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10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2575009C2

Получение водной эмульсии ПТФЭ, в результате чего нагрузка на окружающую среду является низкой, стабильность водной эмульсии является высокой, и может быть получен формованный продукт, характеризующийся высокой теплостойкостью. Изобретение относится к способу получения политетрафторэтиленовой (ПТФЭ) водной эмульсии, ПТФЭ эмульсии, полученной таким способом, ПТФЭ тонкодисперсному порошку и растянутому пористому материалу. Способ включает проведение эмульсионной полимеризации тетрафторэтилена (ТФЭ) при использовании по меньшей мере одного фторированного эмульгатора для получения водной эмульсии, включающей ПТФЭ микрочастицы, характеризующиеся средним размером первичных частиц в диапазоне от 0,1 до 0,3 мкм. В начале эмульсионной полимеризации ТФЭ в систему эмульсионной полимеризации включают (полифторалкил)этилен, описывающийся формулой «CH2=CH-Rf1», где Rf1 представляет собой С1-10 полифторалкильную группу и/или сомономер (b), характеризующийся константой сополимеризации мономера rТФЭ в диапазоне ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2226186C2

Изобретение относится к новому способу получения фторированных кислот-эмульгаторов из отработанной воды с целью их регенерации, заключающемуся в том, что сначала из отработанной воды процесса полимеризации фторированных мономеров удаляют мешающие компоненты, выбранные из высокодисперсных твердых веществ и переводимых в твердые вещества компонентов, и затем связывают фторированные кислоты-эмульгаторы на анионообменной смоле и из нее элюируют эти фторированные кислоты-эмульгаторы. С целью предупреждения засорения ионообменника, отработанную воду процесса полимеризации фторированных мономеров, включающую высокодисперсные твердые вещества и/или переводимые в твердые вещества компоненты и щавелевую кислоту, предпочтительно обрабатывают раствором соли алюминия при интенсивном перемешивании, затем доводят показатель рН до 6-7,5 раствором известкового молока, образующийся осадок отфильтровывают и после доведения рН раствора до значения менее 7 при помощи серной кислоты раствор пропускают через ...

17-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774317C2

Группа изобретений относится к непрозрачному ударопрочному метилметакрилат-бутадиен-стирольному полимеру для улучшения стойкости к ударным нагрузкам у поливинилхлорида, а также к способу его получения. Непрозрачный ударопрочный метилметакрилат-бутадиен-стирольный полимер (MBS) включает следующие далее компоненты при расчете на общую массу: 80-85,5% сердцевинного слоя и 14,5-20% оболочечного слоя. При этом сердцевинный слой представляет собой сшитый полимер бутадиена (В) и стирола (S) или бутадиена (В), где на В приходится 95-100%, а на S приходится 0-5% в расчете на массу сердцевинного слоя. Оболочечный слой является сополимером стирола (S), акрилата и метилметакрилата (ММА), где на S приходится 1-5%, на акрилат приходится 0,5-2% и на ММА приходится 13-18,5% в расчете на общую массу. Описан также способ получения непрозрачного ударопрочного метилметакрилат-бутадиен-стирольного полимера, включающий проведение реакции полимеризации ядра и оболочки в присутствии защитного коллоида, где защитный ...

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208030C2

FIELD: adhesives. SUBSTANCE: pressure-sensitive glue composition contains water-emulsion latex system prepared from polymer of at least one ethylenically-unsaturated monomer, hard or soft, which polymer is effective for stabilizing latex system of water-soluble protective colloid with number-average molecular weight below ca. 75000, amount of soft monomer in latex polymer being superior to that of hard monomer and ratio of hard monomers to soft ones in latex polymer being chosen such as to provide, at operating temperature selected, formation of continuous latex film with nitrification temperature from ca. -100 C to ca. -3 C and value of 1 kg shear resistance on steel higher than 2000 min in absence of surfactant. EFFECT: improved physico-mechanical characteristics of latex films. 24 cl, 8 tbl, 18 ex О5030СссС ПЧ сэ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ “” 2 208 030 ' (51) МПК? 13) С2 С 09 + 7/02, С 08Е 2/22 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 97109821104, 18.06.1997 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 18.06.1997 (30) Приоритет: 18.06.1996 Ш$ 08/664.606 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.05.1999 (46) Дата публикации: 10.07.2003 (56) Ссылки: 4$ 4659771 А, 21.04.1987. $ 4845175 А, 04.07.1989. Ц$ 4908403 А, 13.03.1990. {89556 А, 23.12.1980. (98) Адрес для переписки: $4 101000, Москва, Малый Златоустинский пер., 10, кв.15, "ЕВРОМАРКПАТ", пат.пов. И.А. Веселицкой, рег.№ 11 (71) Заявитель: . ГЕРКУЛЕС ИНКОРПОРЕИТЕД (Ц5$) (72) Изобретатель: деХЮЛЛУ Якобус Г. (М), КРЮИТХОФФ Дирк (№), САЛОМОНС Виллемин Г. (МЕ), ВЕЛДХОРСТ Адриана (М) (73) Патентообладатель: . ГЕРКУЛЕС ИНКОРПОРЕИТЕД (13) (74) Патентный поверенный: Веселицкая Ирина Александровна (54) ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ К ДАВЛЕНИЮ КЛЕИ (57) Изобретение относится к чувствительным к давлению клеевым (ЧДК) композициям. Композиция содержит водную эмульсионную латексную систему, приготовленную из полимера по меньшей мере одного этиленовоненасыщенного мономера, который является ...

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2349614C2
Принадлежит: УНИМАТЭК КО., ЛТД. (JP)

Описан способ получения водо- и маслоотталкивающего агента, предусматривающий эмульгирование (а) 15-85 мас.% перфторалкилэтилакрилата, (b1) 5-65 мас.% 2-этилгексилметакрилата и (b2) 1-40 мас.% бензилметакрилата в присутствии (с) катионного поверхностно-активного вещества типа аддукта полиэтиленоксида или как указанного катионного поверхностно-активного вещества, так и неионогенного поверхностно-активного вещества типа аддукта полиэтиленоксида, или нейтрализованного органической кислотой соединения амина, имеющего полиэтиленоксидные цепи, и (d) соединения на основе полипропиленгликоля, имеющего молекулярную массу 300-3000, или гексиленгликоля, с последующей реакцией сополимеризации в присутствии инициатора полимеризации, и смешение получаемой водной дисперсии с (е) блокированным изоцианатом. Также описан водо- и маслоотталкивающий агент, полученный таким способом, который обладает удовлетворительными водо- и маслоотталкиванием для синтетических волокон и натуральных волокон. 3 н. и 2 з.п ...

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2214429C2
Принадлежит: РОДИА ШИМИ (FR)

Изобретение относится к пригодной для повторного диспергирования в воде пылевидной композиции, содержащей по меньшей мере один нафталинсульфонат общей формулы I, в которой Х и Х' обозначают ОН или NH2, Y обозначает SO3-М+, где М - щелочной металл; х=0,1; х'=0,1 и х+х'=1; у=0,1; у'=0,1 и у+у'=1, и по меньшей мере один этиленненасыщенный мономер, оба вышеуказанных мономера образуют по меньшей мере один не растворимый в воде пленкообразующий полимер. Изобретение включает способ получения композиции и латекс. 3 с. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 6 табл.

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128667C1
Принадлежит: Аусимонт С.п.А. (IT)

Фторированные полимеры, имеющие высокую структурную однородность (упорядочность), отличающиеся высокой максимальной рабочей температурой, улучшенными механическими свойствами и лучшей перерабатываемостью, получают способом (со) полимеризации фторированных олефиновых мономеров, необязательно в сочетании с нефторированными олефинами в водной эмульсии в присутствии радикальных фотоинициаторов и при наличии видимой области ультрафиолетового излучения. 13 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2454431C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения перфторированного сополимера, содержащего функциональные группы. Способ заключается в эмульсионной сополимеризации тетрафторэтилена и перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира с использованием радикального инициатора и соли перфторкарбоновой кислоты в качестве стабилизатора эмульсии. Способ включает стадию предварительного эмульгирования перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира в водном растворе перфторированного поверхностно-активного вещества, которую проводят предпочтительно методом ультразвукового воздействия в токе инертного газа при объемном соотношении фаз мономер/вода, равном предпочтительно 1:1, с последующим переводом эмульсии в среде инертного газа в автоклав, содержащий воду с растворенными компонентами инициатора и регулятора рН, после чего включают подачу тетрафторэтилена, якорную мешалку и проводят сополимеризацию с образованием латекса, который затем подвергают коагулированию. Технический результат - упрощение ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756456C1

Группа изобретений относится к области полимерных материалов. Первое изобретение относится к частице, обладающей структурой «ядро-оболочка» и включающей ядро, содержащее перфторполимер, и оболочку, содержащую нефтористую смолу, при степени покрытия 90% или более, где перфторполимер представляет собой политетрафторэтилен, сополимер тетрафторэтилен/перфтор(алкилвиниловый простой эфир) или сополимер тетрафторэтилен/гексафторпропилен, а нефтористая смола представляет собой полимер на основе нефтористого мономера, выбираемого из метакрилового сложного эфира и стирольного мономера, причем ядро и оболочка имеют массовое соотношение ядро/оболочка в диапазоне от 99,9/0,1 до 30/50, где частица используется в качестве ингибитора скапывания, добавки для материала покрытия, агента, придающего способность скольжения, агента, придающего низкую диэлектричность, водо- и маслоотталкивающего агента, противоадгезионного агента, противовибрационного агента или регулятора натяжения расплава. Также группа изобретений ...

10-11-2021 дата публикации

Способ регулирования молекулярной массы полимера при синтезе каучуков методом эмульсионной полимеризации

Номер: RU2759203C1

Изобретение относится к способу регулирования молекулярной массы каучуков, получаемых методом эмульсионной полимеризации. Предложен способ, включающий в себя введение алифатического меркаптана, микроэмульгированного в водном растворе эмульгатора - калиевого мыла канифоли - в присутствии соэмульгатора, отличающийся тем, что 70-80% от общего количества алифатического меркаптана подается до начала процесса в виде раствора в мономере и 20-30% от общего количества алифатического меркаптана - по ходу полимеризации в виде микроэмульсии, содержащей в качестве соэмульгатора монобутиловый эфир этиленгликоля (бутилцеллозольв), взятый в массовом соотношении эмульгатор : алифатический меркаптан : бутилцеллозольв : вода, равном 1,0:0,1:(0,05-0,1):(8,8-8,85). Микроэмульсия алифатического меркаптана вводится по ходу полимеризации в интервале конверсии мономеров 30-60% в 1-3 приема. Технический результат - повышение эффективности регулирования молекулярной массы полимеров, получаемых при высоких конверсиях ...

27-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93027131A

Использование: в качестве ионообменных смол, материалов для разного рода покрытий, а также в области биологии, биотехнологии, иммунологии, клинической медицины и т.д. Сущность изобретения: способ получения монодисперсного латекса с частицами типа ядро - оболочка путем эмульсионой полимеризации стирола в водной среде в присутствии радикального инициатора и диспергатора при нагревании с последующим добавлением к полученному полистирольному латексу изопрена при массовом соотношении изопрен: полистирол 0,1 - 0,5: 1, выдержанием реакционной системы с последующим проведением полимеризации изопрена в присутствии 2, 4-4,8 мас.ч. на 100 мас.ч. полистирола окислительно-восстановительной инициирующей системы с последующей модификацией полученного латекса при 30 - 60oС водным раствором серусодержащей аминокислоты при массовом соотношении полимер:аминокислота 1:0,05 - 0,15 и pH 10 - 11.

20-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002123499A

Способ получения водных дисперсий сополимеров путем дозирования в реактор воды, эмульсии мономеров, полученной эмульгированием (мет)акриловых мономеров или их смесей с виниловыми мономерами с эмульгатором и водой при общем содержании эмульгатора не менее 0,5% от массы мономеров, с последующей водоэмульсионной полимеризацией вышеуказанной смеси в присутствии раствора радикального инициатора и дальнейшей температурной выдержкой смеси, отличающийся тем, что в качестве эмульгатора используют смесь, состоящую из анионогенных соединений общей формулы I [R-О-(СН2-СН2-O)n]m-РО3Ме(3-m), где Me=К, Na, NH4; R - алкил C9-C18; n=3-30; m=1 или 2 (монозамещенный фосфат или дизамещенный фосфат) при отношении моно/ди замещенных фосфатов k=l,0-1,6, неионогенных соединений общей формулы II R-О-(СН2-СН2-O)nН, где R – алкил; n=C9-C18; n=3-30 и свободной фосфорной кислоты при содержании в общей смеси эмульгатора неионогенных соединений от 8 до 18% и свободной фосфорной кислоты до 2%, при этом воду предварительно ...

10-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95109231A

Изобретение относится к химии полимеров, а именно к способу получения водных дисперсий (мет)акриловых или (мет)акрилатно-виниловых полимеров, которые находят широкое применение в различных отраслях промышленности, например, в качестве пленкообразователей в лакокрасочной промышленности, для обработки кож, текстиля, бумаги, древесины, для изготовления клеевых композиций различного назначения и т.д. Способ осуществляют путем водоэмульсионной полимеризации предварительно эмульгированных (мет)акриловых мономеров или их смесей с виниловыми мономерами в присутствии инициатора радикальной полимеризации. Техническим результатом изобретения является уменьшение содержания остаточных мономеров в водных дисперсиях (со)полимеров и повышение стабильности дисперсий. Сущность изобретения: на стадии предварительного эмульгирования готовят эмульсию с соотношением фаз мономеры вода, 1: 0,1 - 0,7 и в качестве эмульгатора используют анионогенное соединение общей формулы R-O(CHCHO)-XOMe, где Х - S, Р, Ме - Nа ...

15-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: SU1746686A1

Сущность изобретения: водноэмульсионная полимеризация 50% бутилакрилата от его общего количества в присутствии додецилбензолсульфоната натрия и персульфата калия при 90 - 95С в течение 1 ч. Добавление в полимеризационную среду смеси бутилакрилата, метакриловой кислоты и производного пиразолона-5 при суммарном массовом соотношении 1,0 : 0,2 : 1,0 - 1,4 соответственно. Повторная полимеризация. Коагулюи после 6 мес хранения не образуется. 1 табл.

10-09-1995 дата публикации

Способ получения латекса для химико-фотографической промышленности

Номер: SU1804076A1

Использование: химико - фотографическая промышленность. Сущность изобретения: предварительная полимеризация бутирикрклата при 90 - 95 °С в присутствии додецилбензолсульфоната натрия и персульфата калия в течение 1 ч. Добавление к полимеризационной смеси N-{3- (1- окси- 2 - нафтоиламино) -6- хпорфенил метакрилами- да, бутилакрилата и метакриловой кислоты при маст совом соотношении мономеров 1,0 - 1,5 :0,75:0,5 соответственно. Повторная полимеризация. Суммарное массовое соотношение указанных мономеров 1,0 -1,5:1,5:0,5. 1 табл.

15-12-1983 дата публикации

Способ получения эмульсионного поливинилхлорида

Номер: SU1060624A1

СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ЭМУЛЬСИОННОГО ПОЛИВИНИЛЗиЮРИДА полимеризацией хлористого винила при нагревании в присутствии инициатора и эмульгатора , отличающийся тем, что, с целью получения поливинилхлорида упорядоченной структуры , повышения его термостабильности , в качестве инициатора используют смесь из 96-97 мас.% перекиси диалкилфосфонпропионила, 2,53 ,0 мас.% перекиси акрилоила и 0,5-1 мас.% дигшкилфосфонпропионата натрия.

15-10-1983 дата публикации

Способ получения полистирольного латекса

Номер: SU1047913A1

СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ПОЛНСТИРОЛЬНОГО ЛАТЕКСА водоэмульсионной полимеризацией стирола в присутствии персульфата калия и моноалкилмалеината при перемешивании и нагревании, отлич-ающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения размера латексных частиц и повышения их монодисперсности , моноалкилмалеинат общей формулы HOOC-C2H2-COOR , где R - .-алкил, растворяют в стироле в количестве 0,1-1,0% от массы стирола, к полученному раствору добавляют 0,21 ,0%-ный раствор гидроокиси натрия и проводят водоэмульсионную полимеризацию- . (Л ...

28-02-1974 дата публикации

Способ получения поливинилхлорида

Номер: SU417439A2

21-08-1997 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Dispersionen wasserlöslicher Vinylpolymere und Stabilisator zur Durchführung des Verfahrens

Номер: DE0019606899A1

The present invention concerns a process for producing dispersions of water-soluble vinyl polymers and a stabilizer for carrying out this process. Such water-soluble, particularly cationic vinyl polymers, are employed on a large scale as process expediters for carrying out, for instance, separating processes in water treatment or waste water purification, respectively, in the paper, coal and ore industries, in oil production or also in the food stuff industry, among others, for floculation, coagulation, retention or dewatering. According to the present invention, water soluble vinyl polymers are homo- or copolymerized in the presence of a dispersion stabilizer of the invention. The stabilizer consists of a graft copolymer whose backbone is formed by polyethylene oxide and its grafted branches of cationic vinyl monomers. Among others, cationic, hydrophobically modified vinyl monomers can be advantageously employed. Copolymerizations can be carried out between cationic or non-ionic hydrophobically ...

17-11-1977 дата публикации

Colloidally stable dispersion which contains surfactant - comprising polyelectrolyte having nonionic hydrophobic units and ionic hydrophilic units

Номер: DE0002618898A1

A colloidal dispersion contains as the surfactant a stabilising amt. of a nonpolymerisable, linear, interpolymeric, interfacially spreading polyelectrolyte in both the disperse and continuous phase, where (1) the polyelectrolyte is a mixt. of nonionic hydrophobic and ionic hydrophilic units, (a) the nonionic hydrophobic units being copolymerised ethylenically unsatd. monomers which when in the form of amorphous homopolymers, are 0.1% soluble in water the monomer having no. substits. extending more than 10 angstroms from the point of ethylenic unsatn., and the units being randomly distributed in the backbone of the polyelectrolyte, and (b) the ionic hydrophilic units being copolymsd. ethylenically unsatd. ionic monomers which when in the form of amorphous homopolymers are soluble in water, the ionic hydrophilic units remaining completely ionised over the entire pH range 0-14; (2) the polyelectrolyte is adsorbed at the disperse phase in a flat configuration, the area occupied by each ionic ...

20-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001420831B2

20-11-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002457102B2

06-12-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002416481C3

11-05-1994 дата публикации

Linear glucamide detergents - useful as accelerating emulsifiers in the emulsion polymerisation of vinyl] chloride

Номер: DE0004237434A1

The use of linear glucamide detergents (I) are used as aids in the synthesis or processing of vinyl chloride polymers. Also claimed, are (i) specifically, the use of (I) in the emulsion polymerisation of vinyl chloride (VC) with anionic emulsifier(s) (II) and (ii) is PVC contg. (I). Pref., (I) have the formula R-CO-NR'-Z, with R = 11-17C hydrocarbyl, R' = H or 1-6C alkyl, Z = hexose residue; prods. derived from D-glucose are commercially available; pref. amt. of (I) is 50% w.r.t. total amt. of emulsifier. (II) is, e.g. Na alkane-sulphonate, alkane-sulphate, alkylbenzene-sulphonate or dialkyl-sulphosuccinate. ADVANTAGE - The polymerisation of VC is considerably activated by addn. of (I). this results in shorter reaction times in batch prod., or reduced activator consumption in continuous prod., with good yields and high quality product in each case.

23-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069836135D1

20-09-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000100401A5

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Vinylacetat-Ethylen-Mischpolymerisaten mittels Emulsionspolymerisation

Номер: DE102010038788A1

Gegenstand der Erfindung sind Verfahren zur Herstellung von Vinylacetat-Ethylen-Mischpolymerisaten mittels radikalisch initiierter Emulsionspolymerisation von Vinylacetat, Ethylen und gegebenenfalls weiteren Comonomeren in Gegenwart von mindestens einem Schutzkolloid und mindestens einem Emulgator, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Vinylacetat-Ethylen-Mischpolymerisate 21 bis 45 Gew.-% an Ethylen-Einheiten, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht der Vinylacetat-Ethylen-Mischpolymerisate, enthalten und die radikalisch initiierte Emulsionspolymerisation in Gegenwart von 0,1 bis 20 Gew.-%, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht der insgesamt eingesetzten Monomere, an einem oder mehreren Alkylalkoholen enthaltend 1 bis 5 C-Atome und 0,5 bis 4 Gew.-%, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht der insgesamt eingesetzten Monomere, an einem oder mehreren anionischen Sulfobernsteinsäureestern der allgemeinen Formel R1-O-CO-CH2-CH(SO3M)-CO-O-R1 (I)durchgeführt wird, worin M ein Kation, R1 ein linearer oder verzweigter Alkylrest ...

29-06-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002703653C2

13-01-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Schutzkolloid-stabilisierten Vinylester- und Vinylester-Ethylen-Polymerisaten in Form deren wässrigen Dispersionen

Номер: DE0019821745A1

Gegenstand der Erfindung ist ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Schutzkolloid-stabilisierten Vinylester- und Vinylester-Ethylen-Polymerisaten in Form deren wässrigen Dispersionen durch Emulsionspolymerisation in Gegenwart von einem oder mehreren Schutzkolloiden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Polymerisation in Gegenwart eines hydrophoben aber silanfreien Schutzkolloids auf der Basis von (Meth)acrylsäureester-Polymerisaten mit 80 bis 95 Gew.-%, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht des Copolymers, Acrylsäure- oder Methacrylsäureester von aliphatischen Alkoholen mit 1 bis 12 C-Atomen, und 5 bis 20 Gew.-%, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht des Copolymers, ethylenisch ungesättigten Mono- oder Dicarbonsäuren, und einer Glasübergangstemperatur Tg des Copolymers von 60 DEG C bis 120 DEG C, und einem K-Wert nach Fikeantscher des Copolymers von 20 bis 50, durchgeführt wird.

21-02-2008 дата публикации

Plastisole auf Basis eines Methylmethacrylat-Mischpolymerisats

Номер: DE102006038715A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Plastisol-Systeme mit verbesserter Haftung und geringerer Wasseraufnahme.

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Aufgeschäumtes Material und Herstellverfahren für das aufgeschäumte Material

Номер: DE0010260815A1

Die Erfindung betrifft aufgeschäumtes Material und ein Herstellverfahren für das aufgeschäumte Material. Es ist die Aufgabe der Erfindung, ein Verfahren aufzuzeigen, aufgeschäumtes Material mit Schaumblasen Z1 in Nanogröße zu erzeugen, ohne dass die Energiebarriere, die üblicherweise bei Phasenumwandlungen und Keimbildungsprozessen auftritt, überwunden werden muss. Verbunden damit ist das Ziel, ein aufgeschäumtes Material kontrollierbar zu erzeugen, welches eine Anzahldichte von Schaumblasen zwischen 10·12· und 10·18· pro cm·3· sowie einen mittleren Durchmesser der Schaumblasen zwischen 10 nm und 10 mum hat. Grundlage ist die Dispersion eines zweiten Fluids K2 in Form von Pools Po in einer Matrix eines ersten Fluids K1. In einem Reaktionsraum RK liegen das erste Fluid K1 als Matrix und das zweite Fluid K2 in Pools vor. Durch Druck- und/oder Temperaturänderung wird das zweite Fluid K2 in einen nahe- oder überkritischen Zustand mit einer flüssigkeitsnahen Dichte überführt. Somit liegt das ...

24-06-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Ammoniumbetainen

Номер: DE0001963399A1

21-02-1996 дата публикации

Coating method

Номер: GB0009526128D0

19-12-1951 дата публикации

Improved process for the polymerisation of polymerisable compounds

Номер: GB0000663164A

In the polymerization of an olefinic liquid, e.g. styrene, methyl acrylate, vinyl esters, alkyl methacrylates or a mixture such as styrene and methyl acrylate in an agitated aqueous medium containing an emulsifying agent and catalyst, the monomer is gradually added at such a rate that it becomes solubilized without the formation of a separate phase. A suitable temperature is maintained throughout the addition. The correct rate of addition is determined by periodical sampling or by dyeing the compound, e.g. with Serisol Brilliant Red, to assist visual observation. Emulsifying agents such as soaps, sulphated higher aliphatic hydrocarbons, castor oil or fatty alcohols, a sodium higher alkyl sulphate, or mixtures thereof with triethanolamine as a buffer, and catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide with an alkali bisulphite or hydroquinone may be used, and air may be excluded by carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Specification 410,132 and U.S.A. Specification 2,140,048 are referred to.

31-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008410324D0

20-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008918169D0

02-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001379404A

... 1379404 Suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride BP CHEMICALS INTERNATIONAL Ltd 29 Sept 1972 [21 Sept 1971] 43879/71 Heading C3P Vinyl chloride is polymerized in suspension in the presence of an amphoteric surfactant as sole suspending agent. Preferred is dodecyl/myristyl betaine.

06-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002235459A

A process for producing an aqueous resin dispersion comprises dissolving a macromonomer having a radical polymerizable group at the terminal thereof and an oil-soluble radical polymerization initiator in a hydrophobic vinyl monomer copolymerizable with the macromonomer to form a solution, emulsifying the solution in an aqueous medium in the presence of an emulsifying agent selected from (A) an alkali sulfosuccinate anionic surfactant and (B) a surfactant comprising from 2 to 98% by weight of (i) in alkali sulfonate anionic surfactant other than (A) or (ii) an alkali sulfuric ester anionic surfactant, and from 98 to 2% by weight of a nonionic surfactant having an HLB value of 10 or more, and copolymerizing the macromonomer and the vinyl monomer at an elevated temperature. The aqueous resin dispersion has a high content of a graft polymer with a reduced content of unreacted macromonomer.

10-01-1996 дата публикации

Coated inorganic particles

Номер: GB0002267286B

01-12-1993 дата публикации

Coated inorganic particles

Номер: GB2267286A

An inorganic particulate powder coated with an organic polymer is obtained by dispersing in water inorganic particles at a pH higher than their isoelectric point in the presence of a polymeric polybasic acid as a dispersing agent to produce particles having a modified isoelectric point. The pH of the dispersion is then adjusted to a value below 9 but above the modified isoelectric point and an ethylenically unsaturated monomer is polymerised in the presence of the dispersion so as to coat the inorganic particles with polymerised monomer. The particles prepared by the method have been shown to be uniformly and discretely coated with an organic polymeric coating and can be used in many applications where it is desired to disperse inorganic particles in organic media such as paints, inks and plastics compositions. The inorganic powder may be a pigment, e.g. TiO2, Zn, Al2O3, Sb2O3 or a barium, calcium, zirconium, chromium, iron or magnesium pigment, or silica, silicate, aluminate, clay, titanium ...

12-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002228942A

A multi-layer structure polymer (A) comprising (i) 2 to 30% by weight of an alkyl methacrylate unit, (ii) 50 to 80% by weight of an alkyl acrylate unit, (iii) 5 to 20% by weight of an unsaturated nitrile unit and (iv) 5 to 40% by weight of an aromatic vinyl unit, wherein: (a) the multi-layer structure polymer consists essentially of an inner layer and an outer layer in a ring form, the portion of the inner layer ( beta layer) within the ring has an average diameter of 2,000 to 6,500 ANGSTROM , (b) the outer layer ( alpha layer) portion surrounding the inner layer in the ring form has an average thickness of 200 to 500 ANGSTROM , (c) the inner layer portion has a plurality of small particles ( gamma layer) totally micro-dispersed, and (d) the multi-layer structure polymer has an acetone-insoluble portion having (i) a swell degree in methyl ethyl ketone of 1.5 to 10 and (ii) a tensile modulus of 1,000 to 10,000 kg/cm2, a resin composition having excellent weatherability and impact resistance ...

07-10-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001207532A

... 1,207,532. Laminates. UNIROYAL Inc. 2 May, 1967 [5 May, 1966; 1 July, 1966 (2); 19 Oct., 1966], No. 20202/67. Heading B5N. [Also in Divisions B2 and C3] An adhesive composition for bonding textile fabrics to produce secondary backed carpets, e.g. bonding a jute backing to nylon tufted carpet, comprises a polymer latex obtained by emulsion polymerization using novel telomer emulsifiers (see Division C3). Polymer latexes exemplified are those of butadiene polymers and copolymers (e.g. with styrene, itaconic acid, acrylonitrile, ethyl acrylate, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or methacrylamide), styrene - acrylonitrile, ethyl acrylate - itaconic acid, ethyl acrylate - styrene - itaconic acid, ethyl acrylate - butyl acrylate - itaconic acid copolymers and polystyrene. Additives may be included in the latexes, e.g. alkylated p-cresol (antioxidant), sodium hexametaphosphate, calcium carbonate, whiting, tetrapotassium pyrophosphate, polymerized sodium alkylnaphthalene sulphonate and sodium polyacrylate ...

21-01-1970 дата публикации

Heat-Sensitive Synthetic Latices.

Номер: GB0001178304A

... 1,178,304. Heat-sensitive latices; polyethersiloxane reaction product. FARBENFABRIKEN BAYER A.G. 25 Jan.. 1967 [9 March, 1966], No. 3724/67. Headings C3P, C3R and C3T. A mixture of 50-85 parts by weight of butadiene, 14-49 parts by weight of acrylonitrile and/or styrene, and 1-8 parts by weight of methacrylic acid is polymerized in aqueous emulsion in the presence of an emulsifier comprising, per 100 parts by weight of monomer: (a) 2-8 parts by weight of a C 12-18 alkali sulphate or sulphonate; (b) 0-4 parts by weight of a non-ionic emulsifier with a turbidity point above 75‹ C. ; and (c) 0-4 parts by weight of a non-ionic emulsifier with a turbidity point below 75‹ C., the quantities (b) and (c) being not below 0-5 parts by weight. The emulsion produced can then be heat-sensitized by polyoxyalkylene siloxanes. Suitable emulsifiers (b) are oxyethylated stearyl and oleyl alcohols with 15 or more ethylene oxide units and oxyethylated nonylphenol with 12 or more ethylene oxide units. Emulsifiers ...

26-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002045780B

31-10-1984 дата публикации

High solids latex

Номер: GB0002138830A

A high solids latex of a functional monomer may be prepared by emulsion polymerization of the monomer charge to a specified overall conversion and then introducing an additional micelle forming surfactant or a unimodal seed latex and continuing the polymerization.

28-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002138830B

07-06-1967 дата публикации

Process for the emulsion polymerization of ethylenically unsaturated polymerizable compounds

Номер: GB0001071430A

In an emulsion polymerization process one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers are polymerized in the presence of, as emulsifier, a water-soluble curable ether of a polymethylol-melamine or polymethylolurea, in which at least one methylol group is etherified with a monohydric alcohol containing at least 4 carbon atoms and at least one methylol group is etherified with a polyethylene glycol. Suitable monomers include vinyl esters, ketones and halides; vinyl aryl, e.g. styrene, compounds; esters, nitriles and amides of acrylic, methacrylic, ethacrylic, crotonic, fumaric, maleic and itaconic acids; acrylic and methacrylic acids and salts thereof; olefines; dienes; vinyl heterocyclic compounds; hydrocarbons such as camphene; and vinyl and allyl ethers. The emulsifiers may be obtained by etherifying a polymethylol-melamine or -urea with an alcohol, such as n-butanol, n-amyl alcohol, pentanol-1, hexanol-1, 2-ethylbutanol-1, lauryl alcohol or benzyl alcohol, and reacting the resulting partially ...

29-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174097A

A polymeric stabilizer of emulsions of an aqueous phase in a phase of water-immiscible liquid, especially for the preparation of microparticles, consists of poly ( alpha -amino acid) derivatives based on monomer units of the general formula where n = 1 to 4, X is oxygen or a -NH- group, and R is hydrogen, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, dihydroxyalkyl or polyhydroxyalkyl, a radical derived from alkanoic or hydroxyalkanoic acid, where the alkyl has a linear, cyclic or branched aliphatic chain with 1 to 18 carbon atoms, or arylalkyl, wherein the copolymer may contain monomer units of various above described types in its chain. The preparations of spherical microparticles of starch, dextran or human serum albumine using the above stabilizer are described.

07-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002081724B

03-05-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to acylamino-containing derivatives of urea

Номер: GB0001067519A

The invention comprises compounds of the general formula R1R2N.CH2CH2.CO.NHR3 where R1 is C8-C22 alkyl or alkyl; R2 is hydrogen, -CONH2, -CON(R1)CH2CH2CONHR3, or -CH2CH2CONHR3; R3 is C1-C22 alkyl or -(CH2)nNR4R5; R4 is hydrogen, C1-C22 alkyl, -CONH2 or -CONH(CH2)nNHCOCH2CH2NR1R2; R5 is hydrogen or alkyl; or R4 and R5 form an imidazolidone ring; and n is 2 or 3; with the proviso that the entire molecule must contain at least one grouping , their acid addition salts and their quaternary ammonium compounds. They may be prepared by forming at least one group by replacement, in manner known per se, of a hydrogen atom attached to an aminonitrogen atom of a corresponding b -aminopropionic acid amide by the relevant group, which nitrogen atom of said group may be that derived by removal of a hydrogen atom from an amino group of a molecule of the same b -amino propionic acid amide. Specified methods ...

03-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008626311D0

10-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001564653A

12-03-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of synthetic resins

Номер: GB0000791894A

Polymers, e.g. in the form of beads and granules, are made by dispersing an ethylenically unsaturated monomeric material in water with the aid of an amphoteric dispersing agent such as gelatin at a pH equal to or higher than the isoelectric point of the dispersing agent until a stable dispersion is formed and then polymerizing the monomeric material at a pH below the isoelectric point of the dispersing agent. The amphoteric dispersing agent may be used in conjunction with other dispersing agents such as methyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, gum tragacanth, or sodium alginate. The polymerization is preferably effected in the presence of a catalyst. The monomeric material may be vinyl chloride or bromide, alone or admixed with vinyl acetate, propionate, butyrate or benzoate, methyl, ethyl, butyl or allyl acrylate and the corresponding esters of methacrylic acid, styrene, o-chlorostyrene, parachlorostyrene, 2,5 - dichlorostyrene, 2,4 - di-chlorostyrene, para-ethyl styrene, alpha-methyl styrene ...

30-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001505549A

24-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001511533A

... 1511533 Polymerizable emulsifiers for chloroprene polymer poduction TOYO SODA MFG CO Ltd 4 Aug 1975 [6 Aug 1974] 32526/75 Heading C3P Chloroprene polymer latexes having good freeze stability are produced by polymerizing in aqueous emulsion in the presence of a polymerizable emulsifier of general formula wherein R is C8-22 alkyl, Q is C2-8 alkylene, and X is H, alkali metal, an ammonium group on a substituted ammonium group. In the examples, the following specific reactive emulsifiers are used; sodium monotridecyl maleinoxybutane sulphonate, sodium monolauryl maleinoxybutane sulphonate, monotridecyl maleinoxy pentane sulphonic acid and ammonium monotridecyl maleinoxy butane sulphonate. The amount of such compounds used is small, usually 0À1-10 wt. per cent of the total monomers. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 1,427,789.

15-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001576762A

15-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA791777A

27-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395245B

... 1. Copolymer prepared from a) from 50 to 95% by weight of at least one water- insoluble monomer whose homopolymer has a Tg < -50 degree C; b) from 3 to 50% by weight of at least one water- insoluble monomer which is copolymerizable with (a) and whose homopolymer has a Tg > +50 degree C; c) from 0.1 to 1.0% by weight of an unsaturated carboxylic acid; d) from 1.0 to 5% by weight of an N-methylolamide of an unsaturated carboxylic acid; e) from 0 to 3% by weight, preferably from 1 to 3% by weight, of another water-soluble monomer copolymerizable with (c) and (d), excluding acrylonitrile and methacrylonitrile; f) from 0 to 45.9% by weight, in particular from 0 to 20% by weight, of other water-insoluble comonomers, e.g. styrene, 2-methylstyrene and the like, where all of the % by weight data are based on the total weight of all of the monomers.

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465182T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420905T

15-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA628877A

15-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA173279A

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009914A1

A stable aqueous film forming dispersion comprising: 1. A stable aqueous film forming dispersion comprising:a polymer selected from the group consisting of: polyvinyl butyral, polyvinyl acetal, ethylene vinyl acetate, polyvinyl acetate and mixtures thereof:a plasticiser;an emulsifier; anda water soluble organic metallic crosslinking agent.2. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer is polyvinyl butyral.3. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer has a molar mass in the range of 10 claim 1 ,000 to 120 claim 1 ,000.4. A dispersion as claimed claim 1 , comprising an oil-in water dispersion.5. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer comprises completely claim 1 , or in part claim 1 , recycled or reclaimed polyvinyl butyral.6. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of the polymer is in the range of 10 wt % to 50 wt %.7. A dispersion as claimed in which the polymer is polyvinyl butyral claim 1 , wherein the amount of polymer is 15 wt % to 45 wt %.8. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plasticiser is selected from the group consisting of castor oil claim 1 , butyl ricinoleate claim 1 , sebacates claim 1 , benzoates claim 1 , adipates and phthalates.9. A dispersion as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the amount of the plasticiser is 2 wt % to 20 wt %.10. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking agent is an organic titanium or zirconium salt.11. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking agent is selected from the group consisting of ammonium zirconium carbonate claim 1 , titanium ammonium lactate claim 1 , triethanolamine titanate and mixtures thereof.12. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of the crosslinking agent is 0.05 wt % to 1.0 wt %.13. A dispersion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the emulsifier is selected from fatty acid soaps of saturated or unsaturated C3 to C22 carboxylic acids in an amount of 1.5 wt % to 10 wt %.14. A method of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029534A1

Provided is a dispersion stabilizer for suspension polymerization comprising an aqueous emulsion containing a dispersant (A), a dispersoid (B), a graft polymer (C), and an aqueous medium, wherein the dispersant (A) contains a surfactant, the dispersoid (B) contains a polymer having an ethylenically unsaturated monomer unit, the graft polymer (C) is obtained by graft polymerization of the ethylenically unsaturated monomer with the dispersant (A), a mass ratio [A/(A+B+C)] is 0.001 or more and less than 0.18, a mass ratio [C/(A+B+C)] is 0 or more and less than 0.04, and the total content of the dispersant (A), the dispersoid (B), and the graft polymer (C) is 35 to 70 mass %. A vinyl polymer to be obtained by suspension polymerization of a vinyl compound using the dispersion stabilizer has good plasticizer absorption. Further, the number of fish-eyes that occur when the vinyl polymer is formed is small, and the hue deterioration is also suppressed. Further, the dispersion stabilizer also has excellent handleability. 1. A dispersion stabilizer for suspension polymerization comprising an aqueous emulsion comprising a dispersant (A) , a dispersoid (B) , a graft polymer (C) , and an aqueous medium ,whereinthe dispersant (A) comprises a surfactant,the dispersoid (B) comprises a polymer comprising an ethylenically unsaturated monomer unit,the graft polymer (C) is obtained by graft polymerization of the ethylenically unsaturated monomer with the dispersant (A),a mass ratio [A/(A+B+C)] of the dispersant (A) with respect to a total amount of the dispersant (A), the dispersoid (B), and the graft polymer (C) is 0.001 or more and less than 0.18,a mass ratio [C/(A+B+C)] of the graft polymer (C) with respect to the total amount of the dispersant (A), the dispersoid (B), and the graft polymer (C) is 0 or more and less than 0.04, anda total content of the dispersant (A), the dispersoid (B), and the graft polymer (C) is 35 to 70 mass %.2. The dispersion stabilizer according to claim 1 , ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038654A1

An emulsifier for emulsion polymerization includes a compound represented by the following general: 2. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 1 , comprising a compound represented by the general formula (I) claim 1 , wherein X is —SOM; m represents a number in the range of from 1 to 2; l is 0; Arepresents an ethylene group; and n represents a number in the range of from 1 to 50.4. An emulsion polymerization method comprising polymerizing at least one polymerizable unsaturated monomer including styrene by using the emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to .5. An emulsion polymerization method comprising polymerizing at least one polymerizable unsaturated monomer including styrene by using the emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to .6. An emulsion polymerization method comprising polymerizing at least one polymerizable unsaturated monomer including styrene by using the emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to . The present invention relates to a reactive emulsifier which is used for emulsion polymerization process, a production method of a polymer dispersion using same, and a polymer dispersion obtained by the production method and a polymer film obtained from the polymer dispersion.Conventionally, soaps; anionic surfactants such as sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate, polyoxyethylene alkylphenyl ether sulfuric acid ester salts, polyoxyethylene aralkyl aryl ether sulfuric acid ester salts, polyoxyethylene alkyl ether sulfuric acid ester salts, etc.; and nonionic surfactants such as polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl ether, polyoxyethylene aralkyl aryl ethers, polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers, etc. have been utilized as an emulsifier for emulsion polymerization. However, in polymer films obtained from a polymer dispersion using such an emulsifier, the used emulsifier remains in a liberated state in the polymer film, and hence, there is involved such a problem that water resistance and adhesion of the film are inferior, or the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039951A1
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations

Disclosed are ethylenically unsaturated salts of allyl (poly)ether sulfates utilized as reactive surfactants (emulsifiers) during emulsion polymerization. 2. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein M is H claim 1 , Na claim 1 , NH4 claim 1 , K or Li.3. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein M is Na.4. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein “x” is an integer from 0-40 claim 1 , and wherein “y” is an integer from 0-40.5. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein the surfactant comprises any one of sodium alkylbenzene sulfonates or any salt thereof claim 1 , alkyl sulfosuccinates or any salt thereof claim 1 , alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonates or any salt thereof claim 1 , ethoxylated alkylphenol sulfates or any salt thereof claim 1 , ethoxylated alkylphenol phosphates or any salt thereof claim 1 , fatty alcohol sulfates or any salt thereof claim 1 , fatty alcohols phosphates or any salt thereof.6. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein the surfactant comprises a C10-C16 alcohol ethoxylate sulfate or any salt thereof.7. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein “x” is an integer from 1-12.8. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein “y” is an integer from 1-5.9. The polymerizable surfactant composition of wherein Ris a C-Calkyl group claim 1 , wherein Ris H claim 1 , wherein “x” is an integer from 2-10 claim 1 , and wherein “y” is an integer from 0-10.10. A process for preparing a coating comprising introducing the composition of as an emulsifier during emulsion polymerization. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/034,903, filed Aug. 8, 2014, incorporated herein by reference in its entiretyThis invention relates to allyl ether sulfate polymerizable surfactants, alkyl polyoxyalkylene ether sulfate and/or alkyl polyoxyalkylene ether phosphate polymerizable surfactants, which are utilized in the preparation of polymers by emulsion polymerization. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054113A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate characterized in that the coagulate has a bulk density of 0.3 to 0.6 g/cmand a median diameter of 50 to 400 μm and contains particles having a particle diameter of 75 or less in a proportion of 50% or less, and the amount of alkali metal and alkaline earth metal contained in the coagulate satisfies the following formula (1): 1. A multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate having a bulk density of 0.3 to 0.6 g/cmand a median diameter of 50 to 400 μm and comprising particles having a particle diameter of 75 μm or less in a proportion of 50% or less , wherein amounts of an alkali metal and an alkaline earth metal contained in the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate satisfies formula (1):{'br': None, 'i': N/a', '−Tg, 'Σ()×(120)≤100 \u2003\u2003(1)'}whereinN represents the amount amounts of the alkali metal and the alkaline earth metal contained in the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate (mmol/kg),Tg represents a glass transition temperature (° C.) of an acetone-soluble matter of the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate, anda represents a valency of the alkali metal and the alkaline earth metal contained in the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate.2. The multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate is obtained by a salting-out coagulation method.3. The multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate according to claim 1 , whereina multilayered acrylic polymer in the multilayered acrylic polymer coagulate consists of the acetone-soluble matter and an acetone-insoluble matter;{'sub': 1', '8, 'the acetone-soluble matter comprises 80 to 99 mass % of a structural unit derived from methyl methacrylate and 1 to 20 mass % of a structural unit derived from alkyl acrylate having a C-Calkyl group, and has a glass transition temperature of 80 to 100° C.; and'}{'sub': 1', '8, 'the acetone-insoluble matter comprises 20 to 60 mass % of a structural ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073654A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

A polymerization reactor for producing aqueous polymer dispersions by radically initiated emulsion polymerization of one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers in the presence of one or more protective colloids and/or emulsifiers, is cleaned by initially charging an aqueous mixture comprising one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers, one or more protective colloids and/or emulsifiers, but no oxidation initiator, the proportion of ethylenically unsaturated monomers being 20 to 70% by weight of the aqueous mixture, heating the aqueous mixture to a temperature of 50° C. to 100° C. for 5 minutes to 3 hours, adding one or more initiators and optionally further starting materials, initiating polymerization, removing the aqueous polymer dispersion thus obtained from the polymerization reactor and post-treating the dispersion to remove wall deposits detached during the process. 16.-. (canceled)7. A process for cleaning a polymerization reactor for producing aqueous polymer dispersions by means of radically initiated emulsion polymerization of one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers in the presence of one or more protective colloids and/or emulsifiers , comprising:initially charging an aqueous mixture to the polymerization reactor, the aqueous mixture comprising one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers, one or more protective colloids and/or emulsifiers, but no oxidation initiator, wherein the proportion of ethylenically unsaturated monomers is 20 to 70% by weight, based on the total weight of the aqueous mixture,heating the aqueous mixture to a temperature of 50° C. to 100° C., and treating the polymerization reactor with the aqueous mixture for 5 minutes to 3 hours,adding one or more initiators and optionally further starting materials, removing and the aqueous polymer dispersion thus obtained from the polymerization reactor and post-treating the aqueous polymer dispersion to remove wall deposits detached during the process.8. The process of claim 7 ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081494A1

The present invention relates to a process for the polymerization of fluoromonomers in an aqueous medium, said process comprising the steps of: forming an aqueous emulsion comprising a 2-Alkoxy acetate surfactant and fluoromonomer in a reactor; and initiating polymerization of said fluoromonomer by adding an initiator into the reaction mixture. Preferably, the surfactant used in the instant process is either Sodium 2-[(2-hexyldecyl)oxy] acetate or Sodium-2-dodecyloxyacetate. 1. A process for preparing a fluoropolymer in an aqueous medium , comprising:(a) forming an aqueous emulsion comprising a 2-Alkoxy acetate surfactant and a fluoromonomer in a reactor; and(b) initiating polymerization of said fluoromonomer by adding an initiator.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step (a) comprises the steps of:i. adding deionized water and optionally paraffin wax into the reactor;ii. adding the 2-Alkoxy acetate surfactant in one shot into the reactor; andiii. adding fluoromonomer into the reactor and agitating the reaction mixture.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step (b) comprises adding the initiator in one shot into the reactor.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the 2-Alkoxy acetate surfactant has a structure of R—O—CH—COOM claim 1 , wherein R is a hydrocarbon group claim 1 , and M is a monovalent cation selected from the group consisting of hydrogen ions claim 1 , alkali metal ions claim 1 , and ammonium ions.5. The process as claimed in claim 4 , wherein R is an alkyl group containing 6 to 21 carbon atoms.6. The process as claimed in claim 4 , wherein M is selected from the group consisting of potassium claim 4 , sodium and ammonium.9. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the aqueous emulsion comprises an initiator claim 1 , for initiating the polymerization process claim 1 , the initiator being selected from the group consisting of Ammonium Persulphate (APS) claim 1 , Disuccinic Acid Peroxide (DSAP) and combinations thereof.10. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077971A1

The invention relates to aqueous coating compositions based on an aqueous polymer dispersion as binder, having high performance levels of resistance to stains and dirt without specialist functional monomers. Said aqueous polymer dispersion having an MFFT between 0 and 50° C. comprises polymer particles obtained by emulsion polymerization in at least two steps with at least two polymer phases P1 and P2, P1 representing from 75 to 90% by weight of P1+P2 having a Fox Tg1 from 0 to 40° C. and P2 having a Fox Tg2 from 0 to 40° C., said polymer P2 representing from 10 to 25% by weight of the sum of polymers P1 and P2 and having a calculated Hansch parameter <2.0 and at least one ethylenically unsaturated monomer bearing an acetoacetoxy and/or amine or ureido functional group, said acetoacetoxy and/or amine or ureido functional group being borne by the external surface of P2 phase. 2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said binder is free of any monomer bearing a phosphate claim 1 , phosphine claim 1 , phosphonic claim 1 , phosphodiester or fluorinated functional group claim 1 , strong anionic acid group claim 1 , and wherein said coating composition is free of any silicone additive claim 1 , fluorinated additive or microwax additive and of any addition of polymer or oligomer additives having a Tg greater than the average Fox Tg of polymer P1+P2 claim 1 , whether this addition is in dispersion form or whether it is in water-dispersible form.3. The composition as claimed in wherein said C(meth)acrylic ester monomer M1 is selected from the group consisting of: n-butyl acrylate claim 1 , n-butyl methacrylate claim 1 , isobutyl acrylate isobutyl methacrylate claim 1 , tert-butyl acrylate and tert-butyl methacrylate.4. The composition as claimed in wherein said monomer M3 is selected from the group consisting of acrylic acid claim 1 , methacrylic acid claim 1 , fumaric acid and itaconic acid.5. The composition as claimed in wherein said monomer M4 is chosen from ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122839A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Water-redispersible polymer powders with improved characteristics in building materials are prepared using a drying aid which is a polyvinyl alcohol copolymer also containing vinyl ester monomers and specific comonomers. 111.-. (canceled)12. A water-redispersible polymer powder composition , comprising:at least one vinyl alcohol copolymer, obtained through the free-radical polymerization in an aqueous medium of one or more ethylenically-unsaturated monomers in the presence of a protective colloid and/or emulsifier followed by drying the resulting aqueous polymer dispersion after addition of a protective colloid as a drying aid, whereinthe drying is carried out with a protective colloid of one or more vinyl alcohol copolymers comprising a) 80 to 99 of vinyl alcohol monomer units, b) 0.5 to 10 mol % of monomer units derived from vinyl esters of unbranched or branched alkyl carboxylic acids having 3 to 18 carbon atoms, c) 0.5 to 10 mol % of monomer units derived from ethylenically-unsaturated monomers having one or more functional groups selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acid moieties, sulfonic acid moieties, quaternized amine moieties, phosphoric acid moieties, salts thereof, and mixtures thereof, and d) 0 to 5 mol % of vinyl acetate monomer units, wherein the values in mol % in each case add up to 100 mol %.13. The water-redispersible polymer powder composition of claim 12 , wherein the vinyl alcohol copolymer includes monomer units b) derived from a vinyl ester of α-branched monocarboxylic acids having 9 to 10 carbon atoms.14. The water-redispersible polymer powder composition of claim 13 , wherein the vinyl alcohol copolymer includes monomer units c) derived from vinylsulfonic acid claim 13 , 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid claim 13 , and salts thereof.15. The water-redispersible polymer powder composition of claim 12 , wherein the vinyl alcohol copolymer includes d) 1 to 4 mol % of vinyl acetate monomer units.16. The water-redispersible ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Block copolymer comprising a block with glass transition temperature higher than 100°c and method for preparing the same

Номер: US20150126667A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University ZJU

The present invention discloses a block copolymer comprising a block with glass transition temperature higher than 100° C. and a method for preparing the same. In the method, latex of a block copolymer is prepared by taking n-butyl acrylate as a soft block, random copolymer of styrene and γ-methyl-α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone as a hard block, utilizing emulsion polymerization system and reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer radical polymerization technology. The method utilizes an amphiphilic macromolecule reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer agent has dual function of both chain transfer agent and emulsifier, thus can achieve good control of monomer polymerization and avoid the use of traditional emulsifier; the reaction has no polymerization inhibition period, has fast reaction rate and high final conversion; colloidal particles can stably grow; product has a hard block with glass transition temperature up to 155° C., and thus has a good application prospect in the field of high heat resistance thermoplastic elastomer.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123292A1

The present invention pertains to a ferroelectric fluoropolymer, to a process for manufacturing said fluoropolymer and to uses of said fluoropolymer in electric and/or electronic applications. 1. A fluoropolymer [polymer (F)] comprising:recurring units derived from vinylidene fluoride,recurring units derived from trifluoroethylene, andrecurring units derived from 1,2-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethylene.2. The polymer (F) according to claim 1 , wherein the recurring units derived from 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene are recurring units derived from cis-1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene or trans-1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene.3. The polymer (F) according to claim 1 , said polymer (F) comprising from 15% to 30% by moles claim 1 , of recurring units derived from trifluoroethylene claim 1 , with respect to the total moles of recurring units in said polymer (F).4. The polymer (F) according to claim 1 , said polymer (F) comprising from 0.1% to 10% by moles of recurring units derived from 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene claim 1 , with respect to the total moles of recurring units in said polymer (F).5. The polymer (F) according to claim 1 , said polymer (F) further comprising recurring units derived from at least one fluorinated monomer selected from chlorotrifluoroethylene and 1 claim 1 ,1-chlorofluoroethylene.6. A process for manufacturing the polymer (F) according to claim 1 , said process comprising polymerizing vinylidene fluoride claim 1 , trifluoroethylene and 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloro-1 claim 1 ,2-difluoroethylene in the presence of at least one radical initiator.7. The process according to claim 6 , said process being carried out in the presence of an aqueous medium.8. The process according to claim 6 , said process being carried out by aqueous emulsion polymerization or by aqueous suspension polymerization.9. The process according to claim 6 , said process being carried out by aqueous emulsion ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137755A1
Автор: Ogasawara Asako

A reactive surfactant composition comprising one or more kinds of reactive surfactants is disclosed that may be used as an emulsifier for emulsion polymerization, a dispersant for suspension polymerization, a nonaqueous dispersant, or a resin modifier. 2. The surfactant composition according to claim 1 , wherein a value of (D-1)/(D-2) is larger than 2 claim 1 , which is a molar ratio between the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-1 and the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-2 that are contained in the reactive surfactant (X) represented by the general formula (I) and the polyfunctional compound (Y) represented by the general formula (II).3. The surfactant composition according to claim 2 , wherein a value of (D-1)/(D-2) is larger than 2 claim 2 , which is a molar ratio between the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-1 and the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-2 that are contained in the reactive surfactant (X) represented by the general formula (I); and a value of (D-1)/(D-2) is larger than 2 claim 2 , which is a molar ratio between the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-1 and the polymerizable unsaturated group represented by the chemical formula D-2 that are contained in the polyfunctional compound (Y) represented by the general formula (II).4. The surfactant composition according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio (Y/X) of a total amount of the polyfunctional compound (Y) used to a total amount of the reactive surfactant (X) used falls within a range of Y/X=1/1 to 1/100 in mass ratio.5. An emulsifier for emulsion polymerization claim 1 , comprising the surfactant composition according to .6. A dispersant for suspension polymerization claim 1 , comprising the surfactant composition according to .7. A nonaqueous dispersant claim 1 , comprising the surfactant composition according to .8. A resin ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140581A1

The present disclosure provides a method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor. The method includes producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value. When a change in reactor temperature is detected, the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is changed from the first ratio value to a second ratio value so as to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value. 1. A method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor , the method comprising:producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value;detecting a second reactor temperature that is different from the first reactor temperature; andchanging the hydrogen feed relative to the ethylene feed so as to change the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio from the first ratio value to a second ratio value upon detecting the second reactor temperature to adjust a hydrogen concentration in the fluidized bed gas phase reactor, wherein the second ratio value of the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is calibrated to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting the second ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166689A1

This invention provides a method for shortstopping free radical polymerization reactions using combinations of N-isopropylhydroxylamine (IPHA) or salts thereof with either primary or secondary alkyl hydroxylamines, or with at least two primary alkyl hydroxylamines. A method for producing elastomers using the aforesaid shortstopping agents is also provided. 1. A method for terminating a free radical initiated emulsion polymerization reaction comprising adding , to an emulsion comprising at least one monomer , a shortstopping agent comprising N-isopropylhydroxylamine (IPHA) or salts thereof and at least one alkyl hydroxylamine compound which is different from said IPHA or salts thereof and is selected from the group consisting of a primary alkyl hydroxylamine , a secondary alkyl hydroxylamine , and mixtures thereof.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one alkyl hydroxylamine is a primary alkyl hydroxylamine selected from the group consisting of N-methylhydroxylamine (MHA) claim 1 , N-ethylhydroxylamine (EHA) claim 1 , N-propylhydroxylamine (PHA) claim 1 , N-tertiary-butylhydroxylamine (TBHA) claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said primary alkyl hydroxylamine is TBHA.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said IPHA or its salts and said at least one alkyl hydroxylamine are present in said shortstopping agent in a molar ratio of IPHA:alkyl hydroxylamine of from 40:1 to 1:1.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein IPHA or its salts and TBHA are present in said shortstopping agent in a molar ratio of IPHA:TBHA of 5:1.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one alkyl hydroxylamine comprises at least two primary alkyl hydroxylamines selected from the group consisting of N-methylhydroxylamine (MHA) claim 1 , N-ethylhydroxylamine (EHA) claim 1 , N-propylhydroxylamine (PHA) claim 1 , N-tertiary-butylhydroxylamine (TBHA) claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The method according to claim 6 , ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140243552A1

A reactive emulsifier comprising a compound of formula (I), which makes polymerization stability satisfactory and is capable of improving the water resistance etc. of the polymer film to be obtained. 2. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (I) claim 1 , Rrepresents one or more members selected from alkyl groups having 6 to 22 carbon atoms and alkenyl groups having 6 to 22 carbon atoms; m1 represents a number of 1 to 2; m2 is 0; and D is located at an ortho position.4. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (I) claim 1 , X represents a hydrogen atom or —SOM (wherein M represents a hydrogen atom claim 1 , an alkali metal atom claim 1 , an alkaline earth metal atom claim 1 , an ammonium residue claim 1 , or an alkanolamine residue); A represents the alkylene group having 2 carbon atoms; m1 is the number of 1; m2 is the number of 0; and D represents the chemical formula D-1 and is located at an ortho position.5. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 2 , wherein in the formula (I) claim 2 , X represents a hydrogen atom or —SOM (wherein M represents a hydrogen atom claim 2 , an alkali metal atom claim 2 , an alkaline earth metal atom claim 2 , an ammonium residue claim 2 , or an alkanolamine residue); A represents the alkylene group having 2 carbon atoms; m1 is the number of 1; m2 is the number of 0; and D represents the chemical formula D-1 and is located at an ortho position.6. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 3 , wherein in the formula (I) claim 3 , X represents a hydrogen atom or —SOM (wherein M represents a hydrogen atom claim 3 , an alkali metal atom claim 3 , an alkaline earth metal atom claim 3 , an ammonium residue claim 3 , or an alkanolamine residue); A represents the alkylene group having 2 carbon atoms; m1 is the number of 1; m2 is the number of 0; and D represents the chemical formula D-1 and is located at ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Fluoropolymers comprising tetrafluoroethylene and one or more perfluorinated alkyl allyl ether comonomers

Номер: US20190185599A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Disclosed is a tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, methods of making the polymer, and articles comprising the polymer and methods of making the articles.

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140316049A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

A macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity, and use thereof for preparation of polymer latex is disclosed. By using the macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity as an emulsifier, a reversibly coagulable and re-dispersible polymer latex can be prepared by emulsion polymerization. The polymer latex can achieve the coagulation of latex particles by heating and aerating with nitrogen, air, inert gas and/or adding a small amount of alkali solution; the coagulated latex particles can be restored and re-dispersed into stable latex by aerating with carbon dioxide and/or adding a small amount of acid solution. The coagulation and re-dispersion process is reversible and is easy to control. 119-. (canceled)20. An amphiphilic macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity comprised of a random copolymer , block copolymer , gradient copolymer or graft copolymer obtained by copolymerizing one or more stimuli-responsive monomers and one or more lipophilic monomers in the presence of an initiator via one or more processes selected from conventional radical polymerization process , coordination polymerization process , and living radical polymerization process;wherein the weight ratio of the stimuli-responsive monomers to the lipophilic monomers is 0.1-10; andwherein the amphiphilic macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity has a number average molecular weight of 200-500,000.21. The amphiphilic macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity according to claim 20 , comprised of a block copolymer or gradient copolymer.22. The amphiphilic macromolecular emulsifier with switchable surface activity according to claim 20 , wherein the living radical polymerization process comprises reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization claim 20 , atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) claim 20 , nitroxide free radical mediated living polymerization (NMP) and stable free radical ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140323753A1

An emulsifier for emulsion polymerization contains a compound represented by the following general formula (I). 2. (canceled)3. The emulsifier for emulsion polymerization according to claim 1 , wherein in the general formula (I) claim 1 , X represents a hydrogen atom or SOM claim 1 , wherein M represents a hydrogen atom claim 1 , an alkali metal atom claim 1 , an alkaline earth metal atom claim 1 , an ammonium residue claim 1 , or an alkanolamine residue claim 1 , and A represents an alkylene group having 2 carbon atoms. This is a continuation of PCT International Application No. PCT/JP2013/000026 filed Jan. 9, 2013. The subject matter of the aforementioned prior application is hereby incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to an emulsifier to be used in an emulsion polymerization step, more particularly relates to an emulsifier for emulsion polymerization, which can enhance the stability of a polymer dispersion, and also enhance the physical properties of a polymer film obtained from the polymer dispersion.Heretofore, as emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization, anionic surfactants such as soaps, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, polyoxyethylene alkyl phenyl ether sulfate ester salts, and polyoxyethylene alkyl ether sulfate ester salts; and nonionic surfactants such as polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ethers and polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers have been used. However, a polymer film obtained from a polymer dispersion using any of the above emulsifiers has problems that the emulsifier used remains in a free form in the polymer film, and therefore, the water resistance and the adhesiveness of the film are poor, etc. Therefore, as measures for the problems, a lot of reactive emulsifiers having a copolymerizable unsaturated group have been proposed (for example, PTL 1 to PTL 3).A reactive emulsifier having an acrylic group or a methacrylic group as a copolymerizable unsaturated group, which has been proposed in the prior art, has high copolymerizability ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140350203A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed is a method for producing a nitrile rubber comprising adding 0.1 to 5 parts by weight of at least one phosphate emulsifier selected from the group consisting of monoalkyl ether phosphate (MAP) represented by the following Formula 1 and dialkyl ether phosphate (DAP) represented by the following Formula 2, with respect to 100 parts by weight of monomers constituting the nitrile rubber. The method minimizes mold contamination during molding of produced nitrile rubber, eliminates the necessity of any process of removing mold contaminants, improves production efficiency and thus reduces defect rates of final molded articles. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the monoalkyl ether phosphate is selected from the group consisting of the monoalkyl ether phosphate wherein R represents a C5-C20 alkyl or alkylaryl group claim 1 , and n is integer of 2 to 10.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dialkyl ether phosphate is selected from the group consisting of the dialkyl ether phosphate wherein R represents a C5-C20 alkyl or alkylaryl group and n is an integer of 2 to 10.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the monoalkyl ether phosphate and the dialkyl ether phosphate are used in a combination at a mix weight ratio of 1:99 to 99:1.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising further adding an aliphatic organic acid or sulfonate emulsifier in an amount of 0.1 to 5 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight of monomers constituting the nitrile rubber.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic organic acid comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of oleic acid claim 1 , rosin acid claim 1 , lauric acid claim 1 , myristic acid claim 1 , palmitic acid claim 1 , stearic acid and eicosanoic acid.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sulfonate emulsifier comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of sodium salts of naphthalene sulfonic acid claim 1 , alkyl aryl sulfonate ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267891A1

A method of manufacturing a polymer coated single ferromagnetic particle is provided. The method includes hydrophobizing one single hydrophilic ferromagnetic particle by absorbing an aliphatic acid having a hydrophobic aliphatic group and a hydrophilic acid group onto the single ferromagnetic particle to obtain a single hydrophobic ferromagnetic particle; emulsifying the one single hydrophobic ferromagnetic particle with a monomer liquid comprising a nonionic surface activating agent which re-hydrophilizes the one single hydrophobic ferromagnetic particle, to obtain an emulsified liquid; adding a radical addition initiator to the emulsified liquid; and emulsion polymerizing the monomer by radical addition polymerization.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180265729A1

A method of forming a coating on a food or beverage container, which includes spraying a coating composition onto an interior surface of the food or beverage container, where the coating composition includes an emulsion-polymerized latex copolymer having copolymer chains of one or more mono-unsaturated monomers that are cross-linked with one or more multi-unsaturated monomers. The method also includes heating the sprayed coating composition to cure the coating composition, thereby providing the coating on the interior surface of the food or beverage container. 190-. (canceled)91. A method of forming a coating on a food or beverage container , the method comprising: one or more mono-unsaturated monomers each having a single ethylenically-unsaturated group; and', 'one or more multi-unsaturated monomers each having two or more ethylenically-unsaturated groups, wherein the multi-unsaturated monomer(s) each have a divalent chain length with at least two carbon atoms between at least two of the ethylenically-unsaturated groups, and constitute from 8% by weight to 25% by weight of the monomers used to produce the emulsion-polymerized latex copolymer;', 'wherein the monomers used to produce the emulsion-polymerized latex copolymer are substantially free of oxirane groups;, 'providing a coating composition having an emulsion-polymerized latex copolymer dispersed in an aqueous carrier, wherein the emulsion, polymerized latex polymer is a reaction product of monomers comprisingspraying the provided coating composition onto an interior surface of the food or beverage container; andcuring the sprayed coating composition to substantially remove the aqueous carrier, and provide the coating on the interior surface of the food or beverage container.92. The method of claim 91 , wherein the multi-unsaturated monomer comprises 1 claim 91 ,4-butanediol di(meth)acrylate claim 91 , and wherein 1 claim 91 ,4-butanediol di(meth)acrylate constitutes from 8% by weight to 25% by weight of the ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327602A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous resin dispersion, obtained by subjecting a polymerizable compound (C) containing a compound (C1) having a carbon-carbon unsaturated bond to an emulsion polymerization in the presence of a surfactant (A) and a surfactant (B) free from a radical-polymerizable substituent. 2. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the surfactant (B) is from 5 to 80 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the surfactant (A).3. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the surfactant (B) is a nonionic surfactant (B 1).4. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 1 , which is for use in a coating material.5. A coating material claim 1 , comprising the aqueous resin dispersion according to .6. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 2 , wherein the surfactant (B) is a nonionic surfactant (B 1).7. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 2 , which is for use in a coating material.8. The aqueous resin dispersion according to claim 3 , which is for use in a coating material.9. A coating material claim 2 , comprising the aqueous resin dispersion according to .10. A coating material claim 3 , comprising the aqueous resin dispersion according to . The present invention relates to an aqueous resin dispersion, and more specifically relates to an aqueous resin dispersion obtained by subjecting a polymerizable compound to emulsion polymerization by using a specific surfactant. Further, the present invention relates to a coating material containing the aqueous resin dispersion described above.In recent years, in consideration of the global environment and the work environment, transition from a solvent base to an aqueous base progresses in various applications, including a coating material, and the required performance of an aqueous resin dispersion, which is a raw material therefor, has increased. In particular, an emulsion polymerization method has been used as a useful method for ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200339711A1

The present invention is concerned with a reactive surfactant composition for emulsion polymerization, which is able to micronize the particle diameter of a polymer emulsion and to reduce the addition amount of the reactive surfactant composition to be used. 2. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , m′ is an integer of 1 or more and an integer of 100 or less.3. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , m′ is an integer of 2 or more and an integer of 50 or less.4. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , n′ is an integer of 1 or more and an integer of 400 or less.5. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , n′ is an integer of 2 or more and an integer of 200 or less.6. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , the carbon number of the alkyleneoxy group represented by AO is 8 or less.7. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the requirement R claim 1 , m is 2 or more and 20 or less.8. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the requirement R claim 1 , m is 3 or more and 10 or less.9. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the requirement R claim 1 , n is 1 or more and 150 or less.10. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the requirement R claim 1 , (m+n) is {3≤(m+n)≤100}.11. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein in the formula (1) claim 1 , X is 10 or more and 29 or less.12. The method of producing a reactive anionic surfactant according to claim 1 , wherein a reaction ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170361263A1

The invention concerns a method comprising the steps of irreversibly capturing and trapping at least one organic volatile compound bearing a function among aldehyde, ketone, or amine, using an aqueous polymer dispersion of core/shell structure particles having an MFFT of 0 to 50° C., with the polymer phase P1 being a hard core with a Tg1 of 60 to 120° C. and the polymer phase P2 being a soft shell with a Tg2 of −20 to 40° C. and with 1. A method for capturing organic volatile compounds , said method comprising the steps of irreversibly capturing and trapping at least one organic volatile compound bearing a function among aldehyde , ketone or amine , using an aqueous polymer dispersion having a minimum film-forming temperature (MFFT) of 0 to 50° C. , measured according to the standard ISO 2115 and comprising polymer particles of hard core P1/soft shell P2 structure , withP1 being the hard polymer phase in the core of said particle, with a glass transition temperature Tg1 of 60 to 120° C., and said phase P1 comprising in its structure units from at least one monomer M1 having at least two copolymerisable ethylenic unsaturations and having a role of cross-linker and units from at least one ethylenically unsaturated monomer M2 bearing at least one carboxylic acid and/or carboxylic anhydride functionP2 being the soft polymer phase in the shell having a glass transition temperature Tg2 of −20 to 40° C., with P2 representing 40% to 85% by weight, of the total weight of P1+P2 and comprising in its structure units from at least one monomer M3 bearing a polymerisable ethylenic unsaturation and, in addition, an ureido functional group or a functional group having a mobile hydrogen in alpha position to a ketonic carbonyl.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said functional group of said monomer M3 is selected from the group consisting of ureido claim 1 , acetoacetoxy and diacetone.3. The method of wherein said monomer M3 is selected from the group consisting of diacetone ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180355161A1

The present invention relates to a method of preparing an ASA graft copolymer, a method of preparing a thermoplastic ASA resin composition including the same, and a method of preparing an ASA molded part, and more particularly, to a method of preparing a multilayered ASA graft copolymer including a step of preparing seeds, cores, and shells. According to the method, since a multifunctional carboxylic acid having 20 or more carbon atoms or a salt thereof is introduced as an emulsifier, the content of the emulsifier remaining in a resin may be reduced, thereby providing an ASA resin having excellent thermal stability and appearance characteristics while the inherent physical properties thereof, such as impact resistance and weather resistance, are maintained. 1. A method of preparing an ASA graft copolymer , comprising:a) a seed preparation step, in which one or more monomers selected from an aromatic vinyl monomer, a vinyl cyan monomer, and an alkyl acrylate monomer are polymerized to prepare seeds;b) a core preparation step, in which an alkyl acrylate monomer is added in the presence of the prepared seeds, and polymerization is performed to prepare cores; andc) a shell preparation step, in which one or more monomers selected from an aromatic vinyl monomer and a vinyl cyan monomer and an emulsifier are added in the presence of the prepared cores, and graft polymerization is performed to prepare shells,wherein the emulsifier contains a multifunctional carboxylic acid having 20 to 60 carbon atoms or a salt thereof, and an average size of the prepared shells is 80 to 150 nm (larger than an average size of the cores).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein two or three carboxyl groups are comprised in a structure of the multifunctional carboxylic acid.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the multifunctional carboxylic acid having 20 to 60 carbon atoms or the salt thereof is contained in an amount of 30 to 100% by weight with respect to a total weight of the ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200385602A1

A coating composition for a food or beverage can includes an emulsified latex polymer formed by polymerizing an ethylenically unsaturated monomer component in the presence of an aqueous dispersion of a water-dispersible emulsifying polymer. 1. An article comprising:one or more of a body portion or an end portion of a food or beverage can comprising a metal substrate; anda coating composition disposed thereon, wherein the coating composition includes an emulsified latex polymer comprising a reaction product of ingredients including an ethylenically unsaturated monomer component polymerized in the presence of an aqueous dispersion of an emulsifying polymer having a number average molecular weight (Mn) of at least about 8,500, and a cured film of the coating composition has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of at least about 40° C.wherein the coating composition is substantially free of each of bisphenol A, bisphenol F,and bisphenol S, including epoxides thereof.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating composition comprises a cured coating composition.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ethylenically unsaturated monomer component comprises a mixture of monomers that includes at least one oxirane functional group-containing alpha claim 1 , beta-ethylenically unsaturated monomer in an amount of 0.1 wt. % to 30 wt. % claim 1 , based on a total weight of the mixture of monomers.6. (canceled)7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the emulsifying polymer:a) is a polymer salt that includes anionic salt groups, cationic salt groups, or a combination thereof; orb) comprises an acrylic polymer, a polyurethane polymer, a polyester resin, an alkyd resin, a polyolefin, or a combination thereof; orc) comprises an acid- or anhydride-functional acrylic polymer, or a salt thereof, ord) comprises a salt of an acid- or anhydride-functional polymer and an amine.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. ( ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Method of maintaining a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product

Номер: WO2018226787A1

The present disclosure provides a method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor. The method includes producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value. When a change in reactor temperature is detected, the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is changed from the first ratio value to a second ratio value so as to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value.

22-10-2008 дата публикации

Process for preparing stabilized latices by emulsion polymerization

Номер: EP1981920A1
Автор: Manuel Hidalgo
Принадлежит: Arkema France SA

The invention relates to the use of poly(ethylene-co-propylene) glycol monoalkyl ether or polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether or poly(ethylene-co-propylene) glycol or polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylic amide or ester monomers capable of contributing to stabilization in the course of a latex preparation process by emulsion polymerization of at least one polymerizable monomer in the presence of an ionizable polymerization initiator.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Method for producing a polymer

Номер: US20100261853A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a method for performing a polymerization process in a stirred reactor, wherein a critical time window is determined by means of a monitor of at least one polymerization process parameter and an associated process window, and when a critical time window is present, an adaptation of process conditions is made in order to configure the polymerization process to conform to the process window.

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN102316973B
Принадлежит: BASF SE


09-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DK1042370T3
Принадлежит: Croda Int Plc

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Latex binders, aqueous coatings and paints having freeze-thaw stability and methods for using same

Номер: AU2009205657B2
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations SAS

Disclosed are latex polymers and an aqueous coating compositions having excellent freeze-thaw stability, open time, stain resistance, low temperature film formation, foam resistance, block resistance, adhesion, water sensitivity and a low-VOC content. The latex polymers and aqueous coating compositions include at least one latex polymer derived from at least one monomer copolymerized or blended with an alkoxylated compound, for example an alkoxylated tristyrylphenol or an alkoxylated tributylphenol. Also provided is an aqueous coating composition including at least one latex polymer, at least one pigment, water and at least one freeze-thaw additive. Typically, the freeze-thaw additive in an amount greater than about 1.3% by weight of the polymer, typically in an amount greater than about 2% by weight of the polymer, in an amount greater than about 4% by weight of the polymer, in an amount greater than about 7.5% by weight of the polymer, in an amount greater than about 10% by weight of the polymer or in an amount greater than about 20% by weight of the polymer.

09-04-2001 дата публикации

Polymerisation process

Номер: PL341282A1
Принадлежит: Ici Plc

10-11-1998 дата публикации

Pressure sensitive adhesives

Номер: US5834538A
Принадлежит: HERCULES LLC

A pressure sensitive adhesive(PSA) composition includes a latex system of an aqueous polymer dispersion derived from ethylenically-unsaturated monomers in the presence of a water soluble protective colloid. The PSA compositions are used in the manufacture of a variety of articles that are intended to be easily attachable to another substrate by the application of pressure alone.

11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN110785438A
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc


04-05-2021 дата публикации

Method of maintaining a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product

Номер: US10995161B2
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

The present disclosure provides a method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor. The method includes producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value. When a change in reactor temperature is detected, the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is changed from the first ratio value to a second ratio value so as to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Liquid polymer compositions

Номер: WO2017100327A1
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

Liquid polymer compositions comprising: one or more hydrophobic liquids having a boiling point at least about 100 °C; at least about 39% by weight of one or more acrylamide-(co)polymers; one or more emulsifier surfactants; and one or more inverting surfactants; wherein, when the composition is inverted in an aqueous solution, it provides an inverted solution having a filter ratio using a 1.2 micron filter (FR1.2) of about 1.5 or less.

21-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for the production of aqueous polymer dispersions

Номер: EP2225289B1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing pH responsive latexes and uses thereof

Номер: EP2960255A1

The present invention relates to a method for the production of pH responsive latexes, the method including: (i) preparing a reaction mixture by combining an aqueous solvent containing at least one stabilizer and a monomer mixture comprising: (a) at least one vinylically unsaturated monomer with a solubility in water at 60 °C of > 25 wt.% and comprising an anionic functional group; (b) at least one vinylically unsaturated monomer with a solubility in water at 60 °C of > 0.01 wt.% and < 25 wt.%; and (c) at least one vinylically unsaturated monomer with a solubility in water at 60 °C of < 0.01 wt.%; (ii) homogenizing said reaction mixture of step (i) to generate stabilized miniemulsion droplets containing the monomer mixture; (iii) adding a polymerization initiator to polymerize the miniemulsion droplets. The invention further relates to the thus produced latexes, adhesive compositions containing them and the use of such latexes as adhesives and/or rheology modifiers.

02-07-2002 дата публикации

Method for producing ultra high molecular weight polymer emulsion

Номер: JP3296580B2
Принадлежит: Showa Highpolymer Co Ltd

04-09-1984 дата публикации

Process for preparing an aqueous emulsion of a polymer by emulsion polymerization in the presence of an emulsifier

Номер: US4469839A

An emulsifier useful for preparing an aqueous emulsion having a high viscosity which comprises a copolymer of (1) at least one monomer selected from a vinyl ester, vinyl alcohol, an alkyl acrylate and an alkyl methacrylate and (2) at least one monomer selected from an acrylic acid derivative of the general formula: CH.sub.2 ═CR.sup.1 --CO--A--R.sup.2 --SO.sub.3 M and a maleic acid derivative of the general formula: ##STR1## wherein R 1 is hydrogen or methyl group, R 2 is an alkylene group, R 3 is hydrogen, an alkyl group or an alkali metal, M is hydrogen or an alkali metal, and A is --O-- or --NR-- in which R is hydrogen, an alkyl group or --R 2 SO 3 M. Emulsions prepared by employing the above copolymer as emulsifier have very high viscosities and moreover excellent storage, freeze-thaw and dilution stabilities. The use of the above copolymer in combination with a surface active agent provides emulsions containing scarcely aggregates and coarse particles and having an improved flowability.

19-01-1971 дата публикации

Stabilized suspension polymerization

Номер: US3557061A
Принадлежит: Rohm and Haas Co


08-04-1987 дата публикации

Stable and amphoteric aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers

Номер: EP0120720B1
Автор: Frederic Leising

02-05-1995 дата публикации

Procede de polymerisation en emulsion de monomeres vinyliques

Номер: CA1335467C
Автор: Jean-Francois Fiard
Принадлежит: Geronazzo SpA

L'invention concerne un procédé de polymérisation en émulsion de monomères vinyliques, caractérisé en ce que l'on opère en présence d'un polyalkyleneglycol ether de diou tri-(phényl-1 éthyl) phénol éventuellement sulfaté contenant de 6 à 50 motifs oxyéthylénés et/ou oxypropylénés. Ce procédé est avantageux dans la mesure où, grâce à la présence de cet agent émulsifiant, il permet d'obtenir des latex présentant un taux de résidus à la filtration inférieur à 300 ppm et un taux de croûtes sur les parois inférieur à 600 ppm.

26-07-1984 дата публикации

Polymerisation process

Номер: AU538108B2
Принадлежит: BASF SE

09-07-1987 дата публикации

Polymerization process

Номер: AU563454B2
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Emulsion polymerization process

Номер: AU564139B2
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

17-03-1988 дата публикации

Emulsion polymerization process

Номер: AU570514B2
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Жидкие полимерные композиции

Номер: RU2018122671A
Принадлежит: Кемира Ойй

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 122 671 A (51) МПК C08F 2/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018122671, 07.12.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 08.12.2015 US 62/264,701 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 09.07.2018 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2017/100327 (15.06.2017) R U (54) ЖИДКИЕ ПОЛИМЕРНЫЕ КОМПОЗИЦИИ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Жидкая полимерная композиция, включающая: одну или более гидрофобных жидкостей, имеющих температуру кипения, составляющую по меньшей мере приблизительно 100°С; по меньшей мере приблизительно 39% масс. одного или более акриламидных (со) полимеров; одно или более эмульгирующих поверхностно-активных веществ; и одно или более инвертирующих поверхностно-активных веществ; причем в результате инверсии композиции в водном растворе она образует инвертированный раствор полимера, имеющий коэффициент фильтрации на фильтре с размером отверстий 1,2 микрона (FR1,2), составляющий приблизительно 1,5 или менее. 2. Композиция по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что водный раствор включает попутно добываемую воду, пресную воду, соленую воду, соляной раствор, морскую воду или их комбинацию. 3. Композиция по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что жидкая полимерная композиция дополнительно включает воду в количестве, составляющем менее приблизительно 10%, масс. в пересчете на общее количество всех компонентов композиции. 4. Композиция по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что после инверсии композиции в водном растворе с образованием инвертированного раствора полимера, включающего приблизительно 2000 частей на миллион активного полимера, вязкость Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 2 2 6 7 1 A Адрес для переписки: 197101, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 128, "АРСПАТЕНТ", С.В. Новоселовой 2 0 1 8 1 2 2 6 7 1 US 2016/065391 (07.12.2016) R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 09.01.2020 Бюл. № 1 (72) Автор(ы): ДЖЕКСОН Логан (US), ЛИНЧ Томас Дж ...

01-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CN1346834A
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

描述了自由基引发烯属不饱和单体,特别是丙烯酸类单体的加成聚合,用表面活性剂稳定其中的分散相,该表面活性剂中包括至少一种式(I):R 1 -(OA) n -X的阴离子表面活性剂化合物,其中R 1 为包括至少两个双键的C 16 -C 22 的烃基;OA为氧化烯基;n=2-60并且X包括至少一个成酸的H原子且特别是磷酸酯基或其盐。使用式(I)表面活性剂能够有效乳化并且因此能够在高于非离子不饱和表面活性剂有效时的温度下进行聚合。该聚合物胶乳产物产生具有良好抗水性能的聚合物薄膜。

17-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN110698583A


27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE69839129D1
Принадлежит: Croda International PLC

31-10-1989 дата публикации

Process for preparing latex polymers from gaseous monomer

Номер: KR890004327B1

Latex polymers are prepd. by conventional free radical initiated emulsion polymn. of gaseous α ,β -ethylenically unsatd. monomers (I), opt. with other non-gaseous comonomers, in the presence of a polymeric surfactant (II) comprising a salt of an acid group-contg. polymer, using a procedure whereby the monomer component is pre- emulsified with (II) in water, and added incrementally to the reaction. Pre-emulsification of monomers results in faster reaction so that (II) may be added to the reactor more quickly without excessive pressure buildup. The resulting latex polymer has improved coating properties.

23-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN110041454A
Автор: 赵强, 闫世友, 马豪杰, 魏琪


05-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN103205172B
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations SAS


27-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018122671A3

`7ВУ’” 2018122671” АЗ Дата публикации: 27.03.2020 Форма № 18 ИЗИМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение ж 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2018122671/04(035860) 07.12.2016 РСТ/О$2016/065391 07.12.2016 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 62/264,701 08.12.2015 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) ЖИДКИЕ ПОЛИМЕРНЫЕ КОМПОЗИЦИИ Заявитель: КЕМИРА ОИЙ, Е! 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. п см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: р [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) СОЗЕ 2/32 (2006.01) СО9К 85/588 (2006.01) Е21В 43/00 (2006.01) СО5Е 26/00 (2006.01) (05.1 3/09 (2006.01) Е21В 43/16 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) СОВР 2/32, СОЗЕ 26/00, СО9К 8/588, СО8 3/09, Е21В 43/00, Е21В 43/16 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): Езрасепес, Соозе, Рабеагсв, Уападех 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с ...

16-02-1995 дата публикации

씨드를 사용하는 미세현탁중합에 의한 염화 비닐 수지의 제조방법

Номер: KR950003326A
Автор: 김형준
Принадлежит: 주식회사 럭키, 최근선

본 발명은 씨드를 사용하는 미세현탁중합에 의해 염화 비닐 수지 및 그의 공중합체를 제조하는 방법에 관한 것이다. 구체적으로, 본 발명은 유화중합으로 염화 비닐 단량체의 씨드를 예비중합한 다음, 씨드, 염화 비닐 단량체, 유화제 및 수용성 및 유용성 개시제의 예비혼합물을 균질화 장치에 통과시킨 후 본 중합 반응시키는 것을 포함한다. 본 발명의 방법에 의하면 반응시간의 단축 및 플라스티졸의 유동성 향상은 물론, 최종 생성된 수지의 열안정성 및 가공제품의 색상 안정성이 우수하다.

23-12-2011 дата публикации

Method for the preparation of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer latex powder with a high conversion ratio of monomers to polymer

Номер: KR101098683B1
Автор: 서혜원, 오현택, 이형섭
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 중합전환율이 높은 아크릴로 니트릴-부타디엔-스티렌(ABS)계 공중합 라텍스 분말의 제조방법에 관한 것으로서, 폴리부타디엔계 고무 라텍스에 방향족 비닐계 단량체 및 비닐 시안계 단량체를 그라프트 공중합시키는 반응에 있어서, 반응초기단계에 아크릴레이트계 단량체를 단독으로 일괄 투입하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명에 따른 제조방법은 중합전환율이 높으며, 제조된 라텍스 분말의 그라프트율이 높다는 장점이 있다. The present invention relates to a method for producing acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymer latex powder having a high polymerization conversion rate, and comprising a graft copolymerization of an aromatic vinyl monomer and a vinyl cyan monomer on a polybutadiene rubber latex. In the initial stage of the reaction, it is characterized in that the acrylate monomer alone in a batch. The production method according to the present invention has the advantage of high polymerization conversion rate and high graft rate of the prepared latex powder. ABS, 스티렌, 아크릴로니트릴, 아크릴레이트, 알킬 (메타)아크릴레이트, 중합전환율, 그라프트율, 과산화물 개시제 ABS, styrene, acrylonitrile, acrylate, alkyl (meth) acrylate, polymerization conversion rate, graft rate, peroxide initiator

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Method of maintaining a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product

Номер: EP3635018A1
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

The present disclosure provides a method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor. The method includes producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value. When a change in reactor temperature is detected, the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is changed from the first ratio value to a second ratio value so as to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value.

19-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN106164100B
Автор: 入江刚史
Принадлежит: Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co Ltd, Toyochem Co Ltd


28-07-2014 дата публикации

가공성이 우수한 블렌드 수지, 이를 포함하는 염화비닐 수지 조성물 및 이의 제조방법

Номер: KR20140093366A
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 기재는 가공성이 우수한 블렌드 수지, 이를 포함하는 염화비닐 수지 조성물 및 이의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 평균입경이 10 ㎛ 초과 및 38 ㎛ 미만이고, 입도분포가 0.1 내지 5.0인 스트레이트 염화비닐 수지인 것을 특징으로 하는 블렌드 수지, 이를 포함하는 염화비닐 수지 조성물 및 이의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. 본 기재에 따르면, 가소제 흡수율이 작아 가공성이 우수한 블렌드 수지, 이를 포함하는 염화비닐 수지 조성물 및 이의 제조방법을 제공하는 효과가 있다.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing a polymer

Номер: AU2008342371B2
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a method for performing a polymerization process in a stirred reactor, wherein a critical time window is determined by means of a monitor of at least one polymerization process parameter and an associated process window, and when a critical time window is present, an adaptation of process conditions is made in order to configure the polymerization process to conform to the process window.

06-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN103282340B
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co


30-07-1993 дата публикации

Patent JPH0551007B2

Номер: JPH0551007B2
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

13-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: JPH11189608A
Принадлежит: TOAGOSEI CO LTD

(57)【要約】 【課題】 耐水性に優れる塗膜または接着性皮膜を形成 し得る水性重合体エマルジョンの提供。 【解決手段】 エポキシ基を有する(メタ)アクリレー ト単位、ω−アルコキシポリアルキレングリコールモノ (メタ)アクリレート単位および所望によりその他のビ ニル単量体単位からなる重合体の片末端にラジカル重合 性基を導入してなるマクロモノマーからなる反応性乳化 剤。前記反応性乳化剤の存在下に水性媒体中で、ラジカ ル重合性単量体を乳化重合させることを特徴とする重合 体エマルジョンの製造方法。

10-03-2009 дата публикации

Способ получения перфторированного сополимера, содержащего функциональные группы

Номер: RU2348649C1

Описан способ получения перфторированного сополимера, содержащего функциональные группы, эмульсионной сополимеризацией тетрафторэтилена и перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира в присутствии радикального инициатора и стабилизатора эмульсии - соли перфторкарбоновой кислоты, включающий стадию предварительного эмульгирования перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира в водной среде, причем эмульсионную сополимеризацию тетрафторэтилена и перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира проводят при постоянном давлении тетрафторэтилена 0.48-0.52 МПа, прекращая процесс при конверсии перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира 49-77%, а на стадии предварительного эмульгирования перфтор-2-фторсульфонилэтоксипропилвинилового эфира в водной среде в качестве диспергатора используют гомогенизатор типа ротор-статор при скорости вращения ротора 8000-12000 об/мин, применяя для стабилизации эмульсии аммониевую соль перфторкарбоновой кислоты C n F 2n+1 COONH 4 , где n=7-9, и эмульгирование осуществляют в среде инертного газа. 4 з.п. ф-лы. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 348 649 (13) C1 (51) ÌÏÊ C08F 2/24 C08F 2/34 C08F 214/26 C08F 4/40 C08F 2/22 C08F 2/28 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007147725/04, 20.12.2007 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 20.12.2007 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 10.03.2009 Áþë. ¹ 7 Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 197198, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, ïð. Äîáðîëþáîâà, 14, Äèðåêòîðó ÑÏá ôèëèàëà Èíñòèòóòà êàòàëèçà ÑÎ ÐÀÍ Ñ.Ñ. Èâàí÷åâó ïðîâîä ò ïðè ïîñòî ííîì äàâëåíèè òåòðàôòîðýòèëåíà 0.48-0.52 ÌÏà, ïðåêðàùà ïðîöåññ ïðè êîíâåðñèè ïåðôòîð-2ôòîðñóëüôîíèëýòîêñèïðîïèëâèíèëîâîãî ýôèðà 4977%, à íà ñòàäèè ïðåäâàðèòåëüíîãî ýìóëüãèðîâàíè ïåðôòîð-2ôòîðñóëüôîíèëýòîêñèïðîïèëâèíèëîâîãî ýôèðà â âîäíîé ñðåäå â êà÷åñòâå äèñïåðãàòîðà èñïîëüçóþò ãîìîãåíèçàòîð òèïà ðîòîð-ñòàòîð ïðè ñêîðîñòè âðàùåíè ðîòîðà ...

23-03-2012 дата публикации

Producing Method of Filler Vinyl Chloride Polymer for Plastisol

Номер: KR101125527B1
Автор: 김경현, 이찬희, 하현규
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 염화비닐 단량체, 중합개시제, 분산제, 및 중합종료제를 사용하는 염화비닐 수지의 현탁중합법에 있어서, 유화제를 임계미셀농도 이하로 추가 투입하는 것을 특징으로 하는 필러 염화비닐 수지의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 방법을 통해 제조된 염화비닐 수지는 페이스트 수지와 가소제로 구성된 플라스티졸의 점도를 낮추는데 사용되는 필러 PVC로 사용이 가능하다. In the suspension polymerization method of a vinyl chloride resin using a vinyl chloride monomer, a polymerization initiator, a dispersant, and a polymerization terminator, an emulsifier is added at a critical micelle concentration or less. The vinyl chloride resin prepared by the method of the present invention may be used as a filler PVC used to lower the viscosity of a plastisol composed of a paste resin and a plasticizer. 본 발명에 의해 제조된 염화비닐수지의 특징은 기존의 현탁중합으로 제조된 염화비닐수지보다 작은 입자크기를 제공하는 것이다. 기존의 현탁중합은 분산제에 의해 염화비닐수지의 입자크기를 작게 조절하는 것이 한계가 있음으로 인해 20㎛이하의 입자크기로 조절하는 것이 거의 불가능했다. 그러나, 본 발명에서는 현탁중합계에 소량의 유화제를 첨가하는 간단한 방법으로 염화비닐수지의 입경을 낮추었다. A feature of the vinyl chloride resin prepared by the present invention is to provide a particle size smaller than that of the vinyl chloride resin prepared by conventional suspension polymerization. In the conventional suspension polymerization, the particle size of the vinyl chloride resin is limited by the dispersant, so it is almost impossible to control the particle size of 20 μm or less. In the present invention, however, the particle size of the vinyl chloride resin was lowered by a simple method of adding a small amount of emulsifier to the suspension polymerization system. 본 발명으로 제조한 입자크기 20㎛이하의 필러 PVC는 플리스티졸 가공처리에서 많이 사용되는 스프레이 코팅시 노즐막힘 현상이 낮음으로 인해 생산성향상을 시킬 수 있으며 입자크기가 10~15㎛ 정도의 레진이 사용되는 프린터 토너 및 카메라 렌즈 제조 등에 이용될 수 있다. Filler PVC having a particle size of less than 20㎛ prepared by the present invention can improve productivity due to low nozzle clogging phenomenon when spray coating is frequently used in the processing of plystisol, and resin having a particle size of about 10 to 15㎛ is used. It can be used for manufacturing printer toner and camera lens. 염화비닐 수지, 분산제, 유화제, 현탁중합, 가소제 흡수율, 플라스티졸, 점도 Vinyl chloride resin ...

31-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN110627943A
Автор: 姚恒, 柯凯, 罗人豪

本发明公开了一种涂料用阳离子烷基超浓乳液聚合物制备方法,聚合物主要由以下几种材料制备而成:乳化用亲水小单体1.4‑2.3份、乳化用疏水小单体4.2‑5.5份、阳离子小单体5‑20份、乳液引发剂0.05‑0.22份、引发剂a 3.4‑6.2份、引发剂b 2.3‑4.5份、烷基小单体400‑430份、氟功能单体20‑33份、交联剂4.6‑8.4份、链转移剂0.12‑0.31份、中和剂10‑20份、pH调节剂5‑10份、助乳化剂1.0‑3.5份、液膜增强剂0.2‑0.7份,其余为水,总质量份数为1000。本发明以亲水小单体和疏水小单体通过超浓乳液聚合而成,形成的聚合物有着亲水小单体的吸附性和疏水小单体的防水性,效果优于传统防水涂料,防水效果更好且使用寿命更长。

30-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CN1194652A
Автор: 朴兴淳, 李晚哲
Принадлежит: LG Chemical Co Ltd


11-11-1997 дата публикации

Miniemulsion polymerization process using polymeric co-surfactant

Номер: US5686518A

An essentially stable monomer miniemulsion characterized by small monomer droplet size is prepared and is then polymerized to a polymer latex under free radical polymerization conditions. The monomer miniemulsions herein include, in addition to water, a surfactant, and a monomer or mixture thereof, one or more polymers which function as a polymeric co-surfactant. The monomer miniemulsions are characterized by average monomer droplet size of 10 to 500 nanometers, preferably 80 to 150 nanometers. The amount of polymer added as a co-surfactant is about 0.5 to about 5 percent by weight based on monomer weight. The monomer emulsion may contain either a single monomer or a monomer mixture. The monomer emulsion is polymerized under conventional emulsion polymerization conditions yielding a polymer latex having an average polymer particle size of 10 to 500 nanometers, preferably 80 to 150 nanometers, and a narrow particle size distribution, i.e., a polydispersity index of about 1.05 to about 1.40. A representative monomer is methyl methacrylate and a representative polymer as co-surfactant is polymethyl methacrylate.

31-10-2006 дата публикации

Method of obtaining aqueous dispersions of polymers

Номер: PL192455B1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

The invention relates to a process for producing protective colloid-stabilized aqueous polymer dispersions, whereby ethylenically unsaturated monomers are radically polymerized according to the emulsion polymerization method, characterized in that the polymerization is carried out in the presence of one or more protective colloids comprising a) 5 to 95 % of monomeric units containing sulfonic acid and sulfonate groups and b) 5 to 95 % of hydrophobic monomeric units from the group of water-insoluble and ethylenically unsaturated compounds, the given shares being expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the copolymerizate. The invention also relates to their use for making water-redispersible polymer powders.

21-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN103261144A
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co


04-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN103282340A
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co


22-11-1994 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of aqueous polymer dispersions the dispersions obtained by the process and their use for the production of coatings

Номер: CA1333204C
Принадлежит: Bayer AG

An improved coating for heat resistant substrates is an aqueous dispersion of polymers prepared by polymerization of olefinically unsaturated monomers in an aqueous medium in the presence of radical formers and emulsifiers, wherein the emulsifiers are polyisocyanate addition products having a molecular weight below 20,000 and containing from 5 to 1000 milliequivalents of anionic structures corresponding to the following formula

13-07-2004 дата публикации

Highly crosslinked polymer particles and coating compositions containing the same

Номер: US6762240B2
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

A latex emulsion that includes crosslinked polymeric microparticles dispersed in an aqueous continuous phase. The microparticles are prepared from a monomer mix of a crosslinking monomer, a monomer having hydrophilic functional groups, and one or more other monomers. Also disclosed is a thermosetting composition that includes a first reactant that has reactive functional groups; a curing agent that has at least two functional groups reactive with the functional groups of the first reactant; and the latex emulsion of crosslinked polymeric microparticles dispersed in an aqueous continuous phase. The thermosetting composition may be used to coat a substrate. The coating may be a multi-layer composite coating that includes a base coat layer deposited from a pigmented film-forming base coat composition containing the thermosetting composition; and a substantially pigment free top coat layer deposited over a portion of the base coat layer from a substantially pigment free top coat composition.

02-10-1982 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of styrene-butadiene copolymers

Номер: KR820001786B1

Water, styrene and butadiene monomer, alkali metals or ammonium persulfate as catalyst, lst emulsifier being consisted of alkali metal soap of fatty acid and/or heterogeneous resin and 2nd emulsifier of alkali metals of naphtalene sulfonic acid and condensates of HCHO are continuously supplied to a lst polymn. process being performed at 60-70≰C under isothermal until conversion of monomers is 30-40%. Reaction mixts. from lst process are supplied to a 2nd polymn. process being at 80-110≰Cunder adiabatic during completely convesing to copolymers, and latexes of butadiene-stylene copolymer contg.>80% is obtained from a 2nd process.

01-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN110785438B
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc


24-01-2003 дата публикации

A process of proparation for pastte poly(vinyl chliride) with pseudoplasticity and high flowability

Номер: KR100360948B1
Автор: 이만철, 이종우
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

PURPOSE: A method for preparing a paste vinyl chloride resin is provided, to improve the pseudoplasticity and the flowability of the paste vinyl chloride resin. CONSTITUTION: The method comprises the steps of mixing 100 parts by weight of a vinyl chloride monomer, 0.001-0.05 parts by weight of potassium sulfate as a water-soluble initiator, 10-15 parts by weight of the seed prepared by using the microsuspension polymerization and 5-15 parts by weight of the seed prepared by using the emulsion polymerization; and polymerizing the mixture at a temperature of 50-65 deg.C. Potassium sulfate is diluted to 5% aqueous solution and the solution is added to the mixture uniformly for 3-5 hours after it reaches the polymerization temperature. Preferably a mixture of sodium laurylsulfate and a linear aliphatic alcohol of a high molecular weight is added to the mixture as an emulsifying agent.

20-11-2013 дата публикации

Latex binding substances, aqueous coatings and paints, having freeze-thaw stability and methods for use thereof

Номер: RU2499009C2
Принадлежит: Родиа Операсьон

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: composition contains at least one latex polymer, at least one pigment, water and at least one auxiliary additive. The auxiliary additive is ethoxylated tristyrenephenol and is present in an amount higher than about 1.3 wt % with respect to the weight of the polymer. EFFECT: improved freeze-thaw stability, as well as other properties such as film setting time, colour stability, low film-formation temperature, film-forming resistance, blocking resistance, adhesion and sensitivity to water. 12 cl, 1 dwg, 24 tbl, 10 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 499 009 (13) C2 (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ C08J C08L C08L C08L C08L C08L C08K 9/00 (2006.01) 25/08 (2006.01) 33/02 (2006.01) 33/08 (2006.01) 33/10 (2006.01) 33/12 (2006.01) 5/06 (2006.01) ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010134423/05, 16.01.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.01.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): РОДИА ОПЕРАСЬОН (FR) 2 4 9 9 0 0 9 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.02.2012 Бюл. № 6 2 4 9 9 0 0 9 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6933415 B2, 23.08.2005. US 6410655 B2, 25.06.2002. WO 2007117512 A1, 18.10.2007. US 4600516 A, 15.07.1986. EP 1806386 A2, 11.07.2007. EP 1574532 B1, 14.09.2005. RU 2161162 C2, 27.12.2000. SU1068039 A3, 19.06.1979. WO 2007117512 A1, 18.10.2007. C 2 C 2 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2013 Бюл. № 32 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 18.08.2010 (86) Заявка PCT: US 2009/000309 (16.01.2009) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/091592 (23.07.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма "Городисский и Партнеры", Е.Е.Назиной (54) ЛАТЕКСНЫЕ СВЯЗУЮЩИЕ ВЕЩЕСТВА, ВОДНЫЕ ПОКРЫТИЯ И КРАСКИ, ОБЛАДАЮЩИЕ СТАБИЛЬНОСТЬЮ ПРИ МНОГОКРАТНОМ ЗАМОРАЖИВАНИИ, И СПОСОБЫ ИХ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к водным композициям покрытий с низким содержанием летучих органических соединений (ЛОС ...

26-10-1992 дата публикации

Patent JPH0466882B2

Номер: JPH0466882B2
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Inc

18-12-2001 дата публикации

Polymerization method

Номер: JP2001526314A
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

(57)【要約】 式(I):R 1 −(OA) n −X(式中、R 1 は少なくとも2個の二重結合を含むC 16 〜C 22 ヒドロカルビル基であり、OAはオキシアルキレン基であり、nは2〜60であり、そしてXは少なくとも1個の酸性H原子を含む基であり、特に、ホスフェートエステル基であり、またはその塩である)の少なくとも1種のアニオン性界面活性化合物を含む界面活性剤によって分散相が安定される、エチレン系不飽和モノマー、特にアクリルモノマーのラジカル開始付加重合方法が開示される。式(I)の界面活性剤の使用により、非イオン性の界面活性剤が有効である温度よりも高い温度での有効な乳化が可能であり、この為、有効な重合が可能である。ポリマーラテックス生成物は良好な耐水性のポリマーフィルムを提供する。

07-08-1990 дата публикации

Semi-continuous emulsion polymerization process

Номер: US4946891A
Принадлежит: DeSoto Inc

A method of carrying out a continuous aqueous emulsion copolymerization using a single continuously stirred tank reactor to reduce the particle size distribution and the presence of over-sized particles comprises, slowly supplying to a reactor the materials used in the copolymerization, including the monomers which are copolymerized, while maintaining conditions causing copolymerization to proceed until the reactor is filled. The supply is continued while maintaining those conditions until the total supply is in the range of from about 1.5 to about 5 reactor volumes. The excess material in the reactor is removed therefrom and collected in one or more separate vessels, and the product of the copolymerization is then combined and mixed to form a uniform product. The composition copolymerized can be changed during the copolymerization. The emulsion copolymer product is particularly useful in latex paints where it improves the gloss and scrub resistance of the paint.

12-02-2014 дата публикации

Method of emulsion polymerization

Номер: EP2106849B2
Принадлежит: Rohm and Haas Co

06-09-1999 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of vinyl chloride resin for straight processing with excellent thermal stability

Номер: KR19990069228A
Автор: 김경현, 김현득, 이경우
Принадлежит: 성재갑, 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 제품 성형 가공시 열 안정성이 우수하여 가열 변색 현상이 적은 스트레이트 가공용 염화 비닐계 수지의 제조 과정 중 중합 반응 초기에 폴리메틸메타크릴레이트 수지를 첨가하는 방법에 관한 것이다.

07-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: JP2012106147A
Автор: Tsutomu Ono, 努 小野
Принадлежит: Okayama University NUC

【課題】マイクロカプセルを効率よく生産可能とすることができる界面活性剤、及びこの界面活性剤が結合されたポリマー、及びこの界面活性剤を用いて生成したマイクロカプセル、及びこのマイクロカプセルの製造方法を提供する。 【解決手段】一方の片末端に親水基を有し、アルキル鎖を介して他方の片末端に2,2,6,6−テトラメチル−1−ピペリジニルオキシルラジカル基を有する界面活性剤とする。マイクロカプセルは、この界面活性剤と、油性であるモノマーと、水とを混合して乳化させることにより油中水滴が生成された乳濁液で、モノマーを重合させて生成する。また、モノマーに代えて、片末端に前記界面活性剤が結合されたポリマーを用いる。 【選択図】図1

11-03-1986 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of polymer dispersions

Номер: CA1201835A
Автор: Anno Bijker, Dick A. Pons
Принадлежит: Synres International BV

ABSTRACT The invention concerns a process for the production of an aqueous polymer dispersion by emulsion polymerisation wherein at least one monomer containing a phosphoric acid, sulphonic acid or carboxylic acid group or emulsifying group is present , at least one emulsifier is present and in which at least one compound containing a polyoxyethylene chain of 60 to 400 oxyethylene units is present chosen from the group of polyoxyethylene glycols, emulsifiers containing a polyoxy-ethylene chain and copolymerisable monomers containing a polyoxyethylene chain. Said dispersion is very suitable for use in high-gloss paints.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Method of maintaining a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product

Номер: CA3066348A1
Принадлежит: Univation Technologies Llc

The present disclosure provides a method of maintaining a target value of a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product being synthesized with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor. The method includes producing the polyethylene polymer product at the target value of the melt flow index with a metallocene catalyst in a fluidized bed gas phase reactor at a steady state in which the fluidized bed gas phase reactor is at a first reactor temperature and receives feeds of hydrogen and ethylene at a hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio at a first ratio value. When a change in reactor temperature is detected, the hydrogen to ethylene feed ratio is changed from the first ratio value to a second ratio value so as to maintain the melt flow index value of the polyethylene polymer product at the target value.

16-08-1999 дата публикации

The process for manufacturing graft copolymers with high impact resistances and surface brilliance

Номер: KR100215388B1
Автор: 정하식, 하두한
Принадлежит: 유현식, 제일모직주식회사

본 발명은 내충격성 및 표면 광택이 우수한 열가소성 수지 조성물을 제조하기 위한 그라프트 중합체의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 그라프트 중합계에 먼저 0.28-0.38㎛ 크기의 고무질 라텍스를 존재시키고 전체 그라프트 단량체 혼합물 중 일부를 투입하여 적정 전환율까지 중합시켜 1차 그라프트 라텍스를 제조하고 상기 1차 그라프트 라텍스의 존재하에 0.08~0.20㎛ 크기의 고무질 중합체를 첨가한 후 잔량의 단량체 혼합물을 연속투입하는 방법으로 그라프트 반응시키는 제1방법과, 1차 그라프트 라텍스 제조에 0.08~0.20㎛ 고무를 먼저 사용하고 상기 1차 그라프트 라텍스의 존재하에 0.28~0.38㎛ 고무를 투입하여 상기 제1방법과 동일한 조건으로 그라프트 공중합체 라텍스를 제조하는 방법인 제2방법으로 이루어짐을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a method for preparing a graft polymer for producing a thermoplastic resin composition having excellent impact resistance and surface gloss, wherein a rubbery latex having a size of 0.28-0.38 μm is first present in a graft polymerization system, Partially injected to polymerize to an appropriate conversion rate to prepare a first graft latex, graft by adding a residual amount of the monomer mixture after adding a rubber polymer of 0.08 ~ 0.20㎛ size in the presence of the first graft latex The first method to react with the first graft latex in the production of 0.08 ~ 0.20㎛ rubber first and 0.28 ~ 0.38㎛ rubber in the presence of the first graft latex graft under the same conditions as the first method Characterized in that the second method of producing a copolymer latex.

07-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: NO783717L
Автор: John Ugelstad
Принадлежит: SINTEF

16-02-2018 дата публикации

A kind of gold stamping slurry and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN105463882B


01-09-2005 дата публикации

Amphiphilic block copolymers containing aqueous polymer dispersions, processes for their preparation and their use

Номер: DE102004007501A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Die Erfindung betrifft wässrige Polymerdispersionen, die erhältlich sind durch Emulsionspolymerisation von ethylenisch ungesättigten Monomeren in wässrigen Medium in Gegenwart von Radikale bildenden Polymerisationsinitiatoren und Stabilisatoren, wobei man vor, während oder nach der Polymerisation als Stabilisator amphiphile Polymere einsetzt, die eine oder mehrere hydrophobe Einheiten (A) und eine oder mehrere hydrophile Einheiten (B) enthalten, wobei die hydrophoben Einheiten (A) aus einem Polyisobuten-Block gebildet sind, dessen Polyisobuten-Makromoleküle zu mindestens 50 Mol-% terminal angeordnete Doppelbindungen aufweisen, Verfahren zur Herstellung der wässrigen Polymerdispersionen durch Polymerisieren von ethylenisch ungesättigten Monomeren in Gegenwart von Radikale bildenden Initiatoren und den genannten amphiphilen Polymeren, die vor, während oder nach der Polymerisation eingesetzt werden und Verwendung der so erhältlichen wässrigen Polymerdispersionen als Assoziativverdicker in Papierstreichmassen, bei der Textilherstellung, als Verdickungsmittel für Textildruckpasten, im Pharma- und Kosmetikbereich, für Anstrichfarben, für Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, in Nahrungsmittels und als Ölfeldchemikalie. The invention relates to aqueous polymer dispersions which are obtainable by emulsion polymerization of ethylenically unsaturated monomers in aqueous medium in the presence of radical-forming polymerization initiators and stabilizers, wherein before, during or after the polymerization as a stabilizer amphiphilic polymers are used which contain one or more hydrophobic units (A ) and one or more hydrophilic units (B), wherein the hydrophobic units (A) are formed from a polyisobutene block whose polyisobutene macromolecules have at least 50 mol% terminally arranged double bonds, process for the preparation of the aqueous polymer dispersions by polymerization of ethylenically unsaturated monomers in the presence of free-radical initiators and of said amphiphilic ...

30-06-2020 дата публикации

method of maintaining a melt flow index of a polyethylene polymer product

Номер: BR112019025923A2

A presente divulgação fornece um método de manutenção de um valor alvo de um índice de fluxo de fusão de um produto de polímero de polietileno, que é sintetizado com um catalisador metaloceno, em um reator de leito fluidizado em fase gasosa. O método inclui produzir o produto de polímero de polietileno no valor alvo do índice de fluxo de fusão, com um catalisador metaloceno, em um reator de leito fluidizado em fase gasosa em um estado estacionário, no qual o reator de leito fluidizado em fase gasosa está em uma primeira temperatura de reator e recebe alimentação de hidrogênio e etileno em uma razão de alimentação de hidrogênio para etileno em um primeiro valor de razão. Quando uma mudança na temperatura de reator é detectada, a razão de alimentação de hidrogênio para etileno é trocada do primeiro valor de razão para um segundo valor de razão, a fim de manter o valor do índice de fluxo de fusão do produto de polímero de polietileno no valor alvo.

31-12-2003 дата публикации

Process for the Production of the Partial Highly Heat Stable Vinyl Chloride Polymer

Номер: KR100398738B1
Автор: 김경현, 김현득, 이경우
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

PURPOSE: A method for preparing a vinyl chloride-based resin for straight processing prepared by suspension polymerization of a vinyl chloride monomer is provided, to improve thermal stability and to reduce the discoloration due to heating. CONSTITUTION: The method comprises the step of adding 0.3-10 parts by weight of a methyl methacrylate resin with a molecular weight of 20,000-100,000 at a time to 100 parts by weight of a monomer in the initial step of polymerization. Preferably the vinyl chloride monomer is suspension polymerized with a co-monomer, and the co-monomer is vinyl acetate, acrylates, methacrylates, an unsaturated fatty acid or a fatty acid anhydride. Preferably the polymerization is carried out in the presence of an alkyl sulfonate alkali metal salt emulsifier and/or a polymerization initiator selected from the group consisting of diacyl peroxides, peroxyesters, azo compounds and their mixtures.

05-08-2011 дата публикации

Water-based paints that do not require emulsion resins and volatile solvents and cryoprotectants

Номер: KR101054510B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 케이씨씨

본 발명은 에멀젼 수지 및 상기 수지를 적용한 조용제 및 동결 방지제를 필요로 하지 않는 수성 도료의 조성 및 제조방법에 대한 것으로, 수성 도료제조시 도료 첨가제 중 인체에 해로운 휘발성 유기 화합물(VOCs)인 조용제 및 동결 방지제 없이도 도료의 상온 및 고온 저장성, 냉온 반복실험, 부착성, 내세척성, 은폐율, 저온 크랙성, 작업성을 만족시킬 수 있는 에멀젼 수지와 수성 도료의 조성 및 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a composition and a method for preparing an emulsion resin and a water-based paint that does not require a coarse solvent and a cryoprotectant to which the resin is applied, and is a volatile organic compound (VOCs) that is harmful to a human body in the paint additives during water-based paint preparation and freezing The present invention relates to a composition and a method for preparing an emulsion resin and an aqueous coating material capable of satisfying room temperature and high temperature storage properties, cold repeated tests, adhesion, wash resistance, hiding rate, low temperature crack resistance, and workability without an inhibitor. 수성도료, 에멀젼 수지, 조용제, 동결 방지제, 휘발성 유기 화합물 Water-based paints, emulsion resins, solvents, cryoprotectants, volatile organic compounds

26-04-1999 дата публикации

Emulsifier for emulsion polymerization

Номер: JP2887551B2
