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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577281C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение направлено на водную полирующую композицию, которая особенно подходит для полирования материалов подложек для электрических, механических и оптических устройств. Композиция содержит (A) абразивные частицы, которые положительно заряжены, когда диспергированы в водной среде, имеющей pH в интервале от 3 до 9; (B) водорастворимые или диспергируемые в воде компоненты, выбранные из (b1) алифатических и циклоалифатических оксикарбоновых кислот, где молярное отношение гидроксильных групп к группам карбоновых кислот составляет по меньшей мере 2; (b2) сложных эфиров или лактонов оксикарбоновых кислот (b1), имеющих по меньшей мере две гидроксильные группы; и (b3) их смесей; и (C) водорастворимые или диспергируемые в воде полимерные компоненты, выбранные из (c1) линейных и разветвленных полимеров алкиленоксидов; (c2) линейных и разветвленных, алифатических и циклоалифатических поли(N-виниламидных) полимеров; и (c3) катионных полимерных флокулянтов, имеющих среднемассовую молекулярную массу ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2409605C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при изготовлении абразивных инструментов. Используют множество сверхтвердых абразивных частиц субмикрометрового или нанометрового размера алмаза или кубического нитрида бора или комбинации этих материалов и обладающие витреофильными поверхностями, способными образовывать химические связи с оксидами. Наносят на частицы покрытия из оксидного материала-предшественника и затем термически обрабатывают для высушивания и очистки покрытий. Покрытия выбраны из группы, включающей нитриды титана, ванадия, ниобия, тантала, молибдена и вольфрама или карбиды ванадия, ниобия, тантала, молибдена и вольфрама, фазу анатаза диоксида титана, фазу рутила диоксида титана, тетрагональный диоксид циркония, моноклинный диоксид циркония, диоксид циркония, стабилизированный оксидом иттрия или оксидом магния, переходные структуры или альфа-фазу оксида алюминия и оксиды ванадия, ниобия, тантала, гафния, молибдена и вольфрама, кварцевое стекло. Изобретение позволяет наносить покрытия ...

10-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2194200C2

Изобретение относится к производству тормозных накладок. Фрикционный материал включает спеченную массу железа, в которой диспергированы частицы графита, где спеченная масса содержит между 13 и 22 об.% волокон железа, между 13 и 22 об.% частиц железа, имеющих размер частиц 10-400 мкм, между 40 и 70 об.% частиц графита, имеющих размер частиц 25-3000 мкм, и между 10 и 15 об. % металлического связующего, имеющего температуру плавления 800-1140oC. Предложен также способ изготовления такого фрикционного материала, где смесь этих компонентов прессуют под давлением по меньшей мере 100 мПа таким образом, чтобы образовать брикет желаемых формы и размера, и полученный брикет спекают при температуре между 800 и 1140oС в течение периода времени, достаточного для достижения сращивания железных волокон, железных частиц и металлического связующего. В результате увеличивается износостойкость фрикционного материала. 3 с. и 13 з.п. ф-лы.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569437C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к абразивному изделию, и может быть использовано для доводки, чистовой обработки или шлифования различных материалов. Абразивное изделие с покрытием включает множество профилированных керамических абразивных частиц, каждая из которых обладает поверхностной характеристикой; множество профилированных керамических абразивных частиц, присоединенных к гибкой основе при помощи производственного слоя, включающего смоляной адгезив, формирующий абразивный слой; где каждая из профилированных абразивных частиц, прикрепленных к гибкой основе, определяет заданную вращательную ориентацию по аппликате, соответствующей поверхностной характеристике, и где заданная вращательная ориентация по аппликате по крайней мере для 50% профилированных керамических абразивных частиц, прикрепленных к гибкой основе, является заданной вращательной ориентацией по аппликате и не является произвольной. Обеспечивается повышение производительности за счет управления формой ...

27-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2278773C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано при изготовлении абразивного инструмента и на операциях шлифования поверхностей деталей. Связанный абразивный инструмент содержит трехмерный композиционный материал, характеризуемый относительно низким объемным процентом абразивного зерна и связующего материала и относительно высоким объемным процентом взаимосвязанной пористости. Новая пористая структура инструмента включает агломерированное абразивное зерно и является проницаемой для потока флюида. Абразивный инструмент имеет относительно низкую градацию твердости, но обеспечивает высокую механическую прочность и эксплуатационные качества при шлифовании различных поверхностей деталей. 4 н. и 31 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 29 табл.

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605941C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к композиции для химико-механического полирования (ХМП) и к ее применению для полирования подложек для полупроводниковой промышленности. Способ изготовления полупроводниковых устройств включает химико-механическое полирование элементарного германия и/или материала SiGe, в котором 0,1≤x<1, в присутствии композиции для химико-механического полирования (ХМП), включающей: (A) неорганические частицы, органические частицы или их смесь или их композит, (B) по меньшей мере один тип окислительного реагента, (C) по меньшей мере один тип органического соединения, выбранного из группы, состоящей из альфа-аминокислоты или ее соли, органического соединения, включающего от двух до пяти карбоксигрупп (-СООН), или его соли, моно-, ди-, триалканоламина или его соли, простого аминоэфира, включающего дополнительную аминогруппу, гидроксигруппу, алкоксигруппу, карбоксильный фрагмент, или его соли, органического соединения, включающего от двух до четырех гидроксигрупп (-ОН), или его соли ...

31-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731178C2

Изобретение относится к латексу содержащего карбоксильные группы нитрильного каучука, содержащего α,β-этиленненасыщенное нитрильное мономерное звено в количестве от 8 вес. % до 60 вес. % и с йодным числом 120 или менее, в котором общее содержание калия и натрия в латексе составляет от 2300 до 10000 вес. м.д. по отношению ко всему латексу, а также к латексной композиции для фрикционного материала, содержащей указанный латекс и термоотверждающуюся смолу. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2299179C2
Автор: ВАНГ Юху (US)

Изобретения относятся к получению нанопористых порошков из альфа оксида алюминия и их использование в способах полирования. Нанопористый порошок из альфа оксида алюминия, содержащий взаимосвязанные первичные частицы из альфа оксида алюминия, имеющие средний размер частиц ориентировочно меньше чем 100 нм, и взаимопроникающую сетку пор или пустот готовят способом, который включает операции: использование неорганического золя, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один предшественник оксида алюминия и множество затравочных частиц из альфа оксида алюминия, добавление, по меньшей мере, одного растворимого в воде органического полимера к неорганическому золю для получения органического - неорганического золя, сублимационную сушку органического - неорганического золя для получения твердого геля и обжиг твердого геля. Для получения наноразмерных порошков его готовят вышеуказанным способом с дополнительным измельчением нанопористого порошка из альфа оксида алюминия после обжига. Суспензию, содержащую ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2307859C2

Связующее, образующееся при обработке углеводородного газа в условиях пиролиза в порах заготовки абразивного изделия, имеет следующий состав, мас.%: технический углерод - 0,01-3%, пироуглерод или пироуглерод с волокнистым углеродом - остальное. Улеводородный газ может дополнительно содержать 0,15 об.% ацитилена. Абразивное изделие, содержащее вышеуказанное связующее, может быть использовано с высокой производительностью для резки твердого сплава без необходимости правки. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

17-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661571C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к полимерной химии и может быть использована в полупроводниковой промышленности. Композиция для химико-механической полировки содержит (А) абразивные частицы диоксида церия; (В) один или более полимеров. Каждая макромолекула полимеров содержит (i) одну или более анионных функциональных групп и (ii) одну или более структурных единиц -(AO)-R. А представляет собой CH, x = 2-4; а = 5-200. R представляет собой водород или разветвленную или линейную алкильную группу, имеющую от 1 до 4 атомов углерода. В полимере сумма молярных масс всех структурных единиц (ii) составляет по меньшей мере 50% от молярной массы указанного полимера (В). Для получения полупроводникового устройства осуществляют химико-механическую полировку подложки в присутствии композиции для химико-механической полировки. Полимер (В) применяют для подавления агломерации частиц, содержащих диоксид церия, и/или для установления дзета-потенциала частиц, содержащих диоксид церия. Обеспечиваются повышение ...

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2368489C2

Изобретение относится к металлообработке и может быть использовано при изготовлении режущего инструмента с применением сверхтвердого абразива с покрытием. Последний выполнен с сердцевиной из сверхтвердого абразивного материала на основе алмаза или кубического нитрида, бора и с внутренним и внешним слоями. Внутренний слой выполнен из карбида, нитрида, карбонитрида или борида металла и химически связан с наружной поверхностью сверхтвердого абразивного материала. Наружный слой не карбидизирован и выполнен из вольфрама, физически осажденного на внутреннем слое. В результате обеспечивается надежная защита частиц из сверхтвердого абразива, исключающая их контакт с компонентами связки при изготовлении инструмента, что способствует повышению долговечности инструмента и производительности обработки. 6 з.п. ф-лы.

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2366676C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при получении ферроабразивных порошков, применяемых для полирования высокотвердых кремния и стекла. Для изготовления ферроабразивного композиционного порошка увлажненный ферромагнитный порошковый компонент, в качестве которого используют порошковое железо, смешивают с высушенным при температуре 80-120°С адгезионным структурирующим компонентом - порошком нанокристаллического гидроксида алюминия γ-АlOОН. Затем добавляют абразивный порошковый компонент - алмазный порошок и связующий компонент. Смесь перемешивают до получения гомогенной структуры и нагревают до температуры 290-350°С дегидратации композиции. Формируют ферроабразивный композиционный порошок с необходимым размером зерен путем протирания через соответствующие калибровочные сита. Компоненты ферроабразивного композиционного порошка находятся в следующем объемном соотношении: ферромагнитный компонент - 30-65%, адгезионный структурирующий компонент - 30-40%, абразивный компонент - до 15%, связующий ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2387660C2

Изобретение относится к органоалкоксисилановым композициям для улучшения адгезии. Техническая задача - повышение стабильности орагноалкоксисилановой композиции при хранении за счет снижения ее чувствительности к влаге воздуха. Предложена органосилоксановая композиция, содержащая по меньшей мере один органоалкоксисилан S, а также по меньшей мере одно безводное неионогенное поверхностно-активное вещество Т, причем органоалкоксисилан S свободен от химических групп, которые могут реагировать с указанным поверхностно-активным веществом Т, и массовая доля суммы всех органоалкоксисиланов S составляет ≥33 мас.% в пересчете на массу органоалкоксисилановой композиции, а отношение общей массы всех органоалкоксисиланов S к общей массе всех безводных поверхностно-активных веществ Т (S:T) имеет значение в интервале от 5:1 до 1:2. Предложены также варианты применения указанной композиции. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511015C2

Изобретение относится к области абразивной обработки и может быть использовано при изготовлении инструментов для резания и шлифования строительных материалов. Абразивное изделие содержит основание и абразивную деталь, включающую три различные фазы, связанные одна с другой и включающие абразивные частицы, металлическую матрицу и пропитывающий материал. Предусмотрена также область подложки между абразивной деталью и основанием, включающая сварной шов. В результате повышается долговечность абразивных изделий. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 табл., 1 пр.

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2487792C2

Группа изобретений относится к комплектам принадлежностей и способам для восстановления свойств оптической прозрачности и светопропускания пластмассовой поверхности, поврежденной нанесением царапин и/или окислением, вызванным УФ излучением. Предложен комплект принадлежностей (вариант 1), включающий, по меньшей мере, один полировочный состав, имеющий полировочный абразив с зернистостью от 50 микрон до 400 микрон, диспергированный в жидком или гелеобразном носителе, по меньшей мере, один состав для глянцевания, имеющий абразив для глянцевания с зернистостью от 10 микрон до 60 микрон, диспергированный в жидком или гелеобразном носителе, и, по меньшей мере, один УФ защитный состав для нанесения на пластмассовую поверхность, обработанную полировочным составом и составом для глянцевания. Комплект принадлежностей (вариант 2) включает, по меньшей мере, один абразивный состав и, по меньшей мере, один УФ защитный состав, при этом абразивные частицы включают агломераты, разрушающиеся и изменяющиеся ...

10-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2394050C2

Изобретение относится к производству полировальных инструментов на тканевой основе и, в частности, к композициям для изготовления полировальных инструментов и может быть использовано для полирования поверхности различных изделий, выполненных из стали и различных сплавов, например для полирования столовых приборов, изделий художественных промыслов, ювелирных изделий, а также для обработки нитей и тканей с приданием им высоких физико-химических свойств. Композиция содержит в масс.ч.: 35-60 водной дисперсии бутадиенстирола или стиролакрилата, 2,0-5,0 водной эмульсии силиконовой жидкости, 1,0-3,0 олигомера бензилиденанилина, имеющего молекулярную массу 3000-5000 и содержащего первичных аминных групп 0,3-0,5 мас.%, вторичных аминных групп 5-7 мас.% и 33,5-61,5 воды. Изобретение обеспечивает изготовление полировального инструмента на тканевой основе с повышенной износостойкостью за счет придания ему более высокой водостойкости, повышенной теплостойкости, более высоких физико-механических характеристик ...

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643541C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к композиции для химико-механической полировки (СМР). Композиция содержит (А) неорганические частицы, органические частицы или их смесь, или их композит, где частицы находятся в форме кокона, (В) амфифильное неионное поверхностно-активное вещество на основе полиоксиэтилен-полиоксипропиленового алкилового простого эфира в виде смеси молекул, содержащих в среднем алкильную группу, имеющую от 10 до 16 атомов углерода, от 5 до 20 оксиэтиленовых мономерных звеньев (b21) и от 2 до 8 оксипропиленовых мономерных звеньев (b22) в случайном распределении, (C) карбонатную или гидрокарбонатную соль, (D) спирт и (М) водную среду. Также описаны способ получения полупроводниковых устройств, включающий химико-механическую полировку подложки, применяемой в полупроводниковой промышленности, в присутствии СМР композиции и применение СМР композиции. 6 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 2 табл., 2 пр.

27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2292372C2

Изобретение относится к обработке керамических подложек, а более конкретно к полированию подложек. Описан способ обработки керамической подложки, содержащей алюминий, который включает в себя следующие операции: использование суспензии, введенной между подложкой и обрабатывающим инструментом, причем суспензия содержит абразив и добавку, содержащую оксофосфорное или органофосфорное соединение в концентрации в диапазоне от 0,05 до 5 вес.% и перемещение подложки относительно обрабатывающего инструмента. Также описан способ обработки керамической подложки, содержащей алюминий, который включает в себя следующие операции: использование суспензии, которая содержит абразив и добавку, содержащую оксофосфорное или органофосфорное соединение в концентрации в диапазоне от 0,05 до 5 вес.%, ввод в контакт подложки с обрабатывающим инструментом таким образом, что суспензия вводится между обрабатывающим инструментом и подложкой, и перемещение подложки или обрабатывающего инструмента таким образом, что подложка ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2393196C1

Изобретение относится к механической обработке материалов, а именно к составам суспензий, применяемых при струйной гидроабразивной обработке, и может быть использовано, например, при очистке поверхностей различных изделий и сооружений от естественных и искусственных загрязнений, краски, и др. без повреждения основы изделия, а также при ремонте и реставрации памятников, в том числе памятников архитектуры, где требуется удаление тонких поверхностных слоев. Состав состоит из механической смеси воды и твердой фазы, в которой в качестве твердых частиц используют оксид алюминия, диоксид кремния, оксид кальция или их смеси, при этом в суспензию вводят алюминат кальция в количестве 3…10 объемных процента. Использование указанного состава обеспечивает защиту очищенной поверхности от последующего повторного загрязнения, а также уменьшает осаждение отдельных фракций суспензии в транспортной системе, в исходной емкости и на стенках магистральных трубопроводов. 1 табл.

10-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139181C1
Принадлежит: Нортон Компани (US)

Изобретение может быть использовано при изготовлении абразивных шлифовальных кругов со стеклообразным связующим. Часть абразивного порошка включает золь-гель окись алюминия в качестве абразива. Шлифовальный круг обладает улучшенными характеристиками при сохранений формы. Изобретение предусматривает использование композиции связующего, которая обеспечивает повышение сохранности вершины или формы и улучшение механических характеристик инструмента при использовании золь-гель окиси алюминия в качестве абразивных материалов. 2 с. и 5 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил., 6 табл.

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2294943C1

Изобретение относится к получению полимерной композиции, применяемой для изготовления эластичного абразивного инструмента, предназначенного для поверхностной финишной обработки изделий сложного профиля, в том числе крупногабаритных. Композиция содержит следующее соотношение компонентов, в мас.%: 64,0-72,0 карбида кремния или электрокорунда, 16,0-18,0 мелкодисперсного мела, 7,8-15,6 олигомерного карбоксилатного дивинильного или дивинилнитрильного каучука, 1,9-3,8 эпоксидиановой смолы ЭД-20, 0,2-0,4 оксида цинка, 0,1-0,2 тиурама Д. Изобретение позволяет повысить прочность получаемых инструментов, улучшить их эксплуатационные свойства, а также уменьшить их себестоимость. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2076038C1

Формовочная смесь в соответствии с изобретением предназначена для производства абразивного инструмента из электрокорундовых материалов на керамической связке. Смесь содержит, мас. %: 49,0 - 62,7 шлифзерна белого электрокорунда зернистостью 40,50 в качестве основной фракции шлифовального материала; 12,0 - 16,0 шлифпорошков зернистостью 10,12 и 1,3 - 3,0 тонких микрошлифпорошков зернистостью М5, М7 в качестве дополнительной фракции белого электрокорунда; 18,5 - 24,5 керамической связки; 5,0 - 6,0 жидкого стекла и 0,5 - 1,5 пластификатора, в качестве которого используют индустриальное масло И-20А. 2 табл.

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428299C1

Изобретение относится к абразивной промышленности, а именно к производству абразивного зерна, шлифовальных и микропорошков с покрытием на основе корунда, карбида кремния, алмазов, кубического нитрида бора и др., используемых при изготовлении различных инструментов, а также как самостоятельный продукт. Абразивный материал содержит частицы материала с нанесенным на их поверхность прерывистым нанопокрытием в виде дисперсной среды смазывающего реагента в количестве 0,01÷5,00 мас.% от массы необработанного материала, в качестве покрытия он содержит дисперсную среду из оксифосфатов железа, кремния и алюминия, структурно связанную с поверхностью частиц материала фосфорсодержащими атомными группировками с количеством соединений фосфора в общем составе покрытия 0,5÷1,5 мас.%, а мелкодисперсных оксифосфатов железа, кремния и алюминия - 2÷6 мас.%. Технический результат: повышение режущей способности абразивного материала, устранение вредного воздействия на окружающую среду. 1 ил., 1 табл.

20-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2062305C1

Изобретение относится к области виброхимической обработки поверхности черных металлов, в частности, виброхимического шлифования и полирования, и может быть использовано при подготовке поверхности изделий из черных металлов к последующему нанесению гальванических покрытий. Состав для виброхимического шлифования и полирования изделий содержит, вес. %: щавелевая кислота 8-40, растворимый неорганический фосфат 6-30, моноэтаноламин 2-20, поверхностноактивное вещество 0,1-2,0 и гранулированный абсорбент диатомовая земля 5-30, причем соотношение щавелевой кислоты и растворимого неорганического фосфата составляет (0,3 - 2,0) : 1. В качестве растворимого неорганического фосфата состав содержит фосфаты, триполифосфаты щелочных металлов или пирофосфат тетранатрия. Способ виброхимического шлифования и полирования изделий включает обработку изделий, помещенных в емкость приведенным составом, который смешивают с водой в соотношении 60 - 90 кг состава на 1 м3 воды и подают в емкость на обрабатываемые ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2518842C1

Изобретение относится к абразивной обработке материалов, в частности к составам шлифовальных материалов для удаления вторичной окалины, ржавчины, старой краски, грязи и т.д. Используется для очистки, например, морских судов или нефтеналивных емкостей. Абразивный порошок содержит оксид кремния, оксид железа, оксид алюминия, оксид кальция, оксид магния, оксид марганца и оксид титана. Приведены соотношения массовых долей указанных оксидов в абразивном порошке. Обеспечивается повышенная твердость абразивного порошка и возможность неоднократного использования очищенного абразивного материала.

10-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2181132C1

Состав для полирования оптических поверхностей деталей, изготовленных из стекла или пластмассы, представляет собой водную суспензию, содержащую альфа-оксид алюминия и оксид церия. Определенное соотношение компонентов и размер частиц альфа-оксида алюминия и оксида церия в суспензии обеспечивают высокое качество полирования. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 1 табл.

30-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678664C1

Изобретение может быть использовано при изготовлении композиций для ухода за полостью рта. Частицы диоксида кремния типа «ядро-оболочка» содержат ядро из диоксида кремния, а поверхность ядра из диоксида кремния вытравлена с образованием силиката металла. Силикат металла представляет собой силикат одновалентного иона металла и одного или более из двухвалентного иона металла, трехвалентного иона металла и четырехвалентного иона металла. Силикат металла включает силикат Zn, одновалентный ион представляет собой Naили К. Изобретение позволяет придать антибактериальные свойства компоненту, включающему диоксид кремния, присутствующему в композициях для ухода за полостью рта в качестве абразива, получая композиции для ухода за полостью рта многофункционального действия с минимальным количеством компонентов. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 18 табл., 22 пр.

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012695C1

Использование: виброхимическое шлифование и полирование изделий из черных металлов перед нанесением покрытий. Сущность изобретения: осуществляют обработку изделий полирующим составом, содержащим, мас. % : щавелевая кислота 3 - 20, фосфорная кислота или пирофосфат тетранатрия 10 - 50, гидроокись аммония или фосфат аммония 5 - 28, поверхностно-активное вещество 0,1 - 2,0, суспендирующее вещество - ксантановая смола или водорастворимые полимеры винила марки "Карбопол" 2,0 - 13,0 и вода 30 - 90, причем соотношение щавелевой кислоты и фосфатсодержащего вещества составляет (0,2 - 0,7) : 1. Полирующий состав подают на обрабатываемые изделия в вибрационную полировочную ванну со скоростью 211 г/ч на 1000cм2 поверхности изделий, а pH среды регулируют в пределах от 3,5 до 7,0 добавлением аммонийсодержащего вещества. 1 з. п. ф-лы.

10-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2034889C1

Сущность изобретения: композиция для суперфинишной доводки поверхности материалов содержит, мас.%: синтетический алмазосодержащий материал (САМ) с размером первичных частиц 4-6 нм, объединенных в агрегаты размером 20-500 нм с величиной удельной поверхности 250- 450 м2/г , объемом пор 0,6-2,0 см3/г - 5-10; глицерин или этиленгликоль 10-15; деионизированной воде остальное. Композиция может дополнительно включать перекись водорода 5-15 мас.%, этилендиамин-0, 2-2,0 мас. % и щелочь 1-3 мас.%. Навеску САМ в воде диспергируют в ультразвуковой ванне, суспензию фильтруют и добавляют при перемешивании последовательно многоатомный спирт и, при необходимости другие добавки. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005132523A

... 1. Способ обработки керамической подложки, содержащей алюминий, который включает в себя следующие операции: использование суспензии, введенной между подложкой и обрабатывающим инструментом, причем суспензия содержит абразив и добавку, содержащую фосфорное соединение; и перемещение подложки относительно обрабатывающего инструмента. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором подложку полируют. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором абразив содержит оксид алюминия. 4. Способ по п.3, в котором оксид алюминия имеет средний размер частиц в диапазоне от 0,05 до 1,5 мкм. 5. Способ по п.4, в котором средний размер частиц лежит в диапазоне от 0,10 до 1,0 мкм. 6. Способ по п.5, в котором средний размер частиц лежит в диапазоне от 0,10 до 0,5 мкм. 7. Способ по п.1, в котором абразив выбирают из группы, в которую входят диоксид кремния, диоксид циркония, карбид кремния, карбид бора и алмаз. 8. Способ по п.7, в котором абразив представляет собой диоксид циркония. 9. Способ по п.1, в котором подложка представляет собой оксид алюминия ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004116100A

Природный абразивный микропорошок, содержащий кристаллы минерала кремнезема, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит высокопрочные кристаллы углерода и акцессорные минералы, а сырьем для получения кристаллов минерала кремнезема, высокопрочных кристаллов углерода и акцессорных минералов является горная порода - гарцбургит.

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003137748A

Композиция для изготовления полировальных кругов, содержащая водный раствор связующего, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве водного раствора связующего используют водную эмульсию сополимера 15-50% от общей ее массы, полученного эмульсионной полимеризацией бутилакрилата, этилакрилата, метилметакрилата и амида акриловой кислоты в соотношении, мас.ч.: Бутилакрилат 140-160 Этилакрилат 140-160 Метилметакрилат 205-231 Амида акриловая кислота 17-19.

27-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94007353A1

Использование: изобретение относится к области получения абразивных материалов. Сущность изобретения: абразивное зерно на основе циркониевого корунда содержит окись алюминия, двуокись циркония, более 80% которой имеются в тетрагональной фазе, и соединения титана в виде субокислов, карбидов и/или оксикарбидов, причем компоненты взяты в следующем количественном соотношении, вес.%: двуокись циркония 35 - 50; соединения титана рассчитаны как двуокись титана 0,5 - 10; окись алюминия остальное. Предлагаемое абразивное зерно получают путем расплавления окиси алюминия и двуокиси циркония, добавления двуокиси титана и углерода и резкого охлаждения расплава, причем добавление двуокиси титана и углерода осуществляют до расплавления.

20-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004113711A

Адгезивный состав для крепления изделий из резин на основе нитрильных каучуков к металлическим поверхностям, включающий фенолформальдегидную водорастворимую смолу, щелочной катализатор и воду, отличающийся тем, что в качестве фенолформальдегидной водорастворимой смолы он содержит резорцин и параформальдегид, а в качестве щелочного катализатора - тетраборат натрия в концентрации 0,15+/-0,05 вес.% при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: Тетраборат натрия 0,10-0,20, Параформальдегид 0,20-0,30, Резорцин 0,60-0,80, Вода Остальное ...

20-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005103022A

... 1. Способ получения абразивных микропорошков на основе корунда, включающий смешивание гидроксида алюминия с добавкой затравочных кристаллов и его последующую термопаровую обработку при давлении 30-400 атм, отличающийся тем, что при смешивании в гидроксид алюминия вместе с затравочными кристаллами вводят пассификатор роста кристаллов корунда в виде оксидных соединений фосфора или кремния в количестве 0,001-0,1 мас.% (в пересчете на оксиды фосфора (кремния) и Al2O3 в гидроксиде алюминия), а в качестве в качестве затравочных кристаллов используют мелкокристаллический α-оксид железа(III) или оксигидроксиды железа(III) в количестве 0,0005-0,3 мас.% (в пересчете на Al2O3 в гидроксиде алюминия), причем термопаровую обработку проводят при температурах 340-450° С. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве оксидных соединений фосфора или кремния - пассификаторов роста кристаллов корунда - используют фосфорную кислоту, полифосфаты натрия, силикаты натрия или калия.

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006121344A

... 1. Сплавной поликристаллический материал, содержащий Al2О3 и Y2О3, в котором, по меньшей мере, часть Al2О3 является переходным Al2О3, и в котором, по меньшей мере, часть Al2О3 и Y2О3 присутствует в виде комплекса Al2О3 и Y2О3. 2. Сплавной поликристаллический материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что комплекс Al2О3 и Y2О3 представлен, по меньшей мере, одной из следующих кристаллических структур: гаметическая структура кристалла, кристаллическая структура перовскита или микроструктура, содержащая дендритные кристаллы. 3. Сплавной поликристаллический материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что дендритные кристаллы имеют средний размер менее чем 2 микрометра. 4. Сплавной поликристаллический материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что содержит, по меньшей мере, 50 массовых процентов Al2О3. 5. Сплавной поликристаллический материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что материал находится в форме частиц, содержащих Al2О3 и Y2О3, в котором, по меньшей мере, часть Al2О3 является переходным Al2О3, и в котором ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004131567A

... 1. Связанный абразивный инструмент, который содержит трехмерный композиционный материал, имеющий (a) первую фазу, содержащую 24-48 об.% абразивных шлифовальных зерен, связанных с 10-38 об.% органического связующего материала, и меньше, чем 10 об.% пористости; и (b) вторую фазу, имеющую 38-54 об.% пористости; в котором вторая фаза представляет собой непрерывную фазу в композиционном материале, причем связанный абразивный инструмент имеет минимальную разрывную скорость, составляющую 20.32 м/с. 2. Связанный абразивный инструмент по п.1, в котором первая фаза композиционного материала содержит 26-40 об.% абразивных шлифовальных зерен, связанных с 10-22 об.% органического связующего материала, и меньше, чем 10 об.% пористости, а вторая фаза имеет 38-50 об.% пористости. 3. Связанный абразивный инструмент по п.1, в котором первая фаза композиционного материала содержит 24-42 об.% абразивных шлифовальных зерен, связанных с 18-38 об.% органического связующего материала, а вторая фаза имеет 38-54 ...

09-04-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2816993C1

Изобретение относится к способу нанесения на поверхность антигололедного покрытия с целью предотвращения или снижения скольжения. Способ антигололедной обработки древесной крошкой включает первичное нанесение древесной крошки, имеющей температуру 5°С, 7°С, 10°С или 15°С, на поверхность льда при температуре воздуха ниже 0°С. При этом проводят опрыскивание водой древесной крошки в момент ее нанесения на поверхность льда, а затем повторное нанесение на поверхность покрытия льда указанной древесной крошки после выпадения осадков в виде снега. Технический результат изобретения заключается в повышении силы сцепления обуви с поверхностью покрытия после таяния льда, а также в повышении шероховатости поверхности льда путем применения антигололедного средства. 2 з.п. ф-лы.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2449880C1

Изобретение относится к области абразивной обработки и может быть использовано при производстве абразивных изделий с фиксированными абразивами, включающими покрытые абразивные частицы. Изделие включает матричный материал и абразивные частицы, впрессованные в матричный материал. Абразивные частицы имеют структуру ядро-оболочка, которая включает ядро поликристаллического альфа-оксида алюминия и слой оболочки, покрывающий ядро поликристаллического альфа-оксида алюминия. Слой оболочки включает материал, выбранный из группы, включающей оксид кремния и оксид циркония. Ядро поликристаллического альфа-оксида алюминия включает зерна и имеет средний размер зерна не более около 500 нм. В результате улучшаются химические и механические свойства фиксированных абразивов, а также шлифовальные характеристики абразивных изделий. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 10 ил.

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013149223A

... 1. Способ контроля характера распыла распыляемой жидкой абразивной композиции, которая распыляется через ручной курковый распылитель, причем указанный способ включает стадии:a) получения жидкой композиции, содержащей: (i) от около 10% мас. до около 25% мас. карбоната кальция; (ii) от около 1% мас. до около 10% мас. анионного поверхностно-активного вещества; (iii) от около 1% мас. до около 5% мас. неионогенного поверхностно-активного вещества; (iv) воду и (v) количество щелочного и/или кислотного регулятора (регуляторов) pH, достаточное для буферизации конечной композиции до pH от около 10 до около 14; иb) добавления от около 0,01% мас. до около 0,20% мас. полиэтиленгликоля, обладающего молекулярной массой от около 4000 до около 100000 Да для получения распыляемой жидкой абразивной композиции, имеющей контролируемый характер распыла.2. Способ по п.1, в котором указанное анионное поверхностно-активное вещество выбирают из группы, состоящей из сульфатов, сульфонатов и мыл жирных кислот и их ...

20-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027584A

Изобретение касается абразивных шлифовальных кругов со стеклообразным связующим, в которых часть абразивного порошка включает золь-гель окиси алюминия в качестве абразива. Шлифовальный круг обладает улучшенными характеристиками сохранности вершины или формы и механическими характеристиками. Кроме того, изобретение включает композицию связующего, которая обеспечивает повышение сохранности вершины или формы и улучшение механических характеристик при использовании золя-геля окиси алюминия в качестве абразивных материалов.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008101698A

... 1. Композиционный материал для обеспечения движения транспортного средства по скользкой снежной или ледяной поверхности, состоящий из дисперсных веществ и хлоридов металлов, отличающийся тем, что материал содержит компоненты в следующих количественных соотношениях, мас.%: ! древесные опилкиот 40 до 98хлорид натрия или кальция или калияот 1 до 30сажаот 1 до 30 ! 2. Композиционный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что материал дополнительно содержит частицы природного минерала волластонита от 1 до 25%. ! 3. Композиционный материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что средний размер частиц сажи и волластонита составляет от 1 до 250 мкм. ! 4. Способ получения композиционного материала для обеспечения движения транспортного средства по скользкой снежной или ледяной поверхности включает приготовление водного раствора хлорида натрия или кальция или калия, смешение древесных опилок, сажи и волластонита в растворе хлорида натрия или кальция или калия, разделение суспензии фильтрованием, сушку полученной ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012131539A

... 1. Изделие для обработки поверхности, содержащее органическую матрицу и связующее, включающее продукт реакции блокированного полиуретанового преполимера и смеси ароматических аминов, где ароматические амины включают полиметиленполианилины, характеризующиеся функциональностью, равной или более 4.2. Изделие по п.1, у которого весовое соотношение блокированного полиуретанового преполимера к ароматическим аминам находится в диапазоне от приблизительно 6,5:1 до приблизительно 10,5:1; предпочтительно, от приблизительно 9,1:1 до приблизительно 10,1:1.3. Изделие по п.2, у которого блокированный полиуретановый преполимер включает по меньшей мере один член группы, состоящей из метилэтилкетоксима, толуолдиизоцианата или метилендиизоцианата, полибутилгликолевого эфира, сложного полиэфира полиола или поликапролактона.4. Изделие по п.3, у которого полиметиленовый полианилин включает по меньшей мере одно соединение, характеризующееся формулой:5. Изделие по п.4, у которого ароматический амин представляет ...

10-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95105160A

Способ изготовления абразивных частиц, имеющих определенную форму, и абразивных изделий, содержащих абразивные частицы, имеющие определенную форму, из операций: обеспечения дисперсии, содержащей частицы предшественника альфа-глинозема, предпочтительно частицы моногидрата альфа-глинозема, в жидкости, которая содержит быстро испаряющийся компонент; обеспечения литейной формы, имеющей первую поверхность и вторую поверхность, противоположную первой поверхности, причем первая поверхность имеет проход в полость литейной формы, имеющую определенную геометрическую форму; введение дисперсии в упомянутую полость литейной формы; удаление достаточной части быстро испаряющегося компонента жидкости из дисперсии, пока дисперсия находится в, полости литейной формы, чтобы сформировать предшественника абразивной частицы, имеющего приблизительно такую же форму, как форма углубления литейной формы; удаление предшественника абразивной частицы из углубления литейной формы; обжиг удаленного предшественника абразивной ...

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU816146A1

Рабочая среда для виброшлифования, включающая стальные шарики, абразивный наполнитель и рабочую жидкость, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения качества чистоты и антикоррозионных свойств обработанной поверхности, она содержит в качестве абразивного наполнителя цилиндрические гранулы из формокорунда, а в качестве рабочей жидкости - водный раствор на основе триэтаноламина ТОСОЛа-ОИЗ, при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: Цилиндрические гранулы из формокорунда 28-32 Вода 13-15 ТОСОЛ-ОИЗ 0,8-1,2 Стальные шарики Остальное ...

27-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93028679A
Автор: Елисеев В.И.

Изобретение относится к составам абразивных паст и может быть использовано в машиностроении в процессах полирования и финишной обработки поверхности металлических деталей, преимущественно при их зеркальном полировании. Предлагаемая абразивная полировальная паста содержит водный раствор соли циклогексиламина и синтетических жирных кислот C10 - C13 в жидком коллоидно-растворенном, мицелообразном виде и 8 - 10% воды в своей массе в солюбилизированном состоянии, а также 0,1 - 0,5% эфирного масла в качестве ароматизированного душистого вещества.

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004132848A

... 1. Абразивный материал, имеющий внешний слой, нанесенный поверх сверхразмерного слоя, причем внешний слой содержит главным образом неорганический агент предотвращения засаливания, который выбран из группы, в которую входят силикаты металлов, кремнеземы, карбонаты металлов и сульфаты металлов, в количестве, которое составляет по меньшей мере 2 г/м2. 2. Абразивный материал по п.1, в котором силикаты металлов выбраны из группы, в которую входят силикаты магния, силикаты калия и алюминия, силикаты алюминия, силикат калия, силикат натрия и силикаты кальция. 3. Абразивный материал по п.2, в котором силикаты магния включают в себя тальк. 4. Абразивный материал с покрытием по п.2, в котором силикаты калия и алюминия включают в себя слюды. 5. Абразивный материал по п.2, в котором силикаты алюминия включают в себя глины. 6. Абразивный материал по п.2, в котором силикаты кальция включают в себя волластонит. 7. Абразивный материал по п.1, в котором кремнеземы выбраны из группы, в которую входят плавленый ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004133326A

... 1. Абразивный инструмент на связке, имеющий структуру, проницаемую для потока флюида, содержащий: около 5-75 об.% спеченных агломератов, которые содержат множество абразивных шлифовальных зерен, удерживаемых при помощи связующего материала, причем связующий материал характеризуется температурой плавления в диапазоне от 500 и 1400°С, при этом спеченные агломераты имеют трехмерную форму и начальное распределение по размерам ранее изготовления инструмента; связку; и имеющий около 35-80 об.% полной пористости, из которой по меньшей мере 30 об.% взаимосвязанной пористости; при этом по меньшей мере 50%, по весу, спеченных агломератов в абразивном инструменте на связке удерживают множество абразивных шлифовальных зерен, сохраняющих свою трехмерную форму после изготовления инструмента. 2. Абразивный инструмент по п. 1, в котором спеченные агломераты имеют плотность неплотной упаковки до изготовления инструмента ≤1,6 г/см3. 3. Абразивный инструмент по п. 2, в котором связка представляет собой застеклованную ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006129350A

... 1. Сверхтвердый абразив с покрытием, содержащий сердцевину из сверхтвердого абразивного материала, внутренний слой из карбида, нитрида, борида или карбонитрида металла, химически связанного с наружной поверхностью сверхтвердого абразивного материала, и наружный слой из карбонитрида металла, осажденного на внутренний слой. 2. Сверхтвердый абразив с покрытием по п.1, у которого наружный слой выполнен из карбонитрида титана. 3. Сверхтвердый абразив с покрытием по п.1, у которого наружный слой осажден методом конденсации из паровой фазы. 4. Сверхтвердый абразив с покрытием по п.1, у которого сверхтвердый абразивный материал представляет собой абразивный материал на основе алмаза или кубического нитрида бора (cBN). 5. Сверхтвердый абразив с покрытием по п.4, у которого сверхтвердый абразивный материал выбран из группы, включающей абразивные частицы алмаза или cBN, подложку из поликристаллического алмаза, подложку из термостабильного поликристаллического алмаза, подложку из поликристаллического ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005102479A

... 1. Способ изготовления керамики, в состав которой входит стекло, предусматривающий контактное соприкосновение расплава с поверхностью вращающейся основы таким образом, что расплав охлаждается с формированием керамики, в состав которой входит стекло; при этом расплав включает в себя, по меньшей мере, 35 вес.% Al2O3 от общей массы содержащего в расплаве оксида металла, первый оксид металла, отличный от Al2O3 и второй оксид, отличный от Al2O3, при этом расплав содержит не более 10 вес.% As2О3, В2О3, GeO2, P2O5, SiO2, TeO2, и V2O5, в совокупности от общего содержания оксида металла в расплаве; а также стекла, содержащего, по крайней мере, 35 вес.% Al2O3, от общего содержания оксида металла в стекле, первый оксид металла, отличный от Al2О3 и второй оксид, отличный от Al2O3, при этом стекло содержит не более 10 вес.% As2O3, В2О3, GeO2, P2O5, SiO2, TeO2, и V2O5, в совокупности от общей массы стекла. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стекло имеет размеры х, y, и z, взаимно перпендикулярные ...

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94011858A1

Изобретение относится к способу виброхимической обработки металлических заготовок, преимущественно монетных, из цветных металлов и биметаллов с покрытиями из цветных металлов и может быть использовано в машиностроении, приборостроении и других областях промышленности. Сущность способа заключается в том, что вместо двухступенчатой виброхимической обработки (черновая обработка в абразивных телах и чистовая обработка в стальных шариках) применяют одноступенчатую виброхимическую обработку в стеклянных шариках диаметром 2-5 мм. При этом при одноступенчатой виброхимической обработке заготовок и деталей достигается чистота поверхности при увеличении производительности установок виброхимической обработки минимум в два раза.

15-08-1991 дата публикации

Абразивная полировальная паста

Номер: SU1669962A1

Изобретение относится к составам абразивных паст и может быть использовано в машиностроении для полирования поверхности металлических деталей. Целью изобретения является уменьшение шероховатости, повышение отражательной способности и коррозионной стойкости обрабатываемой поверхности. Цель достигается путем использования абразивной полировальной пасты следующего состава, мас.%: глинозем 75 - 80 соль циклогексиламина и синтетических жирных кислот фракции C10- C1310 - 12 вода остальное. Предложенный состав абразивной пасты по сравнению с прототипом в 1,4 - 1,5 раза уменьшает шероховатость и в 1,6 - 1,8 раз увеличивает отражательную способность и коррозионную стойкость обрабатываемой поверхности. 1 табл.

07-08-1988 дата публикации

Способ получения абразивного зерна

Номер: SU1414854A1

Изобретение относится к производству спе;циальных покрытий абразив- ных зерен, предназначенных для изготовления абр азивного инструмента. Цель.; изобретения - повьшение прочности абразивного зерна. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в известном способе получения абразивного зерна, включающем смешениезерен электрокорунда с гшюминийсодержащей добавкой и термообработку, в качестве добавки используют фтористый алюминий в количестве 0,2-2,0 мас.%, а те1 10обработ- ку ведут при температуре 900-1200 С. Термообработанное покрытое абразивное зерно закаливают на воздухе. Предельные значения добавки фторида алюминия обусловлены глубиной происходя- щего при обработке протравливания поверхности , а также параметрами допустимых значений ПДК в отходящих газах. Предельные значения температуры обработки обусловлены началом возгонки фторида алюминия при и высокой летучестью фтористых газов при температуре выше 1200 С. Предложенный способ позволяет повысить прочность единичного абразивного зерна по сравнению ...

31-07-1935 дата публикации

Способ изготовления абразивных изделий

Номер: SU43830A1
Автор: Койфман М.И.

15-01-1987 дата публикации

Состав для вибрационной обработки

Номер: SU1283242A1

Изобретение относится к составам , предназначенным для объемной вибрационной обработки деталей может быть использовано на предприятиях металлообрабатьшающей и машиностроительной промьтшенности и позволяет снизить шаржирование абразива и шероховатость обработанной поверхности за счет использования в известном составе в качестве абразива гранул в виде трехгранных призм и дополнительного содержания суль- фаминовой кислоты и поличетвертичной аммониевой соли при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%У абразивный наполнитель 90-95; сополимер стирола и малеинового ангидрида 0,5-1,5; щавелевая кислота 0,3-1,0; сульфаминовая кислота 0,2-0,5; поличетвертичная аммониевая соль 0,3- 0,8; вода - остальное. Состав приготавливают растворением в 1/2 части воды сополимера, затем в оставшейся 1/2 части воды растворяют щавелевую кислоту, триэтаноламин, сульфаминовую кислоту и поличетвертичную аммониевую соль. Полученные водные растворы компонентЬв добавляют в требуемом количестве к абра зивному наполнителю ...

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Способ получения абразивных изделий

Номер: SU74976A1
Автор: Лобанов С.А.

10-10-1960 дата публикации

Способ повышения прочности абразивных зерен

Номер: SU132527A1

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1828423C

01-01-1938 дата публикации

Способ увеличения прочности абразивных изделий

Номер: SU53389A1
Автор: Никонов П.П.

20-02-1969 дата публикации

Абразивная смесь

Номер: SU238370A1

07-03-1985 дата публикации

Состав для виброобработки металлов

Номер: SU1143756A1

СОСТАВ ДНЯ ВИБРООВРАБОТКИ МЕТАЛЛОВ, включающий моноэтаноламиновые соли синтетических жирных кислот фракций Са, моноэтаноламин-, воду и целевую добавку, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения степени упрочнения, отражательной способности и коррозионной стойкости поверхности и увеличения работе способности состава, он в качестве целевой добавки содержит N,N -тетра- ...

15-08-1983 дата публикации

Состав для обработки металлов после литья

Номер: SU1035046A1

СОСТАВ ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ МЕТАЛЛОВ ПОСЛЕ ЛИТЬЯ, включающий азотистокислый натрий и поверхностно-активное вещество, отличающийс я тем, что, с целью повышения морозостойкости , стабильности, антикоррозионных и поверхностных свойств, он в качестве поверхностно-активного вещества содержит смесь лолиоксиэтиленгликрлевых эфиров синтетических жирных спиртов фракций С, яополнительно содержит азотнокислый натрий, триэтаноламин и воду при следующем соотношении компонентов,мае.%: Азотистокислый натрий19,5-20,5 Азотнокислый натрий9,5-10,5 Триэтаноламин 19,5-20,5 Смесь полиоксиэтиленгликолевых эфиров синтети (П ческих жирных спиртов фрак7 ,5-8,5 «« Остальное Вода ...

23-02-1989 дата публикации

Формовочная смесь для изготовления абразивного инструмента

Номер: SU1459909A1

Изобретение касается изготовления абразивных инструментов на керамической связке. Цель йзобретения - повышение длительности -хранения смеси и ее сыпучести. При изготовлении инструмента из формовочной смеси, состоящей из корунда связки временного связующего и увлажнителя , в качестве последнего используется парафиновая дисперсия, содержащая , мас.%: парафин 16-244 стеарин 0,06-0,1; этиленгликоль 0,06-0,1; моноэтаноламин 0,06-0,1; эмультал 0,06-0,1; натриевые соли карбокси- метилцеллюлозы 1,8-4,2; многофункциональные замещенные соли поликар- боновых кислот 6,3-14,7; вода - тальное. Дисперсия представляет соя бой расплав парафина в растворе амин- ного мыла, образующегося при взаимодействии стеарина, монозтаноламина и этиленгликоля и дополнительно стабилизированный змультаном и полимерными добавками. 2 табл. (Л ...

30-06-1991 дата публикации

Способ изготовления абразивных изделий

Номер: SU1659380A1

Изобретение относится к производству абразивного инструмента на основе оксида аммония, преимущественно для финишной обработки материалов. С целью повышения производительности обработки и улучшения режущих свойств инструментов в качестве основной фракции берется гамма-оксид алюминия с размером зерен 200-250 мкм, а в качестве дополнительной - оксид кремния с размером зерен 60-80 мкм в количестве 1,5-2,5 мас.% и формообразование изделий производится в две стадии, при статическом и динамическом нагруже- нии мощность динамического нагружения 0,5-0,65 мВт/г веса прессуемой шихты Термическая обработка абразивного изделия производится при 1400-1450°С в течение 2-3 ч.

15-06-1991 дата публикации

Паста для абразивно-доводочной обработки металлических поверхностей

Номер: SU1655966A1

Изобретение относится к доводке металлических поверхностей свободными абразивными зернами и может быть использовано для заключительной обработки деталей. Цель изобретения состоит в повышении качества и производительности обработки. Паста для абразивно-доводочной обработки металлических деталей содержит микропорошок абразивный, окись хрома абразивную, порошок железа, фракции синтетических жирных кислот , раствортриэтаноламина при следующих соотношениях компонентов, мас.%: окись хрома абразивная 7-9; микропорошок абразивный 10-15; порошок железа 5-25; фракции синтетических жирных кислот 8-12; 80-90%-ный раствор триэтаноламина до 100. Использование предлагаемой пасты на операции доводки повышает производительность в 2 раза, а качество обработки в 1,26 раза по сравнению с прототипом, кроме того в 3 раза сокращается время промывки . 2 табл. сл с ...

30-12-1985 дата публикации

Состав для обработки деталей из алюминиевого сплава

Номер: SU1201290A1

СОСТАВ ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ИЗ АЛЮМИНИЕВОГО СПЛАВА, содержащий хлористьй натрий, ПАВ и воду, отличающийся тем, что. с целью повьшения качества и производительности обработки, он содержит в качестве ПАВ синтанол-моноалкило- вые эфиры полиэтиленгликоля на-основе первичных жирных спиртов и дополнительно сернокислый натрий, сернокислый никель и моноэтаноламин при следующем .соотношении компонентов , мас.%: 0,6-1,5 Хлористый натрий 0,3-0,5 Сернокислый натрий 0,2-0,4 Сернокислый никель 0,2-0,4 Моноэтаноламин Синтанол --моноалкиловые эфиры поли- этиленгликоля на основе первичных жир0 ,01-0,02 ных спиртов Вода Остальное ...

27-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: SU392082A1

23-12-1983 дата публикации

Абразивный материал

Номер: SU1062240A1

АБРАЗИВНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ, включающий AgjO, TiO, PegO, CaO и 5iO2 , отличающийся тем, что, с целью его механической прочности и абразивной способности, он дополнительно содержит СаРг при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: TiO 1,2-3,0 0,3-1,0 0,5-1,2 CaO 0,4-0,8 SiO, 0,23-0,48 CaP AEjO, Остальное ...

15-12-1983 дата публикации

Абразивная масса

Номер: SU1060668A1

... 1. АБРАЗИВНАЯ МАССА, ВКЛЮч пщая абразивный материеш и бентонитовую глину, от ли ч а ю щ а я с я тем, что, с целью снижения износа инструментов, она в качестве абразивного Материала содержит рт одную смесь производства высокотемпературных Нагревателей, а бенгонитовую глину используют в модифицированном борной кислотой виде, 1ри следующем соотношении компоНентэв , мас.%: Отходная смесь производства высокотемпературных нагревателей88-92 йентонитовая глина Остальное 2.Масса по п. 1, о т л и ч а ющ а я с я тем, что отходная смесь производства высокотемпературных нагревателей содеркит 20-22 мас.% .днсилицйда молибдена и остальное карбид кремния. 3. Масса по п.п. 1 и 2, о т л ич а ю щ а я с я тем, что бентони (Л :товую глину модифицируют 6%-ным водным раствором борной кислоты. с ...

07-06-1984 дата публикации

Способ импрегнирования абразивного инструмента

Номер: SU1096270A1

СПОСОБ ИМПРЕГНИРОВАНИЯ АБРАЗИВНОГО ИНСТРУМЕНТА путем пропитки его поверхностно-активным веществом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения стойкости инструмента и снижения удельного расхода абразива , в качестве поверхностно-активного вещества используют эпилам раствор перфторполиэфиркислоты в смеси фреонов.

30-05-1984 дата публикации

Абразивная масса

Номер: SU1094860A1

АБРАЗИВНАЯ МАССА, содержащая абразив, медь, олово и фторид щелочного металла, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышени производительности обработки и уменьшения расхода абразива, она дополнительно содержит сульфат меди при следующем соотношении компонентов, мае,7,: Абразив 5,0-25,0 Олово 12,0-19,0 Фторид щелочного 0,4-5,0 металла Сульфат меди 1,0-10,0 Медь Остальное ...

07-11-1992 дата публикации

Состав для механизированной обработки деталей

Номер: SU1774945A3

Изобретение относится к составам, применяемым для механизированной обработки деталей во вращающихся или вибрирующих резервуарах. Цель изобретения - повышение качества обработки поверхностей деталей и увеличение срока службы состава. Состав для механизированной обработки , включающий абразив, олеиновую кислоту, триэтаноламин и кремния диоксид аморфный, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения качества обработки поверхностей деталей и увеличение срока службы состава, он в качестве абразива содержит полировальный порошок оптический и дополнительно содержит глину и триэтиленгликоль при следующем соотношении компонентов, % к сухой массе: порошок полировальный оптический 70-86: олеиновая кислота реактивная 9, триэтаноламин 2-.S-4.7; кремния диоксид аморфный 1,0-3,3; глина 1,3-4,5; триэтиленгликоль 0,1-0,5. 3 табл сл ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Heterocoagulate, and compositions and method for polishing and surface treatment

Номер: US20120094578A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A heterocoagulate comprises first particles, having a particle size of at most 999 nm, on a second particle, having a particle size of at least 3 microns. The first particles comprise cerium oxide, and second particle comprises at least one member selected from the group consisting of silicon oxides, aluminum oxides and zirconium oxides.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Shaped abrasive particles with an opening

Номер: US20120144755A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An abrasive comprising shaped abrasive particles each with an opening. The shaped abrasive particles are formed from alpha alumina and have a first face and a second face separated by a thickness t. The opening in each of the shaped abrasive particles can improve grinding performance by reducing the size of a resulting wear flat, can provide a reservoir for grinding aid, and can improve adhesion to a backing in a coated abrasive article.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Hand-powered polishing apparatus and kit for stainless steel sinks

Номер: US20120309273A1
Автор: Georgi M. Popov
Принадлежит: Individual

A manual scratch repair kit is provided for manually repairing scratches in stainless steel sinks and includes a handgrip having an underside with hook and loop fasteners and a sandpaper element attachable to the handgrip, the sandpaper element having an example grit of 800. Two soft pads are provided for holding and applying abrasive. Two containers of diamond abrasive compound of different grits are provided and the soft pads are color-keyed to the diamond abrasive compounds and/or the containers. The handgrip is sized to fit in the palm of the hand and preferably is relatively soft and pliable for comfort. While preferably the soft pads are color-keyed to the diamond abrasive compounds and/or the containers, other forms of optional identification can be employed as desired, such as printing a large “1” on the first pad and a corresponding “1” on the container of diamond abrasive compound. Optionally, the abrasive compounds are different colors and at least part of the soft pads are different colors and color-keyed to the different color compounds.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Cerium salt, producing method thereof, serium oxide and cerium based polishing slurry

Номер: US20130014446A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd

A cerium salt wherein, when 20 g of the cerium salt is dissolved in a mixed liquid of 12.5 g of 6N nitric acid and 12.5 g of a 30% hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution, a concentration of an insoluble component present in the solution is 5 ppm or less by mass ratio to the cerium salt before dissolution and cerium oxide produced by processing the cerium salt at high temperatures. Scratch on a surface to be polished can be reduced when a cerium based polishing slurry containing the cerium oxide particles is used, since an amount of impurities in cerium oxide particles and cerium salt particles, raw material thereof, is reduced for high purification.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods For Processing Abrasive Slurry

Номер: US20130118091A1
Автор: Erk Henry F., Tanna Vandan

Systems and methods are provided for processing abrasive slurry used in cutting operations. The slurry is mixed with a first solvent in a tank. The slurry is vibrated and/or ultrasonically agitated such that abrasive grain contained in the slurry separates from the other components of the slurry and the first solvent. After the abrasive grain has settled to a bottom portion of the container, the other components of the slurry and the first solvent are removed from the tank. The abrasive grain may then be washed with a second solvent. The abrasive grain is then heated and is suitable for reuse in an abrasive slurry. 1. A method for recovering abrasive grain from slurry , the method comprising the steps of:diluting the slurry with a first amount of a solvent in a tank, wherein the slurry includes at least a liquid suspension medium and the abrasive grain;vibrating the slurry and the first amount of the solvent;removing substantially all of a first remaining liquid suspension after at least half of the abrasive grain has settled to a bottom portion of the tank;adding a second amount of solvent to the tank and the settled abrasive grain contained therein;vibrating the slurry and the second amount of the solvent; andremoving substantially all of a second remaining liquid suspension after at least half of the abrasive grain has settled to the bottom portion of the tank.2. The method of wherein the first amount of solvent includes at least one of naphtha or d-limonene.3. The method of wherein the second amount of solvent includes at least one of water and a composition including water and a surfactant.4. The method of further comprising heating the settled abrasive grain after substantially all of the second remaining liquid suspension has been removed.5. The method of wherein the slurry is oil-based.6. The method of wherein the tank is substantially closed.7. The method of wherein vibrating the slurry and the first amount of the solvent comprises rotating an eccentric ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125477A1
Автор: Adefris Negus B.

Shaped abrasive particles comprising a ceramic and comprising a first plate integrally joined to a second plate at a predetermined angleβ. 1. Shaped abrasive particles comprising a ceramic and comprising a first plate integrally joined to a second plate at a predetermined angle β.2. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the first plate or the second plate comprises a first major surface and a second major surface connected by at least one sidewall.3. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein a draft angle α between the second major surface and the at least one sidewall is between approximately 90 degrees to approximately 135 degrees.4. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the draft angle α between the second major surface and the sidewall is between approximately 95 degrees to approximately 120 degrees.5. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the first plate comprises a truncated triangular pyramid and the second plate comprises a truncated triangular pyramid.6. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the first plate comprises a triangular prism and the second plate comprises a triangular prism.7. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the first plate comprises a rhombus prism and the second plate comprises a triangular prism.8. The shaped abrasive particles of wherein the first plate comprises a truncated rhombus pyramid and the second plate comprises a truncated triangular pyramid.98. The shaped abrasive particles of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , or wherein the predetermined angle β is about 90 degrees.108. The shaped abrasive particles of claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , or wherein the predetermined angle β is between about 20 degrees to about 85 degrees.11. The shaped abrasive particles of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particles comprise alpha alumina and are formed by molding a boehmite alumina sol gel.12. An abrasive article comprising the shaped abrasive particles ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Polishing agent and polishing method

Номер: US20130130595A1
Автор: Yuiko YOSHIDA
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a polishing agent for polishing a surface to be polished of an object to be polished, the polishing agent including: first silicon oxide fine particles having an average primary particle size of 5 to 20 nm; second silicon oxide fine particles having an average primary particle size of 40 to 110 nm; and water, in which a ratio of the first silicon oxide fine particles to a total amount of the first silicon oxide fine particles and the second silicon oxide fine particles is from 0.7 to 30% by mass.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152483A1

A method for recovery of cerium oxide from the abrasive waste composed mainly of cerium oxide arising from the polishing of glass substrates, said method including the steps of (i) adding to the abrasive waste an aqueous solution of a basic substance; (ii) adding to the resulting solution a precipitant, thereby forming precipitates composed mainly of cerium oxide, and removing the supernatant liquid; (iii) adding to the resulting precipitates a solution of an acid substance, thereby making said precipitate slightly acid to neutral; (iv) washing the precipitates with an organic solvent; and (v) drying and crushing the precipitates. 1. A method for recovery of cerium oxide from the abrasive waste composed mainly of cerium oxide which arises from the polishing of glass substrates , said method comprising the steps of:(i) adding to the abrasive waste an aqueous solution of a basic substance;(ii) adding to the resulting solution a precipitant, thereby forming precipitates composed mainly of cerium oxide, and removing the supernatant liquid;(iii) adding to the resulting precipitates a solution of an acid substance, thereby making said precipitate slightly acid to neutral;(iv) washing the resulting precipitates with an organic solvent; and(v) drying and crushing the precipitates.2. The method for recovery of cerium oxide of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of a basic substance is that of sodium hydroxide having at least pH 12.3. The method for recovery of cerium oxide of claim 1 , wherein the precipitant is one selected from aluminum sulfate and polyaluminum chloride.4. The method for recovery of cerium oxide of claim 1 , wherein the acid substance is one selected from acetic acid claim 1 , carbonic acid claim 1 , dilute nitric acid claim 1 , and dilute hydrochloric acid.5. The method for recovery of cerium oxide of claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is methanol. This non-provisional application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) on Patent Application No. ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186006A1

A method of forming an abrasive article includes depositing a mixture into an opening of a substrate, contacting an exposed surface of the mixture in the opening to a texturing form to form a textured preform, and removing the mixture from the opening and forming an abrasive particle having a textured surface. 1. An abrasive article comprising:an abrasive particle comprising a body having a first surface, the first surface comprising a liquid management texture.2. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the liquid management texture comprises protruding features.3. The abrasive article of claim 2 , wherein protruding features are arranged in a pattern having long-range order extending across the entire surface first surface defining a major surface of the body.4. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the liquid management texture comprises intersecting grooves.5. The abrasive article of claim 4 , wherein the intersecting grooves define a plurality of t-shaped grooves extending across at least a portion of the first surface.6. The abrasive article of claim 5 , wherein the t-shaped grooves comprise a longitudinal groove and a lateral groove intersecting the longitudinal groove claim 5 , and wherein the longitudinal groove has a length greater than a length of the lateral groove.7. The abrasive article of claim 6 , wherein the length of the lateral groove is not greater than about 90% of the length of the longitudinal groove.8. The abrasive article of claim 5 , wherein the lateral groove has a width greater than a width of the longitudinal groove.9. (canceled)10. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the intersecting grooves extend to an edge of the first surface claim 1 , wherein the edge comprises irregular protrusions and grooves or an irregular serrated surface.1112-. (canceled)13. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the liquid management texture comprises a double-recessed surface feature claim 1 , the double-recessed surface feature comprising a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189911A1

A coated abrasive product includes green, unfired abrasive aggregates having a generally spheroidal or toroidal shape, the aggregates formed from a composition comprising abrasive grit particles, a nanoparticle binder, a sulfosuccinate, and a crosslinking, wherein the abrasive aggregates are dispersed within a polymer resin coating comprising a mixture of copolyester resin. The coated abrasive product is capable of finishing coated surfaces and repairing defects in coated surfaces, including surfaces coated with automotive primers, paints, clear coats, and combinations thereof. 1. A coated abrasive product comprising:a backing; andan abrasive slurry, polymeric resin,', 'abrasive aggregates,', 'a crosslinking agent,', 'a catalyst, and', 'organic solvent,, 'wherein the abrasive slurry comprises'}wherein the abrasive aggregates are green, unfired and have a generally spheroidal or toroidal shape and are formed from a composition comprising abrasive grit particles, a nanoparticle binder, a sulfosuccinate, and a cross-linking agent, andwherein the abrasive slurry is applied to the backing.2. The coated abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric resin is one of the group consisting of a polyester resin claim 1 , a copolyester resin claim 1 , a mixture of more than one copolyester resin claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. (canceled)4. The coated abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric resin is a mixture of two different copolyester resins.5. The coated abrasive of claim 4 , wherein the first copolyester resin is a hard resin and the second copolyester resin is a soft resin.6. The coated abrasive of claim 5 , wherein the ratio of the hard copolyester resin to the soft copolyester resin is about 9:1 to about 0.25:1.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The coated abrasive of claim 6 , wherein the hard copolyester resin has an intrinsic viscosity of at least 0.50 dl/s claim 6 , a glass transition temperature (T) of at least 65° C. claim 6 , a number average molecular weight (Mn ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199106A1

A polishing composition contains colloidal silica particles having protrusions on the surfaces thereof. The average of values respectively obtained by dividing the height of a protrusion on the surface of each particle belonging to the part of the colloidal silica particles that has larger particle diameters than the volume average particle diameter of the colloidal silica particles by the width of a base portion of the same protrusion is no less than 0.245. Preferably, the part of the colloidal silica particles that has larger particle diameter than the volume average particle diameter of the colloidal silica particles has an average aspect ratio of no less than 1.15. Preferably, the protrusions on the surfaces of particles belonging to the part of the colloidal silica particles that has larger particle diameters than the volume average particle diameter of the colloidal silica particles have an average height of no less than 3.5 nm. 1. A polishing composition comprising colloidal silica particles each having a surface with a plurality of protrusions , wherein part of the colloidal silica particles has larger particle diameters than a volume average particle diameter of the colloidal silica particles , and wherein an average of values respectively obtained by dividing a height of a protrusion on a surface of each particle belonging to the part of the colloidal silica particles by a width of a base portion of the same protrusion is no less than 0.245.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the part of the colloidal silica particles that has larger particle diameter than a volume average particle diameters of the colloidal silica particles has an average aspect ratio of no less than 1.15.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the protrusions on surfaces of particles belonging to the part of the colloidal silica particles that has larger particle diameters than a volume average particle diameter of the colloidal silica ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236725A1

An abrasive grain is disclosed and may include a body. The body may define a length (l), a height (h), and a width (w). In a particular aspect, the length is greater than or equal to the height and the height is greater than or equal to the width. Further, in a particular aspect, the body may include a primary aspect ratio defined by the ratio of length:height of at least about 2:1. The body may also include an upright orientation probability of at least about 50%. 117.-. (canceled)18. A shaped abrasive particle comprising:a body having a length (l), a width (w), and a height (h), wherein the body comprises a base surface end, an upper surface, and a side surface extending between the base surface and the upper surface, wherein the base surface comprises a different cross-sectional shape than a cross-sectional shape of the upper surface.1920.-. (canceled)21. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 18 , wherein the body comprises a three-pointed star having three arms extending from a central portion of the body claim 18 , and wherein at least one of the arms comprises a midpoint width that is less than a central portion width.2223.-. (canceled)24. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 21 , wherein the base surface defines a three-pointed star two-dimensional shape claim 21 , and wherein the upper surface comprises an arcuate three-pointed two-dimensional shape.2529.-. (canceled)30. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 21 , wherein the first side surface comprises a first section and a second section joined together at an interior angle claim 21 , wherein the interior angle defines an angle greater than about 90 degrees.3133.-. (canceled)34. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 18 , wherein the side surface comprises a fractured region intersecting at least a portion of an edge defining the base surface.3537.-. (canceled)38. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 21 , wherein at least one arm comprises a twist.39. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 21 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255162A1

Shaped ceramic articles can be obtained by screen printing the desired shapes from a dispersion of a precursor of the ceramic onto a receiving surface using a transfer assisted technique that applies a differential pressure, at least partially drying the screen printed shapes, and firing them to generate the shaped ceramic articles. Shaped abrasive particles made using lower viscosity sol gels that tended to flow or creep after the screen printing formation were found to have higher grinding performance over screen printed shaped abrasive particles made with higher viscosity sol gels. 1. A process for the production of shaped ceramic articles by a screen printing process which comprises applying a dispersion of a ceramic precursor to a receiving surface through a printing screen comprising a plurality of apertures , removing the printing screen from the receiving surface to form a plurality of screen printed shapes while applying a differential pressure between a first side of the screen printed shape and a second side of the screen printed shape that is in contact with the receiving surface , at least partially drying the screen printed shapes remaining on the receiving surface and firing the screen printed shapes to form sintered shaped ceramic articles.2. The process according to wherein the precursor is a chemical precursor.3. The process according to wherein the dispersion comprises an alpha alumina precursor.4. The process according to wherein the dispersion is a boehmite alumina sol gel.5. The process according to wherein the sol gel has a solids content of between about 30% to about 60%.6. The process according to wherein the sol gel has a maximum yield stress and the maximum yield stress is between about 60 claim 4 ,000 Pa·Sec to about 5 claim 4 ,000 Pa·Sec.7. The process according to wherein the sol gel maximum yield stress is between about 15 claim 5 ,000 Pa·Sec to about 5 claim 5 ,000 Pa·Sec.8. The process according to wherein the applying a differential ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263524A1

Producing and using very low packing density ceramic abrasive grits comprising various fused aluminum oxide materials with or without other oxide additives, fused aluminum oxide-zirconium oxide co-fusions with or without other oxide additives, or sintered sol gel aluminum oxide materials with or without other oxide additives where the ceramic abrasive grains are preferably made by crushing bubbles of the material. 130-. (canceled)31. A method for manufacturing a ceramic abrasive grain product comprising at least 50 percent by weight of particles having an average particle size of 500 to 1500 micrometers and an internal concave surface wall , an external convex surface wall and a thickness between the internal and external walls , said external wall being in the shape of a portion of an essentially spherical shape , essentially all of said particles of the ceramic abrasive grain product having a thickness less than twenty percent of the particle size dimensions of the ceramic abrasive grain product , said particles having irregular circumferential edges defined by circumferences of the internal and external walls comprising:a. forming ceramic bubbles having a diameter of between 800 and 4000 micrometers and a wall thickness of 0.002 to 0.15 inch and less than about ten percent of bubble diameter, andb. crushing the ceramic bubbles to form the product.32. The method of wherein from about 0.3 to about 0.7 weight percent of water insoluble ceramic material is added that melts at a temperature lower than the ceramic of the bubbles to reduce bubble wall thickness.33. The method of where the lower melting ceramic material is selected from the group consisting of silicon dioxide claim 32 , magnesium orthosilicate claim 32 , and aluminum silicate.34. The method of where the lower melting ceramic material is silicon dioxide.35. The method of wherein from about 0.1 to about 0.7 weight percent of oxides other than alumina and zirconia are present to cause weakened grain ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283703A1
Принадлежит: Cristal USA Inc.

TiObased scrubbing granules, and methods of making and using such TiObased scrubbing granules are described. TiO-based scrubbing granules include granulated TiOand about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight inorganic salt binder. Other TiObased scrubbing granules include unsintered granulated TiOand about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight inorganic salt binder. Inorganic salt binder include sodium aluminate. Methods of making TiObased scrubbing granules include i) combining TiOparticles with inorganic salt binder to form TiO-binder mixture comprising from about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight binder; ii) granulating the TiO-binder mixture; and drying the granulated TiO-binder mixture to form TiO-based scrubbing granules. Methods of using such TiO-based scrubbing granules include introducing TiO-based scrubbing granules to remove adherent deposits on an inner surface of a reactor or heat exchanger during processes of forming TiOparticles and finishing the formed TiOparticles into finished pigment products. 1. TiO-based scrubbing granules comprising:{'sub': '2', 'i. granulated TiO;'}{'sub': '2', 'ii. sodium aluminate binder comprising from about 0.5% to about 20% by dry weight of the TiO-based scrubbing granules.'}2. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules are dispersible in a TiOslurry during a process of making finished TiOpigment.3. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules are unsintered.4. TiO2-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , further comprising an inorganic salt.5. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , further comprising an inorganic metal salt selected from the group consisting of sodium sulfate claim 1 , sodium phosphate claim 1 , sodium silicate claim 1 , sodium chloride claim 1 , sodium hexametaphosphate claim 1 , aluminum sulfate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules have an average size from about 1 ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Fine Abrasive Particles and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20130305618A1

Provided are fine abrasive particles which have a high rate of polishing and generate few polishing flaws. A process for producing then abrasive particles is also provided in which the fine abrasive particles have a reduced coefficient of fluctuation in particle diameter, the production steps are simple, and the production cost is low. The fine abrasive particles comprise cerium oxide, at least one element selected from La, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu, and one or more element selected from Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu, and are characterized in that the cerium oxide has a Ce content of 20 mol % or higher and that the sum (mol %) of the content of the at least one element selected from La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Nd Eu and the content of Ce in the cerium oxide is greater than the sum (mol %) of the contents of the one or more elements selected from Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu. 1. Fine abrasive particles comprising cerium oxide , at least one type of element selected from the group consisting of La , Pr , Nd , Sm and Eu , and at least one type of element selected from the group consisting of Y , Gd , Tb , Dy , Ho , Er , Tm , Yb and Lu , whereina content of Ce of the cerium oxide in the fine abrasive particles is 20 mol % or more;a sum of a content (mol %) of the at least one type of element selected from the group consisting of La, Pr, Nd, Sm and Eu in the fine abrasive particles and the content of Ce of the cerium oxide is larger than a sum of a content (mol %) of the at least one type of element selected from the group consisting of Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu in the fine abrasive particles; andthe fine abrasive particles are spherical.2. The fine abrasive particles of claim 1 , wherein the content of Ce of the cerium oxide ranges from 40 to 70 mol %.3. The fine abrasive particles of claim 1 , wherein the sum of the content (mol %) of the at least one type of element selected from the group consisting of Y claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Tb claim 1 , Dy claim 1 , Ho ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337262A1

A method of forming a shaped abrasive particle includes applying a mixture into a shaping assembly within an application zone and directing an ejection material at the mixture in the shaping assembly under a predetermined force, removing the mixture from the shaping assembly and forming a precursor shaped abrasive particle. 1. A method comprising:applying a mixture into a shaping assembly within an application zone; anddirecting an ejection material at the mixture in the shaping assembly under a predetermined force, removing the mixture from the shaping assembly and forming a precursor shaped abrasive particle.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises a change in weight of less than about 5% for a total weight of the mixture for a duration the mixture is in an opening of the shaping assembly.28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. (canceled)31. The method of claim 1 , wherein an average residence time of the mixture in an opening of the shaping assembly is less than about 18 minutes.32. (canceled)33. The method of claim 2 , wherein removing the mixture includes directing an ejection material at the mixture in the shaping assembly under a predetermined force of at least about 0.1 N.34. (canceled)35. (canceled)36. (canceled)37. (canceled)38. (canceled)39. (canceled)40. The method of claim 1 , wherein an opening in the shaping assembly comprises a two dimensional shape as viewed in a plane defined by the length and the width of the screen selected from the group consisting of polygons claim 1 , ellipsoids claim 1 , numerals claim 1 , Greek alphabet characters claim 1 , Latin alphabet characters claim 1 , Russian alphabet ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000177A1

A superabrasive material and method of making the superabrasive material are provided. The superabrasive material may comprise a core and an outgrown region. The core may have a single crystal structure. The outgrown region may also contain a single crystal. The single crystal may extend outwards from the core. The outgrown region may have a lower toughness index than that of the core. 1. A superabrasive material comprising:a core having a single crystal structure; andan outgrown region extending outwards from the core, wherein the outgrown region has a lower toughness index than that of the core.2. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the outgrown region comprises a material selected from a group of cubic boron nitride claim 1 , diamond and diamond composite materials.3. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a material selected from a group of cubic boron nitride claim 1 , diamond and diamond composite materials.4. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the single crystal structure of the core has different chemical compositions as that of the outgrown region.5. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the single crystal structure of the core has same chemical composition as that of the outgrown region.6. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the single crystal structure of the core is substantially faceted.7. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the outgrown region are substantially deformed.8. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the outgrown region is blocky and rough.9. A method claim 1 , comprising:providing a plurality of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) grains;providing a catalyst;subjecting the plurality of hBN grains and the catalyst to a first high pressure for a first time period sufficient to form a core having a single crystal structure; andsubjecting the plurality of hBN grains and the catalyst to a second high pressure for a second time period sufficient to form an ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007518A1

A shaped abrasive particle including a body having a length (l), a width (w), and a height (hi), wherein the height is at least about 28% of the width, and a percent flashing (f) of at least about 10% and not greater than about 45% for a total side area of the body. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising: a length (l), a width (w), and a height (hi), wherein the height (hi) is an interior height of the body and at least about 28% of the width; and', 'a percent flashing (f) of at least about 10% and not greater than about 45% for a total side area of the body., 'a body including2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the height (hi) is at least about 29% of the width.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the height (hi) is at least about 33% of the width.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the percent flashing is at least about 12%.14. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the percent flashing is and not greater than about 36%.15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a shape selected from the group consisting of triangular claim 1 , quadrilateral claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , trapezoidal claim 1 , pentagonal claim 1 , hexagonal claim 1 , heptagonal claim 1 , octagonal claim 1 , and a combination thereof.28. (canceled)29. (canceled)30. (canceled)31. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a bottom surface claim 1 , an upper surface claim 1 , a first side surface extending between the bottom surface and the upper surface claim 1 , and a second side surface extending between the bottom surface and the upper surface claim 1 , and wherein the first side surface and ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Abrasive and polishing composition

Номер: US20140051335A1
Принадлежит: Fujimi Inc

Provided is a polishing composition containing an abrasive and water. The abrasive content in the polishing composition is no less than 0.1% by mass. The abrasive contains zirconium oxide particles. The zirconium oxide particles have a specific surface area of from 1 to 15 m 2 /g. The zirconium oxide particles preferably have a purity of no less than 99% by mass. The polishing composition is used in, for example, polishing a hard and brittle material, such as sapphire, silicon nitride, silicon carbide, silicon oxide, glass, gallium nitride, gallium arsenide, indium arsenide, and indium phosphide.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090307A1

A superabrasive material and method of making the superabrasive material are provided. The superabrasive material may comprise a superabrasive crystal having an irregular surface. The superabrasive material further comprises a plurality of structure defects within the superabrasive crystal. The plurality of structure defects may cause micro-chipping when used as grinding materials. 1. A superabrasive material comprising:a single superabrasive crystal having an irregular surface; anda plurality of structure defects within the superabrasive crystal, wherein the plurality of structure defects cause micro-chipping when used as grinding materials.2. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the superabrasive crystal is selected from a group of cubic boron nitride claim 1 , diamond claim 1 , and diamond composite materials.3. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of structure defects include micro cracks claim 1 , crystal dislocations claim 1 , or flaws.4. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of structure defects cause micro-chipping claim 1 , micro-fracture when the superabrasive materials are used for grinding materials.5. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the superabrasive material has toughness index from about 53 to about 62.6. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the superabrasive material has ellipse ratio about 1.25 to about 1.35.7. The superabrasive material of claim 1 , wherein the superabrasive material has more than 50% layered or laminar structure of single superabrasive crystal.8. The superabrasive material of claim 7 , wherein the layered or laminar microstructure aligned substantially parallel to the irregular surface to enable wear or breaking off of layer or laminar microstructure following a layer or laminar structure pattern9. The superabrasive material of claim 8 , wherein the superabrasive material has dpost-crushing particle size distribution less than 65% of dpre- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000209A1

A shaped abrasive particle having a major surface-to-side surface grinding orientation percent difference (MSGPD) of not greater than about 35%. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising a major surface-to-side surface grinding orientation percent difference (MSGPD) of not greater than about 35%.2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a maximum quartile-to-median percent difference (MQMPD) of not greater than about 45%.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the MQMPD is at least about 1%.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the MSGPD is at least about 1%.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle further comprises a first grinding characteristic selected from the group consisting of:{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency upper quartile value (MSUQ) not greater than about 8.3 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency lower quartile value (MSLQ) not greater than about 8 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency upper quartile value (SSUQ) not greater than about 8.3 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency median value (SSM) not greater than about 8 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency lower quartile value (SSLQ) not greater than about 8 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a maximum quartile difference (MQD) not greater than about 6 kN/mm;'}a major surface-to-side surface quartile percent overlap (MSQPO) of at least about 15%;{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency median value and side surface grinding efficiency median value difference (MSMD) of not greater than about 1.5 k/mm;'}a major surface-to-side surface upper quartile percent difference (MSUQPD) of not greater than about 50%;a major surface-to-side surface lower quartile percent difference (MSLQPD) of not greater than about 25%;{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency median value (MSM) of not greater than ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002575A1

A composition is provided that comprises a calcium carbonate slurry. The calcium carbonate slurry comprises a plurality of calcium carbonate particles suspended in a solution, where the solution comprises a dispersant and an anionic surfactant. The concentration of the calcium carbonate particles in the calcium carbonate slurry is equal to or less than about 2.0 wt. %. 122-. (canceled)23. A composition comprising:a calcium carbonate slurry comprising a plurality of calcium carbonate particles suspended in a solution, wherein the solution comprises a dispersant and an anionic surfactant, wherein a concentration of the calcium carbonate particles in the calcium carbonate slurry is equal to or less than about 2.0 wt. %.24. The composition of claim 23 , wherein one or both of the dispersant and the anionic surfactant reduce a zeta potential of the slurry.25. The composition of claim 23 , wherein a zeta potential of the slurry is equal to or less than about −50 mV.26. The composition of claim 23 , wherein the dispersant includes sodium polyacrylate claim 23 , sodium n-silicate claim 23 , sodium tetrapyrophosphate claim 23 , sodium hexametaphosphate claim 23 , sodium polyalluminate claim 23 , sodium tetraborate claim 23 , sodium triphosphate claim 23 , sodium citrate claim 23 , or combinations thereof.27. The composition of claim 23 , wherein the anionic surfactant includes sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) claim 23 , polysorbate claim 23 , octylphenol ethoxylate claim 23 , or combinations thereof.28. The composition of claim 23 , wherein a pH of the slurry is between about 8.5 and about 10.5.29. The composition of claim 23 , wherein an average diameter of the plurality of calcium carbonate particles is between about 10 nm and about 3μm.30. The composition of claim 23 , wherein less than about 5% of a total number of the calcium carbonate particles has a diameter greater than about 4 μm.31. The composition of claim 23 , wherein a concentration of the dispersant is between ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009859A1
Принадлежит: KCTECH CO., LTD.

A chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurry composition for polishing multiple films and a polishing method using the CMP slurry composition are provided. The CMP slurry composition includes abrasive particles, a surface roughness modifier including a water-soluble polymer, a polishing regulator including an organic acid, and a polishing profile improving agent including a nonionic surfactant. 1. A chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurry composition for polishing multiple films , the CMP slurry composition comprising:abrasive particles;a surface roughness modifier comprising a water-soluble polymer;a polishing regulator comprising an organic acid; anda polishing profile improving agent comprising a nonionic surfactant;2. The CMP slurry composition of claim 1 , further comprising a defect improving agent comprising an anionic surfactant.3. The CMP slurry composition of claim 2 , wherein the anionic surfactant comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of polyacrylic acid claim 2 , polymethacrylic acid claim 2 , a polystyrene-acrylic acid copolymer claim 2 , an acrylic acid-maleic acid copolymer claim 2 , an acrylic acid-ethylene copolymer claim 2 , an acrylic acid-acrylamide copolymer claim 2 , and an acrylic acid-poly acrylamide copolymer.4. The CMP slurry composition of claim 2 , wherein the defect improving agent is present in an amount of 0.005% by weight (wt %) to 0.1 wt % in the CMP slurry composition.5. The CMP slurry composition of claim 1 , whereinthe abrasive particles comprise at least one selected from the group consisting of a metal oxide, a metal oxide coated with an organic material or inorganic material, and a metal oxide in a colloidal phase, andthe metal oxide comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of silica, ceria, zirconia, alumina, titania, barium titania, germania, mangania, and magnesia.6. The CMP slurry composition of claim 1 , wherein the abrasive particles are prepared by a liquid-phase method claim 1 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010358A1

Embodiments relate to a polishing composition including colloidal silica, pulverized wet-process silica particles, and at least one of a nitrogen-containing organic compound and a nitrogen-containing polymer compound. According to another embodiment, the polishing composition includes colloidal silica, pulverized wet-process silica particles, and a copolymer containing a monomer having a carboxylic acid group and a monomer having a sulfonic acid group as essential monomers. According to another embodiment, the polishing composition includes colloidal silica, pulverized wet-process silica particles, a nitrogen-containing organic compound and/or a nitrogen-containing polymer compound, and a copolymer containing a monomer having a carboxylic acid group and a monomer having a sulfonic acid group as essential monomers. 1. A polishing composition for a magnetic disk substrate , the polishing composition comprising:colloidal silica having an average primary particle size of 5 to 200 nm;pulverized wet-process silica particles having an average particle size of 100 to 1000 nm;at least one of a nitrogen-containing organic compound and a nitrogen-containing polymer compound; andwater,wherein the colloidal silica accounts for 5 to 95 mass %, and the pulverized wet-process silica particles account for 5 to 95 mass %, of total silica particles, andwherein a concentration of the total silica particles is 1 to 50 mass %.2. A polishing composition for a magnetic disk substrate , the polishing composition comprising:colloidal silica having an average primary particle size of 5 to 200 nm;pulverized wet-process silica particles having an average particle size of 100 to 1000 nm;a copolymer containing a monomer having a carboxylic acid group and a monomer having a sulfonic acid group as essential monomers; andwater;wherein the colloidal silica accounts for 5 to 95 mass %, and the pulverized wet-process silica particles account for 5 to 95 mass %, of total silica particles, andwherein a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010727A1

Provided is a polishing composition which is used in a step upstream of a final polishing step of a silicon substrate and can effectively realize a high-quality surface after the final polishing step. According to the present invention, there is provided an intermediate polishing composition to be used in the intermediate polishing step in a silicon substrate polishing process including both of the intermediate polishing step and the final polishing step. The intermediate polishing composition includes an abrasive A, a basic compound B, and a surface protective agent S. The surface protective agent Sincludes a water-soluble polymer Phaving a weight average molecular weight of higher than 30×10and a dispersant D, and has a dispersibility parameter αof less than 80%. 1. An intermediate polishing composition to be used in an intermediate polishing step in a silicon substrate polishing process including both of the intermediate polishing step and a final polishing step , the intermediate polishing composition comprising:{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'an abrasive A, a basic compound B, and a surface protective agent S, wherein'}{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'sup': '4', 'the surface protective agent Sincludes a water-soluble polymer Phaving a weight average molecular weight of higher than 30×10and a dispersant D, and'}{'sub': 1', '1, 'a dispersibility parameter αof the surface protective agent Sis less than 80%.'}2. The intermediate polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the dispersant Dis 0.8 times or less a content of the water-soluble polymer P.3. The intermediate polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a weight average molecular weight of the dispersant Dis 3×10or less.4. The intermediate polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the surface protective agent Sincludes a cellulose derivative as the water-soluble polymer P.5. The intermediate polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the surface protective agent ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method For Separating Polishing Material And Regenerated Polishing Material

Номер: US20150013235A1

Method for separating a polishing material, which is capable of separating and recovering cerium oxide from a used polishing material that is mainly composed of cerium oxide and a regenerated polishing material which can be obtained by the separation method. This method for separating a polishing material is characterized in that a divalent alkaline earth metal salt is added into the slurry of the used polishing material, while controlling the temperature of the slurry within the range of 10-70 DEG C., thereby causing the polishing material to aggregate under such conditions that the mother liquor has a pH of less than 10.0 as the pH is converted to one at 25 DEG C. so that the polishing material is separated from the mother liquor. 1. A method for separating a cerium oxide containing-abrasive from a used abrasive-containing slurry that contains cerium oxide , the method comprising:adding a divalent alkali earth metal salt to the used abrasive slurry while a temperature of the used abrasive-containing slurry is regulated in a range from 10 to 70° C.;aggregating the abrasive at a converted pH of lower than 10 of a mother liquid at 25° C.; andseparating the abrasive from the mother liquid.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe divalent alkali earth metal salt is a magnesium salt.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe range of the regulated temperature of the used abrasive-containing slurry is from 10 to 40° C.4. The method of claim 1 , whereina separation container used in the method includes a temperature regulator.5. A regenerated abrasive produced by the method of . The present invention relates to a method for separating an abrasive through collecting a used cerium oxide from a used cerium oxide-containing abrasive to reuse the collected cerium oxide as a regenerated cerium oxide-containing abrasive, and an abrasive regenerated through the method.As an abrasive for finely polishing an object (e.g. an optical glass, a glass substrate for an information storage medium ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033680A1

A slurry for polishing a carbon-containing silicon oxide, the slurry containing abrasive grains and a liquid medium, in which the abrasive grains include first particles and second particles in contact with the first particles, a particle size of the second particles is smaller than a particle size of the first particles, the first particles contain cerium oxide, and the second particles contain a cerium compound. 1. A slurry for polishing a carbon-containing silicon oxide , the slurry comprising:abrasive grains and a liquid medium, whereinthe abrasive grains include first particles and second particles in contact with the first particles,a particle size of the second particles is smaller than a particle size of the first particles,the first particles contain cerium oxide, andthe second particles contain a cerium compound.2. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a case where a content of the abrasive grains is 0.1% by mass claim 1 , an absorbance for light having a wavelength of 380 nm in a liquid phase obtained when the slurry is subjected to centrifugal separation for 5 minutes at a centrifugal acceleration of 5.8×10G exceeds 0.3. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the cerium compound contains cerium hydroxide.4. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the abrasive grains is 0.01 to 10% by mass.5. A polishing method comprising a step of polishing a surface to be polished by using the slurry according to .6. The polishing method according to claim 5 , wherein the surface to be polished comprises a carbon-containing silicon oxide.7. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein a particle size of the first particles is 100 nm or more.8. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein a particle size of the second particles is 30 nm or less.9. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein an average particle size of the abrasive grains is 120 nm or more.10. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein a content of cerium oxide in the abrasive ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033681A1
Автор: Trom Scott D.
Принадлежит: Conox, LLC

Blasting abrasives comprise a plurality of particles. Blasting abrasives are classified into two basic types with many varieties of particles within these categories. Sharp, angular, and blocky abrasives and bead and/or rounded abrasives. Blasting abrasives are describe that are made from mixing particles of sharp, angular or blocky abrasives with bead or round abrasives. The blasting performance of any sharp, angular, or blocky abrasive may be improved by combining it with the bead or round abrasives in concentrations from 0.1 wt. % to 50 wt. %. 1. A blasting abrasive , comprising:an SAB abrasive, anda bead abrasive, wherein the bead abrasive is less than 70 wt. % of the weight of the blasting abrasive.2. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of bead abrasive in the blasting abrasive is in the range of 0.1 wt. % to 50 wt. %.3. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of bead abrasive in the blasting abrasive is in the range of 0.1 wt. % to 20 wt. %.4. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of bead abrasive in the blasting abrasive is in the range of 0.5 wt. % to 12 wt. %.5. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein a void space in the blasting abrasive is less than a void space of the SAB abrasive component alone.6. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the bead abrasive is at least one of glass beads abrasive claim 1 , ceramic bead claim 1 , or reflective glass beads.7. The blasting abrasive of claim 6 , wherein the glass bead abrasive is soda lime glass bead abrasive.8. The blasting abrasive of claim 1 , wherein the SAB abrasive is crushed glass abrasive.9. The blasting abrasive of claim 8 , wherein the bead abrasive is crushed glass abrasive having a specific gravity in the range of 2.6 to 3.1.10. The blasting abrasive of claim 9 , wherein the concentration of bead abrasive in the blasting abrasive is in the range of 0.1 wt. % to 40 wt. %.11. The blasting abrasive of claim 9 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Self-orienting shaped abrasive particles

Номер: US20220033699A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Various embodiments disclosed relate to a shaped abrasive particle. The shaped abrasive particle includes a first non-planar continuous surface and a second non-planar continuous surface. The shaped abrasive particle further includes at least one sidewall or edge joining the first non-planar continuous surface and the second non-planar continuous surface. The shaped abrasive particle further includes one or more vertices. The shaped abrasive particle is configured to have a stable resting position on a substantially planar substrate, wherein at least one vertex is oriented in a substantially upward direction relative to the planar substrate.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015867A1
Автор: IWATA Toru, SUGAWA Akira

Embodiments of the invention provide a polishing composition including colloidal silica having an average particle size of 5 to 200 nm and pulverized wet-process silica particles having an average particle size of 0.1 to 1.0 μm, wherein a value of the ratio of the average particle size of the wet-process silica particles to that of the colloidal silica is from 2.0 to 30.0. The polishing composition, according to various embodiments, achieves a high polishing rate and has a good surface smoothness, without the use of alumina particles. 1. A polishing composition , comprising:colloidal silica having an average particle size of 5 to 200 nm, andpulverized wet-process silica particles having an average particle size of 0.1 to 1.0 μm,wherein a ratio of the average particle size of the wet-process silica particles to that of the colloidal silica is from 2.0 to 30.0.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a total concentration of the colloidal silica and the wet-process silica particles is 1 to 50 mass % claim 1 , and wherein the colloidal silica accounts for 5 to 95 mass % and the wet-process silica particles account for 5 to 95 mass % claim 1 , of the whole of the colloidal silica and the wet-process silica particles.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is an aqueous composition further comprising an acid and art oxidizing agent claim 1 , and has a pH value of 0.1 to 4.0.4. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is used for polishing an aluminum magnetic disk substrate that is plated with electroless nickel-phosphorus.5. A method for polishing a magnetic disk substrate claim 1 , wherein the magnetic disk substrate is polished using the polishing composition according to . This application claims the benefit of and priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 to PCT Patent Application No. PCT/JP2015/058818, entitled, “POLISHING AGENT COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR POLISHING MAGNETIC DISK SUBSTRATE,” ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015868A1
Автор: IWATA Toru, SUGAWA Akira

Embodiments of the invention provide a polishing composition including colloidal silica, pulverized wet-process silica particles, and a water-soluble polymer compound, wherein the water-soluble polymer compound is a polymer or copolymer having a constituent unit derived from an unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acid. Various embodiments achieve a high polishing rate and obtain a good surface smoothness and end-face shape without the use of alumina particles. 1. A polishing composition , comprising:colloidal silica;pulverized wet-process silica particles; anda water-soluble polymer compound,wherein the water-soluble polymer compound is a polymer or copolymer having a constituent unit derived from an unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acid.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the colloidal silica has an average particle size of 5 to 200 nm claim 1 , and the wet-process silica particles have an average particle size of 0.1 to 1.0 μm.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a value of the ratio of the average particle size of the wet-process silica particles to that of the colloidal silica is from 2.0 to 30.0.4. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a total concentration of the colloidal silica and the wet-process silica particles is 1 to 50 mass % claim 1 , and the colloidal silica accounts for 5 to 95 mass % and the wet-process silica particles account for 5 to 95 mass % claim 1 , of the whole of the colloidal silica and the wet-process silica particles.5. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer compound is a copolymer further having a constituent unit derived from a hydrophobic monomer.6. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer compound has an average molecular weight of 500 to 20000.7. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the water-soluble polymer compound is 0.0001 to 1.0 mass %.8. The ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016721A1
Автор: OOUCHI Mayumi

A slurry comprises abrasive grains, a glycol, and water, wherein an average particle diameter of the abrasive grains is 120 nm or smaller, and a pH is 4.0 or higher and lower than 8.0. A polishing method comprises a step of polishing a metal by use of the slurry. 1. A slurry comprising:abrasive grains;a glycol; andwater, whereinan average particle diameter of the abrasive grains is 120 nm or smaller, anda pH is 4.0 or higher and lower than 8.0.2. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the pH is higher than 5.0 and lower than 8.0.3. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive grains comprise silica.4. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of a content of the abrasive grains with respect to a content of the glycol is 0.01 to 150.5. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the glycol comprises a glycol in which a number of carbon atoms of an alkylene group between two hydroxy groups is 5 or less.6. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the glycol comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of ethylene glycol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-butanediol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butanediol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol and 1 claim 1 ,5-pentanediol.7. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the glycol comprises ethylene glycol.8. The slurry according to claim 1 , further comprising an organic acid component.9. The slurry according to claim 1 , further comprising a metal corrosion preventive agent.10. The slurry according to claim 1 , for use in polishing a cobalt-based metal.11. A polishing method comprising a step of polishing a metal by use of the slurry according to .12. The polishing method according to claim 11 , wherein the metal comprises a cobalt-based metal.13. The slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the glycol comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,4-pentanediol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,5-pentanediol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,5-hexanediol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,6-hexanediol claim 1 , dipropylene ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016936A1

In an embodiment, an abrasive particle comprises a body including alumina, the alumina including a plurality of crystallites having an average crystallite size of not greater than 0.18 microns. In other embodiments, the body further comprises magnesium and zirconia. The abrasive particle has at least one of an average strength of not greater than 1000 MPa or a relative friability of at least 105%. 1. An abrasive particle comprising:a body including alumina, the alumina including a plurality of crystallites having an average crystallite size of not greater than 0.18 microns, and wherein the body has at least one of an average strength of not greater than 1000 MPa or a relative friability of at least 105%.2. An abrasive particle comprising:a body including alumina and at least one intergranular phase, the alumina including a plurality of crystallites having an average crystallite size of not greater than 0.18 microns, and wherein the body has at least one of an average strength of not greater than 1000 MPa or a relative friability of at least 105%.3. An abrasive particle comprising: a polycrystalline material including a plurality of crystallites comprising alumina, wherein the crystallites have an average crystallite size of not greater than 0.18 microns;', 'a first intergranular phase comprising magnesium;', 'a second intergranular phase comprising zirconia; and', 'at least one of an average strength of not greater than 1000 MPa or a relative friability of at least 105%., 'a body including45-. (canceled)6. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body includes at least 90 wt % and not greater than 99 wt % alumina for the total weight of the body.7. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body includes alumina or not greater than 98 wt % alumina.8. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises a first intergranular phase comprising magnesium.9. The abrasive particle of claim 3 , wherein the first intergranular phase comprises ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017717A1

In one aspect, the present disclosure provides cerium oxide'abrasive grains that can improve the polishing rate. 1. Cerium oxide abrasive grains for use in an abrasive ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein an amount of water production in a temperature range of 300° C. or less measured using temperature-programmed reaction is 8 mmol/mor more per unit surface area of the cerium oxide abrasive grains.'}2. The cerium oxide abrasive grains according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein a BET specific surface area of the cerium oxide abrasive grains is 9.8 m/g or more.'}3. The cerium oxide abrasive grains according to claim 1 ,wherein an average primary particle size of the cerium oxide abrasive grains is not less than 5 nm and not more than 150 nm.4. The cerium oxide abrasive grains according to claim 1 ,wherein a crystallite diameter of the cerium oxide abrasive grains is not less than 5 nm and not more than 50 nm.5. The cerium oxide abrasive grains according to claim 1 ,wherein the cerium oxide abrasive grains do not substantially contain silicon.6. The cerium oxide abrasive grains according to claim 1 ,wherein the cerium oxide abrasive grains are composite oxide particles with some cerium atoms in the cerium oxide abrasive grains being substituted with zirconium atoms.78-. (canceled)9. A polishing liquid composition comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the cerium oxide abrasive grains according to ; and'}an aqueous medium.10. The polishing liquid composition according to claim 9 ,wherein a content of the cerium oxide abrasive grains is not less than 0.05 mass % and not more than 10 mass %.11. The polishing liquid composition according to claim 9 ,wherein the polishing liquid composition is used for polishing a silicon oxide film.12. A method for producing a semiconductor substrate claim 9 , the method comprising the step of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00009', 'claim 9'}, 'polishing a substrate to be polished using the polishing liquid composition according ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017718A1

A polishing agent containing abrasive grains and water, in which the abrasive grains contain silica particles, an average particle diameter Rof the abrasive grains is 50 nm or more, a ratio R/Rof the average particle diameter Rto an average minor diameter Rof the abrasive grains is 1.0 to 2.0, and a zeta potential of the abrasive grains in the polishing agent is positive. 1. A polishing agent comprising abrasive grains and water ,wherein the abrasive grains contain silica particles,{'sub': 'ave', 'an average particle diameter Rof the abrasive grains is 50 nm or more,'}{'sub': ave', 'min', 'ave', 'min, 'a ratio R/Rof the average particle diameter Rto an average minor diameter Rof the abrasive grains is 1.0 to 2.0, and'}a zeta potential of the abrasive grains in the polishing agent is positive.2. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the silica particles contain colloidal silica.3. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the average particle diameter Ris 50 to 100 nm.4. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the average particle diameter Rexceeds 60 nm.5. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio R/Ris 1.0 to 1.7.6. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising a pH adjusting agent.7. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein a pH is 2.0 to 4.0.8. A stock solution for a polishing agent for obtaining the polishing agent according to claim 1 ,wherein the stock solution is diluted with water to obtain the polishing agent.9. A polishing method comprising a step of polishing and removing at least a part of a silicon oxide film by using the polishing agent according to .10. The polishing method according to claim 9 , wherein the silicon oxide film comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a TEOS film and a SiHfilm.11. The polishing method according to claim 9 , wherein the silicon oxide film comprises a TEOS film.12. The polishing method according to claim 9 , wherein the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017422A1
Автор: IWANO Tomohiro

A polishing liquid containing abrasive grains, a hydroxy acid, a polyol, and a liquid medium, in which a zeta potential of the abrasive grains is positive, and the hydroxy acid has one carboxyl group and one to three hydroxyl groups. 1. A polishing liquid comprising: abrasive grains; a hydroxy acid; a polyol; and a liquid medium , whereina zeta potential of the abrasive grains is positive, andthe hydroxy acid has one carboxyl group and one to three hydroxyl groups.2. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxy acid contains a compound having one carboxyl group and one hydroxyl group.3. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxy acid contains a compound having one carboxyl group and two hydroxyl groups.4. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol contains polyether polyol.5. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the hydroxy acid is 0.01 to 1.0% by mass.6. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the polyol is 0.05 to 5.0% by mass.7. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the polishing liquid is used for polishing a surface to be polished containing silicon oxide.8. A polishing liquid set comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'constituent components of the polishing liquid according to , separately stored as a first liquid and a second liquid, wherein'}the first liquid contains the abrasive grains and a liquid medium, andthe second liquid contains the hydroxy acid, the polyol, and a liquid medium.9. A polishing method comprising a step of polishing a surface to be polished by using the polishing liquid according to .10. A polishing method comprising a step of polishing a surface to be polished by using a polishing liquid obtained by mixing the first liquid and the second liquid of the polishing liquid set according to .11. A polishing method for a base substrate having an insulating material and silicon nitride claim 8 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017423A1
Автор: KON Hiroki

The present invention provides a means capable of polishing an object to be polished at a high polishing removal rate and further improving a surface quality of a surface of the object to be polished. 1. A polishing composition used for polishing an object to be polished , containing an alumina abrasive and a dispersion medium ,wherein the alumina abrasive contain only an α-alumina A having an α conversion rate of 80% or more and an α-alumina B having an α conversion rate of less than 80% as crystalline alumina, and an average particle size of the α-alumina A is smaller than an average particle size of the α-alumina B.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content mass ratio of the α-alumina A and the α-alumina B is 5/95 or more and 95/5 or less.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an oxidizing agent.4. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a pH is 7 or more.5. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the object to be polished contains a hard and brittle material.6. The polishing composition according to claim 5 , wherein the hard and brittle material comprises silicon carbide.7. A method of producing a polishing composition claim 5 , comprising mixing an α-alumina A having an α conversion rate of 80% or more and an α-alumina B having an a conversion rate of less than 80% in a dispersion medium claim 5 ,wherein an average particle size of the α-alumina A is smaller than an average particle size of the α-alumina B. The present invention relates to a polishing composition.As materials of substrates for optical devices and materials of substrates for power devices, hard and brittle materials such as aluminum oxide (for example, sapphire), zirconium oxide, aluminum nitride, silicon nitride, gallium nitride, and silicon carbide are known. Substrates or films formed of these hard and brittle materials are generally stable to chemical actions such as oxidation, complexation, and ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022392A1

This invention provides a polishing composition with which high-rate polishing is possible in an application where an object formed of a hard material is polished and also a method for producing a hard material, using the polishing composition. The polishing composition provided by this invention is characterized by that an abrasive formed of titanium diboride is dispersed in a dispersing medium. The hard material production method provided by this invention comprises a step of polishing a hard material surface with the polishing composition. 1. A polishing composition for hard materials , the composition characterized by that an abrasive formed of titanium diboride is dispersed in a dispersing medium.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersing medium is a solvent.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersing medium is a bond and the abrasive is fixed to the dispersing medium.4. A method for producing a hard material claim 2 , the method comprising a step of polishing a hard material claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , while the polishing composition according to is supplied to a metal surface plate and the hard material is in contact with the surface plate claim 2 , the hard material and the surface plate are moved relatively to each other.5. A method for producing a hard material claim 2 , the method comprising a step of polishing a hard material claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , while the polishing composition according to is supplied to a polishing pad applied to a surface plate and the hard material is in contact with the polishing pad claim 2 , the hard material and the polishing pad are moved relatively to each other.6. A method for producing a hard material claim 3 , the method comprising a step of polishing a hard material surface with the polishing composition according to .7. The hard material production method according to claim 4 , wherein the hard material is stainless steel.8. The hard material production ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022960A1

There is provided a polishing composition for use in polishing of a surface of a polishing object including at least one of an oxide of a metal or a semimetal or a composite material of oxides of one or more metals and/or semimetals, and the polishing composition includes at least water and silica. The silica includes small-particle diameter silica having a particle diameter of 20 nm or more to 70 nm or less and large-particle diameter silica having a particle diameter of 100 nm or more to 200 nm or less, 2 mass % or more of the small-particle diameter silica is included in the polishing composition, 2 mass % or more of the large-particle diameter silica is included in the polishing composition, and a value obtained by dividing an average particle diameter of the large-particle diameter silica by an average particle diameter of the small-particle diameter silica is 2 or more. 1. A polishing composition for use in polishing of a surface of a polishing object including at least one of an oxide of a metal or a semimetal or a composite material of oxides of one or more metals and/or semimetals , the polishing composition comprising at least water and silica , whereinthe silica includes small-particle diameter silica having a particle diameter of 20 nm or more to 70 nm or less and large-particle diameter silica having a particle diameter of 100 nm or more to 200 nm or less,2 mass % or more of the small-particle diameter silica is included in the polishing composition,2 mass % or more of the large-particle diameter silica is included in the polishing composition, anda value obtained by dividing an average particle diameter of the large-particle diameter silica by an average particle diameter of the small-particle diameter silica is 2 or more.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of a sum of the small-particle diameter silica and the large-particle diameter silica in a total amount of the silica is 90 mass % or more.3. The polishing ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Abrasive article and method for forming

Номер: US20200023494A1

An abrasive article including a substrate, a first bonding material including metal overlying the substrate, abrasive particles overlying the substrate and coupled to the first bonding material, and a second bonding material including a metal and phosphorus overlying at least a portion of the first bonding material.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037290A1
Автор: Takahashi Mitsuhito

The present invention is a CMP polishing agent, including polishing particles, a protective film-forming agent, and water, wherein the protective film-forming agent is a copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile, and an average molecular weight of the copolymer is 500 or more and 20000 or less. This provides a polishing agent which can polish an insulation film with few polishing scratches and has high polishing selectivity of an insulation film to a polishing stop film in a CMP step, a method for manufacturing the polishing agent, and a method for polishing a substrate by using the polishing agent. 18-. (canceled)9. A CMP polishing agent , comprising polishing particles , a protective film-forming agent , and water , whereinthe protective film-forming agent is a copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile, and an average molecular weight of the copolymer is 500 or more and 20000 or less.10. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 9 , wherein the polishing particles are wet ceria particles.11. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 9 , wherein the copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile is contained in an amount of 0.1 part by mass or more and 5 parts by mass or less on the basis of 100 parts by mass of the polishing particles.12. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 10 , wherein the copolymer of styrene and acrylonitrile is contained in an amount of 0.1 part by mass or more and 5 parts by mass or less on the basis of 100 parts by mass of the polishing particles.13. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 9 , wherein the pH is 3 or more and 7 or less.14. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 10 , wherein the pH is 3 or more and 7 or less.15. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 11 , wherein the pH is 3 or more and 7 or less.16. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 12 , wherein the pH is 3 or more and 7 or less.17. The CMP polishing agent according to claim 9 , wherein the CMP polishing agent is a CMP polishing agent for polishing an ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Polishing Agent, Stock Solution for Polishing Agent, and Polishing Method

Номер: US20180043497A1

A polishing agent for polishing a resin comprises abrasive grains, a water-soluble polymer having an ether bond, an organic solvent and water, wherein the abrasive grains have a positive charge in the polishing agent and an average particle diameter of the abrasive grains is larger than 20 nm. 2. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer comprises a polyether.3. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer comprises a polysaccharide.4. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive grains comprise colloidal silica.5. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein pH of the polish agent is 1.0 to 8.0.6. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising an acid component.7. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising a polishing inhibitor for an insulating material.8. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising a corrosion preventive agent.9. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising an oxidizing agent.10. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising a pH adjusting agent.11. The polishing agent according to claim 1 , further comprising a surfactant.12. A multi-pack polishing agent for obtaining the polishing agent according to claim 1 , the multi-pack polishing agent comprising:a first liquid comprising the abrasive grains and the water, anda second liquid comprising the water-soluble polymer, the organic solvent and the water.13. A stock solution for obtaining the polishing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the stock solution is diluted with water to obtain the polishing agent.14. A polishing method comprising:preparing a base material having a resin; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'chemically-mechanically polishing the base material by using the polishing agent according to to remove at least a part of the resin.'}15. A polishing method comprising:preparing a base ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044403A1

The invention provides a chemical-mechanical polishing composition including first abrasive particles, wherein the first abrasive particles are wet-process ceria particles, have a median particle size of about 40 nm to about 100 nm, are present in the polishing composition at a concentration of about 0.005 wt. % to about 2 wt. %, and have a particle size distribution of at least about 300 nm, a functionalized heterocycle, a pH-adjusting agent, and an aqueous carrier, and wherein the pH of the polishing composition is about 1 to about 6. The invention also provides a method of polishing a substrate, especially a substrate comprising a silicon oxide layer, with the polishing composition. 1. A method of polishing a substrate comprising:(i) providing a substrate, wherein the substrate comprises a silicon oxide layer;(ii) providing a polishing pad; (a) first abrasive particles, wherein the first abrasive particles are wet-process ceria particles, have a median particle size of about 40 nm to about 100 nm, are present in the polishing composition at a concentration of about 0.005 wt. % to about 2 wt. %, and have a particle size distribution of at least about 300 nm,', '(b) a functionalized heterocycle selected from a functionalized nitrogen-containing heterocycle, a functionalized sulfur-containing heterocycle, a naphthoic acid, and combinations thereof, wherein the functionalized heterocycle is present in the polishing composition at a concentration of about 100 ppm to about 1500 ppm,', '(c) a pH-adjusting agent, and', '(d) an aqueous carrier,', 'wherein the pH of the polishing composition is about 1 to about 6;, '(iii) providing a chemical-mechanical polishing composition comprising(iv) contacting the substrate with the polishing pad and the chemical-mechanical polishing composition; and(v) moving the polishing pad and the chemical-mechanical polishing composition relative to the substrate to abrade at least a portion of the silicon oxide layer on a surface of the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063060A1

The disclosure relates to, among other things, a method of making a coated abrasive article, the method comprising sequentially: locating a plurality of shaped abrasive particles in a tool comprising a plurality of cavities, wherein the plurality of shaped abrasive particles is held in the plurality of cavities, at least in part, electrostatically; and disposing the plurality of shaped abrasive particles onto a make layer precursor of a backing having first and second opposed major surfaces, wherein the make layer precursor is disposed on at least a portion of the first major surface.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Polishing composition, concentrated liquid thereof, and polishing method using the same

Номер: US20220064486A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Izawa
Принадлежит: Fujimi Inc

An object of the present invention is to provide a means for reducing the surface roughness (Ra) and suppressing occurrence of scratches while maintaining a high polishing rate in polishing an object to be polished containing a resin. Provided is a polishing composition including particulate alumina and a dispersing medium, in which an α conversion rate of the particulate alumina is 50% or more, and a sphericity of the particulate alumina is 80% or more.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064490A1
Автор: KAMIMURA Tetsuya
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The present invention provides a polishing liquid which reduces the occurrence of dishing and erosion on a surface to be polished of an object to be polished having a cobalt-containing film after polishing in a case where the polishing liquid is applied to CMP of the object to be polished, and makes it possible to manufacture a semiconductor product having excellent reliability. The present invention also provides a chemical mechanical polishing method using the polishing liquid. The polishing liquid of an embodiment of the present invention is a polishing liquid used for chemical mechanical polishing of an object to be polished having a cobalt-containing film, and includes a colloidal silica, an organic acid, a passivation film forming agent, an anionic surfactant; hydrogen peroxide; potassium; and sodium, in which a value of a difference obtained by subtracting the C log P value of the passivation film forming agent from the C log P value of the anionic surfactant is more than 2.00 and less than 8.00, a mass ratio of a content of potassium to a content of sodium is 1×10to 1×10, and the pH is 8.0 to 10.5. 2. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein a mass ratio of a content of the passivation film forming agent to a content of the anionic surfactant is 0.01 or more and less than 100.3. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein a corrosion potential of cobalt in the polishing liquid is −0.2 to 0.5 V.4. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein the organic acid is one or more selected from the group consisting of citric acid, maleic acid, succinic acid, 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid, and ethylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic acid.5. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of the colloidal silica is 2.0% by mass or more with respect to a total mass of the polishing liquid, andthe colloidal silica has an average primary particle diameter of 5 nm or more.6. The polishing liquid according to claim 1 , further ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064508A1

The present disclosure provides a shaped abrasive particle. The shaped abrasive particle includes a plurality of polygonal faces bound by respective polygonal perimeters and joined by at least one edge or sidewall to form the shaped abrasive particle. The shaped abrasive particle further includes a serration configured to generate a fracture along a fracture plane extending at least through the serration.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047313A1

A shaped abrasive agglomerate particle includes a shaped abrasive particle bonded in a vitreous matrix. The shaped abrasive particles have a longest particle lineal dimension on a surface and a shortest particle dimension perpendicular to the longest particle lineal dimension, and the longest particle lineal dimension is at least twice the shortest particle dimension. The shaped abrasive agglomerate particle has a longest agglomerate lineal dimension on a surface and a shortest agglomerate dimension perpendicular to the longest agglomerate lineal dimension, and the longest agglomerate lineal dimension is at least twice the shortest agglomerate dimension. The abrasive agglomerate particles are useful in abrasive articles. Methods of making the shaped abrasive agglomerate particle and abrading a workpiece are also described. 1. A shaped abrasive agglomerate particle comprising shaped abrasive particles bonded in a vitreous matrix , wherein the shaped abrasive particles have a longest particle lineal dimension on a surface and a shortest particle dimension perpendicular to the longest particle lineal dimension , wherein the longest particle lineal dimension is at least twice the shortest particle dimension , wherein the shaped abrasive agglomerate particle has a longest agglomerate lineal dimension on a surface and a shortest agglomerate dimension perpendicular to the longest agglomerate lineal dimension , and wherein the longest agglomerate lineal dimension is at least twice the shortest agglomerate dimension.2. The shaped abrasive agglomerate particle of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the following limitations is met:the longest particle lineal dimension is at least three times the shortest particle dimension, orthe longest agglomerate lineal dimension is at least three times the shortest agglomerate dimension.3. The shaped abrasive agglomerate particle of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the shaped abrasive particles or the shaped agglomerate particle has a ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053151A1

A method of forming a shaped abrasive particle includes applying a mixture into a shaping assembly within an application zone and directing an ejection material at the mixture in the shaping assembly under a predetermined force, removing the mixture from the shaping assembly and forming a precursor shaped abrasive particle. 1. A batch of shaped abrasive particles including a first portion comprising a shaped abrasive particle having a tortuous contour extending along at least a portion of a first major surface.2. The batch of claim 1 , wherein the tortuous contour comprises a first planar portion claim 1 , a second planar portion claim 1 , and a curved portion joining the first planar portion and the second planar portion.3. The batch of claim 1 , wherein the tortuous contour comprises a first curved portion claim 1 , a second curved portion claim 1 , and a planar portion joining the first curved portion and the second curved portion.4. The batch of claim 3 , wherein the first curved portion defines a substantially convex curvature and the second curved portion is spaced apart from the first curved portion and defines a substantially concave portion.5. The batch of claim 3 , wherein the first curved portion and the second curved portion define different radiuses of curvature compared to each other.6. The batch of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a body claim 1 , and wherein the tortuous contour defines a waviness having a first curved portion extending above a line that extends between a first corner and a second corner of the body claim 1 , and further comprising a second curved portion extending below the line.7. The batch of claim 6 , wherein the first curved portion extends above the line for a peak height of at least about 5% of an average height of the particle and wherein the second curved portion extends below the line for a valley height of at least about 5% of an average height of the particle.8. The batch of claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050293A1

An abrasive article comprising a first group including a plurality of shaped abrasive particles overlying a backing, wherein the plurality of shaped abrasive particles of the first group define a first non-shadowing distribution relative to each other. 1. A method for forming an abrasive article comprising:containing particles on an alignment structure; andexpelling particles from the alignment structure onto a backing using an electrostatic force to project the particles from the alignment structure, across a gap between the alignment structure and the backing and onto the backing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles are abrasive particles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles comprise diluent particles.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alignment structure comprises openings and at least some of the openings comprise particles.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein each opening of the openings has a size and shape configured to contain at least one abrasive particle in a predetermined orientation.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alignment structure comprises a web claim 1 , a fibrous material claim 1 , a mesh claim 1 , a solid structure having openings claim 1 , a belt claim 1 , a roller claim 1 , a patterned material claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:expelling abrasive particles from the alignment structure onto a backing using an electrostatic force to project the abrasive particles from the alignment structure, across a gap between the alignment structure and the backing and onto the backing; andapplying diluent particles onto the backing.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein applying diluent particles onto the backing is conducted via gravity.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein applying the diluent particles is conducted after expelling the abrasive particles.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein applying the diluent particles is conducted before expelling the abrasive particles.11. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048516A1

A composition having a plurality of abrasive particles including alumina, the plurality of abrasive particles have mesoporosity with an average meso branching index of at least 55 junctions/micronsand a median particle size (D50) of at least 5 microns. 1. A composition comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a plurality of abrasive particles comprising alumina, wherein the plurality of abrasive particles comprise mesoporosity having an average meso branching index of at least 55 junctions/micronsand a median particle size (D50) of at least 5 microns.'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles further comprise a half 100 percent distribution value (D100-D0)/D50 of not greater than 7.5.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a particle size distribution of the plurality of abrasive particles has a variance of at least 3.0 and not greater than 20.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the variance is at least 3.0 and not greater than 8.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles comprise alpha alumina.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles consist essentially of alpha alumina.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles comprise a skewness of at least 2.5.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles comprise a porosity of at least 5 vol %.9. The composition of claim 7 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles has a porosity of at least 30 vol % and not greater than 55 vol %10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles comprise an average surface area of at least 4 m/g and not greater than 20 m/g.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of abrasive particles have an average particle size not greater than 20 microns.12. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a polishing slurry comprising a liquid carrier and the plurality of particles of .13. The composition ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055162A1

An abrasive article can include a body including a bond material comprising an inorganic material, abrasive particles and a filler comprising a nitride. The filler comprising a nitride can compensate shrinkage of the body during sintering while maintaining required strength and wear properties of the body. 1. An abrasive article comprising: a bond material comprising an inorganic material;', {'sub': 'A', 'abrasive particles having an average particle size (D50p);'}, 'a filler comprising a nitride and having an average particle size (D50p); and', {'sub': F', 'AP, 'a filler-to-abrasive particle size ratio (D50/D50) within a range of at least 0.01 and less than 0.5.'}], 'a body including'}2. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the abrasive particles comprise boron nitride and the filler comprises boron nitride.3. The abrasive article of claim 2 , wherein at least 90 vol % of the abrasive particles based on the total volume of the abrasive particles comprise boron nitride and at least 90 vol % of the filler based on the total volume of the filler comprises boron nitride.4. The abrasive article of claim 3 , wherein the abrasive particles consist essentially of cubic boron nitride and the filler consists essentially of cubic boron nitride.5. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein a difference of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between the filler comprising a nitride claim 1 , the abrasive particles and the bond material is not greater than 1 ppm/° C.6. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the filler-to-abrasive particle size ratio (D50/D50) is within a range of at least 0.02 and less than 0.3.7. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the filler comprising a nitride has an average particle size (D50) within a range of at least 1 micron to not greater than 30 microns.8. The abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the filler comprising a nitride is within a range of at least 5 vol % and not greater than 30 vol % based on a total volume ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200058482A1

The present invention addresses the problem of providing a polishing method for polishing a silicon carbide substrate, which is capable of increasing the polishing speed even when using a polishing pad that usually does not lead to an increase in polishing speed. 1. A polishing method for polishing a silicon carbide substrate ,the polishing method comprising a primary polishing step of polishing with a polishing member A containing abrasive grains using a polishing pad,wherein the primary polishing step is a polishing performed in association with a solid-phase reaction between the abrasive grains and the silicon carbide substrate.2. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein a maximum diffraction peak intensity observed at a diffraction angle 2θ in a range of 20 to 40° when a calcined product obtained by heating the abrasive grains alone or silicon carbide alone from 25° C. to 1500° C. is subjected to X-ray diffraction claim 1 , decreases to equal to or less than a composite peak intensity of a calcined product of the abrasive grains alone and a calcined product of the silicon carbide alone at a diffraction angle 2θ of the maximum diffraction peak intensity when a calcined product obtained by heating a mixture of the silicon carbide and the abrasive grains at a weight ratio of 1:1 from 25° C. to 1500° C. is subjected to X-ray diffraction.3. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein a maximum diffraction peak intensity observed at a diffraction angle 2θ in a range of 20 to 40° when a calcined product obtained by heating the abrasive grains alone or silicon carbide alone from 25° C. to 1000° C. is subjected to X-ray diffraction claim 1 , decreases to equal to or less than a composite peak intensity of a calcined product of the abrasive grains alone and a calcined product of the silicon carbide alone at a diffraction angle 2θ of the maximum diffraction peak intensity when a calcined product obtained by heating a mixture of the silicon carbide and ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200058484A1
Автор: FUNAYAMA Makoto

Provided are abrasive grains, an evaluation method and a wafer manufacturing method. A predetermined amount of abrasive grains is prepared as an abrasive grain sample group, the grain diameter of individual abrasive grains in the abrasive grain sample group is measured, the number of abrasive grains in the abrasive grain sample group as a whole is counted, abrasive grains having a grain diameter equal to or smaller than a predetermined reference grain e diameter criterion which is smaller than the average grain diameter of the abrasive grain sample are defined as small grains and the number of the small grains is counted, a small grain ratio is calculated as the number ratio of the small grains occupied in the abrasive grain sample group as a whole, and a determination is made as to whether or not the small grain ratio is equal to or smaller than a predetermined threshold value. 1. An abrasive grain evaluation method comprising:preparing a predetermined amount of abrasive grains as an abrasive grain sample group;measuring the grain diameters of individual abrasive grains in the abrasive grain sample group and counting the number of the abrasive grains in the abrasive grain sample group;defining abrasive grains having a grain diameter equal to or smaller than a predetermined diameter criterion which is smaller than the average grain diameter of the abrasive grain sample group as small grains and counting the number of the small grains;calculating a small grain ratio which is the number ratio of the small grains occupied in the abrasive grain sample group; anddetermining whether or not the small grain ratio is equal to or smaller than a predetermined threshold value.2. The abrasive grain evaluation method as claimed in includes:measuring the grain size distribution based on the volume of the abrasive grain sample group from the grain diameters of the individual abrasive grains in the abrasive grain sample group;calculating the average grain diameter of the abrasive ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061095A1

Provided are a polishing method that can be commonly applied to different types of silicon substrates varying in resistivity as well as a polishing composition set used in the polishing method. The silicon substrate polishing method provided by this invention comprises supplying a first polishing slurry Sand a second polishing slurry Sto a silicon substrate to be polished, switching them in this order midway through polishing the silicon substrate. The first polishing slurry Scomprises an abrasive Aand a water-soluble polymer P. The polishing removal rate of the first polishing slurry Sis higher than that of the second polishing slurry S. 1. A method for polishing a silicon substrate , the method comprising{'sub': 1', '2, 'supplying a first polishing slurry Sand a second polishing slurry Sto a silicon substrate to be polished, switching them in this order midway through polishing the silicon substrate,'}{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'the first polishing slurry Scomprises an abrasive Aand a water-soluble polymer P, and'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'the first polishing slurry Sshows higher polishing removal rate than the second polishing slurry S.'}2. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the first polishing slurry Scomprises at least 0.001% water-soluble polymer Pby weight.3. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer Pcomprises a vinyl alcohol-based polymer chain.4. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble polymer Pcomprises an N-vinyl-based polymer chain.5. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the first polishing slurry Scomprises an alkali metal hydroxide as a basic compound B.6. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive Ahas a BET diameter smaller than 60 nm.7. The polishing method according to claim 1 , wherein the second polishing slurry Scomprises an abrasive Aand a water-soluble polymer P claim 1 , and the concentration of the water-soluble polymer Pin the second ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080553A1

According to various embodiment of the present disclosure, a bonded abrasive article precursor includes a curable composition. The curable composition includes a curative component. The curable composition further includes one or more resins. The curable composition further includes a plurality of shaped abrasive particles. The curable composition is curable in an amount of time in a range of from about 0.1 minutes to about 20 minutes at a temperature of about 25° C. to about 160° C. 1. A bonded abrasive article precursor comprising a curative component; and', 'one or more resins, wherein the curable composition is curable in an amount of time in a range of from about 0.1 minutes to about 20 minutes at a temperature of about 25° C. to about 160° C.; and, 'a curable composition comprisinga plurality of abrasive particles dispersed in the curable composition.2. The bonded abrasive article precursor of claim 1 , wherein the curative component is in a range of from about 0.1 wt % to about 40 wt % of the curable composition.3. The bonded abrasive article of claim 1 , wherein the curative component comprises an acid catalyst claim 1 , a base catalyst claim 1 , an amphoteric catalyst claim 1 , an aliphatic polyamine claim 1 , an aromatic polyamine claim 1 , an aromatic polyamide claim 1 , an alicyclic polyamine claim 1 , a polyamine claim 1 , a polyamide claim 1 , an amino resin claim 1 , a 9 claim 1 ,9-bis(aminophenyl)fluorene claim 1 , a polyisocyanate claim 1 , a polyol chain extender claim 1 , imidazole claim 1 , a dicyandiamide claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.4. The bonded abrasive article precursor of claim 1 , wherein the one or more resins are in a range of from about 20 wt % to about 99.9 wt % of the curable composition.5. The bonded abrasive article precursor of claim 1 , wherein the one or more resins comprise an epoxy resin claim 1 , an acrylated epoxy resin claim 1 , a polyester polyol claim 1 , a polyisocyante claim 1 , a polyol claim 1 , or a mixture thereof. ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068130A1

A shaped abrasive particle having a major surface-to-side surface grinding orientation percent difference (MSGPD) of at least about 40%. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising a major surface-to-side surface grinding orientation percent difference (MSGPD) of at least about 40%.2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a maximum quartile-to-median percent difference (MQMPD) of at least about 48%.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the MQMPD is not greater than about 99%.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the MSGPD is not greater than about 99%.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle further comprises a first grinding efficiency characteristic selected from the group consisting of:{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency upper quartile value (MSUQ) not greater than about 8.3 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency lower quartile value (MSLQ) not greater than about 8 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency upper quartile value (SSUQ) at least about 4.5 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency median value (SSM) at least about 3 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a side surface grinding efficiency lower quartile value (SSLQ) at least about 2.5 kN/mm;'}{'sup': '2', 'a maximum quartile difference (MQD) at least about 6 kN/mm;'}a major surface-to-side surface quartile percent overlap (MSQPO) of not greater than about 11%,{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency median value and side surface grinding efficiency median value difference (MSMD) of at least about 1.9 kN/mm;'}a major surface-to-side surface upper quartile percent difference (MSUQPD) of at least about 54%;a major surface-to-side surface lower quartile percent difference (MSLQPD) of at least about 28%;{'sup': '2', 'a major surface grinding efficiency time variance (MSTV) is not greater than about 2 kN/mm; and'}a combination thereof. ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069291A1
Автор: Jung Seung Won

Provided is a method of manufacturing an abrasive particle including a mother particle and a plurality of auxiliary particles formed on a surface of the mother particle, and a method of manufacturing a polishing slurry in which the abrasive particle is mixed with a polishing accelerating agent and a pH adjusting agent. 1. A method of manufacturing an abrasive particle , comprising:mixing a first precursor material aqueous solution and a diluted alkaline solution and thermally treating the mixture solution to prepare a mother particle having a polyhedral crystal face; andadding an alkaline solution to a mixture solution in which the mother particle is mixed, mixing a second precursor material aqueous solution and thermally treating the resultant mixture solution to form a plurality of auxiliary particles protruded outward from a surface of the mother particle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of auxiliary particles are formed so as to cover a portion of each of crystal faces centered on an edge portion where at least three crystal faces among the polyhedral crystal faces meet.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing of the mother particle comprises:mixing a precursor material with deionized water to prepare the first precursor material aqueous solution;preparing a diluted alkaline solution and loading and stiffing the prepared alkaline solution in a reaction container;mixing the first precursor material aqueous solution in the reaction container and thermal treating the resultant mixture solution; andcooling the thermally treated mixture solution.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising mixing an acidic solution to the first precursor material aqueous solution.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the thermally treating is conducted at a temperature higher than 60° C. and not higher than 100° C. for approximately 2 hours to approximately 24 hours.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the thermally treating temperature rises at a rate of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068729A1

A method of making sintered abrasive particles includes passing alumina precursor particles through a flame under conditions such that they are converted to alpha alumina. The precursor particles comprise a precursor of alpha alumina and have an average particle size of less than or equal to 500 microns. Sintered abrasive particles have a cellular microstructure comprising alpha alumina crystal grains of alpha alumina having a maximum dimension of less than about 3 microns are also disclosed. The sintered abrasive particles have an average particle size of less than or equal to 500 microns, and are essentially free of seed particles and alpha alumina grain size modifiers. Abrasive articles comprising a binder and a plurality of the sintered abrasive particles are also disclosed. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of making sintered abrasive particles , the method comprising:passing precursor particles through a flame under conditions such that they are converted into the sintered abrasive particles, wherein the precursor particles comprise a calcined precursor of alpha alumina, and wherein the precursor particles have an average particle size of less than or equal to 500 microns.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the sintered abrasive particles comprise alpha alumina having a cellular microstructure claim 16 , and the alpha alumina has an areal porosity of less than or equal to 5 percent claim 16 , as measured using image analysis by cross-section at 10 claim 16 ,000 times magnification.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the precursor particles are essentially free of seed particles.19. The method of claim 16 , wherein the precursor particles are essentially free of alpha alumina grain size modifiers.20. The method of claim 16 , wherein the precursor particles are accelerated through the flame by gravity substantially along a longitudinal axis of the flame.21. The method of claim 16 , wherein the sintered abrasive particles comprise shaped abrasive particles.22. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071034A1

A process for chemical mechanical polishing a substrate containing cobalt, zirconium oxide, poly-silicon and silicon dioxide, wherein the cobalt, zirconium, and poly-silicon removal rates are selective over silicon dioxide. The chemical mechanical polishing composition includes water, a benzyltrialkyl quaternary ammonium compound, cobalt chelating agent, corrosion inhibitor, colloidal silica abrasive, optionally a biocide and optionally a pH adjusting agent, and a pH greater than 7, and the chemical mechanical polishing compositions are free of oxidizing agents. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the benzyltrialkyl quaternary ammonium compound is in amounts of 0.1-3 wt %.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the benzyltrialkyl quaternary ammonium compound is selected from the group consisting of benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide claim 1 , benzyltrimethylammonium chloride and mixtures thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anion is selected from the group consisting of hydroxide claim 1 , halide claim 1 , nitrate claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , phosphate and acetate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the colloidal silica abrasive has a permanent negative zeta potential.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion inhibitor is a heterocyclic nitrogen compound claim 1 , an aromatic polycarboxylic acid or mixtures thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chelating agent is an amino acid.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the amino acid is selected from the group consisting of alanine claim 7 , arginine claim 7 , aspartic acid claim 7 , cysteine claim 7 , glutamine claim 7 , glutamic acid claim 7 , glycine claim 7 , histidine claim 7 , isoleucine claim 7 , leucine claim 7 , lysine methionine claim 7 , phenylalanine claim 7 , proline claim 7 , serine claim 7 , threonine claim 7 , tryptophan claim 7 , tyrosine claim 7 , valine and mixtures thereof.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH is from 8-13. The present invention is directed to a ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148082A1

An abrasive particle having an irregular surface, wherein the surface roughness of the particle is less than about 0.95. A method for producing modified abrasive particles, including providing a plurality of abrasive particles, providing a reactive coating on said particles, heating said coated particles; and recovering modified abrasive particles. 1. A monocrystalline diamond particle having an irregular surface , wherein the surface roughness of said particle is less than about 0.95.2. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of said particle is between about 0.50 and about 0.80.3. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is less than about 0.70.4. The particle of claim 3 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is between about 0.25 to about 0.6.5. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the surface area of said particle is greater than about 20 percent higher than a conventional monocrystalline diamond particle having the same particle size distribution.6. The particle of claim 1 , where the size of the particle is between about 0.1 to about 1000 microns.7. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises one or more spikes.8. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises one or more pits.9. The particle of claim 8 , wherein the depth of the pits ranges in size from about 5% to about 70% of the longest length of the particle.10. The particle of claim 9 , wherein the depth of the pits ranges in size from about 40% to about 60% of the longest length of the particle.11. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises a metallic coating.12. The particle of claim 1 , wherein in said particle ranges in size from about 0.1 micron to about 1000 microns.13. A monocrystalline diamond particle having a sphericity of less than about 0.70.14. The particle of claim 13 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is about 0.2 to about 0.515. The particle of claim 13 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088740A1

A semiconductor wafer is adhered and fixed to a polishing head by means of a conductive adhesive, and the wafer is connected to a positive electrode of an external power supply through wires of the inner and outer rings of a conductive slip ring below the wafer. A polishing pad is adhered to the bottom of a counter electrode disc, the counter electrode disc is fixed at the bottom of a polishing disc and is processed with through holes at the position corresponding to the polishing disc, and the counter electrode disc is connected to a negative electrode of the external power supply through the wires of inner and outer rings of a conductive slip ring above the counter electrode disc. Ultraviolet light emitted by an ultraviolet light source can reach the surface of the wafer through the through holes, and a polishing solution can be sprayed through the through holes into a contact area between the wafer and the polishing pad. 1. A semiconductor wafer photoelectrochemical mechanical polishing processing device , comparing:a polishing pad having through holes;a polishing disc having through holes, driving the polishing pad to mechanically polish a surface of a wafer;a polishing solution source supplying a polishing solution, the polishing solution dripping on the wafer surface through the through holes of the polishing disc and the polishing pad;an ultraviolet light source supplying ultraviolet light, the ultraviolet light irradiating the wafer through the through holes of the polishing disc and the polishing pad; andan external power supply;whereinthe wafer is connected to a positive electrode of the external power supply, and the polishing disc is connected to a negative electrode of the external power supply; and the external power supply, the wafer and the polishing disc form a closed circuit.2. A semiconductor wafer photoelectrochemical mechanical polishing processing device , comparing:a polishing pad having through holes;a polishing disc having through holes, ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078985A1

TiObased scrubbing granules, and methods of making and using such TiObased scrubbing granules are described. TiO2-based scrubbing granules include granulated TiOand about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight inorganic salt binder. Other TiObased scrubbing granules include unsintered granulated TiO2 and about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight inorganic salt binder. Inorganic salt binder include sodium aluminate. Methods of making TiObased scrubbing granules include i) combining TiOparticles with inorganic salt binder to form TiO-binder mixture comprising from about 0.5% to about 20% dry weight binder; ii) granulating the TiO2-binder mixture; and drying the granulated TiO-binder mixture to form TiO2-based scrubbing granules. Methods of using such TiO-based scrubbing granules include introducing TiO-based scrubbing granules to remove adherent deposits on an inner surface of a reactor or heat exchanger during processes of forming TiOparticles and finishing the formed TiOparticles into finished pigment products. 1. TiO-based scrubbing granules comprising:{'sub': '2', 'i. granulated TiO;'}{'sub': '2', 'ii. sodium aluminate binder comprising from about 0.5% to about 20% by dry weight of the TiO-based scrubbing granules.'}2. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules are dispersible in a TiOslurry during a process of making finished TiOpigment.3. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules are unsintered.4. TiO2-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , further comprising an inorganic salt.5. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , further comprising an inorganic metal salt selected from the group consisting of sodium sulfate claim 1 , sodium phosphate claim 1 , sodium silicate claim 1 , sodium chloride claim 1 , sodium hexametaphosphate claim 1 , aluminum sulfate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. TiO-based scrubbing granules of claim 1 , wherein the TiO-based scrubbing granules have an average size from ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098442A1

The present technology generally relates to compositions and methods for polishing surfaces comprising a metal and a dielectric film material. Embodiments include methods for polishing a surface comprising W, TEOS/SiOand SiN, comprising applying a polishing slurry comprising an abrasive, a SiN polishing rate enhancer, and an anionic surfactant, and methods of buffering a metal oxide salt in a CMP slurry to obtain an increased robustness against TEOS removal comprising polishing a surface comprising a metal and TEOS by applying a polishing slurry comprising an anionic modified colloidal silica abrasive and an anionic surfactant. 1. A method for polishing a surface comprising W , TEOS/SiOand SiN , comprising applying a polishing slurry comprising an abrasive , a SiN polishing rate enhancer , and an anionic surfactant , and an electrical conductivity value is 100 μS/cm to 350 μS/cm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the abrasive is an anionic modified colloidal silica using sulfonate chemical.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the anionic modified colloidal silica was treated with a sulfonate chemical.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity value of the polishing slurry is less than 300 μS/cm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity value of the polishing slurry is greater than 100 μS/cm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polishing slurry has a pH of about 4 to about 5.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SiN polishing rate enhancer is selected from the group consisting of an amino acid and heterocycle carbon compounds.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anionic surfactant is selected from a sulfonic acid type surfactant.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the SiN polishing rate enhancer is about 0.1 to about 0.8 wt. %.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein an amount of abrasive is about 0.8 wt. % or less.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of SiN removal to TEOS removal during polishing is ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150089881A1

A method of forming a shaped abrasive particle includes having a body formed by an additive manufacturing process. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising a body having at least one major surface having a self-similar feature.2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a corner roundness of not greater than about not greater than about 100 microns.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the self-similar feature comprises an arrangement of two-dimensional shapes having substantially the same two-dimensional shape as the periphery of the major surface.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the major surface has a two-dimensional shape selected from the group consisting of regular polygons claim 1 , irregular polygons claim 1 , irregular shapes claim 1 , triangles claim 1 , quadrilaterals claim 1 , rectangles claim 1 , trapezoids claim 1 , pentagons claim 1 , hexagons claim 1 , heptagons claim 1 , octagons claim 1 , ellipses claim 1 , Greek alphabet characters claim 1 , Latin alphabet characters claim 1 , Russian alphabet characters claim 1 , and a combination thereof.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the major surface comprises a triangular two-dimensional shape.6. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the self-similar feature comprises a plurality of triangular two-dimensional shapes nested within each other.7. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body has at least one peripheral ridge extending around at least a portion of a side surface of the body.8. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 7 , wherein the at least one peripheral ridge extends around an entire side surface of the body.9. A shaped abrasive particle comprising a body having at least one peripheral ridge extending around at least a portion of a side surface of the body.10. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 9 , wherein the at least one peripheral ridge extends around the side surface of the body ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087444A1

A method of forming a shaped abrasive particle includes having a body formed by an additive manufacturing process. 1. An abrasive particle comprising a body having a side surface defined by at least one indentation extending into the body wherein the abrasive particle exhibits preferential fracturing behavior associated with the at least one indentation during an abrasive operation.2. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a first major surface and a second major surface separated by the side surface.3. The abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the first major surface has a two-dimensional shape selected from the group consisting of regular polygons claim 2 , irregular polygons claim 2 , irregular shapes claim 2 , triangles claim 2 , quadrilaterals claim 2 , rectangles claim 2 , trapezoids claim 2 , pentagons claim 2 , hexagons claim 2 , heptagons claim 2 , octagons claim 2 , ellipses claim 2 , Greek alphabet characters claim 2 , Latin alphabet characters claim 2 , Russian alphabet characters claim 2 , and a combination thereof.4. The abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the major surface comprises a triangular two-dimensional shape.5. The abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises at least 3 corners.6. The abrasive particle of claim 2 , wherein the indentation is located between at least 2 corners of the body.7. The abrasive particle of claim 6 , wherein the indentation is located at a corner of the body.8. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a corner including a plurality of microprotrusions extending from the corner.9. The abrasive particle of claim 8 , wherein the microprotrusions define a serrated edge.10. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body includes at least two indentations extending into the body.11. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body includes at least three indentations extending into the body.12. The abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the indentation ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090516A1

An abrasive grain is disclosed and may include a body. The body may define a length (l), a height (h), and a width (w). In a particular aspect, the length is greater than or equal to the height and the height is greater than or equal to the width. Further, in a particular aspect, the body may include a primary aspect ratio defined by the ratio of length:height of at least about 2:1. The body may also include an upright orientation probability of at least about 50%. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising: a body having a length (l) , a width (w) , and a height (h) , wherein the body comprises a base surface , an upper surface , and a side surface extending between the base surface and the upper surface , wherein the base surface comprises a different cross-sectional shape than a cross-sectional shape of the upper surface , and wherein the upper surface is substantially parallel to the base surface.2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of at least one of the base surface and the upper surface is selected from the group consisting of a three-pointed star claim 1 , a four pointed star claim 1 , a cross-shape claim 1 , a polygon claim 1 , ellipsoids claim 1 , numerals claim 1 , Greek alphabet characters claim 1 , Latin alphabet characters claim 1 , Russian alphabet characters claim 1 , complex shapes having a combination of polygonal shapes claim 1 , and a combination thereof.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the upper surface is a triangle and the shape of the base surface is a circle.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the upper surface is a square and the shape of the base surface is a circle.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the upper surface is a plus shape and the shape of the base surface is a circle.6. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the upper surface is a circle and the shape of the base surface is a triangle.7. ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085210A1
Автор: Izawa Yoshihiro

A method for producing a polishing composition including: preparing a first dispersion liquid by mixing a dispersing element containing abrasive grains and a dispersing medium with a pH adjusting agent, and changing the pH of the dispersing element so as to pass an isoelectric point of the abrasive grains; and preparing a second dispersion liquid by mixing the first dispersion liquid with an electrical conductivity adjusting agent. 1. A method for producing a polishing composition comprising:preparing a first dispersion liquid by mixing a dispersing element containing abrasive grains and a dispersing medium with a pH adjusting agent, and changing a pH of the dispersing element so as to pass an isoelectric point of the abrasive grains; andpreparing a second dispersion liquid by mixing the first dispersion liquid with an electrical conductivity adjusting agent.2. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity adjusting agent is in the form of an aqueous solution.3. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive grains are silica particles.4. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the pH adjusting agent is an acidic compound.5. The production method according to claim 4 , wherein the electrical conductivity adjusting agent is a salt of the acidic compound.6. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the pH adjusting agent is an alkaline compound. The present invention relates to a method for producing a polishing composition.In recent years, a so-called chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) technique for polishing and flattening a semiconductor substrate in producing a device has been used in accordance with multilayer wiring on a surface of a semiconductor substrate. CMP is a method for flattening the surface of a polishing object (object to be polished) like a semiconductor substrate by using a composition (slurry) containing abrasive grains such as silica, alumina, or ceria, an anti- ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096238A1
Автор: IWANO Tomohiro

A method for manufacturing an abrasive grain, comprising a step of obtaining a particle including a hydroxide of a tetravalent metal element by mixing a metal salt solution comprising a salt of the tetravalent metal element with an alkali liquid, and a step of heating the particle including a hydroxide of a tetravalent metal element. 1. A method for manufacturing an abrasive grain , comprising:a step of obtaining a particle including a hydroxide of a tetravalent metal element by mixing a metal salt solution comprising a salt of the tetravalent metal element with an alkali liquid; anda step of heating the particle including the hydroxide of the tetravalent metal element.2. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 1 , wherein the particle including the hydroxide of the tetravalent metal element is heated at 30° C. or more.3. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 1 , wherein the particle including the hydroxide of the tetravalent metal element is heated at 40° C. or more.4. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 1 , wherein the particle including the hydroxide of the tetravalent metal element is heated at 100° C. or less.6. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 5 , wherein the ΔpH is 1.000 or less.9. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 8 , wherein the rotational frequency R is 30 minor more.10. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 5 , wherein the circulation count N is 1.00 minor more.12. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 11 , wherein the mixing rate v is 5.00×10m/min or less.13. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 5 , wherein the replacement count M is 1.0 minor less.14. The method for manufacturing an abrasive grain according to claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the salt of the tetravalent metal element in the metal salt solution is 0.010 ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087539A1

The present invention relates to a suspension of cerium oxide particles in a liquid phase, in which said particles comprise secondary particles comprising primary particles, and a process for preparing said liquid suspension in which the cerium IV/total cerium molar ratio before precipitation is comprised between 1/10000 and 1/500000 and that the thermal treatment is being carried out under an inert atmosphere. 1. A suspension of cerium oxide particles in a liquid phase , wherein said particles comprise secondary particles comprising primary particles , and wherein:the secondary particles have an average size D50 of between 105 and 1000 nm, with a standard deviation of between 10 and 50% of the average size of the secondary particles; andthe primary particles have an average size D50 of between 100 and 300 nm, with a standard deviation of between 10 and 30% of the average size of the primary particles.2. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary particles have an average size D50 of between 110 and 800 nm.3. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the primary particles have an average size D50 of between 100 and 250 nm.4. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary particles have a dispersion index of at most 0.6.5. The suspension according to claim 4 , wherein the secondary particles have a dispersion index of between 0.22 and 0.6.6. The suspension according to claim 5 , wherein the secondary particles have a dispersion index of between 0.26 and 0.6.7. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the primary particles have a BET specific surface area of between 3 and 15 m/g.8. The suspension according to claim 7 , wherein the primary particles have a BET specific surface area of between 3 and 10 m/g.9. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid phase is at least one liquid selected from the group consisting of: water claim 1 , water/water-miscible solvent mixture claim 1 , and an organic solvent.10. A process ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094832A1

A silica particle dispersion liquid includes a silica particle that satisfies (i) to (iii) below: (i) an average particle diameter d is 5 to 300 nm; (ii) an occlusion amount of a basic substance per 1 g of the particle is 2 mg or more; and (iii) a Sears number Y exceeds 12.0. 1. A silica particle dispersion liquid comprising a silica particle that satisfies (i) to (iii) below:(i) an average particle diameter d is 5 to 300 nm;(ii) an occlusion amount of a basic substance per 1 g of the particle is 2 mg or more; and(iii) a Sears number Y exceeds 12.0.2. The silica particle dispersion liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein the Sears number Y of (iii) is more than 12.0 and not more than 20.0.3. The silica particle dispersion liquid according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the silica particle has a density ρ of 1.00 g/cmor less.'}4. The silica particle dispersion liquid according to claim 1 ,wherein the silica particle has a structure in which a surface of the particle communicates with a pore inside the particle.5. The silica particle dispersion liquid according to claim 1 , which is used for polishing.6. A production method of a silica particle dispersion liquid claim 1 , comprising:preparing a silica particle dispersion liquid containing a silica particle having an average particle diameter d of 5 to 300 nm by hydrolyzing and polycondensing alkoxysilane in the presence of water, an organic solvent, and an alkali catalyst;substituting the organic solvent in the silica particle dispersion liquid with water;heating, under normal pressure at pH 7 or more, the silica particle dispersion liquid obtained by substituting with water such that the Sears number Y of the silica particle does not become 12.0 or less; andconcentrating, at less than pH 7, the dispersion liquid obtained by heating.7. The production method of a silica particle dispersion liquid according to claim 6 ,wherein the preparing a silica particle dispersion liquid includes preparing a silica particle having ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145216A1
Принадлежит: KCTECH CO., LTD.

A composition for dissolving abrasive particles, and a cleaning method using the composition are provided. The composition includes a sulfur-containing organic acid, a fluorine ion-containing compound, and a solvent, and a turbidity change rate (%) measured at 60° C. for 15 minutes may be in a range of −80 to −99. 1. A composition for dissolving abrasive particles , the composition comprising:a sulfur-containing organic acid;a fluorine ion-containing compound; anda solvent,wherein a turbidity change rate (%) measured at 60° C. for 15 minutes is in a range of −80 to −99.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-containing organic acid is included in an amount of 1% by weight (wt %) to 10 wt % in the composition.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-containing organic acid comprises at least one selected from a group consisting of sulfenic acid (RSOH) claim 1 , sulfinic acid (RSO(OH)) claim 1 , organic sulfonic acid (RS(═O)—OH) claim 1 , thiosulfonic acid (RSOSH) claim 1 , and thiocarboxylic acid (RC(S)OH).4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the organic sulfonic acid comprises at least one selected from a group consisting of alkanesulfonic acid claim 3 , alkanolsulfonic acid claim 3 , sulfosuccinic acid claim 3 , and aromatic sulfonic acid.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the fluorine ion-containing compound is included in an amount of 2 wt % to 10 wt % in the composition.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the fluorine ion-containing compound is an ionic fluoride compound.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the fluorine ion-containing compound comprises at least one selected from a group consisting of ammonium fluoride claim 1 , ammonium bifluoride claim 1 , ammonium tetrafluoroborate claim 1 , ammonium silicofluoride claim 1 , aminobenzotrifluoride claim 1 , tetramethylammonium fluoride claim 1 , tetraethylammonium fluoride claim 1 , tetrabutylammonium difluorotriphenylsilicate claim 1 , tetrabutylammonium fluoride claim 1 , ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101255A1
Автор: Lee Jong Keun

Provided are a method of manufacturing an alumina-based abrasive grain, which includes preparing boehmite powder and activated alumina powder as starting materials, forming a sol by wet-blending and crushing the boehmite powder, the activated alumina powder, a solvent and a deflocculant, heating the sol at a first temperature which is higher than a room temperature and lower than a boiling point of the solvent and stirring the sol so as not to generate a precipitate, forming a gel by heating the sol at a second temperature higher than the first temperature at which a viscosity of the sol is increased and the sol becomes a paste, blending the gel with an organic solvent and performing wet crushing on the resulting mixture, preparing a powder by drying the wet-crushed gel, blending a binder and a solvent with the dried product, which is the powder, and molding the resulting mixture, calcining the molded product, performing dry crushing on the calcined product, and sintering the dry-crushed product to transform activated alumina and boehmite contained therein to an α-AlOcrystal phase, and an alumina-based abrasive grain manufactured thereby. As a result, an alumina-based abrasive grain which is highly dense, has a high hardness, and exhibits a high purity may be manufactured using boehmite powder and activated alumina powder. 1. A method of manufacturing an alumina-based abrasive grain , comprising:(a) preparing boehmite powder and activated alumina powder as starting materials;(b) forming a sol by wet-blending the boehmite powder, the activated alumina powder, a solvent and a deflocculant;(c) heating the sol at a first temperature which is higher than a room temperature and lower than a boiling point of the solvent and stirring the sol so as not to generate a precipitate;(d) forming a gel by heating the sol at a second temperature higher than the first temperature at which a viscosity of the sol is increased and the sol becomes a paste;(e) blending the gel with an ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092972A1

The present invention provides aqueous chemical mechanical planarization polishing (CMP polishing) compositions comprising one or more dispersions of aqueous colloidal silica particles, preferably, spherical colloidal silica particles, one or more amine carboxylic acids having an isolectric point (pI) below 5, preferably, an acidic amino acid or a pyridine acid, and one or more ethoxylated anionic surfactants having a Cto Calkyl, aryl or alkylaryl hydrophobic group, wherein the compositions have a pH of from 3 to 5. The compositions enable good silicon nitride removal and selectivity of nitride to oxide removal in polishing. 1. An aqueous chemical mechanical planarization polishing comprising an abrasive of one or more dispersions of aqueous colloidal silica particles , 0.005 to 5 wt % , based on the total weight of the composition , of one or more amine carboxylic acids having an isoelectric point below 5 chosen from nicotinic acids and pyridine acids , and one or more ethoxylated anionic surfactants having a Cto Calkyl , aryl or alkylaryl hydrophobic group , wherein the composition has a pH of from 3 to 5 , and , further wherein , the amount of the abrasive particles as solids , ranges from 0.01 to 30 wt. % , based on the total weight of the composition.2. The aqueous chemical mechanical planarization polishing composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the abrasive comprises spherical colloidal silica particles.3. The aqueous chemical mechanical polishing composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the one or more amine carboxylic acids have an isoelectric point from 2.0 to 4.0.45-. (canceled)6. The aqueous chemical mechanical polishing composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of the abrasive particles as solids claim 1 , ranges from 0.1 to less than 1 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.7. The aqueous chemical mechanical polishing composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pH of the composition ranges from 3.5 to 4.5. ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140179203A1

An abrasive particle having an irregular surface, wherein the surface roughness of the particle is less than about 0.95. A method for producing modified abrasive particles, including providing a plurality of abrasive particles, providing a reactive coating on said particles, heating said coated particles; and recovering modified abrasive particles. 1. A monocrystalline diamond particle having an irregular surface , wherein the surface roughness of said particle is less than about 0.95.2. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the surface roughness of said particle is between about 0.50 and about 0.80.3. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is less than about 0.70.4. The particle of claim 3 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is between about 0.25 to about 0.6.5. The particle of claim 1 , wherein the surface area of said particle is greater than about 20 percent higher than a conventional monocrystalline diamond particle having the same particle size distribution.6. The particle of claim 1 , where the size of the particle is between about 0.1 to about 1000 microns.7. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises one or more spikes.8. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises one or more pits.9. The particle of claim 8 , wherein the depth of the pits ranges in size from about 5% to about 70% of the longest length of the particle.10. The particle of claim 9 , wherein the depth of the pits ranges in size from about 40% to about 60% of the longest length of the particle.11. The particle of claim 1 , wherein said particle comprises a metallic coating.12. The particle of claim 1 , wherein in said particle ranges in size from about 0.1 micron to about 1000 microns.13. A monocrystalline diamond particle having a sphericity of less than about 0.70.14. The particle of claim 13 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is about 0.2 to about 0.515. The particle of claim 13 , wherein the sphericity of said particle is ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182217A1

An abrasive grain is disclosed and may include a body. The body may define a length (l), a height (h), and a width (w). In a particular aspect, the length is greater than or equal to the height and the height is greater than or equal to the width. Further, in a particular aspect, the body may include a primary aspect ratio defined by the ratio of length:height of at least about 2:1. The body may also include an upright orientation probability of at least about 50%. 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising:a body having a length (l), a width (w), and a height (h), wherein the body comprises a base surface, an upper surface, and a side surface extending between the base surface and the upper surface, wherein the base surface comprises a cross shape, and wherein the upper surface comprises a different shape compared to the base surface.2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the upper surface is selected from the group consisting of a three-pointed star claim 1 , a four pointed star claim 1 , a cross-shape claim 1 , a polygon claim 1 , ellipsoids claim 1 , numerals claim 1 , Greek alphabet characters claim 1 , Latin alphabet characters claim 1 , Russian alphabet characters claim 1 , complex shapes having a combination of polygonal shapes claim 1 , and a combination thereof.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface comprises a rounded quadrilateral shape.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 3 , wherein the rounded quadrilateral shape comprises rounded corners claim 3 , and wherein the rounded corners are positioned between the arms of the cross-shaped of the base surface.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface comprises undulations.6. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the base surface defines a cross shape having four arms extending from a central portion claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the arms comprises a width at a midpoint of the length of the arm that is ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169892A1
Автор: Mishra Abhudaya

Polishing compositions that can selectively and preferentially polish certain dielectric films over other dielectric films are provided herein. These polishing compositions include either cationic or anionic abrasives based on the target dielectric film to be removed and preserved. The polishing compositions utilize a novel electrostatic charge based design, where based on the charge of the abrasives and their electrostatic interaction (forces of attraction or repulsion) with the charge on the dielectric film, various material removal rates and polishing selectivities can be achieved. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a first rate of removal of silicon oxide claim 1 , a second rate of removal of silicon nitride claim 1 , and a ratio of the first rate to the second rate is at least about 2:1.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive comprises colloidal alumina claim 1 , colloidal silica claim 1 , or colloidal titania.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive comprises cationic colloidal silica claim 1 , or base immobilized non-ionic silica.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the silica is prepared by a sol-gel reaction from tetramethyl orthosilicate or tetraethyl orthosilicate.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive has a mean particle size of from about 1 nm to about 5000 nm.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive is present in the composition in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % to about 50 wt % based on the total weight of the composition.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive is present in the composition in an amount of from about 1 wt % to about 5 wt % based on the total weight of the composition.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the acid is selected from the group consisting of formic acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , malonic acid claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , propionic acid claim 1 , malic acid claim 1 , adipic ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186585A1

Abrasive blasting media including a shaped abrasive particle and a method of preparing a surface of a workpiece including directing an abrasive matter at a workpiece, the abrasive matter includes a carrier and a plurality of shaped abrasive particles, and preparing a surface of the workpiece with the abrasive matter. 1. Abrasive blasting media comprising a shaped abrasive particle.2. The abrasive blasting media of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a body including a length (l) claim 1 , a width (w) claim 1 , and a height (hi) claim 1 , wherein the height (hi) is an interior height of the body claim 1 , and wherein w≧l and w≧hi.3. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a two-dimensional polygonal shape as viewed in a plane defined by a length and width.4. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises abrasive grains selected from the group of materials consisting of nitrides claim 2 , oxides claim 2 , carbides claim 2 , borides claim 2 , oxynitrides claim 2 , diamond claim 2 , and a combination thereof.5. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the interior height is at least about 22% of the width.6. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a percent flashing (f) of at least about 10% for a total side area of the body.7. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a percent flashing (f) of not greater than about 45% for a total side area of the body.8. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a dish-shaped particle claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a dishing value (d) of not greater than about 2.9. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a dishing value (d) of at least about 0.1.10. The abrasive blasting media of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises a profile ratio of at least about 0.04 claim 2 , wherein the profile ratio is defined as a ratio between an average difference in ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106596A1
Автор: Mishra Abhudaya

Polishing compositions that can selectively and preferentially polish certain dielectric films over other dielectric films are provided herein. These polishing compositions include either cationic or anionic abrasives based on the target dielectric film to be removed and preserved. The polishing compositions utilize a novel electrostatic charge based design, where based on the charge of the abrasives and their electrostatic interaction (forces of attraction or repulsion) with the charge on the dielectric film, various material removal rates and polishing selectivities can be achieved. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a first rate of removal of silicon oxide claim 1 , a second rate of removal of silicon nitride claim 1 , and a ratio of the first rate to the second rate is at least about 2:1.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a first rate of removal of polysilicon claim 1 , a second rate of removal of silicon nitride claim 1 , and a ratio of the first rate to the second rate is at least about 2:1.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive comprises colloidal alumina claim 1 , colloidal silica claim 1 , or colloidal titania.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive comprises cationic colloidal silica claim 1 , or base immobilized non-ionic silica.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the silica is prepared by a sol-gel reaction from tetramethyl orthosilicate.7. (canceled)8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic abrasive is present in the composition in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % to about 50 wt % based on the total weight of the composition.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the acid is selected from the group consisting of formic acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , malonic acid claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , propionic acid claim 1 , malic acid claim 1 , adipic acid claim 1 , succinic acid claim 1 , lactic acid claim 1 , oxalic acid claim 1 , ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Polishing slurry composition for sti process

Номер: US20220177727A1
Принадлежит: KCTech Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a polishing slurry composition for an STI process and, more specifically, to a polishing slurry composition for an STI process, the polishing slurry composition comprising: a polishing solution including polishing particles; and an additive solution containing a polymer having an amide bond, and a polysilicon film polishing barrier inclusive of a monomer having three or more chains linked to one or more atoms.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114260A1
Автор: Bock Irene, Kamps Thomas

The invention relates to a multilayer abrasive particle () having a layer structure of stacked layers (), each of the layers () being formed parallel to a plane (E). The exposed surfaces () of the layers () not covered by another layer and/or the edges () connecting the exposed surfaces () extend at least partially convexly or concavely in relation to the plane (E) and/or to a plane (E) that is perpendicular thereto and comprises the direction () of the layer thickness. 1. A multilayer abrasive particle , said particle comprising:{'b': '2', 'stacked layers parallel to a plane (E), said stacked layers forming a layer structure including exposed surfaces of the layers not covered by another layer and/or edges connecting the exposed surfaces, said exposed surfaces extending at least partially convexly or concavely in relation to the plane (E) and/or to a plane (E) that is perpendicular thereto and includes a direction of the layer thickness.'}2. The multilayer abrasive particle according to claim 1 , in which the layers form a shell enclosing a hollow space.3. The multilayer abrasive particle according to claim 1 , in which the layers approximate a spherical shape.4. An abrasive comprising multilayer abrasive particles according to .5. A multilayer abrasive particle claim 1 , said particle comprising:a plurality of layers, at least some of said layers of said plurality of layers including an exposed surface not covered by another layer of said plurality of layers and/or edges of another layer of said plurality of layers, said exposed surfaces extending at least partially convexly or concavely.62. The multilayer abrasive particle according to claim 5 , in which said plurality of layers are substantially parallel to a plane (E) claim 5 , and said exposed surfaces extend at least partially convexly or concavely in relation to the plane (E) and/or to a plane (E) that is substantially perpendicular to the plane E.7. The multilayer abrasive particle according to claim 5 , in ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Abrasive Regeneration Method

Номер: US20150121769A1

Technique to provide an abrasive regeneration method which, from a used abrasive slurry, can recover an abrasive by an efficient method and can thereafter obtain a high-purity regenerated abrasive by a simple method. This abrasive regeneration method uses an abrasive comprising at least one type of abrasive selected from diamond, boron nitride, silicon carbide, alumina, alumina zirconia and zirconium oxide. The abrasive regeneration involves a slurry recovery step (A) for recovering an abrasive slurry discharged from a polishing machine, a separation and concentration step (B) for adding an alkaline earth metal salt as an inorganic salt to the recovered abrasive slurry to aggregate the abrasive, and separating and concentrating the abrasive from a mother liquor, and an abrasive recovery step (C) for recovering the separated and concentrated abrasive. 1. A method for regenerating an abrasive from a used abrasive-containing slurry , the method comprising:(A) collecting an abrasive-containing slurry discharged from an abrasive device;(B) separating the abrasive from a mother liquid and concentrating the abrasive by adding an alkali earth metal salt as an inorganic salt to the collected abrasive-containing slurry and aggregating the abrasive; and(C) collecting the separated and concentrated abrasive, whereinthe abrasive is at least one selected from a group consisting of diamond, boron nitride, silicon carbide, alumina, alumina-zirconia and zirconium oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:(D) adjusting sizes of particles of the collected abrasive, after the step (C).3. The method of or claim 1 , whereinthe separating and concentrating are conducted at a converted pH of less than 10.0 of the mother liquid at 25° C. in the step (B).4. The method of claim 1 , whereina first abrasive-containing slurry that contains washing water and a second abrasive-containing slurry that was used are collected in the step (A).5. The method of claim 4 , whereinthe first ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109312A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion having excellent concentration stability in a process used as an abrasive. The object is achieved by the nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion including: inorganic oxide fine particles having an average particle size of 1 to 500 nm and containing fine particles containing Ce; and nanobubbles having an average cell size of 50 to 500 nm and being at least one non-oxidizing gas selected from a group consisting of Nand H. 1. A nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion comprising:inorganic oxide fine particles having an average particle size of 1 to 500 nm and containing fine particles containing Ce; and{'sub': 2', '2, 'nanobubbles having an average cell size of 50 to 500 nm and being at least one non-oxidizing gas selected from a group consisting of Nand H.'}2. The nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion according to claim 1 , comprising at least 10cells/mL nanobubbles.3. The nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein if streaming potential when solid concentration is 0.005 mass % and pH is adjusted to 4.5 is taken as V2 [mV] claim 1 , and if the streaming potential when the nanobubbles are removed claim 1 , the solid concentration is 0.005 mass % claim 1 , and the pH is adjusted to 4.5 is taken as V1 [mV] claim 1 , a streaming potential difference ΔV=V1−V2 is at least 10 mV.4. The nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic oxide fine particles are silica ceria composite fine particles.5. The nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein ceria content in the silica ceria composite particles is at least 10 mass %.6. The nanobubble-containing inorganic oxide fine particle dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein content of ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128505A1

An abrasive article includes a body having abrasive particles contained within a bond material. The abrasive particles can include a majority content of silicon nitride and a minority content of sintering material including at least two rare-earth oxide materials. In an embodiment, the rare-earth oxide materials can include NdOand YO. In a particular embodiment, the abrasive particles comprise a content (wt %) of NdOthat is greater than a content of YO(wt %). 1. A shaped abrasive particle comprising:{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'a body having (i) a majority content of silicon nitride; and (ii) a minority content of sintering material including NdOand YO.'}2. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body of the shaped abrasive particle is part of a coated abrasive article or a bonded abrasive article.3. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body of the shaped abrasive particle has a two-dimensional shape as viewed in a plane defined by a length and a width of the body claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional shape is selected from the group consisting of a polygonal shape claim 1 , an ellipsoidal shape claim 1 , a numeral claim 1 , a Greek alphabet character claim 1 , a Latin alphabet character claim 1 , a Russian alphabet character claim 1 , and a complex shape utilizing a combination of polygonal shapes.4. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the body of the shaped abrasive particle comprises no greater than 5 vol % porosity.5. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a content (wt %) of NdOgreater than a content (wt %) of YO.6. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein a side face of the shaped abrasive particle is convex or concave.7. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle comprises a total content of rare earth oxide greater than a content of alumina.8. The shaped abrasive particle of claim 1 , wherein the shaped abrasive particle ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Silica-based polishing particle and abrasive

Номер: US20180127627A1
Принадлежит: JGC Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd

Provided is a silica-based polishing particle which can polish and flatten the surface of a substrate at a sufficient polishing rate with generation of scratches prevented, and successfully prevents generation of particle residues on a substrate after polishing. A silica-based polishing particle with a three-dimensional polycondensation structure containing an alkoxy group, wherein the particle has an average particle diameter (d) of 5 to 300 nm, an aspect ratio of 1.00 or more and 1.20 or less, and a carbon content of 0.005% by mass or more and less than 0.50% by mass.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Abrasive material

Номер: US20170130097A1
Принадлежит: Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co Ltd

The present invention provides an abrasive material capable of polishing difficult-to-polish silicon carbide at a high degree of surface precision. The present invention relates to an abrasive material including manganese dioxide particles having a non-needle-like shape possessing a ratio of the longitudinal axis to the transverse axis of the particles observed with a scanning electron microscope of 3.0 or less. The abrasive material is preferable if the average particle size D SEM of the longitudinal axis of the observed particles is 1.0 μm or less, and if the particle size D 50 of the volume-based cumulative fraction of 50% in laser diffraction/scattering particle size distribution measurement is 2.0 μm or less.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Polishing composition and polishing method

Номер: US20220275246A1
Автор: Daiki Ito, Toshio SHINODA
Принадлежит: Fujimi Inc

There is provided a polishing composition capable of improving the polishing removal rate of silicon nitride to polish silicon oxide and silicon nitride at the same polishing removal rate and polishing silicon nitride with a small number of defects. A polishing composition contains: abrasives having a positive zeta potential; and a cyclic compound having a mother nucleus with a ring structure and two or more anionic functional groups bonded to the mother nucleus, in which the abrasives contain silica. This polishing composition is used for polishing objects to be polished containing silicon oxide and silicon nitride.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123413A1

The present invention provides a solution for preventing the settling of an abrasive while maintaining the polishing performance. In addition, the present invention provides a solution for improving the redispersibility of an abrasive while maintaining the polishing performance. 1. A polishing composition for use in polishing a semiconductor substrate ,the polishing composition comprising an abrasive, a layered compound, and a dispersion medium.2. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the layered compound is a layered silicate compound.3. The polishing composition according to claim 1 ,wherein an average secondary particle diameter of the abrasive is 1.8 μm or less.4. The polishing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor substrate is a compound semiconductor substrate.5. A polishing method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'storing the polishing composition according to at a temperature of 10° C. or more for 20 days or more after production; and'}polishing a semiconductor substrate using the polishing composition after storage. The present invention relates to a polishing composition.Generally, in the polishing of a semiconductor substrate, such as a silicon wafer or silicon carbide, not to mention the improvement of surface quality accompanying increases in the performance and integration density of semiconductor devices, the improvement of production efficiency in order to deal with the increasing demands of recent years has been regarded as an important issue. As a technology for solving this problem, for example, JP 2012-248569 A discloses a polishing agent characterized by containing an oxidizing agent containing a transition metal having an oxidation reduction potential of 0.5 V or more, cerium oxide particles having an average secondary particle size of 0.5 μm or less, and a dispersion medium.However, the polishing composition described in JP 2012-248569 A has been problematic in that because ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Polishing agent for synthetic quartz glass substrate, method for manufacturing the polishing agent, and method for polishing synthetic quartz glass substrate

Номер: US20210162558A1
Автор: Mitsuhito Takahashi
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A polishing agent for a synthetic quartz glass substrate contains polishing particles and water. The polishing particles are composite oxide particles of cerium and yttrium. A content by percent of the cerium in the polishing particles is 71 mol % or more and 79 mol % or less. This provides a polishing agent for a synthetic quartz glass substrate, the polishing agent being capable of sufficiently reducing generation of defects on the surface of the synthetic quartz glass substrate due to polishing without decreasing the polishing rate.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Composite Abrasive Particles For Chemical Mechanical Planarization Composition And Method Of Use Thereof

Номер: US20170133236A1
Принадлежит: Air Products and Chemicals Inc

Polishing compositions comprising ceria coated silica particles offer minimal topography, reduced oxide and nitride losses, while providing high oxide polish rates. These formulations are especially useful for polishing large structures typically used in 3D NAND device manufacturing.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137679A1

An abrasive compact comprises an ultrahard polycrystalline composite material comprised of ultrahard abrasive particles having a multimodal size distribution and a binder phase. The ultrahard polycrystalline composite material defines a plurality of interstices, the binder phase being distributed in the interstices to form greater than an optimal threshold of binder pools per square micron. 1. An abrasive compact comprising an ultrahard polycrystalline composite material comprised of ultrahard abrasive particles having a multimodal particle size distribution and an overall average particle grain size of less than about 12 μm and greater than about 2 μm , and a binder phase , the ultrahard polycrystalline composite material defining a plurality of interstices , the binder phase being distributed in the interstices to form binder pools , characterised in that there are greater than 0.45 binder pools per square micron.2. An abrasive compact according to claim 1 , wherein the number of binder pools is greater than 0.50 per square micron.3. An abrasive compact according to claim 1 , wherein the number of binder pools is greater than 0.55 binder pools per square micron.4. An abrasive compact according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrahard abrasive particles are diamond.5. An abrasive compact according to claim 1 , wherein the ultrahard abrasive particles are diamond and the ultrahard polycrystalline diamond material is in the form of a polycrystalline diamond layer having a layer thickness in excess of 0.5 mm.6. An abrasive compact according to claim 5 , wherein the polycrystalline diamond layer thickness is in excess of 1.0 mm.7. An abrasive compact according to claim 5 , wherein the polycrystalline diamond layer thickness is in excess of 1.5 mm. This invention relates to abrasive compacts.Abrasive compacts are used extensively in cutting, milling, grinding, drilling and other abrasive operations. Abrasive compacts consist of a mass of ultrahard particles, typically diamond ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Abrasive Particle with at Most Three Surfaces and One Corner

Номер: US20180142132A1

An abrasive particle includes at most three surfaces and at least one edge which has a corner at at least one end. The abrasive particle may contain a ceramic material, particularly polycrystalline α-AlO. Abrasive particles as a whole, methods for producing abrasive particles, moulds, abrasive articles, methods for producing abrasive articles, and methods for abrading a surface are also disclosed. 1. An abrasive grain comprising:two opposite base faces each defining an outline including at least one concave section,wherein the abrasive grain is in the shape of a straight cylinder.2. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outline has at least one corner.3. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 2 , wherein an edge of the outline defines an inner angle of one of the two opposite base faces within a range from 65° to 120.4. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner angle is within a range from 65° to 115°.5. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner angle is within a range from 75° to 105°.6. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner angle is within a range from 85° to 95°.7. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner angle is 90°.8. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outline defines at least one linear section.9. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the at least one linear section runs at an angle with respect to a support plane of the abrasive grain of at most 20°.10. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the at least one linear section runs at an angle with respect to a support plane of the abrasive grain of at most 10°.11. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the at least one linear section runs at an angle with respect to a support plane of the abrasive grain of at most 5°.12. The abrasive grain as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:a tangent to at least one point on the outline runs at an angle to a perpendicular line ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200135486A1

The present disclosure provides a method for planarizing a metal-dielectric surface. The method includes: providing a slurry to a first metal-dielectric surface, wherein the first metal-dielectric surface comprises a silicon oxide portion and a metal portion, and wherein the slurry comprises a ceria compound; and performing a chemical mechanical polish (CMP) operation using the slurry to simultaneously remove the silicon oxide portion and the metal portion. The present disclosure also provides a method for planarizing a metal-dielectric surface and a method for manufacturing a semiconductor. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for manufacturing a semiconductor , comprising:receiving a substrate having a semiconductor fin, a source/drain region in the semiconductor fin, and a gate structure over the semiconductor fin and adjacent to the source/drain region from a cross sectional perspective;forming a metal oxide layer over the gate structure;forming a dielectric layer over the metal oxide layer;forming a metal layer over the metal oxide layer; andperforming a chemical mechanical polish (CMP) operation to remove a portion of the dielectric layer and a portion of the metal layer, the CMP operation stopping at the metal oxide layer, wherein a slurry used in the CMP operation comprises a ceria compound.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein a weight percentage of the ceria compound in the slurry is in a range from 0.05 wt % to 0.25 wt %.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the slurry further includes a removal rate regulator to adjust removal rates of the slurry to the metal layer and to the dielectric layer.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the slurry has a dielectric material removal rate higher than a metal oxide removal rate.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the metal layer is adjacent to the dielectric layer and filling between the gate structures.16. A method for planarizing a metal-dielectric surface claim 11 , comprising:receiving a substrate having a first metal- ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145259A1

A polishing slurry for silicon, a method of polishing polysilicon, and a method of manufacturing a thin film transistor substrate, the slurry including a polishing particle; a dispersing agent including an anionic polymer, a hydroxyl acid, or an amino acid; a stabilizing agent including an organic acid, the organic acid including a carboxyl group; a hydrophilic agent including a hydrophilic group and a hydrophobic group, and water, wherein the polishing particle is included in the polishing slurry in an amount of about 0.1% by weight to about 10% by weight, based on a total weight of the slurry, a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the dispersing agent is about 1:0.01 to about 1:0.2, a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the stabilizing agent is about 1:0.001 to about 1:0.1, and a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the hydrophilic agent is about 1:0.01 to about 1:3. 1. A polishing slurry for silicon , the polishing slurry comprising:a polishing particle;a dispersing agent including at least one selected from the group consisting of an anionic polymer, a hydroxyl acid, and an amino acid;a stabilizing agent including an organic acid, the organic acid including a carboxyl group;a hydrophilic agent including a hydrophilic group and a hydrophobic group, andwater, the polishing particle is included in the polishing slurry in an amount of about 0.1% by weight to about 10% by weight, based on a total weight of the polishing slurry,', 'a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the dispersing agent is about 1:0.01 to about 1:0.2,', 'a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the stabilizing agent is about 1:0.001 to about 1:0.1, and', 'a weight ratio of the polishing particle and the hydrophilic agent is about 1:0.01 to about 1:3., 'wherein2. The polishing slurry for silicon as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polishing particle includes at least one selected from the group consisting of silica claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , ceria claim 1 , zirconia ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Chemical mechanical planarization using nanodiamond

Номер: US20150155181A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Ceramics and Plastics Inc

A method for chemical mechanical polishing of a substrate includes polishing the substrate at a stock removal rate of greater than about 2.5 Å/min to achieve a Ra of not greater than about 5.0 Å. The substrate can be a III-V substrate or a SiC substrate. The polishing utilizes a chemical mechanical polishing slurry comprising ultra-dispersed diamonds and at least 80 wt % water.

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Shaped Ceramic Abrasive Particle and Method for Producing a Shaped Ceramic Abrasive Particle

Номер: US20200140338A1

A shaped ceramic abrasive particle based on alpha-AlOcontains a proportion of 5% to 30% by weight of ZrO. The alpha-AlOhas a medium crystallite size of 0.5 μm to 3 μm and the ZrOhas a medium crystallite size of 0.25 μm to 8 μm. 1. A shaped ceramic abrasive particle based on alpha-AlOcomprising:{'sub': '2', 'a ZrOportion comprising from 5% by weight to 30% by weight of the abrasive particle,'}{'sub': 2', '3', '2, 'wherein the alpha-AlOhas an average crystallite size of from 0.5 μm to 3 μm and the ZrOhas an average crystallite size of from 0.25 μm to 8 μm.'}2. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ZrOportion comprises from 10% by weight to 25% by weight of the abrasive particle.3. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the average crystallite size of the alpha-AlOto the average crystallite size of the ZrOis from 0.4 to 7.4. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a stabilizer that stabilizes the ZrO, the stabilizer comprising less than or equal to 20% by weight of the abrasive particle,'}wherein the stabilizer includes at least one of yttrium oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide, and cerium oxide.5. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a MgO portion comprising less than or equal to 0.5% by weight of the abrasive particle.6. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a SiOportion comprising from 0.01% by weight to 2% by weight of the abrasive particle.'}7. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a NaO portion comprising from 0.01% by weight to 0.5% by weight of the abrasive particle.'}8. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a CaO comprising from 0.01% by weight to 0.03% by weight of the abrasive particle.9. The shaped ceramic abrasive particle as ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152421A1

The present invention concerns a process for the production of metal doped cerium compositions comprising a cerium oxide and a metal oxide by precipitation. The invention also concerns metal doped cerium compositions providing high crystallites size and exhibiting high thermal stabilities, which may be used as a catalytic support or for polishing applications. 1. A process for preparing a composition comprising a cerium oxide and at least a metal (M) oxide , the process comprising:contacting a solution comprising a cerium(III) salt, a cerium(IV) compound and a salt of metal (M) with a base, under an inert atmosphere, whereby a precipitate is obtained; wherein cerium(III) salt/cerium(IV) compound molar ratio is comprised between 50/1 and 5000/1,subjecting the precipitate in solution to a thermal treatment under an inert atmosphere, whereby the composition is obtained, wherein metal (M) oxide/cerium(IV) oxide molar ratio of said composition is comprised between 0.1 and 15%; andat least one of the contacting step or the subjecting step is carried out in the presence of nitrate ions.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said process further comprises acidifying and washing the product obtained in a preceding step.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the pH of the medium after acidification is comprised between 2 and 5.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said process further comprises calcining the composition.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cerium(III) salt/cerium(IV) compound molar ratio is comprised between 75/1 and 500/1.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein metal (M) is selected from the group consisting of: Zr claim 1 , Al claim 1 , La claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Y and Sr.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal (M) oxide/cerium oxide molar ratio is comprised between 1 and 7%.8. A composition comprising a cerium oxide and a metal (M) oxide claim 1 , wherein the metal (M) oxide/cerium oxide ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140237907A1

Abrasive particles comprising shaped abrasive particles each having a sidewall, each of the shaped abrasive particles comprising alpha alumina and having a first face and a second face separated by a sidewall and having a maximum thickness, T; and the shaped abrasive particles further comprising a plurality of grooves on the second face. 1. A coated abrasive article comprising:shaped abrasive particles and a make coat on a first major surface of a backing, the shaped abrasive particles each having a sidewall, each of the shaped abrasive particles comprising alpha alumina and having a first face and a second face separated by the sidewall and having a maximum thickness, T;a blend of the shaped abrasive particles adhered to the make coat by the sidewall forming an abrasive layer, the abrasive layer coated with a size coat; andthe blend of the shaped abrasive particles comprises a plurality of shaped abrasive particles having a plurality of grooves on the second face and a plurality of shaped abrasive particles without the plurality of grooves on the second face.2. The abrasive article of wherein the blend of the shaped abrasive particles comprises approximately 40%-60% by weight of the shaped abrasive particles with the plurality of grooves and approximately 40%-60% by weight of the shaped abrasive particles without the plurality of grooves.3. The abrasive particles of wherein the plurality of grooves extend completely across the second face and intersect with a first edge of the second face at a 90 degree angle.4. The abrasive particles of wherein the cross sectional geometry of the plurality of grooves comprises a triangle or a truncated triangle.5. The abrasive particles of wherein the plurality of grooves comprises a percent spacing and the percent spacing is between about 1% to about 50%.6. The abrasive particles of wherein each of the plurality of grooves comprises a depth claim 1 , D claim 1 , and a percentage ratio of D/T is between about 0.1% to about 30%.7. ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155591A1

Provided is a silica-based polishing particle, particularly suitable for primary polishing, which provides a high polishing rate on the surface of a substrate and which prevents particle residues on the substrate after polishing, and an abrasive including the silica-based polishing particle. A silica-based polishing particle with a three-dimensional polycondensation structure containing an alkoxy group, wherein the particle has an average particle diameter (d) of 5 to 300 nm, an aspect ratio of more than 1.20 and 5.00 or less, and a carbon content of 0.005% by mass or more and less than 0.50% by mass. 1. A silica-based polishing particle with a three-dimensional polycondensation structure comprising an alkoxy group , whereinthe particle has an average particle diameter (d) of 5 to 300 nm, an aspect ratio of more than 1.20 and 5.00 or less, and a carbon content of 0.005% by mass or more and less than 0.50% by mass.2. The silica-based polishing particle according to claim 1 , whereinthe particle includes a content of each of alkali metals, alkali earth metals, Fe, Ti, Zn, Pd, Ag, Mn, Co, Mo, Sn, Al, and Zr of less than 0.1 ppm, a content of each of Cu, Ni, and Cr of less than 1 ppb, and a content of each of U and Th of less than 0.3 ppb.3. The silica-based polishing particle according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio (γ/b) of a dynamic light scattering particle diameter (γ) to an average major axis diameter (b) is 0.70 or more and 3.00 or less.4. The silica-based polishing particle according to any one of claim 1 , wherein a ratio (γ/d) of an equivalent spherical particle diameter (γ) calculated from a specific surface area (SA) in accordance with a BET method to the average particle diameter (d) is 0.80 or more and less than 1.00.5. An abrasive comprising the silica-based polishing particle according to any one of .6. The abrasive according to claim 5 , wherein the abrasive further comprises a silica-based particle with a three-dimensional polycondensation structure ...
