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10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2574664C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к цеолиту типа шабазита с закрепленными на нем медью и щелочноземельным металлом, у которого атомарное отношение (медь + щелочноземельный металл)/алюминий составляет 1,0 или менее. Техническим результатом настоящего изобретения является создание нового цеолита типа шабазита, который при применении в качестве катализатора восстановления и удаления оксидов азота даже после гидротермической прочностной обработки демонстрирует более высокую степень очистки от оксидов азота при низкой температуре. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 3 табл., 20 пр.

08-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627399C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к получению цеолитного материала, обладающего каркасной структурой типа CHA, и его применению. Способ получения включает следующие стадии. Предоставление смеси, содержащей один или более источников YO, один или более источников ХОи одно или более содержащих тетраалкиламмониевый катион RRRRNсоединений в качестве направляющих агентов для образования структуры и кристаллизацию полученной смеси. Y означает четырехвалентный элемент, X означает трехвалентный элемент. Исходная смесь содержит затравочные кристаллы и не содержит источник фосфора. Тетраалкиламмониевые катионы RRRRNсоединений состоят из одного или более N,N,N-триметилциклоалкиламмониевых соединений. Изобретение обеспечивает экономичный способ получения цеолитного материала, обладающего каталитической активностью. 4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил., 7 пр.

20-05-2020 дата публикации

EMM-28 - новый синтетический кристаллический материал, его получение и применение

Номер: RU2721569C2

Изобретение относится к новому синтетическому кристаллическому материалу ЕММ-28, который синтезирован в присутствии органического направляющего агента (Q) для формирования структуры, выбранного из одного или более из следующих дикатионов:ЕММ-28 можно использовать в реакциях превращения органических соединений и сорбционных процессах. 14 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 26 пр., 3 табл., 2 ил.

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519168C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к синтезу молекулярных сит. Предложен молекулярно-ситовой материал EMM-13, имеющий каркас тетраэдрических атомов, связанных мостиками из атомов кислорода, который определяется специфическими атомными координатами элементарной ячейки в нанометрах. Материал характеризуется специфической рентгенограммой. Предложенный материал используют в качестве катализатора превращения углеводородов. Техническим результатом является получение нового материала, обладающего активностью и стабильностью в каталитических реакциях превращения углеводородов. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил., 8 табл., 17 пр.

11-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2732141C2

Группа изобретений относится к молекулярному ситу, в частности к ультрамакропористому молекулярному ситу, а также к способу получения молекулярного сита и его применению в качестве катализатора. Молекулярное сито имеет схематическую химическую композицию представленную формулой «первый оксид ⋅ второй оксид» или формулой «первый оксид ⋅ второй оксид ⋅ органический темплат ⋅ вода», в которой молярное соотношение первого оксида и второго оксида находится в диапазоне от 5 до ∞, первый оксид выбран из группы, состоящей из диоксида кремния, диоксида германия, диоксида олова, диоксида титана и диоксида циркония, предпочтительно диоксида кремния или комбинации диоксида кремния и диоксида германия, второй оксид выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида алюминия, оксида бора, оксида железа, оксида галлия, оксида редкоземельного элемента, оксида индия и оксида ванадия, предпочтительно оксида алюминия, молярное соотношение воды и первого оксида находится в диапазоне от 5 до 50, молярное соотношение темплата ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2509055C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к молекулярным ситам, их получению и использованию. Предложен материал EMM-12, имеющий структуру, охарактеризованную в формуле рентгенограммой. EMM-12 в свежеприготовленной и прокаленной формах имеет рентгенограмму, включающую пики, соответствующие дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 14,17 до 12,57Å, дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 12,1 до 12,56 Å. Материал имеет также неразрешенное рассеивание в интервале от примерно 8,85 до 11,05 Å или не содержащую максимумов область между пиками, соответствующими дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 10,14 до 12,0 Å и дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 8,66 до 10,13 Å. Согласно изобретению измеренная интенсивность, для которой сделана поправка на уровень фона, в точке с наименьшим значением составляет не менее 50% от значения интенсивности, соответствующей аналогичному межплоскостному расстоянию на линии, соединяющей максимумы в диапазоне от 10,14 до 12,0 Å и в диапазоне от 8,66 до 10,13 Å. Предложен ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2509722C2

Изобретение относится к области органической химии. Способ получения моноалкилароматического соединения осуществляют контактированием сырья, содержащего алкилируемое ароматическое соединение и алкилирующий агент, в условиях каталитзируемой реакции алкилирования. Катализатор представляет собой молекулярное сито ЕММ-12. Использованное молекулярное сито в свежеприготовленной и прокаленной формах характеризуется рентгенограммой. Рентгенограмма содержит пики, соответствующие дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 14,17 до 12,57 Å, дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 12,1 до 12,56 Å, неразрешенное рассеивание в интервале от примерно 8,85 до 11,05 Å, или не содержащую максимумов область между пиками, соответствующими дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 10,14 до 12,0 Å и дифракционным максимумам в диапазоне от 8,66 до 10,13 Å. Измеренная интенсивность, для которой сделана поправка на уровень фона, в точке с наименьшим значением указанной области, не содержащей пиков, составляет не менее ...

20-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2137713C1

Описан способ получения кристаллического цеолита из реакционной смеси, содержащей количество воды, достаточное только для того, чтобы, при желании, реакционной смеси можно было бы придать определенную форму. По данному способу реакционную смесь нагревают в условиях кристаллизации и в отсутствие внешней жидкой фазы, так что перед высушиванием кристаллов нет необходимости в удалении избыточной жидкости из закристаллизованного материала. Способ позволяет сократить количество воды для кристаллизации и получить формованные цеолиты без добавления связующего. 2 с. и 40 з.п.ф-лы.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312063C1

Изобретение относится к синтетическому пористому кристаллическому материалу, к способу его получения и его использования в качестве адсорбентов и катализаторов. Синтетический пористый кристаллический материал получают гидротермальной кристаллизацией реакционной смеси, содержащей источник кремния, источник алюминия, источник щелочного металла, воду, "затравку" цеолита и органическое структурообразующее соединение, имеющей следующий химический состав, выраженный в молярных соотношениях: SiO2/Al2O3=20-90; R/SiO2=0,03-1,0; Na+/SiO2=0, 1-1,0; ОН-/SiO2=0,1-1, 0; H2O/SiO2=10-100. В качестве органического структурообразующего соединения используют ε-капролактам. Синтетические пористые кристаллические материалы со структурой цеолитов типа MFI, приготовленные по предлагаемому способу с использованием в качестве органического структурообразующего соединения - ε -капролактама, могут служить для получения на их основе высокоэффективных катализаторов для различных реакций превращения углеводородов. 2 ...

10-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2092241C1

Цеолит, обозначенный как цеолит NU-86, имеющий молярный состав, выраженный формулой 100 XO2: ≅10 Y2O3: ≅20 R2/n0, где R - один или несколько катионов с валентностью n, X - кремний и/или германий, Y - один или несколько из алюминия, железа, галлия, бора, титана, ванадия, циркония, молибдена мышьяка, сурьмы, хрома и марганца, и имеющий картину дифракции рентгеновских лучей, включая линии, показанные в табл.1, причем цеолит получен из реакционной смеси, состоящей из XO2 (предпочтительно двуокись кремния), Y2O3 (предпочтительно окись алюминия) и катиона полиметилен - альфа, омега-диаммония. Этот цеолит пригоден в качестве катализатора для различных реакций. 2 с. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 8 табл.

11-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2799782C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиту на основе цеолита структурного типа ZSM-5 в протонной форме и карбида кремния для гетерогенного катализа, а также к способу получения такого композита. Композит содержит, мас.%: карбид кремния - 15-20 и наноразмерные частицы цеолита структурного типа ZSM-5 с кремнеземным модулем 329 - остальное, при этом композит характеризуется дополнительной пористостью, образованной частицами цеолита структурного типа ZSM-5 с размером 90-150 нм. Способ получения описанного композита заключается в том, что сначала в воду добавляют темплат - гидроксид тетрапропиламмоний и смешивают полученный раствор с источником кремния - тетраэтилортосиликатом при постоянном перемешивании на водяной бане при 70-80°С в течение 6 ч, затем добавляют источник алюминия - изопропоксид алюминия и карбид кремния и смешивают до однородной массы, причем смешение исходных компонентов осуществляют в количествах, обеспечивающих мольное соотношение компонентов в конечной смеси тетраэтилортосиликат ...

21-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734633C1
Принадлежит: САЧЕМ, ИНК. (US)

Настоящее изобретение относится к алюмосиликатному цеолиту, способу изготовления алюмосиликатного цеолита и кристаллическому цеолиту AEI. Алюмосиликатный цеолит содержит по меньшей мере 90% чистой фазы цеолита AEI. Цеолит AEI содержит кристаллы, имеющие пластинчатую морфологию, где по меньшей мере 50% кристаллов имеют по меньшей мере одно отношение в по меньшей мере одной паре размеров в интервале от 5:1 до 20:1. По меньшей мере 50% кристаллов имеют толщину в интервале от 30 до 100 нм. Способ изготовления алюмосиликатного цеолита, имеющего каркас AEI, включает реакцию смеси, содержащей оксид кремния, фоязит, соединение четвертичного аммония, содержащее катион 2,4,4,6-тетраметилморфолиния, гидроксид щелочного металла и воду. Отношение OH/Si равно 0,4-0,8. Температура реакции по меньшей мере 100°С и в течение времени, достаточного для образования кристаллов алюмосиликатного цеолита, имеющего каркас AEI. Кристаллический цеолит AEI имеет поры, содержащие катион 2,4,4,6-тетраметилморфолиния.

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012151832A

... 1. Микропористый кристаллический цеолит, имеющий трехмерный каркас, по меньшей мере, из AlOи SiOтетраэдрических звеньев и эмпирический состав «как синтезирован» в безводном состоянии, выраженный эмпирической формулой:,где М представляет собой, по меньшей мере, один обмениваемый катион, выбранный из группы, состоящей из щелочных, щелочноземельных и редкоземельных металлов, "m" представляет собой мольное отношение М к (Al+Е) и составляет от 0 до 4,0, R представляет собой органоаммонийный катион, выбранный из группы, состоящей из холина, этилтриметиламмония (ЕТМА), диэтилдиметиламмония (DEDMA), тетраэтиламмония (TEA), тетрапропиламмония (ТРА), триметилпропиламмония, триметилбутиламмония, диметилдиэтаноламмония, гексаметония и их смесей, "r" представляет собой мольное отношение R к (Al+Е) и составляет от 0,25 до 4,0, "n" представляет собой средневзвешенную валентность М и составляет от 1 до 3, "p" представляет собой средневзвешенную валентность R и составляет от 1 до 2, Е представляет собой ...

20-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97117371A

... 1. Способ получения цеолита со средним размером пор, отличающийся тем, что включает: (а) приготовление водного раствора из (1) источников оксида щелочного металла, оксида щелочноземельного металла или их смесей, (2) источников оксида, выбранного из оксида алюминия, железа, галлия, индия, титана или их смесей, (3) источников оксида, выбранного из оксидов кремния, германия или их смесей, и (4) по крайней мере одного малого нейтрального амина, способного к образованию цеолита, указанный амин содержит (а) только атомы углерода, азота и водорода, (b) одну первичную, вторичную или третичную, но не четвертичную аминогруппу и (с) третичный атом азота, по крайней мере один третичный атом углерода или атом азота, присоединенный непосредственно к по крайней мере одному вторичному атому углерода; (b) поддерживание водного раствора при условиях, достаточных для образования кристаллов цеолита; и (с) извлечение кристаллов цеолита, причем способ осуществляют в отсутствии соединения четвертичного аммония ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153203A

... 1. Микропористый кристаллический цеолит, имеющий трехмерную структуру с по меньшей мере тетраэдрическими единицами AlOи SiOи эмпирическим составом синтезированного безводного продукта, выраженным эмпирической формулой:,где М представляет собой по меньшей мере один обменный катион, выбранный из группы, состоящей из щелочных, щелочноземельных и редкоземельных металлов, "m" представляет собой мольное отношение М к (Al+Е) и варьируется от 0 до приблизительно 2,0, R представляет собой катион органиламмония, выбранный из группы, состоящей из холина, этилтриметиламмония (ЭТМА), диэтилдиметиламмония (ДЭДМА), тетраэтиламмония (ТЭА), тетрапропиламмония (ТПА), триметилпропиламмония, триметилбутиламмония, диметилдиэтаноламмония, гексаметония и их смесей, "r" представляет собой мольное отношение R к (Al+Е) и имеет значение от приблизительно 0,25 до приблизительно 4,0, "n" представляет собой средневзвешенную валентность М и имеет значение от приблизительно 1 до приблизительно 3, "p" представляет собой ...

17-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018121294A

23-05-1988 дата публикации

Способ получения цеолита типа природного левинита

Номер: SU1398770A3

Изобретение относится к способам получения цеолитов, используемых в качестве адсорбентов и катализаторов и позволяет повысить каталитическую активность цеолита в процессе конверсии метанола. Водная смесь имеет следующее молярное соотношение SiO /А1,0д 30-100, 1,0 1,7, НгО/Z 35-175, H O/SiO 10-30, 0,2-0,4. ион металла, ион N - метилхинуклиди- на, Z - гидроксид или кислотный радикйл, образующий соли с ионом хинуклидина, общая щелочь. Полученный гель перемешивают в автоклаве при 95-18(fc, фильтруют, промывают и сушат. 7 табл. СО ...

02-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002513682A1

23-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002193202B

29-07-2015 дата публикации

SCR catalyst

Номер: GB0002522530A

A copper CHA framework zeolite catalyst composition, comprising a zeolite with a CHA framework, a molar silica-to-alumina ratio (SAR) of at least 40, and an atomic copper-to-aluminium ratio of at least 1.25 is disclosed. Also disclosed, is a method and a system for treating an exhaust gas containing NOx with the catalyst composition.

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Modified composite molecular sieve and preparation method and application thereof, and catalyst and application thereof

Номер: GB0002547964A

The present invention provides a modified composite molecular sieve, and a preparation method and an application of the modified composite molecular sieve. The modified composite molecular sieve comprises SiO2 and a composite molecular sieve that comprises molecular sieve MCM-22 and zeolite A selected from at least one of ZSM-22, ZSM-23 and ZSM-48, wherein the molecular sieve MCM-22 covers around the zeolite A. The SiO2 is loaded on the composite molecular sieve. A catalyst is also provided that comprises a carrier and a noble metal loaded on the carrier, wherein, the carrier comprises the modified composite molecular sieve. The use of the catalyst in paraffin isomerization is also claimed, wherein the raw material for isomerization is a waxy raw material with an initial boiling point equal to, or higher than, 140°C. Suitably, the raw material for isomerization is one or more of diesel oil, white oil, atmospheric heavy distillate, reduced pressure distillate, hydrocracking tail oil, lube ...

21-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001556367A

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522474T

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA115490A

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000153639T

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146762T

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000133922T

15-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000018035T

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241567T

05-03-1997 дата публикации

High-silica zeolite ssz-37 and methods of making and using same

Номер: AU0006678396A

31-07-1998 дата публикации

Zeolite ssz-45

Номер: AU0005800098A

11-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000592405B2

05-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006091380A

02-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007836891A

08-03-1999 дата публикации

Zeolite cit-5

Номер: AU0008773398A

09-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002259155A1

13-10-2011 дата публикации

Method for preparing CHA-type molecular sieves using novel structure directing agents

Номер: AU2010232555A1

The present invention is directed to a process for preparing CHA-type molecular sieves using at least one cationic 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane-based structure directing agent in conjunction with at least one cationic cyclic nitrogen-containing structure directing agent.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for preparing molecular sieve SSZ-81

Номер: AU2011271301B2

The present invention is directed to a method for preparing a new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-81 using a structure directing agent selected from 1,5-bis(1-azonia-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane)pentane dications, 1,5-bis(1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane)pentane dications, and mixtures thereof.

03-03-2011 дата публикации

Boron-containing molecular sieve CHA

Номер: AU2005310231B2

23-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003251848A1

16-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000650358B2

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000639110B2

07-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000542049B2

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001471176A

24-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004108985A

28-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002281483A

10-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001170641A1

25-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002434769A1

La présente invention concerne un matériau mésostructuré, thermiquement stable, utile à titre de catalyseur hétérogène, dans lequel les parois de la mésostructure comprennent: (a) une matrice minérale; et (b) dispersées au sein de cette matrice minérale (a), des particules de dimensions nanométriques à base d'au moins une terre rare T et d'au moins un élément de transition M différent de cette terre rare. L'invention concerne également un procédé d'obtention d'un tel matériau.

29-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002333986C

A process for catalytic cracking of a hydrocarbon feedstock feeds to produce an enhanced yield butylenes and isobutane comprises contacting the feedstock with a catalyst composition comprising MCM-68. The MCM-68 may be used as the primary cracking catalyst or may be used as an additive component in conjunction with a conventional cracking catalyst, such as a large pore molecular sieve having a pore size greater than 7 Angstrom.

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740022A1

The present invention is directed to a process for preparing zeolites belonging to the SSZ-26/33 family of zeolites using novel nitrogen-based structure directing agents.

19-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1239384A

This invention relates to a new method for synthesis of zeolite Beta, to the zeolite Beta product of that new method and to use of said zeolite set prepared in accordance herewith as a catalyst for organic compound, e.g. hydrocarbon compound, conversion.

26-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1072529A

New zeolite "nu-1" has a silica to alumina ratio of 20 to 150 and a characteristic X-ray diffraction pattern and adsorption properties. It is made from a reaction mixture containing a methylated quaternary compound. In its hydrogen form it is highly active and selective in the isomerisation ofxylenes.

13-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1127636A

This invention relates to a process for the preparation of polyether polyols from a water-soluble polyhydric initiator which comprises charging a reactor with the water-sol-uble initiator, water and ammonia or an alkanolamine or a primary alkyl amine or alkylene diamine mixing and reacting ethylene oxide and an alkylene oxide having three or four carbon atoms at elevated temperature , not greater than about 110.degree.C., and pressure to yield a polyether polyol, said reaction occuring absent an added catalyst.

25-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1214447A

ZEOLITE SYNTHESIS The present invention relates to a method for synthesizing porous crystalline zeolite molecular sieves by first preparing a particular zeolite-forming reaction mixture comprising among other conventional components an alumina source which allows only a gradual release of aluminum or aluminate ions into the reaction mixture as a result of its limited solubility in the reaction mixture. Zeolites produced in this manner can have unique structure and/or crystal morphology and possess especially desirable catalytic properties when used to promote catalytic conversion of organic compounds.

01-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1142159A

Crystalline silicates having: a) a certain specific X-ray powder diffraction pattern; b) a composition expressed in moles of the oxides: p(0.9 ? 0.3)M2/nO . p(a X2O3 . b Y2O3) . SiO2, wherein M = H and alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal, X = rhodium, chromium and/or scandium, Y = aluminium, iron and/or gallium, a > 0.5, b > 0, a + b = 1, 0 < p < 0.1 and n = the valency of M. Process for the preparation of these silicates and process for carrying out chemical conversions using catalysts comprising the silicates.

30-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1186295A

... "Zeolites" A novel synthetic zeolite material, designated zeolite Nu-10, having a molar composition expressed by the following formula: 0.5 to 1.5 R2O : Y2O3 : at least 20 XO2 : 0 to 4000 H2O wherein R is a monovalent cation or 1/n of a cation of valency n, X is silicon and/or germanium, Y is one or more of aluminium, iron, chrome, vanadium, molybdenum, arsenic, antimony, manganese, gallium or boron, and H2O is water of hydration additional to water notionally present when R is H, and having a defined X-ray pattern. Zeolite Nu-10 is a useful catalyst for toluene methylation and the like and is distinguished from other zeolites by its X-ray diffraction pattern and infra-red spectrum.

03-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001205443A1

09-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001222738A1

21-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002475246A1

Applicants have synthesized an aluminosilicate zeolite identified as UZM-9. This zeolite has the LTA topology and has an empirical formula of: Mmn+Rrp +Al1-xExSiyOz where M is an alkali or alkaline earth metal ion, R is at least two organic ions, at least one of which has an organic group with at least two carbon atoms and E can be gallium, iron, boron and mixtures thereof. The Si/Al ratio can range from greater than 3.5 to 6.0 ...

30-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002424136A1

21-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002549422A1

The present invention includes a microporous or mesoporous composition of matter in which the composition is formed continuously or semicontinuously in a heated reactor zone at a temperature between 200~C and 500~C with a residence time less than 24 hours. The reagents are solid and liquid reagents in which the solid reagents have a weight percent between 45% and 98% of the total reagents. The invention also includes a continuous or semi-continuous process for the hydrothermal manufacture of the microporous or mesoporous composition.

28-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002542349A1

10-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002427555A1

A new family of crystalline alumino-silicate zeolites has been synthesized. These zeolites are represented by the empirical formula. Where M is an alkali or alkaline earth metal such as lithium and strontium, R is a nitrogen containing organic cation such as tetramethyl ammonium and E is a framework element such as gallium. They are also characterized by unique x-ray diffraction patterns and have catalytic properties for carrying out various hydrocarbon conversion processes, especially isomerization of aromatic compounds and alkylation of aromatic compounds.

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002337506A1

Crystalline molecular sieve particles of a size suitable for use as seeds in molecular sieve manufacture are obtained by washing larger particle sized product to dislodge smaller particles from the larger.

30-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001186295A1

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002346315C

La présente invention concerne une zéolithe de type structural EUO comprenant au moins un élément X choisi parmi le silicium et le germanium et au moins un élément T choisi parmi l'aluminium, le fer, le gallium, le bore, le titane, le vanadium, le zirconium, le molybdène, l'arsenic, l'antimoine, le chrome et le manganèse. La zéolithe de l'invention présente un rapport X/T compris entre 5 et 50 et un rapport N/T compris entre 0,010 et 0,065. La présente invention concerne également l'utilisation de la zéolithe EUO comme catalyseur dans un procédé de conversion de charges hydrocarbonées et plus particulièrement dans un procédé d'isomérisation des composés aromatiques à 8 atomes de carbone par molécule.

23-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949277A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula x (M1/nXO2): y YO2: g GeO2: (1-g) SiO2 in which M is selected between H+, at least one inorganic cation of charge +n, and a mixture of both, X is at least one chemical element of oxidation state +3, Y is at least one chemical element with oxidation state +4 different from Si, x takes a value between 0 and 0.2, both included, y takes a value between 0 and 0.1, both included, g takes a value between 0 and 0.5, both included that has been denoted ITQ-55, as well as a method for its preparation. This invention also relates to uses of the crystalline material of zeolitic nature for adsorption of fluid components, membrane separation of fluid components, storage of fluid components, and catalysis of various conversion reactions.

13-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822788C

The chabazite-type zeolite of the present invention has a SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio of less than 15, and an average particle size from 1.0 µm to 8.0 µm. The chabazite-type zeolite of the present invention has excellent durability and heat resistance, and the copper- loaded chabazite-type zeolite has an improved NOx reduction rate at low temperatures compared to conventional copper- loaded chabazite-type zeolite.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002822788A1

The chabazite type zeolite of the present invention has an SiO2/Al2O3 mol ratio of less than 15, and an average particle size of at least 1.0 µm and no more than 8.0 µm. The chabazite type zeolite of the present invention has outstanding durability and heat resistance, and, in addition, copper-carrying chabazite type zeolite raised the reduction percentage of NOx at low temperatures compared with prior copper-carrying chabazite type zeolite.

02-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002844120C

A new molecular sieve material is designated as EMM-23 and has, in its as-calcined form, an X-ray diffraction pattern including the following peaks in Table 1 : ...

21-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740022C

The present invention is directed to a process for preparing zeolites belonging to the SSZ-26/33 family of zeolites using novel nitrogen-based structure directing agents.

06-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001127135A1

04-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002486945A1

The invention relates to a microporous crystalline zeolite material (ITQ-22) having, in the calcined state, empirical formula x (M1/nXO2): y YO2: z GeO2: (1-z) SiO2, wherein M is H+ or at least one inorganic cation of charge +n; X is at least one chemical element in oxidation state +3, preferably Al, Ga, B, Fe and Cr; Y is at least one chemical element in oxidation state +4, which is different from Si and Ge, preferably Ti, Sn and V; x has a value less than 0.2, preferably less than 0.1, and can be equal to zero; y has a value less than 0.1, preferably less than 0.05, and can be equal to zero; and z has a value less than 0.8, preferably between 0.005 and 0.5, and can be equal to zero. The inventive material has a typical X-ray diffractogram. The invention also relates to the method of preparing said material and the use thereof in processes involving the separation and transformation of organic compounds.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for preparing molecular sieves

Номер: US20120114552A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A method for synthesizing a molecular sieve comprising providing a reaction mixture sufficient to synthesize the molecular sieve, maintaining the reaction mixture under crystallization conditions, monitoring at least one viscometric parameter of the reaction mixture, and determining an endpoint based on the monitoring of the at least one viscometric parameter.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing zeolite film, and zeolite film obtained by the process

Номер: US20120183759A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A process for producing a zeolite film is provided in which seed crystals thinly adhere to the surface of a support to form a thin and even zeolite film having fewer defects than conventional zeolite films. Also provided is a zeolite film obtained by the producing process. The process for producing the zeolite film comprises: a particle adhesion step of allowing a slurry, where zeolite particles which become seeds are dispersed, to flow down on the surface of a base material by the self-weight of the slurry, so that the zeolite particles adhere to the base material; and a film formation step of immersing the base material, to which the zeolite particles adhere, into a sol to carry out hydrothermal synthesis, thereby forming the zeolite film on the base material.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Of MFS Framework Type With Controllable Average Size, Its Method of Making And Use

Номер: US20120190896A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A method of making a crystalline molecular sieve of MFS framework type, preferably ZSM-57, from a synthesis mixture comprising at least one source of tetravalent element (Y), at least one source of trivalent element (X), at least one source of alkali metal hydroxide (MOH), at least one structure-directing-agent (R) and water, said alkali metal (M) comprising potassium, and having the following mole composition (expressed in terms of oxide): YO 2 :( p )X 2 O 3 :( q )OH − :( r )R:( s )H 2 O, wherein (p) is in the range from 0.005 to 0.05, (q) is in the range from 0.01 to 3, (r) is in the range from 0.03 to 2 and (s) is in the range from 10 to 75 (based on total weight of said synthesis mixture); wherein the crystals of molecular sieve formed having an average diameter (D) of less than or equal to 1.5 micron and an average thickness (T) of less than or equal to 300 nanometers.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing ddr zeolite

Номер: US20120196739A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

Disclosed is a method for producing a DDR zeolite, which can be carried out using materials that are less harmful to the environment. The method for producing a DDR zeolite has a short hydrothermal synthesis time and does not require continuous agitation of the raw material solution. Specifically disclosed is a method for producing a DDR zeolite, which comprises: a raw material solution preparation step in which a raw material solution that contains 1-adamantaneamine, silica (SiO 2 ) and water at a molar ratio 1-adamantaneamine/SiO 2 of 0.002-0.5 and a molar ratio water/SiO 2 of 10-500 but does not contain ethylenediamine is prepared; and a crystal growth step in which hydrothermal synthesis is carried out while having the raw material solution and a DDR zeolite powder in contact with each other, so that crystals of DDR zeolite are grown using the DDR zeolite powder as a seed crystal.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Composition (EMM-10), Its Method of Making, and Use for Hydrocarbon Conversions

Номер: US20120226084A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

This invention relates to a process for hydrocarbon conversion comprising contacting a hydrocarbon feedstock with a crystalline molecular sieve, in its ammonium exchanged form or in its calcined form, under conversion conditions to form a conversion product, said crystalline molecular sieve comprising unit cells with MWW topology and is characterized by diffraction streaking from the unit cell arrangement in the c direction as evidenced by the arced hk0 patterns of electron diffraction pattern.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095030A1
Автор: Burton Allen W.

An aspect of the invention relates to a method of synthesizing a crystalline molecular sieve having an MSE framework type, the method comprising crystallizing a reaction mixture comprising a source of water, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element, Y, selected from at least one of silicon, tin, titanium, vanadium, and germanium, optionally but preferably a source of a trivalent element, X, a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal, M, a source of a first single-nitrogen-containing cyclic ammonium organic cation, Q1, and optionally a source of a second multiple-nitrogen-containing organic cation, Q2, which can include multiple-nitrogen-containing monocations and/or multiply ionic species containing two or more ammonium cations in the same molecule. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least 3 of the R-Rgroups or the R-Rgroups are hydrogen claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the Rand Rgroups or at least one of the Rand Rgroups is a methyl and/or ethyl group.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first organic cation claim 1 , O| claim 1 , comprises or is a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring claim 1 , A is a >CRRgroup claim 1 , all the R-Rand R-Rgroups are hydrogen claim 1 , and the Rand Rgroups together have a number of carbon atoms that sum to between 2 and 6.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first organic cation claim 1 , Q1 claim 1 , comprises or is a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring claim 1 , A is an >O group claim 1 , all the R-Rand R-Rgroups are hydrogen claim 1 , and the Rand Rgroups together have a number of carbon atoms that sum to between 2 and 6.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first organic cation claim 1 , Q1 claim 1 , comprises or is a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring claim 1 , A is >CRRgroup claim 1 , all but one of the R-Rgroups are hydrogen claim 1 , the one of the R-Rgroups that is not hydrogen is connected to one of the R-Rgroups claim 1 , forming a bicyclic ring system claim 1 , and the other of the R- ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Synthesis of mse-framework type molecular sieves

Номер: US20130115163A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

A method of synthesizing a crystalline molecular sieve having an MSE framework type comprises crystallizing a reaction mixture comprising a source of water, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element, Y, selected from at least one of silicon, tin, titanium, vanadium, and germanium, optionally a source of a trivalent element, X, a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal, M, and a source of organic dications, Q, such as 3-hydroxy-1-(4-(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium-1 yl)butyl)quinuclidin-1-ium, 3-hydroxy-1-(5-(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium-1-yl)pentyl)quinuclidin-1-ium, 1,1′-(butane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium), 1,1′-(pentane-1,5-diyl)bis(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium), 1,1′-(hexane-1,6-diyl)bis(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium), and 1,1′-((3as,6as)-octahydropentalene-2,5-diyl)bis(1-methylpiperidin-1-ium).

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164212A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A new family of coherently grown composites of TUN and IMF zeotypes have been synthesized. These zeolites are represented by the empirical formula. 2. The process of further comprising modifying the coherently grown composite using a technique selected from the group consisting of calcination claim 1 , ion-exchange claim 1 , steaming claim 1 , acid treatment claim 1 , acid extraction claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The process of wherein L is at least one microporous layered zeolite with crystal thickness in at least one dimension of less than about 30 to about 50 nm.4. The process of wherein L is at least one microporous layered zeolite with pore diameters of less than about 2 nm.6. The process of wherein L is at least one microporous layered zeolite with crystal thickness in at least one dimension of less than about 30 to about 50 nm.7. The process of wherein L is at least one microporous layered zeolite with pore diameters of less than about 2 nm.8. The process of further comprising modifying the coherently grown composite using a technique selected from the group consisting of calcination claim 5 , ion-exchange claim 5 , steaming claim 5 , acid treatment claim 5 , acid extraction claim 5 , and combinations thereof. This application claims priority from Provisional Application No. 61/578,909 filed Dec. 22, 2011, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.This invention relates to a new family of aluminosilicate zeolites designated UZM-39. They are represented by the empirical formula of:NaMTAlESiOwhere M represents a metal or metals from zinc or Group 1 (IUPAC 1), Group 2 (IUPAC 2), Group 3 (IUPAC 3) or the lanthanide series of the periodic table, T is the organic directing agent derived from reactants R and Q where R is an A,Ω-dihalosubstituted alkane such as 1,4-dibromobutane and Q is at least one neutral amine having 6 or fewer carbon atoms such as 1-methylpyrrolidine. E is a framework element such as gallium.Zeolites are crystalline ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Uzm-39 aluminosilicate zeolite

Номер: US20130164213A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A new family of coherently grown composites of TUN and IMF zeotypes have been synthesized. These zeolites are represented by the empirical formula. Na n M m k+ T t Al 1−x E x Si y O z where “n” is the mole ratio of Na to (Al+E), M represents a metal or metals from zinc, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 and or the lanthanide series of the periodic table, “m” is the mole ratio of M to (Al+E), “k” is the average charge of the metal or metals M, T is the organic structure directing agent or agents, and E is a framework element such as gallium. These zeolites are similar to TNU-9 and IM-5 but are characterized by unique compositions and synthesis procedures and have catalytic properties for carrying out various hydrocarbon conversion processes and separation properties for carrying out various separations.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Binderless Molecular Sieve Catalyst and a Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20130225397A1

The present invention relate to a binderless molecular sieve catalyst and a process for preparing the same, which are mainly useful for solving the problems of the current catalysts, such as lower activity, less pore volume and worse diffusivity. The present invention relates to a novel binderless molecular sieve catalyst, comprising, based on the weight of the catalyst, 90-100 wt. % of a molecular sieve, 0-10 wt. % of a binder, and 0-10 wt. % of an anti-wear agent, wherein said catalyst has a pore volume of 0.1-0.5 ml/g, an average pore diameter of 50-100 nm, and a porosity of 20-40%; the anti-wear agent is selected from the rod or needle-like inorganic materials having a length/diameter ratio of 2-20. Said catalyst has the advantages of higher activity, greater pore volume, larger average pore diameter and porosity, and better diffusivity, and well solves said problems and can be used for the industrial preparation of binderless molecular sieve catalysts. 1. A binderless molecular sieve catalyst , comprising , based on the weight of the catalyst , 90-100 wt. % of a molecular sieve , 0-10 wt. % of a binder , and 0-10 wt. % of an anti-wear agent , wherein said catalyst has a pore volume of 0.10-0.52 ml/g , an average pore diameter of 50-100 nm , and a porosity of 20-40%; the anti-wear agent is selected from the rod or needle-like inorganic materials having a length/diameter ratio of 2-20.2. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the catalyst has a pore volume of 0.15-0.3 ml/g claim 1 , an average pore diameter of 50-70 mm claim 1 , and a porosity of 20-30%.3. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the catalyst has a pore volume of 0.31-0.5 ml/g claim 1 , an average pore diameter of 71-100 nm claim 1 , and a porosity of 31-40%.4. The binderless molecular sieve catalyst according to claim 1 , characterized in that the molecular sieve in the binderless molecular sieve catalyst ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288885A1

A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition which comprises ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite particles and refractory oxide binder essentially free of alumina in which the average aluminium concentration of the ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite particles is at least 1.3 times the aluminium concentration at the surface of the particles, processes for preparing such catalyst compositions and processes for converting hydrocarbon feedstock with the help of such compositions. 1. A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition , which comprises: ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite particles; and refractory oxide binder essentially free of alumina , in which the average aluminium concentration of the ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite particles is at least 1.1 times the aluminium concentration at the surface of the particles.2. A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition , in which the ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite has a silica to alumina molar ratio of at least 100 and at most 250.3. A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition according to claim 1 , wherein the zeolite content claim 1 , on a dry basis claim 1 , is of from 20 to 70 wt % as calculated on the total finished catalyst composition.4. A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition according to in which the average aluminium concentration of the ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite particles is at least 2 times the aluminium concentration at the surface of the particle.5. A process for preparing a hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition according to claim 1 , which process comprises contacting the ZSM-48 and/or EU-2 zeolite with a solution of a fluor containing salt.6. A process for preparing a catalytic metal containing hydrocarbon conversion catalyst which process comprises preparing a hydrocarbon conversion catalyst composition according to and incorporating acatalytic metal into the catalyst composition.7. A process for converting a hydrocarbon feedstock which process comprises contacting the feedstock with a catalyst composition according to ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Catalyst for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

Номер: US20130289325A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

The catalyst for producing aromatic hydrocarbon is for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having 6 to 8 carbon number from oil feedstock having a 10 volume % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower and contains crystalline aluminosilicate and phosphorus. A molar ratio (P/Al ratio) between phosphorus contained in the crystalline aluminosilicate and aluminum of the crystalline aluminosilicate is from 0.1 to 1.0. The production method of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is a method of bringing oil feedstock having a 10 volume % distillation temperature of 140° C. or higher and a 90 volume % distillation temperature of 380° C. or lower into contact with the catalyst for producing monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330273A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing MWW type zeolite; said method comprising i) intimately mixing together, in the absence of any organic structure directing agent or crystalline MWW type zeolite seeds, a predetermined quantity of a compound containing silicon dioxide, a compound containing metal oxide, water and a pH modifier to obtain an aqueous amorphous metallosilicate gel; and ii) hydrotherinally treating said gel in the presence of an organic tempiating agent to provide a crystalline M W w type zeonte. 1. A method for preparing MWW type zeolite comprising the following steps:(i) intimately mixing together, in the absence of any organic structure directing agent or crystalline MWW type zeolite seeds, a predetermined quantity of a compound containing silicon dioxide, a compound containing metal oxide, water and a pH modifier to obtain an aqueous amorphous metallosilicate gel;wherein said gel comprises at least one silicate selected from the group consisting of a metallosilicate species and double six membered silicate;{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the molar ratio of metal oxide to SiOis in the range of about 0.01:1 to about 0.05:1 and the molar ratio of water to SiOis in the range of about 10:1 to about 60:1; and'}(ii) hydrothermally treating said gel in the presence of an organic templating agent to provide a crystalline MWW type zeolite.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydro thermal treatment of said gel is performed in the presence of an aqueous alkali.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound containing silicon dioxide is at least one selected from the group consisting of hydrated precipitated silica claim 1 , colloidal silica claim 1 , ammonia-stabilized colloidal silica claim 1 , sodium silicate claim 1 , potassium silicate claim 1 , calcium silicate claim 1 , siloxane and alkoxy silane.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound containing silicon dioxide is colloidal silica.5. The method as ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005455A1

The present invention relates to a process for converting oxygenates to olefins, comprising 126-. (canceled)27. A catalyst for the conversion of oxygenates to olefins , wherein the catalyst comprises one or more zeolites of the MFI , MEL and/or MWW structure type and particles of one or more metal oxides , the one or more zeolites of the MFI , MEL and/or MWW structure type comprising one or more alkaline earth metals , and the particles of the one or more metal oxides comprising phosphorus , the phosphorus being present at least partly in oxidic form , and the one or more alkaline earth metals being selected from the group consisting of Mg , Ca , Sr , Ba and combinations of two or more thereof.28. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the one or more zeolites of the MFI claim 27 , MEL and/or MWW structure type comprise phosphorus claim 27 , the phosphorus being present at least partly in oxidic form.29. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the one or more zeolites are of the MFI structure type.30. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the alkaline earth metal is Mg.31. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the one or more zeolites of the MFI claim 27 , MEL and/or MWW structure type comprise the one or more alkaline earth metals in a total amount in the range from 0.1 to 20% by weight claim 27 , based on the total amount of the one or more zeolites of the MFI claim 27 , MEL and/or MWW structure type and calculated as the metal.32. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the one or more metal oxides are selected from the group consisting of alumina claim 27 , titania claim 27 , zirconia claim 27 , aluminum-titanium mixed oxides claim 27 , aluminum-zirconium mixed oxides claim 27 , aluminum-lanthanum mixed oxides claim 27 , aluminum-zirconium-lanthanum mixed oxides claim 27 , titanium-zirconium mixed oxides and mixtures of two or more thereof.33. The catalyst according to claim 27 , wherein the zeolite:metal oxide weight ratio in the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Synthesis and Use of M41S Family Molecular Sieves

Номер: US20140024868A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc.

A process is described for producing an M41S family molecular sieve. The process comprises preparing a synthesis mixture capable of forming said molecular sieve in a reactor, which is equipped with a mixer having a Froude number of at least 1, said synthesis mixture having a solids content of at least 20 wt %. The synthesis mixture is heated in the reactor while agitating the mixture with said mixer to form a product mixture comprising water and crystals of said molecular sieve material. Thereafter at least part of the water is removed from the product mixture in the reactor so as to decrease the water content of the product mixture inside the reactor by at least 5 wt %. 1. A process for producing a molecular sieve material having an X-ray diffraction pattern with at least one peak at a position greater than about 18 Angstrom Units d-spacing with a relative intensity of 100 , and a benzene adsorption capacity of greater than about 15 grams benzene per 100 grams anhydrous crystal at 50 torr and 25° C. , said process comprising the steps of:{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4, 'sup': '+', '(a) preparing a synthesis mixture capable of forming said molecular sieve material by combining in a reactor equipped with a mixer having a Froude number of at least 1, at least water, a source of at least one oxide selected from the group consisting of divalent element W, trivalent element X, tetravalent element Y and pentavalent element Z, a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal M, and an organic directing agent (R) having the formula RRRRQ, wherein Q is nitrogen or phosphorus and wherein at least one of R, R, Rand Ris selected from the group consisting of aryl of from 6 to about 36 carbon atoms, alkyl of from 6 to about 36 carbon atoms and combinations thereof and the remainder of R, R, Rand Ris selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl of from 1 to 5 carbon atoms and combinations thereof, said synthesis mixture having a solids ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093448A1
Принадлежит: California Institute of Technology

Method for preparing molecular sieves and molecular sieves obtained thereby are described. The method includes preparing a reaction mixture, comprising a structure directing agent, at least one source of at least one oxide of a tetravalent element, optionally, one or more sources of one or more oxides selected from the group consisting of oxides of trivalent elements, pentavalent elements, and mixtures thereof, optionally, at least one source of an element selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table; and optionally, hydroxide ions or fluoride ions, and maintaining the reaction mixture under conditions sufficient to form crystals of the molecular sieve. In the method, various imidazolium cations are used as the structure directing element. 5. The method of claim 2 , wherein an imidazolium cation is associated with an anion selected from the group consisting of hydroxide claim 2 , fluoride claim 2 , chloride claim 2 , bromide claim 2 , iodide claim 2 , acetate claim 2 , sulfate claim 2 , tetrafluoroborate and carboxylate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tetravalent element is selected from the group consisting of silicon claim 1 , germanium and titanium.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tetravalent element is silicon.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of the tetravalent element is selected from the group consisting of oxides claim 1 , hydroxides claim 1 , acetates claim 1 , oxalates claim 1 , ammonium salts and sulfates of the tetravalent element.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of an element selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table is selected from the group consisting of an alkali metal hydroxide and an alkaline earth metal hydroxide.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the alkali metal hydroxide is selected from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide claim 9 , potassium hydroxide claim 9 , lithium hydroxide claim 9 , cesium hydroxide and rubidium hydroxide.11. The method of claim 9 , wherein the alkaline earth ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of preparing co2-selective membranes by controlling calcination process including rapid thermal processing and membranes produced thereby

Номер: US20210001285A1

Disclosed are a method of preparing carbon-dioxide-selective separation membranes by controlling calcination conditions including rapid thermal processing and separation membranes produced thereby. More particularly, disclosed are a method of preparing carbon-dioxide-selective separation membranes that can improve CO2 permselectivity, particularly, exhibit excellent CO2 permselectivity in the presence of water in the feed gas, by controlling the size of defects in the separation membranes using rapid thermal processing, separation membranes produced thereby, and a method of capturing and removing carbon dioxide using the separation membranes.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001313A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method for hydrocracking a hydrocarbon feedstock, the method comprising: contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with a catalyst containing a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition under reaction conditions to produce a product stream containing at least 20 weight percent of hydrocarbons with 1-4 carbon atoms, wherein the nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition is produced by a method that includes: mixing silica, a source of aluminum, and tetraethylammonium hydroxide to form an aluminosilicate fluid gel; drying the aluminosilicate fluid gel to form a dried gel mixture; subjecting the dried gel mixture to hydrothermal treatment to produce a zeolite precursor; adding cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to the zeolite precursor to form a templated mixture; subjecting the templated mixture to hydrothermal treatment to prepare a CTAB-templated zeolite; washing the CTAB-templated zeolite with distilled water; separating the CTAB-templated zeolite by centrifugation; and drying and calcining the CTAB-templated zeolites to produce a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition. 1. A method for hydrocracking a hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising: mixing silica, a source of aluminum, and tetraethylammonium hydroxide to form an aluminosilicate fluid gel;', 'drying the aluminosilicate fluid gel to form a dried gel mixture;', 'subjecting the dried gel mixture to hydrothermal treatment to produce a zeolite precursor;', 'adding cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to the zeolite precursor to form a templated mixture;', 'subjecting the templated mixture to hydrothermal treatment to prepare a CTAB-templated zeolite;', 'washing the CTAB-templated zeolite with distilled water;', 'separating the CTAB-templated zeolite by centrifugation; and', 'drying and calcining the CTAB-templated zeolites to produce a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition., 'contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with a catalyst containing a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition under reaction ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001274A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A zeolite has a CHA structure, a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than about 15, and an average particle size from about 0.1 μm to about 0.5 μm. 1. A zeolite comprising:a CHA structure;{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than about 15; and'}an average particle size from about 0.1 μm to about 0.5 μm.2. The zeolite according to claim 1 ,wherein the zeolite has a ratio of a total integrated intensity of a (211) plane, a (104) plane, and a (220) plane in an X-ray diffraction spectrum obtained by a powder X-ray diffraction method of about 3.1 or more relative to a total integrated intensity of a (111) plane and a (200) plane in an X-ray diffraction spectrum of lithium fluoride.3. The zeolite according to claim 1 ,wherein Cu in an amount of about 3.5% by mass to about 6.0% by mass of the zeolite is supported on the zeolite.4. A method for manufacturing a zeolite claim 1 , the method comprising: a CHA structure;', {'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than about 15; and'}, 'an average particle size from about 0.1 μm to about 0.5 μm, a compound of the Al source having a solubility of about 1.0 g or less in 100 g of a 1 mol/L aqueous potassium hydroxide solution., 'reacting a raw material composition containing a Si source, an Al source, an alkali source, water, and a structure directing agent to synthesize the zeolite comprising5. A method for manufacturing a zeolite claim 1 , the method comprising: a CHA structure;', {'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than about 15; and'}, 'an average particle size from about 0.1 μm to about 0.5 μm, a ratio of a mole number of water to a total mole number of Si in the Si source and Al in the Al source more than or equal to about 15., 'reacting a raw material composition containing a Si source, an Al source, an alkali source, water, and a structure directing agent to synthesize the zeolite comprising6. A method for manufacturing a zeolite claim 1 , the method comprising: a CHA structure;', ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001277A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

A zeolite has a CHA structure, a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than 15, and potassium in an amount of about 0.1% by mass to about 1% by mass in terms of KO. 1. A zeolite comprising:a CHA structure;{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than 15; and'}{'sub': '2', 'potassium in an amount of about 0.1% by mass to about 1% by mass in terms of KO.'}2. The zeolite according to claim 1 ,wherein the zeolite has an average particle size of about 0.1 μm to about 0.5 μm.3. The zeolite according to claim 1 ,wherein the zeolite has a ratio of a total integrated intensity of a (211) plane, a (104) plane, and a (220) plane in an X-ray diffraction spectrum obtained by a powder X-ray diffraction method of about 3.1 or more relative to a total integrated intensity of a (111) plane and a (200) plane in an X-ray diffraction spectrum of lithium fluoride.4. The zeolite according to claim 1 ,wherein Cu in an amount of about 3.5% by mass to about 6.0% by mass of the zeolite is supported on the zeolite.5. A method for manufacturing a zeolite claim 1 , the method comprising: a CHA structure;', {'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than 15; and'}, {'sub': '2', 'potassium in an amount of about 0.1% by mass to about 1% by mass in terms of KO; and'}], 'reacting a raw material composition containing a Si source, an Al source, an alkali source, water, and a structure directing agent to synthesize the zeolite comprisingcontrolling an amount of the potassium in the zeolite synthesized in the reacting the raw material composition using at least one of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium chloride.6. A honeycomb catalyst comprising: an inorganic binder; and', a CHA structure;', {'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a SiO/AlOcomposition ratio less than 15; and'}, {'sub': '2', 'potassium in an amount of about 0.1% by mass to about 1% by mass in terms of KO.'}], 'a zeolite comprising], 'a honeycomb unit having partition walls extending along a longitudinal direction of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001276A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A DDR-type zeolite seed crystal has an average particle diameter of less than or equal to 0.2 μm, and an average aspect ratio of less than or equal to 1.3. 1. A DDR-type zeolite seed crystal having an average particle diameter of less than or equal to 0.2 μm , and an average aspect ratio of less than or equal to 1.3.2. The DDR-type zeolite seed crystal according to claim 1 , wherein a crystallinity index is greater than or equal to 60.3. A method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane comprising the steps of:coating a slurry containing DDR-type zeolite seed crystals onto a surface of a support, the DDR-type zeolite seed crystals having an average particle diameter of less than or equal to 0.2 μm and an average aspect ratio of less than or equal to 1.3, andcausing crystal growth of the DDR-type zeolite seed crystals.4. The method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane according to claim 3 , comprising the step of forming the DDR-type zeolite seed crystal by heating a starting material solution containing a nucleus that includes DDR-type zeolite seed crystal for greater than or equal to 24 hours.5. The method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane according to claim 4 , wherein a concentration of the nucleus in the starting material solution is greater than or equal to 0.5 mass %.6. The method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane according to claim 4 , wherein the starting material solution is heated to greater than or equal to 110 degrees C. and less than or equal to 150 degrees C.7. The method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane according to claim 5 , wherein the starting material solution is heated to greater than or equal to 110 degrees C. and less than or equal to 150 degrees C. The present invention relates to a DDR-type zeolite seed crystal and to a method for manufacturing a DDR-type zeolite membrane.A method is known of forming a DDR-type zeolite membrane on a surface of a support by use of a DDR-type zeolite seed ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001250A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A process for producing a zeolite membrane composite includes a step of obtaining FAU-type seed crystals, a step of depositing the FAU-type seed crystals on a support, a step of forming an AFX-type zeolite membrane on the support by immersing the support in a raw material solution and growing an AFX-type zeolite from the FAU-type seed crystals by hydrothermal synthesis, and a step of removing a structure-directing agent from the AFX-type zeolite membrane. In this way, the AFX-type zeolite membrane can be provided. 1. A zeolite membrane composite comprising:a support; andan AFX type zeolite membrane formed on the support.2. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 1 , whereinthe AFX type zeolite membrane is a zeolite membrane made of aluminosilicate zeolite.3. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 1 , whereinthe AFX type zeolite membrane is in direct contact with the support.4. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 1 , further comprising:an FAU type zeolite membrane located between the support and the AFX type zeolite membrane.5. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 4 , whereinthe FAU type zeolite membrane is a Y- or X-type zeolite membrane.6. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 1 , whereinthe support is porous.7. The zeolite membrane composite according to claim 1 , whereinthe support is a sintered alumina compact, a sintered mullite compact, or a sintered titania compact.8. A process for producing a zeolite membrane composite claim 1 , comprising:a) obtaining an FAU type seed crystal;b) depositing the FAU type seed crystal on a support;c) forming an AFX type zeolite membrane on the support by immersing the support in a raw material solution and growing an AFX type zeolite from the FAU type seed crystal by hydrothermal synthesis; andd) removing a structure-directing agent from the AFX type zeolite membrane.9. The process for producing a zeolite membrane composite according to claim 8 , further comprising: ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001312A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

A new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-95 is disclosed. In general, SSZ-95 is synthesized from a reaction mixture suitable for synthesizing MTT-type molecular sieves and maintaining the mixture under crystallization conditions sufficient to form product. The product molecular sieve is subjected to a pre-calcination step, and ion-exchange to remove extra-framework cations, and a post-calcination step. The molecular sieve has a MTT-type framework and a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 0 to 50% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32. 1. A molecular sieve having a MTT-type framework , a mole ratio of 20 to 70 of silicon oxide to aluminum oxide , a total micropore volume of between 0.005 and 0.02 cc/g; and a H-D exchangeable acid site density of up to 50% relative to SSZ-32.2. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of 20 to 50 of silicon oxide to aluminum oxide.3. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.4. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has an external surface area of between 200 and 250 m/g; and a BET surface area of between 240 and 280 m/g.5. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 0.5 to 30% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32.6. The molecular sieve of claim 5 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.7. The molecular sieve of claim 5 , wherein the molecular sieve has an external surface area of between 200 and 250 m/g; and a BET surface area of between 240 and 280 m/g.8. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a H-D exchangeable acid site density of 2 to 25% relative to molecular sieve SSZ-32.9. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular sieve has a total micropore volume of between 0.008 and 0.018 cc/g.10. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002140A1

Provided are the following: an MWW type zeolite which has many Brønsted acid sites when in the form of a proton type and which is highly suitable as a cracking catalyst for cumene; a method for producing same; and an application of same. The present invention provides an MWW type zeolite in which the ratio (B/A) of the peak intensity (B) attributable to tetracoordinate aluminum relative to the peak intensity (A) attributable to hexacoordinate aluminum is 2 or more in Al MAS NMR, when measured as an ammonium type. The present invention also provides a method for producing an MWW type zeolite, the method having a step for carrying out a hydrothermal synthesis reaction in the presence of: a seed crystal of an MWW type zeolite containing no organic structure-directing agent; and a reaction mixture containing a silica source, an alumina source, an alkali source, an organic structure-directing agent, and water. The reaction mixture satisfies the following molar ratio: X/SiO<0.15 (here, X denotes the number of moles of the organic structure-directing agent). 1. An MWW-type zeolite wherein a ratio (B/A) of a peak intensity (B) attributable to tetracoordinate aluminum to a peak intensity (A) attributable to hexacoordinate aluminum is 2 or more in Al MAS NMR as measured in the form of an ammonium type.2. The MWW-type zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of Brønsted acid site with a adsorption heat of ammonia of 106 kJ/mol or more is 0.5 mmol/g or more.3. The MWW-type zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein a micropore volume is 0.07 cm/g or more and 0.2530 cm/g or less.4. The MWW-type zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein SiO/AlOmolar ratio is 17 or more and 37 or less.5. The MWW-type zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein when the MWW-type zeolite is subjected to X-ray diffraction measurement claim 1 , a peak is observed in at least one range below:2θ=6.4° to 7.4°, 13.5° to 14.5°, 24.1° to 25.1°, 24.7 to 25.7°, 27.1 to 28.1°, 28.0° to 29.0°, 28.6° to 29.6°, and ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001873A1

This invention relates to a molecular sieve, which has a specific XRD diffraction pattern and a specific layered structure. As compared with a prior art molecular sieve, the molecular sieve according to this invention exhibits improved catalytic performances and good service life and regeneration performance. The molecular sieve can be produced with a simplified procedure, under mild operation conditions, with less energy and material consumption and less side reactions, with a high product purity at low cost and a high yield. The molecular sieve according to this invention is especially suitable for use as an adsorbent or a catalyst. 5. The molecular sieve according to or , wherein the total pore volume (by the BET method) is not less than 0.5 cm/g , preferably 0.55-0.90 cm/g , the total specific surface area (by the BET method) is not less than 450 m/g , preferably 480-680 m/g , the external specific surface area (by the BET method) is not less than 185 m/g , preferably 200-400 m/g , and the external specific surface area accounts for not less than 40% , preferably 45-65% of the total specific surface area.6. The molecular sieve according to or , having a MWW topological framework structure , wherein at least 80% , preferably at least 85% , more preferably at least 90% , more preferably at least 95% , more preferably at least 99% of all crystals thereof are flake crystals having a thickness of about 5 nm by the TEM method.8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the aza monocyclic cycloalkane has a C/N ratio of greater than 2 claim 7 , more preferably 2.5 or more claim 7 , the compound represented by the formula (I) has a C/N ratio of 10 or more claim 7 , 12 or more or 13 or more claim 7 , and the aza arene has a C/N ratio of 9 or more claim 7 , 10 or more or 11 or more.9. The process according to claim 7 , wherein the ratio by molar between the first oxide source (calculated as the first oxide) claim 7 , the second oxide source (calculated as the second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001874A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a zeolitic material comprising the steps of: 1. A process for the preparation of a zeolitic material comprising:{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '+, 'more alkenyltrialkylammonium cation RRRRN-containing compounds'}, 'as structure directing agent; and, '(1) providing a mixture comprising one or more sources for YOand one or'}(2) crystallizing the mixture obtained in (1) to obtain a zeolitic material;wherein Y is a tetravalent element, and{'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'wherein R, R, and Rare each independently an alkyl group; and'}{'sup': '4', 'Ris an alkenyl group.'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each independently (C-C)alkyl claim 1 , and{'sup': '4', 'sub': 2', '6, 'wherein Ris (C-C)alkenyl.'}3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the structure directing agent provided in (1) comprises one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of N—(C-C)alkenyl-tri-(C-C)alkylammonium hydroxides.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixture provided in (1) comprises two or more RRRRN-containing compounds claim 1 , wherein Rof the two or more compounds are different from one another and are (C-C)alkenyl groups.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the mixture provided in (1) comprises two RRRRN-containing compounds claim 4 , wherein Rof the first compound (A) contains an end-chain —CH═CHmoiety claim 4 , and Rof the second compound (B) contains an end-chain moiety —CH claim 4 , andwherein a molar ratio A:B in the mixture is from 25:75 to 99:1.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the compounds A and B are constitutional isomers with respect to the position of the double bond in R.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein Y is at least one selected from the group consisting of Si claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zr and Ge.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sources for YOcomprises one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of fumed ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002183A1
Автор: DAVIS Tracy
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

The present invention relates to new crystalline zeolite SSZ-52prepared using a quaternary ammonium cation templating agent, for example, having the structure: 1. A zeolite having a mole ratio of 6-50 of an oxide selected from the group consisting of silicon oxide , germanium oxide and mixtures thereof to an oxide selected from aluminum oxide , gallium oxide , iron oxide and mixtures thereof , and exhibiting in the as synthesized form the XRD pattern of .2. A zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein the oxides comprise silicon oxide and aluminum oxide.3. A zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein said zeolite is in the hydrogen form.5. A zeolite according to claim 4 , wherein W is aluminum and Y is silicon.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the MYOratio is in the range of 0.60-0.90.8. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the oxides are silicon oxide and aluminum oxide.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the crystalline material has claim 6 , after calcination claim 6 , the X-ray diffraction lines of Table IV.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein the crystalline material exhibits a NOconversion of 100% at 250° C. after aging at 750° C. for 80 hr at 10% humidity.11. A product prepared by the process of .13. The method according to wherein the oxides are silicon oxide and aluminum oxide.14. The method of wherein the crystalline material has claim 12 , after calcination claim 12 , the X-ray diffraction lines of Table III.15. The method of claim 12 , wherein the crystalline material exhibits a NOconversion of 100% at 250° C. after aging at 750° C. for 80 hr at 10% humidity.16. The method of claim 12 , wherein the MYOratio is in the range of 0.60-0.90.17. A product prepared by the process of . The present invention relates to new crystalline zeolite SSZ-52x, a method for preparing SSZ-52x using a quaternary ammonium cation templating agent such as, for example, N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-2-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane, and processes employing SSZ-52x as a catalyst.Because of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002299A1

A family of new crystalline molecular sieves designated SSZ-91 is disclosed, as are methods for making SSZ-91 and uses for SSZ-91. Molecular sieve SSZ-91 is structurally similar to sieves falling within the ZSM-48 family of molecular sieves, and is characterized as: (1) having a low degree of faulting, (2) a low aspect ratio that inhibits hydrocracking as compared to conventional ZSM-48 materials having an aspect ratio of greater than 8, and (3) is substantially phase pure. 1. A molecular sieve belonging to the ZSM-48 family of zeolites , wherein the molecular sieve comprises:a silicon oxide to aluminum oxide mole ratio of 40 to 200,at least 70% polytype 6 of the total ZSM-48-type material present in the product, andan additional EUO-type molecular sieve phase in an amount of between 0 and 3.5 percent by weight of the total product; andwherein the molecular sieve has a morphology characterized as polycrystalline aggregates comprising crystallites collectively having an average aspect ratio of between 1 and 8.3. The molecular sieve of or , wherein the molecular sieve has a silicon oxide to aluminum oxide mole ratio of 70 to 160.4. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the molecular sieve has a silicon oxide to aluminum oxide mole ratio of 80 to 140.5. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the molecular sieve comprises at least 80% polytype 6 of the total ZSM-48-type material present in the product.6. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the molecular sieve comprises between 0.1 and 2 wt. % EU-1.7. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the crystallites collectively have an average aspect ratio of between 1 and 5.8. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the molecular sieve comprises at least 90% polytype 6 of the total ZSM-48-type material present in the product.9. The molecular sieve of any of - , wherein the crystallites collectively have an average aspect ratio of between 1 and 3.10. A method of preparing a molecular sieve according to any of - ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems for acid digestion processes

Номер: US20200002784A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

A system for recovering rare earth elements from coal ash includes a leaching reactor, an ash dryer downstream of the leaching reactor, and a roaster downstream of the ash dryer that is cooperatively connected to both the leaching reactor and the ash dryer. Coal ash is mixed with an acid stream such that rare earth elements present in the coal ash are dissolved in the acid stream, thereby creating (i) a leachate containing the rare earth elements and (ii) leached ash. The leachate is heated to obtain acid vapor and an acid-soluble rare earth concentrate. Mixing of the coal ash with the acid stream can occur in a leaching reactor and heating of the leachate can occur in a roaster. The acid-soluble rare earth concentrate can be fed to a hydrometallurgical process to separate and purify the rare earth elements.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Honeycomb structural body

Номер: US20150005153A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A honeycomb structural body has plural cell density sections having a cell density which is changed stepwise in a radial direction. A partition wall is formed between adjacent cell density sections. The cell density sections have a high cell density section having a maximum cell density, excepting an outermost cell density section formed at an outermost side, and a low cell density section having a minimum cell density, excepting an innermost cell density section formed at an innermost side. A relationship of V−Va≧Vb+Vs is satisfied, where V indicates a volume of the honeycomb structural body if the overall honeycomb structural body is composed of the high cell density section, Va indicates a volume of the high cell density section, Vb indicates a volume of the cell density section, and Vs indicates a volume of the boundary wall which separates the low cell density section from the cell density section formed immediately inside of the low cell density section.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Separation and Storage of Fluids Using ITQ-55

Номер: US20160008754A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite ITQ-55 has claim 1 , in calcined state and in absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols claim 1 , an empiric formula{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', ':g', '−g, 'sub': 1/n', '2', '2', '2', '2, '(MXO):YOGeO:(1)SiO'}in which{'sup': '+', 'M is selected between H, at least one inorganic cation of charge +n, and a mixture of both,'}X is at least one chemical element of oxidation state +3,Y is at least one chemical element with oxidation state +4 different from Si,x takes a value between 0 and 0.2, both included,y takes a value between 0 and 0.1, both included,g takes a value between 0 and 0.5, both included.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein x takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , and g takes a value of essentially zero.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein a) x takes a value of greater than zero claim 2 , b) y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , c) g takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , or d) a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the input fluid stream to an adsorbent comprises exposing the input fluid stream to an adsorbent in a swing adsorption vessel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature and the second temperature are the same claim 1 , wherein the first pressure and the second pressure are the same claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming an adsorbed product fluid stream comprises modifying the second temperature of the adsorbent.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming an adsorbed product fluid stream comprises exposing a fluid stream comprising a third component to the adsorbent comprising zeolite ITQ-55 claim 1 ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Separation and Storage of Fluids Using ITQ-55

Номер: US20160008756A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite ITQ-55 has claim 1 , in calcined state and in absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols claim 1 , an empiric formula{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', ':g', 'g, 'sub': 1/n', '2', '2', '2', '2, '(MXO):YOGeO:(1−)SiO'}in which{'sup': '+', 'M is selected between H, at least one inorganic cation of charge +n, and a mixture of both,'}X is at least one chemical element of oxidation state +3,Y is at least one chemical element with oxidation state +4 different from Si,x takes a value between 0 and 0.2, both included,y takes a value between 0 and 0.1, both included,g takes a value between 0 and 0.5, both included.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein x takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , and g takes a value of essentially zero.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein a) x takes a value of greater than zero claim 2 , b) y takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , c) g takes a value of essentially zero claim 2 , or d) a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the membrane comprises particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 having a mean particle size of about 20 nm to about 1 micron.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles of crystalline molecular sieve zeolite ITQ-55 comprise a contiguous layer of particles.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 comprise a layer of particles of crystalline zeolite ITQ-55 on a support.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the support comprises glass claim 7 , fused quartz claim 7 , silica claim 7 , silicon claim 7 , clay claim 7 , metal claim 7 , porous glass claim 7 , sintered porous metal claim 7 , titania claim 7 , cordierite claim 7 ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010468A1

A novel MFI zeolite that when used as a catalyst, can be used for a selective catalytic reaction for larger molecules and provides a method for producing the MFI zeolite. The MFI zeolite includes uniform mesopores having a pore distribution curve which a peak-width thereof at half height (hw) is at most 20 nm (hw≦20 nm) and a center value (μ) of a maximum peak is 10 nm or more and 20 nm or less (10 nm≦μ≦20 nm), and having a pore volume (pv) of the uniform mesopores of at least 0.05 mL/g (0.05 mL/g≦pv); the MFI zeolite has no peak in a range of 0.1° to 3° in powder X-ray diffraction measurement with a diffraction angle represented by 2θ; and the MFI zeolite has an average particle diameter (PD) of at most 100 nm (PD≦100 nm). 1. An MFI zeolite comprising the following properties:(i) the MFI zeolite includes uniform mesopores having a pore distribution curve which a peak-width thereof at half height (hw) is at most 20 nm (hw≦20 nm) and a center value (μ) of a maximum peak is 10 nm or more and 20 nm or less (10 nm≦μ≦20 nm), and having a pore volume (pv) of the uniform mesopores of at least 0.05 mL/g (0.05 mL/g≦pv);(ii) the MFI zeolite has no peak in a range of 0.1° to 3° in powder X-ray diffraction measurement with a diffraction angle represented by 2θ; and(iii) the MFI zeolite has an average particle diameter (PD) of at most 100 nm (PD≦100 nm).2. The MFI zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein the peak-width at half height (hw) is 10 nm or less (hw≦10 nm).3. The MFI zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio (pvr) of the pore volume of the uniform mesopores having the properties shown in (i) with respect to a total pore volume of mesopores is 30% or more and 100% or less (30%≦pvr≦100%).4. The MFI zeolite according to claim 1 , wherein an SiO/AlOmolar ratio is 20 or more and 200 or less (20≦SiO/AlOmolar ratio≦200).5. A method for producing the MFI zeolite according to claim 1 , the method comprising subjecting a raw material composition having the following chemical ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Material ITQ-55, Method for Preparation and Use

Номер: US20160009563A1

This invention refers to a microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature that has, in its calcined state and in the absence of defects in its crystalline matrix manifested by the presence of silanols, the empirical formula 3. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein X is selected between Al claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , B claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cr and mixtures thereof.4. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein Y is selected between Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , V and mixtures thereof.5. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein M is selected among H claim 1 , at least one inorganic cation of charge +n selected between alkaline claim 1 , alkaline-earth metals and combinations thereof claim 1 , and a mixture of both.6. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein “x” is 0 claim 1 , “y” is 0 claim 1 , and “g” is 0.7. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein “x” is 0 claim 1 , “y” is 0 and “g” is different from 0.8. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations of the same,y takes the value 0, andg takes the value 0.9. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:Y is Ti, Zr, Sn and combinations thereofx takes the value 0, andg takes the value 0.10. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations thereof,Y is Ti, Zr, Sn, and combinations thereof andg takes the value 0.11. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to or claim 1 , wherein:X is Al, Ga, B, Fe, Cr, and combinations thereof,y takes the value 0, andg takes a value different from 0 and less than 0.33.12. A microporous crystalline material of zeolitic nature according to claim ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009564A1

Provided is a method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal, the method including: a raw material solution preparing step of preparing a raw material solution by mixing at least silica, water, an organic solvent, and 1-adamantanamine that is a structure directing agent; and a DDR type zeolite crystal generating step of generating a DDR type zeolite crystal by performing a heating treatment on the raw material solution, in which the organic solvent is an organic solvent containing no amine, and the raw material solution is a raw material solution containing no PRTR substance. 1. A method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal , the method comprising:a raw material solution preparing step of preparing a raw material solution by mixing at least silica, water, an organic solvent, and 1-adamantanamine that is a structure directing agent; anda DDR type zeolite crystal generating step of generating a DDR type zeolite crystal by performing a heating treatment on the raw material solution, whereinthe organic solvent is an organic solvent containing no amine, andthe raw material solution is a raw material solution containing no PRTR substance.2. The method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent contains 70 mol % or more of a lower alcohol claim 1 , acetone claim 1 , or a mixture of a lower alcohol and acetone.3. The method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal according to claim 2 , wherein the organic solvent is an alcohol having 3 or less carbon atoms.4. The method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal according to claim 2 , wherein the lower alcohol is a monohydric or dihydric alcohol.5. The method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal according to claim 2 , wherein the lower alcohol is ethanol or ethylene glycol.6. The method for producing a DDR type zeolite crystal according to claim 1 , wherein a value of the ratio of the content expressed in terms of mole of the water in the raw material solution to the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010704A1

There are provided DDR type zeolite seed crystals capable of inhibiting generation of surplus DDR type zeolite crystals in the case of using the DDR type zeolite seed crystals as seed crystals upon forming a DDR type zeolite membrane on the surface of a porous support. The DDR type zeolite seed crystals have an average particle size of 0.05 to 1.5 μm; contain 90% or more of particles having an aspect ratio, which is obtained by dividing the maximum Feret's diameter by the minimum Feret's diameter, of 1 to 3; and have not more than 0.3 of a coefficient of variation of the square of the aspect ratio. 1. A DDR type zeolite seed crystal having an average particle size of 0.05 to 1.5 μm; containing 90% or more of particles having an aspect ratio , which is a value obtained by dividing the maximum Feret's diameter by the minimum Feret's diameter , of 1 to 3; and having not more than 0.3 of a coefficient of variation of the square of the aspect ratio.2. The DDR type zeolite seed crystal according to claim 1 , wherein the average particle size is 0.05 to 1.0 μm.3. The DDR type zeolite seed crystal according to claim 1 , wherein a Y value calculated from the following formula (1) is not less than 60 claim 1 , while defining a diffraction intensity of a diffraction peak caused by (024) plane of the DDR type zeolite crystal as A claim 1 , a minimum value of a diffraction intensity between the peaks of the (024) plane and (116) plane claim 1 , which is influenced by an amorphous substance content claim 1 , as B claim 1 , and a minimum value of a diffraction intensity between the peaks of the (024) plane and (202) plane as C on the basis of the diffraction intensity obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis.{'br': None, 'i': Y', 'A−C', 'B−C, '=()/().\u2003\u2003(1)'}4. A method for manufacturing a DDR type zeolite seed crystal to obtain the DDR type zeolite seed crystal according to claim 1 , the method comprising a heating step of heating a raw material solution containing silica ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010331A1

Disclosed herein are methods for crystallizing aluminosilicate zeolites, including the steps of preparing a mixture containing a silica source, a mineralizing agent, an organic structure directing agent; heating the mixture to form a heated mixture; and adding an alumina source to the heated mixture. The method steps described herein can provide an accelerated aluminosilicate zeolite crystallization process as compared, e.g., to conventional processes. 1. A method of crystallizing zeolites , comprising:preparing a mixture comprising a silica source, a mineralizing agent, an organic structure directing agent, and optionally, zeolite crystals;heating the mixture to form a heated mixture; andadding an alumina source to the heated mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating is conducted claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , at a pressure of at least 1 atmosphere.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heated mixture is free of alumina prior to the adding step claim 1 , other than alumina in the optional zeolite crystals.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises the optional zeolite crystals claim 1 , and wherein the zeolite crystals have an 8 ring pore size.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alumina source is added continuously at a constant flow rate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method provides a substantially crystallized product in a time period that is less than a comparative time period required to provide a substantially crystallized product in a control process comprising combining the alumina source with the silica source in an amount of about 80 wt. % or more claim 1 , based on a weight of a total amount of alumina source to be added claim 1 , mineralizing agent claim 1 , organic structure directing agent claim 1 , and optional zeolite crystals.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the time period is about 1.5 times shorter than the comparative time period.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the time period is about 2 times ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010332A1
Автор: Lang David Ari

The disclosure, in one aspect, relates to methods of preparing a CHA zeolite under ambient pressure conditions. In further aspects, the disclosure relates to methods such that a mother liquor can be isolated from a disclosed method, and recycled for use in a disclosed method for further preparation of a CHA zeolite. This abstract is intended as a scanning tool for purposes of searching in the particular art and is not intended to be limiting of the present disclosure. 1. A method for preparing a CHA zeolite , the method comprising:heating a zeolite precursor mixture at ambient pressure in a reflux reaction vessel of a reflux reactor system comprising the reflux reaction vessel and a reflux condenser;wherein the zeolite precursor mixture comprises water, a silicate solution, a zeolite, and a CHA templating agent;wherein heating comprises heating the reaction vessel such the zeolite precursor mixture in the reflux reaction vessel has a reaction temperature of from about 80° C. to about 120° C.;thereby forming a CHA zeolite and a mother liquor solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ambient pressure is about 700 torr to about 800 torr.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite in the zeolite precursor mixture is selected from a USY zeolite claim 1 , a pre-treated Na-Y zeolite claim 1 , a Na-Y zeolite claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the zeolite in the zeolite precursor mixture is selected from a pre-treated Na-Y zeolite claim 3 , a Na-Y zeolite claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the zeolite in the zeolite precursor mixture is a USY zeolite.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the silicate in the zeolite precursor mixture is a sodium silicate solution comprising SiO claim 1 , NaO claim 1 , and water.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CHA templating agent is selected from N claim 1 ,N claim 1 ,N-trimethyl-1-ammonium adamantine claim 1 , tetraethylenepentamine claim 1 , and a combination ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

High-efficiency, fast and green method for preparing zeolite molecular sieve

Номер: US20220033270A1

A method for preparing a zeolite molecular sieve includes the steps of: (1) mixing at least one of a silicon source, an aluminum source and a phosphorus source with an alkaline substance, a template agent and water uniformly to obtain a zeolite molecular sieve precursor solution; aging the zeolite molecular sieve precursor solution at 20-30° C. for 10-15 h; and subjecting the aged solution to ionizing radiation, and then washing the obtained solid to neutrality and drying to obtain the zeolite molecular sieve. The method of the present invention is green, simple and extremely cost-effective. Under the irradiation of an ionizing radiation source, the synthesis period of zeolite molecular sieve is short and no heating is needed in the preparation process, so energy consumption is reduced and a high-pressure system is avoided.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033271A1
Автор: Zones Stacey Ian

A method is described for the synthesis of aluminosilicate CHA framework type molecular sieves at ambient pressure via interzeolite conversion from FAU framework type zeolites. 1. A method of synthesizing a molecular sieve of CHA framework type , the method comprising the steps of: (a) a source of silicon and aluminum, where the source of both silicon and aluminum is a zeolite of FAU framework type;', '(b) a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal (M);', '(c) a CHA structure directing agent (Q);', '(d) a source of hydroxide ions; and', '(e) water; and, '(1) preparing a reaction mixture comprising(2) heating the reaction mixture at ambient pressure and at a temperature of from 50° C. to 90° C. until crystals of the molecular sieve are formed.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite of FAU framework type is zeolite Y.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite of FAU framework type has a molar ratio of SiO/AlOin a range of from 20 to 500.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite of FAU framework type has a molar ratio of SiO/AlOin a range of from 30 to 100.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture is free of a separate source of silicon.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the separate source of silicon is selected from the group consisting of colloidal suspensions of silica claim 6 , fumed silicas claim 6 , precipitated silicas claim 6 , alkali metal silicates claim 6 , tetraalkyl orthosilicates claim 6 , and any combination thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkali or alkaline earth metal (M) comprises sodium.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CHA framework structure directing agent comprises one or more of a N-alkyl-3-quinuclidinol claim 1 , a N claim 1 ,N claim 1 ,N-trialkylexoaminonorbornane claim 1 , a N claim 1 ,N claim 1 ,N-trimethyl-1-adamantylammonium compound claim 1 , a N claim 1 ,N claim 1 ,N-trimethyl-2-adamantyl-ammonium compound claim 1 , a N claim 1 ,N claim 1 ,N-trimethylcyclohexylammonium compound claim ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014781A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A zeolite includes Si, Al, Ag and at least one of an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal, and satisfies the relation 0.02≦Ag[mol %]/(Si[mol %]+10×T[mol %])≦0.17 (wherein, T[mol %] denotes the molar concentration of the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal.) 110-. (canceled)11. A zeolite used in olefin/paraffin separation , the zeolite comprising Si , Al , Ag and at least one of an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal , and satisfying the following inequality:{'br': None, '0.02≦Ag[mol %]/(Si[mol %]+10×T[mol %])≦0.17'}wherein T[mol %] denotes the molar concentration of the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal.12. The zeolite according to and satisfying the following inequality:{'br': None, '0.03≦Ag[mol %]/(Si[mol %]+10×T[mol %])≦0.14'}wherein T[mol %] denotes the molar concentration of the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal.13. The zeolite according to claim 11 , whereina maximum value of an inner diameter of at least one of a plurality of pores is greater than or equal to 0.4 nm.14. The zeolite according to claim 11 , whereinthe maximum value of the inner diameter of the respective plurality of pores is less than or equal to 0.7 nm.15. A separation membrane structure used in olefin/paraffin separation claim 11 , the separation membrane structure comprising:a porous substrate main body; and {'br': None, '0.02≦Ag[mol %]/(Si[mol %]+10×T[mol %])≦0.17'}, 'a zeolite membrane disposed on a surface of the substrate main body, wherein the zeolite membrane comprises Si, Al, Ag and at least one of an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal, and satisfies the following inequalitywherein T[mol %] denotes a molar concentration of the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal.16. The separation membrane structure according to and satisfying the following inequality:{'br': None, '0.03≦Ag[mol %]/(Si[mol %]+10×T[mol %])≦0.14'}wherein T[mol %] denotes the molar concentration of the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal.17. The separation membrane structure according to claim 15 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016231A9

Provided is a method for preparing a structure directing agent (SDA) for crystalline molecular sieve synthesis comprising the steps of (a) hydrolyzing analkyl sulfate counterion of a quaternary ammonium salt to produce an organic ammonium salt having a hydrogen sulfate counterion; and (b) contacting the organic ammonium salt having the hydrogen sulfate counterion with a source of hydroxide in solution to form an organic ammonium salt having a hydroxide counterion; wherein the organic ammonium salt is a structure directing agent (SDA) for crystalline molecular sieve synthesis. 1. A method for preparing a structure directing agent (SDA) for crystalline molecular sieve synthesis comprising the steps of:a. hydrolyzing analkyl sulfate counterion of a quaternary ammonium salt to produce an organic ammonium salt having a hydrogen sulfate counterion; andb. contacting the organic ammonium salt having the hydrogen sulfate counterion with a source of hydroxide in solution to form an organic ammonium salt having a hydroxide counterion; wherein the organic ammonium salt is a structure directing agent (SDA) for crystalline molecular sieve synthesis.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the contacting step further comprises precipitating a sulfate from the solution.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the precipitated sulfate is removed from the solution by filtration.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrolyzing step comprises contacting the alkyl sulfate counterion of an organic ammonium salt with sulfuric acid or hydroxide.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of hydroxide is an alkali metal hydroxide or an ammonium hydroxide.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic ammonium salt is a structure directing agent (SDA) for synthesis of a molecular sieve having a framework selected from CHA claim 1 , AEI claim 1 , AFX claim 1 , ERI claim 1 , LEV claim 1 , AFT claim 1 , or an intergrowth of two or more of these.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic ammonium ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016262A1

A process for preparing a zeolitic material having framework type AEI and having a framework structure which comprises a tetravalent element Y, a trivalent element X, and oxygen, said process comprising (i) providing a zeolitic material having framework type CHA and having a framework structure comprising the tetravalent element Y, the trivalent element X, and oxygen; (ii) preparing a synthesis mixture comprising the zeolitic material provided in (i), water, a source of the tetravalent element Y other than the zeolitic material provided in (i), and an AEI framework structure directing agent; (iii) subjecting the synthesis mixture prepared in (ii) to hydrothermal synthesis conditions comprising heating the synthesis mixture to a temperature in the range of from 100 to 200° C. and keeping the synthesis mixture at a temperature in this range under autogenous pressure, obtaining the zeolitic material having framework type AEI; wherein Y is one or more of Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, Zr; wherein X is one or more of Al, B, Ga, In; wherein in the framework structure of the zeolitic material provided in (i), the molar ratio Y:X, calculated as YO:XO, is at most 20:1. 1. A process for preparing a zeolitic material having framework type AEI and having a framework structure which comprises a tetravalent element Y , a trivalent element X. and oxygen , said process comprising(i) providing a zeolitic material having framework type CHA and having a framework structure comprising the tetravalent element Y, the trivalent element X, and oxygen;(ii) preparing a synthesis mixture comprising the zeolitic material provided in (i), water, a source of the tetravalent element Y other than the zeolitic material provided in (i), and an AEI framework structure directing agent;(iii) subjecting the synthesis mixture prepared in (ii) to hydrothermal synthesis conditions comprising heating the synthesis mixture to a temperature in the range of from 100 to 200° C. and keeping the synthesis mixture at a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017033A1

A process for preparing a zeolitic material comprising a metal M, having framework type AEI, and having a framework in structure which comprises a tetravalent element Y, a trivalent element X, and oxygen, said process comprising (i) providing a zeolitic of material comprising the metal M, having a framework type other than AEI, and having a framework structure comprising the trivalent element X, and oxygen; (ii) preparing a synthesis mixture comprising the zeolitic material provided in (i), water, a source of the tetravalent element Y, and an AEI framework structure directing agent; (iii) subjecting the synthesis mixture prepared in (ii) to hydrothermal synthesis conditions comprising heating the synthesis mixture to a temperature in the range of from 100 to 200 ° C. and keeping the synthesis mixture at a temperature in this range under autogenous pressure, obtaining the zeolitic material having framework type AEI; wherein Y is one or more of Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, Zr; wherein X is one or more of Al, B, Ga, In; wherein M is a transition metal of groups 7 to 12 of the periodic table of elements. 1. A process for preparing a zeolitic material comprising a metal M , having framework type AEI , and having a framework structure which comprises a tetravalent element Y , a trivalent element X , and oxygen , said process comprising:(i) providing a zeolitic material comprising the metal M, having a framework type other than AEI, and having a framework structure comprising the trivalent element X, and oxygen;(ii) preparing a synthesis mixture comprising the zeolitic material provided in (i), water, a source of the tetravalent element Y, and an AEI framework structure directing agent;(iii) subjecting the synthesis mixture prepared in (ii) to hydrothermal synthesis conditions comprising heating the synthesis mixture to a hydrothermal synthesis temperature in a range of from 100 to 200° C., to obtain a heated synthesis mixture, and keeping the heated synthesis mixture at a temperature ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve, COK-5, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20160023914A1
Автор: Burton Allen W.

A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 is produced using, as a structure directing agent, at least one diquaternary ammonium compound selected from the group consisting of 1,4-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)butane dications, 1,4-bis(N-butylpyrrolidinium)butane dications and 1,5-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dications. 1. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 , comprising in its pores at least one diquaternary ammonium compound selected from the group consisting of 1 ,4-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)butane dications , 1 ,4-bis(N-butylpyrrolidinium)butane dications and 1 ,5-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dications.2. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , further comprising crystals having an external surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of about 100 to about 300 m/g.3. The molecular sieve of claim 1 , further comprising crystals having a total surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of about 350 to about 650 m/g.5. The molecular sieve material of claim 4 , the tetravalent element Y comprises silicon and the trivalent element X comprises boron or aluminum.6. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 having an X-ray diffraction pattern with a first composite peak with a maximum at 25.0 (±0.30) degrees 2-theta (2θ) which has an intensity above background of Imaxand which intersects a second composite peak with a maximum at 23.0 (±0.20) degrees 2-theta (2θ) to form a local minimum which has an intensity above background of Imin claim 4 , such that the Imin/Imaxratio is >0.7.7. A molecular sieve having the structure of COK-5 claim 4 , comprising crystals having an external surface area as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption of at least 100 m/g and having an X-ray diffraction pattern with a single diffuse composite feature in the 2-theta (2θ) range from 21.5 to 25.5 degrees.8. The molecular sieve of claim 7 , comprising crystals having a total surface area as ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022066A1
Автор: Zones Stacey Ian

Crystalline molecular sieves and their synthesis using quaternary N-methyl-diisoalkylammonium cations as organic structure directing agents are disclosed. The structure directing agent has the following structure (1): 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein crystallization of the molecular sieve is conducted in the presence of an oxide of silicon; fluoride ions; water; and at least one structure directing agent selected from N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-diisopropylammonium cations claim 1 , N-ethyl-N-methyl-diisopropylammonium cations claim 1 , N-hydroxymethyl-N-methyl-diisopropylammonium cations claim 1 , and N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-di-sec-butylammonium cations.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the molecular sieve has a *BEA framework type claim 2 , a NON framework type claim 2 , or a STF framework type.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein crystallization of the molecular sieve is conducted in the presence of oxides of silicon and germanium; fluoride ions; water; and at least one structure directing agent selected from N-ethyl-N-methyl-diisopropylammonium cations and N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-di-sec-butylammonium cations.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the molecular sieve has a BEC framework type.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein crystallization of the molecular sieve is conducted in the presence of oxides of silicon and boron; fluoride ions; water; and at least one structure directing agent selected from N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-diisopropylammonium cations claim 1 , N-ethyl-N-methyl-diisopropylammonium cations and N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-di-sec-butylammonium cations.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the molecular sieve has a DDR framework type claim 6 , an EUO framework type claim 6 , or a framework type of SSZ-36.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein crystallization of the molecular sieve is conducted in the presence of oxides of silicon and aluminum; fluoride ions; water; and at least one structure directing agent selected from N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-diisopropylammonium cations claim ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Molecular Sieve Material, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20150025291A1

A molecular sieve material, EMM-17, has in its as-calcined form an X-ray diffraction pattern including the following peaks in Table 11: 3. The molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , and Zr.4. The molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.7. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.8. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 6 , Al claim 6 , Fe claim 6 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 6 , Ge claim 6 , Sn claim 6 , Ti claim 6 , and Zr.9. The molecular sieve material of claim 6 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 6 , 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof.10. A process for producing the molecular sieve material of claim 6 , the process comprising the steps of: [{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'YO/XOat least 30;'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'HO/YO4 to 10;'}, {'br': None, 'sup': '−', 'sub': '2', 'OH/YO0.1 to 1;'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'F/YO0 to 1; and'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'Q/YO0.1 to 1;'}], '(a) preparing a synthesis mixture capable of forming said material, said mixture comprising water, a source of hydroxyl ions, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element Y, a source of a trivalent element X, optionally a source of fluoride ions, and a directing agent Q selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations, 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof, and said synthesis mixture having a composition, in terms of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023579A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A production method for zeolite powder includes disintegrating zeolite seed crystals in a silica unsaturated alkali solution containing an alkali source, preparing a silica saturated alkali solution by adding a silica source to the silica unsaturated alkali solution containing the zeolite seed crystals, and synthesizing zeolite powder by hermetically heating the silica saturated alkali solution. 1. A production method for zeolite powder comprising:disintegrating zeolite seed crystals in a silica unsaturated alkali solution containing an alkali source;preparing a silica saturated alkali solution by adding a silica source to the silica unsaturated alkali solution containing the zeolite seed crystals; andsynthesizing a zeolite powder by hermetically heating the silica saturated alkali solution.2. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereina degree of silica saturation in the silica unsaturated alkali solution is 30% or less.3. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 2 , whereinthe degree of silica saturation in the silica unsaturated alkali solution is substantially 0%.4. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereinthe silica unsaturated alkali solution has a pH of 11 or higher.5. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereinthe silica unsaturated alkali solution contains at least one of ethylene diamine and sodium hydroxide as the alkali source.6. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , further comprising:adding a structure directing agent to the silica unsaturated alkali solution or the silica saturated alkali solution before the step of synthesizing the zeolite powder.7. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereina period of time for disintegration in the step of disintegrating the zeolite seed crystals in the silica unsaturated alkali solution is five minutes or longer.8. The production method for zeolite powder ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023580A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A production method for zeolite powder containing forming zeolite seed crystals by wet pulverizing zeolite crystals using a silica unsaturated alkali solution containing an alkali source, preparing a silica saturated alkali solution by adding a silica source to the silica unsaturated alkali solution containing the zeolite seed crystals, and synthesizing zeolite powder by hermetically heating the silica saturated alkali solution. 1. A production method for zeolite powder comprising:forming zeolite seed crystals by wet pulverizing zeolite crystals using a silica unsaturated alkali solution containing an alkali source;preparing a silica saturated alkali solution by adding a silica source to the silica unsaturated alkali solution containing the zeolite seed crystals; andsynthesizing a zeolite powder by hermetically heating the silica saturated alkali solution.2. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereina degree of silica saturation in the silica unsaturated alkali solution is 30% or less.3. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 2 , whereinthe degree of silica saturation in the silica unsaturated alkali solution is substantially 0%.4. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereina pH of the silica unsaturated alkali solution is 11.5 or higher.5. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereinthe silica unsaturated alkali solution contains at least one of ethylene diamine and sodium hydroxide as the alkali source.6. The production method for zeolite powder according to further comprising:adding a structure directing agent to the silica unsaturated alkali solution or the silica saturated alkali solution before the synthesizing of the zeolite powder.7. The production method for zeolite powder according to claim 1 , whereinthe zeolite crystals are DDR framework zeolite crystals or MFI framework zeolite crystals, andthe zeolite powder is a DDR framework zeolite powder or an ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023342A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies, B.V.

A catalyst includes a zeolite, wherein the zeolite has: a CHA framework; a particle size less than or equal to 100 nanometers; and a silica to alumina mole ratio in the range of about 50:1 to about 150:1. The catalyst can include a metal dopant. The catalyst can be used for purifying a product by flowing a reactant across the catalyst to form the product; and condensing or separating the product. The product can be an olefin or alkenes with an increased carbon chain. The catalyst can be used for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxide or a gas to liquid reaction. A method of producing the catalyst can include selecting the concentration of a crystal growth inhibitor based on the ratio of the silica precursor and an alumina precursor such that the zeolite crystals have a mean particle size less than or equal to 100 nanometers. 1. A catalyst comprising: a CHA framework;', 'a particle size less than or equal to 100 nanometers; and', 'a silica to alumina mole ratio in the range of about 50:1 to about 150:1., 'a zeolite, wherein the zeolite has2. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has a particle size less than or equal to 50 nanometers.3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein zeolite further comprises a metal dopant.4. The catalyst according to claim 3 , wherein the dopant is selected from copper (Cu) claim 3 , nickel (Ni) claim 3 , iron (Fe) claim 3 , zinc (Zn) claim 3 , manganese (Mn) claim 3 , and molybdenum (Mo).5. A method of producing a catalyst comprising:combining a silica precursor and an alumina precursor, wherein the ratio of the silica precursor to the alumina precursor is in the range of about 50:1 to about 150:1;adding a crystal growth inhibitor;adding a structure directing agent; andcrystallizing the zeolite, wherein the zeolite crystals have a CHA framework and a mean particle size less than or equal to 100 nanometers.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the crystal growth inhibitor is polyethyleneimine.7. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029022A1

The invention relates to the preparation of novel bi- or tri metallic silicate micro-porous and/or meso-porous materials based on cerium, nickel, copper and/or zinc on a porous silicate framework matrix to use its molecular sieve effect to target preferentially the acidic organic molecules present in hydrocarbon feedstocks like crude oil, bitumen, VGO and the like. The chosen metals are selected based on their ability to activate steam and transfer oxygen for completing the oxidation of carboxylic compounds or decarboxylating them. These composite materials can be prepared under hydrothermal synthesis conditions in order to produce suitable porous solids where the metals are well dispersed and preferentially distributed inside the channels of the silicate framework where they can interact only with the molecules that can go inside the channels. According to the invention, the metallo-silicate materials are prepared under hydrothermal synthesis conditions Modification of the physical-chemical properties of the porous silicate materials can be accomplished by partial replacement of the silicon atoms by cerium, nickel, copper and/or zinc atoms in the material by isomorphous substitutions of these elements in a synthesis gel or by post-synthesis modifications like ion-exchange or impregnation/deposition. The materials can be used as prepared catalysts for the steam catalytic reduction of the total acid number (TAN) in acidic crude oil feedstocks and in the presence of steam and/or COas oxidizing agent to complete decarboxylation and to keep the metal oxide active sites from reducing and deactivating as well as other partial upgrading reactions. 168-. (canceled)69. A porous metallo-silicate composition (MSC) having a molar composition:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'i': :m', ':n, 'SiOCeOXO'}wherein X is a divalent element selected from the group consisting of nickel, copper, zinc and combinations thereof; m is between about 0.001 and 0.5; n is between about 0.001 and 0.5; ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031714A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for process for the preparation of a zeolitic material which process comprises (i) providing a boron-containing zeolitic material and (ii) deboronating the boron-containing zeolitic material by treating the boron-containing zeolitic material with a liquid solvent system thereby obtaining a deboronated zeolitic material, which liquid solvent system does not contain an inorganic or organic acid, or a salt thereof. 1. A process for the preparation of a zeolitic material , comprising:(i) providing a boron-containing zeolitic material of a structure MWW or BEA;(ii) deboronating the boron-containing zeolitic material with a liquid solvent system at a temperature in the range of from 50 to 125° C. thereby obtaining a deboronated zeolitic material of the structure MWW or BEA;wherein the liquid solvent system is water, andwherein said liquid solvent system does not contain an inorganic or organic acid or a salt thereof, the acid being selected from the group consisting of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, oxalic acid, and tartaric acid.24-. (canceled)5. The process of claim 1 , wherein in (i) claim 1 , the boron-containing zeolitic material is provided by a process comprising(a) hydrothermally synthesizing the boron-containing zeolitic material from a synthesis mixture containing at least one silicon source, at least one boron source, and at least one template compound, to obtain the boron-containing zeolitic material in its mother liquor;(b) separating the boron-containing zeolitic material from its mother liquor;(c) drying the boron-containing zeolitic material separated according to (b);(d) calcining the boron-containing zeolitic material obtained from (b) or (c).6. (canceled)7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the boron-containing zeolitic material provided in (i) is an aluminum-free zeolitic material.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the boron-containing ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029894A1

The present invention provides a preparation method of Beta molecular sieve, comprising: activating a mineral having low silica-to-alumina ratio and a mineral having high silica-to-alumina ratio, respectively, wherein the mineral having low silica-to-alumina ratio is activated via a sub-molten salt medium, and the mineral having high silica-to-alumina ratio is activated via means of high-temperature calcination; mixing the activated minerals with sodium chloride, potassium chloride, water and template agent for hydrothermal crystallization, wherein the charged amounts of the raw materials satisfies a molar ratio of: 0.03-0.18 NaO:0.01-0.03 KO:0.1-0.4 (TEA)O:1 SiO:0.01-0.5 AlO:12-40 HO; cooling the crystallized product and removing the mother liquor by filtration, washing the resulting filter cake with water to neutral and drying it to obtain the Beta molecular sieve. The method of the present invention broadens the range of raw materials for synthesizing the molecular sieve, greatly reduce the production cost, and significantly improve the environmental friendliness of the synthesis process, thereby having a wide range of application prospects. 1. A preparation method of Beta molecular sieve , characterized in that , the method comprises the following steps:(1) activation of minerals: activating a mineral having a low silica-to-alumina ratio and a mineral having a high silica-to-alumina ratio, respectively, wherein the mineral having a low silica-to-alumina ratio is activated via a sub-molten salt medium, and the mineral having a high silica-to-alumina ratio is subjected to thermal activation treatment by means of high-temperature calcination;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2, '(2) crystallization: mixing the mineral having a low silica-to-alumina ratio and the mineral having a high silica-to-alumina ratio, which have been activated in Step (1), with sodium chloride, potassium chloride, water and a template agent for hydrothermal crystallization, and ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047995A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A zeolite membrane complex includes a porous support and a zeolite membrane formed on the support. The zeolite membrane contains Al, P, and a tetravalent element. The composition of the zeolite membrane measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is such that the molar ratio of the tetravalent element to Al is higher than or equal to 0.01 and lower than or equal to 0.5, the molar ratio of P to Al is higher than or equal to 0.5 and lower than 1.0, and the total molar ratio of P and the tetravalent element to Al is higher than or equal to 0.9 and lower than or equal to 1.3. The zeolite membrane contains a zeolite crystal with an accessible volume higher than or equal to 450 Å. 1. A zeolite membrane complex comprising:a porous support; anda zeolite membrane formed on said support,wherein said zeolite membrane contains aluminum, phosphorus, and a tetravalent element, anda composition of said zeolite membrane measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is such that:a molar ratio of said tetravalent element to said aluminum is higher than or equal to 0.01 and lower than or equal to 0.5;a molar ratio of said phosphorus to said aluminum is higher than or equal to 0.5 and lower than 1.0; anda total molar ratio of said tetravalent element and said phosphorus to said aluminum is higher than or equal to 0.9 and lower than or equal to 1.3, and{'sup': '3', '#text': 'said zeolite membrane contains a zeolite crystal with an accessible volume higher than or equal to 450 Å.'}2. The zeolite membrane complex according to claim 1 , whereinthe composition of said zeolite membrane measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is such that:the molar ratio of said tetravalent element to said aluminum is higher than or equal to 0.01 and lower than or equal to 0.3; andthe molar ratio of said phosphorus to said aluminum is higher than or equal to 0.7 and lower than 1.0.3. The zeolite membrane complex according to claim 1 , whereinsaid zeolite membrane contains a zeolite crystal with a pore ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048780A1

A small crystal size, high surface area aluminogermanosilicate molecular sieve material, designated SSZ-120, is provided. SSZ-120 can be synthesized using 3,3′-[2,6-naphthalenebis(methylene)]bis[1,2-dimethyl-1H-imidazolium] dications as a structure directing agent. SSZ-120 may be used in organic compound conversion reactions and/or sorptive processes. 2. The organic nitrogen compound of claim 1 , wherein the dication is associated with anionic counterion selected from hydroxide claim 1 , chloride claim 1 , bromide claim 1 , or a combination thereof. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/323,005 filed on May 18, 2021, which claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 63/028,642 filed on May 22, 2020.This disclosure relates to a small crystal size, high surface area aluminogermanosilicate molecular sieve designated SSZ-120, its synthesis, and its use in organic compound conversion reactions and sorption processes.Molecular sieves are a commercially important class of materials that have distinct crystal structures with defined pore structures that are shown by distinct X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and have specific chemical compositions. The crystal structure defines cavities and pores that are characteristic of the specific type of molecular sieve.According to the present disclosure, a small crystal size, high surface area aluminogermanosilicate molecular sieve, designated SSZ-120 and having a unique powder X-ray diffraction pattern, has been synthesized using 3,3′-[2,6-naphthalenebis(methylene)]bis[1,2-dimethyl-1H-imidazolium] dications as a structure directing agent.In a first aspect, there is provided an aluminogermanosilicate molecular sieve having, in its calcined form, a powder X-ray diffraction pattern including the peaks in the following table:The calcined molecular sieve can have a total surface area (as determined by the t-plot method for nitrogen physisorption) of at least ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031518A1

A molecular sieve material, EMM-17, has in its as-calcined form, a total surface area of greater than 550 m/g and/or an external surface area of greater than about 100 m/g as measured by the BET Method, and a specific X-ray diffraction pattern. 3. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , and Zr.4. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 2 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.5. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the external surface area to the total surface area of said as-calcined crystalline molecular sieve is greater than or equal to 0.35 as measured by the BET Method.8. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 7 , wherein X includes one or more of B claim 7 , Al claim 7 , Fe claim 7 , and Ga and Y includes one or more of Si claim 7 , Ge claim 7 , Sn claim 7 , Ti claim 7 , and Zr.9. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 7 , wherein X is aluminum and Y is silicon.10. The crystalline molecular sieve material of claim 7 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of 1-methyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 7 , 1-ethyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 7 , 1-propyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations claim 7 , 1-butyl-4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pyridinium cations and mixtures thereof.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein said suitable freeze drying conditions of step (b) include a temperature between −200° C. and 0° C. and a vacuum pressure less than 760 ton (101.3 kPa).13. The method of claim 11 , wherein step (c) comprises both heating and mixing said free-flowing powder of said synthesis mixture.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein said step (b) includes grinding the freeze-dried synthesis mixture to form said free-flowing powder.15. The method of making said crystalline molecular sieve material of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031519A1

The disclosure is related to various modified EMM-23 materials, processes, and uses of the same. 1. A process of preparing a modified EMM-23 material comprising a composition of Formula II:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'XO:(m)YO\u2003\u2003(Formula II),'} {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'XO:(t)YO\u2003\u2003(Formula III),'}, 'comprising combining a composition of Formula (III)with an agent comprising X to generate a material of Formula II;wherein m is less than 150, t is greater than or equal to 150, X is a trivalent element, and Y is a tetravalent element.2. The process of further comprises adjusting the pH of the combination of the composition of Formula III and the agent comprising X to within the range of 2.4 to 2.6.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the agent comprises Al(NO) claim 1 , Al(SO) claim 1 , AlCl claim 1 , Fe(NO) claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.4. The process of further comprises combining additional amount of the agent comprising X to the pH adjusted combination of the composition of Formula III claim 1 , and adjusting the pH of the combination having additional amount of the agent comprising X to within the range of 2.4 to 2.6.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the process of combining additional amount of the agent comprising X and adjusting the pH of the combination to within the range of 2.4 to 2.6 is repeated until the pH does not change when additional amount of the agent comprising X is added.6. The process of claim 4 , wherein the adjusting of the pH comprises adding a base or an acid to the combination of the composition of Formula III and the agent comprising X.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the adjusting of the pH comprises adding a base.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the base comprises an organic amine base.9. The process of claim 7 , wherein the base comprises ammonium hydroxide.10. The process of further comprises heating the pH adjusted combination of the composition of Formula III and the agent comprising X at a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031175A1

A batch process for preparing a zeolitic material having framework type CHA and a framework structure comprising Si, Al, O, and H, comprising (i) providing a seeding material comprising a zeolitic material having framework type CHA and a framework structure comprising Si, Al, O, and H; (ii) preparing a mixture comprising a source of Si, a source of Al, a seeding material provided in (i), a CHA framework structure directing agent comprising a cycloalkylammonium compound, and water, wherein the cycloalkylammonium compound is a compound comprising a cation RRRRN wherein R, R, Rare, independently from one another, an alkyl residue having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and Ris a 5- to 8-membered cycloalkyl residue, wherein in mixture, the molar ratio of water relative to Si comprised in the source of Si and in the seeding material, calculated as SiO, is in the range of from 5:1 to 15:1, wherein the mixture, the molar ratio of sodium, calculated as NaO, relative to Si comprised in the source of Si and in the seeding material, calculated as SiO, is in the range of from 0:1 to 0.1:1; (iii) heating the mixture prepared in (ii) in its liquid state to a temperature of the mixture in the range of from 50 to 90° C. and keeping the liquid mixture at a temperature in this range for 5 to 100 h; (iv) heating the heated mixture of (iii) to a temperature of the mixture in the range of from 190 to 230° C. in a crystallization vessel and keeping the mixture at a temperature in this range under autogenous pressure in the crystallization vessel for 0.5 to 10 h, obtaining a solid material comprising a zeolitic material having framework type CHA and a framework structure comprising Si, Al, O, and H, suspended in its mother liquor. 1. A process for preparing a zeolitic material having a framework type CHA and a framework structure comprising Si , Al , O , and H , the process comprising:providing a seeding material comprising a zeolitic material having a framework type CHA and a framework ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031679A1

The present disclosure provides a sound absorbing material. The sound absorbing material includes a sound absorbing material comprising an MFL-structural-type molecular sieve, the MFL-structural-type molecular sieve comprising a skeleton, the skeleton comprising SiOand GaO, and the molar ratio of Si/Ga atoms in the skeleton is between 100 and 600. The invention also provides a method for preparing a sound absorbing material and a speaker box using the same. The sound absorbing material provided by the invention, the preparation method thereof and the speaker box using the sound absorbing material can further improve the performance of the speaker box, reduce the failure of the molecular sieve, and improve the performance stability of the lifting speaker box. 1. A sound absorbing material , comprising MFI-structural-type molecular sieves , the MFI-structural-type molecular sieves comprise frameworks skeletons , the frameworks comprising SiO2 and Ga2O3 , wherein a molar ratio of Si to Ga atoms in the framework is between 100 and 600.2. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the frameworks further comprise trivalent and/or tetravalent metal ion oxides other than Ga2O3.3. The sound absorbing material according to claim 2 , wherein the frameworks further comprise an oxide of at least one of aluminum claim 2 , chromium claim 2 , iron claim 2 , nickel claim 2 , titanium claim 2 , zirconium or germanium.4. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , Wherein the MFL-structural-type molecular sieves further comprise extra-framework cations.5. The sound absorbing material according to claim 4 , wherein the extra-framework cations comprise at least one of hydrogen ions claim 4 , alkali metal ions or alkaline earth metal ions.6. The sound absorbing material according to claim 5 , wherein a molar ratio of Si to Ga atoms in the frameworks is between 150 and 550.7. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of Si to Ga ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Afx-structure zeolite crystal, and synthesis method thereof

Номер: US20200031680A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A zeolite crystal has an AFX structure and a hexagonal plate shape. Ratio of a maximum Feret diameter (L 1 ) in a plan view with respect to a plate thickness in a side view is greater than or equal to 2.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037247A1

[Problem] To provide a strontium ion-exchanged clinoptilolite having excellent nitrogen-absorbing properties; and a method for producing the strontium ion-exchanged clinoptilolite. 1. A synthetic clinoptilolite comprising strontium ions at ion exchange sites thereof.2. The synthetic clinoptilolite according to claim 1 , wherein at least 35 mol % of ions at the ion exchange sites are strontium ions.3. The synthetic clinoptilolite according to claim 1 , wherein the synthetic clinoptilolite has a pore volume (pv) of 0.5 mL/g or more (pv≧0.5 mL/g) for pores having pore diameters (pd) of 3 nm≦pd≦10 claim 1 ,000 nm.4. The synthetic clinoptilolite according to claim 1 , wherein the synthetic clinoptilolite has an average pore diameter (apd) of 200 nm or larger (apd≧200 nm).5. A method for producing the synthetic clinoptilolite according to claim 1 , comprising bringing the synthetic clinoptilolite into contact with a solution containing strontium under ambient pressure to undergo ion exchange.6. The method for producing the synthetic clinoptilolite according to claim 5 , wherein the synthetic clinoptilolite is a clinoptilolite obtained by: [{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '3, '8≦SiO/AlO≦20,'}, {'br': None, 'sub': '2', '0.25≦OH/SiO≦0.5,'}, {'br': None, '0.5≦K/(K+Na)≦0.9, and'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, '10≦HO/SiO≦100 in terms of the molar ratio; and'}], 'mixing an amorphous aluminosilicate gel obtained from an alkaline silicate and an aluminum salt, an alkali metal hydroxide, and water to provide a mixture satisfyingstirring the obtained mixture in the presence of a seed crystal to undergo crystallization at temperatures (ct) of 100° C.≦ct≦200° C.7. A synthetic clinoptilolite molding body containing the synthetic clinoptilolite according to .8. A nitrogen adsorbent containing synthetic clinoptilolite according to . The present invention relates to a strontium ion-exchanged clinoptilolite.Clinoptilolite, one of common naturally yielding zeolites, has been industrially used ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038322A1

A method is disclosed for preparing zeolite SSZ-70 using an imidazolium cation as a structure directing agent in conjunction with a polyethyleneimine modifier. The SSZ-70 zeolite is characterized as having an external surface area larger than conventional SSZ-70 zeolites. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite has an external surface area of from 55 to 120 m/g.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the imidazolium cation is a 1 claim 1 ,3-diisobutylimidazolium cation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polyethyleneimine is a branched polyethyleneimine.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the branched polyethyleneimine has a molecular weight of from 500 to 2000 g/mol.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of Si claim 6 , Ge claim 6 , and mixtures thereof.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein X is B claim 6 , Al claim 6 , Ga claim 6 , In claim 6 , and mixtures thereof.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein Y is Si and X is B.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein Y is Si and X is Al.13. The zeolite of claim 12 , wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of Si claim 12 , Ge claim 12 , and mixtures thereof.14. The zeolite of claim 13 , wherein Y is Si.15. The zeolite of claim 12 , wherein X is selected from the group consisting of B claim 12 , Al claim 12 , Ga claim 12 , In claim 12 , and mixtures thereof.16. The zeolite of claim 15 , wherein X is B.17. The zeolite of claim 15 , wherein X is Al.18. The zeolite of claim 12 , wherein Q is a 1 claim 12 ,3-diisobutylimidazolium cation.19. The zeolite of claim 12 , wherein A is a branched polyethyleneimine.20. The zeolite of claim 19 , wherein the branched polyethyleneimine has a molecular weight of from 500 to 2000 g/mol. This disclosure relates a method for preparing zeolite SSZ-70 with greater direct external pore exposure over conventional forms of SSZ-70.Zeolites are a class of important materials used in the chemical industry for processes such as gas stream purification and ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038756A1

The present invention refers to a microporous crystalline material, to the method for the production thereof and to the use of same, the material having a composition: 2. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 1 , whereinY is selected from Ti, Sn, Zr, or mixtures thereof;the value of (y+z)/x is comprised between 20 and infinity; andthe value of z/y is comprised between 15 and infinity.3. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 1 , wherein Z is Si.4. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 1 , wherein x is zero and having a chemical composition:{'br': None, 'i': y', ':z, 'sub': 2', '2, 'YOZO'}6. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 5 , wherein the value of z/x is comprised between 20 and infinity.10. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 9 , wherein the value z/x is comprised between 20 and infinity.12. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 11 , wherein the structure directing agent claim 11 , R claim 11 , contains P.13. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 12 , wherein R is a salt of an alkylphosphonium cation.14. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 13 , wherein R is 1 claim 13 ,4-butanediyl-bis(tritertbutyl)phosphonium hydroxide.17. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 16 , wherein the value of z/x is comprised between 20 and infinity.18. The microporous crystalline material according to claim 1 , wherein it has atoms in tetrahedral coordination linked through oxygen bridging atoms that connect adjacent atoms with tetrahedral coordination claim 1 , containing 92 atoms in tetrahedral coordination in its unit cell claim 1 , designated T1 claim 1 , T2 claim 1 , T3 claim 1 , T4 until T92 claim 1 , that are located in the crystallographic positions with cartesian coordinates x claim 1 , y y z shown in Table 1.20. The process for the preparation of a material according to claim 19 , wherein Z is Si claim 19 , Ge ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

EMM-23 Molecular Sieve Material, Its Synthesis and Use

Номер: US20160039779A1

A new molecular sieve material is designated as EMM-23 and has, in its as-calcined form, an X-ray diffraction pattern including the following peaks in Table 1: 114-. (canceled)16. The organic nitrogen compound of claim 15 , wherein said organic nitrogen compound is 1 claim 15 ,5-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dication.20. The organic nitrogen compound of claim 19 , wherein said organic nitrogen compound is 1 claim 19 ,6-bis(N-propylpyrrolidinium)pentane dication. This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Application No. 61/514,939 filed Aug. 4, 2011 and EP Application No. 11181734.2, filed Sep. 19, 2011, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.This invention relates to a novel molecular sieve material, designated as EMM-23, its synthesis, its use as an adsorbent, and a catalyst for hydrocarbon conversion reactions.Molecular sieve materials, both natural and synthetic, have been demonstrated in the past to be useful as adsorbents and to have catalytic properties for various types of hydrocarbon conversion reactions. Certain molecular sieves, zeolites, AIPOs, mesoporous materials, are ordered, porous crystalline materials having a definite crystalline structure as determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Within the crystalline molecular sieve material there are a large number of cavities which may be interconnected by a number of channels or pores. These cavities and pores are uniform in size within a specific molecular sieve material. Because the dimensions of these pores are such as to accept for adsorption molecules of certain dimensions while rejecting those of larger dimensions, these materials have come to be known as “molecular sieves” and are utilized in a variety of industrial processes.Such molecular sieves, both natural and synthetic, include a wide variety of positive ion-containing crystalline silicates. These silicates can be described as rigid three-dimensional framework of SiOand Periodic Table Group 13 ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036710A1

The present invention relates to a PST-20 zeolite having a novel skeletal structure, its preparation method, and a selective separation and adsorption method for a gas using the PST-20 zeolite. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method of preparing a microporous aluminosilicate PST-20 zeolite having a novel skeletal structure totally different from the skeletal structure of known zeolites and using the PST-20 zeolite as an adsorbent/separator capable of selectively adsorbing/separating carbon dioxide to separate and collect carbon dioxide with high purity from burned gases or natural gases. 3. The PST-20 zeolite as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the PST-20 zeolite belongs to a space group Im3m with a cubic crystal system claim 2 , wherein the lengths a claim 2 , b and c of crystal axes of a unit cell are all 50 Å or greater.4. The PST-20 zeolite as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the lengths a claim 3 , b and c of crystal axes of a unit cell are 50 Å.5. A method for preparing a PST-20 zeolite claim 3 , comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': II', '3', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2, '1.0-10.0 organic structure directing agent: 0.05-3.0M(NO):1.0-5.0NaO:1.0AlO:3.0-10.0SiO:100-1000HO\u2003\u2003(II)'}, '(a) preparing a mixture represented by the following chemical formula (II),'}{'sub': 'II', 'wherein Mis Ca, Sr, or Ba; and'}(b) heating the mixture.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the mixture is put into a stainless steel container in a Teflon reactor and heated up.7. The method as claimed in or claim 5 , wherein the mixture is heated up to 100 to 180° C. for 12 hours to 5 days.8. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the organic structure directing agent is TEA ion or 18-crown-6.9. A method for separating carbon dioxide claim 5 , comprising:putting an air current containing carbon dioxide in contact with a PST-20 zeolite to selectively adsorb the carbon dioxide.10. The method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the zeolite is a dehydrated zeolite.11. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037062A1

The present disclosure provides a sound absorbing material. The sound absorbing material comprising a heteroatom zeolite molecular sieve comprising a framework and an extra-framework cation, the framework comprising SiO2 and a metal oxide MxOy comprising a metal element M, wherein the framework has a molar ratio of Si/M between 250 to 500, wherein the M includes Fe, and that the extra-framework cation is at least one of a monovalent copper ion, a monovalent silver ion, a monovalent gold ion, an alkali metal ion or an alkaline earth metal ion. The sound absorbing material provided by the present disclosure, sound absorbing material to have better oxygen adsorption capacity, good waster repellency and stability. When such a sound absorbing material is applied to a speaker box, the speaker box will have better low frequency acoustic performance and better reliability. 1. A sound absorbing material comprising a heteroatom zeolite molecular sieve comprising a framework and an extra-framework cation , the framework comprising SiO2 and a metal oxide MxOy comprising a metal element M , wherein the framework has a Si/M molar ratio of 250 to 500 , wherein the M includes Fe , and that the extra-framework cation is at least one of a monovalent copper ion , a monovalent silver ion , a monovalent gold ion , an alkali metal ion or an alkaline earth metal ion.2. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the M further comprises at least one of titanium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and gallium.3. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the heteroatom zeolite molecular sieve has a molecular structure of at least one of MFI claim 1 , MEL claim 1 , FER claim 1 , BEA claim 1 , and MWT.4. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the extra-framework cation is formed by cation exchange between the heteroatom zeolite molecular sieve and a salt compound.5. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037065A1

The present disclosure provides a sound absorbing material. The sound absorbing material comprising MFI-structural-type molecular sieves, the MFI-structural-type molecular sieves comprises frameworks and extra-framework cations, the framework comprising SiO2 and a metal oxide MxOy containing a metal element M, wherein a molar ratio of Si/M is between 220 and 600 in the framework, the metal element M comprises aluminum, and the extra-framework cations are at least one of hydrogen ions, alkali metal ions and alkaline earth metals. The present also provides a method for preparing a sound absorbing material and a speaker box using the sound absorbing material. 1. A sound absorbing material comprising MFI-structural-type molecular sieves , the MFI-structural-type molecular sieves comprises frameworks and extra-framework cations , the framework comprising SiO2 and a metal oxide MxOy containing a metal element M , wherein a molar ratio of Si/M is between 220 and 600 in the framework , the metal element M comprises aluminum , and the extra-framework cations are at least one of hydrogen ions , alkali metal ions and alkaline earth metals.2. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the metal element M further comprises trivalent and/or tetravalent metal ions other than aluminum.3. The sound absorbing material according to claim 2 , wherein the metal element M further comprises at least one of chromium claim 2 , iron claim 2 , gallium claim 2 , nickel claim 2 , titanium claim 2 , zirconium claim 2 , and hafnium.4. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of silicon atom to aluminum atom in the framework is between 250 and 500.5. The sound absorbing material according to claim 4 , wherein the molar ratio of silicon atom to aluminum atom in the framework is between 280 and 450.6. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the MFI-structural-type molecular sieve has a particle size larger than 10 nm.7. A sound ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037066A1

The present disclosure provides a sound absorbing material. The sound absorbing material comprises MEL-structural-type molecular sieves, the MEL-structural-type molecular sieves comprising frameworks and extra-framework cations, the frameworks comprising silica and an oxide MxOy containing an element M which is a non-silicon element; wherein a mass ratio of Si to M in the framework is at least 80, the extra-framework cations comprise at least one of hydrogen ions, alkali metal ions, alkaline earth metal ions and transition metal ions, and a content of the extra-framework cations is between 0.05 wt % and 1.5 wt %. 1. A sound absorbing material , comprising MEL-structural-type molecular sieves , the MEL-structural-type molecular sieves comprising frameworks and extra-framework cations , the frameworks comprising silica and an oxide MxOy containing an element M which is a non-silicon element; wherein a mass ratio of Si to M in the framework is at least 80 , the extra-framework cations comprise at least one of hydrogen ions , alkali metal ions , alkaline earth metal ions and transition metal ions , and a content of the extra-framework cations is between 0.05 wt % and 1.5 wt %.2. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein the element M comprises trivalent and/or tetravalent ions.3. The sound absorbing material according to claim 2 , wherein the element M comprises at least one of aluminum claim 2 , iron claim 2 , boron claim 2 , titanium claim 2 , zirconium claim 2 , gallium claim 2 , chromium or molybdenum.4. The sound absorbing material according to claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of Si to M in the MEL-structural-type molecular sieves is between 150 and 2000.5. The sound absorbing material according to claim 4 , wherein the mass ratio of Si to M in the MEL-structural-type molecular sieves is between 150 and 1500.6. The sound absorbing material according to claim 5 , wherein the mass ratio of Si to M in the MEL-structural-type molecular sieves is between ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055909A1

The present invention relates to a method of synthesis of zeolitic LTA adsorbents containing intercrystalline mesoporosity and controlled particle size, which can, for example, be used in natural gas dehydration processes, seeking to comply not only with the specifications on moisture content in the natural gas, but also improving the efficiency of the gas drying process in regard to the adsorption kinetics, not compromising the adsorption capacity, water selectivity, and the regeneration cycles of the adsorbent. Another possible application of these compounds is as the support for catalysts for oil refining processes. The method of obtaining the zeolitic adsorbent solids, the purpose of this invention, consists of including an aging step of the reaction mixture in conjunction with the addition of N,N-dimethyl-N-[3-(trimethoxysilane)propyl]octadecyl ammonium chloride (TPOAC) to the reaction mixture. 14-. (canceled)5. A method for synthesizing zeolitic solids that comprise mesoporous and controlled-size particles , the method comprising:preparing solution A by mixing a deionized water, sodium hydroxide, sodium metasilicate, and N,N-dimethyl-N-[3-(trimethoxysilane)-propyl]octadecyl ammonium chloride (TPOAC) and agitating the mixture at 100 rpm to 400 rpm for 15 minutes to 45 minutes or for a sufficient amount of time to dissolve the sodium metasilicate and the TPOAC;preparing solution B by mixing water, sodium hydroxide, and sodium aluminate and agitating the mixture at 100 rpm to 400 rpm for 15 minutes to 45 minutes or for a sufficient amount of time to dissolve the sodium aluminate;combining solution A and solution B and agitating the combination mechanically at 400 rpm to 600 rpm for 30 minutes to 190 minutes, until the combination is homogenized, white, and more viscous than solution A and solution B;dividing the combination into portions, placing the portions in containers, and aging the portions in the containers in one or more thermostatic baths between 25° C. ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044133A1
Автор: Davis Tracy Margaret

CHA-type molecular sieves are prepared using a N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantammonium cation structure directing agent in conjunction with a N,N-dimethyl-3,5-dimethylpiperidinium cation structure directing agent.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047193A1

Disclosed are a method of preparing a zeolite nanosheet and a zeolite nanosheet particle prepared thereby, and more particularly a method of preparing a zeolite nanosheet capable of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet through a simple process of mixing a multilayer zeolite precursor with a swelling agent to swell the multilayer zeolite precursor and drying and calcining the multilayer zeolite precursor, wherein the monolayer zeolite nanosheet is useful to separate a catalyst or gas, and a zeolite nanosheet particle prepared thereby. 1. A method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet comprising:(a) mixing a multilayer zeolite precursor with water and a swelling agent to swell intra-layers of the multilayer zeolite precursor; and(b) recovering a solid material from the mixture containing a swollen zeolite precursor, and then calcining the solid material to obtain a monolayer zeolite nanosheet.2. The method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet of claim 1 , wherein the swelling agent is a mixture of a salt compound having a functional group of alkyltrimethylammonium and a salt compound having a functional group of tetrapropylammonium.3. The method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet of claim 2 , wherein the salt compound having the functional group of alkyltrimethylammonium is one or more selected from a group consisting of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 2 , cetrimonium bromide and trimethyloctadecylammonium bromide.4. The method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet of claim 2 , wherein the salt compound having the functional group of tetrapropylammonium is one or more selected from the group consisting of tetrapropylammonium bromide claim 2 , tetrapropylammonium fluoride claim 2 , tetrapropylammonium chloride and tetrapropylammonium hydroxide.5. The method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet of claim 1 , wherein an Si/Al ratio of the zeolite precursor is 10 to 200.6. The method of preparing a monolayer zeolite nanosheet of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Process for Transalkylation of Aromatic Fluids

Номер: US20210047249A1

Systems and methods are provided for an improved transalkylation process that better tolerates the presence of Caromatics and may be conducted substantially in the liquid phase. The transalkylation feedstock may comprise alkyl-substituted benzenes and naphthalene and the transalkylation effluent comprises alkyl-substituted naphthalene and benzene, toluene, and/or xylenes. 1. A method for liquid phase transalkylation of aromatic compounds , comprising:exposing an aromatic feedstock comprising at least about 1.0 wt % naphthalene and alkyl-substituted benzene to a transalkylation catalyst under effective transalkylation conditions to form a transalkylation effluent comprising an alkyl-substituted naphthalene and benzene;wherein a mole fraction of aromatic compounds in the liquid phase, relative to the total amount of aromatic compounds in the feedstock, is at least about 0.01 under the effective transalkylation conditions; and a first molecular sieve having an MWW framework with an n value of about 2 to about 50;', 'a second molecular sieve corresponding to a Beta polymorph with an n value of about 10 to about 60; and', 'a third molecular sieve having a FAU framework with an n value of about 2 to about 400;', {'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'where n is a molar ratio YOover XOin the framework of the first, second, and third molecular sieves, X is a trivalent element, and Y is a tetravalent element.'}], 'wherein the transalkylation catalyst comprises at least one of the following2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transalkylation catalyst further comprises 0.01 wt % to 5 wt % of a metal from Groups 5-11 and 14 supported on the transalkylation catalyst.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the metal from Groups 5-11 and 14 is selected from the group consisting of Pd claim 2 , Pt claim 2 , Ni claim 2 , Rh claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MWW framework of the first molecular sieve is selected from the group consisting of MCM-22 ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043294A9

A method of preparing a crystalline STT-type zeolite that has a mole ratio greater than about 15:1 of a tetravalent element oxide to a trivalent element oxide is disclosed along with a gas treatment system that incorporates the STT-type zeolite and a process for treating a gas using the STT-type zeolite. The method generally comprises forming an aqueous mixture comprising a tetravalent element oxide source, a trivalent element oxide source, a source of alkali metal, and an organic structure directing agent; maintaining the mixture under conditions that crystallize crystals of a STT-type zeolite; and recovering the crystals The STT-type zeolite crystals exhibit x-ray diffraction 2-theta degree peaks at: 8.26, 8.58, 9.28, 9.54, 10.58, 14.52, 15.60, 16.43, 17.13, 17.74, 18.08, 18.46, 19.01, 19.70, 20.12, 20.38, 20.68, 21.10, 21.56, 22.20, 22.50, 22.78, 23.36, 23.76, 23.99, 24.54, 24.92, 25.16, 25.58, 25.80, 26.12, 26.94, 27.38, 27.92, 28.30, 28.60, 29.24, 29.48, 30.08, 30.64, 31.20, 31.46, 31.80, 32.02, 32.60, 33.60, and 34.43. 1. A method for preparing a crystalline STT-type zeolite , having a mole ratio greater than about 15:1 of an oxide of a tetravalent element to an oxide of a trivalent element , said method comprising:forming an aqueous reaction mixture comprising a source of the oxide of tetravalent element; a source of the oxide of the trivalent element; a source of alkali metal; an organic structure directing agent comprising N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantamonium hydroxide;maintaining the aqueous reaction mixture under crystallization conditions sufficient to crystallize crystals of a STT-type zeolite having an x-ray diffraction pattern with 2 theta peaks at: 8.26, 8.58, 9.28, 9.54, 10.58, 14.52, 15.60, 16.43, 17.13, 17.74, 18.08, 18.46, 19.01, 19.70, 20.12, 20.38, 20.68, 21.10, 21.56, 22.20, 22.50, 22.78, 23.36, 23.76, 23.99, 24.54, 24.92, 25.16, 25.58, 25.80, 26.12, 26.94, 27.38, 27.92, 28.30, 28.60, 29.24, 29.48, 30.08, 30.64, 31.20, 31.46, 31.80, 32.02, 32.60, ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Synthesis of Molecular Sieves Having MWW Framework Structure

Номер: US20170043327A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention provides an improved method for making molecular sieves having MWW framework structure using precipitated aluminosilicates (PAS), and the use of molecular sieves so made in processes for catalytic conversion of hydrocarbon compounds.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043341A1

The invention relates to the preparation of novel bi- or tri metallic silicate micro-porous and/or meso-porous materials based on cerium, nickel, copper and/or zinc on a porous silicate framework matrix to use its molecular sieve effect to target preferentially the acidic organic molecules present in hydrocarbon feedstocks like crude oil, bitumen, VGO and the like. The chosen metals are selected based on their ability to activate steam and transfer oxygen for completing the oxidation of carboxylic compounds or decarboxylating them. These composite materials can be prepared under hydrothermal synthesis conditions in order to produce suitable porous solids where the metals are well dispersed and preferentially distributed inside the channels of the silicate framework where they can interact only with the molecules that can go inside the channels. According to the invention, the metallo-silicate materials are prepared under hydrothermal synthesis conditions Modification of the physical-chemical properties of the porous silicate materials can be accomplished by partial replacement of the silicon atoms by cerium, nickel, copper and/or zinc atoms in the material by isomorphous substitutions of these elements in a synthesis gel or by post-synthesis modifications like ion-exchange or impregnation/deposition. The materials can be used as prepared catalysts for the steam catalytic reduction of the total acid number (TAN) in acidic crude oil feedstocks and in the presence of steam and/or COas oxidizing agent to complete decarboxylation and to keep the metal oxide active sites from reducing and deactivating as well as other partial upgrading reactions. 1. A method for partially upgrading a feedstock of produced hydrocarbons , the method comprising the step of:exposing the produced hydrocarbons to a micro-porous or meso-porous catalyst structure having an embedded catalytic phase, which partially upgrades the produced hydrocarbons under conditions to promote partial upgrading.2. ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047307A1

A honeycomb structural body Is made of cordierite ceramic, and composed of partition walls and cells. A cell density is changed continuously or step by step from a central section to an outer peripheral section in a radial direction. The honeycomb structural body has a relationship of M1>M2>M3, and a relationship of K1 Подробнее

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062877A1
Автор: Xie Dan

An aluminum-rich molecular sieve material of MFS framework type, designated SSZ-123, is provided. SSZ-123 can be synthesized using 1-ethyl-1-[5-(triethylammonio)pentyl]piperidinium cations as a structure directing agent. SSZ-123 may be used in organic compound conversion and/or sorptive processes.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124992A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

The zeolite structure is a porous zeolite structure constituted of a formed article obtained by extruding a zeolite raw material containing zeolite particles and an inorganic binding material including at least basic aluminum chloride, a ratio P1 (P1=V2/V1×100) of a volume V2 of the inorganic binding material in the zeolite structure with respect to a volume V1 of the zeolite structure is from 10 to 50 vol %, and a relation of equation (1) is satisfied: 1a step of mixing zeolite particles, an inorganic binding material which binds the zeolite particles to one another, and an organic binder to prepare a zeolite raw material;a step of extruding the obtained zeolite raw material to obtain a formed zeolite article; anda step of firing the obtained formed zeolite article to prepare the zeolite structure,wherein the step of preparing the zeolite raw material includes the steps of adding the inorganic binding material including basic aluminum chloride having an amount corresponding to 10 to 30 mass % in terms of a solid content to 100 mass % of the zeolite particles so that a ratio of a volume of the inorganic binding material included in the zeolite structure with respect to a volume of the zeolite structure obtained by firing the formed zeolite article is from 10 to 50 vol %.. A manufacturing method of a zeolite structure, comprising: This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/050,381, filed Mar. 17, 2011, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference, and claims the benefit under 35 USC §119(a)-(d) of Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-070095 filed on Mar. 25, 2010.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a zeolite structure, and a manufacturing method of the zeolite structure. More particularly, it relates to a zeolite structure having an excellent mechanical strength, and a manufacturing method of the zeolite structure.2. Description of the Related ArtIt is known that zeolite is a type of silicate having a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Mfi zeolites using dabco and methylamine reagents

Номер: US20220064012A1

An oligomerization catalyst, oligomer products, methods for making and using same. The catalyst is synthesized MFI zeolite (ZSM-5) made from a combination of DABCO and methylamine (MEA) in the presence of Na cations.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Zeolite ZSM-18, Its Synthesis and Its Use

Номер: US20160051973A1

ZSM-18 is synthesized from a mixture comprising water, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element (Y), a source of an oxide of a trivalent element (X), a source of a first cation Q selected from either butamethonium cations or N,N,N,-trimethyl-N-butylammonium cations and a source of at least one second cation M, wherein the second cation M is selected from lithium, strontium, sodium, tetraalkylammonium and mixtures thereof when the first cation, Q is butamethonium cations, and wherein the second cation M is tetramethylammonium when the first cation Q is N,N,N,-trimethyl-N-butylammonium cations. 118.-. (canceled)19. A process for converting a feedstock comprising an organic compound to a conversion product which comprises contacting said feedstock at organic compound conversion conditions with a catalyst comprising an active form a molecular sieve having the structure of ZSM-18 and comprising cations of formula (CH)N(CH)N(CH)in its pores.20. The process of claim 19 , wherein said molecular sieve having a composition comprising the molar relationship:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'mM:qQ:(y)YO:XO,'}wherein 0 Подробнее

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048103A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Methods of forming mesoporous zeolites with tunable pore widths are provided. In some embodiments, the method includes mixing a silicon-containing material, an aluminum-containing material, and at least a quaternary amine to produce a zeolite precursor solution. The zeolite precursor solution is pre-crystallized at a pre-crystallization temperature of greater than 125° C. and autogenous pressure to form a pre-crystallized zeolite precursor solution and combined with an organosilane mesopore template to produce a zeolite precursor gel. The zeolite precursor gel is crystallized without a previous discrete functionalization step to produce a crystalline zeolite intermediate and the crystalline zeolite intermediate is calcined to produce the mesoporous zeolite. An organosilane mesopore template in accordance with 1. A method of forming mesoporous zeolites with tunable physical properties , the method comprising:mixing a silicon-containing material, an aluminum-containing material, and at least a quaternary amine to produce a zeolite precursor solution;pre-crystallizing the zeolite precursor solution at a pre-crystallization temperature of greater than 125° C. and autogenous pressure to form a pre-crystallized zeolite precursor solution represented by the formation of an amorphous phase in pseudo-steady-state where solid and solution phases approach equilibrium and silicate and aluminosilicate anion distributions are established;combining an organosilane mesopore template with the pre-crystallized zeolite precursor solution to produce a zeolite precursor gel;crystallizing the zeolite precursor gel to produce a crystalline zeolite intermediate; andcalcining the crystalline zeolite intermediate to produce the mesoporous zeolite,wherein the method does not comprise a discrete functionalization step of the zeolite precursor gel before crystallizing the zeolite precursor gel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crystalline zeolite intermediate is calcined by exposure to a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050857A1
Автор: Xie Dan

A method is disclosed for making LEV framework type zeolites using N,N′-dimethyl-1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane dications as a structure directing agent. 1. A method of preparing an LEV framework type zeolite , comprising: (1) at least one source of silicon oxide;', '(2) at least one source of aluminum oxide;', '(3) at least one source of an element (M) selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table;', '(4) N,N′-dimethyl-1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane dications (Q);', '(5) hydroxide ions; and', '(6) water; and, '(a) preparing a reaction mixture containing(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization condition sufficient to form crystals of the zeolite.6. An aluminosilicate LEV framework type zeolite comprising N ,N′-dimethyl-1 ,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane dications within in its pore structure.7. The zeolite of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite has a SiO/AlOmole ratio of from 10 to 55.8. The zeolite of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite has a SiO/AlOmole ratio of from 15 to 40. This application claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/207,454, filed Aug. 20, 2015, which is incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure relates generally to a method for preparing LEV framework type zeolites using N,N′-dimethyl-1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane dications as a structure directing agent.Molecular sieves are classified by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association according to the rules of the IUPAC Commission on Zeolite Nomenclature. According to this classification, framework type zeolites and other crystalline microporous molecular sieves, for which a structure has been established, are assigned a three letter code and are described in the “,” Sixth Revised Edition, Elsevier, 2007.One known molecular sieve for which a structure has been established is the material designated as LEV, which is a molecular sieve characterized by heptadecahedral cavities to which LEV framework type materials owe their large micropore volume ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050858A1

A method of making aluminosilicate RTH framework type zeolites is disclosed using 2,6-dimethyl-1-aza-spiro[5.4]decane cations as a structure directing agent. 1. A method of preparing an aluminosilicate RTH framework type zeolite , comprising: (1) at least one source of silicon oxide;', '(2) at least one source of aluminum oxide;', '(3) at least one source of an element (M) selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table;', '(4) 2,6-dimethyl-1-aza-spiro[5.4]decane cations (Q);', '(5) hydroxide ions; and', '(6) water; and, '(a) preparing a reaction mixture containing(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization condition sufficient to form crystals of the zeolite.6. An aluminosilicate RTH framework type zeolite comprising 2 ,6-dimethyl-1-aza-spiro[5.4]decane cations within in its pore structure.7. The zeolite of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite has a SiO/AlOmole ratio of from 10 to 40.8. The zeolite of claim 6 , wherein the zeolite has a SiO/AlOmole ratio of from 15 to 25. This disclosure relates generally to a method for preparing aluminosilicate RTH framework type zeolites using 2,6-dimethyl-1-aza-spiro[5.4]decane cations as a structure directing agent.Molecular sieves are a commercially important class of crystalline materials. They have distinct crystal structures with ordered pore structures which are demonstrated by distinct X-ray diffraction patterns. The crystal structure defines cavities and pores which are characteristic of the different species. Molecular sieves such as zeolites have been used extensively to catalyze a number of chemical reactions in refinery and petrochemical reactions, and catalysis, adsorption, separation, and chromatography.One known molecular sieve for which a structure has been established is the material designated as RTH, which is a molecular sieve characterized by a two-dimensional pore system of intersecting 8-membered ring (8-MR) channels, leading to larger cages. Due to its unique structure, RTH framework type zeolites ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072520A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

A novel synthetic crystalline aluminogermanosilicate molecular sieve material, designated SSZ-117x, is provided. SSZ-117x can be synthesized using N,N,N,3,5-pentamethyladamantan-1-ammonium cations as a structure directing agent. SSZ-117x may be used in organic compound conversion reactions and/or sorptive processes.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Zeolite and Manufacturing Method Thereof

Номер: US20220073360A1

Provided are a zeolite with increased hydrothermal durability and a method of manufacturing the same. One aspect of the present invention provides a method of producing the zeolite, comprising the steps of: preparing a raw material zeolite (excluding FAU-type zeolite material) containing at least Si but not Al in the framework or having a Si/Al atomic ratio of 50 or more, and bringing the zeolite material into contact with a solution containing fluoride ions or with hot water at a temperature of 50° C. or more and 250° C. or less. 1. A zeolite containing at least Si in the framework (excluding FAU-type zeolite) , whereinthe zeolite has a relative crystallinity (900° C.) of 20% or more, which is the crystallinity ratio of the zeolite after to before heating the zeolite at 900° C. for 3 hours under an atmosphere containing 10% water vapor by volume, andthe zeolite before heating has a water absorption ratio of 6.0% by weight or less in an environment with a temperature of 25° C. and a relative water vapor pressure of 0.4.2. An MFI-type zeolite containing at least Si but not Al in the framework or having a Si/Al atomic ratio of 50 or more , whereinthe zeolite has a relative crystallinity (1050° C.) of 20% or more, which is the crystallinity ratio of the zeolite after to before heating the zeolite at 1050° C. for 3 hours under an atmosphere containing 10% water vapor by volume.3. A *BEA-type zeolite containing at least Si but not Al in the framework or having a Si/Al atomic ratio of 50 or more , whereinthe zeolite has a relative crystallinity (1100° C.) of 20% or more, which is the crystallinity ratio of the zeolite after to before heating the zeolite at 1100° C. for 3 hours under an atmosphere containing 10% water vapor by volume.4. An MOR-type zeolite containing at least Si but not Al in the framework or having a Si/Al atomic ratio of 50 or more , whereinthe zeolite has a relative crystallinity (900° C.) of 20% or more, which is the crystallinity ratio of the zeolite ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060129A1

EMM-26 is a novel synthetic crystalline material having a single crystalline phase with a unique T-atom connectivity and X-ray diffraction pattern which identify it as a novel material. EMM-26 has a two-dimensional pore system defined by 10-membered rings of tetrahedrally coordinated atoms having pore dimensions of ˜6.3 Åט3.2 Å. EMM-26 may be prepared with a organic structure directing agent, such as 1,6-bis(N-methylpyrrolidinium) hexane dications and/or 1,6-bis(N-methylpiperidinium) hexane dications. EMM-26 may be used in organic compound conversion and/or sorptive processes. 2. The crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the tetrahedral atoms include one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Li claim 1 , Be claim 1 , B claim 1 , Al claim 1 , P claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , As claim 1 , In claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Sb claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , and Zr.3. The crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the tetrahedral atoms include one or more elements selected from the group consisting of B claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Si.4. The crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the bridging atoms include one or more elements selected from the group consisting of O claim 1 , N claim 1 , F claim 1 , S claim 1 , Se claim 1 , and C.5. The crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the bridging atoms include oxygen.9. The crystalline material of claim 8 , having the following composition:{'br': None, 'i': a', 'b', 'c', ':z, 'sub': 2', '3', '2', '2, 'Hal:Q:XO:YOHO,'}wherein Hal is a halide ion; Q is an organic structure directing agent selected from one or more of 1,6-bis(N-methylpyrrolidinium) hexane dications and 1,6-bis(N-methylpiperidinium) hexane dications, X is a trivalent element, Y is a tetravalent element, a is a number having a value equal to or greater than 0 to less than or equal to 0.2, b is a number having a value greater than 0 to less ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057365A1
Автор: Zones Stacey Ian

A method is provided for synthesizing aluminosilicate zeolite SSZ-26 by interzeolite transformation. 1. A method of synthesizing aluminosilicate zeolite SSZ-26 , the method comprising: (1) a FAU framework type zeolite;', '(2) a source of Group 1 or Group 2 metal (M);', '(3) hydroxide ions;', '(4) a structure directing agent (Q) comprising 1,4-bis(N-cyclohexylpyrrolidinium)butane dications; and', '(5) water; and, '(a) preparing a reaction mixture comprising(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization conditions sufficient to form crystals of aluminosilicate zeolite SSZ-26.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture also contains seeds.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the reaction mixture comprises from 0.01 ppm by weight to 10 claim 4 ,000 ppm by weight of seeds.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the reaction mixture comprises from 100 ppm by weight to 5 claim 4 ,000 ppm by weight of seeds.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the seeds comprise a zeolitic material having the structure of the SSZ-26/33 family of zeolites.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crystallization conditions include autogenous pressure and a temperature of from 125° C. to 200° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture is substantially free of a non-zeolitic source of silicon oxide. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/382,298, filed on Sep. 1, 2016, the disclosure of which is fully incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure is directed to the synthesis of zeolite SSZ-26.Zeolites SSZ-26 and SSZ-33 belong to a family of zeolites with three-dimensional intersecting 10- and 12-membered ring channels. These two zeolites can be characterized as members of a family of materials in which the two end-members are formed by the stacking of layers in an ABAB sequence (“polymorph A”) or an ABCABC sequence (“polymorph B”). The framework formed by polymorph A is of orthorhombic symmetry while the framework formed by ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Production and Use of a Zeolitic Material in a Process for the Conversion of Oxygenates to Olefins

Номер: US20140135556A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Described is a process for the production of a zeolitic material having an MFI, MEL, and/or MWW-type framework structure comprising YOand XO. The process comprises (1) preparing a mixture comprising one or more sources for YO, one or more sources for XO, and one or more solvents; (2) crystallizing the mixture obtained in step (1) to obtain a zeolitic material having an MFI, MEL and/or MWW-type framework structure; and (3) impregnating the zeolitic material obtained in step (2) with one or more elements selected from the group of alkaline earth metals. Y is a tetravalent element, and X is a trivalent element. The mixture crystallized in step (2) contains 3 wt.-% or less of one or more elements M based on 100 wt-% of YO, wherein M stands for sodium. 1. A process for the production of a zeolitic material having an MFI , MEL , and/or MWW-type framework structure comprising YOand XO , wherein said process comprises{'sub': 2', '2', '3, '(1) preparing a mixture comprising one or more sources for YO, one or more sources for XO, and one or more solvents;'}(2) crystallizing the mixture obtained in step (1) to obtain a zeolitic material having an MFI, MEL and/or MWW-type framework structure; and{'sub': '2', '(3) impregnating the zeolitic material obtained in step (2) with one or more elements selected from the group of alkaline earth metals; wherein Y is a tetravalent element, and X is a trivalent element, and wherein the mixture crystallized in step (2) contains 3 wt.-% or less of one or more elements M based on 100 wt-% of YO, wherein M stands for sodium.'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixture crystallized in step (2) contains 1 wt.-% or less of one or more elements M based on 100 wt-% of YO.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein M comprises sodium claim 1 , potassium claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein in step (3) the zeolitic material is impregnated with one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Mg claim 1 , Ca claim 1 ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140140921A1

An aspect of the invention relates to a method of synthesizing a crystalline molecular sieve having an MSE framework type, the method comprising crystallizing a reaction mixture comprising a source of water, a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element, Y, selected from at least one of silicon, tin, titanium, vanadium, and germanium, optionally but preferably a source of a trivalent element, X, a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal, M, a source of a tetraethylammonium cation, Q1, and optionally a source of a second organic cation, Q2, which can include a cyclic nitrogen-containing ammonium cation. 1. A method of synthesizing a crystalline molecular sieve having an MSE framework type , the method comprising crystallizing a reaction mixture comprising a source of water , a source of an oxide of a tetravalent element , Y , selected from at least one of silicon , tin , titanium , vanadium , and germanium , optionally a source of a trivalent element , X , a source of an alkali or alkaline earth metal , M , and a source of a tetraethylammonium cation , Q1.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reaction mixture comprises a source of an oxide of trivalent element claim 1 , X claim 1 , selected from at least one of aluminum claim 1 , boron claim 1 , gallium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , and chromium.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tetravalent element claim 1 , Y claim 1 , comprises silicon claim 1 , the trivalent element claim 1 , X claim 1 , comprises aluminum claim 1 , and the alkali or alkaline earth metal claim 1 , M claim 1 , comprises potassium.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the alkali or alkaline earth metal claim 3 , M claim 3 , comprises substantially no sodium.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following are satisfied:a total molar ratio of tetraethylammonium cation, Q1, to oxide of tetravalent element, Y, in said reaction mixture is from about 0.01 to about 1;{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a molar ratio of oxide of tetravalent element, Y, ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080399A1

JMZ-1, a zeolite having a CHA structure and containing trimethyl(cyclohexylmethyl)ammonium cations as a structure directing agent is described. A calcined zeolite, JMZ-1C, that does not contain a structure directing agent, is also described. Metal containing JMZ-1C has improved SCR activity compared to CHA-containing zeolites having the same metal loading and comparable silica:alumina ratios (SAR). Methods of preparing JMZ-1, JMZ-1C and metal containing calcined counterparts of JMZ-1C are described along with methods of using JMZ-1C and metal containing calcined counterparts of JMZ-1C in treating exhaust gases. 1. A composition comprising zeolite crystals having a CHA framework , wherein the zeolite crystals have a framework structure comprising tetravalent silicon oxide , a trivalent aluminum oxide , and have a trimethyl(cyclohexylmethyl) ammonium cation present in the crystal structure , wherein the zeolite crystals are anhydrous and are free of substituted or unsubstituted 5 ,4-azonium anions and are free of ammonium anions having a substituents selected from bridged polycyclics , cycloaryls , heterocyclics , cycloalkyls other than cyclohexylmethyl , and C2-C4 alkyls.2. A zeolite comprising a framework structure comprising a CHA type framework and having a composition having the molar relationship: SiO:(n)YO , where Y=Al , Fe , B or Ga and n=0 to 0.1 , and having a characteristic X-ray powder diffraction pattern comprising 2-theta positions at 9.59 (VS) , 13.03 (M) , 16.21 (W) , 17.99 (W) , 20.83 (M-S) , 23.31 (W) , 25.24 (W) , 26.22 (W) , 30.98 (M-W) and 31.43 (W)±0.2 with the corresponding relative intensity shown in parenthesis , wherein the zeolite does not comprise a structure directing agent (SDA).3. The zeolite of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite comprises an extra-framework transition metal or noble metal.4. The zeolite of claim 2 , wherein the zeolite comprises about 0.1 to about 5 weight percent of a transition metal or noble metal.5. A composition ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067691A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

This disclosure is directed to uses for a new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-101. SSZ-101 is synthesized using a N-cyclohexylmethyl-N-ethylpiperidinium cation as a structure directing agent. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of from 5 to 50 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , gallium oxide claim 1 , indium oxide claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of from 5 to 50 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 3 , aluminum oxide claim 3 , gallium oxide claim 3 , indium oxide claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein the light olefins are ethylene claim 3 , propylene claim 3 , butylene claim 3 , or mixtures thereof.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the light olefin is ethylene.7. The process of claim 3 , wherein the oxygenate is methanol claim 3 , dimethyl ether claim 3 , or a mixture thereof.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the oxygenate is methanol.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of from 5 to 50 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 9 , aluminum oxide claim 9 , gallium oxide claim 9 , indium oxide claim 9 , and mixtures thereof.11. The process of claim 9 , wherein the methanol claim 9 , dimethyl ether claim 9 , or mixture thereof claim 9 , and ammonia are present in amounts sufficient to provide a carbon/nitrogen ratio from 0.2 to 1.5.12. The process of claim 9 , conducted at a temperature of from 250° C. to 450° C.14. The process of claim 13 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of from 5 to 50 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 13 , aluminum oxide claim 13 , gallium oxide claim 13 , indium oxide claim 13 , and mixtures thereof.15. The process of claim 13 , conducted in the presence of oxygen.16. The process of claim 13 , ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Low-silica chabazite zeolites with high acidity

Номер: US20200061594A1
Принадлежит: PQ Corp

A microporous crystalline material having a molar silica to alumina ratio (SAR) ranging from 10 to 15 and a fraction of Al in the zeolite framework of 0.63 or greater is disclosed. A method of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas that comprises contacting exhaust gases, typically in the presence of ammonia, urea, an ammonia generating compound, or a hydrocarbon compound, with an article comprising the disclosed microporous crystalline is also disclosed. Further, a method of making the disclosed microporous crystalline material is disclosed.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068400A1

A new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-101 is disclosed. SSZ-101 is synthesized using a N-cyclohexylmethyl-N-ethylpiperidinium cation as a structure directing agent. 3. The molecular sieve of claim 2 , wherein T is selected from the group consisting of Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The molecular sieve of claim 3 , wherein T is Si.5. The molecular sieve of claim 2 , wherein X is selected from the group consisting of B claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Ga claim 2 , In claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.6. The molecular sieve of claim 5 , wherein X is selected from the group consisting of B claim 5 , Al claim 5 , Ga claim 5 , In claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The molecular sieve of claim 2 , wherein T is Si and X is Al.9. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of at least 5 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 8 , aluminum oxide claim 8 , gallium oxide claim 8 , indium oxide claim 8 , iron oxide claim 8 , and mixtures thereof.10. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , wherein the molecular sieve has a mole ratio of from 5 to 50 of (1) silicon oxide to (2) an oxide selected from boron oxide claim 8 , aluminum oxide claim 8 , gallium oxide claim 8 , indium oxide claim 8 , and mixtures thereof. This disclosure relates to a new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-101, a method for preparing SSZ-101, and uses for SSZ-101.Molecular sieve materials, both natural and synthetic, have been demonstrated in the past to be useful as adsorbents and to have catalytic properties for various types of hydrocarbon conversion reactions. Certain molecular sieves, such as zeolites, aluminophosphates, and mesoporous materials, are ordered, porous crystalline materials having a definite crystalline structure as determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Within the crystalline molecular sieve material there are a large number of cavities which may be interconnected by a number of channels or ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068401A1

A method for making a new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-101 is disclosed. SSZ-101 is synthesized using a N-cyclohexylmethyl-N-ethylpiperidinium cation as a structure directing agent. 1. A method for preparing a molecular sieve , comprising: (1) at least one source of at least one oxide of a tetravalent element;', '(2) one or more sources of one or more oxides selected from the group consisting of oxides of trivalent elements, pentavalent elements, and mixtures thereof;', '(3) at least one source of an element selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table;', '(4) hydroxide ions;', '(5) a N-cyclohexylmethyl-N-ethylpiperidinium cation; and', '(6) water; and, '(a) preparing a reaction mixture containing(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization condition sufficient to form crystals of the molecular sieve.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein T is selected from Si claim 2 , Ge claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein X is selected from B claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Ga claim 2 , In claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 2 , T is Si and X is Al.10. The method of or claim 2 , wherein T is Si and X is Al. This disclosure relates to a new crystalline molecular sieve designated SSZ-101, a method for preparing SSZ-101, and uses for SSZ-101.Molecular sieve materials, both natural and synthetic, have been demonstrated in the past to be useful as adsorbents and to have catalytic properties for various types of hydrocarbon conversion reactions. Certain molecular sieves, such as zeolites, aluminophosphates, and mesoporous materials, are ordered, porous crystalline materials having a definite crystalline structure as determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Within the crystalline molecular sieve material there are a large number of cavities which may be interconnected by a number of channels or pores. These cavities and pores are uniform in size within a specific molecular sieve material. Because the dimensions of these ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068402A1

A method is disclosed for synthesizing zeolite SSZ-52 in the presence of an organic structure directing agent having the following structure (1): 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic structure directing agent is selected from the group consisting of an N-ethyl-N-(2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-trimethylcyclopentyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 1 , an N-ethyl-N-(3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-trimethylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of an N-ethyl-N-(2 claim 3 ,4 claim 3 ,4-trimethylcyclopentyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 3 , an N-ethyl-N-(3 claim 3 ,3 claim 3 ,5-trimethylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein X is selected from the group consisting of B claim 3 , Al claim 3 , Ga claim 3 , In claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein X is Al.8. The zeolite of claim 7 , wherein Q is selected from the group consisting of an N-ethyl-N-(2 claim 7 ,4 claim 7 ,4-trimethylcyclopentyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 7 , an N-ethyl-N-(3 claim 7 ,3 claim 7 ,5-trimethylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidinium cation claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.9. The zeolite of claim 7 , wherein X is selected from the group consisting of B claim 7 , Al claim 7 , Ga claim 7 , In claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.10. The zeolite of claim 7 , wherein X is Al. This application claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/047,775, filed Sep. 9, 2014, which is incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure is generally directed to methods for preparing zeolite SSZ-52.Molecular sieves such as zeolites have been used extensively to catalyze a number of chemical reactions in refinery and petrochemical reactions, and catalysis, adsorption, separation, and chromatography. For example, with respect to zeolites, both synthetic and natural zeolites and their use in promoting certain reactions, including conversion of methanol to ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068403A1

A method is disclosed for preparing zeolite SSZ-52 using a computationally predicted organic structure directing agent. The computationally predicted structure organic directing agent is an organic structure directing agent other than an N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation, and the difference in stabilization energy between the organic structure directing agent other than an N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation and the N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation is no more than 2.5 kJ molSi. 1. A method for preparing zeolite SSZ-52 , comprising: (1) at least one source of silicon;', '(2) one or more sources of one or more oxides selected from the group consisting of oxides of trivalent elements, pentavalent elements, and mixtures thereof;', '(3) at least one source of an element selected from Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table;', {'sup': '−1', '(4) an organic structure directing agent other than an N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation, and the difference in stabilization energy between the organic structure directing agent other than an N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation and the N,N-diethyl-5,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation is no more than 2.5 kJ molSi;'}, '(5) hydroxide ions; and', '(6) water; and, '(a) preparing a reaction mixture containing(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization conditions sufficient to form crystals of the zeolite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the difference in stabilization energy between the organic structure directing agent other than an N claim 1 ,N-diethyl-5 claim 1 ,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation and the N claim 1 ,N-diethyl-5 claim 1 ,8-dimethyl-azonium bicyclo[3.2.2.]nonane cation is no more than 1.5 kJ molSi.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the difference in stabilization energy between the organic structure directing agent other than an N claim 1 ,N-diethyl-5 ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062604A1

Processes are provided for preparing molecular sieves for use as catalysts. The process involves preparing a synthesis mixture for the molecular sieve wherein the synthesis mixture includes a morphology modifier which may be selected from cationic surfactants having a single quaternary ammonium group comprising at least one hydrocarbyl group having at least 12 carbon atoms, nonionic surfactants, anionic surfactants, sugars, and combinations thereof. 1) A process of preparing crystals of a molecular sieve , the process comprising the steps of:a. combining at least a source of a tetravalent element X, a morphology modifier L, and water to form a synthesis mixture;b. heating said synthesis mixture under crystallization conditions for a time of about 1 hour to 100 days to form the crystals of the molecular sieve; andc. recovering said crystals of the molecular sieve from the synthesis mixture;wherein the morphology modifier L is selected from the group consisting of cationic surfactants having a single quaternary ammonium group comprising at least one hydrocarbyl group having at least 12 carbon atoms, nonionic surfactants, anionic surfactants, sugars and combinations thereof, and is present in the synthesis mixture before nucleation or crystallization of the crystals begins;wherein if the molecular sieve is one which requires a structure directing agent Q, the morphology modifier L is different from and is present in addition to the structure directing agent Q;wherein the molar ratio L:X in the synthesis mixture is in the range of from 0.0001 to 0.03; andwherein the synthesis mixture is a liquid, or a mixture of solid and liquid, and the liquid is substantially a single phase.2) A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in step a) one or more further components selected from the group consisting of a source of hydroxide ions claim 1 , a structure directing agent Q claim 1 , a source of a trivalent element Y claim 1 , a source of a pentavalent element Z claim 1 , a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062605A1
Автор: Dan XIE

A method is provided for synthesizing a molecular sieve having the framework structure of SSZ-56 using benzyltributylammonium cations as a structure directing agent. 1. A method of synthesizing a molecular sieve of SFS framework type , the method comprising: (1) a borosilicate beta zeolite;', '(2) a source of a Group 1 or Group 2 metal (M);', '(3) a structure directing agent (Q) comprising benzyltributylammonium cations;', '(4) a source of hydroxide ions; and', '(5) water; and, '(a) forming a reaction mixture comprising(b) subjecting the reaction mixture to crystallization conditions sufficient to convert the borosilicate beta to a molecular sieve of SFS framework type.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture also contains seeds.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the reaction mixture comprises from 0.01 to 15 claim 4 ,000 ppm by weight of seeds.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the seeds comprise a molecular sieve of SFS framework type.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the crystallization conditions include a temperature of from 125° C. to 200° C.8. A molecular sieve of SFS framework type and claim 1 , in its as-synthesized form claim 1 , comprising benzyltributylammonium cations in its pores.9. The molecular sieve of claim 8 , having a molar ratio of SiO/BOof at least 10.10. The molecular sieve of claim 9 , wherein the molar ratio of SiO/BOis in a range of from 50 to 200. This application claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/723,371, filed Aug. 27, 2018.This disclosure relates to the synthesis of crystalline molecular sieves having the framework structure of SSZ-56.SSZ-56 is a molecular sieve possessing a unique two-dimensional channel system of intersecting 12-ring and 10-ring pores. The framework structure of SSZ-56 has been assigned the three-letter code SFS by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association.The composition and characterizing X-ray diffraction pattern of molecular sieve ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065860A1

A new crystalline aluminosilicate zeolite comprising a MTT framework has been synthesized that has been designated UZM-53. This zeolite is represented by the empirical formula: 2. The zeolite of wherein two peaks of very strong intensity are present.3. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a y in said empirical formula that is less than 25.4. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a y in said empirical formula that is less than 22.6. The zeolite of wherein in said empirical formula for said zeolite claim 5 , y′ is from about 12 to 25.7. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a NHLewis acid value of less than 0.05.8. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a NHLewis acid value of less than 0.04.9. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a NHLewis acid value of less than 0.03.10. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a Collidine Brønsted value of less than 0.12.11. The zeolite of wherein said zeolite has a Collidine Brønsted value of less than 0.113. The process of where M is a combination of sodium and potassium and the ratio of sodium to potassium is in the range from about 0.1 to about 2.14. The process of where the source of E is selected from the group consisting of alkali borates claim 12 , boric acid claim 12 , precipitated gallium oxyhydroxide claim 12 , gallium sulfate claim 12 , ferric sulfate claim 12 , ferric chloride and mixtures thereof.15. The process of where the aluminum source is selected from the group consisting of aluminum alkoxides claim 12 , precipitated aluminas claim 12 , aluminum metal claim 12 , aluminum hydroxide claim 12 , sodium aluminate claim 12 , potassium aluminate claim 12 , aluminum salts and aluminum sols.16. The process of where the silicon source is selected from the group consisting of tetraethylorthosilicate claim 12 , fumed silica claim 12 , colloidal silica claim 12 , alkali silicates and precipitated silica.17. The process of further comprising adding UZM-53 seeds to the reaction mixture.18. The process of wherein the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069682A1

The present disclosure is directed to microporous crystalline aluminosilicate structures with GME topologies having pores containing organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) comprising at least one piperidinium cation, the compositions useful for making these structures, and methods of using these structures. In some embodiments, the crystalline zeolite structures have a molar ratio of Si:Al that is greater than 3.5. 2. The crystalline microporous aluminosilicate composition of claim 1 , having a molar ratio of Si:Al that is greater than 3.5 to about 100.3. The crystalline microporous aluminosilicate composition of claim 1 , that exhibits one or more of:{'figref': [{'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 3'}, {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 6'}, {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 7'}, {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 13'}], '(a) an XRD diffraction pattern that is the same as or consistent with any one of those shown in , , , or ;'}{'sup': '29', '(b) an Si MAS spectrum having a plurality of chemical shifts of about −99.1, −104.9 and −110.5 ppm, downfield of a peak corresponding to an external standard of tetramethylsilane;'}{'sup': '29', 'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 13'}, '(c) an Si MAS spectrum that is the same as or consistent with the one shown in ;'}{'sup': '27', 'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 11'}, '(d) an Al MAS NMR spectrum that is the same as or consistent with the one shown in , or'}{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 4'}, '(e) a thermogravimetric analysis curve that is the same as or consistent with the one shown in ; or'}{'sup': '13', 'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIG. 5'}, '(f) a C CP MAS NMR spectrum that is the same as or consistent with the one shown in .'}6. The crystalline microporous aluminosilicate composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one isomer of the quaternary piperidinium cation of Formula (I) comprises cis-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-3 claim 1 ,5-lupetidinium cation claim 1 , trans-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-3 claim 1 ,5-lupetidinium cation ...
