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27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557639C2

Изобретение относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Автомобильное транспортное средство содержит передний капот, ограниченный по бокам двумя крыльями. Капот имеет подкладку, которая приходит в контакт с крыльями. Каждая из боковых областей подкладки имеет наклон, ориентированный продольно относительно транспортного средства. Каждая боковая область подкладки выше каждого из этих двух крыльев. Достигается повышение безопасности транспортного средства. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2438911C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к вариантам колесных транспортных средств, содержащих несущий кузов, облицованный со стороны пространства пассажирского салона многофункциональными обивками. Транспортное средство содержит несущий кузов, на лицевой панели крыши которого смонтированы плосколистовые шумопоглощающие панели и установлена многофункциональная обивка, с применением адгезионного липкого клеевого или термоактивного покрытия, механических крепежных элементов, и/или посредством монтажного прижатия и удержания деталями интерьера пассажирского салона. Обивка содержит несущую перфорированную основу из пористого звукопоглощающего материала, лицевой декоративный слой из воздухопродуваемого материала, выполненного в виде сплошной неперфорированной структуры, сшитый с лицевой поверхностью несущей основы посредством звукопрозрачного адгезионного липкого клеевого или термоактивного покрытия. Отличительной особенностью является то, что отверстия перфорации несущей ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Узел встроенной рабочей поверхности для грузовой зоны моторного транспортного средства (варианты) и моторное транспортное средство (варианты)

Номер: RU2717110C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту, узел встроенной рабочей поверхности для грузовой зоны моторного транспортного средства содержит плоское изделие, выполненное с возможностью поступательного перемещения вдоль пары опорных кронштейнов панели закрывания грузовой зоны между полностью убранной конфигурацией и полностью развернутой конфигурацией. По первому варианту, моторное транспортное средство содержит узел по первому варианту. По второму варианту, узел встроенной рабочей поверхности для грузовой зоны моторного транспортного средства содержит панель закрывания грузовой зоны, содержащую выемку для приема по существу плоского изделия в ней в полностью убранной конфигурации. По второму варианту, моторное транспортное средство содержит узел по второму варианту. По третьему варианту, моторное транспортное средство содержит кузов, определяющий грузовую зону, панель закрывания грузовой зоны, пару опорных кронштейнов панели закрывания грузовой ...

23-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698279C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. По первому варианту, капот транспортного средства содержит внутреннюю панель, внешнюю панель, соединенную с внутренней панелью, и вставку. Вставка расположена между внешней и внутренней панелями и выполнена из материала, который является хрупким относительно материала внешней панели. Вставка включает множество полос, соединенных друг с другом. Каждая полоса имеет толщину от внешней панели к внутренней панели, а ширину и длину, превышающие толщину. По второму варианту, капот транспортного средства содержит вставку, включающую первую полосу и вторую полосу, соединенную с и продолжающуюся поперечно первой полосе. По третьему варианту, капот транспортного средства содержит вставку, включающую множество полос, продолжающихся вдоль внешней панели и выполненных с возможностью разрушения при воздействии силы выше заданного порогового значения. Достигается улучшение защиты пешехода за счет увеличения гибкости капота при столкновении ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531782C2

Группа изобретений относится к области транспортного машиностроения. Транспортное средство по первому варианту содержит раму, капот, бампер, включающий промежуточную секцию, первую и вторую торцевые секции. Промежуточная секция расположена между первой и второй торцевой секциями и поддерживается рамой. Капот двигается между открытым и закрытым положениями относительно промежуточной секции бампера. Первая и вторая торцевые секции бампера поддерживаются капотом и могут перемещаться вместе с ним. Транспортное средство по второму варианту содержит первую и вторую торцевые секции бампера, снабженные средствами предотвращения или уменьшения повреждения капота при ударах в торцевые секции бампера. Транспортное средство по третьему варианту содержит отсоединяющиеся крепления, соединяющие первую и вторую торцевые секции бампера с капотом. Первая и вторая торцевые секции бампера соединяются с капотом с помощью шарнирного соединения и могут поворачиваться вокруг шарнирного соединения и относительно ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2388640C1

Изобретение относится к системе (2) доступа в кабину транспортного средства (1). Система включает поворотную дверь (3), устанавливаемую на корпусе транспортного средства, и поворотную крышку (6), устанавливаемую на шасси транспортного средства для закрывания по меньшей мере одной ступени (9), прилегающей к двери. Система также включает датчик (10) положения двери (3) относительно ее оси (4) поворота, средство (11) автоматического поворота крышки (6) вокруг ее оси поворота и средство (12, 15) для передачи сигнала, вырабатываемого датчиком (10) положения двери, к средству (11) поворота крышки с тем, чтобы установить крышку (6) относительно ее оси поворота в соответствии с измеренным положением двери (3). Достигается удобство пользования дверью за счет снижения усилий для ее открывания, улучшение аэродинамики транспортного средства и предотвращение загрязнения ступеней, а также повышение безопасности водителя за счет прикрытия ступеней крышкой, доступ к открытию которой обеспечен только водителем ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU71312U1

Силовая конструкция панели приборов состоит из поперечины (1), выполненной из трубы округлого сечения, и кронштейн крепления рулевой колонки (3), выполненный П-образной формы треугольного профиля, усиленный фланцами (4) и подштамповками (5), а с целью снижения веса в поверхности кронштейна (3) выполнены конструктивные отверстия (6). Для оптимальной проводки воздуховода системы вентиляции и отопления выполнены отверстия (7), а для закрепления жгута проводов - отверстия (8). Для создания силовой схемы кронштейн крепления рулевой колонки (3) верхней своей частью через посадочные отверстия (11) крепится к кузову, а крепежными элементами (13) нижней части - к кузовному кронштейну (14).

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU159878U1

... 1. Конструкция верхней части транспортного средства, включающая в себя балку крыши переднюю, выполненную в виде удлиненной детали, снабженную фланцем, усилитель ветровой стойки и накладку ветровой стойки, соединенных между собой, отличающаяся тем, что балка крыши выполнена в виде объемной детали, содержащей донную часть, окруженную непрерывно замкнутой боковой стенкой, причем балка крыши посредством фланца на своей боковой стенке крепится к усилителю ветровой стойки, а донной частью к накладке ветровой стойки.2. Конструкция верхней части транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что балка крыши выполнена чашеобразной формы U-образного сечения.3. Конструкция верхней части транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что соединение балки крыши с усилителем ветровой стойки и с накладкой ветровой стойки выполнено методом сварки.

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU141714U1

... 1. Конструкция поддерживающего кронштейна для крепления отбойника капота и модуля фары к элементу усиления, неподвижно закрепленному в проеме радиаторной решетки транспортного средства, которая имеет корпус с секцией для установки фары и секцией для вертикальной установки отбойника капота, где в корпусе выполнена вертикально ориентированная прорезь для размещения крепежного штифта, предназначенного для вставки в соответствующее отверстие элемента усиления, выполненная с возможностью перемещения вдоль прорези крепежного штифта, причем на корпусе размещен по меньшей мере один срезной штифт, предназначенный для вхождения в соответствующие отверстия элемента усиления и выполненный с возможностью разрушения при приложении к корпусу силы, превышающей заранее заданное значение.2. Конструкция по п.1, выполненная с возможностью скользящего перемещения крепежного штифта, закрепленного в отверстии элемента усиления, между исходным положением в нижней части прорези и положением в верхней части прорези ...

30-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013270C1

Использование: в области машиностроения, конкретнее в конструкциях тракторов, тягачей и автомобилей. Сущность изобретения: опрокидываемая кабина шарнирно соединена с рамой транспортного средства с помощью продольных регулируемых по длине балок и упругих опор. С кабиной каждая из балок соединена горизонтальным шарниром и талрепом. С рамой транспортного средства балки соединены шарнирами, установленными выше шарниров поворота капота, соединенных с рамой. Оси шарниров поворота балок лежат в одной плоскости и параллельны. 1 ил.

20-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95105102A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для сборки капотов транспортных средств, например автомобилей и тракторов. Устройство для сборки капотов транспортных средств содержит станину, вертикальные стойки, механизм установки и базирования, механизм зажимной. Новым в предложенном устройстве является то, что внутри станины и вертикальных стоек, оси которых имеют общую ось вращения, установлен механизм синхронизации вращения механизма установки и базирования, который выполнен в виде четырех звездочек, две из которых установлены на осях, а две других - на валу, причем звездочки попарно связаны с цепями, а механизм установки и базирования выполнен в виде двух Г-образных рычагов каждый из которых состоит из корпуса, в верхней части которого закреплен базирующий элемент, состоящий из винта, на котором закреплена регулируемая по высоте шаровая опора, а также зажимной механизм, состоящий из Г-образного рычага, снабженного установочным элементом, причем в корпусе зажимного ...

30-07-1992 дата публикации

Моторная установка транспортного средства

Номер: SU1751029A1

Использование: в сельскохозяйственном машиностроении, в частности в убороч- ных машинах, главным образом в зерноуборочных комбайнах, работающих в /5 условиях повышенной запыленности и высокой пожарной опасности. Сущность изобретения: двигатель оборудован вентилятором 3 системы охлаждения, расположенным с Иротиво гТоложной от маховика 2 стороны. Капот 4 содержит верхнюю 5, боковые 6 и 7 и торцовую 8 стенки Стенки 5 и 7 выполнены наклонными к продольной оси двигателя и образуют постепенно или уступами сужающийся от вентилятора 3 к маховику 2 двигателя воздуховод,g стенка 8 установлена наклонно к вертикальной оси двигателя с удалением книзу В стенке 5 со стороны вентилятора 3 выполнена горизонтальная жалюзийная щель 9, направляющая часть воздуха с внешней стороны стенки 5, а на стенках 6 и 7 выполнены вертикальные жалюзийные щели 11 и 12, направляющие часть воздуха на смежные с двигателем детали машины, 2 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил. (Л ...

23-09-1992 дата публикации

Капот двигателя транспортного средства

Номер: SU1763278A1

Использование: в области машиностроения , в частности в капотах, закрывающих моторные установки транспортных средств, например тракторов. Сущность изобретения: капот выполнен из передней (4) и задней (3) секций, разделенных зазором (5). Передняя секция зазорами (15) расчленена на три детали; две боковины и крышу. Последняя с помощью петель шарнирно закреплена на несущей рамке. Аналогичным образом на несущей рамке закреплена и задняя секция (3). Обе боковины передней секции жестко связаны с шасси транспортного средства. 8 ил.

22-08-1991 дата публикации

Integral boot lid and spoiler - formed of one-piece fibre-reinforced plastics moulding

Номер: DE0004104948A1

An automobile boot lid with an air spoiler (2) consists of a one-piece fibre-reinforced plastics moulding. The spoiler (2) may contain an embedded reinforcing material (5) in the form of a solid resin foam or a hollow body, opt encased by fibre-reinfroced plastics. The boot lid may also have embedded reinforcing material (8) in the form of a solid resin foam or a hollow body. ADVANTAGE - The boot lid and spoiler combination has no joints requiring fasteners and has improved stiffness and strength.

20-11-1997 дата публикации

Bodywork segment for road vehicle

Номер: DE0019718786A1

Connecting surfaces are provided on the at least one inner shell part (7-11) and the at least one outer shell part (2-6), which are directed for counterpoised location on one another. Seam points are provided on the connecting surfaces for joining the shell parts with one another. At least one indentation is provided with a corrugated cross-section profile on the at least one inner shell part or the at least one outer shell part. The bodywork segment in the readiness state is provided with a surface which has profile cavities.

16-02-2006 дата публикации

Device for installing gas spring for opening engine hood for motor vehicle has rail extending along underneath engine hood, joined to hood hinge and lug on inside of hood, opening for attaching upper ball joint of gas spring

Номер: DE202005013283U1
Принадлежит: BUGIAD GMBH

The device has a rail (1) extending along underneath the engine hood (2) and joined to a hood hinge at the rear end and to a lug (5) on the inside of the hood at the front end and an opening for attaching the upper ball joint (7) of a gas spring. The rail can be attached to a lug for holding a hood supporting rod (4) at the front end.

13-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050001209D1
Принадлежит: EDSCHA AG

25-08-2005 дата публикации

Engine bonnet/luggage space lid for buses consists of outer and inner metal plates connected by adhesive, both of steel/aluminum/alloy, and very thin

Номер: DE0020320971U1

The bonnet/lid is fabricated from metal plate. It has a metal plate (2), which is on the outside relative to the vehicle interior (15), and an inner profiled metal plate (3) fastened to it by adhesive only (6). The outer plate is less than 3mm, esp. approx. 1,5mm thick, and the inner plate is less than 33m, esp. approx. 0,7mm thick. Outer and/or inner plate are of steel and/or aluminum and/or their alloys. The inner plate has a trapezoidal or rectangular profile (8,9). The adhesive layer in the gap (5) between the plate has an average thickness of approx. 2mm.

09-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE112008000073T5

Türblatt, das Folgendes umfasst: ein Außenblatt; und ein Innenblatt, das an der Innenfläche des Außenblatts befestigt ist und einen vorstehenden Abschnitt umfasst, der an einer Position in der Nähe von mindestens einem der Enden des Innenblatts so ausgeformt ist, dass er sich vom Außenblatt vorwölbt; und eine innere Verstärkungsplatte, die mit einem Schraubenloch versehen und zwischen dem Außen- und dem Innenblatt befestigt ist, wobei die innere Verstärkungsplatte an einer Position an einem der Enden des Innenblatts montiert ist, wobei: das Innenblatt ein zur Scharniermontage dienendes Oberflächenteil umfasst, das an einer solchen Position angebracht ist, dass es die innere Verstärkungsplatte überlappt, und das mit einem Schraubenloch versehen ist, und wobei das Türblatt darüber hinaus Folgendes umfasst: ein Scharnier, das auf dem zur Scharniermontage dienenden Oberflächenteil aufliegt und mit einem Schraubenloch versehen ist; eine Schraube, die durch das Schraubenloch des Scharniers, das ...

11-09-2019 дата публикации

Staufach in einer Fahrzeugmotorhaube

Номер: DE202019104164U1

Verschlussplatte für ein Kraftfahrzeug, gekennzeichnet durch:eine bewegliche Verschlussplatte;ein Fach, das einen Stauraum nahe der Verschlussplatte definiert;ein Temperatursteuersystem, das eine Temperatur innerhalb des Stauraums aufrechterhält; undeinen Deckel, der innerhalb der Verschlussplatte angeordnet ist und den Stauraum abdeckt.

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Rear flap for motor vehicle, has central opening with guide rails on which sliding roof unit is provided, where opening is optionally opened or closed such that it is released through sliding roof unit when flap is in closed position

Номер: DE102004003977A1

The flap (8) has a frame of a motor vehicle body (2) with a central opening (10) including two guide rails on which a roof unit (12) is provided. The central opening is optionally opened or closed such that it is released through the roof unit, when the rear flap is in closed position. The roof unit, in an opened condition of the central opening, locates itself at a lower margin (14). An independent claim is also included for a motor vehicle having a rear flap.

03-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018104423U1

Fahrzeugraumsystem, umfassend:eine Wanne, die einen Lagerraum bildet; undeine Verschlussplatte, die zwischen einer geschlossenen Stellung und einer offenen Stellung für Zugang zum Lagerraum bewegbar ist, wobei die Verschlussplatte in der offenen Stellung unter einer Fahrzeugabwärtssichtlinie gehalten wird.

29-10-1953 дата публикации

Kraftwagen mit aufklappbarer, haubenartiger Verkleidung des Wagenendteiles

Номер: DE0000895109C

02-04-2009 дата публикации

Rear flap arrangement for locking tail opening of motor vehicle, has upper flap arrangement and lower flap arrangement, which are divided from each other in area of joint

Номер: DE102008044966A1

The rear flap arrangement (10) has an upper flap arrangement (12) and a lower flap arrangement (14), which are divided from each other in an area of joint (26). The lower flap arrangement has two flaps (28,30), which are divided from each other in another area of joint (34).

21-08-2008 дата публикации

Fahrzeughaube und deren Struktur

Номер: DE102004042350B4

Fahrzeughaubenstruktur mit einem Haubenaußenteil (12), das den fahrzeugkarosserieaußenseitigen Abschnitt einer Haube (10) bildet, und einem Haubeninnenteil (14), das den fahrzeugkarosserieinnenseitigen Abschnitt der Haube (10) bildet und aufweist: eine Vielzahl konvexer Abschnitte (18), die bezüglich der Fahrzeugkarosserie nach außen ausgebuchtet sind und alle in einem Längsmittelbereich (14E), der die Außenumfangsrandabschnitte (14A, 14B, 14C, 14D) des Haubeninnenteils (14) nicht einschließt, in bestimmten Abständen in Fahrzeugquerrichtung (IN), in Fahrzeuglängsrichtung (FR) verlaufend ausgebildet sind, und Verbindungsabschnitte (18B), die jeweils an den Scheitelabschnitten (18A) der konvexen Abschnitte (18) ausgebildet und mit dem Haubenaußenteil (12) verbunden sind, wodurch das Haubeninnenteil (14) und das Haubenaußenteil (12) eine Vielzahl von in Fahrzeuglängsrichtung (FR) verlaufenden geschlossenen Querschnittsstrukturen bilden, gekennzeichnet durch eine bezüglich der Fahrzeugkarosserie ...

03-03-2005 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug mit einem bewegbaren Heckteil zum Verschließen einer Hecköffnung

Номер: DE0010017712B4

Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere Personenkraftwagen mit einem Steilheck, mit einem am Fahrzeug bewegbar gelagerten Heckteil (4), das wahlweise zum Verschließen oder Freigeben einer sich an das Fahrzeugdach (2) anschließenden Karosseriehecköffnung in eine Heckposition bzw. in eine Dachposition auf das Fahrzeugdach (2) verlagerbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß das bewegbare Heckteil (4) als ein Nutzraummodul gestaltet ist, das in seiner Heckposition einen Hecknutzraum umgibt und in seiner Dachposition einen Dachnutzraum bereitstellt.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Auslösevorrichtung für Sicherheitssystem

Номер: DE0010158222B4

Auslösevorrichtung (90) für ein Sicherheitssystem für Fahrzeuge, mit: einem Betätigungselement; einer Feder (91) zum Vorspannen des Betätigungselementes; einem Nitinoldraht (92) zum lösbaren Verankern der Feder (91) im vorgespannten Zustand; und einer steuerbaren Stromquelle zum Erzeugen eines Stromes zum Erhitzen des Nitinoldrahtes (92), wodurch der Nitinoldraht (92) zum Reißen gebracht und die Verankerung gelöst werden kann, wobei der Nitinoldraht (92) an mehreren Punkten mit der Feder (91) oder dem Betätigungselement einerseits und dem Fahrzeug andererseits verbunden ist derart, dass die Feder (91) nach dem Flaschenzugprinzip im vorgespannten Zustand verankert ist.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Kunststoffklappe, insbesondere Kofferraumklappe an einer Busaußenwand

Номер: DE102004030333B4
Принадлежит: MAN TRUCK & BUS SE, MAN Truck & Bus SE

Kunststoffklappe, insbesondere Kofferraumklappe (1) an einer Busaußenwand, beinhaltend ein plattenförmiges Wandteil (1A), dessen Innenfläche durch Versteifungsrippen (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) verstärkt ist, wobei das Wandteil (1A) und die Versteifungsrippen (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10) getrennt voneinander hergestellt und die Versteifungsrippen (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10) am Wandteil (1A) stoffschlüssig und/oder formschlüssig befestigt sind, wobei einige der Versteifungsrippen (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10) einen vorfertigbaren, mit dem Wandteil (1A) verklebten Innenrahmen (18) bilden, und wobei die Versteifungsrippen (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10) des Innenrahmens (18) mit Hilfe von Steckverbindungen zusammensteckbar ausgebildet sind, und wobei wenigstens einige der Versteifungsrippen (6, 8, 9, 10) hohle Querschnitte (22) aufweisen, in welche im Querschnitt komplementäre Vorsprünge (20) anderer Versteifungsrippen (2, 4) einsteckbar und dort formschlüssig gehalten sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass am Umfangrand des Wandteils (1A) zwei ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Bauteil, das zumindest abschnittsweise lackiert ist

Номер: DE202020104416U1
Принадлежит: REHAU AG + Co

Bauteil, das zumindest abschnittsweise lackiert ist, welches gemäß folgender Verfahrensschritte hergestellt ist: A) Bereitstellen eines Rohteils, dessen Oberfläche zumindest abschnittsweise zu schützen ist, B) Fixierung des Rohteils in einer Aufnahme C) Positionierung des in der Aufnahme fixierten Rohteiles zu einem Bezugspunkt D) Transport des an der Aufnahme fixierten Rohteils zu einer programmgesteuerten Auftragsvorrichtung E) Auftrag eines Maskierungsmittels auf einen Abschnitt der Oberfläche des Rohteils mit der programmgesteuerten Auftragsvorrichtung F) Transport des an der Aufnahme fixierten Rohteils zu einer programmgesteuerten Aushärteeinheit G) Bildung einer Maskierschicht aus dem Maskierungsmittel auf dem Abschnitt der Oberfläche des Rohteils an der programmgesteuerten Aushärteeinheit H) Transport des an der Aufnahme fixierten Rohteils zu einer programmgesteuerten Lackauftragsvorrichtung oder Abnahme des an der Aufnahme fixierten Rohteils von der Aufnahme und Einbringung des ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Heckklappenanordnung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102015201748B4

Heckklappenanordnung (100) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend eine Tragstruktur (101) und eine äußere Abdeckstruktur (102), wobei beide Strukturen (101, 102) eine Ausnehmung (103) aufweisen, in die eine Heckscheibe eingesetzt werden kann, wobei die Tragstruktur (101) zwei Druckgussbauteile (104) umfasst, wobei die beiden Druckgussbauteile (104) zumindest an zwei einander gegenüberliegenden Seiten die Ausnehmung (103) umrahmen, wobei die Druckgussbauteile oberhalb und unterhalb der Ausnehmung (103) jeweils mit einem Blechbauteil (105, 106) miteinander verbunden sind, und wobei die Blechbauteile (105, 106) als Tiefziehbauteil gefertigt sind, und wobei die Heckklappenanordnung eine äußere Abdeckungsstruktur (102) umfasst, die eine Außenseite der Tragstruktur (101) zumindest teilweise abdeckt, und wobei die Druckgussbauteile (104) und die Blechbauteile (105, 106) jeweils ein Leichtmetall und/oder eine Leichtmetalllegierung umfassen, und wobei die Heckklappenanordnung zumindest eine innere Abdeckungsstruktur ...

24-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050304216D1

21-07-2005 дата публикации

Als Fussgängerschutz ausgelegte Kraftfahrzeug-Fronthaube

Номер: DE0059912181D1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011051214B4
Принадлежит: HYUNDAI MOTOR CO LTD, Hyundai Motor Company

Heckklappenaußengriffvorrichtung, die aufweist:ein Gehäuse, das in ein Außenpaneel einer Heckklappe eingebaut ist,eine Aktoreinheit,ein Betätigungsgriffteil (10), das in dem Gehäuse eingebaut ist und einen Betätigungsabschnitt (11) an seiner vorderen Fläche aufweist, undeinen Gelenkschaft (14), der an einen oberen Endabschnitt einer hinteren Fläche des Betätigungsabschnitts (11) gekoppelt ist,wobei ein unterer Endabschnitt des Betätigungsabschnitts (11) mit der Aktoreinheit in Eingriff ist und wahlweise derart um den Gelenkschaft (14) geschwenkt wird, dass, nachdem der Betätigungsabschnitt (11) durch eine Antriebskraft der Aktoreinheit zu dem Äußeren des Gehäuses hin herausgeschoben ist, das Betätigungsgriffteil (10) dann als Griff fungiert, wenn die Heckklappe zu öffnen ist.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013016455A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Tankklappenmodul zum Einbau in ein Kraftfahrzeug, mit einem in eine Kraftfahrzeugkarosserie (7) einsetzbaren Muldenkörper (2) und einer schwenkbar am Muldenkörper (2) gelagerten Tankklappe (10), wobei der Muldenkörper (2) eine axiale Durchgangsöffnung (4) zur Aufnahme eines Kraftstoffeinfüllstutzens und einen radial nach außen ragenden Befestigungsrand (8) zur Befestigung an der Kraftfahrzeugkarosserie (7) aufweist, wobei am Befestigungsrand (8) ein flexibles Dichtungselement (20; 30) mit einem an einer Innenseite (13) der Tanklappe (10) abdichtend zur Anlage gelangenden ersten Dichtungsabschnitt (22; 32) angeordnet ist, welcher sich in Radialrichtung (r) erstreckt und in Axialrichtung (y) deformierbar ist.

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Klappe für einen Kraftwagen

Номер: DE102013216499B4

Klappe (10) für einen Kraftwagen, mit wenigstens einem zumindest ein Rahmenelement (20) umfassenden Rahmen (18), über welchen die Klappe (10) an einem Aufbau des Kraftwagens verschwenkbar zu halten ist, wobei das Rahmenelement (20) als Strangpressprofil ausgebildet ist, wobei die Klappe (10) als zwischen einer Schließstellung und wenigstens einer Offenstellung relativ zum Aufbau verschwenkbare Heckklappe ausgebildet ist und eine Heckscheibe (12) umfasst, welche mit dem Rahmen (18) verklebt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an der Heckscheibe (12) ein Schlossbügel (14) befestigt ist, mittels welchem die Heckklappe durch Zusammenwirken des Schlossbügels (14) mit einer Gabelfalle in der Schließstellung zu halten ist.

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug mit zumindest einer Hecktür sowie Verfahren zum Betreiben der Hecktür

Номер: DE102013218384A1

Vorgeschlagen wird u.a. ein Kraftfahrzeug (1), mit zumindest einer einen Laderaum (2) desselben nach Fahrzeug-hinten begrenzenden Hecktür (4), welche um eine Hochachse (Z-Achse) oder eine Querachse (Y-Achse) von einer Geschlossenstellung, bei der das Türblatt (4a) der Hecktür (4) in Fahrzeugquerrichtung (Y-Richtung) angeordnet ist, in eine Offenstellung, bei der das Türblatt (4a) der Hecktür (4) in Fahrzeuglängsrichtung (X-Richtung) angeordnet ist, und zurück überführbar ist. Vorteilhaft ist die zumindest eine Hecktür (4) wenigstens abschnittsweise in den Laderaum (2) einschiebbar oder einfahrbar, woraus Vorteile insbesondere beim Be- und Entladen des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) resultieren.

27-01-2000 дата публикации

Front end assembly for city train, tram or bus incorporates hinged or tilting front bonnet section under front window

Номер: DE0019921927A1

The train has a rear wall, a front window (1) and a wall section (2) located beneath the window. The wall section is formed by a front bonnet section (2') which is connected to the vehicle chassis or frame (3) so that it can be lifted or tilted out. The front bonnet is connected to the chassis via a hinged rod system (4) which consists of a hinge and can be locked shut by a locking mechanism (5). In the raised or tilted position, the bonnet is held in place by a gas spring damper (6).

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015004526A1

Eine Innentafel einer Fahrzeughaube besitzt eine 0,2%-Dehngrenze von 70 MPa oder mehr und 120 MPa oder weniger, nach dem Zusammenbau der Innentafel und dem Abschluss einer Einbrennbeschichtung bzw. -lackierung. Eine Außentafel besitzt eine 0,2%-Dehngrenze von 150 MPa oder mehr. Die Außentafel ist aus einem Plattenmaterial einer Aluminiumlegierung der JIS 5000er oder 6000er Serie hergestellt und die Innentafel ist aus einem Plattenmaterial einer Aluminiumlegierung der JIS 3000er Serie hergestellt. Die Innentafel besitzt hutförmige Hauptwulste, die in einem Mittelabschnitt angeordnet sind. Ein Dehnungsbetrag (L L0)/L0, bestimmt durch die Querschnittlinienlänge L eines konkaven oder konvexen Abschnitts des Hauptwulsts, der von der Oberfläche des Mittelabschnitts vorsteht, und einer Linienlänge L0 eines Liniensegments, das Enden des Abschnitts linear verbindet, beträgt 0,4 bis 0,6 bzgl. einer Bruchdehnung bei uniaxialer Zugverformung.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Pufferstruktur für eine Fahrzeughaube

Номер: DE102015105785A1

Zu lösendes Problem: Die Bereitstellung einer Struktur, bei der die Steifigkeit der Ecken eines inneren Haubenblechs aus Aluminiumlegierung in einer Fahrzeughaube erhöht ist, um Last zu verteilen. Lösung: Eine Pufferstruktur einer Fahrzeughaube weist ein inneres Haubenblech 20 aus Aluminium, einen Haubenpuffer und eine Pufferhalterung auf. Eine äußere Randrippe 30 ist an Ecken 24 einer Unterseite des inneren Haubenblechs 20 ausgebildet, und ein Kontaktabschnitt 21 ist in der äußeren Randrippe 30 an jeder der Ecken 24 des Blechs angeordnet. Der Kontaktabschnitt 21 ist mit einer vertieften Form ausgebildet, und ein oberer Abschnitt des Haubenpuffers wird mit einer Unterseite des Kontaktabschnitts 21 in Kontakt gebracht.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Crashstruktur für ein Kraftfahrzeug, Verfahren zum Herstellen einer solchen Crashstruktur und Kraftfahrzeug mit einer solchen Crashstruktur

Номер: DE102018111226B3
Принадлежит: E GO MOBILE AG, e.GO Mobile AG

Crashstruktur (1) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (2) mit einem Trägerkörper (3), von dessen Trägerfläche (5) wenigstens eine mit dem Trägerkörper (3) einstückig ausgebildete Verformungseinheit (4, 4a, 4b) hervorspringt, die durch wenigstens zwei übereinander angeordnete und miteinander verbundene Verformungselemente (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) und eine Aufprallfläche (7) gebildet ist, wobei ein Längsschnitt (14) des jeweiligen Verformungselements (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) zwei einander gegenüberliegende, einer jeweiligen ungeraden Kurve (17, 18) folgende Längsschnittflächen (15, 16) aufweist, wobei die Aufprallfläche (7) über die Verformungselemente (6, 6a, 6b, 6c) von der Trägerfläche (5) beabstandet ist.

03-02-2000 дата публикации

Enclosure for a portable machine e.g. air compressor

Номер: DE0019930371A1

The enclosure (20) has an outer surface and an inner surface and an opening extending between the outer and inner surfaces. The enclosure includes a resilient cover which is hingedly secured to the enclosure for selectively covering the opening. The resilient cover is molded to normally have a first radius which is greater than the radius of the curved region of the enclosure.

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Fahrzeug sowie Fahrzeug-Karosseriehaube

Номер: DE102008010451B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG, Volkswagen AG

Fahrzeug mit einer Karosseriehaube (5), die in einem Wagenbereich des Fahrzeugs angeordnet ist, wobei die Karosseriehaube (5) aufgeteilt ist in ein im Fahrzeugendbereich angeordnetes Endteil und in ein daran anschließendes Haubenteil (8), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Haubenteil (8) über Halterungen (18; 19; 28; 34;43; 47; 64) im Wagenbereich gehalten ist, in die Deformationselemente (20; 8a; 42; 46; 54; 58; 64) integriert sind, wobei die Halterungen (18; 19; 28; 34; 43; 47; 64) unter Zwischenschaltung der Deformationselemente (20; 8a; 42; 46; 54; 58; 64) am Haubenteil (8) befestigt sind, und das Endteil zur Herstellung einer Serviceöffnung (24) in einen Motorraum gegenüber dem dahinter liegenden Haubenteil (8) beweglich angeordnet ist.

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Heckbereich eines Fahrzeugs mit einem Deckel als Modulträger

Номер: DE102004035029B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG, Volkswagen AG

Heckbereich eines Fahrzeugs mit einem Deckel als Modulträger und zum Verschließen eines Fahrzeuginnen- oder Aggregateraumes und mit Heckleuchten, wobei der Deckel (2, 18) transparent, zumindest jedoch semitransparent und dabei von innen nach außen lichtdurchlässig ausgebildet und Anordnungswandung für eine Scheibenwischeranlage (3, 19) ist, wobei zumindest ein Teil des Antriebsgehäuses (5) der Scheibenwischeranlage (3, 19) an der Außenseite des Deckels (2, 18) angeordnet ist, und wobei das Antriebsgehäuse (7) mit einer in diesem angeordneten Antriebseinheit für einen Scheibenwischer (6) als Baueinheit ausgeführt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass am Antriebsgehäuse (5) eine nach beiden Fahrzeugseiten erstreckte Aufnahme (7) für den Scheibenwischer (6) angeordnet ist, die eine Scheibenwischertasche (8) für diesen (6) in dessen Ruhestellung ausbildet.

30-10-2008 дата публикации

Kühlergrillanordnung mit flexibler Kühlergrill-Befestigung

Номер: DE102004057477C5

Kühlergrillanordnung eines Kraftfahrzeuges, mit - einem Kühlergrill (10), und mit - einer an einem vorderen Stoßfänger (21) des Kraftfahrzeuges vorgesehenen Halterung (20), wobei der Kühlergrill (10) an der Halterung (20) durch eine erste Befestigungseinrichtung in Form einer Kulissenführungseinrichtung bestehend aus einer Nut (22) und einem Zapfen (16) angebracht ist, der in der Nut (22) geführt und darin durch elastische Mittel (25, 27, 28) positioniert ist, wobei die elastischen Mittel zumindest in im wesentlichen vertikaler Richtung derart beweglich sind, dass der Kühlergrill (10) von oben einwirkenden Kräften einer Motorhaube ausweichen kann.

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Fahrzeug mit einem zusätzlichen Ladegutträger im Heckbereich

Номер: DE102005011682A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Fahrzeug mit einem Heckbereich, in den ein zusätzlicher Ladegutträger integriert ist, umfassend eine um eine Achse schwenkbar angeordnete Klappe, welche in einem ausgeschwenkten Zustand eine in etwa horizontale Ebene definiert, wobei weiterhin ein auf den Ladegutträger (10) aufsetzbares oder am Ladegutträger angebrachtes Transportmodul (11) vorgesehen ist, welches Mittel aufweist, die zur Aufnahme und/oder Befestigung bestimmter Transportgüter spezifisch ausgebildet sind.

28-10-2010 дата публикации

Motor vehicle e.g. van, has loading space including loading space opening that is closable by rear flap whose flap part is pivotable relative to flap, and storage area provided in vertical distance above loading space base in loading space

Номер: DE102010014361A1

The vehicle (10) has a loading space including a loading space opening (14) that is closable by a rear flap (12). The rear flap comprises a flap part (16) pivotable relative to the rear flap. A storage area is provided in vertical distance above a loading space base in a loading space. The rear flap comprises a loading edge (26) to downwardly limit an opening for the flap part, where the loading edge is provided in a position of the storage area. The loading edge is deeper than a board edge (28) of the vehicle.

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Hubvorrichtung für Fahrzeughaube

Номер: DE602005000200D1

03-01-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001405882C3

03-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008323474U1

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Fronthaube für einen Personenkraftwagen

Номер: DE102006015402B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Fronthaube für einen Personenkraftwagen mit einem Außenbeplankungsteil (14), welches mit einem aussteifenden Innenteil (16) unter Bildung eines Zwischenraums (18) verbunden ist, wobei innerhalb des Zwischenraums (18) ein Deformationselement (34) am Innenteil (16) angeordnet ist, über welches das Außenbeplankungsteil (14) bei einer unfallbedingten Kraftbeaufschlagung zusätzlich abzustützen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Deformationselement (34) an einem Verstärkungsteil (20) befestigt ist, welches innerhalb des Zwischenraums (18) im Festlegungsbereich eines Haubenscharniers (22) angeordnet und am Innenteil (16) befestigt ist.

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Front hood arrangement for motor vehicle, has front hood connected with body of motor vehicle and comprising attenuator that is filled with reinforcement member, which increases rigidity of hood section in driving direction

Номер: DE102008021787A1

The arrangement (1) has a front hood (10) connected with a body (11) of a motor vehicle. The front hood exhibits an attenuator in a hood section to lower the front hood. The attenuator is filled with a reinforcement member (26), which increases the rigidity of the hood section in a driving direction. A hinge (13) e.g. multi-joint hinge, connects the front hood with the body in a pivotable manner. The hood section with the attenuator is arranged in a rear area of the front hood viewed in the driving direction.

10-05-2000 дата публикации

Bonnet assembly for a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0002343419A

A bonnet assembly for absorbing the impact of, and reducing injuries to, a pedestrian comprises an outer panel (12) and a profile member (14) extending along at least part of one edge of the outer panel, the profile member comprising a first flange (18) at one end of the member (14) and a second flange (20) at another end of the member (14). At least one step portion (22) of the profile member (14) is located between the first flange (18) and the second flange (20), the first flange (18) being connected to at least one edge of the outer panel. The step portion (22) is adapted to be collapsible in a controlled manner in the event of a collision with a pedestrian.

24-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008619703D0

20-10-1993 дата публикации

Engine bonnet for motor vehicles

Номер: GB0002239432B

03-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002239432A

An engine bonnet for a motor vehicle has an inner reinforcement 3 of the engine bonnet panel 1, designed in such a way along that side of the engine bonnet which is adjacent the windscreen that it simultaneously feeds the air stream entering via an air inlet 19 in the engine bonnet to an air-flow chamber 10 situated upstream of the air intake duct 22 of the heating or air-conditioning system and constitutes a means of water separation. ...

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Hollow cross member for vehicle with receptacle for bonnet lock

Номер: GB0002510668A

A lock cross member 1 for a motor vehicle has a receptacle within the interior 3 of cross member 1 for accommodating a bonnet lock 100. The receptacle may have an opening 4.1 over a corner 5 of two walls 6, 7 of cross member 1; alternatively, an opening (4.2, Figure 7) may be provided in a wall (28, Figure 7). Preferably, at least two attachment points 9.1, 10.1 are provided on a boundary 8 of the opening to secure lock 100; alternatively, attachment points (9.2, 10.2, Figure 7) may be provided on a forward facing wall. Cross member 1 is hollow and may have a monocoque structure comprising a U-shaped part 18 and a second part 19 between the legs of U-shaped part 18. Also disclosed is a bonnet lock 100 installable on cross member 1, and a module for a motor vehicle having a bonnet lock 100 mounted on a cross member 1.

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Flush mounted tractor exhaust outlet

Номер: GB0002526928A

A flush mounted tractor exhaust outlet 101 includes a tractor hood panel 102 sandwiched between an outlet ring 108 and a support plate 106, where spacers 146 are provided between the outlet ring and the support plate to provide an air passage 150 between the support plate and an outlet plate 104 that does not contact the tractor hood panel. The support plate and outlet plate may have a flange 120,130 and neck 122,132 respectively. The support plate may comprise a plurality of ribs 136 that contact the underside of the panel. The exhaust outlet may be fixed to the vehicle bonnet by means of a plurality of nuts 144 and bolts 142. The exhaust outlet may facilitate emission of exhaust from a diesel particulate filter DPF 114 to the atmosphere. The tractor hood panel may be manufactured of plastics material. The outlet plate may comprise a plurality of louvers 123 to prevent entry of debris into the exhaust system.

03-01-2018 дата публикации

Body component

Номер: GB0002551906A

A body component (1, Figure 2), for example a front hood of a motor vehicle, comprising an outer skin (20, Figure 2) and an inner part 10, wherein the outer skin and inner part 10 are connected to one another at defined points and/or bear against each other. Inner part 10 has at least one stamping 12, 14, 15 which is raised in the direction of the outer skin and which has, as viewed from the vertical direction of the vehicle, a diamond-shaped contour. Stampings 12, 14, 15 may have circular cutouts 16, which may be centred or eccentrically positioned. Inner part 10 may be a metal sheet, and may be secured to the outer skin using adhesive beads 17.

06-07-2005 дата публикации

Tubular front end structure for automobiles and method for making the same

Номер: GB0000511071D0

07-04-2004 дата публикации

A motor vehicle hood with pedestrian protection

Номер: GB0000404736D0

02-08-1923 дата публикации

Improved means for strengthening bent or curved portions of hood sticks for motor cars

Номер: GB0000201455A

... 201,455. Ashworth, R. S. Oct. 12, 1922. Hoods.-The bent or curved wooden parts of a motor-car hood frame are strengthened by inserting metal or like band strips b, which extend wholly across the wooden piece or approximately so. Several metal members may be used, held by glueing, cross-pins, or otherwise.

20-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002054476B
Принадлежит: DEERE & CO

12-08-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in shock insulating devices for use on the bodies of motor vehicles andthe like

Номер: GB0000256412A

... 256,412. Hancock & Warman, Ltd., and Hancock, H. Sept. 8, 1925. Bonnets.-A strip of indiarubber 2 is secured to the body 3 to act as a seating for the edge of the bonnet. A flange 30 on the strip may be held between a board 5 and the body.

18-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008406394D0

24-12-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to removable floor boards and the like applicable to motor vehicles

Номер: GB0000340139A

... 340,139. Sunrayn, Ltd., and Ward, S. J. Dec. 31, 1929. Bodies.-Removable floor boards, such as the floor and pedal boards of motor vehicles which are removable for chassis inspection and repairs, are secured in position by a clamping device pivotally secured to the fixed flooring or framing and provided with a releasable connection with a locking device on the fixed part of the body. As shown in Fig. 1 the metal strip c is hinged to the dash d at c<1> and clamps the removable floor and pedal boards a, b in position by means of a swivelling lug c and a releasable catch f. In a modification the strip c may be provided with a ball joint c<2> securing it to the fixed floor g and it clamps the removable boards a, b by being passed beneath fixed lugs e<1>, e<2>. In the case of pedal boards only angle plates h, Fig. 7, are hinged to the fixed parts i and are turned down on the boards b and secured by a fastening f carried by the boards.

05-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001354198A

... 1354198 Vehicle bonnets FORD MOTOR CO Ltd 11 Oct 1972 [26 Oct 1971] 46826/72 Heading B7B A forwardly hinged bonnet 16 of a vehicle engine compartment is provided at each side with cam surfaces 23 which co-act with complementary surfaces 24 on the vehicle body to cause buckling of the bonnet during vehicle collision and thus prevent the bonnet from piercing the windscreen. The bonnet is held in the closed position by latches 19 at its rear end.

07-02-1979 дата публикации

Farm tractor of semiframe-type design

Номер: GB0002001591A
Автор: Lubcke, Rainer

In a farm tractor of semiframe- type design the engine (24) is arranged above two front-axle (3) supporting crossbars (19, 21), extending parallel to the front crossbar (14) of the supporting frame (12); the fuel tank (23) is mounted between the inner crossbar (21), and the transmission housing (5); the exhaust silencer (36) is located in front of the engine (24) in a chamber within the sound-proofed engine cowling (29); the cooling system (41) is encased within a sound- proofed housing (39) between the engine (24) and the operator's platform (11). ...

25-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410416B

The method involves welding together at least one inner (4) and at least one outer (2) sheet of a door or flap and controlling the plasma welding method so that plastic deformations caused by the resulting thermal stresses are limited to a defined extent and within the tolerance limits permissible for the doors and flaps, especially a gap size tolerance of 0.1 mm. Independent claims are also included for the following: a device for plasma welding of ends of sheets of same or different thickness, especially zinc-coated sheet or aluminum sheet.

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427868T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477386T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481277T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451288T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440765T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473902T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473903T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518702T

15-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000198399A

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353064T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506493T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421439T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000812002A

25-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007743U1

The hood has honeycomb plates (8) with rear and front areas forming different thickness and hardness. A reference offset area is provided crosswise over a whole width of the hood, where the offset area is attained by attenuating the hood structure. The plates consist of walls connected with one another and inclined perpendicularly in their base level. The offset area is provided in a recess between the plates.

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122003T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000333397T

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000234218T

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000232175T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000224310T

25-03-1971 дата публикации

Transportable, fold upable accommodation, in particular camper

Номер: AT0000288882B

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Композитный кожух моторного отсека наземного транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000168686U1

Полезная модель относится к конструктивным элементам наземных транспортных средств, в том числе грузовых и автобусов, и представляет собой конструкцию кожуха моторного отсека транспортного средства, выполняющего оптическую функцию декоративного дизайна подкапотного пространства и функцию несущего элемента. Композитный кожух моторного отсека наземного транспортного средства имеет локальные участки с заданной прочностью и выполнен из рубленого волокна и связующего методом длинноволоконной инжекции, при этом прочность локальных участков задана плотностью композитного материала. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в повышении прочности локальных участков кожуха моторного отсека наземного транспортного средства с одновременным повышением пассивной безопасности при контакте пешехода или участника дорожного движения, передвигающегося на двухколесном транспортном средстве, с автомобилем во время наезда за счет прогиба менее прочной зоны контакта, создающего эффект частичного поглощения энергии, а также в снижении веса и повышения стойкости к коррозионному воздействию при обеспечении необходимой вентиляции моторного отсека. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 686 U1 (51) МПК B62D 25/10 (2006.01) B62D 29/04 (2006.01) B29C 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016130134, 22.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.07.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.07.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 15.02.2017 Бюл. № 5 Адрес для переписки: 109316, Москва, Волгоградский пр-кт, 42, корп. 5, генеральному директору ООО "НЦК", Столярову Михаилу Александровичу (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Нанотехнологический центр композитов" (ООО "НЦК") (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2243111 C2, 27.12.2004. US 1 6 8 6 8 6 15.02.2017 R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Раннев Алексей ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Automobile comprising a front bumper with a central portion extending as far as the bonnet of said vehicle

Номер: US20120043786A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

An automobile including a front cross-member, an attachment element arranged at the rear of the cross-member, a bonnet that closes off an engine compartment and including one free edge, and a front bumper mounted in front of the front cross-member and including a central portion that extends as far as the bonnet and includes a tab for attaching to the attachment element. The attachment tab includes a frangible area, located to the front of the attachment area and capable of breaking, and the frangible area is arranged next to an empty space formed in the compartment, with a view to having the central portion of the bumper bend into the empty space when the frangible area breaks.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Front Body Structure for Vehicle

Номер: US20120217761A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A front body structure for a vehicle includes a striker bracket provided in a hood frame, and a frame reinforcing unit provided in front of the striker bracket to reinforce the hood frame. In addition to, or alternatively, a reinforcement is arranged between the frame and a at least a portion of the hood skin.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Air intake structure

Номер: US20130065499A1
Автор: Neil Patterson
Принадлежит: McLaren Automotive Ltd

An air intake system for a vehicle, the system comprising a body panel having a pair of opposed walls defining a plenum therebetween, the walls being attached together in such a way as to structurally stiffen the body panel, and the plenum having an air intake for admitting air into the plenum and an air outlet for supplying air to an air handling system of the vehicle.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106142A1

A vehicle hood structure capable of improving impact absorption ability prior to a secondary impact when an impacting body impacts the hood. Front end portions of beads of a wave shaped section are arranged in a line in hood plan view. A front wall section is provided further to the hood front side than the wave shaped section and is formed inclined towards the hood bottom side on progression towards the hood front and running substantially along the vehicle width direction. The wave shaped section and the front wall section are connected together by a ledge section formed running substantially along the hood width direction. 1. A vehicle hood structure comprising a hood outer panel that configures an outer panel of a hood , and a hood inner panel that is disposed at a hood bottom side of the hood outer panel and that is coupled to the hood outer panel to configure an inner panel of the hood; a wave shaped section that is provided at a central region of the hood inner panel and that includes protruding portions oriented with a length direction in a hood front-rear direction to give protruding shapes on the hood outer panel side, and indented portions oriented with a length direction in the hood front-rear direction to give indented shapes on the hood outer panel side, the protruding portions and the indented portions provided alternately to form a wave shaped profile, and with hood front-rear direction front end portions of the protruding portions arranged in a line in a hood plan view;', 'a front wall section that is provided to the hood inner panel further to a hood front side than the wave shaped section, that is inclined towards the hood bottom side on progression towards a hood front, and that is formed substantially along the hood width direction; and', 'a ledge section that is formed substantially along the hood width direction and that connects together the wave shaped section and the front wall section in the hood inner panel., 'the hood inner panel ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152520A1
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS LTD

Ribs are protruded from a lid and a housing body so as to prevent a sphere B with a diameter of 100 mm stipulated in outer protrusion requirements from contacting with a latch 1. A latch protection structure for a vehicle-mounted object wherein a latch is provided for setting/releasing a lid to and from a vehicle-mounted housing body ,comprising ribs protruded from at least one of said lid and said housing body so as to prevent a sphere with a diameter stipulated in outer protrusion requirements from contacting with the latch.2. The latch protection structure for the vehicle-mounted object as claimed in applied to an air cleaner with said housing body having an element for filtration of air loaded therein. The present invention relates to a latch protection structure for a vehicle-mounted object.Generally, an outer protrusion in a vehicle is defined as that which is partially protruded from an outer surface of a vehicle body and which may cause a pedestrian or the like to be injured or felled in collision or contact with him or her. In order to reduce a possibility of the pedestrian or the like being wounded or in order to relieve a degree of the wound, unified regulations on permission of vehicles with respect to outer protrusions have been established in Japan, Europe and other countries in which outer protrusion requirements are minutely stipulated.As shown in , arranged on a lower portion on one of laterally opposite sides of a backside of a cab in a truck or other vehicle is an air cleaner for supply of air to an engine (not shown). Arranged along the cab and connected to the air cleaner is a suction duct with an opening through which air is sucked, the sucked air being filtered through the air cleaner for supply as clean air to the engine. A range of 80 mm from an outermost side of the cab is defined as so-called an outer-protrusion required range within which an end of the air cleaner is arranged.As shown in , the air cleaner comprises a transverse-mounted ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175827A1

A hood inner panel () includes an inner panel main body () forming part of a hood () of a vehicle, a front bead () provided on the inner panel main body () and extending along a vehicle width direction, and a rear bead () provided on the inner panel main body (), located on the rear side of the front bead () toward a back of the vehicle and extending along the vehicle width direction. The front bead () is curved toward the front of the vehicle such that a center portion () in the vehicle width direction is located in front of each end portion () in the vehicle width direction, and the rear bead () is curved toward the back of the vehicle such that a center portion () in the vehicle width direction is located behind each end portion () in the vehicle width direction. 15-. (canceled)6. A hood inner panel , comprising:an inner panel main body forming part of a hood of a vehicle;a front bead provided on the inner panel main body and extending along a vehicle width direction; anda rear bead provided on the inner panel main body, located on a rear side of the front bead and extending along the vehicle width direction,the front bead being curved toward a front of the vehicle such that a center portion in the vehicle width direction is located in front of each end portion in the vehicle width direction, and the rear bead being curved toward a back of the vehicle such that a center portion in the vehicle width direction is located behind each end portion in the vehicle width direction.7. The hood inner panel according to claim 6 , wherein an intermediate bead is provided between the front bead and the rear bead and extends in the vehicle width direction.8. The hood inner panel according to claim 6 , wherein at least one of the front bead and the rear bead has a width in a front-back direction of the vehicle at each end portion that is greater than a width in the front-back direction of the vehicle at the center portion.912. The hood inner panel according to claim 6 , wherein ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241241A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A hood frame is provided with a center bead, front radiating beads and rear radiating beads to ensure that the front hood bends in the shape of inverted letter-V under a frontal crash load. Further, the beads provide the hood frame with a stiffness (including an out-of-plane stiffness) which is required of the front hood while the downward deformation of the hood frame under a downward load can be controlled and the HIC level can be set at an appropriate level. 1. A vehicle front hood structure , comprising a hood skin and a hood frame attached to a back side of the hood skin , the hood frame comprising:a center bead projecting toward the hood skin and extending from an intersection between a connecting line connecting a pair of folding points defined centrally in a fore and aft direction on either side edge of the hood frame and a laterally central line outwardly in either lateral direction; anda plurality of radiating beads projecting toward the hood skin and extending diagonally both in front of and behind the center bead in a diagonal direction of the hood frame.2. The vehicle front hood structure according to claim 1 , wherein the center bead and/or the radiating beads are given with a semicircular cross section.3. The vehicle front hood structure according to claim 1 , wherein the center bead extends continuously in the lateral direction.4. The vehicle front hood structure according to claim 1 , wherein the hood frame includes a planar section having a prescribed width and not formed with a bead which is located between each lateral end of the center bead and the opposing side edge of the hood frame.5. The vehicle front hood structure according to claim 1 , wherein the hood frame includes a connecting portion at which a laterally adjoining pair of the radiating beads in a laterally central part of the hood frame is connected to each other.6. The vehicle front hood structure according to claim 1 , wherein the hood frame includes a planar section having a ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Sheet material having a concave-convex part, and vehicle panel and laminated structure using the same

Номер: US20130295406A1
Автор: Masaya Takahashi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Light Metal Industries Ltd

A sheet material ( 1 ) includes a stiffness-increasing concave-convex part ( 20 ). A first reference plane (K 1 ) and a second reference plane (K 2 ) serve as a reference system. Numerous at least substantially (H) shaped first reference areas ( 213 ), each including two parallel longitudinal bar parts ( 214 ) and a latitudinal bar part ( 215 ) that connects center portions the two parallel longitudinal bar parts together, are arrayed with the same orientation in the second reference plane (K 2 ). First areas ( 21 ) respectively protrude from the first reference areas ( 213 ) in the second reference plane (K 2 ) toward the first reference plane (K 1 ). Each first area ( 21 ) includes a first top surface ( 211 ), which is a reduced projection of its first reference area ( 213 ) into the first reference plane (K 1 ), and first side surfaces ( 212 ) that connect the outer periphery of the first top surface ( 211 ) with the outer periphery of the corresponding first reference area ( 213 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341964A1

A motor vehicle body is provided. The motor vehicle body includes a front bonnet, a front window rising out of a rear margin of the front bonnet and a cross member extending in width direction of the front window. A front flange of the cross member supports a front lower margin of the front window, a rear flange being supported on a structural element of the body, and a first intermediate piece extends from an upper rear margin of the front flange towards the rear flange. The rear flange is widened towards the front by a second intermediate piece beyond a support area of the structural element. The intermediate pieces are linked via a bending zone that is convex towards the engine compartment. 1. A motor vehicle body , comprising:a front bonnet;a front window rising out of a rear margin of the front bonnet; anda cross member extending in width direction of the front window that includes a front flange that supports a front lower margin of the front window, a rear flange that is supported on a structural element of the body and a first intermediate piece that extends from an upper rear margin of the front flange towards the rear flange,wherein the rear flange is widened towards the front by a second intermediate piece beyond a support area of the structural element and the first intermediate piece and second intermediate piece are linked via a bending zone that is convex towards the engine compartment.2. The motor vehicle body according to claim 1 , wherein the second intermediate piece is horizontally oriented.3. The motor vehicle body according to claim 1 , wherein the first intermediate piece is arched in cross section and meets the bending zone vertically from above.4. The motor vehicle body according to claim 3 , wherein below the first intermediate piece a wiper motor is accommodated.5. The motor vehicle body according to claim 1 , wherein the extension in vehicle longitudinal direction of the second intermediate piece amounts to at least one third of the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

3 Stage Hood Roof

Номер: US20140001793A1
Автор: JR. Isaac, Langford

The invention provides an automated sunroof or hoodroof installed onto the hood of a vehicle. The 3 Stage Hood Roof is centrally positioned on a vehicle's hood and is connected to an internal motor that operates with a push button mechanism located within the car. Pressing the push button engages the motor to multiple positions. In the first position, the hoodroof rotates slightly from its front attachment to the hood of the vehicle and tilts upward toward the rear. The second position retracts the roof completely or partially. The third position lowers the roof so that the roof is recessed from the hood of the vehicle. The fourth stage is a closed position, covering the entire engine. 1. An automated hoodroof installed on the hood of a vehicle , comprising: an essentially rectangular shape roof centrally positioned on a the hood of a vehicle , wherein the roof is connected to an internal motor that operates with a push button mechanism located within the car , and wherein pressing the push button activates the motor to move the roof into three positions and a closed position wherein:the first position rotates the roof from its front attachment to the vehicle and tilts the roar end of the roof upward toward the rear of the vehicle;the second position retracts the roof, exposing the engine, wherein the retraction can take place in multiple stages, exposing the entire engine, or only a portion of the engine;the third position lowers the roof so that the roof is recessed from the hood of the vehicle;the closed position covers the engine.2. The hoodroof of comprising durable vehicle grade glass claim 1 , polymethylmethacrylate or other plastic.3. The hoodroof of claim 2 , wherein the durable vehicle grade glass claim 2 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 2 , or other plastic is transparent claim 2 , tinted claim 2 , translucent or opaque.3. The hoodroof of claim 1 , wherein the hoodroof measures approximately thirty one and one half inches in length claim 1 , eighteen and ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014429A1

A work vehicle includes a fixed hood covering a rear area of an engine compartment housing an engine and an engine accessory, a swing axis extending through the rear area of the engine compartment in a transverse direction of the vehicle, and a swing hood swinging around the swing axis between a closed position and an open position. The swing hood tucks the fixed hood inside the swing hood and thus covers the fixed hood in the open position, and covers a front area and a middle area of the engine compartment and overlaps with a front end portion of the fixed hood in the closed position. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine compartment supported by a vehicle frame and being located behind a driver seat;the engine compartment comprising a front area, a middle area, and a rear area and being sized and configured to contain therein an engine and at least one engine accessory;a fixed hood structured and arranged to cover the rear area;a swing hood movable about a swing axis between at least a closed position and an open position;the swing axis extending through the rear area along a direction transverse to a longitudinal direction of the vehicle,wherein, in the open position, the swing hood covers at least partially contains therein the fixed hood, andwherein, in the closed position, the swing hood covers the front area and middle area and includes a portion that overlaps a front end portion of the fixed hood.2. The work vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the portion that overlaps the front end portion of the fixed hood overlies the front end portion of the fixed hood.3. The work vehicle of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the open position claim 1 , the swing hood covers and contains therein all or nearly all of the fixed hood.4. The work vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the swing hood is arranged in a generally horizontal posture in the closed position and is arranged in a generally vertical or upright posture in the open position.5. The work vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle hood panel

Номер: US20140015285A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

A vehicle hood panel is formed by bonding an outer panel and an inner panel to each other. Disposed along the outer peripheral edge of the inner panel is an outer peripheral portion to which a cushion member and hinges for attaching the hood panel to a vehicle are to be later fastened. Adhesive bonding surfaces which are to be bonded to the outer panel by mastic are disposed on the region surrounded by the outer peripheral portion, and a plurality of reinforcement beads are formed between the adhesive bonding surfaces. At least some of the adhesive bonding surfaces and/or reinforcement beads are bended so as to extend toward the hinges or the cushion member as seen in a plan view.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle front structure

Номер: US20140028051A1
Автор: Kazuhiro Oota
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

A vehicle front structure includes: an exterior member provided at a lower portion of a front end of a vehicle; and an energy absorbing bracket having front and rear ends, the front end facing a rear surface of the exterior member and the rear end being mounted on a vehicle structural member. The energy absorbing bracket has an upper surface which is disposed to be inclined downward toward a front of the vehicle, and the inclination increases continuously or stepwise from a rear of the vehicle to the front of the vehicle, lower vehicle width direction ribs which project downward from the upper surface, extend substantially in a vehicle width direction, and are disposed in a vehicle front-rear direction, and lower vehicle front-rear direction ribs which project downward from the upper surface, extend substantially in the vehicle front-rear direction, and disposed in the vehicle width direction.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Automobile Body Part

Номер: US20140035323A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

In a car body or component thereof with at least one first component of sheet metal of a first aluminum alloy and at least one second component of sheet metal of a second aluminum alloy, the first and second aluminum alloys are of type AlMgSi and in the sheet metal of the second aluminum alloy a substantial part of the elements Mg and Si, which are required to achieve artificial ageing in solid solution, is present in the form of separate MgSi and/or Si particles in order to avoid artificial ageing. By reduction of the hardening capacity of the second component during artificial ageing of the body as part of the paint baking cycle, the car body has an improved impact protection for pedestrians in comparison with solutions according to the prior art. 1. A sheet metal AlMgSi type aluminum alloy automobile body part , wherein a substantial part of the elements Mg and Si in the sheet metal , which are required to achieve artificial ageing in solid solution , are present as separate MgSi and/or Si particles to avoid artificial ageing.2. The automobile body part of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy contains:0.6 to 1.2 weight percent silicon,0.3 to 0.8 weight percent magnesium;max. 0.8 weight percent copper;max. 0.4 weight percent iron;max. 0.3 weight percent manganese;max. 0.2 weight percent vanadium;with production-related contaminants and aluminum as the remainder.3. The automobile body part of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy contains:0.30 to 0.50 weight percent silicon;0.30 to 0.50 weight percent magnesium;max. 0.20 weight percent copper;0.05 to 0.20 weight percent iron,max. 0.10 weight percent manganese;max. 0.15 weight percent vanadium;with production-related contaminants, individually a maximum of 0.05 weight percent, total maximum of 0.15 weight percent, and aluminum as the remainder.4. The automobile body part of claim 3 , wherein at least more than 40% of the elements Mg and Si are precipitated in a form where they are no longer available for subsequent ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041306A1

Deformation of a trunk door is suppressed with a simple structure. A lateral bead is formed along a ridgeline region that is formed by an inner upper wall portion and an inner rear wall portion of an inner panel of the trunk door. The lateral bead is not connected to a ring bead formed at an outer periphery of the inner panel. Thus, stiffness of the ridgeline region may be suppressed compared with a case in which the lateral bead is connected to the ring bead. Thus, substantial V-form folding of an outer upper wall portion and an outer rear wall portion may be suppressed. 1. A vehicle trunk door structure comprising:a trunk door structured with an outer panel and an inner panel, the trunk door including an upper wall portion that extends in a vehicle front-and-rear direction and a rear wall portion that extends in a vehicle downward direction from the vehicle front-and-rear direction rear end of the upper wall portion, and the trunk door being provided to be capable of opening and closing an opening of a luggage compartment of the vehicle, due to the vehicle forward side of the upper wall portion being supported at a vehicle main body via a hinge;an urging member connected to each of two vehicle width direction sides of the vehicle forward side of the trunk door, the urging member urging the trunk door in an opening direction;a locking mechanism that anchors a vehicle width direction middle portion of a vehicle rearward lower edge of the trunk door at the vehicle body;a ring bead that is formed at the inner panel and forms a circuit round an outer periphery of the inner panel;a longitudinal bead that is formed at the inner panel and extends in the vehicle front-and-rear direction at a vehicle width direction middle portion, each of two end portions of the longitudinal bead connecting to the ring bead; anda lateral bead that is provided along a ridgeline region between the upper wall portion and the rear wall portion, the lateral bead extending from the longitudinal ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062141A1

A hood assembly for a vehicle includes a hood having a top side and an underside. Also included is a hood latch-striker reinforcement plate operably coupled to the underside of the hood and having a retaining recess. Further included is at least a portion of a centering tool removably disposed within the retaining recess and extending downwardly away from the underside of the hood. Yet further included is a centering bracket operably coupled to a top support member of a positioning and reinforcement structure and having an aperture configured to receive the centering tool therein for locating the positioning and reinforcement structure to the hood. 1. A hood assembly for a vehicle comprising:a hood having a top side and an underside;a hood latch-striker reinforcement plate operably coupled to the underside of the hood and having a retaining recess;at least a portion of a centering tool removably disposed within the retaining recess and extending downwardly away from the underside of the hood; anda centering bracket operably coupled to a top support member of a positioning and reinforcement structure and having an aperture configured to receive the centering tool therein for locating the positioning and reinforcement structure to the hood.2. The hood assembly of claim 1 , the centering tool comprising a base portion and a pin portion extending away from the base portion.3. The hood assembly of claim 2 , wherein the pin portion is detachable from the base portion.4. The hood assembly of claim 2 , wherein the pin portion and the base portion are integrally formed.5. The hood assembly of claim 2 , the base portion comprising a first portion and a second portion claim 2 , the second portion configured to secure the centering tool within the retaining recess of the hood latch-striker reinforcement plate upon rotation of the centering tool.6. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the positioning and reinforcement structure is centered relative to the hood upon insertion ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Engine Hood Arrangement

Номер: US20140070569A1
Принадлежит: AGCO International GMBH

An engine hood () for a tractor () or similar vehicle, the hood being of generally inverted U-shaped configuration with an upper top portion and downwardly extending side portions. The hood is hinged adjacent one end for upward pivoting between a closed position in which the associated engine is covered and an open position which provides access to the engine. The hood has an outer skin () and inner reinforcing members secured to the inside of the outer skin to form two beam- like structures () which extend away from the hinge towards the other end of the hood to stiffen the hood against twisting. Inner reinforcing members extend between the beam-like structures to further stiffen the hood and the outer skin at the other end of the hood houses lighting units and has an inner reinforcing member extending between the beam-like structures which also supports the lighting units. The invention also provides a method of assembling such a hood. 1. An engine hood for a tractor or similar vehicle , the hood being of generally inverted U-shaped configuration with an upper top portion and downwardly extending side portions , the hood being hinged adjacent one end for upward pivoting between a closed position in which the associated engine is covered and an open position which provides access to the engine , the hood having an outer metal skin and inner metal skin reinforcing members permanently secured to the inside of the outer skin [to] so that the two skins form two hollow beam-like structures which extend away from the hinge towards the other end of the hood to stiffen the hood against twisting.2. A hood according to provided with inner reinforcing members which extend between the beam-like structures to further stiffen the hood.3. A hood according to in which the hinge is mounted on the hood via an inner reinforcing member which extends between the beam-like structures adjacent said one end of the hood.4. A hood according to any one of to in which the outer skin at the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084632A1

A vehicle front body structure comprises: a hood for covering a top of an engine compartment provided in a front section of a vehicle; an engagement element provided at a front section of the hood; a radiator shroud provided at a front section of the engine compartment; an engagement counterpart element provided in front of the radiator shroud and engageable with the engagement element; a wire arranged to extend from a lateral side of the radiator shroud and pass through a position in front of the radiator shroud, and coupled to the engagement counterpart element; and a support supporting the engagement counterpart element with respect to the radiator shroud. The support has a protruding portion which protrudes toward a position capable of hindering at least a part of the wire from being visually seen from a front side of the vehicle body. 1. A vehicle front body structure comprising:a hood for covering a top of an engine compartment provided in a front section of a vehicle;a bumper face forming an outer surface of a front section of a vehicle body, at a position under a front end of the hood;a grill formed in front of the engine compartment and between the hood and the bumper face;an engagement element provided on a front section of the hood;a radiator shroud provided in a front section of the engine compartment;an engagement counterpart element provided in front of the radiator shroud and engageable with the engagement element;a wire arranged to extend from a lateral side of the radiator shroud and pass through a position in front of the radiator shroud, and coupled to the engagement counterpart element; anda support supporting the engagement counterpart element with respect to the radiator shroud,wherein:the grill has an air inlet opening for introducing air into the engine compartment;the support has a protruding portion which protrudes toward a position capable of hindering at least a part of the wire from being visually seen from a front side of the vehicle ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Telescoping Vehicle Safety Guard

Номер: US20140097627A1
Автор: Barron Mark B.

A safety guard for a vehicle, such as a school or transit bus, tractor trailer or the like-type vehicle, includes a front guard positioned at an angle in front of a wheel of the vehicle that will function to push individuals and other animate objects lying in the path of the vehicle out of the path of the wheels for safety purposes, while being mounted for telescoping movement to protect the safety guard from damage upon abutting an inanimate object during operation of the vehicle. 1. A method of deflecting animate body parts from in front of a wheel of a vehicle including a body having at least one side panel , a pair of front steerable wheels spaced in a transverse direction of the body of the vehicle , at least one pair of transversely spaced rear wheels which are longitudinally spaced from the front steerable wheels , and a door provided along the at least one side panel , said method comprising:securing a first mounting component to the body of the vehicle;attaching a second mounting component, to which a frontal guard piece is secured, to the first mounting component such that the frontal guard piece is located in an operational position beneath the body and in front of the wheel;deflecting an animate body part from in front of the wheel by direct engagement with the frontal guard piece in the operational position during movement of the vehicle so as to prevent the animate body part from being run-over and crushed by the wheel;shifting the frontal guard piece from the operational position inwardly relative to the body during movement of the vehicle upon engagement of the frontal guard piece with an inanimate object to prevent damage to the frontal guard piece by the inanimate object; andautomatically re-shifting the frontal guard piece back to the operational position.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: biasing the frontal guard piece to the operational position.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: dampening movement of the second mounting ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001888A1
Автор: Kalargeros Nicolaos

The present application relates to a motor vehicle bonnet (). The bonnet () has an outer surface panel () and an inner panel (). The outer surface panel () is joined to the inner panel () along an edge of said vehicle bonnet (). A support panel () is provided between the inner panel () and the outer surface panel (). The support panel () has a first joining section () and inner panel () has a second joining section (). The first and second joining sections () have complementary profiles which substantially match the profile of an adjacent section of the outer surface panel (). The inner panel () diverges away from the outer surface panel () inset from the second joining section (). The application also relates to a method of assembling a motor vehicle bonnet (). 1. A motor vehicle bonnet comprising:an outer surface panel and an inner panel, the outer surface panel being joined to the inner panel along an edge of said vehicle bonnet; anda support panel provided between the inner panel and the outer surface panel;wherein the support panel comprises a first joining section and the inner panel comprises a second joining section, the first joining section and the second joining section having complementary profiles which substantially match the profile of an adjacent section of the outer surface panel;wherein, inset from said second joining section, the inner panel diverges away from the outer surface panel and the profile of the support panel at least substantially matches the profile of the outer surface panel in a direction extending away from the edge of said vehicle bonnet.2. A motor vehicle bonnet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first joining section and the second joining section are disposed adjacent to the edge of the vehicle bonnet.3. A motor vehicle bonnet as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer surface panel forms a hem folded over said first and second joining sections claim 1 , the inner panel and the support panel being fixedly retained by said hem.4 ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001579A1

Provided is an engine hood comprising: an outer panel that constitutes an outer part of the engine hood; and an inner panel that constitutes an inner part of the engine hood and that is joined to the outer panel such that a space is formed between the inner panel and the outer panel. A porous section that comprises a plurality of through holes is provided to the inner panel. An external air intake hole that guides external air into the space is provided to the engine hood. 1. An engine hood covering an engine room provided at a front portion of a vehicle , comprising:an outer panel forming an outer portion of the engine hood; andan inner panel joined to the outer panel such that a space is formed between the inner panel and the outer panel and forming an inner portion of the engine hood,wherein the inner panel includes a porous portion provided with a plurality of through-holes, andthe engine hood is provided with an external air intake hole through which external air is introduced into the space.2. The engine hood of claim 1 , whereinthe external air intake hole is provided at a position on a front side of the porous portion in the engine hood.3. The engine hood of claim 1 , further comprising:a partitioning member configured to divide the space into a closed space and a communication space communicating with the porous portion and the external air intake hole.4. The engine hood of claim 1 , further comprising:a guide configured to guide, to the porous portion, the external air introduced into the space through the external air intake hole.5. The engine hood of claim 1 , whereinthe porous portion is provided at the inner panel at a most downstream position in a flow of the external air introduced into the space through the external air intake hole and flowing in the space.6. The engine hood of claim 1 , whereinthe external air intake hole is provided at the inner panel, andthe inner panel or a wall portion defining the engine room and facing the inner panel is ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for the production of an exterior trim panel for a movable body part and a corresponding exterior trim panel with reinforcement by back injecting fibre-reinforced material

Номер: US20170001670A1

A method for producing a large outer paneling part for a movable body part of a motor vehicle such as a door, a front hood, or a tailgate may involve using a forming die to form a large metallic panel part into formed panel part having a three-dimensional shape. A reinforcement made of plastic may be applied to at least a portion of an inside of the formed panel part by back injection molding. In some cases, the metallic panel has a sheet metal thickness of less than 0.6 mm, and in some cases less than 0.5 mm. The formed panel part provided with the at least one plastic reinforcement may be connected to an inner structure produced from metal sheet and/or plastic by folding and/or adhesive bonding the plastic reinforcement.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004923A1
Автор: Wang Wei

The disclosure relates to a method and a device for optimization design of an engine hood. The method includes: obtaining an optimization design space of optimization design variables, the optimization design variables including a mechanical property constant of a composite material and a working condition performance parameter of the engine hood, and a material of the engine hood including the composite material; sampling each of the optimization design variables in the optimization design space by an orthogonal test design method to obtain multiple sets of sampled data, wherein each set of the sampled data includes one optimization design variable in the optimization design space; establishing a working condition response surface model of the engine hood according to the multiple sets of sampled data; and performing an optimization design on the engine hood according to the working condition response surface model. 1. A method for optimization design of an engine hood , comprising:obtaining an optimization design space of optimization design variables, wherein the optimization design variables include a mechanical property constant of a composite material and a working condition performance parameter of the engine hood, and a material of the engine hood includes the composite material;sampling each of the optimization design variables in the optimization design space by an orthogonal test design method, to obtain multiple sets of sampled data, wherein each set of the sampled data includes one optimization design variable in the optimization design space;establishing a working condition response surface model of the engine hood according to the multiple sets of sampled data; andperforming an optimization design on the engine hood according to the working condition response surface model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing an optimization design on the engine hood according to the working condition response surface model comprises:verifying, by using a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004924A1
Автор: Wang Wei

The present disclosure relates to a method and device for acquiring working condition performance parameters of an engine hood. The method includes: acquiring a microstructure diagram of a composite material; acquiring a mechanical property constant value of the composite material according to the microstructure diagram; and acquiring the working condition performance parameters of the engine hood according to the mechanical property constant value of the composite material and a finite element model of the engine hood, the material of the engine hood including the composite material. The microstructure diagram of the composite material can be closer to that of a real material, thus ensuring that the mechanical property of the composite material acquired according to the microstructure diagram is closer to a real situation, i.e., macroscopic mechanical property parameters closer to those of the real material can be acquired. 1. A method for acquiring working condition performance parameters of an engine hood , comprising:acquiring a microstructure diagram of a composite material;acquiring a mechanical property constant value of the composite material according to the microstructure diagram; andacquiring the working condition performance parameters of the engine hood according to the mechanical property constant value of the composite material and a finite element model of the engine hood, wherein the material of the engine hood comprises the composite material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein acquiring a mechanical property constant value of the composite material according to the microstructure diagram comprises:acquiring a mechanical property constant value of each material in the composite material according to the microstructure diagram;acquiring multiple sets of weaving parameters, wherein the weaving parameters comprises: spacing of adjacent materials and the number of layers of the composite material;establishing a representative volume element of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Deformation Structure and Pedestrian Protection Device Having a Deformation Structure

Номер: US20210009076A1

A deformation structure includes at least one first layer and a second layer, which are arranged spaced apart from one another in a deformation direction and such that they can be displaced relative to one another. The first layer and the second layer have complementary protrusions and recesses, which are designed in such a way that the protrusions of the first layer and recesses of the second layer, as well as the protrusions of the second layer and recesses of the first layer can dip into one another. The first layer and the second layer are connected to one another via deformable web elements in such a way that, with a high impulse in the deformation direction, the protrusions of the first layer dip into recesses of the second layer, and protrusions of the second layer dip into recesses of the first layer, such that a deformation of the deformation structure occurs at a low force level in the deformation direction, and with a low impulse in the deformation direction, the protrusions of the first layer impinge on the protrusions of the second layer such that a deformation of the deformation structure occurs at a high force level in the deformation direction. 111.-. (canceled)12. A deformation structure , comprising:at least one first layer and one second layer which are arranged so as to be spaced apart from one another and displaceable with respect to one another in a deformation direction, whereinthe first layer and the second layer have complementary projections and depressions which are formed such that the projections of the first layer and the depressions of the second layer and also the projections of the second layer and the depressions of the first layer can dip into one another,the first layer and the second layer are connected to one another by way of deformable web elements such that, with a high impulse in the deformation direction, the projections of the first layer dip into the depressions of the second layer and also the projections of the second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Work Vehicle

Номер: US20190009668A1

A work vehicle includes a blower pipe extending between an inner space of a front hood and a rear portion of a vehicle body for sucking cooling air from the inner space toward an engine section. The blower pipe has an air inlet that is opened toward an inner side in a vehicle body transverse direction in the inner space. 1. A work vehicle comprising:a vehicle body;a front hood provided at a front portion of the vehicle body and forming an inner space under a closed state;an engine section provided at a rear portion of the vehicle body; anda blower pipe extending between the inner space and the rear portion of the vehicle body for sucking cooling air from the inner space toward the engine section, the blower pipe having an air inlet that is opened toward an inner side in a vehicle body transverse direction in the inner space.2. The work vehicle as defined in claim 1 , wherein a blower pipe body having a leading end which is opened upwardly of the vehicle body in the inner space, and', 'an attachment detachably attached to the leading end of the blower pipe body, the attachment having the air inlet., 'the blower pipe includes3. The work vehicle as defined in claim 2 , further comprising:a spring coupled to the blower pipe body and to the attachment, the spring retaining the attachment by pulling under the coupled state of the attachment to the blower pipe body.4. The work vehicle as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:a driving section provided forwardly of the engine section with respect to the vehicle body;wherein:the vehicle body includes a vehicle framework;the vehicle framework includes a driving section pipe frame that extends through a lower portion of the driving section in a vehicle body front-rear direction; andthe blower pipe comprises the driving section pipe frame. This application claims priority to Japanese Patent Applications No. 2017-132065, filed Jul. 5, 2017 and No. 2018-039514, filed Mar.6, 2018, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009842A1

Car having: a passenger compartment; a front hood, which is arranged before the passenger compartment; a rear hood, which is arranged behind the passenger compartment and has an upper surface; and an aerodynamic appendage, which is arranged in the area of the rear hood and on the upper surface of the rear hood. The aerodynamic appendage is provided with at least one movable element that is movably mounted to move between a lowered position, in which the movable element rests on the upper surface of the rear hood allowing an air flow only over the movable element, and a raised position, in which the movable element is raised and separated from the upper surface of the rear hood allowing an air flow both over the movable element and under the movable element. 11. A car () comprising:{'b': '3', 'a passenger compartment ();'}{'b': 6', '3, 'a front hood (), which is arranged before the passenger compartment ();'}{'b': 5', '3', '7, 'a rear hood (), which is arranged behind the passenger compartment () and has an upper surface (); and'}{'b': 8', '5', '7', '5', '9', '9', '7', '5', '9', '9', '7', '5', '9', '9, 'an aerodynamic appendage (), which is arranged in the area of the rear hood () and on the upper surface () of the rear hood () and comprises at least one movable element () that is movably mounted to move between a lowered position, in which the movable element () rests on the upper surface () of the rear hood () allowing an air flow only over the movable element (), and a raised position, in which the movable element () is raised and separated from the upper surface () of the rear hood () allowing an air flow both over the movable element () and under the movable element ();'}{'b': 8', '12', '9', '9, 'wherein the aerodynamic appendage () comprises a fixed element (), which is arranged behind the movable element (), is mounted in a stable and unchangeable position and is in contact with the movable element ();'}{'b': 1', '12', '7', '5', '7', '7', '15', '9', '9', '9, ' ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032796A1

This disclosure details exemplary portable power systems for vehicles. The portable power systems may be configured as a secondary battery pack that is removably stored within a front trunk of a vehicle. The portable power systems may include a plurality of individually removable battery units that can be used to extend vehicle driving range or power electrically powered devices that are separate from the vehicle. In some embodiments, when the portable power system is stored in the vehicle and an electrically powered device is connected to the portable power system, the vehicle may be controlled in a Following Mode in which the vehicle is autonomously moved to follow an operator of the electrically powered device. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a front trunk; anda portable power system removably positionable within the front trunk,wherein the portable power system includes a tray and a plurality of modular battery units individually removable from the tray.2. The vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a pickup truck.3. The vehicle as recited in claim 2 , wherein the front trunk establishes a front cargo space of the pickup truck claim 2 , and a truck bed of the pickup truck establishes a rear cargo space.4. The vehicle as recited in claim 1 , comprising a pivotable grille assembly including a pivotable panel configured to move between a first position in which the portable power system is enclosed inside the front trunk and a second position in which the portable power system is exposed and removable from the front trunk.5. The vehicle as recited in claim 4 , wherein a power point of at least one of the plurality of modular battery units is exposed when the pivotable panel of the pivotable grille assembly is moved to the second position.6. The vehicle as recited in claim 1 , comprising:a traction battery pack; anda bi-directional DC/DC converter electrically connected between the traction battery pack and the portable power system,wherein the bi- ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015959A1
Автор: Metcalf Steven A.

Venting modules for vehicle compartment covers, methods for making and methods for using such venting modules, and motor vehicles with a vented compartment cover assembly are disclosed. Disclosed, for example, is a venting module for a vehicle compartment cover assembly. The compartment cover assembly includes a center panel and a closure panel, which mounts to a motor vehicle. The venting module includes an arcuate carrier frame that seats within a window of the closure panel and circumscribes most or all of the center panel. A support flange projects from the carrier frame and attaches to the center panel of the compartment cover assembly. An attachment tab projects from the carrier frame and attaches to the closure panel of the compartment cover assembly. A mesh screen is attached to the carrier frame. The mesh screen includes a lattice mesh structure with an interstice array having a predetermined thermal venting area. 1. A venting module for a compartment cover assembly of a motor vehicle , the compartment cover assembly including a center panel and a closure panel , the closure panel being configured to attach to vehicle structure of the motor vehicle and including a window , the venting module comprising:an arcuate carrier frame configured to seat within the window of the closure panel and circumscribe the center panel, the arcuate carrier frame including opposing inner and outer walls, the outer wall defining a continuous outer perimeter configured to extend continuously around an inner perimeter of the window, and the inner wall defining a continuous inner perimeter configured to surround the center panel;a support flange projecting inwardly from the inner wall of the arcuate carrier frame at a generally orthogonal angle, the support flange being configured to support thereon and attach to the center panel of the compartment cover assembly;an attachment tab projecting outwardly from the outer wall of the arcuate carrier frame at an oblique angle, the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicles Including Mesh Stamped Panels

Номер: US20190016393A1

A vehicle includes a vehicle panel including a plurality of individual mesh structures where the individual mesh structures each include four triangular sides extending outwardly from a plane of the panel forming a pyramid shape. A fillet connects adjacent triangular sides. 1. A vehicle comprising:a vehicle panel comprising a plurality of individual mesh structures where the individual mesh structures each include four triangular sides extending outwardly from a plane of the vehicle panel forming a pyramid shape, where a fillet connects adjacent triangular sides.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein another fillet connects adjacent individual mesh structures.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein each adjacent individual mesh structure is connected by a respective fillet.4. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the another fillet that connects the adjacent individual mesh structures is concave in cross-section.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein each adjacent triangular side is connected by another respective fillet.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the fillet that connects the adjacent triangular sides is convex in cross-section.7. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the triangular sides are equilateral.8. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the individual mesh structures comprise a rectangular base.9. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle panel is part of a roof assembly.10. A vehicle panel comprising a plurality of individual mesh structures where the individual mesh structures each include four triangular sides extending outwardly from a plane of the panel forming a pyramid shape claim 1 , where a fillet connects adjacent triangular sides.11. The vehicle panel of claim 10 , wherein another fillet connects adjacent individual mesh structures.12. The vehicle panel of claim 11 , wherein each adjacent individual mesh structure is connected by another respective fillet.13. The vehicle panel of claim 11 , wherein the another fillet that connects the adjacent individual mesh ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016839A1

The invention relates to an automobile hood assembly containing an inner hood, an outer hood, and a core sandwiched between the inner and outer hoods. The inner hood is constructed to provide strength and stiffness to the hood assembly; and the outer hood and core are constructed to provide energy absorption to provide pedestrian safety in case of pedestrian collision. The automobile hood assembly decouples the stiffness and energy absorption requirements of an automobile hood, so that those two design criteria may be accomplished independent of each other. 1. An automobile hood assembly comprising an outer hood , an inner hood and a core positioned between the inner and outer hoods , wherein the inner hood is made from a fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) , the outer hood is made of a material having a lower stiffness than the FRP , and the core is made from an energy absorbing material.2. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the core is in adhesive contact with the inner hood and/or the outer hood.3. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer hood is made of thin gauge steel or aluminum.4. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inner hood comprises fiberglass claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , aramid fiber claim 1 , hemp fiber claim 1 , flax fiber claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inner hood comprises areas of reinforcement.6. The hood assembly of claim 5 , wherein the areas of reinforcement comprises increased thickness claim 5 , increased fiber density claim 5 , high strength fibers claim 5 , or combinations thereof.7. The hood assembly of claim 5 , wherein areas of reinforcement are less than 60% of the total area of the inner hood.8. The hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a foam polymer.9. The hood assembly of claim 8 , wherein the foam polymer is polyurethane claim 8 , polystyrene claim 8 , ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). polyethylene (PE) claim 8 , nitrile rubber claim 8 , polyimide claim 8 ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021721A1
Автор: KUROKAWA Yoshiaki

A working vehicle includes an engine mounted in a front portion of a travelling vehicle, a post-processing device that is disposed above the engine and purifies exhaust gas from the engine, and a cooling fan for cooling the engine. The cooling fan is disposed on a front surface side of the engine. A fan shroud that covers the cooling fan is fixed to the travelling vehicle. A hood shield plate that covers a rear side of the engin is disposed on a rear surface of a hood. The hood shield plate is fixed to the travelling vehicle. A pair of left and right beam frames each bridge between respective upper portions of the fan shroud and the hood shield plate. 1. A working vehicle comprising:an engine mounted in a front portion of a travelling vehicle;a post-processing device that is disposed above the engine and configured to purify exhaust gas from the engine; anda cooling fan configured to cool the engine,wherein the cooling fan is disposed on a front surface side of the engine,wherein a fan shroud that covers the cooling fan is fixed to the travelling vehicle,wherein a hood covers the cooling fan, the engine, and the post-processing device,wherein a hood shield plate that covers a rear side of the engine is disposed on a rear surface of the hood,wherein the hood shield plate is fixed to the travelling vehicle, andwherein a pair of left and right beam frames each bridge between respective upper portions of the fan shroud and the hood shield plate.2. The working vehicle according to further comprising a heat shield plate having both left and right edges fixed to the pair of left and right beam frames claim 1 , wherein the heat shield plate is disposed below the hood in such a manner as to cover an upper portion of the post-processing device.3. The working vehicle according to claim 2 ,wherein an upper surface side of the hood is inclined to extend diagonally upward from a front side to a rear side, andwherein the post-processing device is mounted on an upper side of the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Ladder Honeycomb Hood Structure For A Motor Vehicle For Pedestrian Protection

Номер: US20140110971A1

A ladder honeycomb hood structure for a motor vehicle for pedestrian protection. The ladder has an inner panel having ten numbers of complete equally sized hexagonal of equal diameter cutout with on side making 10° to the horizontal. A first central ladder cutout formed with a horizontal rib. A second central ladder cutout formed with smaller length of horizontal rib than that of the first ladder above the first central ladder. A third central ladder cutout 4 formed below the first central ladder with horizontal rib, merged with a rear channel, having a bigger length than that of the first central ladder. The hood structure arrangement made in such a way that the hexagonal cutouts equally formed on both sides of the central ladders. A number of unequal size hexagonal cutouts formed in the space between the equal size hexagons the and hood side section. 1. A ladder honeycomb hood structure for a motor vehicle for pedestrian protection comprising:an inner panel having ten numbers of complete equally sized hexagonal of equal diameter cut out with on side making 10° to the horizontal;a first central ladder cutout formed with a horizontal rib;a second central ladder cutout formed with smaller length of horizontal rib than that of first ladder above the said first central ladder;a third central ladder cutout formed below the said first central ladder with horizontal rib, merged with rear channel, having bigger length than that of the said first central ladder; the said hood structure an arrangement made in such a way that the said hexagonal cutouts equally formed on both sides of said central ladder; and a number of unequal size hexagonal cutout formed in the space between said equal size hexagons and hood side section.2. The ladder honeycomb hood structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the said equal size hexagonal cut out is diameter 120 mm.3. The ladder honeycomb hood structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the said first central ladder cutout has ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031487A1

An energy absorption member coupled between a vehicle front fender and a vehicle side structural member providing peak impact force resistance and energy absorption during an impact force imposed on the front fender. The energy absorption member extends continuously along the length of the front fender opposed from the side structural member to provide constant load along the entire length of the front fender. The energy absorption member may be a foamed block, a vertical, or horizontal oriented honeycomb structure or spaced hollow crush lobes. 1. A front fender structure for a vehicle , comprising:a front fender having an outer portion and a connecting portion; andan energy absorption member attaching the connecting portion of the front fender to a side structural member in the vehicle, the energy absorption member formed of a foamed thermoplastic resin and extending substantially over an entire length of the front fender overlaying the side structural member, the foamed thermoplastic resin having a density such that the energy absorption member has a predetermined maximum peak force resistance before deforming at a predetermined deformation stroke distance to absorb energy from impacts imposed on the front fender.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. A front fender structure for a vehicle comprising:a front fender having an outer portion and a connecting portion; andan energy absorption member attaching the connecting portion of the front fender to a side structural member in the vehicle, the energy absorption member being a polymeric member formed defining an elongated base and a plurality of spaced apart, hollow crush lobes unitarily joined to the base and projecting outwardly from the base, the energy absorption member extending substantially over an entire length of the front fender overlaying the side structural member, each crush lobe including four tapered shear walls extending from the base and ending at a front wall, wherein the base is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048461A1
Автор: Massi Albert D.

A cushion apparatus for attachment to a rigid structure having an edge includes an elongated structure and a securing mechanism. The elongated structure is formed of a soft material and has a channel/slot/groove along its length that is configured to receive a portion of the rigid structure that includes the edge. The securing mechanism is configured to secure the elongated structure to the rigid structure. The securing mechanism may be integrated with the elongated structure and configured to removably secure the elongated structure to the rigid structure. 1. An apparatus for attachment to a rigid structure having an edge , the apparatus comprising:an elongated structure formed of a soft material, and having a channel/slot/groove along its length configured to receive a portion of the rigid structure that includes the edge; anda securing mechanism configured to secure the elongated structure to the rigid structure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the securing mechanism is configured to permanently secure the elongated structure to the rigid structure.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the securing mechanism is configured to removably secure the elongated structure to the rigid structure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the securing mechanism comprises a first touch-fastener structure configured to engage a second touch-fastener structure associated with the rigid structure.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein:the rigid structure corresponds to a canopy of a vehicle, the canopy having an top surface and an underneath surface,the edge is associated with a perimeter of the canopy,the elongated structure comprises a first surface on a first side of the channel/slot/groove facing a second surface on a second side of the channel/slot/groove, andthe first touch-fastener structure is associated with at least one of the first surface and the second surface.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the securing mechanism comprises at least one biasing mechanism ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048577A1

This disclosure relates to a moveable reinforcement assembly for a motor vehicle, such as a motor vehicle with a front trunk (i.e., a “frunk”). An example vehicle includes a front end assembly, a panel moveable relative to the front end assembly between a closed position and an open position, and a reinforcement assembly mounted to the panel and configured to interface with the front end assembly when the panel is in the closed position. The reinforcement assembly effectively absorbs and transfers loads applied thereto while also being moveable so as to not obstruct access to a front trunk. 1. A motor vehicle , comprising:a front end assembly;a panel moveable relative to the front end assembly between a closed position and an open position; anda reinforcement assembly mounted to the panel and configured to interface with the front end assembly when the panel is in the closed position.2. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 1 , wherein:the front end assembly includes a first component and a second component spaced-apart from the first component, andwhen the panel is in the closed position, the reinforcement assembly is configured to interface with both the first component and second components.3. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 2 , wherein:the front end assembly includes a cross member extending from the first component to the second component, andwhen the panel is in the closed position, the reinforcement assembly extends in a direction substantially parallel to the cross member.4. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 3 , wherein:at least one of the first component and the second component includes a channel, andthe reinforcement assembly includes a tab configured such that, when the panel is in the closed position, the tab projects into the channel.5. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 4 , wherein the tab includes a hook.6. The motor vehicle as recited in claim 3 , wherein:at least one of the first component and the second component includes a pin, ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117721A1
Принадлежит: Ring Brothers

The present technology provides a modular hood assembly for a vehicle. The modular hood assembly comprises a hood base installed on the vehicle. The hood base can have an opening exposing at least a portion of the engine of the vehicle. The hood base can also include a base connector surface around at least a portion of the opening. The modular hood assembly also comprises an interchangeable hood insert removably attachable to the hood base. The interchangeable hood insert can include a base connector surface adapted to connect with the insert connector surface of the hood base. The interchangeable hood insert covers at least a portion of the opening when attached to the hood base. The modular hood assembly can also include at least one connector that attaches the interchangeable hood insert to the hood base. 1. A modular hood assembly for a vehicle comprising:a hood base installed on the vehicle, the hood base having an opening; andan interchangeable hood insert removably attachable to the hood base,wherein the interchangeable hood insert covers at least a portion of the opening when attached to the hood base.2. The modular hood assembly of claim 1 , wherein the hood base further comprises a base connector surface around at least a portion of the opening claim 1 ,wherein the interchangeable hood insert comprises an insert connector surface, andwherein the base connector surface is adapted to connect with the insert connector surface to removably attach the interchangeable hood insert to the hood base.3. The modular hood assembly of claim 2 , further comprising at least one connector claim 2 , wherein the at least one connector attaches the interchangeable hood insert to the hood base.4. The modular hood assembly of claim 3 , wherein the base connector surface and the insert connector surface comprise a plurality of holes claim 3 , wherein one or more holes of the base connector surface are configured to align with one or more holes of the insert connector surface.5 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031838A1
Автор: NAGY Robert

A hood for closing a compartment of a vehicle includes an outer panel forming a vehicle body outer side portion of the hood. The hood further includes a cooling channel structure arranged at an inner side portion of the outer panel, wherein the cooling channel structure is adapted for transferring a cooling fluid from a vehicle component and back to the vehicle component such that heat is exchanged via the outer panel with the vehicle surroundings. 1. A hood for closing a compartment of a vehicle , wherein the hood comprises an outer panel forming a vehicle body outer side portion of the hood ,wherein the hood comprises a cooling channel structure arranged at an inner side portion of the outer panel, and wherein the cooling channel structure is adapted for transferring a cooling fluid from a vehicle component and back to the vehicle component such that heat is exchanged via the outer panel with the vehicle surroundings.2. The hood according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling channel structure comprises a plurality of spaced first channel portions extending in a first direction.3. The hood according to claim 2 , wherein the first direction is commensurate with a direction between front side of the hood and a rear side of the hood and wherein the first channel portions are spaced in a hood transverse direction.4. The hood according to claim 2 , wherein the cooling channel structure comprises a plurality of spaced second channel portions extending in a second direction transverse relative to the first direction.5. The hood according to claim 4 , wherein the second direction is commensurate with a transverse direction of the hood and wherein the first channel portions are spaced in a hood forward direction.6. The hood according to claim 2 , wherein the cooling channel structure comprises a plurality of spaced second channel portions extending in a second direction transverse relative to the first direction and wherein the first channel portions are in fluid communication ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039464A1
Автор: Feeser Klaus

A front structure () of a motor vehicle has at least one supporting crossmember () and a front spoiler () that extend in the transverse direction of the motor vehicle. The front spoiler () has a front section () that is outside from the supporting crossmember (). At least one deformation member () is arranged in an intermediate space () between the supporting crossmember () and the front spoiler () or is integral with the front spoiler (). The front section () of the front spoiler () and the deformation member () are configured so that, in the case of a pedestrian collision, the front section () can be arched by the deformation member () that is supported on the supporting crossmember (). 1. A front structure of a motor vehicle , comprisingat least one supporting crossmember and a front spoiler that extend in the transverse direction of the motor vehicle, the front spoiler having a front section that extends outward of the supporting crossmember, andat least one deformation means arranged in an intermediate space between the supporting crossmember and the front spoiler or is integral with the front spoiler, whereinthe front section of the front spoiler and the deformation means are configured so that, in the case of a pedestrian collision, the front section is arched by the deformation means that is supported on the supporting crossmember.2. The front structure of claim 1 , wherein the supporting crossmember and the deformation means have outer contours that are formed so that they correspond with one another in those sections in which they interact with one another by way of a support of the deformation means in the case of a pedestrian impact.3. The front structure of claim 2 , wherein the outer contours of the supporting crossmember and the deformation means are complementary with respect to one another at least in those sections claim 2 , in which they interact with one another in the case of a pedestrian impact.4. The front structure of claim 3 , wherein the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Active hood vent system and method of adjusting aero balance of a motor vehicle

Номер: US20200047825A1

An active hood vent system for a motor vehicle includes a hood vent, having a closure displaceable between a closed position and an opened position, and a control module. That control module is configured to adjust the aero balance of the motor vehicle by opening and closing the closure. Further, the control module may be configured to close the closure and thereby minimize engine compartment air from entering an HVAC inlet of the motor vehicle when the current operating temperature of the motor vehicle is below a predetermined temperature requiring engine cooling, and a current motor vehicle speed is below a predetermined speed where airflow over the hood limits ingestion of engine compartment air by the HVAC inlet.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054306A1

A pair of right-and-left brackets which extend obliquely downward and forward from respective front portions of a pair of right-and-left side frames are provided. A stiffener which extends in a vehicle width direction below a bumper beam is attached to respective front ends of the pair of right-and-left brackets. The stiffener is configured such that its front end portion slants downward and forward and has an open cross section, and its rear end portion thereof has a closed cross section. An obstacle can be prevented from coming in below a vehicle-body front portion, and also the sufficient energy absorption in a collision and the prompt flicking-up of an obstacle can properly achieved. 1. A vehicle-body front structure of a vehicle , comprising:a pair of right-and-left side frames extending longitudinally at a vehicle-body front portion;a bumper beam extending in a vehicle width direction and attached to respective front ends of the pair of right-and-left side frames;a pair of right-and-left brackets extending obliquely downward and forward from respective front portions of the pair of right-and-left side frames; anda stiffener extending in the vehicle width direction below the bumper beam and attached to respective front ends of the pair of right-and-left brackets,wherein said stiffener is configured such that a front end portion thereof slants downward and forward and has an open cross section, and a rear end portion thereof has a closed cross section.2. The vehicle-body front structure of a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein a portion of said stiffener around an attachment portion of the stiffener to said bracket has an open cross section over an entire longitudinal length thereof.3. The vehicle-body front structure of a vehicle of claim 2 , wherein said brackets are configured such that a rear-end side portion thereof is wider than a front-end side portion thereof in a side view.4. The vehicle-body front structure of a vehicle of claim 3 , wherein said brackets and ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054307A1

A protecting member includes a pair of right-and-left brackets which extend obliquely downward and forward from front portions of a pair of right-and-left side frames and a stiffener which extends in a vehicle width direction below a bumper beam and attached to front ends of the pair of right-and-left brackets. The protecting member has a load/deformation characteristic including a first stage from a collision start, a second stage after the first stage, and a third stage after the second stage. Herein, the first stage is set so as to restrain the obstacle from coming in below a vehicle-body front portion, the second stage is set so as to absorb collision energy to restrain a local deformation of the obstacle, and the third stage is set so as to flick the obstacle up. 1. A vehicle-body front structure of a vehicle , comprising:a pair of right-and-left side frames extending longitudinally at a vehicle-body front portion;a bumper beam extending in a vehicle width direction and attached to respective front ends of the pair of right-and-left side frames;a protecting member including a pair of right-and-left brackets extending obliquely downward and forward from respective front portions of the pair of right-and-left side frames and a stiffener extending in the vehicle width direction below the bumper beam and attached to respective front ends of the pair of right-and-left brackets,wherein said protecting member is configured to have a load/deformation characteristic showing a relationship of a collision load and a deformation amount which is obtained thereby in a collision thereof with a front obstacle includes a first stage from a collision start, a second stage after the first stage, and a third stage after the second stage, the first stage of the load/deformation characteristic being set so as to make the protecting member restrain the obstacle from coming in below a vehicle-body front portion, the second stage of the load/deformation characteristic being set so as ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132036A1
Автор: FRITZON Jan-Erik

The present disclosure relates to a safety arrangement for a vehicle. The safety arrangement comprises a bonnet being displaceable between a closed position, an open position, permitting access to an engine compartment of the vehicle, and a deployed position, in which position there is a gap between the bonnet and the engine compartment. The bonnet is displaceable from the closed position to the deployed position, which is located upwards and rearwards as compared to the closed position. Further, the bonnet is directly openable to the open position both from the closed position and from the deployed position. 1. A safety arrangement for a vehicle , the safety arrangement comprising:a bonnet being displaceable between a closed position, an open position permitting access to an engine compartment of the vehicle, and a deployed position in which there is a gap between the bonnet and the engine compartment;wherein the bonnet is displaceable from the closed position to the deployed position, which is located upwards and rearwards as compared to the closed position;and wherein the bonnet is directly openable to the open position both from the closed position and from the deployed position.2. The safety arrangement according to wherein the bonnet is arranged to initially move straight upwards when being opened.3. The safety arrangement according to wherein the bonnet in addition is directly openable from a position passable during the displacement from the closed position to the deployed position.4. The safety arrangement according to wherein the bonnet is directly openable from any position passable during the displacement from the closed position to the deployed position.5. The safety arrangement according to wherein the deployed position of the bonnet permits a partial access to the engine compartment for filling a vehicular liquid.6. The safety arrangement according to wherein the safety arrangement is arranged such that a front end of the bonnet is configured to be ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Hood hinge for a motor vehicle and a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180057068A1

A hood hinge for a motor vehicle includes a first part attached to a vehicle body part and a second part attached to a front hood. A lift mechanism is configured to extend the attachment parts from a starting position into a cushioning position in which the front hood is raised from the starting position. The lift mechanism includes a first lever coupled to one of the attachment parts and a second lever coupled to the other attachment part for rotation about a rotational axis respectively. The first and second levers are rotatably coupled about a rotational axis. A traction element generates a traction force by extension of the attachment parts, which limits the extension movement thereof.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle pop-up hood device

Номер: US20170057458A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle pop-up hood device includes: a hinge base; a first arm that has a rear end portion coupled to the hinge base, and that has a front portion disposed offset toward the vehicle width direction inner side with respect to the rear end portion; a second arm that is coupled to the front portion of the first arm so as to be capable of swinging, and that moves the hood toward a vehicle upper side; an actuator that spans between the first arm and the second arm, and that lifts the hood from a closed position to a lifted position; and a link mechanism that includes a first link and a second link. A coupling location of the hinge base to the first link is disposed further to the vehicle width direction inner side than a coupling location of the hinge base to the first arm.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057560A1

A vehicular resin panel structure is provided including a resin inner panel formed in a polygonal shape including a first edge portion, a second edge portion, and an angular portion, and fixed to a vehicle body at plural fixing points including a first fixing point and a second fixing point. The resin inner panel is further provided with a first rib further to an in-plane direction outer side of the resin inner panel than an imaginary line connecting the first fixing point and the second fixing point, and running along a direction intersecting the imaginary line. The first rib runs along a direction intersecting the imaginary line. The vehicular resin panel structure includes a resin outer panel including an outer end portion overlapping with the inner panel adhered to an inner end portion of the inner panel, and having a larger linear expansion coefficient than that of the inner panel. 1. A vehicular resin panel structure comprising: formed in a polygonal shape including a first edge portion, a second edge portion adjacent to the first edge portion, and an angular portion formed at an inner side of an angle formed by the first edge portion and the second edge portion,', 'fixed to a vehicle body at a plurality of fixing points including a first fixing point provided at the first edge portion and a second fixing point provided at the second edge portion, and', 'provided with a first rib further to an in-plane direction outer side of the resin inner panel than an imaginary line connecting the first fixing point and the second fixing point, the first rib running along a direction intersecting the imaginary line; and, 'a resin inner panela resin outer panel having an outer end portion overlapping with the inner panel adhered to an inner end portion of the inner panel, and having a larger linear expansion coefficient than that of the inner panel.2. The vehicular resin panel structure of claim 1 , wherein the resin inner panel further comprises:a third edge portion facing ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061678A1

A vehicle includes a front fascia having a lower bumper region extending outwardly in a vehicle longitudinal direction at a bottom of a front end assembly. An undercover assembly is located rearward of the front fascia and has an undercover body including a front edge located at the lower bumper region. The undercover assembly includes an undercover reinforcement member that is connected to a surface of the undercover body and extends along a length of the undercover body to increase a stiffness within at least a region of the undercover body. 1. A vehicle comprising:a front fascia having a lower bumper region extending outwardly in a vehicle longitudinal direction at a bottom of a front end assembly; andan undercover assembly located rearward of the front fascia and having an undercover body including a front edge located at the lower bumper region, the undercover assembly comprising an undercover reinforcement member connected to a surface of the undercover body and extending along a length of the undercover body to increase a stiffness within at least a region of the undercover body.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the undercover reinforcement member includes a rear end and an opposite front end claim 1 , the front end of the undercover reinforcement member being nearer to the front edge of the undercover body than the rear end of the undercover reinforcement member.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the undercover body is formed of a different material than the undercover reinforcement member.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the undercover body is formed of plastic and the undercover reinforcement member is formed of metal.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the undercover body extends widthwise in a vehicle lateral direction to outer end portions claim 1 , the undercover reinforcement member being located at an outer end portion.6. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the undercover body has a recess region claim 1 , the undercover reinforcement member being ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068470A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A ventilation structure of an engine compartment that houses an engine and is adjacent to a cooling fan that supplies cooling air to a heat exchanger in a form of a radiator is provided. A ventilation structure of the engine compartment includes: an exterior cover with which the engine and the cooling fan are covered; and a ventilation duct that includes an inner surface of the exterior cover, in which a first end of the ventilation duct is open in the engine compartment while a second end of the ventilation duct intercommunicates with a surrounding area of the cooling fan. 1. A ventilation structure of an engine compartment that houses an engine and is adjacent to a cooling fan that supplies cooling air to a heat exchanger , the ventilation structure comprising:an exterior cover with which the engine and the cooling fan are covered; anda ventilation duct comprising an inner surface of the exterior cover,wherein a first end of the ventilation duct is open in the engine compartment, andwherein a second end of the ventilation duct intercommunicates with a surrounding area of the cooling fan.2. The ventilation structure of the engine compartment according to claim 1 , wherein the ventilation duct comprises an air passage defined by the inner surface of the exterior cover and a reinforcing member attached to the inner surface of the exterior cover.3. The ventilation structure of the engine compartment according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heat exchanger compartment in which the heat exchanger is housed; anda partitioning wall that is interposed between the heat exchanger compartment and the engine compartment to separate the heat exchanger compartment from the engine compartment.4. The ventilation structure of the engine compartment according to claim 1 , wherein:an exhaust gas aftertreatment device is provided in the engine compartment to purify exhaust gas discharged from the engine, andthe first end of the ventilation duct is open toward the exhaust gas ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Hood structure for automotive vehicle

Номер: US20150069786A1

A panel for a vehicle. The panel includes an outer panel and an inner panel. The outer panel has an exterior surface and an underside surface, and the inner panel is located adjacent to and along the underside surface of the outer panel, but spaced apart from the outer panel. The inner panel also exhibits a bow over a substantial portion of its length, with the bow being in a direction toward the outer panel. The bow induces a moment in the inner panel during impact of the vehicle in a collision that causes the inner panel and, resultantly, the outer panel to undergo a predetermined deformation in an upward direction relative to the vehicle. The panel may be provided as the hood of the vehicle.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072262A1

A vehicle hood structure includes a hood outer panel and a hood inner panel that is disposed at a back surface of the hood outer panel. In vehicle hood structure, the hood inner panel includes an outer peripheral frame that is arranged in an outer peripheral portion of the hood inner panel, a proximate surface that is arranged inside from the outer peripheral frame and is joined to the back surface of the outer panel, and a connection vertical wall that connects an inner peripheral vertical wall configuring an inner periphery of the outer peripheral frame and the proximate surface. 1. A vehicle hood structure comprising:a hood outer panel; and an outer peripheral frame that is arranged in an outer peripheral portion of the hood inner panel;', 'a proximate surface that is arranged inside from the outer peripheral frame and is joined to the back surface of the outer panel; and', 'a connection vertical wall that connects an inner peripheral vertical wall configuring an inner periphery of the outer peripheral frame and the proximate surface,, 'a hood inner panel that is disposed at a back surface of the hood outer panel, wherein the hood inner panel includesthe inner peripheral vertical wall and the connection vertical wall form a front-side vertical wall which extends in a vehicle width direction at a vehicle front side portion of the proximate surface, and form lateral-side vertical walls which extend in a front and rear direction of a vehicle at both side portions of the proximate surface in the vehicle width direction,the lateral-side vertical wall is formed to have a stepped shape including a flat surface, andan area of the flat surface becomes smaller as a measurement position of the area gets closer to the front-side vertical wall.2. The vehicle hood structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe flat surface is disposed at a proximate surface side compared to a center of the lateral-side vertical wall in the vehicle width direction.3. The vehicle hood structure ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083019A1

A bonnet inner panel includes a central protrusion portion protruding upward in a vehicle elevational view and a rear protrusion portion located in back of the central protrusion portion, which are arranged side by side in a vehicle longitudinal direction, a deep-drawn groove is provided between the both protrusion portions to extend in a vehicle width direction, and a hinge reinforcement is provided to extend from a position beside the rear protrusion portion to a position at a rear end of the central protrusion portion, passing through beside the deep-drawn groove. Thereby, the hinge support rigidity of the rear portion of the bonnet having the central protrusion portion can be increased, so that occurrence of any improper deflection or vibration caused to the bonnet by the traveling vibration, the traveling-air pressure or the like can be prevented. 1. A bonnet structure of an automotive vehicle , in which a rear portion of a bonnet including a bonnet outer panel and a bonnet inner panel is pivotally supported at a vehicle body via a hinge ,wherein said bonnet inner panel includes a central protrusion portion protruding upward in a vehicle elevational view and a rear protrusion portion located in back of the central protrusion portion, which are arranged side by side in a vehicle longitudinal direction, a deep-drawn groove is provided between the central protrusion portion and the rear protrusion portion to extend in a vehicle width direction, and a hinge reinforcement is provided to extend from a position beside the rear protrusion portion to a position at a rear end of the central protrusion portion, passing through beside the deep-drawn groove.2. The bonnet structure of the automotive vehicle of claim 1 , wherein said deep-drawn groove curves such that a central portion claim 1 , in the vehicle width direction claim 1 , thereof protrudes forward claim 1 , in a plan view claim 1 , to a position forward of a front end of said hinge reinforcement.3. The bonnet ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Engine cover made from carbon fiber and alloy

Номер: US20170080984A1
Автор: Wu-Chung Jung
Принадлежит: Cobra King Industry Co Ltd

An engine cover made from carbon fiber and alloy is revealed. The engine cover made from carbon fiber and alloy includes an inner layer made from alloy, an outer layer made from carbon fiber and an adhesive. A connecting edge is disposed around the inner layer made from alloy and a plurality of insertion holes is arranged at the connecting edge. A bent part is set on the outer layer made from carbon fiber and located corresponding to the connecting edge. The bent part is covered around and over the connecting edge. The adhesive is filled into each insertion hole for connecting the outer layer made from carbon fiber to the inner layer made from alloy. Thereby the engine cover has light weight, good thermal stability, radiation resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance etc. Moreover, the shock absorption is achieved due to the adhesive.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097773A1

In an automobile hood, sufficient panel rigidity and dent resistance are secured while achieving weight reduction. Automobile hood has a panel , a reinforcing member , and a joint that joins the panel and the reinforcing member . The reinforcing member includes a structure formed from a plurality of units having a hexagonal annular shape disposed in a close-packed arrangement. Unit has a floor , inclined wall and top plate . The floor is adjacent to the panel . Top plate and panel are separated from each other. The inclined wall is arranged between the floor and the top plate . A hexagonal annular first ridge line of the unit is located between the inclined wall and the floor . A length L of one side of the first ridge line is 40-75 mm. 1. An automobile hood , comprising:a panel,a reinforcing member, anda joint that joins together the panel and the reinforcing member,wherein:the reinforcing member includes a structure in which a plurality of units having a hexagonal annular shape are disposed in a close-packed arrangement;the unit has a floor, an inclined wall, and a top plate;the floor is adjacent to the panel;the top plate and the panel are separated from each other;the inclined wall is arranged between the floor and the top plate;a ridge line having a hexagonal annular shape of the unit is between the inclined wall and the floor;the floor has an annular end part which is centered on the center of the annular unit; anda length of one side of the ridge line having the hexagonal annular shape is 40 mm or more and 75 mm or less.2. The automobile hood according to claim 1 , wherein:the ridge line is a ridge line of an end part on the floor side of the inclined wall.3. The automobile hood according to claim 1 , wherein:among six sides of the hexagonal annular unit, the side which is in contact with the joint contacts the joint over a range of 20% or more of the side with respect to a direction in which the side extends.4. The automobile hood according to claim 1 , ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097774A1

In an automobile hood, sufficient panel rigidity and dent resistance of a panel are secured while achieving weight reduction. An automobile hood having panel, reinforcing member and joint that joins the panel and the reinforcing member such that the reinforcing member includes a structure formed from a plurality of units having hexagonal annular shape disposed in a close-packed arrangement. Floor of the unit has an annular end part. All of annular end part is located between first circle and second circle wherein first circle is inscribed within a first ridge line overlapping with an outer end part of the floor. Second circle is concentric with first circle and has a radius that is 60% of a radius of the first circle. Width of upper face of floor is 2 mm or more over the entire area of the annular end part in the circumferential direction of the annular end part. 1. An automobile hood , comprising:a panel,a reinforcing member, anda joint that joins together the panel and the reinforcing member,wherein:the reinforcing member includes a structure formed from a plurality of units having a hexagonal annular shape disposed in a close-packed arrangement;the unit has a floor, an inclined wall, and a top plate;the floor is adjacent to the panel;the top plate and the panel are separated from each other;the inclined wall is between the floor and the top plate;a hexagonal annular ridge line of the unit is between the floor and the inclined wall;the floor has an annular end part which is centered on a center of the annular unit;all of the end part is between a first circle which is inscribed within the ridge line, and a second circle which is concentric with the first circle and which has a radius that is 60% of a radius of the first circle;the floor includes a floor surface as a face which faces the panel; anda width of the floor surface is 2 mm or more over an entire area of the annular end part in a circumferential direction of the annular end part.2. The automobile hood ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086185A1
Автор: KATO Hiroyuki

The present disclosure provides a vehicle back door device that improves workability when mounting a damper. The vehicle body-side mounting portion of the damper is positioned in a vehicle up-down direction and in vehicle front-rear direction relative to the bracket, by abutting an abutting piece provided at a vehicle body-side mounting portion of the damper against a positioning portion of a bracket. Further, by moving the abutting piece in a vehicle transverse direction, the vehicle body-side mounting portion of the damper can be supported by a pin of the bracket. 1. A vehicle back door device comprising:a back door supported such that the back door is able to open and close at a vehicle main body; anda damper provided such that the damper is able to extend and retract between the vehicle main body and the back door, the damper including one end portion in an extension/retraction direction mounted to the vehicle main body via a bracket fixed to the vehicle main body and another end portion in the extension/extraction direction mounted to the back door, and the damper dampening urging force that urges the back door or a direction in which the back door opens,the bracket comprising:a supporting portion that supports the one end portion in the extension/retraction direction of the damper; anda positioning portion formed facing the supporting portion in a vehicle transverse direction, the positioning portion being abutted against by an abutting portion provided at the one end portion in the extension/retraction direction of the damper,the supporting portion comprising:a supporting wall disposed along a vehicle front-rear direction and a vehicle up-down direction; and,a pin provided at the supporting wall, an axial direction of the pin extending in the vehicle transverse direction,a first distance in the vehicle up-down direction between an upper end surface of the positioning portion and art axial center of the pin being set to be equal to a second distance in the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090045A1
Автор: Helmuth Glen R., RINE PAUL

Illustratively, an embodiment of the present disclosure provides a vehicle that includes an entrance to an interior compartment. A step assembly is located adjacent the entrance of the vehicle and includes at least one step and at least one riser. The at least one riser is attached to and substantially perpendicular to the at least one step. The step assembly also includes an opening that allows access behind the step assembly. A lid is provided that includes a hinge to allow selective movement of the lid between open and closed positions with respect to the opening in the step assembly. A securement is attached to the underside surface of the lid to hold the lid to the step assembly. This securement, however, does not extend upward from the top surface of the lid. 1. A vehicle comprising:an entrance to an interior compartment of the vehicle;a step assembly located adjacent the entrance of the vehicle and comprising at least one step and at least one riser;wherein the at least one riser is attached to and substantially perpendicular to the at least one step;wherein the step assembly includes an opening that allows access behind the step assembly;wherein the opening is formed from both a portion of the at least one riser and a portion of the at least one step;wherein the at least one riser and the at least one step are configured to attract or produce a magnetic force;a lid comprising an at least one step section and an at least one riser section;wherein the lid includes a hinge that allows selective movement of the lid between open and closed positions with respect to the opening in the step assembly;wherein the lid covers the opening in the step assembly when in the closed position such that the at least one step section rests on the portion of the at least one step adjacent the opening, and the at least one riser section abuts the portion of the at least one riser adjacent the opening;wherein the at least one step section and the at least one riser section each ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140169019A1
Автор: Fulton Rick Allen
Принадлежит: MOVE OVER, LLC

A vehicular integrated personnel protection device is operable to increase the visual and physical presence of a vehicle relative to approaching vehicular traffic. The device includes an erect frame and a light directing element. The light directing element is attached relative to the erect frame and is positioned along an outer margin of the frame to direct light from the erect frame, with the light being viewable by the approaching vehicular traffic. The erect frame presents an open area surrounded by the outer margin, with the erect frame and light directing element cooperatively providing a window that is operable to draw attention to the scene of the vehicle and to permit the approaching vehicular traffic to see a person ahead of the device. 1. A vehicular integrated personnel protection device operable to extend laterally from a vehicle to increase the visual and physical presence of the vehicle relative to approaching vehicular traffic , said device comprising:an erect frame including a frame section that forms a continuous outer margin of the erect frame; anda light directing element attached relative to the erect frame and positioned along the outer margin to direct light from the erect frame, with the light being viewable by the approaching vehicular traffic,said erect frame presenting an open area surrounded by the outer margin, with the erect frame and light directing element cooperatively providing a window that is operable to draw attention to the scene of the vehicle and to encourage the approaching vehicular traffic to see a person ahead of the device.2. The vehicular integrated personnel protection device as claimed in claim 1 ,said frame section defining an outboard end of the erect frame.3. The vehicular integrated personnel protection device as claimed in claim 2 ,said erect frame including a plurality of frame sections that include the first-mentioned frame section, with the frame sections being fixed end-to-end.4. The vehicular integrated ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140172234A1

A pedestrian protection system from a vehicle utilizes GPS data to reduce the number of false positive detections for impacting an object determined to be a pedestrian. The GPS data is used to focus on area of increased and/or decreased pedestrian presence to alter a reaction threshold for the vehicle. Additionally, the GPS data can be used for more accurate analysis of the likelihood of an impact. 1. A method of controlling a vehicle to increase pedestrian protection comprising:monitoring data from a plurality of sensors with an electronic control unit;determining a confidence factor with electronic control unit that a detected object proximate to the vehicle is a pedestrian;analyzing GPS data with the electronic control unit to determine if the vehicle is in one of an area of increased pedestrian presence, decreased pedestrian presence and indeterminate pedestrian presence;selecting a value for a reaction threshold based upon the analysis of the GPS data;comparing the confidence factor to the reaction threshold with the electronic control unit;determining if an impact with the detected object is likely to occur when the confidence factor is greater than the reaction threshold; andsending at least one of a safety signal and a response signal based upon the determining if an impact with the detected object is likely to occur.23-. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sending the safety signal to the at least one vehicle system includes sending a warning signal including one of an auditory signal claim 1 , a visual signal claim 1 , and a haptic signal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sending the response signal includes at least one of; pre-tensioning seat belts claim 1 , pre-charging an airbag restraint claim 1 , pre-charging a head support system claim 1 , pre-charging the brakes claim 1 , deploying a bumper to an extended collision position claim 1 , lowering a vehicle bumper braking the vehicle and steering the vehicle to avoid the detected ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094477A1

The present disclosure provides a cargo rack for a utility vehicle. The cargo rack comprises a base structure, a front wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge, a pair of opposing sidewall structures, wherein each sidewall extends upward from the base structure and having a top edge, and a back wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge. The cargo rack base structure is structured to be disposed within a reservoir of a vehicle front body cowl such that the entirety of the cargo rack base structure is disposed within the cowl reservoir. 1. A cargo rack for a utility vehicle , said cargo rack comprising:a base structure:a front wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge;a pair of opposing sidewall structures, each sidewall extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge;a back wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge, wherein the cargo rack base structure is structured to be disposed within a reservoir of a vehicle front body cowl such that the entirety of the cargo rack base structure is disposed within the cowl reservoir; anda floor panel disposed over the base structure, the floor panel structured and operable to support cargo within the rack.2. The cargo rack of claim 1 , wherein the floor panel comprises at least one tie-down aperture structured and operable to provide access to the base structure for securing cargo to the base structure.3. The cargo rack of claim 1 , wherein the cargo rack is structured such that when the cargo rack is disposed within the cowl reservoir claim 1 , at least a portion of at least one of the front wall structure claim 1 , the sidewall structures and the back wall structure is below a height of a high point plane of a top surface of a dash console of the vehicle claim 1 , relative to a plane of a chassis lower frame of the vehicle.4. The cargo rack of claim 1 , wherein the top ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094633A1

An airflow adjusting apparatus includes two or more airflow generators and a controller. The airflow generators are arranged in first and second directions along a surface of an object. The airflow generators are configured to generate respective airflows in parallel directions parallel along the surface of the object. The second direction intersects with the first direction. The controller is configured to control outputs from the respective airflow generators independently of each other. The controller is configured to cause a total output from the airflow generators in a first group to be greater than a total output of the airflow generators in a second group. The airflow generators in the first and the second groups are arranged side by side in an airflow generation direction. The airflow generators in the second group are adjacent to those in the first group. 1. An airflow adjusting apparatus comprising:two or more airflow generators that are arranged in a first direction and a second direction along a surface of an object, the airflow generators being configured to generate respective airflows in directions parallel to each other along the surface of the object, the second direction intersecting with the first direction; anda controller configured to control outputs from the respective airflow generators independently of each other, the controller being configured to cause a total output from the airflow generators in a first group of the two or more airflow generators to be greater than a total output of the airflow generators in a second group of the two or more airflow generators, the airflow generators in the first group being arranged side by side in an airflow generation direction, the airflow generators in the second group being arranged side by side in the airflow generation direction and being adjacent to the airflow generators in the first group, the airflow generation direction being a direction in which the airflows are generated.2. The airflow ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174842A1

An impact absorbing apparatus of a vehicle includes a back beam to secure an impact absorbing space while retreating rearward at the time of a collision accident with a pedestrian. This makes it possible to prevent direct contact between the back beam, which is a rigid body, and the pedestrian. Therefore, injury to the pedestrian may be significantly decreased. 1. An impact absorbing apparatus of a vehicle , comprising:a moving bracket installed to be movable in a length direction of a side member in an internal space of the side member and installed so that one end thereof protruded forward of the side member is connected to a back beam;a rotating gear integrally coupled with one end of a gear shaft installed so that shaft-rotation is possible while penetrating through the side member;a gear locker installed in the side member and controlled by a controller;a bracket locker installed at the other ends of the moving bracket and the gear shaft so as to connect the moving bracket and the gear shaft to each other; anda bracket operator installed to be fixed to the side member and be connected to the moving bracket.2. The impact absorbing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a gear spring installed so that one end thereof is coupled to the side member and the other end thereof is coupled to the gear shaft in a state in which the gear spring is wound around the gear shaft to provide rotational force to the gear shaft so that the gear shaft is shaft-rotated at the time of unlocking the rotating gear.3. The impact absorbing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the moving bracket is provided with a guide hole having both ends thereof extended along a front and rear direction of the moving bracket claim 1 , andthe other end of the gear shaft is installed to be inserted into the guide hole.4. The impact absorbing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the gear locker includes:a housing installed in the side member;a locking lever installed in the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094729A1

In a vehicle body front structure, including a front hood () covering a front space () defined in a front part of a vehicle body () from above, a front panel () laterally extending along and under a front edge of the front hood and facing substantially in a fore and aft direction, the front panel defining an opening (A) in an outboard part thereof, and a headlight () attached to the vehicle body and facing the opening of the front panel from behind the front panel, the headlight is attached to a rear side of the front panel via a bracket () which is positionally fixed to a periphery of the opening. 1. A vehicle body front structure , including a front hood covering a front space defined in a front part of a vehicle body from above , a front panel laterally extending along and under a front edge of the front hood and facing substantially in a fore and aft direction , the front panel defining an opening in an outboard part thereof , and a headlight facing the opening of the front panel from behind the front panel ,wherein the headlight is attached to a rear side of the front panel via a bracket which is positionally fixed to a periphery of the opening.2. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 1 , wherein the bracket is provided with a positioning pin projecting forward claim 1 , and an engagement hole which is open toward front and located adjacent to the positioning pin claim 1 , andthe rear side of the front panel is provided with a pedestal having a positioning hole configured to receive the positioning pin, and an engagement claw projecting rearward into the engagement hole to be engaged by the bracket.3. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 2 , wherein an upper part of the front panel is provided with a first projecting piece projecting rearward along an upper surface of the bracket to be secured to the bracket.4. The vehicle body front structure according to claim 3 , wherein a lower part of the front panel is provided with a claw ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094746A1

The present disclosure provides a cargo rack for a utility vehicle. The cargo rack comprises a base structure, a front wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge, a pair of opposing sidewall structures, wherein each sidewall extends upward from the base structure and having a top edge, and a back wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge. The cargo rack base structure is structured to be disposed within a reservoir of a vehicle front body cowl such that the entirety of the cargo rack base structure is disposed within the cowl reservoir. 1. A utility vehicle , said vehicle comprising:a chassis having a lower frame;a plurality of wheels operationally connected to the chassis;a drivetrain operatively connected to at least one of the wheels;at least one prime mover mounted to the chassis and operatively connected to the drivetrain and structured and operable to provide motive force, via the drivetrain, to the at least one wheel operatively connected to the drivetrain; a dash console having a front face and a top surface;', 'a steering wheel; and', 'a passenger seating structure; and, 'a passenger compartment supported by the chassis, the passenger compartment comprisinga front body cowl connectable to at least a portion of a utility vehicle chassis; and a base structure:', 'a front wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge;', 'a pair of opposing sidewall structures, each sidewall extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge; and', 'a back wall structure extending upward from the base structure and having a top edge, wherein top edges of the front wall, sidewalls and back wall collectively form a perimeter edge of the rack, wherein at least a portion of the perimeter edge, is one of below and equal to a height of the high point plane of a top surface of the dash console, relative to a plane of the chassis lower frame., 'a cargo rack mounted to the ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102019A1
Автор: Remes Enrique

A motor vehicle hood assembly includes a hood shell, an insulation layer, carried on the hood shell, and a fluid reservoir packaged between the hood shell and the insulation layer. 1. A fluid reservoir , comprising a body including a stringer section and a plurality of finger sections connected to and extending from said stringer section.2. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , wherein said body defines a hollow cavity which extends continuously through said stringer section and said plurality of finger sections.3. The fluid reservoir of claim 2 , wherein said body further includes a filler port wall defining a fill port.4. The fluid reservoir of claim 3 , further including a removable cap closing said fill port.5. The fluid reservoir of claim 4 , wherein said plurality of finger sections extend in a first direction from said stringer section.6. The fluid reservoir of claim 4 , wherein said plurality of finger sections includes a first group of finger sections extending in a first direction from said stringer section and a second group of finger sections extending in a second direction from said stringer section.7. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of finger sections extend in a first direction from said stringer section.8. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of finger sections includes a first group of finger sections extending in a first direction from said stringer section and a second group of finger sections extending in a second direction from said stringer section.9. The fluid reservoir of claim 1 , wherein said body further includes a filler port wall defining a fill port.10. The fluid reservoir of claim 9 , further including a removable cap closing said fill port.11. A hood assembly for a motor vehicle claim 9 , comprising:a hood shell;an insulation layer carried on said hood shell; anda fluid reservoir packaged between said hood shell and said insulation layer.12. The hood assembly of claim 11 , wherein said fluid ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113736A1

A vehicle comprises an engine compartment and a hood extending over the engine compartment. An engine is situated within the engine and a pin extends from a top side of the engine toward an interior surface of the hood. An engine cover extends between the top side of the engine and the interior surface of the hood. The engine cover includes an engine cover connection and a grommet coupled to the engine cover connection. The grommet has an entrance, a stop, and an internal cavity extending through the grommet from the entrance toward the stop. The internal cavity is divided into a passive cavity portion and an active cavity portion. The pin rests within the passive cavity portion without passing into the active cavity portion under normal operating conditions. 1. A vehicle comprising:an engine compartment;a hood extending over the engine compartment;an engine situated within the engine compartment;a pin extending from a top side of the engine toward an interior surface of the hood;an engine cover extending between the top side of the engine and the interior surface of the hood, the engine cover comprising an engine cover connection; anda grommet coupled to the engine cover connection, the grommet comprising an entrance, a stop, and an internal cavity extending through the grommet from the entrance toward the stop, the internal cavity being divided into a passive cavity portion and an active cavity portion, wherein the pin rests in the passive cavity portion without passing into the active cavity portion under normal operating conditions.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the passive cavity portion of the grommet comprises:a head region between the active cavity portion and the entrance of the grommet, the head region having a width larger than the active cavity portion; anda neck region extending between the head region and the entrance of the grommet such that when the pin is disposed within the passive cavity portion of the grommet, a head of the pin rests within ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180114067A1
Принадлежит: SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD.

Disclosed are an apparatus for detecting an object. The apparatus for detecting an object includes a processor configured to execute processor-executable instructions to acquire a video of a target region corresponding to a movement direction of a mobile body, extract one or more interesting points of one or more objects in the video acquired and extract one or more motion vectors according to positional changes of the one or more interesting points in the video, select one or more reference points having fixed positions in the target region and set one or more reference vectors of the one or more reference points, respectively, according to positional changes of the one or more reference points in the video, and detect a moving object among the one or more objects in the video by comparing the one or more motion vectors extracted with the one or more reference vectors set. 1. An apparatus for detecting an object , the apparatus comprising:a processor configured to execute processor-executable instructions to:acquire a video of a target region corresponding to a movement direction of a mobile body;extract one or more interesting points of one or more objects in the video acquired and extract one or more motion vectors according to positional changes of the one or more interesting points in the video;select one or more reference points having fixed positions in the target region and set one or more reference vectors of the one or more reference points, respectively, according to positional changes of the one or more reference points in the video; anddetect a moving object among the one or more objects in the video by comparing the one or more motion vectors extracted with the one or more reference vectors set.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:set a focus of expansion in the video based on a degree of a turn of the movement direction made by the mobile body, andset the one or more reference vectors based on distances between ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

A Panel for an Agricultural Vehicle and an Agricultural Vehicle having such a Panel

Номер: US20210139079A1
Принадлежит: AGCO Corp

A panel for use on an agricultural vehicle, such as a combine harvester, used to cover a portion of the interior of the vehicle, and is formed from a flexible sheet material provided on a substantially rigid sub-frame. The flexible sheet material can be arranged to be easily opened or removed from the sub-frame, providing relatively easy access to the vehicle interior, combined with a relatively light-weight structure.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266923A1
Автор: Pyun Sung Don

An underbody for a vehicle may arrange and couple a plurality of assemblies forming the underbody in a vertically laminating structure. The underbody includes a panel assembly configured to form a floor of a vehicle interior; an upper member assembly configured to be laminated on and coupled to an upper side of the panel assembly; and a lower member assembly configured to be laminated on and coupled to a lower side of the panel assembly and coupled to a side portion of the panel assembly and a side portion of the upper member assembly 1. An underbody for a vehicle comprising:a panel assembly configured to form a floor of a vehicle interior;an upper member assembly configured to be laminated on and coupled to an upper side of the panel assembly; anda lower member assembly configured to be laminated on and coupled to a lower side of the panel assembly and coupled to a side portion of the panel assembly and a side portion of the upper member assembly.2. The underbody for the vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the panel assembly further comprises:a dash panel configured to divide the vehicle interior and a vehicle exterior;a center floor panel fixed to a lower end of the dash panel, and extending from the lower end of the dash panel backward to form a floor of a front portion of the vehicle interior; anda rear floor panel fixed to a rear end of the center floor panel and extending from the rear end of the center floor panel backward to form a floor of a rear portion of the vehicle interior.3. The underbody for the vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the panel assembly further comprises a vertical panel having an upper end fixed to a front end of the rear floor panel and a lower end fixed to the rear end of the center floor panel to connect the center floor panel to the rear floor panel.4. The underbody for the vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the center floor panel has a center tunnel part on a central portion thereof that is raised upward.5. The underbody for the vehicle of claim 2 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129857A1
Автор: Lee Sang Ill

A structure for reducing noise of an engine room includes a hood configured to open and close an engine room, the hood having opposing inside and outside surfaces, wherein the inside surface is inside the engine room when the hood is closed. A weather strip is disposed on the inside surface of the hood, and sealing rails are configured to be tightly pressed against the weather strip to shield noise generated from the engine room. 1. A structure for reducing noise of an engine room for an engine , the structure comprising:a hood configured to open and close an engine room, the hood having opposing inside and outside surfaces, wherein the inside surface is inside the engine room when the hood is closed;a weather strip disposed on the inside surface of the hood; andsealing rails configured to be tightly pressed against the weather strip to shield noise generated from the engine room.2. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the weather strip has a substantially triangular shape to surround the engine room.3. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the corners of the weather strip are curved to form chamfers.4. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the weather strip has a substantially trapezoidal shape.5. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the weather strip hasopposing first and second horizontal edges, wherein when the hood is closed, the first horizontal edge is closer to the front of the vehicle and the second horizontal edge is closer to the windshield, andwherein the second horizontal edge is shorter than the first horizontal edge.6. The structure according to claim 5 , wherein a width of the weather strip increasingly narrows in a direction from the first horizontal edge to the second horizontal edge.7. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the weather strip forms a single looped curve or a ring.8. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing rails are disposed on the left and right sides of the engine and detachably ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129865A1

A vehicle hood covering an underhood object includes an inner surface of the vehicle hood facing the underhood object and spaced from the underhood object, and an outer surface of the vehicle hood opposite the inner surface. A local energy absorber is operatively attached to the inner surface of the vehicle hood. The local energy absorber is a multiply-connected structure. The local energy absorber includes a wall defining an interior surface having symmetry about a central plane normal to the inner surface of the vehicle hood. A plurality of apertures is defined in the wall symmetrically about the central plane to initiate buckling and fracture in the wall during an impact applied to the outer surface defining an impact event having a duration of less than 20 milliseconds. 1. A vehicle hood covering an object , comprising:an inner surface of the vehicle hood facing the object and spaced from the object, and an outer surface of the vehicle hood opposite the inner surface; and a wall defining an interior surface having symmetry about a central plane normal to the inner surface of the vehicle hood; and', 'a plurality of apertures defined in the wall symmetrically about the central plane to initiate buckling and fracture in the wall during an impact applied to the outer surface defining an impact event having a duration of less than 20 milliseconds., 'a local energy absorber operatively attached to the inner surface of the vehicle hood, wherein the local energy absorber is a multiply-connected structure, including2. The vehicle hood as defined in claim 1 , wherein the wall includes:a planar top portion normal to the central plane;a planar bottom portion parallel to the top portion and spaced from the top portion;a planar first side portion defined between the top portion and the bottom portion; anda planar second side portion parallel to the first side portion wherein the apertures are defined in the first side portion and the second side portion and the planar top ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274150A1

A method for manufacturing a press-formed product suppresses occurrence of a forming defect such as a crack in a starting material during press forming, and also suppresses occurrence of problems when transferring a starting material during press forming. A manufacturing intermediate is formed by forming, in a flat-sheet shaped blank sheet, a planned outline portion including an undulating shape which is used for forming an outline of an outer circumferential portion of a press-formed product. The flat shape of the blank sheet is maintained in a region from the planned outline portion toward the center of the manufacturing intermediate, or an intermediate stretch-formed portion having a predetermined intermediate forming height is formed in the manufacturing intermediate in the region. A through-hole is formed by piercing a flat portion at which the flat shape is maintained or a stretch-formed-side top portion of the intermediate stretch-formed portion. 1. A method for manufacturing a press-formed product , comprising:forming a manufacturing intermediate by forming a planned outline portion including an undulating shape in a flat-sheet shaped blank sheet, as a planned portion for an outline portion which forms an outline of an outer circumferential portion of the press-formed product;maintaining a flat shape of the blank sheet in a region from the planned outline portion toward a center of the manufacturing intermediate, or forming an intermediate stretch-formed portion having a predetermined intermediate forming height in the manufacturing intermediate in a region from the planned outline portion toward a center of the manufacturing intermediate;forming a through-hole by piercing a flat portion as a portion where the flat shape is maintained or a stretch-formed-side top portion of the intermediate stretch-formed portion; andforming the flat portion after the through-hole is formed in the flat portion into a stretch-formed portion of a predetermined height, or ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137157A1

An object recognition device includes: a radar that detects objects in the vicinity of a vehicle a camera that detects objects by capturing an image of the vicinity of the vehicle an identical object recognition unit configured to recognize that an object detected by the radar and an object detected by the camera are the same object when the objects are present within a predetermined position range. The identical object recognition unit determines whether the objects are the same object by reducing the predetermined position range when detection using the radar device or the camera is interrupted and then detection is started again. 1. An object recognition device comprising:a radar that detects objects in the vicinity of a vehicle;a camera that detects objects by capturing an image of the vicinity of the vehicle; andan identical object recognition unit configured to recognize that an object detected by the radar and an object detected by the camera are the same object when the objects are present within a predetermined position range,wherein the identical object recognition unit determines whether the objects are the same object by reducing the predetermined position range when detection using the radar or the camera is interrupted and then detection is started again.2. The object recognition device according to claim 1 , wherein the identical object recognition unit gradually increases the predetermined position range when the same object is not present after the predetermined position range is reduced.3. The object recognition device according to claim 1 , wherein the identical object recognition unit recognizes that the object detected by the radar and the object detected by the camera are the same object when the objects are present within the predetermined position range for a predetermined period of time claim 1 , and determines whether the objects are the same object by reducing the predetermined position range when detection using the radar or the camera is ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Hood outer checking fixture feature

Номер: US20180134322A1

A hood panel checking fixture feature is provided by a locator slot defined in an edge of the hood panel. The locator slot may be defined in a rear edge of the hood panel and may be configured to engage a cooperating locator provided in a checking fixture to substantially prevent rotational movement of the hood panel in a y-axis direction. Hood outer panels and methods for positioning a hood panel in a checking fixture are described.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130586A1

A vehicle having front body structure including a grille opening adjacent to a front trunk. A hood is pivotally mounted to the structure over the front trunk. A grille is mounted to the body structure or the hood via a horizontal hinge, the grille pivotable from a closed position in the grille opening to an open position extending from the body structure. 1. A vehicle comprising:front body structure including a grille opening adjacent to a front trunk;a hood pivotally mounted to the structure over the front trunk; anda grille mounted to the body structure via a horizontal hinge, the grille pivotable from a closed position in the grille opening to an open position extending forward from the body structure.2. The vehicle of wherein the grille includes a latch configured to selectively secure the grille to the body structure.3. The vehicle of wherein the latch releasably secures to a vertical side of the grille opening.4. The vehicle of wherein the horizontal hinge is secured to a bottom edge of the grille adjacent to a front bumper.5. The vehicle of wherein the grille claim 4 , in the closed position claim 4 , covers the entire grille opening.6. The vehicle of wherein the grille claim 4 , includes an upper portion secured to the hood and a bottom portion pivotally secured to the hinge claim 4 , with the bottom portion claim 4 , in the closed position claim 4 , covering a lower portion of the grille opening.7. The vehicle of wherein the horizontal hinge is secured to a top edge of the grille adjacent to the hood.8. The vehicle of wherein the grille claim 7 , in the closed position claim 7 , covers the entire grille opening.9. A vehicle comprising:front body structure including a grille opening adjacent to a front trunk;a hood, pivotally mounted to the structure over the front trunk, and including a horizontal hinge extending laterally to create a front portion and a rear portion; anda grille, secured to the hood, pivotable with the front portion from a closed position ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle panel structure

Номер: US20160144898A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle panel structure according to technology disclosed herein includes: a panel member employed in a vehicle; a joining member configured including an angled wall that is disposed on one plate thickness direction side of a joined-to wall of the panel member, and that is angled with respect to the joined-to wall, and a joining wall that is disposed facing the one plate thickness direction side of the joined-to wall, and that is coupled to the angled wall through a bent portion; and a spot weld that configures a join portion where the joining wall is joined to the joined-to wall, and that is set at a portion of the join portion where an extension line running along an axial direction of the angled wall intersects.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152278A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

Regarding a tractor which is a passenger work vehicle includes: a drive operating unit; and a hood arranged in front of the drive operating unit. In the tractor, the height of the hood from the ground is reduced from the rear end to the front end of the hood constituted of an upper surface, an upper left surface and an upper right surface, and is reduced from the center of the hood in the right-left direction to the right and the left of the hood. When viewed from a plane, the left-side ridge line on the upper left surface and the right-side ridge line on the upper right surface of the hood converge at the center of the front end of the hood. 1. A work vehicle comprising:a drive operating unit; anda hood arranged in front of the drive operating unit,wherein the hood includes an upper surface formed in an approximately triangular shape in which an approximately center in a back-forth direction of the hood from a rear end of the hood is a vertex when viewed from a plane;an upper left surface formed in such a manner as to be abutted to a left side of the upper surface leading from the rear end of the hood to the vertex of the upper surface when viewed from a plane;and an upper right surface formed in such a manner as to be abutted to a right side of the upper surface leading from the rear end of the hood to the vertex of the upper surface when viewed from a plane,wherein a height of the upper surface from ground is reduced from the rear end to a front end of the hood,wherein a height of the upper left surface from the ground is reduced from a center of the hood in a right-left direction to a left of the hood,wherein a height of the upper right surface from the ground is reduced from the center of the hood in the right-left direction to a right of the hood, andwherein a ridge line is formed by the upper left surface and the upper right surface which converge at a center of the front end of the hood when viewed from a plane, and descends from the vertex of the upper ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152280A1

A vehicle hood structure includes a hood lock reinforcement that is provided on a vehicle lower side of an inner panel that forms a hood, and to which a striker is attached on a front side in a vehicle longitudinal direction. The hood lock reinforcement includes a step-shaped rear wall portion that is formed farther to a rear side in the vehicle longitudinal direction than the striker, on the hood lock reinforcement, and in which a rear end portion in the vehicle longitudinal direction is arranged farther to a vehicle upper side than a front end portion in the vehicle longitudinal direction, and that includes at least four ridge lines that extend in a vehicle width direction, and that includes at least two leg portions that separate at least one of the ridge lines in the vehicle width direction. 1. A vehicle hood structure comprisinga hood lock reinforcement that is provided on a vehicle lower side of an inner panel that forms a hood, and to which a striker is attached on a front side in a vehicle longitudinal direction, whereinthe hood lock reinforcement includes a step-shaped rear wall portion that is formed farther to a rear side in the vehicle longitudinal direction than the striker, on the hood lock reinforcement, and in which a rear end portion in the vehicle longitudinal direction is arranged farther to a vehicle upper side than a front end portion in the vehicle longitudinal direction, and that includes at least four ridge lines that extend in a vehicle width direction, and that includes at least two leg portions that separate at leasta first ridge line in the vehicle width direction, the first ridge line being the first ridge line that is bent to an opposite side with respect to a ridge line of the highest portion, when the ridge lines are counted from the ridge line of the highest portion toward a vehicle front,the hood lock reinforcement including a reinforcing portion that is provided on at least one of the leg portions, and that provides reinforcement ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152283A1

A vehicle component is provided that includes a first cured layer of a molding composition having a predominant fiber filler chopped glass fibers, a second cured layer of molding composition having a predominant fiber filler chopped carbon fibers, and a bonding agent with elongation properties configured to accommodate the differential coefficients of linear thermal expansion between the first cured layer and the second cured layer. The second cured layer is substantially devoid of glass fiber. The bonding agent is an elastomeric adhesive, which is operative from −40 to 205° C. The first cured layer forms an outer skin layer surface of a vehicle and the second cured layer forms an interior layer, where the outer skin layer surface has a class-A finish. 1. A vehicle component comprising:a first cured layer of a molding composition having a predominant fiber filler chopped glass fibers;a second cured layer of molding composition having a predominant fiber filler chopped carbon fibers; anda bonding agent with elongation properties configured to accommodate the differential coefficients of linear thermal expansion between said first cured layer and said second cured layer.2. The vehicle component of wherein said second cured layer is substantially devoid of glass fiber.3. The vehicle component of wherein said bonding agent is operative from −40 to 205° C.4. The vehicle component of claim lwherein said bonding agent is an elastomeric adhesive.5. The vehicle component of further comprising a bonding flange of between 2.54-3.81 cm.6. The vehicle component of wherein said second cured layer is formed from one of: bulk molding composition (BMC) claim 1 , sheet molding composition (SMC) claim 1 , or resin transfer molding (RTM).7. The vehicle component of any one of to further comprising at least one additional layer of: a third cured layer of a molding composition having a predominant fiber filler chopped glass fibers and a fourth cured layer of molding composition having a ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Hood Prop

Номер: US20210180383A1
Автор: Joseph Kugel
Принадлежит: Individual

A hood prop attaches to right and left side hoods and engages a receptacle plate attached to a fire wall. The hood prop includes a mounting plate attached to hood latch fasteners at a bottom rear position of each side hood. A mounting plate end of a prop arm is pivotally attached by a friction fit. The friction fit allows the arm to pivot on the rod but retain a position to reduce or eliminate any rattles. The arm includes at least one bend to align a firewall end of the prop arm with a receptacle reaching out from the receptacle plate.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140236430A1
Автор: KIM Moo Seop

A danger sensing apparatus includes a data collecting unit disposed at each of a side rear-view mirror of the vehicle and an inner portion of the vehicle to collect image data of a side region of the vehicle and a situation of a door region of the inner portion of the vehicle as data; a data analyzing unit analyzing the data collected from the data collecting unit to analyze a danger object approaching an outer side of the vehicle and the situation of the door region of the inner portion of the vehicle; and a controlling unit controlling operations of a drive train of the vehicle and the door based on a signal analyzed from the data analyzing unit. 1. A danger sensing apparatus of a vehicle , comprising:a data collecting unit to collect image data of a side region of the vehicle as data;a data analyzing unit analyzing the data collected from the data collecting unit to analyze a danger object approaching an outer side of the vehicle; anda controlling unit controlling operation of closing a door based on a signal analyzed from the data analyzing unit.2. The danger sensing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the controlling unit controls the operation of the door so that the door is not opened claim 1 , when it is determined that the date analyzed from the data analyzing unit corresponds to the danger situation in which the danger object approaches the vehicle claim 1 , at the time of stop of the vehicle.3. The danger sensing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a data outputting unit outputting an alarm according to a danger situation based on the data collected from the data collecting unit and the data analyzed from the data analyzing unit.4. The danger sensing apparatus of a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the data analyzing unit includes:a data receiver receiving the data transmitted from the data collecting unit;a danger analyzer analyzing the data received in the data receiver to analyze the danger object approaching the side of the ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159211A1
Автор: Nakagawa Satoshi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A fuel cell vehicle includes a front compartment, a cowl top, a hood, and a blocking member. The front compartment is provided in front of a dashboard. A fuel cell is disposed in the front compartment. The cowl top is disposed between the front compartment and the dashboard and hermetically sealed from the front compartment via a sealing portion. The front compartment is opened or closed via the hood. The hood includes an outer plate and an inner plate that are joined together to provide an inner passage between the outer plate and the inner plate. The inner passage extends from the front compartment to the cowl top bypassing the sealing portion. The blocking member is disposed in the inner passage to block flow of fluid between the front compartment and the cowl top. 1. A fuel cell vehicle comprising:a fuel cell disposed in a front compartment in front of a dashboard;a cowl top disposed on the front compartment so as to be hermetically sealed from the front compartment with a sealing portion therebetween; anda hood that allows the front compartment to be open or closed, the hood including an outer plate member and an inner plate member that are joined together,wherein an inner passage, which extends from the front compartment to the cowl top beyond the sealing portion, is formed between the outer plate member and the inner plate member, andwherein a blocking member, which blocks flow of fluid between the front compartment and the cowl top, is disposed in the inner passage.2. The fuel cell vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the blocking member is a sealing member that seals a hole formed in the inner plate member.3. The fuel cell vehicle according to claim 2 ,wherein the hole sealed by the sealing member is formed in the inner plate member so as to open to the front compartment or to the cowl top.4. The fuel cell vehicle according to claim 2 ,wherein the sealing member is one of an adhesive tape, a rubber seal, a grommet and a sealant adhesive.5. The fuel cell ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148055A1
Автор: KUROKAWA Yoshiaki

A working vehicle includes an engine mounted in a front portion of a travelling vehicle, and a post-processing device configured to purify exhaust gas from the engine. The engine and the post-processing device are covered with a hood. An upper surface side of the hood is inclined to extend diagonally upward from a front side to a rear side. The post-processing device is mounted on an upper side of the engine, and is positioned on a rear and inner side of the inclined upper surface side of the hood. 1. A work vehicle , comprising:an engine mounted in a front portion of a traveling body; anda post-processing device configured to purify exhaust gas from the engine; and the engine and the post-processing device are covered with a hood;', 'the post-processing device is mounted on an upper side of the engine;', 'a heat shield plate is disposed between the hood and the post-processing device; and', 'a space is formed between the post-processing device and the heat shield plate., 'wherein2. The work vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a bonnet shield plate is disposed on a rear side of the post-processing device.3. The work vehicle of claim 2 , further comprising:a cooling fan; anda fan shroud surrounding the cooling fan; andwherein the heat shield plate is provided on a beam frame bridging the bonnet shield plate and the fan shroud.4. A work vehicle claim 2 , comprising:an engine mounted in a front portion of a traveling body;a post-processing device mounted on an upper side of the engine, the post-processing device configured to purify exhaust gas from the engine;a hood rotatable about the engine between a first position and a second position in which the hood covers the upper side of the engine and an upper side of the post-processing device; anda heat shield plate is disposed between the hood and the post-processing device; andwherein a gap is defined between the post-processing device and the heat shield plate.5. The work vehicle of claim 4 , further comprising a ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Lid, in Particular Trunk Lid for a Motor Vehicle, in Particular a Passenger Car

Номер: US20160167714A1
Автор: ALDERSLEY Nicholas

A lid for a motor vehicle has at least one body shell part, having at least one trim part which is held on the body shell part and by which the body shell part is covered at least in regions, and at least one fastening element which is arranged on the trim part and to which a coupling element can be fastened. Via the coupling element a covering element of the motor vehicle can be moved together with the lid during a movement of the lid. The trim part includes at least one receiving element which penetrates a corresponding receiving opening of the body shell part and in which the integral fastening element which penetrates the receiving opening is received at least partially with fixing of the trim part on the body shell part via the receiving element. 1. A lid for a motor vehicle , comprising:a shell part;a trim part held on the shell part and with which the shell part is clad at least regionally; and the shell part has a receiving opening,', 'the trim part has a receiving element configured to extend through the receiving opening of the shell part, and', 'the fastening element is a one-piece fastening element received at least partially in the receiving element of the trim part and penetrating the receiving opening of the shell part upon fixing the trim part on the shell part via the receiving element., 'a fastening element arranged on the trim part, the fastening element being configured to have secured thereto a coupling element by which a cover of the motor vehicle is movable together with the lid during movement of the lid, wherein'}2. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening element latchingly engages with the trim part.3. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein the trim part is positively and/or non-positively connected to the shell part via the receiving element of the trim part.4. The lid according to claim 2 , wherein the trim part is positively and/or non-positively connected to the shell part via the receiving element of the trim part.5. The ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156708A1
Автор: SAEKI Koji

A vehicle front portion structure includes a hood, a radiator support upper member, a bracket mounted on an upper portion of the radiator support upper member, and a stopper attached to an upper portion of the bracket and configured to be contacted, when the hood is closed, by a protruding portion on a lower surface of the hood, in which the bracket is a member having a channel shape in cross section and protruding upward in a vehicle vertical direction, and is composed of leg plates and a top plate. The bracket is mounted on the upper portion of the radiator support upper member in a state where the leg plates and the top plate extend along a vehicle width direction, and the leg plates also extend in the vehicle vertical direction along a direction in which the protruding portion makes contact with the stopper. 1. A front portion structure of a vehicle , comprising:a hood having a rear end which is pivotably supported at a rear end of a front compartment located in a front region of the vehicle, and a front end which is configured to be lifted up and down for opening and closing the front compartment;a radiator support upper member disposed on an upper front region within the front compartment so as to extend along a vehicle width direction;a bracket mounted on an upper portion of the radiator support upper member; anda stopper attached to an upper portion of the bracket, and composed of an elastic body that is contacted, when the hood is closed, by a protruding portion provided to a lower surface of a front end portion of the hood, whereinthe bracket is a channel shaped member having a channel shape in cross section and protruding upward in a vehicle vertical direction, and is composed of two leg plates whose lower ends are fixed to the radiator support upper member and a top plate which connects the leg plates, wherein the bracket is mounted on the upper portion of the radiator support upper member in such a manner that the leg plates and the top plate extend ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Pedestrian-Friendly Structure for Motor Vehicle Front End

Номер: US20140252802A1

A pedestrian-friendly forward structure of a motor vehicle includes a grill opening reinforcement (GOR), a front fascia located forward of and spaced from the GOR, and a support bracket extending transversely to the vehicle forward of the GOR and rearward of the front fascia. The support bracket has a transverse cross-bar and left and right legs extending rearward from a cross-bar adjacent opposite ends thereof. The legs are attached to respective outboard positions on the GOR, and the cross-bar has an upper flange underlying an upper rear panel of the front fascia. If a pedestrian strikes the forward structure, the fascia and support bracket yield rearward in an injury-reducing manner.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Automobile hood structure and hood inner panel thereof

Номер: US20180170436A1
Автор: Masatoshi Yoshida
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

A hood inner panel of an automobile hood structure includes: an outer peripheral skeleton portion disposed at an outer peripheral portion and having an annular shape, the skeleton portion having a recessed-top cross sectional shape orthogonal to the circumferential direction of the annular shape; and an outer proximal surface extending inwardly from the outer peripheral skeleton portion and mastic-joined with a hood outer panel. A vertical wall connecting the outer proximal surface and a bottom surface of the outer peripheral skeleton portion includes a plurality of trim holes except for a ridge line where the vertical wall and the bottom surface meet and for the bottom surface.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Front hood, vehicle with such front hood as well as method for producing the same

Номер: US20180170438A1

A front lid for a vehicle, especially a motor vehicle, which front lid includes an outer panel, where, in a predetermined region or in the entire area of the front lid below the outer panel, at least one inertia mass is arranged, and the inertia mass is formed of a flexible heavy layer. 1. A front lid for a motor vehicle , comprising:an outer panel; andan inertia mass arranged in a predetermined region or in the entire area of the front lid below the outer panel;wherein said inertia mass is formed of a flexible heavy layer.2. The front lid according to claim 1 , wherein the inertia mass in the form of the heavy layer is formed as a matt-like built-on or built-in part—mass pad— claim 1 , or wherein the inertia mass in the form of the heavy layer is injected into a cavity formed between the outer panel and an internal structure that is attached to the outer panel to provide stiffening hardening.3. The front lid according to claim 1 , wherein the inertia mass in the form of the heavy layer contains a bituminous composition.4. The front lid according to claim 3 , wherein the heavy layer has a density of 2.0 to 2.6 g/cm.5. The front lid according to claim 3 , wherein the bituminous composition contains plastics.6. The front lid according to claim 1 , wherein the inertia mass in the form of the heavy layer contains a flexible rubber-based plastic composition.7. The front lid according to claim 6 , wherein the heavy layer has a density of 2.0 to 2.2 g/cm.8. The front lid according to claim 7 , wherein the plastic composition furthermore contains foreign plastics.9. The front lid according to claim 5 , wherein the heavy layer claim 5 , as a matt-like built-on or built-in component—mass pad— claim 5 , on its backside comprises a planar element for stabilizing the bituminous composition or plastic composition and/or claim 5 , at least on its top side claim 5 , comprises adhesive means for attaching the heavy layer to the backside of the outer panel.10. The front lid according ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174266A1

A vehicle assembly system and related method are provided. The vehicle assembly system includes a first fender for a first vehicle model having a first shape, a second fender for a second vehicle model having a second, different shape, a front end structure common to the first vehicle model and the second vehicle model, and a support common to the first vehicle model and the second vehicle model. The support has a first member attached to a downstanding flange of the first fender or a downstanding flange of the second fender and a second member extending from a lower portion of the first member is attached to the front end structure. The system and method provide a simple and inexpensive way to attach fenders having different shapes to a common front end of a vehicle. 1. A vehicle assembly system comprising:a first fender for a first vehicle model, said first fender having a first shape including a downstanding flange;a second fender for a second vehicle model, said second fender having a second, different shape including a downstanding flange;a front end structure common to the first vehicle model and the second vehicle model; anda support common to the first vehicle model and the second vehicle model, said support having a first member attached to said downstanding flange of said first fender or to said downstanding flange of said second fender and a second member extending from a lower portion of said first member and attached to said front end structure.2. The vehicle assembly system of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of said support is greater than a thickness of said downstanding flange of the first vehicle model or a thickness of said downstanding flange the second vehicle model.3. The vehicle assembly system of claim 1 , wherein said first member and said second member of said support are integrally formed.4. The vehicle assembly system of claim 1 , wherein said front end structure common to the first vehicle model and the second vehicle model is a fender ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174268A1

An air and water management system for a motor vehicle is disclosed. The system includes an air opening allowing air to enter the engine room on a side of the motor vehicle, an engine cover covering at least one component associated with the engine of the motor vehicle, a rib extending from a top side of the engine cover creating a gutter on the engine cover between the rib and a side of the engine room, a water channel formed integrally in the engine cover adjacent and laterally inward of and parallel to the rib and including a drain longitudinally to the rear of the motor vehicle at a rearward portion of the water channel. Air entering the air opening flows over the rib and into the engine room of the motor vehicle. The rib blocks debris that enters the air opening from flowing into the engine room. 1. An air and water management system for an engine room that houses an engine of a motor vehicle , comprising:an air opening, the air opening allowing air to enter and exit the engine room on a side of the motor vehicle;an engine cover, the engine cover covering at least one component associated with the engine of the motor vehicle;a rib extending from a top side of the engine cover, the rib creating a gutter on the engine cover between the rib and a side of the engine room;wherein air entering the air opening flows over the rib and into the engine room of the motor vehicle; andwherein the rib blocks debris that enters the air opening from flowing into the engine room.2. The air and water management system of wherein the rib is integrally formed with the engine cover.3. The air and water management system of wherein a cross section of the gutter is U-shaped.4. The air and water management system of wherein the gutter slopes downwardly as the gutter extends rearward along a longitudinal axis of the motor vehicle.5. The air and water management system of further comprising:a water channel formed integrally in the engine cover, the water channel adjacent and laterally ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Air Deflector Assembly For An Automotive Vehicle

Номер: US20190168817A1
Автор: Del Gaizo Steven A.

An automotive vehicle includes a body with an upper surface defined by a front fascia disposed proximate a fore end, and a closure panel with a fore edge proximate the front fascia. A deflector with a first end and a second end is movably coupled to the upper surface and is movable between a stowed position and a deployed position. In the stowed position the second end projects a first distance from the upper surface and in the deployed position the second end projects a second distance from the upper surface. The second distance is greater than the first distance. A controller is configured to, in response to satisfaction of a first operating condition, control an actuator to move the deflector from the stowed position to the deployed position. 1. An automotive vehicle comprising:a body with a fore end, an aft end, a longitudinal axis extending from the fore end to the aft end, and a lateral axis extending orthogonal to the longitudinal axis, the body including a front fascia disposed proximate the fore end and a closure panel with a fore edge proximate the front fascia, the front fascia and closure panel cooperatively defining an upper surface;a deflector movably coupled to the upper surface, the deflector having a first end and a second end, the deflector being movable between a stowed position and a deployed position, wherein in the stowed position the second end projects a first distance from the upper surface and in the deployed position the second end projects a second distance from the upper surface, the second distance being greater than the first distance to thereby interrupt a flow of air over the upper surface;an actuator operably coupled to the deflector and configured to move the deflector from the stowed position to the deployed position; anda controller in communication with the actuator, the controller being configured to, in response to satisfaction of a first operating condition, control the actuator to move the deflector from the stowed position ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172170A1

A vehicle trunk lid assembly includes an inner trunk panel, an upper outer trunk panel and a lower outer trunk panel. The inner trunk panel has a generally horizontal portion and an upright portion. The upright portion extends downward from the horizontal portion with the trunk lid assembly in a closed orientation. The upper outer trunk panel has a main section that extends horizontally and a contoured section that extends downwardly from a rearward area of the main section. The main section is attached to the horizontal portion of the inner trunk panel. The lower outer trunk panel is attached to at least a lower section of the upright portion of the inner trunk panel, a lower edge of the upper outer trunk panel and a lower edge of the inner truck panel. 1. A vehicle trunk lid assembly , comprising:an inner trunk panel having a generally horizontal portion and an upright portion, the upright portion extending downward from the horizontal portion with the trunk lid assembly in a closed orientation;an upper outer trunk panel having a main section that extends horizontally and a contoured section that extends downwardly from a rearward area of the main section, the main section being attached to the horizontal portion of the inner trunk panel; anda lower outer trunk panel being attached to at least a lower section of the upright portion of the inner trunk panel, a lower edge of the upper outer trunk panel and a lower edge of the inner truck panel.2. The vehicle trunk lid assembly according to claim 1 , whereina lower end of the contoured section of the upper outer trunk panel includes a horizontal flange that extends in a vehicle forward direction from the lower end to the inner trunk panel.3. The vehicle trunk lid assembly according to claim 2 , whereinthe lower end of the contoured section of the upper outer trunk panel and the lower outer trunk panel define a pair of taillamp receiving pockets, a first one of the taillamp receiving pockets being defined at a first ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214014A1

A vehicle front structure includes, below a bonnet (), a cover member () that covers an engine from an upper portion thereof to the side and is formed by an upper wall (), a shroud () as a front wall, a rear wall (), and side walls () on the respective left and right sides. The cover member is formed by the upper wall, the front wall, the rear wall, and the side walls on the respective left and right sides. The front side of one of the left and right side walls is configured to have, relative to the rear side, a higher ratio of a low-rigidity member having lower rigidity than a high-rigidity member forming a main portion on the rear side. 1. A vehicle front structure comprising:an engine room;an engine disposed in the engine room;a bonnet covering an upper side of the engine room in an openable and closable manner; anda cover member, in the engine room and below the bonnet, covering the engine from an upper portion of the engine to a side peripheral face of the engine, whereinthe cover member comprises an upper wall, a front wall, a rear wall, and side walls on respective left and right sides, anda front side of one of the left and right side walls has, relative to a rear side of the one of the left and right side walls, a higher ratio of a low-rigidity member having lower rigidity than a high-rigidity member forming a main portion on the rear side.2. The vehicle front structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover member comprises an openable and closable opening-closing cover having the upper wall, opening-closing side walls on respective left and right sides, and an opening-closing rear wall,the side walls on the respective left and right sides comprise the opening-closing side walls on the respective left and right sides and fixed side walls on respective left and right sides, upper ends of the fixed side walls supporting lower ends of the opening-closing side walls on the respective left and right sides via a seal member,the rear wall comprises the opening- ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Energy Absorber Elements and Vehicle Systems

Номер: US20150197214A1

In some embodiments, an energy absorber element can comprise: a first support wall and a second support wall, a crush wall joining the first and second support walls together to define a deformable zone; a connection mechanism configured to connect the first and/or second support wall to a vehicle. In one embodiment, a method for using an energy absorber element in a vehicle can comprise: detachably connecting an energy absorber element to a vehicle at a support location for a vehicle component, once the energy absorber element has absorbed energy, detaching the energy absorber element from the vehicle; and separately replacing the energy absorber element from the vehicle component. In some embodiments, the vehicle component is not replaced. 1. An energy absorber element for a vehicle component , comprising:a first support wall and a second support wall;a plurality of crush walls joining the first and second support walls together to definea deformable zone; anda demountable connection mechanism configured to detachably connect the first and/or second support wall to a vehicle component, and wherein the vehicle component comprises at least one of a front glass component and a glazing panel; andwherein the first support wall, the second support wall, and the crush walls comprise plastic.2. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle component comprises a front glass component.3. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle component comprises a glazing panel.4. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the first and second support walls do not intersect.5. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the first support wall forms a ring claim 1 , and wherein the second support wall forms a ring.6. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the crush wall is configured to both elastically deform and elastoplastically deform.7. The energy absorber element of claim 1 , wherein the crush wall has a geometry selected from ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Method for the Production of Fiber Composite Component

Номер: US20210221078A1
Автор: Florian Soldner
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A method produces a fiber composite component according to which a fiber arrangement having carbon fibers as reinforcing fibers is arranged on a carrier material having a fibrous material in order to form a structure. A covering layer having a non-conductive material is arranged on the structure. The carbon fibers are arranged largely in the load path direction of the fiber composite component to be produced, and regions of the fiber composite component to be penetrated by electromagnetic signals and/or waves are configured such that they are largely free of carbon fibers.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Tunable Energy Absorbers

Номер: US20160207494A1

An energy absorber according to various embodiments can include a structure having a predetermined cross-sectional profile. A hollow profile is formed within the structure. The pre-determined cross-sectional profile of the structure is configured based on a deceleration-time profile that includes a first period and a second period. The first period is defined by a substantially sharp and linear increase in magnitude of the deceleration of an impact until a maximum deceleration value is achieved. The second period is defined by a rapid decrease in the magnitude of the deceleration. 1. A vehicle panel , comprising:an inner surface facing an object and offset from the object, and an outer surface substantially opposite the inner surface; and a structure having a pre-determined cross-sectional profile; and', 'a hollow profile formed within the structure;', a first period defined by a substantially sharp and linear increase in magnitude of the deceleration of an impact until a maximum deceleration value is achieved; and', 'a second period defined by a rapid decrease in the magnitude of the deceleration., 'wherein the pre-determined cross-sectional profile of the structure is configured based on a deceleration-time profile comprising], 'an energy absorber disposed between the inner surface and the object and having a multiply-connected structure, wherein the multiply-connected structure includes21000. The vehicle panel of claim 1 , wherein the energy absorber is configured to achieve a Head Injury Criterion (HIC) value of less than or equal to during the impact.3. The vehicle panel of claim 1 , wherein the pre-determined cross-sectional profile of the structure comprises a substantially involuted cross-sectional profile.4. The vehicle panel of claim 3 , wherein the substantially involuted cross-sectional profile includes at least one involuted surface configured to release accumulated elastic strain energy through one or both of plastic deformation and fracture during the ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189493A1

A tractor in which a basic shape of a hot-wind blocking plate disposed between a motor unit and an operation unit is commonalized as a sharable element, and cutting of an outer edge portion of the hot-wind blocking plate enables application to various specifications including different sizes of motors and operation units, thus achieving convenience in assembling the tractor, enabling mass production by using the sharable element, enabling an efficient inventory storage, and providing an advantage in costs. The tractor includes: a hot-wind blocking plate disposed between a motor unit and an operation unit, the dimension of the hot-wind blocking plate being adjustable by cutting an outer edge portion of the blocking plate; and an operation unit component mounted in the outer edge portion of the hot-wind blocking plate, a position where the operation unit component is mounted is changeable depending on a specification of the operation unit. 1. A tractor comprising:a motor unit comprising an engine; andan operation unit arranged at a rear of the motor unit;a hood covering the motor unit; anda heat vent cover disposed at a front of the operation unit, the heat vent cover defining a heat vent hole, andwherein the heat vent hole is an elongated hole extending in a front-rear direction of a machine body, with a front end of the heat vent hole directed inward and a rear end of the heat vent hole directed outward.2. The tractor of claim 1 , wherein the heat vent cover is configured to direct vent heat of the motor unit through the heat vent hole and outside of the machine body.3. The tractor of claim 1 , wherein the heat vent cover defines a plurality of heat vent holes that include the heat vent hole claim 1 , the plurality of heat vent holes positioned at intervals with respect to a left-right direction.4. The tractor of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of heat vent holes are arranged left-right line-symmetrically and inclined.5. An apparatus comprising: a first dimension ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160208877A1
Автор: Dietzel Renee

The invention relates to a coil spring connector for connecting in a force-transmitting manner a coil tension spring of a motor vehicle. It is proposed that a base part for outward transmission of the spring force of the coil tension spring and a sleeve-type adapter part for fitting between the base part and a coil spring interior are provided. 1. A coil spring connector for connecting in a force-transmitting manner a coil tension spring of a motor vehicle , wherein a base part for outward transmission of the spring force of the coil tension spring and a sleeve-type adapter part for fitting between the base part and a coil spring interior are provided.2. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base part has a pin-type receptacle portion claim 1 , and wherein the adapter part is fittable onto the pin-type receptacle portion of the base part.3. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein by way of relative adjustment between the base part and the adapter part the base part is capable of engagement with the adapter part in such a manner that the adapter part is expanded.4. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base part on the external side thereof claim 1 , and/or the adapter part on the interior thereof claim 1 , have or has claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , at least one in particular conical expansion portion.5. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an external side of the base part and/or an interior of the adapter part are or is configured so as to be overall conical claim 1 , respectively.6. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adapter part for expandability thereof has a material weakening.7. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adapter part for fitting is connectable to the base part in a form-fitting manner.8. The coil spring connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adapter part for fitting onto the base part is push-fittable or ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Gas lift for preventing sagging

Номер: US20200191171A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A gas lift for preventing sagging may include in the gas lift comprising a tube and a rod slidably installed inside the tube, and filled with gas inside the tube, a moving member for moving with the rod when the rod slides at one side of the portion received inside the tube of the rod, a first stopping part coupled to the moving member and for stopping sliding of the moving member primarily in the tube, and a second stopping part coupled to the moving member and for stopping sliding of the moving member after the moving member and the first stopping part have been coupled to each other.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Intermediary Protective Bonding Layer Onto Which an Additional Part(s) is to be Adhered for Both Cosmetic Appeal and Ease of Undamaged Removal

Номер: US20200198256A1
Автор: Chet Baigh
Принадлежит: Individual

This embodiment of the present invention provides for a method of protecting substrate surfaces. The method of this invention includes the steps of adhering to the Paint surface a plurality of removable impermeable protective layers onto the top of which a plurality of glue types may be used to adhere a plurality of additional parts. An embodiment of the present inventive method will be hereinafter referred to as a “Intermediary Protective Bonding Layer” (“IPBL”).
