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27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2502637C2

Изобретение относится к опорному узлу для направления закрылка во время развертывания на крыле самолета. Опорный узел содержит направляющую дорожку, задающую двухмерный путь, цилиндрический подшипниковый ведомый элемент, имеющий продольную ось, вал и сферическую опору. Ось подшипникового ведомого элемента ограничена для того, чтобы следовать по указанному пути во время развертывания закрылка. Вал проходит от подшипникового ведомого элемента. Сферическая опора соединяет конец вала с подшипниковым ведомым элементом таким образом, что подшипниковый ведомый элемент является вращаемым относительно вала вокруг продольной оси подшипникового ведомого элемента, когда он перемещается по дорожке. Сферическая опора обеспечивает угловой поворот вала вокруг центральной точки сферической опоры так, что закрылок, поддерживаемый указанным узлом, является свободным для перемещения во многих направлениях. Направляющая дорожка может быть прикреплена к элементу конструкции авиационного крыла или к закрылку, ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613375C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Группа изобретений относится к летательным аппаратам. Аэродинамическое устройство с шарнирным закрылком содержит деталь с аэродинамическим профилем, развертываемый закрылок, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между неактивированным состоянием, первой конфигурацией и второй конфигурацией, и систему надувных камер, содержащую первый и второй отсеки, выполненные с возможностью индивидуального надувания и размещенные смежно друг с другом. Первый и второй отсеки расположены между частью закрылка и верхней поверхностью, когда закрылок находится в неактивированном состоянии. В другом варианте аэродинамическое устройство с шарнирным закрылком содержит деталь с аэродинамическим профилем, имеющую выемку и заднюю кромку, развертываемый закрылок, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между положением хранения и развернутым положением, надувную камеру, сегменты которой расположены по размаху крыла. Способ развертывания шарнирного закрылка включает подачу сжатого воздуха к первому и второму отсекам ...

10-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296694C2

Изобретение относится к области авиации. Система управления содержит элемент управления, исполнительный механизм для перемещения элемента управления и привод. Элемент управления установлен с возможностью поворота для перемещения в диапазоне положений между нейтральным положением, в котором нагрузка на его поверхность от воздушного потока минимальна, и отклоненными вверх и вниз положениями, в каждом из которых нагрузка от воздушного потока максимальна. Исполнительный механизм включает ротор, установленный на крыле для вращения вокруг оси, проходящей по направлению хорды крыла, и имеет коленчатый элемент с оконечностью, смещенной относительно оси вращения. Оконечность коленчатого элемента с возможностью скольжения соединена с направляющей штангой. Привод предназначен для вращения ротора и, благодаря скользящему соединению коленчатого элемента с направляющей, перемещения элемента управления. Технический результат - максимальная механическая эффективность при максимальной нагрузке от воздушного ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157212U1

Механизм уборки-выпуска закрылка, содержащий направляющую дорожку С-образной формы поперечного сечения с задней и боковыми стенками, имеющими профилированные пазы, цилиндрический подшипниковый элемент, вал, сферическую опору, отличающийся тем, что на задней стенке направляющей дорожки установлены датчики перемещения, сигнализирующие нахождение системы уборки-выпуска закрылка в положениях "убран" и "выпущен".

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2478520C2

Изобретение относится к системам автоматического управления обеспечения большой подъемной силы самолета с помощью пред-/закрылок (21, 22), которые выполнены с возможностью установки в различные конфигурации: для крейсерского полета, полета в зоне ожидания, взлета или посадки. Система состоит из устройства управления пред-/закрылками (26), которое посредством управляющего соединения (25) соединено с приводной системой (23, 24) пред-/закрылок (21, 22), и функционального блока (7), который соединен с устройством (26) управления пред-/закрылками для ввода рабочих команд, управляющих установкой пред-/закрылок (21, 22). Устройство (26) управления пред-/закрылками предназначено для расчета соответствующих конфигураций пред-/закрылок (21, 22), направления конфигурационного изменения, рабочих режимов скоростей переключения, взаимосвязанных с автоматизированными компонентами регулирования пред-/закрылок (21, 22) в зависимости от данных о состоянии полета и/или других существенных для управления полетом ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264329C1

Изобретение относится к области авиации. Прямое или стреловидное крыло состоит из центроплана, консолей, предкрылков, закрылков и органов управления полетом. На зашивке крыла и передней части закрылков выполнены вертикальные гофры высотой не менее 15 мм, образующие плавные профилированные сужающиеся каналы с отношением входного и выходного сечений 2:1. В убранном положениях закрылков каналы перекрыты, а во взлетном и посадочном положениях закрылков оси выходных сечений каналов совпадают с направлением основного потока на верхней поверхности крыла. Технический результат - улучшение характеристик крыла на больших углах атаки. 5 ил.

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010107880A

... 1. Система обеспечения большой подъемной силы для самолета, имеющая основное крыло (1), расположенный на основном крыле (1) и выполненный с возможностью регулировки относительно основного крыла (1) посредством органов управления закрылками и приводного устройства между убранным положением и несколькими выпущенными положениями закрылок (2), и расположенную на основном крыле (1) несущую деталь (3, 21), с которой соединены органы управления закрылками и относительно которой органы управления закрылками выполнены с возможностью перемещения для регулировки закрылка (2), ! отличающаяся тем, что ! несущая деталь (3, 21) установлена на основном крыле посредством опорного устройства (10), которое имеет регулирующее устройство с первым регулирующим устройством (31) и вторым регулирующим устройством (32), которые в направлении потока расположены на расстоянии друг от друга, с помощью которого ориентация несущей детали относительно ориентации основного крыла является регулируемой, ! по меньшей мере ...

06-09-1990 дата публикации

Servo drive with variable torque limiter - has torque limited w.r.t. displacement via variable gearing and with friction flanges

Номер: DE0004005235A1

The servo drive is fitted with special torque limiters in which the torque limit varies with displacement of the drive. The limiter has an interdigitated friction disc clutch and a variable gearing. The latter is operated by a variable clutch operated with displacement controlled by a displacement monitor (74). The output gearing from the torque limiter has two sets of bevel gears which mesh with a single output shaft (38). The torque limit can be set low at the start and finish of the servo drive and larger for the major part of the drive. USE/ADVANTAGE - Compact drive, protected drive linkage for aircraft control flaps.

07-04-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001227316A

02-03-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in or connected with wings for aircraft

Номер: GB0000443516A

... 443,516. Controlling aircraft. SHORT BROS. (ROCHESTER & BEDFORD), Ltd., and GOUGE, A., Seaplane Works, Rochester, Kent. Jan. 7, 1935, No. 488. [Class 4] An aircraft wing a, Fig. 2, has its trailing portion separated from the main portion to form a controller section b which is curved to a part cylindrical or part conical formation and is adapted to be projected rearwardly on an arc of a circle so arranged in relation to the wing that the continuity of the upper surface is preserved in all positions of the controller section. The under surface of the wing is curved at a<1> to correspond with the upper surface of the controller. The controller is provided with fore-and-aft rollers b<1>, b<2>, Fig. 3, at each of its ends and these run in slots a<2> in plates a<3> carried by the main part of the wing. Fixed to controller b at each end is a triangular plate b<3> connected by a link b4 to an arm b<5> pivoted at b<6> and adapted to be actuated by hydraulic or other means. In the form described ...

07-05-1981 дата публикации

Variable camber wings.

Номер: GB0002060520A
Автор: Sharrock, Barry

A variable camber wing which may act as an aileron and as a slotted flap comprises a leading wing portion 1, a chordwise arm 4 tiltably mounted thereon and carrying a flap element 5, and an intermediate wing portion 6 slidably mounted on the chordwise arm by means of trackways 8 and associated rollers 9. An upper flexible but inextensible skin 11 is anchored to both the leading wing portion 1 and the intermediate wing portion 6. Downward tilting of the arm 4 from a median position causes the upper skin 11 to draw the intermediate wing portion 6 away from the flap element 5. On tilting through small angles, the intermediate wing portion 6 moves chordwise and the skin 11 slides over flap element 5 and defines a smooth and continuous surface between the leading wing portion 1 and the flap element, whilst on tilting through large angles, the intermediate wing portion moves upwardly relative to the flap element and lifts the skin 11 therefrom to form a slot between the flap element 5 and skin ...

30-09-1998 дата публикации

Aerofoil having a landing flap

Номер: GB0009816546D0

27-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002003098B

15-11-2023 дата публикации

Control surface arrangement and method

Номер: GB0002618543A

A control surface arrangement 200 comprises a first control surface portion 210, a downstream second control surface portion 220 that is moveable, and a vortex generator 230 arranged to induce vortices in a fluid flow passing over either the first and/or second control surface portion. A method of influencing fluid flow with such a control surface arrangement is also provided. The vortex generator 230 may be provided on the leading edge 212 of the first control surface portion, and may comprise projections 232 extending from the leading edge. A second vortex generator (334, Figure 3) may be at a side surface (314) of the first control surface portion. A third vortex generator (436, Figure 4) may be provided in a region between the first and second control surface portions. The control surface arrangement may be provided in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal orientation and may be moveable between these positions. The fluid flow may be liquid flow. The control surface arrangement may be ...

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415341T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442986T

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: ATA207998A

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000547322T

25-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410656B

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329825T

14-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037565990T

13-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037335393T

08-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037878084T

05-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036880453T

17-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033440150T

09-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036546694T

13-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037769182T

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Wing tilt actuation system for electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft

Номер: AU2018337666A1
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft (10) includes a fuselage and first and second forward wings (20, 22), each wing (20, 22) having a fixed leading edge and a trailing control surface (50) which is pivotal about a generally horizontal pivot axis. The aircraft (10) includes first and second electric motors (60) each having rotors (70), the electric rotors (70) being pivotal with the trailing control surface (50) between a first position in which each rotor (70) has a generally vertical axis of rotation, and a second position in which each rotor (70) has a generally horizontal axis of rotation, a control system (90) is configured to selectively operate the first electric motor (60) and the second electric motor (60) at different rotational speeds to generate a turning moment to pivot the control surface (50) about the pivot axis (33).

30-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002253610A1

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002431352A1

An aircraft flag extension mechanism including a flap positioning mechanism (30) comprising a carriage (50) and track system (40) suitable for use with variable radius or multiple curvature tracks.

05-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002431352C

An aircraft flag extension mechanism including a flap positioning mechanism (30) comprising a carriage (50) and track system (40) suitable for use with variable radius or multiple curvature tracks.

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002454145C

Lift flap mechanism for adjusting a lift flap assigned to an airplane wing by means of a driving system, the lift flap mechanism comprising a main connection mechanism and a secondary connection mechanism in the form of a guide lever disposed in an articulated manner on the lift flap and the flap track, the main connection mechanism having a steering lever arrangement with at least one steering lever which has a first steering lever joint and a second steering lever joint, the at least one steering lever by way of a pendulum coupled to the first steering lever joint being connected with the flap track, and the second steering lever joint being guided such that, by means of a defined angular position of the at least one steering lever, the positions of the main connection joint and of the secondary connection joint are unambiguously determined.

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767990C

Disclosed are a high-lift-generating device, a wing, and a noise-reduction device for the high-lift-generating device, which aim to reduce noise generated when flaps are deployed, suppress degradation of aerodynamic characteristics when the flaps are retracted, and suppress an increase in weight, and which are provided with a flap body (5) disposed in a deployable/retractable manner to a main wing, and a protrusion (6A-1) that protrudes smoothly in the direction away from the flap body (5) and is in the vicinity of at least one end of the pressure surface (PS) of the flap body (5). The protrusion smoothly increases from a leading edge side toward an intermediate portion, smoothly decreases from the intermediate portion toward the trailing edge, smoothly increases from the end portion toward the intermediate portion, and smoothly decreases from the intermediate portion.

28-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002706413A1

The invention relates to a device for moving a trailing edge flap (10) on an aircraft wing (2), wherein the trailing edge flap comprises one or more flap segments (4, 6, 8), a first flap segment (4) being movably mounted on the wing (2) and connected to a first toothed moving element (22) driven by a first pinion (16).

25-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002554067A1

The invention proposes a landing flap guide for aircraft, in which the translatory landing flap (1) movement is realized with a glide slide (4) that is supported and guided in slideways of the landing flap carrier (3). The slide (4) is connected to the landing flap (1) and, in order to extend and retract the landing flap (1), guided along the flap carrier (3) by means of at least one glide guide(41, 42, 43, 44).

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003024750A1

Apparatus and method for actuating a double-slotted flap (26) movably coupled to an aircraft wing (12) are disclosed. An exemplary method comprises actuating a first panel (26A) of the double-slotted flap (26) relative to a structure of the aircraft wing (12), using motion of the first panel (26A) to induce rotation of a slave screw (38), and using the rotation of the slave screw (38) to actuate the second panel (26B) relative to the first panel (26A).

30-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002454145A1

The invention relates to a lift-flap mechanism for the operation of a lift- flap (2) on a flap support (3) of a lifting wing (1), by means of a drive system (6), whereby the lift-flap mechanism (4) comprises a main connector mechanism (7) and an auxiliary connector mechanism (9) in the form of an articulated guide lever (40), mounted on the lift flap (2) and the flap support (3). The main connector mechanism (7) comprises a linking lever arrangement (20) with at least one linking lever (20a, 20b), with a first link lever joint (24) and a second link lever joint (26),whereby the at least one link lever (20a, 20b) is connected to the flap support (3), by means of a pivot (25),coupled to the first link lever joint (24) and the second link lever joint (26) is guided such that at a particular angular position of the at least one link lever (20a, 20b), the positions of the main connector joint (8) and the auxiliary connector joint (42) are unambiguously determined.

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909376A1

There is disclosed herein a connecting rod assembly for a flight control surface actuation system (10), the assembly comprising a connecting rod (16) for connecting a flight control surface to a rotary actuator (12) and a position sensor (20) mounted to the connecting rod (16) for sensing the position of the connecting rod (16) relative to a rotary actuator (12).

30-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682680A1

The invention provides an aircraft, comprising a fuselage (8), an airfoil (1) mounted to the fuselage (8) and a flap (2; 3) for steering the aircraft . Furthermore, connecting means (18; 79) articularly connect the flap (2; 3) to the airfoil (1) such that the flap (2; 3) is allowed to rotate around a rotation axis (28; 82) substantial parallel to the trailing or leading edge (4; 5) of the airfoil (1) between a retracted position (I) and an extended p osition (II) and to translate in a direction (54a; 98) substantially paralle l to the rotation axis (28; 82). A rod (43; 95) articularly connect the flap (2; 3) to the airfoil (1) or to the fuselage (8), wherein the rod (43; 95) defines the translation of the flap (2; 3) in the direction (55a; 98) parall el to the rotation axis (28; 82). Hence, by way of the invention, forces act ing of the flap (2; 3) in a direction (55a; 98) parallel to the rotation axi s (28; 82) can be taken up by the rod (43; 95). Consequently, there is no ne ed for using ...

30-06-1994 дата публикации

Device to increase lift of wing of aircraft

Номер: CH0000683982A5

An air guidance element (5) stretches over the span of the wing (1) and at least nearly over the length of the landing flap (2) region, and is movable either in or on the wing. During normal flight, the element is integral in the profile of the wing and when landing, it is brought out of the wing profile (3) onto of the region between the profile and the landing flaps.During normal flight the element is arranged in the wing so that it's surface forms part of the wing surface and covers the gap between the wing and the flaps. The element is made up of several synchronously driven segments and it may be mechanically, hydraulically or electromechanically activated.

27-10-2020 дата публикации

Folding wing with folding trailing edge flaps

Номер: CN0111824394A

04-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002393725B1

21-07-1939 дата публикации

Aerofoil of plane, comprising a principal wing and an auxiliary wing sliding and rocking relative with the first

Номер: FR0000844255A

26-05-1939 дата публикации

Foil of plane provided with two auxiliary wings swivelling out of a cavity of the lower part of the back part of the principal wing

Номер: FR0000841782A

01-05-1936 дата публикации

Improvements with the control drives for aircraft

Номер: FR0000797675A

05-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002393725A

Commande d'aileron et de volet d'atterrissage pour avions de haute performance à voilure relativement mince, ladite commande étant assurée essentiellement au moyen d'articulations, de leviers et d'un vérin. Le volet 1 comporte sur sa face inférieure un élément d'accouplement 2 le long du bord aile 3 duquel sont prévues deux articulations 4, 5. L'articulation supérieure 4 est reliée par l'intermédiaire d'un levier 7 avec un centre de rotation 6 fixe, tandis que l'articulation 5 inférieure possède un degré de liberté de mouvement dirigé sensiblement dans le sens vertical lorsque le volet est manoeuvré vers le bas, alors que, lorsque le volet est manoeuvré vers le haut, l'articulation 5 effectue un mouvement de rotation autour de l'articulation 4 qui est alors bloquée en position.

30-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002467775A1

07-07-1972 дата публикации

Extension and retraction mechanism of an aircraft wing flap

Номер: FR0002115468A2

07-11-2018 дата публикации

에어포일을 위한 가장자리 변경 장치

Номер: KR1020180121569A

... 에어포일의 가장자리 변경 장치는 함께 접합된 순응성 상부 표면 및 순응성 하부 표면을 포함한다. 액튜에이터는 구동 표면에 결합되고 구동 표면을 움직여서 그것의 형상을 변화시키도록 작동되는데, 구동 표면의 작동에 응답하여 비구동 표면이 그것의 형상을 변화시킨다. 상부 및 하부 표면들은 비행기의 고정익의 전통적인 플랩에 장착된 서브 플랩의 일부일 수 있다. 상부 및 하부 표면들은 플랩에 있는 현존의 구조에 장착될 수 있거나, 또는 플랩 구성 요소들이 서브 플랩에 장착될 수 있다. 상부 및 하부 표면들은 항공기의 고정익에서 전통적인 플랩을 대안으로 교제할 수 있다. 상부 및 하부 표면들은 연속적일 수 있고, 플랩 또는 날개에 대하여 날개 길이 방향으로 비틀리거나, 상방향 또는 하방향으로 편향될 수 있다.

29-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: SG11202002182XA

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011156347A2

An aircraft control system is presented. The system includes a wing including a flap track, and a shuttle connected to the flap track and configured to slide along a length of the flap track. The system includes a flap panel pivotally attached to the shuttle at a flap pivot. The flap panel is configured to rotate about the flap pivot. When the shuttle is deployed along a length of the flap track, the shuttle is configured to prevent rotation of the flap panel about the flap pivot, and when the shuttle is withdrawn into a stowed position, the shuttle is configured to allow the flap panel to rotate about the flap pivot.

01-12-1953 дата публикации

Номер: US0002661166A1

02-05-1944 дата публикации

Extendible wing flap

Номер: US2348150A

27-12-2022 дата публикации

Wing tilt actuation system for electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft

Номер: US0011535371B2
Автор: Andrew Dudley Moore
Принадлежит: AMSL Innovations Pty Ltd

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft (10) includes a fuselage and first and second forward wings (20, 22), each wing (20, 22) having a fixed leading edge and a trailing control surface (50) which is pivotal about a generally horizontal pivot axis. The aircraft (10) includes first and second electric motors (60) each having rotors (70), the electric rotors (70) being pivotal with the trailing control surface (50) between a first position in which each rotor (70) has a generally vertical axis of rotation, and a second position in which each rotor (70) has a generally horizontal axis of rotation, a control system (90) is configured to selectively operate the first electric motor (60) and the second electric motor (60) at different rotational speeds to generate a turning moment to pivot the control surface (50) about the pivot axis (33).

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Actuation system for flight control surface

Номер: EP2803584B1
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations GmbH

03-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EP3461738A1
Автор: MORTLAND, Michael T.

Example high-fowler flap actuation apparatus and related methods are disclosed. An example apparatus includes a control surface operatively coupled to a wing of an aircraft via a first support arm and a drive arm, the drive arm linearly extendible from a retracted position to a deployed position, the deployed position including the control surface extended away from the wing at a first angle with respect to the wing.

08-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2178748B1
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations GmbH

27-01-1988 дата публикации

Device to adjust the flaps of an aircraft wing

Номер: EP0000253986A1

Flap carriers fold spanwise (about chordwise axes) into the wing but are moved down together through pivotal linkage; the flaps are protracted and retracted through pivoting of the carriers relative to each other on spanwise axes. On retraction, the entire assembly fits into the wing so that the flow determining contour thereof remains undisturbed.

18-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3998194A1

The present invention relates to a wing assembly (10) for an aircraft with a fuselage and at least one pair of wings, the wing assembly (10) defining a direction of flow (F) with respect to which the wing assembly (10) is configured to create lift for the aircraft, comprising a main section (12), which is configured to be mounted to the fuselage in a fixed manner so as to extend from the fuselage in an extension direction of the wing; and a plurality of flap sections (14) each with a body part (16), which are mounted to the main section (12) in a pivotable manner so as to be individually pivotable around a pivot axis (A) by means of a pivoting means (18) over a range of angular orientations including a horizontal orientation in which the body part (16) of the flap section (14) is substantially aligned with the main section (12) to form an elongate and substantially continuous cross-section; and a vertical orientation in which the flap section (14) is angled downwards with respect to the ...

01-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4269232A1
Автор: Gibbert, Markus

A fairing attachment system for a wing of an aircraft comprises a high lift support structure (11) configured for movable supporting a high-lift airfoil element (17) of a wing (10) of an aircraft relative to the wing (10), a fairing device (12) extending in a lengthwise direction (X), configured for providing an aerodynamic housing of the high lift support structure (11) when attached to a surface (13) of the wing (10), and an adjustable attachment element configured for attachment of the fairing device (12) to the high lift support structure (11). The adjustable attachment element (14) is longitudinally extending and adjustable in length in order to compensate tolerances of the high lift support structure (11) relative to the wing (10) during assembly. An aircraft wing comprises the fairing attachment system. The fairing attachment system is used in a method for mounting a fairing device (12) to a wing (10) of an aircraft.

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429163C2
Принадлежит: Зе Боинг Компани (US)

Авиационная система включает крыло и устройства задней кромки крыла самолета с непараллельными траекториями движения. Внутреннее устройство задней кромки крыла, присоединенное к крылу с возможностью перемещения относительно крыла между первым убранным положением и первым выдвинутым положением вдоль первой траектории движения. Внешнее устройство задней кромки крыла присоединено к крылу с внешней стороны внутреннего устройства задней кромки крыла с возможностью перемещения относительно крыла вдоль второй траектории движения, которая не параллельна к первой траектории движения. Промежуточное устройство задней кромки крыла присоединено между внутренним и внешним устройствами задней кромки крыла с возможностью перемещения относительно крыла вдоль третьей траектории движения, которая не параллельна как к первой, так и ко второй траекториям движения. Каждое из устройств задней кромки крыла может формировать промежуток между собой и крылом при перемещении в соответствующие развернутые позиции.

07-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766037C2

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к конструкциям летательных аппаратов вертикального взлета и посадки (ВВП). Летательный аппарат (10) ВВП содержит фюзеляж (24), первое и второе передние крылья (20, 22) и первое и второе задние крылья (30, 32). Каждое крыло (20, 22) имеет неподвижную переднюю кромку (25, 35) и заднюю управляющую поверхность (50), которая выполнена с возможностью поворота вокруг в целом горизонтальной оси. Электрические роторы (60) установлены на крыльях (20, 22, 30, 32), причем электрические роторы (60) выполнены с возможностью поворота вместе с задней управляющей поверхностью (50) между первым положением, в котором каждый ротор (60) имеет в целом вертикальную ось вращения, и вторым положением, в котором каждый ротор (60) имеет в целом горизонтальную ось вращения. При этом по меньшей мере одно из крыльев (20, 22, 30, 32) имеет первый и второй электрические роторы (60), каждый из которых установлен так, что их оси вращения не параллельны, так что линии ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515820C2

Изобретение относится к авиации, а именно к управлению летательными аппаратами. Механизм представляет собой рычажно-пружинный или линейно-пружинный механизм, имеющий положение неустойчивого равновесия и содержащий рычаг, прикрепленный к управляемому элементу, и/или к органу управления, и/или к промежуточному кинематическому звену, и шарнирно прикрепленную к концу рычага пружину сжатия или растяжения. Усилие пружины направлено к оси вращения управляемого элемента. Пружина или толкатель должны крепиться к рычагу и к самолету двумя шарнирами. Обеспечивается уменьшение усилий при ручном управлении различными управляемыми элементами летательных аппаратов. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2517540C2

Группа изобретений относится к области авиации. Устройство для увеличения подъемной силы содержит основной элемент (5) закрылка, установленный с возможностью выпуска и убирания относительно основного крыла, и выступающий элемент (6А-1), выполненный так, что он имеет плавный контур и расположен вблизи концевого участка в направлении размаха поверхности положительного давления основного элемента (5) закрылка, выступая в направлении от основного элемента закрылка. Крыло содержит основное крыло и устройство для увеличения подъемной силы. Устройство для снижения шума содержит съемный основной элемент, выполненный с возможностью присоединения к концевому участку в направлении размаха основного элемента закрылка и возможностью отсоединения от концевого участка в направлении размаха основного элемента закрылка, установленного с возможностью выпуска и убирания относительно основного крыла, и выступающий элемент. Группа изобретений направлена на увеличение подъемной силы и снижение шума без увеличения ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2438927C2

Группа изобретений относится к области авиации. Увеличивающая подъемную силу крыла система по первому варианту имеет увеличивающий подъемную силу крыла закрылок (2), который расположен на крыле (1) летательного аппарата с возможностью поворота вокруг точек вращения (3) на крыле (1), или на каретке, или сопряженном с крылом рычаге. Закрылок (2) имеет возможность перемещения посредством приводного устройства между убранным положением (I), в котором закрылок (2) дополняет форму крыла, и несколькими выпущенными положениями (II, III), в которых между крылом (1) и закрылком (2) образована щель (4). Закрылок (2) расположен с углом относительно профиля крыла. Точка вращения (3), вокруг которой закрылок (2) имеет возможность поворота, расположена в изменяемом положении относительно крыла (1), или каретки, или сопряженного с крылом рычага. По второму варианту системы шарнир предусмотрен на кинематическом элементе для обеспечения дополнительного сочленения между закрылком (2) и кареткой, первым концом ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583239C1

Изобретение относится к авиации. Устройство выдвижения закрылка крыла самолета содержит неподвижно закрепленную на крыле балку, на которой шарнирно закреплены звено несущее переднее, звено несущее заднее и коромысло. С передним и задним несущими звеньями шарнирно соединено звено передней навески закрылка, которое звеном синхронизации шарнирно соединено с коромыслом, одно плечо которого шарнирно соединено со звеном синхронизации, а второе плечо - со звеном задней навески закрылка. Звено передней навески закрылка присоединено к балке закрылка посредством сферического шарнира. Звено задней навески закрылка присоединено к коромыслу и к балке закрылка посредством сферических шарниров. Изобретение направлено на уменьшение внутренних напряжений в звеньях. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006129029A

... 1. Направляющая посадочного закрылка летательного аппарата, в которой направляющий элемент соединяется с посадочным закрылком, опирающимся на направляющий рельс с возможностью перемещения между положениями взлета и посадки, и в которой направляющий элемент (4) выполнен в форме каретки, которая может менять свое положение, при этом направляющая посадочного закрылка представляет собой несущее устройство (3) для закрылка, имеющее в основном прямолинейную форму и используемое в качестве направляющей с помощью по меньшей мере одного направляющего механизма скольжения (41, 42; 43, 44) несущего устройства (3) для закрылка. 2. Направляющая посадочного закрылка по п.1, в которой направляющий механизм скольжения содержит по меньшей мере один элемент скольжения (41, 43), а также выделенную выемку (42, 44), в которую выступает элемент скольжения и в которой он направляется для скольжения в выемке. 3. Направляющая посадочного закрылка по п.1, в которой имеются первый и второй направляющие механизмы ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2560218C1

Изобретение относится к авиационной технике и касается конструкций исполнительных механизмов перемещения закрылков самолёта. Механизм перемещения закрылка содержит силовой привод с выходным рычагом и каретку, установленную с возможностью продольного перемещения в направляющих элементах рельса, закрепленного под крылом. При этом механизм снабжен промежуточной траверсой, присоединенной к каретке с возможностью поворота и посредством кронштейна и шарнирной тяги - к закрылку. Передняя часть траверсы соединена с передним плечом рычага привода шарнирной тягой, а задняя часть траверсы посредством другой шарнирной тяги - с задним плечом рычага привода. Достигаются улучшение аэродинамических свойств закрылка, уменьшение массы конструкции и габаритов, снижение коэффициента трения, увеличение угла отклонения. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107490A

... 1. Увеличивающая подъемную силу крыла система для летательного аппарата, содержащая крыло (1) и увеличивающий подъемную силу крыла закрылок (2), который сопряжен с крылом (1) посредством механизма опускаемого шарнира, при этом увеличивающая подъемную силу крыла система содержит рычаг (5) закрылка, который выполнен с возможностью поворота посредством исполнительного привода между убранным положением (I), в котором закрылок (2) дополняет форму крыла, и несколькими выпущенными положениями (II, III), в которых между крылом (1) и закрылком (2) образована щель (4) заданной ширины, отличающаяся тем, что ! увеличивающая подъемную силу крыла система содержит приводимый в действие приводным устройством кинематический элемент (6), при этом первый конец рычага (5) закрылка установлен на закрылке (2), а второй конец рычага (5) закрылка вращаемо сопряжен с кинематическим элементом (6), обеспечивая первую точку (3) вращения, и при этом кинематический элемент (6) вращаемо сопряжен с крылом (1), обеспечивая ...

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010125100A

... 1. Устройство для перемещения щитка (10) задней кромки крыла (2) самолета, в котором щиток (10) задней кромки имеет один или несколько сегментов (4, 6, 8) щитка, при этом первый сегмент (4) щитка установлен на крыле (2) с возможностью перемещения и соединен с перемещаемым посредством первой шестерни (16) первым зубчатым движущим элементом (22), и ! в котором второй сегмент (6) щитка установлен на первом сегменте (4) щитка с возможностью перемещения и соединен с перемещаемым посредством второй шестерни (18, 52) вторым зубчатым движущим элементом (24, 48), ! отличающееся тем, что ! второй сегмент (6) щитка соединен с первым сегментом (4) щитка посредством второго шарнира (38), а второй зубчатый движущий элемент (24, 48) соединен с первым сегментом (4) щитка вне оси второго шарнира (38) посредством одного или нескольких соединенных друг с другом шатунов (28). ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором первый сегмент (4) щитка соединен с крылом (2) посредством первого шарнира (32), а первый зубчатый ...

02-08-2007 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Überwachung von verschwenkbaren Klappen an Flugzeugtragflügeln

Номер: DE102004063018B4

Vorrichtung zur Überwachung von verstellbaren Klappen, wie Landeklappen, an Flugzeugtragflügeln über Drehsensoren (9) zur Ermittlung von Fehlstellungen oder fehlerhaften Antrieben über eine Auswerteeinrichtung (11), wobei die Klappen (1, 2) durch zentrale Antriebseinheiten (3) sowie einen Wellenstrang (4) verstellbar und jede Klappe (1, 2) über mehrere zugeordnete lokale Stellelemente (5, 6) gehalten und einstellbar sind, und wobei Signale der Drehsensoren (9) als dezentrale Überwachungseinrichtungen zur Fehlerlokalisierung der lokalen Stellelemente (5, 6) jeder Klappe (1, 2) an die Auswerteeinrichtung (11) übermittelbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Drehsensoren (9) jeweils in der Drehachse (8) der Klappe (1, 2) jedem Stellelement (5, 6) zugeordnet und zur Sensorrotation über einen Federbügel (10) als Koppel für eine Winkelübertragung mit dem Stellelement (5, 6) verbunden sind, wobei der Federbügel (10) in Rotationsrichtung eine Steifigkeit und in lateraler Richtung für einen ...

25-07-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002755442C2

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Flugzeughochauftriebssystem mit Überlastsicherung

Номер: DE502004001759D1

07-04-1937 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000643377C

18-05-2011 дата публикации

Traversing air jet across a control surface

Номер: GB0002475377A

An actuation unit 500 associated with a control surface 502 of a platform, a fluid source 514 configured to supply an airflow to the actuation unit, and a control unit for moving an air jet across the control surface. The actuation unit is configured to form a traversing air jet. The control surface may be a flap or wing of an aircraft. The actuation unit may comprise an outer element 506 having a lateral slot 508 and an inner element 510 having a helical slot 512. Rotation of the inner element moves the air jet 908 along the control surface. The traversing air jets provides lift using less air flow.

19-06-2019 дата публикации

4-bar linkage

Номер: GB0002569376A

A 4-bar linkage has a first link 130 with arms 132,134 spaced apart and pivot about the same axis 125 at a second end; a second link 140, opposite the first link, pivots about a different axis 127 at a position in between the arms. Preferably, the first link has two arms joined at a first end and each extending to a respective spaced apart pivot point. Preferably, the linkage is suitable for use in an aircraft wing enabling the movement of a leading edge flap into an extended position relative to a machined bracket 120. The bracket may be rigidly connected to an aircraft wing structure between two ribs. A first component 110 may be integral with the flap. When extended, at least a portion of the second link may be positioned between the two arms of the first link.

07-02-2001 дата публикации

An aircraft flap mechanism

Номер: GB0000031442D0

23-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008915487D0

22-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009014849D0

16-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002233613A

A flap assembly includes a flap member (2) located at the trailing edge of an aircraft wing (4). A bracket (12) extends down from the flap member (2), and a mounting arm (8) extends rearwardly form the lower surface of the wing. Two link arms (14 and 16) are pivotally mounted at their upper ends (18 and 20) to the mounting arm (8), and at their lower ends (22 and 24) to the bracket (12). The flap member (2) is moved between its stowed and its downwardly extended positions by an actuating mechanism (26) which is mounted on the aircraft wing (4), and connected either to the flap member (2) or to the bracket (12). The actuating mechanism (26) may be of either a linear or a rotary type.

07-03-1979 дата публикации

Aircraft wings

Номер: GB0002003098A

An aircraft wing has a main portion to the rear of which is carried a lift increasing portion, and connecting means, including a rotary actuator 17 which accepts high speed/low torque rotation from a spanwise extending shaft 18 and converts this to a low speed/high torque output, connecting the lift increasing portion to the main portion for movement from a first position in which the leading region 2 of the lift increasing portion lies close to the trailing region 1 of the main portion to a second position in which a slot is formed between the trailing region and the leading region for lift increasing purposes, the connecting means providing pivotal movement of the lift increasing portion for aircraft control purposes in both the first and second positions. ...

13-07-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the control surfaces of aircraft

Номер: GB0000570613A

... 570,613. Controlling aircraft. FAIREY AVIATION CO., Ltd., CHAPLIN, H. E., and COSTIGAN, F. J. Jan. 11, 1944, No. 536. [Class 4] An aircraft has control surfaces arranged to be housed in, and to be depressed or lowered from, recesses in the trailing marginal portions of the wings, and which, wholly or in part, may be moved differentially for the purpose of lateral control, that part of the trailing marginal portion of the wing which is above the member which serves as an aileron, or an auxiliary member above said parts, being arranged to be raised simultaneously with the depression of a corresponding member at the other side of the wing, and wherein for the purpose of raising a hinged part at one side of the aircraft when the part functioning as an aileron at the other side is depressed, each of said hinged parts is connected with the control column of the aircraft by link-andlever mechanism which is non- effective when the control column is moved in one direction from its mid-position and ...

12-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to aircraft

Номер: GB0000493655A

... 493,655. Aerofoil with variable characteristics. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP DERDE HILLEGOMSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ TOT EXPLOITATIE VAN ONROERENDE ZAKEN. June 28, 1937, No. 17920. Convention date, June 29, 1936. [Class 4] An aeroplane wing comprises two sections adapted when nested together to form a wing having an aerofoil section suitable for flight at cruising speed and adapted to be separated to form a slotted wing, the forward wing section moving forwardly and at least one section rotating about the lateral axis of the aeroplane during separation. A forward wing section 40, Figs. 1 and 2, is pivoted at 45 to one corner of a triangular rocking plate 49 pivotally mounted on fuselage 4 at 50 and carries a rearwardly extending arm 43 connected by a link 54 with a pivoted support 46 of rear wing section 41. The latter section is connected near its leading edge by a link 52 to corner 51 of plate 49 and carries landing flaps or ailerons 42 which are automatically depressed on relative movement between ...

27-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001547903A

15-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000287356T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000528208T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475589T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358044T

05-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030050896T

14-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031407165T

06-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033378985T

21-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036853868T

16-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038616607T

19-04-2012 дата публикации

High lift system for an aircraft and method for detecting faults in a high lift system for an aircraft

Номер: US20120091282A1
Автор: Olaf Spiller

The present invention relates to a high lift system for an aircraft, comprising a flap, which is arranged on a wing box and which can be moved between a retracted position and at least one extended position relative to the wing box by means of a drive device, a support construction, which is arranged on the wing box in the area of the drive device and to which the flap is coupled and which comprises a movable support element, which can be moved to move the flap relative to the wing box, and an acceleration sensor arranged in the area of the flap or the movable support element for detecting accelerations of the flap.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112814A1
Автор: Yue Haikou
Принадлежит: AIRBUS S.A.S.

A droop panel linkage for aircraft includes a lever arm, a main lever, a main tube and at least one drive strut. The lever arm is pivotally attached at a first end to a flap and is pivotally connected at a second end to a first end of the main lever. A second end of the main lever is provided with a first engagement element for engaging with a second engagement element incorporated into or associated with the main tube. The main tube is pivotally connected to a proximal end of the drive strut. A distal end of the drive strut is pivotally attached to the droop panel. 1. A droop panel linkage for aircraft , comprising a lever arm , a main lever , a main tube and at least one drive strut , said lever arm is pivotally attached at a first end to a flap and is pivotally connected at a second end to a first end of the main lever , wherein a second end of said main lever is provided with a first engagement means for engaging with a second engagement means incorporated into or associated with the main tube , said main tube being pivotally connected at its one end to a proximal end of the drive strut , wherein a distal end of the drive strut is pivotally attached to the droop panel , characterized in that said main lever is configured as a single-lever type of main lever.2. A droop panel linkage according to claim 1 , characterized in that the main lever engages with the main tube by means of a spline arrangement.3. A droop panel linkage according to claim 1 , characterized in that said main tube consists of an outboard tube and an inboard tube claim 1 , and the outboard tube has substantially the same configuration as the inboard tube.4. A droop panel linkage according to claim 3 , characterized in that said outboard tube and said inboard tube respectively have at a first end the second engagement means claim 3 , preferably outer spline teeth claim 3 , for engaging with the first engagement means of the main lever claim 3 , preferably inner spline teeth claim 3 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001894A1
Автор: Jones Tony

A skew detection system for a high lift system for an aircraft, wherein pairs of sensors provide an onboard determination of relative skew between the sensors of each pair as an indication of skew of a flap of the high lift system. 1. A skew detection system comprising:a pair of sensors, at least one of said sensors in said pair including means for comparing positional information from each sensor of the pair, indicative of a position of the respective sensor, and determining relative skew between the sensors of the pair based on the comparison.2. A skew detection system as in claim 1 , wherein both sensors of the pair include onboard processing means for comparing the positional information.3. A skew detection system as in claim 1 , comprising a plurality of such pairs of sensors.4. A skew detection system according to claim 3 , whereby the results of the comparison for a first pair of sensors are sent to the next pair of sensors claim 3 , and so on until a last pair of sensors claim 3 , which sends the results of the comparison for all pairs of sensors to a central computer.5. A high lift system for an aircraft claim 1 , comprising at least one moveable flap provided with a skew detection system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the relative skew between the sensors is indicative of skew of the flap. This application claims priority to European Patent (EP) Application No. 14176001.7 filed Jul. 7, 2014, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to systems for sensing skew in aircraft panels.Aircraft wings are provided with airfoils or so-called high lift systems which extend from the wing edges. The high lift devices are known as “flaps” (when on the wing leading edge) or “slats” (when on the wing trailing edge).Actuating mechanisms cause the flaps or slats to lift or lower relative to the wing to vary aerodynamic drag or lift. This allows the aircraft to be accelerated/decelerated for better control on take off ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010171A1
Автор: Bekircan Suat, Brewer Paul

A gurney flap arrangement comprises: an airfoil with an opening in a surface of the airfoil; a gurney flap having a first position in which at least a portion of the gurney flap extends through the opening and projects outwardly from the airfoil surface, and a second position in which the gurney flap does not project from the airfoil surface or projects outwardly from the airfoil surface to a lesser extent; and a seal disposed about the opening to seal a gap in the opening between the gurney flap and the airfoil. 1. A gurney flap arrangement comprising:an airfoil having an airfoil surface, the airfoil surface having an opening formed therein;a seal disposed in the opening that seals the opening; anda gurney flap having a first position in which at least a portion of the gurney flap extends through the opening and projects outwardly from the airfoil surface, and a second position in which the gurney flap does not project from the airfoil surface or projects outwardly from the airfoil surface to a lesser extent;wherein the seal comprises a cap section fixed to an end of the gurney flap and provides an aerodynamic surface of the gurney flap.2. A gurney flap arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the seal comprises a fold section connecting the cap section to the airfoil claim 1 , wherein in the first position the fold section defines a surface curving out from the airfoil towards the end of the gurney flap claim 1 , and wherein in the second position the fold section retracts into the airfoil.3. A gurney flap arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cap section of the seal is fixed to the end of the gurney flap that projects from the airfoil surface when the gurney flap is in the first position.4. A gurney flap arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the seal completely covers the opening and fully seals the gurney flap inside the airfoil. The present application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/475,346, filed on Mar. ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028332A1
Автор: FATTAL Souren Georges

A method for controlling a first motor and a second motor to synchronize respective positions of the first motor and the second motor may comprise comparing the positions to determine a position difference, incrementally increasing a speed of one of the first motor and the second motor and incrementally decreasing a speed of the other of the first motor and the second motor according to the position difference, and repeating the incrementally increasing and incrementally decreasing until the respective positions are synchronized. Additionally, motor current limiting may be applied by reducing the target speed of the motor(s) with high applied torque(s), which may result in a position difference between the two motors subject to synchronization/correction. If current limiting is applied to one or both of the motors, speed synchronization may be applied in addition to position-based synchronization. 1. A method for controlling a speed of a first motor to synchronize a first actuator driven by said first motor with a second actuator driven by a second motor , comprising:receiving respective positions of said first motor or said first actuator and of said second motor or said second actuator;comparing the respective positions to each other to determine a position difference and whether said first motor is leading or trailing said second motor;incrementing said speed if said first motor is trailing and decrementing said speed if said first motor is leading; andrepeating the receiving, the comparing respective positions, and the incrementing and decrementing until the position difference is less than a position difference threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said position difference threshold is a first position difference threshold claim 1 , wherein the incrementing comprises incrementing said speed by a first amount if said first motor is trailing and the position difference is equal to or greater than the first position difference threshold and less than a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031317A1
Автор: Tsai Kevin, Virnig Jacob

Example articulation assemblies for retracting aircraft flap support fairing tailcones and related methods are described herein. An example flap support fairing disclosed herein includes a housing to be coupled to a bottom side of a flap on a trailing edge of a wing of an aircraft, a tailcone disposed outward from an aft end of the housing, and an articulation assembly configured to move the tailcone between an extended position in which a portion of the tailcone is disposed beyond the aft end of the housing and a retracted position in which the portion of the tailcone is disposed within the housing. 1. A flap support fairing comprising:a housing to be coupled to a bottom side of a flap on a trailing edge of a wing of an aircraft;a tailcone disposed outward from an aft end of the housing; andan articulation assembly configured to move the tailcone between an extended position in which a portion of the tailcone is disposed beyond the aft end of the housing and a retracted position in which the portion of the tailcone is disposed within the housing.2. The flap support fairing of claim 1 , wherein the articulation assembly is configured to move the tailcone from the extended position to the retracted position when the housing is moved downward relative to the wing.3. The flap support fairing of claim 1 , wherein the articulation assembly includes a track coupled to the tailcone and a plurality of rollers disposed within the housing claim 1 , and wherein the tailcone is configured to move into and out of the housing via sliding engagement of the track and the rollers.4. The flap support fairing of claim 1 , wherein the articulation assembly includes a slotted link arm rotatably coupled to a moveable side support of a flap support disposed in the housing claim 1 , and wherein the slotted link arm is configured to move the tailcone as the slotted link arm rotates.5. The flap support fairing of claim 4 , wherein the slotted link arm is coupled to the tailcone via a drag ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031453A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A camber adjustment system for a wing of an aircraft includes a droop panel that is configured to moveably couple to a portion of the wing, a flap, a cam rod moveably coupled to the droop panel, a bell crank cam arm moveably coupled to the flap, and a jackscrew interface between the cam rod and the bell crank cam arm. The droop panel is configured to move in response to movement of the flap via the jackscrew interface. 1. A camber adjustment system for a wing of an aircraft , the camber adjustment system comprising:a droop panel that is configured to moveably couple to a portion of the wing;a flap;a cam rod moveably coupled to the droop panel;a bell crank cam arm moveably coupled to the flap; anda jackscrew interface between the cam rod and the bell crank cam arm, wherein the droop panel is configured to move in response to movement of the flap, via the jackscrew interface.2. The camber adjustment system of claim 1 , devoid of a dedicated droop actuator.3. The camber adjustment system of claim 1 , further comprising a flap actuator operatively coupled to the flap claim 1 , wherein the flap actuator is configured to move the flap between a retracted position and a deployed position.4. The camber adjustment system of claim 1 , further comprising a coupler link that is configured to moveably couple the cam rod to the droop panel.5. The camber adjustment system of claim 1 , further comprising a link arm that moveably couples the bell crank cam arm to the flap.6. The camber adjustment system of claim 1 , wherein the jackscrew interface comprises a track on or within one of the cam rod or the bell crank cam arm that slidably retains at least one protuberance extending from the other of the cam rod or the bell crank cam arm.7. The camber adjustment system of claim 6 , wherein the track is a helical track within the bell crank cam arm claim 6 , and wherein the protuberance outwardly extends from the cam rod into the helical track.8. The camber adjustment system of claim 6 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Pinned lug joint

Номер: US20160046362A1
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

A pinned lug joint including: a first part with two first lugs projecting from a bridge which extends between them; a second part pivotally coupled to the first part, the second part including a second lug positioned between the first lugs; and a sealing member, the sealing member being mounted to the first lugs and extending between them to seal an air gap between the second lug and the bridge at least when the second part is in a first position. The pinned lug joint may be used to attach a panel assembly to part of an aircraft.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049253A1
Автор: Paul Blades
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

A seal is disclosed for a wing for providing an aerodynamic seal between a fixed aerofoil and a movable control surface.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Aircraft flap deployment system

Номер: US20220073190A1
Автор: Ali TFAILY
Принадлежит: Bombardier Inc

A method for controlling a position of a flap of an aircraft includes: receiving, by an actuator, a signal indicative of a desired flap position; when the desired flap position is a retracted flap position: moving the carriage along a track to a first carriage position thereby pivoting the flap to the retracted flap position where the flap is at a neutral flap angle; when the desired flap position is an intermediate flap position: moving the carriage along the track to a second carriage position thereby pivoting the flap to the intermediate flap position where the flap is at a negative flap angle; when the desired flap position is an extended flap position: moving the carriage along the track to a third carriage position thereby pivoting the flap to the extended flap position where the flap is at a positive flap angle. An aircraft flap deployment system is also disclosed.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059952A1
Автор: Bleazard Mark
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A torque tube door and related method steps may include a door coupled to an inboard wing flap, such that the door is movable with the flap to selectively cover and uncover a torque tube opening in an aircraft fuselage. 1. An assembly for covering a torque tube opening of an aircraft , the assembly comprising:a fuselage including an opening configured to receive a torque member;a wing connected to the fuselage, the wing including a flap adjacent to the fuselage; anda door coupled to and movable with the flap such that the door covers the opening when the flap is in a first position.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a sealing member disposed along an edge portion of the opening.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the door includes a central body portion and a perimetral flange portion claim 2 , the flange portion being configured to form a seal with the sealing member when the flap is in the first position.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the torque member is coupled to the wing flap.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the door is affixed to an inboard end portion of the flap.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the opening in the fuselage has an arcuate shape.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the door is further configured to uncover at least a portion of the opening when the flap is in a second position.8. The assembly of claim 7 , wherein the first position is a flaps up position claim 7 , and the second position is a flaps down position.9. A wing flap for an aircraft claim 7 , the wing flap comprising:a wing flap body having an inboard end portion;a torque member coupled to the wing flap body; anda door attached to the inboard end portion of the wing flap body;wherein a portion of the door extends transversely beyond the wing flap body.10. The wing flap of claim 9 , wherein the door is movable with the wing flap claim 9 , such that the door is configured to selectively cover and uncover an opening in an adjacent fuselage.11. The wing flap ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061441A1

A flap support structure incorporates an auxiliary flap support attachment fitting and an auxiliary flap support track. A primary load pin couples the auxiliary support track to the auxiliary flap support attachment fitting and reacts operating loads on the flap. At least one fuse pin extends through the primary load pin to limit translation of the primary load pin relative to the attachment fitting. 1. A flap support structure comprising:a flap support attachment fitting;a flap support track;a primary load pin coupling the flap support track to the flap support attachment fitting, said primary load pin reacting operating loads; andat least one fuse pin extending through the primary load pin to limit translation of the primary load pin relative to the attachment fitting.2. The flap support structure as defined in wherein the primary load pin is engaged in inboard and outboard slots in the flap support attachment fitting.3. The flap support structure as defined in wherein the at least one fuse pin is configured to fracture when subject to a shear out load claim 2 , said primary load pin translating in the inboard and outboard slots upon shearing of the at least one fuse pin.4. The flap support structure as defined in further comprising a spherical bearing mounted in the flap support track wherein the primary load pin is received through the spherical bearing and has end portions received in the inboard and outboard slots.5. The flap support structure as defined in wherein the end portions of the primary load pin have opposing flats received on upper and lower surfaces of the inboard and outboard slots.6. The flap support structure as defined in wherein the flap support attachment fitting further comprises a central channel between an inboard fitting extension and an outboard fitting extension claim 4 , the central channel receiving an aft lug of the flap support track claim 4 , the spherical bearing mounted in the aft lug.7. The flap support structure as defined in ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055616A1

This describes an aircraft control surface regulating device, comprising an elongated structural body formed of a base positioned at a first end and fixed to the structure of the aircraft and a regulation assembly arranged at a second end and positioned next to the control surfaces, the regulation assembly comprising at least one dial indicator positionable between a first measuring position and a second positioning position and at least one reference ruler arranged adjacent to at least one dial indicator and positionable between an initial position and a final position. 1. Regulating Device for control surfaces of aircraft , wherein the fact that it comprisesAn elongated structural body formed of a base positioned at a first end and fixed to the structure of the aircraft and by a regulation assembly arranged at a second end positioned next to the control surfacesthe regulation assembly comprising at least one dial indicator positionable between a first measuring position and a second positioning position and at least one reference ruler positioned adjacent to at least one dial indicator and positionable between a starting position and a final position.2. Device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the fact that the dial indicator is cooperative with the control surface when positioned in the second positioning position.3. Device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the fact that the reference ruler is cooperative with the control surface when positioned in the initial position.4. Device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the fact that the positioning of at least one dial indicator in the first measuring position is concomitant with the positioning of at least one reference ruler in the initial position.5. Device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the fact that the positioning of at least one dial indicator in the second positioning position is concomitant with the positioning of at least one reference ruler in the final position.6. Device claim ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061910A1

An edge-morphing arrangement for an airfoil includes a compliant upper surface and a compliant lower surface that are joined together. An actuator is coupled to a driven surface and actuated to move the driven surface and change the shape thereof, with the non-driven surface changing its shape in response to actuation of the driven surface. The upper and lower surfaces can be part of a sub-flap mounted to a traditional flap of the fixed wing of an airplane. The upper and lower surfaces can be mounted to existing structure in the flap, or the flap components can be mounted to the sub-flap. The upper and lower surfaces can alternatively replace the traditional flap in the fixed wing of an aircraft. The upper and lower surfaces are continuous and can be deflected upward, downward, or twisted in a span-wise direction relative to the flap or wing. 1. An edge morphing arrangement for use with an elongated airfoil of an aircraft , the arrangement comprising:an upper surface having an inner end and an outer end and extending in a span-wise direction from the inner end to the outer end, the upper surface defining a rear edge and a front edge;a lower surface having an inner end and an outer end and extending in a span-wise direction from the inner end to the outer end, the lower surface defining a rear edge and a front edge;wherein the upper and lower surfaces are formed of a deformable compliant material that is load-bearing and resilient;wherein the upper and lower surfaces are operatively coupled such that movement of one of the upper and lower surfaces will cause corresponding movement of the other of the upper and lower surfaces;an actuator coupled to a driven surface comprising one of the upper surface and the lower surface, the actuator being configured to move the driven surface in both a rearward and a forward direction relative to the actuator, wherein movement of the driven surface causes corresponding movement of a non-driven surface comprising the upper surface ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068255A1

A flap support structure for an aircraft wing having a trailing edge flap, the flap support structure comprising: a flap support beam including an aerodynamic fairing; and a drive unit including a universal support structure which rotatably receives a drive shaft connected to a drive arm for moving the trailing edge flap, wherein the universal support structure also forms part of the flap support beam and supports the aerodynamic fairing. 1. A flap support structure for an aircraft wing having a trailing edge flap , the flap support structure comprising: a flap support beam including an aerodynamic fairing; and a drive unit including a universal support structure which rotatably receives a drive shaft connected to a drive arm for moving the trailing edge flap , wherein the universal support structure also forms part of the flap support beam and supports the aerodynamic fairing.2. A flap support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the drive unit further comprises an actuator mounted to the universal support structure and coupled to the drive shaft.3. A flap support structure according to claims 2 , wherein the drive unit is mounted to an upper portion of the universal support structure which projects beyond the aerodynamic fairing.4. A flap support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the flap support beam is configured to be supported by the aircraft wing by mounting means provided on the universal support structure.5. A flap support structure according to claim 4 , wherein the mounting means are provided on an upper portion of the universal support structure which projects beyond the aerodynamic fairing.6. A flap support structure according to claim 4 , wherein the mounting means include bearings for receiving a pin.7. A flap support structure according to claim 6 , wherein the bearings are spherical bearings.8. A flap support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the drive arm is curved.9. A flap support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065731A1
Автор: BERTHOUD Marcelo

Describes a deflection mechanism of the flap panels of an aircraft, the aforesaid deflection mechanism being connected to a wing of an aircraft by means of a first fixed structure and to the flap panels by linkage points, in order to support and deflect the flap panels in desired positions, the deflection mechanism of the flap panels of an aircraft comprises of a set of moving hinged links pivotally connected with each other and linked to a first fixed structure, and a hinged drive link connected to the flap panel and to a second fixed structure, the set of moving hinged links being linked to the flap panel by at least one linkage point in order to pivot jointly the moving hinged links deploying the flap panels in an initially predominantly rectilinear and subsequently deflected trajectory and at the same time aligned with a longitudinal direction of the aircraft, without the use of tracks and rollers, the hinged drive link being pivoted from the movement of the flap panels by the set of moving hinged links. 1. Deflection mechanism of the flap panels of an aircraft , the aforesaid deflection mechanism being connected to a wing of an aircraft by means of a first fixed structure and to the flap panels by linkage points in order to support and deflect the flap panels in desired positions , the deflection mechanism of the flap panels of an aircraft being characterized by the fact that it comprises ofa set of moving hinged links pivotally connected with each other and linked to a first fixed structure, anda hinged drive link connected to the flap panel and to a second fixed structure,the set of moving hinged links being linked to the flap panel by at least one linkage point in order to pivot jointly the moving hinged links deploying the flap panels in an initially predominantly rectilinear and subsequently deflected trajectory and at the same time aligned with a longitudinal direction of the aircraft,the hinged drive link being pivoted from the movement of the flap ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065732A1

A fluidic actuator for influencing a flow of a surrounding fluid along a flow surface has a blowing duct for connecting to a pressurized-fluid source, and has a surface blowing opening formed in the flow surface, and a suction duct for connecting to a surface suction opening formed in the flow surface, wherein the suction duct flows into the blowing duct at an entrainment opening. 1. A fluidic actuator for influencing a flow of a surrounding fluid along a flow surface , comprising:a blowing duct comprising an intake opening at a first end of the blowing duct for connecting to a pressurized-fluid source, and a blowing opening at a second end of the blowing duct for connecting to a surface blowing opening formed in the flow surface; anda suction duct comprising a suction opening at a first end of the suction duct for connecting to a surface suction opening which is formed in the flow surface and is arranged at a distance from the surface blowing opening in a flow direction of the surrounding fluid,the suction duct flowing, at a second end of the suction duct, into the blowing duct at an entrainment opening disposed between the first end of the blowing duct and the second end of the blowing duct.2. The fluidic actuator of claim 1 , wherein the entrainment opening faces the blowing opening.3. The fluidic actuator of claim 1 , wherein between the entrainment opening and the blowing opening the blowing duct is configured to have a cross section that is larger than a cross section of the blowing duct between the intake opening and the entrainment opening.4. The fluidic actuator of claim 1 , wherein a central body forms a wall of the blowing duct claim 1 , which wall extends between the entrainment opening and the blowing opening of the blowing duct claim 1 , and forms a wall of the suction duct.5. The fluidic actuator of claim 1 , further comprising:a supply variation device, by which it is possible to control, in particular periodically stop, a supply into the blowing ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089277A1

A method of retrofitting a wing of a fixed wing aircraft is disclosed including the steps of providing an existing aircraft wing with a main fixed wing portion, and the main fixed wing portion having a tip end and an existing movable flight control surface connected adjacent the tip end. The existing movable flight control surface is then removed from the main fixed wing portion, and a wing tip device and movable flight control surface are selected as a pair to replace the existing movable flight control surface, with the selected movable flight control surface having an aerodynamic surface of different shape to the shape of the flight control surface removed from the wing. The selected wing tip device and movable flight control surface are then fitted to the main fixed wing portion. 1. An aircraft wing having a root end , a tip end , a span extending between the root end and the tip end , a leading edge , a trailing edge and a chord extending between the leading edge and the trailing edge , and comprising:a main fixed wing portion having an inboard portion adjacent the root end, and an outboard portion adjacent the tip end;a wing tip device attached to the tip end of the wing; anda movable flight control surface connected at the outboard portion of the main fixed wing portion and having a leading edge, a trailing edge and a chord extending between the leading edge and the trailing edge,wherein a ratio of the local chord length of the movable flight control surface to the local chord length of the wing varies in the spanwise direction.2. An aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the local chord length of the movable flight control surface to the local chord length of the wing increases or decreases in the spanwise direction.3. An aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the wing tip device is blended into the tip end of the main wing portion.4. An aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the control surface is an aileron claim 1 , flaperon ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070954A1

A wing system () for an aircraft includes a movable flow body () and a cover panel (), wherein the flow body () and the cover panel () both are movably supported on a main wing body (). While the flow body () is actively driven into upwards or downwards deflected positions, the cover panel () is coupled with the flow body () to follow its motion. The cover panel covers a part of the flow body () and the main wing body () in order to provide a substantially continuous, closed outer contour. 1. A wing system for an aircraft comprising:a main wing body,a movable flow body,a cover panel,a support structure attached to the main wing body, anda first link swivably coupled to the moveable flow body at a first end of the first link,wherein the support structure protrudes through a contour of the main wing body,wherein the moveable flow body is positioned downstream of the main wing body,wherein the moveable flow body is swivably coupled to a first joint at an end of the support structure, such that the flow body is swivable around the first joint from a neutral position to upwards or downwards deflected positions,wherein the cover panel is positioned between the main wing body and the flow body,wherein the cover panel is movably coupled to the main wing body and swivably coupled to a second end of the first link to follow motion of the flow body at least partially, andwherein the main wing body, the cover panel and the flow body are configured to create a closed wing contour at least in the neutral position.2. The wing system of claim 1 , wherein the support structure protrudes downwards from a bottom side of the main wing body.3. The wing system of claim 1 , wherein the first joint is arranged forward the flow body and underneath the cover panel while in the neutral position.4. The wing system of claim 1 , wherein the support structure is rigidly attached to the main wing body.5. The wing system of claim 1 , further comprising a connecting structure attached to an ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072958A1

Aircraft and associated methods, apparatus, system and storage devices for automatically positioning of lift control devices such as high lift devices including slats and flaps so an aircraft equipped with this technology will not need to count on the crew to command the lift control devices. 1. A system for controlling an aircraft , comprising:at least one sensor configured to monitor at least one condition of the aircraft;at least one manual input for controlling an operation of the aircraft other than a lift control device; andan actuator that positions at least one lift control device in response to received control signals from a control computer,the control computer being operatively coupled to the actuator, the at least one sensor and the at least one manual input, the control computer configured to automatically generate control signals for the actuator to automatically control, without any human intervention, the position of the at least one lift control device by inferring the phase of flight of the aircraft from the at least one sensor and the at least one manual input, for all phases of flight of the aircraft.2. The system of wherein the control computer does not require any additional lift control device manual control input setting during flight to automatically control the at least one lift control device during all phases of flight.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the phases of flight of the aircraft include: take-off claim 1 , approach claim 1 , landing claim 1 , go-around and taxiing.4. A system for automatically controlling at least one lift control device positionable to cruise claim 1 , landing and positions therebetween claim 1 , comprising:at least one sensor configured to monitor at least one condition of the aircraft during flight;at least one manual lift control mode selector including an Auto selection;at least one manual input designated to control an aircraft operating parameter other than the at least one lift control device; andat ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079489A1

An airfoil is provided having reduced noise generation for use with an aircraft. The airfoil includes a body and a cover. The body has a leading edge spaced from a trailing edge and a side surface disposed between the leading edge and the trailing edge. The body defines an inlet proximate the leading edge and configured to receive air. The side surface defines an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet. The outlet is configured to exhaust air away from the side surface. The cover overlies the inlet and is movable between a first and a second cover position. The cover is configured to prevent movement of air through the inlet when the cover is in the first cover position and configured to permit movement of air through the inlet when the cover is in the second cover position. 1. An airfoil having reduced noise generation for use with an aircraft , the airfoil comprising:a body having a leading edge spaced from a trailing edge and a side surface disposed between the leading edge and the trailing edge, the body defining an inlet proximate to the leading edge and configured to receive air, the side surface defining an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet, and the outlet configured to exhaust air away from the side surface; anda cover overlying the inlet and movable between a first cover position and a second cover position, and the cover configured to prevent movement of air through the inlet when the cover is in the first cover position and configured to permit movement of air through the inlet when the cover is in the second cover position.2. The airfoil of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises an aircraft wing and a flap moveably coupled to the aircraft wing and having the side surface.3. The airfoil of claim 2 , wherein the flap has the leading edge and the trailing edge claim 2 , and the flap defines the inlet proximate the leading edge of the flap.4. The airfoil of claim 2 , wherein the aircraft wing has the leading edge and the flap has the trailing ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Flap System For An Aircraft, Method For Adjusting The Lift Of An Aircraft And Aircraft Comprising A Main Wing And At Least One Flap System

Номер: US20140166819A1

A flap system for an aircraft includes a flow body, a trailing flap and a movement means. The flow body includes an upper surface and a lower surface, the lower surface having a recess. The movement means is attachable to the flow body and the trailing flap. The trailing flap includes a shape that corresponds to the recess in the lower surface. The movement means is adapted for conducting at least a chordwise movement of the trailing flap such that it is movable out of and into the recess of the flow body in absence of a gap between the leading edge of the trailing flap and the flow body. Thereby, a clear increase in a lift coefficient may be achieved, while at the same time maintaining a low complexity and a high reliability of the flap system. 1. A flap system for an aircraft , the flap system comprising:a flow body;a trailing flap; anda movement means;wherein the flow body comprises an upper surface and a lower surface, the lower surface having a recess,wherein the movement means is attachable to the flow body and the trailing flap;wherein the trailing flap comprises a shape corresponding to the recess in the lower surface; andwherein the movement means is adapted for conducting at least a chordwise movement of the trailing flap such that the trailing flap is movable out of and into the recess of the flow body in absence of a gap between the leading edge of the trailing flap and the flow body.2. The flap system of claim 1 , wherein the movement means is adapted for providing an additional rotary motion.3. The flap system of claim 1 , wherein the movement means includes a mechanical linkage.4. The flap system of claim 1 , wherein the movement means comprises at least one roller track guide claim 1 , wherein the roller track guide comprises at least one track and at least one roller claim 1 , wherein the roller is guided in the at least one track.5. The flap system of claim 1 , wherein the flow body is a slotted flap movably supported on the trailing edge of a wing ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Control surface for an aircraft, and aircraft having a flexible control surface

Номер: US20190084665A1

A control surface of an aircraft comprises a fixed skin panel, a first flexurally elastic skin panel and a second flexurally elastic skin panel, which is connected to the first flexurally elastic skin panel and is configured to at least partially overlap the fixed skin panel. Furthermore, the control surface comprises an actuator system, which is configured to move the second flexurally elastic skin panel parallel to the fixed skin panel, wherein the actuator system has a fixed structural element arranged in a root region of the control surface, and a structural element that is movable relative to the fixed structural element.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086977A1
Автор: HEALY Daren

A starboard wing of an aircraft includes various movable aerodynamic surfaces, such as a spoiler, slat, aileron, flap or the like. An actuator is provided for moving each such surface. The location and mounting of the actuator of the starboard wing is symmetrical about the centreline of the aircraft to that of the actuator of the port wing. The location of the piston, arm or other mechanical output of the actuator is at a centre portion of the actuator (i.e. at or near the midline of the actuator. The input port(s) for power is/are also at the centre portion. The actuator for the starboard wing may thus be substantially identical to the actuator for the port wing. 1. An aircraft comprising a first wing on a starboard side and a second wing on a port side , the first wing being substantially symmetrical to the second wing about a centreline of the aircraft , wherein each of the first wing and the second wing comprisesa main body including load-bearing structure,a movable aerodynamic surface,an actuator which is attached to at least one part of the load-bearing structure of the main body of the wing, the actuator having a mechanical output arranged to move the movable aerodynamic surface relative to the main body of the wing, and an input of power for powering movement of the mechanical output, and whereinthe movable aerodynamic surface of the first wing is symmetrical to the movable aerodynamic surface of the second wing about the centreline of the aircraft,the location of the actuator of the first wing is symmetrical about the centreline to the location of the actuator of the second wing,the location of the part of the load-bearing structure of the main body of the wing to which the actuator of the first wing is attached is symmetrical, about the centreline, to the location of the part of the load-bearing structure of the main body of the wing to which the actuator of the second wing is attached,each actuator has an outboard end, an inboard end, and a centre portion ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093756A1
Автор: LORENZ Florian

A system for driving and guiding a trailing edge control surface arranged on a wing of an aircraft includes a first guide device attachable to the wing and coupled with an inboard section of the control surface for guiding the inboard section along a trajectory relative to the trailing edge region of the wing between a retracted position and an extended position, a second guide device attachable to the wing and holding a connecting means of an outboard section of the control surface, and a drive device attachable to the wing and the control surface for moving the control surface. The trajectory is a spatial path at least along one dimension, wherein a distance between the inboard section of the control surface and a fixed part of the wing changes during a motion of the inboard section on the trajectory. 1. A system for driving and guiding of a trailing edge control surface arranged on a trailing edge region of a wing of an aircraft , the system comprising:a first guide device attachable to the wing and coupled with an inboard section of the control surface for guiding the inboard section of the control surface along a predetermined trajectory relative to the trailing edge region of the wing between a retracted position and at least one extended position;a second guide device attachable to the wing and holding a connecting means of an outboard section of the control surface; anda drive device fixedly attachable to the wing and the control surface for moving the control surface;wherein the trajectory is a spatial path at least along one dimension, wherein a distance between the inboard section of the control surface and a fixed part of the wing changes during a motion of the inboard section on the trajectory; andwherein at least one of the second guide device and the connecting means is designed to swivably hold the connecting means of the outboard section of the control surface under prevention of a translatory motion of the connecting means relative to the wing.2. ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092451A1
Автор: BOND Gary A., Cohen Gary

A fairing door assembly for use with an aircraft includes a first door pivotable between a first door open position and a first door closed position. The first door open position is associated with a first flap position of a flap of the aircraft, and the first door closed position is associated with a second flap position of the flap. The fairing door assembly also includes a second door pivotally coupled to the first door. The second door is pivotable between a second door open position and a second door closed position. The second door open position is associated with the first flap position and the second door closed position is associated with a third flap position that is different than the first flap position. 1. A fairing door assembly for use with an aircraft that includes a flap , said fairing door assembly comprising:a first door pivotable between a first door open position and a first door closed position, wherein the first door open position is associated with a first flap position of the flap and the first door closed position is associated with a second flap position; anda second door pivotally coupled to said first door, said second door being pivotable between a second door open position and a second door closed position, wherein the second door open position is associated with the first flap position and the second door closed position is associated with a third flap position different than the second flap position.2. The fairing door assembly of claim 1 , wherein when said first door is in the first door closed position claim 1 , said second door is at least partially open in a second door intermediate position.3. The fairing door assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a hinge configured to couple said first door to a fairing structural panel of the aircraft claim 1 , wherein said hinge biases said first door toward the first door closed position.4. The fairing door assembly of claim 1 , wherein said second door comprises a transition member ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092454A1
Автор: Mortland Michael T.

Example high-fowler flap actuation apparatus and related methods are disclosed. An example apparatus includes a control surface operatively coupled to a wing of an aircraft via a first support arm and a drive arm, the drive arm linearly extendible from a retracted position to a deployed position, the deployed position including the control surface extended away from the wing at a first angle with respect to the wing. 1. An apparatus comprising:a control surface operatively coupled to a wing of an aircraft via a first support arm and a drive arm, the drive arm linearly extendible from a retracted position to a deployed position, the deployed position including the control surface extended away from the wing at a first angle with respect to the wing.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control surface is a trailing-edge flap.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including at least a second support arm.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first support arm includes a first body pivotably coupled to the wing and a second body claim 1 , the second body pivotably extendible from the first body.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first support arm further includes a third body and a fourth body claim 4 , the third body pivotably extendible from the second body claim 4 , the fourth body pivotably coupled to the third body and the control surface.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the first angle is based on a second angle of the second body with respect to the third body.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drive arm includes a first linear body claim 1 , a second linear body claim 1 , and a third linear body claim 1 , the second linear body including a first end and a second end claim 1 , the first end pivotably coupled to the wing and the second end pivotably coupled to the first linear body claim 1 , the first linear body including a third end and a fourth end claim 1 , the third end pivotably coupled to the control surface and the fourth end ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101671A1

A flap support mechanism includes a track rotatably connected to an aft fitting of a wing. A forward roller and an aft roller extend laterally from a flap structure, the forward roller and aft roller constrained in a slot in the track. The slot has a profile configured to induce both translation and rotation in the flap, in concert with rotation of the track about the aft fitting, thereby passively mirroring motion of the flap induced by an actuator driven primary main flap support. 1. A flap support mechanism comprising:a track rotatably connected to an aft fitting of a wing; anda forward roller and an aft roller extending from a flap structure in a flap, said forward roller and said aft roller constrained in a slot in the track, said slot having a profile configured to induce both translation and rotation in the flap, in concert with rotation of the track about the aft fitting, thereby allowing an outboard edge or an inboard edge of the flap to passively mirror motion of the flap induced by an actuator driven primary main flap support.2. The flap support mechanism of wherein the track has a forward lug and further comprising:a clevis on a trailing end of the aft fitting;a spherical bearing in the forward lug; anda pivot pin extending through the clevis and spherical bearing thereby rotatably engaging the forward lug to the aft fitting.3. The flap support mechanism of wherein the flap structure is a rib.4. The flap support mechanism of wherein the rib is a closeout rib.5. The flap support mechanism of further comprising:a first roller pin received through the forward roller; anda second roller pin received through the aft roller, said first and second roller pins extending into the rib, a first standoff and a second standoff configured to provide lateral inboard spacing of the forward and aft rollers from the rib.6. The flap support mechanism of wherein the first and second roller pins each have a head and further comprising first and second retention washers ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107744A1

The present invention provides an aircraft including: a main wing; and a flight control surface that is deployed from the main wing in a first direction and in a second direction different from the first direction. In the aircraft, an end surface of the flight control surface facing the main wing when the flight control surface is not deployed is inclined with respect to the first direction or the second direction on at least one side of a longitudinal direction of the flight control surface, and a portion of the main wing facing the end surface is also inclined with respect to the first direction or the second direction in accordance with the end surface. 1. An aircraft comprising:a main wing; anda flight control surface that is deployed from the main wing in a first direction and in a second direction different from the first direction,wherein an end surface of the flight control surface facing the main wing when the flight control surface is not deployed is inclined with respect to the first direction or the second direction on at least one side of a longitudinal direction of the flight control surface, anda portion of the main wing facing the end surface is also inclined with respect to the first direction or the second direction in accordance with the end surface.2. The aircraft according to claim 1 ,wherein the end surface of the flight control surface is inclined with respect to both of the first direction and the second direction, andthe portion of the main wing facing the end surface is also inclined with respect to both of the first direction and the second direction in accordance with the end surface.3. The aircraft according to claim 1 ,wherein a connecting portion between the end surface of the flight control surface inclined with respect to the second direction and a lower surface side of the main wing in the flight control surface is chamfered.4. The aircraft according to claim 2 ,wherein a connecting portion between the end surface of the flight ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112027A1

Aircraft wings having improved deflection control ribs are described. An example aircraft wing includes a rear spar, an outboard flap, a rear spar fitting, and a deflection control rib. The outboard flap is movable relative to the rear spar between a stowed position and a deployed position. The outboard flap includes a closure rib and a roller coupled to the closure rib. The rear spar fitting is coupled to the rear spar. The deflection control rib includes a primary arm and a catch. The primary arm is coupled to and extends rearward from the rear spar fitting proximate a lower surface of the aircraft wing. The catch is coupled to and extends rearward from the primary arm. The catch includes an opening to receive the roller of the outboard flap when the outboard flap is in the stowed position. 1. An aircraft wing , comprising:a rear spar;an outboard flap movable relative to the rear spar between a stowed position and a deployed position, the outboard flap including a closure rib and a roller coupled to the closure rib;a rear spar fitting coupled to the rear spar; and a primary arm coupled to and extending rearward from the rear spar fitting proximate a lower surface of the aircraft wing; and', 'a catch coupled to and extending rearward from the primary arm, the catch including an opening to receive the roller of the outboard flap when the outboard flap is in the stowed position., 'a deflection control rib including2. The aircraft wing of claim 1 , wherein the rear spar fitting includes a first end and a second end located opposite the first end of the rear spar fitting claim 1 , the primary arm of the deflection control rib includes a first end and a second end located opposite the first end of the primary arm claim 1 , and the catch of the deflection control rib includes a first end and a second end located opposite the first end of the catch claim 1 , and wherein the first end of the primary arm is coupled to the second end of the rear spar fitting claim 1 , the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Offset drive arm actuation of inboard flaps

Номер: US20210139129A1
Автор: Michael T. Mortland
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Offset drive arm actuation of inboard flaps is disclosed. A disclosed example apparatus includes an inboard flap support for moving an inboard flap. The inboard flap support includes an offset drive arm extending between a first attachment point of the inboard flap and a first pivot of a support, and a linkage extending between a second attachment point of the inboard flap positioned at a different position from the first attachment point and a second pivot of the support.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139141A1

Example double-blown wing vertical takeoff and landing aircraft are disclosed. An example apparatus includes a wing having a leading edge and a trailing edge, a mounting rib having a first end and a second end, the mounting rib coupled to the wing, the first end forward of the leading edge, the second end aft of the trailing edge, the mounting rib including: a first rotor having a first propeller, the first rotor coupled to the first end of the mounting rib below the leading edge, the first propeller having a first axis of rotation, and a second rotor having a second propeller, the second rotor coupled to the second end of the mounting rib above the trailing edge, the second propeller having a second axis of rotation substantially perpendicular to the first axis of rotation. 1. An apparatus comprising:a wing having a leading edge and a trailing edge; a first rotor having a first propeller, the first rotor coupled to the first end of the mounting rib below the leading edge, the first propeller having a first axis of rotation; and', 'a second rotor having a second propeller, the second rotor coupled to the second end of the mounting rib above the trailing edge, the second propeller having a second axis of rotation substantially perpendicular to the first axis of rotation., 'a mounting rib having a first end and a second end, the mounting rib coupled to the wing, the first end forward of the leading edge, the second end aft of the trailing edge, the mounting rib including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first rotor is driven by a wet fuel engine and the second rotor is driven by an electric motor.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first rotor and the second rotor are independently controlled.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first rotor and the second rotor are positioned at the same lateral position along the wing.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mounting rib is a first mounting rib mounted to a first side of the wing claim 1 , and ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Wing structure

Номер: US20200108910A1
Автор: David Brakes
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

A section of an aircraft wing including a leading edge of the aircraft wing. A leading edge part of the section includes ribs; and a skin fixedly attached to the ribs to form a spanwise series of adjacent cells. Each cell includes an enclosed volume bounded by the skin at the leading edge and a pair of the ribs. At least one cell of the series of adjacent cells is a dry cell include a mounting point for mounting a leading edge high-lift device support apparatus in the dry cell. The skin at the leading edge provides a primary load path for carrying at least some of a spanwise primary load experienced by the section when in use on an aircraft.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Wing flaps for aircraft and methods for making the same

Номер: US20140209737A1
Принадлежит: Gulfstream Aerospace Corp

Flaps for operatively coupling to wing main elements of aircraft, aircraft including such flaps and methods for making such flaps are provided herein. In one example, a flap for operatively coupling to a wing main element of an aircraft comprises an outer flap section that has a side edge portion. The side edge portion at least partially surrounds a flap side-edge cavity. A porous cavity-filler insert is positioned in the flap side-edge cavity.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134370A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

There is disclosed a method of treating a metal article which tapers towards an edge. A compressive force is applied to a treatment region of the article to generate an edge region of compressive residual stress adjacent the edge, and the treatment region is spaced apart from the edge region by an intermediate region. 1. A method of treating a metallic aerofoil leading edge comprising applying a compressive force to a treatment region of the article to generate an edge region of compressive residual stress adjacent the edge; wherein the treatment region is spaced apart from the edge region by an intermediate region having a region of tensile residual stress generated by the application of the compressive force to the treatment region.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment region is spaced apart from the edge by at least 2.5 mm along a direction perpendicular to the edge.3. A method according to claim 1 , comprising deep rolling to apply the compressive force.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein applying the compressive force comprises moving a roller element along a movement path having a plurality of path sections traversing back and forth over the treatment region along a principal direction substantially perpendicular to the edge.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein at each point along the movement path there is a respective contact area over which the roller element contacts the treatment region claim 4 , and wherein the compressive force is applied so that each path section of the movement path has a contact pathway defined by the contact areas along the respective path section which overlaps with a respective contact pathway of an adjacent path section.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the compressive force is applied so that a width of the contact pathway is substantially equal to twice the separation between adjacent path sections.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the article comprises opposing surfaces which ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134371A1

An air brake system for aircraft comprising control surfaces, such as slats, flaps and spoilers mounted to the wings of an aircraft, wherein each control surface is split, along a spanwise direction, into parts of the control surface, and the parts of each control surface are deployed desynchronously when the aircraft touches down. 1. An aircraft stabilizer comprising:movable control surfaces on an aircraft and configured to provide longitudinal and/or directional stability and control to the aircraft;wherein each control surface of the moveable control surfaces is split in the spanwise direction in at least two parts, andwherein the at least two parts for each control are configured to be deployed desynchronously when the aircraft touches down.2. The aircraft stabilizer according to claim 1 , wherein the respective parts of each control surface are configured to be consecutively deployed in opposite direction.3. An air brake system for an aircraft comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the aircraft stabilizer of , and'} slats mounted on a leading edge of the wings and are configured to extent forward of the wings;', 'flaps mounted on trailing edges of the wings and are configured to extend aft of the wings;', 'spoilers mounted to upper regions of the wings and configured to extend upward from upper external surfaces of the wings., 'wing mounted movable control surfaces mounted to wings on an aircraft, wherein the moveable control surfaces include at least one of4. The air brake system for aircraft according to claim 3 , where in the at least two parts of each stabilizer mounted control surface are consecutively deployed in opposite directions.5. An air brake control system for an aircraft comprising:flight control surfaces on wings of an aircraft, wherein the flight control surfaces are configured to deploy sequentially to increase drag and thereby reduce a velocity and angle of approach of an aircraft during a landing approach, anda movable ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Wing flap mechanism for high fowler, drooping spoilers and high efficiency

Номер: US20200130812A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A trailing edge flap mechanism for an aircraft incorporates a flap actuator 28 and a fore flap link 30 that pivots by actuation of the flap actuator. The fore flap link has a hinged end 32 pivotally coupled to a fore flap structure 34 and a clevis end 36 pivotally coupled to a fixed wing structure 18 at a first hinge axle 38 . A rocking lever 40 is pivotally coupled to a second hinge axle 42 on the fixed wing structure. A connector bar 44 has a first end 46 pivotally coupled to the fore flap link at a first connection axle 48 and a second end 50 pivotally coupled to the rocking lever at a second connection axle 52 . Pivotal movement of the fore flap link causes movement of the connector bar that is translated into rotational movement of the rocking lever about second hinge axle 42 to move an aft flap link 54 pivotally coupled to an aft flap structure 56 at a first pivot axle 58 and pivotally coupled to the rocking lever at a second pivot axle 60 , thereby deploying the flap to a lowered position relative to a trailing edge portion of the wing.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160144966A1

An aircraft including a fuselage extending along a longitudinal axis and having a rear end pointing reward of the aircraft, a main gear connected to the fuselage in a main gear position with respect to the longitudinal axis, and an engine for propelling the aircraft provided outside of the fuselage and attached to the fuselage via an attachment device between the main gear position and the rear end, wherein the engine generates a repulsive air stream streaming in the reverse direction. A surface element is moveably connected to the attachment device. The surface element moves between a neutral position at which it does not deflect the repulsive air stream, and a deflected position at which it deflects the repulsive air stream to assist aircraft rotation during take-off. 1. An aircraft comprising:a fuselage include a longitudinal axis, a rear end pointing in a reverse direction along the longitudial axis, and a nose end pointing in a flight direction along the longitudial axis, wherein the reverse direction is opposite to the flight direction;a wing connected to the fuselage;a main gear connected to the fuselage or to the wing in a main gear position with respect to the longitudinal axis, wherein the main gear is position behind a center of gravity of the aircraft;an engine provided outside of the fuselage and attached to the fuselage via an attachment device at a position spaced from the main gear position along the longitudinal axis, wherein the engine generates a repulsive air stream in the reverse direction of the aircraft, anda surface element moveably connected to the attachment device, wherien the surface element is movable between a neutral position at which the surrface element does not substantially deflect the repulsive air stream and a deflected position at which the surface element substantially deflects the repulsive air stream.2. The aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the engine is attached to the fuselage via the attachment device at a position ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Aircraft flap hinge

Номер: US20180141636A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Aerodynamic drag associated with a flap hinge assembly used to pivotally mount a flap to the trailing edge of an aircraft wing can be reduced when the cross-sectional area of the hinge fairing which surrounds the flap hinge assembly is reduced in size. The reduction in cross-sectional area of the hinge fairing is enabled when the flap hinge assembly attachment footprint to the underside of the flap box is also reduced. The flap hinge assembly has an internal support rib positioned between spars of the flap box structure internal to the skin, a hinge fitting exhibiting an actuation point and a hinge point positioned proximate a front spar of the flap box structure external to the skin, and a link passing through an aperture in the lower skin of the flap and coupling the internal support rib to the hinge fitting.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179259A1

A process and machine configured to predict and preempt an undesired load and/or bending moment on a part of a vehicle resulting from an exogenous or a control input. The machine may include a predictor with an algorithm for converting parameters from a state sensed upwind from the part into an estimated normal load on the part and a prediction, for a future time, of a normal load scaled for a weight of the aerospace vehicle. The machine may: produce, using a state upwind from the part on the aerospace vehicle and/or a maneuver input, a predicted state, load and bending moment on the part at a time in the future; derive a command preempting the part from experiencing the predicted load and bending moment; and actuate the command just prior to the part experiencing the predicted state, thereby alleviating the part from experiencing the predicted load and bending moment. 1. A process , the process comprising:predicting, using a state upwind from a part on a vehicle, a predicted state of and a predicted load on the part at a time in the future;deriving an alleviation command for a control element of the vehicle for preempting the part from experiencing the predicted load due to the predicted state; andactuating the alleviation command at the control element just prior to the part experiencing the predicted state, thereby alleviating the part from experiencing the predicted load.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is an aerospace vehicle.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the state upwind comprises at least one of: an exogenous environmental influence affecting the aerospace vehicle claim 1 , or a parameter sensed by a sensor located upwind from the part on the vehicle.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising deriving the predicted state and the predicted load based upon a wind gust sensed upwind from the part.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising using an estimate of a wind gust experienced upwind from the part for predicting a value for an ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155013A1

An aircraft airflow modification device, comprising: at least one resiliently deformable base member; and at least one resiliently deformable flap member that extends from the resiliently deformable base member. Deformation of the resiliently deformable base member from a first state to a second state results in corresponding deformation of the resiliently deformable flap member from a first state to a second state. 1. An aircraft airflow modification device , comprising:at least one resiliently deformable base member; andat least one resiliently deformable flap member that extends from the resiliently deformable base member,wherein deformation of the resiliently deformable base member from a first state to a second state results in corresponding deformation of the resiliently deformable flap member from a first state to a second state.2. The aircraft airflow modification device according to claim 1 , wherein the first state of the resiliently deformable flap member and the corresponding first state of the resiliently deformable base member are unbuckled states claim 1 , and the second state of the resiliently deformable flap member and the corresponding second state of the resiliently deformable base member are buckled states.3. The aircraft airflow modification device according to claim 1 , wherein the resiliently deformable flap member or the resiliently deformable base member is formed from at least one of a non-metallic material claim 1 , metallic material or composite material.4. An aircraft airflow modification device according to claim 1 , wherein a lateral dimension of the resiliently deformable base member is approximately 80 mm.5. The aircraft airflow modification device according to claim 1 , wherein a lateral dimension of the resiliently deformable flap member is approximately 30 mm.6. The aircraft airflow modification device according to claim 1 , wherein a vertical dimension of the resiliently deformable flap member is approximately 20 mm.7. An ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Indicating systems, devices and methods for high-lift flight control surfaces of aircraft

Номер: US20180155054A1
Автор: Benoit Ouellette
Принадлежит: Bombardier Inc

Systems, devices and methods a for use with one or more high-lift flight control surfaces ( 24 ) of aircraft are disclosed. One exemplary method comprises receiving data representative of a commanded configuration ( 48 ) for a high-lift flight control surface ( 24 ); and on a display device ( 14 ) of the aircraft, showing an indicator ( 30 ) indicating the commanded configuration and a corresponding commanded position ( 50 ) for the high-lift flight control surface ( 24 ). The indicator ( 30 ) graphically indicates a correlation between the commanded configuration ( 48 ) and the corresponding commanded position ( 50 ) for the high-lift flight control surface ( 24 ).

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152583A1

A secondary flight control system is provided. The secondary flight control system comprising: a first flight control surface system; a second flight control surface system; and a power distribution unit operably connected to the first flight control surface system and the second flight control surface system, wherein the power distribution unit is configured to generate torque to actuate the first flight control surface system and the second flight control surface system. 1. A secondary flight control system , comprising:a first flight control surface system;a second flight control surface system; anda power distribution unit operably connected to the first flight control surface system and the second flight control surface system, wherein the power distribution unit is configured to generate torque to actuate the first flight control surface system and the second flight control surface system.2. The secondary flight control system of claim 1 , further comprising:a T-gearbox operably connected to the power distribution unit, the first flight control surface system, and the second flight control surface system, wherein the T-gearbox is configured to split the torque from the power distribution unit into a first drive line towards the first flight control surface system and a second drive line towards the second flight control surface system.3. The secondary flight control system of claim 2 , further comprising:a first clutch operably connecting the first flight control surface system and the T-gearbox, wherein the first clutch is configured to engage and disengage the first flight control surface system from the T-gearbox.4. The secondary flight control system of claim 2 , further comprising:a second clutch operably connecting the second flight control surface system and the T-gearbox, wherein the second clutch is configured to engage and disengage the second flight control surface system from the T-gearbox.5. The secondary flight control system of claim 2 , further ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

System And Method For Detecting Mechanical Failure In The High Lift System Of An Aircraft

Номер: US20170158348A1
Автор: Tobias Teubner

An aircraft includes a fuselage, each wing with a movable flap element arranged on the wing, having a sensor element providing a sensor signal corresponding to vibrations on the flap element, and being movable between a retracted and an extended positions, drive means having a movable driven output connected by an actuation assembly with each of the flap element and configured such that a movement of the output effects a movement of each of the flap element between the extended and retracted positions. A control unit is adapted to compare for each sensor element during operation of an excitation means the amplitude of the vibrations in the frequency interval detected by that sensor element with a predetermined threshold of that sensor element and to provide a failure signal when for at least one sensor signal the amplitude is below the threshold of that at least one sensor signal.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148330A1
Автор: Barger Victor

A rotary device assembly is provided and includes an input shaft coupled to a torque generating device, an output shaft and a rotary device disposed to transmit first torque from the input shaft to the output shaft and configured with no-back capability to prevent second torque applied to the output shaft from being transmitted to the input shaft in an event the second torque deceeds a torque-limiting threshold and the no-back capability and torsional lock-up capability to prevent an overload of the torque generating device in an event the second torque exceeds the torque-limiting threshold. 1. A flight control actuation system , comprising:a dynamic surface pivotable relative to a static surface; anda rotary device assembly comprising:an output portion with a skewed roller assembly loaded by pre-load springs and a ball ramp assembly such that the skewed roller assembly provides variable drag torques which are variable based on the loads of the pre-load springs and the ball ramp assembly;a ball-ramp assembly; anda high gain cone brake assembly,the rotary device assembly being configured for input-output shaft torque transmission to control a pivoting of the dynamic surface while preventing output-input shaft torque transmission if torque applied to an output shaft deceeds a threshold and while preventing an overload of a torque generating device to which an input shaft is coupled if the torque applied to the output shaft exceeds the threshold.2. The flight control actuation system according to claim 1 , wherein the static surface comprises a wing and the dynamic surface comprises a flap or a slat.3. The flight control actuation system according to claim 1 , wherein the torque applied to the output shaft is applied via the dynamic surface.4. The flight control actuation system according to claim 1 , wherein the torque generating device comprises a motor.5. The flight control actuation system according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary device assembly further comprises ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166170A1

A trailing-edge flap system for a wing of an aircraft comprises a trailing-edge flap, a guide rail attached to the trailing-edge flap, a carriage slidably engaging the guide rail and rotatably attachable to a fixed position on the wing structure, and a drive means coupled the wing structure to a first joint on the guide rail. The drive means is configured to move the trailing-edge flap relative to the wing structure by moving the guide rail along the carriage by moving the first joint relative to the wing structure, such that the trailing-edge flap translates and rotates. The trailing-edge flap is at least movable into a cruise position, a high-lift position and an air brake position. 1. A trailing-edge flap system for a wing of an aircraft , the wing having a wing structure , the trailing-edge flap system comprising:a trailing-edge flap;a guide rail attached to the trailing-edge flap;a carriage slidably engaging the guide rail and rotatably attachable to a fixed position on the wing structure; anda drive means coupled to the wing structure and to a first joint on the guide rail, wherein the drive means is adapted for moving the trailing-edge flap relative to the wing structure by moving the guide rail along the carriage by moving the first joint relative to the wing structure, such that the trailing-edge flap translates and rotates, and wherein the trailing-edge flap is at least movable into a cruise position, a high-lift position, and an air brake position.2. The trailing-edge flap system of claim 1 ,wherein the guide rail is firmly attached to the trailing-edge flap.3. The trailing-edge flap system of claim 1 ,wherein the first joint is positioned on an upstream end of the trailing-edge flap.4. The trailing-edge flap system of claim 1 ,wherein the drive means comprises an actuator and a connection link that, is connected to the first joint of the guide rail and an articulation point of the actuator.5. The trailing-edge flap system of claim 1 ,wherein the drive ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299063A1
Автор: Smeal Andrew, Tsai Kevin

A three piece failsafe clevis includes a center portion having a center top surface, a planar first outer surface and a planar second outer surface. The second outer surface is oppositely oriented to the first outer surface. A channel in the center portion is configured to receive a tension and compression member. A left lateral portion is connected adjacent the first outer surface. The left lateral portion has a planar first inner surface received against the first outer surface and a left top surface coplanar with the center top surface. A right lateral portion is connected adjacent the second outer surface. The right lateral portion has a planar second inner surface received against the second outer surface and a right top surface coplanar with the center top surface. 1. A three piece failsafe clevis comprising:a center portion having a center top surface, a planar first outer surface and a planar second outer surface, said second outer surface oppositely oriented to the first outer surface, and a channel configured to receive a tension and compression link;a left lateral portion connected adjacent the first outer surface and having a planar first inner surface received against the first outer surface and a left top surface coplanar with the center top surface; anda right lateral portion connected adjacent the second outer surface and having a planar second inner surface received against the second outer surface and a right top surface coplanar with the center top surface.2. The three piece failsafe clevis as defined in wherein the center portion comprises:a center top flange having the center top surface; anda body portion having a left inner flange and a right inner flange perpendicularly depending from the center top flange;a left inner tang extending rearward from the left inner flange and a right inner tang extending rearward from the right inner flange;wherein the left inner flange and the left inner tang commonly form the planar first outer surface and the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160167769A1

A high-lift device of a flight vehicle includes: a flap main body provided at a trailing edge portion of a main wing of the flight vehicle so as to be extracted from and be retracted in the trailing edge portion and extending in a wing span direction of the main wing; and a vortex suppressing portion provided at a tip end portion of the flap main body in a wing span direction of the flap main body and configured to suppress a vortex rolling up from a lower surface of a tip end portion of the flap main body to an upper surface of the tip end portion. 1. A high-lift device of a flight vehicle ,the high-lift device comprising:a flap main body provided at a trailing portion of a main wing of the flight vehicle so as to be extracted from and be retracted in the trailing portion and extending in a wing span direction of the main wing; anda vortex suppressing portion provided at a tip end portion of the flap main body in an extending direction of the flap main body and configured to suppress a vortex rolling up from a lower surface of the tip end portion of the flap main body to an upper surface of the tip end portion of the flap main body, whereinthe vortex suppressing portion is a flow suppressing portion formed at an upper surface side of a leading edge portion of the tip end portion of the flap main body and configured to cause a flow along the upper surface of the tip end portion of the flap main body to be separated from the upper surface.2. The high-lift device according to claim 1 , wherein the flow suppressing portion is a projection provided along the wing span direction.3. The high-lift device according to claim 2 , wherein the projection is provided so as to project upward along the wing span direction.4. The high-lift device according to claim 3 , wherein the projection is provided only at the leading edge portion of the upper surface side of the flap main body. This is a Division of application Ser. No. 14/008,139 filed Sep. 27, 2013, which is a National ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Double-Blown Wing Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Номер: US20180162525A1

A vertical or short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aerial vehicle comprising: a wing having a leading edge and a trailing edge; a thrust rotor operatively coupled with the wing; and a lift rotor operatively coupled with the wing. The thrust rotor may comprise a first propeller having a first fixed axis of rotation that is substantially horizontal. The first propeller may be positioned forward of the leading edge. The lift rotor may comprise a second propeller having a second fixed axis of rotation that is substantially perpendicular to said first fixed axis of rotation. The wing may be operatively coupled with a fuselage. 1. A vertical or short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aerial vehicle comprising:a wing having a leading edge and a trailing edge; wherein the thrust rotor comprises a first propeller having a first fixed axis of rotation that is substantially horizontal, and', 'wherein the first propeller is positioned forward of the leading edge; and, 'a thrust rotor operatively coupled with the wing,'} 'wherein the lift rotor comprises a second propeller having a second fixed axis of rotation that is substantially perpendicular to said first fixed axis of rotation.', 'a lift rotor operatively coupled with the wing,'}2. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the wing includes a trailing edge flap.3. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the thrust rotor is configured to generate a horizontal thrust force.4. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the lift rotor is configured to generate a vertical thrust force.5. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the trailing edge flap is configured to redirect at least a portion of the horizontal thrust force to generate a vertical force.6. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the trailing edge flap is configured to pivot between a horizontal position and a substantially vertical position.7. The V/STOL aerial vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the trailing edge flap is configured to interact ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162541A1

Variable incident nacelle apparatus and methods are disclosed herein. An apparatus for varying an incident angle of a nacelle of an aircraft engine relative to an aircraft wing comprises a pylon frame member to be rigidly coupled to the aircraft engine. The pylon frame member is to be pivotable about a first axis of rotation. The apparatus further comprises a diagonal brace including a first end defining an aperture to receive a portion of a drive member. The portion of the drive member is to be rotatable relative to the aperture about a second axis of rotation. The drive member includes a pin positioned eccentrically relative to the second axis of rotation. The pin is to be coupled to the pylon frame member to pivot the pylon frame member in response to rotation of the portion of the drive member. 1. An apparatus for varying an incident angle of a nacelle of an aircraft engine relative to an aircraft wing , the apparatus comprising:a pylon frame member to be rigidly coupled to the aircraft engine, the pylon frame member to be pivotable about a first axis of rotation; anda diagonal brace including a first end defining an aperture to receive a portion of a drive member, the portion of the drive member to be rotatable relative to the aperture about a second axis of rotation, the drive member including a pin positioned eccentrically relative to the second axis of rotation, the pin to be coupled to the pylon frame member to pivot the pylon frame member in response to rotation of the portion of the drive member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pylon frame member is pivotable between a first position and a second position claim 1 , and wherein a distance between a lowest extent of the nacelle of the aircraft engine and a chord of the aircraft wing is to be reduced in response to the pylon frame member pivoting from the first position to the second position.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first axis of rotation is parallel to the second axis of rotation. ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220306283A1
Автор: Tulloch William

An aircraft wing including a wingbox with an upper cover, a lower cover, a forward spar and a rear spar. A leading edge of a trailing edge panel is attached to the wingbox. A support structure is attached to the wingbox and a connector is movably mounted to the trailing edge panel on a bearing. A first end of a link is attached to the connector, and a second end of the link is attached to the support structure. During assembly, the connector is moved on the bearing from a first position to a second position where the connector is aligned with the first end of the link, then the connector at the second position is attached to the first end of the link. The connector may be moved by a rack-and-pinion mechanism. 1. An aircraft wing comprising a wingbox with an upper cover , a lower cover , and a rear spar , a trailing edge panel with a leading edge , wherein the leading edge of the trailing edge panel is attached to the wingbox , a support structure attached to the wingbox , a connector movably mounted to the trailing edge panel on a bearing , and a link with a first end and a second end , wherein the first end of the link is attached to the connector and the second end of the link is attached to the support structure.2. The aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the trailing edge panel defines a plane claim 1 , and the connector is movably mounted to the trailing edge panel on the bearing such that the connector can move parallel to the plane.3. The aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises a rack claim 1 , and the aircraft wing further comprises a pinion gear coupled to the rack.4. The aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing is a linear bearing.5. The aircraft wing according to claim 1 , wherein the trailing edge panel is a lower trailing edge panel.6. The aircraft wing according to claim 5 , wherein the lower trailing edge panel has an upper surface and a lower surface which is configured to be exposed to airflow ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Optimised nozzle geometry

Номер: US20220306309A1
Принадлежит: Genesis Aerotech Ltd

A compressed gas ejection assembly 10 for a rotating wing aircraft blade 2 comprises a compressed gas passage 114 adapted to allow a substantially constant mass flow through the compressed gas ejection assembly 10 across at least a portion of the width of the compressed gas ejection assembly 10.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176539A1

A method for determining a state of a component in a high lift system of an aircraft comprises the steps of extending at least one high lift surface, which is coupled with two drive struts, wherein at least one of the two drive struts is a load sensing drive strut, to a first extended position, acquiring a first load sensed by a load sensing drive strut associated with the at least one high lift surface at a first flight state having a first speed, comparing the first load with a known nominal load for the first extended position and the first flight state under consideration of a predetermined threshold, and producing an alarm signal in case the acquired load differs from the nominal load including the predetermined threshold. 1. A method for determining a state of a component in a high lift system of an aircraft , the high lift system comprising a central power control unit for providing rotational power by means of a transmission shaft; drive stations coupled with the power control unit; movable high lift surfaces; and a control unit , wherein each high lift surface is coupled with at least two of the drive stations by means of drive struts , wherein at each high lift surface at least one of the associated drive struts is a load sensing drive strut; the method comprising the steps of:extending at least one high lift surface to a first extended position,acquiring a first load sensed by a load sensing drive strut associated with the at least one high lift surface at a first flight state having a first speed,comparing the first load with a known nominal load for the first extended position and the first flight state under consideration of a predetermined threshold, andproducing an alarm signal of the acquired load differs from the nominal load including the predetermined threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingacquiring a second load sensed by a load sensing drive strut associated with the at least one high lift surface at a second extended position ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174313A1
Автор: BRAKES David

A section of an aircraft wing including a leading edge of the aircraft wing. A leading edge part of the section includes ribs; and a skin fixedly attached to the ribs to form a spanwise series of adjacent cells. Each cell includes an enclosed volume bounded by the skin at the leading edge and a pair of the ribs. At least one cell of the series of adjacent cells is a dry cell include a mounting point for mounting a leading edge high-lift device support apparatus in the dry cell. The skin at the leading edge provides a primary load path for carrying at least some of a spanwise primary load experienced by the section when in use on an aircraft. 1. A section of an aircraft wing including a leading edge of the aircraft wing , wherein a leading edge part of the section comprises:a plurality of ribs; anda skin fixedly attached to the plurality of ribs to form a spanwise series of adjacent cells, each cell comprising an enclosed volume bounded by the skin at the leading edge and a pair of the ribs;wherein at least one cell of the series of adjacent cells is a dry cell comprising a mounting point for mounting a leading edge high-lift device support apparatus in the dry cell; andwherein the skin at the leading edge provides a primary load path for carrying at least some of a spanwise primary load experienced by the section when in use on an aircraft.2. The wing section according to claim 1 , wherein the skin forms the leading edge of the aircraft wing claim 1 , an upper surface of the aircraft wing claim 1 , and a lower surface of the aircraft wing.3. The wing section according to claim 2 , wherein the skin further forms a trailing edge portion of the aircraft wing.4. The wing section according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting point is configured to transmit a force from the leading edge high-lift device support apparatus to the skin via at least one of the ribs defining the dry cell.5. The wing section according to claim 1 , further comprising a wet conduit for transporting ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Wing for an aircraft

Номер: US20180178900A1
Автор: Florian Lorenz

A wing for an aircraft, comprising a main wing, a slat, and a connection assembly movably connecting the slat to the main wing, allowing the slat to be moved between a retracted and at least one extended position. The assembly comprises an elongate slat track mounted to the main wing movably along a track longitudinal axis and connected to the slat. The wing has a compact connection assembly that does not require the front spar to be penetrated, in that the slat track is rotatably connected to the slat via a first hinge. The assembly further comprises a link element rotatably connected to the slat via a second hinge, and rotatably mounted to the main wing via a third hinge spaced apart from the second hinge. Also, a first axis of rotation of the first hinge is spaced apart from a second axis of rotation of the second hinge.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214069A1

The 3D extension linkage can include at least one arm that includes two elements connected by a joint. The linkage can include an actuation mechanism, additional arms and/or each arm can include more than two elements, tie rods and/or cross pieces connecting two or more arms, and any other suitable components. The linkage functions to translate and rotate a body attached to one end of the arm relative to a primary structure attached to a second end of the arm. 1. A system , comprising:a wing;a wing flap; a proximal element;', 'a distal element;', 'a wing mount fixed to the wing;', 'a first revolute joint connecting the proximal element to the wing mount;', 'a second revolute joint connecting the proximal element to the distal element; and', 'a third revolute joint connecting the distal element to the wing flap,', 'wherein each revolute joint defines a revolute axis, wherein a majority of the revolute joint axes have a zenith angle larger than a respective elevation angle, and, 'a plurality of arms, each arm comprisingan actuation mechanism coupled to the plurality of arms and configured to transform the wing flap between a retracted configuration and an extended configuration, wherein, between the retracted configuration and the extended configuration, the wing flap traces a three-dimensional spiral path about a spiral axis, the spiral axis extending in a substantially spanwise direction relative to the wing.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional spiral path defines:a spanwise position change of the wing flap along the spiral axis; andan angle attack change of the wing flap relative to the wing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the wing is forward swept claim 2 , wherein the spanwise position of the wing flap in the extended configuration is located inboard of the spanwise position of the wing flap in the retracted configuration.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein a combined rotation of the first claim 2 , second claim 2 , and third revolute joints ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186443A1

Systems, devices, and methods for an extruded wing protection and control surface comprising: a channel proximate a leading edge of the control surface, a knuckle disposed about the channel, a leading void, a trailing void, and a separator dividing the leading void and the trailing void; and a plurality of notches disposed in the extruded control surface proximate the leading edge of the control surface. 1. A system comprising:an extruded control surface comprising: a channel proximate a leading edge of the control surface, a knuckle disposed about the channel, a leading void, a trailing void, and a separator dividing the leading void and the trailing void, wherein the leading void is proximate to the knuckle; anda plurality of notches disposed in the extruded control surface proximate the leading edge of the control surface.2. The system of further comprising:a plurality of clips, wherein each of the plurality of clips comprise at least one pin disposed proximate a base of the clip;wherein the at least one pin of each clip is received by the knuckle of the control surface via the channel, wherein the knuckle deforms to accept the pin, and wherein the control surface pivots about each pin.3. The system of further comprising:at least one cuff, wherein the at least one cuff receives an end of the control surface in a first cavity of the cuff.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one cuff further comprises:a second cavity disposed on a side distal from the first cavity.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising:a servo adapter, wherein the second cavity is sized to receive the servo adapter for controlling the control surface.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein each clip of the plurality of clips further comprise:a first leg comprising a first protrusion for insertion into an indentation on a top surface of a wing.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein each clip of the plurality of clips further comprise:a second leg comprising a second protrusion for insertion ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Compliant Structure Design for Varying Surface Contours

Номер: US20150210376A1
Принадлежит: FLEXSYS, INC.

An edge morphing arrangement for an airfoil having upper and lower control surfaces is provided with an elongated edge portion that overlies the edge of the airfoil, the edge portion having a surface element having first and second edges that communicate with, and form extensions of, respective ones of the upper and lower control surfaces of the elongated airfoil. The surface elements are formed of deformable compliant material that extends cross-sectionally from the first surface element edge to an apex of the edge portion, and to the second surface element edge. There is additionally provided a driving link having first and second driving link ends, the first driving link end being coupled to the interior of one of the first and second rib portions. The second end is arranged to receive a morphing force, and the rib element is deformed in response to the morphing force. 1. An edge morphing arrangement for an elongated airfoil having upper and lower control surfaces , the elongated airfoil edge morphing arrangement comprising:an elongated edge portion arranged to overlie the edge of the elongated airfoil, said elongated edge portion having a substantially continuous surface element having first and second surface element edges that are arranged to communicate with, and to form extensions of, respectively associated ones of the upper and lower control surfaces of the elongated airfoil, the substantially continuous surface element being formed of a deformable compliant material that extends cross-sectionally from the first surface element edge that is configured to communicate with, and form an extension of, one of the upper and lower control surfaces, to an apex of said edge portion, and to the second surface element edge that is configured to communicate with, and form an extension of the other of the upper and lower control surfaces; andan actuation linkage element coupled to an interior surface of the substantially continuous surface element.2. The edge morphing ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214705A1

An airfoil, a flap mechanism and an associated method are provided to controllably actuate a flap positioned proximate the trailing edge of an airfoil body. The flap mechanism includes a carrier beam hingedly connected to an airfoil body and also pivotally connected to a flap proximate the trailing edge of the airfoil body. The flap mechanism further includes an actuator, a first plurality of links and a second plurality of links. The first plurality of links is operably connected to the airfoil body, the actuator and the carrier beam. The first plurality of links causes the carrier beam to be rotated with respect to the airfoil body in response to actuation by the actuator. The second plurality of links is responsive to rotation of the carrier beam with respect to the airfoil body. The second plurality of links causes the flap to be rotated with respect to the carrier beam. 1. An airfoil comprising:an airfoil body defining an internal cavity;a flap proximate a trailing edge of the airfoil body; and a carrier beam hingedly connected to the airfoil body and also pivotally connected to the flap;', 'an actuator disposed within the internal cavity;', 'a first plurality of links operably connected to the airfoil body, the actuator and the carrier beam and configured to cause the carrier beam to be rotated with respect to the airfoil body in response to actuation by the actuator; and', 'a second plurality of links that are responsive to rotation of the carrier beam with respect to the airfoil body and that are configured to cause the flap to be rotated with respect to the carrier beam., 'a flap mechanism configured to controllably position the flap relative to the airfoil body, wherein the flap mechanism comprises2. An airfoil according to wherein the first plurality of links comprise a four-bar linkage.3. An airfoil according to wherein the first plurality of links further comprise a carrier beam scissors mechanism extending from a hinge point at which the carrier beam ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for deploying adjacent trailing edge flaps

Номер: US20210237855A1
Принадлежит: Bombardier Inc

Systems and methods for deploying adjacent trailing edge flaps that are part of different flap assemblies of different stiffnesses are disclosed. An exemplary method comprises: deploying a first flap of a first flap assembly having a first stiffness by a first deployment amount and deploying a second flap adjacent the first flap by a second deployment amount where the deployment amount of the first flap part of the flap assembly of lower stiffness is greater than the second deployment amount of the second flap part of the flap assembly of higher stiffness. The difference in deployment amounts may be adapted to improve continuity between the first flap and the second flap when the first and second flaps are deployed and subjected to an aerodynamic load.

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Shape Memory Alloy Actuator System for Composite Aircraft Structures

Номер: US20160229519A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Method and apparatus for controlling a shape of a composite structure. A shape memory structure associated with the composite structure is activated. The shape memory structure changes from a buckled shape to an original shape and causes the composite structure to change from an undeployed shape to a deployed shape. The shape memory structure is deactivated. The shape memory structure changes from the original shape to the buckled shape in response to a load from the composite structure and causes the composite structure to change from the deployed shape to the undeployed shape.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Aerodynamic Control Surface and Associated Trailing Edge Close-out Method

Номер: US20180222571A1
Автор: Santini Gregory M.
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An aerodynamic control surface including an upper panel having an upper panel aft end portion, a lower panel having a lower panel aft end portion, mechanical fasteners connecting the upper panel aft end portion to the lower panel aft end portion, and a fairing having a fairing forward end portion and a fairing aft end portion, wherein the fairing forward end portion is connected to either the upper panel or the lower panel, and wherein the fairing aft end portion is connected to the other of the upper panel or the lower panel. 1. An aerodynamic control surface comprising:an upper panel comprising an upper panel aft end portion;a lower panel comprising a lower panel aft end portion;a plurality of mechanical fasteners connecting said upper panel aft end portion to said lower panel aft end portion; anda fairing having a fairing forward end portion and a fairing aft end portion, wherein said fairing forward end portion is connected to one of said upper panel and said lower panel, and wherein said fairing aft end portion is connected to the other of said upper panel and said lower panel.2. The aerodynamic control surface of wherein said upper panel further comprises an upper panel forward end portion claim 1 , and wherein said upper panel is continuous from said upper panel forward end portion to said upper panel aft end portion.3. The aerodynamic control surface of wherein said lower panel further comprises a lower panel forward end portion claim 2 , and wherein said lower panel is continuous from said lower panel forward end portion to said lower panel aft end portion.4. The aerodynamic control surface of wherein said upper panel forward end portion is connected to said lower panel forward end portion at a bullnose.5. The aerodynamic control surface of wherein said plurality of mechanical fasteners are arranged in a single row.6. The aerodynamic control surface of wherein a volume is defined between said fairing claim 1 , said upper panel and said lower panel claim 1 , ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Control system for aircraft high lift devices and method for controlling the configuration of aircraft high lift devices

Номер: US20150239550A1
Автор: Martin Berens

A control system for an aircraft high lift device includes a threshold setting unit configured to output one of a plurality of configuration change thresholds as an active output threshold, a threshold deactivation unit coupled to the threshold setting unit and configured to temporarily increase the active output threshold to a deactivation value, a configuration setting unit coupled to the threshold deactivation unit and configured to set the aircraft high lift device from a first configuration to a second configuration, if a measured value of an angle-of-attack of the aircraft exceeds the active output threshold, and a threshold control unit configured to control the threshold deactivation unit to temporarily increase the active output threshold to the deactivation value while the aircraft high lift device is mechanically moving from a first configuration to a second configuration.

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233061A1

The invention relates to a control surface element for an airplane, in particular a spoiler, comprising a composite fiber element that has a surface around which air flows, a mounting device for movably mounting the composite fiber element on a structural component, and a reinforcing structure for reinforcing the composite fiber element. The reinforcing structure comprises at least one reinforcing element which is integrally formed with the composite fiber element. The reinforcing structure comprises a primary reinforcing element which is designed to receive main loads and which is connected to at least one secondary reinforcing element that is designed to receive secondary loads. The composite fiber element comprises a recess for integrally forming the primary reinforcing element. 1. A control surface element for an airplane , comprising a composite fiber element that has a surface around which air flows , a mounting device for movably mounting the composite fiber element on a structural component , and a reinforcing structure for reinforcing the composite fiber element , wherein said reinforcing structure comprises at least one reinforcing element which is integrally formed with the composite fiber element , wherein said reinforcing structure comprises a primary reinforcing element which is designed to receive main loads and which is connected to at least one secondary reinforcing element that is designed to receive secondary loads , wherein said composite fiber element comprises a recess for integrally forming said primary reinforcing element.2. The control surface element according to claim 1 , wherein said primary reinforcing element comprises a larger width and/or height than the secondary reinforcing element.3. The control surface element according to claim 1 , wherein characterized in that said mounting device comprises a mounting element provided essentially centrically at a front longitudinal edge of said composite fiber element claim 1 , which mounting ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233095A1

An actuator system for controlling a flight surface of an aircraft includes a first actuator having a first actuator input and a first linear translation element that moves based on rotational motion received at the first actuator input and a first sensor coupled to the first linear translation element that generates a first output based on a displacement of the first linear translation element. The system also includes a second actuator having a second actuator input and a second linear translation element that moves based on rotational motion received at the second actuator input and a second sensor coupled to the second linear translation element that generates a second output based on a displacement of the second linear translation element. The system also includes a control unit that receives the first and second outputs and determines if an error condition exists for the system based on first and second output. 1. An actuator system for controlling a flight surface of an aircraft , the system comprising:a first actuator having a first actuator input and a first linear translation element that moves based on rotational motion received at the first actuator input;a first sensor coupled to the first linear translation element that generates a first output based on a displacement of the first linear translation element;a second actuator having a second actuator input and a second linear translation element that moves based on rotational motion received at the second actuator input;a second sensor coupled to the second linear translation element that generates a second output based on a displacement of the second linear translation element; anda control unit that receives the first and second outputs and determines if an error condition exists for the system based on first and second output.2. The actuator system of claim 1 , wherein the flight surface is a flap.3. The actuator system of claim 2 , wherein the error condition is a flap skew condition and is ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223542A1
Автор: MOORE Andrew Dudley

A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft () comprises a fuselage () first and second forward wings () and first and second rearward wings (), each wing having a fixed leading edge () and a trailing control surface () which is pivotal about a generally horizontal axis. Electric rotors () are mounted to the wings (), the electric rotors () being pivotal with the trailing control surface () between a first position in which each rotor () has a generally vertical axis of rotation, and a second position in which each rotor () has a generally horizontal axis of rotation; wherein at least one of the wings () has a first and a second electric rotor () which are each mounted having non-parallel axes of rotation so that the thrust lines of the first and second electric rotors are different. 1. A vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft comprising:a fuselage;first and second forward wings mounted to opposing sides of the fuselage;first and second rearward wings mounted to opposing sides of the fuselage;each wing having a fixed leading edge and a trailing control surface which is pivotal about a generally horizontal axis;a plurality of electric rotors mounted to the wings, the electric rotors being pivotal with the trailing control surface between a first position in which each rotor has a generally vertical axis of rotation, and a second position in which each rotor has a generally horizontal axis of rotation;wherein at least one of the wings has a first and a second electric rotor which are each mounted having non-parallel axes of rotation so that the thrust lines of the first and second electric rotors are different.2. The vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft of claim 1 , wherein a thrust line of the first electric rotor is angled to pass above a hinge line claim 1 , and a thrust line of the second electric rotor is angled to pass below the hinge line.3. The vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft of claim 1 , wherein an axis of rotation of the ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226530A1
Автор: Meyer Mark, Popov Maxim

Example apparatus and methods for rigging a torque tube assembly in an aircraft are described herein. An example torque tube assembly includes a torque tube and a spline coupling coupled to an end of the torque tube. The spline coupling has an opening to receive a spline gear on a drive shaft of an aircraft high lift device. The torque tube assembly also includes a retainer coupled to the spline coupling. The retainer blocks at least a portion of the opening in the spline coupling to prevent the spline coupling from being moved off of the spline gear on the drive shaft. 1. A torque tube assembly comprising:a torque tube;a spline coupling coupled to an end of the torque tube, the spline coupling having an opening to receive a spline gear on a drive shaft of an aircraft high lift device; anda retainer coupled to the spline coupling, the retainer blocking at least a portion of the opening in the spline coupling to prevent the spline coupling from being moved off of the spline gear on the drive shaft.2. The torque tube assembly of claim 1 , wherein the opening is formed in an end of the spline coupling claim 1 , and wherein the retainer includes a ring portion claim 1 , the ring portion coupled to an outer surface of the spline coupling at or near the end of the spline coupling.3. The torque tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein the retainer includes a shoulder portion extending radially inward from the ring portion and covering at least a portion of the opening in the spline coupling.4. The torque tube assembly of claim 3 , wherein the shoulder portion includes an opening claim 3 , a diameter of the opening in the shoulder portion being smaller than a diameter of the opening in the spline coupling.5. The torque tube assembly of claim 2 , further including a plurality of threaded fasteners extending through the ring portion of the retainer and into the outer surface of the spline coupling to couple the retainer and the spline coupling.6. The torque tube assembly of claim 5 ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226541A1

A proportional brake is provided and includes first and second bodies, a spring element, a coil and a booster coil. The first body includes brake plates and the second body includes thrust plates. The second body is disposed such that the thrust plates are interleaved with the brake plates and is rotatable and movable with respect to the first body. The spring element urges the second body to move toward the first body such that the thrust plates are urged toward braking engagements with the brake plates. The coil is provided at a first side of the brake plates and, when energized, generates a first flux moment on the second body in opposition to the spring element. The booster coil is provided at a second side of the brake plates and, when energized, generates a second flux moment on the second body in support of the spring element. 1. A proportional brake , comprising:a first body comprising brake plates;a second body comprising thrust plates, the second body being disposed such that the thrust plates are interleaved with the brake plates and being rotatable and movable with respect to the first body;a spring element that urges the second body to move toward the first body such that the thrust plates are urged toward braking engagements with the brake plates to inhibit rotations of the second body with respect to the first body;a coil at a first side of the brake plates, which, when energized, generates a first flux moment on the second body in opposition to the urging of the spring element; anda booster coil at a second side of the brake plates, which, when energized, generates a second flux moment on the second body in support of the urging of the spring element.2. The proportional brake according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element comprises a compression spring.3. The proportional brake according to claim 1 , wherein the coil and the booster coil are symmetric about the brake plates.4. The proportional brake according to claim 1 , wherein the first and ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237121A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An aircraft nose gear-mounted flight control device promotes aircraft stability during low-speed phases of flight, including take-offs and landings. The flight control device is an operable airfoil secured to an aircraft nose gear, either to a vertical support strut or to a wheel axle thereof. The airfoil is deployed when the nose gear is deployed, and is retracted when the nose gear is retracted. Upon deployment, the airfoil is effective to at least provide aircraft pitch control. In some configurations, the airfoil deploys as two separate but mirror-imaged left and right airfoil components that move in concert to provide pitch control. In other configurations, the airfoil components move at relatively different angular rates and amounts to provide both pitch and roll control. The entire airfoil may be pivotal for pitch control, or may instead be fixed, but have moveable flaps or flap-like portions that provide pitch control. 1. A flight control device for an aircraft , the aircraft including an undercarriage; the flight control device comprising:an airfoil retractably mounted to the undercarriage, wherein the airfoil is extensible from the undercarriage during low-speed flight.2. The flight control device of claim 1 , further comprising a retractable landing gear extensible from the undercarriage claim 1 , wherein the airfoil is mounted to the retractable landing gear for deployment with the retractable landing gear during low-speed flight.3. The flight control device of claim 2 , wherein the landing gear is a nose gear.4. The flight control device of claim 3 , wherein the airfoil is deployed when the nose gear is deployed; wherein the airfoil is retracted when the nose gear is retracted; and wherein when deployed the airfoil provides aircraft pitch control.5. The flight control device of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil has a trailing edge flap.6. The flight control device of claim 3 , wherein the airfoil comprises at least two airfoil components claim 3 , and the ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Movable control surface ejection system

Номер: US20170240281A1
Автор: Christopher Veto
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Systems and methods are provided for decoupling movable control surfaces. Such systems may detect that a movable control surface is in a non-responsive state, such as a hard-over, and decouple the movable control surface from the main, fixed, control surface. The control surfaces may be coupled to an aircraft. A controller of the aircraft may detect the nonresponsive movable control surface, provide instructions to decouple the movable control surface, and compensate for the decoupling of the movable control surface in instructions provided to flight systems of the aircraft.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190233081A1

Trailing edge assemblies, couplers and methods for deploying a trailing edge flap of an aircraft wing are disclosed. An exemplary method disclosed herein comprises guiding an aft portion of the trailing edge flap () along an elongated track member (C) as the trailing edge flap () moves toward the deployed position; guiding a forward portion of the trailing edge flap (28) along the elongated track member (C) as the trailing edge flap () moves toward the deployed position; and accommodating transverse movement of the forward portion of the trailing edge flap () relative to the elongated track member (C). 1. A trailing edge flap assembly for a wing of an aircraft , the trailing edge flap assembly comprising:a trailing edge flap movable between a retracted position and a deployed position;an elongated track member configured to be fixedly secured to a structure of the wing;an aft coupler movably coupling an aft portion of the trailing edge flap to the elongated track member, the aft coupler guiding the aft portion of the trailing edge flap along the elongated track member as the trailing edge flap moves toward the deployed position; anda forward coupler movably coupling a forward portion of the trailing edge flap to the elongated track member, the forward coupler guiding the forward portion of the trailing edge flap along the elongated track member as the trailing edge flap moves toward the deployed position, the forward coupler accommodating transverse movement of the forward portion of the trailing edge flap relative to the elongated track member.2. The assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the forward coupler accommodates lateral movement of the forward portion of the trailing edge flap relative to the elongated track member.3. The assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the elongated track member is configured to cause the trailing edge flap to undergo Fowler motion.4. The assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein an aft portion of the elongated track member ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Methods and systems for deploying adjacent trailing edge flaps

Номер: US20190233085A1
Принадлежит: Bombardier Inc

Systems and methods for deploying adjacent trailing edge flaps that are part of different flap assemblies of different stiffnesses are disclosed. An exemplary method comprises: deploying a first flap of a first flap assembly having a first stiffness by a first deployment amount and deploying a second flap adjacent the first flap by a second deployment amount where the deployment amount of the first flap part of the flap assembly of lower stiffness is greater than the second deployment amount of the second flap part of the flap assembly of higher stiffness. The difference in deployment amounts may be adapted to improve continuity between the first flap and the second flap when the first and second flaps are deployed and subjected to an aerodynamic load.

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160251074A1
Автор: Tsai Kevin R.

A system for operating a droop panel on an air vehicle, the droop panel positioned between a fixed structure and a trailing edge flap on the wing. The system includes a pin joint linkage assembly coupled between and to the fixed structure, the droop panel, and the trailing edge flap. The assembly has a first link attached to the fixed structure; and a second link coupled to the first link, and pivotably connected to a third pin joint, connected to a fourth pin joint, and an angled portion pivotably connected to a second pin joint. The assembly has a third link coupled to the second link, and coupled to the fourth pin joint and to a fifth pin joint attached to the trailing edge flap. The assembly is configured to operate the droop panel by concurrently moving the droop panel and the trailing edge flap in a single coordinated motion. 1. A system for operating a droop panel on an air vehicle , the system comprising:a droop panel on a wing of the air vehicle, the droop panel positioned between a fixed structure on the wing and a trailing edge flap on the wing; a first link having a first end coupled to a first pin joint fixedly attached to the fixed structure, and having a second end coupled to a second pin joint;', 'a second link coupled to the first link, the second link having a first end pivotably connected to a third pin joint, a second end connected to a fourth pin joint, and an angled portion pivotably connected to the second pin joint and positioned between the first and second ends of the second link, wherein the second pin joint and the third pin joint are separate; and', 'a third link coupled to the second link, the third link having a first end coupled to the fourth pin joint, and having a second end coupled to a fifth pin joint fixedly attached to the trailing edge flap,, 'a pin joint linkage assembly operatively coupled between and to the fixed structure, the droop panel, and the trailing edge flap, the pin joint linkage assembly comprisingwherein the pin ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277950A1

A bearing assembly includes an outer race having an inner surface defining a concave contour and an inner race positioned in the outer race. The inner race has an inner surface defining a bore therethrough and an outer surface defining at least one groove circumscribing the outer surface. A plurality of rolling elements is rollably located in the groove and is in rolling contact with the inner surface of the outer race. A lubricious liner has an inner liner-surface and an exterior liner-surface, the exterior liner-surface being disposed on the inner surface defining the bore. The lubricious liner has a modulus of compression of a magnitude sufficient to allow misalignment of the inner liner-surface relative to the exterior liner-surface in response to a force applied thereto. 110110210310410. A bearing assembly ( , , , , ) comprising:{'b': 14', '114', '214', '314', '414', '26, 'an outer race (, , , , ) having an inner surface () defining a concave contour;'}{'b': 12', '112', '212', '312', '412', '14', '114', '214', '314', '414', '12', '112', '212', '312', '412', '18', '22', '20', '17', '20, 'an inner race (, , , , ) positioned in the outer race (, , , , ), the inner race (, , , , ) having an inner surface () defining a bore () therethrough and an outer surface () defining at least one groove () circumscribing the outer surface ();'}{'b': 16', '116', '216', '316', '416', '17', '26', '14', '114', '214', '314', '414, 'a plurality of rolling elements (, , , , ) rollably located in the at least one groove () and in rolling contact with the inner surface () of the outer race (, , , , ); and characterized by{'b': 36', '136', '236', '336', '436', '36', '36', '36', '18', '22', '36', '136', '236', '336', '436, 'claim-text': [{'b': 36', '36, 'a modulus of compression of a magnitude sufficient to allow misalignment of the inner liner-surface (A) relative to the exterior liner-surface (B) in response to a force applied thereto; and'}, {'b': 12', '112', '212', '312', '412', '23', ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Aerodynamic device

Номер: US20150259061A1
Автор: David Brakes
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

The invention provides an aerodynamic device configured for being mounted to an aerodynamic structure of an aircraft, the aerodynamic device having a spanwise length, a chordwise width, a leading edge section along a leading edge of the device, for being mounted to the aerodynamic structure of the aircraft, and a trailing edge section along a trailing edge of the device, for providing a required aerodynamic profile, wherein a first chordwise extending segment of the trailing edge section is moveable in a spanwise direction with respect to the leading edge section or with respect to a second chordwise extending segment of the trailing edge section.

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant bearing material

Номер: US20150260225A1
Принадлежит: Roller Bearing Company of America Inc

In one aspect, the present invention resides in an edge flap arrangement for an aircraft wing that has a main flap element and an actuator for moving the main flap element relative to the wing, a linkage arrangement that supports the main flap element from the aircraft wing for movement relative to the wing, the linkage arrangement including a drop link and a hinge point. The fixed strut and the drop link are pivotally connected by the hinge point. The hinge point includes a bearing. The bearing is an hourglass bearing assembly that has an inner raceway outer raceway. The outer raceway is positioned around the inner raceway. A plurality of rollers is disposed between the inner raceway and the outer raceway. The plurality of rollers, the outer raceway and/or the inner raceway are manufactured from CREN and/or CRES.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Flap arrangement for a wing of an aircraft and an aircraft with a wing comprising such a flap arrangement

Номер: US20140346282A1
Автор: Sascha Aljets

A flap arrangement for a wing of an aircraft includes a base member, at least one first flap, at least one second flap and at least one connecting assembly. The first flap is movably supported on the base member and the second flap is movably supported on the first flap. The connecting assembly is mechanically coupled with the base member and the second flap and is designed to move the second flap relative to the first flap when the first flap is moved relative to the base member. Due to the resulting forced guiding of a second flap relative to a first flap a separate actuator for moving the second flap and linkages extending outside of the shape defining contour of the flap arrangement may substantially be eliminated.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248470A1

The invention relates to an assembly for an aircraft comprising an aircraft wall in which a routing slit is formed, a drive shaft of a bearing surface that passes through the slit while remaining free to move along the slit, and a seal to seal this slit. 120. Assembly () for aircraft comprising:{'b': 5', '24', '1', '24', '24, 'i': a', 'a', 'b, 'a wall () delimiting the interior from the exterior of the aircraft, such as part of the fuselage or wing, this wall being provided with a through formed routing slit () extending along the length direction (D) of the slit from a forward end () of the slit to an aft end () of the slit;'}{'b': 22', '16', '22', '1', '24', '24, 'i': a,', 'b, 'a drive shaft () that supports a bearing surface (), this shaft () passing through the slit and being free to move along the length direction (D) of the slit between the forward and aft ends () of the slit;'}{'b': 31', '31', '5', '2', '1, 'i': a', 'b', 'a, 'a lower mounting () and an upper mounting () fixed to the wall () and arranged on each side of the slit along a width direction (D) of the slit that is normal to the length direction (D) of the slit ;'}{'b': 30', '24', '30', '30', '24', '31', '31', '30', '30', '33', '33', '2', '22', '16, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a,', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'a seal () to seal the slit (), comprising a seal lower part () and a seal upper part () arranged facing each other on each side of the slit () and supported by the lower mounting () and the upper mounting () respectively, these seal lower and upper parts () comprising a flexible lower lip () and upper lip () respectively compressible in the width direction (D), these lower and upper lips forming contact tracks between which the drive shaft () is squeezed and moves deforming the seals when the bearing surface () is moved;'}{'b': 30', '32', '33', '30', '32', '33', '33', '33', '37', '33', '33', '37', '37', '37, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'a,', 'b', 'a', 'a,', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'a, 'wherein the seal lower part ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

High Efficiency Low Power (HELP) Active Flow Control Methodology for Simple-Hinged Flap High-Lift Systems

Номер: US20210331784A1

A simple-hinged flap assembly for a winged aircraft includes a simple-hinged flap having a leading airfoil section pivotably connected to a trailing airfoil section via a hinge, and an active flow control (AFC) actuator assembly. The assembly is connected to or integrally formed with the flap and includes upstream and downstream AFC actuators arranged in respective first and second rows, and collectively configured to provide first and second outlet mass flowrates. The downstream AFC actuators emit the second outlet mass flowrate at a rate that substantially exceeds the first outlet mass flowrate, such that the first outlet mass flowrate preconditions a boundary layer around the simple-hinged flap assembly. A winged aircraft includes a pneumatic power supply, fuselage, a wing connected to the fuselage, and the simple-hinged flap assembly.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Hybrid Flow Control Method for Simple Hinged Flap High-Lift System

Номер: US20160280358A1
Автор: Koklu Mehti, Lin John C.

Systems, methods, and devices are provided that provide hybrid flow control for a simple hinged flap high-lift system using sweeping jet (SWJ) actuators for active flow control (AFC) and adaptive vortex generators (AVGs) that may be actuated by flap deflection for passive flow control (PFC). The various embodiments may significantly reduce mass flow, differential pressure, and power requirements for equivalent flow control performance when compared to using AFC only. The various embodiments may reduce the power requirement of AFC, while still maintaining the aerodynamic performance enhancement necessary for high-lift applications using a simple hinged flap. The various embodiments may provide the necessary lift enhancement for a simple hinged flap high-lift system, while keeping the pneumatic power requirement (mass flow and pressure) for the AFC within an aircraft's capability for system integration. 1. A wing , comprising:a main element;at least one flap deflectable from the main element;at least one passive flow control (PFC) device; andat least one active flow control (AFC) device configured to provide a high-momentum boundary-layer flow toward the PFC device.2. The wing of claim 1 , wherein the PFC device is a vortex generator (VG).3. The wing of claim 2 , wherein:the flap is a trailing edge flap of the wing; andthe VG is a flap-actuated vortex generator (FAVG) located at a leading edge of the flap.4. The wing of claim 3 , wherein the AFC device is a sweeping jet (SWJ) actuator.5. The wing of claim 3 , wherein the AFC device is selected from the group comprising a steady AFC device blowing through a spanwise slot claim 3 , a steady AFC device blowing through a spanwise discrete nozzle claim 3 , an unsteady blowing pulsed jet claim 3 , an unsteady plasma actuator claim 3 , an unsteady synthetic jet claim 3 , and an unsteady fluidic nozzle.6. The wing of claim 2 , wherein:the flap is a trailing-edge flap of the wing; andthe VG is an adaptive vortex generator (AVG ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283034A1

Methods and apparatus to control a gap between movable aircraft wing components are disclosed. An example apparatus includes spoiler including a first panel and a second panel, a flexible tip extending from an intersection of the first and second panels; and a rub block coupled to a surface of the second panel, the rub block positioned to engage a flap to maintain a distance between the spoiler and the flap and to enable the flexible tip to perform deform to change aerodynamic properties of the spoiler. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a spoiler including a first panel and a second panel, a flexible tip extending from an intersection of the first and second panels; anda rub block coupled to a surface of the second panel, the rub block positioned to engage a flap to maintain a distance between the spoiler and the flap and to enable the flexible tip to deform to change aerodynamic properties of the spoiler.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rub block is a first rub block claim 1 , and further comprising a second rub block and a third rub block claim 1 , the first rub block coupled adjacent a first side of the spoiler claim 1 , the second rub block coupled adjacent a second side of the spoiler opposite the first side claim 1 , the third rub block coupled to the spoiler claim 1 , the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third rub blocks being spaced to enable airflow between the first rub block and the second rub block and to enable airflow between the second rub block and the third rub block.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the spoiler includes a hinge adjacent a leading edge of the spoiler claim 2 , the flexible tip including a trailing edge of the spoiler claim 2 , the rub blocks positioned between the hinge and the trailing edge.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the third rub block extends a greater distance toward the hinge than the first and second rub blocks to provide a larger contact area between the third rub block and the flap.5. The apparatus of ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305528A1
Автор: Emunds Rolf

An aircraft comprising a casing for a lifting aid, the casing comprising at least one strake which extends essentially in a protruding manner in the direction of flight in relation to an outer surface of the casing. 1. An aircraft , comprising:an engine mount;a lifting aid comprising a flap track casing, wherein the flap track casing is arranged at substantially a same distance from a fuselage of the aircraft as the engine mount, the flap track casing having at least one strake which projects substantially in a direction of flight of the aircraft extending from an outer surface of the flap track casing; anda jet engine which is arranged such that the flap track casing, at least during take-off of the aircraft, is configured to dip at least partially into a jet of the jet engine and the jet applies a transverse force to the strake so that the flap track casing is loaded by the jet in one direction with an initial stress, which prevents the flap track casing from being loaded alternately in compression and tension.2. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake is formed as a planar or surface-optimized structure.3. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake is formed as a plate or plank of a substantially constant thickness.4. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake projects substantially vertically from the outer surface.5. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake is at an angle of between 0° and 40° to a downward vertical direction.6. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake has a length of from 1 m to 3 m along the outer surface.7. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake comprises one edge of lower edges facing the outer surface claim 1 , which one edge is fit to a contour curve of the outer surface.8. The aircraft of claim 7 , wherein the one edge is connected to the contour curve of the outer surface by fastening elements integrated into the surface.9. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the strake comprises one edge of upper edges remote from ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170305530A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system and method of controlling one or more flaps of an aircraft may include receiving first and second sensor signals from respective first and second sensors coupled to respective first and second actuators that are moveably secured to a first flap of a first wing of the aircraft. The first and second sensor signals relate to one or both of the position or the speed of the respective first and second actuators. The system and method may also include comparing the first and second sensor signals to determine a difference between the first and second sensor signals, and adjusting the speed of one or both of the first or second actuators based on the difference between the first and second sensor signals. A system and method may include determining a difference between one or both of speed or position of the first and second flaps, and adjusting the speed of one or both of the first and second flaps based on the difference between one or both of the speed or the position of the first and second flaps. 1. A system for controlling one or more flaps of an aircraft , the system comprising:a first flap moveably secured to a first wing of the aircraft, the first flap being moveable between an extended position and a retracted position;a first actuator coupled to the first flap;a first sensor coupled to the first actuator, wherein the first sensor is configured to determine one or both of a position or speed of the first actuator and output a first sensor signal that relates to one or both of the position or the speed of the first actuator;a second actuator coupled to the first flap;a second sensor coupled to the second actuator, wherein the second sensor is configured to determine one or both of a position or speed of the second actuator and output a second sensor signal that relates to one or both of the position or the speed of the second actuator; and receive the first and second sensor signals from the first and second sensors, respectively;', 'compare the first and ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190300146A1
Автор: Tsai Kevin
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An apparatus for covering an opening in a fuselage of an aircraft includes a track and a plurality of panels, coupled to the track. At least one of the panels is movable along the track relative to an adjacent one of the panels between a first position and a second position. 1. An apparatus for covering an opening in a fuselage of an aircraft , the apparatus comprising:a track; anda plurality of panels coupled to the track; andwherein at least one of the panels is movable along the track relative to an adjacent one of the panels between a first position and a second position.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the track comprises:a first rail coupled to the fuselage; anda second rail coupled to the fuselage and spaced away from the first rail.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first rail and the second rail are parallel.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein each one of the first rail and the second rail is curved.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein: a first panel located proximate to a track-first end of the track;', 'a second panel located proximate to a track-second end of the track; and', 'a third panel located between the first panel and the second panel; and, 'the plurality of panels comprisesthe third panel is movable along the track relative to the first panel and to the second panel between the first position and the second position.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each one of the first panel and the second panel is fixed to the track.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein:the first panel is movable along the track toward the track-second end; andthe second panel is movable along the track toward the track-first end.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising:a first stop operable to limit movement of the first panel toward the track-second end; anda second stop operable to limit movement of the second panel toward the track-first end.9. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein: a first intermediate panel located between the first panel and the ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190308719A1
Автор: Huynh Neal V.

Distributed trailing edge wing flap systems are described. An example wing flap system for an aircraft includes a flap, a first actuator, a second actuator, and a shaft. The flap is movable between a deployed position and a retracted position relative to a fixed trailing edge of a wing of the aircraft. The first actuator is to move the flap relative to the fixed trailing edge. The first actuator is actuatable via pressurized hydraulic fluid to be supplied from a hydraulic system of the aircraft to the first actuator via a hydraulic module operatively coupled to the first actuator. The second actuator is to move the flap relative to the fixed trailing edge. The second actuator is actuatable via an electric motor of the second actuator connected to a first electrical system of the aircraft. The shaft operatively couples the first actuator to the second actuator. The first and second actuators are actuatable via the shaft. 1. A wing flap system for an aircraft , the wing flap system comprising:a flap movable between a deployed position and a retracted position relative to a fixed trailing edge of a wing of the aircraft;a first actuator to move the flap relative to the fixed trailing edge, the first actuator being actuatable via pressurized hydraulic fluid to be supplied from a hydraulic system of the aircraft to the first actuator via a hydraulic module operatively coupled to the first actuator;a second actuator to move the flap relative to the fixed trailing edge, the second actuator being actuatable via an electric motor of the second actuator connected to a first electrical system of the aircraft; anda shaft operatively coupling the first actuator to the second actuator, the first and second actuators being actuatable via the shaft.2. The wing flap system of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator is actuatable via the shaft in response to actuation of the second actuator.3. The wing flap system of claim 2 , wherein the shaft is to rotate in response to actuation of ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336658A1

An edge flap arrangement for an aircraft wing includes a main flap element and an actuator. A linkage arrangement supports the main flap. The linkage arrangement includes a drop hinge link arrangement. The drop hinge link arrangement includes a fixed strut and a drop link. The fixed strut and the drop link are pivotally connected by a hinge point. The hinge point includes an hourglass bearing. The hourglass bearing includes an inner member, an outer member, and a plurality of hourglass rollers. Any combination of the inner member, the outer member, and the hourglass rollers are fabricated from CREN, Cronidur 30, XD15NW, 422 Stainless Steel, CRES, and/or 440C Stainless Steel. A cage is disposed between the inner member and the outer member. The cage includes a plurality of first rails and a plurality of second rails. Opposing pairs of first rails and second rails define a plurality of pockets. 1. An edge flap arrangement for an aircraft wing , the arrangement comprising:a main flap element and an actuator for moving the main flap element relative to the aircraft wing;a linkage arrangement supporting the main flap element from the aircraft wing for movement relative to the aircraft wing, the linkage arrangement including a fixed strut secured to the aircraft wing and a drop link secured to the main flap element, the fixed strut and the drop link being pivotally connected by a hinge point; and [{'b': '1', 'an inner member defining an inner raceway having a radially outwardly facing convex surface having an inner raceway radius of curvature R;'}, 'an outer member defining an outer raceway having a radially inward facing convex inner surface having an outer raceway radius of curvature Ro, the outer raceway being positioned around the inner raceway;', a circular cross section symmetrical about a longitudinal axis,', 'a first axial end and a second axial end and an axial width extending between the first axial end and the second axial end,', 'an exterior surface extending ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Method for determining the position of a component in a high lift system of an aircraft, high lift system of an aircraft and aircraft

Номер: US20150336683A1

A method for determining the position of a component in a high lift system of an aircraft, the high lift system comprising a central power control unit for providing rotational power by means of a transmission shaft; and actuator drive stations coupled with the power control unit and movable high lift surfaces. The method comprises the steps of acquiring a first rotational position of a first position pick-off unit mechanically coupled with the power control unit by means of a first gear having a first gear ratio, acquiring at least one second rotational position of at least one second position pick-off unit mechanically coupled with a driven element in at least one drive station, and determining the number of full rotations the first position pick-off unit has already accomplished between a neutral position and an intended maximum number of rotations.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Aerodynamic Sealing And Wing For An Aircraft Comprising Such Sealing

Номер: US20180319480A1
Автор: LORENZ Florian

An aerodynamic sealing includes: an elastic first sealing wall extending between a first bottom edge and a first tip edge; an elastic second sealing wall extending between a second bottom edge and a second tip edge, and extending convergent with respect to the first sealing wall, so that the first and second sealing walls are joined together at their first and second tip edges to form a tip line; a bottom element connecting the first bottom edge to the second bottom edge, wherein the bottom element is joined to both the first sealing wall and the second sealing wall; and a plurality of stiffening elements connecting the first sealing wall to the second sealing wall between the tip line and the bottom element, wherein the stiffening elements are spaced apart from one another and joined to both the first sealing wall and the second sealing wall. 1. An aerodynamic sealing comprising:an elastic first sealing wall extending between a first bottom edge and a first tip edge;an elastic second sealing wall extending between a second bottom edge and a second tip edge, and extending convergent with respect to the first sealing wall, so that the first and second sealing walls are joined together at their first and second tip edges to form a tip line;a bottom element connecting the first bottom edge to the second bottom edge, wherein the bottom element is joined to both the first sealing wall and the second sealing wall; anda plurality of stiffening elements connecting the first sealing wall to the second sealing wall between the tip line and the bottom element, wherein the stiffening elements are spaced apart from one another and joined to both the first sealing wall and the second sealing wall.2. The aerodynamic sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening elements are formed elastically.3. The aerodynamic sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening elements are formed rigidly.4. The aerodynamic sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening elements ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160340023A1

Flap track fairing systems are split into a forward immovably fixed portion and an aft movable portion. The fixed forward portion is immovably attached to the main wing structure of an aircraft while the movable aft portion is attached either to the movable components of the flap deployment mechanism or to the lower surface of the flap. A separation line between the forward movable portion and the aft fixed portion is provided such that the movable portion does not interfere structurally with the flap fairing structure during a flap extension/retraction cycle. An airflow deflector is positioned near a forward separation edge of the aft fairing portion so as to be positioned within a gap defined between the forward edge of the aft fairing portion and a rearward edge of the forward fairing portion when the flap is in the deployed configuration thereof to thereby deflect airflow away from the interior space of the fairing. 1. A flap assembly for an airfoil comprising:a flap;a flap operating mechanism operably connected to the flap for moving the flap between a retracted configuration and a deployed configuration wherein the flap is positioned rearwardly and downwardly relative to the airfoil; anda flap track fairing having an interior cavity space for housing the flap operating mechanism, wherein the flap track fairing comprises,(i) a forward fairing portion having an aft separation edge and being immovably fixed to the airfoil;(ii) an aft fairing portion having a forward separation edge and being connected to the flap so as to be movable downwardly and laterally relative to the forward fairing portion in response to the flap being moved between the retracted and deployed configurations thereof; and an outer fixed edge which is fixed to the forward separation edge of the aft fairing portion, and', 'an inner free edge opposite which is unconnected to the aft fairing portion, wherein', 'the primary airflow deflector blade is slanted inwardly towards the interior cavity ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Cage for hourglass roller bearings

Номер: US20150354631A1
Автор: Alex Habibvand
Принадлежит: Roller Bearing Company of America Inc

A cage for an hourglass roller bearing includes an annular ring having a first axial face and a second axial face. A plurality of first rails extend from the first axial face and a plurality of second rails extend from the second axial face. The cage includes a plurality of pockets. Each of the plurality of pockets is defined by opposing circumferentially facing walls of at least one of adjacent pairs of the first rails and adjacent pairs of the second rails. The circumferentially facing walls are arcuately formed so that each of the plurality of pockets is cylindrical.

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200331584A1

Systems, devices, and methods for an extruded wing protection and control surface comprising: a channel proximate a leading edge of the control surface, a knuckle disposed about the channel, a leading void, a trailing void, and a separator dividing the leading void and the trailing void; and a plurality of notches disposed in the extruded control surface proximate the leading edge of the control surface. 1. A system comprising: a channel proximate a leading edge of the control surface; and', 'a knuckle disposed about the channel, wherein the knuckle comprises a semi-circular portion and a leading edge portion, wherein the semi-circular portion comprises a semi-circular cross-section proximate a top side of the control surface, and wherein the leading edge portion extends from the semi-circular portion toward a bottom side of the control surface., 'an extruded control surface comprising2. The system of wherein the extruded control surface further comprises:a leading void;a trailing void; anda separator dividing the leading void and the trailing void.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of notches disposed in the extruded control surface.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of notches are disposed proximate the leading edge of the control surface.5. The system of further comprising:a plurality of clips, wherein each of the plurality of clips comprise at least one pin disposed proximate a base of the clip;wherein the at least one pin of each clip is received by the knuckle of the control surface via the channel, wherein the knuckle is the only part of the extruded control surface that deforms to accept the pin, and wherein the control surface pivots about each pin.6. The system of further comprising:at least one cuff, wherein the at least one cuff receives an end of the control surface in a first cavity of the cuff, wherein the at least one cuff further comprises: a second cavity disposed on a side distal from the first cavity, wherein ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Gurney flap

Номер: US20170355445A1
Автор: Paul Brewer, Suat Bekircan
Принадлежит: Claverham Ltd

A gurney flap arrangement comprises: an airfoil with an opening in a surface of the airfoil; a gurney flap having a first position in which at least a portion of the gurney flap extends through the opening and projects outwardly from the airfoil surface, and a second position in which the gurney flap does not project from the airfoil surface or projects outwardly from the airfoil surface to a lesser extent; and a seal disposed about the opening to seal a gap in the opening between the gurney flap and the airfoil.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160375987A1

A drag reduction system for an aircraft may include an air ejector having an ejection port located between an aft portion of an airfoil main element and a forward portion of a trailing edge device. The air ejector may be configured to discharge an air jet from the ejection port in such a manner that the air jet passes over the upper surface of the trailing edge device. 1. A drag reduction system for an airfoil , comprising:an air ejector having an ejection port located between an aft portion of an airfoil main element and a forward portion of a trailing edge device; andthe air ejector configured to discharge an air jet from the ejection port in such a manner that the air jet passes over an upper surface of the trailing edge device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the air ejector is configured to discharge the air jet when the trailing edge device is deployed.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the ejection port is configured to discharge the air jet in at least one of an upward direction relative to a chord line of the airfoil of an aircraft and an outboard direction relative to a longitudinal axis of the aircraft.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the airfoil is a wing having a rear spar; andthe ejection port being mounted to the rear spar.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the air ejector is configured as a fluidic oscillator or an air ejector, the air ejector having a nozzle configured to oscillate in a lateral direction; andthe fluidic oscillator and the nozzle discharging an air jet in a manner causing the air jet to laterally sweep back-and-forth along a spanwise portion of the trailing edge device.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the air ejector comprises a plurality of air ejectors.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein:the plurality of air ejectors are arranged in a spanwise array.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein:the plurality of air ejectors are arranged in clusters.9. The system of claim 6 , wherein:the plurality of air ejectors are arranged in two or ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Composite structure with integrated hinge

Номер: US20180370613A1
Принадлежит: Kitty Hawk Corp

A composite structure with an integrated hinge is disclosed. In various embodiments, the composite structure includes a plurality of layers of fiber reinforced polymer material; and a hinge structure comprising one or more layers of bendably flexible hinge material a first region of which is interleaved between adjacent layers of said layers of fiber reinforced polymer material comprising the composite structure and bonded to said adjacent layers by bonding material comprising said composite structure, and a second region of which extends beyond said layers of fiber reinforced polymer material comprising the composite structure.

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200385101A1
Автор: Yoshimoto Minoru

A wing includes a main wing element, a flap disposed on a rear side of the main wing element, a storage section disposed in the main wing element to retract the flap, fairings each of which is disposed under the storage section and covers a flap-moving mechanism for moving the flap, and a shielding member which is disposed in the storage section at a position between the fairings and blocks air flowing in the storage section in the wing span direction. With this configuration, the shielding member disposed in the storage section can block a fluctuating airflow before pressure fluctuations occur in a feedback manner within the storage section. As a result, it is possible to suppress the occurrence of self-excited vibrations, and to suppress large pressure fluctuations at specific frequencies. 1. A wing of an aircraft comprising:a main wing element;a flap disposed on a rear side of the main wing element;a storage section disposed in the main wing element to retract the flap;fairings each of which is disposed under the storage section and covers a mechanism for moving the flap; anda shielding member which is disposed in the storage section at a position between the fairings and blocks at least part of air flowing in the storage section in a wing span direction.2. The wing of the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the shielding member is disposed downstream claim 1 , along a direction of flow of air inside the storage section claim 1 , of a center between the fairings in the wing span direction.3. The wing of the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the flap is partially cut to have a first slit section which allows the flap to avoid interference with the shielding member when retracted in the storage section.4. The wing of the aircraft according to claim 3 , wherein the first slit section has an elastic member disposed in a peripheral edge of the first slit section.5. The wing of the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the shielding member is partly cut to ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Flap actuation system with support catcher link

Номер: US20200391845A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A flap actuation system employed in an aircraft wing with a flap having an internal structure employs a drive link pivotally attached at a top end with a drive axle to a forward lug on the internal structure and pivotally attached at a bottom end with a first pivot axle to a flap support element. An actuator is operably coupled to the drive link intermediate the top end and bottom end. A trailing link is pivotally attached at a leading end with a second pivot axle to the flap support element and pivotally attached at a trailing end with a reaction axle to an aft fitting on the internal structure. A catcher link is pivotally attached at a bottom end to the flap support element and at a top end to an intermediate fitting engaged to the internal structure. The catcher link is unloaded in a typical operating condition and upon a failure in the drive link, first pivot axle, drive axle, forward lug, trailing link, second pivot axle, reaction axle or aft fitting a load is induced on the catcher link to accommodate the failure condition.

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Aerodynamic Flap Support Structure

Номер: US20190389560A1
Автор: Gruner Bryan Jacob

A flap deployment apparatus and system for a wing of an aircraft that includes a support structure having a first aerodynamic surface. A nose fitting secures the support structure to a forward portion of an aircraft wing and an aft fitting secures the support structure to an aft portion of the wing. A carrier beam having a second aerodynamic surface is coupled to the support structure. The carrier beam is movable between a stowed position and a deployed position. Links guide the carrier between the positions. The first and second aerodynamic surfaces are configured to define a continuous aerodynamic surface when the carrier beam is in the stowed position. The apparatus includes a nose fairing having a third aerodynamic and a mid fairing cover having a fourth aerodynamic surface. The third and fourth aerodynamic surfaces also defines the continuous aerodynamic surface when the carrier beam is in the stowed position. 1. A flap deployment system for a wing of an aircraft comprising:a support structure having a first aerodynamic surface;a nose fitting coupled to a first end of the support structure, the nose fitting configured to secure the support structure to a forward portion of the wing;an aft fitting coupled to the support structure, the aft fitting configured to secure the support structure to an aft portion of the wing;a carrier beam coupled to a second end of the support structure, the carrier beam being movable between a stowed position and a deployed position and having a second aerodynamic surface, wherein the carrier beam is configured to be coupled to a flap of the wing; anda plurality of links configured to guide the carrier beam between the stowed position and the deployed position.2. The flap deployment system of claim 1 , comprising a tail fitting coupled to the second end of the support structure claim 1 , wherein the tail fitting couples the carrier beam to the second end of the support structure.3. The flap deployment system of claim 2 , wherein the ...

11-09-1985 дата публикации

Wing flap mechanism

Номер: EP0154047A1
Автор: Martin F. Stephenson
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A carrier unit for chordwise extending and rotatably positioning an auxiliary airfoil mounted adjacent to the trailing edge of a relatively fixed main airfoil of an airplane. When the auxiliary airfoil is in a fully retracted and stowed position, the actuation and positioning linkage mechanism of the carrier unit is completely housed within the combined auxiliary and main airfoil envelope with no external protrusions or fairings. For auxiliary airfoil extension, to increase the overall chord plane by approximately eight percent, a first set of four-bar linkages (13, 20, 22, 24) is utilized comprising: a beam member (22) supported at a forward portion by a pair of approximately parallel links (20, 24) pivoted to wing structure (13) and swingable chordwise in a generally parallel relationship for translatably shifting the auxiliary airfoil which is pivoted to a rearward portion of the beam member. For changing the auxiliary airfoil angle-of-incidence relative to the main airfoil, one or more sets of four-bar linkage (22, 24, 28, 11) are integfatadtwith the first set for a unified rotation programming and extension driva that functionsto produes an aerodynamic slot opening when the atrxiliery airfoil is extended to takeoff and landing positions whereat it is deflected up to approximately forty degrees relative to the main airfoil reference chord plane. For an aerodynamic braking action during landing roll-out, the geometrical relationship of the sets of four-bar linkages functions to deflect the auxiliary airfoil chord plane greater than forty degrees, to approximately ninety degrees or more relative to the main airfoil reference chord plane.

12-07-2007 дата публикации

Airfoil for aircraft, has flap attached to supports and rotates with respect to axis during rotation of supports relative to wingbox, computer evaluating output signals from sensors and controlling drives on basis of evaluation

Номер: DE102005062919A1
Автор: Ulrich Pohl

The airfoil has supports (5) mounted relative to a wingbox (3) such that the supports rotate with respect to a flap rotation axis. A flap is attached to the supports and rotates with respect to the axis during rotation of the supports relative to the wingbox. A movement mechanism is coupled to the supports for setting an angle position of the flap with respect to the wingbox. A computer is connected to rotation sensors (19). The computer evaluates the output signals from the sensors, and controls drives on the basis of the evaluation, such that the supports are moved synchronously.

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Airfoil for an aircraft and aircraft

Номер: WO2007074173A2
Автор: Ulrich Pohl

The invention relates to the monitoring of the landing flaps on an airfoil (2) for an aircraft (1), and to an aircraft (1) having such an airfoil (2). The airfoil (2) has a wingbox (3), a support (5) which is mounted relative to the wingbox (3) such that it can rotate with respect to a flap rotation axis (7), a flap (4) which is attached to the support (5) and rotates with respect to the flap rotation axis (7) during rotation of the support (5) relative to the wingbox (3), a movement mechanism (8) which is coupled to the support (5) in order to set an angle position of the flap (4) with respect to the wingbox (3) and a measurement apparatus (18) for detection of the angle position of the flap (4). The measurement apparatus (18) has a rotation sensor (19), which is arranged on the support (5), and a four-element coupling transmission (22, 24, 26, 27) which couples the rotation sensor (19) to the movement mechanism (8).
