанного с указателем поворота. 3. Устройство для определения угла поворота управляемых колес транспортного средства по п. 2, отличающееся тем, что рычаг установлен одним концом с возможностью поворота на оси, а другим взаимодействует с ведущим элементом, причем соединение рычага с указателем поворота осуществляется посредством двух пар цилиндров, одна из которых установлена с двух сторон от рычага с возможностью контакта их штоков с рычагом, а вторая установлена с двух сторон относительно указателя поворота и штоками контактирует с ним, причем цилиндры, установленные с одной стороны рычага и указателя поворота, соединены магистралями. 4. Устройство для определения угла поворота управляемых колес транспортного средства по п.2, отличающееся тем, что рычаг одним концом соединенный с ведущим элементом, а другим - с указателем поворота, выполнен коленчатым и имеет возможность поворота относительно своей продольной оси. 5 ...

27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000071954U1

1. Оплетка для автомобильного руля, включающая протектор, кожу, рельефную поверхность, отличающаяся тем, что протектор и расположенная поверх него кожа наложены на рулевое колесо, образуя вокруг него двухслойную трубку, и охватывают место соединения рулевого колеса с кронштейном автомобильного руля, при этом протектор и расположенная поверх него кожа фиксируются с натяжением леской оборотом по всему рулевому колесу с образованием рельефной поверхности. 2. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что протектором является поролон. 3. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что толщина поролона от 2 до 5 см. 4. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что кожа натуральная. 5. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что кожа искусственная. 6. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по пп.1, 4, 5, отличающаяся тем, что кожа состоит из одного или нескольких кусков. 7. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что леска прозрачная. 8. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что леска непрозрачная. 9. Оплетка для автомобильного руля по пп.1, 7, 8, отличающаяся тем, что леска имеет диаметр от 0,8 до 1,0 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 71 954 (13) U1 (51) МПК B62D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007123993/22 , 25.06.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.06.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Стычкова Елена Алексеевна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Стычкова Елена Алексеевна (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 1 9 5 4 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Оплетка для автомобильного руля, включающая протектор, кожу, рельефную поверхность, отличающаяся тем, что протектор и расположенная поверх него кожа наложены на рулевое колесо, образуя вокруг него двухслойную трубку, и охватывают место соединения рулевого колеса с кронштейном ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000106597U1

Транспортное средство, содержащее рамы с опорами для ног, ведущее и, по меньшей мере, одно рулевое колеса, опорный элемент для рук, источник питания, устройство управления скоростью и контроллер, соединенные между собой, отличающееся тем, что опорный элемент для рук имеет Т-образную несимметричную форму с возможностью регулировки по высоте, опоры для ног с возможностью регулирования по высоте со страховочными опорными катками, тяги обеспечивают возможность передачи усилия от, по меньшей мере, одной поворотной подножки, совмещенной с опорой для ног, на заднее рулевое колесо. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 106 597 (13) U1 (51) МПК B62K B62D B62H B62K B62J A63C B62K ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ,B62J 11/00 (2006.01) 15/00 (2006.01) 1/12 (2006.01) 21/00 (2006.01) 25/00 (2006.01) 17/12 (2006.01) 23/08 (2006.01) 99/00 (2009.01) ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011101385/11, 13.01.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.01.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Манаенков Алексей Николаевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.01.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Манаенков Алексей Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2011 1 0 6 5 9 7 R U Формула полезной модели Транспортное средство, содержащее рамы с опорами для ног, ведущее и, по меньшей мере, одно рулевое колеса, опорный элемент для рук, источник питания, устройство управления скоростью и контроллер, соединенные между собой, отличающееся тем, что опорный элемент для рук имеет Т-образную несимметричную форму с возможностью регулировки по высоте, опоры для ног с возможностью регулирования по высоте со страховочными опорными катками, тяги обеспечивают возможность передачи усилия от, по меньшей мере, одной поворотной подножки, совмещенной с опорой для ног, на заднее рулевое колесо. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) ТРАНСПОРТНОЕ СРЕДСТВО 1 0 6 5 9 7 Адрес для переписки: 394074, г.Воронеж, ул. Ростовская, 58/1, кв.234, А.Н. Манаенкову U 1 ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155363U1

1. Поворотный модуль для повышения проходимости и управляемости колесного транспортного средства, содержащий колесную платформу, сцепное устройство и поворотную систему, отличающийся тем, что поворотная система содержит два троса, одни концы которых оснащены элементами крепления, обеспечивающими возможность крепления к поворотному элементу рулевого управления транспортного средства, а другие концы с передвижными съемными зажимами, пропущенные через направляющие, проходят к ближайшим левому и правому краям платформы и соединены с установленным на платформе крепежным элементом, обеспечивающим возможность регулировки натяжения тросов. 2. Поворотный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что крепежный элемент на платформе выполнен в виде талрепа. 3. Поворотный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что крепежные элементы на концах тросов выполнены с возможностью крепления к штатной сошке или штатному редуктору рулевого управления транспортного средства. 4. Поворотный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сцепное устройство выполнено с возможностью крепления к фаркопу транспортного средства. 5. Поворотный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сцепное устройство снабжено съемными пружинами и/или амортизаторами, установленными между платформой и транспортным средством. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 155 363 U1 (51) МПК B62D 12/00 (2006.01) B62D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015100865/11, 15.01.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.01.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Заварзин Владимир Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Заварзин Владимир Николаевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.01.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2015 Бюл. № 28 1 5 5 3 6 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Поворотный модуль для повышения проходимости и управляемости колесного транспортного средства, содержащий колесную платформу, сцепное устройство и поворотную систему, отличающийся тем, ...

06-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000206307U1

Полезная модель относится к наземным транспортным средствам, в частности к удобным в эксплуатации детским пластмассовым санкам, предназначенным для зимнего отдыха. Корпус санок состоит из плоского днища 1, передней стенки 2, боковых 3 и задней 4 стенок. Стенки плавно соединены между собой и с днищем, снабженным снизу ребрами 5. По бокам корпуса на кромке стенок 3 имеются рукоятки 6, смещенные в плане назад к задней стенке 4, и прорези 8 на стенках. Корпус снабжен дополнительной рукояткой 7, расположенной на кромке передней стенки 2 на продольной оси санок, и прорезью 9 на стенке. Рукоятки 6 и 7 расположены в плоскости кромок стенок 2 и 3. Форма рукояток 6 и 7 в плане соответствует форме стенок 3 и 2 в плане. Рукоятки 6 и 7 снабжены поперечными ребрами 10, расположенными в плане перпендикулярно линии изгиба рукояток. Сиденье 11 распложено в плоскости днища. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 206 307 U1 (51) МПК B62D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B62D 15/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021109547, 06.04.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Пластик" (RU) Дата регистрации: 06.09.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 06.09.2021 Бюл. № 25 2 0 6 3 0 7 R U (54) САНКИ ДЕТСКИЕ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к наземным транспортным средствам, в частности к удобным в эксплуатации детским пластмассовым санкам, предназначенным для зимнего отдыха. Корпус санок состоит из плоского днища 1, передней стенки 2, боковых 3 и задней 4 стенок. Стенки плавно соединены между собой и с днищем, снабженным снизу ребрами 5. По бокам корпуса на кромке стенок 3 имеются рукоятки 6, смещенные в плане назад к задней стенке 4, и прорези 8 на стенках. Корпус снабжен Стр.: 1 дополнительной рукояткой 7, расположенной на кромке передней стенки 2 на продольной оси санок, и прорезью 9 на стенке. Рукоятки 6 и 7 ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle during a driving maneuver

Номер: US20120089294A1

A method and device for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle during a driving maneuver during which longitudinal guidance and/or lateral guidance is/are performed in an automated manner. A trajectory for performing the driving maneuver being determined and the vehicle being guided with automatic control along the trajectory, while the surroundings of the vehicle is being monitored during the driving maneuver. If the driver intervenes in the steering while lateral guidance is being performed or if the driver operates the accelerator while longitudinal guidance is being performed or if the driver intervenes in the steering or operates the accelerator while longitudinal guidance and lateral guidance are being performed, the control of the vehicle is returned to the driver. In the case of an imminent endangerment to the surroundings, control is not transferred to the driver.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and a system for assisting a driver of a vehicle during operation

Номер: US20120109466A1

A method is provided for assisting a driver of a vehicle during operation by providing the driver with a desired steering feel. The method includes determining a desired steering device guiding force including a part representing a desired friction in a steering arrangement, and providing the driver with the desired steering feel based on the determined steering device guiding force.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Smart spacing allocation

Номер: US20120112929A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, system and computer program product for allocating parking spaces for vehicles in a parking area. In one embodiment, the invention provides a system comprising a sensor system for generating output representing measurements of vehicles in the parking area, a marking system for identifying parking spaces in the parking area, and a controller for calculating parking spaces for vehicles. The controller obtains defined measurements for the vehicles in the parking area, and calculates for each of the vehicles, a respective one parking space in the parking area. In an embodiment, the controller allocates a size and a position for each parking space in the parking area, and operates the marking system to mark each parking space to facilitate driving the vehicles into the parking spaces. Embodiments of the invention dynamically allocate parking spaces based on criteria: (1) Determine the minimum space that should be enough for the size of the car that is being currently identified for parking; and (2) Maximize utilization of space by preventing improper fragmentation, where because of allocating fixed size spaces to all cars, big/small/medium, fragments of space would be wasted.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Diagnostic system and method for an electric power steering system

Номер: US20120130674A1
Принадлежит: Nexteer Beijing Technology Co Ltd

A diagnostic system and method for an electric power steering system are provided. The diagnostic system includes a first microprocessor that determines a first relative position value indicating the relative rotational position of the rotatable shaft at the first time based on the signals from first and second position sensors. A second microprocessor determines a second relative position value indicating the relative rotational position of the rotatable shaft at the first time based on the signals from third and fourth position sensors. The first microprocessor determines whether the first relative position value is an acceptable value based on a difference between the first relative position value and the second relative position value.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Device for maneuvering a vehicle using maneuvering moves using at least one trajectory

Номер: US20120185113A1

A device and a method for maneuvering a vehicle using maneuvering moves using at least one trajectory along which the vehicle is movable. Maneuvering moves have at least one reversing clothoid which borders on at least one trajectory and which is designed so that a steering motion of the vehicle is avoidable at standstill.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle driving control apparatus

Номер: US20120203431A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle driving control apparatus is provided at least with: a rudder angle varying device capable of changing a relation between a steering angle, which is a rotation angle of a steering input shaft, and a rudder angle, which is a rotation angle of steered wheels; and a trajectory controlling device for determining a control amount and controlling the rudder angle varying device such that a trajectory of a vehicle approaches a target driving route of the vehicle. The vehicle driving control apparatus is further provided with a correcting device for correcting (i) a rate of change in the rudder angle with respect to a steering amount of the steering input or (ii) the determined control amount, in accordance with whether or not a steering direction of the steering input inputted to the steering input shaft through a steering member by a driver of the vehicle is identical with a rudder angle control direction of the control amount determined by the trajectory controlling device.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating a driver assistance system of a motor vehicle and driver assistance system for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120310481A1

A method for operating a driver assistance system of a motor vehicle wherein the driver assistance system is configured as a parking aid system is provided. The method includes determining a parameter characterizing an impending parking procedure of the motor vehicle in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle. A first distance d 1 of a lateral face of the motor vehicle on a driver's side to a parking space periphery on the driver's side is determined and a second distance d 2 of a lateral face of the motor vehicle on a passenger's side to a parking space periphery on the passenger's side is determined. Information for a centered parking of the motor vehicle relative to the parking space periphery on the driver's side and to the parking space periphery on the passenger's side based on the first distance d 1 and the second distance d 2 is issued by an issuing device.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for detecting steering torque and steering angle and steering system having the same

Номер: US20120312088A1
Автор: Minchul Kang
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

Disclosed herein are a steering torque and steering angle measurement apparatus, the present invention including a stator fixed to an output shaft, a magnet disposed at the inner part of the stator and being fixed to an input shaft, a torque sensor measuring a steering torque by sensing a magnetic field produced between the stator and the magnet, and a steering angle signal generation part measuring the steering angle by outputting an ON signal ordinary times and outputting an OFF signal at each preset rotation duration of the output shaft when the output shaft rotates, thereby reducing a component number, simplifying a manufacturing process and saving a cost price.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular electronic control device, related information acquisition device, and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20120330480A1
Автор: Takafumi Nishiseko
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A behavior determination unit determines whether a predetermined vehicle behavior occurs in an own vehicle. A driving information storage unit stores driving information of the own vehicle in a storage portion on determination that the predetermined vehicle behavior occurs. When the predetermined vehicle behavior occurs, a behavior transmission unit transmits behavior occurrence information to an outside of the own vehicle to notify a related information acquisition device, which is around the own vehicle and acquires related information related to the predetermined vehicle behavior, of the occurrence of the predetermined vehicle behavior. In this case, the behavior transmission unit further requires the related information acquisition device to store the acquired related information.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle remote operating system and in-vehicle device

Номер: US20130024049A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle remote operating system remotely operating a host vehicle VM from a portable terminal 200, a main control unit 112 of an ECU 110 of an in-vehicle device 100 determines an dispatch position of the host vehicle VM on the basis of a parking position of the host vehicle VM and a position of a user U who intends to board the host vehicle VM. Due to this, it becomes possible to dispatch the host vehicle VM according to the parking position of the host vehicle VM and the position of the user U, and convenience is improved in dispatch operation and boarding of the host vehicle VM.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Optical tracking vehicle control system and method

Номер: US20130041549A1

A vehicle control system having a controller and a spatial database adapted to provide spatial data to the controller at control speed. The spatial data provided from the spatial database to the controller includes images collected from an optical sensor subsystem in addition to other data collected by a variety of sensor types, including a GNSS or inertial measurement system. The spatial data received by the controller from the database forms at least part of the control inputs that the controller operates on to control the vehicle. The advantage provided by the present invention allows control system to “think” directly in terms of spatial location. A vehicle control system in accordance with one particular embodiment of the invention comprises a task path generator, a spatial database, at least one external spatial data receiver, a vehicle attitude compensation module, a position error generator, a controller, and actuators to control the vehicle.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075185A1
Автор: SUGAI Tomohiro

A steer-by-wire steering device includes a steering wheel connected with a steering shaft, a steering angle sensor, a steering reactive force motor, and a steering control unit for controlling a steering shaft drive motor and the steering reactive force motor. Provided is a power transmitting mechanism for transmitting the power from the steering shaft drive motor to the steering shaft. A changeover unit for selectively connecting and disconnecting the power is disposed on the way thereof. The changeover unit includes a clutch mechanism comprised of an input member and an output member juxtaposed in an axial direction for movement in the axial direction and, also, rotatable relative to each other, a clutch groove provided in one of those members, and a clutch rolling element provided in the other of those members and biased in a radial direction by the clutch groove so that it can be selectively engaged and disengaged. 1. A steer-by-wire steering device comprising:a steering wheel not mechanically connected with a steering shaft for turning;a steering angle sensor for detecting a steering angle of the steering wheel;a steering reactive force motor for applying a reactive force torque to the steering wheel;a steering shaft drive motor for driving the steering shaft;a steering control unit for controlling the steering reactive force motor and the steering shaft drive motor, the steering control unit controlling the steering shaft drive motor on the basis of a driving condition detection signal including a signal indicative of the steering angle detected by the steering angle sensor;a power transmitting mechanism for transmitting a power from the steering shaft drive motor to the steering shaft; anda changeover unit disposed at a location generally intermediate of the power transmitting mechanism for switching between a condition for transmitting the power and a condition for interrupting the power;wherein the changeover unit includes;a clutch mechanism comprising an ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Motor vehicle, in particular automobile, and method for controlling a motor vehicle, in particular an automobile

Номер: US20130079991A1
Автор: Christoph Schmidt

A motor vehicle and a method for controlling a motor vehicle in road traffic are provided. A motor vehicle includes a driver assistance system and a navigation means comprising a sensor for detecting compressive forces, or tensile forces, or torsional forces. An evaluation unit is coupled to the navigation means and evaluates the signals of the sensor. The evaluation unit puts the driver assistance system into operation or takes it out of operation when a threshold value of the signals stored in the evaluation unit is exceeded or fallen below. A controller is activated when the threshold value is exceeded or fallen below and transfers at least partial control of the motor vehicle by the driver assistance system to manual operation by a driver or transfers the manual control of the motor vehicle to at least partial control by the driver assistance system.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Parking assist system and method for varying parking area

Номер: US20130085640A1
Автор: Hong Bum Kim, Wang Gi Hong
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Technology for a parking assist system and method for varying a parking area is provided. The parking assist system includes an occupant's build sensing unit configured to sense an occupant's build in a vehicle when parking the vehicle; a control unit configured to set a distance after parking the vehicle between the vehicle and a wall surface of a parking lot according to the occupant's build and to calculate a parking trace; and an automatic steering unit controlled by the control unit and configured to automatically control steering of the vehicle according to the calculated parking trace.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103246A1
Автор: Staack Jochen

A method in a parking system for supporting parking using a longitudinal guidance and a transverse guidance, and to such a parking system. The method includes: calculating a parking trajectory having at least one stopping point; detecting, independently of the driver's actions, that the calculated stopping point has been reached; and, in reaction to the detection, providing a signal for a steering change for a steering controller. On a time axis there consequently takes place an initiation of a steering change in time period before a time at which the driver changes gear and independently of it. 19-. (canceled)10. A method in a parking system for supporting parking using a longitudinal guidance and a transverse guidance , comprising:calculating a parking trajectory having at least one stopping point;detecting that the calculated stopping point has been reached, independently of driver actions; andproviding a signal for a steering change for a steering controller in response to the detection.11. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein the parking trajectory includes an automatically guided move at least one of directly before and directly after the stopping point.12. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein the parking trajectory includes a plurality of stopping points and after each detection of one of the plurality of stopping points claim 10 , a corresponding signal is provided for the steering change.13. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein the detecting takes place at least one of: i) independently of a driver-initiated gear change claim 10 , and ii) independently of an operation by the driver that relates to the parking system.14. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein the signal for a steering change is provided before a driver-initiated gear change.15. The method as recited in claim 10 , wherein the signal for the steering change relates to a steering change at a standstill.16. A computer readable storage medium storing a program for a ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110342A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A method wherein, when a vehicle is pulled into or out of a parking space, the dimensions of the parking space in which the vehicle is located or in which the vehicle is being pulled into are determined by an assistance system. Furthermore, the assistance system detects a distance between the vehicle and an obstacle. If the distance is below a threshold value, the assistance system produces a notice. The assistance system sets the threshold value according to the dimensions of the vehicle and the dimensions of the parking space. 1. A method for assisting driving of a vehicle into or out of a parking space using an assistance system , the method comprising:the assistance system determining dimensions of a parking space in which the vehicle is located or in which the vehicle will be parked;sensing if an obstacle is present by the assistance system;sensing a distance between the vehicle and the sensed obstacle; is sensed by the assistance system andgenerating an indication if the distance is below a threshold value,wherein the threshold value is set during the parking space entering process or parking space exiting process as a function of dimensions of the vehicle and dimensions of the parking space.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the threshold value is set lower the smaller the difference between the dimensions of the parking space and the dimensions of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the threshold value is set as a function of a difference between a length of the parking space and a length of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the threshold value is set as a function of the dimensions of the vehicle and of the dimensions of the parking space when driving into a parking space if the following conditions are met:the parking space which is sufficiently large for the vehicle has been measured;the assistance system is activated;a reverse gear speed of the vehicle is engaged; and a steering intervention of the assistance system into a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116878A1

Automatic monitoring to determine whether, during a parking process of a parking assistance system of the vehicle, the vehicle is at an end of a current maneuver of the parking process. If the vehicle is at the end of the current maneuver of the parking process, a braking request of the driver of the vehicle to activate a brake of the vehicle is generated automatically. 1. A method for parking a vehicle using a parking assistance system , comprising:monitoring, during a parking space entering process of the parking assistance system, whether the vehicle is located at an end of a current maneuver of the parking space entering process; andgenerating a braking request for the driver of the vehicle to activate a brake of the vehicle if the monitoring detects that the vehicle is located at the end of the current maneuver of the parking space entering process.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the braking request is generated for a time period which is dependent on a point in time at which a gear speed change of the vehicle takes place claim 1 , and on a target steering angle claim 1 , wherein the target steering angle corresponds to a maneuver which directly follows the current maneuver.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , after a changeover of a direction indication of the parking assistance system claim 2 , the braking request is generated at least until the gear speed change has taken place or until a minimum request period has passed.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a direction indication indicates a setpoint forward movement or a setpoint reverse movement of the vehicle claim 4 , the direction indication changes from indicating the setpoint forward movement to indicating the setpoint reverse movement if a reverse gear speed of the vehicle is engaged or if the vehicle is located at the end of the current maneuver claim 4 , and the direction indication changes from indicating the setpoint reverse movement to indicating the setpoint forward movement if a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116879A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A method to park a vehicle using a parking assistance system, a target position of the vehicle within a parking space is automatically determined. A parking process of the parking assistance system is considered successfully ended when the vehicle reaches the target position. In order to carry out the parking process of the parking assistance system, a steering intervention in a steering system of the vehicle is automatically activated. A state that prevents the target position from being reached is automatically detected during the parking process. Depending on the state, the target position is newly determined and the parking process is continued with the newly determined target position. 1. A method for facilitating parking a vehicle using a parking assistance system , the method comprising:automatically determining a target position of the vehicle within a parking space, wherein, when the target position is reached by the vehicle, a parking process of the parking assistance system is successfully ended;automatically activating a steering intervention into a steering system of the vehicle to carry out the parking process of the parking assistance system;automatically sensing, during the parking process, a state of the vehicle which prevents the target position from being reached;automatically redetermining the target position as a function of the state; andautomatically continuing the parking process with the target position which has been redetermined.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parking space is a transverse parking space claim 1 , and the state is present if a gearspeed change from a reverse gearspeed of the vehicle into a forward gearspeed of the vehicle is sensed at a time at which the vehicle covers at least part of the parking space and there is a no more than a required oblique position of the vehicle with respect to the parking space.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle covers at least a part of the parking space if a difference (Δy) ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Driver-Assistance System Having Control of the Vehicle Brake System and Distance Warning

Номер: US20130124042A1

The present system relates to driver-assistance systems providing a parking-assistance functionality, in which a vehicle brake system is actively controlled. Among other components, the parking assistance system includes a parking device for implementing a parking operation along a calculated parking trajectory, and an output device for outputting distance information about detected objects to a man-machine interface. The parking device is configured to brake only for the at least one parking-space-delimiting object (PLBO) detected prior to the parking operation, but not for a non-parking-space-delimiting object (non-PLBO) detected in the course of the parking operation. The output device is configured to output to the MMI only distance information about the non-PLBO, but no distance information about the PLBO during the parking operation. 19-. (canceled)10. A parking assistance system , comprising:an input device for receiving data from a sensor system, the sensor system being configured to detect at least one parking-space-delimiting object prior to parking;a determining device for determining a parking trajectory based on at least one detected parking-space-delimiting object;a parking device for implementing the parking operation along the calculated parking trajectory; andan output device for outputting distance information about detected objects to a man-machine interface;wherein the parking device is configured not to brake during parking for a non-parking-space-delimiting object detected the course of the parking operation, andwherein the output device is configured to output to the man-machine interface distance information about the non-parking-space-delimiting object during the parking operation.11. The system of claim 10 , wherein the output device is configured to output the distance information about the non-parking-space-delimiting object when the non-parking-space-delimiting object is detected as obstacle along the parking trajectory.12. The system of ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130124044A1
Автор: DEGENSTEIN Thomas

An electrical limitation of a travel of a steering device of a wheeled vehicle, in particular of a passenger car, including a control, is provided. The method includes reading-in of a stored vehicle configuration into the control of the steering device, and deriving an adjusting value limitation from the read-in vehicle configuration. The method includes electrically limiting travel of the steering device through the control based on the derived adjusting value limitation. 1. A method for the electrical limitation of a travel of a steering device of a wheeled vehicle having a control , comprising:reading-in a stored vehicle configuration into the control of the steering device;deriving an adjusting value limitation from the read-in vehicle configuration; andelectrically limiting travel of the steering device by the control based on the derived adjusting value limitation.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting value limitation is differently specified for a first and a second adjusting direction.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a further stored vehicle configuration can be read in claim 1 , and from this a further adjusting value limitation can be derived and travel of the steering device can be electrically limited through the control on the basis of the further adjusting value limitation.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a stored vehicle configuration comprises at least one of a wheel dimension claim 1 , a vehicle type claim 1 , a chassis number claim 1 , special equipment claim 1 , a body claim 1 , a chassis classification and combinations thereof.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the wheel dimension further comprises at least one of a standardized tire width and a tire height.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the travel of the steering device is electrically limited by at least one of a steering drive and an electrically adjustable stop.7. A steering device for a wheeled vehicle claim 1 , comprising: ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133959A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An omnidirectional vehicle includes: a main wheel which is able to be driven in all directions; a base which supports the main wheel and a sub wheel which is connected to the base via an arm and is grounded at a position apart from the ground contact point of the main wheel The sub wheel is attached so as to circularly move about the center of rotation of the main wheel 1. An omnidirectional vehicle comprising:a main wheel able to be driven in all directions;a vehicle body frame which supports the main wheel; anda sub wheel which is connected to the vehicle body frame via an arm member and is grounded at a position apart from the ground contact point of the main wheel,wherein the sub wheel is attached so as to circularly move about the center of rotation of the main wheel.2. The omnidirectional vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein:the main wheel is supported by the vehicle body frame via a shaft member; andthe arm member is attached to the shaft member so as to circularly move.3. The omnidirectional vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a cover member which covers the outside of the main wheel is provided claim 1 , the arm member has a bifurcated shape claim 1 , both tip portions of the bifurcated portion are located in such a way that the main wheel is placed between the tip portions claim 1 , and the bifurcated-shaped branching portion is arranged inside the cover member.4. The omnidirectional vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein a cover member which covers the outside of the main wheel is provided claim 2 , the arm member has a bifurcated shape claim 2 , both tip portions of the bifurcated portion are located in such a way that the main wheel is placed between the tip portions claim 2 , and the bifurcated-shaped branching portion is arranged inside the cover member.5. The omnidirectional vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein two stoppers which regulate the circular motion of the arm member are provided so that the maximum angle at which the vehicle body ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Controllers for and Methods of Controlling Electric Power Assisted Steering Systems

Номер: US20130151079A1
Принадлежит: TRW LIMITED

A controller for an electric power assisted steering system includes a steering mechanism and an electric motor that can apply an assistance torque to the steering mechanism. The controller has an input for an input torque signal indicative of the torque applied by a user to the steering mechanism and an output for an assistance torque demand indicative of the assistance torque to be applied to the steering mechanism by the electric motor. The controller includes: a first subcontroller having an input for the input torque signal, an output for a first assistance torque and a process arranged to determine the first assistance torque; a second subcontroller having an input for the input torque signal, an output for a second assistance torque and a processor arranged to determine the second assistance torque; and a blending unit, which provides as an output the assistance torque demand. The blending unit combines the first and second assistance torques in time-varying proportions in order to determine the assistance torque demand. 114-. (canceled)15. A controller for an electric power assisted steering system comprising a steering mechanism which operatively connects a steering wheel to road wheels of a vehicle , and an electric motor operatively connected to the steering mechanism in order to apply an assistance torque to the steering mechanism , the controller having an input for an input torque signal indicative of the torque applied by a user to the steering mechanism and an output for an assistance torque demand indicative of the assistance torque to be applied to the steering mechanism by the electric motor ,in which the controller comprises:a first subcontroller having an input for the input torque signal, an output for a first assistance torque and a processor arranged to determine the first assistance torque based upon the input torque signal;a second subcontroller having an input for the input torque signal, an output for a second assistance torque and a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153326A1

A wheel-turning device that constitutes a steer-by-wire steering system is made as compact as possible so as to be housed in a wheel house of a vehicle. The steer-by-wire steering system is provided including a wheel-turning device mechanically separated from a steering input device, the wheel-turning device being controlled based on an input signal from the steering input device, wherein the wheel-turning device includes a wheel-turning motor secured to a knuckle of a steered wheel via a gear case, a wheel-turning shaft secured to an upper arm, a worm wheel secured to the wheel-turning shaft, a worm gear meshing with the worm wheel, and the gear case housing the gears. 1. A steer-by-wire steering system comprising: a steering input device; a wheel-turning device mechanically separated from the steering input device; and a control device that controls the wheel-turning device based on an input signal from the steering input device , wherein the wheel-turning device includes a wheel-turning actuator secured to a steered wheel coupling member constituted by a knuckle of a steered wheel or a member secured to the knuckle , a wheel-turning shaft secured to an upper arm of a suspension , a fixed gear secured around the wheel-turning shaft , a pinion gear that meshes with the fixed gear and moves around the fixed gear , and a gear case housing the gears , a drive shaft of the wheel-turning actuator is coupled to the pinion gear , the fixed gear is free with respect to the gear case , the pinion gear is supported by the gear case , and the gear case is secured to the steered wheel coupling member.2. The steer-by-wire steering system according to claim 1 , wherein a universal joint is provided in a middle of the wheel-turning shaft.3. The steer-by-wire steering system according to claim 2 , wherein the universal joint is a constant velocity universal joint.4. The steer-by-wire steering system according to claim 1 , wherein the wheel-turning actuator is a motor.5. The steer- ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158774A1

A device for the controlled parking of a motor vehicle on the basis of a stored path trajectory is provided. The device includes at least one road marking sensor for detecting road markings on the roadway of the path trajectory. The device records the position of the road markings relative to the path trajectory and when retracing the path trajectory finds the recorded road markings by means of the road marking sensor and corrects the driving path as necessary on this basis. This results in more accurately controlled parking during the parking operation. 1. A device for the controlled parking of a motor vehicle on the basis of a stored path trajectory , comprising:at least one road marking sensor for detecting road markings on the roadway of the path trajectory,wherein the device records the position of the road markings relative to the path trajectory and when retracing the path trajectory finds the recorded road markings and on this basis corrects the driving path, as necessary.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein several road marking sensors are provided on the motor vehicle.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one road marking sensor is infrared (IR) light sensitive or ultraviolet (UV) light sensitive.4. The device according to claim 3 , further comprising at least one IR light source and UV light source for illuminating the roadway area detected by the at least one road marking sensor.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one road marking sensor is a metal sensor.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one road marking sensor is an inductive sensor or capacitive sensor.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one road marking sensor further comprises several road marking sensors of which at least one is an optical sensor and at least one is a metal sensor.8. A method for the controlled parking of a motor vehicle claim 1 , comprising:detecting by means of at least one road ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173118A1
Автор: Suzuki Hiroshi

An ECU includes two drive circuits corresponding to the motor coils of two systems independent of each other, and a microcomputer that outputs control signals of two independent systems to the drive circuits. The microcomputer includes a first control signal output portion that outputs the control signal to the drive circuit of the first system by executing an electric current control so as to generate a motor torque that corresponds to the assist force. The microcomputer further includes a second control signal output portion that outputs the control signal to the drive circuit of the second system by executing a position control on the basis of a steering angle command value that is input from a superior ECU via an in-vehicle network so as to change the steering angle of the steering road wheels. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising:a steering force assist device that gives an assist force to a steering system based on magnetomotive force that is generated by motor coils of two systems that are provided independently of each other; anda controller configured to control operation of the steering force assist device through supply of electric power to the motor coils, a drive circuit of a first system and a drive circuit of a second system that are provided independently of each other corresponding to the motor coils, the first system being configured to control the assist force given to the steering system and the second system being configured to control a steering angle of a steering road wheel independently of a steering elation of a driver;', 'a first control signal output unit configured to output a control signal to the drive circuit of the first system by executing an electric current control so as to generate a motor torque that corresponds to the assist force; and', 'a second control signal output unit configured to output a control signal to the drive circuit of the second system by executing a position control based on a position command ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179040A1
Автор: Suzuki Hiroshi

In an electric power steering system, a control signal output section outputs independent dual-system control signals to driver circuits that are disposed in connection with independent dual-system motor coils. The control signal output section gives high priority to the output of the control signal to the other system, when the occurrence of energization failure is detected in one system. When the energization failure occurring phase is only one phase and the value of the basic command exceeds the upper limit of the priority command, the control signal output section outputs the control signal to the driver circuit in the system where the energization failure has occurred in order to supply electric power in which the two phases other than the energization failure occurring phase are used as the energized phases on the bases of the complementary command that corresponds to the excess of the upper limit. 1. An electric power steering system comprising:a steering force assist device configured to give assist force to a steering system based on magnetomotive force generated by dual-system motor coils, the dual-system motor coils being provided independently;a controller configured to control operation of the steering force assist device through electric power supply to the motor coils, the controller including a command section, a control signal output section and independent dual-system driver circuits, the command section being configured to generate a basic command for the power supply in order to generate motor torque corresponding to the assist; force, the control signal output section being configured to output independent dual-system control signals based on the basic command, and the independent dual-system driver circuits being configured to output three-phase drive electric power to the motor coils connected based on the control signals; anda detection section configured to detect for each phase the occurrence of energization failure in each power supply ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method of steering a vehicle by a steering assistance system

Номер: US20130197762A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method of steering a vehicle by a steering assistance system, a steering-wheel angle of a steering wheel is set by a driver. The steering assistance system checks whether the set steering-wheel angle is maintained during a predefined time period and checks whether the driver has taken the hands from the steering wheel. The vehicle is then operated according to the set steering-wheel angle, when the driver maintains the set steering-wheel angle during the predefined time period, or the steering assistance system is switched off, when the driver has released the steering wheel.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199865A1
Автор: PARK Jung Sik

In a hybrid power steering system, two steering assisters for supporting a steering force when the driver operates the steering wheel. The steering supporting force can be divisionally used according to the increase of speed and weight of a vehicle, thereby reducing the load applied to any of the steering assisters such that operating noise can be reduced and the endurance can be increased. Further, a motor of a lower power specification may be used even in the case of a truck or a bus that requires a relatively high steering force as compared to a passenger vehicle. Accordingly, production costs can be reduced and a sufficient steering supporting force can be obtained, thereby improving the driver's convenience, and enhancing fuel efficiency while increasing energy efficiency. Further, the steering can be safely maintained even when one of the steering assisters is not operating normally while the vehicle is being driven. 1. A hybrid power steering system comprising:a first steering assister configured to rotate a steering shaft in a forward or reverse direction using the driving force of a first motor so as to support a steering force;a second steering assister configured to rotate a sector shaft of a gear box in a forward or reverse direction using the hydraulic pressure of the hydraulic oil of an oil pump driven by a second motor so as to support the steering force;a torque sensor configured to sense the rotational torque of the steering shaft;a speed sensor configured to sense vehicle speed; andan electronic control unit configured to send target electric current value control signals to the first motor and the second motor according to input signals input from the torque sensor and the speed sensor, respectively.2. The hybrid power steering system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first steering assister comprises:a reducer including a worm wheel connected and rotated with the steering shaft, and a worm shaft adapted to tooth-mesh with the worm wheel to ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204494A1

A method is provided for operating an electrical steering system of an industrial truck. An assignment assigns a target value for a rotational position of the steering wheel to each rotational position of the steered wheel. An electrical steering drive motor is provided for the steered wheel such that the detected rotational movement of the steering wheel is converted into rotational movement according to a predetermined transmission factor. An absolute value of a rotational position of the steering wheel and the steered wheel is detected during travel of the industrial truck. If the detected absolute values are related to one another according to the assignment, and if a deviation is determined, a transmission factor is specified that differs from the predetermined transmission factor for the conversion of the detected rotational movement of the steering wheel into the rotational movement of the steered wheel such that the determined deviation is automatically counteracted during the further steering movement. 1. A method for operating an electrical steering system of an industrial truck having a steering wheel and at least one steered wheel , wherein there is an assignment which assigns a target value for a rotational position (φ) of the steering wheel to each rotational position (α) of the at least one steered wheel , the method comprising:detecting a rotational movement of the steering wheel of the industrial truck,actuating an electrical steering drive motor for the at least one steered wheel such that the detected rotational movement of the steering wheel is converted into a rotational movement of the at least one steered wheel according to a predetermined transmission factor (i),detecting an absolute value of a rotational position (φ) of the steering wheel during travel of the industrial truck,detecting an absolute value of a rotational position (α) of the steered wheel during travel of the industrial truck,checking whether the detected absolute values are ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211620A1
Автор: Yokota Takahiro

A vehicle motion control system includes a vehicle state amount obtaining unit configured to obtain a reference yaw rate and an actual yaw rate of a vehicle, a vehicle state estimating unit configured to determine OS/US determinations based on the reference yaw rate and the actual yaw rate, and a vehicle motion control unit configured to execute a vehicle motion control based on a result of the OS/US determinations. In the vehicle motion control system, a high-pass filter unit of a control unit executes a high-pass filter process for removing a component equal to or less than a predetermined cut-off frequency from the reference yaw rate and the actual yaw rate. Then, an OS/US determining unit executes the OS/US determinations based on a deviation between the reference yaw rate after the high-pass filter process and the actual yaw rate after the high-pass filter process. 1. A vehicle motion control system comprising:a vehicle state amount obtaining unit configured to obtain a reference yaw rate and an actual yaw rate of a vehicle;a vehicle state estimating unit configured to determine an over-steered state or an under-steered state of the vehicle (hereinafter, referred to as OS/US determinations) based on the reference yaw rate and the actual yaw rate; anda vehicle motion control unit configured to execute a vehicle motion control based on a result of the OS/US determinations, whereinthe vehicle state estimating unit executes a high-pass filter process for removing a component equal to or less than a predetermined cut-off frequency from the reference yaw rate and the actual yaw rate, as well as executes the OS/US determinations based on a deviation between the reference yaw rate after the high-pass filter process and the actual yaw rate after the high-pass filter process.2. The vehicle motion control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe vehicle state estimating unit changes the cut-off frequency according to the number of times of steering of the vehicle.3. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211676A1

An electric power steering system may be controlled by superimposing a driver demand and a driver assistance device demand value to calculate a driver requested support value, in which a virtual driver support value may be calculated based on driver demand and a correction driver support value may be calculated based on a driver assistance device demand value, and the driver requested support value may be calculated as a combination of the virtual correction driver support value and the virtual driver support value. 1. A method of operating an electric power steering system , applicable for superimposing a driver demand and a driver assistance device demand value to calculate a driver requested support value , the method comprising:calculating a virtual driver support value on the basis of the driver demand;calculating a correction driver support value on the basis of a driver assistance device demand value; andcalculating the driver requested support value as a combination of the correction driver support value and the virtual driver support value, wherein calculating the correction driver support value includes:calculating an intermediate correction driver support value on basis of the driver assistance device demand value;comparing an absolute value of the intermediate correction driver support value with an assistance limit;if the absolute value of the intermediate correction driver support value exceeds the assistance limit, then multiplying the intermediate correction driver support value with a limiting factor to get the correction driver support value, wherein the limiting factor has a value, which is less than one and greater than or equal to zero, andif the absolute value of the intermediate correction driver support value is less than the assistance limit, then setting the correction driver support value to the intermediate correction driver support value.2. The method of operating an electric power steering system according claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233638A1
Автор: LEE Jong Hyun

An electric power steering apparatus for a vehicle, includes: a first auxiliary steering unit for assisting with steering power while rotating a steering shaft in a forward or reverse direction with a driving power of a first motor; a second auxiliary steering unit for assisting with steering power while sliding a rack bar in one or an opposite direction with a driving power of a second motor; a torque sensor for detecting a rotary torque of the steering shaft; a speed sensor for detecting a speed of the vehicle; and an electronic control unit for transmitting a target current value control signal to the first motor and the second motor respectively in response to input signals input from the torque sensor and the speed sensor, respectively. 1. An electric power steering apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a first auxiliary steering unit for assisting with steering power while rotating a steering shaft in a forward or reverse direction with a driving power of a first motor;a second auxiliary steering unit for assisting with steering power while sliding a rack bar in one or an opposite direction with a driving power of a second motor;a torque sensor for detecting a rotary torque of the steering shaft;a speed sensor for detecting a speed of the vehicle; and{'b': '20', 'an electronic control unit for transmitting a target current value control signal to the first motor and the second motor respectively in response to input signals input from the torque sensor and the speed sensor, respectively.'}2. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first auxiliary steering unit comprises:a first reducer including a worm wheel connected to the steering shaft to be rotated, and a worm shaft engaged with the worm wheel to rotate the worm wheel connected to the steering shaft; anda first motor for driving the worm shaft in a forward or reverse direction in response to a control signal input from the electronic control unit.3. The electric power steering ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Controlling A Servo Motor In An Electric Vehicular Steering System

Номер: US20130238195A1

A method comprising the steps: a manually applied driver steering moment is detected; a requested superposition moment is detected; the driver steering and superposition moments are combined to form an intermediate moment from which an assistance moment is generated by means of a predefined, non-linear amplification function; starting from detected values of the driver steering and superposition moments, a modified superposition moment compensating for friction in the electric steering system at least in part is determined such that the amount of the modified superposition moment is larger than the amount of the superposition moment at least for some pairs of variates comprised of driver steering and superposition moments; the assistance and modified superposition moments are combined to form a motor moment from which a corresponding input signal for a servo motor is established; the servo motor is controlled with the established input signal to provide the motor moment. 1. A method of controlling a servo motor in an electric vehicular steering system in consideration of superposition moments and by compensating for influences of the system-inherent friction , the method comprising the following steps:a manually applied driver steering moment is detected;a requested superposition moment is detected;the driver steering moment and the superposition moment are combined to form an intermediate moment from which an assistance moment is generated by means of a predefined, non-linear amplification function;starting from the detected values of the driver steering moment and of the superposition moment, a modified superposition moment compensating for the friction in the electric vehicular steering system at least in part is determined such that the amount of the modified superposition moment is larger than the amount of the superposition moment at least for some pairs of variates comprised of driver steering moment and superposition moment;the assistance moment and the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245893A1
Автор: SPRINZL Michael

Provided is a method for operating a power steering system and to such a power steering system. A motor torque is computed by an electronic processor and is established by suitable motor actuation, wherein a plausibility check of the computed motor torque is carried out, taking a measured manual torque into consideration. A value of the additional torques of at least one special function is further considered in the plausibility check. 1. A method for operating a power steering system , in which a motor torque is computed by an electronic processor and is established by suitable motor actuation , wherein a plausibility check of the computed motor torque is carried out , taking a measured manual torque into consideration ,wherein a value of the added torques of at least one special function is further taken into account in the plausibility check.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the measured manual torque is corrected by the value of the added torques of the special function.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the manual torque is increased.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the manual torque is reduced.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein a plausibility check is carried out within the framework of a 3-level design.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the manual torque claim 1 , which is detected by way of a manual torque sensor claim 1 , is controlled by specifying a target manual torque.7. A method according to claim 1 , which is carried out based on the following requirements:the superposed torques must either be limited to intrinsically safe figures with respect to the value and gradient or must assure ASIL D compliance through plausibility check measures;the superposed torques must only be requested in appropriate special situations and must be monitored and limited in terms of time; andthe superposed torques must subject to a plausibility check of the application direction and exclude undesirable, potentially ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253768A1

The present invention relates to a method for controlling an electrical steering gear for a motor vehicle, especially a passenger car, wherein an effective force applied to a steering linkage is detected and a tractive force applied by the electrical steering gear is preset based on the condition that a load acting on the steering linkage does not exceed a preset load limit value. 1. A method for controlling an electrical steering gear for a motor vehicle , wherein an effective force applied to a steering linkage is detected applied by the electrical steering gear is preset based on the condition that a load acting on the steering linkage does not exceed a preset load limit value.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the load acting on the steering linkage claim 1 , includes a tensile-compressive force in a tie rod.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tractive force is preset to be lower than a tractive force preset at an effective force limit value that drops as the effective force increases and counter to the effective force claim 1 , if the effective force exceeds the effective force limit value.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the preset effective force limit value at most is 120 Nm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tractive force is preset so that the load at least corresponds to the load limit value if the effective force exceeds a preset effective force limit value.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the preset effective force limit value is steering-angle-dependent.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the effective force applied to the steering linkage includes an operating force applied by an operator to a steering means.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the effective force applied to the steering linkage includes the load acting on the steering linkage.9. A steering device for a motor vehicle comprising a steering means able to be operated by a driver claim 1 , a steering linkage for ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric Power Steering Apparatus

Номер: US20130261894A1
Автор: KOJIMA Atsushi
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

An electric power steering apparatus includes a first torque calculating unit for calculating a first torque command based on a steering torque detected by the steering torque detecting unit, a second torque command calculating unit for calculating a second torque command based on the wheel rotation speed, an emergency switching unit for outputting the second torque command instead of the first torque command when error of the rotation torque is detected, a wheel rotation speed error detecting unit for detecting an error of the wheel rotation speed based at least on the wheel rotation speed, the steering torque in a normal state and the motor rotation information, and an emergency command limiting unit for liming the second torque command when normal and the motor rotation information, and where error of the wheel rotation speed is detected, when the second torque command is selected by the emergency switching unit. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising:a steering torque detecting unit for detecting a steering torque input to a steering mechanism;a first torque command calculating unit for calculating a first torque command based on the steering torque detected by the steering torque detecting unit;an electric motor for generating a steering assist torque to be supplied o the steering mechanism;a torque detecting unit error detecting unit for detecting error of the steering torque detecting unit;a wheel rotation speed detecting unit for detecting a wheel rotation speed of a vehicle;a motor rotation information detecting unit for detecting motor rotation information of the electric motor;a second torque command calculating unit for calculating a second torque command based on the wheel rotation speed detected by the wheel rotation speed detecting unit;an emergency switching unit for selecting the first torque command, when an error of the torque detecting unit is not detected by the torque detecting unit error detecting unit, and for selecting the second ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265175A1
Автор: KANG Tae Seok

The present invention relates to a vehicle alarm control technique. More particularly, the present invention relates to a parking control apparatus and a method for providing an alarm accurately as detecting a collision risk of a vehicle with an obstacle in advance during all the time while the vehicle moves under parking control. 1. A method for providing an alarm by a parking control apparatus comprising:acquiring vehicle location informations repetitively based on at least one of wheel signal and steering angle signal, and repetitively acquiring to store obstacle location informations based on distance informations from a vehicle to an obstacle on a periphery of a parking space through sensors installed to the vehicle while the vehicle moves under parking control to park on the parking space;acquiring a first side distance information from a side part of the vehicle to the obstacle based on a currently acquired obstacle location information and a currently acquired vehicle location information if the obstacle location information is obtainable;acquiring a second side distance information from the side part of the vehicle to the obstacle based on a previously stored obstacle location information and the currently acquired vehicle location information if the obstacle location information is not obtainable; andproviding a side alarm for a broadside collision risk of the vehicle according to comparison between reference distance information and either the first side distance information or the second side distance information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acquiring of the vehicle location information acquires a vehicle location information moved from a reference location information according to a movement distance and a rotation angle based on at least one of the wheel signal and the steering angle signal claim 1 , wherein the reference location information is a vehicle location information at a time when the parking control starts.3. The method of claim 1 ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289825A1
Автор: Kim Jae Suk, NOH Tae Bong

Disclosed herein are a parking assist system to park a vehicle at the center of a target position in parking of the vehicle at the target position and a control method thereof. 1. A parking assist system comprising:a state sensor to sense a state of a vehicle;an obstacle sensor to sense obstacles present at a front side, a rear side or lateral sides of the vehicle;an interface to provide a driver with information about a state or operation of the vehicle; anda controller to compute a parking path for the vehicle based on results of sensing by the state sensor and the obstacle sensor, control steering of the vehicle such that the vehicle is parked at a target position along the computed parking path, and announce, to the driver, manipulations required during parking of the vehicle at the target position, through the interface,wherein, when the vehicle reaches the target position, the controller controls steering of the vehicle to position the vehicle at a center of the target position, based on information related to situations at the front and rear sides of the vehicle sensed by the obstacle sensor.2. The parking assist system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the vehicle reaches the target position claim 1 , the controller turns a steering wheel of the vehicle back to an original position thereof claim 1 , calculates distances between the vehicle and the obstacles positioned at the front side and the rear side of the vehicle based on the result of sensing by the obstacle sensor when the steering wheel is turned back to the original position claim 1 , determines whether the vehicle is off the center of the target position based on the calculated distances claim 1 , and controls steering of the vehicle to position the vehicle at the center of the target position if the vehicle is off the center of the target position.3. The parking assist system according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , if the distance between the vehicle and one obstacle positioned at the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Power Steering Apparatus, and Controller for Power Steering Apparatus

Номер: US20130289826A1

In a power steering system, a torque sensor obtains first and second rotation angles, and a steering angle sensor obtains third and fourth rotation angles. A controller includes a first absolute rotation angle calculation section, a second absolute rotation angle calculation section, and an abnormality detection section. The first absolute rotation angle calculation section calculates a first absolute rotation angle as a first estimate of an absolute rotation angle of a steering wheel based on the first and third rotation angles. The second absolute rotation angle calculation section calculates a second absolute rotation angle as a second estimate of the absolute rotation angle of the steering wheel based on the third and fourth rotation angles. The abnormality detection section detects an abnormality by comparison between the first absolute rotation angle and the second absolute rotation angle. 1. A power steering apparatus comprising: [ an input shaft configured to be rotated by steering operation of a steering wheel;', 'an output shaft; and', 'a torsion bar connected between the input shaft and the output shaft, and configured to transmit rotation of the input shaft to the output shaft; and, 'a steering shaft including, 'a motion conversion mechanism configured to convert rotation of the output shaft to steering motion of a steerable wheel;, 'a steering mechanism includingan electric motor configured to apply a steering effort to the steering mechanism; a first rotation angle sensor configured to sense as a first rotation angle a rotation angle of the input shaft; and', 'a second rotation angle sensor configured to sense as a second rotation angle a rotation angle of the output shaft;', 'wherein the torque sensor is configured to determine a steering torque on a basis of a relative rotation angle between the first rotation angle and the second rotation angle, wherein the steering torque occurs in the steering shaft;, 'a torque sensor includinga third rotation ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Power Steering System And Control Apparatus For Power Steering System

Номер: US20130289827A1

In a power steering system and a control apparatus for the power steering system, an abnormality detection process section () installed in a second ECU, the second ECU, the second ECU having a multi-core microcomputer in which a plurality of processor cores are mounted within a single processor package, to detect an abnormality of a first angle calculation process section of a first ECU, the first ECU having a single core microcomputer in which a single processor core is mounted within another single processor package and the first angle calculation process section a first angle calculation process section () installed in the first ECU to calculate rotation angles of the input axle and output axle on a basis of sinusoidal wave signals and cosine wave signals derived from a steering angle sensor and a torque sensor. 1. A power steering system , comprising:a steering mechanism constituted by a steering shaft, the steering shaft including an input axle connected to a steering wheel and an output axle connected to the input axle via a torsion bar, and a conversion mechanism that converts a rotation of the steering shaft to a steering operation of steerable wheels;a steering angle sensor constituted by MR elements and arranged to output sinusoidal wave signals and cosine wave signals which are rotation angle information of the steering shaft;a torque sensor constituted by resolvers and arranged to output other sinusoidal wave signals and cosine wave signals which are at least rotation angle information of the output axle to detect a torque generated on the steering shaft using a relative angle between the input axle and output axle;an electrically driven motor that provides a steering assistance force for the steering mechanism;a first ECU having a single core microcomputer in which a single processor core is mounted within a single processor package;a steering angle signal receipt section installed in the first ECU to receive output signals from the steering angle ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304325A1

A motor control device has characteristic information that indicates a correlation between a rotation speed and a current of a motor. The motor control device sets a rotation speed characteristic value that is a reference value of the rotation speed of the motor and a current characteristic value that is a reference value of the current of the motor on the basis of the characteristic information. The motor control device calculates an estimated rotation speed on the basis of a measured value of a voltage that is applied to the motor, a measured value of the current, the current characteristic value, a voltage characteristic value, the rotation speed characteristic value and a counter-electromotive force constant. 1. A motor control device that calculates an estimated speed value that is an estimated value of a rotation speed of a motor , comprisingthe motor control device has characteristic information that indicates a correlation between a rotation speed and a current as a characteristic of the motor,the motor control device sets a rotation speed characteristic value that is a reference value of the rotation speed of the motor and a current characteristic value that is a reference value of the current of the motor on the basis of the characteristic information, andthe motor control device calculates the estimated speed value on the basis of a current value that is a measured value of the current that is supplied to the motor, a voltage value that is a measured value of a voltage that is applied to the motor, the current characteristic value, a voltage characteristic value that is a reference value of the voltage of the motor, which is measured at a time when the current value is the current characteristic value, the rotation speed characteristic value and a counter-electromotive force constant.2. The motor control device according to claim 1 , wherein the motor control device has a map that indicates the correlation between the rotation speed and the current of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311044A1

An assisting command value calculating unit calculates a first assisting factor on the basis of the value of a torque differential control volume added to a basic assist control volume based on a steering torque value, while increasing or decreasing, on the basis of an assisting gradient, the torque differential control volume based on a torque differential value. The pinion angle F/B control unit calculates a pinion angle command value, capable of being converted to a steering angle of the steering wheel, on the basis of the steering torque and the first assisting factor, and executes rotational angle feedback control. The assisting command value calculating unit calculates an assisting command value on the basis of the value of a second assisting factor, calculated by the pinion angle F/B control unit, added to the first assisting factor. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising a steering force assisting device and a control unit , whereinthe steering force assisting device comprises a motor as a drive source and applies assist force to a steering system,the control unit sets a basic component of the assist force based on steering torque transmitted to a steering shaft,the control unit increases/decreases a compensation component based on a change rate of the basic component relative to a change in the steering torque, and calculates a first assist component based on a value obtained by adding the compensation component to the basic component,the control unit calculates a rotation angle instruction value of a rotation shaft that can be converted into a turning angle of a turning wheel based on the steering torque and the first assist component,the control unit executes a rotation angle feedback control based on the rotation angle instruction value to calculate a second assist component, andthe control unit controls an actuation of the steering force assisting device based on an assist instruction value that is on a basis of a value obtained by adding ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317698A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to a lane keeping assist system for controlling a vehicle on the basis of traveling information and road information of the vehicle when the vehicle begins to leave its lane in order to prevent the vehicle from deviating from its lane, which is a system for assisting the vehicle in keeping the lane by generating multiple target routes each being a path for the vehicle to travel without deviating from the lane, calculating a target yaw rate for each target route, and controls the vehicle according to a target steering angle calculated using the target yaw rate. 1. A lane keeping assist system , comprising:a receiver outputting information about an vehicle and information about a road where the vehicle are traveling on the basis of information received from an image sensor and a vehicle sensor;a target route generator receiving the information output by the receiver and generating a target route of the vehicle;a target yaw rate calculator receiving the target route from the target route generator and calculating a target yaw rate of the vehicle; anda controller determining a time point for lane keeping assist control of the vehicle on the basis of the information output by the receiver, calculating a target steering angle using the target yaw rate received from the target yaw rate, and controlling a steering device according to the target steering angle.2. The lane keeping assist system of claim 1 , wherein the target route generator generates at least one of traveling paths to deviate from a boundary of the road claim 1 , as the target route.3. The lane keeping assist system of claim 1 , wherein the target route generator generates multiple target routes for at least one of a path for the vehicle to travel without deviating from the road up to any target and a path for the vehicle to travel without deviating from a given offset distance from the boundary of the road.4. The lane keeping assist system of claim 1 , wherein the target yaw ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Hands-on-off steering wheel detection for motor vehicle

Номер: US20130317699A1

In a method for detecting contact between a driver's hands and the steering wheel ( 12 ) of a vehicle, an actuator ( 14 ) for selectively applying a steering force and sensors ( 22 ) for measuring the instantaneous steering force and/or the steering angle being associated with the steering wheel ( 12 ), the actuator ( 14 ) impresses ( 32 ) a test force pulse pattern on the steering wheel ( 12 ). The steering force sensor and/or the steering angle sensor ( 22 ) measure(s) the reaction of the steering wheel movement to the test pulse pattern, and the reaction of the steering wheel movement is used to decide whether or not at least one of the driver's hands is in contact with the steering wheel ( 12 ).

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338879A1
Принадлежит: ThyssenKrupp Presta AG

A method for operating an electromechanical steering system for a motor vehicle with variable chassis height, 1. A method for operating an electromechanical steering system for a motor vehicle with variable chassis height , the electromechanical steering system including a steering rack , which is configured to be driven by a servo motor through a re-circulating ball screw drive and a control unit configured to receive input signals and to generate output signals for driving the servo motor , the output signals being representative of an assist torque to be provided by the steering system , the method including:receiving or generating, by the control unit, a chassis height signal indicative of a current chassis height of the vehicle, andlimiting the assist torque on the basis of the chassis height signal to an upper limit, wherein the upper limit is decreased with an increase of a difference between the current chassis height and a mean chassis height.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein limiting the assist torque is performed at least in part as a function of a speed of the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing a support torque at low speeds.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein limiting the assist torque (T) is performed at least in part as a function of a displacement of the steering rack from a center position.5. The method of claim 1 , further including subjecting the servo motor to a motor current claim 1 , with a value that lies between a maximum current value claim 1 , calculated only on the basis of the steering torque at a steering wheel claim 1 , and a second current value limited on the basis of the chassis height signal claim 1 , a position of the steering rack and/or vehicle speed.6. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mean value is a weighted mean value claim 10 , wherein the weighting is applied on the basis of the vehicle speed.7. The method of claim 1 , further including:measuring or calculating a position of the toothed rack ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005894A1
Автор: Aoki Kenichiro

When a steering torque sensor fails, a time delay setting section calculates delayed lateral acceleration by delaying lateral acceleration. A lateral acceleration upper limit restricting section calculates restricted lateral acceleration by restricting the upper limit of the lateral acceleration by the delayed lateral acceleration. An assist torque calculation section calculates a target assist torque on the basis of the restricted lateral acceleration such that the target assist torque increases with the restricted lateral acceleration. Thus, it is possible to properly delay steering assist in relation to detection of the lateral acceleration, whereby slippage of a vehicle due to excessive turning of a steering wheel is suppressed. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising:a motor which is provided in a steering mechanism and generates steering assist torque;lateral acceleration obtaining means for obtaining lateral acceleration of a vehicle;delayed lateral acceleration setting means for setting delayed lateral acceleration by delaying the lateral acceleration obtained by the lateral acceleration obtaining means;restricted lateral acceleration setting means for setting restricted lateral acceleration by restricting the lateral acceleration, which is obtained by the lateral acceleration obtaining means, by using as an upper limit the delayed lateral acceleration set by the delayed lateral acceleration setting means;assist control quantity setting means for setting a target steering assist control quantity on the basis of the restricted lateral acceleration set by the restricted lateral acceleration setting means; andmotor control means for driving and controlling the motor in accordance with the target steering assist control quantity.2. An electric power steering apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising delayed lateral acceleration restricting means for setting at least one of upper and lower limits of the delayed lateral acceleration.3. An ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005904A1

Disclosed is a system and a method for preventing collision through substantial vehicle control while providing warning to a driver by determining collision danger using vehicle information and environment information and controlling vehicle speed with vehicle target speed computed through determination logic. 1. A system for preventing collision of a vehicle , the system comprising: a map based collision determinator configured to output a first vehicle target speed using a map with respect to a parking space and a current location of the vehicle;', 'a front and rear parking assist system (FRPAS)-vehicle speed based collision determinator configured to output a second vehicle target speed using a measured value of the FRPAS and a current vehicle speed;', 'a FRPAS stop determinator configured to output a third vehicle target speed using the measured value of the FRPAS;', 'a vehicle speed excess stop determinator configured to determine whether the current vehicle speed exceeds a preset reference vehicle speed and to output a fourth vehicle target speed; and', 'a collision prevention operation manager configured to receive at least one of the first vehicle target speed, the second vehicle target speed, the third vehicle target speed, and the fourth vehicle target speed and to compute a final vehicle target speed corresponding to input target speeds., 'a processor configured to execute2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a braking control module configured to receive the computed final vehicle target speed and to brake the vehicle claim 1 , substantially equating the current vehicle speed to the final vehicle target speed.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the braking control module is further configured to brake the vehicle using at least one of a brake pressure value and acceleration and deceleration values.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the map based collision determinator is further configured to:acquire distance information to an obstacle using the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Steering system

Номер: US20140007733A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A steering system includes a column shaft that is supported by a column tube so that the column shaft is able to rotate. A male serration is formed in a lower end of a lower shaft of the column shaft in an axial direction. A universal joint connects the lower shaft with an intermediate shaft. A first portion of the male serration is fitted to a serration hole of a rotor of a steering angle sensor, and a second portion of the male serration is fitted to a serration hole of a first yoke of the universal joint.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008141A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A vehicle suspension apparatus is constructed to improve stability and controllability. Suspension apparatus includes; a tire wheel to be equipped with a tire; a wheel hub mechanism to support the tire wheel; a first link member connecting the wheel hub mechanism and a vehicle body on a lower side of an axle in an vehicle up and down direction; a second link member connecting the wheel hub mechanism and the vehicle body on the lower side of the axle in the vehicle up and down direction and intersecting the first link member in a vehicle top view; and a steering rack moving in a vehicle widthwise direction and steering the wheel hub mechanism. 145-. (canceled)46. A motor vehicle comprising:a steer control apparatus to steer a steerable wheel by actuating an actuator in accordance with a steering condition of a steering wheel; anda suspension apparatus to support the steerable wheel to a vehicle body;wherein the suspension apparatus comprises:a wheel hub mechanism to support a tire wheel to be provided with a tire;a first link member connecting the wheel hub mechanism and the vehicle body on a lower side of an axle in a vehicle up and down direction; and 'wherein a kingpin axis passing through an upper pivot point of the suspension apparatus and a lower pivot point located at an intersection point of the first link member and the second link member is set to pass through a tire ground contact surface at a neutral position of the steering wheel; and', 'a second link member connecting the wheel hub mechanism and the vehicle body on the lower side of the axle in the vehicle up and down direction and intersecting the first link member in a vehicle top view;'}wherein the steer control apparatus is configured to steer the steerable wheel by producing a restoring force for self-aligning in the steerable wheel by actuating the actuator and thereby to secure a straightness of the vehicle.47. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 46 , wherein the steer control apparatus ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Steering-shaft-rotation-angle detection device

Номер: US20140019009A1
Автор: Yoshinori Kogiso
Принадлежит: Kayaba Industry Co Ltd

A steering-shaft-rotation-angle detection device that detects a rotation angle of a steering shaft that is rotated by operation of a steering wheel, includes an electric motor that assists steering of the steering wheel by a driver, a speed reduction mechanism that reduces speed of rotation of the electric motor and transmits the rotation to the steering shaft, a rotating body that is attached to a rotation shaft of the electric motor, a signal output unit that outputs a signal in accordance with rotation of the rotating body, and a controller that calculates a rotation angle of the rotating body on the basis of the output signal from the signal output unit and calculates, on the basis of this rotation angle and a speed reduction ratio of the speed reduction mechanism, a rotation angle of the steering shaft.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle remote operation device

Номер: US20140032031A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a vehicle remote operation, device enabling parking-in and parking-out by a remote operation, the present invention provides the vehicle remote operation device which may correspond to an ambient condition change. When an automatic steering unit 15 automatically performs parking-in and parking-out by receiving an instruction from the transmitter 50, obstacle conditions around a vehicle (particularly, around a door) obtained by the surrounding object sensor 21 are detected, and it is determined whether a sufficient space is ensured for a passenger's getting on/off through a door to automatically move a vehicle to a place where getting on/off is easy if necessary.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032047A1

A method for adjusting an intervention torque of a steering assistance system on a steering system of a vehicle in the context of a required lane change, the method encompassing a step of adapting a magnitude of the intervention torque in response to a detected marking that announces a lane merge in advance of a beginning of said merge. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for adjusting an intervention torque of a steering assistance system on a steering system of a vehicle in the context of a required lane change , the method comprising:adapting a magnitude of the intervention torque in response to a detected marking that announces a lane merge in advance of a beginning of the merge.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , further comprising:evaluating an image from a surroundings sensing device of the vehicle to detect the marking.13. The method as recited in claim 12 , wherein the marking is a directional arrow claim 12 , and wherein the evaluating includes classifying the directional arrow.14. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the intervention torque serves to guide the vehicle on a target trajectory in a current lane of the vehicle claim 11 , and wherein claim 11 , in the adapting step claim 11 , a course of the target trajectory is brought closer to an adjacent lane that is being merged with the current lane in the context of the lane merge.15. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the adapting step includes adapting the intervention torque as a function of a look-ahead range of a device for detecting a beginning of the lane merge.16. The method as recited in claim 15 , wherein the adapting step includes reducing the magnitude of the intervention torque by a predetermined value within a predetermined time period if the look-ahead range is shorter than a predetermined minimum range.17. The method as recited in claim 15 , wherein the adapting step includes continuously adapting the magnitude of the intervention torque with a distance from the beginning of ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032048A1
Автор: Obradovich Michael L.

In a control and management system for automobiles, a central processor in the system connects traditionally unrelated vehicle subsystems together to realize synergistic functions such as smart driving, automatic parking, etc. A master interface having a display is employed in the system to help a user control and manage the vehicle functions. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for use in a system in a vehicle , the system including a display element , the method comprising:receiving a signal actuating an automatic parking routine stored in a memory of the system;detecting the positions of surrounding objects relative to the vehicle;displaying the positions of surrounding objects relative to the vehicle on the display element;computing coordinates defining a potential parking space;determining whether it is feasible for the automatic parking routine to park the vehicle in the potential parking space; andif it is determined that it is feasible for the automatic parking routine to park the vehicle in the potential parking space, controlling one or more components of the vehicle to park the vehicle in the potential parking space.22. The method of additionally comprising periodically detecting the current positions of surrounding objects relative to the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion and displaying the current positions of surrounding objects relative to the vehicle on the display element.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the one or more components include the steering system.24. The method of additionally comprising displaying the potential parking space on the display element.25. The method of additionally comprising displaying an animated graphic display depicting a representation of the vehicle moving into the potential parking space.26. The method of additionally comprising allowing a user to define the potential parking space.27. The method of wherein the display element comprises a touch screen claim 26 , and the user defines the potential parking space by ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140032050A1
Автор: KIM Seong Joo

The present invention relates to a technology for controlling an electric power steering apparatus. According to the present invention, a difference in steering feeling according to a change of a mechanical characteristic of an electric power steering apparatus can be corrected so that the sense of difference in steering felt by a driver when using the steering apparatus can be minimized and the reliability in relation to the apparatus can be enhanced. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising:a steering angle use frequency confirmation unit configured to confirm a use frequency value corresponding to a steering angle value received from a steering wheel sensor based on a steering angle use frequency graph stored in advance;a cumulative time calculation unit configured to calculate a cumulative operating time of the electric power steering apparatus;a compensating torque calculation unit configured to calculate a compensating torque based on the use frequency value and the cumulative operating time; anda drive control unit configured to calculate a target torque, to apply the compensating torque to the target torque, and to apply the target torque applied compensating torque to a motor.2. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a reduced amount of friction calculation unit configured to calculate a reduced amount of friction based on the use frequency value and the cumulative operating time and to transmit the calculated reduced amount of friction to the compensating torque calculation unit.3. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the reduced amount of friction calculation unit calculates in such a manner that the shorter the cumulative use time claim 2 , the more the reduced amount of friction is increased for the same steering angle value or steering angle range.4. A method of controlling an electric power steering apparatus claim 2 , comprising:sensing a steering angle and confirming a cumulative ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039760A1
Автор: LEE Hak Kyu
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Provided are a rear camera system for vehicles and a parking guide system using the same, which displays the minimum width and maximum width of a parking area guideline in consideration of the dimensions of a vehicle in displaying a parking area, and displays a stop position in backing. The parking guide system includes a camera mounted on a vehicle, a display unit disposed inside the vehicle, and a parking guide control unit connected to the camera and the display unit. The parking guide control unit includes a parking logic operation unit receiving a steering angle, a speed, or a parking mode from the vehicle, a parking area guideline display unit displaying a guideline for parking guide on the basis of the result of the logic operation, and an image synthesizer synthesizing the results, displayed by the parking area guideline display unit, and an image obtained by the camera. 1. A parking guide system for vehicles , comprising:a camera mounted on a rear of a vehicle;a display unit disposed inside the vehicle; anda parking guide control unit connected to the camera and the display unit, wherein the parking guide control unit comprises:a parking logic operation unit receiving a steering angle, a speed, or a parking mode from the vehicle to perform a parking logic operation;a parking area guideline display unit displaying a parking area guideline for parking guide on the basis of the result of the logic operation of the parking logic operation unit; andan image synthesizer synthesizing the results, displayed by the parking logic operation unit and the parking area guideline display unit, and an image obtained by the camera, andthe display unit displays the image synthesized by the image synthesizer.2. The parking guide system of claim 1 , wherein the parking guide control unit is comprised in the camera.3. The parking guide system of claim 1 , wherein the display unit is a display unit of an AVN system for vehicles claim 1 , the AVN system being mounted on the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle steering device

Номер: US20140041958A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

The present invention provides a vehicle steering device, comprising: a manual steering means for manually steering steerable wheels in a vehicle; a steering-torque detection means for detecting a steering torque applied to the manual steering means; a first electromotive-torque determination means for determining a first electromotive-torque value based on the detected steering torque; a vehicle-behavior detection means for detecting behavior of the vehicle; a second electromotive-torque determination means for determining a second electromotive-torque value based on a detected value obtained by the vehicle-behavior detection means; an electric motor for applying a combined electromotive torque to the steerable wheels; and a current control means for controlling current supplied to the electric motor based on a value of the combined electromotive torque obtained by adding the first electromotive-torque value to the second electromotive-torque value.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046506A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method of autonomous driving a vehicle on a parking area, a movement of a vehicle is controlled by an external stationary control device which is located in or in vicinity of the parking area and capable of steering the vehicle autonomously to or from an assigned parking space. An impending or actual collision with another moving or parked vehicle is detected by at least one sensor of the vehicle; and data generated by the sensor is analyzed by an evaluation unit. In response to the situation at hand, the control device makes a behavioral decision, such as, e.g., triggering an alert signal or maneuvering the vehicle. 1. A method of autonomous driving a vehicle in a parking area , comprising:controlling a movement of a vehicle using an external stationary control device located in or in vicinity of the parking area to steer the vehicle autonomously to or from an assigned parking space;detecting an impending or actual collision with another moving or parked vehicle by at least one sensor of the vehicle;analyzing data generated by the sensor by an evaluation unit; andtaking a situation-dependent behavioral decision in response to the analyzed data, using the control device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the behavioral decision includes triggering an alert signal selected from the group consisting of warning signal and alarm signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the alert signal involves an action selected from the group consisting of flashing claim 2 , honking claim 2 , light signal claim 2 , and radio signal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the behavioral decision includes maneuvering the vehicle by the external control device.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recording information selected from the group consisting of data generated by the sensor claim 1 , analyzed sensor data claim 1 , behavioral decision claim 1 , and other data relevant to the method claim 1 , using a recording unit.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the behavioral ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046544A1
Автор: NOH Tae Bong

Disclosed herein are a parking assistance apparatus and a parking assistance method thereof. The parking assistance apparatus includes a sensing unit sensing at least one of forward and backward access distances to a current surrounding object, a controller performing an electronic parking brake operation and including predetermined forward and backward access distance ranges to a reference surrounding object, a first judgment unit judging whether or not at least one access distance deviates from at least one access distance range, a display unit displaying the at least one access distance and the at least one access distance range, if the first judgment unit judges that the at least one access distance deviates from the at least one access distance range, and a steering driving unit driving an electronic steering driving apparatus until the at least one access distance enters the at least one access distance range. 1. A parking assistance apparatus comprising:a sensing unit sensing at least one of a forward access distance and a backward access distance to a current surrounding object according to forward driving and backward driving of a vehicle during parking of the vehicle;a controller performing an electronic parking brake operation using an electronic parking brake driving apparatus during parking of the vehicle and including predetermined forward access distance range and backward access distance range to a reference surrounding object;a first judgment unit judging whether or not at least one of the forward access distance and the backward access distance to the current surrounding object, sensed by the sensing unit, deviates from at least one of the forward access distance range and the backward access distance range to the reference surrounding object under control of the controller;a display unit displaying the at least one access distance and the at least one access distance range, if the first judgment unit judges that the at least one of the forward ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054103A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided are a motor control device () for controlling a motor () having a plurality of phases, for quickly and accurately detecting a phase in which an open-state fault has occurred when the open-state fault occurs in a target phase. When a power-supply voltage (Vb) is equal to or higher than a predetermined voltage (Vthr), a motor rotation speed (ω) is equal to or lower than a predetermined speed (ωthr), a target x-phase voltage command (Vx*) is not in the vicinity of zero, a current (Ix) of the target x-phase is equal to or lower than a predetermined current (Iu_thr), and a state in which a control error is equal to or larger than a predetermined error is detected over a predetermined time period or longer, occurrence of an open-state fault in the target phase is determined. 1. A motor control device for controlling a current and an applied voltage to a motor having a plurality of phases , comprising:an inverter for supplying electric power from a power supply to the motor;current control means for generating a voltage command in accordance with a current command to control the current to the motor;an inverter driving circuit for driving the inverter in accordance with the voltage command to control the applied voltage to the motor; andfault detecting means for detecting a fault occurrence state based on the voltage command, a power-supply voltage of the power supply, a motor rotation speed of the motor, and currents in the plurality of phases,wherein when the power-supply voltage is equal to or higher than a predetermined voltage,when the motor rotation speed is equal to or lower than a predetermined speed,when a voltage command in a target phase is not in a vicinity of zero,when a phase current of the target phase is equal to or lower than a predetermined current, andwhen a state in which a control error with respect to the current command or the voltage current is equal to or larger than a predetermined error is detected over a predetermined time period or ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058628A1
Автор: TAMAIZUMI Terutaka

An electric power steering system includes a motor control device that controls driving of a motor based on an assist command value, the motor applying assist torque to a steering mechanism. The motor control device computes a first assist component based on steering torque and a vehicle speed. The motor control device computes a second assist component based on the steering torque and the first assist component. The motor control device computes the assist command value by adding the second assist component to the first assist component. The motor control device includes a road information compensation portion that adjusts the second assist component contained in the assist command value. A basic assist component computation portion computes the first assist component in accordance with a degree of adjustment of the second assist component. 1. An electric power steering system comprising:an assist mechanism that applies assist torque from a motor to a vehicle steering mechanism; anda control portion that controls driving of the motor based on an assist command value,wherein the control portion includes:a first assist component computation portion that computes a first assist component based on steering torque transmitted to the vehicle steering mechanism;a steered angle command value computation portion that computes a steered angle command value, which serves as a target value of a steered angle of steered wheels, based on the steering torque;a second assist component computation portion that computes a second assist component by performing steered angle feedback control that matches the steered angle of the steered wheels with the steered angle command value;an assist command value computation portion that computes the assist command value based on a value obtained by adding the second assist component to the first assist component; andan adjusting portion that adjusts an absolute value of the second assist component contained in the assist command value so that ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058629A1

An electric power steering system includes a motor control device that controls, based on an assist command value, driving of a motor that gives an assist torque to a steering mechanism. The motor control device computes a first assist component based on a steering torque and a vehicle speed. A steered-angle command value is computed based on the steering torque and the first assist component, and a second assist component is computed by performing a feedback control that matches the steered angle with the steered-angle command value. The motor control device adds the second assist component to the first assist component so as to compute an assist command value. The motor control device includes a road information compensation portion that decreases an absolute value of the second assist component included in the assist command value when a skid is detected by a vehicle state detecting portion. 1. An electric power steering system comprising:an assist mechanism that gives an assist torque from a motor to a vehicle steering mechanism;a control portion that controls driving of the motor based on an assist command value; anda vehicle state detecting portion that detects a skid of the vehicle, wherein a first assist component computing portion that computes a first assist component based on a steering torque transmitted to the vehicle steering mechanism;', 'a steered-angle command value computing portion that computes, based on the steering torque, a steered-angle command value that serves as a target value for a steered angle of steered wheels;', 'a second assist component computing portion that computes a second assist component by performing a steered-angle feedback control that matches the steered angle of the steered wheels with the steered-angle command value;', 'an assist command value computing portion that computes the assist command value based on a value obtained by adding the second assist component to the first assist component; and', 'an adjustment portion ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140067207A1
Автор: NOH Tae Bong

Disclosed herein are a smart parking assist system and a control method thereof in which a plurality of parking modes are prepared according to driving skill levels of drivers so as to differently set the size of a margin considered in recognition of a parking space or setting of a parking path and to prevent deviation of a final parking position due to driving skill level differences among drivers. The smart parking assist system includes an input unit receiving selection of one of parking modes according to driving skill levels, from a user, a parking mode switching unit, when one of parking modes according to driving skill levels is input through the interface, switching the parking mode of the vehicle to the input parking mode, and a margin set unit to set margins to parameters regarding parking space recognition, parking path setting, and parking control of the vehicle according to the switched parking mode. 1. A smart parking assist system of a vehicle having an interface receiving instructions from a user , the smart parking assist system comprising:a parking mode switching unit, when one of parking modes according to driving skill levels is input through the interface, switching the parking mode of the vehicle to the input parking mode; anda margin set unit to set margins of parameters regarding parking space recognition, parking path setting, and parking control of the vehicle according to the switched parking mode.2. The smart parking assist system according to claim 1 , further comprising a parking space recognition unit recognizing a parking space where the vehicle may be parked by sensing an object around the vehicle.3. The smart parking assist system according to claim 2 , wherein the margin set unit sets a margin of the minimum parking space where the vehicle may be parked claim 2 , recognized by the parking space recognition unit claim 2 , based on the switched parking mode.4. The smart parking assist system according to claim 2 , further comprising ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for operating a driver assistance system of a vehicle

Номер: US20140074338A1

A method for operating a driver assistance system of a vehicle is described, together with a corresponding device, a corresponding vehicle, and a corresponding computer program. The driver assistance system is configured to autonomously safely park the vehicle when activated. While the vehicle is traveling, an activation intent for the driver assistance system is detected, whereupon the driver assistance system is activated and the vehicle is autonomously safely parked with the aid of the activated driver assistance system.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076654A1

Torque sensor detects torque of steering shaft formed by first and second shafts which are connected through torsion bar. Torque sensor has: a magnetic member provided at the first shaft and having magnetic poles alternately arranged in circumferential direction concentrically with rotation axis; a first yoke member provided at the second shaft and having (a) first nail portions arranged concentrically with the rotation axis and facing the magnetic member in radial direction and (b) a first ring portion; a second yoke member provided at the second shaft and having (c) second nail portions arranged concentrically with the rotation axis so that the first and second nail portions are alternately arranged in the circumferential direction and the second nail portions face the magnetic member in the radial direction and (d) a second ring portion arranged to be separated from and face the first ring portion; and a magnetic sensor. 1. A torque sensor detecting a torque generated in a rotation member that is formed by a first shaft member and a second shaft member both of which are connected through a torsion bar , the torque sensor comprising:a magnetic member provided at the first shaft member so as to rotate integrally with the first shaft member and having different magnetic poles that are alternately arranged in a circumferential direction concentrically with a rotation axis of the rotation member; (a) a plurality of first nail portions that are arranged concentrically with the rotation axis so as to face the magnetic member in a radial direction of the rotation axis; and', '(b) a first ring portion that connects the first nail portions together,, 'a first yoke member formed by magnetic material and provided at the second shaft member so as to rotate integrally with the second shaft member, the first yoke member having;'} (c) a plurality of second nail portions that are arranged concentrically with the rotation axis in such a way that the first nail portions and the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081524A1

A target pinion angle computation unit computes a target pinion angle on the basis of a basic assist component and a steering torque, and computes the target pinion angle so as to rapidly increase a steering reaction force when it is determined based on the target pinion angle that a rack shaft of a rack-and-pinion mechanism reaches a position near a limit of a movable range of the rack shaft. In an. EPS, a correction component for the basic assist component, which is necessary to increase the steering reaction force rapidly, is computed through execution of PID control for causing an actual pinion angle to coincide with the target pinion angle. Because the correction component is added to the basic assist component, the steering reaction force is increased rapidly when the rack shaft reaches the position near the limit of the movable range. 1. An electric power steering system including a motor that is a source of generation of a steering assist force that is applied to a steering mechanism of a vehicle , and a control device that controls the motor in response to a vehicle steering operation , the steering mechanism including a rack-and-pinion mechanism , wherein:the control device includes a first computation unit that computes a base control component of the steering assist force to be applied to the steering mechanism on the basis of at least steering torque, and a second computation unit that computes a correction control component for the base control component through feedback control for causing an actual rotation angle of a rotary shaft that rotates in accordance with a steered angle of a steered wheel, to coincide with a target rotation angle computed on the basis of at least the steering torque; andthe second computation unit computes the correction control component after restraining an increase in at least a magnitude of the steering torque used for computation of the target rotation angle so that the steering reaction force is increased rapidly when ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081525A1

When only one of sensor signals generated by the plural systems and output from a torque sensor is normal, a control variable restriction processing part performs an assist restricting process for setting an upper limit value and a lower limit value of a basic assist control variable in accordance with at least one of the lateral acceleration, the steering angle, the steering speed, or the yaw rate. 1. An electronic power steering apparatus comprising:a steering force assist device having a motor as a drive source, wherein the steering force assist device applies an assist force to a steering system of a vehicle;a torque sensor for outputting sensor signals generated by a plurality of systems based on torsion of a torsion bar provided in a steering shaft;a vehicle speed sensor for detecting a vehicle speed;a torque calculation section for detecting a steering torque based on the sensor signals outputted from the torque sensor; anda control section for controlling the steering force assist device, for calculating an assist control variable based on the steering torque and the vehicle speed, and for executing an assist control for applying an assist force based on the assist control variable to the steering system; whereinupon detection that only one of the sensor signals generated by the plurality of systems is normal, the control section executes an assist restriction process for setting an upper limit value and a lower limit value of the assist control variable according to at least any one of the lateral acceleration, steering angle, steering speed and yaw rate.2. The electronic power steering apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe control section executes the assist restriction process based on a map.3. The electronic power steering apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe control section executes the assist restriction process when the vehicle speed is higher than or equal to a predetermined speed.4. The electronic power steering apparatus according to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085113A1

The invention relates to a method for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle () while driving the vehicle (), wherein a sound signal indicating an information generated by a driver assistance system () of the vehicle () is output by a sound output device () of the driver assistance system (). The method comprises receiving acoustic sound by a microphone of a portable communication device () and checking by the portable communication device () whether or not the received acoustic sound comprises the sound signal of the driver assistance system () as well as, upon detecting the sound signal of the driver assistance system (), generating a display () on a display means () of the portable communication device () in dependence on the information extracted from the sound signal. 1. A method for supporting a driver of a motor vehicle while driving the vehicle , wherein a sound signal indicating an information generated by a driver assistance system of the vehicle is output by a sound output device of the driver assistance system , the method comprising:receiving acoustic sound by a microphone of a portable communication device and checking by the portable communication device whether or not the received acoustic sound comprises the sound signal of the driver assistance system; andupon detecting the sound signal of the driver assistance system, generating a display on a display means of the portable communication device in dependence on the information extracted from the sound signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for supporting the driver while maneuvering the vehicle claim 1 , a distance between the vehicle and an obstacle external to the vehicle is measured by means of a sensing device of the driver assistance system claim 1 , wherein the output sound signal indicates the measured distance as the information and the display on the display means of the portable communication device is generated in dependence on the measured distance.3. The method ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Electrically Driven Power Steering System

Номер: US20140088831A1

In an electrically driven power steering system having a blushless three phase motor, an abnormality of a control unit is detected on a basis of a direct current bus bar current of an inverter detected by a current sensor and an estimated primary current. The estimated primary current is calculated from, for example, the following equation, namely, Iu×Du+Iv×Dv+Iw×Dw)/100%, wherein Iu denotes a current of a U phase of the motor, Du denotes a PWM duty signal of the U phase, Iv denotes a current of a V phase of the motor, Dv denotes the PWM duty signal of the V phase of the motor, Iw denotes a current of a W phase of the motor, and Dw denotes the PWM duty signal of the W phase. 1. An electrically driven power steering system , comprising:a steering mechanism that steers steerable wheels along with a steering operation of a steering wheel;a motor providing a steering force for the steering mechanism;a control unit drivingly controlling the motor;a command signal calculating section disposed in the control unit to calculate a vector control command signal for drivingly controlling the motor in accordance with a driving situation of a vehicle;a two-phase to three-phase converting section disposed in the control unit to convert the vector control command signal into a voltage command signal for each phase of the motor;a PWM control section disposed in the control unit to output a PWM duty signal (Du, Dv, Dw) of each phase of the motor in accordance with the voltage command signal of a corresponding one of the phases of the motor;an inverter, disposed in the control unit, constituted by a switching circuit controlled by means of the PWM duty signals (Du, Dv, Dw), and drivingly controlling the motor;a current sensor disposed in a direct current bus bar of the inverter to detect a direct current bus bar current;a phase current detecting section disposed in the control unit to detect or estimate a current value Iu, Iv, Iw of each phase of the motor on the direct current bus ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088832A1
Автор: BAUER Stefan

A method is provided for ascertaining a wheel circumference of a vehicle wheel attached to a vehicle with reference to the distance travelled by the vehicle and measuring signals of a wheel revolution sensor associated with a vehicle wheel. The method includes, but is not limited to positioning the vehicle in front of a stationary obstacle and registering the obstacle with a distance measuring device of the vehicle, moving the vehicle in direction of the obstacle, ascertaining the distance travelled as the reference distance with the distance measuring device, ascertaining the number of measuring pulses of the wheel sensor over the distance travelled, and determining the wheel circumference from the ascertained distance and the ascertained number of measuring pulses of the wheel sensor. A parking assistance system is also provided for a motor vehicle, a motor vehicle, a computer program product and a computer program. 1. A method for ascertaining a wheel circumference of a vehicle wheel attached to a vehicle , comprising:positioning the vehicle in front of an obstacle and registering the obstacle with a distance measuring device of the vehicle;moving the vehicle in a direction of the obstacle;ascertaining a travelled distance as a reference distance with the distance measuring device;ascertaining a number of measuring pulses of the wheel sensor over the travelled distance; anddetermining the wheel circumference from the reference distance and the number of measuring pulses of the wheel sensor.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each vehicle wheel of the vehicle is associated with a wheel revolution sensor and said ascertaining the travelled distance as the reference distance is performed for each vehicle wheel and the wheel circumference of each vehicle wheel is ascertained respectively from the number of measuring pulses ascertained for each vehicle wheel in accordance with the determining the wheel circumference from the reference distance and the number ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001856A1
Автор: Schmid Roland

A method for securing a starting movement of a semi-automated or fully automated vehicle, the vehicle including at least one imaging sensor, which is configured to capture images of a close-up range of the vehicle. A recognition of objects in the close-up range of the vehicle is carried out. A starting movement of the vehicle is prevented if an object has been recognized. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for securing a starting movement of a semi-automated or fully automated vehicle , the vehicle including at least one imaging sensor , the imaging sensor including a near-field camera which is configured to capture images of a close-up range of the vehicle , the method comprising the following steps: a) capturing an instantaneous image of the close-up range of the vehicle using the imaging sensor and recognizing objects located in the close-up range of the vehicle by comparing the instantaneous image with a previously stored comparison image, an at risk object in the close-up range being deduced when the comparison indicates that a structure of the comparison image is not completely visible, but is covered in parts by an object, and/or', 'b) temporally successively capturing at least two instantaneous images using the imaging sensor and recognizing moving objects in the close-up range of the vehicle by comparing the temporally successively captured images and evaluating optical flow or another differential method, and/or', 'c) changing a spatial position of the imaging sensor and capturing at least two images at respectively different spatial positions of the imaging sensor and recognizing objects in the close-up range of the vehicle by analyzing changes, by using a structure-from-motion analysis, of the images captured at the different positions of the imaging sensor; and, 'carrying out a recognition of objects in the close-up range of the vehicle prior to a starting movement of the vehicle when the vehicle is stationary by carrying out a combination of at least two of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001836A1

A system for securing the parking of an automobile vehicle parked on a parking area (Z), the vehicle including two steering wheels, and a actuator to modify the orientation of the steering wheels without the action of the driver, the system including a control unit (UC), a system for detecting a parked state of the automobile vehicle, a sensor for detecting the slope of the parking area, sensor for determining the orientation of the steering wheels with respect to the axis of the vehicle, the control unit (UC) being configured to determine the orientation of the steering wheels to put the vehicle in a decreased danger configuration in case of an unwanted movement of the vehicle, and to sending an instruction to the actuator to orientate the steering wheels according to the orientation determined by the control unit (UC). 111.-. (canceled)12. A securing system for securing the parking of an automobile vehicle parked on a parking area , said vehicle extending along an axis , the vehicle including at least one axle ensuring the steering of the automobile vehicle , the wheels equipping said axle being designated as “steering wheels” , and at least one actuator configured to modify the orientation of the steering wheels without the action of the driver , the system includinga control unit,at least one sensor for detecting a parked state of the automobile vehicle,at least one sensor for detecting the slope of the parking area,at least one sensor for determining the orientation of the steering wheels with respect to the axis of the vehicle,at least one sensor for determining the configuration of elements constituting the parking area, at least one sorting device for excluding elements not capable of forming a safe obstacle for the vehicle and at least one device for selecting from said remaining elements, at least one element capable of forming a safe obstacle for the vehicle,the control unit including at least one sensor for determining an orientation of the steering ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Parking assist device

Номер: US20210001837A1

In step S160, the correction judgment unit 142 judges from the necessary correction amounts calculated in steps S140 and S150 and the remaining distance to the re-targeted parking position that is re-recognized, whether or not correction of the parking route with this remaining distance is possible. In a case where it is judged in step S160 that correction with the remaining distance r2 is impossible, the vehicle is stopped in step S171. Even if it is judged in step S160 that the correction is impossible, when the vehicle is moved backward toward the parking frame is parked, the vehicle is obliquely parked in the parking frame and cannot be fit neatly in the parking frame. In step S172, a parking route including a turnabout is regenerated with respect to the re-targeted parking position calculated in step S130 while the stopped state is maintained.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Visual back-up guidance device and system for trailers and vehicles

Номер: US20150002314A1
Автор: John Warner, Wendy Warner
Принадлежит: Individual

A visual back-up guidance device and system for trailers and vehicles includes a guidance device having a durable main body, a plurality of indicators represented by a left turn indicator, a GO indicator, a STOP indicator, and a right turn indicator, a speaker and a plurality of control inputs. A visual back-up guidance system includes the guidance device and a driver unit having another plurality of indicators represented by a left turn indicator, a GO indicator, a STOP indicator, and a right turn indicator, that is communicatively linked to the guidance device.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001812A1
Автор: NAGAE Kouki, OWAKI Junichi

A load control device includes a load control means that drives a load, a current detection resistor, a differential amplifier and a current calculation means. The load control means can switch between a standby state a drive state, a state in which a first of the switching elements is turned ON and a second of the switching elements is turned OFF and a state in which the first of the switching elements is turned OFF and the second of the switching elements is turned ON being alternately repeated in the standby state, in which both of the switching elements are turned ON in the drive state. The current calculation means calculates a current that flows to the current detection resistor on the basis of a value output from the differential amplifier in the drive state and an offset value output from the differential amplifier in the standby state. 1. A load control device comprising:a load control means configured to ON/OFF operate switching elements on the basis of a PWM signal, the switching elements being interposed in each of an upper arm and a lower arm that connect a power source and a load;a current detection resistor connected in series with the load;a differential amplifier configured to amplify and output a voltage generated in the current detection resistor; anda current calculation means configured to calculate a current flowing to the current detection resistor on the basis of an output value of the differential amplifier,wherein the load control means is configured to switch between a standby state and a drive state, a state in which a first of the switching elements is turned ON and a second of the switching elements is turned OFF and a state in which the first of the switching elements is turned OFF and the second of the switching elements is turned ON being alternately repeated in the standby state, in which both of the switching elements being turned ON to cause a current to flow to the load in the drive state, andthe current calculation means is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001813A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

An electric power steering apparatus for generating a PWM signal based on a calculated steering assist command value, PWM-controlling a motor via a motor drive circuit including switching elements, and assist-controlling a steering system that a motor relay is inserted between the motor drive circuit and the motor, comprises a steering status detecting section that detects a steering status of a steering wheel, outputs a longtime steering holding signal when detecting that the steering status is a longtime steering holding status, and outputs a normal steering signal when detecting that the steering status is a normal steering status, and a motor current control section that determines a motor current control value for controlling a motor current flowing in the motor relay in accordance with the longtime steering holding signal or the normal steering signal. 1. An electric power steering apparatus for calculating a steering assist command value based on a steering torque and a velocity , generating a PWM signal based on said steering assist command value , PWM-controlling a motor via a motor drive circuit comprised of switching elements , and assist-controlling a steering system that an electromagnetic type motor relay is inserted between said motor drive circuit and said motor , comprising:a steering status detecting section that detects a steering status of a steering wheel, outputs a longtime steering holding signal when detecting that said steering status is a longtime steering holding status, and outputs a normal steering signal when detecting that said steering status is a normal steering status, anda motor current control section that determines a motor current control value for controlling a motor current flowing in said electromagnetic type motor relay in accordance with said longtime steering holding signal or said normal steering signal that is outputted from said steering status detecting section,wherein said steering status detecting section detects a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001660A1
Автор: Chiba Masaki

Filters output a vibration-suppression gain for suppressing resonance of a sub frame or shimmy by performing a filter processing on a rotational angle of a motor. The filters have respective frequency characteristics that a gain becomes a maximum magnitude and a phase advances by 90° at a cut-off angle frequency. The cut-off angle frequency of the filter is fixedly set at a resonance frequency of the sub frame. The cut-off angle frequency of the filter is variably set in accordance with a tire rotation frequency. A gain adder adds the respective gains of the filters and outputs an added magnitude to a correcting mechanism as a vibration-suppression gain. The correcting mechanism corrects a motor torque set by an assist map by using the vibration-suppression gain outputted by the gain adder. 1. An electric power steering control device , comprising:a motor to apply an assist torque to a steering device;a torque detector to detect a steering torque applied by a driver;a setting mechanism to set a motor torque to be outputted to the motor based on the steering torque detected by the torque detector;a rotational angle detector to detect a rotational angle of the motor;a filter processor to output a vibration-suppression gain for suppressing resonance of a vehicle-body member and a vibration due to a tire rotation by performing a filter processing on the rotational angle of the motor detected by the rotational angle detector; anda correcting mechanism to correct the motor torque set by the setting mechanism by using the vibration-suppression gain outputted by the filter processor so as to suppress resonance of the vehicle-body member and the vibration due to the tire rotation,wherein said filter processor comprises a first filter which has a frequency characteristic that a gain becomes a specified magnitude and a phase advances by 90° at a cut-off angle frequency which is fixedly set at a resonance frequency of a specified vehicle-body member,a second filter which has ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Parking Assistance System

Номер: US20170001665A1
Автор: TSUKAMOTO Yukinori

A parking assistance system includes: a light source provided at a parking position at which a power transmission coil is provided, and configured to emit light; at least two light reception units mounted away from each other on a vehicle including a power reception coil, and each configured to receive the light emitted from the light source by using a position sensitive detector; an incident-angle calculation unit configured to calculate the incident angle of the light on each of the light reception units; a distance calculation unit configured to calculate the distance between the parking position and the vehicle from the incident angles of the light on the light reception units; and a detection unit configured to detect that the vehicle has approached the parking position. The light volume of the light source is reduced when the vehicle has approached the parking position. 1. A parking assistance system comprising:a light source provided at a parking position at which a power transmission coil is provided, and configured to emit light;at least two light reception units mounted away from each other on a vehicle including a power reception coil, and each configured to receive the light emitted from the light source by using a position sensitive detector;an incident-angle calculation unit configured to calculate an incident angle of the light on each of the at least two light reception units;a distance calculation unit configured to calculate a distance between the parking position and the vehicle from the incident angles of the light on the at least two light reception units; anda detection unit configured to detect that the vehicle has approached the parking position, whereina light volume of the light source is reduced when the detection unit detects that the vehicle has approached the parking position.2. The parking assistance system according to claim 1 , whereineach of the at least two light reception units includes a lens configured to concentrate the light ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001862A1

A parking system for autonomous driving vehicles optimizes a solution to a parking problem. The ADV detects a parking lot and selects a parking space. The ADV defines constraints for the parking lot, parking space, and kinematic constraints of the ADV, and generates a plurality of potential parking paths to the parking space, taking into account the constraints of the parking lot, parking space, and kinematics of the ADV, but without taking into any obstacles that may be surrounding the ADV. The ADV determines a cost for traversing each of the parking paths. One or more least cost candidate paths are selected from the parking paths, then one or more candidate paths are eliminated based on obstacles surrounding the ADV. Remaining candidates can be analyzed using a quadratic optimization system. A best parking path can be selected from the remaining candidates to navigate the ADV to the parking space. 1. A computer-implemented method of parking an autonomous driving vehicle (ADV) , the method comprising:determining a plurality of parking space constraints of a selected parking space;determining a plurality of parking paths from a current location of the ADV to the selected parking space based at least in part on the plurality of parking space constraints of the selected parking space;determining a cost for each parking path in the plurality of parking paths;selecting one or more candidate parking paths from the plurality of parking paths having the least cost;eliminating one or more of the selected candidate parking paths based at least in part upon one or more obstacles surrounding the ADV along each of the candidate parking paths;selecting a parking path from the remaining candidate parking paths;generating a reference line to navigate the ADV based on the selected parking path; andnavigating the ADV from the current ADV location to the parking space using the reference line.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of parking paths comprises one or ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001863A1

A parking system for autonomous driving vehicles (ADV) is disclosed that utilizes the perception, planning, and prediction modules of ADV driving logic to more safely and accurately park an ADV. An ADV scans a parking lot for an available space, then determines a sequence of portions or segments of a parking path from the ADV's location to a selected parking space. The sequence of segments involves one or more forward driving segments and one or more reverse driving segments. During the forward driving segments, the ADV logic uses the perception, planning, and prediction modules to identify one or more obstacles to the ADV parking path, and speed and direction of those obstacles. During a reverse driving segment, the ADV logically inverts the orientation of the perception, planning, and prediction modules to continue to track the one or more obstacles and their direction and speed while the ADV is driving in a reverse direction. For each parking path portion, the planning module generates a smooth reference line for the portion, taking into account the one or more obstacles, and their speed and direction. 1. A computer-implemented method of parking an autonomous driving vehicle (ADV) , the method comprising:generating a parking path comprising a first path portion and a second path portion;in response to determining that a direction for the first path portion is a forward direction of the ADV, setting an orientation of a perception and planning module of the ADV to a forward orientation of the ADV, otherwise inverting the orientation of the perception and planning module of the ADV;determining one or more obstacles surrounding the ADV;generating, and navigating, a first reference path for the first portion, in relation to the one or more obstacles;inverting the orientation of the perception and planning module and reversing the direction of the ADV;generating, and navigating, a second reference path for the second portion, in relation to the one or more obstacles.2. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001930A1
Автор: Sham Wellen

Systems and methods for automatically parking and wirelessly charging a vehicle are described. A database including parking and charging availability information can be searched based at least in part on the request, location information and model information of the vehicle. An available parking space is determined based on the results of the search, and information. The parking space may be equipped with a pad configured to wireless charge a vehicle parked in the parking space. When information indicating that the vehicle has been parked in the parking space, a parking status indicating such can be transmitted to a control device associated with the parking space. The vehicle can then be automatically and wirelessly charged by the control device through the parking space. 1. A method of automatically parking a vehicle , comprising:receiving a request from a user to park and wireless charge a vehicle, the request including location information of the vehicle and model information about the vehicle;searching a database including parking availability information based at least in part on the request, the location information and the model information;determining a parking space available for parking and wirelessly charging the vehicle based on the searching;sending the model information of the vehicle to a control device associated with the parking space;sending a vehicle parking status to the control device, the vehicle parking status indicating the vehicle has parked in the available parking space;receiving a charging status from the control device and/or the vehicle, the charging status including information regarding a wireless charging session for charging the vehicle through the parking space; andreceiving a departure status from the vehicle, the departure status indicating that the vehicle has left the parking space.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the location information includes GPS coordinates claim 1 , and the search returns results within a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001914A1

A method to evaluate a quality of road feedback to a driver in a steer-by-wire system includes setting a test bench by grounding a steering system steering wheel using a physical 6order impedance constraint; preloading the steering system with data defining a steering wheel angle and a vehicle speed; applying tie rod load signals to the steering system and recording signals representing each of a tie rod load, a steering wheel torque and a steering wheel acceleration. In parallel: applying first a fast Fourier transform algorithm to the recorded signals to calculate each of a gain, a phase and a coherence response from the tie rod load to the steering wheel torque; applying second a fast Fourier transform algorithm to the recorded signals to calculate a power spectral density of the steering wheel torque versus frequency; and applying frequency weighting functions to the gain and power spectral density functions. 1. A method to evaluate a quality of road feedback to a driver in a steer-by-wire system , comprising:fixing a torque feedback actuator and a steering rack of a steer-by-wire feedback system on a test bench;synthesizing road input waveform data equating to each of a rough road, a coarse road, and a synthesized load from an exemplary single high input defining a pot-hole impact; andgenerating output signals from a set of waveform inputs equating to the synthesized road input waveform data for a steering wheel torque and a steering wheel acceleration.2. The method to evaluate a quality of road feedback to a driver in a steer-by-wire system of claim 1 , further including:recording the output signals; andapplying a first fast Fourier transform algorithm to the recorded signals.3. The method to evaluate a quality of road feedback to a driver in a steer-by-wire system of claim 2 , further including calculating a gain response with a weighting function over predetermined frequency bands.4. The method to evaluate a quality of road feedback to a driver in a steer-by ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001920A1

Systems and methods for preventing a jackknife condition in a tractor-trailer system are described herein. The systems and methods described herein can determine the maneuverable range beyond which jackknifing is inescapable given the tractor vehicle's steering capabilities. The systems and methods described herein can include a plug-in safety governor that provides assurance against system loss of maneuverability. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having computer-executable instructions stored thereon for preventing a jackknife condition in a tractor-trailer system comprising a tractor vehicle and a trailer vehicle that , when executed by a processing unit , cause the processing unit to:receive a plurality of static parameters for the tractor-trailer system, the static parameters comprising a geometry of the tractor-trailer system and a steering limit of the tractor vehicle;calculate a maneuverable range for an articulation angle of the tractor-trailer system based on the static parameters;receive a plurality of dynamic parameters for the tractor-trailer system, the dynamic parameters comprising a steering command from a tractor-trailer controller, a longitudinal speed of the tractor vehicle, and a measured articulation angle of the tractor-trailer system; anddetect the jackknife condition when the articulation angle is expected to depart from the maneuverable range.2. The non-transitory computer-readable storage medium of claim 1 , having further computer-executable instructions stored thereon that claim 1 , when executed by the processing unit claim 1 , cause the processing unit to:calculate an expected articulation angle of the tractor-trailer system based on the dynamic parameters; anddetermine whether the expected articulation angle is within the maneuverable range, wherein the jackknife condition is detected when the expected articulation angle is outside of the maneuverable range.3. The non-transitory computer-readable storage medium of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001922A1

A tow support device includes: an acquisition unit that acquires a connection angle between a tow vehicle and a towed vehicle; a setting unit that sets a target region to which at least the towed vehicle is movable; a course acquisition unit that acquires transition of a moving course of the towed vehicle based on a change in the connection angle in a case where the tow vehicle travels backward; and an output unit that outputs a first steering angle of the tow vehicle for maintaining the connection angle in a case where the moving course that transitions to correspond to backward traveling of the tow vehicle is a recommended moving course on which the towed vehicle is movable to the target region. 1. A tow support device comprising:an acquisition unit that acquires a connection angle between a tow vehicle and a towed vehicle;a setting unit that sets a target region to which at least the towed vehicle is movable;a course acquisition unit that acquires transition of a moving course of the towed vehicle based on a change in the connection angle in a case where the tow vehicle travels backward; andan output unit that outputs a first steering angle of the tow vehicle for maintaining the connection angle in a case where the moving course that transitions to correspond to backward traveling of the tow vehicle is a recommended moving course on which the towed vehicle is movable to the target region.2. The tow support device according to claim 1 ,wherein automatic traveling of the tow vehicle is executed based on the first steering angle such that the towed vehicle is accommodated in the target region.3. The tow support device according to claim 1 ,wherein a guided traveling instruction for traveling the tow vehicle backward through manual driving based on the first steering angle is given such that the towed vehicle is accommodated in the target region.4. The tow support device according to claim 1 ,wherein in a case where the tow vehicle travels backward based on the first ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001967A1

Path planning method for computing optimal parking maneuvers for road vehicles including the steps of computing a set of value functions of a cost function of parking maneuvers reaching the target set of states as unique viscosity solution of a Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation, supplying the set of value functions, together with a starting state of the vehicle, as input to the dynamic programming calculation procedure calculating at least the set of vehicle controls. The set of equations modeling the evolution of the state of said road vehicle is a switched system of equations between a first sub-system if the vehicle is in forward motion and a second sub-system if the vehicle is in reverse motion. The cost function takes into account the arrival time a number of direction changes of the road vehicle between forward motion and reverse motion. 1. A path planning method for computing optimal parking maneuvers for road vehicles , in particular operating in a known environment in the presence of static obstacles , said method comprising operating according to a dynamic programming calculation procedure to compute a set of vehicle controls implementing an optimal parking maneuver to reach a target set of states corresponding to a given parking target , said parking maneuvers being trajectories obtained by a system of equations modeling the evolution of a state of said road vehicle as a function of vehicle controls ,said method including the steps of:computing a set of value functions of a cost function of parking maneuvers reaching said target set of states as unique viscosity solution of a Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation, said cost function taking in account an arrival time of the vehicle for a given parking maneuver,supplying said set of value functions, together with a starting state of the vehicle, as input to a control synthesis procedure calculating at least said set of vehicle controlswherein said set of equations modeling of the evolution of the state of said ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002014A1

Technical solutions are described for facilitating an electric power steering (EPS) system for providing a motor torque assist command. An example EPS system includes a first module configured to generate a regulation signal or a tuning signal based on a mode of operation of the eps system. The EPS system further includes a second module configured to generate a stability signal irrespective of the mode of operation of the eps system. The EPS system further includes a blending module configured to combine the stability signal with either the regulation signal or the tuning signal to generate an assist motor torque signal for the eps system. 1. An electric power steering (EPS) system for providing a motor torque assist command , the EPS system comprising:a first module configured to generate a regulation signal or a tuning signal based on a mode of operation of the EPS system;a second module configured to generate a stability signal irrespective of the mode of operation of the EPS system; anda blending module configured to combine the stability signal with either the regulation signal or the tuning signal to generate an assist motor torque signal for the EPS system.2. The electric power steering (EPS) system of claim 1 , wherein the mode of operation of the EPS system is one from a group consisting of a position control mode claim 1 , a torque control mode claim 1 , and a velocity control mode.3. The electric power steering (EPS) system of claim 1 , wherein the second module generates the stability signal based on handwheel torque claim 1 , assist motor position claim 1 , and assist motor velocity.4. The electric power steering (EPS) system of claim 1 , wherein the first module further comprises:a torque control mode module;a velocity control mode module;a position control mode module; anda state handler module that, based on the mode of operation, activates at least one of the torque control mode module, the velocity control mode module, and the position control ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002019A1
Автор: TSUBAKI Takahiro
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

An electric power steering apparatus that has a function to switch an assist mode and an automatic mode, and comprises a handle vibration removing section to cut off frequency components near a predetermined central frequency with reference to a target steering angle, a position control section to output a motor angular velocity command value, an integration section to integrate a deviation between the motor angular velocity command value and a motor angular velocity, a proportion section to input the motor angular velocity, and a velocity control section to output the motor current command value by subtracting an output of the proportion section from an output of the integration section, thereby to remove the vibration being caused by spring characteristics of a torsion bar and inertia moment of a steering wheel in the automatic mode. 114-. (canceled)15. An electric power steering apparatus that has an assist mode which controls a motor applying an assist torque to a steering system of a vehicle when steering said steering system and an automatic mode which controls said motor depending on a target steering angle supplied from said vehicle as needed when said vehicle autonomously runs , comprising:a torque control section to calculate a first motor current command value based on a vehicle speed of said vehicle and a steering torque inputted into a steering shaft of said steering system;a steering angle control section to calculate a second motor current command value based on said target steering angle, an actual steering angle and a motor angular velocity of said motor; anda vehicle motion control section to calculate said target steering angle based on vehicle information,wherein said vehicle motion control section comprises:a rate limiter whose output value is coincident with a lateral position command by changing said output value in a step form with reference to said lateral position command in a predetermined period;a lateral position command vibration ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Automatic control method for the insertion and the extraction of a vehicle into and from a receiving station, and control device implementing a method of this kind

Номер: US20170003686A1

A method comprises: a preliminary phase wherein a vehicle is aligned to be engaged toward a target position; a first phase wherein a reference trajectory is generated as a function of the status and target position of the vehicle, the status defined by the current position and orientation of the vehicle; a second phase wherein the reference trajectory being divided into sections, at the start of each section and before the vehicle begins a movement whether the reference trajectory can be followed is predicted as a function of imposed overall size constraints and estimated lateral and/or longitudinal slippages; a third phase, if the trajectory can be followed, wherein the turn angle of the wheels and the linear traction speed of the vehicle are controlled as a function of the status of the vehicle and the lateral and/or longitudinal slippages, to bring the centers of the wheels onto the reference trajectory.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009482A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

An apparatus for a vehicle includes: a first collection unit configured to collect a plurality of consecutive forward image frames captured by a camera during forward driving of the vehicle; and a driving route generation unit configured to derive a forward driving trajectory during the forward driving of the vehicle, based on matching of common feature points present in the plurality of consecutive forward image frames, and generate the derived forward driving trajectory as a backward driving prediction route. 1. An apparatus for a vehicle , comprising:a first collection unit configured to collect a plurality of consecutive forward image frames captured by a camera during forward driving of the vehicle; anda driving route generation unit configured to derive a forward driving trajectory during the forward driving of the vehicle, based on matching of common feature points present in the plurality of consecutive forward image frames, and generate the derived forward driving trajectory as a backward driving prediction route.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driving route generation unit is further configured to estimate moving locations of the vehicle based on wheel pulse counts claim 1 , steering angles claim 1 , and Yaw rates of the vehicle during the forward driving of the vehicle claim 1 , and derive the forward driving trajectory through matching of common feature points present between the estimated moving locations and the plurality of consecutive forward image frames.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a second collection unit configured to collect one or more backward image frames captured by the camera during automatic backward driving of the vehicle on the backward driving prediction route;a deviation calculation unit configured to calculate matching deviation between two feature points through matching of a feature point of forward image frames, among the plurality of consecutive forward image frames, and a feature point of backward ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003411A1
Автор: UEDA Yugo, Umeda Dan

A vehicle control system includes: a recognizer configured to recognize a surrounding situation of a vehicle; a driving controller configured to execute automated driving in which acceleration or deceleration and steering of the vehicle are controlled according to the surrounding situation recognized by the recognizer; a first acquirer configured to acquire a first arrival time for the vehicle to arrive at a destination of the vehicle or a parking lot subsidiary to the destination from a predetermined position by the automated driving; a second acquirer configured to acquire a second arrival time for an occupant of the vehicle to arrive at the destination from the predetermined position in an alternative way in place of movement of the vehicle; an outputter configured to output information; and a proposer configured to cause the outputter to output proposal information regarding a proposal to head for the destination in the alternative way to the occupant according to comparison between the first arrival time acquired by the first acquirer and the second arrival time acquired by the second acquirer. 117.-. (canceled)18. A vehicle control system comprising:a recognizer configured to recognize a surrounding situation of a vehicle;a driving controller configured to execute automated driving in which acceleration or deceleration and steering of the vehicle are controlled according to the surrounding situation recognized by the recognizer;a first acquirer configured to acquire a first arrival time for the vehicle to arrive at a destination of the vehicle or a parking lot subsidiary to the destination from a predetermined position by the automated driving;a second acquirer configured to acquire a second arrival time for an occupant of the vehicle to arrive at the destination from the predetermined position in an alternative way in place of movement of the vehicle;an outputter configured to output information; anda proposer configured to cause the outputter to output ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Using Zone Rules to Control Autonomous Vehicle Operation Within a Zone

Номер: US20200004270A1
Автор: Harvey Thomas Danaher

A method, by a computing device of a first autonomous escort vehicle of a convoy that includes multiple autonomous escort vehicles, that includes: receiving, from a central computing device associated with the convoy, an instruction to prevent one or more environmental vehicles from interfering with movements of the convoy, wherein the instruction is determined by the central computing device based on first sensor data from one or more autonomous escort vehicles in the convoy and the movements of the convoy; determining, based on second sensor data from one or more sensors of the first autonomous escort vehicle, a set of movements for preventing the one or more environmental vehicles from interfering with the movements of the convoy; and performing the set of movements. 1. A method comprising , by a computing device of a first autonomous escort vehicle of a convoy that comprises a plurality of autonomous escort vehicles: first sensor data from one or more of the plurality of autonomous escort vehicles in the convoy; and', 'the movements of the convoy;, 'receiving, from a central computing device associated with the convoy, an instruction to prevent one or more environmental vehicles from interfering with movements of the convoy, wherein the instruction is determined by the central computing device based ondetermining, based on second sensor data from one or more sensors of the first autonomous escort vehicle, a set of movements for preventing the one or more environmental vehicles from interfering with the movements of the convoy; andperforming the set of movements.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the central computing device resides in:a vehicle escorted by the convoy;one of the plurality of autonomous escort vehicles; ora location external to the convoy.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more environmental vehicles are detected by the central computing device based on the first sensor data from the one or more of the plurality of autonomous escort ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004019A1

A movable carrier auxiliary system includes an environmental detecting device, a control device, a state detecting device, and an automatically parking device. The environmental detecting device includes an image capturing module and an operation module. A parking controlling method thereof includes capture an environmental image around a movable carrier with the image capturing module; analyze whether the environmental image has a parking space with the operation module; detect a movement state of the movable carrier with the state detecting device; control the control device with the automatically parking device based on an analysis result of the operation module and the movement state of the movable carrier, thereby to move the movable carrier to the parking space, improving a convenience and a safety when parking the movable carrier. 1. A movable carrier auxiliary system , comprising:an environmental detecting device comprising at least one image capturing module and an operation module, wherein the at least one image capturing module is disposed in a movable carrier and is adapted to capture an environmental image around the movable carrier; the operation module is electrically connected to the at least one image capturing module and determines whether the environmental image has a parking space or not, wherein a capacity of the parking space is greater than a volume of the movable carrier, and a length, a width, and a height of the parking space is greater than a length, a width, and a height of the movable carrier;a control device which is disposed in the movable carrier and is adapted to be manipulated by a driver to move the movable carrier;a state detecting device which is disposed in the movable carrier and is adapted to detect a movement state of the movable carrier; andan automatically parking device which is disposed in the movable carrier and is electrically connected to the operation module of the environmental detecting device and the state ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004508A1
Автор: Bonander Martin

A method and system are described for automated parking of a vehicle. The method includes determining that the vehicle is in an appropriate starting position for performing a parking maneuver, determining a control zone for controlling the parking maneuver, determining that an authorized key is located in the control zone, detecting an object located in the control zone, verifying that the detected object is an authorized user, detecting a movement of the authorized use, and when the detected movement of the authorized user is a movement in the direction of an expected parking area, performing the parking maneuver. 1. A method for automated parking of a vehicle , the vehicle comprising a plurality of proximity sensors configured to detect a proximity of an object in a vicinity of the vehicle , the method comprising , in the vehicle:determining that the vehicle is in an appropriate starting position for performing a parking maneuver;determining a control zone for controlling the parking maneuver;determining that an authorized key is located in the control zone;detecting an object located in the control zone;verifying that the detected object is an authorized user;detecting a movement of the authorized user; andwhen the detected movement of the authorized user is a movement in the direction of an expected parking area, performing the parking maneuver.2. The method according to wherein verifying that the object is an authorized user comprises determining that the object is the only object claim 1 , in addition to the authorized key claim 1 , located in the control zone.3. The method according to further comprising stopping the parking maneuver when it is detected that the authorized user leaves the control zone.4. The method according to further comprising claim 1 , when performing the parking maneuver:determining a velocity of the authorized user; andwhen a difference between the velocity of the authorized user and a velocity of the vehicle is larger than a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006012A1

In a method for safely parking a vehicle, it is checked whether an emergency situation is present, and the vehicle is driven by the driver assistance system to a road shoulder upon recognition of an emergency situation. In controlling the driving operation, information is requested from an external database and taken into account by the driver assistance system. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for automatically parking a vehicle , comprising:checking, using a monitoring of the vehicle, whether an emergency situation is present; andautomatically parking the vehicle, by a driver assistance system of the vehicle, upon recognition of an emergency situation;wherein the driver assistance system requests information from an external database and takes into account the requested information in automatically parking the vehicle.17. The method as recited in claim 16 , wherein at least one of (i) data of a digital map regarding a road shoulder and (ii) information of the external database regarding the road shoulder is taken into account by the driver assistance system.18. The method as recited in claim 17 , wherein the driver assistance system is configured to selectively transfer the control of the driving function to the driver claim 17 , and(i) if the driver assistance system indicates to the driver an intended transfer of control of the driving function to the driver but the driver refuses to take control of the driving function, an emergency situation is recognized and the vehicle is automatically parked by the driver assistance system, and(ii) if the driver assistance system indicates to the driver an intended transfer of control of the driving function to the driver and the driver indicates an intent to take control of the driving function, the automatic parking of the vehicle is interrupted by the driver assistance system.19. The method as recited in claim 18 , wherein at least one of a health state claim 18 , tiredness claim 18 , a state of distraction claim 18 , and ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013012A1

An ego vehicle can be assisted when parking in a parking area. One or more sensors can be configured to acquire environment data of at least a portion of an external environment of the ego vehicle. The environment data can include at least a portion of the parking area. Parking availability data can be acquired for at least a portion of the parking area. The parking availability data can include a plurality of parking spaces and one or more vehicles parked in one or more of the parking spaces. The parking availability data can further include one or more attributes of the vehicles parked in the parking spaces. A current location of the ego vehicle within the parking area can be determined based on at least the parking availability data and the environment data. 1. A parking assistance method , the method comprising:acquiring parking availability data for at least a portion of a parking area, the parking availability data including data about a plurality of parking spaces and data about one or more vehicles parked in one or more of the plurality of parking spaces, the parking availability data further including one or more attributes of the one or more vehicles parked in the one or more of the plurality of parking spaces;acquiring, using one or more sensors, environment data of at least a portion of an external environment of an ego vehicle, the external environment including at least a portion of the parking area; anddetermining a current location of the ego vehicle within the parking area based on at least the parking availability data and the environment data.2. The parking assistance method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more attributes include one or more of: a vehicle parking space identifier claim 1 , a vehicle color claim 1 , a vehicle type claim 1 , a vehicle make claim 1 , a vehicle model claim 1 , a vehicle orientation claim 1 , and a vehicle license plate number.3. The parking assistance method of claim 1 , further including:determining one or more ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005641A1
Автор: PARK Jong Jin

Disclosed is a parking position notification apparatus connected to a user terminal for transmitting and receiving data. The parking position notification apparatus according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes: a camera configured to capture an image of surroundings of a vehicle; a sensor configured to sense movement route information of the vehicle; and a wireless communication processor configured to transmit the generated map data to a user terminal. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, at least one of, for example, an autonomous driving vehicle, a user terminal or a server may be linked or fused with an artificial intelligence (AI) module, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a robot, an augmented reality (AR) device, a virtual reality (VR) device, or a device associated with 5G service. 1. A parking position notification apparatus , comprising:a camera configured to capture an image of surroundings of a vehicle;a sensor configured to sense movement route information of the vehicle;a controller configured to:calculate a movement route after the vehicle enters a parking lot based on the movement route information,extract identification information indicated on an immovable object of the parking lot in the image,determine a position of the immovable object in the image and a parking position of the vehicle based on the calculated movement route, andgenerate map data including the parking position, the position of the immovable object, and the identification information of the immovable object; anda wireless communication processor configured to transmit the generated map data to a user terminal.2. The parking position notification apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to receive a map of the parking lot via the wireless communication processor when the vehicle enters the parking lot claim 1 , andwherein the map data is obtained by projecting the movement route, the position of the immovable ...
