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20-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2333896C2

Изобретение относится к способам переработки нефтесодержащих отходов (шламов) и может быть использовано в нефтяной, нефтеперерабатывающей и других отраслях народного хозяйства, где имеет место формирование, складирование и длительное хранение в прудах-отстойниках и шламонакопителях нефтесодержащих отходов. Собирают верхнюю, обогащенную нефтепродуктом часть нефтесодержащих отходов, фильтруют, нагревают в пленочном испарителе путем контакта свободной поверхности падающей пленки нефтесодержащего отхода с потоком продукта сгорания котельного топлива, охлажденного до 400-600°С рециркулятом газовой фазы, охлажденным в конденсаторе до температуры конденсации паров воды, содержащихся в газовой фазе. При этом рециркулят нефтесодержащего отхода с низа пленочного испарителя подают на верх испарителя и смешивают его с исходным нефтесодержащим отходом, пары воды отделяют от готового продукта в центробежном сепараторе с последующей конденсацией паров в конденсаторе, орошаемом наиболее обводненной частью ...

20-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2281911C2

Описан способ выделения элементного фосфора из водного шлама, содержащего приблизительно от 1 до приблизительно 15 масс.% диспергированного фосфора. К шламу добавляют приблизительно от 1 до приблизительно 20 масс.%, считая на массу фосфора, присутствующего в указанном шламе, фосфатной соли, которая имеет общую формулу, где R представляет щелочной металл или аммоний и n равно число от 0 до 30. В качестве фосфатной соли используют триполифосфат натрия, тетранатрийпирофосфат или гексаметафосфат натрия. Фосфор в шламе плавят и твердые компоненты в шламе отделяют от жидкого фосфора и воды. Жидкий фосфор затем отделяют от воды. Выделенный фосфор имеет чистоту более чем 99% при высокой степени извлечения его из шлама. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559505C2
Принадлежит: НЕВЛИЗИ С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение может быть использовано для устранения отходов и шламов, образующихся при очистке сточных вод. Для осуществления способа проводят кислотный окислительный гидролиз поступающих отходов при pH от 0,1 до 5,0 и при температуре от 35°C до 100°C путем введения в массу молекулярного кислорода и/или органического или неорганического пероксидного окисляющего агента (загрузки); проводят щелочной окислительный гидролиз полученной массы, выходящей из кислотного окислительного гидролиза, при pH от 8,0 до 12,0 и при температуре от 40°C до 100°C путем введения молекулярного кислорода и/или органического или неорганического пероксидного окисляющего агента; затем проводят химическое кондиционирование массы, выходящей из щелочного окислительного гидролиза, путем добавления кислотного реагента. В предпочтительных условиях проведения способа проводят предварительную стадию механического измельчения поступающих отходов и после стадии щелочного окислительного гидролиза осуществляют стадию отделения ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2449955C2
Принадлежит: ДЕГРЕМОН (FR)

Изобретение относится к способу для кондиционирования жидких осадков, образующихся при обработке сточных вод. Способ для кондиционирования жидких осадков, в соответствии с которым осадки подвергают воздействию стадии механического обезвоживания с последующей стадией тепловой сушки, при этом в осадок инжектируется хлорид трехвалентного железа и/или негашеная или гашеная известь между стадиями обезвоживания и сушки и/или у входа на стадию сушки, причем инжекция извести производиться в виде порошка так, чтобы образовалось покрытие на лепешке осадка без избыточного смешивания для того, чтобы предотвратить тиксотропию, так что связывание осадков во время стадии сушки уменьшается и испарительная способность улучшается. Установка для кондиционирования жидких осадков включает в себя между средствами (1) механического обезвоживания и тепловым сушильным аппаратом (3) и/или у входа в тепловой сушильный аппарат (3) средство (4) для инжекции хлорида трехвалентного железа и/или средства (8, 9) для инжекции ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2547491C2

Изобретения могут быть использованы в области очистки сточных вод. Способ очистки сточных вод анаэробной обработкой первичного осадка (PS) в емкости для отходов (5) и отдельной обработкой пастообразного избыточного шлама (ÜS). Пастообразный избыточный шлам (ÜS) предварительно отделяют от первичного осадка (PS) и вводят в гидролизный реактор (8), где в ходе термической и/или химической гидролизной обработки его разрыхляют и разжижают. Полученный гидролизованный избыточный шлам (ÜS) подвергают анаэробной обработке независимо от первичного осадка (PS) в реакторе (14) для анаэробной обработки, который непосредственно или косвенно сообщается с выходом гидролизного реактора (8). Между гидролизным реактором (8), предпочтительно декомпрессионным резервуаром (11), и гигиенизирующим резервуаром (1) для первичного осадка (PS) установлен трубопровод (2) для подачи теплопроводной среды. Изобретения позволяют увеличить выход биогаза и метана. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Система и способ переработки осадка сточных вод

Номер: RU2632444C1

Группа изобретений может быть использована для переработки осадков сточных вод с применением альтернативных независимых источников тепловой и электрической энергии. Система для переработки осадка содержит устройство для механической очистки (1) осадка, механический сгуститель (2), реактор (4) для термического разложения жидкого осадка, включающий трубчатый корпус, имеющий вход для подачи осадка под давлением не менее 25 МПа и выход для продуктов разложения, а также установленный вокруг корпуса нагреватель, выполненный с возможностью нагрева осадка до температуры не менее 450°С, устройство для разделения полученных продуктов разложения на горючий газ и осадок (5), устройство для обезвоживания (6) осадка, связанное с выходом разложенного осадка устройства разделения (5) осадка. Выход горючего газа устройства разделения (5) осадка связан с газогенераторной установкой (8) для выработки из горючего газа тепловой и/или электрической энергии. Газогенераторная установка (8) связана со сгустителем ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU106243U1

... 1. Комплекс для переработки и полной утилизации с обезвреживанием осадков сточных вод, содержащий участки обезвоживания осадка, сушки, формования изделий, блок очистки дымовых газов, отличающийся тем, что участок обезвоживания осадка соединен через участок переработки и подготовки технологической массы, участок формования, участок сушки и термоподготовки, печь обжига и холодильник со складом готовой продукции; участок обезвоживания осадка снабжен блоком термического обезвреживания, соединенным с блоком очистки дымовых газов и бункером запаса золы, вход которого соединен и с выходом блока очистки дымовых газов; участок сушки и термоподготовки снабжен сушильным барабаном, вход которого соединен с выходом участка формования и выходом печи обжига, а выходы его соединены с блоком очистки отходящих газов и через бункер запаса полуфабриката с печью обжига. ! 2. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен узлом корректирующих добавок, выходы которого соединены с бункером запаса золы, с участками ...

03-09-2019 дата публикации

Способ очистки концентрированных органических стоков и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2699118C2

Изобретение относится к области экологии и охраны окружающей среды и может быть использовано для глубокой очистки концентрированных стоков предприятий пищевой промышленности, жидких отходов сельскохозяйственных предприятий, отходов химических, лесохимических, целлюлозно-бумажных производств, иловых осадков сточных вод, а также при утилизации органической составляющей твердых бытовых отходов при получения из них прокачиваемой насосами водяной пульпы. Способ очистки концентрированных органических сточных вод, включающий в себя сверхкритическое водное окисление (СКВО) органических загрязнений. Перед проведением СКВО загрязнений осуществляют сверхкритическую водную газификацию (СКВГ) сточных вод, охлаждают сточные воды до докритической температуры, отделяют от сточных вод и отводят от них газовую фазу, снова нагревают сточные воды до сверхкритических температур, вводят в обрабатываемые сточные воды окислитель, проводят СКВО остатка загрязнений, понижают температуру до докритической, отделяют ...

28-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU210722U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к способам и устройствам для обработки и утилизации осадков сточных вод. Экоэнергокомбайн включает метантенк цилиндрического типа с системой очистки биогаза и генератор с блоками рекуперации электрической и тепловой энергии. Все составные части экоэнергокомбайна расположены в едином корпусе, выполненном из теплоизоляционного композитного материала. Наверху корпуса размещен фильтр для улавливания углекислого газа. Используемый метантенк выполнен с высотой, превышающей его диаметр от 3 до 10 раз. Блоки рекуперации электрической и тепловой энергии выполнены из диэлектрического материала. Технический результат: увеличение выхода биогаза при уменьшении занимаемой площади. 1 ил.

27-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2205158C1

Изобретение относится к способам для переработки осадков сточных вод с целью получения гуминовых веществ. Способ получения гуминовых веществ из иловых осадков бытовых и/или промышленных сточных вод включает сгущение осадков до влажности 85-90% и тепловую обработку суспензии осадков. Тепловую обработку проводят при давлении 3,5-4 МПа и температуре 240-250oС в течение 1,5-2 мин. При этом в реакционную массу добавляют раствор серной кислоты до достижения ее концентрации в реакторе 0,5-0,6%. Затем проводят обработку щелочью до рН более 10 и барботирование кислородсодержащим газом при температуре 150-220oС в течение 60-90 мин при давлении не менее 2 МПа. Полученный органоминеральный комплекс разделяют на жидкую фазу, представляющую собой раствор гуминовых веществ, и нерастворимый твердый осадок. Технический эффект - уменьшение количества неокисленного осадка после операции окисления и разложение флокулянта, упрощение процесса фазового разделения. 2 ил.

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2098361C1

Использование: в нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности, в частности для переработки и утилизации нефтяных отходов. Сущность изобретения: нефтеотходы подвергают трехступенчатому разделению путем отстоя при температуре 65 - 75oC с получением легких нефтепродуктов, воды и эмульсии нефтепродуктов с водой, полученные после каждой ступени разделения легкие нефтепродукты подвергают ректификации с получением легких фракций, выкипающих до 200oC, и остатка ректификации - керосино-газойлевой фракции 200oC - ККoC, а эмульсию нефтепродуктов с водой после второй ступени разделения смешивают с нефтешламом, разбавителем и водой, смесь обрабатывают деэмульгатором, а после подогрева до 40 - 80oC и перемешивания направляют на третью ступень разделения, после чего эмульсию нефтепродуктов с водой смешивают с остатком ректификации - керосино-газойлевой фракцией 200oC - ККoC и предварительно нагретым до 85 - 95oC тяжелым остатком нефтепереработки с получением компонента товарной продукции, причем эмульсию нефтепродуктов ...

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2076077C1

Использование: очистка сточных вод в мясной, пищевой и рыбоперерабатывающей промышленности. Сущность изобретения: осадок, полученный при очистке сточных вод мясоперерабатывающих заводов, обрабатывают путем нагрева острым паром при перемешивании с одновременным прессованием при температуре 70-90oC в течение 18 - 25 с до остаточной влажности 55-60%. 1 з.п. ф-лы.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485400C1

Изобретение относится к способу обезвреживания отходов, содержащих углеводороды, включающему сжатие отходов и окислителя до давления Р>РкрНО с последующей подачей в реактор. Способ осуществляется методом окисления в среде сверхкритической воды при температуре Т>ТкрНO в присутствии окислителя и характеризуется тем, что нагрев отходов до температуры Т>ТкрНO производится рециркулирующим сверхкритическим раствором обезвреженного отхода непосредственно в реакторе (где РкрНО - критическое давление воды - 218 атм, ТкрНО - критическая температура воды 374°С). Также изобретение относится к устройству для осуществления указанного способа. Использование настоящего изобретения позволяет предотвратить выпадения солей вне реактора для исключения забивки змеевиков и упрощение способа. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2327652C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в коммунальном хозяйстве для обеззараживания осадка от яиц гельминтов. Установка включает камеру дегельминтизации с элементом для прогревания осадка и магистральный воздуховод 2 воздуходувного оборудования 1 емкостей для очистки сточных вод, устройство 3 для механического обезвоживания осадка сточных вод, соединенное транспортером 4 с бункером 5. Камера дегельминтизации выполнена в виде бункера 5 с крышкой с загрузочным люком 8 и с теплоизолированными наружными поверхностями. Внутренний объем бункера 5 ограничен полыми, герметизированными по контуру бункера стенками. Элемент для прогревания осадка соединен трубопроводом с магистральным воздуховодом 2 воздуходувного оборудования 1 емкостей для очистки сточных вод и представляет собой расположенную по спирали внутри полости стенок бункера 5 трубу. Внутри бункера 5 с опорами на крышку и/или устройство для выгрузки прогретого осадка установлен вал с перемешивающим осадок приспособлением, например шнеком.

30-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92006445A

Устройство для обезвоживания осадков сточных вод используется при обработке осадков сточных вод на локальных водоочистных сооружениях предприятий в различных отраслях промышленности. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит корпус со съемной крышкой, блок ртутных ламп с лотком подачи и распределения осадков, вращающийся вакуумный барабан с горизонтальной фильтрующей поверхностью, разделенный глухими вертикальными перегородками на ряд секторов. Эти сектора соединены с распределительной головкой и капиллярами, компенсирующими потери давления в каждом секторе. Неподвижный очиститель выполнен в форме логарифмической спирали для сдвига высушенного осадка к месту выгрузки с одновременной очисткой фильтровальной перегородки. Изобретение позволяет обезвоживать осадки сточных вод с высокой эффективностью путем одновременного и непрерывного проведения операций вакуум-фильтрования и радиационной сушки.

10-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95118795A

... 1. Способ переработки нефтеотходов, включающий разделение путем отстоя с получением легких нефтепродуктов, воды и эмульсии нефтепродуктов с водой, отличающийся тем, что нефтеотходы подвергают трехступенчатому разделению при температуре 65 - 75o С, полученные после каждой ступени разделения легкие нефтепродукты подвергают ректификации с получением легких фракций, выкипающих до 200oС и остатка 200o С-ККoС, а эмульсию нефтепродуктов с водой после второй ступени разделения смешивают с нефтешламом, разбавителем и водой, смесь обрабатывают деэмульгатором, а после подогрева до 40 - 60oС, перемешивания и отстоя верхний слой легких нефтепродуктов также подвергают ректификации, эмульсию нефтепродуктов с водой смешивают с остатком ректификации 200oС-ККoС и предварительно нагретым до 85 - 95oС тяжелым остатком нефтепереработки с получением компонента товарной продукции. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что эмульсию нефтепродуктов с водой после второй ступени разделения смешивают с нефтешламом, разбавителем ...

21-05-2024 дата публикации

Каталитический котел-утилизатор для сжигания осадков сточных вод предприятий и способ их сжигания

Номер: RU2819544C1

Группа изобретений предназначена для переработки влажных иловых осадков сточных вод промышленных, коммунальных и других предприятий и может быть использована для снижения антропогенной нагрузки на окружающие территории. Каталитический котел-утилизатор для сжигания осадков сточных вод предприятий представляет собой вертикальный цилиндрический котел переменного диаметра из нержавеющей стали, оснащенный узлом подачи воздуха в нижней части корпуса, патрубком подачи катализатора в верхней части корпуса, патрубками подачи иловых осадков сточных вод и дополнительного топлива, над которыми расположена организующая насадка. Подача илового осадка сточных вод осуществляется через четыре патрубка круглого сечения, вваренных в корпус котла в одной плоскости, равноудаленных друг от друга и соединенных трубами с двумя дозирующими устройствами, работающими параллельно. При сжигании осадков сточных вод в режиме кипящего слоя используют вышеописанный котел-утилизатор. Процесс производят при температуре 650 ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666862C1

Группа изобретений может быть использована в области переработки осадков сточных вод для снижения класса опасности механически обезвоженных осадков при их последующей утилизации. Технология способа включает приготовление смеси из адсорбента и инертного материала, смешивание активной смеси и механически обезвоженных осадков сточных вод, и подсушивание смеси до влажности 0-20% с получением конечной смеси. В качестве адсорбента используют акваионит, при этом масса адсорбента составляет не менее 3% от абсолютно сухой массы механически обезвоженных осадков сточных вод. В качестве инертного материала используют песок, при этом масса инертного материала составляет 15-450% от массы механически обезвоженных осадков сточных вод. Обработка каменистых включений инертного материала включает определение влажности инертного материала, дробление каменистых включений и их просеивание. В некоторых вариантах способа в качестве инертного материала используют сухой или влажный песок, к активной смеси добавляют ...

06-02-2018 дата публикации

Реактор для проведения реакций гидролиза

Номер: RU2643976C1

Изобретение относится к химическим реакторам для проведения реакций гидролиза в гидротермальных условиях, например, для гидролиза неорганических солей, получения оксидов и гидроксидов путем гидролиза солей металлов. Реактор для проведения процессов гидролиза в гидротермальных условиях включает реакционный сосуд, соединенный с патрубком подачи воды, дренажной трубой и трубой сброса выхлопных газов, а патрубок сброса соединен с верхней частью реакционного сосуда. Реактор содержит встроенное устройство подачи и управления потоком вытесняющего газа, которое снабжено механизмом регулируемого выдвижения и позиционирования относительно уровня жидкости в реакторе для подачи вытесняющего газа в приповерхностное пространство над уровнем жидкости. При этом обеспечивается оптимизация профиля концентрации контактирующих веществ, интенсификация обратимых процессов гидролиза, полнота протекания реакций, повышение производительности реактора, а также обеспечение надежности и технологической гибкости устройства ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659983C1

Изобретение относится к системам утилизации и может быть использовано на тепловых электрических станциях, на углеобогатительных фабриках, нефтеперерабатывающих заводах при утилизации гидрошламов и нефтешламов, а также на энерготехнологических комплексах при утилизации осадков сточных вод. Система утилизации содержит топку, теплообменник и золоуловитель. Топка выполнена кипящего слоя и содержит сводчатый корпус из огнеупорного материала с колосником, на котором расположена сопловая решетка, а в нижней части корпуса топки установлен шнековый разгрузчик. Внутри корпуса котла расположены водонагревательные трубы, соединенные с теплопотребителем. В сопла подается теплоноситель от дутьевого вентилятора, соединенного теплопроводом с выходом высокотемпературного воздухонагревателя теплообменного аппарата. В боковой стенке котла установлено вихревое сопло-горелка, работающее от газообразного топлива, например биогаза, поступающего из биореактора. Отходы подаются от пневмозагрузочного устройства ...

21-12-2020 дата публикации

Способ переработки нефтешлама

Номер: RU2739189C1

Предложен способ переработки нефтешлама, включающий его забор из амбара через самоочищающийся фильтр с помощью высокопроизводительного насоса, подогрев в теплообменнике трубчатого или иного типа до 40÷60°С и подачу в аппарат с обогреваемой рубашкой и мешалкой, снабженный мерниками воды, и деэмульгатора с получением термодинамически нестабильной водонефтяной системы, где в качестве деэмульгатора используют водную суспензию сульфата кальция, или их смесь, а массовое соотношение нефтешлам : вода : деэмульгатор перед подачей в гидродинамический ускоритель тонкого диспергирования составляет (17÷25):(0,1÷12):(>0,1÷0,10), с последующим разделением коллоидной водонефтяной эмульсии на нефтяную и водо-иловую фракции на установке электрообессоливания и обезвоживания с отстоем полученного нефтепродукта и утилизацией водо-иловой суспензии. Технический результат - совершенствование технологической линии переработки нефтяных шламов, образующихся на этапах добычи и переработки нефти, с одновременным повышением ...

20-02-2004 дата публикации

Способ переработки обезвоженных осадков сточных вод

Номер: RU2002107753A

... 1. Способ переработки обезвоженных осадков сточных вод, включающий их измельчение, сжигание с образованием золы с последующим удалением золы в отвал, отличающийся тем, что перед измельчением обезвоженные осадки сточных вод равномерно смешивают с углем, измельчение смеси обезвоженных осадков и угля ведут с одновременной сушкой горячим воздухом с образованием твердого пылевидного топлива, сжигание которого ведут в топке промышленного котлоагрегата. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество обезвоженных осадков в смеси составляет 1-5 мас.%. 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что измельчение смеси ведут до тонины помола R90=5-15%, а сушку смеси ведут горячим воздухом температурой 200-400°С до влажности 1÷2%.

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003126150A

... 1. Способ обезвоживания и обеззараживания илового осадка, включающий отвод фильтрата через фильтрующую ткань, термическое обеззараживание и утилизацию осадка, отличающийся тем, что отвод фильтрата ведут через фильтрующую ткань вертикального фильтрующего рукава с одновременным нагревом илового осадка сжатым горячим воздухом при температуре 70-85°С, подвод которого осуществляют под слой илового осадка. 2. Установка обезвоживания и обеззараживания илового осадка, содержащая фильтры, выполненные из фильтрующей ткани и закрепленные в верхней части на фланцах, оснащенных патрубками подвода илового осадка, и содержащая также емкости для сбора фильтрата, отличающаяся тем, что фильтры выполнены в виде вертикальных фильтрующих рукавов, установка дополнительно содержит приемные накопительные емкости для илового осадка, к которым через запорные устройства подключены патрубки подвода илового осадка в фильтрующие рукава, фильтрующие рукава имеют коническую или цилиндроконическую форму, причем нижняя ...

20-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95110252A1

Изобретение относится к способам переработки осадков и может быть использовано для переработки осадков, получаемых при нейтрализации сточных вод хромовых производств, с получением абразивного хромового материала. Способ заключается в смешении осадка с насыщенным раствором хромового ангидрида в соотношении: твердая часть осадка хромовый ангидрид не более 0,4 и прокаливании при температурах 100 - 150o не менее 6 ч и 600 - 1000o не менее 2 ч.

15-11-1991 дата публикации

Способ обработки осадков сточных вод

Номер: SU1691327A1

Изобретение относится к обработке осадков, образующихся в процессе очистки сточных вод, и может быть использовано в коммунальном хозяйстве и химической промышленности при обработке осадков сточных вод(ОСВ). Целью изобретения является повышение производительности обезвоживающего оборудования при сохранении низкой влажности обезвоженного осадка, сокращение расхода реагентов и удешевление процесса. В способе обработки ОСВ, включающем сбраживание, промывку, уплотнение , реагентную обработку, механическое обезвоживание и термическую сушку (ТС), перед сбраживанием ОСВ нагревают путем прямого контакта с парогазовой смесью, образующейся на стадии ТС, а промывку сброженного осадка ведут при продувке парогазовой смесью, образующейся в процессе ТС, с введением известкового молока до рН 7,2-7,8. 1 з.п. ф-лы, (Л С ...

15-07-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для обработки фекальных сточных вод

Номер: SU1747401A1

Использование: переработка фекальных сточных вод с использованием процессов биоразложения и пастеризации Сущность изобретения: в устройстве для перемещения фекальных масс применена система ленточных конвейеров, входящих по вертикальной плоскости друг в друга Верхний приемный лоток имеет ручку, два конца которой проходят через весь лоток и связаны со скребками Ручка, зафиксированная относительно передней стенки лотка , служит для его выемки с целью освобождения его оч готового остатка При пользовании устройство оавномерное распределение фекальных масс по лотку осуществляется скребком, связанным с ручкой, при этом фиксатор снят 2 з п ф-лы, 5 ил ...

30-01-1992 дата публикации

Способ обработки осадка

Номер: SU1708778A1

Изобретение относится к технологии подготовки промышленных отходов с(целью повторного прш^енения или утили- 'зации их и может быть использовано во всех отраслях промьшшенного производства, где образуются гидроокисные осадки. С целью снижения влажности гидроокисных осадков в способе обработки, включаклдем уплотнение, нагревание и механическое обезвоживание осадка, нагревание и обезвоживание . осадка ведут нагретым до ЗО-ЗОО^С вбз- духом,'циркулирующим над слоем и через слой осадка со скоростью 0,1 г- 15 м/с, затем осадок гранулируют и повторно нагревают воздухом. 1 табл.

15-02-1985 дата публикации

Установка для обработки высококонцентрированных стоков

Номер: SU1139716A1

... 1. УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ ВЫСОКОКОНЦЕНТРИРОВАННЫХ СТОКОВ, содержащая два последовательно соединенных ээротенка, корпуса которых выполнены из материала низкой тепло1 18 проводности, и аэратор, о т л и чающаяся тем, что, с целью сокращения продолжительности обработки стоков путем повышения температуры жидкости за счет рационального использования тепла, вьщеляющегося при биохимическом окислении органических веществ, аэротенки размещены один над другим и снабжены соединяющей верхние полости аэротенков пе- г репускной газовой трубой, аэраторы вьтолнены в виде расположенных на одном валу пропеллерных мешалок, установленных в каждом аэротенке, при этом аэратор нижнего аэротенка соединен с атмосферой. 2. Установка по п. 1, о т л ичающаяся тем, что аэратор верхнего аэротенка снабжен пеногасителем . ОО О ...

23-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1782946C

07-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1820904C

23-11-1987 дата публикации

Способ переработки нефтешлама

Номер: SU1353754A1

Изобретение относится к технологии переработки и утилизации отходов нефтехимических производств. Целью изобретения является повышение степени выделения нефтепродуктов из нефте- шлама экстракцией. Для осуществления способа нефтепродукты экстрагируют из нефтешлама смесью .жидких отходов . Производства ацетилена и этилена пи . ролизом пентагексановой фракции при объемном соотношении нефтешлама и .смеси отходов 1:(3-10) при 50-80 С с последующим разделением на углеводородный и водньм сдои и механические примеси. Смесь жидких отходов производства ацетилена состоит из кубовых от ректификации сырья пиролиза, отработанного керосина от промывки пиро- газа и ароматическ гх углеводородов, выделенных из пирогаза при соотношении компонентов (60-70):(15-20): :(15-20) мас.% соответственно. Способ позволяет по сравнению с известным способом снизить температуру обработки нефтешлама, уменьшить содержание влаги в вьщеленных нефтепродуктах и сократить остаточное содержание эфи- рорастворимой органики в очищенной ...

15-08-1977 дата публикации

Способ обработки осадков кристаллизацией

Номер: SU568601A1

07-06-1993 дата публикации

Способ обработки стоков животноводческих предприятий и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1820904A3

Сущность: исходную массу измельчают, перемешивают и обеззараживают в тонком слое между двумя встречно вращающимися дисками. Устройство для обработки стоков содержит корпус с отводящим патрубком и два диска с радиальными канавками и автономными приводами, установленных на валах , один из которых выполнен полым. 2 С.П.ф ЛЫ, 3 ИЛ.

12-07-1990 дата публикации

Appts. for clarifying clear slurry - comprises heating and de-watering slurry, evaporating filtrate and adding concentrate to de-watering stage

Номер: DE0003919350C1

A clear slurry with a solids content of over 3% resulting from a preclarification stage and/or biological clarification is treated thermally and then by de-watering sepd. into solid material and filtrate. The filtrate by evaporation at under 100deg.C is divided into a distillate and a concentrate. The distillate is recycled to the biological clarification process and the concentrate is added to the solid material obtd. by de-watering. The mixture of concentrate and solid is pref. burnt. ADVANTAGE - The appts. for preclarification and biological clarification does not need enlarging.

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Halterung für Heizungsrohre

Номер: DE202007014168U1
Принадлежит: REHAU AG & CO, REHAU AG + CO

24-01-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001759617C3

30-08-1979 дата публикации

Treating waste sludges with calcium oxide - to produce friable solids suitable for landfill or agricultural purposes

Номер: DE0002808489A1

Waste aq. sludge is converted to a solid, friable and odour-free prod. by treatment with Ca oxide. The sludge is supplied to a treatment zone at a first rate while the Ca oxide is supplied at a second rate releated to the first so that when the sludge and Ca oxide are mixed an exothermic reaction occurs with the evolution of steam to form the desired prod. having pH >=12. The sludge and Ca oxide are introduced at the desired rates to one end of the treatment zone along which they are moved concurrently at a rate such that the reaction has effectively terminated by the time they reach the other end of the zone. The prod. is removed from this end of the zone and the steam is withdrawn. The method may be used to treat either oil well pumps, sewage sumps, or sludge dredged from the bottom of a lake or harbour. The pH value and the heat produced in the treatment zone deactivates any virus or bacteria present in the sludge. Similarly soluble toxic compounds initially present in the sludge are ...

17-11-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002850607C2

29-01-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Aufheizen von Klaerschlaemmen

Номер: DE0001409695B1

20-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001219959A

... 1,219,959. Incinerators. VON ROLL A.G. 22 Nov., 1968 [15 July, 1968], No. 55632/68. Heading F4B. In a process for the simultaneous incineration of solid refuse and aqueous sewage sludge, hot combustion gases from an incinerator O burning solid refuse are passed into a pressurized vaporizer 4 to partially dewater and thus thicken aqueous sludge fed into the vaporizer at 5. The thickened sludge which is drained off at 7, either continuously or discontinuously, is introduced in an atomized state into the incinerator at 8 to be added to the solid refuse therein prior to incineration. Alternatively the thickened sludge is passed into an intermediate device 9 for mechanical dewatering, e.g. by centrifugal separation or pressure filtration, thereafter to be added to or mixed with the solid refuse entering the incinerator at 1. The vaporizer 4 may be a tubular, heat recovery boiler for saturated steam. The liquid separated in the mechanical dewatering device 9 together with steam from the vaporizer ...

02-12-1981 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for the treatment of sewage sludge

Номер: GB0002076387A
Автор: Neill, John

A method of treating sewage sludge in liquid or slurry form includes heating the sludge in a heating tank ?22! by means of a gas burner ?2! which is totally immersed in the sludge. A pump ?40! pumps sludge in the tank ?22! through pipes ?20! into the combustion chamber of the burner at a high speed thereby heating and sterilising the sludge. The sludge is then transferred to a digester ?24! by a pump ?48! where it is subjected to an anaerobic fermentation. The combustible gas produced in the digester is withdrawn by a pump ?30! through a gas line ?28!, mixed with air and fed to the burner to serve as the burner fuel.

19-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001330672A

... 1330672 Treating sludge STERLING DRUG Inc 22 Sept 1970 [29 Sept 1969] 45116/70 Heading C1C A process for treating sewage sludge comprises heating the sludge for up to 240 sees. at 190-230‹ C., cooling the sludge rapidly to below 100‹ C and filtering the sludge to obtain a supernatant liquid having a colour value of below 3000 APHA units and a BOD 5 value of 2-6 g/l., the amount of oxygen present during the heating step being not greater than that required to reduce the COD of the sludge by 3%. In one process the sludge is mixed with a small amounted of gas, e.g. air, CO 2 or N 2 , passed through a heat exchanger to preheat it, passed through a reactor in which it is heated to 190- 230‹ C. by steam injection and passed again through the heat exchanger to cool it. Gases are separated from the cooled sludge which is then mixed with lime, alum or ferric chloride and allowed to settle in a settling tank. The settled sludge is vacuum filtered and passed to an incinerator. The liquid separated ...

06-12-1934 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sewage disposal

Номер: GB0000420720A

... 420,720. Treating sewage. PORTEOUS, W. K., 6, Netherton Road, St. Margaret's, Twickenham, Middlesex. Nov. 18, 1933, No. 32219. [Class 111] Plant for treating sewage sludge by the wet-carbonization process comprises a recuperator through the heating portion d of which sludge is passed from a receptacle a by a pump b for delivery through a multi-way valve e to one of a series of receptacles f<1>, f<2>, f<3> while sludge is drawn from another of the receptacles through the valve e by a pump h and passed through the cooling portion j of the recuperator to a filter-press k, or other device for separating solid from liquid. Sludge held in the third receptacle is heated therein by steam coils or a steam jet or jacket. The valve e is of the rotary plug type which allows of one receptacle being connected to the pipe d while another is connected to the pump h. It is stated that the sludge may be transferred from the receptacles f<1>, , f<2>, f<3> to the filter-press by steam pressure. The recuperator ...

06-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001547177A

31-12-1980 дата публикации

Process and equipment for the extraction of solid material from liquid

Номер: GB0002049648A

Process for the extraction of solids from liquids containing solids granulated by heat effect and/or solids the moisture content of which is reducible by heat effect, especially from colloidal solutions with protein content, suspensions and slurries for reducing the fat content of the solid material, in the course of this process grains are formed in the liquid with heat effect, or the moisture content of the grains is reduced, then they are removed from the liquids and dried. The equipment for implementation of the process is also subject of the invention. The process is characterized by heating the liquid to 50 DEG -125 DEG C. temperature with heat transfer ("instant heating ") for a short period, maximum for 2 minutes, then the heated material is kept at 50 DEG -125 DEG C. temperature for at least 2, preferably for 5-15 minutes. This is followed by separation of the grains from the liquid phase with filtration in a space containing vapor of 50 DEG -125 DEG C. temperature, the filtration ...

10-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358491B

25-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380226B

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA80222002A

15-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA732678A

25-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403772B

15-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA400084A

15-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000088787A

15-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022397A

11-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000354950B

15-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000514775A

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215173A

15-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398483A

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109437T

15-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA95383A

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000086951T

15-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000070817T

25-09-1973 дата публикации

Procedure for the drainage from waste water dredging from purification plants and device to its execution

Номер: AT0000310105B

10-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337117B

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296688T

15-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA75087A

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000243171T

18-09-2006 дата публикации

Method for treating waste-activated sludge using elecroporation

Номер: AU2003304722A1

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Fractional deionization process

Номер: AU2002359797B2

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Process and device for continuous thermal hydrolysis

Номер: AU2014243326A1

Process, and associated device, for continuous thermal hydrolysis of sludge containing organic matter, said process comprising the steps consisting in: simultaneously carrying out the injection of pressurized steam (100) into said sludge and the mixing of said sludge with said steam by means of a dynamic injector-mixer (4) so as to obtain a single-phase mixture, conveying said single-phase mixture to a pressurized tubular reactor (5) and bringing about the plug flow of this mixture in said reactor for a sufficient residence time and at a sufficient temperature to enable the thermal hydrolysis of the organic matter present in said sludge, cooling said single-phase mixture at its outlet from said tubular reactor to a temperature that allows the subsequent digestion of the hydrolysed organic matter that it contains; depressurizing said cooled single-phase mixture.

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for the continuous thermal hydrolysis of sludge with a high dryness value

Номер: AU2014372506B2
Принадлежит: Patent Attorney Services

The invention relates to a method for the continuous thermal hydrolysis of sludge to be treated containing organic matter, and to a facility for implementing said method, said method comprising at least: a. a step of destructuring said sludge to be treated, producing destructured sludge; b. a step of thermal hydrolysis of said destructured sludge in a thermal hydrolysis reactor, producing hydrolysed sludge; and c. a step of cooling said hydrolysed sludge. According to the invention, said destructuring step consists in: introducing said sludge to be treated into a dynamic mixer; and heating said sludge from said dynamic mixer, the heating being generated by introducing, into a heat exchanger, both said sludge from the dynamic mixer and said hydrolysed sludge, this then inducing said cooling.

12-04-1999 дата публикации

Device and method for upgrading energy- and chemical raw materials by reacting them with cheap raw materials

Номер: AU0001226299A

04-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002402728A1

22-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002410814C

An improved process of treating sludge to provide a stable product for use as a beneficial soil or fertilizer for agricultural lands which includes the steps of: (a) mixing sludge with at least one alkaline material in an amount sufficient to raise pH of the mixture to a level of at least 12 and to increase percent solids in the mixture to at least 40% by weight, and such that odorant sludge organics and inorganics are bound to adsorbent particles of the alkaline material, (b) aerating and drying the mixture by agitation and heating to stabilize the mixture and increase the percent solids to at least 50% by weight, and (c) pasteurizing the dried mixture at a temperature at or above 52. degree. C. by application of heat resulting from an exothermic reaction of the alkaline material with water in the sludge, wherein said step (b) is carried out in a mechanical means selected from the group consisting of a drum dryer, a pelletizer, and a fluidized bed apparatus, and wherein the heat applied ...

15-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA926290A

22-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA991762A

10-12-2016 дата публикации

Станция биологической очистки хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод

Номер: RU0000166595U1

1. Устройство для биологической очистки хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод, характеризующееся тем, что содержит закрытый отстойник, сверху которого закреплен биореактор с загрузкой и дисковым распылителем, отстойник содержит входной и выходной патрубки и разделен вертикальными перегородками с отверстиями на три камеры, при этом на дне последней камеры установлен дренажный насос, соединенный с дисковым распылителем биореактора, а на части днища биореактора, расположенной над первой камерой отстойника, выполнены отверстия для поступления воды из биореактора в первую камеру отстойника.2. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что во второй камере отстойника закреплена герметичная емкость с дополнительным насосом с датчиком уровня для сброса очищенной воды и сообщена с третьей камерой отстойника посредством дополнительного отверстия.3. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что дисковый распылитель содержит штуцер, через который посредством гибкого шланга соединен с насосом.4. Устройство по п. 3, характеризующееся тем, что дисковый распылитель соединен со штуцером посредством трех ребер.5. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что загрузка представляет собой монолитную сотовую конструкцию, состоящую из пластиковых цилиндрических сетчатых оболочек.6. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что объем первой камеры составляет 50%, а второй и третьей по 25% от общего объема отстойника.7. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что выполнено из полипропилена.8. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что дисковый распылитель выполнен из полипропилена. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C02F 9/14 C02F 3/04 C02F 3/10 C02F 3/12 B01D 21/02 (13) 166 595 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016104446/05, 10.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Мищенков Вадим Юрьевич ( ...

13-03-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для утилизации сточной воды

Номер: RU0000169237U1

Полезная модель относится устройствам для утилизации сточных вод, в частности, после помывки личного состава в полевых условиях, когда не возможна ее очистка или слив на грунт.Технической задачей полезной модели является утилизация сточной воды путем превращения ее в пар.Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, что устройство для утилизации сточной воды отличается тем, что внутри корпус делится на две неравные половины стенкой, на которой жестко зафиксирован разделитель, лопасть дугообразной формы, а также проделано отверстие для пара, а в нижней части жестко зафиксирована перемычка, в нижней части корпуса подвижно крепится сборник, сливное отверстие, через входное отверстие в боковой стенке неподвижно фиксируется форсунка, в верхней части крепится заливная горловина и отвод. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 237 U1 (51) МПК B01D 1/14 (2006.01) B01J 19/26 (2006.01) C02F 1/04 (2006.01) C02F 11/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016123875, 15.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.06.2016 13.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.06.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное казенное военное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Военная академия материально-технического обеспечения имени генерала армии А.В. Хрулёва" Министерства обороны Российской Федерации (RU) Адрес для переписки: 199034, Санкт-Петербург, наб. адмирала Макарова, 8, ВАМТО, ООНР U 1 1 6 9 2 3 7 R U Термическое обезвреживание минерализованных промышленных сточных вод, Ленинград, "Химия",1975, с. 64-69, фиг. II-3, II-5. CN 103241886 B, 09.07.2014. ПРОСКУРЯКОВ В.А., ШМИДТ Л.И., Очистка сточных вод в химической промышленности, Ленинград, "Химия", 1977, с. 181-189. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УТИЛИЗАЦИИ СТОЧНОЙ ВОДЫ (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для утилизации сточной воды, отличающееся тем, что внутри корпус делится на две ...

10-04-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для очистки жидкости от твердых частиц

Номер: RU0000169956U1

Полезная модель относится к области очистки жидкостей от твердых частиц, в том числе к очистке бытовых и промышленных сточных вод от твердофазных загрязнений.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что в устройстве для очистки жидкости от твердых частиц, включающем накопительную емкость, узел подвода очищаемой жидкости, узел отбора очищенной от твердых частиц жидкости из накопительной емкости, шнековое приспособление для отделения от очищаемой жидкости твердых частиц, включающее установленный в накопительной емкости наклонно к ее донной части шнек, размещенный в трубчатом корпусе, а также узел отбора твердых частиц из верхней части корпуса шнека, согласно полезной модели узел подвода очищаемой жидкости выполнен с обеспечением ее подачи в нижнюю часть корпуса шнека, поверхность трубчатого корпуса шнека имеет сквозные отверстия для отвода жидкости из корпуса шнека, при этом отверстия снабжены экранирующими элементами, нижняя часть каждого из которых выполнена в виде ножки, свободно установленной в сквозном отверстии, а верхняя часть выполнена в виде шляпки, перекрывающей сквозное отверстие.Техническим результатом, достигаемым при реализации полезной модели, является обеспечение высокой степени очистки жидкости от твердых частиц. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 956 U1 (51) МПК C02F 11/12 (2006.01) B01D 43/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144441, 11.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.11.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Иткин Герман Евсеевич (RU) 10.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.11.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2330734 C1, 10.08.2008. SU Адрес для переписки: 190031, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 341, Степановой Н.И. 1068400 A1, 23.01.1984. SU 1836302 A3, 23.08.1993. JP 2003170196 A, 17.06.2003. JP 2004322074 A, 18.11.2004. R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Установка утилизации щелочных сточных вод ионитной обессоливающей водоподготовительной установки

Номер: RU0000189378U1

Полезная модель относится к области утилизации промышленных щелочных сточных вод (ЩСВ), а именно к утилизации высокоминерализованных щелочных сточных вод, образующихся при работе ионитной водоподготовительной установки (ВПУ) ТЭЦ и других промышленных предприятий.Техническим результатом является повышение качества получаемого концентрированного щелочного раствора, снижение удельного расхода электроэнергии и повышение производительности.Технический результат достигается тем, что установка утилизации щелочных сточных вод ионитной обессоливающей водоподготовительной установки, содержащая расположенные в технологической последовательности линию подачи щелочных сточных вод, блок рециркуляции рабочих растворов и многокамерный электромембранный аппарат, выполненный в виде трехтрактного многокамерного электромембранного аппарата, исключающего дополнительный ввод химических реагентов в виде обессоленной воды, с чередованием анионообменных и катионообменных мембран с двумя приэлектродными промывочными камерами, входы многокамерного электромембранного аппарата соединены соответственно с выходами первого, второго и третьего баков блока рециркуляции рабочих растворов, а выходы многокамерного электромембранного аппарата соединены соответственно с входами первого, второго и третьего баков блока рециркуляции рабочих растворов, блок рециркуляции рабочих растворов содержит три бака, обвязанных трубопроводами из химически стойкого материала, первый бак установлен с возможностью заполнения промывочным раствором, отличающаяся тем, что второй бак выполнен с возможностью заполнения отмывочными щелочными водами после регенерации водоподготовительной установки (линия концентрата), третий бак выполнен с возможностью заполнения щелочными отработанными регенерационными растворами после регенерации водоподготовительной установки (линия дилюата). 3 табл., 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 378 U1 (51) МПК C02F 9/06 (2006.01) B01D 61/44 (2006.01) C02F 1/469 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ ...

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Установка пробоотборная

Номер: RU0000191233U1

Полезная модель относится к области ядерного приборостроения, а именно к средствам для непрерывного отбора проб сбросных вод. Установка пробоотборная содержит металлическую раму с размещенной на ней фильтром тонкой механической очистки, насосным блоком, модулями обратноосмотических мембран, расходомером, датчиками давления, комплектом трубно-вентильных обвязок с фильтром грубой механической очистки на заборном патрубке, системой электромагнитных клапанов для забора воды, сброса пермеата и сбора концентрата, блоком управления установкой, а также схему концентрации примесей, которая обеспечивает концентрацию взвешенных частиц, растворенных органических соединений и солей металлов до заданного уровня солености и сбор концентрата в специально предназначенные для этого баки для дальнейшего проведения спектрометрического радиационного контроля с целью подтверждения безопасного состояния сбросов и не превышения контролируемых значений, установленных нормативными документами пределов и квот. Технический результат заключается в непрерывном концентрировании содержащихся в воде взвешенных частиц, растворенных органических соединений и солей металлов методом обратного осмоса для последующего спектрометрического радиационного контроля в лабораторных условиях. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 191 233 U1 (51) МПК C02F 9/04 (2006.01) C02F 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 9/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019105047, 21.02.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 21.02.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 30.07.2019 Бюл. № 22 1 9 1 2 3 3 R U (54) Установка пробоотборная (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области ядерного приборостроения, а именно к средствам для непрерывного отбора проб сбросных вод. Установка пробоотборная содержит металлическую раму с размещенной на ней фильтром тонкой механической очистки, насосным ...

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Илофлотокомбайн для очистки воды

Номер: RU0000195481U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель предназначена для очистки воды от различных загрязнений до качества воды, позволяющего сбрасывать воду в водоемы рыбохозяйственного назначения, и получать осадок, в том числе активный ил, в сгущенном виде. Илофлотокомбайн для очистки воды включает флотокомбайн, внутри корпуса 1 которого расположены перегородки 5, снабженный пенным желобом 6 с патрубком отвода пенного продукта 7 в шнековый сгуститель 22, имеющий внешний привод 17. С внешней стороны корпуса флотокомбайна установлены патрубки подвода рабочей жидкости 2, очищаемой воды 3 и патрубок отвода очищенной воды 8. На корпусе 1 флотокомбайна установлена крышка 4. Шнековый сгуститель 22 дополнительно соединен со сборником осветленной воды 21. Патрубок очищенной воды 8 флотокомбайна соединен трубопроводом с биореактором 9, выходной патрубок 10 которого соединен с мембранным аппаратом 12, выполненным с возможностью отвода концентрата в шнековый сгуститель 22 и отвода очищенной воды в резервуар очищенной воды 15. Сборник осветленной воды 21 соединен трубопроводом с узлом приготовления рабочей жидкости 26, который связан трубопроводом с патрубком подвода рабочей жидкости 2. Полезная модель позволяет повысить эффективность очистки воды с возможностью сброса ее в водоемы рыбохозяйственного назначения и получения осадка с уменьшенным остаточным влагосодержанием. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 481 U1 (51) МПК C02F 9/14 (2006.01) C02F 1/24 (2006.01) C02F 3/00 (2006.01) C02F 11/12 (2006.01) C02F 1/44 (2006.01) B03D 1/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 1/24 (2019.08); B03D 1/14 (2019.08); C02F 3/00 (2019.08); C02F 11/12 (2019.08); C02F 1/44 (2019.08); C02F 9/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019134179, 25.10.2019 25.10.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ксенофонтов Борис Семенович (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.01.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 29.01.2020 Бюл. № 4 1 9 5 4 8 1 R U (54) ...

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Локальное очистное устройство

Номер: RU0000195505U1

Полезная модель относится к области очистки сточных вод. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности очистки сточных вод. Результат достигается заявленным локальным очистным устройством, включающим в однокорпусном исполнении герметичную емкость горизонтального расположения, выполненную с возможностью присоединения к канализационным магистралям посредством подводящих и отводящих патрубков, причем емкость разделена перегородками с отверстиями на шесть камер, а именно, на септическую камеру, которая содержит трубчатый аэратор, при этом септическая камера подсоединена к камере аэротенка первой ступени, содержащей механический полимерный фильтр решетку, выполненный с возможностью задерживать и не давать поступать на дальнейшие ступени биологической очистки плавающих на поверхности примесей, синтетическую придонную загрузку, аэрационное средство аэротенка первой ступени и биофильтр из полимерных трубок, при этом камера аэротенка первой ступени подсоединена к камере вторичного отстойника, содержащей эрлифт вторичного отстойника, кроме того, камера вторичного отстойника подсоединена к камере аэротенка второй ступени, содержащей аэрационное средство аэротенка второй ступени и биофильтр, выполненный из полипропиленовой нити, натянутой на каркас, при этом камера аэротенка второй ступени подсоединена к камере третичного отстойника, содержащей эрлифт третичного отстойника, кроме того, камера третичного отстойника подсоединена к камере чистой воды, кроме того, в септическую камеру, в камеру вторичного отстойника и в камеру третичного отстойника встроен общий илопровод, подсоединенный к эрлифту вторичного отстойника и эрлифту третичного отстойника, также герметичная емкость локального очистного устройства содержит компрессор, подсоединенный к аэрациоиному средству аэротенка первой ступени, аэрационному средству аэротенка второй ступени, общему илопроводу и трубчатому аэратору септической камеры. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 505 U1 (51) МПК C02F 1/74 ( ...

09-11-2021 дата публикации

Навесной аквавендинговый аппарат

Номер: RU0000207649U1

Полезная модель относится к автоматам продажи питьевой воды. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности технического обслуживания аппарата за счет обеспечения произвольного доступа обслуживающего персонала к узлам и элементам модуля получения питьевой воды из водопроводной воды и к буферной емкости. Аквавендинговый аппарат содержит: навесной шкаф 1, выполненный с возможностью его закрепления на стене 2 на расстоянии от земли 3; расположенные в навесном шкафу модуль 4 получения питьевой воды из водопроводной воды; гидравлически связанный с ним модуль 6 розлива питьевой воды, включающий камеру налива, и модуль управления; буферную емкость 5, гидравлически включенную между выходом указанного модуля получения питьевой воды и входом модуля розлива питьевой воды, причем в буферной емкости расположено средство ультрафиолетового обеззараживания питьевой воды. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 649 U1 (51) МПК G07F 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G07F 13/06 (2021.05); C02F 9/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021114925, 25.05.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Вяткин Вячеслав Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 09.11.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 09.11.2021 Бюл. № 31 2 0 7 6 4 9 R U (54) НАВЕСНОЙ АКВАВЕНДИНГОВЫЙ АППАРАТ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к автоматам расположенные в навесном шкафу модуль 4 продажи питьевой воды. Технический результат получения питьевой воды из водопроводной заключается в повышении эффективности воды; гидравлически связанный с ним модуль 6 технического обслуживания аппарата за счет розлива питьевой воды, включающий камеру обеспечения произвольного доступа налива, и модуль управления; буферную емкость обслуживающего персонала к узлам и элементам 5, гидравлически включенную между выходом модуля получения питьевой воды из указанного модуля ...

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Filter cartridge

Номер: US20120211412A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A filter cartridge for operatively engaging a manifold having an ejection cam and an insertion cam. The filter cartridge includes a filter element and inlet/outlet portion in fluid communication with the filter element.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Treatment Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20120292254A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Various methods and apparatus are disclosed that relate to one or more aspects of a treatment system that circum-neutralizes the pH of an aqueous stream, removes one or more heavy metals from the aqueous stream, circum-neutralizes the pH of a CCR supply, and/or removes one or more heavy metals from the CCR supply.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Decontamination System with Insoluble Additives

Номер: US20130032543A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Exemplary decontamination systems of the present disclosure may allow for removing contaminants from a fluid. In an embodiment, a decontamination system may include a filtration unit operable to receive an adsorbent and contaminated fluid. The filtration unit may include a filter operable to separate the fluid from the adsorbent and contaminants adsorbed onto the adsorbent. In an embodiment, the decontamination system may further include a recovery unit operable to separate the adsorbent and the contaminants adsorbed onto the adsorbent.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130062204A1

Various methods and systems are provided for reducing elasto-capillary coalescence of nanostructures. In one embodiment, a method includes providing a plurality of wet nanostructures on an electrode with a counter electrode positioned in air opposite the wet nanostructures. An electric field is applied between the counter electrode and the wet nanostructures using a voltage source, thereby reducing aggregation of the nanostructures. In another embodiment, an elasto-capillary coalescence reduction apparatus includes an electrode configured to receive a plurality of wet nanostructures, a counter electrode positioned in air opposite the wet nanostructures, and a voltage source coupled to the electrode and the counter electrode. The voltage source is configured to apply an electric field across the electrode and the nanostructures, which causes each of the nanostructures to repel a neighboring nanostructure. 1. A method of reducing an elasto-capillary coalescence of a plurality of nanostructures , the method comprising:providing an electrode, a counter electrode, and a voltage source, wherein the electrode and the counter electrode are coupled to the voltage source;providing a plurality of wet nanostructures on the electrode, wherein the counter electrode is positioned in air opposite the wet nanostructures;applying an electric field between the counter electrode and the wet nanostructures using the voltage source, thereby reducing an aggregation of the nanostructures.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising positioning the wet nanostructures on the electrode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanostructures are selected from the group consisting of: thin fin structures claim 1 , micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS claim 1 ,) nanopillars and nanowires.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanostructures are compound nanostructures.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrode is housed in a vessel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanostructures are ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068698A1
Принадлежит: Envirostream Solutions Pty Ltd.

A water filtration unit, comprising: a housing; a passive separator in the housing to receive a pressurized source of particulate-heavy water, to separate most of the particulate mass from the water and to output particulate-lean water; particulate egress means disposed at least partly within the housing to receive, and allow disposal of, the particulate separated from the water; at least one filtration module in the housing to each receive the particulate-lean water simultaneously, to filter remaining particulate and contaminants from the particulate-lean water by allowing passage of the water through porous filtration media of each module under gravity; and at least one outlet conduit coupled to an outlet in a wall of the housing to receive filtered water from the filtration modules and provide the filtered water to a fluid sink outside the housing. 1. A water filtration unit , comprising:a housing;a passive separator in the housing, wherein the passive separator is to configured to receive a pressurized source of particulate-heavy water, to separate most of the particulate mass from the water and to output particulate-lean water; the particulate egress unit comprises a storage plenum and at least one of an egress conduit and an egress aperture, and', 'the particulate egress unit is configured to receive, and allow disposal of, the particulate mass separated from the particulate-heavy water;, 'a particulate egress unit disposed at least partly within the housing, wherein'} each filtration module of the at least one filtration module comprises porous filtration media, and', 'each filtration module is configured to receive the particulate-lean water simultaneously, and to filter remaining particulate and contaminants from the particulate-lean water by allowing passage of the particulate-lean water through the porous filtration media; and, 'at least one filtration module disposed in the housing, wherein'}at least one outlet conduit coupled to an outlet in a wall of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105406A1
Принадлежит: VOLTEA B.V.

An evaporative recirculation cooling water system, the system having a recirculation loop to recirculate water through the system, a space to cool the water in the recirculation loop by evaporation, and an ion removal apparatus to remove ions. The ion removal apparatus has a flow through capacitor to remove hardness ions while leaving silica ions in the water. The flow through capacitor has an inlet connected to a water inlet and an outlet having a regulator to direct the flow of water to the recirculation loop or to a waste water output. 1. An evaporative recirculation cooling water system , the system comprising:a recirculation loop to recirculate water through the system;a construction with a space to cool the water in the recirculation loop by evaporation;an input to provide water into the recirculation loop; andan ion removal apparatus to remove ions from the water, the ion removal apparatus comprising a flow through capacitor constructed and arranged to remove hardness ions from the water while leaving silica ions in the water.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the flow through capacitor comprises a waste water output to discharge waste water with an increased concentration of hardness ions.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the flow through capacitor is between the input and the recirculation loop so as to remove hardness ions from the water of the input before the water from the input is provided to the recirculation loop.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the flow through capacitor is in a bypass of the recirculation loop so as to remove hardness ions from water in the recirculation loop.5. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a sensor to measure a chemical and/or physical property of the water in the recirculation loop.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the ion removal apparatus comprises a flow adjuster to adjust a velocity of the water flowing through the flow through capacitor.7. The system ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112603A1

This invention relates to a fresh water separator including a dilute draw solution chamber, at least one first membrane contactor which receives a fluid fed from the dilute draw solution chamber so that gas and fresh water can be separated from the fluid, a second membrane contactor which enables the separated gas to be dissolved in a fluid flowing in the second membrane contactor so that the separated gas is re-concentrated, and a vacuum pump which cooperates with the first membrane contactor and the second membrane contactor, and to a forward osmotic desalination device including the fresh water separator. 1. A fresh water separator , comprising:a dilute draw solution chamber;at least one first membrane contactor configured to receive a first fluid fed from the dilute draw solution chamber separate gas and fresh water from the fluid;a second membrane contactor configured to enable the separated gas to be dissolved in a second fluid flowing in the second membrane contactor; anda vacuum pump which cooperates with the first membrane contactor and the second membrane contactor.2. The fresh water separator of claim 1 , wherein: a first distribution tube configured to allow the first fluid to flow through the first distribution tube and including a first plurality of openings; and', 'a first cartridge comprising a first plurality of hollow fiber membranes provided around the first distribution tube;, 'the first membrane contactor comprises a second distribution tube configured to allow the second fluid to flow through the second distribution tube and including a second plurality of openings; and', 'a second cartridge comprising a second plurality of hollow fiber membranes provided around the second distribution tube., 'the second membrane contactor comprises3. The fresh water separator of claim 1 , further comprising:a pipe through which the separated gas flows into the second membrane contactor from the first membrane contactor; anda heating member coupled to the pipe. ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112616A1

A fluid treatment system includes a fluid source, at least one anaerobic reactor vessel, and at least one aerobic reactor vessel. The anaerobic reactor vessel contains retaining a set of retaining structures that are at least partially coated with an anaerobic biofilm. The aerobic reactor vessel contains an aerobic biofilm. When fluid from the fluid source is exposed to the anaerobic biofilm, the anaerobic biofilm removes one or more metal substances from the fluid. When the fluid is exposed to the aerobic biofilm, the aerobic biofilm may cause organic materials in the fluid to metabolize. The system also may include a precipitation reactor that separates divalent metals from the fluid, a settling facility that forms a slurry comprising separated metals, and a neutralization reactor that modifies the fluid to a substantially neutral pH. 1. A fluid treatment system , comprising:a fluid source that supplies hydraulic fracturing fluid;an anaerobic reactor comprising an intake port that is fluidly connected to the fluid source, an outlet port, and a plurality of biofilm retaining structures that are at least partially coated with an anaerobic biofilm; andan aerobic reactor comprising an intake port that is fluidly connected with the outlet port of the anaerobic reactor, wherein the aerobic reactor also comprises an aerobic biofilm.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a precipitation reactor comprising a vessel and a reagent, wherein the vessel is configured to receive the fluid so that the reagent may separate one or more divalent metals from the fluid.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the precipitation reactor is configured to be positioned downstream of the fluid source and upstream of the anaerobic reactor.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the precipitation reactor is configured to be positioned downstream of the anaerobic reactor and upstream of the aerobic reactor.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the precipitation reactor is configured to be positioned ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118982A1
Автор: Merryman Richard S.

A treatment system and process is described herein to separate constituent parts from aqueous-based products or by-products, such as wastewater from a cellulosic ethanol process. The treatment system may include an ultrafiltration system, a first reverse osmosis system and a second reverse osmosis system. The treatment system may be configured to operate in modified batch mode. 1. A wastewater treatment process , comprising:sending a volume of initial wastewater from a first receptacle through an ultrafiltration (UF) system to yield a UF permeate, wherein a UF concentrate filtered by the UF system is returned to the first receptacle;feeding the UF permeate into a second receptacle;passing a volume of second receptacle wastewater through a first reverse osmosis (RO) system to yield a first RO permeate, wherein a first RO concentrate filtered by the first RO system is returned to the second receptacle; andmoving the first RO permeate through a second RO system to yield a second RO permeate, wherein a second RO concentrate filtered by the second RO system is returned to the second receptacle.2. The wastewater treatment process according to claim 1 , further comprising removing a receptacle concentrate from at least one of the first and second receptacles.3. The wastewater treatment process according to claim 2 , further comprising recycling the receptacle concentrate for use as a fuel or fertilizer.4. The wastewater treatment process according to claim 1 , wherein the wastewater is the by-product of a cellulosic ethanol process claim 1 , constituents of the by-product selected from the group consisting essentially of whole stillage claim 1 , thin stillage claim 1 , process wash water claim 1 , process chemical cleaning solution water claim 1 , boiler blow down claim 1 , cooling tower blow down claim 1 , rain water run off claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The wastewater treatment process according to claim 4 , further comprising producing thin stillage by treating ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118984A1
Автор: Johann Jürgen
Принадлежит: BWT Aktiengesellschaft

A process for producing ultrapure water, in which a stream of water is purified in a reverse osmosis device, wherein the water stream is subject to pretreatment including splitting the water stream into at least two partial streams, partial exchange of cations present in at least one of the partial streams for Hions by a cation exchanger operated in the Hmode, and complete exchange of the anions present in at least one further of the partial streams for OH ions by a softener operative in parallel to the cation exchanger, and treating the partial streams treated by the cation exchanger and the softener by at least one anion exchanger operating in the OHmode, and wherein the water stream obtained from the pretreatment is fed into the reverse osmosis device. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for producing ultrapure water , in which a stream of water is purified in a reverse osmosis device , wherein the water stream is subject to a pretreatment comprising:splitting the water stream into at least two partial streams,partial exchange of cations present in at least one of the partial streams for H+ ions by a cation exchanger operated in the H+ mode, andcomplete exchange of the anions present in at least one further of the partial streams for OH− ions by a softener operative in parallel to the cation exchanger, and treating the partial streams treated by the cation exchanger and the softener by at least one anion exchanger operating in the OH− mode, and wherein the water stream obtained from the pretreatment is fed into the reverse osmosis device.13. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the step of partial exchange of the cations comprises a softening step.14. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the treated partial streams are combined prior to treatment by means of the at least one anion exchanger.15. The process according to claim 12 , wherein between 75 and 99% by volume of the water stream are treated using the cation exchanger.16. The process according to ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Multistage daf-advanced oxidation system

Номер: US20130118988A1

A multistage dissolved air flotation and advanced oxidation (MDAF-AO) system/method with multi-functions in oil recovery, solids removal, emulsion breaking, and advanced oxidation. Influent, with oil and suspended solids, enters a first stage for oil recovery includes a gas ionizer and an air dissolving pump. A second stage includes of two coagulation/flotation compartments connected in serial to enhance solids removal efficiencies. Micro air bubbles are created by air dissolving pumps in each compartment. A third stage is for the emulsion breaking unit to further remove or recover the emulsified oils. A fourth stage includes advanced oxidation by using ultraviolet (UV) and hydrogen peroxide to oxidize and disinfect the bacteria and microorganisms.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153509A1

The present invention claims a process to reduce COD, TOC, and total solids from a contaminated liquid medium, which comprises of the following stages: feed an electrolytic cell provided with electrodes with the contaminated liquid medium; apply a constant direct current through said electrodes; flocculate the solids present in said contaminated liquid medium by adding coadjuvant agents, remove sludge and supernatant obtained; and oxidize the supernatant through oxidizing agents. 1. A process to reduce COD , TOC , and total solids from a contaminated liquid medium , which comprises the following stages:a) Feed an electrolytic cell provided with electrodes with the contaminated liquid medium;b) Apply a constant direct current through said electrodes;c) Flocculate the solids present in said contaminated liquid medium by adding coadjuvant agents.d) Remove the sludge supernatant obtained;e) Oxidize the supernatant through oxidizing agents.2. The process to reduce COD claim 1 , TOC claim 1 , and total solids pursuant to claim 1 , where claim 1 , additionally claim 1 , the supernatant produced in step e) is reused as of step c).3. The process to reduce COD claim 1 , TOC claim 1 , and total solids pursuant to claim 1 , characterized because the electrodes from step a) are manufactured from a material selected from the group that comprises iron claim 1 , steel to carbon claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and a combination of them.4. The process to reduce COD claim 1 , TOC claim 1 , and total solids pursuant to claim 1 , where the operation pH in the electrochemical reactor is between 4 and 5.5. The process to reduce COD claim 1 , TOC claim 1 , and total solids pursuant to claim 1 , where the load in the electrochemical reactor is between 5 claim 1 ,000 and 10 claim 1 ,000 Coulombs per liter claim 1 , and it is applied through direct current.6. The process to reduce COD claim 1 , TOC claim 1 , and total solids pursuant to claim 1 , where the density of the direct current is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161255A1

Methods for treatment of sludge with microwave irradiation for improving its dewatering are provided. In one embodiment, the method includes exposing the sludge to microwave irradiation at a power density of between about 3 W/ml and about 17 W/ml. Turbidity, total solids content and overall dewaterability are improved when the microwave irradiation treatment is combined with another method for dewatering sludge, such as enzyme treatment, conditioning with a flocculating agent and mechanical dewatering. 1. A method for treating sludge , the method comprising:exposing the sludge to microwave irradiation at a power density of about 3 W/ml to about 17 W/ml.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microwave irradiation is at a power density of about 7 W/ml to about 13 W/ml.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microwave irradiation is at a power density of about 10 W/ml.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microwaves are in the frequency range of about 0.4 GHz to about 6 GHz.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microwaves are in the frequency range of about 0.915 GHz to about 2.45 GHz.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sludge is exposed to the microwave irradiation for about 1 second to about 60 seconds.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sludge is exposed to the microwave irradiation for about 5 seconds to about 50 seconds.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sludge is exposed to the microwave irradiation for about 10 seconds to about 30 seconds.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein an enzyme is mixed with the sludge prior to microwave irradiation exposure.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein a flocculating agent is mixed with the sludge following microwave irradiation.11. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the sludge to dewatering by mechanical means.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sludge is biological sludge.13. The method of claim 9 , wherein the enzyme is amylase.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microwave irradiation is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161262A1
Автор: Henley Donald E.

The current invention provides a novel process for the treatment and reclamation of drilling frac flowback and produced wastewater from the drilling industry. The wastewater is delivered to the EMC/F System from a frac tank or other reservoir. The wastewater is pumped into the system and is treated sequentially by passing through a mechanical hydrocavitation unit, an electromagnetic unit, an electrocoagulation unit and/or a hydrocyclone and a flocculation-sedimentation tank. Polishing of the final effluent is accomplished by passing the water through a mixed media tank. 1. A mobile or portable water treatment process for reaction , capturing and removing total suspended solids , carbon dioxide , hydrogen sulfide , volatile organic compounds , non-volatile organic compounds , oxides and hydroxides of heavy metals , metal carbonates , dissolved solids , petroleum products or a mixture thereof from frac flowback or produced water , comprising:a) pumping said frac flowback or produced water through a pair of filters having inlets that are hydraulically connected to a source of frac or produced water, wherein said filters capture macroscopic debris for disposal,b) pumping flowback water from filters through an outlet having connection to a pair of flowlines with probes inserted into the said flowlines to monitor temperature, pH, flow and conductivity, andc) pumping the flowback water through a set of flowlines in hydraulic communication with a magnetic field produced by an around-the-pipe electromagnet or permanent magnet to form first reaction products of calcium carbonate crystals, aragonite produced from calcium carbonate crystals, calcite;d) pumping the flowback water through a divided second flowline with each division line in hydraulic connection to one of two mechanical hydrocavitation devices to initiate second reaction products from production of free radicals, including those of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon, initiating bicarbonate to carbonate shift ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161263A1
Принадлежит: A. SHITZER LTD.

An advanced oxidation procedure for treating solution waste water, comprising: applying an ultrasound-Fenton reaction, wherein said ultrasound-Fenton reaction includes: providing oxidants and at least one catalyst selected from bivalent metal ions which include Ti, Fe, Mg, Mo, and Cu; subjecting the treated solution and said oxidants and catalyst to ultrasound cavitation generated by a generator device; forcing a flow of treated solution through said ultrasound device adapted to generate ultrasound waves for forming cavitation in said treated solution, said flow of treated solution passing through at least one flow-through tubular reactor chamber of the ultrasound device, and wherein said cavitation is effected by longitudinally linear distributed string of ultrasound transducers fixedly disposed and attached along a length of said at least one tubular reactor chamber, and wherein said cavitation is effected along a width dimension of said reactor chamber. 110. An advanced oxidation procedure for treating solution of waste water , comprising:applying an ultrasound-Fenton reaction, wherein said ultrasound-Fenton reaction includes:{'b': 40', '50, 'providing oxidants and at least catalyst , wherein said at least one catalyst is selected from the group consisting of a group of bivalent metal ions which includes Ti, Fe, Mg, Mo, and Cu;'}{'b': 10', '40', '50', '20, 'subjecting the treated solution and said oxidants and at least catalyst to ultrasound cavitation generated by generator device ;'}{'b': 10', '20', '10', '10', '24', '20', '26', '24', '24', '26, 'sup': '3', 'forcing a flow of treated solution through said ultrasound device adapted to generate ultrasound waves for forming cavitation in said treated solution , said flow of treated solution passing through at least one flow-through tubular reactor chamber of the ultrasound device , and wherein said cavitation is effected by longitudinally linear distributed string of ultrasound transducers fixedly disposed and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168315A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Company

Methods and systems based on membrane separation processes for removal of field chemicals are provided. In certain embodiments, methods and systems for water impurity removal include introducing contaminated water into membrane separation devices, which comprise ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, or a reverse osmosis membranes. In some embodiments, the reverse osmosis system comprises a semi-permeable membrane capable of rejecting substantially all of the monovalent ions, divalent ions, and organic molecules. Examples of impurities which may be removed by this system include kinetic hydrate inhibitor and/or corrosion inhibitor. In certain embodiments, the impurity removal system may comprise one or more impurity removal stages. Some embodiments of the present invention feature a high field chemical removal rate of from about 84 percent to about 99.9 percent, depending on the choice of membranes. 1. A method for removal of field chemicals from produced water comprising the steps of:introducing a plurality of field chemicals into a production flow, wherein the field chemicals comprise one of a kinetic hydrate inhibitor and a corrosion inhibitor, wherein the production flow comprises hydrocarbons and a produced water;separating the produced water from the production flow;introducing the produced water to a water pretreatment system for removing a first portion of the field chemicals from the produced water to form a pretreated produced water;introducing the pretreated produced water to membrane separation device, wherein the membrane separation device comprises a reverse osmosis system, wherein the reverse osmosis system comprises a semi-permeable membrane;overcoming an osmotic pressure of the semi-permeable membrane by applying an external pressure to the pretreated produced water to drive the pretreated produced water through the semi-permeable membrane;allowing the semi-permeable to selectively retain a second portion of the field chemicals from the pretreated ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174440A1
Автор: Tousimis Chris

An improved method for supercritical point drying of a treated sample immersed in an intermediate drying fluid (e.g., ethanol or acetone), by purging the intermediary fluid with transitional fluid, and then entering a “stasis mode” allowing the sample to sit in its liquid state in the transitional fluid for a predetermined amount of time to extract any residual intermediary fluid into the transitional fluid. This ensures more thorough purging of the intermediary fluid from the sample and drying chamber, ultimately yielding a much higher success rate when drying thicker samples in the dryer. 1. A method for supercritical point drying of a sample immersed in an intermediate drying fluid in a drying chamber , comprising the steps of:cooling said drying chamber to a predetermined temperature;placing the treated specimen in the drying chamber;filling the drying chamber with transitional fluid;purging the intermediary fluid by replacing it with the transitional fluid;entering a stasis mode allowing the sample to sit in its liquid state in the transitional fluid for a predetermined amount of time to extract any residual intermediary fluid into the transitional fluid;purging the intermediary fluid;selectively repeating stasis mode;heating the drying chamber to elevate the transitional fluid to its critical point temperature and pressure;bleeding the drying chamber by depressurizing it to atmospheric pressure at a predetermined rate until the drying chamber is completely vented.2. The method for supercritical point drying of a sample according to claim 1 , wherein said step of entering a stasis mode allows the sample to sit in its liquid state in the transitional fluid for an amount of time programmed by a user.3. The method for supercritical point drying of a sample according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of repeating said stasis mode.4. The method for supercritical point drying of a sample according to claim 3 , wherein said step of repeating said stasis mode ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Water Filtration Device for the Production of Medical Grade Water for Injection

Номер: US20130180918A1

A water filtration device for the production of medical grade water for injection from a potable water source is provided including only the following two filter components: 1) a mixed ion bed resin filter and 2) a semi-permeable reverse osmosis membrane filter. This device provides a low cost, onsite method of purifying potable water into medical grade water for injection satisfying United States Pharmacopeia Water For Injection (USP WFI) standards. 1. A water filtration device for the production of medical grade water for injection from a potable water source comprising ,1) a mixed ion bed resin filter having an inlet and an outlet such that said inlet of the mixed ion bed resin filter is capable of connecting to the potable water source; and2) a semi-permeable reverse osmosis membrane filter having an inlet and an outlet such that said outlet of said mixed ion bed resin filter is connected to said inlet of said semi-permeable reverse osmosis membrane filter, andwherein the only filters provided in said water filtration device are the filters provided in 1) and 2) and no additional water purifying devices are included.2. The water filtration device of claim 1 , further comprising a pump.3. The water filtration device of claim 2 , wherein said pump is connected prior to the inlet of said mixed ion bed resin filter.4. The water filtration device of claim 2 , wherein said pump generates a pressure of up to 30 psig.5. The water filtration device of claim 2 , wherein said pump is an electric pump that is battery-operated.6. The water filtration device of claim 1 , wherein said potable water source is provided from a source water bag.7. The water filtration device of claim 1 , wherein said mixed ion bed resin filter includes high quality grade mixed ion bed resin.8. The water filtration device of claim 7 , wherein said high quality grade mixed ion bed resin includes 60% Anion and 40% Cation resin.9. The water filtration device of claim 7 , wherein said high quality ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200007A1
Принадлежит: O3 INDUSTRIES, LLC

A liquid recovery system and methods of recycling water from liquid-solid mixture such as slurry produced by pavement grinding machines, drilling fluid containing cuttings, and septage. The system includes a storage tank or a settling tank, a centrifuge in flow communication with the storage tank or settling tank, such as a hydraulic centrifuge, a solids storage component, and a cleaned liquid storage tank in flow communication with the centrifuge. The system may also include a porous conveyor belt for removal of large solids from the mixture prior to centrifugation and may also include one or more blowers directed at the porous conveyor. 1. A liquid recovery system comprising:a platform having a plurality of wheels;a liquid-solid mixture storage tank or settling tank;a centrifuge in flow communication with the storage tank or settling tank;a solids storage component;a cleaned liquid storage tank in flow communication with the centrifuge.2. The system of wherein the system includes a storage tank claim 1 , the system further comprising a strainer claim 1 , wherein the liquid-solid mixture first passes through the strainer and then passes into the centrifuge.3. The system of wherein the system further includes a porous conveyor belt positioned directly above the storage tank and/or settling tank.4. The system of comprising an upper air blower directed at a top portion of porous conveyor belt and a lower air blower directed at a bottom portion of the porous conveyor belt.5. The system of wherein the air blowers comprise air knives.6. The system of wherein the centrifuge is hydraulic.7. A liquid recovery system comprising:a liquid-solid mixture storage tank having an open top or a settling tank having an open top;a porous conveyor belt directly above the open top of the storage tank or the settling tank;a mixture inlet tube located directly above the porous conveyor, wherein the inlet tube is configured such that when a mixture is supplied to the system through the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Process And System For The Treatment Of Industrial And Petroleum Refinery Wastewater

Номер: US20130206688A1

There is provided a process of reducing concentration of contaminants in a contaminated wastewater stream, such as contaminated wastewater output from a refinery, such as an oil-refinery; the process comprising: first, passing the contaminated wastewater stream into an electrocoagulation reactor for coagulating dispersed particles, filtering the wastewater stream after electrocoagulation for removing the coagulated dispersed particles, and providing a first stream of treated wastewater after the first filtration; second, passing the first stream of treated wastewater into a Spouted Bed Bio-Reactor (SBBR) containing a micro-organism or bacterium immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel, filtering the first stream after treatment by the SBBR and providing a second stream of treated wastewater after the second filtration; and third, passing the second stream of treated wastewater into an adsorption column containing granular activated carbon (GAC) and providing a third stream of treated wastewater. There is also provided a system for doing the same. 1. A process of reducing concentration of contaminants contained in a contaminated wastewater stream output from a refinery , the process comprising:first, passing the contaminated wastewater stream into an electrocoagulation reactor for coagulating dispersed particles contained in said contaminated wastewater stream, filtering said wastewater stream after electrocoagulation for removing said coagulated dispersed particles, and providing a first stream of treated wastewater after said first filtration;second, passing said first stream of treated wastewater into a Spouted Bed Bio-Reactor (SBBR) containing a micro-organism or bacterium immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel, filtering said first stream after treatment by the SBBR and providing a second stream of treated wastewater after said second filtration; andthird, passing said second stream of treated wastewater into an adsorption column containing granular ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213796A1
Автор: Cerea Giuseppina
Принадлежит: Ambiente E Nutrizione S.R.L.

The present invention relates to a process, and respective operating apparatus, for modifying the structure of a sludge, in particular an organic sludge originating from a purification treatment of waste water, of the civil and industrial type, to be subjected to dehydration and/or drying, wherein the sludge is exposed to the action of an electric field generated by direct current. 1. Process for modifying the structure of an organic sludge to be subjected to drying , comprising a step in which said organic sludge , being in the form of a wet solid with a content of dry matter equal to or higher than 20% by weight of the total weight of the sludge , is exposed to the action of an electric field generated by direct current , which is comprised between 30 V/0.01 m and 100 V/0.01 m.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said electric field is comprised between 30 V/0.01 m and 70 V/0.01 m.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said sludge is exposed to said electric field for a time period comprised between 2 seconds and 10 minutes claim 1 , so as to cause in said sludge the release of intracellular water in a quantity comprised between 5% and 40% in weight over the total weight of the sludge.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said electric field is generated by a positive pole and by a negative pole between which said sludge is fed in a continuous manner.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said sludge claim 1 , following said exposure to said electric field is subjected to a drying step.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said sludge claim 1 , at the same time of said exposure to said electric field claim 1 , is subjected to a heat drying step.7. Process according to claim 1 , wherein said poles claim 1 , positive and negative claim 1 , consist of a first roller and a second roller of a two-cylinder calender machine.8. Process according to claim 7 , wherein said first and second rollers rotate at different velocities to each other.9. Process ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213883A1
Принадлежит: ANAERGIA INC.

Low strength wastewater such as municipal sewage is treated using an anaerobic digester. In some examples, a wastewater stream is separated into a solids rich portion and a solids lean portion. The solids lean portion is treated, for example to remove nitrogen. The solids rich portion is treated in an anaerobic digester, preferably with influent or recuperative thickening. In another example, the wastewater stream is fed to an anaerobic digester and solid-liquid separation stages downstream of the di-gester return active bacteria and undigested organics to the digester. Both cases may use a process train comprising treatment in an anoxic tank followed by a nitritation tank with a portion of the effluent from the nitritation tank recirculated to the anoxic tank to provide nitritation and denitritation. 2. A process for treating a low strength wastewater comprising the steps of ,a) treating the wastewater with a primary treatment to produce a primary effluent and a primary sludge;b) treating the primary effluent by a secondary treatment to produce an effluent and a secondary sludge;c) treating the primary sludge and a thickened portion of the secondary sludge in an anaerobic digester; and,d) maintaining a solids content of 4% dry solids in the anaerobic digester by way of recuperative thickening or the addition of a co-digestion waste.3. A process for treating wastewater comprising the steps of ,a) treating a feed stream in an anoxic tank;b) treating effluent from the anoxic tank in a nitritation tank; and,c) recirculating a portion of effluent from the nitritation tank to the anoxic tank.4. The process of wherein the feed stream comprises i) effluent from an anaerobic digester that has treated a portion of the wastewater or ii) a screened or clarified portion of the raw wastewater.5. A process for treating low strength wastewater comprising two or more of the steps of claim 1 ,a) treating the wastewater with a primary treatment to produce a primary effluent and a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220921A1

The present invention provides a method for treating wastewater in which the majority of solids and biological oxygen demand compounds are separated from the wastewater feed using a primary separation process, to produce a solids phase and a water phase. The solids phase is irradiated to reduce the level of pathogens such that it is safe to use as a soil substitute and/or additive so that the solids can thus be disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner. In additional embodiments, the solids that have been disinfected by radiation are mixed with a suitable inert filler material to produce a soil substitute, fertilizer, compost, or other soil additive. The liquid phase is treated in a substantially smaller system than would be required for treating the full-strength wastewater that can include a suspended media biological regeneration reactor system. The liquid treatment system can include a high flux adsorbent material treatment system integrated with a low flux adsorbent material biological regeneration reactor. 1. A method for treating wastewater that contains solids and biological oxygen demand compounds , the process comprising:separating a majority of the solids and biological oxygen demand compounds from the wastewater feed using a primary separation process to provide a solids phase and a water phase including wastewater, the solids phase containing an initial level of pathogens;irradiating the solids phase to reduce the level of pathogens;mixing the wastewater with adsorbent material in a mixing zone for a time sufficient for adsorption of contaminants from the wastewater onto the adsorbent material;separating and removing a major portion of the wastewater from the mixture of wastewater and adsorbent material;passing the adsorbent material having contaminants adsorbed thereon and a minor portion of the wastewater to a biological regeneration reactor;retaining the adsorbent material and wastewater in suspension in the biological regeneration reactor ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220926A1

A method for removing a contaminant from a fluid system comprises contacting the fluid system with an inversely fluidized material, for example a particulate aerogel, thereby removing at least a portion of the contaminant from the fluid system. The method can be used to remove oil or other organic materials from wastewater streams. It can be conducted in a fluidized bed, which includes nanoporous particles and a fluidizing medium, wherein the nanoporous particles have a density lower than that of the fluidizing medium. 125.-. (canceled)26. A method for removing a contaminant that is an oil from a fluid system , the method comprising:contacting the fluid system with an inversely fluidized nanoporous oxide material, to remove at least a portion of the contaminant from the fluid system, wherein buoyant, drag and gravity forces are exerted on the nanoporous oxide material and wherein contaminant-containing nanoporous oxide material has reduced buoyancy so that the buoyant force is overcome by the forces of drag and gravity, causing the contaminant-containing nanoporous oxide material to move downward; andcollecting the downward moving contaminant-containing nanoporous oxide material.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein the fluid system is a liquid system.28. The method of claim 26 , wherein the fluid system is wastewater.29. The method of claim 26 , wherein the nanoporous oxide material is a particulate aerogel material.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the aerogel has a particles size larger than about 0.5 mm.31. The method of claim 26 , wherein the nanoporous oxide material is hydrophobic.32. The method of claim 26 , wherein the nanoporous oxide material is an oxide of silicon claim 26 , aluminum claim 26 , zirconium claim 26 , titanium claim 26 , hafnium claim 26 , vanadium claim 26 , yttrium or any combination thereof.33. The method of claim 26 , wherein the method is configured for continuous operation.34. A purification process comprising the method of in ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240442A1

We provide a process for treatment of produced water, including but not limited to water produced by a “steam flood” process for extraction of oil from oil sands, including the removal of color from the water. This removal may be accomplished through addition of color-removal polymers and flocculents. This process may also be useful for other water treatment processes including reverse osmosis and filtration. 1. A process for purification of water for use in a boiler for a steam flood process , comprising:collecting produced water including an oil/water mixture from an oil well;separating and recovering oil from the produced water;decreasing the pH of the produced water by addition of acid;removing color, organics, and silica from the produced water;adding a flocculent, including, optionally, a coagulant and a polyelectrolyte, to the produced water to aggregate solids in the produced water;removing solids from the produced water, thereby producing sludge;conditioning and disposing of the sludge;sending the produced water to an evaporator, producing a distillate stream and a brine stream;sending the distillate stream to a boiler for use as steam in injection to an oil well.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the produced water is increased to between 9.5-10 after removal of color and organics and before sending the produced water to the evaporator.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein between 60-80% of organics claim 1 , 80-95% of color claim 1 , and more than 25-50% of silica are removed from the produced water in the color removing step.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said brine stream is converted to a solid through absorption with super absorbent polymer.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said brine stream is neutralized to a pH between 8.5 and 9 with the addition of acid and without formation of a silica jelly.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising sending a portion of the brine stream to a crystallizer for removal of additional distillate ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240450A1

A method for treating highly concentrated resin-desorption liquid generated from wastewater deep purification, including channeling the highly concentrated desorption liquid generated from anion exchange resin treatment through a nanofiltration membrane, the liquid being separated into nanofiltration permeate that can be reused as the desorption agent and highly concentrated nanofiltration retentate; adding a coagulating agent to the highly concentrated nanofiltration retentate to generate coagulation-precipitation; subjecting the supernatant formed after the coagulation-precipitation process to Fenton oxidation or ozone oxidation; after the reaction, adding to the liquid an alkali solution for further coagulation-precipitation; then channeling the liquid so treated back to the biochemical system of biochemical effluent treatment for further biodegradation is provided. The recycled treatment of the highly concentrated desorption liquid consequently reduces the treatment cost and prevents secondary pollution by realizing innocuous treatment and reclamation of resin-desorption liquid as well as reduction of its total volume. 1. A method for treating a highly concentrated resin-desorption liquid generated from wastewater deep purification , comprising:a) channeling the highly concentrated resin-desorption liquid generated from an anion exchange resin treatment of wastewater through a nanofiltration membrane and separating the highly concentrated resin-desorption liquid into a highly concentrated nanofiltration retentate and a nanofiltration permeate, wherein the nanofiltration permeate is reused as an desorption agent after oxidation;b) adding a coagulating agent to the highly concentrated nanofiltration retentate obtained in step a) for coagulation-precipitation;c) subjecting a supernatant formed after the coagulation-precipitation process to 1-5 hours of Fenton oxidation or ozone oxidation to obtain a solution;d) adding an alkali solution to the solution obtained in ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248445A1

A membrane filtration process includes pretreating an influent solution to remove suspended solids, to produce a pretreated solution. pH of the pretreated solution is adjusted to at least 8.3 or lower by injecting COinto the pretreated solution, to produce a conditioned solution. Injecting COalso serves to supplement bicarbonate in the conditioned solution. The conditioned solution is flowed through a membrane filtration unit, to produce a permeate solution and a retentate solution. The membrane filtration unit comprises reverse osmosis membranes or nanofiltration membranes, or both. The retentate solution is then treated to cause precipitation, to produce a supernatant solution and a reject solution. At least a portion of the supernatant solution is recirculated by combining it with the influent solution prior to the step of pretreating. 120-. (canceled)21. A membrane filtration process , comprising:pretreating an influent solution to remove suspended solids, to produce a pretreated solution;adjusting pH of the pretreated solution to at least 8.3 or lower by injecting CO2 into the pretreated solution, to produce a conditioned solution;flowing the conditioned solution through a reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane filtration unit, to produce a permeate solution and a retentate solution;collecting the permeate solution;treating the retentate solution to cause precipitation of solids, to produce a supernatant solution and a reject solution; andrecirculating at least a portion of the supernatant solution by combining the portion of the supernatant solution with the influent solution prior to the step of pretreating.221. The process of claim , further comprising , prior to the step of pretreating , injecting CO2 into the influent solution.231. The process of claim , further comprising injecting CO2 into the recirculated supernatant solution after the step of treating.241. The process of claim , further comprising , prior to the step of flowing , adding an anti- ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus and method therefor

Номер: US20130256218A1
Автор: Zhang Shiwen

A printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus includes a coarse filter, a regulation pool, a hydraulic sieve, a desulfurization pool, a nanocatalytic electrolyzer, a flocculation pool, a flocculation tank, a settling pool, a flotation device, a biochemical pool, a secondary settling pool, a secondary nanocatalytic electrolyzer, a fine filter, a compressor, a nanomembrane assembly, and a recycling pool. Also provided is a printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and reuse method including steps of desulfurization, nanocatalytic electrolysis, flocculation, biochemical treatment, secondary catalytic electrolysis, filtration, and separation by membrane. The invention allows high CODremoval rate, reduced chemical agent consumption, reduced sludge formation, thorough treatment, and high water reuse rate. 1. A printing and dyeing wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus comprising:a coarse filter;a regulation pool;a hydraulic sieve;a desulfurization pool;a nanocatalytic electrolyzer;a flocculation pool;a flocculation tank;a settling pool;a flotation device;a biochemical pool;a secondary settling pool;a secondary nanocatalytic electrolyzer;a fine filter;a compressor;a nanomembrane assembly; anda recycling pool;wherein the coarse filter has an inlet and an outlet connected to an inlet of the regulation pool, an inlet of the desulfurization pool is connected to an outlet of the hydraulic sieve, a precipitate outlet of the desulfurization pool is connected to the compressor, an inlet of the nanocatalytic electrolyzer is connected to a wastewater outlet of the desulfurization pool, an outlet of the nanocatalytic electrolyzer is connected to an inlet of the flocculation pool, an outlet of the flocculation pool is connected to an inlet of the settling pool, a wastewater outlet of the settling pool is connected to an inlet of the flotation device, a precipitate outlet of the settling pool is connected to the compressor, a precipitate outlet of the flotation device ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Tanning wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus and method therefor

Номер: US20130256224A1
Автор: Zhang Shiwen

A tanning wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus includes a coarse filter, a regulation pool, a hydraulic sieve, a desulfurization pool, a first nanocatalytic electrolyzer, a flocculation pool, a first settling pool, a flotation device, a biochemical pool, a second settling pool, a second nanocatalytic electrolyzer, a fine filter, and a compressor. Also provided is a tanning wastewater treatment and reuse method includes the steps of desulfurization, first nanocatalytic electrolysis, flocculation, biochemical treatment, second catalytic electrolysis, and filtration. The invention allows high CODremoval rate, reduced chemical agent consumption, reduced sludge formation, thorough treatment, and high water reuse rate. 1. A tanning wastewater treatment and reuse apparatus comprising:a coarse filter;a regulation pool;a hydraulic sieve;a desulfurization pool;a first nanocatalytic electrolyzer;a flocculation pool;a first settling pool;a flotation device;a biochemical pool;a second settling pool;a second nanocatalytic electrolyzer;a fine filter; anda compressor;wherein the coarse filter has an inlet and an outlet connected to an inlet of the regulation pool, an inlet of the hydraulic sieve is connected to an outlet of the regulation pool, an inlet of the desulfurization pool is connected to an outlet of the hydraulic sieve, a precipitate outlet of the desulfurization pool is connected to the compressor, an inlet of the first nanocatalytic electrolyzer is connected to a wastewater outlet of the desulfurization pool, an outlet of the first nanocatalytic electrolyzer is connected to an inlet of the flocculation pool, an outlet of the flocculation pool is connected to an inlet of the first settling pool, a precipitate outlet of the first settling pool is connected to the compressor, a wastewater outlet of the first settling pool is connected to an inlet of the flotation device, an impurities outlet of the flotation device is connected to the compressor, a wastewater outlet of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256226A1
Автор: Tanaka Yu
Принадлежит: Kurita Water Industries ltd

[Object] In relation to the treatment of organic wastewater in which organic wastewater is separated from biosludge by solid liquid separation using a separation membrane and the permeate water is subjected to RO membrane separation treatment and further in which normal solid liquid separation treatment is suspended and the membrane is cleaned by passing a cleaning liquid through the membrane from the permeate water side to the concentrated water side, the invention prevents a decrease in the flux of RO membranes due to TOC components eluted from the sludge during membrane cleaning and thereby reduces the frequency of chemical cleaning of the RO membranes as well as increases water recovery rate, thus allowing the treatment to be performed stably and efficiently. 1. A method for treating organic wastewater in which organic wastewater is biologically treated and separated from biosludge by solid liquid separation using a separation membrane , and permeate water permeated through the separation membrane is subjected to reverse osmosis membrane separation treatment ,wherein the method comprises:a solid liquid separation step for separating the biosludge by solid liquid separation with the separation membrane, anda cleaning step of the separation membrane in which separating the biosludge is suspended, and the separation membrane is cleaned by passing a membrane cleaning liquid through the separation membrane from a permeate water side to a concentrated water side of the separation membrane,wherein, at the beginning of the solid liquid separation step after the cleaning step, a pH of the permeate water through the separation membrane is adjusted to not less than 9.5, and a scale inhibitor is added to the permeate water, and the permeate water is thereafter treated by the reverse osmosis membrane separation treatment.2. The method for treating organic wastewater according to claim 1 , wherein the membrane cleaning liquid includes an oxidative cleaning agent and/or an ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Device with a Separation Surface and a Movable Supplementary Grate for Removing Sieved Material from a Flowing Liquid

Номер: US20130264269A1
Принадлежит: Huber SE

This invention refers to a device for separating and removing sieved material from a flowing liquid such as sewage, in which case the device has a sieve grate () with a sieve surface with a front side () pointing upstream while the device is operating, in which case the device has a supplementary grate () in a lower area of the sieve grate () placed upstream before the sieve grate (), in which case the device has a drive () and a cleaning rake () that can be driven to revolve in a conveying direction with the help of the drive (), in which case the operating cleaning rake () is moveable along at least one partial section of the front side () of the sieve grate () in order to remove the held-back sieved material and transport it towards a discharge opening () and wherein the cleaning rake () can be moved along a back side () of the supplementary grate () pointing downstream while it is moving in order to remove sieved material held back by the supplementary grate () and transport it towards a discharge opening (). According to the invention, it is suggested to move the supplementary grate () relative to the sieve grate (). 220-. (canceled) This invention refers to a device for separating and removing sieved material from a flowing liquid such as sewage, in which case the device has a separation surface with a front side pointing upstream while the device is operating, in which case the device has a supplementary grate with a sieve area in a lower area of the separation surface placed upstream preceding the separation surface, in which case the device has a drive and a cleaning rake that can be driven to revolve in a conveying direction with the help of the drive, in which case the operating cleaning rake is moveable along at least one partial section of the front side of the separation surface in order to remove the held-back sieved material and transport it towards a discharge opening, and in which case the cleaning rake can be moved along a back side of the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264285A1
Принадлежит: Hatch Ltd.

Process and facility for treating an aqueous solution containing substantial concentrations of a variety of contaminants, including solids, semi-solids, colloids, complexes, oligomers, polyvalents, organics and monovalents, and which tend to form gels and scale precipitates when their concentration levels are increased during treatment of the aqueous solution, the process comprising the steps of: a) feeding the aqueous solution to an ultrafiltration (UF) plant and recovering therefrom an UF permeate reduced in such suspended solids, semi-solids and colloids; b) feeding the UF permeate obtained from step (a) to a nanofiltration (NF) plant and recovering therefrom an NF permeate reduced in such complexes, oligomers, polyvalents and organics; and feeding the NF permeate obtained from step (b) to a first reverse osmosis (RO) plant and recovering therefrom an RO permeate reduced in such monovalents. The process and facility may be used for treating process water from wet process phosphate acid production. 1. A process for the treatment of an aqueous solution containing substantial concentrations of a variety of contaminants which may include solids , semi-solids , colloids , complexes , oligomers , polyvalents , organics and monovalents , and which tend to form gels and scale precipitates when their concentration levels are increased during treatment of the aqueous solution , said process comprising the steps of:a) feeding the aqueous solution to an ultrafiltration (UF) plant and recovering therefrom an UF permeate reduced in such suspended solids, semi-solids and colloids;b) feeding the UF permeate obtained from step (a) to a nanofiltration (NF) plant and recovering therefrom an NF permeate reduced in such complexes, oligomers, polyvalents and organics; andc) feeding the NF permeate obtained from step (b) to a first reverse osmosis (RO) plant and recovering therefrom an RO permeate reduced in such monovalents.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270159A1
Автор: Lin Ying-Chen

An expandable modular ultra pure water machine has a shell, a water manifold integration device, a control module, at least one water tank and multiple water treating modules. The water manifold integration device, the control module and the water treating modules are mounted in the shell. The control module actuates the machine and controls the water flow in the water manifold integration device. The water treating modules are connected to the water manifold integration device via connectors so that the amount of them are variable to perform different functions. 1. An expandable modular ultra pure water machine comprising: a front board formed in a front surface of the shell; and', 'at least one outlet tube mounted through and protruding out of the front board;, 'a hollow shell having'} multiple connectors formed separately through a sidewall of the water manifold integration device and respectively connecting to at least one of the water pathways;', 'a collecting connector formed through a sidewall the water manifold integration device; and', 'a water outlet formed through a sidewall of the water manifold integration device, connecting to at least one of the water pathways and connecting to the outlet tube;, 'a water manifold integration device with multiple water pathways and multiple solenoid valves formed inside mounted in the shell, connecting to the outlet tube and having'}a control module mounted in the shell, and electrically connecting to the front board and the solenoid valves in the water manifold integration device;at least one water tank connecting to the water manifold integration device and having a connecting tube connecting to the collecting connector of the water manifold integration device; andmultiple water treating module mounted in the shell and respectively connecting to the water manifold integration device, and each module having at least one inlet connector and at least one outlet connector respectively connecting to corresponding ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270189A1
Автор: Allen Stephen D.

Systems and methods for treating contaminated impound water are disclosed which include a pretreatment stage wherein contaminated water is oxidized, pH adjusted, treated with a coagulant, and treated with a polymer to form a flocculent comprising bulk solids and fine particles. The oxidizing step may include two or more stages, one of which is a treatment with ferrous iron generated from iron filings or steel wool. Bulk solids are removed, and the liquid portion containing fine particles is applied to a low pressure microfiltration unit to remove the fine particles resulting in a microfilter effluent. The microfilter effluent may be directly fed to a reverse osmosis (R/O) unit. The R/O reject may be recycled to another R/O unit (second pass). The R/O permeate may be blended as needed with the microfiltration effluent to provide the final discharge effluent with reduced contaminant levels and maximized throughput. The R/O second pass reject water is further oxidized and recycled back to the front of the system to be retreated. 1. A method for treating contaminated impound water , the method comprising:providing contaminated water containing contaminant to be removed;treating the contaminated water with ferrous iron;oxidizing the contaminated water with a one or more oxidants, wherein the ferrous iron catalyzes the oxidation activity of the one or more oxidants;ensuring that the pH of the contaminated water is between about 3 and about 12;adding an inorganic coagulant and a low molecular weight polymer to the contaminated water to increase a physical size of contaminants and particulates in the contaminated water and to form a flocculent comprising bulk solids and fine particles;removing the bulk solids from the contaminated water; andusing a microfilter to remove the fine particles having a particle size greater than about 1 micron from the contaminated water resulting in a microfilter effluent.2. The method for treating contaminated impound water according to claim ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292336A1
Автор: Douglas, SR. Frederick

The present invention is a wastewater treatment method using dried BOF slag and hydrogen peroxide, wherein hydrogen peroxide is oxidized to generate hydroxyl radicals that reacts with soluble metal contaminants in the sludge such that these contaminants can be adsorb on the catalyst particles and/or eliminated from the wastewater stream by separation techniques. The process can use catalytic oxidation for soluble metals removal. In addition, catalytic oxidation can produce a filtered water saturated with Oxygen and higher in pH resulting in enhanced precipitation of soluble metals when softening agents, such as Sodium Carbonate, are added in a subsequent processing step. Another embodiment of the present invention is a method using ferrous sulfate for removing soluble metals in wastewater, followed by Catalytic Oxidation to remove soluble Fe without addition of metal salts, and removing sulfates by adding Barium Carbonate. 1. A method of treating wastewater for the removal of metals from the wastewater , the method comprising steps of:{'sub': 2', '2, 'adding the wastewater, dried Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) slag, and hydrogen peroxide (HO) to a Catalytic Oxidation reactor unit and stirring to create a first catalytic metal slurry, wherein soluble metals in solution are absorbed onto a surface of the BOF slag;'}transferring the first catalytic metal slurry to a first separation unit and subjecting the first catalytic metal slurry to a first solid-liquid separation process to create (i) a first treated wastewater and (ii) a catalytic metal sludge;transferring the first treated wastewater to a metal precipitation unit;adding a Carbonate to the metal precipitation unit and stirring to create a carbonate metal slurry; andtransferring the carbonate metal slurry to a second separation unit and subjecting the carbonate metal slurry to a second solid-liquid separation process to create (i) a second treated wastewater and (ii) a filtered sludge,wherein the second treated ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292342A1

A system and method for treating water or sewage is provided. The system can include a screening tank, a septic tank, a flocculant and mixing reactor, a primary clarifier, a secondary clarifier, a sludge dewatering tank, a surge tank, one or more filter tanks and a disinfection tank. The method can include the steps of receiving water or sewage to be treated and passing it through a screening tank and septic tank, a flocculant reactor, a primary clarifier, a secondary clarifier, a sludge dewatering tank, a surge tank, one or more filter tanks and a disinfection tank. 146-. (canceled)47. A system for treating waste water comprising suspended solids , the system comprising:a) a screening tank configured to receive the waste water;b) at least one septic tank configured to receive the waste water from the screening tank;c) a mixing reactor configured to receive the waste water from the at least one septic tank;d) a flocculant tank configured to inject flocculant into the mixing reactor wherein the flocculant mixes with the waste water;e) a primary clarifier configured to receive the waste water mixed with the flocculant from the mixing reactor wherein at least some of the suspended solids disposed in the waste water settle in the primary clarifier to produce first clarified waste water and first settled solids;f) a secondary clarifier configured to receive the first clarified waste water from the primary clarifier wherein at least some of the suspended solids disposed in the first clarified water settle in the secondary clarifier to produce second clarified waste water and second settled solids;g) a surge tank configured to receive the second clarified waste water from the secondary clarifier; andh) at least one filter tank configured to received the second clarified waste water from the surge tank wherein the second clarified waste water is filtered to produce treated waste water.48. The system as set forth in claim 47 , further comprising a flocculant reactor ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299424A1
Автор: McLeod Gregg A.

A system and process for enhancing total organic carbon (“TOC”) removal from raw, untreated water while maintaining optimum membrane filter performance. The present invention overcomes many of the disadvantages of prior art water filtration systems by controlling the pH level of the water, prior to the water being directed through said membrane filter, so that the particulate charge of the water aligns with the electromagnetic surface charge of membrane filter. Maintaining the particulate charge of the water within an optimum charge window for the particular membrane filter enhances the membrane filter's performance by decreasing the fouling rate of the membrane filter. 122-. (canceled)23. A method for optimizing the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) from water while enhancing the performance of a membrane filter , comprising:monitoring a TOC level of the water;dispersing an effective amount of a coagulant into the water based on the TOC level;monitoring a pH level of the water;monitoring a particulate charge of the water; andadjusting the pH level of the water, prior to the water being directed through the membrane filter, to align the particulate charge of the water with an electromagnetic surface charge of the membrane filter.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the effective amount of coagulant is further based upon at least one of a volume of the water claim 23 , a temperature of the water claim 23 , and an optimum charge window for the membrane filter.25. The method of claim 23 , further comprising suppressing the pH level of the water prior to the coagulant dispersing step.26. The method of claim 23 , further comprising directing the water through a mechanical clarifier device prior to the adjusting step claim 23 , but after the coagulant dispersing step.27. The method of claim 23 , further comprising monitoring a trans-membrane pressure of the membrane filter claim 23 , and preventing the water from being directed through the membrane filter when the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306553A1
Автор: Wittmann Tobias

The invention relates to a method for the treatment of process water which is obtained in a plant for the hydrothermal carbonization of renewable raw materials and organic residual materials by an evaporation of process water, a condensation of the washed process steam, and a biological treatment of the process steam condensate as partial quantity or possibly as total quantity of the amount of waste water discharged from an HTC plant. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for the treatment of waste water from a plant for the hydrothermal carbonization of feedstocks (HTC plant) , whereinprocess water is partly evaporated,the process steam thus obtained is condensed,the process steam condensate thus obtained is discharged from the HTC plant at least as partial quantity of waste water, andthe waste water is biologically treated,characterized in thateithera minimum quantity of process water is discharged from the HTC plant as waste water, which is required to raise the ash melting behavior of the carbonized feedstocks in such a way that an increase of an ash softening temperature to at least 1000° C. is achieved, andeither the water content of the feedstocks is limited to such an extent or the evaporative capacity of a thermal drying of the carbonized feedstocks in a steam atmosphere is increased to such an extent that the residual process water to be discharged from the HTC plant as waste water is evaporated in steam atmosphere in the thermal drying,orso much additional process steam condensate is obtained by the evaporation of process water in an evaporation plant and its subsequent condensation and is discharged from the HTC plant as waste water, as results from the difference between the quantity of waste water and the quantity of process steam condensate from a thermal drying of the carbonized feedstocks in a steam atmosphere, andfrom a concentrate of the process water evaporated in the evaporation plant such a quantity is discharged from the HTC plant as waste water or as ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313190A1

A desalination system () having an intake unit () providing seawater to a pre-treatment unit () connected to a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit () and a post treatment unit (). The desalination system () is configured to operate without any external addition of chemicals to simplify logistics and regulation concerns. The units of the system are configured to prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion by mechanical and biological means including high flow speeds, biological flocculation of colloids, and making the water entering the RO units inhospitable to bacteria and other organisms that cause biofouling, hence preventing their settlement and removing them with the brine. Recovery rate is lowered and energy is recovered to increase the energetic efficiency and minerals that are added to the product water are taken from the brine. 1100110111120130100. A desalination system () comprising an intake unit () pumping seawater via an intake pipeline () and providing the pumped seawater to a pre-treatment unit () connected to a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit () , the desalination system () characterized in that:{'b': '100', 'the desalination system () is operable under avoidance of any external addition of chemicals, the chemical-free operability achieved by the following{'b': 110', '111', '111, 'the intake unit () is arranged to operate at a flowing speed between 1.5 and 3 m/sec in the intake pipeline () to prevent settling of larvae in the intake pipeline (),'}{'b': 120', '125', '190', '125, 'the pre-treatment unit () comprises an upflow biological flocculator () and a downflow filter (), and is arranged to supply the seawater to the upflow flocculator () at a flowing speed between 15 and 60 m/hour,'}{'b': 125', '124', '126, 'the biological flocculator () comprises a layer () of porous particles () arranged to mechanically support biofilm generation to bind and flocculate colloids from the water without adding coagulants or flocculants of any type to the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313199A1
Принадлежит: High Sierra Energy, LP

The systems and methods disclosed herein process produced/flowback water, such as high total dissolved solids produced water, to generate high purity, high value products with little to no waste. The generated high purity, high value products include caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, and/or sodium hypochlorite. Further, the methods and systems disclosed herein generate high quality brine for electrolysis through the systematic removal of contaminants such as but not limited to suspended solids, iron, sulfides, barium, radium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, fluoride, heavy metals, organic carbon, recoverable hydrocarbons, silica, lithium, and/or nitrogen containing compounds. Further, some products generated by the systems and methods disclosed herein may be recovered and reutilized or sold for other uses, such as carbon dioxide, calcium oxide, chlorine, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, and barium sulfate. 1. A system for treating contaminated water to produce at least one of sodium hydroxide , hydrochloric acid , and sodium hypochlorite comprises:a first coagulation tank configured to oxidize and coagulate effluent from waste water influent;a first pH adjustment tank configured to adjust a pH of effluent from the first coagulation tank;a first floc mix tank configured to add a first flocculant to effluent from the first pH adjustment tank;an iron clarifier configured to separate iron from effluent from the first floc mix tank;a second pH adjustment tank for adjusting the pH of effluent from the iron clarifier;at least one multimedia filter configured to filter effluent from the second pH adjustment tank;a first organics removal system configured to remove at least petroleum hydrocarbons from effluent from the at least one multimedia filter;a first heat exchanger configured to heat effluent from the first organics removal system;a third pH adjustment tank configured to adjust the pH of effluent from the first heat exchanger;a softening clarifier ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the treatment of biosolids

Номер: US20130313206A1
Автор: Edward Weisselberg
Принадлежит: Wyssmont Co Inc

Biosolids in the nature of sewage sludge is processed in a controlled environment to produce a dried sludge product of relatively high dry solid content with the elimination of or reduced levels of pathogens. The water containing sewage sludge is dried while cascading within a processing chamber using heated air at a temperature below the ignition or smoldering temperature of the sewage sludge to prevent the formation of embers. The sewage sludge before discharge is retained within the processing chamber for a sufficient time and temperature as mandated by the Environment Protection Agency rules and guidelines.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330128A1
Принадлежит: Anticline Disposal, LLC

Systems and methods have been developed for reclaiming water contaminated with the expected range of contaminants typically associated with produced water, including water contaminated with slick water, methanol and boron. The system includes anaerobically digesting the contaminated water, followed by aerating the water to enhance biological digestion. After aeration, the water is separated using a flotation operation that effectively removes the spent friction reducing agents and allows the treated water to be reclaimed and reused as fracturing water, even though it retains levels of contaminants, including boron and methanol, that would prevent its discharge to the environment under existing standards. The treated water may further be treated by removing the methanol via biological digestion in a bioreactor, separating a majority of the contaminants from the water by reverse osmosis and removing the boron that passes through the reverse osmosis system with a boron-removing ion exchange resin. 143.-. (canceled)44. A method treating contaminated water comprising:anaerobically treating contaminated water for at least a first mean residence time;aerating the contaminated water for a second mean residence time;biologically digesting the anaerobically treated and aerated contaminated water to produce a digested effluent,wherein the contaminated water is contaminated with at least about 7,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l) of total dissolved solids and at least about 500 mg/l of methanol and wherein the digested effluent contains less than about 500 mg/l of total dissolved solids and less than about 1 mg/l methanol; andseparating contaminants from the digested effluent with one or more of a reverse osmosis system and an ultra filtration system to produce a filtered effluent and a reject stream.45. The method of claim 44 , wherein the filtered effluent contains at least some boron.46. The method of claim 44 , wherein the produced water contains at least about 10 mg/l of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334134A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS PTE. LTD.

The inventive process scheme and its various embodiments described herein will comprise filtering a selenium containing water by reverse osmosis or nanofiltration to produce a primary permeate stream at least meeting the water stream effluent discharge requirements of the location and a concentrate stream containing the removed selenium and other species, a RO or NF concentrate treatment specific to the case which will treat and reduce the selenium content of the concentrate, optionally in conjunction with a sulfate removal process, and result in a highly concentrated sludge or other output, and a selenium depleted aqueous overflow stream, a portion of which will be combined with the primary permeate stream so that the selenium content of the combined stream does not exceed the local requirement, and the reminder of the selenium depleted aqueous overflow stream will be returned to be combined with the selenium containing water entering the inlet of the primary reverse osmosis treatment. 1. An integrated process for removing selenium from a water source containing selenium , comprising the steps of;a. combining a portion of said source with the remainder of the second product stream of step e to generate a selenium containing water feed stream,b. filtering said water feed stream with a membrane filtration process to produce a first water product stream having a selenium content less than or equal to a predefined maximal effluent selenium content and a first retentate,c. treating said first retentate to produce a second water product stream having a selenium content less than said first retentate and a concentrate,d. combining a portion of said second water product stream with said first water product stream to produce a process effluent having a selenium content less than or equal to said predefined maximal selenium content, ande. returning the remainder of said second water product stream to generate the water feed stream of step b.2. The process of wherein the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341270A1

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to apparatus, systems, and methods for reduction and/or removal of one or more contaminants (e.g., heavy metals, chromium, phosphorous, phosphorous compounds, nitrogen, nitrogen compounds) from a feed composition (e.g., a fluid). Apparatus, systems, and methods, in some embodiments, may be operable to decontaminate a fluid with comparatively little or no contaminant containing waste fluid. 1. A decontamination system for removing a contaminant from an intake fluid comprising the contaminant , the system comprising: (i) to receive the intake fluid,', '(ii) to permit the contaminant to bind an adsorbent to form a contaminant-adsorbent material, and', '(iii) to form a fluid reactor output stream comprising the contaminant-adsorbent material;, '(a) a fluid reactor configured'} (i) comprising a CRU porous membrane defining a CRU retentate portion and a CRU permeate portion of the catalyst recovery unit, and', a CRU retentate comprising the contaminant-adsorbent material in the CRU retentate portion of the catalyst recovery unit and', 'a CRU permeate substantially free of the contaminant in the CRU permeate portion of the catalyst recovery unit,, '(ii) configured to receive the fluid reactor output stream in the CRU retentate portion of the CRU porous membrane and fractionate the fluid reactor output stream into'}, 'wherein the CRU retentate portion is in fluid communication with the intake stream and the CRU filtrate forms a first discharge stream;, '(b) a catalyst recovery unit (CRU)'} (i) in fluid communication with the CRU retentate portion of the catalyst recovery unit,', '(ii) comprising a DeWRS porous membrane, oriented in a vertical position, defining a DeWRS retentate portion and a DeWRS permeate portion of the contaminant-concentrating module,', a DeWRS retentate comprising the contaminant-adsorbent material in the DeWRS retentate portion of the contaminant-concentrating module and', 'a DeWRS ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for improving quality and functionality of filter paper suitable for collecting biological samples

Номер: US20140000124A1
Принадлежит: WALLAC OY

A method for diminishing variation between and/or within individual sheets of filter papers which are suitable for collecting samples of biological material, e.g. blood, is described. The method includes at least one of the following: subjecting the sheets of filter paper to gaseous substance containing at least 30 grams water per cubic meter and/or wetting the sheets of filter paper with water and subsequently drying the sheets of filter paper. According to tests, the above-described treatment significantly reduces the undesirable variation between results analyzed from sheets of filter paper and impregnated with same biological material for test purposes. 1. A method for diminishing variation between sheets of filter paper which are suitable for collecting samples of biological material , the method comprising:{'b': 201', '301, 'subjecting (, ) the sheets of filter paper intended for collecting samples of biological material to gaseous substance containing at least 30 grams water per cubic meter, and/or'}{'b': 202', '302', '203', '303, 'wetting (, ) the sheets of filter paper with water and subsequently drying (, ) the sheet of filter paper.'}2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous substance is moist air in which there is at least 30 grams water per cubic meter.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sheets of filter paper are subjected to steam having temperature at least 100° C.4. A method according claim 3 , wherein the temperature of the steam is at least 120° C.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the sheets of filter paper are subjected to the steam for a time period of at least 15 minutes.6. A method for handling biological material claim 3 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'treating sheets of filter paper which are suitable for collecting samples of the biological material with a method according to so as to diminish variation between the sheets of filter paper, and subsequently'}{'b': ' ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014563A1
Автор: Cho Young I.

The present invention pertains to an effective system and method for reducing or eliminating the formation of scale in desalination systems. The system utilizes at least one pair of electrodes in direct contact with a liquid to induce an oscillating electric field directly in a portion of the liquid or a liquid stream of the desalination system. The electric field is capable of inducing bulk precipitation of ions, minerals, salts, particulates, contaminants or a combination thereof from the liquid stream. 114-. (canceled)15. A desalination system for treating a liquid , comprising:at least one pair of electrodes positions for direct contact with the liquid;a power source connected to said electrodes configured to provide an alternating voltage to said electrodes that generates at least one oscillating electric field having a field strength sufficient to cause bulk precipitation of mineral particles in the liquid and a frequency in a range of from 13.56 to 27.12 MHz in at least a portion of the liquid; anda desalination device that is configured to substantially reduce the presence of contaminants in the liquid that has been treated with said oscillating electric field, said contaminants being selected from the group consisting of: ions, minerals, salts, particulates or a combination thereof.16. The system of claim 15 , wherein said desalination device comprises a vapor generator and a condenser.17. The system of claim 15 , wherein the desalination device comprises a vapor compression unit.18. The system of claim 15 , wherein the desalination device comprises a reverse osmosis means.19. The system of claim 16 , wherein the desalination device further comprises a heater.20. The system of claim 15 , wherein the power source applies a voltage to the electrodes having a pre-selected wave form selected from the group consisting of a square wave claim 15 , a trapezoidal wave and a sinusoidal wave.21. The system of claim 15 , further comprising a filter positioned such that ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014579A1
Автор: Haruna AbdulRazaq

A water filtration device comprising a water pump for providing water, a first carbon filter that receives water from the water pump, a first ball valve having a first opening connected to the first carbon filter, a first ultrafiltration membrane that receives water from the first carbon filter after it passes through the first opening, a second ball valve having a second opening and connected downstream from the first ultrafiltration membrane, a second ultrafiltration membrane that receives water from the first carbon filter through the second opening, said second ultrafiltration membrane being positioned downstream said first carbon filter, wherein water can flow simultaneously through the first ultrafiltration membrane and the second ultrafiltration membrane from the first carbon filter, a second carbon filter connected downstream from the first and second ultrafiltration membranes that receives and filters water from the first and second ultrafiltration membranes, resulting in producing purified water. 1. A water filtration device comprising:a water pump for providing water;a first active carbon filter that receives water from the water pump;a first ball valve having a first opening connected to the first active carbon filter;a first ultrafiltration membrane that receives water from the first active carbon filter after it passes through the first opening;a second ball valve having a second opening and connected downstream from the first ultrafiltration membrane;a second ultrafiltration membrane that receives water from the first active carbon filter through the second opening, said second ultrafiltration membrane being positioned downstream said first active carbon filter, wherein water can flow simultaneously through the first ultrafiltration membrane and the second ultrafiltration membrane from the first active carbon filter;a second active carbon filter connected downstream from the first and second ultrafiltration membranes that receives and filters water ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014584A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a system and method for wastewater purification. The system may include a sludge filtration unit, a screen filtration unit, a multi-media filtration unit, and a soluble hydrocarbon filtration unit. The sludge filtration unit may remove impurities from wastewater. Impurities include hydrocarbons, suspended solids, and/or dissolved solids. The screen filtration unit may remove impurities from the wastewater. The multi-media filtration unit may remove impurities from the wastewater. The soluble hydrocarbon filtration unit may remove impurities from the wastewater. 1. A system for wastewater purification , the system comprising:a sludge filtration unit that removes a first set of impurities from wastewater, wherein said impurities comprise at least one of hydrocarbons, suspended solids, and dissolved solids;a screen filtration unit that removes a second set of impurities from said wastewater;a multi-media filtration unit that removes a third set of impurities from said wastewater; anda soluble hydrocarbon filtration unit that removes a fourth set of impurities from said wastewater.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said sludge filtration unit comprises at least one of a dissolved air flotation filtration unit claim 1 , a clay filtration unit claim 1 , and an ion exchange filtration unit.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of said dissolved air flotation filtration unit claim 2 , a batch mixer claim 2 , a chemical blender claim 2 , a chemical pump claim 2 , and a screen processor claim 2 , adds at least one of a coagulant and a flocculent to said wastewater.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said at least one of said coagulant and said flocculent is selected from at least one of ferric chloride claim 3 , aluminum chlorohydrate claim 3 , and aluminum sulfate.5. The system of wherein said soluble hydrocarbon filtration unit comprises an activated carbon filtration unit.6. The system of wherein said wastewater ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042061A1
Автор: Wallace Paul Steven
Принадлежит: Enviro Water Minerals Company, Inc.

A heating system for desalination. One system includes a desalination system configured to receive a brine and to produce desalinated water from the brine. The system also includes a power production system having an engine configured to provide power to the desalination system. The power production system does not include combined cycle power production. The system also includes a heating system driven by the power production system and configured to provide heat for heating the brine. 1. A system comprising:a desalination system configured to receive a brine and to produce desalinated water from the brine;a power production system comprising an engine configured to provide power to the desalination system, wherein the power production system does not include combined cycle power production; anda heating system driven by the power production system and configured to provide heat for heating the brine.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a temperature control system configured to control a temperature of the brine using the heat provided by the heating system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the temperature control system comprises a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the temperature control system is configured to flow fluid through the first heat exchanger claim 3 , the second heat exchanger claim 3 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the temperature control system is configured to direct the heated fluid to bypass the first heat exchanger claim 3 , the second heat exchanger claim 3 , or a combination thereof.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the system is configured to direct a portion of the desalinated water through the first heat exchanger.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the temperature control system comprises a trim cooler configured to facilitate cooling of the brine.8. The system of claim 7 , comprising a cooling tower fluidly coupled to the trim cooler and configured to ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and System For Processing a Solution by Means of a Two-Stage Membrane Process

Номер: US20140042091A1
Автор: Graf Hans
Принадлежит: KSB Aktiengeselldchaft

A method and system for processing a solution is provided. In at least one first membrane unit, a feed flow is separated into a permeate flow and a retentate flow. According to the invention, at least part of the retentate flow is fed to at least one second membrane unit. In the second membrane unit, retentate is located on one side of a membrane. Located on the other side is a solution in which the concentration of dissolved substances of which is lower than that of the retentate. Thus solvent of the solution passes through the membrane and thins the retentate. 121-. (canceled)22. A process for processing a solution , comprising the acts of:separating a feedstream in at least one first membrane unit into a permeate and a retentate;feeding at least a portion of the retentate into at least one second membrane unit in which the portion of retentate is on a first side of a membrane and on an second side of the membrane is a solution having a concentration of dissolved substances lower than a concentration of dissolved substances in the portion of the retentate; anddiluting the portion of the retentate on the first side of the second membrane unit membrane, wherein the diluting process comprises passing a solvent of the solution having the lower concentration of dissolved substances from the second side of the membrane to the first side of the membrane.23. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein a pressure of the retentate in the at least one second membrane unit is lower than a pressure of the retentate in the first membrane unit.24. The process as claimed in claim 23 , wherein a pressure difference between the pressure of the retentate in the at least one first membrane unit and the retentate in the at least one second membrane unit is used to operate a pressure difference-powered device arranged between the at least one first membrane unit and the at least one second membrane unit.25. The process as claimed in claim 24 , wherein the pressure difference-powered ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048462A1

An apparatus includes a filtration skid configured to generate a filtrate through at least one of microfiltration and ultrafiltration. The apparatus further includes a desalination skid fluidly connected to the filtration skid. The desalination skid is configured to perform reverse osmosis desalination on the filtrate to generate a permeate, where the filtrate travels from the filtration skid to the desalination skid without traversing a storage tank. In one embodiment, the apparatus further comprises a controller, where the filtration skid and the desalination skid are integrated to provide self-adaptive operation of the filtration skid and the desalination skid in response to control by at least one of a supervisory controller and a local controller. In one embodiment, the control responds to at least one of temporal variability of feed water quality, a permeate production capacity target, and a permeate quality target. 1. An apparatus comprising:a filtration skid configured to generate a filtrate through at least one of microfiltration and ultrafiltration; anda desalination skid fluidly connected to the filtration skid, the desalination skid configured to perform reverse osmosis desalination on the filtrate to generate a permeate, wherein the filtrate travels from the filtration skid to the desalination skid without traversing a storage tank.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a controller claim 1 , wherein the filtration skid and the desalination skid are integrated to provide self-adaptive operation of the filtration skid and the desalination skid in response to control by at least one of a supervisory controller and a local controller.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the control responds to at least one of temporal variability of feed water quality claim 2 , a permeate production capacity target claim 2 , and a permeate quality target.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the filtrate maintains a pressure at or above 14 pounds per square inch ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048463A1
Автор: Weisselberg Edward

Biosolids in the nature of sewage sludge is processed in a controlled environment to produce a dried sludge product of relatively high dry solid content with the elimination of or reduced levels of pathogens. The water containing sewage sludge is dried while cascading within a processing chamber using heated air at a temperature below the ignition or smoldering temperature of the sewage sludge to prevent the formation of embers. The sewage sludge before discharge is retained within the processing chamber for a sufficient time and temperature as mandated by the Environment Protection Agency rules and guidelines. 1. An apparatus for the treatment of sewage sludge , comprising:a housing having a sidewall forming a processing chamber;a plurality of vertically spaced apart supports for receiving sewage sludge cascading through the processing chamber;a source of heated gas in communication with the processing chamber for treatment of the sewage sludge cascading through the processing chambers; anda manifold coupled to the sidewall for supplying the heated gas to a plurality of locations within the processing chamber, the manifold including an elongated opening configured for discharging the heated gas into the processing chamber and at least one barrier partially obstructing the discharging of the heated gas from the opening into the processing chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a controller for controlling the temperature of the heated gas below the ignition or smoldering temperature of the sewage sludge.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing chamber includes an outlet for exiting exhaust gases from within the processing chamber; and a recycle duct for recycling at least a portion of the exhaust gases into the processing chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the elongated opening is configured to discharge the heated gas into the processing chamber in a direction substantially parallel to the sidewall.5. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for treating Lake Okeechobee water

Номер: US20140048466A1
Автор: McGuire Dennis

Disclosed is a water treatment apparatus for treating Lake Okeechobee water. The treatment apparatus operates on a continuous flow of water which is subjected to hydrodynamic waves, acoustic ultrasonic waves in combination with injected ozone and electrolysis. The treatment system provides a cost efficient and environmentally friendly process for cleaning contaminated water that is directed into estuaries, lagoons, intracoastal waterway, everglades, and the ocean. Treatment includes addressing various levels of contaminants such as aerobic bacteria, often called a green slime that produces a bio-film. The apparatus can be mounted on a vessel to permit targeting of algae blooms. 1. An apparatus for treating Lake Okeechobee water comprising:a fluid inlet for introducing fluid into a main reactor,an ozone injection device for injecting ozone into the fluid, said ozone injector having an inlet and an outlet;a flash reactor coupled to an outlet of said ozone injection device and in fluid communication with a flash reactor, said flash reactor having an inlet and an outlet, said flash reactor having flow paths creating areas of severe velocity and pressure changes which reduces the size of the ozone bubbles to nano size, the outlet of the flash reactor in fluid communication with an inlet of a hydrodynamic mixing manifold, said hydrodynamic manifold having at least an inlet and an outlet, said outlet of said hydrodynamic manifold having a nozzle positioned within an inlet passageway of said main reactor;a plurality of ultrasonic transducers assemblies mounted within said main reactor for generating acoustic cavitation of said fluid;a plurality of anodes and cathodes mounted within said main reactor to create an electrical potential within said fluid; andan outlet segment for conveying the fluid exiting the main reactor to at least one outlet line;wherein said main reactor is based on the principle of degradation/disinfection and uses a combination of hydrodynamic ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Treatment of Raw Brines from Desalination Plants

Номер: US20140048485A1

A method for treatment of raw brines from desalination plants () having a total salt content greater than 60 g/l, wherein, inter alia, a magnesium ion-containing solution having a magnesium ion content greater than 1 g/1 at a temperature between 75° C. and 100° C. is passed through a first vertical column () containing a bed packing of zeolite A () with a flow direction from top to bottom and the raw brine that is to be treated is passed at a temperature of 30° C. to 45° C. through this packed first column () in the direction of flow from top to bottom until the calcium ion concentration of the eluate leaving the first column () indicates a breakthrough of calcium ions through the bed of zeolite A (). 113-. (canceled)14. A method for treating raw brines from a desalination plant , the method comprising the following steps in sequence:a) passing a magnesium ion-containing solution with a magnesium ion content greater than 1 g/l at a temperature between 75° C. and 100° C. through a first column containing a bed packing of zeolite A with a flow direction from top to bottom and converting the bed packing of zeolite A to a bad of thermally modified zeolite (TMZ);b) cooling the interior of the first column with the bed of TMZ to a temperature of below 45° C.;c) passing a sodium ion-containing solution, having a sodium ion concentration of more than 50 g/l and having a temperature of below 45°, in a flow direction from bottom to top through the bed of TMZ;d) passing a raw brine to be treated at a temperature of 30° C. to 45° C. in a flow direction from top to bottom through the first column packed with the bed of TMZ until a calcium ion concentration of an eluate exiting from the first column surpasses a value of 1,000/n mg/l, indicating a break-through of calcium ions through the bed of TMZ, wherein n is a factor of concentration increase of the eluate in the next step e),e) separating the eluate of step d) in a desalination device into water with a total salt content of ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048492A1
Автор: Weisselberg Edward

Biosolids in the nature of sewage sludge is processed in a controlled environment to produce a dried sludge product of relatively high dry solid content with the elimination of or reduced levels of pathogens. The water containing sewage sludge is dried while cascading within a processing chamber using heated air at a temperature below the ignition or smoldering temperature of the sewage sludge to prevent the formation of embers. The sewage sludge before discharge is retained within the processing chamber for a sufficient time and temperature as mandated by the Environment Protection Agency rules and guidelines. 1. A method for treatment of sewage sludge containing a pathogen , comprising:cascading sewage sludge containing water and at least one pathogen between a plurality of vertically spaced apart supports within a processing chamber;heating the sewage sludge while cascading within the processing chamber to remove a portion of the water within the sewage sludge thereby forming a reduced water content sewage sludge;heating the reduced water content sewage sludge for a sufficient time and at a sufficient temperature to reduce the amount of the at least one pathogen within the sewage sludge thereby forming a treated sewage sludge;supplying heated gas to the processing chamber for heating the sewage sludge for removing a portion of the contained water therein and for reducing the amount of the at least one pathogen with the sewage sludge; andcontrolling the temperature of the heated gas within the processing chamber below the ignition temperature of the sewage sludge to prevent the formation of embers therefrom.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treated sewage sludge has a dry solid content of at least 90% by weight.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the sewage sludge for a sufficient time and at a sufficient temperature to reduce the amount of the at least one pathogen comprises heating the sewage sludge of reduced water content to a temperature in the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054206A1
Автор: JR. Patrick T., ORegan

A modularizable system for residential water treatment having a low energy requirement to process water for reuse at the residence which results in a reduction in the amount of fossil fuels required to power large water processing stations and transfer ater from water plants to individual residences is disclosed. The system increases availability of water at the residential level in areas where water is a limited or limiting resource (e.g., in arid climates). Furthermore, the amount of water a residence uses in a given cycle is more efficient. 1. A water treatment system comprising:a settlement tank adaptable to receive effluent from a source;at least one aerobic treatment tank configurable to receive a settlement tank effluent;a disinfector adaptable to disinfect an effluent from at least one of an anaerobic treatment tank and an aerobic treatment tank;a tester configurable to test a parameter; anda controller configurable to control a process of the water treatment system in response to the tested parameter.228-. (canceled) This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/917,101, filed May 10, 2007, which application is incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to methods, systems, devices and components for treating and reusing water in smaller venues. Small venues are, for example residential and small business. The invention relates more specifically to modularizable systems, components and methods for treating water available residentially for reuse and/or irrigation. Water sources suitable for the invention include blue water, black water, gray water, and water obtained through natural sources (such as rainfall, storm water runoff, and the like).2. Description of the BackgroundWith our increasing awareness of environmental issues, such as global warming, a need has been recognized for ways to preserve and efficiently use our natural resources. Large focus and effort has been placed on reduction ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054222A1
Автор: Clark Ken, Heffernan Skip
Принадлежит: Total Water Treatment Systems, Inc.

The present invention relates to water purification systems and uses thereof In particular, the present invention relates to the use of water filtration systems to combat bacterial contamination of industrial and commercial water systems, such as grocery store misting systems. 1Legionella. A method for reducing or preventing bacterial contamination of a water supply system comprising:a) passing a fluid through a water softening component;b) passing the effluent from a) through a carbon filtration component;c) passing the effluent from b) through a machine capable of reverse osmosis;d) passing the effluent from c) through a storage vessel;e) passing the effluent from d) through a recirculating pump;f) passing the effluent from e) through an ultraviolet light;g) passing the effluent from f) through a final filtration;h) contacting the effluent from g) with distribution piping; andi) contacting the distribution piping with a nozzle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water softening component comprises two units which operate alternately.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the storage vessel is airtight except for a 0.2-micron vent filter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculating pump delivers a minimum of 3 feet per second flow velocity.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the final filtration utilizes a 0.2 micron filter.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distribution piping circulates returns some of the fluid from g) to the storage vessel in d).7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conductivity of the fluid is measured at one or more times.8. A method of providing purified water to grocery store misting systems comprising:a) passing a fluid through a water softening component;b) passing the effluent from a) through a carbon filtration component;c) passing the effluent from b) through a machine capable of reverse osmosis;d) passing the effluent from c) through a storage vessel;e) passing the effluent from d) through a recirculating pump;f) passing ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Process for Reducing Inorganics from Anionic Surfactant Solutions

Номер: US20140054223A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A process comprising contacting deionized water with one or more Strecker sulfonation reaction products of one or more halogenated alkyl ethers in the presence of sulfite, wherein the one or more Strecker sulfonation reaction products each comprise one or more inorganic salts on a dry basis and one or more surfactant components, form a filtration mixture; loading the filtration mixture into a high pressure filtration system containing a membrane having a membrane molecular weight cutoff allowing preferential passage of the inorganic salts, for example, of greater than or equal to 200 Daltons; wherein the high pressure filtration system is operated at a pressure greater than ambient pressure and is configured to cause crossflow of the filtration mixture along a surface of the membrane resulting in a permeate solution which substantially passes through the membrane and a retentate solution which substantially does not pass through the membrane; wherein the permeate comprises less than or equal to 15 weight percent surfactant component, based on the weight of the filtration mixture is provided. 1. A process comprising:contacting deionized water with one or more Strecker sulfonation reaction products of one or more halogenated alkyl ethers, wherein the alkyl groups of the alkyl ethers comprise from 8 to 16 carbons, in the presence of sulfite, wherein the one or more Strecker sulfonation reaction products each comprise one or more inorganic salts on a dry basis and one or more surfactant components, to form a filtration mixture;loading the filtration mixture into a high pressure filtration system containing a nanofiltration membrane having a membrane molecular weight cutoff allowing preferential passage of inorganic salts, for example, of greater than or equal to 200 Daltons;wherein the high pressure filtration system is operated at a pressure greater than ambient pressure and is configured to cause crossflow of the filtration mixture along a surface of the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054225A1
Принадлежит: Carter International, LLC

This invention relates to a produced water treatment system composed of 10 stages which are: 1. A method for treating water comprising:fine screening solids from a fluid stream to remove particles greater than about 1 mm in diameter;monitoring and equalizing total suspended solids and total dissolved solids in said fluid stream;adjusting the acidity of said fluid stream to between pH 6 and pH 8;treating said fluid stream using high impact ionization and/or electrofloculation and/or electrocoagulation;removing suspended solids in said fluid stream through dissolved air flotation;injecting said fluid stream with ozone; andfiltering said fluid stream to remove any remaining nitrogen, color and odor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein mechanical agitation is employed in said equalizing of said total suspended solids and total dissolved solids in said fluid stream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein anode and cathode electrodes are used for said high impact ionization.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein anionic and cationic surfactants are added concurrently with said dissolved air flotation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said suspended solids include fats claim 1 , oils claim 1 , hydrocarbons and colloidal particles of water.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a fine bubble diffuser is used for said injecting said fluid stream with ozone.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said filtering is performed in a two step process.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said filtering is performed in a two step process claim 1 , with a first filter comprising a zeolite filter and a second filter comprising an activated carbon filter.9. The method of claim 1 , further including claim 1 , after the removal of said suspended solids claim 1 , providing said suspended solids to a dehydration system for processing.10. The method of claim 1 , further including claim 1 , after said filtering claim 1 , treating said fluid stream with inverse osmosis.11. A system for treating water comprising:a ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054230A1

A method for monitoring and controlling the chemistry of a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) process in power plants is described. The method identifies the principal phenomena of precipitation of calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate which can occur in such system and the principal critical sections affected by such precipitation phenomena. The interventions aimed at keeping or restoring the sustainable chemical conditions with respect to the precipitation of calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate in all the critical sections of the ZLD system are then indicated, ensuring saturation ratios of calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate lower than or equal to 1 through time. 1216. A method for monitoring and controlling the chemistry of a ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) system in a power plant , comprising a treatment plant for desulfurizing flue gas coming from said power plant , a unit (TSD) for treatment wastes coming from said flue gas treatment plant , a first fraction () of the liquid effluent coming from said unit being sent to an evaporation plant (SEC) and a second fraction () being recycled to a storage tank (SA) providing for the liquid make-up () to said flue gas treatment plant , said evaporation plant (SEC) comprising a softening unit (S) and a crystallization-evaporation unit (EC) , said method being characterized in that it comprises the following steps:{'b': 1', '4, 'periodically sampling liquid streams circulating in predetermined, critical sections (SC-SC) of said system, to determine chemical-physical parameters relating to the calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate concentrations at said sections;'}{'b': 1', '4, 'calculating saturation ratios relevant to calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate for each of said critical sections (SC-SC);'}identifying the critical sections which are subjected to the precipitation of calcium sulphate or calcium carbonate, in which the liquid streams passing through them have calculated saturation ratios for calcium sulphate and/ ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Selective Removal of Silica from Silica Containing Brines

Номер: US20140054233A1
Автор: Stephen Harrison
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc

This invention relates to a method for selective removal of silica and silicon containing compounds from solutions that include silica and silicon containing compounds, including geothermal brines.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Water Treatment

Номер: US20140054238A1
Автор: AGA Morten

A method of treating water, applicable to sterilise water for drinking or to treat ballast water, may include flowing water through a conduit containing a reduced pressure zone arranged to reduce the pressure of the flow by at least 10to a sub-atmospheric pressure. The method may include passing water through a siphon conduit having a headspace provided with a gas removal pump. 1. A method of treating water , which comprises flowing water through a conduit containing a reduced pressure zone arranged to reduce the pressure of the flow by at least 10to a sub-atmospheric pressure.2. (canceled)3. A method as claimed in that is a method of drinking water sterilisation.4. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said method comprises transferring fresh water from a source through said conduit to a drinking water storage tank or outlet.5. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow of water through said reduced pressure zone is siphonic.6. A method of drinking water sterilisation which method comprises flowing fresh water from a source through conduit and to a drinking water reservoir or outlet claim 1 , wherein said conduit contains a reduced pressure zone claim 1 , and wherein water flow through said reduced pressure zone is siphonic.7. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a vacuum pump or gas removal pump is used to form the reduced pressure zone in the conduit.8. (canceled)9. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow of water to said reduced pressure zone is gravitational.10. A method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the conduit comprises a downflow section to create the gravitational flow followed by an upflow section with the reduced pressure zone located in or after the upflow section.11. A method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein an electricity-generating turbine is disposed in said conduit upstream of said reduced pressure zone.12. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein water flowing through said conduit is supersaturated with a gas upstream of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076808A1

A system and method for purifying and recycling cold wastewater is provided. Contaminated wastewater is supplied at a temperature no greater than 45° F. through an ultrafilter. The wastewater is fed through a reverse osmosis filter unit. Clean water is reused whereas reject is sent to disposal. Cold temperatures are preferably maintained throughout the treatment process. 1. A system for purifying and recycling cold wastewater , the system comprising:an ultrafiltration vessel receiving a cold wastewater maintained at a temperature no greater than 45° F. comprising an ultrafiltration inlet, an ultrafiltration outlet and an ultrafilter fluidly connected between the ultrafiltration inlet and the ultrafiltration outlet and wherein the ultrafiltration inlet is in fluid communication with an initial supply of the cold wastewater;a first reverse osmosis filter comprising a first reverse osmosis filter inlet and a first reverse osmosis filter outlet and wherein the first reverse osmosis filter inlet is in fluid communication with the ultrafiltration outlet; anda second reverse osmosis filter comprising a second reverse osmosis filter inlet and a second reverse osmosis filter outlet and wherein the second reverse osmosis filter outlet is in fluid communication with a return line.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises a granular activated carbon filter vessel comprising a granular activated carbon inlet claim 1 , a granular activated carbon filter claim 1 , and a granular activated carbon filter fluidly connected between the granular activated carbon filter inlet and the granular activated carbon outlet and wherein the granular activated carbon inlet is in fluid communication with the ultrafiltration outlet and the granular activated carbon inlet is in fluid communication with the first reverse osmosis filter inlet.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cold wastewater is maintained at a temperature no greater than 38° F.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091040A1

Bicarbonate conversion assisted reverse-osmosis (RO) treatment systems for treatment of contaminated water, particularly natural gas flowback water. The systems and processes provide for simultaneous conversion of the primary salt in gas production flowback waters from sodium bicarbonate to sodium sulfate, and flotation removal of organic contaminants, for the enhanced water recovery by RO of these waters. In the systems and processes, RO processes are enhanced by lowering the osmotic potential of the water being processed, by converting the bicarbonate ions to sulfate ions. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for treating water having high sodium bicarbonate content to reduce its sodium bicarbonate content , comprising the following steps:(a) adding sulfuric acid to the water;(b) subjecting the water to flotation separation to produce a first stream of organic contaminants and a second stream of sodium sulfate-dominated clarified brine; and(c) subjecting the second stream to reverse osmosis, to produce a stream of product water.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein step (a) comprises adding sulfuric acid to the water to reduce the water's pH to between about 3 and about 5.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the flotation separation is dissolved air flotation separation.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the dissolved air flotation separation is driven by carbon dioxide produced in step (a) from reaction of sodium bicarbonate and sulfuric acid.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the dissolved air flotation separation is conducted at ambient pressure.13. The method of claim 8 , wherein step (c) further comprises producing a stream of reject brine claim 8 , and the reject brine is subjected to at least one further treatment consisting of dewatering or crystallization.14. The method of claim 8 , wherein the water having high sodium bicarbonate content is natural gas flowback water.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein about 60% to about 70% of the flowback water is recovered as ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for treating waste materials

Номер: US20140099447A1
Автор: Jay Kim, Wesley Tse

A method and apparatus for treating waste materials comprising, particulating the waste materials into discrete particles, heating and drying the particles in a non-oxidizing atmosphere in a drier at a temperature in the range of 800° to 860° C. for carbonizing the particles, crushing the carbonized particles and leaching the crushed carbonized particles in an acid solution for dissolution of heavy metals into the solution, separating the leach solution containing heavy metal from the carbonized particles, adding to the carbonized particles particulate sodium hydroxide, silica, feldspar and limestone in a ratio of 100:0.3-0.5:8-12:2-4, mixing said particles with 15 to 18% by weight water to form a wet mixture and continuously extruding the wet mixture to form an elongated continuous extrusion, severing the elongated extrusion into blocks or planks of predetermined length, drying the blocks or planks and heating the dried blocks or planks in a kiln at a temperature in the range of 1200° to 1300° C. for a time sufficient in an oxygen deficient atmosphere to sinter the blocks or planks and to form carbides, and separating and recovering CO 2 gas from combustion gases in the kiln.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002176A1

There is provided a method of hydrothermal carbonization of a sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, comprising the steps of: preheating the sludge with at least one first steam fraction to obtain a preheated sludge; further heating the preheated sludge with a second steam fraction to obtain a heated sludge; subjecting the heated sludge to hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) in a reactor to obtain a HTC-treated slurry; mixing the HTC-treated slurry with an oxidizing agent, such as oxygen gas, to obtain a wet-oxidized slurry; subjecting the wet-oxidized slurry to flashing to obtain the second steam fraction and a pre-cooled slurry; subjecting the pre-cooled slurry to flashing in at least one step to obtain the at least one first steam fraction and a cooled slurry; separating the cooled slurry into a liquid fraction and a solids fraction; and routing the liquid fraction to the wastewater treatment plant for further treatment, wherein the second steam fraction is used for heating preheated sludge to the temperature of the HTC reaction. A corresponding system is also provided. 1. A method of hydrothermal carbonization of a sludge from a wastewater treatment plant , comprising the steps of:preheating the sludge with at least one first steam fraction to obtain a preheated sludge;further heating the preheated sludge with a second steam fraction to obtain a heated sludge;subjecting the heated sludge to hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) in a reactor to obtain a HTC-treated slurry;mixing the HTC-treated slurry with an oxidizing agent to obtain a wet-oxidized slurry;subjecting the wet-oxidized slurry to flashing to obtain the second steam fraction and a pre-cooled slurry;subjecting the pre-cooled slurry to flashing in at least one step to obtain the at least one first steam fraction and a cooled slurry;separating the cooled slurry into a liquid fraction and a solids fraction; androuting the liquid fraction to the wastewater treatment plant for further treatment,wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002145A1

A particulate filtering device with a multi-layer water distribution and collection structure and a method for using the same are provided. The device includes a tank where a filtering space and a back flushing expansion space are formed. An upper water distribution pipe is arranged above the back flushing expansion space and is in communication with an ozone gas-water mixing pipe. Ozone enters the back flushing expansion space through the upper water distribution pipe and mix with water for reaction. Exhaust gas is discharged from the top of the tank. Powdered activated carbon may enter the tank through the upper water distribution pipe, and is intercepted at a space above the filtering space to form an activated carbon layer, to absorb organics dissolved in the water and catalytically decompose ozone. At least three water distribution and collection pipes are arranged on a layer basis in the filtering space. 1. A particulate filtering device with a multi-layer water distribution and collection structure , comprising:a tank, wherein a filtering space is formed in a lower portion of the tank and a back flushing expansion space is formed in an upper portion of the tank;particle filtering material filled in the filtering space;a plurality of water distribution and collection pipes arranged on a layer basis in the filtering space, wherein each of water distribution and collection pipes is arranged horizontally, and each of the water distribution and collection pipes is provided with filtering sticks;an upper water distribution pipe arranged in the back flushing expansion space, wherein the plurality of water distribution and collection pipes and the upper water distribution pipe each extends out the tank at one end in a sealing manner;a water inlet manifold connected in parallel with an extending end of each of one or more of the water distribution and collection pipes via a pipe,a filtered water outlet manifold connected in parallel with an extending end of each of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002159A1
Автор: Dove Alistair, Hall Eric

A sulphur denitrification system includes a liquid input fluidly coupled to a source of saltwater that includes nitrate; a liquid output fluidly coupled to the source of saltwater; a plurality of vertically-oriented tanks, at least one of the tanks including a liquid inlet that is fluidly coupled to the liquid input to receive a flow of the saltwater, a volume configured to enclose a plurality of sulphur particles that support denitrification bacteria that biologically transform the nitrate into at least one of nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas, and a liquid outlet fluidly coupled to the liquid output and the liquid inlets of the tanks; and a circulation system configured to circulate a portion of the saltwater though the liquid input to the liquid inlets of the plurality of tanks, through the plurality of tanks, and from the liquid outlets of the tanks to the liquid output and the liquid inlets of the tanks. 133-. (canceled)34. A computer implemented method performed with a computing system that comprises one or more hardware processors , the method comprising:receiving, from at least one sensor of a marine habitat system, a measurement associated with a nitrate concentration in a flow of water, the marine habitat system comprising a water holding tank that comprises a volume of water that includes nitrate; and a denitrification system fluidly coupled to the water holding tank to receive a flow of water from the water holding tank, circulate the flow of water through a plurality of denitrification tanks, and transform at least a portion of the nitrate into nitrogen gas in the tanks;comparing the measurement with a nitrate concentration setpoint; andadjusting a component of the denitrification system based on the measurement exceeding the nitrate concentration setpoint.35. The computer implemented method of claim 34 , wherein adjusting a component of the denitrification system comprises:modulating at least one valve of the denitrification system to change a rate of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002083A1
Автор: COTE Pierre Lucien

A wastewater treatment device is described in this specification having an aeration tank upstream of a micro-sieve. A process for treating wastewater comprises a step of treating wastewater by way of aeration with a hydraulic retention time of 6 hours or less, a solids retention time of 6 days or less, or both, to produce a first effluent. The first effluent is treated by way of a micro-sieve to produce a second effluent and a sludge. A portion of the sludge may be recycled to the aeration tank step. A portion of the sludge may be further treated in an anaerobic digester. The second effluent may be further treated, for example by way of one or more additional digestion steps or a further solid liquid separation step or both. 1. A wastewater treatment device , comprising:an aeration tank;a micro-sieve; andconduits connecting a source of an influent to the aeration tank, connecting an outlet of the aeration tank to the micro-sieve, and connecting an outlet from a feed side of the micro-sieve to the aeration tank.2. The wastewater treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the micro-sieve comprises a rotating belt sieve claim 1 , a rotating disc filter claim 1 , or a rotating drum filter.3. The wastewater treatment device of claim 2 , wherein the micro-sieve comprises a rotating belt sieve.4. The wastewater treatment device of claim 3 , wherein the rotating belt sieve comprises a solids concentrating auger.5. The wastewater treatment device of claim 1 , further comprising an anaerobic digester connected to the outlet from the feed side of the micro-sieve.6. The wastewater treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the influent is raw municipal sewage.7. The wastewater treatment device of claim 5 , further comprising a coarse screen and a vortex unit in line with the conduit connected to the source of the influent and the aerobic digester.8. The wastewater treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the micro-sieve comprises a screening material having openings having the area of a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Variable Pulsed Ionic Waste Stream Reclamation System and Method

Номер: US20200002207A1
Автор: Shehane Philip C.
Принадлежит: Fluent Technologies, LLC

A method for treating wastewater having one or more of suspended solids, dissolved solids, biological oxygen demand includes solids filtration followed by a bi-polar/bi-directional flow through ionic module fitted with anionically/cationically charged plates followed by a sub-sonic resonance module followed by another bi-polar/bi-directional flow through ionic module followed by a ultra-sonic resonance module followed by one or more anion/cation collection membrane modules. Recycle is provided in each step, wherein each step may be repeated, and wherein one or more of the steps can be bypassed. 1. A method for treating wastewater having one or more of suspended solids , dissolved solids , biological oxygen demand , which comprises the steps of:(a) determining the total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), pH, conductivity, and various isotopes or elements in the wastewater to be treated;(b) subjecting the wastewater to filtration to affect substantial removal of suspended solids greater than about 0.01μ particle size;(c) passing the filtered wastewater through a bi-polar/bi-directional flow through ionic module fitted with anionically charged plates for removing at least some of the cations present in the wastewater;(d) passing the resulting wastewater stream from step (c) through a sub-sonic resonance module for removing at least some of the isotopes in the wastewater responsive to subsonic resonance frequency;(d) passing the resulting wastewater from step (d) a bi-polar/bi-directional flow through ionic module fitted with cationically charged plates for removing at least some of the anions present in the wastewater;(e) passing the resulting wastewater stream from step (d) through a ultra-sonic resonance module for removing at least some of the isotopes in the wastewater responsive to ultrasonic resonance frequency;(f) passing the resulting wastewater from step (e) through a bi-polar/bi-directional flow through ionic ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002209A1

A mobile processing system is disclosed for the removal of radioactive contaminants from nuclear process waste water. The system is fully scalable, modular, and portable allowing the system to be fully customizable according the site-specific remediation requirements. It is designed to be both transported and operated from standard sized intermodal containers or custom designed enclosures for increased mobility between sites and on-site, further increasing the speed and ease with which the system may be deployed. Additionally, the system is completely modular wherein the various different modules perform different forms or stages of waste water remediation and may be connected in parallel and/or in series. Depending on the needs of the particular site, one or more different processes may be used. In some embodiments, one or more of the same modules may be used in the same operation. 1. A mobile nuclear waste processing system , the system comprising:a first intermodal shipping container including a main enclosure, an inlet leading into the main enclosure, and an outlet leading out of the main enclosure;a solids removal module disposed within the main enclosure, the solids removal module including a filter configured to receive a flow of fluid and remove at least some solids from the fluid;a first conduit extending through the inlet of the main enclosure and configured to direct the fluid from a fluid supply tank to the solids removal module;a second conduit extending through the outlet of the main enclosure and configured to direct the fluid from the solids removal module out of the main enclosure; anda control system configured to monitor flow of the fluid through solids removal module.2. The mobile nuclear waste processing system of claim 1 , wherein the control system is housed in a second intermodal shipping container.3. The mobile nuclear waste processing system of claim 1 , further comprising an ion specific media module including an ion specific media vessel ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Barnacle Suppression Module

Номер: US20190002320A1
Автор: SCOTT Bentley N.

A module for preventing barnacle formation in a marine air-conditioning system. The module comprises: i) a housing; ii) a source of irradiating light disposed in the housing, the irradiating light suitable for killing or stunning barnacle larvae; iii) a circuit assembly disposed in the housing and configured to receive electrical power from an external power supply and to provide electrical power to the source of irradiating light; and iv) a transparent window disposed in the housing to permit the irradiating light to pass therethrough. The housing is adapted to be coupled to a water filter supplying raw water to the marine air-conditioning system such that the irradiating light is transmitted into the raw water in the water filter. 1. A module for preventing barnacle formation in a marine air-conditioning system , the module comprising:a housing;a source of irradiating light disposed in the housing, the irradiating light suitable for killing or stunning barnacle larvae;a circuit assembly disposed in the housing and configured to receive electrical power from an external power supply and to provide electrical power to the source of irradiating light; anda transparent window disposed in the housing to permit the irradiating light to pass therethrough,wherein the housing is adapted to be coupled to a water filter supplying raw water to the marine air-conditioning system such that the irradiating light is transmitted into the raw water in the water filter.2. The module as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the housing has a threaded surface such that the housing may be screwed into an opening in the water filter.3. The module as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the housing is adapted to be inserted into a transparent cap associated with the water filter.4. The module as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the housing is adapted to be attached to the water filter such that the irradiating light is transmitted through a transparent wall of the water filter.5. The module as set ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for the Treatment of Waste from Sewage Digestor

Номер: US20190002324A1
Автор: Hough Richard Murray

Disclosed are methods and machines for removing volatile compounds from sludge. Additionally, disclosed are methods and machines for removing pathogens from sludge. 1. An apparatus for removing volatile compounds from sludge comprising:a first shaft rotating clockwise;a second shaft rotating counterclockwise, 'wherein the multitude of paddles are attached to the first and second shaft with a clamp, the multitude of paddles have an adjustable pitch, and the clamps and the multitude of paddles are rotationally offset along the first and second shafts in a helical pattern around the first and second shafts, such that the rotational offset of each clamp and paddle is less than 60 degrees from the preceding clamp and paddle, and the clamps and multitude of paddles spiral around the first and second shafts at least twice;', 'a multitude of paddles attached to the first and second shafts,'}a first heating element;a U-shaped heated trough; anda hot air blower.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second shafts are independently rotated with a ratchet drive.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ratchet drive is rotated with a hydraulic cylinder.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the shafts are hollow.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the shafts further comprises a second heating element.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the duct further comprises an exhaust fan to remove volatile compounds as they are removed from the sludge.7. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first heating element is an electric heating element.8. A method for removing volatile compounds comprising:loading sludge into an apparatus;mixing the sludge with at least two rotating shafts,wherein each rotating shafts has a multitude of paddles;heating the sludge using at least one heating element;removing any volatile compounds using a duct attached to the apparatus.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein each shaft is independently rotated with a ratchet drive.10. The method of claim ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009810A1

A device for treatment of organic waste includes a heating unit, a hydrolysis tank, a regulating tank, an aerobic fermentation reactor, an organic waste feeder, an aerobe feeder, a delivery mechanism, a deodorization unit, and an air distributor. The hydrolysis tank is connected to the regulating tank, and the regulating tank is connected to the aerobic fermentation reactor. The delivery mechanism is disposed between the regulating tank and the aerobic fermentation reactor. The heating unit is connected to the hydrolysis tank and is configured to heat an organic material in the hydrolysis tank. The organic waste feeder and the aerobe feeder are connected to the regulating tank. The deodorization unit is disposed on and connected to the aerobic fermentation reactor. The air distributor is disposed in the aerobic fermentation reactor and is configured to provide oxygen to the aerobic fermentation reactor. 1. A device , comprising:1) a heating unit;2) a hydrolysis tank;3) an organic waste feeder;4) an aerobe feeder;5) a regulating tank;6) a delivery mechanism;7) an aerobic fermentation reactor;8) a deodorization unit;9) an air distributor;wherein:the hydrolysis tank is connected to the regulating tank, and the regulating tank is connected to the aerobic fermentation reactor;the delivery mechanism is disposed between the regulating tank and the aerobic fermentation reactor;the heating unit is connected to the hydrolysis tank and is configured to heat an organic material in the hydrolysis tank;the organic waste feeder and the aerobe feeder are connected to the regulating tank and are configured to regulate a moisture content and carbon-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of the organic material and an inoculation proportion of an aerobe in the regulating tank;the deodorization unit is disposed on and connected to the aerobic fermentation reactor and is configured to absorb odor produced in the aerobic fermentation reactor;the air distributor is disposed in the aerobic fermentation ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017396A1

Process of sewage treatment in a continuous, linear and flexible channel, through a modified aerobic biological reactor system, or transformation of an existing anaerobic biological reactor into a modified aerobic biological reactor, coupled with a modified flexible flotation/decantation system, intended for the sewage treatment, to be carried out in a treatment plant, in a continuous, linear and flexible channel, using, as preliminary treatment, a garbage grid and a sandbox, to remove these debris, followed by a primary treatment, where the sewage receives the primary treatment inside an aerobic reactor—modified MBBR, or inside a pond aerated, facultative or anaerobic, transformed into an aerobic reactor—modified MBBR, or even inside an anaerobic reactor—UASB transformed into an aerobic reactor—modified MBBR, followed by a secondary treatment. 121. “Continuous- , linear- , flexible-channel sewage treatment process , through a modified aerobic biological reactor system , or transformation of an existing anaerobic biological reactor into a modified aerobic biological reactor , coupled with a modified flexible flotation/decanting system” , intended for the treatment of sewage () , in that it is carried out at a treatment station , in a continuous , linear , and flexible channel () , using the following stages:{'b': 100', '2', '105', '110', '2', '1', '105', '110', '2', '2', '1', '200, 'PHASE 1—preliminary treatment () of the sewage (), with the installation of a garbage-trap grid (), followed by a sandbox () in the sewage () channel (), where the garbage-trap grid () traps the floating and submerged solid waste, and the sandbox () traps the sand and silt contained in the sewage flow (), and the sewage () follows through the continuous, linear, and flexible channel (), to the PHASE 2 of the treatment, which constitutes the primary treatment ();'}{'b': 200', '2', '2', '100', '200', '205', '205', '230', '235', '2', '206', '207', '205', '235', '240', '225', '225', '240', ' ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Two-Times-Two Tank Process and System

Номер: US20220017397A1
Принадлежит: Cambi Technology AS

A method and plant for hydrolysis of a liquid substrate, having a dry solids content of between 2 and 30%, to be used in an anaerobic fermentation, digestion or another process aimed at producing or extracting methane or other valuable substances, which method and plant relies on the use of vacuum and several pulpers and one or several flashtanks in series for step-wise pre-heating and pressure reduction, respectively.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008181A1

The present invention is a system and process for livestock waste management that operates more efficiently than existing technologies with less maintenance and with less chemical process components (and thus chemical handling) with recovery of useful end products. The invention comprises solids separation of the waste to remove solids in excess of about 0.50 mm in size prior to anaerobic digestion followed directly by solids separation preferably using an ultra filter and then ammonia recovery. 1. A process to treat manure waste comprising:treating a collected manure waste stream in a first solids separation unit to remove substantially all coarse solids having particles greater than about 1.0 mm in size creating a first solids separation unit output;treating the first solids separation unit output in a second solids separation unit to remove substantially all intermediate solids particles greater than about 0.5 mm in size creating a second solids separation unit output;treating the second solids separation unit output in a fixed film digester wherein particulates in the waste are destroyed creating a fixed film digester output comprising less than about 5.0 percent total suspended solids;treating the fixed film digester output in a third solids separation unit comprising an ultra-filter without chemical addition for coagulation and flocculation between the fixed film digester and the ultra-filter, wherein a permeate from the ultra-filter results comprises less than about 0.1 percent total suspended solids and less than about 0.1 percent phosphorous;treating the ultra-filter permeate in an ammonia recovery system comprising hydrophobic membranes with a countercurrent flow of acid and ammonium salt through the membrane, wherein about 80 percent of the ammonia nitrogen is removed from the ultra-filter permeate in the form of an ammonium salt stream;wherein at least about 99 percent of the phosphorous in said collected manure waste stream is removed by said first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008786A1
Автор: Izawa Shuhei

A method for treating ammonia-containing water containing ammonia, metal ions that form a complex with ammonia, and a reducing substance includes a first step of oxidizing the reducing substance by adding hydrogen peroxide to the ammonia-containing water; a second step of aerating the resultant water treated in the first step to remove the ammonia; a third step of forming an insoluble solid at a pH of 7 to 12 by adding at least one compound selected from the group consisting of iron salts, aluminum salts, calcium salts, and calcium hydroxide to the water treated in the second step; and a fourth step of separating the insoluble solid formed in the third step by solid-liquid separation. 1. A method for treating ammonia-containing water containing ammonia , metal ions that form a complex with ammonia , and a reducing substance , the method comprising:a first step of oxidizing the reducing substance by adding hydrogen peroxide to the ammonia-containing water;a second step of aerating the resultant water treated in the first step to remove the ammonia;a third step of forming an insoluble solid at a pH of 7 to 12 by adding at least one compound selected from the group consisting of iron salts, aluminum salts, calcium salts, and calcium hydroxide to the water treated in the second step; anda fourth step of separating the insoluble solid formed in the third step by solid-liquid separation.2. The method for treating ammonia-containing water according to claim 1 , wherein the ammonia is removed in the second step at a water temperature of 30° C. to 80° C. and a pH of 9 to 13.3. The method for treating ammonia-containing water according to claim 1 , wherein the resultant water treated in the first step is aerated in the second step by blowing an oxygen-containing gas into the water at a flow rate of 0.1 to 10 m/min (normal) per cubic meter of the water.4. The method for treating ammonia-containing water according to claim 1 , wherein the metal ions that form a complex with ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Water Treatment Facility

Номер: US20160009581A1
Автор: GORDON Malcolm Bruce

A water treatment facility for treating raw water and delivering the treated water to a plumbing network. The flow rate is measured by a flow meter. The raw water is passed through a pre-filter and is then temporarily stored in a first tank. The water level in the first tank is kept within a desired maximum and minimum level. The water from the first tank is delivered to a plurality of filter modifies. The plurality of filter modules are arranged so that the flow can be configured to flow through all the filter modules simultaneously, or any one or more filter modules exclusively. The flow path through the filter module(s) can be arranged to flow either sequentially or in parallel. A disinfectant system is included that is capable of producing and delivering a disinfectant agent into the outflow on an as needed basis. 2. A water treatment facility as defined in wherein a second tank is provided after the filter modules and before the outlet claim 1 , and when the system is in this configuration claim 1 , the disinfectant agent is delivered into the second tank claim 1 , or into the outflow from the filter module(s) claim 1 , and the second tank acts as a temporary holding tank so that the water outflow from the filter module(s) is held long enough to enable the disinfectant agent to be effective claim 1 , and after the water in the second tank has been subject to the disinfectant agent for a sufficient period of time claim 1 , then a controlled outflow of water claim 1 , via the logic control means through the outflow control means claim 1 , is passed out of the system and into the plumbing system via the outlet.3. A water treatment facility as defined in wherein the inlet flow control means includes either a flow control valve claim 1 , or a fixed orifice plate claim 1 , or a pump claim 1 , or a combination of two or more.4. A water treatment facility as defined in wherein the logic control means can vary the flow rate through an individual filter module in the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Methods and Systems For Treating Produced Water

Номер: US20160009582A1

Produced water from a crude oil or natural gas production process is purified using a membrane purification system for petroleum production, agricultural, commercial and domestic uses. The produced water is pretreated to remove, at least, particulates and oil from the produced water. The minimally pretreated water is then purified in a membrane purification system, that is operated at conditions such that membrane scaling is reduced or prevented. In particular, the membrane purification system is operated to maintain the turbidity of clarified water feed to the system or intermediate aqueous streams that are cascading through the membrane purification system. Ensuring that the turbidity of the reject streams generated in the membrane system are useful in achieving long membrane operating life. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pH is in a range from 9 to 11.5 and the second pH is in a range from 3 to 7.9 claim 1 , and wherein the first permeate stream contains at most 0.5 mg/L boron.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pH is in a range from 3 to 7.9 and the second pH is in a range from 9 to 11.5 claim 1 , and wherein the first permeate stream contains at most 25 mg/L ammonia.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein pretreating the produced water includes filtering the produced water using microfiltration claim 1 , ultrafiltration claim 1 , nanofiltration and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the produced water through an ultrafiltration membrane claim 1 , wherein the produced water contains greater than 100 claim 1 ,000 ppm TDS.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein pretreating the produced water includes partially softening the produced water to a hardness in a range from 1 to 50 ppm.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein partially softening the produced water warm lime softening at a temperature in a range from 150° F. to 200° F.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising partially softening produced water containing ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Medicament Preparation and Treatment Devices, Methods, and Systems

Номер: US20200009308A1

A medicament preparation system, according to an embodiment, includes a water purification module and a medicament proportioning module. The system is configured to allow convenient and safe use in a home environment or a critical care environment as well as others affording safety, reliability, and a compact form factor. 1. A compact medicament supply system to support blood treatment systems susceptible to leakage current from an electric heater used to heat medicament due to the inherent formation of a fluid path between the electric heater and a patient , comprising:a water purification module having a pump and a controller, the water purification module having deionization filters of sufficient capacity and the pump controlled to purify water to a level of purity exceeding 1 megaohm-cm and providing product water at least that level of purity to a product water output connected to an electric heater;a water channel of a predefined length and of electrically insulating material connecting the electric heater to a medicament proportioning module disposable fluid circuit, the water channel receiving said product water from said electric heater;the electric heater being of a configuration that places the product water in direct contact with permanent non-disposable surfaces of a flow channel in said electric heater; anda sterile filter connected to receive said product water at a point along said water channel, the water channel having a output connector for connecting to the medicament proportioning system;the medicament proportioning system, principally of electrically insulating material, connected to supply a conductive medicament solution to a treatment component connected to a patient via a blood circuit including a patient access such that a continuous fluid path between said electric heater and said patient access at times during a treatment;a controller adapted for controlling the electric heater responsively to a measured temperature and temperature ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Use of Tertiary Treated Sewage Effluent Sterilized With Ionizing Radiation in Upstream Well Applications

Номер: US20210009444A1

Methods, systems, and apparatuses for using irradiated tertiary treated sewage effluent (TTSE) for use in upstream and downstream well operations are disclosed. In some implementations, the TTSE is treated with ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays or electron beam radiation, in order to sterilize the TTSE. The sterilized TTSE is utilized in a well treatment operation, such as drilling operations, completion operations, pressure maintenance operations, and hydraulic fracturing operations. Sterilization of the TTSE prior to introduction into a well prevents damage to the well, such as fouling of a reservoir or reduction in permeability of the reservoir or both. 1. A method of using tertiary treated sewage effluent (TTSE) in an upstream well treatment , the method comprising:applying ionizing radiation to TTSE; andusing the irradiated TTSE during the course of an upstream well operation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying ionizing radiation to the TTSE comprises applying ionizing radiation to a flow of TTSE.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein using the irradiated TTSE during the course of an upstream well operation comprises using the irradiated TTSE in an upstream well operation of the group consisting of a drilling operation claim 1 , a completion operation claim 1 , a reservoir pressure maintenance operation claim 1 , and a hydraulic fracturing operation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein using the irradiated TTSE during the course of an upstream well operation comprises:forming a hydraulic fracturing fluid using the irradiated TTSE; andfracturing a formation using the hydraulic fracturing fluid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein using the irradiated TTSE during the course of an upstream well operation comprises:forming a drilling mud with the irradiated TTSE; andpumping the drilling mud into a well during a drilling operation.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ionizing radiation is selected from the group consisting of gamma rays or electron beam ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

High Solids Dissolved Air Flotation System and Methods

Номер: US20210009451A1
Принадлежит: Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

A wastewater treatment system including an aeration unit, a contact tank, a dissolved air flotation unit, and a biological treatment unit is disclosed. A method of retrofitting a wastewater treatment system by providing an aeration unit and fluidly connecting the aeration unit to the wastewater treatment system is also disclosed. A method of treating wastewater including aerating wastewater with oxygen, combining the aerated wastewater with activated sludge, floating biosolids from the activated wastewater, and biologically treating the effluent is also disclosed. The method optionally includes combining the floated biosolids with the aerated wastewater and/or activated wastewater. A method of facilitating treatment of high solids content wastewater is also disclosed.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009454A1

A system and process for removing solids from raw, untreated liquid that combines mechanical techniques, such as via shakers, hydrocyclones and/or centrifuges, with an additive technique for removal of smaller solids. The additive is selected according to the application. In drilling mud applications, preferred additive embodiments are polyaluminum chloride or polyacrylamide flocculants. Preferably, liquid additive precursors are pre-mixed separately and are then blended before injection into the solids removal process. Some embodiments provide an externally-actuated rack and pinion mud screen lock for simplified screen lockdown on shakers. Some embodiments provide a separate preliminary processing and feed system for pretreatment of the raw, untreated liquid. 1. A method for removing solids from an untreated liquid , the method comprising the steps of:(a) passing the untreated liquid through at least two treatment shakers to yield a first treated liquid;(b) passing the first treated liquid through at least two hydrocyclones to yield a second treated liquid;(c) adding a particle-removing additive to the second treated liquid to yield a third treated liquid; and(d) passing the third treated liquid through at least two centrifuges to yield a fourth treated liquid.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the particle-removing additive in step (c) includes at least one flocculant selected from the group consisting of:(1) a polyaluminum chloride; and(2) a polyacrylamide;and in which the particle-removing additive is pre-mixed with a precursor liquid prior to addition to the second treated liquid.3. The method of claim 1 , in which the particle-removing additive in step (c) is a blend of at least two compounds claim 1 , wherein each compound is pre-mixed with its own precursor liquid prior to blending together.4. The method of claim 3 , in which at least one of the compounds includes a flocculant selected from the group consisting of:(1) a polyaluminum chloride; and(2) a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010068A1
Автор: Katz Gary
Принадлежит: Katz Water Technologies, Inc

A water treatment system that removes calcium and magnesium using coagulants and pH controls, aqueous phase organic materials from water using a biological removal system that includes microorganisms and a physical separation system that includes sparging equipment for sparging the water to remove non-aqueous phase liquid organic materials, volatile phase organic materials. An apparatus, system and method for pretreating oilfield produced water to completely remove or significantly reduce concentrations of substances that are known to interfere with downstream recovery of metals including lithium. This technology facilitates a more efficient and cost-effective extraction method from alternate sources to meet the increasing global demand. 2. The water treatment method of wherein the second vessel comprises a gas floatation bioreactor vessel claim 1 , wherein the carriers comprise material selected from the list consisting of: polyethylene claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , granular activated carbon claim 1 , sand claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , limestone claim 1 , graystone claim 1 , slag claim 1 , and combinations thereof claim 1 , and wherein the microorganisms are selected from the group consisting of: heterotrophic aerobic bacteria and archaea claim 1 , heterotrophic nitrate-reducing bacteria claim 1 , heterotrophic anaerobic bacteria and archaea claim 1 , aerobic and anaerobic fungi claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The water treatment method of wherein the physical water treatment process comprises sparging a first gas through the water claim 1 , wherein the sparging of the first gas causes a coalescing of non-aqueous phase liquid organic materials of the second set of organic materials so that the non-aqueous phase liquid organic materials settle on a surface of the water claim 1 , wherein the sparging of the first gas causes the circulating of the carriers and the sparging of the first gas provides oxygen to the microorganisms in the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010348A1

In alternative aspects, the invention provides process for the use of ionic liquids in the remediation and amelioration of oilsand materials, including treatment of tailings products including but not limited to mature fine tailings (MFT), separation of bitumen from oilsand, bitumen transportation, remediation of spilled bitumen and dilbit, treatment (breakage) of steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and heavy oil emulsions, solids removal from oil processing streams, in-situ bitumen recovery, in-situ extraction from mineral reservoirs, production well chemicals, CO2 sequestration and fracking fluids. 1118.-. (canceled)119. A process for the use of an ionic liquid to mobilize heavy oil or bitumen from an oil resource , wherein the process comprises adding an ionic liquid to an oil resource to form a mixture of the ionic liquid and hydrocarbon.120. The process of claim 119 , wherein the process comprises:pumping ionic liquid into a reservoir, allowing the ionic liquid to become loaded with heavy oil or bitumen to form the mixture, andextracting the mixture from the reservoir.121. The process of claim 119 , wherein bitumen or heavy oil is separated from mineral solids upon addition of an aqueous solution.122. The process of claim 119 , wherein the extracted mixture is configured to separate into multiple layers including: an ionic-liquid-hydrocarbon layer predominantly comprising ionic liquid and bitumen and/or heavy oil; a clay layer predominantly comprising clay; and a sand layer predominantly comprising sand.123. The process of claim 122 , wherein claim 122 , when water is added in a separation process claim 122 , the multiple layers further comprise a water layer.124. The process of claims 122 , wherein the ionic-liquid-hydrocarbon layer is configured to be a stable mixture having negligible vapour pressure claims 122 , a density below that of water claims 122 , and a viscosity lower than 1000 cP at 40° C.125. The process of claim 119 , wherein the extracted ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010350A1
Автор: Ekstrand Stefan

A method and an arrangement for processing sludge into sludge residue having a targeted dry solid concentration is provided. The method comprises a step of distributing () provided sludge for continuous transport in a specific form factor; cooling () the distributed sludge into a frozen state using a refrigerating medium; thawing () the frozen sludge using a first heating medium; drying () the thawed sludge to a targeted dry solid concentration, wherein at least one aspect of the method is controlled by a processing parameter, the method further comprising the step of monitoring () at least one processing parameter, and adjusting () at least one processing parameter with respect to a corresponding reference value based on said at least one sludge characteristic or user input to improve sludge processing. 1. Method for processing sludge to increase its dry solid concentration wherein the provided sludge is characterized in terms of at least one sludge characteristic , the method comprising the steps of:distributing provided sludge for continuous transport in a specific form factor;cooling the distributed sludge into a frozen state using a refrigerating medium;thawing the frozen sludge using a first heating medium;drying the thawed sludge to a targeted dry solid concentration using a second heating medium,wherein at least one aspect of the method is controlled by a processing parameter, wherein the distributed sludge is continuously transported at a transport speed during at least one of the steps relating to distributing, cooling, thawing, and drying, the method further comprising the step ofmonitoring at least one processing parameter, andadjusting at least one processing parameter with respect to a corresponding reference value based on said at least one sludge characteristic or user input to improve sludge processing.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one processing parameter controls any of the following aspects:a) the form factor of the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010617A1

Disclosed are processes and systems for removing water and salt from a polyether polyol that employs a combination of at least atmospheric distillation, filtration, and vacuum distillation. 1. A process for removing water and salt from a neutralized polyether polyol , comprising:(a) removing a portion of the water from the neutralized polyether polyol under at least atmospheric pressure to produce a neutralized and partially dewatered crude polyether polyol mixture in a neutralization vessel;(b) transferring the neutralized and partially dewatered crude polyether polyol mixture from the neutralization vessel to a hold vessel;(c) transferring the neutralized and partially dewatered crude polyether polyol mixture from the hold vessel through a filter to produce a filtrate of the at least partially neutralized and partially dewatered crude polyether polyol mixture; and(d) passing the filtrate through an evaporator to remove additional water from the filtrate under vacuum.2. The method claim 1 , further comprising passing the filtrate of the neutralized and partially dewatered crude polyether polyol mixture through a preheater prior to passing the mixture through the evaporator.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising recirculating the polyether polyol exiting the evaporator to the hold vessel if the polyether polyol has a water content of more than a predetermined value.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the predetermined value is 500 ppm when measured according to ASTM D4672 (2012).5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising transferring the polyether polyol exiting the evaporator to a storage vessel if the polyether polyol has a water content of no more than a predetermined water content and an alkalinity of no more than a predetermined alkalinity content.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the neutralizing agent comprises an acid.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , prior to step (a) water is present in an amount of at least 1% by weight and up to 15% ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033291A1

A method and system for high rate acidification and organic solids solubilization of feedstocks such as municipal source separated organics, municipal sewage sludge, and various industrial organic wastes are disclosed. The method and system feature a completely mixed bioreactor containing hydrogen-producing microorganisms, a crossflow membrane unit or membrane module located downstream of the bioreactor, a storage tank for receiving concentrated microorganisms from the membrane unit or module, and a connection that recirculates desired quantities of biomass from the storage tank to the bioreactor. This configuration decouples the solids residence time (SRT) from the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and results in a high solubilization rate. 1. A system for high rate acidification , organic solids solubilization , and biohydrogen production , comprising:a) a high rate acidifier including a completely mixed bioreactor comprising an input for receiving organic stream into said completely mixed bioreactor and an output for discharging an output stream,wherein the organic stream entering the completely mixed bioreactor is broken down microbiologically by hydrolyzing, acidifying, and hydrogen producing microorganisms to predominantly produce hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide, and a mixture of VFAs and primary alcohols, and wherein hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide are emitted from the completely mixed bioreactor, and wherein the output stream containing the VFAs, primary alcohols and hydrolyzing, acidifying, and hydrogen producing microorganisms is discharged from the completely mixed bioreactor,b) a membrane unit located downstream of said completely mixed bioreactor comprising one or more microfiltration membranes, and comprising a first side and a second side, the first side comprising a membrane input, a recirculation input, and a membrane concentrate output, the second side comprising a permeate output,the membrane input on the membrane unit is hydraulically connected with ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Waste and/or Hazardous Liquid Containment and Collection System

Номер: US20220033292A1
Автор: DeChard Albert

A liquid cleaning and watering system for living plants rests on a surface covered by a non-porous material. A plate layer covering the non-porous layer has two or more layers, each layer having runners arranged in a grid. The grid of each successive layer is offset at an angle with respect to the grid of a previous layer. An upper layer covers the plate layer and has a plurality of holes for the passage of liquids into the liquid cleaning system. As the living plants are watered or cleaned, excess liquids containing water and oils that were excreted by the living plants enter the liquid cleaning system through the holes, the liquid traverses the grid layers, flowing towards a drain. Contaminants within the liquid collect within the grid of the layers of the plate layer for later disposal. 1. A liquid cleaning system for living plants , the liquid cleaning system comprising:a planar material beneath the living plants, the planar material being a non-porous material except for a drain;a plate layer comprising at least two layers of runners arranged in a grid, the grid of each successive layer of the at least two layers is offset at an angle with respect to the grid of a previous layer of the at least two layers;the plate layer resting upon the non-porous material; andan upper layer covering the plate layer, the upper layer having a plurality of holes;wherein as the living plants are watered or cleaned using a liquid, the liquid enters the liquid cleaning system through the plurality of holes, traverses the grid of the layers of the plate layer and flows towards the drain, and contaminants within the liquid collects within the grids of the at least two layers; anda fluid processing system fluidly interfaced to the drain for storing and processing of the liquid.2. The liquid cleaning system of claim 1 , in which the liquid comprises water and oils from the living plants claim 1 , the oils having a lower specific gravity than water gets trapped in upper layers of the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Wastewater Treatment System with Human Use Facility and Recycle

Номер: US20160016835A1
Автор: McKinney Jerry L.

A mobile wastewater treatment system wherein a mobile carrier has mounted thereon a wastewater treatment plant and a pump tank. There is a pump disposed in the pump tank, the output in the pump being selectively directed to a human use facility. Discharge from the human use facility is transferred by gravity to a lift station, accumulated wastewater at the lift station being transferred to the input of the wastewater treatment plant.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Greywater Recycling System

Номер: US20160016836A1

A greywater recycling system. The system is designed using flow control management and minimally-sized holding tanks allowing use of on-site greywater recycling in locations where conventional greywater recycling systems are unsuitable. Where conventional greywater recycling systems produce low-value recycled water suitable for use in irrigation, the system produces high-value recycled water suitable for use in other systems, such as cooling towers with minimal impact on the facility and changes to existing processes. By using higher capacity extraction, reducing the size of storage tanks, and returning permeate to supply the extractor, as needed, the system operates efficiently while with a greywater source producing a non-continuous flow of greywater being modular and compact.
