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10-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2188781C2

Группа изобретений предназначена для создания способа и устройства для дозированной передачи мелкого порошка в резервуары. Мелкий порошок первоначально флюидизируется. По крайней мере, часть флюидизированного порошка в дальнейшем захватывается. Захваченный мелкий порошок затем передается в резервуар, при этом передаваемый порошок является, по существу, неуплотненным, так что он может быть распылен при извлечении его из резервуара. Изобретения позволяют достигать активными лекарственными компонентами при внутрилегочном вводе лекарств дистальных центров легких. 3 с. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Способ и установка для заполнения капсул сыпучим материалом и их закупоривания

Номер: RU2606080C2
Принадлежит: Г. Д С.П.А. (IT)

В способе и устройстве пластины с гнездами для размещения капсул перемещают одну за другой при помощи конвейерных средств к рабочим секциям. В каждой пластине капсулы подвергают воздействиям по меньшей мере одним воздействующим устройством. При этом в каждой рабочей секции имеется устройство для блокирования пластин, которое может быть приведено в действие управляющим блоком для остановки по меньшей мере одной пластины в один момент времени в рабочей секции на заданное время, необходимое для осуществления воздействия на пластину по меньшей мере одного воздействующего устройства и для выпуска по меньшей мере одной пластины в один момент времени по окончании воздействия. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение производительности и надежности. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355377C2
Принадлежит: ТЕВА МЕДИКАЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системам смешивания лекарств. Система смешивания лекарств содержит, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с гнездом емкости с жидкостью, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с ампулой с лекарством и, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения со шприцем, выполненный с возможностью прикрепления к шприцу и к, по меньшей мере, одному из следующих компонентов: по меньшей мере, одному элементу сопряжения с гнездом емкости и, по меньшей мере, одному элементу сопряжения с ампулой. По меньшей мере, один из следующих компонентов: по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с гнездом емкости, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения со шприцем и, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с ампулой снабжен воздуховодом в окружающую среду, выполненным с возможностью предотвращения пропускания в окружающую среду потенциально вредного содержимого ампулы в жидкой, твердой или газообразной форме. Изобретение позволяет работать с токсичными лекарствами ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2531451C2

В способе формуют корпус, включающий камеру, в первой пресс-форме в чистой комнате и формуют часть контейнера во второй пресс-форме в чистой комнате того же класса, что и первая, при этом в части контейнера устройством для заполнения контейнера может быть выполнен прокол с образованием отверстия с возможностью восстановления ее герметичности. Затем собирают вместе часть контейнера и корпус в чистой комнате для получения пустой герметично закрытой камеры. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение герметичности, когда в части контейнера выполняют прокол. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 66 ил.

30-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016813C1

Использование: в химической, химико-фармацевтической и пищевой промышленности для дозирования сыпучих продуктов. Сущность изобретения: полуавтомат содержит транспортный орган с закрепленными на нем механизмами подъема изделий, каретку, имеющую один или несколько мерников, механизм привода каретки с управляющим кулачком, рабочий профиль которого образован двумя активными участками и расположенной между ними зоной выстоя, и блокировочное устройство, включающее электромагнит. Кулачок свободно размещен на валу и снабжен выдвижной шпонкой, которая кинематически связана с электромагнитом. Полуавтомат позволяет снизить расход засыпаемого продукта и улучшить качество изделия. 4 ил.

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005106199A

... 1. Пузырек в сборе для хранения вещества, содержащий корпус, снабженный отверстием, камеру, в которую через отверстие может быть введено вещество, основание, среднюю часть и верхнюю часть, которая отделена в направлении оси от основания средней частью, причем размеры основания и верхней части в горизонтальной плоскости больше, чем максимальный размер средней части в горизонтальной плоскости, и заглушку, которая введена в отверстие и в которой иглой или иным подобным элементом может быть выполнен прокол для осуществления, по крайней мере, одного из следующих действий: введения в камеру вещества или извлечения его из камеры. 2. Пузырек в сборе по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поперечное сечение основания, средней части и верхней части имеет примерно форму окружности, и максимальный диаметр основания и верхней части больше максимального диаметра средней части. 3. Пузырек в сборе по п.2, отличающийся тем, что основание, средняя и верхняя часть создают форму, сходную с катушкой. 4. Пузырек в сборе ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006104005A

... 1. Устройство для обеспечения введения сжатого пропеллента в аэрозольную клапанную систему с пакетом на клапане, имеющую емкость, причем указанный пропеллент подлежит введению во внутреннее пространство емкости снаружи пакета, содержащее аэрозольный клапан, имеющий шток клапана, корпус клапана и пакет, установленный на указанном корпусе клапана, и в котором шток клапана имеет промежуточный участок с наружной кольцевой поверхностью в виде усеченного конуса, а корпус клапана имеет внутреннюю кольцевую поверхность в виде усеченного конуса, причем указанные соответствующие кольцевые поверхности в виде усеченного конуса сцепляются в кольцевом уплотнительном контакте друг с другом, когда шток глубоко прижимают для введения сжатого пропеллента, тем самым предотвращая попадание пропеллента в пакет. 2. Устройство для обеспечения введения сжатого пропеллента в аэрозольную клапанную систему с пакетом на клапане, имеющую пакет в емкости, причем указанный пропеллент подлежит введению во внутреннее пространство ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации

Способ и установка для заполнения капсул сыпучим материалом и их закупоривания

Номер: RU2014123543A

... 1. Способ заполнения капсул сыпучим материалом и их закупоривания, в котором пластины (8), снабженные гнездами (7) для размещения соответствующих капсул (2), переносят последовательно с помощью конвейерных средств (9, 50) в соответствии с рабочими секциями (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34), в каждой из которых капсулы (2), относящиеся к каждой пластине (8), подвергают соответствующим воздействиям по меньшей мере одного воздействующего устройства (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32), отличающийся тем, что в каждой рабочей секции (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34) в один момент времени останавливают по меньшей мере одну пластину (8) на заданное время, необходимое для подвергания ее воздействию по меньшей мере одного воздействующего устройства (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32), и по меньшей мере одну пластину в один момент времени перемещают от рабочей секции (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34) по окончании воздействия ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006131821A

... 1. Источник топлива, предназначенный для подключения к хост-устройству, имеющий переднюю сторону и по меньшей мере один функциональный элемент, причем указанный по меньшей мере один функциональный элемент расположен относительно базы, выполненной на источнике питания, где при подключении источника топлива к хост-устройству передняя сторона располагается напротив соответствующей стороны на хост-устройстве, и база согласуется с согласующейся базой на хост-устройстве, и указанный по меньшей мере функциональный элемент соединяется с соответствующим соединением на хост-устройстве. 2. Источник топлива по п.1, отличающийся тем, что хост-устройство представляет собой электронное устройство, запитываемое топливным элементом. 3. Источник топлива по п.1, отличающийся тем, что хост-устройство представляет собой топливный элемент. 4. Источник топлива по п.1, отличающийся тем, что хост-устройство представляет собой зарядное устройство. 5. Источник топлива по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный по меньшей ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011123423A

Машина для изготовления бумажных пакетов, содержащая раму, цепь, рукоятку, звездочки, кулачки, подающий лист, рычаги, ванночки, изгибатель, толкатель, опорные ролики, шарниры, пружины, прижимную рамку, отличающаяся тем, что привод кулачковых механизмов, обеспечивающий последовательность выполнения операций по подаче бумажной заготовки пакета, нанесения клея, изгибания заготовки и прижатия согнутых половинок пакета при последующем его опускании в приемною корзину производится с помощью единого цепного привода, состоящего из цепи и ведущей звездочки, приводимой вручную от рукоятки, и обеспечивающего синхронный поворот кулачков машины, при котором осуществляется полный цикл получения готового пакета за один ее полный оборот.

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007139254A

... 1. Устройство для загрузки материала в виде частиц, содержащее: ! приспособление для поворота указанного устройства, ! установочную поверхность, соединенную с указанным приспособлением для поворота, ! образующие препятствия элементы, закрепленные на установочной поверхности и расположенные последовательно с образованием спиральной конфигурации. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором установочная поверхность присоединена под указанным приспособлением для поворота. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, в котором образующие препятствия элементы представляют собой цилиндрические пружины из нержавеющей стали. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, в котором образующие препятствия элементы представляют собой ответвления сплошного типа. ! 5. Устройство по п.1, в котором образующие препятствия элементы представляют собой ответвления щеточного типа, выполненные из нержавеющей стали. ! 6. Устройство по п.1, в котором указанные образующие препятствия элементы представляют собой элементы по меньшей мере двух разных типов, выбранных ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014133905A

... 1. Способ наполнения взрыв-пакетов, содержащий этапы, на которых:загружают взрыв-пакет в упаковочное устройство; далееразмещают узел зажима с открытым каналом потока и по меньшей мере одним зажимом в упаковочном устройстве для зажима загруженного пакета в положении;вливают взрывчатый материал в загруженный взрыв-пакет через канал потока для наполнения пакета до требуемого уровня; далееэлектронным образом закрывают затворы клипсатора, находящегося под по меньшей мере одним зажимом для закрытия напротив верхнего концевого участка соответствующего взрыв-пакета; и далееавтоматически клипсуют по меньшей мере одну клипсу на верхнем концевом участке наполненного пакета во время закрытия затворов клипсатора.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором автоматически механически натягивают вверх горловой участок пакета над по меньшей мере одним зажимом с использованием узла зажима во время закрытия затворов клипсатора напротив участка пакета, находящегося под ним, перед автоматическим ...

01-01-1956 дата публикации

Автомат для укупорки бутылок

Номер: SU104245A1
Автор: Лихачев Н.В.

07-11-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для отмера волокнистого материала заданной массы

Номер: SU1189744A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОТМЕРА ВОЛОКНИСТОГО МАТЕРИАЛА ЗАДАННОЙ МАССЫ, содержащее датчик линейной плотности материала, подключенный к входу вычислительного блока, выходом связанного с установочным входом элемента задержки, тактирующим входом соединенного с выходом датчика скорости транспортирования материала, а выходом - с входом исполнительного механизма, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрощения его конструкции, выход датчика скорости транспортирования материала подключен к питающему входу датчика линейной плотности материала, а выход и сбросовый вход элемента за- . держки объединены. о tt to сх се 1 j:; 4;: ft ...

15-09-1924 дата публикации

Выбойный аппарат

Номер: SU2147A1
Автор: Зельдис А.Г.

07-03-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для заполнения мешков

Номер: SU1296002A3

Изобретение относится к расфа- совочно-упаковочному оборудованию. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы. На раме 6 установлена питающая труба 7, вьтолненная из жесткого материала и имеющая скошенный нижний край. На раме 6 закреплены цапфы, на которых установлена поворотная рама. С рамой жестко соединены стойки, несущие опорные кронСО .SS,57 ic ;о оз (/4 ...

07-05-1993 дата публикации

Дозатор сыпучих и гранулированных материалов

Номер: SU1814633A3

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для объемного дозирования сыпучих и гранулированных материалов. Сущность изобретения; в кожухе 2 смонтирован приводной вращающийся дозирующий барабан с ячейками, образованными прямоугольными продольными пазами 6, симметричными диаметральной плоскости барабана 5. В пазах 6 смонтированы ползуны 8 по форме пазов, 2 ил.

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken

Номер: DE102015109798A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken, in dem wenigstens teilweise vorkonfektioniertes Sandsackmaterial (28) in einem Bereich eines Sandaustrittsabschnitts (16) wenigstens einer Fördereinrichtung (12) wenigstens abschnittsweise eingespannt wird und dann Sand (32) aus wenigstens einem Sandspeicher (14) über die Fördereinrichtung (12) zu dem Sandaustrittsabschnitt (48) gefördert wird und das Sandsackmaterial (28) hinsichtlich einer Füllmenge überwacht wird und nach dem Befüllen über wenigstens eine Fördereinrichtung (36) abtransportiert wird. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass das Sandsackmaterial (28) mit wenigstens einer Speicher- und Zuführeinrichtung (24) bevorratet und dem wenigstens einen Sandaustrittsabschnitt (16) zugeführt wird. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine entsprechende Vorrichtung zum automatisierten Befüllen von Sandsäcken (10).

06-08-2021 дата публикации

Wiegevorrichtung für eine Kapsel und Kapselfüllmaschine mit Wiegevorrichtung

Номер: DE202021104040U1

Wiegevorrichtung (2) für eine Kapsel (1), welche in einem auf einem Drehtisch (21) einer Kapselfüllmaschine (20) angeordneten Kapselsegment (22) gehalten ist, umfassend eine Wiegezelle (3) sowie eine Übergabevorrichtung (5) zur Übergabe mindestens einer Kapsel (1) vom Kapselsegment (22) der Kapselfüllmaschine (20) zur Wiegezelle (3) und zurück, wobei das Kapselsegment (22) mehrere in einer Reihe angeordnete Kapselaufnahmen (23) für jeweils eine Kapsel (1) aufweist, wobei die Übergabevorrichtung (5) ein Transportsegment (6) mit mehreren in einer Reihe angeordneten Transportaufnahmen (7) für jeweils eine Kapsel (1) aufweist, wobei das Transportsegment (6) in einer zur Drehebene des Drehtisches (21) parallelen Transportebene (E) bewegbar und mit seinen Transportaufnahmen (7) in Überdeckung mit den Kapselaufnahmen (23) des zugeordneten Kapselsegmentes (22) bringbar ist, und wobei die Wiegezelle (3) eine einzige Wiegeaufnahme (4) für eine einzelne Kapsel (1) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060324139D1

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung und Befüllung von Verpackungsmitteln

Номер: DE102010028394A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung und Befüllung von Verpackungsmitteln (60), bei dem folgende Verfahrensschritte durchgeführt werden beschrieben und beansprucht: flachgelegtes schlauchförmiges Folienmaterial (4), wird entlang der Hauptsymmetrieachse (65) des Schlauches (4) von einer Rolle (3) abgewickelt, das schlauchförmige Material (4) wird durch einen Schweiß- und Trennvorgang mit einer ersten zur Schlauchachse (65) senkrechten Querschweißnaht (42) versehen und entlang Trennlinie getrennt, die so entstandenen einseitig offenen Schlauchstücke (18) befüllt, das noch offene Ende (62) der einseitig offenen Schlauchstücke (18) wird mit einer zweiten Querschweißnaht (42) versehen. Als neu und erfinderisch wird angesehen, dass zwei aufeinander folgende Trennlinien (42) in den Schlauch (4) in einem Abstand (61) eingebracht werden, der geringer ist als der Abstand (64) zwischen den beiden Rändern (50, 51) des Schlauches (4). Auch eine Vorrichtung (1) mit Merkmalen, die die Durchführung des ...

03-08-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003490109C2

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Dosiervorrichtung für Kapseln

Номер: DE102019203657A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung eine Dosiervorrichtung Dosiervorrichtung einer Füllanlage zum Dosieren von Pellets in ein Behältnis, umfassend einen Speicher für die Pellets wenigstens eine Dosierkammer, eine Rampe, welche in einem Winkel zu einer Horizontalen angeordnet ist und über welche die Pellets zu der wenigstens einen Dosierkammer zugeführt werden, wenigstens ein Stempel, welcher in der Dosierkammer angeordnet ist und einen Boden der Dosierkammer bildet, wobei der Stempel eingerichtet ist, die in der Dosierkammer befindlichen Pellets auszuschieben und eine Umlenkeinrichtung, welche über der wenigstens einen Dosierkammer angeordnet ist und eine Umlenkung der mittels des Stempels aus der Dosierkammer ausgegebenen Pellets zu einem Abfüllort ermöglicht, an welchem die Pellets in das Behältnis abgefüllt werden.

12-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE202021001132U1
Принадлежит: Granovskyy

Sandsackfüllgerät einschließlich eine sich im Wesentlichen horizontal befindende Rinne, die mit der Möglichkeit einer Neigung in vertikalen Ebene um einen Punkt, der sich im Wesentlichen in der Nähe eines Endes der Rinne befindet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass diese Rinne aus zwei teleskopisch eingerichteten Teilen besteht, wobei das am weitesten von dem besagten Punkt befindende Teil relativ zu dem zweiten Teil verschoben und in der verschobenen Position fixiert werden kann.

23-03-2006 дата публикации

Bag filling shovel, has bulky material retainer and pipeline to bag taking place over housing, and tensioning device includes lever that causes force over elastic unit and releases cover, during actuation over hand area

Номер: DE102004063896A1

The shovel has a bulky material retainer and a pipeline to a bag taking place over a housing (1`). The housing includes an inlet, a duct, two walls running parallel in the direction of an outlet (11) and a cover. A holder for receiving a handle (2) is fastened at a front wall of the cover. A tensioning device includes a lever (6) that causes a force over an elastic unit and releases the cover, during the actuation over the hand area.

21-06-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9004235U1

03-07-2008 дата публикации

Bag filling device e.g. form fill seal machine, has collection unit for collecting bulk goods e.g. granulates, stepped out from discharge opening of filling port and for conveying goods into material discharge line

Номер: DE102007001308A1

The device (1) has a filling body (4), and a filling port (5) with a discharge opening (6) for filling bags (2). A collection device (10) has a movable and controllable collection unit (11) for collecting bulk goods (3) e.g. granulates, stepped out from the discharge opening in a collecting position. The collection unit conveys the collected bulk goods into a material discharge line (15) of a material discharge device (14) in a conveying position, and releases the filling port in a filling position.

09-01-2013 дата публикации

Product dispensing device

Номер: GB0002492725A

A system, device and method for dispensing a product includes a delivery system that includes at least one auger with internal flighting that is either integral with or attached to an internal wall of a barrel portion of the auger. The auger rotates and the spiral flighting within the auger transmits a product from a bulk loading station to a product dispensation area. Thus, products can be bulk loaded into a device rather than having to be loaded one-by-one into a dispensing device. The spiral flighting reduces pinch points associated with conventional auger systems.

24-06-1953 дата публикации

Machine for shovelling, sorting and sacking bulk material such as coal

Номер: GB0000693203A

... 693,203. Weighing - apparatus. HUCHER, J. L. A. July 31, 1951 [Aug. 2, 1950], No. 18110/51. Class 143 [Also in Groups XXX, XXXI and XXXII]. In apparatus for shovelling and elevating bulk material such as coal the material is passed over screens and to automatic weighing and sacking apparatus. As shown in Fig. 1, material is conveyed by a shovel 48 to buckets on endless conveyer chains 58 to a screening device 92 consisting of spaced superimposed coarse and fine meshes which separate the fine particles which fall into a container 106 from the remainder which is either conveyed to a hopper 98 or further subdivided to a hopper 104, the material in the hopper 98 and 104 being automatically weighed and sacked. The weighing apparatus comprises two beams 113 with counterweight 112 and lower beams 114 pivoted at 115 to the framework whereby the weighing machine is maintained perpendicular to the chassis. The vehicle is driven by a motor which also operates a winch and cable 53 to rotate the elevator ...

05-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001578190A

30-06-1980 дата публикации

Process of vacuum conditioning.

Номер: OA0000004604A

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361875T

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500449B8

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000207689A

12-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348440B

25-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380215B

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411222T

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123467T

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000042246T

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000046672T

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000028434T

15-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000451T

29-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326571B

12-11-1973 дата публикации

Device for purifying Rome dosage

Номер: AT0000311260B

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343517T

26-08-1968 дата публикации

Device for proportioning fibrous property, which is upstream a baling press

Номер: AT0000264294B

26-04-1971 дата публикации

Ignition system for explosion engines

Номер: AT0000289472B

17-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006241986A

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003297558A1

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Sealed containers and methods of making and filling same

Номер: AU2008212024B2

Abstract Disclosed is a uniquely configured medicament vial assembly which includes a storage vial, a stopper member and a securing ring. The vial assembly is configured to improve healthcare 5 worker safety by providing a shielded gripping location to aid in the reduction of accidental needle sticks. The storage vial has a body portion which defines an interior chamber for storing a predetermined medicament and a neck portion through which medicament is received into and withdrawn from the interior chamber. The stopper member is inserted into the mouth of the vial and establishes a first seal. The securing ring is engaged with the mouth 10 of the vial and adapted and configured for retaining the stopper member within the vial mouth and effectuating a second seal. The securing ring is formed from a thermoplastic and/or elastic material. Preferably, the securing ring is formed by molding the thermoplastic and/or elastic material over a portion of the storage vial and stopper member when ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2012254948B2

Abstract Disclosed is a uniquely configured medicament vial assembly which includes a storage vial, a stopper member and a securing ring. The vial assembly is configured to improve healthcare 5 worker safety by providing a shielded gripping location to aid in the reduction of accidental needle sticks. The storage vial has a body portion which defines an interior chamber for storing a predetermined medicament and a neck portion through which medicament is received into and withdrawn from the interior chamber. The stopper member is inserted into the mouth of the vial and establishes a first seal. The securing ring is engaged with the mouth 10 of the vial and adapted and configured for retaining the stopper member within the vial mouth and effectuating a second seal. The securing ring is formed from a thermoplastic and/or elastic material. Preferably, the securing ring is formed by molding the thermoplastic and/or elastic material over a portion of the storage vial and stopper member when ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Fluid delivery system

Номер: AU2012216856B2

A fluid delivery system for dispensing a liquid from a sealed container directly into a closed chamber comprises a container containing a liquid component of bone cement and plugged with a plug, and a closed chamber comprising a 5 receiving port for receiving the sealed container, wherein the receiving port is configured to receive the liquid component in direct response to manual insertion of the sealed container through the receiving port using an open loop system. MAGraham\CIare\Speci & Amndmns254 Pgl.Docx,. 14/09/12 Fig. 1B 15a 16 15 17c 15b 2jqA 15a 18 14 10--- 18. --- i b5 13 15a17 19 Fig. 1 D 15 26 Fig. 1 A 15b'-, 15a Fig. 1 E ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Refueling assemblz having a check valve receptacle and a replaceable fuel receiver for bottom-filled fuel tanks

Номер: AU2005223687B2

A fuel receiver assembly, that permits replacement of a worn fuel receiver without draining the fuel tank, includes a check valve receptacle having a male-pipe-threaded nipple which engages the female-threaded pipe coupling of the fuel tank. The check valve receptacle has a spring-biased, normally closed check valve that prevents fuel from escaping from the fuel tank. Fuel pressure from the refueling pump opens the normally-closed check valve. The check valve receptacle is designed to be a relatively permanent installation in the fuel tank, having ultra-low-wear components. The check valve receptacle also has a female-threaded socket that is coaxial with the male-pipe-threaded nipple. A specially-designed male-threaded fuel receiver engages the female-threaded socket. Sealing between the check valve receptacle and the replaceable fuel receiver is accomplished by an O-ring seal installed on the fuel receiver.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Refueling assemblz having a check valve receptacle and a replaceable fuel receiver for bottom-filled fuel tanks

Номер: AU2005223687B8

A fuel receiver assembly, that permits replacement of a worn fuel receiver without draining the fuel tank, includes a check valve receptacle having a male-pipe-threaded nipple which engages the female-threaded pipe coupling of the fuel tank. The check valve receptacle has a spring-biased, normally closed check valve that prevents fuel from escaping from the fuel tank. Fuel pressure from the refueling pump opens the normally-closed check valve. The check valve receptacle is designed to be a relatively permanent installation in the fuel tank, having ultra-low-wear components. The check valve receptacle also has a female-threaded socket that is coaxial with the male-pipe-threaded nipple. A specially-designed male-threaded fuel receiver engages the female-threaded socket. Sealing between the check valve receptacle and the replaceable fuel receiver is accomplished by an O-ring seal installed on the fuel receiver.

09-09-2005 дата публикации

Needle guide

Номер: AU2004316287A1

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Valve with biasing member

Номер: AU2010222937C1

An apparatus and system for transferring a liquid, such as a liquid anesthetic, from a reservoir to a machine while minimizing the release of the liquid to the surrounding environment. The apparatus can include a frame member defining a frame passage extending from a first end of the frame member to a second end of the frame member and a nozzle connected to the frame member. The nozzle can be moveable between a first position and a second position relative to the frame member, and can define a plug member configured to block the second end of the frame passage when the nozzle is in the first position. The apparatus can further include a biasing member connected to the frame member and the nozzle.

06-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000526358B2

24-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001342183A

31-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003818495A

11-06-2002 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for urging fluid into a pressurized system

Номер: AU0002139002A

09-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524471A1

A cap (18) for closing a threaded port (14) in a vessel (10) such as a pressure sprayer tank. A cup-shaped central portion of the cap (18) faces into the vessel when the cap (18) is installed onto the threaded port (14). The cup- shaped portion is provided with indicia indicative of volumes of material. In measuring use, the cap (18) is inverted, allowing the cup-shaped portion be used as a measuring cup to which material may be added. When the desired amount has been added, the cap (18) is re-invented to dump the material into the vessel (10). Preferably, the cup-shaped portion has a skewed rim (34) such that a portion of the rim forms a pouring lip.

12-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001038350A1

06-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001016912A1

22-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002518935C
Принадлежит: JV MEDI CO., LTD

A tablet cassette array plate in an automatic tablet dispensing and packaging apparatus which has tablet cassette supports provided at one side of cabinets and mounted with tablet cassettes containing corresponding tablet: The tablet cassette array plate assembly comprises: a pair of tablet cassette array plates provided at the other side of the cabinets for forming tablet discharge sections along vertical array lines of the tablet cassettes to guide tablet discharged from the tablet cassette into a packaging unit, wherein the first tablet cassette array plate is fixedly coupled with the respective cabinets, and has fastening means for coupling the first tablet cassette array plate with the second tablet cassette array plate, the second tablet cassette array plate is longitudinally partitioned into a number of sub-plates at a predetermined spacing, and fastening means are provided respectively in the partitioned tablet cassette array sub-plates, and coupled with the fastening means provided ...

18-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002322574C

A terminal and system for the automatic computerized unloading of containerized cargo from container ships to trucks, railroad cars, other ships or storage. The terminal system (10) is equipped to store or transfer unloaded cargo automatically by using independent container transfer vehicles (26). The cargo ships (20) are moored between quays (22) of a terminal building constructed in or adjacent to a waterway. Independent container transfer vehicles (26) on an overhead transverse beam (28) system lift a container (18) up and away from a ship and transfer it to the elevated ground rail (72) system without changing the container orientation, and then shuttle on elevated ground conveyance rails to other areas of the terminal to distribute the container to the pertinent transportation system (railcar, truck, another ship) or to storage (40). Containers can also be unloaded from trucks and railroad cars and transported to a berthed ship utilizing the same transportation system. Remotely controlled ...

19-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002567811C

A two-position fill valve for filling a pressurized dispensing container is disclosed. The valve includes a generally cylindrical body having a first end and a second end. The fill valve provides substantial improvements in both retaining area and fill area.

15-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002675075C

In an elongated strip of desiccant packages each package includes a body formed from spun bonded non-woven polyethylene; a lateral seal at each end of the body, the seal comprising a knurled direct, adhesive free, seal having intersecting sealing lines each of which is arranged at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the package; a longitudinal seal extending between the lateral seals printed indicia on the package disposed substantially between the lateral seals, and spaced from the longitudinal seal, the longitudinal and lateral sealing areas being substantially free of printing; at least one registration mark on the body, the mark disposed at a known distance from at least one of the lateral seals, and outside of the sealing area; a sorbent material within the body. A method for inserting desiccant packages into product containers includes the steps of: providing an elongated strip of preprinted desiccant packages having a length at least 1000 times its width, the preprinted desiccant ...

29-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002766290A1

A biodegradable lawn waste collection system is provided. The system generally includes a waste receiver, a shaping insert, and a handle. The waste receiver may comprise a mesh structure having a filling end and a sealing end. The mesh structure may be formed from a biodegradable polymer composition. The shaping insert is configured for removable reception within the filling end of the waste receiver. The shaping insert provides the waste receiver with rigidity and stability when filling the waste receiver with lawn waste. After the waste receiver has been filled with lawn waste, the shaping inert is removed and the filling end is secured, such as by tying a knot. The full waste receiver is then releasably attached to the handle, which enables the full waste receiver to be easily carried or dragged to a desired destination.

07-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760033A1

A packaging system and method for packaging roast and ground coffee products, the packaging system comprising multiple containers that store the coffee and are packaged within a larger outer package that bundles the multiple containers together into one unit. The containers can have a vented film membrane that seals an opening in the container, the film membrane having a vent opening that allows for a release of gas build up from within the container through the vent opening. Additionally, the outer package completely surrounds the multiple packages and further contains a one-way valve that allows for release of the gases accumulated within exit through the valve while preventing gases from entering through the valve and into the package. In another aspect, the containers can have a one-way valve directly on the container body for release of gases therethrough.

28-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002731734A1

An apparatus and system for transferring a liquid, such as a liquid anesthetic, from a reservoir to a machine while minimizing the release of the liquid to the surrounding environment. The apparatus can include a frame member defining a frame passage extending from a first end of the frame member to a second end of the frame member and a nozzle connected to the frame member. The nozzle can be moveable between a first position and a second position relative to the frame member, and include a biasing member connected to the frame member and the nozzle.

23-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1223233A

In a sack filling machine, pivotable flaps are in a V formation when in a sack-receiving position and they are provided with means for clamping the mouth of each sack to be filled. In the receiving position, one of the flaps completely covers the outlet of a filling tube by sealingly abutting a bevelled edge on the tube.

22-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1021301A

03-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002534395A1

A measuring cup adapted to serve as a closure for a package for liquids and a package for liquids including a container, a transition collar and a measuring cup adapted to serve as a closure. The measuring cup has a closed base and an open mouth, with an upper wall portion surrounding said open mouth. A side wall portion extends between the closed base and upper wall, wherein the side wall is disposed outwardly of the upper wall to provide an increased volume measuring cup.

23-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002574084A1

24-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001053198A1

21-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052600A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

The invention refers to a hollow body (100) comprising a wall of glass (101) which at least partially surrounds an interior volume (102) of the hollow body (100); wherein the wall of glass (101) has a wall surface (103), which comprises a surface region (104); wherein at least in the surface region (104) the wall surface (103) has a content of a) N in a range from 0.3 to 10.0 at-%, and b) Si at least 5 at-%, wherein the preceding contents are determined by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Further, the invention refers to a process (300) for making an item and a hollow body (100) obtainable thereby; to a closed container (200); to a process (300) for packaging a pharmaceutical composition (201); to a closed hollow body (200) obtainable by this process (300); to a use of a hollow body (100) for packaging a pharmaceutical composition (201); and to a use of composition comprising N.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044549A1

The invention relates to a device (1) for filling open bags (2) with powdery food, comprising a support structure (3) and a filling support (4) accommodated on the support structure (3), on which a bag (2) to be filling is suspended. The bag (2) is maintained on the filling support (4) by means of a bag holder (5, 6). The support structure (3) comprises a hollow profile (10, 11) with a control component (20) accommodated therein in order to protect against soiling. The hollow profile (10) comprises an air outlet (8) for controlling, in the hollow profile (10) when in operation an air pressure higher than the environment.

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002448699A1

Automated apparatus for filling of a bag with a loose commodity comprises a bag filling station for dispensing commodity into a bag; a wicket for feeding a stacked and interconnected array of empty bags; and a conveyor for removing filled bags from the filling station. Reciprocating clamps grip the open mouths of the filled bags, and transfer the filled bags away from the filling station, with a subsequent bag being drawn into appropriate position for filling by means of the connection formed between the contacting bags.

30-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002548623C

... ²²²The current invention includes to systems and methods of transferring ²cryogenic fluids between two locations. More particularly, some embodiments of ²the invention are related to systems and methods of using cryogenic risers and ²rotatable connections for transferring cryogenic fluids, including liquefied ²natural gas, from an ocean going vessel to a second location.² ...

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002578440C
Принадлежит: B. BRAUN MEDICAL INC.

A tube set for dispensing components into a product bag includes a plurality of tubing lines, a manifold, and a bypass. The manifold has a plurality of inlets, each inlet adapted for connection to a respective tubing line. The manifold also has an outlet connectable to a first feed tube of a product bag. The bypass is associated with at least one of the plurality of tubing lines. The bypass has a bypass inlet connectable to the tubing line associated communication with an inlet of the manifold and the second outlet is removably connectable to a second feed tube in fluid communication with the product bag, independent of the manifold.

26-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3051316A1

Simulateur didactique pour remplissage et fermeture de pots comprenant un poste de distribution de pots, un poste de chargement de billes, et un poste de fermeture de pots ( voir Fig. 15). La présente invention a pour but de fournir aux écoles techniques un simulateur de processus industriels, programmable au moyen d'automates programmables industriels et d'ordinateurs, permettant de simuler plusieurs expériences différentes sur un même simulateur, tout en présentant un très faible encombrement, et un faible cout.

06-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002506640C

The invention relates to a method of filling flexible foil bags, wherein a foil bag is shaped at least partially by means of a gaseous medium and said foil bag is then filled with a liquid filling material, said gaseous medium disinfecting the foil bag. Furthermore, the invention relates to an apparatus for filling foil bags comprising a shaping unit for shaping the foil bags by means of a gaseous medium, and a filling unit for filling the foil bags with a liquid medium, said apparatus being provided with means for adding a disinfecting effect to said gaseous medium.

21-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002662338C

There is provided a medicine packaging apparatus, which is capable of rapidly coping with errors occurring during processes. The medicine packaging apparatus includes: a medicine supply means 1 for supplying a medicine according to prescription data; a medicine standby means 11 for temporarily holding the medicine supplied by the medicine supply means 1 and having the medicine stand by; a printing means 2 for printing relevant data on a packaging paper according to the prescription data; a packaging paper conveyance means for conveying a packaging paper 15; a medicine packaging means 3 for packaging the medicine supplied by the medicine supply means 1 into the packaging paper 15 in a packaging position; and a control means 4 for allowing the packaging paper conveyance means to convey a relevant portion of the packaging paper 15, on which the relevant data is printed by the printing means 2, to the packaging position and allowing the medicine packaging means to package the corresponding ...

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002670009A1

An ice storage and bagging system for automatically bagging ice and dispensing the bagged ice to a customer. The ice storage and bagging system generally includes a storage bin to store a plurality of ice cubes, a n ice dispensing machine to transfer the plurality of ice cubes from the storage b in and a bagging system to receive the plurality of ice cubes from the ice dispensi ng machine to within a bag, wherein the bag is filled with a predetermined amou nt of the ice cubes. A delivery system transfers the filled bag of ice cubes fr om the bagging system to a customer and a purchasing system activates the ice dispensing machine to fill the bag with the plurality of ice cubes to be delivered to the customer in an automated manner. The ice may also be formed via a forming machine prior to being stored within the storage bin to completely automate the present invention.

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002621785A1

A liquid reclamation apparatus for use in changing automobile oil includes a container, a portable receptacle within the container and dimensioned to hol d a volume of oil sufficient to perform an oil change and a cover releasably secured to the container.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Refueling device and motor vehicle having such a refueling device

Номер: US20120024849A1
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A refueling device ( 1 ) for refueling a fuel tank ( 2 ) of an internal combustion engine ( 3 ) in a motor vehicle ( 4 ) has a filler connector ( 5 ) for feeding fuel to the fuel tank ( 2 ). An integrated fuel feed device ( 10 ) feeds the fuel from the filler connector ( 5 ) to the fuel tank ( 2 ).

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Integrated anti-siphon fuel filler assembly and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120125927A1
Принадлежит: Individual

One embodiment of an integrated anti-siphon fuel filler assembly for placement in an opening of a fuel tank includes tube means including a first end region adapted to be secured directly to the fuel tank for allowing fuel to flow therethrough into an opening of the tank, and restriction means positioned in the tube and defining apertures for the flow of fuel there through.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Fueling-error prevention device

Номер: US20120279612A1
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC

A fueling-error prevention device is provided in an inside of a fuel flow path between a fueling opening and a fuel tank. A flap valve is provided on one of the first and the second sliders which are disposed opposite each other with the fuel flow path positioned therebetween. Accompanied by an insertion of a fueling nozzle having a predetermined diameter, the fueling nozzle abuts against either the first or the second slider so as to move one slider in a separating direction. Thus, the other of the first or the second slider is allowed to move in the separating direction, and due to the movement of the other slider in the separating direction by abutment of the fueling nozzle, the flap valve is allowed to be opened.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130064930A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

The invention concerns a multilayer food product and a method for obtaining a multilayer food product which includes at least one lower layer and one upper layer of thermally stable food components, wherein the lower layer has a low viscosity and the upper layer has a uniform distribution. 1. A process for preparing a multi-layer food product that includes at least one upper layer and at least one lower layer having a lower viscosity than the at least one upper layer , each layer containing heat-stable food components , the process comprising:metering out food matter making up the at least one upper layer;distributing the food matter through a plate having a plurality of orifices using a rotary mechanical flow regulator, with the food matter distributed onto a surface of a product to be covered, and with the product constituting the at least one lower layer; andsimultaneously subjecting the lower layer(s) to rotation to apply a centrifugal force to the food matter of the at least one upper layer to provide a uniform deposition of the at least one upper layer in a final product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the at least one lower layer is hydrophilic and the at least one upper layer is selected from an upper layer having a fat content and an upper layer that is hydrophobic.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the at least one lower layer has a viscosity of from about 3000 to 25000 mPa·s and a Bostwick consistency higher than 8 claim 1 , and the food matter making up the at least one upper layer has at least one fat component selected from the group consisting of a chocolate and a vegetable fat.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the at least one fat component is selected from a chocolate that includes a mixture of cocoa butter and cocoa powder or liquor claim 3 , and a mixture of a chocolate and vegetable fat claim 3 , wherein the vegetable fat is present in an amount of at least 50% by weight of the mixture.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the food matter ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Misfuelling prevention device

Номер: US20130074987A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A misfuelling prevention device, a fuel tank and a vehicle are described. The misfuelling prevention device includes an elongated support element arranged inside a tubular element. A first end of the elongated support element is coupled to the tubular element and a second end of the elongated support element and a central section of the elongated support element are arranged such that they are spaced apart from an inner surface of the tubular element. A blocking element is arranged at the second end of the elongated support element, thereby preventing misfuelling.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081362A1
Автор: Yuyama Shoji
Принадлежит: YUYAMA MFG. Co., LTD

A device for individually packaging medication comprises: a conveyance member for conveying a long packaging sheet, said packaging sheet being folded in two along the longitudinal direction thereof with a fold line disposed on the lower side; and a sealing member for sealing the packaging sheet. The sealing member is configured by integrating longitudinal and lateral sealing units. The longitudinal sealing unit being adapted to seal the edge of the packaging sheet, located on an opposite side of the fold line, and the lateral sealing unit being adapted to seal the packaging sheet at predetermined intervals in the longitudinal direction. The device further comprises: a support member for supporting the sealing member; and a control unit causing the sealing member to rotate idle while separating the longitudinal sealing unit from the packaging sheet and thereafter causing said longitudinal sealing unit to come into contact again with said packaging sheet. 117-. (canceled)18. A medicine packing apparatus , comprising:a sheet feeder for feeding a packaging sheet, which is folded along a longitudinal direction of the packaging sheet and oriented so that the fold faces downwardly;a medicine supplier for supplying a medicine onto the packaging sheet from an upward direction; a longitudinal sealer for sealing an edge portion of the packaging sheet in the longitudinal direction, the edge portion being opposed to the fold of the packaging sheet, and', 'a transverse sealer for sealing portions of the packaging sheet in a transverse direction of the packaging sheet so that the transversely sealed portions are spaced to each other by a predetermined width,', 'wherein the longitudinal sealer and the transverse sealer are integrated in the sealer as one body;, 'a pair of sealers for letting the packaging sheet between the sealers by rotating and for heat-sealing portions of the packaging sheet to pack the medicine in the packaging sheet, wherein each of the sealers comprisesa ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081363A1

Containers for disposal of waste materials, used or unused having desired burn properties. The containers have tailored or engineered properties based on material construction so that they are burnable and alter burn properties of the source materials, used or unused, contained therein. The containers may also include cavities into which accelerants, retarders, combustion aids, fuel value enhancing agents, additives to change an ash composition, other additives or the like are added. 1. An engineered container comprising:an interior,a top,a bottom,at least one sidewall, andat least one opening disposed in the top for depositing a source material in the interior of the container,where the container has specific combustion and post-combustion ash properties including at least a fuel value, a burn rate, post-combustion metal oxide concentrations or mixtures thereof.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein a shape of the container is selected from the group consisting of a rectangular solid claim 1 , a spherical solid claim 1 , an ellipsoidal solid claim 1 , a cylindrical solid claim 1 , a toroidal solid claim 1 , or other solid geometrical shape.3. The container of claim 1 , further comprising:an exterior coating selected from the group consisting of a water proof coating, a water resistant coating, a solvent resistant coating, a hermetic sealing coating, a gas tight coating, a gas barrier coating, a puncture resistant coating, or a combination of these coatings.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the top claim 1 , bottom and at least one side wall comprises a multi-layered construction of material to alter the combustion or post-combustion ash properties of the container.5. The container of claim 1 , further comprising:a source material deposed within the interior of the container to form a filled container.6. The container of claim 1 , further comprising:a slot or plurality of pockets, where the slot is adapted to be filled with a compound or the pockets are adapted ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090378A1

Provided are methods of producing proanthocyanidin (PAC)-containing solutions, powders, and beverages, as are PAC-containing solutions, powders, and beverages produced thereby and cranberry plant material products. 1. A method of producing a proanthocyanidin-containing solution , comprising:(a) providing a mixture of cranberry leaves and an aqueous medium, wherein the leaves are provided in the mixture at about 5-10% w/w;(b) steeping the leaves in the aqueous medium under conditions to extract proanthocyanidins thereby creating a proanthocyanidin-containing solution; and(c) separating the steeped leaves from the proanthocyanidin-containing solution.2. The method of wherein the cranberry leaves are dried prior to step (b) to have less than about 10% moisture by weight.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising prior to step (a) claim 1 , harvesting cranberry leaves from cranberry plants claim 1 , drying the leaves claim 1 , and grinding the leaves to an average particle size of between about 0.25 mm and 1 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising prior to step (a) drying the leaves.5. The method of claim 4 , where the leaves are frozen prior to drying.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the leaves are harvested after the cranberries are harvested from the cranberry plants.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the leaves are harvested in the spring before cranberry fruits are formed.8. The method of claim 3 , wherein the leaves are harvested in the fall.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising (c) clarifying the proanthocyanidin-containing solution to produce a clarified proanthocyanidin-containing solution.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising concentrating the proanthocyanidin-containing solution to at least 20% solids by weight.11. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the proanthocyanidin-containing solution to at least or about 185° F. for at least 10 minutes.12. The method of claim 1 , further comprising spraying the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091806A1
Автор: Williams Dwight D.

An air accelerator dosing tube for a form/fill/seal machine used to package fine cut tobacco material includes an axially-adjustable annular venturi communicating with the particulate material passage. A lining of polyether ether ketone optionally covers surfaces exposed to the particulate material. A metering assembly for delivering predetermined quanitites of particulate material at predetermined time intervals may also be fabricated from polyether ether ketone. Each dosing tube is adapted for calibration by adjustment of the annular venturi to produce a predetermined force at a predetermined stand-off distance. In operation, consistent simultaneous operation of multiple dosing tubes, each of which has been calibrated, gives substantially uniform deposit of particulate material in pouch-type packages. The particulate material may include finely cut tobacco in addition to humectants, flavorants, and other tacky substances. 1. A dosing assembly for delivery of particulate material comprising:an air accelerator assembly having channel for passage of particulate material, an internal plenum chamber, an adjustable-throat annular venturi in fluid communication with the plenum chamber and the channel for passage of particulate material; anda dosing tube attached to the air accelerator assembly for receiving particulate material and air from the air accelerator assembly; andmetering apparatus attached to the air accelerator assembly, the metering apparatus being fabricated substantially from PEEK, and being operable to supply predetermined quantities of particulate material to the air accelerator assembly at predetermined time intervals.2. The dosing assembly of wherein the channel for passage of particulate material and the dosing tube are lined with polyether ether ketone.3. A dosing assembly for delivery of particulate material claim 1 , comprising:a fixed member having an inlet, an outlet, and a passage extending between the inlet and the outlet, and an external ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102994A1

A syringe containing a high water content product and for use in a drug infusion system is provided. The syringe includes a plunger carrying front and rear o-rings made of a diene rubber compound such as chlorobutyl rubber or bromobutyl rubber to impart very low gas permeability characteristics to the o-rings. The plunger may be molded as a single part or in two parts. If molded as one part with radially-engaging mold portions, the seal glands in the plunger may include parting lines from the mold. If molded as two parts with axially-engaging mold portions, the front seal gland may include a sealing surface and under cut that has no parting line. The o-rings may be surface treated with a lubricant to improve sealing where the molding process gives rise to parting lines in the seal glands. 1. A syringe for use in a drug infusion system , the syringe comprising:a barrel having a front end, a rear end, and a cylindrical wall defining an outer surface and an inner surface, the rear end being open, and the front end including an orifice;a plunger within the barrel, the plunger including a contact surface at a front end of the plunger, and a front seal gland extending circumferentially around the plunger;a front o-ring made of a diene rubber compound, positioned in the front seal gland, and creating a gas-tight seal between the inner surface of the barrel and the plunger;wherein a product chamber is defined between the inner surface of the barrel, the front o-ring, and contact surface;wherein the product chamber is adapted to contain a product to be dispensed by the syringe;wherein actuation of the plunger within the barrel decreases the volume of the product chamber to dispense the product through the orifice; andwherein the front o-ring is sized to maintain the gas tight seal through a temperature range of −25° C. to 40° C.2. The syringe of wherein the front o-ring is surface treated with a lubricant to ensure a gas-tight seal between the front o-ring and the front seal ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105034A1
Принадлежит: ETH Zurich

The invention relates to a method for spatially manipulating a microscopic object (), said method comprising the steps of providing a cantilever () having a tip with an opening () and a microchannel () extending through the cantilever () in its longitudinal direction, said microchannel () being fluidly connected to the opening () at the tip of the cantilever; providing suspension means for holding the cantilever () and spatially moving the cantilever along a predetermined spatial path; providing pressurizing means for applying a predetermined pressure to the microchannel () within the cantilever; moving the cantilever () with its tip to the microscopic object () to be spatially manipulated, such that the opening () of the tip is adjacent to the microscopic object (); picking up, with said cantilever (), a part of the microscopic object () or the microscopic object () as a whole by reducing the pressure within the microchannel () relative to the pressure outside the tip of the cantilever (); and moving said part of the microscopic object () or said microscopic object () as a whole along a predetermined spatial path by means of the cantilever (). 1202333. A method for spatially manipulating a microscopic object ( , , ) , said method comprising the steps of:{'b': 12', '13', '24', '27', '32', '19', '15', '12', '15', '19', '13', '24', '27', '32', '12, 'providing a cantilever () having a tip (, , , ) with an opening () and a microchannel () extending through the cantilever () in its longitudinal direction, said microchannel () being fluidly connected to the opening () at the tip (, , , ) of the cantilever ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '12, 'providing suspension means () for holding the cantilever () and spatially moving the cantilever () along a predetermined spatial path;'}{'b': 14', '16', '17', '15', '12', '13', '24', '27', '32', '20', '23', '33', '19', '13', '24', '27', '32', '20', '23', '33, 'providing pressurizing means (, , ) for applying a predetermined pressure to the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105038A1
Автор: Swanson John H.

The invention primarily is directed to an orienting holder for a container that is being filled with a product on a container filling line. The container holder () has at least two rollers () and a base portion (). The rollers are made of an elastic material which can be an elastomer inclusive of polymeric foams. The rollers are on arms () that project above the base portion and usually will contact the container () at an upper part of the container. The arms which support the rollers can pivot. The elastic material of the rollers provide for a positive gripping of the container on the filling line, including a positive grip onto containers which may be partially out of the specified tolerances. The compressibility of the elastic material of the rollers can be enhanced through forming channels () in the roller structure. 1. An orienting holder for holding a container in a desired orientation on a container processing line , the orienting , bolder comprising a unit having a base portion for supporting a container disposed thereon , a cavity for receiving a container and at least two rollers located around the cavity for engaging an exterior surface of a container received within the cavity , at least one of the rollers being located at a respective one of at least two positions located around the cavity ,2. An orienting bolder as in wherein at least one of the rollers is composed of an elastic material.3. An orienting holder as in wherein at least one of the rollers is composed of an elastomer claim 2 ,4. An orienting bolder as in wherein the elastomer is composed of a polyurethane.5. An orienting holder as in wherein the elastomer is composed of a polymeric foam claim 3 ,6. An orienting claim 2 , holder as in wherein the elastic material has a stiffness factor of 0.8 N to 80N per 4 mm deflection.7. An orienting holder as in wherein the elastic material has a stiffness factor of 3N to 18N per 4 mm deflection.8. An orienting holder as in wherein at least one of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112317A1
Автор: Draier Roland

A device is provided for filling granular, pulverulent and free-flowing materials into a container, preferably a hose- and sack-shaped container, made of geotextile material. The device includes a housing that allows the advancement of the material and in which a conveying device is arranged. On the entry side of the conveying device the material can be filled in and on the exit side thereof a hose made of geotextile material receives the material. The hose can be shaped on the jacket of the housing, and can be unwound as a web from a feeding device that is designed like a roll. Longitudinal sides of the web can be connected to each other by a device in the region of the jacket. The housing includes a tubular body that extends perpendicular to the direction of advance and is arranged vertically, the tubular body interacting with a feeding device for the geotextile material, which rotates about the jacket of the tubular body and is designed as an unrolling device. 161512101516. Device for the filling of granular , pulverulent , and free-flowing materials into a container made from geotextile material , preferably in a hose and sack shaped container , comprising a housing that allows the advancement of the material and in which a conveying device is arranged , on the entry side of which the material can be filled in and on its exit side a hose made of geotextile material receives the material , and wherein the hose can be shaped on the jacket of the housing , which can be unwound as a web from a feeding device that is designed like a roll , and wherein the longitudinal sides of the web can be connected to each other by means of a device in the region of the jacket , characterized in that the housing () consists of a tubular body () that extends perpendicular to the direction of advance and is arranged vertically , said tubular body interacting with a feeding device () for the geotextile material , which rotates about the jacket () of the tubular body () and is ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118132A1
Принадлежит: Glaxo Group Limited

A method and apparatus for assembling a plurality of independently formed solid components is provided thereby forming a single delivery vehicle for a pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical-like product. The solid components can be held and fed to the apparatus via a plurality of magazines. Pusher rods and the like can be used for positioning each of the solid components. Where the components are connected via a bonding liquid, a sprayer is provided and compression pins or the like press the components with the bonding liquid together to form the final project. A rivet or other connection structure can also be used and driven through holes in each of the solid components to form the final product. 136-. (canceled)37. A method of assembling a pharmaceutical product having a plurality of solid components , the method comprising:compressing a granulate mixture to form each of said plurality of solid components, wherein each of said plurality of solid components comprises an excipient and optionally, an active agent;supplying one of said plurality of solid components in each of a plurality of component storage devices,dispensing said solid components from said component storage devices;positioning said solid components that are dispensed from said component storage devices; andconnecting together said solid components.38. The method of claim 37 , wherein:said plurality of solid components is three solid components, and said plurality of three component storage devices is three component storage devices, wherein each of said three solid components is supplied in an associated one of said three storage devices.39. The method of claim 38 , wherein said connecting step comprises applying a bonding liquid to at least one of said solid components and pressing said solid components together.40. The method of claim 39 , wherein said applying the bonding liquid is effected by a solenoid pump.41. The method of claim 38 , wherein said connecting step comprises connecting said solid ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118638A1
Автор: Hopkins Jeffrey M.
Принадлежит: Kremer's Urban LLC

The present invention relates to a device and method for capsule filling machines that employ a vertically rotating drum containing a plurality of cavities wherein each cavity is designed to receive a single minitab for transport to a capsule shell body. 1. A device for filling minitabs into a capsule comprising:(a) a rotary drum which rotates vertically, wherein the rotary drum comprises an exterior surface that further comprises a plurality of cavities for embedding and transporting the minitabs to a capsule shell body;(b) a means for supplying minitabs to the plurality of cavities of the rotary drum;(c) a first block located below the rotary drum comprising a plurality of continuous channels for receiving and temporarily storing at least one minitab per channel prior to placement of the minitab into a capsule shell body; and(d) a movable plate located below the first block which is capable of moving from a first position which blocks the movement of the minitabs from the channels of the first block to a second position allowing movement of the minitabs from the channels of the first block to a capsule shell body.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the cavities are arranged in a plurality of rows and columns to create a plurality of filling grids on the surface of the rotary drum wherein the number of columns corresponds to the number of capsule shell bodies to be filled claim 1 , and the number of rows corresponds to the number of minitabs to be placed in a capsule shell body.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first block comprises a funnel block portion for receiving and directing the minitabs from the rotary drum to a magazine block portion of the first block for receiving and temporarily storing a predetermined number of minitabs.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cavities further comprise an air opening for applying a vacuum or supplying an air jet to the cavity.5. A method for filling minitabs into a capsule comprising:(a) loading a single ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Rotary-type Bag Filling and Packaging Machine

Номер: US20130125508A1
Автор: HONDA Yasuyuki
Принадлежит: TOYO JIDOKI CO., LTD.

A rotary-type bag filling and packaging machine including a synchronized table () provided above a rotary table (), which has a plurality of gripper pairs (), and gas injection nozzles (), which are provided on the synchronized table () so as to correspond to the gripper pairs (). The synchronized table () rotates co-axially with the rotary table () in an intermittent manner by a first servo motor (), which is independent from the drive source of the rotary table (). A second servo motor () which raises and lowers the gas injection nozzle () is provided on the synchronized table () in conjunction with each gas injection nozzle (). 1. A rotary-type bag filling and packaging machine wherein a rotary table rotating in one direction on a horizontal plane, and', 'a plurality of gripper pairs provided on a periphery of said rotary table at regular intervals, said gripper pairs for clamping two side edge portions of a supplied bag and holding the bag in a suspended position;, 'said filling and packaging machine comprisessaid gripper pairs travel in a rotational manner in one direction, and packaging operations including opening a mouth of the bag, filling the bag with material to be packaged, and sealing the mouth of the bag are performed in a sequential manner; anda packaging apparatus performing a specific packaging operation among said packaging operations includes a plurality of packaging members which are provided in conjunction with each pair of grippers, travel in a rotational manner in synchronism with said gripper pairs, and are raised and lowered at a predetermined timing; and wherein a synchronized table provided above said rotary table in co-axial therewith and provided thereon with a plurality of said packaging members disposed at regular intervals;', 'a first servo motor for rotating said synchronized table;', 'a second servo motor provided on said synchronized table in conjunction with each of said packaging members for raising or lowering said packaging ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125837A1

A heat generating device including a heat generating element and an enclosing material entirely enclosing the heat generating element . The heat generating element includes a base sheet formed of a fibrous sheet containing superabsorbent polymer particles and hydrophilic fibers and a layer of a heat generative composition containing oxidizable metal particles on a side of the base sheet. The enclosing material includes a first cover sheet and a second cover sheet bonded together in their peripheral portions to provide a space therebetween in which the heat generating member is placed. The heat generating element in the space is in a non-fixed state to the enclosing material. The first cover sheet has air permeability in part and is disposed on the side of the layer of the heat generative composition. The heat generating device is capable of releasing steam from the side of the first cover sheet during use. 1. A heat generating device comprising a heat generating element and an enclosing material entirely enclosing the heat generating element ,the heat generating element comprising:a base sheet formed of a fibrous sheet containing superabsorbent polymer particles and hydrophilic fibers, anda layer of a heat generative composition containing oxidizable metal particles located on a side of the base sheet,the enclosing material comprising a first cover sheet and a second cover sheet bonded to each other in their peripheral portions to provide a space therebetween in which the heat generating member is placed,the heat generating element placed in the space being in a non-fixed state to the enclosing material,the first cover sheet having air permeability in a part thereof and being located on the side of the layer of a heat generative composition, andthe heat generating device being configured to release steam from the side of the first cover sheet white in use.2. The heat generating device according to claim 1 , wherein the second cover sheet has lower air permeability ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142911A1

A prepackaged, fortified meal provides a substantial portion of the daily recommended requirements, which can be adjusted depending upon the intended consumers for the meals. In a first embodiment, the meal contains macaroni, powdered cheese, soy, vitamins, and minerals. The cheese, vitamins and minerals are contained in a small package, and is added to a larger bag with the macaroni and soy. In a second embodiment, the meal contains rice, beans, soy, dehydrated vegetables, vitamins, minerals and seasoning. The vitamins, minerals and seasoning are contained in a small package, which is added to a larger bag with the rice, beans, soy and vegetables. The meals are cooked in boiling water before consumption. 1. A pre-packaged , fortified meal , comprising:macaroni;soy;powdered cheese;vitamins;minerals;the vitamins and minerals being selected according to an intended consumer of the meal;the cheese, vitamins and minerals being packaged in a first bag; andthe macaroni, soy and first bag being combined in a second bag for storage and shipping.2. The meal of wherein the macaroni claim 1 , soy claim 1 , and blended cheese claim 1 , vitamins and minerals are each traceable to a source of origination.3. The meal of wherein the vitamins include Vitamin A claim 1 , Vitamin B6 claim 1 , Vitamin B12 claim 1 , Vitamin C claim 1 , Vitamin D and Vitamin E claim 1 , biotin claim 1 , folic acid claim 1 , pantothenic acid claim 1 , niacin claim 1 , thiamine claim 1 , and riboflavin.4. The meal of wherein the vitamins are selected from a group consisting of Vitamins B12 claim 1 , D and E.5. The meal of wherein the minerals include phosphorus claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , copper claim 1 , zinc and manganese.6. The meal of wherein the minerals are selected from a group consisting of iodine and copper.7. The meal of wherein a majority of vitamins meet at least 30% of the DRI for the general population.8. The meal of wherein at least some of the minerals meet at least 20% ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153050A1

An apparatus for recirculating fuel vapors in a vehicle. The apparatus includes a filler head connected to a fuel vapor conduit and a tubular aspirator located within the filler head. The aspirator has at least one orifice in its side wall so that when fuel flows through the aspirator when the vehicle is refueled, a low pressure area that draws fuel vapors through the orifice and into the fuel flow within the aspirator is created. 1. An apparatus for recirculating fuel vapors , the apparatus comprising:a fuel vapor conduit;a filler head connected to the fuel vapor conduit; anda hallow tubular aspirator open at both ends and being located within the filler head, the aspirator having at least one orifice in a side wall thereof, wherein in use, a fuel flow through the aspirator draws the fuel vapors through the at least one orifice and into the fuel flow within the aspirator.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the aspirator is movably located within the filler head.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the aspirator is movably connected to the filler head by at least one guide rod.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the at least one guide rod has a corresponding guide spring that applies a force to the aspirator.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the aspirator is connected to the filler head by three guide rods.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the aspirator has a lip at one end that is connected to the at least one guide rod and the corresponding guide spring.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein aspirator has more than four orifices.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in use claim 1 , the aspirator mates with a nozzle that dispenses the fuel.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein an inner diameter of the aspirator is larger than an inner diameter of the nozzle.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the fuel flow from the nozzle into the aspirator creates a low pressure area in the aspirator that draws the fuel vapors through the at least one ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160400A1
Автор: DECIO Pierluigi
Принадлежит: ALFA LAVAL PARMA S.R.L.

An aseptic filling machine of envelope-type bags provided with a filling mouth closed by a removable cap, comprising an empty bag supply device, a discharge device configured to discharge full bags, a carousel device on which at least two filling stations are located; each filling station comprising a sterile chamber; a raising device configured to raise the mouth of the empty bag internally of the sterile chamber; an overpressure device configured to place the chamber in slight overpressure; a removal device configured to remove the cap and positioning it by a side of the mouth; and a dispenser-batcher device that is vertically slidable and configured to engage with the mouth. 1. An aseptic filling machine for envelope-type bags having a filling mouth closed by a removable cap located on a side of the envelope , the filling machine comprising:an empty bag supply device and a removal device to remove the bags when filled;a carousel device equipped with a rotating platform having continuous motion on which at least two filling stations are located, said at least two filling stations are circumferentially equidistant and each comprise a rest plane for the bag and a filling group;a feeder and positioning device of the empty bag in a first filling station; anda discharging device of the filled bags from the filling station immediately upstream of the first station, each filling group comprises a sterile chamber; and a raising device configured to raise the mouth of an empty bag lying on the support plane internally of the sterile chamber;an overpressure device configured to place the chamber in slight overpressure;a removal device configured to remove the cap from the mouth and position the cap by a side of the mouth, and vice versa, said removal device being placed internally of said sterile chamber; anda dispenser-batcher device that is vertically slidable into the sterile chamber and configured to engage with the mouth.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the feeder ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Row Planting Propagation Device Comprising Tubular Casing Divided into Pouches, and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20130167436A1
Автор: Todd B. Chornoby
Принадлежит: Individual

A plant propagating device for propagating plants in one or more rows features a flexible, biodegradable, tubular casing having a longitudinal axis, and a plurality of deposits disposed at spaced apart intervals along the longitudinal axis of the tubular casing, each deposit comprising plant propagation material and at least one of fertilizer and soil. The tubular casing is fastened closed between each adjacent pair of the deposits to separate the deposits into respective pouches spaced along the longitudinal axis of the casing.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Deodorizing Footwear

Номер: US20130168267A1
Автор: April Pinch-Keeler
Принадлежит: MVLE, INC.

The present invention is an odor nullifier for footwear comprising: a moisture absorbing fabric bag having a first and second fold, a vertical seam, an opening and a sealing member for sealing the opening, the fabric bag having a length and width for being received internally in a shoe; a scent carrier manufactured from a mixture consisting of 49% by weight of fine cut cellulose fiber, 49% by weight of granular vermiculite and 2% by weight of fragrant oil, the scent carrier disposed inside the fabric bag; wood shavings and dried flowers contained inside the fabric bag wherein the wood shavings are present in a quantity of at least 50% of the total weight. 1. An odor nullifier for footwear comprising:a moisture absorbing fabric bag having a first and second fold, a vertical seam, an opening and a sealing member for sealing said opening, said fabric bag having a length and width for being received internally in a shoe;a scent carrier manufactured from a mixture consisting of 49% by weight of fine cut cellulose fiber, 49% by weight of granular vermiculite and 2% by weight of fragrant oil, said scent carrier disposed inside said fabric bag;wood shavings and dried flowers contained inside said fabric bag wherein said wood shavings are present in a quantity of at least 50% of the total weight.2. The apparatus of including dried flowers wherein said dried flowers are present in a quantity of at least 7.5% of the total weight.3. The apparatus of wherein said dried flowers weigh between 0.05 and 0.15 ounces.4. The apparatus of wherein:said fabric bag weights between 0.10 and 0.30 ounces;said scent carrier weights between 0.30 and 0.40 ounces; and,said wood shavings weigh between 0.60 and 0.70 ounces.5. The apparatus of wherein the moisture regain of said fabric bag is between 7.1% and 8.5%.6. The apparatus of wherein said fabric bag containing said scent carrier and said wood shavings weighs between 1.0 and 1.6 ounces.7. The apparatus of wherein said fabric bag has a depth ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Fuel Filler Port

Номер: US20130168392A1
Принадлежит: ASTEER CO., LTD.

Present invention provides a fuel filler port preventing a flowing back fuel from overflowing from the fuel filler port. The fuel filler port includes a first member and a second member. The first member and the second member are provided from upward to downward direction in written order. The second member is provided with a plurality of guiding projections and a fuel outlet provided between the adjacent projections. Since an inner diameter of the first opining is equal to an outer diameter of the fuel filler nozzle inserted, the flowing back fuel hardly flows through a gap between the first opening and the fuel filler nozzle. The flowing back fuel is discharged to the outside of a fuel filler pipe via the fuel outlet. 1. A fuel filler port to be installed on an end of a fuel filler pipe communicated with a fuel filler tank , the fuel filler port comprising:a first member placed across an inserting direction of a fuel filler nozzle and provided with a first opening for inserting the fuel filler nozzle, an inner diameter of the first opining being equal to an outer diameter of the fuel filler nozzle; anda second member placed across an inserting direction of the fuel filler nozzle and provided with a second opening for inserting the fuel filler nozzle, a plurality of guiding projections forming a space for guiding the fuel filler nozzle to the fuel filler pipe and intermittently projecting from a peripheral edge of the second opening, a protruding opening protruding radially-outwardly from the second opening and provided between the adjacent guiding projections, and a fuel outlet provided between the adjacent guiding projections and communicating with the space enclosed by said guiding projections and an outside of the fuel filler pipe; whereinthe first member and the second member are provided from upward to downward in written order, and a flowing back fuel is discharged through the protruding opening and the fuel outlet to the outside.2. The fuel filler port ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175272A1

The method includes: (a) preparing a liquid cartridge to be recycled and including a liquid storing unit, a liquid delivery path having an opening, a blocking member detachably mounted in the liquid delivery path to block the opening, and a valve configured to be switched between an open state and a closed state; (b) removing the blocking member from the liquid delivery path; (c) switching the valve from the closed state to the open state; (d) injecting liquid into the liquid storing unit through the opening with the blocking member removed in step (b) and the valve maintained in the open state achieved in step (c); (e) switching the valve from the open state to the closed state after performing step (d); and (f) assembling the blocking member or another blocking member different from the blocking member in the liquid delivery path to block the opening after performing step (e). 1. A method of manufacturing a recycled liquid cartridge , the method comprising:(a) preparing a liquid cartridge to be recycled, the liquid cartridge comprising a liquid storing unit configured to store liquid therein, a liquid delivery path that is in fluid communication with the liquid storing unit and is configured to supply liquid externally from the liquid storing unit, the liquid delivery path having an opening, a blocking member detachably mounted in the liquid delivery path to block the opening, and a valve configured to be switched between an open state in which the liquid delivery path is opened and a closed state in which the liquid delivery path is closed, the valve being positioned between the opening and the liquid storing unit;(b) removing the blocking member from the liquid delivery path;(c) switching the valve from the closed state to the open state;(d) injecting liquid into the liquid storing unit through the opening with the blocking member removed in step (b) and the valve maintained in the open state achieved in step (c);(e) switching the valve from the open state to ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177699A1
Принадлежит: HZO, INC.

In various aspects and embodiments, the present disclosure relates to the manner in which precursor materials are provided to processing equipment and, more specifically, to the manner in which precursor materials of organic polymers are delivered to systems for forming and, in some embodiments, depositing the organic polymers. In one aspect, the disclosure relates to precursor supplies, which comprise vehicles, such as binders, supports and cartridges, for delivering a precursor material to a material processing system, such as a deposition system or other processing equipment. In another aspect, the disclosure relates to material processing systems with which the precursor supplies are configured to be used. Methods for preparing precursor supplies, using precursor supplies, providing process control, and recycling precursor supplies are also disclosed. 1. A precursor supply for introduction into a system for depositing an organic polymer onto a substrate , comprising:a prepackaged precursor supply specifically configured for introduction into a complementary receptacle of a material processing system; anda precursor material in the prepackaged precursor supply, the precursor material comprising a material that, when processed by the material processing system, will deposit an organic polymer onto a substrate.2. The precursor supply of claim 1 , wherein the prepackaged precursor supply comprises a solid mass including the precursor material.3. The precursor supply of claim 2 , wherein the solid mass further includes a binder for holding the precursor material in the solid mass.4. The precursor supply of claim 1 , wherein the prepackaged precursor supply comprises a support for carrying the precursor material.5. The precursor supply of claim 4 , wherein a configuration of the prepackaged precursor supply resembles a configuration of the support.6. The precursor supply of claim 1 , wherein the prepackaged precursor supply includes a container with a reservoir for ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180215A1

A stable formulation comprising a silicon containing precursor selected from an alkoxysilane, aryloxysilane, or alkylalkoxysilane and a catalyst compound comprising a haloalkoxyalkylsilane or haloaryloxyalkylsilane wherein the substitutents within the silicon-containing precursor and catalyst compound are the same are described herein. More specifically, the formulation comprises a silicon-containing precursor comprising an alkoxyalkylsilane or aryloxysilane having a formula of Si(OR)Rand a catalyst comprising haloalkoxyalkylsilane having a formula of XSi(OR)R; or a silicon-containing precursor comprising an alkoxysilane or aryloxysilane having a formula of R(RO)Si—R—Si(OR)Rand a catalyst comprising a haloalkoxyalkylsilane or haloaryloxyalkylsilane having a formula of (RO)R(X)Si—R—Si(OR)Rwherein at least one or all of the Rand Rsubstituents are the same in both the silicon-containing precursor and catalyst compound are described herein. The formulations can be used in semiconductor deposition process, such as for example, a flowable silicon oxide process. 1. A formulation selected from the group consisting of:(1) Formulation A comprising:{'sup': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'sub': n', '4-n', 'n', '3-n', '1', '12', '3', '12', '3', '12', '2', '12', '2', '12', '1', '12', '3', '12', '3', '12', '2', '12', '2', '12, '(a) a silicon-containing precursor comprising an alkoxyalkylsilane having a formula of Si(OR)R; and (b) a catalyst comprising a haloalkoxyalkylsilane having a formula of XSi(OR)R; wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of a C-Clinear or branched alkyl group; a C-Caryl group, a C-Ccycloalkyl group, a C-Calkenyl group, and a C-Calkynyl group; Ris selected from the group consisting of a C-Clinear or branched alkyl group; a C-Caryl group; a C-Ccycloalkyl group; a C-Calkenyl group; a C-Calkynyl group; and a hydrogen atom; wherein when Ris methyl, Ris not hydrogen; n is an integer ranging from 1 to 4 inclusive; and X is selected from the group ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180624A1
Автор: Kageyama Yu

A medicine supply apparatus that subdivides and supplies medicines is provided. The medicine supply apparatus includes: a cassette unit that is provided movably between a fixed position and a drawn position, and can temporarily retain the medicines in a subdivided manner; a cover provided movably between a closed position to cover the cassette unit from above and an opened position where the cassette unit is exposed; and an association mechanism that associates operations of the cassette unit and the cover, wherein the association mechanism restricts an operation of the cover so as to keep the cover in the closed position when the cassette unit is in the drawn position. 1. A medicine supply apparatus that subdivides and supplies medicines , comprising:a cassette unit that is provided movably between a fixed position where the medicines can be supplied and a drawn position displaced from the fixed position, and can temporarily retain the medicines in a subdivided manner;a cover provided movably between a closed position to cover the cassette unit from above and an opened position where the cassette unit is exposed when the cassette unit is held at the fixed position; andan association mechanism that associates operations of the cassette unit and the cover,wherein the association mechanism restricts the operation of the cover so as to keep the cover at the closed position when the cassette unit is held at the drawn position.2. A medicine supply apparatus that subdivides and supplies medicines , comprising:a cassette unit that is provided movably between a fixed position where the medicines can be supplied and a drawn position displaced from the fixed position, and can temporarily retain the medicines in a subdivided manner;a cover provided movably between a closed position to cover the cassette unit from above and an opened position where the cassette unit is exposed when the cassette unit is held at the fixed position; andan association mechanism that associates ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Machine for the Preparation of Pharmaceutical Products

Номер: US20130192165A1
Принадлежит: HEALTH ROBOTICS S.r.I.

A machine for the preparation of pharmaceutical products is provided with a gripping and carrier device to transfer at least one container between a magazine and a dosage station for the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, and a box-type holding frame defining a chamber for the housing of magazine, gripping and carrier device, and dosage station; the chamber displaying an access aperture to magazine and being crossed by a sterile air flow adapted to avoid the entry of air from the external environment through aperture itself. 1. A machine for the preparation of pharmaceutical products comprising a magazine for a plurality of containers , each container of at least part of the containers containing a pharmaceutical compound and/or a diluent;a dosage station for the preparation of a pharmaceutical product comprising at least one said pharmaceutical compound and at least one said diluent;gripping and carrier means to transfer the containers between the magazine and the dosage station; andcollection means for the processing waste of the machine, the collection means comprising a vessel and a closing lid for the vessel itself; andwherein the collection means further comprise actuating means to displace the vessel and the lid one with respect to the other in two directions which are substantially transverse to one another.2. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein one said first direction is substantially vertical.3. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein one said second direction is substantially horizontal.4. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel and the lid display corresponding peripheral edges adapted to come into contact with one another following a displacement of the vessel and of the lid in a closure position of the vessel itself; at least one of said edges being provided with a sealing compound.5. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein said collection means further comprise first and second support means for said vessel and ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193140A1

A fuel tank opening-closing device has a tank opening forming member, a flap valve mechanism that has an opening-closing member, and an opening-closing activation mechanism that switches between the locked position and the unlocked position that does the opening operation of the opening-closing member. The opening-closing activation mechanism has a nozzle detection mechanism which has introductory push parts mounted on the opening-closing member and adapted to receive force of motion in the insertion direction of the fueling nozzle, and a lock member that is mounted on the tank opening forming member and that selectively shifts between the locked position and the unlocked position by engaging and disengaging with the opening-closing member, and a locking mechanism that moves the locking member from the locked position to the unlocked position by being pushed by the introductory push parts. 18-. (canceled)9. A fuel tank opening-closing device for opening and closing a path for supplying fuel to a fuel tank , the fuel tank opening-closing device comprising:a tank opening forming member that includes (i) a fuel path connected to the fuel tank, (ii) an insertion path for inserting a fueling nozzle, and (iii) an inlet disposed between the fuel path and the insertion path;a flap valve mechanism that is disposed inside the tank opening forming member, and has an opening-closing member for opening and closing the inlet by being pressed by an outside end of the fueling nozzle; andan opening-closing activation mechanism that can switch between a locked position in which opening operation of the opening-closing member is locked, and an unlocked position in which opening operation of the opening-closing member is permitted when the opening-closing member is pushed by the fueling nozzle;wherein the opening-closing activation mechanism includes:a nozzle detection mechanism having introductory push parts mounted on the opening-closing member and disposed in the insertion path, and ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199134A1

This invention includes a closure for covering a container. The closure has a base with an upper surface and a neck, with the neck capable of being fastened to the opening of a bottle. The upper surface sits above the opening of the bottle. It has a spout having an exposed front surface, a front inside surface, and a cap rim. The cap is pivotally attached to the base to permit movement of the cap relative to the base between an open position and a closed position. The exposed front surface and front inside surface together have a bottom end and a top end. The inside front surface contains a spout cap, such that when the cap is closed the spout cap mates with the spout to form a liquid tight seal, and such that when the cap is opened the liquid tight seal between the spout and the spout cap is opened. 1. A closure for covering a container comprisinga base comprising an upper surface and a neck,wherein said neck is adapted to be fastened to the opening of a bottle and said upper surface sits above the opening of a bottle and is attached to said neckwherein said upper surface comprises a spout cap comprising an exposed front surface, an front inside surface, and a cap rimwherein said cap is pivotally attached to said base to permit movement of the cap relative to the base between a open position and a closed positionwherein each of said exposed front surface and said front inside surface comprises a bottom end and a top end wherein said bottom end of said exposed front surface and said inside surface are located closer to the upper surface when the bottle is in the closed position and the top end is located further away from the upper surface when the bottle is in the closed positionwherein said inside front surface comprises a spout capwherein when said cap is closed the spout cap mates with said spout to form a liquid tight sealwherein when said cap is opened the liquid tight seal between the spout and the spout cap is opened.2. A closure for covering a container ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Pouch Style Food Service Bag

Номер: US20130205721A1

The disclosure provides a food-service, food-packaging product package made from one material, having certain desired properties on an outside thereof, and a different material, having different desired properties, on an inside thereof. 1. A food service , food packaging product package comprising:an outer layer made from a first material having first properties, said first properties including good adhesive acceptance and bonding properties;an inner layer made from a second material having second properties, said second properties including non-stick properties;wherein said first and second materials are combined to form said product package during construction by applying an adhesive to a portion of said outer layer such that said outer layer is folded over upon itself and bonded to itself thereby capturing said inner layer inside and forming said package.2. The food service claim 1 , food packaging product package of wherein said package is created in the form of a pouch.3. The food service claim 2 , food packaging product package of wherein said pouch is created by:creating a first sheet out of said first material for use as said outer layer;creating a second sheet out of said second material for use as said inner layer;assembling said first sheet on top of said second sheet to form a sheet assembly wherein said first sheet is downwardly facing and said second sheet is upwardly facing;folding longitudinal side edges of the sheet assembly to provide two or more adhesive regions on upwardly facing, folded longitudinal side sections of said outer layer;applying an adhesive to at least one of said adhesive regions; andfolding said sheet assembly about a laterally extending fold line thereof to adhere at least two of said adhesive regions together using said adhesive, wherein said fold line extends generally perpendicular to said longitudinal side sections of said sheet assembly.4. The food service claim 3 , food packaging product package of wherein said first ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Equipment for Producing Cooling Packs Consisting of a Shell made of a Porous Material Containing an Amount of Carbon-Dioxide Snow Enclosed and Retained Inside the Casing

Номер: US20130206282A1

The invention relates to equipment for producing cool packs containing an amount of carbon-dioxide snow, which includes: a set of at least two cells, each of which is capable of receiving and supporting a shell to be filled; a feeding tube connected, at the upstream portion thereof, to a liquid CO2 source; a set of at least two injection manifolds, each injection manifold being located opposite a cell in which a casing to be filled is to be positioned, and each manifold being connected, at the upstream portion thereof, to the feeding tube, wherein each manifold comprises an injection port at at least one location along the length thereof, the equipment being characterized in that: i) the end of each manifold opposite the feeding tube is formed as a sealed end provided in the form of a substantially rounded tip; j) each injection port located on a manifold is a provided as a threaded opening having a given diameter D and is capable of receiving an injection nozzle by means of screwing; k) said equipment comprises at least two injection nozzles, each injection nozzle being provided in the form of a part that is cylindrical over at least a portion of the length thereof, said cylinder being a hollow cylinder, the threaded outer diameter of which is equal to the diameter D of at least one of the threaded openings of at least one of the manifolds, and the inner diameter d of which is less than D. 17-. (canceled)8. An installation for obtaining cooling blocks made up of a wrapper made of a porous material , containing a mass of carbon dioxide snow enclosed and retained in the wrapper , comprising:a set of at least two cells, each able to accommodate and to hold a wrapper that is to be filled;{'sub': '2', 'a feed tube, connected at its upstream part to a source of liquid CO,'}a set of at least two injection pipes, each injection pipe being situated facing a cell in which a wrapper that is to be filled will be positioned, and each injection pipe being connected at its ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206757A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A structure for a fuel filler tube opening comprises: a fuel adapter () having a filler tube opening (); a fuel lid () for closing an opening () formed in a vehicle body (); and a protective cover () provided on an inner surface () of the fuel lid (). The protective cover () is separated by the distance (d) from an insertion opening () of the filler tube opening () and surrounds the insertion opening (). 1. A fuel filler tube opening structure comprising:a fuel adaptor supported on a vehicle body of a vehicle and disposed inside the vehicle body;a fuel lid for openably closing an opening section formed in the vehicle body having the fuel adaptor supported thereon; anda protective cover provided on an inner surface of the fuel lid,wherein the protective cover surrounds an insertion opening portion of a mouthpiece, constituting a fuel filler tube opening, in spaced relation to the insertion opening portion to thereby prevent the protective cover from sticking to the insertion opening portion.2. The fuel filler tube opening structure according to claim 1 , wherein the protective cover is formed of resin claim 1 , as a separate component from the fuel lid.3. The fuel filler tube opening structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel filler tube opening is oriented obliquely upward with respect to the vehicle claim 1 ,the protective cover has an eave section extending to a region above the fuel filler tube opening, andthe eave section has a flange portion formed on an edge portion thereof and bent from the edge portion radially outward of the protective cover.4. The fuel filler tube opening structure according to claim 3 , wherein the flange portion is formed along an entire periphery of the protective cover.5. The fuel filler tube opening structure according to claim 1 , wherein the protective cover is mounted to a cover fixation section that is fixed to the fuel lid claim 1 , and a lanced tab for engaging with the cover fixation section is formed on the protective ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206774A1

A container is provided. In exemplary embodiments, a container may comprise side wall, a top edge surrounding an opening, bottom portion; a voluminous body defined by a volume within the side wall and the bottom portion; a support platform for supporting a product within the container; and a spring positioned between an inner surface of the bottom portion and a bottom surface of the support platform. 1. A spring-loaded container comprising:a side wall;a top edge surrounding an opening;a bottom portion;a voluminous body defined by a volume within the side wall and the bottom portion;a support platform for supporting a product within the container; anda spring positioned between an inner surface of the bottom portion and a bottom surface of the support platform.2. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , further comprising:a sealing means adapted to fit over the top edge and seal the voluminous body.3. The spring-loaded container of claim 2 , wherein the sealing means comprises at least one of a lid claim 2 , a cap claim 2 , and a peelable tab.4. The spring-loaded container of claim 2 , wherein the sealing means is removably affixed over the opening by an adhesive.5. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the support platform comprises a substantially planar disc having a diameter substantially similar to the diameter of an inner surface of the side wall.6. The spring loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the support platform comprises a food grade acceptable material.7. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the side wall and bottom portion comprise at least one of a polymer claim 1 , a metal claim 1 , a metal alloy claim 1 , and glass.8. The spring-loaded container of claim 1 , wherein the spring is a compression spring adapted to operate with a compression load.9. The spring-loaded container of claim 8 , wherein the compression spring comprises at least one of a coil spring claim 8 , a flat spring claim 8 , and a helical spring.10. The spring- ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130212978A1

A machine for automatically inflating air cushions. The cushions have two plastic walls () joined together around their periphery and which thus define a closed space. Said machine comprises a source of gas under pressure, and two jaws () arranged such that they can move on a supporting structure. Each one of said jaws consists of a body () each having a in plane face () of substantially the same shape and surface area, it being possible for said faces to mate against one another in order to clamp between them the walls () of a cushion. Each jaw comprises suction means () opening onto its plane face. A first jaw on the inside of its body has a hollow needle () able to move relative to the body and capable in a certain position of having its pointed tip outside of the surface of the plane face. A second jaw within its body has a heating element () able, when the two jaws are clamping between them the two walls of a cushion, of heat-welding the two walls together over a certain proportion of their contacting surface. 1. A machine for automatically inflating gas cushions , notably air cushions , cushions comprising two walls made of plastic linked together on their periphery , which thus define a closed space , wherein it comprises a source of pressurized gas , two jaws placed movably on a frame , each of said jaws consisting of a body each having a flat face of substantially the same shape and same surface area , said faces being able to come against one another so as to clamp between them the walls of a cushion , each jaw comprising suction means leading onto its flat face , a first jaw having inside its body a hollow needle that can move relative to the body and being able , in a certain position , to have its point outside the surface of the flat face , a second jaw having , inside its body , a heating element which can , when the two jaws clamp between them the two walls of a cushion , heat-seal the two walls together over a certain portion of their contact ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219835A1
Принадлежит: Philip Morris USA Inc.

A package of smokeless tobacco includes a flavor patch located in the package to provide flavor to smokeless tobacco. Also disclosed is a method of packaging smokeless tobacco by combining a package with a flavor patch disposed inside the package, the flavor patch comprising a flavor and an adsorbent, so that the flavor patch resides in an interior of the package; and adding smokeless tobacco to the package with the flavor patch. 1. (canceled)2. The method of claim 13 , wherein the smokeless tobacco inside the package comprises a form selected from the group consisting of loose smokeless tobacco; snus; pre-portioned tobacco; and one or more pouches claim 13 , each of which comprises tobacco.3. The method of claim 13 , wherein the package comprises a bottom and a lid claim 13 , and the at least one flavor patch comprises a first flavor patch disposed on a lid of the package and a second flavor patch disposed in a bottom of the package.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 17 , wherein the least one flavor patch comprises a strip extending circumferentially around the interior of the cylindrical can.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 13 , wherein the at least one flavor patch comprises food-grade paper and has a thickness of from about 0.2 mm to about 2.8 mm.8. The method of claim 13 , wherein the at least one flavor patch further comprises an amount of water sufficient to reduce drying of the smokeless tobacco during storage.9. The method of claim 13 , wherein the at least one flavor patch is adhered to the package with a food-grade adhesive.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 13 , wherein the package ispocket-sized package in the shape of a cylindrical canand the at least one flavor patch comprises food-grade paper and has a thickness of from about 0.2 mm to about 2.8 mm.13. A method of packaging smokeless tobacco claim 13 , comprising the steps of:(a) combining a package with a flavor patch disposed inside the package, the flavor patch comprising a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Computer programs to operate low profile ruckers using loading caps capable of rucking fixed diameter coverings

Номер: US20130227912A1
Принадлежит: Tipper Tie Inc

Loading caps suitable to mount to product chutes for rucking sleeves of covering material onto a chute body include a conical or frustoconical upper portion.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228576A1
Автор: Gerdes Ralf
Принадлежит: GERDES GMBH

The invention relates to a capless filler neck having an upper closure flap and a lower closure flap , which are arranged in a pipe section . The two closure flaps must be able to seal independently of one another. In known capless filler necks, this has the effect that, when the filler pipe of a fuel nozzle is still partially inserted, the lower closure flap is already closed, whereas the user still has the impression that tank filling can be carried out. As a result, fuel collects between the two closure flaps 1123234123563342. A capless filler neck for a neck of a container , in particular of a tank of a motor vehicle with a pipe section () running along a neck axis (S) and with a closure mechanism , which has an upper closure flap () and a lower closure flap () arranged therebeneath at a distance hereto , constructed as a sealing flap , wherein the upper closure flap () and the lower closure flap () are swivellably mounted for opening respectively about a swivel axis and are swivellable against a restoring force for opening the closure mechanism by the introduction of a filler pipe () into the pipe section () , characterized in that the upper closure flap is constructed and mounted such that with a closed upper closure flap () and along a first swivelling path it is not in direct or indirect contact with the lower closure flap () and along a second swivelling path adjoining the first swivelling path it rests with a force transmission section () onto a pressure region () of the lower closure flap () at a distance from its swivel axis (S) onto the movable part of the lower closure flap () such that the latter is also opened at least by a few angular degrees without the influence of the filler pipe () , whilst the upper closure flap () is moved along the second swivelling path.22632525663. The capless filler neck with delayed-closing closure flap according to claim 1 , characterized in that the upper closure flap has a width which is greater than the distance of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232912A1
Автор: Kim Ho Yeon

An error identifying device of a tablet medicine packing apparatus is disclosed. The error identifying device according to an exemplary embodiment of the inventive concept, which is prepared below a plurality of tablet cassettes containing each different kind of tablet, includes a tablet assembly space where tablets discharged from at least a part of the plurality of the tablet cassettes assembles, an error detecting unit detecting whether the kind and the number of the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space are in accordance with a prescription or not, a first path and a second path guiding the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space into each different direction, and a path selecting unit guiding the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space into the first path if the kind and the number of the tablets are in accordance with the prescription, if not, guiding the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space into the second path. 1. An error identifying device of a tablet medicine packing apparatus , which is prepared below a plurality of tablet cassettes containing each different kind of tablet , comprising:a tablet assembly space where tablets discharged from at least a part of the tablet cassettes among the plurality of tablet cassette assembles;an error detecting unit detecting whether the kind and the number of the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space are in accordance with a prescription;a first path and a second path guiding the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space into each different direction; anda path selecting unit guiding the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space into the first path if the kind and the number of the tablets assembled in the tablet assembly space are in accordance with the prescription, and if not, guiding into the second path.2. The error identifying device of claim 1 , wherein the path selecting unit comprising;a rotary plate rotatable to a default position holding up the tablets in ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233439A1

A method of reducing silicosis caused by inhalation of silica-containing proppant, such as silica sand and resin-coated silica sand, and apparatus therefor. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 1. A method of reducing silicosis in workers caused by inhalation of SiOdust , said method comprising the steps of:{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'placing collection door arrangements over vent openings on top of a SiO-containing proppant storage trailer, which collection door arrangements comprise a vacuum portion and a door portion, which vacuum portion supplies a vacuum to the inside of the SiO-containing proppant storage trailer to suck out dust from the interior of the SiO-containing proppant storage trailer;'}connecting openings in said collection door arrangements to a vacuum source with a flexible hose to a manifold;connecting said manifold operatively to a source of vacuum, which source of vacuum comprises a vacuum pump arrangement and a source of power such as an internal combustion engine configured to drive said vacuum pump arrangement;activating said vacuum source;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'blowing said SiO-containing proppant from a pneumatic tanker into said SiO-containing proppant storage trailer, and thereby blowing SiOdust into air and forming SiO-dust-laden air in ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239517A1

An arrangement for manufacturing of portion packets of a product for oral use, includes a forming arrangement configured to form portion packets of a bulk material. The arrangement includes a device for placing the portion packets into a container, wherein the device includes a portion packet transporting unit and a portion packet positioning unit. The transporting unit is configured to transport individual portion packets to the positioning unit, and the positioning unit is configured to position the portion packets in a certain pattern during operation of the device. The transporting unit includes a product channel for transporting the portion packets, the product channel having an inlet and an outlet, the transporting unit further including a gas channel for connection to a source of pressurized gas, the gas channel arranged to, when connected to the source, guide pressurized gas into the product channel in a direction towards the product channel outlet. 15157. Arrangement for manufacturing of portion packets () of a product for oral use , said arrangement comprising a forming arrangement configured to form portion packets of a bulk material , characterized in that the arrangement comprises a device () for placing the portion packets () into a container () ,{'b': 1', '10', '20', '200', '10', '5', '20', '200', '20', '200', '5', '1, 'wherein the device () comprises a portion packet transporting unit () and a portion packet positioning unit (, ), wherein the transporting unit () is configured to transport individual portion packets () to the positioning unit (, ) and wherein the positioning unit (, ) is configured to position the portion packets () in a certain pattern during operation of the device (),'}{'b': 10', '12', '5', '12', '13', '14', '10', '15, 'wherein the transporting unit () comprises a product channel () intended for transportation of the portion packets (), said product channel () having an inlet () and an outlet (), wherein the transporting unit () ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239523A1

Apparatus, systems, and methods for housing a bulk material within a flexible container are described herein. In some embodiments, a method includes maintaining a flexible container in an expanded configuration to define an interior volume. A bulk material is conveyed into the interior volume of the expanded flexible container. The flexible container is then moved from the expanded configuration to a collapsed configuration, such that movement of the bulk material within the interior volume is limited. 1. A method , comprising:maintaining a flexible container in an expanded configuration to define an interior volume;conveying a bulk material into the interior volume of the flexible container via an opening defined by the flexible container; andmoving the flexible container from the expanded configuration to a collapsed configuration such that movement of a first portion of the bulk material within the interior volume relative to a second portion of the bulk material within the interior volume is limited.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the maintaining includes conveying a gas from a volume outside the flexible container into the interior volume.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the maintaining includes removably coupling a portion of the flexible container to a rigid structure outside of the interior volume; andthe moving includes decoupling the portion of the flexible container from the rigid structure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:a portion of the flexible container is in contact with a rigid structure outside of the interior volume when the flexible container is in the expanded configuration; andthe portion of the flexible container is spaced apart from the rigid structure when the flexible container is in the collapsed configuration.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the moving includes reducing a pressure within the interior volume.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the maintaining includes forming a magnetic coupling between a portion of the flexible ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Filling a Multi-Row Packaging Tray with Fragmented Products

Номер: US20130239525A1
Автор: Hammacher Heinz-Peter
Принадлежит: LOESCH Verpackungstechnik GmbH

The invention relates to a tray loading packaging machine that carries out a method for filling a multi-row packaging tray (Tray T) with piece-form products (P) at a high performance level, having the following steps: dividing up () a single-row stream (S) of piece-form products (P) onto a plurality of lanes (SM; SM SM SM) arranged substantially parallel to one another in order to convey the products (P) further; synchronizing () the individual streams of products (P) on the plurality or lanes (SM; SM SM SM) with one another such that in each case one product (P) from one lane (SM SM SM) can be transferred to the packaging tray (T) substantially at the same time as in each case one product (P) from the other lanes (SM SM SM); and transferring () the produces (P) to the packaging tray (T), wherein in each case one product (P) from one lane (SM SM SM) is transferred to one row of the packaging tray (T). 1. A method for filling a multi-row packaging tray with piece-form products , characterized by the following steps of:a. dividing up a single-row stream of piece-form products onto a plurality of lanes arranged substantially parallel to one another in order to convey a first groups of products further;b. synchronizing each single-row stream of products on the plurality of lanes with one another such that in each case one product from one lane can be transferred to the packaging tray substantially at the same time as in each case one product from the other lanes; andc. transferring the first group of products to the packaging tray, wherein in each group, one product from one lane is transferred to one row of the packaging tray.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the step of dividing up the product stream comprises the following steps of:a. dividing up the product stream into successive groups of piece-form products and conveying the product groups further;b. feeding in each case one product group to in each case one of the lanes arranged ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Insert for a Filler Neck of a Urea Container

Номер: US20130248048A1
Автор: Kazem Behnamrad
Принадлежит: Reutter GmbH

An insert for a filler neck of a urea container in diesel-operated motor vehicles, preferably lorries, wherein two plastic components which preferably engage into one another and receive, between them, a preferably annular component which is composed of magnetic material and is magnetized permanently before the installation, are welded to one another in a gas-tight and liquid-tight manner.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Dry Powdered Comestibles and Serving Methods Therefor

Номер: US20130248557A1
Автор: Egger Cole Alexander

Powdered compositions and methods of use applicable to mitigate a condition of human fatigue among others, including a base composition of at least one finely powdered sugar, a flavoring, a binder and packaging for the compositions including a time incremented gauging means for a consumer to determine the amount of composition ingested according to an estimated duration of biological activity for a given amount ingested. The dry compositions are made available in a variety of flavors and are poured directly into the mouth without pre-mixing with liquids. 1. A method of packaging and dispensing a quantity of dry-powdered comestible to mitigate a condition of human fatigue among others , comprising the steps of:1) providing a container holding multiple servings of the comestible,2) providing a dry powdered comestible product including at least one finely ground sugar with at least one flavoring agent,3) providing a gauging means on the container for serving a measured amount of comestible including a viewing window having indicia that corresponds to increments of time, whereby a quantity of dry-powdered comestible can be dispensed which corresponds to a typical length of time the comestible is active in a human body once it is ingested.2. The method according to in which the comestible further comprises a powdered organic acid.3. The comestible according to claim 1 , further comprising a powdered polysaccharide.4. The comestible according to claim 1 , further comprising a quantity of powdered caffeine.5. A method for dietary management to mitigate a condition of human fatigue among others claim 1 , comprising the steps of:1) providing a dry powdered comestible product including at least one finely ground sugar, and at least one flavoring agent,2) packaging the comestible in a container having a window for viewing into the container, in which the window has indicia thereon corresponding to one or more increments of time.6. The method according to claim 5 , in which the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249235A1

A fuel housing assembly for a vehicle fuel system includes a rigid housing and, an inner seal assembly flexible body for sealing engagement with a fuel pipe and with a body panel of the vehicle. A rigid snap ring for attachment to the body panel is held by the flexible body. 1. An inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly , the fuel housing assembly having a rigid housing; said inner seal assembly comprising:a compliant body joined to the rigid housing;an inner seal lock ring joined to said compliant body and having a latching feature configured for attachment to a vehicle panel; andan inner pipe seal joined to said inner seal lock ring.2. The inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly of claim 1 , said inner seal lock ring being made of glass filled polypropylene.3. The inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly of claim 1 , said latching feature being a snap feature.4. The inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly of claim 1 , said compliant body being overmolded on said rigid housing.5. The inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly of claim 1 , said compliant body being at least in part a pocket grommet encapsulating a portion of said inner seal lock ring and including an outwardly projecting seal skirt.6. The inner seal assembly for a fuel housing assembly of claim 5 , said inner pipe seal being overmolded on said inner seal lock ring.7. The inner seal assembly of claim 1 , said inner pipe seal being overmolded on said inner seal lock ring.8. The inner seal assembly of claim 7 , said latching feature being a snap feature.9. The inner seal assembly of claim 1 , said inner seal lock ring including a hoop and a flange; said compliant body being at least in part a pocket grommet encapsulating a portion of said flange; and said pocket grommet including an outwardly projecting seal skirt.10. The inner seal assembly of claim 9 , said compliant body being overmolded on the rigid housing.11. A vehicle fuel housing assembly claim 9 , comprising ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for filling bags

Номер: US20130255829A1
Автор: Rodrick G. Shannon
Принадлежит: Hope for Tomorrow LLC

Apparatus and methods for filling a bag are provided. The apparatus includes a shovel with an elongate shovel arm, a shovel mouth positioned at a distal end of the shovel arm, and a shovel handle positioned at a proximal end of the shovel arm. The shovel mouth collects and directs fill material into the bag. The shovel handle is inserted into an opening of the bag and grasped by a user toward a bottom portion of the bag and from outside the bag. The apparatus includes an elongate arm rotatably coupled to the shovel arm at a pivot point and extending distally at an angle away from the shovel arm. The elongate arm rotates between an insertion configuration, in which the apparatus has a low profile for easy insertion into a bag, and an operable configuration to hold the bag open during filling.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267602A1

Provided are rapidly bioavailable solid oral dosage forms of acute pain medications, and moisture resistant packaging that enables the formulation of such rapidly bioavailable dosage forms. 1) A method of packaging a rapidly bioavailable diclofenac potassium tablet comprising:a) formulating a diclofenac potassium tablet dosage form for rapid bioavailability; andb) packaging said dosage form in a moisture resistant bottle that prevents said doses from absorbing more than 4 wt. % moisture in three months when stored at 40° C. and 75% relative humidity.2) The method of wherein said rapid bioavailability comprises a tof from about 5 to about 30 minutes claim 1 , and a Cof from about 1700 to about 2300 ng/ml.3) The method of wherein said rapid bioavailability comprises a tof from about 13 to about 27 minutes claim 1 , and a Cof from about 1500 to about 2500 ng/ml wherein said texhibits an inter-subject variability of less than about 49%.4) The method of wherein said dosage form yields one Cpeak when orally ingested.5) The method of wherein said dosage form is characterized by a disintegration or 90% dissolution time of less than 10 minutes when tested according to USP 28 <701> or USP 28 <711>.6) The method of wherein said bottle comprises a foil seal at the cap and one or more dessicant pouches inside said bottle.7) The method of wherein said dosage form comprises about 50 mg. of diclofenac potassium.8) The method of wherein said dosage form comprises from about 7 to about 20 wt. % of an excipient that absorbs greater than about 1 wt. % water within a twenty four hour period in a humidity chamber maintained at 80% RH and 25 degrees Celcius.9) The method of wherein said dosage form absorbs greater than about 1 wt. % water within a twenty four hour period in a humidity chamber maintained at 80% RH and 25 degrees Celcius.10) The method of wherein said dosage form comprises at least 20 wt. % of one or more excipients that are freely soluble in water.11) The method of wherein ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Scalable Storage Apparatus

Номер: US20130269296A1

An expandable storage system that is scalable so that an individual powder serving can be provided for any number of days by providing an array of interconnected cups with a funnel top. 1. A storage system comprising: a hollow internal volume;', 'a first connector; and', 'a second connector;', 'wherein said first connector can connect to said second connector; and, 'a cup including a first connector; and', 'a top;, 'a funnel top includingwherein said first connector on said funnel top is connected to said second connector on said cup; andwherein when said funnel top and said cup are so connected, material in said hollow internal volume can exit said hollow internal volume via said top.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said connection between said first connector on said funnel top and said second connector on said cup is powder-tight.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said connection between said first connector on said funnel top and said second connector on said cup is liquid-tight.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said cup is indexed for different volumes.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said tip is generally cylindrical.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein said tip has a diameter of about 22 millimeters or less.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein said funnel top also comprises a generally conical frustum connected to said top.8. The system of further including a bung closing said top.9. A storage system comprising: a hollow internal volume;', 'a first connector; and', 'a second connector;', 'wherein said first connector can connect to said second connector; and, 'a plurality of cups, each of said cups including a first connector; and', 'a top;, 'a funnel top includingwherein said first connector on said funnel top is connected to said second connector on a first cup in said plurality of cups;wherein said first connector on said first cup is connected to said second connector on a second cup in said plurality of cups;wherein when said funnel top and said first ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277371A1

The invention relates to a fuel tank () for a motor vehicle with at least one filler pipe () which extends partially outside the filling volume () of the fuel tank (), with at least one refuelling venting path from a refuelling venting device () to a fuel vapour filter (), and with at least one operational venting path to the fuel vapour filter (). The fuel tank () comprises at least one operational venting line () which is attached to the filler pipe () inside the filling volume of the fuel tank (). 1. Fuel tank for a motor vehicle with at least one filler pipe which extends at least partially outside the filling volume of the tank , with at least one refuelling venting path from a refuelling venting device to a fuel vapour filter and with at least one operational venting path to the fuel vapour filter , comprising at least one operational venting line , characterized in that the operational venting line , relative to the installed position of the fuel tank , is attached to the filler pipe below the maximum possible liquid level in the filler pipe as dictated by the design of the tank.2. Fuel tank according to claim 1 , characterized in that the operational venting line claim 1 , relative to the installed position of the fuel tank claim 1 , is attached to the filler pipe in a region below the maximum possible liquid level up to approximately 20 cm above the maximum possible liquid level in the fuel tank.3. Fuel tank according to claim 1 , characterized in that the operational venting line is attached to the filler pipe outside the filling volume.4. Fuel tank according to claim 1 , characterized in that the filler pipe is attached to the fuel tank at floor level.5. Fuel tank according to claim 1 , characterized in that the operational venting line is attached to the filler pipe in the region of the end which faces the fuel tank.6. Fuel tank according to claim 1 , characterized in that the operational venting line is attached to the filler pipe inside the tank.7. ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298507A1
Принадлежит: CREALYST

The invention relates to a device for filling a container with solid particles, the device having annular ducts for passing particles, which ducts are defined by a plurality of vertical nozzles arranged coaxially relative to one another, and a diaphragm arranged upstream from the annular ducts for regulating the flow rate of particles in the annular ducts, the diaphragm has a plurality of shutter flaps for shutting off the annular ducts, each flap shutting off an angular sector of a single annular duct and the diaphragm having control means for controlling movement of the shutter flaps that are configured to be capable of partially shutting off any one of duct independently of the other ducts. The invention also relates to a method of shutting off a filler device. 1. A device for filling a container with solid particles , the device comprising:annular ducts for passing particles in order to dispense particles uniformly in the container, the ducts being defined by a plurality of vertical nozzles arranged coaxially relative to one another; anda diaphragm arranged upstream from the annular ducts in order to regulate the flow of particles in the annular ducts;wherein the diaphragm has a plurality of shutter flaps for shutting off the annular ducts, each shutting of an angular sector of a single annular duct, and wherein the diaphragm has control means for controlling the movement of the shutter flaps, and configured to enable any one duct to be shut off partially independently of the other ducts.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the control means comprise at least two handles claim 1 , each handle being configured to control the shutting off of a single annular duct.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein for each annular duct claim 1 , the diaphragm comprises an annulus carrying a plurality of flaps distributed in uniform manner on the annulus claim 1 , with the number of flaps lying for example in the range 2 to 20.4. A device according to claim 1 , ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Refilling a Brewing Cup

Номер: US20130318928A1
Автор: Dakis Louis

In an embodiment of the disclosed technology, an apparatus and/or a method are used to dispense loose particulate solid matter into a brewing cup. Such an apparatus allows one to add any coffee, while using all the features of an automated single-cup or multi-cup brewing machine. The apparatus may use a housing having a brew cup enclosure, a storage hopper, and rotatable valve coupled to a lever. Operation of the lever causes the rotatable valve to rotate, such that particulate solid matter is collected from the hopper and dispensed into a brew cup residing in the brew cup enclosure. In further embodiments of the disclosed technology, a safety mechanism prevents the rotatable valve from dispensing particulate solid matter if no brew cup is present in the brew cup enclosure. In still further embodiments, a lid sliding arm removes and/or reapplies the lid during operation of the apparatus 1. An apparatus for dispensing particulate solid matter into a brew cup enclosure , comprising:a body having a base portion hingedly affixed to a top portion, said top portion having a rotatable valve and a hopper storing particulate solid matter wherein said rotatable valve opens towards said hopper;a brew cup enclosure disposed in said base portion; anda lever in geared communication with said rotatable valve, such that movement of said lever causes said rotatable valve to rotate until said particulate solid matter is displaced from said rotatable valve into said brew cup enclosure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said brew cup enclosure is adapted to receive a brew cup claim 1 , said brew cup comprising a removable lid.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said lid of said brew cup is removed from and reapplied to said brew cup when said brew cup is received into said brew cup enclosure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a safety push pin in communication between said brew cup enclosure and said rotatable valve claim 3 , such that said rotatable valve only ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327782A1
Автор: Davis Ryan Adam

The present application discloses a fuel port and methods of installing a fuel port. In certain embodiments, the fuel port comprises a fuel receptacle, a body portion that forms a cavity for the fuel receptacle, and one or more securing portions movably coupled to the body portion. The body portion comprises a first end, a second end, at least one sidewall extending between the first end and the second end, and at least one flange extending from the sidewall. The one or more securing portions are configured to hold a portion of a device between the flange of the body portion and the one or more securing portions to secure the fuel port to the device. 1. A fuel port , comprising:a fuel receptacle;a body portion that forms a cavity for the fuel receptacle, wherein the body portion comprises a first end, a second end, at least one sidewall extending between the first end and the second end, and at least one flange extending from the sidewall; andone or more securing portions movably coupled to the body portion, wherein the one or more securing portions are configured to hold a portion of a device between the flange of the body portion and the one or more securing portions to secure the fuel port to the device.2. The fuel port of claim 1 , wherein the fuel receptacle is received in the cavity and secured to the body portion such that no portion of the fuel receptacle extends beyond the first end of the body portion.3. The fuel port of claim 1 , wherein the body portion comprises a first attachment portion configured to mate with a second attachment portion of the one or more securing portions to movably couple the body portion to the one or more securing portions.4. The fuel port of claim 3 , wherein the first and second attachment portions are configured such that the one or more securing portions slide longitudinally along the sidewall of the body portion.5. The fuel port of claim 3 , wherein the first and second attachment portions are configured such that the one or ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341326A1
Автор: Sasaki Hiroshi
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A fuel-filling aperture open-closing device provided in a filler pipe communicated with a fuel tank includes a tube member forming a pathway and connected to one end of the filler pipe, and a valve body rotatably provided inside the pathway, blocking the pathway by an urging member, and opening the pathway when rotating to an inner end side of the pathway by being pressed by a fuel-filling nozzle inserted into the pathway. The tube member includes a discharge hole communicating an outer surface with an inner surface of the tube member in a portion in which an outer surface of a lateral circumferential portion thereof faces downward, and corresponding to a portion on the outer end side in a closed position of the valve body. The valve body includes a plurality of discharge grooves extending toward the discharge hole in a portion on the outer end side. 1. A fuel-filling aperture open-closing device provided in one end of a filler pipe communicated with a fuel tank , comprising:a tube member internally forming a pathway, and connected to one end of the filler pipe in such a way that an axis line thereof has an angle relative to a vertical direction; anda valve body rotatably provided inside the pathway, blocking the pathway by being constantly urged to an outer end side of the pathway by an urging member, and while opening the pathway when rotating to an inner end side of the pathway against an urging force of the urging member by being pressed by a fuel-filling nozzle inserted into the pathway from the outer end side,wherein the tube member includes a discharge hole communicating an outer surface with an inner surface of the tube member in a portion in which an outer surface of a lateral circumferential portion thereof faces downward, and corresponding to a portion on the outer end side in a closed position of the valve body in an axis line direction of the tube member, andthe valve body includes a plurality of discharge grooves extending toward the discharge hole in ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007976A1

A granular material feeder for feeding a granular material into an at least partially breathable container includes: a storage receptacle configured to store the granular material; and a granular material discharger, and the granular material discharger has a granular material discharger portion configured to discharge the granular material in the storage receptacle into the container, and an air blower portion configured to blow air through a region surrounding the granular material discharger portion into the container during discharge of the granular material. 1. A granular material feeder for feeding a granular material into an at least partially breathable container , the granular material feeder comprising:a storage receptacle configured to store the granular material; and a granular material discharger portion configured to discharge the granular material in the storage receptacle into the container; and', 'an air blower portion configured to blow air through a region surrounding the granular material discharger portion into the container during discharge of the granular material., 'a granular material discharger, said granular material discharger comprising2. The granular material feeder of claim 1 , wherein:the granular material discharger includes at least one discharge pipe having one or more granular material discharge openings and inserted into the container, and discharges the granular material through the one or more granular material discharge openings in the container; andthe at least one discharge pipe is the granular material discharger portion.3. The granular material feeder of claim 2 , wherein the one or more granular material discharge openings are opened in a front end of the discharge pipe.4. The granular material feeder of claim 2 , wherein:the granular material discharger includes at least one air nozzle having an air-blowing opening and being an air blower portion, and blows the air through a region surrounding the at least one discharge ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Packaging Machine and Packaging Method

Номер: US20140033649A1

Providing a packaging machine and a packaging method both of which are capable of packaging with an imperforate bag provided with no small apertures or no aerating part, can prevent contamination of foreign substances such as insects and can further prevent the packaging bags from being damaged or collapsed during storage in a piled state or transportation by execution of reliable deaeration. The packaging machine and a packaging method have a closing unit which holds a vicinity of mouth a of a packaging bag A inserted with a deaeration nozzle held from opposed sides of the bag A, an airway securing unit, a shaping press unit and a temporary sealing unit. 1. A packaging machine which fills with an article to be packaged a packaging bag supported in a suspended manner by a pair of grips with a mouth thereof on the top , removes air in the packaging bag by a deaeration nozzle and heat-seals the mouth , the machine comprising a closing unit which holds a part of the packaging bag in a vicinity of the mouth through which the deaeration nozzle is inserted , from a front and a back of the packaging bag , thereby closing the packaging bag.2. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the closing unit includes at least a part which holds the deaeration nozzle claim 1 , the part being formed of an elastic member.3. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , further comprising an airway securing unit which is provided near below the closing unit to suction the packaging bag from the front and the back of the packaging bag.4. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a shaping press unit which includes a pair of pressing members to either one of which a vibrator is mounted claim 1 , the pressing members being capable of coming close to each other and departing from each other by operation of an actuator claim 1 , wherein the shaping press unit applies vibration by the vibrator to the packaging bag while pressing the packaging bag from front ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053512A1

A system, method, and device for packaging is disclosed. The system, method, and device includes at least a filler and a conveyor. The conveyor transports containers to a filler. The filler loads product into containers. In our novel system, the filler is driven separately from the conveyor such that, in the absence of containers, the filler stops turning. 1providing a conveyor for transporting the container;providing a filler for loading the product into the container;providing a first drive means for driving the conveyor;providing a second drive means for driving the filler;providing a sighting means for determining whether a container is present;whereby, if a container is not present, the second drive means stops the filler independent of the activity of the first drive means.. A method for packaging a product into a container comprising: The present patent document claims the benefit of the filing date under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of Provisional U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 61/693,145, filed Aug. 24, 2012, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.Filling machines are used for packaging products such as food, beverage, detergents, pharmaceuticals, and an array of other products into product packaging or containers. Product packaging or containers may be a bottle, a pouch, a box, a jar or otherwise. Packaging products may protect the products from elemental damage, physical damage during shipping, and otherwise. Product packaging also provides a surface for product instructions, advertising, and warnings.Product packaging may be automated for efficiency. Product packaging may involve delivering a packaging material (e.g., box, bag, pouch, jar, can, etc.) to a filling station. Product packaging may further involve delivering a filled packaging material to a package sealing area. Automated product packaging may increase the efficiency and accuracy of packaging products.A system, method, and device for packaging is disclosed. The system, method, and ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Ice machine

Номер: US20140053949A1

An ice bagger is provided. The ice bagger includes an ice hopper into which ice is disposed from an ice manufacturer. The ice hopper further includes an ice agitator and defines an ice trough there beneath. An ice auger, housed inside the ice trough, transports ice to an ice delivery chute. A hatch is positioned beneath the ice delivery chute, upon which the bag rests while filling. A scale is positioned on the hatch. The scale weighs the ice being deposited into the bag. When the bag is full, the bag is sealed by a sealer. When the bag is sealed, the hatch opens and the bag of ice is deposited in an bag depository. This Abstract is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. 1. An ice bagger comprising:a generally funnel-shaped ice hopper for receiving ice from an ice manufacturer, the ice hopper defining an aperture thereunder;an ice trough operably positioned beneath the ice hopper aperture to receive ice from the ice hopper, the ice trough defining an aperture thereunder at one end of the ice trough;an ice auger housed inside the ice trough, the ice auger adapted to transport ice in a substantially horizontal direction from beneath the ice hopper towards the ice trough aperture;an ice delivery chute positioned beneath the ice trough aperture;a hatch positioned beneath the ice delivery chute, the hatch adopted to release a filled bag for storage, the ice delivery chute and the hatch defining a bag filling area such that, when bags are present in the bag filling area, the bags are positioned to be filled; anda scale positioned on the hatch, the scale positioned to weigh the ice being deposited in the bag to determine when a designated amount of ice has been deposited into the bag.2. The ice bagger of claim 1 , wherein the ice hopper further comprises at least one sensor that detects the level of ice in the ice hopper.3. The ice bagger of claim 1 , wherein the ice hopper further comprises an ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079896A1
Автор: Slaboden Jeffery K.

A decorative bath product apparatus and method of creating the apparatus is disclosed. The apparatus includes a container made from transparent or translucent material and is filled and otherwise arranged with at least two dry bath additives, each having unique colors. A related method is also disclosed. 1. A bath product apparatus comprising;a container defining a cavity; anddry bath additives arranged within said cavity, said dry bath additives having a plurality of colors such that said container displays a desired design.2. The bath product apparatus of wherein said dry bath additives comprise a plurality of bath beads.3. The bath product apparatus of wherein said plurality of bath beads comprises at least a plurality of first bath heads having a first color and a plurality of second bath beads having a second color.4. The bath product apparatus of wherein said plurality of bath beads comprises a plurality of sets of bath beads claim 2 , each of the plurality of sets of bath heads having a unique color.5. The bath product apparatus of wherein said dry bath additives having a plurality of fragrances.6. The bath product apparatus of wherein said container includes translucent material.7. The bath product apparatus of wherein said container includes transparent material.8. The bath product apparatus of wherein said dry bath additives are selected from the group consisting of salt crystals claim 1 , magnesium sulfate crystals and bubble bath.9. A method of creating a dry bath additive filled apparatus claim 1 , said method comprising:providing a container defining a cavity therein and having a sealable opening in communication with the cavity;placing a quantity of first dry bath additives having a first color through the sealable opening until the desired amount of the first dry bath additives are arranged within the cavity;placing a quantity of second dry bath additives having a second color through the sealable opening until the desired amount of the second dry ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Fueling device

Номер: US20150001215A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A fueling device comprises a passage-forming member, an opening-forming member configured to form an opening, a filler port open-close mechanism that includes an open-close member configured to open and close the opening, a screwing mechanism that includes an outer circumferential threaded section and an inner circumferential threaded section and a gasket placed between the opening-forming member and the passage-forming member to seal between the opening-forming member and the passage-forming member, wherein the outer circumferential threaded section is provided on outer periphery of the passage-forming member, the inner circumferential threaded section is provided on the opening-forming member and screwed to the outer circumferential threaded section, the opening-forming member is attached to the passage-forming member by screwing the outer circumferential threaded section to the inner circumferential threaded section.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001216A1

There is provided a structure for a filling section of a fuel filler pipe which communicates with and connects between a filling port for inserting a nozzle of a filling gun and a fuel tank for reserving a fuel. The fuel filler pipe includes a straight pipe section which extends from the filling port to a fuel tank side and which inclines downward relative to a horizontal direction. The straight pipe section includes a capless mechanism section including a shutter to open or close the filling port. The straight pipe section includes on the filling port side thereof an end surface which inclines relative to a cross section of the straight pipe in a direction of a main body surface of a lid section closed that is provided on a panel member of a vehicle body. This structure realizes convenience in refilling and a compact size of the adapter.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Tank Filler Neck for a Vehicle with Improved Sealing

Номер: US20170001515A1

A tank filler neck for a motor vehicle, and a motor vehicle having such a tank filler neck. The tank filler neck includes a plastic tube, a filler head composed of metal to enclose the plastic tube at an end thereof, and a first seal composed of an elastomer arranged on the circumference between the plastic tube and the filler head; a first seal composed of an elastomer, and which is arranged circumferentially between the first tube and the filler head; and a first supporting ring arranged opposite to the first seal in relation to the first tube, wherein the first supporting ring has a wall thickness that is greater than a wall thickness of the filler head. 1. A tank filler neck for a motor vehicle , comprising:a first tube composed of a plastic;a filler head composed of metal, and which is to enclose the first tube at an end thereof;a first seal composed of an elastomer, and which is arranged circumferentially between the first tube and the filler head; anda first supporting ring arranged opposite to the first seal in relation to the first tube, wherein the first supporting ring has a wall thickness that is greater than a wall thickness of the filler head.2. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein:the filler head and the first seal are arranged on an outer side of the first tube; andthe first supporting ring is arranged on an inner side of the first tube.3. The tank filler neck of claim 2 , further comprising a second tube composed of metal which is arranged inside the first supporting ring.4. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein:the filler head and the first seal are arranged on an inner side of the plastic tube; andthe first supporting ring is arranged on an outer side of the first tube.5. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , further comprising a second seal composed of an elastomer claim 1 , and which is arranged adjacent to the first seal.6. The tank filler neck of claim 5 , wherein:the first seal comprises fluorocarbon rubber; andthe second seal comprises ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Process to Manufacture Fuel Tanks From Medium- Or High-Strength Steel Sheets or Advanced High-Strength Steel Sheets With Organometallic Coat, Flanged Edges and Crimped Inlet Tubes, Vent and Unchoking Device

Номер: US20160009172A1
Автор: SPORTELLI Pietro

This invention patent covers a process to manufacture a fuel tank (reservoir) consisting of two body halves ( and ) made from medium- or high-strength steel sheets with organometallic coat and a bending arrangement of flanged edges, in which the fastening of the inlet tubes (filler neck) (), vent (), unchoking device () and the part with a truncated cone channel shape () is made by means of brazing and/or a special cold crimping process and mechanical pressing of the tubes with stop rings () on the outside sheet wall () that forms the fuel reservoir for motor vehicles. 111234567. “PROCESS TO MANUFACTURE FUEL TANKS FROM MEDIUM- OR HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL SHEETS OR ADVANCED HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL SHEETS WITH ORGANOMETALLIC COAT , FLANGED EDGES AND CRIMPED INLET TUBES , VENT AND UNCHOKING DEVICE” characterized by the fact that , in the manufacturing process of the fuel tank (reservoir) () , the fuel tank (reservoir) () is made up of two body halves ( and ) from medium- or high-strength steel sheets with organometallic coat and flanged edges () , and the coat is applied directly on the two faces of the metallic sheet , as follows: one coat layer consisting of Zinc and Iron or Zinc and Nickel and their intermetallic constituents () , followed by a second layer consisting of organometallic coat () covered with dry lubricant ().2234. “PROCESS TO MANUFACTURE FUEL TANKS FROM MEDIUM- OR HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL SHEETS OR ADVANCED HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL SHEETS WITH ORGANOMETALLIC COAT claim 1 , FLANGED EDGES AND CRIMPED INLET TUBES claim 1 , VENT AND UNCHOKING DEVICE” according to claim 1 , characterized by the fact that claim 1 , in the drawing operation to make the two body halves ( and ) claim 1 , it is used a die/forming punch machine. Then claim 1 , the parts are cut with a shearing machine to obtain the final edge shape and consequently the flanged edges () are formed by means of an additional bending process.31131181214. “PROCESS TO MANUFACTURE FUEL TANKS FROM MEDIUM- OR HIGH-STRENGTH ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008976A1
Автор: Stancu Sorin

A capless fuel door assembly including a body pivotally supported within a housing of the vehicle between closed and opened positions. The body includes an exterior projection exhibiting an angled slide. A spring is secured to the housing and includes an extended portion supported against an end stop location of the projection defining a first end of said angled slide in order to exert the body in the closed position, with opening of the body about the pivot causing a decrease in the closing force as the spring portion displaces along said angled slide to a second end to achieve the opened position. 1. A capless fuel door assembly , comprising:a body pivotally supported within a housing of the vehicle between closed and opened positions;said body including an exterior projection exhibiting an angled slide; anda spring secured to said housing and including an extended portion supported against an end stop location of said projection defining a first end of said angled slide and in order to exert said body in the closed position, opening said body about said pivot causing a decrease in the closing force as said spring portion displaces along said angled slide to a second end to achieve the opened position.2. The invention as described in claim 1 , further comprising the spring having a pair of torsional end windings with linear end projections received within said housing.3. The invention as described in claim 2 , further comprising an interior window configured within said housing for receiving the torsional windings.4. The invention as described in claim 1 , said housing further comprising an annular end stop surface for biasing said body in the closed position.5. The invention as described in claim 4 , said body further comprising a further support projection which is adapted to being grasped by a user during opening and closing of said body.6. The invention as described in claim 4 , further comprising a sealing gasket configured about a perimeter of the body for ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Flow Guiding Mechanism for a Tank Filler Neck

Номер: US20170015193A1
Автор: René Hendler
Принадлежит: MAGNA STEYR Fuel Systems GmbH

A flow guide for a tank filler neck, a tank filler neck for a motor vehicle, and a motor vehicle having a tank filler neck. The tank filler neck includes a filling tube, a filler head surrounding the filling tube at the end thereof, a seal composed of an elastomer arranged between the filling tube and the filler head, and a flow guide of arranged in the filling tube or the filler head.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015821A1
Автор: KITO Hiroaki, NORO Sanae

A fuel supply apparatus for supplying fuel to a fuel tank, includes: a flow path forming member configured to form a fuel flow path; and an injection port forming member, arranged in the fuel flow path, configured to form an injection port into which a fueling nozzle, configured to discharge the fuel, is inserted, wherein at least one of the flow path forming member and the injection port forming member includes an impact absorbing part to be contacted with the other and configured to absorb an impact to be produced by the fueling nozzle when the fueling nozzle comes into contact with the injection port forming member. 1. A fuel supply apparatus for supplying fuel to a fuel tank , comprising:a flow path forming member configured to form a fuel flow path; andan injection port forming member, arranged in the fuel flow path, configured to form an injection port into which a fueling nozzle, configured to discharge the fuel, is inserted, whereinat least one of the flow path forming member and the injection port forming member includes an impact absorbing part to be contacted with the other and configured to absorb an impact to be produced by the fueling nozzle when the fueling nozzle comes into contact with the injection port forming member.2. The fuel supply apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the flow path forming member has a cylindrical external shape and includes a supporting projection part projecting in the inside diameter direction along at least a part of the whole periphery of the inner peripheral surface of the flow path forming member;the injection port forming member has a cylindrical external shape and is stored in the axial hole of the flow path forming member; andthe impact absorbing part has flexibility, projects in the outside diameter direction at least in a part of the whole periphery of the outer peripheral surface of the injection port forming member along the peripheral direction, and is arranged so as not to be connected to the supporting ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022213A1
Автор: Rankin Paul Wayne

A fuel cap bib for protecting aluminum fuel tanks from being scratched by hanging fuel caps during fueling is provided. The fuel cap bib is a sheet of petroleum-based fluid resistant, elastic material having a through hole dimensioned and adapted to deformed over an engaged fuel cap and yet snugly bias about the circumferential flanges the fuel cap engages. The fuel cap bib provides a protective surface between the disengaged, hanging fuel cap and the aluminum fuel tank. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a sheet of petroleum-based fluid resistant elastic material extending between a first and second end; anda through hole provided inward of the first end.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said sheet has a thickness between 0.175 and 0.200 inches.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the through hole has a diameter of approximately 4.5 inches.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the through hole is symmetrically disposed approximately 1.75 inches from the first end.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal distance between the first and second ends is approximately 12 inches.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a width of the first end is approximately 8 inches.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the petroleum-based fluid is diesel fuel.8. An apparatus for protecting the curved surface of a fuel tank immediately below a throughbore thereof claim 1 , comprising:a sheet of petroleum-based fluid resistant elastic material extending between a first and second end for approximately 12 inches, wherein said sheet has a thickness between 0.175 and 0.200 inches, wherein a width of the first end is approximately 8 inches; anda through hole provided inward of the first end by approximately 1.75 inches, wherein the through hole is centered on a longitudinal axis of said sheet, and wherein the through hole is dimensioned to both snugly engage a circumferential flange of the throughbore and be deformed around a fuel cap engaging said circumferential flange.9. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023125A1

A fuel tank filler apparatus comprises a capless filler neck closure adapted to be mated with an outer end of a fuel-tank filler neck. The capless filler neck closure may be removable from the fuel-tank filler neck for service or repair. 1. A fuel tank filler apparatus adapted for use in a vehicle fuel system , the fuel tank filler apparatus comprisinga blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck associated with a fuel tank, the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck shaped to extend around a central axis of the fuel tank filler apparatus to define a fuel receiving passageway and the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck including an outer end having a top surface that defines a mouth that opens into the fuel receiving passageway,a capless filler neck closure adapted to be mated with the outer end of the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck to block fuel and fuel vapor from escaping the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck during use of the fuel tank filler apparatus, the capless filler neck closure including a nozzle-insertion housing that extends into the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck, an outer dust cover mounted to pivot relative to the nozzle-insertion housing from a closed position arranged to block dust from entering the nozzle-insertion passageway to an open position arranged to allow a fuel nozzle to enter the nozzle-insertion passageway, and an inner closure door spaced apart from the outer dust cover along the central axis and mounted to pivot relative to the nozzle-insertion housing from a closed position arranged to block fuel and fuel vapor from escaping the associated fuel tank and an open position arranged to allow a fuel nozzle to enter fuel receiving passageway, andinterface means for pushing a portion of the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck into a round shape in order to facilitate receipt of the capless filler neck closure in the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck and for coupling the capless filler neck closure to the blow-molded fuel-tank filler neck without welds ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031619A1
Автор: KLUG Julian

A filler neck () for filling an operating substance, such as fuel or AdBlue® or urea, or an additive, such as water, into a vehicle tank by way of a fuel pump nozzle. The filler neck () has a filler neck body (), which can be accommodated in a filler pipe leading to the vehicle tank. The filler neck () furthermore has a fuel pump nozzle guide with an insertion section () for guiding a fuel pump nozzle, which is accommodated or is to be accommodated in the filler neck body (), in the direction of the vehicle tank. The filler neck body () and the insertion section () of the fuel pump nozzle guide are formed together as an integral casting, in particular plastics injection moulding. 111. A filler neck () for filling an operating substance into a vehicle tank by way of a fuel pump nozzle , wherein the filler neck () includes:{'b': '2', 'a filler neck body (), which can be accommodated in a filler pipe leading to the vehicle tank; and'}{'b': 4', '2, 'a fuel pump nozzle guide with an insertion section () for guiding a fuel pump nozzle, which is accommodated or is to be accommodated in the filler neck body (), in a direction of the vehicle tank,'}{'b': 2', '4, 'wherein the filler neck body () and the insertion section () of the fuel pump nozzle guide are formed together as an integral casting, formed by plastics injection moulding.'}21. The filler neck () as claimed in claim 1 ,{'b': 4', '5', '2', '2', '2', '6', '2', '6', '2', '6', '2', '6', '2', '5', '2, 'wherein the insertion section () of the fuel pump nozzle guide has a first segment () which is formed integrally with the filler neck body () and is connected fixedly to the filler neck body () in the interior of the filler neck body () and at least one second segment () which is connected in an articulated manner to the filler neck body (), wherein the second segment () is pivotable relative to the filler neck body () between a first position, in which the second segment () is present outside the filler neck body (), ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140120605A1

Methods of fabricating a culture container include molding a single monolithic layer of polymeric material into a container body having a container shape; introducing a colorimetric sensor material and growth media into the container body; introducing a gas mixture into the container body to define a headspace gas in an upper portion of the container body; attaching a stopper to the neck of the container body with the sensor material; sealing the container body with the stopper closed to define a sealed container with the growth media and the headspace gas enclosed therein; then sterilizing the sealed container; then applying a gas barrier coating to an exterior of the sterilized container body so that the sealed container has an oxygen transmission rate (cubic centimeter/container/day/atm) that is between about 0.001 to about 0.01 to thereby define a culture container that is ready-to-use and shelf stable without autoclaving. 1. A process for producing culture sample containers , comprising:introducing a colorimetric sensor material into a molded container body of a single monolithic layer of polymeric material, the container body having a container shape with a bottom and an upwardly extending wall;introducing growth media into the container body;introducing a gas or gas mixture into the container body under vacuum to define a headspace gas in an upper portion of the container body;attaching a stopper to the container body with the sensor material;sealing the container body with the stopper with the growth media and the headspace gas enclosed therein; thensterilizing the sealed container; thenapplying a gas barrier coating to an exterior of the sterilized container body so that the sealed container has an oxygen transmission rate (cubic centimeter/container/day/atm air) that is between 0.00001 and 0.1 to thereby define a culture container that is ready-to-use and shelf stable without post-coating autoclaving.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the applying the gas ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036533A1
Автор: Hagen Harald
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An operating medium tank arrangement for a motor vehicle includes an operating medium tank; a filling tube for refueling the operating medium tank, wherein the filling tube is fluidly connected on one side to the operating medium tank and on the other side has an insertion opening for receiving a refueling device; a guide insert arranged in the filling tube for guiding the refueling device; and a liquid separator including a separator chamber which is divided into a first sub-chamber and a second sub-chamber, wherein the first sub-chamber is fluidly connected to the operating medium tank via a ventilation line, wherein the second sub-chamber is fluidly connected to a filter device, wherein the separator chamber is fluidly connected to the filling tube for purging operating medium separated in the liquid separator into the filling tube, and wherein the first sub-chamber and the second sub-chamber are fluidly connected with each other via a labyrinth separator which is formed by the liquid separator and the filling tube. 1. An operating medium tank arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:an operating medium tank;a filling tube for refueling the operating medium tank, said filling tube being fluidly connected on one side to the operating medium tank and on the other side has an insertion opening for receiving a refueling device;a guide insert arranged in the filling tube for guiding the refueling device; anda liquid separator comprising a separator chamber which is divided into a first sub-chamber and a second sub-chamber, said first sub-chamber being fluidly connected to the operating medium tank via a ventilation line, said second sub-chamber being fluidly connected to a filter device, said separator chamber being fluidly connected to the filling tube for purging operating medium separated in the liquid separator into the filling tube,said first sub-chamber and said second sub-chamber being fluidly connected with each other via a labyrinth separator which is ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Filler Neck for a Vehicle with Improved Diffusion Resistance

Номер: US20170036534A1

A tank filler neck for a motor vehicle including a tube having an outer tube portion and an inner tube portion, a barrier layer embedded between the outer tube portion and an inner tube portion, the barrier layer having a thickness at a first region thereof that is greater than a thickness than remaining regions thereof, and a seal arranged to directly contact the barrier layer at the first region. In that way, the barrier layer is to inhibit diffusion of hydrocarbons through the tube at a first region more than the remaining portion(s) the plastic tube. 1. A tank filler neck for a motor vehicle , comprising:a tube having a barrier layer which inhibits diffusion of hydrocarbons through the tube at a first region thereof greater than in remaining regions thereof;a filler head surrounding the tube at an end thereof; anda seal composed of an elastomer arranged between the plastic tube and the filler head, and which directly contacts the barrier layer.2. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the seal directly contacts the barrier layer at the first region.3. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein barrier layer has a thickness that is greater in the first region than in remaining portions thereof.4. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is embedded into the tube.5. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer is composed of ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer.6. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the seal is arranged radially to the outside of the barrier layer.7. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the seal is arranged axially to the outside of the barrier layer.8. The tank filler neck of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer comprises a groove claim 1 , and the seal is arranged in the groove.9. A tank filler neck for a motor vehicle claim 1 , comprising:a tube having an outer tube portion and an inner tube portion;a barrier layer embedded between the outer tube portion and an inner tube portion, the barrier layer ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124071A1
Автор: ESL Oliver, MAYR Franz

A tank neck unit for a vehicle that includes a tank neck operatively connected to a pressure accumulator system of the vehicle and which is configured for a predetermined maximum pressure which is greater than a permissible operating pressure of the pressure accumulator system. A shut-off valve is arranged in a throughflow path between the tank neck and an outlet region of the tank neck unit, the shut-off valve being configured to prevent an increase in pressure of the pressure accumulator system beyond the permissible operating pressure. 1. A tank neck unit for a vehicle having a pressure accumulator system , comprising:a tank neck configured for a predetermined maximum pressure which is greater than a permissible operating pressure of the pressure accumulator system;a throughflow path;a nonreturn valve; anda shut-off valve arranged in the throughflow path between the tank neck and an outlet region, the shut-off valve being configured to prevent an increase in pressure of the pressure accumulator system beyond the permissible operating pressure.2. The tank neck unit of claim 1 , wherein the shut-off valve comprises:a valve housing;a valve chamber having an accumulator region, an intake opening and an outlet opening facing at least one pressure accumulator vessel of the pressure accumulator system;a piston having at least one axial connecting channel, a first effective piston surface facing an inlet region of the valve chamber and a a second effective piston surface adjacent to the accumulator region;at least one spring; andsealing elements configured to guide the piston in an axially moveable manner in the valve chamber.3. The tank neck unit of claim 2 , wherein one of the sealing elements and the valve housing form a valve seat.4. The tank neck unit of claim 3 , wherein a change in pressure in the accumulator region causes the axial movement of the piston and also causes an opening and closing of a passage opening arranged between the intake opening and the outlet ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124087A1
Принадлежит: Nordson Corporation

A fluid delivery assembly is provided for withdrawing biomaterial fluid from a vial and for dispensing the biomaterial fluid. The fluid delivery assembly includes a fluid transfer device configured for receiving the biomaterial fluid from the vial and for subsequently dispensing the biomaterial fluid, and a fluid control device coupled with the fluid transfer device. The fluid control device includes a body adapted to be coupled for fluid communication with the vial, and having a first port coupled with the fluid transfer device, and a second port for dispensing the biomaterial fluid. The fluid control device further includes a valve member carried by the body, the valve member being moveable between a first position in which the biomaterial fluid may be received from the vial into the first port and the fluid transfer device and a second position in which the biomaterial fluid received in the fluid transfer device may be dispensed through the first and second ports. 1. A fluid delivery assembly for withdrawing biomaterial fluid from a vial and for dispensing the biomaterial fluid , comprising:a fluid transfer device configured for receiving the biomaterial fluid from the vial and for subsequently dispensing the biomaterial fluid, and a body adapted to be coupled for fluid communication with the vial, and having a first port coupled with the fluid transfer device, and a second port for dispensing the biomaterial fluid, and', 'a valve member carried by the body, the valve member being moveable between a first position in which the biomaterial fluid may be received from the vial into the first port and the fluid transfer device and a second position in which the biomaterial fluid received in the fluid transfer device may be dispensed through the first and second ports., 'a fluid control device coupled with the fluid transfer device and comprising2. The fluid delivery assembly of claim 1 , the valve member having a first passageway configured for communication with the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058536A1
Автор: NGUYEN Hoang, Olivera Ryan

Devices, methods, and systems are provided for loading an implantable device into a container. One aspect of the loading system contains a loader element with a loading tunnel that is configured to gradually contract an implantable device into a compressed state of reduced size relative to an expanded state as the implantable device travels through the loading tunnel. 1a loading element comprising a loading tunnel configured to gradually contract an implantable device into a compressed state of reduced size relative to an expanded state as the implantable device travels through the loading tunnel; anda puller element that is removably attached to the implantable device via a suture, wherein the puller element pulls the implantable device through the loading tunnel;wherein the puller element automatically releases the suture after the implantable device contracts into the compressed state.. A system for loading an implantable device into a container, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/625,615, (Attorney Docket No. 20920-740.501 ), filed Sep. 24, 2012, which claims the benefit of Provisional Application No. 61/538,723, (Attorney Docket No. 20920-740.102), filed Sep. 23, 2011, the full disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. This application is also a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/820,393, (Attorney Docket No. 20920-740.301), filed on Jun. 22, 2010, which is a continuation application of U.S. Pat. No. 7,771,472, (Attorney Docket No. 20920-740.201), filed on Nov. 18, 2005, which claims the benefit and priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/630,399, (Attorney Docket No. 20920-740.101), filed on Nov. 19, 2004, all of which are incorporated herein by reference.Present embodiments relate generally to devices, methods, and systems for loading an implantable device into a container.Pulmonary diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, (COPD), ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059691A1

A fuel intake assembly includes a housing, a nozzle inlet door, a nozzle outlet door, and an outlet door-engaging link. The housing defines an internal chamber. A nozzle passage channel extends through the internal chamber. The nozzle inlet and outlet doors are moveably secured within the housing and are both configured to move between open and closed positions. The outlet door-engaging link may be moveably secured to the nozzle inlet door. Movement of the nozzle inlet door toward the open position causes the outlet door-engaging link to engage the nozzle outlet door so that a fluid passage is formed between at least a portion of the nozzle outlet door and an internal surface of the housing. 1. A fuel intake assembly , comprising:a housing defining an internal chamber, wherein a nozzle passage channel extends through the internal chamber;a nozzle inlet door moveably secured within the housing, wherein the nozzle inlet door is configured to move between open inlet and closed inlet positions;a nozzle outlet door moveably secured within the housing, wherein the nozzle outlet door is configured to move between open outlet and closed outlet positions; andan outlet door-engaging link moveably secured to the nozzle inlet door, wherein movement of the nozzle inlet door toward the open inlet position causes the outlet door-engaging link to engage the nozzle outlet door so that a fluid passage is formed between at least a portion of the nozzle outlet door and an internal surface of the housing.2. The fuel intake assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle inlet door is pivotally secured to a first internal surface of the housing claim 1 , wherein the nozzle outlet door is pivotally secured to a second internal surface of the housing claim 1 , and wherein the first internal surface is opposite from the second internal surface.3. The fuel intake assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle inlet door is configured to pivot into the open inlet position in a first direction claim 1 , ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059692A1

There is provided a fueling device comprising a filler neck that forms a fuel path region on a filler port side in a fuel path from a filler port for a fuel to a fuel tank; and a mounting member that is mounted to the filler port side of the filler neck to receive a fuel gun. The filler neck includes an enlarged-diameter circumferential wall portion that is provided in upstream of a position where a leading end of the fuel gun inserted from the mounting member at the filler port is placed, and is enlarged outward in a radial direction relative to an opening-side path circumferential wall which is a fuel path circumferential wall on the filler port side, in order to expand a volume of the fuel path. This configuration causes the fuel to flow into a space formed by this enlarged-diameter circumferential wall portion and thereby reduces or suppresses the occurrence of the fuel overflow from the opening of the filler neck after a stop of fueling. 1. A fueling device that is configured to supply a fuel to a fuel tank , the fueling device comprising:a filler neck that forms a fuel path region on a filler port side in a fuel path from the filler port for the fuel to the fuel tank; anda mounting member that is mounted to the filler port side of the filler neck to receive a fuel gun, whereinthe filler neck includes an enlarged-diameter circumferential wall portion that is provided in upstream of a position where a leading end of the fuel gun inserted from the mounting member at the filler port is placed, and is enlarged outward in a radial direction relative to an opening-side path circumferential wall which is a fuel path circumferential wall on the filler port side, in order to expand a volume of the fuel path.2. The fueling device according to claim 1 ,wherein the filler neck includes a plurality of the enlarged-diameter circumferential wall portions provided at different positions along a path trajectory of the fuel path.3. The fueling device according to either claim 2 ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059693A1
Автор: Ikeya Masaki

A fuel supply device is provided. The fuel supply device includes a set plate closing an opening of a fuel tank. A housing is disposed on an opposite side of the fuel tank with respect to the set plate and stores an electric circuit. A connector is disposed on the opposite side of fuel tank with respect to the set plate, and between the set plate and the housing, connecting the set plate and the housing. An air passage is disposed between the set plate and the housing, and communicates with atmosphere. The set plate, the housing and the connector are provided integrally. 1. A fuel supply device comprising:a set plate closing an opening of a fuel tank;a housing disposed on an opposite side of the fuel tank with respect to the set plate and storing an electric circuit; anda connector disposed on the opposite side of fuel tank with respect to the set plate disposed between the set plate and the housing, and connecting the set plate and the housing,whereinan air passage is disposed between the set plate and the housing and communicates with atmosphere, andthe set plate, the housing and the connector are provided integrally.2. The fuel supply device of claim 1 , wherein a body having an opening and closing the opening of the fuel tank; and', 'a lid closing the opening of the body, and, 'the set plate comprisesthe lid, the housing and the connector are provided integrally.3. The fuel supply device of claim 2 , further comprisinga terminal extending from the electric circuit, piercing the housing, the connector and the lid and reaching a fuel tank side of the lid.4. The fuel supply device of claim 3 , whereina part of the terminal between the set plate and the housing is covered by the connector. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/845,402, “FUEL SUPPLY DEVICE” filed on Mar. 18, 2013, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-081500 filed on Mar. 30, 2012, both of which are hereby incorporated by reference into the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069058A1

A misfuelling prevention apparatus for vehicles can prevent a diesel vehicle from being filled with a wrong fuel. The apparatus for vehicles may include an upper housing at an entrance of a filler neck, an internal housing located at a bottom of the upper housing while being supported by an interior of the filler neck, a stopper and a stopper spring, and a flapper and a flapper spring. The stopper may be at one side of the internal housing to be rotated around a pin by a contact with an oil gun. One end of the flapper may be rotatably installed in a pin structure at an opposite side of the internal housing with respect to the stopper and the other end of the flapper may be caught in a recess of the stopper. The flapper is to be pushed and selectively opened by the oil gun. 1. A misfuelling prevention apparatus for vehicles , comprising:an upper housing installed at an entrance of a filler neck;an internal housing located at a bottom of the upper housing while being supported by an interior of the filler neck;a stopper and a stopper spring, the stopper installed at one side of the internal housing to be rotated around a pin by a contact with an oil gun; anda flapper and a flapper spring, one end of the flapper rotatably installed in a pin structure at an opposite side of the internal housing with respect to the stopper and the other end of the flapper caught in a recess of the stopper, wherein the flapper is to be pushed and selectively opened by the oil gun.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when an upper end of the internal housing is inserted into a housing spring supported by an inner bottom of the upper housing and an external force is applied to the upper end of the internal housing claim 1 , the internal housing is freely slid while being resiliently supported by the housing spring.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein an upper end of the housing spring and the upper end of the internal housing located within the housing spring have conical shapes with wide ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068063A1
Автор: ASO Shuichi

A refueling portion structure of a fuel tank has: a refueling pipe that has a refueling port; an opening/closing valve that is provided on a flow path within the refueling pipe; an accommodating portion that is provided at an outer side of the refueling pipe, that accommodates at an interior thereof an adsorbing material that adsorbs vapor fuel that has formed due to the liquid fuel evaporating, that communicates with the flow path further toward the refueling port side than the opening/closing valve, and into which the liquid fuel can flow; an atmospheric air passage, by which the accommodating portion communicates with atmospheric air; and a vapor movement passage, by which the accommodating portion communicates with an engine, and that is for moving vapor that is within the accommodating portion to the engine due to negative pressure from the engine. 1. A refueling portion structure of a fuel tank , comprising:a refueling pipe that has a refueling port into which a refueling nozzle is to be inserted, that is connected to a fuel tank, and that sends liquid fuel, supplied from the refueling nozzle, to the fuel tank;an opening/closing valve that is provided on a flow path within the refueling pipe and closes the flow path, and that, when pushed by the refueling nozzle, opens the flow path;an accommodating portion that is provided at an outer side of the refueling pipe, that accommodates at an interior thereof an adsorbing material that adsorbs vapor fuel that has formed due to the liquid fuel evaporating, that communicates with the flow path further toward the refueling port side than the opening/closing valve, and into which the liquid fuel can flow;an atmospheric air passage, by which the accommodating portion communicates with atmospheric air; anda vapor movement passage, by which the accommodating portion communicates with an engine, and that is for moving vapor that is within the accommodating portion to the engine due to negative pressure from the engine.2. ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076147A1
Автор: BUDZYK Laurent, Elong Paul

The invention is based on the insight that a filling system obtained by combining a “Kruse” compatible threaded socket and an annular magnet as required for the operation of the “Elaflex” nozzle, will exhibit air exchange problems related to the difference in the positioning of the respective air intake openings of the “Kruse” bottle and the “Elaflex” nozzle. More particularly, the invention is based on the insight that by judiciously providing a chamber in fluid communication with the volume of air or vapor in the tank, filling may be made possible with a “Kruse” bottle as well as with an “Elaflex” nozzle. 1. A fitting for the filling opening of a fluid tank , comprising:a tubular main body having a first end for connection with said tank and a second end adapted to receive a spout, said main body being adapted to be equipped with a magnet substantially spanning the circumference of said main body for authorizing a flow in said spout, and a tubular coupling section at said second end,wherein said tubular coupling section is adapted to detachably couple to a bottle having a fluid outlet and an air intake,wherein said fitting comprises a chamber between said second end and said magnet,wherein, when in use, an end of a first ventilation conduit is present in said chamber, said first ventilation conduit being in fluid communication with a volume of gas present at the tank side of said fitting, such that in the coupled position of said bottle said air intake is located in said chamber and said fluid outlet flows out in the direction of said first end, andwherein, when in use, an end of a second ventilation conduit is present in said tubular main body on the tank side of said magnet, said second ventilation conduit being in fluid communication with said volume of gas present at said tank side of said fitting.2. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein said bottle is a screw-on bottle claim 1 , and wherein said tubular coupling section has a thread for detachably coupling to said ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075230A1

A filler pipe includes a nozzle guide that is mounted on an inlet part of the filler pipe and holds a nozzle end part of a fueling gun. The nozzle guide includes a nozzle guide mounting part, which is mounted on the inlet part of the filler pipe, a nozzle guide holding part, which is positioned in a distal end of the nozzle guide, and holds the nozzle end part of the fueling gun, and a nozzle guide connecting part that connects the nozzle guide mounting part and the nozzle guide holding part with each other. The nozzle guide holding part has a plurality of projecting parts that are able to abut on an outer surface of a nozzle of the fueling gun. The nozzle guide is mounted on the inlet part of the filler pipe, at the nozzle guide mounting part, by swaging or spot welding. 1. A filler pipe that feeds fuel into a fuel tank from an oil filler port of a vehicle body , the oil filler port being formed on an outer surface of the vehicle body , comprisinga nozzle guide that is mounted on an inlet part of the filler pipe and is configured to hold a nozzle end part of a fueling gun, whereinthe nozzle guide includes a nozzle guide mounting part, which is mounted on the inlet part of the filler pipe, a nozzle guide holding part, which is positioned in a distal end of the nozzle guide, is configured to hold the nozzle end part of the fueling gun, and sends fuel into the filler pipe, and a nozzle guide connecting part that connects the nozzle guide mounting part and the nozzle guide holding part with each other,the nozzle guide holding part has a plurality of projecting parts that are able to abut on an outer surface of a nozzle of the fueling gun, andthe nozzle guide is mounted on the inlet part of the filler pipe, at the nozzle guide mounting part, by swaging or spot welding.2. The filler pipe according to claim 1 , whereinthe nozzle guide has no hole in a part that faces an opening of a breather pipe that is mounted on the inlet part of the filler pipe.3. The filler pipe ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140157723A1
Автор: Feuilloley Guy

A device () for injecting an incompressible, pressurized liquid into a container () made of a thermoplastic material so as to shape the container (), includes: a pipe () for supplying the liquid, which is to connect a liquid source () to the container (); pumping elements () for causing the liquid to flow in the supply pipe () toward the container () at a first pressure (P); and compression elements () for temporarily raising the pressure of the liquid contained in the container () to a second pressure (P) that is greater than the first pressure (P), wherein the compression elements () are formed by a work chamber (), whose volume is variable, and which is connected only to the supply pipe () between the pumping elements () and the container (). 2314818. The device () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the maximum volume of the work chamber () is appreciably less than the total volume of the container () in the final state.33148545430. The device () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the work chamber () includes one single liquid inlet and outlet opening () claim 1 , the single opening () being connected to the supply pipe () by way of a branch circuit.431483048. The device () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the work chamber () is inserted into the supply pipe () claim 1 , the work chamber () including:{'b': 56', '30, 'a first inlet opening () which is connected to a portion upstream of the supply pipe ();'}{'b': 58', '30, 'and a second output opening () which is connected to a portion downstream of the supply pipe ().'}53152304248. The device () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that an anti-reflux means () is inserted into the supply pipe () between the pumping means () and the work chamber ().6315248. The device () as claimed in claim 5 , characterized in that the anti-reflux means () is arranged close to the work chamber ().7315648. The device () as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that the first inlet opening () ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083720A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Systems and methods for assembling a fuel filler system for use in a vehicle are provided. The fuel filler system includes a closure device assembly and a fuel filler tube. A circumferential rim extends radially outwardly from a first end of the fuel filler tube. The rim has a non-planar cross-sectional shape. The fuel filler system also includes at least one catch member that extends from an inner surface of the closure device assembly. A seal member encircles a portion of the closure device assembly, and is axially spaced apart from the at least one catch member. After the closure device assembly is coupled to the fuel filler tube, the circumferential rim is axially captured between the at least one catch member and the seal member. 1. A fuel filler system for use in a vehicle , said fuel filler system comprising:a fuel filler tube including a tube end and a longitudinal axis;a closure device assembly coupleable with said tube end;a circumferential rim extending radially outwardly from said tube end, said circumferential rim defining a non-planar cross-sectional shape;at least one catch member extending from an inner surface of an outer cover of said closure device assembly; anda seal member encircling a portion of said closure device assembly, and axially spaced apart from said at least one catch member, such that after said closure device assembly is coupled to said fuel filler tube, said circumferential rim is axially captured between said at least one catch member and said seal member.2. The fuel filler system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said circumferential rim comprises a curved sealing surface claim 1 , such that said sealing surface engages said seal member after said closure device assembly is coupled to said fuel filler tube.3. The fuel filler system in accordance with claim 2 , wherein said cross-sectional shape of said circumferential rim defines an arc extending an angle α claim 2 , wherein α is greater than 90°.4. The fuel filler system in ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083721A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Systems and methods for assembling a fuel filler system for use in a vehicle are provided. A locking bracket is coupled within an end of a fuel filler tube. At least one passage is defined in the locking bracket for facilitating insertion of a closure device into the fuel filler tube end. At least one anti-removal structure on the closure device passes through the at least one passage during insertion of the closure device. The at least one anti-removal structure precludes removal of the closure device after insertion of the closure device, and rotation of the closure device from a first rotational position relative to the locking bracket to a second rotational position. First and second anti-rotation structures extending from the closure device engage first and second ends of the locking bracket to prevent further rotation of the closure device. 1. A fuel filler system for use in a vehicle , said system comprising:a fuel filler tube including an inner surface and a tube end;a closure device coupleable within said tube end; anda locking bracket coupled to the inner surface of the fuel filler tube at least partially within said tube end, wherein said locking bracket defines at least one passage for facilitating proper alignment of the closure device with respect to the fuel filler tube during insertion of said closure device into said tube end.2. The fuel filler system in accordance with claim 1 , said closure device comprising an outer wall and at least one anti-removal structure extending from said outer wall claim 1 , wherein said at least one anti-removal structure is configured to pass through said at least one passage during insertion of said closure device into said tube end claim 1 , and wherein said at least one anti-removal structure precludes removal of said closure device from said tube end after insertion of said closure device and a rotation of said closure device from a first rotational position relative to said locking bracket to a second rotational ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083722A1

To obtain a fuel filler structure for a fuel tank wherein when causing an opening and closing valve to close, it can be ensured that the opening and closing valve does not rapidly rotate to a closed position in which it closes a fuel fill inlet, and when causing the opening and closing valve to open, the opening and closing valve can be opened with a small force. A fuel filler structure is equipped with a damper on the near side of a flapper valve in the insertion direction of a fuel nozzle. When the flapper valve rotates to an open position, the damper does not act on the flapper valve, and when the flapper valve rotates to a closed position, the damper acts on the flapper valve. 1. A fuel filler structure for a fuel tank , comprising:a fuel fill inlet member that is equipped with a fuel fill inlet into which a fuel nozzle for fueling a fuel tank is inserted;an opening and closing valve that can open and close the fuel fill inlet;a valve shaft for attaching the opening and closing valve to the fuel fill inlet member in such a way that the opening and closing valve can rotate between a closed position, in which it closes the fuel fill inlet, and an open position, in which it opens the fuel fill inlet as a result of being pushed by the fuel nozzle;a valve biasing member that biases the opening and closing valve from the open position to the closed position; anda damper which, when the opening and closing valve rotates from the open position to the closed position, contacts the opening and closing valve on a near side of the opening and closing valve in a direction in which the fuel nozzle is inserted into the fuel fill inlet member and generates resistance in the rotation of the opening and closing valve.2. The fuel filler structure for a fuel tank according to claim 1 , wherein the damper comprises:a damper contact piece that contacts the opening and closing valve;a damper shaft that is disposed on an insertion direction near side of, and parallel to, a rotational ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158711A1

Provided is a cartridge assembly comprising a cartridge for containing a dental substance. The cartridge comprises a dispensing opening for the dental substance. Further the cartridge assembly comprises a piston having a receptacle for establishing a screw connection with a spindle for moving the piston for dispensing the dental substance. This assembly helps minimize costs in the manufacturing and use of dental cartridges and/or dental dispensing devices. 1. A cartridge assembly being removably placeable in a dispensing device , comprising a cartridge for containing a dental substance , the cartridge comprising a dispensing opening for the dental substance , the cartridge assembly further comprising a spindle , and a piston having a receptacle for establishing a screw connection with the spindle for moving the piston to urge the dental substance toward the dispensing opening , wherein the cartridge assembly comprises a coupling for coupling the spindle , wherein the receptacle comprises an inner cone and the spindle comprises an outer cone , and wherein the cartridge assembly is adapted such that the inner and outer cone in one position of the piston and the spindle relative to each other are in touch to seal the receptacle , whereas in another position of the piston and the spindle relative to each other the cones are spaced apart.2. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle has a thread for engaging with a thread of the spindle claim 1 , or wherein the receptacle is deformable and adapted for forming an engagement with a spindle thread by deformation through the spindle.3. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle and the spindle are press fit for providing a seal between the receptacle and the spindle.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle comprises or forms a threaded clasp nut.7. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a support wheel for supporting the spindle in ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079296A1

A fuel filler structure includes a cylindrical part having a fueling port and a connecting port; a first flap mechanism and a second flap mechanism that are disposed close to the fueling port and the connecting port of the cylindrical part, respectively, and when a nozzle is inserted through the fueling port, the respective flap mechanisms are pressed by the nozzle to open the fueling port and an opening on the connecting port side; a drain hole formed in the cylindrical part and allowing the inside of the cylindrical part to be communicated with the outside; and an opening and closing valve for opening and closing the drain hole. The opening and closing valve includes a valve mechanism that maintains a closed state of the drain hole through negative pressure suction by a volatile fuel suction mechanism attached to the nozzle. 1. A fuel filler structure of a fuel supply pipe , comprising:a cylindrical part that has an opening through which a nozzle of a fueling gun is inserted, and a connecting port to which a fuel supply pipe for supplying fuel to a fuel tank is connected, the cylindrical part having a drain hole formed therein, the drain hole allowing an inside of the cylindrical part to be communicated with an outside of the cylindrical part;a flap mechanism that is disposed close to the opening of the cylindrical part and configured to be pressed by the nozzle to open the opening when the nozzle is inserted through the opening; andan opening and closing valve that is configured to open and close the drain hole,the opening and closing valve including a valve mechanism that is configured to maintain a closed state of the drain hole through negative pressure suction by a volatile fuel suction mechanism attached to the nozzle.2. The fuel filler structure of the fuel supply pipe claim 1 , according to claim 1 , further comprisinga liquid accumulating part that is provided inside the cylindrical part and configured to accumulate therein water or moisture that enters ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Compact Case With Cake Retention Pan

Номер: US20140165507A1
Принадлежит: ELC Management LLC

A cosmetic compact has a pan made from an elastomeric material. The pan is elastically biased to a size that is smaller than a pre-formed cake of cosmetic product. The empty pan is temporarily expanded by applying vacuum to a bottom and sidewalls of the pan. The cake of cosmetic is inserted in the expanded pan and the pan is released from the vacuum. The pan contracts toward the smaller size and thus traps and holds the cake in the compact. 1providing an elastomeric pan in the case, the pan having a floor and a sidewall defining a cake retention reservoir biased toward a first volume smaller than the predetermined size of the cake, the pan adapted such that the reservoir is expandable to a second volume that is large enough to permit insertion of the cake into the reservoir;providing means for expanding the elastomeric pan from the first volume to the second volume;using the means for expanding to expand the elastomeric pan from the first volume to the second volume;inserting the cake into the reservoir; andreleasing the pan from the means for expanding, wherein the reservoir contracts toward the first volume to securely retain the inserted cake.. A method for securing a cake cosmetic in a compact case having a frame defining a chamber, the cake having a predetermined size, the method comprising the steps of: The present application is a divisional application which claims priority from U.S. Non-provisional application Ser. No. 13/361,272, filed Jan. 30, 2012.1. Field of the InventionThe field of the invention is cosmetic packaging and in particular, cosmetic compacts with a pan for storing and dispensing pressed-powder, cake-type or solid cosmetics. The pan is elastomeric and expands to receive the cake during assembly.2. Description of the Prior ArtU.S. Pat. No. 1,735,482 to Wacker discloses a compact case with a body, a frame and a pan shaped base carrying cosmetic that is pressed into the frame. The pan is not elastic. U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,859 to Murphy et al. ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089973A1

Embodiments include a method and apparatus for preventing damage to the paintwork of vehicles caused by spillage of fluids or fuel when refueling. The method includes installing the apparatus into a fuel tank inlet of a vehicle and extending the apparatus from the fuel tank inlet. The apparatus includes a container configured to capture any spillage via a funneling trough extending from the fuel tank inlet to the container. The method further includes raising the apparatus above the fuel tank inlet to return the captured spillage to the fuel tank inlet via the trough. The method also includes retracting and inserting the apparatus into the fuel tank inlet ready for reuse during the next refueling of the vehicle. 1. A vehicle body protection apparatus , comprising:a fuel capture means for capturing spilled or excess fuel during refueling a vehicle;a fuel diverter means for diverting the spilled or excess fuel to and from the fuel capture means; andan attachment means for attaching the fuel diverter means to the vehicle via a vehicle fuel inlet.2. The vehicle body protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel diverter means includes a trough configured to funnel the spilled or excess fuel away from the vehicle fuel inlet.3. The vehicle body protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel capture means includes a container configured to store the spilled or excess fuel.4. The vehicle body protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel capture means and the fuel diverter means are formed from a group of materials consisting of aluminum claim 1 , steel claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , and high-density polyethylene (HDPE).5. The vehicle body protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment means includes a set of retainer clips configured to attach the fuel diverter means to the vehicle fuel inlet.6. The vehicle body protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel diverter means is configured to be ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087982A1

A fuel supply apparatus comprises a filler neck body including a fuel passage-forming structure configured to form a fuel passage and a fuel vapor port branched off from the fuel passage-forming structure; and a nozzle guide located inside of the filler neck body and formed in a tubular shape. A vapor flow path is formed to be continuous with the fuel vapor port and introduce fuel vapor flowing into the fuel vapor port in a tank direction. The configuration of the fuel supply apparatus enables the fuel vapor circulated from a fuel tank to the fuel supply apparatus to smoothly join with the flow of liquid fuel supplied from a fueling nozzle. 1. A fuel supply apparatus , comprising:a filler neck body including a hollow fuel passage-forming structure configured to form a fuel passage which a supplied fuel passes through, and a fuel vapor port branched off from the fuel passage-forming structure; anda nozzle guide located inside of the filler neck body and formed in a tubular shape to introduce a fueling nozzle that is inserted into a main body opening of the filler neck body and provided to supply the fuel, in a tank direction from the main body opening of the filler neck body toward a fuel tank, whereina vapor flow path is formed to be continuous with the fuel vapor port and introduce fuel vapor flowing into the fuel vapor port in the tank direction.2. The fuel supply apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein two ribs protruded outward and arranged with the fuel vapor port placed therebetween and a restriction portion provided on an opposite side to the fuel vapor port in the tank direction and configured to connect with the two ribs are provided on an outer surface of the nozzle guide, andthe vapor flow path is formed by the two ribs, the restriction portion, part of the outer surface of the nozzle guide provided to connect the two ribs with the restriction portion, and part of an inner surface of the filler neck body and is configured to communicate with the fuel ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096983A1

A fuel nozzle-receiving assembly is configured to be operatively connected to a fuel fill line of a fuel intake system of a vehicle. The assembly may include a main outer body, a pressure relief member, and a seal member. The pressure relief member may be secured to and within the main outer body and may include at least one valve operatively connected to at least one relief passage. The valve(s) is configured to open to allow fluid pressure to be released through the at least one relief passage when the fluid pressure exceeds a pressure threshold. The seal member may be secured to the pressure relief member and may define a central opening configured to receive a fuel nozzle. The seal member is configured to sealingly engage an outer shaft of the fuel nozzle to prevent fuel from back-flowing out of the fuel fill line and air from passing into the fuel fill line. 1. A fuel nozzle-receiving assembly configured to be operatively connected to a fuel fill line of a fuel intake system of a vehicle , the fuel nozzle-receiving assembly comprising:a main outer body;a pressure relief member secured to and within the main outer body, wherein the pressure relief member comprises at least one valve operatively connected to at least one relief passage, wherein the at least one valve is configured to open to allow fluid pressure to be released through the at least one relief passage when the fluid pressure exceeds a pressure threshold; anda seal member secured to the pressure relief member, wherein the seal member defines a central opening configured to receive a fuel nozzle, and wherein the seal member is configured to sealingly engage an outer shaft of the fuel nozzle to prevent fuel from back-flowing out of the fuel fill line and air from passing into the fuel fill line.2. The fuel nozzle-receiving assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one valve comprises at least one umbrella valve having opposed flaps that cover the at least one relief passage in a closed position.3. ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140175096A1

A fuel tank system includes a tank that stores fuel, a leveling valve that decides a limit liquid surface, a filler pipe that is provided with a fuel filler opening to which a blocking cover is attached at an end portion of the filler pipe, a recirculation pipe that communicates with the filler pipe, a discharge passage that is connected to the leveling valve and branches to a first passage and a second passage, a seal valve, and a release valve that is connected to the tank at a position higher than the limit liquid surface and one of the recirculation pipe and the filer pipe, and is released by a pressure lower than a pressure caused by a head difference between the limit liquid surface and a liquid surface of the fuel at the fuel filler opening. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a tank that stores fuel;a leveling valve that decides a limit liquid surface which corresponds to a volume limit of the fuel stored in the tank;a filler pipe that extends from the tank at a position lower than the limit liquid surface and is provided with a fuel filler opening to which a blocking cover is attached at an end portion of the filler pipe;a recirculation pipe that extends from the tank at a position lower than the limit liquid surface and communicates with the filler pipe;a discharge passage that is connected to the leveling valve and branches to a first passage leading to a canister adsorbing fuel vapor and a second passage leading to an intake passage of an engine at a branch portion;a seal valve that is installed on the discharge passage between the leveling valve and the branch portion and seals up the tank; anda release valve one end of which is connected to the tank at a position higher than the limit liquid surface, the other end of which is connected to one of the recirculation pipe and the filer pipe, and is released by a pressure lower than a pressure caused by a head difference between the limit liquid surface and a liquid surface of the fuel at the fuel filler ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105035A1
Автор: Radu Andi-Ionut

A filling pipe arrangement for filling an automobile fluid tank with fluid, especially aqueous urea solution, with a passage passing through a predetermined passageway along the filling pipe arrangement, wherein the passage extends from an inserting mouth to a discharge opening, wherein an inserting end section of the passage comprising the inserting mouth is designed to hold at least temporarily an output end section of a delivery device, such as a spigot, a Kruse bottle, or the like, wherein the passage comprises, at a distance from the inserting mouth, a conducting section designed to lead fluid introduced into the filling pipe arrangement through the filling pipe arrangement, wherein the filling pipe arrangement comprises a magnetic arrangement whose magnetic field reaches into the passage in one section of the passageway, the magnetic arrangement is received in the filling pipe arrangement so that it is movable along the passageway. 115-. (canceled)16. A filling pipe arrangement for filling an automobile fluid tank with fluid , especially aqueous urea solution , with a passage passing through the filling pipe arrangement along a predetermined passageway , wherein the passage extends from an inserting mouth to a discharge opening , wherein an inserting end section of the passage comprising the inserting mouth is designed to hold at least temporarily an associated output end section of an associated delivery device , such as a spigot , a Kruse bottle , or the like , wherein the passage comprises , at a distance from the inserting mouth , a conducting section designed to lead associated fluid introduced into the filling pipe arrangement through the filling pipe arrangement , wherein the filling pipe arrangement comprises a magnetic arrangement whose magnetic field reaches into the passage in one section of the passageway , the magnetic arrangement is received in the filling pipe arrangement so that it is movable along the passageway.17. The filling pipe ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105414A1

An object is to suppress excessive insertion of a fueling nozzle during fueling. A nozzle guide configured to form a nozzle guide path that guides a fueling nozzle is placed inside of a filler neck main body configured to include a fuel passage that introduces a fuel supplied from the fueling nozzle toward a fuel tank. This nozzle guide comprises a first projection for nozzle restriction provided on a nozzle guide end opening portion at an end of the nozzle guide path along a nozzle guide direction and protruded from an end opening circumferential wall of the nozzle guide end opening portion to narrow at least part of a diameter of the nozzle guide path; and a second projection for nozzle restriction provided on a downstream side of the first projection along the nozzle guide direction and protruded from the end opening circumferential wall to narrow at least part of the diameter of the nozzle guide path. 1. A fuel supply apparatus , comprising:a filler neck main body including an opening configured to receive a fueling nozzle inserted therein, and a fuel passage configured to introduce a fuel supplied from the fueling nozzle toward a fuel tank; anda nozzle guide placed inside of the filler neck main body on an opening side and configured to form a nozzle guide path that guides the fueling nozzle, wherein a first projection for nozzle restriction provided on a nozzle guide end opening portion at an end of the nozzle guide path along a nozzle guide direction and protruded from an end opening circumferential wall of the nozzle guide end opening portion to narrow at least part of a diameter of the nozzle guide path; and', 'a second projection for nozzle restriction provided on a downstream side of the first projection along the nozzle guide direction and protruded from the end opening circumferential wall to narrow at least part of the diameter of the nozzle guide path., 'the nozzle guide includes2. The fuel supply apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle Fuel Tank Assembly

Номер: US20200101837A1

A vehicle fuel tank assembly includes a fuel tank and an electrically conductive top plate that closes and seals a fuel-fill opening in the fuel tank. The top plate includes electrical dissipation structures and features that allow for electrical charge dissipation of the fuel tank to an external structure such as the vehicle chassis. The dissipation structures include an electrically insulative carrier that is partially embedded in the top plate using an overmolding process, and an electrical conductor that is supported by the carrier. The electrical conductor provides an electrical connection between the top plate and the chassis that is independent of the fuel tank and the fuel tank mounting structure. 1. A top plate that is configured to seal a fuel fill opening of a fuel tank , the top plate comprising:a body comprising a first material that is electrically conductive;a carrier comprising a second material that is electrically insulative, the carrier being partially embedded in the body; anda first electrical conductor that is supported by the carrier in such a way that a portion of the first electrical conductor is electrically connected to the body.2. The top plate of claim 1 , wherein the first electrical conductor comprises an electrically conductive first terminal and an electrically conductive first wire claim 1 ,the first terminal including the portion of the first electrical conductor that is electrically connected to the body, andthe first wire having a wire first end that is electrically connected to the first terminal and a wire second end that is disposed outside of the top plate.3. The top plate of claim 2 , wherein the wire second end is electrically connected to electrical ground.4. The top plate of claim 2 , whereinthe carrier includes a cut out,the cut out is disposed in a portion of the carrier that is embedded in the body,the first terminal is supported by the carrier in such a way that a portion of the first terminal extends into the cut out ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101838A1

In a housing surrounding a nozzle insertion passage, a first opening open to the atmosphere is provided, and in a cover main body in which the housing is incorporated, a nozzle insertion port and a second opening which is opposite the first opening and open to the atmosphere is provided. Moreover, in the recess wall of a drainage port formation member fitted to the first opening, a recess which is recessed on the side of the first opening is formed so as to be continuous with the second opening, and a drainage port is provided. A drainage valve is held in the recess with respect to the recess wall so as to open and close the drainage port by turning of the valve main body about the turning shaft serving as a base point. 12020. An opening/closing device () of a fuel tank , the opening/closing device () comprising:{'b': 22', '22', '100', '41', '22', '100, 'i': a', 'a, 'a housing () that includes: a passage circumferential wall () which surrounds a nozzle insertion passage (N) for a refueling nozzle (FN); and a first opening () which is formed in the passage circumferential wall () and through which the nozzle insertion passage (N) is open to an atmosphere;'}{'b': 21', '22', '21', '22', '42', '21', '41', '104', '21', '21, 'i': a', 'a', 'b', 'a, 'a cover main body () in which the housing () is incorporated and which includes: a circumferential wall () that surrounds the housing (); a second opening () that is formed in the circumferential wall (), that is opposite the first opening () and that is open to the atmosphere; and a nozzle insertion port () for the refueling nozzle (FN) that is formed in a ceiling wall () of the circumferential wall ();'}{'b': 10', '104, 'an insertion port opening/closing mechanism () which opens and closes the nozzle insertion port (); and'}{'b': 40', '22', '41', '21', '22, 'a drainage mechanism () which is fitted to the housing () so as to be continuous with the first opening () and which is located between the cover main body () and the ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114960A1

A capless fuel filler system that receives a nozzle includes a fuel spout, a deflectable latch carried by the fuel spout, a spring-loaded flapper valve and linkage connected between the latch and the spring-loaded flapper valve. The nozzle is received in the fuel spout and engages the deflectable latch to allow the spring-loaded flapper valve to be deflected by the nozzle. The system also includes a cover carried by the fuel spout, wherein removal of the cover allows receipt of the nozzle in the fuel spout. 1. A capless fuel filler system that receives a nozzle comprising:a fuel spout;a deflectable latch carried by said fuel spout;a spring-loaded flapper valve;linkage connected between said latch and said spring-loaded flapper valve, wherein the nozzle is receivable in said fuel spout and engages said deflectable latch to allow said spring-loaded flapper valve to be deflected by the nozzle; anda cover carried by said fuel spout, wherein removal of said cover allows receipt of the nozzle in said fuel spout.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a shroud that surrounds said fuel spout; anda tether connected at one end to said cover and at an opposite end to said shroud.3. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an indicia collar that substantially surrounds said fuel spout and forming a gap therebetween, said cover fitting in said gap.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein said cover comprises:a body having an outer periphery; anda flange extending from said outer periphery, said flange received in said gap.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said cover comprises:a body having an outer periphery; anda flange extending from said outer periphery, said flange fitting around said fuel spout.6. The system according to claim 5 , wherein said flange has an internal groove that receives an O-ring that seals around said fuel spout.7. The system according to claim 6 , wherein said flange has at least one external groove that receives ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Filler pipe and vehicle fuel filler port structure

Номер: US20220176812A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

A retainer that holds a fuel nozzle holder is mounted to a filler pipe. The retainer includes: a first attaching portion mounted at the filler pipe; an opening located at a first end of the retainer, which is closer to a center of the filler pipe than a second end; and a holding portion having engaging holes. The fuel nozzle holder includes: a second attaching portion having a cylindrical shape and including two engaging pieces engaged in the engaging holes and located on opposite sides in a circumference of the second attaching portion. The engaging pieces are each surrounded by a groove at three sides and joined to the second attaching portion on one, and the two engaging pieces are different from each other in terms of a maximum value of a length in a circumferential direction of the second attaching portion.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177167A1

A filler head apparatus for hygienically filling and emptying containers through a fitment incorporated with the container includes a cylindrical outer housing for receiving a hollow bore inner cylinder which is actuated to simultaneously reciprocate and rotate about a central axis within the outer housing. A transfer tube assembly is mounted to the inner cylinder to travel with the inner cylinder between an extended position engaged with the fitment and a retracted position disengage from the fitment. When the transfer tube assembly is engaged with the fitment, flowable content or product may be transferred to or from the container A fitment cap assembly is also mounted to the inner cylinder to travel with the inner cylinder to remove the cap of the fitment prior to either filling or emptying the container and then to retract to a standby position while the container is filled/emptied, and thereafter replacing the fitment cap after filling/emptying has been completed. 1. A filler head apparatus for filling and emptying a container with flowable material through a fitment on the container , the fitment having a removable cap , the filler head comprising:(a) a cylindrical outer housing having a proximal end and a distal end, the outer housing configured with a fitment opening at the distal end to receive the container fitment;(b) a hollow inner cylinder slidably engaged within the outer housing to telescopically slide within the outer housing to advance toward and retract away from the outer housing distal end;(c) a transfer tube assembly extending through the inner cylinder through which the flowable material flows when filling and emptying the container, the transfer tube having a leading end connectable to the fitment and an opposite end connectable to an external source of flowable material or to an external receptacle for the flow able material;(d) a fitment cap assembly positioned within the inner cylinder for removing the fitment cap from the fitment and ...
