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27-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2220183C2

Изобретение относится к морозостойкой водной нагревающей/охлаждающей текучей среде, которая содержит щелочные соли уксусной кислоты и/или муравьиной кислоты. Морозостойкая водная нагревающая или охлаждающая текучая среда содержит щелочную соль уксусной кислоты и/или муравьиной кислоты и в качестве ингибитора коррозии она содержит смесь монокарбоновой кислоты С5-С16 или щелочных, аммонийных или аминных солей указанной кислоты, дикарбоновой кислоты С5-С16 или щелочных, аммонийных или аминных солей указанной кислоты, а также триазола. Достигается повышение эффективности теплообмена при сочетании с высокой степенью защиты от коррозии. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557611C2

Изобретение относится к органическим теплоносителям, а именно к жидким пожаробезопасным теплоносителям на водно-гликолиевой основе, используемым для преобразования электромагнитного излучения Солнца в тепловую энергию для нагрева теплоносителя. Теплоноситель седиментационно устойчивый для солнечного коллектора включает 50 мас. % 1,2-пропандиола, 0,5 мас. % нанодисперсного углерода или 0,1 мас. % нигрозина и остальное - воду. Предложенный теплоноситель обладает повышенной светоабсорбирующей способностью, составляющей 99,8% при наличии нанодисперсного углерода и 99,5% при наличии в нем нигрозина, что обеспечивает увеличение скорости нагрева теплоносителя в 5-6 раз и увеличение эффективности работы солнечного коллектора с жидким теплоносителем. 2 пр.

10-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2030432C1

Использование: холодильная техника, в абсорбционных холодильных машинах, работающих преимущественно на фреонах. Сущность изобретения: рабочее вещество абсорбционной холодильной машины содержит, мас.%: дифторхлорметан 2,4 - 44,2; 1,1,1 - трифторэтан или 1, 1 - дифторэтан, или 1,1,1,2 - тетрафторэтан 3,6 - 46,3; сильноосновной анионит в гидроксильной форме 1,4 - 4,1 и метилпропилкетон остальное. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

30-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013431C1

Применение: в рефрижераторных системах. Сущность изобретения: композиция хладагента содержит дихлормонофторметан и по крайней мере одно фторалкильное соединение из группы: трифторметан, пентафторэтан, монохлордифторметан и 1-хлор-1,1-дифторэтан при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас. % : дихлормонофторметан 0,1 - 50,0; по крайней мере одно фторалкильное соединение 50,0 - 99,9. В качестве фторалкильного соединения композиция может содержать трифторметан и/или пентафторэтан или монохлордифторметан и/или 1-хлор-1,1-дифторэтан. Оптимальное содержание дихлормонофторметана 30 - 50 мас. % . Композиция содержит компоненты при следующем их соотношении, мас. % : дихлормонофторметан 2 - 12; монохлордифторметан 50 - 93; 1-хлор-1,1-лифторэтан 5 - 48. Уменьшается истощение озона в озоносфере. 4 з. п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

06-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656666C1

Изобретение относится к органическому теплоносителю, который может быть использован для обогрева технологической аппаратуры в широких областях промышленности. Теплоноситель включает, мас.%: дифенил 9,00-11,00; дифенилоксид 17,50-18,50; н-тридекан 71,50-72,50. Изобретение обеспечивает теплоноситель с пониженными показателями температуры плавления до минус 10 - минус 8С и плотности до 0,817-0,840 г/смпри расширении температурного диапазона его использования и снижении энергозатрат на плавление и поддержание в рабочем состоянии. 5 пр.

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2290425C1

Использование: в химической технологии, в частности, в приготовлении антифризов, предназначенных для систем охлаждения двигателей внутреннего сгорания, а также в качестве теплоносителей, используемых в теплообменных аппаратах. Сущность: суперконцентрат антифриза содержит в мас.%: 0,05-60,0 смеси по крайней мере одной монокарбоновой кислоты, такой, как капроновая, каприловая, 2-этилгексановая, бензолкарбоновая, и по крайней мере одной дикарбоновой кислоты, такой, как бутандионовая, гександионовая, декандионовая,, фталевой или их солей щелочных металлов или алканоламинов, 0,001-5,0 толилтриазола или бензотриазола или их смеси в равных соотношениях, 0,005-5,0 молибдата натрия, 0,001-1,5 капролактама, 0,001-3,0 полиакрилата натрия, 0,3-0,5 соли моноалкилфосфорной кислоты общей формулы где R=H; С16Н33-С18Н37; M=Na, К, NH(CH2CH2OH)3, n=9-15, 0,001-0,03 пеногасителя, 5-15 воды, остальное гликоли, такие как этиленгликоль, пропиленгликоль, полигликоли. Технический результат - повышение защитных ...

20-04-1995 дата публикации

Verbesserungen in Kühlkreisläufen.

Номер: DE0069201719D1

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-Trifluor-1-Propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen

Номер: DE112013003077T5

Bereitgestellt wird ein Verfahren, wobei auch ohne Verwendung eines Feststoffkatalysators ein gewünschtes Isomer von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-trifluor-1-propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen bei hoher Umsetzungsrate erlangt werden kann. Da kein Feststoffkatalysator verwendet wird, kann auf stabile Weise das gewünschte Isomer von 1-Chlor-3,3,3-trifluor-1-propen und 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluorpropen erlangt werden, ohne dass die Sorge einer Degradation des Feststoffkatalysators wie etwa eines Verkokens des Feststoffkatalysators im Laufe der Zeit besteht.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Aushärtbares, thermisch leitfähiges Schmiermittel, Wärmedissipationsstruktur und Verfahren zur Herstellung der Wärmedissipationsstruktur

Номер: DE112013007713B4

Aushärtbares, thermisch leitfähiges Schmiermittel, das zwischen einem Wärme erzeugenden Körper, zum Beispiel einem Halbleiterelementoder einem Maschinenteil, und einem Wärme dissipierenden Körper angeordnet ist, der dafür vorgesehen ist, von dem Wärme erzeugenden Körper erzeugte Wärme zu dissipieren, um eine Wärmeübertragung von dem Wärme erzeugenden Körper zu dem Wärme dissipierenden Körper zu ermöglichen, welches Folgendes aufweist:ein vernetzbares bzw. aushärtbares, flüssiges Polymer, ein thermisch leitfähiges Füllmaterial (A), das einen durchschnittlichen Partikeldurchmesser von 0,3 µm bis 8 µm aufweist, und ein thermisch leitfähiges Füllmaterial (B), das einen durchschnittlichen Partikeldurchmesser von 70 µm bis 100 µm aufweist, wobei das Verhältnis des Volumens des thermisch leitfähigen Füllmaterials (A) zu dem thermisch leitfähigen Füllmaterial (B), d. h. (A) / (B), 0,6 bis 3,02 beträgt, und wobei das aushärtbare, thermisch leitfähige Schmiermittel eine Viskosität von 700 Pa · s ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Verwendung eines wärmetransportierenden Mediums

Номер: DE102006001335B4
Принадлежит: ROGERS GERMANY GMBH, Rogers Germany GmbH

Verwendung einer Zusammensetzung, bestehend aus einer zumindest teilweise von Wasser gebildeten flüssigen Basis-Komponente und aus wenigstens einem Zusatz, wobei der Zusatz wenigstens ein Polyvinylalkohol (PVA) ist, als wärmetransportierendes Medium in einem Kühler oder Wärmetauscher, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Zusammensetzung mit dem Polyvinylalkohol vorbehandeltes Nanofasermaterial enthält.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Salzgemenge als Wärmetransfer und/oder Speichermedium für solarthermische Kraftwerksanlagen, Verfahren zur Herstellung dazu

Номер: DE102011083735A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Salzgemenge für eine solarthermische Kraftwerksanlage und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung dazu, wobei das Salzgemenge wie die bekannten Molten-Salt-Mischungen auf Nitratbasis hergestellt ist. Verglichen mit den bekannten Molten-Salt-Mischungen weist das Salzgemenge nach der Erfindung jedoch eine deutlich gesteigerte Wärmekapazität auf.

11-11-1929 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000443024C

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Wärmespeichersystem und Verfahren zum Speichern von Wärme

Номер: DE102011053349B4
Автор: Steinmann

Wärmespeichersystem zur Speicherung von Wärme mittels eines Wärmespeichermediums, umfassend: eine Speichervorrichtung (102) und eine Fluidzuführvorrichtung (112) zur Zuführung eines Wärmeübertragungsfluids von einer Wärmeübertragungsvorrichtung (106) zu der Speichervorrichtung (102) zur Beladung der Speichervorrichtung (102) mit Wärme, wobei die Speichervorrichtung (102) mindestens zwei Speicherabschnitte (116) umfasst, welche jeweils zumindest teilweise mit einem Wärmespeichermedium gefüllt und unabhängig voneinander mit Wärmeübertragungsfluid durchströmbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Wärmeübertragungsfluid mittels der Fluidzuführvorrichtung (112) wahlweise jeweils einem der mindestens zwei Speicherabschnitte (116) zuführbar ist, wobei eine Übertragung der Wärme von dem Wärmespeichermedium auf das Wärmeübertragungsfluid und/oder von dem Wärmeübertragungsfluid auf das Wärmespeichermedium durch direkten stofflichen Kontakt erfolgt, wobei das Wärmespeichermedium in mindestens einem ...

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Paste zur Übertragung von Wärme

Номер: DE202009010154U1

Paste zur Übertragung von Wärme von einer Kontaktfläche eines wärmezuführenden Materials auf eine zweite Kontaktfläche, durch Erniedrigung des Wärmewiderstandes zwischen den beiden Kontaktflächen, indem mit der Wärmeleitpaste der zumindest partiell vorhandenen Luftspalt durch die Wärmeleitpaste weitgehend gefüllt wird und die Wärmeleitpaste einen deutlich niedrigeren Wärmewiderstand als der nicht mit der Wärmeleitpaste gefüllte Luftspalt besitzt, so dass der beabsichtigte Wärmetransport im angestrebten Maße erfolgt und ein für den Temperaturabfall vorgegebenes Maß nicht überschritten wird, wobei die Wärmeleitpaste, aus mindestens einem Grundöl, mindestens einem wärmeleitenden Material aus Metalloxiden, Metallen, Keramiken und mindestens einem Korrosions-Schutzstoff wie zum Beispiel Graphit besteht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass als wärmeleitendes Material ein Metallpulvergemisch verwendet wird, das aus mindestens zwei oder mehr Kornfraktionen eines einzigen Metalls hergestellt ist, wobei ...

10-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001520527B2

30-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001392828A

... 1392828 Heat transfer fluids; lubricants and hydraulic fluids DOW CHEMICAL CO 7 June 1972 [17 June 1971] 26638/72 Heading C4X and C5F Compositions which may be used as heat transfer fluids, or as or in lubricants or hydraulic fluids, consist of at least 20% by vol. of (a) diphenyl oxide and at least 20% by vol. of (b) biphenylyl phenyl ether alone or mixed with one or more of -methylstyrene dimer, diphenylmethane and a polyphenyl ether having 3 or 4 phenyl rings. A preferred composition consists of 30 to 70% diphenyl oxide and 70- 30% biphenylyl phenyl ether. Diphenoxybenzene and di(phenoxyphenyl), oxide are specified polyphenyl ethers. A lubricating fluid consists of or comprises a composition of the invention with or without lubricant additives. Specification 1,392,829 divided herefrom describes and claims a composition consisting of at least 20% by vol. diphenyl oxide and at least 20% by vol. of one or more polyphenyl ethers of 3 or 4 phenyl rings alone or mixed with -methylstyrene dimer ...

03-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001416126A

... 1416126 Benzodiazepines PRODUITS CHIMIQUES UGINE KUHLMANN 14 May 1974 [22 May 1973] 21262/74 Heading C2C Compounds of the general formula (R F , R1 F = C 1-15 perfluoroalkyl, Ph, substituted Ph, provided that at least one represents perfluoroalkyl; R 1 2 = H, Br, Cl, C 1-5 alkyl; X = H or one or more atoms or groups selected from Br; Cl, OH, OMe, NO 2 , NH 2 , C 1-4 alkyl) are prepared by reacting the appropriate o-phenylenediamine with R F COCR 1 R 2 COR1 F , optionally followed by introduction of the 3- substituent(s). These compounds are thermal fluids and surfactants.

08-07-1970 дата публикации

Functional Fluid Compositions

Номер: GB0001198321A

... 1,198,321. Functional fluids. MONSANTO CO. 16 May, 1967 [16 May, 1966], No. 22750/67. Heading C5F. Functional fluids comprise (A) as a base stock an organic ester, thioester or amide of phosphorus, an orthosilicate, a polysilicone, an aromatic ether, a mono- or dialkylthiophene or a mixture thereof, each of a given formula and (B) at most 15 vol. per cent of a simple monoester or a mixture thereof with a diester, triester, polyester or complex ester. Exhaustive lists of all ingredients are given. Conventional additives, e.g. polyolefins, polyalkylene oxides, polyphenyls, alkyl benzenes and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons and ethers (examples given) may also be present.

30-08-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of organo-silicon compounds

Номер: GB0000642139A

Triorgano silicon fluorides are prepared by saturating a solution of an alkyl, alicyclic or alkaryl magnesium halide or a mixture thereof in ether with silicon tetrafluoride, the alkyl, alicyclic or alkaryl group containing at least eight carbon atoms. Grignard reagents that may be used are n-octyl, n-octadecyl, cyclohexyl, n-dodecyl and n-tetradecyl magnesium bromides. The alicyclic radical may be derived from a terpene. The Specification as open to inspection under Sect. 91 refers to the preparation of organosilicon fluorides by reacting silicon tetrafluoride with an alkyl, alicyclic or alkaryl magnesium halide. This subject-matter does not appear in the Specification as accepted.ALSO:Lubricating oil compositions comprise non-hydrocarbon glycol lubricants or hydrocarbon type lubricants and a triorganosilicon fluoride, wherein the organo groups may be the same or different and are alkyl, alicyclic or alkaryl groups containing at least eight carbon atoms.

09-09-1953 дата публикации

Improvement in heat transfer compositions comprising organo-orthosilicates

Номер: GB0000696783A

The invention comprises a tetra-organo orthosilicate, at least one of the organo radicals being secondary butyl or isobutyl, all the organo radicals being selected from the group isopropyl, isobutyl and secondary butyl, e.g. all the radicals may be secondary butyl and/or isobutyl or at least one radical may be isopropyl and the remainder secondary butyl, and an orthosilicate composition obtained by reacting silicon tetrachloride with a mixture of isobutanol and secondary butanol or with a mixture of isopropanol and isobutanol and/or secondary butanol, or by the disproportionation between tetra isopropyl and tetra secondary butyl orthosilicate in the proportion of at least 6 moles of the latter to 10 of the former orthosilicate, or by the disproportionation between tetra isobutyl orthosilicate and tetra secondary butyl orthosilicate in the proportion of at least one mole. of the latter to 15 of the former orthosilicate. The Specification refers to all the various possible orthosilicates ...

18-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009202032D0

11-07-1921 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the distillation of coal and other carbonaceous substances

Номер: GB0000165805A

... 165,805. Wellington, S. N. April 20, 1918. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Resistance furnaces.-Electric resistances s for heating liquids are arranged in a casing d surrounding a number of gas retorts a.

05-10-1966 дата публикации

Alkaryl esters of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids

Номер: GB0001044883A

Lubricating compositions consist of an ester having the general formula (CH3)3CC6H4OOCROOC6H4C (CH3)3 where R is a polymethylene chain having 2-14 carbon atoms and another ester lubricant, e.g. liquid triesters of trimethylol propane and aliphatic monocarboxylic acids. A particularly suitable blend contains over 75% by weight of the former and up to about 25% by weight of trimethylolpropane tricaprylate.ALSO:The invention relates to esters of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids of the general formula (CH3)3CC6H4OOCRCOOC6H4 C(CH3)3 where R is a polymethylene chain having 2-14 carbon atoms preferably seven carbon atoms. Esters claimed per se are di-o-tert-butylphenyl azelate, di-m-tert-butylphenyl azelate, di-ptert-butylphenyl azelate. The esters may be prepared by (a) esterifying one or more acids of the formula HOOCRCOOH with one or more phenols of the formula (CH3)3CC6H4OH wherein R is a polymethylene chain having 2-14 carbon atoms; or (b) reacting one or more acid halides of the formula XOCRCOX ...

21-08-1968 дата публикации

Novel benzdiaz [1,4] epine derivatives and processes for the preparation thereof

Номер: GB0001124248A

Compounds of the general formula (wherein R1 represents a halogen atom or a trifluoromethyl, nitro, cyano, C1- 7 alkyl, C1- 7 alkoxy or C1- 7 alkylthio group, R2 represents a halogen atom, R3 represents a C1- 7 alkyl or halo-(C1- 7 alkyl) group, R4 represents a C1- 6 alkyl group and the broken lines denote optional substituents) and their acid addition salts are prepared by (a) isomerizing a compound of the formula by the application of heat (if desired, the isomerisation being carried out without isolating the starting material from the medium in which it is obtained), or (b) reacting a compound of the formula (wherein X represents a halogen atom) under anhydrous conditions with not substantially more than 1 mol. of a non-nucleophilic strong base for each mol. of the quinazoline derivative at a temperature of from 40 DEG to 80 DEG C., optionally followed in each case by salt formation. The haloalkyl groups contain one or more ...

29-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008923088D0

06-09-1967 дата публикации

A process for the manufacture of quinazoline derivatives

Номер: GB0001082165A

Compounds of the general formula (wherein R1 represents a halogen atom or a triofluoromethyl nitro, cyano, C1- 7 alkyl, C1- 7 alkoxy or C1- 7 alkylthio group, R2 represents a halogen atom, R3 represents a halogen atom or a C1- 6 alkyl group, Y1 and Y2 each represen a halogen atom and the broken lines denote optional substituents) are prepared by treating a compound of the formula with an oxidizing agent.

28-03-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to liquid insulating compositions

Номер: GB0000502918A

... 502,918. Insulation. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON 'CO., Ltd.. Oct. 30, 1937, No. 29731. Convention date, Nov. 2, 1936. [Class 36] [Also in Group IV] A liquid-insulating composition comprises a halogenated benzotrifluoride and one or more other halogenated phenyloid hydrocarbons. The composition may consist of 25 parts of trichlorbenzotrifluoride, 25 parts of trichlorbenzene and 50 parts of pentachlordiphenyl, or 20 parts of trichlorbenzotrifluoride, 30 parts of trichlorbenzene and 50 parts of hexachlordiphenyl. Isomeric trichlorbenzotrifluoride is prepared by chlorinating toluene, the trichlorbenzotrichloride produced being then treated with hydrogen fluoride. Specifications 394,776 and 430,045 are referred to.

21-09-1960 дата публикации

Trialkylsiloxy monoaryl silicon compounds

Номер: GB0000848719A

Siloxanes of the formula : wherein R1 is an alkyl radical, R1 is an arylradical and n is 1, 2 or 3, may be made by slowly reacting mixtures of a hydrolysable trialkysilane and a hydrolysable monoarylsilane in a ratio of between 1 and 3 mols of the former to 1 mol of the latter, with as many mols of water as gram atoms of oxygen are stoichiometrically required for the formation of the siloxane bonds. In the Example, water is injected into a stirred mixture of (CH3)3 SiCl and C6H5 SiCl3 during the course of 3 hours, the mixture being cooled to below room temperature as the reaction proceeds and HCl escapes. The mixture is then heated to 100, C for a further hour and any residual HCl is subsequently neutralised. After filtration the mixture is fractionally distilled under vacuum to yield tris-(trimethylsiloxy),phenylsilane, tetrakis - (trimethylsiloxy) - 1,2 - diphenyl - disiloxane, pentakis - (trimethylsiloxy) - 1,2,3 - triphenyl - trisiloxane and hexakis-(trimethylsiloxy ...

04-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001584101A

15-01-1980 дата публикации

Esters of acids thiophosphoric usable in particular like phytopharmacological active matters of products.

Номер: OA0000004302A

31-01-1981 дата публикации

Manufactoring process of a cooling product.

Номер: OA0000005159A

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508292A1

In a method for cooling a metallurgical furnace, comprising at least one cooling element through which a cooling medium flows, a cooling medium that contains at least one ionic fluid, and preferably consists thereof, is conducted through the cooling element, thereby preventing the problems that are associated with water cooling, such as the danger of hydrogen explosions and damage to the furnace lining.

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123053T

15-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000124715T

15-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000044161T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000107343T

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000106377T

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000111147T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000302249T

15-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000206741T

11-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000624443B2

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000603462B2

08-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000566179B2

26-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000559962B1

11-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000539751B2

17-10-1997 дата публикации

Microwavable thermal energy storage material

Номер: AU0002589997A

03-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005157585A

31-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004175478A

13-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004985772A

23-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001016154A1

27-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002485186A1

The invention relates to a method and a device for cooling an internal combustion engine. An aqueous, non-ionic coolant composition is used in a cooling circuit (14) of the internal combustion engine (11). In order to also ensure long-lasting protection against corrosion for light metal components of the engine that come into contact with the coolant, e.g. components made of magnesium or magnesium alloys, the cooling circuit has at least one deionization device (28), for example, an ion exchanger, for the coolant.

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002741218A1

The object of the present disclosure is to obtain zinc oxide particle having large particle diameter and being high-density and to obtain an exoergic resin composition, an exoergic grease and an exoergic coating composition that show an excellent exoergic property by using it. A zinc oxide particle being high-density, which has density of 4.0 g/cm3 or more and median size (D50) of 17 to 10000µm.

03-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1247854A

An electrical insulating oil which can be produced easily at low cost, scarcely contains undesirable components of tarry substance, unsaturated compounds and carbonyl compounds, does neither swell nor dissolve plastic materials, and has excellent electrical properties. The electrical insulating oil is characterized in that it comprises a fraction having boiling points in the range of 270 to 350.degree.C which is prepared by distilling the heavier products obtained from the process for producing ethyltoluene by alkylating toluene with ethylene in the presence of synthetic zeolite catalyst. Included also in the present invention are oil-filled electrical appliances that are produced by impregnating them with the above insulating oil.

08-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1244237A

HEAT PUMPS An absorption heat pump wherein the working fluid is a fluoroalkylamine of the formula: (I) wherein each of X and X1, independently, represents hydrogen or fluorine, R represents hydrogen or a lower alkyl radical, n represents an integer from 1 to 4, each of m and q represents an integer from 0 to 2, p rapresents an integer from 0 to 4 provided that p is not zero when X1 is fluorine, and r represents an integer from 1 to 3, the fluoroalkylamine having a maximum of 6 carbon atoms and the solvent is a phenol.

31-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1025198A

10-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002389048A1

The invention relates to antifreeze concentrates on the basis of a mixture of at least two different C3 to C16 dicarboxylic acids, molybdate and a mixture of at least two different triazoles or thiazoles.

19-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002449208A1

The invention relates to antifreeze concentrates for cooling systems in fuel cell drives, which are used to produce ready-to-use aqueous cooling agent compositions having a maximum conductivity of 50 .mu.S/cm, based on alkylene glycols or the derivatives thereof, containing one or several five-membered heterocyclic compounds (azole derivatives) with 2 or 3 heteroatoms from the nitrogen and sulphur group which contain no or at the most one sulphur atom and which can include an aromatic or saturated six-membered fusion agent.

26-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001270745A1

25-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002379486A1

Aqueous coolants and heat transfer fluids are disclosed. The compositions comprise aqueous solutions of a mixture of a C1-C2 carboxylate salt with a C3- C5 carboxylate salt. A C6-C12 acid may also be added to the mixture. The aqueous compositions may further comprise a hydrocarbyl triazole and thiazole. The aqueous compositions have good heat transfer properties, low freezing points and low corrosion properties.

27-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002379486C

Aqueous coolants and heat transfer fluids are disclosed. The compositions comprise aqueous solutions of a mixture of a C1-C2 carboxylate salt with a C3-C5 carboxylate salt. A C6-C12 acid may also be added to the mixture. The aqueous compositions may further comprise a hydrocarbyl triazole and thiazole. The aqueous compositions have good heat transfer properties, low freezing points and low corrosion properties.

22-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002740116C

The present invention provides a zinc oxide particle that can be used more suitably than common zinc oxide in the application such as an exoergic filler and so on, and can be used in the other applications. A zinc oxide particle having a median size of 1 to 30 µm and D90/D10 of 4 or less.

01-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002129160C

The invention relates especially to a process for the production of cold, comprising at least one stage of adsorption of carbon dioxide by an adsorbent solid substance and at least one stage of desorption of the carbon dioxide adsorbed in the said adsorbent substance, in which the said adsorbent substance comprises activated carbon fibers or an active charcoal and has a specific surface of at least 700 m2/g and an external specific surface of at least 0.005 m2/g.

13-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002058426A1

... 2058426 9116389 PCTABS00007 Fire resistant hydraulic fluid compositions comprising (a) one or more esters of polyhaloaromatic acids per se or in combination with (b) one or more hydraulic fluids independently selected from mineral oil, poly-.alpha.-olefins, alkylated aromatics, cycloaliphatics, esters of dibasic acids, polyol esters, polyglycols, silicones, silicate esters, phosphate esters, and halogenated compositions other than (a), and (c) one or more shear-stable polymers; a method for imparting fire resistant properties to known hydraulic fluids by adding one or more esters of polyhaloaromatic acids and one or more shear-stable polymers; and the use of the inventive compositions as fire resistant hydraulic fluids.

21-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002115984A1

... of the disclosure The use of substantially fluorinated compounds as heat transfer agents Non-flammable, substantially fluorinated compounds from the series of alkanes and/or dialkyl ethers are suitable as heat transfer agents, in particular as coolant or insulating medium, especially for evaporative cooling. These compounds can also be employed in a mixture with small amounts of intrinsically flammable liquids, in which case lower alkanols are preferred.

04-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008862C

A chlorine-free refrigerant comprised of bis (difluoromethyl) ether; CHF2OCHF2. The refrigerant may be used alone or in combination with other refrigerants. The bis (difluoromethyl) ether refrigerant is environmentally safe, non toxic, non flammable and has the desired physical, chemical and thermodynamic properties necessary for a refrigerant.

10-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002013879A1

TITLE AZEOTROPE-LIKE MIXTURES OF 1,1-DICHLORO-2,2,2 TRIFLUOROETHANE AND 1.1-DICHLORO-1-FLVOROETHANE Azeotrope-like mixtures of 1,1-dichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane and 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, being useful as cleaning solvents, refrigerants and foam blowing agents.

19-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002036570C
Принадлежит: ATOCHEM

Pour remplacer les chlorofluorocarbures comme fluides frigorigènes, l'invention propose d'utiliser un mélange contenant environ de 15 à 95% en masse de diméthyléther et environ de 35% à 65% en masse de 1,1,1,2-tétrafluoroéthane. Ces composés forment un azéotrope qui, à son point d'ébullition normale (environ -22,4.degree.C sous 1,013 bar), contient environ 62,3% en masse de 1,1,1,2-tétra-fluoroétane. Le mélange selon l'invention peut également être utilisé comme propulseur d'aérosols ou comme agent d'expansion des mousses plastiques.

03-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002039329A1

L'invention concerne un azéotrope à point d'ébullition minimum, utilisable comme fluide frigorigène en remplacement du trifluorobromométhane (Halon 1301) dans les systèmes de réfrigération industrielle très basse température à compression monoétagée. L'azéotrope selon l'invention, est un mélange de 1,1,1-trifluoroéthane (HFA 143a) et de propane (R 290). Au point d'ébullition normale (environ -53,4.degree.C sous 1,013 bar), sa teneur en 1,1,1-trifluoroéthane est d'environ 70,6% en masse et celle de propane de 29,4%. Cet azéotrope peut également être utilisé comme propulseur d'aérosols ou comme agent d'expansion des mousses plastiques.

22-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002003332A1

SILOXANE-BASED REFRIGERATING OIL Refrigerating oils useful in refrigerating devices to produce temperatures as low as -140.degree.C are oils free from salts, alcohols, halogenated hydrocarbons and halocarbons and having a low viscosity at low temperatures consisting essentially of mixtures of at least two members selected from the group consisting of hexamethyl disiloxane, octamethyl trisiloxane, linear decamethyl tetrasiloxane, octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane and decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane. LeA 26 500 ...

30-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002172255A1

A thermal storage mixture activated by exposure to microwave energy is provided. The thermal storage mixture comprises a liquid phase of a microwave active fluid; and a solid phase suspended within the microwave active fluid. The solid phase is preferably selected from material having a melting point at or below a temperature to which the liquid phase is heated, during use. The thermal storage mixture may be utilized in a container, to provide a thermal storage construction (heating construction) comprising a seat cushion having a thermal storage unit therein, to advantage, is described. Further, a process of storing thermal energy for release over an extended period of time is described.

24-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002235290A1

The invention relates to a heat transfer liquid for ventilation and airconditioning installations to be used at low temperatures, in which installations heat is recovered from the exhaust air and conveyed to the supply air by means of a heat transfer liquid. For lowering the costs and eliminating environmental risks, the heat transfer liquid contains potassium formiate and water.

12-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002271581A1

The present invention relates to a low-temperature keeping substance which is packed into a closed chamber formed between two rims of a cool mug to keep drinks held in the cool mug and comprises water, water absorptive polymer of acrylate resin polymer, stuffed into a chamber of a cool mug; wherein the water and water absorptive polymer are in the ratio of 13:1 (cc:g) mixed together as a low-temperature keeping substance which expands and becomes a semisolid one. CaCl can also be used as a freeze-resist substance and Sodium Benzoate used as a presevative and antiseptic so as to prevent the low-temperature keeping substance from being a sharp ice as well as increase the safety when a consumer uses it. Besides, the low-temperature keeping substance has various colors and makes the cool mug look colorful in an aesthetically pleasing manner and gives people a pleasant feeling.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Nanofluids for Thermal Management Systems

Номер: US20120006509A1

A nanofluid is generally provided for use in a heat transfer system. The nanofluid can include nanoparticles suspended in a base liquid at a nanoparticle concentration in the nanofluid of about 0.01% to about 5% by volume. The nanoparticles can include zinc-oxide nanoparticles. The nanofluid for use in a heat transfer system can, in one embodiment, further include a surfactant. Thermal management systems configured to cool a computer having integrated circuits that generate heat during use are also provided. The thermal management system can include a zinc-oxide nanofluid circulated through a series of tubes via a pump such that heat produced by electronic components of the computer can be captured by the circulating nanofluid and then removed from the nanofluid by a radiator.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Thermoelectric generation utilizing nanofluid

Номер: US20120199171A1
Автор: Phillip C. Watts
Принадлежит: Watts Thermoelectric LLC

According to one aspect, a system generates electricity from a temperature differential using a thermoelectric module. At least one side of the temperature differential is supplied by a thermal element having a fluid flowing through it. The fluid contains suspended nanoparticles to enhance the transfer of heat between the fluid containing the nanoparticles and the thermal element, as compared with a similar fluid not containing the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles may include metal ions, for example silver ions, copper ions, or both. The system may further include an ion generator for generating the ions within the fluid.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Suspensions for protecting semiconductor materials and methods for producing semiconductor bodies

Номер: US20120225507A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A suspension for protecting a semiconductor material includes a polymeric matrix as carrier medium, inorganic particles, and at least one of an absorber dye or a plasticizer.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Novel, Safe and Efficient Thermal Transfer Media for Processing of Food and Drink Products

Номер: US20130078349A1
Автор: Paul Bernard Newman
Принадлежит: Paul Bernard Newman

A family of novel thermal processing and transfer media has been designed for optimized food and drink processing. These media composed solely of compounds approved to contact food, are essentially free of water, do not change state at any point in the process, remain corrosion-free throughout their useable life. While in combination with novel processing apparatus and methodologies, food and drink products requiring any heating, holding or cooling can be processed within the same equipment configurations essentially with no/minimal need for additional pressurization, the use of unheated modified atmospheres, in conjunction with these novel media, can be used to change or control the atmospheres within containers, especially polymer based containers, at specific locations within the processing cycle. It further relates to using different media compositions for each processing stage modified to optimize the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity properties of the foodstuff being processed, minimizing costs and maximizing quality.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148303A1
Автор: Wang Yousen, Zhao Jingqi

According to various aspects, exemplary embodiments are disclosed of adhesive, thermally conductive electrically insulators. In an exemplary embodiment, a thermally conductive, electrically insulating material includes 4 to 40 parts by weight of a macromolecular matrix material; 1 to 20 parts by weight of an adhesive additive; and 40 to 85 parts by weight of thermally conductive electrically insulating particles. The adhesive additive includes a reactive group that is the same as or similar to at least one curable active group in the macromolecular matrix material. 1. A thermally conductive electrically insulating material consisting essentially of:4 to 40 parts by weight of a macromolecular matrix material;1 to 20 parts by weight of an adhesive additive, the adhesive additive including a reactive group that is the same as or similar to at least one curable active group in the macromolecular matrix material; and40 to 85 parts by weight of thermally conductive electrically insulating particles.2. The thermally conductive electrically insulating material of claim 1 , wherein:the macromolecular matrix material comprises one or more of vinyl silicon resin, polyisobutylene polymer, organic silicon rubber, polyurethane, methyl methacrylate, organopolysiloxane, acrylate, and polyamide resin; andthe adhesive additive comprises one or more of MQ silicon resin, petroleum-based rosin resin, silicone resin, polyols, ethyl acrylate, rosin, and ethylene phenyl acetate resin.3. The thermally conductive electrically insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive electrically insulating particles comprise one or more of aluminum oxide claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , magnesium oxide and zinc oxide.4. The thermally conductive electrically insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive additive includes a reactive group that is the same as at least one curable active group in the macromolecular matrix material.5. The thermally ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175467A1

The use of a side stream and residue from the lignocellulose to ethanol process for use in preventing the formation of ice and in melting ice and snow on roadways. The future lignocellulose to ethanol industry will provide a significant proportion of these streams that provide an organic solution that when added to chloride salts of calcium, magnesium and sodium provides an improved environmentally friendly road deicing product with reduced corrosiveness and increased friction. A deicer composition of calcium chloride aqueous solution containing 25-38% by weight calcium chloride mixed up to 50% by volume of hemicellulose hydrolysis side stream can reduce the corrosivity of calcium chloride to 70% less that of a sodium chloride solution. 1. A surface ice melting and/or ice formation inhibiting composition , the composition comprising products derived from a lignocellulosic biomass to fuel conversion process.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the products derived from the lignocellulosic biomass to fuel conversion process comprise water soluble hydrolysed hemicellulose comprising carbohydrates of various degrees of polymerization claim 1 , sugar monomers claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , furfural and other hemicellulose lignocellulosic degradation products.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has improved properties including reducing corrosion activity of the ice melting and/or ice formation inhibiting composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has improved properties including increasing friction properties of a surface to which the ice melting and/or ice formation inhibiting composition is applied.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein composition has improved properties including improving colloidal dispersivity of the ice melting and/or ice formation inhibiting composition.6. The composition of claim 2 , further comprising formic acid.7. The composition of claim 2 , including water soluble xylose and ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220581A1

A system is described in which a cooling tower is operated with a solution of a non-volatile organic molecule osmolyte and water. Makeup water for the tower is provided by forward osmosis using the fluid as the draw solution for the extraction of water from feeds which require dewatering or from low value available water. 1. A method for cooling hot process fluid , comprising:(a) conveying through a first side of a heat exchanger the hot process fluid, and conveying through a second side of the heat exchanger an organic osmolyte solution which absorbs heat from the hot fluid;(b) conveying the organic osmolyte solution to a cooling tower;(c) diluting the organic osmolyte solution with water produced by a forward osmosis element, to produce diluted osmolyte solution; and(d) conveying diluted osmolyte solution through the second side of the heat exchanger.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water produced in step (c) by the forward osmosis element is extracted from a membrane bioreactor; sea water; landfill leachate; oil drilling mud; gas drilling mud; produced water; flowback water; refinery wastewater; pulp manufacturing wastewater; paper manufacturing wastewater; pharmaceutical processing wastewater; water obtained from concentrating food substances; and water obtained from concentrating pharmaceuticals.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic osmolyte is liquid in its pure state at ambient temperatures.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the osmolyte is one or more selected from the group consisting of the following: trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) claim 1 , dimethylsulfoniopropionate claim 1 , trimethylglycine claim 1 , sarcosine claim 1 , glycerophosphorylcholine claim 1 , myo-inositol claim 1 , taurine claim 1 , betaines claim 1 , amino acids claim 1 , polyols claim 1 , monosaccharides claim 1 , disaccharides claim 1 , polysaccharides claim 1 , methylamines claim 1 , methylsulfonium compounds claim 1 , urea and glyceryl triacetate claim 1 , polyvinyl ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Polyalkylene Glycol Based Heat Transfer Fluids and Monofluid Engine Oils

Номер: US20140018272A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A heat transfer fluid composition comprising a polyalkylene glycol initiated by a hydric initiator having a functionality of at least 1 and extended with ethylene oxide, wherein the polyalkylene glycol comprises at least 30 percent by weight ethylene oxide and having a volumetric heat capacity at 100° C. of at least 2.0 J/cm-K; and an additive package which comprises an acid scavenger, wherein the acid scavenger is an aspartic acid, aspartic acid amide, a Group V aspartic acid salt, their derivatives, or a combination thereof is provided. Also provided are such fluids which meet the bio-no-tox criteria of European Community directive EC/1999/45 (as amended by EC/2006/8). Further provided are monofluid-type engine lubricating and cooling fluids comprising such heat transfer fluid. 1. A heat transfer fluid composition comprising:a first polyalkylene glycol initiated by a first hydric initiator having a functionality of at least 1 and extended with ethylene oxide,a second polyalkylene glycol initiated by a second hydric initiator having a functionality of at least 1 and extended with ethylene oxide; wherein the first and second polyalkylene glycols are not the same polyalkylene glycol and the molecular weight of the first polyalkylene glycol differs from the molecular weight of the second polyalkylene glycol by at least 1000 g/mol; andan additive package which comprises an acid scavenger, wherein the acid scavenger is an aspartic acid, aspartic acid amide, a Group V aspartic acid salt, their derivatives, or a combination thereof.2. The heat transfer fluid composition according to claim 1 , wherein the additive package further comprises:(i) at least one extreme pressure anti-wear additive;(ii) at least one anti-corrosion additive;(iii) at least one antioxidant;(iv) at least one friction modifier;(v) at least one additional acid scavenger; or(vi) any combination of two or more of (i) through (v) hereof.3. The heat transfer fluid composition according to claim 1 , wherein ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Fluids and Corrosion Inhibitor Formulations for Use Thereof

Номер: US20140070136A1

Disclosed herein is a heat transfer fluid concentrate comprising: greater than or equal to 85 weight percent of a freezing point depressant, based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid concentrate; 50 to 2000 ppm of lithium ions; an azole compound; an inorganic phosphate; a carboxylic acid; and an acrylate based polymer, wherein the heat transfer fluid has a pH of 7.0-9.5. The heat transfer fluid concentrate can be used to make a heat transfer fluid. 1. A heat transfer fluid comprisinga) a freezing point depressantb) 25 to 1600 ppm lithium ions; andc) a carboxylate;wherein the heat transfer fluid has a pH of 7 to 9.5.2. The heat transfer fluid of further comprising less than 60 ppm calcium ions.3. The heat transfer fluid of further comprising less than 40 ppm calcium ions.4. The heat transfer fluid of further comprising magnesium ions.5. The heat transfer fluid of claim 4 , wherein the magnesium ions are about 2 to about 60 ppm.6. The heat transfer fluid of further comprising 300 to 900 ppm of an acrylate based polymer.7. The heat transfer fluid of claim 6 , wherein the acrylate based polymer is a water soluble polymer.8. The heat transfer fluid of claim 6 , wherein the acrylate based polymer comprises a phosphinopolyacrylate.9. The heat transfer fluid of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylate comprises about 0.5 to about 8 wt % carboxylate claim 1 , based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid.10. The heat transfer fluid of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises an inorganic phosphate.11. The heat transfer fluid of claim 10 , wherein the heat transfer fluid comprises about 0.05 to about 0.4 wt % inorganic phosphate claim 10 , based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid.12. The heat transfer fluid of claim 10 , wherein the inorganic phosphate comprises phosphoric acid claim 10 , sodium orthophosphate claim 10 , potassium orthophosphate claim 10 , sodium pyrophosphate claim 10 , potassium pyrophosphate claim 10 , sodium ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010186A1

A heat transfer medium is used for a heat transfer system configured to transfer a cold of a refrigerant circulating through a refrigeration cycle device to an electric device. The heat transfer medium includes water and a lower alcohol that is at least one of methanol or ethanol. 1. A heat transfer medium used for a heat transfer system configured to transfer a cold of a refrigerant circulating through a refrigeration cycle device to an electric device , the heat transfer medium comprising:a lower alcohol that is at least one of methanol or ethanol; andwater.2. The heat transfer medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe lower alcohol is the methanol.3. The heat transfer medium according to claim 2 , whereinan amount of the water is equal to or greater than an amount of the methanol.4. The heat transfer medium according to claim 2 , whereina weight ratio of the methanol to the water is within a range of 35:65 to 50:50.5. The heat transfer medium according to further comprisinga boiling point elevation agent, whereinthe lower alcohol is the methanol.6. The heat transfer medium according to claim 5 , whereinthe boiling point elevation agent is soluble in both the water and the methanol, andthe boiling point elevation agent has a boiling point that is higher than a boiling point of a mixture of the water and the methanol.7. The heat transfer medium according to claim 6 , whereinthe boiling point elevation agent is at least one of an alcohol, an amine, an ether, or a carboxylic acid.8. The heat transfer medium according to claim 5 , whereina proportion of the boiling point elevation agent in the heat transfer medium is less than 50%.9. The heat transfer medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe lower alcohol is the ethanol.10. The heat transfer medium according to claim 9 , whereinan amount of the water is equal to or greater than an amount of the ethanol.11. The heat transfer medium according to claim 9 , whereina weight ratio of the ethanol to the water is within a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010375A1

A nanofluid composed of a base fluid and a solid nanocomposite particle, where the solid nanocomposite particle consists of a carbon nanotube and a metal oxide nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of FeO, AlO, and CuO. The metal oxide nanoparticle is affixed inside of or to the outer surface of the carbon nanotube, and the solid nanocomposite particle is homogeneously dispersed in the base fluid. The heat transfer and specific heat capacity properties of the nanofluid are measured using differential scanning calorimetry and heat exchanger experiments with different nanocomposite concentrations and different metal oxide percent loadings. 1. A water-based nanofluid comprising:a base fluid comprising an aqueous fluid;{'sub': 2', '3, 'a solid nanocomposite particle comprising a doped carbon nanotube and a metal oxide nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of FeOand CuO wherein the metal oxide nanoparticle is affixed to the outer surface of the carbon nanotube; and'}solid carbon nanotubes not comprising a metal oxide nanoparticle;wherein the doped carbon nanotube and the solid carbon nanotubes are not functionalized with reactive functional groups;wherein the solid nanocomposite particle is homogeneously dispersed in the base fluid; andwherein the nanofluid does not contain a surfactant.23-. (canceled)4. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle comprises 0.5-13% metal oxide nanoparticles by weight based on the total weight of the nanocomposite particle.5. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle comprises 0.5-3% metal oxide nanoparticles by weight and the metal oxide nanoparticle is a crystal particle with a longest diameter of 0.5-10 nm.6. The nanocomposite of claim 5 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle reaches a maximum % weight loss at 530-570° C. under a thermal degradation condition in an air atmosphere.7. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle comprises 7- ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033700A1

It is an object of the present disclosure to provide a non-aqueous coolant composition that is excellent in insulation property and has improved heat transfer characteristics. The embodiment is a non-water coolant composition that comprises at least one amine compound as a non-aqueous base. The amine compound is at least one selected from the group consisting of an aliphatic amine compound, an aromatic amine compound, an alkanolamine compound, an amido amine compound, an amine oxide compound, a heterocyclic amine compound, and an ether amine compound. 1. A non-water coolant composition comprisingat least one amine compound as a non-aqueous base,wherein the amine compound is at least one selected from the group consisting of an aliphatic amine compound, an aromatic amine compound, an alkanolamine compound, an amido amine compound, an amine oxide compound, a heterocyclic amine compound, and an ether amine compound.2. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the amine compound is the aliphatic amine compound.3. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 2 ,{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'sub': 6', '24', '1', '4, 'wherein the aliphatic amine compound is a compound indicated by NRRR[in the formula, Ris a C-C-alkyl, and Rand Rare each independently hydrogen atom or a C-C-alkyl].'}4. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 3 ,{'sup': '1', 'sub': 8', '20, 'wherein Ris a C-C-alkyl.'}5. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 3 ,{'sup': 2', '3, 'sub': 1', '3, 'wherein Rand Rare each independently a C-C-alkyl.'}6. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the amine compound has a content of 10 mass % or more.7. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprisingat least one base oil selected from a mineral oil and a synthetic oil.8. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 7 ,wherein the amine compound has a content of 10 mass % to 90 mass %, andwherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Conductive Silicone Materials And Uses

Номер: US20160024358A1

A curable silicone composition comprising a curable organosiloxane composition, copper-silver (Cu—Ag) core-shell particles, and hydrocarbon vehicle; the curable silicone composition being characterizable by: a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles of from 70 to 89 weight percent and a total concentration of silver of from 7.0 to 12 weight percent, all based on weight of the curable silicone composition; wherein the curable silicone composition has a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles and hydrocarbon vehicle such that the curable silicone composition remains curable to a conductive silicone material having a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles of from 88.0 to 92 weight percent and having a volume resistivity of less than 0.020 Ohm-centimeter measured according to Volume Resistivity Test Method, and a thermal conductivity of greater than or equal to 2.9 Watts per meter*Kelvin (W/(m*K)) measured according to Thermal Properties Test Method. 1. A curable silicone composition comprising a curable organosiloxane composition , copper-silver (Cu—Ag) core-shell particles , and hydrocarbon vehicle; the curable silicone composition being characterizable by: a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles of from 80 to 89 weight percent and a total concentration of silver of from 7 to 12 weight percent , all based on weight of the curable silicone composition; wherein the curable silicone composition has a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles and hydrocarbon vehicle such that the curable silicone composition remains curable to a conductive silicone material having a concentration of the Cu—Ag core-shell particles of from 88.0 to 92 weight percent and having a volume resistivity of less than 0.020 Ohm-centimeter measured according to Volume Resistivity Test Method and a thermal conductivity of greater than or equal to 2.9 Watts per meter*Kelvin measured according to Thermal Properties Test Method; wherein the curable silicone ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Refrigerant pack

Номер: US20170023288A1
Принадлежит: Toppan Forms Co Ltd

A refrigerant pack is provided with a refrigerant substance containing water, a precipitating component, a non-precipitating component, and a pH indicator, and is configured such that the precipitating component precipitates when the refrigerant substance freezes and is a component not corresponding to the pH indicator, the non-precipitating component does not precipitate when the refrigerant substance freezes and is a component not corresponding to the pH indicator, a change or the presence/absence of coloring in the pH indicator is reflected before and after freezing, and the refrigerant substance changes in color.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029681A1

A thermal insulation coating composition includes a polymer having a C1-5 alkylene oxide repeat unit, aerogel and a water soluble binder. 1. A thermal insulation coating composition comprising:a polymer comprising a C1-5 alkylene oxide repeat unit;aerogel; anda water soluble binder.2. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer is included in the content of 0.05 wt % to 0.7 wt % based on the total thermal insulation composition.3. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer comprises the C1-5 alkylene oxide repeat unit in a content of 2 wt % to 50 wt % based on the total weight of the polymer.5. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer has weight average molecular weight of 500 to 30,000.6. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polymer further comprises at least one part for adjusting length selected from the group consisting of a C1-50 linear or branched alkyl group, a C1-50 acyl group, a C1-50 ester group, a C6-50 aryl group, a C6-50 aralkyl group, a C6-50 alkylaryl group, a C6-50 cycloalkyl group, and a C3-20 alkylene oxide repeat unit.7. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 6 ,wherein the part for adjusting length comprising a C3-20 alkylene oxide repeat unit has weight average molecular weight of 2000 to 4000.8. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the aerogel includes aerogel dispersed in a low boiling point organic solvent having a boiling point of 100° C. or less or an aqueous solvent.9. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 8 ,wherein the solid content of the aerogel in the low boiling point organic solvent or aqueous solvent is 5 wt % to 75 wt %.10. The thermal insulation coating composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the water soluble binder includes a silicon-based compound or polymer resin.11. The thermal ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031938A1

This invention provides a coolant composition for an automobile engine which achieves retained thickening effects of a surfactant as a viscosity, and a concentrated coolant composition for an automobile engine used to obtain such coolant composition. Such coolant composition for an automobile engine comprises: (A) a silicone-based oil compound; (B) polyether-modified silicone; (C) a non-silicone-based surfactant; and (D) an aqueous base, wherein the silicone-based oil compound (A) comprises: (A1) at least one selected from among organopolysiloxanes represented by General Formula (1); and (A2) a filler, and the polyether-modified silicone (B) is at least one member selected from among polyoxyalkylene-modified organopolysiloxanes represented by General Formula (2). 16-. (canceled)7. A coolant composition for an automobile engine comprising components below:(A) a silicone-based oil compound;(B) polyether-modified silicone;(C) a non-silicone-based surfactant; and(D) an aqueous base,wherein,the silicone-based oil compound (A) comprises: {'br': None, 'sub': m', '(4-m)/2, 'RSiO\u2003\u2003(1)'}, '(A1) at least one member selected from among organopolysiloxanes represented by General Formula (1)wherein R each independently represents a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group; and m is a number from 1.9 to 2.2; and(A2) a filler, and {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3, 'sub': 2', '2', 'x', 'y', '2, 'RRSiO—(RSiO)—(RRSiO)—SiRR\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'the polyether-modified silicone (B) is at least one member selected from among polyoxyalkylene-modified organopolysiloxanes represented by General Formula (2)wherein{'sup': '1', 'Reach independently represent the same or different and substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 18 carbon atoms;'}{'sup': '2', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sup': 4', '5, 'sub': 2', '2', 'a', '2', '3', 'b, '—R—O(CHCHO)—(CH(CH)CHO)—R\u2003\u2003(3)'}, 'Rrepresents a monovalent organic group ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Fluids and Corrosion Inhibitor Formulations for Use Thereof

Номер: US20140119982A1
Принадлежит: Preston Products Corporation

Disclosed herein is a heat transfer fluid concentrate comprising: greater than or equal to 85 weight percent of a freezing point depressant, based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid concentrate; 50 to 2000 ppm of lithium ions; an azole compound; an inorganic phosphate; a carboxylic acid; and an acrylate based polymer, wherein the heat transfer fluid has a pH of 7.0-9.5. The heat transfer fluid concentrate can be used to make a heat transfer fluid. 1. A method of preventing corrosion comprising contacting a heat transfer system with a heat transfer fluid comprising:a) a freezing point depressantb) 25 to 1600 ppm lithium ions; andc) a carboxylate;wherein the heat transfer fluid has a pH of 7 to 9.5.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer system comprises component made by controlled atmosphere brazing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer system comprises aluminum.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises less than 60 ppm calcium ions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises less than 40 ppm calcium ions.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises magnesium ions.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the magnesium ions are about 2 to about 60 ppm.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises 300 to 900 ppm of an acrylate based polymer.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the acrylate based polymer is a water soluble polymer.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the acrylate based polymer comprises a phosphinopolyacrylate.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid comprises about 0.5 to about 8 wt % carboxylate claim 1 , based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further comprises an inorganic phosphate.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the heat transfer fluid comprises about 0.05 to about 0.4 wt % inorganic ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040244A1

Corrosion inhibitor formulations for use in heat transfer fluids include: (a) an optionally substituted benzoic acid or a salt thereof; (b) at least a first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or a salt thereof and a second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or a salt thereof, the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid and the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid being different; and (c) an azole compound. A ratio of weight percent of the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof to weight percent of the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof ranges from about 1:0.75 to about 1:2.00. A ratio of weight percent of the benzoic acid or the salt thereof to combined weight percent of the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof and the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof ranges from about 1:0.30 to about 1:2.25. 1. A corrosion inhibitor formulation for use in a heat transfer fluid , the formulation comprising:an optionally substituted benzoic acid or a salt thereof;at least a first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or a salt thereof and a second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or a salt thereof, wherein the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid and the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid are different; and wherein a ratio of weight percent of the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof to weight percent of the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof ranges from about 1:0.75 to about 1:2.00; and', 'wherein a ratio of weight percent of the benzoic acid or the salt thereof to combined weight percent of the first n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof and the second n-alkyl monocarboxylic acid or the salt thereof ranges from about 1:0.30 to about 1:2.25., 'an azole compound;'}2. The corrosion inhibitor formulation of claim 1 , wherein the salt of the optionally substituted benzoic acid comprises an alkali metal.3. The corrosion inhibitor formulation of claim 1 , wherein the salt of the optionally substituted benzoic ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Coolant composition

Номер: US20200040246A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Provided is a coolant composition having not only excellent antifreeze properties and insulation properties but also improved cooling performance. The above coolant composition containing the following components: (A) a polyhydric alcohol; (B) water; (C) a compound having a functional group capable of forming a hydrogen bond with both component (A) and component (B); and (D) a nonionic surfactant, wherein the content ratio X (mol %) of component (C) to the sum of component (A) and component (C) in the coolant composition is in a range that satisfies the following: the freezing point of the coolant composition is equal to or lower than the freezing point of a solution consisting of components (A) and (B) containing component (B) at the same mass ratio as the mass ratio of component (B) to the coolant composition; and the freezing point of the coolant composition is equal to or lower than the freezing point of a solution consisting of components (C) and (B) containing component (B) at the same mass ratio as the mass ratio of component (B) to the coolant composition.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045882A1

A nanofluid includes a base fluid and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed in the base fluid. The MWCNTs have an outer surface provided with polar functional groups. The outer surface has decorated portions covered with nanoparticles and undecorated portions where the polar functional groups are exposed. A method prepares a nanofluid. In a first step, MWCNTs are grown on substrates by catalyst-free thermal chemical vapor deposition. In the following step, the MWCNTs' outer surface is functionalized to form polar functional groups covalently bonded thereto. Then, nanoparticles are deposited on the MWCNTs' outer surface such that the outer surface has decorated portions covered with the nanoparticles, while leaving undecorated portions where the polar functional groups are exposed. The resulting nanoparticle-decorated functionalized MWCNTs are then detached from the substrates and dispersed in a base fluid. 1. A nanofluid comprising a base fluid and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed in the base fluid , wherein the MWCNTs have an outer surface provided with polar functional groups , the outer surface having decorated portions covered with nanoparticles and undecorated portions where said polar functional groups are exposed.2. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein each of the MWCNTs has a diameter between about 15 and about 100 nm and/or the nanoparticles have a nanoparticle size between about 1 and about 60 nm.3. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein the MWCNTs have a diameter distribution characterized by a mean diameter ranging from about 30 to about 40 nm.4. The nanofluid of wherein the dispersed MWCNTs have a length distribution between about 100 nm and about 10 μm.5. (canceled)6. The nanofluid of claim 1 , wherein the polar functional groups comprise oxygen-containing functional groups or nitrogen-containing groups.7. The nanofluid of claim 6 , wherein the oxygen-containing functional groups comprise carboxyl groups claim 6 , carbonyl groups and ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Microcapsules adapted to rupture in a magnetic field to enable easy removal of one substrate from another for enhanced reworkability

Номер: US20160052239A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

An enhanced thermal interface material (TIM) gap filler for filling a gap between two substrates (e.g., between a coldplate and an electronics module) includes microcapsules adapted to rupture in a magnetic field. The microcapsules, which are distributed in a TIM gap filler, each have a shell that encapsulates a solvent. One or more organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles is/are covalently bound into the shell of each microcapsule. In one embodiment, (3-aminopropyl)trimethylsilane-coated magnetite nanoparticles are incorporated into the shell of a urea-formaldehyde (UF) microcapsule during in situ polymerization. To enable easy removal of one substrate affixed to another substrate by the enhanced TIM gap filler, the substrates are positioned within a magnetic field sufficient to rupture the microcapsule shells through magnetic stimulation of the organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles. The ruptured microcapsule shells release the solvent, which dissolves and/or swells the TIM gap filler, thereby reducing the bond strength between the substrates.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048522A1

The invention relates to the use, as a liquid phase heat-transfer medium, of a fluid having a boiling point in the range of from 200° C. to 400° C. and a boiling range below 80° C., said fluid comprising more than 95% by weight isoparaffins and less than 3% by weight of naphthens, a biocarbon content of at least 95% by weight, containing less than 100 ppm by weight aromatics. 116.-. (canceled)17. Method for transferring heat in liquid phase , said method comprising:using a fluid having a boiling point in the range of from 200° C. to 400° C. and a boiling range below 80° C., said fluid comprising more than 95% by weight of isoparaffins and less than 3% by weight of naphthens, a biocarbon content of at least 95% by weight, containing less than 100 ppm by weight aromatics.18. Method of claim 17 , comprising:using the fluid as a heat-transfer fluid or as a coolant.19. Method of claim 17 , comprising:using the fluid in a closed-loop system.20. Method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid has a boiling point in the range of from 220° C. to 340° C.21. Method of claim 17 , wherein the boiling range of the fluid is 240° C.-275° C. or 250° C.-295° C. or 285° C.-335° C.22. Method of claim 17 , comprising:operating the fluid at a temperature ranging from −50° C. to 260° C.23. Method of claim 22 , wherein the fluid has a boiling range of 240° C.-275° C. or a boiling range of 250° C.-295° C.24. Method of claim 17 , comprising:operating the fluid at a temperature ranging from −30° C. to 315° C.25. Method of claim 24 , wherein the fluid has a boiling range of 285° C.-335° C.26. Method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid contains less than 50 ppm aromatics.27. Method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid contains less than 1% by weight of naphthens.28. Method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid contains less than 5 ppm sulphur.29. Method of claim 17 , wherein the fluid has a biodegradability at 28 days of at least 60% claim 17 , as measured according to the OECD 306 standard.30. Method of claim 18 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081602A1

An object of the present disclosure is to provide a non-aqueous coolant composition having all of excellent insulation property, cooling capability, and flame resistance. This embodiment is a non-water coolant composition that comprises at least one halogen-based flame retardant selected from a fluorine-based oil and a chlorinated paraffin. 1. A non-water coolant composition comprisingat least one halogen-based flame retardant selected from a fluorine-based oil and a chlorinated paraffin.2. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant comprises the fluorine-based oil.3. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the fluorine-based oil comprises a chlorotrifluoroethylene low polymer.4. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant comprises the chlorinated paraffin.5. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 4 ,wherein the chlorinated paraffin has 10 to 30 carbon atoms.6. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprisingat least one base oil selected from a mineral oil and a synthetic oil.7. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 6 ,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant has a content of 1 to 80 mass %, andwherein the base oil has a content of 20 to 99 mass %.8. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprisingat least one base oil selected from a mineral oil and a synthetic oil,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant comprises the fluorine-based oil,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant has a content of 1 to 55 mass %, andwherein the base oil has a content of 45 to 99 mass %.9. The non-water coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprisingat least one base oil selected from a mineral oil and a synthetic oil,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant comprises the chlorinated paraffin,wherein the halogen-based flame retardant has a content of 1 ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068732A1
Автор: KITAZAWA Keita

Provided is a silicone composition exhibiting a favorable adhesiveness even when containing a large amount of a thermal conductive filler. The silicone composition contains specific amounts of 3. The silicone composition according to claim 1 , further comprising (J) an adhesion aid having claim 1 , in one molecule claim 1 , a triazine ring and at least one aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon group that may contain an oxygen atom claim 1 , said adhesion aid being in an amount of 0.05 to 0.5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the sum total of the components (A) and (B).4. The silicone composition according to claim 2 , further comprising (J) an adhesion aid having claim 2 , in one molecule claim 2 , a triazine ring and at least one aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon group that may contain an oxygen atom claim 2 , said adhesion aid being in an amount of 0.05 to 0.5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the sum total of the components (A) and (B).5. The silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein said silicone resin (B) includes an SiOunit claim 1 , an RRSiOunit and an RSiOunit claim 1 , and wherein each Rindependently represents a monovalent hydrocarbon group having no aliphatic unsaturated bond claim 1 , Rrepresents an aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon group and (total number of RRSiOand RSiOunits)/(number of SiOunits) is in a range of 0.1 to 3.0.6. The silicone composition according to claim 2 , wherein said silicone resin (B) includes an SiOunit claim 2 , an RRSiOunit and an RSiOunit claim 2 , and wherein each Rindependently represents a monovalent hydrocarbon group having no aliphatic unsaturated bond claim 2 , Rrepresents an aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon group and (total number of RRSiOand RSiOunits)/(number of SiOunits) is in a range of 0.1 to 3.0.7. The silicone composition according to claim 3 , wherein said silicone resin (B) includes an SiOunit claim 3 , an RRSiOunit and an RSiOunit claim 3 , and wherein each ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066650A1

Processes and units are provided, which carry out cyclic steps of zinc oxidation and reduction of zinc oxide to combine an exothermic heat delivering step with an endothermic syngas production step, respectively. Both steps use zinc as the pivotal element that enables the process to be carried out cyclically. Heat is delivered from the exothermic step to the endothermic syngas via heat storage elements of various types which are arranged according to the reaction's conditions and characteristic temperatures. Thus, energy efficient syngas production methods and units are provided. 1. A method comprising:storing heat produced by oxidation of zinc;using the stored heat to react the produced zinc oxide with methane to form syngas; andre-using zinc reduced by the reaction with methane for the oxidation,wherein the oxidation of zinc and the reduction of the zinc oxide carried out cyclically, to yield syngas continuously.2. The method of claims 1 , further comprising carrying out the oxidation of zinc and the reaction of the produced zinc oxide with methane continuously in a single chamber.3. The method of or claims 1 , wherein the exothermic oxidation of zinc and the endothermic reduction of zinc are carried out under conditions in which the heat released by the zinc oxidation is at least as large as the heat used for the zinc oxide reduction.4. The method of any one of - claims 1 , configured to be carried out in a single chamber by alternating zinc oxidation and zinc oxide reduction processes.5. The method of any one of - claims 1 , further comprising regenerating the reduced zinc during cooling of the syngas.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the oxidation and regeneration are carried out in a first chamber claim 5 , the method further comprising carrying out the regeneration in a second chamber claim 5 , and carrying out consequent zinc oxidation and zinc oxide reduction in the second chamber.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising repeatedly alternating roles ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075930A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention refers to a vapor space anticorrosive composition comprising corrosion inhibitors, surfactants and possibly thickeners, wherein one surfactant is selected from alkylamine ethoxylates, and being useful as an engine run-in composition and as a coolant. 1. A vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition , comprisinga corrosion inhibitor, anda surfactant,wherein{'sub': 3', '20, 'the surfactant is an alkylamine ethoxylate comprising a Cto Calkyl chain and from 1 to 35 ethylene oxide units, and'}the corrosion inhibitor is an ethoxylate of castor oil.23-. (canceled)4. The vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the alkylamine ethoxylate comprises a linear Cto Calkyl chain and from 1.8 to 9 ethylene oxide units.5. The vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprisinga thickener.6. The vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition according to claim 5 , wherein the thickener comprises a polyacrylate.7. (canceled)8. A vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition formulation claim 5 , comprising{'sub': 3', '20, 'from 0.01 to 5% by weight of one or more alkylamine alkoxylates comprising a Cto Calkyl chain and from 1 to 35 ethylene oxide units as at least one surfactant,'}from 0.01 to 10% by weight of one or more ethoxylates of castor oil as at least one corrosion inhibitor,from 0 to 0.3% by weight of one or more thickeners,from 75 to 99% by weight of one or more antifreeze alcohols selected from the group consisting of an alkanol, a glycol, a polyalkylene glycol, and glycerol, andfrom 0 to 24% by weight of water.9. A process of manufacturing an engine run-in composition or a coolant claim 5 , the process comprising{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', 'claim 8'}, 'mixing the vapor space anticorrosive coolant composition formulation according to with water to obtain the engine run-in composition or the coolant, respectively, with a final water content of at least 50% by weight.'} ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Methods to enhance the performance of electrocaloric dielectric polymer

Номер: US20160076798A1
Автор: Ailan Cheng, Qiming Zhang
Принадлежит: Nascent Devices LLC

Cooling devices employing an EC polymer having an internal DC bias field are disclosed. The EC polymers include additional materials such as normal ferroelectric components with electric poling to establish an internal (built-in) DC bias field to enhance thermal characteristics of the EC polymers.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079401A1
Автор: OHNO Hideki

A curable resin composition including aluminum nitride particles, an epoxy resin, a curing agent and an acidic phosphate ester represented by the following formula (1): 3. The method for manufacturing the curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the mixing step comprises the step of:mixing the aluminum nitride particles with a mixture containing the acidic phosphate ester and all or a portion of the epoxy resin.4. The method for manufacturing the curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the mixing step comprises the successive steps of:(i) mixing the acidic phosphate ester and the epoxy resin; and(ii) mixing the resultant mixture of the step (i), the aluminum nitride particles, and the curing agent.5. The method for manufacturing the curable resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the mixing step comprises the successive steps of:(i) mixing the acidic phosphate ester and a portion of the epoxy resin;(ii) mixing the resultant mixture of the step (i) and the aluminum nitride particles; and(iii) mixing the resultant mixture of the step (ii), the remaining portion of the epoxy resin, and the curing agent,and wherein the curing agent is a basic curing agent.6. A high thermal conductive resin composition claim 1 , which is obtainable by curing the curable resin composition according to .7. A high thermal conductive laminated substrate comprising:a metallic foil;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00006', 'claim 6'}, 'the high thermal conductive resin composition according to ; and'}a metal or high thermal conductive ceramic substrate,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00006', 'claim 6'}, 'wherein the metallic foil, the high thermal conductive resin composition according to , and the metal or high thermal conductive ceramic substrate, are layered in the order mentioned.'}8. A method for manufacturing a high thermal conductive laminated substrate comprising the successive steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'layering a ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Self-Dispersing Nanoparticles

Номер: US20140158931A1

The invention relates to a process for manufacturing nanoparticles that are self-dispersing in water. It also relates to the self-dispersing nanoparticles obtained by the process of the invention and also a process for manufacturing a heat-transfer fluid containing the nanoparticles according to the invention or obtained by the process of the invention. The process of the invention comprises the following steps: a) optionally, manufacture of an aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles chosen from the nanoparticles of alumina (AlO), of zinc oxide (ZnO), of titanium oxide (TiO), of silica (SiO) and of beryllium oxide (BeO), b) addition to an aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles chosen from nanoparticles of alumina (AlO), of zinc oxide (ZnO), of titanium oxide (TiO), of silica (Si) and of beryllium oxide (BeO), of a water-soluble polymer chosen from polyvinyl alcohols, polyethylene glycols, polyvinylpyrrolidones, polyoxazolines, starches, and mixtures of two or more thereof, and c) thermal quenching of the dispersion obtained in step b), and d) lyophilisation of the quenched dispersion obtained in step c). The invention finds an application in the field of coolants in particular. 1. A process of manufacturing nanoparticles of a metal oxide , comprising a step of addition , to a dispersion of said nanoparticles , of a water-soluble polymer , a step of thermal quenching of the resulting dispersion and a step of lyophilization of the quenched dispersion obtained , and comprising , optionally , a step of manufacture of a dispersion of said nanoparticles , before the step of addition , to this dispersion of nanoparticles , of a water-soluble polymer ,{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '2, 'characterized in that the dispersion of nanoparticles is an aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles chosen from nanoparticles of alumina (AlO), of zinc oxide (ZnO), of titanium oxide (TiO), of silica (SiO) and of beryllium oxide (BeO) and in that the water-soluble polymer is chosen from polyvinyl alcohols, ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082404A1
Автор: Pigos Elena

Methods and apparatuses are provided for the production of homogeneous dispersions of nanostructures within a matrix, which may be used as precursors of carbon-reinforced or boron nitride-reinforced composite materials. An apparatus for producing a nanostructure dispersion comprises a reactor and a mixing chamber, wherein the reactor is configured to produce an aerosol of nanostructures and is in fluidic communication with the mixing chamber. A matrix material is provided in the mixing chamber, and the aerosol of nanostructures can disperse into the matrix material to form a nanostructure dispersion. The apparatus may further comprise a matrix tank comprising a matrix material, wherein the matrix material is transferred to the mixing chamber. An aerosol of matrix particles may be produced from the matrix material and provided in the mixing chamber, so as to produce a fine dispersion of nanostructures in the matrix. The apparatus may be configured to continuously produce a nanostructure dispersion. 1. A method for producing a nanostructure dispersion , the method comprising:providing a reactor and a mixing chamber, wherein the reactor is in fluidic communication with the mixing chamber;producing an aerosol of nanostructures in the reactor;providing a matrix material in the mixing chamber;transferring the aerosol of nanostructures from the reactor to the mixing chamber; anddispersing the aerosol of nanostructures into the matrix material, thereby producing a nanostructure dispersion.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:producing an aerosol of matrix particles from the matrix material;providing the aerosol of matrix particles in the mixing chamber; anddispersing the aerosol of nanostructures into the matrix material comprising the aerosol of matrix particles, thereby producing a nanostructure dispersion.3. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the matrix material is a solid powder or liquid.4. The method of any one of to claim 1 , wherein the aerosol ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083638A1

The invention relates to a smart junction box made from a thermally conductive thermoplastic polymer composition comprising a thermoplastic polymer, between 10 and 40 wt. % of a thermally conductive (TC) filler, between 15 and 30 wt. % of a flame retardant (FR) and between 20 and 45 wt. % of glass fibres (GF). The invention also relates to a polymer composition comprising between 25 and 67.5 wt. % of at least one aliphatic polyamide, between 10 and 40 wt. % of a thermally conductive (TC) filler, between 15 and 30 wt. % of a flame retardant (FR) and between 7.5 and 40 wt. % of glass fibres (GF), wherein the weight percentages (wt. %) are relative to the total weight of the composition. 1. Smart junction box made from a thermally conductive thermoplastic polymer composition comprising a thermoplastic polymer , between 10 and 40 wt. % of a thermally conductive (TC) filler , between 15 and 30 wt. % of a flame retardant (FR) and between 7.5 and 40 wt. % of glass fibres (GF) , wherein the weight percentages (wt. %) are relative to the total weight of the composition.2. Junction box according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer composition comprises of a polyamide.3. Junction box according to claim 2 , wherein the polyamide is an aliphatic polyamide.4. Junction box according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive filler is boron nitride.5. Polymer composition comprising between 25 and 67.5 wt. % of at least one aliphatic polyamide claim 1 , between 10 and 40 wt. % of a thermally conductive (TC) filler claim 1 , between 15 and 30 wt. % of a flame retardant (FR) and between 7.5 and 40 wt. % of glass fibres (GF) claim 1 , wherein the weight percentages (wt. %) are relative to the total weight of the composition.6. Polymer composition according to claim 5 , wherein the aliphatic polyamide is chosen from PA46 claim 5 , PA6 claim 5 , PA66 claim 5 , PA66 claim 5 ,6 claim 5 , PA410 or mixtures thereof. The invention relates to a smart junction box made from a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160086713A1

A thermally conductive silicone adhesive composition for a reactor, having good fluidity even when containing a large amount of thermally conductive filler to obtain a thermally conductive silicone adhesive composition, permitting potting of fine substrates, having good properties after curing, having little change in properties even with heat or moist-heat aging, and giving good adhesiveness to metals and organic resins, and a reactor potted by this composition, can be provided by making a thermally conductive silicone adhesive composition having a viscosity of 100 mPa·s at 25° C. and containing a liquid organohydrogenpolysiloxane having 2-10 hydrogen atoms bonded with silicon atoms in the molecule, containing no alkoxy groups, having at least one epoxy group bonded with a silicon atom via an alkylene group, having a polysiloxane degree of polymerization of 15 or lower, and containing a polysiloxane skeleton having a cyclic structure. 3. The heat conductive silicone adhesive composition of or wherein component (C) is at least one member selected from the group consisting of aluminum hydroxide , magnesium hydroxide , aluminum oxide , crystalline silica , zinc oxide , silicon oxide , silicon carbide , silicon nitride , magnesium oxide , titanium oxide , beryllium oxide , aluminum nitride , boron nitride , gold , silver , copper , iron , nickel , aluminum , and stainless steel.4. The heat conductive silicone adhesive composition of wherein component (E) is selected from amongmolecular chain dual end trimethoxysiloxy-blocked dimethylsiloxane,molecular chain dual end trimethoxysiloxy-blocked dimethylsiloxane/methylvinylsiloxane copolymer,molecular chain dual end trimethoxysiloxy-blocked methylvinylpolysiloxane,molecular chain dual end trimethoxysiloxy-blocked dimethylsiloxane/methylvinylsiloxane/methylphenylsiloxane copolymer,molecular chain dual end trimethoxysiloxy-blocked dimethylsiloxane/methylvinylsiloxane/diphenylsiloxane copolymer,molecular chain dual end ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090422A1

A heat storage material composition contains sodium acetate, water, and an organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group. A weight ratio R (sodium acetate/water) of the sodium acetate to the water is 57/43 or less. A concentration Ws of the sodium acetate in three components of the sodium acetate, the water, and the organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group is 52% by weight or more. A concentration Wa of the organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group in the three components is 1% by weight or more. 1. A heat storage material composition comprising:sodium acetate;water; andan organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group,wherein a weight ratio R (sodium acetate/water) of the sodium acetate to the water is 57/43 or less,a concentration Ws of the sodium acetate in three components of the sodium acetate, the water, and the organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group is 52% by weight or more, anda concentration Wa of the organic compound comprising a hydrophobic group and a hydrophilic group in the three components is 1% by weight or more.2. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic group is a hydrocarbon group.3. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic group is an alkyl group.4. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic group is a hydroxy group.5. The heat storage material composition according to claim 4 , wherein the organic compound is an alcohol.6. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic group is an amino group.7. The heat storage material composition according to claim 6 , wherein the organic compound is an amine.8. The heat storage material composition according to claim 5 , wherein the alcohol is a monohydric alcohol.9. The heat storage material ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Coolant composition and method of operating internal combustion engine using the same

Номер: US20190085230A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A coolant composition includes a viscosity improving agent and a base. The viscosity improving agent includes at least one selected from an anionic surfactant represented by the following Formula (1) of R 1 O—(R 2 O) m —SO 3 M and at least one selected from the group consisting of a cationic surfactant represented by the following Formula (2) and an amphoteric surfactant represented by the following Formula (3) or Formula (4). The base is formed of water and/or at least one alcohol selected from the group consisting of a monohydric alcohol, a dihydric alcohol, a trihydric alcohol, and a glycol monoalkyl ether, in which a shear viscosity is 8.5 mPa·s or higher at 25° C. and is 2.0 mPa·s or lower at 100° C.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135860A1

Provided is a heat storage material composition that is less likely to vaporize and has a sufficiently stabilized supercooled state. A heat storage material composition according to an aspect of the present disclosure includes sodium acetate, water, and an alcohol. The alcohol includes at least one selected from the group consisting of 1,2-butanediol and a dihydric alcohol having 5 or 6 carbon atoms. The dihydric alcohol is for example a straight-chain alcohol. For example, two hydroxy groups contained in the dihydric alcohol are each bonded to a different one of a carbon atom at a 1-position and a carbon atom at a 2-position contained in the dihydric alcohol. The alcohol includes for example at least one selected from the group consisting of 1,2-butanediol, 1,2-pentanediol, and 1,2-hexanediol.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096984A1
Автор: MATSUMOTO Nobuaki

A thermally conductive silicone composition is provided, a cured material from which does not impose stress to IC packages, even left at a high temperature. 3. The silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the reaction retardant is selected from acetylene compounds claim 1 , nitrogen compounds claim 1 , organic phosphorus compounds claim 1 , oxime compounds claim 1 , and organic chloro compounds.4. The silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises (H) organosilane represented by the following formula (5) in an amount of 0.01 to 30 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of component (A) claim 1 ,{'br': None, 'sup': 5', '6', '7, 'sub': a', 'b', '4-a-b, 'RRSi(OR)\u2003\u2003(5)'}{'sup': 5', '6', '7, 'wherein Ris, independently of each other, a monovalent hydrocarbon group having 6 to 15 carbon atoms; Ris, independently of each other, a saturated or unsaturated monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 8 carbon atoms; Ris, independently of each other, a monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms; and a is an integer of 1 to 3, and b is an integer of 0 to 2, with a total of a and b being an integer of 1 to 3.'}6. The silicone composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises (J) fine silica powder in an amount of 0.1 to 200 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of component (A).7. A semi-conductor device provided with a cured material obtained by curing the silicone composition according to . The present invention relates to a thermally conductive silicone composition which has a bonding function strong enough to follow large warping of an IC package, and whose softness remains even after left at a high temperature, and a cured material therefrom.A lot of electronic devices are being used more and more in various fields such as the auto industry and the car electronic industry. Thus, semi-conductive devices are being introduced in most fields of industry. Typical semi-conductive devices ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101570A1
Автор: Iwata Mitsuhiro

Disclosed herein is an addition one part curing type heat-conductive silicone grease composition contains, as indispensable components: (A) an organopolysiloxane containing at least one alkenyl group per molecule and having a viscosity of 50 mPa•s to 100,000 mPa•s at 25° C.; (B) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane which contains at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule, which has no RSiO unit, which has no silicon-bonded hydrogen atom at any terminal end, which has the silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms only in a side chain or chains, and which is in a substantially straight chain form, in an amount such that the ratio of {the number of Si-H groups}/{the number of alkenyl groups in the composition} is in the range from 0.1 to 5.0; (C) a photoactive type platinum complex curing catalyst; and (D) a heat-conductive filler, wherein the composition has a viscosity at 25° C. of 30 Pa•s to 800 Pa•s as measured by a Malcom viscometer at a rotational speed of 10 rpm. 1. An addition one part curing type heat-conductive silicone grease composition capable of being stored at normal temperature , the composition comprising , (A) 100 parts by weight of an organopolysiloxane containing at least one alkenyl group per molecule and having a viscosity of 50 mPa•s to 100 ,000 mPa•s at 25° C.;{'sub': '2', '(B) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane which contains at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule, which has no RSiO unit (where R independently represents an unsubstituted or substituted monovalent hydrocarbon group), which has no silicon-bonded hydrogen atom at any terminal end, which has the silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms only in a side chain or chains, and which is in a substantially straight chain form, in an amount such that the ratio of {the number of Si-H groups}/{the number of alkenyl groups in the composition} is in the range from 0.1 to 5.0;'}(C) a photoactive type platinum complex curing catalyst selected from the group consisting of trimethyl(acetylacetonato) ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101571A1

The development and manufacture of thermal interface materials including, among other forms, greases, pastes, gels, adhesives, pads, sheets, solders and phase change materials, with good through-plane thermal conductivity for thermal interface applications. The good through-plane thermal conductivity is achieved, through the formation of a conductive network by the use of thermal conductive material-coated fillers, combinations of thermal conductive material-coated fillers and uncoated fillers. 1. Thermal interface material containing a material selected from the group consisting of:a. fillers, i. graphene, and,', 'ii. Boron nitride, and,, 'b. coated fillers, wherein the coating is selected from the group consisting of'}c. mixtures of a. and b.2. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the thermal interface material is in a form selected from the group comprising of:a. grease,b. gel,c. adhesive,d. paste,e. solder,f. pad, and,g. phase change material.3. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the thermal interface material is in a form selected from the group consisting of:a. grease,b. gel,c. adhesive,d. paste,e. solder,f. pad, and,g. phase change material.4. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the filler is selected from claim 1 , the group consisting of:a. a ceramic,b. a metal,c. polymers,d. carbonaceous materials,e. composite materials, and,f. mixtures of any of a.-d.5. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the ceramic filler is selected from the group consisting of:a. an oxide,b. a carbide,c. a boride, and,d. nitride.6. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the ceramic filler is selected from the group consisting of:a. alumina,b. zinc oxide,c. silica,d. boron nitride,e. silicon carbide,f. aluminum nitride,g. tin oxide,h. magnesium oxide,i. titanium oxide, and,j. beryllium oxide.7. The thermal interface material as claimed in wherein the metallic filler is a metal alloy.8. The thermal ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108301A1
Автор: Shou Hudson Gencheng

The invention teaches an enhanced coolant in a cooling system defined by adding silver alloy metal into the flow of a liquid such as water. Silver alloy strips of various shapes are added in a liquid to form a compound coolant used in a liquid cooling system for cooling electronic assemblies and computer devices during prolonged use and overclocking. The excellent thermal conductivity of silver strips helps to conduct heat from high performance electronic assemblies. The fundamental engineering aspect is the combined surface areas of the silver alloys added in the coolant to enhance conductive heat transfer throughout the cooling system. 1. A coolant used in a cooling system for transporting heat from an electronic assembly , comprising a liquid and a metal additive for increasing heat conducting capacity of said liquid.2. The coolant of claim 1 , wherein said metal additive is a plural number of silver strips.3. The coolant of claim 2 , wherein said silver strips can be in any shape.4. The coolant of claim 2 , wherein any of said silver strips is less than one nanometer in its longest measurement.5. The coolant of claim 2 , wherein said metal additive comprises one or more alloys.6. The coolant of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is distilled water.7. The coolant of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is liquid nitrogen.8. The coolant of claim 1 , wherein said liquid is a dielectric fluid.9. A circulation cooling system for transporting heat from an electronic assembly comprising a radiator claim 1 , a waterblock claim 1 , a pump and a reservoir which are operably coupled together by a number of cooling tubes claim 1 , and a liquid media for said circulation claim 1 , wherein said media comprises a liquid and a metal additive for increasing heat conducting capacity of said liquid.10. The cooling system of claim 9 , wherein said metal additive is a plural number of silver strips.11. The cooling system of claim 10 , wherein said silver strips can be in any shape.12. The ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150118471A1

Inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposites are provided. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite includes a polymeric matrix and a plurality of metal nanoparticles embedded within the polymeric matrix. The plurality of metal nanoparticles are configured to provide cooling of the nanocomposite upon exposure to photoradiation. 1. An inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite comprising:a polymeric matrix;a plurality of metal nanoparticles embedded within the polymeric matrix, wherein the plurality of metal nanoparticles are configured to provide cooling of the nanocomposite upon exposure to photoradiation.2. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric matrix comprises polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , polypyrrole (PPy) claim 1 , polypyridine claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyanhydrides claim 1 , polyphosphazenes claim 1 , polyphosphoesters claim 1 , caprolactone polymers claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , keratin claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric matrix comprises a polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan film.4. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 3 , wherein the polyvinyl alcohol is present in the polymeric matrix at a concentration of about 3 weight percentage (wt %) to about 7 wt %.5. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 3 , wherein the chitosan is present in the polymeric matrix at a concentration of about 1.5 wt % to about 4.5 wt %.6. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of metal nanoparticles comprise titanium tetra isopropoxide (Ti {OCH(CH)}) nanoparticles claim 1 , tantalum penta-i-propoxide (CHOTa) nanoparticles claim 1 , magnesium isopropoxide (CHMgO) nanoparticles claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. The inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of metal nanoparticles are present in the inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposite at a ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Heat Medium Liquid

Номер: US20180112116A1

Provided is a heat medium liquid having low effervescence while compatibly retaining two properties of low flow friction resistance and high heat transfer efficiency. The head medium liquid contains antifreeze liquid. And, to the heat medium liquid, there is added at least one kind of compound selected from the group consisting of water-soluble polymer compound, poly (polyethylene glycol) (propylene glycol) copolymer fatty acid ester, sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene polymer, amine oxide compound, polyethylene glycol dicarboxylic acid ester, polypropylene glycol dicarboxylic acid ester and poly (ethylene glycol) (propylene glycol) copolymer dicarboxylic ester. 1. A heat medium liquid containing antifreeze liquid , comprising:a flow friction reducing agent selected from the group consisting of water-soluble polymer compound, poly (polyethylene glycol) (propylene glycol) copolymer fatty acid ester, sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene polymer, amine oxide compound, polyethylene glycol dicarboxylic acid ester, polypropylene glycol dicarboxylic acid ester, and poly (ethylene glycol) (propylene glycol) copolymer dicarboxylic ester.2. The heat medium liquid of claim 1 , wherein the antifreeze liquid comprises ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.3. The heat medium liquid of claim 1 , wherein the flow friction reducing agent comprises a water-soluble polymer compound and the heat medium liquid contains the flow friction reducing agent by a ratio equal to or greater than 100 mg/L.4. The heat medium liquid of claim 1 , wherein the flow friction reducing agent is poly (ethylene glycol) (propylene glycol) copolymer fatty acid ester claim 1 , and the heat medium liquid contains the flow friction reducing agent by a ratio equal to or greater than 1 g/L.5. The heat medium liquid of claim 1 , wherein the flow friction reducing agent is sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene polymer claim 1 , and the heat medium liquid contains the flow friction reducing agent by a ratio equal to or greater than 10 ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Method of making nanaofluids for ground souce heat pumps and other applications

Номер: US20140197354A1
Автор: Olson John Melvin

A method on making a nanofluid using nanoparticles without the use of a surfactant to hold the nanoparticles in suspension. 1. A method of increasing the heat transfer of a liquid comprising the steps of:producing a nanofluid by adding fumed nanoparticles into the said fluid; then sonicating the mixture; andchecking to insure the sonication energy, pulse time, temperature, pH, and duration of sonication are producing a stable dispersion without adding a surfactant to the mixture to hold the nanoparticles in suspension.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fumed nanoparticles are selected from a group comprising of fumed alumina oxide (AlO) claim 1 , fumed titanium oxide (TiO) claim 1 , fumed ferric oxide (FeO) claim 1 , and fumed alumina oxide with fumed silica oxide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid is either propylene or ethylene glycol water mixtures.4. The method in claim 1 , wherein the liquid is a mixture of propylene or ethylene glycol and the water mixture is from 6 to 90% (volume percent).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the weight percent of fumed nanoparticles added to the liquid is approximately 1% to 10%.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH is controlled to be between 2.31 and 10.30 and a pH buffer of base can be added to the nanofluid in order to increase the concentration of fumed nanoparticles while controlling the pH of the nanofluid.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature during sonication is controlled so that the temperature is between 200 and 205 F.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the duration for pulse time for sonication is 30 minutes total sonication time claim 1 , and the energy of the pulse is approximately 21 Watts per 10 mil-liter of nanofluid claim 1 , and duration of the sonication is for 30 minutes with 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off.9. A stable nanofluid comprising a glycol-water mixture wherein said glycol-water mixture comprises water present from 6 to 90 volume % of the mixture and a plurality of ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122503A1

A resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet includes a thermosetting resin and a filler dispersed in the thermosetting resin. The filler includes secondary agglomerated particles satisfying the following conditions: a void is formed in the central portion; a communicating pore which begins from the void and communicates with the outer surface of the secondary agglomerated particle is formed; and the ratio of the average pore diameter of the communicating pores to the average void diameter of the voids is equal to or more than 0.05 and equal to or less than 1.0. 1. A resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet comprising:a thermosetting resin; anda filler dispersed in the thermosetting resin,wherein the filler includes secondary agglomerated particles satisfying the following conditions (a), (b), and (c):(a) a void is formed in a central portion,(b) a communicating pore which begins from the void and communicates with an outer surface of the secondary agglomerated particle is formed, and(c) a ratio of an average pore diameter of the communicating pores to an average void diameter of the voids is equal to or more than 0.05 and equal to or less than 1.0.2. The resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the secondary agglomerated particles are constituted with primary particles of scaly boron nitride.3. The resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet according to claim 2 ,wherein an average particle diameter of the secondary agglomerated particles is equal to or more than 5 μm and equal to or less than 200 μm.4. The resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet according to claim 2 ,wherein the filler further includes primary particles of scaly boron nitride different from the primary particles of the scaly boron nitride constituting the secondary agglomerated particles.5. The resin composition for a thermally conductive sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the communicating pore is linearly formed from ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122610A1

A thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet to be provided includes: a polymer including acrylate ester as a monomer; a metal magnetic oxide; and flame retardant filler subjected to surface treatment. The metal magnetic oxide includes a small-diameter metal magnetic oxide with an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 μm and a large-diameter metal magnetic oxide with an average particle diameter of 50 to 100 μm. A mixing ratio between the small-diameter metal magnetic oxide and the large-diameter metal magnetic oxide is in a range of 9:13 to 15:7 in volume ratio. The small-diameter metal magnetic oxide and the large-diameter metal magnetic oxide are contained by 55 to 60 vol % in total in the entire thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet. The flame retardant filler subjected to the surface treatment is contained by 8 to 10 vol % in the entire thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet. 1. A thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet comprising:a polymer including acrylate ester as a monomer;a metal magnetic oxide; andflame retardant filler subjected to surface treatment, whereinthe metal magnetic oxide includes a small-diameter metal magnetic oxide with an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 μm and a large-diameter metal magnetic oxide with an average particle diameter of 50 to 100 μm,a mixing ratio between the small-diameter metal magnetic oxide and the large-diameter metal magnetic oxide is in a range of 9:13 to 15:7 in volume ratio,the small-diameter metal magnetic oxide and the large-diameter metal magnetic oxide are contained by 55 to 60 vol % in total in the entire thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet, andthe flame retardant filler subjected to the surface treatment is contained by 8 to 10 vol % in the entire thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet.2. The thermal conductive electromagnetic wave absorbing sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the large-diameter metal ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Mixed Slurry of Strong and Weak Graphene Oxides and Preparation Method of Mixed Slurry, and Composite Film of Strong and Weak Graphene Oxides and Preparation Method of Composite Film

Номер: US20220267157A1

A slurry of the graphene oxides comprises the graphene oxides and a solvent. The graphene oxides include a strong graphene oxide and a weak graphene oxide. The slurry can be used to make composite films of graphene oxides and graphene heat-conducting films. The slurry includes two graphene oxides with different degrees of oxidation, which can increase a carbon content in the graphene oxide per unit mass, so that the finally obtained graphene heat-conducting film has more carbon. 110-. (canceled)11. A mixed slurry of strong and weak graphene oxides , comprising graphene oxides and a solvent , the graphene oxides including a strong graphene oxide and a weak graphene oxide; a carbon content of the strong graphene oxide is 45-55%; a carbon content of the weak graphene oxide is 80-90%.12. The mixed slurry of the strong and weak graphene oxides according to claim 11 , wherein a solid content of the graphene oxide is 5-8%.13. The mixed slurry of the strong and weak graphene oxides according to claim 12 , wherein the weak graphene oxide accounts for 5-50% of the graphene oxide by mass.14. The mixed slurry of the strong and weak graphene oxides according to claim 13 , wherein the weak graphene oxide accounts for 5-30% of the graphene oxide by mass.15. The mixed slurry of the strong and weak graphene oxides according to claim 14 , wherein the weak graphene oxide accounts for 10-30% of the graphene oxide by mass.16. The mixed slurry of the strong and weak graphene oxides according to claim 11 , wherein the solvent includes one or a mixed solvent of two or more of water claim 11 , NMP and DMF.17. A preparation method of a mixed slurry of strong and weak graphene oxides claim 11 , comprising the following steps:preparing a strong graphene oxide dispersion liquid and a weak graphene oxide dispersion liquid respectively, mixing the strong graphene oxide dispersion liquid and the weak graphene oxide dispersion liquid, and dispersing to obtain the mixed slurry of the strong and weak ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275265A1
Автор: Yamaguchi Takahiro

This thermally conductive silicone composition contains: 2. The heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , wherein the content of component (B) is from 20 to 40 vol % with respect to the overall composition.3. The heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , further comprising (F) from 0.01 to 20 parts by weight of a reaction catalyst per 100 parts by weight of component (A).4. The heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , further comprising (G) from 1 to 1 claim 1 ,000 parts by weight of a filler other than component (D) per 100 parts by weight of component (A).5. The heat-conductive silicone composition of which has a heat resistance at 25° C. claim 1 , as measured by the laser flash method claim 1 , of 5 mm·K/W or less.6. The heat-conductive silicone composition of which has an absolute viscosity at 25° C. and a shear rate of 6 s claim 1 , as measured with a spiral viscometer claim 1 , of from 3 to 600 Pas.7. The heat-conductive silicone composition of which can suppress creep following a heat cycling test.8. The heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , wherein component (D) is surface-treated with component (B).9. A method for producing the heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , comprising the step of mixing together components (A) claim 1 , (B) claim 1 , (C) claim 1 , (D) and (E).10. A method for producing the heat-conductive silicone composition of claim 1 , comprising the steps of mixing component (B) claim 1 , or components (A) and (B) claim 1 , together with component (D) for at least 30 minutes at a temperature of 100° C. or more claim 1 , and then mixing therein at least components (C) and (E).11. A semiconductor device comprising a heat-generating body and a cooling body between which is formed a gap not thicker than 10 μm claim 1 , and a layer of the heat-conductive silicone composition of that fills the gap claim 1 , which composition layer is thermally interposed between the heat-generating body and the cooling ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137899A1
Автор: KUWAMOTO Isao
Принадлежит: Bio Epoch Co., Ltd.

A radiator additive which can significantly improve automobile fuel efficiency by adding only slightly to a coolant of a radiator is newly provided. The radiator additive according to the present invention is a radiator additive including a colloidal solution that includes platinum nanoparticles and/or gold nanoparticles having an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 nm, and can improve fuel efficiency of an internal combustion engine by adding to the coolant so as to constitute at least 1% of the volume of the coolant added into the radiator for cooling the internal combustion engine. 110-. (canceled)11. A radiator additive , comprising:a colloidal platinum-gold mixed solution including a platinum colloidal solution having platinum nanoparticles with an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 nm, and a gold colloidal solution having gold nanoparticles with an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 nm, which are mixed together,wherein the radiator additive is added to a coolant so as to constitute at least 1% of a volume in the coolant which is added to a radiator for cooling an internal combustion engine, thereby improving fuel efficiency of the internal combustion engine.12. A radiator additive according to claim 11 , wherein the colloidal gold solution is a reduced gold ion.13. A radiator additive according to claim 11 , wherein the colloidal platinum solution is a reduced platinum ion.14. A radiator additive according to claim 11 , wherein a volume of the colloidal gold solution is 5% to 50% of a volume of the colloidal platinum-gold mixed solution.15. A radiator additive according to claim 11 , wherein a volume of the colloidal gold solution is 15% to 35% of a volume of the colloidal platinum-gold mixed solution.16. A radiator additive according to claim 11 , wherein a volume of the colloidal gold solution is 20% of a volume of the colloidal platinum-gold mixed solution.17. A method of using a radiator additive comprising:a step of preparing a colloidal platinum- ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137684A1

The present disclosure relates crystals capable of cooling upon illumination. In certain embodiments, the crystals include yttrium-fluoride doped with a trivalent rare earth ion. Exemplary crystals include yttrium-lithium-fluoride crystals and yttrium-sodium-fluoride crystals, doped with Yb, Er, or a combination of both. Methods of producing the crystals hydrothermally and methods of cooling a solution are also provided. Further methods include use of the crystals for therapeutic hypothermia. Finally, a theranostic is provided that includes the crystals conjugated to a targeting moiety capable of selectively binding to a target. 1. A crystal comprising yttrium-fluoride doped with a trivalent rare earth ion in the range of 0.5% to 15% , by weight.2. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the crystal is selected from the group consisting of a yttrium-lithium-fluoride crystal and a yttrium-sodium-fluoride crystal.3. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the trivalent rare earth ion is selected from the group consisting of Yb claim 1 , Er claim 1 , and a combination thereof.4. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the trivalent rare-earth ion is Yb claim 1 , thus providing a Yb doped yttrium-fluoride crystal.5. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the trivalent rare-earth ion is Er claim 1 , thus providing an Er doped yttrium-fluoride crystal.6. The crystal of claim 5 , wherein the crystal comprises Er in the range of 1% to 5% claim 5 , by weight.7. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the crystal is a yttrium-sodium-fluoride crystal with a hexagonal crystal lattice or a cubic crystal lattice.8. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the smallest dimension of the crystal is in the range of 100 nm to 1.5 μm.9. The crystal of claim 1 , wherein the crystal is polycrystalline.10. A method for cooling a solution comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'providing a solution comprising a crystal according to ; and'}illuminating the solution with photons sufficient to excite an electron ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146510A1

A heating medium composition includes 5 to 40% by mass of biphenyl, 10 to 70% by mass of diphenyl ether, 5 to 30% by mass of diphenylene oxide, and 5 to 30% by mass of naphthalene. 1. A heating medium composition comprising:5 to 40% by mass of biphenyl;10 to 70% by mass of diphenyl ether;5 to 30% by mass of diphenylene oxide; and5 to 30% by mass of naphthalene.2. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the heating medium composition comprises 5 to 30% by mass of biphenyl claim 1 , 10 to 70% by mass of diphenyl ether claim 1 , 5 to 25% by mass of diphenylene oxide claim 1 , and 5 to 25% by mass of naphthalene.3. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the heating medium composition comprises 5 to 30% by mass of biphenyl claim 1 , 10 to 60% by mass of diphenyl ether claim 1 , 5 to 25% by mass of diphenylene oxide claim 1 , and 5 to 25% by mass of naphthalene.4. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the heating medium composition consists of biphenyl claim 1 , diphenyl ether claim 1 , diphenylene oxide claim 1 , and naphthalene.5. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the heating medium composition is used for solar thermal power generation.6. The heating medium composition according to claim 2 , wherein the heating medium composition consists of biphenyl claim 2 , diphenyl ether claim 2 , diphenylene oxide claim 2 , and naphthalene.7. The heating medium composition according to claim 2 , wherein the heating medium composition is used for solar thermal power generation.8. The heating medium composition according to claim 3 , wherein the heating medium composition consists of biphenyl claim 3 , diphenyl ether claim 3 , diphenylene oxide claim 3 , and naphthalene.9. The heating medium composition according to claim 3 , wherein the heating medium composition is used for solar thermal power generation.10. The heating medium composition according to claim 4 , wherein the heating ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Treated Geothermal Brine Compositions With Reduced Concentrations of Silica, Iron and Lithium

Номер: US20150152309A9
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc

This invention relates to treated geothermal brine compositions containing reduced concentrations of lithium, iron and silica compared to the untreated brines. Exemplary compositions contain concentration of lithium ranges from 0 to 200 mg/kg, concentration of silica ranges from 0 to 30 mg/kg, concentration of iron ranges from 0 to 300 mg/kg. Exemplary compositions also contain reduced concentrations of elements like arsenic, barium, and lead. 1. A treated geothermal brine composition , the composition comprising a treated geothermal brine having a concentration of lithium ranging from 0 to 200 mg/kg , a concentration of silica ranging from 0 to 80 mg/kg , and a concentration of iron ranging from 0 to 300 mg/kg.2. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium ranges from 0 to 200 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica ranges from 0 to 50 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration ranges from 0 to 300 mg/kg.3. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 150 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.4. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 100 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.5. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 50 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.6. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg. ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Treated Geothermal Brine Compositions With Reduced Concentrations of Iron and Silica

Номер: US20140231041A1
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc

This invention relates to treated geothermal brine compositions containing reduced concentrations of iron and silica compared to the untreated brines. Exemplary compositions of the treated brine contain concentration of silica ranging from 0 to 80 mg/kg and concentration of iron ranging from 0 to 300 mg/kg. Exemplary compositions of the reduced silica and iron brines also contain reduced concentrations of elements like arsenic, barium, lead, and lithium. 1. A treated geothermal brine composition , the composition comprising a treated geothermal brine having a concentration of silica ranging from 0 to 80 mg/kg and a concentration of iron ranging from 0 to 300 mg/kg.2. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica ranges from 0 to 50 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration ranges from 0 to 300 mg/kg.3. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 5 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 10 mg/kg.4. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 5 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 100 mg/kg.5. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 10 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 100 mg/kg.6. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 20 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 100 mg/kg.7. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 10 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 200 mg/kg.8. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of silica is less than about 20 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration is less than about 200 mg/kg.9. The treated geothermal ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Treated Geothermal Brine Compositions With Reduced Concentrations of Silica, Iron and Lithium

Номер: US20140239221A1
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc

This invention relates to treated geothermal brine compositions containing reduced concentrations of lithium, iron and silica compared to the untreated brines. Exemplary compositions contain concentration of lithium ranges from 0 to 200 mg/kg, concentration of silica ranges from 0 to 30 mg/kg, concentration of iron ranges from 0 to 300 mg/kg. Exemplary compositions also contain reduced concentrations of elements like arsenic, barium, and lead. 1. A treated geothermal brine composition , the composition comprising a treated geothermal brine having a concentration of lithium ranging from 0 to 200 mg/kg , a concentration of silica ranging from 0 to 80 mg/kg , and a concentration of iron ranging from 0 to 300 mg/kg.2. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium ranges from 0 to 200 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica ranges from 0 to 50 mg/kg claim 1 , and the iron concentration ranges from 0 to 300 mg/kg.3. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 150 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.4. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 100 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.5. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 50 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg.6. The treated geothermal brine composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of lithium is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , the concentration of silica is less than about 30 mg/kg claim 1 , and the concentration of iron is less than about 300 mg/kg. ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140239222A1

Antifreeze cooling liquid with high heat carrying capacity 1. An antifreeze cooling liquid with high heat carrying capacity usable in environments in which there is gold or silver , the liquid composed of:about 40% of monopropylene glycol,about 5% of a triazole,not more than about 1% of biocides,the addition of water to make 100%.2. The liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the triazole is a benzotriazole.3. The liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the biocides are quaternary ammoniums.4. The liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the addition of water to make 100% is done with pure water with low conductivity.5. The liquid according to claim 5 , wherein the conductivity of pure water is less than or equal to 15 MicroSiemens/cm.6. The liquid according to claim 1 , wherein triazole acts as a corrosion inhibitor.7. An antifreeze cooling liquid with high heat carrying capacity usable in environments in which there is gold or silver claim 1 , the liquid consisting essentially of:at least 33% of monopropylene glycolat least 2% of a triazole,not more than 1% of biocides,the addition of water to make 100%. This application claims priority to French Patent Application No. 1351696, filed Feb. 26, 2013, the entire content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention relates to cooling and more particularly cooling of electronic components. Even more particularly, the invention relates to cooling by a liquid coolant in a closed circuit with no phase change.Even more particularly, the invention relates to cooling of electronic components in environments in which there are high voltages and in which there are special metals such as gold or silver. These metals are mentioned non-limitatively.High voltages in the context of this application refer to voltages of the order of about fifty volts. In particular, this relates to intensive computer centre environments and more generally to server clusters and computer centres.In the state of the art, two ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Water-based nanofluid heat transfer medium

Номер: US20180163110A1

A nanofluid composed of a base fluid and a solid nanocomposite particle, where the solid nanocomposite particle consists of a carbon nanotube and a metal oxide nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 , and CuO. The metal oxide nanoparticle is affixed inside of or to the outer surface of the carbon nanotube, and the solid nanocomposite particle is homogeneously dispersed in the base fluid. The heat transfer and specific heat capacity properties of the nanofluid are measured using differential scanning calorimetry and heat exchanger experiments with different nanocomposite concentrations and different metal oxide percent loadings.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Silicate based heat transfer fluid, methods of its preparations and uses thereof

Номер: US20220306925A1
Принадлежит: Arteco N.V.

The present invention relates to silicate based heat-transfer fluids comprising an aromatic polyacid according to formula (I) or a salt thereof. It was found that said compositions exhibit increased corrosion inhibition on both aluminum and ferrous alloy substrates compared to similar compositions comprising borate or a different aromatic acid. The invention further relates to concentrates and kits for the preparation of said silicate based heat-transfer fluids, to methods for the preparation of said silicate based heat-transfer fluids, and to the methods and uses employing said silicate based heat-transfer fluids. 2. The composition according to wherein the silicate is an inorganic silicate.3. The composition according to wherein X claim 1 , Xand Xare independently selected from hydrogen claim 1 , hydroxy claim 1 , an alkyl or an alcohol claim 1 , preferably X claim 1 , Xand Xare independently selected from hydrogen claim 1 , hydroxy claim 1 , a C-Calkyl or a C-Calcohol.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the base fluid consists of water claim 1 , monoethylene glycol claim 1 , monopropylene glycol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol claim 1 , glycerol or mixtures thereof.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of aromatic polyacid according to formula (I) to silicate is in the range of 100:1-1:100.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises more than 80 wt. % (by total weight of the composition) base fluid.8. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one claim 1 , two or three of the following:a molybdate, preferably an inorganic molybdate in an amount of more than 1 ppm (by weight) molybdate;a triazole, preferably tolyltriazole or benzotriazole in an amount of more than 0.001 wt. % (by total weight of the composition); and{'sub': 7', '10', '8', '9, 'an aliphatic monocarboxylate, preferably an aliphatic monocarboxylate selected from the group consisting of C-Caliphatic ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Pet cooling Pad

Номер: US20210195865A1
Автор: Wang Yong

Present invention teaches construction of a pet cooling pad by mixing four substances into a gel layer. A soft fabric layer then wraps the gel layer together with a light sponge layer into an integrated pad. An anti-slip layer can be added to the bottom to provide more stable grip to the surface the pad is place upon, especially when the pad is used in a moving vehicle to transport pets. Optionally, the soft fabric layer can be made to be waterproof, easy for a pet owner to take care of and/or clean the pad products. 1. A cooling pad , comprising:a gel layer with the gel made up by mixing the four substances glycerin, menthol, de-ionized water and tartaric acid in substantially the ratio of 35%:0.8%:55%:9.2% by weight;a light sponge layer; anda soft fabric layer wraps over the gel layer and the light sponge layer to form an integrated pad, whereinthe gel layer is made by mixing the four substances in an industrial mixer for ten minutes, operating at room temperature of between 18 and 28 degrees Celsius.2. The cooling pad of claim 1 , wherein an anti-slip layer is added to the bottom of the integrated pad to increase the gripping power of the pad to a floor surface upon which the pad product is placed.3. The cooling pad of claim 1 , wherein the light sponge layer can be any soft cushy material suitable generally available on the market place.4. The cooling pad of claim 1 , wherein the soft fabric layer is made to be waterproof.5. The cooling pad of claim 1 , wherein a thin layer of glue is used to bond the gel layer and the light sponge layer together.6. The cooling pad of claim 5 , wherein any commercial bonding material can be used as the glue to bond the gel layer and the light sponge layer together.7. A cooling gel compound layer claim 5 , comprising gel compound made from four substances of glycerin claim 5 , menthol claim 5 , de-ionized water and tartaric acid in substantially the ratio of 35%:0.8%:55%:9.2% by weight wherein the gel compound is formed by mixing ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150175868A1

The invention provides mixtures, liquid at 25° C., of methylpolysiloxanes comprising at least two methylpolysiloxanes selected from linear compounds of the general formula I MeSiO—(MeSiO)x—SiMe(I), and cyclic compounds of the general formula II (MeSiO)y (II), wherein the mixture comprises at least one linear methylpolysiloxane of the general formula I and at least one cyclic methylpolysiloxane of the general formula II, Me means methyl radical, x has values greater than or equal to zero and the arithmetic mean of x, weighted by the molar proportions, over all linear methylpolysiloxanes is between 3 and 20, y has values greater than or equal to 3 and the arithmetic mean of y, weighted by the molar proportions, over all cyclic methylpolysiloxanes is between 3 and 6, the numerical ratio of the MeSi— chain ends groups in the compounds of the general formula I to the sum of the MeSiO— units in the compounds of the general formulae I and II is at least 1:2 and at most 1:10, and further definitions are described in claim 1, and the use of the mixtures as heat carrier fluids. 2. The mixture as claimed in claim 1 , in which the arithmetic mean of x over all the linear methylpolysiloxanes claim 1 , weighted by the molar proportions claim 1 , is between 4 and 15.3. The mixture as claimed in claim 1 , in which the arithmetic mean of y over all the cyclic methylpolysiloxanes claim 1 , weighted by the molar proportions claim 1 , is between 3.5 and 5.5.4. The mixture as claimed in claim 1 , in which the numerical ratio of the MeSi— chain end groups in the compounds of the general formula Ito the sum total of MeSiO— units in the compounds of the general formulae I and II is at least 1:2.5 and at most 1:8.5. The mixture as claimed in claim 1 , in which the viscosity at 25° C. is below 20 mPa*s.6. The mixture as claimed in claim 1 , in which the mixtures of methylpolysiloxanes consist of 1-10% by mass of linear methylpolysiloxanes of the general formula I in which x assumes values ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177158A1

A suspension for protecting a semiconductor material includes a polymeric matrix as carrier medium, inorganic particles, and at least one of an absorber dye or a plasticizer. 1. A suspension for protecting a semiconductor material , comprising:a carrier medium, andinorganic particles.2. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier medium is a polymeric matrix.3. The suspension according to claim 2 , wherein the carrier medium is polyvinyl alcohol.4. The suspension according to claim 1 , further comprising water and/or PGME as a carrier medium and/or solvent.5. The suspension according claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particles are at least one selected from the group consisting of titanium oxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , silicon nitride claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , nitride claim 1 , ceramic and metal.6. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the inorganic particles is about 8 nm to about 1 μm.7. The suspension according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of inorganic particles in the suspension is about 1% by weight to about 60% by weight.8. The suspension according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one of an absorber dye or a plasticizer.9. The suspension according to claim 8 , wherein the plasticizer is trimethylolpropane or dioctyl phthalate.10. The suspension according to claim 8 , wherein the absorber dye is benzotriazole derivate.11. The suspension of claim 1 , having a thermal conductivity about 1 W/mK and about 2 W/mK.12. The suspension of claim 1 , comprising a polyvinyl alcohol as the carrier medium claim 1 , water as a solvent and titanium particles as the inorganic particles.13. The suspension of claim 12 , further comprising trimethylolpropane as a plasticizer and a benzotriazole derivate as an absorber dye.14. A suspension for protecting a semiconductor material comprising:a carrier medium,inorganic particles, said inorganic particles are at least one selected from the ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174968A1

Disclosed herein is a heat transfer fluid additive composition comprising: greater than or equal to 10 weight percent (wt %) of a carboxylic acid, based on the total weight of the composition; an azole compound; and a base, wherein the base is present in an amount sufficient to obtain a pH 8-10.5 when diluted by 50 volume % with water. The heat transfer fluid additive composition can be combined with other components to form a heat transfer fluid. The heat transfer fluid can be used in a heat transfer system. 1. A heat transfer fluid additive composition consisting of:greater than or equal to about 15 wt. % of a carboxylate;an azole compound;a base;water; andoptionally, an antifoam agent, a colorant, a scale inhibitor, a surfactant, a non-aqueous solvent, a molybdate or a salt thereof, a nitrite or a salt thereof, or a combination thereof;wherein the composition is free of silicate.2. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the non-aqueous solvent is present in the composition.3. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylate is an aromatic carboxylate.4. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylate is an aliphatic carboxylate.5. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the molybdate is present in the composition.6. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 5 , wherein the molybdate is calcium molybdate claim 5 , lithium molybdate claim 5 , magnesium molybdate claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylate is present in an amount of greater than or equal to about 20 wt. % of the composition.8. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylate is present in an amount of less than or equal to about 90 wt. % of the composition.9. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the azole compound is present in an ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170174969A1

Disclosed herein is a heat transfer fluid additive composition comprising: greater than or equal to 10 weight percent (wt %) of a carboxylic acid, based on the total weight of the composition; an azole compound; and a base, wherein the base is present in an amount sufficient to obtain a pH 8-10.5 when diluted by 50 volume % with water. The heat transfer fluid additive composition can be combined with other components to form a heat transfer fluid. The heat transfer fluid can be used in a heat transfer system. 1. A heat transfer fluid additive composition comprising:a salt of a carboxylic acid containing 6 to 20 carbon atoms, wherein the salt of the carboxylic acid is present in a range from about 20 weight percent to about 80 weight percent based on a total weight of the heat transfer fluid additive composition;an azole compound;a base; and 'wherein the heat transfer fluid additive composition is free of other solvents.', 'water in an amount from about 10 weight percent to about 40 weight percent;'}2. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of further comprising an antifoam agent claim 1 , a colorant claim 1 , a scale inhibitor claim 1 , a surfactant claim 1 , a molybdate or a salt thereof claim 1 , a nitrite or a salt thereof claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of wherein the composition is free of silicate.4. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylic acid is an aromatic carboxylic acid.5. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylic acid is an aliphatic carboxylic acid.6. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , further comprising a molybdate.7. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 6 , wherein the molybdate is calcium molybdate claim 6 , lithium molybdate claim 6 , magnesium molybdate claim 6 , or a combination thereof.8. The heat transfer fluid additive composition of claim 1 , wherein the azole compound ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Automotive engine coolant composition, automotive engine concentrated coolant composition, and method of operating internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190177591A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd, Toyota Motor Corp

An automotive engine coolant composition includes: a non-silicone surfactant; an anti-foaming agent containing a mineral oil and silica; and a base, in which the base includes at least one alcohol selected from the group consisting of a monohydric alcohol, a dihydric alcohol, a trihydric alcohol, and a glycol monoalkyl ether and/or water, a kinematic viscosity is 8.5 mm 2 /s or more at 25° C. and 2.0 mm 2 /s or less at 100° C., and with respect to 100 parts by mass of the coolant composition, a content of the mineral oil is 0.01 to 0.4 parts by mass and a content of the silica is 0.003 to 0.1 parts by mass.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198185A9
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

This invention covers a formulation providing protection against corrosion in liquid and vapor phase. Such formulations are used in applications where engine parts or fuel cell systems are subjected to a “running-in” or “hot-test” prior to final assembly or storage. The invention includes a concentrate as well as a dilute solution. The synergistic combination of inorganic ammonium derivatives in combination with monocarboxylic or dicarboxylic acids increases the period of protection. This enables storage for a longer period when the engine parts are shipped or stored prior to assembling. The use of the described invention pre-conditions the metal surface and provides protection even if afterwards the liquid is almost completely removed. 1. A concentrate for running-in fluid which provides anti-corrosion properties in both liquid and vapor phases , said concentrate comprising at least one inorganic ammonium compound present in the range from about 0.05 wt % to about 10 wt % in synergistic combination with at least one carboxylic acid which is present in an amount above about 0.2 wt %.2. The concentrate of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic ammonium compound is selected from the group consisting of ammonium bicarbonate claim 1 , ammonium biphosphate claim 1 , ammonium molybdate claim 1 , ammonium nitrate claim 1 , ammonium sulfate claim 1 , ammonium perchlorate claim 1 , ammonium persulfate claim 1 , and ammonium hydroxide.3. The concentrate of claim 1 , wherein the carboxylic acid is selected from the group consisting of monocarboxylic acids claim 1 , dicarboxylic acids claim 1 , aliphatic monocarboxylic acid claim 1 , aliphatic dicarboxylic acids claim 1 , branched carboxylic acids or aromatic unbranched and branched carboxylic acids.4. A ready-to-use fluid providing anti-corrosion properties in both the liquid and vapor phases during the “running-in” phase of an engine claim 1 , said fluid comprising at least one inorganic ammonium compound present in the range from ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140290912A1

According to one aspect of the invention, a heat transfer system comprises a heat transfer fluid circulation loop. The heat transfer system includes a heat exchanger disposed in the heat transfer fluid circulation loop. The heat transfer fluid is an aqueous solution having a pH of 7.8 to 8.0 that comprises from 1.00 wt. % to 1.20 wt. % of a buffer composition comprising sodium and/or potassium salts of borate, carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, from 0.40 wt. % to 0.60 wt. % of a straight chain aliphatic dicarboxylic acid, from 0.90 wt. % to 1.10 wt. % of a branched aliphatic carboxylic acid, from 0.40 wt. % to 0.60 wt. % of an aromatic carboxylic acid, from 0.04 wt. % to 0.08 wt. % of a molybdate salt, and from 0.01 wt. % to 0.03 wt. % of an aldehyde biocide, based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid. 1. A heat transfer system comprising a heat exchanger disposed in a heat transfer fluid circulation loop , wherein the heat transfer fluid is an aqueous solution having a pH of 7.8 to 8.0 that comprises:1.00 wt. % to 1.20 wt. % of a buffer composition comprising sodium and/or potassium salts of borate, carbonate, and bicarbonate;0.40 wt. % to 0.60 wt. % of a straight chain aliphatic dicarboxylic acid;0.90 wt. % to 1.10 wt. % of a branched aliphatic carboxylic acid;0.40 wt. % to 0.60 wt. % of an aromatic carboxylic acid;0.04 wt. % to 0.08 wt. % of a molybdate salt; and0.01 wt. % to 0.03 wt. % of an aldehyde biocide;each weight percentage based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid.2. The heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer system includes a surface comprising aluminum in contact with the heat transfer fluid.3. The heat transfer system of claim 2 , wherein the surface comprising aluminum is a component of a heat exchanger claim 2 , a cold plate claim 2 , or a fluid conduit.4. The heat transfer system of claim 2 , comprising a plurality of heat exchangers including a surface comprising aluminum in contact with the heat transfer ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160208156A1

A silicone composition that contains an organopolysiloxane having at least two aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon groups per molecule, a filler containing an aluminum powder and a zinc oxide powder, an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having two or more SiH groups per molecule, and a platinum group metal catalyst, in which when a storage and loss elastic modulus G″ of the silicone composition is measured by means a viscoelasticity measurement apparatus capable of measuring shear modulus, the silicone composition can provide a cured product wherein G′ after 3,000 seconds from the start of holding is 10,000 Pa or less, G′ after 7,200 seconds from the start of holding is 100,000 Pa or less, and G′ exceeds G″ after 800 seconds or more from the start of holding. As a result, there is provided a silicone composition excellent in crushability, spreadability, and heat conductivity, and further provided a method for manufacturing a heat-conductive silicone composition. 15-. (canceled)6. A silicone composition comprising:{'sup': '2', '(A) 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane having at least two aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon groups per molecule, and having a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of 60 to 100,000 mm/s;'}(B) 100 to 2,000 parts by mass of a filler containing an aluminum powder and a zinc oxide powder;(C) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having two or more silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms (i.e. SiH group) per molecule, in such an amount that a ratio of a number of the SiH groups in the component (C) to a total number of the aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon groups in the component (A) ranges from 0.5 to 1.5; and(D) a platinum group metal catalyst in an amount of 0.1 to 500 ppm in terms of platinum with respect to the component (A); whereinwhen a storage elastic modulus G′ and a loss elastic modulus G″ of the silicone composition is measured, by means of a viscoelasticity measurement apparatus capable of measuring shear modulus, while holding the silicone composition at 150° ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194516A1

An automotive engine coolant composition includes: a surfactant as a viscosity index improver; a rubber swelling inhibitor; and a base, in which the rubber swelling inhibitor is at least one selected from a compound expressed by a following formula (1) [in the formula, Ris hydrogen, a methyl group, or an ethyl group] and a compound expressed by a following formula (2) [in the formula, Ris hydrogen, a methyl group, or an ethyl group], the base includes at least one alcohol selected from the group consisting of a monohydric alcohol, a dihydric alcohol, a trihydric alcohol, and a glycol monoalkyl ether and/or water, a kinematic viscosity is 8.5 mm/s or more at 25° C., and a content of the rubber swelling inhibitor is 0.03 parts by mass or more and 0.9 parts by mass or less with respect to 100 parts by mass of the coolant composition. 2. The automotive engine coolant composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '2', 'the automotive engine coolant composition has a kinematic viscosity of 2.0 mm/s or less at 100° C.'}3. The automotive engine coolant composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe content of the rubber swelling inhibitor is 0.05 parts by mass or more and 0.5 parts by mass or less with respect to 100 parts by mass of the coolant composition.4. The automotive engine coolant composition according to claim 1 , whereina content of the viscosity index improver is 0.005 parts by mass or more and 3 parts by mass or less with respect to 100 parts by mass of the coolant composition.5. The automotive engine coolant composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:a rust inhibitor.6. The automotive engine coolant composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe base-contains an organic solvent.7. An automotive engine concentrated coolant composition for obtaining the coolant composition according to claim 1 , which is diluted 2 to 10 times by mass with a base so as to be used.8. The automotive engine concentrated coolant composition according to claim 9 , ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160215195A1

Provided is an adhesive composition for a heat dissipating adhesive tape, the adhesive composition comprising a (meth)acrylic acid ester based photocurable resin, a thermal conductive filler, and a benzotriazole-based compound. 1. An adhesive composition for a heat dissipating adhesive tape , the adhesive composition comprising:a (meth)acrylic acid ester-based photocurable resin;a thermal conductive filler; anda benzotriazole-based compound.2. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acrylic acid ester-based photocurable resin is a copolymer of a (meth)acrylic acid ester-based monomer and a functional group-containing cross-linking monomer.3. The adhesive composition of claim 2 , wherein the functional group-containing cross-linking monomer is a hydroxyl group-containing cross-linking monomer.4. The adhesive composition of claim 3 , wherein the hydroxyl group-containing cross-linking monomer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of 2-hydroxyethyl (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 2-hydroxypropyl (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 4-hydroxybutyl (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 6-hydroxyhexyl (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 8-hydroxyoctyl (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 2-hydroxyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate claim 3 , 2-hydroxypropylene glycol (meth)acrylate claim 3 , and a combination thereof.5. The adhesive composition of claim 3 , wherein the hydroxyl group-containing cross-linking monomer is polymerized at an amount ratio in a range of about 0.1 wt % to about 50 wt % in monomer components that constitute the (meth)acrylic acid ester-based photocurable resin.6. The adhesive composition of claim 3 , wherein the (meth)acrylic acid ester-based photocurable is free of a carboxylic group.7. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acrylic acid ester-based monomer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of methyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , ethyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , n-propyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , isopropyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , n-butyl( ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218431A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed towards using a carbon-Michael compound. As an example, a method of using a carbon-Michael compound to reduce heat transfer can include locating the carbon-Michael compound between a heat provider and a heat receptor, where the carbon-Michael compound is a reaction product of a multifunctional acrylate compound with a multifunctional Michael donor, and the heat provider has a temperature from 100 C to 290 C. 1. A method of using a carbon-Michael compound to reduce heat transfer comprising: the carbon-Michael compound is a reaction product of a multifunctional acrylate compound with a multifunctional Michael donor; and', 'the heat provider has a temperature from 100° C. to 290° C., 'locating the carbon-Michael compound between a heat provider and a heat receptor, wherein'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multifunctional acrylate compound and the multifunctional Michael donor are reacted in a molar ratio of 0.5:3.0 to 3.0:0.5 moles of multifunctional acrylate compound functionalities to moles of the Michael donor functionalities.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-Michael compound has a thermal degradation temperature from 300° C. to 450° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multifunctional Michael acceptor is a multifunctional acrylate compound selected from the group of trimethyloipropane triacrylate claim 1 , pentaerythritol tetraacrylate claim 1 , di-trimethylolpropane tertraacrylate claim 1 , di-pentaerythritol hexaacrylate claim 1 , di-pentaerthritol pentaacrylate claim 1 , di-acrylate of diglycidyl ether bisphenol-A claim 1 , ethoxylated trimethylolpropane triacrylate claim 1 , tricyclodecane dimethanol diacrylate claim 1 , cyclohexane dimethanol diacrylate claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multifunctional Michael donor is selected from the group of acetoacetates derived from glycerol claim 1 , trimethylolpropane claim 1 , ethanol isosorbide claim 1 , ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140299812A1
Автор: Ozdoruk Umit

This invention relates to an energy saving fluid composition used in both cooling and heating heat transfer systems. The energy saving fluid composition reduces the energy consumption and increases the heat transfer performance in heat transfer systems operated with water. 1. An energy saving fluid composition consisting essentially of;monoethylene glycol (MEG) in the overall range of 70% to 80% by volume of the fluid composition,glycerin in the overall range of 10% to 20% by volume of the fluid composition,triethanolamine in the overall range of 0.01% to % 3 by volume of the fluid composition,corrosion inhibitor in the overall range of 0.01% to % 3 by volume of the fluid composition,a pH control agent in the overall range of 0.01% to % 4 by volume of the fluid composition,2. The composition in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the composition contains propylene glycol in the overall range of 10% to 20% by volume of of the fluid composition.3. The composition in accordance with claim 2 , wherein corrosion inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of inhibitors for iron claim 2 , zinc claim 2 , aluminum claim 2 , copper and combinations thereof.4. The composition in accordance with claim 3 , the composition is diluted with water.5. The composition in accordance with claim 4 , the composition is diluted with water to 40% to % 60 for the use in heat transfer systems.6. The composition in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the composition has a viscosity in a range of 0.015-0.025 Pa·s.7. The composition in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the composition has a freezing point about −40° C. and and boiling point about 180° C.8. The composition in accordance with claim 7 , wherein the specific heat capacity of the composition is slowly decreased by the increase of temperature.9. The composition in accordance with claim 8 , wherein specific heat capacity of the composition is lower than specific heat capacity of water above 40° C.10. The composition in accordance with ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170210962A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A composition including the compound HFO-1234yf and at least one other, additional, compound selected from HCFC-240db, HCFO-1233xf, HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233zd, HCC-40, HCFC-114a, HCFC-115, HCFC-122, HCFC-23, HCFC-124, HCFC-124a, HFC-125, HCFC-133a, HCFC-142, HCFC-143, HFC-52a, HCFC-243ab, HCFC-244eb, HFC-281ea, HCO-1110, HCFO-1111, HCFO-1113, HCFO-1223xd, and HCFO-1224xe. A composition including the compound HFO-1234yf and at least two compounds selected from HFO-1234ze, HFC-245cb, HFC-134a, HCFC-115, HFC-152a, HCC-40 and HFO-1243zf. 1. A composition comprising the compound HFO-1234yf and at least one other additional compound chosen from HCFC-240db, HCFO-1233xf, HCFC-243db, HCFO-1233zd, HCC-40, HCFC-114a, HCFC-115, HCFC-122, HCFC-123, HCFC-124, HCFC-124a, HFC-125, HCFC-133a, HCFC-142, HCFC-143, HFC-152a, HCFC-243ab, HCFC-244eb, HFC-281ea, HCO-1110, HCFO-1111, HCFO-1113, HCFO-1223xd and HCFO-1224xe. The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/651,855, filed on Jun. 12, 2015, which is a U.S. national phase application of International Application No. PCT/FR2013/052977, filed on Dec. 6, 2013, claims the benefit of French Application No. 12.62766, filed on Dec. 26, 2012. The entire contents of each of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/651,855, International Application No. PCT/FR2013/052977, French Application No. 12.62766, are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to compositions comprising 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, which are of use in many fields of application such as refrigeration, blowing agents, solvents and aerosols.One very important parameter in the choice of a composition of use in the fields of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps is its impact on the environment. The manufacture of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf), being accompanied by a multitude of by-products having a boiling point close to HFO-1234yf, results in quite complex and expensive purification steps. The ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Cooling Solutions and Compositions for Rapid Chilling Foods and Beverages and Methods of Making

Номер: US20170210963A1

Cooling solutions and liquid compositions for rapid chilling of foods, desserts and beverages and methods and processes for making the cooling solutions and compositions, where the solutions and liquid compositions are chilled in a refrigerated holding tank until a set temperature is reached followed by moving covered foods, desserts and containers holding beverages that are immersed into the tank, and subsequently evenly chilled to a selected temperature. Precisely controlled and evenly distributed temperature (within a few degrees Fahrenheit) can be obtained within the novel cooling solution and liquid composition. 1. A liquid composition for use with rapidly chilling beverage containers , comprising:deionized water;magnesium chloride;magnesium citrate; andvegetable glycerin, wherein the composition is useful as pre-chilled liquid mixture for rapidly chilling beverage containers.2. The liquid composition of claim 1 , further comprising:a taste modifier.3. The liquid composition of claim 2 , wherein the taste modifier Stevia RebA Aspartane.4. The liquid composition of claim 1 , further comprising:a defoamer concentrator.5. The liquid composition of claim 4 , wherein the defoamer concentrator includes xiameter.6. The liquid composition of claim 2 , further comprising:a defoamer concentrator.7. The liquid composition of claim 6 , wherein the taste modifier includes Stevia RebA Aspartane claim 6 , and the defoamer concentrator includes xiameter.8. The liquid composition of claim 1 , further comprising:approximately 60% to approximately 80% deionized water;approximately 10% to approximately 30% magnesium chloride;less than approximately 1% magnesium citrate; andless than approximately 5% vegetable glycerin.9. The liquid composition of claim 8 , further comprising:approximately 70% to approximately 80% deionized water;approximately 15% to approximately 25% magnesium chloride;less than approximately 0.5% magnesium citrate; andless than approximately 2.5% vegetable ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199430A1

This disclosure relates to a heat transfer fluid having at least one first ester that is partially esterified, and at least one second ester that is fully esterified. The heat transfer fluid has a flash point from about 125° C. to about 225° C. as determined by ASTM D-93, and a kinematic viscosity (KV) from about 1 to about 5 at 100° C. as determined by ASTM D-445. The at least one first ester and the at least one second ester are present in an amount such that, as the flash point and thermal conductivity of the heat transfer fluid are increased, the kinematic viscosity (KV) of the heat transfer fluid is decreased or essentially maintained. This disclosure also relates to a method for increasing flash point and thermal conductivity, while decreasing or essentially maintaining viscosity, of a heat transfer fluid by using the heat transfer fluid. 1. A heat transfer fluid comprising:at least one first ester that is partially esterified; andat least one second ester that is fully esterified;wherein the heat transfer fluid has a flash point from 125° C. to 225° C. as determined by ASTM D-93;{'sub': '100', 'wherein the heat transfer fluid has a kinematic viscosity (KV) from 1 to 5 at 100° C. as determined by ASTM D-445; and'}{'sub': '100', 'wherein the at least one first ester and the at least one second ester are present in an amount such that, as the flash point and thermal conductivity of said heat transfer fluid are increased, the kinematic viscosity (KV) of said heat transfer fluid is decreased or essentially maintained.'}2. The heat transfer fluid of wherein the at least one first ester is present in an amount from 1 to 40 weight percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid; and the at least one second ester is present in an amount from 60 to 99 weight percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of the heat transfer fluid.3. The heat transfer fluid of wherein the at least one first ester has a high hydroxyl content claim 1 , and wherein the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199476A1

In an aspect, the present invention provides a refrigerating machine oil comprising a poly(meth)acrylate as a base oil, wherein the poly(meth)acrylate comprises a hydrogenated poly(meth)acrylate, a content of a unit having a carbon-carbon double bond present at a terminal in the poly(meth)acrylate is 6% by mole or less relative to total units constituting the poly(meth)acrylate, and a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of the hydrogenated poly(meth)acrylate is 1 to 1000 mm2/s, the refrigerating machine oil being used with a refrigerant comprising a refrigerant selected from difluoromethane, a mixture of difluoromethane and pentafluoroethane, a mixture of difluoromethane, pentafluoroethane, and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, a mixture of pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, and 1,1,1-trifluoroethane, an unsaturated hydrofluorocarbon, a hydrocarbon, and carbon dioxide. 1. A refrigerating machine oil comprising a poly(meth)acrylate as a base oil , whereinthe poly(meth)acrylate comprises a hydrogenated poly(meth)acrylate,a content of a unit having a carbon-carbon double bond present at a terminal in the poly(meth)acrylate is 6% by mole or less relative to total units constituting the poly(meth)acrylate, and{'sup': '2', 'a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of the hydrogenated poly(meth)acrylate is 1 to 1000 mm/s.'}2. (canceled)3. (canceled)5. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 4 , wherein the number of carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon group represented by Rin the formula (1) is 1 to 10.6. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 4 , wherein the hydrocarbon group represented by Rin the formula (1) is an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms.7. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 4 , wherein the hydrocarbon group represented by Rin the formula (1) is an alkyl group having 2 carbon atoms.8. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine claim 4 , comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a refrigerating machine oil comprising a poly(meth)acrylate as a ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225633A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous glycol-free heat transfer fluid comprising sebacic acid, benzotriazole, morpholine, and at least one of sodium nitrite and sodium molybdate dihydrate, wherein a sum of concentrations of sodium molybdate dihydrate, sebacic acid, benzotriazole, morpholine, sodium nitrite is equal to or less than 1% (w/w). Preferably, the sum of concentrations of sodium molybdate dihydrate, sodium nitrite, sebacic acid, benzotriazole and morpholine is less than 0.65% (w/w). Preferably, the respective concentration is: 0-0.134% (w/w) sodium molybdate dihydrate; 0-0.028% (w/w) sebacic acid; 0-0.028% (w/w) benzotriazole; 0.08-0.812% (w/w) morpholine and 0-0.134% (w/w) sodium nitrite. 1. A glycol-free heat transfer fluid comprising:sebacic acid;benzotriazole;morpholine, andat least one of sodium nitrite and sodium molybdate dihydrate;wherein a sum of concentrations of sodium molybdate dihydrate, sodium nitrite, sebacic acid, benzotriazole and morpholine is equal to or less than 1% (w/w).2. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the sum of concentrations of sodium molybdate dihydrate claim 1 , sodium nitrite claim 1 , sebacic acid claim 1 , benzotriazole and morpholine is less than 0.65% (w/w).3. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of sodium nitrite is up to 0.134% (w/w).4. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of sodium molybdate dihydrate is up to 0.134% (w/w).5. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of sebacic acid is up to 0.028% (w/w).6. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of benzotriazole is up to 0.028% (w/w).7. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of morpholine is up to 0.812% (w/w).8. The glycol-free heat transfer fluid according to claim 1 , having a pH 9.0-10.0.9. A method ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170218243A1

Disclosed herein is a composite comprising a graphene oxide and a nanodiamond that is chemically bonded on a surface of the graphene oxide. 1. A composite , comprising:a graphene oxide; anda nanodiamond that is bonded on a surface of the graphene oxide.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the graphene oxide and the nanodiamond are chemically bonded by a linker group selected from the group consisting of an alkylene claim 1 , a cycloalkylene claim 1 , a bivalent aromatic ring group claim 1 , —CO—O claim 1 , —S— claim 1 , —O— claim 1 , —CO— claim 1 , —SO— claim 1 , —N(R)— wherein R is a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group claim 1 , and a combination thereof.3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the graphene oxide and the nanodiamond are bonded by —CO—O—.4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the graphene oxide is about 1 to 2 nm claim 1 , and a diameter thereof is about 1 to 3 μm.5. The composite of claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of the nanodiamond is about 3 to 10 nm.6. The composite of claim 1 , wherein an amount of about 50 to 150 parts by weight of the nanodiamond based on 100 parts by weight of the graphene oxide are chemically bonded.7. A method of manufacturing a composite comprising a graphene oxide and a nanodiamond claim 1 , comprising:preparing a nanodiamond;attaching a functional group on a surface of the nanodiamond by heat-treating the nanodiamond;dispersing the nanodiamond comprising the functional group in a first solvent to prepare a nanodiamond dispersion;dispersing a graphene oxide in a second solvent to prepare a graphene oxide dispersion; andmixing the graphene oxide dispersion and the nanodiamond dispersion; andforming a bond between the graphene oxide and the nanodiamond.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein an average diameter of the nanodiamond is about 3 to 10 nm.9. The method of claim 7 , whereinthe functional group is attached on the surface of the nanodiamond by heat-treating the nanodiamond at a temperature of about 400° C. ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246351A1

A rare earth regenerator material particle and a regenerator material particle group having a high long-term reliability, and a superconducting magnet, an examination apparatus, a cryopump and the like using the same are provided. A rare earth regenerator material particle contains a rare earth element as a constituent component, and in the particle, a peak indicating a carbon component is detected in a surface region by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. 115.-. (canceled)16. A pulse type refrigerator , comprising:a regenerator container; anda plurality of regenerator material particle groups which are different in kind, and are filled in the regenerator container while being divided each other,wherein at least one of the plurality of regenerator material particle groups comprises a rare earth generator material particle containing a rare earth element,a peak indicating a carbon component and a peak indicating a compound containing the rare earth element and oxygen are detected in a surface region of the rare earth generator material particle by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis,an entire content of carbon in the rare earth generator material particle including the carbon component is 5 mass ppm or more and 100 mass ppm or less, andthe carbon component detected in the surface region of the rare earth generator material particle has at least one selected from the group consisting of a C—C bond, a C—H bond, a C—O bond, a C═O bond, and an O—C═O bond.17. The refrigerator according to claim 16 , wherein the rare earth generator material particle comprises an intermetallic compound represented by a composition formula of RMa claim 16 , wherein R is at least one element selected from the group consisting of rare earth elements claim 16 , M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 16 , Ni claim 16 , and Co claim 16 , and a is a number (atomic ratio) satisfying 0.1 a 4.0.18. The refrigerator according to claim 17 , wherein ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140311719A1
Принадлежит: OHIKIA S.R.L.

Thermal energy storage mixture and heat storage/release device using same. The mixture including 45% by weight of compounds from a first class and 10% by weight of compounds from a second class. The first class having a melting temperature of at least 180° C. and a fusion enthalpy of at least 150 MJ/m. The first class including β-lactose, myo-inositol, cellobiose, sodium acetate and sodium propionate, in which the at least one compound always includes β-lactose or sodium propionate or a mixture thereof. The second class having a melting temperature less than 180° C. The compound(s) of the second class being totally miscible, both in solid and liquid phase, with the compound(s) of the first class. The second class including organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, of sodium salts of carboxylic acids and of potassium salts of carboxylic acids. 113-. (canceled)14. A mixture for thermal energy storage and release comprising at least one compound selected from a first class consisting of compounds having a melting temperature and a fusion enthalpy equal to or higher than 180° C. and 150 MJ/m , respectively , selected from β-lactose , myo-inositol , cellobiose , sodium acetate and sodium propionate , wherein said at least one compound always comprises β-lactose or sodium propionate or a mixture thereof in a total amount greater than 45% by weight with respect to the total weight of the mixture , andone or more compounds selected from a second class consisting of compounds having a melting temperature lower than 180° C., in a total amount greater than 10% by weight with respect to the total weight of the mixture, wherein in said mixture said one or more compounds of said second class are totally miscible, both in solid and liquid phase, with said at least one compound of said first class, said second class consisting of organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, of sodium salts of carboxylic acids and of potassium salts of carboxylic acids.15. The ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218440A1

The cryogenic liquid medium provided by the present invention includes at least one of an alkane composition, an olefin composition, an alcohol composition and an ether composition, and each of the alkane composition, the olefin composition, the alcohol combination and the ether composition includes a corresponding non-toxic and harmless substance having a melting point lower than −110° C. and a standard boiling point higher than 50° C. Since the cryogenic liquid medium is formed by the non-toxic and harmless single substance having the melting point lower than −110° C. and the standard boiling point higher than 50° C. or a binary, ternary and multi-component mixture thereof, the cryogenic liquid medium has a lower atmospheric boiling point, and is difficult to volatilize. The eutectic crystal of the specific mixture can be used to achieve the liquid requirements of low temperature, especially the temperature below −110° C. 1. A cryogenic liquid medium , comprising any one of an alkane composition , an olefin composition , an alcohol composition , and an ether composition , wherein the alkane composition comprises a non-toxic and harmless alkane having a melting point lower than −110° C. and a standard boiling point higher than 50° C. , the olefin composition comprises a non-toxic and harmless olefin having a melting point lower than −110° C. and a standard boiling point higher than 50° C. , the alcohol composition comprises a non-toxic and harmless alcohol having a melting point lower than −110° C. and a standard boiling point higher than 50° C. , and the ether composition comprises a non-toxic and harmless ether having a melting point lower than −110° C. , and a standard boiling point higher than 50° C.2. The cryogenic liquid medium according to claim 1 , wherein the alkane comprises at least one of 2 claim 1 ,4-dimethylpentane claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,2-dimethylpentane claim 1 , methylcyclohexane claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,3-dimethylbutane claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,3- ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233626A1
Автор: Lindland Larry

Described are various coolant and/or lubricating compositions. Also described are various methods for grinding glass that employ such a coolant and/or lubricating composition. Such compositions may find use in the grinding of glass, such as automotive glass, flat glass, ophthalmic glass, precision ophthalmic glass, ceramics, quartz, solar glass, precision optical glass, lens glass, architectural glass, curtain wall glass, appliance glass, electronic-device glass, and/or various plastics. 1. A composition of matter useful for cooling a substrate , comprising:a polyoxyalkylene glycol; andone or more alkanolamines.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said polyoxyalkylene glycol has an a viscosity of greater than or equal to about 5 claim 1 ,000 centipoise (cP) claim 1 , greater than or equal to about 90 claim 1 ,000 cP claim 1 , greater than or equal to about 280 claim 1 ,000 cP claim 1 , or greater than or equal to about 380 claim 1 ,000 cP.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said one or more alkanolamines comprises monoethanolamine claim 1 , diethanolamine claim 1 , triethanolamine claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said one or more alkanolamines comprises up to about 30 percent by weight of the composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said one or more alkanolamines comprises up to about 25 percent by weight of the composition.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said one or more alkanolamines comprises up to about 20 percent by weight of the composition.7. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising water.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 1 percent by weight and about 20 percent by weight boric acid or a derivative thereof.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between about 5 percent by weight and about 15 percent by weight boric acid or a derivative thereof.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225855A1

Heat transfer fluid concentrates include: a freezing point depressant, water, or a combination thereof; an organophosphate; a carboxylic acid or a salt thereof; and a component selected from the group consisting of an alkaline earth metal ion, an alkali metal ion, a transition metal ion, an inorganic phosphate, molybdate ion, nitrate ion, nitrite ion, an azole compound, a copper and copper alloy corrosion inhibitor, a silicate, a silicate stabilizer, a water-soluble polymer, and combinations thereof. Ready-to-use heat transfer fluids and methods for preventing corrosion in heat transfer systems are described. 1. A heat transfer fluid concentrate comprising:a freezing point depressant, water, or a combination thereof;an organophosphate;a carboxylic acid or a salt thereof; anda component selected from the group consisting of an alkaline earth metal ion, an alkali metal ion, a transition metal ion, an inorganic phosphate, molybdate ion, nitrate ion, nitrite ion, an azole compound, a copper and copper alloy corrosion inhibitor, a silicate, a silicate stabilizer, a water-soluble polymer, and combinations thereof.2. The heat transfer fluid concentrate of further comprising an additional component selected from the group consisting of a phosphonate claim 1 , a phosphinate claim 1 , a colorant claim 1 , a biocide claim 1 , an antifoam claim 1 , a surfactant claim 1 , a dispersant claim 1 , an antiscalant claim 1 , a wetting agent claim 1 , an additional corrosion inhibitor claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The heat transfer fluid concentrate of wherein the freezing point depressant comprises an alcohol.4. The heat transfer fluid concentrate of wherein the alcohol is selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 3 , ethanol claim 3 , propanol claim 3 , butanol claim 3 , furfurol claim 3 , furfuryl alcohol claim 3 , tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol claim 3 , ethoxylated furfuryl alcohol claim 3 , ethylene glycol claim 3 , diethylene glycol claim 3 , triethylene glycol ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Method for thermo-chemical energy storage

Номер: US20200224072A1

The invention relates to a method of thermo-chemical energy storage by carrying out reversible chemical reactions for storing heat energy in the form of chemical energy in one or more ammine complexes of transition metal salts of the formula [Me(NH 3 ) n ]X, wherein Me is at least one transition metal ion and X is one or more counterions in an amount sufficient for charge equalization of the complex, by using the following chemical equilibrium: [Me(NH 3 ) n ]X+ΔH R MeX+ n NH 3 , characterized in that said heat storage is performed by endothermic cleavage of the NH 3 ligands from the ammine complex and/or that the heat release is performed by exothermic loading of the transition metal salt with the NH 3 ligands in at least two steps at different temperatures.

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267101A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

It has been found that the chemical reactivity of the metal surface of heat exchangers with coolants in presence of nitrites can be reduced by the addition of additives such as phosphonates or phosphinates. Aluminum, other Group III metals, as well as other metals commonly used in cooling systems, such as those of automobile engines, may thus be effectively protected. 1. A heat transfer solution which provides passivation when placed in contact with metal surfaces , said solution comprising:(a) water, an alcohol, or a mixture of both;(b) a nitrite; and{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '2', '2, '(c) a phosphonate having the formula R-[CR]m-POMwherein each R-group is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxyl, phosphono group, carbonyl group, amino, alkylamino and an aryl group wherein m is 1 or an integer greater than 1, and each M is hydrogen or an alkali metal ion, or phosphinate having the formula R-[CR]m-P(OM)H wherein each R-group is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxyl, phosphino group, carbonyl group, amino, alkylamino and an aryl group, wherein m is 1 or an integer greater than 1, and M is hydrogen or an alkali metal ion.'}2. The solution of claim 1 , wherein the alcohol is water soluble.3. The solution of claim 2 , wherein the water soluble alcohol is selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 2 , ethanol claim 2 , propanol claim 2 , ispropanol claim 2 , butanol claim 2 , glycols claim 2 , glycol monoethers claim 2 , glycerins and mixtures thereof.4. The solution of claim 3 , wherein the glycol is selected from the group consisting of ethylene glycol claim 3 , diethylene glycol claim 3 , propylene glycol claim 3 , butylene glycol and mixtures thereof5. The solution of claim 4 , wherein the glycol is ethylene glycol.6. The solution of claim 1 , wherein the solution further comprises a corrosion inhibitor salt which is selected from the group consisting of silicates claim 1 , molybdates claim 1 , ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249007A1

A thermal interface material that is useful in transferring heat from heat generating electronic devices, such as computer chips, to heat dissipating structures, such as heat spreaders and heat sinks. The thermal interface material comprises at least one silicone oil, at least one catalyst, at least one thermally conductive filler having a larger surface area, a solvent, at least one inhibitor, and at least one crosslinker. The at least one thermally conductive filler reduces the oil leakage of the TIM, and the solvent increases the flow rate of the TIM without negating the reduction of oil leakage realized by the thermally conductive fillers 1. A thermal interface material comprising:{'sub': 'w', 'a low molecular weight silicone oil having a weight (M) average molecular weight less than 50,000 Daltons;'}{'sup': '2', 'at least one thermally conductive filler having a surface area greater than 1.0 m/g; and'}{'sub': 'w', 'a high molecular weight silicone oil, wherein the high molecular weight silicone oil comprises a vinyl functional silicone oil having a weight (M) average molecular weight of at least 60,000 Daltons.'}2. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the thermal interface material has a viscosity greater than 1500 Pa·s.3. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , further including a solvent having a boiling point between 60° C. and 220° C. and a viscosity between 0.2 cSt and 50 cSt.4. The thermal interface material of claim 3 , wherein the thermal interface material has a viscosity between 150 Pa·s and 650 Pa·s.5. The thermal interface material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermally conductive filler includes a first thermally conductive filler claim 1 , a second thermally conductive filler claim 1 , and a third thermally conductive filler claim 1 , wherein the first thermally conductive filer is a metal oxide having a surface area between 0.1 m/g to 1.0 m/g claim 1 , the second thermally conductive filler is a metal oxide having a ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140353541A1
Принадлежит: National Tsing Hua University

A working fluid in cooperation with a solar thermal system comprises a heat conduction medium and a plurality of metal nano-particles mixed in the heat conduction medium. Each of the metal nano-particles includes a metal particle and a protection layer, and the protection layer is an oxide and covers the metal particle. A manufacturing method of metal nano-particles is also disclosed. 1. A working fluid in cooperation with a solar thermal system , comprising:a heat conduction medium; anda plurality of metal nano-particles mixed in the heat conduction medium, wherein each of the metal nano-particles includes a metal particle and a protection layer, and the protection layer is an oxide and covers the metal particle.2. The working fluid as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metal particle includes a pure metal or an alloy that absorbs heat at a working temperature.3. The working fluid as recited in claim 1 , wherein the weight percent of the metal nano-particles added to the heat conduction medium ranges between 1% and 10%.4. The working fluid as recited in claim 1 , wherein the oxide includes a metal oxide or SiO.5. The working fluid as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metal nano-particles are reusable.6. A manufacturing method of metal nano-particles claim 1 , comprising steps of:adding a metal particle into an alcoholic solvent to form a first solution, wherein the metal particle includes a metal nano-particle or an alloy nano-particle;heating the first solution and adding a precursor to the first solution to form a second solution;adjusting the pH value of the second solution to between 4 and 5; andimplementing an annealing procedure to form a protection layer on the surface of the metal particle, wherein the protection layer is an oxide covering the metal particle.7. The manufacturing method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the metal particle includes a pure metal or an alloy that absorbs heat at a working temperature.8. The manufacturing method as recited in claim 6 ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Non-Aqueous Heat Transfer Fluid With Reduced Low Temperature Viscosity

Номер: US20150284617A1
Автор: Light J. Thomas

Non-aqueous heat transfer fluids or engine coolants for internal combustion engines comprised primarily of ethylene glycol, a glycol that exhibits supercooling. The fluids are further comprised of 1,3 propanediol and/or diethylene glycol which also exhibit supercooling. The combinations expand the Low Temperature Operating Limit of the ethylene glycol, while avoiding the extent of the viscosity increase imposed by the use of 1,2 propanediol for the same purpose. 1. A non-aqueous heat transfer fluid or engine coolant for internal combustion engines comprising ethylene glycol (EG) and a glycol selected from the group consisting of 1 ,3 propanediol (PDO) , diethylene glycol (DEG) and combinations thereof.2. The non-aqueous heat transfer fluid of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the mass of the PDO to the total mass of EG and PDO is between about 0.05 and about 0.50.3. The non-aqueous heat transfer fluid of claim 2 , further comprising at least one corrosion inhibiting additive selected from the group consisting of a nitrate claim 2 , a molybdate claim 2 , an azole claim 2 , an organic acid corrosion inhibitor claim 2 , and a hydroxide.4. The non-aqueous heat transfer fluid of claim 3 , wherein the nitrate is sodium nitrate in a concentration of between about 0.05% to about 3% claim 3 , the molybdate is sodium molybdate in a concentration of between about 0.05% to about 3%; the azole is tolyltriazole (TT) claim 3 , hydrogenated tolyltriazole (THT) claim 3 , butylbenzotriazole (BBT) claim 3 , or a mixture thereof claim 3 , in a concentration of between about 0.05% to about 3%; the organic acid corrosion inhibitor is 2-ethylhexanoic acid (2-EHA) in a concentration of between about 0.1% to about 3%; and the hydroxide is potassium hydroxide in a concentration of between about 0.1% to about 3%.5. The non-aqueous heat transfer fluid of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the mass of the DEG to the total mass of EG and DEG is between about 0.05 and about 0.50.6. The non-aqueous heat ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180273821A1
Принадлежит: Cummin Filtration IP, Inc.

A corrosion inhibitor for a coolant formulation. The corrosion inhibitor includes m-toluic acid. The m-toluic acid may be present in an amount of 0.05-10 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation. The corrosion inhibitor may additionally include sebacic acid. The sebacic acid may be present in an amount of 0.05-10 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation. 1. A corrosion inhibitor for a coolant formulation , the corrosion inhibitor comprising m-toluic acid , wherein the corrosion inhibitor does not degrade elastomers.2. The corrosion inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein the m-toluic acid is present in an amount of 0.05-10.0 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation.3. The corrosion inhibitor of claim 1 , further comprising sebacic acid.4. The corrosion inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein sebacic acid is present in an amount of 0.05-10.0 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation.5. The corrosion inhibitor of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion inhibitor does not comprise silicates.6. (canceled)7. A method of increasing the corrosion resistance of a coolant formulation claim 1 , comprising:mixing a coolant formulation with m-toluic acid,wherein the combination of the coolant formulation and the m-toluic acid does not degrade elastomers.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the m-toluic acid is present in an amount of 0.05-10.0 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation.9. The method of claim 7 , further comprising mixing the coolant formulation with sebacic acid.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the sebacic acid is present in an amount of 0.05-10.0 wt. % based on the total weight of the coolant formulation.11. The method of claim 7 , wherein the coolant formulation does not comprise silicates.12. (canceled)13. A coolant comprising:a base fluid; anda corrosion inhibitor comprising m-toluic acid,wherein the corrosion inhibitor does not degrade elastomers.14. The coolant of claim 13 , wherein the base ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210368653A1

A heat transfer medium is used for a heat transfer system including a refrigerant cycle device through which a refrigerant circulates and a heat transfer medium circuit having an electric device. The medium includes an anhydrous liquid that does not contain water and is made of a substance having a polarity less than water. The anhydrous liquid is cooled by heat exchange with the refrigerant and absorbs heat from the electric device while circulating through the heat transfer medium circuit. Accordingly, the low viscosity of the heat transfer medium at a low temperature can be secured. Further, by using an anhydrous liquid without water as the heat transfer medium, it is possible to suppress an increase in an electrical conductivity of the heat transfer medium over time. 1. A heat transfer medium for a heat transfer system including a refrigerant cycle device through which a refrigerant circulates and a heat transfer medium circuit having an electric device , the medium comprising:an anhydrous liquid that does not contain water and is made of a substance having a polarity less than water, whereinthe anhydrous liquid is cooled by heat exchange with the refrigerant and absorbs heat from the electric device while circulating through the heat transfer medium circuit.2. The heat transfer medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe anhydrous liquid is an anhydrous alcohol-based liquid.3. The heat transfer medium according to claim 2 , wherein{'b': 1', '3, 'the anhydrous alcohol-based liquid is an alcohol having to carbon atoms.'}4. The heat transfer medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe anhydrous liquid is an anhydrous amide liquid.5. The heat transfer medium according to claim 4 , whereinthe anhydrous amide liquid is a dimethylformamide.6. The heat transfer medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe anhydrous liquid is an anhydrous ester liquid.7. The heat transfer medium according to claim 6 , wherein. a carbonic acid ester where a carbonic acid and an alcohol having 1 to ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150298083A1

The invention relates to a portable mixing platform for producing a heat-transfer fluid on site and on an industrial scale, said fluid consisting of a eutectic mixture of diphenyl (DP) and diphenyl oxide (DPO). The platform includes a device that stores DPO in liquid state, a device for supplying DP in solid state, a mixing device in which both components are mixed in liquid state and in the right amount for forming a eutectic mixture, and a device for inerting and treating gases which maintains the DPO and mixing devices under inert atmosphere, as well as drawing the gases vented from both devices to pass said gases through an activated-carbon filter prior to expelling same into the atmosphere. The present invention also relates to the method for producing the eutectic mixture of DP and DPO using the described portable mixing platform. 1. Portable mixing platform for producing a heat-transfer fluid consisting of a eutectic mixture of diphenyl (DP) and diphenyl oxide (DPO) , characterized in that it comprises the following devices:DPO device, comprising the following elements:{'b': 6', '6', '14, 'a DPO dosing tank () wherein the DPO is stored in liquid state from a cistern or external supply, said tank () being provided with heat tracing for temperature control, at least one suction pump for the inlet to the tank and another drive pump for the outlet and regulation valves to control the dosing of DPO to the mixing tank (),'}{'b': 8', '6, 'a DPO feed pipe () from the cistern or external supply to the DPO dosing tank (),'}{'b': 6', '14, 'a pipe connecting the DPO dosing tank () to a mixing tank ();'}device for supplying DP in solid statemixing device for preparing the heat-transfer fluid, comprising:{'b': '14', 'a DP and DPO mixing tank () provided with a stirring and heat tracing system for temperature control,'}{'b': '12', 'an outlet pipe of the eutectic mixture of DP and DPO (), whereby the prepared heat-transfer fluid is collected thanks to a suction pump ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292052A1

Provided is a thermal compound composition having heat dissipation and electrical insulation properties, where the thermal compound composition includes a Cu—CuO composite filler having a Cu core and a shell composed of CuO having a whisker crystal structure. The CuO having the whisker crystal structure is prepared by reacting Cu particles in a basic solution so that an outer shell thereof is grown into whisker-shaped CuO. 1. A thermal compound composition comprising silicone oil and a filler , wherein the filler comprises a Cu—CuO composite filler configured to include a Cu core and a shell composed of CuO having a whisker crystal structure.2. The thermal compound composition of claim 1 , wherein the CuO having the whisker crystal structure is prepared by reacting Cu particles in a basic solution so that an outer shell thereof is grown into whisker-shaped CuO.3. The thermal compound composition of claim 1 , wherein the filler further comprises AlN (Aluminum Nitride).4. The thermal compound composition of claim 3 , wherein the filler further comprises at least one selected from among AlOand BN (Boron Nitride).5. The thermal compound composition of claim 1 , wherein the filler is used in an amount of 50 to 80 wt % based on a total weight of the thermal compound composition.6. The thermal compound composition of claim 3 , wherein the AlN has a particle size ranging from 20 nm to 50 μm.7. The thermal compound composition of claim 1 , wherein the Cu—CuO composite filler has an aspect ratio of 1:5 to 10. The present invention relates to a thermal compound composition having not only high thermal conductivity but also an electrical insulation property. The thermal compound has to possess high thermal conductivity so as to ensure a heat dissipation function, but electrical conductivity is typically increased therewith due to the component used to increase thermal conductivity, and thus the use thereof is difficult in devices requiring an electrical insulation property. The ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Curable Thermally Conductive Grease, Heat Dissipation Structure, and Method for Producing Heat Dissipation Structure

Номер: US20160312097A1

A curable thermally conductive grease la contains a curable liquid polymer, a thermally conductive filler (A) having an average particle diameter of less than 10 μm, and a thermally conductive filler (B) having an average particle diameter of 10 μm or more, the ratio by volume of the thermally conductive filler (A) to the thermally conductive filler (B), i.e., (A)/(B), being 0.65 to 3.02, and the curable thermally conductive grease having a viscosity of 700 Pa·s to 2070 Pa·s, in which after the curable thermally conductive grease is applied to the heat-generating body or the heat-dissipating body to a thickness of 5 mm, the curable thermally conductive grease has slump resistance in which the curable thermally conductive grease does not flow down when the heat-generating body or the heat-dissipating body is vertically arranged. 1. A curable thermally conductive grease that is provided between a heat-generating body , for example , a semiconductor element or a machine part , and a heat-dissipating body configured to dissipate heat generated from the heat-generating body to facilitate heat transfer from the heat-generating body to the heat-dissipating body , comprising:a curable liquid polymer, a thermally conductive filler (A) having an average particle diameter of less than 10 μm, and a thermally conductive filler (B) having an average particle diameter of 10 μm or more, the ratio by volume of the thermally conductive filler (A) to the thermally conductive filler (B), i.e., (A)/(B), being 0.65 to 3.02, and the curable thermally conductive grease having a viscosity of 700 Pa·s to 2070 Pa·s,wherein after the curable thermally conductive grease is applied to the heat-generating body or the heat-dissipating body to a thickness of 5 mm, the curable thermally conductive grease has slump resistance in which the curable thermally conductive grease does not flow down when the heat-generating body or the heat-dissipating body is vertically arranged.2. The curable thermally ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315448A1

A heating medium composition for solar thermal power generation system, the heating medium composition including a silane coupling agent represented by formula (1) shown below and a heating medium containing diphenyl ether: (1) wherein each of OR, ORand ORmay be the same or different, and represents an alkoxy group of 1 to 5 carbon atoms, and X is a group selected from a 3-glycidoxypropyl group, a 3-methacryloxypropyl group, a 3-aminopropyl group, an N-phenyl-3-aminopropyl group and an N-2-(aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl group. 2. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the silane coupling agent is 0.1 to 10 parts by weight claim 1 , relative to 100 parts by weight of the heating medium comprised of diphenyl ether.3. The heating medium according to claim 1 , wherein the heating medium is a diphenyl ether/biphenyl mixture.5. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein X is a group selected from a vinyl group claim 1 , a 3-glycidoxypropyl group and an N-phenyl-3-aminopropyl group.6. The heating medium composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silane coupling agent comprises a mixture of a silane coupling agent represented by formula (1) in which X is a vinyl group and a silane coupling agent represented by formula (1) in which X is a 3-glycidoxypropyl group.7. The heating medium composition according to claim 2 , wherein X is a group selected from a vinyl group claim 2 , a 3-glycidoxypropyl group and an N-phenyl-3-aminopropyl group.8. The heating medium composition according to claim 2 , wherein the silane coupling agent comprises a mixture of a silane coupling agent represented by formula (1) in which X is a vinyl group and a silane coupling agent represented by formula (1) in which X is a 3-glycidoxypropyl group.9. The heating medium composition according to claim 3 , wherein X is a group selected from a vinyl group claim 3 , a 3-glycidoxypropyl group and an N-phenyl-3-aminopropyl group.10. The heating medium ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Liquid cooling medium for electronic device cooling

Номер: US20150319889A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Liquid cooling mediums employed to immersion-cool electronic hardware devices. Such liquid cooling mediums have a flash point of at least 190° C., as determined according to ASTM D92, and a viscosity of 27 centistokes (“cSt”) or less at 40° C., as determined according to ASTM D445. Such liquid cooling mediums can be employed to immersion-cool such devices as computer servers, server motherboards, and microprocessors.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160317994A1

An enhanced thermal interface material (TIM) gap filler for filling a gap between two substrates (e.g., between a coldplate and an electronics module) includes microcapsules adapted to rupture in a magnetic field. The microcapsules, which are distributed in a TIM gap filler, each have a shell that encapsulates a solvent. One or more organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles is/are covalently bound into the shell of each microcapsule. In one embodiment, (3-aminopropyl) trimethylsilane-coated magnetite nanoparticles are incorporated into the shell of a urea-formaldehyde (UF) microcapsule during in situ polymerization. To enable easy removal of one substrate affixed to another substrate by the enhanced TIM gap filler, the substrates are positioned within a magnetic field sufficient to rupture the microcapsule shells through magnetic stimulation of the organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles. The ruptured microcapsule shells release the solvent, which dissolves and/or swells the TIM gap filler, thereby reducing the bond strength between the substrates. 1. A microcapsule adapted to rupture in a magnetic field , comprising:a microcapsule having a shell into which one or more organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles is/are covalently bound.2. The microcapsule adapted to rupture in a magnetic field as recited in claim 1 , wherein the microcapsule is a urea-formaldehyde (UF) microcapsule having a shell into which one or more (3-aminopropyl) trimethylsilane-coated magnetite nanoparticles is/are covalently bound.3. The microcapsule adapted to rupture in a magnetic field as recited in claim 2 , wherein the shell of the UF microcapsule encapsulates toluene.4. An enhanced thermal interface material (TIM) gap filler claim 2 , comprising:a TIM gap filler;microcapsules distributed in the TIM gap filler, wherein each microcapsule has a shell encapsulating a solvent and into which one or more organosilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles is/are covalently bound.5. The enhanced ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322322A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Oil Additives GmbH

The present invention relates to the use of a liquid composition as heat transfer fluid, characterized in that the liquid composition comprises polymers derived from at least an ethylenically unsaturated monomer or a mixture of ethylenically unsaturated monomers. Preferably, the liquid composition is used as a heat transfer fluid for electrical equipment. 1. Use of a liquid composition as heat transfer fluid , characterized in that the liquid composition comprises polymers derived from at least an ethylenically unsaturated monomer or of a mixture of ethylenically unsaturated monomers.3. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 2 , characterized in that Rand Rrepresent hydrogen atoms and Rrepresents a Cto Calkyl group.4. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the polymers are copolymers derived from at leasta) an ethylenically unsaturated monomer or a mixture of ethylenically unsaturated monomers, andb) an 1-alkene or a mixture of 1-alkenes.6. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the liquid composition comprises 10 to 100% by weight of the polymers.7. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the liquid composition further comprises additives selected from the group consisting of antioxidants claim 1 , anti-wear additives claim 1 , pour point depressants claim 1 , corrosion inhibitors claim 1 , metal passivators or electrostatic discharge depressants claim 1 , defoaming agents claim 1 , seal fix or seal compatibility agents claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.8. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the liquid composition comprises less than 100 ppm by weight of water.9. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the liquid composition is used as heat transfer fluid for electrical equipment.10. The use of a liquid composition according to claim 9 , characterized in that the ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Heating System with High Heat Retention Transfer Fluid

Номер: US20160320094A1
Автор: Madeira Ronald H.

A heating system combines a heat source for applying heat energy to a supply of heat transfer fluid including a polyol having five or less pendant hydroxyl groups and a polydimethylsiloxane and a pump that moves the heat transfer fluid through conduits to a heat exchanger. In one configuration, the heating system has a primary circuit including the heat source, delivery line, pump, heat exchanger and return line, and a sub-circuit including a bypass line interconnecting the delivery line and the return line to provide a flow path bypassing the heat source. The sub-circuit includes the bypass line, a portion of the delivery line, the pump, the heat exchanger, and a portion of the return line. Control valves and a control mechanism direct the flow of fluid between the primary and sub-circuit. The heat transfer fluid is a blended mixture of 5-15% glycerin, 20-40% propyl glycol and 45-75% silicone. 1. A heating system , comprising:a heat source for applying heat energy to a supply of heat transfer fluid;conduit to carry the heat transfer fluid to and from said heat source, said conduit including a delivery line in which the heat transfer fluid moves away from said heat source and a return line in which the heat transfer fluid is returned to said heat source;a heat exchanger in flow communication with said conduit to extract heat energy from said heat transfer fluid;a pump to move said heat transfer fluid through said conduit;a primary circuit including said heat source, said delivery line, said pump, said heat exchanger, and said return line;a sub-circuit including a bypass line interconnecting said delivery line and said return line to provide a flow path bypassing said heat source, said sub-circuit including said bypass line, a portion of said delivery line, said pump, said heat exchanger, and a portion of said return line;control valves in each of said delivery line, said return line and said bypass line to control the flow of heat transfer fluid between said primary ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150329759A1

A heating medium composition includes biphenyl (A), diphenylene oxide (B), and at least one or more aromatic compounds (C) selected from six components of naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, o-triphenyl, m-triphenyl, and p-triphenyl, wherein the biphenyl (A) is contained in a ratio of 15 to 50% by mass, the diphenylene oxide (B) is contained in a ratio of 10 to 40% by mass, the aromatic compounds (C) is contained in a ratio of 20 to 75% by mass, and diphenyl ether is not contained.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200308464A1

A coolant composition includes a viscosity improving agent and a base. The viscosity improving agent includes at least one nonionic surfactant and at least one anionic surfactant represented by the following Formula (1) of RO—(RO)-SOM. The base is formed of water and/or at least one alcohol selected from the group consisting of a monohydric alcohol, a dihydric alcohol, a trihydric alcohol, and a glycol monoalkyl ether. Rrepresents a linear or branched alkyl group having 16 to 24 carbon atoms or a linear or branched alkenyl group having 16 to 24 carbon atoms, Rrepresents an ethylene group or a propylene group, m represents an average addition molar number of RO which is a number of 0.5 to 10, and M represents a cation or a hydrogen atom. A shear viscosity of the coolant composition is 8.5 mPa·s or higher at 25° C. and is 2.0 mPa·s or lower at 100° C. 2. The coolant composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe nonionic surfactant is at least one selected from the group consisting of polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether, polyoxyalkylene alkyl phenyl ether, polyoxyalkylene polyol ether, polyoxyalkylene alkyl amino ether, polyoxyalkylene fatty acid ester, polyoxyalkylene sorbitan ester, and polyoxyalkylene fatty acid amide.3. The coolant composition according to claim 2 , wherein {'br': None, 'sup': 3', '4, 'sub': 'n', 'RO—(RO)-H \u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether is a compound represented by the following Formula (2),'}{'sup': 3', '4', '4, 'where Rrepresents a linear or branched alkyl group having 12 to 24 carbon atoms or a linear or branched alkenyl group having 12 to 24 carbon atoms, Rrepresents an ethylene group or a propylene group, and n represents an average addition molar number of RO which is a number of 0.5 to 20.'}4. The coolant composition according to claim 1 , whereina content of the viscosity improving agent is 0.05 to 10 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the coolant composition.5. The coolant composition according to claim 1 , ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180320046A1

A rare earth regenerator material particle and a regenerator material particle group having a high long-term reliability, and a superconducting magnet, an examination apparatus, a cryopump and the like using the same are provided. A rare earth regenerator material particle contains a rare earth element as a constituent component, and in the particle, a peak indicating a carbon component is detected in a surface region by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for manufacturing a cold head , comprising:preparing at least one regenerator container; andfilling a plurality of regenerator material particle groups which are different types in the regenerator container,wherein a generator material particle constituting at least one of the plurality of the regenerator material particle groups is a rare earth generator material particle comprising a rare earth element as a constituent component,a peak indicating a carbon component and a peak indicating a compound containing the rare earth element and oxygen are detected in a surface region of the rare earth generator material particle by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis,an entire content of carbon in the rare earth generator material particle including the carbon component is 5 mass ppm or more and 100 mass ppm or less, andthe carbon component detected in the surface region of the rare earth generator material particle has at least one selected from the group consisting of a C—C bond, a C—H bond, a C—O bond, a C=O bond, and an O—C=O bond.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the plurality of the regenerator material particle groups are filled in the regenerator container via a metal mesh material.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein a metal mesh material is filled in a stage of the regenerator container.19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein a copper mesh material as the metal mesh material is filled in the regenerator container.20. The method ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180340108A1

A nanofluid composed of a base fluid and a solid nanocomposite particle, where the solid nanocomposite particle consists of a carbon nanotube and a metal oxide nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of FeO, AlO, and CuO. The metal oxide nanoparticle is affixed inside of or to the outer surface of the carbon nanotube, and the solid nanocomposite particle is homogeneously dispersed in the base fluid. The heat transfer and specific heat capacity properties of the nanofluid are measured using differential scanning calorimetry and heat exchanger experiments with different nanocomposite concentrations and different metal oxide percent loadings. 1. A water-based nanofluid heat transfer medium comprising:a base fluid comprising at least one of an aqueous fluid;{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'a solid nanocomposite particle comprising a multi-wall carbon nanotube having a 10 to 20 nm outer diameter and a length from 10 to 30 μm and a metal oxide nanoparticle selected from the group consisting of FeO, AlO, and CuO wherein the metal oxide nanoparticle is affixed to the outer surface of the carbon nanotube;'}wherein the carbon nanotube is not functionalized with reactive functional groups;wherein the solid nanocomposite particle is homogeneously dispersed in the base fluid; andwherein the nanofluid does not contain a surfactant.23-. (canceled)4. The water-based nanofluid heat transfer medium of claim 1 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle comprises 0.5-13% metal oxide nanoparticles by weight based on the total weight of the nanocomposite particle.5. The water-based nanofluid heat transfer medium of claim 1 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle comprises 0.5-3% metal oxide nanoparticles by weight and the metal oxide nanoparticle is a crystal particle with a longest diameter of 0.5-10 nm.6. The water-based nanofluid heat transfer medium of claim 5 , wherein the solid nanocomposite particle reaches a maximum % weight loss at 530-570° C. under a thermal degradation ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

In Situ Method For Forming Thermally Conductive Thermal Radical Cure Silicone Composition

Номер: US20150361320A1

An in situ method for forming a thermally conductive thermal radical cure silicone composition is provided. The in situ method comprises forming a thermally conductive clustered functional polymer comprising the reaction product of a reaction of a polyorganosiloxane having an average, per molecule, of at least 2 aliphatically unsaturated organic groups; a polyorganohydrogensiloxane having an average of 4 to 15 silicon atoms per molecule; and a reactive species having, per molecule, at least 1 aliphatically unsaturated organic group and 1 or more curable groups; in the presence of a filler treating agent, a filler comprising a thermally conductive filler, an isomer reducing agent, and a hydrosilylation catalyst. The method further comprises blending the thermally conductive clustered functional polymer with a radical initiator. 1. A method for forming a thermally conductive thermal radical cure silicone composition , the method comprising: a polyorganosiloxane having an average, per molecule, of at least 2 aliphatically unsaturated organic groups,', 'a polyorganohydrogensiloxane having an average of 4 to 15 silicon atoms per molecule,', 'a reactive species having, per molecule, at least 1 aliphatically unsaturated organic group and 1 or more curable groups,', 'in the presence of a filler treating agent, a filler comprising a thermally conductive filler, an isomer reducing agent, and a hydrosilylation catalyst; and, '(a) forming a thermally conductive clustered functional polymer comprising the reaction product of a reaction of(b) blending the thermally conductive clustered functional polymer with a radical initiator to form the thermally conductive thermal radical cure silicone composition, wherein forming the thermally conductive clustered functional polymer of (a) comprises:(c) forming a first mixture comprising a thermally conductive filler, a filler treating agent, and a polyorganosiloxane having an average, per molecule, of at least 2 aliphatically unsaturated ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338211A1

Provided herein are hydrocarbon mixtures with controlled structure characteristics that address the performance requirements for finished lubricants driven by the stricter environmental and fuel economy regulations. The branching characteristics of the hydrocarbon molecules are controlled to provide a composition that has a unique and superior viscosity-temperature relationship and Noack volatility. An important aspect of the present invention relates to a saturated hydrocarbon mixture with at least 80% of the molecules having an even carbon number, with the branching characteristic of BP/BI in the range ≥−0.6037 (Internal alkyl branching)+2.0, where on average at least 0.3 to 1.5 of the internal methyl branches are located more than 4 carbons away from the terminal carbon when analyzed by carbon NMR. The saturated hydrocarbon mixture with such unique branching structure consistently exhibits a stand out performance in the cold crank simulated viscosity (CCS) vs Noack volatility relationship, which allows for the formulation of lower viscosity engine oils with improved fuel economies. 1. A hydrocarbon mixture in which:a. the percentage of molecules with even carbon number is ≥80% according to FIMS;b. the BP/BI ≥−0.6037 (Internal alkyl branching per molecule)+2.0c. on average there are 0.3 to 1.5 5+ methyl per molecule.2. The mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture further has a Noack volatility and Cold Crank Simulated viscosity at −35° C. relationship where Noack volatility is between 2750 (CCS at −35° C.)±2.3. The mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture further has a Noack volatility and Cold Crank Simulated viscosity at −35° C. relationship where Noack volatility is between 2750 (CCS at −35° C.)+0.5 and 2740 (CCS at −35° C.)−2.4. The hydrocarbon mixture of comprising the following characteristics:a. at least 80% of the molecules have an even carbon number as determined by FIMS;b. KV100 in the range of 3.0-10.0 cSt;c. Pour point in the range of −20 to −55° C.;{' ...
