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17-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2796109C2

Изобретение относится к очистке сточных вод от загрязняющих веществ и может быть использовано в машиностроении, приборостроении, нефтяной промышленности, строительной индустрии. Центробежно-флотационный сепаратор содержит цилиндроконический корпус с патрубками тангенциального подвода сточной воды, отвода воды после очистки, коаксиально расположенных один под другим цилиндроконических гидроциклонов, пеносборник и кольцевой барабан, заполненный сорбирующей засыпкой. Внутри корпуса в суживающейся части гидроциклонов имеется кольцевое барботажное устройство для подачи флотоагента. В верхней части корпуса имеется сужающаяся коническая зона, над которой расположен пеносборник. В нижней части корпуса имеется отводящий канал, под которым находится кольцевой барабан с вертикальной осью вращения, расположенный с условием протекания воды после предварительной очистки из корпуса через сорбционную засыпку, и наличием патрубка подачи регенерирующего состава. Регулирование скорости вращения кольцевого ...

20-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2281911C2

Описан способ выделения элементного фосфора из водного шлама, содержащего приблизительно от 1 до приблизительно 15 масс.% диспергированного фосфора. К шламу добавляют приблизительно от 1 до приблизительно 20 масс.%, считая на массу фосфора, присутствующего в указанном шламе, фосфатной соли, которая имеет общую формулу, где R представляет щелочной металл или аммоний и n равно число от 0 до 30. В качестве фосфатной соли используют триполифосфат натрия, тетранатрийпирофосфат или гексаметафосфат натрия. Фосфор в шламе плавят и твердые компоненты в шламе отделяют от жидкого фосфора и воды. Жидкий фосфор затем отделяют от воды. Выделенный фосфор имеет чистоту более чем 99% при высокой степени извлечения его из шлама. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

05-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU228609U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для обработки водных сред, включая питьевые, технологические и сточные воды. Вихревое устройство для водообработки содержит две одинаковые цилиндрические вихревые камеры, которые жестко закреплены между собой с помощью конструкционных элементов и расположены соосно на расстоянии, зависящем от минимального напора подаваемой в вихревые камеры воды, с образованием между камерами реакционной зоны, при этом у каждой вихревой камеры по центру торца, направленного в реакционную зону, расположено отверстие для вывода встречных потоков обрабатываемой воды в реакционную зону, в противоположных торцах вихревых камер по центру расположены отверстия, выполненные с возможностью подачи в камеры реагентов, каждая вихревая камера вблизи торца с отверстием для подачи реагентов снабжена одним или несколькими патрубками для тангенциального ввода обрабатываемой жидкости. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества очистки воды. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-12-2022 дата публикации

Устройство центробежно-флотационной очистки сточных вод

Номер: RU215601U1

Полезная модель предназначена для очистки сточных вод от взвешенных веществ и может найти применение в машиностроении, нефтяной и нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности, строительной индустрии. Устройство центробежно-флотационной очистки сточных вод содержит цилиндроконический корпус с воздушной трубой, внутренний сливной патрубок, камеру пеносборника в верхней части корпуса. Внутренний сливной патрубок выполнен подвижным с лопастями вдоль боковой поверхности в зоне тангенциального подвода жидкости, а в зоне камеры пеносборника имеются лопасти и тангенциальный патрубок отвода пеношлама, совпадающий с направлением вращения лопастей. Вращение внутреннего сливного патрубка обеспечивается упорным подшипником в верхней части корпуса, выше лопастей. Лопасти вдоль боковой поверхности сливного патрубка выполнены винтовыми с вектором вращения вверх по оси вращения. Патрубок отвода чистой воды расположен в верхней части корпуса, перед ним имеется отражательный козырек. Нижняя часть сливного патрубка ...

07-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806790C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. С нижней стороны фильтрующего элемента установлена сетка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. На внутренней боковой поверхности нижней части кожуха установлена съемная втулка цилиндрической ...

08-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806853C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. Внутренняя боковая поверхность нижней части кожуха снабжена установленными по образующей цилиндра ребрами. Основание кожуха выполнено съемным.

08-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2806850C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для очистки и обеззараживания воды. Устройство содержит корпус с крышкой с уступами в нижней части, цилиндрический фильтрующий элемент, диаметр которого равен внутреннему диаметру корпуса, входной патрубок, отстойник, выполненный в форме полой полусферы, обращенной центром вниз, и вертикальную трубку, установленную в корпусе и соединенную с входным патрубком. В крышке установлен выходной патрубок. На внутренней поверхности крышки установлены ультрафиолетовые светодиоды. По центру фильтрующего элемента установлена перфорированная втулка. В нижней части перфорированной втулки установлен кожух, нижняя часть которого выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, а верхняя имеет конусообразную форму. В верхней части кожуха выполнено отверстие, диаметр которого равен диаметру перфорированной втулки. На внутренней боковой поверхности нижней части кожуха установлена съемная втулка цилиндрической формы. Основание кожуха выполнено съемным. На периферии ...

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94020901A

Микрофильтр относится к технике отделения микроорганизмов при микробной очистке стоков микрофильтрованием и может быть использован на молочных, сыроваренных, рыбоконсервных заводах, мясокомбинатах и других предприятиях. Сущность изобретения: на приводном валу между верхним и нижним дисками, к которым своими основаниями прикреплена коническая фильтровальная перегородка, размещен дополнительный диск, сообщенный с верхним диском симметрично установленными трубами, выполненными с перфорированными стенками, причем нижний конец трубы заглушен, а верхний конец сообщен с напорной полостью верхнего диска и патрубком подвода среды на отделение биомассы.

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009115678A

... 1. Установка водоподготовки для обработки воды, содержащая по меньшей мере один фильтровальный блок, по меньшей мере один дезинфекционный блок, детектирующий блок и управляющий блок, причем упомянутым детектирующим блоком может детектироваться число живых организмов на единицу объема воды, и при этом упомянутый дезинфекционный блок управляется упомянутым управляющим блоком и упомянутым детектирующим блоком в зависимости от детектированного числа живых организмов. ! 2. Установка по п.1, в которой упомянутый детектирующий блок подключен после дезинфекционного блока. ! 3. Установка по п.2, в которой упомянутый детектирующий блок включает в себя флуорометр для обнаружения живых организмов в воде, и при этом упомянутый флуорометр измеряет минимальную и максимальную флуоресценцию по отношению к единице объема воды и дополнительно имеет оценочный блок для вычисления переменной флуоресценции и числа живых организмов контрольного вида. ! 4. Установка по п.3, в которой упомянутый флуорометр имеет ...

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94020900A

Изобретение относится к микробной очистке стоков селекционированными микроорганизмами, адаптированными к данному загрязнению, с отделением микроорганизмов микрофильтрованием и может быть использовано на молочных, сыроделательных, рыбоконсервных заводах, мясокомбинатах и других аналогичных предприятиях с выработкой белково-витаминной добавки. Сущность изобретения: биомикрофильтр 19 содержит верхний 1 и нижний 2 параллельные диски, закрепленную между дисками 1 и 2 своими основаниями коническую фильтровальную перегородку 3, внутренняя полость 4 которой сообщена с патрубком 5 подвода субстрата, и распорный элемент 6. Между верхним 1 и нижним 2 дисками жестко на приводном валу 7 установлены дополнительные верхний 8 и нижний 9 диски, с симметрично размещенными в них параллельно приводному валу 7 трубами 10 с перфорированными стенками 11, нижний конец 12 которых заглушен, а верхний конец через дополнительные трубки 13 сообщен с напорной полостью 14 верхнего диска 1. 2 ил.

07-08-1985 дата публикации

Способ очистки сточных вод животноводческих комплексов

Номер: SU1171440A1

СПОСОБ ОЧИСТКИ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД ЖИВОТНОВОДЧЕСКИХ КОМПЛЕКСОВ, включающий механическую очистку, обработку жидкой фракции в электрическом поле в дйе ступени с возвратом пенного концентрата, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения степени и времени очистки , жидкую фракцию после обработки в электрическом поле подвергают обработке в напорном флотаторе, а пенньй концентрат со всех стадий обработки возвращают в исходные сточные воды перед механической S очисткой.

20-03-1973 дата публикации

Водоприемное устройство

Номер: SU374233A1

15-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: SU502656A1

29-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002626697C3

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for regenerating and recycling soiled fluid from cleaning of sawn wafer blocks, especially of silicon, comprising centrifuge for removing solids and fluid supply and recycling systems

Номер: DE202005019078U1

Apparatus for regenerating soiled cleaning fluid from the cleaning of sawn wafer blocks comprises a centrifuge (104) for removing solids from the soiled fluid; a supply system (102, 110, 112) for transferring the soiled fluid from the block cleaning device (100) to the centrifuge; and a recycling system (106, 114, 116) for returning the purified fluid to the block cleaning device.

09-02-1995 дата публикации

Process and plant for treating salt brine

Номер: DE0004427478A1

The invention relates to a process for treating salt brine, containing common salt, resulting from the pickling of vegetables, in particular sauerkraut, which is characterised in that - in a preliminary stage, preferably immediately following the said initial stage, the particles of suspended matter, cloud (haze)-forming substances and/or fibrous materials - together with microorganisms or microorganism agglomerates adhering thereto or deposited thereon - and if appropriate high-molecular-weight organic compounds are separated and removed, for example by gravity separation, in particular by centrifugation or filtration, from the brine which is considerably diluted by the removal of water from the fresh vegetable resulting from the salt treatment, in that, if appropriate after passing through an intermediate stage with intermediate storage, intermediate purification or the like, in addition - in a main stage the salt concentration of 1-3.5% by mass, in particular 1.5-2.5% by mass, is decreased ...

05-01-1983 дата публикации

Process for desludging waste waters containing solid particles

Номер: DE0003122922A1

A process is specified for desludging waste waters, in which the flushing water containing solid particles is collected in a vessel. The process is suitable in particular for desludging the paint slurry produced during spray-painting in spray cabins and spray booths. The process is that the solid particles produced are kept in suspension by circulation, the solid particles reaching the liquid surface are continuously removed from this and these solid particles are separated off in a centrifuge. The circulation is preferably performed via a pump and spray pipes arranged in the vessel, while for continuous removal of the solid particles from the liquid surface a skimmer is provided, with the aid of which the surface layer of the liquid is removed by suction. ...

04-06-1987 дата публикации

Centrifuge for separating off fine solid particles from waste water

Номер: DE0003542114A1

A centrifuge for separating off fine amalgam particles from the waste water produced in a dental practice has a centrifuge drum (14) lying above the drive motor (10), into which centrifuge drum is inserted an amalgam collection vessel (26) to make a positive connection. Through the hollow driveshaft (12), a pipe (52) feeds the waste water to be purified, which rises, leaving behind the amalgam particles, via radial barrier shoulders (40, 42) in the rotating collection vessel (26) and is fed by a peeling arm (98) to an outlet pipe (54), likewise conducted through the hollow driveshaft (12). ...

04-06-1987 дата публикации

Apparatus for separating off amalgam particles

Номер: DE0003542160A1

An apparatus for separating off amalgam particles from the waste waters produced in a dental practice contains a vertical amalgam separation cyclone (24) and an air separation cyclone (22) connected upstream of this. A circulation pump (40) continuously circulates a base water stream through both these cyclones. Via a free-jet nozzle (36), amalgam particle-containing waste water is fed to this base stream. An overflow (58) or a magnetically operated valve (400), controlled in a level-dependent manner, serves for taking off a corresponding amount of purified water from the circulation. On the amalgam separation cyclone (24) is mounted an amalgam collecting vessel (26) which receives water highly enriched with amalgam particles and, after sedimentation of these particles, feeds back purified water to the amalgam separation cyclone (24). For this purpose, the amalgam collecting vessel (26) is equipped with a special deflector piece (76). ...

18-12-1969 дата публикации

Filtervorrichtung fuer schlammhaltige Abwaesser

Номер: DE0001584856A1

18-09-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren zur aaeroben Zersetzung von Klaerschlamm

Номер: DE0001908596A1

12-06-1974 дата публикации

Waste water metal removal by pptn as hydroxide or - carbonate and centrifugation

Номер: DE0002260288A1

Metal cpd. contaminant(s) pref. of Al, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Hg, Pb, Ni, Ag, Sn and/or Zn are removed from the waste H2O by adding a precipitating agent to form an aq. metal cpd. sludge, which is allowed to settle before spn. from the supernatant liquid. The sludge is then tranferred to a continuously operating centrifuge where it is conc. by centrifugation at >800 G pref. >1,400 G. The process is used to treat contaminated waste H2O from electro-plating, electropolishing anodizing, Zn, Fe, or Mn phosphating, metal strippers, paint spray booths and strippers and pickling and wet-blasting processes. The metal cpd. obtained are used to obtain the metal, after electrolysis or are dried and used in synthesis. The process has the advantages of reduced pollution more than 2% is recovered and handling and storing costs are reduced compared with sludge formation by treatment with acid or alkaline soln. but no centrifuging.

05-11-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8523529U1

10-03-2011 дата публикации

Kontinuierliche Rußwasserbehandlung

Номер: DE102009034494A1

Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Behandlung von Rußwasser, das bei einer Vergasung von schwermetallhaltigen flüssigen Kohlenwasserstoffen anfällt. Das Rußwasser wird ohne Zugabe von Hilfsstoffen in einer Vorentwässerungsstufe auf bis zu 10% Feststoffgehalt zentrifugiert, wobei ein pastöser, schwermetallreicher Rußschlamm erhalten wird und ein schwermetallarmes Zentrat anfällt, welches als Nutzwasser wieder in den Vergasungsprozess zurückgeführt wird.

22-08-2001 дата публикации

Water Filter

Номер: GB0000116008D0

23-06-2004 дата публикации

Treatment of ballast water

Номер: GB0000411180D0

05-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001385949A

... 1385949 Sewage disposal by combustion BABCOCK & WILCOX CO 26 July 1972 [17 Aug 1971] 34959/72 Heading F4B In a ship's sewage disposal system the sewage is treated, comminuted and delivered to a nozzle in the main furnace where it is sprayed into the combustion zone and burned. Fresh water at 9 is delivered to the ships galley, laundry and wash water system 10. The drainage 11 passes to a filter 12 from which part is drawn off by pump 15 to a sanitary water supply tank 14, the pump being controlled by sensors to keep the level in tank 14 at a desired level. This water is used in the sanitary system 19, the drainage 20 from which passes to disinfecting tank 18. The other part 17 of the water from filter 12 also passes to tank 18. Rotary agitators 21 keep the solids in suspension in tank 18 and the take off 30 passes to a main holding tank through a flow measuring device 32. Signals 33 from device 32 control the rate of supply of disinfectants from chemical mix tank 24. Overflow 42 from tank ...

01-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001407894A

... 1407894 Washing and rinsing system L E NEWENS 27 June 1973 30470/73 Heading C1C [Also in Division B7] Apparatus for washing vehicles includes a washing and rinsing means and a reclaiming means for reclaiming wash and rinse water; used wash water receiving means (10b and 10c) for receiving wash water draining from the surface of the vehicle being washed; sludge separating means (18) for separating sludge from the used wash water; conveying means (20) operable to convey used wash water from said receiving means to said sludge separating means; a storage area (10a) operable to receive and hold used wash water after separation of sludge; conveying means (12 and 14) operable to convey wash water from said storage area to the washing means (16) in the wash operation; used rinse water receiving means (30b and 30c) for receiving rinse water draining from the surface of the vehicle being rinsed; used rinse water filtering means (40 and 46); conveying means (38, 42 and 44) operable to convey used ...

28-06-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to methods and apparatus for treating sewage and the like sludge

Номер: GB0001073383A

... Raw sewage is supplied via crude mechanical sorting 3 and grease trap 8 to clarifier 9. The liquid passes via line 13 through biological filter 14 to a secondary clarifier 16 for discharge of purified liquid effluent at 18. Sludge from clarifier 9 is concentrated (12) digested (21) and centrifuged (27) to give a solid product at 35 and a liquid product which after treatment on beds 40, and optionally chemical treatment, is returned via line 41 to the start of the process with overflow in concentrator 12. Sludge from clarifier 16 is recycled via line 17.

18-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001367534A

... 1367534 Flocculating waste waters SOC ANON DE PONT-BRULE 14 Sept 1971 [16 Sept 1970] 42883/71 Heading C1C [Also in Divisions B2 and C3] A process for obtaining a proteinaceous product comprising proteins and optionally other components, e.g. lipids, comprises a step of flocculating waste water containing proteins and optionally other impurities, e.g. lipids, by treating the waste water with calcium, magnesium and/or ferric chloride and/or aluminium sulphate at a pH of 5À5-7À0 and at a temperature of at least 60‹ C. The flocculated material containing the proteins and other impurities, if present, collects at the surface of the water and after separating it from the water it is treated to obtain a proteinaceous product. The separated flocculated material may be directly dried by heating or treated in a process comprising the steps of heating, centrifuging, heating and centrifuging. The waste water may be obtained from bone, skin or fish flour producing plants, bone degreasing plants or slaughter ...

01-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002241904B

16-10-2002 дата публикации

Dynamic sedimentation system

Номер: GB0002374297A

A dynamic sedimentation system comprises inlet pipe 6 through which raw turbid water enters inlet facility 1, to fill compartment 3 thus priming siphon pipe 7 and filling sedimentation tank 2 of circular plan-form until full, entering said tank tangentially at its perimeter, imparting rotational motion to its contained water about a vertical axis through its center, and lowering water level in compartment 3, whereupon pipe 7 becomes unprimed halting inflow to tank 2 and slowing rotation of water through friction until nearly stationary, thereby causing suspended solids to migrate towards the center of tank 2 and settle, while clear water above is drawn off through float supported pipe end 14, and conveyed to clear water storage reservoir 4 and supply, and remaining sediment laden water in tank 2 is automatically drained for disposal by waste pipe 29 through valve 28 at the bottom of the tank.

16-09-1992 дата публикации

Biological treatment of waste water

Номер: GB2253622A

There is described a small-sized and low cost waste water biological treating tank especially suitable for domestic installation. The tank 10 contains a porous soft ceramic material 40 which supports the treating microorganisms. Waste or raw water is supplied to the tank from above through a downwardly opening pipe 21, is pushed up by the action of air bubbles generated by a bottom mounted air inlet 30, and then flows over a cylindrical weir 50 into the ceramic material 40 in which the water is purified by microorganisms which digest the nutrient in the water. The surface area of the porous ceramic element 40 is generally about 25 times greater than that of conventional plastics elements. Treated water passes through an outlet 12 and may then be subjected to a centrifugal sludge separation step and an anaerobic biological treatment step (fig. 5). ...

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Ultra compact cyclonic flotation system

Номер: GB2452670A

A cyclonic flotation system may be used to separate oil, grease, solids and other suspended matter from produced water by a combination of flotation and centrifugation in a separator cyclone. The cyclonic flotation system has a higher capacity-to-footprint ratio compared to conventional apparatus resulting in reduced weight and cost. The system is motion independent and suitable for use on floating structures such as offshore platforms and vessels.

17-03-1982 дата публикации

A separator

Номер: GB0002082941A
Автор: Smisson, Bernard

A separator and a method for separating putrescent solids from water in sewage. A vortex chamber (2) has an inlet (for the sewage), a first (solids) outlet (6) and a second (water) outlet (8). Near the outlet (6) there is a flow modifying member (14) which induces a secondary flow in the vortex chamber (2). A portion of this secondary flow passes radially inwardly beneath the member (14) and upwardly through a passage (18). The member (14), if suitably shaped and dimensioned, improves the efficiency of the separator.

21-03-2001 дата публикации

Electrochemical oxidation of matter

Номер: GB0000102648D0

13-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001589551A

In biological effluent treatment by the activated sludge process, the concentration of the degradable impurities in the effluent fed is maintained so high that the formation of bulking sludge is promoted. This is effected by adjusting the space loading to a value from 1 to 2. Due to the degradation properties of the microorganisms forming the bulking sludge, more organic pollution load in the effluent can be degraded. Subsequently, the activated sludge is separated from the treated effluent and at least partially recirculated.

31-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001546900A

28-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001601350A

03-03-2021 дата публикации

Microplastic separator

Номер: GB2582042B

28-02-2006 дата публикации

Device and method for treating water with ozone generated by water electrolysis.

Номер: AP0000001531A

28-02-2006 дата публикации

Washing and recycling unit and method for on-site washing of heavy machinery.

Номер: AP0000001569A

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Device and method for treating water with ozone generated by water electrolysis

Номер: AP2002002526A0

30-06-2003 дата публикации

Washing and recycling unit and method for on-site washing of heavy machinery

Номер: AP2003002718A0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: AP2013007243A0

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Process and installation for the purification and the sterilization of water of swimming pool.

Номер: OA0000001017A

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Device and method for treating water with ozone generated by water electrolysis.

Номер: OA0000012119A

30-06-1981 дата публикации

Processing the liquid waste of extraction of the fruit of the palm tree

Номер: OA0000006255A

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Device and method for treating water with ozone generated by water electrolysis

Номер: AP0200202526A0

30-06-2003 дата публикации

Washing and recycling unit and method for on-site washing of heavy machinery

Номер: AP0200302718A0

30-06-2003 дата публикации

Washing and recycling unit and method for on-site washing of heavy machinery

Номер: AP0200302718D0

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Device and method for treating water with ozone generated by water electrolysis

Номер: AP0200202526D0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: AP0201307243D0

30-11-2013 дата публикации

Water treatment system

Номер: AP0201307243A0

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392255T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499325T

15-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA400084A

15-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA278884A

15-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA291076A

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA644877A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535311T

15-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000619977A

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416149T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410235T

15-08-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Quecksilberabtrennung aus Wäschersuspensionen

Номер: AT516734A4

Den Gegenstand dieser Erfindung bildet ein Verfahren zur Entfernung von Quecksilber aus Wäschersuspensionen (1), die bei einer nassen Rauchgaswäsche anfallen. Die gipshaltige Suspension (1) wird mittels zumindest eines Hydrozyklons (11) eingedickt, wobei der Oberlauf (2, 4) des Hydrozyklons (11) zumindest einem Abwasserzyklon (12) zur Feststoffrückgewinnung zugeführt wird und wobei der Oberlauf (5) des Abwasserzyklons (12) anschließend in einer Abwasserreinigungsanlage (13) behandelt wird. Erfindungsgemäß wird die Quecksilberkonzentration im Oberlauf (5) des Abwasserzyklons (12) erhöht und nur der aufkonzentrierte Abwasserstrom 7 der Abwasserreinigungsanlage 13 zugeführt.

15-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398483A

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000120536T

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000062608T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000106765T

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000186282T

10-01-1975 дата публикации

Procedure and device for the demineralization of liquids

Номер: AT0000319859B

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000310712T

12-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348957B

15-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA75087A

09-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005556986A

08-09-1998 дата публикации

The separation and reuse of nitrates in water

Номер: AU0006223498A

06-10-2005 дата публикации

System and method for recovering oil from a waste stream

Номер: AU2005225407A1

18-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007392981A

04-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002348132A1

27-10-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для очистки поверхностных сточных вод

Номер: RU0000207418U1

Полезная модель относится к области очистки сточных вод, а именно к сооружениям механической очистки поверхностных сточных вод преимущественно от взвешенных веществ и нефтепродуктов. Корпус устройства выполнен из стеклопластиковых труб и состоит из вертикальной секции и сопряженной с ней наклонной секции. Вертикальная секция в верхней части содержит открытый гидроциклон с тангенциальным патрубком и трубопроводом отвода осадка с установленными на нем задвижкой и обратным клапаном. В нижней части вертикальной секции расположен бункер с коническим днищем для осадка и устройством для удаления осадка. Корпус в месте сопряжения вертикальной и наклонной секций снабжен перегородкой, не доходящей до низа места их сопряжения, с глухой верхней частью и перфорированной нижней. По длине наклонной секции по ходу движения сточных вод последовательно установлены модуль тонкослойного отстаивания, устройство сбора нефтепродуктов - ленточный олеофильный скиммер, полупогружная и переливная перегородки, и погружной насос для отвода очищенной воды, соединенный с патрубком отвода очищенной воды. В наклонной секции размещено также устройство транспортирования осадка с патрубком подачи промывной воды и струенаправляющими насадками, выполненное из двух трубопроводов с наконечниками, расположенными под перегородкой ниже ее перфорированной части эквидистантно коническому днищу бункера. Позволяет повысить степень очистки поверхностных сточных вод по основным нормируемым показателям загрязнения (взвешенным веществам, нефтепродуктам, БПК, ХПК). 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 418 U1 (51) МПК C02F 1/40 (2006.01) E03F 5/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 1/38 (2021.08); C02F 1/40 (2021.08); E03F 5/14 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021117539, 17.06.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.10.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2021 Бюл. № 30 Адрес для переписки: ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for water treatment

Номер: US20130161267A1

A method for treating a swimming pool, including introducing Mg 2+ to a level from 60 ppm to 300 ppm to the swimming pool by addition of a soluble magnesium compound to the swimming pool, or Mg 2+ to a level from 60 ppm to 1000 ppm by addition of a magnesium halide in addition to a further soluble magnesium compound.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168317A1

The invention is a method and apparatus for processing tarry or resinous liquid suspensions derived from gasification, pyrolysis or drying of biomass. The suspensions are processed by a horizontal axis centrifuge having a discharge chamber containing a scraper to prevent centrifuge clogging or fouling, a volatiles exhaust system utilizing suction, and a means to isolate the gas and light solids radially of the inner liquid surface and thereby enabling the gas and light solids to be extracted continuously to a location outside the centrifuge bowl. The removed tar, char and volatiles can be used as fuel or recycled as feedstock. Polymers can be added prior to centrifugation to assist in solids/liquids separation. Tar, resin, char or volatiles depleted wet scrubber liquid can be recycled for further use or easily treated prior to disposal. 1. A method of cleaning tarry or resinous liquid suspensions wherein the method of separating the tarry or resinous solids from the liquid contained in the suspension is via a centrifuge containing a separately moving bowl , feeder screw and a discharge chamber scraper located outside of the bowl that prevents fouling of the centrifuge discharge chamber by tarry or resinous solids as well as an outlet located in the liquids discharge chamber to allow volatiles removal from the char-solids depleted liquid suspension.2. The method of in which the volatiles include light solids.3. The method of in which the light solids contain naphthalene.4. The method of in which the centrifuge is a horizontal axis type.5. The method of in which the liquid suspension is a wet scrubber liquid containing tar and/or tar/char solids.6. The method of in which the liquid suspension is a wet electrostatic precipitator liquid containing tar and/or tar/char solids.7. The method of in which tar is adsorbed by the char.8. The method of in which supplementary solids are added to the liquid suspension.9. The method of in which supplementary solids contain ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228523A1

An inlet device is provided for providing a mixture of a less dense liquid component and a more dense liquid component to a separator vessel. The inlet device comprises an annular chamber and an inlet which causes the mixture to swirl around the axis of the annular chamber. As a result, a vortex is caused in the separator vessel as the mixture enters it from the inlet device. This vortex is used to separate the more dense liquid component from the less dense liquid component, with the less dense liquid component being forced to the centre of the vortex where it is removed via an outlet which runs through the centre of the annular chamber. The inlet device also comprises a gas distributor for introducing gas bubbles into the mixture before it enters the separator vessel, thereby improving the separation of the more dense liquid component from the less dense liquid component. There is also provided a separator apparatus comprising the inlet device and the separator vessel and a method for separating a more dense liquid component from a less dense liquid component. 1. An inlet device for providing a mixture of a less dense liquid component and a more dense liquid component to a separator vessel , comprising:an annular chamber having a vertical axis and opening upwardly;an inlet for receiving the mixture in the bottom of the annular chamber,the inlet being configured to cause the mixture to swirl about the vertical axis as it leaves the top of the annular chamber to create a vortex in the separator vessel;a first outlet for the discharge of primarily the less dense fluid component from the separator vessel, the first outlet being axially aligned with and disposed within the annular chamber; anda gas distributor for introducing gas bubbles into the mixture before it leaves the annular chamber.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an inlet chamber arranged at the bottom of the annular chamber for receiving the mixture via the inlet and inducing swirl into the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

System and method for the treatment of wastewater

Номер: US20140021137A1
Принадлежит: ProAct Services Corp

A system and method for the treatment of wastewater. In one aspect, the invention can be a method for treating wastewater comprising: a) introducing untreated wastewater into a holding tank: b) flowing the untreated wastewater into a first wastewater treatment trailer to provide a first treatment regimen to the untreated wastewater to form a first treated wastewater c) flowing the first treated wastewater into a second wastewater treatment trailer to provide a second treatment regimen to the first treated wastewater to form a second treated wastewater; and wherein the holding tank, the first wastewater treatment trailer and the second wastewater treatment trailer are fluidly coupled together to facilitate flow of the untreated wastewater from the holding tank into the first wastewater treatment trailer and flow of the first treated wastewater from the first Wastewater treatment trailer into the second wastewater treatment trailer.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027385A1
Принадлежит: Caltec Limited

A separation system for separating a fluid mixture includes a uniaxial cyclonic separator () having a first inlet () for receiving a fluid mixture, a separation chamber () for separating the fluid mixture by cyclonic action into a dense first fluid and a less dense second fluid, a first outlet () for the first fluid and a second outlet () for the second fluid. The system further includes a reverse flow cyclonic separator () having a second inlet () for receiving the first fluid from the first outlet (), a separation chamber for separating the first fluid by cyclonic action into a dense third fluid and a less dense fourth fluid, a third outlet () for the third fluid and a fourth outlet () for the fourth fluid. A method for the bulk separation of water from an oil/water mixture is also provided. 1. A separation system for the bulk separation of water from an oil/water mixture , the system comprising:a uniaxial cyclonic separator comprising a first inlet for receiving the oil/water mixture, a spiral-shaped inlet chamber, a separation chamber that separates the oil/water mixture by cyclonic action into a first fluid and a second fluid, the first fluid being denser and having a greater proportion of water than the second fluid, at least one spiral-shaped outlet chamber, a first outlet for the first fluid and a second outlet for the second fluid,a first reverse flow cyclonic separator having a second inlet that receives the first fluid from the first outlet, a separation chamber that separates the first fluid by cyclonic action into a third fluid and a fourth fluid, the third fluid being denser and having a greater proportion of water than the fourth fluid, wherein the third fluid comprises an oil/water mixture containing less than 1% oil, a third outlet for the third fluid and a fourth outlet for the fourth fluid,a second reverse flow cyclonic separator having a third inlet that receives the second fluid from the second outlet, a separation chamber that separates the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Centrifuge process for dewatering oil sands tailings

Номер: US20140054231A1
Принадлежит: Syncrude Canada Ltd

A process for dewatering oil sands tailings is provided, comprising providing a tailings feed having a solids content in the range of about 10 wt % to about 45 wt %; adding a flocculant to the tailings feed and mixing the tailings feed and flocculant to form flocs; and centrifuging the flocculated tailings feed to produce a centrate having a solids content of less than about 3 wt % and a cake having a solids content of at least about 50 wt %.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007945A1
Автор: CHUN Jong-Hwa, KIM Yuri

Provided is a pore water extraction kit for extracting pore water in a seabed sediment. More specifically, provided is a pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment for more easily extracting pore water separated from a sediment through a centrifugal separator tube. 1. A pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment , comprising:a centrifugal separator tube including a sample accommodating space formed therein so as to store a sample, an extraction hole formed in an outer surface thereof in order to extract pore water separated from the sample, and an elastic membrane sealing the extraction hole; andan extractor including a pore water accommodating space formed therein so as to accommodate the pore water and a needle formed at one end thereof so as to penetrate through the elastic membrane to allow the sample accommodating space and the pore water accommodating space to be in communication with each other.2. The pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of extraction holes are disposed to be spaced apart from each other in a length direction of the centrifugal separator tube.3. The pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment of claim 1 , wherein the extraction hole is formed at a position higher than a boundary between the sediment and the pore water within the centrifugal separator tube.4. The pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment of claim 1 , wherein the centrifugal separator tube is configured so that an upper side thereof is opened and is openable and closable by a cap claim 1 , and the cap is provided with a pressing means so as to apply pressure to the sample accommodating space.5. The pore water extraction kit of a seabed sediment of claim 1 , wherein the extractor includes a filter disposed at an introduction side of the pore water accommodating space and filtering the pore water introduced into the pore water accommodating space. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to Korean Patent ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Water Treatment Device

Номер: US20220024784A1

A water treatment device including a first hydrocyclone and a biocidal fluid injector is described. The first hydrocyclone has an internal space, a water inlet for supplying water into the internal space, a base outlet for discharging at least a part of the water, and an apex outlet. The biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject a biocidal fluid into the internal space for eliminating organisms present in the water. The biocidal fluid injector is positioned such that a pressure within the injected biocidal fluid is lower than a head pressure of the first hydrocyclone. 1. A water treatment device comprising a first hydrocyclone and a biocidal fluid injector;the first hydrocyclone having an internal space, a water inlet for supplying water into the internal space, a base outlet for discharging at least a part of the water, and an apex outlet; andthe biocidal fluid injector being configured to inject a biocidal fluid into the internal space for eliminating organisms present in the water, wherein the biocidal fluid injector is positioned such that a pressure within the injected biocidal fluid is lower than a head pressure of the first hydrocyclone.2. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid in a region of a central axis of the first hydrocyclone.3. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid in a direction parallel to a central axis of the first hydrocyclone.4. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the biocidal fluid injector is configured to inject the biocidal fluid via the apex outlet.5. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , the biocidal fluid injector comprising a production unit configured to produce the biocidal fluid.6. The water treatment device according to claim 5 , the biocidal fluid injector further comprising a pump connected to the production unit ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009689A1

A method and a kit for determining the amount of anammox bacteria in a bioreactor, comprising the steps of: 113-. (canceled)14. A method of determining the amount of anammox bacteria in a bioreactor , comprising:i) removing a sample from the bioreactor;iii) mixing the sample with alkali;v) heating the sample to at least 60° C.;vi) separating solid components from a liquid phase in the sample;vii) adding a reducing agent to the liquid phase;viii) measuring the translucence of the liquid phase in a spectrophotometer at three wavelengths ranging from 500 to 600 nm;ix) comparing the measured translucence to a reference spectrum.15. A method according to claim 14 , further comprising separating the solid components from liquid components of the sample.16. A method according to claim 15 , further comprising suspending the solid components in an alkaline solution.17. A method according to claim 14 , wherein a wavelength measurement at a first wavelength takes place at 530-540 nm claim 14 , a second wavelength at 545-555 nm claim 14 , and a third wavelength at 565-575 m.18. A method according to claim 15 , wherein separating the solid components is effected by centrifugation.19. A method according to claim 14 , wherein the reducing agent is a salt of a dithionous acid.20. A method according to claim 19 , wherein the salt of dithionous acid comprises NaSO.21. A method according to claim 14 , wherein the bioreactor comprises a clarifying basin.22. A kit comprising a sample vessel claim 14 , an alkali or alkaline solution claim 14 , a reducing agent claim 14 , and a spectrophotometer claim 14 , which is operable at least at three wavelengths ranging from 500 to 600 nm.23. A kit according to claim 22 , further comprising a heating facility.24. A kit according to claim 22 , further comprising a separating device for solid substances.25. A kit according to claim 22 , further comprising a sample vessel claim 22 , in which the alkali or alkaline solution is introduced.26. A kit ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009692A1

Apparatus for salt separation () under supercritical water conditions, comprising a heat exchanger () and a fluidized bed reactor (). The fluidized bed reactor comprising a supercritical water pressure containing wall () defining therein a fluidized bed chamber () connected to an inlet system () at one end thereof and an outlet system () configured to separate solids from supercritical fluid at another end thereof. The fluidized bed chamber receives a fluidized bed () therein and is configured to receive through the inlet system () a liquefied aqueous substance () for treatment in the fluidized bed chamber. The inlet system () comprises an inlet chamber () and a fluidization plate () positioned between the inlet chamber () and the fluidized bed chamber (). The fluidized bed chamber extends between the inlet system () and outlet system () and comprises an entry section () adjacent the inlet system (), an outlet section () adjacent the outlet system (), and a mid-section () extending between the entry section and the outlet section. The heat exchanger () extends along the fluidized bed chamber () and is configured to generate a decreasing temperature gradient in the fluidized bed chamber from the outlet section () to the entry section (), the temperature gradient in the outlet section and mid-section being supercritical for aqueous substances and being subcritical for aqueous substances in the entry section () adjacent the fluidization plate (). 19-. (canceled)10. Apparatus for salt separation under supercritical water conditions , comprising a heat exchanger and a fluidized bed reactor , the fluidized bed reactor comprising a supercritical water pressure containing wall defining therein a fluidized bed chamber connected to an inlet system at one end thereof and an outlet system configured to separate solids from supercritical fluid at another end thereof , the fluidized bed chamber receiving a fluidized bed therein and configured to receive through the inlet system a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009454A1

A system and process for removing solids from raw, untreated liquid that combines mechanical techniques, such as via shakers, hydrocyclones and/or centrifuges, with an additive technique for removal of smaller solids. The additive is selected according to the application. In drilling mud applications, preferred additive embodiments are polyaluminum chloride or polyacrylamide flocculants. Preferably, liquid additive precursors are pre-mixed separately and are then blended before injection into the solids removal process. Some embodiments provide an externally-actuated rack and pinion mud screen lock for simplified screen lockdown on shakers. Some embodiments provide a separate preliminary processing and feed system for pretreatment of the raw, untreated liquid. 1. A method for removing solids from an untreated liquid , the method comprising the steps of:(a) passing the untreated liquid through at least two treatment shakers to yield a first treated liquid;(b) passing the first treated liquid through at least two hydrocyclones to yield a second treated liquid;(c) adding a particle-removing additive to the second treated liquid to yield a third treated liquid; and(d) passing the third treated liquid through at least two centrifuges to yield a fourth treated liquid.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the particle-removing additive in step (c) includes at least one flocculant selected from the group consisting of:(1) a polyaluminum chloride; and(2) a polyacrylamide;and in which the particle-removing additive is pre-mixed with a precursor liquid prior to addition to the second treated liquid.3. The method of claim 1 , in which the particle-removing additive in step (c) is a blend of at least two compounds claim 1 , wherein each compound is pre-mixed with its own precursor liquid prior to blending together.4. The method of claim 3 , in which at least one of the compounds includes a flocculant selected from the group consisting of:(1) a polyaluminum chloride; and(2) a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010348A1

In alternative aspects, the invention provides process for the use of ionic liquids in the remediation and amelioration of oilsand materials, including treatment of tailings products including but not limited to mature fine tailings (MFT), separation of bitumen from oilsand, bitumen transportation, remediation of spilled bitumen and dilbit, treatment (breakage) of steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and heavy oil emulsions, solids removal from oil processing streams, in-situ bitumen recovery, in-situ extraction from mineral reservoirs, production well chemicals, CO2 sequestration and fracking fluids. 1118.-. (canceled)119. A process for the use of an ionic liquid to mobilize heavy oil or bitumen from an oil resource , wherein the process comprises adding an ionic liquid to an oil resource to form a mixture of the ionic liquid and hydrocarbon.120. The process of claim 119 , wherein the process comprises:pumping ionic liquid into a reservoir, allowing the ionic liquid to become loaded with heavy oil or bitumen to form the mixture, andextracting the mixture from the reservoir.121. The process of claim 119 , wherein bitumen or heavy oil is separated from mineral solids upon addition of an aqueous solution.122. The process of claim 119 , wherein the extracted mixture is configured to separate into multiple layers including: an ionic-liquid-hydrocarbon layer predominantly comprising ionic liquid and bitumen and/or heavy oil; a clay layer predominantly comprising clay; and a sand layer predominantly comprising sand.123. The process of claim 122 , wherein claim 122 , when water is added in a separation process claim 122 , the multiple layers further comprise a water layer.124. The process of claims 122 , wherein the ionic-liquid-hydrocarbon layer is configured to be a stable mixture having negligible vapour pressure claims 122 , a density below that of water claims 122 , and a viscosity lower than 1000 cP at 40° C.125. The process of claim 119 , wherein the extracted ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Water Dissociation System

Номер: US20220033280A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker Ben
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

A system and method are provided in at least one embodiment to process water to produce gas that can be separated into at least two gas flows using a water treatment system having a disk-pack rotating in it to cause out gassing from the water. In a further embodiment, the method and system use the gas released from the water to produce substantially fresh water from the processed salt water. 1. A water dissociation system comprising:a vortex housing having a vortex chamber; a housing defining a chamber,', 'a disk-pack turbine within said chamber and in fluid communication with the vortex chamber,', 'at least two discharge channels extending away from the chamber, and', 'at least two discharge outlets, each in fluid communication with one of said discharge channels; and, 'a disk-pack module having'}a drive system module engaging said disk-pack turbine.2. The water dissociation system according to claim 1 , further comprisinga cover over said vortex housing, andat least one valve passing through said cover; andwherein said vortex housing having a plurality of vortex inlets in fluid communication with the vortex chamber.3. The water dissociation system according to claim 2 , further comprising a controller electrically connected to said at least one valve.4. The water dissociation system according to claim 1 , wherein each discharge outlet extends up from said housing of said disk-pack module and is taller than said vortex housing.51. The water dissociation system according to claim 1 , wherein said discharge outlet includes a cavity that flares out from said discharge channel.6. The water dissociation system according to claim 1 , wherein said vortex chamber is above said disk-pack turbine and said drive system module.7. The water dissociation system according to claim 6 , wherein said drive system module includes a motor and a driveshaft connecting said motor to said disk-pack turbine.8. The water dissociation system according to claim 7 , wherein said driveshaft ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016288A1
Автор: Culver Terry Gordon

A system and method for separating two or more materials, such as a solid from a liquid, or a solid from a slurry, are provided. An exemplary system and method for separating drill cuttings from drilling fluids are provided, as well as a system and method of processing such separated drill cuttings. In another implementation, a system and method is provided for separating gold (or another mineral, element, or solid) from a slurry or liquid that includes mining cuttings. 1. A system for processing a mineral slurry that includes one or more minerals that were recovered at least partially from a petroleum geologic formation , the system comprising:a receiving vessel operable to receive the mineral slurry that includes the one or more minerals, the receiving vessel operable to provide at least a portion of the mineral slurry at one or more output openings;a pump configured to pump at least a portion of the mineral slurry provided from the one or more output openings of the receiving vessel; anda separator configured to receive at least a portion of the pumped mineral slurry, and to separate at least a portion of the one or more minerals of the pumped mineral slurry that were recovered at least partially from the petroleum geologic formation to provide a first mineral output, and to provide a remaining mineral slurry to a second location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the separator includes one or more from the group that consists of a hydrocyclone claim 1 , a double hydrocyclone claim 1 , a high G hydrocyclone claim 1 , a screw press claim 1 , a belt press claim 1 , a filter claim 1 , an ion exchange membrane claim 1 , a desalination system claim 1 , and a rotary fan press.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the separator includes at least one hydrocyclone.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a slurry communication path wherein at least a portion of the remaining mineral slurry provided by the separator is provided to the receiving vessel and at least ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016611A1

The present disclosure provides processes for removing hydrocarbons, oil coated solids, and suspended solids from a separated water stream produced from a produced water source. In particular, the methods comprise subjecting the separated water stream to a centrifugal separation followed by filtration. 1. A process for removing hydrocarbons from a separated water stream to produce a treated water stream , the separated water stream having a hydrocarbon concentration of at least about 0.1% by weight , wherein the process comprises:(a) feeding the separated water stream into a cyclonic deoiler to form an oil phase and a water phase; and(b) feeding the water phase through a filter system to remove solids thereby forming the treated water stream;wherein the treated water stream has a hydrocarbon concentration of less than about 0.01% by weight, and the cyclonic deoiler and the filter system are mounted on a mobile platform.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon concentration of the separated water stream is at least about 0.2% by weight.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cyclonic deoiler comprises a liner.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cyclonic deoiler comprises a plurality of liners.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of liners comprises an inlet port and a reject port.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the inlet port has a diameter of from about 127 mm to about 190 mm.7. The process of claim 5 , wherein the reject port has a diameter of from about 7 mm to about 15 mm.8. The process of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of liners has a flow rate of between about 30 gpm to about 90 gpm.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separated water stream enters the cyclonic deoiler at a pressure from about 50 to about 200 psi.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the separated water stream enters the cyclonic deoiler at a pressure from about 90 to about 100 psi.11. The process of claim 1 , the cyclonic deoiler is operated at a G force of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021272A1

The present inventions relates to an apparatus for purifying wastewater and a method thereof, which comprises: a stirring part to make bubbles impregnated into floc through high speed stirring by adding floc forming materials to influent and stirring them; an air supply part to supply air to the stirring part to make more bubbles impregnated; a pumping part to conduct pressurized conveying of the floc included treatment water; a cyclone part to separate high density floc to downstream and treatment water with low density floc to upstream from the pressurized treatment water; and a flotation part to separate floc from the treatment water with floc supplied from the cyclone part. Therefore, the present invention have an effect that it is possible to improve purification speed of wastewater and obtain good quality of purified water. 1. An apparatus for purifying wastewater of the present invention comprising: a stirring part to make bubbles impregnated into floc through high speed stirring during forming the floc included treatment water by adding floc forming materials to influent and stirring them; an air supply part to supply air to the stirring part to make more bubbles impregnated; a pumping part to conduct pressurized conveying of the floc included treatment water; a cyclone part to separate high density floc to downstream and treatment water with low density floc to upstream from the pressurized treatment water; and a flotation part to separate floc from the treatment water with floc supplied from the cyclone part.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the apparatus also comprises an influent measurement part installed on upstream of the stirring part to measure concentration of the influent; and a treatment water selection part which is installed between the stirring part and the pumping part to decide discharge of the influent with higher concentration than standard concentration value from the stirring part to the pumping part and discharge of the influent with ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041484A1

A built-in micro-interface papermaking wastewater treatment system and a treatment method are provided in the present invention. The treatment system includes a papermaking wastewater tank, a grid cleaner, an adjustment tank, a centrifugal filter and a sedimentation tank which are connected in sequence, and further includes a heat exchanger, a preheater, a wet oxidation reactor, a gas-liquid separator and a biodegradation tank. A micro-interface unit for dispersing and crushing gas into gas bubbles is disposed inside the wet oxidation reactor. The micro-interface unit includes a pneumatic micro-interface generator, a gas inlet is disposed at a side wall of the wet oxidation reactor, and the gas inlet extends to an interior of the pneumatic micro-interface generator through a pipeline. By arranging the micro-interface unit inside the wet oxidation reactor of the treatment system, the consumption of air or oxygen can be reduced, which realizes low energy consumption and high treatment efficiency. 1. A built-in micro-interface papermaking wastewater treatment system , comprising a papermaking wastewater tank , a grid cleaner , an adjustment tank , a centrifugal filter and a sedimentation tank which are connected in sequence , and further comprising a heat exchanger , a preheater , a wet oxidation reactor , a gas-liquid separator and a biodegradation tank , wherein a first inlet , a first outlet , a second inlet , and a second outlet are disposed on the heat exchanger;wherein the sedimentation tank is connected to the first inlet, the first outlet is connected to a bottom of the wet oxidation reactor through the preheater, an oxidation outlet is disposed on a top of the wet oxidation reactor, the oxidation outlet is connected to the second inlet, the second outlet is connected to the gas-liquid separator, and the gas-liquid separator is connected to the biodegradation tank; andwherein a micro-interface unit for dispersing and crushing gas into gas bubbles is disposed ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028348A1

The invention generally relates to osmotically driven membrane systems and processes and more particularly to systems and processes for handling feed streams without pretreatment and increased brine concentration for zero liquid discharge, including forward osmosis separation (FO), direct osmotic concentration (DOC), pressure-assisted forward osmosis (PAFO), and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO). The system includes: a plurality of forward osmosis units, each having a semi-permeable membrane assembly and a tank; and a separation system in fluid communication with the plurality of forward osmosis units and configured to separate the dilute draw solution into the concentrated draw solution and a solvent system. 1. A system for osmotic extraction of a solvent from a first solution , the system comprising: a semi-permeable membrane assembly comprising a framework and a plurality of membranes coupled thereto and having first sides and second sides, where the first sides define a first plurality of channels for receiving the first solution and the second sides define a second plurality of channels for receiving a concentrated draw solution, wherein the membranes are configured for osmotically separating the solvent from the first solution, thereby forming a more concentrated first solution in the first plurality of channels and a dilute draw solution in the second plurality of channels; and', 'a tank configured for receiving the semi-permeable membrane assembly and the first solution, wherein the semi-permeable membrane assembly is at least partially submerged within the tank;, 'a plurality of forward osmosis units, each comprisinga separation system in fluid communication with the plurality of forward osmosis units and configured for receiving the dilute draw solution from the forward osmosis units, the separation system comprising means for separating the dilute draw solution into the concentrated draw solution and a solvent stream;a plurality of recirculation systems, ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Purification and Recovery of Fracking Water

Номер: US20140116948A1
Автор: Stanley M. Meyer
Принадлежит: Stanley M. Meyer

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to systems and methods for removal of contaminants from water including, but not limited to, industrial wastewater, brackish water, municipal wastewater, drinking waters, and particularly waters obtained from fracking operations. For example, a method for purifying a feed water composition may comprise (a) contacting the feed water composition with soluble permanganate ions (MnO 4 − ) to form a permanganate-treated feed water composition; (b) increasing the pH of the permanganate-treated feed water composition sufficient to form a contaminant precipitate and an alkaline solution; (c) separating the alkaline solution and the contaminant precipitate, forming a supernatant; (d) filtering the supernatant to form a first eluate and a first filtrate comprising suspended solids; (e) lowering the pH of the first eluate to form a reduced pH first eluate; (f) filtering the reduced pH first eluate through activated carbon to form a second eluate; and/or (g) exposing the second eluate to ultraviolet (UV) light and separating any precipitate formed from the treated water, wherein the treated water is purified relative to the feed water composition.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031533A1

The present invention concerns a process for removing metal ions from waste water, which process comprises providing plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose, carrying out a purification treatment comprising sorption of positively charged metal ions contained in the waste water to said nanofibrillar cellulose, separating used plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose from the waste water, and recovering treated waste water. The invention also concerns use of plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose for removing metal ions from waste water. 1. A process for removing metal ions from waste water , the process comprising:a. providing plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose, said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose having a zero sheer viscosity of 2,000 to 100,000 Pa·s, and a yield stress of 2 to 50 Pa, when dispersed to a concentration of 0.5 wt.-% in water;{'sup': '3', 'b. using said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose in an amount of 0.005 to 25 kg/mwaste water, based on the dry weight of the nanofibrillar cellulose, to carry out a purification treatment comprising sorption of positively charged metal ions contained in the waste water, to said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose;'}c. separating used plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose from the waste water; andd. recovering treated waste water.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose has a zero sheer viscosity of 5 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000 Pa·s when dispersed to a concentration of 0.5 wt.-% in water.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose has a yield stress of 3 to 20 Pa claim 1 , when dispersed to a concentration of 0.5 wt.-% in water.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said plant-derived anionic nanofibrillar cellulose comprises nanofibrillar cellulose manufactured from oxidized cellulosic raw material having a carboxylate content ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Purifying Water

Номер: US20180037484A1

A water purifying and recovery system includes a first vessel defining an interior area and having an inlet for receiving water into the interior area to be purified and an outlet for draining the water from the interior area, the first vessel defining an open top in communication with the interior area. A first electrode assembly includes a first cap selectively situated in the open top of the first vessel, the first electrode assembly having a first electrode body operatively depending from the first cap and positioned in the interior area of the first vessel, the first electrode assembly being electrically connected to an electricity source and configured to energize the first electrode body. The first electrode assembly is configured to separate a predetermined first impurity from the water that is in the interior area of the first vessel when energized. 1. A method for purifying and recovering water from a single water stream , comprising:receiving water from the single water stream into a first vessel defining an interior area and having an inlet for receiving water into said interior area to be purified and an outlet for draining the water from said interior area, said first vessel defining an open top in communication with said interior area; a first cap selectively situated in said open top of said first vessel;', 'a first electrode body operatively depending from said first cap and positioned in said interior area of said first vessel, said first electrode assembly being electrically connected to an electricity source and configured to energize said first electrode body;, 'passing the received water over a first electrode assembly situated in the interior area of said first vessel, said first electrode assembly comprisingseparating a predetermined first impurity from the water that is in said interior area of said first vessel by energizing said first electrode body;wherein said first electrode body is constructed of a predetermined metal and is energized ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and Installation for Processing Raw Liquid Manure and/or Fermentation Residues from Biogas Production

Номер: US20150041405A1

A method for processing raw liquid manure and/or fermentation residues involves providing raw liquid manure and/or fermentation residues, purifying the raw liquid manure and/or fermentation residues in a first purification stage so as to form a first solid phase and a first purified liquid phase, pre-conditioning the first purified liquid phase in order to separate ultrafine particles from the first purified liquid phase, and purifying the first purified liquid phase in a second purification stage so as to form a second solid phase and a second purified liquid phase.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Continuous Flow Centrifuge For Fluid Separation Or Water Desalination And Purification

Номер: US20170043357A1
Автор: Sherman Karl Lee

In an embodiment, a continuous flow centrifuge for water desalination comprises a double walled enclosure casing having a water egress and ingress. The centrifuge rotates around a central axis, which a rotor extends through wherein one or more main ball bearings and one or more thrust roller bearings aid in the rotation. Extending from the rotor is a plurality of radial flow chambers terminating in one or more circumferential drain openings allowing for the selective expulsion of fluid. Pluralities of channel divider discs extend from the rotor and are between the radial flow chambers. A fluid outlet is connected to an egress of the centrifuge. A pump impeller is positioned at the egress wherein water is pulled through the ingress. 1. A continuous flow centrifuge comprising:a. a double-walled enclosure casing having a water ingress, a water egress and central axis, and defining a plurality of radial flow chambers;b. one or more circumferential drain apertures positioned at the outer circumference of the radial flow chambers;c. a rotor extending through the central axis of the centrifuge connected to the centrifuge;d. a plurality of channel divider discs extending outwardly from the rotor;e. a fluid outlet connected to an egress of the centrifuge.2. The continuous flow centrifuge of claim 1 , wherein the channel divider discs are each positioned within a radial flow chamber claim 1 , and are adapted to rotate around the axis within the radial flow chambers.3. The continuous flow centrifuge of further comprising one or more O-ring seals at a plurality of connections within the centrifuge.4. The continuous flow centrifuge of further comprising one or more main ball bearings integrated to support the centrifuge and aid in rotation of the centrifuge.5. The continuous flow centrifuge of further comprising one or more thrust roller bearings to further aid in the rotation of the device.6. The centrifuge of further comprising a pump impeller positioned at the egress to pull ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Emulsion Extraction and Processing From An Oil/Water Separator

Номер: US20160052799A1

A method of emulsion extraction and processing from an oil/water separator, comprising detecting an emulsion parameter, passing an emulsion stream out of the separator, combining the emulsion stream with a water stream exiting the separator to create a diluted emulsion, dynamically adjusting a dilution of the diluted emulsion based at least in part on the emulsion parameter, and separating the diluted emulsion into an underflow stream comprising substantially water and a reject stream comprising substantially oil. 1. A method of emulsion extraction and processing from an oil/water separator , comprising:detecting an emulsion parameter,passing an emulsion stream out of the separator,combining the emulsion stream with a water stream exiting the separator to create a diluted emulsion;dynamically adjusting a dilution of the diluted emulsion based at least in part on the emulsion parameter; andseparating the diluted emulsion into an underflow stream comprising substantially water and a reject stream comprising substantially oil.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:separating the underflow stream into a second underflow stream comprising substantially water and a second reject stream comprising substantially oil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting an emulsion parameter comprises detecting the emulsion level in the separator or detecting the composition of the emulsion stream.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the water flow exiting the separator through a liquid/liquid jet pump prior to combining with the emulsion flow.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein dynamically adjusting a dilution of the diluted emulsion comprises throttling the water stream exiting the separator.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein dynamically adjusting a dilution of the diluted emulsion comprises throttling the emulsion stream exiting the separator.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the emulsion is an oil-continuous emulsion claim 1 , further comprising passing ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050348A1
Автор: Whitney Mark

An apparatus for processing liquid from a quench water tower includes a first pipe for removing the liquid from the quench water tower; a hydrocyclone in fluid communication with the first pipe and in which the liquid is separated into particulate and liquid constituents by centrifugal force; and an oil-water separator downstream of and in fluid communication with a first outlet of the hydrocyclone. A related system and method are also provided. 1. A system for processing liquid from a quench water tower , comprising:a quench water tower;a first pipe for removing the liquid from the quench water tower;a hydrocyclone in fluid communication with the first pipe and in which the liquid is separated into particulate and liquid constituents by centrifugal force; andan oil-water separator downstream of and in fluid communication with a first outlet of the hydrocyclone.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second pipe in fluid communication with a second outlet of the hydrocyclone and an inlet of the quench water tower through which the liquid constituent is returned to said quench water tower.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising at least one cooling apparatus coacting with the second pipe for cooling the liquid constituent passing through said second pipe.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pump in fluid communication with the first pipe for moving the liquid from the quench water tower through the first pipe to the hydrocyclone.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a third pipe in fluid communication with the oil-water separator for removing process water therefore.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising a fourth pipe in fluid communication with the oil-water separator for removing heavy oil therefrom.7. An apparatus downstream of and for processing liquid from a quench water tower claim 5 , comprising:a first pipe for removing the liquid from the quench water tower;a hydrocyclone in fluid communication with the first pipe and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048732A1
Автор: BARKER Will, CRUSH Oliver

The invention relates to a process for recovering metals from aqueous solutions or solid feedstocks such as ores and waste. In particular, the invention relates to a method of recovering a target metals using a microorganism. 1. A method of recovering a target metal from a pregnant aqueous solution containing the target metal , or of recovering a target metal , the method comprising:(a) optionally a dissolution step comprising dissolving the target metal from a solid feedstock material with a lixiviant to form a pregnant aqueous solution containing target metal ions;(b) a biosorption step comprising contacting a microorganism with the pregnant aqueous solution such that at least a portion of the target metal biosorb to the microorganism, wherein the microorganism becomes metal laden and the pregnant aqueous solution becomes a barren solution;(c) a separating step comprising substantially separating the metal laden microorganism from the barren solution; and(d) a recovery step comprising recovery of the target metal from the metal laden microorganism.2. The method of whereina) the pregnant aqueous solution contains more than 10 ppm of the[JM1] target metal, orb) the barren aqueous solution contains less than 1 ppm of the target metal, or[JM2]c) the concentration factor of the target metal from the pregnant aqueous solution to the microorganism is greater than 5[JM3];3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method of wherein in the biosorption step the microorganism is in contact with the pregnant aqueous solution for between about 0.5 and 48 hours.6. The method of wherein the target metal is gold.7. The method of wherein the microorganism is a Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria.8. The method of wherein the microorganism is selected from an environment where the target metal is found in a physiologically relevant amount.9. The method of wherein the separation step includes at least one of:gravity separation of the metal laden microorganism from the barren aqueous ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073370A1
Принадлежит: Velocity Water Works LLC

An apparatus and method for optimizing hydro-cyclone separation in a filtering system is disclosed. The apparatus includes a first, second and third storage tanks, a pump, a motor, a variable speed drive, and a hydro-cyclone. The pump pulls fluid from the third storage tank and routes it to the hydro-cyclone where particles are separated out. The filtered fluid is then routed onto a mechanism, such as a car wash, where the clean fluid is utilized. Since the car wash cannot always use all of the filtered fluid, a controller monitor flow rate and fluid pressure, and operates a proportional fluid control valve to bypass some or all of the fluid routed to the car wash and redirect it back to the second storage tank. This process allows the hydro-cyclone to operate at maximum efficiency while flow to the carwash may vary. The dirty particles separated out by the hydro-cyclone are routed to the first storage tank. 1. An apparatus for optimizing hydro-cyclone separation in a filtering system , comprising:a) a first storage tank, a second storage tank and a third storage tank sequentially fluidly connected;b) a pump driven by a motor having a variable speed drive, said pump having an inlet and an outlet;c) a first fluid line connecting said third storage tank to said inlet of said pump;d) a hydro-cyclone having an inlet port, a first outlet port and a second outlet port, said hydro-cyclone being positioned downstream of said pump;e) a second fluid line connecting said outlet of said pump to said inlet port of said hydro-cyclone;f) a first pressure transducer positioned across said second fluid line for measuring pump pressure;g) a third fluid line connecting said first outlet port of said hydro-cyclone to a mechanism dispensing filtered fluid;h) a flow transducer positioned across said third fluid line for measuring fluid flow;i) a second pressure transducer positioned across said third fluid line downstream of said flow transducer for measuring output pressure;j) a fourth ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073375A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A system and method for backwashing a sand filter in a wastewater treatment system. In one aspect, the invention can be a system for backwashing a sand filter comprising: a sand filter configured to remove solids from an untreated wastewater; a container storing chlorine fluidly coupled to the sand filter by a chlorine supply manifold; a flow control mechanism positioned on the chlorine supply manifold between the container and the sand filter, the flow control mechanism alterable between a first position whereby chlorine cannot flow from the container to the sand filter and a second position whereby chlorine flows from the container to the sand filter, the flow control mechanism being biased into the first position; and a processor operably coupled to the flow control mechanism and configured to automatically actuate the flow control mechanism into the second position upon detecting that the sand filter is being backwashed. 1. A method for treating wastewater comprising:a) introducing untreated wastewater into a holding tank;b) flowing the untreated wastewater into a first wastewater treatment trailer to provide a first treatment regimen to the untreated wastewater to form a first treated wastewater;c) flowing the first treated wastewater into a second wastewater treatment trailer to provide a second treatment regimen to the first treated wastewater to form a second treated wastewater; andwherein the holding tank, the first wastewater treatment trailer and the second wastewater treatment trailer are fluidly coupled together to facilitate flow of the untreated wastewater from the holding tank into the first wastewater treatment trailer and flow of the first treated wastewater from the first wastewater treatment trailer into the second wastewater treatment trailer.2. The method of wherein step b) further comprises:{'b': '1', '#text': 'b-) flowing the untreated wastewater through one or more sand filters to remove solids suspended in the untreated wastewater and to ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060361A1

A draw solute including an oligomer having an amino acid repeating unit with an ionic moiety and a counter ion thereof, and a forward osmosis water treatment device and method using the same are provided. 2. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein the oligomer comprises a main chain of polyaspartic acid claim 1 , a main chain of polyglutamic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein the oligomer has a number-average molecular weight of about 500 g/mol to about 10 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.4. The draw solute of claim 3 , wherein the oligomer has a number-average molecular weight of about 1000 g/mol to about 8000 g/mol.5. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein the counter ion comprises one of Na claim 1 , Li claim 1 , K claim 1 , Rb claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , or Ba.6. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein an osmotic pressure greater than or equal to about 10 atm is generated by the draw solute for a draw solution including the oligomer at a concentration of about 0.2 g/ml.7. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein a reverse salt flux of less than or equal to about 1 GMH is exhibited by the draw solute for a draw solution including the oligomer at a concentration of less than or equal to about 0.5 g/ml.8. The draw solute of claim 1 , wherein a water flux of greater than or equal to about 4 LMH at an osmotic pressure of about 20 atm is exhibited by the draw solute.10. The forward osmosis water treatment device of claim 9 , wherein the oligomer comprises a main chain of polyaspartic acid claim 9 , a main chain of polyglutamic acid claim 9 , or a combination thereof.11. The forward osmosis water treatment device of claim 9 , wherein the oligomer has a number-average molecular weight of about 500 g/mol to about 10 claim 9 ,000 g/mol.12. The forward osmosis water treatment device of claim 11 , wherein the oligomer has a number-average molecular weight of about 1000 g/mol to about 8000 g/mol.13. The forward osmosis water treatment device of ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060133A1

At least one solid may be separated from a water-based fluid by flowing the water-based fluid through a filter media in combination with filtration equipment, such as a filter press. In a non-limiting embodiment, the filter media may be or include, but is not limited to, diatomaceous earth and at least one alkaline earth metal(s). The solid(s) may be or include a metal, such as but not limited to zinc, iron, manganese, mercury, nickel, cations thereof, and combinations thereof. In a non-limiting embodiment, the water-based fluid may be or include a production fluid, a drilling fluid, a drill-in fluid, a completions fluid, a fracturing fluid, a servicing fluid, a stimulation fluid, a treating fluid, and combinations thereof. 1. A method for removing at least one solid from a water-based fluid comprising:flowing a water-based fluid through filtration equipment at least a first time where the filtration equipment comprises a filter media, and the filter media in turn comprises an effective amount of diatomaceous earth and an effective amount of at least one alkaline earth metal or compound thereof to at least partially remove the at least one solid from the water-based fluid; andat least partially separating the solid(s) from the water-based fluid to form a filtered water-based fluid.2. The method of where the at least one solid is a metal selected from the group consisting of zinc claim 1 , iron claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , mercury claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , cations of these metals claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of where the filtered water-based fluid has a pH greater than at least 8.5.4. The method of where the water-based fluid has a pH ranging from about 4 to about 7 prior to flowing through the filtration equipment.5. The method of where the effective amount of diatomaceous earth within the filter media ranges from about 2 pounds per one hundred barrels (100 bbl) independently to about 50 lb per one barrel (1 bbl) of water-based fluid.6. The ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055147A1

Described herein are systems and methods for treatment of contaminated water employing a mobile supported biofilm. The treatment systems include a bioreactor, a mobile biofilm disposed within the bioreactor, and a solid-solid separation unit attached to the bioreactor. The solid-solid separation unit is adapted to receive an effluent stream from the bioreactor, wherein the effluent contains the mobile biofilm, and separate at least a portion of the mobile biofilm from the effluent and return it to the bioreactor. 1. A method of treating contaminated water , the method comprising:(a) adding a first bioreactor influent and a mobile biofilm to a first bioreactor;(b) providing conditions suitable for the mobile biofilm to biochemically transform one or more contaminants in the first bioreactor influent to form a first bioreactor effluent comprising at least the mobile biofilm, water, and residual solid matter;(c) separating, in a liquid-solid separation unit, water from a first portion of the first bioreactor effluent to form an underflow;(d) isolating, in a solid-solid separation unit, 50% to 100% of the mobile biofilm from a second portion of the first bioreactor effluent to form an isolated mobile biofilm stream and a residual solids stream;(e) adding a second bioreactor influent and a portion of the isolated mobile biofilm stream to a second bioreactor;(f) providing conditions suitable for the portion of the isolated mobile biofilm stream added to the second bioreactor to biochemically transform one or more contaminants in the second bioreactor influent to form a second bioreactor effluent which includes the isolated mobile biofilm; and(g) delivering the second bioreactor effluent to the first bioreactor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein (a) further comprises adding suspended growth to the first bioreactor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isolating is cyclonic isolating.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:separating, in another liquid-solid ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Treatment of sludges and flocculants using insoluble mineral colloidal suspensions

Номер: US20180057375A1
Автор: Eyster Perry, Henson Bynum

A method of separating sludge which involves adding an insoluble mineral colloidal suspension into an industrial sludge to destabilize the industrial sludge and separating destabilized components of the industrial sludge. The insoluble mineral colloidal suspension includes magnesium hydroxide. In an alternative embodiment dry finely divided magnesium hydroxide can be added and then dispersed into an industrial sludge. Conventional flocculants and/or coagulants can also be added. Conventional physical separation processes can be used to separate the destabilized industrial sludge. 1. A method of separating sludges which comprises:obtaining an industrial sludge;adding an insoluble magnesium hydroxide colloidal suspension into the industrial sludge to destabilize the industrial sludge; andseparating destabilized components of the industrial sludge.2. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein a flocculant and/or coagulant is added to the industrial sludge to aid in the separation of the destabilized components of the industrial sludge.3. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the industrial sludge is a waste water sludge.4. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the industrial sludge is refinery sludge.5. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the industrial sludge is a combined bottom sludge and top float.6. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the insoluble magnesium hydroxide colloidal suspension has a solids percent by weight of at least 25%.7. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the insoluble mineral colloidal suspension has a solids percent of up to 65%.8. A method of separating sludges according to claim 1 , wherein the insoluble mineral colloidal suspension has a solids percent by weight that ranges from 25% to 65%.9. In a process for physically separating components of a sludge the improvement comprising adding insoluble ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057852A1

A biofiltration system for filtering wastewater includes a tower containing a packed bed on which biofilm is able to form and an air inlet below the packed bed and an air outlet above the packed bed. A water feed above the packed bed disperses wastewater over the packed bed. The biofilm serves as a biological contact reactor removing organic and/or inorganic contaminants from the water. Following filtration of the water through the packed bed, filtered water and solid waste sloughed off from the packed bed collects in a sump below the packed bed. Water flows from a water outlet in the sump to a centrifugal separator that separates solid material from water drawn from the sump to expel a waste stream and a filtered water stream. 1. A biofiltration system , comprising:a tower that houses a packed bed on which biofilm is able to form;a water feed above the packed bed;a water outlet in a sump below the packed bed,an air inlet below the packed bed;an air outlet above the packed bed; anda centrifugal separator, which is operable to separate solid material from water drawn from the sump to expel a waste stream and a filtered water stream.2. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a pump configured to circulate water from the sump to the water feed.3. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the centrifugal separator is configured to run continuously.4. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the centrifugal separator is configured to periodically expel a waste stream.5. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising a waste outlet of the centrifugal separator claim 4 , which is fitted with a valve and timer configured to periodically expel the waste stream.6. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the centrifugal separator is configured to return filtered water to the sump or to the water feed.7. The biofiltration system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the air inlet is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062172A1
Принадлежит: Boost Environmental systems Inc.

It is provided process of extracting ammonia gas from a source containing magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) particles such as wastewater comprising the steps of isolating MAP particles from the wastewater, heating the MAP particles to a temperature of 50-120° C. in an atmosphere with a relative humidity between 50-120%, decomposing the MAP and producing a solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; and collecting the ammonia gas. The MAP particles are MgNHPO.6HO or struvite. 1. A process of extracting ammonia gas from a source containing magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) particles comprising the steps of:a) isolating MAP particles from the source;b) heating MAP particles to a temperature of 50-120° C. in an atmosphere with a relative humidity between 50-120%, decomposing the MAP and producing a solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; andc) collecting the ammonia gas.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are MgNHPO.6HO.3. The process of or claim 1 , wherein the source of MAP particles is heated a temperature of 75-85° C.4. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the relative humidity is between 80-100%.5. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are heated and decomposed for up to 24 hours.6. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the MAP particles are heated and decomposed for 1-2 hours.7. The process of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the source of MAP particles is wastewater.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the wastewater is municipal wastewater claim 7 , industrial wastewater or agriculture wastewater.9. The process of any one of - claim 7 , further comprising the steps of:d) mixing the solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate with the source of MAP particles;e) isolating the MAP particles;f) heating the MAP particles mixed with to the solid decomposing the MAP and producing a new solid comprising magnesium hydrogen phosphate and ammonia gas; andg) collecting ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and process for treating liquids containing chlorosilanes

Номер: US20160068408A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Chlorosilane-containing process streams are treated by vaporizing the process stream, contacting the vaporized process stream with an alkaline medium in a scrubber, the scrubbing liquid being maintained at a pH of 9-13 by introduction of alkaline medium, and feeding the scrubbing medium to a waste treatment plant containing at least one mixing tank in which the pH is adjusted to the range of 7-9 by addition of mineral acid, separating solids by means of a centrifuge, and isolating separated solids.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144836A1

A method and a system for selecting and retaining solids with superior settling characteristics, the method comprising feeding wastewater to an input of a processor that carries out a treatment process on the wastewater, outputting processed wastewater at an output of the processor, feeding the processed wastewater to an input of a gravimetric selector that selects solids with superior settling characteristics, and outputting a recycle stream at a first output of the gravimetric selector back to the processor. 1. A method for selecting and retaining solids with superior settling characteristics , the method comprising:feeding wastewater to an input of a processor that carries out a treatment process on the wastewater;outputting processed wastewater at an output of the processor;feeding the processed wastewater to an input of a gravimetric selector that selects solids with superior settling characteristics; andoutputting a recycle stream at a first output of the gravimetric selector.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:outputting a waste stream at a second output of the gravimetric selector to solids handling, where solids handling includes at least one thickening, stabilizing, conditioning, and dewatering.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:supplying the recycle stream from the first output of the gravimetric selector to the processor.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the recycle stream comprises solids with superior settling characteristics.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the waste stream is rejected and the recycle stream is returned to the processor.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the waste stream comprises solids with poor settling and filtration characteristics or that have increased potential for membrane fouling.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process comprises:a suspended growth activated sludge process;a granular process;an integrated fixed-film activated sludge process;a biological nutrient removal process;an ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069615A1
Автор: Nap Kyle

The present invention provides a portable high throughput liquid filter system. 1. A portable filter system for high throughput purification of liquids comprising:(a) a platform comprising first and second filter units, each filter unit being of a width and height and a top and bottom, wherein said width is greater than said height, wherein each of said filter units comprises a first filter media and wherein each of said filters comprises at least one inlet and at least outlet said inlets configured to be connected to a liquid source and said outlets configured to be connected to a discharge manifold;(b) and a pressure sustaining valve downstream of said discharge manifold capable of sustaining pressure of at least 20-50 psi.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said platform comprises from two to eight filter units.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said filter units have at least 3 inlets capable of being configured to at least 3 inlet lines.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said filter units have at least 3 outlets capable of being connected to a discharge manifold by at least three outlet lines.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein each of said filters slants upwards from the left and right sides upward to the center.6. The system according to claim 1 , capable of filtering 100 gallons per minute to 850 gallons per minute.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the filters contain filter media.8. The system according to claim 7 , wherein said filter media is crushed glass claim 7 , ground glass claim 7 , carbon claim 7 , sand claim 7 , graphine claim 7 , garnet claim 7 , fine coarse gravel claim 7 , anthracite claim 7 , ⅝″ crushed gravel or a resin.9. The system according to claim 1 , wherein each filter comprises three six inch inlets.10. The system according to claim 1 , wherein each filter comprises three eight inch outlets.11. The portable filter system according to claim 1 , wherein said system further comprises first ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075581A1

Method for treating water from the oil and gas industries, especially production water from oil and/or gas fields, with a view to its re-utilization, comprising a step for filtering said water on reverse osmosis membranes comprising a step of adsorption of the organic matter contained in said water, said step of adsorption being planned upstream to said step of filtration and being implemented on at least one adsorbent resin chosen from the group constituted by the non-ionic cross-linked resins and the microporous carbon resins, and corresponding installation. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for treating water from the oil and gas industries including produced water from oil and/or gas fields , with a view to reutilizing the water , comprising:filtering said water with reverse osmosis membranes; andcharacterized in that the method comprises adsorbing organic matter contained in said water upstream of filtering the water with reverse osmosis membranes and being implemented on at least one adsorbent resin chosen from the group consisting of non-ionic cross-linked resins and microporous carbon resins.18. The method of further including pre-treating said water upstream of adsorbing the organic matter from the water.19. The method of wherein the pre-treatment comprises a physical separation process claim 18 , a physical-chemical process claim 18 , or a biological treatment process or a combination of two or all three of said pre-treatment processes.20. The method of wherein adsorbing the organic matter comprises utilizing a specific adsorbent resin that is effective to eliminates a target organic compound.21. The method of wherein adsorbing the organic matter includes utilizing two or more adsorbent resins the enable the elimination of one or more organic compounds.22. The method of comprising in-situ regeneration of said at least one adsorbent resin.23. The method of wherein of the in-situ regeneration of said at least one adsorbent resin is achieved by a regeneration ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Disk-Pack Turbine

Номер: US20220089460A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker Ben
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

A system and method are provided in at least one embodiment to process water to produce gas that can be separated into at least two gas flows using a water treatment system having a disk-pack rotating in it to cause out gassing from the water. In a further embodiment, the method and system use the gas released from the water to produce substantially fresh water from the processed salt water. 1. A disk-pack turbine comprising:two disks each having a waveform surface with a plurality of waveform rings centered about an axial center of said disk-pack turbine and a plurality of vanes around an exterior of said disk and outside of said waveform rings, said waveform surfaces face each other,one disk includes a plurality of recesses each configured to receive a respective vertical member of said other disk, said vertical members define convergent and divergent channels extending away from said axial center.2. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 1 , wherein each disk has a non-circular perimeter.3. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 2 , wherein said non-circular perimeter includes a waveform.4. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 2 , wherein said non-circular perimeter includes a series of scallop shapes.5. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 1 , wherein a height of each disk at a lowest level of the waveform face is larger than a maximum depth of the waveform face.6. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 1 , wherein one disk includes a central flat region centered on the axial center and defines one side of an expansion chamber.7. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the waveform rings include hyperbolic waveforms.8. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 7 , wherein the plurality of vanes defines a plurality of channels that curve out away from said waveform rings.9. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 8 , wherein a width of each channel increases along a length of the respective channel.10. The disk-pack turbine according to ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

System And Method For Mechanical And Membrane Oil-Water Separation

Номер: US20140158620A1

A system for the separation of the components of an oil, water, and solids mixture, the system comprising a mechanical separation module comprising an oily water output and an input adapted to receive an oil, water, and solids mixture; and a membrane separation module comprising an oily water input and a recirculation output. The oily water output of the mechanical separation module is in flow communication with the oily water input of the membrane separation module, and the recirculation output of the membrane separation module is in flow communication with the input of the mechanical separation module. 1. A system for the separation of the components of an oil , water , and solids mixture , the system comprising:a mechanical separation module comprising an oily water output and an input adapted to receive an oil, water, and solids mixture;a membrane separation module comprising an oily water input and a recirculation output;wherein the oily water output of the mechanical separation module is in flow communication with the oily water input of the membrane separation module; andwherein the recirculation output of the membrane separation module is in flow communication with the input of the mechanical separation module.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical separation module further comprises an oil output.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the membrane separation module further comprises a water output.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the mechanical separation module is comprised of at least one of a hydrocyclone block claim 3 , a bag filter block claim 3 , or a centrifuge.5. The system of further comprising a chemical dosing module.6. The system of further comprising a heater module.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the oil claim 6 , water claim 6 , and solids mixture is an emulsion.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein at least one of the modules of the system is skid mounted.9. A method for separating the components of an oil claim 7 , water claim 7 , ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Concentrating of wastewater to reduce flow rate, cost, and footprint of treatment system

Номер: US20170081227A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A system to remove contaminants from contaminated water contains a pre-concentrating subsystem, a contaminant removal subsystem or a biological subsystem configured to remove two or more contaminants, and a permeate blending subsystem. A process for removing contaminants from contaminated water includes concentrating contaminated water, treating concentrated contaminated water, and combining product water to produce environmentally acceptable product water.

23-03-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Cleaning Wellbore Cuttings and Drilling Fluid

Номер: US20170081930A1
Автор: McMillian David

A system for cleaning slurry containing drilling cuttings or drilling fluids may include a slurry sump, separator, screen, liquid tank, surge hopper, and a cleaner. The cleaner may further include a rotary retort furnace which may both dry the slurry to a cake and oxidize any organic matter. The furnace may operate at a temperature of between 1200° F. and 2000° F., inclusively. The cleaning system may recycle the liquid used by returning it to the truck that brought the slurry, or, in the case of drilling fluid, collecting the liquid for use as a fuel source or reconstituting the drilling fluid by mixing the liquid with the cake after heating. The cleaned slurry produced by the system may be suitable for re-use or non-hazardous disposal. 2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a slurry sump; anda slurry pump, the slurry pump configured to pump material out of the slurry sump.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a liquid tank claim 2 , wherein the slurry sump claim 2 , liquid tank claim 2 , and separator are in fluid communication with each other claim 2 , wherein the slurry sump may be configured to receive the material from an outside source and the separator may be configured to receive the material from the slurry sump claim 2 , and wherein both the liquid tank and the slurry sump are configured to receive the first portion from the separator.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a surge hopper.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the separator is a hydrocyclone.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace is configured to heat said second portion to a temperature between 1200° F. and 2000° F. claim 1 , inclusively.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace is a rotary retort furnace.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the furnace is configured to control the oxygen content of the gases inside the furnace.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the furnace is configured to maintain the oxygen content of the gases inside the furnace to between ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166576A1
Принадлежит: Oreco A/S

A system of separating oil and water from produced or fracturing water with an intended separation direction, the system includes: a unit for feeding the produced or fracturing water to a solid-fluid separator; a membrane system configured to output clean water; and a decanter configured to output solids, wherein the decanter or the membrane system is coupled to an output of the solid-fluid separator; wherein the membrane system or the decanter is configured to feed remaining fluid from the membrane system or decanter to an oil extractor system configured to output oil; and wherein the oil extractor system comprises a high speed separator configured to output the oil, and has a feedback conduit for feeding a remaining water containing fluid back to the membrane system. 1. A system of separating oil and water from produced or fracturing water with an intended separation direction , the system comprising:a unit for feeding the produced or fracturing water to a solid-fluid separator;a membrane system configured to output clean water; anda decanter configured to output solids, wherein the decanter or the membrane system is coupled to an output of the solid-fluid separator;wherein the membrane system or the decanter is configured to feed remaining fluid from the membrane system or decanter to an oil extractor system configured to output oil; andwherein the oil extractor system comprises a high speed separator configured to output the oil, and has a feedback conduit for feeding a remaining water containing fluid back to the membrane system.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane system is coupled to a flushing system or a backward flush system.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the flushing system or the backward flush system is configured to flush or back-flush with a flushing agent.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the flushing or the backward flush system is configured to flush with pulses claim 2 , or back-flush with back-pulses. ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Contaminated water treatment system, method and apparatus

Номер: US20160096749A1
Автор: Doell Keith, Trainor Kyle

In one aspect the invention provides a fluid treatment apparatus for treating contaminated fluid. The apparatus comprises a container having base member and a peripheral containment wall and defining a total interior volume. The apparatus further comprises at least one container inlet to receive said contaminated fluid, at least one container outlet to discharge water separated from said contaminated fluid, a separation region suitable to receive said contaminated fluid, to allow separation of said contaminated fluids into less dense contaminants, water and denser contaminants, and to store said denser contaminants as a sediment layer on the base member. The apparatus further comprises a water collection region suitable to receive water from the separation region and direct said water to said at least one container outlet, and an oil collection region, suitable to receive less dense contaminants from the separation region. 1. A fluid treatment apparatus for treating contaminated fluid comprising:a container having base member and a peripheral containment wall and defining a total interior volume;at least one container inlet to receive said contaminated fluid;at least one container outlet to discharge water separated from said contaminated fluid;a separation region suitable to receive said contaminated fluid, to allow separation of said contaminated fluids into less dense contaminants, water and denser contaminants, and to store said denser contaminants as a sediment layer on the base member;a water collection region suitable to receive water from the separation region and direct said water to said at least one container outlet; andan oil collection region, suitable to receive less dense contaminants from the separation region.2. The fluid treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container is a generally upright cylinder having an axis; andwherein said axis of said cylindrical container is oriented with the vertical axis.3. The fluid treatment apparatus of claim ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107902A1

A system and method for backwashing a sand filter in a wastewater treatment system. In one aspect, the invention can be a system for backwashing a sand filter comprising: a sand filter configured to remove solids from an untreated wastewater; a container storing chlorine fluidly coupled to the sand filter by a chlorine supply manifold; a flow control mechanism positioned on the chlorine supply manifold between the container and the sand filter, the flow control mechanism alterable between a first position whereby chlorine cannot flow from the container to the sand filter and a second position whereby chlorine flows from the container to the sand filter, the flow control mechanism being biased into the first position; and a processor operably coupled to the flow control mechanism and configured to automatically actuate the flow control mechanism into the second position upon detecting that the sand filter is being backwashed. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of backwashing a sand filter in a wastewater treatment system , the method comprising:a) flowing wastewater through at least one sand filter in a first flow direction;b) backwashing the at least one sand filter to form backwashed water; andc) upon initiation of step b), automatically injecting chlorine into the at least one sand filter.22. The method of wherein steps b) and c) occur contemporaneously.23. The method of wherein step b) comprises flowing a fluid through the at least one sand filter in a second flow direction claim 21 , the second flow direction being opposite the first flow direction claim 21 , and wherein step c) comprises automatically injecting the chlorine into the fluid before the fluid enters the at least one sand filter to form a chlorinated fluid.24. The method of wherein steps b) and c) occur contemporaneously and comprise automatically flowing the chlorinated fluid through the at least one sand filter in the second flow direction.25. The method of further comprising: a-1) flowing the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Converting Organic Waste Into Methane and Other Useful Products

Номер: US20150111272A1
Автор: James L. Denson, JR.
Принадлежит: WM Intellectual Property Holdings LLC

An organic waste processing system and method for producing an organic waste slurry for the production of bio-gas, transportation fuels or chemical products, wherein the system and method produces an organic waste slurry having substantially ten to fifteen percent in total solids and high levels of COD.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190900A1
Принадлежит: Rotech Group Limited

An apparatus for treating contaminated water and may include an inlet, configured to receive contaminated water from a body of water. The contaminated water may include one or more pollutants (such as oil), and the apparatus may be configured to provide for separating those pollutant(s) from water to provide recovered pollutant(s) (e.g. recovered oil) and treated water. The apparatus may also include a water outlet for returning treated water to a body of water. In some examples, the apparatus comprises a separation volume, having inner and outer chamber, which can be used to separate rotating contaminated water. 1. Underwater apparatus for treating contaminated water , the apparatus comprising an inlet configured to receive contaminated water from a body of water , such contaminated water comprising water and one or more pollutants , and wherein the apparatus is configured to provide for separating pollutant(s) from water to provide recovered pollutant(s) and treated water , wherein the apparatus comprises a water outlet for returning treated water to a body of water.2. Apparatus according to comprising a pollutant outlet for providing recovered pollutant(s) to further apparatus.3. Apparatus according to wherein the apparatus is configured to be substantially underwater at a particular distance below the surface of water and/or the apparatus is configured for variable buoyancy.4. Apparatus according to wherein the inlet is substantially surface facing in use.5. Apparatus according to comprising a separation volume for separating pollutant(s) and water from contaminated water claim 1 , the separation volume being in communication with the inlet.6. Apparatus according to configured so as to impart a rotation on contaminated water such that contaminated water rotates within the separation volume claim 5 , such as by using one or more vanes at the inlet.7. Apparatus according to wherein the separation volume comprises an inner and an outer separation chamber claim 1 , ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Retrofit Attachments for Water Treatment Systems

Номер: US20140209535A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker B.
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

In at least one embodiment, the invention provides a retrofit for existing water treatment systems where the retrofit includes at least one of the following: a particulate separator, a supplementary inlet, and a waveform disk-pack turbine. In a further embodiment, the invention includes a water treatment system combined with at least one of the following: a particulate separator, a supplementary inlet, and a waveform disk-pack turbine. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A disk-pack turbine comprising:a top rotor having an axially centered opening passing therethrough,a plurality of disks having a substantially even thickness throughout that is less than 5 mm and at least two waveforms present on each disk, each disk having an axially centered opening passing therethrough,a bottom rotor axially centered with said top rotor and said plurality of disks, andat least one connection component connecting said top rotor, said plurality of disks and said bottom rotor.17. (canceled)18. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 16 , wherein each of said at least one connection component includesa plurality of spacers each having a hexagonal opening passing therethrough, anda support member having a hexagonal cross-section that passes through a respective hexagonal opening present in each disk and at least one spacer between neighboring disks such that along said support member there is a stack of said spacers and said disks.19. The disk-pack turbine according to claim 16 , wherein said at least two waveforms are selected from a group consisting of circular claim 16 , sinusoidal claim 16 , biaxial claim 16 , biaxial sinucircular claim 16 , a series of interconnected scallop shapes claim 16 , a series of interconnected arcuate forms claim 16 , hyperbolic claim 16 , and/or multi-axial including combinations of ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137537A1

A method and a system for selecting and retaining solids with superior settling characteristics, the method comprising feeding wastewater to an input of a processor that carries out a treatment process on the wastewater, outputting processed wastewater at an output of the processor, feeding the processed wastewater to an input of a gravimetric selector that selects solids with superior settling characteristics, and outputting a recycle stream at a first output of the gravimetric selector back to the processor. 1. A method for selecting and retaining solids with superior settling characteristics , the method comprising:feeding wastewater to an input of a processor that carries out a treatment process on the wastewater;treating the wastewater in the processor;outputting processed wastewater at an output of the processor;feeding the processed wastewater to an input of a gravimetric selector that selects solids with superior settling characteristics;outputting a recycle stream at a first output of the gravimetric selector; andsupplying the recycle stream to the processor.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:outputting a waste stream at a second output of the gravimetric selector to solids handling, where solids handling includes at least one of thickening, stabilizing, conditioning, and dewatering.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the recycle stream comprises solids with superior settling characteristics.4. The method of claim 1 , outputting a waste stream at a second output of the gravimetric selector claim 1 , wherein the waste stream is rejected.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the waste stream comprises solids with poor settling and filtration characteristics or that have increased potential for membrane fouling.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process comprises:a suspended growth activated sludge process;a granular process;an integrated fixed-film activated sludge process;a biological nutrient removal process;an aerobic digestion process ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138349A1

The present disclosure is directed to stabilized drill cuttings and a process to stabilize the drill cuttings recovered from drilling a well. The cuttings are mixed with an emulsifier and waxy binding agent and then passed through a centrifuge to separate the stabilized drill cuttings from liquid. The stabilized drill cuttings can then be disposed in a suitable landfill. The stabilized cuttings may also be processed to remove oil and/or bitumen from them, prior to disposal. 1. A process for stabilizing drill cuttings comprising the steps of:a. providing a slurry comprising the drill cuttings to a tank having a mixing device;b. adding an emulsifier and waxy binding agent to the slurry in the tank;c. mixing the slurry with the mixing device;d. removing at least a portion of the slurry from the tank to a centrifuge;e. passing the at least a portion of the slurry through the centrifuge to separate a liquid and stabilized solid cuttings; andf. disposing of the stabilized solid cuttings.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of adding liquid to the slurry in the tank.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising the step of returning at least a portion of the separated liquid from the centrifuge to the tank.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of providing the slurry comprises separating the slurry comprising the drill cuttings from returned drilling fluid used for drilling a well claim 1 , by passing the returned drilling fluid through a shaker to separate the slurry comprising the drill cuttings.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the emulsifier is a nitrogen containing compound and/or wherein the waxy binding agent is a lipophilic agent.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the emulsifier is an imidazoline.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the emulsifier is a TOFA/DETA imidazoline claim 1 , Tarbreak Plus or JC2090.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the waxy binding agent is one or more of stearamides claim 1 , stearates claim 1 , ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Treatment of tailings streams with one or more dosages of lime, and associated systems and methods

Номер: US20190135663A1
Принадлежит: Graymont Western Canada Inc

Methods and systems for treating oil sands tailings streams using multiple dosages of lime are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, the method comprises providing a tailings stream including 3-40% solids by total weight, combining the tailings stream with a first dosage of lime to produce a first mixture having a pH of less than 12.0, and then combining the first mixture with a polymer to produce a second mixture. In some embodiments, the method can further include combining the second mixture with a second dosage of lime to produce a third mixture having a pH greater than 12.0, and dewatering the third mixture in a centrifuge unit and/or a pressure filtration unit to produce a product stream having 55% or more solids by weight.

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Water Treatment System and Method

Номер: US20140224722A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker B.
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

The invention in at least one embodiment includes a system for treating water having an intake module, a vortex module, a disk-pack module, and a motor module. In a further embodiment, a housing is provided over at least the intake module and the vortex module and sits above the disk-pack module. In at least one further embodiment, the disk-pack module includes a disk-pack turbine having a plurality of disks having at least one waveform present on at least one of the disks. 1. A system comprising:a motor module having a base; a disk-pack turbine in rotational engagement with said motor module,', 'a turbine housing defining an accumulation chamber in which said disk-pack turbine resides, and', 'a discharge housing defining a discharge chamber in fluid communication with said accumulation chamber through a discharge channel and a discharge port in fluid communication with said discharge chamber;, 'a disk-pack module having'}a vortex module in fluid communication with said disk-pack turbine;a plurality of conduits extending from said vortex module; andan intake screen defining a space around said vortex module and said plurality of conduits or an intake screen over each conduit feeding said vortex module.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of conduits defines a passageway from proximate to a bottom of the space defined by said intake screen upwards to the vortex chamber inlets claim 1 , and each of said plurality of conduits includes a plurality of bends.3. (canceled)4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the bends include at least one 90 degree bend and one 45 degree bend.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The system according to claim 1 , further comprisinga plurality of support members connected to said disk-pack module and said vortex module,a housing cover connected to at least one of said plurality of support members, said housing cover including a bottom opening and a cavity in which said intake module and said vortex ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141840A1
Автор: Nyhuis Geert

In an embodiment, the present invention provides a method for the biological cleaning of wastewater in an activated-sludge plant including at least one activated-sludge tank, the method including: contacting, in the plant, the wastewater with activated sludge in the activated-sludge tank so as to clean the wastewater; and after the cleaning of the wastewater, separating, in the plant, the suspended activated sludge from the cleaned wastewater by sedimentation in a secondary clarification tank downstream of the activated-sludge tank or in the activated-sludge tank. The activated sludge suspended in the wastewater is admixed with growth bodies in the activated-sludge tank in order to contact the growth bodies with the microorganisms present in the activated sludge and to bring about formation of a biofilm of microorganisms on the growth bodies. 1. A method for the biological cleaning of wastewater in an activated-sludge plant comprising at least one activated-sludge tank , the method comprising:contacting, in the plant, the wastewater with activated sludge in the activated-sludge tank so as to clean the wastewater; andafter the cleaning of the wastewater, separating, the plant, the suspended activated sludge from the cleaned wastewater by sedimentation in a secondary clarification tank downstream of the activated-sludge tank or in the activated-sludge tank,wherein the activated sludge suspended in the wastewater is admixed with growth bodies in the activated-sludge tank in order to contact the growth bodies with the microorganisms present in the activated sludge and to bring about formation of a biofilm of microorganisms on the growth bodies,wherein the growth bodies comprising plastic or rubber have a higher density than the wastewater and the suspended activated sludge in order to bring about an increase in the settling rate of the activated sludge during the sedimentation in the secondary clarification tank or the activated-sludge tank,wherein an excess fraction of ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

System for electricity generation by utilizing flared gas

Номер: US20160149468A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The embodiments herein provide a system for collecting flare gas and using the same for electricity generation. A flare gas collector assembly is attached inline with a flare stack pipeline. An electric generator comprises a combustion engine and at-least alternator. An intake valve of the combustion engine is connected to a collector tank through an intake pipeline. The at-least one alternator is connected to an output shaft of the combustion engine through a transmission mechanism. The divider circuit is connected to an output node of the alternator. The battery back is connected to the at-least one alternator through the divider circuit followed a filter circuit. The primary pump is connected to the output node of the at-least one alternator through the divider circuit for pumping water from ground to a primary reservoir. The centrifuge receives water from the primary reservoir through wherein the centrifuge separates a water from undissolved solids.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162760A1

A method for separating solid particulates from waste water includes receiving a first stream of waste water, and adjusting a specific gravity of the received waste water to within a pre-selected range. The method also includes channeling the adjusted waste water to a first hydro-cyclone system. The first hydro-cyclone system separates a first portion of solid particulates from the adjusted waste water. The method further includes transferring the first portion of solid particulates to a vibrating dewatering screen. The vibrating dewatering screen separates residual water from the first portion of solid particulates. 1. A method for separating solid particulates from waste water , said method comprising:receiving a first stream of waste water;adjusting a specific gravity of the received waste water to within a pre-selected range;channeling the adjusted waste water to a first hydro-cyclone system, wherein the first hydro-cyclone system separates a first portion of solid particulates from the adjusted waste water; andtransferring the first portion of solid particulates to a vibrating dewatering screen, wherein the vibrating dewatering screen separates residual water from the first portion of solid particulates.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said adjusting the specific gravity comprises adjusting the specific gravity to between about 1.1 and about 1.2.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after the first portion of solid particulates is removed from the adjusted waste water claim 1 , channeling the adjusted waste water to a second hydro-cyclone system claim 1 , wherein the second hydro-cyclone system separates a second portion of solid particulates from the adjusted waste water.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , after the second portion of solid particulates is removed from the adjusted waste water:channeling the adjusted waste water to a recycle water holding tank; andusing at least a portion of the adjusted waste water from ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Wastewater Cleaning System and Process

Номер: US20200156963A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

Systems and method for treating wastewater including a vessel having an inlet and an outlet, a pump in fluid communication with the outlet of the vessel, the pump configured to pump wastewater out of the vessel, a separator in fluid communication with the pump, the separator configured to separate grit from the wastewater, the separator having a first outlet for discharging a grit stream and a second outlet for discharging a wastewater stream, a grit washing system in fluid communication with a source of washing fluid and the first outlet of the separator, the grit washing system configured to wash and dewater grit from the grit stream, the grit washing system having an outlet for discharging a wash wastewater stream, and a return conduit configured to recycle the wastewater stream discharged from the separator to one of the inlet of the vessel and an inlet to the pump. 1. A wastewater treatment system comprising:a vessel having an inlet and an outlet;a pump in fluid communication with the outlet of the vessel, the pump configured to pump wastewater out of the vessel;a separator in fluid communication with the pump, the separator configured to separate grit from the wastewater, the separator having a first outlet for discharging a grit stream and a second outlet for discharging a wastewater stream;a grit washing system in fluid communication with a source of washing fluid and the first outlet of the separator, the grit washing system configured to wash and dewater grit from the grit stream, the grit washing system having an outlet for discharging a wash wastewater stream; anda return conduit configured to recycle the wastewater stream discharged from the separator to one of the inlet of the vessel and an inlet to the pump.2. The wastewater treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the return conduit is a first return conduit and the system further comprises a second return conduit configured to recycle the wash wastewater stream from the grit washing system to the inlet ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Recycling activated sludge by hydrodynamic seperator (hds) to enable high mlss bioreactor to process high influent flow and/or high strength wastewater

Номер: US20150175454A1
Принадлежит: Palo Alto Research Center Inc

A wastewater treatment plant that employs an activated sludge process and a method of operating the same is described. Wastewater influent is provided to a bioreactor configured to perform activated sludge processing to develop mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). The MLSS is passed from the bioreactor to a hydrodynamic separator (HDS) system, where separation operations are performed on the MLSS. The separation operations generate a low concentration MLSS stream and a high concentration MLSS stream. The low concentration MLSS stream is passed from the hydrodynamic separator system via a first output to a clarifier, and the high concentration wastewater stream is passed via a second output back to the bioreactor. The clarifier performs clarification operations on the cleaned wastewater stream and then outputs an effluent flow.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171730A9
Автор: Culver Terry Gordon

A system and method for separating two or more materials, such as a solid from a liquid, or a solid from a slurry, are provided. An exemplary system and method for separating drill cuttings from drilling fluids are provided, as well as a system and method of processing such separated drill cuttings. In another implementation, a system and method is provided for separating gold (or another mineral, element, or solid) from a slurry or liquid that includes mining cuttings. 1. A system for processing a mineral slurry that includes one or more minerals that were recovered at least partially from a petroleum geologic formation , the system comprising:a receiving vessel operable to receive the mineral slurry that includes the one or more minerals, the receiving vessel operable to provide at least a portion of the mineral slurry at one or more output openings;a pump configured to pump at least a portion of the mineral slurry provided from the one or more output openings of the receiving vessel; anda separator configured to receive at least a portion of the pumped mineral slurry, and to separate at least a portion of the one or more minerals of the pumped mineral slurry that were recovered at least partially from the petroleum geologic formation to provide a first mineral output, and to provide a remaining mineral slurry to a second location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the separator includes one or more from the group that consists of a hydrocyclone claim 1 , a double hydrocyclone claim 1 , a high G hydrocyclone claim 1 , a screw press claim 1 , a belt press claim 1 , a filter claim 1 , an ion exchange membrane claim 1 , a desalination system claim 1 , and a rotary fan press.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the separator includes at least one hydrocyclone.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a slurry communication path wherein at least a portion of the remaining mineral slurry provided by the separator is provided to the receiving vessel and at least ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190599A1
Автор: Norum Edward

This invention is directed to a hydrocyclone that will separate particles from a liquid stream, such as from an irrigation water stream for use in drip irrigation. The invented hydrocyclone has an inlet, a separation section, a clean liquid outlet, and a slurry outlet, wherein the separation section has a vortex and a cone, and wherein the vortex length is more than three times longer than the cone length, and the cone has an angle of about 45 degrees. The invented hydrocyclone also has a vortex diameter to vortex length ratio of between about 0.8 and about 1.2, and a cone length to vortex length ratio of between about 0.28 and about 0.35. The invented hydrocylone may be of unitary construction. When in use, the invented hydrocyclone may create a clean water stream having at least 78% fewer particles than the original liquid stream. 1. A hydrocyclone for separating particles from a liquid stream , comprising an inlet , a vortex having a length , a cone having a length and an angle , a clean liquid outlet , and a slurry outlet , wherein the vortex length is more than three times longer than the cone length , and the cone angle is about 45 degrees.2. The hydrocyclone of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocyclone is of unitary construction.3. A method of separating particles from a liquid stream comprising:creating a hydrocyclone having an inlet, a separation section, a clean liquid outlet, and a slurry outlet, wherein the separation section has a vortex having a length and a cone having a length, and wherein the vortex length is longer than the cone length;creating a pressure within the separation section;directing a stream of liquid into the inlet;ensuring the liquid stream is circulated through the separation section, wherein the liquid stream is separated into a clean stream and a slurry stream by the pressure;guiding the clean stream out of the clean liquid outlet; anddisposing the slurry stream out of the slurry outlet.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194036A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A system and method for backwashing a sand filter in a wastewater treatment system. In one aspect, the invention can be a system for backwashing a sand filter comprising: a sand filter configured to remove solids from an untreated wastewater; a container storing chlorine fluidly coupled to the sand filter by a chlorine supply manifold; a flow control mechanism positioned on the chlorine supply manifold between the container and the sand filter, the flow control mechanism alterable between a first position whereby chlorine cannot flow from the container to the sand filter and a second position whereby chlorine flows from the container to the sand filter, the flow control mechanism being biased into the first position; and a processor operably coupled to the flow control mechanism and configured to automatically actuate the flow control mechanism into the second position upon detecting that the sand filter is being backwashed. 140.-. (canceled)41. A method of treating wastewater comprising:a) flowing wastewater into at least one sand filter;b) backwashing the sand filter to form backwashed water; andc) flowing the backwashed water from the sand filter to at least one hydrocyclone to separate the backwashed water into solid material and liquid.42. The method of further comprising; after step b) and before step c); injecting a clarifying agent into the backwashed water to induce flocculation of particles suspended in the backwashed water.43. The method of further comprising:d) flowing the solid material from the hydrocyclone and into a slop tank for temporary storage of the solid material;e) flowing the liquid from the hydrocyclone and into a settling tank; andf) flowing the liquid from the settling tank and into a holding tank.44. The method of further comprising:wherein in step f) the liquid mixes with untreated wastewater in the holding tank; andg) flowing the liquid and the untreated wastewater mixture from the holding tank into the sand filter.45. A system for ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230018A1
Автор: Jaffrey Kamal

A system includes a first separator configured to receive waste water, retain a first portion of the waste water, and separate the first portion of the waste water into a first vapor and a first solid material; and a second separator in fluid communication with the first separator, the second separator being configured to receive a second portion of the waste water from the first separator and to separate the second portion of the waste water into a second vapor and a second solid material, the second separator including a first condenser, a heating element, and a first electrocoagulation unit. Related apparatus, systems, techniques and articles are also described. 1. A system comprising:a first separator configured to receive waste water, retain a first portion of the waste water, and separate the first portion of the waste water into a first vapor and a first solid material; and a first condenser in fluid communication with the first separator, the first condenser being configured to receive the first vapor from the first separator and transfer heat from the first vapor to the second portion of the waste water, thereby condensing the first vapor into a first liquid,', 'a heating element configured to generate heat and transfer the heat to the second portion of the waste water, wherein heat from the first vapor and heat from the heating element cause at least a portion of the second portion of waste water to evaporate, thereby forming the second vapor within the second separator, and', 'a first electrocoagulation unit having at least one first electrocoagulation cell that includes a first anode and a first cathode that are in contact with the second portion of the waste water, the at least one first electrocoagulation cell being configured to separate suspended solids from the second portion of the waste water, the separated suspended solids forming at least a portion of the second solid material., 'a second separator in fluid communication with the first separator ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Atmospheric Water Generator Utilizing Centrifugal Hydraulic Air Compressor

Номер: US20210230846A1
Автор: Rawls Rocky Lee

An atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor is for harvesting water from the atmosphere. The purpose of atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor is to provide potable water. The atmospheric generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor includes a housing having a reservoir, a plurality of centrifugal discs, drive components, water pump, heat exchangers, and air filters. The housing reservoir further includes an indication device to determine the water level in device. The centrifugal discs can utilize centripetal forces to hydraulically compress the air, with water, to harvest the water from the atmosphere. The drive components further comprise a hollow shaft to direct the water to the centrifugal discs. In addition, the shape of the centrifugal disc utilizes the compressed air and water exiting the discs to help rotate the discs. 1) An atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor comprising:a hollow frame with panels, drive motor, water pump, liquid-air heat exchanger passage, metal fins, air filters, water nozzle, centrifugal discs, hydraulic chamber, air-water thrust nozzles, hollow shaft, water shroud, wherein the device is configured into a centrifugal hydraulic air compressor that utilizes water to compress air to extract water from the atmosphere.2) The atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor of claim 1 , wherein: one or more air filters disposed on the surface to filter incoming air.3) The atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor of claim 1 , wherein: one or more centrifugal discs attached to the hollow shaft to hydraulically compress the air.4) The atmospheric water generator utilizing centrifugal hydraulic air compressor of claim 1 , wherein: one or more liquid-air heat exchange devices to exchange heat to the surrounding atmosphere.5) The atmospheric water generator utilizing ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214034A1
Автор: REPPA Georgia

An oily waste treatment array () for use in a Marpol plant, that allows the separation of low and high-flash-point material into high-flash-point dehydrated recovered oil, cleaned water, and solids, that can be operated in an urban environment. This can be achieved due to the coupling of six constituent devices, linked within the confines () of the sealed array (), that enables odour control, and due to the unique treatment (), prior to the centrifuge array (). The pre-treatment array () allows the treatment of emulsified mixtures, optimizing the use of chemical additives, by use of an external-flow-array, that is thermally coupled and integrated within the overall array, that features an external circulation heating/stirring loop, in and out of an inclined and contracting tank (), a ‘stirring region’ () and a series of three dimensional injection nozzles (), making up a ‘dendrite’ structure (). 123. An oily waste treatment array () , for use in a Marpol plant , in an urban environment ,{'b': 28', '23, 'comprising six connected and thermally linked devices, within sealed confines (), that treats the primary product (oily waste) that (a) enters the array (),'}{'b': '24', 'via an input port (),'}{'b': '29', 'passes through the pre-selection array ()'}{'b': '30', 'and (A) is fed to a pre-treatment array (),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'entering via a input port (), by means of a section shaped (),'}{'b': 20', '3', '21', '22, 'into a main tank (), which has an inclined bottom () and contracting sides, feeding a second, separate external heating/mixing loop, (instead of a conventional stirring device () and a conventional coil-heating-device ()),'}{'b': '4', 'via an entry section (),'}{'b': 5', '6', '12, 'and (B) is circulated by means of an entry pump () and an exit pump (), which has water injectors (),'}{'b': '7', 'has a heat exchanger array (),'}{'b': 8', '9', '10', '20', '42, 'and via an entry port () and three-dimensional injectors () situated and positioned along a discharge ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211808A1

Disclosed is a reactor for treating, particularly by hydrothermal carbonization, sludge containing organic matter, including, with: 2. The reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the inner chamber is of vertical dimension L claim 1 , and wherein the steam injection zone is separated from the sludge introduction zone by a distance greater than L/12 claim 1 , preferably greater than L/8 claim 1 , more preferably greater than L/4.32. The reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the steam injection direction is against the sludge circulation direction () in the steam injection zone.46. The reactor according to claim 1 , further comprising a circulator () arranged to circulate the sludge in the inner chamber along the circulation path.5810. The reactor according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in an upper portion of the inner chamber claim 1 , a degassing volume () arranged to collect gaseous effluents contained in the sludge claim 1 , the reactor further comprising at least one vent () arranged to discharge these gaseous effluents.69100. The reactor according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one orifice () arranged to inject the acid to the vessel ().710010124. The reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel () comprises a wall () arranged to separate two parts of the circulation path having opposing sludge circulation directions ( claim 1 , ).8101. The reactor according to claim 7 , wherein the wall () forms a tube.921014101bb. The reactor according to claim 4 , wherein the inner chamber comprises an inner space () located inside the tube () and an outer space () located outside the tube () claim 4 , the reactor being arranged:{'b': 2', '101', '101, 'i': 'b', 'so that the steam injection zone is located in a lower region of the inner space () of the tube (), the lower region comprising a first end of the tube (),'}{'b': 6', '2', '101', '101, 'i': 'b', 'so that the circulator () is located, at least in part, in an upper region of the inner space () ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Method and installation for treating wastewater containing ammonia

Номер: US20140305867A1
Автор: Geert Nyhuis
Принадлежит: cyklar-stulz GmbH

A method and installation for treating wastewater containing ammonia includes feeding activated sludge from an aeration tank into a hydrocyclone. The sludge is separated into a specifically heavy fraction containing mostly anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (anammox) and a specifically light fraction containing mostly aerobic oxidizing bacteria (AOB), which are returned to the aeration tank. The hydrocyclone includes a roughened inner wall surface for at least partially removing an organic or inorganic cover layer disposed on the anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (anammox).

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305884A1

The present disclosure relates to a process and apparatus for the purification of waste water from a coke quenching tower with reduced residence time in a collecting basin. In the process and apparatus of the present disclosure, water is used for the quenching of hot coke, and the quench water is collected in a collecting basin which is sized such that it is adequate for few quenching operations. The quench water is fed to a downstream hydrodynamic purification device without requiring any additional settling operation. In the purification device, the solids are separated from the quench water by a mechanical separation processes so as to allow a space-saving arrangement of the water collecting basin without a settling basin. The present disclosure also relates to a device configured to perform the disclosed method, which device comprises a quenching tower, a quench water conveying channel for conveying the excess quench water to a collecting basin, a collecting basin, a hydrocyclone, a pleat filter and a centrifuge which is used to separate the solid and the quench water. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for purifying waste water from a coke quenching operation , comprising:spraying hot coke with quenching water in a quenching operation, so as to cool down the hot coke;by a conveying device, conveying quenching water runoff, from the sprayed quenching water, into a collection device;conveying the quenching water runoff from the collection device to a hydrodynamic purification device;by the hydrodynamic purification device, mechanically separating out solids from the quenching water runoff.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the conveying device is a quench water conveying channel.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the hydrodynamic purification device includes at least one hydrocyclone used to separate liquid and solid constituents.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the collection device includes an agitating device.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200207650A1

Disclosed is a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for sewage treatment. The SBR is applicable to an energy-producing sewage treatment system. The SBR includes a treatment tank and a hybrid bacterial strain screening tank. The treatment tank removes ammonium contained in supernatant liquid using anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria. The hybrid bacterial strain screening tank screen anammox bacteria granules out by passing the supernatant liquid discharged from the treatment tank through the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank. The SBR generates biogas using the anammox bacteria and reduces the nitrogen content in the supernatant liquid. The SBR can separate the anammox bacteria granules with high separation efficiency, thereby shortening sewage treatment time and recycling activated sludge, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the amount of waste sludge. 120-. (canceled)21. A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for sewage treatment , the SBR comprising:a treatment tank as a reaction tank configured to discharge supernatant liquid in which ammonium contained in the supernatant liquid is removed by using anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria; anda hybrid bacterial strain screening tank as a reaction tank configured to filter the supernatant liquid discharged from the treatment tank by passing the supernatant liquid through a hybrid bacterial strain screening zone of a circular frustum shape provided in the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank, to screen out ammonium-oxidizing bacteria granules,wherein the circular frustum shape of the hybrid bacterial strain screening zone has a lower diameter and an upper diameter larger than the lower diameter so that the supernatant liquid introduced into the hybrid bacterial strain screening zone forms a vortex in the bacterial strain screening zone due to a difference between the upper diameter and the lower diameter, thereby swirling downward in the bacterial strain screening zone.22. The sequencing batch reactor ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210892A1

A method of treating a substrate with a solid particulate material and a treatment liquor comprising: agitating the substrate with said solid particulate material and said treatment liquor; and (a) separating the substrate from effluent comprising solid waste fragments derived from the substrate, said solid particulate material and the treatment liquor; (b) transferring said effluent to a hydrocyclone separator comprising an inlet, a first outlet and a second outlet, wherein the effluent is fed into the hydrocyclone separator via the inlet; (c) separating the effluent in the hydrocyclone separator to produce a first stream and a second stream, wherein the first stream comprises said solid particulate material and exits the hydrocyclone separator via the first outlet and wherein the second stream comprises treatment liquor and solid waste fragments and exits the hydrocyclone separator via the second outlet; and (d) collecting the first stream after it exits the hydrocyclone separator via the first outlet. 1. A method of treating a substrate with a solid particulate material and a treatment liquor comprising:agitating the substrate with said solid particulate material and said treatment liquor; and(a) separating the substrate from effluent comprising solid waste fragments derived from the substrate, said solid particulate material and the treatment liquor;(b) transferring said effluent to a hydrocyclone separator comprising an inlet, a first outlet and a second outlet, wherein the effluent is fed into the hydrocyclone separator via the inlet;(c) separating the effluent in the hydrocyclone separator to produce a first stream and a second stream, wherein the first stream comprises said solid particulate material and exits the hydrocyclone separator via the first outlet and wherein the second stream comprises treatment liquor and solid waste fragments and exits the hydrocyclone separator via the second outlet; and(d) collecting the first stream after it exits the ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Water Treatment System and Water

Номер: US20160228797A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker B.

The invention in at least one embodiment includes a system for treating water having an intake module, a vortex module, a disk-pack module, and a motor module where the intake module is above the vortex module, which is above the disk-pack module and the motor module. In a further embodiment, a housing is provided over at least the intake module and the vortex module and sits above the disk-pack module. In at least one further embodiment, the disk-pack module includes a disk-pack turbine having a plurality of disks having at least one waveform present on at least one of the disks. 1. A system for treating water or other fluids comprising:a motor module having a base;a disk-pack module having a disk-pack turbine in rotational engagement with said motor module;a vortex module in fluid communication with said disk-pack turbine;an intake module in fluid communication with said vortex module;a plurality of conduits connecting said vortex module to said intake module; anda plurality of support members connected to said disk-pack module and said vortex module, andat least one of said plurality of conduits and said plurality of support members is connected between said vortex module and said intake module such that said intake module is above said vortex module and said disk-pack module.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing cover connected to at least one of said plurality of support members claim 1 , said housing cover including a bottom opening and a cavity in which said intake module and said vortex module reside claim 1 , andwherein said housing cover and a top surface of said disk-pack module are spaced from each other forming a passageway in fluid communication with the bottom opening, andwherein a fluid pathway runs from the opening through the passageway and the cavity to said intake module.3. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing havinga cover connected to at least one of said plurality of support members, said ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140319075A1
Автор: Søgaard Dennis

A liquid treatment device for treatment of liquid contaminated with living organisms comprising a rotating means having a first surface for receiving the liquid to be treated, where the first surface is provided with engaging means for engaging the liquid and to provide acceleration to the liquid upon rotation of the rotating means, stationary means which is stationary relative to the rotating means and arranged to form a boundary in order to constrict the liquid on the first surface of the rotating means, where the stationary means is arranged to define at least one slit between the first surface of the rotating means and a first end of the stationary means allowing the liquid to pass between the rotating means and the stationary means, and where the engaging means are at least provided on a surface area of the rotating means that interacts with the at least one slit. 1. A liquid treatment device for treatment of liquid contaminated with living organisms comprisinga rotating means having a first surface for receiving the liquid to be treated and a rotational axis that is substantially perpendicular to the first surface, where the first surface is provided with engaging means for engaging the liquid and to provide acceleration to the liquid upon rotation of the rotating means,stationary means which is arranged to form an inner boundary in order to constrict the liquid on the first surface of the rotating means, where the rotating means rotate relative to the stationary means and the stationary means is arranged to define at least one slit between the first surface of the rotating means and a first end of the stationary means allowing the liquid to pass in a radial direction away from the rotational axis between the rotating means and the stationary means and out of the liquid treatment device, andwhere the engaging means are at least provided on a surface area of the rotating means that defines the at least one slit, ensuring that upon passing through the slit in a ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for Separating Mill Scale from Wastewater

Номер: US20180229155A1
Автор: MA Naiyang

A method for collecting mill scale from a hot rolling mill is provided. The hot rolling mill includes a flume. The method includes transporting mill scale particles in wastewater, retrieving the wastewater from a flume of the hot rolling mill and separating the mill scale particles from the wastewater using a separator. A hot rolling mill and a method for retrofitting a hot rolling mill are also provided. 1. A method for collecting mill scale from a hot rolling mill , the hot rolling mill including a flume , the method comprising the steps of:transporting mill scale particles in wastewater;retrieving the wastewater from a flume of the hot rolling mill; andseparating the mill scale particles from the wastewater using a separator.2. The method as recited in wherein the separator is a grit separator.3. The method as recited in further comprising the steps of collecting the mill scale particles.4. The method as recited in further comprising the step of:dewatering the collected mill scale.5. The method as recited in wherein the wastewater is turbulent or running at high speeds in the flume.6. The method as recited in wherein the separator is provided downstream from a reheat furnace claim 1 , scalebreaker claim 1 , roughing stand claim 1 , cooling stand or finishing stand.7. The method as recited in wherein the separator is located in the flume.8. The method as recited in wherein the separator is located upstream of a pit.9. The method as recited in further comprising the step of:directing the remaining wastewater downstream in the hot rolling mill.10. The method as recited in claim 9 , wherein the remaining wastewater is directed to a pit.12. A hot rolling mill comprising:a reheat furnace for reheating a steel slab;at least one stand for processing the steel slab downstream of the reheat furnace;a flume connected to the at least one stand transporting mill scale particles and wastewater; anda separator in the flume for separating mill scale particles from the wastewater ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223720A1
Автор: Paxton Richard George

The present invention relates to an improved process for treating high sulphate waters. In particular, the present invention relates to an improved process making use of aluminium compounds in order to precipitate layered double hydroxide compounds and any one or more of metals, sulphate, aluminate and phosphate. The present invention further relates to the use of one or more particle segregation stages, as well as the return of aluminium containing compounds from the particle segregation stage and aluminium compounds from a further reaction stage to an initial reaction stage. 1. A process for the treatment of high sulphate water , the process including:an initial gypsum precipitation stage that receives high sulphate feed water, an ettringite production stage, a first particle segregation stage a second particle segregation stage and a first particle removal stage;the initial gypsum precipitation stage consisting of a multi-stage reactorthe initial gypsum precipitation stage being operated at a pH that is greater than pH 7 and less than that which is necessary for the formation of ettringite;the initial gypsum precipitation stage creating an initial reaction mixture comprising suspended particles suspended within a partially treated aqueous phase, the said mixture including any one or more of dissolved and precipitated aluminium, precipitated metals and precipitated gypsum;the ettringite production stage producing calcium alumino-sulphate hydrate compounds;compounds selected from aluminium containing compounds, calcium containing compounds, and hydroxide containing compounds being added to the ettringite production stage;suspended particles including calcium alumino-sulphate hydrate compounds and other aluminium containing compounds within the product from the ettringite production stage, being separated within the first particle removal stage and returned to the initial gypsum precipitation stage and being used within the initial gypsum precipitation stage to ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Method for Treating Ballast Water and Device for Treating Ballast Water

Номер: US20150251744A1
Автор: Büttner Klaus

A device for treating ballast water includes a housing having a ballast water inlet and a ballast water outlet, a hydrocyclone connected to the ballast water inlet and having a particle outlet discharging particles from the device and an outlet carrying particle-depleted ballast water, a filter surrounding the hydrocyclone, which filter divides the device into an intermediate chamber disposed between hydrocyclone and filter and an outer chamber disposed between filter and housing. The intermediate chamber is communicatively connected to the outlet of the hydrocyclone carrying particle-depleted ballast water. Ultrasound is generated to act on the outer chamber and/or the filter, UV light is generated to act on the outer chamber and/or the filter, and a gas is introduced into the outer chamber of the device. 1. A device for treating ballast water , comprising an axially arranged ballast water inlet on the top thereof and', 'a ballast water outlet arranged on the bottom thereof,, 'a housing having'} a particle outlet arranged on the bottom of the housing, which outlet discharges particles from the device, and', 'an outlet carrying particle-depleted ballast water,, 'a hydrocyclone connected to the ballast water inlet having'}a filter surrounding the hydrocyclone, which filter divides the device into an intermediate chamber arranged between the hydrocyclone and the filter and an outer chamber arranged between the filter and the housing, wherein the intermediate chamber is communicatively connected to the outlet of the hydrocyclone carrying particle-depleted ballast water, andmeans for generating ultrasound acting on the outer chamber and/or the filter,means for generating UV light acting on the outer chamber and/or the filter, andmeans for introducing a gas into the outer chamber of the device.2. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ballast water inlet claim 1 , the hydrocyclone claim 1 , the filter surrounding the hydrocyclone claim 1 , the means ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245327A1

A liquid quality system for removing particulates from liquid (e.g., storm-water runoff). The system can include tubular portion (e.g., a manhole). The tubular portion has an inlet and an outlet. The system includes liquid quality device. The liquid quality device includes a partitioning portion. The partitioning portion has a first region including a funnel shape with a sump inlet aperture. The partitioning portion also has a second region including a sump outlet aperture and optionally a sump access aperture. A sump region is located between a base portion and the partitioning portion, wherein a flow of the liquid travels from the inlet in the tubular portion, into the funnel, through the sump inlet aperture, into the sump region, through the sump outlet aperture, and out the outlet of the tubular portion. At least one drag-inducing portion is positioned proximate the tubular portion in the sump region and projecting inwardly towards a central axis of the sump region. 1. A system for removing particulates from liquid , wherein the system comprises:a base portion;a tubular portion extending upwardly from the base portion, wherein the tubular portion comprises an inlet and an outlet; a first region comprising a funnel and a sump inlet aperture, wherein the first region is arranged to receive a flow of the liquid from the inlet of the tubular portion; and', 'a second region comprising a sump outlet aperture, wherein the second region is arranged to transfer a flow of the liquid to the outlet of the tubular portion;, 'a liquid quality device located above the base portion, wherein the liquid quality device includes a partitioning portion comprisinga sump region located between the base portion and the partitioning portion, wherein a flow of the liquid travels from the inlet in the tubular portion, into the funnel, through the sump inlet aperture, into the sump region, through the sump outlet aperture, and out the outlet of the tubular portion; andat least one drag- ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Mining apparatus with water reclamation system

Номер: US20140339173A1
Автор: Duane Nelson

A mining apparatus and method of its use are disclosed. The apparatus includes a heavy metals separating subsystem and a water recycling subsystem. The heavy metals separating subsystem includes one or more classifying screens positioned to receive raw mining material classify materials to a pre-determined size, a slurry tank receiving water and the classified materials, forming a slurry, and a heavy metals concentrating assembly configured to receive the slurry and separate heavy metals from the slurry. The water recycling subsystem is positioned to receive the tailings and separate the tailings into recyclable water and solid waste. The water recycling system is configured to route the recycled water into the heavy metals separating subsystem for reuse.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291080A1

Settling devices for separating particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields. The particle settling devices include a stack of cones with a small opening oriented upwardly or downwardly. The cones have an interior surface that is convex. These devices are useful for separating small (millimeter or micron sized) particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields, such as biological (microbial, mammalian, plant, insect or algal) cell cultures, solid catalyst particle separation from a liquid or gas and waste-water treatment. 1. A settling device operable for use in the production of cell therapy products , biological proteins , polypeptides or hormones , vaccines , viral vectors or gene therapy products , comprising:a lower conical portion with a port;a cylindrical portion with a lower end contacting and extending upwardly from the lower conical portion, an upper end, and an interior wall;a plurality of cones provided within the settling device, each cone of the plurality of cones including a body with a first opening oriented toward the lower conical portion, a second opening that is larger than the first opening, and an exterior edge proximate to the second opening that is spaced from the interior wall, the plurality of cones approximately centered around a longitudinal axis of the settling device;an upper portion connected to the upper end of the cylindrical portion; andan outer conduit extending from the upper portion and downwardly in an annual space between the interior wall of the cylindrical portion and the exterior edges of the cones.2. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the outer conduit is oriented approximately parallel to the longitudinal axis.3. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the outer conduit comprises a lumen and an orifice to withdraw fluid from the settling device claim 1 , the orifice positioned between the upper and lower ends of the cylindrical portion to withdrawn fluid from a predetermined level ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Functionalized sio2 microspheres for extracting oil from produced water

Номер: US20180250656A1

Functionalized material, methods of producing the functionalized material, and use thereof for separation processes such as but not limited to use for separating and extracting a dissolved organic foulant, charged contaminant or oily matter or any combination thereof from water, such as produced water, are provided. In an embodiment, the functionalized material is a mineral material, such as mica, silica (e.g. an SiO2 microsphere) or a metal oxide, and the outer surface of the material is functionalized with an alkyl chain or a perfluorinated species. In an embodiment, the method of making the functionalized material, includes: a) providing a mineral material; b) providing an alkyl chain and/or a perfluorinated species, the alkyl chain or perfluorinated species selected to dissolve organic foulants, charged contaminants or oily matter from water or any combination thereof; c) hydroxylating the material via a concentrated acid solution or a basic solution; and d) grafting the alkyl chain and/or the perfluorinated species onto the material via a silanation reaction.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Method And Composition For Water Purification And Sludge Dewatering

Номер: US20150274565A1

The invention relates to a method for purifying water and for dewatering sludge, comprising the following steps: bringing a surface-treated natural calcium carbonate, a natural bentonite and an anionic polymer into contact with the water or sludge, flakes being formed as a result of the agglomeration of particulate materials contained in said water or sludge, and separating said formed flakes so as to obtain purified water, or separating water in order to obtain dewatered sludge. The surface-treated natural calcium carbonate is a product of a reaction of natural calcium carbonate with an acid and carbon dioxide, which is formed in situ by the acid treatment and/or is fed from outside, and is produced as an aqueous suspension with a pH greater than 6.0 measured at 20° C. The invention also relates to a composition comprising said surface-treated natural calcium carbonate, a natural bentonite, and an anionic polymer, for the purpose of purifying water or dewatering sludge. 1. A method for purification of water or for dewatering sludge , which comprises the steps of:(a) contacting a surface-treated natural calcium carbonate, a natural bentonite and an anionic polymer with the water or the sludge, wherein, by aggregation of the particulate substances present in the water or sludge, flocs are formed, and(b) separating off the flocs formed, in order to obtain purified water or separating off water, in order to obtain a dewatered sludge,wherein the surface-treated natural calcium carbonate is a reaction product of a natural calcium carbonate with an acid and carbon dioxide which is formed in situ during the surface treatment and/or is supplied externally, and wherein the surface-treated natural calcium carbonate is produced as an aqueous suspension having a pH, measured at 20° C., of more than 6.0.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the natural calcium carbonate is selected from the group consisting of marble claim 1 , calcite claim 1 , chalk claim 1 , dolomite ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210331957A1
Принадлежит: Paques I.P. B.V.

The present invention relates to a process for the separation of biomass in the anaerobic purification of wastewater and to a system for the separation of biomass in the anaerobic purification of wastewater. 1. A process for the separation of biomass from treated wastewater following anaerobic purification of wastewater , the process comprising:(i) supplying a stream of wastewater comprising organic constituents to a reactor comprising biomass having anaerobic microorganisms;(ii) mixing the wastewater and biomass to provide biogas and reactor contents comprising treated wastewater and biomass,(iii) supplying at least a part of the reactor contents and a gas to a first tank, wherein the gas is injected under pressure to the first tank to pressurize the tank contents, and wherein the gas is dissolved in the tank contents,(iv) supplying the pressurized tank contents to a second tank, wherein the pressure in the second tank is lower than in the first tank, to provide a floating biomass layer and a treated wastewater layer,(v) withdrawing the treated wastewater from the second tank and recycling the biomass layer from the second tank to the reactor of (a).2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas that is supplied to the first tank is biogas.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the wastewater has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the range of 1.5 to 80 g/L.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the biomass is flocculent biomass.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the treated wastewater has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of at most 10 claim 1 ,000 mg/L.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the treated wastewater has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of at most 1 claim 5 ,000 mg/L.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the mixing (b) is carried out by addition of biogas generated in (b) claim 1 , by mechanical means claim 1 , by injecting treated wastewater from (e) claim 1 , or by pumping means for circulating the reactor ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Water Purification System with a Centrifugal System and a Frictional Heater System

Номер: US20180265378A1
Автор: Dyos Mark

A water purification system with a centrifugal system and a frictional heating system consists of a centrifugal unit, a cavitation unit, a cooling condenser, a vertical shaft, and a pitot tube. The centrifugal unit and the cavitation unit are mounted along the vertical shaft so that the rotational movement of the vertical shaft is transferred onto the centrifugal unit and the cavitation unit. Non-potable water is directed into the centrifugal unit to separate heavy solids. Less populated water from the centrifugal unit is transferred to the cavitation unit via the pitot tube. The cavitation unit uses friction to generate phase change in the volume of less populated water which is then directed to the cooling condenser to produce potable water. 1. A water purification system with a centrifugal system and a frictional heater system comprises:a centrifugal unit;a cavitation unit;a cooling condenser;a vertical shaft;a pitot tube;the centrifugal unit being positioned atop the cavitation unit;the centrifugal unit and the cavitation unit being mounted along the vertical shaft;the centrifugal unit being in fluid communication with the cavitation unit via the pitot tube; andthe cavitation unit being in fluid communication with the cooling condenser.2. The water purification system with a centrifugal system and a frictional heater system as claimed in further comprises:the centrifugal unit comprises a centrifuge rotor, a centrifuge chamber, a circular opening, and an exhaust port;the circular opening centrally traversing into the centrifuge chamber;the centrifuge rotor being centrally positioned within the centrifuge chamber;the centrifuge rotor being rotatably mounted onto the vertical shaft;the exhaust port traversing into the centrifuge chamber; andthe exhaust port being in fluid communication with the centrifuge rotor.3. The water purification system with a centrifugal system and a frictional heater system as claimed in further comprises:the cavitation unit comprises a ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360889A1

Embodiments of systems, devices, and methods for treating, remediating, or abating carbon-containing wastes generate at least one of clean water; non-toxic, non-hazardous ash; or power. Some embodiments are modular, permitting rapid deployment, flexible configuration, and easy transportation. Embodiments of the systems treat carbon-containing aqueous waste, carbon containing waste, or a combination thereof. The systems, devices, and methods are particularly suited to treating hydrocarbon containing waste generated in oil and natural gas drilling and hydrofracturing. 1. A method for remediating a carbon-containing aqueous waste , the method comprising:electrocoagulating the carbon-containing aqueous waste to provide floc and a liquid phase;removing the floc from the liquid phase;physically separating the liquid phase into a light fraction and a heavy fraction;converting at least a portion of the light fraction into water with a selected purity;mixing at least one of the floc and the heavy fraction with a carbon-based material to provide a mixture;gasifying the mixture to provide ash and syngas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein converting at least a portion of the light fraction comprises at least one of microfiltration claim 1 , reverse osmosis claim 1 , distillation claim 1 , or vapor compression distillation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein mixing at least one of the floc and the heavy fraction with a carbon-based material to provide a mixture further comprises mixing a carbon-containing waste with the carbon-based material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein mixing at least one of the floc and the heavy fraction with a carbon-based material comprises mixing at least one of the floc and the heavy fraction with at least one of kenaf claim 1 , kenaf bast claim 1 , or kenaf core.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein gasifying the mixture comprises at least one of thermal gasification claim 1 , pyrolytic gasification claim 1 , plasma gasification claim 1 , plasma- ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275188A1

A centrifugal, liquid-liquid separator relies on a sweep flow in excess of the flow rate naturally occurring in the heavy constituent or species being separated out from a lighter species, in order to prevent access by the long-chain polymers of the lighter species to solids that may separate out and make a durable composition of polymers and particles that adheres and compacts against the shell wall of the centrifuge. 1. A method comprising:selecting a separator operating as a centrifuge having a shell, defining an axial direction and a radial direction, the shell constituting an outer wall having an inner surface and being rotatable about a centerline thereof;the selecting a separator, wherein the centrifuge includes a shaft defining a length in the axial direction and defining a cavity between the shaft and the inner surface, spaced radially away from the shaft;the selecting a separator, wherein the shell is configured to be in fluid communication with an inlet sized and shaped to deliver into the cavity a mixture comprising a liquid constituting a light component in an amount corresponding to a light fraction thereof in the mixture, a heavy component in an amount corresponding to a heavy fraction thereof in the mixture, and a solid constituting particulate material;the selecting a separator, wherein the separator comprises a first outlet, operably connected to receive from the cavity the light component from proximate the shaft, and a second outlet, operably connected to receive from the cavity the heavy component from proximate the inner surface;providing a loop comprising a conduit operably connected to the second outlet to pass at least a portion of the light component therefrom into the inlet;selecting a flow rate of the mixture passing through the inlet;separating the light component from the particulate material by introducing into the inlet a makeup liquid functionally equivalent to the heavy component in an amount corresponding to a makeup fraction ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for biofilm management in water systems

Номер: US20190263696A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and a method for removing constituents from an influent. The apparatus includes a biological processor that receives a water mixture as influent and outputs a liquor, a solid-liquid separator that receives the liquor and separates the liquor into a liquid and a solid; and a biofilm media that includes at least one media surface. The biofilm media may have a biofilm mass, biofilm volume, biofilm density, biofilm thickness, hydraulic retention time or solids residence time. The at least one media surface grows a biofilm that removes one or more constituents contained in the influent. The biofilm mass, biofilm volume, biofilm density, biofilm thickness, hydraulic retention time or solids residence time can be controlled by at least one of a physical process, a biological process or a chemical process.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269161A1
Автор: Kompala Dhinakar S.

Settling devices for separating particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields. The particle settling devices include a first stack of cones with a small opening oriented upwardly or downwardly. Optionally, the settling devices may include a second stack of cones with a small opening oriented downwardly or upwardly. The cones may be concave or convex. These devices are useful for separating small (millimeter or micron sized) particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields, such as biological (microbial, mammalian, plant, insect or algal) cell cultures, solid catalyst particle separation from a liquid or gas and waste water treatment. 1. A settling device operable for use in the production of biological proteins , polypeptides or hormones , the settling device comprising:an upper portion with at least one port;a cylindrical portion;a lower portion with at least one port;a stack of cones located within the settling device, each cone of the stack of cones including a first opening and a second opening that is larger than the first opening, each of the first openings oriented towards one of the upper portion and the lower portion, the stack of cones generally centered around a longitudinal axis of the settling device.2. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein at least one cone of the stack of cones is comprised of a plastic and the settling device is disposable.3. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the settling device further comprises a first flange engaged with a second flange.4. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein an interior surface of each cone of the stack of cones is oriented at an angle of between approximately 5 degrees to about 85 degrees relative to the longitudinal axis.5. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the lower portion tapers along an arcuate path from a maximum diameter proximate to the cylindrical portion to a minimum diameter at a lower end.6. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190276338A1
Автор: WILSON Edwin E.

A water treatment apparatus including a cylindrical body; a centrifuge chamber and a heating chamber, both within the cylindrical body; an externally powered central shaft passing through the cylindrical body, the centrifuge chamber and the heating chamber; a centrifuge within the centrifuge chamber mounted on the central shaft and configured to rotate on the central shaft; at least one rotating disc within the heating chamber, the at least one rotating disc rotatably mounted on the shaft; an inlet operably connectable to a source of water for treatment, the inlet configured to feed water into the centrifuge chamber; a pitot tube in fluid communication with the centrifuge chamber and the heating chamber; and an exit valve in fluid communication with the heating chamber configured so that purified water exits via the exit valve. In some embodiments, each rotating disc is flanked by one or more stationary disc. 1. A water treatment apparatus comprising:a cylindrical body;a longitudinally extending centrifuge chamber within the cylindrical body;a longitudinally extending heating chamber within the cylindrical body;an externally powered, longitudinally extending, radially centrally located shaft passing through the cylindrical body, and passing through the centrifuge chamber and the heating chamber;a centrifuge within the centrifuge chamber mounted on the central shaft and configured to centrifugally rotate on the central shaft;at least one rotating disc within the heating chamber, the rotating disc rotatably mounted on the shaft;an inlet operably connectable to a source of water for treatment, the inlet configured to feed water into the centrifuge chamber;a pitot tube in fluid communication with the centrifuge chamber and the heating chamber;a product water release valve in fluid communication with the heating chamber,wherein the water treatment apparatus is configured to receive feed water into the centrifuge chamber, to operate the centrifuge to remove solids ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150299006A1

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for removing fine particulate matter from a fluid, comprising a separator that separates an inflow fluid stream into an overflow fluid path and an underflow fluid path, where the underflow fluid path is treated with a tethering material that attaches to the coarse particulate matter to form tether-bearing anchor particles and where the overflow fluid path is treated with an activating material so that the activating material interacts with the fine particulate matter to form activated particles. After these treatments, the underflow fluid path containing the tether-bearing anchor particles is commingled with the overflow fluid path containing the activated particles, so that a removable complex is produced that can be removed in a settling facility, thereby removing the fine particulate matter from the fluid. The systems and methods are particularly advantageous for removing particulate matter from a fluid waste stream following mining or ore processing operations, such as oil sands mining or processing. 1. A system for removing fine particulate matter from a fluid , comprising:an inflow fluid stream comprising fine particulate matter and coarse particulate matter suspended therein;an initial separator for separating the inflow fluid stream into an overflow fluid path comprising the suspended fine particulate matter and an underflow fluid path comprising the suspended coarse particulate matter;a tether injector that introduces into the underflow path a tethering material capable of being affixed to the coarse particulate matter to form tether-bearing anchor particles, said tether-bearing anchor particles being suspended in a treated fluid stream, said treated fluid stream admixing with the overflow fluid path to form a conjoined fluid stream;an activator injector that introduces into the conjoined fluid stream an activating material capable of being affixed to the fine particulate matter to form activated particles, said ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Water Treatment System and Method

Номер: US20170291124A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker B.
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

The invention in at least one embodiment includes a system for treating water having an intake module, a vortex module, a disk-pack module, and a motor module. In a further embodiment, a housing is provided over at least the intake module and the vortex module and sits above the disk-pack module. In at least one further embodiment, the disk-pack module includes a disk-pack turbine having a plurality of disks having at least one waveform present on at least one of the disks. 1. A system comprising:a motor module having a base; a disk-pack turbine in rotational engagement with said motor module,', 'a turbine housing defining an accumulation chamber in which said disk-pack turbine resides, and', 'a discharge housing defining a discharge chamber in fluid communication with said accumulation chamber through a discharge channel and a discharge outlet in fluid communication with said discharge chamber;, 'a disk-pack module having'} a housing defining a vortex chamber with an outlet axially aligned and in fluid communication with said disk-pack turbine, and', 'a plurality of inlets in fluid communication with said vortex chamber;, 'a vortex module, said vortex module includes'}a plurality of conduits extending down from said vortex module, each conduit includes a plurality of bends and is in fluid communication with one inlet of said vortex module; andan intake screen defining a space around said vortex module and said plurality of conduits or an intake screen over each conduit feeding said vortex module.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the bends include at least one 90 degree bend and one 45 degree bend.3. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing substantially covering said intake screen claim 1 , said vortex module claim 1 , disk-pack module and said motor module.4. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of support members connected to said disk-pack module and said vortex module5. The system according to claim 1 ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284790A1

A liquid quality system for removing particulates from liquid (e.g., storm-water runoff). The system can include tubular portion (e.g., a manhole). The tubular portion has an inlet and an outlet. The system includes liquid quality device. The liquid quality device includes a partitioning portion. The partitioning portion has a first region including a funnel shape with a sump inlet aperture. The partitioning portion also has a second region including a sump outlet aperture and optionally a sump access aperture. A sump region is located between a base portion and the partitioning portion, wherein a flow of the liquid travels from the inlet in the tubular portion, into the funnel, through the sump inlet aperture, into the sump region, through the sump outlet aperture, and out the outlet of the tubular portion. At least one drag-inducing portion is positioned proximate the tubular portion in the sump region and projecting inwardly towards a central axis of the sump region. 1a base portion;a tubular portion extending upwardly from the base portion, wherein the tubular portion comprises an inlet and an outlet; a first region comprising a funnel and a sump inlet aperture, wherein the first region is arranged to receive a flow of the liquid from the inlet of the tubular portion; and', 'a second region comprising a sump outlet aperture, wherein the second region is arranged to transfer a flow of the liquid to the outlet of the tubular portion;, 'a liquid quality device located above the base portion, wherein the liquid quality device includes a partitioning portion comprisinga sump region located between the base portion and the partitioning portion, wherein a flow of the liquid travels from the inlet in the tubular portion, into the funnel, through the sump inlet aperture, into the sump region, through the sump outlet aperture, and out the outlet of the tubular portion; and a first drag-inducing portion;', 'a second drag-inducing portion located below the first drag- ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170297325A1

There is described an installation () for recycling wiping solution of one or more intaglio printing presses () comprising a flocculation tank () for inducing flocculation of ink constituents contained in waste solution coming from the one or more intaglio printing presses (), a processing tank () for pre-treating the waste solution for subsequent filtering, and a filtering unit (), preferably a filter press unit, for filtering the waste solution coming from the processing tank () and producing recycled solution at an output of the filtering unit (), which recycled solution is recycled to produce fresh wiping solution for use by the one or more intaglio printing presses (). According to one embodiment, the installation () further comprises a centrifugation unit () for separating the waste solution coming from the flocculation tank () by centrifugation into precipitate and centrifuged supernatant, which centrifuged supernatant is fed to the processing tank (). According to a second embodiment, the installation () further comprises a decantation unit () for separating the waste solution coming from the flocculation tank () by decantation into precipitate and decanted supernatant, which decanted supernatant is fed to the processing tank (), and a centrifugation unit () for further separating the precipitate produced by the decantation unit () by centrifugation into further precipitate and centrifuged supernatant, which centrifuged supernatant is fed to the processing tank (). There are also described corresponding processes for recycling wiping solution. 126.-. (canceled).27. A process of recycling wiping solution of one or more intaglio printing presses , comprising the following steps:i. inducing flocculation of ink constituents contained in waste wiping solution coming from the one or more intaglio printing presses to produce a flocculated solution;ii. separating the flocculated solution by centrifugation into precipitate and centrifuged supernatant;iii. pre- ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304374A1

A method for removing mercury from flue gas in a flue gas desulfurization plant, in which the mercury concentration in the FGD gypsum is reduced without increasing the size of the waste water treatment plant, by increasing the volume-related mercury concentration in the wash wastewater and feeding this more concentrated flow of waste water to the waste water treatment plant. 1110. A method for removing mercury in a gypsum suspension () produced in a scrubber () of a wet flue gas scrubbing plant , comprising:{'b': 1', '11, 'thickening said suspension () by at least one gypsum hydrocyclone ();'}{'b': 11', '3, 'discharging the thickened suspension from the gypsum hydrocyclone () as underflow ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '5, 'discharging a first overflow waste water containing solids including mercury attached to fine material, from the gypsum hydrocyclone () and feeding said first overflow waste water to at least one waste water cyclone (), where solids are recovered and second overflow waste water () containing mercury attached to fine material is discharged;'}{'b': 14', '8, 'feeding the second overflow wastewater containing a concentration of mercury attached to fine material, into a mercury concentrator () where filtrate () is separated and the mercury concentration is thereby increased in a third flow of wastewater;'}{'b': 7', '13, 'delivering the third flow of wastewater with increased mercury concentration () to a water treatment plant ().'}2810. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the filtrate () separated during concentration is fed to the scrubber ().31113. The method according to wherein water is fed to the gypsum hydrocyclone () through a dedicated feed pipe in addition to the gypsum suspension () claim 1 , thus resulting in fine material depletion in the underflow () in relation to the suspension volume.4. The method according to wherein the gypsum is washed in two-stage gypsum dewatering with intermediate dilution using process water.55. The method ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180297875A1

Disclosed is a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for sewage treatment. The SBR is applicable to an energy-producing sewage treatment system. The SBR includes a treatment tank and a hybrid bacterial strain screening tank. The treatment tank removes ammonium contained in supernatant liquid using anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria. The hybrid bacterial strain screening tank screen anammox bacteria granules out by passing the supernatant liquid discharged from the treatment tank through the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank. The SBR generates biogas using the anammox bacteria and reduces the nitrogen content in the supernatant liquid. The SBR can separate the anammox bacteria granules with high separation efficiency, thereby shortening sewage treatment time and recycling activated sludge, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the amount of waste sludge. 1. A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for sewage treatment , applicable to an energy-producing sewage treatment system , the SBR comprising a treatment tank and a hybrid bacterial strain screening tank as reaction tanks ,wherein the treatment tank removes ammonium contained in supernatant liquid by using anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria, andwherein the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank filters the supernatant liquid discharged from the treatment tank by passing the supernatant liquid through a hybrid bacterial strain screening zone provided in the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank, to screen out ammonium-oxidizing bacteria granules.2. The sequencing batch reactor according to claim 1 , wherein the hybrid bacterial strain screening tank comprises:a housing having a hybrid bacterial strain screening zone therein having a truncated circular conical shape;a feeding unit installed to extend through the housing and the hybrid bacterial strain screening zone, the feeding unit feeding the supernatant liquid to the hybrid bacterial strain screening zone; anda recovery unit for collecting and ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Monitoring the Effectiveness of a Water Treatment Unit

Номер: US20190292071A1
Автор: SCHULZE Wolfgang

The invention relates to an apparatus for monitoring the separation of lime particles from a water stream, including a water inlet via which water that contains lime particles is fed, a separation chamber, within which the lime particles are separated from the water by centrifugal forces, and a water outlet, via which the water from which the lime particles have been separated is discharged, a collection chamber being provided for receiving the lime particles separated from the water and a sensor system being provided on the collection chamber, by means of which sensor system the separation process of the lime particles from the water stream can be monitored. 1. An apparatus for monitoring separation of lime particles from a water stream , comprising:a water inlet, via which water that contains lime particles is fed,a separation chamber, within which the lime particles are separated from the water by centrifugal forces,a water outlet, via which the water from which the lime particles have been separated is discharged,a collection chamber provided for receiving the lime particles separated from the water, anda sensor system provided at the collection chamber, by which the sensor system monitors a separation process of the lime particles from the water stream.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor system is a sensor system measuring light or sound.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor system has an arrangement comprising a transmitter and a receiver claim 1 , the transmitter supplies a signal emitted by the transmitter through the collection chamber to the receiver.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor system is coupled to an evaluation and control unit claim 1 , by which concentration of lime particles in the collection chamber can be analyzed on a basis of a measuring signal measured at a receiver of the sensor system.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor system is coupled to an ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Desalination and/or Gas Production System and Method

Номер: US20170320753A1
Автор: Irvin, SR. Whitaker Ben
Принадлежит: QWTIP LLC

A system and method are provided in at least one embodiment to process water to produce gas that can be separated into at least two gas flows using a water treatment system having a disk-pack rotating in it to cause out gassing from the water. In a further embodiment, the method and system use the gas released from the water to produce substantially fresh water from the processed salt water. 1. A method for producing gas from water comprising:filling a water tank with water sufficient to cover any inlet and any discharge of a water dissociation system present in said water tank;rotating a disk-pack turbine in a disk-pack module of the water dissociation system;spinning a water to create a vortex where the water that enters the vortex is located inside the water tank;discharging the water from the vortex module into an expansion chamber formed in the disk-pack turbine of the disk-pack module;channeling the water between spaces that exist between disks of the disk-pack turbine to travel from the expansion chamber to and along at least one discharge channel surrounding the disk-pack turbine;discharging the water and gas through at least one discharge port; andcollecting gas with a hood that is out gassed from the water as the water is discharged from the water treatment system.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the system substantially performs all of the steps when the disk-pack turbine is rotating.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising adjusting a speed of rotation of the disk-pack turbine during operation.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:routing the gas from the hood to a separation system; andseparating the gas into at least two separate gas flows with the separation system.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising pumping the water from the water tank with a centrifugal pump before returning the water to the water tank for processing the water for another time.6. The method according to claim 1 , ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Particle Separator

Номер: US20150336811A1

A particle separator includes a particle separation member having a plurality of conical cavities for separating particles from unclean liquid; a fluid distribution member for distributing the unclean liquid to the cavities; a particle collection member for collecting the separated particles; and a fluid guiding member for guiding cleaned liquid to an outlet. Each cavity has a narrow open end and a wide open end. A vortex finder is disposed in each of the cavities. An entry channel for the liquid has an inlet section arranged between two adjacent cavities of the particle separation member. 1. A particle separator comprising:a particle separation member configured to separate particles from unclean liquid, the particle separation member comprising an entry channel and a plurality of cavities each having a narrow open end, a wide open end and a conical part between the narrow and wide open ends;a fluid distribution member configured to distribute the unclean liquid to the cavities;a particle collection member in communication with the narrow open ends of the cavities and arranged to collect particles separated from the liquid;a fluid guiding member configured to guide liquid from the particle separation member to an outlet of the device; anda plurality of vortex finders disposed between the wide open end of each of the cavities of the particle separation member and the fluid guiding member;wherein the entry channel comprises an inlet section extending in a radial direction of the particle separation member, and an outlet section extending in an axial direction of the particle separation member; andthe inlet section is disposed between two adjacent cavities of the particle separation member, and the distance between said two adjacent cavities greater than the distance between other adjacent cavities.2. The particle separator of claim 1 , wherein the inlet section is located outside of a chamber of the particle collection member.3. The particle separator of claim 1 , ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Purification of aqueous solutions from metal contamination with activated manganese dioxide

Номер: US20180319689A1
Автор: Stanley M. Meyer

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to systems and methods for removal of contaminants from water including, but not limited to, industrial wastewater, brackish water, municipal wastewater, drinking waters, and particularly waters obtained from fracking operations. For example, a method for purifying a feed water composition may comprise (a) contacting the feed water composition with an activated manganese dioxide to form an activated manganese dioxide-containing feed water composition, where the activated manganese dioxide was formed by contacting soluble organics with soluble permanganate ions (MnO 4 − ) at a pH from about 5.5 to about 14; (b) increasing the pH of the activated manganese dioxide-containing feed water composition sufficient to form a contaminant precipitate and an alkaline solution, wherein the contaminant precipitate comprises at least some of the metal; (d) removing the contaminant precipitate from the alkaline solution to form a treated water, wherein the treated water is purified relative to the feed water composition. The activated manganese dioxide material may be formed in situ by adding the soluble permanganate ions to the feed water composition where the permanganate will react with the contained proper organic or a proper organic added to the feed water composition, such as glycerin. In the alternative, the activated manganese dioxide can be formed in vitro by reacting the soluble permanganate ions with the proper organic, and the resulting activated manganese dioxide can thereafter be added to the feed water composition. Optionally, the pH of treated water can be lowered, for example to a pH suitable for transportation or for further industrial use, such as liquid road salt. In addition, either or both the feed water composition and the treated water can be exposed to activated carbon. Further yet, the treated water can be exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The treated water is then suitable for industrial ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190321756A1
Автор: Kompala Dhinakar S.

Settling devices for separating particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields. The particle settling devices include a first stack of cones with a small opening oriented upwardly or downwardly. Optionally, the settling devices may include a second stack of cones with a small opening oriented downwardly or upwardly. The cones may be concave or convex. These devices are useful for separating small (millimeter or micron sized) particles from a bulk fluid with applications in numerous fields, such as biological (microbial, mammalian, plant, insect or algal) cell cultures, solid catalyst particle separation from a liquid or gas and waste water treatment. 1. A settling device comprising:an upper conical portion with at least one port;a cylindrical portion;a lower conical portion with at least one port; anda stack of cones located within the settling device, each cone of the stack of cones including a small opening and a large opening, the small opening oriented towards one of the upper conical portion and the lower conical opening, the stack of cones generally centered around a longitudinal axis of the settling device.2. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein at least one cone of the stack of cones is composed of one of metal claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , and glass.3. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the upper housing further comprises a first flange configured to engage a second flange of the lower housing.4. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein a surface of a cone of the first stack of cones is at an angle of between approximately 25 degrees to about 85 degrees relative to the longitudinal axis.5. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second conical portions are concave inwardly towards the longitudinal axis.6. The settling device of claim 6 , wherein a longitudinal cross-section of a body of a cone forms a line with an arcuate shape.7. The settling device of claim 1 , wherein the first conical portion is concave inwardly ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Pool Cleaner Filter Medium

Номер: US20180328060A1

Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners that remove debris from water using a plurality of cyclonic flows, or that include a removable impeller subassembly, a check valve for a debris canister, a particle separator assembly having a handle that locks to the pool cleaner, a modular roller drive gear box, or a roller latch that secures a roller to the pool cleaner. Exemplary embodiments are also directed to the check valve and the roller latch themselves. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a filter medium for pool cleaners that includes embossments providing flow channels for water, and to roller assemblies for pool cleaners. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners including alternative pump motor engagements. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners power supplies that include a potted and contoured power board assembly, and to kickstands therefor. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a pool cleaner caddy, and removable wheels therefor. 1. A filter medium for a pool cleaner , comprising:a body having a first side and a second side, the body being formed of a filter material; anda first plurality of embossments formed in the body, the first plurality of embossments forming a first plurality of convexities extending from the first side of the body and a first plurality of concavities extending into the second side of the body, the first plurality of concavities and the first plurality of convexities providing flow channels for water to flow through when debris is attached to the body.2. The filter medium of claim 1 , comprising a second set of embossments formed in the body claim 1 , the second set of embossments forming a second plurality of convexities extending from the second side of the body and a second plurality of concavities extending into the first side of the body claim 1 , the first and second plurality of concavities and the first and second plurality of convexities providing flow channels for water to flow through ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180328065A1

Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners that remove debris from water using a plurality of cyclonic flows, or that include a removable impeller subassembly, a check valve for a debris canister, a particle separator assembly having a handle that locks to the pool cleaner, a modular roller drive gear box, or a roller latch that secures a roller to the pool cleaner. Exemplary embodiments are also directed to the check valve and the roller latch themselves. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a filter medium for pool cleaners that includes embossments providing flow channels for water, and to roller assemblies for pool cleaners. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners including alternative pump motor engagements. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners power supplies that include a potted and contoured power board assembly, and to kickstands therefor. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a pool cleaner caddy, and removable wheels therefor. 1. A pool cleaner for a pool or spa , comprising:a canister that collects and retains debris from water being cleaned by the pool cleaner, including an inlet, a top, and a bottom having an opening, the canister having an inner chamber, an outlet being provided proximal the top; a sleeve having a first end and a second end;', 'a shaft including a first end and a second end, the shaft positioned within the sleeve, the shaft being rotatable within the sleeve;', 'an impeller engaged with the first end of the shaft; and', 'a guard secured to the sleeve proximal the outlet,', 'at least a portion of the impeller subassembly being positioned within the inner chamber with the sleeve and shaft extending therethrough with the second end of the sleeve being adjacent the opening;, 'an impeller subassembly that expels the cleaned pool water from the outlet into the pool or spa, comprisingwherein the guard can be disengaged allowing the impeller subassembly to be removed from the inner chamber as a single unit. ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Pool Cleaner Check Valve

Номер: US20180328502A1
Автор: Hayes Graham M.

Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners that remove debris from water using a plurality of cyclonic flows, or that include a removable impeller subassembly, a check valve for a debris canister, a particle separator assembly having a handle that locks to the pool cleaner, a modular roller drive gear box, or a roller latch that secures a roller to the pool cleaner. Exemplary embodiments are also directed to the check valve and the roller latch themselves. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a filter medium for pool cleaners that includes embossments providing flow channels for water, and to roller assemblies for pool cleaners. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners including alternative pump motor engagements. Exemplary embodiments are directed to pool cleaners power supplies that include a potted and contoured power board assembly, and to kickstands therefor. Exemplary embodiments are directed to a pool cleaner caddy, and removable wheels therefor. 1. A pool cleaner , comprising:a canister body including an inlet, the canister body defining an inner chamber;a filter medium disposed within the inner chamber of the canister body;a cyclone block including a plurality of cyclone containers, the cyclone block disposed within the inner chamber of the canister body and at least partially surrounded by the filter medium; and a frame;', 'a medium having a proximal end, a distal end, a body extending between the proximal end and the distal end, and a pocket in the body of the medium that extends from the proximal end to the distal end, the proximal end of the medium being secured to the frame; and', 'a rigid rod positioned within the pocket of the medium,, 'a check valve secured within the inlet, the check valve comprisingthe check valve being positioned in a first position when fluid is flowing through the check valve in a first direction wherein debris is permitted to flow through the check valve, and positioned in a second position when fluid is ...
