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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 8109. Отображено 200.
10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2281319C2

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Способ предусматривает очистку исходного сырья, сушку до влажности 6-8%, отжим сырья в зеерной камере и термическую обработку исходного сырья. При этом сушку ведут при температуре не выше 70°С не более 10 минут, а термическую обработку ведут в кипящем слое при температуре не выше 70°С в течение времени пребывания в прессе не более 5 минут. Отжим осуществляют в два этапа: после первого отжима сырье охлаждают до температуры не выше 40°С и осуществляют второй отжим. Полученное масло фильтруют и расфасовывают, а белковый продукт подвергают измельчению и рассеву. Изобретение позволяет сохранить биохимический состав готового продукта, предотвратить нежелательные побочные эффекты, а также повысить биологическую ценность готовых продуктов. 4 табл.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656996C2

Изобретение относится к области биохимии, в частности к трансгенному растению, для получения неполярного липида. Также раскрыты часть трансгенного растения для получения неполярного липида, рекомбинантная клетка для получения неполярного липида. Раскрыт способ получения углеводного продукта из указанного трансгенного растения, способ получения клетки, которая продуцирует повышенную концентрацию неполярного липида, способ получения синтетического дизельного топлива из указанного трансгенного растения. Изобретение позволяет получать повышенное накопление неполярных липидов. 7 н. и 74 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил., 38 табл., 26 пр.

10-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU26554U1

... 1. Устройство активирования жидкого топлива, включающее связанные между собой и смонтированные на емкости с жидким топливом корпуса с функциональными узлами: узлом формирования паромотора, узлом управления и источником питания, отличающееся тем, что устройство активирования жидкого топлива снабжено размещенным на узле формирования промотора приспособлением выработки разнонаправленного вращательного магнитного поля, при этом приспособление выполнено в виде соединенных между собой катушек, причем концы катушек попарно соединены между собой и смещены по фазе.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что катушки промоторов выполнены из цветных металлов.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что катушки промоторов выполнены из меди.4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что катушки промоторов выполнены из алюминия.5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что катушки промоторов выполнены из титана.6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что катушки промоторов выполнены из сплавов цветных металлов ...

16-11-1995 дата публикации

Агрегат для производства растительного масла

Номер: RU996U1

Агрегат для производства растительного масла, включающий двухвальцовую мельницу с приемным бункером, чанную жаровню, расположенную над прессом, отличающийся тем, что мельница установлена на крышке верхнего чана жаровни и сообщена с ней через приемное отверстие для подачи технологического материала, пресс выполнен гидравлическим и снабжен карусельным столом с равномерно расположенными по окружности веерными цилиндрами, причем все исполнительные механизмы, включая приводные двигатели, смонтированы на единой раме и заключены в единый корпус.

20-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU40633U1

Полезная модель относится к основному аппарату экстракционной технологии получения экстрактов растворителем из растительного материала, например, масличного материала, подготовленного измельчением и влаготепловой обработкой, и может быть использована в масло-жировой промышленности. Экстрактор состоит из корпуса с расположенными в нем ящиками, опирающимися на направляющие, гидравлических толкателей, системы мисцеллосборников и насосов с форсунками. Ящики расположены по сторонам квадрата и число их на один меньше, чем количество мест по периметру квадрата, ящики укреплены на шаровых опорах и рельс-направляющие снабжены желобом округлой формы с осевой прорезью в нижней точке, ящик состоит из тележки и короба, в нижней части короба установлена щетка для очистки перфорированного днища тележки. Техническим результатом является предотвращение заклинивания ящиков в крайних положениях и предотвращение забивания перфорированного днища материалом.

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU147318U1

Центробежная рушка для обрушивания семян бахчевых культур, включающая корпус, внутри которого расположены дека и роторное устройство, закрепленное конусным распределителем с роторным валом, загрузочное устройство, патрубок для отвода рушанки и привод с натяжным устройством, отличающаяся тем, что загрузочное устройство выполнено в виде подвижного усеченного конуса и установлено основанием с меньшим диаметром с зазором над конусным распределителем роторного устройства.

20-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU15887U1

... 1. Оборудование для производства растительного масла, содержащее установку для извлечения масла, выполненную с двумя выходами - выходом масла и выходом жмыха, устройство для охлаждения жмыха, бункер для жмыха, выполненный с возможностью загрузки в него жмыха с выхода жмыха установки для извлечения масла через устройство для охлаждения жмыха, установку для комплексной очистки масла, вход которой связан с выходом масла и которая выполнена с возможностью введения в нее отбельной земли через вход дренажного материала и выхода отработанной отбельной земли через его первый выход осадка, и которая выполнена с возможностью введения в нее перлита через вход фильтрующего средства и выхода отработанного перлита через второй выход осадка, по меньшей мере, один насос с трубопроводом для промывки водой установок, бак для зажиренной воды, вход которого связан с трубопроводом для промывки водой установок, отличающееся тем, что введены три дополнительных насоса с трубопроводами, транспортер, испарительная ...

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312130C1

Изобретение относится к области пищевой промышленности. Ультразвуковой массообменный аппарат содержит цилиндрический сосуд со сферическим днищем, перемешивающее устройство, расположенное соосно внутри сплошного неподвижного цилиндра в нижней части аппарата, патрубки для загрузки и технического обслуживания, фильтрующий элемент в виде перфорированного цилиндра, установленного на штоке с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения по оси неподвижного цилиндра с перекрытием части последнего в нижнем положении и коаксиально входящего в сплошной цилиндр в верхнем положении, размещенный в верхней части аппарата, причем нижняя торцевая часть фильтрующего элемента состоит из чередующихся перфорированных и сплошных участков в виде жалюзи, верхние сплошные лепестки которого выполнены подвижными и установлены с возможностью периодического закрывания и открывания торцевой поверхности перфорированного участка фильтрующего элемента. Дополнительно установлены гидродинамические ультразвуковые излучатели ...

20-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2077551C1

Использование: изобретение относится к области переработки жиров морских рыб, а именно к способу получения рыбьего жира, обогащенного высоконенасыщенными жирными кислотами. Сущность изобретения: способ включает обработку жира -полуфабриката путем сепарирования, рафинации и очистки от твердых триглицеридов фильтрацией. Для повышения пищевой и лечебной ценности жира его рафинацию осуществляют смесью водного раствора щелочи концентрацией 1,2%-1,5% и поваренной соли концентрацией 10-15% по отношению к массе раствора щелочи.

23-09-2024 дата публикации

Охладитель жмыха

Номер: RU2827215C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности, а именно к оборудованию маслоэкстракционных предприятий. Охладитель жмыха, содержащий цилиндрический распылительный коллектор, состоящий из наружного и внутреннего корпусов, с возможностью подключения к системе водоснабжения, при этом к верхней части коллектора к внутреннему и внешнему корпусам крепятся стаканы, которые снабжены переливными отверстиями, а к нижней части коллектора подведен воздухопровод, который соединен со стаканом при помощи насадки с соплом, над соплом в каждом стакане расположены дефлекторы, и над каждым стаканом расположена крышка распылителя, снабженная раструбом, при этом количество насадок соответствует количеству стаканов, отличающийся тем, что содержит кожух, в который заключены батарея последовательно соединенных распылительных коллекторов, объединенных общей системой воздухо- и водоподачи, для получения воды в мелкодисперсном состоянии, количество которых зависит от производительности охладителя, устройство ...

10-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2173216C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Способ предусматривает воздушно-ситовое сепарирование шрота с получением легкой, тяжелой и основной фракций, содержащей в пересчете на сухое вещество до 4,9% сырой клетчатки и до 49,8% сырого протеина. Основную фракцию шрота дробят на вальцах и пропускают через рассев с установленными верхними капроновыми ситами номерами 12-18 и нижними контрольными капроновыми ситами номерами 43-49, при этом сходом с верхних капроновых сит являются отруби, а сход с нижних сит повторно измельчают на вальцах и еще раз рассеивают. Проходы с рассева объединяют в один поток с получением соевой муки высшего сорта выходом 80%, содержащей в пересчете на сухое вещество сырого протеина 51,2% и сырой клетчатки 2, 8%. Изобретение позволит повысить выход муки. 1 з.п. ф-лы., 2 табл.

25-01-2023 дата публикации

Способ подготовки семян чернушки посевной (нигеллы) к получению масла

Номер: RU2788921C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Способ подготовки семян чернушки посевной (нигеллы) к получению масла включающий обработку семян перед шелушением путем замачивания горячим раствором с определенной температурой и концентрацией хлористого натрия в течение определенного времени для набухания и отслоения оболочки от ядра семени, отделение оболочки между двумя обрезиненными валками, установленными с зазором и вращающимися навстречу друг другу с одинаковой окружной скоростью, отличающийся тем, что замачивание семян перед шелушением проводится электроактивированной водой – католитом с величиной рН 8,0–9,5 в количестве 5–15%, с отволаживанием в течение 10–25 минут при температуре 25–35°С, отделение оболочки осуществляют между двумя обрезиненными валками, с зазором 0,5–1,0 мм, при этом электроактивированную воду получают путем электролиза 1–2%-ного водного раствора NaCl, при силе тока 0,5–0,6 А, напряжении тока 36 В и скорости потока воды в анодной и катодной зонах 5–10 см3/ ...

17-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685396C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Способ переработки высокомасличного материала, включающий подготовку гранул к экстрагированию, с последующей сушкой и охлаждением до температур ниже температур кипения растворителей, применяемых для экстракции растительных масел, экстракцией противоточной рециркуляцией мисцеллы в ленточных, карусельных или петлевых экстракторах, предусматривающих подачу чистого растворителя в конце процесса на обезжиренный на предыдущих ступенях процесса материал, отгонку растворителя из мисцеллы, отгонку растворителя из проэкстрагированного материала. Стадии кондиционирования высокомасличного материала осуществляется при температурах, не превышающих 85°С; экспандирования подготовленного материала, осуществляется со съемом не более 50% масла в экспандерах, оснащенных секциями отжима масла; сушка гранул и последующее охлаждение осуществляется до температур ниже температуры кипения растворителя. Экстракция полученных гранул осуществляется в экстракторах ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494141C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Технологическая линия безотходной переработки семян рапса включает магистрали и нории для транспортирования перерабатываемого продукта, бункер-накопитель для временного хранения влажных засоренных семян рапса, комплекс первичной очистки семян с промежуточными накопителями, магнитными и воздушно-ситовыми сепараторами для удаления металлсодержащих и легких неорганических и зерновых примесей, камнеотборник, накопители зерновых примесей и минеральных отходов, сушильный комплекс, в состав которого входит вихревая СВЧ-сушилка, центробежный вентилятор и калорифер, предназначенные для получения сухого горячего воздуха, смеситель для формирования газовзвеси, циклон для сбора и осаждения высушенных семян, бункер хранения и активного вентилирования семян, комплекс повторной очистки высушенных семян рапса перед прессованием, включающий магнитный и воздушно-ситовой сепараторы, измельчитель, обжарочный аппарат и форпресс, кроме того, технологическая ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595152C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности и может быть использовано при переработке семян масличных культур. Линия производства растительного масла, включающая: сушилку, вальцовый станок, сепарирующую машину, обжарочный аппарат, форпресс, фильтр-пресс, экспозитор, циклон, теплообменник-рекуператор, компрессор, конденсатор, две секции испарителя, терморегулирующий вентиль, вентиляторы, сборник конденсата. При этом в линии дополнительно установлены циклон для очистки отработанного после сушки воздуха, теплообменник-рекуператор и парокомпрессионный тепловой насос, включающий компрессор, конденсатор, терморегулирующий вентиль и две секции испарителя, одну из которых используют для вымораживания в камере экспозитора, а другую - для подготовки перегретого пара. Процесс сушки осуществляют кондиционированием воздуха, который подогревают в теплообменнике-рекуператоре, при этом отработанный воздух после сушки подвергают очистке от взвешенных частиц в циклоне с последующим охлаждением и ...

20-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000130098A

Способ получения растительных масел, включающий подготовку материала, жарение, форпресоование, экстракцию или прямую экстракцию, фильтрацию мисцеллы и ее дистилляцию, щелочную рафинацию и обработку адсорбентом, отличающийся тем, что адсорбент вводят в материал перед жаренном или влаготепловой обработкой при прямой экстракции при соотношении материал - адсорбент 50: 1-200: 1.

27-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96105242A

Способ эксплуатации установки для получения CO2-экстрактов, включающей более одного экстрактора, заключающийся в загрузке экстракторов исходным сырьем, герметизации их и поочередном осуществлении процесса CO2-экстракции в каждом из экстракторов путем подключения к баку-накопителю жидкой двуокиси углерода и к обогреваемому испарителю, передачи мисцеллы из экстрактора в испаритель, отгонки из последнего газообразной двуокиси углерода в конденсатор для сжижения и передачи в бак-накопитель жидкой двуокиси углерода, выгрузки готового CO2-экстракта из испарителя, отключения экстрактора от бака-накопителя и испарителя и последующего вскрытия экстрактора для выгрузки шрота, отличающийся тем, что до вскрытия экстрактора для выгрузки шрота, а также после вскрытия экстрактора и его герметизации полости экстракторов сообщают между собой для установления в них одинакового давления, затем экстракторы разъединяют и подключают к баку-накопителю и к обогреваемому испарителю экстрактор с исходным сырьем.

27-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000103505A

Способ получения облепихового масла, включающий измельчение плодов облепихи на дезинтеграторе с отделением семян, центрифугированием и отделением осветленного сока, отличающийся тем, что в полученное сырье вносят растительное масло и обезвоженный поташ в соотношении сырье: масло: поташ (2: 1: 0,2) и экстрагируют при постоянном перемешивании при температуре массы 18-20oС в течении 7-10 мин, а затем при температуре 35-40oС в течение 30-40 мин отделяют полученное масло центрифугированием и промывают 2 раза водой при температуре 40-50oС, причем при необходимости экстрагирование повторяют 3-4 раза, используя свежие порции сырья.

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120157A

Способ рафинации льняного масла, включающий нейтрализацию, промывку и сушку, отличающийся тем, что перед нейтрализацией масло обрабатывают при температуре 70-80°С в переменном электромагнитном поле с магнитной индукцией 0,5-1,2 Тл.

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006116968A

Способ получения яичного жира, включающий измельчение сырья, гомогенизацию, сушку в псевдоожиженным слое при встречном потоке нагретого воздуха и фракционирование сырья, отличающийся тем, что после фракционирования производится гомогенизация, предварительная обработка сырья этанолом, полное растворение в этаноле и поэтапное разделение с регенерацией этанола и яичного жира.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658368C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой, медицинской и косметической промышленности. Кедровые шишки обрушивают, лепестки и орехи предварительно промывают в воде, очищают от сорных примесей, просушивают до остаточной влажности 7-87%, подвергают прессованию на шнековом или гидравлическом прессе. Полученный после отжима масла жом направляют в отходы или на дальнейшую переработку, а выделенное масло отстаивают, фильтруют и затаривают. Изобретение позволяет получить масло высокого качества с высоким содержанием живичной смолы, содержащейся в лепестках шишки, с возможностью регулировать насыщенность и консистенцию масла, а также существенно сократить отходы, оставшиеся после обрушивания шишки, что позволяет увеличить безотходность производства масла. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2439140C1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Способ получения белково-липидного концентрата из растительного маслосодержащего сырья, включающий обработку измельченного растительного маслосодержащего сырья водным раствором щелочного реагента, обработку измельченного растительного маслосодержащего сырья, которую ведут при температуре 100-105°C и соотношении растительное маслосодержащее сырье - водный раствор щелочного реагента, равном (1,0:0,5)-(1,0:1,0). В качестве водного раствора щелочного реагента используют раствор, состоящий из 0,1 н. раствора гидроксида натрия и 0,1 н. раствора гидроксида кальция при соотношении 1,0:1,0, в который добавляют при перемешивании воду в количестве, обеспечивающем соотношение растительное маслосодержащее сырье - вода, равное (1,0:3,0)-(1,0:4,0). Полученную смесь разделяют на белково-липидную фазу и крахмалсодержащую фазу. Белково-липидную фазу сушат с получением целевого продукта. Изобретение позволяет достигнуть высокого содержания липидов и белков ...

27-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: SU1607382A1

Способ получения жира из печени рыб путем предварительного замораживания печени, измельчения мороженой печени и центрифугирования для отделения жировой фракции от белка, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения пищевой ценности жира путем повышения содержания полиненасыщенных жирных кислот и сокращения продолжительности процесса, центрифугирование измельченной печени проводят при -2 - 0oC.

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2278152C1

Изобретение относится к области пищевой промышленности, а именно к масложировой промышленности. Способ получения растительных масел, включающий измельчение семян с получением мезги и выделение масла методом прессования. При этом перед измельчением семян в них добавляют муку зародышей пшеницы в количестве от 1,0 до 10,0% от объема семян, что обеспечивает содержание масла зародышей пшеницы в растительном масле от 0,2 до 1,0%. По второму варианту способ получения растительных масел, включающий дезодорацию растительного масла в дезодораторе. В дезодоратор дополнительно подают масло зародышей пшеницы в количестве от 0,2 до 1,0%, а дезодорацию осуществляют при температуре 160-220°С и остаточном давлении 3-20 мм рт. столба. Изобретение позволяет повысить сроки хранения масла в 3 раза, обеспечить эффект устойчивости растительного масла при жарке за счет введения в растительное масло масла зародышей пшеницы в заявленных количествах. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 6 табл.

27-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94045834A
Автор: UA], Рыбка В.Н.

Изобретение относится к производству растительных масел и может быть использовано в пищевой промышленности, в частности для обработки семян подсолнечника. Сущность изобретения: в корпусе жаровни выполнены дополнительные пропарочные камеры, сообщенные между собой и расположенные друг над другом, кроме того между камерами установлены с возможностью контакта с ними нагреватели, верхний и средний расположены у боковых стенок жаровни над средней пропарочной камерой и под ней, а нижний нагреватель под нижней пропарочной камерой в ее средней части. Использование предлагаемого технического решения позволит получить положительный эффект, заключающийся в улучшении вкусовых качеств масла и в длительности его хранения.

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011124641A

... 1. Пресс для отжима масла, содержащий закрепленный на станине корпус с зеерным цилиндром, установленным в нем в подшипниках шнековым валом с изменяющимся шагом навивки, загрузочную емкость и поддон для сбора масла, отличающийся тем, что корпус пресса дополнительно содержит конвекционный теплообменник, выполненный в виде двух охладительных рубашек, выполненных в корпусе в начальной и концевой зоне размещения шнекового вала и соединенных друг с другом кольцевым трубопроводом.2. Пресс для отжима масла по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на кольцевом трубопроводе установлен насос.3. Пресс для отжима масла по п.1, отличающийся тем, что теплообменник содержит расширительный бачок.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012109966A

Способ переработки клубней земляного миндаля с получением масла, включающий разделение клубней по геометрическим размерам, очистку, сушку до влажности 6-8%, отжим сырья в зеерной камере, отличающийся тем, что исходное сырье разделяют на 3 фракции: №1 - клубни диаметром более 12 мм, №2 - клубни диаметром от 8 до 12 мм, №3 - клубни диаметром менее 8 мм, очистку клубней проводят в обдирочной машине до полного удаления гиподермы, сушку ведут при температуре не выше 70°С не более 10 мин, клубни фракции №1 расфасовывают, клубни фракций №2 и №3 подают на прессование, прессование клубней земляного миндаля осуществляют при температуре не выше 70°С в два этапа, после первого отжима сырье охлаждают до температуры не выше 40°С, смешивают с масляным отстоем и подвергают второму прессованию, полученное масло фильтруют и расфасовывают, полученный жмых измельчают и расфасовывают.

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013114296A

Способ получения масла из виноградной косточки, включающий очистку семян от примесей, измельчение, обработку мятки реагентом, влаготепловую обработку и последующее выделение масла прессовым методом, отличающийся тем, что в качестве реагента для обработки мятки используют электроактивированную жидкость с pH 1,4-2,5 в количестве 3-10% от массы сырья, при этом электоактивированную жидкость получают путем электролиза 1-5% водного раствора NaCl, при силе тока 1,0-1,5 А, напряжении тока не более 50 Вт и скорости потока жидкостей в электролизере католита 5-10 см/ч, анолита 2-3 см/ч, а влаготепловую обработку проводят при нагревании мятки до температуры 105-110°C.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012105014A

... 1. Экстракт масла личинок и куколок мух, богатого насыщенными, мононенасыщенными и полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами, где он содержит масло, экстрагированное из личинок и куколок мух, предпочтительно,включающий насыщенные, MUFA- и PUFA-жирные кислоты, содержание которых в конечной композиции масла равно 11-16%, 32-42% и 25-30% соответственно.2. Экстракт масла, богатого насыщенными, мононенасыщенными и полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами, по п.1, где масло, экстрагированное из личинок насекомых, включает насыщенные, MUFA- и PUFA-жирные кислоты, содержание которых в конечной композиции масла равно 15%, 40% и 27% соответственно.3. Экстракт масла по пп.1 и 2, где насыщенные жирные кислоты состоят из С12:0 додекановой кислоты, С14:0 тетрадекановой кислоты, С16:0 пальмитиновой кислоты, С18:0 стеариновой кислоты, С20:0 эйкозановой кислоты, С22:0 докозановой кислоты, С24:0 тетракозановой кислоты.4. Экстракт масла по п.3, где содержание С12:0 додекановой кислоты составляет 0,093 г/100 г экстракта ...

10-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU93053764A

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к противоопухолевым нейтральным липидам из эндосперма коикса (Coix lacryma-jobi), способу их экстракции и очистки от эндосперма коикса, и к фармацевтической композиции, содержащей нейтральные липиды. Показано противоопухолевое действие нейтральных липидов из эндосперма коикса и фармацевтической композиции на их основе, усиление иммунитета и защитное действие от многих заболеваний.

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002119680A

Способ переработки семян амаранта с извлечением масла, получением белкового и крахмального продуктов, включающий накопление и промежуточное хранение зародышей, их подготовку, сушку, холодное проходное прессование (первое прессование), очистку масла, введение масляного отстоя от очистки в жмых первого прессования, второе прессование, расфасовку масла, измельчение и расфасовку жмыха (зародышевых хлопьев), отличающийся тем, что используют зародыши семян амаранта, полученные на дробилке молоткового типа с формирующими каналами, сушку зародышей амаранта производят в щадящем режиме (температура до 35°С), прессование проводят при температуре не выше 40°С.

23-11-1985 дата публикации

Способ выделения и очистки липидов тканей

Номер: SU1193157A1

СПОСОБ ВЫДЕЛЕНИЯ И ОЧИСТКИ ЛИПИДОВ ТКАНЕЙ путем гомогенизации ткани и экстракции из нее липидов смесью хлороформ-метанол с последующим отделением и очисткой целевого продукта, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения выхода липидов, гомогенизацию и экстракцию проводят в камере, содержащей ферромагнитные полидисперсные частицы размером 0,1-45 мм с порозностью слоя 0,750:0,985, в электромагнитном поле со степенью неоднородности 10 500 Э/см и частотой вращения 0,1 400 с-.

01-01-1954 дата публикации

Способ выделения масла из мятки

Номер: SU99384A1
Автор: Берг И.Е.

07-07-1983 дата публикации

Способ получения масла и сока из ягод облепихи

Номер: SU1027194A1

CnCJCOB ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ МАСЛА И СОКА ИЗ ЯГОД ОБЛЕПИХИ, включающий прессование ягод облепихи с получением сока с мякотью, разбавление последнего, водой, подслащивание сахаром в количестве 3-1О% от веса сока и выделение мякоти с маслом из сока, отличающийся тем, что, с целью ускорения процесса и улучшения качества получаемого сока и масла путем снижения их кислотности, выделение мякости с маслом из сока осуществляют в присутствии обезвоженного цеолитсодержащего туфа с диаметром вход; ных окон 3-5 А и размером частиц 2-8 мм при соотношении количества туфа и со .ка 1:5-20. (Л ...

15-01-1993 дата публикации

Способ переработки семян крестоцветных

Номер: SU1788007A1

Изобретение относится к масло-жировой промышленности. Сущность: в способе переработки семян крестоцветных, включающем обрушивание семян, отделение оболочки от ядра и извлечение из него масла, направленном на повышение качества масла и шрота, снижение потерь масла в производстве , отделяют от общей массы семян проход через сито диаметром 1,35-1,65 мм, крупные семена перед обрушиванием увлажняют до влажности 11-18%, выдерживают 9-32 ч, сушат в течение 12-16 мин при температуре теплоносителя 97-155°С, оболочку просеивают на сите диаметром не менее 1 мм, проход через сито присоединяют к ядру. 5 табл.

15-06-1991 дата публикации

Способ получения жира из подкожного сала ластоногих

Номер: SU1655970A1

Изобретение относится к масложировой промышленности, а именно к способам получения жира из подкожного сала ластоногих . Целью изобретения является повышение выхода и улучшение качества целевого продукта путем сохранения в нем содержания эйкозапентаеновой и докоза- гексаеновой жирных кислот. Способ предусматривает отделение сала от свежих непросоленных хоровин, измельчение сала на волчке с диаметром отверстий 3-5 мм, выделение жира-сыротока центрифугированием , нагрев выделенного жира до 50-60°С и его очистку от воды и белковых примесей сепарированием. 1 табл.

07-11-1990 дата публикации

Способ получения яичного масла

Номер: SU1604375A1

Изобретение относится к масло-жировой и биохимической отраслям промышленности, а именно к способам получения яичного масла. Целью изобретения является улучшение качества и повышение выхода целевого продукта. Способ предусматривает экстракцию яичного желтка ацетоном, охлажденным до температуры (-5)-(-15)°С, в токе азота, отделение твердой фазы от экстракта фильтрованием, отгонку растворителя, сепарирование масла для отделения воды и вакуумирование под давлением 1,33-2,66 КПа в пленочном режиме. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

04-06-1971 дата публикации

Способ переработки животного сырья

Номер: SU305615A3

21-06-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Behandeln von Ölsaatflocken vor der Ölgewinnung

Номер: DE0019858015A1

The invention relates to a method according to which the oil seed is reduced in size and shaped to flakes by rolling before the oil seed is subjected to oil extraction. The flakes are fed to a transporting mixer to which water vapor and/or water are simultaneously added. They are transported in the mixer towards the outlet of the mixer with a dwelling time of 5 to 50 seconds. The flakes are removed from the mixer at a moisture content of 8 to 20 wt.-% and at temperatures in the range of 90 to 110 DEG C. They are guided through a baking zone in which they are moved across heated floors at dwelling times of 15 to 50 minutes and at temperatures in the range of 90 to 110 DEG C. The flakes are removed from the baking zones with a residual humidity which is at least half the humidity content of the flakes upon entrance in the baking zone. The flakes are guided through a drying and cooling zone in which they are converted to granules which are then subjected to oil extraction.

23-09-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the production of oils, fats, oil-cake, oil-meal andthe like

Номер: GB0000435522A

Lupin seeds of high oil content, either those of the species lupinus mutabilis or lupinus Cruikshanksii or seeds of these or other species the oil content of which has been increased by selective cultivation, are used as a source of oils or fats. Preferably sporadically-occurring seeds of low alkaloid content are cultivated. The oils are extracted by pressure or solvents and the residues used as human or animal food.ALSO:Lupin seeds of high oil content either those of the species lupinus mutabilis or lupinus Cruikshanksii or seeds of these or other species, the oil content of which has been increased by selective cultivation, are used as a source of oils or fats, and the residues after extraction of oil by pressure or solvents are used as human or animal food. Preferably sporadically-occurring seeds of low alkaloid content are cultivated.ALSO:Lupin seeds of high oil content, either those of the species lupinus mutabilis or lupinus Cruikshanksii or seeds of these or other species, the oil ...

28-01-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for the extraction of oil from blubber and other oil-containing cellular tissues

Номер: GB0000235550A

... 235,550. Krupp Grusonwerk Akt.- Ges., F. June 10, 1924, [Convention date]. Fats and fatty oils, extracting by pressure. Oil is extracted cold from whale blubber or other oil-containing cellular tissues by the scraping action of a toothed or fluted roller rotated at a higher speed than the conveyer of the blubber. In the apparatus shown, strips of blubber arranged side by side in a conveyer 2 are fed on to a preferably toothed or fluted drum 3 and carried past a weighted guide 5, a rapidly rotated scraping roller 6, and rollers 8, 9 which press the strips to the drum 3 and force out the oil. The strips fall or are removed by a scraper or roller 11 on to a drum 12 rotated so t'hat the other side of the strips is scraped and pressed by rollers 15, 16. The strips are removed by a scra.per 17 to a receiver 18; the oil falls to receivers 10, 19. A device for carrying away oil may be fitted between the rollers 8, 9 or the roller 9 and drum 12. The pe-ripheral speed of the roller 6 is suitably ...

18-07-1939 дата публикации

Process for the artificial production of fats

Номер: GB0000509755A

... 509,755. Food preparations. BRANDT, K. Oct. 18, 1937, No. 28254. Convention date, Oct. 17, 1936. [Class 49] [Also in Group IV] Synthetic fats are produced by mixing carbohydrates with fresh animal albuminous pulp, the mixture being kept at or near the neutral point, and separating the fat formed. Putrefaction may be prevented by adding salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium chlorides, preferably a mixture in which sodium chloride predominates, and boric acid or its salts may also be added. Basic substances or buffers may be added to maintain neutrality. When the quantity of carbohydrate is a multiple of the quantity of albumen, ample air supply is favourable. The reaction temperature may be below 60‹ C., such as 30-40‹ C., the time being 4-5 days for this range. The fat produced may be separated by pressing, solvents, or by emulsification in water and centrifuging. The carbohydrates employed may be cane sugar, milk sugar, glucose, and, when the albuminous material contains ...

01-09-1954 дата публикации

An improved method for the degreasing of bones

Номер: GB0000714671A

... Pieces of bone are subjected to repeated intense impacts delivered through the medium of a liquid which is present in an amount at least three times the weight of the bone, whereby the membranes of the fat-containing cells are ruptured, none or substantially none of the pieces of bone being reduced to cell size or less, and the liberated fat is removed from the resulting mixture. Preferably the rough crushed bone in pieces 1in.-2in. in size is fed into a rapidly rotating hammer mill together with a weight of water, preferably cold, from 4.5 to 30 times that of the bone. The gratings of the mill are so adjusted to ensure that the bone is discharged (generally after not more than 10 seconds) before being crushed to cell size. The mixture discharged from the mill may be allowed to fall into cold water in a separating vessel, and the bone may be removed from the bottom of the vessel by means of a worm. The fat-water mixture which floats on top of the cold water in the separating ...

30-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008432058D0

10-09-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the separation and purification of animal oils

Номер: GB0000356680A

... A process for extracting oils from animal raw material consists in allowing the mass obtained by boiling or pressing the raw material to stand whereby the main part of the oil and solid matter separates from the glue water, and thereafter treating the glue water in a centrifuge before substantial fermentation has commenced, to yield a further quantity of oil. A suitable apparatus comprises a settling tank 6 having an oil outlet 8 leading to a reservoir 9, and a glue water outlet 11, which leads to a tank 13 heated by a steam coil 14. The tank 13 has an outlet 16 over a centrifuge 17, which consists of a pile of conical discs revolving within a bowl and having an inlet for the heated glue water, outlets 18, 19 for separated sludge and water, and an outlet 20 for the separated oil. The glue water before treatment in the tank 13 may be cooled to precipitate contained albumins. The oil separated in the tank 6 passes to the reservoir 9 where it is mixed with the recovered ...

28-10-1981 дата публикации

Process for obtaining corn oil from corn germs and corn oil thus obtained

Номер: GB0002074183A

A high quality corn oil is obtained by an aqueous extraction of corn germ. Conventional mechanical expression and use of an organic solvent to extract the oil is eliminated by this process.

10-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002084172B
Принадлежит: ROUSSEL UCLAF

27-09-1918 дата публикации

Process of and Apparatus for Separating Solids from Liquids.

Номер: GB0000119288A

... 119,288. Sharples, P. T. Sept. 27, 1917. Density separators.-A composition having constituents of different specific gravities is mixed with a carrier liquid heavier than at least one of the said constituents and subjected to centrifugal action to separate the constituents. In a particular example, the lighter constituent is first separated from the remainder of the mixture, which may be further subjected to centrifugal action to separate the carrier liquid, which is heavier than either constituent, from the heavier constituent. The carrier liquid may be returned to the apparatus and used repeatedly. Fig. 1 shows an apparatus for the process described. The composition is introduced 'by a pipe 4 and the carrier liquid by a pipe 6 to the 'bowl 2, in which separation takes place by the centrifugal force as the mixture rises. The carrier liquid and the solid matter pass outside the disk 10 and sleeve 11 to the chamber 11' and the lighter liquid passes through the sleeve 11 to the outlet 14 ...

20-09-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the extraction of cashew nut-shell oil

Номер: GB0000472196A

... In apparatus for extracting oil from cashew nut shells in a tank 1 containing heated cashew nut oil, a movable scraper gear 5 is provided which contacts with practically the whole area of the bottom of the tank and carries the deposited sediment to a discharge outlet. The scraper gear comprises a series of endless belts, e.g. of flexible strip metal, provided with transverse blades 6 and running over sets of sprocket wheels 4. The dirt is carried to a sump or pit 7 provided with a discharge valve 10. The wheels 4 may be driven in conjunction with a device for feeding the nuts to the bath, in conjunction with a device which conveys the nuts through the bath as described in Specification 472,195, or independently, e.g. by a worm wheel 16 mounted on the shaft of one set of wheels 4. In a modification, the forward end of the lower run of the scraper gear passes up an inclined ramp located at the end of the tank, the dirt being pushed up the incline and over the upper edge ...

22-10-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to oil mills

Номер: GB0000803200A

... A mill for extracting oil from seeds, particularly for extracting gingelly or sesame oil from sesame seeds, comprises a rotatable bowl 24 and a co-operating rod 32 arranged to be urged against the inner surface of the bowl to be frictionally driven thereby, the upper end of the rod being urged laterally of the bowl by spring pressure. The spring pressure is transmitted to the rod 32 by means of a rod 54 having secured thereto a U-shaped member 61 provided with notches 64 detachably engaging journals 37 secured to a collar bearing 36 carried by the upper end of the rod 32. The rod 54 is slidingly mounted in a pair of end plates 48, 49, Fig. 2, secured together by tubes 45, a spring 52 being mounted between the plate 48 and a plate 50 which is movable to compress the spring by means of a sleeve 55 slidable upon the rod 54 and abutting a nut 57 integral with a hand wheel 59, carried by a screw-threaded portion 56 of the rod 54. The tubes 45 have secured ...

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508851D0

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Fuel processing

Номер: AP0200603677D0

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for obtaining a fuel from jatropha seeds that are rich in fat

Номер: AP2013006924A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008851A0

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Fuel processing

Номер: AP2006003677A0

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003714A

15-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003548A

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for fractionating jatropha seeds

Номер: AP2013006923A0

16-04-2003 дата публикации

Process and extraction plant of fish oil and products obtained

Номер: OA0000011129A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Process of treatment of organic matters for obtaining nutritive substances.

Номер: OA0000002522A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Device for the fibre and nut separation to the state of mixture.

Номер: OA0000002077A

29-02-1980 дата публикации

Process of extraction of the oil and fatty of oleaginous greases.

Номер: OA0000004401A

15-04-1994 дата публикации

“extracted vegetable endowed with properties analgesics”

Номер: OA0000009791A

31-01-1981 дата публикации

Process of extraction of the lawyer oil.

Номер: OA0000005131A

15-01-1966 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the processes of extraction of proteins and other useful components contained in vegetable fabrics.

Номер: OA0000000092A

30-08-1985 дата публикации

Process and device for the preparation of sesame seeds.

Номер: OA0000007705A

30-04-1980 дата публикации

Process and apparatus to extract from the oil of an organic matter containing it.

Номер: OA0000004551A

29-07-1988 дата публикации

Oleaginous seed oil extraction by ultrasounds.

Номер: OA0000008502A

20-11-1986 дата публикации

Process and device of oil extraction.

Номер: OA0000007856A

15-12-1970 дата публикации

Improvements with the palm oil separation.

Номер: OA0000003134A

31-10-1980 дата публикации

Process and apparatus to extract from oleaginous the fruit fruit oil in particular of palmires with oil.

Номер: OA0000004848A

30-03-1971 дата публикации

Process of oil extraction.

Номер: OA0000003590A

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for fractionating jatropha seeds

Номер: AP0201306923D0

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for obtaining a fuel from jatropha seeds that are rich in fat

Номер: AP0201306924D0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508851A0

31-08-2006 дата публикации

Fuel processing

Номер: AP0200603677A0

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for obtaining a fuel from jatropha seeds that are rich in fat

Номер: AP0201306924A0

30-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for fractionating jatropha seeds

Номер: AP0201306923A0

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1020078

Номер: US20120011604A1
Автор: James Behm

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1020078. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1020078. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1020078 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1020078 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023171

Номер: US20120011608A1
Автор: James Behm

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023171. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023171. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023171 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023171 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023199

Номер: US20120011609A1
Автор: Maqsood Rehman

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023199. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023199. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023199 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023199 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1022842

Номер: US20120017301A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1022842. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1022842. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1022842 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1022842 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024230

Номер: US20120017319A1
Автор: Roger Lussenden

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024230. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024230. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024230 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024230 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024231

Номер: US20120017320A1
Автор: Roger Lussenden

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024231. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024231. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024231 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024231 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023729

Номер: US20120030789A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023729. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023729. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023729 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023729 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023763

Номер: US20120030794A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023763. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023763. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023763 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023763 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023969

Номер: US20120030805A1
Автор: Thomas Floyd

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023969. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023969. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023969 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023969 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023981

Номер: US20120030806A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023981. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023981. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023981 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023981 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024092

Номер: US20120030811A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024092. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024092. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024092 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024092 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024640

Номер: US20120030822A1
Автор: Jesse Gilsinger

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024640. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024640. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024640 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024640 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024693

Номер: US20120030825A1
Автор: Dean Ulbrich, Thomas Floyd

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024693. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024693. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024693 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024693 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Cultivar 9531302

Номер: US20120054899A1
Автор: Dennis L. Schultze
Принадлежит: MERTEC LLC

A soybean cultivar designated 9531302 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar 9531302, to the plants of soybean 9531302, to plant parts of soybean cultivar 9531302, and to methods for producing a soybean plant produced by crossing soybean cultivar 9531302 with itself or with another soybean variety. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to soybean cultivars, or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean variety 9531302, to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar 9531302, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing the cultivar 9531302 with another soybean cultivar.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Cultivar 2472221658

Номер: US20120084875A1
Автор: William K. Rhodes
Принадлежит: Schillinger Genetics Inc

A soybean cultivar designated 2472221658 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar 2472221658, to the plants of soybean 2472221658, to plant parts of soybean cultivar 2472221658, and to methods for producing a soybean plant produced by crossing soybean cultivar 2472221658 with itself or with another soybean variety. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to soybean cultivars, or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean variety 2472221658, to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar 2472221658, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing the cultivar 2472221658 with another soybean cultivar.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Cultivar 2484721658

Номер: US20120084876A1
Автор: William K. Rhodes
Принадлежит: Schillinger Genetics Inc

A soybean cultivar designated 2484721658 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar 2484721658, to the plants of soybean 2484721658, to plant parts of soybean cultivar 2484721658, and to methods for producing a soybean plant produced by crossing soybean cultivar 2484721658 with itself or with another soybean variety. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to soybean cultivars, or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean variety 2484721658, to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar 2484721658, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing the cultivar 2484721658 with another soybean cultivar.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Cotton variety p07x.8212.rf

Номер: US20120110690A1
Принадлежит: Phytogen Seed Co LLC

A cotton variety, designated P07X.8212.RF, the plants and seeds of the cotton variety P07X.8212.RF, methods for producing a cotton plant, either varietal or hybrid, produced by crossing the cotton variety P07X.8212.RF with itself or with another cotton plant, and hybrid cotton seeds and plants produced by crossing the variety P07X.8212.RF with another cotton variety or plant and to methods for producing a cotton plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic cotton plants produced by that method. This disclosure also relates to cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P07X.8212.RF, to methods for producing other cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P07X.8212.RF, and to the varieties derived by the use of those methods.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Cotton variety p07x.8244.rf

Номер: US20120110691A1
Принадлежит: Phytogen Seed Co LLC

A cotton variety, designated P07X.8244.RF, the plants and seeds of the cotton variety P07X.8244.RF, methods for producing a cotton plant, either varietal or hybrid, produced by crossing the cotton variety P07X.8244.RF with itself or with another cotton plant, and hybrid cotton seeds and plants produced by crossing the variety P07X.8244.RF with another cotton variety or plant and to methods for producing a cotton plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic cotton plants produced by that method. This disclosure also relates to cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P07X.8244.RF, to methods for producing other cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P07X.8244.RF and to the varieties derived by the use of those methods.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch411439

Номер: US20120124689A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH411439. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH411439, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH411439 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH411439.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Pea cultivar fp2292

Номер: US20120198581A1
Автор: Paul Moser
Принадлежит: Agra Plus Inc

A novel pea cultivar designated FP2292 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of pea cultivar FP2292, to the plants of pea cultivar FP2292, and parts thereof, for example pollen, ovule, berry or pod. The invention also relates to methods for producing a pea plant by crossing the cultivar FP2292 with itself or another pea line. The invention further relates to methods for producing a pea plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic plants produced by that method and to methods for producing other pea lines derived from the pea cultivar FP2292.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Cotton Cultivar L-269

Номер: US20120227124A1
Автор: Georgios Spyrou

A cotton cultivar, designated L-269, is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of cotton cultivar L-269, to the plants of cotton L-269 and to methods for producing a cotton plant produced by crossing the cultivar L-269 with itself or another cotton variety. The invention further relates to hybrid cotton seeds and plants produced by crossing the cultivar L-269 with another cotton cultivar.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB06M11

Номер: US20120240251A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB06M11 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB06M11, cells from soybean variety XB06M11, plants of soybean XB06M11, and plant parts of soybean variety XB06M11. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB06M11 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB06M11, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB06M11, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB06M11. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB06M11 are further provided.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB07A11

Номер: US20120240252A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB07A11 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB07A11, cells from soybean variety XB07A11, plants of soybean XB07A11, and plant parts of soybean variety XB07A11. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB07A11 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB07A11, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB07A11, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB07A11. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB07A11 are further provided.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB25X11

Номер: US20120240280A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB25X11 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB25X11, cells from soybean variety XB25X11, plants of soybean XB25X11, and plant parts of soybean variety XB25X11. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB25X11 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB25X11, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB25X11, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB25X11. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB25X11 are further provided.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Soybean cultivar by0811143

Номер: US20120246752A1

The present invention is in the field of soybean variety BY0811143 breeding and development. The present invention particularly relates to the soybean variety BY0811143 and its progeny, and methods of making BY0811143.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch163712

Номер: US20120266297A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH163712. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH163712, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH163712 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH163712.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch934907

Номер: US20120266298A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH934907. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH934907, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH934907 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH934907.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv483519

Номер: US20120266317A1
Автор: Marvin L. Boerboom

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV483519. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV483519, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV483519 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV483519 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV483519.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv589900

Номер: US20120266318A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV589900. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV589900, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV589900 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV589900 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV589900.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv818609

Номер: US20120266321A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV818609. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV818609, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV818609 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV818609 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV818609.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch324145

Номер: US20120272358A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH324145. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH324145, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH324145 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH324145.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch533378

Номер: US20120272362A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH533378. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH533378, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH533378 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH533378.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch841046

Номер: US20120272366A1
Автор: Belgin Cukadar

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH841046. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH841046, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH841046 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH841046.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch822360

Номер: US20120272372A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH822360. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH822360, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH822360 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH822360.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv214305

Номер: US20120272395A1
Автор: David W. Peters

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV214305. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV214305, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV214305 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV214305 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV214305.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv547369

Номер: US20120272399A1
Автор: Kevin Cook, Shane Meis

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV547369. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV547369, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV547369 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV547369 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV547369.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch799431

Номер: US20120278921A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH799431. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH799431, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH799431 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH799431.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch247856

Номер: US20120278926A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH247856. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH247856, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH247856 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH247856.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv789457

Номер: US20120278936A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV789457. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV789457, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV789457 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV789457 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV789457.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of spring canola variety scv372145

Номер: US20120284811A1
Автор: Teresa Huskowska

In an embodiment, the invention relates to the seeds, plants, and plant parts of canola line SCV372145 and to methods for producing a canola plant produced by crossing canola line SCV372145 with itself or with another canola line. The invention also relates to methods for producing a canola plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic canola plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to canola lines or breeding lines and plant parts derived from canola line SCV372145, to methods for producing other canola lines, lines or plant parts derived from canola line SCV372145 and to the canola plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid canola seeds, plants and plant parts produced by crossing the line SCV372145 with another canola line.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch103769

Номер: US20120284823A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH103769. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH103769, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH103769 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH103769.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of hybrid corn variety ch843541

Номер: US20120284843A1

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH843541. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH843541, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH843541 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH843541.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv024124

Номер: US20120284864A1
Автор: Joel Roucolle

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV024124. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV024124, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV024124 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV024124 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV024124.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of corn variety cv177573

Номер: US20120284866A1
Автор: David W. Peters

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV177573. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV177573, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV177573 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV177573 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV177573.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Cowpea Cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull

Номер: US20120291150A1
Автор: William H. Davis
Принадлежит: WAX CO LLC

A cowpea cultivar designated Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull, to the plants of cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull, to plant parts of cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull and to methods for producing a cowpea plant produced by crossing cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull with itself or with another cowpea cultivar. The invention also relates to methods for producing a cowpea plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic cowpea plants and plant parts produced by those methods. This invention also relates to cowpea cultivars or breeding cultivars and plant parts derived from cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull, to methods for producing other cowpea cultivars, lines or plant parts derived from cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull and to the cowpea plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid cowpea seeds, plants and plant parts produced by crossing the cowpea cultivar Mississippi Pinkeye 2 Purplehull with another cowpea cultivar.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1023512

Номер: US20130019329A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1023512. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1023512. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1023512 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1023512 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024188

Номер: US20130019331A1
Автор: Heinrich S. Wohleser

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024188. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024188. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024188 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024188 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Plants and seeds of common wheat cultivar sj909-369

Номер: US20130019333A1
Автор: Kim Clifford Shantz

A wheat cultivar, designated SJ909-369, is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds, plants, and hybrids of wheat cultivar SJ909-369, and to methods for producing a wheat plant produced by crossing plants from wheat cultivar SJ909-369 with themselves or with plants from another wheat variety. The invention also relates to methods for producing a wheat plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic wheat plants and plant parts produced by those methods. The invention also relates to wheat varieties or breeding varieties and plant parts derived from wheat cultivar SJ909-369, to methods for producing other wheat varieties, lines or plant parts derived from wheat cultivar SJ909-369, and to the wheat plants, varieties, and their parts derived from the use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid wheat seeds and plants produced by crossing wheat cultivar SJ909-369 with another wheat cultivar.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024299

Номер: US20130024964A1
Автор: Thomas Jury

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024299. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024299. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024299 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024299 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1024328

Номер: US20130024967A1
Автор: Maqsood Rehman

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1024328. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1024328. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1024328 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1024328 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1025934

Номер: US20130024968A1
Автор: Heinrich S. Wohleser

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1025934. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1025934. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1025934 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1025934 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1025937

Номер: US20130024969A1
Автор: Heinrich S. Wohleser

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1025937. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1025937. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1025937 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1025937 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1025947

Номер: US20130024970A1
Автор: Heinrich S. Wohleser

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1025947. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1025947. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1025947 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1025947 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026010

Номер: US20130024977A1
Автор: Roger Lussenden

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026010. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026010. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026010 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026010 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Variety Corn Line NPFX6247

Номер: US20130024988A1
Автор: Jason Cromley

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated NPFX6247, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line NPFX6247 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line NPFX6247, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line NPFX6247, and plants produced according to these methods.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Variety Corn Line NPIC3821

Номер: US20130024989A1
Автор: Scott Kelly

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated NPIC3821, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line NPIC3821 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line NPIC3821, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line NPIC3821, and plants produced according to these methods.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026056

Номер: US20130031651A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026056. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026056. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026056 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026056 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026091

Номер: US20130031653A1
Автор: Roger Lussenden

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026091. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026091. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026091 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026091 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety s100303

Номер: US20130031657A1
Автор: Nancy Sebern

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated S100303. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety S100303. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety S100303 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety S100303 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety d2011910

Номер: US20130031662A1
Автор: Thomas L. Floyd

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated D2011910. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety D2011910. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety D2011910 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety D2011910 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety d2011909

Номер: US20130036488A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated D2011909. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety D2011909. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety D2011909 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety D2011909 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026344

Номер: US20130036502A1
Автор: Maqsood Rehman

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026344. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026344. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026344 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026344 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026366

Номер: US20130036512A1
Автор: Jennifer L. Yates

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026366. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026366. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026366 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026366 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026436

Номер: US20130036514A1
Автор: Floyd Hancock

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026436. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026436. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026436 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026436 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026484

Номер: US20130042343A1
Автор: Jesse Gilsinger

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026484. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026484. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026484 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026484 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026577

Номер: US20130042353A1
Автор: Jesse Gilsinger

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026577. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026577. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026577 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026577 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026631

Номер: US20130042360A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026631. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026631. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026631 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026631 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety d2011901

Номер: US20130042364A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated D2011901. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety D2011901. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety D2011901 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety D2011901 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026305

Номер: US20130047276A1
Автор: Thomas L. Floyd

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026305. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026305. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026305 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026305 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety d2011903

Номер: US20130047278A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated D2011903. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety D2011903. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety D2011903 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety D2011903 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Soybean variety a1026857

Номер: US20130055447A1

The invention relates to the soybean variety designated A1026857. Provided by the invention are the seeds, plants and derivatives of the soybean variety A1026857. Also provided by the invention are tissue cultures of the soybean variety A1026857 and the plants regenerated therefrom. Still further provided by the invention are methods for producing soybean plants by crossing the soybean variety A1026857 with itself or another soybean variety and plants produced by such methods.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Soybean cultivar s100289

Номер: US20130074207A1
Автор: Justin T. Mason
Принадлежит: MS Technologies LLC

A soybean cultivar designated S100289 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar S100289, to the plants of soybean cultivar S100289, to the plant parts of soybean cultivar S100289, and to methods for producing progeny of soybean cultivar S100289. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. The invention also relates to soybean cultivars or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean cultivar S100289. The invention also relates to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines, or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar S100289, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing cultivar S100289 with another soybean cultivar.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074223A1

The invention relates to a cucumber () plant, which has the same genetic trait that causes an improved shelf life as found in plants and fruits grown from seeds of cucumber EX5003 representative seeds of which were deposited under NCIMB accession number 41716. The fruits of the cucumber plant have an improved shelf life as compared to the fruits of a control plant that have a normal shelf life, and the plant producing these fruits is obtainable by crossing a cucumber plant with a plant grown from seeds of cucumber EX5003 representative seeds of which were deposited with the NCIMB under NCIMB accession number 41716 and selecting in the F1 progeny of the cross for plants showing an improved shelf life. The invention further relates to progeny and seeds of the plant, to the fruits and to propagation material. 1Cucumis sativus. A cucumber () plant which has the improved shelf life as found in plants and fruits grown from seeds of cucumber EX5003 , representative seeds of which were deposited under NCIMB accession number 41716.2. A cucumber plant as claimed in claim 1 , the fruits of which have an improved shelf life as compared to the fruits of a control plant that have a normal shelf life claim 1 , and which plant is obtainable by crossing a cucumber plant with a plant grown from seeds of cucumber EX5003 claim 1 , representative seeds of which were deposited with the NCIMB under NCIMB accession number 41716 and selecting in the F1 progeny of the cross for plants showing an improved shelf life.3. A cucumber plant as claimed in claim 1 , the fruits of which have an improved shelf life as compared to the fruits of a control plant that have a normal shelf life claim 1 , and which plant is obtainable by crossing a cucumber plant with a plant grown from seeds of cucumber EX5003 claim 1 , representative seeds of which were deposited with the NCIMB under NCIMB accession number 41716 and selecting in the F2 progeny of the cross that is obtained after crossing the F1 with itself ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Lolium Multiflorum Line Inducing Genome Loss

Номер: US20130097736A1
Автор: Kindiger Bryan K.

Dihaploid homozygous species may be produced by interspecific hybridization of with novel ryegrass, , lines, that induce genome loss. Plants that are dihaploid homozygous and amphidiploids are also produced. 1Lolium multiflorumLoliumFestucaFestucaFestucaFestucaLolium. A diploid plant or parts thereof which segregates for levels of pollen sterility and where upon using the as the maternal parent in an interspecific hybridization with a species , being utilized as the paternal parent , confers to the resultant sterile F1 interspecific hybrids the ability to produce some seed via parthenogenesis that also possess a viable embryo , wherein said seeds which possess a viable embryo , may develop into F2 generation plants at least some of which are dihaploid homozygous species comprising a karyotype exhibiting a balanced genome of chromosomes equivalent to the chromosome number of said paternal parent and no chromosomes.2Lolium multiflorum. The diploid line of selected from the group consisting of IL-1 claim 1 , deposited as ATCC deposit accession no. PTA-10229 claim 1 , and progeny thereof.3Lolium multiflorum. The diploid line of selected from the group consisting of IL-2 claim 1 , deposited as ATCC deposit accession no. PTA-10315 claim 1 , and progeny thereof.4Lolium multiflorumFestucaFestucaFestucaTall Fescue, Festuca arundinaceae.. The diploid line of wherein said seed that possess a viable embryo develops into F2 generation plants at least some of which are dihaploid homozygous species comprising a karyotype of 42 chromosomes when said species paternal parent is5Lolium multiflorum. Seed of said diploid line of .6Lolium multiflorum. An ovule of said diploid line of .7Lolium multiflorum. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of said diploid line of .829-. (canceled) This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 1.19(e) of U.S. provisional 61/101,218, filed Sep. 30, 2008, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.1. Field of the InventionThis ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Soybean cultivar s090089

Номер: US20130111624A1
Автор: Justin T. Mason
Принадлежит: MS Technologies LLC

A soybean cultivar designated S090089 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar S090089, to the plants of soybean cultivar S090089, to the plant parts of soybean cultivar S090089, and to methods for producing progeny of soybean cultivar S090089. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. The invention also relates to soybean cultivars or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean cultivar S090089. The invention also relates to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines, or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar S090089, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing cultivar S090089 with another soybean cultivar.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131364A1
Автор: Boele Hendrik Arie

Method for isolating biomass from an aqueous medium comprising cellular material comprising the steps of: 1) providing an aqueous medium comprising cellular materialalgae; followed by 2) subjecting the cellular materialalgae in said aqueous medium to lysis, whereby a lipid fraction comprising algal lipids and a solids fraction comprising algal solid material are formed, which fractions are dispersed in said aqueous medium; 3) separating at least part of said lipid fraction from the aqueous medium; 4) separating at least part of said solids fraction from the aqueous medium; wherein steps 3) and 4), and preferably also step 2), are performed in a single apparatus. The method is particularly suitable for isolating lipids from algae. 1. Method for isolating cellular material , in particular cellular material originating from algal biomass , i.e. material of biological origin that comprises cells having a cell wall and cell contents , in particular algal biomass from an aqueous medium comprising cellular material , in particular algae , comprising the steps of:1) providing said aqueous medium comprising cellular material; followed by2) subjecting the cellular material in said aqueous medium to lysis, whereby a first fraction comprising liquids and a second fraction comprising solid material are formed, which fractions are dispersed in said aqueous medium;3) separating at least part of said liquid fraction from the aqueous medium;4) separating at least part of said solids fraction from the aqueous medium;wherein steps 3) and 4), and also step 2), are performed in a single mechanical apparatus, which apparatus comprises a centrifugal separator and further comprises a lysis device arranged upstream of the centrifugal separator.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous medium is concentrated before lysing the cellular material.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous medium comprising cellular material is a substantially ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Canola cultivar g069467

Номер: US20130133097A1
Принадлежит: Agrigenetics Inc

The present invention relates to a new and distinctive canola, designated G069467. Also included are seeds of canola G069467, to the plants, or plant parts, of canola G069467 and to methods for producing a canola plant produced by crossing the canola G069467 with itself or another canola genotype, and the creation of variants by mutagenesis or transformation of canola G069467.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Cotton Variety FM 2011GT

Номер: US20130145491A1
Принадлежит: David Becker, Margaret Shields

The cotton variety FM 2011GT is disclosed. The invention relates to seeds, plants, plant cells, plant tissue, harvested products and cotton lint as well as to hybrid cotton plants and seeds obtained by repeatedly crossing plants of variety FM 2011GT with other plants. The invention also relates to plants and varieties produced by the method of essential derivation from plants of FM 2011GT and to plants of FM 2011GT reproduced by vegetative methods, including but not limited to tissue culture of regenerable cells or tissue from FM 2011GT.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of Increasing Resistance Against Fungal Infection in Transgenic Plants by HCP-2-Gene

Номер: US20130152228A1
Автор: Schultheiss Holger
Принадлежит: BASF Plant Science Company GmbH

The present invention relates to a method of increasing resistance against fungal infection in transgenic plants and/or plant cells. In these plants, the content and/or the activity of a HCP-2-protein are increased in comparison to the wild-type plants not including a recombinant HCP-2-gene. 1. A method for increasing fungal resistance in a plant and/or plant cell , wherein the comprising increasing content and/or activity of at least one HCP-2-protein is increased in a plant or plant cell in comparison to a wild type plant and/or wild type plant cell.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the HCP-2 protein is encoded by(i) a recombinant nucleic acid having at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 98% or 100% sequence identity with SEQ ID NO: 1, a functional fragment thereof, and/or a recombinant nucleic acid capable of hybridizing with said nucleic acid, or(ii) a nucleic acid encoding a protein having at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 98% or 100% sequence identity with SEQ ID NO: 2, a functional fragment thereof, or an orthologue and/or a paralogue thereof3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising: (i) a recombinant nucleic acid having at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 98% or 100% sequence identity with SEQ ID NO: 1, a functional fragment thereof, or a recombinant nucleic acid capable of hybridizing with said nucleic acid, or', '(ii) a recombinant nucleic acid coding for a protein having at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, at least 90%, at least 95%, at least 98% or 100% sequence identity with SEQ ID NO: 2, a functional fragment thereof, or an orthologue or a paralogue thereof,', 'in functional linkage with a promoter;, '(a) stably transforming a plant cell with an expression cassette comprising(b) regenerating a plant from the plant cell; and optionally(c) expressing said recombinant nucleic acid which codes for a HCP-2 ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160168A1

The invention provides a method for devitalizing plant seed, the method comprising the steps of hydrating a viable whole plant seed and freezing the hydrated whole plant seed. The invention further provides a collection of devitalized whole plant seed wherein the integrity of genomic DNA and protein within the devitalized plant seed is preserved. 1. A method for devitalizing plant seed , the method comprising the steps of:a) hydrating a viable whole plant seed; and,b) freezing the hydrated whole plant seed.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of freeze drying the frozen whole plant seed.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viable whole plant seed is hydrated by contacting the seed with an aqueous solution.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the aqueous solution is deionized water.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrated whole plant seed is frozen by contacting the seed with a liquid cryogen.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the frozen whole plant seed is freeze dried by lyophilization.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the integrity of genomic DNA and protein within the devitalized plant seed is preserved.8. The method of wherein the viable whole plant seed is viable whole com or cotton seed.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a bulk sample of viable whole plant seed is devitalized.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viable whole plant seed are not autoclaved or subjected to an inert gas and heat of at least 40 oc.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein freezing the hydrated whole plant seed comprises freezing the frozen whole plant seed at a temperature between 0 octo-20 oc.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein freezing the hydrated whole plant seed comprises freezing the frozen whole plant seed in a period of time of two hours or less.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein freezing the hydrated whole plant seed comprises freezing the frozen whole plant seed with cold air.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein freezing the hydrated whole plant ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Bean variety rs 08061275

Номер: US20130174291A1
Автор: Arie Oppelaar
Принадлежит: Seminis Vegetable Seeds Inc

The invention provides seed and plants of the bean line designated RS 08061275. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of bean line RS 08061275, and to methods for producing a bean plant produced by crossing a plant of bean line RS 08061275 with itself or with another bean plant, such as a plant of another line. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of a plant of bean line RS 08061275, including the pods and gametes of such plants.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174298A1
Принадлежит: CERES, INC.

Methods and materials for modulating heat and/or drought tolerance in plants are disclosed. For example, nucleic acids encoding heat and/or drought-tolerance polypeptides are disclosed as well as methods for using such nucleic acids to transform plant cells. Also disclosed are plants having increased heat and/or drought tolerance and plant products produced from plants having increased heat and/or drought tolerance. 1. A method of producing a plant , said method comprising growing a plant cell comprising an exogenous nucleic acid , said exogenous nucleic acid comprising a regulatory region operably linked to a nucleotide sequence encoding a polypeptide having 80 percent or greater sequence identity to an amino acid sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 45 , 47 , 49 , 51 , 53 , 55 , 57 , 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 73 , 74 , 76 , 78 , 80 , 82 , 84 , 86 , 88 , 90 , 92 , 94 , 96 , 98 , 100 , 102 , 104 , 106 , 108 , 110 , 112 , 114 , 116 , 118 , 120 , 122 , 124 , 126 , 127 , 130 , 132 , 134 , 136 , 138 , 139 , 142 , 144 , 146 , 148 , 150 , 152 , 154 , 156 , 158 , 160 , 162 , 164 , 166 , 168 , 170 , 172 , 174 , 176 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 182 , 184 , 186 , 188 , 190 , 192 , 194 , 196 , 198 , 200 , 202 , 204 , 206 , 208 , 209 , 212 , 214 , 216 , 218 , 220 , 222 , 224 , 225 , 228 , 229 , 231 , 233 , 234 , 235 , 237 , 239 , 240 , 242 , 244 , 246 , 248 , 250 , 252 , 253 , 254 , 256 , 258 , 260 , 262 , 264 , 266 , 268 , 269 , 271 , 273 , 275 , 277 , 279 , 280 , 282 , 284 , 286 , 288 , 289 , 290 , 291 , 292 , 293 , 294 , 295 , 296 , 297 , 298 , 299 , 300 , 301 , 302 , 303 , 304 , 305 , 307 , 309 , 311 , 312 , 314 , 315 , 316 , 317 , 319 , 320 , 321 , 322 , 323 , 325 , 326 , 327 , 329 , 330 , 332 , 334 , 335 , 336 , 337 , 338 , 339 , 340 , 341 , 343 , 344 , 346 , 348 , 349 , 350 , 351 , 353 , 355 , 356 , 358 , 360 , 362 ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180004A1
Принадлежит: Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc.

The invention provides seed and plants of sweet corn hybrid EX 08745857 R and the parent lines thereof. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of sweet corn hybrid EX 08745857 R and the parent lines thereof, and to methods for producing a sweet corn plant produced by crossing such plants with themselves or with another sweet corn plant, such as a plant of another genotype. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of such plants, including the parts of such plants. 1. A seed of sweet corn line SHW 084-5044 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-______.2. A plant of sweet corn line SHW 084-5044 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-______.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , wherein said part is selected from the group consisting of an ear claim 3 , ovule claim 3 , pollen or cell.5. A sweet corn plant claim 2 , or a part thereof claim 2 , having all the physiological and morphological characteristics of the sweet corn plant of .6. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of sweet corn line SHW 084-5044 claim 2 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-______.7. The tissue culture according to claim 6 , comprising cells or protoplasts from a plant part selected from the group consisting of leaf claim 6 , pollen claim 6 , embryo claim 6 , root claim 6 , root tip claim 6 , anther claim 6 , silk claim 6 , tassel claim 6 , kernel claim 6 , ear claim 6 , cob claim 6 , husk claim 6 , stalk and meristem.8. A sweet corn plant regenerated from the tissue culture of claim 6 , wherein the regenerated plant expresses all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of sweet corn line SHW 084-5044 claim 6 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-______.9. A method ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180015A1

The invention overcomes the deficiencies of the prior art by providing methods for marker assisted selection to create plants of a soybean variety that exhibit a mid/low linolenic acid content with a commercially significant yield and an agronomically elite phenotype. The invention also provides derivatives and plant parts of these plants. Further provided by the invention are methods for the use of these plants. The invention is significant in that oil with decreased linolenic acid exhibits numerous beneficial characteristics yet prior art varieties with decreased linolenic acid also exhibited decreased yield and poor agronomic quality. 137-. (canceled)38. A plant of an agronomically elite soybean variety having a commercially significant yield and a mid/low-linolenic acid content , comprising at least a first Fad3-1c allele which confers decreased linolenic acid content , wherein the Fad3-1c allele comprises:a) a single nucleotide polymorphism at a position in the Fad3-1c gene sequence corresponding to nucleotide 687, 1129, 1203, 2316, 3292, 3360 or 3743 of SEQ ID NO:2; orb) a deletion of a sequence in the Fad3-1c gene sequence corresponding only to nucleotides 1129-1203 of SEQ ID NO:2; orc) a single nucleotide polymorphism at a position in the Fad3-1c promoter corresponding to nucleotide 334, 364, 385, 387, 393, 729 or 747 of SEQ ID NO:3.39. A plant part of the plant of .40. The plant part of claim 39 , further defined as pollen claim 39 , an ovule claim 39 , a meristem or a cell.41. A seed of the plant of .42. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of the plant of claim 38 , wherein the tissue culture regenerates soybean plants expressing the physiological and morphological characteristics of the plant of .43. The tissue culture of claim 42 , wherein the regenerable cells are embryos claim 42 , meristematic cells claim 42 , pollen claim 42 , leaves claim 42 , roots claim 42 , root tips or flowers.446. A soybean plant regenerated from the tissue culture of claim ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196048A1
Принадлежит: Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc.

The invention provides seed and plants of broccoli hybrid RX 05990035 and the parent lines thereof. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of broccoli hybrid RX 05990035 and the parent lines thereof, and to methods for producing a broccoli plant produced by crossing such plants with themselves or with another broccoli plant, such as a plant of another genotype. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of such plants. 1. A seed of broccoli line BRM-53-5943SI , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12484.2. A plant of broccoli line BRM-53-5943SI , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12484.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , wherein said part is selected from the group consisting of a leaf claim 3 , an ovule claim 3 , a floret claim 3 , pollen claim 3 , a head claim 3 , or a cell.5. A broccoli plant claim 2 , or a part thereof claim 2 , having all the physiological and morphological characteristics of the broccoli plant of .6. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of broccoli line BRM-53-5943SI claim 2 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12484.7. The tissue culture according to claim 6 , comprising cells or protoplasts from a plant part selected from the group consisting of embryos claim 6 , meristems claim 6 , cotyledons claim 6 , pollen claim 6 , leaves claim 6 , anthers claim 6 , roots claim 6 , root tips claim 6 , pistil claim 6 , flower claim 6 , seed and stalks.8. A broccoli plant regenerated from the tissue culture of claim 6 , wherein the regenerated plant expresses all of the physiological and morphological characteristics of broccoli line BRM-53-5943SI claim 6 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12484.9. A method of producing seed claim 2 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130198893A1

Methods for producing homozygous plants, seeds, and plant cells are provided. Also provided are methods of transformation. 1maize. A method of transforming a somatic cell of an isolated haploid embryo with a polynucleotide of interest and treating the transformed cell with a chromosome doubling agent.2. (canceled)3. The method of further comprising providing a growth stimulation protein.4. The method of wherein the growth stimulation protein is RepA or Le1.5maize. The method of wherein the haploid embryo is produced by crossing a selected female parent with a male inducer line.6. The method of wherein the inducer line contains a scorable marker gene operably linked to an embryo-preferred promoter.7. The method of further comprising regenerating a homozygous plant from the homozygous plant cell.814-. (canceled)15maize. A method of producing a stably transformed double haploid plant comprising:{'i': maize', 'maize, 'a) pollinating a plant with pollen from a haploid inducer line, wherein said haploid inducer line comprises a marker gene that is expressed in embryos at the early developmental stage,'}{'i': 'maize', 'claim-text': {'i': maize', 'maize', 'maize', 'maize, 'i. one or more kernels resulting from step (a) are identified as containing marker negative embryos, thus identifying haploid embryos, and said haploid embryos are isolated from the kernels; or'}, 'b) obtaining embryos that are haploid, wherein{'i': maize', 'maize', 'maize, 'ii. isolating embryos from kernels resulting from step (a) and identifying marker negative embryos, thus identifying haploid embryos,'}{'i': maize', 'maize, 'c) stably transforming a cell of a haploid embryo obtained in (b) with a polynucleotide of interest to form a transformed cell,'}{'i': 'maize', 'd) growing transformed callus from the transformed cell,'}{'i': 'maize', 'e) treating the transformed callus with a chromosome doubling agent to produce a stably transformed double haploid cell, and'}{'i': 'maize', 'f) regenerating said ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Variety corn line lfx6244

Номер: US20130227728A1
Автор: Benjamin Aaron Ford

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated LFX6244, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line LFX6244 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line LFX6244, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line LFX6244, and plants produced according to these methods.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227737A1
Автор: Prest Thomas Joseph

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated KIJ7023, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line KIJ7023 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line KIJ7023, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line KIJ7023, and plants produced according to these methods. 1. A seed of the maize plant KIJ7023 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13470.2. A maize plant KIJ7023 , a representative seed sample of said KIJ7023 plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13470.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , wherein said part is a pollen grain claim 3 , a silk claim 3 , a protoplast claim 3 , a cell claim 3 , a tassel claim 3 , an anther or an ovule.5. A maize seed produced on the plant of .6. A process for producing maize seed claim 2 , said process comprising crossing a plant of maize inbred line KIJ7023 according to with a different maize plant.7. A maize plant or plant part produced by growing the maize seed of .8. An F1 hybrid maize seed comprising a maize plant cell of the maize plant KIJ7023 according to claim 2 , representative seed sample of said plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13470.9. A method for producing maize seed comprising growing the plant of until seed is produced claim 7 , harvesting the seed claim 7 , wherein the harvested seed is inbred or hybrid or haploid seed.10. A seed produced by the method of .11. A process of introducing a heritable trait into maize plant KIJ7023 comprising: (a) crossing KIJ7023 plants grown from KIJ7023 seed claim 9 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13470 claim 9 , with plants of another maize plant that comprise a desired trait to produce hybrid progeny plants claim 9 , (b) selecting hybrid progeny plants that have the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227738A1
Автор: HILE Glenn Cornell

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated FF6224, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line FF6224 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line FF6224, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line FF6224, and plants produced according to these methods. 1. A seed of the maize plant FF6224 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13465.2. A maize plant FF6224 , a representative seed sample of said FF6224 plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13465.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , wherein said part is a pollen grain claim 3 , a silk claim 3 , a protoplast claim 3 , a cell claim 3 , a tassel claim 3 , an anther or an ovule.5. A maize seed produced on the plant of .6. A process for producing maize seed claim 2 , said process comprising crossing a plant of maize inbred line FF6224 according to with a different maize plant.7. A maize plant or plant part produced by growing the maize seed of .8. An F1 hybrid maize seed comprising a maize plant cell of the maize plant FF6224 according to claim 2 , representative seed sample of said plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13465.9. A method for producing maize seed comprising growing the plant of until seed is produced claim 7 , harvesting the seed claim 7 , wherein the harvested seed is inbred or hybrid or haploid seed.10. A seed produced by the method of .11. A process of introducing a heritable trait into maize plant FF6224 comprising: (a) crossing FF6224 plants grown from FF6224 seed claim 9 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13465 claim 9 , with plants of another maize plant that comprise a desired trait to produce hybrid progeny plants claim 9 , (b) selecting hybrid progeny plants that have the desired trait ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227739A1
Автор: Delzer Brent

The present invention provides an inbred corn line designated IID3528, methods for producing a corn plant by crossing plants of the inbred line IID3528 with plants of another corn plant. The invention further encompasses all parts of inbred corn line IID3528, including culturable cells. Additionally provided herein are methods for introducing transgenes into inbred corn line IID3528, and plants produced according to these methods. 1. A seed of the maize plant IID3528 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13469.2. A maize plant IID3528 , a representative seed sample of said IID3528 plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13469.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , wherein said part is a pollen grain claim 3 , a silk claim 3 , a protoplast claim 3 , a cell claim 3 , a tassel claim 3 , an anther or an ovule.5. A maize seed produced on the plant of .6. A process for producing maize seed claim 2 , said process comprising crossing a plant of maize inbred line IID3528 according to with a different maize plant.7. A maize plant or plant part produced by growing the maize seed of .8. An F1 hybrid maize seed comprising a maize plant cell of the maize plant IID3528 according to claim 2 , representative seed sample of said plant having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13469.9. A method for producing maize seed comprising growing the plant of until seed is produced claim 7 , harvesting the seed claim 7 , wherein the harvested seed is inbred or hybrid or haploid seed.10. A seed produced by the method of .11. A process of introducing a heritable trait into maize plant IID3528 comprising: (a) crossing IID3528 plants grown from IID3528 seed claim 9 , representative seed sample deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-13469 claim 9 , with plants of another maize plant that comprise a desired trait to produce hybrid progeny plants claim 9 , (b) selecting hybrid progeny plants that have the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB004B12

Номер: US20130232592A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB004B12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB004B12, cells from soybean variety XB004B12, plants of soybean XB004B12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB004B12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB004B12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB004B12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB004B12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB004B12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB004B12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB00R12

Номер: US20130232596A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB00R12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB00R12, cells from soybean variety XB00R12, plants of soybean XB00R12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB00R12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB00R12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB00R12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB00R12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB00R12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB00R12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB04A12

Номер: US20130232597A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB04A12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB04A12, cells from soybean variety XB04A12, plants of soybean XB04A12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB04A12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB04A12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB04A12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB04A12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB04A12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB04A12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB13R12

Номер: US20130232602A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB13R12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB13R12, cells from soybean variety XB13R12, plants of soybean XB13R12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB13R12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB13R12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB13R12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB13R12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB13R12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB13R12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB21F12

Номер: US20130232617A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB21F12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB21F12, cells from soybean variety XB21F12, plants of soybean XB21F12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB21F12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB21F12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB21F12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB21F12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB21F12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB21F12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB27X12

Номер: US20130232619A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB27X12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB27X12, cells from soybean variety XB27X12, plants of soybean XB27X12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB27X12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB27X12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB27X12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB27X12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB27X12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB27X12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety XB25G12

Номер: US20130232628A1

A novel soybean variety, designated XB25G12 is provided. Also provided are the seeds of soybean variety XB25G12, cells from soybean variety XB25G12, plants of soybean XB25G12, and plant parts of soybean variety XB25G12. Methods provided include producing a soybean plant by crossing soybean variety XB25G12 with another soybean plant, methods for introgressing a transgenic trait, a mutant trait, and/or a native trait into soybean variety XB25G12, methods for producing other soybean varieties or plant parts derived from soybean variety XB25G12, and methods of characterizing soybean variety XB25G12. Soybean seed, cells, plants, germplasm, breeding lines, varieties, and plant parts produced by these methods and/or derived from soybean variety XB25G12 are further provided.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Soybean Variety S06-4649RR

Номер: US20130232637A1
Автор: Shannon James Grover

A novel soybean variety designated S06-4649RR is herein disclosed. This disclosure relates to the seeds of soybean variety S06-4649RR, to the plants of soybean S06-4649RR to plant parts of soybean variety S06-4649RR and to methods for producing a soybean plant produced by crossing plants of the soybean variety S06-4649RR with another soybean plant, using S06-4649RR as either the male or the female parent. 1. Soybean variety S06-4649RR , representative seed of said soybean variety S06-4649RR having been deposited under ATCC Patent Deposit Designation PTA-12641.2. A seed of the soybean variety of .3. The seed of claim 2 , further comprising a transgene.4. The seed of claim 3 , wherein the transgene confers a trait selected from the group consisting of male sterility claim 3 , site-specific recombination claim 3 , abiotic stress tolerance claim 3 , altered phosphorus claim 3 , altered antioxidants claim 3 , altered fatty acids claim 3 , altered essential amino acids claim 3 , altered carbohydrates claim 3 , herbicide resistance claim 3 , insect resistance and disease resistance.5. A soybean plant claim 2 , or a part thereof claim 2 , produced by growing the seed of .6. The plant of claim 5 , further comprising a transgene.7. The plant of claim 6 , wherein the transgene confers a trait selected from the group consisting of male sterility claim 6 , site-specific recombination claim 6 , abiotic stress tolerance claim 6 , altered phosphorus claim 6 , altered antioxidants claim 6 , altered fatty acids claim 6 , altered essential amino acids claim 6 , altered carbohydrates claim 6 , herbicide resistance claim 6 , insect resistance and disease resistance.8. A soybean plant claim 6 , or a part thereof claim 6 , expressing all the physiological and morphological characteristics of soybean variety S06-4649RR claim 6 , representative seed of said soybean variety S06-4649RR having been deposited under ATCC Patent Deposit Designation PTA 126419. A tissue culture produced from ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Inbred corn line bb93

Номер: US20130239243A1
Принадлежит: KWS SAAT SE and Co KGaA, Limagrain Europe SA

An inbred corn line, designated BB93, is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of inbred corn line BB93, to the plants and plant parts of inbred corn line BB93 and to methods for producing a corn plant, either inbred or hybrid, by crossing inbred corn line BB93 with itself or another corn line. The invention also relates to products produced from the seeds, plants, or parts thereof, of inbred corn line BB93 and/or of the hybrids produced using the inbred as a parent. The invention further relates to methods for producing a corn plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic plants produced by that method and to methods for producing other inbred corn lines derived from inbred corn line BB93.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Inbred corn line ml12

Номер: US20130239247A1
Автор: Steven H. Schuetz
Принадлежит: KWS SAAT SE and Co KGaA, Limagrain Europe SA

An inbred corn line, designated ML12, is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of inbred corn line ML12, to the plants and plant parts of inbred corn line ML12 and to methods for producing a corn plant, either inbred or hybrid, by crossing inbred corn line ML12 with itself or another corn line. The invention also relates to products produced from the seeds, plants, or parts thereof, of inbred corn line ML12 and/or of the hybrids produced using the inbred as a parent. The invention further relates to methods for producing a corn plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic plants produced by that method and to methods for producing other inbred corn lines derived from inbred corn line ML12.
