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27-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000103808U1

1. Нить синтетическая для производства технических тканей на основе полиамида или полиэстера, содержащих свето- и/или термостабилизаторы, отличающаяся тем, что она получена из расплава полиамида или полиэстера с использованием дополнительной добавки, содержащей люминофор заданного цвета свечения с температурой плавления 150-265°С, введенной в расплав указанных полимеров в количестве, минимально достаточном для идентификации нити по свечению люминофора в технической ткани. 2. Нить по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве люминофора нить содержит бесцветный органический фотолюминофор заданного цвета свечения в ультрафиолетовом диапазоне. 3. Нить по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что для идентификации нити используют освещение технической ткани источником ультрафиолетового излучения. 4. Нить по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что освещение ткани осуществляют источником ультрафиолетового излучения с длиной волны 365-366 нм. 5. Нить по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что добавка люминофора содержится в ней в количестве не более 0,009 мас.%. 6. Нить по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ее вырабатывают в виде комплексной нити, содержащей 140-280 элементарных нитей. 7. Нить по п.6, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно включает в себя элементарные нити, свободные от добавки люминофора. 8. Нить по п.6, отличающаяся тем, что ее вырабатывают с номинальной линейной плотностью 93-187 текс. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 103 808 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Карташян Вадим Эдуардович (RU) R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Карташян Владимир Эдуардович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Карташян Владимир Эдуардович (RU) Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 28.08.2020 РД0339563 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 28.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000148594U1

1. Защитная полимерная профилированная нить, характеризующаяся тем, что выполнена, по меньшей мере, из одного волокна с профилем в виде сдвоенного ромба с толщиной до 60 мкм и шириной от 70 до 150 мкм. 2. Нить по п. 1, характеризующаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одно волокно выполнено скрученным. 3. Нить по п. 1, характеризующаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одно волокно выполнено нескрученным. 4. Нить по п. 1, характеризующаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одно волокно выполнено бикомпанентным. 5. Нить по любому из пп. 1-4, характеризующаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна часть сдвоенного ромба содержит люминофор или краситель. 6. Многослойное изделие, такое как документ, карточка, жетон, банкнота, бумага, характеризующееся тем, что содержит, по меньшей мере, в одном из своих слоев защитную полимерную профилированную нить, описанную в любом из пп. 1-5. 7. Устройство для ввода защитной полимерной профилированной нити по любому из пп. 1-5 в многослойное изделие по п. 6, характеризующееся тем, что содержит закрепленный на стойке кронштейн, в котором установлен шпуледержатель и зажим, при этом в зажиме закреплена штанга с рычагом, снабженным направляющим и прижимным роликом, причем направляющий ролик выполнен с V-образной канавкой для возможности приема нити со шпули и ее направления в необходимое местоположение изделия. И 1 148594 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ’? 148 594? У1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 30.09.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 19.08.2020 Бюл. №23 Стр.: 1 па УбАЗУ ЕП

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Установка регенерации растворителей

Номер: RU0000171430U1

Полезная модель относится к области химической технологии, а именно к установке регенерации растворителей и может быть использована в процессе переработки отходов осадительной ванны при производстве гидратцеллюлозного волокна методом прямого растворения целлюлозы в смеси ацетона и ортофосфорной кислоты.Задачей полезной модели является разработка установки регенерации растворителей, техническим результатом при использовании которой является повышение степени выделения летучей фракции ацетона из отходов осадительной ванны при производстве гидратцеллюлозного волокна методом прямого растворения целлюлозы, а также снижения энергетических затрат на стадии регенерации ацетона из отходов осадительной ванны при отсутствии использования в процессе регенерации дополнительных химикатов.Технический результат достигается тем, что предложена установка регенерации растворителей, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит выполненный в виде расположенного на металлической раме цилиндрического корпуса регенератор, внутреннее рабочее пространство верхней половины которого выполнено цилиндрической формы, переходящей в своей нижней половине в коническую, сужающуюся к низу, внутреннее рабочее пространство регенератора для заполнения отходами осадительной ванны в виде смеси ацетона и ортофосфорной кислоты при производстве гидратцеллюлозного волокна методом прямого растворения целлюлозы, при этом коническая поверхность рабочего пространства корпуса регенератора оснащена с ее наружной стороны размещенным на ней змеевиком нагрева отходов осадительной ванны подаваемым в змеевик водяного пара, а коническая часть рабочего пространства регенератора оснащена лопастной мешалкой перемешивания в процессе регенерации нагреваемых паром змеевика отходов, электрический привод которой размещен на верхней крышке корпуса регенератора, в нижней части конического рабочего пространства корпуса регенератора выполнен затвор слива отходов ортофосфорной кислоты в емкость последующего транспортирования на переработку, ...

28-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000173438U1

Полезная модель касается термоклеевых нитей, пригодных для использования в качестве скрепляющих нитей при изготовлении аксиальных углеродных текстильных полотен (АУТП). Термоклеевая нить представляет собой ядро из полиэфирной нити с линейной плотностью менее 30 текс покрытое сополиамидной оболочкой с температурой плавления не более 180°С, причем количество оболочки составляет менее 30% от массы нити. При активации сополиамидной оболочки в процессе термосклеивания, ядро клеевой нити надежно скрепляется с поверхностью углеродного материала. Оно сохраняет свою форму и механические характеристики, как бы «армируя» склеиваемый материал. 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 173 438 U1 (51) МПК D01F 6/00 (2006.01) D01F 11/04 (2006.01) D01F 11/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016141488, 24.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.10.2016 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Министерство промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации (МИНПРОМТОРГ РОССИИ) (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.10.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 28.08.2017 Бюл. № 25 U 1 БУХТИЯРОВ В.П., ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА МЕБЕЛИ, УЧЕБНИК ДЛЯ ТЕХНИКУМОВ.-М.: ЛЕСНАЯ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ, 1987. UA 21907 C2, 30.04.1998. UA 3785 A, 27.12.1994. R U (54) ТЕРМОКЛЕЕВАЯ НИТЬ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель касается термоклеевых нитей, пригодных для использования в качестве скрепляющих нитей при изготовлении аксиальных углеродных текстильных полотен (АУТП). Термоклеевая нить представляет собой ядро из полиэфирной нити с линейной плотностью менее 30 текс покрытое сополиамидной оболочкой с температурой плавления не более 180°С, причем Стр.: 1 количество оболочки составляет менее 30% от массы нити. При активации сополиамидной оболочки в процессе термосклеивания, ядро клеевой нити надежно скрепляется с поверхностью углеродного материала. Оно сохраняет ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Polyphenylene Sulfide Synthetic Hair Filaments And Processes For Preparing The Same

Номер: US20120029135A1
Принадлежит: UNO AND CO Ltd

The present invention provides a polyphenylene sulfide synthetic hair filament. The synthetic hair filament comprises (A) a polyphenylene sulfide resin; and (B) an inorganic particle quencher additive, wherein said PPS resin melt index range is 60˜110, wherein said inorganic quencher additive is added at 0.1˜2.0 parts by weight on a 100 parts by weight PPS resin. The synthetic hair filament has a filament size of about 30 to about 80 dtex. The polyphenylene sulfide resin (A) has a p-phenylene sulfide repeating unit above 85% mole. The inorganic particle quencher additive may be of silicon dioxide, talc or the combinations thereof. A suitable inorganic particle quencher additive has an average diameter range of 0.01˜3.0 μm.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Filtration materials using fiber blends that contain strategically shaped fibers and/or charge control agents

Номер: US20120097035A1
Автор: Rick L. Chapman
Принадлежит: Individual

A filtration material comprising a blend of polypropylene and acrylic fibers of round, flat, dog bone, oval or kidney bean shape in any size from 0.08 to 3.3 Dtex. A preferred blend contains about 50 weight percent polypropylene fibers and about 50 weight percent acrylic fibers. The fibers can be blended ranging from 90:10 to 10:90 polypropylene to acrylic. The shape contains 25 weight percent round, flat, oval, dog bone and kidney bean shapes. The fiber blend contains 25 weight percent of at least one size between 0.08 and 3.3 Dtex. Electret fibers incorporated within these blends have 0.02 to 33 weight percent of a charge control agent. These fibers can be used in producing electret material by corona or triboelectric charging methods.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Polyamide fibers with dyeable particles and production thereof

Номер: US20120108710A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The novel polyamide fibers with dyeable particles comprise 80% to 99.95% by weight of polyamide, 0.05% to 20% by weight of dyeable particles and 0% to 19.95% by weight of added substances, the % by weight summing to 100%.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Antistatic ultrafine fiber and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120114940A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Fibers Ltd

According to the present invention, there are provided a polyester ultrafine fiber excellent in durability and having an antistatic property, and a method for producing the same. Further, there are provided an antistatic polyester ultrafine fiber capable of being imparted with various functions such as ultraviolet blocking effect, cation dyeability, flame retardancy, spun-like bulkiness, soft touch and resilience of the surface, reboundability, dryness, naturalness, and spunize appearance, wool-like touch feel, wrinkle recoverability, and water absorbing/quick drying property, by introduction of a third component into the antistatic polyester ultrafine fiber, combination with other fibers, change in cross sectional shape, and the like, and a method for producing the same.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Producing spinnable and dyeable polyester fibers

Номер: US20120180232A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for producing dyed polyester fibers (C) from a terephthalate polyester (A), at least one polyester-containing additive (B) and optionally at least one component (G). The polyester-containing additive is obtainable by condensation of the monomers of an aliphatic 1,ω-diol, of an aliphatic 1,ω-dicarboxylic acid and of an aromatic 1,ω-dicarboxylic acid. Optionally, chain extenders (V) are also used in the production of the polyester-containing additive (B). For fiber production, the components (A), (B) and optionally (G) are mixed, melted in an extruder and extruded through spinneret dies. These polyester fibers (C) are preferably used in the production of dyed textile fabrics (F).

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Photoluminescent fibers, compositions and fabrics made therefrom

Номер: US20120237752A1

Disclosed are photoluminescent fibers containing photoluminescent phosphorescent materials and photoluminescent fluorescent materials which emit electromagnetic energies to give an emission signature. Also disclosed are the use of the inventive fibers, fabrics made therefrom, and objects containing the fiber.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for fabricating nanofibers from sheared solutions under continuous flow

Номер: US20130012598A1

Nanofibers are fabricated in a continuous process by introducing a polymer solution into a dispersion medium, which flows through a conduit and shears the dispersion medium. Liquid strands, streaks or droplets of the polymer solution are continuously shear-spun into elongated fibers. An inorganic precursor may be introduced with the polymer solution, resulting in fibers that include inorganic fibrils. The resulting composite inorganic/polymer fibers may be provided as an end product. Alternatively, the polymer may be removed to liberate the inorganic fibrils, which may be of the same or smaller cross-section as the polymer fibers and may be provided as an end product.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Fibers containing ferrates and methods

Номер: US20130034594A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

A fiber containing ferrate, which comprises (1) one or more ferrate compounds, wherein the ferrate compound is selected from a group consisting of a metal ferrate(V) compound, metal ferrate(VI) compound, and a mixture thereof; and (2) one or more nonaqueous polymers. Also, methods are disclosed that make and/or use the fibers.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Thermally Expandable Crimped Hollow Fibers and Methods of Using Same

Номер: US20130040121A1
Автор: Kapil M. Singh
Принадлежит: International Paper Co

Thermally expandable crimped hollow fibers having expandable regions interconnected with crimped portions are provided. The crimped hollow fibers may be formed from any hollow polymer fiber that is capable of being crimped and is reactive to heat. Pressure, such as from two opposed mating crimping dies, is applied to portions of a hollow polymer fiber to compress or crimp portions of the fiber, thereby leaving uncrimped or expandable regions containing an expandable substance. In use, the crimped hollow fibers may be contacted with cellulose fibers in the wet-end section of the paper-making process and the resulting mixture formed into a web of entangled fibers. Heat from the dryer section expands the expandable substance in the expandable portion of the crimped hollow fiber to bulk the thus formed paper product. The crimped hollow fibers are especially useful in papers having a basis weight from about 20 to about 200 gsm.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115456A1

This invention is directed to nanofibers doped with an alkali salt having improved tensile properties, and process of preparation thereof. 1. A nanofiber comprising a polymer doped with alkali salt , wherein said nanofiber has improved mechanical properties.2. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein said polymer is polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 1 , polyethylene oxide claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , a polyamide claim 1 , poly(vinyl chloride) or any combination thereof.3. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein said alkali salt is sodium chloride (NaCl).4. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein said polymer is polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and said salt is NaCl.5. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein said alkali salt is between about 0.2-0.4% weight percentage from said polymer.6. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein said mechanical properties are stiffness claim 1 , strength claim 1 , toughness or any combination thereof.7. The nanofiber of claim 5 , wherein said strength is improved by between about 75-100%.8. The nanofiber of claim 1 , wherein the diameter of said nanofiber is between 200 nm to 1 micron9. A process for the preparation of an electrospun nanofiber having improved mechanical properties comprising: (a) preparing a solution or a melt of an alkali salt and a polymer; (b) adding said solution or melt to an electrospinning system; (c) applying an electric field to yield liquid jets which are collected as fibers by a grounded collecting plate.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein said polymer is polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 9 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 9 , polyethylene oxide claim 9 , polyurethane claim 9 , a polyamide claim 9 , poly(vinyl chloride) or any combination thereof.11. The process of claim 9 , wherein said alkali salt is sodium chloride (NaCl).12. The process of claim 9 , wherein said polymer is polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and said salt is NaCl.13. The process of claim 9 , wherein said alkali salt is in between about 0 ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Porous hollow fiber

Номер: US20130118981A1
Принадлежит: Schaefer Kalk GmbH and Co KG

Porous hollow fibers comprising first pores having an average length in the range from 0.045 μm to 120 μm and an average width in the range from 0.030 μm to 20 μm, measured in a fiber direction, wherein the ratio of the average length of the first pores to the average width of the first pores is at least 1.5:1, second pores having an average length in the range from 0.1 nm to 99 nm and an average width in the range from 1 nm to 20000 nm, measured in the direction of the fiber in each case, wherein the ratio of the average length of the second pores to the average width of the second pores is not more than 1:1.5. Preferred application areas include use in fillings, in selectively permeable membranes, for the immobilization of enzymes and/or cells, for hemodialysis, and for storage of hydrogen.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Artificial hair made of flame-retardant polyester

Номер: US20130133676A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

The artificial hair of the present invention comprising a flame-retardant polyester-based fiber that is formed of a composition obtained by melt-kneading, the composition comprising: 100 parts by weight of polyester (A); 5 parts by weight to 30 parts by weight of a bromine-containing flame retardancy agent (B); and 0.5 parts by weight to 10 parts by weight of an antimony compound (C) having an average particle diameter ranging from 1.5 μm to 15 μm, wherein the polyester (A) is made of at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene terephthalate and copolyester, where the copolyester contains polyalkylene terephthalate as a main component, and 0.01% omf to 1% omf of a polyorganosiloxane-based fiber treating agent (E) is deposited on the flame-retardant polyester-based fiber. The artificial fiber has excellent combing smoothness, and the excellent flame retardancy.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Novel composition for preparing polysaccharide fibers

Номер: US20130161562A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

This invention pertains to a novel solution composition useful for preparing fibers from poly(α(1→3) glucan). The fibers prepared according to the invention, have“cotton-like” properties, are useful in textile applications, and can be produced as continuous filaments on a year-round basis. The solution comprises a 5-20% solids concentration of poly(α(1→3) glucan) in an aqueous alkali metal hydroxide, in particular NaOH at concentration of 2 to 10 weight-%.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Low Severity Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass

Номер: US20130164804A1

Methods are provided for preparing a hydrolysate containing soluble sugar molecules from biomass that contains cellulose and hemicellulose. Hemicellulose sugars are extracted in the process, and the resulting hydrolysate may be used to support microbial fermentation to produce products of interest. 1. A method for extracting sugar molecules from biomass , comprising:(a) contacting biomass with about 0.5% nitric acid (w/w), about 0.5% glycerol (w/w), and water, thereby producing acid impregnated biomass; and(b) feeding the acid impregnated biomass into a digestor through a pressure changing device, wherein the acid impregnated biomass is heated in the digestor at about 140° C. to about 145° C. for about 40 minutes to about 45 minutes, thereby producing a composition that comprises a liquid hydrolysate and residual solids, wherein the liquid hydrolysate comprises soluble sugar molecules.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said glycerol is added in a crude glycerol composition that comprises about 60% to about 80% glycerol by weight.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said biomass comprises bagasse.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said biomass is mechanically disintegrated prior to or in conjunction with step (a).5. A method for producing a bioproduct claim 1 , comprising culturing a microorganism that produces the bioproduct in a medium that comprises a composition that comprises soluble sugar molecules claim 1 , under conditions suitable for production of the bioproduct claim 1 , wherein said composition that comprises soluble sugar molecules is produced according to .6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein said bioproduct comprises at least one solvent.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein said at least one solvent comprises butanol claim 6 , ethanol claim 6 , and/or acetone.8. A method for extracting sugar molecules from biomass claim 6 , comprising:(a) contacting a first biomass with acid at a concentration sufficient to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168007A1

Disclosed is the method for creating a reinforced hollow fiber membrane by applying reinforcing filaments to a core, casting a dope over the filaments and core, forming a membrane from the dope, and removing the core. The core may be a moving core, and the reinforcing yarns may comprise warp yarns and a spiral wrap yarn. The core may be soluble and removed by dissolving it. The core may be pre-wrapped with a yarn before the warp yarns are applied. The resulting reinforcing cage may be pre-shrunk before it is coated with a membrane dope. The pre-wrapped yarn may be removed, for example by dissolving it, after the reinforcing cage is coated. A precursor assembly for making a hollow fiber membrane is also provided. 1. A process of making a reinforced hollow fiber membrane , the process comprising:applying reinforcing filaments to a moving core;casting a dope over the reinforcing filaments and the core;forming a membrane from the dope; andremoving the core.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the core is soluble and the step of removing the core comprises dissolving the core.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the core is soluble in water.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising shrinking the reinforcing filaments before casting the dope over the reinforcing filaments.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising wrapping the core with pre-wrap filaments before applying the reinforcing filaments to the moving core.6. The process of claim 5 , further comprising a step of removing the pre-wrap filaments after casting the dope over the reinforcing filaments.7. The process of claim 6 , further comprising removing the pre-wrap filaments by dissolving them.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the moving core is hollow.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing filaments comprise warp filaments and wrap filaments.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the reinforcing filaments further comprise warp yarns and one or more wrap yarns provided in a continuous spiral ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172478A1
Принадлежит: AMSILK GMBH

The present invention relates to a method of spinning a polypeptide polymer containing fibre. It further relates to a polymer fibre obtainable by said method and to uses thereof. The invention also relates to products comprising said polymer fibre. 131.-. (canceled)32. A method of spinning a fibre from a spinning solution comprising the steps of:(a) providing a spinning solution comprising (i) a polymer that can be brought in to an aqueous solution in a concentration of at least 0.15 mg/ml, (ii) a compound that increases elongational viscosity of the spinning solution and (iii) a solvent; and(b) drawing a fibre from the spinning solution or a combination of extruding and drawing a fibre from the spinning solution, whereby a fibre is formed.33. The method of claim 32 , wherein the polymer is a polypeptide claim 32 , preferably a silk polypeptide comprising at least two identical repetitive units claim 32 , bovine serum albumin (BSA) claim 32 , zein claim 32 , or casein.34. The method of claim 33 , wherein the silk polypeptide comprises at least two identical repetitive units each comprising at least one consensus sequence selected from the group consisting of:i) GPGXX (SEQ ID NO: 3), wherein X is any amino acid, preferably in each case independently selected from A, S, G, Y, P, N, and Q;ii) GGX, wherein X is any amino acid, preferably in each case independently selected from Y, P, R, S, A, T, N and Q; and{'sub': 'x', 'iii) A, wherein x is an integer from 5 to 10.'}35. The method of claim 34 , wherein the repetitive units are independently selected from module A (SEQ ID NO: 20) claim 34 , module C (SEQ ID NO: 21) claim 34 , module Q (SEQ ID NO: 22) claim 34 , module K (SEQ ID NO: 23) claim 34 , module sp (SEQ ID NO: 24) claim 34 , module S (SEQ ID NO: 25) claim 34 , module R (SEQ ID NO: 26) claim 34 , module X (SEQ ID NO: 27) or module Y (SEQ ID NO: 28) claim 34 , or variants thereof.36. The method of claim 34 , wherein the silk polypeptide further comprises at least ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for Functionalization of Nanoscale Fibers and Nanoscale Fiber Films

Номер: US20130172491A1

A method is provided for functionalizing nanoscale fibers including reacting a plurality of nanoscale fibers with at least one epoxide monomer to chemically bond the at least one epoxide monomer to surfaces of the nanoscale fibers to form functionalized nanoscale fibers. Functionalized nanoscale fibers and nanoscale fiber films are also provided.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190485A1

This invention relates to novel compositions comprising regioselectively substituted cellulose esters. One aspect of the invention relates to processes for preparing regioselectively substituted cellulose esters from cellulose dissolved in ionic liquids. Another aspect of the invention relates to the utility of regioselectively substituted cellulose esters in applications such as protective and compensation films for liquid crystalline displays. 1. A film comprising at least one regioselectively substituted cellulose ester with a RDS ratio of C>C>C , wherein said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester is prepared from cellulose having an α-cellulose content of at least 95 percent by weight.2. The film according to wherein the ring RDS ratio of the regioselectively substituted cellulose ester for C/Cor C/Cis at least 1.05.3. The film according to wherein the product of the ring RDS ratio of the regioselectively substituted cellulose ester for C/Cor C/Ctimes the total DS is at least 2.9.4. The film according to wherein said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester has a ring RDS ratio for C/Cor C/Cis at least 1.05 claim 1 , and the product of the ring RDS ratio for C/Cor C/Ctimes the total DS is at least 2.9.5. The film according to wherein said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester has a carbonyl RDS ratio of at least one acyl substituent for C/Cor C/Cof at least 1.3.6. The film according to wherein the product of the carbonyl RDS ratio of at least one acyl substituent for C/Cor C/Ctimes the DS of the acyl substituent for said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester is at least 2.3.7. The film according to wherein the product of the carbonyl RDS ratio for C/Cor C/Ctimes the DS of the acyl substituent for said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester is at least 2.5.8. The film according to wherein the carbonyl RDS ratio of at least one acyl substituent for C/Cor C/Cfor said regioselectively substituted cellulose ester is at least 1.3 and the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Composition and Process for Preparing NIR Shielding Masterbatch and NIR Shielding Masterbatch and Application Thereof

Номер: US20130193608A1

Disclosed herein is a method for preparing a near infrared shielding fiber. The method includes the steps of preparing and compounding a composition, then pelletizing the compounded composition to obtain the near-infrared shielding masterbatch, and melt spinning the near-infrared shielding masterbatch into the near-infrared shielding fiber. The composition includes at least one metallic ionic compound powder in an amount of about 1-25 wt %, a cross-linking agent in an amount of about 0.1-2 wt %, a thermoplastic polymer in an amount of about 67-98.7 wt %, a cross-linking initiator in an amount of about 0.1-1 wt %, and a dispersing agent in an amount of about 0.1-2 wt %.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196405A1
Принадлежит: Ngee Ann Polytechnic

There is provided a porous fiber having a core-shell configuration, wherein the pores on the fiber are configured to encapsulate and thereby retain a biological material therein. 133-. (canceled)34. A porous fiber having a core-shell configuration , said fiber comprising a non-biodegradable polymer , wherein the pores on the fiber are configured to encapsulate and thereby retain a biological material therein.35. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the fiber has a generally longitudinal shape.36. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein said biological material is dispersed throughout the length of the longitudinal fiber.37. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the porosity of the fibers is in the range of 5% to 90%.38. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the pores of said fiber have a pore size in the range of 1 nm to 1000 nm.39. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein said biological material is selected from the group consisting of bacteria claim 34 , viruses claim 34 , algae claim 34 , fungi claim 34 , cells and yeast.40. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein said biological material is selected from the group consisting of enzymes claim 34 , proteins and nucleic acids.41. The porous fiber of claim 40 , wherein said biological material is immobilized on a solid substrate.42. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein said fiber is an electrospun fiber.43. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the non-biodegradable polymer is polyvinylidene fluoride.44. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the polymer has a tensile strength of at least 20 MPa.45. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the polymer has a tensile strength of at least 50 MPa.46. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the polymer has a tensile modulus of at least 400 MPa.47. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein the polymer has a tensile modulus of at least 1700 MPa.48. The porous fiber of claim 34 , wherein said biological material is a particle having a particle size in the nano-sized range or ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199994A1

The present invention relates to a submerged hollow fiber membrane module that includes a partition membrane having a slanted slit-shaped opening, and thus capable of not only improving operating efficiency of a hollow fiber membrane module by accelerating the water flow, but also allowing easy discharge of highly concentrated raw water around the hollow fiber membrane to the outside of the module during a reverse wash process. 16-. (canceled)7. A submerged hollow fiber membrane module , comprising:an upper header and a lower header which are positioned parallel to each other by a predetermined distance therebetween;hollow fiber membranes arranged in a perpendicular direction between the upper header and the lower header; anda partition membrane provided to enclose the hollow fiber membranes and having slit-shaped openings slanted relative to a longitudinal direction of the hollow fiber membranes,wherein the slit-shaped openings are slanted downwards in an outward direction from an inside of the partition membrane.8. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein an interval between slits of the openings is 0.1˜30 cm.9. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein the partition membrane further includes an upper opening at a top portion thereof.10. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein the hollow fiber membranes are configured such that an average distance between fibers is 0.01˜50 mm.11. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein cross-flow is formed by virtue of an upward water flow formed in the module.12. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein the lower header includes an air inlet.13. The submerged hollow fiber membrane module of claim 7 , wherein the slit-shaped openings are slanted at 45° relative to the longitudinal direction of the hollow fiber membranes. The present invention relates to a submerged hollow fiber membrane module, and, more particularly ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203919A1
Автор: Myiang-Ho Seok, You In-Sik

Disclosed are a synthetic fiber comprising a plant fatty acid and a method for manufacturing the same. The method comprises incorporating a plant fatty acid in an amount of from 0.1 to 10.0 wt % into a fiber-formable polymer; and melt-spinning the plant fatty acid-incorporated polymer. The synthetic fiber comprises a plant fatty acid in an amount of from 0.01 to 1.0.0 wt %, and emanates a plant fragrance. In addition to being superior to general synthetic fibers in physical properties including strength and elongation, the synthetic fiber exhibits excellent bulkiness, elasticity, whiteness, touch sensation, hygroscopicity, dyeability, and gloss. Further, the fiber is highly antistatic and gives off a plant fragrance, so that it is useful as a material for high-quality clothes. 1. A method for manufacturing a synthetic fiber , comprising:incorporating a plant fatty acid in an amount of from 0.1 to 10.0 wt % into a fiber-formable polymer; andmelt-spinning the plant fatty acid-incorporated polymer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incorporating is carried out by coating the fiber-formable polymer with the plant fatty acid in advance of the melt-spinning.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incorporating is carried out by mixing the plant fatty acid with the fiber-formable polymer to afford a master batch chip.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incorporating is carried out by adding the plant fatty acid to the fiber-formable polymer upon polymerization of the fiber-formable polymer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incorporating is carried claim 1 , out by continuously supplying the plant fatty acid into an extruder upon the melt spinning claim 1 , using a separate supplier.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fiber-formable polymer is a material capable of being melt spun.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plant fatty acid is selected from the group consisting of linoleic acid claim 1 , oleic acid claim 1 , stearic acid claim 1 , palmitic acid ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214457A1

A method of electrospinning fibres is disclosed. The fibres have an inner core surrounded by a porous outer shell. The method comprises co-electrospinning first and second liquids as core and shell respectively, the second liquid surrounding the first liquid in a jet issuing from a Taylor cone, wherein the first and second liquids are miscible or semi-miscible with each other, such that pore generation is driven in the shell of the fibre. The liquids may be solutions or melts. The electrical conductivity, viscosity, miscibility and other parameters of the liquids determine the structure of the produced fibres. As well as producing fibres having a porous shell there are described methods of co-electrospraying porous beads as well as core-shell vesicles having a porous shell. The methods may be used to produce hydrogen storage fibres, vesicles and beads. The methods may also be used for producing controlled drug-delivery fibres, vesicles and beads. 1. A method of manufacturing a fibre having a porous shell surrounding a core , the method comprising:co-electrospinning first and second liquids as core and shell respectively, the second liquid surrounding the first liquid in a jet issuing from a Taylor cone,wherein the first and second liquids are miscible or semi-miscible with each other, such that pore generation is driven in the shell of the fibre.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first liquid has a higher conductivity than the second liquid claim 1 , such that the higher conductivity first liquid of the core drives pore generation in the shell of the fibre.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first liquid is a first solution comprising a first material dissolved in a first solvent composition.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second liquid is a second solution comprising a second material dissolved in a second solvent composition.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first liquid is a first solution claim 1 , and the second liquid is a second solution ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Photoluminescent nanofiber composites, methods for fabrication, and related lighting devices

Номер: US20130215598A1

A photoluminescent nanofiber composite includes a nanofiber substrate, first luminescent particles, and second luminescent particles. The first luminescent particles are supported by the nanofibers and span at least a portion of a substrate surface, as a layer on the substrate surface, or with some particles located in a bulk of the substrate, or both. The second luminescent particles are disposed on the substrate. The second luminescent particles may be disposed directly on the substrate surface or on the first luminescent particles. The second luminescent particles may be deposited in a pattern of deposition units. The first and second luminescent particles are configured for emitting light of different respective wavelengths in response to excitation by a light beam. One or more surface treatment coatings may be provided at different locations.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236953A1
Автор: Zhang Y.H. Percival

Embodiments of the present invention overcome the well-known recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass in an economically viable manner. A process and a system are provided for the efficient fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass into cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The cellulose and hemicellulose thus obtained are highly amorphous and can be readily converted into highly concentrated mixtures of five and six carbon sugars using known methods. Typical yields of sugars exceed 100 grams of sugars per liter of sugar solution. Other products, such as alcohols, can easily be prepared according to methods of the invention. The modest process conditions and low solvent/solid ratios of some embodiments of the invention require relatively low capital and processing costs. 1. A system for fractionating lignocellulosic biomass , the system comprising:a precipitation tank for precipitation of cellulose and hemicellulose, and for solubilization of lignin;a washer for washing, the precipitated cellulose and hemicellulose; anda stripper for stripping solvent from the precipitated cellulose and hemicellulose,wherein the system does not comprise a separator for separating cellulose from hemicellulose.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a digester for digestion of raw materials comprising lignocellulose into particles having claim 1 , a size of about 0.5 cm or smaller.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a hydrolysis tank for hydrolyzing the precipitated cellulose and hemicellulose.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a distillation column for separating components of a wash solution from the washer claim 1 , wherein the distillation column is not a fractionation-distillation column.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a furnace. This application is a Divisional Application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/404,466 filed Mar. 16, 2009 which relies on and claims the benefit of the filing date of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/036,813, ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248441A1

The present disclosure relates to a preparation method of a hollow fiber membrane for water treatment that involves preparing a spinning composition including a cellulose-based resin, a poor solvent, a plasticizer, and an organic solvent and then spinning the spinning composition on a nonsolvent to form a hollow fiber membrane. Accordingly, the present disclosure overcomes the drawbacks of the conventional preparation method for hollow fiber membranes and thus provides a nano-filter (NF), reverse osmosis (RO) hollow fiber membrane for water treatment that easily enhances the properties of the separation membrane for water treatment and secures high reproducibility and high efficiency at low costs. 1. A preparation method of a hollow fiber membrane for water treatment using a cellulose-based resin , comprising:preparing a spinning composition comprising a cellulose-based resin, a poor solvent, a plasticizer, and an organic solvent; andspinning the spinning composition to a non-solvent to form a hollow fiber membrane.2. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cellulose-based resin comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of cellulose acetate claim 1 , cellulose triacetate claim 1 , and cellulose butylate.3. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the poor solvent is ethylene glycol monohexyl ether.4. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is ethylene glycol.5. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP).6. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the non-solvent is water.7. The preparation method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the spinning composition comprises 30 to 40 wt. % of the cellulose-based resin claim 1 , 5 to 15 wt. % of the poor solvent claim 1 , 5 to 15 wt. % of the plasticizer claim 1 , and a remaining content of the organic solvent.8. The preparation method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251992A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

Ultrafine polyamide fiber includes polyamide fiber with a single yarn fineness of 0.10 dtex or more and 0.50 dtex or less and an average number of 1.0 or less per 12,000 m of a filament in a length direction. 110-. (canceled)11. Ultrafine polyamide fiber comprising polyamide fiber with a single yarn fineness of 0.10 dtex or more and 0.50 dtex or less and an average number of fuzzes of 1.0 or less per 12 ,000 m of a filament in a length direction.12. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 11 , wherein Uster unevenness in a filament in a length direction is 1.0% or less.13. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 11 , having a total fineness of 15 to 300 dtex and containing 30 or more filaments.14. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined claim 12 , having a total fineness of 15 to 300 dtex and containing 30 or more filaments.15. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 11 , wherein filaments have a modified cross section.16. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 12 , wherein filaments have a modified cross section.17. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 13 , wherein filaments have a modified cross section.18. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 14 , wherein filaments have a modified cross section.19. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 11 , wherein the single yarns contained in the ultrafine polyamide fiber have a circular filament cross section claim 11 , orientation parameters of the single yarns with a circular cross section are such that a ratio of an orientation parameter of a surface portion of the single yarn to an orientation parameter of a central portion of the single yarn is 1.10 or more.20. The ultrafine polyamide fiber as defined in claim 12 , wherein the single yarns contained in the ultrafine polyamide fiber have a circular filament cross section claim 12 , orientation parameters of the single yarns with a circular cross section are such that a ratio of an orientation ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252285A1

The present invention relates to compositions and methods of pretreating cellulosic biomass with an ionic liquid. More specifically it relates to pretreating cellulosic biomass in an ionic liquid and adding a salt containing a kosmotropic anion to facilitate separation of precipitated solids, the aqueous phase, and the ionic liquid phase. The ionic liquid phase may be recycled in a subsequent pretreatment step, and the precipitated solids are enzymatically hydrolyzed to produce smaller oligomers of cellulose, cellbiose, and/or glucose. The kosmotropic anion facilitates phase separation where the aqueous phase contains very low concentrations of the ionic liquid. 1. A composition comprising:(a) biomass;(b) an ionic liquid;(c) water; and(d) a salt comprising a kosmotropic anion selected from the group consisting of phosphate, hydrogenphosphate, sulfate, ethylsulfate, borate, bromide, chloride, acetate, formate, citrate, and mixtures thereof.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the salt is potassium phosphate or potassium hydrogenphosphate.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ionic liquid comprises an ionic liquid cation claim 1 , and wherein the ionic liquid cation is selected from the group consisting of optionally substituted imidazolium; optionally substituted pyridinium; optionally substituted pyridazinium; optionally substituted pyrimidinium; optionally substituted pyrazinium; optionally substituted pyrazolium; optionally substituted thiazolium; optionally substituted 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-triazolium; optionally substituted 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4-triazolium; optionally substituted oxazolium; optionally substituted isoquinolinium; optionally substituted quinolinium; optionally substituted pyrrolidinium; optionally substituted piperidinium; and mixtures thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ionic liquid comprises an ionic liquid cation claim 1 , and wherein the ionic liquid cation is optionally substituted ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256214A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A multi-channel membrane, in particular for treatment of liquids, includes at least one outer membrane surface and one inner membrane surface, which forms at least two longitudinally extending inner channels, which are enclosed by the outer membrane surface. 1. A multi-channel membrane , in particular for treatment of liquids , comprising:at least one outer membrane surface; andone inner membrane surface which forms at least two longitudinally extending inner channels, which are enclosed by the outer membrane surface, whereinthe outer membrane surface and the inner membrane surface each form an actively separating layer, anda median pore size of the actively separating layer of the outer membrane surface differs from a median pore size of the actively separating layer of the outer membrane surface.2. The multi-channel membrane as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe inner membrane surface forms three inner channels.3. The multi-channel membrane as claimed in claim 1 , whereina supporting layer, which is enclosed by the actively separating layer on the outer membrane surface and which encloses the actively separating layer on the inner membrane surface, having an at least substantially constant porosity.4. The multi-channel membrane as claimed in claim 3 , whereina median pore size of the actively separating layers is at least approximately ten times smaller than a median pore size of the supporting layer.5. A spinneret unit claim 1 , in particular for producing a multi-channel membrane as claimed in claim 1 , comprising at least one extrusion unit claim 1 , which forms at least one extrusion space for conducting a polymer solution claim 1 , and comprising at least one internal-fluid feeding-in unit claim 1 , which has at least two channels arranged within the extrusion space for conducting an internal fluid claim 1 , whereinthe internal-fluid feeding-in unit has at least one supporting element, which is arranged within the extrusion space, andthe internal-fluid feeding- ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Colored High Strength Polyethylene Fiber and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20130267650A1
Автор: Ren Yi

A colored high strength polyethylene fiber, preparation method and use thereof are provided, which are in the high molecular material field. The surface of said high strength polyethylene fiber is chromatic, grey or black. The strength of said high strength polyethylene fiber is 15-50 g/d, its modulus is 400-2000 g/d. The product of the present invention is colored, so it can be well applied to civil and military field. The preparation method of present invention has some advantages that technological process is simple, production efficiency is high, cost of production is low, performance of made fiber is excellent, and use-cost is reduced, compared with the prior art. 1. A colored high strength polyethylene (HS-PE) fiber , wherein the surface of the fiber is covered with multicolor , grey or black , a tensile strength of the fiber is from 15 to 50 cN/dtex and a tensile elastic modulus of the fiber is from 400 to 2000 cN/dtex.2. The colored high strength polyethylene fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile strength of the fiber is from 15 to 30 cN/dtex and the tensile elastic modulus of the fiber is from 400 to 1000 cN/dtex.3. The colored high strength polyethylene fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile strength of the fiber is from 30 to 50 cN/dtex. The present application is a divisional of the following co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 12/600,241 filed Nov. 13, 2009, which is the U.S. National Stage of PCT/CNO8/01308 filed Jul. 14, 2008, which claims priority to CN 2008/10014184.1 filed Feb. 26, 2008. The contents of the above referenced applications and patents are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a kind of high strength polyethylene fiber, especially a kind of colored high strength polyethylene fiber, and their preparation method and application.2. Description of Related ArtHigh strength polyethylene (HS-PE) fibers are well known synthetic fibers with high strength and modulus, and ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280513A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A hygroscopic fiber is a fiber including polyamide 56 resin, and having a ΔMR of at least 3.0%. A method for manufacturing the fiber is by a direct spin draw method in which: a polyamide 56 fiber discharged through a spinneret is cooled and solidified by cooling air; a spinning oil is deposited thereon and the fiber is stretched; and the fiber is taken up. The manufacturing method satisfies (1) the spinneret discharge line rate is between 14 m/min and 30 m/mm; and (2) the product of the take up velocity and the draw ratio is between 3900 and 4500. 1. A hygroscopic fiber , comprising a polyamide 56 resin , and having an ΔMR of 3.0% or more.2. The hygroscopic fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber has a birefringence ranging from 30×10or more to 40×10or less.3. A method for manufacturing a hygroscopic fiber by a direct spin draw method comprising cooling and solidifying a polyamide 56 fiber discharged from a spinneret by cooling wind claim 1 , depositing a spinning oil onto the fiber claim 1 , drawing the fiber claim 1 , and then winding the fiber claim 1 , wherein requirements (1) and (2) are satisfied:(1) spinning liner velocity ranges from 14 m/min or more to 30 m/min or less, and(2) a product of a take up velocity and draw ratio ranges from 3,900 or more to 4,500 or less.4. A fabric comprising the hygroscopic fiber according to .5. A fabric comprising the hygroscopic fiber according to claim 1 , wherein a portion is shaped by a mold process.6. A fiber structure comprising the fabric according to .7. Innerwear comprising the fiber structure according to .8. A fabric comprising the hygroscopic fiber according to .9. A fabric comprising the hygroscopic fiber according to claim 2 , wherein a portion is shaped by a mold process.10. A fiber structure comprising the fabric according to .11. Innerwear comprising the fiber structure according to . This is a §371 of International Application No. PCT/JP2011/055454, with an inter-national filing date of Mar. 9, 2011 ( ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302571A1

A method for producing a tubular fiber arrangement of a fiber-reinforced composite part and a tubular fiber arrangement as an intermediate product for a composite part. The local conditions are taken into account in an especially simple and reliable manner with respect to the geometry of the composite part and its load profile. When forming the composite part on a core, the fiber mass supplied during the formation of the tube is proportional to the local circumference of the composite part which results from the diameter. The advancement speed of the core remains substantially constant. 1. A method of producing an intermediate product for a fiber-reinforced composite part , the method which comprises:forming a tubular fiber arrangement on a core having a shape corresponding to the composite part, with a varying cross-sectional shape along a length thereof, the tubular fiber arrangement forming the intermediate product;supplying fibers during a formation of the tubular fiber arrangement with a fiber mass being proportional to a local diameter and circumference of the composite part; andmaintaining an advance speed of the core substantially constant during the supplying and forming step.2. The method according to claim 1 , forming the fiber arrangement from an interlaid scrim.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the interlaid scrim comprises longitudinally extending fibers and/or wrap fibers and is tied by an intersecting fiber structure.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the intersecting fiber structure is a braided fabric.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the intersecting fiber structure is a knitted fabric.6. The method according to claim 1 , which comprises producing the fiber mass that changes depending on the local circumference of the composite part from threads having a lesser or a greater fineness.7. The method according to claim 6 , which comprises processing the threads by removing a predetermined number of fibers from the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302854A1

This invention is intended to improve saccharification efficiency by allowing cellulose and/or hemicellulose to relax sufficiently with an ionic liquid. Cellulose and/or hemicellulose is allowed to relax sufficiently with an ionic liquid through a step of soaking cellulosic biomass in a solution containing an ionic liquid and an alkali. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for treatment of cellulosic biomass comprising a step of soaking cellulosic biomass in a solution containing an ionic liquid , an alkali and an imidazolium salt having a melting point of 100 degrees C. or higher , wherein the imidazolium salt is selected from a group consisting of 1 ,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride , 1 ,3-dimethylimidazolium dimethyl phosphate , 1 ,3-dicyclohexyl imidazolium chloride , 1 ,3-bis(2 ,4 ,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazolium chloride , and 1 ,3-bis(2 ,6-diisopropylphenylethyl)imidazolium chloride.7. A method for production of a sugar from cellulosic biomass comprising a step of soaking cellulosic biomass in a solution containing an ionic liquid and an alkali by the method according to claim 6 , and a step of allowing cellulase to react with cellulosic biomass to produce a sugar.8. A method for production of an alcohol or organic acid comprising a step of soaking cellulosic biomass in a solution containing an ionic liquid and an alkali by the method according to claim 6 , a step of allowing cellulase to react with the treated cellulosic biomass to produce a sugar claim 6 , and a step of fermentation of the obtained sugar component to produce an alcohol or organic acid.9. The method for production of an alcohol or organic acid according to claim 8 , wherein the step of producing a sugar is simultaneously carried out with the step of producing an alcohol or organic acid. The present invention relates to a method of treatment for reduction of the molecular weight of a polysaccharide contained in cellulosic biomass by mixing cellulosic biomass with an ionic liquid and a method for producing ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Stain-resistant fibers, textiles and carpets

Номер: US20130309928A1
Принадлежит: Solvay Specialty Polymers USA LLC

The present invention relates to stain- or dye-resistant light colored fibers, textiles and carpets made of a polymer composition (C) comprising at least one semi-aromatic polyamide comprising recurring units resulting from the condensation of terephthalic acid and at least one aliphatic diamine selected from the group consisting of 1,8-octanediamine, 1,9-nonanediamine, 2-methyl-1,8-octanediamine, 1,10-decanediamine, 1,12-dodecanediamine, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,6-hexanediamine, 2,4,4-trimethyl-1,6-hexanediamine, 5-methyl-1,9-nonanediamine, methylcyclohexanediamine, isophoronediamine and mixtures thereof.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Thermally Insulating Fiber

Номер: US20130323506A1

The present application relates to a fiber having an elongated body defining a longitudinal axis and at least one cavity. The cavity is positioned symmetrically with respect to a plane containing the longitudinal axis. In addition, an insulating gas, less thermally conductive than air, is trapped in the cavity. 1. A fiber having an elongated body defining a longitudinal axis and at least one cavity defined therein , the at least one cavity being defined symmetrically with respect to a plane containing the longitudinal axis , and an insulating gas trapped in the at least one cavity , the insulating gas being less thermally conductive than air , the at least one cavity being sealed by a coating having a lower permeability to the insulating gas than a material of the body.2. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cavity includes a plurality of cavities circumferentially spaced apart and distributed about the longitudinal axis in a symmetrical manner with respect to the plane.3. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cavity includes a plurality of spaced apart cavities extending along the longitudinal axis.4. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cavity includes a single cavity extending along the longitudinal axis.5. The fiber of claim 4 , wherein the single cavity has a series of chambers interconnected by longitudinally spaced apart reduced diameter portions.6. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the coating covers an interior surface of the body enclosing the at least one cavity.7. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the coating covers an exterior surface of the body.8. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the coating is made of a material having a lower emissivity than that of the material of the body.9. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the coating is at least partly made of a metal or metal oxide selected from the group consisting of silver claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , gold claim 1 , tin claim 1 , tin oxide claim 1 , indium oxide claim 1 ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344331A1

This invention relates to a trilobal filament having at least one axially extending void, preferably one elongated void in each lobe, wherein each lobe has a partial elliptical-shaped profile having a major axis to minor axis of between about 1.04:1 to about 1.12:1, the cross-section has a modification ratio of 1.7 to 2.2, and the total cross-sectional area is 7 to 13 percent void. In a further aspect, this invention is a spinnerette for producing a filament comprising at least one bore group. Each bore group having three leg sections that are divergent from each other by 100° to 130° and each leg section includes two substantially parallel long leg capillary sections extending to an end section having a shoulder that extends inwardly toward a central axis of the long leg capillary sections. 1. A filament comprising a trilobal cross-section and at least one elongated void , wherein each lobe has a partial elliptical-shaped profile having a major axis to minor axis of between about 1.04:1 to about 1.12:1 , wherein each elongated void has an elliptical-shape having a major axis that is oriented at an angle β with respect to the major axis of the respective lobe , wherein the cross-section has a modification ratio of 1.7 to 2.2 , and wherein the total cross-sectional area is between about 5 to 15 percent void.2. The filament of claim 1 , wherein there are three elongated voids.3. The filament of claim 2 , wherein there is one elongated void in each lobe.4. The filament of claim 1 , wherein each lobe has a pair of spaced foci claim 1 , wherein each void has a pair of spaced foci claim 1 , and wherein one foci of the lobe and one foci of the void are positioned in substantially the same cross-sectional position.5. The filament of claim 3 , wherein the angle β ranges from between about 0 degrees (substantially co-axial) to about 60 degrees.6. The filament of claim 3 , wherein the angle β ranges from between about 0 degrees to about 45 degrees.7. The filament of claim 3 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of Recovering Aqueous N-Methylmorpholine-N-Oxide Solution Used in Production of Lyocell Fiber

Номер: US20140008577A1
Принадлежит: Acelon Chemicals and Fiber Corporation

A method of recovering aqueous N-Methylmorpholine-N-Oxide solution used in production of Lyocell fiber comprises following steps. Bleach means for decoloring coloration in aqueous NMMO solution via alternate blow-mixing adsorption mode and static suspending adsorption mode reiteration. Filtration means for purifying the activated carbon powder and impurities by two filtering stages of first coarse filtering stage and second fine filtering stage. Concentration means for intensifying aqueous NMMO solution to obtain a condensed aqueous solution without NMMO solvent and a concentrated aqueous solution with NMMO solvent respectively by a sequential multi-stage evaporating system. Refinement means for purifying aqueous NMMO solution with promoting purity of concentrated aqueous solution to obtain required recovered aqueous solution by adding suitable agents in the redox reactions involved. Owing to streamlining and simplicity, the method not only has better competitiveness from promoted recovery cost, efficiency and quality but also meets regulations of environmental protection. 1The bleach in step 1 means for decoloring the aqueous NMMO solution:Firstly, the aqueous NMMO solution to be recovered is loaded into a bleaching tank, and activated carbon powder featuring with good adsorbability and suspendability is added into the aqueous NMMO solution therein; secondly, the activated carbon powder and the aqueous NMMO solution are mixed together by using an agitation blower; and finally, the agitation blower is intermittently energized so that an alternate blow-mixing adsorption mode and static suspending adsorption mode reiterates to have activated carbon powder fully contacted with the aqueous NMMO solution thoroughly in an energy-efficient manner; thereby, the adsorption efficiency of the activated carbon powder is essentially increased; preferably, the added dosage of the activated carbon powder is in range of 0.05 wt %-0.10 wt % on the basis of total weight for the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011027A1

The present invention relates to a graphene conjugate fiber and a method for manufacturing same, and more particularly, to a conjugate fiber including graphene and a polymer, wherein a wrinkled structure of the graphene is maintained in a fiber state. The graphene conjugate fiber manufactured thereby has superior mechanical properties, is flexible, and has high utility by being manufactured as a fiber. 1. A graphene composite fiber comprising graphene and a polymer wherein the wrinkled structure of the graphene is maintained unchanged.2. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of the graphene and the polymer in the composite fiber are from 20 to 90% by weight and from 10 to 80% by weight claim 1 , respectively.3. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the graphene in the composite fiber is from 100 to 1000 nm.4. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from polyvinyl alcohol and poly(methyl methacrylate).5. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the graphene composite fiber is flexible.6. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the graphene composite fiber is capable of being formed into knot and spring structures and being woven into a fabric.7. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the composite fiber has a toughness of 1 to 5.5 MJ/m.8. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the composite fiber has a mechanical strength of 100 to 300 MPa.9. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the composite fiber has a modulus of elasticity of 5 to 30 GPa.10. The graphene composite fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the composite fiber has a storage modulus of 1 to 10 GPa at 20 to 200° C.11. A method for producing a graphene composite fiber claim 1 , the method comprisinga) dispersing graphene and a surfactant in a solvent to prepare a dispersion, andb) ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020679A1

The present invention provides a method for treatment of lignocellulosic organic waste or biomass, by which the carbohydrates are rendered more available for subsequent hydrolysis, e.g. by means of addition of enzymes or direct fermentation to one or more desired products. The invention more specifically relates to a method comprising a combination of the following process steps: thermal hydrolysis, wet oxidation and wet explosion. The method according to the present invention can operate with undivided or only poorly divided substrate having a high dry matter concentration. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method is carried out as a batch process.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the material contains more than 5% (w/w) lignin.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the material has a dry matter concentration above 5%.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the material is chosen from the group consisting of straw claim 1 , wood claim 1 , fibers claim 1 , baits claim 1 , paper pulp claim 1 , slurry and household waste or other similar material applicable in the production of ethanol or other biological products.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the material has particle sizes above 2 cm.7. Method according to claim 6 , wherein the material has particle sizes in the range of 5-20 cm.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the lignocellulosic material is treated with acid.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal hydrolysis is carried out by means of heating to 140-200° C. claim 1 , at saturation pressure claim 1 , and where said conditions are maintained for 5-30 minutes.10. Method according to claim 9 , wherein the thermal hydrolysis is carried out by means of heating to 160-180° C.11. Method according to claim 9 , wherein said conditions are maintained for 10-20 minutes.13. Method according to claim 12 , wherein the conditions are maintained for 5-25 minutes.14. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the wet explosion is ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030947A1

Processes for preparing ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene yarns, and the yarns and articles produced therefrom. The surfaces of highly oriented yarns are subjected to a treatment that enhances the surface energy at the yarn surfaces and are coated with a protective coating immediately after the treatment to increase the expected shelf life of the treatment. 1. A process comprising:a) providing one or more highly oriented fibers, each of said highly oriented fibers having a tenacity of greater than 27 g/denier and having surfaces that are substantially covered by a fiber surface finish;b) removing at least a portion of the fiber surface finish from the fiber surfaces to at least partially expose the underlying fiber surfaces;c) treating the exposed fiber surfaces under conditions effective to enhance the surface energy of the fiber surfaces; andd) applying a protective coating onto at least a portion of the treated fiber surfaces to thereby form coated, treated fibers.2. The process of wherein the fiber surface finish is substantially or substantially completely removed from the fiber surfaces to thereby substantially or substantially completely expose the underlying fiber surfaces.3. The process of wherein the treating step of step c) comprises corona treating or plasma treating.4. The process of wherein the protective coating is applied onto the treated fiber surfaces immediately after treating step c).5. The process of wherein the protective coating comprises a polar resin or polar polymer.6. The process of wherein the protective coating comprises less than about 5% by weight based on the weight of the fiber plus the weight of the protective coating.7. The process of wherein the fiber surface finish is at least partially removed from the surfaces of the fibers by washing the fibers with water.8. The process of further comprising passing the coated claim 1 , treated fibers through one or more dryers to dry the coating on the coated claim 1 , treated fibers.9 ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037933A1
Принадлежит: Lenzing AG

The invention relates to flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fibers containing a flame-retardant substance in the form of an oxidized condensate of a tetrakis hydroxyalkyl phosphonium salt with ammonia and/or a nitrogenous compound which contains one or several amine groups whereby the fiber has a tenacity of more than 18 cN/tex in a conditioned state. Production process and the use of the fibers according to the invention are further objects of the invention. 1. A flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber containing a flame-retardant substance in the form of an oxidized condensate of a tetrakis hydroxyalkyl phosphonium salt with ammonia and/or a nitrogenous compound which contains one or several groups of amine groups , wherein the fiber has a strength of more than 18 cN/tex in a conditioned state.2. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous compound is selected from the group consisting of urea claim 1 , ammonia claim 1 , thiourea claim 1 , biuret claim 1 , melamine claim 1 , ethylene urea claim 1 , guanidine and 2-cyanoguanidine.3. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the tetrakis hydroxyalkyl phosphonium salt is a tetrakis hydroxymethyl phosphonium salt.4. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claims 1 , wherein the fiber is a viscose or modal fiber.5. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulosic man-made fiber is a cupro or carbamate fiber.6. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber is a lyocell fiber.7. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the share of flame-retardant substance in the cellulose fiber is between 5 and 50 weight percent.8. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the tenacity is from 18 cN/tex to 50 cN/tex.9. The flame-retardant cellulosic man-made fiber according to ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041699A1

The present invention is a device that is for cleaning a porous hollow fiber membrane by running the porous hollow fiber membrane through a cleaning tank containing a cleaning liquid, thus eliminating residual substances in the porous hollow fiber membrane, wherein the inside of the cleaning tank is provided with a duct structure having a hollow fiber membrane running path at which the porous hollow fiber membrane can be continuously run through from an entrance at one end towards an exit at the other end; the duct structure comprises at least two structures that can separate; the duct structure has a running groove, which is formed to at least one structure of the at least two structures, and a branched duct, which pumps or sucks the cleaning fluid to cause the cleaning fluid to flow through; and the branched duct is a duct that is connected to the running groove. By means of the present invention, it is possible to provide a device that is for cleaning a porous hollow fiber membrane and that is highly efficient, is able to be easily maintained, and can dispose the porous hollow fiber membrane easily and efficiently. 1. A device , comprising a duct structure having a hollow fiber membrane running path in which a porous hollow fiber membrane can travel continuously from an inlet at one end side towards an outlet at another end side inside of a cleaning tank , thereby removing a residue inside of the porous hollow fiber membrane in the presence of a cleaning liquid inside the cleaning tankwherein:the duct structure comprises at least two structures that are separable;the duct structure has a running groove formed in at least one structure among the at least two structures, and a branched duct that pressure feeds or suctions the cleaning liquid to circulate the cleaning liquid; andthe branched duct is a duct communicating with the hollow fiber membrane running path.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein:the hollow fiber membrane running path comprises an ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060521A1
Автор: Mitsuzawa Shigenobu
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a pretreated product for saccharification, obtained by a pretreatment alone which allows an efficient enzymatic saccharification treatment to thereby obtain a saccharified solution having a uniform quality. A pretreated product for saccharification where lignin is dissociated or a substrate is swollen is obtained by pretreating the substrate The substrate has 60 to 80% of the pores having a diameter of 10 to 50 nm. In a process for producing the pretreated product for saccharification, a substrate mixture obtained by mixing the substrate and ammonia water is maintained at a predetermined temperature for a predetermined period of time to thereby separate a part of hemicellulose having a molecular weight of 7.8×10to 2.0×10. 1. A pretreated product of lignocellulosic biomass for saccharification , in which lignin is dissociated from the substrate or the substrate is swelled , obtained by pretreating the lignocellulosic biomass as a substrate before saccharification ,wherein 60 to 80% of all pores of the substrate have a diameter ranging from 10 to 50 nm.2. A process for producing a pretreated product of lignocellulosic biomass for saccharification , in which lignin is dissociated from the substrate or the substrate is swelled , obtained by pretreating the lignocellulosic biomass as a substrate before saccharification , the process comprising:{'sup': 3', '6, 'maintaining a substrate mixture, obtained by mixing the substrate and ammonia water, at a predetermined temperature for a predetermined period of time to thereby separate at least a part of hemicellulose having a molecular weight ranging from 7.8×10to 2.0×10and composing the substrate; and'}forming pores having a diameter ranging from 10 to 50 nm in the substrate while adjusting the pores having a diameter in the range to be 60 to 80% of all pores of the substrate.3. The process for producing a pretreated product of lignocellulosic biomass for saccharification according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087185A1

The present invention refers to a method for the preparation of a reinforced thermoset polymer composite, said thermoset polymer composite comprising coated fibres, the coating being used as a vehicle for the introduction of carbon nanotubes into the thermoset polymer, the preparation of said reinforced thermoset polymer composite comprising the following steps: providing fibres; preparing a coating comprising carbon nanotubes and a polymeric binder; applying said coating to said fibres to obtain coated fibres; impregnating said coated fibres with a precursor of a thermoset polymer and letting part of the carbon nanotubes transfer from the coating into the precursor of the thermoset polymer; curing said precursor containing the coated fibres and the transferred carbon nanotubes to achieve the reinforced thermoset polymer composite. 1. A coated fibre comprising:a fibre; and a polymeric binder selected from the group consisting of an aromatic poly (hydroxyl ether), polysilanes and their blends and/or copolymers;', 'carbon nanotubes,, 'a coating composition for the fibre comprisingwherein the weight ratio between the carbon nanotubes and the polymeric binder is higher than 1:9.2. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the aromatic poly (hydroxyl ether) is a phenoxy polymer.3. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio between the carbon nanotubes and the polymeric binder is higher than 1:4.4. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are selected from the group consisting of carbon fibres claim 1 , glass fibres claim 1 , polyaramide fibres and mixtures thereof.5. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotubes are selected from the group consisting of single-wall (SWCNTs) claim 1 , multi-wall (MWCNTs) claim 1 , and mixture thereof.6. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotubes are characterized by a diameter between 0.5 and 75 nm.7. The coated fibre according to claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Flame retardant treating agent for kapok-fiber or kapok-nonwoven fabric

Номер: US20180002548A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Provided herein is a flame retardant agent that is useful for treating kapok-fiber or kapok-nonwoven fabric. Kapok-fiber or kapok-nonwoven fabric when treated with the flame retardant agent is capable of reducing the impact of fire and providing flame retardancy. The flame retardant treated kapok-fiber or kapok-nonwoven fabric has desired properties including acid resistance, light resistance, absence of stickiness, and absence of a glaucous appearance. Thus, the flame retardant treating agent is suitable for use with materials used in vehicles, clothes, bedclothes, and the like.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of Using N-Containing Compounds with Carbon Black to Replace Pan and Form Carbon Fibers

Номер: US20200002543A1
Принадлежит: STC.UNM

A method and precursor for making carbon fibers and the like comprising carbon black modified with at least one cyclic compound promoter. A source of the carbon black may be recycled materials such as recycled tires or recycled plastics. The carbon black is modified by attaching at least one cyclic compound promoter to the outer periphery of the carbon black. 123- (canceled)24. A method of making carbon fibers by providing a precursor used to make the carbon fiber , said precursor comprising carbon black with at least one cyclic compound promoter and PAN , said at least one cyclic compound promoter is a nitrogen (N)-containing compound wherein said precursor contains more than 10% carbon black.25. The method of wherein said carbon black is from recycled materials.26. The method of wherein said carbon black is from recycled tires or recycled plastics.27. The method of wherein said carbon black is modified by attaching said at least one cyclic compound promoter to the periphery of the carbon black.28. The method of wherein said at least one cyclic compound promoter is a nitrogen (N)-containing compound.29. The method of wherein said carbon black is modified by attaching said nitrogen (N)-containing compound to the outer periphery of the carbon black.30. The method of wherein said N-containing compound is from the group including organics containing di-cyano groups claim 29 , cyanamide claim 29 , carbodiimides claim 29 , pyridine claim 29 , 2 claim 29 ,2-bipyridine claim 29 , ammonia claim 29 , hydrazine claim 29 , 2-aminopyridine claim 29 , 2-cyanopyridine claim 29 , and related compounds.31. The method of wherein said N-containing compound contains cyano-groups that simulate the cyano group cyclization process.32. A method of making carbon fibers by providing a precursor used to make the carbon fiber claim 29 , said precursor comprising carbon black modified with at least one cyclic compound promoter and PAN.33. The method of wherein said carbon black is from ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002836A1
Автор: Sperger Christian

A process for producing a man-made cellulosic molded body using a man-made cellulosic raw material, including the steps of forming a cellulose solution by dissolution of cellulosic raw material, the extrusion of the cellulose solution obtained to form a molded body, and coagulation and regeneration of the cellulose to obtain the man-made cellulosic molded body, wherein the man-made cellulosic raw material is mixed with a second cellulosic raw material prior to forming the cellulose solution. 2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed man-made cellulosic raw material was obtained from pre- and/or post-consumer waste containing man-made cellulosic fibers produced by the viscose- claim 1 , modal or lyocell process.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the pre- and/or post-consumer waste additionally contained non-cellulosic fibers and wherein these non-cellulosic fibers are quantitatively separated from the reclaimed man-made cellulosic raw material prior to the alkalization step.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the metal removing stage is an acidic washing treatment and/or a treatment with a complexing agent.5. Process according to claim 4 , wherein an acidic washing treatment and a treatment with a complexing agent in the metal removing stage are combined in one step by adding a complexing agent to the acidic washing treatment.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the molded body is a staple fiber claim 1 , filament fiber claim 1 , sponge or foil of the Viscose or Modal type.7. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the difference between the limiting viscosity numbers of the alkali cellulose of the reclaimed man-made cellulosic raw material and the alkali cellulose of virgin cellulosic raw material is equal to or lower than 30 ml/g claim 1 , preferably lower than 10 ml/g.8. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed man-made cellulosic raw material is a staple fiber claim 1 , filament fiber claim 1 , sponge or foil of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Process for Making Cellulose Fibre or Film

Номер: US20200002848A1

According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided A process for making a cellulose fibre or film comprising the steps of dissolving pulp in an ionic liquid containing a cationic 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-enium [TBDH]+ moiety and an anion selected from the group according to Formula a), Formula b) and Formula c), wherein each of R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Rand Ris H or an organyl radical and X is selected from the group consisting of halides, pseudohalides, carboxylates, alkyl sulphite, alkyl sulphate, dialkylphosphite, dialkyl phosphate, dialkyl phosphonites and dialkyl phosphonates, to provide a spinning dope, extruding the spinning dope through a spinneret to form one or more filaments, and a step selected from the group consisting of spinning cellulose fibres from the solution, and extruding a cellulose film from the solution. 128-. (canceled)30. The process according to claim 29 , wherein at least one of R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , Rand Rcomprises an organyl radical claim 29 , and wherein the organyl radical comprises an alkyl group.31. The process according to claim 29 , wherein at least one of R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , Rand Rcomprises an organyl radical claim 29 , and wherein the organyl radical comprises a polyether chain.32. The process according to claim 29 , wherein at least one of R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , R claim 29 , Rand Rcomprises an organyl radical claim 29 , and wherein the organyl radical comprises a methyl group.33. The process according to claim 29 , wherein the anion comprises a halide selected from the group consisting of fluoride claim 29 , chloride claim 29 , bromide claim 29 , and iodide.34. The process according to claim 29 , wherein the anion comprises a carboxylate selected from the group consisting of formate claim 29 , acetate claim 29 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002790A1

A polyamide-610 filament has high strength and excels in fluff quality. The polyamide-610 multifilament has a sulfuric acid relative viscosity of 3.3-3.7, a strength of 7.3-9.2 cN/dtex, and an elongation of 20-30%, wherein the number of fluffs is 0/10000 m to 4/10000 m and a total fineness is 420 dtex to 1500 dtex. 14-. (canceled)5. A polyamide 610 multifilament having a sulfuric acid relative viscosity of 3.3 to 3.7 , a strength of 7.3 cN/dtex to 9.2 cN/dtex and an elongation of 20% to 30%.6. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 5 , wherein the number of fluffs is 0/10000 m to 4/10000 m.7. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 5 , wherein a total fineness is 420 dtex to 1500 dtex.8. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 5 , wherein the wet tenacity/dry tenacity is 0.90 or more.9. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 5 , wherein the strength-elongation product is 35 cN/dtex×√% or more.10. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 5 , wherein the number of single filament fineness is 4 dtex to 35 dtex.11. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 6 , wherein a total fineness is 420 dtex to 1500 dtex.12. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 6 , wherein the wet tenacity/dry tenacity is 0.90 or more.13. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 6 , wherein the strength-elongation product is 35 cN/dtex×√% or more.14. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 6 , wherein the number of single filament fineness is 4 dtex to 35 dtex.15. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 7 , wherein the wet tenacity/dry tenacity is 0.90 or more.16. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 7 , wherein the strength-elongation product is 35 cN/dtex×√% or more.17. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 7 , wherein the number of single filament fineness is 4 dtex to 35 dtex.18. The polyamide 610 multifilament according to claim 8 , wherein the strength- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006860A1

A method for producing fibers with improved color and anti-microbial properties is described. One embodiment includes a method for generating a halogen stable antimicrobial synthetic fiber, the method comprising creating a mixture that includes a polymer, an anti-microbial agent, and a non-halogen pigment, and extruding the mixture to form an anti-microbial synthetic fiber. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for generating a halogen-stable anti-microbial synthetic fiber , the method comprising: a base polymer comprised at least predominantly of polyester in pellet form;', 'an anti-microbial agent; and', 'a non-halogen pigment;, 'creating a mixture comprisingheating the mixture to a melt temperature; andextruding the mixture to form an anti-microbial synthetic fiber.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the non-halogen pigment includes halogen bonding sites.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the non-halogen pigment comprises an element with known anti-microbial properties.13. The method of claim 10 , wherein the non-halogen pigment is phthalo blue.14. The method of claim 10 , wherein the mixture further comprises titanium dioxide for softening a hue of the non-halogen pigment.15. The method of claim 10 , wherein the non-halogen pigment is selected from the group consisting of CaCuSiO claim 10 , HgS claim 10 , FeO claim 10 , NaOSAlSiO claim 10 , BaCuSiO claim 10 , ({CuCHO}-3Cu(AsO)) claim 10 , and CuHAO.16. The method of claim 10 , wherein extruding the mixture to form the anti-microbial synthetic fiber comprises pumping the mixture through a spinneret.17. A method for generating a halogen-stable anti-microbial synthetic fiber claim 10 , the method comprising: a base polymer comprised at least predominantly of polyester in pellet form;', 'an anti-microbial agent in the form of an alloy powder that includes a combination of transition metals;', 'a non-halogen pigment that includes halogen bonding sites; and', 'titanium dioxide for softening a hue of the non-halogen pigment;, ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010243A1

A method of forming particles that includes performing a strong force attenuation of a mixture to form pre-particles. The mixture including a base compound and a dielectric additive having an elevated dielectric constant dispersed therein. The pre-particles are then dielectrically spun in an electrostatic field to further attenuate the pre-particles and form the particles. 140.-. (canceled)41. A method of forming particles , comprising:a. adding a dielectric additive to a base compound to form a mixture; andb. dielectrically spinning the mixture to form the particles.42. The method of claim 41 , further comprising mechanically attenuating the base compound before dielectrically spinning the mixture.43. The method of claim 42 , wherein mechanically attenuating the base compound forms particles larger than one micron claim 42 , and the dielectric spinning forms particles smaller than one micron.44. The method of claim 42 , wherein the mechanical attenuation forms particles less than 12 microns in diameter.45. The method of claim 42 , wherein the mechanical attenuation forms particles less than 20 microns in diameter.46. The method of claim 42 , wherein the mechanical attenuation is performed using at least one rotating surface.47. The method of claim 41 , wherein the base compound is a polymer.48. The method of claim 47 , further comprising melting the polymer to form a liquid polymer melt claim 47 , then electrospinning the liquid polymer melt to form polymer particles.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the dielectric additives are added to the polymer before melting the polymer.50. The method of wherein the dielectric additives are added to the polymer after melting.51. The method of claim 41 , further comprising adding a dispersant selected to encourage the dielectric additive to disperse within the base compound.52. The method of claim 51 , further comprising mixing the dispersant and dielectric additive before the dielectric additive is combined with other ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Ketoxime- and amide-functionalized nanomaterials

Номер: US20150011794A1
Принадлежит: US Air Force

Ketoxime- and amide-functionalized nanomaterials. The nanomaterials including a nanomaterial comprising a carbon nanotube or a carbon nanofiber. At least one ketoxime group coupled to a first location on the nanomaterial, and at least one amide group coupled to a second location on the nanomaterial.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010115A1

The invention provides a ligand-bonded fiber in which a ligand having affinity for a cell membrane receptor is immobilized on a fiber precursor, and a cell culture substrate capable of repeating ex vivo amplification of a cell expressing a cell membrane receptor by using the ligand-bonded fiber. 1. A ligand-bonded fiber comprising a ligand having affinity for a cell membrane receptor , and a fiber precursor bonded to the ligand , thus forming a ligand-bonded fiber precursor (hereinafter to be referred to as a fiber precursor).2. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the above-mentioned cell membrane receptor is a thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor.4. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 3 , wherein the above-mentioned ligand has an amino group claim 3 , and the amino group and the above-mentioned Qare bonded.6. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 3 , wherein the fiber precursor further comprises a crosslinking agent and an acid compound.7. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 3 , wherein the above-mentioned fiber precursor is produced by spinning a composition for producing a fiber precursor claim 3 , which composition comprising the above-mentioned polymer compound claim 3 , a crosslinking agent claim 3 , an acid compound and a solvent.8. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 7 , wherein the above-mentioned fiber precursor is produced by spinning the above-mentioned composition for producing a fiber precursor claim 7 , on a surface-treated substrate.9. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 3 , wherein the above-mentioned polymer compound has a weight average molecular weight of 1 claim 3 ,000-1 claim 3 ,000 claim 3 ,000.10. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 1 , wherein the above-mentioned fiber precursor is produced by heating at 70-300° C.12. The ligand-bonded fiber according to claim 11 , wherein Xis a 4-t-butylphenyl group claim 11 , and Xis an amino group.13. A cell culture substrate comprising the ligand-bonded ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010265A1

A biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric, a cross section of the knitted fabric includes a front side of cross section made of wool short fiber yarns, an intermediate connection layer of cross section capable of transferring moisture and a rear side of cross section made of antibacterial filaments; the intermediate connection layer of cross section is made of filament yarns having a special shape capable of being inserted into the front side of cross section and the rear side of cross section so that the front side of cross section is connected with the rear side of cross section. The biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric proposed by the present application has a long time significant antibacterial effect by adopting a cross section structure with three layers and antibacterial material, and does not contain any antimicrobials and metal ions, and has the advantages of low cost, easy manufacturing and long lasting antibacterial effect. 1100101102103102101103101103. A biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric , wherein , a cross section () includes a front side of cross section () made of wool short fiber yarns , an intermediate connection layer of cross section () capable of transferring moisture and a rear side of cross section () made of antibacterial filaments; the intermediate connection layer of cross section () is made of filament yarns having a special shape capable of being inserted into the front side of cross section () and the rear side of cross section () so that the front side of cross section () is connected with the rear side of cross section () forming a double-sided fabric with different yarn and effect on each side.2200. The biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric adopts a compound knitting structure with six rows ().3201204200101202205103203206102. The biodegradable antibacterial knitted fabric according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , a first row () ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010327A1

The present disclosure provides, inter alia, additive-manufactured articles formed from monofilaments that comprise blends of amorphous polymer, crystalline polymer, and core-shell rubber modifier. These articles exhibit improved elongation and impact over existing materials, and the disclosed technology allows for the formation of additive-manufactured articles that have mechanical properties approaching those of corresponding injection-molded articles. 1. An additively-manufactured article , comprising:at least 10 layers made from a composition;the composition comprising an amorphous polymer phase and at least one core-shell or graft rubber modifier material;the amorphous polymer being at least 50% of the weight of the at least 10 layers of the article;the amorphous polymer having a Tg of from about 110 to about 200 deg. C;the amorphous polymer having a molecular weight of at least 10,000 Da as per ASTM D5296;the least one core-shell rubber modifier material, if present, having a number average diameter of from 100 to 400 nm, and being present at from about 1 to about 30% of the weight of the composition;the article further having a surface roughness with a vertical deviation of from 0.01 to 0.1 mm; andthe article still further having (a) a tensile elongation at break, as per ASTM D638, of from about 20% to about 99% the elongation at break value of a corresponding inj ection-molded article, (b) a notched Izod impact strength, as per ASTM D256, of from about 20% to about 99% of the notched Izod impact strength of a corresponding injection-molded article, or both (a) and (b).2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least 50 ppm of a phosphorous compound having a molecular weight of over 300 Daltons and comprising a phosphate claim 1 , mixtures of phosphates or mixtures thereof claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , if present claim 1 , aryl phosphite is at a lower concentration than aryl phosphate.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the composition ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014775A1

A method for producing fibers with improved color and anti-microbial properties is described. One embodiment includes a method for generating a halogen stable antimicrobial synthetic fiber, the method comprising creating a mixture that includes a polymer, an anti-microbial agent, and a non-halogen pigment, and extruding the mixture to form an anti-microbial synthetic fiber. 1. A method for generating a halogen-stable anti-microbial synthetic fiber , the method comprising: a base polymer comprised at least predominantly of polyester in pellet form,', 'an anti-microbial agent that includes silver in metallic form, salt form, or ionic form,', 'a cationic non-halogen pigment that includes halogen bonding sites, and', 'titanium dioxide for softening a hue of the non-halogen pigment;, 'creating a mixture comprisingheating the mixture to a melt temperature; andextruding the mixture to form an anti-microbial synthetic fiber;wherein the cationic non-halogen pigment is adapted to attract and bond with halogenic molecules at the halogen bonding sites, thereby shielding the anti-microbial agent from degradation arising from interactions with halogenic molecules.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic non-halogen pigment comprises an element with known anti-microbial properties.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic non-halogen pigment is phthalo blue.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic non-halogen pigment is selected from the group consisting of CaCuSi4O10 claim 1 , HgS claim 1 , FeO claim 1 , Na2OSAl2SiO6 claim 1 , BaCuSi2O6 claim 1 , ({CuC2H3O2}2-3Cu(AsO2)2) claim 1 , and CuHA5O5.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-microbial agent is in a powder form.6. A method for generating a halogen-stable anti-microbial synthetic fiber claim 1 , the method comprising: a base polymer comprised at least predominantly of polyester in pellet form,', 'an anti-microbial agent that includes copper in metallic form, salt form, or ionic form,', 'a cationic non ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033994A1
Автор: Bidhar Sujit

An electrospinning system, method, and apparatus comprises a dual polarity high voltage power supply with much less power out for safe operation, a solution dispensing assembly held at high positive potential by the dual polarity power supply, a Corona discharge assembly held at high negative potential by the dual polarity power supply, and a drum collector held at ground potential wherein a solution is drawn from the solution dispensing assembly to the drum collector thereby forming a fiber mat. 1. An electrospinning system comprising:a power supply; a dispenser;', 'at least one spike affixed to a rotating cylinder; and', 'a conduit configured to allow a solution to flow through the dispenser; and, 'a circulation assembly connected to the power supply, the circulation assembly comprisinga collector wherein a solution is drawn from the circulation assembly to the collector via a potential difference between the dispenser and collector, forming a fiber mat on the collector.2. The electrospinning system of wherein the circulation assembly comprises:a solution tank;a pump; anda conduit connecting the pump to the dispenser.3. The electrospinning system of wherein the circulation assembly comprises:at least one internal groove formed in the dispenser, wherein the at least one spike affixed to the rotating cylinder passes through the internal groove to contact the solution.4. The electrospinning system of wherein the circulation assembly comprises:at least one slit formed in the dispenser, wherein the at least one spike affixed to the rotating cylinder passes through the slit.5. The electrospinning system of wherein the at least one spike affixed to a rotating cylinder further comprises:an array of spikes formed on the rotating cylinder.6. The electrospinning system of wherein each of the at least one spikes comprise needles.7. The electrospinning system of further comprising:a motor and a drive shaft configured to rotate the rotating cylinder.8. The electrospinning ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033995A1

An alginate-based fiber is made of a composition comprising an alginate, a cellulose and a polyol plasticizer, such as glycerol. The fiber is produced through extrusion in a curing bath containing calcium. The fiber provides excellent strength and flexibility in its unhydrated state for textile applications. The fiber can be used to produce textiles as compostable alternatives to petrochemical based polymers. 1. An alginate composition comprising:sodium alginate;methyl cellulose; and the polyol plasticizer is a glycerol,', 'an amount of sodium alginate ranges from about 3.75 wt % to about 7.85 wt % of the total mass,', 'an amount of methyl cellulose is about 50 wt % to about 90 wt % of sodium alginate, and', 'an amount of glycerol ranges from about 25 wt % to about 250 wt % of a total amount of sodium alginate and methyl cellulose., 'a polyol plasticizer, wherein2. The alginate composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of sodium alginate is about 5.75 wt %.3. The alginate composition of claim 1 , wherein the alginate has a purity of 80% or more.4. A fiber produced from the alginate composition of claim 1 , wherein the fiber:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'is produced by curing the alginate composition of in a curing bath, and'}is produced through extrusion.5. The fiber of claim 4 , wherein the curing bath comprises water and calcium chloride.6. The fiber of claim 5 , wherein water is deionized or distilled.7. The fiber of claim 5 , wherein an amount of calcium chloride ranges from about 0.08 M to about 0.15 M.8. The fiber of claim 7 , wherein the amount of calcium chloride is about 0.12 M.9. The fiber of claim 4 , wherein a calcium content in the fiber ranges from about 2.5 wt % to about 5.25 wt %.10. A fabric containing the fiber of claim 4 , wherein the fiber is contained within a yarn claim 4 , a knit claim 4 , or a woven textile.11. The fabric of claim 10 , wherein the yarn is contained within an apparel claim 10 , a garment claim 10 , or a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Polyurethane elastic fiber with flame retardant function and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20220033997A1
Автор: Qianli Ma, Yongjun Chen

Disclosed are a polyurethane elastic fiber with a flame retardant function and a preparation method thereof. The polyurethane elastic fiber is prepared by using a polyether diol containing phosphorus elements or a polyester diol containing phosphorus elements as a raw material to react with 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate to prepare a prepolymer, extending the chain using an organic amine to obtain a polyurethane solution, and dry spinning with the polymer solution to prepare the polyurethane fiber. The limit oxygen index of the prepared polyurethane fiber was between 25% and 32%.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacture of absorbent article

Номер: US20190015262A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacture of an absorbent article, with which it is possible to form a desired coloring pattern upon an absorbent article and to reliably manage the quality of said coloring pattern. Provided is a method for manufacture of an absorbent article, in which: microcapsules, which are provided upon a substrate and in which coloring agents are enclosed, are destroyed in a prescribed pattern, and the coloring agents discharged upon the substrate; and the substrate is coated with a developer, causing the coloring to be expressed in the prescribed pattern via a reaction between the coloring agents and the developer.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Flame-resistant molded cellulose bodies produced according to a direct dissolving method

Номер: US20170016148A1

The invention relates to molded cellulose bodies, in particular fibers, filaments, directly spun nonwovens, films, or foams which have flame-resistant properties. The fibers and filaments can be further processed as textiles into yarns, wovens, knitted fabrics, and nonwovens. The molded bodies are produced from solutions of cellulose and melamine cyanurate or cellulose and crosslinked or partially crosslinked melamine resin particles in an organic solvent. The melamine cyanurate or the melamine resin particles provide the molded cellulose bodies with flame-retardant properties. The molded cellulose bodies made of cellulose and melamine cyanurate or melamine resin particles can further contain flame retardants, in particular flame retardants which act synergistically, in a particulate form. The obtained textile fibers and nonwoven materials have a soft touch and can be processed or finished as filaments or yarns on conventional textile machines. 1. A shaped lyocell article having a cellulose matrix and being of low flammability by virtue of the presence therein of melamine cyanurate or of partly or wholly crosslinked melamine resin , wherein the melamine cyanurate or the melamine resin is distributed homogeneously in the form of particles over the cross section of the cellulose matrix , the shaped article having a fraction of melamine cyanurate or melamine resin particles of 10 to 50 wt % for textile applications with flame retardancy properties , or a fraction of 50 to 95 wt % for industrial applications.2. The shaped article of claim 1 , wherein said article is a fiber claim 1 , filament claim 1 , direct spunbonded claim 1 , film or foam.3. The shaped article of claim 1 , wherein said article is suitable for textile applications with flame retardancy properties claim 1 , especially in the apparel segment claim 1 , and has a fraction of melamine cyanurate or melamine resin particles of 10 to 35 wt %.4. The shaped article of claim 1 , wherein said article is suitable ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017061A1
Автор: Stuart Earnest

The invention is directed to a process for refining prepared biomass to produce hemicellulose hydrolyzates, cellulose of sugars involving the perforate at least a portion of the cells of the prepared biomass prior to hydrolyzing the biomass, reclaiming the catalysts used in hydrolysis, and drying the hydrolysis using reclaimed heat from previous steps in the process.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017517A1

Disclosed are a thermal insulation fiber, a thermal insulation textile and a use of a fiber containing a nano unit in manufacturing a thermal textile. The thermal insulation fiber includes a conventional fiber; and a nanounit. Based on a total weight of the convention fiber, the nano unit is of a content of 0.1 wt % to 3 wt %, so as to improve an insulation rate of the thermal insulation fiber; the nano unit comprises a microparticle having a size of 300 nm to 8000 nm; and the microparticle comprises at least one of a mixture of Ti and Ce, a mixture of Ti and Mg, and a mixture of Ti, Ce, Mg, Si and Ca.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017643A1
Автор: Su Wen-Yuan

A color masterbatch composition, comprising a thermoplastic polyester, a yellow colorant component, a red colorant component, and a blue colorant component. The yellow colorant component is selected from Pigment Yellow 147, Pigment Yellow 181, Pigment Yellow 183, Dye Brown 53, or a combination thereof The red colorant component is selected from Pigment Red 122, Pigment Red 144, Pigment Red 202, Pigment Red 214, or combination thereof The blue colorant component is selected from Pigment Blue 60, Dye Blue 67, or a combination thereof The present invention further provides a colloidal particle that is obtained by developing the above masterbatch composition in a base material mainly composed of thermoplastic polyester. An article produced from the present disclosure has an effect of slowing down and reducing heat absorption and can maintain its original color during processing. 1. A color masterbatch composition , wherein it comprises:thermoplastic polyester;a yellow colorant component, selected from a group constituted by pigment yellow 147, pigment yellow 181, pigment yellow 183, dye brown 53 and a combination thereof;a red colorant component, selected from a group constituted by pigment red 122, pigment red 144, pigment red 202, pigment red 214 and a combination thereof; anda blue colorant component, selected from pigment blue 60, dye blue 67 and a combination thereof, said colorants being expressed according to color index common names;2. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising titanium dioxide claim 1 , with the total weight of said color masterbatch composition being 100 wt % claim 1 , and the content of said titanium dioxide ranges from more than 0 wt % to 5 wt %.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said thermoplastic polyester is selected from a group constituted by polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) claim 1 , functionalized derivatives of PET claim 1 , functionalized derivatives of PBT ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017673A1

A type of semi-dull polyester drawn yarns and preparing method thereof are disclosed. The preparing method is to melt spinning a modified polyester with FDY technique, wherein the modified polyester is the product of the esterification and the successive polycondensation reactions of evenly mixed terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol, main chain silicated diol, fluorinated dicarboxylic acid, matting agent and doped BiO, in which the main chain silicated diol could be dimethylsiloxane diol, dimethyldiphenyldisiloxane glycol or tetramethyldisiloxane diol, and in which the fluorinated dicarboxylic acids could be 2,2-difluoro-1,3-malonic acid, 2,2-difluoro-1,4-succinic acid, 2,2-difluoro-1,5-glutaric acid or 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-succinic acid. The obtained fiber has a dye uptake of 87.5-91.8% when dyed at 120° C., and has an intrinsic viscosity drop of 18-26% when stored at 25° C. and R.H. 65% for 60 months. This invention features a method with ease of application and a product with good dyeing and degradation performance. 1. A preparing method for a semi-dull polyester drawn yarn , which is characterized by manufacturing a fully drawn yarn (FDY) with a modified polyester;{'sub': 2', '3, 'wherein the modified polyester is a product of an esterification and successive polycondensation reactions of an evenly mixed mixture of terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol, a main chain silicated diol, a fluorinated dicarboxylic acid, a matting agent and a doped BiO;'}wherein the main chain silicated diol is selected from the group consisting of dimethylsiloxane diol, dimethyldiphenyldisiloxane glycol and tetramethyldisiloxane diol, and the fluorinated dicarboxylic acid is selected from the group consisting of 2,2-difluoro-1,3-malonic acid, 2,2-difluoro-1,4-succinic acid, 2,2-difluoro-1,5-glutaric acid and 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-succinic acid;{'sub': 2', '3, 'sup': 2+', '2+, 'wherein a content of the matting agent is 0.20-0.25 wt % of the modified polyester, wherein the doped BiOis ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018015A1

The present invention provides the use of fibres comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate, as a bleach activator. 1. A method of using fibres as a bleach activator , comprising the step of:mixing the fibres with a bleach solution comprising a peroxide and/or peroxide precursor,wherein the fibres comprise one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the cellulose to the cellulose acetate in the composite filaments is from 99.9:0.1 to 0.1:99.9 claim 1 , from 99:1 to 1:99 claim 1 , from 95:5 to 5:95 claim 1 , from 90:10 to 10:90 claim 1 , from 80:20 to 20:80 claim 1 , from 70:30 to 30:70 claim 1 , or from 60:40 to 40:60.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the cellulose to the cellulose acetate in the composite filaments is from 99.9:0.1 to 50:50 claim 1 , from 90:10 to 50:50 claim 1 , from 80:20 to 50:50 claim 1 , from 70:30 to 50:50 claim 1 , or from 60:40 to 50:50.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are coloured.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the colour is effected by a disperse dye.6. A bleach activator comprising a fibre blend comprising fibres comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate claim 4 , and synthetic fibres.7. The bleach activator according to claim 6 , wherein the synthetic fibres are selected from polyester fibres claim 6 , nylon fibres claim 6 , acrylic fibres claim 6 , elastane fibres claim 6 , cellulose acetate fibres claim 6 , cellulose triacetate fibres claim 6 , polylactic acid fibres claim 6 , polypropylene fibres claim 6 , or polyphenylene sulfide fibres.8. The bleach activator according to claim 6 , wherein the fibre blend is coloured.9. The bleach activator according to claim 6 , wherein the colour is effected by a disperse dye.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fibres further comprise synthetic fibres.11. The method ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018016A1

The present invention provides a coloured fibre comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate, wherein the colour is effected by a disperse dye. 1. A coloured fibre comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate , wherein the colour is effected by a disperse dye.2. The coloured fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the cellulose to the cellulose acetate in the composite filaments is from 99:1 to 1:99 claim 1 , from 95:5 to 5:95 claim 1 , from 90:10 to 10:90 claim 1 , from 80:20 to 20:80 claim 1 , from 70:30 to 30:70 claim 1 , or from 60:40 to 40:60.3. The coloured fibre according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the cellulose to the cellulose acetate in the composite filaments is from 90:10 to 50:50 claim 1 , from 80:20 to 50:50 claim 1 , from 70:30 to 50:50 claim 1 , or from 60:40 to 50:50.4. A fibre blend comprising fibres comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate; and synthetic fibres claim 1 , wherein the fibre blend is dyeable with a disperse dye.5. A coloured fibre blend comprising fibres comprising one or more composite filaments of cellulose and cellulose acetate; and synthetic fibres claim 1 , wherein the colour is effected by a disperse dye.6. The fibre blend according to claim 4 , wherein the synthetic fibres are selected from polyester fibres claim 4 , nylon fibres claim 4 , acrylic fibres claim 4 , elastane fibres claim 4 , cellulose acetate fibres claim 4 , cellulose triacetate fibres claim 4 , polylactic acid fibres claim 4 , polypropylene fibres claim 4 , or polyphenylene sulfide fibres.7. A process for manufacturing the coloured fibre of claim 1 , comprising:providing a solution dope comprising a blend of cellulose and cellulose acetate in an ionic liquid or in N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide;spinning the solution dope into a coagulant to generate the fibres; anddyeing the fibres with a disperse dye.8. A process for manufacturing ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022895A1

Provided are a stock solution concentrating device, a stock solution treatment device and a circulation-type treatment device that can prevent the deposition of cells and the like on a filtration member and that can continuously filter and concentrate a stock solution such as pleural and ascitic fluid or blood plasma. The stock solution concentrating device concentrates a stock solution such as pleural and ascitic fluid or blood plasma to form a concentrated solution, and is equipped with: a filter () having a filtration member that filters the stock solution; a concentrator () to which the filtrate which has been filtered is supplied, and which concentrates the filtrate to form a concentrated solution; and a stock solution supply unit that supplies the stock solution to the filter (). The stock solution supply unit has a supply amount adjustment function for adjusting the amount of the stock solution supplied to the filter. 121-. (canceled)22. A stock solution concentrating device for concentrating a stock solution such as pleural and ascitic fluid or blood plasma to form a concentrated solution , the device comprising:a filter having a filtration member that filters the stock solution;a concentrator to which a filtrate which has been filtered by the filter is supplied, and which concentrates the filtrate to form the concentrated solution; anda stock solution supply unit that supplies the stock solution to the filter,wherein the stock solution supply unit has a supply amount adjustment function for adjusting the amount of the stock solution supplied to the filter,the filter includesa supply port to which the stock solution is supplied, anda separate liquid discharge port from which a separate liquid which has been separated from the filtrate is discharged,the stock solution supply unit includesa flow path that supplies the stock solution to the supply port of the filter, anda circulation flow path that supplies the separate liquid discharged from the separate ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Medical electrical lead with biostable pvdf-based materials

Номер: US20170021160A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

A medical electrical lead includes an insulative lead body extending from a distal region to a proximal region, a conductor disposed within the insulative lead body and extending from the proximal region to the distal region, an electrode disposed on the insulative lead body and in electrical contact with the conductor, and a fibrous matrix disposed on at least part of the electrode. The fibrous matrix includes fibers. The fibers include a polyvinylidene fluoride-based (PVDF-based) polymer and a crystal-modifying additive. The PVDF-based polymer includes an amorphous PVDF phase and a crystalline PVDF phase. The crystalline PVDF phase includes a beta form crystalline structure in an amount exceeding any other crystalline structure form in the crystalline PVDF phase.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021425A1

Modacrylic fibers for artificial hair include a modacrylic polymer; and a condensed phosphate. The modacrylic polymer includes 29.5 to 79.5% by mass of acrylonitrile, 20 to 70% by mass of vinyl chloride and/or vinylidene chloride, and 0.5 to 5% by mass of a sulfonic acid group containing vinyl monomer, with respect to a total mass of the modacrylic polymer. A content of the condensed phosphate in the modacrylic fibers is 0.05 to 0.57% by mass. 1. Modacrylic fibers for artificial hair , comprising:a modacrylic polymer; anda condensed phosphate,wherein the modacrylic polymer comprises 29.5 to 79.5% by mass of acrylonitrile, 20 to 70% by mass of vinyl chloride and/or vinylidene chloride, and 0.5 to 5% by mass of a sulfonic acid group-containing vinyl monomer, with respect to a total mass of the modacrylic polymer, andwherein a content of the condensed phosphate in the modacrylic fibers is 0.05 to 0.57% by mass.2. The modacrylic fibers according to claim 1 , wherein a content of phosphorus in the modacrylic fibers is 0.0134 to 0.150% by mass.3. The modacrylic fibers according to claim 1 , wherein the condensed phosphate is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of pyrophosphate claim 1 , tripolyphosphate claim 1 , tetrapolyphosphate claim 1 , trimetaphosphate claim 1 , and tetrarnetaphosphate.4. The modacrylic fibers according to claim 3 , wherein the condensed phosphate is tripolyphosphate.5. The modacrylic fibers according to claim 1 , wherein when 0.02 g of the modacrylic fibers are placed in a 20 mL vial and heated at 140 ° C. for 5 minutes claim 1 , a concentration of dimethyl sulfide generated in the vial is 10 ppm or less claim 1 , and a concentration of dimethyl disulfide generated in the vial is 5 ppm or less.6. A method for producing modacrylic fibers for artificial hair claim 1 , the method comprising:preparing a spinning solution by dissolving a modacrylic polymer in an organic solvent; andwet spinning the spinning solution,wherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024227A1

The present invention relates to a method for breaking down lignocellulose biomass. In said method, acid-impregnated lignocellulose biomass, e.g., beech wood, pine wood or sugarcane bagasse, is subjected to a mechanical treatment and the obtained break-down residues are fed to a process of separation into water-soluble and water-insoluble components. 1. A process for digesting lignocellulosic biomass comprising (a) soaking lignocellulosic starting materials or impregnating with an acid in the liquid or gaseous phase , (b) bringing the starting materials which have been impregnated with acid and optionally dried into contact under the action of mechanical energy , wherein the mechanical treatment is carried out for at least the length of time required for more than 60% by weight of the degradation or decomposition products of the lignocellulosic material with respect to the lignocellulosic material used to be water-soluble , and (c) taking the digestion residue up in water , in a solvent which is miscible with water or in mixtures thereof , the dispersion/solution obtained optionally being heated to a temperature of more than 40° C. over a period of up to 24 hours.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which further comprises (d) after heating claim 1 , separating the dispersion/solution into water-soluble fractions and water-insoluble fractions.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the acid has a pKa of −14 to 2.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the soaking is carried out with a solution of an acid in a liquid phase and the solvent is separated out after an exposure period.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the soaking is carried out with an acid in the gaseous phase.6. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the acid is used in a catalytic quantity.7. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mechanical treatment is a comminution of the material to be milled by milling claim 1 , extruding claim 1 , kneading and/or ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Grafted crosslinked cellulose

Номер: US20170022314A1
Принадлежит: Weyerhaeuser NR Co

Grafted, crosslinked cellulosic materials include cellulose fibers and polymer chains composed of at least one monoethylenically unsaturated acid group-containing monomer (such as acrylic acid) grafted thereto, in which one or more of said cellulose fibers and said polymer chains are crosslinked (such as by intra-fiber chain-to-chain crosslinks). Some of such materials are characterized by a wet bulk of about 10.0-17.0 cm 3 /g, an IPRP value of about 1000 to 7700 cm 2 /MPa·sec, and/or a MAP value of about 7.0 to 38 cm H 2 O. Methods for producing such materials may include grafting polymer chains from a cellulosic substrate, followed by treating the grafted material with a crosslinking agent adapted to effect crosslinking of one or more of the cellulosic substrate or the polymer chains. Example crosslinking mechanisms include esterfication reactions, ionic reactions, and radical reactions, and example crosslinking agents include pentaerythritol, homopolymers of the graft species monomer, and hyperbranched polymers.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Electrospinning Apparatus and Methods of Use Thereof

Номер: US20160024690A1
Принадлежит: LifeNet Health

The invention relates to an electrospinning apparatus and method of use thereof. 1. An electrospinning apparatus comprising(i) at least one spinneret comprising an electrified tip; and(ii) a collector comprising two rods and a platform connected to the two rods,wherein the two rods are configured to split an electric field between them.2. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the split electric field is separated by an air insulator.3. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are electrified with an opposite charge from the electrified tip.4. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are separated from one another by about 1 cm or more.5. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are separated from one another from about 1 cm to about 25 cm.6. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are separated from one another from about 10 cm to about 20 cm.7. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are grounded.8. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the platform is configured to spin resulting in rotation of the two rods about the spinning axis of the platform.9. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the platform comprises a bearing connected to the two rods.10. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the bearing comprises an electrical conductor configured to allow electrical conductance to the two rods.11. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the bearing comprises mercury.12. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the two rods are configured to rotate at between 0 and 8000 RPM.13. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 12 , wherein the two rods are configured to rotate at between 0 and 4000 RPM.14. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the two rods are stationary.15. The electrospinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the spinneret is selected from the group consisting of a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Treating Reinforcing Fibre and Method for Producing A Reinforced Composite Article from the Treated Fibre

Номер: US20160024691A1

The present invention relates to a reinforced composite material and a method for its production. The composite material comprises at least one cured resin having a reinforcing material. Preferably the reinforcing material is a plurality of glass fibres which are treated such that the properties of the interphase substantially surrounding each fibre are substantially equivalent to those of the bulk cured resin. The fibre treatment may be selected from the group consisting of a polymeric coating, a hydrophilic surface coating, a surface coating of a free radical inhibitor, or a reduction in the total surface area of the fibres. The reinforced composite material of the invention provides improved long-term mechanical properties compared to traditional glass fibre reinforced materials. 186-. (canceled)87. A reinforcing fibre for use in a composite material including a curable resin , said reinforcing fibre being coated with a coupling agent and having a treatment of a polymeric coating comprising a monomer deficient low activity unsaturated polyester resin and/or a hydrophilic surface coating being prepared by reacting a vinyl functional silane with a polyol , applied thereto such that , in use , the cured resin adjacent said reinforcing fibre defines an interphase , said interphase having properties substantially equivalent to those of the bulk cured resin. The present invention relates to reinforced composite materials, and in particular to fibre reinforced polymer composites. However, it will be appreciated that the invention is not limited to this particular field of use.Any discussion of the prior art throughout the specification should in no way be considered as an admission that such prior art is widely known or forms part of the common general knowledge in the field.Fibre reinforced polymer composites are known in the art and are commonly made by reacting a curable resin with a reactive diluent in the presence of a free radical initiator. Typically, the curable ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022634A1

A textile comprising a plurality of synthetic fibers and a plurality of active particles. The plurality of synthetic fibers comprise a plurality of meta-aramid and/or para-aramid fibers. The plurality of active particles are physically embedded in the plurality of synthetic fibers. The plurality of active particles comprise a higher heat stability temperature than the plurality of synthetic fibers. 1. A textile comprising ,a plurality of synthetic fibers, the plurality of synthetic fibers comprising a plurality of meta-aramid and/or para-aramid fibers;a plurality of active particles physically embedded in the plurality of synthetic fibers, wherein the plurality of active particles comprise a higher heat stability temperature than the plurality of synthetic fibers.2. The textile of wherein claim 1 ,the textile comprises a first side and a second side; andthe active particles decrease the humidity and/or an amount of liquid between the first side and a user's skin upon wearing the textile.3. The textile of wherein claim 2 ,the first side comprises a textile side nearest to a user's skin upon wearing the textile; andthe second side comprises a textile side farther from the user's skin upon wearing the textile.4. The textile of wherein claim 1 ,the weight ratio of active particles to synthetic fibers comprises a range of about to about 0.01% to 3%; andthe active particles increase a resistance to burning for the textile.5. The textile of wherein claim 4 , the resistance to burning comprises claim 4 ,a non-melting textile;a non-dripping textile; and less than two second of afterglow and after flame, and', 'less than four inches of char length., 'a textile comprising,'}6. The textile of wherein claim 1 , the active particles claim 1 ,are between about 100 nm and 10 microns in diameter;absorb light comprising wavelengths from about 8 microns to about 12 microns;absorb and eject water, wherein the water comprises a temperature between about 10 degrees Celsius and about 40 ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Carbon Fiber Bundle and Manufacturing Method of the Same

Номер: US20150025191A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Ltd

The present invention relates to a carbon fiber bundle excellent in terms of adhesion to matrix resins and process handleability and less apt to suffer the shedding of the sizing agent in processing steps the carbon fiber bundle being a carbon fiber bundle having a sizing agent adherent to the surface thereof, characterized in that the carbon fiber bundle includes a plurality of carbon fibers and the sizing agent includes a copolyamide resin, the copolyamide resin having both a specific polyamide component and nylon-6 and/or nylon-66 as repeating units and having a melting point of 180° C. or lower, the copolyamide resin preferably having a melting point of 60 to 160° C., or a glass transition temperature of −20 to 50° C.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023244A1
Автор: Yurchenko Michael

A composite carbon fiber having a carbon fiber to which an amine-functionalized polymer is electro-grafted onto a surface thereof is provided. Electro-grafting the amine-functionalized polymer onto the surface of the carbon fiber results in a composite carbon fiber in which the polymer is covalently bonded to the fiber, and in which a significant number of reactive amine groups are available for subsequent reactions, such as for reacting with a resin matrix in the production of a fiber reinforced composite. As a result, the composite carbon fibers may be particularly useful in producing fibers reinforced composites that exhibit improved interlaminar strength. Fiber reinforced composites are also provided. 156.-. (canceled)57. A composite carbon fiber comprising a carbon fiber having an amine-functionalized polymer electro-grafted onto a surface thereof.58. The composite carbon fiber of claim 57 , wherein the composite carbon fiber has a nitrogen/carbon (N/C) ratio that is at least 0.125.59. The composite carbon fiber of claim 57 , wherein the composite carbon fiber has a N/C ratio that is from about 0.15 to 0.3.60. The composite carbon fiber of claim 57 , wherein the composite carbon fiber exhibits an increase in nitrogen surface concentration that is at least 50% in comparison to the original carbon fiber that does not include an amine-functionalized polymer electro-grafted onto the surface of the carbon fiber.61. The composite carbon fiber of claim 57 , wherein the composite carbon fiber exhibits an increase in nitrogen surface concentration that is from about 50 to 500% in comparison to the original carbon fiber that does not include an amine-functionalized polymer electro-grafted onto the surface of the carbon fiber.62. The composite carbon fiber of claim 57 , wherein the composite carbon fiber exhibits an increase in nitrogen surface concentration that is from about 150 to 500% in comparison to the original carbon fiber that does not include an amine- ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027438A1
Принадлежит: RENMATIX, INC.

Methods are disclosed for transporting viscous slurries, especially at high pressures, using fluid injection, especially steam injection. 1. A method , comprising:providing a slurry at a first temperature and a first pressure, wherein said slurry comprises a liquid carrier and a solid;increasing said first pressure to a second pressure of about 50 psia to about 1250 psia, thereby forming a first pressurized slurry;injecting a fluid into said first pressurized slurry, thereby forming a fluid-injected slurry, wherein said fluid-injected slurry has a second temperature greater than said first temperature, and said second temperature is about 100° C. to about 300° C.; andincreasing said second pressure to a third pressure of greater than about 1250 psia, thereby forming a second pressurized slurry.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein said solid is present in an amount of at least about 5% by weight, based on the total weight of said slurry.3. The method of claim 1 ,wherein said fluid is selected from the group consisting of vapor, saturated vapor, superheated vapor, and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein said fluid is selected from the group consisting of steam, saturated steam, superheated steam, and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:adding to at least one of said slurry, said first pressurized slurry, said fluid-injected slurry, and said second pressurized slurry a component selected from the group consisting of helium, nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen.6. The method of claim 1 ,wherein at least one of said increasing said first pressure to said second pressure and said increasing said second pressure to said third pressure comprises using at least one pressurizing device selected from the group consisting of a pump, a screw feeder, a mechanical pressurizing device, and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 ,wherein at least one of said ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024771A1
Автор: Clark Thomas R.

A method of introducing color to a polymer stream during the manufacturing of bulked continuous carpet filament comprises: adding a colorant to a polymer stream downstream of a primary extruder; changing a color probe within a color injection port while maintaining the flow of the polymer stream at a polymer stream pressure; using one or more static mixing assemblies for the polymer stream to substantially uniformly mix the polymer stream and its colorant; and spinning the polymer stream with its substantially uniformly mixed colorant into BCF using a spinning machine. 1. A method of introducing a liquid colorant into a polymer stream during manufacturing of a bulked continuous carpet filament , the method comprising:providing the polymer stream at a polymer stream pressure; andproviding a color injection port configured to engage a color probe containing the liquid colorant, retracting the color probe from the polymer stream;', 'after retracting the color probe, transitioning the color injection port into a closed configuration by fluidly decoupling the color injection port from the polymer stream to prevent the polymer stream at the polymer stream pressure from entering the color injection port;', 'after transitioning the color injection port into the closed configuration: (a) removing the color probe from the color injection port while the polymer stream is maintained at the polymer stream pressure, and (b) replacing the color probe with a probe channel plug that is sized so that, when the probe channel plug is operatively disposed within the color injection port, the probe channel plug inhibits the flow of polymer from the polymer stream into a color probe channel defined by the color injection port; and', 'transitioning the color injection port to an open configuration by fluidly coupling the color injection port to the polymer stream while the polymer stream is maintained at the polymer stream pressure., 'wherein the color injection port is further configured ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024772A1
Автор: Clark Thomas R.

A method of manufacturing bulked continuous carpet filament from polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) comprises: (1) splitting the PTT stream extruded from the primary extruder into a number of polymer streams, each of the plurality of polymer streams having an associated spinning machine; (2) adding a colorant to each split polymer stream; (3) adding PET to the extruded polymer stream downstream of the primary extruder; (4) using one or more static mixing assemblies for each split polymer stream to substantially uniformly mix each split polymer stream and its respective colorant and PET; and (5) spinning each polymer stream with its substantially uniformly mixed colorant and any additives into BCF using the respective spinning machine. 1. A method of manufacturing bulked continuous carpet filament from polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) , the method comprising:providing an extruder;using the extruder to at least partially melt the PTT into a polymer stream and at least partially purify the polymer stream;providing a static mixing assembly downstream of the extruder;adding polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to the polymer stream downstream of the extruder and before the static mixing assembly or along a length of the static mixing assembly between an upstream end and a downstream end of the static mixing assembly;using the static mixing assembly to mix the polymer stream with the PET to create a mixed polymer stream; andforming the mixed polymer stream into bulked continuous carpet filament.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding a liquid colorant to the polymer stream before the static mixing assembly or along the length of the static mixing assembly between the upstream end and the downstream end of the static mixing assembly claim 1 ,wherein using the static mixing assembly to mix the polymer stream with the PET to create the mixed polymer stream comprises using the static mixing assembly to mix the polymer ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024773A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

The invention relates to a gel-spun fiber comprising an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), wherein the UHMWPE has an intrinsic viscosity (IV) of at least 4 dL/g and comprises at least 0.3 short chain branches per thousand total carbon atoms (SCB/1000TC), characterized in that the fiber further comprises between 0.1 and 10 parts by weight of carbon black based on 100 parts by weight of the amount of the polyethylene forming the fiber. The invention further relates to a yarn comprising at least 5 such gel-spun fibers as well as to articles comprising said fibers or yarns. 1. A gel-spun fiber comprising an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) , wherein the UHMWPE has an intrinsic viscosity (IV) of at least 4 dL/g and comprises at least 0.3 short chain branches per thousand total carbon atoms , characterized in that the fiber further comprises between 0.1 and 10 parts by weight of carbon black based on 100 parts by weight of the amount of the polyethylene forming the fiber.2. The gel-spun fiber of wherein the short chain branches (SCB) originate from a co-monomer in the UHMWPE wherein the co-monomer is selected from the group consisting of alpha-olefins with at least 3 carbon atoms claim 1 , cyclic olefins having 5 to 20 carbon atoms and linear claim 1 , branched or cyclic dienes having 4 to 20 carbon atoms.3. The gel-spun fiber of wherein the SCB are C-C-hydrocarbyl groups claim 1 , preferably the C-C-hydrocarbyl group is selected from the group consisting of methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , propyl claim 1 , butyl claim 1 , pentyl claim 1 , hexyl claim 1 , octyl and cyclohexyl claim 1 , isomers thereof and mixtures thereof.4. The gel-spun fiber of wherein the UHMWPE has an IV between 4 and 40 dL/g claim 1 , preferably between 6 and 30 dL/g and most preferably between 8 and 25 dL/g.5. The gel-spun fiber of wherein the carbon black is selected from the group consisting of acetylene black claim 1 , channel black claim 1 , furnace black claim 1 ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032493A1
Автор: Lin Yu-Deng

A preparation method of a polysaccharide fiber is provided. The method includes the following steps. First, a polysaccharide material is provided. Next, the polysaccharide material is mixed with an ionic liquid to form a polysaccharide solution. Then, the polysaccharide solution is mixed with a forming liquid to form a formed polysaccharide article. Next, a homogenization treatment is performed on the formed polysaccharide article to form a homogeneous polysaccharide article. Then, the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried to form a polysaccharide fiber. 1. A preparation method of a polysaccharide fiber , comprising:providing a polysaccharide material;mixing the polysaccharide material with an ionic liquid to form a polysaccharide solution;mixing the polysaccharide solution with a forming liquid to form a formed polysaccharide article;performing a homogenization treatment on the formed polysaccharide article to form a homogeneous polysaccharide article; anddrying the homogeneous polysaccharide article to form the polysaccharide fiber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polysaccharide material and the ionic liquid are mixed under room temperature to form the polysaccharide solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the homogenization treatment is performed via a high-speed stirring homogenizer to form the homogeneous polysaccharide article claim 1 , and after the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried claim 1 , the formed polysaccharide fiber has a non-woven pattern.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the homogenization treatment is performed via an emulsification homogenizer to form the homogeneous polysaccharide article claim 1 , and after the homogeneous polysaccharide article is dried claim 1 , the formed polysaccharide fiber has a thin film pattern.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polysaccharide material comprises a cellulose-containing material claim 1 , a chitin-containing material claim 1 , or a starch-containing material.6. The method of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030620A1
Автор: Hatano Takanori

A polyester-based fiber for artificial hair includes a polyester-based resin composition, wherein the polyester-based resin composition includes: 100 parts by weight of a polyester resin; 5 to 40 parts by weight of a brominated epoxy-based flame retardant; 0.05 to 3 parts by weight of a polyester resin molecular weight modifier; and 0.2 to 3 parts by weight of a phosphite-based compound, and wherein the polyester resin is one or more selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene terephthalate and a copolymerized polyester including polyalkylene terephthalate. A method for producing the polyester-based fiber for artificial hair includes melt kneading the polyester resin composition and melt spinning the polyester resin composition after the melt kneading into yarns. A hair ornament product includes the polyester-based fiber. 1. A polyester-based fiber for artificial hair , comprising a polyester-based resin composition ,wherein the polyester-based resin composition comprises;100 parts by weight of a polyester resin;5 to 40 parts by weight of a brominated epoxy-based flame retardant;0.05 to 3 parts by weight of a polyester resin molecular weight modifier; and0.2 to 3 parts by weight of a phosphite-based compound, andwherein the polyester resin is one or more selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene terephthalate and a copolymerized polyester comprising polyalkylene terephthalate.2. The polyester-based fiber for artificial hair according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin molecular weight modifier is one or more selected from the group consisting of terephthalic acid claim 1 , isophthalic acid claim 1 , dimethyl terephthalate claim 1 , and bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate.4. The polyester-based fiber for artificial hair according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester-based resin composition further comprises 0 to 5 parts by weight of sodium antimonate.5. The polyester-based fiber for artificial hair according to claim 1 , wherein the polyalkylene ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029639A1
Принадлежит: NT of America Corporation

A method for making synthetic hair extensions is provided. According to the method, raw material including polypropylene resin is mixed, the raw material is extruded to produce polypropylene yarn, some of the polypropylene yarn is formed into a hank, the ends of the yarn are pressed between the sheets of a press such that the ends abut a lip of one of the sheets, and the hank of yarn with the press is passed through a conveyor furnace to relax the yarn. Also provided is a mixture for extrusion into polypropylene yarn. The mixture comprises polypropylene resin, 2-8% magnesium stearate, 3-8% dye, and optionally 1-4% flame retardant (percentages by weight relative to weight of polypropylene resin). 1. A mixture for extrusion into polypropylene yarn , the mixture comprising:polypropylene resin;2-8% magnesium stearate; and3-8% dye(percentages by weight relative to weight of polypropylene resin).2. The mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture further comprises 1-4% flame retardant.3. The mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises:4% magnesium stearate; and6% dye(percentages by weight relative to weight of polypropylene resin).4. The mixture of claim 3 , wherein the mixture further comprises 1-2% flame retardant.5. A mixture for extrusion into polypropylene yarn claim 3 , the mixture comprising:polypropylene resin;8% or less magnesium stearate;8% or less dye; and4% or less flame retardant(percentages by weight relative to weight of polypropylene resin).6. A method for making synthetic hair extensions claim 3 , the method comprising:mixing raw material that includes polypropylene resin;extruding the raw material to produce polypropylene yarn;forming some of the polypropylene yarn into a hank;clipping ends of the yarn in the hank in a press, the press including a first flat sheet and a second flat sheet with a lip, the ends of the yarn being pressed between the first and second sheets and abutting the lip; andpassing the hank of yarn with the press through a conveyor ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032249A1
Автор: Yang Sam

The present application discloses a method of manufacturing a fabric. The method comprises warping a yarn; sizing the yarn with a strengthening agent; weaving the yarn; greying the yarn to form a prototype of the fabric; desizing the strengthening agent; adding a quick-drying agent on the prototype; and drying the prototype to form the fabric. In addition, before or after adding a quick-drying agent on the prototype, the method further comprises adding an anti-bacterial agent or an anti-ultraviolet agent on the prototype. 1. A method of manufacturing a fabric , comprising:warping a yarn;sizing the yarn with a strengthening agent;weaving the yarn;greying the yarn to form a prototype of the fabric;desizing the strengthening agent;adding a quick-drying agent on the prototype; anddrying the prototype to form the fabric.2. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein before or after adding a quick-drying agent on the prototype claim 1 , the method further comprises adding an anti-bacterial agent on the prototype.3. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein before or after adding a quick-drying agent on the prototype claim 1 , the method further comprises adding an anti-ultraviolet agent on the prototype.4. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein after desizing the strengthening agent claim 1 , the method further comprises bleaching the prototype.5. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 4 , wherein after bleaching the prototype claim 4 , the method further comprises dyeing the prototype.6. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 5 , wherein after dyeing the prototype claim 5 , the method further comprises washing the prototype.7. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed in claim 1 , wherein before drying the prototype to form the fabric claim 1 , the method further comprises sanforizing the prototype.8. The method of manufacturing a fabric as claimed ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140120336A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

The fiber cross-section of an island-in-a-sea composite fiber perpendicular to the fiber axis, the island component and sea component are arranged such that the sea component surrounds the island components. The composite cross-section is very consistent, and the fiber has excellent post-processibility. The island-in-a-sea composite fiber wherein diameter of the island component is 10 to 1000 nm, variation of the island component diameter is 1.0 to 20.0%, modification ratio is 1.00 to 1.10, and variation of the modification ratio is 1.0 to 10.0%. 15.-. (canceled)6. An island-in-a-sea composite fiber wherein diameter of an island component is 10 to 1000 nm , variation of island component diameter is 1.0 to 20.0% , modification ratio is 1.00 to 1.10 , and variation of the modification ratio is 1.0 to 10.0%.7. The fiber according to claim 6 , wherein variation of the diameter of the sea component surrounded by the 3 adjacent island components is 1.0 to 20.0%.8. The fiber according to claim 6 , wherein variation of a distance between 2 adjacent island components is 1.0 to 20.0%.9. An ultrafine fiber produced by removing the sea component from the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of .10. A textile product wherein the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of constitutes at least a part of the product.11. The fiber according to claim 7 , wherein variation of a distance between 2 adjacent island components is 1.0 to 20.0%.12. An ultrafine fiber produced by removing the sea component from the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of .13. An ultrafine fiber produced by removing the sea component from the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of .14. A textile product wherein the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of constitutes at least a part of the product.15. A textile product wherein the island-in-a-sea composite fiber of constitutes at least a part of the product.16. A textile product wherein the ultrafine fiber of constitutes at least a part of the product.17. A textile product wherein the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Colored organic fiber, cloth, and garments, and method for producing cloth

Номер: US20170037543A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Ltd

A problem of the invention is to provide a colored organic fiber that has a deep color and excellent flame retardancy, a cloth and garments each composed of the foregoing organic fiber, and a method for producing a cloth. To solve this problem, a colored organic fiber having a content of a carrier agent of 1.8% by mass or less relative to the fiber mass is provided. A cloth or garments are obtained, if desired.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Device for producing hollow porous film and method for producing hollow porous film

Номер: US20150042004A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Rayon Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a device for producing a hollow porous film, the device comprising a spinning nozzle that discharges/shapes a film-forming resin solution dissolved to at least a hydrophobic polymer to a favorable solvent, a processing vessel that houses a processing gas containing a nonsolvent of the hydrophobic polymer and includes a first opening through which the film-forming resin solution discharged/shaped from the spinning nozzle is introduced, and a second opening from which the film-forming resin solution having come into contact with the gas containing the nonsolvent of the hydrophobic polymer is led, a solidification tank which houses a solidification solution and into which the film-forming resin solution led from the second opening is introduced; and gas elimination means for eliminating the processing gas, which flows out of the first opening, from the vicinity of the spinning nozzle.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040548A1

An electrically conductive geotextile incorporating graphene and a method of using conductive properties in same to detect anomalies in said textile. 1. An electrically conductive textile incorporating graphene.2. The textile of claim 1 , incorporating fibres coated with graphene.3. The textile of claim 1 , wherein the textile is coated with graphene.4. The textile of claim 1 , wherein the textile is made from fibres containing graphene.5. The textile of any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity of a circuit formed therefrom may be measured over a distance of at least 1 metre.6. The textile of claim 5 , wherein the distance is at least 10 metres.7. The textile of claim 5 , where in the distance is at least 100 metres.8. The textile of claim 1 , wherein the graphene content of the textile is less than or equal to 20% by mass.9. The textile of claim 8 , wherein the graphene content of the textile is less than or equal to 10% by mass.10. The textile of claim 8 , wherein the graphene content of the textile is less than or equal to 5% by mass.11. The textile of claim 8 , wherein the graphene content of the textile is less than or equal to 2% by mass.12. The textile of claim 1 , wherein the fibres of the textile are polymer fibres.13. The textile of claim 12 , wherein said polymer is PET claim 12 , PP or PE.14. A multi-layer construction incorporating the textile of .15. The multi-layer construction of claim 14 , further incorporating a water barrier layer.16. The multi-layer construction of claim 15 , wherein said water barrier layer is an electrical insulator.17. A multi-layer construction claim 14 , according to claim 14 , for use as part of an inspection process to determine whether the water barrier is intact.18. A method of inspecting the integrity of a water barrier claim 14 , wherein said water barrier incorporates a multi-layer sheet according to claim 14 , said method including the steps of:applying a voltage to one side of the sheet ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040549A1

Provided is a carbon fiber bundle for obtaining a fiber-reinforced resin having high mechanical characteristics. A carbon fiber bundle formed of single carbon fibers, each of which has no uneven surface structure of 0.6 μm or more in length extending in the longitudinal direction of the single fiber; which has an uneven structure having a difference in height (Rp−v) of 5 to 25 nm between the highest portion and the lowest portion of the surface of the single fiber and having an average roughness Ra of 2 to 6 nm; and which has a ratio of the major axis to the minor axis (major axis/minor axis) of a cross-section of the single fiber of 1.00 to 1.01, wherein a mass of the single fiber per unit length falls within the range of 0.030 to 0.042 mg/m; a strand strength is 5900 MPa or more; a strand elastic modulus measured by the ASTM method is 250 to 380 GPa; and a knot tenacity is 900 N/mmor more. 1. A carbon fiber bundle formed of the single carbon fiber: each single carbon fiber having has no uneven surface structure that has a length of 0.6 μm or more and that extends in the longitudinal direction of the single fiber , each single carbon fiber having an uneven structure in which the difference in height (Rp−v) between a highest portion and a lowest portion of the surface of the single fiber is 5 to 25 nm , and in which an average roughness Ra is 2 to 6 nm , and each of which has a ratio of 1.00 to 1.01 of a major axis to a minor axis (major axis/minor axis) of a cross-section of the single fiber; wherein a mass of the single fiber per unit length falls within the range of 0.030 to 0.042 mg/m; a strand strength is 5900 MPa or more; a strand elastic modulus measured by the ASTM method is 250 to 380 GPa; and a knot tenacity is 900 N/mmor more.2. A carbon fiber bundle formed of the single carbon fiber: each single carbon fiber having no uneven surface structure that has a length of 0.6 μm or more and that extends in the longitudinal direction of the single fiber , each ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040550A1
Автор: Han Tae Hee, PARK Hun

A method of manufacturing a graphene fiber is provided. The method includes preparing a source solution including graphene oxide, supplying the source solution into a base solution containing a foreign element to form a graphene oxide fiber, separating the graphene fiber from the base solution and cleaning and drying to obtain the graphene oxide fiber containing the foreign element, and performing thermal treatment to the dried graphene oxide fiber containing the foreign element to form a graphene fiber doped with the foreign element. Elongation percentage of the graphene fiber is adjusted by concentration and spinning rate of the source solution. 1. A method of manufacturing a graphene fiber , the method comprising:preparing a source solution including graphene oxide;supplying the source solution into a base solution containing a foreign element to form a graphene oxide fiber;separating the graphene fiber from the base solution and cleaning and drying to obtain the graphene oxide fiber containing the foreign element; andperforming thermal treatment to the dried graphene oxide fiber containing the foreign element to form a graphene fiber doped with the foreign element,wherein elongation percentage of the graphene fiber is adjusted by concentration and spinning rate of the source solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongation percentage of the graphene fiber increases as increasing the concentration of the graphene oxide in the source solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongation percentage of the graphene fiber increases as decreasing the spinning rate of the source solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining of the graphene oxide fiber containing the foreign element further comprises:drying the graphene oxide fiber simultaneously with winding.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the elongation percentage of the graphene fiber increases when a spinning rate of the source solution is higher than a winding rate of the graphene ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047130A1

The present invention concerns methods for removing sulfur from a fiber made from a polymer comprising imidazole groups, said method comprising: contacting never-dried sulfate anion-containing polymeric-fiber with an aqueous acid having a pKa of less than 5 to displace at least a portion of the sulfate anions; and b) rinsing the fiber to remove the displaced sulfate ions. 1. A method for removing sulfur from a fiber made from a polymer comprising imidazole groups , said method comprising:a) contacting never-dried sulfate anion-containing polymeric-fiber with an aqueous acid wash comprising an acid having a pKa of less than 5 to displace at least a portion of the sulfate anions; andb) rinsing the fiber to remove displaced sulfate anions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymer comprises derivatives of 5(6)-amino-2-(p-aminophenyl)benzimidazole claim 1 , aromatic diamine claim 1 , and aromatic diacid-chloride.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said aromatic diacid-chloride is terephthaloyl dichloride.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said aromatic diamine is para-phenylenediamine.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the molar ratio of 5(6)-amino-2-(p-aminophenyl)benzimidazole to aromatic diamine is in the range of from 30/70 to 85/15.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the molar ratio of 5(6)-amino-2-(p-aminophenyl)benzimidazole to aromatic diamine is in the range of from 45/55 to 85/15.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said aqueous acid wash comprises an acid having a pKa of less than 3.5.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein said aqueous acid wash comprises an acid having a pKa of less than 2.2.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein said aqueous acid wash comprising an acid having a pKa of less than 5 comprises nitric acid claim 1 , nitrous acid claim 1 , acetic acid claim 1 , halogenated acetic acids claim 1 , propanoic acid claim 1 , formic acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , ascorbic acid claim 1 , oxalic acid claim 1 , lactic acid claim ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047753A1

A method for making a copolymer-wrapped nanotube coaxial fiber. The method includes supplying a first dope to a spinning nozzle; supplying a second dope to the spinning nozzle; spinning the first and second dopes as a coaxial fiber into a first wet bath; and placing the coaxial fiber into a second wet bath, which is different from the first bath. The coaxial fiber has a core including parts of the first dope and a sheath including parts of the second dope. Solvent molecules of the second wet bath penetrate the sheath and remove an acid from the core. 1. A method for making a copolymer-wrapped nanotube coaxial fiber , the method comprising:supplying a first dope to a spinning nozzle;supplying a second dope to the spinning nozzle;spinning the first and second dopes as a coaxial fiber into a first wet bath; andplacing the coaxial fiber into a second wet bath, which is different from the first bath,wherein the coaxial fiber has a core including parts of the first dope and a sheath including parts of the second dope, andwherein molecules of the second wet bath penetrate the sheath and remove an acid from the core.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the core is fluid before the second wet bath and becomes solid after the second wet bath.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first dope includes single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first dope further includes a dispersing agent.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the dispersing agent is CHSOH.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the second bath is an acetone bath that extracts the CHSOH from the core.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first dope includes 2 wt % SWCNT and CHSOH8. The method of claim 3 , wherein the second dope includes a thermoplastic elastomer.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the second dope further includes CHCl.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the first bath is an ethanol coagulation bath.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the ethanol bath extracts the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046731A1
Автор: RETSINA Theodora

The invention provides a process for producing sugars from lignocellulosic biomass, comprising: drying lignocellulosic biomass; hydrolyzing the dried feedstock with a hydrolysis catalyst to reach high conversion of cellulose and hemicellulose to sugars; washing and/or separating the sugars from the residual solids (containing lignin and catalyst); combusting the residual solids to burn the lignin and produce an ash stream comprising the hydrolysis catalyst; recycling the ash stream comprising the hydrolysis catalyst to the hydrolysis reactor; and recovering the sugars. Some variations envision drying a feedstock (e.g., sugarcane straw) with flue gas, then mixing with catalysts, rotating until hydrolysis is completed, separating sugars, washing out catalyst and lignin, burning catalyst and lignin and collecting catalyst from the bottom of a fluidized bed to recycle the catalyst to the front (with fresh biomass). Alternatively, the catalyst may be first separated from lignin and only the lignin is burned. 1. A process for producing sugars from lignocellulosic biomass , said process comprising:(a) drying a feedstock comprising lignocellulosic biomass to produce a dried feedstock with a moisture content of about 5 wt % or less;(b) introducing said dried feedstock and a solid hydrolysis catalyst into a hydrolysis reactor;(c) in said hydrolysis reactor, hydrolyzing said dried feedstock in the presence of said hydrolysis catalyst and under effective hydrolysis reactor conditions, to reach at least 50% conversion of cellulose and hemicellulose to sugars, wherein said sugars are in combination with residual solids comprising lignin and said hydrolysis catalyst;(d) washing and/or separating said sugars from said residual solids;(e) combusting said residual solids to burn said lignin and produce an ash stream comprising said hydrolysis catalyst;(f) recycling at least a portion of said ash stream comprising said hydrolysis catalyst to said hydrolysis reactor; and(g) recovering ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047629A1

Methods, hydrolyzing diffuser units, and/or biorefineries suitable for use in biofuel production. A method of pre-treating biomass for production of biofuels includes contacting a biomass stream countercurrently with a pretreatment solution stream, and producing a hydrolyzate stream and a pretreated biomass stream. A hydrolyzing diffuser unit includes a series of stages, with an inlet for biomass in one stage and an inlet for a pretreatment solution in another stage, and systems for continually moving biomass, a system that continually withdraws the pretreatment solution to produce a hydrolyzate stream, and a system that continually withdraws pretreated biomass to produce a pretreated biomass stream. A biorefinery includes a hydrolyzer diffuser unit, a saccharification unit, and a conversion unit. 151-. (canceled)52. A hydrolyzing diffuser unit comprising:a series of stages ranging from stage n to stage n+z, wherein stage n comprises an inlet for biomass and stage n+z comprises an inlet for a pretreatment solution;a system that continually moves biomass from stage n to stage n+1;a system that continually moves pretreatment solution from stage n+z to stage n+z−1;a system that continually withdraws the pretreatment solution from stage n+y, thereby producing a hydrolyzate stream; anda system that continually withdraws pretreated biomass from stage n+m, thereby producing a pretreated biomass stream.53. The diffuser unit of claim 52 , wherein:n≧1;n≦z≦n+20;0≦y≦z−1; andm≦z.54. The diffuser unit of claim 52 , wherein the system moves the biomass at a rate that provides the biomass with a residence time inside the diffuser unit between about 1 and about 60 minutes.55. The diffuser unit of claim 52 , further comprising a device for controlling pressure within each stage.56. The diffuser unit of claim 52 , wherein the diffuser unit is adapted for use with an alkaline or acidic pretreatment solution.57. The diffuser unit of claim 52 , wherein the diffuser unit is combined with ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047067A1
Автор: PARK Jong-Chul
Принадлежит: Finetex EnE, Inc.

The present invention relates to an electrospinning apparatus Capable of: reusing and recycling VOC, which is generated when a spinning solution jetted from the nozzle of a nozzle block in the electrospinning apparatus is laminating on an elongated sheet, and spinning solution which has overflowed without being nanofiberized by condensing and liquefying same and then adding the resulting products to the spinning solution. 1. An electrospinning apparatus for production of nanofibers , comprising:a VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) recycling system for reusing and recycling by condensing and distilling VOC which occurs from spinning solution jetting through nozzle installed in each unit of the electrospinning apparatus.2. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the VOC recycling system comprises a condenser for condensing and liquefying VOC claim 1 , a distiller for distilling and liquefying VOC which is condensed and liquefied through the condenser claim 1 , and a solvent storage device for storing liquefied solvent from the distiller.3. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein a pipe for flowing an evaporated VOC occurred in the unit of the electrospinning apparatus to the condenser claim 2 , a pipe for flowing a liquefied VOC occurred in the condenser to the distiller claim 2 , and a pipe for carrying a liquefied VOC occurred in the distiller to the solvent storage device are provided with connected each other.4. The electrospinning apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein VOC distilled in the distiller and liquefying by the evaporation temperature difference is classified by each solvent types and is stored in a storage tank in which each solvent is reused and recycled as a spinning solution of the electrospinning apparatus.5. An electrospinning apparatus for production of nanofibers claim 3 , comprising:an overflow system which retrieves spinning solution which is not nanofiberized from spinning solution spun through a ...
