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15-08-1983 дата публикации

Способ подготовки поверхности аминопласта перед химическим меднением

Номер: SU1035090A1

СПОСОБ ПОДГОТОВКИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ АМИНОПЛАСТА ПЕРЕД ХИМИЧЕСКИМ МЕДНЕНИЕМ, включающий обработку в растворе соли гидразина и активацию ; в растворе соли двухва ен-тното желе за, о т л и ч а ю щ и и с я тем, что, с целью повышения скорости химического меднения и снижен я удельного электрического сопротивления покрытий, поверхность перед актива1Шей дополйительно обрабатывают в раствору соли трехвалентного хрома концентрации 0,05-0,6 моль/л при 40-60С в течение 10-30 мин, а активацию ведут в растворе соли двухвалентного железа с добавкой соли : стронция или кадмия, или магния, или цинка при следукицем соотношении компонентов, моль/л: Соль двухвалентного железа0,2-0,5 . Соль ctpoнция или кадмия, или магния, О) или цинка0,1-0,4 ...

15-07-1984 дата публикации

Водный раствор для химического осаждения медьсодержащих покрытий

Номер: SU1102820A1

ВОДНЫЙ РАСТВОР ДЛЯ ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ОСАВДЕНИЯ МЕДЬСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ПОКРЫТИЙ , включающий хлорид меди, динатрие . вую соль этилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты (трилон Б), формалин, серосодержащий стабилизатор - диэтилдитиокарбамат натрия в сочетании с аэотсодержацтм стабилизатором и гидроокись HaTpi-iH, .отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения скорости осаждения, покрытий из сплава медь олово и стабильности раствора, он дополнительно содержит хлорид олова (и), а в качестве азотосодержащего стабилизатора - натриевую соль 2-метил-4 ,7-дигидро-6-нитро-7-оксопиразоло ...

25-08-1977 дата публикации

Состав для термоизоляционного покрытия

Номер: SU569653A1

15-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000845875A

15-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000461075A

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000592680A

10-04-1975 дата публикации

Procedure for direct metallizing of lying exposed surfaces at an isolating material

Номер: AT0000321667B

22-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003468071A

30-04-1983 дата публикации

Способ активирования поверхности диэлектриков

Номер: SU1014977A1

СПОСОБ АКТИВИРОВАНИЯ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ДИЭЛЕКТРИКОВ перед хтъшческим осаждением меташшческвх, преимущественно медных пок{ |1ТВЙ, вкпкн чакшшй обработку в расггаоре сопн медВ| промывку в воде 8 о(аботку в щелочном растворе raapBsaaiA, о т я н ч а ч ш и Й с я тем, что, с целью повышения скороств формирования в сппошшютй катшипи- чески активнсго опоя, обработку в растворе гидразвнй проводят до прекращения газовыдепения на поверлностн, после че-. го повфхноснь допопнительно обрабатывают в щелочном растворе формальдегида.

26-04-1971 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of articles from insulants for the dead metallization

Номер: AT0000289499B

10-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372410B

15-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000003064T

15-03-1974 дата публикации

Plating inner walls of chemical appts - by chemical reduction or organo-metal cpds dissolved in hydrocarbons

Номер: FR0002196394A1

25-04-1980 дата публикации

Раствор химического меднения

Номер: SU664377A1

30-03-1983 дата публикации

Щелочной раствор для химического никелирования

Номер: SU1008275A1

ЩЕЛОЧНОЙ РАСТВОР ДЛЯ ХИМИЧЕСКОГО НИКЕЛИЕЧЭВАНИЯ, содержащий соль никеля, .гипофосфит натрря и дополнительный восстановитель, отличающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения плотности загрузки, он дополнительно содержит борную кислоту, фтористый аммоний и хлористый калий, а в качестве дополнительного восстановителя - серно. кислый гидразин при следующем соотношении компонентов, моль/л: 0,О4-О,5 Соль никеля О,04-О,5 Гипофосфит натрия Сернокислый 0.035 -0,4 гидразин . ; О,ОО2-О,02 Борная кислота 0,008-0,04 Фтористый аммоний 0,002-0,02 Хлористый калий ...

23-06-1983 дата публикации

Водный раствор химического лужения

Номер: SU1024525A1

ВОДНЫЙ РАСТВОР ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ЛУЖЕНИЯ, содержащий двухлористое олово, тиомочевину, соляную кислоту и хлористый натрий, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения скорости осаждения покрытия, он дополнительно содержит мочевину при следующем соотношении компонентов: Двухлористое олово, г 15-40 Тиомочевина, г 100-150 Соляная кислота (d - 1,19), мл17-36 Хлористый натрий, г 75-100 Мочевина, г150-300 Вода, лДо 1 ...

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327637B

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000544679A

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411274A

15-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009914T

10-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341853B

27-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362210B

30-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU759616A1

05-03-1980 дата публикации

Раствор для химического никелирования

Номер: SU684924A1

25-03-1976 дата публикации

Способ химического никелирования деталей

Номер: SU266502A1

23-01-1984 дата публикации

Раствор для химического никелирования диэлектриков

Номер: SU1068536A1

РАСТВОР ДЛЯ ХИМИЧЕСКОГО НИКЕЛИРОВАНИЯ ДИЭЛЕКТРИКОВ, преиму- щественно полиметилметакрилата, сод )еркащий никель двухлористый, гипо (осфит натрия, лимоннокислый натрий гй поверхностно-активную добавку,о тт .личающийся тем, что, с целью получения покрытий черного цвета с высокой оптической плотностью и коррозионной стойкостью, а также повышения стабильности раствора, в качестве поверхностно-активной добавки он содержит алкилбензилдиметиламмо| ийхлорид при следующем соотноше НИИ компонентов, г/л: Никель двухлористый 17-23 Гйпофосфит натрия 17-23 § Лимоннокислый натрий 8 -12 (Л Ал килбензил метил аммонийхлорид0 ,8-1,2 ...

07-04-1983 дата публикации

Водный раствор для никелирования кремния

Номер: SU1010158A1

ВОДНЫЙ РАСТВОР ДЛЯ НИКЕЛИРОВАНИЯ КРЕМНИЯ, содержащий хлористый никель и аммиак, о т л и ч а ю щ и и с я тем, что, с иэлью повышения стабильности раствора, он указанные компоненты содержит в следуютем соотношении: Хлористый никель, г 10-40 Аммиак ...

15-02-1984 дата публикации

Состав для активирования поверхности изделий перед химической металлизацией

Номер: SU1073326A1

СОСТАВ-ДЛЯ АКТИВИРО1}АНИЯ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ИЗДЕЛИЙ ПЕРЕД ХИМИЧЕСКОЙ j ..Ari; « ««iw ,, j,. i л4 -; TB;vi: -f-v -.b . SSi: ::;rr; .lMi.4.«.X.i-.-. ;,,„,... МЕТАЛЛИЗАЦИЕЙ, содержагций. дихлоробис-диметилформамид палладия, диметилформдмид и воду, о т л и ч. аю щ и и с я тем, что, с целью повышение стабильности состава и адгезии покрытия к комбинированной метсшл-диэлектрической поверхности за счет предот.вращения контактного осаждения палладия на металлических участках,он дополнительно содержит нитрит натрия или калия при следукщем соотно1аении. компонентов, мас.%: .ДИXJfIOpO-бЙC- . диметилформамид 0,15-0,20 палладия 50-90 Диметилформамид Нитрит натрия или 0,016-0,086 0,020-0,105 Нитрит калия (Л Вода Остальное ...

25-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345056B

17-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001097454A2

14-12-1983 дата публикации

Номер: KR0100016699B1

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Surface-coated cutting tool

Номер: US20120003452A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a tool substrate made of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide or titanium carbonitride-based cermet; and a hard coating layer formed by vapor-depositing in order, a lower layer (a), an intermediate layer (b), and an upper layer (c) on the tool substrate. The lower layer (a) is a Ti layer composed of one or more of a titanium carbide layer, a titanium nitride layer, a titanium carbonitride layer, a titanium carboxide layer, and a titanium oxycarbonitride layer, and having a thickness of 3 to 20 μm. The intermediate layer (b) is an aluminum oxide layer having a thickness of 1 to 5 μm, and having an α-type crystal structure in a chemically vapor-deposited state. The upper layer (c) is an aluminum oxide layer having a thickness of 2 to 15 μm, and containing one or more elements of Ti, Y, Zr, Cr, and B.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Prosthetic knee joint

Номер: US20120004735A1
Принадлежит: BioMedFlex LLC

A prosthetic knee joint includes: (a) a femoral member comprising rigid material with a convex, wear-resistant femoral contact surface including a convex ridge; (b) a tibial assembly including: (i) at least one cup comprising rigid material with a body and a rim substantially thicker than the body defining a wear-resistant cup contact surface; (ii) a rigid base; and (iii) a spring support interconnecting the cup and the base, the spring support elastically deflectable permitting controlled pivoting of the at least one cup; (c) wherein the cup contact surface bears against the femoral contact surface, transferring axial and lateral loads between the cup and femoral member, while allowing pivoting between the cup and femoral member; and (d) wherein the at least one cup allows the rim to deform elastically, permitting the cup contact surface to conform in an irregular shape to the femoral contact surface, when the knee joint is loaded.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000159402U1

1. Многослойный материал для изготовления ювелирных изделий, выполненный в виде плоской заготовки, полученной посредством спекания и последовательной прокатки, характеризующийся тем, что он состоит из слоя серебра 925 пробы, с обеих сторон которого расположены слои из золотого припоя 585 пробы, поверх которых расположены наружные слои из золота 585 пробы. 2. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои из золота 585 пробы и слой из серебра 925 пробы имеют одинаковую толщину. 3. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои из золота 585 пробы и слой из серебра 925 пробы имеют различную толщину. 4. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои золотого припоя с обеих сторон серебряного слоя отличаются друг от друга по толщине. 5. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои золотого припоя с обеих сторон серебряного слоя являются одинаковыми по толщине. 6. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои золота отличаются друг от друга по толщине. 7. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что любой из слоев золотого припоя выполнен тоньше остальных слоев материала. 8. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что любой из слоев золотого припоя выполнен толще остальных слоев материала. 9. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слой из серебра выполнен толще остальных слоев материала. 10. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слой из серебра выполнен тоньше остальных слоев материала. 11. Многослойный материал по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что слои золота имеют одинаковую толщину. И 1 159402 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 159 402” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 03.03.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 04.02.2020 Дата публикации и номер ...

17-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000168774U1

Заявленное решение относится к области хранения и транспортировки нефти, нефтепродуктов (НП) и сжиженного природного газа (СПГ) и может быть использовано при производстве либо реконструкции резервуаров для хранения и транспортировки нефти, НП и СПГ. Отражающая пленка, содержащая три слоя, первый - эпоксидный слой (грунтовка), наносимый методом напыления порошкового термореактивного материала, второй - термоплавкий полимерный подслой, представляющий собой композицию на основе сополимера этилена с винилацетатом, либо другого материала, обеспечивающего заданное качество покрытия, и третий слой - светоотражающий слой, представляющий собой металлизированную полиэфирную пленку. Кроме того, эпоксидный слой (грунтовка) может быть выполнен толщиной от 50 до 100 мкм. Термоплавкий полимерный слой может быть выполнен толщиной не более 0,5 мм, а светоотражающий слой может представлять собой металлизированную полиэфирную пленку, выполненную толщиной 12-15 мкм, плотностью - 1,4 г/см. Решение позволяет существенно снизить негативное влияние солнечной радиации на охраняемые объекты, в том числе, резервуары для транспортировки и хранения нефти, НП и СПГ. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 774 U1 (51) МПК B32B 1/02 (2006.01) B32B 33/00 (2006.01) B32B 15/00 (2006.01) C23C 30/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016107904, 04.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.03.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 17.02.2017 Бюл. № 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU2528397C2, 20.09.2014. 1 6 8 7 7 4 R U (54) ОТРАЖАЮЩАЯ ПЛЕНКА (57) Реферат: Заявленное решение относится к области хранения и транспортировки нефти, нефтепродуктов (НП) и сжиженного природного газа (СПГ) и может быть использовано при производстве либо реконструкции резервуаров для хранения и транспортировки нефти, НП и СПГ. ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Coated cutting tool for metal cutting applications generating high temperatures

Номер: US20120009402A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A cutting tool insert includes a body of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, high speed steel (HSS), polycrystalline diamond (PCD) or polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), a hard and wear resistant coating is applied, grown by physical vapour deposition (PVD) such as cathodic are evaporation or magnetron sputtering. The coating includes at least one layer of (Zr x Al 1-x )N with 0.05<x<0.30 with a thickness between 0.5 and 10 μm. The layer has a nanocrystalline columnar microstructure consisting of a single cubic phase or a mixture of hexagonal and cubic phases. The insert is particularly useful in metal cutting applications generating high temperatures with improved edge integrity.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Well tool having a nanoparticle reinforced metallic coating

Номер: US20120018141A1
Автор: Hendrik John
Принадлежит: Individual

A well tool is disclosed. The tool includes a first member having a surface that is configured for exposure to a well fluid, the first member comprising a metallic coating disposed on a substrate, the metallic coating having a plurality of dispersed nanoparticles disposed therein and providing the surface. The tool also includes a second member that is disposed in slidable engagement on the surface of the first member. In another exemplary embodiment, a well tool includes a first member having a surface that is configured for exposure to a well fluid, the first member comprising a metallic alloy, the metallic alloy having a plurality of dispersed nanoparticles disposed therein and providing the surface.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Film forming apparatus and film forming method

Номер: US20120031748A1
Автор: Shigenori Ishihara
Принадлежит: Canon Anelva Corp

The present invention provides a film forming apparatus and a film forming method which are unlikely to be affected by changes in size and shape of a shield board caused by a recovery process. A film forming apparatus includes a shield board surrounding a sputtering space between a process-target substrate on a stage and a target facing each other in a vacuum chamber, and forms a film on the process-target substrate by causing at least one kind of reactive gas and a film forming material to react with each other. The film forming apparatus is configured to control a ratio of the flow rate of the gas to be introduced into the sputtering space to the flow rate of the gas to be introduced into a space between an inner wall of the vacuum chamber and the shield board, based on a pressure value of the sputtering space measured by pressure detection means.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Coated article and method for making the same

Номер: US20120094095A1

A coated article is described. The coated article includes a substrate, a combining layer formed on the substrate, a plurality of chromium nitride layers and a plurality of copper-zinc alloy layers formed on the combining layer. The combining layer is a chromium layer. Each chromium nitride layer interleaves with one copper-zinc alloy layer. A method for making the coated article is also described.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Article made of aluminum or aluminum alloy and method for manufacturing

Номер: US20120107606A1

An article includes a substrate made of aluminum or aluminum alloy, an insulating coating formed on the substrate, and an anticorrosive coating formed on the insulating coating. The insulating coating is composed of electrically insulating ceramic material or polymer. The anticorrosive coating is a ceramic coating formed by physical vapor deposition.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Cermet and Coated Cermet

Номер: US20120114960A1
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

A cermet has a WC first hard phase, a second hard phase including one or more of a carbide, nitride and carbonitride of an element(s) of groups 4, 5 and 6 of the Periodic Table including a titanium element, and a mutual solid solution thereof, and a binder phase. In the cermet, a carbon amount C T (% by weight), a tungsten amount C W (% by weight), and a nitrogen amount C N (% by weight) satisfy 0.25<(C N /(C T −0.0653·C W ))<6. The cermet has a surface region with a thickness of 5 to 100 μm which includes the first hard phase and the binder phase, and an inner region which includes the first and second hard phases and the binder phase. In a cross-section of the inner region, a ratio of an area of the first hard phase to an area of the second hard phase is 0.15 to 4.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

High-temperature jointed assemblies and wear-resistant coating systems therefor

Номер: US20120160348A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Wear-resistant coating systems suitable for protecting surfaces subjected to contact wear at high temperatures, such as surfaces of an assembly comprising high-temperature components of gas turbine engines. The components have surfaces in wear contact with each other. One of the surfaces has a wear-resistant coating system thereon so as to be in wear contact with the surface of the other component. The wear-resistant coating system contains alternating layers of TiAlN and CrN.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Coated article and method for making same

Номер: US20120164481A1

A coated article is described. The coated article includes a stainless steel substrate, a bonding layer formed on the substrate, and a hard layer formed on the bonding layer. The bonding layer is a nickel-chromium alloy layer. The hard layer is a nickel-chromium-boron-nitrogen layer. The mass percentage of nitrogen within the hard layer is gradually increased from the area near the bonding layer to the area away from the bonding layer. A method for making the coated article is also described.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Coated bodies made of metal, hard metal, cermet, or ceramic, and method(s) for coating of such bodies

Номер: US20120219789A1
Автор: Ingolf Endler, Mandy Hoehn

The invention relates to coated bodies made of metal, hard metal, cermet or ceramic material, coated with a single- or multi-layer coating system containing at least one hard material composite coating, and to a method for coating such bodies. The aim of the invention is to develop a coating system for such bodies, which is single- or multi-layered and comprises at least one hard material composite coating, which contains cubic TiAlCN and hexagonal AlN as the main phases and is characterized by a composite structure having a smooth, homogeneous surface, high oxidation resistance and high hardness. The aim includes the development of a method for cost-effectively producing such coatings. The hard material composite coating according to the invention contains cubic TiAlCN and hexagonal AlN as main phases, wherein the cubic TiAlCN is microcrystalline fcc-Ti 1-x Al x C y N z where x>0.75, y=0 to 0.25 and z=0.75 to 1 having a crystallite size of ≧= 0.1 μm, and wherein the composite coating in the grain boundary region additionally contains amorphous carbon having a percent by weight of 0.01 % to 20 %. The coating is carried out according to the invention in a LPCVD process at temperatures between 700 ° C. and 900 ° C. and at pressures between 10 2 Pa and 10 5 Pa without additional plasma excitation. The hard material composite coating according to the invention is characterized by a composite structure having a smooth, homogeneous surface, high oxidation resistance and high hardness and can be used in particular as a wear protection coating on Si 3 N 4 and WC/Co indexable inserts and steel components.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Coated Tool

Номер: US20120225247A1
Автор: Yohei Sone
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

A coated tool is excellent in adhesiveness of film, wear resistance, crater resistance and chipping resistance. The coated tool has a substrate and a coating coated on the surface thereof, at least one layer of the coating being an α-type aluminum oxide film, an average film thickness of the α-type aluminum oxide film being about 0.5 to about 10 μm, an average grain size of the α-type aluminum oxide film being about 0.5 to about 1.5 μm, and a texture coefficient TC A (012) of (012) plane of the α-type aluminum oxide film and a texture coefficient TC A (104) of (104) plane of the α-type aluminum oxide film satisfying TC A (104)/TC A (012)≧2.0.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Progressive Feedback For High Resolution Limited Feedback Wireless Communication

Номер: US20130064315A1
Принадлежит: FutureWei Technologies Inc

A system and method is proposed for progressively quantizing channel state information for application in a MIMO (multiple input multiple output) communication system. A method includes computing an estimate of a communications channel between a subscriber unit and a base station, quantizing the estimate with a first codebook, thereby producing a first quantized estimate, quantizing an (n−1)-th quantized estimate with an n-th codebook, thereby producing an n-th quantized estimate, where n is an integer value ranging from 2 to R, R is a total number of quantizations of the estimate, wherein the n-th codebook is a localized codebook. The method also includes incrementing n, repeating the quantizing an (n−1)-th quantized estimate until n=R, and transmitting information based on the R quantized estimates to the base station.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for diffusing metal particles within a composite layer

Номер: US20130084410A1

The invention relates to a method for diffusing metal particles included in a composite layer previously deposited on a substrate, said composite layer further including at least one dielectric matrix. According to this method, the diffusion of said metal particles towards said substrate is achieved by means of a plasma treatment.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Coated Cutting Tool, Cutting Member or Wear Part

Номер: US20130115018A1
Принадлежит: Ionbond Ag Olten, Iscar Ltd

A coated metal substrate has at least one layer of titanium based hard material alloyed with at least one alloying element selected from the list of chromium, vanadium and silicon. The total quantity of alloying elements is between 1% and 50% of the metal content, the layer having a general formula of: (Ti 100-a-b-c Cr a V b S i c )C x N y O z .

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing of holemaking tools

Номер: US20130121778A1
Автор: Herbert Rudolf KAUPER
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A process for producing a tool having a main body which extends in a longitudinal direction and at least one blade for machining a workpiece includes providing a base coating on the tool; grinding the at least one blade in a manner that removes the base coating in the region of the at least one blade; and providing a second, fine coating, to the at least one ground blade.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122259A1
Автор: Lee Kang N.
Принадлежит: Rolls-Royce Corporation

An article may include a substrate comprising a matrix material and a reinforcement material, a layer formed on the substrate, an array of features formed on the layer, and a coating formed on the layer and the array of features. The article may have improved thermal and/or mechanical stress tolerance compared to an article not including the array of features formed on the layer. 1. An article comprising:a substrate comprising a matrix material and a reinforcement material;a layer formed on the substrate;an array of features formed on the layer; anda coating formed on the layer and the array of features.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises an environmental barrier coating.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises an abradable coating.4. The article of claim 3 , wherein the abradable coating comprises a porosity of up to about 50 vol. %.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises an environmental barrier coating formed on the layer and an abradable coating formed on the environmental barrier coating.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprises an overlayer comprising the matrix material.7. The article of claim 6 , further comprising a bond coat formed on the overlayer and the array of features claim 6 , and wherein the coating is formed on the bond coat.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the layer comprises a bond coat.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein the array of features comprises an array of at least one of grooves claim 1 , depressions claim 1 , ridges claim 1 , or protrusions.10. The article of claim 1 , wherein the array of features comprises a first feature and a second feature claim 1 , and wherein a distance between the first feature and the second feature is less than about 1 inch.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein the array of features comprises at least one of a groove or a depression claim 1 , and wherein a depth of the groove or the depression is less than or approximately equal to a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157023A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal lnc.

A wear resistant multilayer nitride hard coating for substrates. The hard coating includes a first layer of titanium aluminum nitride and a second layer comprising a plurality of sublayer groups. Each sublayer group includes a first sublayer of titanium silicon nitride and a second sublayer of titanium aluminum nitride. The composition of the titanium aluminum nitride, both in the first layer and in the sublayer groups, is (TiAl)N, wherein 0.4≦x≦0.6. The composition of the titanium silicon nitride sublayers is (TiSi)N, wherein 0.85≦y≦0.98, and all of the silicon is in solid solution in the titanium silicon nitride such that no silicon phase or silicon nitride phase exists in this sublayer. The combined amount of aluminum and silicon present in the sublayer groups being narrowly controlled such that the sum of x and y is in the range of 1.38 to 1.46. 1. A hard coating for a substrate comprising:{'sub': z', '1-x, 'a first layer deposited by physical vapor deposition comprising (TiAl)N, wherein 0.4≦z≦0.6; and'}{'sub': y', '1-y', 'x', '1-x, 'a second layer deposited by physical vapor deposition having a plurality of sublayer groups, a sublayer group comprising a first sublayer of (TiSi)N, wherein 0.85≦y≦0.98, and a second sublayer of (TiAl)N, wherein 0.4≦z≦0.6;'}wherein neither a pure silicon phase nor a pure silicon nitride phase is present in the first sublayer and the sum or x and y is in the range of 1.38 to 1.46.2. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein the first layer accounts for 20 to 60 percent of the overall coating thickness.3. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the sublayer group is in the range of 3 to 20 nm.4. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein the sublayer groups are adjacently stacked.5. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein x and z are substantially equal in value.6. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein x and z are different in value.7. The hard coating of claim 1 , wherein the (TiAl)N of the first layer comprises hexagonal close- ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Suppression Method for Corrosion of Carbon Steel Member

Номер: US20130202791A1

A bath containing nickel ions and formic acid is injected into a film-forming aqueous solution flowing in a circulation pipe connected to a feed water pipe made of carbon steel in a BWR plant. This solution is supplied into the pipe through the circulation pipe, and a nickel metal film is formed on an inner surface of the pipe. After the film is formed, a film-forming aqueous solution containing iron (II) ions, formic acid, nickel ions, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrazine is supplied to the pipe. A nickel ferrite film is formed on the surface of the nickel metal film in the pipe. The nickel ferrite film comes into contact with water containing dissolved oxygen at or above 150° C. to transform the nickel metal film into a nickel ferrite film. A thick nickel ferrite film is formed on the inner surface of the feed water pipe. 1. A suppression method for corrosion of a carbon steel member , comprising steps of:connecting a pipe having a pump to a piping including the carbon steel member composing a plant;forming a nickel metal film on an inner surface of the piping by supplying a first film forming liquid containing nickel ions, whose pH is adjusted to a value in a range between 4.0 and 9.0, into the piping through the pipe;forming a nickel ferrite film on a surface of the nickel metal film formed on the inner surface of the piping by supplying a second film forming liquid including a first agent containing iron (II) ions, a second agent containing nickel ions, and a third agent for oxidizing the iron (II) ions, whose pH is adjusted by addition of a pH adjustment agent to a value within a range of more than 5.5 to 9.0 or less, into the piping through the pipe;removing the pipe from the piping after the formation of the nickel ferrite film; andafter the formation of the nickel ferrite film, transforming the nickel metal film into a nickel ferrite film,wherein the steps of connecting the pipe, forming the nickel metal film, forming the nickel ferrite film, and removing the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Alumina layer with multitexture components

Номер: US20130212953A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A cutting tool insert for machining by chip removal includes a body of a hard alloy of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics or cubic boron nitride based material onto which a hard and wear resistant coating is deposited by CVD. The coating includes at least one multitextured α-Al 2 O 3 layer with a thickness between 0.5 μm and 30 μm characterized with an ODF texture index>1 and at least two dominant texture components with 2<ODF density<100 coexisting within the layer. A method of making and using the cutting tool insert are also described.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Cutting Tool with Multi-Layer Coating

Номер: US20130216804A1
Автор: Schier Veit
Принадлежит: WALTER AG

The invention relates to a cutting tool comprising a main part and a multilayer coating applied thereon. A first layer A made of a hard material is applied on the main part, said hard material being selected from titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN), titanium aluminum silicon nitride (TiAlSiN), chromium nitride (CrN), aluminum chromium nitride (AlCrN), aluminum chromium silicon nitride (AlCrSiN), and zirconium nitride (ZrN), and a second layer B made of silicon nitride (Si3N4) is applied directly over the first layer A. 1. A cutting tool comprising a main body and a multi-layer coating applied thereto , wherein applied to the main body is a first layer A of a hard material selected from titanium aluminium nitride , titanium aluminium silicon nitride , chromium nitride aluminium chromium nitride , aluminium chromium silicon nitride and zirconium nitride , and{'sub': 3', '4, 'a second layer B of amorphous silicon nitride (Sin) is applied directly over the first layer A.'}2. A cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein at least one further periodically repeated succession of layers A and B is applied over the second layer B claim 1 , wherein the layers A in the periodically repeated succession of layers A and B are also selected from titanium aluminium nitride claim 1 , titanium aluminium silicon nitride claim 1 , chromium nitride claim 1 , aluminium chromium nitride claim 1 , aluminium chromium silicon nitride and zirconium nitride claim 1 , but can be different from the hard material of the first layer A.3. (canceled)4. A cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the silicon nitride of the hard material layer B respectively contains up to 20 atomic % claim 1 , of usual or unusual impurities or doping elements.5. A cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the hard material of the first layer A is titanium aluminium nitride.6. A cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer A comprising a hard material is applied directly to the main body and/or at ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216858A1

A steel sheet for containers that has excellent film adhesion qualities, and has a Zr compound film formed thereupon by immersion in or electrolytic treatment with a solution containing Zr ions, F ions, and hydroxylic acid, the Zr compound film being applied in an amount such that the metal Zr content is 0.1-100 mg/m and the F content is no more than 0.1 mg/m. 17-. (canceled)8. A steel sheet for containers having a Zr compound film which is formed on a steel sheet by immersing or electrolytically treating the steel sheet in a solution containing Zr ions , F ions and a hydroxy acid ,{'sup': 2', '2', '2, 'wherein the adhesion amount of the Zr compound film is within a range of 0.1 mg/mto 100 mg/mas an amount of metal Zr and is within a range of 0.1 mg/mor less as an amount of F.'}9. The steel sheet for containers according to claim 8 ,wherein the solution further contains phosphate ions, and{'sup': 2', '2, 'the adhesion amount of the Zr compound film is 0.1 mg/mto 50 mg/mas an amount of P.'}10. The steel sheet for containers according to claim 8 ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the adhesion amount of the Zr compound film is 0.05 mg/mto 50 mg/mas an amount of C of a hydroxy acid precipitate.'}11. The steel sheet for containers according to claim 8 , wherein the steel sheet is a surface-treated steel sheet having a surface treatment layer which contains 5 mg/mto 1 claim 8 ,000 mg/mof Ni or 100 mg/mto 15 claim 8 ,000 mg/mof Sn claim 8 , on at least one surface thereof.12. The steel sheet for containers according to claim 8 ,{'sup': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'wherein the steel sheet is a surface-treated steel sheet haying an underlying Ni layer which is a Ni plating layer or an Fe—Ni alloy plating layer and contains 5 mg/mto 150 mg/mof Ni, and a Sn island plating layer which is a remainder of a Sn plating layer and is not alloyed, the Sn island plating layer being formed by plating 300 mg/mto 3,000 mg/mof Sn on the underlying Ni layer, and alloying a part or the entirety of the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Agglomeration and charge loss sensor for measuring particulate matter

Номер: US20130219990A1
Принадлежит: EmiSense Technologies LLC

A sensor includes a housing, a central sensor electrode assembly, an insulating member, and a trace. The central sensor electrode assembly is coupled to a supply side of a voltage source. The insulating member is coupled between the housing and the central sensor electrode assembly. The insulating member circumscribes a section of the central sensor electrode assembly. The trace is coupled to the insulating member and circumscribes the section of the central sensor electrode assembly. The trace directs at least a portion of leakage current away from a voltage ground offset on an opposite side of the central sensor electrode assembly.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251941A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A method of manufacturing a thermal barrier coated article including the steps of: a) forming an article having a first surface and a second surface, the article having a plurality of projections extending from the first surface in a direction away from the first surface and away from the second surface, each projection having a first end adjacent the first surface and a second end remote from the first surface, b) depositing a thermal barrier coating on the first surface of the article around each of the projections and on the second ends of the projections, c) removing the thermal barrier coating from the second ends of the projections, and d) forming at least one passage through each projection extending from the second surface of the article through the article and through the respective projection to the second end of the respective projection. 1. A thermal barrier coated article , the article having a first surface and a second surface , the article having at least one projection extending from the first surface in a direction away from the first surface and away from the second surface , the projection having a first end adjacent the first surface and a second end remote from the first surface , the second end of the at least one projection having a surface , the article having at least one passage extending from the second surface of the article through the article and through the at least one projection to the surface at the second end of the at least one projection , the at least one passage being an effusion cooling aperture and the article having a thermal barrier coating on the first surface around the at least one projection.2. A thermal barrier coated article as claimed in wherein the article having a plurality of projections extending from the first surface in a direction away from the first surface and away from the second surface claim 1 , each projection having a first end adjacent the first surface and a second end remote from the first surface ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252018A1

A protecting coating for a copper substrate is disclosed. The coating comprises seed layer comprising titanium ions that forms an “alloy-like” structure with the copper substrate. The coating further comprises a first layer of carbon disposed on the seed layer comprising titanium ions. A second layer comprising titanium is disposed on the first layer of carbon, and a second layer of carbon is disposed on the second layer comprising titanium. 1. A manufactured article comprising a copper substrate and a corrosion resistant coating , the coating comprising a seed layer of titanium ions and a first layer of carbon.2. The article of wherein the first layer of carbon comprises a layer of diamond like carbon.3. The article of wherein the coating comprises:the seed layer of titanium ions disposed on the copper substrate; andthe first layer of carbon being a layer of carbon disposed on the seed layer of titanium ions.4. The article of wherein the coating further comprises:another layer of titanium disposed on the first layer of carbon; anda second layer of carbon disposed on the another layer of titanium.5. The article of wherein the another layer of titanium has a thickness less than the seed layer of titanium and wherein the second layer of carbon has a thickness greater than the first layer of carbon.6. The article of wherein the seed layer of titanium ions is about 8 Å thick.7. The article of wherein the coating results in a corrosion rate of the copper substrate of less than about 0.2 milli-inches per year.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the seed layer of titanium ions is deposited using filtered cathodic arc (FCA) deposition method.9. A component comprising:a copper substrate;a coating comprising a seed layer of titanium ions disposed on the copper substrate and a first layer of carbon disposed on the seed layer of titanium.10. The component of claim 9 , further comprising another layer of titanium disposed on the first layer of carbon.11. The component of claim ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Hydrogen Sensor and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130255358A1

A method of the invention includes preparing a mold having a hydrogen detection part pattern, a nanogap pattern and a base to be formed on a hydrogen sensor substrate; preparing a material to which the patterns are transferrable; forming the hydrogen sensor substrate by bringing the mold into contact with the material to thus transfer the patterns to the material and then detaching the mold from the material to which the patterns are transferred, the hydrogen sensor substrate having a base part corresponding to the base, a plurality of hydrogen detection parts erected from the base part and corresponding to the nanogap pattern and a plurality of nanogaps formed between the hydrogen detection parts and corresponding to the hydrogen detection part pattern; and forming, on the hydrogen sensor substrate, a thin film of a transition metal or an alloy thereof to be expanded by hydrogen. 1. A method of manufacturing a hydrogen sensor , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a mold which has a hydrogen detection part pattern, a nanogap pattern and a base which are to be formed on a hydrogen sensor substrate;preparing a material to which the patterns of the mold are transferrable;forming the hydrogen sensor substrate by bringing the mold into contact with the material to thus transfer the patterns of the mold to the material and then detaching the mold from the material to which the patterns are transferred, the hydrogen sensor substrate having a base part which corresponds to the base of the mold, a plurality of hydrogen detection parts which is erected from the base part and corresponds to the nanogap pattern, and a plurality of nanogaps which is formed between the hydrogen detection parts and corresponds to the hydrogen detection part pattern; andforming a thin film on the hydrogen sensor substrate, the thin film being made of a transition metal or an alloy thereof which is to be expanded by hydrogen.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen sensor ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Hard film, plastic working die, plastic working method, and target for hard film

Номер: US20130256130A1
Автор: Kenji Yamamoto
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

There is provided a hard film excellent in wear resistance. The hard film in accordance with the present invention includes (Ti a Cr b Al c L d ) (B x C y N z ) in terms of composition, in which the L is at least one of Si and Y, and the a, b, c, d, x, y, and z each denote the atomic ratio, and satisfy: 0.1≦a<0.3; 0.3<b<0.6; 0.2≦c<0.35; 0.01≦d<0.1; a+b+c+d=1; x≦0.1; y≦0.1; 0.8≦z≦1; and x+y+z=1.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260033A1

A method of synthesizing branched gold nanoparticles is described, starting from an aqueous solution of gold nanoparticle spherical seeds, which is subjected to a growth treatment with an aqueous solution comprising hydroxylamine or a salt thereof as a reducing agent and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) as an agent that directs the shape of the nanostructure, and by subsequent addition of an aqueous solution of chloroauric acid (HAuCl4). The structural features and the properties of the branched gold nanoparticles obtained by the method of the invention are also described. 1. A method of synthesizing branched gold nanoparticles by seed-mediated growth , comprising the steps of:a) providing an aqueous solution of gold nanoparticle spherical seeds; andb) subjecting the gold nanoparticle spherical seeds to a growth treatment, characterized in that it comprises:{'sub': '1', 'b) treating the aqueous solution of gold nanoparticle spherical seeds with an aqueous solution comprising hydroxylamine or a salt thereof as a reducing agent and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) as an agent that directs the shape of the said nanoparticles; and'}{'sub': '2', 'b) adding an aqueous solution comprising aurate ions, thereby obtaining branched gold nanoparticles by the controlled growth of branches on the surface of the gold nanoparticle spherical seeds.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxylamine salt is hydroxylamine hydrochloride or hydroxylamine sulfate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution of step b) comprises a gold salt.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the gold salt is tetrachloroauric acid (HAuCl).5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gold nanoparticle spherical seeds claim 1 , before being subjected to the growing treatment of step b) claim 1 , are grown in size by a preventive treatment with an HEPES-free aqueous solution of a reducing agent and subsequent ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287936A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a substrate for an organic electronic element that enables surface resistance to be reduced and light-extraction efficiency improved, the substrate including: a base substrate; a scattering layer which is formed on the base substrate and includes an conductive pattern for reducing the surface resistance of an electrode, scattering particles for scattering light and a binder, and which forms an uneven structure in the surface opposite the base substrate; and a planarizing layer which is formed on the scattering layer and flattens the surface undulations caused by the uneven structure of the scattering layer, wherein the refractive index (Na) of the scattering particles and the refractive index (Nb) of the planarizing layer satisfy the relationship in formula 1 below. [Formula 1] |Na—Nb|≧0.3. In the formula as used herein, Na signifies the refractive index of the scattering particles and Nb signifies the refractive index of the planarizing layer. 1. A substrate for an organic electronic element comprising:a base substrate;a scattering layer comprising a conductive pattern configured to lower a sheet resistance of an electrode, scattering particles scattering light and a binder; forming an uneven structure on the surface opposite to the base substrate, and formed on the base substrate; anda planarizing layer formed on the scattering layer and planarizing the surface undulations caused by the uneven structure of the scattering layer and having the refractive index of 1.8 to 2.0,wherein the conductive pattern comprises Mo/Al/Mo,wherein the refractive index of the scattering particles is from 2.2 to 3.0,wherein the binder and the planarizing layer in the scattering layer comprise an inorganic or organic-inorganic composite based on a siloxane bond, {'br': None, '|Na—Nb|≧0.3 \u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein the refractive index (Na) of the scattering particles and the refractive index (Nb) of the planarizing layer satisfy the relationship in ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Porous metal article and about method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130302636A1

A porous metal article includes a substrate, a metal layer formed on the substrate, and a porous metal layer formed on the metal layer. The metal layer is a noble metal layer doped with M, M comprising an element selected from the group consisting of magnesium and calcium, the content of M in the metal layer is between about 30 wt % and about 70 wt %.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of Preparing Silver-Based Electrical Contact Materials with Fiber-Like Arrangement of Reinforcing Nanoparticles

Номер: US20130313488A1

A method for preparing silver-based electrical contact materials with fiber-like arrangement of reinforcing nanoparticles includes (1) uniformly mixing reinforcement powders and silver matrix powders for ball milling; (2) pouring the obtained composite powders and silver matrix powders into a powder mixing machine for powder mixing; (3) cold isostatic pressing; (4) sintering; (5) hot pressing; and (6) hot extruding to obtain silver-based electrical contact materials with fiber-like arrangement of reinforcing nanoparticles. The method of the present invention can obtain silver-based electrical contact materials with fiber-like arrangement of reinforcing nanoparticles with no specific requirement on processing deformation, and the plasticity and ductility of the reinforcing phase. Furthermore, it has simple processes, low cost and no particular requirements on the equipment. Contact materials prepared by the present method have good resistance to welding and arc erosion, conductivity and a greatly enhanced processing performance. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for preparing a fibrous silver-based electrical contact material , comprising following steps of:(A) uniformly mixing reinforcing powders with matrix silver powders, and then placing the mixed powders into a high energy ball milling tank for ball-milling, wherein the reinforcing powders and the silver matrix powders are mixed in such a proportion as to obtain silver-coated reinforcing powders and aggregates thereof;(B) placing the composite powders obtained from step (A) and matrix silver powders into powder mixing machine for mixing, wherein the weight ratio of the composite powders to the silver-matrix powders is calculated according to composition of desired materials and size of fibrous structure;(C) processing the powders obtained from step (B) with cold isostatic pressing;(D) sintering the green body obtained from step (C);(E) hot-pressing the green body obtained from step (D);(F) hot-extruding the green ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330540A1

The invention relates to a method for forming a protective coating against high-temperature oxidation on a surface of a refractory composite material based on silicon and niobium, wherein chromium present on the surface to be protected is reacted with a reactive gas which contains silicon and oxygen in order to produce a composite coating having two phases, a first phase of which is an oxide phase based on silica which has viscoplastic properties and a second phase of which is based on silicon, chromium and oxygen, and wherein the first phase and second phase are coalesced at high temperature, which allows a protective coating to be formed in which the second phase acts as a reservoir to reform, during operation, the first phase by means of reaction with an oxidising gas. The invention is preferably used in the field of aeronautical engines. 1. A composite coating comprising a first phase and a second phase , the first phase being an oxide phase and comprising silicon , the second phase comprising silicon , chromium and oxygen , wherein the first phase and the second phase are configured to coalesce at an operating temperature in the presence of an oxidizing gas.2. The composite coating according to claim 1 , wherein the operating temperature is 700° C. or more.3. The composite coating according to claim 1 , wherein the first phase further comprises at least one melting element selected from a boron type melting element and a germanium type melting element.4. The composite coating according to claim 1 , wherein the second phase further comprises at least one element selected from boron claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and iron.5. The composite coating according to claim 1 , wherein the second phase is configured to reform the first phase by filling cracks formed in the first phase claim 1 , during operation.6. A composite material comprising the composite coating according to claim 1 , coated thereon.7. The composite material according to claim 6 , wherein the composite ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Layer system comprising an nicocraly double protective layer with differing chromium content and alloy

Номер: US20140011049A1
Автор: Werner Stamm
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A two-layered NiCoCrAlY layer is provided. The layer includes a bottom and a top layer. Through the use of a two-layered NiCoCrAlY layer, it is possible to reduce the formation of cracks in the thermally grown oxide layer as forms on account of the protective action of the NiCoCrAlY layers.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037926A1

A coating includes a nano-composite layer including an equal number of films. The films are stacked on top of each other one after another. Each film includes a zirconium-copper carbonitride layer and a zirconium carbonitride layer. 1. A coating , comprising:a nano-composite layer comprising a plurality of films, the films stacked on top of each other one after another, each film including a zirconium-copper carbonitride layer and a zirconium carbonitride layer.2. The coating as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each zirconium-copper carbonitride layer has a thickness ranging from about 10 nanometer to about 20 nanometer.3. The coating as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each zirconium carbonitride layer has a thickness ranging from about 10 nanometer to about 20 nanometer.4. The coating as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coating has a thickness ranging from about 1 micrometer to about 4 micrometer.5. The coating as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a color layer covering on the nano-composite layer. This application is a divisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 13/007,706, filed Jan. 17, 2011, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference. The patent application Ser. No. 13/007,706 in turn claims the benefit of priority under 35 USC 119 from Chinese Patent Application 201010244728.0, filed on Aug. 4, 2010.1. Technical FieldThe exemplary disclosure generally relates to coatings, and particularly relates to articles coated with the coatings and a method for manufacturing the articles.2. Description of Related ArtPhysical vapor deposition (PVD) has conventionally been used to form a coating on metal bases of cutting tools or molds. Materials used for this coating material are required to have good durability. At present, Zirconium carbonitride (ZrCN) is used as a material satisfying these requirements. However, ZrCN poorly adheres to metal properties and may easily peel off.Therefore, there is room for improvement within the art.A coating includes a nano- ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Compositional variations of tungsten tetraboride with transition metals and light elements

Номер: US20140041313A1

A composition includes tungsten (W); at least one element selected form the group of elements consisting of boron (B), beryllium (Be) and silicon (Si); and at least one element selected from the group of elements consisting of titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr), niobium (Nb), molybdenum (Mo), ruthenium (Ru), hafnium (Hf), tantalum (Ta), rhenium (Re), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), lithium (Li) and aluminum (Al). The composition satisfies the formula W 1-x M x X y wherein X is one of B, Be and Si; M is at least one of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Hf, Ta, Re, Os, Ir, Li and Al; x is at least 0.001 and less than 0.999; and y is at least 4.0. A tool is made from or coated with this composition.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065394A1

Disclosed is a multi-layer coating formed by repeatedly and sequentially laminating first coating layers composed of TiN and second coating layers composed of TiAgN on a surface, and a method of forming the same. 1. A multi-layer coating comprising a plurality of alternating first coating layers composed of TiN and second coating layers composed of TiAgN.2. The multi-layer coating according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first coating layers and the second coating layers have an individual thickness of about 20˜300 nm.3. The multi-layer coating according to claim 1 , comprising a total of about 10˜30 first coating layers and second coating layers.4. The multi-coating layer according to claim 1 , comprising about 7˜20 at % Ag based on the entire atoms making up the second coating layer.5. A method of forming a multi-layer coating using a physical vapor deposition (PVD) device claim 1 , a Ti target claim 1 , an Ag target and Ngas claim 1 , the method comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a first coating step of coating a first coating layer of TiN on a base material surface by injecting Ngas as atmosphere gas and applying current to a Ti target;'}{'sub': '2', 'a second step of coating a second coating layer of TiAgN on the first coating layer by injecting Ngas as atmosphere gas and applying current to both of the Ti target and a Ag target; and'}a laminating step of repeatedly and sequentially laminating a plurality of first coating layers and second coating layer by repeatedly turning the current applied to the Ag target OFF and ON.6. The multi-layer coating method according to claim 5 , wherein the atmosphere gas is Ngas or Ar gas.7. The multi-layer coating method according to claim 5 , wherein the Ti target is installed at a sputter source unit and the Ag target is installed at an arc source unit to apply current.8. The multi-layer coating method according to claim 7 , wherein a current of about 1˜2.5 A is applied to the sputter source unit.9. The multi-layer coating method ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000612A1
Автор: Gupta Vikas, Kealey Colin

A spiral-based thin-film mesh for medical devices and related methods is provided. The spiral-based thin-film mesh may be used as a stent cover for a stent device. The thin-film mesh may include a plurality of spirals. The spirals allow the thin-film mesh to expand omni-directionally. In one or more embodiments, the spirals may be logarithmic spirals, golden spirals, approximated golden spirals, box Phi spirals, or Fibonacci spirals. The thin-film mesh may be formed from thin-film Nitinol (TFN), and may be fabricated via sputter deposition on a micropattemed wafer. 1. A thin-film mesh device comprising:a thin-film mesh that comprises a plurality of spirals that are omni-directionally expandable.2. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spirals is arranged around an approximate central point on the thin-film mesh.3. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein each of the spirals comprises one of three spiral arms claim 1 , four spiral arms claim 1 , six spiral arms claim 1 , twelve spiral arms claim 1 , or twenty-four spiral arms.4. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for each of the spirals claim 1 , a distance between adjacent spiral arms increases as the spiral arms radiate out from a center of the spiral.5. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein the thin-film mesh further comprises a plurality of triangular interconnects claim 1 , wherein each of the triangular interconnects connects three of the spirals with one another.6. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein each of the spirals is one of a logarithmic spiral claim 1 , a golden spiral claim 1 , an approximated golden spiral claim 1 , a box Phi spiral claim 1 , or a Fibonacci spiral.7. The thin-film mesh device of claim 6 , wherein the box Phi spiral is one of a two box Phi spiral claim 6 , a three box Phi spiral claim 6 , or a four box Phi spiral.8. The thin-film mesh device of claim 1 , wherein the thin-film mesh comprises thin-film Nitinol (TFN ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001410A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a base material and a coating film provided on a surface of the base material, wherein the coating film includes a first alternating layer provided on the base material and a second alternating layer provided on the first alternating layer, the first alternating layer includes A and B layers, the second alternating layer includes C and D layers, each of one or plurality of the A layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of AlCrM1, each of one or plurality of the B layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of AlTiM2, each of one or plurality of the C layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of TiSiM3, and each of one or plurality of the D layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of TiSiM4. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising a base material and a coating film provided on a surface of the base material , whereinthe coating film includes a first alternating layer provided on the base material and a second alternating layer provided on the first alternating layer,the first alternating layer includes A and B layers,the second alternating layer includes C and D layers,one or a plurality of the A layers and one or a plurality of the B layers are layered alternately,one or a plurality of the C layers and one or a plurality of the D layers are layered alternately,{'sub': a', 'b', '(l-a-b), 'each of the one or plurality of the A layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of AlCrM1, and respective atomic ratios of metal atoms in the A layer satisfy 0.5≤a≤0.9, 0≤b≤0.4, and 0≤(l-a-b)≤0.1,'}{'sub': c', 'd', '(l-c-d), 'each of the one or plurality of the B layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of AlTiM2, and respective atomic ratios of metal atoms in the B layer satisfy 0.3≤c≤0.7, 0.3≤d≤0.7, and 0≤(l-c-d)≤0.1,'}{'sub': e', 'f', '(l-e-f), 'each of the one or plurality of the C layers is composed of a nitride or carbonitride of TiSiM3, and respective atomic ratios of metal atoms in the C layer ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Cutting tool

Номер: US20160001374A1
Автор: YaoCan Zhu
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

Problem: To provide a cutting tool that exhibits superior chipping resistance and wear resistance. Resolution means: A cutting tool 1 is provided with a base 2, and a coating layer 6 comprising columnar crystals 7 that cover the surface of the base 2. A Cutting edge 5 is formed at the crossing ridge line of a rake face 3 and a flank face 4. The average inclination angle (θ2) of the flank face 4, in the longitudinal direction of the columnar crystals 7 with respect to the direction orthogonal to the surface of the base 2, is greater than the average inclination angle (θ1) of the rake face 3, in the longitudinal direction of the columnar crystals 7 with respect to the direction orthogonal to the surface of the base 2.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001375A1

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a lower layer including a Ti compound layer, an intermediate layer including an α-AlOlayer, and an upper layer including a Zr-containing α-AlOlayer. The outermost layer of the lower layer contains 0.5 to 3 at % of oxygen. The frequencies of inclination angles between a normal line to a (0001) plane of AlOgrains of the intermediate layer and a normal line to a surface of a tool body have a highest peak in an inclination angle division of 0 to 10°. The ratio of the frequencies is 50 to 70%. The frequencies of between the normal line to the (0001) plane of AlOgrains of the entirety of the intermediate and the upper layers and the normal line to the tool body surface have a highest peak in an inclination angle division of 0 to 10°. The ratio of the frequencies is 75% or more. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool , comprising:a tool body made of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide or titanium carbonitride-based cermet; anda hard coating layer which is vapor-deposited on a surface of the tool body,wherein the hard coating layer includes:(a) a lower layer which is a Ti compound layer including at least one of the group consisting of a Ti carbide layer, a Ti nitride layer, a Ti carbonitride layer, a Ti oxycarbide layer, and a Ti oxycarbonitride layer, and having an average total layer thickness of 3 to 20 μm;{'sub': 2', '3, '(b) an intermediate layer which is an AlOlayer having an average layer thickness of 0.5 to 5 μm and having an α-crystal structure in a chemically vapor-deposited state; and'}{'sub': 2', '3, '(c) an upper layer which is a Zr-containing AlOlayer having an average layer thickness of 2 to 15 μm and having an α-crystal structure in a chemically vapor-deposited state,'}(d) an outermost layer of the lower layer is the Ti carbonitride layer having a layer thickness of 500 nm or more, where oxygen is contained only in a region having a depth of 500 nm or less from an interface between the Ti carbonitride layer and the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Oxidation-Resistant Coated Superalloy

Номер: US20210001603A1

A coating-substrate combination includes: a Ni-based superalloy substrate comprising, by weight percent: 2.0-5.1 Cr; 0.9-3.3 Mo; 3.9-9.8 W; 2.2-6.8 Ta; 5.4-6.5 Al; 1.8-12.8 Co; 2.8-5.8 Re; 2.8-7.2 Ru; and a coating comprising, exclusive of Pt group elements, by weight percent: Ni as a largest content; 5.8-9.3 Al; 4.4-25 Cr; 3.0-13.5 Co; up to 6.0 Ta, if any; up to 6.2 W, if any; up to 2.4 Mo, if any; 0.3-0.6 Hf; 0.1-0.4 Si; up to 0.6 Y, if any; up to 0.4 Zr, if any; up to 1.0 Re, if any. 1. An article comprising:a Ni-based superalloy substrate comprising, by weight percent: 2.0-5.1 Cr; 0.9-3.3 Mo; 3.9-9.8 W; 2.2-6.8 Ta; 5.4-6.5 Al; 1.8-12.8 Co; 2.8-5.8 Re; 2.8-7.2 Ru; anda coating comprising, exclusive of Pt group elements, by weight percent: Ni as a largest content; 5.8-9.3 Al; 4.4-25 Cr;3. 0-13.5 Co; up to 6.0 Ta , if any; up to 6.2 W , if any; up to 2.4 Mo , if any; 0.3-0.6 Hf; 0.1-0.4 Si; up to 0.6 Y , if any; up to 0.4 Zr , if any; up to 1.0 Re , if any.2. The article of wherein:the substrate comprises 0.05-0.7 weight percent Hf.3. The article of wherein:the substrate has a 1800° F. & 45 ksi (982° C. & 310 MPa) rupture life of at least 120 hours.4. The article of wherein:the coating comprises exclusive of Pt group elements, by weight percent: 0.4-0.6 said Hf; 0.2-0.4 said Si.5. The article of wherein:the coating has less than 1.0 weight percent overall said Pt group elements combined.6. The article of wherein:in weight percent exclusive of Pt group elements, the coating has less than 1.0 weight percent individually elements other than said Ni, Al, Cr, Co, Ta, W, Mo, Hf, Si, Y, Zr, Re, and Pt group elements, if any.7. The article of wherein:the substrate also falls within one of the broader ranges of Table VI; andthe coating also falls within the associated broader range of Table VII.8. The article of wherein:the coating and substrate fall within the narrower associated ranges.9. The article of wherein:in weight percent the coating has 6.0≤W+Ta≤13.0 or Ta+W≤0.05 ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001511A1

A tool die for forming a green ceramic body. The tool die has a wear resistant coating that is deposited on a substrate and has an outer or free surface having a morphology that provides a mean roughness in a range from about 0.03 μm up to about 0.8 μm Rq. In one embodiment, the wear resistant coating has multiple alternating layers of fine grained and coarse grained materials. Methods of making the tool die and wear resistant coating are also provided. 1. A wear resistant composite coating for an extrusion die for forming a green ceramic body , the wear resistant composite coating comprising:a. a base layer disposed on the surface of the substrate;b. a plurality of layers disposed over the base layer, the plurality of layers comprising a first layer of a fine grained material alternating with a second layer of a coarse grained material; andc. an outer layer of the fine grained material disposed over the plurality of layers, the outer layer having an outer surface, wherein the outer surface has a fine grained equiaxial morphology that has a Rq roughness in a range from about 0.03 μm up to about 0.8 μm Rq.2. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 1 , wherein the wear resistant composite coating comprises at least one of an inorganic carbide claim 1 , an inorganic nitride claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 1 , wherein the morphology is an equiaxial morphology and the outer layer of fine grained material has an average grain size less than or equal to about 0.05 μm.4. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 1 , wherein the base layer comprises titanium carbide.5. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 1 , wherein the first layer comprises titanium carbonitride and at least one dopant.6. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 5 , wherein the dopant is one of boron claim 5 , sulfur claim 5 , carbon monoxide claim 5 , and aluminum.7. The wear resistant composite coating of claim 5 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002550A1

The present invention belongs to the technical field of solder fluxes, and in particular relates to a water-soluble flux and a copper material pickling method. The water-soluble flux provided by the present invention includes an organic acid, an alcohol ether solvent, and deionized water. The organic acid is used as an active component of the present invention, and under the action of the alcohol ether solvent, oxides and impurities on the surface of a part to be welded can be sufficiently removed, and adhering residue of an acidic substance on the surface of the part to be welded can be reduced. In the process of tin plating of the part to be welded treated by the water-soluble flux provided by the present invention, the splash of tin liquid can be effectively inhibited, and the utilization rate of tin is improved. 1. A water-soluble flux , comprising the following components: an organic acid , an alcohol ether solvent , and deionized water.2. The water-soluble flux according to claim 1 , comprising the following components by mass parts claim 1 , 10-20 parts of the organic acid claim 1 , 1-10 parts of the alcohol ether solvent and 70-90 parts of the deionized water.3. The water-soluble flux according to claim 1 , wherein the organic acid comprises formic acid and/or acetic acid.4. The water-soluble flux according to claim 1 , wherein the alcohol ether solvent comprises one or more of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether claim 1 , dipropylene glycol methyl ether claim 1 , diethylene glycol monoethyl ether claim 1 , and tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether.5. The water-soluble flux according to claim 4 , wherein the alcohol ether solvent is ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether.6. The water-soluble flux according to claim 5 , wherein the ratio of the mass of the ethylene glycol monobutyl ether to the mass of the tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether is (3-5):1.7. A copper material pickling method claim 5 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@ ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Coated Metal Strip Having an Improved Appearance

Номер: US20180002798A1
Принадлежит: ArcelorMittal SA

A process for manufacturing a coated metal strip having a metallic corrosion protection coating is provided. The process includes passing a metal strip through a molten metal bath comprising from 2 to 8 wt % aluminum, 0 to 5 wt % magnesium, up to 0.3 wt % additional elements, and a balance including zinc and inevitable impurities, to yield a molten metal coated metal strip, wiping the molten metal coated metal strip with a nozzle spraying a gas on either side of the molten metal coated metal strip and cooling the coating in a controlled manner until the coating has completely solidified, to obtain the coated metal strip. A temperature of the molten metal bath is from 350 to 700° C., and the cooling is conducted at a rate less than 15° C./s between a temperature on leaving a unit where the wiping occurs and a start of solidification of the coating, and then at a rate greater than or equal to 15° C./s between a start and an end of solidification of the coating.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002817A1
Автор: ENGQVIST Jan, Lindahl Erik

The present disclosure relates to a coated cutting tool having a substrate and a coating, wherein the coating includes at least one layer of κ-AlOwith a thickness of 1-20 μm deposited by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). A χ-scan from −80° to 80° over the (0 0 6) reflection of the κ-AlOlayer shows the strongest peak centered around 0° and the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the peak is <25°. 1. A coated cutting tool comprising a substrate and a coating , wherein the coating comprises at least one layer of κ-AlOwith a thickness of 1-20 μm deposited by chemical vapor deposition , wherein a χ-scan from −80° to 80° over a (0 0 6) reflection of said κ-AlOlayer shows the strongest peak centered around 0° and wherein a FWHM of said peak is <25°.2. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the strongest peak from the κ-AlOlayer in an X-ray diffractogram from 15° to 140° is a (0 0 2) reflection.3. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the second strongest peak from the κ-AlOlayer in an X-ray diffractogram from 15° to 140° is a (0 0 4) reflection.4. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the third strongest peak from the κ-AlOlayer in an X-ray diffractogram from 15° to 140° is the (0 0 6) reflection.5. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an average thickness of the κ-AlOlayer is 2-10 μm.6. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the coating further comprises an α-AlOlayer.7. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 6 , wherein said α-AlOlayer is located between said κ-AlOlayer and the substrate.8. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the thickness of said α-AlOlayer is 0.5-2 μm or 0.7-1 μm.9. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the coating further comprises one or more layers of TiN claim 1 , TiCN claim 1 , TiC claim 1 , TiCO claim 1 , TiAlCO and TiCNO.10. The coated cutting tool in accordance with claim 1 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002738A1

In the present invention, there is provided a coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet, including: a solvent; and one or two more layered clay mineral powders having a specific surface area of 20 m/g or more. In addition, in the present invention, there is provided a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet including: a base metal; and an insulation coating provided on a surface of the base metal, in which the insulation coating contains SiO, and one or two of AlOand MgO, and has a porosity of 10% or less. 110-. (canceled)11. A coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet , comprising:a solvent; and{'sup': '2', 'one or two or more layered clay mineral powders having a specific surface area of 20 m/g or more.'}12. The coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet according to claim 11 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the specific surface area of the layered clay mineral powder is 150 m/g or less.'}13. The coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet according to claim 11 ,wherein the layered clay mineral powder is one or two or more powders selected from kaolin, talc, and pyrophyllite.14. The coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet according to claim 12 ,wherein the layered clay mineral powder is one or two or more powders selected from kaolin, talc, and pyrophyllite.15. The coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet according to claim 11 , further comprising:an inorganic dispersant in an amount more than 0 mass % and equal to or less than 20 mass % with respect to the layered clay mineral powder.16. The coating liquid for forming an insulation coating for a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet according to claim 12 , further comprising:an inorganic dispersant in an amount more than 0 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003060A1

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a tool body made of a tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide or a titanium carbonitride-based cermet and a hard coating layer that includes a lower layer and an upper layer and formed on the tool body. The lower layer is composed of a Ti compound layer including at least a TiCN layer. The upper layer includes an AlOlayer having an α-type crystal structure. In the AlOcrystal grains of the upper layer, when a coincidence grain boundary distribution graph is measured, sulfur is segregated in a grain boundary of Σ31 or more and a grain boundary length thereof is 20% to 50% relative to the whole grain boundary length in the constituent atom sharing lattice point form of Σ3 or more. Absolute values of residual stress of a flank face and a rake face are 100 MPa or less. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising:a tool body that is made of a tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide or a titanium carbonitride-based cermet; anda hard coating layer that includes a lower layer and an upper layer and is formed on a surface of the tool body, wherein(a) the lower layer has a total average layer thickness of 3 to 20 μm and includes two or more of a TiC layer, a TiN layer, a TiCN layer, a TiCO layer, and a TiCNO layer, and at least one of the layers is a Ti compound layer including a TiCN layer,{'sub': 2', '3, '(b) the upper layer has a average layer thickness of 2 to 15 μm and includes an AlOlayer having an α-type crystal structure, and'}{'sub': 2', '3, '(c) regarding AlOcrystal grains of the upper layer, in a case where a polished cross-section is subjected to observation and elemental analysis using high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy and observation using a field-emission-type scanning electron microscope and an electron beam backward scattering diffraction device, angles between each of normal lines of crystal lattice planes formed of corundum hexagonal crystal lattices and a normal line of the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Injectable, Biodegradable Bone Cements and Methods of Making and Using Same

Номер: US20150005392A1
Принадлежит: The University of Toledo

Compositions of, methods of making, and methods of using alkaline earth phosphate bone cements are disclosed. A bone cement composition includes a powder comprising a basic source of calcium, magnesium, or strontium, a setting solution comprising H3PO4 and a buffer, and a biocompatible polymer that is incorporated into the setting solution. The powder is mixed with the setting solution to form a bone cement paste that either (a) sets into a hardened mass, or (b) is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation to form dry powders, the dry powders then being mixed with a second setting solution to form a radiation-assisted bone cement paste that sets into a hardened mass. 1. A bone cement composition comprising:a powder comprising a basic source of calcium, magnesium, or strontium;{'sub': 3', '4, 'a setting solution comprising HPOand a buffer; and'}a biocompatible polymer that is incorporated into the setting solution;wherein the powder is mixed with the setting solution to form a bone cement paste that either (a) sets into a hardened mass, or (b) is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation to form dry powders, the dry powders then being mixed with a second setting solution to form a radiation-assisted bone cement paste that sets into a hardened mass.2. The bone cement of wherein the powder comprises Ca(OH) claim 1 , Mg(OH) claim 1 , or Sr(OH).3. (canceled)4. The bone cement of wherein the biocompatible polymer comprises chitosan.5. The bone cement of wherein the biocompatible polymer is surface-phosphorylated prior to being incorporated into the setting solution.6. The bone cement of wherein the setting solution further comprises citric acid monohydrate.79-. (canceled)10. The bone cement composition of further comprising an additive selected from the group consisting of: proteins claim 1 , osteoinductive materials claim 1 , osteoconductive materials claim 1 , X-ray opacifying agents claim 1 , medicaments claim 1 , supporting or strengthening filler materials claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005959A1

A process of forming a hydrophobic, conductive barrier on a metallic surface includes coating the metallic surface with an organic, conductive material. The organic, conductive material includes a conductive group having two or more alkyne groups and a dithiocarbamate group to bind the organic, conductive material to the metallic surface. 1. A process of forming a hydrophobic , conductive barrier on a porous metallic surface , the process comprising: establishing a lattice matrix, wherein the lattice matrix is established by depositing plastic particles onto a desired surface,', 'infusing the lattice matrix with a desired metal, and', 'removing the plastic particles from the desired surface; and, 'forming a porous metallic surface, wherein forming the porous metallic surface comprisesdepositing a solution containing an organic, conductive material onto the porous metallic surface.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein infusing the lattice matrix with the desired metal comprises:filtering an aqueous colloidal solution of metallic particles through the lattice matrix, wherein the lattice matrix is saturated with the metallic particles.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plastic particles are removed by high temperature degradation claim 1 , dissolving claim 1 , or oxidization.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plastic is latex.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plastic particles are plastic microbeads.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the plastic microbeads comprise a polystyrene material.7. The process of claim 5 , wherein the plastic microbeads comprise at least one of polyethylene claim 5 , poly(vinyl alcohol) claim 5 , polybutadiene claim 5 , ABS copolymer claim 5 , polyisoprene claim 5 , polypropylene claim 5 , poly(methyl methacrylate) claim 5 , polyacetals claim 5 , and poly(vinyl chloride).8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the desired metal is nickel.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the organic claim 1 , conductive material comprises:a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008633A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

A cutting tool includes: a substrate including a rake face; and a coating film that coats the rake face, wherein the coating film includes an α-AlOlayer disposed on the substrate, the α-AlOlayer includes crystal grains of α-AlO, an area ratio of crystal grains oriented in (001) among the crystal grains is 50% to 90% in the α-AlOlayer at the rake face, and a film residual stress Adetermined based on a crystal plane interval of a (001) plane of the α-AlOlayer at the rake face is more than 0 MPa and less than or equal to 2000 MPa, and a film residual stress Bdetermined based on a crystal plane interval of a (110) plane of the α-AlOlayer at the rake face is more than or equal to −1000 MPa and less than 0 MPa. 1. A cutting tool comprising: a substrate including a rake face; and a coating film that coats the rake face , wherein{'sub': 2', '3, 'the coating film includes an α-AlOlayer disposed on the substrate,'}{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'the α-AlOlayer includes crystal grains of α-AlO,'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'an area ratio of crystal grains oriented in (001) among the crystal grains is more than or equal to 50% and less than or equal to 90% in the α-AlOlayer at the rake face, and'}{'sup': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sub': A', '2', '3, 'a film residual stress Adetermined based on a crystal plane interval of a (001) plane of the α-AlOlayer at the rake face is more than 0 MPa and less than or equal to 2000 MPa, and'}, {'sub': A', '2', '3, 'a film residual stress Bdetermined based on a crystal plane interval of a (110) plane of the α-AlOlayer at the rake face is more than or equal to −1000 MPa and less than 0 MPa.'}], 'in a residual stress measurement performed in accordance with a 2θ-sinψ method using X rays,'}2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 2', '3, 'the α-AlOlayer has a thickness of more than or equal to 1 μm and less than or equal to 20 μm,'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'sub': 10', '2', '3', '10', '2', '3', '40', '2', '3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 2', ' ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009300A1

A method for repairing a Ni-based alloy component is prepared. The method may include preparing a surface of the Ni-based alloy component for receiving a cold spray repair; spraying a stream of particles onto a the surface of the Ni-based alloy component to form a coating thereon; and removing any over-spray on the surface of the Ni-based alloy component. The particles may be formed from an alloy material having a melting point such that the particles are sprayed at a spray temperature that is less than the melting point of the alloy material. 1. A method of repairing a Ni-based alloy component , the method comprising:preparing a surface to be repaired of the Ni-based alloy component for receiving a cold spray repair, wherein the surface to be repaired has a damaged portion that includes a defect therein, wherein the defect extends about 1.5 mm to about 6 mm into the surface of the Ni-based alloy component;spraying of Ni-based alloy particles carried by a high pressure gas stream onto the surface of the Ni-based alloy component to form a coating within the defect of the damaged portion of the surface, wherein the Ni-based alloy particles have a melting point; and wherein the Ni-based alloy particles are sprayed at a spray temperature that is less than the melting point of the Ni-based alloy particles, and wherein the spray temperature is about 500° C. to about 1100° C.; andremoving any over-spray on the surface of the Ni-based alloy component.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating has a thickness of about 1.5 mm to about 6 mm within the defect.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating has a thickness of about 2.5 mm to about 5 mm within the defect.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating has a thickness of about 3.0 mm to about 5 mm within the defect.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Ni-based alloy particles are sprayed at a spray temperature of about 650° C. to about 800° C.8. (canceled)9. The method of claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010217A1

Corrosion of steel by aqueous acidic solution when treating a wellbore with acid is inhibited by a procedure in which the steel is initially exposed to a first aqueous solution containing one or more corrosion inhibiting constituents which provide both corrosion inhibitor and hydrophobic liquid and deposit a corrosion inhibiting film on the steel surface and then exposed to an acidic second aqueous solution containing one or more such corrosion inhibiting constituents at a lower concentration. During this second period, the lower concentration of corrosion inhibiting constituents in the second aqueous solution maintains the film already established on the steel surface. Weight loss through corrosion in the second stage is lower than the weight loss which otherwise would be observed. Overall there can be reduction of both weight loss and consumption of corrosion inhibitor. 2. A method according to wherein the second aqueous solution contains corrosion inhibitor able to adsorb to a steel surface and the concentration of said corrosion inhibitor in the second aqueous solution is less than in the first aqueous solution.3. A method according to wherein the first aqueous solution contains at least one corrosion inhibitor which is polymerisable on the steel surface.4. A method according to wherein the corrosion inhibitor which is polymerisable on the steel surface is an acetylenic alcohol.5. A method according to wherein the water-insoluble hydrophobic materials are selected from water-insoluble amines claim 1 , cationic surfactants and water-insoluble hydrophobic liquids.6. A method according to wherein corrosion inhibitor and hydrophobic liquid in the first aqueous solution are provided by at least one corrosion inhibitor which is able to adsorb to a steel surface and which is a water-insoluble hydrophobic liquid.7. A method according to wherein the corrosion inhibiting constituents in the first aqueous solution comprise at least one corrosion inhibitor able to adsorb to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010233A1

A coated tool includes a substrate and a coating layer disposed on a surface of the substrate. The coating layer includes a first stack structure () and a second stack structure (). The first stack structure has two or more kinds of layers with different compositions periodically stacked with an average layer thickness of 60-500 nm. The second stack structure has two or more kinds of layers with different compositions periodically stacked with an average layer thickness of 2 nm to less than 60 nm. The layers in each stack structure include at least one selected from the group consisting of metal elements Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Al, Si, Sr, Y, Sn and Bi; and compounds including at least one of these metal elements and at least one non-metal element selected from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and boron. 1. A coated tool comprising a substrate and a coating layer disposed on a surface of the substrate , the coating layer including a first stack structure and a second stack structure ,the first stack structure having a structure in which two or more kinds of layers with different compositions are periodically stacked, wherein the average layer thickness of each of the layers is 60 nm to 500 nm,the second stack structure having a structure in which two or more kinds of layers with different compositions are periodically stacked, wherein the average layer thickness of each of the layers is 2 nm to less than 60 nm,the layers constituting the first stack structure and the layers constituting the second stack structure including at least one selected from the compounds including at least one metal element selected from Ti, Nb, Ta, Cr, W, Al, Si, Sr and Y and at least one non-metal element selected from carbon and nitrogen.2. The coated tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first stack structure is an alternate stack structure including two kinds of layers with different compositions stacked alternately each in two or more layers.3. The coated tool according to claim 1 ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010139A1

A metallic sheet with deposited structured images and method for manufacture (MSDIMM) that includes a substrate, at least one structural feature, and a metal layer. The structural feature is at least one cavity on the substrate's upper surface, or at least one material object that extends outward from the substrate's upper surface. The metal layer is deposited, either by sputtering or atomic deposition, onto the substrate's upper surface, and, as the metal layer is deposited, the metal layer interfaces with and follows the dimensions of the structural feature(s), thereby creating a visible image at the location(s) of the structural feature(s). The visible image can be any image, and is preferably either an artistic image, a textual image, or an authentication image. The MDSTMM can be used for a variety of purposes, and is especially effective as a form of exonumia or currency. 1. A sheet , comprising:a substrate having a surface, wherein the surface of the substrate defines a plurality of distinct structural features that are spaced apart about the surface of the substrate; anda continuous top layer that is deposited onto the surface of said substrate and extends over the plurality of distinct structural features, wherein the continuous top layer interfaces with and follows the dimensions of the plurality of distinct structural features, thereby creating a visible image on the continuous top layer at locations of the plurality of distinct structural features.2. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein:the surface of the substrate extends beyond a periphery of the plurality of distinct structural features.3. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein:the continuous top layer comprises a metallic layer.4. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein:each the plurality of distinct structural features comprises a cavity or an outward extending material object.5. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein:the substrate comprises one or both of a polymer and a metal.6. The sheet of claim 1 , wherein:an entire atomic ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013566A1

A metal material is provided with a bismuth coating which enables the subsequent coating to be accomplished at a high throwing power, and has excellent corrosion resistance, coating adhesion and is able to be produced with reduced damage to the environment. The metal material has a surface and a bismuth-containing layer deposited on at least a part of the surface of the metal material, wherein the percentage of bismuth atoms in the number of atoms in the surface layer of the metal material with a bismuth coating is at least 10%. 1. A surface treating solution for use in a chemical conversion of a metal material surface conducted as a pretreatment of coating , wherein the surface treating solution contains bismuth and a first ligand for the bismuth.2. The surface treating solution according to claim 1 , wherein said coating is by cationic electrodeposition.3. The surface treating solution according to claim 1 , further comprising a brightener.4. The surface treating solution according to claim 3 , wherein the brightener is an organic compound having at least one member selected from the group consisting of an aromatic ring claim 3 , a sulfone group claim 3 , a formyl group claim 3 , a carboxy group and an amino group.5. The surface treating solution according to claim 3 , wherein the solution at the time of the surface treatment contains the brightener at a weight concentration of 10 to 10 claim 3 ,000 ppm.6. The surface treating solution according to claim 1 , wherein the first ligand is an aminopolycarboxylic acid and/or a carboxylic acid and the solution contains at least one ligand which has a stability for bismuth higher than a stability for an ion of a metal constituting the metal material.7. The surface treating solution according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the first ligand is an aminopolycarboxylic acid and has a stability for bismuth higher than a stability for an ion of a metal constituting the metal material; andthe solution further comprises a second ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033661A1

Methods and systems for coating metal substrates are provided. The methods and systems include sequential application of low flow and high flow powder coatings followed by a single heating step to provide a cured coating. The methods and systems include a marker that allows coating uniformity to be monitored and assessed during application. The described methods provide coatings with optimal surface smoothness and edge coverage. 1. A method , comprising:providing a metal substrate;applying a first coating comprising a powder coating composition with flow of no more than about 40 mm;applying a second coating comprising a powder coating composition with flow of a least about 40 mm; andheating the first coating and second coating in a single step to form a continuous coating.2. A method , comprising:providing at least a first powder composition with flow of no more than about 40 mm;optionally, providing at least a second powder composition with flow of at least about 40 mm; andproviding instructions for coating a metal substrate with at least the first composition, followed by coating with a second composition, and heating the two compositions in a single step to form a continuous coating.3. A coated article made by a process comprising:providing a substrate;providing at least a first powder composition with flow of no more than about 40 mm;optionally, providing at least a second powder composition with flow of at least about 40 mm; andheating the first coating and second coating in a single step to form a continuous coating.46-. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first coating composition has a flow of about 15 mm to 40 mm.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first coating composition has a flow of about 20 mm to 35 mm.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second coating composition has flow of greater than about 50 mm.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second coating composition has flow of greater than about 70 mm.11. The method of claim 1 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017392A1
Принадлежит: 3Innovative Properties Company

A reflective film or article including a substrate, a smoothing layer adjoining and extending across at least a portion of the first major surface of the substrate, a tie layer having a first major surface adjoining and extending across at least a portion of the second major surface of the substrate, and a metallic layer adjoining and extending across at least a portion of the second major surface of the tie layer. The smoothing layer includes poly(methyl methacrylate) and a first block copolymer having at least two endblock polymeric units and at least one midblock polymeric unit derived from first and second monoethylenically unsaturated monomers selected from a methacrylate, acrylate, vinyl ester, or combination thereof, respectively, each endblock having a glass transition temperature (T) of at least 50° C., and each endblock having a Tno greater than 20° C. 1. An article comprising:a substrate having a first major surface and a second major surface opposite the first major surface;a smoothing layer adjoining the first major surface of the substrate and extending across at least a portion of the first major surface of the substrate, wherein the smoothing layer is non-tacky at ambient temperatures and comprises poly(methyl methacrylate) and a first block copolymer having at least two endblock polymeric units that are each derived from a first monoethylenically unsaturated monomer comprising a methacrylate, acrylate, styrene, or combination thereof, wherein each endblock has a glass transition temperature of at least 50 degrees Celsius; and at least one midblock polymeric unit that is derived from a second monoethylenically unsaturated monomer comprising a methacrylate, acrylate, vinyl ester, or combination thereof, wherein each midblock has a glass transition temperature no greater than 20 degrees Celsius;a tie layer adjoining and extending across at least a portion of the second major surface of the substrate, the tie layer having a first major surface adjoining ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015548A1
Автор: Ri Kou, Yamasaki Tsuyoshi

A coated tool include a first surface, a second surface which is adjacent to the first surface, and a cutting edge which is located on at least a portion of a ridge between the first surface and the second surface. The coated tool further includes a substrate, and a coating layer that is located on the substrate. The coating layer includes a titanium carbonitride layer and an aluminum oxide layer which has an α-type crystalline structure. The titanium carbonitride layer is located nearer to the substrate than the aluminum oxide layer. When a value represented by the following equation is taken to be an orientation factor Tc(hkl) on the basis of peaks of the aluminum oxide layer analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis, a ratio (Tcf(104)/Tcf(012)) of orientation factors Tcf(104) to Tcf(012) of the coating layer on the second surface is higher than a ratio (Tcr(104)/Tcr(012)) of orientation factors Tcr(104) and Tcr(012) of the coating layer on the first surface: Tc(hkl)={I(hkl)/I(hkl)}/[(1/7)×Σ{I(HKL)/I(HKL)}]. 2. The coated tool according to claim 1 , wherein the Tcf(104) is higher than the Tcf(012) claim 1 , and the Tcr(104) is lower than the Tcr(012).3. The coated tool according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,among peaks of the aluminum oxide layer on the coating layer on the second face, a peak intensity If(006) of a peak attributed to a (006) plane or a peak intensity If(104) of a peak attributed to a (104) plane is the highest, and,among peaks of the aluminum oxide layer on the coating layer on the first surface, a peak intensity Ir(006) of a peak attributed to a (006) plane or a peak intensity Ir(012) of a peak attributed to a (012) plane is the highest.4. The coated tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe cutting edge has a curved surface shape, and{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'a ratio (L/L) of a width L of the curved surface when the first surface is viewed head-on to a width L of the curved surface when the second surface is viewed head-on is from 1.3 to 2.0.'}52. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017478A1

A tool hard film that is to be disposed as coating on a surface of a tool, the tool hard film being a TiCrMoWV oxycarbide, oxynitride, or oxycarbonitride having a phase with a NaCl-type crystal structure as a main phase, the oxycarbide, oxynitride, or oxycarbonitride having fine crystals due to introduction of oxygen. 1. A tool hard film that is to be disposed as coating on a surface of a tool ,the tool hard film being a TiCrMoWV oxycarbide, oxynitride, or oxycarbonitride having a phase with a NaCl-type crystal structure as a main phase, the oxycarbide, oxynitride, or oxycarbonitride having fine crystals due to introduction of oxygen.2. The tool hard film of claim 1 , wherein the TiCrMoWV oxycarbide is represented by (TiCrMoWV)CO claim 1 , and whereinatom ratios thereof are 0.2≦a≦0.7, 0.01≦b≦0.4, 0.05≦c≦0.5, 0 Подробнее

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Coated cutting tool

Номер: US20160017499A1
Автор: Masakazu Kikuchi
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

A coated cutting tool has a substrate and a coating layer. At least one layer of the coating layer is a coarse grain layer with an average layer thickness of 0.2 to 10 μm and an average grain diameter in excess of 200 nm measured at the direction parallel to the interface of the coating layer. A composition of the layer is represented by (Al a Ti b M c )X, wherein M represents at least one of Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Y, B and Si, X represents at least one of C, N and O, and a, b and c represents atomic ratios of Al, Ti and M relative to one another such that 0.30≦a≦0.65, 0.35≦0.70, 0≦c≦0.20 and a+b+c=1.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017154A1

A composition includes tungsten (W); at least one element selected form the group of elements consisting of boron (B), beryllium (Be) and silicon (Si); and at least one element selected from the group of elements consisting of titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr), niobium (Nb), molybdenum (Mo), ruthenium (Ru), hafnium (Hf), tantalum (Ta), rhenium (Re), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), lithium (Li) and aluminum (Al). The composition satisfies the formula WMXwherein X is one of B, Be and Si; M is at least one of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Hf, Ta, Re, Os, Ir, Li and Al; x is at least 0.001 and less than 0.999; and y is at least 4.0. A tool is made from or coated with this composition. 123.-. (canceled)24. A method for preparing a composition comprising:tungsten (W);at least one element selected from the group of elements consisting of boron (B), beryllium (Be) and silicon (Si); andat least one element selected from the group of elements consisting of titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr), niobium (Nb), molybdenum (Mo), ruthenium (Ru), hafnium (Hf), tantalum (Ta), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), lithium (Li) and aluminum (Al); {'br': None, 'sub': 1-x', 'x', 'y, 'WMX'}, 'wherein said composition satisfies the formulawherein X is at least one of B, Be and Si;M is at least one of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Hf, Ta, Os, Ir, Li and Al;x is at least 0.001 and less than 0.999; andy is at least 4.0;the method comprising:a) mixing together elemental powders of W, X, and M to form a mixture;b) optionally pressing the mixture into a pellet; andc) heating the mixture or pellet.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein X is B.26. The method of claim 24 , wherein M is one of Ta claim 24 , Mn claim 24 , Cr claim 24 , Ta and Mn claim 24 , or Ta and Cr.27. The ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017178A1
Автор: Mori Satoshi

A coated tool may include a base member and a coating layer located on the base member. The coating layer may include an alternating layer having first layers and second layers. The first layers may contain (TiNbM)CN(where M is one or more kinds selected from metals of Groups 4, 5 and 6 in the periodic table except for Ti and Nb, and Al, 0.2≤b≤0.8, 0.01≤d≤0.2, 0≤e≤0.7, b+d+e=1 and 0 Подробнее

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039978A1
Автор: Gupta Vikas, Kealey Colin

A spiral-based thin-film mesh for medical devices and related methods is provided. The spiral-based thin-film mesh may be used as a stent cover for a stent device. The thin-film mesh may include a plurality of spirals. The spirals allow the thin-film mesh to expand omni-directionally. In one or more embodiments, the spirals may be logarithmic spirals, golden spirals, approximated golden spirals, box Phi spirals, or Fibonacci spirals. The thin-film mesh may be formed from thin-film Nitinol (TFN), and may be fabricated via sputter deposition on a micropatterned wafer. 1. A method for forming a thin-film mesh comprising:deep reactive ion etching a micropattern of trenches on a surface of a substrate, the trenches corresponding to negative areas of a plurality of spirals in the thin-film mesh to be formed;depositing a lift-off layer on the etched substrate;depositing a first Nitinol layer over the lift-off layer; andetching the lift-off layer to form the thin-film mesh.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the trenches further correspond to negative areas of triangular interconnects claim 1 , which each connect three of the spirals with one another.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:depositing a bonding layer on at least one area of the first Nitinol layer;depositing a sacrificial layer on a remaining area of the first Nitinol layer;depositing a second Nitinol layer on the bonding layer and the sacrificial layer; andannealing the first Nitinol layer and the second Nitinol layer with the bonding layer;wherein the etching further etches the sacrificial layer to form the thin-film mesh having a three-dimensional shape. This application is a divisional application of, and claims priority to and the benefit of, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/024,649, filed Jun. 29, 2018, the entire disclosure of which is expressly incorporated by reference herein.The present disclosure generally relates to medical devices and, more particularly, to spiral-based thin-film mesh ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Nanolaminated coated cutting tool

Номер: US20150023751A1

A cutting tool insert for machining by chip removal includes a body of a hard alloy of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, cubic boron nitride based material or high speed steel, onto which a hard and wear resistant coating is deposited. The coating includes at least one polycrystalline nanolaminated structure having sequences of alternating A and B layers, wherein layer A is (Al x1 Me1 1-x1 )N y1 with 0.3<x1<0.95, 0.9<y1<1.1 and Me1 is one or more of the elements Ti, Y, V, Nb, Mo, Si and W, or Me1 is Ti and one or more of the following elements Y, V, Nb, Mo, Si, Cr and W, and layer B is (Zr 1-x2-z2 Si x2 Me2 z2 )N y2 with 0 <x2<0.30, 0.90<y2 <1.20, 0<z2<0.25 and Me2 is one or more of the elements Y, Ti, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W and Al.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Surface-coated cutting tool

Номер: US20180021858A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

In a surface-coated cutting tool, a hard coating includes one or more layers. At least one layer thereof is a hard coating layer composed of a complex nitride or carbonitride layer of Al, Cr, and Si and satisfying (Al 1-x-y Cr x Si y )(C z N 1-z ) where x, y and z are atomic ratios and satisfy 0.1≦x≦0.4, 0.01≦y≦0.2, and 0≦z≦0.3, respectively. The hard coating layer contains particles including: less than 10 atomic % of non-metal components selected from C and N; and metal components selected from Cr, Al and Si. In the cross-section perpendicular to the tool body surface, the number ratio of oblate particles with an Al content of 50 atomic % or less, a long diameter of less than 0.5 μm, and an aspect ratio of 2.0 or more is 90% or more with respect to the total number of the particles.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Coated cutting tool

Номер: US20150024183A1
Автор: Björn Ericsson
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

The present invention relates to a coated cutting tool comprising a substrate and a multilayered (Ti,Al)N coating. The coating comprises three zones: a first zone (A) closest to the substrate, a second zone (B) adjacent to the first zone and a third outermost zone (C). All three zones each comprises a multilayered aperiodic structure of (Ti,Al)N, where the average composition for each zone is different from each other and where the ratio between the thickness of the zone C and zone B is between 1.3 and 2.2 and where z zone C >Z zone B , where z is the average composition for each zone of the ratio z=Ti/AI. The coating has a low residual stress.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Coated cutting tool

Номер: US20220040768A1
Автор: Takao Katagiri
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

Provided is a coated cutting tool having improved wear resistance and fracture resistance and a long tool life. The coated cutting tool includes a substrate, and a coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate. The coating layer has a laminated structure in which a first layer and a second layer are alternately laminated for one or more layers. The first layer is a compound layer having a composition represented by Ti(C x N 1-x ). The second layer is a compound layer having a composition represented by (Ti y Al 1-y )N. The laminated structure includes first to third laminated structures in this order from a substrate side to a surface side of the coating layer. An average thickness per layer of each of the first layer and the second layer in the first to third laminated structures is in a specific range. An average thickness of the first to third laminated structures is in a specific range.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040769A1
Автор: SASAKI Tomoya
Принадлежит: MOLDINO Tool Engineering, Ltd.

A coated cutting tool has a hard coating on a surface of a base material. The hard coating is a nitride of Al, Cr, and Si in which Al is 50 atom % or more, Cr is 30 atom % or more, and Si is 1 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less. The hard coating contains 0.02 atom % or less of Ar, and the atomic ratio A and the atomic ratio B of nitrogen satisfy the relationship of 1.02≤B/A≤1.10, and a diffraction peak originating from the (111) plane of a face-centered cubic lattice structure shows the maximum intensity. In the cross-sectional observation of the hard coating, the number of droplets having an equivalent circle diameter of 3 μm or more is less than 1 per 100 μm. The surface of the hard coating has an arithmetical mean curvature Spc value of 5000 or less. 1. A coated cutting tool comprising a hard coating on a surface of a base material , wherein the hard coating is a nitride of Al , Cr , and Si in which Al is 50 atom % or more , Cr is 30 atom % or more , and Si is 1 atom % or more and 5 atom % or less with respect to a total amount of metal (including metalloid) elements , and Ar is 0.02 atom % or less with respect to the total amount of metal (including metalloid) elements and non-metal elements ,an atomic ratio A of a metal (including metalloid) element and an atomic ratio B of nitrogen in the hard coating satisfy a relationship of 1.02≤B/A≤1.10,in a case where a total of the metal (including metalloid) element, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and Ar is set to 100 atom %, in an intensity profile of a selected-area diffraction pattern using X-ray diffraction or a transmission electron microscope, a diffraction peak originating from a (111) plane of a face-centered cubic lattice structure exhibits a maximum intensity,{'sup': '2', 'in a cross-sectional observation of the hard coating, the number of droplets having an equivalent circle diameter of 3 μm or more is less than 1 per 100 μm, and'}a surface of the hard coating has an arithmetical mean curvature Spc value at a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Surface-coated cutting tool

Номер: US20190022763A1

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a substrate composed of cemented carbide and a coating film. The coating film includes an intermediate layer in contact with the substrate and an upper layer formed on the intermediate layer. The upper layer is made up of a single layer consisting of an upper base layer which is a layer in contact with the intermediate layer or multiple layers constituted of two or more layers. A mismatch in lattice interplanar spacing in an interface region between the substrate and the intermediate layer is not higher than 65% of a theoretical value of a mismatch in lattice interplanar spacing between the substrate and the upper base layer. A mismatch in lattice interplanar spacing in an interface region between the intermediate layer and the upper base layer is not higher than 65% of the theoretical value of the mismatch in lattice interplanar spacing between the substrate and the upper base layer.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024243A1

A turbine engine part includes at least a substrate, and present on the substrate, a ceramic coating for protection against calcium and magnesium aluminosilicates, the ceramic coating including AlOat a molar content lying in the range 33% to 49%, YAlOat a molar content lying in the range 21% to 53%, and yttria-stabilized zirconia at a molar content lying in the range 13% to 31%. 1. A turbine engine part comprising at least a substrate , and present on the substrate , a ceramic coating for protection against calcium and magnesium aluminosilicates , the ceramic coating comprising:{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlOat a molar content lying in the range 33% to 49%;'}{'sub': 3', '5', '12, 'YAlOat a molar content lying in the range 21% to 53%; and'}yttria-stabilized zirconia at a molar content lying in the range 13% to 31%.2. A part according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating comprises:{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlOat a molar content lying in the range 37% to 45%;'}{'sub': 3', '5', '12, 'YAlOat a molar content lying in the range 29% to 45%; and'}yttria-stabilized zirconia at a molar content lying in the range 17% to 27%.3. A part according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating has a thickness lying in the range 50 μm to 200 μm.4. A part according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a material selected from the following: a metal superalloy and a ceramic matrix composite material.5. A part according to claim 1 , further comprising a thermal barrier layer present between the substrate and the ceramic coating.6. A part according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate constitutes a part for an aviation turbine engine selected from among the following parts: a turbine blade; at least a portion of a turbine nozzle; and at least a portion of a turbine ring.7. A method of fabricating a part according to claim 1 , the method comprising at least a step of forming the ceramic coating on the substrate claim 1 , the ceramic coating comprising:{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlOat a molar content lying in the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027063A1
Принадлежит: NCC NANO, LLC

This invention relates generally to uses of novel nanomaterial composition and the systems in which they are used, and more particularly to nanomaterial compositions generally comprising carbon and a metal, which composition can be exposed to pulsed emissions to react, activate, combine, or sinter the nanomaterial composition. The nanomaterial compositions can alternatively be utilized at ambient temperature or under other means to cause such reaction, activation, combination, or sintering to occur. 160-. (canceled)61. A system for sintering materials , said system comprising:a flashlamp configured to generate a plurality of electromagnetic emission pulses for irradiating a film on a substrate in ambient air in order to sinter said film on said substrate such that the conductivity of said film on said substrate increases by at least two-fold wherein said substrate includes a material having at least one dimension less than 1 micrometer, wherein said film includes at least one metal; and{'sup': '2', 'a control circuit for controlling said flashlamp to limit an areal energy density of each of said electromagnetic emission pulses to within the order of 1 Joules/cm, and to limit a duration of each of said electromagnetic emission pulses to be between one microsecond and one hundred milliseconds.'}6291-. (canceled)92. The system of claim 61 , wherein said system further includes a printer for printing said film on said substrate using a formulation having a metal with at least one dimension less than 1 micrometer.93. The system of claim 92 , wherein said at least one metal is copper.94. The system of claim 61 , wherein said substrate has a decomposition temperature below 450 degrees Celsius.95. The system of claim 61 , wherein said substrate includes a substance selected from the group consisting of PET claim 61 , polyester claim 61 , plastics claim 61 , polymers claim 61 , resins claim 61 , paper products claim 61 , laminates and combinations thereof.96. The system of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030459A1
Автор: Schürhoff Jörg

A turbomachine component is provided having at least two sub-components that are separated by a parting joint and each have a sealing surface at the parting joint, at least one of the two sealing surfaces being convex in order to form a linear contact of the two sealing surfaces. At least one of the sealing surfaces has a coating on it which includes a hard material, is a maximum of 30 μm thick and is applied using a vapour deposition method, or a coating which includes a chrome-containing alloy, is a maximum of 30 μm thick and is applied by a vapour deposition method, or is a maximum of 300 μm thick and applied using a thermal spraying method. 1. A turbomachine component , comprising:at least two sub-components which are separated by means of a parting joint and have in each case a sealing surface at the parting joint,wherein at least one of the two sealing surfaces is crowned, so as to form a linear contact between the two sealing surfaces, andwherein at least one of the sealing surfaces is provided with a coating which has a hard material, is at most 30 μm thick and which is applied by a gas phase deposition method, or a coating which has a chromium-containing alloy, which is at most 30 μm thick and is applied by a gas phase deposition method or which is at most 300 μm thick and is applied by a thermal spraying method,wherein the coating is formed such that it is not porous.2. The turbomachine component as claimed in claim 1 , without an additional lubricating film between the coating and the sub-component.3. The turbomachine component as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the chromium fraction in the alloy is greater than 10% by mass.4. The turbomachine component as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises nickel.5. The turbomachine component as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the coating which is to be applied by the thermal spraying method comprises particles of an additional hard material.6. The turbomachine component as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030875A1

The present invention relates to a Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet with excellent blackening resistance and excellent coating adhesion and to a method for manufacturing same. Provided are a Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet with excellent blackening resistance and excellent adhesion and a method for manufacturing same, the steel sheet comprising: a substrate steel sheet; a Zn—Fe intermetallic compound layer formed on the substrate steel sheet; a first Zn—Mg coating layer formed on the Zn—Fe intermetallic compound layer and comprising a Zn—Fe intermetallic compound in which the content of Zn is 95% by weight or higher; a second Zn—Mg coating layer formed on the first Zn—Mg coating layer and comprising a Zn—Mg intermetallic compound in which the content of Zn is 80 to 95% by weight; and an oxide film formed on the second Zn—Mg coating layer and comprising a metallic oxide. 1. A Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet having high blackening resistance and coating adhesion , the Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet comprising:a base steel sheet;a Zn—Fe intermetallic compound layer formed on the base steel sheet;a first Zn—Mg coating layer formed on the Zn—Fe intermetallic compound layer and comprising a Zn—Mg intermetallic compound in which zinc (Zn) is included in an amount of 95 wt % or greater;a second Zn—Mg coating layer formed on the first Zn—Mg coating layer and comprising a Zn—Mg intermetallic compound in which zinc (Zn) is included in an amount of 80 wt % to 95 wt %; andan oxide film formed on the second Zn—Mg coating layer and comprising a metal oxide.2. The Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide comprises a silicon oxide (SiO) claim 1 , and a magnesium oxide (MgO) is included as a part of the metal oxide.3. The Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the oxide film has a thickness of 11 μm to 40 μm.4. A method for manufacturing a Zn—Mg alloy-coated steel sheet having high blackening resistance and coating adhesion claim 1 , the method ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030881A1

A method for manufacturing a high strength galvanized steel sheet and a high strength galvanized steel sheet are provided. A high strength galvanized steel sheet having a zinc coating layer with an amount of deposition of coating of 20 to 120 g/mper one surface on the surface of a base steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising C: 0.03% to 0.35%, Si: 0.01% to 0.50%, Mn: 3.6% to 8.0%, Al: 0.001% to 1.000%, P≦0.10%, S≦0.010%, and the balance comprising Fe and incidental impurities, on a percent by mass basis, is produced. At this time, in annealing and galvanization treatment of the base steel sheet in a continuous galvanizing line, the maximum steel sheet temperature in an annealing furnace is 600° C. or higher and 750° C. or lower, the steel sheet transit time in a temperature region of the maximum steel sheet temperature of 600° C. or higher and 750° C. or lower is specified to be 30 seconds or more and 10 minutes or less, and the dew point in an atmosphere is specified to be −10° C. or higher. 1. A method for manufacturing a high strength galvanized steel sheet having a zinc coating layer with an amount of deposition of coating of 20 to 120 g/mper one surface on the surface of a base steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising C: 0.03% to 0.35% , Si: 0.01% to 0.50% , Mn: 3.6% to 8.0% , Al: 0.001% to 1.000% , P≦0.10% , S≦0.010% , and the balance comprising Fe and incidental impurities , on a percent by mass basis , the method comprising the step of subjecting the base steel sheet to annealing and galvanization treatment in a continuous galvanizing line , whereinthe maximum steel sheet temperature in an annealing furnace is 600° C. or higher and 750° C. or lower, andthe steel sheet transit time in a temperature region of the maximum steel sheet temperature of 600° C. or higher and 750° C. or lower is specified to be 30 seconds or more and 10 minutes or less, and the dew point in an atmosphere is specified to be −10° C. or higher.2. The method for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029930A1

A coating and a method for the production thereof. The coating includes at least one Mo—N-based layer of hard material which at least predominantly contains the hexagonal phase of the molybdenum nitride δ-MoN. The intensity ratio of the two peaks (δ-MoN 220)/(δ-MoN 200) are ≧3, preferably ≧10, especially preferably ≧30. 1. Coating comprising at least one Mo—N based hard material layer , which at least largely comprises the hexagonal phase of molybdenum nitride δ-MoN , characterized in that the intensity ratio of the two peaks (δ-MoN 220)/(δ-MoN 200) in an XRD diffraction pattern is >3.2. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Mo—N based hard material layer consists essentially of molybdenum nitride.3. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the intensity ratio of the two peaks (δ-MoN 220)/(δ-MoN 200) is >10.4. Coating according to claim 3 , characterized in that the intensity ratio of the two peaks (δ-MoN 220)/(δ-MoN 200) is >30.5. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Mo—N-based hard material coating has a Vickers hardness between 2600 HV and 3700 HV or a Hhardness of 27-38 GPa.6. Coating according to claim 5 , characterized in that the Hhardness is greater than 28 GPa and less than 38 GPa or less than than 37 GPa.7. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Mo—N based hard material layer has residual compressive stresses that are in the range between −1 GPa and −9 GPa.8. Coating according to claim 7 , characterized in that the residual compressive stresses are in the range between −2 GPa and −8 GPa.9. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Mo—N based hard material layer has an e-modulus between 300 GPa and 500 GPa.10. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Mo—N based hard material layer is deposited as the outermost layer of the coating and at least one area of the layer surface has a surface roughness satisfying the condition Rpkx Подробнее

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Coated tool

Номер: US20170029931A1
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

The coated tool has a substrate and a coating layer. The coating layer contains alternating first and second laminated structures. The first laminated structure contains at least two kinds of alternating layers having different compositions. An average thickness of the layers contained in the first laminated structure is 60 nm or more and 500 nm or less. The second laminated structure contains at least two kinds of alternating layers having different compositions. An average thickness of the layers contained in the second laminated structure is 2 nm or more and less than 60 nm. The layers contained in the first laminated structure and the second laminated structure contain a compound having one or more specific metals and at least one or more of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and boron. Average thickness(es) of the first and second laminated structure is/are continuously or stepwisely increased in a direction away from the substrate.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029944A1
Автор: Kubo Hayato, Ri Kou

A cutting tool comprises a base including a hard alloy and a coating layer located on a surface of the base, wherein the coating layer comprises at least one TiCN layer, an AlOlayer and an outermost layer which are laminated in order from a side of the base, and a content of Cl at a thickness-center position of the TiCN layer is higher than a content of Cl at a thickness-center position of the outermost layer and the content of Cl at the thickness-center position of the outermost layer is higher than a content of Cl at a thickness-center position of the AlOlayer in a glow-discharge emission spectrometry (GDS analysis). 1. A cutting tool comprising:a base including a hard alloy; anda coating layer located on a surface of the base,{'sub': x1', 'y1', 'z1', '2', '3', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2', '2', '3, 'wherein the coating layer comprises at least one TiCN layer formed from Ti(CNO) (0 Подробнее

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032459A1

The invention relates to a mixture containing a gold thiolate, a rhodium(III) compound, and a solvent that contains at least one OH group, in which the mixture has a ratio V=(a)/(b)≧2.2; (a) is the fraction of solvent and (b) is the gold fraction of the gold thiolate, each relative to the total weight of the mixture. 2. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture contains at least 5.0% by weight gold.3. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the gold thiolate is selected from the group consisting of aliphatic gold thiolates claim 1 , heteroaliphatic gold thiolates claim 1 , and aromatic gold thiolates.4. The mixture according to claim 3 , wherein the gold thiolate contains at least five carbon atoms.5. The mixture according to claim 4 , wherein the carbon atom in an α position with respect to the thiol group of the thiolate residue in the gold thiolate is a secondary or tertiary carbon atom.6. The mixture according to claim 5 , wherein the tertiary carbon atom is connected to three aliphatic or heteroaliphatic residues claim 5 , wherein one of the aliphatic or heteroaliphatic residues contains at least four carbon atoms and two of the aliphatic or heteroaliphatic residues contain no more than three carbon atoms.7. The mixture according to claim 6 , wherein the gold thiolate is represented by the formula Au(I)—R claim 6 , wherein Rrepresents a —S—C(CH)—CHresidue.8. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the rhodium(III) compound is represented by the formula Rh(III)—RRR claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each independently aliphatic or heteroaliphatic residues.9. The mixture according to claim 8 , wherein at least one of the residues R claim 8 , R claim 8 , and Ris a carboxylate residue.10. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the rhodium(III) compound contains at least seven carbon atoms.11. The mixture according to claim 10 , wherein the rhodium(III) compound is rhodium triisononylcarboxylate.12. The mixture according to ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033174A1

The invention concerns a multilayer material comprising at least: 1. A multilayer material comprising at least:a support having a reflectivity R higher than 80% for radiations of wavelengths higher than 5 μm,{'sub': 2', 'n', '2n+/−1, 'claim-text': Tr>85% for TTc., 'a selective layer having a thickness comprised between 100 and 500 nm, said selective layer comprising a combination of vanadium oxides VOand VO, said selective layer having an absorbance higher than 75% for radiations of wavelengths comprised between 0.4 and 2.5 μm, regardless of the temperature T, and having, for radiations of wavelengths comprised between 6 and 10 μm, a transmittance Tr such that2. Material according to claim 1 , wherein the selective layer has an extinction coefficient k lower than 4 for radiations of wavelengths comprised between 6 and 10 μm.3. Material according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for radiations of wavelengths comprised between 6 and 10 μm claim 1 , the support has an optical index n1 and the selective layer has an optical index n2 such that:n2Tc.4. Material according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , for radiations of wavelengths between 6 and 10 μm claim 3 , the optical index n2 is comprised between 0.8*(n1)and 1.2*(n1)for T>Tc.5. Material according to claim 1 , wherein the selective layer has a thickness comprised between 100 and 200 nm.6. Material according claim 1 , wherein the selective layer is doped with at least one metal M different from Vanadium.7. Material according to claim 6 , wherein the selective layer is doped with aluminum and has a critical temperature comprised between 80° C. and 120° C.8. Material according to claim 6 , wherein the selective layer has a concentration in the dopant M sufficient to form at least one oxide of the form MO claim 6 , with 0 Подробнее

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116575A1
Принадлежит: Scoperta, Inc.

Disclosed herein are iron-based alloys having a microstructure comprising a fine-grained ferritic matrix and having a 60+ Rockwell C surface, wherein the ferritic matrix comprises <10 μm Nb and W carbide precipitates. Also disclosed are methods of welding comprising forming a crack free hardbanding weld overlay coating with such an iron-based alloy. Also disclosed are methods of designing an alloy capable of forming a crack free hardbanding weld overlay, the methods comprising the steps of determining an amorphous forming epicenter composition, determining a variant composition having a predetermined change in constituent elements from the amorphous forming epicenter composition, and forming and analyzing an alloy having the variant composition. 1. An iron-based alloy having a microstructure comprising a fine-grained ferritic matrix and having a 60+ Rockwell C surface , wherein the ferritic matrix comprises <10 μm Nb and W carbide precipitates.2. The alloy of claim 1 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent): FeCrNiMnNbVCBWSiTiTiAl.3. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent):{'sub': 65.3-79.95', '5', '0-6', '0-6', '3.5-6', '0-2', '0.8-1.5', '0.8-1.4', '8.5-13.5', '0.15', '0.25-1', '0-4, 'FeCrNiMnNbVCBWSiTiAl.'}4. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent): FeCrNiMnNbCBWSiTi.5. The alloy of claim 4 , given by the chemical formulas (in weight percent):{'sub': 74.35', '5', '4', '2', '0.8', '1', '12.45', '0.15', '0.25, 'FeCrNbVCBWESiTi.'}6. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent): FeCrNiMnNbCBWSiTi.7. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent): FeCrMnNbCVBWSiTi.8. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent):{'sub': bal', '4.8-5.2', '<1.1', '0.4.0-4.4', '1.0-1.1', '0.40-2.8', '0.8-1.25', '7.5-9.2', '<1.0', '0.2-0.3, 'FeCrMnNbCVBWSiTi.'}9. The alloy of claim 2 , given by the chemical formula (In weight percent ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037569A1

Reflective coating systems, methods for depositing such coating systems, and lamps equipped with such coating systems. The reflective coating systems include an intermediate metallic layer overlying a substrate and consisting of nickel, chromium or a Ni—Cr alloy, a reflective metallic layer containing silver and overlying the intermediate metallic layer, and a protective layer overlying the reflective metallic layer. 1. A reflective coating system on a surface of a substrate , the reflective coating system comprising an intermediate metallic layer overlying the substrate and consisting of nickel , chromium , or a Ni—Cr alloy , a reflective metallic layer containing silver and overlying the intermediate metallic layer , and a protective layer overlying the reflective metallic layer.2. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate metallic layer constitutes at least 20 percent of the combined thickness of the intermediate metallic layer and the reflective metallic layer.3. The reflective coating system according to claim 2 , wherein the intermediate metallic layer has a thickness of about 50 nm to about 400 nm.4. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective metallic layer has a thickness of about 60 nm to about 400 nm.5. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the protective layer is chosen from the group consisting of dielectric oxides claim 1 , nitrides and fluorides.6. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate metallic layer contacts the substrate.7. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective metallic layer contacts the intermediate metallic layer.8. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective metallic layer consists of silver.9. The reflective coating system according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a transparent material and the reflective coating system further comprises an ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037605A1
Автор: Kuhlmann Timo, Oser Rafael

The present invention relates to a multilayer structure as a reflector with increased mechanical stability, which comprises a substrate layer A, a barrier layer B, a metallic reflector layer C, an optional layer D, a plasma polymer layer E, and a covering layer comprising inorganic constituents, and the covering layer does not contain UV absorber. 1. A multilayer structure comprisinglayer A: a substrate layer selected from a thermoplastic plastic, metal or glass,layer B: a barrier layer selected from titanium or the group of the noble metals,layer C: metallic reflector layer,{'sub': 2', '2', '5', '2', '2', '5, 'layer D: optionally an oxidic layer selected from aluminium oxide (AlOx), titanium dioxide, SiO, TaO, ZrO, NbOand HfO,'}layer E:a) is a plasma polymer layer (anticorrosion layer) deposited from siloxane precursorsor{'sub': '2', 'in the case where layer D is aluminium oxide or SiO, layer E is'}{'sub': 2', '2', '5', '2', '2', '5', '2, 'b) a highly refractive metal oxide layer, the metal oxides being selected from titanium dioxide, SiO, TaO, ZrO, NbOand HfO, or can be SiO, and a further layer according to layer E (a), a plasma polymer layer, can optionally be applied,'}layer F:a covering layer comprising inorganic constituents, this layer F not containing UV absorber.2. Multilayer structure according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic plastic is selected from at least one of the group consisting of polycarbonate claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , styrene copolymers claim 1 , aromatic polyesters claim 1 , cyclic polyolefins claim 1 , poly- or copoly-acrylates and poly- or copoly-methacrylate claim 1 , copolymers with styrene claim 1 , thermoplastic polyurethanes claim 1 , polymers based on cyclic olefins claim 1 , polycarbonate blends with olefinic copolymers or graft polymers.3. Multilayer structure according to claim 1 , wherein layer B is of titanium.4. Multilayer structure according to claim 1 , wherein layer C is of silver or silver alloys claim 1 , wherein ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036274A1
Автор: ABE MAIKO, Yamamoto Kenji

A cutting tool has a substrate. A surface of the substrate for the cutting tool is covered with a hard film. In the cutting tool, the hard film has a root-mean-square slope RΔq in a surface of the hard film of 0.060° or less. 1: A cutting tool comprising a substrate , wherein a surface of the substrate is covered with a hard film , wherein the hard film has a root-mean-square slope RΔq in a surface thereof of 0.060° or less.2: The cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the hard film has an arithmetic mean roughness Ra in the surface thereof of 0.030 μm or more and 0.30 μm or less.3: The cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the hard film has a maximum height roughness Rz in the surface thereof of 0.20 μm or more and 3.5 μm or less.4: The cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide claim 1 , a cermet alloy claim 1 , a high-speed tool steel claim 1 , or an alloy tool steel.5: The cutting tool of claim 3 , wherein the substrate comprises a tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide claim 3 , a cermet alloy claim 3 , a high-speed tool steel claim 3 , or an alloy tool steel.6: The cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the hard film comprises a nitride claim 1 , a carbonitride or an oxide claim 1 , each comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , Cr and Al.7: The cutting tool of claim 3 , wherein the hard film comprises a nitride claim 3 , a carbonitride or an oxide claim 3 , each comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 3 , Cr and Al.8: The cutting tool of claim 4 , wherein the hard film comprises a nitride claim 4 , a carbonitride or an oxide claim 4 , each comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 4 , Cr and Al.9: The cutting tool of claim 2 , wherein the hard film has a maximum height roughness Rz in the surface thereof of 0.20 μm or more and 3.5 μm or less.10: The cutting tool of claim 2 , wherein the substrate ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040279A1

In a surface-coated boron nitride sintered body tool, at least a cutting edge portion contains a cubic boron nitride sintered body and a coating layer formed on a surface of the cubic boron nitride sintered body. A layer B of the coating layer is formed by alternately laminating one or more layers of each of two or more thin-film layers having different compositions. A B1 thin-film layer as one of the thin-film layers is formed by alternately laminating one or more layers of each of two or more compound layers having different compositions. Each of the compound layers has a thickness not less than 0.5 nm and less than 30 nm. A B2 thin-film layer as one of the thin-film layers different from the B1 thin-film layer has a thickness more than 30 nm and less than 200 nm. 1. A surface-coated boron nitride sintered body tool in which at least a cutting edge portion comprises a cubic boron nitride sintered body and a coating layer formed on a surface of said cubic boron nitride sintered body ,said cubic boron nitride sintered body comprising not less than 30% and not more than 80% by volume of cubic boron nitride, and also comprising a binder phase containing an aluminum compound, an inevitable impurity, and at least one compound selected from the group consisting of a nitride, a carbide, a boride, and an oxide of a group 4 element, a group 5 element, and a group 6 element of a periodic table of elements, as well as a solid solution thereof,said coating layer including a layer A and a layer B,{'sub': 'za1', 'said layer A being composed of MLa, where M represents one or more of Al, Si, as well as a group 4 element, a group 5 element, and a group 6 element of the periodic table of the elements; La represents one or more of B, C, N, and O; and za1 is not less than 0.85 and not more than 1.0,'}said layer B being formed by alternately laminating one or more layers of each of two or more thin-film layers having different compositions,each of said thin-film layers having a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037467A1

A nanopore cell includes a conductive layer. The nanopore cell further includes a titanium nitride (TiN) working electrode disposed above the conductive layer. The nanopore cell further includes insulating walls disposed above the TiN working electrode, wherein the insulating walls and the TiN working electrode form a well into which an electrolyte may be contained. In some embodiments, the TiN working electrode comprises a spongy and porous TiN working electrode that is deposited by a deposition technique with conditions tuned to deposit sparsely-spaced TiN columnar structures or columns of TiN crystals above the conductive layer. 1. A nanopore cell , comprising:a conductive layer;a titanium nitride (TiN) working electrode disposed above the conductive layer; andinsulating walls disposed above the TiN working electrode, wherein the insulating walls and the TiN working electrode form a well into which an electrolyte may be contained.2. The nanopore cell of claim 1 , wherein the TiN working electrode comprises a spongy and porous TiN working electrode that is deposited by a deposition technique with conditions tuned to deposit sparsely-spaced TiN columnar structures or columns of TiN crystals above the conductive layer.3. The nanopore cell of claim 2 , wherein the spongy and porous TiN working electrode has a specific surface area that is ten to a thousand times that of a specific surface area of a flat TiN working electrode with substantially identical dimensions.4. The nanopore cell of claim 2 , wherein the spongy and porous TiN working electrode has an electrochemical capacitance that is ten to a thousand times that of an electrochemical capacitance of a flat TiN working electrode with substantially identical dimensions.5. The nanopore cell of claim 2 , wherein the spongy and porous TiN working electrode has an electrochemical capacitance between 10 picofarads and 1 nanofarads.6. The nanopore cell of claim 2 , wherein the deposition technique comprises direct ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems Comprising Silicon Coated Gas Supply Conduits and Methods for Applying Coatings

Номер: US20170040147A1

In one embodiment, a plasma etching system may include a process gas source, a plasma processing chamber, and a gas supply conduit. A plasma can be formed from a process gas recipe in the plasma processing chamber. The gas supply conduit may include a corrosion resistant layered structure forming an inner recipe contacting surface and an outer environment contacting surface. The corrosion resistant layered structure may include a protective silicon layer, a passivated coupling layer and a stainless steel layer. The inner recipe contacting surface can be formed by the protective silicon layer. The passivated coupling layer can be disposed between the protective silicon layer and the stainless steel layer. The passivated coupling layer can include chrome oxide and iron oxide. The chrome oxide can be more abundant in the passivated coupling layer than the iron oxide. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for applying a coating , the method comprising:electropolishing an inner surface of a stainless steel gas supply conduit to yield a electropolished inner surface of the gas supply conduit;applying a passivation solution to the electropolished inner surface to deposit a passivated coupling layer, wherein the passivation solution comprises nitric acid; andapplying a protective silicon layer to the passivated coupling layer, wherein the passivated coupling layer comprises chrome oxide and iron oxide, such that the chrome oxide is more abundant in the passivated coupling layer than the iron oxide.15. The method of claim 14 , further comprising welding the gas supply conduit claim 14 , wherein the gas supply conduit comprises a microfit claim 14 , a corrugated bellows and an injector block.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the gas supply conduit comprises 316L stainless steel claim 14 , 316L VIM/VAR stainless steel claim 14 , or both.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the electropolished inner surface of the gas supply conduit has a surface roughness Ra of less than about 20 ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039147A1

Provided is a surface-coated cutting tool including: a cutting tool body and a hard coating layer on a surface of the cutting tool body, wherein the hard coating layer includes a complex nitride layer of Al, Cr, Si, and Cu, the complex nitride layer of Al, Cr, Si, and Cu includes a main phase, and CrSi-rich particles and Al-rich particles that are dispersed in the main phase, the main phase satisfies 0.15≤α≤0.40, 0.05≤β≤0.20, 0.005≤γ≤0.05, and 0.45≤x≤0.60, the CrSi-rich particles satisfy 0.20≤α≤0.55, 0.20≤βα0.55, 0≤γ≤0.10, and 0.02≤x≤0.35, the Al-rich particles satisfy 0.10≤α≤0.25, 0.05≤β≤0.25, 0≤γ≤0.10, and 0.02≤x≤0.35 in a composition formula: (AlCrSiCu)N), and an occupancy area ratio of the CrSi-rich particles having a major axis of 100 nm or more is 0.20 to 2.0 area %; and an occupancy area ratio of the Al-rich particles having a major axis of 100 nm or more is 0.50 to 3.0 area %. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising:a cutting tool body made of any of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide, titanium carbonitride-based cermet, a cubic boron nitride-based sintered material, and high-speed tool steel; anda hard coating layer that is provided on a surface of the cutting tool body, wherein(a) the hard coating layer includes at least a complex nitride layer of Al, Cr, Si, and Cu,(b) the complex nitride layer of Al, Cr, Si, and Cu includes a main phase, and CrSi-rich particles and Al-rich particles that are dispersed in the main phase,{'sub': 1-α-β-γ', 'α', 'β', 'γ', '1-x', 'x, 'in a case where each of compositions of the main phase, the CrSi-rich particles, and the Al-rich particles are represented by a composition formula: (AlCrSiCu)N(where each of α, β, γ, and x represents an atomic ratio),'}(c) a composition of the main phase satisfies 0.15≤α≤0.40, 0.05≤β≤0.20, 0.005≤γ≤0.05, and 0.45≤x≤0.60,(d) a composition of the CrSi-rich particles satisfy 0.20≤α≤0.55, 0.20≤β≤0.55, 0≤γ≤0.10, and 0.02≤x≤0.35,(e) a composition of the Al-rich particles satisfy 0.10≤α≤0.25, ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044499A1

An Al-plated steel sheet includes: a steel sheet; an Al plating layer which is formed on one surface or both surfaces of the steel sheet and contains at least 85% or more of Al by mass %; and a surface coating layer which is laminated on the surface of the Al plating layer and contains ZnO and one or more lubricity improving compounds. 1. An Al-plated steel sheet comprising:a steel sheet;an Al plating layer which is formed on one surface or both surfaces of the steel sheet and contains at least 85% or more of Al by mass %; anda surface coating layer which is laminated on the surface of the Al plating layer and contains ZnO and one or more lubricity improving compounds.2. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the lubricity improving compound is a compound including one or more transition metal elements.3. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 2 ,wherein the transition metal element is any one or more of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zr, Mo, W, La, and Ce.4. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 2 ,wherein an amount of the lubricity improving compound including the transition metal element in the surface coating layer is 1% to 40% with respect to a total amount of ZnO by mass ratio.5. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the lubricity improving compound is a compound including one or more typical elements.6. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 5 ,wherein the typical element is any one or more of Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, P, Sn, and Ge.7. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 5 ,wherein an amount of the lubricity improving compound including the typical element in the surface coating layer is 5% to 30% with respect to a total amount of ZnO by mass ratio.8. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the surface coating layer contains 0.3 g/mto 7 g/mof ZnO in terms of Zn.'}9. The Al-plated steel sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein the surface coating layer further contains 5% to 30% ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044507A1
Автор: Sjödin Per

The present invention relates to composition comprising a blend of at least one boron source and at least one silicon source, and the composition further comprises particles selected from particles having wear resistance properties, particles having surface enhancing properties, particles having catalytic properties or combinations thereof, wherein the blend comprises boron and silicon in a weight ratio boron to silicon within a range from about 3:100 wt:wt to about 100:3 wt:wt, wherein silicon and boron are present in the blend in at least 25 wt %, and wherein the at least one boron source and the at least one silicon source are oxygen free except for inevitable amounts of contaminating oxygen, and wherein the blend is a mechanical blend of particles in and the particles have an average particle size less than 250 μm. The present invention relates further to a method for providing a coated product and a coated product obtained by the method. 132-. (canceled)33. A composition comprising particles selected from particles having wear resistance properties , particles having surface enhancing properties , particles having catalytic properties or combinations thereof , and a mechanical blend comprising at least one powder of particles of a boron source and at least one powder of particles of a silicon source , each particle in the powders is either of a silicon source or of a boron source and wherein the particles have an average particle size less than 250 μm ,wherein the mechanical blend comprises boron and silicon in a weight ratio boron to silicon within a range from about 3:100 wt:wt to about 100:3 wt:wt;wherein silicon and boron are present in the blend in at least 25 wt %;wherein the at least one boron source and the at least one silicon source are oxygen free except for inevitable amounts of contaminating oxygen, and wherein the inevitable amount of contaminating oxygen is less than 10 wt.34. The composition according to claim 33 , wherein the silicon source is ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056766A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Methods of preventing or reducing cutter loss in a steel body PDC drilling tool may include applying a hardfacing layer on a surface of a PDC cutter pocket to form a covered PDC cutter pocket, the hardfacing layer comprising a metal binder and coated tungsten carbide particles; and bonding a PDC cutter into the covered PDC cutter pocket with a brazing material. Steel body PDC drilling tools may include a steel body, a PDC cutter, a PDC cutter pocket, and a hardfacing layer. Methods of preventing or reducing cutter loss in a steel body PDC drilling tool may include applying a hardfacing layer on a surface of a PDC cutter pocket of the steel body PDC drilling tool; applying a coated buffering layer on the hardfacing layer to form a coated PDC cutter pocket; and bonding the PDC cutter into the coated PDC cutter pocket with a brazing material. 1. A method of preventing or reducing cutter loss in a steel body polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drilling tool , the method comprising:applying a hardfacing layer on a surface of a PDC cutter pocket to form a covered PDC cutter pocket, the hardfacing layer comprising a metal binder and coated tungsten carbide particles; andbonding a PDC cutter into the covered PDC cutter pocket with a brazing material,wherein the coated tungsten carbide particles comprise tungsten carbide particles and a coating comprising tungsten metal, titanium metal, a tungsten alloy, a titanium alloy, or mixtures thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tungsten carbide particles comprise tungsten carbide (WC) claim 1 , tungsten carbide (WC) alloys claim 1 , and/or mixtures thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tungsten carbide particles comprise sintered tungsten carbide cobalt (WC—Co) alloys claim 1 , sintered tungsten carbide nickel (WC—Ni) alloys claim 1 , sintered tungsten carbide cobalt nickel (WC—Co—Ni) alloys claim 1 , cast tungsten carbide WC/WC claim 1 , macroline tungsten carbide (WC/WC) claim 1 , monocrystalline tungsten ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038963A1
Автор: JONSSON Mats

A turning insert arranged for longitudinal turning of metal work pieces includes a nose cutting edge that slopes from a trailing cutting edge in direction towards a leading cutting edge. A turning tool is also disclosed. 1. A turning insert for longitudinal turning of metal work pieces , comprising;a top surface;a bottom surface; anda side surface connecting the top and bottom surfaces, wherein a midplane extends midway between and parallel to the top and bottom surfaces, intersections of the top surface and the side surface having a first, trailing, or minor cutting edge, a second, leading, or major cutting edge connected by a nose cutting edge at an acute angled cutting corner, the nose cutting edge being defined by a radius, and wherein the nose cutting edge slopes from the first, trailing, or minor cutting edge in direction towards the second, leading, or major cutting edge.2. The turning insert according to claim 1 , wherein the nose cutting edge extends from a first transition point to a second transition point claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , trailing claim 1 , or minor cutting edge is connected to the nose cutting edge at the first transition point claim 1 , wherein the second claim 1 , leading claim 1 , or major cutting edge is connected to the nose cutting edge at the second transition point claim 1 , wherein a bisector extends between the first claim 1 , trailing claim 1 , or minor and the second claim 1 , leading claim 1 , or major cutting edges claim 1 , wherein the bisector in a top view intersects a midpoint of the nose cutting edge claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , trailing or minor and the second claim 1 , leading claim 1 , or major cutting edges in a top view form a nose angle (μ) of from 35 to less than 90°.3. The turning insert according to claim 1 , wherein the top surface includes a chip forming space claim 1 , wherein the chip forming space borders on the first claim 1 , trailing claim 1 , or minor cutting edges claim 1 , the second ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Coated cutting tool

Номер: US20200038964A1
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

A coated cutting tool comprising a substrate and a coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate, wherein: the coating layer comprises at least one α-type aluminum oxide layer; and, in the α-type aluminum oxide layer, a texture coefficient TC (0,0,12) of a (0,0,12) plane is from 4.0 or more to 8.4 or less, and a texture coefficient TC (1,2,11) of a (1,2,11) plane is from 0.5 or more to 3.0 or less.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040519A1

Provided is a surface-coated cutting tool including: a tool body () and a hard coating layer on the tool body (). The hard coating layer has an alternate laminate structure of A () and B layers (). The A layer () is a Ti and Al complex nitride layer satisfying a compositional formula: (TiAl)N, 0.4≤z≤0.7. The B layer () is a Cr, Al and M complex nitride layer satisfying a compositional formula: (CrAlM)N, 0.03≤x≤0.4 and 0≤y≤0.05. The value of a ratio tB/tA of the average layer thickness of the B layer () to the average layer thickness of the A layer () satisfies 0.67 to 2.0. The lattice constant a(Å) of crystal grains of the hard coating layer satisfies 4.10≤a≤4.20. The ratio of I(200) to I(111) satisfies 2.0≤I(200)/I(111)≤10. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising:a tool body made of a tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide, a titanium carbonitride-based cermet or a cubic boron nitride sintered material; anda hard coating layer provided on a surface of the tool body, the hard coating layer being made of an alternate laminate structure, in which at least each of an A layer and a B layer is laminated alternately, and having a total thickness of 0.5-3.0 μm,{'sub': 1-z', 'z, 'wherein (a) the A layer is a complex nitride layer of Ti and Al satisfying a compositional formula: (TiAl)N, 0.4≤z≤0.7, z being a content ratio of Al in an atomic ratio,'}{'sub': 1-x-y', 'x', 'y, '(b) the B layer is a complex nitride layer of Cr, Al, and M satisfying a compositional formula: (CrAlM)N, 0.03≤x≤0.4 and 0≤y≤0.05, x being a content ratio of Al in an atomic ratio, y being a total content ratio of an component M in an atomic ratio, and component M being one or more elements selected from: B, Si, and 4a, 5a, and 6a family elements of the periodic table except for Cr,'}(c) when an average layer thickness of one layer of the A layer is tA and an average layer thickness of one layer of the B layer is tB, a value of a ratio tB/tA of the average layer thickness of the one layer of the B ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046553A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

Provided is a cutting tool including a base material including a rake face and a coating layer that coats the rake face, the coating layer including a matrix region and metal particulates, the matrix region being made of a compound represented by (AlTiX)CON, where X representing at least one element selected from the group consisting of chromium, silicon, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and boron, the metal particulates containing aluminum or titanium as a constituent element, the metal particulates having particle diameters of more than or equal to 20 nm and less than or equal to 200 nm, a number of the metal particulates being more than or equal to 12 and less than or equal to 36 in a field of view of 3 μm×4μm in a cross section parallel to a direction of a normal to an interface of the coating layer. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a base material including a rake face; anda coating layer that coats the rake face,the coating layer including a matrix region and metal particulates,{'sub': x', 'y', '1−x−y', 'v', 'w', '1−v−w, 'the matrix region being made of a compound represented by (AlTiX)CON, where'}x being more than 0.5 and less than or equal to 0.7,y being more than or equal to 0.3 and less than 0.5,1−x−y being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.1,v being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,w being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,1−v−w being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,X representing at least one element selected from the group consisting of chromium, silicon, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and boron,the metal particulates containing aluminum or titanium as a constituent element,the metal particulates having particle diameters of more than or equal to 20 nm and less than or equal to 200 nm,a number of the metal particulates being more than or equal to 12 and less than or equal to 36 in a field of view of 3 μm×4 μm in a cross section parallel to a direction of a normal to an interface of the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046561A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

Provided is a cutting tool including a base material including a flank face and a coating layer that coats the flank face, the coating layer including a matrix region and metal particulates, the matrix region being made of a compound represented by (AlTiX)CON, where X representing at least one element selected from the group consisting of chromium, silicon, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and boron, the metal particulates containing aluminum or titanium as a constituent element, the metal particulates having particle diameters of more than or equal to 20 nm and less than or equal to 200 nm, a number of the metal particulates being more than or equal to 12 and less than or equal to 36 in a field of view of 3 μm×4 μm in a cross section parallel to a direction of a normal to an interface of the coating layer. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a base material including a flank face; anda coating layer that coats the flank face,the coating layer including a matrix region and metal particulates,{'sub': x', 'y', '1-x-y', 'v', 'w', '1-v-w, 'the matrix region being made of a compound represented by (AlTiX)CON, where'}x being more than 0.5 and less than or equal to 0.7,y being more than or equal to 0.3 and less than 0.5,1-x-y being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.1,v being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,w being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,1-v-w being more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,X representing at least one element selected from the group consisting of chromium, silicon, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and boron,the metal particulates containing aluminum or titanium as a constituent element,the metal particulates having particle diameters of more than or equal to 20 nm and less than or equal to 200 nm,a number of the metal particulates being more than or equal to 12 and less than or equal to 36 in a field of view of 3 μm×4 μm in a cross section parallel to a direction of a normal to an interface of ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047417A1

The present invention relates to a core-shell nanoparticle, a method of fabricating the same and a gas sensor using the same, more particularly to a core-shell nanoparticle which includes a core including a first metal oxide and a shell including a second metal oxide, the first metal oxide and the second metal oxide being oxides of the same metal having different oxidation states, a method of fabricating the same and a gas sensor using the same. 1. A core-shell nanoparticle , comprising:a core comprising a first metal oxide; anda shell comprising a second metal oxide,the first metal oxide and the second metal oxide being oxides of the same metal having different oxidation states.2. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide has a lower oxidation state than the second metal oxide.3. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide and the second metal oxide are a metal oxide semiconductor.4. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 3 , wherein the metal oxide semiconductor comprises an oxide of metal comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of Sn claim 3 , Sr claim 3 , Mg claim 3 , Ca claim 3 , Ti claim 3 , La claim 3 , Y claim 3 , Nd claim 3 , Zr claim 3 , Fe claim 3 , V claim 3 , Al claim 3 , Zn claim 3 , In claim 3 , Ni claim 3 , Mo claim 3 , Fe claim 3 , W claim 3 , Co claim 3 , Cn claim 3 , Ag claim 3 , Cd claim 3 , Au claim 3 , Pd claim 3 , Pt claim 3 , Ir claim 3 , Ru claim 3 , Cr claim 3 , Bi and Cu.5. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell nanoparticle comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of CuO@CuO claim 1 , CoO@CoO claim 1 , NiO@NiO claim 1 , ZnO@ZnO claim 1 , WO@WO claim 1 , MoO@MoO claim 1 , TiO@TiOand VO@VO.6. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the shell has a thickness of 0.1 nm to 20 nm claim 1 , and the core has a diameter of 1 nm to 1 claim 1 ,000 nm.7. The core-shell nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124098A1
Принадлежит: W. BLOSCH AG

The invention relates to a coated woodworking tool, in particular a cutting tool comprising a tool body having a cutting part, on which cutting part a cutting edge is formed. At least the rake face or the rake and flank faces, and the cutting edge of the cutting part are coated with at least one hard-material layer and one sliding layer arranged above the at least one hard-material layer. The sliding layer may be made substantially of sulphides, tellurides or selenides having a transition metal of subgroup Va and VIa of the periodic table, in particular having Mo, Nb, Ta, W, Nb, Ta. 116-. (canceled)17. A coated woodworking tool , comprising:a tool body comprising a cutting part having a cutting edge, a rake face and a wedge angle less than about 65 degrees, at least the rake face of the cutting part coated with a hard-material layer; anda sliding layer containing at least one of sulphides, tellurides and selenides applied to the hard-material layer.18. The woodworking tool of claim 17 , wherein the sliding layer contains ate least one of MoS claim 17 , NbS claim 17 , TaS claim 17 , WS claim 17 , MoSe claim 17 , NbSe claim 17 , TaSe claim 17 , WSe claim 17 , MoTe claim 17 , NbTe claim 17 , WTeas a substantial element.19. The woodworking tool of claim 17 , wherein the thickness of the sliding layer has a lower limit of one or about 0.2 μm claim 17 , 0.5 μm and 0.8 μm claim 17 , and an upper limit of one of about 3 μm claim 17 , 2 μm and 1.5 μm.20. The woodworking tool of claim 17 , wherein the cutting edge has a cutting edge radius of less than about 10 μm after coating.21. The woodworking tool of claim 20 , wherein the cutting edge radius after application of the sliding layer is less than one of about 5 μm claim 20 , 1.5 μm and 4 μm.22. The woodworking tool of claim 21 , wherein the cutting edge radius after application of the sliding layer is between about 2 μm and 3.5 μm.231. The woodworking tool of claim claim 21 , wherein the thickness of the hard-material layer ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047055A1
Автор: Nakamura Takaaki

A coated cutting tool comprising a substrate and a coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate, wherein: the coating layer comprises at least one α-type aluminum oxide layer; and, in the α-type aluminum oxide layer, when regarding a texture coefficient of a (0,0,6) plane as a TC18 (0,0,6), and also regarding a texture coefficient of a (0,0,12) plane as a TC18 (0,0,12), the TC18 (0,0,6) is the highest texture coefficient and the TC18 (0,0,12) is the second highest texture coefficient. 3. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the TC18 (0 claim 1 ,0 claim 1 ,6) is from 7.50 or more to 14.00 or less.4. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the TC18 (0 claim 1 ,0 claim 1 ,12) is from 2.00 or more to 5.00 or less.5. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the TC18 (0 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,14) is from 0.80 or more to 2.50 or less.6. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein an average thickness of the α-type aluminum oxide layer is from 1.0 μm or more to 15 μm or less.7. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises claim 1 , between the substrate and the α-type aluminum oxide layer claim 1 , a Ti compound layer containing a Ti compound of a Ti element and an element of at least one kind selected from the group consisting of C claim 1 , N claim 1 , O and B.8. The coated cutting tool according to claim 7 , wherein an average thickness of the Ti compound layer is from 2.0 μm or more to 20 μm or less.9. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein an average thickness of the coating layer is from 3.0 μm or more to 30 μm or less.10. The coated cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a cemented carbide claim 1 , cermet claim 1 , ceramic or a cubic boron nitride sintered body.11. The coated cutting tool according to claim 2 , wherein the TC18 (0 claim 2 ,0 claim 2 ,6) is from 7.50 or more to 14.00 or less.12. The coated cutting tool according to ...
