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10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326466C2

Изобретение относится к области термоэлектрического преобразования энергии. Сущность: термоэлектрический полупроводниковый материал имеет богатые Те фазы, тонко диспергированные в фазе сложного полупроводникового соединения. Направления протяженности грани С большинства кристаллических зерен ориентированы единообразно. Способ изготовления включает в себя приготовление смеси, состоящей из состава (Bi-Sb2)Te3 с добавленным к нему избытком Те, плавление смеси и кристаллизацию расплава на поверхности охлаждающего валка с окружной скоростью вращения 5 м/с или менее. Получают листообразный материал толщиной 30 мкм или более. Наслаивают листообразные термоэлектрические полупроводниковые материалы в направлении толщины, осуществляют их формование с уплотнением в пресс-форме. Получают формованное изделие и осуществляют пластическую деформацию формованного изделия таким образом, что усилие сдвига прикладывается в одноосевом направлении, приблизительно параллельном направлению наслаивания термоэлектрических ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411305C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в электротехническом оборудовании. Способ включает обработку контактных поверхностей для удаления окисной пленки, нагрев контактных поверхностей и нанесение металлического покрытия из галлиевого сплава локальным контактным плавлением. Удаление оксидной пленки осуществляют химической обработкой контактных поверхностей первым раствором травления с последующей его нейтрализацией и очисткой контактных поверхностей от результатов травления, затем проводят механическую очистку контактных поверхностей шлифованием, после которой осуществляют нагрев контактных поверхностей, нанесение металлического покрытия из галлиевого сплава в среде второго раствора травления и последующую нейтрализацию остатков второго раствора травления. Изобретение позволяет увеличить на 5-15% нагрузочную способность разборного электрического контактного соединения при передаче электрической энергии без изменения конструкции контактного соединения, при ...

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2230797C2
Принадлежит: ЭЛКЕМ АСА (NO)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, конкретно к способу измельчения зерна стали, в частности ферритных и аустенитных сталей, сплаву для измельчения зерна стали и способу получения сплава для измельчения зерна. В способе измельчающий зерно сплав, имеющий химический состав FeXY, где Х - один или несколько элементов, выбранных из группы, состоящей из Cr, Mn, Si, Ni и Мо, и где Y - один или несколько оксидообразующих, и/или сульфидообразующих, и/или нитридообразующих, и/или карбидообразующих элементов, выбранных из группы, состоящей из Се, La, Nd, Pr, Ti, Al, Zr, Ca, Ba, Sr, Mg, С и N, где Х составляет от 0,001 до 99 мас.% от массы сплава, а Y составляет от 0,001 до 50 мас.% от массы сплава. Причем упомянутый сплав дополнительно содержит от 0,001 до 2 мас.% кислорода и/или от 0,001 до 2 мас.% серы и, по меньшей мере, 103 частиц включений на мм3, состоящих из оксидов, и/или сульфидов, и/или карбидов, и/или нитридов одного или нескольких элементов Y и/или одного или нескольких элементов ...

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219274C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к получению сплавов, состав которых обеспечивает возможность поглощения и выделения водорода. В способе проводят не менее четырех переплавов с последующей скоростью кристаллизации слитка менее 0,6 мм/с, а заключительный переплав - с последующей скоростью кристаллизации слитка более 0,6 мм/с. Изобретение позволяет на стандартном оборудовании повысить производительность процесса получения сплавов на основе РЗМ в 2,5 раза и обеспечивает получение сплавов с высокими техническими характеристиками, стабильными свойствами для использования в качестве компонентов тепловых насосов, аккумуляторов водорода. 1 табл.

20-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2125111C1

Изобретение относится к сплавам на основе галлия. Сплав содержит галлий, индий и олово при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: галлий 67 - 92, индий 5 - 22, олово 3 - 11. Сплав может дополнительно содержать до 2 вес.% висмута и/или до 2 вес.% сурьмы и примеси свинца и/или цинка в количестве не более 0,0001 вес.%. Предлагаемый сплав можно использовать в качестве измерительной жидкости к термометрам или в качестве смазки, что расширяет его технологические возможности. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2060290C1

Использование: для получения магнитных сплавов, в частности сплава неодим-железо-бор, восстановлением щелочно-земельным металлом. Сущность: способ получения магнитных сплавов включает подготовку шихты из продуктов фторирования оксидов редкоземельных и переходного металла в элементарной форме, легирующих добавок, а также двух металлов в качестве восстановителя, одним из которых является щелочно-земельный металл, а вторым - алюминий, в количестве, стехиометрически необходимом для восстановления переходных металлов. Шихту послойно загружают в тигель, футерованный порошкообразным фторидом кальция, проводят инициируемую реакцию восстановления, отделение металла от шлака, измельчение и сепарацию шлака с частичным его возвратом на футеровку тигля при загрузке шихты двумя слоями. Нижний слой формируют преимущественно из продуктов фторирования оксидов редкоземельных металлов с кальцием или магнием, а верхний слой - из продуктов фторирования оксидов переходных металлов с алюминием и легирующими добавками ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2498889C1

Изобретение относится к пайке диффузионно-отверждающимся припоем на основе галлия и может быть использовано для получения неразъемных соединений разнородных материалов, в частности для низкотемпературной бесфлюсовой пайки металлов и керамики с металлами. Припой для бесфлюсовой пайки включает медь, галлий и олово. При этом он содержит медь с размером частиц 25-45 мкм и галлиево-оловянный сплав при определенном соотношении компонентов. Техническим результатом изобретения является получение припоя с низкой вязкостью и высокой скоростью затвердевания для бесфлюсовой пайки разнородных материалов. 4 ил.

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005137862A

... 1. Термоэлектрический полупроводниковый материал, изготовленный путем наслаивания и укладки имеющих форму пластин исходных термоэлектрических полупроводниковых материалов, выполненных из исходного сплава, имеющего заданный состав термоэлектрического полупроводника, с образованием слоистого тела; уплотнения и формования слоистого тела с образованием прессовки; приложения давления к прессовке в одноосевом направлении, которое перпендикулярно или почти перпендикулярно основному направлению наслаивания исходных термоэлектрических полупроводниковых материалов; и тем самым приложения усилия сдвига в одноосевом направлении, которое приблизительно параллельно основному направлению наслаивания исходных термоэлектрических полупроводниковых материалов; и пластической деформации прессовки. 2. Термоэлектрический полупроводниковый материал, имеющий фазовый состав, в который входит сложная смешанная полупроводниковая фаза, имеющая заданный стехиометрический состав термоэлектрического полупроводникового ...

20-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002113855A

Водородосорбирущий сплав для аккумулятора водорода и низкотемпературного компонента теплового насоса на основе интерметаллидных соединений редкоземельных элементов с никелем, включающий лантан и никель, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит мишметалл и кобальт и компоненты взяты в следующем соотношении в % по массе: Мишметалл (0,01-32,4); Лантан (0,01-32,1); Кобальт (13,6); Никель остальное.

10-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU96121596A
Автор: Урусова Б.И.

Получен магнитный сплав Ho1-xRrx при содержании празеодима до 1,2 ат.%, обладает рекордным значением индукции при низких температурах, отличающийся по сравнению со всеми известными магнитными материалами, включая и матрицу - гольмий. Это открывает возможность использовать этот сплав в электровакуумном, электронном, атомном, авиационном машиностроении, вычислительной технике, металлургической и многих других отрослях промышлености и народного хозяйства.

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Способ получения водородопоглотительных сплавов сложного состава

Номер: RU2002113856A

Способ получения водородопоглотительных сплавов сложного состава, включающий многократный переплав и кристаллизацию слитка в дуговых печах с охлаждаемой изложницей, отличающийся тем, что не менее четырех переплавов проводят с последующей скоростью кристаллизации слитка менее 0,6 мм/с, а заключительный переплав осуществляют с последующей скоростью кристаллизации слитка более 0,6 мм/с.

10-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU96121706A
Автор: Урусова Б.И.

Получен магнитный сплав Tb1-xSmx при содержании самария от 0,5 до 1,0 ат. %, обладает рекордным значением индукции при низких температурах, отличающийся по сравнению со всеми известными магнитными материалами, включая и матрицу - тербий. Это открывает возможность использовать этот сплав в электровакуумном, электронном, атомном, авиационном машиностроении, вычислительной технике, металлургической и многих других отрослях промышленности и народного хозяйства.

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94021086A

Сущность способа: получение сплавов методом металлотермического восстановления их галогенидов в атмосфере инертного газа при активном перемешивании в присутствии легирующих компонентов, причем в индукционной печи с тиглем, прозрачным для электромагнитного поля, производят раздельное расплавление металла-восстановителя и смеси легирующего компонента, восстанавливаемого соединения и флюсов, проводят реакцию восстановления в жидкой фазе, выдерживают в расплавленном состоянии при электромагнитном перемешивании 0,5-20 мин, кристаллизуют и охлаждают. Положительный эффект: способ менее энергоемок, более производителен и не требует специального перемешивающего устройства.

23-02-1990 дата публикации

Сплав на основе тербия

Номер: SU1544832A1

Изобретение относится к магнитострикционным сплавам на основе тербия, используемым в магнитостриционных преобразователях и двигателях малых перемещений, работающих при криогенных температурах. Целью изобретения является повышение магнитострикционной восприимчивости при криогенных температурах в магнитных полях 500-1500Э. Предложенный сплав на основе тербия содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%:гадолиний 5-7 тербий остальное. Магнитострикционная восприимчивость предложенного сплава на основе тербия составляет 180.10-8Э. 1 табл.

22-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0098919933T1

Verfahren zum Erzeugen eines homogenisierten, dreidimensionalen, integralen Gegenstandes durch bildweises Bestrahlen einer Dispersion, wobei die Dispersion Komponenten A und B enthält, mit den Schritten: a) Bereitstellen der die Komponenten A und B enthaltenden Dispersion; b) Formen der Dispersion in eine Schicht; c) Homogenisieren der Dispersion durch Anwenden einer bildweisen Bestrahlung, um eine Legierung der Komponenten A und B zu bilden; und d) Wiederholen der Schritte a) - c) durch Aufbringen jeder nachfolgenden Schicht der Dispersion auf die vorherige Schicht der Dispersion, sodass jeder neue homogenisierte Bereich zu dem vorherigen homogenisierten Bereich integral wird, um den homogenisierten, dreidimensionalen, integralen Gegenstand zu bilden.

29-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003111396A1

30-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002248839A1

10-04-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in the manufacture of cerium-magnesium alloys

Номер: GB0001109113A

Initiatory explosive compositions contain a finely divided cerium-magnesium alloy which has been rendered less susceptible to electrostatic ignition by mixing particles thereof with a solution of a cellulose ester and/or ether, separating the treated particles from the solution and drying them. The particles contain between 1/4 and 1% by weight of the cellulosic material. The treating solution may be carboxymethyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate/butyrate or nitrocellulose dissolved in water, benzene, petroleum ether, toluene, xylene, chloroform or butyl acetate.ALSO:Cerium-magnesium alloy particles are rendered less susceptible to electrostatic ignition by mixing the particles with a solution of a cellulose ester and/or ether, separating the treated particles from the solution and drying them. The particles contain between 1/4 and 1% by weight of the cellulosic material. The treating solution may be carboxymethyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose ...

27-07-1933 дата публикации

Light metal alloy, its use and process for its manufacture

Номер: GB0000395989A

A light alloy consists of 80-90 per cent of barium and 10-20 per cent of aluminium, and may be made by the thermo-aluminic reduction of barium oxide, the reduced barium alloying with the excess of aluminium. The alloy may be used in discharge tubes for the removal of residual gases and for the activation of cathodes.

15-09-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to germanium dry rectifiers and detectors

Номер: GB0000643200A

Germanium dry rectifiers or detectors are manufactured by heating germanium dioxide in a reducing atmosphere to a temperature lower than the volatilising temperature of germanium monoxide, e.g., at 600 DEG C for one hour, until reduced, powdered germanium is obtained, then heating the germanium in the presence of one or more of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth to obtain an alloy of which the added element or elements forms less than 1 per cent and subsequently solidifying the alloy under pressure to the form of plates. The germanium may be heated in a reducing atmosphere to a temperature above its melting point, e.g., 1200 DEG C, for half an hour to fuse the metal to produce an ingot or lump. The germanium-phosphorus alloy may be made by heating a thick paste of germanium powder, phosphoric acid and pure carbon covered with carbon powder, in a crucible in an oxidizing atmosphere at a temperature above the melting point of germanium, e.g., at 1000 DEG C, for several hours. An alloy ...

17-09-1952 дата публикации

Improvement in titanium alloys

Номер: GB0000679434A

A titanium-base alloy has the following composition: Cr 0.1-10 per cent; A1 0.1-5 per cent; C 0.1-2 per cent; Ti and impurities, the remainder. The alloy may be made by melting a mixture of comminuted constituents in neutral or inert atmosphere or in vacuum, and casting the melt in a neutral atmosphere.

21-08-1928 дата публикации

Process for improving the mechanical properties of heavy metals or their alloys

Номер: GB0000295971A

... 295,971. Jackson, L. Mellersh-, (Siemens & Halske Akt.-Ges.). May 21, 1927. Annealing.-Alloys of heavy metals, particularly nickel cobalt and lead, and beryllium are heated to above 600‹ C., quenched and then heated to 150-600‹ C. For cobalt alloys the second heating is from 400-700‹ C. The alloys may be mechanically worked before or after the heat treatment or between the individual stages of the heat treatment.

04-03-1970 дата публикации

Methods of making Articles having a Low Temperature Coefficient of the Modules of Elasticity

Номер: GB0001183476A

... 1,183,476. Alloys. INSTITUT DR. ING. REINHARD STRAUMANN A. G. April 20, 1967 [April 22, 1966], No.18161/67. Heading C7A. In a method of producing a metallic, paramagnetic material of cubic or hexagonal crystal structure having a temperature coefficient of the modulus of elasticity between -10-4 and +10-4 per degree C., components of the material are so selected that the material exhibits an atomic paramagnetic susceptibility greater than 50.10-6 emE/g-atom at room temperature and a negative temperature coefficient of the susceptibility, the components are melted together, and a preferred orientation of the crystals is produced by at least a mechanical or a thermal treatment of the material, said preferred orientation, when the structure is cubic, being defined by the mean value of the product sum of the direction cosine taken over all the crystal orientations with respect to the stress direction, the value being greater than 0À2 for the elasticity modulus and ...

09-12-1964 дата публикации

Thermoelectric materials

Номер: GB0000977605A

A thermoelectric alloy having a high figure of merit has the general formula Bi24M60+XQ6Te144-X where M is Sb or As or a mixture of the two, Q is Se or S or a mixture of the two, and x ranges from 0 to +4. A particularly preferred alloy has the formula Bi24Sb68Se6Te142.

26-08-1964 дата публикации

Removal of unwanted alloy from a manufactured article

Номер: GB0000967708A

... A method of removing unwanted parts such as connections or coatings from a manufactured article, the parts being formed from a first alloy comprising atleast two component metals and having a melting point lower than that of each metal, comprises forming a molten mass of a second alloy which includes the metals together with further metals by heating the second alloy to a temperature greater than its melting point but below that of the first alloy, and contacting at least the unwanted parts with, or immersing them in, the molten mass whereby the unwanted parts are dissolved in the second alloy. As described with reference to Fig. 1 a vessel 11 heated by a heater 15 contains a bath 13 of an alloy of 50% Bi, 25% Pb, 12.5% Sn and 12.5% Cd into which is dipped a printed circuit card 17 to dissolve the solder from the card so that components 19 of the card can be salvaged. These components 19 may include resistors, capacitors, metallic connectors ...

20-07-1966 дата публикации

Alloys nitrided with aluminum

Номер: GB0001036502A

An alloy suitable for raising the nitrogen content of steels comprises:- .Mn.40-99% .Al.0.5-10% .N.0.5-20% .C.up to 8% .Si.up to 2% the balance, apart from impurities, being iron. The alloy is added in metallic boxes containing measured amounts of nitrogen.

30-06-1965 дата публикации

Compensating circuit

Номер: GB0000996460A

... 996,460. Transistor switching circuits. SPERRY RAND CORPORATION. Aug. 3, 1962 [Aug. 17, 1961], No. 29861/62. Heading H3T. [Also in Division G5] A magnetic transducer shunted by a resistor is connected in series with the parallel arrangement of a capacitor and resistor having the same time constant as the transducer circuit such that the combined circuit appears as a resistor to the amplifier feeding the transducer. Fig. 1 shows a transistor amplifier circuit 28, 30 supplying pulses through a line 36 and a matching transformer 48 to a magnetic recording head 10. The head is shunted by a resistor 70 which swamps the variation with frequency of the effective resistance of the head and R.C. networks 78, 80 and 82, 84 are connected in series with the output circuit so that each half of the output circuit appears as in Fig. 2. Resistor 82 is equal to resistance 701 and the time constants of the circuits 501, 701 and 82, 84 are equal so that the load on the cable and ...

15-09-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to ferromanganese alloys

Номер: GB0001004224A

... Ferromanganese of composition 80-90% Mn, 0.1-1% Si, 0.04-1.5% C and balance Fe is produced by a cyclic process comprising preparing a melt of iron-containing manganese ore containing 36-52% Mn, lime and sufficient carbonaceous material, e.g. coal or coke, to effect partial reduction of the manganeous values to the divalent state, e.g. in a submerged arc smelting furnace, reacting this melt with sufficient silicon-reducing agent containing 4-14% Si, e.g. in a first ladle, to further reduce the manganese values to the metallic state to produce the ferromanganese and a slag containing 30-38% Mn, reacting this slag, e.g. decanted into a second ladle, with a silicomanganese reducing agent containing 16-36% Si to produce an intermediate Fe-Mn alloy as the silicon-reducing agent and a slag containing 18-24% Mn. The latter slag may be reacted with manganese ore, quartz and carbon in a furnace melt to produce the silicomanganese reducing agent. Additional Fe-Mn and/or Si-Mn ...

23-06-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to brazing alloys

Номер: GB0000996177A

Stainless steel and superalloys are brazed with a Cu-Mn brazing alloy (containing not less than 15% Cu) to which has been added 3-25% Ni. The Mn content of the Cu-Mn alloy is preferably 10-70%. The resultant alloy may also contain up to 25% Co, up to 0.5% B, up to 5% Ge, up to 3% Si, up to 3% Fe. Specification 996,178 is referred to.

29-05-1963 дата публикации

Silicon- and calcium-based alloys

Номер: GB0000927283A

Alloys of calcium and silicon with one or more of zirconium, aluminium, barium, lithium, beryllium, magnesium, and containing less than 7% of iron, are produced by adding a compound of the metal preferably oxide, silicate or carbonate, either before or during the manufacture of the calcium-silicon alloy in an electric furnace, while similar calcium-silicon alloys but containing one or more of potassium, sodium, titanium or cerium are obtained by adding compounds of those metals to a bath of molten calcium-silicon alloy. That part of the final alloy other than the added metal or metals preferably contains 20-35% calcium, 55-65% silicon, 2-7% iron and less than 1% carbon, and the proportion of added metal may be 0.1-30% of the total of those constituents. Alloys particularly referred to are those containing 5-30% magnesium, 0.5-15% sodium or 0.1-3% cerium for nodularizing cast irons, 2-15% titanium for inoculating cast irons, and 2-20% aluminium for refining low carbon ferrous metals. In ...

03-10-1956 дата публикации

Semi-conducting alloy

Номер: GB0000758588A

A semiconducting material, consisting of an alloy composition of aluminium antimonide and gallium antimonide, contains (by weight): .Ga.0,93.-.33,5 per cent .Al.1,44.-.17,65 per cent .Sb.the remainder,.. the weight percentage of Ga plus 2,01 times the weight percentage of Al being equal to 36,4 to 3 significant figures. A particular composition described consists of: Ga 20,5 per cent; Al 7,9 per cent; Sb the remainder. The conductivity type of the material may be modified by adding zinc antimonide, cadmium antimonide, gallium telluride, gallium selenide or gallium sulphide up to a total of 0,01 atomic per cent.

28-06-1967 дата публикации

Improvements relating to soft solders

Номер: GB0001073692A

A soft solder of low melting point comprises The alloy may be used with copper, tin, iron, antimony, cast iron or even glass as workpieces.

31-12-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of alloys of beryllium with heavy basemetals

Номер: GB0000363837A

Alloys of beryllium with heavy base metals such as iron, copper, or nickel are prepared by liberating beryllium from an easily fusible slag containing at least one alkaline earth-metal oxide and beryllium oxide with or without the addition of one or more alkali metal oxides by means of a reducing agent such as carbon silicon, or aluminium, or one or more carbides in the presence of one or more fused heavy metals. Compounds of beryllium and of the alkali and alkaline earth metals which at the reaction temperature are converted into oxides may be employed, for example, carbonates. The process may be operated continuously by the addition from time to time of further beryllium oxide and reducing agent. Any reducing agent or other impurities remaining in the alloy may be removed by reaction with a further quantity of the slag. In one of the examples included, calcium fluoride is used as a flux.

14-01-1970 дата публикации

Electrical Connections and Method of Making Same.

Номер: GB0001177558A

... 1,177,558. Brazing. GREAT LAKES CARBON CORP. 19 Dec., 1967 [28 Dec., 1966], No. 57711/67. Heading B3R. [Also in Divisions C7 and H2] Contact resistance between engaged threaded portions of a conductor bar 6, e.g. of copper, aluminium, steel or carbon and a carbon body in the form of a graphite plate or pins 3, is lessened by interposing between the threads a molten alloy 4 of the kind which expands on solidification and which has a melting-point between 95‹ and 300‹ C. The conductor 6 is mechanically and/or chemically cleaned and the threaded recess of the carbon body is cleaned by compressed air. The molten alloy is poured in the recess of the body 3, which is heated above the melting-point of the alloy and the bar 6 is threaded into the recess so that the molten alloy rises between the threads. Alternatively, pellets or powder of the alloy may be deposited at the bottom of the recess and the temperature of the assembly is raised above the said melting-point. When the carbon body is a ...

10-06-1970 дата публикации

A method of producing Ingots of Magnesium-Containing Alloys

Номер: GB0001194588A

... 1,194,588. Composite casting. METALLGESELLSOHAFT A.G. and SUDDEUTSCHE KALKSTICKSTOFFWERKE A.G. 4 Oct., 1967 [4 Oct., 1966; 15 Sept., 1967], No. 45270/67. Heading B3F. [Also in Division C7] In a method of casting a composite Mg alloy ingot (for use in treating a cast iron melt for the production of nodular cast iron), lumps of Mgcontaining alloy are packed in a mould 6, which may contain a sheet metal sleeve for forming part of the ingot, and pouring in a magnesium alloy melt 4 to fill the interstices and fuse the marginal zones of the lumps. A hook may be encast for lifting purposes. The lumps may be the same as or a different composition from melt 4 and be packed in the container by putting three or four lumps 1 at the bottom, placing a slab or slabs 2 on top and putting smaller lumps 3 on top of the slabs 2. The alloy lumps may contain rare earth metals for forming the spheroidal graphite in the nodular cast iron. Examples of the Mg alloys used for the lumps and/or the melt 4 are given ...

06-05-1959 дата публикации

Process for shaping pyrophoric cerium-iron alloys by extrusion pressing

Номер: GB0000813063A

Pyrophoric cerium-iron alloys containing Cu 0.2-2.0 per cent are shaped by entrusion pressing. The alloys preferably contain Fe in the rang 17.0-28.0 per cent. The following alloy examples are referred .Rane earth. .Fe. .Mg. .Al. .Si. .Cu. .Zn.-.-.-.-.1.5 Specifications 153,306 [Class 75(iii)] and 682,135 [Group XXII] are referred to.

25-06-1958 дата публикации

Improvements relating to neutronic reactor fuels

Номер: GB0000796989A

Reactor fuel elements consist of an alloy of U 235 with a metal having a low neutron capture cross section such as Al or Zr, the alloy containing a finely divided uniform dispersion of a material such as B which has a high neutron capture cross section but which transforms, on absorbing neutrons, to a material having a low neutron capture cross section. Preferably the amount of U 235 in the alloy is 15-23 per cent and the alloy contains natural B in the range 0.1-0.5 per cent. Material enriched in B10 may be used in place of natural B in which case the range of proportions for this material may be reduced. The alloy may be made by bubbling BCl3 gas through a bath of molten Al at a temperature of about 800 DEG C. U is then added, and the bath temperature increased to 900-1100 DEG C. to melt the U and incorporate it in the alloy.

13-01-1960 дата публикации

Improvements relating to neutronic reaction fuels

Номер: GB0000826529A

The reactor fuel element of the parent Specification is modified by substitution of U233 or a mixture of U233 and U235 for U235. The fuel element may contain 5.0-23.0% of U233 or U233 and U235, 0.001-0.2% of B10, the balance being U238, B11 and a metal selected from Al and Zr, the B being evenly distributed throughout the alloy. The fuel element may be made by the process described in the parent Specification.

15-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA563675A

15-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA397172A

15-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA222686A

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0010012003A

15-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000889473A

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414325T

10-12-1969 дата публикации

Alloys with martensitic transition

Номер: AT0000276790B

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329064T

27-05-1974 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of an article restorable by thermal treatment

Номер: AT0000315524B

27-08-1973 дата публикации

From at least two machine parts compound arrangement for a lubrication system

Номер: AT0000309649B

27-04-1970 дата публикации

Permanent magnet

Номер: AT0000280624B

15-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA65570A

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000199574T

10-04-1967 дата публикации

Vorlegierung for the treatment of iron and steel melts

Номер: AT0000253549B

10-05-1967 дата публикации

Injection radiation source with semiconductor material and procedure for the production of such a semiconductor material

Номер: AT0000254266B

26-01-1970 дата публикации

Electrical connection between an electrically conductive element and a coal body and procedure for the production of such a connection

Номер: AT0000278047B

22-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007135674A

17-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001058423A1

09-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1275120A

The reliability of silicon nitride bodies for use in bearings can be greatly improved by control of microstructural flaws which produce bright specular reflections when metallographically prepared surfaces of the composites are examined microscopically in low angle incident light, dark field reflected light, or reflected polarized light viewed through a crossed polarizing analyzer. The population of such flaws can be controlled by modestly increasing the normal amount of intergranular phase and longer than normal milling times before sintering. Size classification of the powder before compression also improves the performance of the body. The fatigue cycles to failure of ten percent of the silicon nitride surfaces tested at 6.9 GPa contact stress in accelerated bearing failure ASTM Test STP 771 (L10 parameter) for sintered bodies prepared according to this invention is increased by about an order of magnitude over the values obtained with the best previously known type of silicon nitride ...

06-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA922179A

26-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA942539A

08-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1166874A

Process for producing yttrium metal or alloy by reacting calcium metal and yttrium fluoride using a submerged electric arc in a molten slag. The main component of the slag may be calcium fluoride with iron being added to the slag for instance by way of consumable iron electrodes. The electrode may be an iron tube containing calcium metal and yttrium fluoride and an aluminium containing alloy may be produced by adding aluminium or aluminium fluoride to the slag.

05-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1143933A

A novel conductive paste is disclosed which is suitable for use to connect circuit patterns of a printed circuit board. The conductive paste comprises a melt of gallium and a metal element which forms an eutectic mixture with gallium, and metal powder which alloys with gallium uniformly dispersed in the melt. The content of the metal element and the metal powder are selected to control a solid content in the paste at a predetermined working temperature.

18-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000890746A

19-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1056619A

INVENTION: AMORPHOUS ALLOYS IN THE U-Cr-V SYSTEM INVENTORS: RANJAN RAY ELISABETH MUSSO Amorphous uranium-base alloys are disclosed having the general formula UxCryVz, where "x" ranges from about 60 to 80 atom percent and "y" and "z" each range from about 0 to 40 atom percent, with the total of "y" and "z" ranging from about 20 to 40 atom percent. These amorphous alloys exhibit high strength and good creep resistance, and are thermally stable up to about 500.degree.C. The alloys find use in nuclear applications, such as fuel elements for reactors and the like.

06-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000922179A1

05-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001143933A1

12-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002508562A1

A hydrogen storage material comprising a first region mainly composed of an amorphous carbon containing at least one metal element selected among Ti, Zr, Hf and Y and a second region mainly composed of an amorphous carbon having a density lower than that of the first region is disclosed.

01-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811451C

To provide a production method of an anisotropic rare earth magnet capable of being enhanced in coercivity without adding a large amount of a rare metal such as Dy and Th. MEANS FOR RESOLUTION: A production method of a rare earth magnet, comprising a step of bringing a compact obtained by applying hot working to impart anisotropy to a sintered body having a rare earth magnet composition into contact with a low-melting-point alloy melt containing a rare earth element.

04-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002288153C

Solid objects are formed in an imagewise layering process in which component s of a dispersion (105) are homogenized to form an alloy. Imagewise exposure of the layers to radiation to form an alloy permit s separation of the exposed, homogenized regions (108, 108') from non-exposed, non-homogenized regions. As each layer is formed and imagewise homogenized, contiguous layer regions (109, 109') are bonded together to form a homogenized, three-dimensional object which ma y be separated from surrounding dispersion (105).

14-11-1969 дата публикации

Bauelement mit einem von Null nur wenig abweichenden Temperaturkoeffizienten für ein Zeitmessgerät

Номер: CH0000680267D

13-02-1970 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000587866D

13-02-1970 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000587766D

31-12-1951 дата публикации

Procédé de préparation d'un alliage à coefficient de dilatation élevé.

Номер: CH0000279966A

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Tube-shaped sputtering target

Номер: US20120213917A1

A tube-shaped sputtering target is provided having a carrier tube and an indium-based sputtering material arranged on the carrier tube. The sputtering material has a microstructure having a mean grain size of less than 1 mm, measured as the mean diameter of the grains on the sputtering-roughened surface of the sputtering material.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing semiconductor device and semiconductor device

Номер: US20130043594A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, between the mounting substrate and the semiconductor chip, there is a joint support layer including a metal or its alloy selected from the group of Cu, Al, Ag, Ni, Cr, Zr and Ti and a melt layer laminated across the joint support layer, and formed of a metal selected from the group of Sn, Zn and In or of an alloy of at least two metals selected from the same metals. The process of joining the mounting substrate and the semiconductor chip includes intervening a joining layer which is formed, at least for its outermost layer, by the melt layer, maintaining the temperature to be higher than the melting point of the melt layer, then forming an alloy layer which has a higher melting point than the melt layer by liquid phase diffusion.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Metal Wire Rod Made of Iridium-Containing Alloy

Номер: US20130213107A1

The present invention is a metallic wire rod comprising iridium or an iridium-containing alloy and, the wire rod has in the cross section thereof biaxial crystal orientation of 50% or more of abundance proportion of textures in which crystallographic orientation has preferred orientation to <100> direction. In the present invention, crystal orientation in the outer periphery from semicircle of the cross section which is the periphery of the wire rod is important, and in this zone, abundance proportion of textures in which crystallographic orientation has preferred orientation to <100> direction is preferably not less than 50%. 1. A metallic wire rod comprising iridium or an iridium-containing alloy , wherein the wire rod has in a cross section thereof a biaxial crystal orientation of 50% or more of abundance proportion of textures in which crystallographic orientation has an orientation to <100> direction.2. The metallic wire rod according to claim 1 , wherein the wire rod has in the outer periphery from semicircle of the cross section 50% or more of the abundance proportion of textures in which crystallographic orientation has an orientation to <100> direction.3. The metallic wire rod according to claim 1 , wherein the iridium-containing alloy is an alloy containing rhodium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , and nickel.4. A method of manufacturing the metallic wire rod claim 1 , the wire rod defined in claim 1 , comprising:a first step in which an ingot of iridium or an iridium-containing alloy is made into a rod-shape article by biaxial pressurization while intermediate heat treatment is performed, and a second step in which the rod-shape article undergoes wire drawing to be a wire rod, wherein hardness of the ingot in the first step is maintained in not more than 550 Hv, and temperatures of the intermediate heat treatment are set to be not more than the recrystallization temperature of the iridium or an iridium-containing alloy.5. The method of manufacturing the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Alloy material for high temperature having excellent oxidation resistant properties and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130216846A1

An Ir-based alloy material or Ru-based alloy material containing in Ir or Ru at least one member of Al, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Hf, Ta, W, and Re in such an amount that a precipitation phase is not formed, wherein the Ir-based alloy material or Ru-based alloy material has a surface uniformly covered with an IrAl intermetallic compound film or a RuAl intermetallic compound film.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Production Method for High-Purity Lanthanum, High-Purity Lanthanum, Sputtering Target Composed of High-Purity Lanthanum, and Metal Gate Film Containing High-Purity Lanthanum as Main Component

Номер: US20130241010A1

A method for producing high-purity lanthanum having a purity of 4N or more excluding rare earth elements other than lanthanum and gas components, wherein lanthanum having a purity of 4N or more is produced by reducing, with distilled calcium, a lanthanum fluoride starting material that has a purity of 4N or more excluding rare earth elements other than lanthanum and gas components, and the obtained lanthanum is subjected to electron beam melting to remove volatile substances. The method for producing high-purity lanthanum, in which Al, Fe, and Cu are respectively contained in the amount of 10 wtppm or less. The method for producing high-purity lanthanum, in which total content of gas components is 1000 wtppm or less. The present invention aims to provide a technique capable of efficiently and stably providing high-purity lanthanum, a sputtering target composed of high-purity lanthanum, and a thin film for metal gate that contains high-purity lanthanum as a main component. 1. A method for producing high-purity lanthanum , comprising the steps of reducing , with distilled calcium , a lanthanum fluoride starting material that has a purity of 4N or more excluding rare earth elements other than lanthanum and gas components , and removing volatile substances by subjecting the obtained lanthanum to electron beam melting so that the purity excluding rare earth elements other than lanthanum and gas components is 4N5 or more , the content of Al and Fe is respectively 5 wtppm or less , the content of Cu is 1 wtppm or less , and the total content of gas components is 1000 wtppm or less.25.-. (canceled)6. The method for producing high-purity lanthanum according to claim 1 , wherein the high-purity lanthanum contains C in the amount of 200 wtppm or less.7. (canceled)8. The method for producing high-purity lanthanum according to claim 6 , wherein the high-purity lanthanum contains rare earth elements other than lanthanum in the amount of 10 wtppm or less.9. A high-purity lanthanum ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Cu-Ga Target, Method of Producing Same, Light-absorbing Layer Formed from Cu-Ga Based Alloy Film, and CIGS System Solar Cell Having the Light-absorbing Layer

Номер: US20130319527A1

A Cu—Ga alloy sintered-compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance, wherein the sintered-compact sputtering target is characterized in that the relative density is 80% or higher, and the compositional deviation of the Ga concentration is within ±0.5 at % of the intended composition. A method of producing a Cu—Ga alloy sintered-compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance, wherein the method thereof is characterized in that Cu and Ga raw materials are melted and cooled/pulverized to produce a Cu—Ga alloy raw material powder, and the obtained material powder is further hot-pressed with a retention temperature being between the melting point of the mixed raw material powder and a temperature 15° C. lower than the melting point and with a pressure of 400 kgf/cmor more applied to the sintered mixed raw material powder. Provided are a sputtering target having very low compositional deviation and high density; a method of producing the target; a light-absorbing layer having a Cu—Ga based alloy film; and a CIGS solar cell including the light-absorbing layer. 1. A Cu—Ga alloy sintered compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance , wherein the relative density is 80% or higher , and no Ga phase is present.2. The Cu—Ga alloy sintered compact sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the target is produced by hot-pressing a pulverized raw material mixture prepared by melting and cooling Cu and Ga raw materials.3. A method of producing a Cu—Ga based alloy sintered compact sputtering target having a Ga concentration of 40 to 50 at % and Cu as the balance claim 1 , comprising the steps of:producing a Cu—Ga alloy raw material powder by melting, cooling and pulverizing Cu and Ga raw materials; and{'sup': '2', 'hot-pressing the raw material powder at a retention temperature being between the melting point of the mixed raw material powder ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Sb-Te-Based Alloy Sintered Compact Sputtering Target

Номер: US20200017955A1

An Sb—Te-based alloy sintered compact sputtering target having Sb and Te as main components and which contains 0.1 to 30 at % of carbon or boron and comprises a uniform mixed structure of Sb—Te-based alloy particles and fine carbon (C) or boron (B) particles is provided. An average grain size of the Sb—Te-based alloy particles is 3 μm or less and a standard deviation thereof is less than 1.00. An average grain size of the C or B particles is 0.5 μm or less and a standard deviation thereof is less than 0.20. When the average grain size of the Sb—Te-based alloy particles is X and the average grain size of the carbon or boron particles is Y, Y/X is within a range of 0.1 to 0.5. This provides an improved Sb—Te-based alloy sputtering target that inhibits generation of cracks in the sintered target and prevents generation of arcing during sputtering. 1. An Sb—Te-based alloy sputtering target having a composition containing Sb and Te as main constituent elements thereof and carbon or boron in an amount of more than 10 at % and equal to or less than 30 at % , having a relative density of 97.85% or more , and having a structure comprising grains of an Sb—Te-based alloy phase and a dispersion of grains of the carbon or boron , wherein the grains of the Sb—Te-based alloy phase have an average size of 3 μm or less and a standard deviation of less than 1.00 , the grains of the carbon or boron have an average size of 0.5 μm or less and a standard deviation of less than 0.20 , and , for the average size of the grains of the Sb—Te-based alloy phase expressed by X and the average size of the grains of the carbon or boron expressed by Y , a ratio Y/X is within a range of from 0.155 to 0.5.2. The Sb—Te-based alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , containing one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , In claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , and Pd in a total amount of 30 at % or less.3. The Sb—Te- ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021516A1

A negative active material, a lithium battery including the negative active material, and a method of preparing the negative active material. The negative active material includes a silicon-based alloy including Si, Al, and Fe. The silicon-based alloy includes an active phase of silicon nanoparticles and an inactive phase of SiAlFeand SiFe in a ratios suitable to improve the lifespan of the lithium battery. 1. A negative active material comprising a silicon-based alloy comprising silicon nanoparticles dispersed in an alloy matrix , the alloy matrix comprising SiAlFeand SiFe , wherein the ratio of the sum of the atomic fractions of Si , Al , and Fe as SiAlFeto the sum of the atomic fractions of Si and Fe as SiFe is about 2 to about 12.2. The negative active material of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the sum of the atomic fractions of Si claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Fe as SiAlFeto the sum of the atomic fractions of Si and Fe as SiFe is about 4 to about 10.3. The negative active material of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-based alloy comprises about 40 at % to about 80 at % of Si claim 1 , about 10 at % to about 40 at % of Al claim 1 , and about 5 at % to about 25 at % of Fe claim 1 , and the total sum of atomic fractions of Si claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Fe is 100 at %.4. The negative active material of claim 1 , wherein in the silicon-based alloy claim 1 , a ratio of the atomic fraction of Al to the atomic fraction of Fe is about 0.7 to about 1.1.5. The negative active material of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-based alloy is a pulverized powder having a D50 of about 0.3 μm to about 10 μm.6. The negative active material of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-based alloy comprises inactive silicon and active silicon claim 1 , the alloy matrix comprising the inactive silicon and the silicon nanoparticles comprising the active silicon.7. The negative active material of claim 6 , wherein in the silicon-based alloy claim 6 , an amount of the active silicon is about 40 at % to about ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025820A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

An R-T-B based sintered magnet containing a first heavy rare earth element, in which R includes Nd, T includes Co and Fe, the first heavy rare earth element includes Tb or Dy, the R-T-B based sintered magnet has a region in which a concentration of the first heavy rare earth element decreases from the surface toward the inside, a first grain boundary phase which contains the first heavy rare earth element and Nd but does not contain Co is present in one cross section including the region, and an area occupied by the first grain boundary phase in one cross section including the region is 1.8% or less. 1. An R-T-B based sintered magnet , whereinR includes Nd,T includes Co and Fe, anda total area of voids in one cross section of the R-T-B based sintered magnet is 0.2% or less of an area of the cross section.2. An R-T-B based sintered magnet comprising a first heavy rare earth element , whereinR includes Nd,T includes Co and Fe,the first heavy rare earth element includes Tb or Dy,the R-T-B based sintered magnet comprises a region having a concentration of the first heavy rare earth element decreasing from a surface toward an inside,a first grain boundary phase which contains the first heavy rare earth element and Nd but does not contain Co is present in one cross section including the region, andan area occupied by the first grain boundary phase in the cross section is 1.8% or less.3. The R-T-B based sintered magnet according to claim 2 , whereina second grain boundary phase which contains Nd and Co but does not contain the first heavy rare earth element is further present in the region anda ratio of an area of the first grain boundary phase to an area of the second grain boundary phase is 2.0 or less.4. The R-T-B based sintered magnet according to claim 2 , further comprising a second heavy rare earth element claim 2 , whereinthe second heavy rare earth element is substantially uniformly contained over the entire grain boundary phase of the R-T-B based sintered magnet ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033356A1

The disclosure describes a nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell and a method of preparing the same. The nanowire includes silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). The nanowire has a content of the silicon (Si) higher than a content of the germanium (Ge) at a surface thereof, and has the content of germanium (Ge) higher than the content of the silicon (Si) at an inner part thereof. 1. A nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell , the nanowire comprising silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) , wherein the nanowire has a content of the silicon (Si) higher than a content of the germanium (Ge) at a surface thereof , and has the content of germanium (Ge) higher than the content of the silicon (Si) at an inner part thereof.2. The nanowire of claim 1 , wherein the silicon (Si) has the content in a range of 1 wt % to 10 wt % claim 1 , and the germanium (Ge) has the content in a range of 90 wt % to 99 wt %.3. The nanowire of claim 1 , wherein a chemical composition of the nanowire is GeSi(0.01≦x≦0.1).4. A method of fabricating a nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell claim 1 , the method comprising:performing heat treatment with respect to the nanowire including silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) under a hydrogen atmosphere; anddistributing the silicon (Si) and the germanium (Ge) included in the nanowire to a surface of the nanowire and an inner part of the nanowire, respectively.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the silicon (Si) has the content in a range of 1 wt % to 10 wt % claim 4 , and the germanium (Ge) has the content in a range of 90 wt % to 99 wt %.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the heat treatment is performed at a temperature in a range of 700° C. to 900° C.7. A lithium ion cell including an anode including the nanowire for the anode material of the lithium ion cell according to . This application claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2015-0107138 filed on Jul. 29, 2015, and all the benefits accruing therefrom under 35 U.S. ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Rh diffusion source, and method for producing r-t-b-based sintered magnet using same

Номер: US20140120248A1
Автор: Futoshi Kuniyoshi
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

[Problem] To provide a method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet which can get a heavy rare-earth element RH diffused efficiently inside a sintered R-T-B based magnet body. [Solution] This method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet includes the steps of: providing a sintered R-T-B based magnet body (where R is a rare-earth element and T is a transition metal element which is mostly comprised of Fe); providing an RH diffusion source which is an alloy comprising: 0.2 mass % to 18 mass % of light rare-earth element RL (which is at least one of Nd and Pr); 40 mass % to 70 mass % of Fe; and a heavy rare-earth element RH (which is at least one of Dy and Tb) as the balance, wherein the heavy rare-earth element RH and Fe have a mass ratio RH:Fe which falls within the range of three to two to three to seven; and performing an RH diffusion process by loading the sintered R-T-B based magnet body and the RH diffusion source into a processing chamber so that the sintered R-T-B based magnet body and the RH diffusion source are movable relative to each other and brought close to, or in contact with, each other, and by heating the sintered R-T-B based magnet body and the RH diffusion source to a processing temperature of 700° C. to 1000° C. while moving the sintered R-T-B based magnet body and the RH diffusion source in the processing chamber either continuously or discontinuously.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160043033A1

An interconnect is disclosed with enhanced immunity of electrical conductivity to defects. The interconnect includes a material with charge carriers having topological surface states. Also disclosed is a method for fabricating such interconnects. Also disclosed is an integrated circuit including such interconnects. Also disclosed is a gated electronic device including a material with charge carriers having topological surface states. 1. An interconnect comprising a material configured with an essentially insulating bulk portion having topological surface states occupied with charge carriers , wherein the topological surface states and the essentially insulating bulk portion each have an electrical mobility , the electrical mobility of the topological surface states being at least 12 times greater than the electrical mobility of the essentially insulating bulk portion.2. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material has a mobility for the charge carriers of at least 9000 centimeter-squared per volt-second (cm/V-s).3. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises a non-stoichiometric material.4. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises an element from column 15 of the periodic table.5. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises an element from column 16 of the periodic table.6. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises an element from column 13 of the periodic table.7. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises an element from column 14 of the periodic table.8. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises a solid solution alloy.9. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material has an atomic composition BiSb claim 1 , where 0.07≦x≦1.10. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material has an atomic composition BiSbSeTewhere 0≦x≦1 and 0≦y≦1.11. The interconnect of claim 1 , wherein the material has an atomic composition TlBiSeTe claim 1 , where 0≦x≦1.12. ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039131A1

Provided is a sputtering target having a composition comprising: 5 at % or more and 60 at % or less of Ga, and 0.01 at % or more and 5 at % or less of alkali metal, as metal components; and a Cu balance including inevitable impurities, wherein a concentration of the alkali metal on a surface on a sputtering surface side is less than 80% of a concentration of the alkali metal inside the target. 1. A sputtering target having a composition comprising: 5 at % or more and 60 at % or less of Ga; and 0.01 at % or more and 5 at % or less of alkali metal , as metal components; and a Cu balance including inevitable impurities , whereina concentration of the alkali metal on a surface on a sputtering surface side is less than 80% of a concentration of the alkali metal inside the target.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the alkali metal concentration on the sputtering surface is 1 at % or less.3. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein a relative density is 90% or more.4. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein an arithmetic average roughness Ra of the sputtering surface is 1.6 μm or less.5. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises one or more of metal elements selected from In claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Bi claim 1 , Sb claim 1 , and Mg as metal components in a range of 0.1 at % or more and 5.0 at % or less in total.6. A method of manufacturing the sputtering target according to claim 1 , the method comprising:a mixing and crushing step of mixing and crushing a raw material powder including Cu and Ga, and an alkali metal compound powder to obtain a mixed powder;a sintering step of obtaining a sintered material by sintering the mixed powder obtained in the mixing and crushing step; andan alkali metal removing step of removing an alkali metal on a surface area on the sputtering surface side of the obtained sintered material,wherein the alkali metal ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050183A1

Silicon eutectic alloy compositions and methods for making the same are disclosed. In one approach, a method may include using a glass carbon container to restrict contamination of the eutectic alloy melt. In an alternative approach, a method may include using a container having aluminum. The aluminum in the container may provide aluminum that is incorporated into the silicon eutectic alloy. Silicon eutectic bodies made by such methods are also disclosed. 1. A method of making a silicon eutectic alloy body , the method comprising:{'sub': 'a', 'heating a mixture in a container thereby forming a eutectic alloy melt, wherein the mixture includes silicon and a metallic element M, where portions of the container in contact with the eutectic alloy melt comprise glassy carbon; and'}{'sub': a', '2, 'removing heat from the eutectic alloy melt to solidify the eutectic alloy melt, thereby forming a silicon eutectic alloy body comprising having a eutectic aggregation including a first phase comprising the silicon and a second phase comprising the metallic element a, wherein the second phase has a formula MSi.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises a third phase comprising the metallic element M claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , after the removing step claim 1 , the body comprising the eutectic aggregation comprises a third phase comprising the metallic element M claim 1 , wherein the third phase has a formula MSi claim 1 , and wherein the second and third phases are immiscible.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the metallic element Mcomprises chromium and the metallic element Mcomprises vanadium4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a carbide phase forms between the eutectic alloy melt and the container.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the carbide phase comprises silicon carbide.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the glassy carbon substantially does not contaminate the eutectic alloy melt.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the eutectic alloy melt is substantially ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124366A1
Автор: Takahata Masahiro

High-purity erbium having a purity of 5N or higher excluding rare earth elements and gas components, and containing Al, Fe, Cu, and Ta each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less, W in an amount of 10 wtppm or less, carbon in an amount of 150 wtppm or less, alkali metals and alkali earth metals each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less, other transition metal elements in a total amount of 10 wtppm or less, and U and Th as radioactive elements each in an amount of 10 wtppb or less. An object of this invention is to provide a method of highly purifying erbium, which has a high vapor pressure and is difficult to refine in a molten state, as well as technology for efficiently and stably providing high-purity erbium obtained with the foregoing method, a sputtering target made of high-purity erbium, and a metal gate film having high-purity erbium as a main component thereof. 1. High-purity erbium having a purity of 5N or higher excluding rare earth elements and gas components , and containing Al , Fe , Cu , and Ta each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less , W in an amount of 10 wtppm or less , carbon in an amount of 150 wtppm or less , alkali metals and alkali earth metals each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less , other transition metal elements in a total amount of 10 wtppm or less , and U and Th as radioactive elements each in an amount of 10 wtppb or less.2. A high-purity erbium sputtering target consisting of the high-purity erbium according to .3. A metal gate film having claim 1 , as its main component claim 1 , high-purity erbium having a purity of 5N or higher excluding rare earth elements and gas components claim 1 , and containing Al claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Ta each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less claim 1 , W in an amount of 10 wtppm or less claim 1 , carbon in an amount of 150 wtppm or less claim 1 , alkali metals and alkali earth metals each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less claim 1 , other transition metal elements in a total amount of 10 wtppm or less claim 1 , and ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063144A1

Coated irregular surfaces, replicas made therefrom, and methods of making the same. A particle-coated substrate includes a coating including undercooled liquid metallic particles. The particles include a solid shell comprising a metal oxide, and a liquid metallic core that is below the melting point of the liquid metallic core. The particle-coated substrate also includes a substrate including an irregular surface, wherein the coating is on the irregular surface. 1. A method of forming a metallic-coated substrate , the method comprising: [ the solid shell comprising a metal oxide, and', 'a liquid metallic core that is below the melting point of the liquid metallic core, and, 'a particle coating comprising undercooled liquid metallic particles, the particles comprising'}, 'a substrate comprising an irregular surface,', 'wherein the coating is on the irregular surface of the substrate; and, 'rupturing solid shells of undercooled liquid metallic particles of a particle-coated substrate, the particle-coated substrate comprising'}wherein the rupturing forms the metallic-coated substrate, the metallic-coated substrate comprising a metallic coating on the irregular surface of the substrate, the metallic coating comprising a solidified metal and/or metal alloy and solid metal oxide shells.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rupturing comprises a chemical trigger claim 1 , light impingement claim 1 , ultrasound impingement claim 1 , vibrational forces claim 1 , heat application claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic coating is electrically conductive claim 1 , thermally conductive claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a soft substrate claim 1 , wherein the particle coating induces a texture on the substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the liquid metallic core comprises an alloy comprising Bi claim 1 , In claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Au claim 1 , or a combination ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047269A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Naoaki

A thermal interface sheet includes a peripheral portion, in a surface direction, configured to have a melting point higher than the melting point of a central portion in the surface direction. 1. A method for manufacturing a thermal interface sheet , comprising:preparing a first solder region having a quadratic prism shape and being formed from a first solder;immersing the first solder region into a second solder which is melted so as to form a second solder region having a quadratic prism shape around the first solder region;immersing the first solder region and the second solder region into a third solder which is melted so as to form a third solder region having a quadratic prism shape around the second solder region; andcutting the first solder region, the second solder region and the third solder region,wherein a third melting point of the third solder is larger than a second melting point of the second solder and the second melting point is larger than a first melting point of the first solder.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first solder region claim 1 , the second solder region and the third region are provided concentrically.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first solder region is cooled before being immersed into the second solder claim 1 , and the first solder region and the second solder region are cooled before being immersed into the third solder.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first solder region claim 1 , the second solder region and the third solder region contain one of an In—Ag solder claim 1 , a Sn—Cu solder claim 1 , a Sn—Ag—Cu solder claim 1 , and a Sn—Ag—Cu—Bi solder.5. A method for manufacturing a thermal interface sheet claim 1 , comprising:preparing a first solder region having a quadratic prism shape and being formed from a first solder;winding, onto the first solder region, a second solder which is sheet-shaped so as to form a second solder region having a quadratic prism shape around the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061486A1

A spark plug having a shell defining a cavity, an insulator disposed within the cavity, and an electrode at least partially encapsulated by the insulator. The electrode may be formed from a ruthenium (Ru) electrode material having a columnar grain structure. Further, the ruthenium (Ru) electrode material may have a purity greater than 99.90 wt. percentage. 1. A spark plug , comprising:a shell defining a cavity;an insulator disposed within the cavity; andan electrode at least partially encapsulated by an insulator and formed from a ruthenium (Ru) electrode material having a columnar grain structure.2. The spark plug of wherein the ruthenium (Ru) electrode material has a purity greater than 99.90 wt. percentage.3. The spark plug of wherein the Ru has a purity greater than 99.990 wt. percentage.4. The spark plug of wherein the Ru has a purity greater than 99.9995 wt. percentage.5. The spark plug of wherein the spark plug is a turbine igniter.6. The spark plug of wherein the electrode comprises a core and a Ru layer on the core.7. The spark plug of wherein the Ru layer is electroformed on the core.8. The spark plug of wherein the electrode is a center electrode.9. The spark plug of claim 1 , further comprising a terminal that may be selectively operably coupled to an ignition system.10. The spark plug of claim 9 , further comprising an internal conductor coupling the terminal to the electrode.11. The spark plug of claim 1 , further comprising a ground electrode coupled to the shell and spaced from the electrode.12. A spark plug electrode claim 1 , comprising:an electrode material having a columnar grain structure and formed from high purity ruthenium (Ru) having a purity greater than 99.90 wt. percentage.13. The spark plug electrode of wherein the Ru has a purity greater than 99.990 wt. percentage.14. The spark plug electrode of wherein the Ru has a purity greater than 99.9995 wt. percentage. Contemporary engines including automotive and aviation engines include spark ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140140884A1
Автор: Takahata Masahiro

Provided are high-purity yttrium and a high-purity yttrium sputtering target each having a purity, excluding rare earth elements and gas components, of 5 N or more and containing 1 wt ppm or less of each of Al, Fe, and Cu; a method of producing high-purity yttrium by molten salt electrolysis of a raw material being a crude yttrium oxide having a purity, excluding gas components, of 4N or less at a bath temperature of 500° C. to 800° C. to obtain yttrium crystals, desalting treatment, water washing, and drying of the yttrium crystals, and then electron beam melting for removing volatile materials to achieve a purity, excluding rare earth elements and gas components, of 5N or more; and a technology capable of efficiently and stably providing high-purity yttrium, a sputtering target composed of the high-purity yttrium, and a metal-gate thin film mainly composed of the high-purity yttrium. 1. High-purity yttrium having a purity , excluding rare earth elements and gas components , of 5N or more and containing 1 wt ppm or less of each of Al , Fe , and Cu and 150 wt ppm or less of carbon.2. The high-purity yttrium according to claim 1 , containing 10 wt ppm or less of the total amount of W claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , and Ta claim 1 , and 50 wt ppb or less of each of U and Th.3. The high-purity yttrium according to claim 2 , having a purity claim 2 , excluding rare earth elements and gas components claim 2 , of 5N or more and containing 10 wt ppm or less of the total amount of Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , W claim 2 , Mo claim 2 , Ta claim 2 , U claim 2 , Th claim 2 , and carbon.4. The high-purity yttrium according to claim 3 , wherein radiation dose (α-ray dose) is less than 0.001 cph/cm.5. A method of producing high-purity yttrium claim 3 , the method comprising:molten salt electrolysis of a raw material being a crude yttrium oxide having a purity, excluding gas components, of 4N or less at a bath temperature of 500° C. to 800° C. to obtain yttrium crystals;desalting ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Rapid Synthesis of Gallium Alloys

Номер: US20190062868A1

The ability to generate complex gallium alloys using metal amides, Ga(NR)and M(NR), is easily accomplished by heating the two metal amides in predetermined ratios. The product can be isolated as GaMwhere x and y can vary. 1. A method to synthesize a gallium alloy , comprising:mixing a gallium amide with a rare earth metal amide; andheating the mixture to an elevated temperature in an inert environment to form an alloy comprising gallium and the rare earth metal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gallium amide comprises gallium dimethylamide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rare earth metal amide comprises scandium amide.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the scandium amide comprises scandium dimethylamide. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/552,702, filed Aug. 31, 2017, which is incorporated herein by reference.This invention was made with Government support under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 awarded by the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government has certain rights in the invention.The present invention relates to metal alloys and, in particular, to the rapid synthesis of gallium alloys from metal amides.The present invention is directed to a method of heating metal amides together in an inert atmosphere to synthesize a gallium alloy. The method comprises mixing a gallium amide with a rare earth metal amide; and heating the mixture to an elevated temperature in an inert environment to form an alloy comprising gallium and the rare earth metal. For example, the gallium amide can comprise gallium dimethylamide. For example, the rare earth metal amide can comprise a scandium amide, such as scandium dimethylamide.Metal amides are a class of coordination compounds composed of a metal center with amide ligands of the form NR. The invention is directed to a method to synthesize complex gallium alloys using Ga(NR)and a series of M(NR)by heating the two metal amides in ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Process-compatible sputtering target for forming ferroelectric memory capacitor plates

Номер: US20140147940A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A sputtering target for a conductive oxide, such as SrRuO 3 , to be used for the sputter deposition of a conductive film that is to be in contact with a ferroelectric material in an integrated circuit. The sputtering target is formed by the sintering of a powder mixture of the conductive oxide with a sintering agent of an oxide of one of the constituents of the ferroelectric material. For the example of lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT) as the ferroelectric material, the sintering agent is one or more of a lead oxide, a zirconium oxide, and a titanium oxide. The resulting sputtering target is of higher density and lower porosity, resulting in an improved sputter deposited film that does not include an atomic species beyond those of the ferroelectric material deposited adjacent to that film.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074936A1

A method for producing a raw material powder of a permanent magnet, includes: preparing a material powder of a permanent magnet, measuring magnetic characteristics of the material powder, and judging the quality of the material powder as the raw material powder based on a preliminarily determined relation between magnetic characteristics and the structure of the material powder. A method for producing a permanent magnet includes integrating material powders judged as good in the step of judging the quality as raw material powders by the method for producing a raw material powder of a permanent magnet. A method for inspecting a permanent magnet material powder includes transmitting a magnetic field to a material powder of a permanent magnet, receiving the magnetic field from the material powder, and measuring a magnetic field difference between the transmitted magnetic field and the received magnetic field as magnetic characteristics of the material powder. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for producing a raw material powder of a permanent magnet , which comprises the steps of:preparing a material powder of a permanent magnet,measuring magnetic characteristics of the material powder of the permanent magnet, andjudging the quality of the material powder as the raw material powder based on a preliminarily determined relation between magnetic characteristics and the structure of the material powder, wherein the step of measuring magnetic characteristics of the material powder includes the operation of:transmitting a magnetic field to the material powder, receiving the magnetic field from the material powder, and measuring a magnetic field difference between the transmitted magnetic field and the received magnetic field as the magnetic characteristics.11. The method for producing a raw material powder of a permanent magnet according to claim 10 , wherein an alternating magnetic field is used as the magnetic field.12. The method for producing a raw material powder of a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180082772A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A rare earth magnet includes main phase grains having an RTB type crystal structure. The main phase grains include Ga. A concentration ratio A (A=αGa/βGa) of the main phase grains is 1.20 or more, where αGa and βGa are respectively a highest concentration of Ga and a lowest concentration of Ga in one main phase grain. 1. A rare earth magnet comprising main phase grains having an RTB type crystal structure ,whereinthe main phase grains comprise Ga, anda concentration ratio A (A=αGa/βGa) of the main phase grains is 1.20 or more, where αGa and βGa are respectively a highest concentration of Ga and a lowest concentration of Ga in one main phase grain.2. The rare earth magnet according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration ratio A is 1.50 or more.3. The rare earth magnet according to claim 1 , wherein a position showing βGa is located within 100 nm from an edge part of the main phase grain toward an inner part of the main phase grain.4. The rare earth magnet according to claim 1 ,whereinthe main phase grain comprises a concentration gradient of Ga increasing from an edge part of the main phase grain toward an inner part of the main phase grain, anda region with the concentration gradient of Ga has a length of 100 nm or more.5. The rare earth magnet according to claim 1 ,whereinthe main phase grain comprises a concentration gradient of Ga increasing from an edge part of the main phase grain toward an inner part of the main phase grain, anda region whose absolute value of the concentration gradient of Ga is 0.05 atom %/μm or more has a length of 100 nm or more.6. The rare earth magnet according to claim 2 , wherein a position showing βGa is located within 100 nm from an edge part of the main phase grain toward an inner part of the main phase grain.7. The rare earth magnet according to claim 2 ,whereinthe main phase grain comprises a concentration gradient of Ga increasing from an edge part of the main phase grain toward an inner part of the main phase grain, anda region ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085828A1

A sintered compact target containing an element(s) (A) and an element(s) (B) as defined below is provided. The sintered compact target is free from pores having an average diameter of 1 μm or more, and the number of micropores having an average diameter of less than 1 μm existing in 40000 μmof the target surface is 100 micropores or less. The element(s) (A) is one or more chalcogenide elements selected from S, Se, and Te, and the element(s) (B) is one or more Vb group elements selected from Bi, Sb, As, P, and N. The provided technology is able to eliminate the source of grain dropping or generation of nodules in the target during sputtering, and additionally inhibit the generation of particles. 1. A sintered compact target comprising compositional constituents (A) and (B) , where (A) represents one or more chalcogenide elements selected from the group consisting of S , Se , and Te , and (B) represents one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Bi , Sb , As , P , and N , wherein the sintered compact target is free from pores having an average diameter of 1 μm or more , and the number of micropores having an average diameter of 0.1 to 1 μm existing in an area of 40000 μmof the target surface at random check is 100 micropores or less , and wherein the sintered compact target has a purity , excluding gas components , of 99.99% (4N) or higher , an oxygen content as a gas component of 2000 ppm or less , and an average crystal grain size of 50 μg or less.2. The sintered compact target according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered compact has an alloy system selected from the group consisting of Ge—Sb—Te claim 1 , Ag—In—Sb—Te claim 1 , and Ge—In—Sb—Te.3. The sintered compact target according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered compact target has a structure having a deflecting strength of 40 MPa or more claim 1 , a relative density of 99.8% or higher claim 1 , a standard deviation of less than 1% for the relative density claim 1 , and a variation in the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Liquid Metal Ink

Номер: US20190092955A1

A method for forming a conductive trace on a substrate. A metallic liquid is mixed with a solvent to produce a metallic liquid mixture. The metallic liquid mixture is stimulated to produce a colloidal suspension of discrete metallic liquid particles surrounded by the solvent. The colloidal suspension is aerosolized with a carrier gas, and passed through a nozzle to deposit the discrete metallic liquid particles onto the substrate. The deposited discrete metallic liquid particles are annealed, thereby producing the conductive trace. The conductive trace has a substantially contiguous core of the metallic liquid within a substantially non-electrically conductive solid skin that substantially bounds the liquid core. 1. A method for forming a conductive trace on a substrate , the method comprising the steps of:combining a metallic liquid with a solvent to produce a metallic liquid mixture,stimulating the metallic liquid mixture to produce a colloidal suspension of discrete metallic liquid particles surrounded by the solvent,aerosolizing colloidal suspension with a carrier gas, andpassing the aerosolized colloidal suspension through a nozzle to deposit the discrete metallic liquid particles onto the substrate, andannealing the deposited discrete metallic liquid particles,thereby producing the conductive trace, where the conductive trace has a substantially contiguous core of the metallic liquid within a substantially non-electrically conductive solid skin that substantially bounds the liquid core.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic liquid comprises gallium.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic liquid comprises an alloy of gallium and indium.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising annealing the conductive trace within a desired temperature range claim 1 , a desired time range claim 1 , and a desired pressure range.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein stimulating the metallic liquid mixture comprises ultrasonic vibration of the mixture.6. The ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Braze materials and method for joining of ceramic matrix composites

Номер: US20160102576A1

A gas turbine engine includes at least two components. The first component is coupled to the second component by a melt alloy.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Rare Earth Sintered Magnet

Номер: US20220148801A1

A rare earth sintered magnet is manufactured by preparing a R-T-X sintered body having a major phase of RTX composition wherein Ris a rare earth element(s) and essentially contains Pr and/or Nd, T is Fe, Co, Al, Ga, and/or Cu, and essentially contains Fe, and X is boron and/or carbon, forming an alloy powder containing 5≤R≤60, 5≤M≤70, and 20 Подробнее

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190096575A1
Автор: Kuniyoshi Futoshi

A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet includes the steps of: providing a sintered R1-T-B based magnet work (where R1 is a rare-earth element; T is Fe, or Fe and Co); providing a powder of an alloy in which a rare-earth element R2 accounts for 40 mass % or more of the entire alloy, the rare-earth element R2 always including Dy and/or Tb; subjecting the powder to a heat treatment to obtain a diffusion source; and heating the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work with the diffusion source to allow the at least one of Dy and Tb contained in the diffusion source to diffuse from the surface into the interior of the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work. The alloy powder is a powder produced by atomization. 1. A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet , comprising:providing a sintered R1-T-B based magnet work (where R1 is a rare-earth element; T is Fe, or Fe and Co);providing a powder of an alloy in which a rare-earth element R2 accounts for 40 mass % or more of the entire alloy, the rare-earth element R2 always including at least one of Dy and Tb;subjecting the alloy powder to a heat treatment at a temperature which is not lower than a temperature that is 250° C. below a melting point of the alloy powder and which is not higher than the melting point, to obtain a diffusion source from the alloy powder; andplacing the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work and the diffusion source in a process chamber, and heating the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work and the diffusion source to a temperature which is not higher than a sintering temperature of the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work, to allow the at least one of Dy and Tb contained in the diffusion source to diffuse from the surface into an interior of the sintered R1-T-B based magnet work, whereinthe alloy powder is a powder produced by atomization.2. The method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet of claim 1 , wherein an oxygen content in the diffusion source is not less than 0.5 mass % and not more ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149258A1

Provided is a silicide-based alloy material with which environmental load can be reduced and high thermoelectric conversion performance can be obtained. 1. A silicide-based alloy material comprising silicon and ruthenium as main components , [{'br': None, '45 atm %≤Si/(Ru+Si)≤70 atm %'}, {'br': None, '30 atm %≤Ru/(Ru+Si)≤55 atm %'}], 'wherein when contents of silicon and ruthenium are denoted by Si and Ru, respectively, an atomic ratio of devices constituting the alloy material satisfies the following2. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein an average crystal grain size of the silicide-based alloy material is 50 μm or less.3. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 2 , wherein the average crystal grain size of the silicide-based alloy material is 1 nm to 20 μm.4. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 3 , wherein the average crystal grain size of the silicide-based alloy material is 3 nm to 1 μm.5. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 4 , wherein the average crystal grain size of the silicide-based alloy material is 5 nm to 500 nm.6. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein the silicide-based alloy material has a plurality of crystal phases in a texture.7. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of silicon and ruthenium satisfy the following:{'br': None, '55 atm %≤Si/(Ru+Si)≤65 atm %'}{'br': None, '35 atm %≤Ru/(Ru+Si)≤45 atm %.'}8. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein the silicide-based alloy material has at least two or more kinds of crystal phases selected from space groups 198 claim 1 , 64 claim 1 , and 60 in the texture.9. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of silicon and ruthenium satisfy the following:{'br': None, '47 atm %≤Si/(Ru+Si)≤60 atm %'}{'br': None, '40 atm %≤Ru/(Ru+Si)≤53 atm %.'}10. The silicide-based alloy material according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170103835A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

An R-T-B based sintered magnet includes “R”, “T”, and “B”. “R” represents a rare earth element including at least Tb. “T” represents a metal element except rare earth elements including at least Fe, Cu, Mn, Al, and Co. “B” represents boron or boron and carbon. With respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet, a content of “R” is 28.0 to 32.0 mass %, a content of Cu is 0.04 to 0.50 mass %, a content of Mn is 0.02 to 0.10 mass %, a content of Al is 0.15 to 0.30 mass %, a content of Co is 0.50 to 3.0 mass %, and a content of “B” is 0.85 to 1.0 mass %. Tb2/Tb1 is 0.40 to less than 1.0, where Tb1 and Tb2 (mass %) denote a content of Tb at a surface portion and at a core portion, respectively. 1. An R-T-B based sintered magnet comprising “R” , “T” , and “B” , wherein“R” represents a rare earth element including at least Tb,“T” represents a metal element other than rare earth elements including at least Fe, Cu, Mn, Al, and Co,“B” represents boron or boron and carbon,a content of “R” is 28.0 to 32.0 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet,a content of Cu is 0.04 to 0.50 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet,a content of Mn is 0.02 to 0.10 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet,a content of Al is 0.15 to 0.30 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet,a content of Co is 0.50 to 3.0 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet,a content of “B” is 0.85 to 1.0 mass % with respect to 100 mass % of a total mass of the R-T-B based sintered magnet, andTb2/Tb1 is 0.40 or more and less than 1.0, where Tb1 (mass %) denotes a content of Tb at a surface portion of the R-T-B based sintered magnet, and Tb2 (mass %) denotes a content of Tb at a core portion of the R-T-B based sintered magnet.2. The R-T-B based sintered magnet according to claim ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Hydrogen storage alloy, negative electrode using hydrogen storage alloy, and nickel-hydrogen secondary battery using negative electrode

Номер: US20180114981A1
Принадлежит: FDK Corp

A nickel-hydrogen secondary battery includes an electrode group that includes a separator, a positive electrode and a negative electrode, and the negative electrode contains a hydrogen storage alloy having a crystal structure in which an AB 2 type unit and an AB 5 type unit are laminated, in which a PCT characteristic diagram at 80° C. includes a first plateau region having a hydrogen pressure Pd1 when hydrogen is stored by 0.25 times an effective hydrogen storage amount that is a hydrogen storage amount when a hydrogen pressure is 1 MPa, and a second plateau region having a hydrogen pressure Pd2 when hydrogen is stored by 0.70 times the effective hydrogen storage amount, and Pd1 and Pd2 satisfy a relation of 0.6≤log 10 (Pd2/Pd1).

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199203A1

A high-purity lanthanum, characterized by having a purity of 5N or more excluding rare earth elements and gas components, and α-ray count number of 0.001 cph/cmor less. A method for producing the high-purity lanthanum characterized by obtaining lanthanum crystal by subjecting a crude lanthanum metal raw material having a purity of 4N or less excluding the gas component to molten salt electrolysis at a bath temperature of 450 to 700° C., subjecting the lanthanum crystal to de-salting treatment, and removing volatile substances by performing electron beam melting, wherein the high-purity lanthanum has a purity of 5N or more excluding rare earth elements and gas components, and α-ray count number of 0.001 cph/cmor less. The object of the present invention is providing a technique capable of efficiently and stably providing a high-purity lanthanum with low α-ray, a sputtering target made from the high-purity lanthanum, and a metal gate thin film having the high-purity lanthanum as the main component. 1. A high-purity lanthanum , characterized by having a purity of 5N or more excluding rare earth elements and gas components , and α-ray count number of 0.001 cph/cmor less.2. The high-purity lanthanum according to claim 1 , characterized by having Pb content of 0.1 wtppm or less claim 1 , Bi content of 0.01 wtppm or less claim 1 , Th content of 0.001 wtppm or less claim 1 , and U content of 0.001 wtppm or less.3. The high-purity lanthanum according to claim 2 , characterized by having Al claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Cu contents of 1 wtppm or less claim 2 , respectively.4. The high-purity lanthanum according to claim 3 , characterized by having a total content of W claim 3 , Mo and Ta of 10 wtppm or less.5. A sputtering target comprising the high-purity lanthanum according to .6. A metal gate film formed from the sputtering target according to .7. A semi-conductor element or device equipped with the metal gate film according to .8. A method for producing high-purity lanthanum ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121395A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

There is provided a reactive powder enabling a satisfactory and stable self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction. Also, there is provided a bonding material enabling reliable bonding, by using the reactive powder, while inhibiting thermal degradation of a joint member without depending on a surface shape to be bonded of the joint member. The reactive powder is a reactive powder enabling self-propagating high temperature synthesis including a first material and a second material that chemically react with each other, in which each grain constituting the reactive powder is in a state that first sub-grains made of the first material and second sub-grains made of the second material are disorderly mixed within the grain. 1. A reactive powder enabling self-propagating high temperature synthesis , comprising: a first material and a second material that chemically react with each other ,wherein each grain constituting the reactive powder is in a state that first sub-grains made of the first material and second sub-grains made of the second material are disorderly mixed within the grain.2. The reactive powder according to claim 1 , wherein:the first sub-grain and the second sub-grain each has a scaly shape and an average thickness of the scaly shape is 10 nm or more and 1 μm or less.3. The reactive powder according to claim 1 , wherein:the reactive powder has an average grain size of 3 μm or more and 40 μm or less.4. The reactive powder according to claim 1 , wherein:the reactive powder is obtained by intermixing and grinding powder of the first material and powder of the second material.5. A bonding material to bond two or more members to be bonded claim 1 , comprising: the reactive powder according to ; andan easy-flowing material fluidized at a temperature lower than a melting point of the members to be bonded.6. The bonding material according to claim 5 , wherein:the reactive powder and powder of the easy-flowing material are intermixed within the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115125A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

The present invention provides a magnet structure comprising a first magnet, a second magnet, and an intermediate layer joining the first magnet and the second magnet. In the magnet structure, each of the first magnet and the second magnet is a permanent magnet comprising a rare earth element R, a transition metal element T, and boron B. In addition, the rare earth element R comprises: a light rare earth element Rcomprising at least Nd; and a heavy rare earth element R, and the transition metal element T comprises Fe, Co, and Cu. Further, the intermediate layer comprises: an Roxide phase comprising an oxide of the light rare earth element R; and an R—Co—Cu phase comprising the light rare element R, Co, and Cu. 1. A magnet structure comprising:a first magnet;a second magnet; andan intermediate layer joining the first magnet and the second magnet; whereineach of the first magnet and the second magnet is a permanent magnet comprising: a rare earth element R; a transition metal element T; and boron B,{'sub': L', 'H, 'the rare earth element R comprises: a light rare earth element Rcomprising at least Nd; and a heavy rare earth element R,'}the transition metal element T comprises Fe, Co, and Cu, and [{'sub': L', 'L, 'an Roxide phase comprising an oxide of the light rare earth element R; and'}, {'sub': L', 'L, 'an R—Co—Cu phase comprising the light rare earth element R, Co, and Cu.'}], 'the intermediate layer comprises2. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer further comprises an Rrich phase.3. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': L', 'L', 'L, 'concentrations of the R, of Co, and of Cu in the R—Co—Cu phase are higher than concentrations of the R, of Co, and of Cu respectively in the magnet.'}4. The magnet structure according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first magnet and the second magnet has a region where a concentration of the heavy rare earth element in the magnet becomes lower as a distance from the ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Sputtering Target And Method For Production Thereof

Номер: US20160126072A1
Автор: Endo Yousuke

A sputtering target according to the disclosure includes 5 wtppm to 10,000 wtppm of Cu and the balance of In and has a relative density of 99% or more and an average grain size of 3,000 μm or less. 1. A sputtering target comprising:5 wtppm to 10,000 wtppm of Cu; andthe balance of In,the sputtering target having a relative density of at least 99%, an average grain size of at most 3,000 μm and an oxygen concentration of at most 20 wtpmm.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size is from 10 μm to 1 claim 1 ,000 μm.3. The sputtering target according to claim 2 , wherein the average grain size is from 10 μm to 500 μm.4. The sputtering target according to claim 3 , wherein the average grain size is from 10 μm to 300 μm.5. (canceled)6. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , further comprising at most 100 wtppm of at least one selected from S claim 1 , Cd claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Se claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , and Sn.7. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , which has a cylindrical shape.8. A method for producing a sputtering target claim 1 , the method comprising:forming a sputtering target raw material in such a manner that the sputtering target raw material is bonded to a surface of a supporting substrate, wherein the sputtering target raw material comprises 5 wtppm to 10,000 wtppm of Cu and the balance of In; andthen subjecting the sputtering target raw material to plastic working in a thickness direction of the sputtering target raw material at a thickness reduction rate in the range of 10% to 80%.9. The method for producing a sputtering target according to claim 8 , wherein the sputtering target raw material further comprises at most 100 wtppm claim 8 , in total claim 8 , of at least one selected from S claim 8 , Cd claim 8 , Zn claim 8 , Se claim 8 , Mg claim 8 , Ca claim 8 , and Sn.10. The method for producing a sputtering target according to claim 8 , wherein the supporting substrate is a cylindrical backing ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Kinetic Model for Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of III-V Bismide Alloys

Номер: US20220267924A1

The invention relates in part to a growth model for the growth of Group III-Group V (III-V) alloys by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) based on the kinetics of adsorption, desorption, incorporation, anion exchange, anion-assisted removal, and surface droplet accumulation of the Group V elements. The invention also relates to methods to optimize MBE growth conditions used to produce a target III-V alloy composition. The invention is further related to methods of predicting III-V alloy compositions resulting from a set of MBE growth conditions. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of obtaining estimates of the model parameters in the obtaining step comprises performing MBE growths of the InAsSbBi alloys using operator controllable inputs claim 1 , and measuring droplet accumulation rate claim 1 , θR claim 1 , for each growth that exhibits surface droplet formation of Bi.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of obtaining estimates of the model parameters in the obtaining step comprises performing MBE growths of InAsSbBi alloys using operator controllable inputs claim 1 , and performing experimental determination of alloy lattice constants and band gap energies for each growth.4. The method of wherein the step of performing the experimental determination of alloy lattice constants for each growth is ascertained claim 3 , at least for some portion of the As claim 3 , Sb and Bi elements claim 3 , from X-ray diffraction measurements.5. The method of wherein the step of performing the experimental determination of band gap energies for each growth is ascertained claim 3 , at least for some portion of the As claim 3 , Sb and Bi elements claim 3 , from steady state photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of performing the experimental determination of measured droplet accumulation rate claim 1 , θR claim 1 , for each growth is ascertained claim 1 , at least for some portion of As claim 1 , Sb and Bi claim 1 , from X-ray ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Generation of a Splice Between Superconductor Materials

Номер: US20170125924A1

Technologies are described for methods and systems to generate a splice between a first and a second piece of conductor material. The methods may comprise identifying a first overlap area for the first piece on a first conductive surface. The first piece may include the first conductive surface and a first non-conductive surface. The methods may comprise identifying a second overlap area for the second piece on a second conductive surface. The second piece may include the second conductive surface and a second non-conductive surface. The methods may comprise pre-tinning the first and second overlap areas with solder to produce first and second pre-tinned areas. The methods may comprise stacking the first and second pieces so that the first and second pre-tinned areas are in contact and applying heat to the first non-conductive surface sufficient to melt the solder and generate the splice between the first and second pieces. 1. A method for generating a splice between a first and a second piece of conductor material , the method comprising:identifying a first overlap area for the first piece, where the first piece includes a first layer including a rare earth barium copper oxide, the first piece includes a first conductive surface that is part of a first conductive path to the rare earth barium copper oxide in the first piece, and the first piece includes a first non-conductive surface opposite the first conductive surface, where the first non-conductive surface does not provide the first conductive path to the rare earth barium copper oxide in the first piece, and the first overlap area is on the first conductive surface;identifying a second overlap area for the second piece, where the second piece includes a second layer including the rare earth barium copper oxide, the second piece includes a second conductive surface that is part of a second conductive path to the rare earth barium copper oxide in the second piece, and the second piece includes a second non- ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122278A1
Автор: HUANG Suixiang

A lead free solder composition is disclosed and includes: 0.02% to 6% by weight stibium, 0.03% to 3% by weight copper, 0.03% to 8% by weight bismuth, 55% to 68% by weight indium, 0.3% to 8% by weight silver, 5% to 11% by weight magnesium, 0.3% to 1.45% by weight scandium, 0.6% to 1.8% by weight cerium, and 10% to 45% by weight tin. The lead free solder composition of the invention has a solidus temperature no lower than 120° C., has good ductility and stability, and hence is suitable for soldering electrical connectors onto the metalized surface on the glass. 1. A lead free solder composition , comprising:0.02% to 6% by weight stibium,0.03% to 3% by weight copper,0.03% to 8% by weight bismuth,55% to 68% by weight indium,0.3% to 8% by weight silver,5% to 11% by weight magnesium,0.3% to 1.45% by weight scandium,0.6% to 1.8% by weight cerium, and10% to 45% by weight tin.2. The lead free solder composition of claim 1 , comprising 1.0% to 1.1% by weight scandium.3. The lead free solder composition of claim 1 , comprising 0.7% to 0.8% by weight cerium.4. The lead free solder composition of claim 1 , wherein the lead free solder composition has a solidus temperature in a range from 120° C. to 135° C.5. The lead free solder composition of claim 3 , wherein the lead free solder composition has a liquidus temperature in a range from 130° C. to 145° C. The present invention relates to a lead free solder composition, and particularly to a lead free solder composition with high ductility.Rear windows of automobiles typically include electrical devices, such as defrosters, located on the glass. In order to provide electrical connections to the electrical devices, a small area of metallic coating is generally applied to the glass to obtain a metalized surface which is configured to be electrically connected to the electrical device, and then an electrical connector of the electrical device can be soldered onto the metalized surface.In the prior art, the electrical connector is ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123637A1

The present invention relates to a thermoelectric alloy and a method for producing the same. A starting material is firstly provided, and an oxidation process is performed to the starting material to obtain an oxidized material composition. Then, the oxidized material composition and a carburizing agent are added into a quartz tube, and a sealing process is performed to the quartz tube. And then, the sealed quartz tube is subjected to a carburization process, thereby obtaining the thermoelectric alloy with excellent thermoelectric figure-of-merit.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for production and identification of weyl semimetal

Номер: US20170138844A1

Disclosed is a method for producing and identifying a Weyl semimetal. Identification is enabled via a combination of the vacuum ultraviolet (low-photon energy) and soft X-ray (SX) angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Production generally requires providing high purity raw materials, creating a mixture, heating the mixture in a container at a temperature sufficient for thermal decomposition of an impurity while preventing the possible reaction between the side walls of the container and the raw materials, depositing the resulting compound and a transfer agent onto the bottom surface of the ampule, differentially heating the ampule, and allowing a chemical vapor transport reaction to complete.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180137889A1

A method of forming a near field transducer (NFT) layer, the method including depositing a film of a primary element, the film having a film thickness and a film expanse; and implanting at least one secondary element into the primary element, wherein the NFT layer includes the film of the primary element doped with the at least one secondary element. 1. A method of forming a near field transducer (NFT) layer , the method comprising:depositing a film of a primary element, the film having a film thickness and a film expanse; andimplanting at least one secondary element into the primary element,wherein the NFT layer comprises the film of the primary element doped with the at least one secondary element.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one secondary element is implanted using beam line implanting claim 1 , or plasma immersion implanting.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the at least one secondary element is not constant across the thickness of the film4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the at least one secondary element is not constant across the expanse of the film.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one secondary element is implanted at more than one energy.6. The method according to further comprising annealing after implanting the at least one secondary element.7. The method according to further comprising depositing a metal or dielectric layer on the implanted film before annealing.8. The method according to further comprising implanting at least one secondary element after annealing.9. The method according to further comprising patterning the NFT layer into a NFT.10. The method according to further comprising depositing a metal or dielectric layer on the film of primary element before implanting the at least one secondary element.11. A method of forming a peg of a near field transducer (NFT) claim 1 , the method comprising:depositing a primary element to ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282355A1

A low-cost hydrogen storage material has hydrogen absorption (storage) and desorption properties suitable for hydrogen storage. A hydrogen storage container including the hydrogen storage material and a hydrogen supply apparatus including the hydrogen storage container are disclosed. The hydrogen storage material includes an alloy having a specific elemental composition represented by Formula (1), in which, in a 1000×COMP image of a cross section of the alloy obtained by EPMA, a plurality of phases enriched with R are present, the phases having phase diameters of 0.1 μm or more and 10 μm or less, and 100 or more sets of combinations of two phases in the phases are present in a visual field of 85 μm×120 μm in the COMP image, the shortest separation distance between the two phases being 0.5 to 20 μm. 1. A hydrogen storage material comprising:an alloy having an elemental composition represented by the following Formula (1), [{'br': None, '[Chem. 1]'}, {'br': None, 'sub': (1-a-b)', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f, 'TiRM1FeMnM2C\u2003\u2003(1)'}], 'wherein, in a 1000×COMP image of a cross section of the alloy obtained by EPMA, a plurality of phases enriched with R are present, the phases having phase diameters of 0.1 μm or more and 10 μm or less, and 100 or more sets of combinations of two phases in the phases are present in a visual field of 85 μm×120 μm in the COMP image, the shortest separation distance between the two phases being 0.5 to 20 μm,'}where R is at least one selected from the rare earth elements and contains Ce as an essential element, M1 is at least one selected from the group consisting of the group 4 elements and the group 5 elements in the periodic table, and M2 is at least one selected from the transition metal elements (excluding M1, Ti, Fe, and Mn), Al, B, Ga, Si, and Sn, where the rare earth elements include Sc and Y, and a satisfies 0.003≤a≤0.15, b satisfies 0≤b≤0.20, c satisfies 0.40≤c≤1.15, d satisfies 0.05≤d≤0.40, e satisfies 0≤e≤0.20, f satisfies ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282358A1

Provided is an Ir alloy which is excellent in high temperature strength while ensuring oxidation wear resistance at high temperature. The Ir alloy consists of: 7 mass % or more, and less than 10 mass % of Rh; 0.5 mass % to 5 mass % of Ta; 0 mass % to 5 mass % of at least one kind of element selected from among Co, Cr, and Ni; and Ir as the balance, wherein a total content of the Ta and the at least one kind of element selected from among Co, Cr, and Ni is 5 mass % or less. 1. An Ir alloy consisting of:7 mass % or more, and less than 10 mass % of Rh;0.5 mass % to 5 mass % of Ta;0 mass % to 5 mass % of at least one kind of element selected from among Co, Cr, and Ni; andIr as the balance,wherein a total content of the Ta and the at least one kind of element selected from among Co, Cr, and Ni is 5 mass % or less.2. The Ir alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the Rh is 8 mass % or more claim 1 , and less than 10 mass %. This application is a Continuation-in-Part of Application No. 16/471,054, filed Jun. 19, 2019, which is a national stage of PCT/JP2017/045632, filed Dec. 20, 2017, which claims priority to Japanese Application No. 2017-242366, filed Dec. 19, 2017, and Japanese Application No. 2016-249860, filed Dec. 22, 2016. The entire contents of the prior applications are hereby incorporated by reference herein in their entirety.The present invention relates to a heat-resistant Ir alloy.Various alloys have been developed as heat-resistant materials to be used for a crucible for high temperature, a heat-resistant device, a gas turbine, a spark plug, a sensor for high temperature, a jet engine, and the like. As major heat-resistant materials, there are given, for example, heat-resistant steel, a nickel-based superalloy, a platinum alloy, and tungsten. The heat-resistant steel, the nickel-based superalloy, the platinum alloy, and the like have solidus points of less than 2,000° C., and hence cannot be used at a temperature of 2,000° C. or more. Meanwhile, ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Deformable Conductors and Related Sensors, Antennas and Multiplexed Systems

Номер: US20220285043A1
Автор: Ronay Mark

A conducting shear thinning gel composition and methods of making such a composition are disclosed. The conducting shear thinning gel composition includes a mixture of a eutectic gallium alloy and gallium oxide, wherein the mixture of eutectic gallium alloy and gallium oxide has a weight percentage (wt %) of between about 59.9% and about 99.9% eutectic gallium alloy, and a wt % of between about 0.1% and about 2.0% gallium oxide. Also disclosed are articles of manufacture, comprising the shear thinning gel composition, and methods of making article of manufacture having a shear thinning gel composition. Also disclosed are sensors and multiplexed systems utilizing deformable conductors. 1. (canceled)2. An electronic system , comprising:a flexible substrate; and (a) has an electrical property having a substantially linear response proportional over a predetermined range to the metal gel being stretched,', '(b) comprises a eutectic gallium alloy; and an amount of gallium oxide distributed within the bulk of the gallium alloy, wherein the bulk mixture of eutectic gallium alloy and gallium oxide has a weight percentage (wt %) of between about 59.9% and about 99.9% eutectic gallium alloy, and', '(c) the metal gel is stabilized by gallium oxide microstructures, 'a stretchable conductor disposed on the stretchable substrate, the stretchable conductor comprising a metal gel composition, wherein the metal gel compositionan encapsulant configured to encapsulate the stretchable conductor with the flexible substrate.3. The electronic system of claim 2 , further comprising a circuit claim 2 , operatively coupled to the stretchable conductor claim 2 , configured to determine the electrical property and output a signal based on the electrical property.4. The electronic system of claim 2 , wherein the metal gel composition has a viscosity that changes from about 10 claim 2 ,000 claim 2 ,000 Pa*s to about 40 claim 2 ,000 claim 2 ,000 Pa*s under low shear to about 150 Pa*s to about 180 ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Thermoelectric conversion material, thermoelectric conversion element, thermoelectric conversion module, and optical sensor

Номер: US20220285602A1

A thermoelectric conversion material is constituted of a semiconductor that contains a constituent element and an additive element having a difference of 1 in the number of electrons in an outermost shell from the constituent element, the additive element having a concentration of not less than 0.01 at % and not more than 30 at %. The semiconductor has a microstructure including an amorphous phase and a granular crystal phase dispersed in the amorphous phase. The amorphous phase includes a first region in which the concentration of the additive element is a first concentration, and a second region in which the concentration of the additive element is a second concentration lower than the first concentration. The first concentration and the second concentration have a difference of not less than 15 at % and not more than 25 at % therebetween.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139440A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of preparing a thermoelectric material , comprising:1) weighing powders of reactants according to an appropriate stoichiometric ratio, mixing the powders in an agate mortar, and cold-pressing the powders into a pellet;{'sup': '−3', '2) sealing the pellet in a silica tube under a pressure of 10Pa, initiating a self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) by point-heating a portion of the pellet wherein, once the SHS starts, a wave of exothermic reactions passes through the remaining portion of the pellet, cooling down the pellet after reaction in air or quenched in salt water to obtain a cooled-down pellet; and'} {'sub': 4-e', 'e', '12-f', 'f', '3, 'wherein the reactants include Co, M, Sb, and Te powders, M is Fe or Ni, the stoichiometric ratio is Co:M:Sb:Te=4−e:e:12−f:f, where 0≤e≤1.0, 0≤f≤1.0, the cooled-down pellet obtained in step (2) contains CoMSbTe; and parameters of the PAS include a reaction temperature of 650° C. with a heating rate of 100° C./min and a pressure of 40 MPa for 8 min, a final product is a CoSbbased thermoelectric material.'}, '3) crushing the cooled-down pellet obtained in step 2) into powder, and sintering the powder with plasma activated sintering (PAS) to form a bulk material,'} The present disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with plasma activated sintering (PAS) and a method for preparing the same. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing thermoelectric ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200143965A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Michihide

The present invention relates to an RFeB sintered magnet containing: 28% to 33% by mass of a rare-earth element R, 0% to 2.5% by mass of Co (cobalt) (i.e., Co may not be contained), 0.3% to 0.7% by mass of Al (aluminum), 0.9% to 1.2% by mass of B (Boron), and less than 1,500 ppm of O (oxygen), with the balance being Fe, containing an RFeAl phase having an RFeAlstructure in a crystal grain boundary, and having a coercivity of 16 kOe or more. 1. An RFeB sintered magnet , 28% to 33% by mass of a rare-earth element R,', '0% to 2.5% by mass of Co,', '0.3% to 0.7% by mass of Al,', '0.9% to 1.2% by mass of B, and', 'less than 1,500 ppm of O,', 'with the balance being Fe,, 'comprising{'sub': 6', '14-x', 'x, 'comprising an RFeAl phase having an RFeAlstructure in a crystal grain boundary, and'}having a coercivity of 16 kOe or more.2. The RFeB sintered magnet according to claim 1 , further comprising:0.1% to 0.5% by mass of Cu,wherein the total of the contents of Cu and Al exceeds 0.5% by mass, andwherein the content of Al is larger than the content of Cu.3. The RFeB sintered magnet according to claim 1 , further comprising:0.05% to 0.35% by mass of Zr.4. The RFeB sintered magnet according to claim 1 ,wherein the rare-earth element R comprises at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nb, Pr, Dy, and Tb.5. The RFeB sintered magnet according to claim 4 ,wherein the rare-earth element R comprises at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nb and Pr.6. The RFeB sintered magnet according to claim 1 , further comprising:0.2% by mass or less of Ga. The present invention relates to an RFeB sintered magnet containing a rare-earth element (hereinafter referred to as “R”), iron (Fe) and boron (B) as main constituting elements.RFeB sintered magnets were discovered in 1982 by Masato Sagawa et al. and have excellent characteristics that most of their magnetic characteristics such as residual magnetic flux density are far higher than those of conventional ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing La/Ce/MM/Y base alloys, resulting alloys, and battery electrodes

Номер: US20170166998A1

A carbothermic reduction method is provided for reducing a La-, Ce-, MM-, and/or Y-containing oxide in the presence of carbon and a source of a reactant element comprising Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, and/or P to form an intermediate alloy material including a majority of La, Ce, MM, and/or Y and a minor amount of the reactant element. The intermediate material is useful as a master alloy for in making negative electrode materials for a metal hydride battery, as hydrogen storage alloys, as master alloy additive for addition to a melt of commercial Mg and Al alloys, steels, cast irons, and superalloys; or in reducing SmOto Sm metal for use in Sm—Co permanent magnets. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of making a metal hydride battery electrode material , comprising carbothermically reducing an oxide selected from the group consisting of La-containing oxide , a Ce-containing oxide , and MM-containing oxide in the presence of carbon as a reducing agent and a source of a reactant element X wherein X is selected from the group consisting of Si , Ge , Sn , Pb , As , Sb , Bi , and P to achieve substantial completion of the carbothermic reduction reaction to form a low carbon rare earth-based alloy having a majority of a rare earth element selected from the group consisting of La , Ce , and MM , a minor amount of X , and a low carbon content of about 2 weight % or less and alloying the carbothermically reduced , low carbon rare earth-based alloy with a transition metal to form the electrode material.18. The method of wherein the transition metal is Ni.19. The method of wherein some of the Ni is substituted by at least one of B claim 18 , Al claim 18 , Si claim 18 , Ti claim 18 , V claim 18 , Cr claim 18 , Mn claim 18 , Co claim 18 , Fe claim 18 , Cu claim 18 , Zn claim 18 , and Mo.20. The method of wherein the rare earth-based alloy further includes an amount of Pr claim 17 , Nd claim 17 , and/or Zr.21. The method of wherein the rare earth-based alloy includes about 5 to about 50 ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220310319A1
Автор: NOZAWA Noriyuki

A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet includes: preparing a sintered R-T-B based magnet work (R is a rare-earth element; and T is at least one selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co, Al, Mn and Si, and contains Fe with no exception); preparing an RL-RH-B-M based alloy; and a diffusion step of performing heat treatment while at least a portion of the RL-RH-B-M based alloy is attached to at least a portion of a surface of the sintered R-T-B based magnet work. In the RL-RH-B-M based alloy, the content of RL is 50 mass % or higher and 95 mass % or lower, the content of RH is 45 mass % or lower (including 0 mass %), the content of B is 0.1 mass % or higher and 3.0 mass % is lower; and the content of M is 4 mass % or higher and 49.9 mass % or lower. 1. A method for producing a sintered R-T-B based magnet , comprising:preparing a sintered R-T-B based magnet work (R is a rare-earth element and contains, with no exception, at least one selected from the group consisting of Nd, Pr and Ce; and T is at least one selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co, Al, Mn and Si, and contains Fe with no exception);preparing an RL-RH-B-M based alloy (R is a light rare-earth element and contains, with no exception, at least one selected from the group consisting of Nd, Pr and Ce; RH is at least one selected from the group consisting of Tb, Dy and Ho; B is boron; and M is at least one selected from the group consisting of Cu, Ga, Fe, Co, Ni, Al, Ag, Zn, Si and Sn); anda diffusion step of heating the sintered R-T-B based magnet work and the RL-RH-B-M based alloy at a temperature not lower than 700° C. and not higher than 1100° C. in a vacuum or an inert gas atmosphere while at least a portion of the RL-RH-B-M based alloy is attached to at least a portion of a surface of the sintered R-T-B based magnet work,wherein the RL-RH-B-M based alloy contains RL at a content not lower than 50 mass % and not higher than 95 mass %, contains RH at a content not higher than 45 mass % ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Sputtering Target Comprising Al-Te-Cu-Zr Alloy, and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20170175252A1
Автор: Koido Yoshimasa

An Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target, comprising 20 at % to 40 at % of Te, 5 at % to 20 at % of Cu, 5 at % to 15 at % of Zr and the remainder of Al, wherein a Te phase, a Cu phase and a CuTe phase are not present in a structure of the target. An object of the present invention is to provide an Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target capable of effectively reducing particle generation, nodule formation and the like upon sputtering and further capable of reducing oxygen contained in the target. 1. An Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target , comprising 20 at % to 40 at % of Te , 5 at % to 20 at % of Cu , 5 at % to 15 at % of Zr and the remainder of Al , wherein a Te phase , a Cu phase and a CuTe phase are not present in a structure of the target.2. The Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein an Al phase claim 1 , a CuAl phase claim 1 , a TeZr phase and a Zr phase are present in the structure of the target.3. The Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , having a mean grain size of 10 μm or less.4. The Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , having a purity of 3N or more and an oxygen content of 3000 wt. ppm or less.5. The Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , comprising one or more elements selected from Si claim 1 , C claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , V claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , lanthanoid elements claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , S and Se.6. The Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target according to claim 1 , having a relative density of 90% or more.7. A method of manufacturing an Al—Te—Cu—Zr alloy sputtering target claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of: dissolving a Cu raw material and a Te raw material to produce a CuTe alloy ingot; pulverizing the CuTe alloy ingot; then hot-pressing the pulverized CuTe powder and a Zr raw material powder to produce a CuTeZr alloy; then pulverizing the CuTeZr alloy; hot- ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170178876A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target includes, as a component composition, Ga: 0.1 to 40.0 at % and a balance including Cu and inevitable impurities, in which a porosity is 3.0% or lower, an average diameter of circumscribed circles of pores is 150 μm or less, and an average crystal grain size of Cu—Ga alloy particles is 50 μm or less.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200169188A1
Автор: Gao Shengjie, Wu Wenzhuo

The present disclosure relates to novel triboelectric nanogenerators with flexible polymeric dielectric layer comprising liquid metal particles, and method of making and using the novel triboelectric nanogenerators. 1. A triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) comprising:a flexible polymeric dielectric layer comprising liquid metal particles and a polymer,wherein the liquid metal particles are dispersed within the polymer;a first electrode; anda second electrode,wherein the second electrode is spaced apart from the first electrode with the flexible polymeric dielectric layer disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode.2. The triboelectric nanogenerator of claim 1 , whereinthe flexible polymeric dielectric layer comprises a first surface and an opposite second surface;the first electrode comprises a first surface and an opposite second surface; andthe second electrode comprises a first surface and an opposite second surface,wherein the flexible polymeric dielectric layer is disposed on the first surface of the first electrode.3. The triboelectric nanogenerator of claim 1 , wherein the liquid metal particles are substantially homogeneously dispersed within the flexible polymeric dielectric layer.4. The triboelectric nanogenerator of claim 2 , wherein the flexible polymeric dielectric layer is further provided a first contact layer and a second contact layer claim 2 , wherein the first contact layer is attached to the first surface of the flexible polymeric dielectric layer claim 2 , and the second contact layer is attached to the opposite second surface of the flexible polymeric dielectric layer.5. The triboelectric nanogenerator of claim 4 , wherein the first contact layer is disposed between the first surface of the flexible polymeric dielectric layer and the first surface of the first electrode.6. The triboelectric nanogenerator of claim 1 , wherein the opposite second surface of the first electrode is attached to a flexible substrate.7. The ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Bismuth-Indium Alloy For Liquid-Tight Bonding of Optical Windows

Номер: US20190177218A1
Принадлежит: PIKE Technologies of Wisconsin, Inc.

Disclosed herein are seals for liquid-tight bonding of an optical window comprising a Bi—In alloy. Also disclosed are optical cells comprising the Bi—In alloy seals to provide a liquid-tight seal between a cell housing and a drilled optical window. 1. A seal for liquid-tight bonding of an optical window comprising an aperture and at least one conduit , wherein the seal comprises a Bi—In alloy.2. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the Bi—In alloy is a eutectic composition.3. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the Bi—In alloy comprises 66.0-67.0% In by weight and/or 33.0-34.0% Bi by weight.4. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the Bi—In alloy consists essentially of 66.0-67.0% In by weight and 33.0-34.0% Bi by weight.5. An optical cell comprising:(a) a cell housing, the cell housing comprising a housing aperture, an inlet port, and an outlet port;(b) a seal, the seal comprising a seal aperture, an inlet conduit, and an outlet conduit, wherein the seal comprises a Bi—In alloy;(c) a drilled optical window, the drilled optical window comprising an inlet and an outlet(d) a spacer, the spacer comprising a spacer aperture; and(e) an undrilled optical window,wherein the drilled optical window, the spacer, and the undrilled optical window form a chamber,wherein the housing aperture, the seal aperture, and the spacer aperture are aligned and form an optical path transverse to the drilled optical window and the undrilled optical window;wherein the seal is configured to form a liquid-tight seal between the housing and the drilled optical window and allow fluid communication between the inlet port and inlet via the inlet conduit and the outlet port and the outlet via the outlet conduit.6. The cell of claim 5 , wherein the Bi—In alloy comprises 66.0-67.0% In by weight and/or 33.0-34.0% Bi by weight.7. The cell of claim 5 , wherein the Bi—In alloy consists essentially of 66.0-67.0% In by weight and 33.0-34.0% Bi by weight.8. The cell of further comprising a mounting plate claim 5 , the mounting ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171570A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of preparing a thermoelectric material , comprising:1) weighing powders of reactants according to an appropriate stoichiometric ratio, mixing the powders in an agate mortar, and cold-pressing the powders into a pellet;{'sup': '−3', '2) sealing the pellet in a silica tube under a pressure of 10Pa, initiating a self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) by point-heating a portion of the pellet wherein, once the SHS starts, a wave of exothermic reactions passes through the remaining portion of the pellet, cooling down the pellet after reaction in air or quenched in salt water to obtain a cooled-down pellet; and'} {'sub': 2', '3-x', 'x', '2', '3, 'wherein the reactants include Bi, Te, and Se powders, the stoichiometric ratio is Bi:Te:Se =2:(3-x):x, where 0 Подробнее

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171571A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 2. Based on the new criterion for combustion synthesis , those binary compounds include thermoelectric compounds , high temperature intermetalic and high temperature refractory.4. According to the above step , the pellet after SHS was crushed into powders and then sintered by spark plasma sintering to obtain the bulks5. According to the above step , the binary compounds are mostly thermoelectric material , high temperature ceramics and intermetallic.7. In step 1) of , what we choose for elemental A can be the elemental in IIIB , IVB , and VB column of periodic Table. What we choose for elemental B can be the elemental in VIIIB column of periodic Table. What we choose for elemental X can be the elemental in IIIA , IVA , VA column of periodic Table. In step 3) of , the parameter for spark plasma sintering is with the temperature above 850° C. and the pressure around 30-50 MPa.8. According to and , one of or the mixture of the Ti , Zr , Hf , Sc , Y , La , V , Nb , and Ta can be selected as elemental A. One of or the mixture of the Fe , Co , Ni , Ru , Rh , Pd , and Pt can be selected as elemental B. One of or the mixture of the Sn , Sb , and Bi can be selected as elemental X. The present disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with plasma activated sintering (PAS) and a method for preparing the same. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing thermoelectric materials which can meet the new criterion.In the heat flow of the energy ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Thermoelectric materials synthesized by self-propagating high temperature synthesis process and methods thereof

Номер: US20200171572A1
Принадлежит: Wuhan University of Technology WUT

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171573A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of preparing a thermoelectric material , comprising:1) weighing powders of reactants according to an appropriate stoichiometric ratio, mixing the powders in an agate mortar, and cold-pressing the powders into a pellet;{'sup': '−3', '2) sealing the pellet in a silica tube under a pressure of 10Pa, initiating a self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) by point-heating a portion of the pellet wherein, once the SHS starts, a wave of exothermic reactions passes through the remaining portion of the pellet, cooling down the pellet after reaction in air or quenched in salt water to obtain a cooled-down pellet; and'}3) crushing the cooled-down pellet obtained in step 2) into powder, and sintering the powder with plasma activated sintering (PAS) to form a bulk material,{'sub': a', 'b', '4, 'wherein the reactants include Cu, M, Sn, and Se powders, M is Sb, Zn, or Cd; the stoichiometric ratio is Cu:M:Sn:Se=a:1:b:4, where a=2 or 3, b=0 or 1, the cooled-down pellet obtained in step (2) contains CuMSnSe.'} The present disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with plasma activated sintering (PAS) and a method for preparing the same. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing thermoelectric materials which can meet the new criterion.In the heat flow of the energy consumption in the world, there is about 70% of the total energy wasted in the form of heat. If those large quantities of waste heat can be ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171574A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 115-. (canceled)16. A ultra-fast synthesis method for preparing high performance Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials , comprising(1) preparing appropriate Stoichiometric amounts of high purity single elemental powders A, B, X in 1:1:1 proportion, mixing the powders in the agate mortar and then cold-pressed into a pellet.{'sup': '−3', '(2) sealing the pellet in a silica tube under the pressure of 10Pa,'}(3) initiating the systhesis by point-heating a small part of the pellet,(4) cooling down the systhesized product to room temperature in the air or quenched in the salt water.(5) crushing the synthesized product into fine powders, and(6) sintering the powders by plasma activated sintering (PAS).17. The ultra-fast synthesis method according to claim 16 , wherein A is an element selected from elements in IIIB claim 16 , IVB claim 16 , and VB columns of the periodic table; B is an element selected from elements in VIIIB column of the periodic table; X is an element selected from elements in IIIA claim 16 , IVA claim 16 , VA columns of the periodic table; and the sintering is performed with a temperature above 850° C. and a pressure from 30 to 50 MPa.18. The ultra-fast synthesis method according to claim 16 , wherein element A is selected from one of the followings Ti claim 16 , Zr claim 16 , Hf claim 16 , Sc claim 16 , Y claim 16 , La claim 16 , V claim 16 , Nb claim 16 , and Ta; element B is selected from one of the followings Fe claim 16 , Co claim 16 , Ni claim 16 , Ru claim 16 , Rh claim 16 , Pd claim 16 , and Pt; and X is selected from one of the followings Sn claim 16 , Sb claim 16 , and ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180182517A1

An alloy material, a bonded magnet, and a modification method of a rare-earth permanent magnetic powder are provided by the present application. A melting point of the alloy material is lower than 600° C. and a composition of the alloy material by an atomic part is REMN, wherein RE is one or more of non-heavy rare-earth Nd, Pr, Sm, La and Ce, M is one or more of Cu, Al, Zn and Mg, N is one or more of Ga, In and Sn, x=10-35 and y=1-15. 1. An alloy material , wherein a melting point of the alloy material is lower than 600° C. and a composition of the alloy material by an atomic part is REMN , wherein RE is one or more of non-heavy rare-earth Nd , Pr , Sm , La and Ce , M is one or more of Cu , Al , Zn and Mg , N is one or more of Ga , In and Sn , x=10-35 and y=1-15.2. The alloy material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alloy material is an alloy powder claim 1 , and preferably claim 1 , the granularity of the alloy powder is 160-40 μm.3. A modification method of a rare-earth permanent magnetic powder claim 1 , wherein the modification method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'step S1, mixing the alloy material as claimed in with a rare-earth permanent magnetic powder to obtain a mixed powder, wherein a mass proportion of the alloy material in the mixed powder is 1-10%, preferably 2-5%; and'}step S2, in a first inert atmosphere or a vacuum state, performing a heat treatment on the mixed powder to obtain a modified rare-earth permanent magnetic powder.4. The modification method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the step S2 comprises:step S21, in the first inert atmosphere or the vacuum state, heating the mixed powder for 5-30 min at 675-900° C. to obtain a pretreated powder; andstep S22, heating the pretreated powder for 2-12 h at 500-600° C. to obtain the modified rare-earth permanent magnetic powder.5. The modification method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the alloy material is an alloy powder whose granularity is 160-40 μm claim 3 , and ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200176184A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A method for manufacturing an R-T-B permanent magnet comprises a diffusion step of adhering a diffusing material to the surface of a magnet base material and heating the magnet base material with the diffusing material adhered thereto, wherein the magnet base material comprises rare-earth elements R, transition metal elements T and boron B; at least some of R are Nd; at least some of T are Fe; the diffusing material comprises a first component, a second component and a third component; the first component is at least one of a simple substance of Tb and a simple substance of Dy; the second component comprises a metal comprising at least one of Nd and Pr and not comprising Tb and Dy; and the third component is at least one selected from the group consisting of a simple substance of Cu, an alloy comprising Cu, and a compound of Cu. 1. A method for manufacturing an R-T-B permanent magnet , comprising a diffusion step of adhering a diffusing material to a surface of a magnet base material and heating the magnet base material with the diffusing material adhered thereto ,wherein the magnet base material comprises rare-earth elements R, transition metal elements T and boron B;at least some of rare-earth elements R are neodymium;at least some of transition metal elements T are iron;the diffusing material comprises a first component, a second component and a third component;the first component is at least one of a simple substance of terbium and a simple substance of dysprosium;the second component is a metal comprising at least one of neodymium and praseodymium and not comprising terbium and dysprosium; andthe third component is at least one selected from the group consisting of a simple substance of copper, an alloy comprising copper, and a compound of copper.2. The method for manufacturing an R-T-B permanent magnet according to claim 1 ,wherein the second component is at least one of a simple substance of neodymium and a simple substance of praseodymium; andthe third ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187294A1

A process for producing a molded material that can form metallic glass material in a state of lower viscosity, and can manufacture a small structure of several 10 μm or less in a comparatively short time while precisely controlling shape thereof, by the process comprising a heating step of heating supercooled state metallic glass material or a solid metallic glass material at a temperature increase rate of 0.5 K/s to a temperature at or higher than a temperature at which a crystallization process for a supercooled liquid of the metallic glass material begins, and a molding step of transfer molding the metallic glass material until the crystallization process for the supercooled liquid of the metallic glass material has been completed. In addition, the purpose is also to provide the molded material that has been formed by this process, a wavefront control element, and a diffraction grating. 1. A process for producing a molded material comprising:a step of heating a supercooled metallic glass material to a temperature which is equal to or higher than a temperature at which a supercooled liquid of the metallic glass material starts to crystallize;and a step of molding the metallic glass material, during the heating step, for a period of time lasting before a completion of a crystallization process of the supercooled liquid of the metallic glass material, into the material having a mixed phase of metallic glass and a crystalline phase or having a crystalline phase alone.2. A process for producing a molded material comprising:a step of heating a solid metallic glass material to a temperature which is equal to or higher than a glass transition temperature of the metallic glass material and is equal to or higher than a temperature at which the metallic glass material starts to crystallize;and a step of molding the metallic glass material, during the heating step, for a period of time starting with an arrival at the glass transition temperature and lasting before a ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190004A1

A solder composition includes about 20% to about 25% by weight tin, about 0.03% to about 3% by weight nickel, about 66% to about 75% by weight indium, and about 0.5% to about 2% by weight silver. The solder composition can further include about 0.1% to about 8% by weight antimony, about 0.03% to about 4% by weight copper, about 0.2% to about 6% by weight zinc, and/or about 0.01% to about 0.3% by weight germanium. The solder composition can be used to solder an electrical connector to an electrical contact surface on a glass component. 1. A solder composition , comprising:about 20% to about 25% by weight tin;about 0.03% to about 3% by weight nickel;about 66% to about 75% by weight indium; andabout 0.5% to about 2% by weight silver.2. The solder composition in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising about 0.1% to about 8% by weight antimony.3. The solder composition in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising about 0.03% to about 3% by weight copper.4. The solder composition in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising about 0.2% to about 6% by weight zinc.5. The solder composition in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising about 0.01% to about 0.3% by weight germanium.6. A vehicle glass component claim 1 , comprising:at least one ply of glass having an electrically conductive component on at least one surface; and about 20% to about 25% by weight tin,', 'about 0.03% to about 3% by weight nickel,', 'about 66% to about 75% by weight indium, and', 'about 0.5% to about 2% by weight silver., 'an electrical connector electrically connected to the electrically conductive component via a soldered joint, wherein a solder composition forming the soldered joint comprises7. The vehicle glass component in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the solder composition further comprises about 0.1% to about 8% by weight antimony.8. The vehicle glass component in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the solder composition further comprises about 0.03% to about 4% by weight ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210217943A1
Автор: Ren Zhifeng, SHUAI Jing

Systems and methods discussed herein relate to Zintl-type thermoelectric materials, including a p-type thermoelectric material according to the formula AMX, and includes at least one of calcium (Ca), europium (Eu), ytterbium (Yb), and strontium N (Sr), and has a ZT of the above about 0.60 above 675 K. The n-type thermoelectric component includes magnesium (Mg), tellurium (Te), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi) according to the formula MgSbBiTethat has an average ZT above 0.8 from 400 K to 800 K. The p-type and n-type materials discussed herein may be used alone, in combination with other materials, or in combination with each other in various configurations. 1. A thermoelectric device comprising:{'sub': y', 'y, 'a thermoelectric material comprising a formula AMX, wherein the thermoelectric material comprises a dimensionless figure of merit (ZT) greater than 0.60 at about 675 K.'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein A comprises at least two components and y is from about 0.1 to about 0.9.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein A comprises at least one of calcium (Ca) claim 1 , europium (Eu) claim 1 , ytterbium (Yb) claim 1 , and strontium (Sr).4. The device of claim 1 , wherein M comprises at least one of manganese (Mn) claim 1 , zinc (Zn) claim 1 , and cadmium (Cd).5. The device of claim 1 , wherein X comprises at least one of bismuth (Bi) and antimony (Sb).6. The device of claim 1 , wherein y=2.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ZT of the thermoelectric material is greater than 0.60 at about 675 K subsequent to hot-pressing.8. The device of claim -1 claim 1 , wherein the thermoelectric material is according to the formula CaYbMgBi.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the thermoelectric material is according to the formula EuCaZnSb.10. The device of claim 8 , wherein x is greater than 0.11. The device of claim 8 , wherein x is from about 0.3 to about 1.0.12. A thermoelectric device comprising:{'sub': 3.2', '1.5', '0.5-x', 'x, 'a thermoelectric component comprising ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185971A1
Автор: Kuniyoshi Futoshi

A sintered R-T-B based magnet according to the present disclosure is a sintered R-T-B based magnet containing a main phase crystal grain and a grain boundary phase, the sintered R-T-B based magnet containing: R: not less than 27.5 mass % and not more than 35.0 mass % (R is at least one rare-earth element which always includes Nd and Pr); B: not less than 0.80 mass % and not more than 1.05 mass %; Ga: not less than 0.05 mass % and not more than 1.0 mass %; M: not less than 0 mass % and not more than 2 mass % (where M is at least one of Cu, Al, Nb and Zr); and a balance T (where T is Fe, or Fe and Co) and impurities. A Pr/Nd which is a ratio of a concentration of Pr to a concentration of Nd in a central portion of a main phase crystal grain that is located at a depth of 300 μm from the magnet surface is lower than 1; and a Pr/Nd which is a ratio of a concentration of Pr to a concentration of Nd in an intergranular grain boundary that is located at a depth of 300 μm from the magnet surface is higher than 1. A portion where the Ga concentration gradually decreases from the magnet surface toward the magnet interior exists. 1: A sintered R-T-B based magnet comprising a main phase crystal grain and a grain boundary phase , the sintered R-T-B based magnet containing:R: not less than 27.5 mass % and not more than 35.0 mass % (R is at least one rare-earth element which always includes Nd and Pr);B: not less than 0.80 mass % and not more than 1.05 mass %;Ga: not less than 0.05 mass % and not more than 1.0 mass %;M: not less than 0 mass % and not more than 2 mass % (where M is at least one of Cu, Al, Nb and Zr); anda balance T (where T is Fe, or Fe and Co) and impurities, wherein,a Pr/Nd which is a ratio of a concentration of Pr to a concentration of Nd in a central portion of a main phase crystal grain that is located at a depth of 300 μm from a magnet surface is lower than 1; and a Pr/Nd which is a ratio of a concentration of Pr to a concentration of Nd in an intergranular ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211108A1

The sputtering target has a component composition containing Ga: 2 to 30 at %, In: 15 to 45 at %, Na: 0.05 to 15 at % as metal components other than F, S and Se in the sputtering target and the remainder composed of Cu and inevitable impurities. The sputtering target has a composition in which a Na compound phase is dispersed, the Na is contained in the Na compound phase, a theoretical density ratio of the sintered body is 90% or more, a deflective strength is 60 N/mmor more, a bulk resistivity is 0.1 Ω*cm or less, and the number of Na compound aggregates having a size of 0.05 mmor more contained in an area of 1 cmof a surface of the sputtering target is one or less on average. 1. A sputtering target is a sintered body having a component composition containing Ga: 2 to 30 at. % , In: 15 to 45 at. % , Na: 0.05 to 15 at. % , and the remainder composed of Cu and inevitable impurities ,wherein the sintered body having a composition in which a Na compound phase is dispersed and the Na is contained in the Na compound phase in a state of a Na compound formed of at least one form of sodium fluoride, sodium sulfide, and sodium selenide, andwherein an average grain size of the Na compound phase is 10 μm or less.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , whereina theoretical density ratio of the sintered body is 90% or more,{'sup': '2', 'a deflective strength is 60 N/mmor more,'}a bulk resistivity being 0.1 Ω*cm or less, and{'sup': 2', '2, 'the number of Na compound aggregates having a size of 0.05 mmor more contained in an area of 1 cmof a surface of the sputtering target is one or less on average.'}3. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , whereinthe content of oxygen of the sintered body is 50 to 2000 ppm.4. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , whereinan average grain size of the metallic phase in the sputtering-target material is 50 μm or less.5. A producing method of a sputtering target comprises a step of:sintering a mixed powder of a powder containing ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190198190A1

Disclosed are conductive composites comprising a polymer, a conductor selected from metals and metal alloys, and a thickening agent. 1. A conductive composite comprising:(a) a polymer;(b) a conductor selected from metals and metal alloys having a melting temperature below about 60° C.; and(c) a thickening agent.2. A conductive composite according to claim 1 , wherein the composite comprises a thermoset or thermoplastic elastomer.3. A conductive composite according to wherein the composite comprises urethane linkages claim 1 , urea linkages claim 1 , or urethane and urea linkages.4. A conductive composite according to wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is a polyurethane formed by a reaction of a di- or polyisocyanate and a polyol reactant is selected from siloxanes claim 2 , fluorosiloxanes claim 2 , perfluoropolyethers claim 2 , polyethers claim 2 , polyesters claim 2 , polybutadiene-based polyols claim 2 , polycarbonate-based polyols claim 2 , and combinations thereof.5. A conductive composite according to wherein the conductor is an alloy comprising at least about 50% by weight of gallium claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , mercury claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. A conductive composite according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor is an alloy comprising indium and 50-97% by weight of gallium.7. A conductive composite according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor is an alloy comprising about 15-30% by weight of indium claim 1 , about 55-80% by weight of gallium claim 1 , and at least one metal selected from tin and zinc.8. A conductive composite according to claim 1 , wherein the thickening agent is an organic thickening agent.9. A conductive composite according to claim 1 , wherein the thickening agent is an inorganic thickening agent.10. A composition comprising a metal or metal alloy having a melting temperature below 60° C. and an organic thickening agent.11. A composition according to claim 10 , wherein the composition further comprises an inorganic thickening ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160212849A1

An electronic apparatus includes: a first electronic component including a first electrode; solder on the first electrode; and a phase containing In, Ag, and Cu, the phase being dispersed and included in the solder. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a first electronic component including a first electrode;solder on the first electrode; anda phase containing In, Ag, and Cu, the phase being dispersed and included in the solder.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the phase has a structure in which Cu is dissolved in AgIn'}3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 ,{'b': 40', '65, 'wherein the solder including the phase contains % to % by weight of In.'}4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the solder including the phase contains Sn,{'b': 40', '65, '% to % by weight of In,'}{'b': 0', '01', '5, '.% to % by weight of Ag, and'}{'b': 0', '01', '1, '.% to % by weight of Cu.'}5. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second electronic component including a second electrode electrically connected to the first electrode with the solder.6. A method for manufacturing an electronic apparatus claim 1 , the method comprising:forming solder on a first electrode of a first component, the solder including a phase containing In, Ag, and Cu, the phase being dispersed in the solder.7. The method for manufacturing an electronic apparatus according to claim 6 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the phase has a structure in which Cu is dissolved in AgIn.'}8. The method for manufacturing an electronic apparatus according to claim 6 ,wherein the solder including the phase contains 40% to 65% by weight of In.9. The method for manufacturing an electronic apparatus according to claim 6 ,wherein the solder including the phase contains Sn,40% to 65% by weight of In,0.01% to 5% by weight of Ag, and0.01% to 1% by weight of Cu.10. The method for manufacturing an electronic apparatus according to claim 6 ,wherein the ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170207186A1

An electronic device includes an electrode including Cu, a solder including Sn and provided above the electrode, and a joining layer including In and Ag and provided along a boundary between the electrode and the solder. The joining layer including In and Ag prevents Cu—Sn alloy, such as CuSn, from being formed at the boundary between the electrode and the solder, and prevents generation of voids and cracks resulting from the Cu—Sn alloy. The electrode and the solder are joined with sufficient strength by the joining layer. 1. An electronic device comprising:an electrode including Cu;a solder including Sn and provided above the electrode; anda joining layer including In and Ag and provided along a boundary between the electrode and the solder.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinan average crystal grain diameter of the joining layer is smaller than an average crystal grain diameter of the solder.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe joining layer includes alloy including In and Ag.4. The electronic device according to claim 3 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'the alloy includes AgIn.'}5. The electronic device according to claim 3 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'the alloy includes AgInincluding Cu and Sn.'}6. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe joining layer includesa first alloy layer including Cu and Sn and provided on the electrode, anda second alloy layer including In and Ag and provided on the first alloy layer.7. The electronic device according to claim 6 , whereinthe first alloy layer is thinner than the second alloy layer.8. The electronic device according to claim 6 , wherein{'sub': 6', '5', '3, 'the first alloy layer includes CuSnor CuSn.'}9. The electronic device according to claim 6 , whereinthe first alloy layer includes Cu, Sn, and In.10. The electronic device according to claim 6 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'the second alloy layer includes AgIn.'}11. The electronic device according to claim 6 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'the ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180207753A1

A method of forming a solder composition comprises mixing indium, nickel, copper, silver, antimony, zinc, and tin together to form an alloy that consists of about 4% to about 25% by weight tin, about 0.1% to about 8% by weight antimony, about 0.03% to about 4% by weight copper. about 0.03% to about 4% by weight nickel, about 0.03% to about 1.5% by weight zinc, about 66% to about 90% by weight indium, and about 0.5% to about 9% by weight silver. The solder composition formed by this method can be used to solder an electrical connector to an electrical contact surface on a glass component. 1. A method of forming a solder composition comprising mixing indium , nickel , copper , silver , antimony , zinc , and tin together to form an alloy that consists of:about 4% to about 25% by weight tin;about 0.1% to about 8% by weight antimony;about 0.03% to about 4% by weight copper;about 0.03% to about 4% by weight nickel;about 0.03% to about 1.5% by weight zinc;about 66% to about 90% by weight indium; andabout 0.5% to about 9% by weight silver.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein indium and tin are mixed together to form a first molten mixture claim 1 , and at least nickel claim 1 , copper and silver are mixed together in solution to form a second mixture which is added to the first molten mixture.3. The method of claim 2 , further including adding zinc after all the second mixture have been added to the first molten mixture.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein tin and nickel are mixed together to form a molten mixture claim 1 , and at least copper claim 1 , indium claim 1 , and silver are then added to the molten mixture.5. The method of claim 4 , further including adding zinc after all other metals have been added to the molten mixture.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amount of antimony in the alloy is between about 0.2% and about 8% by weight.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amount of silver in the alloy is between about 1% and about 7% by weight.8. The method of ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210237153A1

A sintered compact target containing an element(s) (A) and an element(s) (B) as defined below is provided. The sintered compact target is free from pores having an average diameter of 1 μm or more, and the number of micropores having an average diameter of less than 1 μm existing in 40000 μmof the target surface is 100 micropores or less. The element(s) (A) is one or more chalcogenide elements selected from S, Se, and Te, and the element(s) (B) is one or more Vb group elements selected from Bi, Sb, As, P, and N. The provided technology is able to eliminate the source of grain dropping or generation of nodules in the target during sputtering, and additionally inhibit the generation of particles. 1. A method of producing a sintered compact containing an element (A) and an element (B) , comprising the steps of:mixing raw material powder composed of respective elements or raw material powder of an alloy of two or more elements;{'sub': 0', '0', '0', '0', '0, 'vacuum hot pressing the mixed powder under conditions that satisfy the following formula: P (pressure)≤(Pf/(Tf−T))×(T−T)+Pwherein Pf: final pressure, Tf: final temperature, P: atmospheric pressure, T: heating temperature, T: room temperature, and temperatures are in Celsius; and'}{'sub': 'hip', 'further performing hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment under the conditions of P>5×Pf;'}{'sup': '2', 'wherein the sintered compact is free from pores having an average diameter of 1 μm or more, and the number of micropores having an average diameter of less than 1 μm existing in an area of 40,000 μmof the target surface is 100 micropores or less; and'}wherein (A): one or more chalcogenide elements selected from S, Se, and Te and (B): one or more elements selected from Bi, Sb, As, P, and N.2. The method of producing a sintered compact according to claim 1 , wherein a composition of the sintered compact is selected from the group consisting of Ge—Sb—Te claim 1 , Ag—In—Sb—Te claim 1 , and Ge—In—Sb—Te.3. The method of ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150221516A1

A sputtering target for a conductive oxide, such as SrRuO, to be used for the sputter deposition of a conductive film that is to be in contact with a ferroelectric material in an integrated circuit. The sputtering target is formed by the sintering of a powder mixture of the conductive oxide with a sintering agent of an oxide of one of the constituents of the ferroelectric material. For the example of lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT) as the ferroelectric material, the sintering agent is one or more of a lead oxide, a zirconium oxide, and a titanium oxide. The resulting sputtering target is of higher density and lower porosity, resulting in an improved sputter deposited film that does not include an atomic species beyond those of the ferroelectric material deposited adjacent to that film. 1. A method of fabricating an integrated circuit including a ferroelectric capacitor , comprising the steps of:depositing a first conductive film, comprising a conductive oxide, near a semiconducting surface of a body, by sputter deposition of the conductive oxide from a sputtering target;depositing a ferroelectric material overlying the first conductive film, the ferroelectric material comprising a compound of a plurality of metal constituents;depositing a second conductive film, comprising the conductive oxide, overlying the ferroelectric material; andremoving portions of the first and second conductive films, and the ferroelectric material, at selected locations, to define the ferroelectric capacitor;wherein the sputtering target comprises a conductive oxide sintered body containing an oxide of one of the plurality of metal constituents of the ferroelectric material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ferroelectric material comprises lead-zirconium-titanate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the oxide of one of the plurality of metal constituents of the ferroelectric material is selected from a group consisting of a lead oxide claim 2 , a titanium oxide claim 2 , and a zirconium ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180211737A1

Gallium target bodies for producing germanium-68 are disclosed. The targets include an alloy of a base metal and gallium. The alloy is enriched in gallium-69 to increase germanium-68 production. Methods for producing such alloys by electroplating are also disclosed. 1. A target body for producing geramium-68 , the target body comprising:a target substrate plate; gallium, with greater than 60% of the gallium being gallium-69; and', 'a base metal selected from the group consisting of nickel, iron, cobalt, copper and tungsten., 'an alloy that forms an interface with the substrate plate, the alloy comprising2. The target body as set forth in wherein the base metal is nickel.3. The target body as set forth in wherein the target substrate plate comprises copper.4. The target body as set forth in wherein the alloy comprises at least about 10 wt % gallium.5. The target body as set forth in wherein the alloy comprises at least about 50 wt % gallium.6. The target body as set forth in wherein the alloy comprises at least about 75 wt % gallium.7. The target body as set forth in wherein the alloy comprises an amount of gallium-71 claim 1 , the molar ratio of gallium-69 to gallium-71 being at least about 1:1.8. The target body as set forth in wherein the alloy comprises an amount of gallium-71 claim 1 , the molar ratio of gallium-69 to gallium-71 being at least about 5:1.9. The target body as set forth in wherein at least about 65% of the gallium in the alloy is gallium-69.10. The target body as set forth in wherein at least about 95% of the gallium in the alloy is gallium-69.11. A method for forming germanium-68 claim 1 , the method comprising operating a cyclotron or linear accelerator to bombard the target body as set forth in claim 1 , the bombarded target decaying to produce germanium-68.12. A method for forming a target body claim 1 , the method comprising:contacting a target substrate plate with a plating bath comprising a base metal selected from the group consisting of ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Rare Earth Magnet and Motor Including the Same

Номер: US20160225499A1

A rare earth magnet and a motor including the same are provided. The rare earth magnet is based on an R—Fe—B alloy (R represents at least one rare-earth element comprising Y), wherein a plating layer of the element Co is formed on a surface of the rare earth magnet by an electroplating method. 1. A rare earth magnet based on an R-iron (Fe)-boron (B) alloy (R represents at least one rare-earth element comprising Y) ,wherein a plating layer of the element Co is formed on a surface of the rare earth magnet by an electroplating method.2. The rare earth magnet of claim 1 , wherein the plating layer contains the element Co at a content of 98% by weight or more.3. The rare earth magnet of claim 1 , wherein the plating layer of the element Co has a thickness of 10 μm to 45 μm.4. The rare earth magnet of claim 1 , wherein the plating layer of the element Co is formed by applying a direct current power source to a Co plating solution and subjecting the rare earth magnet to surface treatment.5. The rare earth magnet of claim 4 , wherein the direct current power source is applied using the Co plating solution as an anode.6. The rare earth magnet of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a magnetic field to a coercive force of the rare earth magnet is greater than or equal to 0.85.7. The rare earth magnet of claim 6 , wherein the ratio of the magnetic field to the coercive force of the rare earth magnet at a temperature between 20° C. and less than 80° C. is greater than or equal to 0.85.8. The rare earth magnet of claim 6 , wherein the ratio of the magnetic field to the coercive force of the rare earth magnet at a temperature between 80° C. and less than 120° C. is greater than or equal to 0.94.9. The rare earth magnet of claim 6 , wherein the ratio of the magnetic field to the coercive force of the rare earth magnet at a temperature between 120° C. and less than 150° C. is greater than or equal to 0.93.10. The rare earth magnet of claim 6 , wherein the ratio of the magnetic field to the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200206818A1

The disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with Plasma activated sintering and methods for preparing thereof. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to the new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing the thermoelectric materials which meet the new criterion. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of preparing a thermoelectric material , comprising:1) weighing powders of reactants according to an appropriate stoichiometric ratio, mixing the powders in an agate mortar, and cold-pressing the powders into a pellet;{'sup': '−3', '2) sealing the pellet in a silica tube under a pressure of 10Pa, initiating a self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) by point-heating a portion of the pellet wherein, once the SHS starts, a wave of exothermic reactions passes through the remaining portion of the pellet, cooling down the pellet after reaction in air or quenched in salt water to obtain a cooled-down pellet; and'} {'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein the reactants include Cu, Sn, and Se powders, the stoichiometric ratio is Cu:Sn:Se=2.02:1:3.03, the cooled-down pellet obtained in step (2) contains CuSnSe, parameters of the PAS include a reaction temperature around 500-550° C. with a heating rate of 50-100° C./min and a reaction pressure around 30-35 MPa for 5-7 min, a final product is a CuSnSebased thermoelectric material.'}, '3) crushing the cooled-down pellet obtained in step 2) into powder, and sintering the powder with plasma activated sintering (PAS) to form a bulk material,'} The present disclosure relates to thermoelectric materials prepared by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) process combining with plasma activated sintering (PAS) and a method for preparing the same. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a new criterion for combustion synthesis and the method for preparing thermoelectric materials which can meet the new ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Cu-Ga Alloy Sputtering Target, and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20150232980A1
Автор: Tomoya Tamura
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Mining and Metals Corp

A melted and cast Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target containing 22 at % or more and 29 at % or less of Ga, and remainder being Cu and unavoidable impurities, wherein the Cu—Ga alloy sputtering target has an eutectoid structure configured from a mixed phase of a ζ phase, which is an intermetallic compound layer of Cu and Ga, and a γ phase, and satisfies a relational expression of D≦7×C−150 when a diameter of the γ phase is D μm and a Ga concentration is C at %. A sputtering target having a cast structure is advantageous in that gas components such as oxygen can be reduced in comparison to a sintered compact target. Thus, it is possible to reduce oxygen and obtain a target with a favorable cast structure, in which the segregated phase is dispersed, by continuously solidifying the sputtering target having the foregoing cast structure under a solidifying condition of a constant cooling rate.

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160230266A1

A Ga-containing and Cu-containing sputtering target has a Ga content of from 30 to 68 at %. The sputtering target contains only CuGaas Ga-containing and Cu-containing intermetallic phase or the proportion by volume of CuGais greater than the proportion by volume of CuGa. The sputtering target is advantageously produced by spark plasma sintering or cold gas spraying. Compared to CuGa, CuGais very soft, which aids the production of defect-free sputtering targets having homogeneous sputtering behavior. 125-. (canceled)26. A sputtering target , comprising:a Ga content of from 30 to 68 at %; andat least one Ga-containing and Cu-containing intermetallic phase;{'sub': 2', '2', '9', '4, 'said at least one Ga-containing and Cu-containing intermetallic phase containing only CuGaor a proportion by volume of CuGabeing greater than a proportion by volume of CuGa.'}27. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , which further comprises regions having said at least one Ga-containing and Cu-containing intermetallic phase with an average microhardness of <500 HV0.01.28. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , wherein at least 90% of said Ga is present as CuGa.29. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , wherein said Ga content is from 40 to 68 at %.30. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , which further comprises a Cu-rich phase having a Cu content of >80 at % and being selected from the group consisting of pure Cu and Ga-containing Cu mixed crystal.31. The sputtering target according to claim 30 , wherein said Cu-rich phase is pure Cu.32. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , which further comprises >30% by volume of said CuGa.33. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , which further comprises a volume ratio of CuGa/CuGabeing >2.34. The sputtering target according to claim 26 , which further comprises a total of from 0.01 to 5 at % of at least one element selected from the group of alkali metals.35. A sputtering target claim 26 , comprising:a Ga ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Negative Electrode Active Material for Electrical Device

Номер: US20190214643A1

A negative electrode active material having high cycle durability contains an alloy represented by the following chemical formula (1): 2. The negative electrode active material for an electric device according to claim 1 , wherein the z is more than 27 and less than 61.3. The negative electrode active material for an electric device according to claim 2 , wherein the y is less than 24 and the z is more than 38.4. The negative electrode active material for an electric device according to claim 2 , wherein the x is 24 or more and less than 38.5. An electric device comprising the negative electrode active material for an electric device set forth in . This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/897,451 filed on Dec. 10, 2015, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2013-123989, filed on Jun. 12, 2013, both of which are herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to a negative electrode active material for an electric device and an electric device using the same. The negative electrode active material for an electric device of the present invention and the electric device using the same are used, in the form of a secondary battery, a capacitor, or the like, as a power source or an auxiliary power source for driving a motor of vehicles like an electric vehicle, a fuel cell vehicle, and a hybrid electric vehicle.In recent years, to cope with air pollution or global warming, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide is strongly desired. In the automobile industry, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emission by introducing an electric vehicle (EV) or a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is attracting attention, and thus development of an electric device like a secondary battery for driving a motor, which plays a key role in commercialization, is actively under progress.Compared to a consumer lithium ion secondary battery for a cellular phone, a notebook computer or the like, the motor-driving secondary ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190214644A1

The disclosure describes a nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell and a method of preparing the same. The nanowire includes silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). The nanowire has a content of the silicon (Si) higher than a content of the germanium (Ge) at a surface thereof, and has the content of germanium (Ge) higher than the content of the silicon (Si) at an inner part thereof. 1. A method of fabricating a nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell , the method comprising:performing heat treatment with respect to the nanowire including silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) under a hydrogen atmosphere; anddistributing the silicon (Si) and the germanium (Ge) included in the nanowire to a surface of the nanowire and an inner part of the nanowire, respectively.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the silicon (Si) has the content in a range of 1 wt % to 10 wt % claim 1 , and the germanium (Ge) has the content in a range of 90 wt % to 99 wt %.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat treatment is performed at a temperature in a range of 700° C. to 900° C. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/091,254 filed Apr. 5, 2016, the contents of which is incorporated by reference in its entirety, which U.S. application Ser. No. 15/091,254 filed Apr. 5, 2016 claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2015-0107138 filed on Jul. 29, 2015, and all the benefits accruing therefrom under 35 U.S.C. § 119, the contents of which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates to a nanowire for an anode material of a lithium ion cell and a method of preparing the same.Group IV elements, such as Si, Ge, and Sn, are anode materials capable of obtaining significantly higher energy density as compared as that of a graphite anode commercialized as an anode of a conventional lithium ion cell. However, in spite of the high theoretical capacity of the elements, the excessive volume expansion resulting from the lithiation/ ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Ultra Long Lifetime Gallium Arsenide

Номер: US20150235848A1

A novel bulk GaAs with an increased carrier lifetime of at least 10 microseconds has been produced. This novel GaAs has many uses to improve optical and electrical devices. The method of producing the GaAs crystal involves using a technique called low pressure hydride phase epitaxy (LP-HVPE). In this technique, a gas containing Ga (typically GaCl) is reacted with a gas containing As (typically AsH) at the surface of a GaAs substrate. When grown under the proper conditions, the epitaxial, vapor grown GaAs crystal has ultra-long free carrier lifetimes of at least one order of magnitude greater than that of the previous art of 1 microsecond. This very long free carrier lifetime GaAs will be particularly useful as a semiconductor radiation detector material and is also expected to be useful for many other applications than include medical imaging, solar cells, diode lasers, and optical limiters and other applications. 1. A bulk GaAs having a carrier lifetime of at least 10 microseconds.2. The bulk GaAs of claim 1 , wherein the bulk GaAs is adapted for use in at least one of the group of: an electrical device claim 1 , an optical device claim 1 , a medical imaging application claim 1 , a photovoltaic application claim 1 , a laser diode application claim 1 , a radiation detector claim 1 , and an optical limiting application.3. The bulk GaAs of claim 1 , wherein the bulk GaAs is greater than 500 micrometers thick.4. The bulk GaAs of claim 1 , wherein the bulk GaAs includes a carrier lifetime of at least 200 microseconds.5. A method for producing a long free-carrier lifetime bulk gallium arsenide (GaAs) comprising the step of reacting a Ga carrier gas with an As carrier gas on the surface of a substrate material.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of providing the Ga carrier gas as GaCl.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of providing the As carrier gas as AsH.8. The method of claim 5 , further comprising: rotating the substrate.9. The ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150241323A1

The present invention is an element () for making a surface extraction replica () of a metallic material to be analysed (C), comprising a layer () suited to be placed in contact with a surface area () of the material to be analysed (C) so as to memorize the characteristics of the material to be analysed (C); the layer () comprises indium (In) or indium oxide (In203). The invention includes also a kit comprising a casing and an element for making a surface extraction replica, a method for making a surface extraction replica () of a metallic material to be analysed (C) and the use of indium (In) or indium oxide (In203) in a method for making a surface extraction replica () of a metallic material to be analysed (C). 1. Element for making a surface extraction replica of a metallic material to be analysed , said element comprising a layer suited to be placed in contact with a surface area of said material to be analysed so as to memorize the characteristics of said material to be analysed , wherein said layer comprises indium (In) or indium oxide (In2O3).2. Element according to claim 1 , wherein said layer comprises indium or indium oxide (In2O3) with a concentration of impurities that is lower than or equal to 15% claim 1 , preferably lower than or equal to 10% claim 1 , even more preferably lower than or equal to 5%.3. Element according to claim 2 , wherein said layer comprises indium (In) or indium oxide In2O3 with purity of at least 99%.4. Element according to claim 1 , wherein said layer comprises only indium (In) or indium oxide (In2O3) with the possible and/or inevitable impurities.5. Element according to claim 1 , wherein the layer further comprises chemical elements whose spectra do not overlap the spectra of the precipitates of the material to be analysed.6. Element according to claim 1 , wherein the layer further comprises one or more non-metallic chemical elements.7. Element according to wherein said layer comprises a film in a metallic material.8. Element ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing metal microparticles

Номер: US20150246395A1
Принадлежит: M Technique Co Ltd

The present invention addresses the problem of providing a method for producing metal microparticles in which the particle diameter and the coefficient of variation are controlled. Using at least two kinds of fluid to be processed including a fluid which contains at least one kind of reducing agent, the fluid to be processed is mixed in a thin film fluid formed between at least two processing surfaces, at least one of which rotates relative to the other, and which are disposed facing each other and capable of approaching and separating from each other, and metalmicroparticles are separated. At this time, the fluid to be processed containing one or both of the fluid which contains at least one kind of metal and/or metal compound and the fluid which contains at least one kind of reducing agent contains a water-containing polyol in which water and a polyol are mixed, and does not contain a monovalent alcohol, and the particle diameter and coefficient of variance of the separated metal microparticles is controlled by controlling the ratio of water contained in the water-containing polyol.

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170236695A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp, Solar Frontier KK

A Cu—Ga sputtering target made of a composition containing: as metal components excluding fluorine, 5 atomic % or more and 60 atomic % or less of Ga and 0.01 atomic % or more and 5 atomic % or less of K; and the Cu balance containing inevitable impurities is provided. In the Cu—Ga sputtering target, the Cu—Ga sputtering target has a region containing Cu, Ga, K, and F, in an atomic mapping image by a wavelength separation X-ray detector.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236554A1
Автор: Kuniyoshi Futoshi

A diffusion treatment device includes: a treatment container including a cylindrical main body and first and second lids, the cylindrical main body having a treatment space which is capable of receiving sintered magnet pieces and RH diffusion sources, the first and second lids being capable of hermetically sealing first and second openings, respectively, at opposite ends of the cylindrical main body; a conveyor for conveying the treatment container by a predetermined distance in an x-axis direction while a longitudinal direction of the treatment container is located in a y-axis direction in a rectangular coordinate system xyz; a heating unit including a lower heating section provided under the treatment container and an upper heating section provided above the treatment container, and a first rotating unit for rotating the treatment container around a y-axis while the longitudinal direction of the treatment container is located in the y-axis direction. 126-. (canceled)27. A diffusion treatment device , comprising:a treatment container including a cylindrical main body and a first lid and a second lid, the cylindrical main body having a treatment space which is capable of receiving a plurality of R-T-B sintered magnet pieces and diffusion sources, the first lid and the second lid being capable of hermetically sealing a first opening and a second opening, respectively, at opposite ends of the cylindrical main body;a conveyor for conveying the treatment container by a predetermined distance in an x-axis direction while a longitudinal direction of the treatment container is located in a y-axis direction in a rectangular coordinate system xyz where a z-axis direction is a vertical direction;a heating unit including a lower heating section provided under the treatment container and an upper heating section provided above the treatment container, at least one of the lower heating section and the upper heating section being movable in the z-axis direction and being ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252257A1

A method of making a semiconductor nanocrystal can include contacting an M-containing compound with an X donor having the formula X(Y(R)), where X is a group V element and Y is a group IV element. 1. A method of making a semiconductor nanocrystal , comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 3', '3, 'X(Y(R))\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'contacting an M-containing compound with an X donor, wherein the X donor has formula (I)whereinX is a group V element, wherein X is not P;Y is Ge, Sn, or Pb; andeach R, independently, is alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, heterocyclyl, aryl, or heteroaryl, wherein each R, independently, is optionally substituted by 1 to 6 substituents independently selected from hydrogen, halo, hydroxy, nitro, cyano, amino, alkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, alkoxy, acyl, thio, thioalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkenyl, heterocyclyl, aryl, or heteroaryl.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein X is N claim 1 , As claim 1 , or Sb.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein Y is Ge.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein each R claim 2 , independently claim 2 , is alkyl claim 2 , cycloalkyl claim 2 , or aryl.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein each R claim 4 , independently claim 4 , is unsubstituted alkyl claim 4 , unsubstituted cycloalkyl claim 4 , or unsubstituted aryl.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the M-containing compound is an M-containing salt.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein M is a group III element.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein M is In.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compound of formula (I) is tris(trimethylgermyl)nitride; tris(trimethylstannyl)nitride; tris(trimethylplumbyl)nitride; tris(trimethylgermyl)phosphide; tris(trimethylstannyl)phosphide; tris(trimethylplumbyl)phosphide; tris(trimethylgermyl)arsine; tris(trimethylstannyl)arsine; tris(trimethylplumbyl)arsine; tris(trimethylgermyl)stibine; tris(trimethylstannyl)stibine; or tris(trimethylplumbyl)stibine.10. A method of making a semiconductor nanocrystal claim 1 , comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 3 ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277504A1

A metal member according to this invention is composed of polycrystals of a metal made of ruthenium or an alloy containing ruthenium at a maximum ratio. The aspect ratio of a crystal grain of the polycrystalline metal member is 1.5 or more. A plurality of crystal grains forming the metal member are arranged with their major axes being pointed in the same direction, and the number of crystal grains in a section in the major axis direction of the crystal grains is 120 or less per 1 mm. 1. A metal member comprising polycrystals of a metal made of Ru or an alloy containing Ru at a maximum ratio , whereinan aspect ratio of a crystal grain is not less than 1.5, a plurality of crystal grains are arranged with major axes thereof being pointed in the same direction, and{'sup': '2', 'the number of crystal grains in a section in the direction of the major axes of the crystal grains is not more than 120 per 1 mm.'}2. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein the metal has a Vickers hardness of 200 Hv (inclusive) to 400 Hv (exclusive).3. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the metal is made of Ru claim 1 , and the number of crystal grains in the section in the direction of the major axes of the crystal grains is not more than 260 per 0.1 mm.4. The metal member according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is made of the alloy of Ru claim 1 , a composition of the allow being represented by RuM1M2M3 claim 1 , whereinM1 is one of Rh, Pd, Os, and Pt,M2 is one of Ta, W, and Re,M3 is an element that improves a corrosion resistance by forming a stable compound with Ru, or an element that improves the corrosion resistance by dissolving in ruthenium by solid solution, and0.5≤α≤1, 0≤β≤0.5, 0≤γ≤0.5, 0≤ξ≤0.5, and 0≤β+γ+ξ≤0.5.5. A metal member comprising a metal made of an alloy containing Ru at a maximum ratio claim 1 , a composition of the alloy being represented by RuM1M2M3M4 claim 1 , whereinM1 is one of Rh, Pd, Os, and Pt,M2 is one of Ta, W, Mo, Nb, and Re,M3 is ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140341799A1

There is provided a method for providing selenium dioxide and a copper indium gallium residue from a material comprising a compound of formula (I) CuInGaSe(I), wherein x has a value from 0.01 to 0.99, said method comprises the steps of: a) heating the material comprising the compound of formula (I) to at least 500° C., b) contacting the material with a gas flow comprising oxygen, and d) collecting the formed products. The method may be used in recycling in the field of solar cell technology. 1. A method for providing selenium dioxide and a copper indium gallium residue from a material comprising a compound of formula (I){'br': None, 'sub': x', '(1-x)', '2, 'CuInGaSe\u2003\u2003(I),'}wherein x has a value from 0.01 to 0.99, a) heating a material comprising the compound of formula (I) to at least 500° C.,', 'b) contacting the material with a gas flow comprising oxygen, and', 'd) collecting the formed products product(s)., 'said method comprises the steps of2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein x is 0.95.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the material is a solar cell sputtering target.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the material is heated to a temperature from 500° C. to 1200° C.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the heating is performed at 500 claim 1 , 600 claim 1 , 700 claim 1 , 800 claim 1 , 900 or 1000° C.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein steps a) and b) are at least partly overlapping.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the time for overlap of steps a) and b) is from 6 to 36 hours.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the heating is turned off after or during step a) or b).9. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step c) following on from step b) and preceding step d) and in which: c) the material is cooled.10. A method according to claim 9 , wherein the material is cooled to room temperature.11. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas flow consists of air claim 1 , O claim 1 , Oor ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239326A1

Disclosed herein are aluminum oxide aerogels and methods of making and use thereof. The methods of making the aluminum oxide aerogel include contacting a solid comprising aluminum with a Ga-based liquid alloy to dissolve at least a portion of the aluminum from the solid, thereby forming an aluminum-alloy mixture; and contacting the aluminum-alloy mixture with a fluid comprising water, thereby forming the aluminum oxide aerogel. In some examples, the methods can further comprise capturing and converting carbon dioxide to a syngas comprising carbon monoxide and hydrogen. 1. A method of making an aluminum oxide aerogel , the method comprising:contacting a solid comprising aluminum with a Ga-based liquid alloy to dissolve at least a portion of the aluminum from the solid, thereby forming an aluminum-alloy mixture; andcontacting the aluminum-alloy mixture with a fluid comprising water, thereby forming the aluminum oxide aerogel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid further comprises COand the method further comprises producing a syngas comprising CO and Hby contacting the aluminum-alloy mixture with the fluid.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solid comprises 85% or more of aluminum.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solid comprises an aluminum alloy claim 1 , such that the solid further comprises one or more alloying elements selected from the group consisting of Mg claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , and combinations thereof.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Ga-based liquid alloy is a liquid at a temperature of from 25° C. to 30° C.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Ga-based liquid alloy comprises a Ga—In alloy or a Ga—In—Sn alloy.14. (canceled)15. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Ga-based liquid alloy comprises from 60 wt % to 77 wt % Ga claim 1 , from 10 wt % to 21 wt % In claim 1 , ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210315061A1
Автор: Hamada Jun, SEKI Kohei

A vehicle window glass assembly according to one embodiment of the present disclosure includes: a vehicle window glass pane with a silver-containing conductor layer of predetermined pattern formed on a main surface of the glass pane; a solder layer made of an indium-containing lead-free solder; a connection terminal connected to the conductor layer via the solder layer, and a power line fixed to the connection terminal. The connection terminal includes: a metal plate having a first main surface joined to the solder layer and a second main surface located opposite to the first main surface; and a fixing part that fixes the power line to the second main surface. The power line extends from the fixing part. A starting point of the power line extending from the fixing part is situated above a region inside a joint region defined by the solder layer and the first main surface. 1. A vehicle window glass assembly , comprising:a vehicle window glass pane with a silver-containing conductor layer of predetermined pattern formed on a glass main surface of the glass pane;a solder layer made of a lead-free solder containing indium;a connection terminal connected to the conductor layer via the solder layer; anda power line fixed to the connection terminal,wherein the connection terminal comprises: a metal plate having a first main surface joined to the solder layer and a second main surface located opposite to the first main surface; and a fixing part that fixes the power line to the second main surface,wherein the power line extends from the fixing part,wherein a starting point of the power line extending from the fixing part is situated above a region inside an edge of a first joint region defined by the solder layer and the first main surface, andwherein the lead-free solder is a non-eutectic In—Sn alloy which contains indium as a predominant component, comprises 65 mass % to 74 mass % of indium, 3 mass % to 9 mass % of silver and 0 mass % to 2 mass % of each of antimony, ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170266764A1
Автор: HUANG Suixiang

A lead free solder composition is disclosed and includes: 0.02% to 6% by weight stibium, 0.03% to 3% by weight copper, 0.03% to 8% by weight bismuth, 42% to 70% by weight indium, 0.3% to 8% by weight silver, 5% to 11% by weight magnesium, 0.8% to 1.6% by weight scandium, 0.7% to 2.0% by weight yttrium, and 10% to 45% by weight tin. The lead free solder composition of the invention has a solidus temperature no lower than 120° C., has good ductility and stability, and hence is suitable for soldering electrical connectors onto the metalized surface on the glass.

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150279529A1

A method for manufacturing a rare-earth magnet having excellent workability and coercive-force performance in a high-temperature atmosphere and magnetization performance by controlling the content of Pr as the alloy composition to an optimum range, including: press-forming magnetic powder B to form a compact, the magnetic powder B including a RE-Fe-B main phase MP (RE: Nd and Pr) and an RE-X alloy (X: metal element) grain boundary phase BP around the main phase MP having an average grain size of 10 nm to 200 nm; and performing hot deformation processing to the compact to give magnetic anisotropy thereto, thus manufacturing the rare-earth magnet C that is a nano-crystalline magnet. The content of Nd, B, Co and Pr included in the magnetic powder B is Nd: 25 to 35, B: 0.5 to 1.5 and Co: 2 to 7 in terms of at %, and Pr: 0.2 to 5 at % and Fe. 1. A method for manufacturing a rare-earth magnet , comprising:a first step of press-forming magnetic powder as a rare-earth magnetic material to form a compact, the magnetic powder including a RE-Fe-B main phase (RE: Nd and Pr) and an RE-X alloy (X: metal element) grain boundary phase around the main phase, the main phase having an average grain size of 10 nm to 200 nm; anda second step of performing hot deformation processing to the compact to give magnetic anisotropy to the compact, thus manufacturing the rare-earth magnet that is a nano-crystalline magnet,whereincontent of Nd, B, Co and Pr included in the magnetic powder is Nd: 25 to 35, B: 0.5 to 1.5 and Co: 2 to 7 in terms of at %, and Pr: 0.2 to 5 at % and Fe.2. The method for manufacturing a rare-earth magnet according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '−3', 'the hot deformation processing at the second step is performed under conditions of heating in a temperature range of 600 to 850° C., a strain rate in a range of 10to 10 (/sec.), and a processing ratio of 50% or more, and the processing is performed for a growth such that the nano-crystalline magnet manufactured has a main ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150287530A1

A method for manufacturing a rare-earth magnet, through hot deformation processing, having a high degree of orientation at the entire area thereof and high remanence, without increasing processing cost including a step of press-forming powder as a rare-earth magnetic material to form a compact S; and a step of performing hot deformation processing to the compact S, thus manufacturing the rare-earth magnet C. The hot deformation processing includes two steps of extruding and upsetting. The extruding is to place a compact S in a die Da, and apply pressure to the compact S′ in a heated state with an extrusion punch PD so as to reduce the thickness for extrusion to prepare the rare-earth magnet intermediary body S″ having a sheet form, and the upsetting is to apply pressure to the rare-earth magnet intermediary body S″ in the thickness direction to reduce the thickness, thus manufacturing the rare-earth magnet C. 1. A method for manufacturing a rare-earth magnet , comprising:a first step of press-forming powder as a rare-earth magnetic material to form a compact, the powder including a RE-Fe-B main phase (RE: at least one type of Nd and Pr) and an RE-X alloy (X: metal element) grain boundary phase around the main phase; anda second step of performing hot deformation processing to the compact to give magnetic anisotropy to the compact, thus manufacturing the rare-earth magnet,whereinthe hot deformation processing at the second step includes two steps that are extruding performed to prepare a rare-earth magnet intermediary body and upsetting performed to the rare-earth magnet intermediary body to manufacture the rare-earth magnet,the extruding is to place a compact in a die, and apply pressure to the compact with an extrusion punch so as to reduce a thickness of the compact for extrusion to prepare the rare-earth magnet intermediary body having a sheet form, andthe upsetting is to apply pressure to the sheet-form rare-earth magnet intermediary body in the thickness ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Powder Metallurgy Sputtering Targets And Methods Of Producing Same

Номер: US20190271068A1
Принадлежит: Global Advanced Metals USA, Inc.

The present invention relates to sputtering targets and other metal articles as well as methods of making the same. More particularly, the present invention relates to methods for forming powder metallurgy sputtering targets and other metallurgical articles made from metal powders that include spherical metal powders, and the resulting product. 1. A method for forming a powder metallurgy article , comprising:consolidating a metal powder that includes a spherical metal powder into a consolidated body by a powder metallurgy technique to form a metallurgical article; and a. a spherical shape wherein the powder has an average aspect ratio of from 1.0 to 1.4;', 'b. a purity of metal of at least 99 wt % metal based on total weight of said metal powder, excluding gas impurities;', 'c. an average particle size of from about 0.5 micron to about 250 microns;', 'd. an apparent density from about 4 g/cc to about 19.3 g/cc;', 'e. a true density that is within +−3% of the metal; and', 'f. a Hall flow rate of 40 sec or less., 'optionally heating treating said consolidated body; wherein said spherical metal powder comprises'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said heat treating is utilized.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said heat treating is one or more sintering steps or one or more annealing steps.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said consolidated product is a sputtering target.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting said consolidated product to one or more mechanical or thermo-mechanical processing steps.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said method is conducted in the absence of any mechanical or thermo-mechanical processing step.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal powder has an oxygen level of less than 350 ppm.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein said metal powder has an oxygen level of less than 200 ppm.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein said average aspect ratio is from 1.0 to 1.25.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein said ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271069A1

A Cu—Ga sputtering target of the present invention includes, as a composition of metal components, Ga in a range of 5 at % to 60 at %, at least one additive element selected from the group consisting of K, Rb, and Cs in a range of 0.01 at % to 5 at %, and a balance including Cu and inevitable impurities, in which all or a part of the additive element is present in a state of halide particles including at least one halogen selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, and I, a maximum particle size of the halide particles is 15 μm or less, and an oxygen concentration is 1000 mass ppm or less. 1. A Cu—Ga sputtering target comprising: as a composition of metal components , Ga in a range of 5 at % to 60 at %;at least one additive element selected from the group consisting of K, Rb, and Cs in a range of 0.01 at % to 5 at %; anda balance including Cu and inevitable impurities,wherein all or a part of the additive element is present in a state of halide particles including at least one halogen selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, and I,a maximum particle size of the halide particles is 15 μm or less, andan oxygen concentration is 1000 mass ppm or less.2. The Cu—Ga sputtering target according to claim 1 ,wherein variation of a content of the additive element is 0.05 mass % or less.3. The Cu—Ga sputtering target according to claim 1 , further comprising:Na in a range of 0.01 at % to 10 at %,wherein the Na is present in a state of Na compound particles including at least one element selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, I, S, and Se.4. A method of manufacturing the Cu—Ga sputtering target according to claim 1 , the method comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a Cu-halide mixed powder preparing step of crushing and mixing a halide powder including at least one halogen selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, and I and at least one additive element selected from the group consisting of K, Rb, and Cs and having an average particle size of 15 μm or more and a ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160289853A1
Автор: Hino Eiji, Obu Hirohumi

Provided is high purity Indium having a purity of 7N (99.99999%) or higher, and containing 0.05 ppm or less of Pb, 0.005 ppm or less of Zn, and 0.02 ppm or less of S. A method of producing high purity In, wherein SrCOis added to an electrolyte upon performing electrolytic refining using 5N (99.999%) In to reduce Pb, Zn and S to attain a purity of 7N (99.99999%) or higher. Under circumstances where In demands for LED, such as InGaN and AlInGaP, are anticipated, it is necessary to produce indium in mass quantities and inexpensively, and the present invention provides technology capable of achieving the same. 1: High purity In containing 0.05 ppm or less of Pb , 0.005 ppm or less of Zn , and 0.02 ppm or less of S , and having a purity of 7N (99.99999%) or higher.2: The high purity In according to claim 1 , wherein the high purity In contains 0.001 ppm or less of Fe claim 1 , less than 0.01 ppm of Sn claim 1 , and less than 0.005 ppm of Si.3: A method of producing high purity In via electrolysis claim 1 , wherein 5N (99.999%) In is used as a raw material claim 1 , SrCOis added to an electrolyte upon performing electrolytic refining using the raw material to reduce Pb content in the electrolyte claim 1 , and electrodeposited In is separated from a negative plate and cast in an atmosphere or an oxygen-containing gas atmosphere to attain a purity of 7N (99.99999%) or higher.4: The method of producing high purity In according to claim 3 , wherein an anode solution (anolyte) and a cathode solution (catholyte) are partitioned with a diaphragm having a gas permeability of 5 cm/cmsec or less claim 3 , and the electrolyte in contact with a cathode is refined by being preliminarily filtered with a filter having fine pores of 0.5 μm or less.5: A method of producing high purity In via electrolytic refining claim 3 , wherein electrolytic refining is performed by partitioning an anode solution (anolyte) and a cathode solution (catholyte) with a diaphragm having a gas permeability of ...

25-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140376351A1

A device including a near field transducer, the near field transducer including gold (Au) and at least one other secondary atom, the at least one other secondary atom selected from: boron (B), bismuth (Bi), indium (In), sulfur (S), silicon (Si), tin (Sn), hafnium (Hf), niobium (Nb), manganese (Mn), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O), and combinations thereof erbium (Er), holmium (Ho), lutetium (Lu), praseodymium (Pr), scandium (Sc), uranium (U), zinc (Zn), and combinations thereof and barium (Ba), chlorine (Cl), cesium (Cs), dysprosium (Dy), europium (Eu), fluorine (F), gadolinium (Gd), germanium (Ge), hydrogen (H), iodine (I), osmium (Os), phosphorus (P), rubidium (Rb), rhenium (Re), selenium (Se), samarium (Sm), terbium (Tb), thallium (Th), and combinations thereof. 1. A device comprising: boron (B), bismuth (Bi), indium (In), sulfur (S), silicon (Si), tin (Sn), hafnium (Hf), niobium (Nb), manganese (Mn), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O), and combinations thereof;', 'erbium (Er), holmium (Ho), lutetium (Lu), praseodymium (Pr), scandium (Sc), uranium (U), zinc (Zn), and combinations thereof; and', 'barium (Ba), chlorine (Cl), cesium (Cs), dysprosium (Dy), europium (Eu), fluorine (F), gadolinium (Gd), germanium (Ge), hydrogen (H), iodine (I), osmium (Os), phosphorus (P), rubidium (Rb), rhenium (Re), selenium (Se), samarium (Sm), terbium (Tb), thallium (Th), and combinations thereof., 'a near field transducer, the near field transducer comprising gold (Au) and at least one other secondary atom, the at least one other secondary atom selected from2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one secondary atom is selected from: boron (B) claim 1 , bismuth (Bi) claim 1 , indium (In) claim 1 , sulfur (S) claim 1 , silicon (Si) claim 1 , tin (Sn) claim 1 , hafnium (Hf) claim 1 , niobium (Nb) claim 1 , manganese (Mn) claim 1 , antimony (Sb) claim 1 , tellurium (Te) claim 1 , carbon (C) ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Permanent magnet and motor

Номер: US20150294770A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

The present invention provides an R-T-B based permanent magnet, comprising: a main phase which is composed of the structure of R 2 T 14 B (R is at least one element selected from Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd, and T is one or more transition metal elements having Fe or a combination of Fe and Co as necessary); and a grain boundary phase which is composed of Ce x M 1-x (M is at least one element selected from Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, In, Sn, La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Hf, Ta, W and Bi, and x is within the range of 0.20≦x≦0.55), and the cross-sectional ratio Atre of the grain boundary phase to the whole magnet structure is within the range of 0.03<Atre<0.07.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Rare Earth Based Hydrogen Storage Alloy and Application Thereof

Номер: US20170288217A1

The invention relates to a rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy, represented by the general formula (I): 2. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 1 , wherein x>0 claim 1 , y≧0.5 claim 1 , x+y=3; 12.5≧z≧8.5; 5.5≧a+b>0 claim 1 , 3.5≧c≧0 claim 1 , and 2.5≧A+B≧0.3. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 2 , wherein c=0 and A=B=0.4. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 3 , wherein 12.5≧z≧11.5. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 3 , wherein 11>z≧9.5; and 4.5≧a+b>0.6. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 3 , wherein 9.5>z≧8.5; and 3.5≧a+b>0.7. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 2 , wherein A=B=0 claim 2 , and c>0.8. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 7 , wherein 3.5≧a+b≧0; and 3.0≧c>0.9. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 2 , wherein 2.5≧A+B>0.10. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 9 , wherein 12.5≧z≧11 claim 9 , and 4≧a+b>0.11. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 9 , wherein 11>z≧9.5; 3.5≧a+b>0; and 3≧c≧0.12. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 9 , wherein 9.50; and 2.5≧c≧0.13. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following items i)-iv) apply:i) 2.0≧x≧0.5;ii) 3.0≧a≧0.5;iii) 1.5≧b≧0.3;iv) z=11.4.14. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following items i)-iv) apply:i) 2.0≧x≧0.5;ii) 2.5≧a≧0.5;iii) 1.0≧b≧0.2;iv) z=10.5.15. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following items i)-iv) apply:i) 2.0≧x≧0.5;ii) 2.0≧a≧0.5;iii) 1.0≧b≧0.2;iv) z=9.16. The rare earth based hydrogen storage alloy according to claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following items i)-v) apply:i) 2.0≧x≧0.5;ii) 2.0≧a≧0.5;iii) 1.0≧b≧0.3; ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190280310A1

Provided are alloys of formula (I), IrPdRu, wherein x is the atomic % of palladium (Pd) present, y is the atomic % of ruthenium (Ru) present, Z is the atomic % of iridium (Ir) present, and 0≤x≤20, 10≤y≤90, and, 10≤z≤90. Electrocatalysts, devices, and processes employing the alloys are also provided. 2. The alloy according to claim 1 , having the formula (Ia):{'br': None, 'sub': z', 'y, 'IrRu\u2003\u2003(Ia).'}3. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein x>0.4. The alloy according to claim 3 , wherein x>5.5. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein:0 Подробнее

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170298499A1

A sputtering target, which has a component composition including: 30.0-67.0 atomic % of Ga; and the Cu balance containing inevitable impurities, wherein the sputtering target is a sintered material having a structure in which θ phases made of Cu—Ga alloy are dispersed in a matrix of the γ phases made of Cu—Ga alloy, is provided. 1. A sputtering target having a component composition comprising: 30.0-67.0 atomic % of Ga; and the Cu balance containing inevitable impurities , whereinthe sputtering target is a sintered material having a structure in which θ phases made of Cu—Ga alloy are dispersed in a matrix of the γ phases made of Cu—Ga alloy.2. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein an average crystal grain size of the γ phases is 5.0-50.0 μm.3. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein an average crystal grain size of the θ phases is 5.0-100.0 μm.4. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of an intensity of a main peak among diffraction peaks attributed to the θ phases to an intensity of a main peak among diffraction peaks attributed to the γ phases is 0.01-10.0.5. The sputtering target according to claim 1 , further comprising Na in a range of 0.05-15 atomic %.6. The sputtering target according to claim 5 , wherein the Na is included at least in a form of a Na compound selected from: sodium fluoride; sodium sulfide; and sodium selenide.7. A method of producing a sputtering target claim 5 , the method comprising the step of producing a sintered material by sintering a powder claim 5 , which is a Cu—Ga alloy powder including 40.0-67.0 atomic % of Ga and the Cu balance containing inevitable impurities; and a ratio of an intensity of a main peak among diffraction peaks attributed to θ phases to an intensity of a main peak among diffraction peaks attributed to γ phases claim 5 , both of which are obtained from an X-ray diffraction pattern claim 5 , is 0.01-10.0 claim 5 , in non-oxidizing atmosphere or reducing atmosphere: at ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Batteries and Related Structures Having Fractal or Self-Complementary Structures

Номер: US20150311535A1
Автор: COHEN Nathan

An aspect of the subject technology/invention of the present disclosure includes electrode structures or elements/components that have (e.g., present) fractal and/or self-complementary shapes or structures, e.g., on a surface. Such shapes or structures can be pre-existing. The electrodes can be made of any suitable material. The electrodes may function or operate or be used as a “seed” structure to incorporate or receive a material or materials useful for lattice assisted nuclear reactions and/or cold fusion processes. 1. An electrode including a surface having one or more self-complementary features.2. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the self-complementary features comprise nickel.3. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the electrode comprises palladium claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , lithium containing ceramics claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , boron-10 claim 1 , or nickel-boron alloy.4. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the self-complementary features are pre-existing features made prior to use for a LANR or cold fusion process.5. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the self-complementary features have constant impedance across a surface of the electrode.6. The electrode of claim 5 , wherein the electrode has constant impedance at multiple frequencies.7. A battery comprising:a first electrode including a surface having one or more self-complementary features;a second electrode; andan electrolyte, wherein the electrolyte connects the first electrode to the second electrode along a first conductive path, and a second conductive path connecting the first electrode to the second electrode, wherein an electrical circuit is formed.8. The batter of claim 7 , wherein the second electrode comprises a fractal-based feature. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/969,076, entitled “LANR Electrodes Having Fractal Structures and Related Excitation Techniques,” filed 21 Mar. 2014; this ...
